* agamotto bows | 00:47 | |
agamotto | Has anyone been having no luck burning DVDs since they upgraded to 8.04? | 00:48 |
* agamotto twiddles | 00:52 | |
* agamotto waves | 00:52 | |
rhpot1991 | I've been able to burn fine, only used k3b though | 00:54 |
rhpot1991 | famicom: language | 00:56 |
* agamotto_ bows | 01:27 | |
agamotto_ | Hmmm, no one home, eh? | 01:28 |
bob2600 | hi has anyone had any success running a SA4250HD through firewire if so what method did you use? | 02:41 |
bob2600 | hi has anyone had any success running a SA4250HD through firewire if so what method did you use? | 02:44 |
rhpot1991_laptop | bob2600: whats your problem? | 02:49 |
rhpot1991_laptop | getting myth to see the firewire or getting something from it? | 02:49 |
bob2600 | well the box is detected fine it just will not display tv | 02:56 |
rhpot1991_laptop | check your 5c encryption and cci bits | 02:57 |
bob2600 | are the firewire ports on cablevision boxes disabled? | 02:58 |
rhpot1991_laptop | check that too I guess | 02:58 |
rhpot1991_laptop | if you have more than one you can try the other | 02:58 |
bob2600 | ok how did you go about setting up your firewire box? | 02:59 |
bob2600 | i am completely new to this so bare with my noobishness lol | 02:59 |
bob2600 | this is my first myth box | 02:59 |
rhpot1991_laptop | perhaps you should read the firewire wiki page | 03:04 |
rhpot1991_laptop | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV_Firewire | 03:05 |
rhpot1991_laptop | basically you just go add a firewire tuner, pick your model and if all goes well it should work with some channels after its primed | 03:06 |
bob2600 | ok to prime the box i would run mythprime from the terminal before starting the frontebd | 03:11 |
bob2600 | frontend* | 03:11 |
rhpot1991_laptop | well the backend init script was supposed to run it, but I think that there is still a problem where it doesn't (haven't checked in a while) | 03:15 |
rhpot1991_laptop | just prime it yourself | 03:15 |
rhpot1991_laptop | restart the backend if you are worried | 03:15 |
bob2600 | ok | 03:17 |
bob2600 | i will try that | 03:17 |
bob2600 | thanks | 03:17 |
rhpot1991_laptop | most often your problem will be from some sort of encryption or broadcast flag not letting the STB pass the signal to your mythbox | 03:17 |
rhpot1991_laptop | I have a few channels I can't get, but in general most of mine are open | 03:18 |
rhpot1991_laptop | its good to test with some sort of local channel that you know works, | 03:18 |
rhpot1991_laptop | look up how to figure all this out from the diagnostics menu for your STB | 03:18 |
bob2600 | i have been using my local pbs affiliate which i believe is in the clear | 03:19 |
rhpot1991_laptop | verify that it is | 03:20 |
bob2600 | ok | 03:23 |
bob2600 | i am going to try this now so i am going afk ill let ya know if it works thanks | 03:25 |
=== bob2600 is now known as bob2600-afk | ||
Egghead2 | having trouble getting frontend lirc to get seperate backend lirc blaster to work, irsend works on backend, but frontend donsnt seem to trigger the backend to run the channel change script, any ideas on what to check? | 03:45 |
coagent | does anyone know if the anlog tuner on a HVR-1800 works in 8.04 | 05:09 |
coagent | amypme | 05:16 |
coagent | ? | 05:16 |
Solarbaby | superm1: I miss you | 06:52 |
Solarbaby | tgm4883are you there? | 07:05 |
Solarbaby | tgm4883im I reinstalled my system and im backing up all critical lirc areas right now before having a go at it once more | 07:06 |
Solarbaby | anyone with some lirc experience right now would be highly valued by me right about now | 07:12 |
Solarbaby | I need to configure lirc to send dish network commands through my usbuirt so that channel changes will be possible.. I know how to do this.. what I can't seem to do is setup a remote control to operate mythtv gui while having the dish network also working at the same time | 07:13 |
pteague | where does mythbuntu store videos? /home ? | 08:15 |
Solarbaby | /var/lib/mythtv/videos? | 08:16 |
pteague | k thanks, setting up an lvm & just getting started with mythbuntu :) | 08:17 |
Solarbaby | good deal.. your welcome | 08:18 |
