sectech | I didn't even clue in when I saw it... | 00:00 |
sectech | lol | 00:00 |
sectech | should have known.... | 00:00 |
sectech | long day | 00:00 |
sectech | ... you would think his karma level would be higher j/k | 00:01 |
sectech | greg-g, check your PM if you will... | 00:07 |
greg-g | responded | 00:08 |
greg-g | sectech: yeah, Mark doesn't actually use LP all that much, even though it is his pride and joy | 00:09 |
sectech | Would bug #230876 be considered a wishlist? | 00:36 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 230876 in tracker "msword_filter should check available disk space before copying files to /tmp" [Undecided,New] | 00:36 |
james_w | sectech: possibly, if it's not data loss at least. | 00:41 |
james_w | ah, it isn't, yeah, I think that's wishlist. | 00:42 |
sectech | okay... I can't mark it... are you able to? | 00:43 |
james_w | yup | 00:43 |
james_w | \o/ | 00:43 |
james_w | (I was only approved a few days ago) | 00:43 |
sectech | awesome... congrats! | 00:45 |
sectech | I'll probably apply later in the summer... | 00:46 |
sectech | depending on how many bugs I handle... How long did you go before applying? | 00:46 |
james_w | a few months, I haven't touched a huge number of bugs, but I'm a developer as well, so I tend to get distracted and try and fix them as well. | 00:47 |
james_w | have you seen the process for applying? | 00:48 |
sectech | Not yet... | 00:48 |
sectech | I probably should go over and look at it though | 00:49 |
james_w | there's a short questionnaire, where the answers can mostly be found by looking at the docs on the wiki, and then you have to provide examples of your work. | 00:49 |
sectech | ahh okay... not too bad then | 00:49 |
james_w | they ask for 5 bugs that you think that you triaged well, and the thoughts on what you were doing, and how you would set importance if you had the power. | 00:50 |
james_w | that's what really makes the difference. | 00:50 |
james_w | just keep working and asking questions and I'm sure you will get there. | 00:50 |
james_w | if you want to read up on it. | 00:51 |
sectech | I think I have the hang of it... It's more a matter of experience I think at the moment | 00:52 |
james_w | yeah, there are plenty of subtleties you can learn, and a lot if it is just experience, you are right. It seems like you are doing the right things though. | 00:55 |
james_w | Do you focus on one area of packages, or just look at everything new, or do you have a different strategy? | 00:55 |
sectech | I focus on anything that is recent and new.... Mostly crashes.... applications that I am familiar with... | 00:58 |
sectech | I need some comments on bug #230850... I was going to ask the reporter if he has tried this on other hardy systems and if he could attach his conf file to the bug... What would you guys add? | 00:59 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 230850 in sensors-applet "sensors-applet ignores /etc/sensors3.conf" [Undecided,New] | 00:59 |
sectech | I didn't add any comments yet | 01:00 |
sectech | well other then re-assigning it | 01:00 |
james_w | yeah, I'm not sure about that one. | 01:03 |
sectech | Hmm... I'll just subscribe to it and see if another triager takes it then... | 01:04 |
wolfger | <joking> ask them if they still have this problem in the latest version of Intrepid </joking> | 01:04 |
sectech | hahhhaha | 01:05 |
james_w | "we only fix bugs if you updated in the last 20 minutes" | 01:05 |
wolfger | seems like it some days | 01:05 |
sectech | Is intrepid even installable yet? | 01:05 |
james_w | sectech: I'll keep it open, and try to look at some point. | 01:05 |
james_w | sectech: just about I think | 01:05 |
wolfger | I think it is, if you change your sources.list | 01:06 |
james_w | sectech: where does your family name come from, if you don't mind me asking? | 01:06 |
wolfger | not that I'd want to do that | 01:06 |
sectech | Quebec, Canada I believe... | 01:06 |
sectech | I am supposed to be French | 01:06 |
sectech | heh | 01:06 |
