tmapj | does anyone know a program you can use in place of Amarok that is just as good or better? | 00:00 |
BobPenguin | soundray: Yes, I'm on 8.04. Sorry for not mentioning it... | 00:00 |
belkinhelp2 | is there a terminal command perhaps? | 00:00 |
nikin | thisusernamewasm: run rythmbox from a console.. and tell what error message it generates... | 00:00 |
soundray | !sound | BobPenguin | 00:00 |
ubottu | BobPenguin: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 00:00 |
XORAND | tmapj: kaffeine | 00:00 |
Slart | tmapj: I have high hopes for Songbird.. it's not in the repos and it's beta.. but perhaps one day | 00:00 |
belkinhelp2 | !bittorrent | 00:00 |
ubottu | Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: - See also !P2P | 00:00 |
thisusernamewasm | I am running from terminal, it's the same one that was in my thread, will copy paste in one sec... | 00:00 |
soundray | BobPenguin: there is a chance that the DmixPlugin thing will fix it for you ^^ | 00:00 |
thisusernamewasm | ** Message: don't know how to handle audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1, layer=(int)3 | 00:00 |
markotitel | someone using gisomount ? :) | 00:01 |
markotitel | pls | 00:01 |
belkinhelp2 | (sigh) | 00:01 |
nikin | Wanderer... hmm no idea at the moment... i dont know if you can meybe turn down key based auth in ssh.conf | 00:01 |
belkinhelp2 | !bittorrent restart | 00:01 |
ubottu | belkinhelp2: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 00:01 |
thisusernamewasm | above @ nikin | 00:01 |
belkinhelp2 | lol | 00:01 |
belkinhelp2 | nice | 00:01 |
Slart | markotitel: I did for a short while.. why? | 00:01 |
soundray | markotitel: why don't you just say what the problem is | 00:01 |
hyjal | douye: yes, that's probably because you have installed some of the codec packages that ubuntu-restricted-extras depend on. Ubuntu-restricted-extras depend on a bunch of different codecs so that it's easy to install them all. you don't *need* to do it that way, though ;) | 00:01 |
theunixgeek | What's the name of the command run when you go to System > Admin. > Login Window? | 00:01 |
XORAND | are there any know issues with the nvidia support for geforce fx 5200? My resolution was fine until I enabled the nvidia driver | 00:01 |
ferfactor | lynet i install libdvdread3 but i can't play dvd | 00:02 |
Wanderer | nikin: it doesn't even seem to be getting to the point of authenticating the user | 00:02 |
belkinhelp2 | XORAND...i had that problem too | 00:02 |
ferfactor | how i can break css??? | 00:02 |
belkinhelp2 | XORAND...just use the restricted driver | 00:02 |
J-Unit | how i restart nautilus? | 00:02 |
nikin | Wandere it has to if the known hosts are deleted | 00:02 |
Slart | !dvdcss | ferfactor | 00:02 |
ubottu | Factoid dvdcss not found | 00:02 |
Slart | !dvd | ferfactor | 00:02 |
ubottu | ferfactor: For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 00:02 |
BobPenguin | Thanks a lo soundray. The only app that has issues with sound is Lives Video Editor, but I will follow your advice anyway | 00:02 |
thisusernamewasm | douye- "ubuntu-restricted-extras" is a 'metapackage', as stated before- that means it simple tells your computer to download a bunch of other packages, it isn't actually a package in and of itself. | 00:02 |
XORAND | belkinhelp2: i have, but now my resolution is lower | 00:02 |
soundray | theunixgeek: gdmsetup | 00:02 |
thisusernamewasm | @nikin, still there? | 00:02 |
theunixgeek | soundray: thanks a bunch! :D | 00:03 |
Slart | J-Unit: start a terminal, run pkill nautilus. It will restart | 00:03 |
belkinhelp2 | XORAND....set your resolution higher manually | 00:03 |
nikin | thisusernamewasm: yes i ame.. you told me tht you pastebin.. wyting for th link.. or even better pm me | 00:03 |
XORAND | belkinhelp2: i tried and failed | 00:03 |
Lynet | ferfactor: cd /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/; sudo ./ | 00:03 |
ferfactor | ubottu i'm using now hardy... i checked medibuntu and all the info is for gusty to dapper | 00:03 |
J-Unit | Slart, ok b4 i restart do i kill "bonobo-activation-server"? | 00:03 |
ubottu | ferfactor: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 00:03 |
XORAND | is there a howto somewhere? | 00:03 |
douye | thisusernamewasm: hmm some guy also had the problem and this fixed it for him "i found a solution for this problem. You have to change the output plugin in gstreamer-properties to OSS. It seems to be a problem of alsa or the alsa plugin of gstreamer." | 00:03 |
belkinhelp2 | XORAND...Administration->screens and graphics | 00:03 |
thisusernamewasm | douye, link? | 00:04 |
Slart | J-Unit: hmm.. I have no idea.. restart the computer? find the process and kill it? check the /etc/init.d/ folder for anything that looks relevant | 00:04 |
douye | thisusernamewasm: | 00:04 |
Petronio | hola | 00:04 |
TheAngryBunny | is the person that was helping me with my suspend problem still on? | 00:04 |
soundray | TheAngryBunny: maybe | 00:05 |
TheAngryBunny | lol | 00:05 |
J-Unit | Slart, k, i found it ill kill it but for restarting nautilus is it kill nautilus or pkill nautilus? | 00:05 |
TheAngryBunny | Soundray: I tried toggling the three things you said and nothing worked | 00:06 |
Petronio | there's an portable device working with linux? | 00:06 |
thisusernamewasm | douye, that problem is not at all like mine. | 00:06 |
thisusernamewasm | :\ | 00:06 |
TheAngryBunny | Soundray: I even tried every combonation and nothing | 00:06 |
=== galois_ is now known as ChaosTheory_ | ||
nikin | can anyone help me to use policykit with fluxbox... for some reason it ails the get process information... so the unlock bttons stay grey... and after tripple check... i am in the polkituser group., and i am not running with sudo .... or at least how to rip out that piece of awfullness(sorry) of the admn programs? | 00:06 |
thisusernamewasm | douye, nm. | 00:06 |
ChaosTheory_ | Can anyone link me to the place where I can download bcmwl5.inf and all that? | 00:06 |
douye | thisusernamewasm: part of it is.., anyhow others fixed it by installing "gstreamer0.10-plugins" but you already done that right ? | 00:06 |
nikin | thisusernamewasm: do you have totem installed? | 00:07 |
AbFaB | looking for some help getting my ubuntu configured | 00:07 |
thisusernamewasm | how do I check if I have? I'm pretty sure I did, douye. Nikin: Isn't it installed by default? | 00:07 |
Slart | J-Unit: kill works if you know the process id.. ie "kill 22944" .. pkill kills all processes that match the regexp you supply.. so "pkill fire" will kill all firefox processess and also any other processes starting with fire | 00:07 |
thisusernamewasm | I don't think I've ever used it, but I can probably do so. | 00:07 |
ArthurArchnix | I've used gthumb for a while, but I find I need tagging support as my image library grows. I can't stand f-spot. What else is there for the gnome desktop, that has the ability to fix small things like crop, rotate and red-eye. and has taggin support? Is picasa for linux any good? | 00:07 |
nikin | thisusernamewasm: i am using some ripped down buntu.. i dont know the defaults | 00:07 |
Slart | J-Unit: or even containing the string "fire" | 00:07 |
J-Unit | Slart, k, thx | 00:07 |
soundray | TheAngryBunny: have a look here. Not sure if it adds anything new | 00:07 |
thisusernamewasm | ok. I think I do, what do you want me to try, nikin? | 00:07 |
nikin | thisusernamewasm: play mp3.. it uses gstreamer to.. so we see if codecs work | 00:08 |
nikin | ? | 00:08 |
thisusernamewasm | nikin, I have totem. | 00:08 |
TheName | shell scripting | 00:08 |
douye | thisusernamewasm: heh search for it in synaptic :P but sec i'll try to find the right apt-get command to test it | 00:08 |
TheName | question | 00:08 |
soundray | !enter | TheName | 00:08 |
ubottu | TheName: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 00:08 |
thisusernamewasm | nikin, it says I don't have the right decoder | 00:09 |
Petronio | alguien es de tampico? | 00:09 |
Gohalien | what program is similar to Ares for ubuntu ? | 00:09 |
soundray | !es | Petronio | 00:09 |
ubottu | Petronio: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 00:09 |
nikin | thisusernamewasm: stil codec issue | 00:09 |
thisusernamewasm | douye, I wanted the command that tells you the version, it has slipped my mind. :\ | 00:09 |
Petronio | okok | 00:09 |
favro | !fr | gik | 00:09 |
ubottu | gik: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 00:09 |
Petronio | i´ll speak english | 00:09 |
douye | thisusernamewasm: the svn thingy ? | 00:09 |
nikin | thisusernamewasm: lets see... you have installed gstreamer bad and w32codecs.... am i right? i told you to | 00:09 |
Petronio | mamon | 00:10 |
thisusernamewasm | nikin, I installed the two you told me too. | 00:10 |
TheName | #!/bin/sh echo "hello world" then i open the terminal and type$ chmod +x shellscript but when i try to run the file it doesn open can anyone help? | 00:10 |
thisusernamewasm | douye, that doesn't ring a bell, but maybe? | 00:10 |
Petronio | .l. | 00:10 |
pepparkaka | totem-xine broke for me after the upgrade to hardy. It said something about new paths for freedesktop or some such and now it complains about wrong paths to /dev/radio0 and /dev/rdvd. Problem is I have those disabled in the settings menu. Even checked the ~/.gnome2/Totem/xine_config file and they are commented (#) out. Any hints ? | 00:11 |
gik | thx favro it's right but i can speak in english too :/ | 00:11 |
hyjal | thisusernamewasm: have you installed the "ugly" plugins as well? and the "multiverse variant" of both bad and ugly? | 00:11 |
gik | i'll join this chan | 00:11 |
soundray | TheName: you need to start a new line for the echo command | 00:11 |
thisusernamewasm | hyjal, what are those? | 00:11 |
D3RGPS31 | Software Question - what can i use to see who's connecting to me and which port they're connecting too (live)? | 00:11 |
thisusernamewasm | hyjal, I saw those listed, but didn't know if I should get them or not... | 00:11 |
TheName | whatcha mean soundray | 00:11 |
favro | TheName: use $echo | 00:11 |
kitche | D3RGPS31: well netstat is the main tool that is used | 00:11 |
hyjal | thisusernamewasm: those are more codecs, maybe mp3 is in there. I would just install ubuntu-restricted-extras and have them all tbh | 00:12 |
soundray | TheName: you can't put all that on one line | 00:12 |
thisusernamewasm | I have installed ubuntu-restriced-extras before, hyjal | 00:12 |
jnb | soundray, thanks. i found the correct command | 00:12 |
nikin | thisusernamewasm: install gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3 | 00:12 |
soundray | !yay | jnb | 00:12 |
ubottu | jnb: Glad you made it! :-) | 00:12 |
TheName | lol its not all on one line it just look like that on this irc chat | 00:12 |
hyjal | thisusernamewasm: aha, ok. then the "ugly" and "bad" codecs should already be installed, as restricted depend on those | 00:12 |
TheAngryBunny | soundray: thanks for the link. It did add somethings (editing the xorg.conf). I'm gonna try this out and see if it works... be back :) | 00:13 |
soundray | TheName: how do you call the script? | 00:13 |
Vaden | Hello... i'm in need of some help | 00:13 |
D3RGPS31 | kitche: can i keep something like that up, and continue to display connections to me? | 00:13 |
Petronio | dejen de chingar | 00:13 |
TheName | by double clicking the icon | 00:13 |
thisusernamewasm | hyjal, hmm. I'll try reinstalling, then. | 00:13 |
soundray | TheAngryBunny: if all else fails, disable the nvidia driver and use the opensource one | 00:13 |
nikin | thisusernamewasm: after it try playing in totem | 00:13 |
thisusernamewasm | nikin, installing. | 00:13 |
nikin | ok | 00:13 |
soundray | TheName: then it's probably working, you just don't see it displaying. | 00:13 |
hyjal | thisusernamewasm: alright | 00:13 |
mgolisch | anyone good with usplash? | 00:14 |
Vaden | Okay i installed ubuntu inside windows.. and when i rebooted and booted into ubuntu.. this busy thing appeared... what do i do/?!?! | 00:14 |
mgolisch | i cant get my theme to work | 00:14 |
douye | thisusernamewasm: its easier to check what you have installed with synaptic so far i know.. just search for "gstreamer0.10-plugins" and you can see what you got installed | 00:14 |
jnb | i misunderstood the syntax for megabytes though, ended up with twenty thousand volumes 1000bytes a piece :) | 00:14 |
soundray | TheName: open a terminal, cd to the directory that contains the file, then run it with './shellscript' | 00:14 |
thisusernamewasm | fyi nikin, hijal, douye, I'm changing my SN to ;linsjeko: | 00:14 |
=== thisusernamewasm is now known as linsejko | ||
nikin | linsejko: ok | 00:14 |
sarthor | i have Creative Visa Webcam, i did tried a lot with the help of google, but no Success, i am not much expert with linux. i will be thankfull if some 1 help me to install my cam. Using Hardy | 00:14 |
linsejko | nikin, opening totem | 00:14 |
Vaden | anyone willing to help me | 00:14 |
TheName | o ke dough key 1sec | 00:14 |
mgolisch | i it only contains one image 800x600 256 colors, and i even set the framebuffer resolution to that, but i still only get the console instead of my usplash theme | 00:15 |
soundray | jnb: :) | 00:15 |
mgolisch | what may be wrong? | 00:15 |
linsejko | No error message | 00:15 |
Vaden | soundray can u help me? | 00:15 |
soundray | jnb: hope you found a way to delete several files at once :) | 00:15 |
douye | linsjeko: did you mean the command "dpkg -s [package]" ? | 00:15 |
nikin | linsejko: any sound? | 00:15 |
linsejko | Weird, it won't play it, but the popup says "can't play blah blach blah, no error message" | 00:15 |
Vaden | .... =( | 00:15 |
linsejko | Totem could not play 'file:///home/kajo/Desktop/MUSIC/music/Damien Rice/o/Delicate.mp3'. | 00:15 |
soundray | Vaden: I don't know. What do you mean by "this busy thing" | 00:15 |
ArthurArchnix | so other than f-spot, gthumb, and picasa, there's nothing else? | 00:16 |
TheName | that worked but how do i get it to work with clicking the icon | 00:16 |
douye | linsejko: did you mean "dpkg -s [package]" that command to see if its installed and what version ? | 00:16 |
=== Mr_SpOOn is now known as Mr_SpOOn[nonciso | ||
Vaden | idk it says type in help for list of commands... | 00:16 |
linsejko | yes, douye | 00:16 |
nikin | linsejko: ok try rythmbox... if that doesnt work to.. uninstall the package gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3 | 00:16 |
jnb | soundray, yeah i deleted them all with the GUI, if that's wat it's called :) | 00:16 |
soundray | TheName: you need to create a launcher that executes your script in a terminal window | 00:16 |
Vaden | its like a terminal thing... my computer is all black.. and its like a commandprompt like in windows... | 00:16 |
Vaden | and it is called Busy something | 00:17 |
Cash | Hi, do any of you know how to get the cube working in Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron? | 00:17 |
Vaden | and then it says type in help for a list of commandds | 00:17 |
soundray | TheName: alternatively, instead of echo use zenity --notification | 00:17 |
linsejko | removing, nikin | 00:17 |
kitche | D3RGPS31: yes | 00:17 |
TheName | can you give an example | 00:18 |
Cash | Could you help me with it? | 00:18 |
TheName | ? | 00:18 |
Cash | Example of the cube? | 00:18 |
D3RGPS31 | kitche: are you willing to tell me how, or what i need =D | 00:18 |
Fishscene | Cash, you need to install ccsm to configure the cube | 00:18 |
kitche | D3RGPS31: yeah just hang on a sec | 00:19 |
Cash | What's ccsm? | 00:19 |
Cash | And where would I come across it? | 00:19 |
nikin | linkslice: ok i am out of ideas.... try reinstalling the restricted extras... but thats a shoot in the air but who nows.. i dont know anymore... its almost sure to be a codec problem becouse | 00:19 |
Fishscene | Cash, Applications > add/remove | 00:19 |
nikin | vlc plays it... thats all what i can figure aut | 00:19 |
TheName | Neva mind soundray | 00:19 |
Fishscene | Then show "All available applications" and search "ccsm" | 00:19 |
TheName | but thinks fa the help | 00:19 |
TheName | im trying to make a lil virri for my sister | 00:20 |
TheName | we both share the same computer | 00:20 |
psych | is there a way to change locale for a single program ? | 00:20 |
nikin | linsejko: sorry last few lines went to you | 00:20 |
TheName | just want to scare her a lil | 00:20 |
Fishscene | Cash, after it is installed, go to system>preferences>advanced desktop effects settings. | 00:20 |
kitche | D3RGPS31: ,yself I use eterm since it's the easiest to make a fake transparent window in and just run netstat in that | 00:20 |
Cash | Okay, the ccsm app is installing. | 00:20 |
Vaden | .... i can't figure out how to install ubuntu inside windows... i did the installation.. part then it tells me to restart.. i boot into ubuntu.. and nothing happens?!? | 00:20 |
linsejko | nikin, | 00:21 |
gsker | I've got a question about closing a bug in launchpad..... | 00:21 |
TheName | TheName is now known as The Nerd | 00:21 |
linsejko | trying to install them, and now I'm getting "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually...blh blah" | 00:21 |
crimsun | gsker: shoot. | 00:21 |
linsejko | when I try and use aptitude. | 00:21 |
linsejko | :\ | 00:21 |
linsejko | From trying to use dpkg earlier? | 00:21 |
D3RGPS31 | kitche: what's the command to run eterm after it's installed (sorry for the questions) | 00:22 |
nikin | hmmm.. no.. you interrupted some install or maybe some pckage was broken... | 00:22 |
Zaiden | Has anyone else had an issue with ubuntu freezing up right after logging in after installing Esound? | 00:22 |
gsker | there's a kernel bug that is solved by a firmware update. Can I as a regular user close it or does the kernel team to whom it's assigned have to do that. and is it invalid or fixed? | 00:22 |
crimsun | Zaiden: you shouldn't install esound. pulseaudio-esound-compat provides it. | 00:22 |
crimsun | gsker: which bug #? | 00:22 |
nikin | linsejko: run apt-get -f install | 00:22 |
ringer | what is everyones favourite emerald theme?! | 00:22 |
gsker | 149071 | 00:23 |
gsker | | 00:23 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 149071 in linux-source-2.6.22 "-server kernel variant fails to boot on PowerEdge 2650 with AACRAID timeouts" [Medium,Confirmed] | 00:23 |
linsejko | nikin, what does that do? | 00:23 |
D3RGPS31 | kitche: nevermind, i just noticed 'term' xD | 00:23 |
nikin | linsejko: fix missning or broken packges | 00:23 |
gsker | yeah | 00:23 |
soundray | Is stereo input supported in USB audio devices? I seem to remember that a while ago you could only record mono. | 00:23 |
Pelo | does anyone have a decent time server cause right now the time here is abou 19h24 and my clock displays 15h22 may 15 2032 | 00:23 |
bender1337 | can someone help me install the tmobile gc89 car | 00:24 |
linsejko | nikin, I keep purposely breaking google earth. Everytime I install something, It also tried to install googleearth at the end. | 00:24 |
linsejko | How do I tell it to just let go? | 00:24 |
crimsun | gsker: don't close it; the kernel team has its own triaging policies. | 00:24 |
corinth | I have a 64 bit processor. Is there any reason why I shouldn't use the 64 bit version of Hardy? For example, hardware compatibility or incompatible packages. | 00:24 |
nikin | linsejko: better try to remove it.... completly | 00:24 |
crimsun | gsker: the proper state would be 'Triaged'. | 00:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | corinth We try to suggest that new users stick with 32 then upgrade later... | 00:24 |
gsker | which isn't an option.... hmmmm. | 00:24 |
soundray | corinth: a major hangup tends to be java applet support in browsers | 00:24 |
gsker | How does it get communicated back to the kernel team? | 00:25 |
linsejko | "sudo aptitude remove googleearth-data" gets me the same "dpkg was interrupted" error. | 00:25 |
Vaden | someone help me with ubuntu 8.04 | 00:25 |
linsejko | nikin@ | 00:25 |
crimsun | gsker: it's already known | 00:25 |
corinth | Jack_Sparrow, I'm not a new user at all. I've just never tried the x86_64 version. | 00:25 |
Cash | Fishscene, I enabled it. Which keys do I use to make it work? | 00:25 |
nikin | linsejko: did you run -f install? | 00:25 |
Vaden | can someone seriously help me | 00:25 |
linsejko | nikin, yes. | 00:25 |
gsker | crimsun: good enough. Thanks! | 00:25 |
nikin | and did it install google eaarth? | 00:25 |
linsejko | and it tried to install gogg | 00:25 |
crimsun | gsker: (you can't set bug status unless you filed it yourself or have triaging privileges.) | 00:26 |
soundray | corinth: other than that, 64bit support is quite good. Even skype, googleearth and acroread work (32bit versions of course) | 00:26 |
Fishscene | Cash, you can click both mouse buttons on the desktop wallpaper or click the "wheel" button to move the cube around | 00:26 |
gsker | Ahhhh. | 00:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | corinth you can always dual boot.... see if there is enough speed difference to make it worth the effort | 00:26 |
corinth | soundray, Thanks. | 00:26 |
TheAngryBunny | Soundray: It worked (sorta). I was able to resume from suspend, but everything was sluggish afterwards | 00:26 |
nikin | linsejko: and did it install? | 00:26 |
linsejko | I stop it. | 00:26 |
nikin | linsejko: dont do that.. let it install.. after it remove it | 00:27 |
jnb | soundray, can you tell me what's wrong with this? sudo rm -d directoryname | 00:27 |
astro76 | jnb: rm -r directory, to delete a directory and it's contents | 00:27 |
nikin | job: empty directory? | 00:27 |
nikin | jnb | 00:28 |
soundray | jnb: I'm not sure -- I always do as astro76 says | 00:28 |
Vaden | someone wanna help me | 00:28 |
jnb | astro76, so -d only deletes empty directories? thanks :) | 00:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ask | Vaden | 00:28 |
ubottu | Vaden: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 00:28 |
bazhang | Vaden, need to ask a question first | 00:28 |
Vaden | i did | 00:28 |
nikin | jnb: do rm -rf dirname ... this deletes it | 00:28 |
Vaden | like 10 times | 00:28 |
TheNerdGotchU | TheName | 00:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | !attitude | 00:29 |
ubottu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 00:29 |
soundray | Vaden: please post a complete description of your problem with all relevant information on one line. | 00:29 |
Vaden | How do you install Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron inside Windows?!?!?! | 00:29 |
DonaldShimoda | markotitel, just dont work... | 00:29 |
nikin | but be carefull it will delete without asking | 00:29 |
DonaldShimoda | Vaden, use lubi | 00:29 |
DonaldShimoda | wubi i mind | 00:29 |
psych | is there a way to change locale for a single program ? any thoughts?? | 00:29 |
Vaden | lubi? | 00:29 |
jnb | nikin, rm -r was enough, thanks | 00:29 |
Vaden | whats that | 00:29 |
Fishscene | wubi* | 00:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | Vaden you can use wubi.. but it is NOT something I would ever do. Please read ALL of the faq before you do. | 00:30 |
ironfoot_495 | Hello is there someon e who can tell me why I'm getting a binary code instead of php? | 00:30 |
Vaden | i installed ubuntu.. inside windows feature... | 00:30 |
soundray | Vaden: wubi is a means of installing Ubuntu inside a Windows partition for dualbooting. Not what you want. | 00:30 |
DonaldShimoda | markotitel, my friend , still dont work, can you please help me? | 00:30 |
Vaden | and when i went to boot up ubuntu | 00:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | Vaden It is still dual booting.. it will not run like a program inside windows.. | 00:30 |
ironfoot_495 | writing in php a PNG | 00:30 |
Vaden | it comes up with this busy thing | 00:30 |
soundray | Vaden: look for pre-prepared downloadable virtual machines for vmware. | 00:30 |
Vaden | should i install a fresh copy.. on another hard drive? | 00:31 |
nikin | can anyone help me to use policykit with fluxbox... for some reason it ails the get process information... so the unlock bttons stay grey... and after tripple check... i am in the polkituser group., and i am not running with sudo .... or at least how to rip out that piece of awfullness(sorry) of the admn programs? | 00:31 |
bazhang | Vaden, if you get the busybox shell it likely means it is not finding a hard drive to boot from; in which case you need to find it and mount it | 00:32 |
soundray | Vaden: go to the vmware site and look for the Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop virtual appliance. | 00:32 |
=== LeGreffi3R_ is now known as LeGreffi3R | ||
sarthor | my webcam is creative vista, Can i install this driver??? I dont know the exact driver?? | 00:32 |
Vaden | i don't wanna do virtual though... | 00:32 |
sarthor | i am using hardy | 00:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | !webcam | sarthor | 00:32 |
ubottu | sarthor: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at - Supported cams: | 00:32 |
soundray | Vaden: you said you installed it in vmware ?! | 00:33 |
Vaden | how do i make it find the hard drive and then mount it? | 00:33 |
Vaden | no.. i used Wubi | 00:33 |
bazhang | vaden a dual boot will be faster than wubi most likely; if you get the ubuntu live cd the installer will do all the work for you | 00:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | Vaden read the wubi faq | 00:33 |
Vaden | Soundray.. i used wubi.. never said anything about vmware | 00:33 |
Vaden | lol i can't find the Wubi faq | 00:33 |
Vaden | okay i downloaded the 700mb desktop version of ubuntu.. that has live cd right? | 00:34 |
cheatr | Vaden: Yeah, it has the live cd | 00:34 |
Vaden | mkay | 00:34 |
bazhang | Vaden, if it is not the alt cd then yes | 00:34 |
cheatr | Vaden: Only the alternate cd doesn't have the live environment | 00:34 |
Vaden | alright | 00:34 |
soundray | !burniso | Vaden | 00:34 |
ubottu | Vaden: To burn an ISO image of a CD in Linux, Mac OS or Windows, read the howto at | 00:34 |
Vaden | i have 3 hard drives | 00:34 |
Vaden | i know how to burn an iso | 00:34 |
Vaden | i've installed ubuntu before | 00:34 |
Vaden | i just wanted to use the WUBI | 00:34 |
bazhang | vaden then no worries :) | 00:35 |
soundray | Vaden: install it on the drive that has the Windows system partition. Allow it to resize. | 00:35 |
Vaden | i have a 160gb hard drive a 20gb and a 250gb | 00:35 |
Vaden | i'll just install it on the 20gb hard drive i have | 00:35 |
bazhang | Vaden, use those others for storage imo | 00:35 |
yoMismo22 | ola, es la primera vez que uso esto, alguien puede decirme si puedo entrar en los canales en los ke entro con el IRC en windows??? | 00:35 |
yoMismo22 | ola, es la primera vez que uso esto, alguien puede decirme si puedo entrar en los canales en los ke entro con el IRC en windows??? | 00:35 |
soundray | Vaden: you'll run into trouble if you try that. | 00:35 |
bazhang | !es | 00:35 |
ubottu | Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 00:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | Vaden fewer problems if you install it on the frist drive where windows is | 00:35 |
yoMismo22 | como hago eso??? | 00:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | !es | 00:35 |
bazhang | yoMismo22, /j #ubuntu-es | 00:36 |
yoMismo22 | no se usar esto, lo siento | 00:36 |
Vaden | ...oh | 00:36 |
yoMismo22 | ah, ok | 00:36 |
yoMismo22 | gracias | 00:36 |
ratpoison | hello! hardy user. I want to write a DVD+R double layer, and brasero responds that such a thing is "impossible with the current set of plugins" My DVDRW drive can write in these media, I just finished burning on Win XP. What plugins should I install? Thnx in advance | 00:36 |
Vaden | yea but i don't wanna partition my drive.. i don't like doing that | 00:36 |
tmapj | has seaphor been here? he had a link i needed | 00:36 |
bazhang | vaden well then see you later :) | 00:36 |
soundray | Vaden: you prefer trouble | 00:36 |
Vaden | thats y i wanna do the wubi | 00:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | Vaden it is the best way to do it, whether or not you like to do it that way | 00:37 |
TheNerdGotchU | by mistake i deleted the panel that hold my minimized programs anyone know how to fix this? I tried add new panel but the programs wont minimize to the panel | 00:37 |
tmapj | is there anyone who can help me mount an iso image on a virtual drive? | 00:37 |
Vaden | i'm using a USB Enclosure for my 20gb hard drive... can i install it on there.. and do a boot for that drive? by hitting f12 to select my boot device? | 00:37 |
Vaden | i'm using a USB Enclosure for my 20gb hard drive... can i install it on there.. and do a boot for that drive? by hitting f12 to select my boot device? | 00:38 |
soundray | TheNerdGotchU: you need to add the Window List applet to the new panel | 00:38 |
bazhang | vaden then mount the hard drive from the busybox shell and go to it-->will be a bit slower than a regular install though | 00:38 |
ratpoison | TheNerdGotchU, go to a panel, right click and add "Notification Area" | 00:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | TheNerdGotchU You need to click the panel and add to the panel the app switcher or something like that | 00:38 |
Vaden | were is the faq for wubi.. cause i'm not sure how to mount the hard drive | 00:38 |
soundray | ratpoison: not Notification Area ( TheNerdGotchU) | 00:38 |
paulcross | Do ubuntu have the OPENSSL security problem? Could it be fixed by "apt-get upgrade"? | 00:38 |
Vaden | i can't find it on the site | 00:38 |
ratpoison | oh, yeah sorry | 00:38 |
hisingh1 | Guess what, | 00:38 |
hisingh1 | if your parents say yes, go to macdonld | 00:38 |
hisingh1 | they are giving a free sandwich (chicken) if you buy a drink that is medium size. | 00:38 |
soundray | TheNerdGotchU: it's called Window List applet | 00:38 |
hisingh1 | sale ends at 7 | 00:38 |
bazhang | vaden sure you can; though as many have said using the main drive is the best option without question-->nothing scary about partitioning | 00:39 |
FloodBot2 | hisingh1: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 00:39 |
mouseboyx | is it normal for data to be written to a usb device after you try to unmount it, then it finishes, then unmounts? | 00:39 |
kitche | paulcross: it's been fixed already so yes | 00:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | hisingh1 PLease stop | 00:39 |
hisingh1 | sorry for of topic just had to say it | 00:39 |
bazhang | hisingh1, please stop | 00:39 |
paulcross | kitche, thanks | 00:39 |
soothesayer | mouseboyx: yes | 00:39 |
mouseboyx | can you change it so it writes it before you unmount it? | 00:39 |
Vaden | when doing wubi u are using the main drive.... | 00:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | mouseboyx yes | 00:39 |
TheNerdGotchU | window list applet works just fine | 00:39 |
ratpoison | hello! hardy user. I want to write a DVD+R double layer, and brasero responds that such a thing is "impossible with the current set of plugins" My DVDRW drive can write in these media, I just finished burning on Win XP. What plugins should I install? Thnx in advance | 00:40 |
mouseboyx | how? | 00:40 |
soothesayer | mouseboyx: mount the device with the sync option | 00:40 |
jnb | soundray, well, i finally managed to get the volumes the way i wanted now. thanks for all the help, really! now i gotta hit the sack, have a nice day/evening depending on where on the globe you're located :) | 00:40 |
TheNerdGotchU | jack_sparrow ratpoison sounray you guys want to start some sort of team? | 00:40 |
bazhang | vaden not the same thing-->check ubuntuforums and wubi faq--> the search terms wubi ubuntu faq will give the web address | 00:40 |
soundray | jnb: yeah, it's sack time here, too :) | 00:40 |
_paradox_ | ive read and im still having trouble figuring this out. can someone tell me exactly how to make a symbolic of th file in the directory /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/plugin/i386/ns7 to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins ? | 00:40 |
soundray | TheNerdGotchU: we are | 00:40 |
Vaden | thx bazhang | 00:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | :) | 00:41 |
jnb | soundray, good night then :) | 00:41 |
mouseboyx | How do i mount using sync? | 00:41 |
soundray | jnb: see you around | 00:41 |
TheNerdGotchU | have you guys tried out ? | 00:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | TheNerdGotchU Please dont do that | 00:42 |
favro | _paradox_: ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/ /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ | 00:42 |
mouseboyx | yes TheNerdGotchU, its really easy | 00:42 |
soundray | mouseboyx: 'mount -o sync /dev/disk /mnt/mountpoint' | 00:42 |
TheNerdGotchU | im stuck on level 8 | 00:42 |
mouseboyx | can you change the gnome automount options? | 00:42 |
linkslice | nikin, ...? | 00:42 |
bazhang | TheNerdGotchU, offtopic here-->please head to #ubuntu-offtopic for chat thanks | 00:43 |
soundray | mouseboyx: or add it to the options in the relevant line in /etc/fstab | 00:43 |
soundray | mouseboyx: do you want this for a removable device? | 00:43 |
mouseboyx | ok thanks | 00:43 |
_paradox_ | favro isnt in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins does it need to be? | 00:43 |
favro | _paradox_: you need to name the link - I gave the option of giving it the same name | 00:44 |
mouseboyx | yes soundray | 00:45 |
ratpoison | _paradox_, you probably need write preveleges on /usr/lib/mozilla/blah/blah. Try prepending a sudo before the command favro gave you | 00:46 |
soundray | mouseboyx: then my advice doesn't apply... sorry, don't know how to configure that | 00:46 |
mouseboyx | ok | 00:46 |
TheNerdGotchU | I have an old intel pentium 2 128mb or ram (?ithink?) no cd burner just a floopy and cdr drive for some reason i cant install ubuntu on it | 00:46 |
TheNerdGotchU | can any one help | 00:46 |
owner | y | 00:47 |
mouseboyx | thenerdgotchu, send me a screen shot for the challenge, i have done it but i forgot my password. | 00:47 |
TheNerdGotchU | alright hold on mouseboyx | 00:47 |
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka | ||
=== adante_ is now known as adante | ||
soundray | TheNerdGotchU: there's too little RAM. It may work with Xubuntu | 00:48 |
mouseboyx | try nimble X or something TheNerdGotchU | 00:49 |
brent113 | hey, how do I share a printer over my lan, is there a gui? | 00:49 |
TheNerdGotchU | Xubuntu | 00:49 |
_paradox_ | ok so type in sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/plugin/i386/ns7 /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ ? and that creates the link? | 00:49 |
litlebuda | TheNerdGotchU, try xubuntu alternate install cd | 00:49 |
pisecx | hi, everybody | 00:50 |
TheNerdGotchU | ok hold on gotta download it and burn it to a cd and take it to my otha pc give me bout 15 mins | 00:50 |
pisecx | my firefox always starts in autonome mode | 00:50 |
pisecx | how to fix it? | 00:50 |
=== Thanatos is now known as Thanatos____ | ||
cygoku | Quick question, Nautlius gives me some error with a error number, where can I look for that number and see fixes and stuff ... | 00:51 |
bazhang | brent113, often through the router; the router interface is the gui | 00:51 |
ouellettesr | hello, i have ubuntu, how do i get the kde desktop? | 00:51 |
ratpoison | cygoku, google launchpad probably | 00:51 |
_paradox_ | and the final part of that is the link name? | 00:51 |
Thanatos____ | I recently moved my laptop to Hardy, I'm a relative n00b. I've been reading on slashdot about a 3d compiz cube. I'd really like to try it, what packages do I need? | 00:52 |
soundray | mouseboyx: I've found something now... | 00:52 |
mouseboyx | Cool. | 00:52 |
ratpoison | Thanatos____, what 3d card do you have? | 00:52 |
Thanatos____ | ehhhh, the integrated intel one that came with the laptop? Where could i find this info in GNOME? | 00:52 |
Blameu | hi tarax | 00:53 |
Dmole | looking for sql help on roleback or hotbackup/restore | 00:53 |
soundray | mouseboyx: in gconf-editor you can set some mount options under /system/storage/default_options on a per-filesystemtype basis | 00:53 |
bazhang | ouellettesr, install kubuntu-desktop; or kubuntu-kde4-desktop for kde4 | 00:53 |
remu | hey guys, ive got gmount-iso running, and im installing cricket 07 with wine, now the installer is telling me to swap discs, and when i go to unmount the iso so i can mount the second iso, it wont let me unmount the first iso, it tells me that the device is busy....can someone help? | 00:53 |
soundray | mouseboyx: at least for some filesystems | 00:53 |
Blameu | there active here tarax | 00:53 |
mouseboyx | Oh cool thanks, soundray | 00:53 |
* agamotto_ bows | 00:53 | |
agamotto_ | Hallo | 00:53 |
_paradox_ | is that correct? | 00:53 |
ratpoison | Thanatos____, go to system > preferences > appearance > go to the last tab and enable desktop effects. Tell me how that works | 00:54 |
mike_ | Thanatos____, you need to open all of your sources and download advanced desktop effects | 00:54 |
mouseboyx | so add -o sync as a value? | 00:54 |
mike_ | enable* | 00:54 |
Thanatos____ | The wobbly windows work really slick, I like them a lot | 00:54 |
bazhang | !ccsm | Thanatos____ | 00:54 |
ubottu | Thanatos____: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'simple-ccsm'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion | 00:54 |
agamotto_ | A question for those who are using Mythbuntu: Has your ability to burn DVDs stopped since the upgrade? | 00:54 |
soundray | mouseboyx: what kind of filesystem do you use on your removable devices? | 00:54 |
ratpoison | oh, there's a ubotu for that? nice | 00:55 |
mouseboyx | vfat | 00:55 |
bazhang | agamotto_, you may also ask in #ubuntu-mythtv | 00:55 |
ratpoison | hello! hardy user. I want to write a DVD+R double layer, and brasero responds that such a thing is "impossible with the current set of plugins" My DVDRW drive can write in these media, I just finished burning on Win XP. What plugins should I install? Thnx in advance | 00:55 |
mike_ | Thanatos____, have you downloaded compiz-settings-manager? | 00:56 |
mouseboyx | o=sync? | 00:56 |
remu | anyone? | 00:56 |
bazhang | ratpoison, what does apt-cache search brasero turn up? | 00:56 |
soundray | mouseboyx: just edit the mount_options key for vfat then and add sync to the list (not -o) | 00:56 |
mouseboyx | oh ok thanks | 00:56 |
bazhang | remu need a question | 00:56 |
ouellettesr | Thanatos____, "advanced desktop settings effects" is under system>preferences, if you have that you should be able to enable your cube | 00:56 |
Thanatos____ | I am currently following ubottu's instructions. I assume that is what you mean? | 00:56 |
agamotto_ | bazhang: I tried, but the channel seems to be frozen | 00:56 |
vbman11 | Hi guys! | 00:56 |
lesjohn | when i play sound of any sort (ogg, mp3, movie on dvd) in vlc, i just get static from the speakers (even though the video displays correctly). i'm using hardy on powerpc. any suggestions? | 00:56 |
remu | ive got gmount-iso running, and im installing cricket 07 with wine, now the installer is telling me to swap discs, and when i go to unmount the iso so i can mount the second iso, it wont let me unmount the first iso, it tells me that the device is busy....can someone help? | 00:56 |
mike_ | Thanatos____, lol yup | 00:56 |
mouseboyx | Thanks so much soundray | 00:57 |
bazhang | agamotto_, they will know as soon as they get back; folks here may know as well-->just wanted to be sure you knew of that channel | 00:57 |
ratpoison | Thanatos____, there are many things to do it... advanced desktop effects is gives you a program that has more features than ccsm but it's a little more complicated. Both can enable the cube | 00:57 |
bazhang | remu burn both iso to disk | 00:57 |
soundray | mouseboyx: is it working for you? | 00:57 |
mouseboyx | yes | 00:57 |
agamotto_ | bazhang: Yah, I thought of it, but after staring at no new messages after 10 minutes, I figured the channel connection was fractured or something | 00:58 |
* agamotto_ chuckles | 00:58 | |
vbman11 | I have just downloaded the nightly build of songbird. It comes in a tarball. how do I install it?(sorry for the dumb question) | 00:58 |
mouseboyx | Why isn't sync default? | 00:58 |
ratpoison | Thanatos____, sorry for my crappy english, I'm a little sleepy right now | 00:58 |
bazhang | vbman11, unpack it and install | 00:58 |
Flannel | !compile | vbman11 | 00:58 |
ubottu | vbman11: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 00:58 |
hwilde | any ssh port forwarding experts have time for an unexplained mystery? | 00:58 |
soundray | mouseboyx: because it prevents write caching. Write caching enhances performance | 00:58 |
Flannel | !anyone | hwilde | 00:59 |
cygoku | ratpoison : google launchpad ?? | 00:59 |
ubottu | hwilde: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 00:59 |
agamotto_ | vbman: tar xzvf songbirdxx.XX.xx.tar.gz | 00:59 |
luciano | helo, I'm find the good Bittorrent Server, someone cam help me? | 00:59 |
hwilde | Flannel, are you an ssh port forwarding expert | 00:59 |
mouseboyx | soundray, whats the point if the data isn't even getting written to the device, sounds slower to me... | 00:59 |
agamotto_ | vbman: Go into the Songbird dir that it creates in a terminal, type ./configure | 00:59 |
soundray | mouseboyx: if your usage pattern is 'insert, write data, remove', then sync is better. | 00:59 |
bazhang | luciano, off topic here thanks | 00:59 |
Flannel | hwilde: You'll be more productive if you just ask the actual question to the channel in general | 00:59 |
vbman11 | Flannel: Thanks | 00:59 |
hisingh1 | VNC not working | 01:00 |
hisingh1 | how to launch gui | 01:00 |
hisingh1 | on vnc | 01:00 |
agamotto_ | luciano: Bittorent server for what, please? | 01:00 |
mouseboyx | OH, but for internal drives... i get it, if it was on a type of drive basis, it would be better, soundray | 01:00 |
fugitivo | | 01:00 |
soundray | mouseboyx: if you open a file off the device and work on it with, say, the Gimp, then write caching makes it a lot more efficient. | 01:00 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 228363 in ubuntu "Hauppauge PVR-150 with no audio after upgrading to Hardy" [Undecided,New] | 01:00 |
hwilde | Flannel, that would take a long time to explain and only an ssh port forwarding expert would understand. | 01:00 |
Xsploit | so with wubi, if i just delete the /ubuntu folder, will that remove everything ? | 01:00 |
Xsploit | or is there another way i have to get rid of it? | 01:00 |
Flannel | hwilde: Well, you've already spent 5 minutes trying to find an excuse to not ask the question, this is the internet, you can copy/paste (or pastebin if its that long) | 01:01 |
bazhang | Xsploit, via add/remove | 01:01 |
Xsploit | i reinstalled another copy of windows over the old one and that appears to have fucked up ubuntu | 01:01 |
bazhang | !ohmy | Xsploit | 01:01 |
ubottu | Xsploit: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 01:01 |
Xsploit | is there a way i can get back into it without removing and reinstalling ubuntu ? | 01:01 |
hisingh1 | join #endgaget | 01:02 |
agamotto_ | vbman: After, the ./configure does it's thing, you do ./make, then ./make install. After that, you should just be able to ALT-F2, and type in songbird | 01:02 |
hisingh1 | join #endgagget | 01:02 |
hwilde | Flannel, I am trying to do remote port forwarding with the command ssh -N -R from client to server. On the server I can see from netstat that the connection is established and listening on the port. but I cannot login to the port. how could this be that the ssh tunnel is allowed to be created, but I cannot send traffic back over the tunnel? | 01:02 |
TheNerdGotchU | its downloading now | 01:02 |
hisingh1 | join #endgadget | 01:02 |
max__ | Anyone know a good benchmark software? I want to test 32bit Ubuntu vs. 64 bit Ubuntu, and see the numbers on what the performance benefits would be. | 01:02 |
bazhang | hisingh1, /join | 01:02 |
favro | _paradox_: hisingh1 it's /join | 01:02 |
nikin | can anyone help me to use policykit with fluxbox... for some reason it ails the get process information... so the unlock bttons stay grey... and after tripple check... i am in the polkituser group., and i am not running with sudo .... or at least how to rip out that piece of awfullness(sorry) of the admn programs? | 01:02 |
agamotto_ | Xsploit: search google for grub fix mbr... When you reinstalled windows, you wiped out the grub loader | 01:02 |
Thanatos____ | I think I enabled the "cube", what button combination enables the function? | 01:02 |
mouseboyx | write caching + sync? | 01:02 |
favro | _paradox_: sorry :) | 01:02 |
TheNerdGotchU | can i burn an iso to an Cd-R instead of an Dvd-R | 01:03 |
agamotto_ | hisingh1: All commands in IRC are prefixed with / | 01:03 |
Flannel | Xsploit: Probably yes, it depends on what windows did, you might have more luck in their forum : if you can't find anyone here familiar enough with wubi | 01:03 |
bazhang | TheNerdGotchU, sure | 01:03 |
hisingh1 | ///join #engadget | 01:03 |
vbman11 | Flannel: wait a sec, this isn't source, it is an application | 01:03 |
ratpoison | control+alt+leftclick | 01:03 |
hisingh1 | / /join #engadget for help on ssh | 01:03 |
mike_ | Thanatos____. default is going to be ALT+CTRL+LEFT/RIGHT | 01:03 |
agamotto_ | hisingh1: Nah, /join #engadget | 01:04 |
hwilde | uh oh | 01:04 |
* hwilde ducks | 01:04 | |
vbman11 | Flannel:(already compiled) | 01:04 |
TheNerdGotchU | do i need an iso burner for that or can i use ubunut's cd/dvd creator | 01:04 |
ratpoison | and ctrl+alt+left or right arrow keys to change viewports | 01:04 |
tesmar | anybody here have experience with MONIT on a server for reliability????? | 01:04 |
Flannel | vbman11: just extract it into /usr/local/[wherever its stuff goes] | 01:04 |
hwilde | bazhang, you are pretty smart, do you know ssh -N -R port forwarding? | 01:04 |
TheNerdGotchU | i mean iso burning program lol | 01:04 |
agamotto_ | Nerd: You should be ok with the built-in as long as the iso is not bigger than a cd | 01:04 |
robert__ | i got a question | 01:05 |
hwilde | TheNerdGotchU, right click on the iso and tell it go to cd burner | 01:05 |
ratpoison | Thanatos____, plus, try holding middle click above the desktop background | 01:05 |
Flannel | TheNerdGotchU: Ubuntu has ISO burning software built in, just right click the ISO and you shoud have a "burn" option | 01:05 |
robert__ | does anyone know how to install a gamepad in ubuntu? | 01:05 |
bazhang | TheNerdGotchU, cd/dvd will do fine | 01:05 |
vbman11 | Flannel: Thats all? | 01:05 |
Flannel | vbman11: more or less, yeah. | 01:05 |
hwilde | robert__, logitech gamepad ? | 01:05 |
AlienHunt | does anyone know where I can find a channel on freenode that deals in scripting for irc? | 01:05 |
robert__ | yes | 01:05 |
martianlobste1 | does anybody know which package I need to apt-get install, to get documentation for gethostname? | 01:05 |
robert__ | logitech | 01:05 |
hisingh1 | sorry | 01:05 |
robert__ | chillstream | 01:05 |
Thanatos____ | Holy crap, it works and it's frakking awesome. Thanks guys! | 01:05 |
vbman11 | Flannel: what else? | 01:05 |
hwilde | robert__, usb ? just plug it in. type "dmesg" it's recognized naitvely | 01:05 |
robert__ | in terminal? | 01:05 |
ari_stress | morning all | 01:05 |
arthur | Question. is it possible to boot Linux off a flash drive? | 01:06 |
starz | hey | 01:06 |
Flannel | vbman11: probably a good idea to remove it if you've installed it in package management | 01:06 |
robert__ | do i type that in the terminal? | 01:06 |
gronne | ust tried Wine, and I've got to say I'm quite impressed, even if shitloads still don't work | 01:06 |
sandrossv | ¬¬ | 01:06 |
blackvd | Bah! My sound crashes at least three times a day now and the only way to get sound back is to restart. Does anyone know of an easier way so I don't have to log out and loose date? | 01:06 |
bazhang | arthur, sure, but very slow | 01:06 |
hisingh1 | <martianlobste1> you dont need packages for apt-get install | 01:06 |
starz | does anyone know where i could get a copy of the 6.06.1 iso lts the server one ? | 01:06 |
sandrossv | Oops | 01:06 |
starz | they all seem to have been updated to the .2 | 01:06 |
Xsploit | agamotto_ i can still choose ubuntu and i come to a command line prompt for /. so grub fix mbr is what i need? | 01:06 |
hisingh1 | <martianlobste1> what is the error message | 01:06 |
bazhang | gronne language please | 01:06 |
Flannel | starz: Why do you want .1? | 01:06 |
starz | i.e. i need a place that keeps older isos | 01:06 |
hwilde | blackvd, sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart | 01:06 |
starz | Flannel: special install requires that for the 3ware raid card i'm using unfortunately | 01:06 |
arthur | can i copy and paste the iso image to the drive or do i need to go another route? | 01:06 |
favro | starz: it is still at | 01:07 |
robert__ | do i type dmesg in the terminal? | 01:07 |
hwilde | robert__, yes "dmesg" | 01:07 |
vbman11 | Flannel: K, Thanks! | 01:07 |
martianlobste1 | hisingh1: No manual entry for gethostname | 01:07 |
robert__ | thanks | 01:07 |
gronne | bazhang: sry.. "even if lots does not work".. better? | 01:07 |
Flannel | starz: Grab the alternate CD, those should still be .1, you can install a command line system from there, and then later switch to the -server kernel if you want | 01:07 |
tesmar | anybody on monit? | 01:07 |
ratpoison | martianlobste1, try searching synaptic for gethostname, or google it | 01:07 |
robert__ | it did a bunch if text in just a split second | 01:07 |
Xsploit | screw it ill just remove it and reinstall it | 01:07 |
robert__ | is that a really fast install or is something wrong? | 01:08 |
agamotto_ | Xsploit: No, you need to search google for grub commands. There is one to 'fix' an MBR that has been changed like your situation. I just don't remember the whole procedure currently | 01:08 |
ethana2 | I'm trying to share files over the network between two machines I admin... | 01:08 |
blackvd | hwilde:didn't work. | 01:08 |
gronne | does anyone of you know if wine has made great progress lately or if it's been really good for a long time? | 01:08 |
ethana2 | It's not letting me do it | 01:08 |
hisingh1 | <martianlobste1> r u trying to install a hostname | 01:08 |
mike_ | Thanatos____, you can also do ALT+CTRL and hold down the mouse on the desktop and you can free rotate the cube | 01:08 |
AlienHunt | does anyone know where I can find a channel on freenode that deals in scripting for irc? | 01:08 |
ethana2 | gronne: it's been decent for a while now | 01:08 |
Flannel | gronne: #winehq would have better answers | 01:08 |
starz | Flannel: thats a great idea.. but wont work | 01:08 |
Xsploit | agamotto_ thanks, ill just reinstall ubuntu instead though | 01:08 |
starz | it _has_ to be the server kernel | 01:08 |
favro | starz: | 01:08 |
hwilde | blackvd, sry that is the only way I know to restart sound | 01:08 |
gronne | ethana2: thanks Flannel: Thanks | 01:09 |
starz | the system wont install without loading that driver man | 01:09 |
superkuh | I'm on Ubuntu Hardy 8.04 64bit compiling some C code and trying to use the generic kernel headers' as per (#include <asm/io.h>), but every time I do the header mentioned is not found. Now I know it's in /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-16/include/asm-x86/ . I even recursively copied io.h and it's includes to one flat directory while substituting the flat paths in the source itself;this obviously failed. I do not know what I am doing wrong. gcc lptstuf | 01:09 |
superkuh | f.c = error: asm/io.h: No such file or directory , | 01:09 |
Flannel | starz: | 01:09 |
blackvd | hwilde:that's coll thanks all the same | 01:09 |
Dmole | how do I copy a file into smaller pieces? | 01:09 |
martianlobste1 | hisingh1: i have gone through different documentation packages in synaptic, installed the documents for gcc, g++, and linux dev | 01:09 |
starz | AH | 01:09 |
blackvd | *cool | 01:09 |
starz | lets see | 01:09 |
ratpoison | Xsploit, | 01:09 |
Flannel | starz: just remember, you can't update your kernel | 01:09 |
[Lowkey] | Can someone possibly help me play music in Internet DJ Console? | 01:09 |
martianlobste1 | ratpoison: ok I just did that, no luck. | 01:09 |
starz | Flannel: mm? | 01:09 |
starz | cant update kernel what? | 01:09 |
robert__ | was the text install for the lg gamepad supposed to last more than a split second? | 01:10 |
starz | going to do an offline install :P | 01:10 |
Flannel | starz: If you upgrade your kernel, you'll have the most recent kernel | 01:10 |
martianlobste1 | ratpoison: a google on "man gethostname" gives me what I want, but it would be nice to havve the docs on my local machine | 01:10 |
hisingh1 | <martianlobste1> r u trying to install to install dependencies type 'sudo apt-get build-dep [package name without []] | 01:10 |
ChaosTheory^ | Does anyone know how to work Bitlbee? | 01:10 |
ChaosTheory^ | This is the error I get when I try to run it: | 01:10 |
ChaosTheory^ | Warning: Unable to read configuration file `/etc/bitlbee/bitlbee.conf'. | 01:10 |
ChaosTheory^ | :localhost.localdomain NOTICE AUTH :BitlBee-IRCd initialized, please go on | 01:10 |
ChaosTheory^ | ERROR :Warning: Permission problem: Can't read/write from/to `/var/lib/bitlbee/'. | 01:10 |
FloodBot2 | ChaosTheory^: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 01:10 |
handl3r | i am having trouble recording from my microphone | 01:11 |
martianlobste1 | hisingh1: I am just trying to install some documentation. I would like to have the manpages on my hard drive, so that I can work offline. The man pages, are pretty much stand alone packages, they don't have many (any at all?) dependencies | 01:11 |
ChaosTheory^ | | 01:11 |
handl3r | i cannot see Microphone on my Recording tab in the Volume Control | 01:11 |
Flannel | !aptoncd | martianlobste1 | 01:12 |
ubottu | martianlobste1: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers | 01:12 |
ArrowLance | hello, im defraging so that i can set up a partition for ubuntu, and i 2 large files i cant move and would like to know what they are. I had installed twice already with wubi and had some problems, not having seen these files come up earlier i think they might have something to do with that and am wonderifn if they are safe to delete | 01:12 |
Flannel | martianlobste1: AptOnCD makes sneakernet pleasant | 01:12 |
ArrowLance | root.disk | 01:12 |
ArrowLance | at the locations | 01:12 |
starz | Flannel: yeah - once its up and booted that shouldnt be a problem ... its just that first round | 01:12 |
robert__ | people in windows chat actually believe windows is more secure than linux lol | 01:12 |
[Lowkey] | Could somebody help me load a playlist in Internet DJ console? When I try to load a play list nothing happens i've been trying everything! | 01:12 |
ArrowLance | \found.000\dir0000.chk\root.disk | 01:12 |
agamotto_ | ArrowLance: are they Ubuntu/ directories? | 01:12 |
ArrowLance | and \found.001\dir0000.chk\root.disk | 01:12 |
ArrowLance | they are identical in size | 01:13 |
douye | I'm trying to use a usb harddisk but it keeps being detected as a usb 1.1 device while its a usb 2.0 device, anyone know a fix ? | 01:13 |
robert__ | people in windows chat actually believe windows is more secure than linux lol | 01:13 |
ArrowLance | ~5 gb | 01:13 |
soothesayer | robert__: I think that after the openssl bug they have the right to gloat a little. | 01:13 |
robert__ | oops, i didin't see it type in the first time, sorry about the double post | 01:13 |
agamotto_ | ArrowLance: Um..... I have no clue what those could be unless they are some log file from chkdsk? | 01:13 |
robert__ | openssl? | 01:14 |
ethana2 | gahh, I don't want it to be a windows share, I want it to be NFS | 01:14 |
ethana2 | the shared folders thing is just /gone/ | 01:14 |
martianlobste1 | Flannel: that still isn't quite what I need. I write C and C++ code. If I forget the syntax or include files for a function, say printf, then I type "man printf" from the command line, and the man page for printf comes up. But it seems that the man pages for most of the linux / unix api functions are missing. I would like to be able to do "man gethostname" and get the documentation for the C function, gethostname | 01:14 |
ArrowLance | well they are very large, and i never saw them before i installed ubuntu twice using wubi | 01:14 |
ethana2 | I keep entering the password and it keeps asking me again | 01:14 |
ArrowLance | and now they are stoping me from defraging well | 01:14 |
ethana2 | the share isn't even protected that I know of | 01:14 |
* ethana2 installs samba and utilities | 01:15 | |
robert__ | hey my gamepad still don't work | 01:15 |
ethana2 | robert__: what kind? | 01:15 |
TheNerdGotchU | how do i go about finding and deleting uneccesary files and directories to free up space on ubuntu | 01:16 |
ArrowLance | the files and dirctories are identical | 01:16 |
robert__ | logitech chillstream | 01:16 |
ethana2 | robert__: Hmm... sorry, I don't know | 01:16 |
ethana2 | I had a dual action gamepad | 01:16 |
robert__ | its ok | 01:17 |
Fishscene | TheNerGotchU, Applications>accessories>Disk Usage Analyzer (Not sure if it needs to be installed first) | 01:17 |
handl3r | Can someone please assist me in setting up recording from my microphone? | 01:18 |
[Lowkey] | Could somebody help me load a playlist in Internet DJ console? When I try to load a play list nothing happens i've been trying everything! | 01:18 |
josspyker | TheNerdGotchU: | 01:18 |
thingy | TheNerdGotchU: fslint ---> | 01:18 |
soothesayer | robert__: | 01:18 |
robert__ | thanks | 01:18 |
handl3r | i cannot record in Audacity or Sound Recorder | 01:19 |
ArrowLance | well i deleted them | 01:19 |
Flannel | martianlobste1: libstd[stuff]-doc | 01:19 |
handl3r | and skype does not like my microphone either | 01:19 |
black9ice | hmmm which hardware should I use for this build, AMD 5000+ with a 780G/3850 or E8400 with a G31 board, the AMD I can get a full 8gig with it | 01:20 |
robert__ | you were mentioning the ssh, don't all os's have ssh? | 01:20 |
Flannel | martianlobste1: and other things like that | 01:21 |
Fishscene | Windows doesn't have SSH | 01:21 |
soothesayer | only debian based systems had the bug | 01:21 |
jhkm | how can i see session erros ? ~/.xsession-errors doesnt exist for me | 01:21 |
DragonSpirit | didn't the auto-update already have an update for that bug | 01:22 |
ubuntu | hello | 01:23 |
michel_ | htuy | 01:23 |
ubuntu | is anybody in? | 01:23 |
RyanPrior | !hi | ubuntu | 01:24 |
ubottu | ubuntu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 01:24 |
TheNerdGotchU | anyone know the command to disable and enable my wired network connection | 01:24 |
TheNerdGotchU | in otha words get off the interenet | 01:24 |
TheNerdGotchU | with one command | 01:25 |
TheNerdGotchU | ? | 01:25 |
RyanPrior | TheNerdGotchU: probably ifdown eth0 | 01:25 |
RabidWeezle | yep | 01:25 |
Gantz | how does one boot back into XP from ubuntu? | 01:25 |
RyanPrior | TheNerdGotchU: or unplug your cable | 01:25 |
RabidWeezle | sudo ifconfig eth0 down I thought | 01:25 |
josspyker | TheNerdGotchU: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 01:25 |
RyanPrior | Gantz: click on the power button in the upper right hand corner and then select Windows XP from the boot list. | 01:25 |
DragonSpirit | sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop | 01:25 |
RabidWeezle | that's what I use anyway | 01:25 |
RabidWeezle | that works too Dragnslcr | 01:25 |
RabidWeezle | DragonSpirit, | 01:25 |
RabidWeezle | hehe | 01:25 |
Gantz | i don't see that option | 01:26 |
eboyjr | How can I output the result of 2^(8*4) ( or whatever) to append to a file? | 01:26 |
RyanPrior | Gantz: Did you install using Wubi? | 01:26 |
TheNerdGotchU | if ifdown kills the connection if up would bring it back up | 01:26 |
RabidWeezle | Gantz, another way is to click your icon on the top bar for the connection and click disable networking checkmark | 01:26 |
DragonSpirit | right click | 01:27 |
Gantz | rabidweezle: to boot into windows...? | 01:27 |
knirps | hi, my open vpn clients all get the same ip.. does anybody know why ? | 01:27 |
RyanPrior | eboyjr: echo "2^(8*4)" | bc >> result.txt | 01:27 |
RabidWeezle | oh | 01:27 |
RabidWeezle | nevermind | 01:27 |
RabidWeezle | wrong guy Gantz | 01:27 |
* agamotto_ waves | 01:27 | |
DragonSpirit | Gantz, different subject | 01:27 |
Gantz | ok | 01:27 |
RabidWeezle | Gantz, to boot to windows you should see an entry for it in your boot sequence (grub) | 01:27 |
eboyjr | RyanPrior: Thank you so much | 01:27 |
eboyjr | :D | 01:27 |
RyanPrior | eboyjr: Enjoy. :-) | 01:28 |
RabidWeezle | if you installed right | 01:28 |
RabidWeezle | if you didn't install right, you have taken out windows altogether | 01:28 |
Gantz | rabid: i installed ubuntu on a sperate harddrive | 01:28 |
RabidWeezle | ahh | 01:28 |
RabidWeezle | then you wanna tell grub that the windows drive is there | 01:28 |
DragonSpirit | Gantz, which hardrive is windows on, the first or second one? | 01:28 |
RabidWeezle | if there is no menu | 01:28 |
Lindinhaaaa | oiiiiiiiii | 01:29 |
RyanPrior | !grub | Gantz | 01:29 |
ubottu | Gantz: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 01:29 |
Gantz | can i use that guide backwards then? | 01:29 |
RyanPrior | Gantz: perhaps. | 01:30 |
RabidWeezle | are you on sata or ide drives? | 01:30 |
DragonSpirit | Gantz, which drive is windows on, the first or second? | 01:30 |
RyanPrior | Gantz: If not, ask Google. | 01:30 |
Gantz | i'm not sure what you mean by first or second | 01:30 |
RabidWeezle | google helps alot with grub problems | 01:30 |
DragonSpirit | the slave or master | 01:30 |
RyanPrior | DragonSpirit: Linux has no concept of "first" or "second" drive, so why are you asking? | 01:30 |
Gantz | actually i think they're both master | 01:30 |
RabidWeezle | wtf? | 01:31 |
eboyjr | Whats a good file extension for bash scripts? | 01:31 |
eboyjr | Is it sh? | 01:31 |
RabidWeezle | jumper the windows drive as slave if you have them both master | 01:31 |
RyanPrior | eboyjr: .bash | 01:31 |
josspyker | Gantz: find out where windows live and edit grub | 01:31 |
josspyker | lives | 01:31 |
steve007 | !<usb> | 01:31 |
RabidWeezle | on the same channel that is | 01:31 |
RabidWeezle | if it's ide that is | 01:31 |
RabidWeezle | if it's sata that's different I think | 01:31 |
Gantz | ones sata ones ide | 01:31 |
RyanPrior | eboyjr: .sh is fine too as long as you make sure to put bash in the crunch bang line. | 01:31 |
RabidWeezle | ahhh | 01:31 |
RabidWeezle | I see | 01:31 |
RabidWeezle | so one will be hda, one will be sda? | 01:32 |
eboyjr | RyanPrior: Awesome... thanks | 01:32 |
eboyjr | again | 01:32 |
Freshy | is there a device manager type app in 8.04? i want to figure out what graphics card i have | 01:32 |
* RabidWeezle don't remember the sata drive names | 01:32 | |
nakedgoat | fdisk -l, then edit grub accordingly | 01:32 |
Gantz | ubuntu is on the older one while xp is on the newer | 01:32 |
RabidWeezle | there you go | 01:32 |
* RabidWeezle nods to nakedgoat | 01:32 | |
tj83 | Freshy.. lspci should give you info | 01:32 |
RyanPrior | Freshy: lspci | egrep "(radeon|geforce)" | 01:32 |
* RabidWeezle runs off since he can't think today | 01:33 | |
bazhang | RabidWeezle, take that to #ubuntu-offtopic thanks | 01:33 |
RyanPrior | Freshy: make that « lspci | egrep -i "(radeon|geforce)" » | 01:33 |
CShadowRun | Does anyone know of a way to have a screensaver as your wallpaper, WITHOUT XWINWRAP (Either that...or does anyone want to fix xwinwrap so it works with dual screens?) | 01:33 |
RyanPrior | CShadowRun: screen savers suck. | 01:34 |
CShadowRun | RyanPrior lies :p | 01:34 |
CShadowRun | wallpapers suck more. | 01:34 |
eboyjr | How do iterate $i in a loop from 1 to 20? | 01:34 |
eboyjr | in bash? | 01:34 |
RyanPrior | eboyjr: I think perhaps you should join #bash | 01:34 |
eboyjr | RyanPrior: Okay | 01:34 |
zzillezz | what should i choose, 32 bit or 64 bit ubuntu (amd64 6000 cpu) | 01:34 |
soothesayer | eboyjr: for i in `seq 1 20` | 01:35 |
jansen | hi.. cn anyone help me with shortcuts.desktop?? im having a problem.. | 01:35 |
CShadowRun | zzillezz depends how much ram you have | 01:35 |
RyanPrior | zzillezz: It depends on the amount of RAM you have, mostly. | 01:35 |
zzillezz | are there still main disadvantages on going 64 bit | 01:35 |
CShadowRun | zzillezz if you have 4 or more gb of ram, you want to use 64bit | 01:35 |
zzillezz | i have 2 gig of ram | 01:35 |
eboyjr | soothesayer: Thanks | 01:35 |
CShadowRun | zzillezz i'm using 64bit, i have no issues tbh. | 01:35 |
RyanPrior | zzillezz: If you have >3GB of RAM, I suggest 64 bit. There are some disadvantages, but if you're tech savvy you should be able to work around them no problem. | 01:35 |
tj83 | zzillezz... also consider that you might want to use non-free software... like flash and such... 32 bit would be your best bet for a first time run | 01:35 |
RyanPrior | zzillezz: With 2GB of RAM, you will probably get only a very small benefit from running 64-bit. | 01:35 |
CShadowRun | zzillezz i found 2 .deb packages that i couldn't install because i was on amd64, and i had to compile those from source. Apart from that, no issues. | 01:36 |
zzillezz | hmm that's what i was thinking too | 01:36 |
pete__ | hello, my screen flickers at random. Its not a hardware issue, but im not sure where to start troubleshooting. I'm using hte nvidia restricted driver and the issue started in hardy | 01:36 |
zzillezz | and i read about the problems with flash and so | 01:36 |
CShadowRun | zzillezz 64-bit is definatly usable, but you should use 32-bit since you have no real need for 64-bit. | 01:36 |
RyanPrior | pete__: How are you sure it is not a hardware issue? | 01:36 |
pete__ | possitive | 01:36 |
CShadowRun | zzillezz i have no problems with flash...apart from the god damned OSS thingy | 01:36 |
pete__ | ryanprior: 100% sure | 01:36 |
RyanPrior | pete__: Emphasis on the word "how" | 01:36 |
* nakedgoat runs amd64 no flash issues.. | 01:36 | |
pete__ | ryanprior: didnt happy till the day i upgraded to hardy. Doesnt happen in windows. | 01:37 |
zzillezz | thanks everyone :-) | 01:37 |
eugman | How do i use aptitude to search packages by description and not just title? | 01:37 |
pete__ | ryanprior: on fresh install of hardy it went away for a while but jsut came back today | 01:37 |
RyanPrior | pete__: does it happen on the LiveCD? | 01:37 |
pete__ | ryanprior: no | 01:37 |
pete__ | ryanprior: let me explain what i mean by flicker. the screen seems to like of "refresh" almost... only once. and the display never distorts | 01:38 |
RyanPrior | pete__: It happens only once? | 01:39 |
pete__ | ryanprior: yes. but at random | 01:39 |
pete__ | ryanprior: might happen once every 5 minutes or so | 01:39 |
RyanPrior | That is strange. I would have no clue how to troubleshoot it either. | 01:40 |
pete__ | :( | 01:40 |
pete__ | crap | 01:40 |
eugman | maybe try changine your screen rate? | 01:40 |
pete__ | eugman: its at 60hz | 01:40 |
pete__ | eugman: thats what its always been at... :( | 01:40 |
RyanPrior | Maybe it should be at 6.005hz? | 01:41 |
MaestroB | ohhhhhhhhhh | 01:41 |
eugman | It's something to try. I can't really gues what would be likely to cause such a heisenbug | 01:41 |
pete__ | ryanprior: 6 would be super low wouldnt it? | 01:41 |
pete__ | eugman:whats annoying is it went away :( | 01:41 |
pete__ | eugman: Im thinking its the nvidia restricted driver | 01:42 |
pete__ | however... dont know a lick about it | 01:42 |
RyanPrior | pete__: restricted drivers suck. | 01:42 |
foobar31 | Hi, I'm trying to ./configure a program (bluez-utils-3.31) and it tells me "configure: error: dbus > 0.35 is required". However, I have dbus-1 on my system in /usr/lib/dbus-1.0. How can I tell configure where the library is? | 01:42 |
RyanPrior | foobar31: Perhaps you should update the update script? | 01:43 |
foobar31 | update the update script? | 01:43 |
pete__ | ryanprior: haven't had an issue before. Its not ati... but... the opensource one does even less... | 01:43 |
chad | since updating to hardy ubuntu insists on auto-dimming by screen based on the brightness sensor ... i've tried to find everywhere i can to disable this but cannot .. anyone know where i might find this? | 01:43 |
foobar31 | ryanprior: Sorry, I don't understand what you mean | 01:44 |
soothesayer | foobar31: do you have libdbus-1-dev installed? | 01:44 |
asymptote | back in the day when I was using Beryl instead of compiz, I could do something like Expose in mac and preview all my windows. What's that called in compiz now? | 01:45 |
Doji | asymptote: scale plugin | 01:45 |
asymptote | Doji ty | 01:45 |
foobar31 | soothesayer: ah, silly me. i just grabbed it and now it works. thank you! | 01:45 |
soothesayer | foobar31: np | 01:46 |
TheNerdGotchU | is there a startup folder in linux like in windows | 01:46 |
IndyGunFreak | !startup | TheNerdGotchU | 01:47 |
ubottu | TheNerdGotchU: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot | 01:47 |
D3RGPS31 | Security Question - how do i remove/disable perm. ubuntu firewall? (Warcraft III, hosting works on windows partition) | 01:48 |
yaman | hi every one need some help here i have a dell laptop with a conexant modem and i can't get it work even when tring the alsa ways and linuxant any help to make it work ... ? can i do the same way i used to make the wifi work using the ndiswrapper ( taking the driver files from the windows ) | 01:48 |
komputes | yaman, what model? | 01:48 |
yaman | komputes : you mean the laptop or the modem ? | 01:48 |
komputes | laptop | 01:48 |
Flannel | D3RGPS31: The firewall has no rules by default, and as such, shouldn't be the problem (unless you've tweaked it) | 01:48 |
yaman | the laptop is dell 6400 the linux is dopper 6 | 01:49 |
yaman | and the modem is conexant hd | 01:49 |
D3RGPS31 | Flannel: i haven't tweaked it, but it is in the way | 01:49 |
Flannel | yaman: try a newer version, drivers for stuff like that has come a long way since dapper | 01:49 |
yaman | Flannel: where can i find some thing like this ? | 01:49 |
chad | this makes no sense, i cannot find a place to disable the auto-dim based on ambient light | 01:50 |
chad | something is messed up | 01:50 |
=== sexy-ass-guy is now known as hot-lipz-guy | ||
Flannel | yaman: something like what? If you have any internet, you can upgrade to Hardy on the internet, otherwise you can upgrade in a variety of ways | 01:50 |
phixxor | hey, how do you check the size of a folder in bash? | 01:50 |
CShadowRun | Hey, i followed this tutorial: when i run the screensaver, it appears to run but my screen flickers frantically | 01:50 |
komputes | phixxor, du or df | 01:50 |
water_foul | beuks33 | 01:50 |
water_foul | oops | 01:51 |
CShadowRun | and when i rotate the cube it doesn't stay on the cube, it just stays on the screen :( | 01:51 |
yaman | Flannel: i don't know how to make the update i have vista and xp and ubuntu on my laptop i am scared from having any error and i am a new linux user so i don't know how to upgrade ? is it only like apt-something ? or i should download a cd and start the installer from the begining ? | 01:52 |
__ | yo | 01:52 |
komputes | phixxor, du -h /home #for example | 01:52 |
phixxor | komputes: cool, thanks! | 01:53 |
phixxor | komputes: cool, thanks. df only tells you the usage of the whole filesystem? | 01:53 |
nakedgoat | ls -l | 01:53 |
Flannel | yaman: You're new to linux? did you just put dapper on? | 01:53 |
__ | what a forced join on this channel... any booze here? | 01:53 |
Flannel | !offtopic | __ | 01:53 |
ubottu | __: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 01:53 |
bazhang | __ please dont | 01:53 |
adc | does someone know which package the wand library includes? | 01:54 |
yaman | Flannel: yeah yesterday and i did an update but i have the dapper on dvd when i have only the 8 on cd (small) no programs and my internet is not so fast so i need the dapper programs i can't ignore it | 01:54 |
koyo001 | tons of problems with ubuntu 8.04 | 01:54 |
yaman | Flannel: what is your advice for me ? | 01:54 |
komputes | phixxor, yeah, just remember the -h in either case, make it human readable, inlike you like stuff in bytes | 01:54 |
adc | !dpkg wand | 01:54 |
ubottu | Factoid dpkg wand not found | 01:54 |
koyo001 | vlc crashes all the time | 01:55 |
morgan555 | How can I make my secondary HD auto mount? | 01:55 |
Flannel | yaman: you could download the 8.04 DVD, then upgrade from that. The CD will install 8.04, and it has a full desktop on it. | 01:55 |
koyo001 | amsn also | 01:55 |
komputes | koyo001, really? I don't have this issue | 01:55 |
adc | koyo001: amsn works fine here with hardy | 01:55 |
phixxor | komputes: lol yeah I like it in GB and MB. the thing is I know the folder I'm trying to read is upwards of 90 GB, so du -h is taking a really long time | 01:55 |
komputes | koyo001, i do admit amsn is weak, pidgin is better | 01:55 |
koyo001 | adc all my stuff works badly | 01:55 |
bazhang | koyo001, create a new user and see if the problems persist | 01:56 |
yaman | Flannel: thanx ..i ll do it now | 01:56 |
komputes | phixxor, theres probably a better way | 01:56 |
koyo001 | bazgang what new user | 01:56 |
ythe1300 | hi | 01:57 |
RequinB5 | hi ythe1300 | 01:57 |
ythe1300 | hey can ubuntu read NTSF? | 01:57 |
Flannel | ythe1300: yep | 01:57 |
stoneDJay | Hi... How could I know which character enconding is in use by my OS? | 01:57 |
komputes | koyo001, he's saying go to System>Admin > Users and groups , make a new user called koyo002 and log in as him, then see if it works better | 01:58 |
adc | does someone know where wand-config can be found? which package contains it | 01:58 |
litlebuda | stoneDJay, open terminal and write | 01:58 |
litlebuda | locale | 01:58 |
koyo001 | komputes what do users have to do with aplications | 01:59 |
stoneDJay | litlebuda: simple like this... thanks... | 01:59 |
max__ | Anyone know a good benchmark software? I want to test 32bit Ubuntu vs. 64 bit Ubuntu, and see the numbers on what the performance benefits would be. | 01:59 |
bazhang | koyo001, if you need help then try that | 01:59 |
litlebuda | stoneDJay, no problem :) | 01:59 |
komputes | koyo001, sometimes applications or permissions get mixed up, creating a new user solves the problem, if not you can always delete the user and come back here | 01:59 |
l0st | Hey, does anyone know a good php ide that has syntax highlighting and maybe a ftp client for 'on-the-fly' updating.. ? | 01:59 |
koyo001 | bazhang try what?? | 01:59 |
esr_ | Aytytempted upgrade from 7.10 tyo 8.04 is failing with this message: "Failed to fetch Unable to find expected entry main'./binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)" Anybody got a fix or workaround? | 02:00 |
dangerpl | Is it even remotely possible to run a web server on a Pentium 2(300Mhz) with 32MB of RAM? Considering that this will be a simple home page with little or no scipting | 02:00 |
komputes | koyo001, read up | 02:00 |
dangerpl | It's an old computer I want to put to some use | 02:00 |
Flannel | dangerpl: Oh definately. | 02:00 |
ythe1300 | dangerpl puppy? | 02:00 |
l0st | sure.. run centos | 02:00 |
izprince | dangerp1: You'd probably want Fluxbuntu or something | 02:00 |
koyo001 | komputes gimme a break | 02:00 |
bazhang | koyo001, please stop | 02:01 |
izprince | or to get more RAM | 02:01 |
dangerpl | No GUI will be necessary | 02:01 |
komputes | stoneDJay, depends on the application, if you need to change your language all together you can do so at login through the options menu when you enter your user name | 02:01 |
ythe1300 | dangerpl even better :) | 02:01 |
izprince | Fluxbox doesn't demand much in system resources | 02:01 |
koyo001 | if someone has problems with vlc | 02:01 |
dangerpl | thanks | 02:01 |
Flannel | izprince: But no GUI requires even less | 02:01 |
ehird | halp | 02:01 |
izprince | yeah, but it makes things more painful | 02:01 |
=== keith_ is now known as underwatercow | ||
ythe1300 | koyo001 sometimes VLC has issues | 02:02 |
komputes | only with corrupt video in my experience | 02:02 |
stoneDJay | komputes: tks... | 02:02 |
komputes | np | 02:02 |
ythe1300 | komputes I have lost codecs before | 02:03 |
ythe1300 | komputes no idea how or why | 02:03 |
Arrick | what is the recommended virtual machine system when using ubuntu as the host? | 02:03 |
TheOV | My ADSL connection used to work in Ubuntu no problem, but now it's not working at all. My network adapter connects directly to the ADSL modem (no router), eth0. Even the live CD doesn't connect, so it's not a problem with my configuration. I have openSuSE and Windows XP installed as well as Ubuntu, and they both connect no problem. Sometimes in Ubuntu it spontaneously connects, but normally it doesn't. I try dhclient, but it always ends without connec | 02:03 |
ythe1300 | arrick virtual box | 02:04 |
l0st | hey node. how do you update to ubuntu studio | 02:04 |
yananathan | hello im a new user of ubuntu how can i stall online game here | 02:04 |
l0st | 8.04 | 02:04 |
yananathan | install | 02:04 |
TheOV | l0st: sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-desktop | 02:04 |
Arrick | ythe1300 is it in the repo's or not? | 02:04 |
ythe1300 | yananathan what type of game? | 02:04 |
wols | yananathan: depeonds on the game | 02:04 |
ythe1300 | yananathan I belive so | 02:04 |
TheOV | Arrick: virtualbox is in the repos | 02:04 |
l0st | TheOV: do ylu know a good php ide? | 02:04 |
yananathan | mu online | 02:04 |
Arrick | ok | 02:04 |
Arrick | !virtualbox | 02:04 |
ubottu | virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at | 02:04 |
wols | l0st: eclipse+PDT | 02:05 |
TheOV | l0st: php ide? | 02:05 |
ythe1300 | yananathan sorry meant arrick | 02:05 |
l0st | yeah.. like php designer | 02:05 |
l0st | but i dont want wine | 02:05 |
TheOV | l0st: maybe Quanta? | 02:05 |
ythe1300 | Blah, | 02:06 |
yananathan | ok tnx anyway | 02:06 |
wols | TheOV: that's a html editor | 02:06 |
ythe1300 | anyone got any idea's on a NTSF drive that won't mount? | 02:06 |
dangerpl | gPHPedit | 02:06 |
jerbear | after upgrading my server to hardy, i can no longer send mail via postfix. can anyone possibly help me? | 02:06 |
TheOV | wols: it works with php too (to an extent) | 02:06 |
l0st | @TheOV. But it doesnt have a ftp client.. I'm so used to php designer. | 02:06 |
ythe1300 | it has win xp 64 on it | 02:06 |
ythe1300 | ask for a password | 02:06 |
wols | yananathan: try to mount it and tell us what it says | 02:06 |
TheOV | l0st: dunno then | 02:07 |
l0st | @wols. whats eclipse+PDT ?? | 02:07 |
CountDown | I'm stilling getting the screen dimming problem on my MacBook Pro (Santa Rosa) even thought I followed these instructions: | 02:07 |
yananathan | ok tnx | 02:07 |
izprince | Thats a really attractive theme for Linux, where old computers go to live out their last days | 02:07 |
CountDown | Any ideas what to do? | 02:07 |
wols | l0st: google for eclipse and you will see | 02:07 |
izprince | a retirement home, where people come to see them once in a while | 02:07 |
l0st | thanks | 02:07 |
morgan555 | hey if I am in th terminal an it say ^X to exit how do I do that lol? | 02:07 |
wols | morgan555: ctrl+X | 02:07 |
TheOV | ctrl+X | 02:07 |
Fath[0]1 | can anyone help me I am getting this error "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument" | 02:07 |
bugmanx2000 | i want to install an older version of libcurl3_gnutls. specifically 7.17 instead of the latest 7.18. is there a way to do this? | 02:08 |
morgan555 | Thanks | 02:08 |
wols | Fath[0]1: use one pipe after the other to see which one creates the error | 02:08 |
TheOV | can anyone help me with my internet connection problem? | 02:08 |
Fath[0]1 | how do I do that | 02:08 |
ythe1300 | faith[0]1 when are you gettign this? | 02:08 |
Fath[0]1 | audio test | 02:08 |
wols | bugmanx2000: not really, why would you: newer programs will depend on 7,19 | 02:08 |
wols | erm, 7.18 | 02:08 |
Fath[0]1 | because my audio will just stop working | 02:09 |
komputes | ythe1300, as far as i know all the usual codecs are integrated, i don't play arround with the system files and it's been working fine for me | 02:09 |
Selanit | Hiya. Question: I have two windows partitions. They mount automatically, which is fine. The problem is that there are always icons on my desktop when they're mounted which I don't want. How do I get rid of those? | 02:09 |
wols | komputes: all vlc "codecs" are compiled in. they can't be missing | 02:09 |
ythe1300 | komputes yeah I get stupid problems | 02:09 |
ythe1300 | wols tell that to my VLC | 02:09 |
komputes | ythe1300, did you try purging and reinstalling? | 02:10 |
ythe1300 | anyways it works now | 02:10 |
komputes | k | 02:10 |
ythe1300 | komputes yeah that's what I did | 02:10 |
bugmanx2000 | wols: my curlftpfs seems to be buggy with 7.18 | 02:10 |
ythe1300 | Don't get me wrong I love VLC | 02:10 |
komputes | me too, awesome app | 02:10 |
komputes | these french students had an awesome vision | 02:10 |
wols | bugmanx2000: get the .deb from somewhere and install it with dpkg -i | 02:10 |
ythe1300 | yeah :) | 02:11 |
thiebaude | 8.04 is awesome | 02:11 |
komputes | meh 804.1 will be awesome, or maybe the ibex | 02:11 |
thiebaude | komputes:true | 02:11 |
jerbear | after upgrading my server to hardy, i can no longer send mail via postfix. can anyone possibly help me? | 02:11 |
esr_ | Now I hjavve a different bug: Upgrade manager hangs (grayed-out, unresponsive window) while "Setting new software channels" | 02:12 |
komputes | i still use gutsy if i need reliability | 02:12 |
thiebaude | komputers:gutsy is really good | 02:12 |
komputes | thiebaude, i think the hardy people got a little ambitious | 02:13 |
Steve-cal | I noticed that much of the documentation/readme files in places like /usr/share/doc on my computer are gzipped. Just curious, but is there some way to read them w/o unzipping them all? | 02:13 |
TheOV | brb | 02:13 |
thiebaude | komputers:yes they did | 02:13 |
corinth | What is the command to open the gnome configuration thing? | 02:13 |
ythe1300 | :/ I think ubuntu ate my XP | 02:13 |
TheOV | corinth: gconf? | 02:13 |
soothesayer | Steve-cal: zless | 02:13 |
Selanit | nm, found the answer on my own | 02:13 |
morgan555 | Oh guys need somehelp, I just followed some instructions from the forums on how to automount my Second HD and not only did it not auto mount its not in my places or /media | 02:13 |
Flannel | Steve-cal: Most things can read them without manual unzipping | 02:14 |
TheNerdGotchU | Now Burning Xubuntu | 02:14 |
thiebaude | bbl | 02:15 |
TeslaTony | !backup | 02:15 |
ubottu | There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: , , , - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 02:15 |
corinth | Thanks! | 02:15 |
Steve-cal | soothesayer: Great, I noticed there is also a zmore too. :) Thanks, I figured there must be something. :) | 02:15 |
lars_bauer | is this printer supported by ubuntu 7.10 -> Hp Photosmart 2575 | 02:15 |
ythe1300 | anyone know what an error 21 is in grub? | 02:16 |
morgan555 | update I find it under the same folder as /media its the new name I used of MyFiles, how can I get that to Places? | 02:16 |
komputes | ythe1300, i think it can't find the partition, you need to press esc at the grub point and edit one of the lines to point to the right drive | 02:16 |
ythe1300 | komputes thanks\ I'll give it a try | 02:17 |
corinth | Where do I find the settings for gtk-window-decorator in gconf-editor? | 02:17 |
Fath[0]1 | audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument I get this error trying to test my sound what should I do? | 02:19 |
Mago_seiyu | hola ! | 02:20 |
Mago_seiyu | como va ??? | 02:20 |
Mago_seiyu | soy nuevo con mi Ubuntu ! | 02:20 |
jtisme | !spanish | 02:20 |
ubottu | Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 02:20 |
Mago_seiyu | ok | 02:20 |
g0tcha | hey guys, why am i getting connection refused when i "ssh localhost" when ssh is running? | 02:20 |
g0tcha | anyone knows? | 02:20 |
Mago_seiyu | y como me voy a esos canales ? | 02:21 |
ythe1300 | komputes: I am know very confused by Grub | 02:22 |
pitchforked | no clue myself, trying to set up the wubi thingy myself, it gives me errors throughout every step of the installation, checked out the faqs, really nothing helping | 02:22 |
phixxor | i'm looking for directions on how to connect to wireless through the terminal, anyone care to help me out? | 02:22 |
vensign | g0tcha are you sure that the ssh is running? | 02:22 |
jtisme | g0tcha, sshd has to be running | 02:23 |
g0tcha | vensign, yes it is | 02:23 |
ythe1300 | komputes : it just keeps saying that it can't mount the partition | 02:23 |
g0tcha | i did /etc/init.d/ssh restart few times | 02:23 |
vensign | g0tcha and what is the error? | 02:23 |
corinth | Anyone know how to change titlebar double clicking to shade in gtk-window-decorator? | 02:23 |
ythe1300 | komputes: and once I'm in the command line I have no idea what to do. | 02:23 |
g0tcha | vensign, just tells me connection refuesed | 02:24 |
g0tcha | ssh: Connct to host localhost port 22: connetion refused | 02:24 |
komputes | ythe1300, join the crowd, grub is confusing, just remember first disk starts at 0 in grub, not 1 | 02:25 |
Fath[0]1 | !ssh | 02:25 |
ubottu | SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at | 02:25 |
vensign | g0tcha you have firestarter running? | 02:25 |
vensign | or any other firewall? | 02:25 |
g0tcha | vensign, at first no, but then i installed firestarter | 02:26 |
g0tcha | it was giving me the same error msg before installing firestarter as welll | 02:26 |
ythe1300 | okay, now ubuntu won't boot and I'm getting (initramfs) | 02:26 |
morgan555 | Can anyone tell me hpw to undo the steps of this page to return? | 02:27 |
nakedgoat | ythe1300: are you using raid 0? | 02:27 |
ythe1300 | no | 02:27 |
ythe1300 | no raid | 02:27 |
ythe1300 | just 2 disk | 02:28 |
SubOne | Anyone know where I can get info on fixing a monitor that turns off after a second (thinking faulty backlight?) I find lots of articles online about the issue, but no technical solutions | 02:28 |
ythe1300 | one has XP 64 bit and the other ubuntu 32bit (mint 5.0) | 02:28 |
nakedgoat | got that same error with wubi on my raid 0 box | 02:28 |
ythe1300 | yeah I just need to get the info off my XP drive | 02:28 |
ythe1300 | then I don't care what I have to do to the rest to get it working... | 02:29 |
ythe1300 | think ping could clone it? | 02:29 |
Frost | Does any one know why i dont have sound on SiS S17012 sound card | 02:29 |
TheNerdGotchU | Xubuntu doesnt work for my old windows pc | 02:29 |
vensign | g0tcha try nmap -sT -O localhost to see what open ports you have | 02:29 |
TheNerdGotchU | says i need 256mb to run installer | 02:30 |
Frost | Does any one know why i dont have sound on SiS S17012 sound card, any idea ? | 02:30 |
SubOne | Is there a channel on freenode for general computer technical discussion? | 02:30 |
ythe1300 | Frost no | 02:30 |
wols | vensign: man netstat | 02:30 |
TheNerdGotchU | is there any way to free up 256mb | 02:30 |
Frost | too bad | 02:30 |
Dr_willis | SubOne, #linux is very general. | 02:30 |
Agent_bob | SubOne ##linux and ##linuxhelp | 02:30 |
TheNerdGotchU | lol nm i only have 128mb on it | 02:30 |
wols | TheNerdGotchU: it probably means RAM, you can't "free RAM" | 02:30 |
SubOne | Dr_willis: looking more for hardware | 02:30 |
phixxor | there's #hardware | 02:30 |
g0tcha | vensign, nmap is not installed .. one sec | 02:30 |
Agent_bob | SubOne ##linux and ##linuxhelp | 02:31 |
wols | szbalint: #hardware | 02:31 |
vensign | ok g0tcha | 02:31 |
SubOne | phixxor: ty | 02:31 |
phixxor | sure :) | 02:31 |
ythe1300 | Frost have you set up any of the sound devices in the prefrence menu? | 02:31 |
TeslaTony | TheNerdGotchU: Use the alternate installer. It won't give you the w00tness of a liveCD, but you'll be able to get it installed | 02:31 |
vensign | wols i know but nmap is more precise | 02:31 |
ythe1300 | Frost you might start there | 02:31 |
wols | vensign: BS | 02:31 |
m1r | hello | 02:32 |
Agent_bob | where should one go to ask about networking security ? | 02:32 |
phixxor | hey does anyone know if gparted works on mac | 02:32 |
phixxor | or the gparted live cd | 02:32 |
=== eugman_ is now known as eugman | ||
g0tcha | vensign, the ssh port is not listed there | 02:32 |
TheNerdGotchU | i have mandrake mandriva on that pc also but it has no desktop its just terminal | 02:32 |
Frost | ythe1300,: i guess i have to enable something | 02:32 |
TheNerdGotchU | is that what the alternate would be like | 02:32 |
craigbass1976 | is there a way to look into your Thunderbird inbox via command line (no X apps, just through ssh) | 02:32 |
TheNerdGotchU | ? | 02:32 |
ythe1300 | Frost maybe ;) | 02:32 |
Frost | but cant find out where is the problem | 02:32 |
wols | craigbass1976 less <file>. thunderbird uses an mbox file for every folder | 02:33 |
Arrick | hey, its been a long time, how do I access a windows network share from within ubuntu? I know it can be accessed with \\ipaddress\sharename on windows, but how do I access it from ubuntu? | 02:33 |
Arrick | \(NTFS share) | 02:33 |
ythe1300 | Frost: SIS is not the most supported thing in the world | 02:33 |
wols | TheNerdGotchU: the alternative installer CD. just look for it on | 02:33 |
m1r | DCOP communication error Kdialog , on several diferent applications like amarok , k3b. is there a way to fix this error ? | 02:33 |
wols | ythe1300: it's been supported since forever. AC97 | 02:33 |
Frost | but last time some one here told how to do it | 02:33 |
Frost | but anyway thnx | 02:33 |
litlebuda | TheNerdGotchU, nop the alternate will install a normal gui | 02:33 |
craigbass1976 | wols, All I see (after getting down into the file tree) is a 128MB Inbox file | 02:34 |
Agent_bob | craigbass1976 depends on the format of the mail if it's "maildir" then Mail ./<address_here> | 02:34 |
TheNerdGotchU | before i download the alternate what would be the difference? | 02:34 |
wols | craigbass1976: I just told you. less <file> | 02:34 |
vensign | g0tcha them try reinstall openssh with sudo apt-get install openssh-server | 02:34 |
wols | TheNerdGotchU: different installer, no live cd | 02:34 |
nakedgoat | | 02:34 |
craigbass1976 | wols, it's a binary | 02:34 |
litlebuda | TheNerdGotchU, the install process is in text mode and has more options | 02:34 |
craigbass1976 | @@@@@@@ | 02:35 |
alexman | can you make ubutnu read a disk spinning backwards? | 02:35 |
Agent_bob | alexman sure, but it will seem lysdexic | 02:35 |
alexman | how? | 02:36 |
Agent_bob | read the raw device | 02:36 |
alexman | and you do that by ? | 02:36 |
Agent_bob | 'dd' or 'cat' or even 'less' | 02:37 |
TheNerdGotchU | does the server edition have an interface | 02:37 |
TheNerdGotchU | ? | 02:37 |
TheNerdGotchU | i know what its used for | 02:37 |
Flannel | TheNerdGotchU: yep, a CLI one | 02:37 |
Agent_bob | !cli | TheNerdGotchU | 02:37 |
ubottu | TheNerdGotchU: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 02:37 |
litlebuda | TheNerdGotchU, nop but you can install it after | 02:37 |
wols | craigbass1976: there is a file named "Inbox" and it is mbox format, not binary | 02:37 |
wols | craigbass1976: jsut checked on my tbird install | 02:38 |
vensign | g0tcha any luck? | 02:38 |
wols | TheNerdGotchU: you can install "an interface" (I guuess you mean a GUI, X11) on either | 02:38 |
TheNerdGotchU | im starting to think that installed the mandrak mandriva on that otha pc because its a command line interface | 02:38 |
Agent_bob | wols ah then it is using maildir format now, good. | 02:38 |
wols | Agent_bob: no it is NOT using maildir | 02:39 |
Arrick | any ideas on accessing a windows fileshare from within ubuntu? | 02:39 |
Agent_bob | wols no ? | 02:39 |
Agent_bob | oholiks: bad. | 02:39 |
wols | Arrick: just mount it with smbfs | 02:39 |
ythe1300 | Arrick : trying to figure that out myself | 02:39 |
Arrick | wols how? | 02:39 |
wols | Agent_bob: did you listen? tbird uses and has ALWAYS used mbox | 02:39 |
litlebuda | TheNerdGotchU, use xubuntu alternate install you shoul get a decent desktop with only 128 of rma | 02:40 |
wols | Arrick: with that great command called "mount" | 02:40 |
wols | mount -t smbfs | 02:40 |
litlebuda | *ram | 02:40 |
gltar | people any idea about the intel x3100 and cedega or wine??? | 02:40 |
Ruewan | hi | 02:40 |
Arrick | and what is the syntax to access a 'remote' share wols ? | 02:40 |
wols | Arrick: man mount | 02:40 |
ythe1300 | wols: mount won't work | 02:40 |
Ruewan | my dmes says "EXT2-fs: group descriptors corrupted!" when i try to mount my usb drive | 02:41 |
Arrick | go figure just like all the rest of the help in linux | 02:41 |
Ruewan | how do i fix it | 02:41 |
wols | | 02:41 |
ythe1300 | wols not for me anyway | 02:41 |
TheNerdGotchU | aight litlebuda im fina go hunting for it now | 02:41 |
poseidon | Arrick, | 02:41 |
Ruewan | i tried running check in gparted | 02:41 |
wols | Ruewan: fsck the drive perhaps | 02:41 |
wols | ythe1300: BS. it DOES work | 02:41 |
g0tcha | vensign, still the same problem | 02:41 |
Ruewan | fsck.ext3: Unable to resolve 'UUID=bc680ee0-3a33-4f67-833f-967bcc5fa41a' | 02:41 |
ythe1300 | wols: tell that to my computer | 02:41 |
Ruewan | that what fsck says | 02:41 |
wols | Ruewan: find out what /dev/sdX# devicenode it has | 02:42 |
ythe1300 | wols I know it's supposed to work it just doesn't | 02:42 |
gltar | people any idea about the intel x3100 and cedega or wine??? | 02:42 |
Ruewan | /dev/sdb1 | 02:42 |
wols | ythe1300: I tell it to YOU. PEBKAC | 02:42 |
ythe1300 | wols I love you to | 02:42 |
wols | gltar: ask a real question | 02:42 |
flotishtu | how to auto configure dpkg-reconfigure ipmasq .(no need to press enter or yes/no again and again) just one command. ? | 02:42 |
wols | ythe1300: hint: telling "doesn't work" to people won't solve your problem. unless you find a moron who does your work for you. good luck | 02:42 |
wols | flotishtu: sudo is needed too for this command | 02:43 |
ythe1300 | wols I cannot mount it because it is unmountable | 02:43 |
flotishtu | wols yes. i know. what next? | 02:43 |
ythe1300 | wols a least that's what ubuntu says | 02:43 |
Agent_bob | ythe1300 the fs is probably marked as unclean by windows. | 02:43 |
gltar | wols: does anyone here knows how to make work the intel x3100 with wine??????? | 02:43 |
flotishtu | wols sudo is not needed if iam root already | 02:43 |
Daisuke_Ido | flotishtu: "configure" implies "configuring settings" so... no, there's no autoconfigure | 02:43 |
Agent_bob | ythe1300 what device are you trying to mount ? | 02:44 |
wols | ythe1300: read it | 02:44 |
liuxin | first try | 02:44 |
ythe1300 | my Sata HDD with XP 64bit | 02:44 |
TheNerdGotchU | Alternate Cd "installs on systems with less than about 128MB of RAM (although note that low-memory systems may not be able to run a full desktop environment reasonably)" what exactly does this mean? | 02:44 |
gltar | if u are root dont need to type sudo | 02:44 |
=== Prefix is now known as NarutoFanGirl144 | ||
DarrenCT | can somebody help with ProjectM (music visualizations) in Hardy Heron ?? ... if you can, pm me ... please! | 02:44 |
gltar | if u dont want to be typing sudo in the terminal just do sudo su and be root | 02:44 |
flotishtu | Daisuke_Ido hm.. sure? i have to type command on every boot. only then it works | 02:44 |
ythe1300 | Wols I wasn't asking for help | 02:44 |
Daisuke_Ido | DarrenCT: help here is given in the terminal | 02:44 |
tritium | gltar: no, use sudo -i instead | 02:44 |
Agent_bob | ythe1300 that didn't answer my question though. | 02:44 |
TheNerdGotchU | im no to concerned about gnome or all the cool stuff | 02:44 |
ythe1300 | wols I will figure it out myself | 02:45 |
wols | TheNerdGotchU: it means you might be able to install it but when run it will swap so much it will suck awfully | 02:45 |
DarrenCT | Daisuke ... you know about projectM at all? | 02:45 |
* Daisuke_Ido smacks himself | 02:45 | |
=== NarutoFanGirl144 is now known as Prefix | ||
Flannel | !coc | wols | 02:45 |
ubottu | wols: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at | 02:45 |
=== Prefix is now known as Prefix_ | ||
ythe1300 | Agent_bob one sec and I will get the drive direct | 02:45 |
Agent_bob | ythe1300 what device (as in /dev/something_here) are you trying to mount ? | 02:45 |
Daisuke_Ido | DarrenCT: that should have read "help here is given in the channel" | 02:45 |
wols | Agent_bob: none | 02:45 |
DarrenCT | ya... i understand that... | 02:45 |
DarrenCT | thanx | 02:45 |
Daisuke_Ido | DarrenCT: but no, i'm not familiar with projectM | 02:45 |
Daisuke_Ido | sorry | 02:45 |
DarrenCT | ok.. thanks anyway... anyone else? | 02:46 |
TheNerdGotchU | so in otha words if i want to the best ima need more ram | 02:46 |
TheNerdGotchU | ? | 02:46 |
=== DBLobster is now known as U09526 | ||
Pici | DarrenCT: Is this Ubuntu related? | 02:46 |
gltar | does anyone here knows how to make work the intel x3100 with wine??????? | 02:46 |
ythe1300 | Agent_bob dev/sda1 | 02:46 |
tritium | TheNerdGotchU: English, please | 02:46 |
wols | gltar: simply install the accelerated drivers for it for X. then run wine | 02:47 |
DarrenCT | yes.. Hardy Heron.... I the projectM is in the repos, I just don't know how to use it. | 02:47 |
TeslaTony | TheNerdGotchU: More ramm is better. You should be able to run Xfce OK, just don't expect fantastic performance. | 02:47 |
vensign | g0tcha try this ps -ef | grep sshd to see if ssh is running | 02:47 |
Agent_bob | ythe1300 sudo mount -o force -t auto /dev/sda1 /mnt | 02:47 |
gltar | wols if the problem would be that simple i wont be here asking for help | 02:47 |
Ruewan | i think i may have found something | 02:48 |
wols | gltar: it is that simple | 02:48 |
gltar | intel x3100 doesnt run games with wine nor cedega... | 02:48 |
TheNerdGotchU | on what sysytem | 02:48 |
Scunizi | In Gutsy, Feisty, Dapper there was a ~/.font directory .. now after upgrading there's ~.fonts that has a text file.. and ~.fontconfig that has a bunch of unrecognizable stuff.. where do I put a font that I want to incorporate into the system? | 02:48 |
gltar | wols buy this video card and try it ur self then | 02:48 |
wols | gltar: while the graphicscard sucks awfully and almost no game will work, the ones it can run (on windows) will | 02:48 |
RAdams | Scunizi: /usr/share/fonts | 02:48 |
wols | if you try to run crysis, it will horribly break of course | 02:49 |
komputes | gltar, same with my ati 9200 | 02:49 |
Ruewan | ok installing nfs-common did not make a difference | 02:49 |
Ruewan | waaaaaaaah | 02:49 |
wols | gltar: output of glxinfo? | 02:49 |
Scunizi | RAdams: thanks .. did the upgrade move my previous fonts in ~/.fonts to there? | 02:49 |
Daisuke_Ido | gltar: the x3100 is not designed for gaming, it's an integrated chipset that, while perfectly competent with compiz, is NOT going to work for something like WoW | 02:49 |
gltar | wols works all right without problems | 02:49 |
wols | gltar: what does? | 02:49 |
flotishtu | Daisuke_Ido hm.. sure? i have to type command on every boot. only then it works | 02:49 |
RAdams | Scunizi: should have... if it didn't, use locate (man locate for details) | 02:49 |
flotishtu | how to auto configure dpkg-reconfigure ipmasq .(no need to press enter or yes/no again and again) just one command. ? | 02:50 |
Agent_bob | ythe1300 success ? look in directory /mnt for the files. no? | 02:50 |
wols | gltar: I want to see the output, not your talking | 02:50 |
wols | !paste | gltar | 02:50 |
ubottu | gltar: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 02:50 |
ythe1300 | Agent_bob I just keep getting "$logfiel indacates unclean shutdown | 02:50 |
Scunizi | RAdams: yep familiar with locate. .. ok. thanks I'll look there. | 02:50 |
gltar | wols the problem is that doesnt run games... it only play games with software mode video not with hardware acceleration | 02:50 |
RAdams | Anyone using the Dell 1390 WLAN card in 8.04? | 02:50 |
Daisuke_Ido | flotishtu: if you have to enter it every time, and it isn't holding your settings, something isn't right. | 02:50 |
wols | flotishtu: how would ipmasqw know which is your public interface? | 02:50 |
komputes | wols, any idea of whats wrong with my glx on my 9200 -> glxinfo -> | 02:50 |
gltar | komputes ill paste it but it runs it well, the problem is with wine i think | 02:51 |
wols | komputes: direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose) | 02:51 |
wols | gltar: since you don't give us any errors, you will have to solve your problem alone until you do | 02:51 |
komputes | wols, where do i set that? | 02:51 |
komputes | wols, xoeg.conf? | 02:52 |
flotishtu | wols iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth4 -j MASQUERADE | 02:52 |
Daisuke_Ido | gltar: the problem is not with wine, and i hate to resort to this, the problem is you thinking you can run new games with an integrated graphics chipset that uses shared memory! | 02:52 |
wols | environment, export ENVVAR=stuff | 02:52 |
komputes | xorg.conf* | 02:52 |
wols | flotishtu: tat's not what I asked | 02:52 |
Daisuke_Ido | gltar: it ain't gonna happen. | 02:52 |
gireesh | why does Ubuntu have such a hard time with screen resolution | 02:52 |
gireesh | running hardy | 02:52 |
wols | gireesh: cause edid detection is totally utter shite | 02:52 |
gireesh | it only allows me 1280x900 | 02:52 |
flotishtu | wols and echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward | 02:52 |
wols | gireesh: I blame the debian Xorg maintainer morons | 02:52 |
flotishtu | wols i dont know | 02:53 |
sigma | should i be worried if every once in a while, gnome-system-monitor lists empty processes? they only appear momentarily, but i'm kind of worried about them... | 02:53 |
TeslaTony | gltar: What games are you trying to run? | 02:53 |
gireesh | wols, other linux distros have no problem with the same hardware | 02:53 |
jtaylor13 | group:i have a desktop at my office on ubuntu running with remote desktop.and on this do i connect to my desktop. | 02:53 |
Daisuke_Ido | gltar: take my word for this, i'm using the exact same chipset, and it will not work. it's not wine's fault, it's just not a powerful enough chipset. | 02:53 |
wols | flotishtu: you talk gibbreish, answer my question | 02:53 |
TeslaTony | !coc | wols | 02:53 |
ubottu | wols: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at | 02:53 |
flotishtu | wols i followed tutorial. ipmasq nats to all eths | 02:53 |
thiebaude | gireesh:graphics card makers need to make drivers, its not ubunut's fault | 02:53 |
wols | flotishtu: what is your problem? | 02:53 |
gireesh | thiebaude, I am using Nvidia's binary driver | 02:53 |
komputes | wols, so I did export LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose, now what? | 02:53 |
gireesh | it works quite well | 02:53 |
wols | komputes: now you run glxinfo in the same sehll | 02:53 |
thiebaude | gireesh:kewl:p | 02:54 |
RAdams | Anyone using the Dell WLAN 1390 in Hardy? | 02:54 |
wols | komputes: where the env var is set (you can check with "env") | 02:54 |
komputes | looks the same wols | 02:54 |
flotishtu | wols my config needs the providing eth. not the consuming one. and i have told it the providing. the problem is i have to configure ipmasq on every reboot | 02:54 |
gireesh | I just want to tell Ubuntu to set resolution to 1280x1024 | 02:54 |
tbourne | hey guys wondering if anybody has had this issue with 8.04. I log into a Network Server and find some files I want to drag onto the machine. When i drag the files the machine locks up and requires a restart to continue working. Anybody seen this before ? | 02:54 |
gireesh | how do I do that? | 02:54 |
alex1 | hi guys. i just compiled my own kernel. however the restricted modules do not load. how do I make the nvidia driver load? | 02:54 |
markw | ARRRRGGGGGHHHHH....... fscking ubuntu playing M$... So, I updated all my ssh keys everywhere, updated known_hosts, and thought I was good. Now they come in and regenerate my sshd host keys _AGAIN_... | 02:54 |
markw | </rant> | 02:54 |
gireesh | tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg with no joy | 02:54 |
ythe1300 | alex do you have evny? | 02:54 |
thiebaude | gireesh:screens and graphics and select your card | 02:54 |
wols | flotishtu: ipmasq sets it somewhere in /etc/ipmasq/ there is its config file | 02:54 |
wols | flotishtu: and when do you make ipmasq recomputer the firewall? and how do you connec to the internet? | 02:55 |
gltar | komputes try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg first see if u can download some drivers for ur card, i know that some ati have problems and no matter what u do u wont be able to make them work totally | 02:55 |
dalcio | hello i need config pppoe | 02:55 |
Agent_bob | gireesh you could edit the config file and make 1280x1024 the first listing on the rez line of the default colour depth | 02:55 |
wols | dalcio: pppoeconf | 02:55 |
komputes | gltar, that feature was depricated in Hardy | 02:55 |
dalcio | wifi | 02:56 |
dalcio | yes...servicename | 02:56 |
gireesh | Agent_bob, that sucks | 02:56 |
tbourne | hey guys wondering if anybody has had this issue with 8.04. I log into a Network Server and find some files I want to drag onto the machine. When i drag the files the machine locks up and requires a restart to continue working. Anybody seen this before ? | 02:56 |
dalcio | ubuntu 8. | 02:56 |
komputes | wols, done, can you take a look at this? | 02:56 |
flotishtu | wols dsl. i just pres yes yes. defualt setings asked at dpkg-reconfigure ipmasq | 02:56 |
thiebaude | gireesh:I wish i could help | 02:56 |
gireesh | thiebaude, where is screens and graphics card? | 02:56 |
Agent_bob | gireesh i only offered a way to journey from point<where you is> to point<where you wants to be> for free... :) | 02:56 |
gireesh | hardware says Nvidia binary driver is in use | 02:56 |
wols | flotishtu: you can't. it will ask when to recompute settings. that is NOT a yes/no question | 02:57 |
komputes | gireesh, system > admin | 02:57 |
gireesh | Agent_bob, I want it done the ubuntu way :) | 02:57 |
gltar | intel x3100 if someone can tell me why it doesnt run games with wine....... | 02:57 |
wols | komputes: libGL error: dlopen /usr/lib/dri/ failed (/usr/lib/dri/ undefined symbol: _glapi_Dispatch) | 02:57 |
thiebaude | gireesh:applications>other | 02:57 |
Flannel | gltar: Try #winehq, they'll be more adept at answering that | 02:57 |
pawan | hi | 02:57 |
gireesh | err I am in KDE4 | 02:57 |
komputes | wols, translated into engrish | 02:57 |
gireesh | should I got to GNOME? | 02:57 |
dalcio | wols must place servicename before setting | 02:57 |
david__-- | can anyone explain why my wireless just went out for no apparent reason? now its saying that network interface doesnt exist | 02:57 |
wols | dalcio: what setting? | 02:57 |
Gnomercy | tbouren I use 8.04 and have not had issues like that. | 02:57 |
Agent_bob | gireesh or #kubuntu | 02:57 |
dalcio | my isp connec of servicename | 02:58 |
wols | komputes: your driver file is wrong. where did you get it? | 02:58 |
komputes | WoDaN, came with Ubuntu | 02:58 |
gireesh | ack | 02:58 |
komputes | oops | 02:58 |
tbourne | hmm, im going to try something 1 second | 02:58 |
komputes | wols, , came with Ubuntu | 02:58 |