=== Penfold_ is now known as Penfold | ||
pteague | if i go with a standard installation is it easy to run it without the frontend? or would it just be better to do an advanced? | 11:56 |
hugolp | pteague: your question doesnt make a lot of sense | 11:56 |
hugolp | pteague: if you want a computer to just act like a backend, and you are not goint to use it to watch tv or movies or nothing then dont install the front-end, just the back-end | 11:57 |
hugolp | if you are going to use a computer just to watch movies and tv and so, just install the front-end | 11:57 |
pteague | i'm setting up a backend box... the current install process is giving me 2 options - 'standard installation' & 'advanced installation' | 11:57 |
hugolp | you can use one computer for both as well, but you need that computer to be 24h on | 11:57 |
hugolp | and you need one backend (at least) | 11:58 |
hugolp | you can have as many front-end as you want | 11:58 |
pteague | yeah, i currently have about 5 boxes that are on 24/7 | 11:58 |
hugolp | oh, mythbuntu? I dont know. I installed Ubuntu and then the mythtv packages, probably someone else here can help you | 11:58 |
pteague | ah, ok | 11:59 |
pteague | i think i'll go with the standard install... just in case the laptop i'm thinking of using won't work as a front end | 12:16 |
pteague | hmm... infrared remote & ir transmitter... i've got the hauppauge pvr-500 so i'm guessing the 'hauppauge tv card' remote, but i'm lost on the ir transmitter... or do i not need to mess with that if i don't have a cable box? | 12:18 |
Solarbaby | superm1: come back soon | 12:21 |
laga | superm1 is probably asleep, at work or just busy :) | 12:44 |
pteague | maximum simultaneous jobs on this backend ... ? | 13:18 |
pteague | what's an EIT scan? | 13:40 |
pteague | do i need NFS on the backend or is everything streamed to the frontend? | 14:23 |
cdpuk | pteague: EIT is used to get guide data off the air, I use it with my DVB-T system here, not sure if/how it works with others | 14:35 |
cdpuk | And about the NFS, for videos I think you do need it (or SMB/similar) | 14:36 |
pteague | k | 14:36 |
pteague | SMB is good, just had a friend asking about that... i'll probably use NFS though | 14:37 |
pteague | suggest xfs or jfs for videos? | 14:42 |
rhpot1991_laptop | tgm4883_laptop ping | 14:52 |
ddgoose | xfs | 14:58 |
sardiskan | crap....my frontend keeps stopping when I try to get out of LiveTV | 16:10 |
sardiskan | WTH? | 16:10 |
_M0SPN_ | rar! | 16:11 |
_M0SPN_ | I'm a bit confused with a mythbuntu problem | 16:11 |
_M0SPN_ | anyone enlighten me? | 16:11 |
sabhain | state your problem | 16:12 |
_M0SPN_ | Latest mythbuntu, fully patched. XFCE starts fine. Start mythtv-frontend (it's only a frontend) and load average shoots up to 2.00 despite nothing hogging the CPU, and the disk activity light flashes like a heartbeat - every second | 16:13 |
_M0SPN_ | auto-checking of media in DVD is switched off | 16:13 |
_M0SPN_ | vmstat doesn't show any blocks in/out - and the HD is quiet | 16:13 |
_M0SPN_ | the system seems generally responsive but clearly something isn't right | 16:14 |
_M0SPN_ | The odd thing is - once it's happening, I can kill every process I can think of and it still continues | 16:14 |
_M0SPN_ | yet switching to single user stops it | 16:15 |
_M0SPN_ | top doesn't help - even with threads eabled | 16:15 |
sardiskan | ddgoose...have you ever had that problem...where the frontend just stops when getting out of LiveTV? | 16:15 |
_M0SPN_ | and I've killed the transcoder (mtd?) which I've heard can gobble CPU for fun | 16:15 |
ddgoose | have run into it a few times | 16:16 |
ddgoose | with mythvideos | 16:16 |
sardiskan | what causes it? | 16:16 |
ddgoose | not sure | 16:16 |
ddgoose | haven't tried to figure out why yet | 16:16 |
sardiskan | hmm...well it seems to happen everytime I get out of livetv | 16:16 |
sardiskan | well....sort of | 16:17 |
sardiskan | like, I can jump to videos or the DVD or whatever...but if I go "back" to the main screen...I get the frontend crash | 16:17 |
sardiskan | CRAP | 16:19 |
sabhain | _M0SPN_ have you tried running "top" in terminal? What comes up as the source of the load? | 16:20 |
