mornfall | Off to train, see ya in Prague in ~3.5 hours : - ]. | 04:26 |
DaSkReEcH | Bye | 04:26 |
* DaSkReEcH winces | 05:21 | |
DaSkReEcH | sabdfl responded to aseigo | 05:21 |
bobesponja | DaSkReEcH: what did aseigo say again? :) | 05:23 |
DaSkReEcH | He's refreneced in the blogpost | 05:23 |
bobesponja | DaSkReEcH: do you know why is he being anti (k)ubuntu these days? | 05:24 |
DaSkReEcH | He's not | 05:25 |
DaSkReEcH | I take it you haven't read the post b) followed the discussion | 05:25 |
bobesponja | ok, I thought you were talking about aseigo post that was saying "ubuntu is not the most popular" :) | 05:29 |
DaSkReEcH | oh no | 05:30 |
bobesponja | yes I read mark post, I see what aseigo post you were talking about | 05:30 |
DaSkReEcH | does the kernel release on a scheduled basis now? | 05:39 |
=== uga is now known as uga|away | ||
DaSkReEcH | nixternal!!!! | 07:10 |
nixternal | yo | 07:10 |
Jucato | wb nixternal | 07:11 |
DaSkReEcH | nixternal: saw sabdfl's post? | 07:12 |
nixternal | about the syncronization of releases and what not? | 07:15 |
DaSkReEcH | yep | 07:15 |
\sh | nixternal, why is kde4.0.4 still claiming to be 4.0.3? ,-) | 07:16 |
nixternal | cuz we never updated the kdelibs package with the new tarball that says 4.0.4 | 07:16 |
\sh | nixternal, do it ...;) damn you, I was thinking I missed something and searched for the bug on my side ;) | 07:17 |
nixternal | hehe | 07:17 |
nixternal | ya, after I uploaded to -backports they released a new tarball with just a s/4.0.3/4.0.4/ change | 07:17 |
nixternal | howdy Lure! | 07:17 |
Jucato | whoa! Lure!! | 07:18 |
* nixternal wishes he was in Prague | 07:18 | |
* \sh just got cought yesterday again of the "I want flashplayer just play sound via PA" ...and saw that libflashsupport was deinstalled of some weired reason... | 07:18 | |
Lure | hello nixternal | 07:18 |
Lure | and Jucato! | 07:18 |
Lure | and others! | 07:19 |
Lure | nixternal: oh, you did not make it? | 07:19 |
DaSkReEcH | argh this is going to be an interesting back and forth | 07:19 |
Jucato | it the return of the comeback!! | 07:19 |
nixternal | Lure: not this time around...couldn't get the passport taken care of in time, plus I have a job interview on Monday | 07:19 |
Lure | nixternal: I wish you luck with job interview | 07:19 |
nixternal | thank you...I hope I get job | 07:20 |
Jucato | yeah good luck :) | 07:20 |
nixternal | appliance and application development, as well as distro packaging...all free software too | 07:20 |
* nixternal has been writing spec files to get that openSUSE packaging down | 07:20 | |
Jucato | are you going to make refrigerators now? | 07:20 |
DaSkReEcH | right I have hell to go through tomorrow | 07:20 |
nixternal | and reading up on PXE booting | 07:20 |
DaSkReEcH | might as well start sleeping now | 07:20 |
nixternal | appliance as in vm appliances of the companies application(s) | 07:21 |
* Jucato knows.. but can't help but associate appliance with those thigns :) | 07:21 | |
* nixternal wants a new fridge though | 07:21 | |
nixternal | I am planning on going to get a new hi def tv this weekend, maybe a fridge too | 07:22 |
* Jucato thinks he needs one too... might have broken the knob... | 07:22 | |
nixternal | need a big screen setup so I can play Tiger Woods Golf on the Wii in life size :) | 07:22 |
\sh | nixternal, spec files are simple | 07:23 |
nixternal | that they are | 07:23 |
nixternal | there are enough for me to learn from on | 07:23 |
nixternal | I have the Debian and Conary packaging down | 07:23 |
\sh | if any 10 year old can write rpm spec files.... | 07:24 |
nixternal | I am not a 10 year old though :p | 07:24 |
DaSkReEcH | I wonder how long it'll take aseigo to resist a reply | 07:24 |