dalcio | as set | 02:58 |
jtaylor13 | group:if i want to remote connect to my desktop ubuntu is the host the ip address of the desktop?? | 02:58 |
wols | dpkg -S /usr/lib/dri/ | 02:58 |
Ruewan | i think e2fsck is fixing my problem | 02:59 |
komputes | wols, libgl1-mesa-dri: /usr/lib/dri/ | 02:59 |
wols_ | dpkg -S /usr/lib/dri/ | 02:59 |
wols_ | komputes: I guess one of your libraries (either mesa or r200-dri) is from some other place/distro/whatever | 02:59 |
wols_ | it lacks this symbol and that's what causes this | 02:59 |
AndyMan1 | Hi all. If i was to do disk encryption on Hardy, and use a keyfile (on a thumbdrive), would the thumb drive have to remain plugged in, or could I take it out soon after boot? | 03:00 |
komputes | wols, are you a video driver developr? | 03:00 |
fugitivo | | 03:00 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 228363 in ubuntu "Hauppauge PVR-150 with no audio after upgrading to Hardy" [Undecided,New] | 03:00 |
Agent_bob | wols you might check his lsb_release -i | 03:00 |
ythe1300 | Agent_bob I just got it to mount thanks for the help :) | 03:00 |
wols_ | komputes: no, but missing symbol is a common problem, can always happen with library mismatch | 03:00 |
Agent_bob | ythe1300 welcome | 03:01 |
SpiffyBalak | hi guys. I'm running XMMS on Hardy, and it won't play m4a files anymore. Does anyone know a way to get it working again without Audacious? | 03:01 |
pteague | any suggestions for setting up lvm ? | 03:01 |
wols_ | pteague: lvm howto | 03:01 |
komputes | wols_, so should i report a bug? | 03:01 |
david__-- | was browsing the internet using wireless just fine then it just cut out completely,has this happened to anyone before? | 03:01 |
Ruewan | that happened to me | 03:01 |
wols_ | komputes: no. 99,99% it's your borken install where you have installed a wrong file from a wrong vresion. e leftover or such | 03:01 |
Agent_bob | komputes lsb_release -i you are talking hardy aren't you? | 03:02 |
wols_ | david__--: it's wireless. what do you expect | 03:02 |
komputes | wols_, recomended fix? | 03:02 |
pteague | wols> thanks, guess i should /msg ubottu more often | 03:02 |
wols_ | komputes: check versions of all invoolved files and update them | 03:02 |
david__-- | wols_:not like that...I mean the interface just cant be found now (eth1) | 03:02 |
wols_ | david__--: what wlan chip? | 03:02 |
ozzloy | infuriating. i'm trying to change keyboard layout switching behavior | 03:03 |
david__-- | wols_:broadcam | 03:03 |
wols_ | david__--: ifconfig -a, is the wlan driver still loaded? | 03:03 |
wols_ | david__--: poor you. maybe restart your ndiswrapper | 03:03 |
administrator | h | 03:03 |
Agent_bob | speaking of; why would the first network device on a lappy show up as eth2 ? | 03:03 |
komputes | wols_, how can i updat them beyond the highest version in the repos? hardy proposed? | 03:03 |
ozzloy | right now when i hit alt, it switches to USA no matter what. how do i stop that? | 03:03 |
wols_ | Agent_bob: udev | 03:03 |
david__-- | wols_:how do i restart it? | 03:03 |
Nalidixic | evening all | 03:03 |
brandont | totally need help | 03:03 |
ozzloy | how do i make it only switch when i press both alt keys at the same time? | 03:03 |
wols_ | komputes: if you have hardy running already, apt-get dist-upgrade and/or reinstall the packages dealing with your videocard/X. e.g. all xserver*, all mesa, all radeon, all dri | 03:04 |
Agent_bob | wols well that gives off an unsavery aromah | 03:04 |
wols_ | Agent_bob: no it's standard in udev | 03:04 |
Agent_bob | still stinks | 03:04 |
komputes | Agent_bob, yes i'm having an isue with an ATI Radeon 9200 not doing 3d acceleration on Hardy. | 03:04 |
wols_ | Agent_bob: no it's standard in udev, see /etc/udev/rules.d/ | 03:04 |
ralph | i gparted my slave drive and it still dont show up ? | 03:05 |
wols_ | ralph: you need to mount it. fdisk -l should show the partitions fine | 03:05 |
komputes | wols, thanks i'll try but i doubt it | 03:05 |
wols_ | Agent_bob: you had differemt interfaces before but the MAC changed, so udev renamed the interfaces | 03:05 |
Agent_bob | komputes yes i was only sujesting that the driver looked like it might be from an eariler install of "libgl1-mesa-dri" | 03:06 |
eugman | i couldn't find help in #firefox. Does anyone know how to move a sidebar in firefox to the other side? | 03:06 |
Agent_bob | wols_ ? it's at boot time... | 03:06 |
wols_ | komputes: did you run feisty or such before and have upgraded to hardy? | 03:06 |
komputes | Agent_bob, how do i know what package that came from? | 03:06 |
Agent_bob | wols_ every boot. | 03:06 |
wols_ | Agent_bob: what is? the renaming? of course | 03:06 |
wols_ | i told you: udev renames it | 03:06 |
ralph | ralph@ralph-desktop:~$ fdisk -l | 03:06 |
ralph | ralph@ralph-desktop:~$ | 03:06 |
ralph | ? | 03:06 |
wols_ | grep -r /etc/udev/* | 03:06 |
joanki2 | can anyone direct me to a forum that would tell me how to zip files with tar? | 03:06 |
wols_ | Agent_bob: grep -r eth2 /etc/udev/* | 03:07 |
komputes | wols, Agent_bob, I can't remember i think it was a gutsy upgrade or a clean install | 03:07 |
Agent_bob | better idea, dpkg -P udev | 03:07 |
eugman | joanki2, are you acquianted with man files? | 03:07 |
wols_ | joanki2: you can't. tar can't do zip, only gzip and bzip2 | 03:07 |
Odd-rationale | ralph: you might need sudo | 03:07 |
wols_ | Agent_bob: I wouldn't do that but your choice | 03:07 |
joanki2 | gzip bzip2 - which one do you recommend? | 03:07 |
Agent_bob | i almost always do ! | 03:07 |
wols_ | Agent_bob: you will be very disappointed whne you e.g. try to plug in a usb flash | 03:07 |
Fath[0]1 | I am using 100% of my cpu but no single program is using it. how do I fix this? | 03:08 |
wols_ | joanki2: bzip2 has better compression, gzip is faster | 03:08 |
joanki2 | ty | 03:08 |
eugman | joanki2, type man tar into the command line and it'll bring up a help file | 03:08 |
wols_ | Fath[0]1: what does top say? probably your kernel uses it | 03:08 |
ralph | ok that made a spit out | 03:08 |
joanki2 | thanks eugman | 03:08 |
Fath[0]1 | what is top? | 03:08 |
joanki2 | wols, can i type sudo apt-get install bzip2? | 03:08 |
ralph | terminal spit out abunch of info | 03:08 |
wols_ | Fath[0]1: 3rd line of top | 03:08 |
lnar | hello, how can i close an user sesion? | 03:08 |
wols_ | joanki2: yes | 03:08 |
eugman | I like using htop | 03:09 |
joanki2 | thanks | 03:09 |
ralph | Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System | 03:09 |
ralph | /dev/sdb1 1 1744 14008648+ 83 Linux | 03:09 |
ralph | /dev/sdb2 1745 1826 658665 5 Extended | 03:09 |
ralph | /dev/sdb5 1745 1826 658633+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris | 03:09 |
FloodBot2 | ralph: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 03:09 |
RequinB5 | !paste | 03:09 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 03:09 |
lnar | hello, how can i close an user sesion? i mean not mine, another user sesion | 03:09 |
Agent_bob | joanki2 and .* bunzip2 also | 03:09 |
ralph | sorry about the flood | 03:09 |
wols_ | lnar: kill it's root process as root. man kill | 03:09 |
Fath[0]1 | 7791 root 20 0 5280 2572 992 R 79.7 0.1 6:18.29 whiptail | 03:09 |
Fath[0]1 | whatever whiptail is | 03:10 |
wols_ | Fath[0]1: looks like debconf run | 03:10 |
wols_ | it's used by debconf | 03:10 |
Fath[0]1 | I have no idea waht that means | 03:10 |
christian | I was wondering if someone could help me out with a failing external hard drive | 03:10 |
Fath[0]1 | how do I fix it | 03:10 |
mark__ | hey guys(its diver dan) | 03:10 |
wols_ | Fath[0]1: kill the process | 03:10 |
mark__ | i got an windows xp problem | 03:11 |
tj83 | has anyone had an issue with speedstepping in 8.04 with intel core 2 duo? | 03:11 |
Agent_bob | mark__ /join ##windows | 03:11 |
RequinB5 | !windows | 03:11 |
mark__ | when i put in the cd and then restart and boot from cd it just gets overwrittne by ubuntu :( | 03:11 |
ubottu | For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See and /msg ubotu equivalents | 03:11 |
wols_ | mark__: then maybe you should ask #windows, this is for ubuntu problems ONLY | 03:11 |
Fath[0]1 | where do I find it wols? | 03:11 |
mark__ | i know ubuntu is causing the problem | 03:11 |
wols_ | Fath[0]1: find what? | 03:11 |
Fath[0]1 | whiptail | 03:11 |
wols_ | in your memory as you've shown | 03:11 |
joanki2 | wols, sorry one more q can i zip directories? | 03:11 |
wols_ | Fath[0]1: man kill | 03:11 |
sarthor | Hi, i installed my creative vista webcam, its working on cheese on my hardy, i can view it, but on Gyachi, kopete or ekiga etc, i am unable to broadcast it on the internet.. Help | 03:12 |
Fath[0]1 | how do I do that? | 03:12 |
Agent_bob | mark__ ok i'm insterested | 03:12 |
wols_ | joanki2: sure. tar -cvjf file.tar.bz2 /path/to/directory | 03:12 |
mark__ | bob:when i put in the cd and then restart and boot from cd it just gets overwrittne by ubuntu :( | 03:12 |
wols_ | !cli | Fath[0]1 | 03:12 |
ubottu | Fath[0]1: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 03:12 |
joanki2 | THANKS SO MUCH | 03:12 |
wols_ | mark__: what CD? | 03:12 |
mistik1 | What routines does the new gui installer for ubuntu 8.08 run? | 03:12 |
christian | I have a 500gig hard drive, I'm only using like 40gigs of it, but its failing. I was wondering what app or command I can use to just retrieve the data | 03:13 |
mark__ | Windows XP installation | 03:13 |
lnar | i cant find the way to close someones else sesion using the terminal.... please help | 03:13 |
mark__ | *reinstallation | 03:13 |
wols_ | mark__: we don't care about your XP problems. XP not booting has nothing to do with ubuntu | 03:13 |
mistik1 | I'm installing it on my daughter's laptop and its been sitting on 'Detecting Hardware' for about half an hour now | 03:13 |
mistik1 | No drive activity or anything | 03:13 |
wols_ | lnar: I told you: kill the process | 03:13 |
AndyMan1 | anyone played with the alternate CD and disk encryption? If you use a keyfile on a usb drive, does it need to remain plugged in, or is it only needed initially for the boot? | 03:13 |
eugman | christian, is it you main hardrive? | 03:13 |
mark__ | yes because when i boot from cd it just gets over ran by ubuntu scripts | 03:13 |
lnar | how do i know the pid? | 03:14 |
wols_ | mistik1: press ctrl+alt+f2, there log in and run "ps aux" | 03:14 |
Genius314 | I tried installing Ubuntu 8.04 on another computer, and it loads up Busybox instead when I try booting into Ubuntu. Is there a way to fix this? | 03:14 |
wols_ | lnar: from ps | 03:14 |
mark__ | wols:yes because when i boot from cd it just gets over ran by ubuntu scripts | 03:14 |
wols_ | Genius314: it will tell you an error before loading busybox | 03:14 |
christian | eugman: no just my external, pics, music and movies | 03:14 |
Kohlrak | Is there any command that i can use to find out what causes a seg fault in a program? | 03:14 |
wols_ | mark__: when you run a XP CD, ubuntu NEVER comes into play ever. so explain more clearly what you mean | 03:14 |
christian | eugman:using gui copying will error out most of the time | 03:15 |
Agent_bob | mark__ are you just here to troll ? booting an xp cd will not "run any ubuntu script" | 03:15 |
navetz__ | hey can somone help me set up a static IP from my router? | 03:15 |
wols_ | mark__: if you are unable to set your PC to boot from CD instead of harddisk, it is not a ubuntu problem | 03:15 |
mark__ | wols:i click f12 and instead of the click any button to boot from cd thing it just starts ubuntu | 03:15 |
mistik1 | this is silly | 03:15 |
wols_ | navetz__: man interfaces. edit that file (interfaces) and /etc/init.d/networking restart | 03:15 |
Flannel | mark__: When it starts Ubuntu, choose the 'boot from first harddisk' option | 03:15 |
christian | eugman:I had attempted to dd image it but I screwed it up (obviously) | 03:16 |
lnar | wiith ps there are like tons of lines, wich one is the correct to kill??? | 03:16 |
usser | hey guys what is the most lightweight browser, looking for something for my eeepc | 03:16 |
mistik1 | When I move the mouse around or ctrl+alt+f2 the CDrom spins up then nothing else | 03:16 |
Flannel | usser: dillo is pretty good, assuming you still want a GUI | 03:16 |
AndyMan1 | lynx! | 03:16 |
wols_ | mark__: your problem IS NOT a ubuntu problem. it's being unable to start from CD. | 03:16 |
pitchforked | lynx, hehe, very lightweight, just no pictures, but that's no help | 03:16 |
mark__ | Flannel: thanks for not being an ahole like some others. ill just try that. | 03:16 |
pitchforked | (it's also hard to use) | 03:16 |
usser | Flannel, yes a gui lynx is unacceptable :) | 03:16 |
navetz__ | wols_: just have quick question, what is my gateway suppose to be and what is my route suppose to be? | 03:16 |
dale | how does one retain terminal history across terminal sessions. 7.04 OK but 8.04 not OK ? Googling doesn't see this as a common hardy behavior. | 03:16 |
sarthor | Hi, i installed my creative vista webcam, its working on cheese on my hardy, i can view it, but on Gyachi, kopete or ekiga etc, i am unable to broadcast it on the internet.. Help | 03:16 |
wols_ | Flannel: he wants to boot from CD. how does booting from hdd help him? | 03:17 |
Agent_bob | mark__ heh that might be because the f12 hotkey was something that the windows bootmgr accepted. you have to set your bios to boot from cdrom first | 03:17 |
Flannel | wols_: He said regardless of what he does, Ubuntu starts. He's trying to not boot from the CD, but back to windows. | 03:17 |
wols_ | Flannel: he's trying to boot from windows CD to reinstall it as he told us | 03:17 |
eugman | chistian, hmm, well you could try the command line program cp which is the generic copying tool. That or i'd try copying things over a little at a time that might be a way around it. I'm afraid i don't know anything more helpful. | 03:17 |
* pitchforked answered the question based on the wrong browser, heh, this is why i'll never be in support so much | 03:18 | |
lnar | wols which pid do i have to kill?? i do ps and there is a long list | 03:18 |
navetz__ | what is your gateway address suppose to be? | 03:18 |
pitchforked | anyway...gonna paste my whole big speel, been through the paste site so bare with me | 03:18 |
Agent_bob | mark__ and as wols so patiently pointed out, that is NOT a linux/ubuntu problem. neither is any "ubuntu script" "overwriting" anything. | 03:18 |
sarthor | Hi, i installed my creative vista webcam, its working on cheese on my hardy, i can view it, but on Gyachi, kopete or ekiga etc, i am unable to broadcast it on the internet.. Help | 03:18 |
pitchforked | hi, i'm just trying to use ubuntu 8.04 under the wubu install. going into boot it starts fine, but then I'm prompted to choose my time zone, easy enough, immediately after i get Partman crashed, exit code 10 (A retry ultimately ends up in no movement of the install). Continuing with the error, I'm prompted for user information and then get "Summary Crashed" exit code 141 (Same thing happens for a retry as before). after that i' | 03:19 |
pitchforked | I do notice that after going in to the live cd, I get prompted for the install again and that seems like it will go fine, I'm just concerned that it will overwrite my windows, which I'm just not ready to part with. so i'm just curious of whether that install will only be subject to the wubi vm or if it wants me to just install ubuntu and format the rest. | 03:19 |
favro | navetz__: the gateway is the routers ip address e.g. | 03:19 |
lnar | wols which pid do i have to kill?? i do ps and there is a long list | 03:19 |
mistik1 | 90% done and It looks like I'm going to have to start all over again, Ubuntu MUST can do better than this | 03:19 |
navetz__ | favro: oh ok, thank you, and is the route the IP address give to my by my ISP ? | 03:19 |
davidstillson | I upgraded the RAM in my laptop.. it shows the full amount in bios, but in linux, it only shows 3GB of the 4GB i installed... any ideas? | 03:20 |
mistik1 | Hardware detection on linux is a pretty simple task from goodness sakes | 03:20 |
davidstillson | thats what I thought | 03:20 |
pitchforked | wubi, ack... | 03:20 |
favro | navetz__: route? - you mean comps' ip address? | 03:20 |
navetz__ | favro: I am not sure, my network manager says route | 03:21 |
lnar | how do i disconnect an user with sudo??? | 03:21 |
bogey- | !root | lnar | 03:21 |
ubottu | lnar: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 03:21 |
Starnestommy | lnar: how are they connected? | 03:21 |
emma | gotta lay down for some sleep. Goodnight. | 03:21 |
bogey- | !noroot | lnar | 03:21 |
ubottu | lnar: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-) | 03:21 |
Agent_bob | davidstillson you wont like what i say here, but; you will never use all of the 3g it is seeing... though it may allocate it, actual use of that much is not easy to achieve | 03:22 |
=== mike__ is now known as nalidixic | ||
lnar | local, its my brothers account | 03:22 |
favro | navetz__: - is mine - make yours like that that but use your numbers | 03:22 |
Starnestommy | lnar: you could kill all processes that he owns | 03:22 |
BVBBQ | Hey all can someone help me fix my video card problems? | 03:22 |
davidstillson | agent_bob: i am running multiple VMs on this machine, so ill come sorta close.. maybe.... :) | 03:22 |
lnar | i dont know how to finish its connection hes not here and i want more ram | 03:23 |
* Agent_bob limits never to the present. but still doubts it actually comes close. | 03:23 | |
davidstillson | lol | 03:23 |
mistik1 | oh screw this man, I think I'll just go get her another distro. This is a horrible way to start her off | 03:23 |
favro | navetz__: are you using wireless? | 03:23 |
davidstillson | i just wish i could get it to see the full amount | 03:23 |
tritium | mistik1: what's the problem? | 03:24 |
g0tcha | vensign, sorry dude, kids are kinda annoying.. i ran this command and its giving me this: Gtk'WARNING **: cannot open display: | 03:24 |
bogey- | !ask | mistik | 03:24 |
ubottu | mistik: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 03:24 |
navetz__ | favro: yes | 03:24 |
favro | navetz__: I don't use wireless so don't know how to set that up sorry...:) | 03:24 |
navetz__ | favro: ah ok np | 03:25 |
Agent_bob | davidstillson check your " dmesg | less " and see what the kernel is saying about the ram. also you might run lshw | less for some info on what linux can see | 03:25 |
mistik1 | tritium: I get all the way to 90% installed and it dies on hardware detection? what is this windows? | 03:25 |
bogey- | !appreciate | mistik1 | 03:25 |
ubottu | mistik1: The people in this channel are all volunteers who donate their valuable time. Please do not 'reward' this kindness with rudeness. Saying 'Thank you' is more appropriate. | 03:25 |
Gohalien | how to automactly mount a network folder every time i turn on ubuntu ? i know it is editing /etc/fstab , i just add the line at the bottom of the file smb://computer ? | 03:25 |
mistik1 | What is hardware detection in linux? | 03:25 |
mistik1 | lspci | 03:25 |
mistik1 | look around in proc? | 03:25 |
joanki2 | wols, can i do this: tar -zcvf myzipfile.tar.gz file1.c file2.c file3 file4.h ? | 03:25 |
mistik1 | gimmie a break | 03:25 |
Starnestommy | mistik1: sudo lshw | 03:25 |
tritium | mistik1: please calm down | 03:26 |
mistik1 | I had to reboot | 03:26 |
Agent_bob | joanki2 yes. and the tar manpage will answer all those tar questions | 03:26 |
joanki2 | sorry agent_bob | 03:26 |
Fath[0]m | I am having some major problems with Ubuntu hardy. If my computer is on long enough I lose sound and my computer becomes sluggish. I checked top and it was "whiptail" using up the CPU so I killed it and then my console died, used Konsole instead of gnome term and then everything died on me and comp locked up and had to reboot.Can anyone help me? | 03:26 |
joanki2 | it's just when i type unzip it doesnt' unsip | 03:26 |
mistik1 | tritium: Sorry man, I've been using linux in many flavors for 14 years and this blows chunks | 03:26 |
joanki2 | unzip | 03:26 |
favro | mistik1: are you trying to install on an old laptop? | 03:26 |
sarthor | Hi, i installed my creative vista webcam, its working on cheese on my hardy, i can view it, but on Gyachi, kopete or ekiga etc, i am unable to broadcast it on the internet.. Help | 03:26 |
Agent_bob | joanki2 man tar | 03:26 |
mistik1 | It's a p4 2ghx | 03:26 |
mistik1 | ghz | 03:27 |
joanki2 | k | 03:27 |
tritium | mistik1: as have I. So what happened? | 03:27 |
sarthor | Creative vista webcam broadcast problem | 03:27 |
corinth | Anyone know how to change titlebar double clicking to shade in gtk-window-decorator? | 03:27 |
Dr`Keovorkian | Hello all, I've got a problem with my sound. It doesn't seem to play anything, and the tests on the configuration panel stay still. (Whereas they normally move.) | 03:27 |
Genius314 | Okay, I boot to Ubuntu 8.04 and I get an error, something like "ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/..... does not exist" and I'm sent to busybox. Any help? | 03:27 |
tbourne | Hi Guys, As per my message earlier, I have an issue when I try to drag files from an smb:// directory to my linux machine (Ubuntu 8.04). As soon as I drag the files outside the open window the machine locks up and logs out. I have found this in the logs at the same time it happened (WARNING: gdm_slave_xioerror_handler: Fatal X error - Restarting :0) Any Ideas ? | 03:27 |
mistik1 | tritium: Ubuntu just went into a very Vista like hardware detection and died | 03:27 |
mistik1 | 90% | 03:28 |
mistik1 | what a waste of time | 03:28 |
Xsploit | whats the hot key to switch between desktops? | 03:28 |
Fath[0]m | I am having some major problems with Ubuntu hardy. If my computer is on long enough I lose sound and my computer becomes sluggish. I checked top and it was "whiptail" using up the CPU so I killed it and then my console died, used Konsole instead of gnome term and then everything died on me and comp locked up and had to reboot.Can anyone help me? | 03:28 |
tritium | mistik1: go ahead and be courteous, or leave | 03:29 |
chas | chas | 03:29 |
Agent_bob | joanki2 the switches are all listed and you can combine them or keep them seperate tar -x -v -z -f filename is the same as tar -xzvf filename the only thing to watch out for is that a switch that requires an argument isn't followed by another switch tar -xzfv blah unles tar archive "v" is in the $PWD will fail. | 03:29 |
kumarphilly | Xsploit: ctrl + alt arrow right | 03:29 |
Dr`Keovorkian | Hello all, I've got a problem with my sound. It doesn't seem to play anything, and the tests on the configuration panel stay still. | 03:29 |
joanki2 | thanks so much Agent_bob | 03:29 |
joanki2 | it worked | 03:29 |
Xsploit | ty | 03:29 |
kumarphilly | no problemmm... at least I can help somone lol! | 03:30 |
jak0lyte | hi, i need help with my hp scanjet g2410. cant find a driver for ubuntu 7.04 | 03:30 |
mistik1 | Bye Ubuntu everytime I try you it sucks more, here I come Gentoo | 03:30 |
Agent_bob | joanki2 welcome but you really would do your self a favour just spending a little time in man tar or even man man to get a feel for unix man pages | 03:30 |
=== SplinTer061687 is now known as SplinTer0616 | ||
brandont | where did beryl go? | 03:30 |
joanki2 | k | 03:30 |
davidstillson | agent_bob - [ 0.000000] 2166MB HIGHMEM available. | 03:30 |
davidstillson | [ 0.000000] 896MB LOWMEM available. | 03:30 |
Starnestommy | brandont: it was merged with compiz to form compiz-fusion | 03:30 |
brandont | rgr | 03:30 |
Genius314 | I boot to Ubuntu 8.04 and I get an error, something like "ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/..... does not exist" and I'm sent to busybox. Anyone know how to fix this error? | 03:31 |
jak0lyte | anyone knows where to download driver for hp scanjet g2410 | 03:31 |
Dr`Keovorkian | Hello all, I've got a problem with my sound. It doesn't seem to play anything, and the tests on the configuration panel stay still. | 03:31 |
jak0lyte | im using ubuntu 7.04 | 03:31 |
Agent_bob | davidstillson looks like it's only seeing about 3g if that's all the listing on the subject. and i can't begin to guess why | 03:32 |
mrpockets | hey guys, I just brought my comptuer home, and its relaly not wanting to conect to the internet | 03:32 |
aku | co_dezta | 03:32 |
Fath[0]m | I am having some major problems with Ubuntu hardy. If my computer is on long enough I lose sound and my computer becomes sluggish. I checked top and it was "whiptail" using up the CPU so I killed it and then my console died, used Konsole instead of gnome term and then everything died on me and comp locked up and had to reboot.Can anyone help me? | 03:32 |
mrpockets | its on the LAN, and the other 2 boxes on the LAN are connected, but this won't seem to connect. | 03:32 |
brophat | the seamonkey web browser is not offered with 7.10? | 03:32 |
Agent_bob | davidstillson you might ask in #kernel and see if they have something useful on that issue | 03:32 |
jak0lyte | please anyone help me | 03:33 |
davidstillson | ok, the second command you gave me | 03:33 |
Agent_bob | ok | 03:33 |
tbourne | Hi Guys, As per my message earlier, I have an issue when I try to drag files from an smb:// directory to my linux machine (Ubuntu 8.04). As soon as I drag the files outside the open window the machine locks up and logs out. I have found this in the logs at the same time it happened (WARNING: gdm_slave_xioerror_handler: Fatal X error - Restarting :0) Any Ideas ? | 03:33 |
davidstillson | -memory | 03:33 |
davidstillson | description: System Memory | 03:33 |
davidstillson | physical id: f | 03:33 |
davidstillson | slot: System board or motherboard | 03:33 |
davidstillson | size: 4GiB | 03:33 |
FloodBot2 | davidstillson: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 03:33 |
davidstillson | *-bank:0 | 03:33 |
Hamled | Is there an easy way to determine if a given executable binary is 32bit or 64bit? | 03:33 |
Daisuke_Ido | Hamled: are you using a 32 bit system? | 03:33 |
Agent_bob | so the hardware is detectable, i don't know why it's not usable. but i do know you can't flood the channel ;/ | 03:33 |
Starnestommy | Hamled: file /path/to/binary | 03:33 |
davidstillson | i didn't know it would do that | 03:34 |
davidstillson | much apologies | 03:34 |
Agent_bob | now you know. | 03:34 |
Hamled | Daisuke_Ido nah, using 64bit, but I need 32bit for some flash development stuff :/ | 03:34 |
Dr`Keovorkian | Hello all, I've got a problem with my sound. It doesn't seem to play anything, and the tests on the configuration panel stay still. Does anyone know what's going on? | 03:34 |
davidstillson | so the RAM is running in dual channel mode.. maybe that has something to do with it? | 03:34 |
Hamled | Starnestommy thanks, worked perfectly :) | 03:34 |
brophat | how come I can't fine the sea monkey web browser listed under gutsy at packages.ubuntu ?? | 03:35 |
BVBBQ | hey all, for some reason the latest kernel just doesnt work. doesnt load can someone help me out? | 03:35 |
jords | I have mplayer svn installed from source, and want to use mplayer-plugin in firefox but when I try to apt-get mozilla-mplayer apt wants to install mplayer too -any way to tell apt it's already installed (kinda like package-provided in gentoo) | 03:35 |
Agent_bob | davidstillson shouldn't but again you might take that to #kernel and ask them. | 03:35 |
wols_ | Fath[0]m: the question is why was whiptailr running, and: killing it would possibly stop the (proper) install of a package but it wouldn't crash the PC | 03:35 |
mrpockets | no ones got any help for a internetless pockets :( | 03:35 |
[Lowkey] | How do I forcefully close a program? | 03:35 |
wols_ | [Lowkey]: man kill | 03:36 |
AndyMan1 | I want to set up an encrypted disk with the alternate CD, if i set up a keyfile on a usb drive, will i need to keep it plugged in constantly, or should i be able to remove it after boot? | 03:36 |
jak0lyte | please help me with hp scanjet g2410 | 03:36 |
Agent_bob | [Lowkey] killall name | 03:36 |
[Lowkey] | hmm | 03:36 |
wols_ | davidstillson: until you run a 64bit kernel and userland it will always show only 3GB | 03:36 |
[Lowkey] | i think it worked | 03:36 |
brophat | anyone know of a good open sourse wysiwyg html editor? | 03:36 |
wols_ | davidstillson: nothing you can do about it except reinstalling ubuntu with the 64bit version | 03:36 |
[Lowkey] | lowkey@lowkey-laptop:~$ killall jack | 03:36 |
[Lowkey] | jack: no process killed | 03:36 |
pteague | brophat> nvu works | 03:36 |
[Lowkey] | the playback device "hw:0" is already in use. Please stop the application using it and run JACK again | 03:37 |
Agent_bob | ps ax | grep jack | grep -v grep | 03:37 |
[Lowkey] | can anyone help me with that? ^ | 03:37 |
[Lowkey] | ah | 03:37 |
brophat | pteasgue it is for my brother and he says it is too dificult to use | 03:37 |
wols_ | AndyMan1: depends how the encrypted fs is written, usually not | 03:37 |
davidstillson | gotcha.. thats what I needed to know... thanks guys | 03:37 |
corinth | How do I disable tooltips for the window list? | 03:37 |
brophat | how is composer on sea monkey web browser? | 03:37 |
[Lowkey] | Still in use Agent_bob :( | 03:37 |
AndyMan1 | wols: "not" as in i should be able to unplug? | 03:37 |
eeboy | I am trying to mount a win2003 server using the following: sudo mount -t smbfs //\040/name /mnt/win -o username=user,password=pwd but I get back either mount error 6 = no such device or address or mount error 13 = permission denied | 03:38 |
eeboy | Any suggestions? | 03:38 |
wols_ | AndyMan1: yes. usually the key is read into memory | 03:38 |
Agent_bob | [Lowkey] heh i don't think jack will be a process... you might have more luck on the wiki about that /msg ubottu sound/jack | 03:38 |
AndyMan1 | ah, ok. Thanks a lot! | 03:38 |
wols_ | they key usually isn't written on that keyfile but a version encrypted with some passphrase is | 03:38 |
Dr`Keovorkian | Hello all, I've got a problem with my sound. It doesn't seem to play anything, and the tests on the configuration panel stay still. Does anyone know what's going on? | 03:39 |
[Lowkey] | Agent_bob: Could you help me load a playlist into Internet DJ console? :-S | 03:39 |
[Lowkey] | when I make a playlist in VLC and load it into idjc, It just skips the songs like they're not there | 03:39 |
wols_ | eboyjr: the \040 looks very fishy, what character is this in ascii? | 03:39 |
max__ | Anyone know a good benchmark software? I want to test 32bit Ubuntu vs. 64 bit Ubuntu, and see the numbers on what the performance benefits would be. | 03:39 |
BobPenguin | Hello there. I've been having problems with ubuntustudio 8.04 and LiVES video editor. I have emailed the developer and after sending him some info he concluded the problem was that ubuntustudio's version of sox des not support wav files. How can I get sox to support wav? | 03:39 |
brandont | whohowad | 03:39 |
BVBBQ | hey all, for some reason the latest kernel just doesnt work. doesnt load can someone help me out? | 03:40 |
eeboy | wols_: It is a space... my share is called "shared files" | 03:40 |
nottha_k | did that great load_cycle_count panic last fall that everyone was talking about ever turn out to be an issue? did hard drives start dying everywhere? | 03:40 |
wols_ | use //\ name then | 03:40 |
eeboy | wols_: let me try that out... | 03:40 |
Agent_bob | [Lowkey] actually i don't know anything about that. but it sounds like an address error to me. probably relative paths differ in starting points... not sure. | 03:40 |
[Lowkey] | hmmm | 03:40 |
johninlex | could someone help me installing Adobe Flash Player | 03:41 |
wols_ | !flash | 03:41 |
ubottu | To install Flash see (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 03:41 |
Agent_bob | if you can look into the playlist file and see what path it's using you might notice the problem | 03:41 |
[Lowkey] | Agent_bob: Do you know anything about shoutcast? | 03:41 |
max__ | eeboy correct syntax would be //\ files | 03:41 |
johninlex | thank you | 03:41 |
eeboy | wols_: You are a genious... worked like a champ! | 03:41 |
Agent_bob | [Lowkey] no. multimedia is not in my database. | 03:41 |
[Lowkey] | Agent_bob: Thanks anyways :) | 03:42 |
jlc | is there any way to get opera to work w/ 8.04 x64? | 03:42 |
Agent_bob | !jack | [Lowkey] | 03:42 |
ubottu | Factoid jack not found | 03:42 |
brandont | how to activate this 3d desktop window thing | 03:42 |
max__ | !benchmark | 03:43 |
ubottu | Factoid benchmark not found | 03:43 |
max__ | Anyone know a good benchmark software? I want to test 32bit Ubuntu vs. 64 bit Ubuntu, and see the numbers on what the performance benefits would be. | 03:43 |
eboyjr | wols_: Haha nice tab complete | 03:43 |
Fath[0]m | I am having some major problems with Ubuntu hardy. If my computer is on long enough I lose sound and my computer becomes sluggish. I checked top and it was "whiptail" using up the CPU so I killed it and then my console died, used Konsole instead of gnome term and then everything died on me and comp locked up and had to reboot.Can anyone help me? | 03:43 |
eboyjr | eeboy: You are a nickname stealer ( sort of ) | 03:43 |
mophead | hey y'all. I'm having flash problems. When I try to play something with flash, there's only a gray box | 03:43 |
eeboy | eboyjr: I've been using it since 98... I am grandfathered | 03:44 |
mophead | I'm having the same problem with firefox 3, firefox 2, and galeon. | 03:44 |
luckyone | can anyone help me get eclipse running on my ubuntu machine with java-6-sun? | 03:44 |
Agent_bob | mophead flash is so 60's man... this is the age of crack dude | 03:44 |
mophead | Agent_bob: uh... sorry? | 03:44 |
luckyone | I am getting some very basic build errors in eclipse | 03:45 |
tritium | mophead: ignore comments like that | 03:45 |
Agent_bob | mophead what issue ? | 03:45 |
mophead | gotcha | 03:45 |
mophead | hey y'all. I'm having flash problems. When I try to play something with flash, there's only a gray box | 03:45 |
mophead | I'm having the same problem with firefox 3, firefox 2, and galeon. | 03:45 |
mophead | (That's the whole message) | 03:45 |
jlc | mophead, funny, flash worked for me a few minutes ago for the first time. I was just playing around and the particular web page I was on had an option to open the video in it's own window, I tried it, and surprisingly it worked. | 03:45 |
Agent_bob | oholiks: ok. | 03:45 |
Agent_bob | oholiks: ok. | 03:45 |
mophead | ah. so whatever changed, i guess that made it stop working for me? | 03:46 |
Warrence | | 03:46 |
pteague | ok, i just installed 8.04 & i'm ending up at a grub prompt | 03:46 |
D0ugh_B0ii | hey i just installed ubuntu on my laptop..and i cant seem to get my wireless to work can ne one help? | 03:46 |
mophead | is there actually a fix out there to get flash working in 8.04? | 03:46 |
* Agent_bob has to turn off nick completion... | 03:46 | |
jlc | Is there a fix to get lightscribe working in 8.04 x64? | 03:46 |
thingfish | mophead: works fine here | 03:46 |
monokrome | Anyone here know why Linux throws a machine check exception on my Opteron... | 03:47 |
monokrome | It causes a kernel panic, but windows doesn't do this. | 03:47 |
wols_ | D0ugh_B0ii: waht chip? | 03:47 |
D0ugh_B0ii | umm hold on | 03:47 |
m1r | if i use apt-mirror to dl 42.3gb of files, are that all packages for both 32 and 64 bit 8.04 ? | 03:48 |
D0ugh_B0ii | all i can find is a dell wireless mini card | 03:48 |
mophead | Is there any page that explains what on earth has been going on with flash? | 03:48 |
wols_ | D0ugh_B0ii: lspci | 03:48 |
wols_ | !wlan | D0ugh_B0ii | 03:48 |
ubottu | D0ugh_B0ii: Wireless documentation can be found at | 03:48 |
wols_ | D0ugh_B0ii: most probably a Broadcom | 03:48 |
jlc | is there a fix to get lightscribe working in x64? | 03:49 |
johninlex | I need a little help please, I was looking through and was wanting to view a video but it is telling me that I need to install Adobe Flash Player how do I get it, and install it please | 03:49 |
mophead | I've tried a few flash fixes, and it's all very dicey. Sometimes it workis, sometimes it doesn't, but now it just doesn't work at all | 03:49 |
wols_ | !flash | 03:49 |
ubottu | To install Flash see (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 03:49 |
favafro | !flash | 03:49 |
thingfish | I think all I had to do was go to a site that uses it, got the prompt to install the plugin, did so, and voila | 03:49 |
o0Shadow0o | cant you just get flash in Add/Remove, thats how I got it | 03:50 |
pitchforked | hi, i'm just trying to use ubuntu 8.04 under the wubu install. going into boot it starts fine, but then I'm prompted to choose my time zone, easy enough, immediately after i get Partman crashed, exit code 10 (A retry ultimately ends up in no movement of the install). Continuing with the error, I'm prompted for user information and then get "Summary Crashed" exit code 141 (Same thing happens for a retry as before). after that i' | 03:50 |
pitchforked | I do notice that after going in to the live cd, I get prompted for the install again and that seems like it will go fine, I'm just concerned that it will overwrite my windows, which I'm just not ready to part with. so i'm just curious of whether that install will only be subject to the wubi vm or if it wants me to just install ubuntu and format the rest. I've looked at the forum but didn't quite see an answer. Sorry if I'm an | 03:50 |
Agent_bob | monokrome ummm search machine check exception on opteron kernel panic there is a lot of talk about that. you might gleen something there... idk. | 03:51 |
webman | anyone know how to use openvpn-vulnkey to check for vulnerable openvpn keys? it seems to detect everything as "Not Vulnerable" but I know a lot of my keys 'should' be vulnerable.... and my ubuntu client says it is vulnerable.... | 03:51 |
RyanPrior | s/gleen/glean/ | 03:52 |
monokrome | Agent_bob: Been looking for a while. Nothing helpful. | 03:53 |
monokrome | Just a lot of confused people. | 03:53 |
dmsuperman | everytime I reboot I have low-graphics mode. I shut off X, go to a TTY, and reinstall my video driver. After that, restarting X, I have my normal display back. What could be causing this/ | 03:53 |
=== gbs is now known as fserve | ||
cypha | how much space should i leave for my ubuntu install? | 03:55 |
RyanPrior | wow, #ubuntu is super quiet. | 03:55 |
brandont | how to enable this 3d desktop | 03:55 |
dmsuperman | everytime I reboot I have low-graphics mode. I shut off X, go to a TTY, and reinstall my video driver. After that, restarting X, I have my normal display back. What could be causing this/ | 03:55 |
brandont | i checked the box | 03:55 |
RyanPrior | I speak too soon. | 03:55 |
brandont | it doesnt do anything | 03:55 |
mophead | I'm going nuts with this flash problem. Nobody seems to have any solutions | 03:56 |
RyanPrior | cypha: It depends. How are you planning on partitioning? | 03:56 |
* pitchforked couldn't help except say don't see a shrink, they just put you on weird meds | 03:56 | |
RyanPrior | mophead: The flash problem with sound? | 03:56 |
Agent_bob | pitchforked :) | 03:57 |
cypha | RyanPrior: i'm going to shrink the volume on vista, and then i dunno, format it from there as well | 03:57 |
cypha | or maybe from the live cd | 03:57 |
cypha | what do u suggest? | 03:57 |
RyanPrior | cypha: Are you planning on storing your documents on the NTFS partition? | 03:57 |
mophead | No, it's just that flash things coe up as just a gray box, even if I restart the browser multiple times. It happens in firefox 3, firefox 2, and galeon | 03:57 |
cypha | RyanPrior: yes | 03:58 |
cypha | is that a problem? | 03:58 |
thorny_sun | hey all-- trying to play an .mkv HD file on my movie player but it's all herky jerky-- is there any trick to smoothing this out? I'm assuming my machine should be able to handle this (core 2 duo 3G ram) | 03:58 |
eeboy | wols_: Back to that windows share mount issue... if I want to make it permanent by adding //\ files /mnt/win cifs exec,credentials=/etc/cifspw 0 0 it does not work any more (using sudo mount -a to test). Any suggestions? | 03:58 |
RyanPrior | cypha: In that case you should probably just give Ubuntu about 10-20GB and symlink /home/cypha to /your/windows/drive/Documents and Settings/cypha/My Documents | 03:58 |
MrPocknix_ | Whats the command to ping another box on my netowkr? | 03:59 |
dabbill | Any one know what over heating point is for a 4600+ dual core 939 socket ? | 03:59 |
RyanPrior | MrPocknix_: yer not gonna believe it - the command is ping | 03:59 |
MrPocknix_ | lol | 03:59 |
MrPocknix_ | k | 03:59 |
Kirovski | Tried to install Ubuntu on XPsp2 using in windows installation...after its done creating the first disc image it says it can't acess the CD-ROM drive.. Is this a known issue?? | 03:59 |
cypha | ryanprior: ok, that sounds great! | 03:59 |
cypha | RyanPrior: so you think 10 gigs is enough then? | 03:59 |
RyanPrior | Kirovski: not a problem I've run into. | 03:59 |
Kirovski | okay | 03:59 |
cypha | why would i need 20? | 04:00 |
Agent_bob | monokrome does this happen on cold starts or only on hot reboot ? | 04:00 |
cypha | i thought ubuntu comes with pretty much all software i would need | 04:00 |
RyanPrior | cypha: it depends on whether you want to install a ton of Linux programs and games or not. | 04:00 |
cypha | i don't really plan on playings games | 04:00 |
BobPenguin | Hello there. I've been having problems with ubuntustudio 8.04 and LiVES video editor. I have emailed the developer and after sending him some info he concluded the problem was that ubuntustudio's version of sox des not support wav files. How can I get sox to support wav? | 04:00 |
cypha | but what linux programs are not with ubuntu, that are useful? | 04:00 |
RyanPrior | cypha: If you aren't going to install many new programs, 10 should be fine. I install many, so I use 20 for my root partition. | 04:00 |
cypha | can i pm you ryan? | 04:00 |
Agent_bob | cypha tons and tons. | 04:00 |
RyanPrior | !pm | cypha | 04:01 |
ubottu | cypha: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. | 04:01 |
mophead | I need help brainstorming. What could be causing flash to putz out completely on my machine? | 04:01 |
RyanPrior | cypha: thanks for asking though. :-) | 04:01 |
cypha | ok, i just thought i was floodign a little with a stupid newbie question | 04:01 |
cypha | but okie dokes | 04:01 |
cypha | anyway, so ok, i guess i'll do 15 | 04:01 |
cypha | can i adjust this later? | 04:01 |
RyanPrior | cypha: we're here for newbie questions. :-) | 04:01 |
RyanPrior | cypha: It's hard to adjust later, but may be possible. | 04:01 |
cypha | hmm | 04:02 |
cypha | so it's hard in comparison to adjusting on windows? | 04:02 |
cypha | (cuz that's easy) | 04:02 |
RyanPrior | cypha: You adjust your partition sizes a lot on Windows? | 04:02 |
cypha | not a lot | 04:02 |
diver | hey does wine have an irc? | 04:02 |
cypha | but i can | 04:02 |
cypha | and i'm going ot do taht right now, in fact | 04:02 |
RyanPrior | !wine | diver | 04:02 |
cypha | =) | 04:02 |
ubottu | diver: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. | 04:02 |
dabbill | Any one know what over heating point is for a 4600+ dual core 939 socket ? | 04:02 |
Agent_bob | it's easy to add space to a linux system | 04:02 |
FloodBot2 | cypha: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 04:02 |
Agent_bob | it's very very easy to add space to a linux system | 04:02 |
diver | thanks ryan | 04:02 |
RyanPrior | diver: #winehq as well | 04:02 |
diver | sweeeeeet | 04:03 |
diver | thanks :D | 04:03 |
mophead | Is there an irc room for flash problems? | 04:03 |
RyanPrior | mophead: What sort of flash problem? | 04:03 |
morgan555 | somebody asked me to post my fstab, what command do I need to enter? | 04:03 |
Agent_bob | it's probably too easy to add space to a linux system | 04:03 |
RyanPrior | morgan555: cat /etc/fstab | 04:03 |
mophead | No, it's just that flash things coe up as just a gray box, even if I restart the browser multiple times. It happens in firefox 3, firefox 2, and galeon | 04:03 |
mophead | I've tried a few flash fixes, and it's all very dicey. Sometimes it workis, sometimes it doesn't, but now it just doesn't work at all | 04:03 |
mophead | is there actually a fix out there to get flash working in 8.04? | 04:03 |
pteague | & paste fstab to pastebin | 04:04 |
RyanPrior | cypha: It's easy to shrink partitions, but it's hard to grow them sometimes. | 04:04 |
cypha | hmm | 04:04 |
RyanPrior | cypha: It's hard to grow them "backwards" on the disk. | 04:04 |
RyanPrior | cypha: And it's easy to remove from the end of a partition, but hard to move it "forward". | 04:04 |
cypha | not sure what you mean by "growing backwards" | 04:04 |
lesjohn | how can i search for a given string within all files with names matching some regex ? i assume i want something like "find ./* -name filenameregex | grep string", but that's not quite it. | 04:04 |
mophead | Is there a command do uninstall and reinstall an app? | 04:04 |
cypha | is it due to fragmentation? | 04:05 |
RyanPrior | cypha If your partition table is like this: [--------], it's easy to shrink it like this: [---- ] | 04:05 |
RyanPrior | cypha: But it's hard to shrink it like this: [ -----] | 04:05 |
Agent_bob | RyanPrior why change the size of a partition ? jsut mount more space where it's needed | 04:05 |
cypha | Agent_bob: what's the difference? | 04:05 |
RyanPrior | Agent_bob: just mounting more space requires buying new hard drives. | 04:06 |
Chrysalis | question: should i go get my nvidia drivers for the nvidia site or is whatever that comes with ubuntu sufficient? | 04:06 |
RyanPrior | Chrysalis: Definitely use the Ubuntu Hardware Drivers manager. | 04:06 |
wols_ | Chrysalis: unless you want to break your ubuntu: the ubuntu drivers | 04:06 |
Agent_bob | cypha you don't change anything in the prtition you just mount another fs on the point that you want more space. (with the exception of /etc it's almost a no brainer) | 04:07 |
wols_ | !lvm | 04:07 |
ubottu | Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on and | 04:07 |
cypha | hmm | 04:07 |
mophead | Is there a command do uninstall and reinstall an app? | 04:07 |
cypha | so i guess that's not considered "cleaner" than a partition? | 04:07 |
Chrysalis | ok thx | 04:07 |
cypha | and would that cause issues for me with windows using that partition? | 04:07 |
wols_ | mophead: man apt-get | 04:07 |
cypha | or accessing files | 04:07 |
RyanPrior | cypha: I doubt you'll run out of space with 15G. | 04:08 |
mophead | wols_: thanks | 04:08 |
PPKuma | hi, i get no sound when hi, the sound in my games is not working, can someone help me? | 04:08 |
BVBBQ | hey all, for some reason the latest kernel just doesnt work. doesnt load can someone help me out? | 04:09 |
cypha | RyanPrior: cool! thanks, exactly what i wanted to hear | 04:09 |
mophead | PPKuma: try sobering up a bit | 04:09 |
Agent_bob | cypha if a person has a working linux system and they are running out of room it makes no sense at all to monkey with the root fs. not when it's so easy to add a line to the fstab and be done with it. | 04:09 |
PPKuma | mophead: sorry... i was saying that my game's sound in not working | 04:09 |
cypha | Agent_bob: that doesn't have any limitation anywhere? | 04:10 |
mophead | PPKuma: Is there something else on, like a movie or something? | 04:10 |
tracey | hello, new user, looking for some help with wireless networking | 04:10 |
PPKuma | mophead: hmmm nope... | 04:10 |
tracey | anyone want to help a friend out? | 04:10 |
Agent_bob | cypha only the limitations of your physical disk/s avalable it doesn't even need to be on the same "disk" | 04:10 |
PPKuma | mophead: the strange thing is that in my sister's account is working properly | 04:10 |
cypha | k, cool,,,i'll keep that in mind for the future Agent_bob | 04:11 |
cypha | thanks | 04:11 |
RyanPrior | PPKuma: because your sister has h4x | 04:11 |
Agent_bob | cypha it doesn't even have to be on the same computer | 04:11 |
cypha | and thanks RyanPrior | 04:11 |
RyanPrior | cypha: Good luck. :-) | 04:11 |
cypha | a virtual drive i guess | 04:11 |
PPKuma | RyanPrior lol | 04:11 |
Agent_bob | cypha nfs share | 04:11 |
ibleed | whats a good application to view attached hardware and whether its working in hardy, might be? | 04:12 |
Flannel | ibleed: lspci and lsusb | 04:12 |
Agent_bob | and with unionfs it can even transparent | 04:12 |
tracey | would anyone be able to help install a wireless driver? | 04:12 |
RyanPrior | ibleed: lshw | 04:12 |
RyanPrior | !wireless | tracey | 04:13 |
ubottu | tracey: Wireless documentation can be found at | 04:13 |
ibleed | Flannel, i have a usb device thats detected under lsusb how can i find out if its supported by the kernel? | 04:13 |
ibleed | thanks Flannel and RyanPrior | 04:13 |
cypha | ohh, so Agent_bob, it would show up as a separate drive then? or folder? | 04:13 |
cypha | it wouldnt' show as part of the main partition? | 04:13 |
Agent_bob | cypha nope | 04:13 |
tracey | i have been through that for a few hours now i'll reread, but if i have questions, can i ask? | 04:13 |
Agent_bob | cypha and yes it can. | 04:14 |
RyanPrior | tracey: Yes, but please ask specific questions if possible. | 04:14 |
tracey | sure | 04:14 |
cypha | alright, whatever, i'm just going to shrink it 15 gigs so i can install linux and worry about the later stuff later | 04:14 |
RyanPrior | tracey: Giving us an error message or an exact scenario is much more likely to get you a useful answer. | 04:14 |
tracey | thanks ryanprior | 04:14 |
Agent_bob | cypha if by "main partition" you mean root fs then yes. | 04:14 |
Agent_bob | cypha that's what i've been saying :) | 04:15 |
RyanPrior | cypha, I'm not sure precisely what you'rea asking. | 04:15 |
SirMoo | Meh, This IRC thing confuses me. | 04:15 |
mophead | is anyone able to see the flash on this page? | 04:15 |
RyanPrior | SirMoo: what IRC client are you using? | 04:15 |
SirMoo | I used the packetmanager to install x-chat. | 04:15 |
ibleed | whats a preferred gnome application to view a hdtv tv tuner? | 04:15 |
RyanPrior | SirMoo: xchat is decent, but needs a lot of configuration to fit my tastes. | 04:15 |
SirMoo | Whats a good simple to use one? | 04:16 |
reduz | help!! (hardy) firefox takes the WHOLE screen when starting, as if it was a fullscreen app! and i can't restore it to a smaller size | 04:16 |
RyanPrior | ibleed: The premier package for TV on Linux is MythTV, but it's not a Gnome app per se. | 04:16 |
reduz | any idea what may be happening? | 04:16 |
RyanPrior | reduz: Press F11 | 04:16 |
RyanPrior | SirMoo: I like ChatZilla personally. | 04:16 |
RyanPrior | SirMoo: xchat shouldn't be too hard to get used to and/or customize, though. | 04:16 |
favafro | +1 xchat | 04:17 |
reduz | RyanPrior, that goes to.. fullscreen, doesn't change much :P | 04:17 |
tracey | i have just installed, and when i run lshw -C network it is only showing my wired connection, not my wireless. i have used the windows wireless driver program to install my driver, and have installed netrtx32 it's saying "hardware present" | 04:17 |
SirMoo | Well.. I see virtually no features. I've used it in the past... But not indepth. | 04:17 |
cypha | Agent_bob, RyanPrior, i'm not sure precisely what i'm asking either | 04:17 |
cypha | lol | 04:17 |
g0tcha | can anyone help me with ssh please? it keeps telling me connection refused when i test ssh localhost | 04:17 |
RyanPrior | SirMoo: what features are you looking for? | 04:17 |
Starnestommy | g0tcha: is openssh-server installed? | 04:17 |
tracey | but i still can't see the wireless hardware, any suggestions....did i miss a step? | 04:17 |
blizzardman1219 | hi everyone! i'm having an extreme problem setting up my wireless card with Ubuntu 8.04. i've followed every single guide on the forums but still... nothing. i run a Netgear WG311v3 | 04:17 |
RyanPrior | g0tcha: It might be refusing because you have a blacklisted key | 04:17 |
mophead | is anyone able to see the flash on this page? Is it somehow faulty? Because after reinstalling flashplugin-nonfree, youtube at elast works now | 04:17 |
g0tcha | Starnestommy, yes, and i tried to reinstall it again as well | 04:18 |
g0tcha | im getting a wierd error when i try to grip ssh | 04:18 |
nakedgoat | mop: yes | 04:18 |
Starnestommy | g0tcha: is sshd running in the process list? | 04:18 |
RyanPrior | mophead: I can see Flash fine. | 04:18 |
robert__ | ok i still need help with et sound | 04:18 |
tracey | blizzard: me too | 04:18 |
g0tcha | it giving me this: Gtk'WARNING **: cannot open display: | 04:18 |
tracey | that's why i'm here | 04:18 |
SirMoo | Ha. At the moment... I'm not picky... I just need something thats pretty easy to learn. | 04:18 |
mophead | RyanPrior: can you see ito n that pargicular page? | 04:18 |
RyanPrior | mophead: Yes. | 04:18 |
blizzardman1219 | what problem are you having tracey? maybe its the same one | 04:19 |
RyanPrior | SirMoo: you're best off learning the text-mode commands. | 04:19 |
RyanPrior | SirMoo: google for an IRC tutorial and you'll learn everything you need to know. It's really very simple. | 04:19 |
tracey | when i run lshw -C network it's not showing a wireless card | 04:19 |
coliny | Sorry, I forgot how to login into this channel. | 04:19 |
tracey | just the wired one | 04:19 |
robert__ | need help with et sound | 04:19 |
tracey | but i thought that i installed the driver | 04:19 |
coliny | I simply haven't been IRCing for a long time. | 04:20 |
tracey | with the windows wireless driver utility | 04:20 |
blizzardman1219 | i'm stuck at installing the driver | 04:20 |
blizzardman1219 | via ndiswrapper | 04:20 |
coliny | I also forgot how to properly how to do large blocks of plaintext without getting excluded and filtered out from this group. | 04:20 |
RyanPrior | coliny: You mean like pasting a configuration file into the channel or whatever? | 04:21 |
coliny | Okay, how do I send you an output of say, lspci? | 04:21 |
g0tcha | Starnestommy, ps -ef | grip ssh <-- this should show if ssh is running, right? | 04:21 |
crabgrass | is there any way to force v-sync for all my video applications? | 04:21 |
RyanPrior | !pastebin | coliny | 04:21 |
ubottu | coliny: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 04:21 |
Starnestommy | g0tcha: try "ps aux | grep sshd" | 04:21 |
coliny | RyanPrior: I meant pasting a config file or something like this into the channel. | 04:21 |
coliny | What's !pastebin? | 04:21 |
Chrysalis | my cpu is at 100% with a few tabs in ff3b5, konqueror in kde barely touches my cpu. . . is this normal? | 04:21 |
RyanPrior | coliny: read ubottu's message | 04:21 |
=== PrivateVoid_ is now known as PrivateVoid | ||
RyanPrior | Chrysalis: Some people have that behaviour when their browsing history is very large | 04:22 |
tracey | i got the driver installed | 04:22 |
fonzarelli | what does '--sm-disable' mean? i see it in the network manager session entry (nm-applet --sm-disable) and in mail notification's session entry (mail-notification --sm-disable) | 04:22 |
tracey | but | 04:22 |
coliny | Didn't y'all show me earlier how to do with on the web? Come on, this is going so fast! | 04:22 |
tracey | nothing after | 04:22 |
coliny | Okay. | 04:22 |
mophead | Ok, I think I am going to just give up | 04:22 |
coliny | Okay, sorry. | 04:23 |
mophead | Thanks anyway, everyone | 04:23 |
blizzardman1219 | where i'm having my problem is that nothing happens when i do the "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" command | 04:23 |
RyanPrior | mophead: Come back tomorrow and ask again, and so on. Hopefully you will get help eventually. | 04:23 |
dabbill | This cant be good, my CPU is running at 88 degrees celsius :( | 04:23 |
coliny | Actually, I've got a disk drive to buy (an optical type) and I'm confused. I'll come back later. | 04:23 |
Celarnor | Yeah, dabbill, that's usually not a good sign. :P | 04:23 |
Starnestommy | blizzardman1219: when sudo modprobe outputs nothing, it usually has worked | 04:23 |
robert__ | can some one help me with et sound | 04:24 |
blizzardman1219 | well, i figured that, but when i do iwconfig, it doesn't show me as having a wireless card | 04:24 |
dabbill | i just checked the temp for the first time in like 2 years, so i am guessing its been running this hot for that amount of time | 04:24 |
coliny | Anybody hear me? I'll come back to this later when list out a few CD based products. Okay? | 04:24 |
Chrysalis | RyanPrior: where do i limit that. . . all i see is for how many days to keep history | 04:24 |
tracey | blizzard: same for me | 04:24 |
tracey | iwconfig says no wireless extentions | 04:24 |
blizzardman1219 | oh, so we are at the same spot | 04:24 |
RyanPrior | Chrysalis: There's a certain folder in ~/.mozilla/firefox/yourprofile/ to delete | 04:24 |
ibleed | lsusb detects my hdtv tuner but there is no /dev/video0 on my system. is it not supported? | 04:25 |
RyanPrior | Chrysalis: You might want to ask in #firefox or on | 04:25 |
coliny | ubottu: after I've pasted in an output, what do I do next. How do I point you to it? | 04:25 |
ubottu | coliny: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 04:25 |
tracey | yeah sounds like it, but when i run ndiswrapper -l | 04:25 |
tracey | it lists the driver | 04:25 |
Chrysalis | RyanPrior: ok | 04:25 |
ketamin[e] | question....i dont see one of my hard drives in the mnt nor media folder...but i see it listed under 'places' in which i have no right to access | 04:25 |
ketamin[e] | how can i fix thi | 04:25 |
ketamin[e] | s | 04:25 |
robert__ | can some one help me with et sound | 04:25 |
RyanPrior | coliny: Do you get it? uBOTtu? It's a pun. :-) | 04:25 |
blizzardman1219 | same with me tracey, it lists it as running and everything... | 04:25 |
RyanPrior | coliny: After you submit the text to pastebin, just give us the URL | 04:26 |
coliny | RyanPrior: No, I didn't. I didn't know it was a bot. Sorry. | 04:26 |
legend2440 | !paste | 04:26 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 04:26 |
Scifiguy951 | how do i get the screen saver on here? | 04:26 |
RyanPrior | coliny: No problem. :-) | 04:26 |
tracey | blizard: nice to see i'm not the only one | 04:26 |
coliny | RyanPrior: How do I point you to it. | 04:26 |
RyanPrior | Scifiguy951: screen savers suck. Resist temptation. | 04:27 |
coliny | I did the pasting so how do I point out you to it. | 04:27 |
montpelie | hi to everybody | 04:27 |
coliny | It's a plaintext. | 04:27 |
Scifiguy951 | ok | 04:27 |
tracey | Starnestommy: netrtx32 : driver installed | 04:28 |
tracey | device (10EC:8136) present (alternate driver: r8169) | 04:28 |
Scifiguy951 | but that thing is trippy as hell! | 04:28 |
tracey | so i have the driver installed | 04:28 |
ibleed | i just plugged in a hdtv tv tuner. unsure if its supported by my kernel. i see it in lsusb but i dont have a /dev/video0. do i need to restart first or do i try and get it seen by my kernel? | 04:28 |
=== AaronHall is now known as AaronH | ||
tracey | but then when run iwconfig i have nothing, any ideas? | 04:28 |
montpelie | anybody knows how to set up a sniffer on HH? | 04:28 |
blizzardman1219 | mine says the same thing, its a little different but its pretty much the same | 04:28 |
coliny | RyanPrior: oh sorry. I didn't see your message. It's scrolls very frantically and fast. | 04:28 |
RyanPrior | Scifiguy951: The flash version is pretty cool! | 04:28 |
robert__ | can some one help me with et sound | 04:28 |
Starnestommy | robert__: what is wrong with your sound? | 04:29 |
* BradP waves | 04:29 | |
Scifiguy951 | how do i play it on my comp after i save it? its a .swf file | 04:29 |
coliny | Okay, the URL is Okay? Is this what I do after the paste procedure? | 04:29 |
evilbug | can anyone help me with gutsy and video playback on an ati x1600? | 04:29 |
coliny | Actually it's meaningless right now. | 04:29 |
robert__ | it wont play i have done the trubleshoot off of ubnutu and it still dose not work | 04:29 |
Starnestommy | robert__: what kind of sound card are you using? | 04:30 |
robert__ | i dont know all other sound works | 04:30 |
coliny | I'll come back to this channel later when I list out the names of disk drive products I'm considering to buy soon. | 04:30 |
Starnestommy | robert__: what isn't working? | 04:30 |
robert__ | just not et | 04:30 |
ketamin[e] | question....i dont see one of my hard drives in the mnt nor media folder...but i see it listed under 'places' in which i have no right to access. how can i fix this? | 04:31 |
coliny | Look I'm sorry for entering this channel without a reason for it. | 04:31 |
RyanPrior | coliny: ##hardware might be a better choice for talking about hard drives as well | 04:32 |
g0tcha1 | hi again | 04:32 |
blizzardman1219 | so does anyone know how to help tracey's and my problem? | 04:32 |
g0tcha1 | Starnestommy, i logged in from ubuntu, i think its easier like this | 04:33 |
tracey | Ryan: so i have installed my driver, and i can see it when i run ndiswrapper -l , but when i run iwconfig it says that i have no wireless extentsions, any ideas? | 04:33 |
g0tcha1 | i tried to run that command, it gave me this error: (grip:6646): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: | 04:33 |
Starnestommy | g0tcha1: which command? | 04:33 |
slyboots | Well this is fun, cant seem to get a video working in either Totem/VLC or mplayer, Seems my ubuntu install is missing a file " xacodec: failed to dlopen /usr/lib/codecs/vid_iv50.xa while /usr/lib/codecs/vid_iv50.xa: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory - which is the Indgo 5 video codec | 04:34 |
slyboots | Anyone know much about this? | 04:34 |
g0tcha1 | Starnestommy, ps aux | grip ssh | 04:34 |
Starnestommy | g0tcha1: it's grep, not grip | 04:34 |
legend2440 | after clean install of hardy i get this error would compiling kernel with via82cxxx module help? | 04:34 |
tracey | blizzard: i think that we are SOL | 04:35 |
g0tcha1 | ops | 04:35 |
g0tcha1 | Starnestommy, root 6499 0.0 0.3 5280 968 ? Ss 03:40 0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd | 04:35 |
g0tcha1 | guess it means its running | 04:35 |
Starnestommy | g0tcha1: it appears to be running | 04:35 |
PPKuma | hi, the sound in my games is not working, can someone help me? | 04:35 |
g0tcha1 | Starnestommy, why does it keep telling me connection refused even locally then? | 04:35 |
Starnestommy | g0tcha1: it could be a bad configuration setting in /etc/ssh/ssh_config | 04:35 |
RyanPrior | PPKuma: most games don't support Pulse Audio yet, so you'll need to quit applications which might be locking the sound device, such as Pidgin, Firefox, Rhythmbox, Amarok, etc. | 04:36 |
g0tcha1 | Starnestommy, ill paste it for you in .. one sec | 04:36 |
RyanPrior | g0tcha1: Are you sure your key isn't blacklisted for being insecure? | 04:36 |
blizzardman1219 | :/ i think we are tracey. so no one can help? | 04:36 |
PPKuma | RyanPrior ok, ill try that | 04:36 |
g0tcha1 | RyanPrior, umm how can i check that? | 04:37 |
montpelie | sniffer help | 04:37 |
montpelie | please | 04:37 |
SeaPhor | blizzardman1219, | 04:37 |
Starnestommy | montpelie: what kind of sniffer do you need help with? | 04:37 |
RyanPrior | g0tcha1: I'm not sure, but there's been a major security flaw in ssh and so there's now a blacklist for insecure keys related to that flaw. | 04:37 |
montpelie | ethereal | 04:38 |
SeaPhor | blizzardman1219, i just came on, what are your issues, if i can help i will, but i am fairly new as well | 04:38 |
RyanPrior | montpelie: You need to be specific if you want to get a good answer. | 04:38 |
Starnestommy | montpelie: I think ethereal was repleced with wireshark | 04:38 |
corinth | How do I disable the blinking cursor in gnome-terminal ? | 04:38 |
pitchforked | oooh, -was specific :)- | 04:39 |
blizzardman1219 | i have installed my driver, and i can see it when i run ndiswrapper -l , but when i run iwconfig it says that i have no wireless extentsions, any ideas? | 04:39 |
blizzardman1219 | that's for a WG311v3 | 04:39 |
RyanPrior | blizzardman1219: Does network manager work? | 04:39 |
pitchforked | pending answer though, sad, but okay, will wait :) | 04:39 |
blizzardman1219 | no | 04:39 |
RyanPrior | pitchforked: What is your question again? | 04:39 |
montpelie | wireshark, ok.. I'd like to get to know what sort of info will I be able to get while monitoring the network I've setup | 04:40 |
pitchforked | | 04:40 |
Starnestommy | montpelie: anything that passes through the network interface that you monitor | 04:40 |
RyanPrior | montpelie: You can get all the info. You can sniff every packet that passes. | 04:40 |
montpelie | as far as I know all I'll get will be tcpIP packets converted in ASCII code | 04:40 |
montpelie | ok, I see | 04:40 |
SeaPhor | blizzardman1219, what card do u have, what chipset? | 04:40 |
evilbug | can anyone help me with hardy and video on an ati x1600? | 04:40 |
RyanPrior | montpelie: You can get non-TCP packets as well, no problem. | 04:40 |
g0tcha1 | Starnestommy, thats the ssh_config | 04:41 |
montpelie | ok ryan I get it | 04:41 |
blizzardman1219 | it's a Netgear WG311v3, chipset is something with Marvell | 04:41 |
Starnestommy | g0tcha1: what about /etc/ssh/sshd_config ? | 04:41 |
BVBBQ | hey all, for some reason the latest kernel just doesnt work. doesnt load can someone help me out? | 04:41 |
montpelie | now, what is the process I should follow so I can convert the packets I get into useful info | 04:42 |
montpelie | I'm asking you this, because I dont really know how it works | 04:42 |
montpelie | bare with me | 04:42 |
RyanPrior | pitchforked: I don't know why the Wubi install failed - can you still boot into Windows? | 04:42 |
SeaPhor | blizzardman1219, look here yet? | 04:42 |
g0tcha1 | Starnestommy, one sec | 04:42 |
pitchforked | yep, there now | 04:42 |
RyanPrior | montpelie: Perhaps you should google for a packet sniffing tutorial. There isn't really the place to get a primer. | 04:43 |
=== phenom_ is now known as phenom|zZz | ||
RyanPrior | pitchforked: Have you tried uninstalling Wubi and trying again? | 04:43 |
montpelie | ok, so google for wireshark right??? | 04:44 |
blizzardman1219 | <-- SeaPhor, i used that guide. i got to the command "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" but when i run iwconfig it doesn't list the wireless as being there | 04:44 |
bender1337 | what is open box in noob terms? | 04:44 |
Starnestommy | bender1337: it is a window manager | 04:44 |
pitchforked | nope, was hoping to see if there was a faster solution, but i will try, ty | 04:44 |
Scifiguy951 | is there a way to get into comps as the same router as you? with out knowing any info on that other comp? | 04:45 |
bender1337 | Starnestommy: whats a windows manger and how is it differnet from gnome? | 04:45 |
Starnestommy | bender1337: openbox is a different window manager than gnome is. It looks different, acts slightly different, and uses less RAM | 04:45 |
Scifiguy951 | is there a way to get into comps as the same router as you? with out knowing any info on that other comp? | 04:46 |
bender1337 | Starnestommy: can you still use gnome programs shuch as the GIMP? | 04:46 |
Starnestommy | Scifiguy951: you'll need to know its hostname or IP address | 04:47 |
legend2440 | blizzardman1219: maybe something here to try? | 04:47 |
g0tcha1 | Starnestommy, heres sshd_config | 04:47 |
Starnestommy | bender1337: it can | 04:47 |
SeaPhor | blizzardman1219, ok modprobe is at 5, and iwconfig is 9, are you sure everything in between was done correctly, and without any errors? | 04:47 |
Starnestommy | g0tcha1: change the "Port" option from 512 to 22 | 04:47 |
legend2440 | blizzardman1219: maybe something here to try? | 04:47 |
Starnestommy | g0tcha1: then sudo invoke-rc.d ssh restart | 04:47 |
Scifiguy951 | i went on the pc an went to whatismy and got the sme thing as this pc said. how do i get its host name or ip | 04:47 |
SeaPhor | blizzardman1219, like what happened at 8? | 04:47 |
blizzardman1219 | SeaPhor, i did iwconfig afterward just to see if it recognized the card. it didn't, so i couldn't get to the things afterward. | 04:48 |
blizzardman1219 | after 5* | 04:48 |
g0tcha1 | Starnestommy, ok, one sec | 04:48 |
blizzardman1219 | the ifconfig -a that it tells me to do after 5 doesn't work either | 04:48 |
Starnestommy | Scifiguy951: to get its LAN IP, you would need to go to that computer physically and get its IP, or you would need to start probing random IPs on your network | 04:48 |
xsacha | hey.. what licence do the images on use? if i would like to use one of them... | 04:49 |
Scifiguy951 | how do i do that? | 04:49 |
SeaPhor | blizzardman1219, is this a desktop or laptop? | 04:49 |
blizzardman1219 | SeaPhor, a desktop | 04:50 |
g0tcha1 | Starnestommy, it worked this time | 04:50 |
SeaPhor | ok, is this a pci card or a usb device | 04:50 |
blizzardman1219 | PCI card | 04:50 |
montpelie | guys 1 question, any good app I can use to scan a NTFS or vfat mounted partition for viruses | 04:50 |
SeaPhor | blizzardman1219, is this a card or usb device | 04:51 |
Stale | Does anyone know how to execute a command after another even if the previous one doesn't close? I'm creating a shortcut to click on and am having it a.) mount a remote ftp b.) open a file manager afterward. But, I can't use curlftpfs ftpserv.local /mnt/ftpserv && nautilus since the output of curlftpfs might stay open. Any hints to an && alternative? I tried ||, but no love. | 04:51 |
SeaPhor | blizzardman1219, ok | 04:51 |
Scifiguy951 | how do i probe random ips on my network? | 04:51 |
xsacha | !licence | 04:51 |
ubottu | Factoid licence not found | 04:51 |
LtL | Scifiguy951: nmap | 04:52 |
Scifiguy951 | or ubuntu? | 04:52 |
SeaPhor | run a lshw -C network and pastebin the result | 04:52 |
Scifiguy951 | for* | 04:52 |
Starnestommy | Scifiguy951: find out what your IP is. If it's soemthign like, ping everything between and | 04:52 |
Stale | xsacha: | 04:52 |
Scifiguy951 | how do i find my ip? | 04:52 |
Starnestommy | Scifiguy951: ifconfig | 04:52 |
SeaPhor | blizzardman1219, run a lshw -C network and pastebin the result | 04:52 |
montpelie | guys 1 question, any good app I can use to scan a NTFS or vfat mounted partition for viruses | 04:52 |
xsacha | thanks Stale | 04:52 |
Stale | xsacha: I think that's where I read about it previously, hope it helps | 04:52 |
Starnestommy | montpelie: clamav | 04:53 |
blizzardman1219 | SeaPhor: can't really run anything at the current moment. i'm working on a computer that has internet. | 04:53 |
Scifiguy951 | in terminal? | 04:53 |
xsacha | Stale: im not sure if that extends to the website as well though. or, if they are only speaking about the distribution | 04:53 |
Starnestommy | Scifiguy951: yes | 04:53 |
Stale | xsacha: I could have sworn it specified there but you're right, no specificity | 04:54 |
SeaPhor | blizzardman1219, ? | 04:54 |
Stale | ah, wrong link xsacha: might be more clear | 04:54 |
g0tcha1 | Starnestommy, so to change the port i have to do it from /etc/init.d/sshd_config not ssh_config? | 04:54 |
Starnestommy | g0tcha1: yes | 04:54 |
xsacha | thanks Stale | 04:55 |
SeaPhor | blizzardman1219, you have a wireless device that isn't working, right? | 04:55 |
blizzardman1219 | yes | 04:55 |
Stale | np xsacha, googled "ubuntu trademark license" :) | 04:55 |
Scifiguy951 | how do i run ip config in term? | 04:55 |
c-ron | Firefox 3b5 has stopped reading MIME info on my Ubuntu system. Nothing is listed under Preferences > Applications. When opening a file, 'Save As..' is always selected and the open with option is blank. Is this a known bug? Anyone know of a fix? | 04:56 |
Starnestommy | Scifiguy951: type in "ifconfig" without the quotes then press the Enter key | 04:56 |
Stale | c-ron: i had the same issue, I didn't find a specific bug, but i noticed that issue also | 04:56 |
Warrence | anyone from dubai? | 04:56 |
c-ron | So far I've deleted my ~/.mozilla directory to try and reset it, and also reinstalled firefox.. didn't work | 04:57 |
Scifiguy951 | nothing happens | 04:57 |
SeaPhor | blizzardman1219, so why cant you. run a lshw -C network and pastebin the result? | 04:57 |
SeaPhor | in terminal | 04:57 |
Scifiguy951 | nvm | 04:57 |
c-ron | Stale, are you still having that issue? | 04:57 |
blizzardman1219 | because i can't be on my Ubuntu PC right now, because it doesn't have internet | 04:57 |
Scifiguy951 | which one is my "ip" | 04:57 |
Starnestommy | Scifiguy951: the IP address for eth0 or wlan0 | 04:58 |
Stale | c-ron sometimes. the settings seemed to stick for a few of the file types i download frequently so i didn't look into it much further. it's a bit sporadic, i'm assuming it will be fixed in the final version. | 04:58 |
urthmover | in Hardy: even though I run sudo nvidia-settings and save my xorg.conf with the high resolution...when I reboot the resolution reverts back to 1024x768 everytime. How do I fix this? | 04:59 |
Scifiguy951 | "eht0" isnt in there | 04:59 |
Scifiguy951 | nor wlan0 | 04:59 |
Stale | c-ron there's an extension i d/l also to manually edit mime types in ff that helped. it's in the addons for FF | 04:59 |
JDSBlueDevl | hi, is it possible to get support for mldonkey in this channel? | 04:59 |
Starnestommy | Scifiguy951: what is in there? | 04:59 |
c-ron | Stale, yeah I saw that.. I think I'll try it out. Thanks | 04:59 |
SeaPhor | blizzardman1219, ok, on that pc, open terminal and type that exactly, any chance you can hard wire it for a short time? | 05:00 |
Stale | So, does anyone here know of an alternative to && and || for simultaneous or time delayed execution of shell apps? | 05:00 |
phiqtion | where are the icons located in hardy? | 05:00 |
Flannel | Stale: what? | 05:01 |
urthmover | in Hardy: even though I run sudo nvidia-settings and save my xorg.conf with the high resolution...when I reboot the resolution reverts back to 1024x768 everytime. How do I fix this? | 05:01 |
Scifiguy951 | link endcap:ethernet hwaddr thats the first one | 05:01 |
Stale | flannel: Does anyone know how to execute a command after another even if the previous one doesn't close? I'm creating a shortcut to click on and am having it a.) mount a remote ftp b.) open a file manager afterward. But, I can't use curlftpfs ftpserv.local /mnt/ftpserv && nautilus since the output of curlftpfs might stay open. Any hints to an && alternative? I tried ||, but no love. | 05:01 |
tesmar | anyone have any idea why I would get a user permission error when trying to >> appent to a file in a var directory as SUDO ; the directory has 755 permissions | 05:01 |
tesmar | any ideas? | 05:01 |
Scifiguy951 | ??? | 05:01 |
blizzardman1219 | SeaPhor: i won't be able to hardwire it. hey i really appreciate the help but i've got to go. thanks! i'll be back later to see if i can solve the issue | 05:01 |
Starnestommy | tesmar: what command are you using? | 05:01 |
Bakkal | Hello, my guests on Vbox can't access internet, I use NAT, the NIC are detected, the links are up, but ifconfig on host system shows no vbox interfaces, how to? | 05:01 |
nomic | anyone know why i've lost the sound in xubuntu? any ideas? | 05:02 |
Flannel | Stale: use & after the command, that'll keep it from taking up the console. You want ;, && and || are dependant on exit codes, ; runs all the time | 05:02 |
Scifiguy951 | ? | 05:02 |
Starnestommy | Scifiguy951: try "ifconfig eth0 | grep inet" or "ifconfig wlan0 | grep inet" | 05:02 |
tesmar | cat "sometext" >> myfile | 05:02 |
Scifiguy951 | ok | 05:02 |
tesmar | sudo ca | 05:02 |
SeaPhor | blizzardman1219, ok, | 05:02 |
tesmar | using sudo | 05:02 |
legend2440 | phiqtion: /usr/share/icons | 05:02 |
Stale | Flannel: aah, I'll try that. Many thanks! | 05:02 |
JDSBlueDevl | hi, is it possible to get support for mldonkey in this channel? | 05:02 |
Starnestommy | tesmar: try cat "sometext" | sudo tee -a myfile | 05:02 |
Flannel | tesmar: cat somefile | sudo tee -a myfile | 05:02 |
Bakkal | Hello, my guests on Vbox can't access internet, I use NAT, the NIC are detected, the links are up, but ifconfig on host system shows no vbox interfaces, how to? | 05:03 |
Starnestommy | JDSBlueDevl: if you're using it on ubuntu, yes | 05:03 |
Scifiguy951 | which one is my ip? | 05:03 |
urthmover | in Hardy: even though I run sudo nvidia-settings and save my xorg.conf with the high resolution...when I reboot the resolution reverts back to 1024x768 everytime. How do I fix this? | 05:03 |
Scifiguy951 | ? | 05:03 |
Starnestommy | Scifiguy951: please pastebin everything that the terminal says when you type in "ifconfig" | 05:03 |
tesmar | well, actually that was a siple example I made up but even fails | 05:04 |
mike_ | phiqtion: user/share/icons | 05:04 |
Scifiguy951 | no! | 05:04 |
JDSBlueDevl | ok, good. I'm having trouble with it. It's giving me a "4662 port not reachable" message | 05:04 |
tesmar | the real command is this | 05:04 |
tesmar | openssl gendh 512 >> /var/certs/monit.pem | 05:04 |
Flannel | tesmar: openssl gendh 512 | sudo tee -a /var/certs/monit.pem | 05:04 |
Scifiguy951 | which number is it? | 05:04 |
tesmar | what is the difference? I mean, why does the first dail? | 05:04 |
Scifiguy951 | inet6 addr:?? | 05:05 |
Jburrke | Are there rules against talking about pirated software in here? Oo | 05:05 |
Flannel | tesmar: because the sudo is on the first command (openssl) and then the >> is being done as a regular user | 05:05 |
Starnestommy | tesmar: because the >> command is being run as yourself, not root | 05:05 |
tesmar | ahhhh | 05:05 |
node357 | !piracy | 05:05 |
ubottu | piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o | 05:05 |
tesmar | thanks! | 05:05 |
Starnestommy | Scifiguy951: it would most likely start with "inet addr" | 05:05 |
Jburrke | node357: Thanks :) | 05:05 |
JDSBlueDevl | geez, Starnestommy could have told me that first | 05:05 |
Scifiguy951 | that is my ip then? | 05:05 |
JDSBlueDevl | thanx a lot, node |-( | 05:06 |
Scifiguy951 | that doesnt seem like it would be | 05:06 |
Starnestommy | Scifiguy951: it's the number after the words "inet addr" | 05:06 |
node357 | well, torrents aren't always about piracy :| | 05:06 |
Scifiguy951 | what about the bcast:? | 05:06 |
Starnestommy | Scifiguy951: it's just the inet addr part | 05:07 |
DamienMiranda | my notebook's screen is suddenly in 800 x 600 and I have no idea of how to change it back | 05:07 |
Scifiguy951 | ok | 05:07 |
RequinB5 | !resolution | 05:07 |
ubottu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 05:08 |
lartza_ | So what exactly is piracy here? MLDonkey isn't... | 05:08 |
DamienMiranda | cool | 05:08 |
Scifiguy951 | how do i ping a lot of ips at once to find other comps on my network? | 05:08 |
Fath[0]m | I am having some major problems with Ubuntu hardy. If my computer is on long enough I lose sound and my computer becomes sluggish. I checked top and it was "whiptail" using up the CPU so I killed it and then my console died, used Konsole instead of gnome term and then everything died on me and comp locked up and had to reboot.Can anyone help me? | 05:08 |
ubuntulover | hello | 05:08 |
=== Cosmosan is now known as Cosmo-san | ||
RequinB5 | hello ubuntulover | 05:09 |
max__ | Anyone know a good benchmark software? I want to test 32bit Ubuntu vs. 64 bit Ubuntu, and see the numbers on what the performance benefits would be. | 05:09 |
Scifiguy951 | ? | 05:09 |
mike_ | DamienMiranda: the resolution menu isn't working? | 05:09 |
ghindo | Scifiguy951: Does regular ol' "ping" not have that option? | 05:09 |
specialbuddy | gparted | 05:09 |
RequinB5 | max__: What's wrong with Virtualbox or VMware? | 05:09 |
specialbuddy | how do I set the mount point from the properties? | 05:09 |
Stale | flannel: I have a new tool in my (rarely used, admittedly) CLI arsenal: & Thanks again, it worked like a charm. wakeonlan 00:11:FF:55:55:AA && krdc ftpserv.local & curlftpfs "Me:Pass@ftpserv.local" /media/ftpserv_ftpfs & dolphin /media/ftpserv_ftpfs/ & Just saved me like 6++mins a day since it even turns my computer on! Cheers! | 05:10 |
max__ | RequinB5 : How do I use that to measure the performance of my CPU ? | 05:10 |
legend2440 | !kernel | 05:10 |
ubottu | The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see - See also: /msg ubottu stages | 05:10 |
RequinB5 | max__: Oh, I misunderstood the question | 05:10 |
kwan | I like to start kiba-dock when gnome starts. How do i achieve this? kiba-dock works fine, i just want it to automatically start | 05:11 |
pitchforked | hello, i had problems withe the wubi not wanting to let me install, rather locking up and only letting me use the live pc, i've tried a reinstall and that's taken me to a blackscreen with busybox | 05:11 |
kwan | thx | 05:11 |
TheCKM | hello peoples how i add new icons im cairo dock, have a easy mode? | 05:11 |
RequinB5 | max__: | 05:11 |
max__ | Is there any software to measure the performance of my CPU ? | 05:11 |
Scifiguy951 | ping in network toools? | 05:11 |
ghindo | Scifiguy951: Ping in the command line | 05:11 |
ghindo | !ping | 05:11 |
RequinB5 | max__: That's literally the first google hit >.> | 05:11 |
ubottu | ping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore | 05:11 |
specialbuddy | how do I automount a drive? | 05:12 |
max__ | RequinB5, Thanks ... lazy =] | 05:12 |
nakedgoat | Scifiguy951: or use this | 05:12 |
TheCKM | anyone use the cairo dock? | 05:12 |
aeshan | hwo do u WUBI install on a HP2133 mini-note? | 05:12 |
Scifiguy951 | wjat do i do after i type in "ping" on term? | 05:12 |
kwan | max__, if you want to monitor cpu workload? | 05:12 |
aeshan | i get white screen on startup | 05:13 |
kwan | max__, u could use gksu gnome-system-monitor | 05:13 |
c-ron | specialbuddy, add it to your /etc/fstab definitions.. there's some good info on the web about it... | 05:13 |
aeshan | think i need to install the graphics drivers | 05:13 |
max__ | No, just test how many bogomips/sec it can do | 05:13 |
urthmover | Xserver resolution ubotu | 05:13 |
max__ | kwan ^ | 05:13 |
aeshan | i just downloaded them off via | 05:13 |
ghindo | Scifiguy951: Normally, you type the IP address you want to ping. I'm not sure if it supports pinging multiple machines at once, but have you looked into it? | 05:13 |
Loop|t_a| | hello I need help, I had some problems with one perl process , and with apache error.log, the error.log ate all my space, the file was 200gb in less than 1h | 05:13 |
specialbuddy | c-ron what about the properties of the drive | 05:13 |
Scifiguy951 | no | 05:14 |
Loop|t_a| | after i deleted the error.log the drive spave didnt allocate the more than 250gb | 05:14 |
kwan | I like to start kiba-dock when gnome starts. How do i achieve this? kiba-dock works fine, i just want it to automatically start | 05:14 |
c-ron | specialbuddy, all you do is specify the device, the mount point, filesytem, and access permission | 05:14 |
Starnestommy | kwan: system > preferences > sessions | 05:15 |
urthmover | in Hardy: I sudo nvidia-settings then successfully save xorg.conf with 1900x1200 resolution. When I restart the system it reverts back to 1024x768 everytime. How do I get the higher resoltuion to be my default on boot? | 05:15 |
Scifiguy951 | can i do it in nmap? | 05:15 |
c-ron | urthmover, manually edit your xorg.conf file | 05:15 |
Loop|t_a| | could someone give me the clue | 05:15 |
urthmover | ok I'll do that c-ron | 05:15 |
Starnestommy | Scifiguy951: yes | 05:16 |
Scifiguy951 | ok | 05:16 |
egeste | ! I changed my ssh port to 2222 using sudo gedit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and now when I nmap I dont see the daemon listening on port 2222 | 05:16 |
ubottu | egeste: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 05:16 |
Scifiguy951 | what do i use to ping a set of ips? | 05:17 |
nakedgoat | | 05:17 |
kwan | Starnestommy, thx | 05:17 |
cypha | can gparted combine 2 unallocated spaces? | 05:17 |
Chrysalis | can i use wubi more then once? aka to have more then 1 linux partition | 05:17 |
Starnestommy | Scifiguy951: nmap -sP if your IP is in the 192.168.1.* range | 05:18 |
Loop|t_a| | How can I locate where is the lost space, on ubuntu? | 05:18 |
c-ron | cypha, move the other ones together to make 1 whole unpartitioned space | 05:18 |
SeaPhor | cypha, on 2 separate drives or partitions? | 05:18 |
navetz | can someone help me set up a wireless manual satic ip? | 05:18 |
cypha | yes c-ron | 05:18 |
Starnestommy | Loop|t_a|: du -h / ? | 05:18 |
cypha | same drive | 05:18 |
egeste | was my ssh question un-noticed? | 05:18 |
cypha | same physical drive | 05:18 |
c-ron | cypha, i didn't ask a question | 05:18 |
cypha | i had about a gig of unallocated space | 05:19 |
Starnestommy | egeste: is sshd running? | 05:19 |
cypha | and then i shrunk my boot volume another 15 | 05:19 |
cypha | so i want to combine those 2 | 05:19 |
cypha | those two | 05:19 |
egeste | Starnestommy: how do I enumrate running servics to tell | 05:19 |
Starnestommy | egeste: ps aux | grep sshd | 05:19 |
cypha | but my recovery drive is sitting in the middle of them | 05:20 |
cypha | in windows disk management | 05:20 |
egeste | root 7663 0.0 0.0 5316 992 ? Ss 23:09 0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd | 05:20 |
egeste | egeste 7859 0.0 0.0 3004 748 pts/1 T 23:20 0:00 grep sshd | 05:20 |
egeste | egeste 7861 0.0 0.0 3008 776 pts/1 S+ 23:20 0:00 grep sshd | 05:20 |
c-ron | cypha, boot off of a live cd and run gparted to move the drives next to eachother to make a larger unpartition space | 05:20 |
Loop|t_a| | if i do du -s * |sort -n I see only part of the space, 250gb is missing | 05:21 |
cypha | yeah, but what option in gparted? | 05:21 |
Starnestommy | egeste: did you run "sudo invoke-rc.d ssh restart" after editing the config file? | 05:21 |
Loop|t_a| | its a raid0 with two 750gb drives | 05:21 |
egeste | no | 05:21 |
Scifiguy951 | Error #487: Your port specifications are illegal. Example of proper form: "-100,200-1024,3000-4000,60000-" | 05:21 |
Scifiguy951 | QUITTING! | 05:21 |
Scifiguy951 | what does that mean???? | 05:21 |
FloodBot2 | Scifiguy951: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 05:21 |
egeste | * Restarting OpenBSD Secure Shell server sshd [ OK ] | 05:21 |
c-ron | cypha, 'move' | 05:21 |
Fath[0]m | I have a .exe file saved to my desktop but it wont let me run it, it keeps asking me what program to use. What do I do? | 05:21 |
egeste | PORT STATE SERVICE | 05:21 |
egeste | 3306/tcp open mysql | 05:21 |
egeste | 8000/tcp open http-alt | 05:21 |
egeste | 8118/tcp open privoxy | 05:21 |
egeste | 9050/tcp open tor-socksport | 05:21 |
FloodBot2 | egeste: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 05:21 |
cypha | thanks c-ron | 05:21 |
Starnestommy | Fath[0]m: tell it wo use wine | 05:21 |
Starnestommy | *to | 05:21 |
Scifiguy951 | Error #487: Your port specifications are illegal. Example of proper form: "-100,200-1024,3000-4000,60000-" | 05:22 |
Scifiguy951 | ?? | 05:22 |
egeste | oops | 05:22 |
Scifiguy951 | ? | 05:22 |
Loop|t_a| | one boot partion of 20g and the rest 1.4tb in the second | 05:22 |
Starnestommy | Scifiguy951: what was the command? | 05:22 |
Scifiguy951 | -p | 05:22 |
egeste | Starnestommy: restarting the SSH server did not fix the issue. nmap still does not see any service listening on 2222 | 05:22 |
c-ron | Loop|t_a|, why would you need a 20g /boot part? | 05:22 |
Scifiguy951 | nmap -p | 05:22 |
egeste | ahhahahahahaha | 05:22 |
egeste | duhhhhh | 05:22 |
Scifiguy951 | then the ip set | 05:22 |
Fath[0]m | sudo apt-get install wine | 05:22 |
Fath[0]m | E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 05:22 |
Starnestommy | Scifiguy951: what was the full command? | 05:22 |
Starnestommy | Fath[0]m: sudo dpkg --configure -a | 05:23 |
Scifiguy951 | you dont need the ips | 05:23 |
egeste | Fath[0]m, thank you for pointing out the stupidity | 05:23 |
pcglue | My upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy had errors and apt-get now tells me to run "dpkg --configure -a". When I do that, I get an error setting up docbook-xml (4.5-5) ... "update-xmlcatalog: cannot open catalog data /var/lib/xml-core/docbook-xml for writing: No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/update-xmlcatalog line 485." Anyone know how I can fix this? | 05:23 |
Jburrke | Omg where the hell are these things being installed | 05:23 |
Starnestommy | Scifiguy951: try "nmap -sP" | 05:23 |
Scifiguy951 | ok | 05:23 |
Loop|t_a| | because of the something, but the question is on the second 1.4tb I have lost space , after I deleted the error.log which was in some crazy loop , the moment I deleted I saw it was over 00gb in that log | 05:24 |
Loop|t_a| | and after I deleted the space wasnt back | 05:24 |
Scifiguy951 | same thing again | 05:24 |
Loop|t_a| | I still see used 100% | 05:25 |
Scifiguy951 | i will be back later.... | 05:25 |
Scifiguy951 | peace | 05:25 |
Jburrke | Whats the name of the beginners room? | 05:25 |
Jburrke | #ubuntu-beginners or somethin? | 05:25 |
navetz_ | can someone help me set up a static ip | 05:25 |
navetz_ | I don't know what to put in the feilds for gateway | 05:25 |
c-ron | Loop|t_a|, what does the df command show you for available space on that drive | 05:26 |
Loop|t_a| | and in df I see /dev/md2 1397798240 1324481900 2312264 100% / | 05:26 |
Starnestommy | navetz_: that depends on your router's settings or your ISP's settings | 05:26 |
j1solutions | hello all! | 05:26 |
j1solutions | good evening! | 05:26 |
yit41 | how do i reset ubuntu panel? | 05:26 |
paulcross | My computer is downing something form somewhere. The traffic is pretty high. How could I find out what is it downloading and from where? | 05:26 |
navetz_ | Starnestommy: i have them pulled up from my router, could you help me out I cant seem to get it working | 05:26 |
navetz_ | Starnestommy: the address of my router is | 05:27 |
navetz_ | Starnestommy: is that my gateway? | 05:27 |
Fath[0]m | wine: '/home/dlan' is not owned by you, refusing to create a configuration directory there | 05:27 |
xbj9000 | can someone please help me force install 32bit jackd on 64bit ubuntu? | 05:27 |
edward_ | how can i change the drive label of my root partition? realtime | 05:27 |
Gantz | i can't seem to get any ouput from fdisk -l | 05:27 |
PreToRiAnZ | does any1 knows what is make checkconfigure??? | 05:27 |
cypha | will gparted screw up moving an NTFS partition? | 05:27 |
Starnestommy | navetz_: try that | 05:27 |
c-ron | Loop|t_a|, sudo apt-get install xdiskusage ... look and see where your space went | 05:27 |
melter | my top panel has frozen, and i can't click the button that lets me log out, is there another way to log out? | 05:27 |
Loop|t_a| | ok I will | 05:27 |
legend2440 | Gantz: try sudo fdisk -l | 05:28 |
j1solutions | cypha: why do you want to move it? | 05:28 |
Chrysalis | melter: ctrl alt back | 05:28 |
navetz_ | Starnestommy: i am using Knetworkmanager there are 2 feilds for gatewaym one in my tcp/ip address advanced options and one in my routes tab, where should I put this ip? | 05:28 |
pitchforked | hello, i had problems withe the wubi not wanting to let me install, rather locking up and only letting me use the live pc, i've tried a reinstall and that's taken me to a blackscreen with busybox (yep, know i said it before, sorry) | 05:28 |
cypha | i have my recovery partition in the middle of 2 unallocated spaces | 05:28 |
cypha | i want to combine those spaces | 05:28 |
cypha | so i have to move the recovery partition | 05:28 |
Starnestommy | navetz_: tcp/ip address | 05:28 |
c-ron | cypha, yup | 05:28 |
plath | How to use 32bits binaries on Ubuntu 64bits | 05:29 |
c-ron | cypha, i've moved ntfs before without issue | 05:29 |
cypha | c-ron: but will gparted screw up an ntfs partition? | 05:29 |
cypha | k | 05:29 |
cypha | would partition magic be better? | 05:29 |
c-ron | cypha, only if you but it | 05:29 |
brophat | what is the difference between nvu and kompozer ?? | 05:29 |
c-ron | buy* | 05:29 |
j1solutions | cypha: i'd save and restore before I'd move it, but that's just me | 05:29 |
cypha | i only had enough space on my external for my docs | 05:29 |
neto | im having problems with 8.04.. no sound on my Asus P5B Plus | 05:30 |
edward_ | how can i change the drive label of my root partition? realtime | 05:30 |
j1solutions | cypha: make sure you get the LATEST v of partition magic | 05:30 |
Loop|t_a| | @c-ron can it be used only in cli, I mean xdiskusage, because I got msg Can't open display: I'm only in ssh, cli mode | 05:30 |
neto | its an ADI 1988 onboard chip | 05:30 |
paulcross | My computer is downing something form somewhere. The traffic is pretty high. How could I find out what is it downloading and from where? | 05:30 |
neto | any ideas? pretty please? ;) | 05:30 |
sykopomp | it would be really funny if someone just came in here and started telling people to sudo rm -rf / | 05:30 |
c-ron | Loop|t_a|, no.. it won't run in cli.. nm | 05:30 |
Starnestommy | paulcross: you could use wireshark to scan the packets | 05:31 |
Loop|t_a| | hmmm | 05:31 |
Starnestommy | sykopomp: not funny | 05:31 |
j1solutions | paulcross: netstat | 05:31 |
sykopomp | Starnestommy: it would be funny for me. | 05:31 |
Loop|t_a| | any other tool for cli? | 05:31 |
SeaPhor | paulcross, have you done netstat or netsatat -a | 05:31 |
Starnestommy | sykopomp: deleting all files is not funny, it's plain evil | 05:31 |
neto | asus p5b ... no sound ... google doesnt help ... help | 05:31 |
zelrik_nightwish | hello | 05:31 |
sykopomp | Starnestommy: it's a lesson to be learned. | 05:32 |
White^Knight | i'm having problems with my video card... please help | 05:32 |
xbj9000 | can someone help me with this? | 05:32 |
xbj9000 | rick@Kutulu:~/Packages$ sudo dpkg -i –force-architecture jackd_0.103.0-6ubuntu1_i386.deb | 05:32 |
xbj9000 | dpkg: error processing –force-architecture (--install): | 05:32 |
xbj9000 | cannot access archive: No such file or directory | 05:32 |
xbj9000 | dpkg: error processing jackd_0.103.0-6ubuntu1_i386.deb (--install): | 05:32 |
xbj9000 | package architecture (i386) does not match system (amd64) | 05:32 |
FloodBot2 | xbj9000: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 05:32 |
j1solutions | sykopomp: come to help, not to hurt | 05:32 |
paulcross | SeaPhor, I tried the sudo netstat -atnp but I couldnt get the realtime information as "top" command do. | 05:33 |
plath | How to use 32 bits binaries on 64 bits Ubuntu | 05:33 |
c-ron | cypha, windows won't care where on the drive it's part it located.. you can specify changes (if needed) thru grub | 05:33 |
cypha | grub? | 05:33 |
paulcross | Starnestommy, Is it a GUI programe? | 05:33 |
cypha | what's that? | 05:33 |
cypha | oh | 05:33 |
Starnestommy | plath: make sure ia32-lins installed | 05:33 |
cypha | ubuntu | 05:33 |
FloodBot2 | cypha: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 05:33 |
Starnestommy | plath: er, ia32-libs | 05:33 |
Starnestommy | paulcross: it is | 05:33 |
White^Knight | cypha: grub is a boot manager | 05:33 |
cypha | ohhh | 05:33 |
Starnestommy | paulcross: there are some CLI ones, though | 05:34 |
c-ron | cypha, its the GRand Unified Boot loader.. it's what loads that lets you choose which OS to boot into | 05:34 |
Zeker_ | hello everyone! I'm a n00b at c/c++ and am used to using IDE's in the windows environment. However, I'm interested in learning how to program using linux so I can be on my way to code for universal platforms :P I'm really new at c/c++, can someone point me to the right direction on where to begin? Maybe suggest a good IDE or its components, and possibly some real easy-to-follow tutorials? | 05:34 |
paulcross | Starnestommy, I gonna give it a try. thank you in advance . | 05:34 |
melter | Chrysalis, thanks, that worked, and i rebooted, but now i have no panels at all | 05:34 |
navetz__ | is it possible to set a static ip through a wireless connection ? | 05:35 |
jeebusroxors | Zeker_: google | 05:35 |
edward_ | Zeker_, codeblocks eclipse, mingw studio | 05:35 |
c-ron | cypha, just move your ntfs over to close the gap in your partitions and if windows won't boot you can edit your grub config | 05:35 |
xbj9000 | I get this error trying to install 32 bit jackd: | 05:35 |
xbj9000 | | 05:35 |
cypha | c-ron: if windows won't load, i'm screwed! | 05:35 |
cypha | lol | 05:35 |
kante | hey everyone! | 05:35 |
kante | need help. Where are the downloaded packages located in kubuntu? | 05:35 |
c-ron | cypha, just have a livecd handy. | 05:36 |
White^Knight | cypha: actually, if windows won't load, then ur better off ;) | 05:36 |
Zeker_ | edward, jebusroxors, So far I've installed Geany and Anjunta IDE, do you have any experience with those? | 05:36 |
melter | does anyone know why my top and bottom panels would disappear and how to get them back? | 05:36 |
Loop|t_a| | c-ron is there help for my case? | 05:36 |
dmsuperman | Is there a factoid for flash sound in hardy? | 05:36 |
dmsuperman | Or a guide to fix it? | 05:36 |
jeebusroxors | Zeker_: vim + syntax highlighting works great | 05:36 |
c-ron | Loop|t_a|, i don't know. i haven't been following your issue | 05:36 |
Starnestommy | kante: /var/cache/apt/archives/ contains the downloaded .deb files | 05:36 |
Cpudan80 | dmsuperman: Crash in FF3? | 05:36 |
legend2440 | dmsuper | 05:37 |
kante | thanks very much! | 05:37 |
Loop|t_a| | About lost drive space | 05:37 |
dmsuperman | I got rid of ff3, put ff-2 back | 05:37 |
White^Knight | i'm having problems with configuring my video card and opengl and glx... please help | 05:37 |
dmsuperman | but my flash doesn't have audio | 05:37 |
Loop|t_a| | I cant start xdiskusage I'm in cli ssh | 05:37 |
Zeker_ | jebusroxors, how do I link a text editor with a compiler? | 05:37 |
egeste | dmsuperman, I did the same.... FF3 is lame | 05:37 |
legend2440 | dmsuperman: installing libflashsupport has helped some with sound issues in flash | 05:37 |
Loop|t_a| | And I cant find where is the lost space | 05:37 |
c-ron | Loop|t_a|, you can't loose drive space. it's either partitioned wrong, being read incorrectly by your kernel thru bios settings, or being used by files. | 05:38 |
kante | Starnesommy: how do I install several packages localy? | 05:38 |
neto | asus p5b ... no sound ... google doesnt help ... ubuntu forums have no answer ... help | 05:38 |
dmsuperman | legend2440, what do I do with it? Just install it? | 05:38 |
Starnestommy | kante: as in without an internet conenction? | 05:38 |
Loop|t_a| | It was ok 3h ago | 05:38 |
SeaPhor | White^Knight, as much as i agree with you, there are some that work for other people and have to rely on windows, please consider that, ;-) | 05:38 |
Cpudan80 | I had nothing but problems with pulse audio | 05:38 |
Zeker_ | Jebusroxors, and how can I debug with the text editor? Wouldn't it be slower to use three seperate programs instead of one with all three integrated? | 05:38 |
Loop|t_a| | and then it started | 05:38 |
Cpudan80 | I moved back to alsa | 05:38 |
kante | yeap, without connection | 05:38 |
jeebusroxors | Zeker_: google gcc | 05:38 |
legend2440 | dmsuperman: yes | 05:38 |
Loop|t_a| | the apache error.log started to log something | 05:38 |
White^Knight | SeaPhor: it was a joke :) | 05:38 |
SeaPhor | White^Knight, what vid card do you have? | 05:38 |
j1solutions | neto: latest BIOS update for that board? | 05:38 |
Loop|t_a| | and after 1h the log was 200gb | 05:39 |
SeaPhor | :-)) | 05:39 |
White^Knight | nvidia tnt | 05:39 |
Loop|t_a| | I deleted log | 05:39 |
dmsuperman | woot :D thanks :D | 05:39 |
j1solutions | neto: did sound ever work/does it work under windoze? | 05:39 |
neto | j1solutions, never updated the bios | 05:39 |
neto | it works great on windows | 05:39 |
Starnestommy | kante: go to then search for what you want, then download the packages that you want and the ones that they require from another computer | 05:39 |
d[X_X]b | i have suspend issues dell gx620. i pop warning saying failed to suspend properly...anyone know why this is? | 05:39 |
j1solutions | neto: i can't help but check/update BIOS when troubleshooting hardware issues | 05:39 |
Loop|t_a| | and in df I see that space is used and with du I cant find where | 05:39 |
Zeker_ | what's the easiest way to install gcc? | 05:39 |
SeaPhor | White^Knight, what have you tried already or is theis fresh install? | 05:40 |
dmsuperman | !logs | 05:40 |
ubottu | Official channel logs can be found at - For LoCo channels, | 05:40 |
jeebusroxors | Zeker_: hopefully you have gzz | 05:40 |
Madpilot | Evening all. Is anyone having video playback issues in Hardy? Apple trailers & Youtube play at about one frame per second, and a lot of my offline stuff that used to work perfectly won't run at all in Hardy... how did Hardy break gstreamer? | 05:40 |
d[X_X]b | installed ati restricted drivers already | 05:40 |
neto | j1solutions, there are threads on ubuntu forums about this... no answers there as well | 05:40 |
Zeker_ | jeebusroxors, I have no idea haha | 05:40 |
kante | I think I'd better install packages using adep and hen just copy them from /vat/cache/ap/archives | 05:40 |
jeebusroxors | Zeker_: which gcc | 05:40 |
Starnestommy | Zeker_: sudo apt-get install gcc | 05:40 |
sykopomp | Zeker_: lollerskates | 05:40 |
d[X_X]b | i have suspend issues dell gx620. i pop warning saying failed to suspend properly...anyone know why this is? | 05:40 |
d[X_X]b | i have suspend issues dell gx620. i pop warning saying failed to suspend properly...anyone know why this is? | 05:40 |
d[X_X]b | installed ati restricted drivers already | 05:40 |
c-ron | Loop|t_a|, what shows as using a lot of space from du -ah | sort -n ? | 05:41 |
FloodBot2 | d[X_X]b: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 05:41 |
j1solutions | neto: have you considered installing a PCI soundcard, not to sound defeated, but time = $$ | 05:41 |
jeebusroxors | you mean gcc isnt installed/ | 05:41 |
d[X_X]b | sry | 05:41 |
Zeker_ | jeebusroxors, like I said I'm real new at this, I've just created my first hello world app in windows yesterday using visual c++ 6.0 haha | 05:41 |
White^Knight | i've got it runnin, and it's been running with the "nv" driver, but the help website says to change my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to read "nvidia" and make no other changes in one point... | 05:41 |
Zeker_ | yesterday! | 05:41 |
White^Knight | but when i do that, i can't boot into any window manager at all | 05:41 |
neto | j1solutions, i have a Live! around somewhere.. but my pc is new... cant open it or i will loose the warranty | 05:41 |
pcglue | My upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy had errors and apt-get now tells me to run "dpkg --configure -a". When I do that, I get an error setting up docbook-xml (4.5-5) ... "update-xmlcatalog: cannot open catalog data /var/lib/xml-core/docbook-xml for writing: No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/update-xmlcatalog line 485." Anyone know how to fix this? | 05:41 |
Zeker_ | starnesstommy, thank you | 05:41 |
neto | j1solutions, warranty is good for another year... cant have no sound for a whole year :( | 05:42 |
Zeker_ | oh | 05:42 |
Starnestommy | Zeker_: you may also need to run "sudo apt-get install build-essential" to actually be able to compile things with ti | 05:42 |
j1solutions | neto: me and warrantys don't get along so well. : ) | 05:42 |
Starnestommy | *it | 05:42 |
neto | heh | 05:42 |
j1solutions | neto: i fix stuff myself mostly | 05:42 |
kante | Sarnestommy: thanks for your help! Have a nice day | 05:42 |
c-ron | White^Knight, install the envy or envyng progam and install the legacy drivers | 05:42 |
SeaPhor | White^Knight, what version of ubuntu you on,,, 7.10, 8.04, gutsy, hardy, or what? | 05:42 |
Zeker_ | starnestommy, turns out I already had gcc but I'm currently installing build-essential =P | 05:43 |
jeebusroxors | White^Knight: what do your logs say | 05:43 |
White^Knight | SeaPhor: i have 8.04 | 05:43 |
walkman79 | how can I free space on ubuntu? I'm using utorrent on Ubuntu with wine. I deleted some files by clicking on "remove torrents and delete data" but I didn't free any space. I also emptied the deleted items folder but those files weren't there :S | 05:43 |
neto | j1solutions, me too... but i spent a lot on this box.. quad schmucks and stuff.. i'd sepuku if the cpu died tomorrow | 05:43 |
Zeker_ | yay, it's installed! | 05:43 |
jeebusroxors | walkman79: why are you running utorrent in wine? | 05:44 |
Zeker_ | what does build-essential do, in a nutshell? | 05:44 |
jeebusroxors | thats silly | 05:44 |
c-ron | White^Knight, install the envy program: sudo apt-get install envyng-core | 05:44 |
xbj9000 | Zeker_, it allows you to compile from source code | 05:44 |
kante | bye everyone! | 05:44 |
yrjokin | walkman79: the space is there if you reboot | 05:44 |
Starnestommy | Zeker_: it installs gcc and some libraries, utilities, and headers for compiling things | 05:44 |
c-ron | White^Knight, run it thru the text interface, sudo envyng -t | 05:44 |
SeaPhor | White^Knight, ok, look at System>Administration>Hardware Drivers | 05:44 |
walkman79 | I rebooted | 05:44 |
walkman79 | nothing changed | 05:45 |
PreToRiAnZ | does any1 knows what is make checkconfigure? | 05:45 |
yrjokin | oh - that happens here is all | 05:45 |
Zeker_ | sbj9000, thank you but don't the EDI's available already come with a built-in compiler? Why would it need these? | 05:45 |
j1solutions | neto: it wasn't your last dollar, was it? : ) | 05:45 |
yrjokin | i get my space | 05:45 |
mevsthevoices | Check the config file to make sure nothing has changed in system setup | 05:45 |
Starnestommy | PreToRiAnZ: what program are you trying to build? | 05:45 |
jeebusroxors | Zeker_: you dont need an IDE for c | 05:45 |
PreToRiAnZ | asterisk | 05:45 |
walkman79 | I think it is a bug in wine... | 05:45 |
SeaPhor | White^Knight, what shows there? | 05:45 |
c-ron | White^Knight, select option 5 to manually install, 2 for nvidia drivers, 3 for 71.86.04 (legacy) driver | 05:45 |
Starnestommy | PreToRiAnZ: I think it just checks configuration settings | 05:46 |
c-ron | White^Knight, in that order | 05:46 |
White^Knight | c-ron: ok, i'm installing the evying-core program now | 05:46 |
neto | j1solutions, sorta ;) ... are there any USB sound cards that really work? | 05:46 |
Gantz | i can't boot windows because of an NTLDR error | 05:46 |
White^Knight | ok, y'all are goin a little quick for me :) | 05:46 |
j1solutions | neto: never tried one | 05:46 |
neto | guess i should check the website | 05:46 |
Loop|t_a| | c-ron if its being read incorrectly by kernel thrugh bios settings, it started 3h ago, and if its partitioned wrong its started 3h ago, I counted the space with MC(with directory sizes) and with du, and the missing space is the same as the deleted log file | 05:46 |
Zeker_ | jeebusroxors, I understand that all you really need is a text editor with syntax highlighting right? But I'm not that hardcore haha i need something with a debugger =P maybe someday I'll reach that level? Or should I begin that way? | 05:46 |
PreToRiAnZ | i know, but i cant do the checkconfigure at the CLI | 05:47 |
f0rmat | can someone tll me how to blackhole an ip address? | 05:47 |
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c-ron | Loop|t_a|, what? how does a deleted file have any size???? | 05:47 |
j1solutions | neto: little labels that will void warranty? do they really enforce that stuff? | 05:47 |
jeebusroxors | Zeker_: *shrug* | 05:47 |
Loop|t_a| | c-ron you didnt understood | 05:47 |
jeebusroxors | do what you want i spose, your compile will fail if your code sucks and you debug from there | 05:47 |
Loop|t_a| | I had 270gb of free space 4h ago | 05:47 |
