
zSoilworker!paste > beginner00:00
FritzelzSoilworker, when you say download the .tar.gz do you mean the 32 bit version from adobe.com? or do you see a 64 bit version that I don't?00:00
drivetraxbeginner,  update 7.10 fully, then come back00:00
zSoilworkerFritzel: the x8600:00
linkmaster03How can I make a launcher that goes to a directory then runs a .jar file? Because if I give the absolute location of the jar, it doesnt start00:00
zSoilworkerFritzel: I'm trying another solution thou00:00
jriblinkmaster03: write a small shell script and run that00:01
dpowerd!info java00:01
ubottuPackage java does not exist in hardy00:01
wpk!info java-sun00:01
ubottuPackage java-sun does not exist in hardy00:01
shane_ill try this again im using the latest ubuntu 64 bit i installed a win driver in ndiwrap and set that in gedit i restarted and i get login and password once i go past and start up ubuntu i get a error message that states error starting gnome in settings daemon00:01
FritzelzSoilworker, alright, is my current progress here going to be a problem? should I undo or finish these steps?00:01
beginnerzSoilworker: thhx00:01
wpk!info sun-java6-jre00:01
ubottusun-java6-jre (source: sun-java6): Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture independent files). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-06-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 6185 kB, installed size 14188 kB00:01
zSoilworkerFritzel: No, go on00:01
beginnerdrivetrax:  areu sure?00:01
FritzelzSoilworker, alright00:01
linkmaster03jrib: would I do that by making an empty file, writing the commands, and calling that file?00:01
jriblinkmaster03: yes, and the first line should be: #!/bin/bash00:02
druewhey people... id like to set up a browseable list of files i have located on a home network . what do i need for that ... it would just be so that files could be downloaded .... no need to be extra secure or log in and such ...00:02
zSoilworkerFritzel: have you tried starting ffox w/aoss?00:02
linkmaster03jrib: thank you00:02
BlueLagunaWhat's the command to list all drives in a system again?  fdisk -l ?00:02
FritzelzSoilworker, yes it didn't seem to make a difference00:02
dpowerddruew, perhaps samba00:02
=== Bar2 is now known as BartS
NehalBlueLaguna: yes, sudo fdisk -l00:02
Hoenikkeri've installed python2.4 and i still get a "error while loading shared libraries: libpython2.4.so.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" against an application linked with that library00:02
STSXlinkmaster03: Be sure to make the script executable, i.e. use something like "chmod +x myscript"00:03
BlueLagunaNehal: Oh right, thanks.  I forgot it needs root permissions00:03
druewdpowerd: yeah that might be something thanks00:03
penanyone know how to make compiz start on startup? I use fusion icon but it doesn't work00:03
penI still have to right click the icon to enable compiz00:03
zSoilworkerFritzel: so you've already installed alsa-oss?00:03
dirtyhandwill a ssh pub key become useless if I try to access from a different IP where I generated it?00:03
FritzelzSoilworker, yes00:04
dpnoidAnybody have any luck getting an atheros wireless to work?00:04
jbergcan i get 2.6.25 kernel in a ubuntu package or do i need to compile my own kernel?00:04
zSoilworkerFritzel: and edited /etc/firefox/firefoxrc dsp?00:04
* emma *smiles*00:04
FritzelzSoilworker, no that I havn't done I tried to aoss firefox, I didn't know about that setting one moment00:04
BartSFigured out my dual-head problem:  Window manager was only drawing background for the size of the larger of the two screens.  Restarting the window manager after configuring the dual heads fixed the background.  compiz won't handle desktop that big, though (search ubuntu bugs for details) so had to revert to metacity.00:04
FritzelzSoilworker, it should read aoss?00:04
dpnoidif I connect to an access point, the bottom light comes on, and the icon just spins for a minute or two, and then disconnects.00:05
zSoilworkerFritzel: gedit /etc/firefox/firefoxrc00:05
STSXdpnoid: Have you looked at using "madwifi"? I don't have an Atheros card, but I think madwifi is for Atheros chipsets.00:05
dpnoidbut if I set an ip address on ath0 _while_ it's spinning, I can ping stuff00:05
* emma is reporting for duty00:05
zSoilworkerFIREFOX_DSP="none" 2 FIREFOX_DSP="aoss"00:05
zSoilworkerFritzel: restart ffox00:05
Fritzeldid testing00:05
zSoilworkerzSoilworker: restart session jincase.00:06
dpnoidI think it may have something to do with the wpa on the access point, but I don't have access to change that (work ap)00:06
shane_hello can anyone assist me on how to fix my gnome settings daemon prob00:06
urlwolfIs there any program that tracks the apps you have been working on and gives you stats?00:07
corq-FLis there a safe, GUI tool for editing  GRUB?00:07
FritzelzSoilworker, hang on let me finish the first steps so I'm sure flash is correctly installed, I'm right in the middle of it00:07
zSoilworkerFritzel: ok00:07
YouKnowMeHelp? I just added 2gbs ram to my system, giving me 3 total in two sticks, now ubuntu is running very very sluggish and the CPU is maxed out all the time. Remove extra ram, problem gone. I get an error in (or after) grub telling me something about being unable to acolatte(?) some PCI bus on sector 1 and 9... I really have no idea whats going on, help?00:07
dpnoidYouKnowMe, did you turn off your swapfile?00:07
=== Mr_SpOOn is now known as Mr_SpOOn[nonciso
YouKnowMedpnoid: no? I don't understand why I'd need to?00:08
dpnoidYouKnowMe, just checking, it sounded like you might have00:09
dpnoidYouKnowMe, does it still give you problems if you use just the 2gb stick without the 1gb?00:09
dpnoidYouKnowMe, (aka, memcheck'ish type stuff)00:09
zSoilworkerFritzel: brb00:10
jimdbwols:  the issue turned out to be (with the flash drive) that the little write protect notch was set to protect it.  but, in trying to investigate the issue I made changes to the drive's mount point properties and made a mess of that.  luckily i found a launchpad article that explained a similar error and was able to use gconf-editor to correct my issue.  thanks for your help, but the answer isn't always that everything in linux is a file00:10
dpnoidI'm using an atheros wireless card in my laptop (ar2413).  if I connect to an access point, the bottom light comes on, and the icon just spins for a minute or two, and then disconnects.00:10
alexmanhow do i set my res through a command prompt?????00:10
alexmani mean terminal00:10
zSoilworkerBill lover.00:10
emetanyone know any good physics applications for Ubuntu00:11
YouKnowMedpnoid, should I turn it off?00:11
dpnoiddpnoid, no00:11
dpnoidYouKnowMe, no00:11
drivetraxYouKnowMe,  are the sticks  3gb total, or 1gb each00:11
dpnoidYouKnowMe, try taking out the 1gb stick, using only the 2gb stick, and see if you still have problems00:12
dpnoidalexman, man xrandr00:12
ZakHeya. I'm considering a switch to Ubuntu, but I'm wondering if I will be able to use my USB headset for sound output on MULTIPLE programs at the same time. Does anyone know?00:12
penanyone know how to make compiz start on startup? I use fusion icon but it doesn't work00:12
penI still have to right click the icon to enable compiz00:12
jberghey is there any way i can get 2.6.25 kernel without compiling it myself?00:12
STSXdpnoid: Have you verified if you can connect to any other APs?00:12
dpnoidZak, yes, although there's a snaffu with flash right now (adobe knows about the bug and should have a fix at some point)00:12
YouKnowMedrivetrax: 1x 2gb 1x 1Gb00:13
dpnoidSTSX, I don't have any other ap's to test with00:13
dpowerd!info ja00:13
ubottuPackage ja does not exist in hardy00:13
dpnoidSTSX, but my n800 (little nokia tablet that runs linux) connects to it fine00:13
drivetraxYouKnowMe,  -- did your motherboard say to use three 1gb sticks00:13
ZakPrevious versions of Ubuntu didn't let me use the same soundcard for multiple apps, has 8.10 changed this then?00:13
=== jarleih is now known as lwejh
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX00:13
AnswerGuyI have a very odd question: traditionally /usr/bin/[ and /usr/bin/test were links to the same executable.  On RHEL5, Debian Lenny/Sid and on the Hardy I find that they are separate files with different inodes and file sizes.  What's up with that?00:13
dpnoidZak, all previous versions have allowed that, unless you turned off sound mixing00:14
clintchanceI am looking at this page http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-490800.html and the first command gives a permision denied any one know why?00:14
STSXdpnoid: Are you using the network-admin to set up the connection? i.e. System > Admin > Network?00:14
dpnoidZak, individual applications might be broken, and demand exclusive rights to the sound card, but anythign reasonably modern shouldn't have that problem (again, flash snaffu not withstanding)00:14
emmaAnswerGuy, I do not know but that might be a question better for the folks in #ubuntu+100:14
* AnswerGuy is guessing his question probably should be sent to the coreutils maintainers. :(00:14
dpnoidSTSX, I'm trying to.  I can get it working via wpa_supplicant00:14
neptune_Can anybody help me with ssh vulnerabilitys + NX?00:15
dpnoidSTSX, but there's no equivilent that I can see for any of the options I need to set to get it to work00:15
FritzelzSoilworker, ok after running the steps I started firefox and it chugged along loading then pausing loading then pausing, then I noticed an update to nspluginwrapper available in the repos and verified it as being a newer version so I went ot install it and I got this, does it make any sense? how would you resolve it? http://pastebin.com/d13e3bf9900:15
ZakSo, let me take for example. Skype and perhapse a media player could output to the same device without problems?00:15
pea_brainhi all, i have been trying to get realtime filesystem antivirus scanning to work. i have been able to make clamuko and clamfs work. however, if i copy the eicar.com file, it allows me to copy/create/delete. it properly blocks read access to the file. is there a way to disallow copying/creation also?00:15
STSXdpnoid: Are you using WPA or WPA2?00:16
dpnoidZak, afaik, yes  (although I don't use skype myself, I play movies and mp3's and quake sound all at the same time all the time)00:16
dpnoidSTSX, wpa00:16
Zakdpnoid, Thanks for the help. I'll try 8.10 in a moment.00:16
dpnoidZak, if skype gives you trouble, google for 'skype pulseaudio', and that should get you going00:17
YouKnowMedrivetrax: I have an IP-95 with 2x DDR slots and 2X DDR2 slots. I am using only the DDR2 slots, both filled, one with a stick of !gb and the other with a stick of @gb.00:17
clintchanceanyone know why ide get a permision denied using sudo?00:17
FritzelzSoilworker, would I be best off removing the downloaded package and installing nspluginwrapper by repo?00:17
dpnoidclintchance, played with your sudoers file recently?00:17
STSXdpnoid: OK, so you tried the "WPA-Personal" option in the network-admin program and it's not letting you connect? What errors do you get? Also try looking at the error log files using "dmesg"00:17
clintchancei havent even touches the file system00:17
peposomebody using flash + firefox ibook g4?00:18
dpnoidSTSX, yep.  tail -f /var/log/syslog seems to show normal looking stuff, dhcpd starts up, and then fails to acquire an address00:19
dpnoidSTSX, (noting again that it works just fine on the n800, dhcp and all)00:20
clintchancei guess nobody knows. oh well il have to go crazy again00:20
dpnoidclintchance, new user?00:20
clintchancei just installed this os00:20
zSoilworkerFritzel: back.00:20
mneptokclintchance: what command exactly?00:20
FritzelzSoilworker, welcome back00:20
clintchancei would have had it a wile back but it didnt like my wifi00:20
clintchancehold on00:20
quentusrexEvolution stopped opening.... I just updated ubuntu hardy and now evolution won't open. I checked System Monitor, and evolution is running as a process, but it doesn't have an open window......00:21
clintchancesudo echo blacklist ath_pci >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist00:21
zSoilworkerFritzel: Are you done?00:21
FritzelzSoilworker, scroll up a bit I ran into an issue00:21
zSoilworkerFritzel: if you find issues with it, its the same00:21
mneptokclintchance: because your root privileges do not extend to the second part of that command00:21
clintchanceso what do i do00:21
zSoilworkerFritzel: but i advise you to follow me up from the top00:21
STSXdpnoid: Is your /etc/hosts file OK? Does it have localhost and
tmapjcould anyone help me install ubuntu from a thumb drive?00:22
dpnoidSTSX, works fine if I'm plugged in00:22
mneptokclintchance: sudo echo 'blacklist ath_pci' >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist00:22
FritzelzSoilworker, (recap) ok after running the steps I started firefox and it chugged along loading then pausing loading then pausing, then I noticed an update to nspluginwrapper available in the repos and verified it as being a newer version so I went ot install it and I got this, does it make any sense? how would you resolve it? http://pastebin.com/d13e3bf9900:22
dpnoidSTSX, yes, for both00:22
sbhello.i need some help please. i need to adjust the border area of my synaptic touchpad. how can i do that?00:22
clintchancesudo echo 'blacklist ath_pci' >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist00:22
emmatmapj, isn't it the same as starting a live cd?00:23
tmapjemma idk00:23
tmapjill try that00:23
clintchanceSame thing00:23
STSXdpnoid: For troubleshooting did you say you tried a static address? What happened?00:23
dpnoidclintchance, echo foo | sudo tee -a /file/name00:23
emmatmapj, it would be my guess. Just stick it in, start the live session and then click on the install icon and follow the steps.00:23
quentusrexEvolution stopped opening.... I just updated ubuntu hardy and now evolution won't open. I checked System Monitor, and evolution is running as a process, but it doesn't have an open window......00:23
zSoilworkerFritzel: just purge the prior installation00:23
dpnoidSTSX, how do you set a static address via network manager wireless?00:23
sbhello.i need some help please. i need to adjust the border area of my synaptic touchpad. how can i do that?00:24
zSoilworkerFritzel: somewhere in the middle there was a mistake00:24
emmaquentusrex, type this in terminal:  ps aux | grep evolution00:24
STSXclintchance: The problem with the command you tried is that the redirection is not run as root--use dpnoid's method. :)00:24
emmaquentusrex, what does it say?00:24
clintchancewould using su help?00:24
dpnoidSTSX, nvm, found it;  one sec00:24
FritzelzSoilworker, purged, what I assume I should reinstall flashplugin-nonfree?00:24
dpnoidclintchance, do what I told you :p00:24
quentusrex1000      6826  0.0  0.3  32908 11312 ?        S    16:17   0:00 evolution --component=mail00:24
dpnoidclintchance, echo foo | sudo tee -a /file/name00:24
zSoilworkerFritzel: just clean up the whole thing, and we'll go from the top00:25
quentusrexplus alarm-notify, and exchange storage, and data server00:25
FritzelzSoilworker, one moment00:25
emmaquentusrex, do you want to close it so that you can start it again, is that your aim?00:25
STSXdpnoid: click "wireless connection", then "properties" and then under connection settings select "static address" instead of DHCP.00:25
dpnoidSTSX, if I set a static address via ifconfig while network manager was trying to connect, it would work as long as the ping I started was running00:25
dpnoidSTSX, as soon as I ctrl+c'd the ping, the connection would disconnect00:25
quentusrexI have closed it, and opened it again, and closed it. I'm asking why is there a new bug that won't let me 'see' evolution.00:26
quentusrexThe process is running, but the window isn't open...00:26
ibleedwith a single internet connection and one router, is it possible to be connected both through wireless and ethernet for redundancy?  (at same time)00:26
dpnoidSTSX, just tried it, setting it statically via network manager doesn't work00:26
pinnerupSigh ... things keep crashing on my newly installed Ubuntu 8.04.00:26
kitcheibleed: well yes but it confuses the kernel00:26
ibleedthanks kitche00:27
penanyone know how to make compiz start on startup? I use fusion icon but it doesn't work00:27
penI still have to right click the icon to enable compiz00:27
dpnoidSTSX, the connection stays up, but nothing gets through (doesn't even look like it's associated actually)00:27
STSXdpnoid: OK, you sure you also entered the correct gateway? Probably depending on your LAN setup?00:27
FritzelzSoilworker, ok the previous steps and flash should be purged from the system00:27
dpnoidSTSX,, yes, but it's not even pinging hosts on the same subnet00:27
zSoilworkerFritzel: Now install the flash plugin00:28
dpnoidSTSX, for instance, I know is up and running00:28
harrishello Guys Im having problem since yesterday, when I boot in Ubuntu, It does not boot to the Ubuntu enviroment but in Terminal like fullscreen. Im trying ztrl alt f1 or f7. but It is not responding. I have to restart my computer for a number of times just to boot normally to Ubuntu environment. What can I do?00:28
emmaquentusrex, how are you closing it if you never see the GUI pop up?00:28
FritzelzSoilworker, installing flashplugin-nonfree00:28
quentusrexkill -9 pid00:28
emmaquentusrex, okay.00:28
shane__hi room00:28
STSXdpnoid: OK, and what is ifconfig and iwconfig telling you? Can you ping the router?00:28
Bidgethey I just installed some updates and compiz crashed how do I fix it?00:28
ibleedharris, does 'startx' do anything for you ?00:28
harrishello Guys Im having problem since yesterday, when I boot in Ubuntu, It does not boot to the Ubuntu enviroment but in Terminal like fullscreen. Im trying ctrl alt f1 or f7. but It is not responding. I have to restart my computer for a number of times just to boot normally to Ubuntu environment. What can I do?00:28
harrisibleed:  startx? I dont know it what it is?00:29
FritzelzSoilworker, i missed whatever was causing that npviwer.bin error in the last pastebin, would /usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/i386/linux/npviewer.bin be safe to delete if the package is not installed?00:29
dpnoidSTSX, (again, this is running with network manager statically configured).  Can't ping the router, only localhost00:29
shane__i just jumped on this program, this is for ubuntu right?00:29
ibleedharris its a command to invoke the xserver if your running in a different runlevel00:29
dpnoidifconfig looks okay00:29
jaffarkelshaci am trying compile the ralink driver for my card, and i get an error with make http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/120905-installation-dwl-g122-wireless-adapter.html00:29
eTiger13i think im screwed but ill ask anyway. i accidently chmod'ed all the files in the /var folder to 775. is there any way to undo or fix this?00:29
DefineKThynehowdy all.00:30
zSoilworkerFritzel: yes00:30
dpnoidiwconfig shows it connected to the ap (right mac address, etc), not using encryption, 0 link quality, etc though00:30
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:30
aaeOdd-rationale, thanks for that link btw, the mounted home folder works great...  had to add one step but other than that it works great00:30
DefineKThynei'm having difficulty booting into my Gutsy install, there seems to be a problem with my /etc/rc.local00:30
zSoilworkerFritzel: once installed http://paste.ubuntu.com/12153/00:30
STSXdpnoid: Did you use ndiswrapper/madwifi or what to install your driver?00:31
Odd-rationaleaae: good to hear that!00:31
harrisibleed:  okay i'll try to search in the net what it is....... I really don't know what seems to be the problem... I'ts just started yesterday.00:31
DefineKThynecan someone help me out?00:31
harrishello Guys Im having problem since yesterday, when I boot in Ubuntu, It does not boot to the Ubuntu enviroment but in Terminal like fullscreen. Im trying ctrl alt f1 or f7. but It is not responding. I have to restart my computer for a number of times just to boot normally to Ubuntu environment. What can I do?00:31
dpnoidSTSX, madwifi was the original restricted driver I tried; ndiswrapper doesn't support wpa on this card afaik00:31
dpnoidSTSX, although I might try that route again (ndiswrapper)00:32
STSXdpnoid: So are you using madwifi now?00:32
Vletharris: did you install the server distribution?00:32
dpnoidSTSX, yes00:32
STSXdpnoid: Did you blacklist any atheros drivers that came with Ubuntu before using madwifi?00:33
harrisVlet: no i dont think so...00:33
FritzelzSoilworker, ok flash succesfully cleaned up and installed verifying it is operational before continuing00:33
dpnoidSTSX, such as?00:33
dpnoidSTSX, ath_pci is madwifi00:33
FritzelzSoilworker, and it is00:34
Jack_Sparrowharris It would help to know what changes you have made to the base install.  Added outside repos, installed debs off the web.. changed wm or things like that.. any changes to your source list00:34
Vletharris: are you logged in now? try executing: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop00:34
zSoilworkerFritzel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12153/00:34
FritzelzSoilworker, doublecheck that pastebin, you seem to have an open quote, is it supposed to be blank or is it suppose to have something in there00:35
* dpnoid wishes ubuntuforums would cease to exist as far as google is concerned. Does nothing but clutter up the search results with pages upon pages of chatter :(00:35
zSoilworkerFritzel: i'm just lazy00:35
zSoilworkerFritzel: changed that?00:35
Fritzelto aoss? to blank? ot what00:35
zSoilworkerFritzel: to aoss00:35
densonequick question hopefully. I am trying to install a package with apt-get, and its erroring on a package that I already installed. The package works fine, not sure why there is an error, but its blocking my new install. How do I force it to install the other package?00:36
arooni-mobilei was ssh'd into a gutsy box and was running:  sudo apptitue update; sudo apptitude dist-upgrade; then accidentally closed the ssh window.  now i see:     E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable);  E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?  (what should i do?  is update still running)?00:36
filthpiglol, I was just Stumbling across the net when I found this page with different commands you could give a unix system to generate funny errors, and wanted to try a few of them myself. I saw this one "% ar m God   ar: God does not exist" and tried that one. What I found will change our history, the very foundations of the three middle east religions: "$ ar m God     ar: creating God" So Ubuntu Linux created God, how about that? :D00:36
STSXdpnoid: Are there any atheros drivers in your /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ directory?00:36
zSoilworkerFritzel: i let it open to your imagination (?)00:36
harrisVlet: what's that command for re installing the ubuntu again?00:36
dpnoidSTSX, hardy00:36
FritzelzSoilworker, I'm a pain when I don't understand what I'm doing I like confirmations ^^00:36
Jack_Sparrow!ot | filthpig00:36
ubottufilthpig: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:36
STSXdpnoid: OK, never mind on that. :)00:36
harrisJack_Sparrow: I really don't know. I dont change anything I think when the its running normally and booting normally.00:37
Vletharris: I just told you: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop00:37
harrisVlet: what's that command for re installing the ubuntu again?00:37
xrii need to build binutils 2.17, but it fails with a warning that makeinfo is not found. bit it is there. i'm running hardy. what could be the issue??00:37
Jack_Sparrowarooni-mobile the update is probably NOT running if the lock cound not be enabled00:37
FritzelI have both a firefox and firefox-3.0 directory in /etc, I changed both00:37
zSoilworkerFritzel: check00:38
arooni-mobileJack_Sparrow, how to fix?00:38
dpnoidSTSX, heh;  just got ahold of a usb wireless (zd1211);  which immediately connected :)00:38
dpnoidSTSX, but I can't keep it :(00:38
FritzelzSoilworker, it's operational, one moment while I check for a hardware lock00:38
harrisharris@spider:~$ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop00:38
harris[sudo] password for harris:00:38
harrisReading package lists... Done00:38
harrisBuilding dependency tree00:38
harrisReading state information... Done00:38
FloodBot2harris: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:38
harrisubuntu-desktop is already the newest version.00:38
Jack_Sparrowharris run this..  sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)00:38
Jack_Sparrowarooni-mobile Can you get back in and see what else is running that would tie up apt..00:39
cygokuGuys, I am having I/O Error, please help !!00:39
FritzelzSoilworker, nope, flash and wine are still not coexisting00:39
zSoilworkeroptions>preferences> i/o plugins >  alsa plugin |  and select audio device(default)00:39
STSXdpnoid: I'm not familiar with Madwifi because I use ndiswrapper, but ndiswrapper requires that you blacklist any existing drivers in Ubuntu for your card so that it won't interfere with ndiswrapper. Is it similar for madwifi? Did you have to blacklist any atheros drivers? Just checking.00:39
harrisVlet:  I typed it vlet have you seen it00:39
Vletharris: what did you do just before this problem started?00:40
FritzelzSoilworker, confirming alsa works in general one moemnt00:40
Jack_Sparrowharris run this..  sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)00:40
macdHas anyone had troubles with sshd after upgrade, newly generated keys from updated ssh/ssl gives errors when trying to auth via key on ssh, http://pastie.caboo.se/19720600:40
harrisVlet: nothing I just start learning Python, using IDLE and using Internet00:40
dpnoidSTSX, no, madwifi _is_ the default ubuntu driver00:40
Vletharris: have you tried just restarting?00:40
arooni-mobileJack_Sparrow, root     25408  0.0  0.0   1772   544 pts/17   S+   16:32   0:00 /bin/sh -e /var/lib/dpkg/info/openssh-server.postinst configure 1:4.7p1-8ubuntu1;   root     19743  0.1  1.0  35428 20880 pts/15   Sl+  16:01   0:02 aptitude dist-upgrade .... does that mean its still running?00:40
harrisJack_Sparrow: I just type it jack00:41
dpnoidSTSX, what chipset are you running on?00:41
dpnoidSTSX, how's wpa support been under ndiswrapper, etc?00:41
harrisJack_Sparrow: and its not yet done00:41
cygokuGuys, I am having I/O Error, please help !! ( NEW : 500 GB External HDD )00:41
Jack_Sparrowharris If you did it right.. you should have a pastebin link to give us00:41
FritzelzSoilworker, ok sound works properly starting firefox and youtube00:41
harrisVlet: Yes that what I do, just to boot normally to Ubuntu envi,00:41
Jack_Sparrow!helpme | cygoku00:41
ubottucygoku: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience00:41
STSXdpnoid: OK, sorry for my ignorance. :) I'm using a libertas chipset, and unfortunately I can't tell you how WPA works with my card, because I'm using a public open-access AP. :)00:41
dpnoidwell you're useless :p  (j/k)00:42
harrisJack_Sparrow: pastebin link? I don't get you, Jack... sorry... newbie here00:42
dpnoidharris, !pastebin00:42
phoenix5002I have a sony VAIO laptop model# PCG-K45  with a "RADEON IGP 345M" video card.  I am using Ubuntu 8.04 with GNome.  My problem is that I cannot suspend or hibernate, I need just one of them to work, either one will do.  When I suspend it turns off fine, but upon resume it just stays at a black screen and is completely unresponsive.  Hibernate freezes at the black screen right away, so I think suspend is closer to working properly but I'00:42
Marfihow do i install an older version of an nvidia driver?00:42
dpnoid!pastebin | harris00:42
ubottuharris: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:42
Marfilooking for the .deb of it00:42
FritzelzSoilworker, as soon as flash touches alsa it blocks everything out, it didnt' work, flash is playing with sound and nothing else has access00:42
Jack_Sparrowharris when that command is done.. it should give you a link with a number that will let me see what all is in our sources list00:43
FritzelzSoilworker, exiting firefox00:43
zSoilworkerFritzel: great solution douh00:43
FritzelzSoilworker, sound test successful00:43
emmaFritzel, i wonder if this is a problem with pulseaudio.00:43
zSoilworkerFritzel: remove libflash0c2 from synaptic00:43
Fritzelemma, I'm set to use alsa in Sound Preferences for all devices00:43
FritzelzSoilworker, it's actually already not installed00:44
zSoilworkerFritzel: We've advanced.00:44
Peloevening folks00:44
FritzelzSoilworker, we have?00:44
FritzelzSoilworker, I'll take your word for it00:44
zSoilworkerFritzel: don't.00:44
Pelocan someone check there fstab file and tell me it if it "realtime" or "relatime"00:44
zSoilworkerFritzel: So, what the status now?00:45
Jack_Sparrowpelo.. sure00:45
reverendnathanHi, a recent update or CUPS killed my printing ability in Ubuntu. Halp?00:45
Pelothanks jack00:45
McRibI submitted bug #228044 a while back and it is reported to have been fixed in hardy-proposed.  I've added that repo but when trying to install the mozilla-mplayer package, it has the same error (probably still pulling it from universe)... how do I specify to install the proposed package instead?00:45
* Pelo is having some major issues with his comp this week 00:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 228044 in mplayerplug-in "In Hardy, mozilla-mplayer depends on firefox-3.0 - does not accept firefox-2" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22804400:45
FritzelzSoilworker, l well last test had flash working fine and blocking out everythign else00:45
harrisharris@spider:~$ sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat00:46
harris[sudo] password for harris:00:46
harrisReading package lists... Done00:46
harrisBuilding dependency tree00:46
harrisReading state information... Done00:46
FloodBot2harris: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:46
harrispastebinit is already the newest version.00:46
=== Guest9321 is now known as bloodboy
Marfihow do i install an older version of an nvidia driver?00:46
Marfilooking for the .deb of it00:46
Jack_SparrowPelo I dont see that.. but this is a gutsy box..  brb00:46
FritzelzSoilworker,  are you working under the assumption that I am using pulse audio? I could attempt to re-enable it00:46
* McRib finds it hilarious that harris is trying to install pastebinit, but doesn't know how to use pastebin ;)00:46
zSoilworkerFritzel: Try, everything counts00:46
FritzelzSoilworker, -nod- one moment00:47
harrishahahahah wait wait00:47
orchid`Hello i ahve an issue : i am backing up my system but only want to backup selected files, msot importantly my passwords which are saved in the kde wallet, can anyone help me find the file location in order to save it?00:47
PeloJack_Sparrow: don't leave , can you paste your current  fstab line for your /partiton ?00:47
harrishow can I use it ?00:47
drivetraxlol... install pastebin.ca, then try00:47
harrisMcRib: how can I use it00:47
* Pelo realy hates xchat-gnome00:47
McRibPelo: Try Konverstation00:47
PeloMcRib: not worth it , I'm just stuck on live cd atm00:48
* mneptok will stick with jIRCii for GUI IRC needs00:48
McRibPelo: Ah... then don't complain ;)00:48
zSoilworkerofftopic, can anyone give me a hint about chinese food, i feel like trying it today00:48
harrishello \n test00:48
dpnoidzSoilworker, -> #offtopic00:48
nickjqwHey all, my brain is probably half off, but when I try to get the new ssl updates, I get a key failure as it's unable to verify the .debs.  Is there some site I can go to get a new key?  Is there a new key?00:48
FritzelzSoilworker, ok  I am not succeeding in re-enabling it, one moment for details00:48
scotiobade2I'm trying to get my ipod touch to hookup with ubuntu but whenever i "ipod-touch-mount" in the terminal i get a middle man attack warning00:48
McRib!offtopic | zSoilworker00:48
ubottuzSoilworker: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:48
orchid`zSoilworker: ` dim sum soup00:48
emmazSoilworker, sesame chicken.00:48
harris 100:48
harris 200:48
harris 300:48
harris 400:48
harris 500:48
FloodBot2harris: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:48
harris 600:48
orchid`Hello i ahve an issue : i am backing up my system but only want to backup selected files, msot importantly my passwords which are saved in the kde wallet, can anyone help me find the file location in order to save it?00:48
McRibharris: If you want to test stuff like that, create your own channel, please  (type: "/join #harris-test")00:49
urlwolfI have emacs installed; would like to go to emacs-snapshot-gtk. Should I uninstall package emacs first? Or is apt-get smart enough to upgrade?00:49
gn0m3Hey there is there anyone having problems with sound on 8.0400:49
FritzelzSoilworker,  http://pastebin.com/d41888c2400:49
emmaorchid`, if this is a kde thing you might want to try #kubuntu00:49
McRibI submitted bug #228044 a while back and it is reported to have been fixed in hardy-proposed.  I've added that repo but when trying to install the mozilla-mplayer package, it has the same error (probably still pulling it from universe)... how do I specify to install the proposed package instead?00:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 228044 in mplayerplug-in "In Hardy, mozilla-mplayer depends on firefox-3.0 - does not accept firefox-2" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22804400:49
gn0m3audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat: Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument   ????00:49
FritzelzSoilworker, that's from Sound Preferences under System > Preferences > Sound00:49
scotiobade2<scotiobade2> I'm trying to get my ipod touch to hookup with ubuntu but whenever i "ipod-touch-mount" in the terminal i get a middle man attack warning00:50
orchid`emma:  even though i am running Ubuntu on a 64 amd system? and a 64bit operating system?00:50
gummign0m3: only that I cannot listen to music and play youtube videos at same time00:50
FritzelzSoilworker, hang on let me try something, flash is still playing let me logout and back in00:50
gn0m3gummi in my case this happends every time I wanna play music00:50
zSoilworkerFritzel: i'll be here quite a few hours00:50
emmaorchid`, just that you said they are saved in the kde wallet which made it sound like you might be running Kubuntu.00:50
gn0m3I Repeat the sound error "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat: Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument"00:51
dpnoidgn0m3, gummi, make sure you don't have any firefox flash animations open (including adverts) if you have no sound anywhere else.  There's a bug in the flashplayer that adobe is working on00:51
cygokuI/O Error here on a new 500 GB External HDD.00:51
FritzelzSoilworker, ok no after logging out and back in I still am getting connection refused for pulse audio00:51
FritzelzSoilworker, and flash still works00:51
gn0m3dpnoid I'm having this problem with totem / rhythmbox / exaile / etc etc00:52
arooni-mobilehow do i close a particualr tab in the gnome-terminal (via a keyboard shortcut)?  i thought it was control + w ?00:52
gn0m3It's a new problem for me It appeared after an update00:52
Jack_Sparrowcygoku repeating the same question without providing additional info wont get you the help you desire00:52
PeloJack_Sparrow:  got an answer for me ?00:52
Jack_SparrowPelo I looked in my gutsy and didnt see that..00:53
Jack_Sparrowone sec00:53
dpnoidgn0m3, is firefox open?  if it is, close it, and confirm it's still broken00:53
PeloJack_Sparrow:  can you paste one line for me ?00:53
gn0m3It's closed00:53
zSoilworkerFritzel: chown -R <user>:users /home/<user>/.macromedia00:54
gn0m3dpnoid totem gives me this error "Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument"00:54
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:54
cygokuJack_Sparrow : What else could anyone need ??00:54
FritzelzSoilworker, as opposed to user:user it's already set to my group00:54
Jack_Sparrowpelo http://paste.ubuntu.com/12160/00:55
zSoilworkeruser = yourusername00:55
Pelothanks jack00:55
tmapjcan anyone help me save my torrents so i can begin them again when i install ubuntu00:55
Jack_Sparrowcygoku what type of hard drive, the format in use on the drive, if it has ever been attached to a windows box.etc00:55
Xsploithas anyone used wubi?00:55
cygokuOkay ...00:55
Jack_SparrowPelo np buddy00:55
tmapjcan anyone help me save my torrents so i can begin them again after i install ubuntu00:55
dpnoidgn0m3, is pulseaudio running?  (ps aux|grep pulseaudio in a terminal)00:55
FritzelzSoilworker, yes I know but what I mean is the files are already in my personal group, not the "users" master group00:55
FritzelzSoilworker, do you specifically want it in the global "users" group?00:56
Jack_SparrowXsploit please read the faq on wubi BEFORE you use it00:56
instabinI'm having trouble creating an open vpn client connection on my ubuntu 8.04 pc00:56
* xri is unhappy00:56
dpnoidtmapj, just keep the torrent and whatever it's downloaded so far, and point ubuntu's torrent downloader (transmission) at the same place00:56
zSoilworkerFritzel: no, just checking loose things00:56
FritzelzSoilworker, -nod-00:56
gn0m3dpnoid gn0m3     6351  0.0  0.5  20372  5728 ?        Sl   20:39   0:00 /usr/bin/pulseaudio --log-target=syslog00:56
gn0m3gn0m3     6353  0.0  0.2   5776  2252 ?        S    20:39   0:00 /usr/lib/pulseaudio/pulse/gconf-helper00:56
gn0m3gn0m3     8316  0.0  0.0   3016   772 pts/0    R+   20:56   0:00 grep pulseaudio00:56
FritzelzSoilworker, that's never a good sign >< means your running out of ideas00:56
Pelolater folks00:56
tmapjdpnoid i dont know what you're talking about. can we private chat?00:57
zSoilworkerFritzel: Im out.00:57
dpnoidtmapj, no (I'm not registered)00:57
FritzelzSoilworker, -nod-00:57
tmapjdpnoid are you on any messenger?00:57
Fritzelwhat is there a master package for installing pulse audio? I want to make certain I have it correctly installed00:57
dpnoidtmapj, just restart the download after you've installed ubuntu, and don't wipe the original drive, and it'll just work.00:57
zSoilworkerFritzel: i wouldnt know, i don't use pulse00:58
tmapjhow do i restart the download?00:58
FritzelzSoilworker, -nod- well then I might as well turn alsa back on00:58
zSoilworkerLet me think another workaround while you check that00:58
instabincould some one help me configure my open vpn client?00:58
dpnoidtmapj, the same way to start it in the first place, double click the .torrent file00:58
Fritzeldoes oss support multiple applications yet?00:58
tmapji dont know where the .torrent files are kept00:59
gn0m3dpnoid any idea ?00:59
cygokuJack_Sparrow, the hdd in question that has I/O Error is an Western Digital USB External Drive in NTFS format.  It was once on a WindowsXP, but it worked fine for the past 2 months until tonite.00:59
zSoilworkerFritzel: its a common issue with oss00:59
zSoilworkerFritzel: = no00:59
FritzelzSoilworker, ok figured I'd try it but if it's not implimented yet there's no point ^^00:59
Jack_Sparrowcygoku I would reattach it to a windows box, scan and defrag it and PROPERLY unmount or remove it00:59
tmapjdpnoid: i dont know where the .torrent files are kept01:00
FritzelzSoilworker, I may just take 20 minutes and reinstall the system now that I know what to fix01:01
Fritzelto get my stuff working01:01
=== kiosk is now known as deni
dpnoidtmapj, well, that's a problem then.  I guess talk to whoever wrote your torrent program and find out where they keep it (#windows might be more useful for this)01:01
outerspace_does anyone know why firefox close after a few clicks on youtube videos?01:01
zSoilworkerFritzel: It would be the faster solution at this time01:02
Marfihow do i install an older package? in trying to downgrade my nvidia driver01:02
clintchanceIs there anything i need special for my wifi to work? According to my source the steps i did to install it have worked but i dont know where to confiure it or have it log into a network01:02
dpnoidouterspace_, because you installed libflashsupport to get the sound working.  There's a known bug that adobe is working on01:02
dpnoidouterspace_, (or at least didn't remove it when it asked to remove obsolete packages)01:02
zSoilworkerouterspace_: remove the lib specified by dpnoid01:02
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.01:03
killerbunniesatthow do I undo a merge?01:03
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash01:03
McRibHow would I manually install the MPlayer plugin for Firefox (not using apt)?01:03
Fath[0]mHow do I run the program "vim" as my python editor?01:03
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:03
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code01:04
astro76Fath[0]m: what does it run now?01:04
arooni-mobileon ubuntu hardy, how can i map the f1 key to function as the escape keY (but also maintain the escape key  being the escape key)?01:04
Fath[0]mastro76: nothing I am just starting to learn Python01:04
clintchancewell that was no help.  Where do i configure my wifi card01:04
Fath[0]mmy guide says to use vim01:05
astro76Fath[0]m: well unless you want to learn vi, you can use any editor01:05
MichaaelHi guys, I installed compizconfig-settings-manger in Hardy Heron because I wanted to remove one of the "Normal" visual effects, now I just can't see any windows or the task bar, i'm stuck at looking at the wallpaper. Is there any way to rollback to default settings ?01:06
clintchancendswraper does it need anything special?01:06
Fath[0]mYea the guide had just said that Vim was the most powerful and you should learn it for the long run01:06
ubuntudude, I heard 8.10 can't boot if you install grub on ext3..  is that true ?01:06
* Fritzel puts a pizza in the oven and times it by how long it takes to reinstall Ubuntu01:06
astro76Fath[0]m: I definitely agree you should learn it ;)01:06
dpnoidFath[0]m, that guide is cruel and unusual01:06
BaltazaarHow do I set preferred applications, besides those in System->Preferences->Preferred Applications? Like having gxine open when a DVD is inserted, Adobe reader launched for .pdf, etc?01:06
outerspace_zSoilworker which lib should i remove?01:06
compyhow do i enable to connect to my linux box through ssh?01:06
dpnoidFath[0]m, vim is definately good to learn, but not while you're also learning something else01:06
dpnoidFath[0]m, just use gedit01:06
compyor is ssh my best option?01:06
astro76Fath[0]m: but you could also use gedit, the default gui text editor01:06
zSoilworkerouterspace_: libflashsupport01:07
zSoilworkerFritzel: k01:07
Fath[0]mdoes it do syntax highlighting?01:07
ari_stre1smorning all01:07
zSoilworkerari_stre1s: night01:07
dpnoidFath[0]m, yes01:07
astro76Fath[0]m: yes but browse through the prefs, there's a bunch of stuff you can enable01:07
dpnoidFath[0]m, there's also completion plugins and the like you can install from elsewhere01:07
drbongmdjust installed hardy heron, cant connect wirelessly. Everything seems like it shouldd be operable, but no dice01:07
outerspace_zSoilworker but i will not have sound on videos...01:07
dpnoiddrbongmd, what chipset?01:08
zSoilworkerouterspace_: i'll help you with it01:08
outerspace_zSoilworker ok01:08
astro76Fath[0]m: another option is the anjuta ide01:08
drbongmdouterspace, will check, sec01:08
scotiobade2Can anyone help me with my ipod touch problem?01:08
Fath[0]mI just want something that is good and powerful and wont age as I get more advanced01:09
Fath[0]mso that my learning stays continuous01:09
outerspace_zSoilworker i removed it01:09
drbongmdouterspace, i know its an intel chipset01:09
Michaael<Michaael> Hi guys, I installed compizconfig-settings-manger in Hardy Heron because I wanted to remove one of the "Normal" visual effects, now I just can't see any windows or the task bar, i'm stuck at looking at the wallpaper. Is there any way to rollback to default settings ?01:09
drbongmdmore infor to come01:09
MichaaelAnyone can help ?01:09
dpnoidFath[0]m, the editor isn't really a factor once you've got something with the basics (by which I don't mean notepad)01:09
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
outerspace_zSoilworker what can i do now?01:10
MichaaelI've been googling for a while but I can't find any solution01:10
Michaaelsince I can't access anything01:10
zSoilworkerouterspace_: sudo aptitude install alsa-oss01:10
dpnoidMichaael, log in via the safe-mode session (click the sessions button when you login)01:10
Fath[0]mk thanks01:10
NetTrollerevening :)01:11
xikarrousxokay... gots no help in #kubuntu channel, and need more help than wiki can offer01:11
NetTrollerwhich is better  ....Konversation or Xchat ?01:11
xikarrousxwireless card wg311v3 is being a pain in my ass!01:11
phoenix5002can anyone offer me some help with fixing hibernate OR suspend on my system, either one will do.  They are both broken, when I do either one it goes to a black screen and freezes.  I have a sony VAIO laptop with a "RADEON IGP 345M" video card.01:11
astro76!best | NetTroller01:11
ubottuNetTroller: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:11
xikarrousxit shows up as an installed driver when i "sudo ndiswrapper -l"01:11
outerspace_zSoilworker ok,done01:11
dpnoidAstro, I prefer /ignore NetTroller myself :p01:12
NetTrollerthanks astro7601:12
bazhangbest to ask in #ubuntu-bots NetTroller01:12
zSoilworkerouterspace_: sudo gedit /etc/firefox/firefoxrc01:12
Pelosigh ....01:12
Pelohow long is a mobo battery suppose to last ?01:12
xikarrousxbut i cant get any wireless ext when i "iwconfig"01:12
zSoilworkerouterspace_: FIREFOX_DSP="none" to FIREFOX_DSP="aoss"01:12
NetTrollerwill do bazhang01:12
bazhangPelo, several years at least01:12
linuxiscool277netTroller: Xchat FTW01:12
Pelobazhang, I know that much ,  but 4 years seems on the short side01:12
xikarrousxany ideas? or help?01:12
NetTrollerI've always used Konversation..just did a fresh install here and got to wondering about xchat...if its good for ircop scripting01:13
zSoilworkerPelo: Quite short.01:13
bazhangPelo, indeed it does; perhaps a flawed one01:13
NetTrollerI'll talk to the bot :)01:13
Pelobazhang, flawed mobo more likely01:13
Michaaeldpnoid: thanks a lot01:13
linuxiscool277i just started using xchat a few weeks ago and i love it01:13
zSoilworkerPelo: asrock!01:13
bazhangPelo, aye, or that is possible01:13
PelozSoilworker, what ?01:13
bazhangdpnoid, please dont01:13
zSoilworkerPelo: Nothing, a geekjoke01:13
dpnoidbazhang, sorry, multiple typos01:14
McRibHow would I go about manually installing the MPlayer plugin for Firefox?  It's the only one that plays streaming video that I've been able to find...01:14
* Pelo is a geek , but he doesn'T get the joke01:14
NetTrollerwell...may as will add it and compare myself then..thanks01:14
outerspace_zSoilworker there is empty file01:14
zSoilworkerouterspace_: doublecheck01:14
PeloMcRib, sudo apt-get install mplayer-mozilla , or mozilla-mplayer,  I can never remember01:14
xriMcRib: why manually install when there is a package for it?01:15
bazhangxikarrousx, what chipset? broadcom or other01:15
PeloMcRib, you'll probably need to remove  totem-mozilla , or mozilla-totem ,  same reason01:15
McRibPelo: That's not manual01:15
McRibThe reason I need to install it manually is because the Hardy package depends on FF3... I don't and won't use Firefox 3 and the plugin works fine in Firefox 2.01:16
PeloMcRib, what do you manual then ? compile from source ?01:16
[1]PopcornedI need some help on accessing Ubuntu server from Vista where Ubuntu is in Virtualbox01:16
* dpnoid can't understand why anyone would willing use ff2 over ff301:16
PeloMcRib, packages.ubuntu.com ,  you can dl the gutsy package01:16
bazhangMcRib, best to get swiftfox or weasel (forgot the name) as that works well together with ff3 and ff2 plugins01:17
zSoilworkeri cant understand why anyone uses firefox01:17
ubuntudpnoid, ff3 is beta still01:17
WaffleI am trying to install Java 6.6 JDK on Gutsy and I get the error message "/bin/sh is needed by sun-javadb-core-10.3.1-4.1.i386"... full error at http://paste.ubuntu.com/12163/01:17
McRibPelo: Ah... I'll look at that.01:17
linuxiscool277read paste.ubuntu.com/12162/plain/01:17
wsuThomasdoes 8.04 support dual monters01:17
dpnoidubuntu, and also is standard in 8.0401:17
bazhangwsuThomas, yes01:17
PelowsuThomas, of course01:17
McRibbazhang: We've already had that talk... and it's not an issue of plugins working or not with FF3.01:17
dpnoidubuntu, to say nothing of the sane memory usage01:17
Pelo!dualhead | wsuThomas01:17
ubottuwsuThomas: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama01:17
NetTrollervery different01:17
wsuThomaswhere are the setting for dual monitors01:18
bazhangMcRib, not that I saw; good luck with that01:18
NithWaffle: why are you installing from an rpm instead of from the repos?01:18
ubuntudpnoid, I personally think that releasing firefox 3 beta instead of firefox 2, and releasing a mid-lifecycle update to firefox 3 if it goes stable is a very foolish decision.01:18
wsuThomasthanks ubottu01:18
WaffleNith, in the repos for Gutsy it only has 6.3, I was trying to get the latest01:18
WaffleNith, Latest being 6.601:18
=== ubuntu is now known as aarcane
=== [1]Popcorned is now known as Popcorned
Odd-rationaleDo you have to be registered to receive an invitation to a channel?01:19
McRibbazhang: No, I meant a few days ago you told me to just switch to Swiftfox :)01:19
aarcanegrr, dumb default xchat changed my nick :-S01:19
Michaaeldpnoid: it might be a strange question, but now when I want to login to a normal session, do I use the "Gnome" session ? Or that want with "Launch X-Script [..]" ?01:19
NithWaffle: then why not use sun's bin installer?01:19
WaffleNith, thought Ubuntu used RPMs well?01:20
linuxiscool277Michaael: do you mean terminal session01:20
bazhangWaffle, not at all01:20
linuxiscool277no it cant convert RPMs to DEB01:20
Michaaellinuxiscool277: no..01:20
NithWaffle: not without a few hacks01:20
ironfootis there someone who cqn help me fix a print-server  and printer HP 4L jet01:20
dpnoidMichaael, gnome session01:21
Michaaelthanks again :)01:21
NithWaffle: when you install java from a repo, it's running the bin, so you'll probably have better luck with it01:21
cyntekQuestion! Is there a SRS Sand Box alternative for Ubuntu linux?01:21
outerspace_<zSoilworker> i only have firefox-3.001:21
WaffleNith, alright, Ill check out the bin and see if i can't use it instead01:21
WaffleNith, Thanks01:21
bazhang!repeat | linuxiscool27701:21
ubottulinuxiscool277: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:21
leowhere can i download upslash themes?01:22
Ahadielleo, http://gnome-look.org01:22
bazhang!usplash | leo01:22
ubottuleo: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork01:22
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:22
linuxiscool277but seriously does anybody have an idea why?01:22
McRibDoesn't packages.ubuntu.com allow you to download a .deb file?  I don't see it anywhere on the package page.01:22
bazhanglinuxiscool277, what is the issue01:22
linuxiscool277the issue in the pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/12162/plain/01:23
outerspace_zSoilworker i have only firefox-3.0 and there is no firefoxrc01:23
bazhanglinuxiscool277, please describe briefly here01:23
outerspace_zSoilworker inside01:23
McRibnevermind lol01:23
JakeMo1can someone give me an example rsync command to sync files from an ftp server to my local computer?01:23
bazhangJakeMo1, have you read the instructions?01:24
cyntekQuestion! Is there a SRS Sand Box alternative for Ubuntu linux?01:24
Baltazaarnever mind... found it01:24
Megaqwerty !ltsp01:24
ubottuLTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project01:24
JakeMo1bazhang: yes of course01:24
bazhangJakeMo1, what have you tried and what errors have you gotten01:25
Choicefresh/me thinks your client is broken01:25
cyntekbazhang: Question! Is there a SRS Sand Box alternative for Ubuntu linux?01:25
bazhangcyntek, what is srs sandbox01:25
linuxiscool277today i went to boot into ubuntu then it had a progess bar like it always does but then when it booted it did not display the desktop, it just showed a cursor then quickly flashed to a black screen and just hangs there01:25
bazhanglinuxiscool277, sounds like a driver issue; try booting in recovery mode and fixing it01:26
linuxiscool277driver issue with my monitor?01:26
bazhanglinuxiscool277, what vid card, driver and how installed01:27
linuxiscool277i already tried "fix x server" it didn't fix it01:27
JakeMo1bazhang: i tried.... rsync -avre '/usr/bin/ftp -nv' user@host:/dir /mydir... and i get a protocol error01:27
bazhangJakeMo1, you wanting to do incremental backups periodically or other01:27
cyntekbazhang: It's an surround sound application for Superior Sound Qaulity.01:28
linuxiscool277i have the same intel extreme graphics card that came with my pc, like i said everything was working fine a few days ago01:28
clintchanceCan someone help me diagnose why my installed wifi driver dont work besides telling me i didint install it01:28
bazhangcyntek, is it in the hcl?01:28
linuxiscool277clintchance: did you try the WLAN DriverLoader?01:28
FritzelzSoilworker: I'm installing now, and I'm formatting along the way except for my home directory, is there anything in my home directory sound related that I should remove afterwards to clear all sound settings (except for .asoundrc due to my microphone being USB)01:28
geeklifeis anyone available for a baseline ubuntu question01:29
clintchancelinuxiscool277, what do i do01:29
denisbrHello All01:29
bazhang!ask | geeklife01:29
ubottugeeklife: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:29
bazhang!hcl | cyntek01:29
ubottucyntek: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection01:29
geeklifeRunning Gutsy on an HP tx1000.  Cant seem to get it to see my flash drive01:29
JakeMo1bazhang: i jjust need to sync them over this one time. i don't need to do it after this again01:30
geeklifeLED is on01:30
bazhangJakeMo1, why that then instead of something like simple ftp01:30
denisbr I have a question ... I have installed the Ubuntu 7.10 with English and Portuguese languages support ... Can I configure any file for when I entry in the system using Console (with startx command) the system open in the idiom choiced by user ?01:30
linuxiscool277clintchance: what chipset is your WLAN card? do you know?01:30
clintchancehold on il get it01:31
JakeMo1bazhang: because ftp can't download stuff recursively and if i get disconnected it will start all over again... i just need to rsync this once with rsync, is it possible?01:31
cyntekit's not a hardware it's software.01:32
clintchanceall i know is hat its a popular problem01:32
Gnine10% cpu usage on idle is not acceptable01:32
linuxiscool277Gnine: that happened to me with Vista01:33
MilkmanDanJakeMo1: rsync doesn't do ftp, last I checked.01:33
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync and http://justinsomnia.org/2007/02/how-to-regularly-backup-windows-xp-to-ubuntu-using-rsync/ JakeMo101:33
sarthorHi, i tried a lot with the help of google to install my creative vista webcam, but no success, my error is there, and i followed the tutorial here http://www.rastageeks.org/ov51x-jpeg/index.php/Ov51xJpegHackedInstall any help please01:33
Gninei dont use vista01:33
McRibHow do I manually change a packages dependencies?01:34
clintchancelinuxiscool277 its an acer aspire 5100 it has default hardware if you can find it01:34
geeklifeany ideas on mounting a USB flash drive01:34
linuxiscool277clintchance: try madwifi.org for drivers, can you get a wired connection through your laptop?01:34
tininDoes anybody know how to listen to *.3gp video files from cellphones? I can se the video, but I get no sound01:34
kujaHm.. how come my backspace acts like a delete key in nano under Ubuntu.01:34
clintchancelinuxiscool277 im on a wiredconnection on the laptop now01:34
kujaDoesn't appear to do that on other distros (over ssh)01:34
clintchancelinuxiscool277 madwifi said it dont support it though01:35
linuxiscool277doesn't support what?01:35
i_own_the_circlewhat is persistence programming language ?01:36
sarthorHi, i tried a lot with the help of google to install my creative vista webcam, but no success, my error is there, and i followed the tutorial here http://www.rastageeks.org/ov51x-jpeg/index.php/Ov51xJpegHackedInstall any help please01:37
linuxiscool277clintchance: madwifi drivers shiould definetly work with atheros chipsets, can you show me the url that says it doesn't support it?01:37
clintchanceit says it in the readme01:38
blackvdmy sound system crashes fairly often and I'm wondering if there is anyway to restart it without having to restart x every time?01:38
cygokuJack_Sparrow, still there ??01:38
jepleri_own_the_circle: maybe you mean http://blogs.sun.com/JPQL01/ Java Persistence Query Language?01:38
clintchancelinuxiscool277, how can i tell if ive installed madwifi01:38
hmich176Hi, I'm looking for some help on my recent upgrade to 8.04 on my laptop01:38
linuxiscool277clintchance: did you?01:39
dpnoidclintchance, the atheros support in 8.04 is madwifi01:39
clintchancei dont know01:39
clintchancedpnoid, are you talking about ubuntu 8.04?01:39
linuxiscool277it should be in hardware drivers under admin menu01:39
kduboisubotu, where are you!?01:39
clintchancelinuxiscool277 i dont know i did make install in the root directory of it01:39
dpnoidkdubois, ubottu (tab is your friend)01:40
hmich176I'm having problem with my sound.  It works, but it's very garbled and the buttons on the laptop do not change the volume of the sound like it should01:40
linuxiscool277its ubottu01:40
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)01:40
komporapican some body help me??01:40
clintchanceis there an instller for madwifi?01:40
dpnoidclintchance, that's... too bad01:40
ConstyXIVwhy ubottu?  what was wrong with ubotu?01:40
hmich176any one can help me?01:40
Nasrahi and I have question :  Can any1 tell me how to get the drivers for my network brothers' printer to work with Ubuntu?01:40
dpnoidclintchance, run lspci|grep -i net01:41
linuxiscool277why dont you just use synaptics package manager and do a search for madwifi01:41
komporapiwhats the diferences ubuntu on dvd and cd??01:41
McRibHave the US repos been fixed yet?01:41
dpnoidlinuxiscool277, (there's no madwifi package, it's included in the restricted kernel modules)01:41
linuxiscool277the dvd live cd runs faster01:41
clintchance02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. Unknown device 001c (rev 01)01:41
clintchance04:01.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)01:41
McRibkomporapi: The DVD just has more packages01:41
tininanyone is able to hear to *.3gp videos?01:41
=== [2]Popcorned is now known as Popcorned
dpnoidclintchance, is that a very new machine?01:41
clintchancenot in anyway01:42
clintchanceits about 1 year old01:42
chuy_maxkomporapi, more packages available in the dvd?01:42
dpnoidclintchance, are you running 8.04 or 7.10?01:42
linuxiscool277anyways, did anybody figure out my issue yet?01:42
hmich176Hi, is there anyone who can help me?01:42
clintchancedpnoid, 7.0401:42
dpnoidclintchance, well, I probably can't help you then :p01:43
linuxiscool277how do you set an away message in Xchat?01:43
dpnoidclintchance, you might have better luck if you either reinstall -> 8.04, or upgrade to 7.10 and then to 8.0401:43
Starnestommylinuxiscool277: /away01:43
clintchancecan i upgrade from here or do i got to download a live cd01:43
komporapidpnoid....please PM me im not a registered user i cant pm anybody..help me more01:43
dpnoidlinuxiscool277, prefs | chatting | general01:43
linuxiscool277you type away then a message?01:44
Starnestommylinuxiscool277: yes01:44
linuxiscool277nvr mnd01:44
dpnoidclintchance, if you don't mind reinstalling, then just download the 8.04 livecd and install from that;  otherwise, the upgrade-manager should be able to handle upgrading you to 7.10, and then to 8.04 after that01:44
clintchanceil use the upgrade manager01:45
komporapiplease pm me01:45
dpnoidclintchance, still no guarentee it'll work, but at least you'll have a better chance of getting good help01:45
clintchanceubuntu know i was upgrading01:45
dpnoidkomporapi, um, no?01:45
=== dillon is now known as anethum_a
clintchancelast time i went to upgrade it upgraded packages01:45
clintchancenow i open it and it tells me to upgrade to 7.1001:46
dpnoidkomporapi, ask you're question, there's a thousand people here who can potentially answer01:46
dpnoidclintchance, yes, do it01:46
hmich176Can anyone help me with the sound problem I have with 8.04?01:46
komporapiin the http://cdimage.ubuntu.com i got alot of dvd of 8.04 wheres the best...i meant theres alot of option01:47
* linuxiscool277 is away: I'm busy01:47
bazhang!away > linuxiscool27701:47
endeavormaci insert my ubuntu server disk, start up the machine, and without pressing anything it immediately goes to language install and then stalls there01:47
komporapiin the http://cdimage.ubuntu.com i got alot of dvd of 8.04 wheres the best...i meant theres alot of option01:47
dpnoidkomporapi, just use the normal live cd linked from ubuntu.com unless you've got reason to use something else01:48
dpnoidkomporapi, if you have to ask, then you don't want the dvd :p01:48
hmich176dpnoid, perhaps you might be able to help me?01:48
komporapiive the live cd from ubuntu.com... iwanna the dvd01:48
anethum_ais there any way i can share folders on my computer with my PS3?01:49
bazhangkomporapi, then download it.01:49
dpnoidsee, this is why I don't come here for help, because I end up answering questions for 4 hours after :)01:49
dpnoidhmich176, yep?01:49
dpnoidkomporapi, _why_?01:49
sudobashthe ps3 can run ubuntu01:49
sudobasho saw last night01:49
hmich176I'm running 8.04...just upgraded from 7.10 a few days ago, and when I made the upgrade, my sound went "nuts"01:49
bazhang!sound | hmich17601:50
komporapicause i will back to village and theres no internet conection so i tink the dvd got alot of driver01:50
ubottuhmich176: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:50
komporapi cause i will back to village and theres no internet conection so i tink the dvd got alot of driver01:50
bazhang!uck | komporapi01:50
ubottukomporapi: UCK is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/01:50
hmich176okay I'll try that01:50
Starnestommykomporapi: I think the dvds have the same drivers01:50
sudobashplus this is ubuntu support not ps301:50
bazhangkomporapi, no more extra drivers01:50
apoll1is it possible to install the 386 version of ubuntu and upgrade from within the system to amd64?01:50
hmich176One thing I noticed is that the sound buttons on my laptop are responsive, but they don't change the volume01:50
dpnoidapoll1, not really afaik01:50
bazhangapoll1, nay01:50
dpnoid!sound | hmich176 (is the thing you need for that iirc)01:51
ubottuhmich176 (is the thing you need for that iirc): If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:51
apoll1yeah i doubted it would be, but the amd64 cd didn't really work when i tried booting into it01:51
komporapithe dvd not contain restricted driver??01:51
sudobashyou must install the specific architecture clean01:51
bazhangkomporapi, nay01:51
Starnestommykomporapi: they don't01:51
tj83has anyone had problems with speedstepping for core2 duo with clean install of 8.04? always full cpu speed... checked scaling_govornors and gives performance... when changed to ondemand, and reboot is back to performance again.01:51
bazhangkomporapi, see uck01:51
ubottuUCK is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/01:52
* linuxiscool277 is back (gone 00:05:42)01:52
bazhanglinuxiscool277, remove the noisy away messages, thanks01:53
komporapiis theres no ubuntu dvd that contain alot of driver??01:53
linuxiscool277noisy away messages?01:53
bazhang!away > linuxiscool277 read the PM from the bot01:53
ubottuYou should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»01:53
linuxiscool277oh okay01:54
bazhangkomporapi, no there is not01:54
komporapiok thanks all for help:)01:54
slackpipehow do i switch totem from gstreamer to xine?01:54
Starnestommylinuxiscool277: you may need to run "/set away_show_message off" to avoid sending those messages to the channel01:55
tj83Perhaps someone could direct me to a channel where i can seek help for speed stepping for core 2 duo in Ubuntu 8.04?01:55
AbFaBim having an issue with an fx5200, and im looking for some help01:55
arbirplease help me with my start menu..  :-(01:55
linuxiscool277any linux nerd please help: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12162/01:55
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:56
horatiokomprapi what is "pm me"01:56
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.01:56
hmich176okay so that helped in one aspect01:56
hmich176Because now the sound quality is better01:56
horatioThanks, but I am trying to undestand what "PM Me" means01:57
Starnestommyhoratio: it means "privately message me"01:57
horatioThanks Star*01:57
arbiri removed rhythmbox and installed Listen media player , and then, when i did not like listen media player, i removed that and got back rhythmbox and now, in my start menu i still see the listen media player icon and not the rhythmbox icon.. i have done all the tricks available like killall -gnomepanel and also rebooted01:57
linuxiscool277pm stands for private message, a message only sent to one person privately without the whole channel knowing01:58
adubwhere is the trash can directory located01:58
arbiradub see a .trash in ur home directory01:58
adubi cant delete files via empty have to log in as admin01:58
jribadub: what version of ubuntu?01:58
bazhang!trash | adub01:58
ubottuadub: The location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash01:58
reya276I think my machine has been compromised01:58
arbirhi bazhang01:58
arbirbazhang, please help me... i am really stuck01:58
linuxiscool277ubuntu linux is based on UNIX; its pretty secure and usually doesn't get viruses01:59
bazhanglinuxiscool277, not quite, but close enough01:59
tj83<------ is trying to resolve brothers speedstepping with core 2 duo after new Ubuntu 8.04 always at maximum speed. I personally have AMD and mine work immediately. Have checked scaling_govornor and gives performance... when edited to ondemand, reboot and gives performance again.. Is there a specific driver that should be used? speedstep-centrino? We tried acpi-cpufreq and still no change.01:59
Wannabei've never had problems with sercruity on linux01:59
sudobashits based on Debian Linux01:59
arbirbazhang: :-(... i dont want to reinstall Ubuntu.. please help me02:00
sudobashnot unix02:00
martin_Hi, I have a question about twin view: Do the screen need to be the same res,  because im using a widescreen 16:10 LCD and a 4:3 crt02:00
bazhangarbir, try right click removing the icon02:00
sudobashdoesnt have to be at same res02:00
linuxiscool277but is an antivirus/firewall really necesary on linux02:00
arbirbazhang: why is this happening to me :-(02:00
hmich176dpnoid, that helped my sound quality, but the problem that remains is that my volume control on my laptop doesn't work still02:00
hmich176And I'm not sure what to do to fix that02:01
reya276Wannabe:  ok how do you explain some unknown IP address on port 22 ( coming from Carolina Internet CARO-NET-ARIN-2 (NET-76-76-0-0-1)02:01
arbirbazhang: now, Rhythmbox also does not open automatically when i connect my ipod02:01
sudobashi use linux and windows and i would still protect both behind an OpenBSD router02:01
sudobashwhich is built like UNIX02:01
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:01
reya276yet I live in florida comcast being my ISP and I have all ports closed02:01
linuxiscool277arbir: apt-get gtkpod02:01
Wannabereya276, how are you getting this?02:01
reya276through my router logs02:02
arbirbazhang: i did mess up once yesterday... i deleted the .config file in my home directory, is that severe ?02:02
martin_sudobash, I was wondering because i saw in a tutorial that you need to input the modes in the screen section of the total area02:02
sudobashwhat kind of router02:02
Ahadielreya276, My guess is someone is port scanning and trying to bruteforce your SSH.02:02
reya276and I used the network tools to get the location02:02
sudobashreya try to scan your network with nmap02:02
Wannabereya276, that could be anything, but i don't think they could really do damage on connecting like that02:02
reya276how can I close this02:03
sudobashthat will tell you if your ports are closed or not02:03
sarthorHi, i tried a lot with the help of google to install my creative vista webcam, but no success, my error is there, and i followed the tutorial here http://www.rastageeks.org/ov51x-jpeg/index.php/Ov51xJpegHackedInstall any help please02:03
linuxiscool277http://paste.ubuntu.com/12162/     please someone help02:03
reya276I don't want anyone getting inside my PC02:03
Starnestommyreya276: are you running an ssh server?02:03
WannabeDoes anyone know how to use pidgin and Jabber?02:03
reya276yes, I did the updates and all02:03
sudobashhow many reconnects?02:04
reya276should I remove the openssh server02:04
sudobashhow many connects from this one IP?02:04
Starnestommyreya276: sudo apt-get remove openssh-server02:04
reya276just one and is constant and I think they are connected02:04
MattJWannabe: What are you trying to do?02:04
Starnestommyreya276: run "who" and "w" and see if any unfamiliar users are logged on02:05
linuxiscool277I NEED HELP BADLY IS SOMEBODY THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!02:05
WannabeMattJ, i want to use ym jabber account on pidgin02:05
MattJWannabe: Go the the accounts editor, and add and XMPP account02:05
reya276Starnestommy: it says 2 users02:06
bazhang!helpme | linuxiscool27702:06
ubottulinuxiscool277: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience02:06
Wannabeok i've done that, but ti wont work lol02:06
Starnestommyreya276: any that aren't you?02:06
Starnestommyreya276: then nobody's connecting through ssh02:07
bazhanglinuxiscool277, if someone knows they will answer please be patient02:07
reya276why are those IP address constant02:07
kelvin911anyone know how to install photoshop cs3 in wine?02:07
kelvin911i receive error saying i need xp sp2 or later02:07
Wannabekelvin911,  open terminal and type winecfg02:07
sudobashreya ps aux and kill the ssh server02:07
sudobashactually before that press w02:07
linuxiscool277reya276: try using  a dynamic ip address: go to firefox and type
=== doncarton is now known as Pic1
arbirhi sudobash02:08
dpnoidkelvin911, afaik, cs3 is still fairly broken under wine;  cs2 currently works best by a huge margin02:08
mixedanyone knows about the recent updates?  I'm getting prompted about "SSL-CERT", is it safe to update it ????02:08
arbirmixed its fine02:08
dpnoidmixed, do you use ssh?02:08
bazhangmixed, yes02:08
mixeddpnoid, no i do not use ssh02:08
kelvin911i forgot to change wine to xp wait02:08
WannabeDoes anyone know how to use pidgin and Jabber?02:08
arbirbazhang: my rhythmbox does not star automatically when i plug in my ipod...02:08
=== ddgoose is now known as ddgoose-AFK
dpnoidmixed, then read the part where it says 'if you don't know what this is, then just click yes' :p02:09
bazhang!away > ddgoose-AFK02:09
reya276linuxiscool277: nothing is happening02:09
linuxiscool277you said you had a router right?02:09
mixeddpnoid, which brings my next question, how do you know whether the updates are legit or not?  I just blindly click on "yes"02:09
Pic1anyone know, how to install mozilla-plugin-vlc for firefox-2, because this plugin only works for me in firefox 302:09
sudobashactually if an exploit was successful or the attacker was using root you would see root logged in when you typew02:09
tj83any known issues with core2 duo speedstepping with 8.04?02:09
dpnoidlinuxiscool277, hit escape when grub comes up, and remove splash and quiet from the line, the output will give you a better idea what's going on02:09
Pic1but firefox-3 crashes very often02:09
reya276linuxiscool277: reason why is because I keep my router on another local IP02:10
dpnoidmixed, as long as you don't go adding arbitary repositories by hand, every update is legit02:10
WannabeDoes anyone know how to use pidgin and Jabber?02:10
sudobashreya are these attempts still happening now?02:10
=== LeGreffi3R_ is now known as LeGreffi3R
linuxiscool277good idea dpnoid02:10
jerbeari've got some updates to my ssh server from the proposed repo, and now it doesn't recognize my public keys... what's going on?02:10
sudobashcome on pidgin is super easy02:10
StarnestommyWannabe: Add a new XMPP account with your screenname and use the server's address as the domain02:10
reya276but the comcast router page should have come up, so in a sense I have two, the main comcast router and my lynksys router02:10
urlwolfanyone running emacs-snapshot?02:11
linuxiscool277you mean the comcast modem02:11
dpnoidjerbear, reading the prompts is a good idea before clicking on things;  is it saying that you have an unrecognized host key, or what?02:11
mixeddpnoid, that's the problem, for some software you have to add some repos and then I get a message about making sure the sources are trusted, how do know know if they're trusted or not?02:11
DefineKThynei'm having trouble mounting a partition in Hardy that i could mount in Gutsy. it said something about the mount point, any ideas?02:11
sudobashman my comcast MODEM is an ARRIS and it doesnt have a config page or act like a router02:11
dpnoidmixed, they're trusted if you trust them (really, that's all it means)02:11
reya276sudobash: don't know  that is what I'm trying to find out02:11
WannabeStarnestommy, i did that, and no luck02:11
sudobashit has a status page and thats it02:11
jerbeardpnoid: no, i fixed that problem. it will let me login, just not using my public key02:11
sudobashit probably doesnt have a config if it is comcast02:12
sudobashor act like a router either02:12
StarnestommyWannabe: what happened?02:12
WannabeStarnestommy, brb02:12
dirtyhandwhat happens when you run ./configure ?02:12
sudobashchanes are it is a regular broadband cable modem02:12
mixeddpnoid, ok well that means im going to have to come in the room every time i add a repo then, thanks for the 41102:12
sudobashplus the router/modems suck02:12
porpoiseMy system froze in the middle of gparted and I had to reboot! Is there something I should do to minimize the damage?02:12
dpnoidmixed, better to just not get in the habit :p02:12
WannabeStarnestommy,  i get Not authroizesd02:12
mixeddpnoid, it's too late!  it's addictive anyway02:13
StarnestommyWannabe: did you specify the right screenname and password?02:13
sudobashporpoise make sure your jumpers are set right02:13
sudobashthat will cause that every time02:13
dpnoidjerbear, there was a fairly serious bug in the code debian's ssh used to generate keys, such that any key matching a blacklist needs to be replaced02:13
WannabeStarnestommy,  i belive so02:13
sudobashunlplus drives your not working with also02:13
sudobashand retry02:13
porpoisesudobash: i don't think that's it - i've used gparted successfully. But this time I got bored and tried to listen to some mp3's and probably something in the multiverse drivers buggered it up02:13
StarnestommyWannabe: are you using the part of your JID before the @ sign as the screenname?02:13
jerbeardpnoid: ok.. any suggestions?02:13
porpoisebut now that it has happened, i'm wondering what i should do to minimize the damage02:14
sudobashyeah gparted needs to have full cpu attention02:14
sudobashdont try to multitask with it02:14
sudobashwell was there data lost?02:14
WannabeStarnestommy, Screenname: wannabe Domain: jabber.org Resource: Home02:14
kelvin911running gparted with other program is a nice idea to screw up the file system02:14
dpnoidjerbear, regenerate any public keys, clear out any authorized_keys files, and re-add the new keys02:14
MattJWannabe: Did you register the account just now?02:15
porpoisesudobash: i don't know. I can mount it and access most of my files, but gparted considers the partition unreadable02:15
sudobashgparted is a small linux meant for one thing only02:15
WannabeMember for02:15
Wannabe    5 weeks 2 days02:15
ShpookI need to boot into a windows machine with a crashed hdd and recover some data, what would be the best way? PXE boot or boot from an external hdd?02:15
WannabeMattJ, sorry for the bad paste job, the answer is no02:15
MattJWannabe: That is on the website, it says on the registration page that it is not for the IM service02:15
sudobashSHpook boot up another hd and slave your recovery one and use GETDATABACK02:15
ringeri have AWN and i want to add more applets to it. how do i?  i found a guide on wiki.awn-project.org/ but it is unhelpful02:15
sudobashand dont right to the disk02:16
peanut3rshpook: mount from a live cd and store to usb flashdrive?02:16
WannabeMattJ, i've sued thison IM tho... :(02:16
MattJWannabe: Sorry about that confusion, you aren't the only one who got confused02:16
MattJWannabe: Come to ##jabber02:16
WannabeMattJ used this on * sorry bad typing02:16
geeklifewhen I plug my flash drive in it doesnt mount02:16
martin_sudobash, I was wondering because i saw in a tutorial that you need to input the modes in the screen section of the total area02:16
Shpooksudobash: This is on a laptop, so I won't actually be able to set it to slave.02:16
sudobashactually ubuntu livecd the newest one will let you mount ntfs and recover02:16
sudobashassuming your disk will read02:16
geeklifedmesg references USBCORE02:16
Shpookpeanut3r: I tried, but all 3 Ubuntu cd's I burned won't boot on the laptop.02:17
WannabeMattJ, how i get there?02:17
peanut3rshpook: might i suggest backtrack02:17
sudobashhave you changed the bios?02:17
sudobashto boot from cd?02:17
MattJWannabe: Write here: /join ##jabber02:17
sudobashor maybe there is a boot menu02:17
kelvin911Shpook: maybe u need to modify the boot sequence in cmos02:17
Shpookpeanut3r: backtrack?02:17
ringeri have AWN and i want to add more applets to it. how do i?  i found a guide on wiki.awn-project.org/ but it is unhelpful02:17
ian_liu88Hey, I have 2 partitions on my HD and they aren't mounted automatically... My musics are there an I must always mount then to listen music. How do I turn automatic mount?02:18
Shpookkelvin911: It boots into the initial install screen, but never gets to the livecd desktop.02:18
peanut3rsecurity based live cd which comes with some limited forensic tools you might find handy02:18
i_own_the_circlewhat is dynamic binding ?02:18
sudobashall 3 cds probably are fine you need to boot from one unless you tried burning a bad image 3 times02:18
Shpookpeanut3r: It's called backtrack? I'm gonna have to check that out.02:18
Gwildortoshiba tecra 8200, tirdent cyberblade gfx:::::: im stuck at 800x600 on a native 1024x768 lcd, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doest offer any video config, only keyboard.... any help??02:18
* peanut3r nods02:18
sudobashBacktrak 2 and 3 are nice02:19
Shpooksudobash: I tried 3 different downloads, all with a verified md5.02:19
ian_liu88How do I mount my other partitions automatically on Hardy?02:19
sudobashi have used ubuntu to recovery files also02:19
kelvin911Shpook: try other iso02:19
sudobashShpook well have you been prompted to press a key for a boot menu at all?02:19
ubottuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter02:19
JDStoneubuntu doesn't have ffmpeg compiled with mp3 support by default, does it?02:19
kelvin911Shpook: then how did u install ubuntu before?02:20
ShpookI was starting to setup dhcp for PXE, but I realized I might be getting in over my head.02:20
Pic1ian_liu88 you will need to edit /etc/fstab02:20
ian_liu88JDStone: no, but it makes pretty straight forward to install it02:20
Shpooksudobash: Yes02:20
sudobashshpook how much ram and what cpu?02:20
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:20
ringerhow do i add applets to avant window manager02:20
Shpookkelvin911: with the same cd02:20
JDStoneian_liu88: how would I go about doing that?02:20
JDStonegetting mp3 support in ffmpeg02:20
kelvin911Shpook: u can boot that CD before?02:20
DefineKThyneI just upgraded to Hardy from Gutsy and noticed that the window title bars are massive compared to Gutsy, is there some way i can make them thinner without changing my resolution?02:20
kelvin911Shpook: but not now?02:20
Shpooksudobash: on the one with the bad hdd? 1gig and i think it's a turion02:20
ian_liu88JDStone: Try running an MP3 file, he will ask for you to install a codec02:21
sudobashthe one you are trying to boot up on has 1 gig?02:21
JDStoneoh, cool, thanks02:21
Shpookkelvin911: I booted it on my computer, but never on the laptop02:21
sudobashcheck your ram bro02:21
JDStoneno, but I specifically need ffmpeg with mp3 support complied in02:21
sudobashuse the cd ram checker02:21
Shpooksudobash: I ran that also, a couple days ago02:22
ringeri need help adding the trash can to Avant Window Manager02:22
ShpookI am using cheap cd's though, I bought some higher end memorex that I'm going to try02:22
Gwildorthnx for the bot reference ian_liu8802:22
cyntekmemorex sux02:23
ian_liu88How should I edit fstab?02:23
frikipedista4719hey, someone knows how to install video cards on ubuntu?02:23
ShpookOkay, so I'm going to try backtrack, and also install ubuntu onto my external hdd02:23
phiqtioni uninstalled WINE but it's still in applications, how do i COMPLETELY remove it and the menu item?02:23
Shpookonce I get the information off of this hdd, I can install the new one and give m wife her computer back :-)02:24
kelvin911memorex is bad02:24
Makuseruhi, i seem to be having a problem with some video playback. its a .avi file, VLC will play it, but its EXTREMLY choppy, so i tried to use Mplayer, but the video codec i usually use with it (the one thats the fastest, XV) wont work, it says "Error opening/initilizing selected video out," how can i get this codec to work?02:24
Starnestommyphiqtion: manually remove the menus using System > Preferences > Main Menu02:24
kelvin911use verbatim or TDK02:25
phiqtionStarnestommy: thx02:25
pac1is the core2 sensors module still separate from the ubuntu kernels?02:25
ShpookTDK is what I was using02:25
ZaidenA solution to an issue with a game requires me to install esound, but when I rebooted after installing it, ubuntu would always freeze up if I tried to start anything, forcing me to reinstall hardy. Anyone know how to fix this?02:25
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phiqtionStarnestommy: i cant delete the menu entry, only its contents02:25
kelvin911ringer add deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/awn-testing/ubuntu hardy main02:25
kelvin911deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/awn-testing/ubuntu hardy main02:25
Steve-calWhy is it "sudo <cmd>" shows both stdout and stderr to the terminal, whereas "gksudo <cmd>" only shows stdout?02:26
JDStoneian_liu88: mp3's play just fine02:26
JDStonebut I need ffmpeg with mp3 support02:26
kelvin911ringer: then sudo apt-get install awn-manager-trunk awn-extras-applets-trunk02:26
JDStoneand it doesn't have that02:26
f0rmati can't use 8.04 because after a few days it just falls to pieces first the graphics drivers go wrong and  my screen resolution becomes huge then files seemingly go missing :/02:26
saelynhnuit ..02:27
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Starnestommyphiqtion: select the Applications menu in the left panel then right-click and select 'delete" on Wine's entry in the right panel02:28
ringerkelvin911: thank you. it is installing right now02:28
ringerkelvin911: ill let you know if it works or not02:28
phiqtionStarnestommy: no menu shows up after right clicking02:28
kelvin911phiqtion: dont remove the wine entry in main menu02:28
phiqtionkelvin911: why02:28
kelvin911phiqtion: just uncheck them02:28
kelvin911phiqtion: if u want to install wine later u need that02:29
cyluxhttp://img518.imageshack.us/my.php?image=200805021613351280x800sdm4.png <-- That screenshot features a desktop of somebody who modified their gnome pixmaps etc. How would I go about that?02:29
kelvin911phiqtion: i remove those entry in main menu and i never got it back even i reinstall wine02:29
ringerkelvin911: excellent, thanks so much!02:29
phiqtionkelvin911: i c, thx02:30
kelvin911phiqtion: i think it maybe wine bugs i ask all over the forum and #winehq, never got a solution02:30
ringerkelvin911: i have another question that hopefully you can help me with.  I have emerald theme manager installed, and themes imported, but they do not load.  i can see them in the emerald manager, but they will never apply to my system02:31
cyluxhttp://img518.imageshack.us/my.php?image=200805021613351280x800sdm4.png <-- That screenshot features a desktop of somebody who modified their gnome base files  etc. How would I go about that?02:31
kelvin911phiqtion: but i can always uses the terminal so it is fine02:31
kelvin911ringer: are you using hardy or gutsy?02:31
ringerkelvin911: hardy02:31
kelvin911ringer: goto ccsm, in windows decorator, in command type emerald --replace02:33
kelvin911ringer: then restart X02:33
Fath[0]mMy sound turns off after a while and I cant get it back on. Can anyone help me?02:34
ringerkelvin911: sorry, what is ccsm?02:34
kelvin911compiz manager thingy02:34
ian_liu88I am running `fdisk -l' to list my partitions, but it isnt printing anything.... Any tips???02:34
Starnestommyian_liu88: try sudo fdisk -l02:34
meanfishjust type sudo mount02:34
ian_liu88Starnestommy: Thanks ;)02:34
Vrathahello, i'm trying to run hostapd on my kubuntu install with an AR5212 chipset and the madwifi drivers02:34
airstrikedoes anyone know how to export a presentation from OpenOffice to a format that will display my custom fonts in any computer? (like .pps to open in powerpoint, perhaps)02:34
kelvin911ringer: System | Pref | Advance Desktop Effect Setting02:34
Vrathahowever, whenever i try to deny everyone except those that have a MAC address i trust, hostapd does not reject users with incorrect MACs02:35
ringerkelvin911: okay, i think i got it.  i will restart session now.  brb02:35
Vrathahas anyone had this problem with hostapd?02:35
airstrikenever used hostpad02:35
Vrathadang, np02:35
phiqtionanybody knows how can i integrate virtualbox in my gnome desktop? (i want the windows to be in the gnome taskbar and such)02:36
Pic1why the aptitude doesn't remove all packages that were installed with azureus, like openjdk-6-jre ..02:36
jerbearcan someone help me debug an issue with ssh?... i can paste the debug messages to a pastebin02:36
leo   02:36
Vletjerbear: we can try02:37
tocoamhow do you pronounce it, is it 'you-ben-too' or 'oo-boon-too'?02:37
partymetroidHello.  I have to reset my wireless everytime I restart Ubuntu.  How can I make the network manager remember my wireless information?02:37
Vlettocoam: oo-bun-too02:38
kelvin911ooooo boooon tooo02:38
lorenzo_hi, how do i listen to .rm files in hardy? I think i have downloaded all the proprietary plugins i could find, what am i missing?02:38
ckytocoam: You should watch one of the videos in the /usr/share/example-content directory. It has Nelson Mandela saying Ubuntu.02:38
jerbearVlet: http://pastebin.com/d2cd21aee02:38
ckyVlet: Yes, boon.02:38
kelvin911lorenzo_: mplayer02:38
Vlet!realplayer | lorenzo_02:38
ubottulorenzo_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:38
X_ohow I can format all partition I have on my hard drive made buy ubuntu02:39
tocoamVlet: 'bun' pronounced as in 'hot-cross bun'?02:39
lorenzo_Vlet, kelvin911, thanks!02:39
phiqtionanybody knows how can i integrate virtualbox in my gnome desktop? (i want the windows to be in the gnome taskbar and such)02:39
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ringerkelvin911: thanks a ton02:40
drivetraxvirtual box not a windows manager..02:40
ringerkelvin911: it worked perfectly02:40
ckytocoam: No, not like bun, more like boon.02:40
secleinteerphiqtion: can't be done02:40
secleinteerssssssssooo, has anyone tried running wubi in wine?02:40
kelvin911ringer: make sure u have add those 2 list in repos02:40
ckytocoam: "Look at /usr/share/example-content/Experience ubuntu.ogg"02:40
ringerkelvin911: i only added one thing in the repos02:41
tocoamcky: ok, for the last time, it should be 'oo boon too', right?02:41
phiqtionsecleinteer: someone once mentioned it could, why cant it be done?02:41
X_ohow I can format all partition I have on my hard drive made buy ubuntu ??02:41
ckytocoam: Yes.02:41
kelvin911deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/awn-testing/ubuntu hardy main02:41
kelvin911deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/awn-testing/ubuntu hardy main02:41
ckytocoam: Stress on the second syllable.02:41
jerbearVlet: any ideas?02:41
kelvin911ringer: make sure u add those two02:41
secleinteerphiqtion: because it would require integration with the window manager, and would tie it to a certain DE02:41
Vletjerbear: over my head.. you should post that link along with your question to the general room (not just to me) or seek out the ssh people (maybe #ssh exists?)02:41
Gwildordoes anyone know why dpgk-reconfigure xserver-xorg wouldnt list any video options?02:42
phitauhi, my 4GB flash drive won't pickup in ubuntu. it doesn't even show up in /dev02:42
r00723r0Where are Pidgin log files stored?02:42
Gwildorr00723r0:  check ~/.pidgin02:42
amenadowhose got Xen working? which version do you have running as I can not even create initrd.img with 2.6.16 .. i tried the livecd-xen and it didnt like my video either..02:42
r00723r0Gwildor, the directory does not exit.02:43
ringerkelvin911: okay, they are both added now02:43
kelvin911ringer: is your weather applet working?02:43
ringerkelvin911: ill check02:44
MachinTrucChoseI have a .sh script that has the following permissions: -rwxr-xr-x     . All the files it uses have r--   , with the exception of the executable which has r-x . Why isn't this enough to be able to run this program as non-root?02:44
wilrecarphitau: does your usb wxrk?02:44
kelvin911ringer: i think u need to upgrade it in order for it to work02:44
airstrikedoes anyone know how to export a presentation from OpenOffice to a format that will display my custom fonts in any computer? (like .pps to open in powerpoint, perhaps)02:44
kelvin911ringer: which theme u using?02:44
MachinTrucChoseairstrike: PDF02:44
phitauwilrecar: i just bought it at walmart. it shows up in "lsusb" as Bus 005 Device 007: ID 0781:5406 SanDisk Corp. Cruzer Micro 4GB Flash Drive02:44
tocoami am running debian. i have one partition in a backup drive. can i install ubuntu onto it?02:44
airstrikei want it interactive02:44
kelvin911ringer: find any good looking theme and icon set?02:44
argos__hello. can anyone tell me how to uninstall 'runit'. I'm unable of booting in ubuntu...02:44
MachinTrucChosein that case, no...but I think there's a way to embed the fonts in the presentation. Or is that in MS Office?02:45
MachinTrucChosegoogle "embed fonts open office"02:45
veenifiedCan anyone help me figure out how to play TS (Transport Stream  .ts ) videos in Ubuntu 8.04?02:45
ringerkelvin911: using Mire created by Breakage (found it on deviantart), and icon set Black-white 2 neon02:45
BubbleTeaI need help on my Virtual BOx what i need to set up for my user settings.02:45
kelvin911ringer: when u run openoffice move the mouse to its title bar see if u have it flicking?02:46
ringerkelvin911: you?02:46
Gwildoranyone have any idea why dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesnt give me any display options....only keyboard?02:46
kelvin911ringer: i am using Aero-Aqua Mix Wise02:46
arbirhello ringer02:46
kelvin911ringer: created by perfectska0402:46
argos__what can I do about runit? Is there a way to recover ubuntu?02:46
phitauGwildor: if you're using an ATI card, you can use aticonfig02:47
argos__from windows02:47
ringerkelvin911: nope, no flicking.  is that aero a vista look alike?02:47
ringerarbir hello02:47
wilrecarphitau: i think there is a tut about adding mountpoints02:47
kelvin911it is kinda aero + aqua02:47
Gwildorphitau: sadly, trident cyberblade02:47
kelvin911ringer: like half vista halk osx02:47
airstrikeapparently there is no way02:47
kelvin911ringer: half02:47
airstrikewhich sucks big time.02:47
arbirringer... i removed and reinstalled rhythmbox and now i dont see the icon in my start menu02:47
BubbleTeaI need help on Virtual Box  how i set up for my user settings.02:47
arbirringer.. i have done all the killall -gnomepanel02:48
ringerkelvin911: lol i hate vista. osx is okay, but i love having my ubuntu origionality02:48
arbirringer: i have also rebooted my machine02:48
tocoamis ubuntu being used commercially?02:48
kelvin911ringer: thats the best osx look alike which i like02:48
arbirarbir: uses original Ubutnu with Tango icons02:48
tonyyarussotocoam: of course.02:48
ringerarbir: i have no clue to be honest. i am very new to ubuntu.  sorry!02:48
tocoamtonyyarusso: examples?02:48
kelvin911ringer: i also hate vista theme too but only the transparent part of the title bar look like vista aero02:48
arbiranybody can help me with Rhythmbox02:49
tonyyarussotocoam: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/mystory02:49
=== ddgoose-AFK is now known as ddgoose
kelvin911ringer: everything else is osx liked02:49
BubbleTeaI need help on Virtual Box  how i set up for my user settings.02:49
tonyyarussotocoam: wait, that's the submission info.  http://www.ubuntu.com/products/casestudies02:49
phitauwilrecar: i know how to mount; the flash drive doesnt even show up in /dev, but it shows up in lsusb02:49
ringerkelvin911: oh that is kind of nice.  i just found it on gnomelook02:49
kelvin911ringer: and i also got a cute fantastic 4 wallpaper02:49
tocoamtonyyarusso: thks, will check on it.02:49
Deagshello in need of a lil help is it possible to have the gsm codec in my linux enviroment?02:50
ringerkelvin911: lol i am still using the hardy default.  ill switch to match my emerald theme soon enough02:50
BubbleTeaI need help on Virtual Box  how i set up for my user settings.02:50
tonyyarussotocoam: also, google for it - lots of stories about adoption, particularly among governments and schools in Europe and South America.  Granted, you'll only hear about a tiny fraction of the places using it.02:50
Gwildorphitau: try this : sudo cfdisk /dev/sda** or however usb devices are recognized for you...see what happens02:50
tocoamtonyyarusso: ok.02:51
ringerkelvin911: btw the weather applet doesnt have canada?02:51
BubbleTeaI need help on Virtual Box  how i set up for my user settings.02:51
kelvin911ringer: http://img300.imageshack.us/my.php?image=fanstastuxfour2sxgabp4.jpg02:52
psycoHey I am trying to install a program,02:52
kelvin911ringer: what do u mean?02:52
psycoand  after running ./configure I get, "checking for C compiler default output name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables"02:52
ubottuFactoid gsm not found02:52
phitauGwildor: that's the problem, it's not recognized in "/dev"02:52
tocoamtonyyarusso: would you recommend switching from debian to ubuntu?02:52
ringerkelvin911: well i am looking for my location, but there are no canadian cities, only american02:52
kelvin911ringer: really?02:52
tonyyarussotocoam: Depends on the application most likely, but ultimately that would likely come down to personal preference.02:52
kelvin911ringer: i got vancovuer02:52
MachinTrucChosegreen file in LS in console = executable?02:53
kelvin911ringer: did u upgrade?02:53
ringerkelvin911: LMAO at the wallpaper.   i cant seem to get ontario02:53
tonyyarussoMachinTrucChose: I believe that's how it's set up by default, yes.02:53
Deagsis it possible to use the gsm 6.1 audio codec on linux if so how ?02:53
ringerkelvin911 how do i upgrade?02:53
tocoamtonyyarusso: ubuntu has shorter release cycle. do you consider that a big advantage over debian?02:53
tonyyarussotocoam: depends on the application and your preference.02:53
ringerkelvin911: i installed those links into the repos02:53
ToddEDMso guys, i was wondering if someone could help me get connected to my MShome network02:53
tonyyarussopsyco: what are you compiling?02:54
kelvin911in synaptic upgrade awn-extras-applets-trunk02:54
psycotonyyarusso: A program called Frameworks for stop motion animation02:54
kelvin911ringer: in synaptic upgrade awn-extras-applets-trunk02:54
=== tyler is now known as tline
TaRDyi resized my laptops main OS partition and installed ubuntu on the freed space, but now it will only boot to the laptop's recovery partition from grub02:54
tonyyarussopsyco: do you have build-essential installed?02:55
psycolol dunno tonyyarusso, i'll check02:55
* Pelo is realy starting to worry about his hardware 02:55
kelvin911ringer: this is also cool http://img300.imageshack.us/my.php?image=72089heroesblacksxganm9.jpg02:55
ringerkelvin911: to upgrade, do i just mark for reinstall?02:55
SexyGirlcan someone help me02:55
kelvin911ringer: no mark up upgrade02:55
ubottuFactoid networking not found02:55
PeloSexyGirl, what with ?02:56
kelvin911ringer: what version u r using?02:56
ubottuFactoid mshome not found02:56
PeloSexyGirl, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel02:56
BubbleTeaI need help on Virtual Box  how i set up for my user settings.02:56
kelvin911ringer: mine is 0.3.1~bzr479-hardy1-102:56
PeloBubbleTea, ask in #vbox02:56
Kevin_openworldI just installed Ubuntu in side of windows vista02:56
ringerkelvin911: yep i have the same one02:56
Kevin_openworldDid a reboot02:56
kelvin911ringer: what city was it?02:57
Kevin_openworldHow do i open it?02:57
SexyGirlwell im running Windows Vista and im having problems with my Windows Live Messenger what do i do ?02:57
PeloKevin_openworld, you should get a menu when you boot02:57
TaRDyi resized my laptops main OS partition and installed ubuntu on the freed space, but now it will only boot to the laptop's vista recovery partition from grub (Thinkpad T61p)02:57
kelvin911SexyGirl: whats problem?02:57
kelvin911SexyGirl: are u a girl or guy?02:57
jribSexyGirl: ask in ##windows for windows help, this channel is only for ubuntu support02:57
ringerkelvin911: looking for windsor02:57
SexyGirlkelvin911 im a girl02:57
drivetraxDeags,  ?02:57
Kevin_openworldlet me reboot02:57
kelvin911SexyGirl: what is the problem?02:57
* Pelo is pretending to be a 13 year old girl02:58
Deagsdrivetrax: sup02:58
Kevin_openworldI did see some thing but it was only typeing02:58
Kevin_openworldlike in cmd02:58
kelvin911SexyGirl: try the msn from www.mess.be02:58
airstrikePelo, hey there, wanna cyber?02:58
Peloairstrike, not realy02:58
GwildorTaRDy: possibly edit /boot/grub/menu.lst..... look for the windows area, change (hda0,0) to (hda0,1)02:58
GwildorTaRDy: try that...brb02:58
bobboylmao @ Pelo & airstrike02:59
drivetraxDeags,  freeBSD02:59
phitauwow, now my external HD nor this new flash drive work.02:59
ToddEDMhelp connecting to my MShome network... please02:59
tdawgedogghey guys i have a GB network but only getting MB network speeds do i need certain linux drivers for my nic card or soemthing?02:59
psycotonyyarusso: THANKS02:59
drivetraxDeags,  -- you see Mplayer02:59
Deagsdrivetrax: i dont get it sry im still kinda new02:59
kelvin911ringer: i got windsor, CA02:59
kelvin911ringer: windsor is 33 degrees?????03:00
hisingh1headphones dont work03:00
ringerkelvin911: i think that is cali.03:00
ringerlol, its about 14 here03:01
tdawgedogghey guys i have a GB network but only getting MB network speeds do i need certain linux drivers for my nic card or soemthing?03:01
kelvin911ringer: strange cant find windsor, ON03:01
ringerkelvin911: its about 14 here03:01
Deagsdrivetrax: what am i  suposed to do there03:01
kelvin911ringer: maybe it is small town?03:01
hisingh1hey anyone know how to use irc03:01
hisingh1i m noob03:01
airstriketdawgedogg, try googling your card model and ubuntu03:01
timboyi've created a bash script. How do I create a launcher to it?03:01
ringerkelvin911: when i find toronto it says Toronto, Canada.  windsor is Windsor, CA.  so its not the same03:01
drivetraxDeags,  -- it seems.. as I looked today.. for this, that the repositories may not exactly have the gsm.. but gstreamer offers up similar03:01
* Pelo 's fans are going nuts, they have a max speed of 2500 rpm and they are now apparently running at 2934 rpm , this is ridiculous03:01
kelvin911ringer: maybe u try closest city03:02
kelvin911ringer: where is windsor??03:02
ringerkelvin911: it is small, but i had screenlets that worked03:02
tdawgedoggairstrike: done that lol i have a biostar tfroce 550....no biostar linux drivers at all...i want full gb network speeds...do u think this could be hte problem?03:02
kelvin911ringer: try toronto then03:02
ringerkelvin911: about 4h from toronto.  actually detroit mi would work03:02
hisingh1bite me03:02
airstrikehave you checked the manufacturer's website?03:02
phitauholy crap, random. i kept restarting hal. plugged in my flash drive expecting it now to do anything, and there popped up nautilus with a folder view of Documents, System and LaunchU3.exe :)03:02
drivetraxDeags,  -- however, with source, a person might try to make and compile.. to get there03:02
TaRDyGwildor, I have tried that before and it still goes to the recover and repair part03:02
tonyyarussoringer: Depends what time of day you drive :)03:02
airstrikeand yes, i would blame the drivers first03:03
Pelohisingh1, try on the other side of the river,  detroit is it ?03:03
kelvin911ringer: in the east i only know toronto03:03
ringerkelvin911: this is true. lol03:03
kelvin911ringer: montreal03:03
Deagsdrivetrax : well i am running ventrilo through wine and the server i am on is using gsm 6.1 codec03:03
kelvin911ringer: and waterloo03:03
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tdawgedoggairstrike: what if they dont make drivers for my mobo....am i fuqed?03:03
ringerkelvin911: yea ill go with detroit michigan, and just set it to metric03:03
kelvin911ringer: metric ftw03:03
kelvin911ringer: dont understand why american uses F03:04
drivetraxDeags,  -- the server BSD?03:04
Pelokelvin911,  you like metric ?  change your nick03:04
airstrikethere could be open-source drivers out there, but those aren't always on par with the manufacturer-supported windows drivers03:04
phiqtionhow can i encode videos like in Nero Vision in linux?03:04
kelvin911Pelo: i just think using F as temp is stupid03:04
drivetraxright airstrike03:04
ringerkelvin911: okay it says 14 c. im good.   yeah i never understood why there are different units.  even with money, dollars vs. pounds vs euros03:04
gdi2kwhere on IRC could I find someone that knows a lot about mdadm?03:04
mrpocketswhat do i burn .DAA with in Ubuntu"03:05
drivetraxDeags,  airstrike  - codecs are similar03:05