hggdh | sectech: intrepid is *not* installable -- in fact, apart from some packages, there is not even a system to install ;-) | 01:07 |
sectech | haha | 01:07 |
james_w | sectech: "supposed to be"? :-) | 01:07 |
hggdh | sectech: you _can_ play with it, though (I do), but be very careful... for example, I already had to recover from X barfing on startup | 01:07 |
james_w | yeah, it won't be for the faint of heart for a few weeks at least. | 01:08 |
sectech | james_w, All I can say in French is "I can't speak French" and I haven't had contact with that side of the family in years | 01:08 |
hggdh | sectech: you would be, I guess, quebecois | 01:08 |
james_w | sectech: Je ne comprends pas | 01:08 |
sectech | hggdh, I think I'll leave intrepid alone for a while lol.... | 01:09 |
sectech | yeah... by blood maybe, I wouldn't go around advertising that though heh | 01:09 |
sectech | Not a lot of people in Canada like Quebec... hell some Quebec people don't even like Quebec | 01:10 |
hggdh | if you have another box (or virtualos, or vmware) you can play with, then yes, go for it. It will give you a lot of experience on recovering systems :-) | 01:10 |
sectech | hggdh, I already have grey hair and I'm not even 30 yet.... I don't want to push it | 01:11 |
hggdh | LOL | 01:11 |
hggdh | I almost do not have gray hair, and I am way past 30... | 01:11 |
hggdh | on the other hand, I am quite baldish | 01:11 |
sectech | I was gonna ask... Do you have any hair? | 01:12 |
sectech | lol | 01:12 |
sectech | hey... maybe I can blame the grey hair for the Quebec roots lol | 01:12 |
hggdh | a lot of my hair fell to the chest and back :-( | 01:12 |
sectech | Oh... relocated... | 01:12 |
sectech | lol | 01:12 |
sectech | Wonder how the conference is going overseas.... | 01:13 |
sectech | Oh jeeze... someone just posted a bug with a mile long subject line | 01:14 |
hggdh | not only that, but with doubtful English as well | 01:14 |
sectech | I am asking for more information | 01:15 |
sectech | It's labelled firefox... yet he talks about booting issues | 01:17 |
sectech | lol | 01:17 |
sectech | and doesn't even mention firefox. | 01:17 |
sectech | Oh I see what he did | 01:17 |
sectech | He used firefox to report the bug with apport | 01:17 |
sectech | I don't imagine this has anything to do with firefox, but we'll see | 01:18 |
hggdh | no, certainly not firefox | 01:18 |
sectech | I think it's safe to drop the assignment until more information is given | 01:18 |
hggdh | he did it via ff, and did not click on "advanced options" | 01:19 |
hggdh | we would need his boot logs just to understand what might be the issue | 01:20 |
sectech | well... lol... we want them to use apport... I guess we wern't overly specific on how we wanted them to use it | 01:20 |
sectech | I started off with a dmesg request | 01:20 |
sectech | I didn't want to start requesting a ton of log files before we were sure what it was about | 01:20 |
hggdh | might help, yes. Also, you can ask him to provide more detailed explanation for whatever error is is able to collect data from. | 01:21 |
hggdh | you might as well rephrase the bug summary for something smaller, like "many problems booting HH" | 01:22 |
sectech | Okay | 01:23 |
hggdh | sectech: is was usual for us to set the Importance to Medium by default, and then adjust when setting to triaged | 01:23 |
hggdh | sectech: finally -- reject firefox | 01:24 |
hggdh | please | 01:24 |
hggdh | :-) | 01:24 |
sectech | Refresh the bug | 01:24 |
sectech | I'll make the subject a little more specific when I get more info | 01:25 |
sectech | I took off the assignment so the firefox team doesn't see it | 01:25 |
sectech | I can't set the importance yet... | 01:26 |
hggdh | I still see firefox in -- can you reject it, or you want me to do so? | 01:27 |
hggdh | on the affects | 01:27 |
sectech | I just see Ubuntu... firefox is omitted. | 01:27 |
sectech | ahh | 01:28 |
sectech | hang on | 01:28 |
sectech | No I don't have access to reject it | 01:28 |
sectech | if you could that would be great | 01:29 |