Loop|t_a| | 3h ago I saw that apache error.log started to crazy | 05:48 |
jeebusroxors | PreToRiAnZ: what are you trying to do on asterisk? | 05:48 |
neto | j1solutions, worse... yellow wax everywhere... the kind of color you cant find anywhere | 05:48 |
Zeker_ | what do you guys think, EDI to begin with, or should I man-up and use separate components? =P | 05:48 |
j1solutions | neto: you are a tinkerer. be true to yourself. tinker. I was an auto mechanic for 20 years. my rule: if there is tamper protection on something, it need adjusting | 05:48 |
Loop|t_a| | and 2h ago I saw that I have zero space | 05:48 |
Loop|t_a| | and then I saw the error.log was 250gb | 05:48 |
neto | heh | 05:48 |
PreToRiAnZ | jeebusroxors, for telephony purposes | 05:49 |
Loop|t_a| | I deleted that file but I didnt get free space any free space | 05:49 |
jeebusroxors | Zeker_: ive never seen, or heard of, or cared to hear of an IDE | 05:49 |
wols_ | Loop|t_a|: have you restarted apache2 after deleting the log? | 05:49 |
c-ron | Loop|t_a|, did you stop apache, delete and reboot? | 05:49 |
Loop|t_a| | no I didnt | 05:49 |
jeebusroxors | PreToRiAnZ: obviously | 05:49 |
Loop|t_a| | its a ubuntu server | 05:49 |
Zeker_ | jeebusroxors, that's cuz you're an elitist robot from what it sounds like haha | 05:49 |
Loop|t_a| | its onlyne | 05:49 |
wols_ | Loop|t_a|: restart apache | 05:49 |
CodePoe7 | 'ello | 05:49 |
Loop|t_a| | online* | 05:49 |
j1solutions | neto: i found yellow wax in my ear one day, but thats another story... | 05:49 |
Loop|t_a| | ok I will | 05:49 |
Zeker_ | I bet you think in binary | 05:50 |
PreToRiAnZ | jeebusroxors, so are u familiar with asterisk?? | 05:50 |
j1solutions | <--- dreams of one day thinking in binary | 05:50 |
Fath[0]m | How do you uninstall something in linux? | 05:50 |
jeebusroxors | Zeker_: what is the point of your ide? | 05:50 |
White^Knight | ok, i tried installing that envying-core program, and it couldn't find the package | 05:50 |
c-ron | asterisk was a gull | 05:50 |
wols_ | Fath[0]m: with synaptic | 05:50 |
jeebusroxors | PreToRiAnZ: ive had an asterisk box up for a few years | 05:51 |
neto | j1solutions, could you ship me some? maybe it will do the trick | 05:51 |
j1solutions | neto: 10 dollars an ounce | 05:51 |
coldboot | 10 dollars an ounce? | 05:51 |
coldboot | It's not even that cheap in Canada! | 05:51 |
Fath[0]m | Wols_: what if I dont see it in there? | 05:52 |
c-ron | damn that's like 10x less than i pay | 05:52 |
PreToRiAnZ | jeebusroxors, im new to asterisk | 05:52 |
Zeker_ | Jeebusroxors, I have no idea how to work with separate components. I figure its faster if they're all in one spot. In fact, sadly, i don't really know much about IDE's... like I said, I just started learning c/c++ yesterday! | 05:52 |
neto | j1solutions, hmmm.. guess i wont be cleaning my ears for the next months then | 05:52 |
Opethian | Fath[0]m: Did you compile from source? | 05:52 |
wols_ | Fath[0]m: then you haven't installed it as a .deb package in ubuntu and is OT here | 05:52 |
jeebusroxors | Zeker_: so go google c tutorial | 05:52 |
Fath[0]m | It uses wine | 05:53 |
j1solutions | neto: disable the sound in BIOS, reboot to ubuntu, enable the sound in BIOS and boot again (didja try that?) | 05:53 |
wols_ | Fath[0]m: totally OT then | 05:53 |
jeebusroxors | PreToRiAnZ: do you need help with something? | 05:53 |
Zeker_ | is there a chan on this server that focuses on c/c++? | 05:53 |
c-ron | is Ubuntard a word? | 05:53 |
lamalex | Hi everyone, how can I burn an iso from the command line? | 05:53 |
White^Knight | and as far as the System>Administration>Hardware Drivers, i'm runnin kde, and the closest thing that i can find for that is KInfoCenter | 05:53 |
Zeker_ | c-ron, if it's not you just coined it XD | 05:54 |
neto | j1solutions, i would try that with Windows... | 05:54 |
walkman79 | is there any way to return Ubuntu from scratch?. I mean, restore to a fresh OS with the basic software and delete all the files. I don't have physical access though | 05:54 |
jeebusroxors | c-ron: yes | 05:54 |
* c-ron sleeps easily tonight! | 05:54 | |
wols_ | Loop|t_a|: with cdrecord/wodim | 05:54 |
dcred | I have a ATI radeon HD 2600 card, and the fglrx drivers don't seem to work. I've scoured the forums and google for answers, and no one seems to have one. Anyone in here know anything different? | 05:54 |
c-ron | that you, sett jeebus | 05:54 |
lamalex | one of my harddrives failed and it seems to be the one with /home on it | 05:54 |
wols_ | lamalex: with cdrecord/wodim | 05:54 |
jeebusroxors | Zeker_: there probably is, but you wont get far asking questions that can be answered with google | 05:54 |
wols_ | lamalex: do you have a backup? | 05:55 |
lamalex | wols_: ok, but I need usage | 05:55 |
lamalex | wols_: yeah | 05:55 |
White^Knight | and it doesn't list anything in there for my nvidia card (but it's tryin to say that it is an agp card, and i don't think it is | 05:55 |
Loop|t_a| | c-ron and wols thanks I restarted apache and the space is back | 05:55 |
wols_ | man wodim | 05:55 |
lamalex | wols_: but I was about to do an install of hardy anyway, I need to burn the iso :P | 05:55 |
c-ron | Loop|t_a|, sweet | 05:55 |
lamalex | wodim is easier than cdrecord I assume? | 05:55 |
Loop|t_a| | case solved | 05:55 |
=== favfro is now known as favro | ||
j1solutions | Hardy rocks on 3 out of 4 of my machines surveyed | 05:56 |
PreToRiAnZ | of course i need help jeebusroxors, are u using the asterisk book? | 05:56 |
dcred | I have a ATI radeon HD 2600 card, and the fglrx drivers don't seem to work. I've scoured the forums and google for answers, and no one seems to have one. Anyone in here know anything different? | 05:56 |
White^Knight | SeaPhor: ? what next? | 05:56 |
c-ron | yes always stop services and programs before btchslapping their files | 05:56 |
PuMaHackeR | wow | 05:56 |
jeebusroxors | PreToRiAnZ: no... | 05:56 |
PreToRiAnZ | jeebusroxors, so how do u do it?? | 05:56 |
jeebusroxors | PreToRiAnZ: do what? | 05:57 |
SeaPhor | White^Knight, is it enabled? | 05:57 |
c-ron | dcarr, envy installs ATI drivers. have you tried it? | 05:57 |
jeebusroxors | what do you need help with? | 05:57 |
PreToRiAnZ | installing GUI for Asterisk.. | 05:57 |
White^Knight | i would think so, i can see things on my screen :) | 05:57 |
White^Knight | but there is nothing in any of the tabs | 05:57 |
PuMaHackeR | who using mirc | 05:58 |
PuMaHackeR | O_O | 05:58 |
c-ron | PuMaHackeR, HAHAH | 05:58 |
jeebusroxors | PreToRiAnZ: im not sure there is a GUI, there are a few web frontends | 05:58 |
jeebusroxors | PuMaHackeR: um...theres someone using utorrent in wine... | 05:58 |
PuMaHackeR | what :D | 05:58 |
SeaPhor | White^Knight, in the menu, does it say its enabled and in use? | 05:58 |
c-ron | PuMaHackeR, sorry.. i use mIRC when forced into using windows | 05:58 |
lamalex | wols_: Do you know which options to use for an iso? | 05:58 |
lamalex | -raw? | 05:58 |
PuMaHackeR | c-ron: =) | 05:59 |
White^Knight | in the KInfoCenter? | 05:59 |
PreToRiAnZ | that what i mean jeebusroxors GUI using web base | 05:59 |
=== biff is now known as bic | ||
SeaPhor | White^Knight, yes | 05:59 |
jeebusroxors | PreToRiAnZ: did you read the install docs? | 05:59 |
j1solutions | damn toughbook, don't make me download puppy linux | 06:00 |
c-ron | has anyone else had problems running apt-get purge roommate-couch ? | 06:00 |
PuMaHackeR | c-ron: r u livin in Michigan, Harbor Springs ?O_O | 06:00 |
White^Knight | in the main menu, it just has a list, and to the right of that, are the clickable links that show each of those links... one of the links is nvidia, but when i click on that, there is no information in any of the 4 tabs across the top of the box | 06:00 |
c-ron | PuMaHackeR, I'm in alden | 06:00 |
SeaPhor | c-ron, lol,,,, | 06:01 |
* White^Knight doesn't have a roommate :) | 06:01 | |
PreToRiAnZ | i already installed it... | 06:02 |
PuMaHackeR | who own this server? | 06:02 |
jeebusroxors | PreToRiAnZ: so whats the problem | 06:02 |
c-ron | PuMaHackeR, freenode? | 06:02 |
eisenhower | /join #ubuntu-programming | 06:03 |
eisenhower | whops sorry | 06:03 |
c-ron | | 06:03 |
White^Knight | ok, i'm gonna try to fix this tomorrow | 06:03 |
* PuMaHackeR O_O | 06:03 | |
White^Knight | it's too late here, and i'm beat | 06:03 |
White^Knight | nite all | 06:04 |
SeaPhor | White^Knight, wait, you did the envy thing ?? i cant help you, i left all envy and dont know how, i'd check with whoever told you to do envy | 06:04 |
m3ltd0wn123 | w00t is horrible for my checking account.. just bought another impulse buy :( | 06:04 |
Fath[0]m | can wine be toggled off and on? | 06:04 |
SeaPhor | White^Knight, g'night | 06:04 |
PreToRiAnZ | hmm.. how can i say this?? i cannot log onto the addrs of the web base gui for the asterisk server IP add | 06:04 |
c-ron | White^Knight, run envyng thru the TEXT interface | 06:05 |
c-ron | White^Knight, envyng -t | 06:05 |
White^Knight | SeaPhor: i tried to apt-get install envying but it couldn't find the program | 06:05 |
jeebusroxors | PreToRiAnZ: ok, so you can ping the server right? | 06:05 |
joanki2 | can anyone recommend a really stellar flashcard program? | 06:05 |
jeebusroxors | next step is to make sure apache is running | 06:05 |
joanki2 | the one already in the repositories isn't good enough | 06:05 |
White^Knight | and it was apt-get install envying-core | 06:05 |
SeaPhor | White^Knight, i dont do ANY envy, and i do well! | 06:06 |
msshams | how can i use su command in ubuntu? | 06:06 |
c-ron | White^Knight, no "I" in there | 06:06 |
c-ron | White^Knight, it's envyng | 06:06 |
j1solutions | msshams: su -s | 06:06 |
PreToRiAnZ | no jeebusroxors | 06:06 |
c-ron | White^Knight, not envying | 06:06 |
White^Knight | ok, that found it :D | 06:07 |
White^Knight | it's installing it now | 06:07 |
White^Knight | c-ron: am i gonna have to close out of the window manager, or can i just use a terminal to do this? | 06:07 |
SeaPhor | White^Knight, type the first few letters of who you are talking to,, and hit tab till their name comes up, that will make it easier for us to communicate | 06:08 |
c-ron | White^Knight, terminal should be fine, but changes won't kick in until next x restart | 06:08 |
White^Knight | c-ron: ok | 06:08 |
jeebusroxors | PreToRiAnZ: no? | 06:08 |
PreToRiAnZ | nope | 06:08 |
White^Knight | SeaPhor: sorry :) | 06:08 |
knix | Is there no way to uninstall pulse in hardy? It's broken and should not be here. | 06:09 |
SeaPhor | White^Knight, np | 06:09 |
jeebusroxors | PreToRiAnZ: no what? | 06:09 |
PreToRiAnZ | unknown host | 06:09 |
White^Knight | c-ron: ok, envyng installed, now what was that next step? | 06:09 |
jeebusroxors | ok | 06:09 |
jeebusroxors | so that would be a problem huh? | 06:09 |
trieuhoangnam250 | uytu\\ | 06:10 |
c-ron | White^Knight, run sudo envyng -t | 06:10 |
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=== PuMaHackeR is now known as CR[a]ZY|BoY| | ||
c-ron | White^Knight, then pick option 5 to manually install, then option 1 to install ATI drivers | 06:10 |
White^Knight | c-ron: instead of the nvidia drivers? | 06:11 |
c-ron | White^Knight, wait.. which do you have ? :) | 06:11 |
White^Knight | c-ron: i have an nividia tnt card | 06:11 |
c-ron | White^Knight, sorry sleep dep :) choose 2 for nvidia, then 3 for legacy | 06:12 |
White^Knight | c-ron: i know all about the sleep dep... i am too :) | 06:12 |
Keo_Kyzuki | Hello. My sound seems to have stopped working altogether, even though it was on the last boot. Does anyone have suggestions? | 06:13 |
illmorta1 | does anyone know of a good playstation 3 linux channel? excluding ps3linux? | 06:13 |
c-ron | Keo_Kyzuki, make sure your sound isn't muted or something | 06:14 |
White^Knight | c-ron: it's removing the nvidia-glx-legacy that is already installed on my system now... is it suppossed to do that? | 06:14 |
Ryuho | is AIR (adobe thing) available on ubuntu (or linux at all?) | 06:14 |
c-ron | Keo_Kyzuki, you might also consider a hearing aid | 06:15 |
c-ron | White^Knight, yes. | 06:15 |
White^Knight | Keo_Kyzuki: have u released the factory installed smoke in the speakers? | 06:15 |
Keo_Kyzuki | c-ron, thanks for the smart response. The sound isn't muted, I've made sure of that. | 06:15 |
Fath[0]m | whenever I type in into fire fox in hardy its bringing me to Govt of india homepage | 06:16 |
c-ron | Keo_Kyzuki, check to make sure that your sound card is getting a kernel module loaded for it.. lsmod | grep snd | 06:16 |
White^Knight | Fath[0]m: whoa! lol | 06:16 |
Fath[0]m | yea | 06:17 |
Fath[0]m | really weird | 06:17 |
White^Knight | Fath[0]m: i've never even heard of any browser doing that before :D | 06:17 |
c-ron | Fath[0]m, your DNS server or proxy is doing it | 06:17 |
Fath[0]m | | 06:17 |
favro | Fath[0]m: try | 06:17 |
markers | hey guys when i start my laptop it says "your screen and graphics card could not be detected correctly" i have an intel 945 | 06:17 |
Fath[0]m | thats where its bringing me | 06:18 |
Keo_Kyzuki | c-ron, not sure what the default is for an nvidia chipset, but I see that the snd-hda-intel module is loaded. | 06:18 |
Talon218 | r u supporting hardy in this room?? | 06:18 |
White^Knight | c-ron: sorry for my lack of faith... it's puttin some new programs in there instead :D | 06:18 |
Fath[0]m | if I type in it brings me to the right place | 06:18 |
Starnestommy | Talon218: yes | 06:18 |
Fath[0]m | but if I type in just it brings me here | 06:18 |
macguges | hello, I've just noticed a problem with my new heron installation. Certain games and screensavers flicker. Would that be a problem with DGA? How could I determine which part of X is having this flickering problem? Btw, I'm using ATI's Radeon driver. | 06:18 |
Talon218 | okay hardy isn't picking up my ATA hard drive | 06:19 |
david__-- | my wireless was working perfectly earlier,theen while browsing the internet it cut out and now I cant connect through my router yet my wireless blue light is still on | 06:19 |
Talon218 | what extra information do you want to know | 06:19 |
d[X_X]b | macguges try temporary disabling compiz | 06:19 |
c-ron | Keo_Kyzuki, the snd-hda-intel module usually requires an extra parameter to work ... see;wap2 | 06:19 |
macguges | d[X_X]b: ok | 06:20 |
dopievoli | macgues: Might be drivers | 06:20 |
dopievoli | if it is try envy | 06:20 |
White^Knight | c-ron: ok, restart time? | 06:21 |
c-ron | White^Knight, yup | 06:21 |
c-ron | what the hell.. how do you shorted 'does not' ... doesn't ?? | 06:21 |
Keo_Kyzuki | c-ron, yes, because pclinuxos is exactly like Ubuntu. (Psst, by the way: modprobe.conf isn't in just /etc/.) | 06:21 |
White^Knight | c-ron: i'll brb if everything worked like it's suppossed to :) | 06:21 |
* White^Knight crosses fingers and reboots | 06:22 | |
markers | hey can someone help me? i have hardy and out of nowhere it started to say this when i boot up "hey guys when i start my laptop it says "your screen and graphics card could not be detected correctly" | 06:22 |
hotmonkeyluv | i'm creating a seperate partition for my /boot directory, how big does it need to be? | 06:22 |
Myrtti | markers: started to say what? | 06:23 |
Myrtti | hotmonkeyluv: standby, I'll see how big mine is | 06:23 |
markers | "your screen and graphics card could not be detected correctly" | 06:23 |
hotmonkeyluv | Myrtti: cool | 06:23 |
Myrtti | hotmonkeyluv: /dev/sda1 236M 25M 199M 12% /boot | 06:23 |
c-ron | Keo_Kyzuki, yes module confs are a pain in the ass to locate | 06:23 |
hotmonkeyluv | Myrtti: so, about 250mb? | 06:23 |
macguges | wait - compiz is heron's window manager? Which window manager is recommended if I don't use compiz? | 06:24 |
gnomer | David unplug you router power cord for 20 seconds then plug it back in, sometimes it is good to let it reboot it for me when that happens | 06:24 |
hotmonkeyluv | Myrtti: or is that 25mb? | 06:24 |
hotmonkeyluv | cause it doesn't seem like it needs to hold a whole bunch | 06:24 |
c-ron | Keo_Kyzuki, /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base | 06:24 |
Myrtti | hotmonkeyluv: yeah, mine is 236, and that's what the alternative installer suggests when you choose to do a "encrypted on LVM" installation | 06:24 |
Talon218 | hardy isn't picking up my Seagate ATA drive, in gutsy the drive is recognized on scsi0. During hardy's boot and within logs i notice a failure to recognize the UUID | 06:25 |
Myrtti | hotmonkeyluv: (that was an output of 'df -h') | 06:25 |
favro | hotmonkeyluv: 100mb is ok for /boot | 06:25 |
hotmonkeyluv | how do you like that lvm fancy stuff? | 06:25 |
Myrtti | hotmonkeyluv: I don't have a choice really, company policy that I have to have all my harddrives xcept /boot encrypted | 06:25 |
hotmonkeyluv | favro: I was thinking of between 50 and 250mb, just in case I need to hide something in there ;) | 06:26 |
Myrtti | hotmonkeyluv: wfm | 06:26 |
markers | Myrtti: do you have any ideas what i should do about this "your screen and graphics card could not be detected correctly" | 06:26 |
hotmonkeyluv | Myrtti: is there a performance hit? | 06:26 |
Myrtti | hotmonkeyluv: not that I've noticed | 06:26 |
Myrtti | hotmonkeyluv: then again, I don't notice those things that much | 06:26 |
mike_ | how do i do a bios update in ubuntu? | 06:27 |
Talon218 | Do anyone have any ideas on why hardy won't pick up a scsi | 06:27 |
hotmonkeyluv | Myrtti: what sort of work do you do? | 06:27 |
c-ron | /boot doesn't need to be all that big unless you have multiple kernels | 06:27 |
Myrtti | markers: do you have a desktop installation cd nearby? | 06:27 |
markers | yes | 06:27 |
hotmonkeyluv | c-ron: I plan to have sever | 06:27 |
hotmonkeyluv | c-ron: *several | 06:27 |
Myrtti | hotmonkeyluv: software development, currently working on LaTeX | 06:27 |
hotmonkeyluv | Myrtti: what's that? | 06:27 |
Myrtti | !latex | 06:27 |
ubottu | tex is a language for describing a document, commonly used especially for scientific publishing. Information and instructions for installing TeX and other related packages can be found at | 06:27 |
c-ron | hotmonkeyluv, servers should be okay, unless you have multiple kerenls | 06:28 |
Myrtti | markers: pop one in, reboot your computer, see if it detects the settings right | 06:28 |
c-ron | hotmonkeyluv, each kernel can take up 10+ megs | 06:28 |
gnomer | bios has nothing to do with the os, to update the bios you have to flash it | 06:28 |
Cpudan80 | hotmonkeyluv: LaTeX is king for typesetting | 06:28 |
hotmonkeyluv | c-ron: well, that's not to bad, I can have 20 kernels then | 06:28 |
Cpudan80 | forget OpenOffice | 06:29 |
Cpudan80 | Or MS Word | 06:29 |
[T]an2 | anyone know how to make the vpn manager in the gnome networkmanager not change my dns server in resolv.conf? | 06:29 |
mike_ | I've got pheonix awardBIOS on an hp 700, and i was wondering how to flash the bios on ubuntu | 06:29 |
c-ron | hotmonkeyluv, if you need 20 kernels, you have what they call 'special needs' | 06:29 |
hotmonkeyluv | but we knew that... | 06:29 |
White^Knight | c-ron: other than glxgears, is there any other test to make sure that my glx is workin right? :D | 06:29 |
Cpudan80 | mike_: Not the best idea - use a floppy drive | 06:29 |
miickee | Hey I need help with setting my dvd read speed to be faster using sdparm/hdparm, It's clocked at like 300mb/s using hdparm -Tt command. | 06:29 |
* hotmonkeyluv 's mommy says' he's special | 06:29 | |
c-ron | White^Knight, try a sweet assed GL screen saver? or install alien arena | 06:30 |
Ultim4T0m | Hi all | 06:30 |
White^Knight | c-ron: oh, and so far, so good :) | 06:30 |
mike_ | Cpudan80: dont have a drive lol | 06:30 |
joanki2 | can anyone tell me how i can install .tgz software packages? | 06:30 |
joanki2 | it's on my desktop right now | 06:30 |
thegeek | I just lost my audio completely. No program will play audio. I tried killing pulseaudio and starting it back up. No help. I think that rebooting it would probably fix it but I don't want to try that unless nobody has any other suggestions. Does anyone have any ideas? TIA | 06:30 |
Cpudan80 | mike_: Look at BartPE | 06:30 |
c-ron | joanki2, tar gx something.tar.gz | 06:31 |
Cpudan80 | mike_: It's a bootable windows install so you could load the flashing prog IIRC | 06:31 |
miickee | type alsamixer in terminal and play with the channels and their volumes, see if they are blocked | 06:31 |
c-ron | joanki2, then nano README | 06:31 |
Cpudan80 | mike_: im not aware of a reliable way of flashing the BIOS from ubuntu | 06:31 |
mike_ | hmmm | 06:31 |
Cpudan80 | mike_: Which begs the question, why are you flashing the bios? | 06:31 |
thegeek | miickee: Were you talking to me? Everything in the mixer responds to input.... | 06:32 |
c-ron | flashing the bios is best achieved with a trenchcoat | 06:32 |
mike_ | well, i guess what im trying to figure out is if there is a way to open my options for adjusting clock speeds etc | 06:32 |
SeaPhor | Cpudan80, u dont flash bios from os,,, | 06:32 |
mike_ | i might be way off... | 06:32 |
miickee | thegeek: Yeah, well I had that problem and I fixed it using a lot of different methods. | 06:32 |
thegeek | ....Oh? | 06:32 |
friedtofu | flash it from a bootup cd? | 06:32 |
miickee | Go to and go to Video and Multimedia forum, and the sticky at the top dedicated to sound will help a lot | 06:32 |
thegeek | miickee: Okay, thanks | 06:32 |
sykopomp | fsck | 06:33 |
Myrtti | !who | 06:33 |
ubottu | As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 06:33 |
sykopomp | oops! | 06:33 |
Myrtti | !tab | 06:33 |
ubottu | You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 06:33 |
c-ron | shut the fu ubottu | 06:33 |
Cpudan80 | SeaPhor: Wrong | 06:33 |
Cpudan80 | SeaPhor: You can flash the bios from specific utilities in windows | 06:33 |
Cpudan80 | SeaPhor: Now, that isnt the preferred way to do it... but it does work | 06:33 |
Myrtti | c-ron: mind your language | 06:33 |
mike_ | Cpudan80: so is there another way to open up the clocking options in my bios? | 06:33 |
morphius | I am having trouble: fdisk -l shows /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc as recognized drives. df -h -a shows that root is running off of /dev/hda. I should have 5 drives total. what can I do to get my drives back? running gutsy. | 06:33 |
friedtofu | Cpudan80: but its better to flash from bootup and the like... | 06:34 |
Madpilot | c-ron, being rude to the bot makes you look dumb. Being rude to people gets you kicked. Your call. | 06:34 |
Cpudan80 | friedtofu: most definitely | 06:34 |
c-ron | some people have no sense of humor | 06:34 |
Cpudan80 | mike_: Some bios have an advanced thing you can turn on - what kind of mobo is it? | 06:34 |
Myrtti | c-ron: no, it's just channel rule | 06:34 |
Myrtti | !language > c-ron | 06:34 |
SeaPhor | Cpudan80, sorry, you haven't convinced me, i'd like to know mor so i can show my bosses | 06:34 |
mike_ | msi | 06:34 |
mike_ | Cpudan80: msi | 06:35 |
LSD|Ninja | I used teh Award WinFlash thing to install a raft of BIOS updates on my old 8RDA+ under XP without a lick of trouble whatsoever | 06:35 |
paulcross | Starnestommy, Thank you. I finally find out what is it downloading, by using the software you recommended. | 06:35 |
c-ron | Myrtti, btw i have not used any offense language, in case you didn't notice | 06:35 |
thegeek | miickee: This seems like it's more helpful for people who NEVER had audio working....talking about drivers, and enabling integrated adapters in the BIOS, and stuff | 06:35 |
mike_ | SeaPhor: there are now programs you can download that do the bios flash for you, it just restarts your computer and flashes | 06:35 |
thegeek | miickee: But I have had no problem with sound in the past, and just a few seconds ago I lost it out of nowhere | 06:35 |
Cpudan80 | mike_: dont know much about MSI --- are you sure you cant just enable it directly (without flashing)? | 06:35 |
mike_ | seaphor: i just did it to my lappy | 06:35 |
Myrtti | c-ron: in case you didn't notice, you used an acronym that contained offensive language | 06:35 |
Myrtti | c-ron: which is basically the same thing. | 06:35 |
=== Jabopz is now known as Jabop | ||
mike_ | Cpudan80: i couldnt see a way inside the bios.. is there a particular place i should look? | 06:36 |
c-ron | Myrtti, in case you didn't notice.. acronyms don't mean anything unless you know what they stand for | 06:36 |
miickee | thegeek:Restarted your pc? Gone to System > Preferences > Sound and put all to pulseaudio or alsa? | 06:36 |
Myrtti | c-ron: right. | 06:36 |
c-ron | Myrtti, right. | 06:36 |
LSD|Ninja | mike_: with Award, it;s usuall Del on startup to access the BIOS | 06:36 |
c-ron | so fsck ubottu | 06:37 |
SeaPhor | mike_, (sorry bro, was a joke) I work for HP testing Bios and firmware, the other guy is clueless | 06:37 |
thegeek | miickee: Okay, I just switched it all to ALSA....seems to fix it. So do you think it's just some bug in pulseaudio? | 06:37 |
=== Jaie___ is now known as Jaie | ||
Talon218 | Do anyone have any ideas on why hardy won't pick up an ata hd. dmesg reports a failed to Identify io error. any ideas?? | 06:37 |
Myrtti | c-ron: his hard drives are fine and dandy, thanks. | 06:37 |
Cpudan80 | mike_: Advanced Chipset features & Cell Menu | 06:37 |
mike_ | Cpudan80: ? | 06:38 |
Myrtti | c-ron: remember what I told you though | 06:38 |
sykopomp | pulseaudio isn't ready for primetime, no matter how hard the big distros try and push it. | 06:38 |
Cpudan80 | mike_: Those are the BIOS menu options that have overclock stuff beneath them | 06:38 |
markers | Myrtti: i dont know what happened but after i rebooted with the cd everything is back to normal. thank you for your help | 06:38 |
Psyco_Chipmunkk | Hey guys, for some reason, when I'm watching a video on compiz fudion and I go into the cube thing or "wobble" the window, the video doesent go aloung with it, it just goes black or it keeps playing but doesent distort and move with the effects like it use to. how do i fix this? | 06:38 |
mike_ | Cpudan80: yes, but i have an oem bios, which doesnt have those options available by default | 06:38 |
Myrtti | markers: it's only temporary | 06:39 |
Cpudan80 | mike_: I see... | 06:39 |
LSD|Ninja | mike_: then you probably can't magically enable them | 06:39 |
c-ron | Myrtti, o i know. cause all those PG kids are using linux late on school night.. best not corrupt their young christian minds | 06:39 |
Myrtti | markers: when you take the cd out, you'll probably end up in the same situation | 06:39 |
White^Knight | c-ron: when i tried to run a gl screen saver (fireworks), it completely froze my system | 06:39 |
Cpudan80 | mike_: Flashing an OEM board with non OEM stuff = bad idea | 06:39 |
Madpilot | c-ron, lay off. This is an extremely international channel, it isn't late night everywhere... | 06:39 |
Cpudan80 | it may change the signatures of the board which would mean licensing hell for windows | 06:39 |
david__-- | my wireless was working perfect earlier then cut out while browsing the internet for no apparent its telling me that network interface doesnt exists,please help!!! | 06:39 |
Cpudan80 | and maybe some bad things in Ubuntu | 06:40 |
LSD|Ninja | You can *sometimes* flash an OEM board with the BIOS version of its desktop counterpart (if one exists) but it's by no means 100% certain | 06:40 |
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LSD|Ninja | s/desktop/retail | 06:40 |
c-ron | Madpilot, yes and all those international kiddies are so up on the acronym lingo.... | 06:40 |
markers | Myrtti: well i took the cd out and rebooted again a second time without the cd in the drive and right now everything is working as it was when i first installed hardy | 06:40 |
Opethian | david__--: Try ifconfig wlan0 up | 06:40 |
Myrtti | c-ron: there are known users of Ubuntu of 8 year olds, off different cultures, different backgrounds, so we ask our users not to use offensive language | 06:40 |
Madpilot | c-ron, drop it. You're pushing... | 06:41 |
Opethian | david__--: sudo ifconfig <device name> up | 06:41 |
Myrtti | markers: funky! | 06:41 |
c-ron | Myrtti, don't censor me. i didn't say anything. | 06:41 |
mike_ | Cpudan80: yea that's what i figured, its just sucky not being able to edit anything, and i couldn't figure out if there was a way to open up more options | 06:41 |
markers | Myrtti: thats what im saying. thanks for the help Myrtti | 06:41 |
Myrtti | c-ron: I'm trying to explain this to you so you don't run into trouble | 06:41 |
c-ron | Madpilot, agreed. I'll stop. | 06:41 |
david__-- | Opethian:no such device :( | 06:41 |
Cpudan80 | mike_: AMD or intel ? | 06:41 |
mike_ | Cpudan80: Intel | 06:41 |
mike_ | P4 2.26 | 06:42 |
Myrtti | markers: no prob, stay on the channel in return to help others with their problems :-) | 06:42 |
White^Knight | c-ron: when i tried to run a gl screen saver (fireworks), it completely froze my system and i had to do a hard reboot | 06:42 |
Cpudan80 | mike_: hrm so much for my idea then | 06:42 |
SeaPhor | White^Knight, do you see now why i said what i did? | 06:42 |
Cpudan80 | mike_: AMD has a windows tool that will allow you to overclock... | 06:42 |
Cpudan80 | mike_: maybe intel has something similar ? | 06:42 |
White^Knight | SeaPhor: said what? | 06:42 |
c-ron | White^Knight, that could be a number of things..... try another app that uses GL | 06:42 |
mike_ | Cpudan80: lol think there's an ubuntu counterpart? | 06:42 |
markers | Myrtti: i would but im very new and trying to learn everything from scratch on my own so i dont think i would be much help to anyone :-( | 06:42 |
Cpudan80 | mike_: Ehhhh | 06:42 |
Cpudan80 | !overclock | 06:42 |
ubottu | Factoid overclock not found | 06:42 |
Cpudan80 | :-( | 06:43 |
termagant | Hi, I'm wondering if anybody can advise me on something. I'm trying to burn Ubuntu to a cd, but I guess it's 5 gigs too big. I've never used Windows before, so I'm sort of confused. The CD says it's 702, but also that it's 696, and Ubuntu says it is 699. IS there a way to reconcile these? | 06:43 |
Myrtti | markers: that's how I started | 06:43 |
mike_ | Cpudan80: i guess ill take a look around | 06:43 |
termagant | Thanks. | 06:43 |
LSD|Ninja | Why the hell do you want to overclock a laptop? And a P4-based one at that? | 06:43 |
Cpudan80 | mike_: FYI P4s run very hot -- be careful when you crank them up | 06:43 |
SeaPhor | White^Knight, nothing, watch yourself, be careful | 06:43 |
Myrtti | markers: now, after three years I work in an open source software development company, working from home | 06:43 |
LSD|Ninja | If anything, you want to _underclock_ those | 06:43 |
c-ron | Myrtti, anyone using IRC is already in trouble :P | 06:43 |
david__-- | opethian:still saying that the interface doesnt exist | 06:43 |
Cpudan80 | Gah! | 06:43 |
Myrtti | markers: stick around and you'll learn new things | 06:43 |
Cpudan80 | A laptop! | 06:43 |
White^Knight | SeaPhor: about using envyng? | 06:43 |
david__-- | it was working perfect,i dont see why it quit | 06:43 |
Cpudan80 | No don't overclock a laptop! Good grief you wont be able to put it on your lap | 06:44 |
hotmonkeyluv | is there a difference between grub and lilo's OS-finding abilities when you install them | 06:44 |
Opethian | david__--: Which card is it? | 06:44 |
david__-- | Opethian:the infamous broadcam | 06:44 |
markers | myrtti: thanks for the advise i will continue to in the future but at the moment i have a lot of things to do. once again thank you very much for your help | 06:44 |
SeaPhor | White^Knight, that and the ppl selling it to you | 06:44 |
Myrtti | c-ron: true, notes an IRC user since 1996 | 06:44 |
Myrtti | markers: cheers | 06:44 |
Opethian | david__--: Well you can try modprobe -r on the module, and modprobe to bring it back alive again | 06:44 |
Myrtti | markers: have a good flight with Ubuntu Airlines | 06:45 |
White^Knight | understood SeaPhor, and i'll be really careful :) | 06:45 |
mike_ | Cpudan80: so i have a huge box fan basically mounted backwards on the side of my case, the processor runs at about 85 degrees F | 06:45 |
mike_ | Cpudan80: i thought that was pretty good for a p4 | 06:45 |
Cpudan80 | hrm... | 06:45 |
joanki2 | does anyone know how i can get SQLAchemy? | 06:45 |
Cpudan80 | that is good | 06:45 |
joanki2 | SQLAlchemy | 06:45 |
david__-- | Opethian:Im still fairly new to linux andj have figured out a lot so far,but the commands and such are still new especially when it comes to wireless,is that all I type in? modprobe -r? | 06:45 |
mike_ | Cpudan80: so im not trying to squezze much out of it, just alittle boost might be nice | 06:46 |
mike_ | Cpudan80: i really just want to have the ability to do it haha | 06:46 |
longzaitianguo | Who can tell me how to install fetion on the ubuntu 8.04 | 06:46 |
Cpudan80 | yeah I dunno mike_ - sorry | 06:46 |
Cpudan80 | anyway | 06:46 |
Cpudan80 | time for bed | 06:46 |
Opethian | david__--, modprobe -r followed by your wireless card's module. I think it might be called bcm**** | 06:46 |
LSD|Ninja | mike_: If it's a desktop then you have a few more options. Pop the case open and take a look at the mobo for anything that may identify who originally made it | 06:47 |
mike_ | its msi | 06:47 |
mike_ | Cpudan80: alright man thanks for the info | 06:48 |
david__-- | Opethian:operation not permitted | 06:48 |
david__-- | ? | 06:48 |
LSD|Ninja | Model number? | 06:48 |
mike_ | h/o | 06:48 |
Opethian | david__--: Prefix it with sudo | 06:48 |
longzaitianguo | does anybody can help me | 06:49 |
mike_ | LSD|Ninja ms-6579 | 06:49 |
michel | gloub | 06:49 |
longzaitianguo | How to install fetion on Linux | 06:49 |
longzaitianguo | Please | 06:49 |
longzaitianguo | who can tell me | 06:49 |
michel | hallo | 06:50 |
michel | bonjour | 06:50 |
longzaitianguo | hello | 06:50 |
david__-- | Opethian:sorry,was in sudo already didnt think i needed to add it,...well now its not saying anything but the interface still isnt up | 06:50 |
macguges | what's a good window manager to use in place of compiz? | 06:50 |
longzaitianguo | Do you know how to install the fetion | 06:50 |
gnomer | hi michel | 06:50 |
david__-- | Opethian: is there any reason why it would just randomly start working while in the middle of browsing the web/ | 06:50 |
Talon218 | hardy is failing to identify my Sata drive, gutsy picks up the drive fine but hardy can't. any ideas?? | 06:51 |
Opethian | Opethian: Buggy driver, maybe. So it is working now? | 06:51 |
Opethian | david__--: Buggy driver, maybe. So it is working now? | 06:51 |
White^Knight | c-ron: ok, i've tried slune in a window mode, and that seemed kinda choppy | 06:51 |
c-ron | White^Knight, but does gl work? | 06:52 |
david__-- | Opethian:not at all...wireless light is on but under network manager it says eth1 interface dont exist | 06:52 |
LSD|Ninja | Anyone with a Broadcom wireless card should pop it out, crush it under their boot and replace it with something else regardless of what OS they use :) | 06:52 |
White^Knight | c-ron: glxgears does, i don't know about gl | 06:52 |
White^Knight | c-ron: i haven't ever gotten that game to work before tonight tho | 06:52 |
gnomer | david, what router do you use? | 06:52 |
david__-- | gnomer:linksys | 06:53 |
White^Knight | c-ron: or glxgears, for that matter :)) | 06:53 |
Talon218 | ... where can i get hardware support for hardy?? | 06:53 |
c-ron | White^Knight, i don't know about slune...... | 06:53 |
Investor | hello everybody | 06:54 |
david__-- | i did ifup and its saying that eth1 already configured? | 06:54 |
White^Knight | c-ron: it's just a small racing game | 06:54 |
Opethian | david__--: Then try sudo ifconfig eth1 down, and then sudo ifconfig eth1 up | 06:54 |
c-ron | White^Knight, you might check your xorg.conf to make sure composting is enabled | 06:54 |
c-ron | compositing | 06:55 |
c-ron | hahah | 06:55 |
Talon218 | ... bye everyone | 06:55 |
White^Knight | c-ron: where would that be? | 06:55 |
gnomer | david go to http://(put in your IP here) and check you mac address, make sure it is on the list. | 06:55 |
White^Knight | c-ron: composting? lol | 06:55 |
c-ron | Section "Extensions" | 06:55 |
c-ron | Option "Composite" "Enable" | 06:55 |
c-ron | EndSection | 06:55 |
zEr0-x | good morning | 06:56 |
david__-- | Opethian: no luck...maybe has something to do with how i installed everything the first time that finally got around to causing problems a few weeks later? | 06:56 |
zEr0-x | can somebody help me ? | 06:56 |
c-ron | add that to the end of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 06:56 |
White^Knight | c-ron: ok, right now, that is "Disabled" | 06:56 |
fooks | hi there | 06:57 |
fooks | where can i find a list of all the programs installed on my system? | 06:57 |
c-ron | White^Knight, try changing it to Enable and restart X | 06:57 |
LSD|Ninja | synaptic? | 06:57 |
Opethian | david__--: I have a laptop with a broadcom card and sometimes even I have problems with WiFi. It was okay after I started using the windows driver using ndiswrapper. | 06:57 |
White^Knight | ok, bbiam | 06:57 |
yksittainen | Can anyone help me change my prefered applications? i want amarok to run when I plug in my iPod. | 06:58 |
LSD|Ninja | mike_: popular opinion has it that the board in yours is hte OEM version of this one: You *might* be able to flash teh BIOS from that onto yours but you'll have to make absolutely positively sure first | 06:58 |
theoleo | hey i have setup ftp with vsftpd. when i run ftp 192.168.X.X i get "Connected to" Then it says 421 Service not available any ideas | 06:58 |
david__-- | Opethian:thats what I was using when everything went out...i tried to uninstall it and install the native driver but no luck still...usually my wireless light is out completey if its the driver,but now the light is on,its just not seeing the eth1 interface for some reason...I dont understand the wireless enough to figure it out,im more into graphics and websites | 06:59 |
Investor | somebody from anchorage ? | 06:59 |
david__-- | Opethian:should i try a restart? | 06:59 |
gnomer | linksys will let you do all you configuration from it's IP site, have you tried that David? | 06:59 |
Opethian | david__--: A reboot might fix it, yes. | 07:00 |
david__-- | gnomer:ive tried that...its not even seeing the wireless signal..thats what it confusing me | 07:00 |
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Opethian | david__--: If the wireless dies again sometime, you might wanna try compiling ndiswrapper from source. Which version of Ubuntu are you using, btw? 7.10? | 07:00 |
david__-- | opethian:hardy | 07:00 |
zEr0-x | helo pals | 07:01 |
xbj9000 | I can't get the color of my window borders to change :/ | 07:01 |
zEr0-x | i'm needing some help | 07:01 |
Myrtti | !emerald | xbj9000 | 07:01 |
ubottu | Factoid emerald not found | 07:01 |
david__-- | opethian:and ive got no idea how to compile it from source,let alone make sure everything else that will conflict with it is removed | 07:01 |
Myrtti | xbj9000: it's an emerald issue probably | 07:01 |
Myrtti | !ask | zEr0-x | 07:01 |
ubottu | zEr0-x: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 07:01 |
xbj9000 | hmm, emerald? I haven't had this problem before | 07:02 |
Opethian | david__--: Theres a thread about using ndiswrapper on Thats what I used when I was new to it. | 07:02 |
jobless | hello all, i am having trouble with gnome-panel not responding | 07:02 |
QwertyM | does PyQt4 come bundled with Kubuntu like PyGTK comes with Ubuntu? | 07:03 |
jobless | i tried killall gnome-panel .. the panels are gone but i cannot restart it. It says a panel is already running .. | 07:03 |
jobless | i have a ati graphics card .. anybody have the same problem (8.04) | 07:04 |
xbj9000 | probably whatever process is the parent of the panel is still running | 07:04 |
theoleo | anyone familiar with ftp ? | 07:05 |
xbj9000 | yes | 07:05 |
jobless | xbj9000, i see gnome-panel is running when i grep from the process list .. but when i kill it .. it restarts (i see another process with a different pid). But I don't see my panels | 07:05 |
Opethian | jobless: killall -9 gnome-panel | 07:05 |
Rubin | one of my hardy boxes has a weird version of openssh-client: 1:4.6p1-5build1 which lacks ssh-vulnkey binary. Where is it coming from?? i did everything including apt-get clean; apt-get update; apt-get install openssh-client --reinstall. it came back. | 07:05 |
xbj9000 | no I think it's just kill -9 | 07:06 |
xbj9000 | not killall | 07:06 |
Rubin | my other hardy box has 1:4.6p1-5ubuntu0.5 | 07:06 |
SeaPhor | theoleo, whats the issue? | 07:06 |
Rubin | both sources.list seem the same | 07:06 |
Rubin | any ideas? | 07:06 |
jobless | Opethian, i tried kill -9 <pid> but the process restarts and does not show panels .. | 07:06 |
theoleo | Seaphor,xbj9000, i just set up an ftp server using the vsftp. how can i access the folders in /var/log | 07:06 |
jobless | yes xbj9000 i tried kill -9 it still keeps popping up .. i had to delete my .gnome folder and reboot the machine to get it work. This happens at least twice a day :( | 07:07 |
SeaPhor | theoleo, you being the server? or you mean as a client? | 07:08 |
theoleo | SeaPhor, client | 07:08 |
White^Knight | SeaPhor: did c-ron get booted? | 07:08 |
xbj9000 | Myrtti: I don't seem to have emerald installed | 07:09 |
Fath[0]m | !paste | 07:09 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 07:09 |
SeaPhor | theoleo, you have to set permissions to that directory | 07:09 |
SeaPhor | White^Knight, i dont know | 07:09 |
jobless | if anybody have any suggestions i am willing to debug the problem and provide details. I see that many people have the same problem. | 07:10 |
platyhelminth | How to use 32 bits binaries on 64bits Ubuntu with ia32-libs ? | 07:10 |
Fath[0]m | !paste | 07:10 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 07:10 |
White^Knight | SeaPhor: well, he's gone now, and now, none of my glx or open works | 07:10 |
SeaPhor | theoleo, you have to set permissions to that directory, and that is by user that is set up or by group | 07:10 |
Fath[0]m | Could someone check why tor isnt working | 07:11 |
ogun | Hi, which drivers am I supposed to use for a 9800 GTX on linux ubuntu 8.04? | 07:11 |
theoleo | SeaPhor, i have. i have also set up anonymouse login in. just woundering how would i loging using firefox etc | 07:11 |
SeaPhor | White^Knight, ok, i was affraid of this,,, i will help u | 07:11 |
platyhelminth | How to use 32 bits binaries on 64bits Ubuntu ? | 07:11 |
White^Knight | SeaPhor: thank u :) | 07:12 |
Opethian | ogun: I dont think theres a linux driver for the 9 series cards. | 07:12 |
SeaPhor | if u have to use windows,, there is a pidgin download for windows :-)) | 07:12 |
Jburrke | Anyone know if there is an easier way to manage your installed programs? | 07:13 |
White^Knight | SeaPhor: i've already changed the /etc/X11/xorg.conf back to "Composite" "Disable" since that was the last setting it was on when it was workin before :) | 07:13 |
Jburrke | My friggen start menu area is so cluttered with crap.. Plus half the things i actually want to access arent in there >> | 07:13 |
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plath | How to use 32 bits binaries on 64bits Ubuntu ? | 07:13 |
SeaPhor | White^Knight, ok ,,, whats damage has been done so far? | 07:13 |
jobless | platyhelminth maybe this can help | 07:13 |
White^Knight | SeaPhor: is there a way to restart x without have to do a complete system reboot? | 07:13 |
Opethian | Jburrke: You can edit the menu with alacarte | 07:13 |
Jburrke | Opethian: Thanks, that available through symantic? | 07:14 |
Opethian | Jburrke: I think you have it installed already. Try typing alacarte in terminal | 07:14 |
SeaPhor | White^Knight, yes ctrl+alt+backspace | 07:14 |
Jburrke | Opethian: I hate that.. Why dont a lot of the installed programs show up in the menu area? | 07:15 |
White^Knight | SeaPhor: the only things that i've done have been to d/l and install that envyng program, configure it and then changed the xorg.conf file | 07:15 |
Kazuma | I am having major problems getting Ubuntu to boot ... I get Error 17 on startup and cannot do anything | 07:15 |
ogun | Hi, which drivers am I supposed to use for a nvidia 9800 GTX graphics card on linux ubuntu 8.04? | 07:15 |
Kazuma | 8.04 by the way | 07:15 |
White^Knight | SeaPhor: ok, lemme restart my x really quick | 07:15 |
Jburrke | Opethian: Wow, useful tool.. Thanks a lot | 07:16 |
ari_stre1s | is it possible to get a scroll back in screen session? | 07:16 |
Opethian | ogun: I dont think theres a linux driver for the 9 series cards. | 07:16 |
Kazuma | I have /dev/sda1 and such which is Windows XP, /dev/sdb1 which is Ubuntu, and /dev/sdc1 which is a storage drive | 07:16 |
ogun | damnit :| then what am i supposed to do | 07:17 |
Kazuma | grub apparently wrote to /dev/sda or something | 07:17 |
Kazuma | so now i cannot boot either Ubuntu or XP | 07:17 |
Kazuma | have to use the Ubuntu LiveCD | 07:17 |
hsystemx | hi, "E: Package build-essential has no installation candidate" | 07:17 |
Opethian | ogun: Might need to stick with the default driver until nvidia releases drivers for the new cards | 07:17 |
ogun | ok, thanks! | 07:17 |
ogun | bye | 07:17 |
Jburrke | Anyone here happen to have experience connecting a tablet to ubuntu? ^^ | 07:18 |
hsystemx | hi, "E: Package build-essential has no installation candidate" | 07:18 |
Kazuma | Anyone know much about "GRUB Error 17" ? i could use some major help in this area | 07:18 |
Kazuma | forum posts and such were of no real help | 07:18 |
Anacranom | White^Knight, Seaphor's pc just locked up,,, he's trying to reboot\ | 07:19 |
hsystemx | hi, "E: Package build-essential has no installation candidate" | 07:19 |
White^Knight | Anacranom: ok, thanx :) | 07:19 |
White^Knight | i luv that Ctrl+Alt+Backspace :D | 07:20 |
jobless | did any suggestions in help Kazuma | 07:20 |
Kazuma | jobless: not really | 07:20 |
Anacranom | White^Knight, so that worked for ya? | 07:20 |
novak | !grub | 07:20 |
ubottu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 07:20 |
White^Knight | Anacranom: oh yeah :D | 07:20 |
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White^Knight | Anacranom: i think that is one of the few shortcuts i haven't reconfigured :D | 07:21 |
eeboy | Is there any way to prevent cron from launching multiples of one particular process? For example... I have cron doing some backups. If the first backup hasn't concluded due to the size can I manipulate cron not to launch another? | 07:21 |
jobless | !17 | 07:21 |
ubottu | Factoid 17 not found | 07:21 |
Kazuma | !Error 17 | 07:21 |
ubottu | Factoid error 17 not found | 07:21 |
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neopsyche | neopsyche>hi all.. i need some urgent help regaring hardware information for apache server.. i want to serve a website and video cache.. for about 100 - 1000 people on local network. | 07:21 |
neopsyche | <neopsyche>what would be needed ? | 07:21 |
jobless | :) | 07:21 |
rodolfo_ | noob question: HOW do i minimize evolution to the systray? | 07:21 |
Anacranom | ok, i just lost main pc, on laptop now,,, i'm gonna ask for help as i have to get main up,, | 07:22 |
gnomer | sounds like a boot sector problem Kazuma..that is my guess, | 07:22 |
Myrtti | rodolfo_: with magic tricks | 07:22 |
bobbie4 | /part | 07:22 |
rodolfo_ | Myrtti: be more specific | 07:22 |
White^Knight | rodolfo_: i don't think that's possible | 07:22 |
Opethian | rodolfo_: Try it with alltray | 07:22 |
jobless | Kazuma .. don't know what to tell you .. never seen that | 07:22 |
Myrtti | rodolfo_: I believe there are some applets that can do it, though I've not used them | 07:22 |
Kazuma | gnomer, well GRUB does come up and say loading and all, but it instantly ERROR 17 and I can't do anything | 07:22 |
buntu | f audio and video player? | 07:23 |
rodolfo_ | Myrtti, Opethian: and is there any debapp that can do that? | 07:23 |
Opethian | rodolfo_: It is there in your repositories | 07:23 |
White^Knight | rodolfo_: i use evolution also, but i just keep it minimized in my taskbar | 07:23 |
hsystemx | any ideas of why i cant install build essential (E: Package build-essential has no installation candidate) | 07:23 |
hsystemx | ? | 07:23 |
R2r | hello can anyone tell me to get an plder version of ubutnu shiped for free?? | 07:23 |
R2r | hello can anyone tell me to get an plder version of ubutnu shiped for free?? | 07:23 |
Myrtti | hsystemx: build-essential | 07:23 |
Opethian | rodolfo_: apt-get install alltray | 07:23 |
chmac | Howdy pardners. Just booted Ubuntu from the live cd. Got my wifi working (after a little tweaking). | 07:23 |
Myrtti | hsystemx: not build essential | 07:23 |
wols_ | neopsyche: the cache probably only depends on network interface speed | 07:23 |
Myrtti | oh | 07:24 |
Anacranom | ok room, need help, c-ron was "helping" config to envy and now has issues, pls help, i have to go | 07:24 |
hsystemx | ehmm read: E: Package build-essential has no installation candidate | 07:24 |
wols_ | hsystemx: missing repos | 07:24 |
Myrtti | hsystemx: sorry | 07:24 |
buntu | Where can i find codec of audio and video player? | 07:24 |
chmac | I want to install to the HD on an empty partition, will it play nicely with Fedora's existing boot partition? | 07:24 |
hsystemx | i have all the repos except cdrom | 07:24 |
wols_ | !codecs | 07:24 |
Madpilot | R2r, an older version? you can get the newest one shipped, why settle for an old version? | 07:24 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 07:24 |
hsystemx | enable | 07:24 |
chmac | I'm slightly nervous of pressing the "install" button in case my hard drive gets wonked... | 07:24 |
novak | !grub in 3steps | 07:24 |
ubottu | Factoid grub in 3steps not found | 07:24 |
buntu | Where can i find codec of audio and video player? | 07:24 |
R2r | i just have 256mb ram :-( | 07:24 |
wols_ | chmac: if you edit your menu.lst (grub bootloader) manually, it's fine | 07:24 |
neopsyche | wols_: wols.. i desperately need some info.. i want to use squid to cache youtube videos for users on network .. they would access my local apache server website.. but the videos need to be fetched from my local server not the internet .. any idea on how this can be done? | 07:24 |
jobless | Kazuma .. did you try installing another boot loader .. | 07:24 |
chmac | wols_, You mean edit it after installing? Or before? | 07:25 |
wols_ | neopsyche: transparent proxy | 07:25 |
Madpilot | R2r, download Xubuntu, then. It's designed for lower-spec machines | 07:25 |
rodolfo_ | Myrtti, Opethian: thank you so much | 07:25 |
wols_ | chmac: after | 07:25 |
neopsyche | wols_: how does that work? | 07:25 |
chmac | wols_, I suppose I could easily backup my /boot partition just to be sure | 07:25 |
jobless | this might help you recover your windows partition Kazuma | 07:25 |
Anacranom | his name is White^Knight, | 07:25 |
Shdwstar | hey guys, i have ubuntu on my second drive... have grub setup to load vmlinuz, and initrd going.. system boots, but when in the installer it says it can not find the installer iso. i can go into a console screen, pull up the hard drive partition and see the iso file smack there.. anyway to force the installer to let me tell it where the iso is? | 07:25 |
wols_ | neopsyche: google it, there are howtos | 07:25 |
R2r | i cant donwload thats the main problem | 07:25 |
buntu | HELLO :.. how to install the build essentials? | 07:25 |
White^Knight | Anacranom: huh? | 07:25 |
neopsyche | wols_: doing so. thanks | 07:25 |
novak | how can I restore grub? There is website that it has shows 3 ways to recover the grub! I can't find it | 07:25 |
wols_ | buntu: pastebin your sources.list | 07:25 |
hsystemx | ok my bad, a commented repo. Thanks. | 07:26 |
novak | i'm on live CD | 07:26 |
pteague | is there a gui for setting up lvm ? | 07:26 |
Anacranom | White^Knight, teling them who to help | 07:26 |
neopsyche | wols_: thanks | 07:26 |
novak | the comand !grub doesn't working | 07:26 |
wols_ | !grub | 07:26 |
ubottu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 07:26 |
Madpilot | R2r, limited bandwidth? Is there a local linux group that could get it for you & burn you a copy? | 07:26 |
White^Knight | Anacranom: oh, with my video card problem? | 07:26 |
novak | wols, doesn't working that tutorial for me | 07:26 |
jobless | novak | 07:26 |
R2r | linux gruop? | 07:26 |
Anacranom | White^Knight, yes | 07:27 |
wols_ | novak: "doesn't work" is gibberish | 07:27 |
Myrtti | !elaborate | 07:27 |
ubottu | Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 07:27 |
novak | thx jobless | 07:27 |
novak | what wols_? | 07:27 |
novak | i didn't get it | 07:28 |
wols_ | novak: see wht Myrtti made ubottu tell you | 07:28 |
jobless | ok asking this again .. can anybody help me debug why gnome-panel hangs on me at least twice each day? I see that many people are facing the same problem with hardy | 07:29 |
jobless | !hardy | 07:29 |
ubottu | Hardy Heron is the codename for the current release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS) You can get it now from but please use !torrents | 07:29 |
Kazuma | does anyone know about GRUB Error 17? I could really use some private message help or something like that | 07:29 |
jobless | !torrents | 07:29 |
ubottu | Hardy can be torrented from or depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: (CD) or (DVD). | 07:29 |
robert__ | how do i modafi a root folder | 07:29 |
Kazuma | am at wits end on how to fix it, been trying for hours | 07:29 |
Anacranom | Myrtti, can you help White^Knight, seems c-ron helped him config for envy then left,, and my main server just went down so i cant , plz help or re-direct as best u can | 07:29 |
robert__ | how do i modify a root folder | 07:30 |
wols_ | robert__: you mean /? if you have the permissions, you can "modify" | 07:30 |
White^Knight | robert__: u have to bee the user "root" | 07:30 |
wols_ | for / you need to be root | 07:30 |
Anacranom | White^Knight, SeaPhor or someone should be along soon | 07:31 |
robert__ | how do i change | 07:31 |
R2r | what on earth is a linux group | 07:31 |
Shdwstar | is there anyway to force the installer to goto where the iso is? | 07:31 |
White^Knight | Anacranom: ok, if it gets too late, and i start getting overly tired, i'll just be back on tomorrow and bug someone till i get the help i need ;) | 07:31 |
jobless | Kazuma is recovering not an option? Do you have something valuable in your ubuntu partiton? | 07:31 |
jobless | !linux group | 07:32 |
ubottu | Factoid linux group not found | 07:32 |
Kazuma | jobless: recover what | 07:32 |
jobless | Kazuma.. make your computer boot to windows and not display other options .. | 07:32 |
Kazuma | pretty sure reinstalling Ubuntu isnt going to fix it | 07:32 |
Madpilot | robert__, White^Knight, wols_ - use sudo in front of commands in the terminal... and be careful messing with system files, they belong to the system, not you... | 07:32 |
Kazuma | if it didnt even work in the first place | 07:32 |
jobless | Kazuma .. basically getting rid of grub | 07:32 |
Anacranom | White^Knight, look for SeaPhor,, i'll help you, just unfortunate set of happenings tonight | 07:32 |
Kazuma | jobless: i tried getting rid of grub, i cant | 07:32 |
Kazuma | jobless: I booted XP cd, did fixmbr and fixboot | 07:33 |
Kazuma | grub is STILL there | 07:33 |
MikeCulver | I'm interested in running a fully-encrypted Ubuntu setup on a laptop. Is it possible to store the encryption keys needed at boot on a USB storage device? Would the device need to remain connected? | 07:33 |
White^Knight | Madpilot: i've had problems in the past with sudo, but since i've switched to kubuntu, they have all pretty much been worked out :) | 07:33 |
Kazuma | i would rather not have to format the XP disk | 07:33 |
White^Knight | ok Anacranom :) | 07:34 |
Kazuma | I should mention XP is on disk 1, Ubuntu disk 2, and disk 3 is just storage | 07:34 |
MikeCulver | Kazuma: do you mean 'fdisk /mbr'? | 07:34 |
Shdwstar | Kazuma did u fdisk /mbr? | 07:34 |
Shdwstar | jinx | 07:34 |
Kazuma | Shdwstar: yes | 07:34 |
MikeCulver | heh | 07:34 |
White^Knight | lol | 07:34 |
Anacranom | White^Knight, just fyi, same ;-) | 07:34 |
MikeCulver | Kazuma: you should be able to boot from the desktop CD and uninstall grub | 07:35 |
Kazuma | i am on the live cd now | 07:35 |
buntu | HOW to pastebin give me example | 07:35 |
MikeCulver | ah | 07:35 |
Kazuma | i would love to be able to boot into Ubuntu though | 07:35 |
jobless | !pastebin | 07:35 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 07:35 |
MikeCulver | Kazuma: oh.. i guess I got here in the middle of that then | 07:35 |
MikeCulver | Kazuma: why can't you boot Ubuntu? | 07:36 |
Shdwstar | so tell me guys, whats the secret command to make ubuntu installer goto /hdb1/ubuntu8.iso | 07:36 |
Kazuma | MikeCulver: on boot it says Error 17 ... and i cant do anything | 07:36 |
Kazuma | under GRUB 1.5 and stuff | 07:36 |
buntu | HELLO guys how to install build essential without asking cd? | 07:36 |
MikeCulver | Kazuma: did you install using the CD in ubuntu or using wubi? | 07:36 |
Kazuma | installed using the cd | 07:36 |
roxygirl | hi...i am trying to figure out how to change permissions on removable media devices....any ideas? | 07:36 |
MikeCulver | Kazuma: not under windows, right? Booted off the CD first? | 07:37 |
dts | I'm trying to browse a SMB share on another computer but gnome never asks for the username or password | 07:37 |
Kazuma | yes, booted off it | 07:37 |
Myrtti | !info build-essential | 07:37 |
ubottu | build-essential (source: build-essential): informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.3ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB | 07:37 |
dts | so i don't see the folder i want to see | 07:37 |
Madpilot | robert__, please don't PM without asking first - thanks. As for sound in ET, no idea - I used to play it, but haven't in at least a year. Sorry. | 07:37 |
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo | ||
jobless | buntu disable cd from sources under system->administration | 07:37 |
dts | how do i specify the username when i'm browsing a windows share in gnome | 07:37 |
robert__ | ok srry thanks tho | 07:37 |
roxygirl | can anybody help with permissions and read-write stuff on removable media drives? | 07:38 |
robert__ | any body play et and can help with sound that will grate | 07:38 |
MikeCulver | Kazuma: something about HDD access mode in your bios | 07:38 |
buntu | jobless: is that the third party repositories? | 07:38 |
MikeCulver | Kazuma: have you looked into that? | 07:38 |
MikeCulver | Kazuma: and is this a desktop or laptop? | 07:38 |
Kazuma | MikeCulver: everything shows up correctly, linux shows the HDs listed correctly | 07:39 |
Kazuma | desktop | 07:39 |
jobless | buntu under ubuntu software tab .. there is a check box .. uncheck that .. | 07:39 |
White^Knight | roxygirl: those should be configurable in the /etc/fstab, i think ;) | 07:39 |
Anacranom | !envy || White^Knight | 07:39 |
ubottu | | White^Knight: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package. | 07:39 |
MikeCulver | Kazuma: but grub isn't ubuntu.. it doesn't have the intelligence to handle as diverse of hardware.. grub needs things to be simple. Error 17 points to a problem addressing the disk grub resides on | 07:39 |
jobless | buntu .. system->administration->software sources | 07:40 |
buntu | jobless: if i uncheck it it will change the repositores settings right? | 07:40 |
Kazuma | grub resides on the XP disk i guess | 07:40 |
Kazuma | but should boot the Ubuntu one | 07:40 |
MikeCulver | Kazuma: are the OS's on two different physical drives? | 07:40 |
Kazuma | yes | 07:40 |
Kazuma | XP on disk 1, Ubuntu disk 2 | 07:40 |
robert__ | any body play et and can help with sound that will grate | 07:40 |
tox-guy25 | may i request assistance regarding ralink rt61 pci? | 07:41 |
wols_ | White^Knight: pastebin your Xorg.0.log | 07:41 |
jobless | buntu .. it will just try and get it from a server instead of the cd .. make a backup of your /etc/apt/sources.list if you think it might change something .. | 07:41 |
fbthpg | Kazuma: is the OS on a USB drive? | 07:41 |
Kazuma | nope, HD | 07:41 |
roxygirl | white knight: i'm having troubles figuring out the mounting points in order to configure the fstab. my ph (which functions as a removable drive) has been auto connecting and i've had full access. suddenly i made an attempt to transfer music, thought the transfer had completed. disconnected and discovered there were no files. upon reconnecting i've had no permission rights and it doesn't show up in the fstab. any ideas? | 07:41 |
Kazuma | SATA to be exact | 07:41 |
MikeCulver | fbthpg: this problem wouldn't happen with UMS devices.. | 07:41 |
Kazuma | all my drives are SATA, including the dvd burner | 07:41 |
White^Knight | wols_: ok, where is that at? | 07:42 |
fbthpg | in your bois, which is booting first? | 07:42 |
wols_ | /var/log | 07:42 |
fbthpg | *bois | 07:42 |
buntu | jobless: how to install the check install? | 07:42 |
Gilgad13 | tox-guy25: | 07:42 |
Kazuma | XP shows up as /dev/sda1 ... Ubuntu /dev/sdb1 ... and Storage /dev/sdc1 | 07:42 |
MikeCulver | Kazuma: okay.. grub is expecting a certain order of devices.. which sata channel is the ubuntu HDD on? and is grub on that same HDD? | 07:42 |
MikeCulver | okay.. | 07:42 |
guiest | what's another desktop enviorment that works well with gnome programs? | 07:42 |
jobless | buntu .. ?? | 07:42 |
Fath[0]m | Tor will not install correctly for me. | 07:42 |
wols_ | Kazuma: what does /boot/grub/ say? | 07:42 |
Kazuma | grub must not be on the same disk as ubuntu | 07:42 |
wols_ | guiest: all do | 07:42 |
robert__ | how do i log on as root | 07:42 |
ArthurArchnix | robert__: Why? | 07:43 |
wols_ | !root | robert__ | 07:43 |
ubottu | robert__: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 07:43 |
MikeCulver | when you did the install, on the last page before you finalized, did you check where the install loaded grub? | 07:43 |
buntu | jobless: I mean the check install software... how to install it? | 07:43 |
Kazuma | wols: hd0 = sda, hd1 = sdb, hd2 = sdc | 07:43 |
White^Knight | roxygirl: sorry, i'm at a loss there | 07:43 |
wols_ | buntu: checkinstall | 07:43 |
MikeCulver | Kazuma: ah.. | 07:43 |
Gilgad13 | tox-guy25: as well, though it may be the same thing | 07:43 |
buntu | jobless: yes | 07:43 |
Fath[0]m | robert__ : to log in as root you do the "sudo" command | 07:43 |
tox-guy25 | thanks Gilglad13 | 07:44 |
MikeCulver | Kazuma: browse to /boot/grub | 07:44 |
jobless | buntu .. no idea what check install software is .. | 07:44 |
Kazuma | where? on /dev/sdb1 ? | 07:44 |
wols_ | Fath[0]m: before telling him that,better ask him what he exactly wants to do | 07:44 |
MikeCulver | Kazuma: and look at your menu.lst | 07:44 |
MikeCulver | Kazuma: yes, sdb1 | 07:44 |
Fath[0]m | has anyone been able to successfully setup Tor in Hardy | 07:44 |
jobless | buntu .. searching did not help .. | 07:44 |
ArthurArchnix | Nautilus is starting to act strangely for me on Gutsy. When i open my home folder it sometimes says "the folder contents can not be displayed". If I close and re-open they're displayed fine. Sometimes it refuses to open a file. If I close and reopen nautilus this sometimes fixes it. But other times I have to log out. This is all sporadic, but seemingly happening more often. | 07:44 |
wols_ | Kazuma: if error 17 happens, it happens before menu.lst is read, menu.lst is irrelevant | 07:44 |
buntu | jobless: ok thanks never mind... | 07:44 |
wols_ | buntu: I told you | 07:44 |
bradhex | I'm trying to configure my KDE4 panel (using kubuntu 8.0.4) but apparently "The Specified library kicker could not be found", any help? | 07:45 |
MikeCulver | wols_: srsly? | 07:45 |
tox-guy25 | Gilglad13: i've been going around in circles and so far the best version that worked for Ralink rt61 is Feisty Fawn and when I upgraded to Hardy I can longer use RT61 the same way like in Feisty | 07:45 |
wols_ | MikeCulver: yes. he misses stage15 or stage2, or rather grub misses it | 07:45 |
wols_ | and hence: error17. he will need to properly reinstall grub | 07:45 |
sexcopter | hi, i have an odd question: i have a bunch of files that i want to copy to a usb drive (fat32 partition), but it won't because each file has a colon (:) in it. Is there some way to get rid of just the colon in each filename, or something like that? | 07:45 |
wols_ | where stage1 is on sda and the rest on sdb1 | 07:45 |
sexcopter | err, that's ( : ) | 07:46 |
wols_ | sexcopter: mass renaming | 07:46 |
jobless | ok buntu .. this what wols_ said .. sudo apt-get install checkinstall | 07:46 |
wols_ | check the renametools package | 07:46 |
sexcopter | wols_: I'll have a look, thanks | 07:46 |
Kazuma | MikeCulver: menu.lst shows everything correctly | 07:46 |
Kazuma | even XP is listed there | 07:47 |
buntu | jobless: i have a question what would be the first to install the "configure" or the install? | 07:47 |
novato_br | !grub | 07:47 |
ubottu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 07:47 |
dj_hamsta | im trying to access the SSH machine remotely and unable to yet i can access it within the network | 07:47 |
hiz | hi guys | 07:47 |
fbthpg | hello, hiz | 07:47 |
void^ | Kazuma: also make sure your bios boots from the first disk. things get a little more complicated when it juggles things around on boot time | 07:48 |
White^Knight | wols_: ok, here it is :) | 07:48 |
Kazuma | BIOS does boot from disk 1 | 07:48 |
hiz | i an new to linux how can i install ONLY grub when i have got boot problem? | 07:48 |
Kazuma | where it quickly goes ERROR 17 | 07:48 |
buntu | how to use the | 07:49 |
MikeCulver | Kazuma: okay.. there is a in /boot/grub... wols_, would that be a possibility? | 07:49 |
jobless | buntu .. if you can explain in deatail what you are trying to do, someone can give you precise isntructions .. or it is my fault if I joined the conversation in the middle .. at which point ignore this message ;) | 07:49 |
Kazuma | MikeCulver: yes shows correctly | 07:49 |
fbthpg | hiz: what kind of boot problem? | 07:49 |
MikeCulver | Kazuma: the point is that grub and your bios might not actually see the drives in the same order | 07:50 |
=== bod_ is now known as Bodsda | ||
Kazuma | MikeCulver: (hd0) /dev/sda | 07:50 |
gnomer | later guys | 07:50 |
Kazuma | and so on | 07:50 |
hiz | actually i have not problem at morment, but i use dual boot XP and ubuntu.. and sometime i fucked up with boot system,, them i alwasy start to reinstal ubuntu again to .... | 07:50 |
hiz | you know what i am doing so stupid:D? | 07:50 |
xoxo | any one knows GUI (Graphic User Interface) based multemedia (Audio/Video) conver Please Tel me the name and from where i can download it | 07:51 |
Kazuma | hiz: XP was already installed on disk 1, then i tried to install Ubuntu on disk 2 | 07:51 |
hoss_ | any body has ubuntu working on a macbook with wifi | 07:51 |
Kazuma | soon as Ubuntu completed and i rebooted, it Error 17ed | 07:51 |
djemscheed | yes, actually | 07:51 |
Kazuma | and i have been trying to fix it for several hours now | 07:51 |
djemscheed | took me a while | 07:51 |
djemscheed | macbook, or pro? | 07:51 |
hiz | Kazuma , yes right:) thx for reply | 07:51 |
MikeCulver | Kazuma: well, I'm poring over grub docs atm.. we should get this sorted out | 07:52 |
jobless | buntu .. did you solve your problem? | 07:52 |
hoss_ | macbook. | 07:52 |
montpelie | hi everybody | 07:52 |
fbthpg | hello, montpelie | 07:52 |
jobless | montpelie hi | 07:52 |
xoxo | any one knows GUI (Graphic User Interface) based multemedia (Audio/Video) conver Please Tel me the name and from where i can download it | 07:52 |
MikeCulver | Kazuma: | 07:52 |
MikeCulver | Kazuma: read with me :) | 07:52 |
buntu | Jobless: my problem now is that how to install the software. using the checkinstall | 07:52 |
sexcopter | wols_: i used pyrenamer and it was perfect for the job! | 07:52 |
jobless | !checkinstall | 07:53 |
ubottu | checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running! | 07:53 |
Shdwstar | is there anyway to force the ubuntu installer to look at a particular directory to find the iso file (Avoid teh automatic detection crap)? | 07:53 |
hiz | when i have got this problem, i just say bye bye ubuntu and reinstall ubuntu.. you know? just for Grub! lol | 07:53 |
djemscheed | hoss_: you may find this usefull | 07:53 |
eXtigy | How i mount my partitions at boot? | 07:53 |
pteague | i've added 2 new sata drives... how do i generate UUIDs for them? | 07:53 |
eXtigy | My second HD? | 07:53 |
LSD|Ninja | eXtigy: define them in fstab (is there a GUI for that? Anyone?) | 07:53 |
montpelie | anybody on wireshark cases??? | 07:54 |
void^ | pteague: partition and create filesystems, run blkid | 07:54 |
MikeCulver | Kazuma: the docs recommend trying to change the boot order in bios of the individual drives | 07:54 |
ArthurArchnix | Isn't there a file where i can edit my default apps... that is, a /wav file is opened with 'x', and mp3 is opened with x... | 07:54 |
* xoxo any one knows GUI (Graphic User Interface) based multemedia (Audio/Video) conver Please Tel me the name and from where i can download it | 07:54 | |
White^Knight | LSD|Ninja: i don't know if there is a GUI, but that is an easy edit in a text editor | 07:54 |
jobless | buntu | 07:54 |
Kazuma | MikeCulver: yes, they are set correctly in BIOS, i even have an F8 boot menu and tried that | 07:54 |
Kazuma | and Error 17 is always what happens | 07:54 |
cjae | hi , update manager is saying that I have broken packages on my system and that I should search with broken as a filter to locate them | 07:54 |
eXtigy | White^Knight: How i do this?? | 07:54 |
cjae | how do I do this? | 07:55 |
* xoxo any one answer me please | 07:55 | |
LSD|Ninja | eXtigy: google fstab, there should be plenty of documentation on it | 07:55 |
eXtigy | cjae: I am from Brazil, sorry. | 07:55 |
eXtigy | cjae: Im not speak english... | 07:55 |
eXtigy | :\ | 07:55 |
* xoxo any one knows GUI (Graphic User Interface) based multemedia (Audio/Video) conver Please Tel me the name and from where i can download it | 07:55 | |
White^Knight | eXtigy: sudo kate (or any other text editor) /etc/fstab | 07:55 |
jobless | !avacado | 07:55 |
ubottu | Factoid avacado not found | 07:55 |
fbthpg | ***xoxo, try your package manager. | 07:56 |
jobless | !super | 07:56 |
ubottu | Factoid super not found | 07:56 |
Bodsda | xoxo, | 07:56 |
xoxo | buti dont know the package name | 07:56 |
xoxo | bodsda: i dont know the package name | 07:56 |
fbthpg | look for one. | 07:56 |
jobless | !Avocado | 07:56 |
ubottu | Factoid avocado not found | 07:56 |
Bodsda | xoxo, google? | 07:56 |
xoxo | bodsda: i m new for ubuntu | 07:56 |
yit41 | does anyone having amarok problem?? | 07:56 |
fbthpg | yit41: which problem? | 07:57 |
xoxo | bodsda: i have tried but i cant find multipurpose multimedia convertor can any one tel me specefic name of | 07:57 |
Bodsda | ffmpeg | 07:57 |
Bodsda | xoxo, ^^^^^^^^ | 07:57 |
tox-guy25 | hi i need help in building the module.. i couldnt determine the error | 07:57 |
MikeCulver | Kazuma: this might be ugly... but you could reinstall grub on a different disk: | 07:57 |
tox-guy25 | hi i need help in building the module.. i couldnt determine the error.. lawrence@lawrence-laptop:~/RT61_Linux_STA_Drv1.1.0.0/Module$ make all | 07:58 |
tox-guy25 | make -C /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic/build SUBDIRS=/home/lawrence/RT61_Linux_STA_Drv1.1.0.0/Module modules | 07:58 |
tox-guy25 | make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-16-generic' | 07:58 |
tox-guy25 | scripts/ *** CFLAGS was changed in "/home/lawrence/RT61_Linux_STA_Drv1.1.0.0/Module/Makefile". Fix it to use EXTRA_CFLAGS. Stop. | 07:58 |
FloodBot2 | tox-guy25: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 07:58 |
tox-guy25 | make[1]: *** [_module_/home/lawrence/RT61_Linux_STA_Drv1.1.0.0/Module] Error 2 | 07:58 |
tox-guy25 | make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-16-generic' | 07:58 |
yit41 | fbthpg: here's the problem: whenever i play flash related stuff (like youtube, aimini etc), i cant play files in amarok after that | 07:58 |
xoxo | bodsda: I want to convert my audio and vido files in different formats please help me if there is any software | 07:58 |
White^Knight | xoxo: i'm sure there is some out there, but u'd have to look for it in | 07:59 |
wols_ | White^Knight: looks fine. what is the problem? | 07:59 |
xoxo | if i would able to find something on google then why i need to come here and ask you all | 07:59 |
xoxo | i came here coz i m sure one of you have experience such software | 07:59 |
White^Knight | wols_: my opengl and glx don't work | 07:59 |
Bodsda | !info ffmpeg | xoxo | 07:59 |
ubottu | xoxo: ffmpeg (source: ffmpeg): multimedia player, server and encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:0.cvs20070307-5ubuntu7 (hardy), package size 187 kB, installed size 664 kB | 07:59 |
Kazuma | MikeCulver: I am going to reboot and try a few things, if nothing works, I will return | 08:00 |
Kazuma | thanks, and bbl | 08:00 |
fbthpg | yit: first, i would try a different codec, then | 08:00 |
White^Knight | wols_: when i tried testing a fireworks gl screensaver, it froze the whole system and i had to do a hard reboot | 08:00 |
fbthpg | try updating amarok | 08:00 |
jobless | !ffmpeg | 08:01 |
ubottu | Factoid ffmpeg not found | 08:01 |
MikeCulver | Anyone have experience with LVM and fully encryption? I have some questions. | 08:01 |
Bodsda | !anyone | MikeCulver | 08:02 |
ubottu | MikeCulver: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 08:02 |
zaggy-nl|cpts600 | tl;dr: the question, ask it! | 08:02 |
hiz | ty kazuma and all! | 08:02 |
Jck_true | Hey... I've locked myself out of my VPS... Anyone care taking a look on my iptables -L command? | 08:02 |
montpelie | hey | 08:02 |
yit41 | hhhhh | 08:02 |
rredd4 | hooo | 08:02 |
Bodsda | guys, enough with the pointless posts please | 08:03 |
montpelie | anybody clamav not working on HH | 08:03 |
o0Chris0o | like !anyone | 08:03 |
MikeCulver | Can I store encryption keys used for full disk encryption on a USB drive? Would the USB drive need to remain connected for the whole time the system was on? | 08:03 |
nikoboy | hello,i just update to hardy, and everything work fine. but my fn functions does not work at all as it did on gutsy :( | 08:04 |
nikoboy | anyone having this problem/ | 08:04 |
Chrysalis | anyone know if its possible to build your own install CD with sata drivers in it instead of having to use a floppy for the sata drivers? | 08:04 |
Pegasos989 | Heya. I'm going to buy a new desk computer in a few days (custom built naturally) and was just wondering if there are any Ubuntu/Linux related driver issues. Such as any specific brands to avoid or favor in graphics card, sound card, etc. | 08:04 |
jobless | !ati | 08:04 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 08:04 |
buntu | HELLO GUYS HOW TO USE BUILD-essential | 08:05 |
White^Knight | nikoboy: have u looked at ur shortcut key setups yet? | 08:05 |
fbthpg | pegasos, also check wireless cards | 08:05 |
nikoboy | no | 08:05 |
nikoboy | where is that? | 08:05 |
Flannel | buntu: What are you trying to do? | 08:05 |
wols_ | buntu: you can't, build essential is a meta package | 08:05 |
wols_ | Pegasos989: intel or amd? | 08:05 |
Bodsda | buntu, build-essential is a packagge including usefull things for building from source,. you dont 'use' build-essential | 08:05 |
White^Knight | nikoboy: i run kde, so for me it is in the System Settings | 08:05 |
wols_ | White^Knight: glxinfo | 08:06 |
buntu | Bodsda: so i have to use check install? | 08:06 |
yit41 | why is my amarok doesnt produce any sound after i played something from youtube? | 08:06 |
wols_ | White^Knight: also: dpkg -l |grep nvidia | 08:06 |
LSD|Ninja | Pegasos989: For video, nVidia is probably the still the best choice right now. As for sound, integrated audio on most boards is well supported. For wireless, Atheros=based cards are probably the best bet. And for motherboards/chipsets, Intel is usually the safe bet. Just watch out for the secodary PATA controllers on modern Intel-based boards, go SATA if you can | 08:06 |
Bodsda | buntu, what are you trying to do? | 08:06 |
nikoboy | ok im in | 08:06 |
Flannel | buntu: build-essential is used during checkinstall, and yes, checkinstall is the recommended method | 08:06 |
nikoboy | on shortcut key setups | 08:06 |
buntu | Bodsda: installing the software | 08:06 |
Bodsda | yit41, dunno -- run it from terminal to check for errors though | 08:06 |
=== narg_ is now known as narg | ||
wols_ | buntu: which software exactly? | 08:06 |
nikoboy | how do I add fn functions then? | 08:06 |
buntu | Flannel: how to use the checkinstall | 08:07 |
Pegasos989 | wols_: haven't quite decided yet. I know little about hardware so I concidered to just walking into shop and telling them about what kind of a computer (price, use, etc.) I want and let them help with the details. As such, it would be useful to know beforehand of any major issues... | 08:07 |
Flannel | !checkinstall | buntu | 08:07 |
ubottu | buntu: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running! | 08:07 |
yit41 | Bodsda: how do i run it from terminal? | 08:07 |
Bodsda | buntu, install software with apt or synaptic -- building from source is a different matter, what EXACTLY are you try to do? | 08:07 |
White^Knight | wols_: u want those as separate posts, or added onto the one i already have? | 08:07 |
Bodsda | yit41, i'd assume amarok | 08:07 |
eXtigy | What is the difference between the aptitude and apt-get? | 08:07 |
Pegasos989 | LSD|Ninja: thanks | 08:07 |
White^Knight | eXtigy: looks | 08:07 |
Bodsda | Flannel, so it just adds it to synaptic for easy removal? check install | 08:08 |
montpelie | but dd | 08:08 |
White^Knight | eXtigy: aptitude uses get-apt as it's front end ;) | 08:08 |
montpelie | if and of | 08:08 |
wols_ | Pegasos989: get a intel cpu, intel P35 chipset, nvidia vid | 08:08 |
Flannel | Bodsda: Yeah, it creates a deb package so you can remove it later | 08:08 |
Bodsda | eXtigy, not much | 08:08 |
montpelie | dont work that way ah | 08:08 |
Flannel | White^Knight: that's not true, almost backwards, but not quite | 08:08 |
buntu | Bodsda: i am now at the directory and there are option what should i do first the configure or the install? | 08:08 |
Bodsda | Flannel, but you can just delete the source ?? isnt that just as easy? | 08:08 |
Bodsda | buntu, ./configure make sudo check install | 08:09 |
Flannel | Bodsda: deleting the source won't remove the compiled stuff | 08:09 |
White^Knight | well, i know one uses the other :D | 08:09 |
montpelie | hey checkinstall, what is that for | 08:09 |
White^Knight | i may be confused tho :) | 08:09 |
nikoboy | WhiteKnight there is no help for me on the shortcuts.. what i mean is that all the fn functions.. on the top of my laptop keyboard use to work before.. a lot of important functions as my screen light | 08:09 |
eXtigy | White^Knight: And Synaptic, Update Manager, Add/Remove Programs?? | 08:09 |
montpelie | is it for creating deb packages | 08:09 |
montpelie | ??? | 08:09 |
Bodsda | Flannel, ah,. thats where my knowledge is lacking -- cheers was tryin to work out why makin it a deb was usefull -- cheers dude | 08:09 |
Flannel | White^Knight: no, they both use a common underlying library, neither uses the other | 08:09 |
nikoboy | i wonder how can I turn on the fn functions since this are very important for me | 08:09 |
whuut | please someone help me, i installed vista and now i can boot ubuntu, how do you fix this? i'm on ubuntu live cd now | 08:09 |
Bodsda | whuut, do you mean 'cant' boot? | 08:10 |
montpelie | using grub | 08:10 |
montpelie | whuut | 08:10 |
montpelie | resintalling it | 08:10 |
montpelie | grub | 08:10 |
buntu | Bodsda: theres and error "configure: error: Cannot find ssl libraries" | 08:10 |
whuut | sorry typo: i installed vista and now i cant boot ubuntu, how do you fix this? i'm on ubuntu live cd now | 08:10 |
Flannel | buntu: what are you trying to install? | 08:10 |
montpelie | root (hd0, 0) | 08:10 |
Bodsda | buntu, have you installed build-essential ? | 08:10 |
Flannel | !grub | whuut, first link | 08:10 |
ubottu | whuut, first link: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 08:10 |
hiz | whuut; | 08:10 |
Bodsda | whuut, | 08:11 |
buntu | Bodsda: yes | 08:11 |
montpelie | setup hd0 | 08:11 |
montpelie | exit | 08:11 |
montpelie | reboot | 08:11 |
montpelie | and the boot loader will come up | 08:11 |
dj_hamsta | im trying to log in remotely via SSH / putty and open ssh but unable to does not allow password but when i log in via local lan (with my other pc) it takes the password | 08:11 |
montpelie | whuut | 08:11 |
Bodsda | montpelie, no it wont | 08:11 |
eXtigy | Thanks.. | 08:12 |
montpelie | why not? | 08:12 |
mudd`Hossam | hello, i am having difficuly finding the command that enables the auto-complete function in ubuntu server? | 08:12 |
Flannel | dj_hamsta: Assuming you haven't changed any of the configuration stuffs, are you sure its the same machine? | 08:12 |
void^ | buntu: what are you trying to compile? | 08:12 |
dj_hamsta | oh crap | 08:12 |
mudd`Hossam | auto-complete as in i hit tab on the keyboard and it guesses the command dependent on the files in the folders | 08:12 |
montpelie | installingwindows after linux doesnt modify the grub conf file | 08:12 |
buntu | Bodsda: or my file is corrupt? is it possible? | 08:13 |
Bodsda | montpelie, you have to set it to root on the correct partition,. after the line -- grub -- you do -- find /boot/grub/stage1 the output will be like hd(0,1) then you do root hd(0,1) then the rest of your stuff | 08:13 |
montpelie | oh I see, the windows partition should be appended to the conf file | 08:13 |
Bodsda | buntu, sounds like build-essential isnt working -- make sure correct permissions apply on this folder aswell | 08:13 |
dj_hamsta | hahaha!! thank you Flannel> | 08:13 |
jobless | ok guys .. once more .. my gnome panels do not respond at least twice each day. I need to restart X to get them working. Can anybody help me debug this? | 08:13 |
jobless | !x | 08:13 |
ubottu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 08:13 |
montpelie | mmm ok | 08:14 |
Flannel | buntu: What are you trying to install? | 08:14 |
whuut | i used te command: find /boot/grub/stage1, the output is: (hd0,0), what do i type to root ( ) command? | 08:14 |
montpelie | that worked for me | 08:14 |
dj_hamsta | i just remembered i install SSH on my windows machine as well and DMZ is set to that one | 08:14 |
wols_ | White^Knight: since the drivers seem to work it's probably a GL library issue | 08:14 |
White^Knight | wols_: ok here are those other two command outputs: | 08:14 |
Bodsda | whuut, type root hd(0,0) | 08:14 |
montpelie | the process I just mentioned | 08:14 |
Flannel | mudd`Hossam: check your .bashrc | 08:14 |
buntu | Bodsda: i use the synaptic to install the build-essential | 08:14 |
wols_ | Bodsda: build-essential is a metapackage, it has no files | 08:14 |
ubud | !xsane | 08:14 |
ubottu | Scanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see and to see supported hardware: - See also !OCR | 08:14 |
Bodsda | whuut, then setup hd0 then exit then reboot | 08:14 |
mudd`Hossam | Flannel: is that in /home/? | 08:14 |
White^Knight | wols_: ok | 08:14 |
Flannel | mudd`Hossam: ~/.bashrc yes | 08:14 |
Bodsda | wols_, metapackage=??? | 08:15 |
Flannel | !metapackage | Bodsda | 08:15 |
ubottu | Bodsda: A meta-package is a package that simply depends upon other packages and brings them in. It's not a real package, but a very useful package that can drag in other package versions. | 08:15 |
wols_ | White^Knight: 3D works. maybe the screensaver itself is borked? tried other 3D apps? games maybe? tuxracer? | 08:15 |
wols_ | Bodsda: a package which only has other packages as dependencies and no files of its own | 08:15 |
hccmb | i cant compile rt2570 module , any tips? | 08:15 |
Bodsda | Flannel, so it pulls down a bunch of usefull stuff? | 08:15 |
Flannel | Bodsda: yeah | 08:15 |
Nomsky | morning | 08:15 |
wols_ | Bodsda: it only exists to draw in many other packages. ubuntu-desktop is another one | 08:15 |
Bodsda | wols_, Flannel ,. ty for the explanation ;~) | 08:16 |
White^Knight | i don't have any other but sune on my box, cuz i've been goin without the 3-D for so long, i didn't wanna waste the space if i couldn't use it | 08:16 |
mudd`Hossam | Flannel: sicccccccc, thanks | 08:16 |
wols_ | hccmb: there are errors. which ones? | 08:16 |
whuut | bodsda: thanks, i'm going to reboot now, i hope this works | 08:16 |
Bodsda | !compile | hccmb | 08:16 |
ubottu | hccmb: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 08:16 |
Bodsda | whuut, your welcome | 08:16 |
hccmb | well, i get an kernel headers error, but have them installed | 08:16 |
hccmb | 8.04 | 08:16 |
White^Knight | wols_: and right now, glxgears is runnin like a champ :) | 08:16 |
=== b4s1c is now known as X-B4S1C-X | ||
wols_ | what is the error and what does dpkg -l |grep kernel-header say? | 08:17 |
=== Mr_SpOOn[nonciso is now known as Mr_SpOOn | ||
nikoboy | hello. can someone help me with this problem.. i beg!!! I just upgrade to hardy, and there is a problem.. all the fn functions on my laptop keyboard are not responding! what is going on? everything use to work perfect on gutsy edition.. does anyone know how to fix this? my screen has maximum light now, and i cat make it lower without the fn functions.. is very stressful! | 08:17 |
Bodsda | did anyone else get an accidentle *.17 server kernel download recently? | 08:17 |
White^Knight | wols_: that didn't return any results | 08:17 |
jobless | nikoboy try adding the brightness control applet to your panel | 08:18 |
wols_ | White^Knight: wasn't for you but for hccmb | 08:18 |
nikoboy | how/ | 08:18 |
nikoboy | ? | 08:18 |
White^Knight | wols_: oh :D | 08:18 |
hccmb | wols , dpkg -l say nothing... | 08:18 |
Bodsda | hccmb, you grepped it yeah? | 08:18 |
wols_ | hccmb: then you have no headers installed | 08:18 |
hccmb | wols , yes | 08:18 |
hccmb | strange | 08:18 |
jobless | nikoboy it is just a work around .. right click on a panel and click add to panel. then select brightness applet from the list. | 08:19 |
wols_ | hccmb: apt-cache search kernel-header | 08:19 |
hccmb | sudo apt-get install linux-source-2.6.24-16-generic | 08:19 |
hccmb | this is what i did to install | 08:19 |
Kazuma | MikeCulver: i tried booting with window XP cd, and doing fdisk /mbr again ... only to find it missing | 08:19 |
Jburrke | Anyone know any bad ass free fps's for linux? | 08:19 |
Bodsda | hccmb, those arent the headers -- not sure if it has deps though | 08:19 |
Kazuma | MikeCulver: fdisk simply isnt there, i dont know why | 08:19 |
Jburrke | I've seen a few, but most are alienish stuff | 08:19 |
wols_ | hccmb: those aren't headers | 08:19 |
Jburrke | I mean like, army stuff XD | 08:19 |
djemscheed | jburrke: nexuiz | 08:20 |
Bodsda | !ohmy | Jburrke | 08:20 |
ubottu | Jburrke: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 08:20 |
nikoboy | ok. first step please. lets go slow please.. 1. right click on panel.. which panel? where? | 08:20 |
djemscheed | jburkke:nevermind about nexuiz in light of your last post | 08:20 |
Bodsda | nikoboy, the top panel | 08:20 |
hccmb | apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.24-16-generic | 08:20 |
Jburrke | Omg i said ass >> | 08:20 |
Bodsda | hccmb, yeah get that | 08:20 |
wols_ | hccmb: sounds about right | 08:20 |
hccmb | and this and a bunch more | 08:20 |
nikoboy | ok i add the the panel now | 08:20 |
Jburrke | djemscheed: nexuiz is good, i've seen it.. Just looking for something a bit more armyish.. | 08:20 |
hccmb | but still it does not compile, i used module-assistant too | 08:20 |
wols_ | hccmb: you also might need build-essential, module-assistant | 08:20 |
hccmb | same thing | 08:21 |
wols_ | hccmb: it gives you errors | 08:21 |
hccmb | yes , say's cant find the headers | 08:21 |
Jburrke | djemscheed: I saw a list of the top 25 games for linux, and a few of the fps's were army style (urban terror & one other) but i couldnt find a d/l off their site =/ | 08:21 |
Bodsda | !ot | Jburrke | 08:21 |
ubottu | Jburrke: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 08:21 |
hccmb | this is the error Bad luck, the kernel headers for the target kernel version could ▒ | 08:21 |
hccmb | │ not be found ▒ | 08:22 |
hccmb | │ and you did not specify other valid kernel headers to use | 08:22 |
jobless | nikoboy .. right click on any panel .. and click add to panel .. then select brightness applet from the list of available applets .. | 08:22 |
Jburrke | Lol | 08:22 |
Bodsda | !paste | hccmb | 08:22 |
ubottu | hccmb: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 08:22 |
Bodsda | !lol | Jburrke | 08:22 |
ubottu | Jburrke: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks. | 08:22 |
wols_ | hccmb: dpkg -l |grep 2.6.24 | 08:22 |
Jburrke | Bodsda: lmfao dood chill out man >> | 08:22 |
nikoboy | jobless i did and is not working at all.. not even a bit.. and anyway, what i want its my fn function again.. as it was working on gutsy :S | 08:22 |
djemscheed | jburrke: linux is pretty weak on games, but you can always use wine to run windows games (which are, of course, mostly non-free) | 08:22 |
Andycas | How to make hddtemp work without sudo? sensor-applet reads its data just fine - how come??? | 08:22 |
wols_ | Andycas: run it suid root | 08:23 |
GibbaTheHutt | there's a few like americas army which has native linux support iirc as an army game | 08:23 |
Jburrke | djemscheed: yeah.. "not free" | 08:23 |
Jburrke | djemscheed: ;D | 08:23 |
Bodsda | Jburrke, acronyms apply to the !ohmy -- plz keep it on topic -- there is a lot of noise in here, dont add to it with non-tech/tech support questions | 08:23 |
GibbaTheHutt | enemy territory | 08:23 |
hccmb | wols | 08:23 |
Andycas | wols_: No i cant, i want hddtemp to work with conky | 08:23 |
Jburrke | GibbaTheHutt: I couldnt find a download for that.. I think i looked | 08:23 |
Bodsda | GibbaTheHutt, America's army no longer has linux support -- only an out of date download | 08:23 |
GibbaTheHutt | Jburrke, for which one ? | 08:23 |
jobless | nikoboy .. what is not working? Don't you see a bulb like thing on your panel (top panel or bottom panel, which ever panel you added the applet to) | 08:23 |
nikoboy | Jobleess the brightness applet is not working at all, not even a bit.. im almost blind now.. the brightness is on maximun state. i wonder what in the world its going on with this new ubuntu version | 08:24 |
Jburrke | GibbaTheHutt: ET | 08:24 |
rabspd | Hi | 08:24 |
Bodsda | hi | 08:24 |
oddalot | does anyone know a smtp free mail server that doesn't use SSL? | 08:24 |
nikoboy | yes i see it | 08:24 |
nikoboy | and is not working | 08:24 |
nikoboy | its has a form of start | 08:24 |
wols_ | hccmb: your current running kernel is waht? (uname -a) | 08:24 |
hccmb | wols : what i need is the rt2570.ko | 08:24 |
wols_ | oddalot: none does | 08:24 |
GibbaTheHutt | for et | 08:24 |
hccmb | Linux hccmb-mach5 2.6.24-16-generic #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 13:23:42 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux | 08:25 |
wols_ | oddalot: most good ones can | 08:25 |
DracoZA | Is there a way to check when the next version of a package will be added to the repositories ? | 08:25 |
Jburrke | GibbaTheHutt: Oh nevermind, I have it on my desktop.. I just have no idea how to install it >> | 08:25 |
jobless | nikoboy .. can you see a slider when you click on the applet? Does adjusting the slider not change the brightness? | 08:25 |
oddalot | wols_ crap, how am i supposed to use this actionmailer | 08:25 |
wols_ | DracoZA: when the next version of ubuntu comes out. approx in half a year | 08:25 |
GibbaTheHutt | Jburrke, whats the file extension ? | 08:25 |
nikoboy | oh wait. but my brightness panel has on the middle an "ANTI" symbol | 08:25 |
nikoboy | red one | 08:25 |
nikoboy | how can i turn it on | 08:25 |
DracoZA | wols_, not the next version of Ubuntu :) the next version of a package | 08:25 |
wols_ | oddalot: as I said: all (good) SMTP servers don't use SSL by default | 08:26 |
MikeCulver | Kazuma: fdisk is missing from the xp cd? | 08:26 |
Andycas | Is there a way to make hddtemp work with conky? hddtemp needs sudo | 08:26 |
Bodsda | DracoZA, repo's get updated every release | 08:26 |
Jburrke | GibbaTheHutt: Ever heard of urban terrror? Oo | 08:26 |
GibbaTheHutt | yep, I used to play it | 08:26 |
wols_ | DracoZA: and the next version of a apckage only gets in when a new ubuntu version comes out | 08:26 |
nikoboy | yes i can see the slider jobless and is not working.. but this is cause the panel has an red 'ANTI' symbol | 08:26 |
oddalot | wols_ oh i thought you meant it the other way around | 08:26 |
ubud | !xsane | 08:26 |
ubottu | Scanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see and to see supported hardware: - See also !OCR | 08:26 |
nikoboy | i dont now how to turn on the panel | 08:26 |
nikoboy | its off now | 08:26 |
hccmb | wols : Linux hccmb-mach5 2.6.24-16-generic #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 13:23:42 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux | 08:26 |
Kazuma | MikeCulver: yes apparently | 08:26 |
wols_ | hccmb: you have the proper headers installed | 08:26 |
MikeCulver | Kazuma: did you try installing grub again? | 08:26 |
Kazuma | MikeCulver: I did HELP and it gave me no option for fdisk | 08:26 |
Bodsda | !ot | Jburrke, GibbaTheHutt, Games are not support unless your having problems with them caused by Ubuntu. Please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic | 08:27 |
ubottu | Jburrke, GibbaTheHutt, Games are not support unless your having problems with them caused by Ubuntu. Please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 08:27 |
Kazuma | MikeCulver: how? | 08:27 |
DracoZA | Bodsda, ok let me clarify some more, virtual box 1.6.0 is available for download from their site bit version 1.5.6 is still listed in the repos, how can I find out when 1.6.0 will be in the repos ? | 08:27 |
Kazuma | MikeCulver: I have attempted installing grub many times from the Live CD | 08:27 |
Jburrke | Wow.. lmfao | 08:27 |
hccmb | wols : so i am stuck there..cant compile the rt2570 wireless drivers | 08:27 |
Super400 | HI all | 08:27 |
Kazuma | and none have worked so far | 08:27 |
wols_ | DracoZA: for the LAST time: when a new ubuntu comes out. NOT before | 08:27 |
jobless | nikoboy .. it should be on by default .. try xgamma -gamma 0.75 in a terminal | 08:27 |
Bodsda | DracoZA, if it is deemed safe by the ubuntu devs then it will be added upon the release of intrepid | 08:27 |
wols_ | hccmb: m-a prepare | 08:27 |
MikeCulver | wols_: how do you properly install grub? | 08:27 |
Jburrke | GibbaTheHutt: Are you in the off topic channel? | 08:27 |
jobless | maybe that can reduce your brightness | 08:27 |
DracoZA | wols_, get some sleep :) | 08:28 |
wols_ | MikeCulver: several ways, by running grub as root, with grub-install, etc | 08:28 |
DracoZA | Bodsda, ok thanks | 08:28 |
Kazuma | MikeCulver: I tried grub, grub-install, update-grub | 08:28 |
Kazuma | all those have failed so far | 08:28 |
^ALEX^^ | good evenng y'all | 08:28 |
hccmb | wols : say's all is okey, | 08:28 |
Bodsda | DracoZA, no probs -- in some cases you can add repositories of third party files yourself -- but this is your risk | 08:28 |
MikeCulver | Kazuma: did the installs themselves fail? | 08:28 |
hccmb | but still the error when compiling | 08:28 |
Kazuma | MikeCulver: no, it said they succeeded | 08:28 |
wols_ | Kazuma: you need to install grub to hd1 and make sure your is alright | 08:29 |
a_ok | what is the variable $OPTIONS in the initscripts? | 08:29 |
Kazuma | but upon reboot, nada | 08:29 |
MikeCulver | Kazuma: I agree with wols | 08:29 |
nikoboy | jobless: | 08:29 |
hccmb | wols : are you running 8.04? | 08:29 |
Kazuma | wols_: : would appreciate knowing how to do that | 08:29 |
DracoZA | Bodsda, nod but I prefer to install only from the normal repos otherwise I just end up breaking things | 08:29 |
MikeCulver | Kazuma: /boot/grub/ | 08:29 |
Bodsda | DracoZA, fair comment ;~) | 08:29 |
a_ok | sorry i mean ...OPTS | 08:30 |
Kazuma | MikeCulver: edited that a thousand times, it shows correctly | 08:30 |
therealduckie | . | 08:30 |
wols_ | hccmb: I don#t run ubuntu | 08:30 |
MrPocknix | hey, I've got a shared folder on my XP Pro box, hwo do i find that via Ubuntu macine over the lan? | 08:30 |
MrPocknix | hey, I've got a shared folder on my XP Pro box, how do i find that via Ubuntu macine over the lan? | 08:30 |
Bodsda | !samba | 08:30 |
ubottu | Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 08:30 |
MrPocknix | thanks | 08:30 |
wols_ | Kazuma: what did you enter in grub? | 08:30 |
Bodsda | no probs | 08:30 |
MrPocknix | theres no way to do it without samba? | 08:30 |
Kazuma | wols: root (hd1,0) setup (hd0) | 08:30 |
wols_ | Kazuma: setup and what then? | 08:30 |
ReVisions | intel x3100 sould give me 900 fps on glxgears or more? | 08:30 |
a_ok | or better yet where the hell do i find any of these variable definitions | 08:30 |
jobless | nikoboy .. try xgamma -gamma 0.7 | 08:31 |
wols_ | MrPocknix: smbclient -L <ip> | 08:31 |
Bodsda | MrPocknix, there are but samba is by far the easiest i hear | 08:31 |
Bodsda | a_ok, you may have luck asking in #ubuntu-devs | 08:31 |
nikoboy | Jobless i got this: bash: try: command not found | 08:31 |
wols_ | Bodsda: what others are there? there is samba/sambafs and nothing else | 08:31 |
Bodsda | wols_, you can acces files through vnc | 08:32 |
wols_ | well, smbfs/cifs | 08:32 |
wols_ | Bodsda: not network shares | 08:32 |
jobless | nikoboy type this .. "xgamma -gamma 0.75" .. without the quotes | 08:32 |
jobless | nikoboy type this .. "xgamma -gamma 0.7" .. without the quotes if the previous one does not work .. | 08:32 |
nikoboy | sorry i type it incorrectly this is what i got: | 08:32 |
nikoboy | -> Red 1.000, Green 1.000, Blue 1.000 | 08:32 |
nikoboy | <- Red 0.700, Green 0.700, Blue 0.700 | 08:32 |
Bodsda | wols_, dunno tbh | 08:32 |
MikeCulver | wols_: doesn't grub inherently see the drive it's on as hd0? | 08:32 |
White^Knight | well, i'm gonna go to bed and try to get some sleep... been a rough day for me | 08:33 |
Bodsda | night | 08:33 |
White^Knight | g' nite all :) | 08:33 |
wols_ | MikeCulver: no. first BIOS drive is hd0 | 08:33 |
jobless | nikoboy .. did that help changing your brightness? | 08:33 |
jobless | !xgamma | 08:33 |
ubottu | Factoid xgamma not found | 08:33 |
hccmb | wols : building it with cvs works now | 08:33 |
wols_ | hccmb: read m-a docs and check to to set include folder for kernel headers manually | 08:34 |
wols_ | hccmb: good | 08:34 |
nikoboy | jobless, it didnt | 08:34 |
MrPocknix | man | 08:34 |
MrPocknix | yeah | 08:34 |
MikeCulver | wols_: so wait... in this situation, his /boot is not on the same drive as grub... | 08:35 |
MikeCulver | wols_: would that mess up grub? | 08:35 |
Bodsda | possibly | 08:35 |
generic | now i want to limit users only finance can print from finance and IT from IT | 08:35 |
generic | whats the solution | 08:35 |
wols_ | MikeCulver: it is | 08:35 |
jobless | sorry nikoboy .. this all i can point you to .. | 08:35 |
wols_ | stage1 is on hd0 everything else is on hd1 | 08:35 |
Bodsda | generic, change group permissions from read write to just read to the groups respectively | 08:35 |
generic | where | 08:36 |
generic | ? | 08:36 |
generic | all are system users | 08:36 |
generic | they log on lTSPO server basicaly | 08:36 |
nikoboy | ok jobless thanks for your help | 08:36 |
nikoboy | anyway | 08:36 |
rhyda1 | hello | 08:36 |
MikeCulver | hi, rhyda1 | 08:37 |
jobless | nikoboy .. try searching for it using your laptop model number .. somebody must have had the same problem .. don't forget to check if it is a problem with your graphics card. Make sure you have the proper drivers installed .. good luck | 08:37 |
roxygirl | anyone know how to enter spaces in command terminal, of folders (ie. PHONE CARD)? | 08:37 |
roxygirl | backslash \ or somethin? | 08:37 |
nikoboy | oh can you help me to move my panel as it was before i dont know what i did.. that now my shutdown bottom and everything move slightly to the left.. and the deskbar applet move all the way to the right | 08:37 |
Andycas | what filetype should i use to save a shell script to start up a program? | 08:37 |
rhyda1 | trying out a command line IRC, anyone know how to set up and use bitchx? | 08:37 |
nikoboy | where the shutdown panel use to be | 08:37 |
jobless | backslash \ | 08:38 |
Bodsda | roxygirl, rap the word in "s p a c e s" | 08:38 |
Bodsda | roxygirl, rap in quotes | 08:38 |
backslash | hey folks stop sayin my name xD | 08:38 |
Bodsda | backslash, thats prob not a good name to pick then ;~) | 08:38 |
wols_ | Andycas: it needs to be exectuable that's all. there are no "filetypes", only mime types | 08:38 |
Andycas | wols_: so i dont need to use just name? | 08:39 |
kasra | after upgrading from Gutsy to Hardy , I have some high(70-90%) cpu usage by gzip (I did not run gzip) for few times and I have to kill it myself. whats the problem ?! | 08:39 |
backslash | haha | 08:39 |
wols_ | Andycas: yes | 08:39 |
roxygirl | Bodsda: cool. that should work to enter into my fstab file too, right? | 08:39 |
wols_ | linux doesn't care about file extensions | 08:39 |
Bodsda | Andycas, just name -- make sure it has a shebang and execute permissions | 08:39 |
Andycas | wols_: doesnt want to work that way | 08:39 |
generic | Bodsa | 08:39 |
Bodsda | roxygirl, er dunno much about fstab im afraid | 08:39 |
generic | u there | 08:39 |
generic | Bodsda | 08:39 |
Bodsda | no im not | 08:39 |
generic | ? | 08:39 |
Kazuma | MikeCulver and wols_ i tried doing setup (hd2) and (hd1) | 08:39 |
roxygirl | Bodsda: alright, thanksthen | 08:39 |
wols_ | Andycas: I told you you have to set it executable. also: what's the first line of the program? | 08:39 |
Bodsda | roxygirl, your welcome | 08:39 |
Kazuma | so now it should be on all drives, lets see if any work | 08:39 |
Kazuma | bbl | 08:39 |
corinth | I want a window to remember the size it was when it closed, is this possible? | 08:39 |
Andycas | wols_: first line is #!/bin/bash | 08:40 |
jobless | nikoboy .. right click on the applets you want to move and click move .. then move your mouse and the applets should move whereever you want them to go. | 08:40 |
nikoboy | jobless i cant | 08:40 |
Bodsda | Andycas, thats ok now do chmod +x /path/to.script/script | 08:40 |
Andycas | wols_: i enabled execution now, ill try it out | 08:40 |
nikoboy | there is not an option to moe | 08:40 |
nikoboy | move | 08:40 |
Bodsda | .=/ | 08:40 |
Bodsda | jobless, you will have to unlock some of them | 08:41 |
jobless | nikoboy .. what do you get (options) when you right click on them .. | 08:41 |
kasra | after upgrading from Gutsy to Hardy , I have some high(70-90%) cpu usage by gzip (I did not run gzip) for few times and I have to kill it myself. any idea about root of problem ? | 08:41 |
wols_ | kasra: find out what program starts gzip | 08:42 |
kasra | wols_: How ? | 08:42 |
jobless | nikoboy .. Bodsda said jobless, you will have to unlock some of them | 08:42 |
nikoboy | you know what a lot of problems with hardy.. how can i get back to gutsy? | 08:42 |
wols_ | pstree for example | 08:42 |
wols_ | nikoboy: reinstall | 08:42 |
nikoboy | aaah:s | 08:42 |
kasra | wols_: I guess it's maybe related to log apps or something | 08:42 |
jobless | nikoboy .. you can tell me if you are successful at that ;) | 08:43 |
wols_ | kasra: cronjob then | 08:43 |
wols_ | logrotate | 08:43 |
kasra | wols_: cronjob is not active | 08:43 |
Bodsda | !downgrade | nikoboy | 08:43 |
ubottu | nikoboy: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system. | 08:43 |
European-African | hi, what version of envy should I install for 7.10? | 08:43 |
Bodsda | European-African, whatever version is in the repo's | 08:44 |
kasra | wols_: thanks for pstree , | 08:44 |
jobless | !problems | 08:44 |
ubottu | Factoid problems not found | 08:44 |
European-African | Bodsda: what can u get it fron the spm? | 08:44 |
MikeCulver | European-African: I had poor luck with envy.. it didn't work to install the latest driver. I ended up just letting updates do it a few weeks later | 08:44 |
jobless | !ubottu | 08:44 |
nikoboy | for example the networking panel.. i cant even delete that panel and reopen a new one to the right... i culd delete the quit panel and add a new one on the right.. but not the network and the battery life one.. this ones are on the middle... :S | 08:44 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 08:44 |
nikoboy | this is crazy | 08:44 |
Bodsda | !msgthebot | jobless | 08:45 |
ubottu | jobless: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. | 08:45 |
Bodsda | European-African, probably | 08:45 |
MikeCulver | !inthishouseweobeythelawsofthermodynamics | 08:45 |
ubottu | MikeCulver: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 08:45 |
lamalex | grub error 17 | 08:45 |
Bodsda | thermo dynamics? | 08:45 |
jobless | thanks Bodsda .. | 08:46 |
lamalex | anyone how to fix grub error 17? | 08:46 |
MikeCulver | lamalex: you too? | 08:46 |
MikeCulver | lamalex: we're working on it with another person too | 08:46 |
Bodsda | jobless, your welcome (dunno what for though -- !find packagename can be usefull aswell) | 08:46 |
MikeCulver | lamalex: multi-disk system? | 08:46 |
lamalex | MikeCulver: | 08:46 |
lamalex | a | 08:46 |
lamalex | MikeCulver: yes | 08:46 |
European-African | Bodsda: when I search envy it does not find it, is it in a different repos? | 08:46 |
lamalex | MikeCulver: 3, 2 sata 1 ide | 08:46 |
wols_ | !envy | 08:46 |
ubottu | envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package. | 08:46 |
MikeCulver | lamalex: slightly different | 08:47 |
MikeCulver | lamalex: how is the bios handling your sata? | 08:47 |
Bodsda | !info envyng | 08:47 |
ubottu | Package envyng does not exist in hardy | 08:47 |
lamalex | MikeCulver: what do you mean | 08:47 |
MikeCulver | lamalex: is the sata controller set up as RAID, IDE emulation, AHCI? | 08:47 |
Madpilot | !info envy intrepid | 08:48 |
ubottu | Package envy does not exist in intrepid | 08:48 |
European-African | ubottu: so I should use something that may not work and is supported over something that works? | 08:48 |
ubottu | European-African: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 08:48 |
lamalex | It's not raided, as for the other two I have no idea. How would I tell that? I believe it's set up just treat them as IDE drives | 08:48 |
wols_ | MikeCulver: doesn't matter. grub uses always bios int13 | 08:48 |
baking | help, what I try to install some packges it saids that'Ubuntu-Server 7.04 _Feisty Fawn_ - Release i386 (20070415)' in the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter | 08:48 |
zorglu_ | q. i would like to launch pigdin automatically on login, where should i look ? | 08:48 |
rhydar__ | hello | 08:48 |
zEr0-x | can somebody help me please ? | 08:48 |
Bodsda | MikeCulver, lamalex, have you seen this? -- | 08:48 |
lamalex | zorglu_: System > preferences > session | 08:49 |
bazhang | European-African, it is envyng-gtk for gnome (-qt for kde) | 08:49 |
Xcell | sessions | 08:49 |
European-African | ok | 08:49 |
zorglu_ | lamalex, thanks looking | 08:49 |
Bodsda | hey bazhang !! | 08:49 |