sabhain | sardiskan - I have a similar problem, but it just seg faults in the middle of playing a DVD or video | 16:21 |
sabhain | and my FE will sometimes freeze up when watching live TV .. have to do a ssh in to kill the mythfrontend task | 16:22 |
_M0SPN_ | sahhain: nothing - it's not CPU bound | 16:22 |
_M0SPN_ | high load average but no cpu activity | 16:22 |
sardiskan | I haven't had it fault on me in the middle of something...but if I ever press back to get to the main menu... | 16:22 |
sardiskan | boop | 16:22 |
_M0SPN_ | ahhha | 16:33 |
_M0SPN_ | it's Xfce | 16:33 |
_M0SPN_ | start mythfrontend without a window manager and all is fine | 16:33 |
sardiskan | do what now? | 16:34 |
tgm4883_laptop | rhpot1991, pong | 16:34 |
sardiskan | M0SPN...are you talking about my issue...? | 16:34 |
_M0SPN_ | no sorry - talking about my issue - high load average and disk io | 16:35 |
_M0SPN_ | I have yet to discover the finer bugs | 16:35 |
sardiskan | I see | 16:48 |
sardiskan | ok, I figured it out...sort of | 16:50 |
sardiskan | In the Appearance...I was using OpenGL...I switched it back to qt and it doesn't segfault anymore | 16:50 |
sardiskan | but I liked the OpenGL look and feel...the fading menus are nice | 16:51 |
sardiskan | I still want it. | 16:51 |
pteague | mplayer or xine? | 17:10 |
_M0SPN_ | anyone any idea why xfce and myth could be causing high system load and disk io?# | 17:24 |
cosmic_ | hi @ all | 17:38 |
pteague | _M0SPN_> what fs are you writing to? | 17:40 |
kcam0822 | The right and left arrow keys don't skip forward or back when watching a pre-recorded video.... this is happening on two computers | 17:42 |
pteague | where do i set the ip for the mythbuntu backend? because i can't seem to get my frontend to even realize the backend exists & it keeps telling me that there's not a backend at | 17:58 |
* agamotto bows | 18:03 | |
agamotto | Anyone been having problems with M\ythArchive since the 8.04 upgrade? | 18:04 |
agamotto | Hmmm, a channel with 53 users, yet no one talking....ok | 18:09 |
agamotto | No appreciable lag.... | 18:09 |
agamotto | feh | 18:09 |
sabhain | wow .. gave everyone 5 minutes during the lunch hour .. impressive | 18:13 |
coagent | Hello | 18:18 |
coagent | Anyone have an HVR-1800? | 18:18 |
sabhain | sardiskan, did your OGL problem ever just freeze the front end instead of segfaulting? | 18:25 |
coagent | Has anyone here got that the anlogue support to work in and HVR-1800 | 18:27 |
_M0SPN_ | pteague: still here? | 18:47 |
Seeker` | can mini-itx boxes do HD? | 19:05 |
sabhain | Seeker - Haven't tried directly. I tried to find a mini-itx with onboard NVidia .. but wasn't able to locate any. There are a couple of companies making them for OEM, but no consumer re-sale that I could find. | 19:07 |
sabhain | You need about 3GHz P4 or better to do HD on the frontend, in my experience. | 19:07 |
Seeker` | I was wondering about VIA stuff with the onboard mpeg2 decoders | 19:08 |
sabhain | what sux is that the smallest micro-atx cases are 50% bigger than needed for diskless frontends | 19:08 |
sabhain | There's a bunch out there on VIA .. people are doing it. I got gun shy due to not being able to use NVidia | 19:08 |
sardiskan | sabhain....no...it always just seg faulted. | 19:11 |
Seeker` | but will the VIA mobos actually handle it? | 19:11 |
sardiskan | here is a strange one....my "Movie Times" component was working fine a little while ago...then I did an update to the OS and now the movie times component stops the frontend. | 19:15 |
sabhain | hmmm .. how do I chase down the problem here? all I get on dmesg is the segfault line .. no other info there. In fact, it will freeze, and tie up the tuner channel until I stop and restart the backend. The backend keeps recording as if the FrontEnd is there .. | 19:15 |
sabhain | restarting the frontend doesn't free up the tuner (HD Homerun) .. have to restart the back end. | 19:16 |
sabhain | not the system .. just the service | 19:16 |
Solarbaby | superm1: I'm stuck with lirc and I could really use some help when you get time | 19:18 |
sardiskan | get this error in the logs: | 19:20 |
sardiskan | Error parsing data from grabber: Error: tag mismatch Location Line: 1 Coumn 58 | 19:20 |
