
erossI don't think it's worth 160-300 to trademark much of my stuff00:00
erossmore hobby than anything00:01
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asabil_thumper: yes thanks, the vala branch seems fine now08:22
philngmb: hi! i see you imported the new dump.. seems fine with attachments now09:21
gmbphiln: No, I didn't yet (not on demo., anyway) I just altered the attachments on demo so that they'd show up :)09:29
jameshphiln: I noticed a bit of comment spam in the imported bugs09:30
jameshe.g. https://bugs.demo.launchpad.net/elisa/+bug/19439309:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 194393 in file-roller "Archive Manager can't extract to FTP server (dup-of: 150877)" [Low,Invalid] 09:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 150877 in file-roller "Can't extract to non-local directories" [Low,Confirmed] 09:31
jameshubottu: wrong.09:31
ubottuFactoid wrong. not found09:31
philnjamesh: ha, yes.. there's a bit of spam.. what can we do about that?09:32
jameshphiln: LP administrators can remove spam comments09:33
jameshthe other option is to filter them out of the dump09:33
philni can add akismet support to my conversion script09:33
jameshI haven't really looked at how extensive the problem might be, so am not sure which option is best09:34
jameshit might be better to kill the comments before hand, since we probably don't want to create person records for the spammers in LP09:35
philni think we have only few comments spam.. something like 4 or 5 at most09:35
jamesh&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_contact=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=&field.status_upstream-empty-marker=1&field.omit_dupes.used=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch.used=&field.has_cve.used=&field.tag=&field.tags_combinator=ANY <- all of these bugs seem to have spam09:37
philndo ya know tinyurl.com ? ;)09:37
philnhmm ok i'll have a look09:38
jameshshort enough? :)09:39
philni'll just add a usernames blacklist, since this seems related to a single user09:39
jameshwith anonymous access, user accounts are usually either all spam or no spam09:40
jameshwithout anonymous access, that is.09:40
philngmb: dump-08-05-16.xml.gz available at usual location09:45
gmbphiln: Thanks.09:45
philnbtw, when do you plan to have an export feature in LP?09:48
jameshphiln: we've got an administrative export script, so can provide data in pretty much the same form you've provided us09:49
jameshgetting things hooked up so that project owners can get regular dumps has been a todo item for a while09:49
jameshbut we can definitely provide data on request09:49
philnah, interesting09:50
philnwhen do you plan to get the relax-ng schema "stable"?09:50
philn(and public)09:51
jameshgmb or BjornT might be able to answer that09:52
BjornTphiln: i don't know yet. i'm going to talk to people about it next week. it mainly needs a review before it can be released. the released and stable schema will probably be a bit different (but quite similar) than the current one, though.09:57
philnBjornT: ok, thx for the answer10:07
gmbphiln: I'll get the dump re-imported on demo.lp.net this afternoon (I need a sysadmin to help me and they're all five hours behind me at least).10:08
gmbIn the meantime I'll run it locally.10:09
philnok.. i think this dump will be good to go live10:10
gmbphiln: Assuming all's good I think we'll be able to get that done today.10:10
philni had one more question, about privacy.. shouldn't we ask the bug reporters if they mind their trac account being moved over LP?10:12
philnwill bug reporters receive a mail from LP about that? asking for LP user creation confirmation or something like that?10:14
gmbphiln: If they don't have a Launchpad account already, no.10:14
gmb(And for a lot of them their email address will be @elisa.bugs.invalid anyway)10:15
philnnot the majority10:15
gmbphiln: But even those that have valid email addresses will only have dormant accounts created for them (unless the email addresses are already registered in Launchpad, too, like yours is).10:17
gmbBut they won't receive any notifications from the import.10:17
gmbIt's up to you as far as privacy is concerned. If you'd rather check with your users before we proceed to import the bugs on production that's fine.10:18
philnwell i guess it's fine if the accounts are dormant10:24
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philngmb: little issue it seems: https://bugs.demo.launchpad.net/elisa/+bug/195093 https://code.fluendo.com/elisa/trac/ticket/91415:27
ubottuphiln: Error: This bug is private15:27
gmbphiln: Hmm. It's stripped everything except the <pre> block, it seems.15:28
gmbThat's odd.15:28
philnyes :(15:28
philnlooks like it's on my side15:29
philnnew dump, same location15:47
gmbphiln: Thanks. It looks like the re-import to demo is going to have to be delayed since we've got to reset the database first and that currently takes a long time (it's a big database). If I get chance to do it today I'll let you know.15:51
philnok, thx.. sorry this is a painful and long test process :/15:54
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gmbphiln: Me too; one of our aims is to make this much smoother for everyone involved - especially you, the user :)15:56
kikogmb, philn: the future is philn going to demo, uploading his tarball, pushing a button, getting notified when it's ready, reviewing the bugs, and then saying "yes, push to lpnet" or "no, let's fix something first"16:00
gmbkiko: Right.16:00
