* hwilde needs help with ssh port forwarding unsolved mystery if anybody has the curiousity gene | 01:03 | |
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slangasek | xivulon: bug #226622> you can't have two packages uploaded with the same version number; 1.7 is already in intrepid, the hardy-proposed upload needs to have a different version number | 04:37 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 226622 in initramfs-tools "Wubi has unclear error message on NTFS dirty flag" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/226622 | 04:37 |
slangasek | xivulon: the practical reason for this is that you can only have one binary package with a given filename in the package pool, and the filenames are already taken by the intrepid uploads, which are built in a different environment | 04:38 |
twb | What's the primary HTTP URL for the ISOs? (I know not to use it, I just want to put it in a comment.) | 05:37 |
twb | I'd work it out myself but neither the "enhanced" download page nor the mirror list seem to cite the authoritative URL | 05:39 |
twb | Oh, here we go: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ | 05:40 |
twb | Hidden under "bittorrent". | 05:40 |
emgent | heya warp10 | 06:37 |
warp10 | hey emgent | 06:40 |
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Mirv | btw, hopefully going to see some of you for the first time at Praha :) | 08:02 |
tjaalton | Mirv: \o/ | 08:21 |
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pitti | hello | 10:06 |
tseliot | pitti: hi :-) | 10:09 |
pitti | geser: right, so we should do a rebuild for -itk alongside it | 10:09 |
danshearer1 | hello all | 10:10 |
soren | o/ | 10:10 |
danshearer1 | I just chucked some notes together about the session on replication of data across WANS | 10:10 |
danshearer1 | http://shearer.org/WANFileReplication | 10:10 |
danshearer1 | starting after a short break (thanks for a good OpenLDAP talk, Howard.) | 10:10 |
StevenK | Yay Freenode | 10:19 |
StevenK | Hrm. Has anyone hit up Freenode staff about a mask? | 10:28 |
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* pitti looks at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/231023 .. W?T?F? | 11:10 | |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 231023 in malone "on status change, show new status in Subject:" [Undecided,New] | 11:10 |
pitti | assertion error in xargs? | 11:10 |
pitti | erm, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/14556419/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-i386.at_3.1.10.1ubuntu2_CHROOTWAIT.txt.gz of course | 11:14 |
pitti | infinity: ^ did you ever see that before? | 11:14 |
danshearer1 | hey again... having a discussion here about a Japanese project for pre-optimising blocks on an ISO image | 11:26 |
danshearer1 | basically treat ISOs as a tape, which makes livecds boot faster: | 11:26 |
danshearer1 | http://www.alpha.co.jp/biz/rdg/ac-knoppix/index_en.html | 11:26 |
danshearer1 | It's called LCAT | 11:27 |
soren | Can anyone give me a good reason *not* to add --rsyncable to the call to gzip in dpkg-deb? | 11:29 |
broonie | The only problem with --rsyncable is that it makes things a little bigger. | 11:29 |
StevenK | pitti: Ow. | 11:30 |
pitti | soren: might make the alternates overflow again | 11:30 |
soren | ah. | 11:31 |
soren | The man page says that it generally doesn't incur more overhead than about 1%, but I guess that's more than enough to be a problem for the alternates. | 11:33 |
pitti | that would still mean 7 MB | 11:37 |
Hobbsee | StevenK: i hit Ng up about hitting Spads up about a mask. no idea what happened after that. | 11:37 |
pitti | soren: I'd actually like to see it the other way round, switch the default format to lzma | 11:37 |
pitti | *that* will buy us a lot | 11:37 |
pitti | both for CDs and for users having to download less | 11:38 |
Hobbsee | yeah, they didn't. | 11:38 |
Hobbsee | Spads: any ETA? | 11:38 |
Spads | Hobbsee: only just got the message, sorry. Been slinging cable all day | 11:39 |