_M0SPN_ | evening all | 19:39 |
Seeker` | lo | 19:53 |
Solarbaby | tgm4883_laptop: im still working on this remote issue | 20:08 |
Solarbaby | tgm4883_laptop: its sucky.. the good thing is I've got XBMC recognizing my remote commands.. just mythtv so far does not | 20:09 |
Solarbaby | IRSEND works though | 20:09 |
Solarbaby | so whatever is left to do is very simple | 20:10 |
sardiskan | WTF...why all of a sudden does Movie Times crash the damned frontend? | 20:13 |
sardiskan | anyone else seeing this? | 20:13 |
sardiskan | I just did a fresh install and it's not working | 20:13 |
tgm4883_laptop | sardiskan, it's a known issue | 20:14 |
tgm4883_laptop | it's being worked on | 20:14 |
tgm4883_laptop | there is a fix I believe, if you search for the bug report on launchpad | 20:14 |
tgm4883_laptop | OLPC failed today http://www.informationweek.com/news/windows/operatingsystems/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=207800623 | 20:14 |
sardiskan | where is this fix at | 20:15 |
tgm4883_laptop | sardiskan, you can search for it on launchpad.net under the mythbuntu project. I'll do it later for you if you like, but i'm eating lunch right now | 20:16 |
sardiskan | no problem...I just didn't know where to look | 20:27 |
sardiskan | thx | 20:27 |
sabhain | OLPC doomed itself by trying to develop it's own GUI .. should have focused on Apps and used WMaker or another slim manager | 20:29 |
sabhain | sounds like they used lots of resources on Sugar | 20:29 |
tgm4883_laptop | IMHO, the sugar interface was pretty slick | 21:09 |
jphillip | interface worked well with the hardware | 21:16 |
jphillip | they released a vmware player machine of the OS just after initial releas | 21:16 |
nanooooo | @ majoridiot: I'am the acpi guy. Would it help to set the comp to utc? | 21:21 |
majoridiot | nanooooo, yes, it probably would. | 21:21 |
majoridiot | nanooooo, but then use the MythWakeSet from the guide | 21:21 |
majoridiot | i have no clue what is "helping" you | 21:21 |
nanooooo | majoridiot: cu... | 21:22 |
sardiskan | ddgoose....you around? | 21:26 |
kcam0822 | The skip forward and back arrow keys are not with a digital pre-recording but htey are with analog | 21:26 |
kcam0822 | any ideas? | 21:29 |
kcam0822 | This is from the FE ...2008-05-16 14:06:33.462 NVP::AddAudioData():p1: Audio buffer overflow, audio data lost! | 21:30 |
kcam0822 | 2008-05-16 14:06:34.326 [mpeg2video @ 0x7f8a84dbe5b0]warning: first frame is no keyframe | 21:30 |
sardiskan | how do you set the frontend to restart automatically if it gets killed? | 21:35 |
majoridiot | sardiskan, a cron job to periodically check to see if it is running and restart it if not? | 21:37 |
nanooooo | majoridiot: no change | 21:39 |
majoridiot | nanooooo: what are all of your wake settings, then? something is changing the time for you. | 21:39 |
tgm4883_laptop | sardiskan, or a remote button that checks are restarts it | 21:40 |
mpontillo | sardiskan: I use the brute force approach: 'sudo killall -HUP Xorg' =) | 21:40 |
nanooooo | During boot, the mythbackendlog "jumps" from the new utc time to the correct time: 2008-05-16 20:24:29.800 Reschedule requested for id -1. | 21:40 |
nanooooo | 2008-05-16 20:24:30.355 Scheduled 1 items in 0.6 = 0.45 match + 0.11 place | 21:40 |
nanooooo | 2008-05-16 20:24:30.408 Seem to be woken up by USER | 21:40 |
nanooooo | 2008-05-16 22:24:48.119 AutoExpire: CalcParams(): Max required Free Space: 1.0 GB w/freq: 15 min | 21:40 |
nanooooo | 2008-05-16 22:25:12.053 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Playback | 21:40 |
sardiskan | how would you restart it with a remote button | 21:40 |
sardiskan | ? | 21:40 |
nanooooo | uups, sorry for that | 21:41 |
mpontillo | That I don't know. It certainly seems possible... | 21:41 |
nanooooo | majoridiot: where can I find the wake settings? | 21:42 |
majoridiot | nanooooo, under mythtv-setup general... it's in the guide | 21:42 |
majoridiot | sardiskan: use a script like this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12557/ | 21:43 |
majoridiot | name it lfe.sh and make it executable | 21:43 |
