
mib_g0jb57how can i stop these damn kids from turning off the taskbar?!00:19
nickellerymib_g0jb57, lock the computer00:20
mib_g0jb57and how can i require a password to make changes to the main menu?00:20
TheSheepkiosk mode?00:20
TheSheepxfce has it00:20
TheSheepit's in the xfce docs00:20
mib_g0jb57oh yeah? awesome00:20
TheSheepalso googlable00:20
TheSheepyou want to look for 'kiosk'00:21
kingair_sixhello, I got a question concerning network manager. where exactly can i get it from when i lost it? i don't have network access on xubuntu at the time, so i'll need a local install version? something like that around?00:29
zoredachewhat do you mean you lost it?  did you install it or is the icon not in the tray00:30
zoredachetry running nm-applet --sm-disable if it is still installed00:30
kingair_sixwell, it was in the tray originally, but after inserting my pc wifi card, it quit, i don't know any better way to describe it00:30
kingair_sixalright, 'll try that right away00:30
kingair_sixhm, it is doing something when i punch it in, but not starting the applet nor giving out errors00:33
yotuxDo the repos have plugins for thunar?00:46
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Odd-rationaleyotux: the repos have some...00:46
yotuxcoming from Gnome some things are different00:46
zoredacheyotux: things being different is the point... if things where the same it would just be gnome00:47
yotuxlol sorry00:47
yotuxLike XFCE for the most part00:48
zoredacheno need to be sorry, I am just fine-tuning my 'master-of-the-obvious' skills00:48
TheSheepI think most plugins for thunar are installed and enabled by default00:50
TheSheepat least the stable ones00:50
kingair_sixthe command nm-applet --sm-disabled did not put out anything00:52
yotuxis there a place that I can find a list of more light weight apps?00:53
gkahlaanyone else having CUPS/printing issues after the update?01:36
gkahlaI'm generating spooled print jobs, but the printer isn't spitting out paper. I can connect to a networked CUPS printer and send jobs there, but this is to a usb-connected device...01:37
yotuxIs there a way to fix pulse audio in xubuntu03:36
yotuxhow can I stop pidgin from crazing04:36
taggartbg42yotux: what exactly is happening?04:37
yotuxit freezing and then in no responsive04:37
yotuxI am thinking maybe it could be related to the sound problem with pulse audio?04:37
yotuxI notice GStreaming errors04:38
yotuxI am not an advance user but have pidgin running in a cli with the debug flag running04:38
taggartbg42i'm not exactly sure, but if you provide more descriptive errors in #ubuntu, they should be able to help you04:39
yotuxDoes xubuntu have a bug fix for pulse audio?04:40
whatisgoingonwhere on earth can I add startup apps in xubuntu?06:29
whatisgoingoni can't find xinitrc either06:29
sean_I keep getting the error: Could not open "pager" module when trying to put a view of my desktops in the panel07:30
japherwockyhow do I set up a hotkey or macro to launch a terminal?08:06
japherwockyor a keyboard shortcut, etc.08:06
ablomenjapherwocky, go to the settings manager -> keyboard -> shortcuts08:07
Udais someone able to help me set up a shell script to wget files listed in a textfile? i cant seem to get that at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=347151 to work08:15
ablomenif you just want to download all the files in a text file you can use wget -i /path/to/the/text/file08:21
ablomenthat is, if the text file is just url<ENTER>url<ENTER>url etc etc, or i think even an html file with links in it would do08:22
Jacohey does anybody know ho big is the ftpd file12:07
drashHi all, anyone familiar with "trayer" on xubuntu hardy ?12:12
mnemochi, which gtk app do you recommend to play remote .pls files?15:29
ablomenmnemoc, afaik rhythmbox should be able to do that15:31
mnemocablomen: thanks, installing15:31
ablomennp, hope it actually works ;)15:32
mnemoc"mplayer movie player" play the music but it shows and hides very fast and continiously an error dialog15:33
MiKa^question here: if i disable 'launch gnome services at startup' (xubuntu) will this prevent me from running gnome apps? or will the gnome apps automatically start gnome services when they need it?15:37
GryzorXMiKa^: the services will start when you 1st need em15:38
GryzorXtherefore, the 1st time it will take more time (while it loads the required services)15:38
MiKa^at least it will boot up my buntu faster... right?15:39
GryzorXMiKa^: *should* :)15:41
MiKa^kk thx15:41
GryzorXif you don't need a gnome app you can remove it entirely15:42
MiKa^i install my buntu in my pendrive15:42
