
sorena) install the security update b) replace all your ssh keys (both dsa and rsa)00:00
sorenb) does not include the host keys as those will be handled by the security update itself.00:00
owhInsomniaCity: An added benefit of your advice is that in composing the message I made a generic version which made me think of other past clients who may be affected and who may not have a current sysadmin.00:02
arooni-mobilehow do i regenerate my keys on my dev boxes (keys i will copy over to the server's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file)?00:07
arooni-mobiledo i need to restart my computer before doing that agian00:08
arooni-mobilemy dev boxes which are running ubuntu00:09
hadsNope, reboots are only needed for kernel upgrades.00:10
arooni-mobileok great00:12
arooni-mobileEnter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):   necessary or not?00:18
hadsYes! passphrase-less keys are A Bad Thing00:19
hadsWithout a passphrase anyone who gets your private key will be able to access any server which has your public key.00:20
LeChacalwhat is a .phtml file and why all of a sudden is my web server severing this file and not my normal index.php file00:30
arooni-mobilei was ssh'd into a gutsy box and was running:  sudo apptitue update; sudo apptitude dist-upgrade; then accidentally closed the ssh window.  now i see:     E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable);  E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?  (what should i do?  is update still running)?00:36
hadsps ax | grep aptitude00:36
hadsLeChacal: .phtml is usually a PHP file.00:40
hadsLeChacal: Assuming you are using apache it will serve index files in the order specified with the DirectoryIndex directive.00:41
macdarooni-mobile, just rm the lock file, and kill all apt process, and restart the dist-upgrade, if it gives you more errors, clean out the cached packages in /var/cache/apt/archives/* and /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/*00:45
hadsAnd run in screen :)00:47
macdyes, that too00:47
macdHas anyone had troubles with sshd after upgrade, newly generated keys from updated ssh/ssl gives errors when trying to auth via key on ssh, http://pastie.caboo.se/19720600:47
arooni-mobilewhat does run in screen mean00:47
macdscreen is your best friend00:47
macdwhen using ssh, as soon as you login type "screen", then do your stuff, to disconnect from ssh, and not loose your terminal type crtl a+d or accidental disconnects leave your terminal running00:48
macdthen ssh back in, and screen -r to resume, if you have more thanone screen running it'll give you pid's00:48
arooni-mobilesweet action00:49
macdarooni-mobile, you tried mod_rails yet?00:49
arooni-mobilemacd, nope still running mongrel clusters00:49
arooni-mobilehave you?00:49
macdno, I use that upload_progress plugin for mongrel, and can't figure out any other way to handle that00:50
macdIf I could find a way to route uploads themselves to mongrel and have mod_rails handle everything else I'd be in good luck00:50
ajmitchhads: got all your boxes in order now? :)00:52
hadsajmitch: Yeah, finally :) Except one SSL cert that's getting re-signed. You?00:54
ajmitchyeah, it's pretty much just been ssh host keys00:54
hadsMost of the host keys were OK here as they were upgrades from Sarge or something, a few user keys. The main thing was checking everything.00:55
* macd is still having problems00:58
* owh loves spam filters, especially those that block incoming emails from a system administrator to the end user :-|01:07
owhHow do I coerce module-assistant to use my source packages, rather than the ones it thinks it knows about?01:09
* owh is thinking of madwifi specifically.01:10
LeChacalok i am my web server isn't severing my page anymore if you go to the site it just makes you download the page but it is the page with a .phtml file and it does it if i point to any php page so i think i some how broke php i have tried rebooting but that didnt do anything how can i restart php or something01:33
owhLeChacal: PHP is run from within the server, there is no need to "restart" it. Most likely you have one of two problems, either PHP isn't actually activated as a module, or the mime-type mapping does not include a mapping for PHP.01:43
LeChacalowh: well how would it get turned off is my first question then how do i fix this, all i have done is install postfix, dovecot, and squirrelmail and before i did that everything was working i have now removed all three of these01:45
owhLeChacal: Well, installing squirrelmail is the only thing I can think that may have done anything as the other two don't use PHP at all. I'd start with checking the logs in the /var/log/apache* tree.01:47
endeavormaci insert my ubuntu server disk, start up the machine, and then without hitting anything it immediately goes to language select and stalls01:48
endeavormacusb legacy support in bios, right?01:50
endeavormaci'll try it out01:50
LeChacalowh: i dont see anything in logs just me restarting apache a few times nothing else in errors01:50
LeChacalowh: well back to fixing for a minute if i just make a link from the php5 files in mods-available to mods-enabled and restart apache should that put php back01:53
owhLeChacal: What does this return: grep -ri php /var/log/apache* - specifically look for notices in the error.log01:53
owhLeChacal: Fixing a problem is not just a case of jumping in, first you find out what is broken, then you figure out how to fix it.01:54
LeChacalowh: well that just dumbed all of my access.log file and error.log file which i had looked at before and didnt see anything01:56
LeChacali can pastbin if you think you would see something01:56
owhLeChacal: My error log has this kind of notice: [Sun May 11 16:03:45 2008] [notice] Apache/2.2.4 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.3-1ubuntu6.3 configured -- resuming normal operations01:57
owhLeChacal: That indicates that PHP is actually active.01:57
owhLeChacal: If you do not see any PHP results at all, then the module is not enabled.01:58
LeChacalowh: i have one of thoughts also but it was a few hours ago before i started installing mail stuff everyone after that is just apache01:58
owhLeChacal: What does this tell you: sudo a2enmod php501:59
LeChacalowh: Module php5 installed; run /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload to enable.01:59
owhLeChacal: Do that.02:00
LeChacalowh: doing that didnt seem to affect php i dont see it restarting in the log i only see apache restarting and going to the site shows now difference02:01
owhLeChacal: Does the error.log show PHP?02:02
LeChacalowh: nothing about php02:03
owhLeChacal: What does dpkg -l 'php*' tell you that is installed?02:03
owhLeChacal: Better still, what does dpkg -l '*php*' tell you - specifically, is libapache2-mod-php5 installed?02:05