majoridiot | sudo edit /etc/rc.local and add irexec -d to it | 21:44 |
majoridiot | edit .lircrc and but in a button definintion like this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12559/ | 21:45 |
majoridiot | with the correct remote name and button name | 21:45 |
majoridiot | (make sure to sudo cp lfe.sh to /usr.bin after you make it executable) | 21:45 |
majoridiot | nanooooo, are you using mythwelcome? | 21:48 |
nanooooo | majoridiot: sorry, under Shutdown/Wakeup Options I have: startup command: empty, idle timeout: 90 sec, max. wait: 10 min, startup before rec. 180 sec, wakeup time format: you know, wakeuptime command: you know server halt: sudo /sbin/halt -p, pre shutdown...Lempty | 21:50 |
nanooooo | I'm not using mythwelcome. | 21:51 |
majoridiot | nanooooo, just to be sure, what is the wakeuptime command you are using? | 21:52 |
majoridiot | nanooooo, also mythtv .20 or .21? | 21:53 |
nanooooo | 21 | 21:53 |
majoridiot | nanooooo, and the command for set wake? | 21:53 |
nanooooo | sudo /usr/bin/MythWakeSet $time | 21:54 |
majoridiot | sec | 21:54 |
nanooooo | what do you mean with "sec"? | 21:56 |
majoridiot | nanooooo, sorry... i mean give me a few seconds. | 21:57 |
majoridiot | had to go into another room | 21:57 |
nanooooo | majoridiot: isnt it a problem between mythtv and ubuntu? | 21:58 |
majoridiot | nanooooo, no. | 21:58 |
majoridiot | nanooooo, ok, if you run: | 21:59 |
majoridiot | sudo MythWakeSet 2008-11-11 11:11:11 | 21:59 |
majoridiot | and the cat the alarm, what time does it show? | 22:00 |
nanooooo | majoridiot: 2008-05-11 10:11:11 | 22:00 |
majoridiot | nanooooo, reviewing the info... | 22:03 |
majoridiot | nanooooo: ok, go into time configuration on the desktop... | 22:04 |
nanooooo | majoridiot: yes | 22:04 |
majoridiot | make sure your time zone is set correctly and that it is set to synchronize with internet servers | 22:05 |
nanooooo | it synchronizes with a server in Berlin | 22:05 |
nanooooo | ok | 22:05 |
majoridiot | ok. now reboot and go into BIOS... check the time on the clock there... | 22:05 |
majoridiot | it should be your time +/- gmt offset | 22:06 |
majoridiot | in any event, check the time in bios and then come back and let me know what it is | 22:06 |
nanooooo | I set it to - now - 21:06. So to UTC - I hope :-) | 22:07 |
nanooooo | majoridiot: this is interesting: time is set back to my actual time! | 22:10 |
majoridiot | do a sudo MythWakeSet again and cat the alarm | 22:10 |
majoridiot | nanooooo, the bios clock was accurate? | 22:11 |
nanooooo | the bios clock was accurate. You mean i should redo exactly the command with MythWakeSet..? | 22:11 |
majoridiot | wait | 22:12 |
majoridiot | ok... is the clock on the desktop accurate? | 22:12 |
nanooooo | yes, it is | 22:12 |
nanooooo | after reboot, cat shows: 2008-05-00 10:11:11 | 22:12 |
nanooooo | after the MythWak... command it shows: 2008-05-11 10:11:11 | 22:13 |
majoridiot | ok... do sudo MythWakeSet 2008-11-11 05:05:05 | 22:13 |
majoridiot | cant then cat the alarm | 22:13 |
majoridiot | and^ | 22:13 |
nanooooo | 2008-05-11 04:05:05 | 22:13 |
majoridiot | ok... backup the current MythWakeSet | 22:14 |
nanooooo | we lost one hour again and won the day | 22:14 |
nanooooo | the current MythWakeSet is form the ACPI whatsnext webpage, so it is save ;-) | 22:14 |
majoridiot | right. thinking... | 22:15 |
majoridiot | do: MythWakeSet 2008-01-02 03:04:05 | 22:15 |
majoridiot | and then cat the alarm | 22:16 |
nanooooo | 2008-05-02 02:04:05 | 22:16 |
majoridiot | hm. | 22:17 |
majoridiot | copy the last MythWakeSet i posted you in the forum | 22:18 |
majoridiot | and then do that again | 22:18 |
nanooooo | 2008-05-02 02:04:05 | 22:20 |
nanooooo | no change | 22:21 |
majoridiot | sudo MythWakeSet 2008-09-08 12:11:10 | 22:21 |
nanooooo | there is somebody who knows time better than we - he thinks | 22:21 |
nanooooo | 2008-05-08 10:11:10 | 22:22 |
nanooooo | hey, two hours now! interesting | 22:22 |
majoridiot | ok... it looks like your time format should be yyyy-dd-MM hh:mm:ss | 22:23 |
majoridiot | it keeps correcting the second argument to a 5 (may) | 22:23 |
majoridiot | sorry... typed that wrong | 22:24 |
majoridiot | yyyy-MM-dd | 22:24 |