MiKa^and settings are persistent15:42
MiKa^so whenever i decide to show off to my friends about my customized bunt, it takes too long to load15:42
MiKa^since all computers have different amount of ram15:44
MiKa^well, so far only the 2gb ram computers boot with decent speed15:44
edmondhi all16:12
edmondi yesterday just update my xubuntu 8.0416:13
edmondi mean using update manager to update16:13
edmondbut now my sound card only can sound but cannot using skype to chat mic ???any 1 can help16:13
edmondhello ?16:14
GryzorXedmond: hello.16:20
GryzorXedmond: have you checked your audio inputs and stuff like that?16:20
edmondi am newbie16:21
edmondbut 1stime i intall xubuntu 8.04 all is ok16:21
edmondbut yesterdat use update manager update now cannot use mic16:22
edmondrecord sound also cant16:22
edmondskype also cannot16:22
edmondbut b4 update can16:22
GryzorXI'm not using xubuntu right now.. so I don't know what came in the update :S16:22
edmondif u say volume control i check all n umute all already16:22
GryzorXHave you gone to System -> Sound preferences?16:23
edmondnow sound card got sound everthing is ok16:23
edmondonly mic16:23
edmondbut no setting16:24
edmondxubuntu no like gnome16:24
edmondnow skype cannot use mic is a problem16:25
edmondso any 1 can help me pls16:26
GryzorXI don't know what to tell you.16:27
GryzorXYou might want to try the #ubuntu channel, as there's more people there.16:27
thinkmassiveI need to watch a quicktime video in firefox so I need to install a plugin... any recommendations on which media player is best?16:29
GryzorXthinkmassive: media player or firefox plugin?16:30
edmondok thk16:30
edmondi go now16:30
thinkmassivechoices are: xine, totem, gxine, vlc, mplayer16:30
GryzorXthinkmassive: no idea. sry. I use Epiphany16:30
GryzorXi'd go VLC16:30
GryzorXbut that's my choice.16:30
thinkmassivecool, I'm just asking for opinions anyway, thanks!16:31
GryzorXi seems to work with "anything" you throw to it.16:31
thinkmassivehah sounds good16:31
thinkmassiveas long as it doesn't crash and it plays the files16:31
GryzorXit works here, crashes are not common.16:31
thinkmassiveI just remember video being one of the lacking areas on my old home desktop install16:32
thinkmassivethat was a while ago though16:32
thinkmassiveI've heard good things about VLC from a friend who I introduced to ubuntu for his media pc too16:32
GryzorXwith all its drawbacks, linux has grown very mature in that area. Things are not what it used to be :)16:33
edmondhow to join ubuntu channel ?16:33
thinkmassive /j #ubuntu16:33
edmondoh thk man16:34
GryzorXreplace #ubuntu with any channel you'd like to join :)16:34
edmondfriends seem no find any buddy to help in this16:39
GryzorXedmond: it may take time, people are busy16:40
edmondi know also16:40
GryzorXedmond: try Ekiga (comes with *buntu)16:40
GryzorXedmond: to see if you get any audio response in its testss16:40
edmondhow ?16:40
GryzorXedmond: Ekiga has some sound tests when you 1st open it (and possible later) where you configure your audio and it lets you selecr your input/output and see if you can record/hear them.16:42
edmondi cannot record sound16:43
edmondi can hear music16:44
edmondi test already16:44
edmondi also set to 100% already16:45
GryzorXedmond: could be an issue with PulseAudio16:47
GryzorXedmond: but I know nothing 'bout PA16:47
edmondpulse audio is wat ?16:47
GryzorXit's the "audio server" that shipped with ()buntu16:47
edmondhmm ?16:48
edmondoh no so many word16:54
edmondso headead16:54
edmond<GryzorX> : thk u help16:55
FMR--anyone here having a asus eee with xubuntu?17:03
GryzorXedmond: np, sorry I couldn't be of help.17:05
edmondsound problem also u17:06
edmondnvm but still got people help is feeling good for me already17:06
defrexautomount doesn't seem to be working... is this just an xubuntu norm (I just started using it) or am I having some kind of issue?17:19
defrexor maybe it's just a problem with my card reader...17:29
defrexit works fine under a regular ubuntu install though17:30
slimjimflim_does anybody know of a package that will let me log into a windows machine nvia remote desktop?17:32
TheSheepand if you search for rdesktop in synaptic you will find some graphical clients too17:33
defrexif I'm trying to mount something manually, how can I find out what the /dev/?? name is?17:34
Odd-rationaledefrex: try, fdisk -l17:34
Odd-rationale(lowercase L)17:34
defrexhmm, it doesn't seem to return anything17:35
Odd-rationaledefrex: with sudo17:35
defrex.. it's not there.17:36
defrexI guess the problem isn't just automount then17:36
Odd-rationaledefrex: is it external or internal/17:37