LeChacalowh: it says that ibapache2-mod-php5 is installed and is version 5.2.4-2ubuntu502:06
owhLeChacal: What does sudo dpkg-reconfigure libapache2-mod-php5 give you?02:06
endeavormacwell now i have a new problem. i'm using my motherboard's raid to put two 640gb hdds together in raid 0. when i start to install ubuntu server, it tells me ata1.00: exeception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr.... etc02:07
endeavormacdoes anyone know if there's something special i need to do?02:08
owhendeavormac: Is that hardware RAID or software RAID?02:08
endeavormachardware over the mobo02:08
LeChacalowh: that restarted apache and in the log i see php restarting but it didnt change the site02:08
owhendeavormac: Just because your motherboard comes with on-board RAID does *not* mean that it's hardware RAID!02:09
owhLeChacal: So, now you can see PHP in error.log?02:09
endeavormacwell as far as i know the RAID has already been set up through the bios. i already created the raid0 with 32kb stripe.02:10
owhendeavormac: That is no guarantee at all.02:11
endeavormacdoes ubuntu server have a wiki or something where i can find more information on this?02:12
owhendeavormac: If it was in fact hardware RAID, then the installer would only see one drive. By adding kernel modules it might then be able to monitor the RAID device. If you see other things, then it is likely to be software RAID. I'm looking for a nice URL for you.02:12
LeChacalowh: i see this in the log ' Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.4-2ubuntu5 with Suhosin-Patch configured -- resuming normal operations' and if you go to www.muncc.marmoinacademy.org see what you get but i found if you go to www.muncc.marmionacademy.org/index.php the page comes up which it didnt before\02:12
owhLeChacal: So, now you need to find out why you get an error on the first link. Check error.log02:13
endeavormaci just don't understand the point of setting up raid through the motherboard, and then again through the OS02:13
owhendeavormac: The problem is that manufacturers are saving a few cents by not including actual hardware RAID.02:14
endeavormacgod damn manufacturers02:14
_ZeuZ_Guys, I've developed an easy to use HTB script for traffic shaping, directed to ISPs... And I would like your thoughts on it to make it part of Ubuntu server...02:14
owh_ZeuZ_: Come to the next ubuntu-server meeting and raise it.02:15
_ZeuZ_owh, I'm on the mailing list, but, I don't remember when is it going to be...02:16
LeChacalowh: i see this in error.log near when i tried to visit [client **.**.**.**] Negotiation: discovered file(s) matching request: /var/www/index.php (None could be negotiated).02:16
_ZeuZ_I know the script needs refinement, still it would be a hit to make ubuntu-servers to go higher on the sky..02:16
owhendeavormac: I cannot currently locate the link I was looking for. The best start is to google for your motherboard and raid and see what comes up.02:16
owhLeChacal: Well, start by googling with that error and see what you find.02:17
ubottuTeam meetings are held in #ubuntu-meeting - See « /msg ubottu logs » for transcripts.02:17
ubottuFactoid nex-meeting not found02:17
ubottuFactoid next-meeting not found02:17
endeavormaci'm reading now and it seems that you can just hook up two hard drives, no raid through the mobo, and then when you install ubuntu server and are partioning drives you can do some voodoo magic and *raid0*02:17
owhendeavormac: Yes, that is Linux Software RAID, that is different again.02:18
macdendeavormac, above all value hardware raid first ;)02:18
owhendeavormac: To make it "simple" there are three types of RAID.02:18
endeavormacwhat's the performance like on linux software raid02:18
endeavormacif i can get 120megabytes/sec red/write from two hdds, i'm good02:18
macdendeavormac, maybe on a FC/U320 set, but nothing ata02:19
owhendeavormac: Hardware RAID, an actual card that has an on-board CPU that talks to drives and does magic. It shows the drives to the OS as one drive. Fake RAID, which tries to do the same, but requires that the main CPU take care of things - needs a driver. Linux Software RAID, using the Kernel to talk to multiple disks.02:19
owh_ZeuZ_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting02:20
hadsHardware is good, software is good, I don't see the point in fake.02:20
owhDitto :)02:20
endeavormacyeah screw fake02:21
endeavormacbooze + linux = success02:21
endeavormaci mean raid through linux kernel = success02:21
owhLeChacal: It appears that your issues come from a rewrite condition.02:22
_ZeuZ_so Wednesday right? gosh... one week more until I can release it? I'm not only seeking to include it in ubuntu-server but to improve it... currently it's a pretty basic ToS and QoS clasifiying with bandwidth shaping for different terminals on the lan, or on the outside...02:23
owh_ZeuZ_: Not next Wednesday, the one after.02:23
owh_ZeuZ_: Everyone is in Prague :)02:23
owh_ZeuZ_: I'm not at all suggesting that it will be included. What you'll get is a bunch of ubuntu-server people listening to what you have to say and making suggestions.02:24
_ZeuZ_Hmm.. perhaps I can send it to the mailing list...02:24
macdyes do , b/c I want to see02:25
owh_ZeuZ_: Well, you can start the conversation there, yes.02:25
LeChacalowh: rewrite condition? doesn't mean anything to me. can you link me to the site you have found and/or tell me some more about this02:25
owhLeChacal: Is there a .htaccess file in the server root?02:31
owh+webserver document root that is02:31
owhLeChacal: This describes the issue in another way: http://www.webmasterworld.com/apache/3161107.htm02:33
LeChacalowh: well i am not sure what you call server root but the only place that i have a .htaccess file is in a squirrelmail folder not anywhere near what i would call root02:35
owhLeChacal: What does this return: sudo grep -ri multiview /etc/apache*02:36
LeChacalowh: i get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/12176/02:39
owhLeChacal: Well, that looks pretty normal - though you should not make a habit of leaving backup files with ~ lying around.02:43
macdLeChacal, owh have you tried 'sudo a2enmod php5'02:43
owhmacd: It's running, just doing weird stuff as well :)02:43
owhLeChacal: Which files do you have in /var/www02:43
owhmacd:  www.muncc.marmoinacademy.org - borked    www.muncc.marmionacademy.org/index.php - woring02:44
macdwhat about the DirectoryIndex portion of the apache2.conf file?02:44
LeChacalowh: i was changing that right now after reading that link that you sent me because i have several files that start with index and they have different endings02:44
owhmacd: Well, the site was working before squirrelmail got installed. Now it doesn't work anymore.02:44
* owh just *loves* PHP installers that break running web-sites.02:45