Hobbsee | Spads: ah, fun. | 11:39 |
Hobbsee | oh, i even have an existing mail | 11:40 |
Hobbsee | Spads: mailed. | 11:42 |
mgunes | Hobbsee, you're attending UDS? | 11:43 |
Hobbsee | mgunes: nope. | 11:43 |
Hobbsee | mgunes: was far too inactive - and causing trouble. | 11:44 |
\sh | oh...is there already some mail addr to apply for voip accounts? | 11:44 |
Hobbsee | \sh: doubt it, if htey've been cabling only today | 11:45 |
stgraber | VOIP isn't installed yet here | 11:46 |
stgraber | probably only for UDS, so on Monday | 11:46 |
\sh | Hobbsee, I thought more of workflow :) | 11:46 |
\sh | StevenK, are you working on xmms2 merge? there are some merges which are in need of this new release | 11:47 |
* Hobbsee thought someone else was - a contributor | 11:47 | |
Ng | there should be a wiki page before UDS starts with the details for participation | 11:47 |
Ng | registration is usually done via IRC rather than email | 11:47 |
\sh | Hobbsee, xmms2? | 11:47 |
Hobbsee | i thought so | 11:47 |
StevenK | \sh: Someone else already asked me | 11:47 |
\sh | StevenK, well...what was the outcome? you do , or this someone? :) | 11:48 |
StevenK | I don't care. | 11:50 |
StevenK | \sh: Fight it out with him, I don't want to touch xmms2 | 11:50 |
\sh | StevenK, name? | 11:50 |
\sh | StevenK, /me neither...but it blocks..if we can find a crazy guy to touch it...much better | 11:51 |
\sh | -EKILLMOM | 11:51 |
\sh | is it possible to rerun mom to recreate correct merged changelogs for intrepid...*darn* | 11:52 |
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kirkland | pitti: reminder, please sync ecryptfs-utils 45-1 into intrepid ( http://packages.qa.debian.org/e/ecryptfs-utils/news/20080516T063203Z.html ) | 13:10 |
pitti | kirkland: I just did a 'sync all' run, ecryptfs was amongst it | 13:14 |
kirkland | pitti: outstanding, thanks! | 13:20 |
* cody-somerville is in Prague. :) | 13:20 | |
nxvl | cody-somerville: have you just arrive? | 13:21 |
* cody-somerville nods. | 13:22 | |
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nxvl | cody-somerville: are you alredy at the hotel? | 13:24 |
cody-somerville | My hotel, yes. | 13:24 |
cody-somerville | I'm staying at Panorama for two nights and then moving to Towers | 13:24 |
nxvl | oh, you are not staying at the Corintia towers? | 13:24 |
nxvl | oh | 13:24 |
nxvl | ok | 13:24 |
nxvl | but come on and join us at fosscamp | 13:25 |
cody-somerville | I shall. I just need to shower. | 13:25 |
nxvl | been there | 13:25 |
cody-somerville | I've been travelling since yesterday morning. | 13:25 |
nxvl | your trip was longer than mine? | 13:25 |
nxvl | where are you comming from? | 13:25 |
cody-somerville | Canada | 13:25 |
cody-somerville | I went Fredericton, NB, Canada -> Toronto, ON, Canada - | 13:25 |
nxvl | oh ok | 13:26 |
cody-somerville | > Heathrow, London -> Prague | 13:26 |
nxvl | long trip | 13:26 |
cody-somerville | Didn't help that I had to reroute in Toronto | 13:29 |
nxvl | yup | 13:30 |
cody-somerville | They didn't give me enough time to transfer in Heathrow originally so I had to reroute through Air Canada to get there earlier so that I could arrive at a decent time today. | 13:30 |
cody-somerville | And then my last two jumps were initially on standby so I was worried I'd have to sleep in the airport, haha. | 13:30 |
cody-somerville | but overall, not too bad. | 13:32 |
pochu | is it possible to install an encrypted system from the alternate cd using manual partitioning (and not the entire disk) ? | 13:44 |
pitti | pochu: yes, it is; you just set the usage of the partition to 'encryption' | 13:47 |
pitti | pochu: (optionally with LVM, as you prefer) | 13:47 |
pochu | pitti: ah, thank you, found it! | 13:49 |
pitti | pochu: then you'll get another 'virtual' partition which you then configure normally | 13:49 |
emgent | morning | 14:03 |
kees | fta_: hi! asac said you ran into some issues with fortify-source. what problems did you see? | 14:04 |
=== fta_ is now known as fta | ||
fta | kees, multiple crashes in firefox 3 and xul 1.9 | 14:04 |