kelvin911ringer: money makes sense because of different country03:05
airstrikephiqtion, there is a very powerful tool called 'transcode'. takes a little bit of getting used to, but it can transcode any formats back and forth03:05
airstrikephiqtion, you can get it with: sudo apt-get install transcode03:05
kelvin911ringer: but watching american news, 97 degrees?03:05
kelvin911i dont know how hot that is?03:05
airstrikephiqtion, be sure to read the manpages thoroughly (man transcode) after installing03:05
dmsupermanI have a 7GB tar of my entire disk. I only want to get /var/lib/mysql folder out of it, however when I open it it takes forever to load because it has to load the entire 7GB file. Is there an easier way to get just that folder out?03:05
kelvin911ringer: 65 degrees??03:05
ringerkelvin911: its fucking melting!!!!03:05
phiqtionairstrike: i want to put the HD video of gears of war 2 onto a dvd03:05
kelvin911ringer: no they uses F03:05
Pelokelvin911, roughtly 37°C ,03:06
Deagsi know this is prolly been dun i just wish someone would tell me how03:06
kelvin911Pelo: what about 60?03:06
ringerkelvin911: lol i know forgot my /joke03:06
kelvin911Pelo: 50?03:06
kelvin911Pelo: dont even know i just bother find out03:06
psycoI hate it when shit melts03:06
ringerkelvin911 i know that 32c is 100f03:06
Pelokelvin911, I'm not that good,   96 is body temp in F ,03:06
airstrikephiqtion, oh, try one of the disc burning apps.. i wouldn't know which one to recommend though03:06
airstrikedrivetrax, yeah, but then again codecs can be a pain in windows too03:06
kelvin911ringer: no 100F is 37C03:06
kelvin911ringer: thats all i knoe03:06
ringerkelvin911: sorry, yes thats right, my bad03:07
Peloin anycase , this is a bit off topic03:07
Pelolater folks03:07
kelvin911ringer: does the trash can icon work for u?03:07
airstrikephiqtion, try http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-cinelerra-in-ubuntu-gutsy-gibbon.html#%7CLinux03:07
airstrikephiqtion, if none of your current apps will do the trick, that one should03:07
kelvin911ringer: i mean trash applet03:07
phiqtionairstrike: thx03:08
psycotonyyarusso: I got this tar:/home/sean/Downloads/Internet/frameworks-0.3.7.tar.gz/frameworks-0.3.703:08
drivetraxDeags,  - well.. I got Mplayer, I got all the gstreamer packages, and I went and loaded an AVI file.. it played a while, then dropped out.  As for Non-Linear editors, Kino , for me, is too complicated to make/compile/install, or whatever.. so I go looking for all the editors.. mencoder, ffmpeg, etc.. even odd ball ones, and get back to cinellera.. whatever that is..03:08
ringerkelvin911: well it shows up. but there is no trash inside, when really there are 11 items03:08
psycotonyyarusso: sec pastebin03:08
kelvin911ringer: becasue stupid hardy changes everything03:08
CThohttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Ubuntu_8.04.png that's butt-ugly03:08
CThono icons anywhere?  even in the panel at the top?03:08
ringerkelvin911: but i can click it and 'wallah' there are my 11 items03:08
kelvin911ringer: the light weight trash applet works but the icon wont change to full03:09
tonyyarussoCTho: that's just the background image..03:09
CThois that uploaded by microsoft as a smear campaign, or does someone think their customized setup actually looks nice?03:09
psycotonyyarusso: ./configure got me to here: http://pastebin.com/m21ecfbff03:09
CThotonyyarusso: the background is fine.  i'm complaining about the panel03:09
CThotonyyarusso: where's the canonical / ubuntu icon that should be next to applications?03:09
ringerkelvin911: so it always stays empty no matter what?03:09
tonyyarussoCTho: there are icons.03:09
kelvin911ringer: because hardy changes the trash from .Trash to somewhere else03:09
CThowhy does it say "tux" in the top?03:09
tonyyarussoCTho: don't know where that image is from.03:10
kelvin911ringer: yes always empty i mean the icon03:10
kelvin911ringer: its kinda suck03:10
tonyyarussoCTho: I think the "tux" part is the fast user switcher applet.03:10
kelvin911ringer: so i add the trash in gnome panel anyway03:10
CThotonyyarusso: i think someone should replace that screenshot with one that actually looks friendly03:10
tonyyarussoCTho: so do it03:10
CThoi'm still on 7.1003:10
CThoand my desktop is a mess03:10
tonyyarussopsyco: check the readme03:10
ringerkelvin911: yeah, i have both now. ill keep it this way i think.  how many lauchers/applets do you have in total?03:10
psycotonyyarusso: ok03:11
kelvin911ringer: 403:11
Gwildordoes anyone happen to know why dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesnt give any display options, only keyboard?03:11
kelvin911ringer: i have the show desktop, weather, calender, and trash03:11
arrowWhen my pc is connected to my LAN it slows everyone else's internet connection to nearly nothing, but does not affect my computer.  Any ideas?\03:11
CThotonyyarusso: http://ubuntu.sabza.org/wp-content/ubuntu-hardy-heron-1.png is much nicer, for example.03:11
tonyyarussoringer: 29 :)03:11
ringerwhere do you keep your firefox and pidgin lol03:11
tonyyarussoCTho: why are you telling me?03:11
kelvin911why do u need so many?03:12
CThotonyyarusso: because you replied03:12
CThoand didn't seem to see why i thought that particular image was bad03:12
Hammer89anyone know if it's possible to get 3D acceleration running on an ATI Radeon Xpress 200m in Ubuntu 8.04?03:12
tonyyarussokelvin911: saves time digging if I can just put them around the perimeter.03:12
psycotonyyarusso: README had nothing of use03:12
jeplerCTho: If I had to speculate, I'd guess that the ubuntu and firefox icons have been removed from that screenshot because they are trademarks and the goal was to have a clearly unencumbered image.03:12
tonyyarussoHammer89: Not likely.  If it is, you'll need to use Xgl and fglrx rather than free drivers and aiglx, but even then don't count on it.03:13
dmsupermanDoes anybody know why "sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop" might _fail_?03:13
tonyyarussopsyco: :(  oh well03:13
ringeryeah 29 is lots haha03:13
CThojepler: i see.  that didn't cause the Windows screenshots to look ugly though ;)03:13
Hammer89tonyyarusso: alrighty... already running on fglrx03:13
Jonathonim using a hadrdy heron live cd to format the hard drive, anyone know why the partition editor will not load?03:13
ringerkelvin911: what icon set are you using03:13
Jonathonlol no idea03:14
kelvin911ringer: wait03:14
kelvin911CTho: this is much nice look http://img233.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshothw9.png03:15
cjournell09where do i find other channels?03:15
kelvin911ringer: i am using ClearlooksOSX_icons_3.003:16
CThokelvin911: well, it's not really what the OS looks like out of the box03:16
emmacjournell09, look in your clients channel list. and search for Ubuntu.03:16
ringerkelvin911: boooooring lol03:16
jeplerCTho: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Ubuntu_8.04.png#filehistory03:16
tonyyarussocjournell09: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetRelayChat03:16
emmakelvin911, I don't think that this is the best channel for this sort of thing, you might want to try #ubuntu-offtopic03:16
CThojepler: ah.  wikidorks.03:16
ringerkelvin911: jk lol i usually like the light clean stuff.  but lately liking the dark03:17
kelvin911ringer: any good suggestion?03:17
drivetraxDeags,  - reading about Mplayer, seems back in 2006 there was a Linux ppc package for it03:17
kelvin911ringer: i am tired of the dark stuffs03:17
kelvin911ringer: my previous theme is dark03:17
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linux_guyneed help with ubuntu it is very slow03:18
wordsmithereens /msg ubottu etiquette03:18
drivetraxthe alien is on my desktop..03:18
emmakelvin911, #ubuntu is a support channel. I think that talking about screen shots or how you want to decorate it might be more for a socializing channel.03:18
cjournell09i am completely new at ubuntu...anything you guys that are experienced have any cool stuff you'd like to share?03:18
emmacjournell09, try #ubuntu-offtopic for that.03:18
monestri_Having some problems with suspending/idling. After a while of going idle the screen turns black and freezes up. Ctrl+alt+backspace seems to work, sometimes.03:19
ringerkelvin911: well im using black-white 2 neon found on deviant art.  and i was using on 7.10 Glass icons http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Glass+Icons+Theme?content=3214603:19
tmapj! bluetooth03:20
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup03:20
jerbearssh-vulnkey is showing that my client key is compromised... regenerating it does not change this... what do i do?03:20
linux_guyi need help i have 256mb ram and want a fast ubuntu or xubuntu. if i downlaod ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS can i update the kernel but not gnome03:20
ringerpolar icons look kinda cool too03:20
ringerkelvin911: polar icons look cool too http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Polar+Icons+-+Beta+1?content=5089303:21
emmalinux_guy, I would think you can use the alternate CD and install Linux without any DE at all.03:21
arbirhow can i reset my nautilis preferences ?03:21
nininaHello all03:21
linux_guyi need the DE its importanat03:21
kevin_openworldI am back03:21
kevin_openworldIt got it to run03:21
TaRDyGwildor, I have tried that before and it still goes to the recover and repair part03:22
emmaarbir, go to Places > Home Folder (this opens Nautilus) then go to Edit and Preferences.03:22
etheredgeIs there a firewall in ubuntu already? when im d/l the wow updates it says im behind a firewall but i cant seem to find one any help?03:22
kelvin911ringer: polar look too light03:22
emmaetheredge, yes there is a firewall in Ubuntu already.03:22
kelvin911ringer: taking a dump brb03:22
arbiremma: i am not able to select my default media player. its greyed out03:22
ringerkelvin911 lol take your time03:22
etheredgeemma, how can i disable it?03:23
Frogzooetheredge: is your router doing nat? there is a firewall, but it's all open03:23
kevin_openworldWhat i do on ubuntu  will stay on ubutnu. right and none of my sites or email or program will show back up in window when i boot to it03:23
etheredgeFrogzoo, nat?03:23
AlsMehey.. I'm trying to get x11vnc working over to a xp box .. however, for some reason I keep getting "connection closed" any ideas03:23
sigmabetatoothwould anyone like to help me with an svideo issue03:23
Frogzooetheredge: do you have a router?03:23
nininaI just installed 8.04 for the second time( the first time X locked up when using the compiz cube and the system corrupted so I guess no pretties for me ) but I was wondering what are some of the must have programs to help me get started.  I'm kinda like ok what do I do now that it works03:23
jerbearssh-vulnkey is showing that my client key is compromised... regenerating it does not change this... what do i do?03:23
etheredgeFrogzoo, yes i do dlink03:24
emmaetheredge, I'm not too familiar with the default firewall. You might try installing firestarter and using that to adjust your settings. Firestarter is a GUI for iptables.03:24
etheredgeFrogzoo, are ya sayin its in the router?03:24
drivetraxkevin_openworld,  your windows OS does not see ext partitions, if you dual boot .. each is it's own OS03:24
Frogzooetheredge: you need to forward the bit torrent ports to the pc03:24
kevin_openworldgood to know03:24
AlsMehey.. I'm trying to get x11vnc working over to a xp box .. however, for some reason I keep getting "connection closed" any ideas03:24
kevin_openworldalso why do i get a fliker03:24
jerbearssh-vulnkey is showing that my client key is compromised... regenerating it does not change this... what do i do?03:25
drivetraxkevin_openworld,  however, you can run windows with VMware, and emulate with wine03:25
ringerwith the awn mail applet, how do i get it to work, i had to download some parser thing, and i did that but it still doesnt work03:25
arbiremma any answers for my problem ?03:25
jribjerbear: did you upgrade ssh?03:25
linux_guycan you give me the command for updating the kernel and where do i get an older version of the gnome or kde desktop03:25
emmaWhat is your default media player?03:25
jerbearjrib: yes03:25
emmaarbir,  you mean that you want to change the media player that a certain file is opened with?03:26
kevin_openworldThis is a little nice os03:26
drivetraxkevin_openworld,  - and with vista..possibly XPsp2, run linux under windows03:26
jribjerbear: pastebin what you are seeing03:26
arbiremma: i installed Rhythmbox, bit never showed up in my start menu03:26
arbiremma:  now when i goto Edit - >Preferences - > Media03:26
kevin_openworldI will keep windows and ubtunu by their selfs03:26
arbiremma: mh option to set a media player is gyered out03:26
emmaarbir, RythmBox should already be in your applications menu.03:26
AlsMehey.. I'm trying to get x11vnc working over to a xp box .. however, for some reason I keep getting "connection closed" any ideas03:26
kevin_openworldI do php and websites with mysql and things03:26
kevin_openworldIs their any good tools for Ubutnu to do this03:27
linux_guycan you give me the command for updating the kernel03:27
sigmabetatoothdoes ubuntu not support s-video03:27
arbiremma: no... i am teling you.. i took out rhythmbox and then re-installed and then it was gone03:27
emmaarbir, go to Applications --> Sound&Video03:27
arbiremma: :-) i added it manually there now03:27
monestri_Anyone know why ubuntu is freezing after long idle times?03:27
arbiremma:  you can give me geek talk.. i understand :-) i am not a beginner..03:27
jerbearjrib: running ssh-vulnkey is showing that my client key is compromised (~/.ssh/id_rsa)... there is nothing to paste03:27
drivetraxmonestri_,  what type of disk drive, it is not USB is it?03:28
emmaarbir, so do you want a certain type of file to be opened by RhythmBox by default?03:28
arbirmonestri_: check ur power settings03:28
arbiremma: here let me explain03:28
emmaarbir, the trouble is, I am a beginner, I'm just doing my best :)03:28
phiqtiongod bless LINUX03:28
jribjerbear: verify you actually have a new key when you run ssh-keygen03:28
christozhello guys ...i'm having a problem on upgrading my gutsy toy hardy...03:28
arbiremma: open ur Nautilius  then Edit - > Preferences - > Media03:28
jribjerbear: brb03:28
ChaosTheory^Do you prefer to have a larger or a smaller font in terminal?03:28
arbiremma: do you see a default media player setting in that dropdown ?03:28
kevin_openworldwas liunx made to look like macs?03:28
ChaosTheory^Do you like to maximize window space or do you require readability?03:28
christozwhat files should i pastebin to you in order to help me?03:28
ChaosTheory^In particular, which font and which size do you use?03:28
linux_guywhats the command for ubdating linux03:28
Danish989what is the difference between installing Kubuntu-desktop, kde, kde-core and kubuntu-default-settings in Ubuntu?03:28
AlsMemonestri_: .. what do you mean freezing?03:29
AlsMemight be someone attacking ur box03:29
Fritzeldoes pulse have an independant volume control?03:29
monestri_um, blue or black screen.03:29
monestri_i thought it might be a screensaver03:29
Danish989what is the difference between installing Kubuntu-desktop, kde, kde-core and kubuntu-default-settings in Ubuntu?03:29
jerbearjrib: i regenerated it, but it has the same fingerprint03:29
emmaarbir, in the media tab there is one for CD Audio and one for Music Player which are set to RhythmBox03:29
monestri_it's installed, not on a usb drive..03:30
arbiremma: the music player dropdown is greyed out for me.. i cannot choose any application03:30
linux_guygive me the link where i can find howto for usb install03:30
drivetraxcertain installs on usb.. after a while, may hang.. usually larger drives03:30
arbiremma: now tell me how to fix this :-)03:30
drivetraxwithout drivers03:30
emmaarbir, did you install RhythmBox with apt-get ?03:31
arbiremma: yeah :-)03:31
drivetraxmontes be sure there is no screensaver set to on, then disable the hibernation, and check never hibernate03:31
emmadid you try the Add Remove thing/03:31
linux_guygive me the link where i can find howto for usb install03:31
sigmabetatoothwell if anyone does have an ideas about s-video ports check this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4953683#post495368303:32
monestri_I already turned the screensaver off03:33
chadjust updated to heron and now my brightness keys on my laptop don't work and the screen is *very* dim03:33
miwachirucan anyone tell me why I get an 'authentication faliure' when doing su-p03:33
Fritzelonly in linux can you delete something, reinstall your operating system and then empty the recycling bin ><03:33
chadhoped power mgmt settings would have something, but no effect ... anyone know how i can adjust the brightness?03:33
ldiamondI'm getting a kernel panic when booting (iwl 2.6.25 kernel). Can any1 help me out?03:33
jwproxAnyone else having problems with USB hard drives not being detected in hardy?03:34
monestri_plug it in at boot jwprox03:34
ldiamondno jwprox, I'm booting ubuntu on a usb hard drive.03:34
jwproxmonestri_: Do I have to do that every time?03:35
monestri_well, i haven't found a way to do it otherwise03:35
ldiamondjwprox, usually it should be mounted automatically03:35
jerbearanyone else had problems authenticating via public key over ssh after the recent updates?03:35
monestri_but it doesn't work for some people03:35
ldiamondbut you might wanna mount it manually03:35
jwproxldiamond: It did in every Ubuntu version up to this03:35
christozwould you like to see my errer message?I'm having problems on upgrading03:35
monestri_jwprox,  do you get something in dmesg when you plug in the usb drive?03:36
christozcheck this out @ http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/8562/screenshothardygk6.png03:36
monestri_I don't.03:36
Danish989what is the difference between installing Kubuntu-desktop, kde, kde-core and kubuntu-default-settings in Ubuntu?03:36
jwproxmonestri_: Checking03:37
timboyi'm trying to install grub on one of my pc's with windows. It has a windows xp recovery partition on it and then a windows xp partition. can someone give me a hand? I have an ubuntu live cd03:37
emmaarbir, maybe try doing it by finding the file type you want RhythmBox to open, right click on it, and set the "Open With" to RhythmBox. This can be done custom by looking in the /user/bin/ for the executable03:37
ldiamondDanish, its all KDE instead of Gnome03:37
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arbiremma: that works.. fine03:38
christozwhat else should i upload to you?03:38
drivetraxchristoz,  -- did you fully update the old ubuntu?03:38
timboyI had linux installed on it at one point then i resized my windows partition and now i'm stuck03:38
jribjerbear: that's not really possible.  How exactly are you generating the key?03:38
ldiamondI'm getting a kernel panic when booting (iwl 2.6.25 kernel). Can any1 help me out?03:38
emmaarbir,  I hope I was able to help at least a little.03:38
arbiremma: the problem , is, when i plug in my ipod, i want a certain application to fireup03:38
emmaYeah. I hope you are able to sort it out.03:38
emmaI have to run to the store before it closes.03:38
arbiremma: sure, you were trying your best. full credit given and appreciated03:38
geremyhey all, I'm having an awful lot of trouble getting boost-python to work at all. anybody here familiar enough to give a walkthrough?03:39
emmasee everyone later on. best of luck arbir03:39
christozdrivetrax...  idon't know iyou mean the partial upgrade03:39
jerbearjrib: maybe i'm not understanding... what exactly does ssh-vulnkey show?03:39
Slicknessim getting the "ubuntu is in low grachics mode"pop up  after i enable the ATI restriced driver,can somone help me?03:39
drivetraxchristoz,  - you have to fully UpDate.. then Upgrade03:39
christozshould i do partial upgrade first drivetrax?03:39
jribjerbear: it shows you compromised keys.  You are using that correctly.  But I'm not sure you are generating a new key correctly since it has the same finger print.  What command are you running?03:40
christozthese are the ony available03:40
drivetraxchristoz,  there is posts on ubuntu forums about How to Upgrade to Hardy03:40
jerbearjrib: ssh-vulnkey03:40
christozdrivetrax...i used to have feisty before gutsy.. ;)03:40
jribjerbear: yes, but to regenerate the key?03:40
ldiamondI'm getting a kernel panic when booting (iwl 2.6.25 kernel). Can any1 help me out?03:41
drivetraxthen.. you KNOW what to do03:41
christozso ... i don't thing this is my problem...if you insist i 'll do it for you though03:41
geremyany advice for getting boost-python to work properly?03:41
jerbearjrib: ssh-genkey03:41
christozdrivetrax...what's the meaning of partial upgrade?03:42
jribjerbear: ssh-keygen you mean?  Make sure you rename the old ~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub before you use ssh-keygen03:42
christozdrivetrax should i do it?03:42
drivetraxchristel,  -- you might resolve to clean install03:43
TlineI need Java to work in firefox-2 on Hardy. I've tried several poorly described fixed around the internet, but nothing is working. Anybody know of a sure fix?03:43
drivetraxer christo03:43
timboyi'm trying to install grub on one of my pc's with windows. It has a windows xp recovery partition on it and then a windows xp partition. can someone give me a hand? I have an ubuntu live cd03:43
drivetraxchristoz,  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/18176203:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 181762 in update-manager "[Hardy] update-manager could not calculate the upgrade due to openoffice.org-l10n-en-gb" [Medium,Fix released]03:43
drivetraxchristoz,  you might resolve to clean install03:44
christozdrinetrax...that will hurt... outs!03:44
alien984hello is this the right place to ask about how to intall programs on this os03:45
geremyboost-python's examples do not build, it does not seem to locate Python.h, and I'm not sure how to use bjam. any help?03:45
timboyi'm trying to install grub on one of my pc's with windows. It has a windows xp recovery partition on it and then a windows xp partition. can someone give me a hand? I have an ubuntu live cd03:45
TlineAnybody gotten Java to work in firefox-2?03:45
monestri_install ubuntu on a small partition03:45
geremyalien984: yes it is- applications->add/remove03:46
monestri_it will set up grub for you03:46
monestri_easiest way I know03:46
ToddEDMcould someone in here please help me with connecting to my MShome network?03:46
fonzarelliwhere are network configurations stored in ubuntu?   i'm looking for the equivalent of /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ on Fedora03:46
o0Chris0o!network | ToddEDM03:46
ubottuToddEDM: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:46
o0Chris0ooops ingore that03:46
geremyalien984: see the applications menu at the top left hand corner of the screen03:46
o0Chris0oToddEDM: do you have samba installed?03:47
ToddEDMyes, i believe so03:47
chadi just dont get this, hardy just insists on dimming my laptop screen when it launches and i cannot get it to brighten03:47
o0Chris0oyour trying to do a homenetwork with a linux and windows machine?03:47
geremychad: its under power controls03:47
geremychad: also, hitting fn+f7 does it on mine03:48
ToddEDMyes chris03:48
o0Chris0oalright look for samba03:48
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.03:48
drivetraxchristoz,  -- use synaptic03:48
christozdrivetrax...i have one more question...from which server should i ugrade...? from my nearest mirrot or from main server?03:48
Slicknessim getting the "ubuntu is in low grachics mode"pop up  on reboot after i enable the ATI restriced driver,can somone help me?03:48
geremyfonzarelli: what are you looking to do? /etc/network has a lot of that stuff03:49
alien984never mind i forgot how i got java working03:49
monestri_Slickness,  your drivers are messed up03:49
Tlinechad: I had laptop dimming problems in Ubuntu at one point. I actually fixed it through BIOS. Find some brightness settings there...03:49
chadgeremy: nothing under power management that has any effect, and the Fnc key have no effect either03:49
drivetraxchristoz,  --  Gutsy openssh-server upgrade is fixed, but may take a while to mirror03:49
monestri_I suggest using your backed up xorg.conf03:50
chadTline: interesting, I'll have a look there03:50
alien984does anyone know how to install xlink on ubuntu03:50
fonzarelligeremy, i'm looking for a way to add virtual interfaces - same mac address, but adding a second/third ip03:50
monestri_what is xlink?03:50
chadTline: straight thing is i didn't have these issues before i upgraded03:50
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.03:50
geremychad: its a bit in depth, you good with that?03:51
fonzarelligeremy, in fedora, i would copy ifcfg-eth0 to ifcfg-eth0:103:51
christozthank you drivetrax03:51
geremyfonzarelli: yeah, thats in /etc/network. theres actually a great howto on it as part of the debian setup guide03:51
amenadofonzarelli-> you use iproute2 tools to add secondary or tertiary ip addresses to a single physical interface03:51
fonzarellithanks geremy and amenado03:51
alien984it is a xbox tunnel system where you can play with people all over the world03:51
alien984i made it work on windows03:52
amenadofonzarelli try to google for policy routing and advance routing to get you closer to the topic03:52
geremychad: try sudo echo 4 > /proc/acpi/video/GFX0/LCD/brightness03:52
gummiwhat platform does wii run on?03:52
alien984but the linux download is not easy to install03:52
Slicknessmonestri_ : my i believe my back ups are messed up from using "Envy",i have serveral of them03:52
monestri_oh god03:53
jtaylor13group:question i have a laptop and a desktop and would like them to sync to be them same.how can i do this03:53
monestri_check out your oldest03:53
monestri_and start from there03:53
monestri_you can easily cycle through them03:53
monestri_just replace it with the current xorg.cofn03:53
monestri_backing up of course03:53
Slicknessmonestri_ : i had to delete somthing to get the open source drivers working,but they give poor preformance03:53
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yetoanyone here??03:54
monestri_I can't really help with the drivers part03:54
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amenadojtaylor13-> you have to define what you meant by sync, certainly not all data can be duplicated lest you're running somekind of cluster03:54
monestri_I"d recommend not using envy and installing them yourself03:54
yetoI need some help... do anyone of you have used TUXONICE?A03:54
SuperLagSo... you've got a series of SQL queries that you dump to CSV, on a daily basis. Is there anything that you guys know of that can read those CSV files, and draw pretty graphs to represent the data, like PHBs like?03:55
alien984does anyone know about xlink?03:55
jtaylor13amenado:what could be synched with a software03:55
amenadoSuperLag-> openoffice tools like a spreadsheet can do those, not sure how good of a graph you'd like to present with csv data03:56
yetoI just want to try to solve my hibernation problems w03:56
hisingh1_headphone is not working right03:56
amenadojtaylor13-> rsync03:56
andrbootHi stupid question.. for some reason i need to run ubuntu in "safe mode" graphics for me to have a desktop this is my chipset " GA compatible controller: S3 Inc. Trio 64 3D (rev 01)" any idea how ti fix?03:56
Slicknessmonestri_ : thanks for your imput,i'm gonna try messing with it03:56
PhilhHi, can anyone help me with mounting a large ext3 partition on a usb disk?03:56
yetohisingh.. have you searched the forums?03:56
Winchesternick de3de03:56
SuperLagamenado: I'm sorry. Let me add one more detail... I'm trying to do this in an automated fashion03:56
yetoPhilh, maybe I can help you...03:56
hisingh1_yes, my prob is that i can get the headphones to work but the internal speakers wont turn off03:57
SuperLagamenado: I will have crontab run bash scripts, at regular intervals, that run the SQL queries and spool the data to CSV03:57
TlineJava in firefox-2 on Hardy - Anybody do it?03:57
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Philhyeto, cool, for some reason when i mount the partition it's only writable by root03:57
jtaylor13amenado: can i get it tru add/remove software?03:57
RotundIs there a decent QT 4 theme chooser for those of us w/o KDE installed?03:57
hisingh1_Philh try gksudo nautils03:57
amenadoSuperLag-> umm, again how much pretty-ness of a graph you need to look at, certainly several tools are out there to do graphing03:57
alien984try downloading java from sun systems03:58
amenado!info rsync03:58
hisingh1_yes, my prob is that i can get the headphones to work but the internal speakers wont turn off03:58
ubottursync (source: rsync): fast remote file copy program (like rcp). In component main, is standard. Version 2.6.9-6ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 256 kB, installed size 512 kB03:58
yetophilh.. have you tried booting the live cd and reformatting the big partition with ext3 and then putting just "/" in mount?03:58
Philhhisingh1_, that doesn't solve the problem, just gives me a gui file manager interface with root privs, frowned upon03:58
Aluminis there any way to install Java 1.4 in Gutsy, alongside the package version?03:58
Philhyeto, this isn't a system disc, just a backup drive03:59
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Aluminwe have an old-as-dirt remote Java KVM that only works with 1.403:59
amenadoPhilh-> try the manual on mounting, man mount if possible, or google for more detailed explanations03:59
hisingh1_pcm is taking both headphones and internal speakers03:59
Philhamenado, been there, done that, that's why i came here03:59
hisingh1_my prob is that i can get the headphones to work but the internal speakers wont turn off04:00
hisingh1_pcm is taking both headphones and internal speakers04:00
FritzelI was talking with someone in the winehq channel about 20 minutes ago and they seem to have gone afk, could anyone who has more knowledge about the way sound works in ubuntu (which is everyone) look at this http://pastebin.com/d1976b3de and tell me if I am missing anything on lines 19 and 20 that would keep sound from working correctly if the device is showing up correctly in my wine application?04:00
Philhamenado, though admittedly i'm probably missing something obvious04:00
SuperLagamenado: enough that it's readable04:00
amenadoAlumin-> why not? as long as you dont have them both on same CLASSPATH and PATH..ie set a different environment for your specific KVM04:00
etheredgealright.... im about to give up on wow...04:00
drivetraxhisingh1_,  open mixer, check pc speakers to off04:00
etheredgeit works for everyone else why not me!!! heh04:00
alien984one last time does anyone know how to install xlink on ubuntu04:00
Philhalien984, xlink?04:01
amenadoPhilh-> if you have been there and done that, then I assume you have understood the concept of mount and fstab?04:01
alien984its a xbox tunnel program04:01
Philhamenado, for the most part04:01
hisingh1_doesnt solve the problem04:01
alien984lets people play together through the internet04:01
hisingh1_pc speakers are not used at al04:02
n1lqj-1hello everyone04:02
amenadoPhilh-> narrow it down to the options user and users for the command mount04:02
drivetraxhisingh1_,  is it Alsa?04:02
Philhamenado, adding rw,user doesn't help04:02
yetotuxonice anyone??? I want to give it a try to see if I hibernate my laptop \04:02
drivetraxhisingh1_,  input is set to source?04:02
amenadoPhilh-> there is a difference between user and users...read the man pages again please04:03
monestri_so is there a fix for the hibernation/suspend problem on laptops?04:03
jtaylor13grow do i run this file?   rsync-3.0.3pre1.tar.gz04:03
monestri_not to mention in hardy I can't idle without having display problems04:03
hisingh1_input source in set to front mic04:04
amenadoSuperLag-> i'd say take your favorite graphing app write a script and feed it with your csv04:04
alien984if you go to teamxlink.co.uk you will find out all about it04:04
yetomonestri.. there are a couple of applications that could help on that... one is swsusp and the other one is tuxonice..04:04
jtaylor13group: how do i install this? rsync-3.0.3pre1.tar.gz04:04
hisingh1_the headphone switch doesnt work04:04
SuperLagamenado: I was told MRTG would do it, but I don't think that's what it's for04:04
yetoI have not been able to configure swsusp so I want to try to install tux on ice..04:04
amenado!info rsync | jtaylor04:04
ubottujtaylor: rsync (source: rsync): fast remote file copy program (like rcp). In component main, is standard. Version 2.6.9-6ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 256 kB, installed size 512 kB04:04
alien984easy to intall for windows , very confusing for linux users04:04
yetothere are packages and tar files but I dont know how to install those :(04:05
hisingh1_extract tar04:05
Fritzelis there a channel for pulse audio?04:05
yetothats it... I suck at CLI04:05
hisingh1_this is to alien98404:05
hisingh1_unpack tar04:06
yetoI need icons and buttons and progress bars and CONGRATULATIONS NOOB! YOU HAVE INSTALLED YOU APP! lol...04:06
hisingh1_thed cd to directory containg folder04:06
jtaylor13amenado: i downloaded the file not sure how to install.04:06
amenadoSuperLag-> well the MRTG is normally used to graph packets, but its not like you are doing 3-D graphing, just sort of snapshot right? so go ahead and use it04:06
hisingh1_now type './configure; sudo make; sudo make install04:06
alien984me unpack tar?04:06
amenadojtaylor13-> its available from synaptic..04:06
tenXhi guys04:07
amenadojtaylor13-> you dont need to compile one..04:07
yeto /msg ubottu etiquette04:07
yeto /msg ubottu etiquette04:07
alien984what is tar and how do i unpack it04:07
jtaylor13amenado: i could not find.04:07
drivetraxhisingh1_,  in Alsa mixer -- did you edit, drop down and select a different sound source?04:07
hisingh1_use ark, or any archiving pacage tool04:07
amenadojtaylor13-> read this again04:07
amenado!info rsync |jtaylor04:08
ubottujtaylor: rsync (source: rsync): fast remote file copy program (like rcp). In component main, is standard. Version 2.6.9-6ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 256 kB, installed size 512 kB04:08
Philhamenado, think i've solved it, it was related to permissions for the root directory of the partition, nothing to do with mount options afaict04:08
hisingh1_yea it didnt work04:08
hisingh1_i mean i did, but problem was not fixed04:08
drivetraxthinking record04:08
drivetraxwell, if not a switch, then a record04:08
amenadoPhilh-> you would learn later on, it is dependent on who is doing the mounting..04:08
drivetraxso I looked at record04:08
hisingh1_in recording tab there is capture n digital04:08
ToddEDMcan someone tell me how i can open smb.conf as root04:08
hisingh1_both are unmuted04:08
ToddEDMso i can edit it04:09
snewpanyone have an idea aabout the error: no-user in oidentd?04:09
amenadoToddEDM-> you have used text editors like nano, gkedit, vim ? those pretty standard tools04:09
tenXthe reason i show up here is for one dazzeling issue: the latest openssl weakness on debianish distros. i use those systems a lot an trusted in their reliability but since that incident i am really confused why package maintainers fool around in foreign projects code in such a deep way and wonder if there are more "specific changes" like that :(04:09
ToddEDMamenado:  but how can i open it as root04:09
amenadoToddEDM-> off course you have to sudo the command04:10
jtaylor13amenado:it says i have it installed.how can i find it?04:10
monestri_anyone having problems with ffmpeg in hardy?04:10
drivetraxhisingh1_,  in Alsa mixer select edit (top) menu.. a drop down appears -- there are settings there.  Also under (file) the drop-down has 'devices' if you change device, another window opens04:10
amenadojtaylor13->  whereis rsync, or which rsync04:10
alien984can one of you smart people help out us not so smart end users and do a youtube tutorial on how to install xlink on ubuntu04:10
CaptainMorganwhat is Ubuntu's equivalent for chkconfig ?04:10
ToddEDMamenado:  any way without  the terminal?04:11
slshow do I fix an mpeg file index?04:11
amenadoalien984-> am not smart, i cant assist you, besides i dont have audio nor the tools to create a video :)04:11
amenadoToddEDM-> dont be afraid of the command line, make it as your friend just like google is.. :P04:12
hisingh1_i have the devices, i have tried on all, to no avail04:12
ToddEDMwell thanks hisingh1_04:12
amenadoToddEDM-> perhaps you start with gksudo gkedit ....you see i dont use gui much, so i cant say that command will work04:12
hisingh1_po prob toddedm04:12
slybootsAnyone any feedback on why Kismet does not seem to work on a Macbook pro in ubuntu? It uses a athos card so apparently it *should* work04:13
jtaylor13amenado:it says rsync  2.6.9-6ubuntu2..can i upgrade or need to remove,how do i find were it is.04:13
alien984the command line scares me04:13
amenadojtaylor13-> why do you need to find where it is? are you writing a script?  i gave you hints, whereis rsync ..finds it?04:13
amenadoalien984-> do not be scare of it, its like a girl, you have to learn how to tame one..<wink>04:14
jtaylor13amdenado: i am new to ubunu/linux.but really good on windows.need more help04:14
tj83<<<  would like to ask this room 1 question... does anyone in here run an intel core 2 duo cpu in a notebook? if so... do you use cpu frequency scaling? and what is the minimum speed operable? and would you please please please pastebin your cpufreq.conf for me? i know i know thats like 4 questions , but i am desperate.04:14
amenadojtaylor13-> you didnt answer me why you need to find it?04:15
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thx_hey all04:15
jtaylor13amenado:i don't need to.just need to know how to use it or find the icon for it.and maybe how to update it.04:15
amenadojtaylor okay, another tool to help you is the manuals or man pages its called in linux.. so you can   man rsync   to get some explanations, if you have a hard time understanding it, you have to use google to find a friendlier explanations04:17
amenadojtaylor13 ^^^04:18
m1ri installed ubuntu studio today and saw that ubuntu studio has that nice blue line on main desktop menu like some alpha version did. is there a way to dl that package and install it ? any tips apriciated04:18
slshow do I fix an mpeg file index?04:18
kelvin911sls: why?04:18
slybootsAnyone any idea what might be the problem with a Athos card from a Macbook pro not working in Kismet ?04:18
kelvin911sls: dont need to fix it04:18
Philhamenado, as far as i can tell user or users affects which users are able to mount the filesystem, does it also change the ownership of a filesystem's root directory?04:19
aslan_desmondohow to read .lit file04:19
tj83will someone plz confirm you can read my text.04:19
plexqwhere do I put PPD files in the latest version of ubuntu04:19
hisingh1_ppd files??04:19
Philhtj83, yep04:19
AlsMehow do I vnc into ubuntu?04:20
plexqprinter driver files for cups04:20
amenadoPhilh-> what do you exactly mean by filesystem's root directory? or are you referring to the mount point ownership?04:20
tj83Philh... your the first person in the room to say ANYTHING to me all day. thanx04:20
Addaonehey everyone, i'm encountering a frustrating bug trying to run the livecd of hardy04:20
Philhamenado, i mean the top level directory in the filesystem being mounted04:20
hisingh1_addaone what is it04:20
amenadoplexq somewhere around /usr/share/ppd04:20
Philhtj83, heh, it can be very hit and miss around here04:21
Addaoneit turns out no matter what i do after about 5 minutes of running the livecd, the entire system freezes dead in its tracks04:21
liberviscohard on is buggy04:21
Addaonei'm running the md4 version04:21
slskevin911, well I wnat to convert it from mpeg to mp4 and the mp4ize is not able to because it headers are broken in the mpeg file04:21
alien984when i type su then enter, it goes,password:,but when i try to enter my pass word the blinking line doesnt type anything04:21
jrib!root | alien98404:21
ubottualien984: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:21
doncartonthe firefox 3 crash with message Segmentation fault ..04:21
doncartonvery often04:21
monestri_well root password is easy to get04:21
Addaonethe mouse doesn't work, the keyboard doesn't work, the clock stops04:21
slskevin911, Anyway, google comes up with some programs fro windows but I use Linux..04:21
monestri_just login via single user mode04:21
jribalien984: and even though you won't see anything being typed when you use sudo, it still is being typed.  Read the link from ubottu04:21
hisingh1_may be cd, try downloading again?04:21
monestri_and use passwd04:21
rainwalkerwhat is GART memory?04:21
jrib!noroot | monestri_04:21
ubottumonestri_: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)04:21
kelvin911sls wine04:22
slybootsalien984, Thats because its to stop anyone looking over your shoulder when you type it in.04:22
alien984ooh yes , how can i do that04:22
kelvin911sls: try wine04:22
Addaonehisingh1_: cd check came out ok04:22
monestri_well, they can do it at their own risk04:22
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Addaonebut i can try redownloading04:22
amenadoPhilh-> if the FS you are mounting is not owned by the user, the user usually cannot mount it, therefore root has to mount it for the user04:22
tj83Philh... i used to be a regular over in irc.debian.net #debian... and there are alot less folks int here but much more attentive..... left debian distro for Ubuntu... havent gotten help in this room not once.04:22
jribmonestri_: of course04:22
monestri_sudo wis easy enough to break ubuntu with anyway :D04:22
hisingh1_cd check always says ok, i know cuz i have done it on a runed disc04:22
alien984how can i get my root password04:22
slskevin911, yeah -- I was hoping for a native client and not having to resort to windows programs again..04:22
hisingh1_the disk may have scratches04:22
jribalien984: read the link ubottu gave you please, it explains everything to you04:23
kelvin911tj83: try #linux04:23
Addaoneahh, interesting. maybe i can try downloading the alternate cd too04:23
ubottuFactoid gart not found04:23
kelvin911tj83: or even #windows04:23
amenadotj83-> perhaps you are much more knowledgeable than most of us here, so we are not able to assist..possible?04:23
kelvin911tj83: sometimes people there are more friendly04:23
alien984wich link please?04:23
hisingh1_Addaone: what version of hard r u using04:23
hisingh1_Addaone: beta?04:24
tj83kelvin911... so funny....i killed my win partition for a reason.04:24
jribalien984: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:24
AddaoneLTS, the amd64 version04:24
kelvin911tj83: for what reason?04:24
alien984thanks later all04:24
tj83my notebook came with vista... stinks...04:24
slybootsDamn, why does this not work x.x04:24
kelvin911tj83: u can dual boot, no problem04:24
ubottuFactoid cairo not found04:25
hisingh1_Addaone: sorry, i am running intel, may be thats why my cd check might not work04:25
tj83and I am tired of MS reaching into everyones pockets.04:25
ubottuScreenlets are little widgets for your !desktop. Note you must have !Compiz Fusion, !Beryl, xcompmgr, or KWin to run them. You can get them at http://www.screenlets.org/04:25
tj83i was dualbooting04:25
kelvin911tj83: keep vista or xp for gaming, that's essential04:25
tj83untill i realized i never booted windows04:25
hisingh1_Addaone: what are u running right now?\04:25
monestri_on the contrary04:25
monestri_people reach into their own pockets04:25
* slyboots jabs his wireless card with a ICEpick04:25
kelvin911tj83: u will somedays04:25
tj83games are for children04:25
monestri_and give microsoft* money04:25
* j3ro87 yawns04:25
Addaonehisingh1: right now i'm on vista04:25
hisingh1_Addaone: i recomend, installing windows and the wubi04:25
kelvin911tj83: i never pay a penny to ms04:25
hisingh1_Addaone: Then get wubi04:26
tj83that makes you worst of all kelvin... linux if free for a reason04:26
kelvin911hisingh1_: is wubi that good?04:26
hisingh1_basicly lets you do a nice install04:26
kelvin911tj83: i also run private under ubuntu04:26
hisingh1_yes, and no... depends on how hardcore of a linux user you are04:26
Addaonehisingh1: i considered that...is it safe or is there the underlying threat of my entire windows drive being hosed?04:26
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tj83Room... i apologize for getting off-topic...04:27
techno_freakAddaone, it is very safe, you can install into a different partition within windows04:27
hisingh1_Addaone: it is safe, try it on a small partition (maybe 4-8 gigs04:27
kelvin911why u want to install ubuntu with wubi?04:28
Addaoneok, it's worth a shot, thanks04:28
kelvin911just make some free space and install ubuntu04:28
hisingh1_kelvin911: why not04:28
hisingh1_kelvin911: why not04:28
kelvin911hisingh1_: why yes?04:28
d[X_X]banyone know a dopewars game in linux04:28
techno_freakkelvin911, most windows users are afraid to make a free space and install, and that's why wubi was born04:28
kelvin911i guess if they are afraid then just run the liveCD04:29
kelvin911or stay with windows04:29
kelvin911messing with windows isnt good idea04:29
fiyawerkinDoes anyone else have issues copying folders via gvfs / ftp?04:30
techno_freakkelvin911, installing with wubi != messing with windows04:30
hisingh1_kelvin911: cuz its safe (you can recover easily), latest version (hardy) intriped in alpha so ya, and best of all, you can do all that you need to do without screwing up ur whole computer04:30
fiyawerkinI can copy files fine, but if i try a folder, if fails with file unavailable04:30
tj83whats with all the windows talk in here? maybe kelvin911 should heed his own advice on #windows04:30
fiyawerkinI've seen other users with the same issue as well04:30
kelvin911tj83: we r talking wubi not windows04:30
hisingh1_ohhh i smell windows hatred!!04:30
kelvin911windows isnt that bad04:31
superdooddepends which windows we're talking about04:31
tawdcan someone help me?  i'm trying to configure a dial-up connection for my ubuntu laptop (i live in the sticks) what does it mean by "enter your DNS address" ?04:31
Vrathayou know, i really can't remember how to check if the drive in my system is a DVD burner or not.  which file in /proc do i read to get this information04:31
kelvin911windows NT04:31
hisingh1_well, vista... not my definition of "wow"04:31
tj83<--- actually agrees with kelvin911.... the software isnt that bad....... its the moral point behind it04:31
techno_freaktawd, does your ISP provide you with a DNS?04:31
kelvin911tj83: who cares moral?04:31
tawdtechno_freak, no04:32
techno_freaktawd, else use
kelvin911tj83: as long as it works04:32
hisingh1_Compiz fusion from git (i mean with freewins, atlantis 2 ... cube addons) that is WOW04:32
tj83i like to think some of us do04:32
tawdtechno_freak, thanks04:32
taggartbg42so, i'm trying to shrink my windows partition, it has about 16GiB of unused space, and i'm trying to shrink 10 gigs off the right side in order to install ubuntu there...yet every time i try to shrink it i get an error: "ERROR: Extended record needed (1032 > 1024), not yet supported!04:32
taggartbg42Please try to free less space."  How would I go about fixing that, any ideas?04:32
linuxiscool277hey i just got my internet working in hardy whats a way to get audio and video codecs installed04:32
techno_freaktaggartbg42, did you defragment your partition?04:33
kelvin911taggartbg42: partiton magic04:33
hisingh1_what software ru talking about...tj83 with all the incompatabilities with visat i dont know04:33
Vrathaoh, excellent; i found the info in /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info04:33
kelvin911taggartbg42: run cclean04:33
hisingh1_+ vist a= mem hog04:33
kelvin911taggartbg42: defrag hd04:33
kelvin911taggartbg42: then run partition magic04:33
Vrathanow, what is the name of a good CLI burning program again?04:33
techno_freakVratha, cdrecord04:33
jester7if i install kubuntu-desktop, does it to ANYTHING to my gnome at all?04:33
Vrathatechno_freak: ah, that's the one; thanks :-D04:33
taggartbg42kelvin: ok, awesome, so what exactly is the defrag command in linux?04:33
kelvin911vista sucks its ture04:34
tj83hisingh1... ya vista is still very buggy.... as was XP in its first days... i just dump microsoft completely04:34
techno_freakjester7, it might change the splash screen to kubuntu one04:34
tritiumjester7: yes, it'll add a bunch of kde apps to your menus04:34
=== ari_stre1s is now known as ari_stress
hisingh1_there is no defrag command in linux04:34
hisingh1_it is awsome that way04:34
Sazpaimonalright now, before I begin, let me first say I honeslty dont care what happens to the OS on the hard drive if it cannot be repaired04:34
taggartbg42oh, so just pop into windows and defrag?04:34
tritiumtaggartbg42: no need to defrag04:34
kelvin911hisingh1_: i think there is defrag in linux04:34
Sazpaimonthat said, so i was attempting to convert a debian install to ubuntu, problem number 104:34
fiyawerkintaggartbg42, there is no ext3 defrag04:34
superdoodno need to defrag04:34
kelvin911hisingh1_: but no one uses it04:34
techno_freaktaggartbg42, use your Windows defragment tool04:34
taggartbg42fiyawerkin: it's NTFS04:34
jester7techno_freak: tritium:  if i uninstall will it go back to normal?04:34
hisingh1_i agree microsoft sucks if you dont have the hardware04:35
Sazpaimoneverything was going fine04:35
taggartbg42and what exactly is cclean?04:35
tritiumjester7: it should, yes04:35
techno_freakjester7, you can change the splash screen to ubuntu back again04:35
fiyawerkintaggartbg42, ah sorry04:35
Sazpaimonbut in my rush, i accidently pressed up on the terminal too many times, and selected "reboot"04:35
phiqtiondoes screenlets run under HARDY?04:35
hisingh1_try running vista with 1 gig ram04:35
Sazpaimonin the middle of installing all the dkpks04:35
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com04:35
techno_freakjester7, its just a couple of commands job04:35
ubottuFactoid ide not found04:35
errpastanyone know a good widget to show me sys temp in Gnome?04:35
fiyawerkinext4 includes defrag utility i believe04:35
CaptainMorganwhat is Ubuntu's equivalent for chkconfig ?04:35
tritiumPlease remember that MS bashing is offtopic.04:35
Vrathaanyone use anything other than hostapd to turn their Atheros-based system into an AP?04:35
hisingh1_kelvin911: there is no need then04:35
kelvin911someone shows me actually if u have more than 4 GB ram and with killer machine, vista runs faster then XP with same hardware04:35
errpastI'm sick of running of commanline script to grep it from proc04:35
tj83taggartbg42..... sorry... xp or vista? vista can shrink a partition in computer management....04:35
Sazpaimonfffffffffffff, i should probably wait for this chat to die down04:35
jester7techno_freak: thanks.  i just wanted to make sure it didn't go f'ing with my settings where i'd have to fight to get gnome going again04:35
taggartbg42tj83: xp :-\04:35
errpastAnd my stupid dell 5150 runs SO hot04:35
ringerkelvin911: how was the deuce?04:36
fiyawerkinanyone else have problems or even try to copy folders via ftp on the new gvfs?04:36
monestri_vista fater than xp?04:36
techno_freakjester7, sure you won't what you have will remain untouched, you will just get extra things04:36
kelvin911ringer: the deuce is hard solid04:36
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages04:36
phiqtiondoes screenlets run under HARDY?04:36
fiyawerkinphiqtion, yes04:36
taggartbg42so, two questions really quickly, what exactly is cclean, and why is partition magic better than GParted?04:36
hisingh1_kelvin911: To get 4 gig plus you need vista ultimate (the biggest mem hog of them all + the ammnt of harddrive space it takes)04:36
kelvin911monestri_: yes if u have more than 4GB ram and newest hardware04:36
tj83ya there is a way , unsure how in linux... but best to do as already said.. defrag in windows and then you can let Ubuntu install shrink it.04:36
phiqtionfiyawerkin: what package?04:37
kelvin911errpast: i have 5150 too04:37
ringerkelvin911: lol good to hear. got a QQ for ya.  in ff3 you know how when you start typing a url it comes up with suggestions, how do i stop that04:37
walkman79Hi all04:37
techno_freaktaggartbg42, partition magic is better than gparted?04:37
kelvin911errpast: u need to clean the cpu fan like every 2 weeks04:37
monestri_so can anyone tell me why ubuntu hangs after idling for 10+ minutes?04:37
errpastkelvin911, it makes me crazy.  I have cleaned it up.04:37
taggartbg42techno_freak: people were saying to use partition magic earlier04:37
CaptainMorganthought that 2.6.24-17 was just released.. yea? I'm still using ..16 and I've got the sources enabled in Synaptic.. any ideas?04:37
kelvin911ringer: i dont use ff04:37
monestri_and if there's a solution for laptop hibernation/suspend problems.04:37
fiyawerkinphiqtion, i   screenlets                      - Widget-like mini-applications for GNOME04:37
techno_freaktaggartbg42, they are equally good, i have used both04:37
ringerkelvin911: opera?04:37
phenom|zZzgentoo or ubuntu, what ya'll think ?04:37
kelvin911ringer: opera is the best browser04:37
tj83the ubuntu install will shrink it for you "using gparted"04:37
hisingh1_gparted = best partition editor04:37
gummiubuntu imo04:38
techno_freakringer, just ask it not to remember urls ie history=004:38
errpastkelvin911, it's really weird. Sometimes it runs cool Sometimes really hot. It doesn't correlate to obvious things. I've tried external fans, different fenting. right now, I have removed the keyboard and flashing, and use usb keyboard04:38
taggartbg42ok, so, pop into XP, defrag, run this cclean (still not sure what that is) then GParted should be able to shrink the partition?04:38
tritiumkelvin911: opinion04:38
hisingh1_anyone reed A tale of 2 cities??04:38
kelvin911errpast: u just need to take out the keyboard and blow the dust out every month at least04:38
walkman79I need help. Does anyone have experience running utorrent on ubuntu?04:38
techno_freakhisingh1_, am afraid you are going to get an offtopic warning :P04:38
tenXsince the latest security issue regarding openssl i am really disappointed about debian/ubuntu package maintaining :(04:39
errpastkelvin911, I've got keyboard open. It's not too dusty. But I've never used forced air. I should do that. It really doesn't look too dirty04:39
Sazpaimonwalkman79, apt-get install wine04:39
Killeroidhi, can anyone tell me where ff3-beta 5 's plugins are stored in ubuntu?04:39
GirlRiverCan anyone help with a Firefox question ? I am running firefox 3 on Ubuntu. How do I force it to launch the Quicktime Player plugin instead of Totem ?04:39
tj83taggartbg42.... all you have to do is defrag from xp put the unbuntu cd in load it and allow the install app to shrink it for you.04:39
kelvin911errpast: try to uses something to make your desktop not contacting the table04:39
CaptainMorganI have the ..17 installed via Synaptic.. but uname -a is returning .16... how do I change this?04:39
techno_freaktenX, it happens now and then when you are in a huge community04:39
errpastkelvin911, I think there is an issue with the heat sink and sink grease. Anyway, I've got a hp nc6400 on order.04:39
tenXhisingh1_: you already know that gparted boot disk? its awesome04:39
kelvin911errpast: make more rooms at the bottom of the laptop that helps a lot04:39
techno_freakCaptainMorgan, you booted in with the 16 kernel?04:39
tritiumCaptainMorgan: you have to reboot to use a new kernel04:39
errpastkelvin911, ya, I've got about a 2 inch clearance, WITH an external fan running.04:39
taggartbg42tj83: awesome, thanks, i'm off04:40
hisingh1_tenX: too true04:40
ringerkelvin911: watching videos is crap in opera for me04:40
* emma *smiles*04:40
tenXtechno_freak: well i think its not that simple to explain. the maintainers got into areas of code they should never have messed with04:40
tj83see ya. taggartbg4204:40
superdood@walkman: I heard utorrent runs well under wine04:40
kelvin911ringer: what video?04:40
hisingh1_GUY WITH FIREFOX problem04:40
kylekyHow can I rewrite "RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://site2.com/~userftp/kv/$1 [P,L]" to mirror the content, (not change url/location bar)04:40
kelvin911ringer: try 9.5 beta04:40
errpastkelvin911, it's nice and cool now. go figure. With exact same setup a few hours ago, I was at 70C. Now it is 38C. Room temp is maybe 1 or 2 cooler04:40
ringerkelvin911 any on youtube04:40
kelvin911ringer: 9.27 + linux + flash = crappy04:40
errpastkelvin911, anyway, I cna live with it.04:40
CaptainMorgantritium, I've rebooted many times... they're both installed.. according to synaptic... techno_freak04:40
errpastkelvin911, do you run a widget that shows temp?04:40
yotuxpidgin freezing04:41
CaptainMorganmaybe not.. I'll try it04:41
monestri_Can anyone help with problems involving hibernation/suspend/idling for long periods of time. Symptoms include freezing/hanging, missing mouse pointers. Running 8.04 on a laptop 32bit.04:41
dubbyhey anyone here have experience with openswan and webmin04:41
techno_freakCaptainMorgan, when you reboot does it show up in the boot menu list?04:41
kelvin911ringer: 9.5beta + newest flash on linux = good04:41
_kavOOr_hi, can anyone like me to the tutorial that teaches how to boot the ubuntu iso from usb  ?04:41
Sazpaimonjeez, does this channel ever have a moment of silence?04:41
errpastyotux, I've had Pidgin problems over the past 6 months.04:41
tj83<---loves Gkrellm for temps04:41
tritiumSazpaimon: no04:41
dubbyim trying to learn how to create a l2tp vpn04:41
kelvin911errpast: u mean on 5150?04:41
SazpaimonI can tell04:41
walkman79superdood, I have utorrent running but some of my torrents get this error : "too many files". I've read something about changing the limit with ulimit -n04:41
CaptainMorgantechno_freak, it didn't.. but I just checked my uptime and I may have forgotten to reboot.. brb04:41
tenXhisingh1_: how can distribution related changes mess with a libraries random number generator?? that is f* up04:41
techno_freakSazpaimon, check back after some 4/5 hours from now :P04:41
errpastkelvin911, yes, I have Dell 515004:41
dmsupermanI just did a fresh install of Ubuntu, is there a good list somewhere that I could consult as far as standard things I want to install? So far I have Xchat, build-essential, and msttcorefonts, but I don't remember the package for things like mp3 playback, and the latest flash, and so on04:41
kelvin911errpast: i didnt install ubuntu on my 515004:41
Marfianyone know how to use an older version of a driver? namely the nvidia driver04:41
kelvin911errpast: i run xp on it04:41
SazpaimonI'll just give out my issue again now04:41
errpastkelvin911, oh. I see.04:41
yotuxerrpast -- using xubuntu and trying to figure out where the problem was04:41
tritiumtenX: it didn't.  It messed with the *seeding* of it04:41
kelvin911errpast: and i install the temp control for 515004:42
dmsupermanMarfi, download the driver, and install it04:42
walkman79wow, I can't read anything04:42
cjournell09_if i install ubuntu...will that mean that i get rid of my Windows OS for good...or is there some way that i can access it too?04:42
linuxiscool277URGENT: in 8.04 how do i uninstall firefox04:42
dmsupermancjournell09, you could dual boot04:42
tritiumcjournell09_: you can dual boot04:42
errpastyotux, sorry I can't offer anything but moral support there. I just bailed out of pidgin.04:42
kelvin911errpast: i constantly moniter the temp of 5150, because if it gets too hot, the computer is slow04:42
tj83sazpaimon... been asking on my issue for days... no takers yet04:42
ringerkelvin911 i am using 9.50 beta204:42
dmsuperman!dualboot | cjournell0904:42
ubottucjournell09: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot04:42
monestri_sudo apt-get remove firefox?04:42
Marfilinuxiscool277, sudo apt-get remove firefox04:42
tenXtritium: and _that_ is distro specific??04:42
yotuxerrpast -- thanz04:42
errpastkelvin911, how hot is hot? I've seen it at 72C04:42
Marfidmsuperman, tried. had to wipe the whole thing twice. =)04:42
starcannonlinxiscool277 system=administration-synaptic package manager04:42
tritiumtenX: yes, it was specific to debian scripts that affected the seeding04:42
kelvin911errpast: 70 or above is hot04:42
cjournell09_dmsuperman: how do you dual boot?04:43
cjournell09_is that a good idea?04:43
Sazpaimontj83, welcome to freenode! :P04:43
techno_freaktenX, ubuntu gets it from upstream debian and when debian had problem ubuntu might get it too04:43
Marficjournell09, if you want to keep windows, yes04:43
Sazpaimonbefore I begin, let me first say I honeslty dont care what happens to the OS on the hard drive if it cannot be repaired, that said, so i was attempting to convert a debian install to ubuntu, problem number 1. everything was going fine,  but in my rush, i accidently pressed up on the terminal too many times, and selected "reboot" in the middle of installing all the dkpks04:43
tj83ya... i liked the old OFTC better04:43
kelvin911errpast: computer starts to lag or slow down once u get over 7004:43
errpastkelvin911, ya. the fan screams at that temp. I've no idea now why I'm down at 38 degrees. Same apps. Same room temp. Just weird04:43
dmsupermancjournell09, read the above message by ubotu04:43
drivetraxHey man.. I clicked a link to a panorama picture, and the Mozilla I use says install Quicktime.. Okay, I clicked through, and it took me to Apple for QuickTime 704:43
tenXtritium: in that case adjusting the scripts instead of fooling around somewhere you shouldnt should be the choice04:43
walkman79when I type ulimit -n 4096 I get this : "bash: ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted"04:43
Sazpaimonnow, when I reoot, it gives me some issue with finding the root device, and then dumps me to a command prompt04:43
tj83i'm out people... good night good day good morning whatever.04:43
Sazpaimonobviously i messed something up04:43
errpastkelvin911, ya, and the two copper heat sinks are very hot to touch at that temp04:43
tritiumtenX: hence the fix04:43
tenXtechno_freak: i am aware of the debian/ubuntu relation04:43
superdood@walkman79: changing the limit with ulimit -n should do the trick. The problem you had is apparently going to be fixed in utorrent 1.804:44
Sazpaimonnow, I'll be able to mount the drive and such in another OS, even windows04:44
tenXtritium: hence? can you explain me that word?04:44
errpastkelvin911, the fan noise really irks me. That's my personal problem, but chaning fan speeds make me nuts04:44
drivetraxcan I install the Apple version of QuickTime 7 on ubuntu?04:44
monestri_Can anyone help with problems involving hibernation/suspend/idling for long periods of time. Symptoms include freezing/hanging, missing mouse pointers. Running 8.04 on a laptop 32bit.04:44
Sazpaimonis there a way I can mount the drive on an ubuntu livecd, then finish the conversion?04:44
EnderTheThirdAny idea why/if recent updates hosed my NFS shares?04:44
errpastkelvin911, I can stand steady white noise, but not intermittent and unpredictable04:44
kelvin911errpast: what softwares were u running to get to 70 degrees?04:44
Sazpaimonnow time to format that all into 1 line and ask it again later...04:44
drivetraxI do not see a Linux version At apple, for QuickTime04:44
errpastkelvin911, FF, skype, and gvim04:44
cjournell09_ubottu: thank you for the links...sorry i didnt notice before04:44
ubottucjournell09_: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:44
tenXtritium: i'll look it up quickly w804:44
errpastkelvin911, If I go to FF, and refresh tabs 20 times, I will increase CPU by 20 degrees04:45
CaptainMorgantechno_freak, tritium I just rebooted... menu.lst still only shows -16... yet synaptic shows that both -16 and -17 are installed as well as uname -a shows only -16... any ideas ?04:45
techno_freakdrivetrax, you have to try with other players, there are plugins to play quicktime movie in them04:45
tritiumtenX: please stay on topic.  This is not a grammar channel.04:45
drivetraxtechi602,  why???04:45
kelvin911errpast: maybe your fan isnt spinning?04:45
techno_freakCaptainMorgan, what packages are installed for 17 in synaptic?04:45
drivetraxer, techno_freak   ?04:45
starcannondrivetrax search synaptic package manager for quicktime, i forget the package name sorry, you may need to enable medibuntu as well (google that)04:45
tritiumCaptainMorgan: which -17 packages specifically are installed?04:45
cjournell09_ubottu: sense of humor...i like04:45
ubottucjournell09_: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:45
kelvin911errpast: maybe u need fan speed controller in linux for 5150?04:45
walkman79when I type ulimit -n I get this "bash: ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted"04:45
Pic3don't make dummy packages like epiphany-browser04:45
errpastkelvin911, I just stuck a pen tip in. It's spinning04:45
cjournell09_haha wow it really is a bot!!!04:46
cjournell09_i feel stupid04:46
kelvin911errpast: maybe it is not spinning at full speed04:46
drivetraxwhy all this 'jump thru hoops .. I mean apple runs on XP..04:46
errpastkelvin911, hmmm, that's interesting. fan speed controller. What does that mean?04:46
node357lol yep it's a bot04:46
kelvin911errpast: 5150 fan speed keeps changing04:46
superdood Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Important: type « /msg ubottu etiquette » | Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support |22:43 < tenX> tritium: in that case adjusting the scripts instead of fooling around somewhere you shouldnt should be the choice04:46
EnderTheThirdIn case uBOTtu didn't give it away...04:46
superdood22:43 < walkman79> when I type ulimit -n 4096 I get this : "bash: ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted"04:46
tenXtritium: i never expected such an immature comment from you at that point :(04:46
kelvin911errpast: in XP it changes depends on the cpu temp04:46
superdood22:43 < Sazpaimon> now, when I reoot, it gives me some issue with finding the root device, and then dumps me to a command prompt04:46
superdood22:43 < tj83> i'm out people... good night good day good morning whatever.04:46
tritiumsuperdood: ?04:46
FloodBot2superdood: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:46
kelvin911errpast: maybe u need one in linux?04:46
superdood22:43 -!- EnderTheThird [n=phil@cblmdm72-241-236-43.buckeyecom.net] has joined #ubuntu04:46
Vrathawell, cdrecord seemed a lot easier to use than it used to be04:46
errpastkelvin911, is that a bios setting?  It seems about 3 fan speeds. You could be onto something. Maybe I need to get to the higher speed quicker04:46
superdood22:43 < Sazpaimon> obviously i messed something up04:46
errpastkelvin911, ya, it has different speeds. seems to switch L, M and H at 55, 60, 65 degrees04:47
Vrathaoops... didn't mean to say "maybe"04:47
tritiumtenX: excuse you?04:47
drivetraxI dunno.. but, seems to me.. others would benefit by making their software run on Linux as well as Windows04:47
Sazpaimonalrtight let me try that again04:47
errpastMaybe I need High sooner. I've no idea how I would change that. I suspect it's a bios function04:47
Sazpaimonbefore I begin, let me first say I honeslty dont care what happens to the OS on the hard drive if it cannot be repaired, that said, so i was attempting to convert a debian install to ubuntu, problem number 1. everything was going fine,  but in my rush, i accidently pressed up on the terminal too many times, and selected "reboot" in the middle of installing all the dkpkgs. now, when I reoot, it gives me some issue with finding the r04:47
Sazpaimonoot device, and then dumps me to a command prompt, is there a way I can mount the drive on an ubuntu livecd, then finish the conversion?04:47
CaptainMorgantechno_freak, tritium the exact same as 16... linux-headers-2.6.24-16 and -generic, linux-headers-2.6.24-17 and -generic, as well as linux-headers-generic04:47
kelvin911errpast: set them lower04:47
tritiumCaptainMorgan: those are only header packages.  No linux-image package?04:48
errpastkelvin911, in bios?04:48
techno_freakCaptainMorgan, only the linux-headers ?04:48
errpastkelvin911, interesting idea.04:48
Sazpaimonbasically, booting a livecd, unmounting /, then mounting the /dev/hda1 as /04:48
freeagymagyarok vagytok?04:48
Sazpaimonthen running apt-get blah blah blah04:48
kelvin911errpast: set L 50 M 55 H 6004:48
Sazpaimonwill THAT work?04:48
errpastkelvin911, let me google fan speed, 5150 and ubuntu04:48
errpastkelvin911, brb04:48
tenXtritium: you do not seem to be aware of the dimension of that security hole. i dont know if you're only responsible of your own little system04:48
Sazpaimonout of morbid curiosity04:48
kelvin911errpast: my 5150 screen is blackout broken so i cant install ubuntu04:48
techno_freakCaptainMorgan, no linux-image package?04:48
tritiumtenX: I'm fully aware of the security hole.04:49
tenXtritium: i was simply asking politely for translation its unkind to dis me on that04:49
gummiIm new to kde environment, is it easy to install drivers for graphics cards so they'll work?04:49
monestri_is it possible to get help with hibernation/suspend problems with ubuntu on laptops?04:49
tawd_can someone help me?  i ran wvdialconf to determine my modem, but it said "Sorry, no modem was detected!"  I know i can connect on my windows partition.04:49
emmaWho asked about installing Ubuntu from a USB?04:49
tritiumtenX: it was no dis.  It was a reminder to stay on topic.04:49
ErickGhintHey, guys. I was wondering if someone could help me out with a partition issue really quick. I've formatted my old windows partition to add space to my fairly small Linux part... I really don't need to merge the two partitions, it would be nice but not needed. However, when I go to copy anything into the new partition, it says that I don't have permission to do so. I formatted the new partition in ext3 (not sure why, i remember hea04:49
hisingh1_i m bak04:49
cycomhey, is there a way to change screensaver preferences like, say, number of fish in Atlantis through gnome-screensaver?04:50
CaptainMorgantritium, techno_freak linux-image-2.6.24-16-generic and -17-generic are installed too... do I need linux-image ? which is currently .17.19 ?04:50
starcannonI installed Ubuntu using a usb cdrom worked fine04:50
tenXtritium: and that indeed is a dis regarding the circumstances04:50
RainMakerIf anyone can help me with a icon question please pm me.04:50
drivetraxfish in atlantis.. screensaver.. man, this is Ubuntu help..04:50
seamus7Does Ubuntu 8.04 have a new way of opening ports?04:50
monestri_sigh, too many people to get help here04:50
tenXtritium: sounds like i was talking off topic nonsense04:50
hisingh1_cycom: does your screen saver actuall display the fish?? How did you do that04:50
tritiumtenX: no, it's not.  The channel is too busy for offtopic like that.  Please drop the subject.04:50
techno_freakCaptainMorgan, run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, if a kernel update is found it should install it04:50
CaptainMorgantritium, techno_freak  I'm using 64-bit arch... do I need linux-image-amd64 too ?04:50
tenXtritium: whatever...04:51
starcannonmonestri_ the ubuntuforums.org is often a good place to look as well04:51
cycomhisingh1_: well, ok, sharks and dolphins04:51
cycomhisingh1_: not really fish04:51
monestri_don't get me started on the forums04:51
monestri_the search feature is terrible04:51
EdijusXPHello. I tried connect to the Internet using wireless, but the Internet was not working. I have advent 7204 and Ubuntu 8.0404:51
tawd_can someone help me?  i ran wvdialconf to determine my modem, but it said "Sorry, no modem was detected!"  I know i can connect on my windows partition.04:51
monestri_easier to search for what your looking for in google and + ubuntu forums04:51
seamus7monestri_ the forums are very useful for troubleshooting ... I've solved many problems there04:51
tenXEdijusXP: the internet is not working? uah thats shocking04:51
hisingh1_cycom: to add sharks and dolphins go to ccsm04:51
EdijusXPtawd_: is is winmodem?04:51
hisingh1_cycom: u know how to do that04:52
EdiferiousI have boobs, so....Answer me this (I've already perused the forums and not found anything successful) How do I get VLC to ignore region codes in 8.0404:52
CaptainMorgantechno_freak, those commands are not showing the kernel update... why would synaptic have it?04:52
monestri_I've been having hibernation/suspend problems since fiesty and have never found a working solution there04:52
kelvin911ringer: maybe u can turn off autocomplete?04:52
techno_freakmonestri_, start your google search word with ubuntuforums, it will be more useful04:52
hisingh1_cycom: then go to the atlantic 2 icon and04:52
tawd_EdijusXP what?04:52
kelvin911ringer: i dont know04:52
cycomhisingh1_: screensaver, not the desktop cube junk04:52
EdijusXPtenX: yes. Ubuntu shows I'm connected, but i cant use the internet. it asks and asks for password.04:52
tritiumtenX: don't complain about being dissed, and then turn around and dis others04:52
monestri_I came here out of a last resort of starts, but it seems to have been a bad idea04:52
techno_freakCaptainMorgan, is your current kernel amd64?04:52
starcannonmonestri_ sorry didn't know it wasn't working out, I have had great results myself, google a term followed with ubuntu, say for instance: nvidia ubuntu that will often times bring up forum results, you can do advanced google searches and tell it to return only ubuntuforum.org results as well if you prefer a different search engine04:52
slybootsOkay.. Uh, I got kismet working.. sort of x.x04:52
RainMakerIf someone can help me out with a simple icon question please pm me.04:52
CaptainMorgantechno_freak, yes04:52
slybootsIt runs for about 6 seconds befre the system locks up with a kernel panic04:53
seamus7Does Ubuntu 8.04 have a new firewall app that would allow me to open a port?04:53
techno_freakCaptainMorgan, then you need amd64 version for 1704:53
hisingh1_cycom: you need the desktop cube junk to do it04:53
Ediferious...No one cares to help me? :(04:53
techno_freakEdiferious, what's your problem?04:53
RainMakerYpu just need to wait.04:53
starcannonmonestri_ whats yoru question? I'll help if I can, it is busy here tonight for sure04:53
CaptainMorgantechno_freak, that doesn't explain why it's not found using apt-get...... ?04:53
cycomhisingh1_: no, you don't.04:53
Ediferious"Answer me this (I've already perused the forums and not found anything successful) How do I get VLC to ignore region codes in 8.04"04:53
tritiumEdiferious: your intro was inappropriate.04:54
cycomhisingh1_: Atlantis is also a standard screensaver.  I can use the XScreensaver package to do it, but it doesn't work as nicely as the gnome stuff.04:54
monestri_Basically in previous versions I couldn't suspend without rewaking back to a a screen with a missing mouse.04:54
EdiferiousI'm sorry for humor.04:54
techno_freakCaptainMorgan, having an upgrade for i386 doesn't mean there is an upgrade for amd64 as well.. synaptic is a front end for apt, thats all04:54
mrstevegrossHi folks04:54
CaptainMorgantechno_freak, which should I iinstall? linux-headers-amd64-generic which shows .17 description: Upgrade dummy package. Can be removed. ?04:54
legend2440tawd_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto04:54
monestri_In Hardy I can't idle 10 minutes without the system hanging/black screen04:54
hisingh1_cycom, oh atlantis , i though u ment cube atlantis04:54
monestri_much like a screensaver that won't end >.<04:54
tenXtechno_freak: but still, may i ask if you're involved in development?04:55
Fritzeldoes anyone know why this won't work http://pastebin.com/d1976b3de04:55
EdijusXPDoes anyone knows about connecting to the internet using wireless? please pm me04:55
brianfreudTotal newbie question, if I may.  I'm trying to switch to Ubuntu.  I've created several installation CDs, using 2 different drives, and I checked that the md5 was correct - yet no install CD gets more than halfway without erroring out as an unreadable CD.  I have created a new ext3 partition that's 850 mb - is there some way I can put the install image on there, then use that to install?04:55
tawd_EdijusXP, that's where i found the wvdialconf comand04:55
hisingh1_bye everybody04:55
techno_freaktenX, not much, just in the bug squad04:55
monestri_EdijusXP, look in the forums about ndiswrapper04:55
hisingh1_hw... man that sucks04:55
tritium!wireless | EdijusXP04:55
tawd_EdijusXP, wvdialconf gave me "no modem was detected"04:55
ubottuEdijusXP: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:55
starcannonmonestri_ oi sorry i'm no good on suspend resume, your problem sounds usb related though, and I have read things about that here and there but i'm useless..04:55
brianfreudRight now I am running from the CD image, which seems fine...  I just can'tget any CD to finish the install04:55
drivetraxbrianfreud,  -- look up Unetbootin04:55
CaptainMorgantechno_freak,  ?04:55
monestri_usb related??04:55
emmaWas someone in here asking about booting Ubuntu from a USB?04:56
monestri_where do you get that?04:56
monestri_that's funny04:56
mrstevegrossNewbie question: I'm running Ubuntu via VirtualBox on a Windows XP box. I'm trying to set up sshd to allow me to ssh from xp to ubuntu. Does anyone have expertise in this area?04:56
EdijusXPtawd_: I had the same problem some time ago. I guess u will not be able to use it.04:56
etheredgehow can i get the latest drivers for my video card04:56
tritiummrstevegross: sudo apt-get install openssh-server04:56
drivetraxbrianfreud,  or, unetbutin..04:56
monestri_because my usb ports don't work either.04:56
cycommrstevegross: should be able to just apt-get install ssh04:56
huaweiemma: yeah please help me04:56
techno_freakCaptainMorgan, in synaptic there is a mark all upgrades? click it04:56
monestri_Devices work if they're connected from boot, but hotswapping doesn't work.04:56
tawd_EdijusXP, ok.  i'll look around a little more before giving up04:56
mrstevegrosstritium: Yeah, I've gone through that, and configured sshd_config.04:56
etheredgeim trying to get wow to run and i need to update my drivers i think04:56
tritiummrstevegross: great04:56
mrstevegrossStill, however, I get "connection refused" when I run putty on xp.04:56
tenXtechno_freak: one thing - i'd like to emphasize that i'am really thankful for the communities works and love debian specific distributions. not to get me wrong. but you have to admit that it was a severe incident, really critical04:56
seamus7Is there a new way of opening a port in Hardy? I'm trying to get Deluge to receive incoming connections but no luck so far....04:56
monestri_And there's no dmesg response to usb devices being plugged in (hotswapping)04:56
RainMakerIf anyone can help me out with a simple icon question, please say so.04:56
emmahuawei, try this out -- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick04:56
monestri_so it's not an automount issue.04:56
seamus7RainMaker ?04:57
tritiumtenX: nobody is downplaying the severity04:57
EdijusXPtawd_: It's very hard task..04:57
CaptainMorgantechno_freak, that didn't do anything... "Apply" didn't go bold...04:57
starcannonmonestri_ i was assuming the mouse is a usb mouse, that or I got your post mixed with another, it is goingby fast and i'm on an asus eee, and your tone is less than pleasant, i'm going back to answer questions in the forums, this place is wack tonight04:57
techno_freaktenX, am not running away from saying it wasn't a fault, am saying that it happens once in a while and people learn from it04:57
EdiferiousAnyone - Region codes on DVDs?04:57
tawd_EdijusXP, yeah.  i wonder how they coped with it in the past!04:57
huaweiemma: I want the ubuntu iso to boot from usb instead of burning a CD always04:57
tritiumEdiferious: yes, there are04:57
techno_freakCaptainMorgan, then there might not be an upgrade to your installed packages, which includes the kernel as well04:57
monestri_ok, you could just say you don't know04:58
monestri_no need to blame me04:58
Ediferioustritium:  how do I get vlc to ignore them?04:58
tritiumEdiferious: don't know, but that's a better-worded question.04:58
emmahuawei, that's what this link is explaining how to do -- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick04:58
etheredgeanyone help me?04:58
etheredgei need to get the new drivers for my video card04:58
Ediferioustritium:  It was my 3rd attempt, so I dropped teh words.04:58
CaptainMorgantechno_freak, what does "Upgrade dummy package...." mean ?04:58
tenXtechno_freak: yes in a way we agree. but the incident made me loose trust in something i was standing for. it was hard for me personally since i sell debianish services a lot04:58
CaptainMorganshould I attempt it ?04:59
errpastHow can I install FF 2.0 on 8.04? apt-get install says "already installed" I need 2.0 for some plugins04:59
Ediferiousetheredge:  Synaptic? Google?04:59
etheredgehrm how could i use synaptic?04:59
PhilhEdiferious, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=767449&page=10 similar to your problem?04:59
kelvin911errpast: whats wrong with ff3?04:59
Ediferiousetheredge: stystem > admin> synaptic04:59
RainMakerCan anyone help me out with a simple icon question?04:59
etheredgeEdiferious, how could i use synaptic04:59
kelvin911errpast: iseen many people asking how to install ff2 back04:59
Klowneranyone know if there's a way to force the dist-upgrade tool to run?05:00
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EdiferiousPhilh:  Nope.05:00
CaptainMorgantechno_freak, tritium this is what I don't understand... if /lib/modules/ shows BOTH -16 and -17 why can't I somehow reroute the current configuration from 16 to 17 ?05:00
tenXtechno_freak: i am just afraid there may be other distro specific modifications :(05:00
etheredgeEdiferious,  the card is GM965/GL96005:00
techno_freakCaptainMorgan, dummy package is not the original package, it's just a name which might point to the latest package. you can try changing the mirror and check if an upgrade is available05:00
drivetraxTo install firefox2, I would uninstall firefox3, then download firefox2, and install it05:00
seamus7Ediferious I thought VLC ignored region codes05:01
CaptainMorganif everything is identical in synaptic for both versions.... it should be a simple reconfig05:01
CaptainMorganor simple pointer to05:01
Ediferiousetheredge:  Do A google for "<card> Ubuntu driver"05:01
Philhseamus7, me too05:01
tritiumtenX: it was *not* a modification to code.  It was scripts that didn't seed the RNG properly.05:01
etheredgeEdiferious, just tried that looking now05:01
Ediferiousetheredge: when you get a result, synaptic search for that.05:01
reverendnathanOH HAY GUYZ! Trouble with printer: From my findings: Can't find USB port it's attached to, but still is plugged in, prints fine in Windows. Reconfiguring CUPS does not help. Broke in an update about two weekz back. Anyone lad enough to help out a dashing gent such as myself?05:02
techno_freakCaptainMorgan, does your /boot/ has a corresponding initrd.img for 17?05:02
legend2440tawd_:  have you read this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto05:02
drivetraxby the way.. you can have firefow, and seamonkey in seperate directories.. and pick and choose which to launch05:02
cyntek_hello all, How can i configure the watts on my speakers in ubuntu?05:02
tenXtritium: okay before discussing with you i should look at that code specifically :) dont have the time for that, i am simply worried. and i think you should understand that05:02
mrstevegrossI'm trying to ssh to by Ubuntu box, and putty tells me "connection refused"; can anyone give me some general tips on how to investigate?05:03
CaptainMorgantechno_freak, yes05:03
* Ediferious sighs05:03
drivetraxMrSte,  what port05:03
tawd_legend2440, yes i have.  i ran the wvdialconf comand and recieved "no modem was detected"05:03
tritiumtenX: I can understand being concerned05:03
PhilhEdiferious, what kind of errors are you getting, i haven't seem region code related stuff from vlc before05:03
techno_freakCaptainMorgan, then you can edit grub's menu.list to add an entry to 17 and try booting with it05:03
drivetraxmrstevegross,  open port 22 on the ubuntu box05:03
CaptainMorgantechno_freak, ah... ok, thanks!05:03
jthxxxhi there :)05:03
legend2440tawd_: what kind of modem is it?05:03
EdiferiousPhilh, none.05:03
mrstevegrossWhere do I go to configure opening / closing ports on ubuntu?05:04
RainMakerCan someone please help me out with a simple icon question?05:04
techno_freakCaptainMorgan, welcome05:04
tawd_legend2440, not usre.  would lspci tell me?05:04
tenXtritium: i have to reconfigure >10 (and thats not a lot) systems including openvpn certs05:04
seamus7RainMaker what's the question?05:04
tritiumRainMaker: don't ask to ask.  Just ask.05:04
drivetraxmrstevegross,  you might try firestarter05:04
PhilhEdiferious, i see, and how did you come to the conclusion that region codes are your problem?05:04
tenXtritium: its a lot of work and explaining to customers05:04
legend2440tawd_: it might05:04
EdiferiousPhilh: The drive is clicking, then it just quits trying05:04
RainMakerI need to know how to change a single icon, I want to change my firefox icon for a different one.05:04
chris256I have the boot splash screen disabled so when I boot up, I see messages scroll by.  But some of the messages go by too fast to read.  I looked at all the logs in /var/logs but cannot find some of those initial boot messages.  I know because I can see some message that says "FATAL ERROR" and then something about a battery.  Are those messages I am seeing on boot up logged anywhere?  If so, where can I find it?05:04
EdiferiousPhilh: Because I had to change region codes in windows to get this disk to work.05:05
mrstevegrossdrivetrax: I'm installing firestarter now; is that a configuration utility?05:05
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tritiumtenX: it's one of the risks you take with any software, really05:05
PhilhEdiferious, when using vlc on windows?05:05
tawd_legend2440, i could not find it there.  the proper driver might not be installed05:05
jlcHas anybody gotten lightscribe to work in 8.04 x64?05:05
etheredgeEdiferious, i cant seem to find anything05:05
EdiferiousPhilh: Yes05:05
legend2440tawd_: probably not05:05
drivetraxmrstevegross,  it is like a gui for the iptables the kernel uses05:05
ximanyone know any good tutorials on encryption in ubuntu?05:05
tenXtritium: of course you're right :) but i didn't expect that with those systems because i love and stand for them05:06
tawd_legend2440, i might have to look around in my windows partition for the .inf driver file and use ndiswrapper05:06
Klownersomehow a friend of mine updated to Hardy, but for some reason, GRUB still shows Gutsy, and it isn't showing the installed 2.6.24 kernel in the grub menu05:06
mrstevegrossdrivetrax: interesting. Is the ssh port closed by default normally?05:06
seamus7RainMaker right-click on APPLICATIONS and choose Edit Menu ... then find Firefox and right-click on it and choose Properties ... click the FF icon and browse to the icon you wish to use instead05:06
JR_MoneybagsQuick question please: Where can I go to change a users login settings - I had changed my users home folder in UBStudio to the \home drive of another installation of Ubuntu (thinking that this would be a good idea to share mail settings etc)... But now I can´t log in at all - and apparently root can´t open Users and Groups. Some advice please?05:06
EdiferiousPhilh: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=767449&page=10 is what I'm looking at right now05:06
tenXtritium: on my private machines i use gentoo but for servers to manage ubuntu over the last yrs has become my choice05:06
RainMakerCan anyone help me out with an icon question please.05:06
drivetraxmrstevegross,  -- if you don't mind.. are you attempting to remote connect using Putty.. to the Ubuntu machine?05:06
tritiumtenX: oh05:07
kelvin911RainMaker: what icon Q?05:07
tenXtritium: oh? ;)05:07
RainMakerI need to know how to change mozilla firefoxes icon for a different one.05:07
tritiumtenX: yes, no comment05:07
superkuh"#include <asm/io.h>" fails in compiling c programs. Is there a way to auto-magically get the right kernel headers using apt-get?05:07
seamus7RainMaker I just wrote to you with directions above05:07
mrstevegrossdrivetrax: That's correct. I have Ubuntu (on Virtual Box on my XP machine); I am trying to ssh to it from XP.05:07
legend2440tawd_: there is a link to scanmodem tool that helps determine what modem you have05:07
RainMakerOh sorry I didn't see it.05:08
tritiumsuperkuh: sudo apt-get linux-headers-$(uname -h)05:08
mudd`Hossamhello, i have configured my interfaces file for static, but this computer keeps randomly switching back to dhcp!05:08
CaptainMorgantechno_freak, awesome it worked... much appreciated.05:08
RainMakerThanks a lot seamus7!!05:08
tawd_legend2440, where?  on the link you posted?05:08
drivetraxmrstevegross,  -- you have windows running ubuntu.. so you are Putty back to windows05:08
techno_freakCaptainMorgan, :)05:08
mrstevegrossdrivetrax: correct.05:08
tenXtritium: okay i see. think we all didnt like those happenings. i will still stick to ubuntu especially because i love it05:08
legend2440tawd_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto05:08
CaptainMorgantechno_freak, weird that menu.lst didn't get updated tho.. huh?05:08
drivetraxmrstevegross,  thus.. you cannot go out, and come back in.. the same port05:08
Marfi*sighs* im starting to get tired of posting this. how do i roll back an nvidia driver? the restricted driver that comes with hardy is buggy, and i want to fix it05:08
tritiumsuperkuh: uname -r, rather05:09
adubhow can i extract or burn a .img file05:09
techno_freakCaptainMorgan, may be that's the case05:09
ErickGhintQuick question... I just formatted a partition in ext3 and I'm a bit confused on how to either merge partitions or copy files over to the new partition. Any help would be greatly appreciated.05:09
tritiumtenX: :)05:09
superkuhtritium: Ah. Thanks.05:09
jtaylor13group:if i want gmail check and other software to start up when pc boots up how to do it.05:09
EdiferiousMarfi: Sorry its so busy. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29468105:09
JR_MoneybagsHow do I change /home location for a user if I can´t access Users and Groups?05:09
Marfiadub, download ccd2iso, then run ccd2iso file.img file.iso, then burn it as an iso05:09
mrstevegrossdrivetrax: My understanding is that virtual box should work like a separate system, and that I could have my XP box talk to the network interface on virtual box.05:09
techno_freakCaptainMorgan, you just installed new packages, but not updated the old one, may be because of that too.05:09
tawd_legend2440, lol.  right after that it gives the command wvdialconf, which said i have no modem05:09
tenXtritium: keep up the good work. i'd love to get involved some day to give sth back05:09
tritiumtenX: you too!05:10
mrstevegrossdrivetraxa: So is it not possible to ssh from the XP box to the ubuntu-within-virtualbox then?05:10
EdiferiousMarfi: did you get that?05:10
tenXtritium: but those question must be allowed because they are fundamental05:10
MarfiEdiferious, np. this is a clean install, so there is nothing to roll back to05:10
chris256I have the boot splash screen disabled so when I boot up, I see messages scroll by.  But some of the messages go by too fast to read.  I looked at all the logs in /var/logs but cannot find some of those initial boot messages.  I know because I can see some message that says "FATAL ERROR" and then something about a battery.  Are those messages I am seeing on boot up logged anywhere?  If so, where can I find it?05:10
MarfiEdiferious, yes, just found that link a few min before05:10
drivetraxmrstevegross,  try telnet05:10
EdiferiousMarfi:  Not sure on a clean install. Dang.05:10
ShpookQuestion: On the LiveCD, is there a way to keep it from trying to access the hdd? I want to boot into livecd to see if I can extract information off of a defective hd, but it stops loading when it tries to access the hd.05:11
tritiumtenX: definitely05:11
RainMakerNow that I browse for my icon it doesn't show my icon for me to choose..05:11
EdiferiousMarfi: Could you google what the previous version was, install it, then uninstall the old?05:11
mrstevegrossdrivetrax: It tells me "could not open connection on port 23: connect failed"05:11
grendal_primesooo the machine is a dell precision m4300. I had the sound working in debian testing.  I cant seem to get it to work in ubuntu and the nvidia driver it wants to install causes it to turn the screen all white with a black.grey lint down the middle?05:11
megabyte405chris256: dmesg05:11
tenXtritium: i regard it all as a chance to improve further. especially ubuntu has a great chance to expand as a desktop system05:11
grendal_primeany advice on this thing would be great05:11
drivetraxmrstevegross,  this is kinda off-topic05:11
tenXtritium: though i mostly use it as a server system05:11
drivetraxmrstevegross,  however.. both ports in windows and Ubuntu should be open.. to telnet to.. and if there is windows firewall.. it should also be open on that port05:12
tritiumtenX: I agree.05:12
superkuhtritium: I get back "E: Invalid operation linux-headers-2.6.24-16-generic"05:12
RainMakerseamus7, now that I browse for the icon I want, it doesn't show the icon for me to choose.05:12
mrstevegrossdrivetrax: Is it possible that the IP is wrong? I got it from the general network settings on Ubuntu. Ping replies positively to it.05:13
grendal_primealso i was wondering..when i install the perpriatory drivers for nvidia..how to i back that out later.  Im use to using aptitude (which seems to be installed) but i dont know what the package is that i need to remove05:13
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tenXtritium: when i remember back to the days i started off with debian 2.0 in 1998 with no graphic support and even less idea about what i was doing we've come a long way ;)05:13
seamus7RainMaker it's not intuitive ... once you find the folder you know the icon is in choose Open ... it should then open a new window which will display thumbnails of all the icons in that folder05:13
Ahadielsuperkuh, I think you're looking for sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.24-16-generic05:13
drivetraxMrStevegross - sure05:13
Ahadielnot sudo apt-get linux-headers-2.6.24-16-generic05:14
RainMakerThat's what I did, I have the icons in a folder, and I choose the folder but it doesn't show the thumbnails.05:14
knifepointhow large should i make my swap space for hardy?05:14
mrstevegrossdrivetrax: I've got firestarter installed now. I don't see a section for opening / closing specific ports though.05:14
ShpookOr, better yet, what would be the best way to extract information off of a bad hd? It's in a laptop, and I've tried BackTrack with no success, and booting from an external drive. Everything tries to access the internal HDD and freezes the boot up.05:14
seamus7RainMaker choose the folder and then Open it05:14
tritiumtenX: it has come along way since I started in 199305:15
zak2anyone know how to get Java support for MonoDevelop in Hardy?05:15
superkuhAhadiel: Yes, I was. But I was already up to date.05:15
NastyAccidentShpook, live cd it. :-)05:15
knifepointits for a laptop with 2gb of ram but iv'e got a 250gb hdd so plenty of spare space05:15
tawd_quick question.  does anyone know the easiest programming language to learn to build GUI programs?05:15
tenXgeneral question: are most of you ubuntu users stick to using sudo? first thing i do after a system install is "sudo passwd root" and eliminating the basic user05:15
knifepointtenX: sudo everything i never use su05:15
zak2tenX: i'm happy with sudo05:16
PhilhtenX, eliminating the basic user?05:16
ShpookNastyAccident: That's what I've been trying to do, but livecd is trying to access the hard drive.05:16
kelvin911tenX: what do u mean?05:16
tritiumtenX: yes, we strongly encourage the use of sudo, and discourage enabling the root account05:16
tenXtritium: you must be older than my grandpa05:16
EdiferioustenX: I stick with Sudo05:16
drivetraxmrstevegross - policy, and events tabs05:16
tritiumtenX: 3405:16
tenXbasic user meaning the initial one05:16
NastyAccidentShpook, what is your boot order?05:16
RainMaker~sigh~ I open the folder where the icon I want is, but no thumbnails.05:16
mrstevegrossdrivetrax: Ok, I've allowed telnet and ssh policies from "anyone" and "applied policy". Still no luck--do the changes apply immediately?05:16
NastyAccidentCDROM, HD1, HD2?05:16
PhilhtenX, you mean the non root user also created, why would you do that, do you do everything as root?05:16
seamus7RainMaker you click the Firefox icon in Properties and then Browse to the folder .. the folder will be empty ... then click Open and a new window will open displaying its content .... are your icons in proper formats05:16
tenXi see sudo as a help for windows users to differ accounts05:16
kelvin911tenX: what i did is make the password of su the same as password for my login05:17
NastyAccidentMake sure it is booting into the CDROM before HDs!05:17
NastyAccidentChange it in the bios.05:17
knifepointanyone "how large should i make my swap space for hardy?"05:17
ShpookNot sure, I believe it's usb-hdd, cd-rom, hdd1, pxe05:17
tenXPhilh: yes especially surfing the net and downloading pr0n05:17
Philhi sometimes sudo su to get a root shell, sudo this, sudo that gets boring after a while, but i don't run a gui as root05:17
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tawd_what's the bash command to create, say, an openoffice wordprocessor file?05:17
tenXof course i only use root for administrative tasks05:17
tritium!sudo | tenX05:17
ubottutenX: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.05:17
kelvin911tenX: u need to be root to download porn??05:17
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:17
Philhkelvin911, totally05:17
tritiumtenX: that's for informational background on why we recommend it05:17
ussertawd_, dont think u can do that from the commandline05:18
RainMakerOh, okay, I got it now, I thought it was supposed to show it automatically, thanks a lot I owe you!05:18
tenXkelvin911: yes only as root i can really enjoy it05:18
tritiumStarnestommy: ?05:18
tenXubottu: mmmm of course of course...05:18
ubottutenX: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:18
zak2obviously tenX needs a root05:18
ShpookNastyAccident: Sorry, I think it's usb-hd, cd-rom, hd, pxe05:18
tawd_usser, i'm sure you can, because the GUI is built on top of bash.  right?05:18
drivetraxmrstevegross,  now windows..set the firewall.. and any installed other firewall you have05:18
* zak2 is sorry, he couldn't help it :)05:18
tenXubottu: you didnt give me a reason yet to doubt that05:18
ubottutenX: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:18
NastyAccidentboot cdrom first.05:18
tritiumPhilh: use sudo -i rather than sudo su05:18
phoenix180greetings everyone! I have a quick question-which dvd shrinking program can efficiently shrink a 5.6gb dvd game file so that I can burn it to a DVD5 disc? I selected most of the dvd programs what were available in the packages so I just wanted to know which program could do it.  Thanks for your time!05:18
chris256_My computer locked up again and had to restart it.  I'm trying to figure out what those messages that are shown on boot up.  I looked all over dmesg reading line for line and greping for "FATAL ERROR" and cannot find that message there.05:19
tenXso you type in sudo before every "root" command?05:19
mrstevegrossdrivetrax: I have fully disabled my firewall. Still get "connection refused".05:19
tenXyou have an alias for that?05:19
=== tawd_ is now known as tawd
ussertawd_, thats not true for all applications, im looking thru command line options for openoffice cant find one05:20
drivetraxmrstevegross - there is no router involved?05:20
Philhtritium, i knew i'd seen something like that, thanks for the reminder05:20
ShpookNastyAccident: Will boot order affect LiveCD? I just looked and it boots the hd before cd. I've been over-riding the boot order each boot.05:20
ubottuFactoid kiba-dock not found05:20
tawdusser, hmm  that's odd.  how did people in the first days of bash/terminal create files?05:20
chris256_I looked in the debug log, the syslog, kernel log, and just about every other log and cannot find that fatal error message anywhere.05:20
tritiumPhilh: no problem :)05:20
mrstevegrossdrivetrax: Well, it's just a laptop. However, I am using a wireless router for my internet connection.05:21
NastyAccidentShpook, it tries to boot the external drive.05:21
knifepointchris256_ vi05:21
fongkwanwhich repo is kiba-dock in?05:21
drivetraxmrstevegross,  perhaps you might use shares.. and.. that is "talking" between the two05:21
fongkwananyone know?05:21
NastyAccidentJust switch it to the CDROM and you'll be able to get into the LiveCD.05:21
tenXimho sudo in ubuntu is only a way for users new to linux to seperate user rights05:21
NastyAccidentEasy data transfer.05:21
mrstevegrossdrivetrax: "shares" ?05:21
tenXif you know what you're doin.. its a waste05:21
ussertawd, oh i thought u meant for openoffice specifically, creating files is easy05:21
chris256_vi the text editor?05:21
ussertawd, touch filename05:21
tritiumtenX: no, it's not just for new users05:21
tawdusser, that's it?05:21
tenXtritium: but?05:21
drivetraxmrstevegross,  yes, when you share a windows directory, with people, and Samba an Ubuntu directory with windows..05:21
knifepointchris256_ sorry mate getting the people and their questions mixed up05:22
ussertawd, that will create an empty file05:22
knifepointchris256_ ignore me05:22
fongkwanWhich repo is kiba-dock in, anyone know?05:22
tritiumtenX: it enhances security.05:22
mrstevegrossdrivetrax: Fair enough, but I am interesting in setting up a variety of services on my linux box that would be used from a windows client. ssh is just the first.05:22
chris256_o.k. no problem.05:22
tritiumfongkwan: it's not05:22
WannabeAny oen got experince with Openbox?05:22
ShpookNastyAccident: Right, I have it set like that purposely. Each boot I have the option to override the boot order, and I select cd. I choose the option to enter LiveCD, and when it tries loading LiveCD, it tries to access the HD.05:22
tenXtritium: it doesnt. it doesnt make a difference if you use sudo or execute commands as root05:22
NastyAccidentWhat LiveCD are you using?05:23
tawdusser, awesome!  thanks.  i'm one step closer to being able to use bash as well as the GUI05:23