majoridiot | so try: sudo MythWakeSet 2008-05-16 <correct time> | 22:25 |
majoridiot | and see what the alarm says | 22:25 |
nanooooo | the format is right now: yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss | 22:26 |
majoridiot | ok | 22:26 |
majoridiot | do ^ | 22:27 |
nanooooo | when I do: sudo MythWakeSet 2008-05-16 | 22:28 |
nanooooo | it gives: 2008-05-15 22:00:00 | 22:28 |
majoridiot | you didn't give a time argument in the sudo | 22:28 |
majoridiot | ? | 22:28 |
nanooooo | no, just for "fun" | 22:28 |
majoridiot | ah | 22:29 |
majoridiot | what about the correct date and time? | 22:29 |
nanooooo | I made: sudo MythWakeSet 2008-05-16 23:29:20; was it that what you mean with <correct time>? | 22:30 |
nanooooo | 2008-05-16 21:29:20 | 22:30 |
majoridiot | ok... now use the MythWakeSet from the guide and do the same thing to compare | 22:30 |
majoridiot | (if the correct time was 23:29 @ the time, then yes. should have said "current time"_ | 22:31 |
nanooooo | with the guide script: sudo MythWakeSet 2008-05-16 23:32:50; gives 2008-05-16 21:32:50; again two hours | 22:33 |
majoridiot | ok... sec | 22:34 |
majoridiot | nanooooo, let's get basic, here... use this MythWakeSet: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12576/ | 22:37 |
majoridiot | then set the current time and check the alarm again | 22:37 |
nanooooo | done, same result, two hours ... | 22:39 |
majoridiot | wtf? | 22:39 |
majoridiot | setting it by hand with that script? | 22:40 |
majoridiot | it's still off by 2 hours? | 22:40 |
majoridiot | are you sure you are running the right script? | 22:40 |
nanooooo | I made gedit MythWakeSet in my home dir which is patrick. | 22:41 |
majoridiot | and you are running it with sudo ./MythWakeSet then? | 22:42 |
majoridiot | otherwise, you keep running the one in /usr/bin | 22:42 |
nanooooo | help me. you gave me the commands I should paste into the shell. What do you mean with running it? It thougt the command sudo Myt... uses the changed script. what do i have to do? | 22:45 |
majoridiot | if you are making changes to the MythWakeSet in your home directory | 22:46 |
majoridiot | from inside your home directory, do: | 22:47 |
majoridiot | sudo ./MythWakeSet 2008-05-16 23:48:00 | 22:47 |
majoridiot | (the "./" tells shell to look in the current directory, otherwise, it will look for it in /usr/bin and run that one) | 22:48 |
nanooooo | sudo ./MythWakeSet 2008-05-16 23:48:00 gives 2008-05-16 23:48:00 :) | 22:48 |
majoridiot | ok. now: | 22:49 |
nanooooo | oh my good, | 22:49 |
majoridiot | sudo cp MythWakeSet /usr/bin | 22:49 |
majoridiot | and then test mythtv shutting down and waking itself up | 22:49 |
nanooooo | i'm the idiot. Now, I remeber exactly the command you wrote right now... | 22:49 |
Daviey | kirkland: hello sir | 22:51 |
kirkland | Daviey: howdy | 22:53 |
kirkland | Daviey: one second | 22:53 |
nanooooo | majoridiot: I didnt test the real shutdown, but cat gives the right time and date. What about a change of time in authom? Should I use the normal wakescript? | 22:55 |
majoridiot | you should use the MythWakeSet in your home directory- that just worked. | 22:56 |
majoridiot | nanooooo, you need to sudo cp it to /usr/bin first | 22:56 |
majoridiot | to replace the one that isn't working. | 22:56 |
nanooooo | I thank you so much!!!! Sorry for this communication problem. You made my day, no my week, no my month!!! | 22:57 |
nanooooo | I cp it already | 22:57 |
majoridiot | good... test to see if it shuts down and wakes. if so, update your forum thread as solved, please. | 22:58 |
nanooooo | yes, i will do! by | 22:58 |
nanooooo | majoridiot: YES, YES, YES!!! :-D | 23:09 |
majoridiot | nanooooo, congratulations! | 23:09 |
majoridiot | enjoy! | 23:09 |
nanooooo | good night | 23:09 |
Egghead2 | running 8.04, with frontend only and a seperate backend with lirc blaster, backend blaster works with irsend (and script setup in input for pvr 150 card), but cant get channels to change from front end, is there somthing else i have to set? | 23:09 |
majoridiot | Egghead2, does the frontend-only have a remote and receiver attached? | 23:11 |
Egghead2 | majoridiot, yes it does | 23:11 |