macdLeChacal, what does "grep -i index.php /etc/apache2/apache2.conf"02:45
macdLeChacal, return when you issue it (damn cr)02:45
LeChacalmacd: that returns nothing02:46
* owh has to go back to work and wanders off.02:47
macdLeChacal, then we know your problem, add index.php to the DirectoryIndex directive in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf02:47
* _ZeuZ_ Notified it's intentions to add it's Routing, QoS, MAC+IP control and Traffic Shaping/managing and limiting to the ubuntu-server distro02:48
LeChacalmacd: i will do that for the future but moving all any file that started with index out of the root of /var/www fixed my problem also02:49
macdLeChacal, yeah, this just lets it serve index.php even if index.html is present02:50
macdLeChacal, FYI also thats apache admin101 ;)02:51
LeChacalmacd: yes and i think both you and owh for the help i just got thrown in to running this server so i have a bigger learning curve to over then i thought i see02:53
macdLeChacal, if your doing alot of apache stuff, its a good bookmark http://wiki.apache.org/httpd/ also has user contributed things for some simplified tasks02:53
owhLeChacal: Pleasure.02:54
LeChacalmacd & owh: i meant i thank both of you02:54
macdLeChacal, anytime02:54
endeavormacby software raid through the kernel, we're talking about LVM, right?02:55
hadssoftware RAID is software RAID, LVM is LVM :)02:56
hadsTwo completely separate but often used together.. bah, they left.02:58
owhhads: You get that :)03:01
ajmitchyay, got my debian password back03:02
LeChacalowh & macd: now that i have solved my problem do ether of you have suggestions on squirrelmail or another webmail program before i go back to reading on it and apache03:03
owhLeChacal: Sorry, don't do webmail, I let google handle that :)03:03
_ZeuZ_So do I xD03:04
hadsI put roundcube on one server where people wanted webmail. Seems not too bad.03:04
giovaniroundcube is pretty experimental imo03:05
giovaniI've had issues with it03:05
giovanivery limited on featureset -- but it's AJAX so everyone thinks it's the greatest thing since sliced bread03:05
* macd seconds roundcube for how nice it looks03:06
hadsI don't use it myself, users seem to think it's OK though.03:06
LeChacallooking at roundcube makes me think i should have just stayed with gentoo server03:09
owhLeChacal: Well, personally I cannot think of a better way to self-inflict pain, but if that's what you like, go for it.03:11
macdLeChacal, he you could spend time emerging, or drinking beers with friends, but thats your choice ;)03:12
macdLike I say, why compile when you can apt.03:12
LeChacalowh: i the reason i say is because a lot of what i was reading on it was on gentoo, and the server was once gentoo before i took over and i hated gentoo03:12
hadsIt's a PHP application, nothing to do with package management really.03:12
giovaniLeChacal: how does roundcube relate to gentoo?03:13
LeChacalnothing really it was just reminding me of my gentoo nightmares03:13
giovaniand your nightmares make you think you should stay with gentoo? huh?03:13
LeChacalno away from it very far away03:14
giovani<LeChacal> looking at roundcube makes me think i should have just stayed with gentoo server03:14
LeChacalgiovani: ok bad wording there, looking back now03:15
owhOn a completely different note, how do I make module-assistant use my source packages, rather than the ones it knows about? I need to deploy madwifi source drivers on an end-user machine which will need to be able to deal with kernel updates without needing me to recompile and install stuff. Last time I looked, m-a + included madwifi was borked.03:16
macdowh, the command line arg is -h03:21
owhWhoa, not all at once ;-)03:21
macderr -k03:22
owhmacd: Excellent, just what I needed. Tah.03:22
macdman module-assistant FTW ;)03:23
macdI couldnt remember myself, and I just built for 2.6.2503:23
owhmacd: Funny, that's what I was reading - now I'm trying to find out how to put it in the automatic configuration / conf file :)03:23
macdyeah, that could be fun03:24
owhI've just found the environment variable, that's a start.03:24
* owh cannot recall if m-a does an automatic rebuild when the kernel changes.03:25
luckyonehello everyone. can anyone help me get svn setup? I am seeing svn: PROPFIND of '/trunk//': 405 Method Not Allowed03:28
firecrotchluckyone:  this error is when you try to browse to the svn repository in a web browser?03:31
firecrotchluckyone: http://readlist.com/lists/subversion.tigris.org/users/4/21441.html  this may help you03:32
luckyonefirecrotch: not when I use a browser, via browser it works fine03:39
luckyonefirecrotch: it is when I try to use the subclicpse svn plugin03:39
macdluckyone, are you using javaHL with subclipse?03:41
luckyonemacd: YES03:43
luckyonemacd: sorry for the caps!03:43
luckyonemacd: at least I think so03:44
macdLet me pop open eclipse and see what the other one is, b/c I had that problem a while back myself03:44
macdyeah, theres another layer of abstraction that subversion can use, and its not JavaHL03:47
macdI just can't recall where it is, or how to change it03:47
macdIm poking around eclipse, but I dont see it03:47
macdwell, on the good side, looks like the ruby plugin got some updates ;)03:49
luckyoneI just installed subclipse03:50
rhineheart_m I can't mtr yahoo.com nor do sudo apt-get update... But I can access webpages from the outside.. and I can even ssh to the box.. any idea?06:10
mohamed_is there h ow setup openswan vpn client ?08:09
=== mdz_ is now known as mdz
sgroverQ: I have openvpn installed and can connect to my vpn with network manager.  Any easy way to automagically run a script (to mount directories) once the vpn connection is made?08:58
sgroverI want to set up automatic mounting of the Samba shares when the VPN connection is established.08:58
sgroverGrey area between desktop/server, so my appologies if this is not quite on topic..  But don't think it's that far off topic.. :)08:59
yann2hello :)09:00
yann2I wanted to know: Do canonical plans to provide training for particular parts of Ubuntu? Like KVM, samba/ldap/win integration etc?09:00
nealmcbsgrover: perhaps you can use dbus to talk to network manager?  it might have a callback for that.  there may be easier ways also - just a thought09:01
nealmcbyann2: you might also ask in #ubuntu-training (?) or ask canonical directly09:02
yann2thanks :)09:03
sgrovernealmcb: thanks for the lead.  Was hoping there would be an existing tool.    Probably easiest to just script it directly and put an icon on the desktop to the script...09:04
sgroverbypass network manager for the VPN connection...09:04
* nealmcb nods09:04
nealmcbbut playing with dbus is fun also :-)09:04
sgrover(that and I'm not very familiar with dbus at this time)09:05