tenXtritium: IFFF the sudoers file gives you the same powers as root of course05:23
tritiumtenX: it does.  Consider that you run gentoo, so I know that you have a root account.  All I have to guess is the root password.  I run ubuntu.  You'll have to guess two things: my user account, *and* my password05:23
tenXtritium: and in ubuntu it dows05:23
mrstevegrossdrivetrax: I see that firestarter reports connection attempts. It does not appear to show any, though. This is odd, given that I have tried a number of times to connect. Any ideas?05:23
chris256_I just find it hard to understand that in Linux a message is displayed on the screen during boot so fast that it's unreadable but yet it is not put into a log somewhere.05:24
ShpookNastyAccident: I tried both Ubuntu Hardy normal install and BackTrack05:24
victamowerI have a weird problem with Hardy - I run Gutsy on my Thinkpad T60 with ATI Mobility X1400 using the proprietry driver (fglrx), I use a Dell 2407 monitor through the external VGA port -- under Hardy I get constant little flickers or jitters on the external monitor only, whether Desktop Effects are enabled or disabled05:24
phoenix180greetings everyone! I have a quick question-which dvd shrinking program can efficiently shrink a 5.6gb dvd game file so that I can burn it to a DVD5 disc? I selected most of the dvd programs what were available in the packages so I just wanted to know which program could do it.  Thanks for your time!05:24
WannabeAny one here uses Openbox?05:24
NastyAccidentShpook, the default action of a LiveCD should be to write to the memory.05:25
victamowerlike a row of pixels moves 10 pixels or so so the side, then a row of pixels a few pixels below does it half a second later, kind of thing05:25
tenXtritium: well but if i seperate accounts i have 2 pwds - as a sudo user with all privileges there's only one05:25
victamoweranyone got any clues?05:25
byonixhi, i wanted to create some tutorial, i use gtk-recordmydesktop, i have a headphone with microphone on it, how do i record my voice in the tutorial?05:25
NastyAccidentI'm not sure why you're crashing on a boot, if you have it set up to read the cdrom drive first.05:25
PhilhNastyAccident, i think it goes looking for local swap partitions just incase05:25
drivetraxmrstevegross,  - http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Advanced_Networking_Linux05:25
victamowerI'm sure it's related to the fglrx version, because I installed the latest drivers from the ATI website under Gutsy and got the same problem05:25
ShpookNastyAccident: Okay, I wasn't sure. I think this laptop is cursed. :-)05:26
tritiumtenX: yes, but you don't know the user account name.05:26
NastyAccidentPerhaps, try a different LiveCD?05:26
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saiSorry, I'm a linux noob (just changed over), I've been finding it impossibly difficult to find a RMVB to Ipod video converter05:26
saidoes anyone know of any?05:26
mrstevegrossdrivetrax: Thanks!05:26
yamanhi every one  need some help here i v been working on starting my modem work and can't get it work after i downloaded the drivers from linuxant my sound card stop working and i can't get my modem work my modem card is "conexant hda" laptop dell inspiron 6400 any help plz ?05:27
tenXtritium: i don't think it makes a difference mathmatically using strong pwds - and for services like ssh you can disallow root logins05:27
kelvin911sai just download mp405:27
Philhbut then, if just accessing the drive to look for swap  space will hang the machine then mounting the partition once the livecd has booted in order to get at the data sounds like it'll do the same05:27
roolyright, so what's yous guys opinion: an external hdd, fat32 or ext205:27
ShpookNastyAccident: lol I'm on 4 different downloads and 6 different burns, all with md5 verified. Unless you mean a different distro.05:27
NastyAccidentTry KillBill. >.>05:27
kelvin911rooly: ntfs05:27
chris256_I would expect that under Windows things wouldn't be logged but not Linux.05:27
tritiumtenX: fine, I'm not too interested in debating it05:27
tenXtritium: finding out local usernames shouldnt be that hard05:27
kelvin911rooly: or ext305:28
tenXtritium: yeah because you're losing ;)05:28
kelvin911rooly: i hear bad thing about ext205:28
tritiumtenX: no, I'm not at all05:28
Philhrooly, as long as you remember to change ownership of the filesystem's root then ext3 is good...05:28
saiDoes anyone know how to convert RMVB to Ipod?05:28
tenXtritium: well who cares05:28
roolyok, so ext3 or ntfs05:28
m3ltd0wn123I am trying to add a new user with ftp rights and it isnt working.. keeps saying login info not correct05:28
byonixhi, i wanted to create some tutorial, i use gtk-recordmydesktop, i have a headphone with microphone on it, how do i record my voice in the tutorial?05:28
kelvin911rooly: but ntfs is the best for external because u can read it in windows and mac05:28
roolyhmm, i'm not particularly worried about windows usage, and mac usage is effectively non-existent05:29
tenXtritium: for me it's a nice way to introduce new users to a more secure OS usage - for you its a stupid command you always have to type in before being allowed to change anything :p05:29
kelvin911rooly: then ext305:29
Philhrooly, there are a few questions to ask, drive type, solid state or magnetic, target use, external backup or portable storage05:29
chris256_My computer keeps locking up.  It did it sometimes in Gutsy but it does it frequently now with Hardy.  I'm probably am going to have to try another distro.  That's a shame because I like Ubuntu.05:29
tritiumtenX: no, I use sudo -i05:29
kelvin911chris256_: maybe ur hardware05:30
kelvin911chris256_: try memtest05:30
chris256_Anybody have any recommendations of other distros to try?05:30
tenXtritium: do i have to confront the man page or will you introduce me to your magic05:30
roolylets see, sata 7200, magnetic, and both backup and portable05:30
chris256_I did memtest overnight and no problems.05:30
kelvin911chris256_: puppylinux05:30
ShpookNastyAccident: So, I just took the hd out of the laptop, and it booted right up into livecd.05:30
tritiumtenX: try it ;)05:30
PhilhtenX, similar to sudo su but retaining the current user's session, or something like that05:30
kelvin911chris256_: or try clean install ubuntu 7.1005:31
chris256_I've heard good things about Puppy.05:31
tenXPhilh: thx :)05:31
tritiumPhilh: right ;)05:31
kelvin911chris256_: hardy did lock up on me 3 times already05:31
tenXtritium: :p05:31
tritiumtenX: thus, I type sudo once, just as I'd type su once, so it's no less efficient,05:31
tenXthats conform to su - isnt it..05:31
tenXtritium: well su is muuuch shorter05:32
tenXtritium: and i win :)05:32
chris256_I thought abuot that downgrading to 7.10.  This 8.04 is a clean install.05:32
tritiumtenX: nah, you still have an enabled root account, with one less thing to guess05:32
chris256_Btw I don't have any Nvidia drivers or hardware.05:32
hydrogentritium: thats assuming one has sshd running05:32
hydrogenamong other things05:32
roolywhat would be the fastest-access fs for an external via usb drive05:33
tritiumhydrogen: or local access05:33
tenXtritium: my password is longer than route 66 so i dont feel less secure05:33
kelvin911chris256_: ?05:33
walkman79I need help please. I'm running utorrent on ubuntu. I'm getting this error in some torrents: "too many files"05:33
walkman79 I tried ulimit -n but I get this : bash: ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted05:33
macdrooly, you will never notice a difference, unless your working with large files, like in the multi gb and up05:33
tritiumtenX: cool, I live right off of Route 6605:33
kelvin911chris256_: u have nvidia card?05:33
roolyusually do, macd05:33
tenXtritium: damn stay off the road05:34
Philhrooly, i've just set one up using ext3 with a tiny vfat partition just for emergencies, seems pretty fast05:34
macdrooly, well, if they're all big, you cant beat xfs.05:34
chris256_No, I do not have an nvidia nard.05:34
=== SplinTer061662 is now known as SplinTer0616
roolyxfs + vfat it is05:34
hydrogentritium: if you managed to get a program running locally to bruteforce than it could just as easily bruteforce sudo05:34
chris256_That is what I was saying that I don't have one.  Because I have heard of a lot of lock-ups with nvidia cards.05:34
tenXgotta check some windoze systems, brb ;)05:34
Philhrooly, how did you settle on xfs?05:34
roolyspeed, since i often carry very large files05:35
wuxia_what hapepned to the jre-1.4-mozilla-plugin? how do I get java applets working inside of mozilla? (other than the gcj packge -- that did not work for me)05:35
=== Jaie___ is now known as Jaie
roolyunless there's something faster05:35
zChrisrooly: watch out for vfat if you gonna use nfs :D05:36
kelvin911chris256_: nvidia cards are fine in ubuntu05:36
ShpookDoes anyone know how to keep LiveCD from accessing the HD?05:36
Philhrooly, do you expect the filesystem type to be a limiting factor when using a usb interface?05:36
* rooly agrees with kelvin911. no issues with an nvidia 8800 since i got it05:36
gluckhey guys05:37
kelvin911chris256_: most people reports locks up are because they are using beta OS or beta drivers05:37
m3ltd0wn123I used mv to move a blog from one users public_html directory to another, and now images aren't working.. any ideas on how to chown/chmod it to get it running again?05:37
yeonhooim trying to install java 2 SDK and I downloaded .bin file. but i dont know how to install this bin file05:37
Frogzoom3ltd0wn123: probly the paths to the imaages are broken05:37
poolioHello, I'm trying to get a Broadcom 4306 wireless card working in Hardy Heron. I've download b43-fwcutter, and now I can see wireless APs, but I can't connect. I keep getting authentication with AP timed out. Any suggestions?05:37
tritiumyeonhoo: use the ubuntu packages instead05:37
zChrism3ltd0wn123: chown -R user blog05:38
macdPhilh, I just tell them what they want to know and dont worry about explaining such things ;)05:38
roolynot sure, Philh. i was only getting around 10MB/s using a fat32 interface05:38
chris256_Really, o.k.  I've been googling Ubuntu with lock-up issues and find nvidia cards everywhere.  But I'm have the same problems and am not using nvidia.05:38
yeonhootritium,  how? could you tell me detail?05:38
macdrooly, fat32 filesysystem, USB interface05:38
tritium!java | yeonhoo05:38
ubottuyeonhoo: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy)05:38
Philhrooly, i'm getting around 11MB/s using ext3, i think that's the usb limiting the speed more than anything, you filesystem choice shouldn't be based around speed05:39
tenXmacd: what is the problem using usb storage devices with fat32 fs on them if i may ask?05:39
macdchris256_, has anyone asked you to post some logs from /var/log ?05:39
kelvin911rooly: uses NTFS05:39
yeonhootritium, I already install and removed several times the package sun-java6-jre05:39
tritium!ru | biG_mC05:39
ubottubiG_mC: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke05:39
macdtenX, I never said there was a problem, I matched a filesystem to a storage demand05:39
roolyi dont' want ntfs, kelvin91105:39
kelvin911rooly: if u just uses external for storage of your movies05:39
yeonhootritium, im actually trying to launch topcoder app. but no success..05:39
PhilhtenX, fat32 can get flakey if it's not unmounted properly05:39
tenXmacd: okay i got you wrong05:39
kelvin911rooly: then ext305:39
Philhok, it starts out flakey and get flakier05:40
kelvin911rooly: why is it so tough to choose?05:40
d[X_X]banyone knows how to launch this after u make install -- http://smack.berlios.de/05:40
kelvin911rooly: fat32 cant store big files05:40
chris256_macd: No, I haven't posted any logs and haven't really asked for any advice anywhere.  I've just searched the forums.05:40
roolyjust wanted to know what the people in the know know05:40
tenXPhilh: everything should be unmounted properly. and fat32 usage is another pain05:40
kelvin911rooly: and the smallest filesize probably will be 32KB05:40
PhilhtenX, just because everything should be doesn't mean it always is05:40
RyanPriord[X_X]b: Does just running "smack" not work? Shame that they wouldn't put it on your path...05:41
kelvin911rooly: fat32 isnt efficient05:41
macdchris256_, why dont you pastebin your /var/log/lastlog /var/log/kern.log /var/log/dmesg  /var/log/syslog (just the time when it locked up)05:41
RyanPriorkelvin911: fat32 is efficient. It fragments, but it does it efficiently.05:41
tenXPhilh: and just because i want to it doesnt mean i will ;)05:41
d[X_X]bryanprior no it doesnt...but i traced it to /usr/local/share/smack/05:41
=== maco_ is now known as maco
d[X_X]bdont know what to do next05:41
kelvin911RyanPrior: fat32 is efficient??05:42
roolyright-o then. ext3 + 4gb vfat it is05:42
kelvin911RyanPrior: u crazy?05:42
PhilhRyanPrior, it's really good at fragmenting, best around05:42
macdd[X_X]b, did you try typing "smack"05:42
RyanPriorPhilh: It totally is.05:42
tenXPhilh: unmounting is important because you tell your OS to definitely write the buffered date to the device to be disconnected. if you just pull the plug you might be missing stuff05:42
roolyis there any way to get stop the vfat from automounting?05:42
d[X_X]bmacd yes05:42
PhilhtenX, this i know05:42
RyanPriorkelvin911: I use fat32 for my ~/Video partition, which I mount read-only unless I'm adding a new file to it.05:43
Frogzoorooly: external?05:43
macdd[X_X]b, how about 'locate smack'05:43
roolyyes, Frogzoo05:43
chris256_macd, O.k. what is pastebin?  How many lines back from the time my system locked up from each log should be pastebinned?05:43
kelvin911RyanPrior: why fat32 and not ntfs?05:43
d[X_X]bmacd do no...shoild i type in terminal...hold05:43
RyanPriorkelvin911: Because fat32 is well understood and doesn't require a userland driver.05:43
kelvin911RyanPrior: but fat32 cant store large files05:44
tenXkelvin911: is ntfs usage _really_ a safe *nix option nowadays?05:44
RyanPriorkelvin911: I don't have any, so no big.05:44
tritiumtenX: yes, with ntfs-3g05:44
d[X_X]bmacd nothing but pointing to trashcan files05:44
kelvin911i think ntfs is pretty safe now05:44
RyanPriortenX: Depends on what angle you're coming at. If you're running a data center, I wouldn't suggest it. For home use, yeah it's pretty safe.05:44
tenXtritium: reallyreallyreally? productive? ;)05:44
roolyi wanted to strat away from fat32 anyway, as its been giving me a little trouble05:44
macdchris256_, about 5 minutes before, on syslog05:44
tenXRyanPrior: thats exactly my point :)05:44
macd!pastebin | chris256_05:44
tritiumtenX: productive?  What are you asking?05:44
ubottuchris256_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:45
robert__can some one help me set up et sound05:45
tenXRyanPrior: in private usage there is no ntfs05:45
ogunIf I have an Intel Core 2 duo, which version should I be downloading of ubunt 8.04? the Standard personal computer (x86 architecture, PentiumTM, CeleronTM, AthlonTM, SempronTM) or the 64bit AMD and Intel computers05:45
=== RootMR_ is now known as RootMR
emmaare the w32codecs in the ubuntu-restricted-extras package?05:45
macdd[X_X]b, goto the directory you compiled smack in, and read the INSTALL file, see if it names the binary you need to run05:45
cycomogun: how much ram do you have?05:45
ogun2 gig05:45
tritiumemma: they are a dependency of that meta-package, yes05:45
Frogzooogun: 32 bit for desktop use is best05:45
tenXtritium: try to awake your brain for somewhat strange sounding words05:45
cycomogun: I'd say 32bit then05:45
RyanPriorogun: Just download the regular ix86 desktop distro, 32 bit.05:45
ogunok thanks!05:45
tritiumtenX: you're failing to make sense05:45
RyanPriorogun: unless you have >3GB of RAM.05:45
robert__can some one help me set up et sound05:46
kelvin91164bits dont have that many applications05:46
emmaFor some reason I'm not able to play .asf in firefox right now.05:46
tenXtritium: you must be from texas05:46
ogunalright, thanks for the replies! c ya05:46
tritiumtenX: no05:46
RyanPrior!offtopic | tritium, tenX05:46
ubottutritium, tenX: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:46
kelvin911robert__: enemy territory?05:46
stokedI changed my hardware a few times...05:46
kelvin911robert__: wait05:46
d[X_X]bmacd lemme ask you how would i remove if i dont see a uninstall script there?05:46
stokedold nic's take eth0 eth105:46
tenXtritium: i meant in commercial use, not for yourself05:46
Philhtritium, i think tenX is succeeding at being tenX, this may be unfortunate for the rest of us05:46
stokedhow do I remove that ?05:46
RyanPriord[X_X]b: make uninstall might remove it05:46
byonixhi, i wanted to create some tutorial, i use gtk-recordmydesktop, i have a headphone with microphone on it, how do i record my voice in the tutorial?05:47
tritiumPhilh: I'll take care of it, if necessary05:47
RyanPriord[X_X]b: No guarantees when you use an installer that's not tracked by the package manager, though.05:47
roolyvia the sound-recorder or applications like audacity, byonix05:47
tenXPhilh: so what is that damn tenX b* like05:47
macdd[X_X]b, if you compiled it, chance are 'make uninstall' in addition to05:47
tritiumtenX: really, that comment about TX was inappropriate.  No need for prejudice here, pleas.e05:47
tenXin case the makefile contains that target..05:47
macdd[X_X]b, 'make clean' also remove any junk it threw in share05:48
d[X_X]bmake uninstall worked thanks guys but oddly enough it left empty folders05:48
RyanPriord[X_X]b: yeah, sometimes uninstallers are a little messy.05:48
d[X_X]bso i gues manually delete should be safe05:48
tenXtritium: i would have put all my money on it05:48
byonixrooly:are there any sound recorder apps in hardy, how do i do that?05:48
tritiumtenX: because?05:48
macdd[X_X]b, be safe and know what your deleteing also ;)05:48
d[X_X]bman i tell you this linux can leave a bad taste in your mouth sometimes...thanmk god it all worked out05:49
tenXtritium: your intolerance towards non native speakers05:49
tritiumtenX: I was asking for clarification.  That's not intolerance.05:49
macdd[X_X]b, just install things you find in add/remove and synaptic, and you wont have headaches :)05:49
d[X_X]bthanks a lot guys05:49
RyanPriortenX and tritium, this really is not the place for your conversation. #ubuntu-offtopic is our social channel - please, come join us there. :-)05:49
roolybyonix, "applications->sound & video->sound recorder" is an included application. you have to install any others05:49
d[X_X]byea true that05:49
Philhbyonix, you could record the video first then use audacity to record the voiceover while watching it later,even if the desktop recorder can record voice to the video you'll have more time to think about your commentary05:49
tenXRyanPrior: you need people like us there to get it really goin on there i guess ;)05:49
tenXtritium: lets skip that its all good05:50
tritiumtenX: no, I've asked you to drop it05:50
byonixrooly:i have tried that part, i accomplish nothing05:50
tritiumRyanPrior: addressing and stopping prejudices in the channel is sometimes required05:50
kelvin911robert__: still there?05:51
byonixphilh:how do i use audacity?05:51
kelvin911robert__: wget -q -O - http://nullkey.ath.cx/~stuff/et-sdl-sound/et-sdl-sound.gz | gzip -d > et-sdl-sound && chmod a+x et-sdl-sound05:51
kelvin911robert__: run that command05:51
Philhbyonix, sudo apt-get install audacity first, i suspect05:51
kelvin911then ./et-sdl-sound to play05:51
macdbyonix, ubuntu-studio might be a perfect match for you http://ubuntustudio.org/ , as well you can install its packages ontop on a "normal" ubuntu install05:51
RyanPriortritium: Not really - if somebody is out of line, just kick. The channel is unreadable enough without ops trying to argue with people...05:52
robert__how do i copy that05:52
RyanPriortritium: And I'd love to discuss the mater with you in offtopic if you'd be interested. :-)05:52
cygokuHow can I add server to my xchat ??05:52
tritiumRyanPrior: I detest the offtopic channel05:52
kelvin911copy that et-sdl-sound file to enemy-territory dir05:52
d[X_X]bwhat is the equivalent of cd\ in terminal (not cd ..)05:53
kelvin911robert__: cp et-sdl-sound /usr/local/games/enemy-territory05:53
macdd[X_X]b,  "cd /"05:53
deserteaglehello :)05:53
d[X_X]bok kewl.....i typed cd\ and it leaves a weird prompt >05:53
macd!hi | deserteagle05:53
ubottudeserteagle: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:53
kelvin911robert__: if u r using hardy u may need to killall pulseaudio before u run that file05:54
RyanPrior!u | kelvin91105:54
ubottukelvin911: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..05:54
deserteagledoes anyone know why WINE keeps saying there is no configured c drive?05:54
macdd[X_X]b, thats a way to have multiple commands entered, or script on the fly05:54
kelvin911i am dutch ahole05:54
d[X_X]bok good to know05:54
RyanPriordeserteagle: Perhaps it does not have write permission to ~?05:54
macdso many indians all wanna be the chief.05:54
macdoops, wrong chan!05:55
_NetI want to make a video tutorial for this program, how can do i do this with ubuntu? Someone mentioned ffmpeg but I dont understand.05:55
RyanPriorkelvin911: you're not speaking Dutch. =D05:55
_NetCan anyone recommend any software or anything05:55
zChrismacd: lies! :D05:55
Philhkelvin911, presumably you're missing either a comma or an a from that message05:55
macd_Net, gtk-recordmydesktop05:55
deserteagleRyanPrior: well, i used to have it installed and running office 2003 just fine, but after copying a whole bunch of windows files into the drive_c dir, office stopped working so i just deleted drive_c, removed wine and installed it again... but now it doesn't work05:56
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »05:56
kelvin911deserteagle: dump ms office05:56
deserteaglebut that still doesn't solve my problem05:57
_Nete/w 1105:57
kelvin911deserteagle: uses openoffice05:57
deserteaglei do05:57
_NetWoops, ignore that sorry.05:58
deserteagleyet there are still times (such as with powerpoint presentations or embedded macros) when i need office05:58
AaronHdeserteagle, did you run winecfg?05:58
deserteagleand thats when i get the message05:58
macddeserteagle, when you removed wine, did you do it with 'apt-get remove --purge' ?05:58
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deserteaglemacd: first i just erased drive_c05:59
Tchmnkyzhey guys, i have a issue with too many open files on my ubuntu server. I made changes in limits.conf. Once they have been made do i have to restart server for this change to take effect?05:59
macddeserteagle, then do that, 'sudo apt-get remove --purge wine && sudo apt-get install wine'05:59
deserteaglethen i removed the package from synaptic but not complete remove05:59
macdTchmnkyz, yessir, ulimits are not dynamic05:59
drivetraxdownload, enable & configure Java 1.6 on Ubuntu with Mozilla seamonkey or firefox.. http://java.com/en/download/help/5000010500.xml#enable05:59
d[X_X]bis their a cmd to check last installed package in synaptic06:00
wacd-andyhello... I have one question about Wine... I was configing wine and I was stupid... so I accidentally got the display resolution from 96 dpi to 481dpi... making too big... and impossible to read... and becuz I can't scroll down... I can't now change the settings... is there any other way so I can restore default graphics setting...?06:00
d[X_X]bor only gui06:00
deserteaglewacd-andy wincfg?06:01
dmsupermanWhere does firefox store it's lock file? I've completely rebooted and it still says firefox is still open06:01
troxord[X_X]b: check the apt log?06:01
stokedhow do I choose which display driver to use?06:01
kelvin911wacd-andy: nice06:01
macddmsuperman, it doesnt show up in ps does it?06:01
deserteaglewacd-andy type it in a terminal?06:01
d[X_X]btroxor how06:02
dmsupermanmacd, no06:02
kelvin911wacd-andy: try uninstall wine and reinstall wine06:02
RyanPriorstoked: You can install or uninstall the proprietary driver using the manager found at System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers06:02
troxord[X_X]b: check in /var/log/apt/06:02
_NetHow do I turn on gtk-recordmydesktop, I installed it but dont see it under applications06:02
__doc__hi, I noticed something strange. Going with ff3 to ubuntuguide.org my xorg crashes (other websites work and opera works too).06:02
wacd-andyI just tried uninstall and reinstall... and then I did use winecfg... it is too big too scroll down...06:02
deserteaglemacd: nothing06:03
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Philhwacd-andy, try removing the .wine directory in your home directory06:03
kelvin911__doc__: probably the flash06:03
stokedRyanPrior: not using proprietary drivers... want to revert to vesa though06:03
macddmsuperman, I get it in ~/.mozilla/firefox/eaq2awzz.default      "~/.mozilla/firefox/eaq2awzz.default"06:03
deserteaglemacd: it still says "You do not have a C drive, this is not good" every time i launch winecfg06:03
* __doc__ gets the flashblock plugin06:03
kelvin911__doc__: i had ff crashed my x too06:03
RyanPriorwacd-andy: try using winecfg 2>&1 | tee winecfg.out06:03
troxor__doc__: sometimes useful messages get logged to ~/.xsession-errors06:03
macddeserteagle, even after issuing the command I gave you earlier?06:03
dpowerdhey guys how do i change a users shell to prevent them from logging in at all06:04
RyanPriorwacd-andy: Then you can type "less winecft.out" or open it in the text editor of your choice to see all the output.06:04
d4t4min3rhow do i install a new font on HH06:04
anthrax704hey everyone, can someone help me with my lenovo 3000 n200, sound problems06:04
deserteaglemacd: yup06:04
macddpowerd, goto /etc/passwd and make the shell /bin/false06:04
macddeserteagle, hmm, Im out of ideas then, you might try #wine if noone here knows.....06:04
d4t4min3rhow do i install a new font, i d/l a font file and i want to install it to use it06:04
deserteaglemacd lol, is there like a channel for every app in linux? :P06:05
deserteaglethanks for the help though ;)06:05
macddeserteagle, ahh you see the beauty of opensource ;)06:05
monestrianyone know how to disable acpi?06:05
ubottuFactoid acpi not found06:05
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d4t4min3ranyone know how to install a font06:05
JR_MoneybagsHey guys - how do I alter a users home drive location - I changed it and now can´t log in at all - need to change it back06:06
dpowerdmacd, thanks a heap06:06
macdmonestri, acpi=off in grub., if you dont know howto do it, I'll link you to a wiki page06:06
anthrax704hey, can anyone help me with sound problems i'm having on my lenovo laptop?06:06
macddpowerd, no probs06:06
monestrii tried that macd06:06
monestricaused problems during boot06:06
macdJR_Moneybags, what exactly do you mean?06:06
monestritrying to fix the problems with power management /hibernation/suspend06:06
macdmonestri, then you dont want acpi off do ya, what exactly is the problem your having06:06
monestrii was told to disable acpi06:06
rhineheart_mhello... I can't mtr yahoo.com nor do sudo apt-get update... But I can access it from the outside06:07
monestriread ^^06:07
__doc__It's definitly not the flash, I put flashblock in and ff3 still crashes on ubuntuguide.org06:07
__doc__nobody else having that problem?06:07
n00bwhen I try to share a folder (var/www) I am told I do not have permission, contact my admin.  I have chowned it to me, and chmoded it.  I can write/delete/etc locally, and can view the contents in browser from remote, but I need to access folder via share from lan.  How do I make it where I have 'permission'?06:07
macdmonestri, ahhh, yeah disabling it can hurt some systems, laptops in particular06:07
JR_Moneybagsmacd: I changed my UBStudio users home to that of another Ubuntu installation - which doesn´t work so well.... Now I need to change it back06:07
monestriany other solutions?06:07
monestrii need my computer on for more than say.. 10 minutes06:07
eboyjrIf I can't log in as my only user, what can I log in as?06:07
d4t4min3ranyone know how to install new fonts06:07
necro606hi i just got a new mother board today and whin i use high 3d grafix my pc freezes any one know what to do06:08
macdJR_Moneybags, its in /etc/passwd06:08
d4t4min3reboyjr: what i just type that in term06:08
robert__how do ‎i move some thang from the desktop to /usr/local/games/enemy-territory06:08
Philhmonestri, so your machine is suspending itself and you don't want it to?06:08
palomer__necro606, return it06:08
eboyjrd4t4min3r: ?06:08
macdmonestri, it wouls help if we knew why it was shutting down, heat, battery, etc....06:08
JR_Moneybagsmacd:  thank you... Iĺl try06:08
necro606th mother board06:08
d4t4min3ri have the font file... what do i do with it06:08
macdJR_Moneybags, dont go poking around in there if you dont know what to change06:08
monestriwell, after 10 minutes or so i think power management kicks in?06:08
eboyjrd4t4min3r: ttf?06:08
d[X_X]babout installed apps log:   i checked /var/log/apt all i found was trem.log and it was empty..is this correct? or06:08
monestriscreen just goes black... illuminated but dark06:08
Philhmonestri, 10 minutes idle?06:08
jgraham_ howdy.. anyone know how to retrieve a password from evo?  Or, view it?  I am both root and the user, so permissions are not a problem (, ubuntu, amd64)06:08
monestriI don't know, a long time Idle, i've never timed it06:08
eboyjrd4t4min3r: Try dragging and dropping06:08
monestrisame effect if I close the lid06:09
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n00bhow do I give myself permission to share a folder?06:09
RyanPriormonestri: ctrl+alt+f2?06:09
monestridoesn't work06:09
d4t4min3rwhere can i find the font folder06:09
rhineheart_mhello... I can't mtr yahoo.com nor do sudo apt-get update... But I can access webpages from the outside.. and I can even ssh to the box.. any idea?06:09
monestrictrl alt backspace works though06:09
JR_Moneybagsmacd: no fear. I have no /etc/passwd folder??!?!06:09
monestriworks pretty slowly though06:09
RyanPriormonestri: Cool.06:09
eboyjrd4t4min3r: open file browser and type fonts://06:09
d[X_X]bmh no biggie synaptic was faster06:09
monestribut, that's not really a solution heh06:09
macdJR_Moneybags, everyone has a FILE called passwd in /etc/ ;)06:09
Philhmonestri, not even to f2 and back to f7 again?06:09
monestrif2 won't go to command line06:10
monestrisame dark screen06:10
robert__how do ‎i move some thang from the desktop to /usr/local/games/enemy-territory06:10
eboyjrDoes anyone know how to log in to Ubuntu without logging in to the only one?06:10
necro606ok does ubuntu 7.10 support duel core prossesers06:10
monestriyes of course necro60606:10
tritiumnecro606: dual core, rather06:10
macdrobert__,  " cp ~/Desktop/thingtomove /usr/local/games/enemy-territory/ "06:10
JR_Moneybagsmacd: LOL... And I believe you. But my /etc/ goes from pango to pcmcia - ie. no pass*06:10
tritium(they don't fight amongst themselves)06:10
macdJR_Moneybags, thats impossible06:10
eboyjrOkay, bye :(06:10
macdJR_Moneybags, well its not, but your system wouldnt boot without /etc/passwd06:11
necro606what would cause my pc to freeze during hi 3d grafix after about 10 min06:11
JR_Moneybagsmacd: strike that... I should read properly.. File not folder06:11
RyanPriornecro606: hope it's not a cooling problem.06:11
macdJR_Moneybags, I even had it in caps ;P06:11
anthrax704hey just installed Ubuntu 8.04 on my laptop and i'm not getting any sound. Help plz :D06:11
necro606i am running about 98-110 f06:11
macdjgraham_, evolution?06:11
robert__it said permisson denied06:12
stokedhow do I get the menu to choose which display driver to use?06:12
JR_Moneybagsmacd: What can I say.... I´m having one of those days :D06:12
jgraham_macd, yep evolution06:12
d4t4min3rfile browser?06:12
monestriI guess I need to disable suspend06:12
monestriand do something about power management kicking in?06:12
d4t4min3rwhat is file browser06:12
macdjgraham_, so you need your 1.keyring password, or your 2.email password? 1.if you dont know its not going to happen 2. call your ISP06:13
RyanPriord4t4min3r: nautilus06:13
victamowerI have an old Feisty server, I did an apt-get upgrade and get openssh-client openssh-server ssl-certs are kept back06:13
robert__macd , it said permisson denied06:13
d4t4min3ris that pre installed?06:13
n00bwhen I share a folder, i am told - 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error Permission denied' - how do I fix this?  Any ideas?06:13
_NetWhen you capture with recordmydesktop, where is the default location of the files that get saved?06:13
d4t4min3rrun it from term?06:13
RyanPrior!sound | anthrax70406:13
ubottuanthrax704: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:13
Tchmnkyzok, i added increase to the nofiles rebooted and it did not increse the limit (per ulimit -n)06:13
victamoweris this the security fix that got pushed out for Gutsy/Hardy?06:13
jgraham_macd, email server password, for smtp auth login.  It's stored somewhere, and i need to get it to use on another account...06:13
legend2440d4t4min3r: http://www.howtodude.net/modules/article/view.article.php/183/c5306:14
macdrobert__, then to the command I gave you, prefis it with "sudo"06:14
Philhmonestri, have you looked in your power management applet?06:14
necro606is their any programs to check the temp while running a game06:14
Tchmnkyzhow can i increase this limit06:14
Philhnecro606, acpi -t06:14
victamower$ sudo apt-get upgrade06:14
jgraham_macd, the 'IT' guy set it up today, and i created a dummy account for him to play with, (i'm not gonna let those windows guys touch my regular user account!) and, now the password is hidden.06:14
monestrijust did06:14
victamowerThe following packages have been kept back:06:14
victamower  openssh-client openssh-server ssl-cert06:14
roolyhoray, i'm getting double the speed now that i'm not using fat3206:14
monestriit was set to "blank screen" when laptop lid is closed06:14
macdjgraham_, yes it stored in the keyring, which is encrypted, which you can get System --Prefs --Encryption and Keyrings06:14
robert__macd_, it worked thanks06:14
monestrii was getting something like a blank scren06:14
monestrigranted, it would never come out of that blank screen06:15
monestritesting it again, be back in a bit if it dies06:15
anthrax704yes i have tried that, and have asked around06:15
necro606be back06:15
d4t4min3rok so i dont have the .fonts folder06:15
monestrithat seems to allow me to close the lid06:15
d4t4min3rwhere is it finding my current fonts06:15
anthrax704the solution i got was to add options snd-hda-intel single_cmd=1 model=lenovo to etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base06:15
monestriwhich is .. nice. cause laptops are nice to close every once and a while06:16
diver_danhey guys06:16
jgraham_macd, thanks, i kept looking for gnome-keyring-manger..06:16
anthrax704but when i did that, i tried saving and it said i didn't have the right permisions06:16
diver_danwhat do you guys use for yahoo with webcam?06:16
macdjgraham_, yeah they renamed it06:16
legend2440d4t4min3r: create a .fonts folder and install there06:16
monestribut that won't help when the computer goes idle06:16
diver_dan*with ubuntu 806:16
victamowerwhy are packages kept back?06:16
monestriafter x amount minutes06:16
timedroidIt seems upgrading to 8.04 broke compatibility with my ICH9 SATA controller functioning in IDE mode06:16
macdvictamower, because they arent ready yet06:16
jim_beamanyone setup a ATI RADEON HD365006:17
timedroidUsing 2.6.24-16, it just gives me some ata errors with STATUS: DRDY06:17
d4t4min3rlegend2440: there are two files.. a .otf and a .pdf06:17
d4t4min3rdo i copy both06:17
n00bwill someone please help me understand why I dont have permission to change my own files, or at least how to fix it?  I just want to share a folder for crying out loud.  This seems like way too much security.....06:17
RyanPrior!anyone | jim_beam06:17
ubottujim_beam: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:17
timedroidBoots fine using 2.6.22-14 kernel06:17
RyanPriorn00b: Do you own the folder?06:17
n00bRyanPrior, yes06:18
victamowermacd: so it's not a sources.list misconfiguration on my part?06:18
monestriscreensaver has an option to change the time computer is idle after x minutes06:18
monestribut it only goes to 2 hours06:18
macdvictamower, nope06:18
dontbugme"for crying oout loud..." hehehe06:18
monestrinot "never"06:18
diver_danhey firefox wont start and when i go to the system monitor and end it it still doesnt work. is there a terminal code to completely kill it?(not delete)06:18
n00bRyanPrior, I get this error: net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error Permission denied06:18
victamowermacd: thanks06:18
kelvin911monestri: uncheck the screensaver06:18
diver_dann00b: try sudo?06:18
anthrax704i try to save changes i made to etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base and it also says u have to wrong perrmissions06:18
RyanPriorn00b: what gives you that error?06:18
macdtimedroid, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/222887 its a known issue06:18
RyanPriordiver_dan: careful with that thing06:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 222887 in linux "Hardy VFS Kernel panic during boot, no partitions available" [Undecided,New]06:18
rhineheart_mhello... I can't mtr yahoo.com nor do sudo apt-get update... But I can access webpages from the outside.. and I can even ssh to the box.. any idea?06:18
Tchmnkyzok, i added increase to the nofiles rebooted and it did not increse the limit (per ulimit -n) how would i go about increasing this so lighttpd will stop crashing because of this06:18
jim_beamOK Ok :(       has Hilary Clinton ever setup a ATI RADEON HD3650 in 8.04 LTS06:18
Murdoch12how can i connect from Ubuntu 8.04 to LDAP server ? when trying to login i'v got message no groups found, but getent group work fine06:18
monestrikelvin911, ?06:18
n00bI am rightclicking the folder, going to sharing options, and checking share this folder, that is the error06:19
monestriit's already unchecked06:19
kitcherhineheart_m: sounds like a /etc/resolv.conf issue06:19
kelvin911monestri: look carefully u can disable the screensaver06:19
monestriactually, i'll set it to one minute06:19
diver_danRyan: it ends itsself(not responding then force quit) almost every 20 mins06:19
legend2440d4t4min3r: open your home/username folder and type ctrl+h to show hidden files then create .fonts folder and put your new fonts there06:19
monestriand see if it goes blank06:19
_NetWhen you capture with recordmydesktop, where is the default location of the files that get saved? I can't find it.06:19
d4t4min3rjust copy the .otf files right legend244006:19
diver_danRyan: its the firefox beta 5 or w.e. Should i try to downgrad to the old one?06:19
d4t4min3rthere was a pdf file as well.. didnt think i needed that06:19
kitcherhineheart_m: make sure you have nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf in the syntax of nameserver <ip>06:20
EnderTheThirdThis is kind of in between here, but is there a way to get MythTV to output via PulseAudio without recompiling and just using the .deb's in the repos?06:20
victamowerI have a couple of RAID mirrored arrays on my server running Feisty, I followed a HOWTO to get them up and running -- I'd like to upgrade to Hardy via clean install, will I run into problems with it settings up the arrays?06:20
rhineheart_mkitche, yeah! binggo you got it right.. what would be the format?06:20
Murdoch12hi, who is LDAP guru ? please help.06:20
legend2440d4t4min3r: i thought you were trying to install new fonts. otf and pdf are not fonts06:20
kitcherhineheart_m: nameserver like that heck you can even use that ip if you wish06:21
darren_ok my thermal stayes at 40 degrees c06:21
victamowerI'd hate to lose my data06:21
Philhlegend2440, otf is an open type font06:21
jim_beamdoes the kernel version that comes in 8.04 support the ATI RADEON HD3650 or will i need to run the ATI drivers (I just aquire a free video card to replace my entry level PCIE)06:21
darren_so i don't think it is an overheating problem06:21
d4t4min3rthe fonts i d/l have two files in it... a .otf and a ..pdf file06:21
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d4t4min3rin a zip folder06:21
_NetAnyone here tried RecordMyDesktop for Ubuntu before?06:21
diver_danthe fonts should be in a .ttf06:21
Philhd4t4min3r, you don't need the pdf, it's probably just a sample06:21
byonixhow do i display users in the channel, you guys don't show up in my screen?06:21
kelvin911_Net: yes i do06:21
d4t4min3rkk  thanks philh06:21
popey_Net: yes06:22
Serwayhey guys, does anyone know how to change the gnome distributor main menu icon>? im using hardy06:22
darren__Net" nope06:22
Philhd4t4min3r, just put the .otf files in ~/.fonts06:22
jim_beamAnyone (3)06:22
legend2440d4t4min3r: read the pdf file there may be instructions on how to use06:22
macdEnderTheThird, read this, http://ubuntulinuxtipstricks.blogspot.com/2008/04/mythtv-on-hardy.html06:22
rhineheart_mkitche, /etc/init.d/networking restart after?06:22
_Netkelvin911 and popey. Where is teh default location of the videos being saved? I cant find where the .ogg files are.06:22
kitcherhineheart_m: nope it's will autoload when you try to go to a website06:22
monestriOk, only major problem left is the usb. Devices work at boot but I can't even manually mount if I hotswap.06:22
kelvin911_Net: your home06:22
monestriLike, nothing shows up in dmesg and nothing shows up in /dev06:22
popey_Net: your home directory i think, you can choose by pressig "save as" tho06:22
_NetHow do you press Save As?06:23
n00bRyanPrior: any ideas?06:23
rhineheart_mkitche, thanks.. it works..06:23
jgraham_macd, hmm.. no way to view passwords..  any idea how to pull one out?06:23
darren_hey kelvin911 didyou ever get nfs runnin06:23
EnderTheThirdmacd:  will do.  thanks06:23
_NetI run it from the terminal, I can only press Ctrl+C to finish capturing06:23
kelvin911darren_: not in ubuntu06:23
kitcherhineheart_m: ok good night it's 1:30 am here so I m going to bed :)06:23
popey_Net: i use gtk-recordmydesktop06:23
_Netkelvin911: I can't find it in the home, is it in the folder06:23
diver_dancan anyone help me with GYache?06:23
diver_danMostly installing06:23
_Netpopey: Thats what i use too.06:23
jim_beamAnyone (4)06:24
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kelvin911_Net: it is ogg file06:24
popey_Net: it has a save-as buton06:24
macdjgraham_, thats what I was trying to tell you earlier, theyre stored in an encrypted flatfile, you can use gpg to un-encrypt them with the host key,06:24
monestriAnyone experienced with usb problems?06:24
jim_beamAnyone (5)06:24
popeyjim_beam: test it with the live cd?06:24
kelvin911_Net: u got to press save at the end06:24
jim_beamgreat idea thanks06:24
kelvin911darren_: u got urs running?06:24
kelvin911darren_: or just run it in xp?06:24
diver_dani just need help with installing things from .tar .gz06:25
_Netpopey: Mine doesn't have an interface. How can I get an interface for recordmydesktop?06:25
Philhd4t4min3r, any luck?06:25
_NetI installed it but can't find the program under Applications06:25
kelvin911darren_: i cant run mostwanted in xp with 1280x1024 with everything on and highest setting06:25
popey_Net: run gtk-recordmydesktop not recordmydesktop06:25
_Netpopey: ok.06:25
jgraham_macd, ok.. gotcha06:25
monestrior go to applications jgoss06:25
monestriwhen you isntall stuff in synaptic they usually show up in applications06:25
kelvin911_Net: it is under sound and video06:25
byonixhow do i display users in the channel, you guys don't show up in my screen?06:26
kelvin911_Net: gtk-RECORDMYDESKTOP06:26
monestrirecord my desktop would show up under.. yeah06:26
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Rat409byonix: what client?06:26
macdjgraham_, I dont know if you can interact with it directly, but you might be able todo something like "exec gnome-keyring-query get keyyouwanthere"06:26
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* Daonix is looking for xlib6g.deb ... Does anybody have it?06:26
byonixRat409:displaying online users in the room06:27
monestriAnyone experienced with usb problems?06:27
jim_beamAnyone (6)06:27
kelvin911darren_: i mean i can run mostwanted in xp with 1280x1024 with everything on and highest setting06:27
Rat409byonix: what chat client?06:27
jim_beamQ: Anyone06:27
jim_beamA: LOTS06:27
monestrianyone here a smart***06:28
byonixRat409:like in MiRc the name of chatters shows, in my xchat-gnome does not show06:28
monestriA: you!06:28
tenXmonestri: specify your problems06:28
monestriOk, only major problem left is the usb. Devices work at boot but I can't even manually mount if I hotswap.06:28
tenXmonestri: we're all as smart as hell what do you expect06:28
monestriLike, nothing shows up in dmesg and nothing shows up in /dev06:28
macd!info xlib606:28
ubottuPackage xlib6 does not exist in hardy06:28
tenXmonestri: at boot? bios?06:29
zChristenX: is hell smart?06:29
Rat409byonix: look in settings tab i use regular xchat if i use a gui.gnome-xchats pretty well dumbed down06:29
tenXzChris: who the hell is that hell guy06:29
monestriusb works fine at boot06:29
monestriwhen i'm in the os hotswapping does not work06:29
zChristenX:  you said we are as smart as hell06:29
monestriif it didn't work b4 the os i wouldn't be complaining in the ubuntu channel :D06:29
tenXzChris: said we all were. dont turn it on me now06:30
Philhmonestri, what kind of devices are you swapping?06:30
whatisgoingondoes .xinitrc still exist? if so, where is it?06:30
monestriany kind06:30
monestriusb pen drives06:30
monestriusb hard drives06:30
monestriusb printers06:30
FloodBot2monestri: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:30
monestriusb ipod06:30
kelvin911what is hotswapping?06:30
monestripulling in and out06:30
tenXmonestri: and dmesg doesnt show changes?06:30
n-iCehow can I reinstall the ubuntu grub?06:30
kelvin911not a good idea06:30
tenXkelvin911: pulling in and out generally is.. a good idea :)06:31
monestrinope tenX06:31
Philhkelvin911, presumably hotswapping is swapping when the machine is powered on, i think it still counts as hotswapping if you unmount first06:31
kelvin911tenX: depends on what06:31
riotkittieoh woe is me! is there some means of forcing a wireless adapter to go "heeey loookit me, i'm alive! and i'll let you go online because you're awesome'.  :(  [i have a usb wifi adapter and it works fine. every now and then, i'll boot into windows, and it will not work in ubuntu.  i can bring it up, bring it down, and restart networking to my heart's content but it's just like "sorry, i stepped out for lunch!" :(06:31
kelvin911tenX: on a chick yes06:31
n-iCehow can I reinstall the ubuntu grub?06:31
monestridmesg showws no love06:31
tenXkelvin911: of course :)06:31
monestricpet when devices are plugged in at boot06:32
monestrithen it shows when they're disconnected06:32
zChrisriotkittie: are the settings correct? :<06:32
monestriand sometiems I can even plug them back in06:32
monestriif i'm lucky that is06:32
monestribut if they're not plugged in at boot06:32
monestrino such luck06:32
t808490I need to revert to VESA display drivers, how do I do that?06:32
kelvin911monestri: unplug without unmount usually create problem06:32
zChris!enter | monestri06:32
Rat409monestri: look in /etc/fstab its probly set noauto06:32
macdriotkittie, do you have one that makes you load firmware?06:32
ubottumonestri: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:32
monestrikelvin911, not the issue06:32
tenXmonestri: so if you boot up the devices are detected? is your hardware working correctly?06:33
riotkittiezChris: yes the settings are fine. it's just, every once in a while after booting into windows, shutting down and booting back into ubuntu, it goes into a coma. for the most part, 2 reboots and it'll be fine but i've done like ten, and it's been like this for 3 hours. :|06:33
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monestriRat409,  not the problem06:33
riotkittiemacd: no.06:33
monestrifstab is for automounting06:33
monestriI can't even manually mount06:33
zChrisriotkittie: and it works if you boot into windows again?06:33
macdriotkittie, maybe intermittent hardware failure then, it sounds wierd to me06:33
monestritenX, devices work fine in windows06:33
riotkittiezChris: yeah06:33
n00bokay - I have gone to system>admin>users and clicked UNLOCK, putin my pw, gone to my username, selected User Privliges, and checked Share files wiht the local network, I have done this over and over, it never 'stays'.  All I want to do is share a folder on my lan.....06:33
monestriand various other 'nix distros06:33
tenXmonestri: tried a live distro like knoppix?06:34
monestriand maybe.. gutsy06:34
zChrisriotkittie: when booting into linux , have you tried take it out w8 30s then plugged it in?06:34
n00bi have even loged out and back in after each change....06:34
Rat409monestri: try lsmod is usbcore loaded and usb-storage?06:34
monestrino idea what those are06:34
tenXRat409: should be if everything works on boot06:34
monestrik, still have no idea what do do with them06:34
n00bcan I log into x as root?06:34
kelvin911monestri: what is the prob?06:34
riotkittiemacd: it is weird but i dont think that its hardware failure, and i've seen others with similar adapters mention the same issue but never seen a fix06:35
riotkittiezChris: yes06:35
zChrisn00b: yeah but why ?06:35
macddont forget when your helping people, try to make sure they know its a command, and if/where they need to type it in at, and what they should expect to see coming out of it06:35
monestrikelvin911,  devices don't turn up in dmesg when plugged in06:35
monestriusb that is06:35
n00bzChris, how else can I share a folder?  Been trying for hours.  Ready to pull remaining hair out...06:35
macdriotkittie, I had a similar issue with an atheros card a while back, I ent up stomping it one night and buying a new one06:35
zChrisriotkittie: what does dmesg say when you plug it in ? perhaps it loads the wrong module or something06:35
zChrisn00b: why do you want to share a folder as root? isit over samba or nfs?06:35
kelvin911monestri: did u just unplug them from windows?06:36
n00bzChris - new install, I believe samba.  I want to share with widows06:36
Philhn00b, you could always install proftpd and share that way, it's simple but it's not terribly safe06:36
riotkittiezChris:  nothing in dmesg looks out of place at all .06:36
monestrithis has been a problem since fiesty06:36
monestrinot a problem since yesterday06:36
n00bI installed ubuntu-server with samba06:36
macdriotkittie, have you tried stopping network-manager and doing it manually?06:36
monestrinot anything to do with unplugging before unmounting06:36
kelvin911Philh: why proftpd not safe?06:36
n00bneed to access var/www from other pcs06:36
riotkittiemacd: i always do it manually.06:36
zChrisriotkittie: check what module it uses and google and see if that is the correct one06:37
monestridmesg doesn't even acknowledge if I plug in usb devices unless they were present from boot06:37
idefinein ubuntu server is it possible to run firefox through ssh, and having the display forwarded to me, even though I don't have know installed on the ubuntu server/06:37
macdriotkittie, recompile your kern module with the debug symbols, then start debuggin ;)06:37
Philhkelvin911, because it's an ftp server that by default offers up your entire filesystem to be read via ftp, or that's been my experience06:37
tenXmonestri: just recommend to give knoppix a shot to clear up things06:37
zChrismacd:  OR you can do it for her/him :D06:37
monestriit's almost as if the usb isn't activated unless it's plugged in at boot, but thena gain I know nothing about usb. So that's why i'm here06:37
gavin__I am using wvdial. Is there an applet available for the system tray that I can see if the connection is still up or the speed maybe.06:37
n00bI will do via samba, ftp, whatever.  Just need to access www/var for php testing.  I can browse it, and edit files locally.  PHP works, but cannot get files to it from pther pcs06:37
riotkittieblah.  :|06:37
idefinei don't have gnome installed on ubuntu*06:37
jgraham_macd, hey, found how to get it all.. however i'm missing the .gnome2_private/Evolution file on the account.  the password is stored, just need to know where....06:37
kelvin911Philh: really?06:38
riotkittiemaybe i'll just suck it up and go wired for a while. :(06:38
macdzChris, pfffft, if they know enough to not use network-manager they can do it themselves06:38
zChrismacd: not likly :P06:38
Philhkelvin911, on an old installation of ubuntu, 5.10, yes, haven't tried recently06:38
zChrisriotkittie: go wired for awhile and try to google or something06:38
timedroididefine, yeah, just use X forwarding (ssh -Y)06:38
kelvin911Philh: i am sure the new one isnt06:38
macdjgraham_, oh yeah I just looked there myself, looks like its hashed for sure06:38
Philhkelvin911, it's still ftp and not ssh, so less than secure06:39
kelvin911Philh: i am using it, i always change the default dir to somewhere i want to share06:39
tenXtimedroid: not sure but wasnt that the -X switch?06:39
monestrican anyone help with this usb problem?06:39
zChrisn00b: is ssh installed?06:39
macdjgraham_, so you'll prolly have to put the encrypted part in a textfile and use gpg to un-encrypt it06:39
jgraham_macd, base64.. easy, but.. it's missing on the account i need.. so i found /.gnome2/keyrings but i'm unsure how to decrypt it.06:39
jgraham_macd, syntax?06:40
riotkittiesigh. google. because it's not like i'd have, oh, i don't know done research for myself at some point before asking elsewhere. :nod:06:40
idefinetimedroid: i am doing that, but i get no display specified06:40
timedroididefine, what OS are you running the client on? It has a working X server?06:40
macdjgraham_, if its not in that .gnome2_private/evolution file, then its not there06:40
n00bzChris, how can I tell?06:40
monestrican anyone help with this usb problem?06:41
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zChrisn00b: well it isint then ;) ou have to do it yourself06:41
macdjgraham_, as in they didnt save the pass or something possibly06:41
kelvin911monestri: i think your usb problem u need to ask expert in #linux06:41
idefinetimedroid: yep, i can do it when i ssh to other machines.06:41
idefinetimedroid: machine is windows06:41
timedroidtenX, -Y doesn't apply the security extension. Not sure exactly what that does, but I know I had to use it to get forwarding working on cygwin.06:41
monestrii'll try, thanks, i just thought this was an ubuntu specif problem06:42
whatshisnameanyone know exactly why on a lot of webpages that have flash content and a dhtml menu that is supposed to expand on top of it.. either all or a lot of the time the menus will in fact go behind the flash content... is it just bad css... ??06:42
n00bI just installed proftpd - when I try to start it, i get this:ubuntu-server - fatal: Socket operation on non-socket06:42
jgraham_macd, i think it might be in .gnome2/keyrings/login.keyring06:42
tenXtimedroid: interesting. you dont happen to know what that security option is about?06:42
kelvin911monestri: there are also many ubuntu guys in #linux or #windows06:42
macdjgraham_, I think thats whats used to access the stored keys elsewhere06:42
arooni-mobilehelp!  ff3b5 is not launching on ubuntu hardy.... i launch it but it seems to crash before i can do anything... ideaz?06:42
tenXmonestri: well you dont want to be helped..06:42
__Alex__I have this really weird issue when using shell... I can't type the lowercase letter x?06:42
__Alex__terminal even06:42
monestritenX,  oh I don't want to be helped/06:43
kelvin911monestri: just so that sometimes the admin here are so annoying that no one wanna chat in here06:43
monestrikelvin911, uh, what?06:43
tenXmonestri: why dont you try a live distro, i'd recommend knoppix06:43
monestritenX, and do what?06:43
legend2440monestri: go to system>administration>users and groups click on your username hit properties and check user priveleges make sure access external storage devices is checked06:43
zChriskelvin911: this channel aint for chatting. It is for troubleshooting and helping ppl that have problems with ubuntu06:43
jgraham_macd, but besides login, there would only be that password, nothing else has been done on the account..06:44
kelvin911people get piss off by this kinda msg06:44
tenXmonestri: from that way you can most likely tell if its a general "linux" problem06:44
Sazpaimonbefore I begin, let me first say I honeslty dont care what happens to the OS on the hard drive if it cannot be repaired, that said, so i was attempting to convert a debian install to ubuntu, problem number 1. everything was going fine,  but in my rush, i accidently pressed up on the terminal too many times, and selected "reboot" in the middle of installing all the dkpkgs. now, when I reboot, it gives me some issue with finding the06:44
Sazpaimonroot device, and then dumps me to a command prompt, is there a way I can mount the drive on an ubuntu livecd, then finish the conversion?06:44
__Alex__anyone?  I find it bizarre that I can't type the letter 'x' in my terminal sessions06:44
zChris!ot | kelvin91106:44
ubottukelvin911: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:44
Daisuke_Idokelvin911: #ubuntu-offtopic is for general "chatting"06:44
kelvin911people in #linux dont do that06:44
Daisuke_Idokelvin911: this channel is, and has always been, for support only06:44
tylerin ichat how do i switch to a different network?06:44
zChriskelvin911: you dont understand WHY this  channel exists06:44
timedroidtenX,  looks like they do the same thing with Debian distros, see the ForwardX11Trusted section in the manpage for ssh_config06:44
kelvin911is he asking for support?06:44
macdjgraham_, yeah, I just tried a lil test, deleted a account in that file, then restarted evolution, and it asks for that accounts pass now, so it must be in that specific file06:45
tylerits a network that doesnt exist and i need to add it to the network list06:45
tylerbut i dont see anywhere where i cna add it06:45
monestrilegend2440, yes it's checked06:45
macdtyler, you dont have a add button with a big red plus sign on it like everyone else?06:45
monestrilegend2440,  though that wouldn't matter06:45
Daisuke_Idokelvin911: you're being deliberately dense, i find it impossible that you could be completely lost to the difference between "support channel" and "chat channel"06:45
monestriautomatically vs. manually?06:45
monestriI can't even do manually06:45
emmaI cannot seem to get Hardy / Firefox to play a radio stream .asf that I used to listen to with Gutsy. Any ideas?06:45
jgraham_macd, that's what i'm thinking, but i've no idea how to decode...   Should be easy..06:45
sekre-ubuntu-idhallo all06:46
n00bokay, I can ssh in.  How can I transfer files to the box if I can access it via ssh?06:46
zChrisemma: try the Firefox version yopu used on hardy ? :)06:46
timedroididefine, what error do you get? Can you launch xeyes?06:46
macdjgraham_, I thought you said it wasnt in .gnome2_private/evolution ?06:46
tenXtimedroid: not meaning to be unkind nor lazy.. but the reading job i can do for myself. i was just asking for some basic info if it was at hand by someone06:46
zChrisn00b: google scp06:46
legend2440monestri: maybe something here will help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsbFlashDrives#head-94161db8cc46a2b668f1f4a4ac3a2d7b1e34959c06:46
macd!scp | n00b06:46
ubottun00b: SCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/06:46
n00bzChris: ssh came installed on ubuntu-server!06:46
monestritenX, not a generally linux problem06:46
CppDwhere do i add noapic?06:46
emmazChris, this is FF306:46
__Alex__anyone???  I've changed changed my character encoding from utf-8 to western and I still can't type the letter 'x'?!?!06:46
jgraham_it's not...  that file doesn't exhist..  it is in .gnome2/keyrings/login.keyrings06:46
__Alex__in terminal06:46
idefinetimedroid: i don't think x11 is installed06:46
zChrisn00b: winscp is KICKASS!06:47
n00bcan I tell if there is a ftp server also running?06:47
Daisuke_Ido__Alex__: check your keybindings06:47
tenXmonestri: well in that case you might try compiling your own kernel06:47
idefinetimedroid: you think that could be the problem06:47
macdjgraham_, its not in there for me, its only in that evolution file.06:47
__Alex__Daisuke_Ido: Thanks, just realized it was somehow mapped to paste... no idea how that happened06:47
jgraham_macd, weird.. i'm lost... thanks for the help.06:48
monestritenX, sounds like pita06:48
sp0roHello. I am writing a report on Linux being used as a primary Workstation in modern use. Does anyone know of any links specifying in-depth information about Ubuntu 8.04's current support for drivers, hardware, etc?06:48
macdjgraham_, hey good luck06:48
zChrisemma: w32codec installed?06:48
monestrithis has to be a problem more people have run into06:48
Daisuke_Ido__Alex__: no worries, glad you got it worked out06:48
tenXmonestri: pita? i dont understand06:48
monestrithanks legend, problem dmesg gives me nothing06:48
zChrisemma: well thats all i can do for ya :P aint that much google it seems :<06:48
macdsp0ro, on help.ubuntu.com you can find a bunch of info.06:48
__Alex__tenX: PITA = Pain in the arse06:49
n00bwinscp is not an option, must have local folder access or ftp.  Connecting via dreamweaver, and those are the only options06:49
sp0romacd: Thanks I'll have a look.06:49
timedroididefine, I'm not sure. It should work as long as there's a X server on the client side, but you might be missing GUI libraries the program uses.06:49
tenXmonestri: not neccessarily - maybe you have g* hardware ;)06:49
tenX__Alex__: thx06:49
monestrithey're jsut freakin usb06:49
n00bif i can ssh in, surely I can enable ftp or samba.  I selected both (i think) in the ubuntu-server install06:49
legend2440monestri: do you have another usb device you can try just to make sure its not the usb port or some other hardware problem?06:50
macdn00b, I dont know why noone pointed you at this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba06:50
n00bI have a home/ftp folder with welcome.msg in it.  Do i have ftp??06:50
zChrismacd: setting up samba just to access one folder is alot of work compared to scp :)06:51
macdn00b, I know why, its b/c you keep asking random questions, stick with samba, and go with that06:51
macdzChris, but it is pointy clicky and fast ;P06:51
bryani need to get my prionter working on hardy06:51
zChrisemma: what asf file are you trying to play? i can test the site and see if it works for me!06:51
zChrismacd: :)06:51
bryancan anyone help me fix my printing problems06:52
macd*is out gnight folks.06:52
emmazChris - I've gotten it working in mplayer. I guess it's a FireFox3 plugin issue somehow.06:52
zChrisgn macd06:52
zChrisemma: oh06:52
legend2440bryan: is your printer supported in linux?06:52
bryanlegend2440, it says it recognizes the printer as the correct one and it worked on my other computer so i know the printer worx06:53
tenXbryan: and that system was running linux?06:53
bryanits a canon pixma iP1700 legend244006:53
zChrisemma: installed mplayerplugin?06:54
emmais that the name of it?06:54
bryanno tjhat one wasnt but this one is and under Administration>printer utilities it says it sees the canon pixma iP1700 as the default printer06:54
emma!find mplayerplugin06:54
tenXmplayer is the magic that gets any pr0n to run06:54
ubottuPackage/file mplayerplugin does not exist in hardy06:54
x1250stupid question: the * in bash is considered a... [complete the phrase please] (spanish speaker here and I need this for documenting a config file) :$06:54
zChrisemma: http://mplayerplug-in.sourceforge.net/06:55
kelvin911tenX: no VLC is the magic to get everry porn to run06:55
SwedeMikex1250: wildcard ?06:55
legend2440bryan: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrintersCanon06:55
x1250SwedeMike: yep ;-) thanks06:55
=== Bodsda is now known as Bodsda_away
tenXkelvin911: but vlc is also the magic that lets strangers access your system06:55
kelvin911tenX: how so?06:55
dj_hamstawhere would i find the error log in apache2 ?06:55
bryanunder the printing srection of administration it doesnt have a location typed in only a device URI06:55
tenXkelvin911: just got a bunch of security holes in mind06:55
zChrisemma: what does it say in Settings -> Applications for asf type?06:56
Klowneranyone know how to use the package maintainer's version of a config file after previously choosing to ignore the package maintainers version?06:56
Starnestommydj_hamsta: /var/log/apache2/error.log06:56
emmayou mean in firefox?06:56
kelvin911tenX: but how often u get hacked?06:56
zChrisemma: btw do you have totem-plugins and totem-mozilla installed?06:57
tenXkelvin911: me personally? :D06:57
kelvin911tenX: u get hacked b4?06:57
zChristenX: vlc? Video Lan Client?06:57
legend2440bryan: there are instructions for getting that printer to work here  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrintersCanon06:57
tenXzChris: think thats what it stands for06:57
zSoilworkervirtual lonely chicks?06:58
tenXkelvin911: not that i know of but working with linux you seldomly encounter that danger06:58
zChristenX: aren you confusing it with VNC ?06:58
zSoilworkerYes, he is.06:58
tenXkelvin911: most exploits are windoze specific06:58
tenXzSoilworker: no he isnt06:58
bryanty legend244006:58
zSoilworkertenX: we all are06:58
zChris!ot | tenX kelvin91106:58
ubottutenX kelvin911: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:58
kelvin911tenX: just use firewall to block internet access in vlc in windows06:58
bryanim installing that deb source06:58
emmaYes I already have those.06:59
tenXkelvin911: i am afraid you lack basic knowledge on that topic06:59
zSoilworkerJust use Ubuntu.06:59
zChrisemma: and set firefox to use WMT plugin?06:59
fongkwanI have a question about gnome-terminal.  Every time I open a new terminal i usually zoom out (to make things smaller) so that I have more desktop space.  I need prefer it this way b.c I really dont need it that big and i usually have a few terminals opened07:00
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zChrisfongkwan: with zoom out, do you mean making the font smaller?07:00
Ademanhey what package is the 'sex' command in?07:00
zChrisAdeman: tried apt-cache search ?07:01
OverandHow can I change the default file permissions for automounted fat32 volumes?07:01
AdemanzChris: nope, i'll take a look, thanks07:01
emmazChris WMT plugin?07:02
zChrisemma: WMP soz :)07:02
tenXkelvin911: this wasnt meant as an insult. but a firewall cant prevent you from being infected by a webbased movie attack via vlc f.e. resulting in an outgoing connection on port 80 tcp07:02
bryanThere was an error during the CUPS operation: 'client-error-document-format-not-supported'. legend244007:02
kelvin911sygate firewall blocks both way traffic07:02
fongkwanzChris thats it.   I got it thx.  That wasn't too hard lolz.07:02
zChrisemma: for asf files firefox is set to use "Use Windows Media Player Plug-in 10 (compatible ; Totem)07:02
kelvin911tenX: i am not talking about windows firewall07:02
zChrisfongkwan:  :P07:03
kelvin911tenX: use a god firewall can block both traffic07:03
tenXkelvin911: you rely on too many things07:03
jgraham_macd, gnome-keyring-manager works.. did the trick...  i wonder why they got rid of it..07:03
tenXkelvin911: what is a "firewall" then07:03
kelvin911tenX: u mean good firewall?07:03
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tenXkelvin911: a firewall inspects network traffic to its given rules07:03
legend2440bryan: open system>administration>printing and try to print test page07:04
fongkwanmy screen is just too small07:04
bryanthats what it sys when i do that legend244007:04
tenXif you run a dedicated firewall in your network, how can it detect/differ the malicious content of your client systems traffic kelvin911?07:04
oddalotanyone here running ruby on rails on an apache server?07:04
bryanits a USB printer connection legend244007:05
kelvin911tenX: just block them all07:05
kelvin911tenX: i am not running a network here07:05
legend2440bryan: did you try Configure using [WWW] like instructios say?07:06
tenXkelvin911: you dont know enough about networking, sry07:06
kelvin911tenX: thats true07:06
bryani dont uderstand that site or what it wants me to do legend244007:06
tenXkelvin911: using a single windows client with a personal firewall there are methods to detect/prevent unwanted connections, thats right. but thats not what we are talking about07:06
tenXkelvin911: and again.. it _can_07:07
djhashAnyone help with this please.. I messed with chown and chmod and i didnt think i put it back to the way it was.. I type: /etc/init.d/mysql start error message: /usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed     error: 'Access denied for user 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost' (using password: YES)'07:07
tenXoutbound traffic can be disguised in various ways07:07
legend2440bryan:  go to and click add printer and follow prompts07:08
bryanlegend2440, it wants me to pick a device should i use that IPP thing they alk about?? it has other options like SCSI but mine is USB and it doesnt have a USB option07:08
bryansays device for canon legend2440 , and then it gives me all these choices that i dont understand most of07:09
bryanlegend2440, i used ipp but then now it wants the model and it oesnt have my model but back on that wiki page it says that they go it to work for that model and just use this CUPS site and this CUPS site now doesnt show my printer07:11
tiny_bitdti'm from vietnam07:12
djhashNeed help with mysql.. changed mysql password but now debian-sys-maint is using the wrong password.. how do i change it?07:13
zChrisI got 2 X Screens running (Zaa:0.0, Zaa:0.1) is there away i can make a program to start on the other screen?07:13
legend2440bryan: ithink this says there are drivers on canons site http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66538407:13
bryantrying to print a test page form that CUPS site now legend244007:13
djhashzChris: i'm not sure.. but have you tried to pipe it to the other screen?07:14
zChrisdjhash: nope07:14
zChrisdjhash: how do i go about doing that ?07:14
paulcrosI had some problems with big .txt file reading. I already tried gedit,leafpad and gvim, they all too slow.07:15
tarzeauis it possible the packages.ubuntu.com pages were not updated for a week?07:15
Amstellpaulcros : what about vi or pico?07:15
djhashzChris: not exactly sure.. but you can try "program" | "display"07:15
blamewhere can I find vnc server's log file?07:15
wols_try /var/log if you are lucky07:16
wols_or maybe ~07:16
blamewols_: not there..07:16
paulcrosAmstell, VI is a CML programe  right? I dont know anything about pico. I will try that one.07:16
blame~ also not here07:16
wols_paulcros: both are, use nano, not pico07:16
Amstellyeah nano is good, i use vi mainly07:17
Frogzooany solid reasons to upgrade from gutsy to heron? any gotchas?07:17
shingendoes anyone know of additional repositories for ubuntu packages?07:17
Amstellnot touching heron, too unstable07:17
Frogzoo!easysource | shingen07:17
ubottuFactoid easysource not found07:17
Amstell7.10 is rock stable for me07:17
FrogzooAmstell: I know, but what of heron??07:17
paulcroswols_, CML wont work for me. those files mainly GBK code, they wont show up right in CML.07:18
Amstellwell firefox 3 doesn't work that well, and not much is supported....i have upgrade and ended up downgrading07:18
ubottuFactoid easysource not found07:18
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories07:18
Amstelli'm holding off for about 3 months07:18
FrogzooAmstell: urgl - not good news that07:18
djhashzChirs: if that didn't work.. try this.. "EXPORT DISPLAY=:XXX && /usr/bin/firefox"07:18
wols_some newer hardware is supported in hardy but not feisty07:18
wols_e.g. very new nvidia chips07:19
bryani dont know how to do those .Tar files anymore either legend2440 should i just use the archive manager or should i get an rpm file??? i have hardy07:19
djhashzChris: did you get that.. sorry misspelled your name07:19
Amstellyeah....i think heron will be a great release here in a couple of months07:19
Amstellbryan : just untar it with the archive manager07:20
FrogzooAmstell: lol, case of closing the gate after the horse has bolted07:20
Amstellwhat are you untaring? that you don't know how to untar07:20
zChrisdjhash:  yeah i got it :) but Xinerama solved it in nvidia-settings :)07:20
bryanok thats what im doing right form firefox is opening it with archibve manager legend2440 , thanx for the help btw07:20
bryanty Amstell07:20
legend2440bryan: where did you find them? i couldn't find them on canon site07:20
AmstellFrogzoo : yup you've hit it, fedora 9 just came out and here its rock solid07:20
bryanhttp://software.canon-europe.com/software/0024301.asp legend244007:21
Amstellbut they aren't put on timelines it seems07:21
bryanrecommended for my printer is the iP220 driver legend244007:21
eixhas somebody ever got libapache2-mod-authz-ldap to work?07:21
dirtyhandwhats the command to list all users?07:21
troxordirtyhand: getent passwd07:21
bryanhttp://www.openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Canon-PIXMA_iP1700 legend244007:21
legend2440bryan: these instructions seem clearer to me http://choxblog.wordpress.com/2007/06/09/printer-pixma-ip1700-has-been-running-now/07:21
shingensorry, I meant to ask, does anyone have any 3rd party repositories, besides canonical?07:21
Frogzoodirtyhand: cat /etc/passwd ?07:21
dpowerdDirtyDawg, i suppose you could cat /etc/passwd07:21
bryanman i wana hurry up with this non supported linux nonsense and play COD4 lol07:22
troxorFrogzoo, dpowerd: those won't list network users ;)07:22
d[X_X]bim a lil confused here...when i installed restricted-extras it installed open-jdk...whats so restricted about that? and do i really need it since I have reg java already?07:22
bryanlegend2440, nothing on that link is displaying...07:22
Frogzootroxor: well spotted07:22
Amstellbyran : have you tried dreamweavers?07:23
dpowerdahh i learn somethin new everyday ;]07:23
bryani got it nm legend2440 3rd times a charm ay07:23
legend2440bryan: http://choxblog.wordpress.com/2007/06/09/printer-pixma-ip1700-has-been-running-now/07:23
djhashzChris: cool.. :-)07:23
chronosxis there a gui for setting samba password?07:23
dpowerdchronosx,  the command wont do it for you?07:24
djhashchronosx: i am not aware of it.. but it is not hard to do in terminal07:24
dpowerdcommand line*07:24
djhashchronosx: it is simply putting in a command.. and putting your password.. and your done..07:25
bryanlegend2440, it skips through steps that it has u go do through that damn CUPS page(which i already did the whole CUPS thing, ) im gona try it this way and i guess we'll see what happens07:27
legend2440bryan: ok07:28
bryanit may work tho now for some reason legend244007:28
mohamed_hi, is there how to install ipsec vpn client using certificate ?07:28
bryanworx!!!!! ty soooo much legend244007:30
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legend2440bryan: glad to hear it :)07:33
WallgodHi.. while using Ubuntu on a laptop, the cursor slips to some other place while typing. And accidentally stuff is typed elsewhere, some unwanted action is taken etc, What could be th reason/solution for this?07:33
WallgodI can come back some other time if every one's busy07:34
mhollisjris there a simple program that will show me my ip in a console07:35
WallgodHi.. while using Ubuntu on a laptop, the cursor slips to some other place while typing. And accidentally stuff is typed elsewhere, some unwanted action is taken etc, What could be th reason/solution for this?07:35
m3ltd0wn123Wallgod: you probably press your wrist on your mousepad, causing it to move and/or click, then you are still typing so the text goes elsewhere.07:37
klhow can I configure compass fusion07:38
blamevino vnc server does not have log file???07:38
Wallgodm3ltd0wn123, thanks for the reply... i understand wat u say but the same thing doesnt happen in Vista... this s a dual boot07:38
buntuhello guys is there a virus in ubuntu?07:38
buntuhello guys is there a virus in ubuntu?07:39
=== mhollisjr is now known as Fritzel``
shingenyes, it's called PEBKAC07:39
klhow do i configure compass fusion07:39
kyporcompiz fusion?07:39
zChrisWhats best for playing 720p the xv codec or ogl codec?07:40
dj_hamstakl: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy07:40
dj_hamstathat site will tell you07:40
buntushingen: are you sure?07:40
dj_hamstavery interesting too07:40
shingenyou get rid of PEBKAC by washing yourself and your computer thoroughly in salinated water07:40
buntuhello guys is there a virus in ubuntu?07:40
shingenbuntu: you get rid of PEBKAC by washing yourself and your computer thoroughly in salinated water07:40
klhow do i configure compiz fusion07:40
buntushingen: i dont understand what are you talking about07:41
shingenbuntu: you will after you read that wikipedia article :)07:41
* kelvin911 may want to install compass fusion hehe07:41
legend2440i use compass confusion07:42
kelvin911buntu: there are lots of ubuntu virus07:42
Fritzel``does anyone have any suggestions for a command line program to get my current external ip, I am behind a router ifconfig won't work07:42
monestri_i'm having problems with the synapics touchpad07:42
monestri_the scrollwheel dies at seemingly random times07:42
kelvin911buntu: rm -r / is one of them07:43
monestri_suspect it has something to do with buggy acpi, but I can't disable it07:43
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2107:43
monestri_any suggestions?07:43
timboyanyone know of a good cli m4p to avi converter?07:43
Saint`Dia`How can I get my laptop volume buttons to adjust the master sound rather than turn up and down the Mic?07:43
mohamed_Fritzel``:  try use www.ip-address.com07:43
timboypreferably m4p to xvid07:43
shingenkelvin911: isn't that sudo rm -rf / ?07:43
buntukelvin911: can you help me how to remove them?07:43
kelvin911shingen: yes it is07:44
buntuProblem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair07:44
buntuis that?07:44
dirtyhandhow do I find more information about a user (like its primary group_07:44
dj_hamstabuntu: u have no sense of humor!07:45
kelvin911buntu: to remove sudo rm -r /07:45
kelvin911buntu: just kidding07:45
Saint`Dia`How can I get my laptop volume buttons to adjust the master sound rather than turn up and down the Mic?07:46
Starnestommybuntu: what virus?07:46
Bodsda_awaykelvin911, NEVER post that command! even if it is a joke07:46
dirtyhandhow do I find more information about a user (like its primary group_07:46
Bodsda_away!shout | buntu07:47
ubottubuntu: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.07:47
Starnestommy!clamav | buntu07:47
ubottuFactoid clamav not found07:47
shingenBodsda_away: he didn't even include the -f, so it'll prompt before deleting07:47
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Bodsdashingen, doesnt matter it will prompt but its still mallicious if he says yes07:47
kelvin911Bodsda: thats why i didnt post -rf07:48
buntuHELLO how can i remove that cannot be delete?07:48
zyx386hi, i install the apache2+php5+mysql-server, but is run .php file in browser ask for Save?07:48
Bodsdakelvin911, still not a good thing to tell a new user07:48
mohamed_anyone use openswan vpn client ?07:49
legend2440buntu: you have a file you can't delete? is that the problem?07:50
zyx386:) ?07:50
buntulegend2440: yes07:50
Bodsdabuntu, what file & where?07:50
legend2440buntu: on a usb drive?07:50
kelvin911buntu: maybe permission?07:50
mohamed_!openswan > mohamed_07:51
kelvin911buntu: or some process is opening it07:51
timboyanyone know of a good cli m4p to avi converter?07:51
timboypreferably m4p to xvid07:51
Starnestommyzyx386: you may need to add ExecCGI to the Options line in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default07:51
buntulegend2440: in the usb. there characters that cannot be read..07:53
zyx386Thanx Starnestommy , but in wich line most add? more info :)07:53
Starnestommyzyx386: the line that starts with Options07:53
eixI get /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lssl07:53
buntu<kelvin911> theres no process that is using07:53
eixhow can I fix that?07:53
zyx386ok Starnestommy that is file http://paste.debian.net/3023/ i correct?07:54
buntuIS it okay that i use frostwire in ubuntu is that prone to virus?07:55
FrogzooI upgraded to Heron - everything seems to be working fine except firefox has lost my bookmarks - anyway to retrieve them??07:55
Starnestommyzyx386: yes.  It's the first Options line that you need to change07:55
Starnestommybuntu: it's not a virus07:55
zyx386aha ok to what chang it? Starnestommy07:55
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2107:55
Starnestommyzyx386: one minute please07:55
buntuStarnestommy: and what is it?07:55
zyx386ok tyt07:56
timboy!virus | buntu07:56
ubottubuntu: please see above07:56
buntu!virus | buntu07:56
Starnestommyzyx386: change the line that says "Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews" to "Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews ExecCGI"07:57
tdawgedogghey can someone help me....xchat broke07:57
Starnestommybuntu: frostwire is a peer-to-peer file sharing program07:57
timboytdawgedogg, sudo aptitude purge xchat then sudo apt-get install xchat07:57
tdawgedoggi go to start xchat and i see a flicker like a minimization or something then nothing....its not in the system try thingy or its not anywhere07:58
linux_user400354does ubuntu 8.04 have compiz-fusion by default?07:58
tdawgedoggi gui uninstalled it and reinstalled it and that didnt help07:58
Starnestommytdawgedogg: is the notification area or tray still on the panel?07:58
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wols_tdawgedogg: purge it and also check your ~ for any dotfiles of it07:58
tdawgedoggwhat does purge it mean and what are dotfiles07:59
Bodsda!chinese | grdxyxy07:59
ubottugrdxyxy: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:59
kokitoplease some body help me i want to unistall kiba-dock07:59
tdawgedoggsorry i just started iwth ubuntu a few days ago from winhoes07:59
wols_purge is a apt-get option, and dotfiles are (hidden) configfiles07:59
tdawgedoggno no notification thing on panel07:59
wols_sudo apt-get purge xchat07:59
Bodsdatdawgedogg, purge means    sudo apt-get purge <somePackage>       and dot file are hidden innautilus (use ctrl+h) /path/to/somewhere/.dotfile07:59
wols_it uninstalls and even removes the config files it created, apt-get reove doesn't do this08:00
drivetraxtdawgedogg,  dot files?  you mean ./name08:00
wols_drivetrax: no, ~/.name08:00
zyx386Ok Starnestommy is solved for file var/www thanx, but is tip phpmyadmin ask who save it the file?08:00
buntu<Starnestommy> Can i get a virus in the frostwire? is it safe to use?08:00
wols_buntu: there are one or two linux viruses but it's (almost) impossible you'd get one08:00
Starnestommybuntu: linux only has a couple viruses, and none are active in the wild08:00
kokitoplease some body help me i want to unistall kiba-dock08:00
wols_you _can_ however get a virus with any program you download and then run08:01
wols_kokito: then apt-get remove it08:01
kokitokokito@kokito-desktop:~$ sudo su08:01
kokitoroot@kokito-desktop:/home/kokito# sudo apt-get purge kiba-dock08:01
kokitoReading package lists... Done08:01
kokitoBuilding dependency tree08:01
kokitoReading state information... Done08:01
FloodBot2kokito: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:01
kokitoE: Couldn't find package kiba-dock08:01
Starnestommybuntu: windows viruses can still be downloaded through frostwire, but windows viruses don't work on linux08:01
drivetraxjust use Avast weekly08:01
Saint`Dia`How can I get my laptop volume buttons to adjust the master sound rather than turn up and down the Mic?08:02
zyx386Starnestommy, the last problem is solved, but how can this problem with my phpadmin to? who most i edit again?08:02
wols_kokito: how did you install kiba-dock?08:02
wols_where is the kiba-dock executable?08:03
kokitosudo apt-get purge kiba-dock08:03
kokitolike this08:03
wols_kokito: you don't install stuff via apt-get purge08:03
guiestso then it's "sudo apt-get install fluxbox"08:03
mysticdarkhackhey all08:03
Bodsdakokito, do    locate kiba-dock | grep desktop             does it return any file paths?08:03
wols_guiest: yes08:03
mysticdarkhackI have a question if anyone up to it08:03
drivetraxcheck into this... FreeWRL08:03
wols_!ask > mysticdarkhack08:03
Starnestommyzyx386: how did you install phpmyadmin?08:03
Starnestommybuntu: windows or linux PC?08:04
zyx386Starnestommy, sudo aptitude install phpmyadmin08:04
mysticdarkhackdoes anyone know a way to to use a shortcut keyboard to open and close dvd or cd drive?08:04
Starnestommyzyx386: it should work right as soon as it's installed after you restart apache08:04
mysticdarkhackthis would be cool to have08:04
gejri installed ubuntu for the first time in ~2 years yesterday. Wireless didn't work, i had lots of icons in the menus not working(for programs not installed), and i had this funny Glipper error on startup. No panels, and a black desktop background.08:05
zyx386how can restart apach Starnestommy08:05
gejrHow's that for "user friendly"?^^08:05
wols_mysticdarkhack: man eject08:05
Starnestommyzyx386: sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 restart08:05
Bodsdagejr, sound like your installed got borked08:05
wols_zyx386: /etc/init.d/apache2 restart08:05
gejrBodsda: i tried reinstalling..08:05
Bodsdagejr, reinstall or reburn cd at a lower speed then reinstall alternatively try the alternative cd08:05
gejrBodsda: yea, that's true. I might try reburning..08:06
mysticdarkhack<wols_>man eject? yeah eject shortcut08:06
wols_eject is a command08:06
guiestwill the apps i use with gnome be useable with fluxbox08:06
Bodsdamysticdarkhack, create a hotkey in System--> Pref-->Keyboard shortcuts08:06
wols_guiest: yes08:06
xbj9000hi, someone help me add a user that already has a home folder?08:06
guiestthank you08:07
zyx386Starnestommy, wols_ dont worked phpmyadmin :(08:07
xbj9000I could do it in KDE but gnome won't let me08:07
Starnestommyzyx386: what happens when you try to go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin ?08:07
wols_xbj9000: rename the home folder, create a user then rename the old one to the new username08:07
xbj9000ah, good idea, thanks wols08:08
zyx386Starnestommy, the browser as "whao can save the file"08:08
zyx386*ask for save08:08
mysticdarkhack<Bodsda>is there a tutorial somewhere and if not how?08:08
Bodsdamysticdarkhack, hang on 1 sec08:09
Daisuke_Idoooh, another side effect of gvfs that i hadn't noticed: when copying a directory to a location where there is already a directory of the same name, you don't have just skip or overwrite.  there's a merge option, which has been missing from every OS i've ever used.  awesome that it finally exists.08:09
zyx386Starnestommy, thanx i remove the cache and now worked fine08:09
Bodsdamysticdarkhack, not sure-- lemme google it08:10
tdawgedoggguys that didnt work i saw xchat for a second then it dissappeared again08:10
aweintraI just upgraded openssh on 8.04 server earlier today and everything seemed to be working, but now the computer refuses to respond to anything over TCP.  ICMP pings and port closed messages work, but any attempt to connect via SSH or access the webserver on port 80 returns no response.  Any ideas?08:10
tdawgedoggwhere did it go08:10
Webberlhi everyone08:10
Saint`Dia`How can I get my laptop volume buttons to adjust the master sound rather than turn up and down the Mic????????08:10
tdawgedogglike xchat is running but i dont know where it is08:10
Bodsdamysticdarkhack, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4240408:10
zyx386Starnestommy, thanx again08:10
tdawgedoggand the little x thing doesnt appear up in the system tray thingy08:10
tdawgedoggi dont know what to do08:10
ubottuFactoid mediabuttons not found08:10
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mohamed_Saint`Dia`: rightclick on volume then properties08:10
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:11
Starnestommytdawgedogg: Go to Applications > Accessories > Terminal, type in "xchat", and see what happens in the terminal window08:11
mysticdarkhack<Bodsda>thx I'll check it out08:11
Bodsdamysticdarkhack, read the replies theres a bit of controversy and read the updated link at the top of the page08:12
tdawgedoggstarnestommy: it shows up for about 2 seconds and then dissappears08:12
Udais someone able to help me set up a shell script to wget files listed in a textfile? i cant seem to get that at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=347151 to work08:12
tdawgedogglike even the tab shows up on the bottom bar08:12
tdawgedoggbut then it just goes away08:12
tdawgedogglike someone closed it08:12
Saint`Dia`mohamed_: Nope.08:12
tdawgedoggi saw the networks list08:12
TuxOnehi guys08:12
Starnestommytdawgedogg: it sounds like a bug of some sort08:13
tdawgedogganyone else have any ideas08:13
Saint`Dia`mohamed_: No matter what I change, the keyboard layout and whatnot. It is dead set on only changing the mic.08:13
wols_tdawgedogg: open an xterm and start xchat there08:13
wols_might print out some errors or such08:13
tdawgedoggwhats an xterm?08:13
tdawgedoggjust terminal?08:13
Starnestommytdawgedogg: it's a graphical terminal08:14
guiestwhat else do I install besides fluxbox08:14
tdawgedoggvols_: how do i do that08:14
guiestto make it work08:14
Sazpaimonhow is ubuntu server different from debian08:14
TuxOnewhy there is a virus guard for ubuntu eventhough there are no viruses for ubuntu?08:14
Sazpaimonis it simply different package names?08:14
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ayu_gilrand you08:14
StarnestommyTuxOne: clamav is used to scan for windows viruses to avoid spreading them08:14
wols_TuxOne: linux sometimes runs as server for windows and it's nice to do central virus checking on the mail server for example08:14
mohamed_Saint`Dia`:  volume > properties >  select the device that u want to control , at this window you choose master volume08:14
mysticdarkhack<Bodsda>the command for eject dvd is eject but what about closing, do you know the command for it?08:14
wols_so clamav mainly scans for windows viruses08:14
mohamed_Saint`Dia`:  at least this is what appear mine08:15
tdawgedogghow do i open an xterm?08:15
mysticdarkhack<Bodsda>just feel laze here08:15
Saint`Dia`mohamed_: Already tried that.08:15
TuxOnethanks wols_08:15
Starnestommytdawgedogg: Applications > Accessories > Terminal08:15
mohamed_Saint`Dia`: you want to adjust volume button on keyboard ?08:15
BaltazaarMust say I'm pretty darn impressed with the changes from 7.04 to 8.04... Everything, and I mean everything in my Thinkpad R61i works...08:15
tdawgedoggah thats what i was doing and then i type xchat and it goes away08:15
buntuStarnestommy> linux08:15
tdawgedogghow do i clear xchats program files or whatever08:15
Saint`Dia`mohamed_: Yeah.08:15
tdawgedoggall the config files08:15
guiestdo I uninstall gnome08:15
tdawgedoggso i can reinstall it08:16
Bodsdamysticdarkhack, id shoot at close but check man eject at the bottom there might be a reference to the command or man page needed08:16
tdawgedoggwithout the old shit coming into effect08:16
guiestto make fluxbox work08:16
Starnestommybuntu: you could use clamav08:16
mohamed_Saint`Dia`: then i understand wrong :) i look how this working here08:16
CppDive been messing with noapic for a couple hours now, and i still cant get gutsy to boot, but i dont get the noapic error or a splash screen08:16
CppDwhat do i do08:16
wols_CppD: use alternaitve install CD. how far do you get?08:17
tdawgedogghow do i clean config files for a program like xchat08:17
kevind2071 08:17
wols_tdawgedogg: with purge as I told you and by looking at your home dir's dotfiles08:17
CppDive installed gutsy, and it opens ok in safe mode, but hangs right after booting in normal mode08:17
mohamed_Saint`Dia`: from menu System > Preferences > keyboard shortcut08:17
torsan219I'm trying to restore grub through a liveCD.. i have windows on one hard drive and ubuntu on another.. when I "find /boot/grub/stage1"  it says Error 15: File not found..  and trying root (hd0,1) or any other such number says "eror 21: selected disk does not exist"08:17
Starnestommytdawgedogg: in a terminal, "rm -r ~/.xchat2"08:17
wols_torsan219: cat /boot/grub/device.map08:18
dopievolitorsan219: did you sudo grub?08:18
torsan219dopievoli: no08:18
dopievolitry that08:18
torsan219wols_:  it says "invalid device"08:18
Saint`Dia`mohamed_: Already did that. I got my keys set. The problem is, that when I use the volume up and down keys. It changing the mics volume, instead of master.08:18
wols_torsan219: I don't beleive you, /boot/grub/device.map is a simple file08:19
torsan219wols_:  I'm sure it is08:19
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wols_then "invalid device" makes no sense since as we agree it is no device08:19
tdawgedoggstarnestommy: dude that command worked08:20
torsan219dopievoli:  thanks, guess I should have tried that08:20
tdawgedoggstarnestommy: what did that command do?08:20
torsan219wols_:  don't worry, problem solved ;)08:20
dopievolitorsan219: it worked than08:20
wols_tdawgedogg: it deleted a xchat config file in your homedir08:20
wols_a dotfile08:20
Starnestommytdawgedogg: it deletes xchat configuration files08:20
mohamed_Saint`Dia`: keyboad layout is correct ?08:20
Saint`Dia`mohamed_: Yes.08:21
phishiehi guys, anyone able to tell me how do i apply a .diff file? or a command might do just as well =)08:21
tdawgedoggthanks a lot....hey is there an ubuntu for dummies book or something....how do u learn all this stuff08:21
mohamed_Saint`Dia`: my info stop here :)08:22
dopievolitdawgedogg: when there's a question ask mother google08:22
Saint`Dia`mohamed_: Thanks anyway.08:22
wols_tdawgedogg: https://help.ubuntu.com/ start here08:22
wols_phishie: patch08:22
mohamed_Saint`Dia`: if you want to adjust volume as temp solution you can use alsamixer from command line till you solve it08:22
TheMaverick`Does anyone know of a package for streaming 3GPP through RTSP? (i.e. something like m.youtube.com)08:22
tdawgedoggi mean as far as starting with the very simple stuff.....like the basic commands and stuff08:22
phishiewols_, ooh thanks!08:22
mysticdarkhack<Bodsda>actually I just found out now, it eject -t to close08:22
tdawgedoggthers gonna be an ebook out there or soemthing08:22
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal08:23
mysticdarkhack<Bodsda>anyway thank for you help08:23
tdawgedoggits hard when all the info is skattered everywhere...i want one good source that lays things out in chapters and stuff so i can learn08:23
wols_tdawgedogg: there are millions of webpages. as I told you: help.ubuntu.com first08:23
Bodsdamysticdarkhack, well done -- and thanks for lettin me no08:23
tdawgedoggok ill take a look08:23
drivetraxlinux commands?08:23
drivetraxlearn the bash shell08:24
Bodsda!who | drivetrax08:24
ubottudrivetrax: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)08:24
ubottuHvis du vil diskutere Ubuntu paa norsk, venligst gaa til #ubuntu-no. Takk!08:24
tenXyeah, TAKK08:24
bazhang!fishing | drivetrax08:25
ubottudrivetrax: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.08:25
ikoniadrivetrax: what do you want to know from the bot ?08:26
Bodsdadrivetrax, if thats a response to my factoid use ,.,.why?08:26
covidiuHi. How do I change the default runlevel in Hardy? I tried creating an /etc/inittab with the following content: "id:3:initdefault", rebooted, but I'm still in runlevel 2 (the runlevel commands says "N 2").08:26
bazhangdrivetrax, please head to #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat thanks08:26
Bodsdahey bazhang ;~) how u been doin?08:26
LimCoreubuntu fails about security, the ssh fix is wrong08:28
tenXLimCore: no!?08:28
charliehey everyone08:28
BodsdaLimCore, thats a big statement08:28
tenXLimCore: source??08:28
Bodsdahi charlie08:28
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visfhi, anybody can help me to see the hidden file in command line?08:29
tenXvisf: ls -a08:29
covidiuDoes anyone know how to change the default runlevel in Hardy?08:29
wols_visf: ls -a08:29
visftenx: thanks08:29
tenXLimCore: you trying to break our necks here, right?08:30
bazhangplease stay on topic tenx08:30
* Bodsda woot 1300!!!08:30
guiesthow do I make fluxbox start when I login in08:30
tenXbazhang: that _is_ on topic!08:30
LimCoretenX: no08:30
LimCoreBodsda: it is big, and true, sadly08:30
LimCoreBodsda: http://pastebin.ca/101877808:31
LimCoredraft for bug report08:31
BodsdaLimCore, im not to savy with ssh so tenX is your friend for now08:31
mohamed_covidiu: this tool maybe help try to install it sysv-rc-conf08:32
guiestI don't have the .xinitrc file ... should I create it08:32
tenXguiest: yes08:32
tenXguiest: put /path/to/startfluxbox into it08:32
Saint`Dia`mohamed_: I got it, I had to focus it in the main sound dialog.08:32
tenXguiest: you have to login with that user launching everything via startx then08:33
GibbaTheHuttLimCore, thats not really a bug report08:33
GibbaTheHuttwhen u install the update, it warns you already to recreate any keys created on a deb based machine08:33
covidiumohamed_: I know the tool. It's not what I need. You can only use it to determine what to run on each runlevel. You can't change the default runlevel with it.08:33
charliegetting java 5.0 errors when installing updates on 8.04, have java 6.0, do i need to delete java 5.0?08:33
phishieok after reading the patch command istill have no idea how to patch a .diff file lol08:33
mohamed_Saint`Dia`: good that it work08:34
LimCoreGibbaTheHutt: still users do not do it.  why its not a bug report?08:34
phishieanyone can give me a lil more clue about it?08:34
Bodsdacovidiu, not meaning to be rude but google really is your friend08:34
tenXGibbaTheHutt: so the report is about what? instructions for the update?08:34
covidiuBodsda: already tried that.08:34
GibbaTheHuttyou cant raise a bug report for something which people have been told to do and don't08:34
ikoniaphishie: patch -Np1 <diff.file assuming it's position 108:34
BodsdaLimCore, its not a bug report because they know of the bug -- its more of a warning08:34
ikoniacovidiu: what are you looking for08:35
phishieikonia, thanks, will try that now08:35
LimCoreBodsda: users are not warned eniough about the full consequences of the bug, and what actions are mendatory to fix it08:35
Bodsdacovidiu, i very much doubt that or you dont know how to use google08:35
tenXwhat bug is it??08:35
CppDagain, i need help with the noapic booting...it hangs when i boot it that way.08:35
ikoniaLimCore: may want to discussion this in #ubuntu-offtopic08:35
tenXikonia: if thats not straightly on topic i dont know..08:35
BodsdaLimCore, then make them aware -- put a warning on the forumsor something a bug report wont help users find out08:35
LimCoreikonia: #ubuntu-bugs if at all08:35
ikoniatenX: discussing a users awareness of bugs08:36
ikoniaLimCore: maybe08:36
tenXikonia: so its just about users awareness? not about the actual fix?08:36
covidiuBodsda: care to show off your google skills? The thing is, I already tried creating an /etc/inittab and it didn't work on Hardy. It used to work on previous Ubuntu releases. And that's the only thing you'll find with Google.08:36
ikoniatenX: yes, hence why I said you may want to look at ubuntu-offtopic to progress the discussion08:36
tenXikonia: puh, thx08:37
ikoniacovidiu: upstart.ubuntu.com08:37
ikoniatenX: puh ?08:37
Bodsdacovidiu, i got loadsa hits with "howto change default run level ubuntu" and if its something changed in this release why not ask in #ubuntu-devs08:37
GibbaTheHuttBodsda, what are you trying to achieve ?08:37
ikoniaBodsda: it's been a change scince 6.10 with upstart08:37
GibbaTheHuttsorry covidiu08:38
BodsdaGibbaTheHutt, not me covidiu -- change default run level08:38
tenXikonia: in my mind i was recreating certs and host keys on severeal systems another time08:38
Bodsdaikonia, see my post to GibbaTheHutt ;~)08:38
ikoniatenX: yup, thats totally support, but the ongoing dicussion about "how to alert users" wasn't08:38
tenXikonia: totally support?08:39
ikoniatenX: as in relevant to this channel08:39
BodsdatenX, it is support08:39
bazhangplease continue elsewhere tenX thanks08:39
charliegetting java 5.0 errors when installing updates on 8.04, have java 6.0, do i need to delete java 5.0?08:39
tenXto make that CLEAR - that bug doesnt refer to implementation but to user information08:39
LimCoretenX: I think this chan is only for support, and discussion on development of ubuntu is on for example #ubuntu-bugs  or ubuntu brainstorm www08:39
tenXsorry guys08:40
guiestso then do I reboot or just log back in?08:40
GibbaTheHuttcovidiu, still not sure why u want to change the default runlevel, what you are trying to achieve as there may be a better alternative08:40
tenXit just bothers me so much :/08:40
tenXi'll move08:40
LimCoretenX: Im discussing it a bit in #ubuntu-bugs and will report to proper place on www so that devels may do that :)08:40
covidiuGibbaTheHutt: I want to move X to runlevel 3 (and make it default) and leave 2 as an X-less multiuser console.08:40
tenXLimCore: thx for your information :)08:41
Bodsdacovidiu, editing run levels is different from changing the default and probably quite difficult08:41
Daisuke_Idonot to mention, runlevels don't mean a whole lot in ubuntu08:41
BodsdaDaisuke_Ido, not to ubuntu but to the kernel08:42
Frogzoojust upgraded to heron - nice speed bump, and no problems - very nice!08:42
covidiuBodsda: once I make 3 the default, it's just a matter of removing gdm from 2. So it's not all that difficult.08:42
Bodsdacovidiu, why would you want to change them?08:42
guiestSo then I log back in to use fluxbox08:43
ikoniacovidiu: look at /etc/event.d/rc-default08:43
ikoniacovidiu: you'll see it wants to see the inittab, and if none is found or usable it will default to 208:44
covidiuOk, I'll have a look.08:44
ikoniacovidiu: I picked that up from about 2 minutes reading tha man page and say 2 minutes reading the URL I posted you08:44
mattsterdoes anyone know how to go about getting audio working in hardy server?08:45
ikoniamattster: what do you want to do08:45
dystopianraydoes anyone have half life 2 or portal working in wine with hardy?08:45
covidiuikonia: Yeah, I'm sure you did. So what is this channel for then? "Stay on topic" and "google is your friend"? I thought the Ubuntu community was supposed to be helpful.08:45
mattsterikonia: use my headphones08:46
Zerohey, i have no CD drive, i want to install xubuntu using a boot floppy and a usb 1.1 disk, is this possible?08:46