MikeCulver | Bodsda: The answer to your question: yes. | 08:49 |
Bodsda | MikeCulver, did it not help? | 08:49 |
MikeCulver | Bodsda: not for the other guy | 08:49 |
rhydar__ | hello | 08:49 |
Bodsda | MikeCulver, have you tried? | 08:50 |
MikeCulver | lamalex: the problem is that grub can't see the drive it's supposed to to continue | 08:50 |
MikeCulver | Bodsda: actually, yes | 08:50 |
lamalex | MikeCulver: right, but I'm not sure how to fix it | 08:50 |
Bodsda | MikeCulver, and.... | 08:50 |
MikeCulver | Bodsda: and in multiple different ways in hid case | 08:50 |
MikeCulver | Bodsda: still error 17 | 08:50 |
Bodsda | MikeCulver, lamalex, can you please come to #ubuntuforums-beginners for 'quieter' help | 08:51 |
jobless | later everyone .. | 08:51 |
Bodsda | bye | 08:51 |
rhydar__ | Anyone from South Africa here? | 08:52 |
sykopomp | some shuttle guy here is, I think | 08:52 |
sykopomp | shuttle-something | 08:52 |
bazhang | rhydar__, you need something in the way of support or wish to chat | 08:52 |
gordonjcp | sykopomp: something like that, yes | 08:53 |
u007 | hi, if i can't seems to kill -9 a application root access, what should i do? | 08:53 |
gordonjcp | sykopomp: Mark Shuttlepilot, that's it | 08:53 |
European-African | bazhang: I can find envy in spm under any name! | 08:53 |
`KoRn | what application can i use in burning a dvd movie? | 08:53 |
wols_ | !dvd | 08:53 |
ubottu | For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 08:53 |
bazhang | European-African, this is for hardy only | 08:53 |
European-African | oh | 08:53 |
European-African | not 7.10 | 08:54 |
European-African | does it work on 7.10? | 08:54 |
rhydar__ | Mark Shuttleworth ? | 08:54 |
bazhang | European-African, restricted drivers manager for gutsy | 08:54 |
bazhang | rhydar__, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic | 08:54 |
European-African | does that give all the right drivers? | 08:54 |
bazhang | European-African, have you used it yet | 08:55 |
rhydar__ | Fair enough bazhang, actually looking for some info on command line irc clients? | 08:55 |
European-African | do the job aswell as envy | 08:55 |
European-African | no | 08:55 |
wols_ | rhydar__: irssi | 08:55 |
bazhang | irssi rhydar__ | 08:55 |
lamalex | MikeCulver: ? any ideas | 08:55 |
Myrtti | rhydar__: irssi ♥ | 08:55 |
lamalex | rhydar__: +1 | 08:55 |
willwork4foo | hi - does anyone have any idea about building netatalk with ssl support? I've been following the guide at and when I get to the stage where I compile netatatalk with the ssl options, the build fails with the following error: gpg: skipped "Jonas Smedegaard <>": secret key not available | 08:55 |
willwork4foo | gpg: [stdin]: clearsign failed: secret key not available | 08:55 |
rhydar__ | irssi ? good? | 08:56 |
MrPocknix | command to transfer a folder from directory A to directory B ? | 08:56 |
willwork4foo | MrPocknix: mv | 08:56 |
MikeCulver | lamalex: yes.. in another room | 08:56 |
wols_ | willwork4foo: create a gpg guide for this email address then | 08:56 |
Xcell | European-African: google ( envy ubuntu 7.10) | 08:56 |
bazhang | !best | rhydar__ | 08:56 |
ubottu | rhydar__: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 08:56 |
MikeCulver | lamalex: #ubuntuforums-beginners | 08:56 |
MrPocknix | thanks man | 08:56 |
Kasra_ubuntu | hello every body! | 08:56 |
willwork4foo | wols_: ??? | 08:56 |
wols_ | European-African: if you use envy with ubuntu 7.10 no one will help you, from then on you are on your own | 08:57 |
European-African | bazhang: does restricted drivers manager do a better job than envy or the same? | 08:57 |
willwork4foo | that's not my email address - I've never seen it before | 08:57 |
wols_ | European-African: envy is not supported at all | 08:57 |
bazhang | European-African, envy in gutsy is not supported here | 08:57 |
wols_ | willwork4foo: then check where it'S metnioned in the files and change it | 08:57 |
Kasra_ubuntu | can anyone helo me to make an ad-hoc wireless network? | 08:57 |
Kasra_ubuntu | *help | 08:57 |
European-African | ok, thanx | 08:57 |
Kasra_ubuntu | :-( | 08:58 |
willwork4foo | wols_: how on earth do I do that? I'd need to go through all the source code files and grep them individually? | 08:58 |
rhydar__ | Ok, another question, looking to set up Mailx, two console windows on boot, using Fluxbox? | 08:58 |
afief | Kasra_ubuntu, | 08:58 |
wols_ | willwork4foo: grep -r is your friend | 08:59 |
Kasra_ubuntu | afief: Ok!I have rad that but it can't solve my problem! | 08:59 |
European-African | bazhang: restricted drivers manager, will it install nvidia 8500 gt so it will be utilized fully? | 08:59 |
Kasra_ubuntu | *read | 08:59 |
xkcd | <-- When I follow these instructons with a 4 GB USB drive and Ubuntu 8.04, I just get "operating system not found" when booting from the thumb drive. I formatted the thumbdrive with fat16, and I've booted from bootable USB drives on this machine before. | 09:00 |
Kasra_ubuntu | afief: I want to connect my laptop to my PC with wifi! | 09:00 |
bazhang | European-African, it should do; dont have that card so cannot say from personal experience | 09:00 |
xkcd | Is there anything that's changed with 8.04 that would make those instructions invalid? | 09:00 |
MrPocknix | command to rename folder? | 09:00 |
afief | Kasra_ubuntu, I can't help you... no wifi here to try and I never did it | 09:00 |
Kasra_ubuntu | afief: Ok!thx | 09:01 |
Kasra_ubuntu | ;-) | 09:01 |
rhydar__ | mv folder_name new_folder_name | 09:01 |
MrPocknix | thank | 09:01 |
LSD|Ninja | Kasra_ubuntu: what wifi cards are in each machine and are you using an access point/router? | 09:01 |
Bodsda | lamalex, do you want help with the grub error ? | 09:01 |
European-African | bazhang: how do I use the tv out on the card, does rdm install a utility to do this? | 09:01 |
rhydar__ | -r recursive might be needed. | 09:01 |
LSD|Ninja | European-African: The control panel is a seperate install iirc, look in synaptic for it | 09:01 |
Kasra_ubuntu | LSD|Ninja: my PC has broadcom and my laptop has a PCMSIA Cisco Wireless card! | 09:01 |
MikeCulver | lamalex: | 09:02 |
Hiruma | a | 09:02 |
LSD|Ninja | Broadcom :/ | 09:02 |
Kasra_ubuntu | LSD|Ninja: No I'm not use a router! | 09:02 |
European-African | LSD|Ninja: ok | 09:02 |
Kasra_ubuntu | LSD|Ninja: ;-) | 09:02 |
wols_ | Kasra_ubuntu: cisco makes no wlan chips | 09:02 |
willwork4foo | thanks wols_ ! | 09:02 |
Bodsda | lamalex, you still alive??? | 09:02 |
dordar | hello | 09:02 |
dordar | i need some help | 09:02 |
Kasra_ubuntu | wols_: Are you sure? | 09:02 |
dordar | i'm new to ubuntu | 09:02 |
wols_ | Kasra_ubuntu: pretty much. see lspci or lsusb | 09:03 |
dordar | and I downloaded it from wubi last night | 09:03 |
Bodsda | dordar, just go ahead and ask your question ;~) | 09:03 |
wols_ | !enter | dordar | 09:03 |
ubottu | dordar: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 09:03 |
dpowerd | does anybody know about creating/producing chiptunes/sid ? | 09:03 |
Kasra_ubuntu | wols_: Wait a momment! | 09:03 |
Kasra_ubuntu | *moment | 09:03 |
dordar | trouble connection on my wireless? i must use cable | 09:03 |
wols_ | dordar: what wlan chip? | 09:03 |
dordar | how can i find that? | 09:03 |
dordar | i'm really a newbie. | 09:03 |
wols_ | lspci/lsusb | 09:03 |
rhydar__ | dordar, are you using Ubuntu through wingdoze? | 09:04 |
Bodsda | dordar, thats 2 commands lspci lsusb | 09:04 |
=== qinershi is now known as Qinershi | ||
lamalex | I'm going to try supergrub, wish me luck. | 09:04 |
Bodsda | lamalex, wait -- i have a fix | 09:05 |
lamalex | oo | 09:05 |
lamalex | ok | 09:05 |
Bodsda | lamalex, join this channel -- #ubuntuforums-beginners its quieter there | 09:05 |
boomshakalaka | anyone else have the problem where the screen grays out on active applications? | 09:05 |
pvh_sa|wrk | boomshakalaka, yes | 09:06 |
LSD|Ninja | boomshakalaka: that means the app has stopped responding | 09:06 |
pvh_sa|wrk | boomshakalaka, its a compiz thing. any application which is "not responding" gets greyed out. often this means your computer can't keep up... | 09:06 |
LSD|Ninja | boomshakalaka: sometimes it'll come good, sometimes you have to Force Quit | 09:06 |
nikoboy | hello | 09:06 |
Kasra_ubuntu | nikoboy: Hi | 09:06 |
Chapai | is there an option in sshd_config that allows only public keys and not passwords? | 09:07 |
nikoboy | my problem is resolve now.. when i boot i have to option.. i select the | 09:07 |
nikoboy | the lower kernel and everything back | 09:07 |
nikoboy | to normallity | 09:07 |
boomshakalaka | this has to be a bug then because my computer keeps up fine | 09:07 |
nikoboy | i wonder why | 09:07 |
CrummyGummy | Hi all, I'm trying to setup nvidia binary drivers on Hardy. I've been doing this unsucessfully for the whole week. I've used envyng, apt-get install nvidia-glx-new and still no luck. My next move is to install using the nvidia installer but I don;t really want to do the. Any ideas how to do this? | 09:07 |
mgolisch | Chapai: PasswordAuthentication no | 09:07 |
mgolisch | i guess | 09:07 |
boomshakalaka | pvh_sa|wrk: this happens with apps that are still working | 09:08 |
Darth_Gimp | in hardy, how do I set up the 3d cube display? | 09:08 |
linsejko | Can anyone help me install this tarball? It has no config file, among other weird qualities... it's technically a 'unix' install, but I assume that means all unix systems. Link: | 09:08 |
DracoZA | Why do I get this message when I try and share a folder ?: 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error Permission denied | 09:08 |
Chapai | you need to install compiz Darth_Gimp | 09:08 |
cypha | i'm having lots of trouble setting up ubuntu to work properly | 09:08 |
cypha | someone mind helping a newb? | 09:08 |
Darth_Gimp | ok | 09:08 |
Darth_Gimp | synaptic yes? | 09:08 |
Chapai | mgolisch:- i have been looking through the option, cant believe i did not see it | 09:08 |
CAH | he... | 09:09 |
rhydar__ | Crummy, I think that you need to log in to the terminal first. X windows needs to be stopped before installing video driver | 09:09 |
linsejko | Can anyone help me install an odd tarball that I can't seem to get working? | 09:09 |
cypha | i just installed some nvidia driver glx-new or whatever, and it asked me to restart | 09:09 |
DracoZA | whats the problem cypha ? | 09:09 |
cypha | so i restarted, and now my resolution is all messed up | 09:09 |
Chapai | yes, Darth_Gimp | 09:09 |
CAH | hhhhhh | 09:09 |
boomshakalaka | LSD|Ninja: that sounds kind of wierd is this a known bug? | 09:09 |
mgolisch | linsejko: doesnt it have a readme or install text file? | 09:09 |
Darth_Gimp | Chapai: it says its already installed | 09:09 |
CrummyGummy | Well it doesn't start xserver at all. | 09:09 |
linsejko | No, that's the weird thing. | 09:09 |
cypha | ...i had selected to use some animation or something in the Appearance settings of ubuntu | 09:09 |
mgolisch | linsejko: i dont want to download stuff one has to register for | 09:09 |
linsejko | mgolisch, | 09:09 |
cypha | so it downloaded/installed some driver | 09:10 |
fanch_ | hi | 09:10 |
dda | if I install firefox3 in gutsy (using apt-get install firefox-3.0) - will it keep firefox2? | 09:10 |
linsejko | Use my email, | 09:10 |
linsejko | it allows using the same email twice. | 09:10 |
pvh_sa|wrk | boomshakalaka, yes they will be "still working".. do they go grey for a while and then "un-grey" ? | 09:10 |
linsejko | msolisch, using lacking.latin[(a_t)] | 09:10 |
Chapai | are you using gnome or kde Darth_Gimp | 09:10 |
LSD|Ninja | boomshakalaka: It's a timeout-based thing, if an app doesn't appear to be responding within a certain time period compiz will make them grey. As soon as they start responding again, they'll get restored | 09:10 |
Darth_Gimp | Chapai: Gnome | 09:10 |
boomshakalaka | pvh_sa|wrk: they will grey out....keep working and finish but not ungrey | 09:10 |
pvh_sa|wrk | boomshakalaka, you might want to run "vmstat 1" in a terminal window to keep an eye on what apps are blocking for... | 09:10 |
fanch_ | i'm trying to burn a cd with brasero but it doesn't work... it says that i need to use a blank cd (which i actually did...) | 09:11 |
fanch_ | anyone has an idea? | 09:11 |
pvh_sa|wrk | boomshakalaka, so look at the 1st colum. that's waiting for cpu. the 2nd column is waiting for I/O... | 09:11 |
Chapai | do you have extra visual effects enabled Darth_Gimp | 09:11 |
Darth_Gimp | Chapai: yes | 09:11 |
LSD|Ninja | If they aren't un-greying when teh apps starts responding again then that is a proble, yes | 09:12 |
linsejko | mgolisch, does that mean it's ano? | 09:12 |
cypha | can someone help me fix my resolution?? | 09:12 |
cypha | please | 09:12 |
bazhang | cypha which card | 09:12 |
freshkangkong | hello room | 09:12 |
cypha | the proper resolution option isn't available in "Screen Resolution" | 09:12 |
cypha | nvidia | 09:12 |
mgolisch | linsejko: ill look at it,moment | 09:12 |
bazhang | !nvidia | cypha | 09:13 |
ubottu | cypha: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 09:13 |
linsejko | mgolisch, thanks. | 09:13 |
cypha | i just downloaded the drivers, because i tried enabling the "medium effects" for appearance | 09:13 |
cypha | and it downloaded nvidia-glx | 09:13 |
MatBoy | does autoremove can usethe option --purge ? | 09:13 |
Chapai | click system preference and click advance desktop effects...... Darth_Gimp | 09:13 |
LSD|Ninja | cypha: The Screen Resolution panel in the preferences section of the System menu is worse than useless. 7.10 had a nice one with more options but it's been dropped from the look of things. | 09:13 |
=== yacc_ is now known as yacc | ||
Darth_Gimp | sweet thanks! | 09:13 |
Darth_Gimp | brb | 09:13 |
cypha | LSD|Ninja: why would they do taht? | 09:13 |
DracoZA | cypha maybe enable nvidia restricted drivers ? System - Administration - Hardware Drivers ? | 09:14 |
boomshakalaka | LSD|Ninja: the screen grays for the password while opening synaptic...then it's like it doesn't refresh the screen while it's working | 09:14 |
cypha | yes | 09:14 |
LSD|Ninja | boomshakalaka: you mean it greys *around* the password window? That's normal | 09:14 |
cypha | i did that dracoZA | 09:14 |
CrummyGummy | DracoZA: Do you know what the direct link for that is? | 09:14 |
LSD|Ninja | cypha: I dunno, it's one of many things that annoy me about 8.04 | 09:14 |
boomshakalaka | LSD|Ninja: yes but then it doesn't refresh after while synaptic runs | 09:14 |
cypha | shoot, i can't even scroll since i updated the nvidia driver | 09:15 |
cypha | what gives | 09:15 |
fanch_ | I can't join ubuntu-fr... anyone knows why ? | 09:15 |
LSD|Ninja | boomshakalaka: so after you enter the password, synaptic runs normally but the screen doesn't brighten back up again? | 09:15 |
bazhang | fanch /j #ubuntu-fr | 09:15 |
DracoZA | cypha and its ticked as enabled ? | 09:15 |
boomshakalaka | LSD|Ninja: yes | 09:15 |
fanch_ | bazhang: that's what i did (several times) but nothing happens | 09:16 |
yrjokin | hi there - does anyone know if Gutsy has support for Lexmark (all in one) please | 09:16 |
linsejko | mgolisch, just letting you know I'm still here. | 09:16 |
cypha | is what ticked as enabled? | 09:16 |
cypha | draco | 09:16 |
bazhang | fanch then /j #ubuntu-irc | 09:16 |
Chapai | youtube does not accept ogg videos, what is a good converter? | 09:16 |
Gin | flash 10 rocks. I recommend every one to try it out. it cuts the cpu usage from 70% to 20% :-) | 09:16 |
DracoZA | cypha under hardware drivers do you have nvidia listed ? | 09:17 |
leonbrussels | yrjokin: You can google <yourmodilnumber> ubuntu | 09:17 |
mgolisch | linsejko: i guess you just extract that thing somewhere and start | 09:17 |
boomshakalaka | LSD|Ninja: the screen will whiten back if I open firefox full screen | 09:17 |
yrjokin | leonbrussels: ok | 09:17 |
linsejko | mgolisch, I tried that. | 09:17 |
linsejko | :\ | 09:17 |
cypha | where can i see the hardware drivers list? | 09:17 |
fanch_ | bazhang: apparently i've been banned from that channel, according to server information | 09:17 |
fanch_ | but i don't know why | 09:18 |
cypha | oh | 09:18 |
cypha | i see it | 09:18 |
cypha | yes | 09:18 |
cypha | it's there | 09:18 |
FloodBot2 | cypha: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 09:18 |
mgolisch | linsejko: and? what error do you get? | 09:18 |
bazhang | fanch then join the channel #ubuntu-irc | 09:18 |
fanch_ | I never said or did anything there... | 09:18 |
cypha | "nvidia accelerated graphics driver (latest cards)" | 09:18 |
linsejko | mgolisch, pwd is /home/kajo/Desktop/tars/FoundationStone_3.0_Unix | 09:18 |
linsejko | ./ line 22: java: command not found | 09:18 |
fanch_ | ok, thanks bazhang | 09:18 |
LSD|Ninja | cypha: there used to be a hardware list applet too. That also got dropped but I'm less anoyed with that since it was pretty shicking anyway. | 09:18 |
mgolisch | linsejko: you need to install a java runtime environment | 09:19 |
cypha | it's a proprietary driver | 09:19 |
MrPocknix_ | man I still cant access my windows shared folder in Ubuntu | 09:19 |
mgolisch | linsejko: the sun jre might be best | 09:19 |
cypha | LSD|Ninja, DracoZA, any idea what i should do? | 09:20 |
linsejko | mgolisch, does it look like it should work otherwise? | 09:20 |
linsejko | Is that a particularly weird application setup, or is this normal just not as common? | 09:20 |
mgolisch | linsejko: its written in java it wont work without a java runtime environemtn installed | 09:20 |
babola1 | im trying to /msg ubottu. he's not answering :( | 09:20 |
mgolisch | just install the sun jre package | 09:20 |
mgolisch | search in synamptic | 09:21 |
mgolisch | synaptic | 09:21 |
linsejko | mgolisch, I'm pretty sure I have a jre... | 09:21 |
linsejko | and that it is sun. | 09:21 |
boomshakalaka | LSD|Ninja: I'm also wondering how these apps could not be responding. I'm not running anything intensive on this 2ghz machine with a gig of ram | 09:21 |
Aku | xtc | 09:22 |
linsejko | mgolisch, how do I tell if I have jre/ what do I do to install it? | 09:22 |
babola1 | linsejko: through synaptic. use the search function and see if the package's checkbox has green fill-up | 09:23 |
Agnostic | Where could I download Fiesty Fawn? | 09:23 |
cypha | okkk, i fixed my resolution | 09:23 |
_eMaX_ | hi all | 09:23 |
LSD|Ninja | boomshakalaka: I think you're referring to a different effect. When an app is not responding, compiz will grey that app window and nothing else. The greying of teh background when it pops up a UAC - sorry - sudo prompt is something different. Either way, it should return to normal once it's not needed. Definitely sounds like a bug what you're having. Could be video-driver related, but I'm not sure | 09:24 |
cypha | but my mouse still can't scroll | 09:24 |
TOPSECRET | why cant ubuntu remember my WPA2 password like windows does | 09:24 |
babola1 | Agnostic: why would you want feisty? | 09:24 |
luka_____ | mi s-a sculat pula | 09:24 |
MrPocknix_ | sudo mount // /media/ntmnt -o username=MrPockets,password=*****, | 09:24 |
MrPocknix_ | mount error 111 = Connection refused | 09:24 |
MrPocknix_ | Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page ( mount.cifs) | 09:24 |
linsejko | mgolisch, I will, but I prefer using terminal normally. | 09:24 |
bazhang | TOPSECRET, it can; what are you doing wrong | 09:24 |
MrPocknix_ | why would this happen ? | 09:24 |
Agnostic | babola1, I am looking at the differences in OS. | 09:24 |
_eMaX_ | is there a way to improve the preview in nautilus - if I want to increase like the size of a preview of PDFs, I can hit Ctrl+, but it doesn't render it better, just zooms in | 09:24 |
LSD|Ninja | TOPSECRET: it saves my WPA1 password, WPA2 shjouldn't be too much different. Are you remembering to tick the "Save in keychain" bix? | 09:24 |
Agnostic | babola1, I am attempting to look at ubuntu from its earliest stages of development. | 09:24 |
TOPSECRET | it changes the box to wpa1 and deletes the password | 09:24 |
boomshakalaka | LSD|Ninja: ok thx | 09:24 |
TOPSECRET | there is no save in keychain box | 09:25 |
Wallgod | Hi All, Is there some way I can make an application in Ubuntu full screen? This was pretty straight forward in Kubuntu | 09:25 |
rhydar__ | Wallgod f11 usually works | 09:25 |
TOPSECRET | i go into the network panel in configuration | 09:25 |
TOPSECRET | *administration | 09:26 |
babola1 | Agnostic: oh. Google might help. just a tip, every release, there's a ReleaseNote. Check each one | 09:26 |
Wallgod | rhydar__, isnt that only for firefox? for example it did not work in the XChat window | 09:26 |
Agnostic | I was hoping someone in here would know where to get the earlier versions. | 09:26 |
dppd | i want to update from 6.06 LTS to 8.04LTS. I followed the guidelines on the upgrade page but i dont get the question.... Any suggestions??? | 09:26 |
CrummyGummy | \q | 09:27 |
babola1 | Agnostic: you mean you want the actual installation files? | 09:27 |
Frostex | Hi there, i am looking for somebody that can help me 1-1 set up samba, im having difficulty (and yes i have searched web guides first) | 09:27 |
Agnostic | babola1, Yes. I want to install the early versions of ubuntu on my old system. | 09:27 |
babola1 | Agnostic: here, then --> | 09:27 |
bazhang | Frostex, best place for that is #samba | 09:27 |
LSD|Ninja | dppd: when a new release is available then update manager should tell you as much | 09:27 |
Agnostic | babola1, Okay thank you. | 09:27 |
Frostex | thanks baz | 09:27 |
dppd | LSD|Ninja: It doesn't... ;-( | 09:28 |
ari_stress | hi all, anyone knows a screenshot capture tool that can capture a screen with scroll down? | 09:28 |
Agnostic | babola1, Thats exactly what I wanted. Thank you very much. | 09:28 |
linsejko | mgolisch, downloading jre... | 09:28 |
TOPSECRET | why cant ubuntu remember my WPA2 password like windows does | 09:28 |
bazhang | !screencast | ari_stress | 09:28 |
ubottu | ari_stress: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder. Also see | 09:28 |
LSD|Ninja | TOPSECRET: you asked that like five minutes ago | 09:28 |
Wallgod | How to make a app window like for eg. GEdit full screen in Ubuntu | 09:29 |
bazhang | TOPSECRET, set it in the command line | 09:29 |
TOPSECRET | then it would remember | 09:29 |
TOPSECRET | ? | 09:29 |
janMD | TOPSECRET: hidden SSID? | 09:29 |
Patrick8 | Am I correct in understanding that Debian's openssh vulnerability requires an attacker to first have a copy of a users public key ? | 09:29 |
Agnostic | Anybody in here famaliar with DVDFab? | 09:29 |
TOPSECRET | it is open SSID | 09:29 |
bazhang | TOPSECRET, set in cli; it will be SET | 09:30 |
TOPSECRET | i change SSID between home and work and school but it doesnt remember even when i dont change | 09:30 |
cypha | i installed an nvidia driver, and when i restarted, i can no longer scroll | 09:31 |
dppd | When i press Alt-F2 and type gksu "update-manager -d" nothing happens ;-( | 09:31 |
bazhang | !upgrade | dppd | 09:31 |
ubottu | dppd: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 09:31 |
cypha | someone please help | 09:32 |
cypha | how do i view xconfig? | 09:33 |
bloops | Hello I can connect and disconnect using pon and poff but not networkmanager. I have ethernet/pppoe connection. Is it possible to do (dis)connect using NM? | 09:33 |
dppd | bazhang: is it possible to upgrade from 6.06LTS to 8.04LTS Directly...??? | 09:33 |
bazhang | dppd did you read that link or not | 09:33 |
dpowerd | cypha, /etc/x11/xorg.conf | 09:34 |
babola1 | bloops: yes you can. it is also possible with Network Manager. What sort of problem do you have? | 09:34 |
dpowerd | cypha, /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:34 |
dpowerd | rather | 09:34 |
bloops | I can however, tell whether the connection is active or not. | 09:34 |
dppd | bazhang: looked at the page but did not spot 6.06 2 8.04....! | 09:34 |
cypha | do i have to type something before it? | 09:34 |
cypha | like sudo or something | 09:34 |
dpowerd | you jsut want to view it? | 09:34 |
dpowerd | or edit it? | 09:34 |
babola1 | bloops: in a terminal, do: plog | 09:35 |
cypha | well, my mouse scroll isn't working | 09:35 |
Chapai | if you want view it nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:35 |
linsejko | mgolisch, it works, thanks. I feel silly for it just being that. | 09:35 |
rhydar__ | sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:35 |
cypha | it was just a few moments ago | 09:35 |
bloops | There's a checkbox next to ppp connection in network manager. I have set the details. But when I check/uncheck the checkbox it goes back to its original state | 09:35 |
zamba | what does it mean that uptime is displayed with a '!' in? | 09:35 |
zamba | it says here: Uptime: 180 days(!) | 09:35 |
cypha | until i installed some nvidia driver | 09:35 |
linsejko | mgolisch, and everyone! I was never able to get this app to work properly on windows, but here on linux it was a small matter. :D | 09:35 |
cypha | i have no idea what the 2 have to do with each other | 09:35 |
bazhang | dppd from a link on the page I gave you | 09:35 |
linsejko | thank you all. | 09:35 |
mgolisch | linsejko: np | 09:35 |
dpowerd | cypha, is the driver otherwise working properly? | 09:35 |
babola1 | bloops: have you done sudo pppconf? | 09:35 |
abadd0n_ | is there an emulator like ndiswrapper to use osx drivers instead of windows drivers (for example a broadcom 4328 chipset) because, honestly, the windows driver sucks ass | 09:36 |
cypha | dpowerd: well, i can't get the dual display to work either | 09:36 |
dpowerd | have you tried envy? | 09:36 |
cypha | what's envy? | 09:36 |
dpowerd | its really wonderful imo | 09:36 |
dppd | bazhang: ok... i tried this one but it does not work... | 09:36 |
LSD|Ninja | abadd0n_: best solution for broadcrap is replacement | 09:36 |
bazhang | !envy | dpowerd | 09:36 |
ubottu | dpowerd: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package. | 09:36 |
cypha | still don't know what it is | 09:36 |
Chapai | that does not help | 09:36 |
cypha | updated version of a package? | 09:37 |
abadd0n_ | LSD|Ninja, 1. why? 2. not really an option on my airport extreme card | 09:37 |
cypha | what is that | 09:37 |
dpowerd | cypha, | 09:37 |
cypha | what is that package | 09:37 |
Chapai | its a driver for nvidia and ati graphics cards cypha | 09:37 |
dpowerd | uninstall your nvidia drivers and do them through envy | 09:37 |
cypha | ohh | 09:37 |
bloops | babola1: plog reports it as connected. Primary DNS, Secondary DNS etc. I connected using pon. | 09:37 |
dpowerd | i ahd my dual monitors up and running in no time flat | 09:37 |
LSD|Ninja | abadd0n_: Broadcom wireless is irredeemably shite, no matter what OS you run | 09:37 |
bloops | But I want to do it from network manager, or another gui. | 09:37 |
babola1 | and your PPP connection in NetMan still is unchecked? | 09:37 |
dpowerd | i dont really enjoy editing xorg.conf manually :p | 09:37 |
bazhang | dppd, what was the exact command you gave | 09:37 |
cypha | dpowerd: how do i uninstall my drivers? | 09:37 |
dppd | When i press Alt-F2 and type gksu "update-manager -d" nothing happens ;-( | 09:37 |
* LSD|Ninja is lucky he got his MacBook while they were still using Atheros chips | 09:38 | |
babola1 | bloops: and your PPP connection in NetMan still is unchecked? | 09:38 |
bloops | babola1: No. Its checked. It reports the status correctly. | 09:38 |
dpowerd | i think you can actually uninstall them with envy, then install | 09:38 |
bloops | But I cannot uncheck it. | 09:38 |
bloops | Or check it when its connected. | 09:38 |
babola1 | bloops: then what is your questin? | 09:38 |
babola1 | *question | 09:38 |
dpowerd | yes you can | 09:38 |
bazhang | dppd, you checked that dapper-updates was enabled or not | 09:39 |
bloops | Can I do the connecteion/disconnection without using pon/poff? | 09:39 |
dppd | bazhang: how do i check this? | 09:39 |
Chapai | ppl still use dapper? | 09:39 |
cypha | dpowerd: will it ask me? | 09:39 |
abadd0n_ | LSD|Ninja, actually in osx it's pretty good, but i'll take your argument as a mere insult towards the hardware, which, by the way, is not of any help to me | 09:39 |
dppd | bazhang: by running the update manager? | 09:39 |
dpowerd | cypha, yes | 09:39 |
babola1 | bloops: NetMan should remember your previous settings so that you won't have to dial again. you still need to dial before you can connect *every* startup? | 09:39 |
yit41 | help! i cant mount my drive all of sudden | 09:39 |
bazhang | abadd0n_, please tone it down | 09:40 |
cypha | what's the difference between terminal and konsole? | 09:40 |
dpowerd | cypha, if you are using kubuntu make sure to grab the right envy version | 09:40 |
bloops | babola1: yes. | 09:40 |
rhydar__ | konsole is the KDE terminal ... | 09:40 |
cypha | i have ubuntu | 09:40 |
cypha | sudo apt-get install envyng-gtk | 09:40 |
cypha | ? | 09:40 |
LSD|Ninja | abadd0n_: you're like the 3rd person in here today who's complaining about Broadcrap, people are in here all the time complaining about it and my sister had a braodcrap card in her laptop that I replaced with an Intel over hte weekend because it was so bad | 09:40 |
rhydar__ | terminal is the xfce terminal ... | 09:40 |
babola1 | well, that's odd. How did you set up your connection? sudo pppconf? | 09:40 |
dpowerd | cypha, just follow the guide in the link i posted | 09:41 |
cypha | k | 09:41 |
dpowerd | looks correct though | 09:41 |
LSD|Ninja | (3rd person that I've noticed that is) | 09:41 |
babola1 | bloops: well, that's odd. How did you set up your connection? sudo pppconf? | 09:41 |
rhydar__ | I don't think that terminal can tab windows ... | 09:41 |
bazhang | dppd you can find synaptic? | 09:41 |
bloops | babola1: yes. | 09:41 |
bloops | babola1: if its disconnected in the middle, (it happens) I have to use pon too. | 09:41 |
bloops | Cant I just use nm to do what pon, poff does? | 09:41 |
dppd | hazhang: opened it...! | 09:41 |
babola1 | bloops: perhaps it's an ISP issue.. | 09:42 |
abadd0n_ | i'm not really complaining about the hardware, simply about the diffences in drivers, if linuxwireless had gotten around to m43 supporting 4328/29 chipsets yet, i'm sure it'd work just fine | 09:42 |
cq | if a new upstream version is available, do you file a bug on the package? I'm looking at keepassx 0.2.2 vs 0.3.1 | 09:42 |
bloops | I am asking because thats what I did in fedora. | 09:42 |
cypha | dpowerd: it didn't ask me to uninstall the nvidia stuff | 09:42 |
bazhang | dppd enable dapper-updates then refresh/reload | 09:42 |
bloops | I could connect/disconnect using the gui there. | 09:42 |
yit41 | help me to mount my drive again | 09:42 |
dpowerd | did you open envy already? | 09:42 |
bloops | Is it possible to replace NM? | 09:42 |
dpowerd | there is a GUI | 09:42 |
rhydar__ | sudo mouny -a | 09:42 |
LSD|Ninja | abadd0n_: Is your machine as OS X/Ubuntu dual boot? Is whether the card is supported in OS X oob important to you? | 09:42 |
rhydar__ | mount | 09:42 |
bloops | With the one present in fedora? | 09:42 |
rhydar__ | sorry, sudo mount -a | 09:43 |
cypha | dpowerd: i typed sudo apt-get install envyng-gtk | 09:43 |
cypha | and it did whatever it did | 09:43 |
cypha | and now it's done | 09:43 |
babola1 | !who | bloops | 09:43 |
ubottu | bloops: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 09:43 |
dpowerd | cypha, now u must open it | 09:43 |
abadd0n_ | actually a triple boot and already supportet in osx, i don't understand the second question @ LSD|Ninja | 09:43 |
dpowerd | cypha, sudo envyng -t | 09:43 |
dppd | bazhang: how do i enable dapper -updates? | 09:43 |
yit41 | something went wrong with my ubuntu. it says i dont have the privilege to do so | 09:43 |
abadd0n_ | sry, gotta run, be back | 09:43 |
cypha | ohhh, ok, cool gui | 09:43 |
bazhang | cypha apps-->system tools | 09:44 |
cypha | yeah, i just found it | 09:44 |
cypha | i was looking in system/apps | 09:44 |
cypha | =) | 09:44 |
dpowerd | cypha, there is also a real GUI not inside the terminal | 09:44 |
cypha | yeah, i ran it from Applications now | 09:44 |
bloops | babola1: can I replace NM with something else? | 09:44 |
dpowerd | poke around under system in the main meun | 09:44 |
dpowerd | ok | 09:44 |
rhydar__ | yit41 | mount is a sbin command, you have to sudo to execute | 09:44 |
yit41 | rhydar__: it says no file or such directory | 09:44 |
microwaver | I'm experiencing a weird problem with ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy. Sometimes it is if, when I type or I alt tab or different keystrokes one of the keys 'stuck' it is just repeated over and over. any ideas what creates this problem? | 09:44 |
LSD|Ninja | abadd0n_: afaik, the Airport Extreme card is still mini-PCIe (at least on MacBook Pro) meaning it should be to replace it with, say, the Intel n card, However, that will kill your wireless in OS X | 09:44 |
cypha | i chose to "remove" the nvidia drivers and it's downloading something | 09:45 |
cypha | that's so weird | 09:45 |
cq | is there an easy way to go from kubuntu to ubuntu (and maybe back)? I'd like to try gnome | 09:45 |
yit41 | rhydar__:but i can see my drive (named 38.8 GB Media) under Places | 09:45 |
babola1 | bloops: im not sure. i'll go check on that. but i think Network Manager can connect/disconnect. a click on the NetMan icon, then a popup appears. Hover your cursor over "dial up connections" and it should give you options | 09:45 |
dpowerd | cypha, best of luck to you, im gone to raid my fridge, highlight me if you have probs ;] | 09:46 |
bazhang | dppd, is there not a software source in synaptic called dapper-updates? click to enable then refresh/reload | 09:46 |
cypha | thanks dpowered: u've been very helpful! | 09:46 |
rhydar__ | yit41 | sudo apt-get install mount ... maybe | 09:46 |
bazhang | cq install ubuntu-desktop | 09:46 |
bloops | babola1: left click on the icon has a 'Manual Configuration' dialog link. Right click has | 09:46 |
cq | and then install kde-desktop to go back?= | 09:47 |
cq | or how is the default wm set? | 09:47 |
yit41 | rhydar__:what do you mean maybe? i can mount before this and i even set up my ubuntu to auto-mount my drive | 09:47 |
rhydar__ | yit41 | is it an external drive? | 09:47 |
stevem | Hey, I'm having difficulty deleting two directories from /mnt - see this nopaste and you'll see it looks _really_ wierd :S ... | 09:47 |
bloops | babola1: *'Enable Networking' checkbox which enables disables eth0 | 09:47 |
bazhang | cq you have kubuntu now? then choose in login screen under sessions | 09:47 |
yit41 | rhydar__: no, it's another partition. my XP partition. i installed my hardy via wubi | 09:47 |
babola1 | bloops: what do you have in Network Settings, Connections tab? | 09:48 |
dppd | bazhang: ok. i did it... but nothings changes... | 09:48 |
cq | bazhang: yes. where is sessions? | 09:48 |
bazhang | cq in login screen the little menu there click it | 09:48 |
cq | is the login screen teh same for kde/gnome? | 09:48 |
natalisushka | Hi people. I have a problem with my system that when I start it, non of the loading bar and the configuration output (starting servers, applications, checking system ...) appear. instead, I get a dim back screen with a very little light and then logs in the system normally after 3 minutes! Can anyone predict what's wrong? | 09:48 |
yit41 | and my pidgin kept giving me Reading error when it is trying to connect to MSN | 09:49 |
bazhang | natalisushka, with that small amount of info hard to say | 09:49 |
bazhang | dppd, you need to refresh now | 09:49 |
o0Chris0o | natalisushka: check your system logs | 09:50 |
dppd | bazhang: i did... It updates all the packetinfo... | 09:50 |
bazhang | dppd now try the command again | 09:50 |
natalisushka | <bazhang> I believe it's a VGA driver problem. When I press Ctrl+Alt+4 to switch to command line unix-like I get very big characters, 4 in one line | 09:50 |
rhydar__ | yit41 | if wubi is like VirtualBox, there might be some config settings to allow networking and access to other drives ... | 09:51 |
natalisushka | <o0Chris0o> What exactly of the system log I must check? | 09:51 |
bazhang | natalisushka, then boot in recovery mode and fix the driver issue | 09:51 |
dppd | bazhang: Alt-F2 and type gksu "update-manager -d"?? | 09:51 |
bazhang | dppd first close synaptic | 09:51 |
natalisushka | <bazhang> I don't know how and what to fix! that's why I am here | 09:51 |
dppd | bazhang: ok | 09:51 |
bazhang | natalisushka, first boot into recovery mode | 09:51 |
rhydar__ | natalisushka | are you using grub? | 09:52 |
cq | bazhang: do adept, synaptic, apt-get, etc. all play nice together? or do they need to be kept in sync somehow? | 09:52 |
natalisushka | <rhydar__> Yes | 09:52 |
yit41 | rhydar__: well, i can see my drive, access the files in it normally before this | 09:52 |
natalisushka | <bazhang> And then? | 09:52 |
yit41 | rhydar__: 10 minutes ago it stopped working | 09:52 |
Ollie_ | Hello... what do I need to install to get "dlsym" ?? | 09:52 |
bazhang | cq adept synaptic and add/remove are front ends for apt | 09:52 |
dppd | bazhang: nothing changes.... ;-) | 09:52 |
tobago | is there a way to save an opened/edited gedit-file when the the kernel is standing? | 09:52 |
bazhang | dppd pastebin your sources.list | 09:53 |
cq | bazhang: which use /var/lib/dpkg, ok... | 09:53 |
=== backslash is now known as backslash7 | ||
tobago | i know it sounds curious but the linux machine is really standing without using any cpu with load average 10!!! | 09:53 |
bazhang | cq dpkg | 09:53 |
yit41 | where is mimi?? | 09:54 |
tobago | i only have access to this machine via ssh from another machine. | 09:54 |
natalisushka | <bazhang> After I login to my recovery mode, what shall I do? | 09:54 |
rhydar__ | natalisushka | vim /boot/grub/menu.lst | 09:54 |
natalisushka | <rhydar__> What do you want to know exactly? | 09:55 |
Cheavera | I need a working Sun java plugin on a 64 bit system. I installed a 32bit firefox in /opt/ but i cant call any websites. I can call the local ip-adressof my router. Can someone help me out? | 09:55 |
natalisushka | <rhydar__> Do you want me to pastebin the contents? | 09:55 |
Myrtti | !tab | natalisushka | 09:55 |
ubottu | natalisushka: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 09:55 |
bazhang | natalisushka, then we need to fix the driver issue; have you booted into safe mode yet | 09:55 |
cypha | i just installed EnvyNG | 09:56 |
cypha | anyone famliar with that? | 09:56 |
LSD|Ninja | !envy | cypha | 09:56 |
ubottu | cypha: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package. | 09:56 |
natalisushka | <bazhang> But as far as I remember safe mode isn't graphic! or is it? | 09:56 |
lorenzo_ | hi can anyone suggest a way to transform avi files into mp4 on hardy amd64 please? thanks? | 09:57 |
Ollie_ | Hi. I'm trying to compile something, but it's not working because I'm missing "dlsym", "dlerror", "dlopen", and "dlclose". Any help? | 09:57 |
* LSD|Ninja can't believe he just did that... | 09:57 | |
bazhang | natalisushka, yes it is | 09:57 |
joetheodd | Are there any Java 1.4 packages on the repositories anymore? | 09:57 |
* LSD|Ninja has been hanging in here for far too long | 09:57 | |
wols_ | Ollie_: paste the error, first arror | 09:57 |
Cheavera | How can i install a 32bit firefox on my 64bit system the way it works? | 09:57 |
natalisushka | <bazhang> From grub? | 09:57 |
cypha | LSD|Ninja, how do i get it to recognize my 2nd monitor? | 09:57 |
wols_ | joetheodd: not really. 1.4 is long gone | 09:57 |
rhydar__ | Ollie_ | sudo apt-cache search dlsym ... | 09:57 |
dppd | bazhang: got the sources.list? | 09:58 |
yit41 | anyone here to help me with mounting my drive? | 09:58 |
leonbrussels | Cheavera: Could this help you: | 09:58 |
cypha | and also, i chose to uninstall the nvidia drives (from within the NVNG thing in applications) and the Nvidia X Server SEttings are still there | 09:58 |
joetheodd | wols_, say I were to have to upgrade the wooly mammoth of java projects and compile against 1.4, where could I get a copy of the JDK? I suppose I'm comfortable jerry-rig installing it. | 09:58 |
bazhang | dppd you need to pastebin it and then give the url here | 09:58 |
wols_ | joetheodd: old ubuntu version, sun, blackdown | 09:58 |
bazhang | rhydar__, no sudo needed for apt-cache search | 09:59 |
joetheodd | wols_, think I could find sun's 1.4 on an old ubuntu package browser and manually install the deb? | 09:59 |
wols_ | joetheodd: yes, if you are lucky | 09:59 |
wols_ | tho, java is non-free | 09:59 |
Jburrke | Hey, when I load up a game like ET for example I get these wierd flashy black boxes on the screen.. Anyone know what that's about? | 10:00 |
o0Chris0o | ET? | 10:00 |
o0Chris0o | Enemy Territory? | 10:00 |
dpowerd | cypha, you cant configure your monitors through the "nvidia x server settings" windows | 10:00 |
joetheodd | wols_, jdk's 5 and 6 can't compile against old versions, can they? | 10:00 |
Jburrke | Yeah | 10:00 |
dpowerd | ? | 10:00 |
European-African | hey, I have a problem configuring my network in System>>Administration>>Network Tools. The Configure button it greyed out. Is this a permissions, or do you conf the network different in gusty than fiesty? | 10:00 |
o0Chris0o | !games | jburrke | 10:00 |
ubottu | jburrke: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at and | 10:00 |
dppd | bazhang: | 10:00 |
Ollie_ | rhydar__: I just run that command. Found 6 packages that have some libraries, and I installed them. I'm still getting the same error though ... ? | 10:01 |
alsadk | i want an application to recover rar password and have a gui and deb | 10:01 |
o0Chris0o | Jburrke: could be some settings with your video card, not all cards are supported 100% | 10:01 |
microwaver | I'm experiencing a weird problem with ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy. Sometimes it is if, when I type or I alt tab or different keystrokes one of the keys 'stuck' it is just repeated over and over. any ideas what creates this problem? | 10:01 |
arooni_ | when sending mail to a SMTP server, with TLS encryption enabled, is it even possible to use a proxy server so that the SMTP server wouldn't know my computer's IP address (for privacy) ? if so , how would it work? | 10:01 |
Jburrke | o0Chris0o: Is there a list i can take a look at? | 10:01 |
idimmu | how do i disable compiz in hardy? | 10:02 |
babola1 | ok. i'm taking a risk at being offtopic here. i'm about to plugin an old pixelview TV card (BT878) and I was wondering if i should know anything "of note" before i try to set it up | 10:02 |
bazhang | dppd now open up terminal and type sudo apt-get update | 10:02 |
Ollie_ | wols_: ../src/.libs/ undefined reference to `dlsym' | 10:02 |
Ollie_ | ../src/.libs/ undefined reference to `dlerror' | 10:02 |
Ollie_ | ../src/.libs/ undefined reference to `dlopen' | 10:02 |
Ollie_ | ../src/.libs/ undefined reference to `dlclose' | 10:02 |
FloodBot1 | Ollie_: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:02 |
babola1 | idimmu: System > Preferences > Advanced Desktop Effects Settings | 10:02 |
o0Chris0o | Jburrke: what video card do you have? | 10:02 |
wols_ | bazhang: no, V4L works nicely usually for this chip | 10:02 |
idimmu | hmm i dont have an 'advanced desktop effect settings' | 10:03 |
wols_ | Ollie_: you aren't linking to a needed library | 10:03 |
Jburrke | o0Chris0o: I dun remember, what's the command I type to find out again? | 10:03 |
bazhang | wols_, which chip? | 10:03 |
wols_ | hence, undefined references | 10:03 |
joetheodd | Tr0gd0r was a man, or maybe he was a dragon man, or maybe he was just a dragon! | 10:03 |
wols_ | bazhang: bt878 | 10:03 |
European-African | hey, I have a problem configuring my network in System>>Administration>>Network Tools. The Configure button it greyed out. Is this a permissions, or do you conf the network differently in gusty than fiesty? I am using 7.10. | 10:03 |
alsadk | i want an application to recover rar password and have a gui and deb | 10:03 |
babola1 | idimmu: you haven't installed ccsm yet? hmm. try appearances, effects tab and set it to none | 10:03 |
o0Chris0o | ahh whats that command lspi I think.. | 10:03 |
o0Chris0o | !lspi | 10:03 |
ubottu | Factoid lspi not found | 10:03 |
o0Chris0o | :( | 10:03 |
dppd | bazhang: ok did it | 10:03 |
Ollie_ | wols_: It's GLPK... I downloaded the source from the website. Do I need to modify the code to get it to compile? | 10:03 |
Jburrke | :/ | 10:03 |
LSD|Ninja | !trogodr | 10:03 |
ubottu | Factoid trogodr not found | 10:03 |
bazhang | LSD|Ninja, please stop now | 10:03 |
dpowerd | !repeat | European-African | 10:03 |
ubottu | European-African: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 10:03 |
xaint | Hi, is there i way i can get my ALi Corporation M5451 PCI AC-Link Controller Audio Device (rev 02) to work. According to the HP website i am supposed to use Conexant CX20468-31 AC97 Audio Driver. How do i install the driver? | 10:04 |
o0Chris0o | bazhang: whats the command to list the available cards? | 10:04 |
willwork4foo | hi all - I'm trying to get netatalk set up to work with my Leopard macbook, and I'm almost there... I've managed to get the server visible in the "Shared" area on the Finder sidebar in Leopard, but when I click on it I get "Connect Failed" - if I try clicking "Connect As" and entering my username/password from Ubuntu, it responds immediately with "Connection failed - there was an error connecting to the server. Check the s | 10:04 |
joetheodd | LSD|Ninja burninating the country side, burninating the peasants! burninating all people.. [random screaming] | 10:04 |
European-African | ok | 10:04 |
* idimmu installs | 10:04 | |
LSD|Ninja | bazhang: noone in this channel is any fun >_< | 10:04 |
European-African | sorry | 10:04 |
rhydar__ | Ollie | no README or ./configure script? | 10:04 |
willwork4foo | can anyone help me out with netatalk? This is driving me nuts! | 10:04 |
alsadk | i want an application to recover rar password and have a gui and deb | 10:04 |
bazhang | joetheodd, and LSD|Ninja please take chit chat to #ubuntu-offtopic thanks | 10:04 |
Cheavera | leonbrussels: Bedankt precies wat ik zocht. | 10:05 |
bazhang | dppd now try the command again | 10:05 |
LSD|Ninja | bazhang: this is hte fun-vee, the humdrum-vee is over there -> :P | 10:05 |
idimmu | babola1: it seems that simple-ccsm doesnt actually let you disable compiz, it just lets you configure it | 10:05 |
dpowerd | !nl | Cheavera | 10:05 |
ubottu | Cheavera: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl | 10:05 |
dppd | bazhang: nothing happens | 10:05 |
leonbrussels | Cheavera: No problem, one quick google search did the trick :) | 10:06 |
o0Chris0o | bazhang: whats the command to list the available cards? video and audio | 10:06 |
bazhang | lspci o0Chris0o | 10:06 |
o0Chris0o | ahhh | 10:07 |
o0Chris0o | I was close :) | 10:07 |
alsadk | i want an application to recover rar password and have a gui and deb | 10:07 |
o0Chris0o | try that Jburrke "lspci" in terminal | 10:07 |
idimmu | babola1: the correct answer is 'system->preferences->visual affects' | 10:07 |
o0Chris0o | and find your video card | 10:07 |
idimmu | thanks for your help | 10:07 |
idimmu | babola1: the correct answer is 'system->preferences->appearence->visual affects' even | 10:07 |
babola1 | idimmu: you can also try --> | 10:07 |
Jburrke | o0Chris0o lots of stuff | 10:08 |
babola1 | idimmu: that was what i told you.. [(01:03:21 PHT) babola1: idimmu: you haven't installed ccsm yet? hmm. try appearances, effects tab and set it to none] | 10:08 |
o0Chris0o | !paste | Jburrke | 10:08 |
ubottu | Jburrke: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 10:08 |
willwork4foo | hi all - I'm trying to get netatalk set up to work with my Leopard macbook, and I'm almost there... I've managed to get the server visible in the "Shared" area on the Finder sidebar in Leopard, but when I click on it I get "Connect Failed" - if I try clicking "Connect As" and entering my username/password from Ubuntu, it responds immediately with "Connection failed - there was an error connecting to the server. Check the s | 10:08 |
yit41 | anyone? please, i have to get my drive work soon on my ubuntu | 10:09 |
o0Chris0o | !anyone | yit41 | 10:09 |
ubottu | yit41: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 10:09 |
bazhang | dppd just open up update manager without the alt-f2 | 10:09 |
o0Chris0o | !patience | 10:09 |
ubottu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 10:09 |
Jburrke | o0Chris0o | 10:09 |
idimmu | ah sorry babola1 didnt notice :) | 10:09 |
dppd | bazhang: Yep! | 10:09 |
o0Chris0o | k one sec Jburrke and I will check it out | 10:09 |
Jburrke | mkk | 10:10 |
natalisushka | <bazhang> I logged in recovery mode, it was only shell! | 10:10 |
babola1 | *sigh* | 10:10 |
alsadk | i want an application to recover rar password and have a gui and deb | 10:10 |
bazhang | natalisushka, this is gutsy or hardy | 10:10 |
panesar_sandeep | can anyone help me out with "running oracle based applications on linux"? | 10:10 |
natalisushka | Gusty | 10:10 |
dpowerd | !repeat | alsadk | 10:10 |
ubottu | alsadk: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 10:10 |
panesar_sandeep | can anyone help me out with "running oracle based applications on linux"? | 10:10 |
bazhang | alsadk, you lost the pass? then it is gone | 10:10 |
natalisushka | I mentioned I have 7.10 | 10:10 |
bullgard4 | What Linux command approximates a Windows command 'net view'? | 10:11 |
bazhang | natalisushka, try this sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 10:11 |
Ollie_ | I want to compile something with the intel "icc" compiler rather than gcc. How can I do this with ./configure and make? | 10:11 |
LSD|Ninja | bullgard4: smbclient -L server -U user ? | 10:11 |
o0Chris0o | Jburrke: this is your vid card, Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03) it is integrated on your mother board. I suggest you go to the site I provided and read carefully and make sure you have it set up correctly | 10:11 |
o0Chris0o | !games | 10:11 |
ubottu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at and | 10:11 |
dppd | bazhang: i try to run su update-manager -d in a terminal but the terminal just pops....! | 10:11 |
yit41 | ok, here's the situation: my ubuntu suddenly stop mounting my XP partition. i can see the drive under Places (named 38.8GB Media) but if i click it it says i dont have the privilege to do so. i've been accessing file on that partition and i did make an fstab mod to get my ubuntu auto-mount my other partition | 10:12 |
bazhang | dppd, no not from terminal | 10:12 |
natalisushka | <bazhang> Is there a specific option I should set or avoid in sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ? | 10:12 |
rhydar__ | Ollie_ | there should be a compiler option in the ./configure scripts ? | 10:12 |
bazhang | natalisushka, if you dont know just choose default, be sure to choose the right driver (eg nvidia not nv) | 10:12 |
natalisushka | I have ati | 10:13 |
* chalcedony smiles | 10:13 | |
natalisushka | it detects everything automatically, I remember last time I did it it was all default! | 10:13 |
baking | why when everytime I try to install a package it wants me to put cd in for some reason? | 10:13 |
rhydar__ | yit41 | did you try cli: sudo mount -a | 10:13 |
baking | I am trying to install make | 10:13 |
baking | and it want's cd | 10:13 |
chalcedony | dears is there a CURRENT command line upgrade from feisty to gutsy and THEN from gutsy to Hardy? | 10:13 |
natalisushka | What is Video card's bus identifier: PCI:1:0:0_ | 10:13 |
dpowerd | baking, i believe you need to edit your sources list | 10:14 |
rhydar__ | baking | you need to set up your sources | 10:14 |
bazhang | baking install build-essential; first remove cd as software source and refresh | 10:14 |
yit41 | rhydar__: i did and it says /media/disk: No such file or directory | 10:14 |
baking | I got everthing enabled | 10:14 |
baking | ok | 10:14 |
Chapai | yit41:- cut the entry in fstab for the drive and save it, click the drive, it should mount and paste the entry back in fstab. | 10:14 |
Chapai | i am trying to compile the rlink driver for the dwl - g122 but i get errors when i get to make, this the same error i get, | 10:15 |
yit41 | chapai: how do i open up the fstab again? | 10:15 |
Jburrke | o0Chris0o: sorry man | 10:15 |
natalisushka | <bazhang> How do I know if my Video Card lacks RAM (So I may specify an amount of memory for it?) | 10:15 |
wols_ | yit41: sudo nano /etc/fstab | 10:15 |
Chapai | gksu gedit /etc/fstab | 10:16 |
chalcedony | i just really need the current link for command line upgrading from feisty to gutsy? | 10:16 |
baking | bazhang what the cd package name be called? | 10:16 |
bazhang | baking cd | 10:16 |
o0Chris0o | Jburrke: bout what? | 10:16 |
dppd | bazhang: isn't reinstalling the answer? | 10:17 |
dppd | bazhang: can i upgrade from a cd? | 10:17 |
wols_ | natalisushka: lspci to find out which card it is | 10:17 |
Jburrke | You were going to take a look at my pastebin? | 10:17 |
bazhang | natalisushka, what card is it | 10:17 |
o0Chris0o | ahh indeeed I did and replied to you | 10:17 |
baking | (bazhang E: Couldn't find package cd | 10:17 |
o0Chris0o | Jburrke: this is your vid card, Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03) it is integrated on your mother board. I suggest you go to the site I provided and read carefully and make sure you have it set up correctly | 10:17 |
wols_ | chalcedony: edit your sources.list and apt-get update;apt-get dist-upgrade | 10:17 |
o0Chris0o | !games | 10:17 |
wols_ | baking: cd is a shell built in | 10:17 |
ubottu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at and | 10:17 |
natalisushka | I have ATI | 10:17 |
bazhang | baking, you need to go into synaptic and do it there | 10:17 |
dermoth | playtrafficlog last | 10:18 |
wols_ | natalisushka: doesn't answer my question | 10:18 |
Jburrke | o0Chris0o can you link me to the site again? | 10:18 |
baking | I only got ssh acess | 10:18 |
natalisushka | I have ATI Technologies Inc M22 [Mobility Radeon X300] | 10:18 |
bazhang | natalisushka, what exact ati do you have | 10:18 |
dermoth | oops ;) | 10:18 |
natalisushka | So X is memory? | 10:18 |
DarphBobo | what works best on hardy? gnash or macromedia flashplayer ? | 10:18 |
baking | (bazhang, what I do with just just ssh | 10:18 |
baking | can't do it from there? | 10:18 |
wols_ | DarphBobo: adobe flash if your hardware supports it | 10:18 |
wols_ | baking: you can | 10:18 |
Jburrke | Lol | 10:18 |
o0Chris0o | Jburrke: ok you watching :) | 10:19 |
yit41 | wols_: can i use the gedit instead of nano? what is the command? | 10:19 |
natalisushka | <bazhang> ATI Technologies Inc M22 [Mobility Radeon X300] | 10:19 |
o0Chris0o | !games | 10:19 |
ubottu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at and | 10:19 |
Jburrke | Yeah I'm here | 10:19 |
dpowerd | baking, sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:19 |
wols_ | yit41: gedit uses X, nano uses CLI | 10:19 |
bazhang | baking sure you can sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list put a # in front of cd | 10:19 |
Jburrke | Okay, thanks | 10:19 |
lorenzo_ | hi, how do i encode videos for my ipod? I have read about ffmpeg but it looks complicated. anything easier to use? thanks | 10:19 |
DarphBobo | wols_: adobe flash got any crash issues with ff in hardy? | 10:19 |
bazhang | baking then sudo apt-get update after you have saved the file | 10:19 |
faileas | I read about the issues with openssh on debian based distros.. i admin a ubuntu gutsy box remotely, and when i tried to update it openssh got held back. I assume its cause i'm using it... so am i gonna have to go down and physically update it? | 10:19 |
cypha | dpowerd: i can't find ANYONE to help me bud, i'm sorry to bother you again | 10:20 |
wols_ | faileas: it's not cause you're uising it | 10:20 |
Jburrke | j | 10:20 |
natalisushka | <wols_>, <bazhang> ATI Technologies Inc M22 [Mobility Radeon X300] | 10:20 |
dpowerd | cypha, whats up | 10:20 |
faileas | wols_: why then >_> | 10:20 |
wols_ | faileas: dependency issues | 10:20 |
tmroland | hello | 10:20 |
cypha | ok, so envyNG doesn't seem to have uninstalled nvidia | 10:20 |
cypha | drivers | 10:20 |
faileas | o0 | 10:20 |
bazhang | natalisushka, is that a fairly new card-->how much video ram does it have | 10:20 |
wols_ | apt-get install the package explicitly or use dist-upgrade | 10:21 |
faileas | wols_: so another file needs the older version? | 10:21 |
tmroland | i have attached a printer/scanner to ubuntu 7.10 and nothing happens | 10:21 |
cypha | i can still access the Nvidia X server settings | 10:21 |
wols_ | faileas: no | 10:21 |
Radit | I just reinstalled ubuntu and backuped the var/cache/apt directory which is full of deb packages, if i use synaptics ( file -> add downloaded packages) will it be updated in the future? or is there a better way? | 10:21 |
wols_ | cypha: dpkg -l |grep nvidia | 10:21 |
dpowerd | but you cant configure them from there? | 10:21 |
beginner | !paste | 10:21 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 10:21 |
natalisushka | <bazhang> I didn't understand! | 10:21 |
faileas | wols_: so i assume it won't update, and just put in place other measures ? | 10:21 |
yit41 | chapai: okay, i can mount the drive again. if i added back the line, will the problem occur again? i need the line so that i can get my files once ubuntu boots | 10:21 |
void^ | faileas: probably a new dependency - just try dist-upgrade | 10:21 |
cypha | ok, but before i do that...can i get the envyNG drivers to work/do something? | 10:22 |
faileas | void^: wouldn't that upgrade me to hardy? >_> | 10:22 |
Chapai | no it should not occur again yit41 | 10:22 |
void^ | faileas: no, completely unrelated | 10:22 |
cypha | where are the display options for the EnvyNG drivers? | 10:22 |
faileas | void^: seems to work ^^ | 10:22 |
yit41 | chapai: so i just add back the same line? | 10:22 |
faileas | thanks | 10:23 |
Chapai | did you by anychange boot into windows and out inproperly yit41 | 10:23 |
bazhang | natalisushka, how much video ram does that ati card have? 64MB or what | 10:23 |
Chapai | what line are you adding to fstab by they way yit41 | 10:23 |
milton101 | #join dalnet | 10:23 |
cypha | dpowerd: any idea? | 10:23 |
UB` | | 10:24 |
natalisushka | <bazhang> That's what I was asking! I don't know actually! | 10:24 |
UB` | ops | 10:24 |
UB` | sorry | 10:24 |
administrateur | #kubuntu | 10:24 |
FloodBot1 | UB`: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:24 |
=== administrateur is now known as moii | ||
natalisushka | How can I know? | 10:24 |
yit41 | chapai: i dont think so | 10:24 |
* faileas is kinda suprised how well ubuntu runs on that 450 mhz box (granted with 640 mb of ram) and how useful its turning out | 10:24 | |
moii | kununtu | 10:24 |
yit41 | chapai: this line >> /dev/sda1 /media/disk ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 1 | 10:25 |
dpowerd | uh | 10:25 |
bazhang | natalisushka, how old is the card | 10:25 |
moii | #kubuntu | 10:25 |
Chapai | ok, it normally happens when i xp restarts, the partition locks up and i either force mount or boot into windows to resolve it yit41 | 10:25 |
wols_ | natalisushka: you don't need to know how much it has, X will find out on its own | 10:25 |
scoopex_ | anyone knows what i need to play dvds? | 10:25 |
Chapai | i did not ask what version of ubuntu do you have yit41 | 10:25 |
natalisushka | <bazhang> I bought it 3 years ago | 10:25 |
wols_ | !dvd | scoopex_ | 10:25 |
ubottu | scoopex_: For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 10:25 |
crille | excuse me, what is the programs called that make a small window on your dekstop showing different statistics? like HD usage, Ram usage, net usage and so on? | 10:26 |
yit41 | chapai: i'm using hardy heron, installed via wubi | 10:26 |
beginner | Hi people! i found a problem with resolution after upgrade my Ubuntu from gutsy to hardy and when i go system>preferences>screen resolution ,i got error msg "The X Server does not support the XRandR extension. Runtime resolution changes to the display size are not available." | 10:26 |
wols_ | crille: conky for example | 10:26 |
yit41 | chapai: but i installed on other partition that is empty | 10:26 |
crille | wols: thank you, and what are the type of program called? something like widget or applet? | 10:27 |
natalisushka | <wols_> I understand, I have a question upon that. I am configuring xserver-xorg and it's asking me for an amount of memory. I know that my card doesn't lack memory, but I want to ask if adding some memory, will it help the card be faster? | 10:27 |
sudoer | anyone here using rails with the ubuntu 8.04? | 10:27 |
Chapai | /dev/sda1 /media/disk ntfs default 0 0 is what i have in my fstab, it i get no issues with mounting, i am certain ntfs-3g comes installed with hardy yit41 | 10:27 |
sudoer | i cant get fastthread to build | 10:27 |
vix85 | is there any runtime for linux which can execute .NET byte code? I knew about MonoDevelop for developing, but is there any specialized runtime for just the execution? | 10:28 |
vix85 | know* | 10:28 |
yit41 | chapai: what is ntfs-3g anyway? | 10:28 |
beginner | please could somone help im newuser of Linux | 10:28 |
wols_ | crille: conky is a normal program, what you mean is maybe gdesklets | 10:28 |
ActionParsnip | lo all o/ | 10:28 |
wols_ | yit41: a user space ntfs driver which can read and write to ntfs partitoins | 10:28 |
wols_ | !ask | beginner | 10:28 |
ubottu | beginner: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 10:28 |
Chapai | its i think driver or module to allow read/right access to nfts partition but needed for older ubuntu | 10:29 |
wols_ | Chapai: needed for all ubuntu if you want to write to ntfs | 10:29 |
beginner | Wols_ i did ask :) | 10:29 |
rhydar__ | vix85 | google for winecracks | 10:29 |
soldats | yit41: ntfs-3g allowws you to mount and read write ntfs partitions correctly | 10:29 |
ActionParsnip | !ntfs-3g | Chapai | 10:29 |
ubottu | Chapai: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at | 10:29 |
yit41 | thanks everyone | 10:29 |
crille | wols_:thank you, that was what I was wondering | 10:29 |
issa | hi | 10:30 |
natalisushka | <wols_> So do you know the answer to my question? | 10:30 |
ActionParsnip | !hi | issa | 10:30 |
ubottu | issa: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 10:30 |
yit41 | i need help on my pidgin. it wont connect to MSN protocol. i think it started when i uninstalled, deleted the .purple folder and reinstalled because i had some issue with pidgin not responding | 10:31 |
ActionParsnip | yit41: uninstal then reinstall the app | 10:31 |
blame | how do I edit settings on which run levels certain service runs? | 10:31 |
lorenzo_ | hi, is there any way I can install i386 software onto hardy amd64? I need to use WinFF which is 386 only. thanks a lot for your kind help | 10:31 |
ActionParsnip | !nice | blame | 10:32 |
ubottu | blame: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 10:32 |
gravin | yit41 if your msn password is too long it wont connect | 10:32 |
Bodsda | lorenzo_, it should work fine | 10:32 |
yit41 | ActionParsnip: again? what are the commands? | 10:32 |
yit41 | gravin: well, it works perfectly fine before this | 10:32 |
blame | ActionParsnip: !? | 10:32 |
vix85 | rhydar__ : google for winecracks? | 10:32 |
issa | I an using Gusty 7.10 .. I tried installing Hardy, but every time I logged in, opening 1 or 2 apps it freezes! I set graphic to the lowest, but couldn't work with the system without getting it freezed and having to switch power off :/ What could the problem be? Is it memory or video card? | 10:32 |
lorenzo_ | Bodsda: ok, but how do i install it? When i open the deb package, it says "wrong architecture". thanks | 10:32 |
gravin | oh ok | 10:32 |
ActionParsnip | yit41: sudo apt-get remove -purge pidgin; sudo apt-get autoremove; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install pidgin | 10:33 |
DistroJockey | blame: sudo apt-get install sysvconfig && sudo sysvconfig | 10:33 |
soldats | beginner: so im think depending on your computer setup if you have a nexer non onboard video card you may need the restricted drivers for your video card to get the right resolution, not sure if it worked before but itsd a start, the restricted drivers will be in administration>restricted drivers. if this isnt the prolem its worth checking out if your card is nvidia or ati but im out of it right now but i hope you get it working if not ill be on tom | 10:33 |
ActionParsnip | yit41: not sure about the -purge bit, I'm never sure where it goes in the command | 10:33 |
Bodsda | lorenzo_, oh,. is it in the repo's? | 10:33 |
rhydar__ | does anoyone know of the command to activate hotplug daemon for usf flash drives? | 10:33 |
rhydar__ | does anoyone know of the command to activate hotplug daemon for usb flash drives? | 10:33 |
beginner | i said im new to linux (Ubuntu) & when i upgrade Gutsy to hardy i got a problem with resolution (800*600) i think (big icons) and when i go to System>preferences>screen resolution i got this error msg : "The X Server does not support the XRandR extension. Runtime resolution changes to the display size are not available." | 10:34 |
natalisushka | Guys, anyone knows if it's possible to add memory while configuring xserver-xorg to a video card that doesn't lack memory by itself? | 10:34 |
soldats | beginner: i meant newer video card that is not on board | 10:34 |
yit41 | and also is it normal for ubuntu to produce sound from only one application at one time? like i'm running amarok, playing some songs while ubuntu doesnt produce any sounds unless i stop amarok | 10:34 |
ActionParsnip | yit41: it --purge, my bad | 10:34 |
beginner | its Nvidia | 10:34 |
beginner | and it was working perfectly with Gutsy | 10:34 |
yit41 | ActionParsnip: ok thanks | 10:34 |
Bodsda | ActionParsnip, apt-get remove --purge is valid as is apt-get purge | 10:34 |
o0Chris0o | !nvidia | 10:34 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 10:34 |
nxvl | hi | 10:35 |
nxvl | did someone know how to mount an sd card? | 10:35 |
soldats | beginner: well i assume you should install thew restricted drivers for your card they should be in what i said before or in synaptics package manager so see the first you should be able to search easily for it but i need to sleep so ill maybe see you later good luck | 10:35 |
Fritzel | would I be asking for trouble if I did something like this, aoss padsp wine application.exe | 10:35 |
beginner | i did and it says in use! | 10:35 |
ActionParsnip | nxvl: push in the card then run fdisk -l | 10:36 |
DistroJockey | sudo fdisk -l ^ | 10:36 |
nxvl | ActionParsnip: don't see it there | 10:36 |
faileas | nxvl: same way as any other card... | 10:36 |
beginner | soldats: >hardware drivers its checked and says in use | 10:37 |
ActionParsnip | DistroJockey: i thought you could fdisk -l as user, not really a power command to list stuff | 10:37 |
ActionParsnip | nxvl: can we have a pastebin of lspci | 10:37 |
ActionParsnip | !paste | nxvl | 10:37 |
ubottu | nxvl: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 10:37 |
DistroJockey | ActionParsnip: doesn't work | 10:37 |
ActionParsnip | DistroJockey: ok, but you can see mypoint right? | 10:37 |
DistroJockey | ActionParsnip: yes, I do :) | 10:38 |
nxvl | ActionParsnip: | 10:38 |
natalisushka | Guys, anyone knows if it's possible to add memory while configuring xserver-xorg to a video card that doesn't lack memory by itself? | 10:38 |
LSD|Ninja | natalisushka: ? you want to upograde the VRAM on your video card? | 10:38 |
areels | FireHOL is good? | 10:39 |
blame | DistroJockey: I can't find the name of the vnc/vino-server to disable it during boot, any tips? | 10:39 |
yit41 | actionparsnip: still no effect | 10:39 |
yit41 | i get the reading error | 10:40 |
DistroJockey | blame: not really, sorry | 10:40 |
Radit | does the command dpkg-scanpackages exist in hardy? | 10:40 |
ActionParsnip | nxvl: websearch for Ricoh Co Ltd RL5c476 II | 10:40 |
natalisushka | <LSD|Ninja> yes | 10:40 |
ActionParsnip | yit41: what messages do you get? | 10:40 |
scoopex_ | what about encrypted dvd`s, is there any way to play this? | 10:40 |
blame | does anyone know how to disable vnc/vino-server during boot ? | 10:40 |
yit41 | actionparsnip: cant connect to server: reading error | 10:40 |
natalisushka | <LSD|Ninja> Is it possible | 10:41 |
faileas | scoopex_: you'd need libdvdcss from the medibuntu repo | 10:41 |
ActionParsnip | yit41: what protocol and what server you using? | 10:41 |
LSD|Ninja | natalisushka: not as a general rule | 10:41 |
smmagic | Hi, can someone tell me how to /home/eric/skulltag/skulltag: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory fix that? | 10:42 |
yit41 | is it normal for ubuntu to produce sound from only one application at a time? for example, i'm on amarok playing song but my pidgin wont produce any sounds unless i stop amarok | 10:42 |
natalisushka | <LSD|Ninja> I didn't get an answer? can it be possible in a special "case" if not a "general rule" ? | 10:42 |
DistroJockey | blame: does the following help?: gconftool-2 -s -t bool /desktop/gnome/remote_access/enabled false | 10:42 |
yit41 | actionparsnip: yahoo, msn and irc | 10:42 |
LSD|Ninja | natalisushka: on a moidern consumer card, no | 10:42 |
ActionParsnip | yit41: do one at a time, delete the other accounts and try one at a time adding as yougo | 10:42 |
yit41 | ok | 10:43 |
scoopex_ | what is medibuntu repo? | 10:43 |
natalisushka | <LSD|Ninja> How do I measure modernity of the card? | 10:43 |
wols_ | scoopex_: I already gave you the factoid for this | 10:43 |
microwaver | I'm experiencing a weird problem with ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy. Sometimes it is if, when I type or I alt tab or different keystrokes one of the keys 'stuck' it is just repeated over and over. any ideas what creates this problem? | 10:43 |
wols_ | !medibuntu | 10:43 |
ubottu | medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 10:43 |
Radit | why does this command not available: sudo dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | gzip -9c > Packages.gz ?? | 10:43 |
scoopex_ | wols_: yeh, but the dvd is encrypted? | 10:43 |
wols_ | !dvd | 10:44 |
ubottu | For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 10:44 |
ActionParsnip | scoopex_: whats the . for after scanpackages ? | 10:44 |
LSD|Ninja | natalisushka: is it less than 10-15 years old? | 10:44 |
scoopex_ | !medibuntu | 10:45 |
ubottu | medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 10:45 |
ActionParsnip | yit41: if you have a problem account, I use msn but not yahoo | 10:45 |
Radit | why does this command not available: sudo dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | gzip -9c > Packages.gz ?? | 10:45 |
natalisushka | <LSD|Ninja> Definitely | 10:45 |
ActionParsnip | Radit: whats the . for after scanpackages ? | 10:45 |
natalisushka | I bought it 3 years ago | 10:45 |
LSD|Ninja | natalisushka: then it's almost certainly non-upgradable | 10:45 |
natalisushka | with a new laptop | 10:45 |
Radit | ActionParsnip: I don't know.. i got it from here: can you please help? | 10:46 |
scoopex_ | ok, theres somthing i dont understand, "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu? what is medibuntu? | 10:46 |
yit41 | actionparsnip: still not working. it will work after some time if i'm not in the rush to use it | 10:47 |
LSD|Ninja | VRAM-upgradable graphics cards were popular back then but it's pretty much extinct these days. | 10:47 |
natalisushka | <LSD|Ninja> Are u sure? | 10:47 |
rhydar__ | Radit | try executing the command in the folder where you have the *.gz file dowloaded | 10:47 |
Radit | rhydar__: i will try, please wait.. | 10:48 |
Fritzel | I don't know the specifics but wouldn't interchangable vram have to be slower to compensate for uncertain connections? | 10:48 |
Fritzel | dust in the socket and so forth | 10:48 |
yit41 | actionparcnip: the other day i unistalled and deleted the .purple because pidgin stopped responding. it was i think because of my laptop hanged. i think pidgin somewhat got stuck with musictracker and amarok | 10:48 |
ActionParsnip | Radit: i'd use: sudo dpkg --get-selections > /home/radit/box1.packages; gzip -9c /home/radit/box1.packages | 10:48 |
Radit | output: sudo: dpkg-scanpackages: command not found | 10:48 |
ActionParsnip | Radit: makes it more readable | 10:48 |
LSD|Ninja | natalisushka: workstation-class cards *might* still be upgradable but even then, the timing issues involved with having such high-bandwidth RAM in sockets would probably still be too great and so it too would most likely be soldered and non-upgradable | 10:49 |
_eMaX_ | is there a way to improve the preview in nautilus - if I want to increase like the size of a preview of PDFs, I can hit Ctrl+, but it doesn't render it better, just zooms in | 10:49 |
yit41 | is it normal for ubuntu to produce sound from only one application at a time? for example, i'm on amarok playing song but my pidgin wont produce any sounds unless i stop amarok | 10:49 |
ActionParsnip | yit41: hmm strange, what msn server you using? | 10:49 |
ActionParsnip | Radit: never done that really, I just redownload | 10:50 |
yit41 | actionsnip: the mesage says: Connection error from Notification server : Reading error | 10:50 |
ActionParsnip | yit41: what server though, go to advanced account settings tab | 10:50 |
yit41 | actionparsnip; port 1863. not via HTTP method | 10:51 |
ActionParsnip | port 1863 | 10:51 |
ActionParsnip | http method: | 10:51 |
Radit | ActionParnsip: My internet connection is limited :-( i'll try that | 10:51 |
Shezif | Hi! | 10:51 |
dppd | i cannot upgrade from 6.06 to 8.04 followed the guidelines, been helped by some of the users on this channel, but it still does not work... ;-( | 10:52 |
dppd | Should i just reinstall? | 10:52 |
Shezif | I need help from someone that have a admin access to the ubuntu's irc channels | 10:52 |
harrydg | keep your homedirs | 10:52 |
faileas | hmm, anyone running virtualbox on hardy? i seem to be having problems getting the extentions disk | 10:52 |
harrydg | backup your /etc | 10:52 |
harrydg | and reinstall | 10:52 |
harrydg | that's easiest | 10:52 |
faileas | dppd: it might end up being easier | 10:52 |
ActionParsnip | and backup /homeunless you were smart and put it on its own partition | 10:52 |
dppd | hmm :-( | 10:52 |
harrydg | i once upgraded from win95 to win98... THAT was hell! ;) | 10:53 |
harrydg | you're trying to skip 3 versions.. :0 | 10:53 |
harrydg | ;) | 10:53 |
Agnostic | harrydg, why upgrade ever? | 10:53 |
faileas | Agnostic: why *not* upgrade? | 10:53 |
ActionParsnip | dppd: i always suggest clean install. Ive lost count the number of people coming in here moaning something is broken after an upgrade | 10:54 |
Agnostic | faileas, *shrug* I still use mIRC 4.0. Its nice. | 10:54 |
* faileas would, though he's cautious with them | 10:54 | |
crille | is there a simple command to install some extra gnome themes? | 10:54 |
Radit | ActionParsnip: "sudo dpkg --get-selections > /home/radit/box1.packages; gzip -9c /home/radit/box1.packages" can you tell me the command if the deb packages are in: /home/radit/packages ? | 10:54 |
yit41 | is there any way that i could get my ubuntu on a real partition instead of wubi without having to reinstall ubuntu? | 10:54 |
ActionParsnip | Radit: sorry man, ive no idea | 10:54 |
faileas | yit41: lvpm... by the same guys who made wubi | 10:54 |
harrydg | Agnostic: because you can | 10:54 |
Radit | ActionParsnip: ok, thanks :-( | 10:55 |
Agnostic | harrydg, Good reason I guess. | 10:55 |
yit41 | faileas: what is lvpm? | 10:55 |
aurel42 | Hi there. Is there a painless way to let Nautilus display previews of raw camera images (dcraw)? | 10:55 |
faileas | yit41: how about using apt-on cd? | 10:55 |
faileas | erf | 10:55 |
faileas | i mean yit41: a series of scripts for moving wubi installs to real partitions | 10:55 |
faileas | Radit: take a look at apt-on cd | 10:56 |
Radit | faileas: aptoncd is buggy on heron i'm still recovering my debs | 10:56 |
faileas | ahh | 10:56 |
Radit | from aptoncd.. | 10:56 |
Kalamansi | hello :) | 10:56 |
natalisushka | Guys, anyone knows how to connect to a VPN connection in command-line (already set with network-manager-pptp) | 10:56 |
natalisushka | ? | 10:56 |
Kalamansi | which one is stable?6.10,7.10 or 8?(ubuntu server and desktop) ? thanks | 10:57 |
faileas | Kalamansi: stable in what sense? | 10:57 |
yit41 | faileas: ok. i have my ubuntu installed on drive D: via wubi. the drive is completely empty. if i want to transfer using the script, do i have to make a new partition which that would cost me to lose XP? | 10:57 |
DistroJockey | natalisushka: I use vpnc (but it may be Cisco specific) | 10:57 |
joaopinto | Kalamansi, they are all stable, if you mean LTS, 8.04 is the way to go | 10:57 |
faileas | yit41: you wouldn't need to lose XP | 10:57 |
davidooo | hi everybody | 10:57 |
ari_stress | hi | 10:57 |
ActionParsnip | Kalamansi: they are all officially released | 10:58 |
davidooo | I need help about rsync | 10:58 |
joaopinto | yit41, you dont need to loose XP, but you will need enough free space to create the partition before the move | 10:58 |
Kalamansi | joaopinto thankd.ill downlosd 8.04 | 10:58 |
natalisushka | <DistroJockey> Cuz I want to connect to the internet using unix (non-graphical mode) | 10:58 |
davidooo | anyone knows about rsync in ibuntu | 10:58 |
babolat | how do i get my TVcard to work. installed TvTime already. I have Prolink Pixelview BT878 | 10:58 |
faileas | yit41: i'd defrag, use partedmagic (or your partition editor of choice) then LVPM to move | 10:59 |
joaopinto | davidooo, just ask your question | 10:59 |
babolat | !rsync | davidooo | 10:59 |
ubottu | Factoid rsync not found | 10:59 |
yit41 | i only have 80GB | 10:59 |
jonix | "someone knowing how to setup ipodtouch to use it with ubuntu?" | 10:59 |
ActionParsnip | !ipod | jon | 10:59 |
ubottu | jon: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod | 10:59 |
ActionParsnip | !ipod | jonix | 10:59 |
ubottu | jonix: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod | 10:59 |
pvh_sa|wrk | heya.... i'm trying to use brasero | 10:59 |
pvh_sa|wrk | and it says the medium (a DL DVD) is not writeable with the current set of plugins. this is 8.04 - anyone seen this? | 11:00 |
DistroJockey | natalisushka: I use it to vpn to my work. It is a cli thing. | 11:00 |
wols_ | babolat: have you loaded the v4l drivers? | 11:00 |
yit41 | why does amarok wont produce any sound after i watch some videos on youtube? other apps like amarok still producing sound | 11:00 |
davidooo | I have to make that pc1 sync with pc2 | 11:00 |
babolat | wols_: i haven't.. how? | 11:00 |
wols_ | babolat: bt878 iirc | 11:00 |
natalisushka | <DistroJockey> What is cli? | 11:01 |
babolat | that's in a terminal, wols_? | 11:01 |
ActionParsnip | !cli | natalisushka | 11:01 |
ubottu | natalisushka: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 11:01 |
cq | davidooo: make what sync, the whole PC, just user data, clone the harddrive, ... ? | 11:01 |
DistroJockey | natalisushka: Comand Line Interface | 11:01 |
wols_ | babolat: it's a driver, not a program, use modprobe | 11:01 |
DistroJockey | command^ | 11:01 |
davidooo | if I make a change in the pc1 the other pc2 make the same change | 11:01 |
stevem | Does anyone know of an alternative to tsclient? maybe something that supports tabs? (it's the RDP I need more than anything) | 11:01 |
DistroJockey | natalisushka: what you need basically :) | 11:01 |
babolat | wols_: not really following here. sorry. care to walk me through? | 11:01 |
davidooo | two pcs works with ubuntu 8 | 11:01 |
natalisushka | Oh ok :) English is just rich of abbreviation, hard to guess if u don't memories sm times | 11:02 |
DistroJockey | natalisushka: true :) | 11:02 |
ActionParsnip | yit41: you got msn ok on your pidgin now? | 11:02 |
cq | davidooo: is this for backup, to use both at the same time... ? you need to give more information | 11:02 |
matteo1990 | hi all, i am having problem with wine dependencies, i complete removed it 10 min ago and i can't reinstall it because i get this message The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 11:02 |
matteo1990 | wine: Depends: libldap-2.4-2 (>= 2.4.7) which is a virtual package. | 11:02 |
matteo1990 | PreDepends: dpkg (>= 1.14.12ubuntu3) but 1.14.5ubuntu16 is installed. | 11:02 |
matteo1990 | Resolving dependencies... | 11:03 |
matteo1990 | The following actions will resolve these dependencies: | 11:03 |
FloodBot1 | matteo1990: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:03 |
matteo1990 | Install the following packages: | 11:03 |
davidooo | both at the same time with ssh | 11:03 |
frost | I have a problem with SiS S17012 does any one know how to fix it because i dont have Sound on ubuntu ? | 11:03 |
davidooo | I make a change in pc1 pc2 have the same change | 11:03 |
aurel42 | Nautilus + dcraw + missing part = previews? | 11:03 |
davidooo | only in this way | 11:03 |
wols_ | davidooo: simple ac97 driver. google for "k7s5a howto". it has the same audiochip | 11:03 |
babolat | wols_: bash: bt878: command not found | 11:04 |
davidooo | I don't want that pc2 if I make a change in pc2 pc1 change the smae | 11:04 |
davidooo | only pc1 to pc2 | 11:04 |
cq | davidooo better off sharing the home filesystem | 11:04 |
yit41 | actionparsnip: no. at least it checked my mail | 11:04 |
cq | but just the data files, or the operating system as well? | 11:04 |
wols_ | babolat: I told you it's not a command but a driver, you need to use modprobe to load it | 11:04 |
frost | I have a problem with SiS S17012 does any one know how to fix it because i dont have Sound on ubuntu ? , Any idea ? | 11:04 |
yit41 | actionparsnip: and it's killing me that pidgin wont alert me since i got my amarok playing! | 11:04 |
wols_ | frost: simple ac97 driver. google for "k7s5a howto". it has the same audiochip | 11:04 |
frost | thnx wols | 11:04 |
babolat | i did modprobe bt878 iirc and no errors. it loaded right? | 11:04 |
babolat | wols_: | 11:05 |
davidooo | one pc is a server an the other client | 11:05 |
ActionParsnip | yit41: the http method works flawlessly for me | 11:05 |
cq | 7join #rsync | 11:05 |
babolat | wols_: -linux:~$ modprobe bt878 iirc already done. but tvtime still says "No signal" | 11:05 |
davidooo | cq I am in the rsync channel | 11:06 |
ActionParsnip | babolat: | 11:06 |
simsx | anyone tell me better Fedora 9 Or Ubuntu ? | 11:06 |
ActionParsnip | babolat: don't usesudo gedit though, use gksudo gedit | 11:06 |
smmagic | hi, error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory how do I fix that error? | 11:06 |
ActionParsnip | simsx: depends on personal preference. | 11:07 |
babolat | looking, ActionParsnip | 11:07 |
ActionParsnip | simsx: which is better. Coke or Pepsi? | 11:07 |
simsx | Coke | 11:07 |
yit41 | actionparsnip: it will connect soon. everything was fine before this... it made me hate ubuntu! | 11:07 |
ActionParsnip | simsx: neither is "better", some like one, some like the other | 11:07 |
cq | coke is ubuntu, look at the color.... | 11:07 |
davidooo | cq | 11:07 |
davidooo | send me a mp | 11:08 |
=== playya__ is now known as playya | ||
yit41 | actionparsnip: i'm on ubuntu because: my internet works fast, my laptop speakers sound alot better, great graphic with less memory, and i dont feel like lagging | 11:08 |
ActionParsnip | yit41: im on KUbuntu, eeeXUbuntu and Mandriva | 11:09 |
o0Chris0o | <--kubuntu | 11:09 |
davidooo | anyone knows about rsync | 11:09 |
shedflex | what's the best way to install XFCE into an existing 8.04 default install? | 11:09 |
o0Chris0o | !rsync | 11:09 |
ubottu | Factoid rsync not found | 11:09 |
simsx | and tell me what's differnet UBUNTU , XUBUNTU ? KUBUNTU | 11:10 |
shedflex | !xfce | 11:10 |
ubottu | Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at and - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels | 11:10 |
ActionParsnip | !xfce | shedflex | 11:10 |
ubottu | shedflex: please see above | 11:10 |
yit41 | dont you guys feel like you also need windows no matter what?? | 11:10 |
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areels | !iptables | 11:10 |
ubottu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see, or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 11:10 |
ActionParsnip | yit41: no, I have zero windows systems | 11:10 |
g0tcha | hey guys, im trying to use apt-get install apache2 but its giving me this msg: E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 11:10 |
areels | !firestarter | 11:10 |
ActionParsnip | yit41: the only microsoft thing I use is the MSN protocol | 11:10 |
simsx | what is different in Ubuntu , xubuntu , kubuntu and waht u say me to install Unbutu Xubuntu Kubuntu or any other???? | 11:10 |
g0tcha | how can i see if theres another process is using it? | 11:10 |
ActionParsnip | !fixapt | g0tcha | 11:11 |
ubottu | Factoid fixapt not found | 11:11 |
cq | g0tcha: that, or you are not root... try with sudo | 11:11 |
ActionParsnip | !brokenapt | g0tcha | 11:11 |
ubottu | Factoid brokenapt not found | 11:11 |
DistroJockey | g0tcha, or you have Synaptic open | 11:11 |
shedflex | simsx, indeed, one had hoped it would be a matter of just apt-get'ing a new package rather than a while new disk! | 11:11 |
g0tcha | cq, i am using it with sudo | 11:11 |
ActionParsnip | g0tcha: you got synaptic / adept open? | 11:11 |
o0Chris0o | simsx, its personal prefences, plz check out the main distro @ | 11:11 |
davidooo | I need help about rsync sent me a pm | 11:11 |
yit41 | actionparsnip: my situation right now is i need windows just in case ubuntu went wrong | 11:11 |
g0tcha | uh, yes, thats it | 11:11 |
simsx | but u waht supposed to install me ? | 11:11 |
frost | wols_, : still have same problem cant fix it | 11:11 |
g0tcha | synaptic is open .. i guess thats why | 11:11 |
faileas | simsx: their all the same other than desktop environment... | 11:12 |
shedflex | trouble I'm having here is some people want GNOME, others' want XFCE and another again wants Fluxbox | 11:12 |
yit41 | actionparsnip: i'm not a pro for everything before Windows GUI or Ubuntu DE | 11:12 |
shedflex | so I need to have all 3 concurrently installed,w hich should work | 11:12 |
cq | shedflex- so install gnome and xfce and tell them to switch back and worth from the login screen | 11:13 |
frost | does any one know how to fix a sound on Ubuntu 8.04 for SiS S17012 | 11:13 |
shedflex | ah, this is whatI wanted - sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop | 11:13 |
faileas | shedflex: install all 3, then let the user select.. | 11:13 |
ActionParsnip | yit41: how do you mean?? | 11:13 |
Svish | why did my audio become kind of crackling after I installed pulseaudio? | 11:13 |
yit41 | actionparsnip: i dont know anything about computer beyond the GUI | 11:14 |
shedflex | faileas, the problem was before that I was trying to install xfce and fluxbox as individual packages - which didn't seem to quiet 'work' - but now I found the above namely the 'xubuntu-desktop' was the crux | 11:14 |
frost | does any one know how to fix a sound on Ubuntu 8.04 for SiS S17012, any one who can help | 11:14 |
faileas | shedflex: oh... | 11:14 |
ActionParsnip | yit41: with ubuntu you dont have to | 11:14 |
constrictor | can anyone recommend a good Java book | 11:14 |
infornography | I am going to install the latest ubuntu. I already have gutsy installed. Can anybody tell me if there is any advantage to doing a fresh install from CD rather than an upgrade with apt | 11:15 |
yit41 | actionparsnip: lol yeah right. i crashed my ubuntu few times now and use the CTRL+ALT+Backspace alot | 11:15 |
erUSUL | constrictor: ##java ?? | 11:15 |
cq | shedflex kubuntu-desktop is there too | 11:15 |
ActionParsnip | yit41: you may want to address that | 11:15 |
erUSUL | infornography: if you upgrade you keep all the tweaks and confs you may have made | 11:15 |
shedflex | ctrl-alt-backspace is nice when u can't do anything else | 11:15 |
cq | infornography: from scratch install is more work | 11:15 |
shedflex | or, ssh'ing from another machine and killing gdm ): | 11:15 |
Wasob | Anyone have experience with FTPD? | 11:15 |
infornography | thanks, thats all I wanted to know | 11:16 |
panesar_sandeep | ./join | 11:16 |
yit41 | i always have problem with my sound and i hate ir | 11:16 |
yit41 | it* | 11:16 |
DistroJockey | infornography: clean install = works better | 11:16 |
dieluan | zenme | 11:16 |
tmapj | i just installed UbuntuStudio but dont know how to connect it to my wireless network. can anyone help? | 11:16 |
frost | I have a problem with SiS S17012 , i dont have sound can any one help please ? | 11:17 |
shedflex | yit41, can be annoying - I admit I've been lucky to date and haven't ran into too many troubles other than sometimes with older linux distros when I have two sound cards | 11:17 |
shedflex | frost, is there any data on google saying that it works | 11:18 |
tmapj | pls help, anyone | 11:18 |
European-African | hi, I am having problem with a 128mb usb-stick. When I plug it in and type dmesg in the terminal in gives these entries: | 11:18 |
European-African | [10818.750640] sdb: rw=0, want=432871123, limit=251904 | 11:18 |
European-African | [10818.750642] attempt to access beyond end of device | 11:18 |
ActionParsnip | tmapj: do you have the drivers installed? What wifi adapter do you have? How is it attatched to your system | 11:18 |
yit41 | shedflex: my first experience with linux was back in early 2000s, when win98 is still around | 11:19 |
frost | last time some one told me here some modprobe and i fixit but right now no one helping | 11:19 |
yit41 | shedflex: i swear i'll never use linux again. it was a nightmare | 11:19 |
shedflex | frost, can get difficult - amazing that there's 1300+ people here | 11:19 |
tmapj | action how do i install the drivers? | 11:19 |
shedflex | yit41, heh, I've been using it since... ~1996 | 11:19 |
shedflex | yit41, I tend to swear a lot more at other OS's | 11:19 |
shedflex | yit41, I presume google revealed nothing? | 11:19 |
frost | yes , but i cant solve the problem :( | 11:20 |
Warddr | hello, what do I have to do when I attach a beamer to my notebook and it doesn't work. Only the boot-menu is on the beamer screen | 11:20 |
shedflex | frost, modprobe is what is used to load up drivers - do you know what the module name is for your sound card? | 11:20 |
cq | if I want to remove the ubuntu desktop to go back to just kde, is there a way to remove all the dependencies that were installed? | 11:21 |
yit41 | shedflex: back then i was 10 or something and we dont have internet connection at home | 11:21 |
shedflex | frost - | 11:21 |
frost | shedflex, my sound card is SiS S17012 | 11:21 |
shedflex | yit41, that can sure make it hard | 11:21 |
frost | shedflex, : thnx let me check | 11:21 |
shedflex | np | 11:21 |
babolat | ActionParsnip: didn't work. How do i know which settings to put for bt878 rev 11? the tute pertains to a rev 2 card | 11:21 |
DistroJockey | cq: doubt it, but if you use sudo tasksel it may do a reasonable job | 11:22 |
* shedflex twiddles while he waits for fluxbox desktop to install | 11:23 | |
amirman84 | does anyone know why gnome art manager refuses to open for me? | 11:23 |
rabspd | Hello | 11:23 |
rabspd | I need help. | 11:23 |
ActionParsnip | !paste > tmapj | 11:23 |
frost | shedflex, : i guess that i should install ubuntustudio-audio | 11:23 |
rabspd | which is good antivirus for Linux? | 11:23 |
aurel42 | I installed "gnome-raw-thumbnailer", yet I still don't get previews for camera images. Preview is set to "always". Any ideas? | 11:23 |
shedflex | rabspd, for linux... or for filtering windows files? | 11:23 |
shedflex | (or emails) | 11:24 |
yit41 | any recommendation for FLV extractor on ubuntu? i want IDM-like manager | 11:24 |
Plata-Cri | irc:// | 11:24 |
frost | shedflex, : thanks for support man | 11:24 |
shedflex | frost, wish u luck | 11:24 |
frost | thank you buddy | 11:24 |
frost | i am downloading now ubuntustudio-audio, giving a try | 11:24 |
shedflex | ok | 11:24 |
ActionParsnip | babolat: doesnt matter what card it is its a bt787 is all you need (uaully) | 11:24 |
rabspd | shedflex: I think it's easy to remove windows viruses from linux system (dualboot) | 11:25 |
babolat | but it's still not working, ActionParsnip... :( | 11:25 |
shedflex | rabspd, well, there's a good range of AV scanners that work in linux | 11:25 |
shedflex | including the OpenSource ClamAV | 11:25 |
shedflex | bbl | 11:25 |
rabspd | shedflex: which one is good, including GUI | 11:25 |
DistroJockey | rabspd: sudo apt-get install clamavtk | 11:27 |
DistroJockey | clamtk^ | 11:27 |
rabspd | DistroJockey: is it good than propritary antivirus? | 11:27 |
rabspd | such as avast, AVG etc | 11:28 |
DistroJockey | rabspd: it be the best I know | 11:28 |
rabspd | DistroJockey: Thanks | 11:29 |
davidmo | hola a todos necesito ayuda de rsync | 11:29 |
DistroJockey | rabspd: or Sophos (but that costs money I think) | 11:29 |
kevin_ | anyone know how to make evolution play a wav sound when mail arrives instead of a beep via the internal speaker? | 11:29 |
davidmo | tengo que hacer un sincronismo entre dos pcs de ubuntu | 11:29 |
rabspd | DistroJockey: what about AVG? | 11:30 |
morasha | hello | 11:30 |
DistroJockey | !es | davidmo | 11:30 |
kevin_ | i searched the preferences and found nothing relating to sounds | 11:30 |
ubottu | davidmo: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 11:30 |
morasha | can anyone recommend me about good program to copy cd 2 cd directly ? | 11:30 |
judgert123 | Hmm seems that the wireless drivers arent available in the net-boot iso =(( | 11:30 |
morasha | without making an image on the disk and burning ? | 11:30 |
davidmo | ubottu sorry | 11:30 |
ubottu | It's ok, I can't stay mad at you. | 11:30 |
DistroJockey | rabspd: not linux native I believe | 11:30 |
generic | guys am floowoing this | 11:31 |
generic | | 11:31 |
rabspd | DistroJockey: I fond a .deb package of AVG 7.5, don't know what kind of is this. | 11:31 |
generic | still i can not print | 11:31 |
Mulder | i hope everyone has had the latest openssl updates | 11:31 |
generic | whats the issue | 11:31 |
morasha | please just give me name of program to install | 11:31 |
DistroJockey | davidmo: it's a bot, he don't mind :) | 11:31 |
morasha | i am sure you know | 11:31 |
morasha | i want to make a cd copy | 11:31 |
davidmo | ok | 11:31 |
morasha | without copying it first to the disk | 11:31 |
=== adante_ is now known as adante | ||
davidmo | #ubuntu-es | 11:32 |
sigma_1234 | does openoffice 3 beta integrate properly into kde4 or use kde3 styles? | 11:32 |
=== judgert123 is now known as judgen | ||
morasha | so i guess ubuntu is still behind | 11:33 |
morasha | cany make directly copy cd to cd | 11:33 |
morasha | maybe someday // | 11:33 |
rabspd | morasha: install a package called brasero. | 11:34 |
Pomin | hei, any body can help me ? | 11:34 |
rabspd | morasha: it's something like Nero for Windows. | 11:34 |
DistroJockey | !ask | Pomin | 11:34 |
ubottu | Pomin: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 11:34 |
natalisushka | <morasha> This isn't about the system, it's abouset the application you u | 11:35 |
natalisushka | This isn't about the system, it's about the application you use* | 11:35 |
morasha | thanks | 11:35 |
generic | jim? | 11:35 |
Pomin | I upgrade from 7.x -> 8.04 , kernel 2.6.24-16-generic #1 SMP, CPU : Intel E6600 x 2 | 11:36 |
natalisushka | <morasha> K3B can do anything you want | 11:36 |
Pomin | but I can only see 2 cpus in 'top' command | 11:36 |
DistroJockey | Pomin: well, it is a dual core | 11:37 |
Pomin | yeah, so suppose I can see 4 CPUs in 'top' | 11:37 |
Pomin | but only 2 | 11:38 |
DistroJockey | Pomin: or do you mean you have 2 dual core | 11:38 |
davidooo | I need help about rsync guys | 11:38 |
notsniw | hey | 11:38 |
Pomin | yeah, I have 2 cpus | 11:38 |
DistroJockey | Pomin: ahh, try htop | 11:38 |
DistroJockey | Pomin: may work better | 11:38 |
Pomin | tried. only 2. :) | 11:38 |
Pomin | and other info: /proc/cpuinfo is correct | 11:39 |
notsniw | can anyone tell me if libcv1 and libcv-dev are the real intel opencv-libraries? the description says "compatible to intels IPL" .. or how to find out | 11:39 |
nikin | hy | 11:39 |
notsniw | ? | 11:39 |
Pomin | 'lshw' is correct as well, 2 cpus, each with 2 logical-cpus | 11:39 |
DistroJockey | Pomin: ahh. Well, it may be worth submitting a bug report then | 11:40 |
Pomin | okay. Thanks. :) anyone other ideas ? | 11:42 |
=== newb is now known as trupheenix | ||
DistroJockey | Pomin: only other thing I can suggest is to try the server version | 11:43 |
Wasob | Who has experience with FTPD ?? | 11:43 |
=== tolecnal_ is now known as tolecnal | ||
arex | How can I recursively list files and directories in a dir and only get the file / dir name (not size, owner, date etc)? | 11:45 |
Pomin | Distrokockey : ok, Thanks. I will consider about it. ;) | 11:45 |
SilenceGold | arex: man ls | 11:46 |
ActionParsnip | arex: man ls is a good start | 11:46 |
Pomin | arex : 'man find' maybe help, too | 11:46 |
DistroJockey | Pomin: your real issue is with top as far as I see | 11:47 |
berent | Is there any ubuntu version of game dangerous Dave??? | 11:47 |
knifepoint | how do i change the jdk in netbeans? | 11:47 |
knifepoint | i want to go from the open jdk to the sun jdk | 11:47 |
Az | hi guys just have a quick question. is there a web based proxy server i can run on my box so i can view websites from work | 11:47 |
faileas | anyone use freenx? i just updated my sshserver and autentication seems to fail on client side | 11:47 |
Xsss4hell | Hi | 11:47 |
Xsss4hell | I will start a big party at home in some hours | 11:48 |
arex | Well, ls -1 is close, but doesn't work very well with -R | 11:48 |
Pomin | Distrojockey : I hope so. I need the computing power. | 11:48 |
Xsss4hell | can somebody help me and tell me howto clone the screen so I see the output of the computer on the tv | 11:48 |
MasseR | !flash | 11:48 |
ubottu | To install Flash see (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 11:48 |
Az | Xsss4hell, do you have nvidia? | 11:49 |
Xsss4hell | no | 11:49 |
Xsss4hell | ati | 11:49 |
Az | :\ | 11:49 |
DistroJockey | Pomin: if the /proc info is ok, then you be good to go I think | 11:49 |
Pomin | top, htop, and GNOME System Monitor all the same. :) | 11:49 |
Xsss4hell | everything works supergreat, but I don't know howot clone the screen like on windows | 11:49 |
Az | search for ati settings manager | 11:49 |
Az | i know nvidia has nvidia-settings | 11:50 |
dan_ | anybody seen any trouble shoo ting for a frozen c ursor in 8.04? | 11:50 |
Pomin | Thanks, Distrojockey. :-D bye~~ | 11:50 |
DistroJockey | Pomin: later | 11:50 |
Xsss4hell | Az fella the prob ist not video, I have 3d compiz 'n all that shiznit | 11:51 |
Xsss4hell | I just need to clone screens | 11:51 |
Xsss4hell | Xorg.conf maybe? | 11:51 |
Az | Xsss4hell, im just saying there might be a frontend for it | 11:52 |
Az | but yes you should be able to achieve it by configuring xorg.conf | 11:52 |
Xsss4hell | howto install the frontend wihout the drivers? | 11:52 |
ActionParsnip | Xsss4hell: what graphics card you got? | 11:52 |
Az | ati | 11:53 |
Xsss4hell | I don't want to experiment so close before the party | 11:53 |
Xsss4hell | my Xorg.conf | 11:53 |
Xsss4hell | help appreciated | 11:54 |
Az | Xsss4hell, fglrxconfig do you have that cmd? | 11:54 |
Az | looking at some forum posts and it keeps coming up | 11:54 |
Az | saying you should be able to configure it through there | 11:54 |
TokenBad | I just did upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10..after reboot it keeps booting to prompt instead of gui and gives me msg about trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-uuid/somelongstring..says no resume image..and then keeps trying to load the gui over and over.. | 11:54 |
TokenBad | only to keep shutting down | 11:55 |
Fritzel | (using alsa) can flash be configured to cooperate with the rest of the system for sound | 11:55 |
Xsss4hell | I have Hardy by the way | 11:55 |
Xsss4hell | it has a gui for resolution | 11:55 |
ActionParsnip | Xsss4hell: | 11:55 |
Xsss4hell | it says clone screen, I tick it and hit apply, after closing and reopening the gui it is unticked again | 11:56 |
TokenBad | then after it retrys like 6 comes up giving an error msg saying that it has retried 6 times in 90 secs and to wait 2 mins to try again | 11:56 |
TokenBad | anyone know how to fix this? | 11:56 |
Az | try running it sudo | 11:56 |
Az | i was having that issue yesterday lol | 11:56 |
Az | g2g work hopefully that helps | 11:56 |
Xsss4hell | Az ty | 11:57 |
tzd | my bluetooth headset and mobile phone seems to be disconnected after a couple of seconds from my bluetooth device. The Bluetooth K icon turns blue when connected but after 1-2 seconds it turns grey. Can someone please help me? | 11:57 |
Az | it worked? | 11:58 |
Xsss4hell | now | 11:58 |
Xsss4hell | no | 11:58 |
Az | you need to restart xserver for it to take effects | 11:58 |
tabularasa_ | my xubuntu x-login is missing, which packet do i have to reinstall? | 11:58 |
Xsss4hell | ah ok | 11:58 |
Xsss4hell | I'll be back in a min | 11:58 |
Xsss4hell | restart X | 11:58 |
kasra | Is it safe to resize ext3 partition ? | 12:01 |
ActionParsnip | kasra: backup first just incase | 12:01 |
DistroJockey | kasra: always have a backup | 12:01 |
kasra | ActionParsnip: is it supported ? | 12:02 |
Escaper | Hello, I have two-three questions/problems with Hardy on my ThinkPad T61 with Nvidia. Anyone willing to help? | 12:02 |
wols_ | !ask | Escaper | 12:02 |
ubottu | Escaper: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 12:02 |
ActionParsnip | kasra: no idea, but if data safety is a concern, backup | 12:02 |
kasra | DistroJockey: is the action supported ? | 12:03 |
Escaper | First, I just got info about latest updates, did them, reboot (as asked), and now I cannot see letters in Firefox. What on Earth is going on?!? | 12:03 |
DistroJockey | kasra: what ActionParsnip said | 12:03 |
wols_ | Escaper: only firefox? | 12:03 |
Xsss4hell | Az it did not work | 12:03 |
wols_ | kasra: sure, ext3 is resizeable with gparted | 12:03 |
Xsss4hell | the checkbutton is still unchecked | 12:03 |
Escaper | wols_ To my best knowledge :-( | 12:03 |
Xsss4hell | in gnome-display-properties | 12:04 |
wols_ | Escaper: then it maybe is a ffox 3 beta5 problem | 12:04 |
tmapj_ | how do you register a name | 12:04 |
wols_ | !register | 12:04 |
ubottu | By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. | 12:04 |
kasra | wols_: thanks | 12:04 |
DistroJockey | kasra: it's doable, but no idea if it's supported | 12:04 |
Escaper | wols_: Yes, it is by default in Hardy | 12:04 |
tmapj_ | d | 12:04 |
microwaver | I'm experiencing a weird problem with ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy. Sometimes it is if, when I type or I alt tab or different keystrokes one of the keys 'stuck' it is just repeated over and over. any ideas what creates this problem? | 12:04 |
ActionParsnip | sup tmapj | 12:05 |
tmapj_ | sup parsnip | 12:05 |
tmapj_ | i need ta register my name | 12:05 |
Xsss4hell | so howto clone a screen? I use ubuntus drivers for ATI (no propiatary drivers) | 12:05 |
ActionParsnip | microwaver: press the shift, alt and ctrl buttons one or two times to excersises them | 12:05 |
TokenBad | after doing update from 7.04 to 7.10 my system will not load msg about trying to resume..then says loading normal..and dumps to prompt..anyone help fix it? | 12:05 |
ActionParsnip | Xsss4hell: was that link i gave youno good? | 12:05 |
microwaver | ActionParsnip, simultaneasly? | 12:05 |
bain | hi there, i sthere a way to query upstart to get a list of current running services ? | 12:05 |
tmapj_ | how do you set a password to your username | 12:06 |
Escaper | wols_: How can I fix that?!? | 12:06 |
tmapj_ | ? | 12:06 |
ActionParsnip | microwaver: no, just give em a prod, maybe the keyboard needs working | 12:06 |
ActionParsnip | bain: try ps -ef | 12:06 |
tmapj_ | !register | 12:06 |
ubottu | By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. | 12:06 |
Xsss4hell | ActionParsnip I tried what Az told me, in the gnome-display-properties with clone screen as root | 12:06 |
ActionParsnip | bain: you can also pipe it into grep | 12:06 |
Xsss4hell | but without effort | 12:06 |
ActionParsnip | bain: ps -ef | grep fire | 12:06 |
microwaver | ActionParsnip, how can I check if has worked :P | 12:06 |
bain | ActionParsnip: please read my question | 12:07 |
erle- | where do i find the trash in the text console? | 12:07 |
erle- | (gnome trash) | 12:07 |
tmapj_ | how do you register a nickname anyone | 12:07 |
zerboxx | I'm trying to display my laptop through my tv. Everything is working fine but FULL SCREEN video only plays on the laptop, what is wrong?? | 12:07 |
ActionParsnip | bain: ive not used upstart, ps is already included | 12:07 |
tmapj_ | :( | 12:07 |
ActionParsnip | !register | tmapj | 12:07 |
ubottu | tmapj: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. | 12:07 |
erle- | i deleted a file to the trash, but i can not emty the trash because of permissions | 12:07 |
ActionParsnip | microwaver: use your keyboard as usual | 12:07 |
DistroJockey | Xsss4hell: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager (tweak settings in System - Preferences - Advanced Desktop Effects Settings) | 12:07 |
tmapj_ | the how do you set a password to it? | 12:07 |
faileas | anyone use freenx? i just updated my sshserver and autentication seems to fail with nxclient (i get 'authentication failed for user geek) any ideas on how to fix it | 12:07 |
microwaver | ActionParsnip, nothing weird happend | 12:08 |
bain | ActionParsnip: ps will list all process thats running .. including any user atrted general programs .. which I don't care about .. i want to know what services that is started by upstart at boot itme is running or not running | 12:08 |
microwaver | ActionParsnip, not that I could've noticed | 12:08 |
zerboxx | I'm trying to display my laptop through my tv. Everything is working fine but FULL SCREEN video only plays on the laptop, what is wrong?? | 12:08 |
bain | zerboxx: change your overlay to the TV display | 12:08 |
Xsss4hell | DistroJockey what do you want to tell me? I want to clone my screen to a TV so I can let the party started | 12:08 |
tmapj_ | how do you set a password to your ID? | 12:09 |
Xsss4hell | what does compiz have to do with that? | 12:09 |
zerboxx | bain: how do I do this? and what will happen if I don't have the laptop hooked up to the tv? | 12:09 |
tmapj_ | anyone | 12:09 |
ikonia | !register | tmapj_ | 12:09 |
ubottu | tmapj_: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. | 12:09 |
DistroJockey | Xsss4hell: in CCSM there is an option to clone | 12:09 |
Xsss4hell | where? | 12:10 |
tmapj_ | ikonia how do you give your name a password | 12:10 |
bain | zerboxx: depends on that video card you ... and if you don't have it connected then you might not see video, it all depends on your video card and drive | 12:10 |
bain | zerboxx: depends on that video card you ... and if you don't have it connected then you might not see video, it all depends on your video card and driver | 12:10 |