defrexit's an internal milt-card reader17:37
Odd-rationaleis the card plugged in?17:37
Odd-rationaledefrex: could you pastebin the out put of "sudo fdisk -l" ?17:38
defrexthe ntfs drive is a usb external I have17:41
Odd-rationalehmm. maybe you reader is not working... :-E17:42
defrexI guess it's possible. I've been using it with ubuntu for years with no problems... It only stopped working when I installed xubuntu, which makes suspect it's something more.17:43
Odd-rationalemaybe xubuntu is missing some drivers that ubuntu preinstalls. idk...17:43
defrexlol, this is all just to get a new rsa.pub over after the ssh update...17:44
defrexI can't connect accross with ssh because I changed my keys...17:44
defrexso, my cdrom drive doesn't work anymore either...17:55
defrexthis time there was an error message though http://pastebin.com/m6a9cb83717:57
japherwockywhat should I be using to view pdfs?18:14
thinkmassiveisn't "document viewer" installed by default?18:15
thinkmassiveerr evince18:16
japherwockyNot that I can find18:16
thinkmassiveI guess document viewer is just what firefox calls when you open a pdf18:16
thinkmassivewell evince works well for me18:16
thinkmassiveghostscript is another app18:16
japherwockyI'll give evince a whirl :)18:17
japherwockyand it works nicely :)18:18
PsynoKhi0hi, was AIGLX enabled by default in xubuntu gutsy?19:08
nikinhow can i make policykit work for alternate window managers? i mean i use fluxbox with startx :) and the unlock button is grey on every policykit based app19:49
mnemochi, since i updated from 8.04 beta to final my terminal launcher stopped working, where can i see what is it really trying to launch as when i choose the terminal icon i can't write the path to xfce-terminal20:06
zoredachethe command is 'xfce4-terminal'20:07
mnemocwhat i mean is that if i choose the icon it doesn't ask me what to exec, and i can't see it neither20:08
mnemocif i alt-f2 xfce4-terminal it works fine, but if i click on the launcher it does nothing20:08
mnemoc(since i updated)20:08
thinkmassivemnemoc: do you mean to say that the icon is visible on your panel but when you click on it the terminal doesn't launch?20:19
mnemocthinkmassive: right20:22
thinkmassivecan you right-click and choose properties?20:23
mnemocthinkmassive: yes20:25
thinkmassivewhat does it say in the Command field?20:25
mnemocthe field at the right of the choosable icon is not editable and it says Terminal, the field after that is empty (i just was a terminal)20:27
thinkmassivebelow the icon, isn't there a Command field?20:29
thinkmassivedoh I'm on a 7.1 system right now, maybe it changed20:29
thinkmassivestill, I don't see why you wouldn't just delete that broken launcher and create a new one20:30
mnemocthinkmassive: i have done it, doesn't solve the problem20:30
mnemocthinkmassive: but i just realized that if i add /bin/bash and run in terminal i get the old behavior20:30
thinkmassivehow about Xmenu->Accessories->Terminal20:31
thinkmassiveis the Command field empty?20:31
mnemocthat work20:31
thinkmassiveyou haven't answered that question yet20:31
mnemoci'm not sure which is the command field, the translation is ugly20:31
thinkmassivethere's a text field below the icon20:31
thinkmassivein it you should have: xfce4-terminal20:32
mnemocthinkmassive: doh, ok20:32
mnemocwhy having it empty before gave me a terminal?20:34
thinkmassiveno idea20:34
mnemocthinkmassive: thanks a lot for your time, i'm happy with my launcher now :)20:34
thinkmassiveno prob, enjoy20:35
mnemoci assumed there was something like xdg-email wrapping the "favorite" terminal or so20:39
nikincan anyone help me to use policykit with fluxbox... for some reason it ails the get process information... so the unlock bttons stay grey... and after tripple check... i am in the polkituser group., and i am not running with sudo .... or at least how to rip out that piece of awfullness of the admn programs?20:47
nikincan anyone help me to use policykit with fluxbox... for some reason it ails the get process information... so the unlock bttons stay grey... and after tripple check... i am in the polkituser group., and i am not running with sudo .... or at least how to rip out that piece of awfullness of the admn programs?20:50
thinkmassiveyou might try #fluxbox20:51
thinkmassivethis is an xfce channel20:51
nikinits not a fluxbox issue20:51
nikinthe main question is that what is the way xubuntu handels polkit.. what deamons are needed to be run etc...20:52
L0GG3DIs there an alternative for thunar?20:53
nikinand how to make it happen manualy... i am sure something is started durning gdm or xfce that makes it work20:53