guiestI can't the path or startfluxbox08:46
ikoniacovidiu: no, I posted the URL and suggested you read it, it was the ubuntu-specific-upstart info08:46
obta1ni'd like to buy new laptop that is 100% ubuntu compatible, can you give me suggestion what to buy ?08:46
ikoniacovidiu: I was highlighting that if you'd read it your understand it08:46
Bodsda!topic | covidiu08:46
ubottucovidiu: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic08:46
Daisuke_Idocovidiu: this is also community support - it's the middle of the night, and you're lucky that there was someone here that actually had the answer you were looking for.08:46
ikoniacovidiu: I didn't tell you to "google" I provided you with a solid link information which you chose not to read yet08:46
Zerohey, i have no CD drive, i want to install xubuntu using a boot floppy and a usb 1.1 disk, is this possible?08:47
mohamed_only here is the moorning :)08:47
mattsterikonia: just not sure where pulseaudio, alsa, etc fit into wanting basic audio support for vlc and mplayer08:47
Bodsdaikonia, it was me who told him to google08:47
ikoniamattster: and this is on a server install ?08:47
tenXmohamed_: same here. it's uggly and warm08:47
Daisuke_Idomohamed_: yeah, it's not the middle of the night a lot of places, but it's a lot less active right now than normal08:48
obta1ni'd like to buy new laptop that is 100% ubuntu compatible, can you give me suggestion what to buy ?08:48
mattsterikonia: yeah. i like a minimal development environment, with a few extras, all of which i have working except audio08:48
mohamed_ofcourse Daisuke_Ido08:48
ikoniamattster: so what does alsamixer show as the status of your audio devices08:48
niko_i just want to say that im new using ubuntu linux and im very very happy with it..the only problem i have until now is my wireless support on my notebook08:48
tenXthere's no need for sound mattster08:48
bazhang!hcl | obta1n also check system76.com08:48
ubottuobta1n also check system76.com: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection08:48
Bodsdaobta1n, dell ship laptops with ubuntu pre-installed they would be 'compatible'08:49
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ikoniatenX: he "wanted" sound08:49
Daisuke_Idoobta1n: pick up a dell laptop with ubuntu preinstalled, or check out system76, i hear good things about s76, and own a dellbuntu08:49
tenXikonia: sry for spamming :-s08:50
guiestI can't the path of startfluxbox08:50
schizomaniahi @ all08:50
schizomaniacan anyone help me installing my wlan card? on my hp notebook?08:50
tenXguiest: there might be an additional package? just a guess08:50
ikoniaguiest: thats a script, I'm not shure that ships with fluxbox, I thought that was part of distro packaging (I could be wrong - thats not fact)08:50
phantasienamewhere did the menu for selecting the monitor go? can i reinstall it? i dont want to configure 5 CRT monitors manually...08:50
ZeroCan i install ubuntu wiht no CD drive, all i have is usb 1.1 and floppy08:50
ikoniazero you can, but it's a reasonable ammount of effort08:51
ikonia!install | Zero08:51
ubottuZero: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate08:51
BodsdaZero, yes08:51
ikoniaZero: that last link is the one you want I think08:51
babolatInstalling Ubuntu Server, I'm stuck at 18% "preparing libmysqlclient15off" Is this normal?08:51
ikoniababolat: how long have you been "stuck" ?08:51
Zeroikonia i have no network either, i have to install a low end wm such as xfce or icewm, and then use my wireless card08:52
babolatabout an hour ikonia08:52
Bodsdayeah thats bad08:52
ikoniababolat: not good, does your keyboar (numlock) respond ?08:52
ikoniaZero: thats going to make it quite tricky to be honest08:52
babolatikonia: how do i know?08:52
ikoniababolat: press numlock, does the light come on and off ?08:53
ZeroIkonia, im sure it is, but can i make a boot floppy point to the USB to boot, then install from a USB drive, maybe install XUBUNTU?>08:53
babolatikonia: it turns off and on just fine08:53
ikoniaZero: you CAN do that, but it is a reasonable ammount of work08:53
ikoniababolat: thats a good sign, if you do alt+f1 do you see the window terminal change ?08:53
babolatikonia: nope08:54
ikoniababolat: alt+f2 ?08:54
babolatikonia: yes08:54
ikoniababolat: excellent, how's it looking ?08:54
babolatikonia: it gave me "Please enter to activate this console" what does this do?08:55
ikoniababolat: ahhh wrong one, try alt+f308:55
boogeanyone know the kernel string for fb 1280x800?08:55
mattsterikonia: it says i have an intel card with an analog devices chip, etc, and that headphone jack sense is off. i turned up all the volumes and still nothing08:55
babolatikonia: nothing for alt f308:55
niko_hi im newbie.. where do i change08:55
niko_my resolution?08:56
niko_on ubuntu08:56
ikoniababolat: alt+f408:56
babolatniko_: System > Pref > Screen Resolution08:56
ikoniabooge: vga=95808:56
ikoniabooge: 985 sorry08:56
babolatikonia: alt f4 looks like the verbose mode of the GUI i just left08:56
sgroverQ: I have openvpn installed and can connect to my vpn with network manager.  Any easy way to automagically run a script (to mount directories) once the vpn connection is made?08:56
ikoniababolat: thats what I'm looking for08:56
ikoniababolat: what does it say is going on at the moment ?08:57
phoenix24Is there any channel for cocoa-linux developers ?08:57
ikoniaphoenix24: not here08:57
phoenix24Is there any channel for cocoa developers ?08:57
RudyValenciaWhat's a good "real-world" analogy for DHCP?08:57
boogeikonia thanks08:57
babolatikonia: "Unpacking mysql-server-5.0 (from .../mysql-server-5.0_5.0.51a-3ubuntu5_i386.deb) ... "08:57
ikoniababolat: well, if is "working" so lets leave it a little more, but it's not looking good08:58
babolatikonia: that's what i've been doing the past hour. waiting. lol..08:58
ikoniababolat: ooh really, over an hour08:59
ikoniababolat: I missed that08:59
babolatquick question, ikonia: is this package being downloaded from some repo?08:59
ikoniababolat: I guess power down and try again then if your not confident going under the hood of the installer08:59
ikoniababolat: is this a server install by any chance ?08:59
babolatikonia: it's a server ikonia08:59
ikoniababolat: well, it should be on the CD then, but as a secondary quesiton, is there a specific reason your using a server install ?09:00
jackhow to use my usb-flash in V-box?09:00
babolatikonia: uh because i need one?09:00
=== obta1n is now known as tok
ikoniababolat: do you need a "server" install though09:01
ikoniababolat: eg: is this going on desktop hardware ?09:01
babolatikonia: no. it's a separate machine.09:01
jack how to use my usb-flash in V-box? i cant see it in gust OS09:01
ikoniababolat: is the machine "home" kit though or enterprise kit ?09:01
ikoniababolat: I phrased that badly09:01
babolatikonia: yes you did.. it's an old HP09:02
ikoniababolat: old HP what ?09:02
wols_babolat: Intel Xeon or AMD Opteron? registered RAM, workstation/server chipset?09:02
AMDXPjack they had a nice howto on the forums for that09:03
tenXjack: i only know for vmware but it will be the same issue i guess09:03
tenXjack: you have to uncomment 4 lines in a bootup scipt whose name i dont remember09:03
tenXjack: additionaly you have to add usbfs to fstab09:04
guiestIt didn't work09:04
jacktenX  the flash work weel in host OS  but i cant add it to the guest OS09:04
noob-africa_hi all09:04
noob-africa_i have a small prob...09:05
tenXjack: the flash??09:05
jacktenX  usb-flash?09:05
babolatsorry, wols_ ikonia: it continued with the install. btw, HP proliant ML10009:05
tenXjack: okay call it that way09:05
guiestI still can't see fluxbox09:05
jacktenX my english is poor..09:05
tenXjack: but thats exactly what i was talking about09:05
ikoniababolat: thats why it's slow then09:05
ikoniababolat: thats an OLD machine09:05
tenXjack: mine too ;)09:05
noob-africa_how do i delete locked files from an NTFS device (a flash disk)... it's got plenty of virus (.exe) files, and they all have a padlock icon...09:05
babolatikonia: any tips to speed this old horse up a bit?09:06
wols_noob-africa_: is the disk mounted writable? can you change other fles?09:06
tenXnoob-africa_: if they are locked you're talking about a running windows system?09:06
ikoniababolat: just use the bare minimum09:06
Slartnoob-africa_: use ntfs-3g to write to ntfs drives.. use chmod to change permissions for individual files09:06
wols_babolat: don't use ubuntu as a server ( ubuntu is fairly bloaty, needs a lot of RAM)09:06
babolatok. thanks ikonia09:06
noob-africa_tenX: well it is mounted on my 8.04 right now09:07
babolatwols_: really? what would you have then?09:07
noob-africa_slart - can u give me the terminal command to identify the /dev/media/ and then to chmod?09:07
jujuI just installed new updates in two machines in one I lost my internet conection and the other I lost the menu aplications09:07
noob-africa_or is it /media/dev/ ?09:07
tenXnoob-africa_: ntfs support is said to be reliable right now but for ntfs issues i prefer launching a bootable disk like bart pe09:08
ikonianoob-africa_: identify it ?09:08
noob-africa_tenX: remember, am still a noob... :-)09:08
ikonianoob-africa_: what do you want to do09:08
tenXnoob-africa_: the best tool i work with is the "ultimate boot disk for windows" so far09:08
mattsterikonia: asoundconf is-active returns 009:08
Slartnoob-africa_: hmm.. does the drive show up in nautilus? then you can see the path there09:08
babolatwols_: should i wait for your opinion? :)09:08
noob-africa_ikonia: how do i  get its device id?09:08
noob-africa_slart - what is the command to run nautilus?09:09
mattsterikonia: i didn't see a status in alsamixer09:09
ikoniamattster: Hmm thats odd, you don't need any specific deivers either, odd09:09
reel_hi, does anybody know how to extract a "ACB archive data" ?09:09
wols_babolat: the downside of cut down distros, they're not so comfortable to use09:09
tenXnoob-africa_: there are instructions to create a disk on the site. you need a winX i386 folder from some disk to create it09:09
wols_so it's a matter of preference09:09
noob-africa_ikonia: yes it does show up on nautilus, but every file is LOCKED!09:09
mohamed_reel_:  in which format ?09:09
ikonianoob-africa_: ok, step back a little. What do you have mounted on /media ?09:09
babolatwols_: oh, that's what you mean.. i think i'll tire myself with Ubuntu09:10
wols_noob-africa_: no, they're just not writable mouned. run "mount" and pastebin us the results09:10
reel_mohamed_, it is  .bin file09:10
wols_reel_: what does file <file.bin> say?09:10
jujuHelp how to get back my internet conection after an upgrade of pakages09:10
reel_mohamed_, but can be opened in windows I am told09:10
wols_juju: depends what went wrong09:11
wols_juju: ifconfig -a09:11
reel_wols_, it contains channelnames and frequencies09:11
wols_reel_: ham radi?09:11
PreToRiAnZdoes any one knows how to deal with tar.gz??09:12
jujuI do not know I just clic ok in the update notification and after reboot I lost the connection09:12
tenXPreToRiAnZ: extracting?09:12
tenXtar -zxf bla.tar.gz09:12
reel_wols_, DVB-C channels09:12
PreToRiAnZhmm... ive tried many times already using that cmnd..09:13
hpdoes anyone know how to fix matlab-shell in emacs?09:13
tenXPreToRiAnZ: maybe the archive is corrupted? download it again to check09:14
tenXPreToRiAnZ: use md5sum to check integrity if such info is provided on the site09:14
* tenX can't understand why windoze ships basic toolz like md5sum and ssh09:15
tenXmaybe licensing reasons..09:15
helpfromuwhich specific url that i can check if ubuntu supports intel quad core and that specific interl motherboard? i need help pls before i buy a hardware for my mail and proxy server09:15
tenXbut they could implement their own stuff09:15
jujuwols what information you need I got like 20 lines with that comand09:15
degritis it possible to use one of those usb memory card readers with multiple slots in hardy ? the 4 slots appear in "Computer" but I can't mount them09:15
noob-africa_so, where am i? did anyone take a look at that pastebin? http://pastebin.ca/101880409:16
visfhi if i want to setup a mail server, can recommend which mail server i should install?09:16
alienbrainWhat are the packages which are "kept back"?09:16
helpfromuany ubuntu guru here?09:17
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)09:17
Finirashow do i install a font from a *.ttf file?09:17
LimCorehelpfromu: ^09:17
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)09:18
BodsdaFiniras, ^^^^^^^^09:18
Psycho_BobWould anybody be able to help me with a wireless problem?09:18
alienbrainApt-get says: "The following packages have been kept back:", What does that mean?09:18
alienbrainPsycho_Bob: maybe, just ask09:19
helpfromuLimCore: ok sir09:19
jujuThis Hardy Heron looks more like windows A P O S09:19
Psycho_Bobim having problems with the new iwl3495 driver in hardy not working, is there any way to revert to the ipw3495 driver09:20
GibbaTheHuttwhat do you want it to look like? :)09:20
Finirasa p o s?09:20
bazhang!ot | juju09:20
ubottujuju: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:20
adredhi, can i ask questions regarding virtualbox here?09:20
gnuskooljuju, behaves differently though09:20
Ububegin!ask adred ..09:21
ubottuFactoid ask adred .. not found09:21
gnuskooldoes webmin work with hardy?09:21
jerome_q. i would like to bind a specific key to desktop switching under gnome, where should i look ?09:22
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wols_gnuskool: not debian derived distro really works with webmin09:22
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bazhang!ebox | gnuskool09:22
ubottugnuskool: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox09:22
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.09:22
ghindoCould someone help me?  I keep finding hidden files with a "~" at the end that are just copies of other files I have.  What are these and how do I get rid of them?09:22
Slartah.. nevermind =)09:22
gnuskoolbazhang: cheers09:23
Slartghindo: backups09:23
wols_ghindo: backups. ".bak" files probably09:23
Finirasdoes anyone know if open office .otd files can be opened by windows word?09:23
adredUbubegin: i cant install guest additions. if i click it, nothing pops up. what's wrong?09:23
Slartghindo: created when you edit files with gedit, pico etc09:23
wols_Finiras: can't, it's odt btw09:23
noob-africa_hi bazhang i have a problem mate09:23
ArthurArchnixI can see these error messages on bootup, but they go by too fast to read. There's nothing in dmesg.. or any other logs I can find. Is there a way to do an interactive startup?09:23
SlartFiniras: hehe.. yea right.. that would be the day.. =).. so, in short.. No09:23
ghindoSlart:  Is there any way to automatically get rid of them?  Or do I have to manually delete them?09:23
tenXFiniras: ms will never support that although it became an iso standard..09:23
noob-africa_bazhang: i have a usb-flash disk (NTFS) that i have mounted, but all its files are locked, and i need to delete some .exe files which are viruses09:24
wols_!ntfs | noob-africa_09:24
ubottunoob-africa_: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE09:24
Slartghindo: you can manually delete them.. I don't know of any automatic way09:24
wols_!ntfs-3g | noob-africa_09:24
ubottunoob-africa_: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions09:24
PreToRiAnZdoes any one knows how to install package with tar.gz???09:24
jburdWhat the hell is up with security updates to OpenSSH?   Two security updates to the same package in 2 days?  Why do I need to regenerate my SSH keys *again*?09:24
ghindoSlart:  Okay.  Thanks for the help09:24
bazhangnoob-africa_, why not run them through clamav09:24
blameI found a bug where transmission causes stir with alsa and disables all kinds of sound problems. Is it documented or do I report it?09:24
fatbrainHello, if I need .Net Framework, is mono my best choice?09:24
Slartjburd: no need for the language09:24
tenXjburd: are there new ones today again???09:24
HymnToLifePreToRiAnZ: a .tar.gz is an archive, just like a .zip, it can contain anything09:25
jburdSlart: Dude, I have to do all that regeneration again on multiple computers.  Anybody would get annoyed.09:25
wols_fatbrain: it's the only choice09:25
noob-africa_bazhang: well, it seems 8.04 hasnt yet supported some NTFS drives... clamav works on 8.04?09:25
ghindoHow come one of the new updates is being kept back from me?09:25
wols_!kept back09:25
ghindoIs ssl-cert being kept back for anyone else?09:25
ubottuFactoid kept back not found09:25
bazhangnoob-africa_, sure it does09:25
fatbrainwols_: thanks09:25
tenXjburd: ?09:25
gnuskoolPreToRiAnZ: read this, http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/09:25
jburdtenX: Seems so yes.09:26
noob-africa_bazhang: automatically? well, it DID mount the flash, but i dont have read/write access09:26
HymnToLifeghindo: most likely, upgrading it would require installing a new package, or remove one tht is installed09:26
adredUbubegin: i want my guest OS to access to my linux folders. ive instructions from forums, says i have to install guest addtions  i cant install guest additions. if i click it, nothing pops up. what's wrong?09:26
Slartjburd: indeed.. but save the bad words for the package maintainers.. we don't really deserve them =)09:26
tenXjburd: where the host keys recreated again for sshd? and what about ovpn :(09:26
HymnToLifeso an apt-get upgrade doesn't do it09:26
HymnToLifeghindo: do an apt-get dist-upgrade instead09:26
noob-africa_bazhang: check out my pastebin http://pastebin.ca/101880409:26
jburdtenX: Apparently, one of my keys wasn't detected to be compromized during the first update.  the second one says it's compromized.09:27
jburdnow that's 12 out of 13 keys compromized so far09:27
jerome_q. i would like to bind a specific key to desktop switching under gnome, where should i look ?09:27
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions noob-africa_ please read09:27
Slartjburd: hmm.. no new updates for me.. weird09:27
Ububeginadred: sorry mac, I have never used virtualbox in my life...09:27
ghindoHymnToLife:  Thanks, it looks like that's working!09:27
tenXjburd: ... :-(( i was afraid sth like that would happen. the updates yesterday just came in too fast after the issue was made public09:27
UbubeginCan some help adred with virtualbox... thanks...09:27
=== chmac7 is now known as chmac
adredi want my guest OS to have access to my linux folders. ive read  instructions from forums, say i have to install guest addtions but i cant install guest additions. if i click it, nothing pops up. what's wrong?09:28
d[X_X]bi think for linux its like vmware you have to manually do it09:28
d[X_X]bgoogle it09:28
yit41hey, i need help on pidgin. it wont connect to my MSN protocol09:28
PreToRiAnZim so piss off with this tarballs.....09:29
mohamed_Ububegin: you already installed virtualbox ?09:29
gnuskoolyit41: does it say why?is there an error message?09:29
gnuskoolPreToRiAnZ: did you read the ink?09:29
gnuskoolPreToRiAnZ: link?09:29
PreToRiAnZalready did...09:29
tenXis virtual box available for non win32 platforms?09:29
yit41gnuskool: yeah, reading error09:30
noob-africa_bazhang: i followed instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions but they didnt work09:30
bazhangnoob-africa_, I'd suggest going with clamav then09:30
SkitttenX: yes09:30
degritdoes anyone know why transferring files from a sd card using a usb memory card reader will fail ?09:30
Ububeginmohamed_ : no dude, i used to work on the other one... VmWare....09:30
Slartdegrit: works for me.. so, no09:31
noob-africa_bazhang: clamav will clean the viruses even with my current access rights?09:31
mohamed_vmware is good also :) but if you want virtualbox you can install it using synaptic09:31
dsophmm, my eth0 doesn't have a connection since the latest ubuntu update09:31
Slartdegrit: do you get some kind of error?09:31
tenXSkitt: suprise O_o does it have any interesting feature? working with vmware a lot and checked out qemu so far09:31
degritno, it just looks like it can't read from the card09:31
bazhangnoob-africa_, not sure about that? why not copy over the good files and then format09:31
degritand the application trying to read gets stuck09:32
degritbe it imgviewer or f-spot09:32
Slartdegrit: but you can see the drive in nautilus? you can see the files? or not even that?09:32
degrityes I can see it in nautilus09:32
degritI couldn't just a moment before though09:32
SkitttenX: i gave only virtualbox a try, so i don't know what the other do or not. well, it's working, thats all09:32
yit41anyone? i have problem with my pidgin. it says it cant connect to MSN because of reading error09:32
Udacan someone give me a hand with crontab?09:33
ikoniaUda: what is the problem09:33
Udaikonia, trying to scheule a 'killall wget', but it doesnt work09:33
Finirashow to make windows less sticky with compiz? I can't find it at advanced desktop effects manager. what I want is to make the windows let loose of the edges of my screen easier09:33
tenXSkitt: vmware is my premium product right now. i am really convinced of its features and tools freely available09:33
gnuskoolyit41: you may have to get latest version of pidgin, it was a bug in previous versions09:33
ikoniaUda: what have you done so far ?09:33
icewatermanthere is another update of openssh-* today. didnt the last one fix the problem?=09:33
ikoniaicewaterman: thats not a question09:34
ikoniaicewaterman: read the change logs if you wnat to know what's changed09:34
Slartdegrit: can you copy the files?09:34
icewatermanikonia: actually it is, it has a questionmark at the end :P09:34
degritI just tried replacing the card with no luck09:34
icewatermanwhere can i find the changelog09:35
Udaikonia, can make crontab start a shell script, which uses wget to dl a file, but i cant make crontab execute 'killall wget'09:35
gnuskoolyit41: what version you got?09:35
ikoniaicewaterman: in the repo's or the description in synaptic09:35
ikoniaUda: are you trying to do killall wget in a shell script, or direct from cron09:35
SlartUda: tried running it as "gnome-terminal -x killall wget" .. not sure about the -x switch09:35
yit41gnuskool: 2.4.109:36
babolati still can't make my DNS changes permanent.. nameservers simply ignore the edits i did in dhclient.conf.. is there a way to override my ISP's useless nameservers in favor of OpenDNS?09:36
Udaikonia, tried direct from cron, and when that didnt work, tried in desperation to make it launch another script to do it, which still didnt work09:36
ikoniababolat: use, change your resolv.conf file, but I'd advise against it very much09:36
babolatwhy so ikonia?09:36
ikoniaUda: can you show me the script in a pastebin09:36
Udaikonia, sure brb09:37
ikoniababolat: your ISP's name servers are rejecting your your updates for a reason, contact them09:37
mcp_are there vmware-player debs available for 8.04? I think for some older ubuntu-version (7.10 maybe) it was possible to install vmware player through the update manager. Is this also possible in 8.04?09:37
amikropHello. How can I get the ".deb source code" of a package (i.e. the DEBIAN directory, and the rest)?09:38
babolatikonia: im on the phone w/ them operators.. says they don't block opendns09:38
icewatermanikonia: the repo doesnt seem much up-to-date09:38
dibblegowhat program can capture sound from a mic. for playing live?09:38
ikoniababolat: your machine to their dns has nothing to do with open dns09:39
ikoniaicewaterman: what do you mean, not up to date ?09:39
Slartdegrit: very strange.... if you can see the files you ought to be able to read them... unless its a permission problem... and then it wouldnt just hang like that09:39
ikoniaicewaterman: you got an update/download today09:39
ikoniaicewaterman: it's up to date09:39
gnuskoolyit41: seems the only way round it is to compile pidgin from source, look here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=536333&page=209:39
=== Finiras is now known as Ikonz
Udaikonia, start.sh is http://paste.ubuntu.com/12210/ , launched by cron, see http://paste.ubuntu.com/12211/09:39
degritI just tried right-clicking and Properties, and now the whole nautilus seems hung up09:39
ikoniaUda: quote it09:40
ikoniaUda: the command your launching is "killall" wget is not being picked up as an argument09:40
SmokeyDHey people. i heard it is possible to expand your RAM by using a usb flash drive. I am looking on google for info but don't seem to use the correct keywords. Does anybody have info about this?09:41
verwilstcould somebody enlighten me about ddebs.ubuntu.com?09:41
mohamed_Ububegin: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose virtualbox-ose-modules-generic  this will install virtualbox for you09:41
verwilstwhat exactly that is?09:41
Udaikonia, haha thanhks a lot09:41
SlartSmokeyD: you could put your swap on a flash drive.. I don't know of any other way09:41
Ububeginmohamed_ : actually you should post this message adred... he was having some problems..09:41
dj_hamstai am root user and trying to access a folder, /etc/shells i get a permision denied how come ?09:42
SlartSmokeyD: Vista has something.. working with usb drives.. usb ready boot or similar09:42
icewatermanikonia: the problem is, that openssl stuff and apps using it were generating keys that are highly predictable. and after the openssl update is create all keys again, now i am unsure whether i have to start that all over again or not09:42
verwilstnm ;)09:42
icewatermanbecause the original fix might not have been a fix at all09:42
SmokeyDSlart: yeah, that is what I heard and then somebody said that you can already use this since a long time on linux09:42
SlartSmokeyD: sounds interesting.. let us know if you find anything09:42
SmokeyDok, sure09:42
mohamed_Ububegin: i'm sorry wasn't concentrate here made some work09:42
wols_SmokeyD: not possible on linux so far, and stupid to do imho too09:43
wols_you can never fake RAM09:43
Ububeginadred: consult mohamed_ , seems like he's quite knowledgeable in virtualbox... cheers09:43
babolatis a BIN file like a DEB file? im downloading Google Earth right now, and am unsure if it needs compilimg09:44
dj_hamstawols_: u can buy it in chinatown09:44
SmokeyDwols_: well, yeah I agree. I know someone who has an old laptop which he wants to use with Xubuntu. Expanding RAM there is not an option (to old/expensive) so I was wondering if I could fire it up with an usb pen drive09:44
mohamed_Ububegin: is not much knowledge  but at least it working here09:44
amikropI have a package installed in my system but I want to download the .deb file, as well. sudo apt-get -d install packagename does not work, because the package is already installed. What can I do?09:44
wols_babolat: you make it executable and execute it09:44
adredmohamed: im using non-free version, and i nstalled from source..09:44
babolatthanks wols_09:45
adredUbubegin thnks09:45
wols_amikrop: /var/cache/apt/archives/ check there. or go to ubuntu.packages.com and download it via that09:45
BuRn_sLuGAnyone got any advice for compiling a kernel for a laptop in Ubuntu?09:45
dabbillI just made a backup of a DVD i own. It plays fine in linux, but my windows PC sees it as a blank disk. Any idea what might be causeing this?09:45
alex_does anyone know what i can do to work out why ubuntu (hardy) keeps freezing? it freezes with no error messages or anything, at seemingly random times09:45
wols_BuRn_sLuG: use kernel package09:45
amikropwols_: ok09:46
BuRn_sLuGkernel package?09:46
adredmohamed: i think there's a standard how-to in setting up virtualbox. i just can't find it09:46
wols_kernel-package yes. search for it in the repos09:46
ubottuFactoid kernel-package not found09:46
babolatalex_: may be that your hardware specs are insufficient09:46
Udaikonia, killall wget still not working. put in crontab : [ 45 * * * * "/usr/bin/killall wget" ] but it still doesnt stop wget09:46
BuRn_sLuGwols_: I am about to compile the latest from source like usual? What is kernel-package?09:46
SmokeyDalex_ look for the last entry in dmesg or /var/log/kern.log09:46
wols_BuRn_sLuG: it'S a package, a .deb09:46
mohamed_adred:  you already can run virtualbox ?09:47
BuRn_sLuGwols_: Yea but what does it do?09:47
alex_babolat: i've run the last couple of versions of ubuntu without trouble, it freezes and requires a hard reboot09:47
wols_it creates a kernel .deb09:47
dj_hamstaumm i think i made a mistake, i entered "apt-get install  gedit" and it did a whole bunch of things, what did i just do ?09:47
wols_apt-cache show kernel-package09:47
alex_smokeyD: what should i look for in that?09:47
wols_dj_hamsta: you installed gedit and all its needed dependencies09:47
SmokeyDthe last entry09:47
BuRn_sLuGwols_: Yea but I can do that anyway through "make-kpkg --initrd --revision=386 kernel_image kernel_headers modules_image"09:47
wols_SmokeyD: there won't be any about the crash09:47
adredmohamed_ : yup. but i dont how to acces my linux folders from guest OS. i needs some configuration but i dont know how...09:48
wols_if the machine has crashed how would it write a log entry about it?09:48
SmokeyDwols_: ok, hmm, of course, after you reboot old stuff is gone I guess09:48
wols_adred: either guest extensions/additions or via network shares like samba09:48
alex_everything freezes as it is09:48
wols_SmokeyD: no was never there09:48
wols_and the old stuff still exists since it has been written to disk09:48
SmokeyDalex_: sorry, then I don't know :)09:49
mohamed_adred:  read this if you find what you search for http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/User_HOWTOS09:49
adredi tried guest addtions it didn't work. when i click guest addtion nothing happens09:49
dabbillI just made a backup of a DVD i own. It plays fine in linux, but my windows PC sees it as a blank disk. Any idea what might be causeing this?09:49
ogthelp me out09:49
alex_SmokeyD: ok, thanks anyway. is there no way i can determine the cause, or any remedies i could try?09:50
wols_dabbill: wrong filesystem maybe?09:50
adredmohamed_i tried guest addtions it didn't work. when i click guest addtion nothing happens09:50
adredmohamed_ ok thanks09:50
ltspadminhello..any one understand dhcp/pxe to help out with an issue with delay related to dhcpoffers?09:50
kdc1956anyone know how to setup a 3d on a ati video card09:50
ogtaircrack is making my laptop crash09:50
ogtwhat can I do09:50
SmokeyDalex_:see the link from babolat:  https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/411009:50
avi_meis there a way to recover a deleted file from ext3 filesystem ? a guy in my company accidently did "rm -fr /"09:50
lkthomas_guys, if NFS server accidently shutdown, does NFS client would hang ?09:50
babolatwols_: about the BIN file question. it says i ain't got an app to work the file with09:50
alex_SmokeyD, babolat, thanks09:51
dabbillwols_, useing dvd95, dont look like there is an option for changing the filesystem09:51
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babolatwhy is ubottu not catching launchpad links' info anymore?09:51
stdin!recover | avi_me09:51
ubottuavi_me: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although a method that might work in some cases is described at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html09:51
wols_babolat: I told you you have to make it executable09:52
babolatwols_: i did09:52
avi_mestdin, thanks09:52
stdinbabolat: it never did answers.l.n links09:52
wols_babolat: then you simply start it "file.bin"09:52
wols_how did you set it executable?09:52
alex_even when it freezes, ctrl+alt+backspace does nothing09:52
wols_alex_: your CPU is frozen, it won't do anything anymore until you reboot09:53
babolatwols_: Properties > Permissions tab > allow executing file as program09:53
TooFlyIn a panel, how do I add the "running in the background" icon bar?09:53
TooFly(I deleted the default ubuntu panel)09:53
wols_babolat: check if +x is set with ls -al <file.bin>09:53
alex_very frustrating, keen for any suggestions09:53
alexandremrjhello everyone09:54
babolatwols_: +x ?09:54
wols_alex_: try different kernel parameters, check temperatures of hardware, try another OS (Live CD) and stress test it09:54
wols_babolat: yes09:54
wols_!permissions | babolat09:54
ubottubabolat: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview09:54
babolatwols_: hate to be the newbie here. i dunno what that is09:54
degrita google search for this particular card reader unveils nothing, apart from the fact it sports a badge saying "designed for win xp/vista"09:54
dabbillwols_, the system type for the disk is udf ..09:54
wols_dabbill: that's the proper one for DVD09:55
degritbut hey, everything's got a sticker like that on the box09:55
wols_babolat: "-rwxr-xr-x 12 klingens klingens      448 2007-12-28 20:23 file.bin"09:55
wols_babolat: see the x there?09:55
alex_wols_ sorry i don't really understand, how do i try different kernel parameters, i know the hardware itsself is ok from running other versions of ubuntu and running windows09:55
sjovanhi, I'm running irssi trough a screen. I'm at work at the moment and useing putty. for somereason all the act (window list): is in the same color so i can't se where new msg are added. what could be the problem? the themirssi theme or maby putty?09:55
wols_degrit: lsusb.09:55
babolatwols_: ? ? ?09:56
degritwols_ ?09:56
wols_alex_: thing like noacpi noapic etc. set via kernel parameters in /boot/grub/menu.lst09:56
dj_hamstahow can i change the password for a user in proftpd ?09:56
SmokeyDavi_me: I used some tool the other day but I forgot which. I will look it up09:56
wols_degrit: to check the device. also check your kernel.logs (dmesg)09:56
SmokeyDin the mean time: http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html09:56
wols_dj_hamsta: depends how proftpd does its auth. by default: system accounts09:57
avi_meSmokeyD, I saw this link but it looks very complicated...09:57
SmokeyDavi_me: it might be indeed09:57
yit41i installed ubuntu via wubi. how do i put my ubuntu on a real partition?09:57
wols_yit41: reinstall09:57
dabbillwols_, the dvd wont play in a DVD player or on windows, but linux reads it just fine. Any other ideas what might be going on. Just a few days ago it was burning them just fine.09:58
degritwols_: everything looks quite relevant, albeit I don't know what it all means :)09:58
SmokeyDavi_me: but I had an easier tool which I am search for now09:58
avi_meSmokeyD, did you try foremost ?09:58
avi_meSmokeyD, k thks09:58
SmokeyDthat was it09:58
FloodBot2SmokeyD: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:58
SmokeyDthat work perfectly09:58
yit41wols_: other than that? is there any way that i could just keep everything?09:58
SmokeyDthe only thing was that it doesn't restore filenames and stuff09:58
SmokeyDbut it did restore a lot09:58
alex_i'm  back, in crashed just then, sometimes when it crashes the screen isn't frozen as it was, but goes completely white09:59
SmokeyDI accidentally formatted a whole ext3 partition (quick format so only partition entry was removed in the partition table)09:59
SmokeyDit recovered many GB of data09:59
wols_yit41: make a backup and restore it again09:59
wols_SmokeyD: since ext3 zeroes inodes, you can't undelete10:00
babolatwols_: dragging the bin and dropping the darn thing into a terminal WORKED10:00
yit41wols_: hmmm... fair enough. how can i improve my ubuntu's boot time/startup time?10:00
SmokeyDwols_: ok, that is with the rm command. I guess it worked for me since I just formatted the drive10:01
clustyyit41, first run the kernel in profiling mode once10:01
clustyyit41, did?10:01
SmokeyDonly the partition table was b0rked, not the actual data10:01
yit41clusty: err.. i dont know what is profiling mode10:01
yit41and kernel..10:01
wols_yit41: make it load less crap when booting :)10:01
yit41how do i make that?10:02
douyeWhat ip should i use in the virtual box if i want to connect to my ftp server running on the same machine ?10:02
clustyyit41, when grub is booting press "e" to edit the boot line10:02
wols_douye: depends how you did the networking10:02
clustyyit41, where you see some stuff like splash add "profile" (without "")10:03
douyewols_: how ya mean? what network card or.. ?10:03
avi_meso in my case it wouldnt work , since it was rm -rf10:03
wols_there are several ways to do networking with VMs10:03
clustyyit41, then press b to really boot. this will grind disk and figure out what files are being loaded and they get precached10:03
wols_NAT, bridged, etc10:03
clustyyit41, once you reach the login screen reboot10:04
clustyand boot normally10:04
douyewols_: ah NAT i thought10:04
yit41clusty: that seems very complicated10:04
clustyyit41, dud you are dealing with linux10:04
clustyyit41, its a g33k OS10:04
wols_douye: nat gets its IP via dhcp iirc10:04
clustyyit41, you can't make it faster without know what you are doing10:04
wols_clusty: it'S the same for windosw or any OS10:05
dabbillwols_, Brasero for some reason wont read it as well, when tryin to make a ISO of the burned copy it says Status: the medium is not writable for the source to copy.10:05
clustyyit41, bear with it, learn the ropes and then fiddle with it10:05
douyewols_: so its not a static ip ?10:05
yit41clusty: lol guess i'm not geek enough. is there anyway like linux version of msconfig or something?10:05
wols_douye: usually not with NAT10:05
clustyyit41, you get lots of that stuff in gnome10:05
douyewols_: atm im just using my ip ubuntu gets from the network to connect.. but that means i cant do it locally10:06
SmokeyDwols_: if I understand http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html correctly, you can undelete files on ext3, you just can't recover the filenames, file structure and such, but the actual data can still be recovered with grep if the blocks are not overwritten in the mean time10:06
adughephow can i remove a pacakge without dependecy check ?10:06
clustyyit41, funny_circle->system->administration10:06
SmokeyDand that is what foremost does as far as I know10:06
clustyyit41, just make sure you aint borking everything. google around to see what does each thing do10:06
SmokeyDit scans all the blocks for specific patterns which correspond to know file types.10:07
douyewols_: so i should use a other networking method ? (mostlikely bridge ?) then it will have a static ip i can use to locally connect to it ?10:07
SmokeyDavi_me: I would indeed try foremost and http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html10:08
d[X_X]bwho farted?10:08
wols_douye: you can already set a static IP probably, but why?10:08
degritwols_ : sorry to bother but could you look if you can make anything of this ? http://pastebin.org/3607210:09
wols_just make it in the same subnet as the current host and guest ips10:09
adughephow can i remove a package without dependency   check ?10:09
avi_meok , thanks , i am just backing up the partition now before files are overwritten...10:09
wols_degrit: not really. not all card readers always work :(10:10
douyewols_: that works aswell i guess, aslong as i can acces my ftp locally :)10:10
QuintinHOw come dpkg-configure xserver-xorg doesnt have resolution options??10:10
wols_adughep: you can use dpkg, but it's not good to do so. cause from then on every apt based program you will run will complain and not work anymore10:10
wols_Quintin: try -plow10:10
douyewols_: but how can i check then what ip my ubuntu uses locally with the virtualbox ?10:10
Quintinwols_: -plow? :S10:11
wols_douye: ifconfig10:11
wols_Quintin: it's a dpkg-reconfigure option, read the manpage10:11
douyewols_: is it then the vent0 addapter ?10:11
SmokeyDavi_me: good plan. I made an image of the harddrive with dd and did all the recovery on that image. I left the original harddrive alone in case I messed things up (any more than I already had)10:11
adughepwols_, yes i want with dpkg and i know what i am doing :) ..is just removing open-ssh client removes ubuntu-desktop too10:11
wols_douye: probably. never ran vbox under a linux host10:11
d[X_X]bQuintin i think after 7.04 it changed...whatever u add in xorg doesnt acctually affect xserver10:11
wols_adughep: irrelevant. ubuntu-desktop is a meta package10:11
adughepand i am better off with this bad dependenci10:11
wols_and ssh is always good10:12
Quintinso is 804 like absolute complete and total utter CRAP?10:12
bbmhey guys10:12
wols_adughep: you will have to remove ubuntu-desktop if you want it or not10:12
wols_!ops please remove halloman10:12
deltaslayaHey I don't know if this is the right place to ask but:10:12
ubottuwols_: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:12
Quintincause I just spent about 3 hours installing it on a latitude C600 , and nothing works10:12
douyewols_: ah cool it works, thx :)10:13
Quintinmy window decorations have no close, max, minimize10:13
d[X_X]byea same here10:13
adughepwols_, i know i always like to remove the package as i want ... i prefer to fix broken dependencies  then to remove something i dont want to10:13
adughepis not always ubuntu-desktop10:13
d[X_X]bonly 7.04 and less works10:13
adughepi just forgot the dpkg --nodeps option10:13
deltaslayaI downloaded GParted Live from http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php and burned it to a disc. Then when I booted off it I couldn't access GParted from whatever booted up.10:14
wols_deltaslaya: maybe ask gparted people about their software, not us?10:14
adughepwols_, strange in many articles on debian packages none says about removing it with no dependency check10:14
diazepamanyone using webmin here with Hardy?10:15
wols_adughep: cause it's a quite bad thing to do10:15
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.10:15
deltaslayaYea I know but there is noone in the GParted channel, thought someone here might know how to use it.10:15
Quintinwols_: that didn't give me option to fix resolution10:15
d[X_X]b<deltaslaya> gparted comes in live cd ubuntu10:15
adughepwols_, eh neah i dont think so ..if i know exactly what package can do10:15
diazepamwols - thanks10:15
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox10:15
SmokeyDavi_me: I don't know if it is usefull in your case but you could also look at http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk10:15
deltaslayaSo I can boot off the Live CD and get GParted? How do I do that?10:16
Quintinships with a beta web browser10:16
Quintinit gets better and better10:16
d[X_X]bquintin im telling you u cant....it want you to use aticonfig or some crap of that nature.. xorg conf wont do sheat10:16
adughepwols_, so what was it dpkg -P --no-deps or ?10:16
hydra__someone had problems with installation of mysql in ubuntu 8.04?10:16
wols_adughep: that or some --force option10:16
hydra__i can't start mysql using /etc/init.d/mysql start10:17
Quintin there is a root user now?!10:17
wols_hydra__: what do logs say?10:17
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:17
hydra__if I try manually, I get The file /usr/sbin/mysqld doesn't exist or is not executable10:17
wols_hydra__: dpkg -l |grep mysql |grep server10:17
ghindo!gparted | deltaslaya10:18
ubottudeltaslaya: GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/10:18
SmokeyDavi_me: one mor tip (I just found the bookmarks I made last time): http://www.diskinternals.com/linux-recovery/10:18
hydra__mysql-server                               5.0.51a-3ubuntu510:18
Quintinwols_: why does root have a homedir then?10:18
hydra__mysql-server-5.0                           5.0.51a-3ubuntu510:18
deltaslayaOh is the tuxfamily version different to the one on sourceforge?10:18
Slap_Stickhey, for some reason on my fresh install gnome is acting odd when i open any application it takes over the main top window i.e. the application / system etc menu at the top changes to the file, edit etc window of the application i haev to close the application as i can't actually move it or anything even though it's not fully expanded10:18
wols_Quintin: cause programs who run under root maybe need one?10:18
ghindodeltaslaya:  It shouldn't be, why?10:19
deltaslayaWell I can't do anything on the one I got from sourceforge10:19
avi_meSmokeyD, thanks - that last one looks interesting...10:19
Quintinso someone please tell me if 804 release is supposed to even work10:19
ghindodeltaslaya:  Does the LiveCD not work?10:19
ghindoQuintin:  8.04 has worked great for me...why?10:19
deltaslayafrom sourceforge, not well for me10:20
hydra__wols_: ?10:20
Quintinghindo: it's useless so far for me.  all kinds of bugs10:20
SmokeyDavi_me: yeah it does but I don't know how good it is. I am a little sceptic since it claims to recover all your files while the point of wols_ that the inodes are deleted in ext3 makes me doubt that it can actually recover files deleted with rm10:20
deltaslayaIt is version 0.3.6-7, the one I downloaded and the linked one on tuxfamily are 0.3.4-1010:20
wols_hydra__: what you gave is not the exact output10:20
dmanwhen i use my lcd via DVI it seems to keep it at 640x480 for some reason10:21
dmanand scale the res within it10:21
ghindodeltaslaya:  Maybe it was a bad burn?10:21
deltaslayaNo it happened twice.10:21
deltaslayaIt boots into X or something and then says no monitor is found?10:21
deltaslayaIt's not actually called LiveCD when you download it, its just Live.10:22
QuintinCan anyone suggest an ultra small linux distro that can play commercial DVDs?10:22
deltaslayaBut the one on the other site looks more promising.10:22
mip_How to get ip from particular DHCP server? We have more than one DHCP servers running in our network.10:22
wols_deltaslaya: it doesn't matter. it'S not ubuntu so OT here10:22
wols_mip_: dhclient might have an option for it10:22
deltaslayaI'm using it for Ubuntu partitions?10:23
wols_mip_: but you are not supposed to have more than one unless the servers work together10:23
avi_meSmokeyD, ok , i'm done backing up , will try foremost and then revert to harder possibilities..10:23
Guillaum3greets gents. i have two servers which dont have ftp on them. i need to copy a folder via SCP from one to the other. the folder unfortunately has symbolik links which recersively reference itself.10:23
wols_deltaslaya: but your problem is with a gparted live cd, NOT ubuntu10:23
SmokeyDavi_me: good luck10:23
ghindodeltaslaya:  You might not have to use the liveCD, then...have you tried using one within Ubuntu?10:23
Guillaum3has any1 got a one-liner for me to do this?10:23
ghindoQuintin:  Pretty much any linux distro can play commercial DVDs...10:24
deltaslayaYes, the GParted package within Ubuntu doesn't let me change any existing, or mounted partitions.10:24
ghindodeltaslaya:  Okay, gotcha10:24
deltaslayaThe one suggested by the ubuntu bot has a file called gparted in the iso the last one didn't?10:24
cpk1mip_: I think that is something that should probably be taken care of serverside... you could have them serving on different ports and then tell dhclient to use whichever port the server you want is using...10:25
munckfishHi is the SSH advisory fully sorted out now? The openssl related updates that came through the other didn't seem to mention the advisory explicitly in the changes.10:26
ihanciogluHello , I have installed latest driver and ubuntu 8.04 . I would like to switch powerstate automatic when change the power source battery or AC. I configured /etc/default/fglrx file and automatic switch between powerstates are working. The problem is If I start my laptop on Battery power , power state looks default mode, not low power. IS there any way or script for that on boot??10:28
void^munckfish: use ssh-vulnkey and replace offending keys.10:28
visfhi, where can i find apache2 conf file in ubuntu?10:28
munckfishvoid^: thx10:28
wols_visf: /etc/apache2/10:28
SmokeyDvisf /etc/apache2/apache.con /etc/apache2/sites-available/default, etc10:29
wols_hydra__: don't PM. check your logfiles, syslog and mysql logs10:29
QuintinHas anyone really NOT liked the 804 release?10:29
wols_Quintin: usually tons of people don't when a new release comes out10:29
SmokeyDQuintin: no :)10:29
penegaulhi can someone help me create a ftp or web server where people can connect and download files directly from my computer instead of me burning dvds ?10:29
visfwols & smokeyD: thanks10:29
SmokeyDpenegaul: setup a webserver (Apache)10:30
wols_my experience is it always takes the ubuntu folks a bit to fix various (small) problems when a new release comes out10:30
wols_usually takes a month or two10:30
hydra__wols_: man, are you ok? i already told you the error I was getting.10:30
wols_penegaul: apt-get install apache210:30
Quintinwols_: examples of things people are upset with?10:30
hydra__and I suppose you're not suggesting a copy/paste in the channel...10:30
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:31
QuintinI'm burning an alternate install image now10:31
Quintinlast try before I say screw it10:31
chronosxhardy heron (or maybe newest samba) has a bug.  when i try to overwrite a file on samba share, it errors network permission denied, i have to delete first the file then paste the file10:31
QuintinI just want a laptop that plays DVDs for my girlfriend to take on her trip :\10:31
wols_Quintin: dunno about hardy in particular. I just remember how it was with pretty much all ubuntu versions before now10:31
SmokeyDpenegaul: see http://www.lullabot.com/node/289/play http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch20_:_The_Apache_Web_Server10:32
Quintinwols_: are you using 804?10:34
TimothyPHi, what's the best way to persist iptables/firewall settings on ubuntu server?10:34
penegaulSmokeyD: im new to linux and ubuntu .. i dont understand most of the stuff there :(10:34
BonezAU HI, does anyone know an alternative way of creating a PPTP network connection without using NetworkManager?10:34
GibbaTheHuttQuintin, what actual problem are you getting ?10:34
SmokeyDpenegaul: see the first link10:35
SmokeyDthat one is really simple10:35
QuintinGibbaTheHutt: wayyyyy too many10:35
GibbaTheHuttlike what ?10:35
SmokeyDpenegaul: it is a movie that takes you through every step of setting up a website, including mysql and drupal (which two you don't need to just host files)10:35
GibbaTheHuttjust hard for people to help without specific errors etc10:35
wols_Quintin: no10:36
BonezAU HI, does anyone know an alternative way of creating a PPTP VPN connection without using NetworkManager?10:36
Raditcan somebody tell me what the gfxboot package does?10:36
ikoniaRadit: there is a description of it in the repo10:36
ikoniaRadit: high light it in synaptic and clicke "description"10:36
Raditikonia: bootlogo creator for gfxboot compliant boot loaders10:37
RaditThis package is needed to create the graphical boot logos for gfxboot,10:37
Raditintroduced and developed by SuSE, it is suitable for grub, lilo and syslinux.10:37
ganesis there any relation between the kernel & casper package10:38
SmokeyDTimothyP: I created a script  /etc/firewall which contains all the iptables configuration. Then in /etc/interfaces I added pre-up /etc/firewall to the external network interface10:38
Falling-InfernoBanshee whenever it is Syncing with my ipod to load all the songs from my libary to the ipod it crashes..10:38
SmokeyDTimothyP: see "man interfaces"10:38
Raditikonia: I installed it and it does nothing10:38
SmokeyDpenegaul: what? Be specific and as a question please.10:39
TimothyPSmokeyD thnx :)10:40
SmokeyDTimothyP: np10:40
SmokeyDso. And now I am off10:40
SmokeyDgood luck everyone10:40
penegaulSmokeyD: im new to linux and ubuntu .. i dont understand most of the stuff there :(10:41
TimothyPpenegaul what is the problem?10:42
tenXdoes anyone at what time 8.04 will support vmware-server again?10:42
ovidiuis there any method to make the movies to not be played in overlay mode?10:42
penegaulsomething went wrong with the installation10:42
Falling-InfernoWhen i try syncing my ipod to banshee,Banshee crashes10:42
ovidiuon an Intel graphic card10:42
TimothyPtenX the only solution seems to be using vmware-any-to-any patch but I haven't tried it, certainly not on a emt64 version10:43
wols_ovidiu: why don't you want to?10:43
ovidiubecause when I am moving a window with compiz10:43
ovidiuthe movie image doesn't move10:43
tenXTimothyP: i have that running but i want distro support10:43
ovidiuor when I rotate the cube10:44
ovidiuthe movie image doesn't "rotate" with the cube10:44
shomon_hi - is there a good irc channel somewhere for some help with avidemux or dvd authoring?10:44
nick110hello ubuntu user10:44
IcE_^Hi, I am using Ubuntu 8.04. I am trying to set up my Wirless Modem. it is HUAWEI ETS1001 Wirless modem but everytime I get a fail error. also, why is that when I use dmesg -c i get nothing?10:44
ganesis there any relation between the kernel & casper package10:44
TimothyPoh like that10:44
MatBoyman, the dutch mirrors are damn slow10:45
IcE_^hmmz, any one?10:47
RudyValenciaMy server can kickstart the Ubuntu installation process via PXE now :D10:47
ganes kernel is running on live-initramfs-tools, now i installed casper it is not working ., why10:47
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
Sazpaimonok, so when i boot ubuntu, and get into the GUI, its stuck on an orange screen with a wait cursor10:48
Sazpaimonwhat gives?10:48
dman__im havign an issue switching from VGA to DVI, it seems to set my resolution to 640x480 and make the x session scrollable to access the whole 1650x108010:48
ghindoSazpaimon:  Have you tried booting into an older kernel or recovery mode from GRUB?10:49
Falling-InfernoNever mind i got it working i just have to wipe my ipod before syncing10:49
Sazpaimonghindo, those options arent available for me in GRUB10:50
BonezAU HI, does anyone know an alternative way of creating a PPTP VPN connection without using NetworkManager?10:50
Sazpaimononly Ubuntu and single user mode10:50
stevemOh NOES!10:50
SazpaimonI cant CTRL+ALT+F1 into a console to make changes and stuff10:50
Sazpaimonanything I can take a look at?10:50
ghindoSazpaimon:  to be honest, I'm not really sure :/10:51
IcE_^hmmz, i'm sorry for repeating my question, but why when I use dmesg -c i get nothing?10:51
kuri0sdman__ which video card? reconfigure your X.10:52
Gantzi just tried switching to ubuntu from xp x64 and i'm really lost10:54
void^IcE_^: -c clears the buffer. if there are no new messages since the last time you ran it, you won't get anything.10:54
WhittGantz, What are you trying to do?10:54
Gantzi'm trying to get comfortable with ubuntu, other than that i'm trying to get everything running correctly starting with my sound10:55
babolatThe Trash Bin icon on my panel went missing. Adding it back via Right click > Add to Panel doesn't add it back. Nothing happens. How do I bring it back?10:55
Morpheusmorning folks, is there a tool to let me migrate a live physical ubuntu server to another physical server?10:56
IcE_^void^: oh, i understand now.. I am tryng to set up my modem by configuring the USB in /etc/udev/rules.d.. how do I know that it was identified correctly since dmesg -c doesn't give anything?10:56
jberg-hey. i've just got my broadcom chipset working with apt-get install b43-fwcutter; modprobe -r b43; modprobe b43 but i heard the new b43 module only works okay with 2.4.25 kernel otherwise i'd get transfer errors10:59
abhii'm trying to mount a volume using the GUI from Nautilus11:00
SazpaimonI guess i'll try kubuntu and see if I have any luck with that11:00
abhiI'm at the location Computer11:00
jberg-so now when i do apt-get i get a lot of transfer errors because of incorrect hash sums and stuff11:00
abhiand I enter the path correctly11:00
jberg-do i need kernel 2.6.25?11:00
abhii get this error when mounting : mount_point cannot contain the following: G_DIR seperator (/)11:01
abhiwhen i try to mount using GUI11:01
kuri0sjberg- nop, you can add kernel modules by hand to any version. just compile11:01
Slartabhi: start gconf-editor in a terminal11:01
Slartabhi: go to system, storage, volumes11:02
jberg-kuri0s, yes i know. but b43 apparently doesnt work with 2.6.24 because i get transfer erros11:02
Gantzi just installed ubuntu and can't get audio through spdif11:02
jberg-so i think i need 2.6.25 which is supposed to fix it11:02
abhiSlart: went11:02
Slartabhi: you've got a couple of folders there.. named _org_free...blablabla11:02
peng_hi, anyone know how use spell file in vim?11:02
jberg-but is there an easy way to get 2.6.25? can i use a config file which was used to compile 2.6.24?11:03
abhiSlart: yea11:03
peng_when I add zg it tell me"e764 option 'spellfile' is not set"11:03
Slartabhi: if you click on those you see they key "mountpoint" on the right hand side, right?11:03
peng_in vim11:03
abhiSlart: correct11:03
cpk1Gantz: use alsamixer and make sure pcm is turned up11:03
abhiSlart: key documentation gives an error11:03
Slartabhi: I'm betting at least one of those keys /mountpoint11:03
Slartabhi: I'm betting at least one of those keys (mountpoint) contain a / or something else11:03
kuri0sjberg-: weird, I normally have problems whith newer kernels because they come with newer features which driver developers don't use to expect...11:04
Slartabhi: might be called /media/mydisk or something like that.. right?11:04
abhiSlart: ok then how do i specify the mount point if not with /s?11:04
cpk1Gantz: also if alsamixer has an iec958 device(s) play around with those11:04
abhiSlart: yea correct11:04
TB`Hi all11:04
Slartabhi: the gnome volume automounter doesn't want the whole path.. just the stuff after /media/11:04
TB`When is 8.04 being released?11:04
abhiSlart: oh :) and what if i want to mount it else where?11:04
Slartabhi: so if the mountpoint is "bigdisk" it will be mounted in "/media/bigdisk"11:05
WhittTB`, its out11:05
Slartabhi: you can't.. afaik11:05
Gantzcpk1: not entirely sure how to do any of that tbqh11:05
abhiSlart: then i'll have to change /etc/fstab correct? :)11:05
Slartabhi: of course you can mount your drive manually wherever you want.. but the gnome auto mounter thingy works like this11:05
=== tolecnal_ is now known as tolecnal
cpk1Gantz: open up a terminal and then run "alsamixer" left right selects which device to change, up and down lowers/raises volume or changes an option11:06
boumacould someone please help, ive been using google but no luck, i used to have a progy that let me access ext2 drives under xp, but i cant find it again, only a bunch of other progrs that i tried and found were, uh, .. undesireable, and deleteworthy11:06
cpk1Gantz: pressing escape twice quits11:06
Slartabhi: what does your fstab look like? can you pastebin it?11:06
Slart!paste | abhi11:06
ubottuabhi: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:06
Gantzcpk1: ok cool i'll try that11:06
DJonesbouma: search for ext2fs, I'll see if i can find the link though11:07
abhiSlart: i think i'll just do an automount in media won't make a difference :)11:07
abhiSlart: thx for explaining Gnome automount to me :)11:07
Slartabhi: ok.. just change the mountpoint key.. just one word.. not /\., etc.. and try clicking on the drive in nautilus11:07
DJonesbouma: http://www.fs-driver.org/ This should do it11:07
dj_hamstalets say i installed proftpd and no longer like it, how can i remove it ?11:07
OllieHello, I just put a DVD in my drive, and totem movie player was unable to play it. It said: "An Error Occurred: Could not read from resource"11:07
Ollieany ideas?11:07
judgenDoes the netboot iso contain madwifi?11:08
cpk1Gantz: if you do have iec958 devices, mine are set to ac-link and the other 2 are at 0 volume but unmuted11:08
boumaDJones, right, i would rather not an installable driver, just a simple standalone exe like the last one11:08
SlartOllie: installed the dvd css thingy?11:08
Ollienope... where do I get it?11:08
ubottuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs11:08
judgenOllie: medibuntu repos11:08
kuri0s jberg-: if you need to keep the older version for any reason, try googling for a patch11:08
TB`Keep getting a blue screen error, what shall I do?11:08
SlartOllie: look  at those links.. or try typing "!medibuntu" here in the channel.. ubotu will help you11:09
boumaDJones, the last one i had was something like e2fs?*? and had support for files over 2gig11:09
SlartTB`: blue screen error? in ubuntu? neat.. never seen that11:09
DJonesbouma: I've not seen anything like that, I always used this, which gave the ext2 partition of drive letter11:09
judgenDoes the netboot iso contain madwifi?11:10
ArthurArchnixWell, I've downgraded to gutsy and I'm much happier. The only thing I miss is openoffice 2.4 On the forums it doesn't seem like people have much happiness trying to get it working. Will it find it's way into backports do you think? Or should I try and install it some other way?11:10
Gantzcpk1: doesn't seem to be doing anything11:10
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org11:10
cpk1judgen: I am fairly certain the kernel hardy uses has madwifi built in11:10
boumaDJones, right, well ive had bad experiences with drive letters that werent valid, and being offered to format them under xp, and severe stress when i let someone else use my computer lest they click yes, yes, i would like to format this ext2fs drive with all my music on it11:11
judgencpk1: nice, as i prefer to do manual install of packages rather than using a full distro11:11
Slartbouma: isn't there an ext2/ext3 fs driver for windows? don't know if it keeps windows from wanting to format it though11:12
TB`Can't do it11:12
tenXSlart: there was a tiny tool for that.. accessing ext fs11:12
KrimZoni seem to still be having network qos problems in ubuntu - a slowish download and some package downloads via synaptic are preventing me from using the web at all11:12
boumaSlart, ok is sounds like there is, i am just looking for a single exe standalone progy that does 2gig files, i used to have one, and im still regoogling for it11:13
cpk1judgen: ath5k is supposed to be in 2.6, BUT it might be only in the wireless GIT so I cant be 100% sure that the hardy kernel has it11:13
DJonesSlart: that was the link I suggested to bouma, I've not seen anything that was just an exe to access the partition11:14
boumaSlart, ah ok, i found it again, http://www.chrysocome.net/explore2fs11:14
SlartDJones, bouma: I used something when I dualbooted.. some kind of file explorer that you could use to access your ext2 driver from XP.... can't remember the name.. shareware or something11:14
cpk1Gantz: well, it is too late for me to try to trouble shoot sound, but I remember getting my spdif to work I had to play with the iec958 devices and pcm volume11:15
boumaDJones, i like this, i found it again, http://www.chrysocome.net/explore2fs11:15
Gantzcpk1: how would i do that then/11:15
tenXbouma: thats it :)11:15
jberg-does anyone know if i can use some config files which was used to compile the default kernel in ubuntu to compile the latest 2.6.25 kernel?11:16
OllieSlart: Do I need to restart the pc after installing livdvdcss2? It's installed, but totem is still giving the same error11:16
jberg-so i dont need to configure anything, just download, load config and compile11:16
DJonesbouma: I hadn't seen/heard of that, looks useful11:16
cpk1Gantz: alsamixer should show all your sound devices, also whatever gnome uses for controlling sound (I dont use gnome) probably has an advanced option or something to change sound settings11:16
SlartOllie: I'm not sure.. don't think so11:17
SlartOllie: might be some other problem though.. you are sure the DVD is intact? no weird DRM, no scratches?11:17
mysticdarkhackanyone know how to exit nano mode in termial?11:18
Slartmysticdarkhack: ctrl+x?11:18
Slartmysticdarkhack: I'm not sure I run the proper nano.. I think it's symlinked to something else.. perhaps pico11:18
Lr5What's the command to upgrade just one package (+ what it needs)?11:19
Lr5apt-get upgrade seems to try to upgrade every package11:20
m0u5eLr5: just sudo apt-get install <packagename>11:20
m0u5eLr5: that should upgrade that single package11:20
mysticdarkhack<Slart>what I'm trying to do is exit when I was viewing man eject where is show some command back to termial11:20
Lr5m0u5e: ok, thanks11:20
m0u5eLr5: or if you just go into synaptic you can manually do it11:20
m0u5eLr5: why not just upgrade all the packages? is there a bug / break?11:20
Slartmysticdarkhack: ah.. just 'q' then11:20
kuri0sLr5: I suggest installing and using aptitude instead of apt-get11:21
SlartLr5: updating just one package rarely works.. apt is meant to update everything..11:21
SlartLr5: why don't you want to run a regular update?11:21
mysticdarkhack<Slart>thx, still learning here and been on linux for two years now11:22
judgencpk1: ive burnt it now, hope it works11:22
Slartmysticdarkhack: mm.. I learn new stuff every day.. been using linux for.. 4 years or so11:22
Lr5Slart: the computer is quite old and has not enough hard disk space for all11:22
SlartLr5: ouch... remove some stuff you don't need? openoffice or other big packages.. ?11:23
m0u5eLr5:  it should automatically overwrite the old packages11:23
kuri0sSlart: Lr5: with aptitude you can select and install packages individually. It also makes a good dependecies check11:23
m0u5elr5: type sudo apt-get --purge clean to clean old packages11:23
m0u5eLr5: also, go into package settings and set it to auto delete old packages that have been downloaded11:23
mysticdarkhack<Slart>I probably catch up and there other thing I'm learn like starting to compile kernel11:23
Lr5Uninstalling openoffice sounds like a good idea11:23
m0u5eLr5: how much space do you have? N:X11:24
danwhere can i find details about configureing a kernel?11:24
mysticdarkhack<Slart>now I hoping to remember some or most command line in linux11:24
Slartkuri0s: I've never understood why people prefer aptitude over apt-get.. I've never found anything I couldn't do with apt that aptitude does..11:24
bjwebbokay, firefox is being a pita11:24
zaffry007guys can i know a website for ubuntu softs11:24
Slartmysticdarkhack: there are some good sites out there for bash and linux command line..11:25
mysticdarkhackaptitude or apt it really doesn't matter11:25
mysticdarkhackboth work fine11:25
Slart!repos | zaffry00711:25
ubottuzaffry007: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories11:25
Gantzcan anyone else assist me with getting my spdif audio working?11:25
mysticdarkhack<Slart>I know right, and I like linuxcommand.org if that right11:26
kuri0sSlart: I like the dependencies checking, package filtering and its efficient UI11:26
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications11:26
ubottuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers11:27
mysticdarkhackvirtualbox is better and free11:27
kuri0smysticdarkhack: why is virtualbox better?11:27
tenXvmware-server is the choice11:27
vallhalla81mysticdarkhack: i dont seem to be able to get it to run on this kernal tho11:28
mysticdarkhack<kuri0s>it better support11:28
vallhalla81tenX: can you get it to run on gutsy?11:28
mysticdarkhack<vallhalla81>what kernel version are you using?11:28
loolHi, from time to time I hit a key combo by accident which causes Compiz to move my mouse each time I switch windows with alt tab; does someone know which combo it is?11:28
tenXvallhalla81: you can but if i was to setup a new server i'd still stick to 7.1011:29
tenXvallhalla81: it works but you have to fool around11:29
tenXand there are no packages yet11:29
mysticdarkhackwhat version of virtualbox are you using?11:29
vallhalla81tenX: i gues i will just have to w811:29
Gantzaudio issues using spdif11:30
kuri0smysticdarkhack: do you work with it alot? I never tryed, so Im curious about it...11:30
vallhalla81mysticdarkhack: i tryed all the ones in the ubuntu repos11:30
tenXvallhalla81: thats what i'd do11:30
kasraanyone exprience gzip cpu usage in Hardy ?11:30
mysticdarkhackjust a remind to all, virtualbox 1.5.6 doesn't work hardy kernel but the newer version 1.6.0 does11:30
mysticdarkhackgo to virtualbox.org for the latest version11:31
tenXU: (FILE, >file)11:31
Quintindoes alternate install take longer than regular install?11:32
OllieSlart: In case anyone else asks... you need to eject + reinsert the DVD after installing libdvdcss2 for it to work!11:32
tenXQuintin: yeah, 5 mins and 36 secs11:32
vallhalla81mysticdarkhack: will do thank you11:32
tenXQuintin: what a waste of time :(11:32
SlartOllie: ahh.. that actually makes sense.. thanks for letting us know11:32
SlartOllie: it works alright now?11:32
mysticdarkhack<kuri0s>virtualbox is simular to vmware but it open sources and support all os11:32
Ollieyes :)11:32
jakican you help me ? http://forum.ubuntu.pl/showthread.php?t=7414811:33
Slart!pl | jaki11:33
ubottujaki: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl11:33
mysticdarkhackbefore you install the new virtualbox, I recommand removing the old one first by using this command sudo apt-get --purge -f autoremove virtualbox11:33
kuri0smysticdarkhack: what kind of virtual HW emulates? For example wich ethernet cards do you have inside a vmachine?11:33
tenXkuri0s: what is that important for? its emulation anyway11:34
jakiubottu: wlasnie z nimi sie dogadac nie idzie, obracaja kota ogonem11:34
ubottujaki: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:34
Slartjaki: ubottu is a bot..11:35
tenXubottu: i'm sure that thought would never have teased his mind :p11:35
ubottutenX: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:35
kuri0s tenX: performance?11:35
jakinom i see11:35
tenXkuri0s: i dont know never used it11:35
tenXkuri0s: i stick to vmware-server11:35
f1reHi there.11:36
mysticdarkhack<kuri0s>it will clone from your ubuntu setting but almost like you install windows process, you can tried out and see for yourself11:36
kuri0s tenX: me neither :) ...   yet11:36
* emma *smiles*11:36
jkphi all, i installed avahi and configured it to advertise netatalk recently.  i changed the advertised name of the host to something i liked better than the raw host name11:36
kuri0smysticdarkhack: don't have enought time to try all sw arround  :)11:37
jkpbut browsing around i still see the old host name: it seems that the server is advertising a _workstation._tcp service as well, but there is no service for this in the avahi config11:37
jkpdoes anyone know how i can disable this service adertisement?11:37
mysticdarkhack<kuri0s>lol i se11:37
alex_i am using catalyst, and i enable big desktop (for dual monitors) but everytime i restart it goes back to normal mode. do i need to edit xorg.conf or something?11:38
_moro_bana_i have an aver media card and want to watch tv on ubuntu, help11:38
tenXi think so - got into contact with dual monitors once but cant supply details11:39
mysticdarkhackit going to be awhile that I can help everyone in here and I'm still learning here myself11:39
alex__moro_bana_ i have been using a program called 'me tv' which seems to work pretty well11:39
tenXgoogle for it alex_11:39
dj_hamstahow do i get a list of programs that are installed ?11:39
Holyhandgrenadehey everyone, im setting up a home server. does anyone know if its possible to set "shared" files via http instead of smb .... if so what should i look for11:39
dj_hamstabrowse to that folder11:39
_moro_bana_alex_: with the same card as mine>11:39
f1reI'd need some assistance. I'd have to use Audacity, and some effects are missing. Particulary the "Change pitch" effect also. I'd found out, that the problem is related to a configuration script problem. It doesn't recognize the libsndfile package as installed, so it disables the effects. I could install from CVS or source, but I don't want to break out from apt.11:40
mohamed__moro_bana_:  which card you have ?11:40
alex__moro_bana_ no, sorry different card11:40
kuri0smysticdarkhack: virtualization is expanding very fast, Im vmware professional ;)11:40
_moro_bana_mohamed_L  avertv hybrid +fm pci11:40
jkpits ok, i found an option in the main avahi config11:41
m1dn1ghthey guys - can anyone tell me how to unrar multi-part archives?  I installed the unrar package so the Ubuntu archive manager will open rars, but it doesn't appear to be opening all the files as it's saying the size is only 300mb when it should be closer to 4.5gig11:41
newbhi i am trying to install hadoop on an edgy server. hadoop requires ssh access to itself. i generated a public/private key with a blank password to allow hadoop to access ssh without me having to intervene to enter the password. i tried it on my gutsy workstation but on my edgy server it's not happening. why?11:41
f1rethere is 1.3.5 in CVS now, in the apt tree it's 1.3.4, but some guys say that 1.3.3 also works fine. The package it problems with is installed, but is's name is not the same.11:41
Holyhandgrenadehey everyone, im setting up a home server. does anyone know if its possible to set "shared" files via http instead of smb .... if so what should i look for  (edit) the point would be to allow file transfers via wget ....11:41
ikoniaHolyhandgrenade: apache will do it11:41
f1reHolyhandgrenade: That would be a one-direction file transfer.11:41
epifanio_hi, i'm tring  an application "fwtools"    http://fwtools.maptools.org/    (binary package 32bit)  on ubuntu server 7.10 64bit11:42
epifanio_tring gdalinfo (a coomandline of the fwtools lbrary) on a ecw file (image file), i've these message : http://rafb.net/p/c8gw7G56.html11:42
epifanio_locate libgcc_s.so.1 ,  give me that it is in :  /lib/11:42
epifanio_i  tried : export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/lib   but do not sove my problem11:42
Holyhandgrenadeokay thanks guys11:42
FloodBot2epifanio_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:42
epifanio_how can i use fwtools on a 64 bit machine,  i'm wrong something or i need to install otherer libraries ?11:42
dj_hamstawhen restarting my ssh server i get  "Restarting OpenBSD Secure Shell server sshd " but im using ubuntu! is that ok?11:42
=== fdd-0 is now known as fdd
mohamed__moro_bana_:  this is DVB card ?11:42
tenXdj_hamsta: yes11:42
OvispainDoes anyone know how to install DC++ on Ubuntu ?11:42
xintronHi termitor11:42
tenXdj_hamsta: openssh is part of the openbsd project11:43
dj_hamstaapt-get install dc++ ?11:43
_moro_bana_mohamed_: DVB?11:43
ikoniaepifanio_: check if it's linked against it11:43
OvispainI tried this but it doesn't work11:43
kuri0shave to go, cul8r11:43
f1reOvispain: Look for a DC client11:43
newbhow do i stop edgy from asking a password when i'm running hadoop?11:43
ikoniaOvispain: open synaptic and search for dc++ there is a linux client version11:44
ikonianewb: hadoop ?11:44
epifanio_ikonia: how can i check it?11:44
mohamed__moro_bana_: TV standerd here different than yours, DVB is european standerd11:44
ikoniaepifanio_: ldd it i11:44
newbikonia: yea hadoop11:44
mohamed__moro_bana_:  if this i'm using VDR for it11:44
f1reCould someone tell me please which apt tree is the more up-to date? Stability doesn't matters for me.11:44
ikonianewb: I've no idea what hadoop is11:44
Ovispainikonia: Thanks. I am going to try it right now. Be right back.11:44
newbikonia: it's a DFS11:44
ikoniaf1re: hardy is the most current11:45
newbikonia: never mind what hadoop is11:45
f1reAnd there aren't branches?11:45
mohamed__moro_bana_:  this card you have ?... http://www.avermedia.com/cgi-bin/products_digitvtuner_hybridPCI.asp11:45
f1reI mean some tree, where11:45
f1remost recent (could not be tested) stuff sits.11:45
ikonianewb: ahh it's a clueter11:45
newbikonia: but i want to know how can i prevent a shell script from requiring my intervention everytime to enter a SSH password?11:45
ikoniaf1re: hardy is the current11:45
ikonianewb: use ssh keys11:45
tenXnewb: ssh certs11:45
newbikonia: ok11:45
ikoniatenX: it's keys not certs11:46
_moro_bana_mohamed_: well im in russia, that has to be european, but under windows i get to choose the country , the software got preconfigurations11:46
tenXikonia: how could i :/11:46
newbtenX ikonia: ok so i did this ssh-keygen -t rsa -P "" where i left the password blank so that i don't require to enter the password everytime11:46
ikoniatenX: how could you what ?11:46
f1rethen again: How could I (even low level) get Audacity to recognize libsndfile az installed? I need those effects.11:46
epifanio_ikonia: ldd libgcc_s.so.1 ?  give me No such file or directory11:46
ikonianewb: you also need the "allownullpassword" option set in the sshd_config file11:46
tenXikonia: fail like that11:46
ikoniatenX: it's a simple wording error11:47
newbikonia ok11:47
ikoniaepifanio_: nah, ldd the binary11:47
_moro_bana_mohamed_: yes its the one11:47
babolatwhere do i find the files that i've sent to trash?11:48
ikonianewb: PermitEmptyPasswords option sorry11:48
_moro_bana_mohamed_: i see its linux compatible from that link11:48
newbikonia: thx :)11:48
f1reI tried to use apt-get source, but the configuration script cries for packages, THAT ARE INSTALLED. I think I need some pkg-tool tweak but I don't have the experimence...11:48
mohamed__moro_bana_:  then i think you can use VDR11:48
epifanio_ikonia: i get :   ldd /path/to/binary  >  not a dynamic executable11:48
ikoniaepifanio_: run "file" against the binary and tell me what it is11:48
jamiessswat ya all up 2 ?11:49
Tonnihi, i just upgraded my ubuntu machine from 7.10 to 8.04. everything went finde, except the graphics stuff. i'm now stuck at low-res mode and have no idea how to revert it. i have nVidia 8800GTS, used the nVidia driver before the upgrade. now i'm running kernel 2.6.24-16-generic11:49
mohamed__moro_bana_:  what source you use Sat, cables  ..etc ?11:49
Tonniwhat can i do about it?11:49
ikoniajamiesss: this is a busy support channel, it would be really helpful if you could keep your conversation to support topics please. #ubuntu-offtopic is available for chatting11:49
_moro_bana_mohamed_: well i never tried sat for digital, i use antenna cable11:49
p1how can I prevent Pidgin from starting up automatically? It's not in Sessions > Startup Programs11:49
epifanio_ikonia: it give me : http://rafb.net/p/sJ79eU72.html11:49
babolatin what folder is "Trash" stored?11:49
Gantzwhats a good replacement for someone whose been using winamp for the past decade11:50
Tonnii did some googling, but it didnt work for me11:50
ikoniababolat: it changed in hardy something likse /usr/share/trash11:50
jamiesssikonia: ok11:50
Tonniand i don't want to reinstall :/11:50
babolatp1: Tools > Preferences11:50
newbikonia: FYI: hadoop is a DFS. it can be used to set up a linux cluster of inexpensive boxes to carry out parallel computations11:50
ikoniaepifanio_: ahhh it's a shell script11:50
ikonianewb: I read up in it, thanks11:50
mohamed__moro_bana_: moment i try find russien forum that discuss this then you understand more there11:50
orgy`hi, i get a "Segmentation fault" when starting pSX. what could be causing that? http://rafb.net/p/3mc5dB18.html11:50
ikonianewb: read up on it, sorry11:50
_moro_bana_mohamed_: ok11:50
newbikonia: DFS - distributed file system (sorry I didn't mention that)11:51
babolatikonia: it's not /usr/share/trash... wonder what it is11:51
ikonianewb: thats fine, I know what it is11:51
ikoniababolat: hang on I'll find it for you *sigh*11:51
epifanio_ikonia it is :  http://rafb.net/p/lNYcav20.html11:51
babolatikonia: no need if you're busy. i think i can find it myself11:51
tenXbabolat: should be in your /home/$user dir11:51
mohamed__moro_bana_:  http://www.allrussian.info/board.php?boardid=6111:52
babolatno it's not tenX11:52
m1dn1ghtCan anyone tell me how to unrar multi-part archives?  I installed the unrar package so the Ubuntu archive manager will open rars, but it doesn't appear to be opening all the files as it's saying the size is only 300mb when it should be closer to 4.5gig11:52
p1babolat: I checked all the options in the preferences, don't find anything relevant on starting automatically11:52
ikoniaepifanio_: check what fwtools_env.sh does11:52
tenXbabolat: make sure to look at hidden files as will ls -a11:52
ikoniatenX: no - it's moved in hardy11:52
Tonnican't anybody help me please? :(11:52
tenXikonia: but a trash folder is user related?11:53
ikoniatenX: it's moved in hardy11:53
void^m1dn1ght: i don't know about the guy, but unrar x first.part.rar works.11:53
void^m1dn1ght: *gui11:53
baklava-so I edit a file, save, compile with gcc, run it, fine. copy the source to a new name, edit it, try to compile, and get "/opt/gnu/bin/gcc: No such device or address" ...what's going on?11:53
epifanio_tring ldd on the "real" command that is in $fwtools_home/bin   instead of  $fwtools_home/bin_safe , i get : http://rafb.net/p/4KZY0A82.html11:54
_moro_bana_mohamed_: i understand english better, which program are you using under ubuntu for your card11:54
ikoniababolat: ~/.local/share/Trash11:54
babolatit's really not there, tenX11:54
babolatbeautiful work ikonia :D11:54
m1dn1ghtthanks void - I'll give that a try11:55
mohamed__moro_bana_:  i have different card is hauppage also is DVB-s but the same i think working for yours but i'm not sure the program called VDR11:55
ikoniaepifanio_: and you've done this on an ubuntu system11:55
mohamed__moro_bana_:  it exist in ubuntu repository with som eplugins11:55
ikoniaepifanio_: it's a 32bit binary, and all your libaries are 64bit (mostly)11:55
epifanio_ikonia in i thtere isn't : libgcc_s.so.111:55
epifanio_7.10 (server) 64bt11:55
ikoniaepifanio_: thats the problem then11:56
Gantzwinamp is to windows as _______ is to ubuntu?11:56
ikoniaepifanio_: the libaries it wants are 32bit.....you don't have them11:56
epifanio_can i install some 32 bit libraries?11:56
m0u5eGantz: try audacious11:56
bazhangaudacious Gantz11:56
mohamed__moro_bana_: i think there is some application also that you can access the card faster to see if it work11:56
m0u5ebazhang: jinx :D11:56
ArthurArchnixrhythmbox in gutsy doesn't show album art anymore?11:56
_moro_bana_mohamed_: which11:56
zChrisArthurArchnix: does for me11:57
m0u5eArthurArchnix: banshee / listen is better ;-)11:57
mohamed__moro_bana_:  i test kaffiene before but only with dvb-s11:57
dj_hamstaif my motherboard does not suport WOL is there a workaround to turn pc on remotely ?11:57
mohamed__moro_bana_:  i look what exist11:57
ikoniaepifanio_: you'd need a 32bit full environment for those11:57
ikoniaepifanio_: ubuntu isn't multi-lib11:58
_moro_bana_mohamed_: i could not find hauppage in the repos11:58
ikoniadj_hamsta: not really11:58
epifanio_ikonia , can i use apt-get to solve ,  what packages i'll need ?11:58
babolatp1: solved your problem yet?11:58
mohamed__moro_bana_:  is vdr hauppauge is my card11:58
mohamed__moro_bana_:  you search for vdr11:58
babolatp1: read up -->http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=574345 and do the instructions in reverse11:58
Whittanybody able to help here with X11 crashing due to Fglrx?11:59
ikoniaepifanio_: no, your only using the 64bit repo's so apt won't work11:59
ikoniaepifanio_: the 32bit lib's would conflict11:59
ikoniaepifanio_: as I said, ubuntu is'n't multi-lib12:00
tenXikonia: what os is?12:00
ikoniatenX: windows12:00
ikoniatenX: a few linux distros12:00
tenXikonia: like?12:00
ikoniatenX: most corperate unix's12:00
epifanio_ok so i can't use it (fwtools 32 bit binary)12:00
ikoniaepifanio_: thats the sort version, yes12:00
amorphous__could someone suggest a good room for printing problems?12:00
lool(Second try) Hi, from time to time I hit a key combo by accident which causes Compiz to move my mouse each time I switch windows with alt tab; does someone know which combo it is?12:01
mohamed__moro_bana_:  your card exist here ? http://www.vdr-wiki.de/wiki/index.php/DVB-T_Budget-PCI-Karten12:01
spaceninjawill I miss anything from the original ubuntu if I get mint instead?12:01
caitlindoes anyone happen to know what kernel 8.04 wants to boot on a via c3 processor? I'm struggling to find the info through google. The server install bombs on first reboot.12:01
ikoniaspaceninja: they are different Os's12:01
ikoniaCatCheeto: same as x8612:01
ikoniaCatCheeto: same as x8612:01
wols_caitlin: 686 normally12:01
labinnswGood Evening All. I have a post at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4933232#post4933232, re: Drive /dev/hdg does not contain audio files. Can anyone help12:02
ikoniacaitlin: same as x86 - 2.6.24-16 is current12:02
spaceninjabut I want the best os with the best gui apps for system configuration and package management12:02
caitlinikonia: the standard kernel fails to load. it panics.12:02
clemyeatsspaceninja: you'll miss encryption and key generation tools, wubi and a few other things.12:02
ikoniacaitlin: why ?12:03
ikoniaCatCheeto: what is the exact error12:03
spaceninjahow much better is ubuntu compared with opensuse and fedora?12:03
ikoniaCatCheeto: sorry12:03
ikoniacaitlin: what is the exact error12:03
jatt100x times better12:03
caitlinsays it can't run on my processor12:03
jattor 100012:03
ikoniaspaceninja: it's not better, it's different, try it12:03
simplexiocaitlin: sound like you try run 64bit on 32bit machine12:03
ikoniacaitlin: what processor was it again please.12:03
caitlinI didn't have time to log wade, i'm in work atm.. usual retardo user :P12:03
caitlinvia c312:03
clemyeatsspaceninja: all distros are better than each others :) Depends on your needs.12:04
ikoniavia c3 is 32bit x8612:04
caitlincategorically a 386 version iso, verified12:04
ikoniacaitlin: are you sure you have the x386 cd12:04
spaceninjamy favorite is archlinux, but I need a point and click distro12:04
caitlinyes, i downloaded a new one, 'cause the other one i have is for my 64 bit machine12:04
spaceninjaall I want to do is point and click12:05
simplexioif i recall right via c3 dosent work on i686 i think12:05
kimmey2k3spaceninja: linux mint may be a good choise :)12:05
emmaI've been helping people in here a few days now and suddenly my own Ubuntu is starting to go screwy :P12:05
caitlinit's a little odd, because the installer runs fine12:05
ikoniathen fix it12:05
spaceninjaim going to virtualize it12:05
emmaI was just using mplayer and had sound. I closed the terminal it was running in, and now I have no audio. Any ideas?12:05
ikoniacaitlin: ok, so the installer runs ok, but the installed system fails to boot ?12:05
_moro_bana_mohamed_: its the second in the list i suppose looking at the inputs stated there12:05
clemyeatsspaceninja: ubuntu, mint, pclinuxos, mepis, fedora.. they're all good choices really. Just get a virtual machine ready and try them all.12:06
_moro_bana_mohamed_: i have audio, svideo, antenna, fm inputs12:06
ubottuThe following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (support in #linuxmint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate12:06
labinnswYOUR ATTENTION PLEASE: I have a post at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4933232#post4933232, re: Drive /dev/hdg does not contain audio files. Can anyone help?12:06
spaceninjayep thanks12:06
mohamed__moro_bana_: antenna for analog TV or digital ?12:07
ikonialabinnsw: typing in caps is more likley to get you ignored that get attention12:07
clemyeatsactually #linuxmint isn't the support channel for mint. It's on irc.spotchat.org.12:07
ikonialabinnsw: also, you've posted on the forum, if no-one in here can help, wait for someone to respond to the forum post12:07
designermanI just installed ubuntu from an old live cd I have, version 4.01 - I need the root password so I can get root access. I have looked on the documentation but I think it may be out of date12:08
designermanpasswd is not working12:08
designermanany help?12:08
_moro_bana_mohamed_: is that german, antenna for analog, but the manual showed the same input for analog and digital12:08
ikoniadesignerman: ubuntu doesn't use a root password12:08
rabspdHello everybody.12:08
ikonia!root > designerman check out the pm from ubottu12:08
mohamed__moro_bana_:  yes is German and there is english version12:09
ArthurArchnixhmmm... can't find any bug reports. I wonder if the site it gets the album art from is just temporarily down12:09
rabspdWhich is good IDE for Ubuntu?12:09
labinnswikonia: Your responses might not be pleasant or in the ubuntu spirit or philosophy, but it is the only ones I have received till now.12:09
ikoniarabspd: for what languages12:09
wols_rabspd: depends what you want to do12:09
jo4Hi, i set the resolution on the tv out to high, so my tv says out of range. The thing is that i managed to press keep settings. Can i manually edit what resolution the TV uses? i tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, but no result12:09
emmaHas anyone learned anything about audio suddenly ceasing to work in Hardy after closing mplayer?12:09
rabspdC/C++/PHP etc12:09
ikonialabinnsw: my responses are in the ubuntu spirit of politly telling you the answer12:09
designermanikonia: ye mine does have a password as when I try nothing I get told I can't authenticate12:10
ikoniarabspd: eclipse seems to be the standard12:10
rabspdikonia: for C/C++12:10
wols_rabspd: C/C++ and PHP are very differentIDEs12:10
snowolfemma: ctrl+alt+backspace :)12:10
ikoniadesignerman: the password is not "nothing"12:10
no_one_noz1hey designerman >>>.12:10
no_one_noz1are still here12:10
wols_for php I'd say eclipse PDT12:10
bazhangsnowolf, not helpful12:10
designermanikonia: what is it then?12:10
ikoniadesignerman: there is no root password12:10
wols_designerman: you use sudo, nothing else12:10
rabspdwols_> is it different from eclipse?12:10
ikoniadesignerman: did you read the pm ubottu sent you12:10
designermanikonia: how do I log in as root, I type su and press enter12:10
wols_ikonia: there is. there just is no root account you can log into :)12:10
_moro_bana_mohamed_: oh i forgot , thats wikipedia, silly me,im setting up vdr , what is terrestial(dvb card type)12:10
labinnswikonia: Sorry, just realised I need to go look up the meaning of polite12:10
zChris!root | designerman12:11
ubottudesignerman: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:11
ikoniadesignerman: no, did you read the pm ubottu sent you12:11
wols_rabspd: yes. PDT is a eclipse plugin12:11
ikoniawols_: pardon ?12:11
wols_ikonia: grep root /etc/shadow. there you see your root pw :P12:11
Myrttiwols_: ha     ha.12:11
mohamed__moro_bana_:  terrestial is DVB-T this is i think what you have12:11
ikoniawols_: I know there is a root password12:11
zChriswols_: thats not what i have read, i have read that there is a root account but no password12:11
ikoniazChris: it's a play on words12:12
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:12
ikoniazChris: there is no "known" root password12:12
* emma *smiles*12:12
_moro_bana_mohamed_: i can also try satellite, my friend got a cable here12:12
wols_root simply has no shell, that's all12:12
mohamed__moro_bana_:  http://www.linuxtv.org/vdrwiki/index.php/Main_Page this is the english wiki12:12
rabspdwhich IDE is best for C/C++?12:12
jo_ea while ago, switching virtual terminals stopped working for me. now when I type ctrl-[1..6] i just get a black screen. i tried googling it and found some stuff about removing vga=791 from my menu.lst but I don't have it anyway. can this be fixed?12:12
wols_some like eclipse, some kdevelop, some rawhide, etc12:13
wpkrabspd: eclipse12:13
ikoniawols_: it certainly does have a shell (root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash)12:13
ikoniawols_: back at you for picking up on my wording ;)12:13
Bodsdaikonia, i thought i read the root password was ! as no password wouldnt be acceptable but ! is an unexceptable charcter or summit stupid like that12:13
wols_ikonia: then why can't you log in as root?12:13
ikoniawols_: you don't know the root password12:13
rabspdwpk: does eclipse have WYSIWYG plugin for HTML?12:13
zChriswols_: you can if you change the root password12:13
Bodsdawols_, you can if you define the root password12:13
_moro_bana_mohamed_: thanks a lot for the info, im getting to work now12:13
mohamed__moro_bana_: the steps is to be sure that driver already installed then install vdr and scann channels to have the correct channels.conf then you can try vdr but maybe this is the complex method , the simple way is to try it with kaffiene or vlc12:13
zChrisBodsda: :D12:13
wols_ikonia: I should sleep more. mea culpa12:14
dimedohi there, why isn't my CAcert root CA available in firefox although i enabled it through the package ca-certificates?12:14
ikoniawols_: I was only picking on you to get you back12:14
_moro_bana_mohamed_: oh, ok12:14
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:14
wols_ikonia: no, I'm a moron and talked crap. I need a nap12:14
Myrttiwols_, ikonia, elsewhere. :-D12:14
alex_can anyone help me, when i enable 'big-desktop' mode in ati's catalyst program when it restarts it changes back to clone desktop every time i restart12:14
jo4Is there a way of editing the files 'gnome-display-properties' uses manually? Or just change them in a terminal way?12:15
ikoniajo4: thats a bit of a tricky question12:15
Bodsdadisplay would mean xorg12:15
ikoniajo4: xorg.conf controls the xserver info, gnome controls the desktop setup based on partly what xorg does and part use config, it's not really held in a config file for gnome12:15
Bodsdabut im sure the app uses many other conf files aswell12:15
dimedoisn't firefox using the certificate storage of ubuntu?12:16
jo4ikonia, not even the actual resolution?12:16
ikoniajo4: the resolution is set via xorg at boot time, gnome allows you to interact with it to configure it on the fly12:16
gronneI had issues with my network due to ufw all along... how can I use ufw and allow a certain ip to run?12:17
ikoniajo4: gnome actually doesn't control the resolution12:17
ikoniajo4: I appricaite I'm explaining it, in on the most straight forward way12:17
ikoniagronne: ufw ?12:17
gronneuncomplicated firewall12:18
binarymutanthow do I get devilspie to open a window in the lower right hand corner? it seems to only move them to the upper left12:18
ikoniagronne: ufw is just a front end to iptables12:18
jo4ikonia, yeah, your doing a good job ;D but each user has a resolution setting, right? cause when i log into my own user at this laptop i get the right resolution at the right screen12:18
ikoniagronne: you just need to make accept rules for the firewall, thats it12:18
alex_can anyone help me, when i enable 'big-desktop' mode in ati's catalyst program when it restarts it changes back to clone desktop every time i restart12:18
ikoniajo4: the resoution should be global, unless a user made changes to his GNOME (not X) session12:18
rabspddoes hardy have builtin firewall?12:18
gronneikonia: yeah, sure... but isn't it only for ports? well, I try then...12:18
ikoniarabspd: no, it has iptables built in, but not enabled, you have to configure it12:19
ikoniagronne: no, iptables deals with much more than ports12:19
jo4ikonia, so i should go to #gnome and ask? cause it's set in the 'Screen Resolution' thingy12:19
_moro_bana_mohamed_: i have kaffeine installed, its a music player12:19
gronneok... so I will try to write ufw allow and it should work I hope...12:19
rabspdikonia how to configure, is there any tutorial?12:19
ikoniajo4: system --> preferences --> screen resolution will set it on a per user bassis12:20
ikoniarabspd: www.netfilter.org12:20
rabspdikonia: thanks12:20
mohamed__moro_bana_: we can talk in side talking , to not make the room here crowded :)12:20
zChrisLove is in the air12:20
RainmaNhi all!12:20
gronneikonia: I did as I wrote... but It said ERROR:Bad port12:21
rabspdikonia: what about firestarter?12:21
bazhangzChris, not in here please12:21
emma!info firestarter > emma12:21
ikoniarabspd: thats just another front end12:21
jo4ikonia, yeah, maybe should have mentioned that when i asked, sorry :p but i mean, it has to save settings in a file. cause the setting persists over reboots12:21
binarymutantwhat's the X geometery for the lower right hand corner?12:21
ikoniajo4: those settings are in memory, but should be stored in the gconf database12:21
zChris!ot > bazhang12:21
emmarabspd, there is a really good gui for configuring your firewall called Firestarter12:21
emmarabspd - type:  sudo apt-get install firestarter12:21
rabspdemma: I have done it.12:22
emmarabspd, okay good :)12:22
emmaThen just start firestarter12:22
rabspdemma: but still unknown how to configure it?12:22
rabspdemma: started12:23
rabspdemma: then?12:23
ikoniarabspd: be very careful what you do, as this is just an interface to iptables, so any crashes mid configuration will leave you in a unusable / locked out state12:23
gronneikonia: It said Bad port when I entered "ufw allow"12:23
jo4ikonia, any way to run gconf-editor on ssh? :p or can you tell me where the data bases are located?12:23
jribjo4: use gconftool-212:23
bazhangrabspd, you wish to read some info in iptables first12:23
ikoniajrib: thank you12:23
Davieyjo4: ssh -X user@server , then launch gconf-editor12:23
ikoniagronne: you need to specify a port12:24
ikoniagronne: I don't know if ufw will allow wildcards12:24
ikoniagronne: or "ALL"12:24
emmarabspd, the wizard will walk you through most of it when you start it.12:24
emmarabspd you might want to log out of ubuntu and back in so that firestarter can update everything though.12:24
jo4jrib, says cannot open display12:24
rabspdemma: it is telling network device setup.12:24
ikoniawhy do you need to log out and back in12:24
gronneikonia: Ok, is there anyway to find out what port I need it to allow?12:24
ikoniafirestarter is dynamic12:25
ikoniagronne: what do you want to allow ?12:25
emmarabspd then when you get through the wizard check the box that says "IP adress is assigned via DHCP box (unless you are using an old dial up modem)12:25
rabspdyah. There was just three step.12:25
jribjo4: what did you type exactly?12:25
rabspdI am using internet via LAN12:25
LimCorewhy ubuntu fails agai?12:26
LimCore* again12:26
emmarabspd, if you use any bittorent then you will want to set some inbound rules. In the firestarter main window click the Policy Tab. Seclect inbound traffic policy in the editing drop down list.12:26
ikoniaLimCore: with what ?12:26
gronneikonia: Well, you said I needed to specify a port... All I want is for it to run but I guess it needs a port as well then12:26
LimCoreikonia: with good job, http://stats.denyhosts.net/stats.html12:26
LimCoreikonia: with http://stats.denyhosts.net/stats.html12:26
jo4jrib, uhm.. i should maybe have done like ssh -X first, i just did 'gconftool-2'12:26
ikoniagronne: thats right12:26
rabspdemma: then what to do?12:26
LimCorehm wait, this is not #ubuntu-bugs12:26
* LimCore moves to other chanel12:26
jribjo4: weird, I unset DISPLAY and gconftool-2 still worked for me12:26
gronneikonia: is tere a way to find out what that port would be12:26
ikoniaLimCore: why are you showing this graph ?12:26
ikoniaLimCore: what has that got to do with ubuntu fails comments ?12:27
emmarabspd, Right click in the second box on the Policy Tab. And then select Add Rule.  To allow use of a Bittorent select the Bittorent choice.12:27
ikoniagronne: but what do you want to allow them to do  ?12:27
jo4jrib, oh, that's weird12:27
emmarabspd, then click add and click Apply Policy.12:27
LimCoreikonia: ubuntu still dont warn users to secure servers used with weak key - and hackers already take advantage :/12:27
emmarabspd, that should do it.12:27
ikoniaLimCore: you've been asked multiple times to stop going on about this12:27
ikoniaLimCore: this is not a support issue - it doesn't need warning, it auto updates12:27
emmaI need to fly or I'll be late to work. I hope that helps rabspd12:27
gronneikonia: so I can ftp into my pc from my xbox(xbmc) in order to watch videos.. I'm really a newbie :)12:27
emmasee everyone later on today.12:28
ikoniaLimCore: please stop going on about this12:28
LimCoreikonia: well just twice including this one but ok12:28
ikoniagronne: ports 21 and 2212:28
rabspdemma: thank did.12:28
freakabcdhi all12:28
gronneok.. thanks I'll try!12:28
ikoniaLimCore: and you where told earlier to stop dicussing it12:28
rabspdemma: then.12:28
freakabcdcan someone help me out with input language support?12:28
emmagood luck rabspd -- Enjoy your Ubuntu ♥12:28
rabspdemma: thanks.12:28
freakabcdi had scim/anthy working perfectly in gutsy12:28
ikoniarabspd: why do you need a firewall if your on a lan ?12:28
overdosedoes compiz-fusion come with Hardy Heron when installed?12:29
freakabcdbut when i try the same in hardy, it scim doesn;t seem to activate at all for some reason12:29
ikoniarabspd: surly the lan will have network firewall on it ?12:29
ikoniaoverdose: it does12:29
rabspdikonia: No.12:29
rabspdikonia: there is not any network firewall12:29
ikoniarabspd: your network has no security devices on it at all ?12:29
dimedomy firefox doesn't seem to trust the CAs from the ca-certificate packet on ubuntu. is this default behavior? can i set up firefox to do so?12:29
rabspdfreakabck: what happened?12:29
rabspdikonia: no?12:30
freakabcdrabspd, ctrl-Space activates nothing12:30
ikoniarabspd: odd.12:30
jo4so, what am i looking for? i tried searching for resolution and the actual resolution it self, but no ciger12:30
ikoniarabspd: unusual I should say sorry12:30
gronneikonia: weird.. I opened both ports, but it still didn't allow me to enter my pc12:30
freakabcdalthough i have scim running on the panel and have setup the right combo in the scim setup dialog12:30
ikoniagronne: is ftp running on your server ?12:30
ikoniagronne: sorry, ports 20 and 21, typo on my part, sorry12:30
bazhangfreakabcd, for irc or firefox12:30
rabspdu can change keyboard layout using mouse also.12:31
gronneikonia: ok, I'll try again12:31
overdoseikonia: hi there.  First i like to thank you for your attention to my question.  How come i don't have the cube tho?12:31
freakabcdbazhang, err.. for all apps no?12:31
hashmanhello all, does ubuntu have any tool similar to SaX2 in SuSE for configuring the desktop?12:31
ikoniagronne: sorry, my misdtake12:31
freakabcdbazhang, scim/anthy is supposed to work for all apps12:31
ikoniaoverdose: it's install,ed you have to set it up and configure it12:31
freakabcdnot just firefox/irc12:31
bazhangfreakabcd, best to change system language then12:31
=== ToygarTR is now known as toygartr
freakabcdbazhang, what?12:31
ikoniaoverdose: install the simple-ccsm package to configure it12:31
freakabcdbazhang, NO. i want to use english everywhere. but be able to type in japanese whenever i want12:31
=== toygartr is now known as toygarTR
rich_does anyone know how to configure the broadcast frequency for SSDP12:31
freakabcdnot have everything shown in japanese12:32
bazhangfreakabcd, hmm; works here-->do you have the trigger keys set correctly12:32
freakabcdbazhang, yes.12:32
freakabcdctrl-space, ctrl-shift-space12:32
rabspdWhat do i need to share internet connection in ubuntu server?12:32
overdoseikonia:  mmm... its been a while since i last used ubuntu.  I had beryl installed on ubuntu 6.10 before.  oH okay, so if i do a simple apt-get install simple-ccsm, it'll do the trick right?12:32