sgroveroff to google I go then.. :)09:05
nealmcbbut yeah - not so much a server thing....09:05
sgroverbut not fully a desktop thing either.. :)09:06
sgroverand you were able to give me more of a tip than I got in #ubuntu (no response there)09:07
* nealmcb heads towards the UDS hotel.....10:24
biphello anybody has experience using tape units with ubuntu-server ?10:37
bipi have a fresh installed 7.10 server but mt commands get non answer10:37
bipany hint will be gladly received thanx10:38
vcorreiahello everyone11:36
vcorreiahas anyone been using ebox with hardy?11:36
vcorreiaif so, what do you make of the integration?11:37
elliotjhughi all, got a user called 'manageen' who logs in repeatedly every 3/4mins - I never added this user. Is there a check I can do over either their activities - or can I set the account to expire? (Or is there any other action you would suggest?)11:37
sorenelliotjhug: I'd recommend, you unplug the machine, shut it down, remove the disk, and carefully check every single bit on it.11:41
sorenelliotjhug: If someone's logging onto it and you didn't create the user, you've most likely been compromised somehow.11:42
elliotjhugis it likely to be a virus or what?11:43
elliotjhugI only checked because I noticed unusual network activity11:43
Deepsit's likely that you've been rooted11:46
Deepsin that, someone has gained root privledges on your machine, and created  that account11:46
elliotjhugDeeps: Thanks - well I've just changed my root password (and an account with sudo)11:46
Deepsrecommended course of action would be, as soren said, to shut down the machine immediately11:47
hadselliotjhug: That's not enough, you should remove the box from the network immediately.11:48
elliotjhughads: OK - I'd best go with that then. Thanks for the advice11:48
hadsAnd then reinstall it basically.11:48
Deepsindeed, reinstall from 011:48
uvirtbotNew bug: #230632 in openssh (main) "ssh-vulnkey doesnt check all keys. Also, it would be nice to extend the warning message." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23063213:11
denndaaaaarg is there no django in dapper? I was under the impression that I saw it the other day13:19
denndaHow would you install django on an ubuntu dapper drake (6.06.2) system so that you can easily update the machine or the packages later on?13:21
Terrasquehello, having a problem with my file server after upgrading from 6.06 to 8.04. Its x64, have an XFS raid5 (3tb, 7 hdd's), and after the update, if a large amount of data is written in short time to it, it stops writing data, load goes up (slowly rising, went to 36 before i killed server last time), but dmesg/messages are silent, and ps / top does not show anything unusual. Any idea?13:41
fromportwhat kernel ?13:43
fromportthe standard 2.6.16 ?13:43
fromporti've witnessed similar stuff13:45
fromporti upgraded to 2.6.24-17-server which is available in the deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-proposed main restricted universe multiverse repository13:45
fromport2.6.24-17-server #1 SMP Thu May 1 14:28:06 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:46
Terrasqueand that fixed it?13:46
fromporti haven't seen it since, but no warranties ;-)13:47
Terrasqueof course :)13:47
fromportas usual: ymmv ;-)13:47
fromportwhat disk controller do you have ? have you updated the mobo bios to the latest ?13:48
Terrasque2x Mass storage controller: Promise Technology, Inc. PDC40718 (SATA 300 TX4) (rev 02)13:48
Terrasqueel cheapo sata cards, basically :)13:48
Terrasqueand no, haven't updated bios13:49
Terrasquefancy. The IO died on the system disc too, which is not in raid, and not on the same controllers. Hard reboot ftl13:50
fromporthardy is using 2.6.24 which really pushes harder on acpi (is my opinion) i had a lot of problems with machines with old bios'es13:53
Terrasquebtw, hardy-propsed packages.. Will all those be automatically downloaded in an apt-get upgrade? or do you pick packages manually?13:54
ScottKTerrasque: After testing, hardy-proposed packages get copied to hardy-updates (if there are no problems) and then you get them automatically with apt.13:56
Terrasquenew kernel in, rebooting. And crossing fingers and toes14:02
Terrasquefromport: no crashing yet.. :) But I'm not 100% sure until ive done some more testing14:18
Terrasquefromport: same happened again. New kernel did not solve it14:42
fromportterrasque: :-( ..... pitty14:49
denndaI removed klogd and sysklogd from all runlevels, but I still have that issue14:53
Terrasquefromport: made a forum post, maybe I'll get lucky there. if not.. going back to 6.06 probably14:57
fromporttry to update the bios, or even better: compile a 2.6.25(or 26-rc2) kernel yourself.14:58
fromportsee if it is kernel related.14:58
=== bamed is now known as bamed|away
denndawhat's the preferred way of upgrading ubuntu on a server? (just one release to the next))15:05
denndaupdate-manager -d? :)15:06
cjsstableshello all.  I have a quick question.  Getting ready to set up an ubuntu ltsp server. I have 900 GB of space on 3 drives.  In the partition schem where should I allocate most of the HD space?  /home?  /root?15:07
goukiHas anyone configured fail2ban? I'm having problems. The regexep don't seem to work.15:21
goukithe log reports the IP is banned, but for some reason I can continue to access the server.15:23
sorengouki: It only blocks new connections.15:34
sorengouki: Could that explain what you're seeing?15:34
goukisoren: no15:34
goukiDoes it require the default port, or the regexp doesn't care about that?15:35
sorenIt blocks port 22.15:35
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nxvlsoren: when are you comming?15:44
goukisoren: that's the problem right there.15:44
=== kirkland` is now known as kirkland
sorennxvl: I'm here.15:47
nxvlsoren: i'm still in madrid15:48
sorennxvl: Ah, ok.15:48
nxvlsoren: my flight leaves in 2 hours15:48
nxvlso, se you in 515:48
radonegreetings, I have problem with cron16:43
radonecommand: ps -ef | grep -i cron16:43
radonegives: root      4112     1  0  2007 ?        00:00:02 /usr/sbin/cron16:43
radonecommand: crontab -l:16:43
radone* * * * * root echo "Runs each second." > /home/johny/smazat/cron.txt16:44
radonehowever, the file /home/johny/smazat/cron.txt remains empty :-(16:44
radoneany idea?16:45
\shis * * * * * not "run every minute" ?16:45
\shradone, that cron line will run every minute...16:46
\shthere is no "second"16:47
denndado-release-upgrade did not work for dapper -> hardy, but dapper -> edgy -> feisty -> gutsy -> hardy seems to work16:47
radone\sh: well, unfortunately not even minute ...16:49
\shradone, and I wonder if you can delete the "root" user as well, because crontab -e -u root is that what you have by default when you use the crontab tool...all cron scripts who are in need of the "user to run"..are in /etc/cron.*16:49