L0GG3Di cant see my ntfs partition20:53
ubuntunovicelogg3d: yes, nautilus20:54
nikinL0GG3D: there is nautilus.. wich is the default for gnome... there is konqueror.. the default for kde... if you like commander style stuff... mc (curses) krusader (KDE) are options to20:54
nikinbut just take a look around in synaptic searching for: file manager .. you can find some more20:55
TheSheepthere was a new commander-style one for gtk, forgot the name21:00
L0GG3Di have installed nautilus, but were/how can i start it?21:00
TheSheepL0GG3D: from command line, best press alt+f2 and type nautilus21:01
TheSheepL0GG3D: it will be started automatically if you save the session when logging out21:01
L0GG3Dthx, but it changed my background:P21:03
L0GG3Dand style settings21:03
TheSheephttp://www.gnomefiles.org/subcategory.php?sub_cat_id=71 <-- a list of file management apps for gnome21:03
TheSheep(and gtk)21:04
L0GG3Di can mount my ntfs to see it with thunar but can you automount, so it loads on startup?21:06
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE21:07
nikincan anyone help me to use policykit with fluxbox... for some reason it ails the get process information... so the unlock bttons stay grey... and after tripple check... i am in the polkituser group., and i am not running with sudo .... or at least how to rip out that piece of awfullness of the admn programs?21:14
thinkmassivespamming the chan isn't going to help you21:16
thinkmassiveif nobody is responding then try posting to a forum21:16
nikinthinkmassive: i dont want to spam the channel... i respect other peoples communication.. but every oncein a whle.. when some new people join i try again.. maybe the newcommers caan help21:17
L0GG3DHow do you close nautilus?21:26
L0GG3Dor is it closet when you exit?21:27
nikinif you started like : nautilus then not.. the desktop remains running21:29
nikinif you started with the nodesktop switch then it is closed21:30
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ubuntunovicedoes anyone know a good podcast aggregator under ubuntu or xubuntu.. I read that icepodder does not work under 8.04 because xmms libraries are missing...21:57
zoredacheI use podracer, a command line app,  it works fine for me21:58
ubuntunoviceI#ll look into it...21:59
zoredachejust put the rss urls into a text file and setup a cron job to start podracer occasionally21:59
ubuntunovicebut I was hoping for something clickable..21:59
ubuntunovicemight be good.... juice has some bugs.. some episodes are not downloaded...21:59
zoredacheI hate clickable things because they don't run in the background...  I my podcast getter to get things when I am not there21:59
zoredacheYou might also try miro21:59
zoredacheit is mostly setup for video, but I am pretty sure it audio as well22:00
ubuntunovicebut podracer is not opensource..22:00
zoredachewhat are you looking at?  the one I am using has what looks like a bsd/mit license22:01
ubuntunoviceu r right22:01
zoredacheuse 'sudo apt-get install podracer'22:01
L0GG3Dcan anyone help me with compiz fusion?22:17
dan798hi all. i'm trying to install xubuntu on an old sony picture book a friend just gave me.  I downloaded 8.04, I am able to boot off the disc, and i see the little bar thingy going back and forth all blue - then it goes to BusyBox and gives me a prompt.  Anyone?23:01
favrodan798: first check is to run the md5 check when you boot into the disk23:03
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:03
erossif I delete my top panel and find out I need it back, how do I do that23:05
erossI'm running awn23:06
japherwockyxfce4-panel &23:07
erossthis is all new to me japherwocky, since i was weaned off of kde and played with gnome a little23:08
zoredacheeross: did you close the panel, or did you actually delete it?  If it was actually deleted then starting the panel again won't help23:09
zoredacheif you deleted it then you just go into the settings and add a new panel, then put the stuff you want on the panel onto it23:09
erossi'm too fraid to play with anything right now, it's working great but want to move my top down to the awn applet23:10
erossi would do the right-click and remove option23:11
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erossso if I remove that panel, it wont exist as a task right?  Then all I have to do if I need it back is the xfce4-panel &23:14
zoredacheeross: no23:14
zoredacheif you remove it, then it is gone23:15
zoredacheif you want to save things, then make a backup ~/.config/xfce4/panel23:16
erossthanks, zoredache23:21

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