ikoniarabspd: iptables12:32
ikoniarabspd: or proxy services like squick and socks512:32
freakabcdbazhang, i have even setup the hotkey in the anthy subitem in the scim setup12:33
alzamabar_Hi, is there anyone who could help?12:33
ikoniaoverdose: that gets you the package, then launch ccsm and it will help you configure compiz12:33
Filled-VoidHello all has anyone installed artwiz fonts on Ubuntu hardy and get it to work. I cant seem to get those fonts to work with my system.12:33
ikoniaalzamabar_: with what ?12:33
bazhangfreakabcd, did scim tell you to re-launch12:33
rabspdikonia: will you give me some idea, how to share internet connection through server?12:33
alzamabar_ikonia, I've just installed the latest version and two weird things happened12:33
freakabcdbazhang, i have logged out a few times, and even did a reboot!12:33
wols_rabspd: NAT. you will need 2 network interfaces12:33
overdoseikonia: i'll give that a try.  thx12:33
gronneikonia: Don't worry, I'm just glad someone helps me :) anyway, the bad part is that it still doesn't work.. maybe it isn't ftp'ing it's doing.. it uses samba to view files I've shared12:33
ikoniarabspd: well, you can either do it at a firewall level with iptables, or install services like squid and socks 512:33
wols_rabspd: ipmasq and dnsmasq are the packages12:33
alzamabar_ikonia, the first is that apparently my network details have gone lost12:33
ikoniarabspd: if they are on the same lan as you though, surly they will just use the same setup you are12:34
bazhangfreakabcd, what I meant was relaunch the scim itself not reboot etc12:34
rabspdwhich one is easy?12:34
ikoniagronne: ahhh ok, samba is a different thing12:34
ikoniarabspd: squid is probably easier for web browsing12:34
ikoniaRaptelan: but it's up to you12:34
freakabcdbazhang, huh? logging out and logging back in relaunches scim. rebooting achieves the same12:34
daver_auhey, i've just upgraded to hardy, and it broke my network drivers. I need to know how to fix them, but i dont really know where to start.12:34
wols_ikonia: you think? no config file editing?12:34
freakabcddont tell me you think i didn;t restart scim!12:34
ikoniarabspd: but if they are on the same lan as you, why do you need it12:34
alzamabar_The second is that I had to partitions hd which are not being recognised12:35
wols_daver_au: what network card?12:35
gronneikonia: would it be a different port for samba then?12:35
ikoniawols_: squid - couple of lines, iptables for someone who doesn't understand it....touch call12:35
alzamabar_Can somebody help pls?12:35
ikoniagronne: surly would12:35
bazhangfreakabcd, how about right clicking in xchat window12:35
ikoniaalzamabar_: what do you mean "gone"12:35
daver_auwols_: will just check. realtek i think12:35
rabspdikonia: my server is using windows currently, i want to replace it by ubuntu server12:35
gronneikonia: I try and google to see what port it is12:35
alzamabar_ikonia, that basically now the localhost name is not recognised12:35
ikoniagronne: I was just doing that, well done for doing it12:35
ikoniaalzamabar_: where does it say that, what are you doing when it says that12:35
freakabcdbazhang, right click in xchat window and?12:35
gronneikonia: I can't be lazy ALL the time :)12:36
alzamabar_If I type ping jemoslinux, it says that it doesn't recognise the host name12:36
ikoniaalzamabar_: thats probably your dns not being available12:36
bazhangあふや freakabcd12:36
ikoniaalzamabar_: look in /etc/resolv.conf and do an ifconfig -a make sure you have ipaddresses12:36
bazhangchoose scim bridge freakabcd12:36
alzamabar_ikonia, thanks I'll look into that12:36
daver_auwols_: Realtek 8111/8169 LAN12:37
freakabcdi think it wasn't setting up my environ properly12:37
freakabcdafter i did that it seems to work for xchat alone12:37
alzamabar_ikonia, I've got the following12:37
alzamabar_domain JEMOSGROUP12:37
FloodBot2alzamabar_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:37
daver_auwols_: it was working before, but i remember i updated the driver because of some weird issue12:37
freakabcdbazhang, i do have a line in my ~/.bashrc12:37
rabspdThank you very much. bye everybody.12:37
alzamabar_Would I need anything else in there?12:38
WhataHHi y'all, im trying to set up the ubuntu on virtualbox but when i do start it i get this error: COuld not find kernel image: linux. Any idea ?12:38
ikoniaalzamabar_: you may need to use a fully qualified domain name, or put it in your host file, or use the "Search" option in /etc/resolv.conf12:38
kate_minsHello, I need help please, how i can remove package from my Ubuntu without any traces ?12:39
kate_mins(from the terminal)12:39
Dani_hello ! i've used iptables -A FORWARD .... -j ACCEPT do do a port forward ; but now i need to stop it and i run the same command but with -j DROP12:39
ikoniakate_mins: apt-get remove --purge $name12:39
freakabcdbazhang, i have this in my ~/.bashrc: export XMODIFIERS="@im=SCIM"12:39
Dani_and its not working12:39
alzamabar_ikonia, do you mean in /etc/hosts12:39
Dani_pls help12:39
freakabcdis not enough?12:39
ikoniaDani_: iptables -F12:40
ikoniaDani_: then re-apply12:40
ikoniaalzamabar_: /etc/hosts and /etc/resolv.conf12:40
Dani_ikonia L but i have a lot of rules i need to keep12:40
ikoniaDani_: also #iptables and #netfilter12:40
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?s=587eb85dfee661d06b531c2f6f156e0f&p=4444724&postcount=8 see this freakabcd12:40
ikoniaDani_: you can do iptables -F $rule"12:40
freakabcdlemme read12:40
alzamabar_ikonia, in /etc/hosts the name of my local host is there, and it hasn't changed as compared as before12:40
ikoniaalzamabar_: I didn't say anything about that12:40
alzamabar_ikonia, what shall I put in /etc/resolv.conf12:40
Pedrami have a problem with my hsf modem12:41
effeHello, when i boot with the 2.6.24 Kernel i can't connect to the unsecured WLAN at my university, but my WPA network at home works with the 2.6.24 kernel.12:41
ikoniaalzamabar_: I said "you'll need to use a fully qualified domain, OR put it in your host file OR use the Search string in /etc/resolv.conf"12:41
alzamabar_ikonia, how do I use the Search string in /etc/resolv.conf12:41
katz__ /join #OSC2008Nagoya12:41
ikoniaalzamabar_: search $domain12:41
daver_auwols_: i think i know where to start...12:42
gronneikonia: god damnit... how hard could it be, I opened port 139 and 445, which they say smb uses, but still no go... only if I disable ufw will it work... do I really need ufw?12:42
daver_auwols_: i'll just redownload and reinstall the drivers from the realtek site12:42
alzamabar_ikonia, do I need to restart anything after adding this string?12:42
wols_daver_au: wlan?12:42
ikoniagronne: my personal opinion is that tools like ufw, firestarter, and the like are not good tools for interfacing with iptables, I'd drop all rules, and learn to add some basic iptables rules12:42
ikoniagronne: thats only my personal view though12:42
ikoniaalzamabar_: no12:42
daver_auwols_: nope, just normal internal on-motherboard cabled lan12:43
amorphous__ok - i have problems printing on a HP1020. I have tried a lot. - have re-instaled hotplug stuff as openprinting stuff suggests, but the printer does not print12:43
alzamabar_ikonia, if my domain was named JEMOSGROUP and my localhost was named jemoslinux, would the following string be correct in /etc/resolv.conf? search JEMOSGROUP12:43
gronneikonia: ok... I think I'll do that :) but is there a real need for a firewall when you have it in the router already?12:43
ikoniaalzamabar_: what type of domain is that, it's not a dns domain12:44
ikoniagronne: if you have a router setup with an ok rule set, I don't see a need, depends how paranoid you are12:44
wols_daver_au: those are supported by ubuntu usually12:44
ikoniaamorphous__: hot plug died a long time ago, not sure what your installing12:44
alzamabar_ikonia, in /etc/resolv.conf I've got the configuration of two nameserver entries12:44
alzamabar_ikonia, with their IP addresses12:45
ikoniaalzamabar_: why do you not answer the questions I've asked12:45
ikoniaalzamabar_: I didn't ask anything about IP addresses12:45
gronneikonia: ok, I'm not very paranoid, so it should be alright :) thanks a lot for the help, you're really helpful!12:45
daver_auwols_: yeah, i know, but i think me installing a custom driver in gutsy might have borked the upgrade12:45
wols_alzamabar_: do you confuse windows workgroups with dns?12:45
ikoniaalzamabar_: I asked "what kind of domain is that"12:45
ikoniagronne: welcome12:45
gordonjcpgronne: if you're behind NAT and you're really just using a normal Linux desktop (ie. you're not running any servers) then basically you don't need to do any more12:45
alzamabar_ikonia, I don't know. How should I answer?12:45
Pedrami have problem with my hsf modem12:45
Pedramcan anyone help me12:45
wols_Pedram: buy a real modem, ditch this winmodem stuff12:46
gronnegordonjcp: I'm not using NAT though, but is it really a problem?12:46
jattwinmodems are cheap though12:46
Pedrami have a laptop12:46
alzamabar_ikonia, how could I find out?12:46
ikoniaalzamabar_: "what kind of a domain is that, it's not a dns domain" should be responded with "it's a windows Activce directory, or a samba domain, or an LDAP schema", not "I have 2 ipaddresses"12:46
ikoniaalzamabar_: you set it up, you should know12:46
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gordonjcpgronne: it's not a huge problem12:46
wols_gronne: ifconfig. what IP Addresses do you have?12:46
Dr_willisfinding a real modem these days can be a chore. :)12:46
Pedrami could work with my modem on 7.1012:46
jattwinmodems are ok, I had one and worked perfectly with linux12:46
Pedrambut i have problem with my modem on 8.0412:47
alzamabar_ikonia, I've set it up previously through the network settings tool, I didn't manipulate the file automatically12:47
Pedrami use dell driver12:47
Pici!enter | Pedram12:47
ubottuPedram: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:47
ikoniaalzamabar_: lets cut to the chase - you want to be able to ping your hosts, yes/no?12:47
Pedrambut i don't know why it dowesn't work12:47
wols_Pedram: which driver? from where?12:48
gordonjcpPedram: http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/hsf/full/downloads.php12:48
gronnewols_: you want the ifconfig doesn't give out my ip adress. should I see at whatsmyip.com?12:48
alzamabar_ikonia, I want my PC to assign a static IP address from my DNS server and I want this IP address to be bound to the name jemoslinux12:48
gordonjcpPedram: that suggests that you need to install "alsa-driver-linuxant'12:48
visfhi, anybody know where i can find beginner info to setup a mail server?12:48
wols_gronne: no, ifconfig. if it gives you you use NAT12:48
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Pedrami installed it too12:49
alzamabar_ikonia, I've got a wireless router which assigns IP addresses to my PC based on its MAC address12:49
gordonjcp!mailserver | visf12:49
ubottuvisf: Ubuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/email-services.html12:49
wols_visf: look for a dovecot howto12:49
ikoniaalzamabar_: ok, so you need to setup a DHCP server on your host, assign an IP address to it via pattern matching mac address from your PC, then you need to setup 2 dns servers, with dynamic dns and use a DNS update tool to update dns with your hostname and IP address12:49
gronnewols_: ok... Was pretty sure I didn't. how could you know it's nat because of that ip?12:49
gordonjcpPedram: did you install the alsa-driver-linuxant package?12:49
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wols_gronne: cause it's a non routable IP, typically used for the hosts behind NAT12:50
JackWinteri have some dvds that are Mac/PC.  on xp no problems to access the disks.  when i try from kubuntu i'm denied access unless i access them as root ?12:50
visfhey guys thanks ill looking into it12:50
daver_auwols_: well, this doesnt work. "sudo make clean modules" fails12:50
alzamabar_ikonia, I've already got a DHCP server, it's my wireless router, and it's also setup to assign a static IP address to my PC based on its MAC address12:50
wols_daver_au: what NIC?12:50
ikoniaalzamabar_: ok, so you need to setup dynamic dns servers and dynamic dns clients on your PC12:50
wols_ikonia: not really. he should set up dyndns on the router if possible. nmost can do it12:50
ikoniawols_: whe wants to do it on his dns server, and register clients behind the router12:51
wols_alzamabar_: how is your DNS set up?12:51
daver_auwols_: Realtek 8111B-GR nic12:51
gronnewols_: Ok, I take your word for it... Now I'll disable ufw :)12:51
wols_ikonia: depends who/what resolves DNS for him12:52
alzamabar_wols, my PC is connected via Ethernet cable to the router, so it should already get an IP address. It was working before the upgrade to 8.04 and after the upgrade this is not working anymore12:52
ArthurArchnixOk... turns out cover art retrieval in Rythymbox for Gutsy is broken. If you've already got local art it will display that, but the page (amazon I think it was) that it downloaded new art from changed its protocols. It's been fixed upstream and in Hardy... but will not be made available in Gutsy. So... if you want cover art you either have to download it and place it in "covers" under the rhythmbox config files under ~/, or 12:52
wols_tricky with routers since they usually contain a DNS server which is not configurable12:52
gordonjcpPedram: maybe there's some clues here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=476232812:52
wols_alzamabar_: what isn't? the dhcp?12:52
gronneBtw, is anyone here being paid to help us newbies?12:52
ikoniawols_: he said it was his internal dns - but he could be wrong12:52
jattthis is not a callcenter dude12:53
freakabcdbazhang, using the method of scim-bridge, i will be able to use ja input language for gtk and qt apps12:53
freakabcdbazhang, what about plain old X apps?12:53
vltHello. I have an openssl vulnerability question: Could an attacker log in after sniffing ssh traffic when all logins to the machine with a compromised host key were done using not compromised pubkey auth?12:53
wols_daver_au: modpobr r8168 or so12:53
wols_Modprobe r816812:53
freakabcdbazhang, iirc with my previous method i was able to use ja language input even on xterm for example12:53
QuintinI'm using a laptop and seemingly randomly my mouse cursor will start going down and to the left and will be stuck there... what is problem??12:53
bazhangfreakabcd, from reading the scim wiki most are supported under hardy12:53
wols_daver_au: vanilla linux kernel already supports this chip12:54
freakabcdbazhang, where is this page?12:54
freakabcdbazhang, also i can input ja in xterm?12:54
freakabcdhave you tried input your language in xterm, does it work?12:54
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SCIM no idea about xterm12:54
daver_auwols_: FATAL: module r8168 not found.12:54
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wols_daver_au: go to /lib/modules. look for r*.ko files12:55
wols_one of them is it. r8....12:55
alzamabar_wols, ikonia, I ran an ifconfig -a and for the Ethernet connection I can see the following:  inet addr:
Pedramgordonjcp i can't find the point12:55
Kernel-1hi all12:55
alzamabar_woks, ikonia, that suggests that the IP address for my localhost is correct, right?12:55
rootfala ae12:55
wols_root: don't irc as root. also, this is a english only channel12:55
wols_!es | root12:56
ubotturoot: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.12:56
alzamabar_wols, ikonia, however, when I ping jemoslinux (which should be bound to the IP address it says unknown host12:56
daver_auwols_: in /lib/modules/(latest kernal)/ then where?12:56
wols_alzamabar_: how did you bind jemoslinux to the IP?12:56
wols_daver_au: in any subdir12:57
alzamabar_ wols_, ikonia, I ran an ifconfig -a and for the Ethernet connection I can see the following:  inet addr:
osmosiswhere are instructions on patching the ssh issue ?12:57
ubottuFactoid sshbug not found12:57
alzamabar_wols_, ikonia, that suggests that the IP address for my localhost is correct, right?12:57
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/12:57
wols_alzamabar_: localhost is 127.0.0.x nothing else12:57
alzamabar_wols_, ikonia, however, when I ping jemoslinux (which should be bound to the IP address it says unknown host12:57
wols_alzamabar_: answer my question12:57
ikoniaalzamabar_: you need a default domain12:57
ikoniawols_: he doesn't answer questions12:58
osmosisDr_willis: thanx12:58
alzamabar_wols_, I opened the network settings12:58
ikoniaosmosis: download the updated package - thats it12:58
Dr_willisosmosis,  its all over the various linux   live bookmarks i got. :) so i just saw it 2 min ago. :)12:58
daver_auwols_: i found a r8169.ko in kernal/drivers/net12:58
alzamabar_wols_ and under general I set host name = jemoslinux Domain name = JEMOSGROUP12:58
osmosisikonia: i dont have to recreate my keys ?12:58
Kernel-1192.168.0.4 looks like switch addres (colected by DHCP from switch)12:58
osmosisDr_willis: live bookmark to where ?12:59
ikoniaosmosis: it does everything for you, update it via synaptic12:59
osmosisikonia: im running server though.12:59
sotheAny one know what to download to be able to extract ".rar" files?12:59
ikoniaosmosis: same applies12:59
ikoniasothe: unrar from the rar package12:59
osmosisikonia:   sudo apt-get upgrade ?12:59
Dr_willisosmosis,  that site i gave for one. It as a live bookmarks for firefox. :) click in the little icon in the address bar to the right of the url.12:59
ikoniaosmosis: yes12:59
daver_auwols_: i did modprobe r8169, and i think it's doing something now ...12:59
wols_alzamabar_: that is meaningless12:59
wols_daver_au: ifconfig -a12:59
Becker_11is there a way to pipe the output of a man page to a text file so I can email it?13:00
wols_daver_au: if you have eth0 now, then add r8169 in /etc/modules13:00
alzamabar_wols_ how can I help you in knowing what you need?13:00
European-Africanhello, I want to install ubuntu with /boot, / and swap all on primary partitions, and a lvm containing /home and a /backup partion, I have the 7.10 livecd and the alternate. Is there a guide on the net someone could point me to?13:00
wols_Becker_11: man foo > file ?13:00
wols_alzamabar_: what is your DNS server?13:00
Becker_11wols_ too easy thx13:00
buntedi tryed to set xserver now i get black screen13:00
alzamabar_wols_ how can I check?13:01
wols_alzamabar_: you have two places to set up DNS: your DNS server or /etc/hosts13:01
buntedif u have an idea13:01
wols_cat /etc/resolv.conf13:01
buntedis there a way to recovery ubuntu from a livecd?13:01
ubottuFactoid mohammed_ not found13:01
_moro_mohammed_ : my interned went down sorry13:02
alzamabar_wols_ in /etc/hosts, in addition to all others, I've got one entry for my local domain name: jemoslinux.JEMOSGROUP13:02
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daver_auwols_: seems to be working now... and i've added that line into the modules file.13:02
daver_auwols_:thanks for your help!13:03
W5CTwhat do you call the thingie which gives you security updates and such on the menu bar?13:04
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Raditis there a way to install ubuntu from an usb drive?13:04
mohamed__moro_bana_:  wb13:04
keba_ciao ragazzi,sapete dirmi come faccio ad ascoltare la radio con ubuntu?13:04
alzamabar__wols, how can I check my DNS?13:05
_moro_bana_mohamed_: my internet went down, sorry13:05
_moro_bana_mohamed_: came back so say bye and thanks13:05
Kernel-1need this: One command in console to have a file output (.txt) of all HDD drives and partitions on the system. Anyone?13:05
mohamed__moro_bana_: u r welcome13:05
CShadowRunCan anyone tell me how to fix the constant sound conflicts? (Wine and firefox really don't play nice)13:05
=== root is now known as bunted
_moro_bana_mohamed_: its important , moreso that people here are volunteers13:06
Kernel-1need this: One command in console to have a file output (.txt) that contains of all HDD drives and partitions on the system. Anyone?13:06
janMDmount > bla.txt?13:07
aaroncompiz and everything don't play nice on this system, especially with scim for some odd reason.13:07
mohamed_yes _moro_bana_ this is the good side of opensource13:07
Kernel-1hmmmmmmm, jes, but only HDD's and Partitions13:07
janMDmount | grep /dev > bla.txt maybe?13:08
_moro_bana_mohamed_: im loving it, viva ubuntu. bye13:08
Kernel-1how to filter just them?13:08
DJones!usb | Radit13:08
ubottuRadit: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:08
Kernel-1thats the trick i donno :)13:08
Kernel-1mount | grep /dev > bla.txt  - that would help in some degree ;)13:09
European-Africansorry, I will have to ask that again. I want to install /boot, / and swap to 3 primary partitions and 1 lvm partition with /home and /backup, can anyone give me a link that explains how to do this on the ubuntu livecd or the alternative?13:09
Kernel-1because, I do not need all DEVICES, but only HDD's :)13:09
janMDgrep /dev/h?13:09
mh512my qsynaptics does not work13:10
janMD(if devices hda etc)13:10
Kernel-1mount | grep /dev/h > bla.txt - like this?13:10
mh512I have set SHMConfig to true alr.13:10
alzamabar_wols_ I've solved the problem. the entry in the /etc/hosts was wrong. It should have been jemoslinux instead of jemoslinux.JEMOSGROUP13:10
dystopianraydoes anyone have half life 2 working on gutsy with an nvidia video card?13:10
Kernel-1lemmy try... :)13:10
alzamabar_wols_ Now when I ping jemoslinux I correctly get which is my local machine13:10
Dr_willisalzamabar_,  this is twice now ive seen someone with a hostname.SAMBAGROUPNAME in their hosts file.13:11
Dr_willisalzamabar_,   we never did figure out where that  SambaHostname Line came from13:11
alzamabar_Dr_willis, this was automatically set up by GG 7.1013:11
ikoniaalzamabar_: thats exactly what I told you to do in the first line13:11
ikoniaalzamabar_: I told you to search use a search domain in your /etc/resolv.conf OR put the hostname in your /etc/hosts file13:11
alzamabar_ikonia, thanks, but as I've said, this was working with 7.10 GG and it was automatically set up by the network utility13:11
Kernel-1There is nothing in the file? :))13:12
Dr_willisalzamabar_,  ive never seen that befor. In  all my ages of samba ussage. :) and so on.  Im wondering if theres a bug going on  somewhere.13:12
European-AfricanI want to install /boot, / and swap to 3 primary partitions and 1 lvm partition with /home and /backup, can anyone give me a link that explains how to do this on the ubuntu livecd or the alternative?13:12
amorphous__ikonia - you still there?13:12
janMDtry /dev/s then13:12
ikoniaamorphous__: I am now13:12
Kernel-1ahhhhhh, yes13:12
Kernel-1its sd...13:12
Dr_willisdystopianray,  i hear most of the halflife games work very well with Wine.13:12
mesahanyone know how to make gemplus smart card reader to function on ubuntu?13:12
alzamabar_Dr_willis, after the upgrade I got another problem. Could you help?13:12
dystopianrayDr_willis: apparently not13:12
aaronanyone know how to get an eMobile working under Ubuntu?  It is a kind of modem but I don't know where the modem settings are13:13
izinucsEuropean-African, you should be able to do that on the live cd choosing Manual Paratition when you get to the partitioning portion. should be pretty straight forward.13:13
Dr_willisdystopianray,  check the wine and !appdb app database. I dont  mess with wine and those games.13:13
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org13:13
amorphous__ikonia, with hp 1020 - hotplug stuff. I've googled 'till i'm blue in the face (and red too) -- the error log says i don't have auth to print (or similar), the only suggestion is hotplug. it doesn't work.13:13
alzamabar_Dr_willis, ikonia, before the upgrade I had 1 HD partitioned in two partitions with entry in the /etc/fstab file and everything was working fine13:13
dystopianrayDr_willis: yeah I know what appdb is13:13
European-Africanizinucs: and on the alternative?13:14
amorphous__ikonia, to get to the printer is over 100mile13:14
jorgenptOkay, I have a Edgy Eft (6.10) server, should I upgrade directly to Hardy Heron (8.04), or should I go via Feisty (7.04) -> Gutsy (7.10) -> Hardy (8.04)?13:14
izinucsEuropean-African, should be the same.. in fact the alternative is the only way to get lvm on install13:14
Kernel-1hmmm - still gives me something thats not HDD =devshm on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)13:14
designermanI need to reconfigure my X server - I am trying to use dpkg-reconfigure but I do not know the name of the package on ubuntu for x, I tried the obvious xserver-xorg but the error was that xserver is not installed ...13:14
alzamabar_Dr_willis, ikonia, now the two partitions are unrecognised (although the entries are still there in the /etc/fstab file, but the system in 'places' shows me the two partitions with another name13:14
wols_designerman: xserver-xorg13:14
jorgenptAh, I found the wikipage about it.13:15
amorphous__ikonia, and i've tried the hotplug thing loadsd of times, with reboots etc. Machine printed ok 'till 2 weeks ago (so they say), you have any ideas?13:15
jorgenptSeems I should go in increments. :)13:15
ikoniaandatche: hot plug died quite a while ago13:15
vallhalla81help me please i just installed virtual box from  synaptic  and it requested a restart i did so and now have lost my graphics card config and all sound13:15
ikoniaamorphous__: hotplug died quite a qhile ago13:15
wols_alzamabar_: "mount"  which two partitions are it?13:15
designermanwols_: I get the error xserver-xorg is not installed...13:15
MidasWSHello, What would be the command to copy (not move) one directory on root including all subdirs to another one?13:15
ikoniadesignerman: are you using a server install ?13:15
European-Africanizinucs: ok, thanx, I was actually looking for a guide somewhere that gave a step by step.13:15
designermanwols_: startx runs but there is an error - i need to reconfigure it does not recognise my graphics card driver13:15
Dr_willisalzamabar_,  a bit over my head. I always do clean installs.     Sounds like mount point confusiion.,13:15
ikoniaMidasWS: sudo cp13:15
Kernel-1janMD - /dev/sda3 on / type reiserfs (rw,relatime,notail), devshm on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw) - I DON"T want the other one! :)13:15
designermanikonia: Straight from a ubuntu live cd13:16
ikoniaMidasWS: sudo cp -R13:16
aaronjorgen> I only went as far as 7.10.  Hardy does not like my laptop at all for some odd reason13:16
wols_designerman: apt-get install xorg13:16
joaopintodesignerman, cp -a source_dir target_path13:16
alzamabar_wols_ shall I run the mount command?13:16
wols_Kernel-1: which one you don't want?13:16
ikoniadesignerman: your running on the livecd, with a desktop and it says you don't have xserver-xorg installed ?13:16
wols_alzamabar_: yes13:16
Kernel-1the other one13:16
Kernel-1I WANT just HDD's13:16
MidasWSikinoia, like this ? sudo cp -R asdsadf.com/ uytu.com/13:16
designermanikonia: sorry I installed from the install cd out of the live cd pack13:16
yaccHmm, any way to make xine dump the stream?13:16
wols_Kernel-1: you must have /dev/shm or your libc will blow up in your face13:16
designermanikonia: havn't been able to start x yet13:16
janMDKernel-1: well, grep for "/dev/sd" then...13:17
Kernel-1I know that13:17
RaditDJones: thanks :-)13:17
alzamabar_wols_ I suspect that are these two:13:17
alzamabar_wols_ /dev/sdb1 on /media/disk type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal)13:17
amorphous__ikonia, yr a bit busy now... maybe i best to ask later.13:17
alzamabar_wols_ /dev/sdb2 on /media/disk-1 type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal)13:17
wols_alzamabar_: and what are the entries in your /etc/fstab?13:18
amorphous__ikonia, cheers13:18
Kernel-1- /sd(x) should be only HDD devices? - thats very important for me13:18
alzamabar_wols_ /dev/hdb1/media/disk1ext3async,auto,exec,nosuid,nodev,group,owner,rw,errors=remount-ro0013:18
wols_Kernel-1: not possible. usb flash is also /sda13:18
ikoniaamorphous__: I'm off to do a little work now, I'll be back in 30- minutes or so, I'll spend some serious time with you then13:18
alzamabar_wols_ /dev/hdb2/media/disk2ext3async,auto,exec,nosuid,nodev,group,owner,rw,errors=remount-ro0013:18
Kernel-1cos' I need only THEM FILTERED! (thats tricjy)13:18
wols_alzamabar_: edit your fstab. change /dev/hdb1 to /dev/sdb113:18
vallhalla81help me please i just installed virtual box from  synaptic  and it requested a restart i did so and now have lost my graphics card config and all sound13:18
alzamabar_wols_ thanks. Just out of curiosity, any reasons why this happened?13:19
wols_Kernel-1: you can also rename them via udev somehow. so they still exist but are called /dev/hda or such13:19
wols_alzamabar_: yes. around 2.6.18 or so, all disks are using scsi subsystem. before that IDE disks usd /dev/hdX13:19
Kernel-1hmmm - the reason I need this is to have my own comand to have a quick insight in which HDD;s are on a particular machine13:20
wols_but that must be an OLD install: ubuntu uses UUIDs in fstab for ages13:20
=== lucky__ is now known as whyu
izinucsWhat's the easiest way to rename a bunch of jpg's in bulk so the names end up something like 1-<name>.jpg?13:20
Dr_williswols_,  well.. in theory. :) i still have a few odd machines that stll give me /dev/hd##    not sure why that one machine does not use the /dev/sd## method.13:20
troxorizinucs: the rename command13:20
alzamabar_wols_ your help has been gr8. Thanks also to ikonia and Dr_willis. Is there a way I can restart the mount without having to restart the system?13:20
wols_Dr_willis: depends a bit on the driver and how it'S written13:20
Dr_willisalzamabar_,  you got a lot of odd options in that fstab line..  why the 'exec' option?13:21
wols_alzamabar_: after you changed it, unmount the two things and remount13:21
vltizinucs: `find ... -exec mv {} 1-{}.jpg ;\` for example (there a much more ways ;)13:21
izinucstroxor, I figured that.. :(  but what's the syntax.. I need the number to cascade up like 1-<name>.jpg 2-<name>.jpg13:21
Kernel-1is there any way that I know that some device is a HDD, regardles if it's sd(x) or hd(x)? - actually I need this13:22
Dr_williswols_,  yea - i think its due to that machine haveing ide + sata controller and it being one of the first MB's out with both.13:22
vltizinucs: Ok, you didn't tell that first ...13:22
izinucsvlt, thanks.. can I substitute cp for mv?13:22
alzamabar_wols_ it works now, thanks!!!13:22
izinucsvlt, new option?13:22
mohamed_izinucs: try rename *.jpg 1-*.jpg13:23
wols_Dr_willis: no. it's only a function of what driver it uses13:23
izinucsmohamed_, ah.. much easier... that's what I was thinking.  .. one more twist. the name is static and the number progresses up numerically with each pic.13:24
vltizinucs: You could use a loop: `i=1; find ... | while read FILE; do mv "$FILE" "$i-$FILE"; i=$(($i+1)); done` ... but there must be a dozen tools already for this task ;)13:24
troxorizinucs: thunar has a bulk rename functionality too13:25
Ovispaino arhiva .rar o pot deskide in linux ?13:25
Dr_willisizinucs,  theres sevearel rename tools in the package manager also. I use 'qmv' in the renametools package a lot13:26
wols_!es | Ovispain13:26
ubottuOvispain: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.13:26
spine55has anyone had any issues with ssh recently.  It was working but a recent update broke something I get this error in the auth log error: Bind to port 22 on failed: Address already in use.13:26
ikoniaspine55: it's already running13:26
wols_spine55: some sshd already runs13:26
adam7spine55: you on gutsy by change (see topic?)13:26
troxorOvispain: install `unrar`13:26
Sazpaimonso that was shocking13:26
izinucsvlt, troxor, Dr_willis .. thanks for all the input.. I'll check out qmv and see if that works for me.. I appriciate all the input.13:26
ri had ordered a shipment for 20 cds not yet recived should i contact info@shipit.ubuntu.com13:26
Sazpaimoni just convered a debian install to ubuntu13:27
Sazpaimonand it still works13:27
Sazpaimonits still barebones as hell though13:27
ikonia!offtopic | Sazpaimon13:27
jattupgrading from debian to ubuntu is not supported13:27
ubottuSazpaimon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:27
LimCorer: if you wait long they yea13:27
Sazpaimontime to install kubuntu13:27
Tonnir: it took my previous shipments a couple of weeks13:27
ustunozguranyone running ubuntu 804 under parallels? I'm getting an "error inserting battery" error when trying dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg13:27
Sazpaimonjatt, not looking for support, it still seems to work13:27
spine55adam7: thanks guys13:27
Tonniabout 8-10, i guess13:28
ubottuustunozgur: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Ubuntu: not well-formed (invalid token): line 382, column 8413:28
Sazpaimonjatt, take it as an experiment13:28
jattyou were just lucky13:28
rill just tell you much ive waited just a sec13:28
ustunozgurnyone running ubuntu 804 under parallels? I'm getting an "error inserting battery" error when trying13:28
Sazpaimonjatt, i had plans to format anyway13:28
ubottuustunozgur: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Ubuntu: not well-formed (invalid token): line 382, column 8413:28
ustunozgurdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg13:28
ustunozgurdpkgreconfigure xserverxorg13:28
vallhalla81help me please i just installed virtual box from  synaptic  and it requested a restart i did so and now have lost my graphics card config and all sound13:28
Sazpaimonjatt, breaking it as much as possible will give me that much more initiative to do so13:28
ikoniaSazpaimon: can you stop discussing it please13:28
ikoniaSazpaimon: this is a support channel, you've said your not looking for support13:29
elisa./j #php-gtk13:29
Ovispain<troxor> do I have to install unrar or unrar-free ???13:29
rive waited from 2008-04-27 till today13:29
LimCorer: I would wait 1 more week13:29
troxorOvispain: either should work, try both! :)13:30
rok but if it doesnt ship then what??13:30
ikoniar: contact canonical13:30
=== Pici changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Important: type « /msg ubottu etiquette » | Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Install Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download | May 13: OpenSSL/SSH Vulnerability see: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-2
koshariwill we see the day when nearly every 2nd post is xorg or wifi related?13:30
rok should i contact thier shipit email id13:31
ikoniar: contact the ship it email13:31
rok thanx13:31
ghabitHello. How I can get gnome monitoring applets working?13:32
overdosewhy is it that i dont get syntax highlight after i installed vim-full?13:33
visik7overdose: syn on13:34
visik7overdose: syntax on inside your .vimrc13:34
blameflash 10 beta is out, works good too13:34
Terrasquesomething strange have happened with my file server's raid array after upgrading from 6.06 to 8.04. When I write large amounts of data to it (seems to be 2gb or more), the transfer stops, the raid does not store any more data, and load goes way up, slowly rising, and peaking around 30-40.. XFS filesystem, if I try to reboot, it just says "umount2: device or resource busy" and hangs13:34
wols_Terrasque: bad driver?13:36
designermanhow can i list installed packaged?13:36
dthackerTerrasque: /var/log/messages says what?13:36
Terrasquewols_: it worked like a charm in 6.06.13:36
wols_designerman: dpkg -l |grep ^ii13:37
Terrasquedthacker: it's completely silent, and top / ps does not show anything unusual13:37
ubottuFactoid photo not found13:37
ubottuFactoid album not found13:37
wols_Terrasque: could be: it's the kernel that causes the load13:37
dthackerTerrasque: darn, I hate that.   I suppose you'll have to go googling with your kernel version13:37
PiciTerrasque: Try asking in #ubuntu-server as well13:38
Terrasquewols_: yes, and it's not telling what's wrong. It could be .. xfs file system, the raid5 part, or the hdd part.. I have no idea13:38
vltHello. I installed Ubuntu using the CD installer. In the partitioning part I accepted the suggested option that shrinks existing NTFS on /dev/hda1. GRUB installed fine and I can boot Ubuntu (from hda5/hd(0,4)). But when I select "Windows XP" I get "Can't read ... Press Ctrl+Alt+Del" from NTLDR.13:39
QuintinHow do I change what happens when I insert a video DVD?13:39
vltWhen I restore the first 63*512 bytes of hda (mbr and everything else before hda1) Windows boots. Any idea ehat went wrong and how to fix it?13:39
vallhalla81help me please i just installed virtual box from  synaptic  and it requested a restart i did so and now have lost my graphics card config and all sound13:39
overdosevisik7: thx.  I upgraded from tiny to full cuz i wanted highlighting and the left-right-up-down keys to work in vim.  Now, i'm guessing that i really didn't have to make the upgrade eh?  Also, if i wanted to enable left-right-up-down keys in vim, would that be done in the vimrc too?13:39
wols_vallhalla81: check your xorg.0.log13:39
vallhalla81wols_: how do i do that?13:40
visik7overdose: syn on doesn't work on tiny13:40
pteaguemore updates for ssh again today?13:41
ovidiuis there any player to watch youtube movies without downloading them?13:41
wols_vallhalla81: less /var/log/Xorg.0.log13:41
ovidiutotem is no longer working...13:42
wols_also reconfigure your X: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg13:42
troxorvlt: your problem is that you're selecting "Windows XP" ;)13:42
GhostFish2Anyone send me a link for some good theme's for compiz ?13:42
wols_vlt: first 63 sectors are usually grub only13:42
vallhalla81wols_: did you want me to paste bin it?13:42
wols_so I'd say it's a grub ocnfig problem13:42
=== GhostFish2 is now known as GhostFish
wols_vallhalla81: not really13:43
vlttroxor: I want to move someone over to Ubuntu. But now it's "the bad bad linux destroyed my pc" again ... ;)13:43
ghabitHello. How I can get gnome monitoring applets working? (I mean hardware sensors)13:43
Raditwhat do i need to do if i want to reinstall ubuntu? what files directories do i need to backup?13:43
overdosevisik7:  mind if i ask you one more thing?  i always come across 'rc' in filenames (e.g. initrc, vimrc,..) what exactly does rc stand for/what it means13:43
VirtueI have a problem with booting into ubuntu - says "no OS to boot"... But there is freaking OS on specific drive.. I search and changed some stuff with initrd, but nothing helped.. can anyone give me a specific advice how do I make my pc see Ubuntu again (except reinstalling it) ?13:43
blameVirtue: what brought you to your problem as it is?13:44
wols_do yo get a grub menu?13:44
kharlosshi there. anybody know how much cost a oracle 11g license ?13:44
visik7overdose: never knew13:44
wols_kharloss: oracle does13:44
ovidiuis there any player to watch youtube movies without downloading them?13:45
ovidiutotem is no longer working...13:45
visik7overdose: in 10 years of linux I never asked myself this question :)13:45
designermanI have a nvidia graphics card but there is no nvidia option in the xserver driver list, what can I do?13:45
ushimitsudok1overdose: rc means "run commands"13:45
wols_ovidiu: to watch something you always need to download13:45
wols_!nvidia | designerman13:45
ubottudesignerman: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:45
brideanHello everyone13:45
Virtueblame the last thing I did - was changing splash screen, then I turned off PC and went to sleep, in the morning linux was no more booting :]13:45
jrib /las13:45
ovidiubut in totem I was able to see youtube movies without download them completly13:45
brideanCan anyone help me with a basic interface problem?13:45
drashdesignerman --> synaptic --> envyNG for installation of proprietary driver, tried that ?13:45
blameVirtue: you likely damaged your grub loader, you may have to boot from live cd to investigate the problem13:46
vltwols_: If I'm right the first 512 Byte is MBR including Partition table, then comes, hmmm, GRUB? What was there before? I made backups of first 63 sectors, so I could restore it. The NTFS should still be smaller and reside on a larger partition now. Any idea how to fix it?13:47
troxorvlt: usually, I just beat it over the head with the `grub-install /dev/hda` stick until it gives up13:48
overdosevisik7: i've been away from ubuntu for 6 months.  prior to that i had 10 months of experience in it13:48
Virtueblame I did... nevermind, I'll just google again13:48
night-shadowhi everybody, anyone can help me? i'm using ubuntu 8.04. Im trying my pcmcia modem. my laptop have got the ip address, gateway and dns from my ISP. but i can't browsing or ping web site.but if i'm using other OS my connection is normal.  anyone can resolve my problem?13:48
brideanThe problem I am having is that sometimes a page or area will display an annoying grey on white background (instead of black on white) and is difficult to read13:48
blameVirtue: what did you find out when you booted from live cd?13:49
vlttroxor: I'll try to re-restore the partitioned MBR again (first sector) and then run `grub-install` ... Does that make sense to you/anyone?13:49
troxorvlt: sounds good, so long as the grub configurations are sane13:50
t00rwhats up?13:50
GhostFishAnyone got soem sweet themes ??13:50
Virtueblame I found out that partition, linux files and everything are okay.. I don't know what else to find out, that's why I'm asking13:50
brideanI tried changing some of the fonts in the preferences but this didn't fix the problem13:50
adam7GhostFish: try in #ubuntu-offtopic, maybe?13:51
blameVirtue: are you currently logged in via live cd?13:51
BonezAUHi, does anyone know how to set up PPTP VPN connection without using NetworkManager?13:51
Ovispainanyone recommend me a good player with library ?13:51
adam7Ovispain: for music, I take it? Try Exaile13:52
QuintinHow do I change what happens when I insert a video DVD?13:52
Ovispainadam7: thanks.13:52
adam7Quintin: System -> Prefs -> Preferred Apps13:52
brideanAdam7:  Can you fix my problem?13:53
hrcguystrange i cant register my nick on a other irc sever and it is not taken13:53
jattBonezAU: you need to specify your vpn options in /etc/ppp/peers/<vpn_file> your authentication information in /etc/ppp/chap-secrets and then run pon <vpn_file> to connect13:53
brideanIs anybody even able to read my messages?13:54
adam7bridean: yeah, we can see them13:54
derspanksterbridean, no13:54
blamebridean: which you dont like? firefox?13:55
brideanI should be able to fix the problem by changing some preference somewhere, but I can't find which one.13:55
adam7bridean: try System -> Prefs -> Appearance -> Theme -> Customize -> Colors , and change all the gray to white13:55
BVBBQanyone know if there is any way to get around the password on encrypted .rar files?13:55
brideanBlame:  This font appears in some web pages under firefox, the chat window of freeciv, as well as other places13:55
Quintinadam7: it's not there!13:55
jattBVBBQ: why don't you know the password?13:56
Ovispainadam7: I really like Exaile. Thanks. :P13:56
steve_jafternoon all. does Ubtunu locally cache DNS lookup data?13:56
night-shadowhi everybody, anyone can help me? i'm using ubuntu 8.04. Im trying my pcmcia modem. my laptop have got the ip address, gateway and dns from my ISP. but i can't browsing or ping web site.but if i'm using other OS my connection is normal.  anyone can resolve my problem?13:56
brideanI have screenshots if that helps.13:56
BVBBQjatt, friend forgot to give it to me13:56
noob-africa_greetings all13:56
wols_steve_j: nnot by default13:56
Virtueblame no, but gonna log in a sec, found something leading to figure out my problem13:57
noob-africa_i have a teensy weensy question... can anyone tell me why a SVCD (Super VCD) disc wont mount and play on my 8.04?13:57
blamebridean: try apt-get install msttcorefonts to add some spice and change your fonts13:57
ActionParsniphey all13:57
adam7Quintin: you are indeed right, sorry :/ Totem opens when you put a dvd in, right?13:57
Quintinadam7: yes13:57
Dr_willisnoob-africa_,  try some other players like gmplayer, or vlc?  i havent tried a SVCD in years..,.13:58
steve_jwols_ ah, so if my server is not getting the right DNS for a domain yet, all i can do is wait for my hosts's own DNS lookup to update?13:58
Quintinit would be great if the devs could not screw everything up so on new release.  that's what beta testers are for13:58
Quintinadam7: I'd like vlc, since it can actually show menus etc13:58
adam7Quintin: yeah, totem can do that too, IIRC13:58
noob-africa_Dr_willis: hey... thanks... but GNOME doesnt mount the disc... why?13:58
WBC_c4uGood morning all, how do you register a nick?13:58
wols_steve_j: check who your DNS server is13:58
adam7Quintin: I use vlc too though ;)13:58
ActionParsnip!register | WBC_c4u13:58
ubottuWBC_c4u: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.13:58
kohelethAnyone here help me get my hercules dualpix chat and show webcam working, I have followed the destructions for the hercules webcam classic but no joy, kopete lights up the cam but no image, any help would be appreciated13:58
Quintinadam7: no, it can't.  I've been trying.  at least it can't with the 2 DVDs I've tried so far13:58
Dr_willisnoob-africa_,  no idea. It may not need tobe mounted to be played by vlc./gmplayer. I aint seen one of those kinds of disks in ages13:58
brideanblame:  I have all of those fonts as well as about 4000 different truetype fonts that I could try.  That's not my problem.  My problem is getting certain windows to display a decent font.13:58
BVBBQoh well, ill try my more important problem. the drivers for my videocard are running crazy. like 10hrz refresh rate or something,13:58
noob-africa_Dr_willis: and i have just lost my maximize, minimize and close buttons on Firefox... cant see the Title bar also...13:59
brideanblame:  Maybe if I sent you a few screen shots you would understand what I am talking about13:59
noob-africa_i think compiz is messing up Firefox, somehow... lol13:59
Dr_willisnoob-africa_,  if all windows have lost their 'decorations' then thats sounds like compiz crashing, or whatever window-decorator you are using.13:59
blamebridean: some times its theme problem, try switching your theme13:59
ActionParsnipBVBBQ: do you have your video drivers installed?13:59
adam7Quintin: ok, well, the DVD play back *used* to be under System -> Prefs -> Removable stuff -> Multimedia, but it seems to have vanished14:00
steve_jwols_ how can i do that? my *nix is patchy :)14:00
noob-africa_Dr_willis: am using compiz14:00
brideanblame:  What theme do you recommend I try first?14:00
Dr_willisadam7  i saw a blog with that info on it the other day. its gotten moved to some weird spot. :)14:00
Quintinadam7: like I said.. that's what beta testers are for :|14:00
BVBBQActionParsnip, when i booted up after installing 8.04 it asked me to use the restricted driver so it installed it and poof its like this14:00
brideanblame:  Also, why didn't they put it in system -> preferences -> appearence?14:01
adam7Dr_willis: oh goody, a treasure hunt :D14:01
noob-africa_Dr_willis: desktop cube is working fine... but the decorators have failed only on Firefox... all other windows open normally14:01
lartza_how do i get remote access to windows computer? what do i have to install there and to ubuntu?14:01
ActionParsnipBVBBQ: id uninstall it and switch to vesa then find a walkthrough to install a different driver14:01
ActionParsnipBVBBQ: or check your xorg.conf to see if you can hike your refresh14:01
ActionParsnipBVBBQ: what video card do you use?14:01
adam7Quintin: Totem is the default program for DVD-playback in Hardy, and the is no obvious way to change it <--- not looking good14:01
vlttroxor: No, that didn't work. When I boot from the "new" MBR but with sectors 2-63 from before the install I only get infinitely scrolling "GRUB" on the screen.14:02
mohamed_lartza_:  u don't need to install anything, there is already terminal server client14:02
adam7Quintin: try this: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy#How_to_make_VLC_open_when_you_insert_a_DVD14:02
BVBBQhmm, i have a radion X1300 or something like that, and how would i check the xorg.config or what to look for14:02
ActionParsnipBVBBQ: let me websearch first14:02
Quintinadam7: ok this is so stupid14:03
mohamed_lartza_:  Applications > internet > terminal server client14:03
Quintinadam7: nautilus > edit > prefs > media tab14:03
BVBBQActionParsnip,  thanks dude14:03
brideanTo be honest, I much prefer mplayer to totem.   In the past, I always regarded totem to be a "not play movies" program whereas mplayer is a "play movies even if the file is broken" kind of program.14:03
ngznhi, is this common with a fresh hardy install? [  451.440105] ata1.00: status: { DRDY ERR }14:03
lartza_mohamed_: I need graphical, but got help already14:03
crash91I have a 17" LCD at home, when i try to connect it to my laptop, it just becomes a duplicate of the one on the laptop. How can i use it as an extension to the screen? I.e. when i move my mouse left it goes to the other screen?14:03
Dr_willisadam7,  i think i saw it mentooned at http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/  somewhere14:03
ngzn[  451.440107] ata1.00: error: { UNC }14:03
adam7Dr_willis: yeah, Quintin found it: it's under nautilus -> edit -> prefs -> media14:03
=== KaiForce_ is now known as KaiForce
vltAny idea how to only duplicate a partition table, not the whole MBR? Some `sfdik` magic?14:03
* adam7 updates Ubuntu Guide14:03
BVBBQbridean, the best video playing program i know of is VLC, if it cant play it, its probly not a video file.14:04
Dr_willisadam7 so logical eh! :)14:04
ActionParsnipBVBBQ:  if you run fglrxinfo do you get anyting14:04
adam7Dr_willis: definitely. I never would have found that14:04
* yacc is happy, at last, a player that understands dvdnav and that can rip the stream. That's for the nasties from Sony.14:04
Dr_willisadam7,  now was that a gnome change? or did ubuntu change it in gnome? No idea :)   we need a 'search for the settings tool!'14:05
adam7Quintin: gotta love it though, you *still* can't change to VLC from there xD14:05
BonezAUAre there any other GUI's available for PPTP VPN connections than NetworkManager?14:05
BVBBQActionParsnip, i get OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org14:05
ActionParsnipBVBBQ: follow this guide, seems quite thorough: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Edgy_Installation_Guide14:05
noob-africa_hi ActionParsnip14:06
ActionParsniphi noob-africa_14:06
Dr_willisadam7,  last time i tried to change a default program on gnome..  (from totem to gmplayer)  it had hissy fits with spaces in the filenames/paths. :(14:06
adam7Dr_willis: yeah, it appears that gnome likes gnome apps, and no others14:06
ActionParsnipBVBBQ: just dont run sudo gedit if the walkthrough says14:06
=== IgorLinux is now known as SW0RDF15H
Dr_willisnoob-africa_,  i perfer to NOT use compiz at all.. just because its so flakey14:06
ActionParsnipBVBBQ: use gksudo gedit14:06
brideanBVBBQ:  Yeah, and Totem is a "can't play the movie even if the file will play with any other movie player" kind of movie playing program.  It baffles me as to why it's set as the automatic default movie player when there are so many obvious better choices out there.  It's actually easier to reboot to windows and play it with Windows Media player sometimes than to try to play it with totem.14:07
miickeeI need help with hdparm settings, when I run "sudo hdparm -Tt /dev/scd0" it shows " Timing cached reads:   622 MB in  2.01 seconds = 310.10 MB/sec14:07
miickee Timing buffered disk reads:   10 MB in  3.52 seconds =   2.84 MB/sec14:07
miickee" Help, how do I make it faster.14:07
adam7miickee: is /dev/scd0 a scsi drive? try sdparam if it is14:07
noob-africa_Dr_willis: so what decorator do u use? and why is firefox suddenly all out of what?14:08
miickeeDO I need to install it?14:08
miickeesdparam or sdparm?14:08
Dr_willisnoob-africa_,  since i dont use compiz. :) i dont need to use any of the window-decorators. when i do i use the normal gnome gtk-decorator one,  no idea on firefox.14:08
adam7miickee: sdparm, sorry14:08
releodAnyone running version 7 or 8 with a serial console?14:08
miickeeSame parameters?14:09
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miickeeWhich parameters should I fix?14:09
ActionParsnipDr_willis: me too, compiz is annoying14:09
brideanblame:  Nope, my problem has nothing to do with my theme.  Tried switching to several different themes.  Same annoying font.  I think you need to see a screenshot to know what I am talking about.14:09
noob-africa_Dr_willis: do  suggest i remove compiz?14:09
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hypn0bridean: just paste some pics here, I'd like too see too :-)14:10
Dr_willisnoob-africa_,  just disable is14:10
Dr_willisnoob-africa_,  just disable it14:10
kohelethany cam gurus here?14:10
brideanhypn0:  How do I paste a picture in this channel?14:10
miickeeadam7, which paramters do I change to make it run faster? And make the dma larger?14:10
adam7bridean: you'll have to upload it to xs.to or imageshack or something14:10
adam7miickee: no idea, sorry :(14:11
SilenceGoldbridean do it with acsi converter14:11
blamebridean: ok14:11
BVBBQActionParsnip, ... um there isnt anything in my xorg.conf14:11
mvirkkilWhat time does FOSSCamp start tomorrow?14:11
adam7SilenceGold: converting it to ascii kinda ruins the effect... :P14:11
ngznlike I was saying...14:11
ngznis this common with a fresh Hardy install?14:11
ActionParsnipBVBBQ: /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:12
ngzn[  147.233424] ata1.00: status: { DRDY ERR }14:12
ngzn[  147.233427] ata1.00: error: { UNC }14:12
adam7ngzn: can you define "this" for us?14:12
adam7ah, sorry14:12
noob-africa_Dr_willis: what command do i uses (terminal) to disable it?14:13
brideanOk, try [URL=http://img528.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot3wp9.png][IMG]http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/4664/screenshot3wp9.th.png[/IMG][/URL]14:13
d_reaWhat is the easiest way to upgrade only a specific set of packages (from the terminal)?14:13
adam7d_rea: I think sudo apt-get install set-of-packages can do it14:13
Slartd_rea: second time I hear that question today... why do you only want to update a specific set of packages?14:14
Dr_willisnoob-africa_,  no idea on the commands, just use the menus to set the settings level to none. or run 'metacity --replace'14:14
adam7bridean: the email the problem?14:14
adam7change the monospace font14:14
d_reaslart: it's for a server and I don't want to change to many things at once14:14
crash91I have a 17" LCD at home, when i try to connect it to my laptop, it just becomes a duplicate of the one on the laptop. How can i use it as an extension to the screen? I.e. when i move my mouse left it goes to the other screen?14:14
noob-africa_Dr_willis: done... firefox behaving as prior14:15
brideanadam7:  Yeah, the email that starts with "congradulations ...."14:15
d_reaSlart: There's a certain critical upgrade I want to get, but I'd like to leave the rest the same since it's stable14:15
ActionParsnipd_rea: websearching now14:15
Slartd_rea: hmm...the openssl one?14:15
noob-africa_Dr_willis: i cant even see the OTHER desktops... i think am going to run firefox --replace14:15
d_reaSlart: yes14:15
ActionParsnipd_rea: just install it as if its not there14:15
adam7bridean: yeah, change the monospace font in Firefox14:15
brideanAdam7:  Where do I change that?14:15
ActionParsnipd_rea: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install firefox14:16
adam7bridean: I think its in the firefox preference14:16
ActionParsnipd_rea: for example ^14:16
brideanI don't want to change it in just firefox.  Other programs use this annoying font as well.14:16
Slartd_rea: I thought the whole idea of using separate version of a distro was to prevent it from changing to much..14:16
adam7bridean: yeah, prefs -> content -> fonts and colors / advanced -> monospace14:16
Slartd_rea: but well.. I won't tell you how to do your thing... I don't know if apt can update just a couple of packages.. you might want to look into aptitude as well.. it might do things differently14:17
ActionParsnipSlart: if you just try to install the package it willupdateonly that one14:17
d_reaSlart: True, but i've been bitten by upgrades before. I don't have time and a separate system to vet everything on first before I do it. I've ended up with a broken system more than once.14:17
adam7d_rea: did sudo apt-get install packages-to-update not work?14:18
d_reaadam7: Running it now14:18
SlartActionParsnip: sounds reasonable.... never tried it myself though14:18
adam7d_rea: ok :)14:18
brideanHere is another example:  [URL=http://img119.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotom7.png][IMG]http://img119.imageshack.us/img119/8536/screenshotom7.th.png[/IMG][/URL]14:19
d_reaadam7: that's doing the trick :D14:19
miickeeAnyone help me wiht hdparm/sdparm?14:19
mohbanahi guys14:19
adam7d_rea: great, couldn't remember if that worked or not14:19
ActionParsnipmiickee: i have no knowledge of it man, sorry14:19
Slartd_rea: do you have more than one computer you keep behind on the updates like this? might want to create a little repo of your own.. with only the packages you want14:19
miickeeAnyone here?14:19
lucky711xhow to speed up ubuntu booting...its hangs at kinit: No resume image, during normal boot... for like 5 min....????14:20
mohbanahi guys i am having problems with wifi, ubuntu is detecting my wifi usb card but it fails to content to the router. any ideas?14:20
gordonjcpmiickee: lots of people here14:20
adam7miickee: yeah, we're here...14:20
d_reaadam7: That's really handy, I'll be sure to keep note of that14:20
gordonjcpmohbana: can you see the wireless router in network manager?14:20
miickeeMy output from the timing results are so slow.14:20
adam7bridean: might want to try the system wide monspace font too, then :)14:20
d_reaSlart: it's an option, we don't have a proper sysadmin though and I'm really more of a dev.14:20
adam7miickee: with sdparm too?14:20
miickeeI need to make it faster to enable good dvd playback14:20
mohbanagordonjcp: yes i can14:20
brideanadam7:  Thanks, that fixed the problem in firefox.  What about in freeciv?14:21
miickeeI dunno how to use sdparm, the man page is so vague.14:21
miickeeI need to know which parameters to change14:21
BonezAUAre there any other GUI's available for PPTP VPN connections than NetworkManager?14:21
Slartd_rea: ah.. I have no idea how hard it is to setup.. well.. this worked too14:21
brideanadam7:  Where is the system wide monospace font setting at?14:21
adam7bridean: System -> Prefs -> Appearance -> Fonts and change the monospace front14:21
adam7bridean: ideally, you'd choose another monspace font to replace it, but doesn't need to be if having a monospace font isn't important to you14:21
lucky711xhow do you speed up ubuntu booting...its hangs at kinit: No resume image, during normal boot... for like 5 min....????14:22
d_reaSlart: yeah, i suspect that you'd have to spend a bunch of time every week keeping it up-to-date14:22
adam7BonezAU: not that I'm aware of, but that doesn't mean there isn't14:22
bobbob1016Anyone know if I there is libeel for Hardy yet?  I want to use Fusion's Wallpaper plugin, and keep my desktop icons.14:22
Slartd_rea: wasn't that the very idea? to not keep it up to date except with special cases like this..14:22
jrib !info libeel2-2 | bobbob101614:22
ubottubobbob1016: libeel2-2 (source: eel2): Eazel Extensions Library (for GNOME2). In component main, is optional. Version 2.22.1-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 159 kB, installed size 472 kB14:22
jribbobbob1016: whether or not that does what you asked, I don't know :)14:23
darren_should i reinstall ubuntu since i have a new motherboard installed14:23
d_reaSlart: well it's really that I don't want my systems completely up-to-date, *except* in special circumstances14:23
userloldarren_ nah you should be ok dude, its your drivers you have to worry about14:23
miickeeAll: I need help with sdparm parameters.14:23
Radithow to repair grub on a harddisk that used vista's recover from vista dvd?14:23
adam7userlol: darren_: linux doesn't use drivers, so you should be all set14:23
userloldarren_ backup your important files, and see how it go's14:23
miickeeTO fix slow read speeds.14:23
darren_ok could that cause my system to freeze up14:24
lucky711xhow do you speed up ubuntu booting...its hangs at kinit: No resume image, during normal boot... for like 5 min....????14:24
userloladam7 linux doesnt use drivers?14:24
brideanAdam7:  Under system -> appearence -> preferences -> fonts which one do I change?  Application font?  The only one that is monospace is the "fixed width" font which I have set to monospace bold.  That controls the font that is used when I run a terminal so I know that one doesn't need to be changed.14:24
bobbob1016adam7, It does use drivers, just differently.14:24
adam7miickee: are you sure the drive isn't just inherently slow?14:24
Radithow to repair grub on a harddisk that used recover vista from vista dvd?14:24
Slartd_rea: hehe.. ok.. whatever makes you a happy productive dev =)14:24
miickeeNa, it isn't normally slow mate.14:24
adam7bobbob1016: modules, and they should be automatically loaded, yes?14:24
userloldarren_ i doubt it mate, not unless your hardware is really odd and then in that case it shouldnt still freeze up14:24
adam7userlol: modules, and it should load them automatically14:24
userloladam7 ah ok, i see14:24
bazhangRadit, vista installed first or second14:25
userloladam7 isnt module just a buzz word for driver?14:25
miickeeLook, I know there are some parameters in sdparm to change my read speed, and I read the man page and I can't find out why.14:25
darren_what would cause it to freeze up durring 3d use14:25
TimothyPHi, I have a script (for the firewall) which needs to be started AFTER MySQL server! if I add the script with pre-up to /etc/network/interfaces OR when I define and upstart job with runlevel 2  the script is executed BEFORE MySQL and does not work, how can I fix this?14:25
adam7bridean: yeah, the monospace bold, I think -- also, try switching off the subpixel smoothing to monochrome and see if that makes the font look better14:25
lucky711xhow do you speed up ubuntu booting...its hangs at kinit: No resume image, during normal boot... for like 5 min....????14:25
userloldarren_ maybe running to many programs that require alot of use from your graphics card, thats across the board for any os though really14:26
bobbob1016adam7, Yes14:26
Raditbazhang: vista was first installed, then ubuntu, then my friend runed recover vista from the vista dvd; now it only boots to vista..14:26
darren_how can i check14:26
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows radit this may give some info14:26
brideanAdam7:  I know it's not the monospace bold because I tried changing that once.  The only thing that one controls is the font that is used if I run a terminal.14:26
userloldarren_ duno mate, maybe try run heaps of videos or games at the same time?14:26
brideanRadit:  Sounds like all you need to do is restore the MBR so that it runs Grub.  This is a common problem when installing Windows after you have linux installed.14:27
userloldarren_ i wouldnt advise it really, but if you wana see how far you can push your computer, then worse comes to worse you'll just need to reboot14:27
drashlucky711x --> http://kmandla.wordpress.com/2008/05/04/howto-set-up-hardy-for-speed/ for starters maybe ?14:27
Raditbridean: can you please tell me how to do that?14:27
adam7bridean: did you try changing the font rendering?14:27
adam7!grub | Radit14:28
ubottuRadit: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:28
lucky711xdrash, been there done that14:28
darren_has their been any problems with ubuntu 7.10 and intel core 2 duo14:28
brideanRadit:  Run Ubuntu as a live CD, go into repair mode then run grub-install as root is how I normally do it.14:28
Philhdarren_, what trouble are you having?14:28
drashtoo bad lucky711x, worked for me, gdluck14:29
bazhangdarren_, check launchpad; no probs here though (same setup)14:29
userloldarren_ not that i know of, i have a intel core 2 duo and it runs fine for me14:29
TimothyPdoes ubuntu know antyhing above runlevel 2 for upstart?14:29
brideanAdam7:  I am using "best contrast" instead of subpixel smoothing14:29
darren_after about 10 min of game play my pc freezes up and i can't do anything14:29
Raditbridean, bazhang, adam, thanks..14:29
userloldarren_ what game you trying to play?14:29
adam7bridean: does monochrome make them look any better?14:29
darren_amaricas army14:29
userloldarren_ ah ok, is your graphics card up to the task?14:30
bazhangdarren_, the native linux one or on wine14:30
brideanAdam7:  Monocrome doesn't do anything other than change the font used if I run a terminal14:30
Philhdarren_, how hot is the cpu running?14:30
darren_and the cpu is only running 40 degrees c14:30
adam7bridean: did you change the monochrome font or the monochrome rendering option on the bottom of the panel?14:30
adam7bridean:  (dialog, not panel)14:31
userloldarren_ what kinda graphics card you got? and do you run compiz fusion or anything like that when your trying to play the game?14:31
AngryElfso, is this gutsy -> hardy going to blow up my nvidia install since I did it with the nvidia installer?14:32
darren_fxf geforce 7300 gs no compez running or any 3d destop items14:32
RaditHi, i've read: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows to recover from installing windows, but is there an easier way?14:32
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/14:32
userloldarren_ in the directory /var/crash are there any apport reports?14:32
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brideanRadit:  Did you try reinstalling grub in the MBR?14:33
erUSULRadit: supergrub disk is said to be efective and easy14:33
brideanRadit:  I'm serious, that might really be your only problem.  It only takes a few minutes to do.14:33
Raditbridean: how do you do that?14:33
drashAngryElf, let's hope not, backing-up xorg.conf and using envyNG after the upgrade worked flawless for me14:34
darren_what folder do i look under14:34
adam7once you've messed with Envy or the driver installers themselves, you're commited :)14:34
brideanRadit:  Easier than that web site is to just simply run the command "grub-install" instead of "grub".  Without the quotes of course.14:35
bazhang!info envyng-gtk14:35
ubottuenvyng-gtk (source: envyng-gtk): install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 93 kB, installed size 324 kB14:35
userlollook click on places > Computer > Filesystem, you should see a few directorys, now open up the "var" folder, then the "crash" folder14:35
darren_what folder is the log it is just saying some of the package versons are obsolite14:36
Raditbridean: grub-install?14:37
niko_anyone trying ff 3 beta 5? if not try it! its amazing, at least for me it is 2 times faster! no joke14:37
brideanRadit:  Just get to a command line and type in sudo grub-install14:37
userlolit will have an icon that looks like a explosion sort of, when you double click on it, it should open up "apport" which traces bugs and stuff, first just see if theres anything in that directory first14:37
CLEARviewFhi, do anybody know why can i not see my Genre icon on mi Collection in Amarok over Ubuntu Gnome? i installed kdebase-data but, after that i just can see Artist and Album icon but still not the Genre icon.14:37
darren_libss10.9.8, libcupsys214:37
crash91I have a 17" LCD at home, when i try to connect it to my laptop, it just becomes a duplicate of the one on the laptop. How can i use it as an extension to the screen? I.e. when i move my mouse left it goes to the other screen?14:37
Raditso i boot the ubuntu cd then?14:37
adam7niko_: all of using Hardy are :)14:37
brideanAdam7:  Sorry, was distracted there.  Is this where I want to be?   [URL=http://img394.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot1zw4.png][IMG]http://img394.imageshack.us/img394/8741/screenshot1zw4.th.png[/IMG][/URL]14:37
bazhangniko_, everyone with hardy has it :)14:37
niko_lol really? i didnt know.. i dont upgrade yet, i dont want to do it yet14:38
babolathow do i tell totem to load an SRT file when I play my movie?14:38
* PCDJ samba only crashes no matter how many times reinstalled14:38
Raditbridean: so, i boot the ubuntu cd, then?14:38
brideanRadit:  Yes, you will have to boot Ubuntu from the CD14:38
adam7bridean: sorry, which one?14:38
niko_anyway.. FF rocks my world again! lol14:39
brideanRadit:  Don't install, just get it to run a terminal14:39
PCDJanyone know how to fix samba so it does not crash?14:39
drashbabolat, it's in the "prefences", beware of naming conventions though...14:39
CLEARviewFhi, do anybody know why can i not see my Genre icon on mi Collection in Amarok over Ubuntu Gnome? i installed kdebase-data but, after that i just can see Artist and Album icon but still not the Genre icon.14:39
RippofunkHow do you get mod_php4 installed on Hardy Heron? Please I dont need to here the 4 vs 5 debate or lecture!14:39
brideanAdam7:  Over to the right side of the screen14:39
babolatdrash: i have it at opening the subs automatically. how do you mean naming conventions?14:39
Raditbridean: use ubuntu live, goto terminal, then type sudo grub-install; is that correct?14:40
CLEARviewF~karma amarok14:40
darren_be back14:40
drashSRT file has to have identical filename for it to work babolat14:40
noob-africa_Dr_willis: i am back... compiz is stopped... i have another problem14:40
PCDJi just went to 100% ubuntu no more ntfs partition14:40
drashbesides the extension itself that is14:40
adam7bridean: yeah, try the option above "Best contrast"14:40
christozwhat is an obselete software?14:40
brideanRadix:  Pretty much.  You might have to try something like sudo grub-install /dev/hda or something like that.  But that's the basic idea14:41
babolatmovie.avi = movie.srt right drash ? well i did that. still nothing14:41
PCDJchristoz, one no longer made14:41
CLEARviewFhi, do anybody know why can i not see my Genre icon on mi Collection in Amarok over Ubuntu Gnome? i installed kdebase-data but, after that i just can see Artist and Album icon but still not the Genre icon.14:41
kthakorehi ppl14:41
drashok babolat .. did you check the encoding of the SRT file ?14:41
stbainPCDJ: did you do that manually, or did you use LVPM?14:41
babolatdrash: how do i do that?14:42
PCDJwith add/remove14:42
PCDJstbain, with add/remove14:42
Raditbridean: ok, thanks :-)14:42
drashopen it in one of the many subtitle editors babolat14:42
stbainPCDJ: Should have asked first... "were you using Wubi?"14:43
PCDJstbain, wubi?14:43
stbain!wubi | PCDJ14:43
ubottuPCDJ: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.14:43
brideanAdam7:  If I switch to monocrome that fixes the color problem.  But now the font is kind of "blurry" (don't know how else to describe it).  It's black instead of that annoying grey or whatever though.14:43
babolatit looks fine drash. wanna see a pastebin of it?14:43
KindOneI have recently gotten a old server with two Pentium 2 (233mhz) cpu's, it has Four 8 gig SCSI hard drive's... Should I get a 32bit or 64 bit Ubuntu server for it ?? \14:43
danny_hello people, what does the trocker search tool does? it is useful?14:43
drashsure, paste away14:43
PiciKindOne: 32bit, Pentium 2s are not 64bit processors14:44
noob-africa_Dr_willis: there is a USB flash disk that has a lot of windows viruses, which i want to clean out... i havent tried clamav, yet, but isnt there a way to delete these manually from Nautilus?14:44
Philhbridean, if anti-aliasing worries you so much just switch it off completely, things will look horrible but at least there's no "blurry"14:44
KindOnepici, thank you =) \14:44
PCDJstbain, all i want to do is share 2 drives with the other XP computer14:44
stbainPCDJ: ahh ok14:44
Rippofunkanyone? mod_php4 on hardy heron14:44
CLEARviewFhi, do anybody know why can i not see my Genre icon on mi Collection in Amarok over Ubuntu Gnome? i installed kdebase-data but, after that i just can see Artist and Album icon but still not the Genre icon.14:44
Dr_willisnoob-africa_,  delete viruses?  you need a virus tool for that.14:44
babolathttp://paste.ubuntu.com/12236/ drash14:45
danny_is the tracker search tool not the same as deskbar applet?14:45
aMuleAduGuest215hi all i have downloaded a windows program (band in a box) that i know works very well with wine. The file is a rar with 2 parts (part1iso.bin e part2iso.bin) anyone knows how to mount them and install? thank u quite alot :D14:45
drashthx, i'll take a look, brb14:45
danny_what does tracker search exactly does?14:45
stbainRippofunk: PHP4 is no longer supported by the PHP team. End of life was December of last year.14:45
TimothyPupstart:   on started mysql does not work on ubuntu?14:45
noob-africa_Dr_willis: i installed (get-apt install) clamav, it is in the /etc/clamav/ directory...14:45
bazhang!info tracker14:46
ubottutracker (source: tracker): metadata database, indexer and search tool. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.6-0ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 285 kB, installed size 2008 kB14:46
PCDJstbain, is there a way to share folders through network without samba?14:46
noob-africa_Dr_willis: but the ls shows only the following files... clamd.conf  freshclam.conf  onerrorexecute.d  onupdateexecute.d14:46
Philhdanny_, i wouldn't be surprised if they both consult the same database for their indexes14:46
adam7PCDJ: yeah, you can use sshfs, or NFS, I think14:46
Philhindices, sorry14:46
brideanPhilh:  Anti-aliasing?14:46
noob-africa_Dr_willis: what is the command syntax to run it?14:46
Rippofunkstbain you must mean ubuntu php team?14:46
stbainPCDJ: for sharing with Windows boxes, Samba is probably your best bet.14:47
Philhbridean, the smudgy smooth edges you're experiencing around onscreen fonts is as a result of anti-aliasing, it's intended to make text more pleasant to read at low resolutions14:47
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Rippofunkstbain: you must mean ubuntu php team?14:47
stbainRippofunk: No, the PHP team at php.net. Give me a sec and let me see if I can find the announcement.14:47
PCDJstbain, but it doesn't work lol just my luck too14:47
kakooniaim trying to figure out something, and i hope one of you can help me out, i got two screens, 1: Laptop screen with 1280x800 preferred resolution , 2: Philips 22" LCD screen with 1600x1050 preferred resolution, im trying to set a twin view that each one of my two screens will be set in its own resolution 1600x1050 and 1280x800 but still that ill see the whole screen on the smaller screen, anyone got me? and know what to do maybe?14:47
adam7stbain: Rippofunk: the release chart on wikipedia has it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PHP14:48
PCDJi installed ssfhs14:48
drashbabolat, what setting are you using in totem for the encoding scheme ?14:48
Rippofunkstbain: i see announcement on the front page of an update jan 2008 4.4.814:48
PCDJstbain, i installed the sshshs or whatever initials are lol14:48
brideanPhilh:  Ok, how do I turn it off?  I assume that I can turn it back on if that doesn't fix the problem?14:48
stbainRippofunk: security releases only14:48
babolatdrash: i don't remember setting anything14:49
PiciRippofunk: stbain: http://www.phpdeveloper.org/news/823514:49
Philhbridean, oh, i seem to recall someone already mentioning using the monochrome setting, that turns it off14:49
gangsterliciousanyone here know if 8.04 would work with PERC controllers?14:49
drashbabolat, try "utf-8" or one of the other western types in the dropdown menu14:49
stbainthat's the one14:49
sakurambooupdate manager crashes when i try to view the preferences14:49
brideanPhilh:  Ok14:49
daveleeHi all. Hey, does xorg support 32 bit colour? and if so, how can i change my xorg.conf to make it happy with my Nvidia GTS 8800 at 1600x res ?14:50
babolatdrash: i just checked. it's currently in Unicode UTF-814:50
daveleesorry, googling ..14:50
wols_davelee: 32bit usually means 24bit actual color and 32bit used for mem usage only (easier to program)14:51
brideanThat really is an annoying problem.  Is there anybody that actually likes the grey on white color for reading?14:51
daveleetrying to run games and 24 bit doesnt quite cut it14:51
PCDJhey the folder shared wooohooo14:51
stbainRippofunk: that article Pici linked... as you can see, 4.4 will be getting critical security updates only, but that will be going away in three months. I would look to migrate to php5 as quickly as possible.14:51
brideanHere's what it looks like now.   [URL=http://img185.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot2qr9.png][IMG]http://img185.imageshack.us/img185/4526/screenshot2qr9.th.png[/IMG][/URL]14:51
daveleewols - well it looks crap. you know if i can change it ?14:51
drashoké babolat, it's a wild guess, but try setting it to western(iso-8859-1)14:51
Rippofunkstbain: thanks, I guess i will have to change distros to one that supports 414:51
PiciRippofunk: PHP itself doesnt support 4 anymore.14:52
PCDJstbain, TY now i have to boot the other gates infected PC and see if it shared14:52
babolati did that drash but still no change.. i think i'm just gonna go with MPlayer14:52
brideanAlso, is it worthwhile for me to try upgrading to 8.04?  I am running 7.1014:52
daveleewol - the greater problem is i'm trying to run eve online14:52
wols_davelee: ALL games on all platforms use 24bit only14:52
stbainRippofunk: only if you want your PHP application to be open to any hacker in the world who manages to find a vulnerability after August 8th.14:52
Rippofunki am getting paid to develop on php4 not 5, and obviously have no controlon update14:52
drashall the best babolat14:52
daveleeand it works fine but looks a bit gradienty14:52
Rippofunkbelive i know14:52
babolatthanks anyway drash14:52
daveleeif you know what i mean ... banded14:52
kakooniaanyone knows what to do about my screens problem?14:53
adam7Rippofunk: try Dapper, it might have PHP4...14:53
wols_some high end graphics stuff uses more (10 bit per color usually) but normally you monitor cannot display more than 24bit14:53
Rippofunkstbain: belive me i know!!!14:53
daveleewols - so it's not a color depth issue?14:53
stbainRippofunk: Yes, Dapper has v4 and is supported for another 3 years14:53
adam7bridean: beautiful :) I'd suggest you undo whatever that change as :P14:53
wols_davelee: 24bit you only see banding in gradients in blue and green. maybe14:53
daveleewols - i found some other guys on the intertubes saying exactly what you are, on forum threads etc, so i expect you're right14:53
Rippofunkstbain: I use GEntoo on my laptop and that worksfine with php4, but they gave me an old desktop that would take years to install gentoo14:53
wols_Rippofunk: php4 is officially deal and buried14:53
daveleebut i still think it looks funny14:54
wols_davelee: you sure it's using 24bit?14:54
Rippofunkstbain: thanks for the help14:54
kakooniaim trying to figure out something, and i hope one of you can help me out, i got two screens, 1: Laptop screen with 1280x800 preferred resolution , 2: Philips 22" LCD screen with 1600x1050 preferred resolution, im trying to set a twin view that each one of my two screens will be set in its own resolution 1600x1050 and 1280x800 but still that ill see the whole screen on the smaller screen, anyone got me? and know what to do maybe?14:54
stbainRippofunk: no problem. As a CTO who is in the middle of migrating an entire PHP4 application stack to another platform, I feel your pain.14:54
brideanI am running Ubuntu on an HP Pavillion dv6446us laptop.  Runs a hell of a lot better than the Windows Vista home edition that was preinstalled14:55
adam7kakoonia: good luck -- what card are you using in your laptop? (and what version of Ubuntu?)14:55
Rippofunkstbain: like i said if it was up to me i would migrate, but their servers are slackware and they are old skool, so no hope14:55
wols_Rippofunk: soon they will have no choice, slack won't be supported forever there14:56
stbainRippofunk: Do what I do... make them sign a disclaimer.14:56
wols_and neither will be php414:56
Rippofunkstbain: diclaimer??14:56
stbainRippofunk: Reads something along the lines of "PHP4 is no longer supported, Rippofunk is in no way liable for the security of the application."14:56
brideanOSUKid:  I used to work near OSU in Columbus Ohio.14:56
stbainRippofunk: Basically, it makes them wake up and smell the coffee and protects you14:56
wols_a disclaimer that it'S not your fault they insist on php4 and might soon have owned servers14:56
brideanOSUKid:  Now, I live nowhere near Ohio14:57
OSUKid7bridean: ah nice, yeah I'm from Columbus14:57
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:57
Rippofunkstabin: yeah14:57
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:57
Rippofunkstbain: yeah14:57
brideanAdam7:  Are there any other settings I can play with that would effect the font?14:57
PCDJstbain, it share but other PC does not see this one14:57
kakooniaadam7: im using nvidia Geforce GO 7300 and im on ubuntu Hardy..14:57
adam7bridean: not that I know of :/14:58
adam7!font | bridean14:58
ubottubridean: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer14:58
OSUKid7so... anyone familiar with the "SSH VPN"/ssh tunnel setup? I had it working last week, but now whenver I try, I get "Tunnel device open failed." and "Could not request tunnel forwarding." errors14:58
stbainPCDJ: I think there's a #samba channel... they'd be able to get you on track in no time flat14:58
ubuntunoobno people is chatting in #ubuntu-offtopic14:58
PCDJstbain, TY14:58
Rippofunkstbain: it seems like you are keeping this whole channel alive! thanks agian14:58
stbainPCDJ: Sorry I couldn't be of more help. I haven't really had to deal with Samba (or Windows for that matter) for years14:59
legend2440can someone look at this and tell me if they have same problem with hardy? http://paste.ubuntu.com/12238/14:59
stbainRippofunk: Nah... I just type really really fast14:59
Rippofunkstbain: haha laters14:59
brideanAdam7:  Is Ubuntu 8.04 any improvement over 7.10?14:59
wols_legend2440: is this usb?14:59
erUSULOSUKid7: have you read about the debian/ubuntu openssh security bug/exploit ???14:59
PCDJstbain, only my daughter's PC has microcsucks windows i am 100% linux14:59
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Philhbridean, oh, so you're trying to turn AA off within freeciv?15:00
adam7bridean: yeah, but if you're happy with 7.10, you don't have to upgrade :)15:00
OSUKid7erUSUL: the one from a couple days ago? yes, and it has been patched, afaik15:00
legend2440wols_: no western digital ide. the drive i have ubintu on15:00
erUSULOSUKid7: you may need to first upgrade your system(s) and maybe regenerate your keys vpn set ups15:00
ubuntunoobi am only not happy with firefox in gutsy15:00
ubuntunoobflash always crash15:00
stbainPCDJ: I have a pretty even mix of Linux, Windows, Mac at home and here in my office, but the core stuff is all Linux15:00
erUSULOSUKid7: if i read it correctly it affects vpn set ups too15:00
brideanAdam7:  Well, I have all the applications and stuff I want set up in 7.10.  How is 8.04 an improvement?15:00
OSUKid7erUSUL: hmm, I've done dist-upgrade on both systems and believe they both re-generated the keys... and also, this isn't a true vpn setup - it just uses SSH (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH_VPN)15:01
=== phenom|Away is now known as phenom_
douyeWhere can i find the default download folder of hellanzb ?15:01
adam7bridean: well, more recent versions of some apps, and pulse audio, if you consider that an improvement (I do :D), and Firefox 3 beta 5, and LTS support15:01
hydrogenho hum15:01
AndycasHow to delete rythbox music list under "music"???15:01
hydrogentheres a bot joinspamming people15:01
hydrogenwhere are the ops!15:01
bazhanghydrogen, which one15:02
pinnerupI converted from Window to Ubuntu (8.04) two days ago, but my new Ubuntu has given me any number of error messages and crashes. Suddenly sound won't play, programs won't close or grey out, menu's don't work, I can't start up gnome-terminal etc.15:02
hydrogenbazhang: CAP5050:15:02
erUSULOSUKid7: the server keys are regenerated but maybe you have to regenerate personal keys??? use "sudo ssh-vulnkey -a" to check all keys on a system15:02
pinnerupIt's usually ok after I reboot - for a couple of hours. Then it starts again.15:02
hydrogenbazhang: they seem not to respond to /cycle15:02
Philhbridean, is the text you're seeing still fuzzy even outside of the freeciv window?15:02
adam7hydrogen: you can join #ubuntu-ops, I think to get some help (or do !ops, but be careful with that, it makes people unhappy if it isn't needed)15:02
brideanAdam7:  Actually, I might be interested because I was experimenting with a program called rosegarden for writing music.  But it has trouble with how MIDI is handled under Ubuntu.  Maybe it would have less trouble under Ubuntu 8.0415:02
OSUKid7erUSUL: all are listed as "Not blacklisted"15:02
adam7bridean: no idea, I don't use MIDI, sorry15:03
hydrogenadam7: right, thats why I didn't invoke the operator gods :)15:03
brideanphilh:  Yeah a little bit15:03
adam7hydrogen: yep :) I've seen people who angered the gods, and ... *poof* :P15:03
Lynetpinnerup: Are these consistent errors (i.e., application A always hangs audio) or are they random? If random, it might be hardware issues.15:03
adam7just like that.15:03
Philhbridean, for me that text is almost unreadable because of the lack of anti-aliasing, if it's fuzzy for you i wonder if you're driving your laptop's panel at the correct resolution15:03
erUSULOSUKid7: ok; then if all your systems/keys are ok then i dunno ....15:03
AndycasHow to delete rythmbox music list under "music"???15:03
adam7Philh: its fuzzy in the screenshots too15:04
douyeWhere is the default download folder of hellanzb ?15:04
brideanPhilh:  Not "all" of the text is fuzzy15:04
Philhbridean, so the normal text is sharp and horrible but in the game it's fuzzy?15:04
brideanPhilh:  Also, it's possible that imageshack might have made the images fuzzy from compression15:05
Philhadam7, i'm asking about the desktop in general, not the freeciv window15:05
brideanPhilh:  Yeah, that's pretty much right15:05
spaceninjaWhen I tried to boot ubuntu right after the installation, I got a error 17 by grub. What to do_15:05
bazhang!cn | kissdb15:05
ubottukissdb: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:05
pinnerupLynet: I haven't been able to find one program that'll always trigger them.15:05
Philhbridean, it's a PNG and i've gone to the image url, not the scaled version presented at the url you gave15:05
pinnerupLynet: But it's a fairly new computer.15:05
haochelaCarolyn Davis can't print from pcp5055 in es to a printer in infusion. I changed her local printer over to an identical printer on another print server at ermc and jobs started going through.15:05
spaceninjaI got a windows hard drive as my IDE slave, and a SATA hard drive15:06
Philhbridean, and you actually find the unreadable jagged look of the text outside of the freeciv window more pleasant than anti-aliased text?15:06
brideanPhilh:  It's an improvment over the gray vs. white stuff I had earlier15:07
brideanPhilh:  At least this is black vs. white15:07
HeliosWell all i wanna know, wat's ubuntu for??? i currently use kubuntu...15:07
brideanPhilh:  How do I turn anti-aliasing off?15:07
Heliosi wanna try ubuntu15:07
Heliosgot any tips?15:07
noob-africa_folks... i need some help here... i installed VLC, but it is failing to play a SVCD disk of mine... there is a support page that says VLC supports SVCD media on Linux15:07
bazhangHelios, install ubuntu-desktop15:07
Lynetpinnerup: I'd try running memtest over night, if that finds no errors I'd make a post on ubuntu forums detailing your hardware and any suspicious messages you find in /var/log/15:07
noob-africa_what could be wrong?15:07
pinnerupLynet: I have som suspicion that it could be linked to the Nvidia proprietary driver, but I'm not sure.15:07
pinnerupLynet: I tried running memtest for some three hours. It went three passes without finding anything.15:08
Helioshmmmm well this is the difference in the Look and interface..15:08
Heliosi wanna know about the features...15:08
ubottuFactoid svcd not found15:08
Philhbridean, the greys, or indeed the slight colours if using subpixel AA, are there to make the text more readable, it's not worth turning off unless you're running at some insanely high resolution15:08
douyeWhere is the default hellanzb download folder ?15:08
bazhangHelios, this is not the channel for that; you can check www.distrowatch.com for more info and screenshots15:08
OSUKid7erUSUL: yeah, re-did aptitude upgrades on both systems and I'm still getting the same errors when I try sudo ssh -w 0:0 the.remote.host15:09
pinnerupLynet: Now it makes an error when I go to System | Preferences | Screen Resolution, it says: "The X Server does not support the XRandR extension.  Runtime resolution changes to the display size are not available."15:09
brideanPhilh:  Sorry, but for me gray on white is damn hard to read.  It may be because I am color blind, but it really should be black on white.15:09
no7up4u2hi all15:09
pinnerupLynet: Also, I find that it will run my display no higher than 1280*1024, even though I could easily run much more on Windows.15:10
EugenAhi, how do i upgrade a package from console?15:10
Squirrelhello tt le monde j'ai besoin d'aide pour l'installation de drivers plz?15:10
Philhbridean, anyway, it looks like you need to find a setting inside freeciv to turn that anti-aliasing off, it doesn't take any notice of the gnome settings15:10
bazhang!fr | Squirrel15:10
ubottuSquirrel: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr15:10
OllieHey, does anybody know why my 8.04 refuses to power off my laptop? After a shutdown, I just get a white screen which goes all psychedelic and I have to power off manually???15:10
Lynetpinnerup: Sounds like a snafu'd install of the nvidia driver. Dunno why it would mess up sound though.15:10
brideanPhilh:  In general, how do I turn anti-aliasing off?15:10
Philhbridean, in general you already have15:10
* vagothcpp has gone: Away from Keyboard.15:10
Philhand it's horrible15:11
AndycasI have a weird problem, i can only play one single stream of sound, if i try to play a video file and then open rhythmbox, it wont play rhythmbox stream, when i close both of them and reopen rhythmbox - it plays?15:11
Lynet!nvidia | pinnerup15:11
ubottupinnerup: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:11
bazhang!away > vagothcpp15:11
ropelHi, I'm having some troubles with the new Ubuntu and my network configuration.15:11
brideanPhilh:  You really think grey on white was better?15:11
Philhbridean, you might want to try bumping your font sizes up a little if you're turning AA off, it'll make things less garbled15:11
pinnerupLynet: I have done that. Immediately when I booted up, it asked if I wanted to enable Nvidia proprietary driver. I did.15:11
vagothcppI did not change my nick, now I am afk15:12
zaggy-nl|cpts600how is software sound acceleration in ubuntu nowadays? ie: playing multiple things at once15:12
bazhang!elaborate | ropel15:12
pinnerupThen I turned on fancy graphics and things came crashing down.15:12
ubotturopel: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)15:12
no7up4u2anyone knows how to open / decompile a .MEM file?15:12
ropelI cannot get an IP address, and network tools doesn't seem to recognize my interfaces anymore...15:12
ropelI have networkmanager in use15:13
adam7zaggy-nl|cpts600: much better then it was with Breezy :)15:13
EugenAis it possible to upgrade only a single package with apt-get?15:13
drashpulseaudio is great zaggy-nl|cpts60015:13
ropelI would like to verify my configuration: interfaces / hosts etc...15:13
pinnerupLynet: It also seems to be related to certain KDE-applications.15:13
adam7EugenA: sudo apt-get install the-upgrade-package15:14
no7up4u2.MEM file anyone? how u decompile /open it?15:14
zaggy-nl|cpts600adam7: good to hear15:14
PCDJ<---samba installing lol15:14
janson999Hello. How can I downgrade firefox 3 beta , to the stable version 2.somthing? I'm using the newest ubuntu, and this firefox stucks my computer15:14
zaggy-nl|cpts600what about DVD burning? I managed to get only slow speeds with k3b last time I tried15:14
pinnerupLynet: I'm running a standard HH (i.e. gnome), but I've installed "Krusader" and some other apps through Add/Remove. And Krusader in particular likes to spit out error messages.15:14
drash!firefox-2 | janson99915:15
ubottuFactoid firefox-2 not found15:15
danny_hello friends, i remember there was an application for debian packages.. where it is, whats the name?15:15
brideanPhilh:  I tried bumping up all of the font sizes to 12.  No effect15:15
Lynetpinnerup: Hard to figure out without more information. I.e., /etc/X11/xorg.conf, /var/log/dmesg|messages|Xorg.0.log|syslog and any error messages output by programs that go crashy.15:15
drashsorry janson999, install the firefox 2 version, it's in synaptic (make sure to install the correct gnome-support while you're at it)15:16
ropelanyone know why network manager seems to connect, but IP remains and no real connection is established?15:17
AngryElfokay -- other than including a beta webbrowser as default (lame) upgrade went okay, except for the fact that my computer hangs up when rebooting -- and leaves me with "[211.12354124] Rebooting computer" er something similar at the bottom of the screen -- this happens after it's killed everything off, it seems to me like the last thing before a reboot, but it never goes through, any ideas why that may be?15:17
RR404hi all15:17
lovreis there anyone from Germany here? I need some help?15:18
Pici!de | lovre15:18
ubottulovre: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de15:18
ubottuFactoid firefox-2 not found15:19
Pici!info firefox215:19
ubottuPackage firefox2 does not exist in hardy15:19
janson999drash: ok, thanks i'll try15:19
Pici!info firefox-215:19
ubottufirefox-2 (source: firefox): lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component universe, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 8974 kB, installed size 26044 kB15:19
RR404i'll skip the details for now, but my grub is bugged, i'd need to boot on my Ubuntu in emergency. i have a live CD but i'd need from it to run the processes that are in my initial partition (that is still good)15:19
bazhangjanson999, look in synaptic please15:19
drashyw janson999, gdluck15:19
kakooniaI need some help here :)  i got two screens, 1: Laptop screen with 1280x800 preferred resolution , 2: Philips 22" LCD screen with 1600x1050 preferred resolution, im trying to set a twin view that each one of my two screens will be set in its own resolution 1600x1050 and 1280x800 but still that ill see the whole screen on the smaller screen, anyone got me? and know what to do maybe?15:19
danny_hello friends, i remember there was an application for debian packages.. where it is, whats the name?15:19
Myrttidanny_: elaborate a bit more15:20
bazhangdanny_, you mean gdebi15:20
drashgdebi installer perhaps danny ?15:20
RR404anyone know how to solve a grub ERROR 18 ?15:20
AngryElfkakoonia: you one one desktop w/ the two different resolutions?15:20
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RR404i tryed most things told on forums, it does not semms to work15:20
bballplaya344Has anyone had any luck with realtek R8187 wireless????15:20
mad_max02how do you delete sertificates from firefox ??15:21
Hammer89howdy... can anyone help me get my USB mp3 player to mount on hardy? for some reason it isn't auto-mounting15:21
wols_bballplaya344: ndiswrapper15:21
danny_bazhang yeah i remember is that one15:21
danny_where is that option?15:21
danny_never mind i find it now15:21
bballplaya344WOLS: I am unsure of what driver to use, any ideas?  THe one i tried previously with NDISWRAPPER was wrong apparently15:21
LynetRR404: Old PC? Where is your /boot?15:22
douyeWhere is this location "Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR + 'nzb/daemon.working/'15:22
danny_why gdebi is not working for me?15:23
RR404it was working fine and i ran the updates, it crashed and then the error appeared15:23
danny_there is nothing15:23
ropelnetworkmanager seems to connect, but I have no internet connection, or IP address15:24
RR404the pc is a p315:24
douyeWhere is the location "Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR + 'nzb/daemon.working/'" ?15:24
no7up4u2ropel, i dont want to seem like im LOL at you but is the AP plugged in with a live net connection15:24
CrocoJethi all15:24
RR404it was fine with version 7.10, but could updates have crashed it ?15:25
ropelYes, it is...15:25
danny_i cant install any package on gdebi.. is there but i cant use any function and i cant see anything15:25
brideanDoes Ubuntu 8.04 come in a DVD iso instead of a CD iso?   I prefer downloading the DVD iso15:25
no7up4u2ok .. just thought i ask :)15:25
danny_how can i make gdebi work?15:25
RR404is it possible to reinstall without loosing the configs and all ?15:25
ropelUnder windows on the same laptop I do get connection, so that is not the problem15:25
no7up4u2no offend intended15:25
CrocoJetnvidia drivers 3D works with ubuntu 8.04 ?15:25
lucky711xubuntu server terminal resolution is WAY to low and Ive added vga=795 like this # defoptions=quiet splash vga=795 in /boot/grub/menu.list then ran update-grub and nothing same resolution and ive tried restarting nothing changes someone help????15:25
izinucsCrocoJet, yes15:25
bazhangCrocoJet, aye15:26
CrocoJetok thanks15:26
ropelI have it now for 8.04, and I would like to do a reinstall of the network part (without having connection of course :S)15:26
thiebaudecrocojet:goto screens and graphics and see if it is:p15:26
bazhangdanny_, what package--> just dpkg -i file.deb15:26
Swiftfoxerexcuse me, but can anyone tell me what I can use to read ebooks in .lit format/15:27
victor5482Hello, I need help , i install apache2 server on my ubuntu , but its seems when i trying to open .php files , its not working and writing someting about phtml ?15:27
SwiftfoxerI installed ebook reader, but it does not recognize .lit format15:27
RR404can i install ubuntu 8.04 over an old ubuntu 7.10 without loosing all config and things ?15:27
lucky711xubuntu server terminal resolution is WAY to low and Ive added vga=795 like this # defoptions=quiet splash vga=795 in /boot/grub/menu.list then ran update-grub and nothing same resolution and ive tried restarting nothing changes someone help????15:27
RR404or does it format the partition for sure ?15:27
bazhang!torrents | bridean15:27
ubottubridean: Hardy can be torrented from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).15:27
=== Fritzel`` is now known as Fritzel
douyeWhere is the location "Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR + 'nzb/daemon.working/'" ? (my hellanzb is downloading stuff but i cant find it anywhere..)15:27
AndycasWhat was the command to see pci devices?15:28
ubottuFactoid ebook not found15:28
ubottuFactoid ebooks not found15:28
lucky711xAndycas, lspci15:28
OllieHey, does anybody know why my 8.04 refuses to power off my laptop? After a shutdown, I just get a white screen which goes all psychedelic and I have to power off manually???15:28
ropelWhat should I have in my interfaces file, now with the avahi configuration..how can I check my hardware status of my network cards!15:28
lucky711xAndycas, lsusb for usb devices15:28
bazhangSwiftfoxer, check packages.ubuntu.com or apt-cache search ebook15:28
lucky711xAndycas, see the pattern??15:28
danny_bazhang.. when i open gdebi.. i cant do anything.. i mean i can read there description, details, install package, etc.. but i cant click on anything.. how can i make it work?15:29
no7up4u2Anyone can direct me to the appropriate room, id like to open /modify a .mem files , any hint for me15:29
Andycaslucky711x: yeah, thanks15:29
lucky711xubuntu server terminal resolution is WAY to low and Ive added vga=795 like this # defoptions=quiet splash vga=795 in /boot/grub/menu.list then ran update-grub and nothing same resolution and ive tried restarting nothing changes someone help????15:29
lucky711xAndycas, no prob15:29
mad_max02anyone using swiftfox on hardy ???15:29
drashSwiftfoxer: http://ubuntuliving.blogspot.com/2007/02/converting-lit-files-in-ubuntu.html15:29
mad_max02what are the advantages ?15:29
Swiftfoxerbazhang, is that ebook-reader from add/remove programs?15:29
bazhangdanny_, what file--> dpkg -i file.deb15:29
SwiftfoxerInstalled that, doesn't quite work, sadly15:29
kakooniaAngryElf: Yes dude.. its set for one desktop15:30
kakooniaAngryElf: You still here?15:30
=== Ovidiu is now known as Ovispain
danny_bazhang.. what file?15:30
danny_how do i go there?15:30
bazhangSwiftfoxer, check d-rash's link above15:30
lucky711xubuntu server terminal resolution is WAY to low and Ive added vga=795 like this # defoptions=quiet splash vga=795 in /boot/grub/menu.list then ran update-grub and nothing same resolution and ive tried restarting nothing changes someone help????15:30
overdosehow do i remove the panel (the panel for opened applications at the bottom)15:30
bazhangdanny_, where saved15:31
LynetRR404: The PC isn't a Thinkpad by any chance?15:31
thiebaudeoverdose"right click on bottom panel and remove from panel15:31
kakooniaAngryElf: but now when its set to one desktop the smaller screen is taking just a part of the right side..15:31
BVBBQhey all. for some reason my xrandr extention isnt working properly and i cant adjust my resolution or refresh rate15:32
Hammer89anyone able to help me get my usb mp3 player mounted?15:32
thiebaudeoverdose:i removed mine15:32
Swiftfoxerdrash, so it will work with ebook reader?15:32
thiebaudeoverdose:i have it on the top panel now15:32
Swiftfoxeroh, and another thing15:32
lucky711xubuntu server terminal resolution is WAY to low and Ive added vga=795 like this # defoptions=quiet splash vga=795 in /boot/grub/menu.list then ran update-grub and nothing same resolution and ive tried restarting nothing changes someone help????15:32
drashnever used it myself Swiftfoxer, sorry15:32
Swiftfoxerwill ClamAV/Virus Scanner update it's signature files via system updatE?15:33
bazhanglucky711x, vga is for xserver; you want framebuffer right?15:33
Tauj/ #ubuntu-de15:33
danny_bazhang im not looking for anyfile.. i just want to look at the programs that debian offer. i remember there was an application where i can see all the packages from debian and install them..15:33