majoridiot | do you have lirc installed and configured on the frontend-only, too? | 23:12 |
Egghead2 | front end lirc works, and back end blaster works, but they dont see each other | 23:12 |
Egghead2 | yup | 23:12 |
Egghead2 | tey are different kind, ie fe is serial and backend is pvr-150 | 23:13 |
majoridiot | do you have a .lircrc on the frontend with mythtv button definitions? | 23:14 |
Egghead2 | yup | 23:14 |
Egghead2 | well it calls out the include files | 23:15 |
majoridiot | and the include files exist? | 23:15 |
Egghead2 | i can paste it to pastebin.com | 23:15 |
Egghead2 | yes | 23:15 |
majoridiot | pastebin.ubuntu.com | 23:16 |
Egghead2 | ok | 23:16 |
Egghead2 | lircrc from fe | 23:16 |
Egghead2 | http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12584/ | 23:17 |
majoridiot | pastebin ~/.lirc/mythtv | 23:18 |
Egghead2 | from /home/myth2/.lirc/mythtv | 23:19 |
Egghead2 | http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12585/ | 23:19 |
majoridiot | ok... run irw and hit a button. paste the output here, please | 23:19 |
Egghead2 | k | 23:20 |
Egghead2 | http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12586/ | 23:21 |
Egghead2 | oops, paste in chnl? | 23:21 |
majoridiot | that's ok | 23:22 |
majoridiot | i got it | 23:22 |
Egghead2 | also hit a whole bunch of buttons, not just one | 23:22 |
majoridiot | what user do you run the frontend as? | 23:23 |
Egghead2 | myth2 | 23:23 |
majoridiot | do you have a blaster on the frontend, too? | 23:24 |
Egghead2 | no | 23:24 |
Egghead2 | just serial port receiver | 23:25 |
majoridiot | hm. your files all seem sane. | 23:26 |
majoridiot | do the keyboard controls on the FE work ok? | 23:26 |
Egghead2 | yes | 23:27 |
majoridiot | is there anything questionable in the frontend log? | 23:28 |
Egghead2 | front end seems to have no problems with lirc, all buttons seem to work, just backend doesnt seem to accept command from fe | 23:28 |
Egghead2 | i didnt see anything with lirc attached | 23:28 |
trillex | Hello, I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to Ubuntu and MythTV. I just got done building a mediacenter and got it plugged to my rather old telly. It screws up in color (flickers) because it's running 60 hz, while it's 50 hz. I'm now in the settings for monitor/resolution but I can only choose 60 hz. :( | 23:29 |
majoridiot | Egghead2, what do you mean by "just backend doesnt seem to accept command"? | 23:30 |
majoridiot | if buttons work? | 23:30 |
Egghead2 | ummm, i can send irsend in consol on backend and it changes chanels via blaster, so i think be is working but not getting channel change signal from fe | 23:31 |
Egghead2 | trillex, try changing the monitor type | 23:31 |
trillex | I have and it shows that most of them got a hz range with 48-60 etc etc but it still only shows 60 | 23:31 |
Egghead2 | trillex, hmm donno then, i had oppisite problem, ubuntu kept setting to 50hz and i wanted 60hz lol | 23:32 |
trillex | Lucky bastard. | 23:32 |
Egghead2 | hehe | 23:33 |
trillex | Haven't been able to find anything on various sites. | 23:33 |
majoridiot | Egghead2, yer talking in circles here. exactly what is it you are trying to do? | 23:33 |
majoridiot | make a remote on the frontend use the irblaster on the backend to change an stb channel? | 23:34 |
Egghead2 | im trying to get the backend to change channels on one of its pvr cards from the fron end | 23:34 |
Egghead2 | yes | 23:34 |
Egghead2 | both work by them selfs, but not together | 23:35 |
majoridiot | you have a pvr-150? | 23:36 |
Egghead2 | yes | 23:36 |
Egghead2 | two on the backend | 23:36 |
majoridiot | and you want to change the channel ON the pvr 150? | 23:36 |
majoridiot | or on an stb watched by the pvr-150? | 23:36 |
Egghead2 | well on a dishnet stb | 23:36 |
majoridiot | ok. | 23:36 |
majoridiot | you were thoroughly less than clear on that. | 23:37 |
Egghead2 | sorry :) | 23:37 |
majoridiot | in the tuner setup for the cards... | 23:37 |
majoridiot | you need to put in the irsend command (or script) you use in the channel changer field | 23:37 |
Egghead2 | i did that | 23:38 |
majoridiot | and if you enter a channel # on the FE keyboard it changes the channel, but not with the remote? | 23:38 |