nixternal | to what? | 07:24 |
\sh | nixternal, that's why you will rock b.o.c ;) | 07:24 |
DaSkReEcH | nixternal: sabdfl | 07:25 |
nixternal | oh | 07:25 |
nixternal | I pay it no attention | 07:25 |
nixternal | but you know he will | 07:25 |
DaSkReEcH | Yeah | 07:25 |
nixternal | politics are not my cup of tea seems all of the stupid people in the world are involved in them | 07:26 |
DaSkReEcH | and ust when we were getting into a nice groove of discussion too :( | 07:26 |
DaSkReEcH | Well they have to have a job somehow | 07:26 |
nixternal | unfortunately, politics is the only sector in the US where there aren't job shortages | 07:26 |
nixternal | I wish they could get layed off | 07:27 |
DaSkReEcH | they can | 07:27 |
DaSkReEcH | but ignorance breeds ignorance | 07:27 |
nixternal | the one thing I love right now, are the democrats tearing themselves apart trying to pick the better idiot | 07:27 |
nixternal | at least the republicans already picked their idiot | 07:28 |
\sh | you know what's are invited to a grill evening of the company...and 3 people will just ran towards you, and ask you: "Dude, you are the guy who works also on this fantastic Ubuntu Distro, yes? Good to have you onboard...we are switching from debian to ubuntu right now, and we need help to support we have you" | 07:29 |
nixternal | \sh: that is kind of how my first 2 phone interviews went with this company I am interviewing with on Monday :) | 07:30 |
nixternal | CentOS -> Ubuntu and Foresight (if I have my way, Kubuntu and Foresight) | 07:31 |
\sh | nixternal, yeah...oss work is just a good job opportunity :) | 07:31 |
nixternal | that it is | 07:31 |
nixternal | luckily chicago has quite a few oss jobs | 07:31 |
DaSkReEcH | i so read that with a different vowel | 07:32 |
\sh | <-- bah...yeah it's Ubuntu OS and never was Ubuntu Linux ;) | 07:51 |
mornfall | So where are the KDE folks..? : - ] | 08:01 |
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Serega | heya | 10:39 |
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Hobbsee | nixternal: you like the rest of the world :) | 11:18 |
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yuriy | everybody at fosscamp? | 16:12 |
ScottK | Nope. | 16:12 |
davmor2 | no :( | 16:14 |
ScottK | I'm missing fosscamp. I leave tomorrow night (~30 hours) and arrive in Prague Sunday PM. | 16:17 |
jjesse | is #uds going to be the channel? or #uds-prague? | 16:17 |
jjesse | i can't be there this time :( | 16:17 |
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nixternal | mornin' | 16:34 |
Jucato | moin! | 16:34 |
jjesse | mroning | 16:34 |
nixternal | time to upgrade the server...brb | 16:36 |
jjesse | for uds-intrepid will there be an irc channel/gobby/voip etc/ | 16:52 |
jjesse | ? | 16:52 |
ScottK | I'm sure there will. I don't know what it will be. | 16:52 |
jjesse | #uds-interprid? | 16:52 |
jjesse | are there seriously no blueprints targeted for uds-intrepid? | 16:57 |
jjesse | or am i searching wrong? | 16:59 |
ScottK | I think they haven't linked them yet. | 17:00 |
jjesse | ah | 17:00 |
ScottK | | 17:00 |
jjesse | trying to figure out what will be discussed | 17:00 |
yuriy | would it be useful to link related bugs and specs on that page? | 17:02 |
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nixternal | NO MORE SCHOOL!!! | 17:42 |
jjesse | yay | 17:43 |
jjesse | so you graduate ? | 17:43 |
jjesse | or just done | 17:43 |
nixternal | just done :) | 17:43 |
nixternal | I could graduate, but I feel like I want more | 17:43 |
nixternal | just a bit slower from this point on | 17:43 |
nixternal | maybe 1 class a more full-time though | 17:43 |