fankaNow, I know my English is not  so GOOD   -_-!       (I am Chinese)15:33
danny_it was gui15:33
bazhangdanny_, synaptic?15:33
lucky711xbazhang, yes15:33
overdosethiebaude b/c u have kiba-dock?  Before i remove it, i prolly want to know how i could activate the panel again in the event that i want it back15:34
RyanPriorHammer89: that's not a very good way to ask the question. Better: "I'm trying to mount my SuperAwesomeTek mp3 Player (iForest iPlay iMusic Greenie Edition) to mount but it has an error saying 'cannot read filesystem', how do I fix this?"15:34
BVBBQhey all. for some reason my xrandr extention isnt working properly and i cant adjust my resolution or refresh rate15:34
drashyep Swiftfoxer, it should automagically add itself to the cron and awy you go15:34
RyanPrior!repeat | BVBBQ15:34
bazhangfanka would you like a ubuntu chinese channel?15:34
ubottuBVBBQ: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience15:34
danny_no it is not synaptic15:34
danny_it was another one but well15:34
danny_never mind lol15:34
danny_i just cant remember15:34
WoDaNdanny_: kde or gnome?15:34
bazhang!cn | fanka15:34
ubottufanka: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:34
Tauj/ #ubuntu-de15:34
WoDaNdanny_: kde has a apt-gui too15:34
bazhangtau should be /j15:35
lucky711xbazhang, how do you adjust the frambuffer15:35
Swiftfoxerdrash, sweet! thanks15:35
scoopex_how may i get this panel at the desktop who showes cpu, harddisks and more ?15:35
Hammer89RyanPrior: lol... I know... I gave more details the first time I asked... but truth be told... there's not much to go on... it acts like it's auto-mounting... pulls of rhythmbox... but fails to ever fully mount15:35
douyeWhere can I find "os.path.expanduser('~') + '/.hellanzb/'" ?15:35
noob-africa_bazhang: hi... do u know why VLC doesnt support SVCD media on 9.04? and how do i make it recognise my SVCD disc?15:35
thiebaudeoverdose:i think i had to move the top panel to the bottom and then right click and then add what you need15:35
Hammer89RyanPrior: no errors or anything15:35
drashyw Swiftfoxer15:35
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#grub lucky711x15:35
overdosethiebaude,  before i turn it off, i may want to know how i could turn it back on in the event i want it back15:35
scoopex_how may i get this panel at the desktop who showes cpu, harddisks and more ?15:36
RyanPriorHammer89: Is there a device for it? Is it recognized by lsusb?15:36
thiebaudeoverdose:i can't say for sure15:36
* WoDaN gets noob-africa_ back from the future: 9.04 isn't even in development yet15:36
thiebaudeoverdose:i dont want you to mess it up15:36
RyanPriorscoopex_: Right click the panel, choose "Add to Panel..."15:36
noob-africa_WoDaN: ooops... i meant 8.04! lol :-)15:36
thiebaudeoverdose:so i wont say it that will work for you:p15:36
lucky711xbazhang, thanks15:36
Hammer89RyanPrior: it's recognized by lsusb... I'm not sure if there's a device for it... I do know it mounted fine back when I used 7.10 (I upgraded to 8.04)15:36
Radi1how to play a wav file in hardy heron?15:36
RyanPriorscoopex_: type "monitor" in the search field to narrow your choices.15:37
noob-africa_WoDaN: but u got the picture... lol15:37
bazhangnoob-africa_, not sure; should work-->you tried playing it on dvd player yet15:37
RyanPriorHammer89: what happens if you try to mount it on the command line? Any errors then?15:37
WoDaNnoob-africa_: yeah, but I don't use vlc on svcd media so I have no clue15:37
Radi1please help me on how to play a wav file on hardy heron?15:37
overdosethiebaude: im talking about the bottom panel (the one that shows all opened apps).  How do i turn it back on if it is removed15:37
bazhangRadi1, right click play with shows what15:38
Hammer89RyanPrior: I tried mounting /dev/sdb1... but it told me sdb1 doesn't exist15:38
bazhangoverdose, right click add to panel15:38
noob-africa_bazhang: dont have any dvds here with me... i sent my demos to the broadcasting corp. am gonna be working with, starting monday... lolz15:38
DrMaxI just upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04. Gnome starts, shows login, I log in, shows wall paper but then the taskbar doesn't show up / nautilus doesn't start either15:38
Radi1bazhang: totem can't play wav files?15:38
RainCTis any Savage player around?15:38
bazhangRadi1, what did you try so far15:39
noob-africa_bazhang: i even tried the SVCD discs on my iMac... didnt play... they only play on a commercial home theatre system15:39
scoopex_ok, i got this panel at my right side of desktop, but how may i get more stuff on it? its just boring shortcuts i can put on15:39
bazhangnoob-africa_, sounds like they have some weird anti-computer drm on them then15:39
danny_does anyone know if is possible to run camfrog on linux?15:39
overdosethiebaude,  theres actually an option to delete the panel15:39
CombatjuanWhen a process runs in linux, does it always run with the permissions of the user who told it to run?15:39
overdosewhich im gonna do right now15:40
MidasWShi, in terminal how do i add "overwrite files if existing" to this? cp -R source.com/ target.com/15:40
Radi1i tried playing wav file by double clicking it, it brings totem, but totem doesnt play them15:40
noob-africa_bazhang: what's drm?15:40
bazhangRadi1, try some others first15:40
fentI noticed my computer rebooted at during the night. I didn't reboot it, and no one has any legitimate access to the machine. Is there any possibility this doesnt indicate a compromise? (recent ssh vuln makes me believe this scenario isnt unlikely)15:40
bazhangnoob-africa_, digital restriction s management15:40
mgolischRadi1: whats the error?15:40
noob-africa_bazhang: ah...15:40
Radi1bazhang: i already tried, i download the wav files from gnome-look.org15:40
Hammer89fent: odd... my laptop did the same yesterday15:41
bazhangRadi1, try vlc among others15:41
mgolischRadi1: and are those realy wav files? did you install the needed gstreamer plugins?15:41
mgolischjust install all to be sure15:41
noob-africa_bazhang: but the SVCD is my own... i created it using Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 (Windows) way back in 2006!15:41
fentHammer89 hm, sorta worrying15:41
Hammer89fent: no joke15:41
BonezAUAHH HAH15:41
bazhangnoob-africa_, really no idea apart from asking you to try some different players15:41
mgolischnoob-africa_: mplayer and vlc doesnt play it?15:41
Radi1mgolisch: yes, i installed gstreamer plugin the first time i played an mp3 file, then totem ask me to download gstreamer, which i then downloaded15:42
noob-africa_mgolisch: am downloading mplayer right now... will find out soon15:42
fentI don't see anything suspicious in the .bash_history.15:42
bazhangBonezAU, you have a support question?15:42
Radi1mgolisch: i can play mp3 but not wav files15:42
BonezAUbazhang, yes, look above15:42
noob-africa_mgolisch: vlc recognises the disc, but it doesnt play it15:42
mgolischRadi1: yeah you may not have installed the needed gstreamer plugin15:42
mgolischfor that15:42
bazhangfent, they still on your machine? type who in terminal to see15:42
drashit can Radi, install the gstreamer-0.10-plugins-good for wav support15:42
danny_does anyone know if possible to run camfrog on linux?15:43
Radi1mgolisch: can you tell me how to do this?15:43
bloody_got a question: is it normal that gparted needs 4 hours to shrink a ntfs part. 100gb to 90gb and sets the blocksize from normally 512 to 256?15:43
bazhangBonezAU, please repeat it I missed it15:43
fentbazhang nope, only me, I assume they rebooted to cover their tracks15:43
mgolischRadi1: do what drash  said15:43
mumrahI am having difficulty extending my desktop to a second monitor. I am using 8.04 and the new Xorg Screen Resolution utility. Any attempts to modify xorg.conf (like I have done previously) have resulted in a broken X15:43
BonezAUbazhang, Are there any other GUI's available for PPTP VPN connections than NetworkManager?15:43
noob-africa_Question: Wouldnt it be much easier to port Adobe Illustrator (any CS version) to Linux, rather than run it in Wine?15:43
Radi1drash: can you tell me how to do that?15:43
fentbazhang: so, this really must mean someone else was on the machine right? I don't know anything that can restart your machine without user intervention15:43
Terrasquebloody_: well, changing block size likely means that it have to twiddle every bit on the disk, so yea.. I guess so15:43
mgolischnoob-africa_: no its closed source, how would you port it?15:43
bloody_ok then i hope all will be fine15:44
Hammer89fent: You're sure it rebooted and GDM didn't just crash or something?15:44
drashRadi1 i'm on xubuntu as it happens, but do you know you're way around Synaptic ?15:44
BonezAUAh Hah15:44
Radi1drash: yes15:44
BonezAUcoldlook, #15:44
* zSoilworker Hallo.15:44
bazhangfent, unless it was scheduled by you; who else had access to the machine and knew your pass15:44
BonezAUzSoilworker, hello, AHH HAH15:44
RyanPriordrash: Synaptic is the same as apt-get and aptitude and so on -- all the same system.15:45
noob-africa_mgolisch: reverse engineering?15:45
mgolischnoob-africa_: lol?15:45
noob-africa_mgolisch: data to data? is it possible?15:45
drashwell, look for that particular package Radi1 and it should install fine, did it this morning15:45
BonezAUmgolisch, yes, it is possible15:45
mumrahso can anyone help my with my second monitor issue?15:45
BonezAUmumrah, sure15:45
Radi1drash: can you tell me which one is it?15:45
mumrahbonezAU: I am having difficulty extending my desktop to a second monitor. I am using 8.04 and the new Xorg Screen Resolution utility. Any attempts to modify xorg.conf (like I have done previously) have resulted in a broken X15:45
mgolischnoob-africa_: maybe, but why? just run it in windows15:45
Hammer89bazhang: there were some vulnerabilities weren't there? with ssh and ssl... coulda just been a brute force attack... though it doesn't really seem all that likely15:45
douyehow can i check the status of hellanzb in the terminal ?15:45
Radi1drash: there are alot of gstreamer15:46
drashgstreamer-0.10-plugins-good Radi115:46
BonezAUmumrah, do you have an Nvidia, ATI or other graphics card?15:46
noob-africa_btw, i have 7.10 on my laptop... it is a HP Compaq nx6110 (which i was told is a write-off, but works fine under linux, not windows)... how do i use the external video out for preentations?15:46
RyanPriordouye: cat /home/hellanzv/.plan ?15:46
noob-africa_mgolisch: i hate windows! lol15:46
bazhangBonezAU, please stop with the ahahah15:46
BonezAUbazhang, AHH HAH15:47
cheike123I have a huge issue with evolution15:47
douyeryanprior:  No such file or directory15:47
Radi1drash: it's already installed15:47
mumrahbonezau: intel, it is a dell laptop15:47
EEE900Tinkeringwas wondering if there was a way to set up a bootable usb drive w/ ubuntu on it that didn't require disconnecting my hard drives (since i only have laptops and don't feel comfortable ripping them up) or even perhaps imaging, copying and adapting my current install on another machine?15:47
RyanPriordouye: Perhaps I don't understand what you mean. Is hellenzb a user?15:47
cheike123I just deleted all of my old trash and it overwrote my inbox15:47
drashjust a second Radi1, i'm on the phone, brb ok15:47
douyeryanprior: hellanzb is a usenet download program :P15:47
RyanPriorEEE900Tinkering: It is possible, yes.15:47
laegipconfig >>> what is the ubuntu equivalent? ifconfig, lshw -class network and sudo mii-tool will not bring up my default gateway - what will please?15:48
RyanPriordouye: Ah, my previous suggestion made 0 sense then.15:48
mumrahbonezau: i am using a second monitor presently, but it is only a clone of my desktop - i want to be able to extend my desktop across my laptop screen and this monitor15:48
douyeryanprior: :P15:48
BonezAUmumrah, hmm ok, that makes it a little more difficult. I know there are utilities available for Nvidia cards that allow you to configure it all from the GUI. Unfortunately i'm not too clued up on the INtel cards. AHH HAHAHA15:48
Radi1drash: ok..15:48
RyanPriordouye: You'll have to read its man pages and figure out how to check its status.15:48
noob-africa_just tried running mplayer... doesnt work either15:48
AndycasIs there a way to have 2 apps playing different audio on same device? Right now it says, that the device is busy....15:48
nikoboyhas anyone use VirtualBox box before?15:48
RyanPriorAndycas: Yes, that's what PulseAudio in Ubuntu 8.04 is designed to do.15:48
RyanPrior!anyone | nikoboy15:48
ubottunikoboy: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:48
BonezAUmumrah, yes, I understand. I have an IBM Thinkpad at work and I have only been able to get the clone working. I've never tried anything else as I have a 22" widescreen on my desk, so I just close the lid on my laptop. It also has an intel graphics card. hahahaahhaaaaaaaaaah15:49
noob-africa_nikoboy: i installed it, tried to run it, didnt understand it, postponed it for later15:49
hummessehey everybody. What is the best way to use msn webcam under ubuntu?15:49
AndycasRyanPrior: but as ive understood, some apps dont support pulseaudio? Is there a way to make it default?15:49
mumrahbonezau: *sigh*15:49
noob-africa_RyanPrior: lol15:49
RyanPriorAndycas: some apps do not support PulseAudio, but I am told that there is a way to redirect their audio to the PA system. Couldn't tell you how though.15:49
RyanPrior!lol | noob-africa_15:49
ubottunoob-africa_: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.15:49
faemirCan someone tell me whether ubuntu 8.04 has the latest version of stuff to manage the latest ipods?15:49
BonezAUmumrah, sorry I can't be of much help (and excuse my teretts syndrome) ahaha15:50
PPKumahi, i'm need help with c programming, can somebody recommend me a channel where i can get it?15:50
laegubottu: lol15:50
bazhangBonezAU, please stop15:50
RyanPriorPPKuma: ##c15:50
BonezAUbazhang, sorry, I sometimes have outbursts and I can not help it15:50
PPKumaRyanPrior thanks15:50
=== Guest20917 is now known as PaRaSiTe2
nikoboyit is really that hard noob-africa? it seems you can install a virtual-windows there and run all the programs better than wine does15:51
arvind_khadrihi , am not able to view the other person's cam in kopete,the other person is using windows..Kopete just crashes as i accept the request to view it15:51
nikoboyi read that15:51
nikoboybut im not sure15:51
BonezAUbazhang, I am here to help others and to learn myself, but I can not cure my personal problems AHAHA15:51
mgolischnoob-africa_: how exactly do you play that thing? opening the mpegavsomething file from the mounted cd? or what?15:51
laegipconfig >>> what is the ubuntu equivalent? ifconfig, lshw -class network and sudo mii-tool will not bring up my default gateway - what will please?15:51
RyanPriorBonezAU: you are welcome to outburst in #ubuntu-offtopic if you'd like. However, it is not appropriate for this channel and it wont' be tolerated on an ongoing basis.15:51
BonezAURyanPrior, I have a disease which I can not control. Please don't discriminate against me15:51
Radi1I just checked, now i cant play mp3s!15:52
bazhangBonezAU, this is a busy channel; please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic15:52
arvind_khadriany help??15:52
RyanPrior!helpme | arvind_khadri15:52
ubottuarvind_khadri: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience15:52
BonezAUbazhang, I have nothing off-topic to discuss, as I said, i'm here to help others and learn about things myself ahah15:52
BonezAUPici, I am not a troll.15:53
drashRadi1: do you use the totem gstreamer version ? forgot to ask .. cause that throws up the question to download and install the needed codecs as you go, no more than confirming ...15:54
arakthorcan you use variables in cron scripts?15:54
fentbazhang: no one else has access. I looked through auth.log, and syslog. I don't see anything obviously wrong :-/.15:54
RyanPriorRadi1: totem uses Gstreamer by default.15:55
bazhangfent when did you see it restarted? could it have been a power spike?15:55
kreeperis it cool to ask noob ?s here15:55
RyanPriorkreeper: We love noob questions.15:55
fentHammer89: yes it was a restart - /var/log/syslog.log shows a restart at 7:50am today :-/ I wasn't up yet. I don't see any other restarts in the log for weeks back (so it's not something that was scheduled)15:55
bazhangkreeper, sure15:55
howbagSomeone must tell me how to make a wlan device fetch an ip adress from DHCP within a terminal please! iwlist scan shows networks unencrypted but it doesnt connect :/15:55
=== doogers is now known as doogersAway
bazhang!away > doogersAway15:55
Radi1drash: I'm sorry i don't understand what you mean, but i installed gstreamer when i played mp3 for the first time with totem, and i checked synaptics that i have gstreamer0.10-plugins-good installed15:56
fentbazhang: this morning, could a power spike have triggered a soft restart? The OS detect the power spike the restart on its own, or is that not likely?15:56
bazhanghowbag, sudo dhclient wlan015:56
douyeIs there some way to see easily and fast how much space a folder uses ?15:56
bazhangfent just trying to cover all possibilities15:57
Hammer89fent: hrm... disturbing... I just installed the upgrades though so hopefully that's a long-gone issue :P15:57
bloody_give ncdu a try!15:57
RyanPriordouye: I know there is, but I always forget it because I like the graphical tool.15:57
howbagbazhang: *kisses*15:57
Picidouye: du /parent/folder -h15:57
Radi1drash: maybe rebooting will solve the problem?15:57
bloody_<douye> ncdu15:57
ovidiuis there any way to check a ntfs partition for errors15:57
ovidiuin ubuntu?15:57
d[X_X]banyone tried ddclient15:58
fentbazhang: yep thanks. I'm not sure what the appropriate response is here... reinstall OS? What steps can i take to check whether there was really a compromise (or is the restart itself enough evidence?)15:58
dakirahas anyone tried out flash10, yet? what is it with the so-called Ubuntu support?15:58
drashRadi1: it shouldn't be necessary, but it wouldn't hurt ..15:58
Radi1drash: i will try rebooting.. hope it works, thanks for helping15:59
drashhave to go Radi1, will be back in an hour or so, hope you can get it going15:59
bazhangfent that seems over much; do you use ssh-server?16:00
nikoboyhi, where can i get the latest wine RPM packages for ubuntu?16:00
douyeryanprior: what tool do you use then?16:00
vltHello. I had Windows XP on the first (and only) partition. After having resized the NTFS file system (using the Ubuntu install CD) Windows still boots fine.16:00
fentbazhang: yep, and i had it unpached for about 8 hours on Tuesday16:00
hrcguyis wine very stable or is it still not good for windows games16:00
vltBut when I create a 2nd partition for Ubuntu in the space now available behind NTFS I get "Can't read media. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart" (translated) from NTLDR. Deleting the 2nd partition and restoring the first one fixes this.16:00
RyanPriordouye: Applications -> Accessories -> Disk Usage Analyzer (or baobob on cli)16:00
bazhangfent well get the updates, generate some new keys first off16:00
fentbazhang: done and done =)16:01
vltAny idea how to make Windows start when there is a Ubuntu  partition on the hard disk?16:01
drashnikoboy, ubuntu has wine in Synaptic package manager, no need to go thr rpm stuff ;)16:01
drashwine in a manager, it sounds off -topic i know, buit it works16:02
bazhangnikoboy, get from apt-get forget rpm :)16:02
designermanhow can I get the gnucompiler and my kernel headers - just installed ubuntu16:02
chrissy-Hey, I have a problem with my desktop resolutions. I've edited my xorg.conf to add my resolution (1280x1024) but xfce still wants to use 800x600 even after an X restart. It's like it's ignoring the xorg.conf totally. Any ideas?16:02
ttkeppivly: try to defrag hdd at windows. preferrably so that all data is consistent, and at the beginning of the hdd16:02
RyanPriordesignerman: install the build-essential package and the kernel-headers-whatever-numbersnstuff packages.16:03
hrcguyany one got a good html editor for us that dont hand write code16:03
designermanchrissy-: dkpg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8616:03
douyeryanprior: nice prog! thx :)16:03
RyanPriordesignerman: or maybe it's linux-headers-numbers16:03
drashbye all, happy buntu-ing16:03
bazhang!html | hrcguy16:03
ubottuhrcguy: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/16:03
=== Ovidiu is now known as Ovispain
designermandesignerman: is there a package manager on ubuntu16:03
=== cjav_ is now known as cjav
designermanRyanPrior: is there a package manager?16:04
bazhang!apt | designerman16:04
ubottudesignerman: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)16:04
arvind_khadrihi , am not able to view the other person's cam in kopete,the other person is using windows..Kopete just crashes as i accept the request to view it16:04
designermanbazhang: thank you16:04
chrissy-designerman: Is that any different than using the xorg configurator? I tried that one and it didn't give me any options to select resolutions16:04
ubottusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto16:04
vltttkeppi: You mean there might be data belonging to the downsized NTFS behind the end of the new smaller partition hda1?16:04
Virtuecan someone dccsend me vmlinuz- please ? (who has ubuntu 8.04), or tell where can I download it (can't find it)16:04
=== ygor is now known as makerman
ttkeppivlt: yes.. since you do make new partition to the hdd, all data on those sectors will be unusable at windblows16:06
vltttkeppi: Ok, what does the Ubuntu installer do additionally to `ntfsresize`?16:06
ttkeppivlt: sry, no idea16:07
RaditDrash: rebooting solved the problem, thanks16:07
guilleProblem trying kubuntu 8.04 installer. After loading, livecd crashes showing something like a "X" at the middle-screen. I cannot reinstall16:07
ackstormVirtuall, vmlinuz is your kernel, it's probably not best to download it from someone else16:07
Holyhandgrenadehey people , whats the command to port scan http://www.this-adress.com in kubuntu (per cli)16:07
b12is it possible to have both gnome and xfce as a desktop environment16:08
vltHolyhandgrenade: nmap16:08
PiciHolyhandgrenade: nmap hostname16:08
ackstormVirtuall, what happened to yours? lol16:08
lordleemo 16:08
noob-africa_hey all... mplayer works fine on my SVCD! hurrah!16:09
noob-africa_now i have to convert the SVCD stream to DVD...16:09
noob-africa_am gonna go googling around...16:09
b12anyone here use Xfce?16:09
designermanchrissy-: I just setup x a second ago and used that on ubuntu... I could choose drivers, resolution etc16:09
jdaviesb12: might want to try: #xubuntu16:09
RyanPrior!anyone | b1216:09
ubottub12: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:09
urthmoverin Hardy: My screen resolution doesn't seem to stick when I reboot (using nvidia-settings in sudo mode) everytime I reboot the resoltuoin reverts to 1024x768 and I'm forced to change it once again with nvidia-settings.  How do I change this to have the resoltution stay at 1920x1200 everytime I boot up?16:10
hiptobecubicI'm trying to make it so that rhythm box doesn't automatically open when I plug my ipod in?16:11
fentbazhang : ok, i think i may have jumped the gun. It was actually gdm that restarted (potentially crashed?), the machine did /not/ reboot. The restart I was looking at the syslogd daemon restarting =)16:11
droovequalcuno che parla italiano?16:11
Pici!it | droove16:11
ubottudroove: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!16:11
nikoboydroove io parlo italiano un po16:11
drooveok grazie16:11
guilleProblem trying kubuntu 8.04 installer. After loading, livecd crashes showing something like a "X" at the middle-screen. I cannot reinstall16:12
Grellubuntu 8.04 blows16:12
bazhangfent ah that is good news; best to get new keys and update though right?16:12
=== tobias_ is now known as tobias
hiptobecubici'm enjoying 8.04 just fine16:13
RyanPrior!offtopic | Grell16:13
ubottuGrell: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:13
CoOL1987hi al16:13
TraeMy Issue: Can't turn off "Visual Effects".   I go to System -> Preferences -> Appearance  I then clicke the "Visual Effects" tab... and I get the following when trying to click on: Normal or Extra [because in "None" I have effects!?!"]  Desktop effects could not be enabled.   I want them turned off, but I can't.  Please help.16:13
urthmoveractually 8.04 isn't bad  its Firefox 3 that blows16:13
CoOL1987hi all16:13
euklidishello... does anyone how mio 168 (pda) works on hardy?16:13
bazhangGrell, not a good place to say that :)16:13
Grelli tried to downgrade and it got all fucked up, now i have to do a fresh install of 7.1016:13
CoOL1987yes i am16:13
IcE_^Hi folks, after installing Ubuntu 8.04, what are the most important packages I need to install?16:13
nikoboyhello, does napster work for ubuntu?16:13
bazhang!language | grell16:14
ubottugrell: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:14
Grelli like ubuntu dont get me wrong, but 8.04 is buggy as hell16:14
urthmoverin Hardy: My screen resolution doesn't seem to stick when I reboot (using nvidia-settings  in sudo mode) everytime I reboot the resoltuoin reverts to 1024x768 and I'm forced to  change it once again with nvidia-settings.  How do I change this to have the resoltution  stay at 1920x1200 everytime I boot up?16:14
RyanPriornikoboy: Napster is Windows only as far as I know.16:14
mateusz_gjust checking irc support in pidgin16:14
mateusz_git's little weak i suppose16:14
RyanPriormateusz_g: It's pretty basic.16:14
urthmoverI heard Napster is the developing force behind Microsoft Mesh16:14
RyanPriormateusz_g: I like Chatzilla bvest personaly.16:14
mateusz_gi see16:14
rgravenerso if i want to do ps -eaf > somefile.txt  how can i get ps -eaf to concatenate to somefile.txt?16:14
RyanPriorrgravener: ps -eaf >> somefile.txt ?16:15
rgravenerRyanPrior: thanks16:15
mateusz_gdo you know some good gui irc client?16:15
bazhang!it | halphaz16:15
ubottuhalphaz: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!16:15
mklebelhow do I get the java firefox plugin working for AMD64bit!?!?16:15
rgravenerany docs on those | < > ?16:15
douyemateusz_g: a lot of folks (including me) use xchat16:15
RyanPriormateusz_g: Chatzilla and Xchat are popular.16:15
euklidisps -eaf | grep *.txt16:15
urthmoverirssi is a great IRC app16:16
IcE_^hmmz, I feel ignored :P16:16
urthmoverme too IcE_^16:16
rgravenereuklidis: no thats not what i mean.16:16
guillemee too16:16
guilleme too16:16
urthmoverin Hardy: My screen resolution doesn't seem to stick when I reboot (using nvidia-settings  in sudo mode) everytime I reboot the resoltuoin reverts to 1024x768 and I'm forced to  change it once again with nvidia-settings.  How do I change this to have the resoltution  stay at 1920x1200 everytime I boot up?16:16
euklidisIce i answered to you in prive room16:16
hiptobecubicIcE_^, you're question is pretty vague16:16
rgravenereuklidis: i just want the output of ps -eaf to go into somefile.txt16:16
=== davide is now known as sidelil
arakthorcan you use variables in cron scripts?16:16
RyanPriorIcE_^: You asked a question with no obvious answer.16:16
halphazif I install wicd on gnome, what will kde use? wicd or networkmanager?16:16
mateusz_gwhich of them is best polonized ?16:16
IcE_^euklidis: I didn't get u!16:16
nikoboyRyan, are you sure? because there is an applicatoin for napster on the synaptic..16:16
mateusz_gi look for something for my mom16:16
nikoboythats weird16:16
IcE_^RyanPrior: thats why they call it a question...16:16
guilleProblem trying kubuntu 8.04 installer. After loading, livecd crashes showing something like a "X" at the middle-screen. I cannot reinstall16:17
r00723r0My Flash is not working but it's not telling me that I'm missing a plugin.16:17
r00723r0What do I do?16:17
RyanPriornikoboy: If there's support for it great, I thought they used a Windows-only DRM though.16:17
hiptobecubicIcE_^, no, you asked a philosophical conundrum16:17
RyanPriorIcE_^: We can answer questions like "what package to I install to allow mp3 playback" or "how do I install virtualbox", but "what packages do I install?" is too vague.16:17
bazhang!ot | IcE_^16:17
ubottuIcE_^: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:17
IcE_^hiptobecubic: I made my question clear according to the channel rules.. go read my question, if you're able to answer it then plz do, else.. I don't need your lectures16:18
mateusz_gyou know, localized.16:18
euklidiswho asked about the ps eaf?16:18
bazhang!attitude | IcE_^16:18
ubottuIcE_^: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines16:18
IcE_^RyanPrior: I asked about the most important packages.. not all packages heh16:18
arakthorIcE_^: the most important packages aren't the same for everybody16:19
fentbazhang: thanks for your help. time to relax a bit after this mild heart attack16:19
euklidis----------ps -eaf > output---------16:19
hazureWould anyone have a recommendation for removing an absurd amount of files?16:19
IcE_^I am sorry for asking a question..16:19
rgravenereuklidis: i got it, it was double arrow >> to concatenate16:19
euklidisIce i answered to you16:19
rgravenereuklidis: thanks16:19
TraeHey guys... I can't seem to get my X in normal running mode.  I'm in metacity (supposedly) and I have drop shadows all over the place16:19
IcE_^euklidis ??16:20
bazhangplease head to #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat IcE_^16:20
douyemateusz_g: what? o.016:20
euklidisi answered to you in private mate...16:20
ubottuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.16:20
Picieuklidis: ^16:20
IcE_^bazhang: are you a channel operator to ask me that?16:20
mateusz_gyou know, i need them to beeing translated to polish for my mom, who don't know english16:20
r00723r0IcE_^, excuse me?16:20
RyanPrior!pm | euklidis16:20
ubottueuklidis: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.16:20
r00723r0This isn't EFNet.16:20
euklidisIce install smplayer and ubuntu restrected codecs16:20
douyemateusz_g: ah that i dont know :( glad i know english :P16:21
euklidisthat will fix your video, mp3, java etc16:21
IcE_^euklidis: ok, thats an answer.. will do that16:21
urthmoverin Hardy: My screen resolution doesn't seem to stick when I reboot (using nvidia-settings  in sudo mode) everytime I reboot the resoltuoin reverts to 1024x768 and I'm forced to  change it once again with nvidia-settings.  How do I change this to have the resoltution  stay at 1920x1200 everytime I boot up?16:21
r00723r0IcE_^, users manage the channel as much as opers here.16:21
euklidisubuntu is almost out of the box dist16:21
dkTHow do I install a tar.gz file? I'm new in Ubuntu/Linux.16:21
PiciIcE_^: Does it matter if someone is a channel operator or not? Please make sure that you formulate your questions so that we can actually answer them.16:21
euklidisso it depends on what you need16:21
IcE_^r00723r0: what about you? what do you do, serve the coffe?16:21
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpatrick or jussi01!16:21
mateusz_gdouye: ok, thanks16:21
IcE_^Pici: i just asked a question16:21
Myrttir00723r0: *sigh*16:21
ubottuNOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken.16:22
bazhangIcE_^, please stop16:22
euklidisi am talking to a wall... he preferes to fight:P16:22
IcE_^thats not a crime heh16:22
* IcE_^ stops16:22
Myrttitake this discussion elsewhere16:22
r00723r0Myrtti, we've been trying to tell him.16:22
Myrttinow back to the support questions16:22
duryhi there channel :)16:22
r00723r0A few times, actually. He's resorted to personal insults.16:22
Myrttihi dury16:22
arakthorcan you use variables in cron scripts?16:22
IcE_^r00723r0: you're so mean, why do you take it so personally?16:23
r00723r0IcE_^, I don't :)16:23
MyrttiIcE_^: elsewhere16:23
IcE_^I just asked a QUESTION16:23
IcE_^Myrtti ok ok ;)16:23
duryI thought to upgrade to 8.04 lts will be better and it's worse16:23
IcE_^what package do i need to play mps, .avi files?16:23
durymy xmms is gone16:24
mateusz_gdury: why?16:24
mateusz_gdury: cannot install it?16:24
PiciIcE_^: You probably want the ubuntu-restricted-extras file for all those nice mp3, java, flash etc packages16:24
bazhangdury audacious is the successor16:24
Picidury: xmms is no longer being developed, use audacious instead.16:24
RyanPriordury: You probably don't want XMMS, but is that the only thing that's broken?16:25
IcE_^Pici: thanks, thats all i was asking about! and thats where our argument went for16:25
r00723r0Whatever happened to BMP?16:25
RyanPriorr00723r0: Still around if you want it.16:25
r00723r0RyanPrior, actively developed?16:25
r00723r0I don't hear much talk about it.16:25
duryxmms it's great16:25
RyanPriorr00723r0: No clue.16:25
mateusz_gdury: what?16:25
arakthordury: I believe you may be able to download and compile xmms from somewhere like freshmeat or sourceforge. you may have to look around abit16:26
durySinaptuic doesn't launch16:27
Moppa^hi, my ne16:27
durysorry Sinaptic16:27
madrazrHi all, I get this error when I setup a virtual host *You don't have permission to access / on this server.* in Hardy, the same setup used to work fine in Gutsy16:28
madrazrhelp me please16:28
duryyeah Sinaptic16:28
hiptobecubiclol synaptic16:28
grass0101Can I get some advice on a backup solution?  I've just made the jump to Ubuntu from Winblows, and now I need to create a backup.  I want to backup my /home to a SAMBA server.  I used to use SyncToy in Windows, which would allow me to "sync" files from my laptop to the SAMBA server.  Will rsync do this for me?16:28
bazhangdury launch from terminal but spell it right :)16:29
durysorry Synaptic16:29
jerbeargrass0101: i would say rsync, but i don't think it syncs well with fat partitions16:29
hiptobecubicdury, sudo synaptic16:29
Moppa^hi, my networkspeed has dropped to a very low rate the last couple of days. won't go over 80kb/s and it doesnt matter wheter i download files from ftp locally or external http.16:29
Picidury: gksudo synaptic16:29
MidasWShow do i add "overwrite files if existing" to this? cp -R source.com/ target.com/16:30
arakthorthere's a package for scanning ssh logs and black/grey listing IPs based on access attempts - does anyone know what it is called? I have forgotten :(16:30
jerbearMidasWS: -f16:30
grass0101jerbear: the samba server is running ubuntu as well, should I set up NFS between the two machines?  I was going to use SBACKUP, but I have "@" symbols in my passord which broke it's login string for scp16:30
jerbeararakthor: denyhosts16:30
arakthorjerbear: thanks16:31
duryxmms it's available but not in the databse16:31
MatBoydamn why the hack are my windows opened on the wrong screen ?16:31
Intangirgrass0101: nfs is faster, but you have to make sure the username/group settings are set correctly across both machines16:31
durywanna xmms16:31
jerbeargrass0101: i think rsync works best over ssh... it's what i use for backups. if you don't use windows, stay away from samba16:31
hiptobecubicWhat is the point of gksu over sudo? i just tried them both and gksu is even a tad slower16:31
Moppa^hi, my networkspeed has dropped to a very low rate the last couple of days. won't go over 80kb/s and it doesnt matter wheter i download files from ftp locally or external http. Anyone got an idea?16:32
Intangirdury: ?16:32
CShadowRunIs there any way to make terminal have timestamps?16:32
shoonyathere is a nice launch effect provided when an application is launched in hardy, which tool provides this effect ?16:32
jerbearCShadowRun: what do you mean?16:32
duryit was really fashion and reliable16:32
spaceninjais there a graphical app to configure fstab?16:32
bazhangdury either compile yourself or get audacious16:32
Intangirdury: you can still install it16:32
jerbearspaceninja: gvim ;)16:32
CShadowRunjerbear i mean like, so when something is printed out or something is outputted, it shows the time next to it16:32
Intangirdury: you can get the package, ill link it just a sec16:32
CShadowRunSo you can work out a timescale on errors being produced16:32
jerbearCShadowRun: ls -l16:32
Intangirdury: ya and screw audacious16:32
Intangirit sucks16:32
MidasWSWhen I'm in a dir how do I remove all the subdirs and files in it:  rm -fvx *.*   ?16:32
spaceninjajerbear: there should be a app for fstab16:33
jerbearMidasWS: -r16:33
CShadowRunjerbear how does ... outputting the contents of a folder help me? >.>16:33
jerbearspaceninja: it's a simple text file16:33
jerbearCShadowRun: i don't understand what you're asking16:33
arakthorCShadowRun, jerbear: Do you mean having it display the time whnever you get a prompt in a terminal?16:34
CShadowRunjerbear you use IRC, you know what a time stamp is right?16:34
designermanHow can I view my ip address etc?16:34
CShadowRunWhen someone types, it's prefixed with the time that the typed it.16:34
krullehellow $µ16:34
jerbearCShadowRun: yes16:34
CShadowRunthis is a timestamp --> [16:34:19] [CShadowRun] When someone types, it's prefixed with the time that the typed it.16:34
MidasWSty jerbear16:34
krulleberyl voor de nieuwe linux16:34
CShadowRunI want timestamps in the terminal.16:34
krullehoe heet dat ??16:34
jerbearCShadowRun: you said you wanted to see the times when you listed files16:34
spaceninjajerbear: yes, but I want to do everything with graphical apps16:34
spaceninjabut I guess there isn't one16:34
douyekrulle, compiz ?16:34
jerbearCShadowRun: what shell are you using?16:34
Moppa^krulle - compiz-fusion16:34
krulleaja juuist16:35
krullewas het even vergeten16:35
jerbearspaceninja: linux is not for you, my friend ;)16:35
CShadowRunjerbear the one in applications > accessories16:35
krulleben hier linux aan het installen bij een vriend :d16:35
duryI select audacious but to apply doesn't activate16:35
hiptobecubic!ne | krulle16:35
ubottuFactoid ne not found16:35
jerbearCShadowRun: ok, so bash... try #bash16:35
Intangirxmms for hardy: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/i386/xmms/1:1.2.10+20070601-1build216:35
spaceninjajerbear: I've used linux for 4 years now, usually I use archlinux :)16:35
durythrough Synaptic16:35
CShadowRuntyped #bash in console, no change.16:35
guilleProblem trying kubuntu 8.04 installer. After loading, livecd crashes showing something like a "X" at the middle-screen. I cannot reinstall16:35
benovicAuto BCC does not work in Evolution Ubuntu (Hardy). is there a solution for this bug?16:35
spaceninjajerbear: I'm looking for a complete point and click distro16:35
PiciCShadowRun: /join #bash16:36
CShadowRunPici oooh, thanks :p16:36
jerbearspaceninja: i'm kidding, but you should really get comfortable with messing with configs16:36
edmondyesterday i update xubuntu 8.04 with update manager16:36
edmondafter update my mic no funtion any 1 can help16:36
MidasWSrm -r *.* only removed the files, what do i add for the subdirectories as well?16:36
Moppa^MidasWS just *16:37
jerbearspaceninja: ubuntu is about as close as you get, but as you get more into your system, the more you'll have to do in the command line16:37
spaceninjajerbear: yes, but linux wont beat windows until everything has rock solid graphical gui configuration16:37
grass0101jerbear: thanks I'll give that a try16:37
octoberdanHow would I take the output of ls and display only the text between "foo" and "bar" between for each line?16:37
nuccohi, anyone used a hp laserjet 1018 on hardy?16:37
jerbearMidasWS: no, it removed everything matching the pattern *.*...  you probably want *16:37
MidasWSty moppa16:37
punzadaspaceninja, the goal of linux isn't to 'beat' windows.16:37
edmondmic problem any 1 can help ?16:38
octoberdanspaceninja: Despite the goal of windows to beat Gnu/Linux and MacOS16:38
octoberdanI'm sorry, *Microsoft ;-)16:38
jerbearspaceninja: it's already a better OS, it just has a higher learning curve16:38
punzadawell said.16:38
punzadaand again, 'better' is subjective16:38
douyeI just installed firefox on my hardy, but now it wont auto start when i order other programs to do it.. how can i fix that ?16:38
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:38
jerbearspaceninja: when i say 'better', i don't mean your grandparents can admin it... that's just ridiculous16:39
Moppa^hi, my networkspeed has dropped to a very low rate the last couple of days. won't go over 80kb/s and it doesnt matter wheter i download files from ftp locally or external http. Anyone got an idea?16:39
duryit's not bad audacious16:39
gordonjcpspaceninja: why should everything have graphical admin?16:40
spaceninjathe thing is that I've used a distro which everything is configured through the terminal by editing config files. Now I just wanted to see if there is a distro that does EVERYTHING through graphical apps16:40
octoberdanbazhang: And #ubuntuforum is also for random chatter ;-)16:40
gordonjcpspaceninja: that would make it really hard to use16:40
Intangirxmms is better than audacious16:40
bazhangspaceninja, please stay on topic here thanks16:40
Picispaceninja, gordonjcp: Please move this to #ubuntu-offtopic16:40
Intangiritsgot better plugins16:40
spaceninjagordonjcp: yes, but still, I WANT :)16:40
Hali_303what to use to administer an apache webserver, mysql database, etc. ? webmin? or is there something better?16:40
Intangirbetter failure handling16:40
PiciIntangir: Please stay on topic16:40
Traehey guys... what file in your home dir controls Visual Effects ?  I think mine is corrupt.16:40
douyeI just installed firefox on my hardy, but now it wont auto start when i order other programs to do it.. how can i fix that ?16:41
TraeI can create another user and have no problem switching.16:41
bazhangebox Hali_30316:41
noob-africa_hi all... am back16:41
Raditdoes hardy heron not gnome splash screens?16:41
Hali_303bazhang: I'll check that out, thanks16:41
rskRadit: wtf?16:41
Raditdoes hardy heron not use gnome splash screens?16:41
TraeBut when I try and switch between  "None Normal and Extra" I get "Desktop effects could not be enabled."16:41
rskRadit: it does use it by default.16:41
rskRadit: but you can disable it.16:41
PiciTrae: What video card do you have?16:41
octoberdandury: set it up as a "preffered application" I believe. I'm not using Gnome so I can't double check16:42
octoberdandury: But it should be something like that in the settings16:42
hockeymachinedoes anyone have a recomendation for a wireless utility... networkmanager seems to disconnect/reconnect to the wrong one alot16:42
octoberdandury: not to firefox, but to gnome. take a look at the menus16:42
Raditrsk: how to enable or disable it? it doesn't show by default?16:42
noob-africa_Question: Mplayer can load/mount my SVCD media, but I cannot mount the same disc under GNOME. In order to convert the media to another format, the disc has to be mounted. DeVeDe will not mount it. It doesnt appear under Nautilus. How do I mount it?16:42
PiciTrae: nevermind,  I didnt see the first part of the question16:43
benovicAuto BCC does not work in Evolution Ubuntu (Hardy). is there a solution for this bug?16:43
gordonjcphockeymachine: that sounds more like a problem with your connection than networkmanager16:43
duryoctoberdan: what you mean16:43
hiptobecubicIs there a way to prevent applications from starting automatically when you plug in devices?16:43
gordonjcpnoob-africa_: SVCDs don't have a "normal" filesystem16:43
noob-africa_gordonjcp: ok... so how do i work around?16:44
hiptobecubicwhen i plug in a camera, cheese opens. when i plug in my ipod, rhythmbox opens. it's terrible16:44
douyeoctoberdan, whats the command then to start firefox ? "firefox %s"  ?16:44
Moppa^hiptobecubic - yes you can. system-settings-removeable media (or similar, i have languagepack)16:44
Raditdouye: firefox&16:44
Wandereranyone have any ssh problems after upgrading ?  I'm getting :  no key of type 2 for host16:45
Wandererand nothing else16:45
hiptobecubicMoppa^, great. and since you seem to know abuo the language packs, how can i switch languages in gnome without having to uninstall/reinstall them16:45
Intangirya theres no doubt about it16:45
Intangirxmms is just plain better16:45
Intangirwhen using streaming16:45
Intangireven proxying!!16:45
FloodBot2Intangir: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:45
arakthoranyone know if scripts used in cron jobs can contain variables?16:45
Intangirand xmms doesnt support proxying!16:45
mklebelanybody get the java plugin working in 64 bit?16:46
Pici!ot | Intangir16:46
ubottuIntangir: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:46
Moppa^hiptobecubic - don't know actually.16:46
Intangirxmms should be a part of ubuntu. period.. the reason its not been updated in so long is cause it hasnt needed it!. the plugin system allowed any new systems to be supported without having to touch it16:46
Sivikis there a new cli replace for fdisk for 8.04 as it seems to not work properly anymore16:47
Scunizi!sound | Scunizi16:47
hiptobecubicMoppa^, when i open the removable media, there is an option for several different devices, but mp3 player/ipod/audio device isn't listed16:47
Moppa^is there a way to limit network trafic?16:47
Moppa^hiptobecubic - no you're right. i know it was there in gutsy16:49
=== roxahris is now known as roxandSLLEEP
christozhey i've just upgraded to hardy...but the update manager asks me to partial upgrade...should i do that16:49
durywell.... 8.04 loads quicker16:50
duryAudacious the same like xmms16:50
enixarHi, at the start of Ubuntu 8.04 my display goes out of range, my card is nVidia Gforce 6150E onboard.16:50
christozno any udates availabe though16:50
enixarAny ideas?16:50
christozand the restricted driver manager is missing from the menus16:51
Picichristoz: its called Hardware Drivers now16:51
christozPici there still is nothing  in common16:52
christozinti\o my menus16:52
Picichristoz: Gnome or Kubuntu?16:52
Picikde rather16:52
Picichristoz: It should be in System>Administration16:52
christozPici no there isn't ...should i make the partial upgrades that update manager asks?16:53
arakthorwhen I used the command 'sh' does it use BASH for the execution?16:53
Picichristoz: yes16:53
Piciarakthor: no, it uses dash16:53
christozPici i hope you are right16:54
arakthorPici: ty sir16:54
Kl4mHas the openssh upgrade bug in gutsy fixed?16:54
PiciKl4m: yes16:54
Kl4m*been fixed16:54
christozcannot run partial upgrade either Pici16:55
gordonjcpKl4m: s/bug/sabotage/16:55
pwolfecan you guys think of any reason that a linux bridge would freeze up the moment a dhcp address was assigned to a device connected to the bridge?16:56
livingdaylightis the default network manager in Ubuntu the best of the network managers? When i boot up in my laptop to ubuntu the wireless manager sometimes hooks up right away(within seconds) and other times it just swirls and swirls and swirls around and around until eventually a wep key dialog pops up and asks me for the password again. Then it will swirl and swirl around again until is asks me for the wep key again... It w16:56
guilleProblem trying kubuntu 8.04 installer. After loading, livecd crashes showing something like a "X" at the middle-screen. I cannot reinstall16:56
gordonjcplivingdaylight: that sounds like you've got a rubbish signal16:56
Picichristoz: Does it give you an error?16:56
livingdaylightgordonjcp: no, the signal is excellent16:56
christozi will upload it on imageshack16:57
Picichristoz: can you tell us what that error is?16:57
livingdaylightgordonjcp: with xp it picks it up right away but only every time... the problem lies with Ubuntu i'm afraid to say16:57
duryspaceninja: nothing better than linux16:57
TrioToruswhy are certain packages kept back? Is there an apt command that tells me more?16:58
pwolfeis there a better channel I should ask this question?16:58
pwolfecan you guys think of any reason that a linux bridge would freeze up the moment a dhcp address was assigned to a device connected to the bridge?16:58
gordonjcppwolfe: is it specific to Ubuntu?16:58
Traeok... tell me if anyone has seen this before from ls -lah16:58
pwolfeit is installed on ubuntu16:58
Traed????????? ? ?       ?          ?                ? .gvfs16:58
christozPici the first error message that appears is can't guess meta-package16:58
pwolfewell kubuntu16:58
farfadetc ou le salon francais?16:59
Pici!fr | farfadet16:59
ubottufarfadet: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr16:59
christozPici :Your system does not contain a ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-desktop or edubuntu-desktop package and it was not possible to detect which version of Ubuntu you are running. Please install one of the packages above first using synaptic or apt-get before proceeding.16:59
Traemon francais et horrible16:59
=== lagann is now known as lagann_
duryspaceninja: Definitely, linux16:59
Traedid I join the wrong channel?16:59
pwolfei configured another machine the same way, but ubuntu 7.04.  now this 8.04 box freezes. I have a thread open in the networking section of the ubuntu forums that explains it a bit better16:59
Kl4mTrae: this is a weird filename but it's valid. You'll need a lot of \ to refer to it on a command line17:00
arakthoreh, Pici, sorry to bother, but I'm reading the man page for dash - if I use variables (eg.  home=/place) it's unclear whether dash expects $home or ${home} to retrieve the value later on - do you know?17:00
enixarcould some one tell me the shortcut to expand my desktop?17:00
Piciarakthor: I dont. Sorry.  You can change the symlink for /bin/sh to point to /bin/bash instead of dash if you really like17:01
spaceninjadury: what's definitely linux? :)17:01
Dr_willisPici, theres a better way to change the default shell from dash to bash.17:01
Picichristoz: is there?17:01
Picier, Dr_willis ?17:01
Dr_willisPici,  i think its 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure bash' (or was it sh, or dash)17:01
duryspaceninja: its future17:01
Picichristoz: Did something wrong happen when doing the upgrade?17:01
W8TAHhey folks -- given the recent publication of a vunerability in the ssh keys -- how do i (a) patch to correct and (b) regenerate my keys to secure my systems again?17:01
PiciDr_willis: Thats probably a better route then17:02
dimedois it normal, that firefox does not trust the CA which i have enabled through installation of the ca-certificates packet? (for example CAcert class 3)17:02
Kl4marakthor: both work. ${var} is to use a variable without whitespace like a${var}z17:02
livingdaylightis the default network manager in Ubuntu the best of the network managers? When i boot up in my laptop to ubuntu the wireless manager sometimes hooks up right away(within seconds) and other times it just swirls and swirls and swirls around and around until eventually a wep key dialog pops up and asks me for the password again. Then it will swirl and swirl around again until is asks me for the wep key again... I17:02
duryspaceninja: make all together the effort to compete with microsoft17:02
Dr_willisPici,  i had a 'heated' forum discussion once with some script writers on their improper suggestions on how to 'fix' ubuntu's 'dash' problem. :) which wasent a problem at al.. the problemw as with THEIR stuff. :)17:02
duryspaceninja: we can do it17:02
spaceninjadury: yes, but rock solid graphical apps for every configuration is needed17:03
duryvista sucks17:03
gordonjcpspaceninja: not everyone agrees17:03
FMR--anyone here having a asus EEE with ubuntu/Xubuntu?17:03
arakthorkl4m: oh, thank you :)17:03
michael_hmm does anyone know why when i try to configure kismet it comes up with a warning that libpcap is not found, even after installing it from tcpdump.org?17:04
duryspaceninja: it will take time, but I believe the community will reach that need that you mention17:04
Moppa^i have had no problems with my network after upgrading to hardy until just about a week ago. dowloadspeed won't exceed 100kb/s (internal or external, http/ftp). Can someone tell me where to start looking. I connect wireless to my router17:05
Picimichael_: Why not install libpcap from the repositories?17:05
christozPici nothing wrong17:05
gordonjcpI don't get why people have such a stiffy for GUI configuration anyway17:05
spaceninjadury: nice17:05
christozPici nothing wrong happened during upgrade17:05
gordonjcpit makes *some* things easier and others much much harder17:05
michael_i tried installing with apt-get as well but i'm still getting the error17:06
spaceninjabecause people are lazy, we don't have time learning commands :)17:07
spaceninjapeople want to work, not struggling with the os17:07
Picichristoz: Do you have any of those -desktop metapackages installed?17:07
livingdaylightkann es mir jemand erklaeren ob es ein besseren network manager gibt?17:07
michael_Pici, could it be that kismet just isn't recognising this version of libpcap?17:08
gordonjcp!de | livingdaylight17:08
ubottulivingdaylight: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de17:08
christozPici don't know what should i search in synaptic17:08
michael_i mean, if i've tried installing with apt-get as well, and i'm still getting the error ... :\17:08
Picimichael_: its possible, where did you install kismet from?17:08
michael_kismet website i believe17:09
Picimichael_: Uninstall that and get the one from the repositories17:09
michael_should i have gotten it from a repos?17:09
Picichristoz: prehaps ubuntu-desktop17:09
tmapjwaar is de nederlandse kannel17:09
Pici!nl | tmapj17:09
ubottutmapj: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl17:09
christozpici i ll search on synaptic17:10
michael_how do i remove it?17:10
michael_noob question sorry17:10
Saint`Dia`What media players play .iso files?17:10
PiciSaint`Dia`: VLC does at least.17:10
Picimichael_: How did you install it?17:10
Dr_willisSaint`Dia`,  mplayer and vlc do.  that i know of.17:10
Wandereranyone having problems with ssh since the security update?17:10
PPKumahi, anybody knows what ctrl+t does to a file in nautilus?17:10
michael_downloaded, extracted, ./configure, /make, /make install17:10
Dr_willisctrl-t = tab key i thought17:10
Picimichael_: try make uninstall17:11
PPKumaDr_willis i had a file selected and disapired when i pressede ctrl+t17:11
michael_michael@Ubuntop:~/Desktop/kismet$ sudo make uninstall17:11
michael_make: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'.  Stop.17:11
Ginhi, is the support for Ubuntu Gutsy ended?17:12
guilleHelp me....Problem trying kubuntu 8.04 installer. After loading, livecd crashes showing something like a "X" at the middle-screen. I cannot reinstall17:12
Piciguille: Have you tried the Alternate CD?17:12
guillePici: No17:13
Pici!alternate | guille17:13
ubottuguille: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent17:13
ipeiI ubuntuists. Anyone know how I can fix a problem with Skype? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12252/ I just got my sound to work with my X-Fi card and OSS, but Skype wont be anymore :(17:13
michael_not working Pici  :(17:13
arakthoripei: out of curiosity, did you get your xfi to work on 32bit or 64bit?17:14
ipeiarakthor, I got it to work under 32-bit ^17:14
xsdwhen i telnet to port 22 from an outside host i get connection refused. when i telnet to port 22 from a host that is in the same subnet i get telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: No route to host. why and how can i fix it?17:14
arakthoripei: is there a howto for that in the forum or did you finaggle it yourself?17:14
livingdaylightgordonjcp: by the way my signal is perfectly good17:15
ipeiarakthor, I followed a how to on the forum. It was easier than I thought.17:15
ipeiarakthor, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4874981&postcount=217:16
arakthoripei: thanks17:16
gordonjcplivingdaylight: it's probably not the network manager17:16
ipeiarakthor, I don't know what more apps wont start, so beware ^-17:16
gordonjcplivingdaylight: what kind of card are you using?17:16
Jokkais there any app that can be attached to the desktop that shows cpu heat/fan speed? fan controll would also be nice17:16
PaRaSiTe2Does anyone know how to fix this problem concerning dial-up modems and connecting to the internet? "The PPP daemon has died: A modem hung up the phone (exit code = 16)"17:16
arakthoripei: it's for future use, my desktop with the xfi is currently on the side line with a toasted motherboard17:17
gordonjcpPaRaSiTe2: get a modem from this century?17:17
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gordonjcpcan you even get dialup internet access any more?17:17
ipeiarakthor, Ok17:17
PaRaSiTe2gordonjcp: >_>17:17
Picigordonjcp: Please be constructive17:18
livingdaylightgordonjcp:  Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (17:18
PaRaSiTe2gordonjcp: I can ONLY get dialup access.17:18
michael_any ideas, pici?17:18
Picimichael_: Look through the INSTALL file for removal info?17:18
gordonjcplivingdaylight: hm, Intel cards are usually OK17:19
ramukmarJokka: have you looked at conky?17:19
gordonjcpPaRaSiTe2: it sounds like the other end is dropping the line17:19
gordonjcpPaRaSiTe2: can you pin it down to a particular cause?17:20
duryhey guys?17:20
livingdaylightgordonjcp: i know... and sometimes it works right away and other times it doesn't (in Ubuntu) with XP it works right away everytime, so i know its not the signal. Ubuntu has issues with networking. Don't you believe it?17:20
gordonjcplivingdaylight: all OSes have issues with networking17:20
PaRaSiTe2gordonjcp: Well, it works perfectly on Windows.17:20
PaRaSiTe2Just not Ubuntu.17:20
=== FuzzyFox is now known as FuzzyFox0
duryhow do I install this -> xmms_1.2.10+20070601.orig.tar.gz17:20
gordonjcpPaRaSiTe2: is it a software modem?17:20
PaRaSiTe2gordonjcp: Yeah.17:21
PaRaSiTe2But I got working drivers.17:21
arakthordury: you unpack it (double click on it or use tar -xvvzf xmms* ) and then there should be a file called INSTALL or README that will give directions17:21
FuzzyFox0hey all17:21
livingdaylightgordonjcp: you mean all linux based OSes? XP is perfect17:21
PaRaSiTe2Drivers and my problem here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47150317:21
Scunizidury: you should try audacious which is a fork of xmms.. it will also work with things like streamtuner etc.17:21
FuzzyFox0needing some help17:21
livingdaylightgordonjcp: or don't you believe me?17:21
rinaldi_is there a good cpu benchmark software available for linux?17:21
Scunizidury: audacious is in the repos.17:21
vltHello. When using `ntfsresize` to shrink an NTFS file system, to 1GB for example, will all data be located in the first 1GB of the partition so that I can shrink the partition size safely afterwards?17:21
FuzzyFox0i just installed and i am unfortunatly still having to use windows for some reason17:21
ramukmar!ask | FuzzyFox017:22
Scunizi!ask | FuzzyFox017:22
ubottuFuzzyFox0: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:22
douyedury: download the .dep file instead.. you can just run that one17:22
FuzzyFox0i can get no wireless internet options and my screen resolution is crap at only 800x60017:22
Scunizi* .deb17:22
durydouye: you .deb file17:23
durydouye: you mean *.deb file17:23
douyedury: yeah that one :P17:23
TiObUeNo¡eeee! e dicho ola17:23
gordonjcplivingdaylight: I've never had problems with networking in Linux, except ones I've caused myself ;-)17:23
FuzzyFox0i can get no wireless internet options and my screen resolution is crap at only 800x600, can anyone help? (one line for the question)17:23
durydouye: ok17:23
gordonjcplivingdaylight: conversely I've only ever seen XP a couple of times and used it once17:23
atlef!es | TiObUeNo17:23
ubottuTiObUeNo: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:23
gordonjcpvlt: you'll probably have to defragment the NTFS drive17:24
hiptobecubicCan I turn off ipod support in rhythmbox?17:24
TiObUeNoI don't speak in inglish17:24
Ginhi, is the support for Ubuntu Gutsy ended?17:24
mika_slt a tous17:24
PiciGin: No17:24
vltgordonjcp: What does the Ubuntu installer do when selecting the "shrink ntfs" option there?17:24
ENeGMAare there any known issues with 8.04 crashing on Thinkpad T60s?17:25
PiciGin: Its supported for 18 moths after its release date17:25
gordonjcpvlt: no idea, I've never used it17:25
TiObUeNocan you speak in spanish???17:25
gordonjcphiptobecubic: turn it off in what way?17:25
FuzzyFox0ok is there much point me even asking or shall i just bugger off17:25
GinPici: I am wondering why there is no firefox beta 5 in the repo of gutsy17:25
PiciTiObUeNo: escribe /join #ubuntu-es17:25
gordonjcpTiObUeNo: no.  Can you speak in Gaelic?17:25
todzcan u speak icelandic ?17:25
atlef!es | TiObUeNo17:25
ubottuTiObUeNo: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:25
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:25
gordonjcpFuzzyFox0: ask what?17:25
Macen_popular ubuntu irc client?17:26
Xsploitnow what? :s17:26
Macen_Xsploit: HELLO17:26
Xsploitlo mace17:26
todzMacen_>: xchat ?17:26
hiptobecubicgordonjcp, i don't want rhythmbox to try to access my ipod at all17:26
Xsploiti just booted into ubuntu17:26
TiObUeNonow what are?17:26
gordonjcpMacen_: xchat for gui stuff, or irssi + screen for the more hardcore ;-)17:26
Xsploitnow tell me some cool shit to do17:26
FuzzyFox0how do i fix ubuntu so that i have a decent screen rezolution and internet access using wireless17:26
FloodBot2Xsploit: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:26
PiciGin: Because Gutsy has already been released.  Supported releases do not mean that the packages will be kept up to date, only means that security patches will be released.17:26
durydouye: it doesn't launch17:26
Macen_Macen_: E_mE: what do you use for ubuntu irc?17:26
Macen_how helpful am i17:26
ramukmarhiptobecubic: you can stop rhythmbox from launching when you connect an ipod, not sure if that's exactly what you want17:26
gordonjcpFuzzyFox0: adjust the screen resolution to suit your monitor, and enable your wifi17:27
FuzzyFox0it not working17:27
hiptobecubicgordonjcp, if it's open and i mount my ipod rhythmbox tries to search it for playable files and finds all kinds of things because i use rockbox instead of itunes17:27
FuzzyFox0that my prob17:27
douyedury: what doesnt? the package installer or xmms itself ?17:27
TiObUeNoCan you speak in russo17:27
hiptobecubicgordonjcp, no i figured that one out :D   now i want the ipod not to appear on the left under "source"17:27
gordonjcpFuzzyFox0: try to be a bit more specific ;-)17:27
durydouye: sorry ... the xmms itself17:27
FuzzyFox0screen res max seems to be 800x600 and i can find no wireless option in the network bit17:27
GinPici: but it seems I am getting also not-security related updates. :\17:27
gnubieFuzzyFox0,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto  you might find an answer here17:28
Ginbut yet, there is no update from ff3-b4 to ff3-b517:28
PiciGin: Then that package has not been updated in backports.17:28
hiptobecubicgordonjcp, or is there a way i can rebuild the itunes style database so it doesn't take forever searching everything?17:28
douyedury: it just wont start or do you get a error ?17:28
FuzzyFox0gnubie: and the wireless?17:28
hiptobecubicgordonjcp, just the database files17:28
ramukmarhiptobecubic: you can disable the ipod plugin in rhythmbox...that should stop it i guess17:28
gordonjcphiptobecubic: you can stop rhythmbox launching when you plug an ipod in17:28
gordonjcpramukmar: yea, that too17:28
hiptobecubicramukmar, i tried that and it had no effect on anything.17:28
GinPici: are you Mark Shuttleworth?17:28
rinaldi_hi, is there any good hardware benchmarking tools like 3dmark?17:29
durydouye: I've typed on terminal as well and it said bash: xmms: command not found17:29
PiciGin: What? No.17:29
ramukmarhiptobecubic: meh, rhythmbox is acting stubborn eh? ;)17:29
hiptobecubicgordonjcp, yeah i did that and now it doesn't open. which is good. but if it is open and there is an ipod it starts searching17:29
ramukmarhiptobecubic: starts searching even after you disable the plugin? weird17:29
gordonjcphiptobecubic: hm, don't know then17:29
douyedury: hmm weird, try reinstalling it17:29
krupa^hey, i got a cable tv and im intersted to broadcast it with stream media.. is that posibble? with what software?17:29
gordonjcpdury: use audacity17:29
Ginkrupa^: with vlc17:29
hiptobecubicgordonjcp, ramukmar, as i understand it, Rhythmbox will use the itunes.db file if it's there, but i don't know how to make one17:29
douyegordonjcp: if he wants to use xmms, let him it works fine here17:30
gordonjcpdury: sorry, audacious17:30
gordonjcpdouye: xmms is dead17:30
rskgordonjcp: xmms is not dead17:30
rskit had a recent release and cvs has activity17:30
rskplease dont spread lies17:30
douyegordonjcp, so? if he wants it.. tell him how to get it working not that he should use something else17:30
ubudhow to change the xsane scanning device17:30
FuzzyFox0gnubie: what about my internet though17:31
krupa^is that live stream?17:31
krupa^i got a channel and i want to stream it17:31
gordonjcprsk: three years between releases and the last release six months ago?17:31
rskhere is howto install xmms http://blog.sartek.net/2008/04/install-xmms-on-ubuntu-804-hardy-heron.html17:31
krupa^so ill able to see while im not at home17:31
gnubieFuzzyFox0,  I don't do wireless ...17:32
ubudxsane detect wrong scanning device. how to change it?17:32
rskgordonjcp: it's not dead anyway.17:32
gordonjcpFuzzyFox0: what kind of wireless card do you have?17:32
slimjimflim_does anybody know of a package that will let me log into a windows machine nvia remote desktop?17:32
* FuzzyFox0 looked at a sticker on his laptop17:32
gordonjcprsk: "It's not dead, it just smells that way" - with apologies to Frank Zappa17:32
FuzzyFox0gordonjcp: any ideas how fix?17:33
gordonjcpFuzzyFox0: none at all17:33
ubudhow to select or change if xsane detect wrong scanner17:33
gordonjcpFuzzyFox0: I could sit and throw random guesses out, or you could go and find out what kind of wifi card you have17:33
hiptobecubicdoes audacious handle media libraries? or do you have to do everything with massive playlists?17:34
FuzzyFox0thanks anyhow17:34
gordonjcphiptobecubic: no, audacious is basically a modern version of xmms17:34
gnubieFuzzyFox0,  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76656017:34
gordonjcpgnubie: some people don't want to be helped...17:34
hiptobecubicgordonjcp, i never used xmms. what does that mean? no library?17:34
nullieis it possible to install ubuntu server using serial console?17:34
FinnishI'm interested in analysis program "R". Is it a graphical program or?17:34
gordonjcphiptobecubic: big playlists17:35
ubudI want to use xsane to scan document. but xsane detect my tv tuner card as scanner. anyone can help17:35
vltHello. I installed Ubuntu using the CD installer. I chose the suggested option "shrinks existing NTFS on /dev/hda1". GRUB installed fine and I can boot Ubuntu (from hda5/hd(0,4)). But when I select "Windows XP" I get "Can't read ... Press Ctrl+Alt+Del" from NTLDR.17:35
vltWhen I restore the first 63 sectors bytes of hda (everything before hda1) Windows boots. But as soon as I create a 2nd partition (even without installing GRUB) Windows boot fails. Any idea what went wrong and how to fix it?17:35
hiptobecubicgordonjcp, ok thanks17:35
ermac0x multimedia system17:35
ubottuScanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR17:36
gordonjcpvlt: the first sector contains the partition table17:36
Nostahlhow is the ubuntu 64 bit17:36
arakthorIf I add a rule to IPtables incoming to accept port 22 (for ssh) then drop others, will SSH connections still work because they are then deferred to another port (eg port 139872)17:36
sshockAnyone know how to set get a public IP on my ubuntu server?  I've done it before with Comcast but now I have DSL.17:37
arakthorsshock: wget http://checkip.dyndns.com17:37
sshockI read something about changing my router to bridge mode, but I'm kinda lost.17:37
arakthoror something like that17:37
gordonjcpsshock: What exactly are you trying to do?17:37
sshockI want my linux box to be my firewall / router.17:38
arakthorsshock: use my method, dyndns will report the ip that you are connected through (your 'public' ip)17:38
sshockIt will be doing site-to-site vpn, among other things.17:38
vltgordonjcp: Yes, I completely restored the first 63 sectors, so the partition table was restored, too. There's only hda1 now and Windows boots. The size of the NTFS is actually half, so at least this part of the partitioning process worked. Now I tried to create the 2nd partition for Ubuntu manually (not touching anything else in the boot area), but Windows doens't boot. Any idea?17:38
Nostahlanyone here using ubuntu 6417:38
sshockarakthor: not sure if that's going to be good enough17:38
AtomicMongooseiptables - strongswan    Easy.  I use Slackware for my firewalls.17:38
sshockI've already got a working setup with ipsec racoon17:39
PKBoohey, I'm fairly new to Ubuntu, and I was wondering if anyone could tell me if I set up my partitions correctly?17:39
sshockThe problem is simply I need to connect directly to the Internet which is normal with Comcast but not Qwest.17:39
AtomicMongooseI had trouble with Racoon connecting to non linux  VPNs.  Cisco, Watchguard, etc. etc don't seem to work well with it.17:40
AtomicMongooseI have qwest setup in many client locations connected directly17:40
sshockI'm actually connecting to cisco vpn, and it works believe it or not :)17:40
=== esperegu_ is now known as esperegu
AtomicMongooseyou need to configure the actiontec or whatever you use for a static ip arrangement,  shutdown DHCP/NAT and you are good to go17:40
sshockIt's 2wire17:41
AtomicMongoosethere's extensive documention on qwests site for that.17:41
gordonjcpvlt: not really, but restoring the first 63 sectors will splat your newly-created partition table ;-)17:41
sshockI found a page that tells how to make it work in "bridge" mode, which I think is what I need to do, but then after that I'm lost.17:41
=== bamed|away is now known as bamed
gordonjcpPKBoo: do they work?17:41
jaffarkelshaci clicked a link in firefox and got misteriously logged off, how do i find out what happened17:41
durycould anyone help to install xmms, please... I'm doing my best and I can't :(17:42
durywhat's the url to paste?17:42
sshockI think what I want is to run a PPPoE client on my linux server.17:42
AtomicMongooseXMMS is a near dead project17:42
AtomicMongooseif you want a MP3/OGG/ player  Amarok is your baby17:43
Chrysalishow do i make the thumb (back/forward) mouse buttons work in everything, not just firefox? ive spent all night trying to get this to work but all the walkthroughs are about getting them to work in general and nothing about if they are working only in firefox17:43
vltgordonjcp: Yes, sure. Now windows boots and uses the smaller NTFS on the full size hda1. I wanted to create hda2 to access the installed Ubuntu again, but then windows doesn't boot anymore.17:43
AtomicMongooseI loved XMMS   but..  that's life17:43
jaffarkelshacbanshee is music player, looks simple and straight forward17:43
Zombocommy package list won't update17:44
gordonjcpvlt: maybe googling for "ubuntu dual boot" will point you in the right direction17:44
Zombocomit only shows me what's installed17:44
vltIs there anyone who installed Ubuntu by shrinking an existing NTFS partition who can confirm that this worked?17:44
sshockHmm, right now my router uses pppoa, but I wonder if pppoe will work too...17:44
Zombocomvlt I have17:44
Zombocomvlt what's up?17:44
jaffarkelshacsshock: it wont work unless you want to change isp17:44
vltZombocom: Does Windows still bott?17:44
AtomicMongooseI have shrunk many an NTFS partition but not in the ubuntu setup,  you might try using knoppix and qparted or parted to do that17:44
Kl4mAtomicMongoose: xmms --> audacious17:44
douyevlt: i have kinda, i just made a free space thing and did the standard partition option after it17:45
sshockhmm, I could buy an ATM card?  That sounds harder though...17:45
Zombocomvlt yes, the GRUB bootloader allows you to select it on startup, I reccomend shrinking the volume in windows to prevent damage to the ntfs partition though17:45
vltdouye, Zombocom: Hmmmm, my Windows won't start anymore. Only if I restore the original partiton table.17:45
douyevlt, then you must have done something wrong.. :/ as mine still boots perfectly17:46
Zombocomdouye did you edit the partition table in linux or windows17:46
Zombocomand vlt do you have grub installed17:46
douyezombocom, vlt: in the linux installer17:46
ben__anyone know how to add a network on x-chat17:46
AtomicMongoosex-chat  network list17:47
Eulexperhaps the "Add" button?17:47
ZombocomI seriously need help guys17:47
AtomicMongoosectrl-s works too Ben17:47
Eulex(in the network list)17:47
Zombocomthe package list is broken17:47
Zombocomlike synaptic updated the list of packages to nothing17:47
AtomicMongooseclick add,.  rename  the New Network17:47
AtomicMongoosefill i the blanks17:47
vltZombocom: I had it installed, saw the boot menu. Ubuntu started fine, but Windows not. After restoring the first 63 sectors of the hd (erasing GRUB and the other partitions from the table) Windows boots.17:47
ben__i see the network list but the network i want (irc.gnome.org) isnt there17:47
sshoc1hmm, I just switched my router to PPPoE and it's still working.17:47
ben__i cant find any way to add one17:47
sshoc1So do I switch my router to bridge mode, then on my linux box I run pppoe client or something?17:48
AtomicMongoosethe interface is sort of.. stupid.  it don't save changes unless you tab through everything17:48
Zombocomah vlt there is a chance when editing the ntfs partition that it gets damaged17:48
Kl4mZombocom: did you filter the package list?17:48
AtomicMongooselook for something call  New Network in the networks list, I bet your setup is there17:48
ZombocomKl4m no clue what that means17:48
douyezombocom: you checked your settings of the synaptic ?17:49
Zombocomdouye hold on17:49
Kl4mZombocom: in synaptic there are buttons bottom left to filter the packages by state17:49
vltZombocom: But it doesn't seem to be damaged. When I recreate hda1 as the only (large) partition, Windows runs fine.17:49
ringercan anyone suggest a good icon set? something that would go well with an all white theme17:49
TheOVi have this problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=496493717:49
=== AJC__Z0 is now known as AJC_Z0
Zombocomoh poo17:50
Zombocomhold on17:50
sshoc1When I use pppoe is my interface going to be called something like ppp0, or will it still be eth0 ?17:50
Zombocomlemme get a pastebin for the error message I just recieved17:50
hiptobecubici'm trying to install pygtk but failing, can anyone walk  me through it?17:50
AtomicMongooseppp should give you a ppp0 type interface17:50
sshoc1ok, thx17:51
ZombocomKl4m, douye: this is the error message I recieve when trying to update the package list: http://pastebin.ca/101918717:51
pdlnhrdwhast is the best way to update 6.04 to 8.04?   do i need to go through all the upgrades to get there?17:51
TheOVMy ADSL connection used to work in Ubuntu no problem, but now it's not working at all. My network adapter connects directly to the ADSL modem (no router). Even the live CD doesn't connect, so I don't think it's a problem with my configuration. I have openSuSE and Windows XP installed as well as Ubuntu, and they both connect no problem. Sometimes in Ubuntu it spontaneously connects, but normally it doesn't. I try dhclient, but it always ends without co17:51
duryin 7.04 it was the cube desktop running in 8.04 it's different and now does't run. anyone can walk me through, please17:52
=== ben__ is now known as ben345
douyedury: you mean the beryl/compiz-fusion ?17:52
Kl4mZombocom: Maybe synaptic/apt uses a proxy. Check the network tab in preferences if you want to connect directly17:53
durydouye : compiz-fusion17:53
ben345anyone know of a gtk irc channel17:53
ben345or development17:53
Eulexben345, it's on irc.gnome.org, #gtk+ I believe17:53
ben345gtk+ ah17:53
Aspirinosera a tutti, ho un piccolissimo problema. Con Compiz-Fusion attivo, quando ridimensione le finestre, resta sui bordi una riga blu (il colore che assume la finestra durante il ridimensionamento).17:53
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!17:53
ZombocomKl4m it says direct connection, I can take a screenshot and everything17:54
TheOVben345: there's #gtk+ here on freenode as well17:54
Eulexbut it's much smaller.17:54
pdlnhrdcan anyone give advice on upgrading 6.04 to 8.04 ?17:54
douyedury: you selected the effects at system->preferences->visual settings or something? (dunno the english options as i got dutch :P)17:54
TheOVpdlnhrd: use update-manager17:54
pdlnhrdTheOV:  it failes17:54
TheOVis it 6.04 or 6.06?17:55
ZombocomKl4m this happened last time I tried to install anon-proxy too17:55
Kl4mpdlnhrd: first upgrade 6.04 to 6.10 then 6.10 to 8.04, using those instructions:17:55
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes17:55
vltKl4m: There's no 6.0417:55
pdlnhrdThe error i am getting is that it could not initiate dbus17:55
ZombocomKl4m anon-proxy changes some setting somewhere where I don't know where it is to direct apt through localhost, then the program just doesn't work, I just tried uninstalling it to restore the original settings but nothing was fixed and I think I'm in a worse situation as a result17:55
Kl4mvlt, pdlnhrd, 6.06 that is17:55
pdlnhrdKl4m:  yes i just realized that17:56
vltI thought upgrading LTS->LTS was possible ...17:56
sportman1280_i was just curious as to why apport was disabled by default in hardy17:56
TheOVZombocom: try apt-get remove [package] --purge17:56
fbcWhat is the easiest way to setup and encrypted filesystem? What package should I use?17:57
Arrickhey all, anyone know of a mirror that downloads faster then 54kbps?17:57
nullievlt, it is not possible?17:57
pdlnhrdit doesn't doesn't get me past the dbus error17:57
gordonjcpArrick: if you poke about in the settings for synaptic, it will give you the option to find the best mirror17:57
TheOVArrick: go to administration -> software sources -> select server17:57
gordonjcpTheOV: that's the one17:57
Arrickgordonjcp, im talking about downloading the install disk, not updates17:57
gordonjcpArrick: ah17:58
durydouye : it's System > Preferences > Advanced Desktop Effects Settings17:58
gordonjcpArrick: then pick one that's geographically closest17:58
douyedury: ah k :) changed it there ?17:58
gordonjcpArrick: if you see one that's associated with your ISP, that's the one to go for17:58
Arrickgordonjcp, the closest ones are all -12kbps17:58
ZombocomTheOV it removed all related packages but nothing changed, I'm still without a package list17:58
Arrick24.5 hours to download a 599mb cd17:58
gordonjcpArrick: maybe you're just on a rubbish connection17:58
Arricknot where I am17:58
slackpipeArrick: can you not use the torrent?17:59
Arrickslackd00d, I didnt see one available17:59
Kl4mZombocom: would you have a file in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d related to your whatever proxy?17:59
slackpipearrick: i think they are at the bottom of the download page...sec i'll get a link17:59
TheOVKl4m: that didn't work last time i tried18:00
ubottuScanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR18:00
ZombocomKl4m I don't see anything with the word proxy in it in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d18:00
TheOVZombocom: i wasn't able to before either18:01
slackpipearrick: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ on the bottom of the page18:01
Morph3ushi.. i need support.. i have ubuntu hardy.. my graphical session has closed several times.. how can i detect the error?18:01
TheOVZombocom: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure apt-get18:01
nullieMorph3us, read /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:01
ZombocomTheOV thanks18:01
TheOVand sudo apt-get autoremove --purge anon-proxy18:01
TheOVcan anyone help with my problem?18:02
ZombocomTheOV what's your problem?18:02
nate_anyone familiar with compiz-fuzion and emerald?18:02
TheOVMy ADSL connection used to work in Ubuntu no problem, but now it's not working at all. My network adapter connects directly to the ADSL modem (no router). Even the live CD doesn't connect, so I don't think it's a problem with my configuration. I have openSuSE and Windows XP installed as well as Ubuntu, and they both connect no problem. Sometimes in Ubuntu it spontaneously connects, but normally it doesn't. I try dhclient, but it always ends without co18:02
Rippofunkstbain: I compiled php4 from source and it seems to work, it was a pain in the a#$ but it works18:03
stbainRippofunk: nice18:03
sa125need help - my hardy freezes after the login screen. How can I see what's causing the problem?18:03
Rippofunkstbain: again though thanks for your help18:03
stbainRippofunk: glad I could be of assistance. Don't forget to write up your disclaimer/release of liability.18:04
Rippofunkstbain: I will consider it if their business model seems to need it, ie they blame everyone else18:04
Arrickthanks slackpipe thats the quickest connection, although I dont see how the iso went from 599 mb to 425 just by using a torrent18:04
nate_compiz 0.6.118:05
ENeGMAare there any reports/solutions about crashing issues with 8.04?18:05
stbainRippofunk: if nothing else, use it as a tool drive home the fact that their beloved PHP4 is no longer a viable solution.18:05
ENeGMAever since I've upgraded from 7.10 my computer has been locking up constantly18:05
=== doogersAway is now known as doogers
Xsploit_so im using wubi, can i access my windows files ?18:06
slackpipeENeGMA: does firefox crap out first and stop opening, and then terminal and then a total system freeze?18:06
MindSparkwhy doesn't chmod a-w work on ubuntu ?18:06
ENeGMAbut not as often recently18:06
ZombocomTheOV, Kl4m: didn't work and TheOV I have no idea about your problem, sorry18:06
ENeGMAand not always18:06
MindSparkI tried writing a new /etc/resolv.conf and it keeps being changed by dhcp I am guessing18:06
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.18:06
ENeGMAsometimes it just freezes when left idle for a while18:06
Rippofunkstbain: yeah i hope so, it would be a fun project to migrate18:06
nate_I'm having a problem with Emerald, and i've been researching for this a while... anytime I maximize a window, the titlebar becomes a solid white18:07
gordonjcpRippofunk: no-one should be using php4 any more18:07
gordonjcpRippofunk: come to that, no-one should be using php any more18:07
kohelethhow do I change to the slab menu?18:07
ubottuMany Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR and web (Java, etc) gateways due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks18:07
ubottuFactoid slab not found18:08
mattsterany ideas on why my headphones don't work in hardy-server.  alsamixer looks fine18:08
Zombocomhttp://pastebin.ca/1019187 <- still not fix'd18:08
kohelethhow do I change to the slab menu?18:08
Zombocomkoheleth what is this slab menu you speak of18:09
Zombocomwhere is the slab18:09
koheleththe slab menu, what else would you call it18:09
kohelethfor choosing apps18:09
vegas_hi all18:10
Morph3usnullie, while i was looking my xorg.log the xorg restarted itself again.. i am using an ATI Radeon X127018:10
sadielHello guys. I have just installed a Creative Audigy SE in my Ubuntu 8.04 box. I have already disabled the integretad sound chip in my motherboard, but I can't get no sound yet. What should I do in order to have ubuntu use my newly installed sound card?18:11
kohelethhttp://news.opensuse.org/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/gnome-slab.png  this18:11
nullieMorph3us, try doing that from console18:11
Morph3usnullie, i was doing that from console18:11
TheOVsadiel: i have an audigy se too18:11
nullieMorph3us, and?18:12
tim167hi, can anyone help me install ubuntu to boot from a usb key, I get the login window, but after that it hangs at an empty desktop...any ideas ?18:12
nullieMorph3us, what's wrong?18:12
TheOVgo in to system -> preferences  -> sound18:12
European-Africanhey, I downloaded the 7.10 alternative iso, but my cd burner is broken. Does anyone know of a method of mounting the iso and then booting into it as if it where running of a cd?18:12
Daisuke_Laptopno can do18:12
Morph3usnullie, i don't know what's wrong.. (i am newbie)18:12
SlartEuropean-African: I don't think it's possible18:12
kohelethdoes no one know how to get the slab menu as stadard then?18:12
kohelethmust be there somewhere18:12
gordonjcpEuropean-African: dd it to a USB stick?18:13
tim167what does "kinit: no resume image, doing normal boot" mean ?18:13
TheOVsadiel: in system -> preferences -> sound, and it should show up as CA0106 or something18:13
gordonjcpkoheleth: what's a "slab menu"?18:13
European-African gordonjcp: what, the contents of the iso?18:13
gordonjcptim167: it means just what it says18:13
Philhtim167, it means the machine wasn't hibernated and it's booting normally18:13
gordonjcpEuropean-African: the actual iso itself18:13
European-Africanand then18:13
sadielTheOV: thanks, gonna tweak with that!18:14
piju_hello, can i ask something ?18:14
Ali_ixkoheleth: install gimmie package, and add it to gnoem-bar18:14
Tyczekcan you tell me which version of rtorrent is in hardy?18:14
Philhpiju_, no18:14
European-Africangordonjcp: and then18:14
gordonjcptim167: there isn't a resume image, so the kernel is booting normally18:14
TheOVsadiel: also, you can apt-get install alsaconf-gtk, and then it will show up in the preferences menu as "Default Sound Card", and then you can select the card from a dropdown menu18:14
gordonjcpEuropean-African: and then boot off it18:14
tim167 Philh: but it doesnt load the desktop, it stays empty18:14
gordonjcp!ask | piju_18:14
ubottupiju_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:14
piju_Philh; ok18:14
Ali_ixkoheleth: it is similar: http://beatniksoftware.com/gimmie/Main_Page18:14
sadielThanks a lot TheOV18:14
tim167gordonjcp: its not booting really, the desktop doesnt load...18:14
gordonjcpEuropean-African: might not work, but it might be worth a shot18:14
Philhtim167, that's probably unrelated to the message you're reporting18:14
kohelethAli_ix, thanks18:14
ramukmarkoheleth: you'll want to install gnome-main-menu, gimmie is similar but not the slab menu you're looking for18:15
=== ahubl is now known as gramps
piju_ok, i see the difference between gutsy and hardy ?18:15
gordonjcptim167: the desktop not loading isn't the same as not booting18:15
piju_why hardy use pulseaudio ?18:15
Morph3usnullie, here is my xorg.0.log http://www.pastebin.ca/101920918:15
kohelethramukmar, is it not in ubuntu then?18:15
=== gramps is now known as grumpygramps
ramukmarkoheleth: it is in the repos18:15
Morph3uspiju_, yes, hardy uses pulseaudio18:15
* Linxster-brb- Hi all i need help i am running Ubunt desk top on my server box i never used linux of any kind at all i need help getting php my sql apache plus a18:15
* Linxster-brb- t like a pc no ftp at all as of yet18:15
tim167gordonjcp, ok, any idea how i can get the desktop to load ?18:15
European-Africangordonjcp: how about mounting the iso and then copying the contents to the usb, then booting from it?18:16
piju_Morph3us; why pulseaudio ? why not alsa ?18:16
PiciLinxster-brb-: Please dont send your questions as /me actions18:16
* Linxster-brb- i didn't use /me sorry18:16
Morph3uspiju_, i don't know exactly why, i head that pulseaudio is more advanced that alsa..18:16
Ali_ixLinxster-brb-:  you are using that already18:17
gordonjcpEuropean-African: you'd need to make it bootable, but that would work18:17
grumpygrampsLinxster-brb-: Goto System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager, then go to Edit > Mark Packages by Task, and check on LAMP server, then click okay, and then apply18:17
piju_Morph3us; means uses more memory than alsa ?18:17
TheOVMorph3us: pulseaudio uses alsa18:17
European-Africangordonjcp: ok thanx18:17
Morph3usthanks TheOV18:17
TheOVMorph3us: pulseaudio takes care of all (or most) sound streams, and outputs them through ASLA18:18
TheOVit allows multiple streams, etc.18:18
Xsploitso using wubi, is there a way to get my files from windows onto ubuntu ?18:18
teleyinexhi, everyone18:18
Morph3ussomebody here has ATI Radeon? i am having troubles with Hardy that i don't get in Gutsy18:18
gordonjcptim167: not without seeing it18:18
TheOV!pulseaudio | Morph3us18:18
ubottuMorph3us: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions18:18
teleyinexI'm searching for wellknown artists in the field of free software18:19
teleyinexwho do you will recommend me?18:19
ordodkanyone familiar with linuxmce? I am trying to get my tv card to scan for channels (I am using VDR) - when I use "scan" from dvb-utils it says that frontend0 is busy18:19
drivetraxlinus torvalds18:19
Piciteleyinex: Try asking in #ubuntu-offtopic, your question isnt related to Ubuntu support.18:19
Zombocomit's cool teleyinex18:20
kohelethcant see that gimme anywhere?18:20
Zombocomhad to start somewhere18:20
Morph3usubottu, thanks for the info18:20
ubottuMorph3us: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:20
ironfoot_495Hi I lost my connection to php index file can someone show me how to recover it due to upgrading my browser18:20
napoSomebody have experience with the customization of the Dapper cd installer?18:20
Zombocomsomeone help when I tell synaptic to update the list of packages it gives me this http://pastebin.ca/101918718:21
grumpygrampsLinxster-brb-: did it work?18:21
tim167gordonjcp: its just an empty desktop with mouse cursor, in the terminal (ctrl+alt+1) i saw aforementioned message...18:21
Linxster-brb-yes grumpygramps18:21
reloophi, i got some rkhunter warnings about files called /usr/sbin/unhide & /usr/sbin/unhide-linux26. anyone knows whats this about?18:22
gordonjcptim167: X-shaped cursor, and "tread plate" background?18:22
tim167gordonjcp: no the ubuntu sandcolor and normal cursor18:23
gordonjcpoh ok18:23
grumpygrampsLinxster-brb-: it will download and install the packages for apache, mysql, and php.  I believe the web root is /var/www/ although I think you need root access to that directory to move and edit files there18:23
gordonjcpdoes it get as far as letting you log in?18:23
tim167gordonjcp: yes this is after logging in18:23
gordonjcptim167: ok, sounds like something in your .gnome directories could be borked18:23
tim167gordonjcp: i can go back to the login by doing ctrl+alt+delete, i am booting from a usb key18:24
gordonjcptim167: hrm18:24
gordonjcptim167: do you know how to make a new user from the command line?18:24
tim167gordonjcp: hm never done that...18:24
g0tchahey guys, im trying to ssh to my ubuntu from a windows machine in my local network and its giving me connection refused, any idea why?18:24
Xsploitso using wubi, is there a way to get my files from windows onto ubuntu ?18:24
kantehey everyone!18:25
kanteI need a little help18:25
gordonjcpg0tcha: have you got the ssh server installed?18:25
lic0m!ask > kante18:25
gordonjcp!ask | kante18:25
ubottukante: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:25
g0tchagordonjcp, yes, i installed it and its running18:26
Zombocom!language | ubottu18:26
ubottuubottu: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:26
kohelethI think what I am afetr is called uslab18:26
gordonjcpXsploit: can you see your windows drive anywhere?18:26
tim167gordonjcp: useradd ?18:26
ubottuFactoid god not found18:26
Xsploitgordonjcp no, but in windows there is an ubuntu folder...18:26
gordonjcptim167: yup18:26
ubottuFactoid uslab not found18:26
ubottuFactoid gimme not found18:26
gordonjcpXsploit: in the Places menu, you might see a list of drives18:26
RampageHi, rather silly question from me. Ubuntu DVD iso's are only available from cdimage? As I can't seem to find them on the regular download page18:26
Zombocomkoheleth I don't know what a slab is so I can't help you18:26
TheOVkoheleth: what are you trying to find?18:27
kohelethZombocom,  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Slab?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=mainmenu.png18:27
sadielTheOV: what repository should I use to downlaod alsa-control? I'm on Ubuntustudio 8.0418:27
TheOVit's alsaconf-gtk18:27
TheOVnot alsa-control18:27
sadieloh, ok18:27
ZombocomTheOV your tip didn't work18:28
grumpygrampsRampage: It could be a new thing, but I thought that (ignoring UbuntuStudio), Ubuntu disks were only CDs.18:28
napoSomebody have experience with a customitazion of a install cd?18:28
TheOVZombocom: which one was that?18:28
TheOVkoheleth: aha i have that installed18:28
thorny_sunhow can I get this working in my hardy FF3b5: http://www.scifi.com/rewind/?sid=32850??18:28
TheOVlemme see if i can remember what the package is called18:28
thorny_sunany other bsg fans out there?18:28
koheleth:)  and...18:28
Linxster-brb-ok grumpygramps how do i go about that like i said when it comes to linux i am a retard18:28
kanteI need to install amarok+mp3 support on a Kubuntu 8.04 LiveCD on a machine without network. So i need to download .debs and just install them there. But I don't know which debs exactly do I need to download and how.18:29
TheOVkoheleth: go into the add/remove program (gnome-app-install)18:29
TheOVand search for application browser18:29
Rampagegrumpygramps, Thats what I thought too until I came across http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/18:29
ZombocomTheOV sorry for the blank post: http://pastebin.ca/101918718:29
grumpygrampsLinxster-brb-: Places > Computer > Filesystem > / > var > www18:30
kanteI just need to download Amarok + mp3 support and dependencies as .debs, I don't know how18:30
marculeshi :)18:30
lic0mkante: You could try searching packages.debian.org. It will tell you what dependancies you need and give you the debs.18:30
Picikante, lic0m: packages.ubuntu.com18:31
kantesure, ubuntu18:31
adrian_kxwhy is mozilla beta constatanly crusing when sufing heavy pages like hi5.com18:31
grumpygrampsRampage: huh, thanks, i didnt know about that.  And to answer your question, yes it seems that they are only available through cdimages, although putting the links on the main download page would be a good idea18:31
sadielTheOV: cant find alsaconf on synaptic, not can "sudo apt-get install alsaconf-gtk" on the terminal: "sudo apt-get install alsaconf-gtk"18:32
sadieloops, gone!18:32
Rampagegrumpygramps, Yes I thought so too. there are times I wish I had a dvd iso18:32
* Rampage sets one to download18:32
sadielTheOV: cant find alsaconf on synaptic, not can "sudo apt-get install alsaconf-gtk" on the terminal: "sudo apt-get install alsaconf-gtk"18:32
* grumpygramps wishes he wasn't at work18:32
Zombocomit's cool TheOV18:33
TheOVZombocom: if you said anything while it was gone, please repeat it18:33
thorny_sunno bsg fans in here?  I can't believe it-- no one ever misses an episode and needs to watch them here?  but how to do it.. woah is me [http://www.scifi.com/rewind/?sid=32850]18:33
sadielme  bsg fan!18:33
hiptobecubicbsg rules18:33
kantebtw, what package provides mp3 support?18:33
jdavies!mp3 | kante18:33
ubottukante: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:33
Rampagekante, ubuntu-restriced-extras18:33
ZombocomTheOV I didn't say anything I'm trying to figure out why when anon-proxy was uninstalled the settings didn't change back like the package said it would, also I'm trying to figure out where it's telling apt to go through a proxy18:33
=== dieck is now known as sam_delta
thorny_sunsadiel: hiptobecubic: any idea how to watch the old episodes on sci fi? http://www.scifi.com/rewind/?sid=3285018:34
Rampagekante, You will need to correct my typos18:34
thorny_sunI'm assuming my ff doesn't have some assumed capability18:34
TheOVZombocom: did you check the proxy settings in GNOME?18:35
TheOValso check NetworkManager to make sure that there isn't any proxy set there18:35
ZombocomTheOV no I didnt' where do I get to that18:36
=== newb is now known as trupheenix
TheOVgo to system -> preferences -> proxy settings18:36
Codemasterhey guys, i have a "compromised" SSL key... is there any way to ignore the compromise? I just generated this cert a week ago or so and I really don't want to set everything back up....18:36
jdaviesCodemaster: you can't18:36
sadielthorny_sun: why not use bittorrent to download the episodes?18:36
LISî êàê ìíîãî íàðîäó :)18:36
Codemasterso i'll be removing the openssl-vulnkey thing, now18:36
jdavies!libsslbug | Codemaster18:36
ubottuCodemaster: A weakness has been discovered in the random number generator used by OpenSSL on Debian and Ubuntu systems. Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-2 and http://mjj29.matthew.ath.cx/openssl.txt18:36
EulexCodemaster, you don't want to ignore it. the compromise means that anyone can impersonate you.18:36
Zombocomit says direct internet connection TheOV18:36
CodemasterEulex: even if i JUST generated it?18:37
thorny_sunsadiel:  if sci fi has a legal way to do it, I thought I'd try that first... but maybe it's more trouble than it's worth18:37
Codemasterand it's non-public?18:37
jdaviesCodemaster: if you just generated it with the upgrades, no18:37
thorny_sunsadiel: what bittorrent client do you use?18:37
tim167when making a new user with the useradd command, how do i set its password ? i try the -p option but i cannot specify anything ?18:37
TheOVZombocom: go to the network settings in your taskbar and check there18:37
Codemasternah, i updated it a week or so ago18:37
Codemasterbut that sucks18:37
Linxster-brb-grumpygramps apache works there was some kind of error with the mysql it didn't download or install18:37
thorny_sunI used azeurus on my xp-- is there a better one on ubuntu?18:38
LIShi all18:38
Codemasteri'll have to regenerate ALL of the certificates i have for OpenVPN, the SSL certs for Apache......18:38
=== hon` is now known as hon
jdaviesCodemaster: however, I'd still upgrade and redo it all, it's for the best I guess18:38
TheOVthorny_sun: the best is deluge18:38
Codemasterthorny_sun: Azureus works on Ubuntu18:38
EulexCodemaster, you're not concerned with security? why are you using ssl?18:38
grumpygrampsLinxster-brb-: You can try the install process again, and you can pastebin the results for our (other chatters) here18:38
Codemasterjdavies: okay, thanks.. is there a way to ignore this just for a few days, at least?18:38
TheOVsadiel: hmm if you go into system->preferences->sound, what are the devices available18:38
thorny_sunI'm willing to try a new one-- I'll check out deluge-- thanks TheOV!18:38
TheOVktorrent-kde4 is also good18:39
jdaviesCodemaster: but... why?18:39
ZombocomTheOV I just switched to gnome from kde, please tell me where the taskbar is?18:39
TheOV beside the clock18:39
Codemasterjdavies: they want things to work for today; going to fix things tonight18:39
TheOVnotification area, whatever18:39
Linxster-brb-ok will do18:39
jdaviesCodemaster: ok, your choice really18:39
TheOVZombocom: or go to system -> administration -> network18:39
douyewhats a good video player to play mounted iso movies ?18:39
prakritii'm trying to get a wacom tablet working with inkscape18:39
Codemasterok, thanks, i guess i'll be having a fun night ahead of me :P18:39
prakritiis this a good channel or should i move on?18:39
jdaviesCodemaster: personally I nuked all certs, keys, etc and made new ones18:40
Codemasteryeah, that's my plan18:40
[Lowkey]Can somebody help me with Internet DJ console? :(18:40
ZombocomTheOV what am I looking for18:40
elementzhi everybody18:41
Codemasterjdavies: thanks for your help though :)18:41
TheOVZombocom: proxy settings18:41
douyewhats a good video player to play mounted iso movies ?18:41
TheOVZombocom: it might be on a tab over to the right18:41
prakritimy wacom isn't showing up as an extended input device in ubuntu, any ideas?18:42
tim167gordonjcp: i made a new user account using useradd, but no change, still empty desktop after logging in18:42
elementzhow can i share the internet i am accessing on a wlan to other computers in the network? eg i get my wlan on notebook1 and want to supply pc1 with the same internet connection via eth? what software would i need to install on notebook1 to make that possible?18:42
elementzanybody got an idea?18:42
huiBuhdouye, vlc should do the job ( File-open directory ), totem maybe also.18:43
node357prakriti, I don't know anything about them but, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom18:43
Pici!ics | elementz18:43
ubottuelementz: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php18:43
slashzulhow do you use arp to add an ip to a mac cli ?18:43
sadielTheOV: damn, Im deeply sorry, I made a mistake while connecting the speakers!18:43
elementzPici, thx much18:43
TheOVhaha np18:44
hanakanyone can tell me how i can have fullscreen mode with virtualbox18:44
tim167i get an empty desktop (light-brown + arrow cursor) after login, nothing else seems to load, any idea how to fix this ? thanks18:44
TheOVsadiel: no problem at all18:44
douyehuibuh: cool it works with vlc, thx :)18:44
ferfactorhi i want to play a dvd but totem and vlc doesn't work18:44
TheOVsadiel: i have that happen all the time - my speakers get unplugged, and then i spend tons of time trying to troubleshoot\18:44
sadielTheOV: thanks a lot, and sorry for wasting your time. Sound is allrgiht now...18:44
colesla1I get that same brown screen as tim167 after I restart gnome18:44
hanakferfactor: did you mount the dvd first?18:44
ferfactorhanak yes!!!!18:45
TheOVsadiel: are you using pulseaudio?18:45
ZombocomI think I'm going to install debian18:45
Zombocomor something18:45
hanakZombocom: ubuntu is debian :)18:45
ZombocomI know hanak18:45
sadielTheOV: I just killed pulse audio, while tweaking around18:45
ferfactorhanak i read that i have to install some packages something like medibuntu18:45
TheOVZombocom: try looking for anon-proxy stuff in /etc/18:45
ferfactori don't know18:45
Zombocomah thanks TheOV18:45
hanakferfactor:  let me check wait18:45
sadieltheOV: should I permanently disable pulse audio?18:45
TheOVsadiel: no18:45
BridgerDoes anyone know why ubuntu would freeze when trying to play a video file?18:46
sadielok. thanls a lot TheOV :)18:46
tim167anyone know what i should do if the desktop doesnt fully load? (after login i get a blank light brown screen with only a mouse cursor) ? thanks18:46
thorny_sunhow do I search for packages from the command line?  i.e. if I wanted to install deluge-- how could I be sure what it was called (without having to fire up synaptic->search)18:46
hanakferfactor: try in terminal sudo apt-get install mplayer18:46
hanaktry thisone18:46
Codemastertim167: press CTRL + ALT + F118:46
hanakgues he will install the dvd plugins18:46
ferfactorhanak i have mplayer18:46
Eulexthorny_sun, apt-cache search blah18:47
Codemastertim167: it'll show what it is attempting to load or such18:47
hanakferfactor:  dont work either18:47
thorny_sunEulex: thanks!18:47
TheOVsadiel: pulseaudio is great - most things work with it, except i think Audacity, but it works around pulse18:47