robert__ | hello i'm trying get the screen resolution to work. The only choice i have is 800*600 and 640*480. Is there a simple way to fix this up. I've tried a few things but no luck so far. | 12:10 |
ikonia | tmapj_: for future reference saying "anyone" is a pointless exercise, as if you asked the question, no -one knew, saying "anyone" won't help them know the answer, if someone missed the answer saying "anyone" won't let them know the question | 12:10 |
ikonia | tmapj_: read the link you where just sent | 12:10 |
DistroJockey | Xsss4hell: in the Desktop area | 12:10 |
ActionParsnip | bain: is it in /etc/events.d ? | 12:10 |
zerboxx | bain: Its a built in intel video "card" | 12:10 |
bain | zerboxx: i've managed to get it to work on both displays on a laptop once .. can't rememebr how tho | 12:12 |
zerboxx | bain: I'll keep searching, thanks for your help | 12:12 |
zerboxx | bain: I now know to search for "video overlay" :) | 12:12 |
pawan | cant install nvidia 5200 card drivers | 12:12 |
bain | ActionParsnip: possible .. looking myself | 12:12 |
robert__ | hello i'm trying get the screen resolution to work. The only choice i have is 800*600 and 640*480. Is there a simple way to fix this up. I've tried a few things but no luck so far. | 12:13 |
Xsss4hell | DistroJockey NO this plugin Does 100% not work | 12:13 |
jhaig | Anyone know how I can load a file (in particular, a picture) to my palm pilot via gpilot? | 12:13 |
Xsss4hell | it just schrinks a copy of the desktop to thumbnail size to the position of the cursor | 12:13 |
Xsss4hell | Thats it | 12:14 |
DistroJockey | Xsss4hell: sorry. Good luck. | 12:14 |
m1dn1ght | I'm trying to completely re-install Firefox as it keeps crashing randomly, however even after going to synaptic and completely removing anything firefox related, rebooting, then reinstalling firefox, my add-ons are still listed in the browser. Most of them have "uninstall" greyed out and says it will be removed after firefox is restarted, but they won't go away. | 12:14 |
mr_boo | is "transmission" a good torrent manager? | 12:14 |
ActionParsnip | m1dn1ght: try ls -a in ~/ | 12:15 |
ActionParsnip | then rename you .mozilla or .firefox(or whatever looks most appropriate) | 12:15 |
ActionParsnip | then rerun firefox | 12:15 |
m1dn1ght | thanks action - will give that a try now | 12:15 |
ActionParsnip | mr_boo: if you like it then yes | 12:15 |
manifest_ | how to make a new account | 12:16 |
manifest_ | with no password | 12:16 |
m1dn1ght | please remind me of the syntax to rename directories? | 12:16 |
ActionParsnip | mv | 12:16 |
robert__ | hello i'm trying get the screen resolution to work. The only choice i have is 800*600 and 640*480. Is there a simple way to fix this up. I've tried a few things but no luck so far. | 12:16 |
m1dn1ght | thank you! | 12:16 |
ActionParsnip | mv <folder name> new folder name> | 12:16 |
* ActionParsnip has an alias ren for mv ;) | 12:17 | |
ikonia | m1dn1ght: why do you think re-installing with resolve this issue ? | 12:17 |
Jappsta | @robert, try the Screens and Graphics screen, can be found under applications>other>screens and graphics | 12:17 |
manifest_ | how to make a new account | 12:17 |
manifest_ | with no password | 12:17 |
Jappsta | if it isn't there: System>preferences>main menu | 12:18 |
Jappsta | and add it :) | 12:18 |
ikonia | manifest_: use the useraddmin gui | 12:18 |
ActionParsnip | m1dn1ght: that folder is your firefox config which may be to blame, when you rerun you will get a stovk firefox profile which you can rebuild | 12:18 |
ikonia | manifest_: system --> admin --> users and groups | 12:18 |
robert__ | Jappsta: yeah i tried that it only has the same resolutions | 12:18 |
manifest_ | akonia: it wont let me de one | 12:18 |
ikonia | manifest_: what does it say ? | 12:18 |
m1dn1ght | ikonia - I suspected one of the add-ons was causing some kind of weird conflict. there didn't seem to be any rhyme or reason for the crashes, so just wanted to start fresh. Also, hardy comes with firefox 3 by default which is incompatible with some of my fav add-ons, | 12:18 |
manifest_ | the button to make a new one is grey, cant click it | 12:19 |
ikonia | click unlock | 12:19 |
m1dn1ght | ActionParsnip - That seemed to do the trick. Hopefully! | 12:19 |
chalcedony | [07:17:38] <chalcedony> i thought my husband had a monitor issue: it has a box with three colors in the center of the diplay and says "no sync inputs" ..beep code: 8-2-1, ive unplugged everything in stages, reseated the ram.. beep code 1-9-2-1 .. what else can i do? what could cause it? ideas?> | 12:19 |
chalcedony | [07:18:23] <chalcedony> it's a desktop, my son assembled it (he's good but moved to texas) | 12:19 |
ActionParsnip | m1dn1ght: np bro | 12:19 |
ikonia | chalcedony: that's a hardware issue | 12:20 |
generic | guys any idea on cups printer restriction | 12:20 |
sd_ | chalcedony: stop using ubuntu right now, install operating system certified for the hardware | 12:20 |
ikonia | chalcedony: nothing to do with ubuntu if your not getting monitor sync | 12:20 |
SuiCiDe1 | :D | 12:20 |
SuiCiDe1 | nvidia 6200 tc | 12:20 |
ikonia | SuiCiDe1: what about one ? | 12:20 |
SuiCiDe1 | dricir:( | 12:20 |
cq | hello, I have problems with my sound, nothing muted, mixer seems to work, but no sound output.... any ideas? | 12:20 |
SuiCiDe1 | heheheh | 12:21 |
sd_ | cq: wrong jack? | 12:21 |
SuiCiDe1 | ı am tr server | 12:21 |
SuiCiDe1 | ı dont speak english:( | 12:21 |
cq | both on headphone jack and internal speaker :) | 12:21 |
TokenBad | after doing update from 7.04 to 7.10 my system will not load msg about trying to resume..then says loading normal..and dumps to prompt..anyone help fix it? | 12:21 |
allam | help please i cant see the files inside hdc1 and hdc6 and hdc7 partitions | 12:21 |
Jappsta | cq: try searching has HOWTO's and answers to almost everything | 12:21 |
SuiCiDe1 | bye;) go to tr server irc:) | 12:21 |
allam | help please i cant see the files inside hdc1 and hdc6 and hdc7 partitions | 12:22 |
allam | help please i cant see the files inside hdc1 and hdc6 and hdc7 partitions but i can see my files in other partions | 12:22 |
wols_ | allam: mount the partitions. what filesystem? | 12:22 |
ikonia | allam: are they mounted ? | 12:22 |
allam | how i can mount it | 12:23 |
allam | fat32 | 12:23 |
European-African | hey, I am having problem getting gusty seeing my 128mb usb-flash. Is there a quick fix like installing addintional usb drivers in spm? | 12:23 |
berent | how do i play dangerous dave on ubuntu | 12:25 |
=== acuster is now known as avc_lunch | ||
bain | So, any other ideas of how to communitcate with upstart to get information out of it ? | 12:25 |
berent | !dave | 12:25 |
ubottu | Factoid dave not found | 12:25 |
ikonia | allam: sudo mount -t vfat /dev/hdc6 /mnt | 12:25 |
ikonia | allam: for example, that would mount hdc6 on the /mnt directory | 12:25 |
berent | ikonia: how do i play dangerous dave on ubuntu ? | 12:26 |
ikonia | European-African: what happens when you try to mount it | 12:26 |
ikonia | berent: wh are you asking me ? | 12:26 |
European-African | ikonia: I can even see it! | 12:26 |
berent | how do i play dangerous dave on ubuntu ? | 12:26 |
ikonia | European-African: see it where | 12:26 |
ikonia | berent: what is dangerous dave | 12:26 |
European-African | ikonia: in mount | 12:26 |
DJones | berent: There's a how to here | 12:26 |
ikonia | European-African: because it's not mounted | 12:27 |
ikonia | European-African: what file system is on it ? | 12:27 |
zerboxx | bain: Just to let you know, I've got videos running full screen now! changed gstreamer-properties to No Xv | 12:27 |
European-African | ikonia: fat16 | 12:27 |
kling0n | i can't get firefox 2 to use the totem-mozilla plugin on hardy | 12:27 |
kling0n | any ideas? | 12:27 |
zerboxx | bain: Now I just need to fix the resolution problem (full screen is actually too big for the tv), and see if I can get skype to work too, then I'm set! | 12:27 |
zamba | is dapper outdated/still supported? | 12:27 |
ikonia | European-African: ok, so you should be able to mount it with "sudo mount -t vfat /dev/$device_file /$mount_point" | 12:27 |
DJones | berent: I've not tried it, so don't know if it works, just passing the link on | 12:27 |
berent | ikonia : cool DJones. Let me try. I will check it out. | 12:28 |
ziod | hi all-- (newbie) question: how can i copy files from FAT to EXT3 without having the file dates get changed? | 12:28 |
European-African | ikonia: $device_file? | 12:28 |
European-African | ikonia: is that waht I type | 12:28 |
ikonia | European-African: no the /dev file | 12:28 |
European-African | ikonia: how do I find out what the dev file is for my usb-stick? | 12:29 |
allam | ikonia:when i try to mount my partitions it show me this message mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdc7, | 12:29 |
allam | missing codepage or other error | 12:29 |
allam | In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try | 12:29 |
allam | dmesg | tail or so | 12:29 |
FloodBot1 | allam: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 12:29 |
ikonia | ziod: mount both file systems and just copy it across | 12:29 |
ikonia | European-African: look in /var/log/messages | 12:29 |
European-African | ikonia: ok thanx | 12:29 |
ikonia | allam: then it's not fat | 12:30 |
ziod | ikonia: doesnt seem to work-- the files all take on CURRENT date/time on EXT3 when I copy them over. they lose their original date stamps | 12:30 |
kommaa | How do you install warcraft 3 (from a cd) on ubuntu? | 12:30 |
ikonia | ziod: yes, they will, sorry I missunderstood | 12:30 |
ikonia | ziod: you'd have to copy them, then touch them later with a different time stap | 12:30 |
ikonia | ziod: copying files makes a "new" file, hence the new time stamp | 12:31 |
ikonia | ziod: you can do -ptimestamps | 12:31 |
ikonia | ziod: sorry, cp -p=timestamps | 12:31 |
allam | ikonia: i installed windows and ubuntu on my machine and this file are shown in windows but in linux they are not shown | 12:32 |
European-African | ikonia: one of the entries in /var/log/messages is sdb: sdb1, so what do I mount sdb or sdb1? | 12:32 |
usser | European-African, sdb1 usually sdb is just a name of a disk sdb1 is actual partition | 12:32 |
European-African | usser: ok thanx | 12:33 |
ziod | ikonia: thanks! i'll try the -p=timestamps. i was using grsync to try and sync files from usb stick to ubuntu, but i do need to preserve the file dates for the syncing to work properly (i need to know when they were last modified). | 12:33 |
allam | ikonia: the file are fat32 | 12:33 |
jonah | hey guys, just partitioned my external usb drive to ext3 (dunno if that's best or ext2) anyway now it won't let me put anything on it, says permission denied... | 12:33 |
Etienne__ | I'm hoping to get help with an install of 8.04 | 12:33 |
Chrysalis | why does every file i touch creates a filename~ is that a back up file when i close without saving or whats the deal? | 12:34 |
berent | DJones: wonderful thanks | 12:34 |
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti | ||
Etienne__ | I get as far as step 4 when it reaches "prepare partitions" - I see nothing in the window, and all the buttons are greyed out :-( | 12:35 |
usser | Chrysalis, by touch u mean "touch" command? | 12:35 |
usser | Chrysalis, it is a backup file that some editors such as gedit prodice | 12:35 |
Chrysalis | usser: open/view/whatever, does get crated because i close without saving? | 12:36 |
rhydar | hello | 12:36 |
UnknownFear | hello rhydar | 12:36 |
Chrysalis | usser: and can i just delete them? | 12:36 |
usser | Chrysalis, it shouldnt be created if u didnt modify the original but yes it is safe to delete those files | 12:37 |
ikonia | ziod: if you man cp you'll see all the attibutes you can use with -p | 12:37 |
=== X-B4S1C-X is now known as J0R1S0 | ||
ikonia | allam: can't be, if your using mount -t vfat and it's not mounting - it's not fat file systems | 12:37 |
rhydar | I am trying to configure xmail so that it uses my inbox and sent from Evolution, any assist? | 12:37 |
DJones | berent: no probs | 12:37 |
berent | exit | 12:38 |
wib | hi. I have the feeling that fglrx is intalled without DRI, how can I check on that? | 12:38 |
wols_ | glxinfo | 12:38 |
=== J0R1S0 is now known as X-B4S1C-X | ||
wib | "direct rendering: Yes" is what I'm looking for, right? | 12:39 |
Dark_Shadow | hi | 12:40 |
Dark_Shadow | how to update wine? | 12:41 |
wib | this puzzels me. video playback is sooo slow and cpu consuming, I thought DRI was the issue | 12:41 |
shaneireland | morning can any help me with a USB Automount problem | 12:41 |
shaneireland | Dark - in a terminal type sudo-apt get install wine | 12:41 |
tmapj_ | CAN AN ISO BE BURNT TO A DVD? | 12:41 |
shaneireland | it will update wine for u | 12:41 |
ikonia | tmapj_: don't use caps please | 12:41 |
rhydar | tmapj_ | yes | 12:41 |
shaneireland | yes using K3b u can burn an ISO | 12:42 |
shaneireland | anyone help me with USB Automounting or not in my case :-) | 12:42 |
shaneireland | have scoured the web for the last 5 days and cant fix it | 12:42 |
ikonia | shaneireland: give me a little background please.a | 12:42 |
ikonia | please | 12:42 |
Dark_Shadow | darkus@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install wine | 12:42 |
Dark_Shadow | [sudo] password for darkus: | 12:42 |
Dark_Shadow | Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait | 12:42 |
Dark_Shadow | Construction de l'arbre des dépendances | 12:42 |
Dark_Shadow | Lecture des informations d'état... Fait | 12:42 |
FloodBot1 | Dark_Shadow: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 12:42 |
Dark_Shadow | wine est déjà la plus récente version disponible. | 12:42 |
usser | Dark_Shadow, follow the direction on, theres a link get wine there | 12:43 |
shaneireland | any onehave working usb automounting in Feisty Fawn | 12:43 |
Dark_Shadow | | 12:43 |
Dark_Shadow | i have already wine | 12:43 |
Dark_Shadow | but i want to update it | 12:44 |
shaneireland | just do sudo apt-get install wine | 12:44 |
shaneireland | if wine needs updating it will update it that way | 12:44 |
Dark_Shadow | oO | 12:44 |
Dark_Shadow | i have done it | 12:44 |
usser | Dark_Shadow, ! | 12:44 |
shaneireland | well then its up to date | 12:44 |
Dark_Shadow | but it doesn't do the update | 12:44 |
shaneireland | that means its the most recent build then methinks | 12:45 |
Dark_Shadow | my version is 9.46 | 12:45 |
ikonia | shaneireland: I asked for a little background | 12:45 |
ikonia | Dark_Shadow: contact wine support then | 12:45 |
Dark_Shadow | i'll remove it | 12:46 |
shaneireland | anyone able to help me with usb not automounting in kubuntu either feisty or hardy | 12:46 |
Dark_Shadow | and reinstall it | 12:46 |
ikonia | shaneireland: yes, for the last time | 12:46 |
In-Sane | how to install java in ubuntu using terminal? | 12:46 |
ikonia | shaneireland: just give me a little background | 12:46 |
shaneireland | ikonia thanks | 12:47 |
ikonia | In-Sane: apt-cache search java - lists the packages, sudo apt-get install $package_name | 12:47 |
shaneireland | appreciate it missed ur earlier offer of help | 12:47 |
shaneireland | will i prvt message u or do it here | 12:47 |
usser | Dark_Shadow, just follow the instructions | 12:47 |
ikonia | shaneireland: please only talk in channel | 12:47 |
In-Sane | ikonia: thanks | 12:47 |
shaneireland | ok no probs | 12:47 |
shaneireland | my usb devices wont automount in kubunutu ive tried fresh installs of both hardy and feisty and neither work | 12:48 |
shaneireland | it did used to work though | 12:48 |
shaneireland | for example with my canon camera it will only be recognised after i run sudo lsusb then it works!! | 12:48 |
ikonia | shaneireland: ok, so what does "dmesg" say, and /var/log/messsages when you plug it in | 12:49 |
ikonia | shaneireland: this is kubuntu, not ubuntu, correct ? | 12:49 |
shaneireland | i can mount all of them from the command line they wont automount | 12:49 |
shaneireland | yes its kubuntu | 12:49 |
ikonia | shaneireland: ok, what is the volume label of the disk when you mount it | 12:49 |
shaneireland | it seems to vary | 12:50 |
shaneireland | usually its /dev/sdb1 | 12:50 |
ikonia | shaneireland: the volume lable can't vary | 12:50 |
ikonia | shaneireland: thats not the volume label | 12:50 |
shaneireland | ok how do i get the volume label | 12:50 |
ikonia | shaneireland: what file system is on it | 12:50 |
microwaver | I'm experiencing a weird problem with ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy. Sometimes it is if, when I type or I alt tab or different keystrokes one of the keys 'stuck' it is just repeated over and over. any ideas what creates this problem? I'm quite sure it's totally not a hardware related problem | 12:50 |
shaneireland | i think its vfat | 12:50 |
ikonia | shaneireland: you think ? | 12:50 |
shaneireland | on all of the devices i have 2 are cameras | 12:50 |
ikonia | shaneireland: if you can mount it manually you must know | 12:50 |
shaneireland | for the manual mount i just do sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/usb | 12:51 |
shaneireland | i dont give any other parameters | 12:51 |
ikonia | shaneireland: ok, do that, then do "mount" and see what file system is on it | 12:51 |
shaneireland | apologies how can i tell which file system is on it | 12:51 |
tv7497 | just wantd to say hi to every1 here new to irc :-) | 12:52 |
shaneireland | i seem to have | 12:52 |
ikonia | shaneireland: I've just told you, type "mount" after it's mountee | 12:52 |
shaneireland | this exact problem | 12:52 |
shaneireland | iknoia thanks.. dont get annoyed | 12:52 |
shaneireland | vfat | 12:53 |
shaneireland | how is the file system of signifigance | 12:53 |
tv7497 | guys how do u register ur nickname for this channel | 12:53 |
shaneireland | isnt the clue in the fact that i have to nearly wake the usb interface up with sudo lsusb before it recognises anything | 12:53 |
Pici | !register | tv7497 | 12:53 |
ubottu | tv7497: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. | 12:53 |
ikonia | shaneireland: have you tried any of the information in that forum | 12:54 |
shaneireland | ikonia - No.. | 12:54 |
shaneireland | of course i have every single line | 12:54 |
shaneireland | there isnt a full fix according to that thread | 12:54 |
tv7497 | !register|tv7497 | 12:54 |
shaneireland | nor many of the othre google search and forum searches | 12:54 |
ikonia | shaneireland: so try some of the information in that thread, it looks like good content | 12:54 |
tv7497 | ah sorry | 12:54 |
shaneireland | this is the last attempt of a desperate mate | 12:54 |
shaneireland | of course ive tried it.. | 12:54 |
ikonia | shaneireland: although I woldn't add it to fstab as that thread suggestions | 12:54 |
m1dn1ght | can someone please tell me what the installation path for firefox would be? I'm attempting to install Adobe's flash plugin from terminal and it's requesting that info, though no mention is made in the installation instructions | 12:55 |
shaneireland | no i did that and took it back oyut i now have a clean install of kubuntu | 12:55 |
ikonia | shaneireland: ok, here is something to look at | 12:55 |
tv7497 | !register | tv7497 | 12:55 |
tv7497 | sorry | 12:55 |
ikonia | shaneireland: for arguments sake, reboot with the camera plugged in, then open "places -> computer" and see if it shows up there | 12:55 |
shaneireland | yeah it does | 12:56 |
ikonia | tv7497: pici gave you the link - you don't need the bot to give it you again | 12:56 |
shaneireland | if i reboot with it in it always boots | 12:56 |
ikonia | shaneireland: excellent, what is the name of it in "computer" | 12:56 |
shaneireland | just not if hotplugged | 12:56 |
shaneireland | camera EOS350D | 12:56 |
shaneireland | is the name of it | 12:56 |
ikonia | shaneireland: ok, rename it to "e0s350d" only | 12:56 |
Pici | !enter | shaneireland | 12:56 |
ubottu | shaneireland: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 12:56 |
shaneireland | my other video camera which used to automount is called DV but that wont automount at all | 12:57 |
shaneireland | im not using ENTER - ubottu but thanks for the policing most useful | 12:57 |
ikonia | shaneireland: one thing at a time please | 12:57 |
ikonia | shaneireland: tell you what - I'm tired of your attitude now | 12:57 |
ikonia | shaneireland: help yourself. Sorry | 12:57 |
arex | rofl | 12:57 |
shaneireland | both related to the same problem ikonia | 12:57 |
rhydar | hello | 12:57 |
shaneireland | my attitude do u mean i dont treat u with reverence and accept your patronising attitude without comment | 12:57 |
shaneireland | u must be fucking jokin mate | 12:58 |
b0xx | FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT | 12:58 |
Pici | shaneireland: Watch your language. | 12:58 |
shaneireland | fight no.. | 12:58 |
allam | when i try to mount my partion i have this message | 12:58 |
allam | | 12:58 |
shaneireland | im trying to gte a problem fixed | 12:58 |
allam | please help | 12:58 |
shaneireland | and looking for some not patronising help | 12:58 |
shaneireland | not a fight | 12:58 |
ikonia | shaneireland: I've not partonized you, you've resoponded with sarcasm to myself and pici now | 12:58 |
ompaul | b0xx, please don't do that | 12:58 |
shaneireland | picis comment was useless | 12:58 |
shaneireland | u iknoia have been helpful.. | 12:58 |
b0xx | lol | 12:58 |
In-Sane | what is the best package to play vides? VLC? | 12:59 |
mgolisch | allam: you selected the wrong fstype or something | 12:59 |
ompaul | shaneireland, you are not to swear in this channel thanks | 12:59 |
mgolisch | allam: have a look at dmesg | 12:59 |
shaneireland | thanks ompaul for that | 12:59 |
Pici | microwaver: I've heard of this error before, I know theres a bug report associated with it, but I cannot seem to find it at the moment. | 12:59 |
shaneireland | brilliant.. | 12:59 |
pf | In-Sane: VLC is a very nice player and will play almost anything | 12:59 |
shaneireland | can anyone actually help me with the USB automounting problem | 12:59 |
shaneireland | as outlined | 12:59 |
In-Sane | thanks pf :) | 12:59 |
gexen42 | Where is a good place to start trying to troubleshoot a laptop with Hardy that won't suspend or hibernate properly? | 13:00 |
ompaul | shaneireland, please calm down | 13:00 |
ompaul | !guidelines | shaneireland | 13:00 |
ubottu | shaneireland: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 13:00 |
shaneireland | im totally totally calm | 13:00 |
Nelson_Apart | i would like to ask, which codec is needed to play 'rmvb' format video? | 13:00 |
pf | In-Sane: but feel free to try out some of the other players available, maybe you find something that you like better | 13:00 |
allam | mgolisch: what did u mean bu dmesg | 13:00 |
bogey- | !access | 13:00 |
ubottu | Factoid access not found | 13:00 |
shaneireland | im also a volunteer | 13:00 |
shaneireland | anyone got any ideas | 13:00 |
shaneireland | u should just rename this forum patronisingsupport | 13:00 |
ikonia | shaneireland: your comments are the reason I've stopped helping you | 13:00 |
allam | how i can know the file system type in my partion to mount it | 13:01 |
shaneireland | wow are u all powerful.. | 13:01 |
ikonia | shaneireland: if you adjust them, we can work it through | 13:01 |
In-Sane | pf: yep but although i don't know any other players.. :-( | 13:01 |
shaneireland | god forbid someone not accept ur patronising attitude | 13:01 |
rhydar | shaneireland | have you edited your /etc/fstab file? | 13:01 |
gexen42 | deleted! | 13:01 |
allam | help please how i can know the file system type in my partion to mount it | 13:01 |
Don64 | bye bye kitty kitty | 13:02 |
ikonia | allam: is it mounted already ? | 13:02 |
wols_ | allam: file /dev/sdaX | 13:02 |
microwaver | Pici, thanks for the effort. But has there been developed a fix on this bug? | 13:02 |
mgolisch | allam: type dmesg and see if theres more detailed error message | 13:02 |
allam | ikonia: bu i cant see the files inside it | 13:02 |
gexen42 | Anyway, would someone be kind enough to share where I can start trying to troubleshoot a laptop running hardy that won't suspend or hibernate? | 13:02 |
wols_ | allam: I just told you | 13:02 |
pf | In-Sane: if you go to Applications > Add / Remove and click on "sound & video" in the left-hand side list you get a list of available software which you can sort on popularity | 13:02 |
Fritzel | I realize alot of you will think this question crazy but is there a pulse <=> alsa wrapper? | 13:03 |
ikonia | allam: sorry, does that mean it is currently mounted yes/no | 13:03 |
babolat | Liferea crashes on startup. terminal output here --> | 13:03 |
george_ | Hey guys, I have a portable HDD that didnt get "safely removed" from a windows machine and now it's unable to be mounted on ubuntu 8.04, could I please get some help on the matter? thanks | 13:03 |
pinnerup | A question: I'm on HH. When I use irssi regularly, I can easily use ALT+arrow keys to change windows (right-left), but when I ssh to a shell and try the same, ALT+arrow keys just gives me "3D" and "3C". Any idea how to fix that? (Note: When I use PuTTY to ssh from Windows to the same shell, it works fine.) | 13:03 |
ikonia | george_: sure, the only thing you can do is boot into windows and chkdisk it | 13:04 |
In-Sane | pf: yep, i see the package names now, thanks again | 13:04 |
Pici | microwaver: Ah, found the bug page: , I'm not sure if theres a fix yet, sorry. | 13:04 |
ikonia | pinnerup: there your terminal emmulation | 13:04 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 124406 in linux "Keyboard keys get stuck and repeat (Feisty, Gutsy)" [Unknown,Confirmed] | 13:04 |
ikonia | pinnerup: alt+arrow is not a standard key sequence | 13:04 |
gexen42 | george_: You could download UBCD4win and then run a chkdisk from there if you don't have a bootable system to go into | 13:04 |
microwaver | Pici, you don't need to apologise for that :-). it's not THAT often. It's just quite harrassing when alt tabbing between windows | 13:05 |
gexen42 | george_: Bootable system running windows that is... | 13:05 |
pinnerup | ikonia: Ehm ... ok. But how do I fix it? | 13:05 |
ikonia | george_: your can follow gexen42's advice aslso, but I'd advise againt it | 13:05 |
ikonia | pinnerup: echo $TERM look at your term time | 13:05 |
ikonia | term type sorry | 13:05 |
allam | wols_: /dev/sda5: ERROR: cannot open `/dev/sda5' (No such file or directory) | 13:05 |
ikonia | allam: ls -la /dev/sda4 | 13:05 |
ikonia | allam: ls -la /dev/sda5 | 13:05 |
ikonia | sorry | 13:05 |
gexen42 | ikonia: Have a bad experience with UBCD4win? | 13:05 |
pinnerup | ikonia: "echo $term" doesn't return anything. | 13:06 |
george_ | hmm, thanks guys I'll have a go at it tomorrow, I'm uber tired now >.< Cheers for the help! ^^ | 13:06 |
In-Sane | ikonia: will apt-cache search help me looking for other plugins too? like flash? or for some packages? | 13:06 |
Trae | hey guys is there a nice GUI tool for setting up hard drives to mount @ boot time? You'd think you could right click it and select "automount at boot" in properties. | 13:06 |
ikonia | pinnerup: echo $TERM | 13:06 |
ikonia | gexen42: not personaly | 13:06 |
ikonia | In-Sane: flash plugin is called "flashplugin-nonfree" | 13:06 |
ikonia | In-Sane: you can search for anything with it | 13:06 |
pinnerup | ikonia: It returns "xterm". | 13:06 |
In-Sane | ikonia: ok ok, now its clear :) | 13:06 |
gexen42 | ikonia: Why wouldn't you recommend it? | 13:06 |
ikonia | pinnerup: Hmmm what is the terminal your using | 13:06 |
pinnerup | gnome-terminal. | 13:07 |
ikonia | gexen42: many problems | 13:07 |
microwaver | ikonia, do you do anything else but give people support :)? | 13:07 |
ikonia | microwaver: many things | 13:07 |
Etienne__ | I have a problem installing 8.04, step 4, prepare partitions list is empty, buttons are all greyed out | 13:07 |
ikonia | Etienne__: are you using raid disks by any chance ? | 13:07 |
gexen42 | ikonia: like what? I've used UBCD4win to recover many a windows system | 13:07 |
ikonia | pinnerup: thats odd, | 13:07 |
ikonia | gexen42: corruption | 13:07 |
allam | ikinia:brw-rw---- 1 root disk 22, 1 2008-05-16 17:11 /dev/hdc1 | 13:08 |
ikonia | pinnerup: when you do echo $TERM is that on your local machine or the machine your ssh'd into | 13:08 |
Etienne__ | ikonia: HDD is a Western Digital 250GB, I don't think it's raid | 13:08 |
pinnerup | ikonia: Tried on both - they both give "xterm". | 13:08 |
ikonia | Etienne__: Hmm doesn't sound like it | 13:08 |
allam | ikonia:brw-rw---- 1 root disk 22, 1 2008-05-16 17:11 /dev/hdc1 | 13:08 |
In-Sane | how do i change the computer name in ubuntu? ( sorry am asking too many questions) ;-) | 13:08 |
ikonia | pinnerup: that should be "ok" | 13:08 |
Dark_Shadow | ERASEPRIVATELOG | 13:08 |
ikonia | pinnerup: what ssh client are you using | 13:08 |
ikonia | Dark_Shadow: what ? | 13:08 |
ikonia | allam: thats not what you said, you said /dev/sda5 | 13:09 |
Dark_Shadow | nothing | 13:09 |
pinnerup | ikonia: The standard in HH. It's just called "ssh", I guess. | 13:09 |
ikonia | allam: so why are you showing me /dev/hdc | 13:09 |
ikonia | Dark_Shadow: then why say it ? | 13:09 |
ikonia | pinnerup: yup, all should be fine | 13:09 |
ikonia | pinnerup: what is the remote box your sshing to, ubuntu ? | 13:09 |
Etienne__ | I used my WinXP install disk to delete the partitions and create a new one (NTFS) | 13:09 |
Etienne__ | but still the same | 13:09 |
pinnerup | ikonia: Debian. | 13:10 |
ikonia | pinnerup: let me see if I have a debian sysstem I can access to check the term types | 13:10 |
gexen42 | In-Sane: It's in /etc/hostname | 13:10 |
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ikonia | In-Sane: make sure your hostname matches up in /etc/hosts too | 13:10 |
babolat | Liferea manages to draw a window but instantly closes. What's up with that? I get segmentation fault error. How do I fix this? | 13:10 |
ikonia | In-Sane: thats very important | 13:10 |
In-Sane | gexen42: whats the command to change it? | 13:11 |
gexen42 | In-Sane: Make sure you goto /etc/hosts and add an entry for the new name just like the old one | 13:11 |
ikonia | In-Sane: use a text editor | 13:11 |
ikonia | In-Sane: it's a text file | 13:11 |
allam | i say that when i open /media/hdc6 i cant see any thing that is the problem | 13:11 |
frost | I dont have sound on Ubuntu 8.04 - My sound card is SiS S17012 | 13:12 |
frost | Can anyone help | 13:12 |
allam | ikonia: i say that when i open /media/hdc6 i cant see any thing that is the problem or hdc1 or hdc7 | 13:12 |
In-Sane | ikonia: do you mean that i should write the same name in both locations /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts? | 13:12 |
ikonia | allam: neither | 13:12 |
ikonia | allam: what is mouonted on /media/hdc6 ? | 13:13 |
ikonia | In-Sane: no, change the hostname in /etc/hostname, then make sure the entry also matches the hostname in /etc/hsots | 13:13 |
frost | any idea ? | 13:13 |
ikonia | hosts | 13:13 |
allam | ikonia:i dont understant u ? | 13:13 |
In-Sane | ikonia: ok | 13:13 |
ikonia | allam: please put the output of "mount" into a pastebina and post it to me | 13:13 |
frost | I dont have sound on Ubuntu 8.04 - My sound card is SiS S17012 , can any one help please | 13:14 |
twix26 | hello | 13:14 |
babolat | !repeat | frost | 13:14 |
ubottu | frost: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 13:14 |
v0lksman | Trae: did you get an answer to your question? I've been trying to find the same thing | 13:14 |
Trae | v0lksman: not yet mate. | 13:14 |
Trae | v0lksman: I'm trying to figure out how to have my secondary drive automount | 13:14 |
twix26 | is there any way to backcheck if all my partitions are encrypted? i did create encrypted ext3 and swap manual on installation. just wanted to make sure :) some command that display this, with the algo and bitsize? | 13:14 |
allam | ikonia : soory but iam a new in ubuntu what is the commant that i should write in terminal to mount the hdc6 | 13:15 |
Trae | v0lksman: I know it's probably somewhere in /etc/fstab but I get scared messing with that. | 13:15 |
v0lksman | Trae: I know how to do it manually but really hate trying to teach n00bs like my father to edit a text file like fstab | 13:15 |
ikonia | allam: just put the output of "mount" into a pastebin please | 13:15 |
allam | how? | 13:15 |
ikonia | allam: sudo mount /dev/hdc6 /media/hdc6 | 13:15 |
Trae | v0lksman: and I've used Linux since 96' exclusively. | 13:15 |
Trae | heh | 13:15 |
okko | terve | 13:15 |
v0lksman | Trae: hahaha...ok....not just n00bs then! | 13:15 |
okko | hi | 13:16 |
Trae | v0lksman: nope :) | 13:16 |
v0lksman | Trae: If you want I can help...fstab isn't so scary... :) | 13:16 |
mgolisch | using linux since 96 but scared of editing fstab? | 13:16 |
twix26 | noone? :) just thought there is a command that displays which partitions are encrypted and with which algo | 13:16 |
kelvin911 | the movie i play has huge screen tearing, is it compiz making it?' | 13:16 |
v0lksman | Trae: but I would much rather know how to point and click to get the same job done.. ;) | 13:16 |
wols_ | twix26: try "file" | 13:16 |
Trae | v0lksman: ahhh You are looking for a tool for your Dad | 13:16 |
ledmushroom | this is a really dumb question i know but what the heck do i do with a .chm file | 13:16 |
allam | ikonia: the out put is no thing | 13:16 |
wols_ | ledmushroom: open it with a chm viewer | 13:17 |
v0lksman | Trae: yep...I got no problems with fstab.... | 13:17 |
jatt | rm *.chm | 13:17 |
Trae | ledmushroom: consider yourself "lucky" to have it? | 13:17 |
wols_ | apt-cache search chm. it's a windows help file | 13:17 |
Trae | ledmushroom: sorry I couldn't resist | 13:17 |
allam | ikonia: ok ok | 13:17 |
twix26 | thanks wols. will look up the man page for that | 13:17 |
allam | now i can see all my files in hdc6 | 13:17 |
allam | thanks | 13:17 |
Trae | v0lksman: hmm actually that's a good thing to google I think. gui fstab | 13:17 |
ParanoyaM | Hi, can anybody advice me some soft that can help me to count my money spend, salary and other financia operations | 13:17 |
wols_ | gnucash, sqlledger | 13:18 |
KEBA | hello | 13:18 |
cq | is there a way to get a package descriptiopn from apt-cache? | 13:18 |
gik | iop | 13:18 |
jatt | !gnucash | 13:18 |
ubottu | Factoid gnucash not found | 13:18 |
wols_ | apt-cache show <package> | 13:18 |
jatt | gnucash then | 13:18 |
cq | ah, i tried showpkg, thanks | 13:18 |
cbx82 | newbie: can anyone help me with a wireless networking issue? | 13:19 |
KEBA | it is possible to make 2 pdfs together? i think you can make it in the console, but ir forgett how | 13:19 |
wols_ | ask | cbx82 | 13:19 |
ParanoyaM | Hi, can anybody advice me some soft that can help me to count my money spend, salary and other financia operations | 13:19 |
wols_ | KEBA: pdf tools should be able to do it, pdfmerge or such | 13:19 |
v0lksman | ledmushroom: gnochm will read that for you....chm is a book file for windows I believe... | 13:19 |
Trae | v0lksman: apt-cache search fstab | 13:19 |
jatt | ParanoyaM: gnucash | 13:19 |
wols_ | ParanoyaM: I just told you | 13:19 |
European-African | hi, I have done a clean install of gusty, and it seems that in this new install I have very limited permissions as a administrator! Is this normal? | 13:19 |
tmroland | i have a apollo HP 2100 printer connected trough usb. ubuntu sees it but then asks me what hp driver i want, i tried with one and doesnt work well. what do i need? | 13:19 |
In-Sane | ikonia: ok, it is done, i changed the computer name and i am sure it matches the entry in /etc/hosts. thanks alot | 13:19 |
KEBA | ok i try pdfmerge | 13:20 |
gordonjcp | !ask | cbx82 | 13:20 |
ubottu | cbx82: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 13:20 |
ParanoyaM | sorry | 13:20 |
ikonia | In-Sane: reboot and enjoy | 13:20 |
Trae | v0lksman: pysdm! | 13:20 |
wols_ | European-African: no it'S not, but what do you mean with "administrator"? there is no such thing | 13:20 |
ParanoyaM | i just launch this channel | 13:20 |
In-Sane | ikonia: yep | 13:20 |
ParanoyaM | and my kopete load all data who's online who's afk | 13:20 |
v0lksman | Trae: did you try it? | 13:20 |
ParanoyaM | so it hangs ) | 13:20 |
European-African | wols_: I created a user that is in the admin user group | 13:20 |
Trae | v0lksman: :( fail | 13:20 |
fugitivo | | 13:20 |
wols_ | KEBA: pdftk | 13:20 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 228363 in ubuntu "Hauppauge PVR-150 with no audio after upgrading to Hardy" [Undecided,New] | 13:20 |
Trae | lol | 13:20 |
usr13 | I seem to have something blocking my use of the sound card: "Cannot open the audio device. Another application may be using it." | 13:21 |
wols_ | European-African: irrelevant. | 13:21 |
cbx82 | ubottu: thanks for the tip | 13:21 |
ubottu | cbx82: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 13:21 |
v0lksman | Trae: hahah | 13:21 |
Trae | v0lksman: :P | 13:21 |
wols_ | European-African: there is only root permissions (Which are accessed via sudo) | 13:21 |
tmroland | can anyone help me with my hp apollo printer problem ? | 13:21 |
v0lksman | Trae: plus it isn't part of the core...There has to be something the Ubuntu devs thought was worthy... ;) | 13:21 |
wols_ | !ask | tmroland | 13:21 |
ubottu | tmroland: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 13:21 |
tmroland | i did | 13:21 |
European-African | wols_: I thought that when you installed ubuntu it set up a administrator account? | 13:21 |
wols_ | !printing | 13:21 |
ubottu | Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See - - - Printer sharing: | 13:22 |
Trae | v0lksman: you'd think. :/ | 13:22 |
wols_ | European-African: no such thing | 13:22 |
wols_ | tmroland: check to see what driver it uses | 13:22 |
tmroland | what type of hp driver do i need for apollo 2100 ? | 13:22 |
KEBA | wols_: ok thanks... pdftk. how can i use it? | 13:22 |
ParanoyaM | and maybe somebody know some gui reminder? | 13:22 |
malocite | hey guys, I am having a REALLY weird problem. Since installing 8.04 random directories on NFS mounted drives have been going READ ONLY, this morning I rebooted and it is now the entire nfs mount that has gone read only.... anyone have any idea why? | 13:22 |
mj | hello all | 13:22 |
wols_ | man pdftk | 13:22 |
Trae | v0lksman: hey... join #mount | 13:22 |
frost | any idea about SiS S17012 ? | 13:23 |
frost | no sound | 13:23 |
European-African | wols_: the thing is in my previous install I had much more freedom on the account that it gave me when I installed it. Now It doesn't. | 13:23 |
Ollie | Hi. I tried to add the source deb unstable main to my apt-get list, but I'm getting the error: "W: Failed to fetch 404 Not Found" | 13:24 |
European-African | wols_: is there a way to get these permission back on my account? | 13:24 |
Ollie | Anyone know why that might be? | 13:24 |
Ollie | is there an alternate location to download easycam2 from? | 13:24 |
white_eagle | hello, I get this error when I do sudo apt-get update in terminal (at the end of the getting of the updates): W: GPG error: hardy-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <> | 13:24 |
white_eagle | W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems | 13:24 |
dogshift | !it | 13:25 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 13:25 |
davidooo | I need help rsync | 13:26 |
visof | i can't install the programs from terminal | 13:26 |
cbx82 | where to get drivers for and how to install Broadcom BCM4318 802.11b/g Wireless Network Adapter | 13:26 |
visof | i have some errors | 13:26 |
visof | !paste | 13:27 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 13:27 |
white_eagle | ... | 13:27 |
European-African | I have limited permissions on my account and can't do anything unless I am login as root. Can I give my account more permissions without giving it as much power as the root account? Like it is supposed to do when you do a clean install! | 13:28 |
DJones | !sudo | European-African | 13:29 |
ubottu | European-African: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for more information. | 13:29 |
Pici | European-African: make sure that your user is in the admin group | 13:29 |
European-African | Pici: it is | 13:29 |
=== NuclearPoweredKi is now known as angusb | ||
European-African | i want the permissions to do things in the gui | 13:30 |
tmroland | wols_ : i cannot find apollo there | 13:30 |
marion | Seeking help with openssh. I installed the patch last night and now I get Host key verification failed | 13:30 |
gorbierd | what i need to install for installation driver from source? | 13:30 |
European-African | not in the terminal | 13:30 |
Ollie | Hi. I tried to add the source deb unstable main to my apt-get list, but I'm getting the error: "W: Failed to fetch 404 Not Found" | 13:30 |
Pici | European-African: What kind of things? | 13:30 |
European-African | like mount an iso | 13:30 |
frost | any idea about SiS S17012 ? - No sound on ubuntu 8.04 | 13:30 |
cbx82 | can someone help me withing finding and installing Broadcom BCM4318 802.11b/g Wireless Network Adapter | 13:31 |
Fritzel | what utility can I use to stop pulseaudio from loading at startup assuming that I don't yet want to uninstall it | 13:31 |
European-African | Pici: I mounted an iso using sudo, but I want to do it through the filemanager | 13:31 |
=== cactuswizard is now known as qmx | ||
Pici | European-African: you need to use a tool like gisomount, iirc, nautilus cannot do it. | 13:32 |
|WolF1 | Question: how to install and setup firewall ? | 13:32 |
white_eagle | hello, I get this error when I do sudo apt-get update in terminal (at the end of the getting of the updates): W: GPG error: hardy-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <> W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems | 13:32 |
spiderfire | can i make pidgin aliases? | 13:32 |
visof | | 13:32 |
DJones | !firewall | |WolF1 | 13:32 |
ubottu | |WolF1: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see, or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 13:32 |
visof | these my errors | 13:33 |
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde | ||
visof | please a nyone help me | 13:33 |
white_eagle | spiderfire: you could ask in #pidgin | 13:33 |
European-African | Pici: I can mount it, but not through my account | 13:33 |
visof | anyone* | 13:33 |
marion | Help with OpenSSH and Host Key please. | 13:33 |
spiderfire | thanks | 13:33 |
Pici | European-African: Can any account mount it (not root) | 13:33 |
European-African | Pici: there are only 2 accounts, mine and root | 13:33 |
gorbierd | anyone can answer me? i just can't do make command... what i need to install? | 13:33 |
European-African | Pici: and I cant mount | 13:34 |
qmx | hey, where's the problem, when ntfs-3g denies to open usb hard drive, which uses ntfs as file system? | 13:34 |
European-African | Pici: what I want is to just give my account some power as an administrator without giving it the full power of root. | 13:35 |
Pici | European-African: Thats what sudo/gksudo is for | 13:36 |
rhydar | gorbierd | sudo apt-get install build-essentials | 13:36 |
European-African | Pici: yes but not in the terminal, in the gui | 13:36 |
Pici | !gksudo | European-African | 13:36 |
ubottu | European-African: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See to know why) | 13:36 |
European-African | ubottu: ok thanx | 13:37 |
ubottu | Factoid ok thanx not found | 13:37 |
rhydar | European-African | vim /etc/group | 13:37 |
gorbierd | thank you rhydar | 13:37 |
rhydar | !group | 13:37 |
ubottu | Factoid group not found | 13:37 |
European-African | rhydar: ok will try | 13:37 |
Smegzor | I've heard it is possible to have multiple distros installed, all sharing the same home partition. I am thinking of installing Linux Mint over top of XP and doing this. My main OS is Ubuntu with a separate home partition. Will I break things in Ubuntu by doing this? | 13:37 |
|WolF1 | question: is it possible to close ssh port and will it inflict any thing on terminal work? | 13:38 |
charlie | i'm seeing some really bad deinterlacing from my tv card, where would the settings be to adjust this? | 13:38 |
jepe | Hi all ! | 13:39 |
pf | hi jepe | 13:39 |
pinnerup | I'm running irssi (through ssh) on gnome-terminal. When someone posts a link in a channel, I have to get my mouse, locate the link and choose "Open URL". Is there a text command to do the same so I don't have to resort to the mouse to open a link? | 13:39 |
david__-- | My wireless went out earlier while browsing the internet apparently for no reason that I could tell,now it is saying inteerface not found wheni click on connection properties | 13:40 |
david__-- | please help!!! | 13:40 |
jepe | I search a soluce for systray4j: no systray4j in java.library.path in ubuntu 8.04 and myfreetv | 13:40 |
Genscher | how bad- ubuntu doesn't like my new motherboard (but neither does Fedora) | 13:40 |
|WolF1 | question: is it possible to close ssh port and will it inflict any thing on terminal work? | 13:41 |
wols_ | |WolF1: you can close it | 13:41 |
jayson | Hello people, I'm with a trouble, after the last update my vpn is stopped, how can I fix the 'echob.key' ? | 13:41 |
wols_ | but if you do: just don't start sshd in the first place | 13:41 |
wols_ | jayson: you need to recreate a ssl key | 13:41 |
jayson | wols_, How can i recreate that key ? | 13:42 |
Fritzel | ok I just told pulse audio not to startup via bum yet it's still running after a boot, what did I miss? | 13:42 |
|WolF1 | wools: i just wanna close incoming trafic on ssh, i don't want to be able to connect from outside. If that can be done pls tell me how | 13:43 |
stevie77de | |WolF1: Just don't start sshd ;) | 13:43 |
jepe | thanks by a+ | 13:44 |
inx-live | |WolF1: did you install openssh-server package? If not then your ssh port isn't open. | 13:44 |
|WolF1 | inx-live: probably i had couse it is open :) i don't have a clue idea how... | 13:44 |
inx-live | |WolF1: if you install the 'ssh' package it installs the server. The client is installed by default. | 13:46 |
ipkaf | hi | 13:46 |
jayson | |WolF1, Try to use to see if the port is openned netstat -plan|grep ssh | 13:46 |
ipkaf | how to display the picture on the TV ?? | 13:46 |
|WolF1 | inx-live: ok i get it, so how can i dissable/close receiving on ssh port 22 | 13:46 |
ipkaf | why my laptop vga port not working ?? | 13:47 |
ipkaf | on ubuntu ?? | 13:47 |
stevie77de | |WolF1: Just as I said, kill the sshd. And don't start it at boottime. | 13:47 |
david__-- | wireless was woroking fine then got cut off in the middle of browsing,now its saying it cant find the interface,please help !!!1 | 13:47 |
vahid | winehq irc Please | 13:48 |
ipkaf | hello | 13:48 |
ipkaf | noone help | 13:48 |
inx-live | |WolF1: 'sudo apt-get remove openssh-server' is another way | 13:49 |
Bozo[ec04] | Hi all. I have a question regarding the xorg.conf file in Ubuntu Hardy Heron. Where the configurations really are? | 13:49 |
willwork4foo | ello | 13:49 |
|WolF1 | stevie77de: i cant find sshd, in my processes, olny ssh agent. Is that the one? | 13:49 |
scizzo- | Bozo[ec04]: /etc/X11/ | 13:49 |
willwork4foo | anyone here any good on netatalk? | 13:49 |
vahid | i need Wine IRC | 13:49 |
Bozo[ec04] | I saw that xorg.conf file does not have the Driver option inside Device section | 13:49 |
scizzo- | vahid: wine irc? what are you after really? | 13:50 |
Pici | vahid: /join #winehq | 13:50 |
stevie77de | |WolF1: I guess ;) | 13:50 |
European-African | hey, how do I open a folder with root permmisions? | 13:50 |
|WolF1 | lol stevie77de | 13:50 |
|WolF1 | ok 10x | 13:50 |
jatt | European-African: sudo ls | 13:50 |
European-African | jatt: ok thanx | 13:50 |
boguh | hi, i want to virtualise my machine. shall i use xen or kvm with ubuntu? | 13:51 |
vahid | any body can install MATLAB on ubuntu 8.4 ??? | 13:51 |
MASTAKILLA[away] | *) | 13:51 |
MASTAKILLA[away] | я кажется не туда попал | 13:51 |
qmx | what would be good media player for ubuntu? | 13:51 |
Trae | v0lksman: cheers | 13:52 |
v0lksman | Trae: lates... | 13:52 |
qmx | and why VLC isn't in synaptic anymore? | 13:52 |
whistlerspa | QMX I still like VLC | 13:52 |
Pici | qmx: It is. | 13:52 |
ushimitsudoki | boguh: virtualbox is an option as well. I use that with great success | 13:52 |
rhydar | Vahid | have you tried Octave? | 13:52 |
getxsick | yo | 13:52 |
whistlerspa | what's octave | 13:52 |
European-African | ok, how do I change the permissions for a folder that only root can access? | 13:53 |
inx-live | qmx: it's in mine (multiverse) | 13:53 |
boguh | ushimitsudoki possible to have a win host as well? | 13:53 |
rhydar | vahid | or wine with Matlab | 13:53 |
gorbierd | i tried to install build-essential but it falls with this errors What can i do? | 13:53 |
European-African | ok, dont worry | 13:54 |
ushimitsudoki | boguh: I don't know about that personally, I run Ubuntu as the Host OS. However, I *think* Windows can be the host OS. | 13:54 |
rym | I'm trying to author a dvd (with tovid) and when I try to burn it it tells me i only have 1.7GB free in my /home/rym directory | 13:54 |
rym | but | 13:54 |
frostburn | European-African, chown root:root /path/to/folder | 13:54 |
rym | i only have 1.7gb free in my "/" dir | 13:54 |
getxsick | i have rebuild a package and now apt-get/aptitude want to upgrade my package to the package from repo, how can i set to not allow him to do that? | 13:54 |
rym | my /home dir has enough free | 13:54 |
inx-live | getxsick: you can lock the version. Synaptic provides a nice menu option for it. | 13:55 |
frostburn | rym, i'm not sure on what that software does, but it might be trying to use /tmp | 13:55 |
getxsick | inx-live: i don't use synaptic, is there any possibilites to do that from command line? | 13:55 |
charlie_ | when i have desktop effects enabled, hardy will freeze completely every 15mins or so on average, at seemingly random times | 13:55 |
rym | frostburn: yes it does | 13:55 |
inx-live | !pinning | 13:55 |
ubottu | pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See | 13:55 |
rym | and /tmp doesnt have enough free | 13:56 |
s0urce | Any1 here knows how to get fluxbox selectedable as wm in fusion-icon? | 13:56 |
inx-live | getxsick: have a look at that pinning page ^^^^ | 13:56 |
IntangibleLiquid | hinogi, how do I change my login picture and main menu's transparency? | 13:57 |
getxsick | inx-live: thx | 13:57 |
Bozo[ec04] | Can anyone say why ubuntu xorg.conf is so clean, without any information about video drivers, input and other stuff. It looks pretty incomplete. Has another X configuration file other than xorg.conf for hardy? | 13:57 |
IntangibleLiquid | how do I change my login picture and main menu's transparency? | 13:58 |
IntangibleLiquid | <getxsick> inx-live: thx | 13:58 |
frostburn | rym, check with the developers of that package to see if you can change the tmp location, or boot with a livecd and change the size of your / partition | 13:58 |
rym | hmm | 13:58 |
prodigel | Hi all. I need to configure my video card and monitor since the recognized drivers aren't the best. I used to run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, but now no options for video are settable. | 13:58 |
rym | other than /tmp there arent any temporary fiels in the system dir? :p | 13:58 |
IntangibleLiquid | how do I change my login picture and main menu's transparency? | 13:58 |
rym | *files | 13:58 |
Ollie | is there a package called just "SVN" ? how do I get it? | 13:58 |
inx-live | IntangibleLiquid: pasted a bit too much eh? :) | 13:58 |
prodigel | all this happened since my upgrade to hardy | 13:58 |
IntangibleLiquid | inx-live, sorry for my clumsiness | 13:59 |
v0lksman | is there any fix or work around to help stop FF3 crash when using flash? | 13:59 |
chimp_ | Can anyone tell me where the config file that would allow me to enable xdmcp from the command line? | 13:59 |
mgolisch | Ollie: if you want the svn command install the subversion apckage | 13:59 |
mgolisch | package | 13:59 |
frostburn | rym, not unless it's behaving badly, /var/tmp too | 13:59 |
inx-live | IntangibleLiquid: np whatsoever :) unfortunately i can't help though | 13:59 |
rym | ok | 13:59 |
=== panesar_sandeep_ is now known as sandeep | ||
rym | never thought i'd be needing more than 10gb for the system | 13:59 |
charlie_ | everytime i restart my computers my monitors go back to clone mode, when i want them on 'big desktop' mode, how can i stop it from resetting? | 14:00 |
mark17| | hello | 14:00 |
sandeep | can anyone help me out on how to start using MySQL on ubuntu? | 14:00 |
mark17| | is there somewhere a manual i didnt find on how to get raid on ubuntu 8.04 using the server install disc (during install)? | 14:00 |
fugitivo | | 14:00 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 228363 in ubuntu "Hauppauge PVR-150 with no audio after upgrading to Hardy" [Undecided,New] | 14:00 |
rym | does ubuntu clear /tmp automatically at reboot | 14:00 |
rym | or should software do that itself | 14:00 |
sandeep | can anyone help me out on how to start using MySQL on ubuntu? | 14:01 |
v0lksman | IntangibleLiquid: System -> Administration -> Login Window and Ubuntu Tweak... ;) | 14:01 |
fugitivo | sandeep, try #mysql | 14:01 |
tj33rd | anyone experience with JeOS? Friend of mine installed it, but what's the default root password? | 14:01 |
sandeep | can any one help me out with MySQL?? | 14:01 |
fugitivo | tj33rd, is that ubuntu? | 14:01 |
fugitivo | sandeep, #mysql | 14:01 |
tj33rd | fugitivo: yes, jeos=ubuntu | 14:01 |
Pici | !root | tj33rd | 14:02 |
ubottu | tj33rd: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 14:02 |
mark17| | i am talking about software raid1 | 14:02 |
ushimitsudoki | sandeep: when i first set up LAMP on ubuntu, this blog post helped me: | 14:02 |
sandeep | fugitive: thnx | 14:02 |
IntangibleLiquid | v0lksman, is that for GDM theme only? I cant find the option to change my login picture. | 14:02 |
tj33rd | thanks obuttu! | 14:02 |
whuut | can somebody help me? i when i installed ubuntu i clicked advanced and omited installing grub, now i cant boot, how do i fix this? i'm on ubuntu live cd right now | 14:02 |
frostburn | rym, i believe so | 14:02 |
rym | ok | 14:02 |
rym | wouldnt want to reencode everything again | 14:02 |
joaopinto | !grub | whuut | 14:02 |
ubottu | whuut: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 14:02 |
prodigel | anyone care helping me set up my intel video card? | 14:02 |
v0lksman | IntangibleLiquid: yeah its for clue how to change any other...but I'm pretty sure I saw a place in there to change the piture | 14:02 |
tj33rd | !root | 14:03 |
ubottu | Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 14:03 |
v0lksman | picture | 14:03 |
sipior | cause you can never have too many annoying Matrix references | 14:03 |
fugitivo | lol | 14:03 |
bobbob1016 | Anyone know why SheepShaver (the Mac OS9 emulation program) complains "Cannot map Low Memory Globals: Permission denied."? | 14:03 |
ghis | Could anyone see anything wrong with this crontab? "0 4 * * * ntpdate >/dev/null 2&>1" I added it like 3 mouths ago... now i run i manually and the time was wrong over 100 seconds. So the crontab apparently does not work. | 14:04 |
Pici | bobbob1016: Perhaps thats a better question for ##mac than #ubuntu | 14:04 |
frostburn | rym, you can also export your TEMP, TEMPDIR and TMP to another location | 14:04 |
v0lksman | IntangibleLiquid: last tab in Login Window changes the "face" images | 14:04 |
fugitivo | ghis, maybe you need the full path to ntpdate | 14:04 |
rym | hmmm | 14:04 |
rym | right now im just copying the files in tmp to a different directory | 14:04 |
azhexn | live cd doesnt enable 3d effects for me. will i be able to enable them if i create usb installation? | 14:04 |
bobbob1016 | Pici, I'm running it on Ubuntu, and it's what the emulator says, not OS9 | 14:04 |
rym | and ill try to author the dvd there | 14:04 |
ghis | fugitivo: could be... thanks | 14:04 |
rym | maybe it'll use the PWD as /tmp ? | 14:04 |
whuut | I've already folowed the instructions on, but when i do "find /boot/grub/stage1" it says: "Error 15: File not found". I looked into /boot and there is no /boot/grub | 14:04 |
bobbob1016 | Pici, I can run it fine with gksu, but I don't like doing that | 14:05 |
sipior | bobbob1016: might need to have the suid bit enabled. check the documentation for the emulator. | 14:05 |
fugitivo | ghis, and use 00 04 instead of 0 4 | 14:05 |
mark17| | is there somewhere a manual i didnt find on how to get raid on ubuntu 8.04 using the server install disc (during install)? i want software raid1 | 14:05 |
IntangibleLiquid | v0lksman, thanks, I'm testing it right now :) | 14:05 |
getxsick | root :: banan :~: echo fvmm hold | dpkg --set-selections | 14:05 |
getxsick | ii fvwm 1:2.5.21-1 F(?) Virtual Window Manager, version 2.5 | 14:05 |
getxsick | there is ii status | 14:05 |
bobbob1016 | sipior, Ok, I'll look. The confusing thing is I can run the config just fine, but when I click "start" it gives me that error | 14:05 |
getxsick | not hold :( | 14:05 |
cq | i have apache2 and php installed, but it doesn't work when I point the browser to localhost/drupal/index.php ... what module am I missing? | 14:06 |
whuut | jaopinto: I've already folowed the instructions on, but when i do "find /boot/grub/stage1" it says: "Error 15: File not found". I looked into /boot and there is no /boot/grub | 14:06 |
cq | apache is working fine otherwise | 14:06 |
Jeeves_ | | 14:06 |
gordonjcp | !apache | cq | 14:07 |
ubottu | cq: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 14:07 |
fugitivo | cq, is /drupal/index.php inside your wwwroot? | 14:07 |
cq | yes | 14:07 |
gordonjcp | cq: did you install all the bits in that link? | 14:07 |
fugitivo | cq, and what error you get? | 14:07 |
frostburn | has there been any success getting cisco vpn client working? nm-applet always crashes when used | 14:07 |
cq | all what bits? apache2, postgresql, php5 | 14:07 |
cq | and linux of course | 14:07 |
cq | it tries to save the file instead of parsing it | 14:08 |
perfector | how can i make my custom kernel-image package build initramfs while installation | 14:08 |
cq | meaning it looks like apache2 can't eal with the php | 14:08 |
cq | deal | 14:08 |
fugitivo | cq, then your php5 installation is broken | 14:08 |
cq | it's a new install | 14:08 |
fugitivo | cq, or apache doesnt know how to handle php files | 14:08 |
mgolisch | your apache isnt setup properly | 14:08 |
gordonjcp | cq: ok, have you installed apache2 and php5 correctly, according to the link the bot posted? | 14:08 |
mgolisch | sudo a2enmod php5 | 14:08 |
mgolisch | does that help? | 14:08 |
mgolisch | or maybe you didnt install the php module for apache at all | 14:09 |
fugitivo | anyone using a Hauppauge PVR 150 with Hardy? | 14:09 |
whuut | Please help, when i installed ubuntu i clicked advanced and didn't install grub, now i cant boot. how do i fix this? i'm on ubuntu live cd right now | 14:09 |
Trae | I think Fedora has a package called vim-enhanced for +syntax version of vim What is the Ubuntu equivilant? | 14:09 |
david__-- | can someone help me get my wireless back up please,It went out for no reason while browsing the web.Its now saying that the eth1 interface can not be found please check if its currently supported by my system | 14:10 |
Pici | Trae: vim-full | 14:10 |
Trae | Pici: thankies | 14:10 |
cq | module is already enabled. No, I don't have everything from teh link installed, i have postgres instead of mysql. But I do have libapache2-mod-php5 installed as well | 14:10 |
fugitivo | cq, check your apache config, it should have a line for php handling | 14:10 |
perfector | whuut: is ur boot on a seperate partition ?? | 14:11 |
=== FLeiXiuS` is now known as FLeiXiuS | ||
fugitivo | cq, ls -la /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5* | 14:11 |
cq | fugitivo- it doesn't, the module is listed in mods-enabled though | 14:12 |
cq | fugitivo: yes | 14:12 |
whuut | perfector: yes, i'm on a live cd now, i checked /dev/sda1 which i installed ubuntu on and checked /boot directory and there is no grub | 14:12 |
perfector | whuut: no grub folder u mean?? | 14:12 |
perfector | whuut: in the /boot directory?? | 14:12 |
fugitivo | cq, cat /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf (pastebin) | 14:12 |
fugitivo | cq, cat /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.load (pastebin) | 14:12 |
whuut | perfector: yes, when i installed ubuntu i clicked advance and didn't install grub; guess i'm paying for it now :-( | 14:13 |
joaopinto | whabo, from a terminal: sudo schroot /your_sda1_mount_path | 14:13 |
joaopinto | then, apt-get install grub | 14:13 |
cq | can't, other computer, but it has .php, .phtmp and .php3 listed, and .phps as source | 14:13 |
whuut | perfector: ther is no grub in my /boot direcotry | 14:13 |
perfector | whuut: use the rescue mode of the cd and boot .. | 14:13 |
whuut | perfector: can you please tell me how to do that? | 14:14 |
fugitivo | cq, sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart | 14:14 |
=== mhollisjr is now known as Fritzel | ||
cq | load has one line, LoadModule ph5_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ | 14:14 |
cq | fugitivo already didd that a few times | 14:14 |
perfector | whuut: reboot the machine and choose rescue while booting from the cd | 14:14 |
fugitivo | cq, whos the owner of the php file? | 14:14 |
Cyber_Stalker | whats the current version? | 14:14 |
Cyber_Stalker | 7.10? | 14:14 |
cq | root 644 | 14:15 |
whuut | perfector: i already tried, there is no menu for rescue for ubuntu 8.04 live cd? | 14:15 |
Ronald | Cyber_Stalker: 8.04, but 7.10 is in some ways better In my very humble opinion | 14:15 |
Cyber_Stalker | WHAT? | 14:15 |
fugitivo | cq, chown to www-data or whatever user runs apache | 14:15 |
perfector | whuut: oops.. | 14:15 |
luccons | I downloaded a gnome theme.How can I load it on ubuntu? | 14:15 |
Cyber_Stalker | wtf | 14:15 |
qmx | hrmpf | 14:16 |
azhexn | live cd doesnt enable 3d effects for me. will i be able to enable them if i create usb installation? | 14:16 |
perfector | whuut: then i guess u wud have to do the installatoin all over again | 14:16 |
fugitivo | azhexn, what videocard? | 14:16 |
Cyber_Stalker | wow thats annoying | 14:16 |
Pici | Cyber_Stalker: Calm down. | 14:16 |
* Ronald launches a very tiny nuke on Cyber_Stalker's capslock | 14:16 | |
qmx | i can't listen music while vlc adds songs to the playlist ;< | 14:16 |
whuut | perfector: oh no........ | 14:16 |
Cyber_Stalker | i just drove all the way out to find a freedome toaster | 14:16 |
zChris | azhexn: probablyt | 14:16 |
perfector | whuut: too bad dude | 14:16 |
Cyber_Stalker | burnt iso and its 7.10 | 14:16 |
Ronald | Cyber_Stalker: install it, safe some headaches. 8.04 is not mature yet. | 14:16 |
azhexn | nvidia ,8800gt | 14:16 |
Cyber_Stalker | hmm | 14:17 |
Cyber_Stalker | is 8.4 out yet? | 14:17 |
fugitivo | Cyber_Stalker, install it and upgrade to 8.04 | 14:17 |
perfector | there is another way by chrooting into ur new installation and then installing the grub package | 14:17 |
Ronald | for weeks | 14:17 |
perfector | whuut: there is another way by chrooting into ur new installation and then installing the grub package | 14:17 |
cq | fugitivo still no luck, weird, same install worked yesterday... | 14:17 |
Cyber_Stalker | fugitivo can you please google freedom toaster and then tell me why the freedom toaster project was created | 14:17 |
perfector | whuut: then run grub-install and write to the mbr | 14:17 |
Cyber_Stalker | then realise why im not updating? | 14:17 |
cq | firefox3.0b5 | 14:17 |
Cyber_Stalker | possibly? | 14:17 |
azhexn | is there a usb memory installer for ubuntu similar to Fedora9's? | 14:18 |
whuut | perfector: can you tell me how to do this? please.. | 14:18 |
t0th_- | i try install ubuntu 7.04 in my sony vaio | 14:18 |
t0th_- | but i got the error | 14:18 |
perfector | whuut: if u r not used to doing smth like this i wud advise u to reinstall | 14:18 |
Pici | Cyber_Stalker: Please contact them regarding this, as it seems to have nothing to do with this channel | 14:18 |
t0th_- | Failed to allocate mem resource | 14:18 |
t0th_- | can help? | 14:18 |
fugitivo | Cyber_Stalker, if it's not ubuntu related i don't care | 14:18 |
cq | fugitivo: should something be in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf? | 14:18 |
Pici | !usb | azhexn | 14:18 |
ubottu | azhexn: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 14:18 |
perfector | whuut: seriously take my advice | 14:18 |
whuut | perfector: i would like to try it, if you don't mind | 14:18 |
Cyber_Stalker | fugitivo but if you tell me to upgrade with out knowing the whole purpose of the freedom toaster | 14:18 |
Cyber_Stalker | created by ubuntu and the shuttleworth foundation | 14:19 |
Cyber_Stalker | then ure an idiot | 14:19 |
fugitivo | Cyber_Stalker, i don't care the freedom toaster, if you have 7.10 and want 8.04, install it and upgrade | 14:19 |
whuut | perfector: it doesn't matter if it screws up my install i'm, it's already screwed anyways | 14:19 |
perfector | whuut: it may take time, and im running out of it, sorry dude.... | 14:19 |
azhexn | but the live usb installatin is still a live ubuntu right? changes made to the ubuntu it self arent saved? | 14:19 |
fugitivo | cp, is your apache2.conf empty? | 14:19 |
perfector | whuut: try google for chrooting. | 14:19 |
Cyber_Stalker | the freedom toaster project was created by ubuntu and the shuttle worth foundation for people in south africa due to us not being able to download large files due to restrictive data capping | 14:19 |
Tonni | how can i remove a sound card from the list of sound devices? | 14:19 |
Pici | Cyber_Stalker: Please contact them regarding this: Theres nothing we can do here. And please remember our channel guidelines. | 14:19 |
Cyber_Stalker | therefore i cant upgrade | 14:19 |
cq | fugitivo no not empty, but no mention of php5 | 14:19 |
Tonni | i don't need it and i assume it only causes problems | 14:20 |
Pici | !guidelines | Cyber_Stalker | 14:20 |
ubottu | Cyber_Stalker: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 14:20 |
fugitivo | cq, it's ok | 14:20 |
Cyber_Stalker | Pici im still with in the guidelines | 14:20 |
t0th_- | i try install ubuntu 7.04 in my sony vaio, but i got the error: Failed to allocate mem resource | 14:20 |
t0th_- | can felp? | 14:20 |
Cyber_Stalker | and i was complaining about it. not screaming at you ppl to fix :D | 14:20 |
hypn0 | Cyber_Stalker: can you not order a cd :-/ | 14:20 |
Pici | Cyber_Stalker: This channel is not for complaining, its for Ubuntu support. | 14:20 |
Pici | Cyber_Stalker: Try #ubuntu-offtopic if you just want to chat | 14:21 |
Cyber_Stalker | im not just chatting | 14:21 |
Cyber_Stalker | my conversation was relevant at the time, your now making it irrelavant | 14:21 |
t0th_- | i try install ubuntu 7.04 in my sony vaio, but i got the error: Failed to allocate mem resource can help ? | 14:21 |
Ronald | Cyber_Stalker: so install 7.10 that you have. Like I said, 8.04 is not mature at all. Bloody beta firefox, with crapy addon support due to it being beta, plugins not being registered in Firefox 2 due to bugs that have been open since before release. | 14:21 |
whuut | Ok im going to reinstall | 14:22 |
fugitivo | Cyber_Stalker, ok, that makes sense then | 14:22 |
Cyber_Stalker | lol Ronald is it that bad? | 14:22 |
Ronald | in my very humble opinion yes. | 14:22 |
whuut | perfecto: thanks for tryeing to help.. | 14:22 |
Cyber_Stalker | fugitivo how you feel about 8.4? | 14:22 |
Ronald | the only thing better in 8.04 is compiz (it works!) | 14:22 |
Cyber_Stalker | if you dont mind me asking | 14:22 |
Cyber_Stalker | some one got compiz working!? | 14:22 |
fugitivo | Cyber_Stalker, good, but my tv tuner (hauppauge pvr 150) has no sound and my home is without TV | 14:22 |
Ronald | well its trivial to enable it in 8.04 | 14:22 |
charlie | can someone please help me, i have an ATI, when i enable dual monitors or 'big desktop' everytime i restart it goes back to clone mode, what do i need to do to fix this? | 14:23 |
cq | fugitivo I jsut rebooted, no change, apache refuses to parse the php5 | 14:23 |
fugitivo | Cyber_Stalker, that's my only complain at the moment | 14:23 |
Cyber_Stalker | fugitivo i would go backwards :D no man can survive without tv | 14:23 |
t0th_- | i try install ubuntu 7.04 in my sony vaio, but i got the error: Failed to allocate mem resource can help ? | 14:23 |
fugitivo | Cyber_Stalker, lol | 14:23 |
fugitivo | Cyber_Stalker, I can, my family can't | 14:23 |
Cyber_Stalker | then you my friend shall survive the apocolypse of man :D | 14:23 |
cq | fugitivo apache2ctl -M lists php5_module as well | 14:23 |
cq | i jsut don't get it | 14:23 |
vahid | how i can show tv from my DVB Card | 14:24 |
Pici | cq: Make sure that you restarted apache2 after you did a2enmod | 14:24 |
Ronald | Cyber_Stalker: i don't consider compiz to be a primary requirent to the desktop ;) | 14:24 |
stbain | cq: that's sudo /etc/init.d/apache force-reload | 14:24 |
cq | it said it was already installes | 14:24 |
kelvin911 | anyone has screen tearing issue while playing movies? | 14:24 |
Ronald | so use your freshly burned 7.10 cd | 14:24 |
Cyber_Stalker | agreed Ronald | 14:24 |
eViking | i'm trying to learn about servers... Have installed 8.04 (server) + LAMP + xubuntu-desktop + webmin. Could anyone hint on how to be able to FTP into var/www ? | 14:24 |
Cyber_Stalker | Ronald should i upgrade? currently running 7.4, or should i just fresh install | 14:25 |
Ronald | upgrade should be fine. | 14:25 |
t0th_- | i try install ubuntu 7.04 in my sony vaio, but i got the error: Failed to allocate mem resource can help ? | 14:25 |
cq | still no change. | 14:25 |
cq | just restarted apache2 with force-reload | 14:25 |
European-African | Every time I go to shutdown from it's button instead of gently fading into the screen it jumps becoming darker each time. Is there a way of fixing this? I have just installed compriz. | 14:25 |
Cyber_Stalker | t0th_- we have seen your question and no one knows the answer | 14:25 |
mgolisch | t0th_-: does it stop after that? | 14:25 |
stbain | t0th_-: is 8.04 now working for you? | 14:25 |
kelvin911 | t0th_-: i seen your message like thousand times | 14:25 |
stbain | s/now/not | 14:25 |
Cyber_Stalker | haha | 14:25 |
mgolisch | i get those messages too when booting but it doesnt seem to be an error | 14:25 |
t0th_- | :( | 14:25 |
mgolisch | more something like a warning | 14:26 |
t0th_- | can help? | 14:26 |
Ronald | t0th_-: throw it at google, sounds like the kind of error fairly easy on google | 14:26 |
kelvin911 | t0th_-: did u install ubuntu 7.10or 8.04? | 14:26 |
t0th_- | 7.04 | 14:26 |
bazhang | t0th_-, you checked the md5 sum of the iso and done an integrity check of the disk yet | 14:26 |
t0th_- | i try 7.10 today in my house | 14:26 |
charlie | can someone please help me, i have an ATI, when i enable dual monitors or 'big desktop' everytime i restart it goes back to clone mode, what do i need to do to fix this? | 14:26 |
t0th_- | i try many cds of 7.04 | 14:27 |
t0th_- | 2 cds and dont work | 14:27 |
t0th_- | i got the problem | 14:27 |
bazhang | t0th_-, need to md5sum the iso | 14:27 |
Xcell | t0th_-: use 7.10 | 14:27 |
Ronald | charlie: edit xorg.conf manually. the gui tools never worked for me so far (including 8.04) | 14:27 |
t0th_- | i try 7.10 today | 14:27 |
Xcell | ok | 14:27 |
Bozo[ec04] | Hi all.. I'm trying to run ubuntu hardy in my Dell Vostro 1000 laptop but I can see the Xorg running. The screen flicker infinitely, but nothing happens after it. | 14:28 |
Bozo[ec04] | I manually try to set the xorg.conf driver to vesa. Have aother way to do it work? | 14:28 |
bazhang | Bozo[ec04], this is install or live | 14:28 |
Bozo[ec04] | I'm using a Live cd to install the system. | 14:28 |
azhexn | is there a simpler way to make the usb stick bootable under windows | 14:28 |
cq | fugitivo WTF? it works from another machine | 14:29 |
charlie | Ronald, is there a guide somewhere on how to do this? i am completely lost | 14:29 |
Bozo[ec04] | but how I cant do it work until now, I can't install the hardy on my pc. | 14:29 |
European-African | are there any cool 3d games in the spm? | 14:29 |
Pici | !games | European-African sure | 14:29 |
frost | any idea about SiS S17012 ? - No sound on ubuntu 8.04 | 14:29 |
ubottu | European-African sure: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at and | 14:29 |
bazhang | !games | European-African check here | 14:29 |
ubottu | European-African check here: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at and | 14:29 |
bazhang | oops | 14:30 |
Ronald | charlie: ati docs and google for ati dual monitor | 14:30 |
shaneireland | how do i reinstall HAL | 14:30 |
European-African | coool thanx | 14:30 |
shaneireland | having probs with usb autodetection | 14:30 |
frost | is there anyone can help me with SiS S17012 | 14:30 |
shaneireland | didnt have anything in /etc/init.d hal related | 14:30 |
bazhang | shaneireland, need lots more info | 14:30 |
cq | fugitivo- it doesn't work fromteh local machine but it works from a network machine, any ideas??? | 14:30 |
kelvin911 | European-African: hi | 14:30 |
cq | fugitivo- even better, it works from teh local machine with and not with localhost!!!! | 14:31 |
alec | im having trouble getting audio out of downloaded avi files. any suggestions? | 14:31 |
shaneireland | ok what u need | 14:31 |
shaneireland | version 7.04 usb devices only recognised after i run sudo lsusb twice then it works | 14:31 |
shaneireland | have reinstalled from live cd and tried heron as well same problem | 14:31 |
shaneireland | from the googling ive done its hal related | 14:31 |
Xcell | alec: do you have vlc? | 14:31 |
alec | yes | 14:31 |
Xcell | ok | 14:31 |
bazhang | shaneireland, which devices and what do the forums say | 14:32 |
shaneireland | couple of different ones | 14:32 |
shaneireland | canon EOS 350D | 14:32 |
pngwn | hey Wainwright...lay off the effn nick | 14:32 |
shaneireland | usb hard disk 256MB and a DV digital camera | 14:32 |
shaneireland | can mount from CLI but they wont automount | 14:32 |
bazhang | pngwn, do you have a support question | 14:33 |
bazhang | shaneireland, dont need sudo for lsusb command | 14:33 |
azhexn | can anyone help me about how to use syslinux under windows? | 14:33 |
shaneireland | i know that but the camera is only recognised if i put sudo infront of it | 14:33 |
_eMaX_ | hello all | 14:33 |
eViking | i'm trying to learn about servers... Have installed 8.04 (server) + LAMP + xubuntu-desktop + webmin. Could anyone hint on how to be able to FTP into var/www ? When typing in Firefox the index.html opens, but I do not understand how upload files to the directory... | 14:34 |
bazhang | shaneireland, and as far as the usb key, is it just a key or a mp3 player--how formatted | 14:34 |
_eMaX_ | someone knows how to modify gnome settings - I read but I dont know where these settings are made | 14:34 |
shaneireland | just a key | 14:34 |
shaneireland | ive tried 2 different ones | 14:34 |
shaneireland | all of em are VFAT filesystems | 14:34 |
European-African | kelvin911: hey | 14:34 |
bazhang | eViking, have you read the ubuntu perfect server series? also loads of info on the forums | 14:34 |
cq | fugitivo: it's a firefox problem, with konqueror it works. | 14:34 |
kelvin911 | European-African: how are you | 14:34 |
shaneireland | all will mount from CLI but not automount | 14:35 |
European-African | kelvin911: I am cool | 14:35 |
bazhang | shaneireland, that is very odd, what make of usb drive, and what app are you using to access the photos (eg digikam, et al) | 14:35 |
kelvin911 | European-African: did you figure out the question i asked you last time? | 14:36 |
shaneireland | yes digikam | 14:36 |
shaneireland | but before all of em used to show up on the desktop | 14:36 |
shaneireland | as soon as i plugged em in | 14:36 |
European-African | kelvin911: :) haven't even tryed | 14:36 |
eViking | bazhang: thx for answering! have not seen the u perfect server series ?? Probably too early/lazy of me to aske here. Just eager to get a web server for testing scripts etc. | 14:36 |
bazhang | shaneireland, when did this start not working | 14:36 |
shaneireland | now to mount em i have to sudo lsusb twice.. | 14:36 |
European-African | kelvin911: been playing games | 14:37 |
shaneireland | then fdisk - l then mount /dev/sdb1 /media/usb | 14:37 |
kelvin911 | European-African: that question isnt really that hard | 14:37 |
shaneireland | i upgrade the distribution to hardy heron | 14:37 |
bazhang | kelvin911, European-African please take the chat to #ubuntu-offtopic thanks | 14:37 |
shaneireland | then it stopped ive since reinstalled clean and still have the problem | 14:37 |
_eMaX_ | where can I edit the configuration that nautilus uses evince-thumbnailer? | 14:37 |
European-African | kelvin911: #gamgam | 14:37 |
bazhang | shaneireland, so this worked in gutsy without problem then? | 14:37 |
shaneireland | no its worked in feisty | 14:38 |
kelvin911 | European-African: what kinda channel is that? we can ignore ahole here | 14:38 |
shaneireland | when i upgraded it stoped ive since gone back to feisty and now it doesnt work there | 14:38 |
bazhang | shaneireland, what about gutsy hardy livecd | 14:38 |
shaneireland | one clue i think is that i dont have hal in etc/init.d | 14:38 |
shaneireland | didnt work off the guyst live cd | 14:38 |
bazhang | kelvin911, watch your language please | 14:38 |
alec | anyone have any suggestions? i cant get audio out of downloaded avi files | 14:38 |
eViking | bazhang: I've found the "series". back to the drawing board! thanks for helping! | 14:38 |
yit41 | i need new line for fstab to auto-mount my XP partition. i already has the line, but it causes problem >> /dev/sda1 /media/disk ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 1 | 14:39 |
kelvin911 | watch ni no mo | 14:39 |
yit41 | i need new line for fstab to auto-mount my XP partition. i already has the line, but it causes problem >> /dev/sda1 /media/disk ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 1 | 14:40 |
bazhang | alec try different sound-->alsa, pulse in sound prefs | 14:40 |
shaneireland | | 14:40 |
bruce_ | Is it a known issue that chosing the GB server for Ubuntu updates doesn't return the openssl/ssh fix ? | 14:40 |
shaneireland | seems to be a known issue | 14:41 |
nataq | this is getting strange | 14:41 |
bazhang | shaneireland, let me take a look | 14:41 |
acol | what key do i press to hide graphical progress bar when booting? | 14:42 |
bazhang | acol, go into grub and edit kernel you are booting and remove quiet and splash | 14:43 |
DracoZA | how do I see a hidden directory via the the terminal ? | 14:43 |
Wanderer | | 14:43 |
acol | bazhang, yeah i was sort of hoping there would be a way to do this post grub actually | 14:43 |
bazhang | acol, you want to get into cli and login that way? you can do that too-->you need to ask that though :) | 14:44 |
acol | bazhang, no, i just want to hide the progress bar, at random, | 14:45 |
bazhang | acol uh then no you cant do that | 14:45 |
acol | bazhang, just so i can check what is for example the reason it is taking longer than expected | 14:45 |
bazhang | acol see my first reply | 14:45 |
bruce_ | (oh n/m, someone just synced it) | 14:45 |
bazhang | shaneireland, have you a dual boot | 14:46 |
Pici | acol: you can try going into the other vttys ctrl-alt-f1 , f2, etc. | 14:46 |
acol | bazhang, i know about grub .. i don't want an on off, i want it interactive .. | 14:46 |
acol | Pici, bah tty's won't be setup the first halve i guess... will try . | 14:46 |
bazhang | acol, then get fedora :) | 14:46 |
stonekeeper | hi. Does anyone know why php-cli is now not compiled with fastcgi support? | 14:47 |
acol | bazhang, i already have gentoo, thing is the me giving support to people using ubuntu | 14:47 |
DonaldShimoda | hi | 14:47 |
DonaldShimoda | im using putty+ public key to connect to a linux box with openssh, and after the update putty start to ask for a password, why? | 14:48 |
hipodilski | is there a screensaver with nature pictures for ubuntu | 14:48 |
Cyber_Stalker | lol and doff | 14:48 |
bazhang | acol you are just removing the graphical interface, easily returned the next boot up | 14:48 |
Cyber_Stalker | DonaldShimoda | 14:48 |
Cyber_Stalker | because all keys have to be regenrerated | 14:48 |
Cyber_Stalker | due to the SHH bug | 14:48 |
Xcell | hipodilski: | 14:48 |
Cyber_Stalker | because of the random number generator bug in ubuntu and debian systems | 14:49 |
Pici | !libsslbug | DonaldShimoda | 14:49 |
ubottu | DonaldShimoda: A weakness has been discovered in the random number generator used by OpenSSL on Debian and Ubuntu systems. Please see and | 14:49 |
hipodilski | Xcell: what about it | 14:49 |
DonaldShimoda | Cyber_Stalker, but after that putty will recongnize the keys? | 14:49 |
acol | bazhang, yeah i know grub, i just assumed there would be a more natural way. that is less keys | 14:49 |
encKe | yes it will DonaldShimoda\ | 14:49 |
Xcell | check there | 14:49 |
Pici | DonaldShimoda: Please read the second link, it outlines what needs to be done for users and admins. | 14:49 |
Cyber_Stalker | no because the keys will be new now | 14:49 |
bazhang | acol you are not editing the kernel but the boot parameters--there could be nothing easier | 14:50 |
DonaldShimoda | Cyber_Stalker, i know that :P | 14:50 |
DonaldShimoda | Cyber_Stalker, i mind if is need to UPDATE putty also | 14:50 |
Cyber_Stalker | no u wont need to update putty | 14:51 |
DonaldShimoda | Cyber_Stalker, i will have to use the new pub key, off course | 14:51 |
DonaldShimoda | Cyber_Stalker, ok, thanks a lot | 14:51 |
joshual | hi folks, running ubuntu (recently upgraded to 8.04) that was preinstalled on my dell laptop i just bought... I'm a kde user though... should I install kubuntu-desktop deb, or should I install kubuntu from scratch? | 14:51 |
bazhang | joshual, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 14:51 |
Pici | joshual: Just install kubuntu-desktop, theres no difference between that and the kubuntu CD. | 14:51 |
bazhang | kubuntu-kde4-desktop for kde4 joshual | 14:52 |
Pici | joshual: And it will probably be easier due to dell drivers and whatnot. | 14:52 |
joshual | bazhang: kde4 isnt really kubuntuized yet is it? | 14:52 |
bazhang | ask that in #kubuntu-kde4 joshual :) | 14:52 |
joshual | Pici: cool thats what i was thinking... i know though that if i install kde along with gnome i will have a number of duplicate links in my menu... | 14:53 |
msshams | where can i find php.ini file in ubuntu? | 14:53 |
Pici | joshual: You'll just have some gnome programs in there. | 14:53 |
heymr | Whats a good lieght weight webkit based browser? | 14:53 |
joshual | Pici could i then uninstall gnome somehow? | 14:54 |
heymr | joshual: sudo apt-get remove gnome | 14:54 |
joshual | thx heymr | 14:54 |
Pici | !purekde | joshual | 14:54 |
ubottu | joshual: purekde is If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « » | 14:54 |
spyd3r | msshams: use locate php.ini you might have to run updatedb and then run it if you just installed php/ | 14:54 |
heymr | joshual: you can do it from synaptic as well | 14:54 |
heymr | Whats a good lieght weight webkit based browser? | 14:55 |
joshual | thx! | 14:55 |
joshual | bbl | 14:56 |
heymr | anybody? | 14:56 |
DonaldShimoda | Cyber_Stalker, thanks a lot , it works now | 14:56 |
bazhang | shaneireland, would you post your fstab; put it in and give us the url-->have you tried the hal automount trick yet | 14:57 |
Cyber_Stalker | there you go DonaldShimoda :D | 14:57 |
DracoZA | I need to change permissions on a file as it is not allowing me to copy it, how do I do that ? | 14:57 |
rausb0 | what is the reason for ubuntu klogd not reading from /proc/kmsg directly? | 14:57 |
heymr | DracoZA: sudo chmod user:group *file | 14:57 |
heymr | DracoZA: to check permissions do ls -l | 14:57 |
Bits | how do I start CUPS? | 14:57 |
navetz_ | I am trying to set a static IP, what is my network suppose to be? | 14:58 |
heymr | Bits: cupsd is daemon, it should be started though | 14:58 |
DracoZA | heymr, it seems hidden too ls-l shows nothing, but it is there if I browse to the folder | 14:58 |
zep-_- | does anyone know where i can see which ident/email xchat is registered with ? cant connect to a network getting the error: "your username is invalid" | 14:58 |
Myrtti | DracoZA: ls -l, not ls-l | 14:58 |
heymr | DracoZA: gksu nautalis | 14:58 |
heymr | DracoZA: if it hidden, ls -a -l | 14:58 |
Myrtti | j2daosh: root? | 14:59 |
heymr | DracoZA: ls -al | 14:59 |
DracoZA | heymr, chmod: invalid mode: `user:group' | 14:59 |
heymr | DracoZA: or you could launch the file manager as root | 14:59 |
heymr | DracoZA: dude, what is your username? | 14:59 |
j2daosh | yeah, im doing some maintanence | 14:59 |
heymr | DracoZA: group = users | 14:59 |
DracoZA | heymr, nick | 14:59 |
heymr | DracoZA: depends who you want to give permissions to | 15:00 |
carpool | hi! is there a way to overwrite usernames and passwords in the recovery console? | 15:00 |
heymr | DracoZA: owner:group | 15:00 |
heymr | DracoZA: do it from gui if you don't wanna "man chmod"... gksu nautalis... then right click on the file and click properties and then go to permissions tab | 15:01 |
j2daosh | i got a quick question about compiling. i just grabbed an application im trying to install but I have forgotten how to do it | 15:01 |
j2daosh | i have ran the configure file, now what?> | 15:01 |
bkhl | How do I get GNOME to use the contents of my $HOME for desktop icons instead of ~/Desktop/? On my laptop that is how it works, but I don't find the way to make it that way on my other machines. | 15:01 |
Cyber_Stalker | Dr_willis | 15:01 |
Cyber_Stalker | DracoZA | 15:01 |
heymr | j2daosh: read the README | 15:01 |
Cyber_Stalker | a south african :D | 15:01 |
j2daosh | when i try to run ./install-sh or ./INSTALL, they both ask for an input file | 15:01 |
DracoZA | heymr, thanks dude! | 15:01 |
Cyber_Stalker | lots of us south africans using buntu | 15:02 |
Cyber_Stalker | :D | 15:02 |
j2daosh | i did, the readme just gives me the applications history and usage once its up and running | 15:02 |
heymr | j2daosh: or the txt fikle called INSTALL | 15:02 |
DracoZA | yup Cyber_Stalker :) | 15:02 |
heymr | j2daosh: ok ok... | 15:02 |
Cyber_Stalker | :P | 15:02 |
j2daosh | no txt file called install | 15:02 |
heymr | j2daosh: make, then sudo make install | 15:02 |
Cyber_Stalker | great community | 15:02 |
Bits_ | how do I start CUPS? | 15:02 |
j2daosh | ill give that a shot | 15:02 |
j2daosh | no targets found when using the make command | 15:03 |
heymr | Bits_: google it? its a daemon, in arch linux I do, "sudo /etc/rc.d/cupsd start" in the terminal | 15:03 |
Bits_ | I am trying to print in openoffice and get "error while printing" (isn't that useful?) error. Where can I get more details about the error and how to solve it? | 15:03 |
incorrect | can the installer create me a home dir that is encrypted? | 15:03 |
heymr | j2daosh: you did not ./configure correctly | 15:03 |
heymr | incorrect: your not incorrect | 15:04 |
j2daosh | it says i did... i didn't get any fatals (got errors about not being able to use certain options, but i didn't need those protocols so no big | 15:04 |
heymr | j2daosh: what is this software? | 15:04 |
j2daosh | centerim | 15:04 |
j2daosh | centericq's fork | 15:04 |
chimp_ | How does one send text straight to a file, ie. blahblah > textfile | 15:04 |
j2daosh | chimp_: yes | 15:04 |
jatt | echo "blahblah" > textfile | 15:04 |
carpool | chimp_ , type? | 15:04 |
chimp_ | ahh echo, cheers | 15:05 |
heymr | chimp_: thats right. or you could use "nohup command" | 15:05 |
heymr | or command > txt (save command output to text file) | 15:05 |
heymr | Bits: did you get it? | 15:05 |
bazhang | he quit | 15:05 |
chimp_ | yer, i know to do it with commands, was just for sending text directly i wanted to know, thanks | 15:05 |
ssastre | hi there, any MONIT user arround? I'm using monit to start and monitor some workers processes and I've setup monit to check the PID file. I'm not satisfied by it because when any worker for any reason dumps, its pid file remains and monit wont start other. Some times monit thinks the process is not there and instantiates a new one (when for any reason the process is there but pid file not). So, I wanted to ask if someone here knows how to use monit to wa | 15:06 |
j2daosh | i have 2 makefiles in my directory. a and a | 15:06 |
j2daosh | attempting to use make in conjunction with those tells me nothing to be done | 15:06 |
jatt | automake? | 15:06 |
heymr | j2daosh: then just do sudo make install | 15:06 |
j2daosh | nothing to be done for "install" | 15:06 |
=== andres_ is now known as fr500 | ||
heymr | j2daosh: sudo apt-get install build-essentials | 15:07 |
j2daosh | if i use automake i have to have version 1.10. i only have version 1.9.65 or somejive | 15:07 |
heymr | ah | 15:07 |
MrHeavy | j2daosh: The answer you got before about ./configure not working right is the answer you want, it should create the Makefile but isn't doing so | 15:07 |
Pici | j2daosh: heymr: build-essential, no s. | 15:07 |
heymr | Pici: oops :P | 15:07 |
j2daosh | already have that package | 15:07 |
heymr | j2daosh: paste the output of ./configure | 15:08 |
j2daosh | ok | 15:08 |
j2daosh | one sec | 15:08 |
sportman1280 | I am trying to add a wallpaper that is installed and used by default. I copy the file over to /usr/share/backgrounds/ however it does not show up in the background selection screen. Any idea on how to get a wallpaper to show up in the wallpaper selection menu, using files? | 15:08 |
Dassouki | my rythmbox only works if started when firefox is not running. On the other hand, if rhytmbox is running, my firefox sound does not work | 15:08 |
ZimCS | Can I dual boot with Ubuntu if I already have Vista on my sys without any problems? | 15:09 |
heymr | ZimCS: thats how it should be done | 15:09 |
MrHeavy | ZimCS: Sure, but if you're talking about dynamically resizing partitions, my usual advice of backing up any important data first applies | 15:09 |
bazhang | ZimCS, sure | 15:09 |
heymr | ZimCS: with vista running, just pop in the cd. its super easy :P | 15:09 |
ZimCS | MrHeavy, i have a separate hdd ill be using | 15:09 |
Lynet | j2daosh: The usual steps are ./configure; make; sudo make install. If ./configure errors out, you won't get a proper Makefile and make/make install won't work. | 15:09 |
ZimCS | heymr, isnt that using wubi? | 15:09 |
ZimCS | i was going to do the grub bootloader | 15:10 |
MrHeavy | Then you have no problems, just be aware of how to fix the Windows boot loader if you decide to scrap Ubuntu at some point | 15:10 |
heymr | ZimCS: it will tell you some useful stuff | 15:10 |
incorrect | heymr, how can i be correct about my own question? | 15:10 |
j2daosh | | 15:10 |
j2daosh | there u go | 15:10 |
vahid | how i can use plot in octave? | 15:10 |
j2daosh | thats the output from my make | 15:10 |
heymr | incorrect: what was your question? | 15:10 |
heymr | I don't think you put a "?" | 15:10 |
jtaylor13 | group:i have a firefox screen is not fitting to the desktop.reason is my screen rez is 800x600 and can not reduce.when i check the nivida driver it fixes the problem.but when i reboot computer i get input is invailed.i have only black screen.i run recovery to get back to normal. | 15:11 |
incorrect | can i create an encrypted partition at install? | 15:11 |
incorrect | "can the installer create me a home dir that is encrypted?" | 15:11 |
=== Soyko is now known as Oleg | ||
incorrect | there was a ? | 15:11 |
j2daosh | unless it bombs out on the msn protocol which i don't want, everything went fine | 15:11 |
heymr | incorrect: oh sorry, i was incorrect | 15:11 |
bazhang | sportman1280, just download to a folder or desktop then choose from there-->it will be added to the possible wallpapers to choose from | 15:11 |
mkultras | good morning | 15:11 |
MrHeavy | incorrect: The alternate install CD can do that without any real difficulty, unless I'm mistaken | 15:11 |
heymr | incorrect: yus | 15:12 |
MrHeavy | It has different options for physical volumes: Software RAID, LVM, and encryption | 15:12 |
MrHeavy | Stack them as you see fit | 15:12 |
Steve__ | whhooooo first time using linux in years and ubuntu get sme online with no hastle on a kive cd!! | 15:12 |
vahid | octave IRC ??? | 15:12 |
vahid | #octave ? | 15:12 |
heymr | vahid: use weechat mate | 15:12 |
Pici | vahid: /msg chanserv list *ocave* | 15:12 |
mkultras | hey anyone know how i can see how much ram i have? i typed free but it dosent look like its all showing up | 15:12 |
mkultras | i see 2075764 there but i thought i had 3gb | 15:12 |
sportman1280 | bazhang: we dont want to do it the gui way. we are adding it for any user | 15:13 |
mkultras | thats only two gb i think | 15:13 |
_MMA_ | Would any recent have killed CUPS printing? | 15:13 |
sportman1280 | bazhang: it is installed via a package installation | 15:13 |
heymr | mkultras: free -h i think would help | 15:13 |
heymr | mkultras: thats probably how much is free out of 3 gb | 15:13 |
Lynet | j2daosh: Looks like you are missing some -dev packages. libcurl-dev at the very least. | 15:13 |
bazhang | sportman1280, via the installer disk? | 15:13 |
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MrHeavy | heymr: trivia: free doesn't have a -h option ;) | 15:13 |
MrBill | I have a directory at home (I'm currently at work on a Hardy box) that I want access to on a pretty regular basis. I sometimes "connect to server" from the places menu and snag a few files, but I'd rather have it automatically and always connected. is SSHFS the approach I should be taking, or is there a better way? | 15:13 |
mkultras | yeah i did free -h it did have that | 15:13 |
mkultras | and i did free -g and it said i had 1gb | 15:14 |
heymr | MrHeavy: oops... :P | 15:14 |
mkultras | i think its incorrect | 15:14 |
mkultras | i was looking for some alternate | 15:14 |
ruiboon | MrHeavy: free -m OR free -g | 15:14 |
mkultras | cat /proc/meminfo says i have 2gb too i think i have a bad dimm | 15:14 |
MrHeavy | mkultras: "top -b -n 1 | grep Mem" might be worth testing | 15:14 |
MrHeavy | mkultras: Yeah, probably the case | 15:15 |
sportman1280 | bazhang: basically we are a university network. but we want a custom university theme for default. everything but the wallpaper has worked so far. it is installed as a .deb from our repository | 15:15 |
Nave_ | hi | 15:15 |
Nave_ | i need help | 15:15 |
lnar | whats ur problem | 15:15 |
bazhang | sportman1280, and that is the one change in the default ubuntu install? or is there more | 15:15 |
mkultras | hey thanks MrHeavy that is a nice cmd | 15:15 |
Nave_ | how do i install flash in firefox ? | 15:15 |
Nave_ | so i can view Youtube? | 15:15 |
ziod | why am I getting a 'mount error: could not find target server' when I attempt a cifs mount of a directory on my win32 machine? I can access the directory fine through network places and it shows up fine when I do a smbclient -L listing of shared directories. I've followed the directions at Help! | 15:15 |
Nave_ | i've downloaded the flash file | 15:16 |
lnar | try typing in synaptic flash | 15:16 |
Nave_ | type where? | 15:16 |
MrHeavy | ziod: What's the command you're entering? | 15:16 |
lnar | go to system | 15:16 |
sebner | Nave_: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 15:16 |
sportman1280 | bazhang: its adding a wallpaper beside the ubuntu ones... and making it the default if they ahve not specified otherwise | 15:16 |
lnar | then adm | 15:16 |
Nave_ | ok | 15:16 |
Nave_ | in konsole? | 15:16 |
sportman1280 | bazhang: it does not remove the ubuntu ones... | 15:16 |
j2daosh | or when u go there and it says you need the file, it should tell u how to do it in the window if i remember correctly | 15:16 |
lnar | wait | 15:16 |
lnar | ill give what to type in the console | 15:16 |
mkultras | Nave_: you need to downloed the .so file and put it in the plugins folder its like ~/.mozilla/plugins or something | 15:16 |
bazhang | sportman1280, ah well if this is the only change; was going to suggest uck if there were more changes | 15:16 |
CLEARviewF | hi, does anybody know what is the name of the Listen Project IRC channel? they have one? | 15:16 |
ziod | mrheavy: i'm entering sudo mount -t cifs -o username=ubuntu,password=XXXX,workgroup=HOME,gid=smb,uid=$USER,file_mode=770,dir_mode=770,rw "//MEDIADELL/My Documents" /media/externalhd (the only thing I've altered is to X out the actual password in this paste) | 15:17 |
Nave_ | wait wait wait | 15:17 |
Nave_ | to fast | 15:17 |
Nave_ | ... | 15:17 |
Nave_ | lol | 15:17 |
sportman1280 | bazhang: what is uck? | 15:17 |
FloodBot1 | Nave_: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:17 |
Nave_ | i need someone to pm me | 15:17 |
Nave_ | i can't read all this | 15:17 |
Lynet | j2daosh: It probably is libcurl4-openssl-dev or libcurl4-gnutls-dev | 15:17 |
icewaterman | can i install 32-bit ubuntu into a chroot jail? | 15:17 |
Nave_ | sorry | 15:17 |
lnar | sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 15:17 |
CLEARviewF | hi, does anybody know what is the name of the Listen Project IRC channel? they have one? | 15:17 |
MrHeavy | ziod: Does it work if you try to mount a share without a space in it, like c$? | 15:17 |
icewaterman | i mean i am currently using 64bit ubuntu and want to go back to 32-bit ubuntu | 15:17 |
j2daosh | im installing libcurl13-openssl-dev right now | 15:17 |
bazhang | ubuntu customization kit sportman1280 ; /msg ubottu uck for a link | 15:17 |
Nave_ | is that all i type lnar? | 15:17 |
lnar | yes | 15:18 |
Nave_ | where do i type it again? | 15:18 |
lnar | in the console | 15:18 |
Nave_ | ok | 15:18 |
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Nave_ | i'll figure it | 15:18 |
Nave_ | one sec | 15:18 |
lnar | k | 15:18 |
sportman1280 | bazhang: thank you for the tip. will look into it. we actually ahve a custom metacity and gtk2.0 theme also | 15:18 |
sportman1280 | bazhang: this would help with those also? correct? | 15:18 |
ziod | mrheavy: nope, it doesn't work then either | 15:18 |
Nave_ | ok i have downloaded the flash file in the desktop | 15:19 |
lnar | now I need help.... HOW CAN I RUN COMPIZ WITH TWO DIFFERENT USERS???? | 15:19 |
hischild | !caps | 15:19 |
ubottu | PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 15:19 |
Lynet | j2daosh: Ah, I'm on Hardy, don't see that package there. You using 7.04 or 7.10? | 15:19 |
MrHeavy | ziod: Does your password contain any special characters like $ that might be freaking out the shell? | 15:19 |
lnar | sorry! | 15:19 |
j2daosh | 7.04 still i believe | 15:19 |
lnar | nave... just type that in the console | 15:19 |
j2daosh | everytime i attempt to upgrade it breaks the system | 15:19 |
lnar | you dont have to download nothing | 15:19 |
bazhang | sportman1280, alot of work just for some themes; uck is normally for adding drivers and the like for folks without net or easy access to the net (codecs et al); though you could certainly do it for what you have in mind | 15:19 |
CLEARviewF | hi, does anybody know what is the name of the Listen Project IRC channel? they have one? | 15:20 |
hischild | lnar: please describe it a bit. How are you running 2 users? like seperately, one at a time? | 15:20 |
ziod | mrheavy: no, just regular numbers and letters. no special characters at all | 15:20 |
Nave_ | ITS working!!!!!!!!!! | 15:20 |
Nave_ | i love linux | 15:20 |
hischild | !yay | 15:20 |
ubottu | Glad you made it! :-) | 15:20 |
lnar | at the same time | 15:20 |
Nave_ | why is linux so good | 15:20 |
hischild | lnar: where's the second user running from? | 15:20 |
bazhang | !irc | CLEARviewF read the last link | 15:20 |
ubottu | CLEARviewF read the last link: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at - For a general list of !freenode channels, see - See also !Guidelines | 15:20 |
Nave_ | windows vista sux | 15:20 |
lnar | local | 15:20 |
hischild | !lnw | Nave_ | 15:20 |
ubottu | Nave_: Want to know the differences between Windows and Linux? This guide, called "Linux is Not Windows" is a pretty good read -- | 15:20 |
Nave_ | well i'm a noob | 15:20 |
Nave_ | i need to learn | 15:20 |
bazhang | Nave_, please take the chat to #ubuntu-offtopic thanks | 15:20 |
sportman1280 | bazhang: ya, just noticed that.. any idea why the theme wouldn't show up in the gnome theme settings? Even though it is in /usr/share/backgrounds where the default ubuntu ones are. I cant find any config files... :( | 15:21 |
Nave_ | well i'm here to learn | 15:21 |
lnar | there are two users, they are both using the same computer and i want to let then use compiz at the same time | 15:21 |
hischild | lnar: sorry, haven't encountered such a situation before so i can't help there. | 15:21 |
j2daosh | arrggg | 15:21 |
bazhang | Nave_, this is a support channel, please limit your comments to specific support questions or chat in the offtopic channel thanks | 15:22 |
lnar | i cant enable the effects once the first one is using them | 15:22 |
j2daosh | wheres a list of all the repos? | 15:22 |
vivek | hello | 15:22 |
soundray_ | !info libqt3-mt dapper | 15:22 |
ubottu | libqt3-mt (source: qt-x11-free): Qt GUI Library (Threaded runtime version), Version 3. In component main, is optional. Version 3:3.3.8-b-0ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 3221 kB, installed size 8988 kB | 15:22 |
soundray_ | Apologies -- I tried to msgthebot, but it wasn't responding | 15:22 |
jussi01 | Nave_: its easy, read lots, tehn ask here when you dont understand something | 15:22 |
lnar | /etc/apt/sources.list | 15:22 |
j2daosh | i need automake 1.10 to finish the install and i dont have it in my available repos | 15:22 |
ssastre | someone knows how do I use MONIT to check for a process without using the pid file? | 15:22 |
Lynet | j2daosh: That kinda scks. Anyway, the hardest part about building from source is usually to find all the -dev packages you need. I'd recommend using ./configure --prefix=/usr/local | 15:22 |
je789 | i keep trying to compile apache but get this error checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables | 15:22 |
hischild | !lnw | Nave_: start with reading this | 15:22 |
ubottu | Nave_: start with reading this: Want to know the differences between Windows and Linux? This guide, called "Linux is Not Windows" is a pretty good read -- | 15:22 |
Pici | je789: install the package build-essential | 15:22 |
j2daosh | lynet, what will that switch do for me that differes from my ./configure? | 15:22 |
vivek | help | 15:22 |
Pici | je789: fyi, apache is in the package repositories | 15:23 |
bazhang | sportman1280, the cli stuff for that? I just know the pointy-clicky ways to do it :) | 15:23 |
nguyen_minh_tuan | alo | 15:23 |
nguyen_minh_tuan | thu ti | 15:23 |
je789 | says package is already installed | 15:23 |
void^ | !info automake | 15:23 |
ubottu | automake (source: automake1.10): A tool for generating GNU Standards-compliant Makefiles. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.10.1-2 (hardy), package size 507 kB, installed size 1672 kB | 15:23 |
lnar | so no one here is runing ubuntu with two users and both using compiz??? | 15:23 |
CLEARviewF | bazhang: thank you, i think ubottu is a bot :D | 15:23 |
je789 | i prefer to compile it myself | 15:23 |
j2daosh | void^: yeah, find and dandy if you have hardy... i have fawn | 15:23 |
sportman1280 | bazhang: ic. wonder where to look... | 15:23 |
ssastre | different question. How is suposed daemons creates and delete its pid files? | 15:23 |
Lynet | j2daosh: It makes the program install itself under /usr/local, to make sure it doesn't conflict with anything that's part of the regular .deb package system. | 15:24 |
nguyen_minh_tuan | who know how to remove xvnkb? | 15:24 |
lnar | is there any compiz channel?? | 15:24 |
j2daosh | oh... interesting. i will have to start using that switch from now on | 15:24 |
vivek | has any one installed Ubuntu using Wubi on a RAID 0 system | 15:24 |
nguyen_minh_tuan | help me | 15:24 |
nguyen_minh_tuan | who know how to remove xvnkb? | 15:24 |
bazhang | !compiz | lnar | 15:24 |
je789 | anyone else? | 15:24 |
ubottu | lnar: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at - help in #compiz-fusion | 15:24 |
bazhang | nguyen_minh_tuan, how was it installed | 15:24 |
lnar | thanksss | 15:24 |
bazhang | nguyen_minh_tuan, that is a kb setting yes? | 15:25 |
j2daosh | ok, well apparently im not going to get this installed til i get to hardy so i will try to upgrade again :( | 15:25 |
Stroganoff | nguyen_minh_tuan go to the source directory of xvnkb and run: sudo make uninstall | 15:25 |
j2daosh | nevermind... | 15:25 |
Lynet | j2daosh: Sort of a keep-everything-not-installed-by-.deb in a separate location. Some people prefer /opt/program_name, but the normal convention on most *nixes is to put it under /usr/local. | 15:25 |
j2daosh | my box thinks its already update | 15:25 |
TheNerdGotchU | ok i just seen the download icon pop up and go away as if it downloaded something. could this be a bug or a virri | 15:26 |
sportman1280 | bazhang: where should i look for an answer? | 15:26 |
sportman1280 | bazhang: what channel? | 15:26 |
bazhang | sportman1280, here; just ask someone smarter :) | 15:26 |
j2daosh | sport, what are u looking for> | 15:26 |
sportman1280 | hello. I'm trying to create a package that adds wallpapers for our users. They are put in the /usr/share/backgrounds however the dont show up as background options when you try to change your wallpaper. Any help? | 15:27 |
bazhang | TheNerdGotchU, not a virus, what is the exact thing you downloaded | 15:27 |
sportman1280 | j2daosh: lol look right below where you wrote | 15:27 |
j2daosh | hmm... gimme a sec | 15:27 |
TheNerdGotchU | nothing | 15:27 |
hischild | sportman1280: there's a config file in gconf2/backgrounds.xml. Add them to that file should add them to the background menu. | 15:27 |
TheNerdGotchU | i diddnt download nothing | 15:27 |
sportman1280 | hischild: Thanks! will look now | 15:27 |
bazhang | TheNerdGotchU, not sure with such bare bones info sorry | 15:28 |
hischild | sportman1280: i'm not sure of the file though. Let me search for it again. | 15:28 |
TheNerdGotchU | i just seen the icon pop up on my panel and goa away as if it downloaded something | 15:28 |
TheNerdGotchU | lol oke dokey im just noid maybe | 15:28 |
hischild | sportman1280: /home/hischild/.gnome2/backgrounds.xml is the file for me. | 15:28 |
sportman1280 | hischild: is this in the home directory? because we dont want it in home.. we want it in the default | 15:28 |
bazhang | TheNerdGotchU, run sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get upgrade | 15:28 |
hischild | sportman1280: it's rolled out as a default file. Find the skeleton file and add em in there. | 15:28 |
j2daosh | where do i find what version i'm running? | 15:28 |
je789 | im getting C compiler cannot create executables I've got build-essential installed and im wondering where i can begin to debug this ? | 15:29 |
Pici | j2daosh: lsb_release -a | 15:29 |
j2daosh | my system seems to think i'm running hardy but im almost positive i'm not | 15:29 |
TheNerdGotchU | i ran that yesterday | 15:29 |