kees | fta: verrry interesting. do you have the output from it? | 14:05 |
fta | kees, mostly in realpath() | 14:05 |
kees | whoa | 14:05 |
fta | kees, something like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12452/ | 14:06 |
kees | fta: hah, that looks like a real bug in xulrunner. :P | 14:07 |
emgent | kees: o/ | 14:07 |
fta | kees, i've tried to fix that while i was packaging songbird | 14:07 |
kees | fta: cool. I doubt it's a security issue, but probably an unnoticed memory corruption. | 14:07 |
fta | kees, but the fixes didn't make sense to me. | 14:08 |
kees | fta: heh. do you have an example patches? | 14:08 |
fta | kees, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12455/ | 14:09 |
fta | kees, this patch fixed at least 2 crashes in realpath but it's weird | 14:09 |
kees | fta: haha. cute. yeah, that patch just makes a larger path name. I'll poke at it. | 14:10 |
fta | kees, i know, that's why it's weird. MAXPATHLEN = 1024 but the path returned by realpath() was no more than 380 bytes | 14:11 |
kees | weird. | 14:11 |
fta | kees, i suspected a bug in libc | 14:11 |
kees | that's certainly possible. | 14:11 |
fta | kees, then i gave up and moved to CPPFLAGS=-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE | 14:12 |
kees | fta: yup. can you please add details about this exception to the end of the CompilerFlags wiki page? I want to track any packages that disable flags. | 14:13 |
fta | kees, sure. i want to revisit that eventually. if you're attending uds, maybe we can further discuss that there | 14:15 |
kees | cool, sure. | 14:15 |
kees | (i'll be there) | 14:15 |
sistpoty|work | kees: are you also interested in exceptions for LDFLAGS? (as libxfont1 doesn't work with -Bsymbolic-functions, still trying to track down why though) | 14:34 |
fta | we had to drop -Bsymbolic-functions at some point in xulrunner-1.9 too (in hardy), when mozilla moved libjemalloc from shared to static | 14:37 |
kees | sistpoty|work: I'm personally not, but it's certainly a good thing to track. since -Bsymbolic-functions is a dpkg default, we might want to add it to that CompilerFlags wiki too | 14:42 |
sistpoty|work | kees: (I've already filed a bug about it against libxfont1, listing my findings so far...) ok, will add it to the wiki page as well (once I'm home, since I don't have my credentials here) | 14:43 |
kees | cool, thanks | 14:43 |
rausb0 | what is the reason for ubuntu klogd not reading from /proc/kmsg directly? | 15:12 |
ogra | rausb0, security ... you would have to run the daemon as root | 15:14 |
rausb0 | ogra: ah, i see | 15:15 |
_MMA_ | Would any recent have killed CUPS printing? | 15:15 |
_MMA_ | gah. Wrong window | 15:15 |
rausb0 | ogra: so only the dd process runs as root and passes the kmsg data to klogd through the named pipe | 15:15 |
ogra | right | 15:15 |
ogra | and the klod daemon runs as user klog | 15:16 |
ogra | *klogd | 15:16 |
rausb0 | yeah | 15:16 |
pochu | pitti, cjwatson: d-i has hanged at the same point twice... if I set a partition to encryption, then go to configure encrypted partitions, set the passphrase, and when it comes back to the partitions, if I go to that partition (to modify it) again, it says changes can't be done to a configured encrypted partition. I go back and it hangs. What would be the right package for that bug, d-i? | 15:16 |
evand | pochu: partman-crypto | 15:20 |
pochu | evand: thank you | 15:21 |
evand | you're welcome | 15:21 |
pochu | evand: hmm, it offers two options, "go back" and "continue", continue works, but go back hangs | 15:25 |
* pochu reports it at lp | 15:25 | |
evand | pochu: Please add /var/log/partman and /var/log/syslog as attachments | 15:26 |
pochu | evand: how could I do that? I guess if I reboot the logs will be lost... and I don't have ssh access to the installer, do I? | 15:31 |
evand | if you can back up, there's a save install logs option | 15:32 |
evand | from the main menu | 15:32 |