Linxster-brb-E:mydns-mysql:subprocess-installation script returned error exit status 118:47
elementzand another question: is there a command line tool, that can parse a single html file, and convert it to pdf?18:47
tim167Codemaster: i got something with kinit not finding something but doing normal boor18:47
ferfactori read that i have to instal this package but i need something of medibuntu18:47
tim167Codemaster: but someone here already said its not related18:47
ferfactorhanak this package libdvdcss218:48
ferfactorwhen i used gusty some one said that i have to install some packages but now i don't remember which packages!!!!18:48
tim167Codemaster: i also tried creating a new user with the useradd command, doesnt help either18:48
hanakferfactor: try to install libdvdread-dev18:48
elementzanybody got a hint?18:49
Codemastertim167: hm, try looking at /var/log/syslog maybe18:49
ferfactorsudo apt-get install libdvdread-dev???18:49
tim167Codemaster: ok18:49
hanakferfactor: yeah18:50
TheOVferfactor: get ubuntu-restricted-extras18:50
TheOVferfactor: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras18:50
Huzun K3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK18:50
GaLa K3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK3b0lK18:50
Recokop_ H2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH18:50
nefritis A0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA18:50
_BOMB A0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA0t0qA18:50
LigHt H2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH2p3kH18:50
||ASTERX|| D7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD7r3kD18:50
FELSEFiST T3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT3r1gT18:50
Blais1Help, I've upgraded to Heron, and now I don't have sound! :(18:50
F_YALAYAN_______ H5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH5u5oH18:50
Recokop_ X8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX18:50
GaLa T0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT18:50
||ASTERX|| P1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP1c6oP18:50
kommaaHow can I open .msi files using Wine? (or is it possible)?18:50
LigHt X8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX8v8dX18:50
Huzun T0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT0k9rT18:50
nefritis C6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC18:50
FELSEFiST Z1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ1m2lZ18:50
F_YALAYAN_______ Q6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ6m4dQ18:50
_BOMB C6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC6h3jC18:50
FloodBot2kommaa: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:50
TheOVferfactor: ubuntu-restricted-extras gives everything for playing DVDs afaik18:51
TheOVand flash, etc.18:51
Zombocomwow what the HEK18:51
FloodBot2NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.18:51
ubottuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!18:51
ubottuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.18:51
Zombocomfeeding trolls18:52
Zombocomthat was a botnet18:52
ferfactorTheOV y want to play a DVD but many programs cant play it!!! i think that the DVD is restricted18:52
tim167Codemaster: and "'key_file != NULL' failed"18:52
ferfactorhanak i intall that package but it doesn't work :S18:52
TheOVferfactor: do you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed?18:52
kekemewhat was all of this18:52
ferfactorTheOV yes!!!18:52
ubottuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.18:52
Blais1My soundcard gives me an error when I try and autodetec "failed to connect stream: invalid argument"18:52
kekemelol :D18:52
Blais1any ideas please, anyone?18:52
ferfactorTheOV i installed that!!!18:53
nikinhy i am runing fluxpox and non of the polkit applications work... the unlock button is grey in the apps like network-admin18:53
ringerhow do i change the icon of the trash can in awn?18:53
Linxster-brb-anyone know how i can fix this E:mydns-mysql:subprocess-installation script returned error exit status 118:53
TheOV!medibuntu | ferfactor18:53
ubottuferfactor: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org18:53
marciofrayzehi all18:53
marciofrayzemy sound stoped working since I upgraded to 8.04... its a sound blaster live. Any tips?18:53
fbondHi, if I specify a Driver in /etc/xorg.conf, that should override the auto-detected driver, right?18:53
ferfactori don't know to install medibuntu!!!!18:53
fbondI can't seem to get X.org to use anything other than the vesa driver.18:53
nikinfbond; wha card do you have/18:54
Blais1I get the same problem marciofrayze18:54
fbondnikin: I'm trying to use the openchrome18:54
marciofrayzeBlais1, :(18:54
ZombocomTheOV I hate this, when I install a debian package the settings NEVER go away, even when I mess up wine and reinstall it's all messed up still, I have to figure out which of these returns for locate proxy is what I'm looking for, and the package is still on my computer but synaptic and others cant Install it (but I can manually!?)18:54
fbondnikin: Under what circumstances would my Driver directive be overridden?18:54
ubottuFactoid openchrome not found18:54
grumpygrampsLinxster-brb-: that is out of my expertise, but if nobody can help you here, the folks over at http://www.ubuntuforums.org should be able to help you out18:54
marciofrayzeZombocom, try apt-get remove --purge <package>18:54
tim167can anyone help me with this : after login i get an empty desktop (only brown screen, and the mouse cursor) ? thanks18:54
Zombocommarciofrayze it's already uninstalled18:54
nikinfbond; not that i know of... what driver did you select?18:55
fbondnikin: I don't need help with the driver itself, just with getting X.org to do what I want. :)18:55
TheOVferfactor: medibuntu isn't a package - it's a repository. add the repository using the instructions given at medibuntu.org, and then use the instructions given there to do what you need to do18:55
Jokkahow to take a print screan of desktop and have it saved as a picture ?18:55
fbondnikin: you mean what driver did I specify in xorg.conf?18:55
marciofrayzeJokka, press print screen..18:55
nikinfbond: what did you use to change the value? reconfigre?18:55
Xtreme_Greathi everyone18:55
ZombocomI know I sound frustrated I'm just really sick and need the wine package installed, but this kept coming up18:55
fbondNo, I'm editing  the config by hand.18:55
sadielHey theOV: Now i can't start the jack server. Have u had issues with that?18:55
TheOVZombocom: if you have a .deb package on your computer, do sudo dpkg -i package.deb18:55
Jokka<marciofrayze> where is the picture saved?18:55
xifHi. Waht's the file that runs stuff as root on startup?18:55
marciofrayzeJokka, it will prompt to you18:55
TheOVsadiel: are you using qjackctl/18:55
fbondnikin: In the past, I've had plenty of experience dealing with xorg.conf.  Things don't seem to be working as expected now.18:55
ferfactori added medibuntu repository but i don't know hox it's works18:56
Xtreme_GreatI am having some problem with my HP RD346AA webcam..18:56
Jokkathx. cheers mate18:56
xifI installed Lighttpd on my Ubuntu workstation, and now every time I start the system up, it runs itself as root. How do I disable that?18:56
Xtreme_Greatwhere can I get the drivers for it?18:56
nikinfbond: since the autoconfig or what i dont exactly know how xorg.conf works... sorry18:56
TheOVferfactor: you have to get the packages needed from it18:56
sadielTheOV: u mean the graphical interface? if that's its name, yes, I'm using it18:56
Linxster-brb-ok heck on the mysql for now can any one help me get a download for unreal installed and workin18:56
fbondnikin: Any idea where I might find more information on the auto-configuration?18:56
TheOVsadiel: try going start, and then play18:56
penmy sound notification icon and LED on the keyboard doesn't change when I press it. it happens i think after I install the linux backport to fix the other wireless LED. Anyone here using a HP laptop Pavilion knows how to fix this?18:56
nikinthe good old dys with full xorg.conf :(18:56
TheOVsadiel: or is there an error?18:56
Blais1Can anyone help me get sound working in ubuntu Heron?18:57
nikinfbond: do you have your old config file around?18:57
Blais1it did use to18:57
sadielTheOV: yeah, there is an error. I will copypasta it right away...18:57
ZombocomIT'S STILL IN /ETC/INIT.D18:57
ringerpen: what model #? i have V6000 and worked perfectly out of the box18:57
xifI installed Lighttpd on my Ubuntu workstation, and now every time I start the system up, it runs itself as root. How do I disable that?18:57
Zombocom!allcaps | Zomocom18:57
ubottuFactoid allcaps not found18:57
lic0mxif: pastebin your /etc/inittab18:57
Zombocom!caps | Zombocom18:57
TheOVZombocom: sudo /etc/init.d/filename stop18:57
fbondnikin: This was not an upgrade.18:57
PiciZombocom: stop18:57
penringer, mine is about dv6000 series too18:57
tim167anyone know why my desktop wont load ? after login i get empty screen18:57
fbondnikin: I'm testing Hardy on a board and am trying to get past 800x600.18:57
Jokkamacriofrayze lol thx im such a noob xD18:57
PiciZombocom: It wont say it in channel if you | yourself18:58
sadielTheOV: error is: 12:57:23.489 Could not connect to JACK server as client. - Overall operation failed. - Unable to connect to server. Please check the messages window for more info.18:58
nikinfbond: i see18:58
penringer, does your wireless LED work out of box?18:58
nikinfbond: let me do a call.. one of my freds has openchrome on 8.0418:58
TheOVsadiel: go to a terminal window, and do jackd -d alsa18:58
ringerpen: that is weird.  my wifi and sound led's work perfectly.  which version is your laptop? i have dv6105nr18:58
TheOVsadiel: i think so18:58
fbondnikin: Okay, thanks.18:58
hanakdid somebody mannage to get msn on ubuntu?18:58
penringer, dv6780se18:59
xiflic0m: I don't have a file or directory called /etc/inittab18:59
ryseanyone know if the updated openssh-server package will be going to fiesty?18:59
Xtreme_GreatHi all18:59
Blais1@hanak have you tried pidgin?18:59
TheOVhanak: do you mean windows live messenger?18:59
Xtreme_GreatI am having some problem with my HP RD346AA webcam...18:59
hanakTheOV: yeah18:59
Xtreme_Greatwhere can I get the drivers?18:59
TheOVhanak: there's a great app called emesene (http://emesene.org)18:59
penringer, I went the site in which the author write a series of articles for HP pavilion laptop with hardy install18:59
hanakTheOV: does the audio and video works?18:59
Pici!webcam | Xtreme_Great18:59
ubottuXtreme_Great: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras18:59
hanakTheOV: at the moment i try trough vmware :)19:00
penringer, I remember in one of the sections he suggest to install the backport to fix the wireless LED19:00
Xtreme_Greatubottu: thanks.. :)19:00
ubottuFactoid thanks.. :) not found19:00
ringerpen: does your sound work? or is it just the led?19:00
penringer, it did fix it, but my sound led is not working19:00
TheOVhanak: try aMSN19:00
penringer, just LED19:00
TheOVhanak: that has video and audio19:00
ringerpen: after you fixed the wifi led did you reboot your machine?19:00
hanakTheOV: oh diddet know that gonne try it19:00
penringer, I have rebooted many time after I install the package19:01
penringer, it still19:01
lic0mxif: come in #grennge, I'll try and help19:01
hanakthe new ubuntu is really great :)19:01
penringer, for sound LED I mean the mute button19:01
Zombocomthis is frustrating me, I don't have the package installed but everything it installed is Still there19:01
penringer, if I press and sound mute it doesn't turn yellow19:01
ringerpen: and everything else works fine, touchpad on/off switcher?19:01
penringer, yes19:01
xiflic0m: OK, I'm there :)19:02
arooni-mobilehelp!  with my t61 running hardy, sound works *for awhile* when i boot it up........ but after awhile, it stops working, and the only way i can get it working is restart the laptop..... any ideas on getting it working?19:02
Zombocomshould I reinstall the package so I can purge it?19:02
ringerpen: let me take a look19:02
g0tchaguys, why am i getting connection refused when i "ssh localhost" when ssh is running?19:02
penringer, k19:02
TheOVZombocom: yeah19:02
TheOVif you can19:02
bombuxpis there an easy way to make drives mount before you try to access them? (the hard drive only show on desktop after being clicked in "places") Any links to files on the hd have to be clicked twice. (only on first access though)19:02
sadielTheOV: jack is running now, but somehow qsynth (used for midi playback) is not working. By the way, have u been able to load soundfonts into yout Audigy and use them for midi playback?19:02
joschanHi, how can I activate new entries that I added to the /etc/services file?19:02
grumpygrampsbombuxp: you can add the drives to /etc/fstab19:03
VulcaniusI recently installed postfix skipped configuration. When I go back to work on it using dpkg-reconfigure postfix the configuration screen comes up but the text is all garbled. When I use my arrow keys to highlight the different options they return to normal however. Is this a problem with my client or something I can change in a configuration file somewhere?19:03
[Lowkey]Could somebody help me play music in Internet DJ Console? :(19:03
penringer, this is the package I installed just for your information19:03
penringer, linux-backports-modules-hardy-generic19:03
TheOVsadiel: get fluid-soundfonts-gm and fluid-soundfonts-gs19:03
grumpygrampsbombuxp: if you add the drives to /etc/fstab, they will be mounted on bootup19:03
TheOVsadiel: those are the soundfonts available for ubuntu19:03
penringer, this fixed my wireless LED, but messed up my sound LED19:03
TheOVand they work19:03
bombuxpgrumpygramps: I didn't try that because I assumed they already were.19:03
tim167when i do dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, it ONLY configures my keyboard, how come ?19:04
bombuxpI thought that was why they showed up in places in the first place19:04
ringerpen: and your sound led worked perfectly before the wireless fix?19:04
bombuxpI'll try that then19:04
ringerpen: try uninstalling that package and taking a look at this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8378919:04
grumpygrampsbombuxp: i think they just autoconfig themselves if they arent in /etc/fstab19:04
aetherglowAnyone have a sec to help me with boot parameters for an install?19:05
Xsploitso using wubi, is there a way to get my files from windows onto ubuntu ?19:05
grumpygrampsbombuxp: which means that if you mount the drives "normally", then /etc/mtab will have the proper entries for your drives, so you can copy/paste into /etc/fstab19:05
Xcelltim167:  did you allow it to fix itself in recovery?19:05
ringerpen: i have to take off now, but im sure there are about a hundred other people in here that know more about this than me. Good luck with fixing the LED!19:05
tim167Xcell: how do i do that ?19:05
nikinfbond: are you using the binary driver? bythgeaway what does X say if you try to start it with the openchrome driver?19:05
penringer, alright, thx for the link19:06
[Lowkey]Could somebody help me play music in Internet DJ Console?19:06
bombuxpit's not in mtab even though I can access it19:06
Xcelltim167:  when you reboot..keep hitting the escape button...this will allow you to go to recovery kernel...once in there do the prompt..and it will ask if you want to fix (X)19:07
sadielTheOV: I have already a lot of soundfont banks. I use to use them running jack and qsynth. Seems not to be working right now, so I got to either fix the qsynth issues or upload the soundfonts directy to the sound card and use the sound card for midi Playback. Have you been able to use the Audigy for "hardware" midi playback (not software emulated one, like using Timidity or Qsynth). If not, I guess I will just have to find the way to fix Qsynth...19:07
=== liberfiasco is now known as libervisco
arooni-mobilehelp!  with my t61 running hardy, sound works *for awhile* when i boot it up........ but after awhile, it stops working, and the only way i can get it working is restart the laptop..... any ideas on getting it working?19:07
aetherglowAnyone have a sec to help me with boot parameters for an install?19:07
tim167Xcell, actually i suspect my problem has nothing to do with X, but ill try19:07
bombuxpany idea what happened to the old disk manager that came in previous releases? (was that pysdm?)19:07
TheOVi use timidity++19:08
Xcellok tim167 it may help tho,,,but what video card do you have19:08
TheOV* sadiel: i use timidity19:08
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tim167Xcell: nvidia, dont know exactly which19:08
fbondnikin: I'm trying to use openchrome.  It comes with the distribution.19:08
fbondnikin: X silently uses the vesa driver when I try to tell it to use openchrome.19:09
sadielThanks a lot TheOV!19:09
tim167Xcell: trying "xfix" now...19:09
nikinfbond... did you try the reconfigrue?19:09
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!19:09
grumpygrampsbombuxp: i have no idea...19:09
Xcellok hang on a min tim167 ill private you a link....read it carefully..and when your done with such said link..install nvidia settings manager in the repros19:09
AngryElfhow do I delete all gedit preferences and plugin choices etc and basically start from scratch? -- I tried backing up .gnome2/gedit* but that didn't work19:09
nikinfbond: as far as i know that turns off any overriding or updateing features :P not sure tho19:09
AngryElfthat'd be ~/.gnome2/gedit*19:09
fbondnikin: hmm...19:10
=== Obama is now known as Al_Gore
TheOVZombocom: did you fix it?19:10
aetherglowAnyone have a sec to help me with boot parameters for an install?19:10
VletAngryElf: I assume you backed up then deleted the original, right19:10
AngryElfVlet: yes19:10
bombuxpwhats a fseblk? (I found my ntfs drive in mtab)19:10
AngryElfVlet: it kinda worked, but didn't change my theme prefs back to normal or undo my plugin selections/settings19:10
VletAngryElf: perhaps use the gconfeditor and look around19:10
TheOVCan anyone help with this? My ADSL connection used to work in Ubuntu no problem, but now it's not working at all. My network adapter connects directly to the ADSL modem (no router). Even the live CD doesn't connect, so I don't think it's a problem with my configuration. I have openSuSE and Windows XP installed as well as Ubuntu, and they both connect no problem. Sometimes in Ubuntu it spontaneously connects, but normally it doesn't. I try dhclient, bu19:11
Linxster-brb-i have a unreal3.2.7.tar.gz program i need to install and get working how do i go about that i know nothing about linux at all19:11
grumpygrampsLinxster-brb-: is that a game?19:11
aetherglowAnyone have a sec to help me with boot parameters for an install?19:11
corvusjoin #kubuntu-fr19:12
AngryElfVlet: there's some stuff in there but no delete button :(19:12
pedervlMy EXT3 home partition works in linux but not in windows (I'm using ext2 ifs-driver for windows). In windows it says it's not formatted, even though it worked earlier. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?19:12
TheOVaetherglow: what do you mean by that?19:12
Linxster-brb-no it for running a chay site grumpygramps19:12
superkuhI'm on Hardy 8.04 64bit compiling some C code and trying to use the generic kernel headers' as per (#include <asm/io.h>), but every time I do the header mentioned is not found. Now I know it's in /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-16/include/asm-x86/ . What I am asking, is, what are the steps to removing and reinstalling the kernel source headers?19:12
VletAngryElf: try right-click19:12
=== DrJanItor is now known as janMD
pppoe_dudehi. anything special i need to do to enable v4l2 for my webcam?19:13
Linxster-brb-a hosting program grumpygramps for chat sites19:13
alsadk10what i must install to run .bin files?19:13
author40to  Linxster-brb: just go to this program make a right click with your mouse and choose unzip at option19:13
aetherglowTheOV: At the install prompt in the HH alternate CD nothing happens when I select Install Ubuntu. I remember last time I installed on this machine "noapic nolapic pci=noacpi acpi=off" worked as boot parameters, but not this time19:14
TheOVpppoe_dude: go to system->preferences->Multimedia Systems Selector, and under video, select v4l219:14
grumpygrampswell, the .tar.gz means it is a compressed tarball (just a compressed folder), so you should be able to right click on it and extract it19:14
pppoe_dudeTheOV, is that also for gutsy?19:14
grumpygrampsLinxster-brb-: well, the .tar.gz means it is a compressed tarball (just a compressed folder), so you should be able to right click on it and extract it19:14
bombuxp/dev/sda1 /media/disk ntfs defaults 0  0  <- Does Defaults make this read only?19:14
geremycould anybody tell me how to get boost.python working?19:14
TheOVpppoe_dude: as far as i know19:14
pppoe_dudeTheOV, oh ok coz i can't find it19:15
TheOVpppoe_dude: although for me it used v4l2 automatically19:15
superkuhbombuxp: Yes. ntfs is only read-only. ntfs-3g isn't.19:15
TheOVpppoe_dude: what exactly is your problem/19:15
aetherglowTheOV: At the install prompt in the HH alternate CD nothing happens when I select Install Ubuntu. I remember last time I installed on this machine "noapic nolapic pci=noacpi acpi=off" worked as boot parameters, but not this time19:15
pppoe_dudewell i'm trying to fix my webcam for use in ekiga. it works fine with cheese, camorama, but shows a cropped inmage in ekiga, TheOV19:15
geremycould anybody tell me how to get boost.python working?19:16
TheOVaetherglow: is there a motherboard BIOS setting that would fix that?19:16
ironfoot_495Hi: Can some help me to fix why php does not come up in either the Browser or screem?19:16
TheOVaetherglow: (assuming it's a problem with apic/acpi)19:16
aetherglowTheOV: Nope, unfortunately not19:16
aetherglowBut ot worked once before19:16
TheOVaetherglow: so what do you mean by "nothing happens"?19:17
bombuxpsuperkuh: are you sure? I was saving able to save games when the drive was automounted by gnome, would it have used ntfs-3g then?19:17
draganmy toshiba P200D-11L bluetooth dont work any help19:17
draganmy toshiba P200D-11L bluetooth dont work any help19:17
AngryElfthe reason I ask about resetting gedit is because alt-1 doesn't select the first tab, although alt-2,3, etc all work fine19:17
bombuxpI got that line from pysdm19:17
aetherglowTheOV: Just that: Nothing. The CD drive locks for a sec, then nothing. Stays at the install screen19:17
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superkuhbombuxp: If in /etc/fstab it says 'ntfs' and not 'ntfs-3g' it is read-only.19:17
superkuhbombuxp: So, yes, I am sure.19:18
TheOVaetherglow: have you tried each of the options individually?19:18
bombuxpcan anything bad happen from using ntfs-3g without user stupidity being involved?19:18
aetherglowTheOV: I did, yeah. Pretty weird that it worked last time but not now...19:18
=== Al_Gore is now known as BIueLobster
TheOVaetherglow: maybe try reburning the cd at a lower speed19:19
superkuhbombuxp: It's pretty well stable now.19:19
Linxster-brb-ok grumpygramps i did that and looked at the read me file is says i need to run make install how do i go about that19:19
Vletbombuxp: I believe 3g is now considered stable19:19
aetherglowI did, 4x19:19
aetherglowTHis is the same CD that worked last time though19:19
xsdif i do iptables-restore <rules.txt they are instantly applied? do i need to restart the service?19:19
bombuxpsuperkuh, vlet: thanks19:20
draganany help abouth bluetooth???19:20
geremyxsd: no, should just apply19:20
Xcellaetherglow: is it in a different drive?19:20
pppoe_dudeTheOV, never mind i thinki this is an ekiga issue19:20
aetherglowNope, same lappy, same drive, same disk, same parameters. Only diff is that XP is now on a partition since I am in the process of installing dual-boot, but that should not affect this19:20
Xcelloh, ok19:21
Vletxsd: afaik, it's immediate19:21
grumpygrampsLinxster-brb-: Applications > Accessories > Terminal    at this point you should probably learn a few bash commands: http://www.ss64.com/bash/   cd changes directories (folders), so change to the unpacked directory, then simply "./make" and then "./make install"19:21
TheOVpppoe_dude: yeah i've had probs with ekiga and my webcam19:21
penanyone here using HP pavilion laptop? I have the problem with the display of the mute sound LED on the keyboard incorrectly. No matter how many times I press it will just stay in blue. The sound works. And also if I try to change the volume from the sensible button the display wouldn't change19:21
geremypen: i am19:22
TheOVaetherglow: hrm i have no idea19:22
pengeremy, do you have the problem I describe?19:22
ubottuFactoid ciao not found19:22
geremypen: which pavilion?19:22
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Kopete19:22
aetherglowTheOV: Yeah, it's weird as hell. You know any sites that go over boot parameters in detail?19:22
pengeremy, dv6000 series19:22
geremypen: dv9000 here, no such problem19:22
pengeremy, althought I believe there is no big difference19:22
ArthurArchnixI can't seem to get my synaptics mouse drive to work... what's the module called, maybe I accidentally blacklisted it...?19:22
pengeremy, hm19:23
tonyyarussoSay, I know I can use things like mondo/mindi and partimage to clone an Ubuntu installation, but can I use them from a Live CD or something to clone Windows systems as well?19:23
geremypen: your mute led doesnt work or the mute button doesnt work or theyre out of sync?19:23
pengeremy, mute led doesn't work19:23
pengeremy, it did the job perfectly to mute and unmute the sound19:23
Soopahey gang19:23
geremypen: i had an issue with the led for my wireless card not reporting properly, let me see if I can't find out how i got that fixed19:24
pengeremy, I fixed that by install linux backport for the wireless LED19:24
SoopaI just added a new hard drive (that was liberated from an old iMac) to this Ubuntu box... can someone point me to a tutorial on how to format/use the new drive?19:24
pengeremy, and probably that package messed up sound LED?19:24
pppoe_dudeTheOV, it seems it's actually a driver issue (gspca) and not ekiga now...19:24
VletSoopa: hit alt-f2 and type: gksu gparted19:24
geremypen: maybe.... did it work properly before?19:25
TheOVpppoe_dude: ok19:25
pedervlMy EXT3 home partition works in linux but not in windows (I'm using ext2 ifs-driver for windows). In windows it says it's not formatted, even though it worked earlier. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?19:25
pengeremy, if I remember correctly, the sound was working and wireless wasn't working19:25
geremypen: sounds like a culprit19:25
SoopaVlet: gksu command not found19:25
pengeremy, I'm not sure whether sound led started acting strange after I install the package19:25
SoopaI'm using Ubuntu server19:25
Soopaso I'll need to do it on the command line19:25
Xsploitso using wubi, is there a way to get my files from windows onto ubuntu ?19:26
TheOVSoopa: try parted19:26
VletSoopa: d'oh - first, open your add/remove software tool and search for gparted and install it, then do it19:26
geremypen: let me rephrase: sounds like a possible culprit19:26
TerrasqueSoopa: sudo cfdisk /dev/<hd>19:26
=== liberfiasco is now known as libervisco
wuxiaI try to play movies w/ mplayer, I get garbled mess -- how do I fix this?19:27
pengeremy, I have no idea19:27
=== BIueLobster is now known as SecifeIam
geremypen: working on it, it will take a few minutes to backtrack19:27
SecifeIamhow u guys doin :)19:27
SoopaTerrasque: how do I know the name of the hd?19:27
pengeremy, k19:27
skatman1744Hi. I installed Ubuntu 8.04 and nvidia drivers, now I have nice desktop effects. Is it compiz or what is responsible for those effects?19:27
TerrasqueSoopa: reasoning and guesswork :)19:27
rskskatman1744: correct it's compiz19:27
Xcellwuxia:  do you have sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras...installed?19:27
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skatman1744Thanks, so I will google for that.19:28
ttkeppilost win (ntfs) and data (ntfs) partition from ubuntu.. they were sda1 and sda2 ...any quick spell to fix those lost partitions? -they do work under windows.they used to be automagically under the /media folder.. fstab file doesn't have them in it anymore either.19:28
XcelIhello world19:28
XcelIu guys have problems?19:28
=== Jaymac is now known as world
worldHi Xcell19:28
rsksome =)19:29
XcelIhello world19:29
=== world is now known as Jaymac
wuxiaXcell: thanks19:29
XcelIi hate saying lol19:29
ALCAPNSTAR•pen• have you checked this site out? http://aldeby.org/blog/19:29
XcelIlike geeks19:29
TerrasqueSoopa: basically, all IDE disks get names hda hdb hdc hdd and so on. sata and scsi get sda sdb sdc sdd and so on. Partitions are the numbers after. So /dev/sda1 is the first partition on the first sata/scsi disk.19:29
Arrickok, I accidently downloaded the server install for the 8.* version, whats the package name to install the complete desktop package?19:29
penALCAPNSTAR, I did, I follow the guides19:29
marciofrayzeskatman1744, compiz19:29
TerrasqueArrick: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop19:29
JaymacArrick: ubuntu-desktop19:29
penALCAPNSTAR, I forget where I found the article where it says to install the backport to fix the wireless LED19:29
geremypen: k, do "lsmod | grep snd"19:29
corvusjoin #ubuntu-fr19:30
LogiTechi got linux ubuntu 1month ago i have used it everyday and in that time i have feeled some problems what really makes me angry...like : Music from CD,Radio,my playlist from pc hardware...it doesnt matter ...all music "STUCK`S"  for no reason...why?19:30
ArrickJaymac, Terrasque is there a way to make it where I can choose on boot if I want the desktop or just the "terminal" to run?19:30
pengeremy, http://rafb.net/p/RwGjsu84.html19:30
SoopaTerrasque: hmm.. these are IDE drives.. I see /dev/sda1 (that's the master drive, I think) but no /dev/hd*19:31
JaymacArrick: not sure, never used the server version19:31
Nostahlhow do i get the headphone jack on my laptop to work19:31
XcelIhow r u19:31
LogiTechWhy i cannot listen music normaly without it stucking all the time???19:31
ArrickSoopa, sda1 is what the newer distros call HD19:31
JaymacArrick: you can run a terminal from gdm can't you?19:31
Xcellnot bad. U?19:31
blameare there any log files for vino vnc server?19:31
XcelIif u r not bad19:31
XcelIthen im not bad too19:31
pedervlMy EXT3 home partition works in linux but not in windows (I'm using ext2 ifs-driver for windows). In windows it says it's not formatted, even though it worked earlier. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?19:31
TheOVok everyone, i'm gonna go now... so good luck everyone!19:31
TerrasqueSoopa: check dmesg. "dmesg | less" should show everything that have happened since startup, including all disk initialization19:31
penALCAPNSTAR, yea, now I remembered it, it's from that guide19:31
XcelIthanks thorny_sun19:31
geremypen: turns out that theres an open bug on the dv1240us about this19:31
visik7anyone of you use epiphany ?19:31
VletSoopa: LogiTech sounds like you may need to do some research into whether or not your sound card has the proper drivers installed19:32
visik7I've an epiphany process always open when all the epy windows are closed19:32
ALCAPNSTARBug #13055919:32
TelnetMantaanyone gotten a new PSU lately thats missing the P2 connector?19:32
TelnetManta moving my backend HW to a new case, at least I was trying LOL19:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 130559 in linux-backports-modules-2.6.22 "Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03) - no sound" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13055919:32
typhoon07hi I have a problem!!! Just used the upgrade facility to hardy heron and and my computer  won't restart, after grub loads nothing happens,  however if i escape and run recovery mode or the older release everything boots up fine,    any ideas what the problem is19:32
pengeremy, open? you mean it's not solved?19:32
ALCAPNSTARPen the bug is in the linux source19:32
penALCAPNSTAR, I see19:32
penALCAPNSTAR, is there a fix yet?19:33
ALCAPNSTARpen : http://tinyurl.com/ysony919:33
geremypen: it is not "solved", but there is a suggested fix that is easy19:33
=== XcelI is now known as UbuntuGeek
fyrfryWhen using Skype people don't see my number on their caller ID.  Why?19:33
Terrasquetyphoon07: sounds like some kernel problems. Try removing quiet from the grub startup info for the new kernel (think its there), and see if something interesting shows19:33
LogiTechVlet i can say that if i had windwos xp ..i used it for 4 year and i didnt got that kind problem... so i dont think its problem with my "sound card"19:33
ArrickJaymac, at times I dont like to boot the ugui, because all I am running is something like nmap or something19:33
UbuntuGeekit causes from skype19:33
UbuntuGeeknot with os19:33
pengeremy, is it this page ? http://tinyurl.com/ysony919:34
visik7fyrfry: try some channel more related to skype19:34
mattstercan anyone help me get audio working in hardy server?19:34
geremypen: no19:34
* UbuntuGeek slaps mattster around a bit with a large trout19:34
geremypen: if you will hold on just one second, I will try to see if I can verify that this will work for you before we attempt to change anything19:34
pengeremy, then where is it?19:34
pengeremy, k19:35
VletLogiTech: I mean to say that you might not have the right drivers for your sound card installed or configured in ubuntu19:35
ALCAPNSTAR•pen• I read the page wrong. xD19:35
nikinhy i am runing fluxpox and non of the polkit applications work... the unlock button is grey in the apps like network-admin19:35
masonicatomIs there any way to make the show desktop function not a toggle?19:35
penALCAPNSTAR, :|19:35
LogiTechVlet could u tell me how can i install right drivers??19:36
VletLogiTech: hardware companies write drivers for their hardware for windows usually, but not very often do they write linux drivers, so not all sound cards are supported19:36
ALCAPNSTAR•pen• I might have found some other helpful information.19:36
ALCAPNSTAR•pen• read this https://jonare.wordpress.com/2006/06/29/ubuntu-linux-on-a-hp-nx6125-laptop/19:36
geremypen: alright, it is verified working on the dv9000 and dv1240us. My suggestion would be to try it, but I don't see anything about the 6000 series. you ok with that?19:36
LogiTechVlet so could u tell me how i find correct drivers?19:36
pengeremy, yea, just to fix LED19:37
Vlet!sound | LogiTech19:37
ubottuLogiTech: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:37
nikinhy i am runing fluxpox and non of the polkit applications work... the unlock button is grey in the apps like network-admin how can i make it work...?19:37
geremypen: ok, you are going to modify the file /etc/modprobe.d/options19:37
nikinwhat is the background process that makes those buttons work of policykit?19:37
geremypython1320: don't suppose you'd happen to know how to get boost.python working?19:38
Python1320sorry, no19:38
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:38
Python1320I started using my nick waaay before I even knew what irc is19:38
LogiTechVlet (alsa mixer) is correctly on19:38
Cobra_Fastis there a more "beautiful" system-shell as getty? may one which uses the correct screen resolutions?19:38
LogiTechcorrectly selected19:38
aledreamqualcuno esperto di eclipse???19:39
blameare there any log files for vino vnc server?19:39
aledreamche dovrei impostarmi eclipse o netbeans19:39
geremypen: you're going to add the line "options snd-hda_intel ac97_quirk=7" to that file19:39
|neko|aledream, vai su #ubuntu-it19:39
pengeremy, k19:39
ArthurArchnixHi... I'm trying to figure out what the name of the module that xserver-input-synaptics is.... it doesn't work even though its installed. Im trying to see if the module is loading.19:39
jdehlinAnyone know how to set the gdm background color19:40
geremyif anybody else happens to have experience with boost.python, im trying to install it and even the demos provided with the package fail...19:40
jdehlinin hardy that is19:40
Xcelljdehlin:  right click>change backround...or visit gnome-look.org19:41
geremyjdehlin: at login? system->administration->login window19:41
mopheadYo, I have a question.    I've been trying to run apt-get update since this morning, and I always get a message saying that /var/lib/dpkg/lock is being used by another process.  But I tried rebooting and got the same message again.  What gives?19:41
Pici!aptfix | mophead19:41
ubottumophead: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:41
VletLogiTech: unfortunately, I've never used a sound card with linux, so I would suggest navigating to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound19:42
mopheadActually, my apt front end didn't crash19:42
Picimophead: Try it anyway ;)19:42
XcellPici:  would dpkg --a   work 2?19:42
Arrickok, whats a fast package repo? right now im at 36kbps tring to install ubuntu-desktop19:42
mopheadWhat will that do?19:42
Arrick(from server install)19:42
Jack_SparrowLogiTech /join #Alsa for sound19:42
Pedihi when i want to install alsa i face to an error.here is the log : http://paste.pocoo.org/show/50662/ can anybody help me19:42
Picimophead: It'll properly remove the lock19:42
Jack_SparrowPedi  /join #Alsa for sound19:43
mopheadpici: okiay-dokey.  But wouldn't that kill whatever process it's trying to do?19:43
Picimophead: Is there a apt or update process running in the background?19:43
pengeremy, then?19:44
Amphoterichello all19:44
mopheadpici: I don't know.19:44
Amphotericwho can I talk to about installing an nvidia graphics driver and some issues I have been having?19:44
mopheadpici: update manager is trying to run, but when I try to run it through the gui it gives me the same message19:44
geremypen: if its not working, the best I can say is give it a restart. if that fails, we need a different incantation19:45
XcellAmphoteric:  what card19:45
Picimophead: does: ps aux | grep apt | grep -v grep   return anything?19:45
Amphotericquadro NVS 140M19:45
pengeremy, that's it? just a line?19:45
geremypen: one can hope19:45
Chapaii am trying to compile the rlink driver for the dwl - g122 but i get errors when i get to make, this the same error i get, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/fedora-35/rt73-make-problem-with-kernel-2.6.20-1.2933.fc6-i686-541053/19:45
pengeremy, so you mean you want me to restart19:45
pengeremy, k19:45
nikinwhat is the background process that makes those buttons work of policykit?19:45
mirevolutionstudbusy channel19:45
nikinhy i am runing fluxpox and non of the polkit applications work... the unlock button is grey in the apps like network-admin how can i make it work...?19:45
geremyanybody using boost.python?19:46
Terrasquemirevolutionstud: its actually pretty quiet now. You can read the lines *before* they leave the screen19:46
SoopaTerrasque: aha, it's /dev/sdb, i think19:47
esayturkce bilen varmi19:47
Soopanow how do i format it to get rid of the apple fs?19:47
geremyanybody know what the python-specific irc is?19:47
Picigeremy: #python19:47
TerrasqueSoopa: to be certain, check "mount" for what's already used :)19:48
Nostahlhow do i get the headphone jack working19:48
Nostahlvolume says its at max19:48
Eulex and unmuted?19:48
geremypici: where? the one here isn't general access19:48
SoopaTerrasque: okay.. what am I looking for?19:48
Nostahlaye its unmuted too19:49
Picigeremy: Just register first: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration19:49
mopheadwhat's the name of that file I have to edit to change the startup boot thingy?19:49
TerrasqueSoopa: mount shows you what hd's and partitions the system is already using. If sdb is in that list, it's probably not the new drive :p19:49
PCDJthe login pic?19:49
SoopaTerrasque: ah, I see.. no, it's not in the list19:50
TerrasqueSoopa: to format, use mkfs.<fs> /dev/<hd><partition>19:50
TerrasqueSoopa: the usual format is ext319:50
lgcHi. I get an update notification every day since I upgraded to Hardy, but day after day I end up with the same list of upgrades (as if the upgrade from19:50
ajopaulhi, is there a good non-NetworkManager wireless manager ?19:51
lgc(as if the update from the day before hadn't been actually done). What is the matter here?19:51
Pedii wanted to install alsa because in linuxant (for modem driver) says :(*) Note for Ubuntu 8.04 users: Installing the alsa-driver-linuxant package is required before installing the HSF driver package below.19:51
SoopaTerrasque: ok.. cool, /dev/sda1 is ext3, so I'll go with that..19:51
josspykerajopaul: rutils19:51
Pediwhen i want to install alsa i face to an error.here is the log : http://paste.pocoo.org/show/50662/ can anybody help me19:51
SoopaTerrasque: so what should the partition be?  1?19:51
geremypici: well, that made the error go away- thanks19:51
Nostahlany idea's how to get headphone jack working19:52
TerrasqueSoopa: if there is only 1 partition, then yes. it's 1. cfdisk should have told you what number the partitions are (and let you create new table / partition if its not recognized)19:52
ajopauljosspyker, tnx19:52
MarkHarrishi to everyone19:52
Pedii wanted to install alsa because in linuxant (for modem driver) says :(*) Note for Ubuntu 8.04 users: Installing the alsa-driver-linuxant package is required before installing the HSF driver package below.when i want to install alsa i face to an error.here is the log : http://paste.pocoo.org/show/50662/ can anybody help me19:53
ZeAVI've got a problem with the sound... it sometimes just stops working, and everything crashes on the computer19:53
PCDJif the sound driver is loaded and the slider is there for it then it should work19:53
lgcUbuntu daily update no good, bunga, bunga! Help you pale face!19:53
geremyanybody using boost.python?19:53
yowshioh happy days i lost all sound now *sighs*19:53
PCDJyoshi which sound card are you using?19:54
ZeAValot of people who have the sound problem?19:54
PCDJmy sound is 100%19:54
yowshiPCDJ: it isnt the sound card. i was trying to get pulseaudio to work and i buggered up my sound19:54
Fallenoujust to say, my problem with nforce NVIDIA controller is solved : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/230099 my bug was a duplicate of another19:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 230099 in linux "nForce nvidia network driver can't link up when plugin wire (dup-of: 136836)" [Undecided,New]19:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 136836 in linux "Ethernet (nVidia MCP55) not working [ gutsy, hardy]" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:54
MarkHarriscan i ask a question for a problem I have on ubuntu?19:54
SoopaTerrasque: I don't want to boot from it.. does that matter?19:54
yowshiwhy does everything always go for the most complex solution when it is problem something simople like newbie mucked up his drivers19:54
Traebesides gftp, what's a good GUI ftp client?19:55
AaronHyowshi, just do "lsof | grep pcm" then kill all the processes holding up your sound card19:55
Jack_SparrowMarkHarris Ask away19:55
=== j0e is now known as j0e-
Pedi>i wanted to install alsa because in linuxant (for modem driver) says :(*) Note for Ubuntu 8.04 users: Installing the alsa-driver-linuxant package is required before installing the HSF driver package below.when i want to install alsa i face to an error.here is the log : http://paste.pocoo.org/show/50662/ can anybody help me19:55
SoopaTerrasque: mostly I just want to format it and move /home to it19:55
lgcUbuntu daily update no good, bunga, bunga! Help you pale face!19:55
PCDJyowshi, i am new to ubuntu but there should be a recovery where you can go back to a point before you did that19:55
TraeTrying to use the: Places -> Connect to server feature.  not sure why I can ftp in from ncftp on console just fine but   this isn't working.19:55
MarkHarrismy ubuntu dont recognize my usb hard disk19:55
yowshiPCDJ: if there is i dont know about it19:55
Traethe error I'm getting is:  Can't display location "ftp://USER@HOST/"  Invalid Reply (of course my user @ host are in correctly.19:55
Xsploitso using wubi, is there a way to get my files from windows onto ubuntu ?19:55
Jack_SparrowPCDJ there is.. it is called making a backup19:55
TerrasqueSoopa: you won't boot from it. The boot flag thingy is some old msdos thing :p19:55
AaronHyowshi, and if that doesnt work then do "sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart"19:55
yowshiand AaronH nothing is using pcm19:56
PCDJahhh i need to do that then19:56
lgcFlannel, you there?19:56
geremyanybody using boost.python?19:56
Jack_SparrowXsploit Please go to the wubi site and read carefully before you do.19:56
PCDJi am watching so i can take notes for future references19:56
SoopaTerrasque: hehe, okay, thanks19:56
yowshiAaronH that didnt fix it either19:56
Jack_Sparrow!backup | PCDJ19:56
ubottuPCDJ: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning19:56
vlt!anyone | geremy19:56
ubottugeremy: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:56
Pedi>i wanted to install alsa because in linuxant (for modem driver) says :(*) Note for Ubuntu 8.04 users: Installing the alsa-driver-linuxant package is required before installing the HSF driver package below.when i want to install alsa i face to an error.here is the log : http://paste.pocoo.org/show/50662/ can anybody help me19:57
=== idleone is now known as IdleOne
geremyvlt: that is my real question, since the package appears to be broken19:57
XsploitJack_Sparrow ?19:57
PCDJgot it19:57
pengeremy, your fix doesn't work19:57
pengeremy, I even get no sound after hte line19:57
vladhi ppl can somebody help me to configure identd daemon port 113 ubuntu with my login?19:58
yowshii even tried reinstalling all my sound related stuff but that didnt work either19:58
pengeremy, remember, I'm not fixing the sound. It is working. I just want to tix LED19:58
Jack_SparrowXsploit Please go to the wubi site and read carefully...19:58
geremypen: yep, i know. tell you what: here's the bug report, you can parse through it if you like19:58
Pedi>i wanted to install alsa because in linuxant (for modem driver) says :(*) Note for Ubuntu 8.04 users: Installing the alsa-driver-linuxant package is required before installing the HSF driver package below.when i want to install alsa i face to an error.here is the log : http://paste.pocoo.org/show/50662/ can anybody help me19:59
jimdbhey, i have a question about how to change the name of the icon on the desktop for the drives that are mounted via the gnome-volume-manager.  seems when you select the places menu unmounted volumes are listed there .  When you select one it will mount it on your desktop.  the problem is that it uses the capacity to describe the mounted volume.  I want to give it a more human name that represents the true nature of the volume.  I've mounte19:59
pengeremy, yea19:59
Xsploiti cant find the information i need19:59
geremypen: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/module-init-tools/+bug/12433119:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 124331 in module-init-tools "Please add default option to enable Mute LED on HP dv1240us" [Undecided,New]19:59
lgc1494 palefaces good for nothing. Bunga!19:59
Jack_Sparrowjimdb you create a new mount point with the name you want in /media the edit your fstab to mount the drive as that mount point20:00
geremypen: your sound driver is noted in the output of the command I had you read off.20:00
bombuxpIs there a way I could disable the 87h (interlaced) refresh rate?20:00
pengeremy, ok20:00
jimdbjack_sparrow:  it doesn't work.  it still gives it the name represented by the capacity of the volume20:00
Jack_Sparrowlgc please stop..20:00
pengeremy, btw, would they release the fix soon?20:00
jimdbjack_sparrow:  my comment actually addressed that too.20:01
Jack_Sparrowjimdb the drive icons on my desktop have the name below them that I use for the mount point in /media20:01
geremypen: I am dubious as to that, seeing as how this is a hardware-specific issue and issuing general fixes for quirky hardware is a little bit of a no-no20:01
=== matthew_ is now known as talcite_
Jack_Sparrowjimdb the difference being I am mounting mine on boot20:02
jimdbjack_sparrow:  under ubuntu 7.10 it worked that way.  under 8.10 it does not.  i have used the /etc/fstab and have created mount points in the /media folder.  It works for shared network resources but not for the locally attached drives.20:02
yowshican someone please help me get sound back on my system20:02
pengeremy, but it was working fine in gusty upgrade to hardy not install hardy fresh20:02
Pedii wanted to install alsa because in linuxant (for modem driver) says :(*) Note for Ubuntu 8.04 users: Installing the alsa-driver-linuxant package is required before installing the HSF driver package below.when i want to install alsa i face to an error.here is the log : http://paste.pocoo.org/show/50662/ can anybody help me20:02
pengeremy, strange20:02
jimdbjack_sparrow:  8.04*20:02
xFlipxso I'm switching to ubuntu on my play around work computer over fedora because the fedora community is full of buttheads.20:02
talcite_hi guys. Does anyone know if clamAV is compiled with the rar integration option?20:02
hccmbhi there20:02
lgcJack_Sparrow, you paleface first to answer. Useless. Bunga!20:03
Jack_Sparrowjimdb Noted.  I will need to boot up one of my boxes with 804 and look into it20:03
xFlipxI.E. This channel and the vast amounts of ubuntu documentation > anything fedora.20:03
hccmbi seem to have lots of trouble with ralink wireless20:03
canfolgueraWhats the best rss news reader for gnome?20:03
zeldhi to all20:03
=== visi_ is now known as visik7
ringeri am having a problem with pidgin messenger not alerting me on new messages in AWN.  i have it set to alert on window updates, but nothing happens when i get a new message20:03
hccmbto be precise20:03
jimdbjack_sparrow:  i have edited the /etc/fstab and added an entry just like I had under 7.10.  the folder is called /media/MusicLibrary.  the drive mounts properly except it shows up as 500.1 GB Media.  It should say MusicLibrary instead.20:03
hccmbhow can i get better wireless?20:04
bmubiHello I am a newbie when it comes to linux and ubuntu and i would like to ask someone some questions20:04
zeldi've this problem with compiz...20:04
Jack_Sparrowjimdb I agree then that you are doing it right.. I just need to look into it..  thanks for pointing that out.  I have not run into that yet.20:04
zeldi've compile a git version with an ubuntu script :S20:04
zeldanyone can help me?20:04
Jack_Sparrowhccmb buy a supported card from our list of hardawre20:05
geremydoes anybody happen to know how to get boost.python working?20:05
mod_curehow would one install a program in ubuntu ?  I used to using the ports tree in freebsd.20:05
zeldand if i retry to install the old  version of ubuntu metacity not work : (20:05
hccmbits on hardy 8.0420:05
pengeremy, who knows20:05
geremybmubi: I'm probably not the one to ask, but I'll give it a shot20:05
geremypen: hmm?20:05
hccmbcould i install backports or something?20:05
ALCAPNSTAR#5273 +(30070)- [X]20:05
ALCAPNSTAR<erno> hm. I've lost a machine.. literally _lost_. it responds to ping, it works completely, I just can't figure out where in my apartment it is.20:05
zeldmod_cure, apt-get install package20:05
ringeri have a problem in avant window manager, pidgin messenger doesnt alert me on new messages20:05
pengeremy, like the fix for wireless LED is unexpected too20:05
pengeremy, who knows intel crew would fix that20:06
Python1320geremy, I love it when you make my mirc beep all the time </sarcasm>20:06
mod_curezeld, would that install it from the source(like the ports tree in freebsd) or would that install a binary version ?20:06
brianfreud_Hi.  Brand new to Ubuntu and Linux...  quick question.  Everything worked, except sound.  reboot, now I load into an all beige screen, which then becomes an all almost-white screen...  and nothing else.  I'm loaded ion the failsafe Gnome session now; how can I figure what is wrong in (I assume) the startup scripts on the normal session?20:06
geremypen: true20:06
geremypython1320: srry lol20:06
=== UbuntuGeek is now known as Red_Trek
pengeremy, hope in next update it would fix it20:06
=== Red_Trek is now known as Red_Mc
=== michel_ is now known as L0GG3D
Red_Mcthats cool20:06
lucife1is there a music/vedio files downloading software other than torrent for ubuntu?20:07
lucife1something like limewire20:07
zeldmod_cure, if u want compile from source use ./configure make && make install20:07
* Red_Mc slaps lucife1 around a bit with a large trout20:07
iadnahlimewire's written in java. you should be able to install it on ubuntu without issue20:07
AmphotericHello, I installed envy ,in order to get my nvidia graphics card working, and ran through the whole driver process. The end result was the same. When I rebooted, I could hear the ubuntu login prompt, but my screen was fuzzy vertical lines. Can anyone help me with this?20:07
iadnahjust download the linux version of it20:07
^Tech-Help^!frostwire | lucife120:08
ubottulucife1: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire20:08
Captain_Hydro_Llexcuse me I've got an urgent question20:08
zeldubuntu is different from gentoo, freebsd, netbsd, openbsd,etcc..............20:08
penanother question. Anyone here using tilda? how do you fix the black blank problem?20:08
iadnahfailing that, grab giFT and gift-gnutella20:08
mod_curezeld, where do i get the file to install from source ? does ubuntu have a ports tree like freebsd ?20:08
lucife1ohh, okie thanks20:08
Captain_Hydro_Lldoes ubunut install over XP or will I have to wipe my harddrive?20:08
piedoggieI'm confused about filesharing and 8.04. I'm trying to export a directory from my home directory.  In previous versions, I could export by NFS and SMB (which is what I need).  Now it looks like I can only export by SMB and even that doesn't work right.  it complains about permissions on /usr/lib/samba/usersshares.  How do I fix this?20:08
zeldmod_cure,  apt-get source PACKAGE20:09
zeldapt-get  build-dep PACKAGE20:09
AmphotericCan someone help me with a continuing NVidia graphics driver issue?20:09
yowshican someone please help me get sound back on my system20:10
mod_curezeld,apt-get  build-dep PACKAGE <- that would grab the source and compile it for me ?20:10
Captain_Hydro_Llbut yeah I can't seem to get an answer for that anywhere if I'm switching from XP to ubuntu will ubuntu just install over XP?20:10
darkshadowciao a tutti20:10
yowshiCaptain_Hydro_Ll: it will if you tell it to format the windows partition and install there20:11
ubottuFactoid addon not found20:11
piedoggieCaptain_Hydro_Ll: if I understand your question correctly, there's two ways to install over XP20:11
AmphotericCould someone please PM me about an NVidia driver issue I am having?20:11
Captain_Hydro_Llwell what's the simplest way I'm a total n00b20:11
piedoggieCaptain_Hydro_Ll: you can either install it in the integrated mode whereubuntu is effectively a virtual machine but runs with single Windows instead of its own window manager20:11
Captain_Hydro_LlI want to replace my XP20:12
yowshipiedoggie: no i think he wants ubuntu only on his system and no windows20:12
Odd-rationaleCaptain_Hydro_Ll: do you have all your files backed up20:12
piedoggieCaptain_Hydro_Ll: or you can install on a new partition thereby keeping or the entire disk and wipe out XP20:12
Odd-rationaleCaptain_Hydro_Ll: personal files, that is....20:12
Captain_Hydro_LlI will as soon as I get this question answered20:12
Odd-rationaleCaptain_Hydro_Ll: ok. in the partitions step of the ubuntu installed. select. "use entire disk"20:13
Captain_Hydro_LlAnd that will do the trick?20:13
Odd-rationaleCaptain_Hydro_Ll: that will take care of windows for you... ;)20:13
Captain_Hydro_Llthanks guys you're all so nice20:13
motaon ubuntu 6.06 lts, I change login.defs to have a FAIL_DELAY of 30. I add a "Uselogin" line to /etc/ssh/sshd.config. I restart ssh. Yet the delay after a bad password when I try login via ssh is still 3 seconds. What am I doing wrong?20:13
vladhi ppl can somebody help me to configure identd daemon port 113 ubuntu with my login?20:13
Pedii wanted to install alsa because in linuxant (for modem driver) says :(*) Note for Ubuntu 8.04 users: Installing the alsa-driver-linuxant package is required before installing the HSF driver package below.when i want to install alsa i face to an error.here is the log : http://paste.pocoo.org/show/50662/ can anybody help me20:13
AmphotericI am running ubuntu 8.04, after installing my NVidia driver for my Quatro NVS 140M, and after I reboot, the screen is nothing but fuzzy vertical lines even though I can hear the login prompt running20:14
Amphotericcan anyone help with that?20:14
AmphotericI have been working on this for like 3 hours20:14
nikincan anyone help me to use policykit with fluxbox... for some reason it ails the get process information... so the unlock bttons stay grey... and after tripple check... i am in the polkituser group.20:15
nikinand i dont run the program with sudo20:15
bombuxpI'm having a weird problem related to my video card. On 1024x768, the highest refresh rate is 87hz (interlaced), which causes some games to pick it. 87hz flickers bad enough to cause headaches. Is there any way to disable it?20:16
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Milos_SDWhat music player gives the best audio quality decoding mp3?20:16
ubottuFactoid policykit not found20:16
Chapaii am trying to compile the rlink driver for the dwl - g122 but i get errors when i get to make, this the same error i get, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/fedora-35/rt73-make-problem-with-kernel-2.6.20-1.2933.fc6-i686-541053/20:16
ubottuFactoid polkit not found20:16
Amphotericdoes this problem sound familiar to anyone?20:16
yowshican someone please help me get sound back on my system20:17
nikinubottu : go read some docs.. nowdays it is major part of ubuntu :P20:17
ubottunikin: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:17
motaAny comments on how to increased the delay after failed passwords in sshd?20:17
nikinmota: nothing in sshd conf on that?20:17
nikinhow mutch time you want?20:18
motanikin, nope20:18
Chapaiit would be in /etc/ssh/sshd_config20:18
motaon ubuntu 6.06 lts, I change login.defs to have a FAIL_DELAY of 30. I add a "Uselogin" line to /etc/ssh/sshd.config. I restart ssh. Yet the delay after a bad password when I try login via ssh is still 3 seconds. What am I doing wrong?20:18
motaThis was the only method I could suss out, since sshd_config seemed to have no option for changing the delay20:18
Captain_Hydro_LlXD sorry I have abother question20:19
Captain_Hydro_Llwell another couple20:19
^Tech-Help^!ask | Captain_Hydro_Ll20:19
ubottuCaptain_Hydro_Ll: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:19
nikinmota: let me google a bit20:19
vltHello. I want to install Ubuntu with encrypted LVM. The installer only has a "whole disk with crypt LVM" option. I need it to be installed to hda2. How to achieve this?20:20
message144Hi, how could I found out how many Ubuntu packages exist?20:20
tushydtrying to uninstall flash. I uninstalled the non-free plugin in synaptic but i still have flash running. Youtube videos still show up20:20
tushydhow do I uninstall flash20:21
scoopex_how may i use the programs i just have insalled from add/remove programs20:21
tushydscoopex_, they should show up under Applications20:21
^Tech-Help^scoopex_ check your applications menu20:21
macdscoopex_, typically they showup in the Applications menu20:21
Captain_Hydro_Llok. I need to know if my sound/video cards are compatible with ubuntu are they all usually compatible or do I nned to look up more details?20:21
Chapaiit all depends how many enteries you have in repositories20:21
nikinmota: it hs no effect becouse its runing with PAM20:21
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection20:22
Odd-rationaleCaptain_Hydro_Ll: see above ^20:22
tushydanyone? remove flash?20:22
scoopex_i installed desktop effects, compiz setup, but it dosnt show20:22
macdtushyd, did you restart firefox?20:22
Picimessage144: grep through the Packages.gz files in http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/main/binary-i386/ for each repository type, main, restricted, universe, multiverse.20:22
tushydmacd, yes20:22
nikinmota: http://www.enterprisenetworkingplanet.com/netsecur/article.php/351451120:22
nikinthis may help20:22
macdtushyd, what does about:plugins show in FF for the flash plugin?20:22
motanikin, thanks. Bleh, more complexity20:22
message144Pici: thanks20:22
nikinlook around the middle20:22
nikinof the page20:22
tushydmacd: x-shockwave-flash and futuresplash20:23
Odd-rationaletushyd: try "locate flashplayer.so" and if it returns anything. you could delete those files...20:23
Odd-rationaletushyd: sorry wrong command...20:23
scoopex_i installed the desktop effects, but it dosnt show in my application menu?20:23
Picimessage144: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/allpackages might be faster20:24
Odd-rationaletushyd: locate libflashplayer.so20:24
tushydOdd-rationale: found it20:24
tushydrm it?20:24
nikinmota: did you find the part?20:24
message144Pici: thanks again :)20:24
outerspace_i have installed alsa-oss and config the /etc/firefox/firefoxrc but still i don't have sound on youtube videos20:24
motanikin, playing with it now20:24
outerspace_any help20:24
Odd-rationaletushyd: yes. with sudo perhaps would be needed...20:24
tushydOdd-rationale: ok, because I wanted to try flash 10 beta and it said I need to uninstall it. RM'ing libflashplayer.so will do this?20:25
Odd-rationaletushyd: probably...20:25
macdtushyd, yes20:25
nikincan anyone help me to use policykit with fluxbox... for some reason it ails the get process information... so the unlock bttons stay grey... and after tripple check... i am in the polkituser group., and i am not running with sudo ....20:25
tushydthanks Odd-rationale and macd20:25
scoopex_how may i get more options for configuration my desktop and menus?20:26
outerspace_could someone help me?20:27
yowshican someone please help me get sound back on my system20:27
condor\JOIN #ubuntu-it20:27
Myrtticondor: someone's been doing too much LaTeX :-D20:27
motanikin, heh. "pam_unix.so is hard-coded to a 3-second delay."20:28
motahow silly20:28
nikinmota: sry didnt know that.. maybe recompiling ? with changing the value?20:28
motaCan't be recompiling standard stuff in this environment20:29
motaNeed to basically be relying on standard conf file options20:29
jrib /b 1820:29
scoopex_need some help to configure my desktop, someone who wanna help plz msg me :)20:30
jrib!pm | scoopex_20:30
ubottuscoopex_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.20:30
scoopex_ok, sure..20:30
nikinmota: i fond this but its autdated a bit.. http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=55734220:31
motanikin, I did too20:32
rude!pm | rude20:32
=== Red_Mc is now known as ircdeki_guru
mota"From my reading, there are others that are either stymied or frustrated with20:32
motawhat appears to be the lack of either a properly implemented or a platform20:32
motawide implementation of pam_fail_delay.20:32
nbhit so scary...  to work in room #404....20:32
scoopex_which program do i need to install in order to get a nice desktop?20:32
FishsceneScoopex_, Gnome ore KDE?20:33
Piciscoopex_: Be more specific20:33
scoopex_I dont now, have just installed Ubuntu 8.0220:33
nbhgnom is more userfull (imho)20:34
Fishscenescoopex_, are you looking for fancy effects?20:34
nbhi don`t like QT... so much - to use kde..20:34
scoopex_yes, and usefull menus20:34
nbh->>> gnom20:35
Fishscenescoopex, please elaborate.. "Useful menus"?20:35
vltI'm installing ubuntu now and am stuck in the partitioning process. I have set up a partition for /boot and a dm-crypt volume. How can I create and LVM volume now? I can't find that menu entry. Can anyone help?20:35
=== ircdeki_guru is now known as murat_22f
scoopex_how do i get Gnom?20:35
marciofrayze2HopOnPOP, no thanks.20:35
nbhsudo aptitude install gnom... mb20:35
neosixHello! How can I run pppoe-start like normal user?20:35
Kohlrakthen why click it if nothing'll happen? =p20:36
yowshican someone please help me get sound back on my system20:36
kloeriHopOnPOP: stop spamming that20:36
jribHopOnPOP: this channel is only for ubuntu support.  Please stay on topic20:36
marciofrayze2Kohlrak, haha good one20:36
Fishscenescoopex_, Gnome is the GUI installed by default on Ubuntu 8. It is most similar to "Mac" whereas KDE is most similar to Windows20:36
=== murat_22f is now known as murat_22g
Shdwstarhey guys i have mepis linux installed on a box, i have ubuntu 8 iso image, i want to overwrite my current linux install... anyway i can launch ubuntu installer from usb hard drive?20:36
KohlrakI actually did click it then xed it out when he said to click it XD20:36
r2div3rseFishscene: I had that impression too...20:36
nbhok... eof20:37
scoopex_Fishscene: I see, but i think theres to few options, i want this big clock at the left side and stuff?20:37
Nuno_Martinshey!! I need one "tutorial" for the installation of ubuntu 8.04 Server Edition. Can help me?20:37
jribNuno_Martins: you just put in the server cd and boot from it20:38
sshockShould I use roaring penguin pppoe, or just the default one ?20:38
nikincan anyone help me to use policykit with fluxbox... for some reason it ails the get process information... so the unlock bttons stay grey... and after tripple check... i am in the polkituser group., and i am not running with sudo ....20:38
Fishscenescoopex_, I actually don't know how to do that. Sorry- =\   I do know you can do something like that with KDE 4, but I didn't look into it.20:38
NTpspEHello everyone, i am running Ubuntu Hardy, and i have the latest update of Wine, but for some reason, my cursor is hidden behind all Wine windows20:38
Nuno_Martinsjrib, I never use ubuntu server edition, and I don't know how to install and configure it20:39
Captain_Hydro_Ll so when I install ubuntu should I delete everything first?20:39
mad_max02NTpspE, try turning on the option for enabling apps to stop mouse from leaving window20:39
outerspace_i had config firefox with alsa-oss but still doesn't work.any help??????20:39
scoopex_Fishscene: ok, thanks anyway, now i understand that i got Gnom :)20:39
jribNuno_Martins: I just told you how to install it though.  Here is the server guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html20:39
mad_max02NTpspE, and try asking your question at #winehq20:40
FishsceneNP :)20:40
Shdwstarso far trying these usb boot guides have failed me20:40
NTpspEmad_max02: i have enabled it and have asked in #winehq but they said to ask here20:40
soundrayNuno_Martins: why don't you just go ahead and install it, and ask more specifically if you hit a problem. It'll be much easier to help you with something specific.20:41
jribHopOnPOP: I've explained to you that's not allowed.  If you do it again, you will be banned.20:41
Blais1The last update killed my sound, can anyone help me get it working?20:41
KohlrakI've noticed wine is horrible trying to get support for.20:41
mad_max02NTpspE, do you have any custom cursor ?? did you try without that option ?? are you using any of the desktop effects ?20:41
FishsceneThanks jrib20:42
NTpspEmad_max02: i have no custom cursors, and all effects are off. im using Gnome on Ubuntu, but i get the same problem with KDE20:42
nikincan anyone help me to use policykit with fluxbox... for some reason it ails the get process information... so the unlock bttons stay grey... and after tripple check... i am in the polkituser group., and i am not running with sudo .... or at least how to rip out that piece of awfullness of the admn programs?20:42
mad_max02NTpspE, what graphic card ?20:42
Blais1I seem to have lost alsamixer also20:42
Nuno_Martinssoundray, Yes. Thank's. One more thing, Server edition have graphical environment?20:42
mad_max02NTpspE, type faster I gotta go soon20:42
NTpspEmad_max02: i dont have a graphics card at all20:42
mad_max02NTpspE, ???20:43
fookswould you guys say its about safe to upgrade to hardy now?20:43
soundrayNuno_Martins: no. That's the point of the server edition.20:43
mad_max02NTpspE, what gives signal to ur monitor then ?20:43
fookshas all the dust cleared for us gutsy users?20:43
FishsceneUBuntu server does not come with a GUI be default, but it can be installed20:43
Blais1@fooks, I wouldn't20:43
Kohlraki'm half tempted to find a crawler to look at the html for the page XD20:43
NTpspEmad_max02: thats what i got told when i bought the laptop20:43
mad_max02fooks, its more than safe.20:43
nikinNuno_Martins: not at default.. you can install one.. but if not nescesarry dont do that20:43
Blais1@fooks I've lost sound and my ati card is foobared20:43
^root^On the other account on my 8.04, when I restarted my system after creating a presentation, the gnome-panels aren't being shown, I even tried running killall gnome-panel, no use20:43
fooksBlais1, ah well ati never does well on linux i find, sorry to hear that20:43
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mad_max02NTpspE, dude you cant turn on ur laptop without the GPU. If its not separated then u got integrated one.20:43
Blais1@fooks although apparently, a clean isntall works well20:44
fooksBlais1, ive had bad experiences with upgrades before too20:44
NTpspEmad_max02: well i have an integrated one then20:44
fooksgutsy still seems pretty rock solid to me20:44
mad_max02NTpspE, then I suppose u didnt install proper graphic drivers.20:44
soundrayNuno_Martins: if you want to administer your server graphically, you can install the ubuntu-desktop package when you've done the server installation. Or you can install the regular desktop and add LAMP or whatever server software you need afterwards.20:44
Blais1@fooks I had my ati running lovely on 7:10, 3D acceleration in games also20:44
[T]an1my 10 key on my keyboard only works with my calculator program... any ideas?20:44
ipeiHi guys! Can someone please help me with an issue with my sound. I finally got the sound to work with my X-Fi + OSS + Ubuntu 8.04. But I can't get the microfone to work. :/20:44
mad_max02NTpspE, you should check on ubuntuforums about ur graphic card and driver installation and wine compatibility20:44
Captain_Hydro_Llso before I install ubuntu and after I backup my files should I delete everything?20:45
NTpspEmad_max02: i installed everything it asked me to, Ubuntu works fine, just wine that dosent20:45
mad_max02NTpspE, thats all I can help you atm. I'm out and good luck with ur problem20:45
fooksi may wait a few more weeks just to be extra sure, gutsy is nice enough and i don't think hardy will be leaving it behind anytime soon20:45
vltOk, I found it. I have to select "use as ..." and then lvm.20:45
scoopex_I got Gnome and want more desktop teams, where can i download this files to install?20:45
Blais1@ipei, how did you get your sound working again?20:45
mad_max02NTpspE, and yeah wine needs properly installed graphic drivers20:45
=== sf_ is now known as lordkefir
mad_max02scoopex_, what are teams ???20:45
nikincan anyone help me to use policykit with fluxbox... for some reason it ails the get process information... so the unlock bttons stay grey... and after tripple check... i am in the polkituser group., and i am not running with sudo .... or at least how to rip out that piece of awfullness of the admn programs?20:45
ipeiBlais1, Sorry? Again? :P20:45
Fishsceneteams = "Themes" I assume20:45
scoopex_mad_max02: desktop themes maybe?20:46
^root^On the other account on my 8.04, after restart the gnome-panels are gone, I even tried running killall gnome-panel, no use20:46
vividenthi guys.. i have a litte question. can I help print on terminal file's owner and group without using "ls -l filename | awk '{print $3 $4}' ???20:46
mad_max02scoopex_, try www.gnome-look.org20:46
Nuno_Martinssoundray, Ok. If i need I ask hel here.20:46
Blais1@ipei, you ,mentioned you had finally got your sound working, how did you do it?20:46
vividenthi guys.. i have a litte question. can I help me to print on terminal file's owner and group without using "ls -l filename | awk '{print $3 $4}' ???20:46
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vltvivident: Maybe `find` has an option for this.20:46
yowshii have no sound on my system can someone please help me get sound working on this thing20:46
wickerscCc_Lenin, your government is flawed20:47
marciofrayze2vivident, what?! hehe explain again what you wanna do20:47
ompaul!offtopic | wickers20:47
ubottuwickers: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:47
ipeiBlais1, I used a guid and installed a OSS driver. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4874981 But now I can't get the mic to work... :(20:47
vividentmarciofrayze2.... I want to view file's owner and group withous using " ls -l filename | awk '{print $3 $4}' "20:48
^root^On the other account on my 8.04, after restart the gnome-panels are gone, I even tried running killall gnome-panel, no use20:48
Shdwstaris there a way to launch the ubuntu installer from a console screen (i have the iso on /dev/sda1 , but no cd)20:48
soundrayvivident: ls -l | cut -d " " -f 3,420:49
ompaul!install | Shdwstar all install methods listed here:20:49
ubottuShdwstar all install methods listed here:: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate20:49
=== ^root^ is now known as roo1
roo1On the other account on my 8.04, after restart the gnome-panels are gone, I even tried running killall gnome-panel, no use20:49
Shdwstarok thank you20:49
=== cCc_Lenin is now known as Hegel^^_18m
vividentsoundray FANTASTIC... thanks!! :)20:50
ghabitHello. How I can monitor cpu, hdd etc. temp?20:50
fookshas anyone here noticed a down-turn in kubuntu users since gutsy was released?20:50
scoopex_ok, i downloaded this theme from gnome-look.org, but how to install it? i click the install.sh, but there just pop up some text..20:50
selanitHey-o.  How do I control the position of the sys tray divider?  Here's a screenshot: http://atuan.com/systray_divider.png -- I want the divider on the right in the blank spot on the left, both indicated with arrows.20:51
soundrayfooks: that's not a support issue. Please ask in #ubuntu-offtopic20:51
zethero1hi there.... whats an alternative the the Windows native app called RecoverMyFiles?20:51
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bluecakefirefox3 have option to make tabs display vertically?20:51
vltzethero1: What does it do?20:51
outerspace_i've installed and config alsa-oss but it doesn't have sound on videos,any help?20:51
zethero1vlt: recovers deleted data files ......20:52
scotvlc bmpx and streamtuner cant load radio streams list...help pls?20:52
zethero1vlt: also works on formatted drives20:52
Chapaii have never heard of veritcal tabs on any browser bluecake20:52
vltzethero1: The new file system reiser4 will support undelete, I think.20:52
hydrogenIt also has a cool new feature20:52
hydrogencalled murdersYourWife()20:52
bluecakeChapai, there is Widefox20:52
ompaul!offtopic | hydrogen20:53
bluecakeChapai, but i don't like using 3rd party plugin20:53
ubottuhydrogen: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:53
zethero1vlt: so no current apps...20:53
Chapaithats new, to answer your question no there is not20:53
soundraybluecake: there are add-ons that provide vertical tabs, e.g. Tree Style and Vertigo20:53
scotany idea bt my issue?20:53
vltzethero1: The fs has to support it.20:53
hydrogenzethero1: what ompaul really means is that reiser4 is not going to be ever completed, so it will never support undelete20:53
Chapaii am trying to compile the rlink driver for the dwl - g122 but i get errors when i get to make, this the same error i get, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/fedora-35/rt73-make-problem-with-kernel-2.6.20-1.2933.fc6-i686-541053/20:54
roo1On the other account on my 8.04, after restart the gnome-panels are gone, I even tried running killall gnome-panel, no use20:54
selanitAh HA!  Nevermind, I figured it out - I just had to unlock it and drag it around.  Thanks anyway20:54
bluecakeChapai, developers should think about wide screen layout a little more. since most comp mon these days are wide screen.  it's small enough already, and they keep putting more crap on horizontally making web content even smaller, ifyou know what i mean20:54
bluecakeChapai, since webpages are design , very lobng, scrolling up to 2 to 3 pages20:55
zethero1vlt: what about this   http://ubuntu-rescue-remix.org/20:55
soundraybluecake: your language is inappropriate and you're moving offtopic20:55
hydrogenbluecake: "most comp mon these days are wide screen" is not really all that true20:55
Chapaihaha, my widescreen will be delivered tomorrow bluecake20:55
scotwhy vlc bmpx n streamtuner cant load radio (shoutcast)list?20:55
scotany idea?20:55
outerspace_any help???????????????????????????plz20:56
soundrayouterspace_: do not spam.20:56
soundrayouterspace_: ask your question20:56
SuN13chm readers found in  package manager do not render the chm file good...missing links bookmarks, formatting is wrong..what do i do or use...i tried ebook reader xchm  kchmviewer chm viewer chmsee ???20:56
bluecakehydrogen, laptops man20:56
outerspace_i have skaed many times but no answer20:56
scotits not firewall.i proved20:56
=== Pic3 is now known as sdsd
euklidisdoes anyone knows a good syn flooder?20:57
scotouterspace.ur ques pls?20:57
soundray!sound | outerspace_20:57
ubottuouterspace_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:57
Chapaii have never used anything other than horizontal, i will try widefox20:57
scotany will read my ques pls?20:58
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sdsdhow to install mozilla-plugin-vlc as default plugin for firefox-2 not firefox 3 that is very unstable20:58
ompaulslackd00d, perhaps next time you would join the channel with the right nick showing :)20:59
sdsdi don't know why there was included this buggiest firefox with hardy20:59
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lolo2can someone pls tell me how to unrar files that are in part ex.part1.rar ex.part2.rar etc....20:59
jriblolo2: unrar the first one20:59
trfrieseany one managed to get an Rv250 ATI Radeon card working with ati drivers20:59
lolo2jrib: i tried it only shows part of the archive21:00
scotanyone encountered my problem?21:00
trfrieseMine is working my x complains about AIGLX21:00
jriblolo2: you are using the "unrar" package from the archives?21:00
scotvlc bmpx streamtuner cant load radio streams21:00
soundrayscot: if you don't get a reply, it probably means that noone has encountered the same problem.21:00
jriblolo2: s/archives/repositories21:00
lolo2jrib: yes21:00
lolo2is it too old?21:01
SuN13life sukz21:01
baloneyok all you audiophiles.. i need a new receiver21:01
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Orionwhat should i get. i need something cheap21:01
soundrayscot: have you installed the required restricted codecs?21:01
soundray!restricted | scot21:01
jriblolo2: it has always worked for me to extract the first archive in the series.  I'd suspect either a broken archive or some new rar format that unrar doesn't understand21:01
ubottuscot: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:01
scotyea soundray but am an innocent solution seeker21:01
bluecakesoundray, is vertigo developed by mozilla org?21:01
soundraybluecake: I don't know. Easy enough to find out through a web search.21:02
lolo2jrib: are you extracting from the bash shell21:02
jriblolo2: both from the shell and from the gui work21:02
ttkeppiwhere can i find UUID's of hard disk drive partitions?21:02
LogiTechHow can i PUT the "password" on  to a folder?21:02
soundray!uuid | ttkeppi21:02
ubottuttkeppi: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)21:02
ttkeppisoundray: thank you21:03
jrib!gpgLogiTech >  (read the private message from ubottu)21:03
jrib!gpg > LogiTech (read the private message from ubottu)21:03
prowerHello :> Does anyone else here use FluidSynth/Rosegarden together? I've been using FluidSynth in replacement for actual MIDI playback, but the sound is choppy and distorted on playback... :<21:03
clustyi installed some damn firewall gui thing (firestarter) and after i removed it it still left a bunch of chains in iptables21:03
vegombreihi is there a terminal way to browse pictures ?21:03
clustyhow can I removed them?21:03
janMDiptables -F? :p21:04
clusty--flush does it just for the session21:04
lolo2jrib: i just rtied what you said from the shell and its working thanks!21:04
soundrayclusty: 'apt-get --purge remove firestarter' and don't swear in this channel please21:04
vltzethero1: Didn't know these tools before. `fls` seems to for analysing, `icat` for copying by inode (my version here seems to support ext, fat, ntfs, iso, even swap, but not reiser ;)21:04
lolo2jrib: funny how the gui is broken21:04
yowshican someone please help me get sound back on my system21:04
mateusz_ghi all21:04
vegombreihi is there a terminal way to browse pictures ?21:04
clustysoundray, darn is not a sweat :D. I did the purse stuff and the chains/rules are there21:05
Starnestommyvegombrei: fbi?21:05
soundrayclusty: don't try to teach me English. I know what a swearword is. And it's purge, not purse21:05
Eins7eindoes anybody know how to make an 8800gts play nice with xorg21:05
vltvegombrei: "browse"? How much info do you need to see? Types and sizes or content too?21:05
soundrayclusty: check whether there is a /etc/init.d/firestarter and rm it if it is there21:06
yowshiEins7ein: define play nice21:06
JokkaDoes anyone have any clue why conky doesnt show my cpu heat? id try google the prob but didnt find much help21:06
vegombreivlt: nah just browse pictures21:06
Eins7einI can only boot into recovery mode21:06
Eins7einotherwise if I try to boot normally all I get is a black screen21:06
yowshihmmmm i never had that problem with my 8800gts21:07
yowshidid you try the resetting of xorg.conf?21:07
Eins7einI had to use a different vid card to do the initial install21:07
clustysoundray, thanks. think it did the trick21:07
Eins7einyowshi: how do I do that21:08
AnnirakSo I'm setting up an iptables forward for port 443 to a network appliance at local address  My rule is simple: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -p tcp --dport 443 -j DNAT --to    When I do an nmap from the gateway box, (nmap -p 443), I get an open port.  When I do an nmap remotely, I get filtered.  What am I doing wrong?21:08
Eins7einI'm a bit of a noob21:08
larsbarsHi. I have a couple questions about power consumption. Ubuntu never seems to leave the c2 state and firefox uses _all_ my cpu. Is this common? Thanks.21:08
yowshiEins7ein: i forget the full command but it is in the xorg.conf file itself dpkg somethng something phigh something21:08
Eins7einok I think I know what you are talking about21:09
Eins7einyes I tried that21:09
soundraylarsbars: firefox shouldn't hog the CPU. If it does, exit, start it with 'firefox -safe-mode'. If it doesn't hog the CPU then, it's an add-on that's at fault.21:09
LynetAnnirak: Is eth1 your wan interface?21:09
Eins7einI can only get to the login screen if I go into recovery mode and type telinit 321:09
yowshiodd that always works for me. it resets it into the default low graphics mode and then i install the third party drivers21:09
soundraylarsbars: which version of Ubuntu are you running?21:09
larsbarssoundray: thanks21:10
larsbarsthe thing about the c2 state bothers me more. debian used to stay in c3 nearly all the time, and now i'm in c2 66% of the time (unless firefox is running, of course :)21:10
AnnirakLynet Yes21:10
soundraylarsbars: hardy has all energy-saving features on all architectures (gutsy was lagging on amd64). Once you cure your firefox problem, you should be fine.21:11
mateusz_gnow checking gxchat21:11
mateusz_gnice program21:11
aarcanewhere do I get firefox 2 so my plugins work again ?21:11
AnnirakLynet: eth0=slow-wan, eth1=fastwan, eth2=lan21:11
vegombreiStarnestommy: how do i use fbi ?21:11
Starnestommyvegombrei: fbi imagename21:11
larsbarssoundray: i have this problem without firefox :(21:11
soundraylarsbars: oh, I see. Maybe install bum and disable any services/daemons you don't need.21:11
monestriCan anyone tell me why hardy goes to a blank screen that's froen/hanging after x amount of minutes idle? Only recovery is ctrl + alt + backspace21:12
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lucife1how can I run a mirc shell21:12
vegombreioh .. how do i switch directories and hdd's thru terminal ... cd/music ?21:12
soundraylarsbars: also consider enabling laptop-mode in /etc/default/acpi-support21:12
larsbarsweird. i thought i had that enabled. what's bum?21:12
soundraymonestri: maybe it's crashing on a screensaver. Disable screensaver or switch to blank screen only21:12
hccmbhello again21:13
soundray!bum | larsbars21:13
ubottularsbars: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto21:13
mateusz_gmateusz_g: just checking21:13
hydrogenbum is a pretty horrible piece of code21:13
hydrogenunfortunatly :(21:13
mateusz_g:-( no highlighting21:13
monestrisoundf_, screensaver is disabled21:13
vegombreiStarnestommy: how do i goto another hdd where the images are ? could you help me with the basic commands ?21:13
larsbarsthanks for the help. i'll try all that21:13
mateusz_gis it possible to turn it on?21:13
Starnestommyvegombrei: mount the other hard disk first21:13
soundraysoundf_: I was meant21:13
hccmbi have an rt2570usb wireless, but hardy loads the rt2500usb, how could i change this?21:13
vegombreiStarnestommy: i think its already mount coz im playing music from it21:14
zethero1I need help using ddrescue21:14
vegombreiStarnestommy: do i hafta mount it if the music is running thru the gui ?21:14
marciofrayze2vega--, use "cd directory" to change to another directory... use "ls" to list the files and directorys.21:14
soundraymonestri: is anything enabled in System-Preferences-Power Management?21:14
marciofrayze2vegombrei, , use "cd directory" to change to another directory... use "ls" to list the files and directorys.21:14
Starnestommyvegombrei: it's probably already mounted21:14
monestrinm found it, it was putting it to sleep after 30 minutes21:15
monestriI guess it can't recover from sleep21:15
monestrii thought I disabled that though21:15
monestriWell, on a related note, why do I get a blank screen on ctrl + alt +f1?21:15
soundraymonestri: if you want to fix that, play with settings in /etc/default/acpi-support21:15
m4lu5SO. I'm a recent convert to Ubuntu on my laptop at home, and I ~inadvertantly upgraded the openssh stuff last night you know, the stuff that fixed the Debian ssl bug ..... um. well. my OpenVPN connection to the office no longer works. I understand why, openssl-vulnkey is rejecting the key I use for my openvpn connection....21:15
soundraymonestri: perhaps your video setup is incompatible with Ubuntu's default text mode.21:16
m4lu5What I need to know is how to fix this ...21:16
FishsceneThe Giant black screen should have a login promt21:16
mateusz_gmateusz_g: checking21:16
vegombreimarciofrayze2: Starnestommy cd directory doent work21:16
monestrisoundf_, acpi reffering to sleep or f1?21:16
m4lu5office sysadmin says, "I tain't touching our openvpn server. Forget it."21:16
m4lu5Am I screwed?21:16
Starnestommyvegombrei: are you using the correct case?21:16
marciofrayze2vegombrei, what are you typing exactly21:17
vegombreioh is it case sensitive ?21:17
Starnestommyit is21:17
psycoHas anyone install "Frameworks" its a stop motion animation program21:17
monestrioh thanks, i've been looking to disable the acpi stuff21:17
mateusz_gcould you help me? is it possible to turn on highlighting of messeges with my nick?21:17
monestri90% of it doesn't work anyway21:17
LynetAnnirak: Are you sure packets from outside arrive at fastwan and not slow-wan?21:18
yowshican someone please help me get sound back on my system21:18
Starnestommymateusz_g: is this working?21:18
yowshiplease i have no idea how it broke but it aint working now21:18
monestrimateusz_g, you need client like mirc21:18
Gantzwhat does "sudo modprobe uniput" accomplish?21:18
mateusz_gyes, i see your nick highlighted21:18
StarnestommyGantz: it loads the uniput module into the kernel21:18
Starnestommymateusz_g: just say someone else's nick in a message21:19
mateusz_git seems that only when i send to myself i doesn't highlight it21:19
soundraymonestri: be careful, some machines are known to overheat when you disable ACPI21:19
CarlFKhttp://dpaste.com/50294/  why don't I have ssh-vulnkey?  (and why is -client and -server kept back?)21:19
mateusz_gmateusz_g: test21:19
AnnirakLynet: Positive.  I'm using the fastwan IP directly21:19
soundraymonestri: better to check if you can fix your DSDT with iasl. Tutorials abound on the web21:19
mateusz_gwhen you send it it highlights correctly, thanks21:19
GantzStarnestommy: it doesn't seem to want to do that, or its just not confirming such21:19
vegombreiStarnestommy: how do i change hdd ? cd (hdd name) ?21:19
larsbarssoundray: i did all that and the fan finally stopped running continuously. q: which of powernowd or cpufreqd is better? neither? powertop still shows me in C2 most of the time, even without firefox. safe mode didn't change anything.21:19
StarnestommyGantz: if that command does not output anything, it worked21:19
david___Anyone know a good place to start, when i am trying to get my ATI 9600 drivers up and running for Hardy Heron?21:19
Gantzoho k21:20
mateusz_gStarnestommy: thanks!21:20
Starnestommyvegombrei: that depends on where it's mounted.  It's usually somewhere in /media21:20
mateusz_gwhat do you with about OSS versus ALSA?21:20
vegombreihmm ok21:20
scoopex_when i installed ubuntu i wanst asked for any root password, is there any standard "start" password ?21:20
soundraylarsbars: I can't say anything about the comparative merits of the two frequency managers.21:20
Starnestommyscoopex_: there isn't one21:20
Fishscene!sudo | scoopex_21:20
ubottuscoopex_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.21:20
psycoWhat is a "man page" ??21:20
ubottuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal21:21
Starnestommypsyco: a manual page shown using the man command21:21
soundraypsyco: type 'man man' in a terminal and you'll learn21:21
mateusz_gpsyco: go to applications/terminal21:21
david___The drivers worked untill i upgraded to this new ubuntu version now i cant get direct rendering back again21:21
psycoahh thanks guys21:21
yowshioh wow i found it p[ulseaudio was tieing up my sound shit21:21
yowshii would have thought it would have been killed when i uninstalled it and logged out21:21
mateusz_gpsyco: *applications/accesories/terminal*21:21
LynetAnnirak: Hmm.. Does logs/tcpdump show that the nat box drops the packets instead of forwarding them?21:22
scoopex_thanks guys :)21:22
mateusz_gpsyco: you can for example write: man ls21:23
psycoYup figured it out :D21:23
alastor666Good night l'irc :)21:23
aarcaneman mount21:23
aarcanefinger && fsck21:23
* Shdwstar throws /dev/crappycdburner into /house/wall21:24
james1213hello, I was wondering if you could help me, I have been using vmware workstation on UBuntu, but it does not support exchange server 2007, do you know of any linux virtualization software that does?21:24
Fishscenelol Shdwstar21:24
arno-thi all can someone tell me how to load a specific module when alsa loads? I have to do "sudo modprobe snd_bt_sco" after every boot...21:24
james1213virtualbox seems to only support x86 and exchange server 2007 is 64bit21:24
AnnirakLynet: "find / -iname tcpdump" returns no results21:24
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FishsceneJames1213, how does VMware not support it?21:24
james1213theres no option for it as a vm21:24
james1213and ive tried to use server 2008 64 and vista 64b as a base21:25
james1213but it does not work says operating system not found21:25
james1213or the once it worked said no hard drive detected21:25
Shdwstarawesome sausage virtual os21:25
mateusz_gso what do you think about OSS vs. ALSA?21:25
Fishscenejames1213, what version of VMware?21:25
LynetAnnirak: Well, rule looks fine so I'm thinking there might be something else screwy. Does the appliance have default gateway set correctly?21:25
james1213its only x86 i saw21:25
james1213vmware 6.3...21:25
monestriI need umm.. shared libaries for ffmpeg.. as apposed to.. um static libraries? Any takers?21:25
psycoCan someone help me wiuth this error when running ./configure? http://pastebin.com/m5c90b9c321:25
tmapjis there anyway to mount an iso image to a  virtual drive?21:25
james1213vmware 6.1.3321:25
james1213the one before the 6.5 beta21:26
soundraylarsbars: have you seen the article "Extending Ubuntu's Battery Life" on phoronix.com?21:26
FishsceneI thought they added Server 2008 support. Maybe I'm thinking of the Beta21:26
james1213fishscene anyidea on how i could get it to work?21:26
Shdwstartmapj yes with mount command i believe21:26
james1213no server 2008 works21:26
larsbarssoundray: i haven't. i'll check it out. thanks.21:26
james1213exchange server 2007 is its own OS21:26
james1213and doesnt work21:26
david___Anyone know a good place to start, when i am trying to get my ATI 9600 drivers up and running for Hardy Heron?21:26
virtualdwhen installing postfix, the debconf default for the "mail name" setting is -e true, that looks f* up21:27
Shdwstardavid___: support.ati.com has drivers21:27
Illusionhello ppl. is there a stats bot in here? im looking for ghodmode21:27
soundraylarsbars: apparently the binary video drivers can be a problem21:27
vegombreiStarnestommy: hi how do i get into the my pictures folder .. cd My Pictures wont work21:27
larsbarssoundray: i'm just using the intel i810, or whatever they changed it to21:27
Fishscenejames1213, I'm not sure then. If an OS isn't listed by VMware, I usually "fake it" by selecting another OS. But I'm now horribly off-topic. I'm not familiar with Linux/Opensource Virtualization solutions. =\21:27
david___yes i downloaded and installed but fglrxinfo still shows Mesa something or another21:27
david___OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect21:28
james1213fishscene thats why i chose VIsta 64bit and server 2008 64bit21:28
AnnirakLynet, I have no idea.  The other ports I have forwarded appear to work.  I'm also forwarding 5002,5003 to the appliance, both are open both in and outside.21:28
soundraydavid___: you should go through System-Administration-Hardware Drivers to install the ATI proprietary driver21:28
james1213but unfortunatly it didnt work on either21:28
soundraylarsbars: that should be good21:28
FishsceneOther 64-bit OS?21:28
james1213yeh tried that too21:28
james1213NO OPerating SYstem FOund21:28
Fishscenehmm... I'm at the end of my rope then21:28
AnnirakLynet: I am forwarding port 431 as well.  It's closed inside, but shows up as filtered outside.  Could it be something to do with the port being a low-numbered port?21:29
scoopex_Is there any programs like LimeWire for ubuntu?21:29
LynetAnnirak: Hmm, if other ports work fine from outside then it isn't a routing issue. Could be some firewall rules interfering?21:29
mateusz_gin gxchat how to list peoples on the channel?21:29
prowerAnyone know of a way to reduce choppy/distorted audio in jackd/apps that output through it?21:29
marciofrayze2scoopex_, nicotine21:30
Fishscenescoopex_, there is "Azereus" (or however you spell it)21:30
marciofrayze2scoopex_, gtkgnutella21:30
alado2this is weird, but happened on gutsy for me as well, after some time (a week or so after install) Firefox gets slower, any idea why?21:30
wild_oscarhi there...what's the name of the command to start the gnome volume tray manager?21:30
wild_oscarit's not gnome-volume-manager, is it?21:30
james1213scoopex limewire is available on linux21:30
FishsceneI can't recommend limewire for anyone. =(21:30
soundray!limewire | scoopex_21:30
ubottuscoopex_: limewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install /msg ubotu java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider /msg ubotu FrostWire as an alternative.21:31
vegombreiStarnestommy: hi how do i get into the my pictures folder .. cd My Pictures wont work21:31
james1213ill ask another question while i am here not sure if i will get the same answer as before21:31
mateusz_gok, i found it21:31
james1213I want to be able to be prompted at outbound connections, so I know whats going on with my system21:31
james1213like a 3rd party firewall in windows21:31
james1213does such a program exist in Ubuntu?21:31
KlrSpzjames1213: not sure if it does it, but check out firewall21:31
james1213So I can allow/deny outbound21:31
KlrSpzerr, firestarter21:31
wild_oscarjames1213: yes21:32
james1213firestarter does not prompt you21:32
james1213you set rules21:32
KlrSpzok, didn't know21:32
james1213I want to see a GUI saying /bin/app ex trying to....21:32
soundrayvegombrei: cd My\ Pictures21:32
roo1If gnome-panels are now showing up, even by killall gnome-panel, what do I do?21:32
AnnirakLynet: Really basic firewall.  I actually don't even have a drop rule in place yet.21:32
scoopex_how to install this *.tar.gz files?21:32
alado2how do i get opera (the browser) to turn up in the package manager21:32
james1213I think panda security included such a feature21:32
wild_oscarjames1213: check out firestarter, fwbuilder, fireflier, shorewall and ipkungfu21:32
soundrayscoopex_: don't. Install software from the repositories whenever possible21:33
wild_oscarfirst 3 have a gui, I believe21:33
vegombreisoundray: it worked but is that the way to get into all directories ?21:33
james1213wild oscar, the firewalls I have looked at only let you set rules, there are no prompts21:33
Shdwstarscoopex_ *.gz is gzip file at console type gzip --help21:33
gronnesry.. was trying to go into it21:33
Shdwstarerr no21:33
Shdwstari forget the command21:33
LogiTechcould anyone tell me how to zip directory? ????21:33
soundrayvegombrei: if there's a space, you can escape it or enclose the folder name in quotes21:33
wild_oscaroh, that21:33
kakooniahey.. i got a problem with switching to ttyX where x is 1-6 the screen resolution misfeets it.. is there a way to change this for tty?21:33
james1213the problem I have with linux as a whole is I dont know what is going on with the system, I dont know what app is doing what21:33
Fishsceneright-click directory, select "Create Archive"21:34
wild_oscarjames1213: have no idea, but I don't think you'll be lucky21:34
LynetAnnirak: Could you pastebin your iptables --list?21:34
scoopex_how may i install nicotine the easiest way?21:34
james1213The fact I know linux is readable entirly from the source code, I feel safe21:34
Gninefirestarter does prompt for blocked inbound connections..21:34
soundrayjames1213: it's a learning curve. Give yourself some time21:34
james1213but I would like to know whats happening21:34
tmapjcould anyone tell me how to mount an iso image to a  virtual drive?21:34
soundrayscoopex_: through Applications-Add/Remove Software21:34
wild_oscargotta go21:34
james1213inbound connection are no problem seeing as I haev a hardware router21:35
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
james1213its only monitoring outbound21:35
roo1If gnome-panels are now showing up, even by killall gnome-panel, what do I do?21:35
AnnirakLynet: http://pastebin.com/d29d0df9021:35
alado2which p2p networks are popular in asia? exept torrent21:35
hydrogenthats so off topic for this channel21:36
Tarasdoes anyone know good upcoming mmorpg for ubuntu ?21:36
ompaul!offtopic | alado221:36
ubottualado2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:36
Tarasgames lol21:36
Raptelanikonia: hum what?21:36
Fishsceneoh sorry, my chat wasn't scrolling and I lol'd at something else =S21:36
alado2oops, sorry, i was waiting to get my ubuntu question answered :)21:37
FishsceneI don't know of any upcoming games for Ubuntu (Or linux in general), but I do know of at least 121:37
james1213as much as I love linux, I still feel I know more about whats happening on it on Windows rather than Linux21:37
Fishscenethat is already out21:37
mysticdarkhackhey all21:37
Fishscenejames1213, Understandable. I still have that feeling.21:38
bcardarellaWhat is the installation path for Firefox in 8.04 ?21:38
roo1If gnome-panels are now showing up, even by killall gnome-panel, what do I do?21:38
KlrSpzjames1213: i dont' think anything like that exists for linux21:38
roo1anyone? If gnome-panels are now showing up, even by killall gnome-panel, what do I do?21:38
mysticdarkhackanyone know a command to make transmission a default for bittorrent instead of miro in capital21:38
Fishscenejames1213, Ubuntu 8 has something called "System Monitor" which is similar to task manager in Windows. that might help you get started with "nailing down what's going on"21:38
scoopex_in nicotine i got this server: server.slsknet.org:2240, but i cant connect, why?21:39
james1213perhaps thats why its easy to hack once your on a linux box21:39
Chapaijames1213:- i feel the opposite,21:39
alado2can anyone recommend another browser than firefox, in the ubuntu repos21:39
ompaul!epiphany | alado221:39
Chapaiepiphany-browser alado221:39
ubottuFactoid epiphany not found21:39
james1213seeing as the average user does not know what running on linux/supposed to be running, doesnt look at current connection, once youve hacked linux its much easy to maintain the hack21:39
james1213with windows its becoming the opposite21:39
james1213of course the thing is hacking it in the first place21:40
kakooniahey.. i got a problem with switching to ttyX where x is 1-6 the screen resolution misfeets it.. is there a way to change this for tty?21:40
james1213is the problem21:40
sidelilalado2, epiphany-browser, galeon21:40
KlrSpzcompletely OT, but has anyone personally built a shed before?21:40
james1213chapai, I feel like I know linux isnt doing anything I don't know about21:40
james1213btw is your name a reference from stargate?21:41
KlrSpzjames1213: lol, then you're mistaken21:41
scoopex_how can i connect to server.slsknet.org:2240 at nicotine? ore is there any other sever i should use?21:41
hydrogen!ot | KlrSpz21:41
ubottuKlrSpz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:41
whileimherehi. I want to write some doc files for a python-GLADE app is there a program to assist me in this in ubuntu?21:41
ompaul!offtopic | KlrSpz totally offtopic21:41
ubottuKlrSpz totally offtopic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:41
Chapaijames1213:- i agree, the control i have over my other ubuntu box is huge21:41
esj1234need pointers to solve wifi problem  wifi was detected with 7.10 but not 8.04  need to use ndis with windows driver21:41