sportman1280 | hischild: been looking around for it. any suggestions on where to look? | 15:29 |
bazhang | TheNerdGotchU, do it again to be sure | 15:29 |
j2daosh | 6.10 | 15:29 |
j2daosh | lol | 15:29 |
j2daosh | wow | 15:29 |
TheNerdGotchU | aight one sec | 15:29 |
bazhang | j2daosh, what kernel | 15:29 |
hischild | sportman1280: uhm got a few. let me check. | 15:29 |
j2daosh | edgy | 15:29 |
je789 | FYI im on 8.04 | 15:29 |
Lynet | j2daosh: Oh man, you're stone-age. ;-p | 15:30 |
sportman1280 | ah | 15:30 |
j2daosh | lol well normally i dont have to add anything | 15:30 |
sportman1280 | hischild: /usr/share/gnome-background-properites | 15:30 |
j2daosh | everything i needed was practically installed with 6.1 | 15:30 |
j2daosh | ok | 15:30 |
sportman1280 | hischild: that look correct? | 15:30 |
j2daosh | so if thats the case, why does my apt-get dist-upgrade tell me that my system is current? | 15:30 |
hischild | sportman1280: yeah ... you beat me to it with a few secs | 15:31 |
bazhang | j2daosh, you want to get to hardy from there? | 15:31 |
Pici | !upgrade | j2daosh make sure you are running the proper commands | 15:31 |
ubottu | j2daosh make sure you are running the proper commands: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 15:31 |
j2daosh | shouldn't it say "Holy crap dude!!! your as old as my granddad! I gottsta update da look yo" | 15:31 |
TheNerdGotchU | ok Ive ran it | 15:31 |
bazhang | TheNerdGotchU, and it is up to date? then nothing to worry about | 15:32 |
j2daosh | upgrade didn't work either | 15:32 |
je789 | Pici, ok let me ask is there a way to cleanly remove build-essential and reinstall but forcing it to redownload a fresh copy not a local package copy? | 15:32 |
stevem | badger poo | 15:32 |
sportman1280 | hischild: thank you :) | 15:32 |
hischild | sportman1280: you're welcome. | 15:32 |
j2daosh | i tried both dis-update and upgrade. niether of them think there is anything to update | 15:32 |
bazhang | stevem you have a support question? | 15:32 |
TheNerdGotchU | whats the name of ubuntu's startup directory or where is it listed | 15:32 |
hischild | TheNerdGotchU: /etc/init.d/ ? | 15:33 |
kenois | Just installed hardy.. quite nice so far :) | 15:33 |
j2daosh | man, this is gonna take a minute | 15:33 |
kenois | even flash seems to work all right ! | 15:33 |
_Lops88_ | ciaoo | 15:34 |
bazhang | !it | _Lops88_ | 15:34 |
ubottu | _Lops88_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 15:34 |
TheNerdGotchU | aight | 15:34 |
Pici | je789: you can remove all archived packages using apt-get clean, I'm not sure you can do just one. to uninstall and reinstall it try; sudo apt-get install --reinstall build-essential | 15:34 |
stevem | bazhang, yes | 15:34 |
Lynet | j2daosh: sudo apt-get install update-manager-core | 15:34 |
bazhang | TheNerdGotchU, system pref--sessions | 15:34 |
generic | hi all | 15:34 |
j2daosh | i gotta get my sources.list fixed first :( | 15:34 |
Lynet | j2daosh: And then a sudo do-release-upgrade | 15:34 |
generic | any one kkonws how i restrict computers only to print from particular printers | 15:35 |
generic | in cups | 15:35 |
Svish | Is there a screen saver for Ubuntu that looks like a terminal and pretends to do lots of hightech complex impressive stuff? so that nobody dares touch it? :p | 15:35 |
je789 | Pici, ok i can compile php but just not apache? | 15:35 |
Lynet | j2daosh: Anyway, step-by-step instruction should be at | 15:35 |
gaokai | in the bash script, when using the conditional expressions,could it be as this form( if "$var"="string" ;then... ) | 15:35 |
TheNerdGotchU | can i use irc on a system that doesnt have the desktop environment | 15:35 |
t0th_- | i try install ubuntu 7.04 in my sony vaio, but i got the error: Failed to allocate mem resource can help ? | 15:35 |
bazhang | TheNerdGotchU, yes | 15:36 |
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=== Captain_Keen is now known as Commander_Keen | ||
Lr5 | uhh, how can a simple java applet lock the whole system? | 15:36 |
stevem | bazhang, but I'm waiting for a good time to ask | 15:36 |
josspyker | firefox get no connection after update,irc works. idea's? | 15:36 |
bazhang | stevem, now would be a good time | 15:36 |
stevem | ah | 15:36 |
stevem | Why has canonical decided to make a Debian fork? | 15:37 |
TheNerdGotchU | ima have to find out how to do that i have mandrake on one of my older computers but it doesnt have a gui | 15:37 |
bazhang | stevem, that is a bit offtopic here; this is a support channel and this a business decision not answered here | 15:37 |
Qkal1 | hiya i'm having issues with making a start up application for a ubuntu based distro | 15:37 |
bazhang | t0th_-, did you md5 the iso | 15:38 |
Qkal1 | the typical start up method for ubuntu isn't there | 15:38 |
Qkal1 | since its enlightenment based... | 15:38 |
stevem | bazhang, you mean they intend on making money out of debian? | 15:38 |
TheNerdGotchU | i want to make it a shell account or something or a hot box people can hack in to so i can practice my security | 15:38 |
lnar | where can i find a sources.list complete for hardy?? | 15:38 |
hischild | !offtopic | stevem | 15:38 |
ubottu | stevem: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 15:38 |
t0th_- | i trying with 2 cds | 15:38 |
hischild | lnar: i can pastebin mine for you | 15:38 |
lnar | pliss | 15:38 |
lnar | pleae | 15:38 |
j2daosh | ok, im off for now. I'll be back on later to let you nolw how everything went... thanks for the help everyone | 15:39 |
bazhang | t0th_-, nothing to do with the cd's it is the iso you need to check | 15:39 |
lnar | does it have extra repos?? | 15:39 |
t0th_- | i use 2 diferent cds with 2 diferent iso | 15:39 |
hischild | lnar: it's a clean sources, i haven't changed it. | 15:39 |
erle- | totem kills my x server sometimes | 15:39 |
erle- | i have no idea what causes the problem | 15:39 |
hischild | lnar: | 15:39 |
erle- | has anyone in here the same problem? | 15:39 |
bazhang | t0th_-, please listen to what I am asking; did you check the md5sum on the iso? | 15:40 |
lnar | im tryin to find a complete sources.list with extra repos and stuff.... | 15:40 |
hischild | lnar: what repo's do you need? | 15:40 |
t0th_- | yes | 15:40 |
hischild | !medibuntu | lnar | 15:40 |
ubottu | lnar: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 15:40 |
bazhang | !md5 | t0th_- | 15:40 |
ubottu | t0th_-: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see or | 15:40 |
t0th_- | aff | 15:41 |
lnar | thanks guys | 15:41 |
stevem | bazhang, ok | 15:41 |
laika | hi, i have a problem with sleep mode on my laptop. I can get it to sleep, but when it wakes up there is only a black sreen and it hangs up.. any thoughts? i googled as i could but im not much a linux guy | 15:42 |
je789 | Pici, you still here | 15:42 |
Pici | je789: Yes. | 15:42 |
bazhang | laika, thinkpad? | 15:42 |
lnar | any other repos page like medibuntu?? | 15:42 |
laika | amilo pi-1556 | 15:42 |
v0lksman | anyone know of a good desktop video app to take a video of what I'm doing on my desktop? | 15:43 |
je789 | Pici, i found a few things on ubuntu forums but they keep mentioning g++ and gcc is it possible to find out what apache wants to compile this? | 15:43 |
bazhang | !screencast | v0lksman | 15:43 |
ubottu | v0lksman: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder. Also see | 15:43 |
shaneireland | bazhang sorry i had to jump off there | 15:43 |
shaneireland | any ideas on mine | 15:43 |
bazhang | shaneireland, did you see it in the fstab or in any way modify the fstab | 15:44 |
hischild | je789: you're missing a libc6 package. Google for your specific error and it should pop up. (copy paste the line with the error to google) | 15:44 |
shaneireland | the web seems to say leaving it out of fstab | 15:44 |
shaneireland | so i took it out | 15:44 |
shaneireland | didnt make any diff whether it was in or out | 15:44 |
bazhang | shaneireland, aye; but did you do anyting with the fstab perchance? | 15:44 |
shaneireland | whats strange is it does automount by Canon EOS but only after i run sudo lsusb | 15:45 |
sandeep_panesar_ | where can i get info about linux programming ang graphics? | 15:45 |
je789 | hischild, libc6 says its installed | 15:45 |
sandeep_panesar_ | where can i get info about linux programming ang graphics? | 15:45 |
shaneireland | at one point i removed the entries that were in there for sdb1 didnt make any difference | 15:45 |
bazhang | shaneireland, well that is a nice short term workaround and more important; did you try wiping the usb key--may have been a unclean removal on another system | 15:45 |
v0lksman | bazhang: can you suggest one that will cap compiz well? | 15:46 |
sandeep_panesar_ | where can i get info about linux programming ang graphics? | 15:46 |
liu_ | I can`t totally remove kde | 15:46 |
hischild | je789: it's a libc6 related package, which has that in it's name. | 15:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | sandeep_panesar_ /join #bash | 15:46 |
shaneireland | yeah tried that but its the same on lll usb devices | 15:46 |
bazhang | v0lksman, best to ask in #compiz-fusion for that | 15:46 |
shaneireland | any other ideas anyone | 15:46 |
shaneireland | im sure its hal related | 15:46 |
bazhang | !puregnome | liu_ | 15:46 |
ubottu | liu_: If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here << >> | 15:46 |
je789 | hischild, i also installed libc-dev | 15:46 |
shaneireland | and whats work it worked perfectly | 15:46 |
laika | (16:42:13) laika: hi, i have a problem with sleep mode on my laptop. I can get it to sleep, but when it wakes up there is only a black sreen and it hangs up.. any thoughts? i googled as i could but im not much a linux guy... is amilo pi-1556 ( Nvidia 7600 Go , C2D ) | 15:46 |
humbolto | when I have 2 IDE drives on the same bus (master, slave) with a 80pin conductor cable, does it actually make any sense in terms of speed to have a striping raid0 over these two devices? | 15:47 |
laika | and im pretty desperate | 15:47 |
sandeep_panesar_ | can i use xwindows along with gnome on my ubuntu? if yes then how? | 15:47 |
ghostlines | does anyone know how to specify which kernel to load after reboot, i'm running a remote server? | 15:47 |
icewaterman | can i install a fully-fleshed ubuntu into a chroot jail so i can boot it later? | 15:47 |
Blu3 | laika, you probably need to twiddle some acpi things like posting bios and double chvt | 15:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | laika It has to do with video drivers and config.. other than that I have no helpful info | 15:47 |
bazhang | shaneireland, other than the suggestions on that thread not sure | 15:47 |
liu_ | ubottu: thank you,I am from china,my country is suffering from earthquake,good luck | 15:47 |
ubottu | liu_: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 15:47 |
monestri | | 15:47 |
monestri | touchpad scroll wheel keeps dying at random points | 15:48 |
je789 | hischild, when i google i get people saying either build-essential or g++ or gcc needs installation but ive got those items? | 15:48 |
shaneireland | ok it is fair to assume that if i reinstall from a live cd it will wipe the hard disk first totally | 15:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | ghostlines edit default in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 15:48 |
sandeep_panesar_ | can i use xwindows along with gnome on my ubuntu? if yes then how? | 15:48 |
q-tip | guys I have to install ubuntu on a number of laptops I was thinking debian-installer and preseed but are there other options ? | 15:48 |
bazhang | shaneireland, best not to do that; try creating another user and see if that does something | 15:48 |
Blu3 | laika, look at /etc/default/acpi-support | 15:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | !install | q-tip | 15:48 |
ubottu | q-tip: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See Don't want to use a CD? Try - See also !automate | 15:48 |
hischild | je789: pastebin your error please, from start to finish | 15:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | !clone | q-tip | 15:49 |
ubottu | q-tip: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate | 15:49 |
shaneireland | what do u mean just add a user in my current install | 15:49 |
je789 | ok one second | 15:49 |
liu_ | ubottu: are you fond of CLI | 15:49 |
ubottu | liu_: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 15:49 |
soundray_ | !oem | q-tip | 15:49 |
ubottu | q-tip: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See and - Don't want to use a CD? Try - See also !automate | 15:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | shaneireland no it will not, unless you want it to | 15:49 |
bazhang | shaneireland, yes; create a new user and log into that account | 15:49 |
shaneireland | ok bazhang ive not tried that so i will | 15:49 |
shaneireland | thanks appreciate ur help | 15:49 |
bazhang | liu_, he is a robot :) | 15:49 |
soundray_ | oops, that's been changed | 15:49 |
liu_ | bazhang: haha,I don`t know that | 15:50 |
sportman1280 | hischild: those files for the backgrounds dont seem to change a thing. :( | 15:50 |
bazhang | liu_, there is #ubuntu-cn if you wish help in Mandarin as well :) | 15:50 |
je789 | hischild, | 15:50 |
q-tip | ubottu thanks I was more looking for something like kickstart so i can push a number of images to systems in one go.. | 15:50 |
ubottu | q-tip: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 15:50 |
hischild | sportman1280: because they' | 15:50 |
amicrawler | were do i black list a dev in ubuntu | 15:50 |
amicrawler | like wifi on my computer i use hardline | 15:51 |
liu_ | bazhang: I am practising my English | 15:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | !blacklist | 15:51 |
ubottu | To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u » | 15:51 |
Svish | why dont the screensavers have any settings? | 15:51 |
hischild | sportman1280: because they're skeleton files and get rolled out to the corresponding file in your home dir. You have to add it to the file i gave your before to make a change to any existing user. | 15:51 |
Svish | or are they just hidden somewhere? | 15:51 |
bazhang | liu_, a good place to chat is #ubuntu-offtopic here is support only thanks | 15:51 |
q-tip | Sorry I have shit loads scrolling up my screen here and my eyes are not what they used to be!!! thanks guys Ill go back to reading ;) | 15:51 |
sportman1280 | hischild: would simply removing the .gnome2 folder also work? | 15:51 |
hischild | sportman1280: it could, but not advisable | 15:51 |
=== stevem is now known as peterpen | ||
Jack_Sparrow | Svish No there are no settings for the differnet screensavers to set options | 15:51 |
bazhang | q-tip, language please | 15:52 |
sportman1280 | hischild: figured as much. just understanding how it works... | 15:52 |
q-tip | bazhang ? | 15:52 |
sportman1280 | hischild: tried to remove just the background.xml and it doesnt auto create it.. | 15:52 |
sportman1280 | hischild: thanks | 15:52 |
TheNerdGotchU | can bash script take I/O | 15:52 |
bazhang | no cursing in channel thanks q-tip | 15:52 |
hischild | sportman1280: the file you edited in /usr/share is a skeleton file which gets copied to ~/gnome after which that file is used. | 15:52 |
Svish | Jack_Sparrow: can I find more screen savers anywhere? | 15:52 |
q-tip | bazhang sorry didnt realise I did | 15:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | Svish I dont know, I have not tried | 15:52 |
hischild | je789: do you have glibc installed? | 15:53 |
Asr2 | Afternoon ... anyone know why Pidgin shuts down without an error while running on a virtual pc? | 15:53 |
je789 | hischild, searching in synaptic and i get two results source and doc? | 15:53 |
je789 | neither installed | 15:54 |
amicrawler | i do not see bacllist in etc | 15:54 |
gexen42 | Anyway, would someone be kind enough to share where I can start trying to troubleshoot a laptop running hardy that won't suspend or hibernate? | 15:54 |
amicrawler | i do not see black list in etc | 15:54 |
Pici | amicrawler: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist | 15:55 |
notsniw | hello | 15:55 |
Blu3 | gexen42, look at /etc/default/acpi-support if you're having problems. /var/log/* if it's just not doing anything | 15:55 |
cjohnson | I have an 800MB file that I need to open from the command line and add a single line at the beginning and at the end, how can I do that? | 15:55 |
Blu3 | cjohnson, echo "line" >> file | 15:55 |
Blu3 | TWO >>, not one | 15:55 |
cjohnson | Blu3, that will add "line" to the beginning? | 15:55 |
Blu3 | oh, duh | 15:56 |
Blu3 | echo "line" && cat file > newfile; mv newfile file | 15:56 |
bogey- | !echo | 15:56 |
ubottu | Factoid echo not found | 15:56 |
bogey- | !apt-get | 15:57 |
ubottu | APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 15:57 |
cjohnson | Blu3, will that include a newline character? | 15:57 |
Blu3 | as it is, yes | 15:57 |
bazhang | !fishing | bogey- | 15:57 |
ubottu | bogey-: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. | 15:57 |
cjohnson | Alright, thanks :D | 15:57 |
Blu3 | y/w :) | 15:57 |
bogey- | !pm | 15:57 |
ubottu | Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. | 15:57 |
bogey- | ;P | 15:57 |
bazhang | bogey-, please stop | 15:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | bogey- Please /msg the bot | 15:58 |
hischild | je789: can you paste me the link that this command gives you? => sudo aptitude install pastebinit && aptitude search libc6 > temp && cat temp | pastebinit && rm temp | 15:58 |
veken | exit | 15:58 |
cjohnson | Blu3, do you know of a way that I could open just the first few lines of the file to make sure it went well? | 15:59 |
Guza | hi can some one suggest me good hosting for dedicated servers ? | 15:59 |
Guza | on pvt ofcourse | 15:59 |
bazhang | ask in #ubuntu-offtopic guza | 15:59 |
je789 | hischild, | 15:59 |
ruiboon | cjohnson: head filename_here | 15:59 |
cjohnson | thanks :D | 16:00 |
=== UnAimedPlayer_ is now known as Lynet | ||
ruiboon | cjohnson: that will print out the few lines of the file | 16:00 |
hischild | je789: and what version of ubuntu are you running? (lsb_release -a) | 16:00 |
nature | hi | 16:00 |
nature | all | 16:00 |
insomninja | I use feh to set my background in awesome but it has started to fail it seems, and I get a grey background instead, but if I run "sh .fehbg" manually it works. any suggestions? | 16:00 |
Blu3 | cjohnson, use head. head -n10 will show the first 10 lines | 16:00 |
cjohnson | Blu3, exactly what I was looking for :D | 16:01 |
=== [1]carpool is now known as carpool | ||
amicrawler | found it | 16:01 |
Lr5 | Anyone knows why running a java applet that has repaint() in a while ( true ) loop freezes the whole system? I'm using ubuntu 8.04 and Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_06-b02) | 16:01 |
Blu3 | if you're going to be modifying files frequently in different ways like this, you should also look into the man pages for cat, tac, rev, gawk, and eventually even ... sed ;-) | 16:01 |
amicrawler | where do i find the wifi name of the dev | 16:01 |
nature | yo peoplezZ i have emac 1Ghz 1G ram and the graphic card inside is radeon 7500 32MB hmm my Question is hmmm is there any option to upgrade graphic card in emac ? | 16:02 |
cjohnson | Blu3, in that case, something went wrong. I did: echo "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" && cat strathcom.sql > | 16:02 |
Blu3 | amicrawler, try "iwconfig" by itself. that'll show all devices that have wifi options | 16:02 |
Pici | nature: Try asking in ##mac . #ubuntu is only for Ubuntu support questions. | 16:02 |
cjohnson | It just printed SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; to the command line and then copied the other file into that file | 16:02 |
bazhang | #hardware could answer that | 16:02 |
nature | ok | 16:02 |
nature | but thanx any ways | 16:02 |
nature | running 3 os and i love it | 16:03 |
nature | ubuntu is no . 1 | 16:03 |
nature | regards free off world haha | 16:03 |
Blu3 | hm, well then.. :) (echo "line" && cat file) > newfile; mv newfile file | 16:03 |
hoggie | nature : which is the other 2? | 16:03 |
nature | enjoy | 16:03 |
hoggie | are** | 16:03 |
bazhang | !enter | nature | 16:03 |
ubottu | nature: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 16:03 |
nature | once in the lifetime hmm peace and love | 16:03 |
hubert_ | cze niemoge dodac uzytkownika useradd nowak i wywala | 16:03 |
nature | ok | 16:03 |
cjohnson | Blu3, You're a life saver, thanks a ton :D | 16:03 |
Pici | !pl | hubert_ | 16:03 |
ubottu | hubert_: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 16:03 |
Blu3 | no prob | 16:04 |
hubert_ | bash: useradd:: polecenie nieodnalezione | 16:04 |
sameer_a | Hey people! | 16:04 |
hubert_ | ktos mi wyliavzy o co chodzi | 16:04 |
Pici | hubert_: /j #ubuntu-pl | 16:04 |
hoggie | nature : which are the other 2 OS's you run? | 16:04 |
nature | os tiger | 16:04 |
bazhang | hoggie please chat elsewhere | 16:04 |
dzano_boy | ehej | 16:05 |
hoggie | bazhang: wtf? im trying to understand on which linux he preffered it | 16:05 |
bazhang | !wtf | hoggie | 16:05 |
ubottu | hoggie: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 16:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | Guys, please take the non support chat to another channel.. | 16:05 |
hoggie | hehe.. | 16:05 |
nature | ubuntu, f8, os x 10.4 , os 9, xp | 16:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | nature hoggie please stop. | 16:06 |
D_T | whats the package name for gnome? | 16:07 |
bazhang | ubuntu-desktop | 16:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | gdm | 16:07 |
insomninja | where can I find the config files for how gdm starts the wm | 16:07 |
hoggie | np.. anyways, i got a problem with the iwl3945 driver.. it doesnt find not the ethernet card im using nor the wifi chip.. intel's 3945. how can i install the ipw3945 driver without it effecting my kernel updates? | 16:07 |
joaopinto | locate gdm.conf | 16:08 |
cjohnson | Blu3, one last thing, is there an opposite command to head? like for the end? | 16:08 |
bazhang | hoggie, you cant | 16:08 |
nature | i love to get mandrake and redhat | 16:08 |
dropbear | cjohnson: tail | 16:08 |
cjohnson | awesome | 16:08 |
cjohnson | I love you guys | 16:08 |
Blu3 | :) | 16:08 |
nataq | is there any console comand to turn on/off compiz eye candy effects without losing the configurations? | 16:09 |
hoggie | bazhang : its a kernel issue right? so whats the best solution for this kind of a problem? | 16:09 |
bazhang | nataq, alt f2 metacity --replace | 16:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | hoggie the best long term solution, buy supported hardware | 16:10 |
thorny_sun | how can I find out more info about a package from the commandline without having to launch synaptic? | 16:10 |
void^ | thorny_sun: apt-cache show package | 16:11 |
joaopinto | thorny_sun, apt-cache show package | 16:11 |
markofvero | thorny_sun: aptitude show package-name | 16:11 |
thorny_sun | tanku | 16:11 |
DarrenCT | Anyone use "ProjectM" from the Hardy repos? ...(milk drop visualizations) | 16:12 |
hoggie | Jack_Sparrow: bahh.. not a practical solution right now.. | 16:12 |
surajit | I am a newbie ... but decided to try 8.04 on my opteron 165 machine | 16:12 |
thorny_sun | also-- how do I get something to start up on ubuntu startup-- like pidgin for isntance? | 16:12 |
bazhang | hoggie, that card is well supported; works perfectly here with the iwl; though this was a fresh install | 16:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | !startup | 16:12 |
ubottu | To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot | 16:12 |
je789 | hischild, sorry i had to use the mens room im using 8.04 | 16:13 |
surajit | need some help with image manipulation and programming the same | 16:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | surajit perhaps /join #gimp | 16:13 |
surajit | which would be the best forum for such queries | 16:13 |
surajit | thanx Jack | 16:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 16:14 |
=== NitroGlyceriX is now known as AutoMatrix | ||
b3nw | can anyone give me the correct syntax of a ssh entry on .gtk-bookmarks ? | 16:14 |
surajit | but i'm not so much inquisitive about image manipulation as to how to do it using some programming language | 16:14 |
je789 | hischild, you still here | 16:15 |
cjs | helllo | 16:15 |
surajit | I need to write code to get some images assembled into one page | 16:15 |
Sladjannn | hello | 16:15 |
Sladjannn | what's up | 16:15 |
Sladjannn | :) | 16:15 |
surajit | was looking at lush but the documentation is short | 16:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | surajit that would all be offtopic in this channel | 16:15 |
insomninja | hmm it seems that feh draws the background correctly, but a few seconds later something else replaces the image with solid grey | 16:15 |
surajit | i understand | 16:15 |
surajit | which channel will be suitable | 16:15 |
surajit | could you guide me here | 16:16 |
Sladjannn | where I can found the best theme and icon pack for ubuntu!??? | 16:16 |
Sladjannn | where I can found the best theme and icon pack for ubuntu!??? | 16:16 |
Sladjannn | find* | 16:16 |
joaopinto | surajit, better, and find for some education material, for the language you have selected to use | 16:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | !themes | 16:16 |
ubottu | Find your themes at: - - - - - - - Also see !changethemes and | 16:16 |
Cracken227 | asa | 16:16 |
Sladjannn | tnx man | 16:16 |
joaopinto | !best | 16:17 |
ubottu | Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 16:17 |
surajit | well i tried various keywords in google already ... | 16:17 |
surajit | but there doesn't seem to be much about how to assemble images with code | 16:17 |
surajit | lush kept coming up on the search | 16:18 |
bazhang | gimp channel would be best be surajit | 16:18 |
surajit | but the documentation on lush is poor | 16:18 |
tacit | lol... gimp | 16:18 |
hoggie | bazhang : i got a fresh install too of Hardy.. and it didnt work, my wireless and ethernet cards are: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (wifi), Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ | 16:18 |
Pici | surajit: try ##programming perhaps? | 16:18 |
Devistator | How do u reset the gnometris high scores list? | 16:18 |
cjs | 大家好!d | 16:18 |
tupari | How do I regenerate the openssl certificates used by my server? | 16:18 |
bazhang | !cn | cjs | 16:18 |
ubottu | cjs: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 16:18 |
cjs | 谢谢 | 16:19 |
Devistator | Does anyone know how to reset the gnometris high scores list???? | 16:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | hoggie did you connect with hardwire, do all your updates then try to enable the wifi | 16:19 |
surajit | btw the hardy on my machine is running pretty well (after fighting it out for a couple of weeks) | 16:19 |
surajit | got stuff running on wine as well ... but got stuck with quickbooks | 16:19 |
fugitivo | | 16:19 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 228363 in ubuntu "Hauppauge PVR-150 with no audio after upgrading to Hardy" [Undecided,New] | 16:19 |
wel | im getting insane.. | 16:20 |
surajit | also corel doesnt install on wine | 16:20 |
wel | i've been trying to install wireless for like.. 6 hours straight.. | 16:20 |
bazhang | wel #ubuntu-offtopic is a good channel for that | 16:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | surajit We are glad you got things working well.. Please note we use #Ubuntu-offtopic for non support questions and chat | 16:20 |
hoggie | Jack_Sparrow: I installed Hard wired... and i did update everything.. | 16:20 |
wel | why does it have to be this difficult.. | 16:20 |
hoggie | Jack_Sparrow: I installed Hardy, wired... and i did update everything.. | 16:20 |
hoggie | sorry.. | 16:20 |
tupari | ok different question: First how do I find out what version of Ubuntu my server is running? | 16:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | wel what wifi card and is it in the supported hardware lsit | 16:21 |
Pici | tupari: lsb_release -a | 16:21 |
joaopinto | tupari, lsb_release -a | 16:21 |
tupari | I did an apt-get upgrade but this ssh-vulnkey tool is not found on my system | 16:21 |
Pici | tupari: you need to run it with sudo | 16:21 |
tupari | OK so I am running 7.10 | 16:21 |
wel | bazhang, thanks but i thought this was the help channel.. | 16:21 |
tupari | but after my upgrade I don't have ssh-vulnkey like says I should | 16:22 |
vdmpeniel_ | hello! | 16:22 |
Pici | wel: Explain your issue, he thought you were just saying you were going insane. | 16:22 |
hoggie | Jack_Sparrow: i wrote up there which card is it.. but ill google list of supported hardware to check it i guess.. | 16:22 |
b3nw | can anyone give me the correct syntax of a ssh or sftp entry on .gtk-bookmarks ? | 16:22 |
bazhang | wel you need to ask precise questions then; what you have done and what errors you have gotten etc | 16:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | !hardware | 16:22 |
ubottu | For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see | 16:22 |
stefano | salve | 16:22 |
bazhang | !it | stefano | 16:22 |
ubottu | stefano: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 16:22 |
wel | Jack_Sparrow, lspci gives me 03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11a/b/g (rev 02) | 16:23 |
wel | the problem is i cannot find it under network settings.. only wired | 16:23 |
bazhang | !broadcom | wel | 16:23 |
ubottu | wel: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at | 16:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | wel that is very well supported, have you connected to the net with hardwire and done your updates. | 16:23 |
wel | ive done all updates.. | 16:24 |
psmith | I configureded mhy own persdonal samba (inprogress (and ssh server, on educational services of americas' esa.corp domainname yesterday, which i am using to connect to freenode at the minute. | 16:24 |
wel | and searched google for how to install.. all says something about "hardware info" and "device manager" but my 8.04 ubuntu doesnt have one.. | 16:24 |
hoggie | Jack_Sparrow: Yes.. i was all time wirely connected.. | 16:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | wel see the link bazhang gave | 16:25 |
tupari | That's odd. When I run apt-get upgarde I get: The following packages have been kept back: | 16:25 |
tupari | openssh-client openssh-server | 16:25 |
wel | bazhang, ill look.thx | 16:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | wel also make sure the bcm didnt end up in your blacklist | 16:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | !blacklist | 16:25 |
ubottu | To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u » | 16:25 |
joaopinto | tuna, you need to: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 16:25 |
joaopinto | erm, tupari | 16:26 |
wel | Jack_Sparrow, hope ill get it to work.. thx | 16:26 |
profanephobia | is there a way to rebuild your apt archive? | 16:26 |
tupari | Why doesn't a regular upgrade update the openssh packages? | 16:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | profanephobia PLease explain | 16:26 |
joaopinto | profanephobia, which apt archive ? | 16:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | profanephobia your downloaded debs are in /var/cache/apt/archives... | 16:27 |
wel | Jack_Sparrow, blacklist file is empty.. ill look into the guide and come back later | 16:27 |
joe_nix | I'm having a problem with PCRE and libpcre, when i try to configure a new source im trying to install I always get the error message checking for pcre/pcre.h... no | 16:27 |
joe_nix | configure: error: Cannot find pcre.h. Please install libpcre even though ive installed PCRE and its there, it isnt seeing it :S | 16:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | k | 16:27 |
hoggie | Jack_Sparrow: its a broadcom.. i cant see what it has to do with my intel chipset.. | 16:27 |
profanephobia | /var/cache/apt/archive is empty now and I was wondering if it can be rebuilt automagically | 16:27 |
Pici | joe_nix: Did you install libpcre-dev | 16:27 |
bazhang | hoggie, you should check launchpad bug page and see if they have any workarounds yet | 16:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | hoggie Sorry, dealing with two wifi people at the same time.. | 16:28 |
joaopinto | profanephobia, no | 16:28 |
joe_nix | Pici: Yep | 16:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | profanephobia once you clean it out. it is gone | 16:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | profanephobia you can use the info at the link to remake your package list. | 16:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | !clone | 16:28 |
ubottu | To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate | 16:28 |
hoggie | bazhang: ok, got a specific link to give me? or just google? | 16:29 |
profanephobia | sweet that exactly what i needed i think Jack_Sparrow thanks | 16:29 |
bazhang | hoggie, just a second | 16:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 16:29 |
hoggie | Jack_Sparrow: np.. | 16:29 |
ahabba | The Return Key does not work from the Live CD boot screen. All other Function Keys work. Any ideas? | 16:29 |
hoggie | thanks anyways.. | 16:29 |
Pici | joe_nix: There may be a configure arugment to either explicitly enable pcre or to point it to the proper location of it | 16:29 |
joe_nix | Pici: I'll have a look, | 16:30 |
wel | problem: it seems like the drivers should be deprecated(i understand this as if it should be included in system)... and the guide expects me to have the driver in networksettings.. as if the problem is i dont know how to connect. to problem is i have nothing but point-to-point and wired connection in network settings | 16:30 |
bazhang | hoggie and here and a forum link here | 16:31 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 195136 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "No wireless for Intel 3945 in Hardy" [Undecided,Invalid] | 16:31 |
profanephobia | !msg ubottu !automate | 16:31 |
ubottu | profanephobia: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 16:31 |
hoggie | bazhang: thanks dude. | 16:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | profanephobia slash | 16:31 |
bazhang | profanephobia, you need to /msg ubottu automate :) | 16:31 |
profanephobia | bazhang: yeah its been a while since ive been on here sry bout that :) | 16:32 |
bazhang | profanephobia, :) | 16:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | profanephobia np, we will just snicker behind your back for a minute | 16:33 |
bazhang | haha | 16:33 |
gexen42 | Does anybody know how I can trap keyboard codes? I want to see if when I hit my laptop's Fn button, it sends anything, Fn+F1 is doing the same as F1...not sure if that's normal | 16:33 |
ahabba | The Return Key does not work from the Live CD boot screen. All other Function Keys work. Any ideas? | 16:33 |
profanephobia | ha | 16:33 |
bazhang | gexen42, keylogging? | 16:34 |
void^ | gexen42: xev | 16:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | ahabba bad burn? did you md5 it | 16:34 |
ahabba | Jack_Sparrow: Ya, twice | 16:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | !keys | 16:34 |
ubottu | Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at - See !Keyboard for changing layouts | 16:34 |
bazhang | ahabba, what about cd integrity check | 16:35 |
gexen42 | void^: Do you happen to know, if, using a laptop, you're supposed to get feedback when hitting the Fn key? | 16:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | ahabba do you have a different keyboard to try.. and is this wired or wireless? | 16:35 |
IntangibleLiquid | is there anyway to change the transparency of the Main Menu? | 16:35 |
ZimCS | Does running wubi slow the system down at all since Windows is already running | 16:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | IntangibleLiquid yes, the background.. | 16:36 |
geek__ | ZimCS: wubi/ubuntu can't run at the same time as windows.. | 16:36 |
void^ | gexen42: depends on the model probably, but seems unlikely | 16:36 |
joe_nix | Pici: Nah cant find anything that'll help me :S | 16:36 |
ahabba | bazhang: It can't try "Check for CD defects", without a return key. | 16:36 |
evand | ZimCS: Windows is not running when Wubi is. It's not emulation. But yes, there is minimal overhead from having an ext3 filesystem inside a NTFS filesystem. | 16:36 |
geek__ | its dualbooting, but without a seperate partition | 16:36 |
ahabba | Jack_Sparrow: wired | 16:36 |
joshual | trying to write an ubuntu iso to dvd, getting error that it wont fit, i'm using 4.7g dvds (its a dell remastered dvd) is it possible the dvd image was made for a larger dvd? | 16:36 |
IntangibleLiquid | Jack_Sparrow, where is that bro? | 16:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | ZimCS Windows is not supposed to be running with wubi | 16:36 |
Chapai | gexen42:- i am not sure but try xev | 16:37 |
IntangibleLiquid | ZimCS, it will be a bit slower than the normal install | 16:37 |
gexen42 | Chapai: I did, it doesn't return anything | 16:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | IntangibleLiquid rt click panel, properties, background.. | 16:37 |
ZimCS | okay I'll just do the grub boot loader. thanks | 16:37 |
IntangibleLiquid | Jack_Sparrow, that | 16:37 |
gexen42 | Chapai: I just don't know if that's normal or not, I'm assuming not... | 16:37 |
Chapai | xev in terminal does not open anything? | 16:37 |
katad0t1s | how can I install new theme engine in hardy? | 16:38 |
IntangibleLiquid | Jack_Sparrow, that's the taskbar, not the main menu i'm afraid | 16:38 |
gexen42 | Chapai: Oh no, xev works, it just posts no feedback when you hit the Fn key | 16:38 |
lamalex | Hi guys. I'm having a problem with grub. I'mgetting Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition. I'm using LVM | 16:38 |
gexen42 | Chapai: whereas the other keys do | 16:38 |
bazhang | ahabba, do other linux distros work okay? | 16:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | IntangibleLiquid ok.. no.. I have not seen a way to do that | 16:38 |
ahabba | bazhang: Gparted worked | 16:38 |
Chapai | all your fn keys or just some gexen42 | 16:38 |
Pici | IntangibleLiquid: If you can figure out what window type or class the menu is, you can write a compiz rule to make it more transparent. | 16:39 |
katad0t1s | I want to install the newwave theme engine in hardy but dont know how.Any help? | 16:39 |
Pici | IntangibleLiquid: Use xwininfo for that, and specific help for the rule in #compiz-fusion | 16:39 |
IntangibleLiquid | Pici, you must be kidding, I'm no programmer | 16:39 |
bazhang | ahabba, that is odd--this is wired kb? | 16:39 |
Pici | IntangibleLiquid: its easy. like: class=menu (for example) | 16:39 |
ahabba | bazhang: yes, Dell laptop | 16:39 |
bazhang | ahabba, why not tab and double tap (on touchpad) or arrow keys and double tap | 16:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | bazhang Pici bbl | 16:40 |
bazhang | cya Jack | 16:40 |
tom1 | What video driver am I using? I'm on Hardy Heron, and I see no driver listed listed in /etc/X11, except xorg.conf says 'Configured Video Device' and 'Default Screen'... whazzat? | 16:41 |
IntangibleLiquid | Pici, thanks. If it weren't for my exams, I'd def try to do it now :) | 16:41 |
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ahabba | bazhang: nothing from touchpad, or left button | 16:41 |
thorny_sun | if I want a terminal to start on startup, but on a specific workspace-- how do I do that? | 16:41 |
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thorny_sun | and then same question for screenlets if anyone knows | 16:42 |
IntangibleLiquid | Pici, sometime when I open a movie file the system halts, do you know what sort of problem is that? It's kinda annoying | 16:42 |
bazhang | ahabba, what about plugging in an external kb | 16:43 |
Pici | IntangibleLiquid: No I havent heard of that one before | 16:43 |
ljsoftnet | is there a way to play quicktime in firefox? | 16:43 |
bazhang | ahabba, can you get into grub? does kb work then? | 16:43 |
naxaaa | hi | 16:44 |
fugitivo | | 16:44 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 228363 in ubuntu "Hauppauge PVR-150 with no audio after upgrading to Hardy" [Undecided,New] | 16:44 |
=== ScarFace98 is now known as ScarFace304 | ||
naxaaa | if i want to connect remotely to my computer, what package should i install (ssh?)? is there an easy way to know what is my external ip address is from a fail-safe xterm client (no gnome)? | 16:45 |
naxaaa | (i ask this becouse my mother have some serious trouble at home) | 16:45 |
naxaaa | (with comp) | 16:45 |
tschaka | naxaaa package would be openssh-server or openssh-client | 16:46 |
naxaaa | tschaka I see! | 16:46 |
ahabba | bazhang: I'm not that smart, don't know how. | 16:46 |
Kaja | naxaaa, this tells your external ip: wget -qO- | 16:46 |
bazhang | ahabba, no smarts needed; can you hit esc or Fx key when the grub countdown starts? does enter work then? | 16:47 |
naxaaa | Kaja, what does -q0- means? I mean i can use wget but its quite hard to explain it on phone to my mother | 16:47 |
naxaaa | kaja, will this write the ip on the screen? | 16:47 |
Kaja | naxaaa, it outputs the ip | 16:48 |
Kaja | yes | 16:48 |
naxaaa | Kaja, I see, thanks | 16:48 |
Kaja | It's the letter O not number 0. | 16:48 |
leshnix | when i connect to my vpn connection with openvpn, it does the openssl-vulnkey check, but it does it twice for the same key. why is this happening twice, and is there a way to whitelist keys so it doesn't get checked every time? | 16:48 |
ahabba | bazhang: yes, F12 > Boot from CD [Enter] > choose english language [Enter] > now Enter is dead | 16:49 |
bazhang | ahabba, before you get to that--> very beginning you need to get into grub menu and add boot parameters | 16:50 |
ahabba | bazhang: I think ya lost me. Is this like the | 16:51 |
ahabba | bazhang: like the boot options at the bottom of live cd boot screen? | 16:51 |
naxaaa | sudo writes: "sudo: timestamp too far in the future: may 16 19:41:06 2008" what should i do? | 16:52 |
bazhang | ahabba, you are there now? | 16:52 |
ahabba | bazhang: yup | 16:52 |
naxaaa | i have xterm only | 16:52 |
bazhang | ahabba, can you get into a console from there? | 16:53 |
ahabba | bazhang: I hit escape >"You are leaving.. and entering text mode" > now I have a boot: prompt | 16:53 |
profanephobia | have there been many bugs when upgrading from gutsy to hardy using the update-manager? | 16:54 |
void^ | naxaaa: sudo -K | 16:54 |
ljsoftnet | profanephobia just "Keep" the obsolete files after you upgrade, to avoid any errors | 16:55 |
profanephobia | ljsoftnet: are you presented with that option? | 16:56 |
bazhang | ahabba, now sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst | 16:56 |
=== amblin_ is now known as amblin | ||
ljsoftnet | profanephobia yes, just when the upgrade finishes | 16:56 |
ahabba | bazhang: any command returns "Could not find kernel image: sudo" | 16:56 |
prrrr | Question: is there an app which I can make moving images with? | 16:56 |
cq | is there a way to use dolphin to access a samba share as another user? | 16:57 |
profanephobia | ljsoftnet: sweet! thank you... just curious have you used hardy yet? | 16:57 |
tom1 | the only hint to your video driver is hidden in /var/log/Xorg.0.log, now why is it so doggy in 8.04 and snappy in 6.60? | 16:57 |
Fritzel | what's the gnome sudo command? | 16:57 |
ljsoftnet | profanephobia ok | 16:57 |
bazhang | ahabba, that is worrying; seems the cd is not okay then | 16:57 |
erUSUL | Fritzel: gksudo | 16:57 |
Fritzel | erUSUL, thank you | 16:58 |
graft | hi, whenever i try to play flash videos firefox dies with this line: firefox-2-bin: pcm_pulse.c:115: pulse_stop: Assertion `pcm->stream' failed. | 16:58 |
Svish | how can I remove a single screen saver? i would like to run Random ,but remove the ones I hate first :p | 16:58 |
ahabba | bazhang: I'll download and try again. Thanks for all your help - greatly appreciated. | 16:58 |
prrrr | Question: is there an app which I can make moving images with? | 16:59 |
void^ | graft: if you want to avoid fixing the pulseaudio issue you can just remove libflashsupport | 16:59 |
bazhang | ahabba, if you md5sum the iso then it is either the burn speed or the media quality itself that is the culprit | 16:59 |
graft | void^: no, i want to fix the pulseaudio issue | 16:59 |
graft | void^: otherwise firefox will grab the audio, right? | 16:59 |
unicum | somehow i'm having trouble installing hardy | 16:59 |
unicum | i've set up an lvm and used two volumes for encryption | 17:00 |
ahabba | bazhang: good to know. I'll burn a slow one. | 17:00 |
FabriceFABS | Hi all | 17:00 |
dury | hi there channel :) | 17:00 |
ljsoftnet | Hello | 17:01 |
bazhang | ahabba, if the problem persists you may wish to add irqpoll to the boot parameters | 17:01 |
void^ | graft: true. | 17:01 |
unicum | now after asking for the passphrase and creating a random key it says starting up the partitioner the load status is at 47% apparently stalled and it tells me to "please wait..." | 17:01 |
icewaterman | i tried installing ubuntu into a chroot-jail and it fails with cupsys | 17:01 |
unicum | what the heck? | 17:01 |
ahabba | bazhang: will do. | 17:02 |
bazhang | unicum, how long | 17:02 |
unicum | like 2-3 minutes now | 17:02 |
graft | void^: so - how do i fix the issue? | 17:02 |
bazhang | unicum, let it go for a while | 17:02 |
unicum | oh, it could be stalled at encrypting the "to be" home partition at 187 gigs | 17:02 |
unicum | could that be it? like.. not stalled, but busy with it | 17:03 |
bazhang | unicum, go out on a shopping trip in that case | 17:03 |
mcrawfor | I'm having trouble getting do-release-upgrade to find a release | 17:03 |
unicum | k | 17:03 |
mcrawfor | but the box is dapper, so I am certain there is one | 17:03 |
mcrawfor | any tips for getting it to recognize that there is a release | 17:03 |
mcrawfor | ? | 17:03 |
void^ | graft: i'm no good with pulseaudio. i usually just mess around with it until it ends up behaving the way i want it to. wish it was a little simpler to manage. | 17:03 |
unicum | by the way.. in the textinstall pressing ctrl+alt+f2 doesn't give me a shell, why? | 17:03 |
unicum | or am i doing something wrong here? | 17:04 |
bazhang | mcrawfor, update-manager-core install it | 17:04 |
=== Scientus_ is now known as balzzand_cookies | ||
mcrawfor | bazhang: update-manager-core is already the newest version. | 17:04 |
simotempler | etworking and remote access | 17:04 |
unicum | oh, nevermind.. got it now.. but how do i get out again without shortcuts? | 17:05 |
simotempler | anyone here able to help with networking and remote access | 17:05 |
bazhang | mcrawfor, gksu update-manager -d after enabling dapper-updates in sources.list | 17:05 |
* FabriceFABS listens you simotempler | 17:05 | |
Scunizi | I have 2 installs of Hardy on my machine.. One Fresh. (works).. one upgrade from Gutsy (primary production machine).. The upgrade version will not shutdown correctly. It hangs at the background pic of the Heron. I have to hit the button on the computer to force into shutdown mode. How do I resolve this? | 17:05 |
mcrawfor | dapper-updates - let me try that | 17:05 |
simotempler | cheers | 17:05 |
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky | ||
unicum | shortcut would be alt+f7, right? somehow it doesn't close the terminal to go back to the "please wait..." screen | 17:05 |
mcrawfor | bazhang: ah, dapper-updates is already enabled... | 17:05 |
bazhang | unicum, aye | 17:06 |
simotempler | I can connect to my xp pc via terminal client server with local ip but not ext | 17:06 |
unicum | oh, it's alt+f1 here | 17:06 |
bazhang | then the other command mcrawfor | 17:06 |
unicum | interesting | 17:06 |
simotempler | what port needs opened | 17:06 |
FabriceFABS | yep, any box ? | 17:06 |
Scunizi | simotempler: port 5700 & 5900 | 17:06 |
mcrawfor | bazhang: this is a server - gksu and update-manager are not installed - no gui | 17:06 |
simotempler | cheers | 17:06 |
^Caseidon^ | Is there an application where I can make moving images with? | 17:07 |
bazhang | mcrawfor, now you tell me :) | 17:07 |
FabriceFABS | Simo, do you have a firewall ar a box for internet ? | 17:07 |
simotempler | ya router firewall | 17:07 |
dury | since I upgraded to 8.04 LTS .... when I try to copy files for instance from home to desktop it makes something unussual disappears the icons of the desktop as well as the top panel and the bottom one after a second or two everything comes again... that's not normal what could be that? | 17:07 |
Scunizi | ^Caseidon^: you can use Gimp to make moving gifs if you want | 17:07 |
mcrawfor | bazhang: sorry - didn't realize it would make a difference - do-release-upgrade is a cmdline tool after all | 17:07 |
^Caseidon^ | How Scunizi? | 17:07 |
FabriceFABS | Did you set anyrules about terminal server in it ? | 17:07 |
bazhang | mcrawfor, my bad :) you did sudo that right? what is the error message | 17:08 |
Pici | ^Caseidon^: What kind of moving images? gifs? animations? | 17:08 |
=== yacc_ is now known as yacc | ||
Scunizi | ^Caseidon^: you have to use the layers feature and give each layer a name with a "timing" number for the pic to be displayed.. there's info in help and on the website about it. | 17:08 |
bazhang | mcrawfor, also what repos you got for that | 17:08 |
^Caseidon^ | Gifs Pici | 17:08 |
joshual | could anyone help me uninstall all of kde, want to get back to pure ubuntu gnome... tried doing what purekde howto recommends but there are still kde stuffs installed... | 17:08 |
joshual | also need to uninstall kde4 | 17:08 |
=== Dafool is now known as Filemile | ||
unicum | damn, the terminal doesn't know top yet.. that sucks! | 17:08 |
dury | can someone assist? | 17:08 |
mcrawfor | bazhang: give me a minute, I wasn't fully up to date on other packages before trying this | 17:09 |
mcrawfor | that seems to be desireable | 17:09 |
bazhang | mcrawfor, a sudo apt-get update would help :) | 17:09 |
lartza_ | I removed the wine with apt-get. Sohuld I now remove .wine? And how to remove menu? | 17:09 |
Scunizi | Help.. computer hangs on shutdown after upgrade.. any know fixes? | 17:09 |
fzs | Does any one have any idea why i dont have sound on Ubuntu 8.04, my sound card is S17012 | 17:09 |
fzs | Sis | 17:09 |
dury | I repeat it again......since I upgraded to 8.04 LTS .... when I try to copy files for instance from home to desktop it makes something unussual disappears the icons of the desktop as well as the top panel and the bottom one after a second or two everything comes again... that's not normal what could be that? | 17:09 |
mcrawfor | bazhang: oh, i was updated, just not upgraded | 17:10 |
bazhang | !repeat | dury | 17:10 |
ubottu | dury: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 17:10 |
Escaper | I would like to install something on my Hardy, but it is asking for c/c++ compiler and kernel source. What should I add in Synaptic? | 17:10 |
dury | I will consider that | 17:10 |
Scunizi | Escaper: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 17:10 |
fzs | Does any one have any idea why i dont have sound on Ubuntu 8.04, my sound card is S17012 | 17:11 |
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legend2440 | ^Caseidon^: | 17:12 |
^Caseidon^ | Thanks legend2440. | 17:12 |
yrlnry | With Gutsy, I could run Unreal Tournament under Wine. With Hardy, it still runs, but the surface rendering is all screwed up. I can see through walls. What kind of search terms would be useful in figuring out the problem? | 17:12 |
fabrice_FABS | Simotempler, still there ?* | 17:13 |
erUSUL | Escaper: build-essential and linux-headers | 17:13 |
Escaper | Scunizi: Thank's so much!!! I did not do that since Dapper... Forgot everything :-( | 17:13 |
Scunizi | Escaper: np! :) | 17:13 |
Xbehave | im trying to compile some webcam drivers i get the error: "pusb-linux.h:5:23: error: linux/usb.h: No such file or directory" what package do i need for that? | 17:14 |
Scunizi | since upgrading xchat won't go into "Away" state when logged into IRC.. any ideas? | 17:14 |
cppmonkey | I mounted a RAID0 using dmraid but the NTFS partition isnt reconized/mountable could this be because the HDs are the wrong way round? | 17:14 |
eshaase | are setuid() calls usually accompanied by setgid() calls? | 17:14 |
xjohnthomasx | hi. i start amarok, and it says sound device busy, unavailable.. andid ont know how to fix it, or get audio working again. i tried shutting down and restarting firefox. no luck. i tried resetting alsa. no luck. can someone help and give suggestiosn???? | 17:15 |
cq | i have a samba share open which can be accessed from the network, privs 777, but they can't write to it, any ideas? | 17:15 |
MrObvious | cq: Check permissions on the share. | 17:16 |
daftykins | can anyone point me in the right direction on how to use user-mode linux (UML) guests on ubuntu 8.04 ? | 17:16 |
xjohnthomasx | MrObvious: can you help with my getting audio to work again? | 17:16 |
MrObvious | cq: It might not have write permissions if it's a Window's computer. | 17:16 |
cq | MrObvious: the shared folder is 777, how do I check the provs of the share? | 17:16 |
sipior | eshaase: often, yes | 17:17 |
erUSUL | xjohnthomasx: configure amarok to use esd or pulseaudio | 17:17 |
Lynet | cq: Effective rights are the least of file system rights and share rights. | 17:17 |
cq | Lynet: is there a samba share config tool? | 17:17 |
erUSUL | !swat | cq | 17:17 |
ubottu | cq: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 17:17 |
MrObvious | cq: Actually go to the server/computer you are sharing from, and right click the folder and push Properties. | 17:17 |
MrObvious | cq: Find the sharing part and go to Permissions and make sure Full Control is checked. | 17:18 |
lartza_ | alacarte won't remove entries | 17:18 |
xjohnthomasx | erUSUL: ill try that | 17:18 |
MrObvious | xjohnthomasx: Nope. I'm not an audio expert. | 17:18 |
cq | I'm in dolphin... where is full control? do I need to use nautilus? | 17:18 |
xjohnthomasx | erUSUL: no, that didnt hav ean effect | 17:19 |
MrObvious | cq: Is the server a Windows or Linux server? | 17:19 |
erUSUL | xjohnthomasx: :( | 17:19 |
cq | the server is an 8.04 kubuntu | 17:19 |
MrObvious | cq: Oh nevermind then. | 17:19 |
xjohnthomasx | does anyone have ideas about how to get audio working again -- i load amarok, and its ays audio busy, device unavailable.. help???? | 17:19 |
MrObvious | cq: Then on the KUbuntu server just do a sudo chmod command to give it write. | 17:20 |
cq | MrObvious: like I said, the dir is 777 already! | 17:20 |
MrObvious | Where does Gnome store it's GTK theme information? | 17:20 |
MrObvious | On Mandriva there was a .gtkrc type file in the $Home directory. | 17:21 |
ajopaul | hi, upgraded to hardy, my webcam stopped working, i get this error /dev/video0 no such file, | 17:21 |
ajopaul | any hints to debug whats missing? | 17:21 |
AaronH | MrObvious, did you check the /etc/ or do a "sudo find / -name *gtkrc*"? | 17:22 |
MrObvious | AaronH: Yeah. | 17:22 |
ralu | hellp | 17:22 |
MrObvious | AaronH: I'll try making a new one. | 17:22 |
sipior | ajopaul: can you verify that the driver module has been loaded with lsmod? | 17:22 |
ralu | hello | 17:22 |
MrObvious | !ask | ralu | 17:22 |
ubottu | ralu: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 17:22 |
AaronH | MrObvious, find did find it? | 17:23 |
MrObvious | AaronH: Not what I was looking for really. | 17:23 |
ajopaul | sipior, yes uvcvideo v4l2_common among others | 17:23 |
Amphoteric | I just installed VMWARE off of a deb file. How do I run it? | 17:25 |
sipior | ajopaul: you've verified that all the drivers that were used in the previous installation are now loaded? | 17:25 |
danbhfive | Amphoteric: apps > system tools | 17:25 |
Amphoteric | its not there | 17:25 |
AaronH | MrObvious, did you look at /home/user/.gtkrc-1.2-gnome2 ? | 17:25 |
danbhfive | Amphoteric: hmmm, maybe vmware is different from virtualbox, which is what I use. Sorry | 17:26 |
ajopaul | sipior, am not sure, its a dell 1520 inspiron and it had worked out of the box just had to install cheese to use it further.. hence dont know wat modules were required | 17:26 |
MrObvious | AaronH: No such file. :\ | 17:26 |
CShadowRun | ubuntu doesn't support >2 displays? | 17:26 |
MrObvious | AaronH: I need to make a new one apparently. Thanks though. | 17:26 |
CShadowRun | I'm trying to enable my third and fourth displays in the nvidia settings, and twinview is blanked out. | 17:26 |
Amphoteric | well, I have to have a link to run it? where is the file that gets run? | 17:26 |
AaronH | np :) | 17:27 |
Lardarse | how do i mount a usb key drive from the command line? | 17:27 |
Amphoteric | I come from windows, so I am trying to figurer this out | 17:27 |
Dr_willis | CShadowRun, i use 2+ MOoniotors all the time on my nvidia system | 17:27 |
SuN13 | hello t here....can anyone suggest a good desktop activity recording program other than istanbul ?recording has lag | 17:27 |
=== b0ha is now known as b00ha | ||
sipior | ajopaul: are there any video devices in /dev? | 17:27 |
Bodsda | This is gonna sound proper stupid. How do you open a file in vim? | 17:27 |
r | Dear sir, | 17:27 |
r | It is a humble request that if you could ship CD's free of charge to us of all the versions of Ubuntu and kubuntu | 17:27 |
r | right form the version 6.06.1 LTS to the version 8.04 and also if you could send us any other future versions of | 17:27 |
r | Ubuntu we would be delighted. I know that you do not ship older versions but it is request and them coming free | 17:27 |
r | is an important part of the project. | 17:27 |
FloodBot2 | r: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:27 |
daftykins | you obviously need to enable twinview on the second adaptor but not the first which you probably already have enabled for twinview | 17:27 |
CShadowRun | Dr_willis weird, i have 2 8800GT's and i can't enable my third and fourth displays on GPU 1 | 17:27 |
r | What do we do?? | 17:27 |
sipior | Bodsda: vim <file> | 17:27 |
ajopaul | sipior, no | 17:27 |
Lardarse | Bodsda: vim foo | 17:27 |
Lardarse | that's assuming that vim isn't running | 17:28 |
eido | Lardarse: umount sdb1 or sda1 depends what the usb shows as | 17:28 |
Pici | r: contact | 17:28 |
Bodsda | sipior, Lardarse, is there any way to do this after vim is already open? | 17:28 |
Bodsda | /loaded | 17:28 |
Dr_willis | CShadowRun, i havent ever used 4 displays. :) i normally use the 2 nvidia config toolks to enable them. i DO think you can use SLI - OR 2+ displays with nvidia cards.. Ive never used sli however | 17:28 |
mdgeorge | hello | 17:28 |
ajopaul | sipior, uvcvideo: Failed to query (135) UVC control 1 (unit 0) : -32 (exp. 26). from my dmesg | 17:28 |
Lardarse | Bodsda: i don't know, i don't use vim... | 17:28 |
sipior | Bodsda: that still works. or try ":args <file>" in vim proper | 17:28 |
mdgeorge | I've been getting seg faults in vim (and gvim) since I upgraded to hardy | 17:28 |
AaronH | Amphoteric, go to a terminal and type "vm" then press the [TAB] key a couple times and see if you have vmware | 17:28 |
Dr_willis | Bodsda, check out the 'vimtutor' program. :r reads a file I recall. | 17:28 |
Lardarse | eido: umount? and how do i know what it shows as? | 17:28 |
CShadowRun | Dr_willis hehe i don't have SLi enabled because i'm running dual screen now, i just can't get quad :( | 17:29 |
daftykins | you need a second X server i think CShadowRun | 17:29 |
Bodsda | Lardarse, ok,well thanks for your help and sipior ty | 17:29 |
eido | sorry umount unmounts | 17:29 |
Bodsda | Dr_willis, is this pre-installed or do i have to install it? | 17:29 |
CShadowRun | daftykins that sucks :( | 17:29 |
r | what dr_wills?? | 17:29 |
eido | mount | 17:29 |
Dr_willis | CShadowRun, my desk aint that big. :) | 17:29 |
daftykins | well i'd expect so | 17:29 |
Dr_willis | Bodsda, no idea. if its not installed. install it. :) | 17:29 |
Pici | r: contact | 17:29 |
CShadowRun | hehe | 17:29 |
daftykins | unless you can tell nvidia-settings to refer to the second card | 17:29 |
lartza_ | DO nautilus scrpits work in thunar? | 17:29 |
sipior | r: heh, try a longer nick :) | 17:29 |
CShadowRun | I have 6 displays and 7 computers on my desk atm :D | 17:29 |
Bodsda | Dr_willis, will do ty vmuch ;~) | 17:29 |
r | ok sorry | 17:29 |
daftykins | because i'd imagine it's not giving you any settings because it only sees the first card? | 17:29 |
mdgeorge | is there a way to check if a package is installed properly? I'm assuming that vim isn't broken and it's something wrong with my setup | 17:30 |
CShadowRun | It sees the second card and the displays. | 17:30 |
Dr_willis | CShadowRun, thats not a desk.. its an aircraft carrier | 17:30 |
CShadowRun | i'm uploading a screenshot now | 17:30 |
cq | MrObvious: the trick was to set writable in /etc/samba/smb.conf under my specific share | 17:30 |
CShadowRun | Dr_willis haha :D | 17:30 |
CShadowRun | Dr_willisi had to mod it a bit :P | 17:30 |
SuN13 | csshadow conserve energy | 17:30 |
CShadowRun | <-- screenshot of my nvidia-settings | 17:30 |
sipior | maximise entropy! | 17:30 |
pinnerup | I was running a programme under Wine, then switched around to other desktops (using the Cube feature) and now my Wine program window is gone. That is, the program is obviously still running, but the Window is gone ... | 17:31 |
pinnerup | Any idea how I get the Window back? | 17:31 |
yacc | I just wondered, any way to get rid of that really annoying "reboot" after upgrades thing? | 17:31 |
SuN13 | yacc: reboot! | 17:32 |
eido | Lardarse: fdisk -l lists partitions and drives | 17:32 |
yacc | SuN13: *lol* rebooting costs time. | 17:32 |
AaronH | pinnerup, make sure you are back to the desktop you started the program on and check your taskbar | 17:32 |
AaronH | if its not there then you are going to have to kill the program and relaunch it | 17:32 |
erUSUL | yacc: only kernel hal and a few others need reboot when upgraded | 17:32 |
Lardarse | eido: i think i found it another way, by diffing "ls /dev" before and after plugging it in | 17:33 |
r | i pasted it now what | 17:33 |
eido | Lardarse: then just look for the disk that matches the size of your usb | 17:33 |
yacc | erUSUL: well, kernel I can understand, but why userlevel stuff? | 17:33 |
Amphoteric | how do I install virtualbox? | 17:33 |
daftykins | <CShadowRun> <-- screenshot of my nvidia-settings | 17:33 |
CShadowRun | | 17:33 |
CShadowRun | i know, i failed ;p | 17:33 |
daftykins | might want to give us a more specific URL | 17:33 |
daftykins | :> | 17:33 |
pinnerup | AaronH: Ok. | 17:33 |
CShadowRun | daftykins haha yea, failed :D | 17:33 |
r | if any one wants i send a html file of my problem/request | 17:33 |
erUSUL | yacc: well hald is highly tied to hardware just as the kernel ... | 17:33 |
xjohnthomasx | can anyone help with my audio problem? i can't get audio to work.. its ays sound device busy, unavailable.. why is that? i tried reset alsa.. nothing worked.. tried shutting down firefox and restarting.. didnt work... anyone???? | 17:34 |
jramsey | i have 2 nic ports on an asus mobo yet ifconfig only shows eth0 (nForce2 Enet Controller); the 2nd (LinkSys NC100) doesn't show; and Device Manager shows eth0 interface_up=true and eth1 interface_up=false; only eth0 has a live conn to my router but shouldn't eth1 at least show up with ifconfig? | 17:34 |
daftykins | Amphoteric "sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose" | 17:34 |
yacc | Yeah, but the hardware did not change, right? | 17:34 |
=== burilla is now known as asfas | ||
ghaleb | Hello, how can I create a modified ubuntu distribution, I mean. removing and adding unnecessary packages and finally produce an image ? | 17:34 |
Amphoteric | dafty: from there I can install windows and get it running? | 17:34 |
danbhfive | yacc: I think the upgrader asks for reboots on changes to the xserver also | 17:34 |
daftykins | "separate X server"allowed CShadowRun ? | 17:34 |
yacc | And I think /etc/init.d/hald restart does exist? | 17:34 |
daftykins | eventually Amphoteric, yeah | 17:34 |
CShadowRun | daftykins yup, but i want twinview :( | 17:34 |
wparry | does ubuntu gpg gen-key generated keys vulnerable for that openssl bug? | 17:34 |
daftykins | twinview by its' very definition is having two displays on a single card outputting different desktops | 17:34 |
eido | Lardarse: you will need to use sudo fdisk -l ...sorry | 17:34 |
daftykins | that doesn't work for a second :D | 17:35 |
mcrawfor | bazhang: for you... | 17:35 |
mcrawfor | and anyone else listening: | 17:35 |
MACscr | ok, im completely new to ubuntu. Why does clicking on install at the beginning of the Ubuntu install process not just install ubuntu and then boot me into the gui? Instead it just leaves me a hanging at some busybox prompt | 17:35 |
daftykins | try enabling separate X screen on screen 3 | 17:35 |
erUSUL | wparry: gpg is no affected as it has nothing to do with openssl | 17:35 |
mcrawfor | i had ot do a full upgrade to get my system up to date | 17:35 |
CShadowRun | daftykins so how would i get quad screens? :p | 17:35 |
daftykins | then set twinview for the 4th | 17:35 |
ghaleb | Hello, how can I create a modified ubuntu distribution, I mean. removing and adding unnecessary packages and finally produce an image ? | 17:35 |
mcrawfor | and then run do-release-upgrade -p | 17:35 |
CShadowRun | daftykins ok | 17:35 |
r | does anyone want that file?? | 17:35 |
mcrawfor | not sure why the -p | 17:35 |
tharvey | how do I keep networkmanager from mucking with a specific interface? | 17:35 |
Captain_Hydro_Ll | hey guys was the use full disc option in the custom install? | 17:35 |
babolat | my /tmp folder, i just noticed now, is 25G already. is there a built-in function that "safely" deletes the files in there? like something that i really won't probably be using? 'coz i'm not very confident about deleting them files myself | 17:35 |
Pici | !uck | ghaleb | 17:35 |
ubottu | ghaleb: UCK is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See | 17:35 |
brett_h | if I connect to an ubuntu server's serial port and hit return, should I receive a login prompt --- or do you have to 'enable' serial or something? | 17:35 |
sipior | ajopaul: strange. does a search of the ubuntu forums turn up similar problems? it's odd (though certainly not impossible) for a device to become unsupported in a later release. btw, this is gutsy you have installed now, right? | 17:35 |
Amphoteric | I installed KDE and dont like it, how do I uninstall everything that got put onto my system and then revert the splash screen changes? | 17:35 |
ghaleb | Pici, ubottu ...GREAT!!!!!!!!1 | 17:36 |
Pici | !puregnome | Amphoteric | 17:36 |
ubottu | Amphoteric: If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here << >> | 17:36 |
Dr_willis | sipior, you have to enable that some how. :) under most disrtos. :) and no i dont rember how.. been ages since i used a serial terminal.. the good old days. | 17:36 |
wparry | thanks erUSUL | 17:36 |
Captain_Hydro_Ll | if so it doesn't really matter right now it seems to have installed next to windows XP and not replace it is there a way I can rectify this? | 17:36 |
zash | huawei e220 worked perfectly in 8.04 live-env, but after upgrading from 7.04 it wont work, even wvdial wont work, just says that the device doesnt exist. what to do? | 17:36 |
erUSUL | wparry: no problem | 17:36 |
sipior | sipior: don't recall asking about serial terminals. possibly a miss-tell? | 17:37 |
cq | ok, next question, I have a printer shared from an XP machine, but don't see it from ubuntu... it's a standard SMB printer, and I've tried anonymous, guest, and a username/pass ... | 17:37 |
sipior | Dr_willis: don't recall asking about serial terminal, possibly a miss-tell? | 17:37 |
yacc | Btw, is there a way in LVM to reduce the size of a PV? | 17:37 |
Dr_willis | sipior, proberly, :) i see nicks scroll by too fast. | 17:37 |
jramsey | i have 2 nic ports on an asus mobo yet ifconfig only shows eth0 (nForce2 Enet Controller); the 2nd (LinkSys NC100) doesn't show; and Device Manager shows eth0 interface_up=true and eth1 interface_up=false; only eth0 has a live conn to my router but shouldn't eth1 at least show up with ifconfig? | 17:37 |
Lardarse | eido: got it. thanks | 17:37 |
ghaleb | Pici, ubottu .. is that includes the installation, any package I add will be added to the installed system ? | 17:38 |
sipior | Dr_willis: yeah, my eyes don't track so well after five pm either :-) | 17:38 |
AaronH | jramsey, you need to do "sudo ifconfig eth1 up" | 17:38 |
yacc | jramsey: try ifconfig -a | 17:38 |
Dr_willis | sipior, its Noon here.. time for me to go to bed.. 3rd shift sucks | 17:39 |
Captain_Hydro_Ll | I really need help | 17:39 |
jramsey | AaronH, will eth1 come up auto on a reboot? | 17:39 |
zash | huawei e220 worked perfectly in 8.04 live-env, but after upgrading from 7.04 it wont work, even wvdial wont work, just says that the device doesnt exist. also cu cant access the device. what to do? could it help to purge conf for things? | 17:39 |
AaronH | no | 17:39 |
bazhang | Captain_Hydro_Ll, you want to get completely rid of xp? is that it? | 17:39 |
Captain_Hydro_Ll | yes | 17:39 |
AaronH | jramsey, no | 17:39 |
r | i need help i pasted on the paste bin nothing seems to happen again | 17:39 |
jramsey | AaronH, why does eth0 come up on boot and how can i get eth1 to do so as well? | 17:40 |
daftykins | jramsey | 17:40 |
bazhang | Captain_Hydro_Ll, this is a fresh install of ubuntu? | 17:40 |
AaronH | you need to add it to your network config | 17:40 |
daftykins | use a terminal | 17:40 |
r | if could just send a html file to anyone willing not avirus!! | 17:40 |
daftykins | and type "sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces" | 17:40 |
daftykins | you need to add lines to duplicate what is set for eth0 | 17:40 |
Captain_Hydro_Ll | yes I just installed it and I now have both ubuntu and XP running on my computer | 17:40 |
daftykins | "auto eth1" | 17:40 |
AaronH | what he( daftykins ) said | 17:40 |
daftykins | "iface eth1 inet dhcp" | 17:40 |
ghaleb | Pici, ubottu .. is that includes the installation, any package I add will be added to the installed system ? | 17:40 |
danbhfive | r: you have to post the link to the paste | 17:40 |
daftykins | i'm surprised the network icon in gnome doesn't give you the options though. | 17:41 |
bazhang | Captain_Hydro_Ll, you can delete the xp partition if you wish or just reinstall and use entire disk your choice | 17:41 |
daftykins | for eth1 | 17:41 |
r | can i sned you the file?? | 17:41 |
amalgamated | question: should canonical file an anti-dumping complaint against microsoft for selling windows XP for $3 with the OLPC? | 17:41 |
bazhang | ghaleb, one of them is a bot :) | 17:41 |
Captain_Hydro_Ll | ok but how do I get the entire disc option | 17:41 |
PMantis | Hello! Can Wubi be installed from any of the CDs? | 17:41 |
jramsey | daftykins, "auto eth1" then "iface eth1 inet dhcp"? | 17:41 |
bazhang | Captain_Hydro_Ll, in the livecd installer? choose use entire disk instead of guided option | 17:42 |
jramsey | daftykins, just to let you know i want to run the bridge-util on eth1 | 17:42 |
daftykins | jramsey either pastebin the current config so i can confirm | 17:42 |
danbhfive | PMantis: I think just the live cd | 17:42 |
Captain_Hydro_Ll | ok sorry to be a retard XD | 17:42 |
jramsey | daftykins, ok just a sec | 17:42 |
amalgamated | daftykins: iirc if you have "iface eth1 inet dhcp" in your network/interfaces, then networkmanager will not configure eth1 for you. | 17:42 |
naxa | can i list my partitions easy like "lsusb" for usb devices | 17:42 |
bazhang | Captain_Hydro_Ll, happens to the best of us :) | 17:42 |
Captain_Hydro_Ll | ^^ | 17:42 |
Lynet | amalgamated: I suppose the most effective option would be to send a complaint to EU. Anyway, this is probably better suited for #ubunu-offtopic. | 17:42 |
PMantis | danbhfive: I'll have to look, 'cause getting an exe and waiting for it to d/l 500MB is rediculous | 17:42 |
ghaleb | bazhang, hmm .. I didn't get it! :) | 17:42 |
daftykins | ok amalgamated, i'll consider that | 17:42 |
ghaleb | what do u mean ? | 17:43 |
bazhang | ghaleb, ubottu is a bot :) | 17:43 |
jUaL_8800_sirocc | dalnet | 17:43 |
bazhang | a robot ghaleb :) | 17:43 |
danbhfive | naxa: sudo fdisk -l | 17:43 |
amalgamated | naxa: fdisk -l /dev/whateverharddiskdevice | 17:43 |
jUaL_8800_sirocc | can anybody gelp me how to go to dalnet | 17:43 |
zash | huawei e220 worked perfectly in 8.04 live-env, but after upgrading from 7.04 it wont work, even wvdial wont work, just says that the device doesnt exist. also cu cant access the device. what to do? could it help to purge conf for things? | 17:43 |
jUaL_8800_sirocc | ? | 17:43 |
legend2440 | naxa: sudo fdisk -l ? | 17:43 |
ghaleb | bazhang, heheheh :D :D | 17:43 |
ghaleb | haha | 17:43 |
jUaL_8800_sirocc | can anybody help me how to go to dalnet?? | 17:43 |
jramsey | daftykins, | 17:43 |
daftykins | zash install it properly instead of upgrading then | 17:43 |
bazhang | jUaL_8800_sirocc, choose from the server list | 17:43 |
daftykins | upgrades are always hated by anyone worth their salt in IT | 17:44 |
PMantis | danbhfive: Ahh, found it... thanks! | 17:44 |
danbhfive | PMantis: well, wubi is about installing ubuntu, a whole desktop environment; OS, office software, drivers, etc | 17:44 |
FloodBot2 | !netsplit | 17:44 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See | 17:44 |
jUaL_8800_sirocc | server list at preference?? | 17:44 |
sbeh | hi, am using ubuntu8 server x64, using this for an windows server 2003 x64 install it just hangs at 100% cpu when the installer reboots the first time, what am i doing wrong? | 17:44 |
bazhang | jUaL_8800_sirocc, aye | 17:44 |
jUaL_8800_sirocc | and then? | 17:44 |
r | wow nice show | 17:45 |
jUaL_8800_sirocc | i cant doubleclick it | 17:45 |
PMantis | danbhfive: Of course, I just didn't see it on any CD at first... only found it on - I wasn't going to do that after I d/l all the ISOs already. | 17:45 |
daftykins | jramsey still there? | 17:45 |
daftykins | jramsey still there? | 17:45 |
matteo1990 | hi all, i have a dependencies error from the moment that i completed removed Wine, when i try to reinstall it i got an error message that says i need dpkg (that i have) and lbldap (that i have) any tips? Thx a lot | 17:45 |
jramsey | yeah | 17:45 |
r | wow its amazing | 17:45 |
danbhfive | PMantis: makes sense | 17:45 |
jramsey | daftykins, here | 17:45 |
daftykins | looks like you can just add "auto eth1" below "auto eth0" | 17:45 |
mgolisch | why cant i compile my nvidia driver? | 17:45 |
fugitivo | | 17:45 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 228363 in ubuntu "Hauppauge PVR-150 with no audio after upgrading to Hardy" [Undecided,New] | 17:45 |
daftykins | and then did you say eth1 is your primary connecting to your router instead of eth0? | 17:45 |
mgolisch | it tells me to do make oldconfig and make prepare on my kernel sources | 17:45 |
ghaleb | I was looking around .. and I saw this pic : .. how do they add these things ?! | 17:45 |
mgolisch | but make prepare allways fails | 17:45 |
jramsey | daftykins, ok i'll give it a try; if it doesn't work at least i know where to look; txs very much for ur help | 17:45 |
daftykins | np | 17:46 |
daftykins | jramsey duplicate the line below too | 17:46 |
mgolisch | the makefile seems to be invalid | 17:46 |
mgolisch | or something | 17:46 |
daftykins | "iface eth0 inet dhcp" | 17:46 |
daftykins | copy that for eth1 | 17:46 |
jramsey | daftykins, no eth0 is primary; eth1 will be a bridge port | 17:46 |
daftykins | on command line you can type "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" | 17:46 |
daftykins | so you don't have to reboot each time | 17:46 |
daftykins | then just experiment :) | 17:46 |
SeaPho2 | Well a little good news, after 6 months of fighting with 4 different wireless devices, configuring, re-configuring, ndiswrapper and | 17:46 |
SeaPho2 | fresh installing the OS's more times than i can remember, I am finally 100% wireless and it took 0 configuring of | 17:46 |
SeaPho2 | anything. Its Airlink AWLH4130 108 PCI Wireless-G 108Mbps and worked right out of the box. | 17:46 |
Captain_Hydro_Ll | XD back I seem to be having a stupid day I got no sleep | 17:46 |
SeaPho2 | oops | 17:46 |
unicum | bazhang it's still hanging at the 47 percent starting the partitioner | 17:46 |
wil | hey, i have a external drive that has all my music that i need for mythtv, what happens tho is when i boot up it shows up on the desktop, but myth tv will not reconize it until i click it on the desktop to open it, is this a problem where it wont mount on startup? i dont want to have to click the drive every time i startup my computer, i want to be able to boot right into mythtv and have my music ready\ | 17:46 |
bazhang | ghaleb, get avant-window-navigator for the dock at the bottom; make your terminal transparent for the middle item, the others I am not sure | 17:46 |
Captain_Hydro_Ll | It's uhh the install doesn't seem to have those options | 17:46 |
unicum | is that standard with crypt? | 17:47 |
r | will anyone just listen to me?? | 17:47 |
r | soory i came here | 17:47 |
ghaleb | bazhang, waw! | 17:47 |
ghaleb | thank you! | 17:47 |
wil | hey, i have a external drive that has all my music that i need for mythtv, what happens tho is when i boot up it shows up on the desktop, but myth tv will not reconize it until i click it on the desktop to open it, is this a problem where it wont mount on startup? i dont want to have to click the drive every time i startup my computer, i want to be able to boot right into mythtv and have my music ready\ | 17:48 |
=== lmr[lunch] is now known as lmr | ||
jUaL_8800_sirocc | anybody, please help me,, i'm using xchat, how can i go to DALNET?? | 17:48 |
yacc | wil: devices don't get automounted, you need click on it. | 17:48 |
mgolisch | jUaL_8800_sirocc: in the server browser search for dalnet and click connect or so | 17:48 |
bazhang | Captain_Hydro_Ll, this is hardy installer? live cd? | 17:48 |
danbhfive | r: are you still trying to figure out pastebin? | 17:49 |
wil | yacc: is there a way to set it to get mounted on startup so i dont have to click on it? | 17:49 |
Captain_Hydro_Ll | i downloaded it from the ubuntu site | 17:49 |
linduxed | i've got a directory called /home/Shared that i created as root. i want all regular users to be able to use it freely, how do i do it/ which command | 17:49 |
jUaL_8800_sirocc | i cant find server browser.... | 17:49 |
Captain_Hydro_Ll | but yes hardy | 17:49 |
jUaL_8800_sirocc | where is it? | 17:49 |
yacc | wil: good question. Yes, but I don't know the correct Ubuntu way ;) | 17:49 |
ghaleb | bazhang, and the left things ? | 17:49 |
linduxed | freely = read&write | 17:49 |
Caram | HELLO | 17:49 |
wil | yacc: lol okay thanks | 17:50 |
yacc | yacc: the oldhand way would be to edit /etc/fstab I guess. | 17:50 |
daftykins | wil it's just the way external devices work; you can quite easily add an entry to /etc/fstab | 17:50 |
Captain_Hydro_Ll | the installer is called wubi though | 17:50 |
bazhang | Captain_Hydro_Ll, ah that is the problem then | 17:50 |
Caram | O:-) | 17:50 |
Captain_Hydro_Ll | ? | 17:50 |
wil | daftykins: would you be able to help me in doing that? | 17:50 |
AaronH | wil, it should be mounting automatically to /media/yourexternaldirve | 17:50 |
yacc | wil: daftykins: seems like the old way is the new way too :) | 17:50 |
yacc | wil: sudo gedit /etc/fstab => take a look. | 17:50 |
daftykins | wil if you can start by reproducing the situation before you click the icon | 17:50 |
matteo1990 | hi all, i have a dependencies error from the moment that i completed removed Wine, when i try to reinstall it i got an error message that says i need dpkg (that i have) and lbldap (that i have) any tips? Thx a lot | 17:50 |
bazhang | Captain_Hydro_Ll, you should boot from the livecd (set in bios) and install from there -->not inside windows | 17:50 |
daftykins | run "df -h" and see if it's mounted anywhere | 17:50 |
AaronH | point mythtv to the mount in /media/ ,wil | 17:51 |
yacc | wil: next step would be figuring out the id of the device. | 17:51 |
babolat | my /tmp folder just got to 25G is there a built-in tool in Ubuntu I could use to clean it up? or do i just manually delete them?-->is this safe? | 17:51 |
Captain_Hydro_Ll | so go into ubuntu and boot from the live cd | 17:51 |
daftykins | "lsusb" if it's a USB external | 17:51 |
bazhang | how to get rid of big tmp file? | 17:51 |
xjohnthomasx | Captain_Hydro_Ll: can you help with my audio problem? I keep getting this error that sound device busy, unavailable, and I can't play anything off of Amarok. I tried restarting firefox, but still no luck. I tried resetting alsa. Still no luck. Help? Ideas? | 17:51 |
bazhang | Captain_Hydro_Ll, aye | 17:51 |
daftykins | er, ignore that - that'll just show what's there | 17:51 |
danbhfive | babolat: a reboot should clear it out | 17:51 |
hccmb | is there an new list for compatibal hardware for ubuntu 8.04 somewhere? | 17:51 |
babolat | danbhfive: no it does not | 17:51 |
AaronH | I have an external and if I boot with it connected to my usb it automatically mounts when gnome starts | 17:51 |
Captain_Hydro_Ll | sorry xjohn I';m new | 17:51 |
bazhang | Captain_Hydro_Ll, reboot out of windows and startup with ubuntu cd | 17:52 |
Captain_Hydro_Ll | also thanks for all the help bazhang | 17:52 |
Captain_Hydro_Ll | kk thanks | 17:52 |
linduxed | bump | 17:52 |
bazhang | Captain_Hydro_Ll, dont say thanks yet :) | 17:52 |
xjohnthomasx | bazhang: Captain_Hydro_Ll: can you help with my audio problem? I keep getting this error that sound device busy, unavailable, and I can't play anything off of Amarok. I tried restarting firefox, but still no luck. I tried resetting alsa. Still no luck. Help? Ideas? | 17:52 |
yacc | babolat: a reboot does clean it out. It might be that you get the 25GB into it quickly afterwards, but it does clean it out :) | 17:52 |
xjohnthomasx | can anyone? | 17:52 |
linduxed | xjohnthomasx: are you playing mp3s? | 17:53 |
bazhang | xjohnthomasx, you tried selecting autodetect? | 17:53 |
xjohnthomasx | linduxed: yeah.. ? | 17:53 |
hccmb | xjohnthomasx : wich version of ubuntu? | 17:53 |
xjohnthomasx | 7.04 gutsy | 17:53 |
xjohnthomasx | i tried alsa, pulse, and oss, and auto | 17:53 |
linduxed | xjohnthomasx: anything in the error about dbus? | 17:53 |
AaronH | xjohnthomasx, you just have to do "lsof | grep pcm" then kill the processes that are holding up your sound card. | 17:53 |
bogey- | bazhang: have you tried XEN in Ubuntu? | 17:53 |
xjohnthomasx | it was working fine an hour ago | 17:53 |
wil | yacc: how would i find the id? is that the <file system> under fstab | 17:53 |
xjohnthomasx | AaronH: i will try | 17:53 |
danbhfive | babolat: well, that sucks. Because, no, its not that safe, so I hear. I mean, I don't think its safe for CURRENTLY running programs (it could cause them to crash) So, if you delete it, and reboot, you should be fine | 17:53 |
hccmb | xjohnthomasx : did you enable system sounds? | 17:53 |
daftykins | file system is "fat,ntfs,smbfs" etc | 17:53 |
bazhang | bogey-, not yet; having issues? | 17:53 |
yacc | Well, you will need the id to identify the device in fstab. you need to add a line to it. | 17:54 |
yacc | Moment. | 17:54 |
bazhang | ghaleb, the rest is screenlets (goes with compiz) | 17:54 |
babolat | yacc: really.. hmm.. i doubt it. i code with php and that's about it.. save for this irc room of course | 17:54 |
xjohnthomasx | AaronH: should this command take a while? | 17:54 |
AaronH | xjohnthomasx, yes | 17:54 |
dury | hi there channel :) | 17:54 |
ghaleb | bazhang, thank you very much :) | 17:54 |
zeronine | When i attempt to install ubuntu to my harddrive it gets to a point where it opens a window labled "install" and halts. my mouse and keybord have now power and all i can do is shutdown and try again. can anyone help me. im using ubunutu 8.04 | 17:54 |
bazhang | ghaleb, :) | 17:54 |
AaronH | xjohnthomasx, you know how you use the "kill" command? | 17:54 |
hccmb | xjohnthomasx : system / perferences / sound | 17:54 |
hccmb | take a look there | 17:54 |
yacc | wil: when you open "Computer", and go to the properties of the device, it should show you the uuid in volume tab. | 17:54 |
babolat | danbhfive: so you're saying that if i don't have mission critical apps running at the moment, then delete those files and reboot right after, its *safe* ? | 17:55 |
=== shingen is now known as ___Alex___ | ||
AaronH | hccmb, his sound works, its just some processes holding up his sound card | 17:55 |
dury | there are packages to upgrade how do I do it by terminal | 17:55 |
fugitivo | | 17:55 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 228363 in ubuntu "Hauppauge PVR-150 with no audio after upgrading to Hardy" [Undecided,New] | 17:55 |
xjohnthomasx | AaronH: you are certainly right, but i dont know if this worked yet.. how do i test? | 17:55 |
hccmb | i know, might be due to system sound esd enabled | 17:55 |
bazhang | sudo apt-get upgrade dury | 17:55 |
AaronH | is there nothing using your sound card now? xjohnthomasx | 17:55 |
=== AdmGre_ is now known as AdmGre | ||
danbhfive | babolat: yes. My understanding is that all apps MUST be prepared for a cleared /tmp after a reboot, so it shouldn't hurt anything | 17:56 |
xjohnthomasx | AaronH: how do i know? ill give you the pastebin of that command now.. | 17:56 |
dury | bazhang: thanks | 17:56 |
daftykins | "sudo apt-get update" then "...upgrade" | 17:56 |
___Alex___ | does anyone know pidgin 2.4.1 which is included in hardy has a huge memory leak??? | 17:56 |
bogey- | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade | 17:56 |
AaronH | xjohnthomasx, when you dont get any out put from "lsof | grep pcm" is when your sound card is free | 17:56 |
babolat | ok, nice to know danbhfive | 17:56 |
daftykins | sometimes it's sensible to see the output of one before another, for new users | 17:57 |
bazhang | alex ask in #pidgin | 17:57 |
wil | yacc: i cant seem to find it, unfortunatly im using mythbuntu so its using the Thunar File Manager and Xfce so i think things are a bit different | 17:57 |
sbeh | which are the keys the go back in bash-history? | 17:57 |
___Alex___ | pidgin keeps just keeps leaking, went up to 1.7GB of memory consumption before I realized there was somethign wrong :P | 17:57 |
sbeh | which are the keys to match my corrent uncomplete command with bash-history? | 17:57 |
___Alex___ | bazhang: k | 17:57 |
bogey- | alexvd: version 2.4.1 was supposed to fix several memory leaks | 17:58 |
Juhaz | sbeh, ctrl-r | 17:58 |
hccmb | any one running ubuntu 8.04 and have wireless? | 17:58 |
bogey- | ___Alex___: 2.4.1 was supposed to fix memory leaks | 17:58 |
bogey- | hccmb: i do | 17:58 |
sbeh | Juhaz: this does nothing | 17:58 |
SeaPhor | hccmb: i do to | 17:58 |
nosa-j | same | 17:58 |
hccmb | bogey : what brand card? | 17:58 |
nosa-j | intel | 17:59 |
sbeh | Juhaz: only changes the prompt | 17:59 |
bogey- | hccmb: prism | 17:59 |
bazhang | hccmb, sure | 17:59 |
alexvd | bogey: wrong alex | 17:59 |
FloodBot1 | !netsplit | 17:59 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See | 17:59 |
legend2440 | babolat: the file that determines how often the /tmp get deleted is in /etc/default/rcS in rcS there is a line that says TMPTIME= it should be set to zero | 17:59 |
bazhang | 1337 :) | 17:59 |
Juhaz | sbeh, the prompt change means it's now in search mode, hit it again and it browse through the matches to the partial line | 17:59 |
CShadowRun | yay, amusement | 17:59 |
CShadowRun | or that dude left | 17:59 |
bogey- | 31337 | 17:59 |
dury | great success :) | 17:59 |
CShadowRun | bazhang haha yea i noticed that :p | 17:59 |
bogey- | ___Alex___: | 17:59 |
matteo1990 | Hi all, may anyone help me? I have a dependecies error with wine (after i completely removed it)... Dunno how to paste the error without beeing kicked out for flood :P | 18:00 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 200392 in pidgin "Extreme memory leak in Pidgin when attempting to play sound" [Undecided,Invalid] | 18:00 |
danbhfive | !pastebin > matteo1990 | 18:00 |
hccmb | i suppose the prism and the intel are on board and an pcmcia card? | 18:00 |
bazhang | !paste | matteo1990 | 18:00 |
ubottu | matteo1990: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 18:00 |
sbeh | Juhaz: for example i typed dd, than i want it to match this part with the history | 18:00 |
sbeh | Juhaz: on gentoo its page up | 18:00 |
___Alex___ | bogey-: that may be what it says, but what it does is completely different :) maybe they only found some of the reasons why it jumps and not all, still waiting for a response from them in #pidgin | 18:01 |
hccmb | can some one advise me a good pci wireless card for hardy? | 18:01 |
bazhang | intel hccmb | 18:01 |
sbeh | and why does libvirt kvm not boot from cdrom even if i set this in the xml? | 18:01 |
bogey- | hccmb: usb | 18:01 |
hccmb | intel usb? | 18:01 |
bazhang | intel pci | 18:01 |
hccmb | ok | 18:01 |
bogey- | hccmb: mine is actuall a MN-510 wireless usb card (microsoft card) | 18:02 |
dury | what's the command to see what kind of computer I have | 18:02 |
lubosz | hi, where is the config file which starts gnome with compiz by standart? i want metacity | 18:02 |
bogey- | !uname | 18:02 |
ubottu | Factoid uname not found | 18:02 |
bogey- | uname -a | 18:02 |
matteo1990 | ubottu, i went to pastebin and i get the text, now? :) | 18:02 |
ubottu | matteo1990: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 18:02 |
bazhang | dury the OS or the hardware or what | 18:02 |
bazhang | matteo1990, give us the url | 18:02 |
Weems | so is there a way I can mount ntfs partition if Im running Linux currently from the same drive I want to mount? | 18:02 |
bogey- | matteo1990: copy and paste the url | 18:02 |
dury | OS and harware | 18:02 |
dury | both | 18:02 |
matteo1990 | | 18:03 |
bazhang | lsb_release -a and lshw | 18:03 |
Ovispain | anyone can help? | 18:03 |
antic | dont ask to ask, just ask | 18:03 |
bogey- | !ask | 18:03 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 18:03 |
Ovispain | I just installed kubuntu-desktop but I didn't like it | 18:03 |
Ovispain | I desinstalled | 18:04 |
bazhang | !puregnome | read this Ovispain | 18:04 |
ubottu | read this Ovispain: If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here << >> | 18:04 |
Klowner | well that's your first mistake, not liking kubuntu desktop :) | 18:04 |
dury | bazhang: what about only hardware? | 18:04 |
bLk-LaBeL | hello :) | 18:04 |
bogey- | !offtopic | klowner | 18:04 |
ubottu | klowner: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 18:04 |
bazhang | lshw dury | 18:04 |
mxmasster | hello | 18:04 |
Klowner | I'm jst kiddin', sawry | 18:04 |
Ovispain | but still having some programms that I hadn't before | 18:05 |
danbhfive | matteo1990: er, why dont you just accept the solution? | 18:05 |
mxmasster | how do i set an ip address for an interface on my ubuntu computer | 18:05 |
bazhang | Ovispain, read that link | 18:05 |
wil | yacc: i did fdisk -l to find the disk identifier and its /dev/ point, how do i add it to fstab? | 18:05 |
Pici | !caps | drenz | 18:05 |
bazhang | caps drenz | 18:05 |
lubosz | hi, where is the config file which starts gnome with compiz by standart? i want metacity | 18:05 |
bLk-LaBeL | mxmasster: ? u mean your local ip_ | 18:05 |
ubottu | drenz: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 18:05 |
drenz | sory | 18:05 |
bogey- | apt-get -f | 18:05 |
Pici | drenz: Theres no 'better', use what you prefer. | 18:06 |
mxmasster | yes, the local ip | 18:06 |
mxmasster | i can ifconfig, how to i set it on boot | 18:06 |
drenz | pici what u prefer? | 18:06 |
drenz | what u have? | 18:06 |
bazhang | drenz, gnome | 18:06 |
Klowner | bazhang: perhaps he needs to autoremove? that guide seems to not mention that | 18:06 |
homerj | has there ever been a fix and explaination for the HD problem with laptops? I'd like to run Ubuntu without my HD going "clicka clicka clicka" like someone's hitting it with a mallet every minute | 18:06 |
drenz | aha | 18:06 |
Ovispain | bazhang: what link? | 18:06 |
Pici | drenz: I prefer Gnome, but plenty of people like other desktop environments. | 18:06 |
bazhang | Klowner, good call | 18:06 |
ksbalaji | I have used update manager to upgrade to HardyHeron. How do I verify whether I have upgraded or not? - I do not see any difference in my desktop! | 18:06 |
bazhang | Ovispain, scroll up :) | 18:07 |
Klowner | Ovispain: < that link | 18:07 |
hccmb | homerj : is that an lenovo? or thinkpad? | 18:07 |
wil | can anybody help me in adding a drive to fstab? | 18:07 |
homerj | Dell | 18:07 |
bazhang | lsb_release -a ksbalaji | 18:07 |
lubosz | ksbalaji: which gnome version do you have? | 18:07 |
hccmb | hmm | 18:07 |
bLk-LaBeL | homerj: , sounds like dvd | 18:07 |
Ovispain | ok | 18:07 |
homerj | no | 18:07 |
Ovispain | thanks | 18:07 |
homerj | it's the HD problem | 18:07 |
lubosz | ksbalaji: System => About Gnome | 18:07 |
hccmb | homerj : does it do the same thing in windows? | 18:07 |
lubosz | ksbalaji: System => About Ubuntu | 18:07 |
homerj | that's been "well documented" enough, that there's 10 different explainations and 15 fixes | 18:08 |
homerj | hccmb, no | 18:08 |
hccmb | homerj : or when running a livecd? | 18:08 |
bazhang | homerj, sounds serious; hardware most likely | 18:08 |
homerj | not sure on the live cd, didn't use it | 18:08 |
bballplaya344 | has anyone had any luck with using ndiswrapper for realtek wireless cards? | 18:08 |
lubosz | ksbalaji: gnome should be 2.22.1 and ubuntu hardy heron | 18:08 |
lubosz | hi, where is the config file which starts gnome with compiz by standart? i want metacity | 18:08 |
homerj | yes, it's why I don't boot into it | 18:09 |
homerj | it's already killed on HD | 18:09 |
homerj | one | 18:09 |
sschillachi | hi, i just installed ubuntu 8.04 and I am getting no sound. I set all the channels to max and unmuted with alsamixer and have run lspci to check that my sound card has been detected and it has. Anyone have any ideas? | 18:09 |
wil | Disk /dev/sdb: 320.0GB Disk identifier: 0x9e8be372 is what i get under fdisk | 18:09 |
bloope1 | hello | 18:09 |
hccmb | homerj : wich version of ubuntu? | 18:09 |
jramsey | 18:09 | |
wil | i need to put this drive in fsab | 18:09 |
homerj | 8.04 | 18:09 |
bLk-LaBeL | bballplaya344: , ubuntu does plug n play with wireless card | 18:09 |
hccmb | homerj : is it maybe indexing? | 18:09 |
Klowner | wil: yessir? | 18:09 |
hccmb | homerj : see in processes what is running | 18:10 |
bloope1 | does openssl-vulnkey in blacklist-openssl works well? | 18:10 |
homerj | it's bug 59695 | 18:10 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 59695 in dell "High frequency of load/unload cycles on some hard disks may shorten lifetime" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 18:10 |
wil | klowner: im trying to add a drive to fstab so it will mount on startup | 18:10 |
homerj | which has been triaged for ages | 18:10 |
jramsey | daftykins, all looks good ty | 18:10 |
ksbalaji | well when I chose system about gnome, see version 2.22.1 . Is it Hardy Heron version please? | 18:10 |
bballplaya344 | blk-Label: Apparently linux is not recognizing this particular card yet | 18:10 |
MrBill | Has anyone in here used SSHFS before? I'm looking to mount a directory from my linux box at home onto my Hardy box here in the office, and I've found a walkthrough that explains how to do so with SSHFS but i'm not sure if there is perhaps a (better) alternative, any suggestions? | 18:10 |
Klowner | wil: ok, so what part are you having trouble with? | 18:10 |
hccmb | homerj : reading about the bug | 18:11 |
wil | klowner: well i just need to know what to put into fstab | 18:11 |
wil | /dev/sdb /media/NONE | 18:11 |
wil | thats all i know so far | 18:11 |
bLk-LaBeL | sounds like a new card | 18:11 |
bloope1 | i think the line " if key[20:] in db_lines:" is incorrect. | 18:12 |
=== bLk-LaBeL is now known as Kemal_Sunal | ||
cheeby | hi. I don't have the 'restricted drivers manager' in my system menu. what is the command I can run to call it? | 18:12 |
Ovispain | !puregnome | read this Ovispain | 18:12 |
ubottu | read this Ovispain: If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here << >> | 18:12 |
Ovispain | oops | 18:12 |
Klowner | wil: wil do you actually want to mount it to /media/NONE or woudl something like... /mnt/externaldrive be more appropriate? | 18:12 |
hacim | my system shows libssl0.9.8 0.9.8g-4ubuntu3 installed, but says I need 0.9.8g-4ubuntu3.1 | 18:12 |
=== Kemal_Sunal is now known as Sener_Sen | ||
Naxaaa | hi. my comp does strange things, everything is slow it opens windows by itself a thousand times after i clicked only once and set the timestamp far in the future. i logged in now remotely with ssh and is there a way to check if everything is correcT? eg. check if cpu voltage is ok, then check if disk works, the if motherboard has some error, or if the (5 months old) battery has run out of order, etc... | 18:12 |
wil | Klowner: the drive is named none, and i already have samba shares set up with the name none so i would perfer to keep mounting it as NONE | 18:13 |
=== Sener_Sen is now known as DaVaRo | ||
hccmb | homerj : and you did read the workaround? | 18:13 |
Klowner | wil: ah, well ok | 18:13 |
bazhang | Naxaaa, 1000 times? that serious? | 18:13 |
homerj | hccmb, yes | 18:13 |
=== Squawk_ is now known as Squawk | ||
ksbalaji | my System =>about GNOME says version is 2.22.1 . Have I upgraded to Hardy Heron please? | 18:13 |
Naxaaa | bazhang: i guess it's 10-100 window | 18:13 |
hccmb | homerj : it did not help, i guess? | 18:13 |
wil | Klowner: but what would i place after those lines? anything? | 18:13 |
Pici | ksbalaji: yes | 18:13 |
Naxaaa | bazhang this information was based on my mothers phone call | 18:14 |
Naxaaa | :) | 18:14 |
Klowner | wil: next step would be determining what filesystem is on the drive | 18:14 |
Ovispain | bazhang: I used the link | 18:14 |
Ovispain | all ok | 18:14 |
wil | Klowner: how would i go about that, im guessing its ntfs but just to be sure | 18:14 |
Ovispain | but | 18:14 |
void^ | hacim: you're on hardy? | 18:14 |
daftykins | anyone played with user-mode linux on hardy please? | 18:14 |
Ovispain | at the end I see this Errors were encountered while processing: | 18:14 |
Ovispain | kio-umountwrapper | 18:14 |
Naxaaa | bazhang windows totally sucked but ubuntu also worked very strange. like timestamp went into the future by itself for sudo and we needed to restart. | 18:14 |
halflife | i am getting this error postfix/postdrop[16689]: warning: mail_queue_enter: create file maildrop . can someone point me to where the problem is ? and the process /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i seems to be owned by www-data. i am kind of lost would appreciate some hlep | 18:14 |
hacim | void^: 8.04 | 18:14 |
bazhang | Naxaaa, sync with a timeserver | 18:15 |
oooo- | hey, i installed hardy and have tried to use xp via sun's vbox software. for some reason, xp does not give me the opportunity to use my screen's native resolution (1440X900). I was hoping someone could help me with this. | 18:15 |
Ovispain | bazhang: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 18:15 |
MrBill | how do i launch something like gedit with sudo privs so that i can open/edit files that my regular user does not have permissions to? | 18:15 |
Klowner | wil: ah, if it's NTFS I would recommend installing ntfs-config | 18:15 |
void^ | hacim: did you run apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade? | 18:15 |
Klowner | wil: it helps set up ntfs drives | 18:15 |
bazhang | Ovispain, what were you doing when that happened | 18:15 |
daftykins | that's because virtualbox is running a virtualised guest OS | 18:15 |
daftykins | it has no clue what your real screen size is | 18:16 |
Naxaaa | bazhang: 1) how to do that 2) i have an ssh terminal only | 18:16 |
Ovispain | absolutely nothing | 18:16 |
daftykins | what are you trying to achieve oooo- ? | 18:16 |
Chillyboarder | I am a multimedia guy, I love my music, have thousands of songs, hundreds of movies, what better will ubuntustudio offer me? | 18:16 |
Bodsda | oooo-, because vbox still works with opengl and the xorg stuff it is only possible to have resolutions in vbox if you can have them in native ubuntu iirc | 18:16 |
wil | Klowner: ok installed, where do i go from there | 18:16 |
Pici | Chillyboarder: Ubuntustudio is more for producing music and graphics, not playing them. | 18:16 |
bazhang | Chillyboarder, for watching or editing or what | 18:16 |
alexbobp | I want to use an up-to-date operating system without having beta software thrust upon me. How do I switch back to firefox 2 after upgrading? | 18:16 |
bisounoursdu10 | des français , | 18:16 |
bisounoursdu10 | ? | 18:16 |
Klowner | wil: run it, pop open a terminal and type ntfs-config | 18:16 |
bazhang | !fr | 18:16 |
ubottu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 18:16 |
Ovispain | bazhang: absolutely nothing | 18:16 |
Bodsda | !french | 18:17 |
Chillyboarder | pici bazhang oic | 18:17 |
hacim | void^: yes, I did | 18:17 |
Bodsda | !france | 18:17 |
Bodsda | is ubottu ill ?? | 18:17 |
void^ | hacim: did you disable the security repo? | 18:17 |
ksbalaji | Pici: thanks. Now, after upgrading my update manager does not do anymore updates nor does it ask me to give password as before. . It just freezes when I click Check! -Anything wrong? | 18:17 |
Pici | Bodsda: bazhang already did it | 18:17 |
oooo- | oooo- sorry, i'm completely new to linux. i just need to get it to run at 1440X900 for working on large spreadsheets. | 18:17 |
Chillyboarder | Is there an option in buntu hardy to make the bar along with bottom instead of the top? | 18:17 |
wil | Klowner: ok check the boxes enable write support for external device? | 18:17 |
Ovispain | bazhang: I didn't touch anything | 18:17 |
MrEgg964 | Hi all. Hardy no longer wants to print. I've tried sudo aa-complain cupsd, but to no avail. Can anybody help ? Thanks! | 18:17 |
Bodsda | Pici, oh yeah -- my bad ;~) | 18:17 |
Ovispain | do I have to do it again? | 18:17 |
sschillachi | hi, i just installed ubuntu 8.04 and I am getting no sound. I set all the channels to max and unmuted with alsamixer and have run lspci to check that my sound card has been detected and it has. Can someone help me as I have no idea where to start? | 18:17 |
hccmb | homerj : my best guess is to look into your bios settings, and read about it, this might give an solution, it might be set to save battery live or somehing...if you know what you are doing you might look into that | 18:17 |
tretle | #rhythmbox | 18:17 |
Klowner | wil: I think so, yes :) | 18:18 |
daftykins | "sudo apt-get install firefox-2" | 18:18 |
oooo- | i didn't know what you meant, Bodsda. Can you explain? | 18:18 |
tretle | whoops | 18:18 |
wil | klowner: ok checked and hit ok | 18:18 |
Ovispain | bazhang: do I have to do it again? | 18:18 |
Pici | ksbalaji: Have you rebooted since the upgrade? | 18:18 |
Klowner | wil: did it add a line to your fstab? | 18:18 |
wil | it did, im not sure what thogh | 18:18 |
bazhang | Ovispain, do what please specify | 18:18 |
Bodsda | oooo-, yeah sorry, if you can have 1440x900 in ubuntu then you should be able to have it in vbox ,.,. you might want to try asking in #vbox | 18:19 |
oooo- | thanks, bud. will do. | 18:19 |
Bodsda | no probs | 18:19 |
Chillyboarder | Is there an option in buntu hardy to make the bar along with bottom instead of the top? | 18:19 |
sbeh | what should i do if kvm hangs with 100% cpu and is unresponsiv? | 18:19 |
wil | Klowner: i dont know if it added a line or just changed somthing, i still see nothing about my external in it though | 18:19 |
sbeh | killing makes libvirtd hanging with 100% cpu ;) | 18:19 |
Bodsda | sbeh, killall kvm | 18:19 |
Ovispain | bazhang: I did Copy/Paste in the terminal | 18:20 |
Ovispain | bazhang: a command I read in that link | 18:20 |
Klowner | wil: your fstab and I'll take a look at it | 18:20 |
bazhang | Ovispain, and it is removed? | 18:20 |
sbeh | Bodsda: i dont like to kill _all_ kvm ;) | 18:20 |
Pici | Chillyboarder: Just drag the bar down there | 18:20 |
Bodsda | Chillyboarder, do you mjeanb -- how to move the panels? | 18:20 |
Ovispain | yes | 18:20 |
sschillachi | can anyone help me figure out why my sound isn't working | 18:20 |
Jburrke | Anyone know why rhythmbox locks up on me? | 18:20 |
Bodsda | sbeh, if a process is unresponsive and eating cpu then kill it -- if your a vegan, tuff luck | 18:20 |
Chillyboarder | thanks pici , I meant just the whole bar of which the programs and such are on. I think Pici helped | 18:21 |
Ovispain | bazhang: it is removed but I saw this error and I don't know what is | 18:21 |
Chillyboarder | bodsda^ | 18:21 |
Jburrke | It says the song is playing, but it's not.. | 18:21 |
Bodsda | Jburrke, try running it from terminal then wait till it hangs then look for errors | 18:21 |
AaronH | sschillachi, did your sound work before? | 18:21 |
Chillyboarder | I'm off for now, goodluck with your questions ppl | 18:21 |
sschillachi | AaronH: i've only just installed ubuntu | 18:21 |
xrhstos-patra | help | 18:21 |
Bodsda | xrhstos-patra, with what? | 18:21 |
ZimCS | Hey guys, I am trying to install Ubuntu next to Vista. I have Vista on my first HDD and then I have a second HDD with 250gb of ntfs and then another 250gb with allocated space. The guided install isn't giving me the option to install on the empty allocated space, so I went to manual. Can anyone help me with the partition info like primary/logical, location at beginning or end, mount point and format type | 18:22 |
AaronH | g2g brb | 18:22 |
wil | Klowner: | 18:22 |
Jburrke | Bodsda: It's not really hanging though, terminal doesnt give me any errors.. What happens is when i click play song it just sits there idling, still running but no song is playing and the time isnt going up | 18:22 |
Bodsda | ZimCS, join me in #help-zimcs | 18:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | sschillachi try running your pcm volume controls all the way down and back up.. dbl left click the speaker icon | 18:22 |
Klowner | wil: it should be something like /dev/<your partition> /media/NONE ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0 | 18:22 |
bazhang | Ovispain, what does sudo apt-get update return | 18:22 |
Klowner | wil: hrm, doesn't appear as though it added anything | 18:22 |
xrhstos-patra | with compiz | 18:22 |
xrhstos-patra | and atiradeon hd-2400 | 18:22 |
xrhstos-patra | overlay problems | 18:23 |
xrhstos-patra | when opening 3dapps or 3dgames | 18:23 |
sschillachi | Jack_Sparrow, didn't help | 18:23 |
Bodsda | Jburrke, it may not be able to play it -- try -- rythmbox /path/to/song/song | 18:23 |
xrhstos-patra | with compiz | 18:23 |
wil | Klowner: my drive is already mounted? will it only work if it is unmounted? | 18:23 |
sschillachi | Jack_Sparrow, i also tried putting the volume up in alsamixer on all the channels | 18:23 |
ksbalaji | Pici: Yes! I have rebooted after the ? so called - upgrade. | 18:23 |
