
james_wif gdm has the wrong resolutions how do I go about correcting it?10:31
tjaaltonjames_w: which driver?10:34
tjaaltonjames_w: if it's ati or intel, see http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1210:43
tjaaltonIII.5. Forcing a preferred mode10:43
james_wintel, it's fine in gnome. Thanks.10:46
james_wI messed it up somehow while testing the xrandr capplet.10:47
tjaaltonheh, ok10:47
tseliottjaalton: did the travel go well?11:25
tjaaltontseliot: 3,5h extra waiting for the plain, other than that yes11:25
tseliotat least you had the connection there11:26
tseliotinternet connection11:27
tjaaltonstraight flight helsinki->prague11:27
tjaaltonah :)11:27
tseliotlucky you11:27
tjaaltonlaggy as hell11:27
tseliotfor free?11:27
tjaaltoncan't understand why there is no free wlan11:27
tjaaltonfixed-fee paid by my employer11:28
tseliotyour employer rocks :-)11:28
tjaaltonbut roaming here would be expensive11:28
tjaaltonsomething like 10e/MB11:28
tjaaltonwell, we get toys..11:28
tseliothow can we connect at the UDS?11:29
tseliotdo we have to pay?11:29
tjaaltonno, Ng and elmo has built a free wlan here11:29
Ngnot me!11:30
NgSpads is on UDS duty this time11:30
tjaaltonNg: oh, you are not here?11:30
Ngtjaalton: nope :(11:30
tjaaltontoo bad :/11:30
Ngyeah, it's a shame, but it would be unfair for one sysadmin to get all the UDS trips11:30
tjaaltonoh righ11:31
tseliotwe'll have no connection in our rooms but free connection in the conference room(s), right?11:31
Ngthe UDS conference space is always flooded with free ubutu wifi love11:32
tjaaltonI'm not sure.. maybe the hotel has it's own free access points or wired11:32
NgI'm not sure what the hotel room arrangements are, but you may find that someone has brought an AP and is re-broadcasting something else11:32
Ngotherwise, find Claire Newman (clan) and ask her, she is the organiser11:32
Ngshe will know what the options are11:32
tseliotNg: ok, thanks11:33
tseliotI will contact Claire Newman since "I've been arbitrarily picked for UDS Crew duties" too ;)11:33
tjaaltoncrew duties.. you get to fix the ip-phones? :)11:34
tseliotno, I'll have to kick people out, etc. therefore if you act up I'll have to kick your a** :-P11:36
tseliotI think I'll be on duty on Wednesday11:37
tjaaltonheh, ok11:37
tseliottjaalton: another thing. What's the weather like in Prague?11:42
tseliotI would like to know what to put in my luggage11:42
tjaaltontseliot: gray11:44
tjaaltonhaven't seen any rain yet11:44
tseliottjaalton: cold?11:44
tjaalton+15-20 maybe11:45
tseliotah, ok, I guess that short-sleeved t-shirts would be ok then11:45
tjaaltonoh, +16 shows my panel11:45
tseliotok. Any need to use firewalls at the UDS?11:46
tseliotok, perfect11:47
tseliotthanks again11:47
tjaaltonwell, I don't know how malicious the attendees are :)11:47
tjaaltonbut now that Ng is missing you should be safe :=P11:47

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