sectech | Wait... do I just set that part to invalid? | 01:30 |
sectech | maybe I can do it | 01:30 |
sectech | There... I set the firefox part to invalid | 01:31 |
hggdh | thanks, sectech | 01:59 |
=== boomer` is now known as boomer | ||
miickee | I need help with raising my dvd read speed. | 06:27 |
miickee | Using hdparm/sdparm | 06:27 |
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thekorn_ | good morning | 07:29 |
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lucas | hi | 11:13 |
lucas | how does bughelper work, internally? there's a SOAP or XMLRPC interface to launchpad bugs? | 11:13 |
thekorn | hi lucas, no it's just scraping the html or text output of launchpad | 11:15 |
lucas | ok, that's what I feared ;) | 11:15 |
lucas | thank you | 11:15 |
thekorn | there is currently no scripting interface to lp | 11:16 |
bdmurray | lucas: there are plans for an interface though | 11:36 |
=== AstralJa1a is now known as AstralJava | ||
Iulian | Hey | 12:57 |
Iulian | G'morning pedro! | 13:07 |
Iulian | Or should I say good afternoon :) | 13:08 |
pedro_ | hey Iulian, yeah afternoon :-) | 13:10 |
Iulian | pedro_: How is in Prague? | 13:12 |
Iulian | pedro_: I have never been there. I wanted to come but I can't because of school. :\ | 13:12 |
pedro_ | Iulian: everything really good so far | 13:23 |
pedro_ | Iulian: sigh... hey but next time :-) | 13:24 |
Iulian | pedro_: Yeah, maybe next time. | 13:24 |
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde | ||
rbs-tito | Should a bug in coreutils be upstream in Debian or GNU? | 14:02 |
emgent | morning | 14:03 |
rbs-tito | morning | 14:04 |
rbs-tito | Well, afternoon here | 14:04 |
emgent | heheh true | 14:07 |
rbs-tito | You wouldn't happen to know much about coreutils? | 14:08 |
rbs-tito | Where is its upstream :s ? | 14:08 |
rbs-tito | bug 231058 | 14:27 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 231058 in coreutils "Undocumented function in date" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 14:27 |
hggd1 | rbs-tito: coreutils is a GNU package | 14:34 |
hggd1 | | 14:34 |
rbs-tito | hggd1: Do GNU actually have a bugtracker? | 14:35 |
=== hggd1 is now known as hggdh | ||
hggdh | rbs-tito: brb | 14:37 |
rbs-tito | ok | 14:37 |
rbs-tito | I sent the email to the GNU bugs mailing list for coreutils | 14:41 |
rbs-tito | and added the email address to launchpad | 14:43 |
bddebian | Boo | 14:57 |
hggdh | rbs-tito: are you willing to keep working on core-utils? | 14:59 |
hggdh | at least for a while? | 14:59 |
rbs-tito | hggdh: Keep working on? | 14:59 |
hggdh | there are other NEW bugs for it ... ;-) | 14:59 |
rbs-tito | hggdh: Sure - I'll take a look | 15:00 |
hggdh | rbs-tito: thanks. We do appreciate the help | 15:00 |
rbs-tito | hggdh: Before I do though, is it proper to just email bug reports to and list the email address as an upstream contact on launchpad? | 15:00 |
hggdh | rbs-tito: not sure. I am trying to find out | 15:01 |
hggdh | rbs-tito: seems we open on debian | 15:02 |
hggdh | seel bug 192239 | 15:02 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 192239 in coreutils "rm shouldn't require /proc to be mounted" [High,New] | 15:02 |
hggdh | s/seel/see/ | 15:03 |
hggdh | james_w: ping | 15:04 |
rbs-tito | hggdh: That is marked as wont fix on Debbugs | 15:04 |
james_w | hggdh: hi | 15:04 |
hggdh | james_w: you seem to have worked on bug 192239 | 15:05 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 192239 in coreutils "rm shouldn't require /proc to be mounted" [High,New] | 15:05 |
james_w | hggdh: yeah, I had a look at it | 15:05 |
hggdh | is Debian where we open upstream for core-utils? | 15:05 |
james_w | there is an actual upstream, but the Debian maintainer is very knowledgeable and helpful, so you can go there as well. | 15:06 |
hggdh | james_w: where is upstream for it? | 15:16 |
hggdh | just for completeness. I have no problems on using debian | 15:16 |
james_w | | 15:17 |
hggdh | james_w: thanks | 15:17 |
hggdh | rbs-tito: there you go. You can use either the email, or open/check on | 15:18 |