\shradone, because your line is terribly wrong16:49
\shcrontab -e16:49
\sh(thinking about user root now)16:49
\sh* * * * * echo "foo is bar" > /tmp/palimpaloem16:49
radone\sh:ok, thank you, I will give it a try and I will wait one minute16:51
\shradone, man 5 crontab :)16:52
radonechanged to: * * * * * echo "Runs each minute." > /home/johny/smazat/cron.txt16:53
radoneand got not any  result :-/16:53
TrioTorushow can I find out why a certain package is kept back?16:55
TrioTorusis there an apt command for that?16:57
ScottKIs the certain package related to ssh/ssl/vpn?16:57
mok0TrioTorus: try apt-get install the package, and you will see what will happen. You will be given a chance to abort16:58
denndaAm I the only one thinking that should not be the case? Something seems to be wrong somewhere16:59
TrioTorusamong others: there is openssh-client and openssh-server being kept back yes16:59
TrioTorusdennda: you're obviously not the only one16:59
denndaTrioTorus: I am talking about dapper -> hardy upgrade failing and dapper -> edgy -> feisty -> gutsy -> hardy upgrade working17:00
ScottKTrioTorus: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade will solve it in this case.  sudo apt-get -s dist-upgrade if you want to see it first (to more generally understand what's going on).17:00
mok0TrioTorus: that's because they pull in a new package, -blacklist17:00
TrioTorusmok0: I can see that with one of my servers. What's going on with that -blacklist package?17:00
mok0TrioTorus: it contains a list of weak ssh keys17:01
TrioTorusmok0: so better not upgrade yet then?17:02
mok0TrioTorus: by all means, upgrade17:02
mok0TrioTorus: and run ssh-vulnkey17:02
mok0TrioTorus: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-117:03
cyris||morning everyone17:04
W8TAHhi folks -- are the patches for the ssh vunerability in the repos / updates now?17:04
\shradone, /etc/init.d/cron restart .... could be that cron ran mad17:04
mok0W8TAH: yes17:04
cyris||people still patching up eh ?17:04
W8TAHhow do i then re-gen my keys17:04
mok0And folks, don't forget to remove your comprimised ssh keys from EVERY remote system that has in in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys17:05
W8TAHcool -- thanks17:05
mok0s/in in/it in17:05
mok0ssh-vulnkey is your friend17:05
cyris||Can anyone recommend a USER FRIENDLY web application that will allow users to change their passwords stored in openldap?17:06
giovanimok0: HD More's SSL "rainbow tables" are your friend :)17:08
TrioToruscyris||: if your app only needs to do this single operation: write your own script. I have looked out for what you are asking for a long time.17:08
mok0giovani: ydrk, where do you find those17:08
giovanimok0: ... oh cmon ... you should know already: http://metasploit.com/users/hdm/tools/debian-openssl/17:09
giovaniappreciate the dilbert :)17:09
mok0giovani: no seriously , I have better things to do than hang out with script kiddies... I exterminate them when they show up...17:10
giovani... if you think HD More is a script kiddie ... you're revealing your ignorance of the industry17:10
mok0giovani: hereby revealed :-)17:11
cyris||TrioTorus, far enough, just wanted to see if there was anything out there. I did find one project, called chpassldapweb http://sourceforge.net/projects/chpassldapweb/17:11
W8TAHis there a how-to someplace on using ssh-keygen to make new keys?17:12
cyris||TrioTorus, but its in Brazilian Portuguese :S17:12
giovaniW8TAH: http://metasploit.com/users/hdm/tools/debian-openssl/17:12
giovanibad paste17:12
mok0W8TAH: man ssh-keygen?17:12
giovaniW8TAH: welcome to #ubuntu-server ... we have some overlap :)17:12
W8TAHmok0, its not giving me what im hoping for  -i just want it to rerun the same thing that happens at install time for keys -- i dont customise17:13
W8TAHgiovani, thanks17:13
mok0W8TAH: dpkg --reconfigure openss-server17:13
giovani#dshield untie!17:13
W8TAHeven better17:13
ScottKmok0: With an 'h' in there.17:13
mok0ScottK: you're right of course... it's not the open version of Waffen SS ;-)17:14
ScottKDoesn't the blacklist tool regenerate bad keys on install (I don't know - I'd done all mine before it was released)?17:14
giovanimok0: feel free to read up: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._D._Moore17:14
cyris||ScottK, I don't think it does.17:15
mok0ScottK: I think it contains a long list of fingerprints17:15
giovaniScottK: I believe the new release of openssh-server did that17:15
cyris||ScottK, I wasn't sure so I just regenerated17:15
mok0giovani: thanks!17:15
giovaniit regenerated automagically17:15
W8TAHdpkg --reconfigure is not working17:15
ScottKThe one of the openssl updates will redo snakeoil.17:15
giovaniW8TAH: run "sudo ssh-vulnkey" to test your keys17:15
W8TAHsays unknown option reconfigure17:16
mok0giovani: Ah, I don't bother with anyone born after 198017:16
giovanimok0: yeah, who cares how influential they are, right? :)17:17
W8TAHgiovani, im on ubuntu -- and ssh-vulnkey does not work, nor is it in repos to install17:17
giovaniW8TAH: which ubuntu release are you on?17:17
mok0giovani: ok, /me reads...17:17
W8TAHfully updated17:17
giovaniW8TAH: you're not vulnerable17:17
giovanithe bug was introduced AFTER 6.04 LTS17:17
W8TAHok - that makes that easy17:17
giovanionly 7.04, 7.10 and 8.04 were vulnerable before updates17:18
ScottKI think Edgy was OK too, but it's out of support.17:18
W8TAHi need to upgrade this guy to hardy LTS but im not doing that till summer - when i can take the internet down for an exteded period17:18
mok0giovanni: ok, I'll bump that to 1982 :-)17:18
giovanimok0: who needs OSVDB, right?17:18
giovanior metasploit?17:19
* giovani throws out half of the linux kernel developers17:19
Terrasque18:21:54 up  3:19,  1 user,  load average: 33.00, 33.07, 33.41   -- fun..17:22
cyris||W8TAH, what version of ubuntu are you running ?17:22
W8TAH6.04 LTS on the firewall17:22
cyris||W8TAH, oh ok17:22
giovaniW8TAH: we already went over this17:22
W8TAHwhich is the one im most concerned17:22
W8TAHive gotta do the upgrade -- but i dont wanna take the school offline right now -- i'll wait till summer17:23
cyris||giovani, sorry didn't see17:23
W8TAHthanks for the help guys - this day didnt need a crisis in the middle of it17:24
mok0most of the attacks I see are stupid brute force ssh attacks that immediately gets blocked in iptables17:24
giovanimok0: you mean brute forced password attacks? not key attacks17:25
mok0giovani: right17:25
giovanihowever ... in the years to come17:25
mok0I am surprised that ssh is vulnerable to key attacks.17:25
giovanithis will be a big vuln17:25
mok0I agree17:25
giovanimok0: ... it's not ... debian's ssh is17:25
giovanithis isn't an openssh bug17:25
mok0giovani: well, you can by chance have a compromised key17:25