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luisbg_why do I keep getting "Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir()" ?16:30
luisbg_I have done bzr launchpad-login16:30
luisbg_ok, sorry, nevermind16:32
jetsaredimwhat's the deal with having to re-gen the ssh keys again16:52
kikojetsaredim, security issue16:52
jetsaredimtwice tho?16:52
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gnomefreakwhy am i still getting security notices about my ssh key. i got it about an hour ago and i fixed it last night. key is still on LP page atm17:19
kikojetsaredim, I'm not sure -- mrevell?17:20
mrevelljetsaredim: Hi.17:22
mrevellgnomefreak, jetsaredim: We ran ssh-vulnkey again against each of the SSH keys registered in LP accounts. That should that that some keys which had been registered since my original email had vulnerabilities.17:25
mrevellthe good news is that Launchpad will no longer accept vulnerable keys.17:25
kikomrevell, should or showed? :)17:25
mrevellsorry kiko, yeah, showed :)17:26
gnomefreakmrevell: so mine is safe?17:27
gnomefreakor is it gonna be removed again17:27
mrevellgnomefreak: Did you receive an email from me just now?17:27
gnomefreakmrevell: ~1hour ago17:27
gnomefreakhint its a brand new key with ssh-vulnkey ran on it last night17:28
gnomefreaki think it was 4 lines of not blacklisted IIRC17:28
gnomefreakkiko was here :)17:29
kikoI'm always here after all!17:29
mrevellgnomefreak: when did you upload the key? The test was run around 20.00 UTC last night.17:30
mrevellmthaddon may be able to explain better.17:30
gnomefreakbefore that i think17:30
mthaddongnomefreak, is it possible you had multiple keys and we deleted only one of them?17:30
gnomefreakit was around dinner time ETC iirc17:30
gnomefreakmthaddon: no i only uploaded one key last night17:31
gnomefreakbecause it wouldnt let me upload the old key so i made a new one17:31
mthaddongnomefreak, can you try re-uploading the same key now and if it allows you to do so, then we've mistakenly deleted your key and can only apologise - if it doesn't, then the key did indeed need to be deleted17:32
gnomefreakmthaddon: its there17:32
gnomefreakwas a sec ago17:32
gnomefreakstill there, hence why im asking why i got email if key is good :)\17:33
mthaddongnomefreak, let me run my script again and see if it flags it as a problem (the same script I ran yesterday) - if so, I'll need to see what was wrong with my script17:33
gnomefreakwould be nice if LP kept track of time we change things like that for user interface17:33
gnomefreakreason i didnt keep old key was because after updates autpo regened key it still wasnt secure so i made a new one17:35
mthaddongnomefreak, the same script I ran yesterday is no longer finding your key as vulnerable, so I'm not really sure what happened yesterday...17:37
gnomefreakmthaddon: the email was ~1hour ago  thats why im wondering17:38
gnomefreakkey uploaded over 12 hours ago17:38
mthaddongnomefreak, the deletion was done a while back (I'll try and get you an exact time), but the email was only sent out recently17:39
gnomefreakoh ok i thought they were done around same time17:40
mthaddonno, there was a definite lag - I did the deletion as soon as the code landed, but mrevell is in a different timezone, so didn't send out the message til next day his time17:40
mthaddongnomefreak, does that clear things up a bit ^17:41
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elhohmm, i assume the topic tries to imply that only blacklisted ssh keys are supposed to not work?17:49
kikois it unclear?17:50
elhowell, could've been as a reason all keys are disabled for now or sth...17:52
elhomy launchpad only key for mirroring to sourcecontrol.net was indeed bad, i had it removed via the webinterface right away 2 days ago. my other main key is fine (old rsa) and i did create a new key for mirroring and added it. yet i do get permission denied trying to mirror using tla or a manual sftp.17:52
statiki deleted my key, added a new one, and have been able to authenticate just fine from several different machines and operating systems17:55
kikosame here, elho 17:56
elhodue to the sftp server on sourcecontrol not closing its connection properly, i do not have the mirror running via cron, so it may well have stopped working before...17:56
elhokiko: ah, so its at least not just me ;)17:57
kikoelho, I meant same here wrt what statik said! it's working for me perfect.17:58
elhoheh :o17:58
statikelho: there might be a real problem, we just need more info about how to reproduce it17:59
statikcause everything seems to be running smooth17:59
elhoi guess you are not using the sourcecontrol gnu arch mirror but some other hosts though?18:00
elho(i assume that the baz mirror is separate)18:02
elhohmm, usernames seem to have changed at some point...18:05
elhothe docs still say it would be the archive name, but just my email is what works :o18:05
elho"works" as in log in to sftp. no files or dirs there18:07
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selmanjHow can I recover a launchpad account that I don't know the email address to?18:24
selmanj(is it even possible) ?18:24
LaneyCan I delete comments?19:46
Laney(written by me)19:47
ffmLaney: no.20:00
nickelleryhey does anybody know if there is something wrong with decrypting launchpad OpenPGP key verification emails?20:12
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emgentheya mdz :)23:17
kikoelho, oh, you are using sourcecontrol.net! somehow that failed to register :)23:46

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