hggdh | james_w: checking on debian, or looking up the maillist archives might not be a bad idea at all -- these issues may have been already reported there | 15:19 |
hggdh | james_w: sorry, not for you ^^ | 15:19 |
rbs-tito | Thanks | 15:19 |
hggdh | rbs-tito: ^^ it was for you ^^ :-) | 15:19 |
james_w | hggdh: it's a good thing to be reminded of any way :-) | 15:20 |
hggdh | :-) | 15:20 |
=== _stink__ is now known as _stink_ | ||
sectech | Can someone review bug #231098 for "wishlist" consideration... | 15:57 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 231098 in ubuntu-restricted-extras "Please add sun-java6-jre and sun-java6-plugin to *ubuntu-restricted-extras" [Undecided,New] | 15:57 |
sectech | I'll add a note stating that the issue will be considered in future releases once I see that the status has been changed | 15:58 |
james_w | sectech: done, thanks. | 15:58 |
sectech | james_w, Thank you | 15:58 |
james_w | It might be a won't fix, as the aim will be to have non-restricted java working well. | 15:58 |
sectech | agreed.... I would rather see a non-restricted java included then something restricted.... | 16:00 |
sectech | I did change the status to confirmed though as "new" really isn't appropriate.... | 16:01 |
hggdh | james_w: do you know if the meeting of bugsquad and dev have happened already? (the one that ((will/would discuss) | has discussed) workflow bugs) | 16:05 |
hggdh | ugh. s/have/has/ | 16:05 |
james_w | hggdh: it will be next week at UDS | 16:06 |
hggdh | ah, OK. I though UDS was going on already | 16:07 |
james_w | That's Fosscamp | 16:07 |
Pici | 19th - 23rd is UDS | 16:07 |
hggdh | details, details, details ;-) | 16:07 |
james_w | I'll try and let people here who can't make it make it know so that they can listen in. | 16:07 |
hggdh | thanks. I appreciate it | 16:07 |
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn | ||
thekorn | hi all | 16:09 |
james_w | hi thekorn | 16:09 |
thekorn | hello james_w | 16:09 |
pochu | hey hey | 16:11 |
thekorn | hola pochu | 16:13 |
pochu | guten tag thekorn :) | 16:14 |
Iulian | Hey thekorn | 16:15 |
Iulian | and james_w, pochu. :) | 16:15 |
pochu | hi Iulian | 16:15 |
thekorn | Hi Iulian | 16:17 |
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Iulian | slomo: Hello. I have built a package called giver. I think you heard about it. It has the same upstream as tasque. The problem is that I get a strange error when I run it: 'exec: 9: -a: not found'. Do you have any ideas what could be wrong? | 17:27 |
Iulian | slomo: When I run 'exec mono "Giver"' I get 'Cannot open assembly Giver.' | 17:31 |
Iulian | Does anyone else know? | 17:31 |
marnanel | Iulian: Is "Giver" the Mono program, or a shell script, do you know? | 17:42 |
marnanel | Iulian: also, do you know what shell you are running? (ls -l /bin/sh will tell you) | 17:43 |
Iulian | marnanel: It's not a shell script. It's a desktop application - | 17:45 |
Iulian | marnanel: Yes, dash shell. | 17:45 |
marnanel | Iulian: AFAICS -a (test if file exists) is not built into dash | 17:48 |
marnanel | If whatever script is being run uses bash features but invokes /bin/sh, that's a bug. | 17:49 |
Iulian | marnanel: I just received an email from someone that has the same problem. He told me that he asked the devs and they didn't know either. | 17:49 |
marnanel | Iulian: Try "if [ -a / ]; then echo foo; fi" under bash and dash and you'll see: dash doesn't like it at all | 17:50 |
marnanel | Iulian: Actually | 17:50 |
marnanel | Iulian: More usefully, run bash, and then see whether you can launch giver | 17:50 |
marnanel | If you can, then it depends on bash features but claims to be calling /bin/sh, which is evil-bad-and-wrong | 17:50 |
=== _stink__ is now known as _stink_ | ||
Iulian | marnanel: Running bash giver it works. | 17:53 |
marnanel | Iulian: Then that is the bug that needs to be reported upstream. | 17:56 |
marnanel | The shell script "giver" uses bash-specific features but the first line is presumably #!/bin/sh | 17:56 |