nixternal | whew, just found out that the new job possibility means 0% travel | 18:00 |
* Artemis_Fowl pings seele | 18:07 | |
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\sh | didn't we had one ppa with trunk kde4 inside? | 19:19 |
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ScottK | I don't think so. | 19:45 |
\sh | grmpf..I'm too lazy to set it up myself | 19:46 |
=== uga is now known as uga|away | ||
emonkey | \sh, if apachelogger is in a good mood you've got maybe a chance that he'll do it ...? | 20:03 |
ScottK | \sh: It should hit Intrepid pretty soon. | 20:04 |
* emonkey goes away before apachelogger catches him ... :p | 20:04 | |
* apachelogger throws his trunk checkout at emonkey | 20:04 | |
\sh | ScottK: na...I want really setup a nightly trunk build service somehow | 20:05 |
apachelogger | \sh: you just have to enhance neon | 20:06 |
\sh | apachelogger: it's da ruby, right? | 20:06 |
apachelogger | or you use neon as base | 20:06 |
apachelogger | \sh: yes | 20:06 |
\sh | apachelogger: go..."dare you, no ruby in my house" (to change the quote from midnight in Constantine) | 20:06 |
apachelogger | ^_^ | 20:07 |
\sh | apachelogger: it should be done with simple homebrewn sysadmin tools in no time... | 20:07 |
\sh | we can work some crap out in berlin | 20:08 |
emonkey | yes Berlin! I can't wait :) | 20:08 |
apachelogger | well, with neon you just need to add the packaging stuff and you're done ;-) | 20:08 |
\sh | apachelogger: ah wait...neon remotes svn + cmake and I have to remote in ruby the debianesse form? | 20:09 |
apachelogger | dood, that question is confusing :P | 20:09 |
emonkey | are there any ppa stats about how many ppl are using them? | 20:09 |
apachelogger | emonkey: no | 20:09 |
apachelogger | eventually Nightrose did a wishlist report about it | 20:10 |
emonkey | that would be cool | 20:10 |
emonkey | nice! | 20:10 |
apachelogger | because I didn't but I am sure we talked about it at some point | 20:10 |
* emonkey hugs Nightrose | 20:10 | |
\sh | apachelogger: neon is just like a type of maven? a new order build system, build from people not knowing make and curl? | 20:10 |
apachelogger | \sh: | 20:11 |
apachelogger | one part fetches all the source trees, tars them up and then distro specific modules jump in and do whatever they want | 20:12 |
apachelogger | in case of ubuntu dump a debian directory in the source tree, create the package srcs and upload them to a ppa | 20:12 |
\sh | apachelogger: a type of mave | 20:12 |
\sh | maven even | 20:12 |
apachelogger | yeah | 20:13 |
\sh | use maven then ;) | 20:13 |
\sh | no need for ruby | 20:13 |
emonkey | ^^ | 20:13 |
\sh | but wait...maven is java crap | 20:13 |
ScottK | That's redundant. | 20:13 |
\sh | yeah...the only real way to achieve things: Makefile + wget | 20:13 |
apachelogger | floss itself is redundant :P | 20:13 |
\sh | or curl | 20:13 |
\sh | right...let's go back to dos | 20:14 |
\sh | and emm386.exe | 20:14 |
apachelogger | btw, I am a bit worried about using the current debian KDE 4.1 packaging | 20:14 |
* emonkey is pleased to see forward for a lot of nice duscussion in about ten days in Belrin :) | 20:15 | |
apachelogger | they are patching cmake/kde's cmake wrappers to not depend recursive | 20:15 |
apachelogger | while that is a good thing, it's untested | 20:15 |
\sh | apachelogger: and who test it before implementing? | 20:16 |
apachelogger | we | 20:16 |
apachelogger | do | 20:16 |
\sh | I mean, someone wrote that, and had to had a unit test before that ;) | 20:16 |
\sh | yeeha...debian used my patch | 20:16 |
\sh | wow... | 20:16 |
apachelogger | \sh: couple of debian pkg-kde people from what I've seen | 20:16 |
apachelogger | a problem might really only appear for the developer section | 20:17 |