Egghead2 | i made it exicutable too | 23:38 |
Egghead2 | yes, it will change the guide displayed channel, but there is no ir transmission | 23:39 |
majoridiot | huh? | 23:40 |
majoridiot | ok... | 23:40 |
Egghead2 | i can send a command on be bash and it will change the channel via ir blaster | 23:40 |
majoridiot | if you type a channel # on the frontend keyboard to make a channel change... does the stb change channels? | 23:40 |
Egghead2 | irsend -d /dev/lircd SEND_ONCE dish1 1 2 2, this will change stb to channel 122 | 23:41 |
Egghead2 | donno, i can try it | 23:41 |
majoridiot | please do. | 23:41 |
Egghead2 | on a phisical keyboard attached to fe, type 122 | 23:42 |
Egghead2 | while watching tv? | 23:42 |
majoridiot | yes | 23:42 |
majoridiot | try to change the channel with the FE keyboard | 23:42 |
Solarbaby | any of you using the Uirt? | 23:42 |
majoridiot | <channel #> <enter> | 23:43 |
Solarbaby | Egghead2: are you using the usb uirt? | 23:43 |
Egghead2 | majoridiot, nope guide chages but not the stb chnl | 23:45 |
majoridiot | go into livetv | 23:45 |
Egghead2 | Solarbaby, no i dont think so | 23:45 |
majoridiot | and try it from there, not the guide | 23:45 |
Solarbaby | alright.. Im still having all kinds of configuration issues getting mythtv to respond to my remote | 23:45 |
Egghead2 | i was in live tv, but after i hit enter guid pops up | 23:46 |
Solarbaby | I can get IRSEND to change the channels on my dish satalite box | 23:46 |
Egghead2 | Solarbaby, but not from a fe? | 23:46 |
Solarbaby | as far as controling the frontend gui I have no joy | 23:46 |
Raids | Hey all. I'm having some problems installing mythtv. Can anyone help me for a sec? | 23:47 |
Egghead2 | Solarbaby, i think we have same problem | 23:47 |
Solarbaby | I also have XBMC installed.. I've been sucessfull in usiing the remote to control that.. just not mythtv | 23:47 |
Solarbaby | this problem has had me going for 3 days | 23:48 |
Solarbaby | im really kinda bent | 23:48 |
Egghead2 | i had it working b4 in gusty gibbon | 23:48 |
Solarbaby | me too | 23:48 |
Egghead2 | yea ive been googling it for a few days now too | 23:48 |
Solarbaby | my old config files are erased.. most of them so im not really sure | 23:48 |
Raids | Instead of reading the guide before hand, I installed mythtv on ubuntu and when it asked me for a password for mysql i gave it one. | 23:49 |
Raids | now when i try to run the backend it says it cannot find the database :( | 23:49 |
Solarbaby | Egghead2: we should give up.. this seems pointless | 23:49 |
Egghead2 | raids, i did that too, not a good idea, i had to reinstall | 23:49 |
Raids | Is there any easy way to uninstall it? | 23:50 |
Egghead2 | give up mythtv? naw i dont think so | 23:50 |
Solarbaby | just the remote part.. of course.. at some point it needs to work | 23:50 |
Solarbaby | just wish it didn't take more then 3 days | 23:50 |
Egghead2 | raids, i imagine there is but if u just installed myth, y not reinstall? easier and faster imho | 23:51 |
Raids | k | 23:51 |
Egghead2 | Solarbaby, whats took 3 days, to get lirc working? | 23:52 |
Solarbaby | yeah.. I kept on breaking lirc | 23:52 |
Raids | dammit | 23:52 |
Solarbaby | I might have the hardware.conf right now.. not sure.. no errors and it works with IRSEND | 23:52 |
Solarbaby | but IRW doesn't work | 23:53 |
Raids | it kept all the settings | 23:53 |
Egghead2 | lol, yea but once u get it weorking itll be rock solid | 23:53 |
Solarbaby | yeah it used to be | 23:53 |
Solarbaby | back with an older distro | 23:53 |
Egghead2 | raids, if u uninstall mysql, a major part of myth, i dont see that a good thing to do, cuz it might not install back correctly | 23:54 |
Raids | :S | 23:54 |
Egghead2 | raid5, try it and see, but id do a purge too to make sure it gets rid of password too | 23:55 |
Raids | oh it's messed up huge now | 23:57 |
Raids | maybe i'll just go back to MCE | 23:57 |
Raids | lol | 23:57 |
Solarbaby | Egghead2: this has got to be driving you crazy.. im feeling almost insane.. and usually I feel really good about feeling insane | 23:58 |
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