Iulian | marnanel: Yea, thanks. Will have a look at it again soon. | 18:01 |
Iulian | marnanel: Do you know how to fix it? So I don't have to write bash giver everytime I run it. | 18:20 |
pochu | Iulian: you can change "#!/bin/sh" to "#!/bin/bash" in the first line of the script | 18:24 |
marnanel | pochu, the hot-swappable marnanel for giving excellent answers when marnanel is afk | 18:28 |
marnanel | er, not that my answers are always better than pochu's or anything | 18:28 |
pochu | hey marnanel :-) | 18:34 |
pochu | well, I bet they usually are ;) | 18:34 |
Iulian | I don't know really where to change that line. Giver is a file sharing desktop app. You can share files with people on your network. | 18:39 |
Iulian | So I think this is a packaging issue. | 18:39 |
\sh | Iulian: bug no? | 18:39 |
Iulian | \sh: I didn't submit any bug. I just have the 'needs-packaging' bug opened. | 18:41 |
\sh | ah | 18:42 |
Iulian | So there is any place where to change this without modifying the original source? | 18:42 |
Iulian | Oups, I should ask this in -motu channel, right? | 18:43 |
\sh | Iulian: what is the problem in general? | 18:43 |
\sh | yes | 18:43 |
marnanel | Iulian: well, for now you can change it... should I go around telling people this?... by typing sudo nano $(which giver), but yes, definitely something to talk to the packagers about. | 18:49 |
marnanel | fine people they are. | 18:50 |
* marnanel is laughing out loud. My diocesan mailing list just forwarded a request that the Lambeth Conference in 2009 (the once-a-decade conference of all Anglican/Episcopalian bishops) will have a theme of "ubuntu", and asks whether anyone can help design a logo | 19:42 | |
marnanel | (actually the general convention, sorry) | 19:44 |
lifeless | marnanel: offer them a predone logo :P | 19:59 |
* marnanel grins | 19:59 | |
* marnanel posted the link to planet gnome | 19:59 | |
secretlondon | :) | 20:04 |
copyofjohan | hi, video playback performance is very poor when using 3d-effects. Is that a known bug? | 20:20 |
copyofjohan | I cant find a bug-report but I think I've heard of that | 20:22 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
mohbana | hi guys is there a bug with firefox freezing with i right click someone on the page? | 21:53 |
narcan | mohbana: witch version? | 22:02 |
mohbana | 3b5 | 22:02 |
narcan | mohbana | 22:02 |
narcan | ok | 22:02 |
narcan | i try that | 22:02 |
narcan | any web page? | 22:03 |
secretlondon | well I right click all the time and no problems | 22:03 |
narcan | no issue here | 22:04 |
narcan | also | 22:04 |
mohbana | i wasn't happening before | 22:04 |
narcan | mohbana: maybe a java page? | 22:04 |
secretlondon | there are general issues with flash | 22:04 |
narcan | maybe a javascript who waiting a right click | 22:05 |
secretlondon | flash kills my firefox on a regaulr basis - I use flashblock now | 22:05 |
MilkmanDan | Me too. | 22:05 |
narcan | good night all | 22:07 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
sectech | Can someone give me a hand finishing the triage on bug #231102... I don't know what else to ask for | 23:28 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 231102 in ubuntu "[hardy] Eth0 card cannot come up when waking up from suspend to disk" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 23:28 |
=== Spec is now known as Spec[x] | ||
jibel | Hi sectech | 23:49 |
jibel | regarding bug 231102 he already provided enough information | 23:50 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 231102 in ubuntu "[hardy] Eth0 card cannot come up when waking up from suspend to disk" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 23:50 |
jibel | for, I don't know why yet, there is an error "r8169: probe of 0000:02:00.0 failed with error -22" in kern.log after resuming from suspend | 23:51 |
sectech | Okay, I'll mark it as confirmed.... I must have missed that line... I kinda thought there was enough | 23:53 |
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