mok0giovani: the compromised keys are a legal subset of the total number of keys17:26
giovanino, they're not17:27
giovaninormal openssl uses a different PRNG system17:27
mok0it doesn't matter17:27
giovaniit wouldn't come up with the same seed values as the debian vulnerable ssl17:27
giovaniit does matter ... there are different seeds used ...17:27
mok0giovani: of course it could17:27
mok0those seeds could arise by chance... I admit it's small17:28
ScottKgiovani: Yes.  You could (although the odds are low) have a key that's in the small set generated by the bad openssl generated from a non-broken openssl.17:28
giovaniI stand corrected17:28
giovaniyou're correct17:29
giovanihowever the keys do not become "comrpomised"17:29
giovanithey just happen to become the target of a specific attack, they were still generated in good-faith pseudo-random17:29
mok0giovani: right, but they are part of the "rainbow dictionary" set17:29
ScottKThey are neither more nor less compromised.  Just via bad luck rather than a bug.17:30
mok0giovani: so, in fact openssh should be patched to make those keys illegal17:30
giovanimok0: ... that may be a principle difference17:30
giovaniup to the openssl guys17:30
giovaninah, the bug is in openssl17:31
ScottKDifferent bunch.17:31
giovaniit just affects openssh as well17:31
mok0giovani: yes, in fact I wish they'd go to a key size of 204817:31
ScottKRight, but if the keys are to be blacklisted, it'd have to be done in SSH.17:31
giovaniScottK: and every other system that uses openssl17:31
ScottKmok0: Just don't use DSA keys.17:31
ScottKgiovani: Yes.17:32
giovaniwhy would it have to be blacklisted at the openssh level?17:32
giovanicouldn't that set of seeds be discarded in the openssl generation code?17:32
* mok0 thought the DSA keys were the most secure ... *blush*17:32
giovaniwhen it generates the random number, it would check against a list of known PIDs17:32
giovaniand reject it, and generate again17:32
mok0giovani: ... and the max pid number is 3276717:33
giovanimok0: right ... so, all of that set17:33
giovanibut why would this not be able to be done within the ssl code?17:33
ScottKmok0: My understanding (and I'm not an expert) is that the reason Debian used to recommend DSA over RSA was to do with RSA patents.  Now that they've expired there's no reason not to use RSA keys of whatever length you are comfortable with.17:34
mok0Hmm. Well, perhaps I should regenerate my key, then. But I think I'll do it on my Mac :-)17:35
mok0But perhaps Ubuntu should consider packaging security sensitive software directly from upstream source17:36
ScottKDunno.  There was a time (~20 years ago) when I knew something about cryptography.17:36
giovanimok0: modifications have to be made to get everything to work together ... can't do a strict upstream tarball17:36
ScottKmok0: I don't think that would help significantly.17:36
mok0ScottK: I've just read Simon Singh's book17:36
mok0ScottK: It would give us  a double check17:37
ScottKmok0: Since install scripts have root, all packages are significant from a security perspective.17:37
mok0ScottK: ... I was in fact kinda chocked to see that Debian patches the code17:37
ScottKWe either trust Debian and work as a derivative or not.17:37
giovaniScottK: some packages affect the security of other applications, openssl being the chief one17:37
ScottKmok0: Honestly I think most of the blame with this one lies with the openssl developers.17:38
giovanimok0: still .. modifications are always made in distributions ... otherwise, nothing would fit together cleanly17:38
mok0It would just be a few packages, that would get an independent audit in Ubuntu and Debian17:38
giovaniScottK: .... why is that?17:38
mok0giovani: but unless there's a bug,  you don't go around removing function calls17:38
ScottK1.  The Debian maintainer went to what was the advertised right list for such questions and asked and was told it seemed reasonable.17:39
giovanimok0: they considered "purify complaining" as a bug17:39
ScottK2.  If you are going to do something completely outside the C standard as rely on something being undefined, I think it would deserve a comment in the code.17:39
mok0ScottK: THAT is true. It is a dirty algorithm to start with17:40
ScottKSo upstream had two quite reasonable chances to have avoided this entire mess and didn't do it.17:40
giovaniScottK: it seems the opposite from the correspondence, no?17:40
ScottKI agree the the Debian maintainer has blame too, but it's hard to see what he should have done different.17:40
mok0But the fact of the matter is that it was modified by someone who did not fully understand what the code does17:40
ScottKgiovani: Not sure what you mean?17:40
giovani"No, it's fine - the problem is Purify and Valgrind assume all use of uninitialised data is inherently bad, whereas a PRNG implementation has nothing but positive (or more correctly, non-negative) things to say about the idea."17:41
* mok0 thinks that this is a harsh reminder of the kind of responsibility we all have working on a distribution...17:41
=== bamed|away is now known as bamed
giovani-Geoff Thorpe17:41
giovaniseems to be saying that this is a Purify/Valgrind problem ... not a code problem ... and is suggesting that such warnings should be ignored?17:42
giovanior am I misreading?17:42
mok0giovani: this piece of code relies on random bits being present in an uninitialized buffer... which is very far fetched at best17:42
ScottKAccording to the C standard (as I understand it, and it's limited) use of uninitialized data is inherently bad.17:42
giovaniif it was a "bug" in openssl ... they would've "patched" it upstream, and then all openssl would be "infected"17:42
mok0Yeah, there's enough blame to go around17:43
ScottKgiovani: It's a very obscure (at best) design in openssl and they should have made it clear what was going on.17:43
mok0ScottK: exactly!17:43
InsomniaCityall I can say is thank god gnupg links against gnutls17:43
giovanithat's the correspondence on the issue that I'm aware of17:43
mok0giovani: ... and a new compiler optimization might have had the same effect17:44
mok0... and no-one would know17:44
mok0giovani: interesting reading...17:45
ScottKgiovani: There's more. Give me a moment to find it.17:45
mok0Lemme get this clear: the bug was in the openssl libraries, that are used by openssh??17:46
ScottKThe bug was in openssl and it generated keys that were cryptographically worthless.  openssh uses said keys.17:46
ScottKHere's the Debian maintainer asking about the change in question.  Follow the thread and see if any openssl devs tell him it's a bad idea: http://marc.info/?l=openssl-dev&m=114651085826293&w=217:48
mok0Well why not just have a function that fills the said buffer with random bits? Instead of relying on un-initalized memory?17:48
ScottKI have no idea.17:49