pochu | evand: bug 231100 | 15:34 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 231100 in partman-crypto "Installer hangs when trying to modify a configured encrypted partition" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/231100 | 15:34 |
pochu | evand: looking at that logs option, let's see if I can find it | 15:34 |
pochu | evand: "save debug logs", right? | 15:38 |
evand | correct | 15:38 |
pochu | evand: done | 15:47 |
pochu | it was easier than what I thought :) | 15:47 |
evand | heh, fantastic | 15:47 |
pitti | TheMuso, Hobbsee: can I get your ack on bug 214959? it is the SRU for bug 224599 (which has an impressive 238 dups) | 15:56 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 214959 in libuser "system-config-samba.py fails to start due to missing /etc/libuser.conf in Hardy" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/214959 | 15:56 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 224599 in system-config-samba "system-config-samba.py crashed with SystemError in __init__()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/224599 | 15:56 |
pitti | TheMuso, Hobbsee, sistpoty|work: is ~moru-sru still actually ack'ing SRUs, or did I miss a change in procedure? I didn't see any acks in bugs recenlty (there are a few pending SRUs for quite a while) | 15:57 |
sistpoty|work | pitti: I guess they should, maybe LaserJock can confirm it? (that motu-sru ack's SRU's) | 15:58 |
sistpoty|work | oh, there he's off again | 15:58 |
sistpoty|work | jdong, imbrandon: ^^ | 15:59 |
ScottK | pitti: I've certainly asked them to ack things I'm working on. | 16:01 |
pitti | ok, thanks | 16:02 |
norsetto | sistpoty|work: are you replacing laserjock in motu-sru? | 16:02 |
sistpoty|work | norsetto: no | 16:03 |
pitti | I feel slightly uncomfortable with not waiting for an ack, although for a case like this it would really be unanimous to do it, I guess (trivial and obvious patch, >200 dups) | 16:03 |
norsetto | sistpoty|work: hmmm, I wouldn't mind if you were | 16:03 |
pitti | I think I'll just accept it to -proposed now and take the bullets for it later | 16:03 |
sistpoty|work | norsetto: hm... let's do a call on the ubuntu-motu mailing list, shall we? | 16:04 |
norsetto | sistpoty|work: as long as you volunteer :-) | 16:05 |
sistpoty|work | norsetto: damn, I hoped I could escape with that *g* | 16:05 |
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LucidFox | pitti, now that f-spot has been uploaded to intrepid, what will happen to bug #226117? | 16:41 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 226117 in f-spot "Please merge f-spot from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/226117 | 16:41 |
pitti | LucidFox: that should still happen | 16:43 |
LucidFox | ah | 16:43 |
pitti | LucidFox: I just copied it to be in sync with hardy-updates (SRU policy) | 16:44 |
pitti | LucidFox: merging should still happen | 16:44 |
=== StevenK_ is now known as StevenK | ||
pochu | evand: I've just installed Ubuntu and hardy-security isn't enabled. Isn't it supposed to be enabled by default? | 17:34 |
seb128 | pochu: how did you install? sure security should be enabled | 17:37 |
pochu | seb128: d-i, manual partitioning, ext3, no encryption, 1 partition for / and one for swap in a disk which has winxp installed | 17:38 |
pochu | hardy-updates is enabled though. I'm also surprised -updates is and -security isn't | 17:38 |
seb128 | no idea if that's a known issue | 17:38 |
pochu | if d-i is the right package to look for, doesn't look like | 17:39 |
pochu | ah | 17:39 |
pochu | I have "#Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:" | 17:40 |
pochu | and then the hardy-security lines | 17:40 |
pochu | that's weird | 17:40 |
pochu | I didn't have networking during the installation | 17:40 |
pochu | but it shouldn't matter, as there's just one main security server, isn't there? | 17:41 |
jdavies | pochu: did you install while s.u.c was down? | 17:41 |
seb128 | ok, time to call it a day | 17:41 |
pochu | jdavies: I've just installed it, but I didn't have networking during the install | 17:42 |