james1213klrspz,. linux is monitoring everything i do? reporting it to the givernment?21:41
james1213and the opposite is true with windows?21:41
esj1234but don't where to gind driver21:41
james1213control is huge, you can do everything you want to Linux, of course a great thing21:42
Fishscenejames1213: http://www.whylinuxisbetter.net/items/viruses/index.php?lang=21:42
evilbugdid anyone have to do something to get their video working flawlessly aside from installing the restricted driver on ati or nvidia? (gutsy and/or hardy)21:42
LynetAnnirak: Sorry, not really sure what the problem is. It looks like it should work, but it doesn't.21:42
KlrSpzwell, that topic is completely unrelated to what you stated; and yes, there are applications that monitor what you do and phone home21:42
james1213fishscene I know why Linux is better,21:42
Saint`Dia`There is rumor that the C.I.A. Co-created the code for Vista to help locate terrorist activities.21:42
friezeso, quick sanity check, the 64 bit version is what I want with a xeon based server right?21:42
alado2KlrSpz: i've built one21:42
simplexiofrieze: ya21:42
AnnirakLynet: well, thanks for the help21:42
Gantzi'm having no luck getting my g15 to work on ubuntu21:42
KlrSpzevilbug: which card? cuz yes you'll have to tell xorg to load composite extensions for nvidia21:42
simplexiofrieze: if you dont use java21:42
james1213saintdia theres a rumour about everything21:42
burnerwarrior008hello everyone21:42
simplexiofrieze: or use it desktop and wanna see those flash videos21:43
Chapailinux is great when it works, when something goes wrong, it can be a nightmare fixing it21:43
paulcrossNot everybody use computer.21:43
esj1234 Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection  is wifi card21:43
simplexioChapai: ?21:43
evilbugKlrSpz- i'm having trouble on my nvidia geforce4 mx and my ati mobility radeon x160021:43
scoopex_anyone knows how to connect to server in nicotine?21:43
friezesimplexio: nope, just fileserver and some x apps and whatnot21:43
jason_1webcam video is easily washed out with brightness, like someone wearing a white shirt.....can't turn the brightness down anymore.21:43
LynetAnnirak: I'd try doing a couple network traces though, the error might be elsewhere.21:43
evilbugKlrSpz- i never got video to work properly in any media player in ubuntu,but it would be fine in windows and os x.21:43
simplexiofrieze: then.. 64bit it is.. or you can go 32bit if you dont have more than 4G ram21:43
burnerwarrior008ive got a problem with my wlan on ubuntu 8.04. can someone help me plz? im looking for abouth months for a solution :(21:43
jason_1evilbug, mplayer man, all the way.21:44
poomalaihello everybody21:44
AnnirakLynet: I don't know how to do that21:44
evilbugjason_1- doesn't fix anything.21:44
james1213fishscene how long have you used Linux?21:44
simplexiofrieze: 64bit is probably bit faster under 4G little bit more faster over 4G ram21:44
KlrSpzevilbug: video? oh, thought you meant working with the compiz stuff.. what problems are you having with video? and yeah as jason_1 said mplayer is nice, and what i use21:44
poomalaitoday i have got a problem with openSSH21:44
poomalaiCan anyone help me?21:44
james1213simplexio, Ubuntu 64bit runs great on my system apart from my sound doesnt work21:44
Chapaiwhat problem is it poomalai21:44
jason_1anyone havfe suggestions on how to fix my webcam problem?21:45
jason_1webcam video is easily washed out with brightness, like someone wearing a white shirt.....can't turn the brightness down anymore.21:45
esj1234burnerwarrior008: me too  but no luck21:45
poomalaithanks Chapai. I installed open ssh today on hardy21:45
evilbugKlrSpz- video is laggy in general.i installed the restricted drivers and restricted extras but video playback sucks either way in ubuntu.21:45
Fishscenejames1213, I've been using Ubuntu 8 HH since release on a laptop.21:45
FishsceneI've been dipping my toes in the linux waters for over a year now21:45
KlrSpzevilbug: paste your xorg.conf in a pastebin21:45
james1213evilbug, VLC Player plays everything fine for me including 1080p x26421:45
burnerwarrior008esj1234, ive googled a few days long and found absolutely nothing :( its annoying21:45
KlrSpzevilbug: even though you install a restricted driver doesnt' mean you're using it21:46
poomalaiwhen i connect using command ssh -p 33 poomalai.homelinux.com, it says connection refused21:46
jason_1evilbug, hd movies will eat cpu21:46
esj1234it worked for me on 7.1021:46
evilbugjames1213- i like vlc21:46
Chapaiyou are not specifying what problem you are having poomalai21:46
james1213in windows Media Player classic is slightly better than VLC21:46
james1213so i usually watch things in Windows21:46
KlrSpzi  LOVE WMPClassic21:46
scoopex_i need a server to nicotine, server.slsknet.org:2240 dosnt work?!?21:46
evilbugKlrSpz- it says it's being used.how do i paste it?21:46
simplexiome like mplayer moust21:46
poomalaiwhen i connect using command ssh -p 33 poomalai.homelinux.com, it says connection refused21:46
KlrSpzmplayer comes close, but has a few things i miss from mpc21:46
kakooniadoes anybody know how do i fix the resolution / change reso.. of all tty's? (ctrl+alt+f2..) ?21:46
KlrSpzevilbug: ? cat it out and paste it into pastebin.com21:47
evilbugi like vlc,winamp,itunes.21:47
esj1234burnerwarrior008: auto detect, install driver and everything  8.04  no a thing21:47
evilbugKlrSpz- one sec.21:47
poomalaiwhen i use command ssh it works21:47
james1213vlc, mpc, power dvd21:47
KlrSpzkakoonia: you need to set a vga mode on your boot line21:47
jason_1mplayer is the SHIT, i only use the commandline verison as well. it renders everything i throw at it, including partial files.21:47
GantzLogitech G15, after i install the dependencies i'm told to install the packages? when i do the installs always fail21:47
burnerwarrior008esj1234, you know how to handle ubuntu? cause im a noob there ^^21:47
PriceChild!ohmy > jason_121:47
james1213ive used Ubuntu since 6.0621:47
jason_1mplayer is the POOP i only use the commandline verison as well. it renders everything i throw at it, including partial files.21:47
esj1234burnerwarrior008: yes,  been using it since 4.something21:47
kakooniaklrspz: what do you mean?21:47
poomalaiplease Chapai help me21:47
kakooniaklrspz: how?21:48
Chapaipoomalai:- is and poomalai..... the same box?21:48
burnerwarrior008esj1234, maybe you know how to help me ;)21:48
KlrSpzkakoonia: first step is to google my suggestion21:48
simplexiojason_1: thats reason i like it, it allways works + nice key shortcut and fast forwarding21:48
KlrSpzkakoonia: http://www.mepis.org/node/299221:48
kakoonia;) gotcha Thanks..21:48
KlrSpzfirst result21:48
esj1234burnerwarrior008: ga21:48
zethero1how do I see in the terminal what my hdd info is ....21:48
KlrSpzzethero1: what hdd info do you need?21:48
Chapaiwhy did you put -p 33 in the first one, did you specify port 33 in sshd_config poomalai21:48
simplexiozethero1: ? define hdd info21:49
jason_1simplexio, i always svn and compile my own stuff, i have some speical options compile it with.21:49
linkslicefscking debian21:49
evilbugKlrSpz- http://pastebin.com/d4915c5f521:49
FishsceneLanguage please21:49
zethero1KlrSpz: the path info... like  /dev/sda1 etc21:49
burnerwarrior008esj1234, ive got a "avm fritz!wlan usb stick" as wlan device. the notebooks boots with ubuntu 8.04 perfectly, drives is loaded too. when i try to connect to my own wlan ubuntu simply stops doing anything. i cxant start programms or open files or even reboot...21:49
poomalaiyes. is my local ip and poomalai.homelinux.com is dyndns domain. I want to access my machine anywhere using internet. So i created dyndns account and pointed the domain to my
arthurQuestion? how come when i type users in terminal my login shows up twice?21:49
simplexiojason_1: i compiled it when ubntu f** something with it21:49
PriceChildarthur: each gnome-terminal counts a seperate login21:49
KlrSpzzethero1: well you can do "dmesg | grep sd" or replace with "hd" for ide channels; if it's mounted already type "mount"21:49
lappy198http://dump.myskul.net/files/gnomepanel.png <-- is it possible to make the panel under the applets to be transparent?21:50
arthurthats normal?21:50
PriceChildarthur: yes21:50
scoopex_cannot connect to nicotine, anyonw help me? how do i retrive a username and password?21:50
zethero1KlrSpz: whats sd for?21:50
simplexioi dont have anymore intres to compile all from source.. reason why i selected ubuntu for my destop21:50
Fishscenepoomalai, that sounds like a non-routable IP address. Are you sure your internet (WAN) IP address is that IP?21:50
esj1234burnerwarrior008: hmm lockups like that are rare21:50
Chapaiwhy did you specify -p 33 when using the dns poomalai21:50
KlrSpzzethero1: serial disk21:50
arthuri just rebooted thats normal?21:50
KlrSpzsda, sdb, etc etc21:50
GantzLogitech G15, after i install the dependencies i'm told to install the packages? when i do the installs always fail21:50
jason_1i didn't harness the true power of mplayer until i utilized a config in $home/21:50
simplexioor play with all kinds anti-virus software and shit that windows does21:50
=== eric is now known as talntid
KlrSpzjason_1 same here, and live is good21:50
slackpipepoomalai: you want to point your dyndns to your internet ip, then have your router route the ports you need to your local ip21:51
burnerwarrior008esj1234, since now noone was able to help me :( internet via cable works fine, but wlan hangs up21:51
KlrSpzevilbug: that's your ati card -- unfortunately i know nothing about ATI in linux21:51
KlrSpzevilbug: but it looks ok21:51
zethero1KlrSpz: isn't there an fdisk command?21:51
poomalaiI thought it might be a problem with port. So that i changd it and configured ssh configuration file too. When i used default port 22, i faced the same problem.21:51
KlrSpzzethero1: yes, but you have to give it a device first; if you're asking what the path is, then it's useless21:52
evilbugKlrSpz- i see.21:52
james1213slackpipe how does dyndns keep the host upto date with ur IP changes?21:52
CITguy08has anybody been able to fix the libjli.so error when trying to run java?21:52
jason_1KlrSpz, live?21:52
KlrSpzevilbug: see if there's options in VLC (i know there are in mplayer) to choose a rendering engine; some perform better than others21:52
esj1234burnerwarrior008:  try bringing up a term window before connecting wifi.  in that window, run tail -f /var/log/syslog21:52
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
slackpipejames1213: my router has a dyndns section, i just put the info in there at it takes care of the rest21:52
Chapaiyou are using a router, so forward the port in the router poomalai21:52
KlrSpzjason_1 i meant makes life good21:52
KlrSpzlife is good21:52
jason_1oh right21:52
slackpipejames1213: with some modems you'd have to setup a bridge to the router to do that21:52
burnerwarrior008esj1234, ok, ill try. notebook is running right now (im working with pc ;) )21:52
esj1234burnerwarrior008: connect, watcdh the logs and see of anything jumps out at you21:52
poomalaiJames, my router has in-built dyndns client and it sends my public ip whenever it changes,21:53
james1213slackpipe, what information? just the host your using as a dyndns and login info or?21:53
jason_1life sucks, espeically in america, watch sicko21:53
p_hi -- doe anyone know what happened to gnome-keyring-manager in hardy?21:53
evilbugKlrSpz- would that be an issue since every media player gives me the same video results?21:53
KlrSpzjason_1, my life is doing fine :)21:53
p_launchpad says it is "superceded" but it doesn't say by what21:53
poomalaichapai. I already done that21:53
p_and I want to see my gnome keyring keys.21:53
slackpipejames1213: on my router i think you just pick dyndns and then put your un/pw in, it takes care of the rest21:53
poomalaiAs i told you, I was able to access my machine through internet when i used gusty21:53
KlrSpzevilbug: honestly, i don't know? i have a 486 at home that's running xubuntu and can playback videos just fine with an onboard videocard...21:53
afallenhopeHey, I believe i'm havin an issue with Apache + PHP21:54
KlrSpzevilbug: an old ass s321:54
burnerwarrior008esj1234, ok, i typed it in and now it run. should i try to connect now?21:54
FishsceneP_: System > preferences > Encryption and Keyrings21:54
kasrap_: there is seahorse21:54
p_Fishscene: yay. thanks.21:54
evilbugKlrSpz- i'm frustrated...for months i've been trying to fix this.21:54
afallenhopeI'm trying to install apache + php running Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron and anytime I create a PHP page.. It asks me to download that page..21:54
KlrSpzevilbug: you have a swap space set up?21:54
Chapaiwhen you change the port restart the ssh server21:54
KlrSpz(just thinking of ideas)21:54
FishscenePoomalai, is your router routing the port to your computer's LAN IP address?21:54
Chapaiwhen you change the port restart the ssh server poomalai21:54
evilbugKlrSpz- yes.21:54
poomalaiyes i did21:55
afallenhopeI've installed APACHE + PHP the following methods: sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php521:55
thisusernamewasmMp3 stopped working on rhythmbox, I suspect due to some stuff Aptitude did when I installed an unrelated program a while ago. How do I restore mp3 playback ability?21:55
p_Fishscene: oh. this isn't what I meant21:55
afallenhopeI've even add the type in the apache2.conf file21:55
kitcheafallenhope: you have to configure apache so that it understands php files21:55
slackpipepoomalai: go to the dyndns website and see what ip addy the domain is forwarding to21:55
p_I'm looking for the secrets that network manager keeps.21:55
p_it used to be accessible via gnome-keyring-manager21:55
Fishsceneoh I have no idea =\21:55
p_but that appears to have vanished into thin air21:55
KlrSpzp_: those are encrypted and can't be unencrypted21:55
lordnpsHi there, I've just installed 8.04, and I'm new to Ubuntu, and I desperatly need to program in C, gcc works, but it complaints that the libraries aren't present, strdio.h etc.21:55
afallenhopekitche: I put AddType application/x-httpd-php php21:56
kitcheafallenhope: you have to restart apache if you change the config file if you haven't done so already21:56
afallenhopeint the conf file21:56
Chapaipoomalai:- i can reach your ssh server21:56
afallenhopekitche:  I did that.21:56
poomalaiFishscene, i beleive so because i was able to access web site in my computer using  my public ip. (the site is hosted in windows os. I have dual os)21:56
kitchelordnps: sudo apt-get install build-essential21:56
KlrSpzp_: ~/.gnome2/keyrings is the file.. delete it and you can set up a new keyring21:56
lordnpskitche: that will make it workable?21:56
thisusernamewasmlordnps, desperately or urgently?21:56
p_KlrSpz: I want to see what I have, not delete it :-)21:56
slackpipeafallenhope: in your apache2 dir you should have a dir called mods_enabled see if your php is in there, if not create a symlink of the one in mods_avail21:56
poomalaiChapai are u able to reach my ssh?21:56
kitchelordnps: well it will install the basic developer files21:56
Chapaii dont know why you cant, poomalai21:56
lordnpsthisusernamewasm: urgently21:56
KlrSpzp_: right, i just described how that's not possible21:56
evilbugKlrSpz- what if i make the refresh rate something like 80hz?21:57
lordnpskitche: thanks, I'll try that and post you if it works :) thanks21:57
poomalaiactually iwas trying to connect my machine from my office. I was not able to.21:57
burnerwarrior008esj1234, ok. now it says on one point "deactivating device wlan0" seems not to be right Oo21:57
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
KlrSpzevilbug: might blow up your monitor :S21:57
daemon3Is it just me, or does firefox close randomly for anyone else?21:57
Lordvedaany xbacklight in xorg 7.3?21:57
Chapaiusing port 33 by the way poomalai21:57
thisusernamewasmanyone know how to fix mp3 playback on my rhythmbox? it stopped working randomly. :\21:57
poomalaiNow i tried  to connect from my local machine (where ssh installed). Could that be a problem?21:57
jason_1thisusernamewasm, reboot21:57
WrekkAnyone using Ubuntu on a laptop and had some trouble with there Touchpad?21:57
evilbugKlrSpz- :(21:57
KlrSpzdaemon3: it does if i'm tryign to manipulate some of the settings, like applications to use... which btw is now jacked to all hell for me21:57
afallenhopeslackpipe: it's not there for some reason. How would I create the symlink?21:58
thisusernamewasmbrb, then.21:58
evilbugcan anyone help me with video in hardy on an ati card?21:58
mirekhi, where to ask about developing apps with ubuntu? (have weird libxft problem)21:58
Dreaddoes anyone know what the name of the file manager is for AWN file browser applet? cuz its not nautilus...21:58
Fishscenedoes anyone know the command to restart the alsa daemon?21:58
markotite1Ive installed gisomount, but dont see it in aplications21:58
markotite1how can I know where deb package is installed21:59
WrekkMy Touchpad are veery sloow, and I dont get it to work ... anyone wanna help?21:59
lordnpsBy the way, how do you change resolutions in the tty terminals? (ctrl alt f*)21:59
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!21:59
poomalaichapai, can i connect to my local machine using public ip?21:59
=== marciofrayze2 is now known as marciofrayze
SilverWolf89I need help with an unrecognized external usb hard disk.. who have time for trying to solve this problem?21:59
Wrekklordnps,  I have change my res. in tty text mode22:00
burnerwarrior008how do i connect to wlan vie command line?22:00
Chapaipoomalai:- what do you mean public ip?22:00
sigmounteqqun sait ou se trouve la procedure/ repository pour avoir le kernel 2.6.5 sous hardy ? merci22:00
lordnpskitche: It works!, Thanks!22:00
lordnpsWrekk: how?22:00
afallenhopeSo.. it's still not parsing.22:00
poomalaiI mean the ip i got using whatismyip.com22:00
KlrSpzi'm really starting to hate FIREFOX 322:01
Wrekklordnps, sudo apt-get install startupmanager22:01
daemon3Well, I just got logged out.22:01
esj1234burnerwarrior008: not sure  iwconfig22:01
magnetron!hate | KlrSpz22:01
ubottuKlrSpz: hate is a thing we don't encourage - why waste your energy22:01
daemon3Firefox kicked me out, basically.22:01
iRelinquishklrspz, why?22:01
lordnpsWrekk: sure thing22:01
Wrekklordnps, with that prog you can change it... and some other rather nice things :)22:01
Dreaddoes anyone know what the name of the file manager is for AWN file browser applet?22:01
daemon3KlrSpz: I agree.  I don't like firefox three.22:01
KlrSpz!quitwaistingcharactersforstupidthingslikethat | magnetron22:01
ubottuKlrSpz: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:01
Chapaiyes you can, poomalai22:01
daemon3The good news: it's just the beta version.22:01
KlrSpziRelinquish: well, only about 10% of the damn thing works...22:01
magnetron!attitude | KlrSpz22:02
ubottuKlrSpz: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:02
KlrSpzdaemon3: bad news: it's packaged with hardy22:02
torthoA centrino on a Dell inspiron XPS 1710... Shall I have the regular or the 64 bit version of ubuntu..22:02
ubottuKlrSpz: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:02
lordnpsWrekk: Thanks, it was kind of desperate with that 640 400 like res :) and I love TTYing22:02
daemon3I don't like the beta version because flash doesn't work, so I uninstalled it.22:02
afallenhopegot it to work..I just had to force-reload then restart22:02
daemon3But does anyone know why Firefox kicks me out?22:02
white_eagledaemon3: how does it kick you out22:02
poomalaithen why i am not able to connect my machine? May i send you my ip? Can u please check that and tell me whether it is working or not, chapai?22:02
KlrSpziRelinquish: and when i import my bookmarks it's so difficult to get them how i want them; it dumps them in the menu seciton and won't let you move a large section22:03
Wrekklordnps, you and me both :) ... you gonna love this prog then... you can change grub menu, and loading screen and such22:03
daemon3white_eagle: Just like if I manually logged out.  It just brings me back to the login screen without warning.22:03
infidelisff 3 works fine with flash, so far22:03
Chapaiyou have the poomalai.linu..... dns right?22:03
poomalaichapai, is my ip.22:03
kitchelordnps: not a problem was in X and did my lastlog to see if you said anything so that's why I didn't say anything for some time22:03
SilverWolf89is there anyone here free?22:03
poomalaiyes chapai22:03
iRelinquishklrspz, book marks, i would use del.icou.us22:04
Daisuke_Idofirefox 3 works fine, this sounds like a PEBKAC issue.  moving large groups of bookmarks is simple in the bookmark manager.22:04
lordnpsWrekk: Yeah, I've seen, quite useful. Thanks22:04
poomalaiit it poomalai.homelinux.com22:04
torthoCentrino Dual core ... 64 bit ubuntu?22:04
Chapaiyes i can reach it poomalai22:04
|neko|!ask | SilverWolf8922:04
ubottuSilverWolf89: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:04
Fishscene!ask > SilverWolf8922:04
KlrSpziRelinquish: you know, i've been contemplating that for years, just haven't broken down to do it22:04
iRelinquishklrspz, its pretty good check it out22:04
dinosaurI installed Xubuntu 7.10 on a friend's dinosaur laptop.... he accidently selected the 8.?? LTS distribution upgrade... now his computer is running drastically slower (he can't handle the newer version)... how can I DOWNGRADE back to 7.10 distribution?22:04
Wrekklordnps,  :)22:05
lordnpskitche: mind if I bother you with some more questions then?22:05
ShdwstarSilverWolf89 responde to my query =p22:05
iRelinquishklrspz, or you can just install firefox 2 again22:05
Chapaihang on poomalai i am trying to connect to my ssh using public ip but its refused but i have not forward the port, let me test22:05
kitchedinosaur: reinstall is the only real way22:05
SilverWolf89I can't get my usb hard disk to work, with lsusb I can find it, but I can't found any way to mount it22:05
kitchelordnps: go ahead if you have more22:05
k20awould a keyboard with a touchpad work on linux?22:05
poomalaithank you very much chapai. By the way this is my first experience with ubuntu irc channel. You guys are really active and helpful. I did not expect immediate help. Thanks once again. I will try tomorrow from my office.22:05
KlrSpziRelinquish: well i relaly like the new url bar; but dislike the download window and i can't tell firefox how to properly open a file anymore22:05
dinosaurkitche : I was hoping you wouldn't say that... how positive are you on the inability to downgrade after a distribution upgrade?22:06
TBotNikall, trying first time config of CVS using (downloaded 3 WinCVS, RapidSVN, Subversion).  Have no idea what to do.  Tried following SourgeForce HOWTO but it leaves me clueless22:06
iRelinquishtrue, klrspz22:06
kitchedinosaur: umm it's not recommended since it will break22:06
iRelinquishklrspz, you'll get used to it all though i'm sure22:06
poomalaichapai, are you facing the same problem as mine?22:06
john21hello.. I would like when i open an application( like browser or amsn) not to be maximized from the beginning.I would like to set my own default size.. how could i do that?? thx in advance.22:07
dinosaurbreak is not good... guess he's stuck with it as-is... no way am I taking the time to reinstall, upgrade, and add 100+ programs to this dinosaur again22:07
TheOVMy ADSL connection used to work in Ubuntu no problem, but now it's not working at all. My network adapter connects directly to the ADSL modem (no router). Even the live CD doesn't connect, so I don't think it's a problem with my configuration. I have openSuSE and Windows XP installed as well as Ubuntu, and they both connect no problem. Sometimes in Ubuntu it spontaneously connects, but normally it doesn't. I try dhclient, but it always ends without co22:07
Dreaddoes anyone know what the name of the file manager is for AWN file browser applet?22:07
dinosaurthanks folks22:08
starzemergency question plz22:08
monestriisn't there a select all in the terminal?22:08
starzi need to mount a software raided / partition from a 7.10 livecd22:08
starzhow ???22:08
Chapaipoomalai:- from what i can tell, using public ip within the network does not work, so connect using the 192... but when outside the network it works hence i can reach your ssh server22:08
Wrekkstarz, se any in /dev?22:09
hisingh1anyone knwo how to use ssh22:09
lordnpskitche: sorry my X crashed22:09
Daisuke_IdoChapai: but you can test it from another machine using the internal IP22:09
hisingh1anyone know how to use ssh22:09
KlrSpzhisingh1: that's pretty broad, can you be specific in your intent?22:09
Daisuke_Ido!repeat | hisingh122:09
ubottuhisingh1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience22:09
poomalaioh... You have been very helpful for me, chapai. Thanks a lot. I will try from my office tomorrow...22:09
lordnpskitche: I was going to complain about compiz, and I tried to start it up, but it went nutto22:10
Chapaihope it works, poomalai22:10
hisingh1connect to a diffrent computer (sorry for repeat, my bad)22:10
poomalaibye bye...22:10
jason_1took 13 months for this scrap on my elbow to completely fill in/heal. that hardcore?22:10
hisingh1code specificly (i am using no-ip)22:10
kitchelordnps: I don't really use anything fancy like compiz but just know enough to get it working with compiz-fusion22:10
poomalaibye folks.22:10
Daisuke_Idojason_1: quite offtopic.22:10
lordnpskitche: Firstly it complaints that there-s no XGL accelaration , while my gentoo compiz said it had22:10
lordnpskitche: should I re emerge the 915?22:11
kitchelordnps: do you have XGL installed?22:11
AaronHhisingh1, I sent you a PM22:11
jason_1so was mplayer and no one complained.22:11
kitchelordnps: now a days though you don't need XGL really22:11
lordnpskitche: do I have to Install it?22:11
lordnpskitche: the main problem isn-t that though22:11
Daisuke_Idojason_1: mplayer is a piece of software available in ubuntu, your scrapes are not.  therefore it is offtopic.  if you want to discuss your healing rates, go to #ubuntu-offtopic22:12
lordnpskitche: it complains abou a configuration file somewhere... its a fresh install22:12
Nissan_350ZHello, I need help for possibly finding a new graphics driver for an HP?22:12
lordnpskitche: it shouldnt be messed up already22:12
lordnpskitche:  my gentoo worked all nicely after install , even though it took 3 days to compile22:12
jason_1acutally, we were discussing mplayer playing video files.22:13
KlrSpz<3 gentoo22:13
kitchelordnps: see if you have an option in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf that has AIGLX in there someplace if you do not have a nvida card with binary driver22:13
lordnpskitche: I have an Intel 94522:13
jason_1and compling it from source, not from the repos, so, it was not ubuntu related.22:13
kitchelordnps: see if you have AIGLX enabled in xorg.conf then22:13
lordnpskitche: ok gonna check, wait a sec22:13
Daisuke_Idojason_1: still, talking about your injuries is not an appropriate topic for this channel, end of discussion22:14
lordnpskitche: No... it doesnt have such an option22:14
Nissan_350ZHello, I need help for possibly finding a new graphics driver for an HP? Because this current driver is messing up BADLY :/22:15
lordnpskitche: its surprizingly small actually...22:15
jason_1Daisuke_Ido, i ended my discussion about my injury.22:15
evilbugcan anyone help me with video in hardy on an ati card?22:15
lordnpskitche:  doesnt have anything regarding the graphics adapter, except that its a managed graphics adapter22:15
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kitchelordnps: you will need to reconfigure X then most likely I believe dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg still works22:16
lordnpskitche: ok... Ill try that...22:16
TheOVMy ADSL connection used to work in Ubuntu no problem, but now it's not working at all. My network adapter connects directly to the ADSL modem (no router). Even the live CD doesn't connect, so I don't think it's a problem with my configuration. I have openSuSE and Windows XP installed as well as Ubuntu, and they both connect no problem. Sometimes in Ubuntu it spontaneously connects, but normally it doesn't. I try dhclient, but it always ends without co22:17
fugitivoanyone with ubuntu 8.04 and a hauppauge pvr 150 ?22:17
linkmaster03All my ALSA mixers suddenly disappeared and my sound doesn't work, please help!22:17
fugitivoi have no sound in my hauppauge pvr 15022:17
^Tech-Help^how do i search for a word that is in the terminal? like for example the ps -A command floods the terminal too much to try to find anything , i know its Grep something22:17
fugitivo^Tech-Help^, ps ax |grep word22:18
^Tech-Help^ah thanks :)22:18
fugitivo^Tech-Help^, try to use a nick without weird symbols22:18
fugitivo^Tech-Help^, its hard to type :)22:18
^Tech-Help^well the nick i wanted was taken :/22:18
solexious[Q] Since updating to 8.04 my cron jobs in cron.hourly cron.daily etc arnt running, any ideas?22:18
Gantzwhen watching embedded videos, it plays for about 4 seconds max and has no sound22:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 228363 in ubuntu "Hauppauge PVR-150 with no audio after upgrading to Hardy" [Undecided,New]22:19
kinterrafugitivo: haupauge? what is that?22:19
fugitivokinterra, tv tuner22:19
Gantzso far i can get sound from music but not embedded videos22:20
Illusionanybody in here who has php knowlegde?22:20
StarnestommyIllusion: maybe someone in ##php does22:20
fugitivoIllusion, a little22:20
linkmaster03All my ALSA mixers suddenly disappeared and my sound doesn't work, please help!22:20
fugitivoIllusion, but #php will be better22:21
Illusionok. ty22:21
Gantzcan't get flash videos to play for more than 4 seconds at a time22:21
fugitivolinkmaster03, is your sound card detected?22:21
linkmaster03fugitivo: how can I find that out? it worked like a charm until last night22:21
lordnpskitche: Compiz doesn-t work nevertheless... oh well, I guess I dont need anything fancy... as long as I have emacs and gcc running Ill manage, thanks for the help! :D22:22
solexiousGantz, had the ame problem compleatly uninstall the flash plugin and restart then re install22:22
fugitivolinkmaster03, lsmod |grep snd22:22
solexiousGantz, that fixed all my problems22:22
RYjet911I tried to install Ubuntu 8.04, but whenever I start the computer up it stays in a console-like thing, and I have no idea what to do. It has the Ubuntu loading bar, but once it finished I get a console screen.22:22
vladcan somebody help me to configure some ident daemon listening on port 113 where i have to put my id?22:22
flotishtuhow to auto configure ipmasq or any thing like it on every time at system boot.  dpkg-reconfigure ipmasq     . instead of manully pressing keys.?22:22
Nissan_350ZHello, I need help for possibly finding a new graphics driver for an HP? Because this current driver is messing up BADLY :/ This is on Hardy Heron...22:22
linkmaster03fugitivo: which one am I looking for?22:23
Gantzsolexiousnot: sure where to do that22:23
fugitivoRYjet911, start writing on paper that console-like thing and paste it in pastebin22:23
fugitivolinkmaster03, do you have modules loaded?22:23
dethstarhow can I go about unzipping multiple rar files that contain my data with hardy?22:23
fugitivodethstar, unrar x ?22:23
dethstaroh yeah?22:24
solexiousGantz, go to synaptic manager and search for flash, right clck on it and choose compleatly remove22:24
linkmaster03fugitivo: umm, i'm not sure :( sorry for being a noob22:24
fugitivoRYjet911, www.pastebin.ca22:24
iRelinquishany good guides for samba with 8.04?22:24
gavintlgoldhi, is there any way I can restrict internet access for a single user?22:24
gavintlgoldor, rather, block it completely/22:24
* magnetron plays "balloon fight"22:24
solexious[Q] Since updating to 8.04 my cron jobs in cron.hourly cron.daily etc arnt running, any ideas?22:24
fugitivowell i came here for help and i'm helping other people, i need sound on my hauppauge22:24
ReVisionshow im doing an ipv6 scan on nmap?22:24
fugitivolinkmaster03, snd_ something22:25
StijnCan anyone tell me on how to activate a raid device? I can only find 'assemble' but that gives an error saying that it's already active, but mdadm --detail /dev/md1 says the MD is clean and non-active... Any hints ?22:25
kinterrafugitivo: system-config-soundmanager22:25
linkmaster03fugitivo: yes snd                    59940  7 snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_seq_oss,snd_seq,snd_timer,snd_seq_device22:26
remuhey guys, I have two questions, question 1) my physics teacher gave us a solutions manual in word document format, when I try to open it in OOo, it doesnt display the formulas and equations properly, has a bunch of weird symbols for some of them, anyone know how this can be fixed?22:26
fugitivokinterra, ?22:26
magnetron ReVisions maybe you need to give it the ipv6 option?22:26
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free22:26
laeg!info unrar-free22:26
ubottuunrar-free (source: unrar-free): Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20070515-1 (hardy), package size 40 kB, installed size 124 kB22:26
RYjet911Why do I need to write the console stuff on paper?22:27
kitcheremu: use Word instead of OOo the document might have somthing in it that OOo does not understand22:27
fugitivolinkmaster03, cat /proc/asound/cards22:27
fugitivokinterra, i dont have that command22:27
remukitche: but I dont have Word22:27
Stijnremu: You probably need another locale22:27
linkmaster03fugitivo: --- no soundcards ---22:27
fugitivolinkmaster03, well, that's the problem22:27
Stijnremu: utf-8, or some windows kind, windows isn't really a big utf-8 fan22:27
kinterrafugitivo: uff, sorry22:28
Stijnremu: I have problems with that all the time, so don't ask me howto :p22:28
remuStijn: what do you mean? I think the formulas were made using the microsoft office equation editor thing22:28
remuStijn: lol, k22:28
fugitivolinkmaster03, whats your soundcard?22:28
fugitivolinkmaster03, onboard?22:28
linkmaster03fugitivo: HDA Intel22:28
Stijnremu: those 'equations' are special characters in a characterset, microsofts one is 'closed source', so you need to use a compatible one to see it..22:28
evilbugcan anyone help me with video in hardy on an ati card?22:28
fugitivolinkmaster03, i have one and its being detected22:28
linkmaster03fugitivo: i know, mine stopped working all of a sudden22:29
Stijnremu: like, when you do 3 thirds of 4, in Arial it works, but in some fancy font it won't.. :)22:29
fugitivolinkmaster03, lspci -vv |grep Audio22:29
remuStijn: and you wouldnt happen to know which compatible character set I should get huh?22:29
linkmaster03fugitivo: i had something plugged into the mic input, then i unplugged it and the thing became unavailable22:29
linkmaster03fugitivo: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)22:29
StijnStijn: I have no clue, I use Mac OS on my desktop these days22:30
linkmaster03Stijn: talking to yourself eh22:30
solexious[Q] Since updating to 8.04 my cron jobs in cron.hourly cron.daily etc arnt running, any ideas?22:30
ryanakcatar -tz foo.tar.gz     should list the files in the archive, correct?22:30
Stijnlinkmaster03: lols :)22:30
fugitivolinkmaster03, modprobe snd_hda_intel22:30
Stijnremu: I have no clue, I use Mac OS on my desktop these days...22:30
Saint`Dia`What opens .rar files?22:30
linkmaster03fugitivo: FATAL: Error inserting snd_hda_intel (/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/ubuntu/media/snd-hda-intel/snd-hda-intel.ko): Operation not permitted22:30
fugitivoSaint`Dia`, unrar22:31
Stijnlol @ dilbert :P http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/2996/pmeo9hcjp7aw9.jpg22:31
fugitivolinkmaster03, sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel22:31
RYjet911I've written down all the information given to me in the console... Now what?22:31
linkmaster03fugitivo: FATAL: Error inserting snd_hda_intel (/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/ubuntu/media/snd-hda-intel/snd-hda-intel.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)22:31
orbisvicisis linux init 3 equivalent to disabling the gdm init script in ubuntu ?22:31
fugitivoRYjet911, paste it in pastebin.ca and give us the link22:31
fugitivolinkmaster03, dmesg22:32
=== du is now known as Maneta
StijnCan anyone tell me on how to activate a raid device? I can only find 'assemble' but that gives an error saying that it's already active, but mdadm --detail /dev/md1 says the MD is clean and non-active... Any hints ?22:33
fugitivoRYjet911, there are no errors there22:33
RYjet911I don't know what to do from there.22:33
kitcheorbisvicis: no you would have to chmod -x the gdm script or use the ubuntu/debain way to disable init scripts22:33
fugitivoRYjet911, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start22:33
papercalypsoso what's the protocol for getting some newb assistance around here?22:34
linkmaster03fugitivo: i only pasted the stuff about snd_*22:34
Beererdehi. when i use epiphany, the previous version always asked what i want to do with *torrent files... but the new version just immediately displays the "save" dialog.. what could be wrong?22:34
fugitivopapercalypso, just ask22:34
fugitivolinkmaster03, where?22:34
RYjet911It's just flickered on and off a few times, and now it's came up with a box saying "Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode".22:34
linkmaster03fugitivo: http://pastebin.com/m22e4397822:34
linkmaster03fugitivo: i was uploading it sorry lol22:34
lordleemoRYjet911: i thought the pastebin was http://paste.ubuntu.com/ how many are there officially22:34
fugitivoRYjet911, whats your videocard?22:35
RYjet911ATI Radeon X800 SE22:35
papercalypsofugitivo, I'm trying to boot from cd onto a mac g5, I burned the 6.06 iso onto a cd and it only boots to a certain point before the screen goes black22:35
Beererdehi. when i use epiphany, the previous version always asked what i want to do with *torrent files... but the new version just immediately displays the "save" dialog.. what could be wrong? *it works with pdf files22:35
askandHas any fix been released to the hardy freezing problem?22:35
fugitivolinkmaster03, it seems you have a module conflict there22:35
fugitivolinkmaster03, could you paste this? lsmod |grep snd22:35
remusecond question, ive been reading in the forums and searching google, however I haven't been able to make sense of the solutions or if i do, they dont seem to work....I use gmount-iso to mount iso files, but how can I mount bin files?22:36
movarianhi, when using graphical apt under gnome to search for packages, it shows me which packages I've already installed; can I get apt-cache search to do that?22:36
orbisviciswouldnt it have been easier for ubuntu devs to remove the gdm symlink in rc3.d, so init 3 actually does something ?22:36
linkmaster03fugitivo: http://pastebin.com/m27cfbab622:36
fugitivopapercalypso, 6.06 is OLD22:36
papercalypsofugitivo, is there a newer version that will work on ppc?22:36
fugitivopapercalypso, sorry, no idea about ppc22:37
fugitivopapercalypso, check the site www.ubuntu.com22:37
benzsshow do i stop drives appearing on the desktop22:37
iRelinquishbenzss, unplug them22:37
linkmaster03iRelinquish: xD22:37
morphrizhi, i need a utility to convert a binary file to a unsigned char array in a c header file? Anyone know of a such in ubuntu?22:38
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto22:38
benzsso thanks for that let me go try it22:38
benzsso hlep hlep guys nothign works22:38
papercalypsohere's what the website says "The PowerPC platform of computers is not supported by the newest versions of Ubuntu. However Ubuntu 6.06 is still supported and available for your machine." fugitivo22:38
Beererdemorphriz: just write one, three lines...22:38
neglesaksis this channel appropriate for support of Ubuntu 7x?22:38
fugitivolinkmaster03, sorry, i cant help you, maybe its a hardware issue?22:38
iRelinquishbenzss, if you want i'll google it for you22:38
steve699any one can tell me how can i play .RMVB extention videos on ubuntu 8.04 x6422:38
benzssoh but it's so much easier to come here22:38
linkmaster03fugitivo: it was working perfectly last night, i havent done anything since then except plug a microphone in and unplug it22:39
Beererdehi. when i use epiphany, the previous version always asked what i want to do with *torrent files... but the new version just immediately displays the "save" dialog.. what could be wrong? *it works with pdf files22:39
TheNameis there a fast and sufficient way t see if i have the same files installed twice on my pc22:39
Captain_Hydro_Llheya guys I have yet another question xD In the desktop section of the hardware check on the ubuntu wiki is the realease of ubuntu they list the most compatible or just the one it was tested with?22:39
morphrizBeererde: i know, done it as a exercise once.. but i need one fast :)22:39
fugitivolinkmaster03, maybe that broke the soundcard :\ do you have windows or a bootcd to test it?22:39
Amphoterichello, who can I talk to about an Nvidia graphics driver issue?22:39
papercalypsodamn ppc's for not being ubuntu compatible!22:39
linkmaster03fugitivo: yeah, should I22:39
fugitivopapercalypso, upgrade to x86 :)22:40
Beererdemorphriz: {FILE *f=fopen("bla.txt","rt");while(!feof(f)){printf("%02x, ", fgetc(stdin)}}22:40
steve699 any one can tell me how can i play .RMVB extention videos on ubuntu 8.04 x6422:40
askandHas any fix been released to the hardy freezing problem?22:40
fugitivopapercalypso, but why you dont use osx?22:40
StijnAmphoteric: Don't ask to ask, ask! Just state the problem and the people who know about it will respond, or not.. Patience is the key :)22:40
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot22:40
morphrizBeererde: thanks!22:41
neglesaksok, i'll try - I've just updated to Ubuntu 7.10 from 6.something and after the update the window manager fails to start, leaving me with a CLI - any ideas?22:41
psychmy cedilla workd everywhere but amsn22:41
linkmaster03neglesaks: upgrade to 8.0422:41
movarianis there a way to know from a "apt-cache search" result which packages are already installed?22:41
psychi did found it works when i run LC_ALL=pt_BR /usr/bin/amsn22:41
Amphotericafter installing the driver for my graphics card (quatro NVS 140M) both through envy and standard hardware driver manager, I reboot my system. When it comes back up my screen is all scrambled but I can hear my login prompt. How do I fix this?22:41
papercalypsofugitivo, I do, I'm just interested in trying some version of linux, which I know osx is based off of, but I'd still like to see what else is out there22:41
psychnow my LC_ALL is blank22:41
neglesaksall right, ill try.22:41
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
psychwhat LC_ALL refers to ?22:41
solexious[Q] Since updating to 8.04 my cron jobs in cron.hourly cron.daily etc arnt running, any ideas?22:41
karllen2is there a wqay to reset smb shares i cant seem to see any of them over my network22:42
Stijnpapercalypso: The kernel of OSX is based of BSD, or unix, whatever you want, but not linux :p22:42
thisusernamewasmmp3 playback on my rhythmbox does not work. I went and tried to install the gstreamer metapkg, but that didn't solve anything. Still plays ogg's. I just restarted, that didn't help. Any ideas?22:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 228363 in ubuntu "Hauppauge PVR-150 with no audio after upgrading to Hardy" [Undecided,New]22:42
linkmaster03All my ALSA mixers suddenly disappeared and my sound doesn't work, please help!22:42
thisusernamewasmIt used to.22:42
papercalypsostijn, I see22:42
psmithi have set up and old Dell dimesion L933r as a mach sabba server to deminstriaght to esa that klinux is a good alternative to windows, how ever the machine whicjh i am using to connetc to freenode at the minute will not allow the windows clients to connect.22:42
Fishscenekarllen2, youc an't view windows shares on other computers? or you can't view your smba share from other computers?22:42
Saint`Dia`I need a good GUI program, to do shoutcast, what can I use?22:42
papercalypsostijn, so what's the difference?22:42
Stijnpapercalypso: Not much for the user22:42
Stijnpapercalypso: They are just kernels with their own userbase22:43
roo1in which folder my gnome-applets and launchers are stored under my home dir?22:43
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:43
karllen2Fishscene: i cant see what im sharing on my linux desktop on my mac and i cant see my mac shares on my linux desktop22:43
karllen2i used to be able to22:43
papercalypsostijn, isn't unix proprietary and linux open source?22:43
papercalypsostijn, or am I mistaken22:43
Beererdehi. when i use epiphany, the previous version always asked what i want to do with *torrent files... but the new version just immediately displays the "save" dialog.. what could be wrong? *it works with pdf files22:44
StijnYou are correct22:44
roo1papercalypso: not all unix are...22:44
thisusernamewasmAnyone able to help me restore mp3 playback to rhythmbox? This post in the forums gives all the detail I know to give: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79553422:44
Amphotericafter installing the driver for my graphics card (quatro NVS 140M) both through envy and standard hardware driver manager, I reboot my system. When it comes back up my screen is all scrambled but I can hear my login prompt. How do I fix this?22:44
douyeWhat is the command to show new usb connections? (i thought it was something like.. tail -0f .. ?)22:44
neglesaksright 8.04 is set to download and see till 60x ratio. thanks.22:44
karllen2Amphoteric: try reconfig X22:44
thisusernamewasmdouye, would the command "dmesg" help?22:44
roo1papercalypso: for example FreeBSD is open source and under BSD License...22:44
Amphoterichow and when would I do that>22:45
roo1papercalypso: same is the case with openSolaris22:45
douyethisusernamewasm: well i kinda wanna see it register devices when i plug them in22:45
karllen2sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xor22:45
papercalypsoroo1, Aha, I didn't know that22:45
roo1in which directory under my home dir, my gnome applets, launchers on the panels and workspace count settings are stored?22:45
karllen2dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg*22:46
thisusernamewasmdouye, dmesg gives timestamps... I don't know of anything that observes it live.22:46
papercalypsoI'm gonna try one more thing, hopefully this will work22:46
thisusernamewasmAlas, I am a n00b.22:46
roo1papercalypso: for more info on Open Source and Closed source, ask in PM.. as this is Ubuntu support channel,22:46
Amphoterickarllen2, how and when would I do that?22:46
Amphotericoh, sorry22:46
douyethisusernamewasm: there is, its something with tail -0f /var/... or something22:46
Amphotericwhen would I do it though?22:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 228363 in ubuntu "Hauppauge PVR-150 with no audio after upgrading to Hardy" [Undecided,New]22:47
tarkus_how can i adjust the birhgtness for when im running on battery? any idea?22:47
karllen2Amphoteric: restart in fail safe and in the terminal type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:47
roo1tarkus_: System > Pref> Power Management22:48
cristoshem,  whot italian channel?22:48
Amphoterickarllen2, how do I restart in fail safe? I am new to linux (started today)22:48
GibbaTheHuttanyone come accross a "bad EIP value" when trying to install from hardy, it will work if its 64bit, or 32bit fedora, but 32bit hardy fives theis error22:48
danbhfive!it > cristos22:48
roo1in which directory under my home dir, my gnome applets, launchers on the panels and workspace count settings are stored?22:48
karllen2Amphoteric: when u boot up u will see grub load and there is another option called recovery that u can choose22:48
danbhfiveroo1: why do you ask?22:48
karllen2it comes before the login screen22:48
cristosthanks dan!22:49
tarkus_roo1: yeah, i already tried that.. theres nothing there for it22:49
StijnCan anyone tell me on how to activate a raid device? I can only find 'assemble' but that gives an error saying that it's already active, but mdadm --detail /dev/md1 says the MD is clean and non-active... Any hints ?22:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 228363 in ubuntu "Hauppauge PVR-150 with no audio after upgrading to Hardy" [Undecided,New]22:49
thisusernamewasmIs anyone able to help me restore mp3 playback to rhythmbox?22:49
tarkus_roo1: there used to be a slider to adjust brightness when on battery. but now (in hardy) there isnt anything..22:49
Amphotericrecovery gives me 4 options, normal boot, fix packages, fix x server, and root prompt, do I want the prompt or to fix xserver?22:49
awaiswhat is the equivalent of Microsoft Visio in ubuntu?22:49
favro!raid | Stijn22:50
ubottuStijn: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto22:50
roo1danbhfive: coz I made backup of my home, and now I can't figure out which dir should I place to get those things back, as there is something in .gnome, .gnome2, or .gconf which is preventing the gnomme-panels to appear, so I just want the launchers and those stuff back22:50
roo1tarkus_: go to Add to Panel >22:50
Strick^9holy crap this is fast :-)22:50
westjdcan someone help me edit my grub to allow my windows load default22:50
roo1tarkus_: Birghtness applet is there22:50
tarkus_roo1: yeah, i already have the battery icon and prefs on my panel22:50
fugitivowestjd, how many options you have in your grub config?22:50
danbhfiveroo1: on a clean install of hardy, I only have .gnome2 and .gnome2_private22:50
karllen2Amphoteric: choose fix xserve22:50
roo1tarkus_: plus in the second tab on power management you should find what you are asking22:50
douyeIs there anyway to restart the usb service? (my usb stick aint being picked up somehow.. it happens sometimes)22:50
tarkus_roo1: oooh, ok22:50
Saint`Dia`I need a good GUI program, to do shoutcast, what can I use????22:51
tarkus_roo1: nope, i dont22:51
pwnedulongtimeanyone know how I get the current screen resolution and store it as a variable in a bas script?22:51
AmphotericI have done that in the past, and when it boots back up, the driver is no longer installed22:51
westjdfugitivo 6 maybe22:51
roo1tarkus_: I have :P22:51
fugitivoSaint`Dia`, maybe videolan22:51
tarkus_roo1: there is an option for "reduce backlight" its turned off, but it didnt make any diff..22:51
roo1danbhfive: but question is still there: in which directory under my home dir, my gnome applets, launchers on the panels and workspace count settings are stored?22:51
Stijnfavro: thnx22:51
fugitivoWebspot, count from zero the number of your windows option and set it in the default= parameter of the grub config22:51
awaiswhat is the equivalent of Microsoft Visio in ubuntu, some tool i can use to create database schema charts?22:51
karllen2Amphoteric: mmm then im a little lost im sorry22:51
roo1tarkus_: on mine it does :P HP Compaq 6720s22:51
mudd`Hossamhello, I am running proftpd and have to chown access my /var/www everytime i wish to upload then have to chown www-data:www-data after im done, is there a quicker solution than this?22:51
karllen2try #compiz-fusion they are real good with22:52
AmphotericI have looked at every forum I can find, people mention that problem, but never a solution22:52
danbhfiveroo1: I also have a .gconf directory22:52
westjdfugitivo 8 choices... but only one "other os"22:52
steve699 can you plz tell me how can i play .RMVB extention videos on ubuntu 8.04 x6422:52
steve699 can you plz tell me how can i play .RMVB extention videos on ubuntu 8.04 x6422:52
tarkus_roo1: im using a Thinkpad T61.. and its not making any difference... it might just be because im outside?? lol22:52
fugitivowestjd, that should be windows22:52
freddyI hate it when a problem is described in many places but no one provides a solution..22:52
pwnedulongtimeanyone know how I get the current screen resolution and store it as a variable in a bash script?22:52
heartsbloodCan anybody recommend a decent (ago) video card to play dx9 games in wine?22:52
roo1steve699: install real player deb file22:52
danbhfiveroo1: maybe try #gnome?  I somewhat doubt people will know here22:52
roo1tarkus_: may be :P22:53
westjdfugitivo that is correct.... and I want that one to be "defualt"22:53
roo1danbhfive: thanks22:53
westjdI moved it to the top of the list, but that made it error on bootup22:53
fugitivowestjd, count it and use the parameter "default"22:53
fugitivowestjd, start counting from zero22:53
douyethisusernamewasm: the command was "tail -f /var/log/messages"22:53
SRLIrc[3205]need som1 to text 64337 and give me the #'s there its a pin please som1 do it for me my cell has broked22:54
=== SRLIrc[3205] is now known as HottieGirl135
westjdfugitivo thanks!!!22:54
HottieGirl135need som1 to text 64337 and give me the #'s there its a pin please som1 do it for me my cell has broked22:54
fugitivonarothepharoh, armagetron22:54
danbhfive!games > narothepharoh22:54
HottieGirl135need som1 to text 64337 and give me the #'s there its a pin please som1 do it for me my cell has broked22:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 228363 in ubuntu "Hauppauge PVR-150 with no audio after upgrading to Hardy" [Undecided,New]22:55
mudd`Hossamhello, I am running proftpd and have to chown access my /var/www everytime i wish to upload then have to chown www-data:www-data after im done, is there a quicker solution than this?22:55
HottieGirl135need som1 to text 64337 and give me the #'s there its a pin please som1 do it for me my cell has broked22:55
=== cristos is now known as dogshift
danbhfiveHottieGirl135: you need to stop that22:55
psmithmudd`Hossam: You could write a script.22:55
HottieGirl135i need som1 to do it for me22:56
HottieGirl135why doesnt any1?22:56
HottieGirl135why doesnt any1?22:56
=== roo1 is now known as abcdef
FloodBot2HottieGirl135: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:56
HottieGirl135need som1 to text 64337 and give me the #'s there its a pin please som1 do it for me my cell has broked22:56
fugitivomudd`Hossam, you should have a config option to change owner and group of files22:56
danbhfiveHottieGirl135: this room is for ubuntu support only22:56
HottieGirl135CAN SUM1 DO IT PLZ22:56
=== du is now known as NIRDO
HottieGirl135CAN SUM1 DO IT PLZ22:56
mudd`Hossampsmith: i think i remember changing something in aliases file or whatever so both of them had ownership on the files, is this possible?22:56
HottieGirl135need som1 to text 64337 and give me the #'s there its a pin please som1 do it for me my cell has broked22:56
danbhfive!ops | HottieGirl13522:57
ubottuHottieGirl135: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01!22:57
steve699rool : it's X64 cant install real player22:57
mudd`Hossamfugitivo: i am in 8.04 server, do i accomplish this through the aliases or users file or something?22:57
=== psmith is now known as striker88
fugitivomudd`Hossam, you can change owner and group of proftpd to www-data22:57
jengelhsteve699: you can run 32-bit binaries within a 64-bit environment22:57
tomoldsWhat are peoples opinions on the best CLI mail client?22:57
mod_curehow can i re-index the locate command to find new files ?22:58
mudd`Hossamfugitivo: found it http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1350073#p135007322:58
fugitivomod_cure, updatedb22:58
sam88824I need help with tor and privoxy on ubuntu 8.04 I have used before on 7.1022:58
abcdeftomolds: nice, light, and handy when required22:58
steve699from where can i download real22:58
|neko|tomolds,  the difficulty is configuration of tls layer22:58
paddaxmod_cure:sudo updatedb22:58
glitchHello all, is there a way to find out for sure what wireless chipset my laptop has? I am running 8.0422:58
favromod_cure: sudo updatedb22:58
douyeAnyone, how can i turn seamless mode off at virtualbox ?22:58
|neko|I've used mutt... it's powerful22:58
yamanhi every one i have a dell inspiron laptop with conexant modem card and seems its not compatible any help to make it work on the ubuntu ?22:58
abcdef|neko|: agreed22:59
zokohello all22:59
fugitivomudd`Hossam, i dont understand, but you can do what i said before22:59
sjovansome one got a html-editor to recomend?22:59
steve699ill be very gr8full if you can help me guys22:59
mudd`Hossamfugitivo: got it, thank you22:59
jengelhsjovan: vi22:59
gordonjcpsjovan: depends what you want to do22:59
fugitivosjovan, vim :)22:59
gordonjcpsjovan: I mostly use gedit22:59
paddaxsjovan: gedit22:59
fugitivosjovan, gedit or kate22:59
abcdefsjovan: gedit for you, or eamcs, or vi, or nano22:59
Craynerdguys, total noob here,just need some advice. Got simple web design need doing and wondering what the best channel to try and find someone is?22:59
XORANDI installed heron on a machine which has an nvidia card.  Before I enabled the driver, I got a decent display.  I have enabled display effects and now only get a 800x600 display.  How can I increase my resolution?  In the display option, it doesn't let me choose above 800x60022:59
gordonjcpsjovan: or bluefish, or kdevelop ;-)23:00
=== awais is now known as MagoonD
MagoonDwhat is the equivalent of Microsoft Visio in ubuntu, some tool i can use to create database schema charts?23:00
arthurcasn sombody tell me where my .Trash folder is? i want to brows there with terminal.... cd /?23:00
sam88824install nvidia-settings23:00
thisusernamewasmcan anyone help me restore mp3 playback to rhythmbox?23:00
* emma *smiles*23:00
|neko|MagoonD, inkscape it's powerful, but it's not the same23:00
* hoggie is smiling back to emma23:00
sjovani wan't some autocompleet code options, nice colors, and a easy way to finde propper tags and css options23:00
fugitivoMagoonD, Dia maybe23:00
emmathanks hoggie23:00
sjovankde aps = no go23:00
emmaI'm reporting for duty23:00
glitchanybody know how to find out what wireless chipset I have in my laptop? I am using 8.0423:00
MagoonDthanks |neko| , fugitivo23:01
danbhfivearthur: you could try the locate command23:01
|neko|MagoonD, Dia try to be like visio, but i would prefer inkscape23:01
Craynerdguys, please direct me to correct room: looking for webdesigners ?23:01
gordonjcpsjovan: hm, I'm fairly sure kdevelop does code completion, but that's always the first thing I turn off23:01
fugitivosjovan, try screem or amaya23:01
clintchanceAnyone know how to get fsx working23:01
emmaCraynerd, #php23:01
kitcheglitch: go by what make the wireless is then you can see what chipset it uses by the maker and the make really23:01
gordonjcpcode completion slows things down too much23:01
gordonjcpclintchance: fsx?23:01
fugitivoglitch, lspci -vv23:01
sjovanfugitivo: will do23:01
clintchanceFlight Simulator X23:02
StijnCraynerd: Probably not on freenode, but you can try #apache, #html #css ?23:02
glitchwell gateway says it could be broadcom or realtek23:02
hoggiei got a question: can i install ubuntu and run it normaly on an external HardDrive? its a 500 gigs 7600rpm usb2?23:02
grzybin which package can i find binary ab ?23:02
gordonjcpclintchance: What exactly are you trying to do?23:02
gordonjcpCraynerd: What exactly are you trying to do?23:02
glitchk wil try lspci -vv23:02
StijnCraynerd: especially the latter to, and #php aswell, yes23:02
clintchanceGet it to run23:02
gordonjcpclintchance: sorry, mistab23:02
arthurits not showing up anywhere?23:02
emmahoggie, yes but it will be very slow.23:02
fugitivohoggie, YES23:02
DILif i am using a thumbdrive and deleted a file would a .trash file be created on it if not what would cause a .trash file to be created on a thumbdrive23:02
striker88glitch: lspci or dmesg?23:02
gordonjcp!appdb | clintchance23:02
ubottuclintchance: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org23:02
arthurmy trash folder where is it?23:02
clintchanceWine dont support it23:02
emmahoggie - easy don't start trouble.23:02
gordonjcphoggie: yeah, that will work just fine23:02
|neko|arthur, ~/.trash23:02
linkmaster03fugitivo: i went on vista, my sound card isnt fried23:02
visfhi, can i use chmod in all file in a folder?23:02
gordonjcphoggie: it might be a little slower than if it was running on an internal drive23:03
hoggieemma: damn i was so hoping itll work as usual23:03
fugitivolinkmaster03, that's good :)23:03
ghindoarthur, what version of Ubuntu are you using?23:03
emmavisf - Yes try chmod -R23:03
gordonjcphoggie: or, if it's a USB1.1 drive, quite a lot slower23:03
XORANDall my nvidia drivers are installed and enabled yet I can't set my resolution above 800x60023:03
gordonjcphoggie: try it and see23:03
|neko|visf, use * to refer to all files23:03
NetEchohas anyone had any issues with using wubi to install Kubuntu and Kubuntu-KDE4?23:03
arthurbash: cd: /home/arthur/.trash: No such file or directory23:03
visfemma: thanks23:03
visfneko: thanks23:03
glitchok lspci and does not show the wireless just the ethernet card23:03
kitcheXORAND: set the modes in /etc/X11/xorg.conf it's much easier then releying on the applets in gnome/kde23:03
ghindoarthur:  It should be under: /home/arthur/.local/share/Trash/files23:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 228363 in ubuntu "Hauppauge PVR-150 with no audio after upgrading to Hardy" [Undecided,New]23:04
arthuri can open it up with natulis but cant bowse to it with terminal..23:04
XORANDthanks kitche23:04
|neko|sorry arthur it has upper case T23:04
emmavisf - Quite welcome. When doing anything using -R (recursively going into the directory sub-structure) always be very careful and sure what you are doing.23:04
hoggiegordonjcp: well.. i dont have it.. i wanted to buy it tomorow.. for that. cause i have lots of thing i need to upload to my comp..23:04
sigmountehello , i'm on hardy , how to go to kernel 2.6.25 ?23:04
gordonjcphoggie: if you're buying drives, you're far better to try and get an internal drive unless you actually need it to be removable23:04
onelivvcd .local/share/Trash23:05
soundraysigmounte: why?23:05
tmapjcould anyone tell me if its  possible to use more than one account with evolution email?23:05
|neko|well there are multiple Trash? Or they have moved it in heron? In gutsy I have it in my home23:05
gordonjcptmapj: yes, it is23:05
tmapjgordonjcp:  how?23:05
sigmountesoundray, i need it to fix a bug with via82cxxx23:05
ghindo| neko | They moved it in Hardy23:05
gordonjcphoggie: disks are cheap - less than 80 quid for a 1TB drive now23:06
hoggiegordonjcp: i dont need it to be removable, though there a very big price difference btween a 500gigs external drive to a 100gigs internal for a laptop.. ohh ye its a laptop ;)23:06
gordonjcptmapj: just add more accounts, same way as you added the first one23:06
emmagordonjcp, hoggie I have an external drive and I think it's wonderful. But it is for putting data on, like music, docs, and such. I don't think it's good for running the OS on.23:06
gordonjcpemma: yup23:06
soundraysigmounte: you will have to compile your own. There is a factoid:23:06
tmapji added my first account with a special startup wizard23:06
gordonjcpemma: that said, I have a distro installed on a USB key, which seems reasonably quick23:06
soundray!kernelcompile | sigmounte23:06
ubottusigmounte: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages23:06
sigmountei know how to compil a kernel under debian , and i'm new to ubuntu , i'm searching for the ubuntu version of 2.6.2523:06
tmapjhow do i add further accounts23:06
linkmaster03fugitivo: so can you help me with my soundcard? all the mixers in System > Preferences > Sound are gone23:06
gordonjcphoggie: ah, I didn't see the bit about a laptop23:06
ringermy laptop adapter got disconnected right in the middle of my upgrade to 8.04, now i cant load into ubuntu.  what are my options?23:06
XORANDkitche: I have found the file, but nowhere can i find the mode to change my resolution23:07
linkmaster03fugitivo: under Default Mixer Tracks, the whole dropdown is empty23:07
gordonjcphoggie: 100G is plenty if you partition off a bit for Ubuntu23:07
hoggieemma: Thanks for sharing.. ye i was afraid about the os part..23:07
Stijntmapj: systems preferences?23:07
soundrayringer: do you have a live CD to hand? Could be an older Ubuntu one23:07
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:07
Stijntmapj: or if you're 'die-hard' -> useradd23:07
hoggiegordonjcp: im about to install quite a few boxes on one comp.. and i need big space..23:07
PupenoAny idea in what package is the Python module xml.dom.ext?23:07
gordonjcptmapj: in Evolution, Edit->Prefs->Mail Accounts23:08
GinI should not have updated my system.23:08
kitcheXORAND: you might have to add it to the Screen section under the depth you want23:08
ringeri have the 7.10 live cd as well as the 8.0423:08
ringersoundray: i have both 7.10 and 8.04 livecd;s23:08
fugitivolinkmaster03, problem is that module snd_hda_intel is not loading23:08
tmapjgordonjcp: perfect. thanks man23:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 228363 in ubuntu "Hauppauge PVR-150 with no audio after upgrading to Hardy" [Undecided,New]23:08
hoggiebtw: i got a 22" wide lcd screen whats the best vga=@$%% mode i need to feel in the menu.list?23:08
soundrayringer: first, have you tried booting in recovery mode, or one of the old kernels?23:09
ringersoundray: no, not yet.  should i?23:09
DILhoggie: i have a 22 and use 1680x105023:09
maslowbeerso hibernate and standby worked fine on my laptop with gutsy but doesn't work at all with heron. how can I debug this?23:09
soundrayringer: yes. If you can boot either, run 'apt-get -f install' and/or 'dpkg --configure -a' to complete the upgrade.23:10
hisingh1vnc help??23:10
=== tolecnal_ is now known as tolecnal
hisingh1please pm me23:10
hoggieDIL: sorry i wasnt clear.. im trying to set a good resolution to feet any tty0-6 consoles.. like CTRL+ALT+F2 resolution..23:10
favro!ask | hisingh123:10
ubottuhisingh1: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)23:10
soundrayringer: I suppose you know when to use sudo23:10
DILok i butted in anyway23:10
gordonjcp!vnc | hisingh123:10
ubottuhisingh1: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX23:10
hoggielike now its set to vga=78523:10
=== ka2u is now known as ka2zzzz
ringersoundray: okay, thank you i will try that.  yes i know when to use sudo...i think haha23:11
legend2440can someone look at this http://paste.ubuntu.com/12323/ and tell me if its a bug or something i can fix by reconfiguring the kernel. i don't get this in gutsy only hardy23:11
hisingh1ok, so am trying o connect to anther computer on smae network23:11
gordonjcphoggie: work out what your native res is, work out what you can set23:11
linkmaster03fugitivo: how could it all of a sudden stop loading23:11
hoggiegordonjcp: you mean try everything?23:11
hisingh1but i get an error saying connection refused error 11123:11
soundrayringer: if it boots in recovery mode, and you get a # prompt instead of a $, then you don't need sudo.23:11
gordonjcphoggie: no, sit down and work it out23:11
gordonjcpnn all23:11
hisingh1this is linux trying to connect to windows23:11
ringersoundray: okay.  you only need sudo if you are not root right?23:12
fugitivolinkmaster03, kernel upgrade maybe?23:12
soundrayringer: that's correct.23:12
ringersoundray: thank you so much! ill try that!23:12
linkmaster03fugitivo: i didnt install anything since it broke23:12
hoggiegordonjcp: im afraid i didnt get you.. i set it now to be vga=785 which means 640x480 16bit i tried three others.. but nothing fits the wide screen..23:12
fugitivolinkmaster03, before it broke? :)23:12
=== slimjimflim_ is now known as slimjimflim
ubottuLaunchpad bug 228363 in ubuntu "Hauppauge PVR-150 with no audio after upgrading to Hardy" [Undecided,New]23:13
ubottuFactoid hoggie not found23:13
NetEchoWubi keeps closing itself before it even downloads ubuntu23:13
NetEchoany idea how to fix this?23:13
linkmaster03fugitivo: i upgraded to 8.04 like a week ago. the sound wouldnt work at all on 7.10. it worked like a charm when i upgraded to 8.0423:13
fugitivolinkmaster03, weird23:13
Fath[0]mMy computer loses sound after a while and then becomes super sluggish until it just locks up. Anyone know a solution?23:13
fugitivolinkmaster03, paste this: uname -a23:13
linkmaster03fugitivo: Linux brad-laptop-ubuntu 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Feb 12 07:42:25 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux23:14
fugitivolinkmaster03, there you go23:14
fugitivolinkmaster03, that's not 8.04 kernel23:14
linkmaster03fugitivo: YAY!@23:14
fugitivolinkmaster03, it should be 2.6.24-xx23:15
soundrayFath[0]m: use gnome-system-monitor or top to observe which process hogs memory23:15
linkmaster03fugitivo: awesome how do i get the new one23:15
hisingh1Connection refused (on both vnc and ssh23:15
fugitivolinkmaster03, are you sure you are booting on 8.04?23:15
sigmounteis it possible to download the kernel 2.6.25 directly in .deb ?23:15
NetEchohas anyone had issues with wubi closing itself before trying to properly install?23:15
linkmaster03fugitivo: yes, I don't even have 7.10 installed anymore23:15
Fath[0]mSoundray: I wont even be able to open it23:15
soundraysigmounte: no23:15
ghindolinkmaster03: What happens when you type " sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" in the terminal?23:15
XORANDkitche: i need admin priveledges to edit that file. I have reached in via terminal in su mode. How do i edit that file in terminal?23:15
linkmaster03ghindo: Calculating upgrade... Done23:16
linkmaster030 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.23:16
sigmountesoundray, how big is the git repository ?23:16
kitcheXORAND: with nano is the more user friendly cli editor23:16
soundrayFath[0]m: is it not a gradual process?23:16
soundraysigmounte: I don't know23:16
=== zelrikriando is now known as zelrik_nightwish
fugitivolinkmaster03, sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.24-16-generic23:17
ghindolinkmaster03:  Interesting.  What do you see "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst"23:17
hisingh1<XORAND> dont use sudo!! alt f2 the type gksudo nautalis23:17
glitchany know about wifi under ubuntu? cannot figure out what chipset I have23:17
ironfoot_495Hi, I have a problem with using php with classes, I caught an error =>23:17
ironfoot_495Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'DOMException' with message 'DOMAttr::__construct()23:17
SindaciousCould anyone tell me where my php bin would be?23:17
kitchehisingh1: umm to bad that's for gui not for cli and what does gksudo have to do with a terminal?23:17
kitchehisingh1: and nautalis as well23:17
ironfoot_495is there anyone who could help me with this?23:17
emmaI'm having an unusual problem -- When I start playing some audio with mplayer then I cannot start any audio with anything else at the same time, nor after I close mplayer (or the mplayer plugin)23:18
fugitivolinkmaster03, it's really really weird you have that kernel with 8.0423:18
linkmaster03fugitivo: it's installing :D :D23:18
function1how does one set environment variables in gnome? i've discovered that bash variables != gnome variables23:18
Fath[0]mSoundray: yes usually but once I notice that I can no longer click on either panel bottom or top, I can no longer open up windows23:18
snarkste1Im being told that I have insufficient privileges to install something. How do i change the permissions of a folder and all the files within?23:18
kitchesnarkste1: depends on which folder23:18
fugitivosnarkste1, man chown23:18
Fath[0]mhave you tried using the "sudo" command snark23:18
hisingh1<kitche> sorry, that how i edit files, is there a better way, if it is through commandline " what is the command"?23:18
snarkste1thank you very much23:18
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information.23:19
clintchanceanyone know anything about connecting to windows XP via RDP?23:19
kitchehisingh1: sudo nano <file>23:19
fugitivoclintchance, rdesktop23:19
kitchehisingh1: the way you were talking is from a gui/gnome23:19
soundrayFath[0]m: have gnome-system-monitor running all the time then, until you can find which program is the culprit. Select "Always on top" from the window menu.23:19
linkmaster03fugitivo: lemme restart, tell you how it goes23:19
glitchwireless chipset does not show up in lspci or dmesg... any other way to figure it out? inside laptop so I cannot crack the case23:20
NetEchowell it would seem wubi doesn't work on SP3 systems23:20
fugitivoglitch, does it work with windows?23:20
soundrayglitch: is it enabled in the BIOS setup?23:20
fugitivoglitch, if you dont see it with lspci could be a hardware problem23:20
glitchyeah it did and is turned on... have the little blue light23:20
XORANDgksudo nautalus does nothing23:20
StarnestommyXORAND: what about "gksudo nautilus" ?23:21
glitchyeah it worked fine in windows....23:21
soundrayglitch: occasionally, even internal cards use USB, so look at lsusb output23:21
ghindoThe Bluetooth light on my laptop is on, even though I have Bluetooth completely disabled - how do I get the light to go off?23:21
maslowbeerso hibernate and standby worked fine on my laptop with gutsy but doesn't work at all with heron. how can I debug this?23:21
glitchok will check lsusb hang on23:21
s3p4nhas any1 heard about neutilus-cd-burner bug ?23:21
fugitivoglitch, is it a pci card?23:21
XORANDexcellent thank you23:21
glitchfugi no it is built in to the laptop23:22
fugitivoglitch, not minipci?23:22
glitchlsusb shows a realtek 818923:22
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion23:22
fugitivothen its usb :)23:22
alado2is there an open source alternative to flash? with which i can watch flash movies on the web that is23:22
PeGican anyone help me compile miracl?23:22
Starnestommyalado2: maybe gnash23:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 228363 in ubuntu "Hauppauge PVR-150 with no audio after upgrading to Hardy" [Undecided,New]23:22
glitchfugi - so what does that mean23:22
alado2Starnestommy: maybe?23:23
kitchefugitivo: most internel wireless cards are usb for laptops :)23:23
glitchis there a difference to making it work23:23
clibblHello. I have developed a really odd fault - since a few days ago my computer always starts with the master volume muted. I can't for the life of me find the switch that alters the start state of the volume applet in gnome. I know I could reset gnome by deleting all the home directories from a cli prompt but it's not that big an issue and besides I really want to understand this issue and what's caused it. Any ideas?23:23
alado2Starnestommy: does it work with the new flash movies?23:23
condawgHey =]23:23
narothepharohis it possible to play games with direct x on wine or cedega?23:23
Starnestommyalado2: gnash is open-sourcem but it's a bit lacking in support for newer flash.  Older flash should work fine23:23
petersaintshey I need a little help23:23
Slartnarothepharoh: yes23:23
condawgIs this the place to ask questions for stuff?23:23
Starnestommycondawg: it is23:23
hotmonkeyluvis there a way that I can make the grub bootloader re-install automagically?23:23
ghindocondawg:  yup23:23
condawgAlright. Thanks =]23:23
alado2Starnestommy: ok, i'll have a look at it, thnx23:23
petersaintsI have an alternative firefox version running from /opt/firefox-alt23:23
narothepharohSlart: how I have tried and no luck23:24
soundrayglitch: use the link in the factoid (coming) and see how far you get. Come back here if you hit specific problems23:24
Slartnarothepharoh: you might want to visit #winehq too.. for wine questions23:24
soundray!wifi | glitch23:24
ubottuglitch: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:24
condawgNow, my problem is that when I try to get my iPod to work with Amarok, it doesn't show up.23:24
condawgHow do I get it to show up?23:24
TheAngryBunnycan anyone help me get suspend working on my laptop?23:24
petersaintshow can I get IcedTea plugin on it??23:24
Slartnarothepharoh: checked the application database?23:24
soundrayTheAngryBunny: how is it failing?23:24
Slart!ipod | condawg23:24
ubottucondawg: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod23:24
lucife1hello. I am trying to do a skype conversation with a friend, but that person cannot hear my voice. What can I do with the settings? can anyone help?23:24
TheAngryBunnyit suspends fine, but when I try to start it back up I get a white screen that gradually fades to grey23:24
condawgwhat do I do with !ipod?23:25
fugitivolucife1, check mic volume and mute23:25
condawgIs that a terminal command?23:25
Slartlucife1: does the "test call" work?23:25
condawgAlso, must I use Rockbox? Or can I use the default firmware it comes with?23:25
Starnestommycondawg: read the message that ubottu sent you23:25
clibbllucife1 you're sure that's not related to the microphone capture settings?23:25
glitchgoing to do some googling and find out if that card is supported i guess23:25
Slartcondawg: the !ipod command was just to make ubotu tell you about ipods etc23:25
clibbllucife1 under prefs sound I mean23:25
soundrayTheAngryBunny: Radeon Xpress 200M?23:25
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod23:25
lucife1cannot see test call :S23:25
hisingh1anyone know SSH?23:25
Starnestommyhisingh1: what about it?23:25
ghindocondaw:  You shouldn't have to use Rockbox unless you want to play FLAC or ogg with your iPod23:25
TheAngryBunnyno Geforce FX520023:25
Slartcondawg: saves us a bit of typing =)23:25
lucife1and volime is 100%.. I mean all is full..23:26
lucife1donno whats going on23:26
condawgSo I don't have to use it? I can use the default firmware on Linux?23:26
Slartcondawg: read the links ubottu gave you.. lots of info there.. ask again if anything is unclear23:26
soundrayTheAngryBunny: look through the options in /etc/default/acpi-support23:26
hisingh1<Starnestommy> well, i need to connect to another commputer and i get connection refused23:26
ghindocondawg:  Yup, you can use the default firmware.  Follow the link to find out more23:26
condawgAwesome =] Thanks23:26
Starnestommyhisingh1: is that other computer running an ssh server?23:26
soundrayTheAngryBunny: in particular, try toggling SAVE_VBE_STATE=true23:26
emmaI can start mplayer (or the mozplugger) and have sound. But then if I try to open any other app that has audio (like YouTube) I have no audio. And even after I close mplayer I still have no audio.23:27
emmaAny ideas?23:27
hisingh1<Starnestommy> i dont know, its windows vista. how do i check23:27
elroIs there any way to force apt-get dist-upgrade not to prompt? I still seem to get prompts with `-y`23:27
pidusthere was a recent update in ssh that i downloaded from the repo and now i am unable to login to a different user using ssh. How do i fix the changed RSA key?23:27
Starnestommyhisingh1: vista doesn't use SSH23:27
condawgThe link that !ipod gives me doesn't tell me how to get Amarok to recognize it23:27
glitchlooks like I have to use ndiswrapper23:27
condawgJust tells me that amarok can23:27
soundrayTheAngryBunny: SAVE_VIDEO_PCI_STATE and DOUBLE_CONSOLE_SWITCH are useful sometimes, too23:27
ghindohisingh1:  It probably doesn't have an SSH server, then23:27
nikincan anyone help me to use policykit with fluxbox... for some reason it ails the get process information... so the unlock bttons stay grey... and after tripple check... i am in the polkituser group., and i am not running with sudo .... or at least how to rip out that piece of awfullness(sorry) of the admn programs?23:27
alastair_Pidgin has been misbehaving recently. Has anyone else reported problems? Or shall I go into detail, not that there is much.23:27
hisingh1<Starnestommy> it doessnt?23:27
TheAngryBunnySoundray: SAVE_VBE_STATE is already set to true23:27
Starnestommyhisingh1: you'll need something like VNC or RDP for what you're trying to do23:28
ghindohisingh1:  You need an SSH server on the computer you're trying to access via SSH23:28
hisingh1<Starnestommy> So is there any othr options?23:28
Starnestommyhisingh1: ssh is mainly a unix/linux-specific thing23:28
lucife1how do do the microphone settings? everything is volume is full. I donno whats going on23:28
hisingh1<Starnestommy> can i use vnc23:28
alastair_Actually I'll ask again tomorrow when I'm not going to bed23:28
linkmaster03fugitivo: thank you so much23:28
soundrayTheAngryBunny: I said toggle. That means if it's true, try setting it to false. Do try one thing at a time, though, and reboot after each change23:28
pidusdoes anybody know how to fix a changed ssh key?23:28
linkmaster03fugitivo: i love you <323:28
linkmaster03fugitivo: it works23:28
_paradox_how would i make a symbolic link of the java plugin to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins ?23:28
fugitivolinkmaster03, great! :)23:28
Starnestommyhisingh1: yes, but you'll need to first get a VNC server working on the vista machine23:28
TheAngryBunnyok... I'll try toggling that...23:29
Starnestommypidus: remove the bad line from your ~/.ssh/known_hosts23:29
DonaldShimodaanybidy usinf vbox 6 non-ose and host networking?23:29
_paradox_im new to linux so commands are still beyond me lol23:29
elrohisingh1: you can install ssh server on windows http://sshwindows.sourceforge.net/23:29
tim167how do i install grub on a usb stick ?23:29
Slartparadon: ln -s creates symbolic links23:29
Slartparadon: man ln for more info23:29
Gullstadeid :(23:29
hisingh1<Starnestommy> how to do that23:29
pidusand how do i identify the bad line?23:30
tim167( http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/articles/grub_intro/ is not helpful at all )23:30
XORANDwhen i edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file under section "screen" and insert the line "Resolution 1024x784" my display startup crashes.  Have I inserted the correct line in the correct section?23:30
hisingh1<elro> really!23:30
Starnestommyhisingh1: you might want to ask in ##windows for how to install VNC on Vista23:30
mudd`Hossamhello, how do i create a symbolic linked folder (/home/www/) that points to /var/www/ ?23:30
Slartparadon: linuxcommand.org is a informative site about terminal commands23:30
hisingh1<Starnestommy> kk23:30
Starnestommypidus: what's the error message that shows up when you try to connect?23:30
fugitivomudd`Hossam, man ln23:30
DonaldShimodaHi, Anybody using vbox 1.6 with hardy and host networking succesfull?23:30
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:30
nikinsorry .. not for flame or what.. but does anyone here understand the inner workings of policykit?23:31
pidusi am getting this after some recent updates in ssh..that i downloaded from the ubuntu repo23:31
Starnestommypidus: pastebin the full output23:31
condawgDoes anybody know where I can find specific help for getting Amarok to recognize my iPod? I mean, it's on the desktop, but it doesn't show up in Amarok. Thanks =]23:31
ghindonikin:  What do you want to know?23:31
fugitivopidus, rm ~/.ssh/known_hosts23:31
nikinpidus; rm .ssh/known_hosts23:31
kitcheXORAND: Mode instead of Resolution23:31
XORANDkitche: will try :)23:31
_paradox_Slart: so i gotta be in the plugin folder first correct?23:31
nikinghindo: since i changed my window manager the policykit cant get my session  information so the unlock button stays gray23:32
=== roxahris is now known as roxandAWAY
pidusSomeone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!23:32
pidusIt is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed.23:32
pidusThe fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is23:32
pidusPlease contact your system administrator.23:32
FloodBot2pidus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:32
pidusAdd correct host key in ../.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this messag               e.23:32
Starnestommypidus: http://paste.ubuntu.com23:32
ghindo!paste | pidus23:32
ubottupidus: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:32
fugitivopidus, dont flood the channel and do rm -rf ~/.ssh/known_hosts23:33
DonaldShimodaHi, Anybody using vbox 1.6 with hardy and host networking succesfull?23:33
Slartparadon: not really.. but it makes things a bit easier23:33
sjovanokay i want a html-editor with a bugfree toolbar. something like quanta. some one got something to recomebd?23:33
pidusok sorry23:33
soundray!repeat | DonaldShimoda23:33
ubottuDonaldShimoda: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience23:33
Slarthmm.. I've been saying paradon all the time.. sheseh sorry23:33
McRibSo, is it a feature or a bug that Hardy doesn't let you add new users with an already existing home folder?23:33
uzorhello, what would be the best filesystem to share data between linux, osx and windows? ext2 or ntfs (fat is out due to 4gb limit) or something else?23:33
hisingh1<elro> hey should get putty23:33
Slart_paradox_: not really.. but it makes things a bit easier23:33
DonaldShimodamarkotite1, good!23:33
markotite1DonaldShimoda yes23:33
StarnestommyMcRib: probably a bug23:33
elrohisingh1: putty is a great ssh client23:34
fugitivouzor, network shares?23:34
hisingh1<elro> how should i get it23:34
tim167anyone installed grub on a usb stick ?23:34
elrohisingh1: google putty ssh23:34
uzorfugitivo, for a bootcamp/multiboot environment..23:34
cheatrhisingh1: putty should be the first result on google23:34
kitcheuzor: umm fat since fat goes way above 4gb unless you mean 4 gb files23:34
uzorkitche, of course i mean 4gb files23:34
McRibStarnestommy: Hmm... as it stands right now, I need to run useradd first and then edit it with Gnome afterwards... that works.23:35
uzorlike dvd iso images ..23:35
_paradox_its a good site but i dont really have a lotta time for reading right now. can ya just give me a quick run thru?23:35
nikinghindo: what gives the backend to policykit? i mean is there a service i need to start?23:35
soundrayMcRib: I don't know, but I would always recommend renaming the home directory, then creating the user, then copying the user data over selectively23:35
cheatrhisingh1: Also, do a search for portable apps. There is a site that offers a bunch of popular software slightly modified for a usb stick. Putty is one the apps they offer23:35
fugitivouzor, you wont have problems from linux, but from windows...23:35
ghindonikin:  I'm afraid I don't know.  Sorry :(23:35
kitcheuzor: then ntfs but then again ntfs is not the best there is for file sharing you could use ext2 and get the ext2 driver for windows23:35
Slart_paradox_: I think it's like this..    ln -s nameoflink targetoflink23:35
hisingh1<cheatr> pm23:35
Slart_paradox_: I might have target and link mixed up.. but that's the general idea23:36
TarasI need help please, i have recorder a video using recordmydesktop software, it saves file as .ogg , does anyone know any software that can transform or cenvert this video to mpg4 format ?23:36
soundrayTaras: mencoder23:36
Tarasthank you23:36
nikinghindo: thanx anyway.. i ame hitting my head to the wall for two days now with this problem... :( bleh... i am realy not happy that we got polkit in an LTS release for the first time... :(23:36
SlartTaras: mencoder does almost anything.. the trick is knowing how to make it work with you =)23:36
Tarashope its not complicated23:37
_paradox_wait ln -s the file name and then the target directory?23:37
soundrayTaras: it is23:37
Slartparadon: I think so, yes23:37
SlartTaras: and remember.. linux is case sensitive..23:38
soundrayTaras: you may find it easier to install kino, import the Theora file and export to mpeg423:38
Slartbah.. paradon, and Taras.. I need coffee23:38
McRibTaras: Do a google search for: mencoder ogg to mp423:38
_paradox_i hope i dont screw this up23:38
McRibTaras: Chances are someone has written a tutorial :)23:38
Slart_paradox_: I think so, yes23:38
Tarasoh okay , well thanks for help guys, i will be trying now, if i succed i will post video on youtube hehe23:38
Slart_para: and remember.. linux is case sensitive..23:38
Slart_paradox_: and remember.. linux is case sensitive..23:38
popeyTaras: you can just rename an ogg to .avi and upload to google video :)23:39
arthurthanks for the help! All23:39
emmaemma_,  are you cloning me?23:39
soundraypopey: really?23:39
nikinghindo: for a "til it gets done" solution.. dont you know how can i bypass polkit? i cant use network-admin .. and thats pain23:40
soundraypopey: that's a convenient conversion method, then ;)23:40
markotite1how can I add Other to the main menu in system>preferences>main maenu23:40
markotite1when I mark OTHER then it unmarks automatically23:40
thisusernamewasmCan anyone help me restore mp3 playback functionality to rhythmbox?23:40
favromarkl_: you need a prog installed that uses the other menu item23:41
emma_what do you mean by cloning you23:41
emmaemma_ this is not the right channel to have a conversation not related to Ubuntu.23:41
thisusernamewasm PLEASE, someone! I've been here asking periodically since 2PM, can *anyone* help me fix mp3 playback in rhythmbox?23:42
markotite1hm ok favro23:42
nikinthisusernamewasm: lets try.. what happened what is the problem/ when did it occusr?23:42
emmathisusernamewasm, are you able to play mp3 with any other media players?23:43
thisusernamewasmnikin, hythmbox used to play mp3's, now it does not. I suspect that this is a result of some stuff Aptitude did without my telling it to, but with my accidental consent, a while ago.23:43
thisusernamewasmI haven't tried any others- I put ap ost in the forums with all the details here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79553423:43
jnbhi all! would appreciate som help here, how do i split a rar archive into several parts with max file size 11mb?23:43
emmathisusernamewasm,  you might try going to synaptic package manager, searching for Rhythmbox and then marking for reinstallation then.23:44
nikinthisusernamewasm: do other programs play mp3?23:44
jacekowskii have very very strange issue23:44
emmanikin, i asked the same question :)23:44
jacekowskiroot@jacek-laptop:/home/jacek# rm record*23:44
jacekowskiSegmentation fault (core dumped)23:44
thisusernamewasmemma, I still have rhythmbox, I'm using it to play some ogg's right now.23:44
thisusernamewasmnikin, I'll try.23:44
thisusernamewasmWhich program should I use?23:44
emma_is this a coincidence or is it something siniister i.e same user name?23:44
jacekowskiit looks like rm is segfaulting23:44
soundrayjnb: man split23:44
markotite1I thought Gisosomeone using Gisomount ??23:44
nikinthisusernamewasm: consider trying VLC ....23:45
markotite1cant find it in menus23:45
markotite1Uh I mean someone using Gisomount ? :)23:45
emmathisusernamewasm, yes but you said that you thought that aptitude did something to rhythmbox such that it was able to play MP3 and now it cannot. You might therefor try reinstalling it, which is easy to do with the Synaptic Package Manager located in System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager > Search for Rhythmbox and then check the box to mark for reinstallation.23:45
thisusernamewasminstalling vlc, will report shortly.23:45
markotite1I cant find it anywhere23:45
hyjalthisusernamewasm: I would try to completely remove ubuntu-restricted-extras, and installing it again23:45
markotite1I can start it from console23:45
emmaemma_  /join #defocus23:46
jnbsoundray: would you mind writing the complete command?23:46
ferfactori want to play a DVD but i think that this DVD has copyright23:46
thisusernamewasmemma, I was more suspecting that it uninststalled some libraries or codecs or something.23:46
soundrayjnb: yes, I would23:46
nikinemma: i tend to belive that this is a codec problem... maybe gstreamer23:46
thisusernamewasmsudo aptitude uninstall ubuntu-restricted-extras?23:46
thisusernamewasmAnd then reinstall?23:46
BobPenguinHello there. I'm having trouble with the Lives Video Editor on Ubuntustudio 8.04. When I open a video clip it does not open de audio, not can I supply audio to any video. The terminal seys Xmms is not installed, but I have read xmms is an optional package and is not need to run lives. What can be the problem?23:46
ferfactori think that this DVD is protected with somethind call css23:46
Lynetferfactor: All dvd have copyright, I assume you mean css/drm?23:46
hyjalthisusernamewasm: I think so. I use synaptic for it all :P23:46
nikinthisusernamewasm: lets see that VLC23:46
emmathisusernamewasm,  then try this, open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras23:46
hyjalthisusernamewasm: there's an option there for "complete removal"23:47
ferfactoryea Lynet that23:47
thisusernamewasmnikin, still installing vlc23:47
nikinthisusernamewasm: ok.. i wait...23:47
jnbsoundray: thanks, i think i got it! blessings an joy23:47
soundrayjnb: would you like a hint on combining the parts?23:47
Lynetferfactor: Have you installed libdvdread?23:48
ferfactorlynet yeah this morning23:48
thisusernamewasmemma, will try after done isntalling vlc.23:48
nikinthisusernamewasm: what UGH?23:48
thisusernamewasmI tried to install google earth last time I used synaptic, but changed my mind, and so didn't accept the license.23:49
Gantzwhat a jolly name23:49
thisusernamewasmNow it's trying to get me to agree to the license, and not only can I not disagree with the license, I can't even accept.23:49
thisusernamewasmthere's no way to press "ok"?23:49
jnbsoundray: well, i'm not the one who'll be extracting the archive, my friends on windows machines will be doing that. will there be any problems for them to extract?23:49
ferfactorLynet: the console said me that the package wasn't appear23:49
Lynetferfactor: Tried this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs?highlight=(dvd)23:49
thisusernamewasmok, I think I killed google earth install...23:50
nikinthisusernamewasm: no idea.. never used that piece of software....23:50
soundrayjnb: yes, they will have to know how23:50
Gantzso, i installed ubuntu on my other harddrive, and still have xp on one harddrive. how do i boot to xp?23:50
thisusernamewasmit was just the license being presented and requiring acceptance within the terminal.23:50
thisusernamewasmnow it's back up again.23:50
wubrgamerhow do i boot the livecd to RAM?23:50
mad_max02thisusernamewasm, u trying to install google earth ??23:50
corpsemassacredo you tried  freebsd23:50
mad_max02then what ?23:50
Joeb454wubrgamer, it automatically boots into the RAM :)23:50
mad_max02I didnt read up23:50
ferfactorLynet: sorry i tried to explain better my problem but i have many problems with my english... thanks i will check th url23:50
thisusernamewasmI thought about it last time I used synaptic, and now it's acting like I still want to, even though I don't.23:50
soundrayjnb: you will probably have generated several files like xaa, xab, xac and so one. They will have to combine them on the Windows command line with something like23:51
nikinthisusernamewasm: what about VLC?23:51
thisusernamewasmvlc isntalled, attempting mp3 now23:51
soundrayjnb: copy /b xaa xab xac file.rar23:51
Joeb454wubrgamer, yep, that's how come there's no changes to your hard drive :)23:51
thisusernamewasmnikin, it works.23:51
clintchanceHow do i get 7zip to work23:51
clintchancedoes it have a GUI23:51
Gantzhow do i boot to xp which is located on my other harddrive, from ubuntu, this harddrive23:51
mad_max02thisusernamewasm, you want to play mp3 ?? google earth installs nice with medibuntu repository enabled and just typing sudo apt-get install googleearth23:51
nikinthisusernamewasm: ok23:51
wubrgamerJoeb454: no23:52
emmanhi, anybody know how I can get skype on ubuntu23:52
wubrgamerit runs off the CD23:52
mad_max02thisusernamewasm, try banshee or rhythmbox for mp3 files23:52
wubrgameri meant copying it into the ram...23:52
wubrgamerthe cd23:52
soundrayjnb: I think there is a method for splitting rar files with the rar program itself, but I don't know how. If you can work it out, you will make the recipient's life easier23:52
wubrgamerknoppix and most livecd's do it23:52
soundrayjnb: man rar will probably help23:52
thisusernamewasmmad_max, you are late into this. I am merely trying to fix rhythmbox, which stopped playing mp3's.23:52
thisusernamewasmVLC is being used as a test, to see if I have the codecs (I presume)23:52
Joeb454I think it loads a lot into the RAM, but also runs from the CD (I know it loads some). Other than that I can't be much help sorry wubrgamer23:53
hyjalthisusernamewasm: I would keep trying to reinstall the ubuntu-restricted-extras package for getting rhythmbox (gstreamer) to work. I can't help you with your synaptic problem though23:53
nikinthisusernamewasm: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad23:53
emmahm, emma_ and then emman.23:53
clintchanceapt-get install googleearth dont work23:53
wubrgameris there a toram cheatcode?23:53
hyjalthisusernamewasm: VLC uses different codecs23:53
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free23:53
nikinVLC has inbuilt codecs.. so it wont work with rythmbox23:53
jnbsoundray: oh, i see. yes, i'm not sure they'll manage to do it right with man split. ill try man rar, thanks23:53
=== Thanatos is now known as Thanatos____
nikinthisusernamewasm: install the package i pointed out23:53
thisusernamewasmhow do I uninstall ubuntu-restricted-extras?23:54
thisusernamewasmsudo aptitude uninstall?23:54
nikinthisusernamewasm: also consider install the package w32codecs23:54
hisingh1cheatr help23:54
emmanhad to change user name to avoid any confusion23:54
nikinthisusernamewasm: why you want to?23:54
J-Unithow do i kill bonobo-activation-server and how do i restart nautilus?23:54
XORANDwhat is the nvidia geforce 5200 display name, please?23:54
Wandereranyone having issues ssh'ing from an old installation to an newer box after the upgrade of ssh?23:54
hisingh1cheatr i dont know how to respond23:54
WandererI keep getting a message saying hostkey verification failed23:54
hyjalthisusernamewasm: aptitude remove ubuntu-restricted-extras23:55
douyethisusernamewasm: start using synaptic..23:55
Wandererit's not authorized_keys or known_hosts either23:55
gikubuntu n est pas tombé23:55
hisingh1HOW to respond to ims23:55
nikinWanderer: rm .ssh/known_hosts23:55
hyjalthisusernamewasm: then synaptic install23:55
hisingh1HOW to respond to ps23:55
thisusernamewasmdouye, why would I want to start using synaptic?23:55
soundrayjnb: it's not documented in the man page. You will need to look in /usr/share/doc/rar/rar.txt.gz23:55
douyethisusernamewasm: easier to get to the thing you need when you dont know the complete name..23:55
thisusernamewasmnikin, I was going to uninstall that and try to reinstall it.23:55
nikinthisusernamewasm: why do you want to remove restricted extras?23:55
Wanderernikin: already did, no go23:55
thisusernamewasmdouye, I don't really think so. I find synaptic confusing. I really prefer the terminal.23:56
nikinWanderer: did you check that it is realy deleted?23:56
jnbsoundray, thank you, i' give it a look23:56
clintchanceis google down? wget http://dl.google.com/earth/GE4/GoogleEarthLinux.bin is returning 40423:56
hyjalnikin: I told him to try reinstalling it, as his gstreamer mp3 playback isn't working. Im no expert though :S23:56
DonaldShimoda_markotitel, are you there?23:56
thisusernamewasminstalled the gstreamer bad lib.23:56
nikinWanderer: do you use it for authentication on servers?23:56
douyethisusernamewasm: start synaptic, press search, type ubuntu, scroll all the way down and you will find the thing you're looking for..23:56
thisusernamewasmTrying rhythmbox now23:56
Wanderernikin: I removed the file completely23:57
soundrayclintchance: it's better to apt-get googleearth from the medibuntu repository23:57
DonaldShimoda_markotitel, can please go to priv23:57
WandererI'm using hostkey auth, not pass23:57
nikinthisusernamewasm: dont uninstall it.. just install the two packages i wrote you23:57
clintchancedo i need to enable taht23:57
soundray!medibuntu | clintchance23:57
ubottuclintchance: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org23:57
thisusernamewasminstalled the first one.23:57
belkinhelp2how do i restart a bittorrent file in Gutsy?23:57
mad_max02you need to23:57
WandererI keep getting this:  debug2: no key of type 2 for host23:57
clintchancelol ah23:57
mad_max02clintchance, install very easy then23:57
belkinhelp2i have the completed file and would like to seed, how do i get the bittorrent client to do that?23:58
douyethisusernamewasm: btw i dont have that package installed (the ubuntu-restricted-extras) and i can play .mp3 files with rythmbox so its not that23:58
thisusernamewasmnikin, installing the second one.23:58
prowerHello :> Does anyone know of a way to reduce/eliminate choppy sound in jackd-based applications (like rosegarden?)23:58
DonaldShimoda_markotitel, do you read me?23:58
thisusernamewasmdouye, it's not as simple as that....23:58
nikinWanderer: you have regenerated the host keys.. so you have to recopy them.. becousse the old key was changed23:58
DonaldShimoda_markotitel, wich is the next step? sudo VBoxAddIF vbox0 <user> br0?23:58
thisusernamewasmnot always, at least.23:58
DonaldShimoda_i already have the bridge up!23:58
hyjaldouye: the restricted package is just a meta package for lots of useful codecs, including mp323:58
BobPenguin Hello there. I'm having trouble with the Lives Video Editor on Ubuntustudio 8.04. When I open a video clip it does not open de audio, not can I supply audio to any video. The terminal seys Xmms is not installed, but I have read xmms is an optional package and is not need to run lives. What can be the problem?23:58
markotitelyes donald23:58
tmapjwhat program can i use in place of Amarok that is just as good or better?23:58
vxbinacaWhen I play certain videos with VLC, Ubuntu either locks completly or part of it will fail and it will be a domino effect. Sound will stop working, then gnome will stop working. How do I figure out whats going on here?23:59
DonaldShimoda_ok markotitel thanks a lot, i will try rigth now and tell you later23:59
Wanderernikin: yeah, but it's not asking me to update them, it just gives the error saying verification failed and poof23:59
belkinhelp2i remember clicking on the torrent listed on the website to get it started.  But i was wondering how i could do it from Ubuntu without going back to the original site23:59
soundrayBobPenguin: are you on hardy?23:59
DonaldShimoda_markotitel, thanks a lot for your help23:59
nikinWanderer: do you have local acces to the server?23:59
belkinhelp2im not even sure what client i have....whats the standard that comes with Ubuntu?23:59
thisusernamewasminstalled, opening rhythmbox23:59
douyehyjal: i dont have it installed tho and can play mp3 files, think when i loaded mp3 files into the rythmbox it asked me if i wanted to install the needed codecs which it did auto..23:59
nikinthisusernamewasm: yes?23:59
Wandererone of them yes, the other no23:59
Wandererthe one I'm sshing from, no23:59
markotitelNP donald23:59
thisusernamewasmnikin, doesn't work still.23:59

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