ScottKHere's one openssl developer being an a$$ and getting pounded in the comments: http://www.links.org/?p=32717:49
mok0I think this was just "one of those unfortunate things" that happen in software17:50
ScottKMy favorite response: http://advogato.org/person/branden/diary/5.html17:50
mok0... a chain of events leading to disaster17:50
ScottKUnfortunately I think the the first blog entry there has raised the stakes considerably in terms of how people feel about it.17:51
ScottKmok0: I agree.  I wish that guy hadn't decided to through gasoline on the fire.17:51
mok0For some reason, the software world is full of socially incapable people who jump at anyone else at the first chance they get17:52
InsomniaCityit goes with being good at writing software17:52
mok0... yeah so they say17:53
mok0They are good at claiming how good their own stuff is and how unjustly they are b eing treated17:53
ScottKHe'd have been well advised to have his facts straight before going on the attack.17:54
Deepsthe links to the patch that broke stuff, as well as the patch to fix it, is amusing17:54
Deepspatch that breaks: comments out 2 bits, patch that fixes: uncomment one bit that was commented originally (what about the other?)17:55
ScottKThat's been heavily discussed.  Even upstream agrees that part is OK.17:56
mok0Instead of pushing around the blame, it would be better getting some infrastructure in place to avoid these things from happening in the future. Without distributions, openssl would hardly be used17:57
Phil___would anyone be able to help me with a problem installing grub?17:58
mok0... or rather, would be compiled by users themselves, which would give a huge amount of extra support work to the developers17:58
mok0Well thanks for the chat, interesting, I have to leave now18:00
ScottKSee you later.18:00
mok0see you18:00
DeepsScottK: can you point me to where the openssl team suggested that commenting out those bits seemed reasonable?18:02
ScottKDeeps: It's later on in this thread http://marc.info/?l=openssl-dev&m=114651085826293&w=218:02
Deepsok ta18:02
* Deeps reads18:02
Deepsi liked the links.org blog pots, made me lol18:02
ScottKUnfortunately the original post on links.org seems to be a largely fictional account of events.18:05
Deepsbased on your email thread you linked me, i'm inclined to agree18:05
Deepshttp://marc.info/?l=openssl-dev&m=114652287210110&w=2 being the firts reply to the idea about commenting it out18:05
Deeps(and it's from someone at openssl)18:06
ScottKHe aimed to fire a shot and Debian and all distro developers and IMO accidentally shot himself in the head due to carelessness.18:07
ivoksanyone in prague?18:07
Deepsnot entirely: "if you are going to fix bugs, then you should install this maxim of mine firmly in your head: never fix a bug you don.t understand"18:07
Deepsnobody on that thread seems to understand what's going on in this bit of code18:08
ivoksopenssl again? :)18:08
Deepsi just joined in :)18:08
Deepsfrom the debian side and the openssl side, the respondants dont appear to have a clue about what's going on18:09
ScottKDeeps: And if he'd just said that, I think it'd have been fine.  But he went further.18:09
Deepsok, so pull the good and ignore the bad18:09
Deepsdont forget it all because some of the good is shrouded in BS18:09
ScottKTrue, but I'm probably a bit biased because as an Ubuntu developer and a Debian Maintainer, I was who he was aiming at.18:10
ScottKHe's correct, but it's not always practical advice.18:11
ScottKThere is a balance between spending a huge amount of time on one fix to totally understand it and how much fixing can get done overall.18:12
ScottKFor openssl, it is probably reasonable.18:12
Deepswhat is probably reasonable? the amount of time that was spent, or the amount of time that they think should have been spent?18:13
ScottKProbably reasonable to spend more time understanding stuff.18:14
ScottKI'm working on an update for Spamassassin right now to make it work with pg 8.1 and later for it's bayesian database.  I got the patch from upstream.  If I really thought I needed to competely understand the code and what it's changing, I'd move on and leave it broken.18:14
Deepsre-reading that thread, makes it look like "hai! autotool says this is a problem, can i remove it?" "duhhh, i dunno, i guess so"18:14
ScottKIn this case it's more trusting upstream to have got it basically right and testing to see if it fixed the problem.18:14
Deepsah well, nm18:15
Deepsdone and fixed18:15
ivoksScottK: you are familiar with pgsql?18:15
Deepsneed to redo all my openvpn certs18:15
ScottKOnly in a very limited sense.18:15
ivoksScottK: well, if you understand roles in pgsql, you are my man :D18:16
ScottKivoks: It's used on some project I work on and I can interact with it directly or through I can't remember which python module I'm using.18:16
ScottKivoks: No.  I think I'm not.18:16
ivoksok then18:16
ivoksDeeps: more than 50 openvpn certificates, installed all over the country, are also waiting for me :)18:17
Deepsthankfully i only need to do.... 718:18
Deepsstill a hassle18:18
Terrasque20:08:21 up  5:05,  1 user,  load average: 137.42, 133.51, 122.98   --   Do I win a prize? :p19:08
ivokscome back when your load goes over 30019:13
Terrasquethat shouldn't take too long. crossed 140, and heading to 15019:14
Terrasquebut have a feeling something will happen to the servers power supply soon19:14
Jeeves_Come back when you've reached 1600 :)19:16
Terrasquegot a link from a friend :p http://pr0n.sesse.net/tg06/1280x960/dsc_0999.jpg   |  accidental fork bomb19:16
Deepskeep it at 600+ for 6 months19:17
Deepsthen let me know :P19:17
Terrasquethink I'd prefer a machine that works the way it should :p19:18
ryoohkii notice that apache2 is installed without creating an apache user?  is that intentional? should httpd run as user:group apache:apache or as root:root?19:33
Terrasqueusually its run under www19:34
Terrasquewww-data actually19:34
ryoohkiso why was a www user not created?19:34
ryoohkioh - there is a www-data19:34
Terrasquegoodie :)19:35
ryoohkii thought that was from some other package19:35
Terrasquethats what apache2 runs as on my systems at least :)19:35
ryoohkiTerrasque: ok thanks!19:37
J_Phi all19:50
gamercod4hi all :)20:44
gamercod4i've a question of routing virtual nic20:46
=== cropalat is now known as cropalato
gamercod4somebody is here?21:40
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:43
sorenAh, there it goes.21:44
gamercod4i would like to do a NAT routing on virtual NIC but iptables do not  support this :(21:46
nxvlsoren: where are you?21:48
nxvlsoren: i'm already here21:48
sorennxvl: I'm in my room right now.22:00
nxvlsoren: number?22:03
nxvldendrobates: are you also here?22:08
nxvldendrobates: i have a present for you22:08
dendrobatesnxvl:  yes22:08