Jburrke | Bodsda: When I restart it plays the songs fine though =/ | 18:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | sschillachi /join #Alsa for good help with sound issues | 18:23 |
Bodsda | Jburrke, not sure im afraid | 18:23 |
sschillachi | Jack_Sparrow, ok will do, thanks | 18:23 |
xrhstos-patra | I have overlay/flickering when opening 3dgames or 3dapps while having activated Compiz // I have ATIRADEON HD2400 | 18:23 |
Jburrke | Bodsda: =/ thanks anyways | 18:23 |
daftykins | so disable compiz and try again. | 18:24 |
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Klowner | wil: ah, you can add the drive to your fstab while it is mounted, then manually remount it using sudo mount /media/NONE | 18:24 |
jthxxx | I'm looking for a screenshot application under Gnome, could you remind me how it is called? | 18:24 |
Bodsda | Jburrke, i'd suggest vlc or amarok though tbh | 18:24 |
xrhstos-patra | with compiz disabled everything is ok | 18:24 |
osmosis | does ubuntu have any OCR software ? | 18:24 |
wil | Klowner: how would i write it into my fstab? | 18:24 |
daftykins | compiz is beta, so avoid using it if you get problems like that | 18:24 |
Klowner | wil: with a text editor.. like nano | 18:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | jthxxx gnome-screenshot --interactive | 18:24 |
Sivik | !mouse | 18:24 |
ubottu | Enabling extra mouse buttons: - Enabling serial mouse: | 18:24 |
wil | Klowner: yes i know, but what do i write | 18:25 |
Jburrke | Bodsda: The reason I like rhythmbox is because it's got a good organizer, and it plays out of the sys tray.. Does vlc or amarok do that? | 18:25 |
Klowner | wil: /dev/<your partition> /media/NONE ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0 | 18:25 |
Bodsda | Jburrke, amarok does but i dont think you can play vids in it | 18:25 |
Klowner | wil: and make sure /media/NONE is a directory ( mkdir /media/NONE ) | 18:25 |
wil | Klowner: ok let me give that a try | 18:25 |
Jburrke | Bodsda: That's fine - I just need music.. Where can I get it? | 18:25 |
hccmb | amarok is an music player , no video | 18:26 |
Klowner | wil: I have to leave, I'll be around later though. I'm sure someone else can help you if that doesn't work, but it should work. | 18:26 |
hccmb | amarok is more for the kde desktop | 18:26 |
Bodsda | Jburrke, sudo apt-get install amarok | 18:26 |
wil | Klowner: k thanks | 18:26 |
Bodsda | hccmb, thanks for clarifying ;~) | 18:26 |
Jburrke | Bodsda: Thanks | 18:26 |
hccmb | hehe | 18:26 |
hccmb | :) | 18:26 |
Bodsda | works gr8 on gnome though | 18:26 |
Bodsda | Jburrke, your welcome | 18:27 |
hccmb | Bodsda, and did you do any karoake, its great for that too ( amarok ) | 18:27 |
hccmb | :P | 18:27 |
daftykins | O_O | 18:27 |
nikin | .quit | 18:27 |
Bodsda | hccmb, nah, cba to faf with my mic | 18:27 |
Jburrke | Bodsda: This isnt like xmms is it? Running through terminal, I mean? Does it have a UI? | 18:27 |
Bodsda | Jburrke, it has a brilliant gui | 18:27 |
Jburrke | Bodsda: Awesome.. Thanks a ton | 18:28 |
Bodsda | Jburrke, xmms has a gui aswell so i dontreally know what you mean | 18:28 |
hccmb | yeah great gui, the best... | 18:28 |
Bodsda | hccmb, change to black background and green text and it looks wicked! ;~) | 18:28 |
daftykins | eww | 18:28 |
Bodsda | lol | 18:28 |
Jburrke | Bodsda: Well I couldnt find the gui.. I dunno how to run it outside the terminal and when I run it inside the terminal I've gotta do everything through commands.. It sucks XD | 18:28 |
Bodsda | Jburrke, you launch it from Applications -- music stuff --> xmms | 18:29 |
ksbalaji | Pici:(and others also please) Let me please tell how I upgraded. I tried the net upgrade. It took very long. While chatting, friends told to download alternate upgrade iso. I used a file from a mirror site. There was a hash error. Then I downloaded one from an official site slowly. With help from chat friends I used virtual CD method. It did upgrade as I mentioned herebefore. Now, after rebooting, the update manager does not work as it used to. Pl | 18:29 |
ksbalaji | help. | 18:29 |
Jburrke | Bodsda: It's not there =/ | 18:29 |
Bodsda | Jburrke, dunno -- amarok is better then xmms anyway | 18:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | !best | 18:30 |
ubottu | Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 18:30 |
Jburrke | Bodsda: LMAO amarok is doing the same thing rhythm was doing XD | 18:30 |
Bodsda | Jack_Sparrow, said better not best ;~) | 18:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | Bodsda same diff | 18:30 |
Jburrke | Bodsda: Hang on, I'll see if terminal finds an error with it | 18:30 |
Bodsda | kk | 18:31 |
shorty__ | im a fan of winamp, so that makes me a fan of audacious | 18:31 |
hccmb | ksbalaji : try the gnome terminal and type sudo apt-get update | 18:31 |
Sivik | anyone had any luck with getting all the buttons to work in ubutnu for a mx 400 mouse? | 18:31 |
Jburrke | Bodsda: Now it wont run O____O | 18:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sivik did you read the tutorial on adding buttons | 18:31 |
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aleks | эмм.. | 18:32 |
chamunks | !ubotu paste | 18:32 |
ubottu | Factoid ubotu paste not found | 18:32 |
wil | hey im having trouble getting this drive to mount on startup, can sombody look at my fstab and tell me whats wrong, im trying to get drive NONE to mount on startup | 18:32 |
chamunks | !ubotu pastebin | 18:32 |
ubottu | Factoid ubotu pastebin not found | 18:32 |
Sivik | Jack_Sparrow: on the ubuntu wiki? if so, yes and it didn't work | 18:32 |
Bodsda | Jburrke, why so? | 18:32 |
chamunks | oops lol | 18:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | !buttons | 18:32 |
ubottu | Enabling extra mouse buttons: - Enabling serial mouse: | 18:32 |
chamunks | !pastebin | 18:32 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 18:32 |
MTecknology | how can I chown and chmod without affecting the timestamps? | 18:33 |
Jburrke | Bodsda: I have no idea.. When i try running it from a terminal it sits there like it's running but nothing opens, and when i click it through the apps menu nothing happens | 18:33 |
Sivik | Jack_Sparrow: already followed that, still not working | 18:33 |
Bodsda | Jburrke, is it in the tray? | 18:33 |
wil | hey im having trouble getting this drive to mount on startup, can sombody look at my fstab and tell me whats wrong, im trying to get drive NONE to mount on startup | 18:33 |
Jburrke | Bodsda: Nope | 18:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sivik Then no idea.. | 18:33 |
Bodsda | Jburrke, killall amarok && amarok | 18:33 |
Jburrke | Bodsda: But it just did the freeze up thing that I was explaining so I quit it.. | 18:33 |
Sivik | thanks Jack_Sparrow | 18:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 18:34 |
MTecknology | somebody... please... I REALLY need to be able to chown and chmod without affecting the timestamps? | 18:34 |
Bodsda | Jburrke, sound like hardware probs or drivers maybe | 18:34 |
Bodsda | MTecknology, why? | 18:34 |
hccmb | jburrke , sound does work? | 18:34 |
Bodsda | MTecknology, doin something you shouldnt be doin? | 18:34 |
Jburrke | Bodsda: what's the full killall command? And yes, sound works | 18:34 |
MTecknology | Bodsda, I'm restoring data and they need the timestamps for reference points | 18:34 |
Jburrke | hccmb: yes, sound works | 18:35 |
Bodsda | Jburrke, killall amarok will kill any processcaled amarok | 18:35 |
ksbalaji | hccmb: I had another user login by name viva100 when I did this apt ... the following is displayed:balaji@viva100:~$ sudo apt-get update sudo: unable to resolve host viva100 ..I am also asked to give password. | 18:35 |
MTecknology | Bodsda, I need to set 775 so they can edit files, then root:users for the same reason | 18:35 |
Jburrke | Bodsda: Still wont run =/ | 18:35 |
MTecknology | but they use timestamps to reference their work | 18:35 |
Bodsda | Jburrke, try a reboot | 18:35 |
NaSSiM | bonsoir tout le monde | 18:35 |
MTecknology | so.... how can I do it? | 18:35 |
Jburrke | Bodsda: guess I'm gonna have to.. Be right back | 18:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | !fr | 18:36 |
ubottu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 18:36 |
Bodsda | MTecknology, i suppose you could change systemclock to not access the online timers then change to time wanted then edit? | 18:36 |
NaSSiM | lol i thought i was in ubuntu-fr | 18:36 |
NaSSiM | :) | 18:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | :) | 18:36 |
markotitel | hi | 18:37 |
MTecknology | Bodsda, there | 18:37 |
markotitel | how can I tune ubuntu startup programs ? | 18:37 |
NaSSiM | ... | 18:37 |
MTecknology | Bodsda, they have a lot of different times | 18:37 |
Jburrke | Lol | 18:37 |
hccmb | ksbalaji : password is normal, and your host seems down | 18:37 |
NaSSiM | i have problem in booting up with grup | 18:37 |
Jburrke | Bodsda: Another problem I've run into | 18:37 |
bean-oh | what would cause a usb keyboard/mouse to slow to a hault and not recover after a period of heavy disk i/o? | 18:37 |
Bodsda | MTecknology, im not entirely understanding the problem of changing the time stamps | 18:37 |
chamunks | !samba | 18:37 |
ubottu | Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 18:37 |
ksbalaji | when I give password, I get a lot of output and also some error messages. | 18:37 |
Jburrke | Bodsda: When i go to system > quit > whatever sometimes it will just lock my computer as opposed to restarting/logging out | 18:38 |
Bodsda | MTecknology, why is it imperetive they DONT change? | 18:38 |
MTecknology | Bodsda, they reference the timestamps to find files | 18:38 |
Sivik | Jack_Sparrow: I found an entry on a forum and now all my buttons are working correct. Thanks | 18:38 |
MTecknology | can I rsync and specify the owner/group /permissions for the destination files? | 18:38 |
Jburrke | Bodsda: Right now I cant close any programs or click anything on my top bar | 18:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | chamunks please dont fish.. /msg ubotu whatever | 18:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sivik glad to hear it | 18:38 |
wil | hey im having trouble getting this drive to mount on startup, can sombody look at my fstab and tell me whats wrong, im trying to get drive NONE to mount on startup | 18:38 |
hccmb | ksbalaji : are you running a server instead of a desktop? | 18:38 |
chamunks | Jack_Sparrow, sorry still learning... | 18:38 |
NaSSiM | when i reboot my computer i have the choice to boot with ubuntu or windows xp and i have 2 windows xp installed and in the grup list i have only one how can i add the second ? | 18:39 |
MTecknology | like rsync --owner=root --group=user --umask=775 | 18:39 |
MTecknology | can I do anything like that? | 18:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | wil I dont see a partition nubmer beside the sdb | 18:39 |
Bodsda | NaSSiM, /boot/grub/menu.lst | 18:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | wil line 15 | 18:39 |
wil | Jack_Sparrow: how do i find the partition number? | 18:40 |
AaronH | markotitel, you go to System>Preferences>Session | 18:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | NaSSiM booting the one should bring up the windows menu for the second | 18:40 |
Bodsda | grubs up brb | 18:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | wil sudo fdisk -l | 18:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | wil last letter ther is an L | 18:40 |
wil | Jack_Sparrow: is it called the Disk Identifier in fdisk? | 18:40 |
frostburn | NaSSiM, you may want to check out the gentoo grub docs on customizing grub | 18:40 |
NaSSiM | Jack_Sparrow, i have one corrupted and one working so i cant access the working one he isnt on the list | 18:40 |
MTecknology | Bodsda, do you know? | 18:40 |
xFlipx | could anybody help me with a firestarter install? I don't have internet access on the computer I'm installing it on. | 18:41 |
bean-oh | how do i restart the USB controller? | 18:41 |
wil | Jack_Sparrow: Disk Identifier 0x9e8be372 | 18:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | wil sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cp /etc/fstab ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && sudo fdisk -l >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /home/$USER/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel) | 18:41 |
xFlipx | Jack_Sparrow: when you have time think I could bother you for some help? | 18:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | wil it will be sdb1 or sdb2 or sdb3 etc | 18:41 |
halphaz | #ubuntu-it | 18:42 |
halphaz | ops | 18:42 |
halphaz | excuse me | 18:42 |
wil | Jack_Sparrow: Disk /dev/sdb ? | 18:42 |
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wil | Jack_Sparrow: ill just pastebin my fdisk, 1 sec | 18:42 |
blueskynis | why is so slow these days? | 18:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | xFlipx I was getting ready for lunch. Are you trying to open specific p[orts. Most people are less secure when they use things like firestarter or guarddog and try to manage the iptables on their own | 18:43 |
sbeh | how get i run vimdiff? | 18:43 |
sam88824 | we need a new tor&privoxy wiki for 8.04 | 18:43 |
bazhang | xFlipx, best to just ask the channel | 18:43 |
NaSSiM | where can i find grub.list .? | 18:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | wil that is what that command I gave will do for you | 18:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | /boot/grub/menu.lst | 18:43 |
MrEgg964 | Hi all :) I can no longer print with Hardy. Can anybody help me please? | 18:43 |
NaSSiM | ok | 18:43 |
xFlipx | I need to have a basic firewall installed so that I may access the "dirty net" from my work linux box, so it doesn't need to be very secure, just there. | 18:43 |
ajopaul | sipior, let me try my options thanx anyways will reboot now | 18:43 |
daftykins | MrEgg964 open a browser and point it to http://localhost:631 | 18:44 |
bazhang | get uck xFlipx | 18:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | !firewall | 18:44 |
ubottu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see, or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 18:44 |
hccmb | gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst ( carefull what you do! ) | 18:44 |
bazhang | !uck | xFlipx | 18:44 |
ubottu | xFlipx: UCK is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See | 18:44 |
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MrEgg964 | daftykins: that's done | 18:44 |
xFlipx | I downloaded the firestarter.deb package and it's telling me it needs libdbus-1-2 but I cannot find that in a .deb | 18:44 |
blueskynis | alooo can anybody see me? | 18:44 |
daftykins | use the CUPS management pages to check your printer still exists etc | 18:44 |
xFlipx | and I also downloaded the .tar but I cannot get it to make install | 18:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | xFlipx sudo apt-get firestarter | 18:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | xFlipx sudo apt-get install firestarter | 18:45 |
xFlipx | I don't have internet access until I get it installed | 18:45 |
=== test is now known as belarm | ||
bazhang | blueskynis, yes | 18:45 |
hccmb | hmm wrong command | 18:45 |
xFlipx | on that machine | 18:45 |
blueskynis | good :) | 18:45 |
xFlipx | I can download the .deb to a usb drive if I could find it | 18:45 |
blueskynis | so... | 18:45 |
Jburrke | Bodsda: Yeah amarok doesnt work at all.. Freezes up each time I try to play a song | 18:45 |
wil | Jack_Sparrow: | 18:45 |
blueskynis | does anybody knows why is so slow these days? | 18:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | xFlipx dependencies will be the issue. and firestarter will not give you internet access.. I must be missing xcomething | 18:46 |
ksbalaji | hccmb: I run a desktop. May I send the output file for your reference pl? | 18:46 |
MrEgg964 | daftykins: it exists, it's accepting jobs. In fact, I can see all of my jobs, it's just that no data goes to the printer (but things are fine as far as cups is concerned). | 18:46 |
blueskynis | or the problem is my ISP | 18:46 |
bazhang | not sure blueskynis perhaps ask in #ubuntuforums | 18:46 |
xFlipx | I am hooking up a linux machine to my works "dirty net" in order for the dirty net to issue an ip it scans for os model and a firewall | 18:46 |
daftykins | how is the printer connected? | 18:46 |
hccmb | ksbalaji : use pastebin | 18:46 |
Silivrenion | how can I configure the default firewall that comes with Ubuntu? | 18:46 |
hccmb | !pastebin | 18:47 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 18:47 |
blueskynis | thanks bazhang :) | 18:47 |
Arrick | hey all | 18:47 |
bazhang | ufw Silivrenion | 18:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | wil /dev/sdb1 /media/NONE ntfs-3gdefaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0 but another question why are you running ntfs-36 for a fat32 partition? | 18:47 |
MrEgg964 | ethernet + usb... and everything was printing fine 2 days ago. | 18:47 |
belarm | i just did a dist-upgrade from gutsy to hardy; i then had problems logging into gnome (i would get a gray box in the upper left corner which, if the cursor icon i got while hovering over it is any indication, had text in it that i could not read). I moved every file & directory, including hidden ones, from the affected user's home directory into a subdirectory thereof. I still have the same problem, even though I can log in with a newly created | 18:47 |
belarm | account. Any suggestions? | 18:47 |
xFlipx | therefore I need firestarter (or any firewall ) to simply be installed - it is because of this that I was using fedora (firewall included) | 18:47 |
Xbehave | i have an irc ping of 100ms but cant browse the web ? any ideas of whats wrong? | 18:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | !aptoncd | 18:47 |
ubottu | APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers | 18:47 |
rNetmonge | hey - anyone know how to make metacity allow resize of windows by holding down a key and clicking anywhere? this broke in 8.04's metacity.. The option 'Movement Key' in the windows prefs works for *moving* windows only.. :( | 18:47 |
wil | Jack_Sparrow: earlier i had mad the assumption that the drive was a ntfs, i guess my assumption was wrong | 18:48 |
daftykins | ethernet *and* USB on the printer? well which one is it :D | 18:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | wil looks like fat32 to me | 18:48 |
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wil | Jack_Sparrow: so how should that look in my fstab | 18:48 |
Arrick | hey all, Im a trying to create a couple virtual machines with virtual box, (Host is Ubuntu 8.04) and I have installed the virtualbox-os package (as I was told yesterday) and I get the error posted at when I try to start the vm to install an OS, any ideas on what to do to get it to run? | 18:49 |
hccmb | ksbalaji : does synaptic work? | 18:49 |
=== roxahris__ is now known as roxandAWAY | ||
wil | Jack_Sparrow: and how can i be sure thats the drive i want? the 320gb one is the one i want? | 18:49 |
scunizi | Gutsy had OpenProject in the repos.. I can't seem to find it in Hardy's repos.. Am I just missing it or did I overlook it.? | 18:49 |
MrEgg964 | daftykins: both, I have the printer declared both ways. I've had a similar issue in the past, and sudo aa-complain cupsd solved it. But in the present case, it doesn't, and I don't know what to do. Furthermore, I can still print from another pc still running Gutsy. | 18:49 |
WannaBe | Any one here experienced with openbox? | 18:50 |
wil | Jack_Sparrow: ahh wait i see now how its orginized | 18:50 |
xFlipx | any suggestions? | 18:50 |
Myrtti | !away > roxandAWAY | 18:50 |
ksbalaji | hccmb: pl wait. let me try. | 18:50 |
* Jburrke hates linux | 18:51 | |
belarm | no ideas on my problem? | 18:51 |
bazhang | !ot | Jburrke | 18:51 |
ubottu | Jburrke: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 18:51 |
Myrtti | Jburrke: you're welcome to do so in -offtopic | 18:51 |
markotitel | is there any console command for controling startup prtograms | 18:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | wil /dev/sda1 /media/none vfat iocharset=utf8,umask=000 0 0 | 18:51 |
Jburrke | Lmao | 18:51 |
markotitel | something like Sessions in gnome | 18:51 |
sportman1280 | hello. is there anyway to add a wallpaper selection to a users .gnome2/backgrounds.xml without deleting the file so that a new skeletion file is put in? | 18:52 |
sam_delta | markotiel try /etc/rc.d boot up commands can be added there | 18:52 |
Silivrenion | hey folks, do you know what the gnome command is to edit the grub loader list? | 18:52 |
wil | Jack_Sparrow: im giving that a try right now | 18:52 |
markotitel | Ill try now | 18:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | wil /dev/sda1 /media/NONE vfat iocharset=utf8,umask=000 0 0 | 18:52 |
Jburrke | Oh wonderful, I run it in terminal and it works fine.. | 18:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | wil sorry missed the caps | 18:53 |
Jburrke | When it fails I'll post the error | 18:53 |
sam_delta | Silivrenion /boot/grub/menu.lst | 18:53 |
hccmb | Arrick , i do not have an solution, but did run into the same problem, i then uninstalled the ose version and installed the non free ( but gratis ) version from here | 18:53 |
wakka-wakka | silly question everybody, if i install 8.04, could i uninstall firefox beta 3? | 18:53 |
ksbalaji | No synaptic did not start. There was -starting administrative application- message on my taskbar and afterwards nothing happens. | 18:53 |
Silivrenion | thanks sam_delta | 18:53 |
sam_delta | wakka-wakka yes | 18:53 |
=== sigv is now known as sigvart | ||
sportman1280 | wakka-wakka its not beta 3 | 18:53 |
daftykins | you could "apt-get install firefox-2" wakka-wakka | 18:53 |
xFlipx | Jack_Sparrow: so am I up a creek? Editing IP tables will not help me | 18:53 |
hccmb | Arrick , wich did work for me | 18:53 |
wakka-wakka | ok cool.. this is the moment everyone has been waiting for | 18:53 |
wakka-wakka | i'm wiping out windows completely and runnin ubuntu | 18:54 |
Cha_sTheory^ | Run ratpoison, Wakka. | 18:54 |
Cha_sTheory^ | ^_^ | 18:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | xFlipx anything firestarter can do, you can do in iptables | 18:54 |
Xcell | good job wakka-wakka | 18:54 |
zipito | good day | 18:54 |
Cha_sTheory^ | Ubuntu --> ratpoison. | 18:54 |
markotitel | hm and if I want to restore some process to start on boot how to do that if I dele it from rcX.d | 18:54 |
belarm | xFlipx, what exactly is the policy? | 18:54 |
wil | Jack_Sparrow: worked perfectly, thank you for your help! | 18:54 |
zipito | I've got a problem with mine ubuntu installation | 18:54 |
wakka-wakka | Xcell: ty ty ty | 18:54 |
wakka-wakka | see you guys in about 20 minutes | 18:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | wil np.. sorry I didnt answer earlier | 18:54 |
Cha_sTheory^ | Good luck, wakka-wakka. | 18:54 |
xFlipx | bah I don't know how to configure IPtables | 18:54 |
hccmb | ksbalaji : please try aptitude -f install | 18:54 |
=== Cha_sTheory^ is now known as ChaosTheory_ | ||
zipito | when I try to mount ext3 filesystem it tells me that wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb1 | 18:55 |
belarm | markotitel, you might check out update-rc.d: | 18:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | xFlipx DOnt shoot me but man iptables | 18:56 |
markotitel | thx Im reading right now :) | 18:56 |
belarm | xFlipx, i asked what your network's policy is. do you need to have certain ports closed? | 18:56 |
sam_delta | zipito, have you tryed a fsck? file system check? | 18:57 |
xFlipx | belarm: sorry, I missed your question. Yes, I basically need all basic ports closed. 21 22 80 etc | 18:57 |
zipito | sam_delta: how to use it? | 18:57 |
InvisiblePinkUni | Hi, I want VLC moved from multiverse to universe, whom do I contact? | 18:57 |
bazhang | !brainstorm | InvisiblePinkUni | 18:58 |
ubottu | InvisiblePinkUni: Post your ideas for ubuntu at and vote for the ones you like! | 18:58 |
zipito | sam_delta: something like this sudo /sbin/fsck.ext3 -cc -f -v -y /dev/hdb1 | 18:58 |
belarm | that's actually pretty straight forward to accomplish in iptables; though i'm not sure how ubuntu handles persistent firewall rules | 18:58 |
sam_delta | zipito open a terminal and type fsck /dev/hdb1 | 18:58 |
xFlipx | belarm: sounds like I need firestarter then | 18:58 |
xFlipx | could you possibly help me locate the required packages? | 18:58 |
InvisiblePinkUni | bazhang: Thank you. | 18:58 |
Xcell | xFlipx: synap | 18:59 |
=== raj is now known as cypha | ||
cypha | can someone tell me where i can find irssi? | 18:59 |
xFlipx | Xcell: I do not have internet access on that machine until I get a firewall installed. | 18:59 |
cypha | i did "sudo apt-get install irssi | 18:59 |
Xcell | ah..ok | 18:59 |
bazhang | !info irssi | 18:59 |
ubottu | irssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.12-3ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 1050 kB, installed size 2840 kB | 18:59 |
xFlipx | I'm having issues installing from source as well as installing from a .deb package I found | 18:59 |
cypha | i then did sudo apt-get update | 19:00 |
frieze | okay so I can't seem to get my new 8.04 server to allow x11 forwarding. I've added the host using xhost at the client end and added x11 forwarding to the ssh_config file. Is there anything else I should be doing to get $DISPLAY set? | 19:00 |
cypha | sudo apt-get install aspell-en, sudo apt-get install libaspell-dev, sudo apt-get install aspell libtext-aspell-perl | 19:00 |
sam_delta | zipito does the check went through? | 19:00 |
cypha | now what? | 19:00 |
cypha | i don't see it in my applications menu or anything | 19:00 |
zipito | sam_delta: Inode 2260994 is in use, but has dtime set. Fix<y> ? lots of | 19:01 |
zipito | sam_delta: I'm answering yes | 19:01 |
cypha | i went to the CL and typed "irssi" and it ran though | 19:01 |
cypha | did I install anyting extra? | 19:01 |
guillaume__ | irc:// | 19:01 |
sam_delta | zipito alright | 19:01 |
belarm | xFlipx, firestarter just creates iptables rulesets | 19:01 |
sikraemer | exit | 19:02 |
goibhniu | frieze: do you get any interesting information when you increase the debugging? i.e. ssh -vvv -X ip-address | 19:02 |
belarm | xFlipx, but the package name (in 8.04, at least) is 'firestarter' | 19:02 |
=== belarm is now known as belarm|AFK | ||
cq | is there a difference berwttn apt ant aptitude? | 19:04 |
cq | and | 19:04 |
daftykins | "aptitude" is the same as "apt-get" etc | 19:04 |
daftykins | just a full name of writing it | 19:04 |
xFlipx | belarm|AFK: hmm | 19:04 |
daftykins | apt-get is part of the aptitude C++ library | 19:05 |
daftykins | hey guys if i startup a UML guest the system comes up and starts two consoles, how do i edit it so there's only one? | 19:05 |
ksbalaji | hccmb: aptitude -f install worked. Some packages were removed some were kept back some were not upgraded. Now? | 19:05 |
daftykins | there's no /etc/inittab on the system | 19:05 |
cq | ok, thanks... I wonder why some peopel list command line commands usign aptitude... | 19:05 |
NaSSiM | when it's Sata i put root(sd1,0) in grub menu list ? | 19:05 |
daftykins | some people use the long-hand and i personally use "apt-get blah..." | 19:05 |
hccmb | ksbalaji : now try synaptic | 19:05 |
daftykins | 0,0 for disk 0 partition 0 | 19:05 |
Pici | daftykins: apt-get and aptitude are two different programs | 19:05 |
zipito | sam_delta: is it normal to run : yes | fsck /dev/hdb1 ?? | 19:06 |
MTecknology | doesn't somebody know how I can transfer files, set user/group/permissions, and preserve the timestamp? | 19:06 |
=== benzs_s is now known as benzss | ||
xFlipx | when I try to compile it it says it cannot make executables | 19:07 |
blueskynis | hey guys, what do you think of this artwork: | 19:07 |
blueskynis | :) | 19:07 |
hccmb | to force check your hard disk do : sudo touch /forcefsck | 19:07 |
l0st | whats the best ftp client for Ubuntu? one where you can be connected to many servers | 19:08 |
Jburrke | Anyone here play CS:S? | 19:08 |
ksbalaji | hccmb: no use. I think synaptic is gone. | 19:08 |
SeaPhor | l0st, i like flilezilla, its in synaptic | 19:09 |
l0st | ok. | 19:09 |
Jburrke | It keep crashing on me randomly, before I can even get into a game =/ | 19:09 |
sam_delta | zipito, you should run "fsck /dev/hdb1", i duno what the "yes|" is for, it might not be wrong, i just dont know what is it for | 19:09 |
zipito | sam_delta: to always answer yes on questions | 19:10 |
l0st | @SeaPhor. Thanks. now I'm downloading. | 19:10 |
l0st | :D | 19:10 |
iso | how bad was that openSSH bug? | 19:10 |
hccmb | ksbalaji : try apt-get install synaptic | 19:10 |
yasar | sa. | 19:10 |
jaffarkelshac | occasionaly i would click on a link on webpage and ubuntu logs off, i log back on and the link is fine | 19:10 |
Lenaud01 | I used lspci and it shows my wireless to be broadcom bcm4310 so I did sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter and then restarted but wireless is still not going do I need do something more with fwcutter or how do I get bcm4310 wireless working :( | 19:10 |
SeaPhor | l0st, NP | 19:10 |
sam_delta | zipito you should be fine, but i rather see what the console is asking, might lead you to the find the p roblem | 19:10 |
hccmb | ksbalaji : and please repeat your question agian, as i have to go in a minute | 19:11 |
frieze | goibhniu: sorry for the delay. Got a phone book | 19:11 |
tech0007 | Lenaud01: did u try bcm43xx-fwcutter? | 19:11 |
goibhniu | frieze: and when you try to run something? .. e.g. xclock | 19:11 |
hccmb | by the way, synaptic and aptitude are front ends to apt-get, they are not different programs | 19:11 |
frieze | goibhniu: more debug info, just the can't open display, display not set | 19:12 |
frieze | i'm sorry | 19:12 |
frieze | no more debug info | 19:12 |
Lenaud01 | I did sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter tech0007 | 19:12 |
bazhang | hccmb, adept and synaptic I think you mean | 19:12 |
Lenaud01 | there something more to do after that? | 19:12 |
iuri | hi there, how to configure my video on shell promp | 19:12 |
iuri | ? | 19:12 |
ksbalaji | hi! synaptic came to life when I tried thru a terminal. What can I do to get it working by choosing system,administration and syn.manager? | 19:12 |
hccmb | yeah , true , thank you | 19:12 |
tech0007 | Lenaud01: try sudo apt-get bcm43xx-fwcutter | 19:13 |
goibhniu | frieze: hmm .. I assume you restarted the ssh server after changing the config? | 19:13 |
hccmb | ksbalaji : you could make an shortcut on the desktop | 19:13 |
ksbalaji | thanks and bye! | 19:13 |
Lenaud01 | invalid operation bcm43xx-fwcutter | 19:13 |
hccmb | bye | 19:13 |
hccmb | good luck! | 19:13 |
frieze | goibhniu: yes. though I just noticed something in that connect...Remote: No xauth program; cannot forward with spoofing | 19:14 |
sam_delta | Lenaud01 missing word between apt-get and bcm...., type "install" between them | 19:14 |
Lenaud01 | ok I did that | 19:14 |
frieze | noticed something in the debug on connect I mean | 19:14 |
Lenaud01 | it had blue screen | 19:14 |
Lenaud01 | I said yes to that | 19:14 |
Lenaud01 | sitting at a prompt again | 19:14 |
Lenaud01 | so wireless should work now? | 19:15 |
sam_delta | Lenaud01, try restarting pc | 19:15 |
Lenaud01 | brb | 19:15 |
goibhniu | frieze: interesting .. have you got xauth installed? | 19:15 |
dury | can't drag a folder into another it makes funny thing | 19:15 |
frieze | goibhniu: on the machine (a mac) I'm connecting from, yes | 19:15 |
BuSyAnToS | hello i have a problem..ubuntu 7.10 server on a hp boot networking doesn't start | 19:16 |
goibhniu | frieze: and on the machine you're connecting to? | 19:16 |
ivarv | q: what is the (best) cmd line utility for searching package repositories ? | 19:16 |
dury | since I upgraded to 8.10 | 19:16 |
frieze | no, did I need it? | 19:16 |
Pici | dury: 8.04 or 8.10? | 19:16 |
dury | Pici 8.04 | 19:17 |
dury | sorry | 19:17 |
goibhniu | frieze: it's definitely installed on mine .. and when I connect $DISPLAY is set to localhost:10.0 | 19:17 |
frieze | I'm used to doing the giant bag of crap install on previous servers.I guess I got that whole client vs. server dichotomy reversed again | 19:17 |
cq | is it possible to install a lenny package into ubuntu? | 19:17 |
cq | or is that a bad idea, esp. if its hardware related? | 19:17 |
dury | it's nautilus I think Pici | 19:18 |
frieze | goibhniu: beautiful. Thanks | 19:18 |
=== liberfiasco is now known as libervisco | ||
tech0007 | cq: u can install from source | 19:18 |
=== belarm|AFK is now known as belarm | ||
goibhniu | frieze: is it working? | 19:18 |
dury | doesn't work properly | 19:18 |
frieze | yup | 19:18 |
goibhniu | frieze: yay! | 19:18 |
lastelement0 | hey all, i have a dell inspiron e1505 laptop and running hardy. i am only getting audio output from one side. it doesn't matter what output i use. any suggestions? | 19:18 |
hydrogen | you are obviouly deaf in the other ear | 19:19 |
hydrogen | stop blaming the hardware for human failings | 19:19 |
BuSyAnToS | hello i have a problem..ubuntu 7.10 server on a hp boot networking doesn't start | 19:19 |
frieze | goibhniu: thanks. Now I have to do all that fun new server stuff like reconfigure emacs and whatnot | 19:19 |
goibhniu | frieze: nice! have fun! | 19:19 |
duane | restarted after the sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter and wireless light still orange which means not working and iwconfig sayed no wiress cards its a built in broadcom | 19:19 |
lastelement0 | hydrogen thanks for your help, perhaps you could go 6 feet under and spare us from your problems | 19:19 |
=== duane is now known as Lenaud01 | ||
hydrogen | aww | 19:20 |
hydrogen | thats nice <3 | 19:20 |
sam_delta | duane, have you tryed b43-fwcutter? | 19:20 |
belarm | so any ideas on why, after a dist-upgrade, gnome would not work when logging as a user who's home directory has been completely emptied, but it would for a newly created user? | 19:20 |
Radit | where does gnome sticky notes keeps its notes? | 19:20 |
Lenaud01 | thats what i did first sam_delta | 19:20 |
Lenaud01 | do I have do anything with it after I do apt-get install or it should auto work? | 19:20 |
Bert_2 | hi, I've upgraded to hardy some time ago, now I keep on having problem with pulseaudio, I'm running on a gnome environment and when I try to use sound in both amarok and kopete, on of the two can't use sound and sometimes craches, also all media players seem to crash often when something else is making sound and I can't get thunderbird to make sound either, what is wrong with pulseaudio and is there a way to fix or disable it ? | 19:21 |
el1te | hi all | 19:21 |
hydrogen | Bert_2: yes pulseaudio sucks | 19:21 |
sam_delta | Lenaud01 i dont have too much experience with broadcom, but try going into system>preferences>hardware drivers, and see if broadcom drivers are listed in there | 19:21 |
RyanPrior | How can I append ".pdf" to the names of all the files in a folder? | 19:21 |
lastelement0 | hey all, i have a dell inspiron e1505 laptop and running hardy. i am only getting audio output from one side. it doesn't matter what output i use. any suggestions? | 19:21 |
el1te | i just got kubuntu 8.04 kde remix...installed freeflash for firefox do i get java to work with firefox 2.0 | 19:22 |
sam_delta | Lenaud01 my bad , its system>administrator>hardware drivers | 19:22 |
belarm | RyanPrior, rename 's/$/.pdf/' * | 19:22 |
Lenaud01 | nothing listed sam_delta | 19:23 |
goibhniu | lastelement0: are you testing through the laptop speakers? | 19:23 |
lastelement0 | goibhniu, its with any audio output device including laptop speakers | 19:24 |
RyanPrior | belarm: Perfect, I'll have to read the man page on rename. | 19:24 |
lastelement0 | i only recieve audio through the left side of whatever im using | 19:24 |
el1te | java is pretty important can someone please help | 19:24 |
sam_delta | Lenaud01, what exact chipdet do ou have? you can find it by typing "lspci" in the terminal and search for the "network" line | 19:25 |
belarm | rename is very straight-forward...if you perl expressions :-( | 19:25 |
Bert_2 | hydrogen: indeed it sucks but what can I do about it, if I remove pulse audio and install some alsa packages, will that fix things ? | 19:25 |
Lenaud01 | BCM4310 | 19:25 |
sam_delta | Lenaud01 let me do a little research on that, gime a sec | 19:25 |
belarm | *if you know, even | 19:25 |
goibhniu | lastelement0: and in the mixer it looks like both sides are turned up? | 19:25 |
Lenaud01 | 02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4310 USB Controller (rev01) | 19:26 |
* belarm runs off to try something new with his gnome problem | 19:26 | |
lastelement0 | goibhniu: yes both sides are locked with one another. | 19:26 |
trollboy | so if I've an unmounted drive, how can I view its location and size? | 19:26 |
RyanPrior | trollboy: Does df work? | 19:26 |
goibhniu | lastelement0: it might be worth having a look with alsamixer from the terminal .. and hitting e a few times | 19:26 |
RyanPrior | trollboy: If a drive is unmounted, it does not have a location, by the way. | 19:26 |
Squallleo | hola | 19:26 |
trollboy | ryanakca, unmounted | 19:26 |
el1te | someone please help me with java | 19:27 |
RyanPrior | Hola Squallleo, habla ud. engléis? | 19:27 |
trollboy | RyanPrior, what about /dev/sda1 for example | 19:27 |
lastelement0 | goibhniu: what exactly would i type in? | 19:27 |
trollboy | that's what I'm wanting | 19:27 |
Squallleo | un poco | 19:27 |
RyanPrior | !es | Squallleo | 19:27 |
ubottu | Squallleo: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 19:27 |
Arrick | hey all, is this a typical directory found in a base install of ubuntu-desktop ? /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic os is that specific to virtualbox? | 19:27 |
BuSyAnToS | hello i have a problem..ubuntu 7.10 server on a hp boot networking doesn't start can anyone help me please? | 19:27 |
roachy | hello folks | 19:27 |
j1solutions | hello all | 19:27 |
trollboy | !de | trollboy | 19:27 |
Squallleo | ok thank | 19:27 |
zpzzlz | hi | 19:27 |
goibhniu | lastelement0: `alsamixer` will fire up a mixer .. then you can move left and right with the direction keys .. turn them all up and try e to turn up the right channel of each | 19:27 |
trollboy | RyanPrior? | 19:28 |
sam_delta | Lenaud01 when you installed bcm43xx-fwcutter, does it asked to download ny firmware? | 19:28 |
RyanPrior | !de | 19:28 |
ubottu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 19:28 |
Lenaud01 | yes | 19:29 |
Lenaud01 | I told it yes | 19:29 |
trollboy | yeah i was just checking it out, but how do I see connected, but unmounted partitions | 19:29 |
lastelement0 | goibhniu: still nothing when i get left side to 0 and right to 100 | 19:29 |
goibhniu | el1te: there are a few different versions of java you could try, I forget the command to select them though :/ | 19:30 |
el1te | goibhniu i think im in the middle of installing jave 5 jre but i have a problem | 19:30 |
sam_delta | Lenaud01 if it dosnt work, my advice would be to go to ndiswrapper, ask someone here for help on how to use ndiswrapper, or search for a good 8.04 ndiswrapper tutorial on the forums. i would help you, but i gotta go now | 19:30 |
el1te | when i hit show details i see a license agreement that i cant say yes too | 19:31 |
Lenaud01 | k ty | 19:31 |
jaffarkelshac | occasionaly i would click on a link on webpage and ubuntu logs off, i log back on and the link is fine | 19:31 |
Bert_2 | hi, does anybody know how to get rid of pulseaudio and get the audio things like gutsy was ? | 19:31 |
el1te | how do i enter that show details window to say yes to agreement | 19:31 |
el1te | anyone know what i mean? | 19:31 |
maw_ | are there tools to manage multiple ubuntu servers at once? | 19:32 |
RyanPrior | I do not, el1te | 19:32 |
=== dieck_ is now known as sam_delta | ||
el1te | i think its in the auto notifier letting me know i have an infinished install of java | 19:32 |
RyanPrior | maw_: Landscape is a service provided by Canonical for managing many Ubuntu servers. From all I've heard, it's a really excellent tool. | 19:32 |
lastelement0 | hey all, i have a dell inspiron e1505 laptop and running hardy. i am only getting audio output from one side. it doesn't matter what output i use. any suggestions? | 19:32 |
maw_ | ah | 19:32 |
el1te | when i open the auto notifier and tell it to dload | 19:32 |
plik | maw_: don't know about ubuntu specifially, but check out cfengine | 19:32 |
maw_ | RyanPrior: anything free? | 19:33 |
Bert_2 | lastelement0: have you checked alsamixer ? | 19:33 |
maw_ | plik: thanks I will | 19:33 |
el1te | it wants me to agree and i cant get in that agreement window to say ok | 19:33 |
=== dieck_ is now known as sam_delta | ||
lastelement0 | Bert_2: yes | 19:33 |
RyanPrior | maw_: There are lots of frameworks for Linux sysadmins, but Landscape is the only one particularly suited to Ubuntu and supported by Canonical. | 19:33 |
Bert_2 | lastelement0: you're sure that both speakers work, have you already tried a headphone ? | 19:33 |
dbrewer_rjr | my gutsy server died today. It is a doorstop at my office, back from the server farm. is there an ibm compatable serveraid driver? | 19:33 |
dieck_ | Leo you still here, this is sam delta | 19:33 |
el1te | it keeps wanting to continue that java jre install but it cant | 19:33 |
maw_ | RyanPrior: thanks for the tip | 19:33 |
=== dieck_ is now known as sam_delta | ||
el1te | cause i cant agree to the license agreement | 19:34 |
el1te | how do i agree | 19:34 |
Lenaud01 | restarted after the sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter and wireless light still orange which means not working and iwconfig sayed no wiress cards its a built in broadcom | 19:34 |
lastelement0 | Bert_2: thats the thing, no matter what i use i only get audio from the left side. | 19:34 |
maw_ | RyanPrior: I am a windiows admin breaking into the linux worl (about 2 years experience now) and I need to learn how to manage the linux systems in a smarter way | 19:34 |
maw_ | *world | 19:34 |
Bert_2 | lastelement0: have you already tried switching between mono and stereo in alsamixer ? | 19:34 |
unicum | how long do 200 GiB usually take to be rewritten with random values? | 19:34 |
sd_ | maw_: just give up | 19:34 |
maw_ | hehe | 19:34 |
goibhniu | el1te: have you tried tab and enter? | 19:34 |
sd_ | maw_: if you haven't figured out in 2 yrs | 19:34 |
JPC | I am having ttrouble loading ubuntu it goes to file checking goes through number 731 then has trouble connecting CD then repeats. | 19:34 |
issa | Guys, is there a way after upgrading to 8.04 to return to 7.10 without reinstalling the whole system? | 19:35 |
lastelement0 | Bert_2: how would i do that i don't think im aware of how one would switch that | 19:35 |
cq | after changing corg.conf, what do I need to do to use it? is there a restart in /etc/init.d, or do I need to log out or even reboot to get it to reread it? | 19:35 |
maw_ | sd_: I haven't looked. Only had about 4 systems to manage | 19:35 |
cq | issa- no | 19:35 |
Bert_2 | lastelement0: give me 2 min. I'll check it | 19:35 |
maw_ | and they just run... | 19:35 |
daftykins | doubt it issa | 19:35 |
dbrewer_rjr | issa: why the retro grade? | 19:35 |
lastelement0 | Bert_2: thank you | 19:35 |
RyanPrior | sd_: Trolling not needed. :-) | 19:35 |
lowerr | I can't get my head around these kinds of masks: where 1-4 and 24 could be any value. How do I match IPs in the ranges and | 19:35 |
cq | it's hard enough getting an upgrade path stable, getting downgrade stable is tough and a lot of work | 19:35 |
sd_ | maw_: that's awful :/ you need to solve actual problems ... | 19:36 |
goibhniu | lastelement0: Bert_2 I had a look on and it doesn't mention any problems with that sound card :/ | 19:36 |
AstralliS | I have problem with compiz, when effects are turned on, my title bar is messed, I cannot see it, can anyone help me? | 19:36 |
lastelement0 | goibhniu: funny thing is that is was working a day or two ago | 19:36 |
gluefairy | cq: you need to restart x | 19:36 |
Bert_2 | lastelement0: if you open alsamixer (you know, open a terminal and typ alsamixer) go to the right and there you find an option "mono", press M to make it active and then check | 19:36 |
cq | gluefairy: how? logging out probably isn't enough, is it? | 19:37 |
Daisuke_Laptop | AstralliS: alt+f2 and run emerald | 19:37 |
sd_ | maw_: but if you start with shell scripting/eficient shell usage (including cluster commands) it pretty much surpasses anything windows could offer | 19:37 |
Bert_2 | lastelement0: also, the gentoo wiki is not a reference for ubuntu | 19:37 |
issa | <dbrewer_rjr> Cuz I installed the system before and had problems getting my system freezed right after loggin in and firing two applications at a time! I had to reinstall 7.10 again. But it was during the testing of the beta system, but I dont know if it will work now, and I already have a lot to reinstall if anything happened, and I don't want that! | 19:37 |
AstralliS | emerald is already started | 19:37 |
lordchavez83 | Hi all | 19:37 |
gluefairy | cq It probably is. But if not, cntrl alt backspace kills the xserver. The command startx should bring it back up again. | 19:37 |
Bert_2 | lastelement0: are you okey ? | 19:38 |
lastelement0 | bert_2: weird, when i press M it bounces between the left and right, so they both work | 19:38 |
AstralliS | am I supposed to kill xserver? | 19:38 |
lastelement0 | bert_2: they just aren't working together | 19:38 |
microwaver | anyone wnt to help me with my brighness control? it isn't working at all | 19:39 |
eth01 | if we had physical access. | 19:39 |
etheredge | why wont it let me copy more then 4gbs at a time? | 19:39 |
Bert_2 | lastelement0: are you on the mono option or on another one ? | 19:39 |
eth01 | (which we don't) | 19:39 |
lordchavez83 | any1 in here who can help me with an Geforce5200go and Xserver? | 19:40 |
el1te | when apt-get tries to install wants me to agree to it in the "SHOW DETAILS" window | 19:40 |
lastelement0 | im not fully sure if i am or not | 19:40 |
el1te | how do i enter that window to agree to it | 19:40 |
etheredge | does anyone know how i can copy more then 4g at a time? | 19:40 |
Flannel | el1te: Open it up by clicking the little arrow next to it | 19:40 |
AstralliS | here's what I get when I type emerald in console: Checking for Xgl: present. | 19:40 |
AstralliS | Checking for nVidia: not present. | 19:40 |
AstralliS | Checking for Xgl: present. | 19:40 |
AstralliS | Enabling Xgl with nVidia drivers... | 19:40 |
AstralliS | Starting emerald | 19:40 |
FloodBot2 | AstralliS: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 19:40 |
AstralliS | /usr/bin/compiz.real (video) - Warn: No 8 bit GLX pixmap format, disabling YV12 image format | 19:40 |
=== Rich1 is now known as RichW | ||
lastelement0 | bert_2: under the master volume bar i have 0 and M | 19:40 |
el1te | Flannel the show details windows button? | 19:40 |
fdr | hello! what is the easiest way to check the version of ubuntu that is installed on a machine to which I only have access through ssh? Thanks :) | 19:40 |
goibhniu | etheredge: are you copying to an ntfs (windows) filesystem? | 19:40 |
Jburrke | Could Amarok have something to do with my CS:S failing? | 19:41 |
etheredge | well yes i am to an external hd | 19:41 |
Flannel | el1te: In the little window that comes up and shows you the installation progress | 19:41 |
microwaver | anyone wnt to help me with my brighness control? it isn't working at all the directory /acpi/video/VGA/LCD/brightness doesn't exist | 19:41 |
lastelement0 | bert_2: when i press M they switch and in turn the audio comes out of either the right or left but not both | 19:41 |
daif | Is there any tool like FileMon ( | 19:41 |
tech0007 | fdr: lsb_release -a | 19:41 |
goibhniu | etheredge: it doesn't support files greater than 4GB | 19:41 |
dbrewer_rjr | my gutsy server died today. It is a doorstop at my office, back from the server farm. is there an ibm compatable serveraid driver? | 19:41 |
Jburrke | microwaver: Does your computer have fn buttons? Mine wasnt working as well and my fn buttons made it work fine | 19:41 |
Bert_2 | lastelement0: that's very very strange, I need to check some stuff to give you an answer, give me 5 min. okey ? | 19:41 |
MatBoy | does someone know a webbased backup client for on a desktop that can connect to a backup server using whatever and upload data ? | 19:41 |
lastelement0 | bert_2: sure thing | 19:41 |
etheredge | do you know which filesysystem would? | 19:41 |
fdr | tech0007, thanks | 19:41 |
el1te | Flannel i dont see a popup window but let me look again | 19:41 |
Flannel | el1te: How are you installing this? | 19:42 |
tech0007 | fdr: np | 19:42 |
microwaver | Jburrke, fn buttons aren't working either | 19:42 |
etheredge | goibhniu, do you know which would? | 19:42 |
el1te | through adept update | 19:42 |
Jburrke | microwaver, Dunno what to say then, sorry =/ | 19:42 |
broonsparrow | hi. how do i make my usb wireless dongle work??? | 19:42 |
lordchavez83 | any1 in here who can help me with an Geforce5200go and Xserver, i recently got a black screen after loading ? | 19:42 |
factotum | anyone have bad experiences when doing a dist-upgrade instead of a reinstall? | 19:42 |
el1te | the little auto notification is letting me know i have an unfinished install of java | 19:42 |
goibhniu | etheredge: does windows need to be able to read it? | 19:42 |
etheredge | well my ps3 does | 19:42 |
=== gexen42 is now known as gexen | ||
el1te | i couldnt figure it out how to install so every tine i boot it tells me | 19:42 |
etheredge | i would like if windows could read it as well | 19:42 |
Flannel | el1te: Adept may be a little different in the layout. #kubuntu could tell you more concretely. Or you can just do this via the command line, | 19:42 |
etheredge | but its not a req atm | 19:43 |
=== gexen is now known as tempspace | ||
etheredge | goibhniu, my ps3 but i would like windows to if possible | 19:43 |
SinnerG | I apt-get upgrade'd and now apache wont boot :( | 19:43 |
Bert_2 | lastelement0: you can toggle a channel with , and . or with < and > | 19:43 |
djhash_ | !pastebin | AstralliS | 19:43 |
ubottu | AstralliS: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 19:43 |
Flannel | SinnerG: What errors does it give? | 19:43 |
el1te | i can see the license agreement i just cant enter that window so it can take a keyboard command | 19:43 |
SinnerG | none | 19:43 |
SinnerG | thats the sad part | 19:44 |
goibhniu | etheredge: I don't know what filesystems a ps3 can handle .. I think that the kernel needs to support it .. I really don't know much about windows filesystems sorry :( | 19:44 |
Flannel | el1te: You should ask in #kubuntu, I don't know. | 19:44 |
el1te | ok thanks | 19:44 |
tech0007 | el1te: use alt-tab | 19:44 |
Bert_2 | lastelement0: did it work ? | 19:44 |
etheredge | heh well is there a filesystem with linux that i could use to xfer it? | 19:44 |
lastelement0 | bert_2: thank you very much that did the trick | 19:44 |
AstralliS | ok, here's pastebin link | 19:44 |
microwaver | anyone wnt to help me with my brighness control? it isn't working at all the directory /acpi/video/VGA/LCD/brightness doesn't exist. | 19:44 |
goibhniu | etheredge: any one you like | 19:44 |
etheredge | goibhniu, well i will play with it later thanky :) | 19:45 |
ldiamond | I need a good music player, Rhythmbox is really bad. any suggestions? | 19:45 |
AstralliS | amarok | 19:45 |
lastelement0 | ldiamond: i use amarok | 19:45 |
Bert_2 | lastelement0: great, now sorry that it had to be done in such an unfriendly way, ubuntu is all about an easy user-experience so we try to minimise the need for this "command line" stuff | 19:45 |
ldiamond | ill give it a shot | 19:45 |
lastelement0 | bert_2: its alright i have no problem with the command line, just was unaware of that particular command | 19:46 |
ldiamond | 122MB for amarok | 19:46 |
ldiamond | wow | 19:46 |
broonsparrow | hi. how do i make my usb wireless dongle work, it's a d-link one. would i need a driver? where could i get one? | 19:46 |
lastelement0 | bert_2: i had a feeling it was something silly once i found out both sides worked | 19:46 |
Bert_2 | lastelement0: well, I was too, I just did man alsamixer and it was in there somewhere ;) :p | 19:46 |
daftykins | hahaha, that's always the most hilarious question relating to Linux | 19:46 |
lastelement0 | bert_2: im just impatient haha | 19:46 |
daftykins | "USB" "wireless" and "driver" in the same sentence | 19:46 |
lordchavez83 | any1 in here who can help me with an Geforce5200go and Xserver, i recently got a black screen after loading ? | 19:46 |
icewaterman | can i migrate from kubuntu to ubuntu by removing kubuntu-desktop and install ubuntu-desktop? | 19:46 |
goibhniu | lastelement0: how did you fix it? | 19:46 |
icewaterman | installing that is | 19:47 |
daftykins | flashing cursor lordchavez83 ? | 19:47 |
daftykins | login prompt after pressing ctrl+alt+f1 ? | 19:47 |
Bert_2 | goibhniu: I told lastelement0 to use the . and, to togle both channels on (I read the man) | 19:47 |
lordchavez83 | no | 19:47 |
goibhniu | Bert_2: ah brilliant .. thanks | 19:48 |
AstralliS | I have the same problem lordchavez83, but after some time system is loading | 19:48 |
Bert_2 | goibhniu: np ;) | 19:48 |
xFlipx | yay I fixed my problem!! | 19:48 |
AstralliS | one for a million :) | 19:48 |
lordchavez83 | the thing is without the hardware accleration the system is working laggy but it works! But after isntalliong nvidia-glx-new | 19:48 |
lordchavez83 | the Screen stays black after x was started | 19:49 |
tech0007 | icewaterman: do u want to totally remove kubuntu or you want two desktops: kde and gnome? | 19:49 |
xFlipx | be back on ubuntu! | 19:49 |
daftykins | so nvidia-glx-new went on, you rebooted to use it, and X no longer starts? | 19:49 |
legend2440 | icewaterman: | 19:49 |
Radit | how do i change the startup sound in ubuntu? | 19:49 |
lordchavez83 | the system freezes | 19:49 |
daftykins | ooo | 19:49 |
AstralliS | is there chance to have both desktops? | 19:49 |
goibhniu | lordchavez83: do you need the legacy nvidia driver perhaps? is it an nvidia 5200? | 19:49 |
Omid | hi! why I see "BusyBox......." when I start ubuntu? | 19:49 |
SinnerG | ah found it I think | 19:50 |
lordchavez83 | an 5200go ( notebook) | 19:50 |
Radit | how do i change the startup sound in ubuntu? | 19:50 |
AstralliS | <goibhniu> lordchavez83: do you need the legacy nvidia driver perhaps? is it an nvidia 5200 >> some help for 6200 ? | 19:50 |
lordchavez83 | i also got the problem with my 7600gt at my normal workstation | 19:50 |
Radit | how do i change the startup sound in ubuntu? -not the login sound | 19:50 |
ovidiu | hi | 19:51 |
ovidiu | I have 2 problems | 19:51 |
lordchavez83 | i followed most of the instructions on the official support board of ubuntu,... but doesnt worked | 19:51 |
ovidiu | 1. In GDM, when I insert my username and password and I press Enter | 19:51 |
ovidiu | the X server restarts | 19:51 |
goibhniu | lordchavez83: AstralliS as far as I know the cut off for the legacy driver is around the 5xxx .. but you'd want to check | 19:51 |
Radit | how do i change the startup sound in ubuntu? -not the login sound | 19:51 |
goibhniu | AstralliS: you should be using the new one | 19:51 |
ovidiu | when I insert again the username and password for the second time, after restart | 19:51 |
AstralliS | new one? | 19:51 |
Omid | why I see that windows is alike a command line and show "BosyBox Version 1......"? why it happen and don't go to ubuntu GUI | 19:52 |
ovidiu | the X server doesn't crash no more | 19:52 |
lordchavez83 | i belive that the xorg.conf is not what it has to be | 19:52 |
goibhniu | AstralliS: nvidia-glx-new | 19:52 |
ovidiu | what is the problem? | 19:52 |
AstralliS | ok | 19:52 |
lordchavez83 | no it doesntwork gobhniu | 19:52 |
Radit | how do i change the startup sound in ubuntu? -not the login sound | 19:52 |
gluefairy | !repeat > Radit | 19:53 |
ovidiu | Radit: what do you mean? | 19:53 |
AstralliS | I have already new version | 19:53 |
Omid | I cannot enter ubunu, I see only a commandline when I boot ubuntu | 19:53 |
goibhniu | AstralliS: lordchavez83 have you looked at the log in Xorg.0.log.old ? | 19:53 |
AstralliS | but again, nothing's changed/ | 19:53 |
ovidiu | Radit: the only sound in Ubuntu is the login sound | 19:53 |
sjgibbs80 | hello all | 19:53 |
lordchavez83 | hold on | 19:53 |
MrBill | My update manager is showing me an update for 'libtotem-plparser10' but it's greyed out and I am unable to select to apply it, why might that be happening? | 19:53 |
AaronH | hi sjgibbs80 | 19:53 |
tech0007 | Omid: did u install the server version? | 19:53 |
Radit | ovidiu: you know.. where there is a short drum before loging in? | 19:53 |
Omid | no, desktop verion | 19:54 |
sjgibbs80 | hi AaronH | 19:54 |
Galoula | Hello, Im french, And I a little bug with my mouse, she's VERY SLOW, where I can configure it ? | 19:54 |
amirouche | Radit: the song ? | 19:54 |
amirouche | Galoula: in the configuration part | 19:54 |
amirouche | Galoula: dans la partie configuration | 19:54 |
cypha | can someone help me with dual-view please?? | 19:54 |
zipito | can someone help me with ext3 fs | 19:54 |
tech0007 | Omid: what did u do before it happend? | 19:54 |
cypha | it's been 1 day, and i still have no dual-view | 19:54 |
Radit | amirouche: no not the gnome login song, the startup sound? | 19:54 |
cypha | i even had to reinstall ubuntu completely | 19:54 |
zipito | when I try to mount ext3 partition I see such message in the log | 19:54 |
zipito | May 16 21:50:43 10ka kernel: [42955545.060000] ext3: No journal on filesystem on hdb1 | 19:54 |
ovidiu | you can search youtube movies woth totem? | 19:54 |
amirouche | Galoula: normal comme sous windows en fait | 19:55 |
zipito | is it fixable ?? | 19:55 |
lordchavez83 | mom the thing what i want ubuntu to is to activate the hardware accleration for my 5200 | 19:55 |
ovidiu | I can do this anymore... | 19:55 |
amirouche | Radit: you look for the startup song ? | 19:55 |
goibhniu | AstralliS: sorry .. can you describe you're situation again for me? you have a 6200 and have installed nvidia-glx-new and now Xorg won't start .. is that it? | 19:55 |
ovidiu | I can't do this anymore | 19:55 |
daftykins | cypha are you trying to get a dual-screen setup going with 8.04? | 19:55 |
tech0007 | zipito: hdb may not be ext3 | 19:55 |
cypha | yes | 19:55 |
daftykins | nvidia gfx? | 19:55 |
=== jussiava is now known as _cheerios | ||
lordchavez83 | goibhniu an i query u? | 19:55 |
cypha | nvidia | 19:55 |
tech0007 | zipito: what filesystem is it? | 19:55 |
Galoula | amirouche -> Dans windows par defaut elle marche bien, dans mon Debian il me faut 10 touchpad comple pour aller d'un bors à l'autre et dans Debian je n'est que l'acceleration ... | 19:55 |
MrPeepers310 | hey whats the command to open a file to adobe photoshop under wine? | 19:55 |
goibhniu | lordchavez83: sure | 19:55 |
daftykins | which card, and are both screens on DVI? | 19:55 |
AstralliS | hmmm, goibhniu, mainly I have problems with compiz | 19:55 |
zipito | tech0007 ext3 | 19:56 |
zipito | so fsck tells | 19:56 |
Flannel | !fr | Galoula | 19:56 |
ubottu | Galoula: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 19:56 |
cypha | it's an onboard nvidia 6800 i believe | 19:56 |
_cheerios | can't get ubuntu installed with samsung sh-s203+samsung f1 750. any suggestions on how to get the sata stuff recognized? | 19:56 |
daftykins | is it a laptop then? | 19:56 |
cypha | laptop | 19:56 |
cypha | yes | 19:56 |
goibhniu | AstralliS: ahh .. the window border thing .. have you installed fusion-icon? it might help | 19:56 |
AstralliS | I gave ubuntu pastebin link above | 19:56 |
cypha | i have the monitor plugged in analog | 19:56 |
Radit | amirouche: i want to change the startup song, how do i do this? but not the login sound; i could change the login sound by going to: preferences -> sounds | 19:56 |
MrPeepers310 | hey whats the command to open a file to adobe photoshop under wine? | 19:56 |
sjgibbs80 | All: I have recently taken an old Mandrake machine out of mothballs - unused for years - for use as a development server. Ubuntu installs, but when I reboot the old Mandrake loader comes up. I'd like to completely clear down the disks (there are two) and start afresh with whatever loader Ubuntu uses but none of the obvious options in the install screens (Install GRUB, install LILO etc) work. | 19:56 |
daftykins | ah ok so one screen is built-in, the other is a VGA d-sub external? | 19:56 |
cypha | yes | 19:56 |
wols_ | cypha: there are no 6800 nvidia onboard chips | 19:56 |
cypha | not sure what d-sub is | 19:56 |
wols_ | simply don't exist | 19:56 |
AstralliS | no, goibhiniu, how I can do that? | 19:56 |
daftykins | d-sub is the name of connector | 19:56 |
daftykins | 15 pin condensed d-sub = vga | 19:56 |
AaronH | MrPeepers310, just open Adobe then do file>open | 19:56 |
cypha | does ubuntu have "system information" where it can tell me what card i have? | 19:57 |
tech0007 | zipito: sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdb | 19:57 |
Radit | how do i change the startup sound in ubuntu? -not the login sound | 19:57 |
wols_ | cypha: lspci | 19:57 |
Flannel | Radit: In Login Screen setup, under accessibility | 19:57 |
daftykins | install the OS, allow it to install nvidia-glx-new if prompted, then install "nvidia-settings" and using a terminal run "sudo nvidia-settings" ? | 19:57 |
goibhniu | AstralliS: `apt-get install fusion-icon` I think | 19:57 |
daftykins | you done all that? | 19:57 |
cypha | lspci didn't tell me what nvidia card i had | 19:57 |
MrPeepers310 | AaronH: but if i wanted to click on an image and have it open in photoshop how do i do that? | 19:57 |
cypha | but it said nvidia like 15 times | 19:57 |
wols_ | cypha: BS | 19:57 |
genii | Radit: | 19:57 |
AaronH | cypha, "lshw" gives you the best system info | 19:57 |
daftykins | be right back | 19:57 |
zipito | tech0007: dev/hdb1 * 1 5079 38397208+ 83 Linux | 19:57 |
daftykins | actually i'll be a while | 19:57 |
wols_ | cypha: lspci |grep -i VGA | 19:57 |
ovidiu | In GDM, when I insert my username and password and I press Enter the X server restart, but only for the first time when | 19:57 |
ovidiu | I boot | 19:58 |
AstralliS | <goibhniu> AstralliS: `apt-get install fusion-icon` I think >> is it needed to be logged as root? | 19:58 |
Flannel | AstralliS: put sudo in front of it | 19:58 |
ovidiu | if I try again, it log in succesful | 19:58 |
Radit | Flannel: Thanks :-) | 19:58 |
goibhniu | AstralliS: sorry .. what Flannel said :D | 19:58 |
goibhniu | AstralliS: or use synaptic | 19:58 |
Galoula | What is the config file for modifiy the SPEED of my mouse and not the mouse acceleration please ? | 19:58 |
cypha | lshw didn't give me the model of my nvidia either | 19:59 |
legend2440 | Radit: i think the sound your talking about is /usr/share/sounds/question.wav? | 19:59 |
zipito | tech0007: tune2fs -j /dev/hdb1 ?? | 19:59 |
frieze | is there any reason that I would have trouble using apt-get to install dhcpd on 8.04 server? | 19:59 |
tech0007 | zipito: yes | 19:59 |
AstralliS | goibhiniu, this is what I got: Couldn't find package fusion-ico | 19:59 |
tech0007 | zipito: that's what i'm about to suggest | 19:59 |
rohan | qt was upgraded to version 4.4 in the backports? | 19:59 |
AstralliS | and I can't find that package via Synaptic | 19:59 |
MrPeepers310 | rohan: yes it finally was! | 19:59 |
crdlb | cypha: what exactly does 'lspci | grep -i vga' say? Does it say something about an unknown device? | 20:00 |
lordchavez83 | goibhniu: wrote u sth. about my problem,.. i am out for a ciggarette for a short while | 20:00 |
rohan | MrPeepers310: aha, great :) i just wanted to confirm, because isn't helping | 20:00 |
Flannel | frieze: nope, apt-get is straight forward | 20:00 |
cypha | OH! | 20:00 |
cypha | crdlb, that worked! | 20:00 |
cypha | it's geforce 6150 Go | 20:01 |
zipito | tech0007: now I can see only lost+found catalog there :( | 20:01 |
MrPeepers310 | rohan: im not gonna lie i was thuroughly excited when i saw it | 20:01 |
Ntsunda | I'm a complete newbie and am struggling with installing 8.04 | 20:01 |
Flannel | frieze: | 20:01 |
Omid | I cannot enter ubunu, I see only a commandline when I boot ubuntu | 20:01 |
Omid | I cannot enter ubunu, I see only a commandline when I boot ubuntu | 20:01 |
Flannel | !repeat | Omid | 20:01 |
ubottu | Omid: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 20:01 |
Omid | why I see that windows is alike a command line and show "BosyBox Version 1......"? why it happen and don't go to ubuntu GUI | 20:01 |
Flannel | Omid: How did you install ubuntu? | 20:01 |
tech0007 | zipito: -j only adds a journal | 20:01 |
rohan | MrPeepers310: yep, it rocks! i want to learn Qt, and having the latest version in ubuntu is absolutely super | 20:01 |
BuSyAnToS | hello i have a problem..ubuntu 7.10 server on a hp boot networking doesn't start can anyone help me please? | 20:01 |
rohan | Omid: any errors? | 20:01 |
frieze | Flannel: Ah, thanks. wsa looking for the wrong package | 20:01 |
Omid | Install Inside windows | 20:02 |
Ntsunda | I can't see my HDD and so have no partitions etc | 20:02 |
zipito | tech0007: before I've been recovering FS using fsck | 20:02 |
Flannel | Omid: So, wubi you mean? | 20:02 |
rohan | Omid: oh, you used wubi? | 20:02 |
MrPeepers310 | rohan: i need it to build the next version of gwenview | 20:02 |
rohan | MrPeepers310: ah, ok | 20:02 |
zipito | tech0007: is there automated recovery from the lost+found ?? | 20:02 |
Omid | Ubuntu 8.02 | 20:02 |
Tyler | Any storage Guru's out there? Every time I format my secondary (IDE) hard drive I works until I reboot, then giving me 'bad superblock' errors in Gparted | 20:02 |
ermac0 | #help | 20:03 |
lordchavez83 | goibhniu: got now some msgs from me? | 20:03 |
Omid | no, I see that windows "BusyBox Verion 1........." | 20:03 |
Tyler | Nt sunda: what do you mean? | 20:03 |
goibhniu | lordchavez83: nope .. are you registered? | 20:03 |
Flannel | Omid: does it give you errors above that? or is that all you see? | 20:03 |
lordchavez83 | how to? | 20:03 |
PacalNord | Hello ALL. Has anyone else noticed that 8.04 gnome-clock has lost the 'unix time' and 'Internet time' display options. | 20:03 |
tech0007 | zipito: not sure, but you can check file recovery sw from repo ie e2undel, recover, etc | 20:03 |
erUSUL | Tyler: the disk is dieing ? | 20:03 |
Omid | it's that windows I see | 20:03 |
Flannel | Omid: Windows? | 20:04 |
Ntsunda | When i get to step 4 "prepare partitions" I have no partitions, no devices | 20:04 |
goibhniu | lordchavez83: /msg NickServ help | 20:04 |
Omid | no! window! | 20:04 |
lordchavez83 | thx | 20:04 |
Ntsunda | All the buttons are greyed out and I can go no further | 20:04 |
AstralliS | goibhniu: may I ask you on private about this? | 20:04 |
Tyler | erUSUL: I hope not. I don't understand it. I've formated it in everything from ext2 to rieser, no luck | 20:04 |
goibhniu | AstralliS: sure | 20:04 |
Omid | black screen alike Microsoft DOS! | 20:04 |
eri3 | hello, can somebody help me with my grub screen or tell me where i should go for help? | 20:04 |
Flannel | !ask | eri3 | 20:04 |
ubottu | eri3: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 20:04 |
Tyler | eri3: what do you want to do with your grub screen? | 20:05 |
Flannel | Omid: right, this is inside of a window? or not? You've already installed, correct? | 20:05 |
AstralliS | goibhniu: just to register | 20:05 |
tech0007 | Omid: can u paste your /var/log/Xorg.0.log using pastebin | 20:05 |
erUSUL | Tyler: well maybe you need to pass fsck -c to check for badblocks? also take a look at smartctl to see if it reports errors | 20:05 |
Odpey | i hope someone can help me... i just accidentally deleted the taskbar / taskmanager from my panel... how do i get it back | 20:05 |
Omid | no, after ubuntu boot time progress I see that | 20:05 |
RyanPrior | Odpey: right-click the panel, choose "Add to panel..." and add the task manager applet. | 20:05 |
RyanPrior | Odpey: 3-click process. :-) | 20:06 |
eri3 | my grub screen stopped working, and that was ok for a while, but now I can't get into windows or ubuntu. does anybody know what to do? | 20:06 |
britton | hello, I just installed Ubuntu 8.04 LTS but I had a second HDD with an incomplete Windows XP install and now XP shows up as a grub entry. How can I reformat the second HDD and get the XP option off of the grub screen? I downloaded Gparted already | 20:06 |
Odpey | i don't have the option 'Add to panel' | 20:06 |
Flannel | Omid: Alright, try booting to windows, then shutting down completely, then rebooting into Ubuntu. Soemtimes that happens if you have an unclean shutdown | 20:06 |
Odpey | i just installed kubuntu 8.04 with the kde 4 desktop | 20:06 |
Tyler | erUSUL: will do. thanks for the pointers. BTW it doesn't show up at boot either, I have to use Gparted to pick it up. I don't know if that tells you anything | 20:06 |
RyanPrior | Odpey: You're in the wrong channel then. Please ask in #kubuntu | 20:06 |
Odpey | thanks :) RyanPrior | 20:07 |
genii | Odpey: Actually #kubuntu or #kubuntu-kde4 | 20:07 |
sjgibbs80 | Guys I'd like to wipe my mbr and OS loaders and have a fresh clean 8.04 ubuntu server. How do I do that? | 20:07 |
Omid | I did try that way, but it does not fix | 20:07 |
ChaosTheory_ | Can anyone walk me through a Slackware-Ubuntu dual-boot installation? =P | 20:07 |
Flannel | sjgibbs80: Just pop the disk in and install, reformat the entire harddrive | 20:07 |
wakka-wakka | alright, hd is wiped out if anyone was on here an hour ago. | 20:07 |
RyanPrior | sjgibbs80: A strong magnet would work. Otherwise you could try reformatting the drive. | 20:07 |
gluefairy | eri3: What you mean it stopped working? Grub doesn't load or it loads and gives you a funny screen? | 20:07 |
wakka-wakka | how do i go about uninstalling firefox beta | 20:07 |
Flannel | britton: repartitioning is easy, fire up gparted and delete it. As for changing the GRUB menu, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and delete the windows stuff at the very bottom | 20:07 |
mibu666 | Bonsoir à tous | 20:08 |
Tyler | wakka-wakka: Use synaptic | 20:08 |
Pici | !fr | mibu666 | 20:08 |
ubottu | mibu666: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 20:08 |
sjgibbs80 | Flannel: How do I "reformat the entire drive?" - I used the partitioner step and it left an old loader behind | 20:08 |
redwhitewaldo | how do i figure out my network device's name (it's not eth0)? thanks | 20:08 |
AaronH | britton, you just have to use gparted to wipe out the windows hdd and then edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst to get rid of the windows option at boot | 20:08 |
tech0007 | sjgibbs80: pick 'guided' | 20:08 |
anabolix | anyone know how to fix my login screen? its way bigger than my monitor, making the box where i enter my password at the bottom right, instead of being center screen. | 20:09 |
Flannel | sjgibbs80: During the installation, just tell it to use the entire drive, or go manually and delete all the partitions, then create new ones, etc | 20:09 |
Tyler | redwhitewaldo: System>Network Tools | 20:09 |
eri3 | gluefairy: iit just stopped loading and automatically went to windows. it did that before because i had set windows as the first startup option so it automatically picked it, but then the screen stopped loading altogether... it didn't matter to me because my mom was using the computer and she hates ubuntu, so i didn't really care. but now even windows won't load up. i'm just assuming that if i can find a way to get to the grub screen | 20:09 |
RyanPrior | anabolix: I've heard that complaint like 3 times now, still not sure what causes it. | 20:09 |
redwhitewaldo | Tyler: is it "lo"? | 20:09 |
sjgibbs80 | tech0007 & Flannel: I think I've tried that from the manual option. I'll try the guided options. brb | 20:10 |
Tyler | redwhitewaldo: You're asking a process of elimation question. Try it | 20:10 |
redwhitewaldo | Tyler: I see eth0, but when i do a command "sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0" it says "unknown interface" | 20:10 |
anabolix | ryanprior: yea its been that way for a while.... but it wasnt that way when i installed ubuntu... its after i got new login screens and used them | 20:10 |
Tyler | redwhitewaldo: Sounds like you're missing drivers | 20:10 |
=== RandomCake__ is now known as RandomCake | ||
britton | thanks Flannel AaronH rebooting to ck for grub errors | 20:11 |
gluefairy | eri3: Can you paste your menu.lst? | 20:11 |
redwhitewaldo | Tyler: but my wired internet is working just fine | 20:11 |
RyanPrior | anabolix: Perhaps you should read the documentation on the gdm login screen and then things will make sense. | 20:11 |
tech0007 | redwhitewaldo: type ifconfig | 20:11 |
anabolix | ryanprior: tbh, i think i might have followed an instruction on how to use the login screen i just got, and might have altered a config file | 20:11 |
icewaterman | tech0007: want to remove kde desktop (keep some kde apps though) | 20:11 |
Omid | how I can scape that window? | 20:11 |
anabolix | ryanprior: but it was a long time ago, and forgot what exactly i might have done.... | 20:11 |
Omid | why I see that? | 20:12 |
redwhitewaldo | tech0007: | 20:12 |
tech0007 | icewaterman: | 20:12 |
eri3 | gluefairy: i can't get the computer to load at all. it tries loading into windows but i get to some options like 'start in safe mode' or 'start last known working configuration,' but none of those work | 20:12 |
RyanPrior | anabolix: Like I said, if you understood the system, you might be able to look at the necessary configuration files and so on and just make sense of it. | 20:12 |
gluefairy | eri3: Do you have any live cds? | 20:12 |
anabolix | ryanprior: if im not mistaken i had to add a variable value at an end of a config file... something like vga=xxx ...... xxx=being any 3 numbers | 20:12 |
tech0007 | redwhitewaldo: you r using eth0, try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart instead | 20:13 |
anabolix | ryanprior: thanks | 20:13 |
Tyler | anabolix: sudo nano /etc/usplash.conf | 20:13 |
Tyler | anabolix: check your resolution in this | 20:13 |
gluefairy | eri3: The ubuntu installation cd for example, which you could boot from. | 20:13 |
eri3 | gluefairy: i'm sorry but i'm not sure what that is... is that the same thing you use to install ubuntu in the first place? if so, no, i think i lost it, but i could make a new one | 20:13 |
redwhitewaldo | tech0007: Usage: /etc/init.d/networking {start|stop|restart|force-reload} | 20:13 |
eri3 | gluefairy: i could make a new one... what then? | 20:13 |
Tyler | redwhitewaldo: are you trying to figure out your ip address or configure your wireless? | 20:13 |
redwhitewaldo | tech0007: i'm trying to set up opendns (cf | 20:13 |
tech0007 | redwhitewaldo: right | 20:13 |
pavelbor | hello all, how to connett to samba share, located in same home network (Dreambox sat reciever, running Linux) ? Windows PC can see and connect to Samba, but cannot from Ubuntu 8.04 | 20:13 |
anabolix | tyler: # Usplash configuration file | 20:14 |
anabolix | xres=1280 | 20:14 |
anabolix | yres=1024 | 20:14 |
Tyler | anabolix: ok is that the resolution you ususally run at? | 20:14 |
redwhitewaldo | Tyler: tech0007: i'm down to the last step on that page. Command "$ sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0 " wont't work for me. | 20:14 |
Tyler | anabolix: there is another file to configure your loggin and I'm trying to remember it | 20:14 |
gluefairy | eri3: you will need to boot the computer to fix anything (unless you could steal the hardrive), so yeah, you will need to make another installation cd. | 20:14 |
gate_jo | hi i have a problem how to launch automatically flash player in my firefox browser | 20:14 |
hotmonkeyluv | is there a way that I can install something with "sudo apt-get install conky --enable-xmms2" (this doesn't work) Can you pass arguments to aptitude when installing packages? | 20:14 |
gate_jo | ? | 20:15 |
anabolix | tyler: 1024768 | 20:15 |
icewaterman | tech0007: hm, i think i should go for a new i386 install (currently it is amd64) since there is no easy way to get a working 32-bit installation via chroot and then boot it, i guess i am with installing it all over again | 20:15 |
Tyler | redwhitewaldo: try eth1 then | 20:15 |
anabolix | tyler: 1024x768 | 20:15 |
Tyler | anabolix: change it to that then | 20:15 |
anabolix | tyler: your telling me to edit the config file? or change the res, from the options | 20:15 |
marcules | Hey Guys :) | 20:15 |
Pici | hotmonkeyluv: No, apt pulls down binary packages, not sources. You *may* be able to do that if you apt-get source conky and compile it yourself though | 20:15 |
tech0007 | redwhitewaldo: you can skip the last step i think, try it | 20:15 |
Tyler | anabolix: edit the config file to the resolution that you usually run on your desktop | 20:16 |
hotmonkeyluv | Pici: I tried that, but it won't go through the make process | 20:16 |
redwhitewaldo | tech0007: ok. | 20:16 |
redwhitewaldo | thanks! | 20:16 |
askand | What could be the reason for ubuntu lagging on a laptop with 512 mb ram and 1,8 ghz? | 20:16 |
Pici | hotmonkeyluv: You'll need to do apt-get build-dep conky first | 20:16 |
Omid | nobody could not help me? | 20:16 |
Tyler | akand: the Gnome DE | 20:16 |
microwaver | anyone wnt to help me with my brighness control? it isn't working at all the directory /acpi/video/VGA/LCD/brightness doesn't exist. | 20:16 |
hotmonkeyluv | Pici: oh.. | 20:16 |
grendal_prime | im looking to get a dell needs to be a latitude..i hear the dell latitude d630s are the bomb..anyone running one and how well are they dealling with the hardware? | 20:17 |
tech0007 | Omid: what's wrong? | 20:17 |
gluefairy | eri3: after making a new one, you should boot into it, mount the partition ubuntu is located on and check the file /boot/grub/menu.lst | 20:17 |
Tyler | grendal_prime: you need to search the forums for Dell Vostro Ubuntu guide | 20:17 |
wakka-wakka | how would i go about uninstalling firefox 3 beta 5 and installing one in the 2 area? | 20:17 |
Tyler | grendal_prime: I'm not promising anything but it may work | 20:17 |
hotmonkeyluv | Pici: Wow, that seems like a really useful command, I wonder why I never heard about it | 20:17 |
Omid | black screen alike Microsoft DOS! first word: "BusyBox Verion 1...." Ubunu 8.02 Desktop | 20:17 |
hotmonkeyluv | askand: perhaps a bad gfx card driver? | 20:18 |
Omid | I see that after Boot time progress | 20:18 |
Pici | hotmonkeyluv: that grabs the build (compile) dependencies for packages, useful if you want to compile your own versions of stuff already in the repos. | 20:18 |
Tyler | wakka-wakka: don't uninstall firefox 3b just install ff 2 to run along with it | 20:18 |
hotmonkeyluv | Pici: hrm, I still get the same errors | 20:18 |
wakka-wakka | Tyler: why do you say that | 20:18 |
hotmonkeyluv | Pici: do I need to ./configure it with those installed first? | 20:19 |
Pici | hotmonkeyluv: yes. | 20:19 |
mephistofun | what is name of the package containing the complete kernel sources for hardy | 20:19 |
Tyler | wakka-wakka: because ff3b will eventually turn into ff3 release cantitade | 20:19 |
hotmonkeyluv | Pici: does it hurt/matter if I do ./configure and then do it again? | 20:19 |
wakka-wakka | Tyler: maybe you could answer this.. is there a way, that when i press the down button on the address bar, it will show what i went to, not what's in my bookmarks (or whatever it shows) | 20:19 |
Tyler | mephistofun:You can find it in Synaptic. Search for kernel | 20:19 |
Pici | hotmonkeyluv: nope, you can ./configure all you want | 20:19 |
Daisuke_Laptop | wakka-wakka: it shows both. | 20:20 |
MrBill | My update manager is showing me an update for 'libtotem-plparser10' but it's greyed out and I am unable to select to apply it, why might that be happening? | 20:20 |
rinaldi_ | Hi, im trying to add Vista to GRUB on hard drive sda1 but I get the error "Grub Error 13: "Invalid or unsupported executable format" here is my fdisk -l and menu.lst any ideas? | 20:20 |
tech0007 | mephistofun: linux-source | 20:20 |
hotmonkeyluv | Pici: WOOT! it's alive! | 20:20 |
Tyler | wakka-wakka: It's showing your bookmarks? I've never heard of/realised that | 20:20 |
hotmonkeyluv | thanks a bunches Pici | 20:20 |
Pici | hotmonkeyluv: surely | 20:20 |
jimbo | mephistofun, shear in the bash | 20:20 |
wakka-wakka | let me take a ss and show you | 20:20 |
wakka-wakka | if possible | 20:20 |
Omid | what it happen? what should I do? | 20:20 |
hotmonkeyluv | Pici: do you perchance know of a good conkyrc file I can use? | 20:21 |
Pici | hotmonkeyluv: nope! I think the conky website has some samples though | 20:21 |
hotmonkeyluv | yeah, they do, just wanted to find another source | 20:21 |
amrik | Hi I am trying to run updates via a "sudo aptitude dist-upgrade" and I am getting some unmet dependency errors. Some of the packages depend on versions that are newer than that are in the hardy repositories; how can I fix this? | 20:21 |
anabolix | tyler: it didnt fix the problem :S | 20:21 |
wakka-wakka | Daisuke_Laptop: is there a way to have it just show what i went to/typed in, instead of both or description? | 20:22 |
Tyler | anabolis: Hold on | 20:22 |
Omid | nobody can not understand me? | 20:22 |
tech0007 | Omid: do u have dual boot | 20:22 |
Arelis | Hey there everyone. I am looking for a good audio recording/editing program in which you may record tracks seperately then add them together and add effects to them. Also some MIDI. For Ubuntu | 20:23 |
Daisuke_Laptop | wakka-wakka: not that i know of, all i can say is to give it a chance, it's actually a lot more useful than it seems at first glance | 20:23 |
Tyler | anabolis: sudo apt-get install startupmanager | 20:23 |
tech0007 | Arelis: audacity | 20:23 |
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Tyler | anabolis: then run startupmanager in terminal | 20:23 |
Arelis | tech0007: I meant something like garageband | 20:24 |
hotmonkeyluv | Firefox keeps dying on me! grrr | 20:24 |
amrik | what is going on with libtotem-plparser10? it is depending on versions of libraries that are newer than those in hardy repositories | 20:24 |
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condawg | Hey =]] Can anyone help me out? For some reason, my sound stops working with some programs after a while. Like, I was just using Amarok to listen to music, and now Firefox won't make any noise. Why is this? | 20:25 |
tech0007 | Arelis: jokosher? | 20:25 |
jeleta | hi i have a problem can anyone help me? | 20:25 |
Omid | yes, dual boot | 20:25 |
Omid | Vista and Ubunu | 20:25 |
DarkVampire | hello | 20:25 |
Cromag | !ask | 20:25 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 20:25 |
RyanPrior | !ask | jeleta | 20:25 |
ubottu | jeleta: please see above | 20:25 |
zipito | is it possible o recover mine disk from lost+found ?? I can see only that directry and depending on its size - if contains the whole disk data !!! | 20:25 |
tech0007 | Omid: boot to Vista and run chkdsk /r, it may be an issue w/ unclean partition | 20:26 |
MariAngel | buenas quien me puede ayudar a configurar una tarjeta inalambrica wi-fi | 20:26 |
mitch_ | Hey can someone help me compile firefox 3 for my ppc? | 20:26 |
jeleta | i logged on and gnome had an error and it would not let me apply the themes | 20:26 |
tech0007 | !es > MariAngel | 20:26 |
cdecarlo | what's a ppc? | 20:26 |
amrik | mitch_: are you sure there are no builds already? | 20:26 |
tech0007 | !es | 20:26 |
ubottu | Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 20:26 |
DarkVampire | is there anyway of hiding MSN by pressing some keymap, like we can do in MSN PLUS! ? | 20:26 |
RyanPrior | condawg: Firefox and especially Flash in Firefox is having sound troubles right now, and it is is a really big mess to sort out. However, it stems from well-known bugs, and it's being worked upon as we speak. | 20:26 |
mitch_ | amrik, i am sure. i'm really using debian. But ubuntu doesn't even have a ppc build | 20:27 |
condawg | RyanPrior: Thanks =] Is there any way to get it to temporarily work again without restarting? Or is a restart necessary? | 20:27 |
Tyler | anabolis: hows that working for you? | 20:27 |
anabolix | tyler: ok i just installed it and i ran it... now what? | 20:27 |
RyanPrior | mitch_: This is not a good channel for that question. Perhaps ask on | 20:27 |
mitch_ | RyanPrior, they sent me here..... | 20:27 |
Tyler | anabolis: lol change the settings to what they should be. What resolution are you running on your desktop? | 20:27 |
RyanPrior | condawg: You can install the package libflashsupport, but it is a sub-standard solution since it often causes Firefox to crash after watching multiple Flash movies with sound. | 20:28 |
condawg | RyanPrior: But, after it crashes and I reopen it, it can still restore my tabs, right? | 20:28 |
RyanPrior | condawg: I just keep a tab of pages with Flash movies that I want to watch, and then watch them all at once at some point so I don't have to keep switching. | 20:28 |
wakka-wakka | alright how od i go about installing firefox 2 | 20:28 |
amrik | mitch_: to be clear what version of ubuntu are you using? | 20:28 |
RyanPrior | condawg: Yes, you can restore your tabs. It's annoying though. :-) | 20:29 |
wakka-wakka | i just dl'd it | 20:29 |
wakka-wakka | =D | 20:29 |
Ronald | RyanPrior: FF crashes after a few flash movies anyway | 20:29 |
condawg | RyanPrior: Alright. Cool. I'll try that out. Thanks =] | 20:29 |
Ronald | with or without libflashsupport | 20:29 |
RyanPrior | Ronald: not on my computer, without libflashsupport. | 20:29 |
amrik | Has anyone tried the flash 10 beta? | 20:29 |
cdecarlo | alright, I've got it down to two possibilities: ppc = PowerPC or ppc = Pocket PC, which one? | 20:29 |
Omid | ok, Thanks! I will try it | 20:29 |
Thanatos____ | I have an IBM thinkpad, and I would like to get VGA out going. My default function key doesn't seem to do anything. I'm running hard herron. Any takers? | 20:29 |
Ronald | RyanPrior: FF been crashhappy on flash on linux since I known it | 20:29 |
Tyler | Thanatos____: Good luck and Godspeed with that one | 20:29 |
condawg | RyanPrior: Is there anything I have to do after installing the package? I'll try restarting firefox... | 20:30 |
Nishi | Ronald, thats strange, I've never had FF crash on flash on linux | 20:30 |
Ronald | mainly on youtube | 20:30 |
RyanPrior | Ronald: no surprise there. Flash is a closed blob. However, with Adobe now "supporting" Ubuntu, hopefully they will be able to manage a fix. | 20:30 |
Thanatos____ | Tyler, is this a known difficult problem? | 20:30 |
Ronald | doesn't really matter | 20:30 |
* el_ruso says Hi to everybody | 20:30 | |
DarkVampire | is there anyway of hiding MSN by pressing some keymap, like we can do in MSN PLUS! ? | 20:30 |
RyanPrior | Thanatos____: I was under the impression that Thinkpads were really well supported. | 20:30 |
Ronald | whole hardy feels subpar to me | 20:30 |
RyanPrior | !hi | el_ruso | 20:30 |
ubottu | el_ruso: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 20:30 |
Ronald | so its quite befitting | 20:31 |
RyanPrior | !offtopic | Ronald | 20:31 |
Ronald | :) | 20:31 |
ubottu | Ronald: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 20:31 |
Tyler | Thanatos____: yes on alot of laptops | 20:31 |
el_ruso | troubles here with pcmcia in hardy | 20:31 |
Thanatos____ | RyanPrior: it has been an awesome transition on this laptop, but I will need VGA-out | 20:31 |
condawg | RyanPrior: After a restart of FF after intstalling that package, all seems well. Thanks again =] | 20:31 |
RyanPrior | condawg: buen suerte! | 20:32 |
cegopaiva | Hi every one... | 20:32 |
el_ruso | ____________help with pcmcia in hardy | 20:32 |
Ronald | RyanPrior: you consider that offtopic? FF3 being beta with betalike support BY plugins/extentions, and FF2 being given zero priority by ubuntydevs? (bugs open regarding java pluigin since before RC1) ? | 20:33 |
RyanPrior | !repeat | el_ruso | 20:33 |
ubottu | el_ruso: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 20:33 |
blind | Is there a way I can get a fluxbox-like menu in gnome? | 20:33 |
RyanPrior | Ronald: asking for support on individual Firefox issues is on-topic, loose-cannon ranting about how unstable everything is is off-topic. | 20:33 |
tech0007 | !patience | el_ruso | 20:33 |
ubottu | el_ruso: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 20:33 |
Thanatos____ | Ok, if getting VGA-out is hard, I need to know my graphics card. Does anyone know how I can find this info in gnome/hardy? | 20:34 |
el_ruso | Ryanprior, hi! i have a sonyericsson gc 89 wireless card but freezzes my laptop | 20:34 |
infidelis | anyone run lotus notes? | 20:34 |
RyanPrior | !anyone | infidelis | 20:34 |
ubottu | infidelis: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 20:34 |
RyanPrior | !wireless | el_ruso | 20:34 |
ubottu | el_ruso: Wireless documentation can be found at | 20:34 |
el_ruso | yup Ryanprior but it didn't happen in Gutsy | 20:35 |
amirouche | infidelis: you are looking for a replacement ? | 20:35 |
infidelis | just generally wondering which notes package people have had success with, i'm too much of a newb to know what i'm doing wrong really | 20:35 |
infidelis | i wish :) | 20:36 |
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legend2440 | Thanatos____: in terminal type gnome-device-manager or lspci | 20:36 |
DarkVampire | is there anyway of hiding MSN by pressing some keymap, like we can do in MSN PLUS! ? | 20:36 |
jtaylor13 | I have amd acer desktop and my screen rez is 800x600 and it if i enable the nivida driver it is great.but when i reboot it says input not supported.why?how can i fix? | 20:37 |
=== Nishi is now known as Dew420 | ||
RyanPrior | DarkVampire: what MSN are you talking about? | 20:37 |
jeleta | i logged on and it gave me an error massage about gnome and when i try to apply a theme it wont work | 20:37 |
Gralco | how do i get programs off Application>Wine>Programs | 20:37 |
Thanatos____ | legend2440: thanks | 20:37 |
DarkVampire | any cliente... i just want one cliente (or extra aplication) that can do that | 20:38 |
RyanPrior | Gralco: open System -> Preferences -> Main Menu and hide their launchers using the check boxes. | 20:38 |
olskolirc | ok guys i just upgraded to gutsy and I have everything like I want it. So what happened to my kdmtheme where I can't load kdm themes | 20:38 |
olskolirc | !kdmtheme | 20:38 |
ubottu | To customize your !KDM theme, see - However, see for working around bug #132723 ( | 20:38 |
infidelis | amirouche: is there a replacement that will do things beyond the standard email, calendar, etc? custom dbs? | 20:38 |
RyanPrior | DarkVampire: you can hide any window with Alt+F9 | 20:38 |
el_ruso | RyanPrior: help! | 20:39 |
timposey | I tried to edit my /boot/grub/menu.lst but could not save it in the folder because of permissions so I saved the edited copy to my desktop and wondering if someone can tell me how to copy it back to /boot/grub/ ??? | 20:39 |
Gralco | RyanPrior thanks | 20:39 |
Ace2016 | Hi all | 20:39 |
RyanPrior | !helpme | el_ruso | 20:39 |
ubottu | el_ruso: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience | 20:39 |
Ace2016 | is there a feed reader which will sit in my tray and tell me when a new feed is available? | 20:39 |
tech0007 | timposey: sudo | 20:39 |
jtaylor13 | I have amd acer desktop and my screen rez is 800x600 and it if i enable the nivida driver it is great.but when i reboot it says input not supported.why?how can i fix? | 20:39 |
smallfoot- | bilgebilgebilge, say im burcu :( | 20:39 |
soundray | timposey: 'sudo cp $HOME/Desktop/menu.lst /boot/grub/' | 20:40 |
smallfoot- | help bilgebilgebilge, say im burcu :( | 20:40 |
RyanPrior | Ace2016: If that feature wouldn't drive you absolutely insane, you aren't subscribing to enough feeds. | 20:40 |
RyanPrior | Ace2016: :-) | 20:40 |
soundray | timposey: next time you edit a system file, use 'sudo nano' or 'gksudo gedit' to open it. | 20:40 |
DarkVampire | hmm... that minimizes the window... I want something that hides msn like msn plus does. you know, does not let the conversation windows apear, and removes it from the bar | 20:40 |
Ace2016 | nope just one feed | 20:40 |
ajitam | hi I got ex3 partition. in fstab I got /dev/hdb2 /media/disc2 ext3 defaults 0 0 | 20:40 |
el_ruso | RyanPrior: when i insert my card in hardy, my laptop freezes! | 20:40 |
ajitam | but it doesn't mount it on start up | 20:41 |
RyanPrior | el_ruso: I understand that. However, I am not knowledgeable enough to help. | 20:41 |
Ace2016 | does the directory /media/disc2 exist? | 20:41 |
el_ruso | RyanPrior: got it, no problem! ;) | 20:41 |
ajitam | yes | 20:41 |
soundray | timposey: am I making sense? | 20:42 |
tech0007 | ajitam: add auto in /etc/fstab option | 20:42 |
Ace2016 | oh its set not to mount on boot boot | 20:42 |
wakka-wakka | did anyone customize the appearance to their ubuntu? | 20:42 |
ajitam | tech0007: where do I put auto in fstab | 20:42 |
RyanPrior | !anyone | wakka-wakka | 20:42 |
timposey | soundray Thanks.. I do this so seldom that I have trouble remembering the commands! But that's a good thing about Ubuntu | 20:42 |
ubottu | wakka-wakka: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 20:42 |
jtaylor13 | I have amd acer desktop and my screen rez is 800x600 and it if i enable the nivida driver it is great.but when i reboot it says input not supported.why?how can i fix? | 20:43 |
tech0007 | ajitam: defaults, auto | 20:43 |
jtaylor13 | I have amd acer desktop and my screen rez is 800x600 and it if i enable the nivida driver it is great.but when i reboot it says input not supported.why?how can i fix? | 20:43 |
RyanPrior | !repeat | jtaylor13 | 20:43 |
ubottu | jtaylor13: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 20:43 |
zChris | Is there a way to make gnome redetect the monitor in used? (DVI) | 20:43 |
wakka-wakka | ubottu: does anyone have a link to a good webpage which has options on ways to customize the appearance of your ubuntu? | 20:43 |
ubottu | wakka-wakka: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 20:43 |
wakka-wakka | does anyone have a link to a good webpage which has options on ways to customize the appearance of your ubuntu? | 20:43 |
=== root is now known as adisini | ||
=== root__ is now known as AstralliS | ||
wakka-wakka | ubottu: i figured | 20:44 |
ubottu | Factoid i figured not found | 20:44 |
whabo | is there a way to intsall ubuntu without grub? or lillo? JUST using the MBR from wwindows .. as i have windows installed first on this machine? coz if i decided to remove ubuntu .. i dont want grub messing up my vista install. i dont wanna go threw reinstalling MBR for windows. any ideas? | 20:44 |
soundray | timposey: I recommend keeping a log of your system changes. Very useful as you can refer back to the methods you've used previously. | 20:44 |
RyanPrior | wakka-wakka: | 20:44 |
Nubbie | hi i'm having a problem with nautilus-share using Hardy. When trying to add a share, i receive the following error: 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: failed to add share music. Error was Operation not permitted. I looked up this problem, and it was suggested i log out and log back in, i have done this several times including several reboots. halp! | 20:44 |
ajitam | tech0007: can I test this so other way or I have to reboot ? | 20:44 |
tech0007 | ajitam: reboot | 20:44 |
Nubbie | whabo: at the end of the installation, click the "Advanced" button, you can disable installing a bootmanager there. | 20:45 |
adisini | anybody can help me? i was got IP,gateway & DNS from my pcmcia modem. but why i can't connect to internet? | 20:45 |
shift_ | hello, I am trying to install Evan's debugger but it fails when compiling with the error message ".../plugins/ELFBinaryInfo/ELF32.cpp:28: undefined reference to `BinaryInfo::BinaryInfo(QString const&)'" | 20:45 |
tech0007 | ajitam: sorry, you need to take out defaults, just auto | 20:46 |
shift_ | is there something I am missing? | 20:46 |
Ace2016 | tech0007: i think defaults includes the auto option, thats why you add noauto if you do not want it to mount at boot time | 20:46 |
Nubbie | shift_: what is Evan's debugger? | 20:46 |
Nubbie | shift_: maybe you should be asking the developer of this program how to solve the problem. | 20:46 |
sjgibbs80 | tech0007 & Flannel: I've installed using the Guided -> Entire disk option and the old mandrake loader is still starting up, then failing to load any version linux | 20:46 |
RyanPrior | whabo: There's always Wubi. | 20:46 |
tech0007 | Ace2016: ok, | 20:46 |
Dew420 | wakka-wakka: have you tried gogle? | 20:46 |
Ace2016 | so thats why i think it might be the directory not exisitng | 20:46 |
Ace2016 | existing* | 20:46 |
zChris | Is there a way to make gnome redetect the monitor in use without restarting x? (DVI) | 20:46 |
shift_ | Nubbie, a debugger by Evan ( | 20:46 |
shift_ | Nubbie: ok =( | 20:47 |
zetheroo | is there a GUI for TuxOnIce? | 20:47 |
soundray | !themes | wakka-wakka | 20:47 |
ubottu | wakka-wakka: Find your themes at: - - - - - - - Also see !changethemes and | 20:47 |
DarkVampire | no way? | 20:47 |
Dew420 | well I guess you could do that to soundray :P | 20:47 |
Nubbie | shift_: just saying... it's a problem very specific to that application, you'll probably have better luck finding a solution with the developers of that program. | 20:47 |
ajitam | tech0007: no go the disc didn't mount on reboot | 20:47 |
shift_ | Nubbie: thought maybe there might be a dev who knows qt4 and understands that error message. | 20:48 |
adisini | my pppd was running but i still can't connect to internet | 20:48 |
tech0007 | ajitam: is it an external drive? | 20:48 |
ajitam | no | 20:48 |
ajitam | partition | 20:48 |
cq | I'm trying to compile an X11 app, and it's telling me it can't find -lXext ... all the devel libs and headers are installed, is in /usr/lib/ and if I give the compile line a -L/usr/bin it still cmoplains... any ideas? | 20:48 |
ajitam | I got one disc | 20:48 |
ajitam | en od it ex3 | 20:48 |
ajitam | an msdos partiton | 20:48 |
tech0007 | ajitam: what does sudo fdisk -l tell you? | 20:49 |
lao_ | hello...i just upgraded to to 8.04 from 6.06, and after restarting the computer the wireless connection, through which i access the internet, was broken. I tried using the network administration manager and other gui tools, to no avail. any suggestions? I really need to send off a paper to a professor...argh. I knew updating would inevitably do something. | 20:49 |
=== RandomCake__ is now known as RandomCake | ||
tech0007 | ajitam: sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdb | 20:50 |
soundray | cq: /usr/lib/ is normally a symlink. Check if the link target is present and world-readable. | 20:50 |
cq | no, found it, it wanted libXext.a which was in a different development package | 20:50 |
AstralliS_ | how I can remove fusion icon? | 20:50 |
integrand | can you modify the language priority in SCIM? | 20:50 |
t2 | I have an Intel_hda sound card, if I open flash, I can play sound in realplayer, this is true either way. This is true either way, what can I do? | 20:51 |
adisini | anybody can help me? i was got IP,gateway & DNS from my pcmcia modem. but why i can't connect to internet? | 20:51 |
s0d_ | anyone ever use Ubuntu with an iPhone as a tethered modem? | 20:51 |
Nubbie | hi i'm having a problem with nautilus-share using Hardy. When trying to add a share, i receive the following error: 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: failed to add share music. Error was Operation not permitted. I looked up this problem, and it was suggested i log out and log back in, i have done this several times including several reboots. halp! | 20:51 |
Nubbie | !anyone | s0d_ | 20:51 |
ubottu | s0d_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 20:51 |
t2 | !poll | 20:51 |
ubottu | Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 20:51 |
dmateos | Hey all, getting this error when i try to install nonfree flash | 20:52 |
dmateos | dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/ia32-libs_2.2ubuntu10_amd64.deb (--unpack): | 20:52 |
dmateos | unable to create `./usr/lib32/': No such file or directory | 20:52 |
integrand | can you modify the language priority in SCIM? | 20:52 |
zChris | Is there a way to make gnome redetect the monitor in use without restarting x? (DVI) | 20:52 |
XB23 | hi guys, how can i find the hostname of a username logged into ssh? | 20:52 |
zChris | XB23: try auth.log in /var/log | 20:52 |
XB23 | kk | 20:52 |
soundray | dmateos: does 'ls /usr/lib32' generate an error or a listing? | 20:52 |
t2 | Whats the best way to share a sound chanell across multiple apps? I.e. alsa, oss, or pulse? | 20:53 |
s0d_ | Is there a tutorial to make an iPhone a tethered modem? | 20:53 |
s0d_ | I tried the ad hoc method | 20:53 |
Starnestommy | XB23: or try the "w" command | 20:53 |
dmateos | soundray: listing | 20:53 |
XB23 | w command? | 20:54 |
Guest34420 | hi all does anyone know on which server I can find programmers channels (irc) | 20:54 |
Guest34420 | I'm sorry for asking here but I didn't know where else to ask | 20:54 |
XB23 | oh wow | 20:54 |
XB23 | i never knew u could do that | 20:54 |
Starnestommy | Guest34420: this network should work | 20:54 |
lao_ | upgrading to 8.04 from 6.06 broke my ability to connect to my wireless network...the insystem documentation is useless. Any suggestions? | 20:54 |
XB23 | thanks Starnestommy | 20:54 |
Guest34420 | ty ^^ | 20:54 |
Guest34420 | oh I should change my nick :/ | 20:54 |
=== narg_ is now known as narg | ||
=== CodenameKT_work_ is now known as CodenameKT_work | ||
Xcell | change it to Guest34421 | 20:55 |
RAdams | Trying to connect to some windows shares on a windows domain... i can see the computers through the network browser, but no shares inside. it never asks for my network username/password | 20:55 |
=== Guest34420 is now known as MrSoundless | ||
integrand | can you modify the language priority in SCIM? | 20:55 |
soundray | dmateos: how about 'ls /usr/lib32/libGL*'? | 20:55 |
t2 | lao, lsmod see ifyour wireless modules are intact. synaptic network-manager | 20:55 |
integrand | can you modify the language sequence in SCIM? | 20:55 |
soundray | !repeat | integrand | 20:55 |
ubottu | integrand: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 20:55 |
H__ | install failure : grub failed to install into /target/ | 20:56 |
MrSoundless | Xcell > lol | 20:56 |
H__ | anything to try ? | 20:56 |
lao_ | ok...will do | 20:56 |
lao_ | thx | 20:56 |
dmateos | soundray: /usr/lib32/ /usr/lib32/ /usr/lib32/ | 20:56 |
dmateos | /usr/lib32/ /usr/lib32/ /usr/lib32/ | 20:56 |
Nubbie | H__: grubinstall ? | 20:56 |
legend2440 | s0d_: they may know in channel ##iphone or ##iphone-hackers | 20:56 |
soundray | H__: follow the RecoveringUbuntu... instructions: | 20:56 |
MrSoundless | I'm actually looking for a C# channel but I can't seem to find it in the channel list :/ | 20:56 |
soundray | !grub | H__ | 20:56 |
ubottu | H__: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 20:56 |
H__ | i'm installing a new system. have opened busybox | 20:56 |
dmateos | H__: ##csharp | 20:57 |
H__ | this system does not have a floppy drive :-/ | 20:57 |
Aggrav8d | hi everyone. we just switched internet providers and now i can't access any of my websites, even though I updated the domains. i suspect the wierd new modems settings. | 20:57 |
RAdams | Trying to connect to some windows shares on a windows domain... i can see the computers through the network browser, but no shares inside. it never asks for my network username/password | 20:57 |
lopin | Is there any command I can use to stop the fan? | 20:57 |
MrSoundless | oh ty very much I didn't c that one | 20:57 |
lopin | Wait... | 20:57 |
deluxer | sepe! | 20:57 |
Aggrav8d | I'm not experienced at mucking with network/interfaces. can someone help me? | 20:57 |
=== deluxer is now known as dlx^ | ||
lopin | It's good... Nevermind... | 20:57 |
soundray | dmateos: what command are you using as you're trying to install the package? | 20:57 |
dmateos | soundray: just aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree | 20:58 |
H__ | soundray : I can try the recover, but the system is not booted yet. Can I use grubinstall from busybox ? | 20:58 |
soundray | H__: I've never tried this method, so I don't know. I can't see any harm in trying, though | 20:59 |
soundray | dmateos: this one is beyond me. I'm sorry | 20:59 |
cosmos | please help me | 20:59 |
cosmos | i am unable to find my isps essid in ubuntu | 20:59 |
H__ | soundray : ok, i'll try it now. | 21:00 |
cosmos | ive tried iwlist scanning and found some networks other than mine | 21:00 |
RAdams | !ask | cosmos | 21:02 |
ubottu | cosmos: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 21:02 |
ajitam | tech0007: well it's /dev/sdb and it's saids here thad sdb1 is W95 FAT32 an sdb2 is Linux | 21:02 |
lao_ | t2, i have network manager and its respective environment plugins, but when i lsmod in the shell, it lists some !60 do i determine which one is (or no longer s) my wireless settings? anyways, they remained at least in text: my settings in nmanual network configuration were similar to the way they were before, except for assorted interface changes. | 21:02 |
cosmos | i can see my network with ndiswrapper but not with madwifi drivers(why is that)? | 21:02 |
H__ | there is no /target/boot/grub/ yet | 21:02 |
WebGuest | Hi everybody, I've been trying to compile a master DVD of all Ubuntu versions. (see this post: I've resorted to editing the initrd.gz image under /install of each dist^n. I've made the changes I think necessary to initrd.gz, and re-tarred it, gzipped it, but when trying to load the new image, it gives a kernel panic: unable to mount root FS on unknown block (104,1). Is this due to th | 21:03 |
zChris | Is there a way to make gnome redetect the monitor in use without restarting x? (DVI) | 21:04 |
Captain_Hydro_Ll | hello is the guy who helped me earlier here? | 21:05 |
Ikonz | which movie player is best in ubuntu, i think totem is too buggy | 21:06 |
zetheroo | I have two T60 Thinkpads here with the same specs and all .... same graphics card etc.... and both have Hardy installed .... one Hibernates and turns off and the other Hibernates and does not turn off...... WHY? | 21:06 |
RAdams | Trying to connect to some windows shares on a windows domain... i can see the computers through the network browser, but no shares inside. it never asks for my network username/password... how do i configure nautilus to ask for the username/pass needed for the shares | 21:06 |
RAdams | ikonz: define "best" | 21:06 |
lao_ | xine, in my opinion...however mplayer may be more user friendly | 21:06 |
Ikonz | as little bugs as possible, just being able to play the movie without problems lol | 21:06 |
lao_ | both have enhancement options | 21:06 |
Doji | !poll | 21:06 |
ubottu | Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 21:06 |
H__ | scary, once I've used alt-F2, and went back to alt-F1, a subsequent switch to alt-F2 gives a black screen with only a cursor. | 21:07 |