jdavies | pochu: that might explain it ;-) | 17:42 |
pochu | oh well, but that could leave many users without security support just because they didn't have networking during the installation | 17:43 |
pochu | it didn't disabled hardy or hardy-updates either way :-) | 17:43 |
k0p | hi all. | 20:01 |
k0p | I'm searching for a package mantainer of Ubuntu. Someone around there? | 20:02 |
ScottK | Yes. What package? Most Ubuntu packages are team maintained. | 20:04 |
danshearer | OpenSSL as light relief: http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/security_holes.png :-) | 20:05 |
k0p | ScottK, well I'm working on a project. We release a stable release soon. And I make a Ubuntu 8.04 Package for testing. It works fine. But we would like that our package can be in Ubuntu repositories.. | 20:07 |
k0p | I would like make a contact to help me with it. | 20:07 |
ScottK | k0p: For 8.04 it is to late. We are working on 8.10 now. The best channel for that discussion in #ubuntu-motu. That's where new packages are handled. | 20:08 |
k0p | ScottK, yeah, I know that is late for 8.04 | 20:08 |
k0p | well | 20:08 |
k0p | I make this package for the release we have package for 8.04 | 20:08 |
ScottK | If it's in 8.10, then it can (presumably) be backported to 8.04 and be available in hardy-backports. | 20:09 |
k0p | But I intend make a package for new version | 20:09 |
k0p | the next release of ubuntu is out on 10th august, right? | 20:09 |
ScottK | No. In October. The version is Year.Month | 20:09 |
Laney | k0p: End of October is when 8.10 is released. | 20:09 |
k0p | oh okay. Sorry I don't know about it. | 20:10 |
Pici | (200)8.10 | 20:10 |
k0p | thanks a lof by information. I'll to the other channel. Thanks for the suggestion. | 20:10 |
ScottK | k0p: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidReleaseSchedule | 20:11 |
k0p | ScottK, thanks. | 20:11 |
k0p | thanks for all. And sorry for something. :) | 20:12 |
ScottK | It's no problem at all. | 20:13 |
fta | kees, I've added cvs to the list of problems (cvs suffers from "%n in writable segment detected") | 20:14 |
sistpoty | fta: oh, I hope I didn't interfere with you editing the wiki (as I just added libxfont1) | 20:16 |
=== dmb_ is now known as dmb | ||
fta | simira, you did, but i managed ;) | 20:34 |
sistpoty | bryce: seems like I found the "bug" for libxfont1 not working with -Bsymbolic-functions... | 20:40 |
gnomefreak | tjaalton: bug 212648 well i have an ATI same symptoms same outcome same website, could this be any drivers installed by envy or is it not related to envy at all? | 20:41 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 212648 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "[nvidia-new, hardy] certain websites in firefox causes X restart due to lack of wfb symlink" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/212648 | 20:41 |
bryce | sistpoty: oh? | 20:41 |
sistpoty | bryce: if you look at src/stubs, there are a number of functions defined as weak, which contain only dummy implemenations (and hence are meant to be override by binaries/libraries using them) | 20:41 |
sistpoty | bryce: which matches quite good with the last comment on bug #230460 | 20:42 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 230460 in libxfont "xorg fails to start if linked with -Bsymbolic-functions" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/230460 | 20:42 |
gnomefreak | ah and i was gonna ask about libxfont1 next week :) | 20:42 |
sistpoty | bryce: so I guess it's not a bug, but rather done by design | 20:43 |
sistpoty | (however I'll leave that for you to decide ;)) | 20:43 |
bryce | hmm, ok thanks for the info | 20:52 |
sistpoty | no problem ;) | 20:52 |
tseliot | gnomefreak: what's the problem with Envy? | 20:54 |
gnomefreak | tseliot: im not sure if its envy at all | 20:54 |
gnomefreak | tseliot: the bug report is filed against l-r-m-envy | 20:55 |
gnomefreak | its the nvidia crash X bug | 20:55 |
gnomefreak | i found one with ATI im wondering by name of bug now is it envy | 20:55 |