nxvldendrobates: where?22:08
nxvlbtw, are we going for some beer today, didn't we?22:09
nxvli have 2 bottles of pisco here22:09
dendrobatesnxvl: it is too late for me today, but tomorrow.  I am in room 812.22:10
nxvldid you know in wich room is pedro_?22:12
dendrobatesnxvl: no, I have seen him though.22:15
JanCyou guys at the UDS place?  ツ22:16
JanCI wish I could be there  ツ22:17
ajmitchyes, just the entertainment value alone would be worth it...22:18
infinityMaybe I'm jaded, but I don't tend to find UDS entertaining.22:20
ajmitchinfinity: usually just the various people in the evenings22:20
nxvldendrobates: i'm going to say hi and give you your present, it's that ok, or are you at bed already?22:21
dendrobatesnxvl: I am not in bed, just not up for more beer.22:21
nxvli will be there in a minuto22:22
infinitysoren: How's the connectivity there?22:22
soreninfinity: Quite good, actually.22:23
infinitysoren: All ports, not just http proxy?22:24
soreninfinity: Yup.22:24
infinityGood, good.22:24
JanCif HTTP works, you can use anything you want anyway  ;-)22:24
infinityYes, but setting up random tunnels just to use the interwebs annoys me.22:25
sorenCompared to the PoS excuses for internet connections they have in hotels in the US, this is actually extremely good.22:25
sorenHeck, if DNS works, you can use anything anyway.22:25
infinityAgain, "if you're willing to jump some hoops"... I'm getting too old to care about said hoops.22:25
infinityI just want to plug in my laptop and do stuff, y'know?22:26
soreninfinity: pft... Talk to #ubuntu-desktop22:27
infinityYou'll understand some day. :)22:27
infinityI used to get a thrill out of circumventing people's ideas of what I should be "allowed" to do, now I just want to be able to do it all by default.22:27
infinityCause, well, the circumvention is less exciting and more time-wasting, these days.22:28
Deepslemme guess, you also like having a desktop system that /juts works/ and doesn't need years of hacking to actually get working properly?22:28
Deepsand that IT is just a means to an end, and not an end in itself?22:29
infinityShocking, I know. :)22:29
Deepsphew, finally22:29
Deepssomeone else like me22:29
infinityOf course, I still like hacking like no tomorrow to make these sorts of things possible to other people, which means getting my hands dirty -- a lot.22:30
infinityI just don't feel the urge to "hack" in a hotel room.22:30
infinityEspecially not as cranky and tired as I usually am after an intercontinental flight or three.22:30
infinitysoren: I hope you brought enough money to make good on some of those alcohol promises you made over the last year.22:31
infinitysoren: ... and that you don't spend it all before I get there.22:31
JanCinfinity: I agree, IP-over-DNS etc. should "just work" under Ubuntu  ;-)22:36
infinityJanC: Hahaha.  Not *quite* the point I was making, but okay. :)22:39
JanCI can tell some stories about IP-over-DNS...  ;)22:39
soreninfinity: Did I promise you beer? Hm.. Ok. It's dirt cheap here, so I'll probably manage :)22:40
infinitysoren: Not sure if it was beer, or "the local equivalent of a massive destruction weapon"..22:41
soreninfinity: Ah, yes. It will not be at the hotel, though. The prices here are insane.22:46
JanCsoren: you're Danish IIRC?22:47
infinitysoren: Are they ever not?  Hotels are terrible.22:47
soreninfinity: A litre of water is $20.22:47
infinityJanC: He is.22:47
soreninfinity: !22:47
sorenJanC: I am.22:47
infinitysoren: Sweet Jesus.  20 USD?22:47
soreninfinity: I've never seen prices this steep.22:47
soreninfinity: Yup.22:47
JanCthen beer @ uds should be very cheap for you  ;)22:47
soreninfinity: 290 of the local currency unit.22:47
JanCunless something changed since my sister was there  ;)22:48
sorenJanC: Outside the hotel, yes. very much so.22:48
soreninfinity: 290 CZK is 17.90 USD, apparantly.22:49
ajmitchsoren: $20 is nuts22:49
infinitysoren: That's beyond insane.  I don't even know if English has a word to express just what that is.22:49
soreninfinity: Luckily, there's a cafe almost just across from here.22:50
infinityJeg hader UDS hotels.22:50
infinitysoren: Phew.22:50
infinitysoren: Anywhere in walking distance with a pool table?  *hopeful look*22:52
soreninfinity: I haven't had a chance to go looking. We found that cafe, had a few beers, left for food, ate, came back to the hotel, and here we are now.22:53
infinitysoren: Slacker.  What was the point of sending a scouting party if you can't tell us all about the area by the time we get there? :)22:53
soreninfinity: When do you show up?22:54
infinitysoren: 1745 on Sunday.22:55
infinitysoren: Well, 1745 + (however long it takes to clear customs and get to the hotel)22:55
soreninfinity: Plenty of time to find good places.22:56
infinitysoren: I'm counting on you. :)22:56
infinitysoren: Bonus points if you can find a nice Lebanese place with good shawarmas...22:57
* soren accepts the assignment and acknowledges that #ubuntu-server will selfdestruct in 5 seconds22:57
sorenor something.22:57
soreninfinity: Well... Non-Czech food here seems to have been subject to a very strong Czech influence.22:58
infinitysoren: So, we'll get a shawarma smothered in cheap beer, served on a modestly-priced hooker?23:00
soreninfinity: I'm sure something can be arranged. I've not dared walk down dark alleyways yet.23:02
sorenAt least that's where I'd expect to find such things. Maybe I'm just not into the whole Czech vibe yet.23:03
uvirtbotNew bug: #230878 in apache2 (main) "Apache 2 produces an OOM after 4 hours using" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23087823:24
goukiAny recommendations for a NAS (no freenas, openfiler or lightnas)? I want something installable on Ubuntu.23:41
giovanigouki: use the tools that openfiler/etc use ... they're all available for ubuntu23:47
giovaniit's just a matter of auto-configuration with those specialized distros versus manually configuring23:47
giovanidecide on what protocol you want to use for your NAS/SAN23:48
giovaniand then an appropriate tool can be used23:48
giovanifor example, for an NFS-based server ... this HOWTO appears to be relevant: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo23:52
Deepsalso check out http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/23:54
giovaniDeeps: it's virtually the same set of commands ... except it goes into less detail, and is only found in the 7.10 and earlier manuals ...23:56
Deepsi was thinking for other protocols that he may want to use23:57
Deepseg samba23:57
Deepsit's a generally nice overall guide too thats worth browsing through, if only to get ideas23:57
giovanithe documentation is still ebtter on the wiki23:57
giovanion the official wiki, that is23:58
Deepsthe joys of free speech23:58

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