apachelogger | like 3rd party applications refuse to build with the patches etc. | 20:17 |
emonkey | \sh, wine patch or what? | 20:17 |
\sh | emonkey: no...makefile patch for driftnet ;) | 20:17 |
apachelogger | ....this patching is also the reason why libqt4.4 has "missing dependencies" | 20:18 |
emonkey | hmk ... no idea but sounds interesting | 20:18 |
apachelogger | they are just not needed when cmake doesn't require them recursive | 20:18 |
\sh | emonkey: simple "why you are using -lungif, when today is -lgif" | 20:18 |
emonkey | o_O *confused* I think I'm just underexperienced with all this developing stuff | 20:19 |
\sh | apachelogger: so fixing libqt4.4 is the first thing to do...if those recursiveness is not necessary at sounds like a broken implementation by design ;) | 20:19 |
apachelogger | \sh: yeah that is what they are doing | 20:21 |
apachelogger | but from what I have read so far the overall changes are quite complex | 20:21 |
apachelogger | which is also the reason the lead cmake guy of KDE doesn't want to do it before KDE 4.2 | 20:21 |
\sh | emonkey: don't be could be really confused, when you sit with Delphi developers during a grill event and discuss with them the madness of using Delphi in todays businesses, and showing them really nice bugs which are in delphi since ages...while you are drunk like an elephant eating fermented amarula fruits | 20:23 |
\sh | apachelogger: and debian doesn't trust the word of upstream? | 20:24 |
apachelogger | *shrug* | 20:25 |
apachelogger | IMO they make the issue more important than it is | 20:25 |
emonkey-t | !last | 20:25 |
ubottu | Factoid last not found | 20:25 |
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apachelogger | the worst thing that might happen is the need of a stack rebuild upon qt | 20:26 |
\sh | yes, it's matter of "not trusting upstream" imho | 20:26 |
\sh | why not use our own package layout like our gnome friends do? | 20:26 |
\sh | or actually release them before debian can? | 20:26 |
apachelogger | well, using our own package layout is what I propose | 20:27 |
apachelogger | but IMO that's not necessary as long as everything works | 20:27 |
apachelogger | and that only for intrepid since KDE is probably applying the changes to KDE 4.2 which is going to be in intrepid+1 anyway | 20:28 |
\sh | depends...what could be more difficult? using our own packages where we are upstream for, or using debian upstream packages and removing changes which are meant to hurt, at least because real upstream says so? | 20:29 |
\sh | anyways.../me goes off and tries to watch some news... | 20:30 |
\sh | and relax | 20:30 |
apachelogger | | 20:31 |
apachelogger | \sh: we would just have to remove the patches and reintroduce the dependencies to libqt4-dev AFAIK | 20:32 |
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ryanakca | If anybody asks, the kmplayer merge is taken, I'm just waiting for Debian to apply some of our changes so that I can merge them back into Kubuntu :) | 21:05 |
ryanakca | mind you, you could've figured that out by looking at the bug report... *wanders away* | 21:06 |
apachelogger | lol | 21:07 |
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etretyak | yay! yay! yay! | 22:24 |
etretyak | i won! i won! :-) | 22:25 |
etretyak | | 22:25 |
jussi01 | etretyak: congrats! | 22:35 |
etretyak | jussi01: thanks! | 22:35 |
mmmiiikkkeee | I am trying to build kde from source using the guide on but some of the svn commands don't seem to be working. It keeps telling me "svn No such revision ######". am i doing some thing wrong or is there a bug in svn? | 23:52 |
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