tseliot | gnomefreak: it affects the packages which envyng uses since they are based on the lrm | 20:55 |
gnomefreak | other wise im not sure why summary has envy in it | 20:55 |
gnomefreak | so it could be the same bug? | 20:56 |
tseliot | gnomefreak: no one has reported the same problem with an ATI card yet (AFAIK) | 20:56 |
* gnomefreak just knew of 8xxx nvidia-new drivers anything lower than 8xxx you wont see it | 20:56 | |
gnomefreak | tseliot: i have one | 20:57 |
tseliot | gnomefreak: what model? | 20:57 |
gnomefreak | same site same crash without crash report it looks the same but for this you really cant get much of a crash report | 20:57 |
gnomefreak | tseliot: he says its a X600 | 20:58 |
gnomefreak | Radeon | 20:58 |
gnomefreak | tseliot: bug 227274 | 20:58 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 227274 in firefox "X session crash when I visit a page with firefox" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/227274 | 20:58 |
gnomefreak | call it a hunch but im 99% sure same bug | 20:58 |
emgent | heya people | 21:02 |
tseliot | gnomefreak: this is weird. The packages which contain the ATI driver do not touch libwfb.so | 21:02 |
tseliot | emgent: hi | 21:02 |
gnomefreak | tseliot: that makes me wonder now too but i do know that link doesnt crash FF but crashes X | 21:02 |
emgent | tseliot: o/ | 21:03 |
gnomefreak | tseliot: well thats why i asked for the extra info maybe hes using upstream drivers or wrong drivers? | 21:04 |
tseliot | gnomefreak: what if there's an upstream bug we're not aware of? Did you have a look at ATI's bugzilla? | 21:04 |
tseliot | gnomefreak: the NVIDIA cards which use libwfb are Geforce 8xxx and it's not a coincidence that such cards are affected by that bug while older models are not | 21:09 |
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tseliot | gnomefre1k: did you get my previous messages? | 21:12 |
tseliot | gnomefreak: furthermore (back to the ATI driver) version 8.3 has problems with scrolling in Firefox (which hogs the CPU). This is solved in version 8.4 | 21:14 |
gnomefre1k | tseliot: ok is this GFX? | 21:15 |
tseliot | gnomefre1k: GFX? | 21:16 |
gnomefre1k | GFX in Firefox causes slow scrolling AFAIK | 21:16 |
gnomefre1k | tseliot: you want this bug? | 21:17 |
gnomefre1k | since its not mozilla related? | 21:17 |
tseliot | gnomefre1k: yes, sure | 21:18 |
tseliot | gnomefre1k: if the new driver solves the problem then we can close the bugreport | 21:18 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
* sistpoty should have known better, to not report a stupid bug (#231195) | 21:19 | |
gnomefreak | tseliot: ok ill assign you to it thanks. i have more mozilla issues than we can handle atm :) | 21:19 |
tseliot | gnomefreak: ok then ;) | 21:20 |
=== kop__ is now known as k0p | ||
* norsetto would like to meet the libmyhello upstream one day .... | 21:23 | |
sistpoty | heh | 21:24 |
* sistpoty won't admit, that he is only ~ 250 km away from Prague :P | 21:25 | |
kees | cjwatson: what in the world... your upload of openssh-blacklist went into NEW on debian?! | 21:29 |
sistpoty | bryce: sorry, seems like a false alarm to libxfont1... my current tests seem to prove that a weak symbol will still be able to get overridden, even if -Bsymbolic-functions is used | 21:38 |
sistpoty | kees: maybe you have more knowledge on this? | 21:38 |
kees | sistpoty: I don't know about that area, I'm afraid. perhaps doko has more details? | 21:39 |
bryce | sistpoty: ok | 21:40 |
macd | On gutsy sshd, when a user logs out, its leaving a stale session, is anyone else experiencing this, (only started a after the second sshd update) | 21:44 |
sistpoty | oh, I'm stupid... I forgot to add -Wl, to the gcc call (which will call ld). strange enough gcc doesn't complain | 21:46 |
sistpoty | bryce: ok, weak symbols are affected too, so what I initially wrote is still true ;) | 21:48 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak |
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