lao_ | if it matters hydro, mplayer is a larger download, and you probably already have xine | 21:07 |
narothepharoh | is there any other programs other than devede that convert to iso? | 21:08 |
lao_ | * I mean: if it matters ikonz | 21:08 |
hermes0710 | hello room | 21:08 |
narothepharoh | #xubuntu | 21:09 |
Chapai | hello, | 21:09 |
lao_ | is there a channel for network problems, anyone? | 21:09 |
Ikonz | er.... all i want is a movie player that works. totem is too buggy, for example, the progress bar doesn't work properly when you try to go to some specific part of the movie, and i keep getting stream errors | 21:09 |
zetheroo | I have two T60 Thinkpads here with the same specs and all .... same graphics card etc.... and both have Hardy installed .... one Hibernates and turns off and the other Hibernates and does not turn off...... WHY? | 21:09 |
Starnestommy | lao_: maybe ##networking | 21:09 |
Chapai | channels are not problem specific there would be millions | 21:09 |
lao_ | oh | 21:09 |
Starnestommy | lao_: but this one should also work | 21:09 |
lao_ | ok | 21:10 |
H__ | lilo worked fine | 21:10 |
lao_ | thx | 21:10 |
H__ | this is really strange. i've not seen lilo work where grub fails | 21:10 |
narothepharoh | is there any other programs other than devede that convert to iso? | 21:10 |
lao_ | ikonz, try xine | 21:10 |
Doji | Ikonz: try vlc | 21:10 |
lao_ | you probably already have it | 21:10 |
Ikonz | k thx | 21:10 |
backz | I've installed ubuntu jeOS, can I found a metapackage to install the lamp server? | 21:10 |
CarlFK | " Bookmarks 1.5.44 could not be installed because it is not compatible with Firefox 3.0b5." is there a ver that will work with FF3b5? | 21:11 |
Chapai | what does lamp server do by the way | 21:11 |
genii | backz: lamp server is not a package but done by tasksel process instead. Make sure tasksel package is installed, then do by terminal: sudo tasksel then pick lamp install | 21:11 |
wesleidavid | hii | 21:12 |
wesleidavid | hiii | 21:12 |
AstralliS | after booting, when I login as user, my screen get blacked | 21:12 |
AstralliS | what to do? | 21:12 |
Broadcom | !hi | wesleidavid | 21:12 |
ubottu | wesleidavid: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 21:12 |
wesleidavid | Hii Broadcom are you from ? | 21:13 |
CarlFK | Chapai: lamp = linux, apache mysql, php. which for a long tiome has been 'the' poplar web server setup. | 21:13 |
Chapai | i am getting an error when i try to compile the ralink driver for dwl-g122 what am doing wrong | 21:13 |
CarlFK | Chapai: personally, I like linux, apache PostgreSQL, Python/django. | 21:13 |
cecil44 | whats irc prg works in intrepid ? | 21:13 |
Broadcom | wesleidavid, Do you have a question? | 21:13 |
Chapai | CarlFK:- i guess that is something new to learn about linux thanks | 21:13 |
gj | someone using gnome and knows why with all DARK GNOME GTK THEMES i used sofar the taskbar stays grey and menu background as well? | 21:13 |
backz | genii: thank you! | 21:14 |
CarlFK | Chapai: with a little work we can have lapdance :) | 21:14 |
Chapai | gj:- you might need to logoff and then on | 21:14 |
Chapai | lol CarlFK | 21:14 |
genii | backz: np | 21:14 |
Chapai | i am getting an error when i try to compile the ralink driver for dwl-g122 what am doing wrong | 21:16 |
ArthurArchnix | Hi... I'm on Gutsy using Firefox 3. Nothing in the preferences appearance dialog. If I create a new profile, they show up fine. Can I fix this, or migrate my bookmarks to the working profile? | 21:16 |
narothepharoh | is there any other programs other than devede that convert to iso? | 21:16 |
ikonia | ArthurArchnix: move your book marks is a case of copying the directory | 21:17 |
ernijs | te kāds runā latviski | 21:17 |
ernijs | ? | 21:17 |
ikonia | !ru | ernijs | 21:17 |
Nubbie | hi i'm having a problem with nautilus-share using Hardy. When trying to add a share, i receive the following error: 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: failed to add share music. Error was Operation not permitted. I looked up this problem, and it was suggested i log out and log back in, i have done this several times including several reboots. halp! | 21:17 |
ubottu | ernijs: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 21:17 |
Nubbie | ikonia: he is latvian. | 21:17 |
ikonia | Nubbie: looked russian to me | 21:18 |
narothepharoh | is there any other programs other than devede that convert to iso???? | 21:18 |
ikonia | Nubbie: convert what ? | 21:18 |
elbows97 | hello, I am trying to install Ubuntu 8.04 server on a system running 8.04 desktop | 21:18 |
ikonia | elbows97: why ? | 21:18 |
elbows97 | but the computer will not let me boot from the dvd | 21:18 |
HabboTom | How you accessing it? | 21:18 |
ikonia | elbows97: what do you want the server install for ? | 21:18 |
Chousuke | elbows97: Ubuntu desktop = ubuntu server + extra packages | 21:18 |
elbows97 | I want to set up a personal server on my home network | 21:18 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
Chousuke | elbows97: remove extra packages -> ubuntu server | 21:19 |
elbows97 | sorry, I am a n00b | 21:19 |
ikonia | elbows97: you can do that with the desktop version | 21:19 |
HabboTom | I need server for my cPanel | 21:19 |
elbows97 | great | 21:19 |
ikonia | elbows97: you don't need the server install to run a "server" | 21:19 |
ikonia | elbows97: your desktop install wll work fine | 21:19 |
ernijs | go in to bios and edit boot setings | 21:19 |
gj | someon knows why a dark gtk2 theme leaves the "Open button" and with that taskbar items and window backgrounds grey in the preview when it is supposed to be black? | 21:19 |
broonsparrow | hi I've just upgraded to 8.04 and when it's restarted i'm getting a message "the greeter application appears to be crashing" any ideas? | 21:19 |
HabboTom | Tried on mine wont work | 21:19 |
elbows97 | ok | 21:19 |
ZabiGG | hi ev1 ;) anyone good with Webserver and shoutcast hosting here? | 21:19 |
ernijs | cd rom must be first boot device | 21:19 |
elbows97 | how to I access the server components | 21:19 |
HabboTom | I am | 21:19 |
Broadcom | broonsparrow, lol, funny error | 21:19 |
HabboTom | Just need cPanel Installed | 21:19 |
ikonia | elbows97: what components, what do you want to do | 21:20 |
ikonia | HabboTom: cpanel is not in the repos - it's not supported | 21:20 |
ZabiGG | Habbo, was that an answer to me? | 21:20 |
ikonia | HabboTom: look at ebox maybe ? | 21:20 |
elbows97 | web server, ftp, maybe SMTP mail | 21:20 |
narothepharoh | is there any other programs other than devede that convert movie files to iso???? | 21:20 |
broonsparrow | broadcom: any idea what it means? | 21:20 |
Broadcom | broonsparrow, | 21:20 |
ikonia | elbows97: well, 1.) webserver - install apache 2.) ftp install vsftp, 3.) mail - your on a home connection, don't run mail, use your ISP | 21:20 |
ikonia | narothepharoh: mencoder | 21:20 |
elbows97 | great | 21:21 |
elbows97 | should I use the normal software installer to get apache up and running? | 21:21 |
Broadcom | broonsparrow, what are you on, anywar? | 21:21 |
ikonia | elbows97: use synaptic - ubuntu's put a lot of effort into package managment | 21:21 |
ZabiGG | Shoutcast anyone??? | 21:21 |
HabboTom | iknoia: Whats Ebox? | 21:21 |
ikonia | HabboTom: same sort of product as cpanel, but supported by ubuntu | 21:21 |
Flannel | ikonia, elbows97: Not synaptic on a server. | 21:21 |
Chousuke | elbows97: remember to read the apache documentation and howtos well .) | 21:21 |
Flannel | !anyone | ZabiGG | 21:22 |
ikonia | Flannel: he's not using a server | 21:22 |
ubottu | ZabiGG: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 21:22 |
elbows97 | right | 21:22 |
flip2405 | Hey umm got a question | 21:22 |
Chousuke | elbows97: you might want to learn to use apt-get or aptitude from the command line | 21:22 |
elbows97 | sorry, I am new to linux | 21:22 |
BulBulRed | Hello. I just installed a RAID0(stripe) onto 2 disks. Afther this i installed windows VISTA on it (50gb partion). I left 70 unallocated: for ubuntu and a data partion. The problem is when i try to install ubuntu he only see's one disk with the windows partition (sda) and the other sdb he see's nothing on... My guess is he can't work with my RAID controller. Any suggestions on how to to this? | 21:22 |
Broadcom | flip2405, ask it | 21:22 |
ikonia | elbows97: your doing fine | 21:22 |
elbows97 | where do I access synaptic | 21:22 |
narothepharoh | ikonia: it says i already have that installed but i dont see it anywhere | 21:22 |
Starnestommy | elbows97: System > Administration | 21:22 |
elbows97 | thanks, you guys are really helpful | 21:22 |
Pupeno | Hello. | 21:22 |
SirBijan | hello | 21:22 |
HabboTom | iknoia: It supplies Web Hosting to others? | 21:22 |
ikonia | BulBulRed: fake raid is not good for linux | 21:22 |
Broadcom | !hi | 21:22 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 21:22 |
elbows97 | fantastic | 21:22 |
HabboTom | Hey | 21:22 |
ikonia | elbows97: system -> administration -> package manager | 21:22 |
Pupeno | After upgrading to 8.04, it seems glipper no longer works. | 21:22 |
BulBulRed | you mean linux isn't raid friendly? | 21:23 |
backz | I need reconfigure my keyboard on console. How I do it? I need to set enviroment to use latin1/ISO-8859-1 | 21:23 |
Broadcom | elbows97, could you please put the username of the person you are talking to first? | 21:23 |
ikonia | BulBulRed: you've gone down an awkward path for linux | 21:23 |
BulBulRed | ikonia | 21:23 |
Pupeno | Any ideas? | 21:23 |
ZabiGG | need help with shoutcast for a newbie in Absolute Beginners, please help | 21:23 |
ikonia | BulBulRed: linux is very raid friendly, but fake raid is a bad technology on any OS | 21:23 |
flip2405 | Umm my sound quit working for my messangers & xchat etc but it works for my music and start up etc is there a way to fix that i have sound enabled on both messangers and xchat | 21:23 |
SirBijan | when I insert a movie in my DVD ROM, Totem automatically starts up, I don't want it to do that, how can I remove totem from starting up and instead start smplayer? | 21:23 |
BulBulRed | ikonia: my idea was to install 2 WD Raptor discs of 74gb (10k rpm) into a RAID 0 | 21:24 |
BulBulRed | to work very fast | 21:24 |
BulBulRed | boot very fast | 21:24 |
Goni | good evening | 21:24 |
narothepharoh | ikonia: it says i already have that installed but i dont see it anywhere | 21:24 |
HabboTom | ikonia: ?? | 21:24 |
Broadcom | !hi | 21:24 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 21:24 |
BulBulRed | never crossed my mind that ubuntu had problems with this | 21:24 |
hermes0710 | hi | 21:24 |
ArthurArchnix | ikonia: No... moving the bookmarks folder from one profile to the next didn't work. The bookmarks were not transferred into the new profile. | 21:24 |
Goni | ^ | 21:24 |
hermes0710 | ls | 21:24 |
ikonia | BulBulRed: 1.) raid 0 , ughhh not good, it won't give you any performance increase 2.) fake raid - ughhh terrible technology | 21:24 |
hermes0710 | :P | 21:24 |
Pupeno | Anyone using glipper? | 21:24 |
Broadcom | Pupeno, just ask your question again | 21:24 |
elbows97 | ikonia: Which package would you recommend? | 21:24 |
ikonia | BulBulRed: ubuntu doesn't have problems with it, it's a weak technology in linux and in general any os | 21:25 |
ikonia | elbows97: I've given you the package names, apache2 and vsftp | 21:25 |
elbows97 | excellent | 21:25 |
Flannel | elbows97: | 21:25 |
flip2405 | Umm my sound quit working for my messangers & xchat etc but it works for my music and start up etc is there a way to fix that i have sound enabled on both messangers and xchat | 21:25 |
BulBulRed | ok ikonia.. what would you suggest doing? i have 2 WD raptors of 74gb and two hdd's of 750gb for storage | 21:25 |
sjgibbs80 | tech0007 & Flannel: I've installing using the Guided -> Entire disk option didn't clear the mandrake loader. I solved the problem by using an XP recovery console and entering fixmbr, fixboot | 21:25 |
Broadcom | Pupeno, does this fix it? | 21:25 |
BulBulRed | it's a new computer | 21:25 |
Pupeno | Broadcom: After upgrading to 8.04, it seems glipper no longer works. Any ideas? | 21:25 |
sjgibbs80 | tech0007 & Flannel: Iinstalling using the Guided -> Entire disk option didn't clear the mandrake loader. I solved the problem by using an XP recovery console and entering fixmbr, fixboot | 21:25 |
Flannel | sjgibbs80: reformatting wouldn't get rid of the loader, but installing GRUB to the HDD (at the end of the install) would overwrite it | 21:26 |
bandex | . | 21:26 |
ikonia | BulBulRed: I'd suggest using a raptor for each OS, then decide how to divide up the storage | 21:26 |
Cyber_Stalker | if i have ubuntu 7.4 installed and 7.10 on a cd in the drive how would i go about upgrading? | 21:26 |
SirBijan | nobody knows how I can remove Totem starting up automatically when a movie inserted?! | 21:26 |
Flannel | Cyber_Stalker: Is it a desktop CD or an alternate CD? | 21:26 |
Cyber_Stalker | dekstop cd | 21:26 |
Broadcom | Cyber_Stalker, why not upgrade to hardy? | 21:26 |
sjgibbs80 | Flannel: I did find an option for that, and IIRC it didn;t have any effect. Sorted now though. | 21:26 |
Cyber_Stalker | Broadcom i cant get hardy yet | 21:26 |
BulBulRed | ikonia: ok, that would have been my second idea.. i think i will go with your plan and put the two storage hd's in NTFS | 21:27 |
Broadcom | Cyber_Stalker, why not? | 21:27 |
Flannel | Cyber_Stalker: you can't upgrade with a Desktop CD, just the alternate (or the internet as well, obviously) | 21:27 |
BulBulRed | because i use a lot of files larger than 4gb | 21:27 |
Flannel | Cyber_Stalker: only thing you can do with a desktop CD is re-install | 21:27 |
broonsparrow | any idea what this means? | 21:27 |
ikonia | BulBulRed: but don't raid them ! | 21:27 |
ikonia | BulBulRed: if you want to share them - don't raid them | 21:27 |
broonsparrow | opps this checked the “Enable accessible login” under the “Accessibility” tab | 21:27 |
BulBulRed | got ya ikonia | 21:27 |
BulBulRed | thx a lot | 21:27 |
ikonia | BulBulRed: sorry- was just trying to get that across clear | 21:27 |
sjgibbs80 | thanks for your time Flannel | 21:27 |
Flannel | sjgibbs80: no problem | 21:27 |
flip2405 | My sound quit working for my messangers & xchat etc but it works for my music and start up etc is there a way to fix that i have sound enabled on both messangers and xchat any ideals? | 21:27 |
BulBulRed | np | 21:27 |
_cheerios | re: fixed sata issues (hdd/dvdrw wouldn't boot) with 8.04 using irqpoll as kernel option | 21:27 |
broonsparrow | broadcom: what am i on? what computer? | 21:28 |
Cyber_Stalker | ok lol second time im going to explain this today, im from south africa therefore im limited to 2 gigs of network traffic a month ,there fore i cant download, ubuntu and the shuttleworth foundation created a project called the freedom toaster but unfortunatly the freedom toaster does carry version 8.4 yet only 7.10 | 21:28 |
Pupeno | Broadcom: thanks. | 21:28 |
Broadcom | broonsparrow, what os. but did it fixi t? | 21:28 |
broonsparrow | broadcom: ubuntu 8.04. I just kept clicking ok and it eventually started ok | 21:29 |
cylux | Hey guys, I have an internal SATA hard disk (my computer always identifies it as sda), but it never auto mounts it in FSTAB, it just mounts as "500 GB Media" How do I make it so that it has a set position and always mounts to that automatically? | 21:29 |
Flannel | Cyber_Stalker: You need the alternate CD (to upgrade) or you can re-install with the Desktop CD | 21:29 |
broonsparrow | broadcom: the page said "checked the “Enable accessible login” under the “Accessibility” tab" waht does thi smean? | 21:29 |
Cyber_Stalker | ok flannel thanks :D | 21:29 |
el_taco | what directory is all the user menu info kept. I see a .gconf and a .gnome2 | 21:29 |
Flannel | Cyber_Stalker: If you're reinstalling, you can remember that you can have /home on its own partition, and then you wont lose your files, just the installed programs (which you then reinstall) | 21:30 |
elbows97 | ikonia: I have apache installed, where should I start in the configuration process? | 21:30 |
fr34k | using 8.04, enabled cube effect and the top frame of window is gone.. no minimize, max, close buttons..? | 21:30 |
flip2405 | ......... | 21:30 |
wakka-wakka | does anyone know how to downgrade from firefox 3b5 to firefox 2? | 21:30 |
Cyber_Stalker | flannel its running in a vm its just so i can learn linux so there is nothing needed in there | 21:30 |
Flannel | wakka-wakka: install the firefox-2 package | 21:30 |
Broadcom | broonsparrow, um, what was your original question? | 21:30 |
hermes0710 | anybody in here using ksirc? | 21:31 |
elbows97 | would anyone know where to start when configuring apache? | 21:31 |
ikonia | elbows97: come on | 21:31 |
omar9417 | can somebody answer me just 1 question please | 21:31 |
el_taco | wakka-wakka I had probelms with that.. I had to delete my .mozilla folder before it would work properly. | 21:31 |
cylux | Hey guys, I have an internal SATA hard disk (my computer always identifies it as sda), but it never auto mounts it in FSTAB, it just mounts as "500 GB Media" How do I make it so that it has a set position and always mounts to that automatically? | 21:31 |
wakka-wakka | hermes0710: how would i go about doing that | 21:31 |
Cyber_Stalker | lol open terminal and type "fortune" :D | 21:31 |
Broadcom | omar9417, just ask it | 21:31 |
Cyber_Stalker | lol open terminal and type "fortune" :D | 21:31 |
ikonia | Cyber_Stalker: change the label | 21:31 |
wakka-wakka | how do i send pm's? | 21:31 |
ikonia | Cyber_Stalker: or put it in fstab | 21:31 |
ikonia | wakka-wakka: join #freenode for irc lessons | 21:32 |
yar_ | elbows97: | 21:32 |
Starnestommy | wakka-wakka: /msg <nickname> <message> | 21:32 |
Cyber_Stalker | wrong nick ikonia :D | 21:32 |
ikonia | Cyber_Stalker: sorry | 21:32 |
broonsparrow | hi I've just upgraded to 8.04 and when it's restarted i'm getting a message "the greeter application appears to be crashing" any ideas? | 21:32 |
ikonia | cylux: put it in /etc/fstab | 21:32 |
cylux | ikonia: I don't know how permissions work, what would the line look like? | 21:32 |
wakka-wakka | Starnestommy: i thought you need to register to send pms | 21:32 |
el_taco | broonsparrow I've never had a successful upgrade :) | 21:32 |
Radit | where does wget store default files? | 21:32 |
Broadcom | broonsparrow, | 21:32 |
Cyber_Stalker | Flannel how should i format and reinstall? | 21:32 |
ikonia | cylux: use one of the existing lines in /etc/fstab and change the mount point/file system type/disk name | 21:32 |
omar9417 | i have ubuntu on my laptop but my laptop has a amd turion 64 if i install the 64 bit version of ubutu will it be much faster | 21:33 |
Starnestommy | wakka-wakka: to send messages to most people, you do | 21:33 |
cylux | ikonia: K thanks | 21:33 |
ikonia | omar9417: no | 21:33 |
Cyber_Stalker | cant find a format thing and cd doesnt seem to be loading on boot | 21:33 |
Radit | where does wget store default files? | 21:33 |
act1v8 | Does someone know how to tell iptables not to filter (apply a firewall) for all data coming from *.local IPs? | 21:33 |
flip2405 | My sound quit working for my messangers & xchat etc but it works for my music and start up etc is there a way to fix that i have sound enabled on both messangers and xchat any ideals? | 21:33 |
Radit | where does wget store default files? | 21:33 |
el_taco | omar9417 imo for desktop useage no. | 21:33 |
broonsparrow | el taco: should i unistall and re insatll then? | 21:33 |
broonsparrow | braodcom: cheers | 21:33 |
Radit | where does wget store default files? | 21:33 |
ikonia | Radit: what defualt files | 21:33 |
ikonia | Radit: it downloads to cwd | 21:34 |
omar9417 | so its the same ubuntu 32 bit and the 64 bit versions | 21:34 |
Starnestommy | Radit: in the directory where you ran it in | 21:34 |
ryanakca | !install | 21:34 |
ubottu | Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See Don't want to use a CD? Try - See also !automate | 21:34 |
Flannel | Cyber_Stalker: Just boot to the liveCD and it'll walk you through it | 21:34 |
Radit | thanks for your answers :-) | 21:34 |
ikonia | omar9417: yes | 21:34 |
el_taco | broonsparrow that's what I did. everything worked but I'd have little problems here and there. It may be the apps that I run.. but that was with kubuntu also.. I reloaded with vanilla ubuntu | 21:34 |
Cyber_Stalker | Flannel thats what i ment it doesnt seem to be booting in the vm | 21:34 |
Cyber_Stalker | will try again | 21:34 |
omar9417 | ok thx | 21:34 |
act1v8 | someone... | 21:34 |
Cyber_Stalker | Flannel does ubuntu have boot priority? therefore it could be skipping loading the cd/ | 21:35 |
ghindo | I just ran "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade" but a package was held back. Why, and how can I fix this? | 21:35 |
fr34k | how can i restore the top frame which contains the close and resize buttons after i enabled the cube effect? | 21:35 |
=== wakka-wakka is now known as pilgrimage | ||
Flannel | Cyber_Stalker: That's all done in your BIOS | 21:35 |
linux_dr | does anyone know where the mount options for an automountable device is stored? I used an illegal mount option, and can't mount the device to get the icon to change it. | 21:35 |
Flannel | Cyber_Stalker: or, however the VM does it. | 21:35 |
flip2405 | My sound quit working for my messangers & xchat etc but it works for my music and start up etc is there a way to fix that i have sound enabled on both messangers and xchat any ideals? | 21:35 |
Cyber_Stalker | weird | 21:35 |
pilgrimage | how would i go about installing firefox 2.0? | 21:35 |
Flannel | Cyber_Stalker: the choosing of the boot thing happens outside of the OS (or cdrom's) control | 21:36 |
Flannel | pilgrimage: firefox-2 | 21:36 |
Cyber_Stalker | Flannel i know how to do it | 21:36 |
omar9417 | UBUNTU ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 21:36 |
Cyber_Stalker | im asking if linux has anything that may interfere with that | 21:36 |
el_taco | fr34k I had that problem. I reset all to defaults. for me it has something to do with the animations.. not the cube effect. | 21:36 |
omar9417 | WINDOWS SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 21:36 |
DOOM_NX | omar9417, nowai, vista rocks :P | 21:36 |
Flannel | Cyber_Stalker: No, that happens before Linux gets a chance to do anything | 21:36 |
Flannel | !offtopic | omar9417 | 21:37 |
Agnostic | omar9417, pft. | 21:37 |
ubottu | omar9417: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 21:37 |
Broadcom | omar9417, please stop | 21:37 |
s3a | did dell release a new hsf dial-up modem driver for hardy (32-bit)? | 21:37 |
omar9417 | ok | 21:37 |
pilgrimage | Flannel: after i get it through apt-get install, does it load it into the menu? if not how do i load it into there? | 21:37 |
flip2405 | Dude can some one please help me | 21:37 |
Flannel | pilgrimage: It ought to, yes. | 21:37 |
lao_ | after upgrading via the internet from 6.06 to 8.04, my ability to access the wireless network that supplies me internet is broken. The settings have been retained in the new applications that govern the connection, but it just does not seem to work. | 21:37 |
Broadcom | flip2405, please just restate your question | 21:38 |
pilgrimage | Flannel: lets see | 21:38 |
linux_dr | what module(s) are responsible for Ubuntu 8.04's device automounting? | 21:38 |
flip2405 | My sound dose not work in my msn messanger or xchat | 21:38 |
fr34k | el_taco: how did you reset it to default? | 21:38 |
omar9417 | anybody here has a ATI video card and was able to install it | 21:38 |
Flannel | pilgrimage: yes, it does | 21:38 |
lao_ | my network pci card is a smc2602W ezconnect | 21:38 |
flip2405 | It works for every thing else | 21:38 |
ritualmast3r | :P | 21:38 |
ritualmast3r | ;) | 21:38 |
s3a | omar9417: wats ur problem exactly? | 21:38 |
jjinco33 | Hello, can somebody assist me with an sftp/ssh problem? | 21:38 |
omar9417 | or the new ATI drivers | 21:38 |
blankhead | i was wondering is there a way to fix the issue with mouse themes not working properly when compiz is enabled? i hate the constant change of mouse theme when i place my mouse over firefox and desktop its an annoyance anyone have any clue how u might fix this? | 21:38 |
ritualmast3r | nice distro ;) | 21:38 |
Agnostic | Will ubuntu ever have dvd copying software? | 21:39 |
omar9417 | i have no open gl | 21:39 |
Flannel | Agnostic: it does already | 21:39 |
s3a | Agnostic: it alredy has | 21:39 |
pilgrimage | Flannel: it does | 21:39 |
flip2405 | Agnostic k3b | 21:39 |
Jordan_U | !dvd | Agnostic | 21:39 |
ubottu | Agnostic: For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 21:39 |
s3a | Agnostic: u mean like encrypted dvds? | 21:39 |
GhotiPhud | could someone help me clone a partition to another harddrive? | 21:39 |
jjinco33 | I can use "Places --> Connect to server" from 1 PC to the other, but when going the other way I receive an error. | 21:39 |
pilgrimage | so say i wanted it unstall it would the coding be something like apt uninstall firefox-2? | 21:39 |
Agnostic | s3a, Yes. When I purchase a dvd, I always make a backup. | 21:39 |
el_taco | fr34k in compizconfig click on preferences then there's an option to reset to defaults. | 21:39 |
Agnostic | Until that happens, I can never leave windows. | 21:40 |
genii | blankhead: Using kde-window-decorator --replace will attempt to use existing underlying KDE theme where possible inside Compiz. But I do find it crashes often | 21:40 |
omar9417 | i have a ATI 200 m | 21:40 |
s3a | Agnostic: i think k3b now can do that but k9copy does that i think but i use dvdshrink (windows app) in wine then use any normal ubuntu burn software to burn it | 21:40 |
jamiejackson | what's the plan for firefox in Hardy? like will it update as the FF RCs and final come out? I could really use the Firebug Extension back, but it only works with FF RC1.... | 21:40 |
flip2405 | My sound dose not work in my msn messanger or xchat.... it works in pidgen and frostwire and all that but i want it to work on msn to can some one help me | 21:40 |
Jordan_U | Agnostic: I think that DVD copying software was available for Linux first as decss was made in the first place to be able to play DVD's on Linux | 21:40 |
n2diy | Have the Breezy Repos been taken down? | 21:40 |
Flannel | jamiejackson: for 8.04.1 yes | 21:40 |
comicinke1 | I heard of a gnome applet where you can track the time of what you are doing, and by this keep control of your wasting time at the PC. What was the name of the applet? | 21:40 |
Broadcom | jamiejackson, there are ways to fix this, google it | 21:40 |
Flannel | n2diy: They have been for about a year now (since EOL) | 21:40 |
Agnostic | I use DVD FAB with windows. It seems to work real well. I was hoping Linux had something like this. | 21:40 |
genii | Bah wrong channel about KDE, etc... nvm me :) | 21:40 |
tim167 | i followed but i get 'invalid bootable partition' can anyone help ? | 21:40 |
omar9417 | but i wana install the new drivers but i dont know how | 21:41 |
Flannel | n2diy: they're archived if you need to upgrade from Hoary | 21:41 |
omar9417 | im bad working with the terminal | 21:41 |
n2diy | Flannel, ok, can I use the Dapper Repos for Breezy? | 21:41 |
fr34k | el_taco: that didn't work for me.. any other suggestion? | 21:41 |
tim167 | can anyone help install ubuntu on a usb device ? | 21:41 |
Captain_Hydro_Ll | I have a question. I want to install Ubuntu on a pc with winxp. I don't want to dual boot. I'm afraid I've alreay installed over xp and have the dual boot situattion. what can I do to Create a purely Ubunut mchine? Keep in mind I'm new to linux and installing os's in general. | 21:41 |
Flannel | n2diy: Eh? No. Upgrade to dapper. Breezy hasn't received security updates for over a year now, time to upgrade to dapper | 21:41 |
Jordan_U | n2diy: You should be able to upgrade to Dapper ( or is that what you are asking? ) | 21:42 |
jamiejackson | Broadcom: you sure about that? i did modify the xml file of the installer, and it pretends it's installed, but firebug doesn't actually work properly, and on the firebug issue tracker they say it *doesn't* work with beta 5, not even Firebug 1.1 beta | 21:42 |
s3a | Agnostic: try running that app thru wine in ubuntu then if u like it so much | 21:42 |
flip2405 | My sound dose not work in my msn messanger or xchat.... it works in pidgen and frostwire and all that but i want it to work on msn to can some one help me | 21:42 |
el_taco | fr34k might be something with your video drivers | 21:42 |
Flannel | Captain_Hydro_Ll: So, you have a computer you want to make pure Ubuntu? | 21:42 |
tim167 | did anyone successfully install ubuntu on a usb stick ? | 21:42 |
s3a | Agnostic: u do no what wine is right? | 21:42 |
Captain_Hydro_Ll | Yes! | 21:42 |
Flannel | Captain_Hydro_Ll: pop in the CD, and install. Let it use the whole disk | 21:42 |
jamiejackson | Broadcom: firebug 1.1 beta actually does install on FF3b5, but it just doesn't work | 21:42 |
Agnostic | s3a, Yes. | 21:42 |
Broadcom | jamiejackson, maybe i a wrong | 21:42 |
Agnostic | s3a, A buggy program. | 21:42 |
fr34k | el_taco: 'k changed 'backend' under compiz config to flat-file and it worked. | 21:42 |
n2diy | Flannel, I just rescued a friends old Windows box, and it doesn't have enough RAM for Dapper, so I had to use Breezy. I'd like to get Abiword and Gnumeric installed on it? | 21:42 |
Captain_Hydro_Ll | LOL, I was afraid of that, I don't hav a cd | 21:43 |
flip2405 | Agnostic.... , so why not wine your old dvd ripping software and wine ay buggy | 21:43 |
flip2405 | isnt* | 21:43 |
Broadcom | n2diy, try xubuntu | 21:43 |
el_taco | fr34k i'll have to remember that. | 21:43 |
Jordan_U | n2diy: You sure it doesn't have enough RAM for a stripped down Dapper? | 21:43 |
s3a | Agnostic: well u can use k3b and k9copy then... | 21:43 |
Fogel1497 | I have a folder on my desktop that has a lock on it and i cant delete it. i tried sudo rmdir in the console but it wont lemme since its got folders inside of it. lots of folders | 21:43 |
linux_dr | can anyone help me with automounting... I can do the leg work.. I just need to know where to look... what automounter does Heron use??? | 21:43 |
tim167 | i have a usb stick which is seen as 2 devices, /dev/sda and /dev/sdb, i installed ubuntu to /dev/sda but it doesnt work, i get 'invalid boot partition' can someone help ? | 21:43 |
faileas | i seem to be having some problems with sound, i'm getting a message that xine cannot initalise audio drivers from amarok. any ideas? | 21:43 |
Flannel | n2diy: Dapper didn't use significantly more RAM than breezy. You could always switch to Xubuntu or some other lightweight WM. | 21:43 |
Jordan_U | n2diy: Or for that matter a stripped down Hardy | 21:43 |
Broadcom | tim167, i dont think ubuntu works on usb devises | 21:44 |
ldiamond | Whats the package name for initrd-tools? | 21:44 |
Flannel | n2diy: there's an archived copy of Breezys repos up: switch your sources.list over to that and it'll work fine. Just remember, you're unsupported and potentially vulnerable | 21:44 |
* Flare183 is here to help | 21:44 | |
n2diy | Broadcom, Jordan_U, Flannel, ok on all that | 21:44 |
Flannel | Broadcom: It does, yes. | 21:44 |
tim167 | Broadcom: | 21:44 |
Jordan_U | n2diy: There is always software in linux that will stay light, and often ( like with FF3 ) gets significantly lighter with new releases | 21:44 |
HabboTom | wont let me upgrade to hardy ;( | 21:44 |
Agnostic | s3a, Is k9copy able to copy .. copyrighted discs? | 21:44 |
Daisuke_Ido | Flannel: considering the recent ssh/ssl shenanigans, let's change that to "probably vulnerable" | 21:45 |
Broadcom | tim167, Flannel ah, thought it did not | 21:45 |
n2diy | Flannel, thanks, and it is a test box, so security isn't an issue. | 21:45 |
s3a | Agnostic: i havent checked myself but i think k3b has added ripping capabilities to its alredy "burn a disc" options | 21:45 |
Flannel | Daisuke_Ido: no. pre-feisty isn't vulnerable. Or at least, I know its not on Dapper, and I believe its not on Edgy. | 21:45 |
ldiamond | Broadcom: I'm running Ubuntu on a USB Hard drive right now | 21:45 |
ArthurArchnix | n2diy: Do a command line install of ubuntu... then add fluxbox and a few apps. THat thing'll fly. | 21:45 |
tim167 | Flannel can you help me install ubuntu to a usb device ? | 21:45 |
Agnostic | s3a, okay. | 21:45 |
gj | anyone knows why system>>preferences>>appearance doesn't let my selected gtk2 theme (black) allows to make everything dark??the button stays grey and with that the task bar items as well | 21:45 |
HabboTom | My 7.10 wont fetch it ;( | 21:46 |
Daisuke_Ido | Flannel: hmm... breezy was before that... edgy might be vulnerable | 21:46 |
Stwange | what's the terminal version of pidgin called? | 21:46 |
ldiamond | tim167: is it a USB Hard drive? If so, unplug ur physical hard drives, launch the live CD, install from there. | 21:46 |
Flannel | tim167: is more help than I can give | 21:46 |
Daisuke_Ido | nevermind then :) | 21:46 |
ldiamond | it should work. | 21:46 |
linksdragon | does anyone know how to get grub working without USB legacy support? My PC has no PS2 ports and no USB legacy option in the bios | 21:46 |
Captain_Hydro_Ll | So, Flannel, you're saying in order to do this correctly I'll need a cd? | 21:46 |
Flare183 | !chat | Stwange | 21:46 |
ubottu | Stwange: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) ( supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Kopete | 21:46 |
Flare183 | umm | 21:46 |
Flare183 | oops | 21:46 |
MattJ | Stwange: Finch | 21:46 |
HabboTom | I use kopete | 21:46 |
Stwange | cheers MattJ | 21:47 |
spainish | hello, can you access to ? | 21:47 |
HabboTom | its better | 21:47 |
spainish | please | 21:47 |
tim167 | ldiamond: i tried several ways, for three days in a row, can get nothing to work, always fails at the last step: booting | 21:47 |
Flannel | Daisuke_Ido: Well, it was put into debian in 6.09, at which point, Edgy had already had the import freeze, so I'm not sure Edgy is vulnerable. But I know dapper isnt. | 21:47 |
el_taco | linksdragon have you looked for a bios update? | 21:47 |
gwp | I am having problems installing Ubuntu on this machine, I am getting getting an xserver crash. I think its because of my Nvidia 6800. | 21:47 |
Fogel1497 | I have a folder on my desktop that has a lock on it and i cant delete it. i tried sudo rmdir in the console but it wont lemme since its got folders inside of it. lots of folders | 21:47 |
flip2405 | My sound dose not work in my msn messanger or xchat.... it works in pidgen and frostwire and all that but i want it to work on msn to can some one help me | 21:47 |
flip2405 | HELP!!!!!!!! | 21:47 |
Flannel | Captain_Hydro_Ll: You'll need some way to boot to the image, whether its CD, or USB, or whatever. | 21:47 |
Daisuke_Ido | that's good, at least that makes it another release that doesn't have to be patched | 21:47 |
linksdragon | el_taco, not yet. It's a fairly new computer, so I didn't even think about that. | 21:47 |
Daisuke_Ido | just feisty - hardy | 21:47 |
Broadcom | flip2405, if noone here can help you, file a bug | 21:47 |
Myrtti | !sound | flip2405 | 21:47 |
ubottu | flip2405: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 21:47 |
el_taco | Fogel1497 rm -rf <filename> | 21:48 |
jamiejackson | Flannel: do you know if FF3 final will make it into 8.04.1? (and i see that that Hardy version hits july 3) | 21:48 |
ArthurArchnix | flip2405: How'd you get msn messenger running? | 21:48 |
flip2405 | Myrtti my sound works its just my msn sound | 21:48 |
flip2405 | Arthurarchnix apt-get install amsn | 21:48 |
Nubbie | flip2405: first of all, it's probably an issue with wine if you're running msn messenger. type winecfg and configure your sound options. | 21:48 |
el_taco | Fogel1497 just be carefil not to mistype that | 21:48 |
flip2405 | No | 21:48 |
flip2405 | I use amsn | 21:48 |
flip2405 | witch | 21:48 |
ldiamond | tim167: is it your boot order? or is it while booting ubuntu? | 21:48 |
Daisuke_Ido | flip2405: there's also emesene | 21:48 |
flip2405 | is linux verson of msn | 21:48 |
ldiamond | Can any1 tell me how to get the package initrd-tools ? | 21:48 |
Flannel | jamiejackson: I'm not sure, it'll be at least an RC version (which is just as good). And firefox3 will continue to have bugfixes applied throughout Hardys lifecycle, so whatever we end up with is just in name only. | 21:48 |
flip2405 | Daisuke_ido i know i dont like that one though | 21:49 |
tim167 | ldiamond: nope, it starts booting alright but always fails | 21:49 |
clintchance | Guys i need some help. i recently upgraded to .10 and the grub menu list i had is gone. i cant boot into vista anymore. Is there anyway to remove ubuntu and fix the mbr? | 21:49 |
ghaleb | hello, what should I do to make gdm authenticates through LDAP server ? | 21:49 |
ghindo | I just ran "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade" but a package was held back. Why, and how can I fix this? | 21:49 |
gwp | The fail I get is 'Failed to start the X server. Would you like to view the log?' When viewing the log I get "Fatal server error: no screens found" | 21:49 |
Stwange | nah no help; I'm having trouble connecting to msn with 7.10, it started recently - it works eventually, but for example pidgin takes 8 hours to connect (no exaggeration) | 21:49 |
ldiamond | tim167: and you tried unplugging all your hard drives before installing? | 21:49 |
tim167 | ldiamond: the furthes i got was having the ubuntu login window, but after that it hangs | 21:49 |
Flannel | clintchance: sure, boot to the Vista DVD, and you can reload the vista bootloader. Removing Ubuntu is as easy as deleting the partition | 21:49 |
Stwange | I've tried pidgin, aMSN and finch | 21:49 |
Fogel1497 | I can print to my printer, but when i insert a sd card into my printer it doesnt load to my computer. Any ideas? | 21:49 |
spainish | please, can you access to ? | 21:49 |
tim167 | ldiamond: furthest | 21:49 |
Flannel | ghindo: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 21:49 |
ldiamond | Oh well, then I'd get into verbose mode (ctrl alt f1) to see what happens | 21:50 |
tim167 | ldiamond: also tried on 3 different computers | 21:50 |
clintchance | Flannel, i have an acer. they didnt give me a disk. All i have is the ready upgrade for vista disk | 21:50 |
jamiejackson | thx Flannel: last question, is there any package-friendly way to get a more current FF before july 3? (i don't think i can wait that long, as a web developer) | 21:50 |
lordleemo | spainish: its there | 21:50 |
ldiamond | I cant help you more than that, I didnt run into those problems | 21:50 |
ldiamond | Can any1 tell me how to get the package initrd-tools ? | 21:50 |
ghindo | Flannel: That didn't do it, either | 21:50 |
narothepharoh | i am havind a problem with devede when i convert i get no audio it was fine before i upgraded to 8.04 any ideas? | 21:50 |
spainish | lordleemo, sure? | 21:50 |
ghaleb | hello, what should I do to make gdm authenticates through LDAP server, doesn PAM configuration enough ? | 21:50 |
Broadcom | ldiamond, search symantic | 21:50 |
lordleemo | spainish: yes | 21:50 |
spainish | please, can you access to ? | 21:50 |
tim167 | can anyone help me install ubuntu on a usb stick ? | 21:50 |
Broadcom | !usb | 21:51 |
ubottu | For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 21:51 |
tim167 | Broadcom, i want to instal to a usb stick, not from a usb stick | 21:51 |
Fogel1497 | !livecd | 21:51 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option. | 21:51 |
lao_ | #ubuntu-us | 21:51 |
Jordan_U | jamiejackson: You can get the latest binaries at any time from mozilla and just run them from inside your home folder ( so it won't conflict with a global installation ) | 21:51 |
Fogel1497 | tim167 google "running ubuntu live cd off a flash drive" | 21:52 |
tim167 | Broadcom: ah the second link is that, but i tried it and couldnt get it to work | 21:52 |
clintchance | Flannel? | 21:52 |
ldiamond | Broadcom: I am, I cant find it. Its apparently in Universe, how do I add Universe to the list? | 21:52 |
Flannel | clintchance: That may be able to. Otherwise you have a few options, keep GRUB on a small partition to boot to vista, use something like Smart Boot Manager, or find some way to get the vista loader on there though... whatever methods the internet has to offer | 21:52 |
Nubbie | tim167: it's persistent, which essentially means it's a usable installation. | 21:52 |
Fogel1497 | I can print to my printer, but when i insert a sd card into my printer it doesnt load to my computer. Any ideas? | 21:52 |
Broadcom | ldiamond, go to sofwhare sources | 21:52 |
Jordan_U | ldiamond: System -> Administration -> Software Sources | 21:52 |
jamiejackson | thanks Jordan_U | 21:52 |
Broadcom | Fogel1497, does the printer really read the sd card for you computer? i have never heard of that | 21:53 |
Jordan_U | jamiejackson: np | 21:53 |
tim167 | Nubbie: i followed several tutorials, all go well in the process, but the actual booting always fails on some way | 21:53 |
Blissex | Fogel1497: we are sorry but our clairvoyant operators are all busy on other lines. Don't call us, we'll call you. | 21:53 |
clintchance | flannel, Wouldent happen to have vista with your bootloader by anychance? | 21:53 |
linksdragon | anyone have any experience with an x-fi card under 8.04? | 21:53 |
spainish | please, can you access to ? | 21:53 |
ldiamond | Broadcom: then where should I go? | 21:53 |
clintchance | spainish, whats it for? | 21:53 |
Broadcom | ldiamond, check univese | 21:53 |
tim167 | Nubbie, now, my last attempt using i get 'invalid boot partition' on boot | 21:53 |
Fogel1497 | yah its got a little slot for an sd card and the photos show up on a preview on the printer, and i can open the files on the sd card from my computer on windows xp | 21:53 |
ldiamond | Broadcom: the one with (universe) was already checked | 21:53 |
el_taco | spainish works fine, | 21:54 |
Flannel | jamiejackson: There may be someone with a repos (either PPA, or some other third party one), or you can just keep it in /opt for the time being, and then delete it once the package upgrades. Instructions for the latter: | 21:54 |
narothepharoh | i am havind a problem with devede when i convert i get no audio it was fine before i upgraded to 8.04 any ideas? | 21:54 |
Flannel | jamiejackson: that page is a little dated, so the filenames/etc will be different, but the process is the same | 21:54 |
ldiamond | Broadcom: When I do sudo apt-get install initrd-tools, it cant find the package | 21:54 |
GhotiPhud | can someone help me clone a windows install onto a new bigger harddrive | 21:54 |
spainish | this link refused my connection | 21:54 |
Ntsunda | Hi. I'm installing 8.04 and have been sitting at "Starting Bluetooth" for about 15 minutes ... is this normal (I have no bluetooth hardware) | 21:54 |
ldiamond | ghoti, there are some opensource ghost tools. or use Norton ghost | 21:54 |
Broadcom | GhotiPhud, this is ubuntu only | 21:54 |
jamiejackson | thx Flannel | 21:54 |
Jordan_U | Ntsunda: No, that is not normal | 21:54 |
Flannel | clintchance: No. It'd be some third party restore/diagnostic/whatever disk or something. UBCD4Win might be able to, I don't really know. You might try ##windows | 21:54 |
narothepharoh | i am havind a problem with devede when i convert i get no audio it was fine before i upgraded to 8.04 any ideas? | 21:55 |
GhotiPhud | Broadcom I want to clone this partition using the Hardy live CD | 21:55 |
Coubacias | boas | 21:55 |
clintchance | Flannel, Thanks il try irc windows | 21:55 |
flip2405 | Ghotipud, you g-parted | 21:55 |
flip2405 | Ghotipud, use g-parted | 21:56 |
GhotiPhud | how would I do that | 21:56 |
ldiamond | Broadcom: When I do sudo apt-get install initrd-tools, it cant find the package | 21:56 |
tim167 | is anyone running ubuntu from a flash drive ? | 21:56 |
amenado | ldiamond-> which tool within initrd-tools are you looking for? | 21:56 |
spainish | please, can you access to ? | 21:56 |
flip2405 | ghotiphud go to | 21:56 |
GhotiPhud | I have the live cd in and can see the internal HD and the external one I want to copy onto | 21:56 |
Jordan_U | spainish: Why are you asking? | 21:56 |
GhotiPhud | I opened up gparted, but I don't see a clone option | 21:56 |
ghindo | I just ran "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade" but a package was held back. "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" didn't fix it either. How can I fix this? | 21:56 |
spainish | i need a reliable answer | 21:56 |
flip2405 | ghotipud come channel flip | 21:57 |
el_taco | spainish it works | 21:57 |
GhotiPhud | channel flip? | 21:57 |
Flannel | ghindo: What package? and does it say why? | 21:57 |
flip2405 | type /j #flip | 21:57 |
macd | On gutsy sshd, when a user logs out, its leaving a stale session, is anyone else experiencing this, (only started a after the second sshd update) | 21:57 |
Nubbie | spainish: if you want reliable advice look elsewhere :P | 21:57 |
ldiamond | amenado: mkinitrd | 21:57 |
spainish | my connection to it doesn't work, can you access to ? | 21:57 |
amenado | ldiamond-> thats been replaced with mkinitramfs | 21:57 |
tim167 | my flash drive shows up as 2 devices, one is 1.5 MB and contains some kind of 'lock' application for windoze, might this prevent me from booting from it? and can i remove it? | 21:58 |
el_taco | spainish I've said like 3 times that it works | 21:58 |
ghindo | Flannel; The package is libtotem-plparser10, and it doesn't say why it's being kept back. | 21:58 |
amenado | tim167-> not two devices, perhaps two partitions? | 21:58 |
ldiamond | amenado: I compiled another kernel, I'm trying make modules_install and make install but I don't get the initrd file. | 21:58 |
Nubbie | spainish: have you tried pinging it? it works. please stop disrupting the channel when there are alternative ways to solve your problem. | 21:58 |
spainish | el_taco, and i've made 10 attempts and doesn't work | 21:58 |
tim167 | amenado: /dev/sda and /dev/sdb | 21:58 |
macd | spainish, works for me | 21:58 |
Broadcom | ldiamond, dont think it works in hardy | 21:58 |
Nubbie | spainish: then complain to your ISP, not in here. | 21:58 |
Flannel | ghindo: What version of ubuntu are you on? and can you pastebin the output of apt-cache policy libtotem-plparser10 | 21:58 |
frogscott1 | Cappah hello | 21:58 |
Jordan_U | tim167: Is it one of those "secure" drives ( which are BS IMHO ) ? | 21:59 |
ldiamond | Broadcom; How can I do that then? | 21:59 |
spainish | bye | 21:59 |
HabboTom | I want cPAnel Compatible with Ubuntu ;( | 21:59 |
el_taco | spainish if you can ping then it's a dns issue | 21:59 |
amenado | ldiamond-> look at your configure file and see if mkinitramfs is compiled as a module | 21:59 |
tim167 | Jordan_U: i suppose useless for installing ubuntu on it ? | 21:59 |
macd | HabboTom, prolly not going to happen, ebox should be a pretty viable option | 21:59 |
spainish | el_taco, refused me the connection too | 21:59 |
Anderson | !offtopic | 21:59 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 21:59 |
=== hoarycri1ple is now known as hoarycripple | ||
HabboTom | macd: Its not web host though | 22:00 |
wafflezone | hello i installed ubuntu hardy and my sound doesnt work at all | 22:00 |
Nubbie | spainish: please complain about your lame internet connection somewhere else. | 22:00 |
ghindo | Flannel: I'm using 8.04 and here's the pastebin: | 22:00 |
el_taco | spainish then yer being blocked lol | 22:00 |
Nubbie | !sound wafflezone | 22:00 |
ubottu | Nubbie: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 22:00 |
amenado | tim167-> one single usb pendrive shows as two? way.. | 22:00 |
^paradox^ | i got a couple questions | 22:00 |
Nubbie | grr... | 22:00 |
tim167 | Jordan_U: i get 'Failed to create filesystem' when trying to get ubuntu live installer to partition this usb stick | 22:00 |
^paradox^ | how do i register my nick? | 22:01 |
NetRolller3D | Anyone knows how to build an initrd/initramfs for a newly-built kernel under Ubuntu? The kernel was built using the regular makefile. | 22:01 |
samy_ | nessuno ha una broad com come scheda wireless | 22:01 |
samy_ | ? | 22:01 |
Broadcom | ldiamond, it has been replaced by initramfs-tools | 22:01 |
tim167 | amenado: yep, and one seems like an unmodifiable one | 22:01 |
macd | !register | ^paradox^ | 22:01 |
ubottu | ^paradox^: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. | 22:01 |
Flannel | !it | samy_ | 22:01 |
ubottu | samy_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 22:01 |
Broadcom | !es | 22:01 |
ubottu | Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 22:01 |
Jordan_U | tim167: No, it's most likely a perfectly normal flash drive that just has extra proprietary software installed on it, reformatting it shouldn't do anything ( since there is likely nothing special about the drive itself ) | 22:01 |
xFlipx | I need help with a graphics issue - my system is laggy as heck and my Xorg is using 30% cpu | 22:01 |
Nubbie | NetRolller3D: there is a guide on ubuntuforums regarding custom built kernels. | 22:01 |
Kaja | NetRolller3D, take a look on kernel-package | 22:01 |
Flannel | HabboTom: cpanel is in universe | 22:01 |
Flare183 | !alsa | wafflezone | 22:01 |
ubottu | wafflezone: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 22:01 |
tim167 | amenado: i feel ripped off | 22:01 |
Pupeno | Using lxml can I get the whole text and tags for something like <p>blah <b>bleh</b> blih</p>, or better, can I iterate getting text, tag, text? | 22:01 |
HabboTom | Flannel: Where? | 22:01 |
NetRolller3D | The problem is that all guides use make-kpkg... | 22:01 |
Flannel | ghindo: try sudo apt-get install libtotem-plparser10 | 22:01 |
pikapika | hi | 22:01 |
macd | !universe | HabboTom | 22:01 |
ubottu | HabboTom: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at and - See for the recommended way to set up your repositories | 22:01 |
^paradox^ | thnx brb | 22:02 |
Jordan_U | tim167: That's odd, try reformatting it with gparted | 22:02 |
wafflezone | thank you, i tried messing around in the alsa sound mixer and i couldnt make anything work | 22:02 |
pikapika | i have some probleme with grub2 detecting other oses | 22:02 |
Flare183 | wafflezone: no problem | 22:02 |
tim167 | Jordan_U: i tried creating a new partition on /dev/sdb and it does nothing | 22:02 |
Marius | hi, is there a coverflow for gnome like that ine for appel | 22:02 |
amenado | tim167-> id unmount it and remount it and see if it really detects two...confirm with cat /proc/partitions | 22:02 |
Mudassar | Hello, ping command results in "Operation Not Permitted" plz help | 22:02 |
NetRolller3D | And I haven't used make-kpkg, I compiled with "make", then "make modules_install" and "make install". | 22:02 |
Flannel | HabboTom: Oh, sorry. 'secpanel' has 'cpanel' in the name. | 22:02 |
NetRolller3D | How do I make an initr{d|amfs}? | 22:02 |
talntid | In the terminal, if I want to autocomplete a perviously typed command, how do I do that? | 22:02 |
ghindo | Flannel: | 22:03 |
Flare183 | !grub | pikapika | 22:03 |
ubottu | pikapika: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 22:03 |
HabboTom | Flannel: cPanel Is a Hosting Panel | 22:03 |
Broadcom | talntid, press up | 22:03 |
Flannel | HabboTom: I know | 22:03 |
Flare183 | !boot | pikapika | 22:03 |
ubottu | pikapika: Boot options: - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: - Also see | 22:03 |
Flare183 | sorr | 22:03 |
tim167 | amenado: sda, sda1, sda2, sdb, loop0 | 22:03 |
* Flare183 says sorry* | 22:03 | |
Flannel | ghindo: ah, here we go. some real information. | 22:03 |
HabboTom | Flannel: Know any other? | 22:03 |
talntid | Broadcom: Yes, but there is a way to type the first few letters, then autocomplete it not with tab, but the WHOLE line you previously typed | 22:03 |
pikapika | Flare183: thanks but it's not exactly the problem :) | 22:03 |
Flannel | HabboTom: is ebox not sufficient? | 22:04 |
Flare183 | pikapika: oh ok | 22:04 |
HabboTom | Flannel: Doesn't mention Web Hosting | 22:04 |
Mudassar | I have connected to a VPN server and trying to ping it, but "Operation not permitted" comes out | 22:04 |
talntid | ah, ctrl+r | 22:04 |
Broadcom | talntid, dont start typing, just press up a few times | 22:04 |
HabboTom | Flannel: And Hosting Resellers | 22:04 |
pikapika | !grub2 | 22:04 |
ubottu | Factoid grub2 not found | 22:04 |
xFlipx | the command to resetup xorg conf? | 22:04 |
amenado | tim167-> well it does show you have only /dev/sdb so where is the two usb drive you speak of? | 22:04 |
pikapika | seems i'll have to get back to grub-legacy | 22:04 |
Jordan_U | xFlipx: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh | 22:04 |
AJC_Z0 | How do I get X11 apps such as the update manager to stop stealing focus? | 22:05 |
amenado | Mudassar-> most likely the firewall dis-allows you | 22:05 |
Mudassar | but it works with other peers | 22:05 |
Mudassar | there is no problem wth the firewall | 22:05 |
ghindo | Flannel: What does it mean? | 22:05 |
Nubbie | AJC_Z0: are you using compiz? | 22:05 |
AJC_Z0 | Nubbie: Yes, I am | 22:05 |
amenado | Mudassar-> perhaps i did not understand you, from where are you doing the pinging? | 22:06 |
unicum | anyone here ever read that: ?? | 22:06 |
unicum | i've just stumbled over the same problem | 22:06 |
Mudassar | from the VPN client | 22:06 |
amenado | !who | Mudassar | 22:06 |
ubottu | Mudassar: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 22:06 |
grendal_prime | Motoyz80 | 22:06 |
Flannel | ghindo: The new version has unmet dependencies, of those other two packages. It appears someone messed up in the packaging, and either got the wrong depends versions, or the other packages are versioned incorrectly. File a bug against this package at launchpad, as of now, there's not a whole lot you can do about it (well, there is, but it gets messy real quick). Having this held back is nothing to worry about, it won't break anything | 22:07 |
Mudassar | amenado-> it is working with the other clients | 22:07 |
amenado | Mudassar-> i want to make sure I folllow you, from your client (another host) you are trying to ping a server? | 22:07 |
ghindo | Flannel: Cool, thanks | 22:07 |
Flannel | HabboTom: Have you purchased cpanel? | 22:07 |
Flannel | ghindo: Be sure to file a bug report though, otherwise the devs won't know to look at it | 22:08 |
amenado | Mudassar-> or you have already logged in to the remote server and then doing a ping? which one is it?> | 22:08 |
Mudassar | amenado: yes I have two laptops, both running ubuntu. I have connected both with the same VPN server, | 22:08 |
habaneroman | hello | 22:08 |
Mudassar | amenado, I am logged in | 22:08 |
wafflezone | i tried this fix for my sound and when i hit ./configure it fails | 22:09 |
wafflezone | | 22:09 |
ghindo | Flannel: I've never filed a bug report, but I'll try | 22:09 |
amenado | Mudassar-> or you have already logged in to the remote server and then doing a ping? which one is it? | 22:09 |
Flannel | ghindo: Let me know if you need help figuring it out | 22:09 |
Mudassar | amenado, on one system it is saying "Operation not permitted" | 22:09 |
wafflezone | it says error: C compiler cannot create executables | 22:09 |
Broadcom | !hi | habaneroman | 22:09 |
Flannel | ghindo: actually, you should ask in #ubuntu-offtopi (since bug reports aren't support related), but if you can't get there, here'll work fine too. | 22:09 |
ubottu | habaneroman: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 22:09 |
Mudassar | amenado, I am connected with vpn | 22:09 |
Flannel | wafflezone: you need to install build-essential | 22:09 |
wafflezone | flannel: how do i do that | 22:10 |
ghindo | Flannel: Sure thing. Let me just register and then see if I can figure it out on my own | 22:10 |
amenado | Mudassar-> after you connect with vpn, then what? you can not ping ? which ip address do you want to ping? | 22:10 |
ipei | Hi everybody! Can someone please tell me how I can use the space where a panel is? ( I use twinview, and on the second screen I can't pull the app windows to the top. Just as high as the smallest panel is.) Please :P | 22:10 |
Flannel | wafflezone: Er... if you're asking how to install basic packages, are you sure you should be playing around with kernel modules? | 22:10 |
HabboTom | Flannel: Yes | 22:10 |
Mudassar | amendo, | 22:10 |
=== y3k_ is now known as YahikoY | ||
wafflezone | flannel: i found that fix on a forum i have no clue what it does | 22:11 |
xFlipx | ugh I can't get this thing working right | 22:11 |
seb1 | Hi there an question: I got trouble with installing my Quickcam Chat under Hardy. the cam is correctly installed but camorama crashes without error message in a second | 22:11 |
xFlipx | everytime I move a window I get extreme lag | 22:11 |
amenado | Mudassar-> the nick is amenado .. | 22:11 |
AJC_Z0 | Nubbie: Where should I be looking for compiz settings which affect focus? | 22:11 |
gp | hello | 22:11 |
xFlipx | could it be an issue where ubuntu is setting the incorrect display properties? | 22:12 |
amenado | Mudassar-> is that another how within the same subnet where the vpn server is located/connected ? | 22:12 |
Nubbie | AJC_Z0: you can set up update-manager to not have focus | 22:12 |
gp | does anybody know how to use token under ubuntu? | 22:12 |
wafflezone | flannel: do you have a suggestion for getting sound working? i tried that link earlier and when i got to sudo modprobe snd-intel8x0 it gets a whole bunch of no such file or directory | 22:12 |
amenado | Mudassar-> is that another host* within the same subnet where the vpn server is located/connected ? | 22:12 |
spid3r | hi | 22:12 |
Flannel | HabboTom: You can use alien to get the rpm to work, except the problem with that is that RPM based distros handle Apache an entirely different method as Ubuntu and other deb distros. Perusing the web, it looks like DirectAdmin supports Ubuntu | 22:12 |
imamac | xFlipx> Yes. Maybe the wrong video driver, or visual effects too high for your machine | 22:12 |
Mudassar | amenado, no it is different | 22:12 |
Flannel | wafflezone: Have you followed the Sound Debugging wiki page? | 22:12 |
Nubbie | AJC_Z0: look in the "window rules' plugin | 22:13 |
amenado | Mudassar-> what do you meant different? can you clarify? | 22:13 |
wafflezone | flannel yeah thats where i got a fail | 22:13 |
YahikoY | Hey, how would i remove grub which I installed in (hd1,2) ? (I installed grub in 2 locations and want to remove one of them) | 22:13 |
etheredge | is there a way i can copy more then 4gbs to a ntfs file system hd? | 22:13 |
Broadcom | !HI | spid3r | 22:13 |
ubottu | spid3r: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 22:13 |
ikonia | etheredge: sure | 22:13 |
xFlipx | imamac, it's an intel video card | 22:13 |
CarlFK | how can i see what command launched pid=8179 ? top shows it using 20% of my cpu, and just "python" | 22:13 |
etheredge | ikonia, really?! | 22:13 |
ghindo | Flannel: I think I found a similar bug report here: Should I just comment that I've had the same problem? | 22:13 |
xFlipx | I used to run visual effects in fedora without this issue but I did have to make changes to the device type | 22:13 |
ikonia | yup | 22:13 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 222821 in glibc "package libtotem-plparser10 2.22.2-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: problemas de dependencias - se deja sin configurar" [Undecided,New] | 22:13 |
ikonia | etheredge: it's fat32 with the 4GB limit | 22:14 |
xFlipx | problem is that I'm not seeing where to make that change in ubuntu | 22:14 |
amenado | YahikoY-> erase the /boot partitions with in that partition where you installed grub | 22:14 |
Mudassar | amenado, I am at and VPN server has IP | 22:14 |
HabboTom | Flannel: I am not buying another product after spending quite a bit on this product | 22:14 |
etheredge | ikonia, oh thats right can i format it to ntfs via ubuntu? | 22:14 |
YahikoY | amenado, so i just go rmdir -r boot? | 22:14 |
^paradox^ | ok im all set my nicks registered thnx for the info | 22:14 |
Mudassar | amenado, the tap0 interface assigned to me has the IP | 22:14 |
matthew | how do i share a folder with NFS? | 22:14 |
imamac | xFlipx> did it ask to install restricted drivers? maybe someone else can explain more, but my ATI card needed the restricted drivers in order to function remotely well | 22:15 |
tzd | !cron daemon | 22:15 |
ubottu | Factoid cron daemon not found | 22:15 |
Flannel | HabboTom: Right, I figured as much. If I were you, I'd contact cpanel, since they support people who have purchased their products, right? You may end up having to use a distro that they support. Ubuntu can't put cpanel in our repos, since its proprietary, obviously. | 22:15 |
tzd | !cron | 22:15 |
ubottu | cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See - There is also a decent Howto at | 22:15 |
amenado | YahikoY-> whereever those vmlinuz and initrd files are | 22:15 |
^paradox^ | now for my other question | 22:15 |
Broadcom | rfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff sdsdrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr | 22:15 |
Broadcom | rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr | 22:15 |
Nubbie | lol at that quit messager. | 22:15 |
Broadcom | rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr | 22:15 |
Flannel | !ops | Broadcom | 22:15 |
FloodBot2 | Broadcom: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 22:15 |
ubottu | Broadcom: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01! | 22:15 |
Broadcom | rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr | 22:15 |
Flare183 | !flood | Broadcom | 22:16 |
ubottu | Broadcom: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 22:16 |
Nubbie | what a moron. | 22:16 |
Flannel | ghindo: Yeah. Thats the same one, or at least, the descrptions are. No idea why it says it affects glibc. But yeah, comment on that bug. Thanks! | 22:16 |
xFlipx | nah it says I don't need restricted drivers - I'm disabling all compiz settings now to see if one of those was causing the issue | 22:16 |
etheredge | ikonia, any ideas? | 22:16 |
Broadcom | something was on the keyboard, and i hit enter instead of deleate. sorry | 22:16 |
amenado | Mudassar-> if I understood you right, you logged in to your vpn server, and then you are trying to ping ? | 22:16 |
wafflezone | i guess ill just try reinstalling for the 4th time | 22:16 |
matthew | how do i share a folder with NFS? | 22:16 |
Flannel | wafflezone: What chipset is your audio? Thats usually a good place to start | 22:17 |
etheredge | how can i partition an external hd to ntfs with ubuntu? | 22:17 |
Flare183 | !nfs | 22:17 |
ubottu | nfs is the network file system. See for information on installing and configuring NFS. | 22:17 |
wafflezone | ALC850 i think | 22:17 |
Nubbie | Broadcom: your repeat on the keyboard must be very fast if that's what happened. | 22:17 |
gp | could somebody help me using a token for signature? | 22:17 |
HabboTom | Flannel: I might switch to fedora, dual boot if I could install, I dont understand half the installing, just web hosting + forums (VB) is mine | 22:17 |
wafflezone | flannel: it's ALC850 | 22:17 |
xFlipx | command to restart x? | 22:17 |
Mudassar | amenado, I am new to vpn server I just use the following command openvpn --config client.ovpn to connect with VPN | 22:17 |
^paradox^ | a friend whos far more ubuntu experienced than said if i play online rpg and other games that use java alot itd be a good idea to clean out java temp files in java 6 control panel regularly. said not to worry java would always rebuild em. is that right? | 22:18 |
Mudassar | amenado, after that I am given a tap0 interface with some ip | 22:18 |
imamac | xFlipx> ctrl alt bkspac | 22:18 |
amenado | Mudassar-> then may I suggest reading the tutorial where you got this commands from? | 22:18 |
matthew | what is the GUI tool for editting NFS shares? | 22:18 |
Broadcom | Nubbie, i im on a laptop connected to an external moniter, and i was fixing the router, set it on the laptop keyboard, and did not notice for about 30sec | 22:18 |
hisingh1_ | VNC help?? | 22:18 |
Broadcom | !VNC | 22:18 |
ubottu | VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 22:18 |
Mudassar | amenado, actually this is an assignment and we are given this configuration file with the suggestion to type this commandopenvpn --config client.ovpn | 22:18 |
Mudassar | amenado, openvpn --config client.ovpn | 22:19 |
hisingh1_ | <ubottu> how do i connect a desktop in windows to a linux | 22:19 |
Mudassar | amenado, but it is not pinging it | 22:19 |
Broadcom | hisingh1_, it is bot follow the link | 22:19 |
amenado | Mudassar-> as an additional assignment, kindly google for openvpn tutorial and read up the tutorials for it.. | 22:19 |
Mudassar | amenado, thanks for your time | 22:19 |
=== wavy__ is now known as wavy | ||
Mudassar | amenado, bye bye | 22:19 |
amenado | Mudassar-> and pay attention to the routing table, | 22:19 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
^paradox^ | im honestly not sure. is what he said correct? | 22:20 |
matthew | what is the GUI tool for editting NFS shares? | 22:20 |
hisingh1_ | <Broadcom> ?? i want to connect to a windows using a linux with VNC | 22:20 |
AJC_Z0 | Nubbie: I don't have the Window Rules plugin enabled and AFAICT it would require explicit and detailed settings for each client. Is there a big radio button for something like "Allow windows to steal focus"? | 22:20 |
phixxor | hey guys I have a problem: my home network is WPA. In gutsy, my computer using a linksys WUSB54G usb wireless adapter with ndiswrapper could connect to it. However, now that I've updated to Hardy, it can only connect to unsecure networks. Is this a known bug? Is there a workaround? | 22:20 |
hisingh1_ | <Broadcom> ?? any ideas | 22:20 |
=== Idzme_ is now known as Idzme | ||
Broadcom | hisingh1_, | 22:21 |
Flannel | wafflezone: Have you tried this? echo "options snd_intel8x0 index=-2" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base | 22:21 |
hisingh1_ | <Broadcom> thanks i will check it ourt | 22:21 |
wuxia | is there any package taht'll convert midi to mp3? | 22:21 |
etheredge | does linux work with an external NTFS HD? | 22:21 |
hisingh1_ | <Broadcom> wait, that is using ssh, i want to be able to see the screen. | 22:21 |
Nubbie | etheredge: yes, why wouldn't it? | 22:22 |
lnar | hi... i have a problem, i have a HDA Intel sound card using alsa mixer, when im listening music in exaile for example i cant hear anything else but exaile, and if Im watching a video and listening it I cant play sounds in exaile, how do i solve that? | 22:22 |
Nubbie | hisingh1_: SSH is just a secure protocol though which VNC screen sharing can be tunnelled though, to make it more secure. | 22:22 |
CarlFK | hisingh1_: you will | 22:22 |
frostburn | etheredge, yes it does, you may need to install nfts-3g, although that seems to be in the default build now | 22:23 |
Broadcom | hisingh1_, sudo apt-get VNC | 22:23 |
matthew | what is the GUI tool for editting NFS shares? | 22:23 |
frostburn | matthew, i'm not aware of any that exist | 22:23 |
hisingh1_ | THANKS!!, i wil try now! | 22:23 |
Nubbie | matthew: they got rid of that GUI in Hardy. | 22:23 |
CarlFK | matthew: your mouse :) | 22:23 |
amenado | hisingh1_-> just a heads up, if you are going across internet links, using vnc is insecure, and a bit slower.. | 22:23 |
Nubbie | matthew: there is a bug filed against the removal of that tool you should subscribe to. | 22:23 |
xFlipx | whoever I was speaking with - you were right - it was something in compiz that was lagging me | 22:23 |
JontyO | hi can someone help me? | 22:23 |
CarlFK | matthew: right click on the folder, pick 'share' | 22:24 |
amenado | hisingh1_-> now within your local lan, it is fast enuff | 22:24 |
lnar | hi... i have a problem, i have a HDA Intel sound card using alsa mixer, when im listening music in exaile for example i cant hear anything else but exaile, and if Im watching a video and listening it I cant play sounds in exaile, how do i solve that? | 22:24 |
Nubbie | !repeat | lnar | 22:24 |
etheredge | frostburn, how can i format an external hd to NTFS file system | 22:24 |
ubottu | lnar: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 22:24 |
JontyO | On ubuntu boot (before install) I get sbin/modprobe abnormal exit | 22:24 |
Martiini | Broadcom: howcome your corporate policies not include linux? When are you going to give better support for linux? | 22:24 |
JontyO | on latest 8.04 ubuntu | 22:24 |
hisingh1_ | Couldn't find package vnc! i tried both VNC and vnc | 22:24 |
Broadcom | martiini, lol | 22:24 |
amenado | JontyO-> you are booting a liveCD disk or from a hd? | 22:24 |
JontyO | amenado both dont work (tried wubi) | 22:25 |
JontyO | livecd and hdd | 22:25 |
lnar | the package is called vncviewer | 22:25 |
matthew | CarlFK: that does samba | 22:25 |
amenado | JontyO-> what did you do to attempt to boot from a hdd? and you have a running linux now dont you? | 22:25 |
lnar | so in console you type vncviewer ip | 22:25 |
matthew | Nubbie: really! that's insane. it was a good tool. how ridiculous. | 22:25 |
frostburn | etheredge, i think gparted does it | 22:26 |
CelticLord | nuit!! | 22:26 |
JontyO | amenado im on vista now | 22:26 |
JontyO | came preinstalled on lappy going to dualboot | 22:26 |
amenado | JontyO-> answer my question please. | 22:26 |
Nubbie | matthew: many people feel the same way as you, especially the users of mythbuntu, who very often rely on NFS. | 22:26 |
lnar | any idea on how to make alsa play sounds at the same time in different players?? | 22:26 |
CarlFK | matthew: hmm, I thought there was a 'network type' option... | 22:26 |
etheredge | frostburn, ive been using gparted but for some reason it wont let me choose NTFS | 22:26 |
matthew | CarlFK: not on my system. | 22:26 |
JontyO | erm I tried booting form livecd (same error) and Wubi from inside windows to boot from hdd (same error) | 22:26 |
lnar | how do i configure alsa?? | 22:27 |
Bodsda | in vim, how can i save a file as a diff filename? open with -- vim /home/bod/ save with :wq! /home/bod/ ??? | 22:27 |
amenado | JontyO-> try the alternate cd then..i dont know if it will fix your issues | 22:27 |
Nubbie | CarlFK: he is not having connection issues, he's having filesharing issues. the utility that used to encapsulate samba and nfs shares has been dropped from support in favour of a per-user right click-on-the-folder samba sharing solution. | 22:27 |
JontyO | :/ | 22:27 |
CarlFK | matthew: nor on the one I am on now | 22:27 |
amenado | Bodsda-> :w! newfilename | 22:27 |
CarlFK | Nubbie: ah. swell. thanks | 22:28 |
=== Omarmatuer is now known as Omarmapatuer | ||
ricree | when I upgraded from feisty to hardy, my numberpad stopped working and now seems to be controlling the mouse cursor instead. Anyone have any idea how to deal with this? | 22:28 |
Bodsda | amenado, newfilename being path and filename? | 22:28 |
Martiini | Bodsda: vim sucks , use nano | 22:28 |
Bodsda | no | 22:28 |
Cynical | anyone here have a dual head setup and have it working... | 22:28 |
Nubbie | lol | 22:28 |
Bodsda | nano=little boys toy | 22:28 |
amenado | Bodsda-> yeah if it will be on a different path | 22:28 |
=== Cynical is now known as windowskilla | ||
=== Omarmapatuer is now known as OkOkOk | ||
Bodsda | amenado, cheers dude | 22:28 |
Flannel | Bodsda: yeah. And you don't need ! either. just any pather, whether relative or absolute will work | 22:29 |
ricree | Never mind, just found out how to turn it off | 22:29 |
Bodsda | Flannel, cheers | 22:29 |
CarlFK | Cynical: if nvidia, using 2 ports on one card - apt-get install nvidia-settings, run that | 22:29 |
^paradox^ | a friend whos far more ubuntu experienced than said if i play online rpg and other games that use java alot itd be a good idea to clean out java temp files in java 6 control panel regularly. said not to worry java would always rebuild em. is that right? | 22:29 |
amenado | Bodsda-> the ! is needed if the destination file already exist | 22:29 |
Nubbie | good luck with all your your issues everybody. don't drink/drive this weekend :) g'night. | 22:29 |
snarkste1 | hi guys.. anyone got any idea how to read ebooks .lit files?? | 22:29 |
Bodsda | amenado, ah,.ok cheers (tis so complex) ;~) | 22:30 |
windowskilla | its intel | 22:30 |
amenado | Bodsda-> a lil more practice will make it less complex | 22:30 |
windowskilla | not nvidia | 22:30 |
unstable | What is the best way to record my screen/web browser, so I can do a demo, and make a video. what program works well? | 22:30 |
etheredge | can anyone tell me how to partition an external hd to NTFS? | 22:30 |
Bodsda | amenado, thats what imdoing ;~) | 22:30 |
CarlFK | windowskilla: otherwise have a look at | 22:30 |
windowskilla | my life would be a WHOLE lot easier if it were nvidia or ati | 22:31 |
Martiini | ^paradox^: I would expect people have better things to consider than java temp files | 22:31 |
amenado | Bodsda-> also , look for vim cheat sheets so you'd get exposed to its advanced features | 22:31 |
toresn | where are the keybindings to xpdf located? (looked in /etc/xpdf/xpdfrc, but couldn't find any section for keybindings | 22:31 |
frostburn | etheredge, you may want to try your luck with a gparted livecd | 22:32 |
Bodsda | amenado, will do,. thanka alot | 22:32 |
^paradox^ | oh Martiini: was just wondering. im still new to linux so im not really sure | 22:32 |
snarkste1 | anyone have any clues as to what to use to read MSreader format files? .lit | 22:32 |
amenado | Bodsda-> that way, you will learn regular expression along side with vim.. | 22:32 |
Ntsunda | I'm struggling to get install of 8.04 to see my SATA HDD any ideas? | 22:32 |
Martiini | ^paradox^: you dont need to know about java files though, do you | 22:33 |
Bodsda | amenado, im confused already -- but will def do some googling,.cheers dude | 22:33 |
amenado | Ntsunda-> can you boot from the liveCD okay? | 22:33 |
nzvip | Everytime I use SSH/SFTP, Ubuntu requires me to unlock my keyring. But there is no password, if I pick deny, I can just use SSH all the same. But if I type in my password and click OK, I have to try it again. | 22:34 |
Ntsunda | liveCD boots but I can't install as it doesn't see my HDD | 22:34 |
amenado | Bodsda-> okay good luck, enjoy.. | 22:34 |
^paradox^ | Martiini: he suggested was just didnt know if it was accurate | 22:34 |
nzvip | How do I stop Ubuntu from asking for unlocking my keyring? | 22:34 |
nzvip | It is seriously annoying. | 22:34 |
Bodsda | amenado, ty ;~) | 22:34 |
Ntsunda | when i reach step 4 : Prepare Partitions I have no options available as it can't see any device | 22:35 |
amenado | Ntsunda-> once you are in liveCD, open a terminal and type fdisk -l to find out what your system sees as storage devices | 22:35 |
JontyO | Guys can someone help me with | 22:35 |
b4l74z4r | how do i make a playlist of all my mp3's in a given folder with rhythmbox? | 22:35 |
abyss | lo, exists there any gnome-notification screenlet? i use wlan and uses the gnome-network-manager to switch fast and easy between wirless networks! | 22:35 |
amenado | !who | Ntsunda | 22:35 |
ubottu | Ntsunda: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 22:35 |
Ntsunda | amenado: I do that and it returns nothing at all :-( | 22:35 |
Ntsunda | ubottu: thanks | 22:36 |
ubottu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 22:36 |
naxa | hi. i have a new samsung syncmaster 740N monitor on some intel graphic chipset and i cannot set greater resolution than 800x600. how can i find out what is the exact type of my graphic card (it's integrated. i have a dual core pc) and how to allow greater resolutions? Maybe i have old xorg.conf with my old monitor? how can i update? | 22:36 |
JontyO | All help with be really appreicated @ | 22:36 |
=== OkOkOk is now known as SalutCaFarte | ||
amenado | Ntsunda-> nothing ? no results from fdisk -l thats an eLL not a one at the end | 22:36 |
Martiini | nzvip: if there was a way to disable keyring managers and kde wallet and such | 22:37 |
nzvip | Alternative, allow me to set the password, so I can type it in and it won't ask again. | 22:37 |
Martiini | nzvip: Ive done it .. its somewhere in the forums .. how to disable passwords | 22:37 |
Ntsunda | amenado: fdisk -l <enter> returns me to the next line with no results | 22:37 |
amenado | naxa try xdpyinfo | 22:38 |
sbox | Hello all, does anyone know the command to format my flash drive? | 22:38 |
amenado | Ntsunda-> that meant it has not detected any hard disk then..reboot and try again | 22:38 |
abyss | or other question! can i do the pop-up manually from console to get the gnome-network-manager wireless switcher? | 22:38 |
Ntsunda | amenado: GParted also comes back and tells me "no devices detected" | 22:39 |
Ntsunda | amenado: I've been at this for 10 hours already, can't tell you how many reboots | 22:39 |
amikrop | Hello. Where can I find a good theme the provides a black panel? | 22:39 |
=== SalutCaFarte is now known as Nonolepetitrobot | ||
amikrop | I 've seen it in screenshots. | 22:39 |
=== Nonolepetitrobot is now known as lamidulysse | ||
hisingh1 | VNC is not working properly | 22:40 |
Martiini | sbox : gparted, parted, cfdisk, fdisk ? .. to format usb flash | 22:40 |
nzvip | Martiini: mkfs | 22:40 |
sbox | Martiini: nice one | 22:40 |
hisingh1 | How do i configure VnC | 22:40 |
Martiini | amikrop : gnome-look maybe ? | 22:41 |
amikrop | | 22:41 |
amikrop | this theme | 22:41 |
Martiini | amikrop : thats horrible | 22:41 |
ajitam | hi I just upgrade to 8.04 and I notice that my wireless internet connection is very slow so I went to network tools . it shows that my wireles is only 1Mbps | 22:42 |
joombaga | Could someone help me with my modem? | 22:42 |
zChris | ajitam: man iwconfig | 22:42 |
amikrop | Martiini: I like it :P | 22:42 |
amikrop | Martiini: Do you know its name? | 22:42 |
D0ugh_B0ii | can any one help me get my wireless internet to work? i just installed ubuntu on my laptop and i cant seem to get it to work. | 22:42 |
amenado | ajitam-> what speed do you expect? | 22:42 |
JontyO | everyone if u can help me with plz need as much help as poss | 22:43 |
naxa | how can I make ubuntu redetect my monitor (and video card)? | 22:43 |
Starnestommy | JontyO: what happens when you try to boot it? | 22:43 |
ipei | Hi! Can someone please tell me how to get the apps to the top? | 22:43 |
hisingh1 | the say command wont work in termianl | 22:43 |
Martiini | amikrop : would know the name .. Ive seen it in gnome-look .. how about this | 22:43 |
amenado | JontyO-> i did already suggested to you earlier about downloading alternate cd eh if liveCD dont work? | 22:44 |
ajitam | zChris: if I connect with my notebook directly to internet I got about 4Mb but if I connect over ubuntu server internet is very slow | 22:44 |
ajitam | zChris: and server isn't using no connection | 22:44 |
ipei | Hi! Can someone please tell me how to get the apps to the top? (I'm using twinView) | 22:44 |
amikrop | Martiini: I 'll check it out. Thanks. | 22:45 |
zChris | ajitam: i think you can set speed with iwconfig | 22:45 |
JontyO | amenado: I will try that later but seeing if there is a simple fix | 22:45 |
amenado | Ntsunda-> while at liveCd try lshw |grep -i sata or dmesg|grep -i sata to see if they are detected | 22:45 |
hisingh1 | How do i use the SAY command in Terminal?? | 22:45 |
joombaga | JontyO: I've seen this happen when trying to use an install disc made for the wrong architecture. | 22:46 |
tim167 | how do i reset grub ? | 22:46 |
amenado | tim167-> please clarify ..what do you meant by reset? | 22:46 |
JontyO | joombaga | 22:46 |
JontyO | I got X86 | 22:46 |
JontyO | 32 bit | 22:46 |
JontyO | i386 | 22:47 |
JontyO | Toshiba Equium L350 | 22:47 |
tim167 | amenado, i installed ubuntu to a usb disk, but i did something wrong in previous attempts so i think grub hangs, i want to remove or reinstall it | 22:47 |
JontyO | Niiiice laptop :PP | 22:47 |
joombaga | JontyO: Alright, just an idea. | 22:47 |
=== Bodsda is now known as Bodsda_away | ||
Flannel | !away > Bodsda_away | 22:47 |
tim167 | amenado: i get a black screeen saying 'GRUB _' and nothing more | 22:47 |
Bodsda_away | Flannel, my bad, forgot i was still in here | 22:48 |
joombaga | JontyO: if the alternate install you could try performing a dist upgrade from Gutsy | 22:48 |
joombaga | JontyO: ^add a doesn't work there | 22:49 |
amenado | tim167-> i also asked you earlier about, you thought your usb is detected as two drives, i responded with no such this the same usb drive? | 22:49 |
D0ugh_B0ii | can any one help me get my wireless internet to work? i just installed ubuntu on my laptop and i cant seem to get it to work. | 22:49 |
amenado | d | 22:49 |
Martiini | tim167: you can try this | 22:49 |
JontyO | ok i'll try | 22:49 |
jessica | how can i run scripts on boot | 22:49 |
aaroncampbell | Kubuntu 8.04 doesn't seem to be launching the box to choose an action for my camera when it's plugged in by USB (like the option to transfer the pictures using digiKam). Here are the System Log Lines: | 22:49 |
JontyO | (downloads yet ANOTHER image file :/) | 22:49 |
tim167 | thanks Martiini | 22:49 |
amenado | D0ugh_B0ii-> what have you done so far? have you looked at tutorials on how to activate your wifi in ubuntu? | 22:49 |
Martiini | jessica crontab or session manager | 22:50 |
SeaPhor | amenado, I finally have workin wireless!! | 22:50 |
alec | can anyone tell me how to quickly switch desktops? | 22:50 |
tim167 | amenado: yes, definitely the same usb drive, shows up as /dev/sda and /dev/sdb | 22:50 |
amenado | SeaPhor-> which brand you bought? | 22:50 |
Ntsunda | amenado: lshw returns SATA Controller IDE Mode config: driver=sats_sis latency=64 module =sata_sis | 22:50 |
jessica | i am wanting to run two scripts on boot so when i boot up i dont have to run them manually which directory can the command to run the scripts in | 22:50 |
=== ajmorris is now known as ajmorris|AFK | ||
jessica | well more like which file do i put the commands in | 22:50 |
tim167 | amenado: but that is another usb drive, im trying several models (i really want to get a usb install working!) | 22:51 |
amenado | tim167-> you are booting from which drive? sda ? so is sda your usb ? | 22:51 |
SeaPhor | amenado, Airlink AWLH4130 108 PCI Wireless-G 108Mbps PCI | 22:51 |
Jezz | hi | 22:51 |
tim167 | amenado: booting from Live cdrom | 22:51 |
D0ugh_B0ii | yea i was looking at | 22:51 |
guardian | hi | 22:51 |
D0ugh_B0ii | but i couldnt get it to work | 22:51 |
tim167 | amenado: and after installing i try to boot from sda | 22:51 |
=== CSM-101 is now known as UbuntuX | ||
Jezz | i need a bittorrent client and usenet client for ubuntu? | 22:51 |
amenado | SeaPhor-> you're in-laws are happy not to see cables running on the floor | 22:51 |
joombaga | jessica: When do you want them to run? | 22:51 |
AlsMe | I'm building a PC right now with 1 HDD. However, in the future I'm going to be upgrading to RAID 3 and place 2 more drives in the computer (for a total of 3). | 22:51 |
guardian | how can i recover when do-release-upgrade was interrupted by power outage ? :( | 22:51 |
AlsMe | My question is.. (and please don't answer unless your 100% sure), can I successfully upgrade from 1 disk (no raid) to having 3 drives in raid 3 [B]without[/B] formatting my disk? | 22:51 |
AlsMe | I.E, My Motherboard has support for raid 3. | 22:51 |
Jezz | so i dont need windows anymore :) | 22:51 |
jessica | when booting | 22:52 |
Jezz | and | 22:52 |
tim167 | amenado: which is the large device on that usb stick, sdb is only 1.5 MB, some kind of 'security' thing... | 22:52 |
linkmaster03 | why are my youtube videos in firefox pausing every 2 seconds? | 22:52 |
joombaga | jessica: before a user logs in? | 22:52 |
Jezz | i installed ubuntu with WUBI, can i browse the Windows partition its on? | 22:52 |
SeaPhor | amenado, i shut down, took out old card, put in new one, powered on, and i had wireless, no config nothing! | 22:52 |
Jezz | linkmaster same problem here | 22:52 |
jessica | they can run on login but i would prefer them to run on boot | 22:52 |
Jezz | seems to be a flash problem | 22:52 |
Jezz | just restart it | 22:52 |
amenado | tim167-> im not following you, whats the large device you speak of? | 22:53 |
justworkalready | hey can someone help me get my wifi to work? It used to work in gutsy but the upgrade to hardy broke it | 22:53 |
jumpkic1 | hello | 22:53 |
alec | is there a key command to switch active desktops? | 22:53 |
AlsMe | I'm building a PC right now with 1 HDD. However, in the future I'm going to be upgrading to RAID 3 and place 2 more drives in the computer (for a total of 3). | 22:53 |
AlsMe | My question is.. (and please don't answer unless your 100% sure), can I successfully upgrade from 1 disk (no raid) to having 3 drives in raid 3 without formatting my disk? | 22:53 |
AlsMe | I.E, My Motherboard has support for raid 3. | 22:53 |
D0ugh_B0ii | i cant even get my wifi to read anything lol | 22:53 |
jumpkic1 | anyone have an Ipod mounted under Ubuntu? If so, what's the mountpoint called? | 22:53 |
tim167 | amenado: one usb stick shows up as /dev/sda of 4.1 Gig, and /dev/sdb of 1.5 MB | 22:53 |
linkmaster03 | Jezz: i've tried clearing my cache, reloading the browser, rebooting my comp, etc | 22:53 |
Jezz | oh weird | 22:53 |
tim167 | amenado: so the larg 'device' is where i installed ubuntu to | 22:53 |
Jezz | for me the problem was gone | 22:53 |
jumpkic1 | (trying to figure out if they all have "ipod" in their path somewhere) | 22:54 |
Jezz | but once in a while i still get it | 22:54 |
Jezz | mostly when i have multiple tabs with movies open | 22:54 |
justworkalready | jumpkic1: you can call the mountpoint whatever you want, it just has to exist as a folder. putting in /media/ is probably a good idea | 22:54 |
FluxMe | hello? | 22:54 |
amenado | tim167-> so you do really have two physical usb drive right? not a single usb dongle that you said were detected as two drives? | 22:54 |
evand | Jezz: /host in Ubuntu | 22:54 |
Jezz | Can i browse the Windows partition if i installed ubuntu with WUBI? | 22:54 |
justworkalready | jumpkic1: finding out the device name is a little trickier. it's gonna be /dev/something | 22:55 |
linkmaster03 | why are my youtube videos in firefox pausing every 2 seconds? | 22:55 |
ajitam | zChris: I try turnig ipv6 off nothing | 22:55 |
Jezz | i can see my external drive so i know i can browse ntsf drives | 22:55 |
Martiini | jessica , initrd runs before user login I think .. Im no pro but you can look up rc0.d rc1.d rcS.d etc | 22:55 |
jumpkic1 | justworkalready: yeah, but by default mine mounts to "/media/GED's IPod"... I'm trying to figure out if they all have "ipod" in the string if they are automounted or if that is the actual volume name | 22:55 |
jessica | thanks | 22:55 |
tim167 | amenado, no! :) it is definitely just one usb stick, which shows up as two devices /dev/sda and /dev/sdb | 22:55 |
joombaga | jessica: put the scripts in /etc/int.d/ | 22:55 |
ajitam | zChris: how can I change speed with iwcofig ? | 22:55 |
FluxMe | can anyone help me with setting up my network, having probs on this laptop that i setup Fluxbuntu on | 22:55 |
tim167 | amenado: i think this is strange too, but i swear its like that | 22:55 |
justworkalready | jumpkic1: oh, gotcha. I don't know :) | 22:56 |
Jezz | also | 22:56 |
joombaga | jessica: then run "update-rc.d NAMEOFSCRIPT defaults | 22:56 |
mk | Jezz, with wubi it's automounted as /host | 22:56 |
Martiini | jessica, etc/init.d | 22:56 |
Jezz | oh ok | 22:56 |
jessica | ok thanks | 22:56 |
justworkalready | can someone help me with my wifi? I can't connect to WPA networks anymore | 22:56 |
frostburn | Cool, my clock widget stopped working. it says it's 5:10 =( $ date says Fri May 16 17:56:17 EDT 2008 | 22:56 |
jessica | which file do i put the commands that runt hem | 22:56 |
frostburn | i would have been in work forever | 22:56 |
joombaga | jessica: and make sure to make the script executable | 22:56 |
jessica | *them and dont worry they are | 22:56 |
Jezz | woot cool | 22:56 |
Jezz | thnx | 22:56 |
justworkalready | with network manager or manually! I can connect fine to unencrypted networks but I used to be able to connect to WPA | 22:56 |
amenado | tim167-> man thats a new one, perhaps it does really have its own controller to separate the two as virtual drives....too many new techs to discover for me | 22:56 |
Jezz | yay i can browse windows partition | 22:57 |
Jezz | can i create a shortcut or something? | 22:57 |
Martiini | jessica I udsually google and read wikipadia and ubuntuforums | 22:57 |
FluxMe | Can anyone help me with my Network config setup in fluxbuntu, i can not connect to my network | 22:57 |
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jessica | ok thanks | 22:57 |
tim167 | amenado: its probably some security feature of this usb stick, which is useless to me, so i feel ripped off frankly...i just wanted a usb stick period | 22:57 |
duairc | Sorry if I'm like the billionth person to say this, but is MSN not working for anyone else? | 22:57 |
evand | Jezz: ln -s /host ~/Desktop/Windows | 22:57 |
Jezz | thnx | 22:57 |
matt444 | how do you change the hostname? | 22:57 |
Ntsunda | amenado: thanks for your help - I'm calling it a night | 22:57 |
Jezz | uh i get a error that the file does not exist | 22:58 |
linkmaster03 | why are my youtube videos in firefox pausing every 2 seconds? | 22:58 |
amenado | Ntsunda-> okay, i was still googling for some info..i'll quit while am ahead | 22:58 |
tim167 | amenado: to make matters worse, there is only a windows .exe on this 1.5 MB 'device' | 22:58 |
joombaga | jessica: What do you mean? Just put the files in that directory | 22:58 |
AlsMe | are you able to updgrade from no raid to rain in ubuntu? | 22:58 |
tim167 | amenado: called 'lock.exe' and a pdf manual | 22:58 |
FluxMe | anyone? | 22:58 |
amenado | tim167-> what was the description of it when sold to you? 8gig drive? | 22:58 |
jessica | i mean i want to run two files on boot dose it matter where they are] | 22:59 |
tim167 | amenado: zMATE PEN, 4GB | 22:59 |
justworkalready | can anyone help me with wifi issues? | 22:59 |
Ntsunda | amenado: I've also been googling, I think I'm gonna carry on playing with bios settings too - but I'll pick it up again in the morning | 22:59 |
MuddClub_Guest | hello in my /etc/hosts file i wish to map to * can i do this? or do i need to enter in every subdomain i wish to resolve? | 22:59 |
amenado | jessica-> it matters where they are, because if those files are located in un-mounted filesystems, it cant be read right? so make sure they exist on a mounted partitions .. | 23:00 |
joombaga | jessica: It's always worked for me to put them in /etc/init.d/ | 23:00 |
Ntsunda | amenado - perhaps I should just go and buy an IDE drive | 23:00 |
crimpson | When I did screen -dmS name, and later screen -r name, is there a way to put it in the background again? | 23:00 |
jessica | i need to run to scripts one being ./makedrv and the other ./wlan0up | 23:00 |
SeaPhor | justworkalready, are you using wpa_suplicant? | 23:00 |
duairc | Is anybody else having problems getting Pidgin to connect to MSN or is it just me? | 23:00 |
jumpkic1 | can anyone tell me if their IPOD automounted to "/media/someone's IPod"? | 23:00 |
amenado | Ntsunda-> i would not disagree, i had problems with sata drivers before, i only want to be shamed once..dont want to repeat it | 23:00 |
hisingh1 | mr cheater | 23:00 |
D0ugh_B0ii | Can anyone help me i cant get my wireless internet to work i jsut installed ubuntu on my laptop and cant find out how to setup wireless connection | 23:01 |
justworkalready | SeaPhor: yes. I've tried using that and network-manager - both fail | 23:01 |
JontyO | all help needed | 23:01 |
hisingh1 | cheatr?? | 23:01 |
amenado | D0ugh_B0ii-> what have you done so far? have you looked at tutorials on how to activate your wifi in ubuntu? | 23:01 |
matt444 | how do you set the hostname? | 23:01 |
D0ugh_B0ii | yea | 23:01 |
FluxMe | can someone please help me i cant get it to see my network over eth | 23:01 |
D0ugh_B0ii | yea i was looking at | 23:01 |
AlsMe | can you join a domain in ubuntu? | 23:01 |
joombaga | jessica: you can probably copy those scripts to /etc/init.d/ | 23:01 |
amenado | !who | D0ugh_B0ii | 23:01 |
ubottu | D0ugh_B0ii: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 23:01 |
AlsMe | hola? | 23:01 |
AlsMe | wow | 23:01 |
SeaPhor | justworkalready, what chipset are you using, brand and model? | 23:01 |
hawkeyex | anyone know anything about vlc snapshots? | 23:01 |
jessica | but there in a file and there dependent on all the other files | 23:02 |
Arrick | hey all, if I have vnc viewer full screen on one workspace, I want to be able to flip from one desktop to another with a key combo, is that already available in 8.04? | 23:02 |
FluxMe | can anyone help me? | 23:02 |
matt444 | this is what I want to do. instead of doing ssh user@ I'd like to be able to do 'ssh desktop' i KNOW this is possible because i've had it set up before | 23:02 |
hawkeyex | I'm trying to get it up as a gui, but how? | 23:02 |
justworkalready | SeaPhor: it's a linksys WUSB54Gv2, which is prism54. I'm using ndiswrapper. It worked perfectly in gutsy | 23:02 |
jessica | i have to go for a while i will be back at some point to tell you how i have got on thanks for your help | 23:03 |
tim167 | amenado: anyway, this other usb stick doesnt have this wierdness, so it should be useable, but as i said, i did something wrong with installing grub on it, do you know how to fix / remove/ reinstall grub ? | 23:03 |
hisingh1 | anyone know a good text to speech program in ubuntu | 23:03 |
Mathman | hisingh1: festival is all I know of | 23:04 |
joombaga | Does anyone know how to setup slmodemd? | 23:04 |
hisingh1 | Mathman: how do i use it?? | 23:04 |
Mathman | hisingh1: dunno off the top of my head. | 23:04 |
hisingh1 | Mathman:k | 23:05 |
hisingh1 | anyone know a good text to speech program in ubuntu | 23:05 |
SeaPhor | justworkalready, ahhh, i fought with that one, and it won!, i have used that one, rtl8185, rtl5xx, and netgearWPN111, tried ndiswrapper, sometimes i would get 1 to work for an hour or so then no more,,, finally, I bought a Airlink AWLH4130 108 PCI Wireless-G 108Mbps PCI. it worked strait out of the box, no config! | 23:05 |
plik | hisingh1: festival is the de facto open source offering | 23:06 |
justworkalready | SeaPhor: lol, yes that's why I bought a netgear atheros card for my other computer -- madwifi is much easier! | 23:06 |
justworkalready | SeaPhor: but I don't want to give up yet! I know it works | 23:06 |
Mathman | hisingh1: ha, yeah, it amazes me you'd turn around and ask that question again | 23:06 |
hisingh1 | Mathman: well, you didnt help much | 23:07 |
tom__ | Hey, this is kind of silly.. but I installed gkrellm from the repositories. How can I run it without it appearing in my taskbar? I tried gkrellm -w, but that doesn't work. | 23:07 |
FluxMe | Can anyone help me | 23:07 |
FluxMe | ? | 23:07 |
FluxMe | can anyone hear me | 23:07 |
plik | oh, I missed it the first time... still if you don't like festival and have a few $ then cepstral is worth a look | 23:07 |
crimpson | FluxMe I cant hear ya | 23:07 |
Mathman | FluxMe: relax. and ask a real question. of course someone can probably help you | 23:07 |
SeaPhor | justworkalready, ok, but i already lost that fight, not much help from me, unless you want the correct instructions on the order of ndswrapper? | 23:07 |
Chillyboarder | If anyone uses Ubuntu on a Dell 640M or E1405 or has experience with it then please PM me. | 23:07 |
FluxMe | mathman: i have been asking if someone can help me with connecting to my network, iam using fluxbuntu but its not connecting | 23:08 |
FluxMe | nm i gtr | 23:08 |
justworkalready | SeaPhor: that's ok :). THe problem isn't with ndiswrapper, it's with wpa_supplicant, I'm pretty sure (unless the problem is a combination of both) because I can connect fine to unencryped networks | 23:08 |
britton | hello, using ubuntu hardy heron here, I got ventrilo working but I can't get a working icon for the launcher. I DL'd a jpg and converted it to .png in GIMP but GNOME won't recognize it. How can I get the icon to work? | 23:08 |
justworkalready | I hope someone else shows up who knows how to fix this problem | 23:08 |
hisingh1 | Fluxman what do you need | 23:08 |
crimpson | he's gone | 23:09 |
SeaPhor | justworkalready, well look this over, maybe you missed something, look at the fourth step here | 23:09 |
justworkalready | alright, thanks | 23:09 |
duairc | Sorry for spamming, I know I've asked this twice already but I've got no responses: is anbody else having problems connection to MSN with Pidgin at the moment? | 23:10 |
SeaPhor | justworkalready, no prob | 23:10 |
joombaga | britton: is it hidden? | 23:10 |
hisingh1 | how do i create a alias | 23:10 |
dpowerd | duairc, no | 23:11 |
britton | joombaga, is what hidden? the jpg and png reside in a folder that is not hidden, and the files are not hidden (they do not start with a ".") | 23:11 |
Martiini | duairc: maybe they just dont want to talk to you on msn | 23:11 |
guest | is there a specific room i can go to get help with pidgin? | 23:11 |
Dysk | Does ubuntu currently include fglrx? It's not working for me since I upgraded. | 23:11 |
hisingh1 | what is the file called for alias | 23:11 |
Martiini | guest , no , you need a motel .. there is no room | 23:11 |
SeaPhor | duairc, nope, i just started pidgin and connected right away | 23:11 |
LEJ | Hello all.... I have a question about Mounting a Striped Volume from the 8.04 Live CD. LSI SAS 1068 PCI-X Controller. Shows in lspci normally but there are no /dev/sd* to mount. Suggestions? | 23:11 |
guest | is there a specific *channel* i can go to get help with pidgin? happy? :) | 23:12 |
Martiini | guest , #pidgin? | 23:12 |
Chillyboarder | If anyone uses Ubuntu on a Dell 640M or E1405 or has experience with it then please PM me. | 23:12 |
guest | -_- thank you :) | 23:13 |
duairc | Hmmm, well thanks then. | 23:13 |
joombaga | britton: I meant the file. They don't have to start with a "." to be hidden. Just a sec, I'm testing | 23:13 |
Martiini | guest , I was joking if you wanted to thank me | 23:13 |
=== Cynical is now known as windowskilla | ||
windowskilla | lol great.. tried to install kde 4 on my ubuntu box... I should have known better. | 23:15 |
LEJ | (It should have been hampster instead of heron btw.) | 23:15 |
joombaga | britton: Are you using the "add to panel" dialog? | 23:16 |
frost | any idea about SiS S17012 ? - No sound on ubuntu 8.04 , anyone know how to fix this problem | 23:16 |
frost | Plz | 23:16 |
windowskilla | cause now kdm is corrupted , gdm won't let me let it take over again. | 23:16 |
Martiini | windowskilla: how about dpkg-reconfigure gdm | 23:17 |
LEJ | I have a question about Mounting a Striped Volume from the Live CD. LSI SAS 1068 PCI-X Controller. Shows in lspci normally but there are no /dev/sd* to mount. Suggestions? Do I need to compile driver/insert module perhaps? | 23:17 |
windowskilla | so my next question is I want gdm back. | 23:17 |
frost | please need help about sis S17012 | 23:17 |
=== tolecnal_ is now known as tolecnal | ||
joombaga | Could someone help me with my modem? | 23:18 |
Martiini | frost : this is what I get | 23:18 |
ompaul | !modem | joombaga | 23:18 |
ubottu | joombaga: You want to connect via dial-up? Read | 23:18 |
windowskilla | k lemme try... I think that did it though | 23:19 |
LEJ | I give props to the people that stay in here all day long. I hate being a taker instead of a contributor and you guys deal with the takers all day long. | 23:19 |
brygee | what is everybody's torrent program of choice for ubuntu? | 23:19 |
dpowerd | ktorrent | 23:19 |
plik | brygee: Deluge | 23:20 |
Martiini | brygee: deluge, ktorrent | 23:20 |
brygee | dpowerd: plik: Martiini: are they anything like utorrent? | 23:20 |
dpowerd | brygee, i find ktorrent to be VERY similar to utorrent, however i have not used deluge | 23:21 |
brygee | dpowerd: i'm going to try it out, thank you | 23:21 |
Martiini | brygee: | 23:21 |
Martiini | Why dont people use google ?! | 23:21 |
plik | brygee: is much like ktorrent, but without all the kde stuff so a bit lighter on a standard gnome desktop | 23:21 |
LEJ | Anyone have suggestions on where to find help (other than search engines or forums) on getting a RAID Volume mounted from the LiveCD? | 23:21 |
dpowerd | whats google :] | 23:21 |
lmosher | Help: Kernel 2.6.24 won't boot on my laptop. 2.6.22 WILL boot (using it now). Reason: 2.6.24 doesn't see my hard drives (SATA). Grub file entry is correct, kernel says that it can't find /dev/disk/by-uuid/. It dumps me to a shell and the directory is just not there. It is in 2.6.22 | 23:22 |
LEJ | Altavista forever! | 23:22 |
plik | brygee: similar sorts of plugins as you'd get with utorrent, similar functionality & layout | 23:22 |
SeaPhor | LEJ, i am not experienced enough to help you, but i have been here long enough to notice that the channel kinda rotates,, sometimes theres ppl on that get into great technical detail and others not, so if you dont get an answer now. wait awhile and come back and try again, or hang out and help others with what you know :-) | 23:22 |
brygee | plik: which is lighter? | 23:22 |
alzamabar | Hi, my PC just froze. I had to restart. Is there any logs which I could go and see to check what the problem was? | 23:22 |
Martiini | dpowerd: | 23:22 |
aaroncampbell | When I tried to apt-get upgrade, I got: The following packages have been kept back: libtotem-plparser10 | 23:23 |
brygee | Martiini: google won't give me answers! | 23:23 |
plik | i suspect deluge unless you need the kde stuff for anything else | 23:23 |
=== Shkodra is now known as ShKoDrAnI | ||
Martiini | brygee : for me it does | 23:23 |
dpowerd | well im on kubuntu so it was only natural to use ktorrent :p | 23:23 |
plik | I used to swear by ktorrent untill I saw the light ;) | 23:23 |
=== cecil44 is now known as wd4lko | ||
brygee | plik: deluge it is ty | 23:24 |
plik | brygee: welcome, enjoy | 23:24 |
plik | and don't forget to seed plenty ;) | 23:24 |
DarK-Usurp | whats the name for the blinking | where u type other than cursor | 23:24 |
DarK-Usurp | anyone? | 23:25 |
LEJ | prompt? | 23:25 |
Chillyboarder | sec dark | 23:25 |
mpontillo | DarK-Usurp: caret | 23:25 |
LEJ | Caret is ^ | 23:25 |
DarK-Usurp | im trying to edit it in vb | 23:25 |
DarK-Usurp | but cursor is the mouse in vb | 23:26 |
mpontillo | Yeah, I realized caret is really the Java name for it. But a name nonetheless... | 23:26 |
DarK-Usurp | caret? lol | 23:26 |
mpontillo | | 23:26 |
DarK-Usurp | i belive u | 23:27 |
brygee | plik: always, you wouldn't happen to know if anything is replacing oink would you? | 23:27 |
dpowerd | ;] | 23:27 |
DarK-Usurp | but i need to be able to name it in windows | 23:27 |
Chillyboarder | prompt | 23:27 |
Chillyboarder | was what I read it was | 23:27 |
plik | brygee: I wish | 23:27 |
SpeakerMania | msg NickServ IDENTIFY goldfish1993 | 23:27 |
LEJ | brygee.... I think that would be "sizzle" | 23:27 |
* plik misses oink :/ | 23:27 | |
DarK-Usurp | someone told me prompt before | 23:27 |
Wannabe | I would like to be able to play ET(enemy-territory) and listen to music with totem, any one know i could make this possible. | 23:27 |
DarK-Usurp | but theres no command for it in vb | 23:27 |
plik | LEJ: sizzle eh? | 23:27 |
DarK-Usurp | ill see again | 23:27 |
brygee | LEJ: sizzle you say? | 23:28 |
b4l74z4r | how do i make a playlist of all my mp3's in a given folder with rhythmbox? | 23:28 |
Bizzeh | hey, does ubuntu support the rt2500 chipset (pci 11g chipset) out of the box? | 23:28 |
Martiini | SpeakerMania: , nick passford = goldfish1993 ? | 23:28 |
dpowerd | brygee, replacement for | 23:28 |
* LEJ will just shut up now. :) | 23:29 | |
brygee | dpowerd: yes | 23:29 |
* Chillyboarder is listening to LEJ's wisdom | 23:29 | |
dpowerd | brygee, look into or | 23:29 |
aguitel | anyone use gnome-art-nextgeneration ? | 23:29 |
dpowerd | those are the 2 replacements | 23:29 |
Dew420 | anyone having trouble with pidging + msn at the moment? | 23:29 |
dpowerd | Dew420, nope works fine | 23:29 |
arooni | i set up tftp a while ago... does anyone know how to find out which directory i'm serving files from? and how i can test that the tftp file server (for receiving files) is working??? | 23:29 |
Martiini | Bizzeh : rt2500 is recommended chipset for linux | 23:30 |
Dew420 | strange. hey dpowerd want to do a quick check of something? | 23:30 |
dpowerd | ok | 23:30 |
Bizzeh | ahh | 23:30 |
brygee | dpowerd: will do | 23:30 |
Bizzeh | excellent | 23:30 |
aguitel | anyone have trouble with Gnome-art nextgeneration? | 23:30 |
Dew420 | is your msn connectiong | 23:30 |
brygee | LEJ: you son of a bitch :P | 23:30 |
Dew420 | lots of people haing problems, all seem to connect via there lol | 23:30 |
ompaul | !language | brygee | 23:30 |
ubottu | brygee: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 23:30 |
Bizzeh | rt2500 drivers being hard to add into any dists is the reason my home server is currently a win2k3 server | 23:30 |
dpowerd | Dew420, im not sure | 23:30 |
Bizzeh | will be going ubuntu in the morning | 23:31 |
dpowerd | | 23:31 |
Dew420 | ty | 23:31 |
brygee | whoops, that one slipped. | 23:31 |
Hammer89 | I need to export the display from one Ubuntu system to another... I tried issuing the "export DISPLAY=<ip address>:1.0" command in terminal... but it's not working... what am I doing wrong? | 23:31 |
frost | does anyone can help , i have a problem with my sound card SiS S17012 on Ubuntu 8.04 i dont have sound | 23:31 |
aguitel | anyone have trouble with Gnome-art nextgeneration? | 23:32 |
SpeakerMania | Martiini: Tried to identify myself. lmao. Won't do that again in a channel. lol Forgot the slash. :P I changed my password, btw. lol | 23:32 |
amenado | Bizzeh-> are you serving anything ? why not use the ethernet interface? | 23:32 |
Hammer89 | SpeakerMania: lol | 23:32 |
Wannabe | I would like to be able to play ET(enemy-territory) and listen to music with totem, any one know i could make this possible. | 23:32 |
frost | any iday to fix this problem | 23:32 |
frost | idea* | 23:32 |
SpeakerMania | lol | 23:32 |
brygee | dpowerd: is what invite only? | 23:33 |
crimsun | frost: please download to your Desktop, then run it in a Terminal using `bash ~/Desktop/' | 23:33 |
s3a | is it possible to make encrypted .zip files or any other compressed form in ubuntu? | 23:33 |
crimsun | frost: doing so will help us troubleshoot your symptom. | 23:33 |
s3a | like password encrypted | 23:33 |
SpeakerMania | Anyway, what is a good SSH client to use? I ran "sudo apt-get install ssh" fromm a tutorial, but it didn't explain what to do after that. | 23:33 |
SpeakerMania | from* | 23:33 |
amenado | s3a yes its possible | 23:33 |
mpalm | Hello | 23:33 |
frost | thank you very much crimsun | 23:33 |
crimsun | SpeakerMania: openssh-client should be installed already | 23:33 |
benpicco_ | s3a, try PeaZip | 23:33 |
mpalm | I'm a noob to Ubuntu | 23:33 |
mpalm | :D | 23:33 |
dpowerd | brygee, if you want on waffles i have some invites, yea they are both invite only | 23:33 |
dpowerd | like oink | 23:33 |
s3a | benpicco_: is it sudo apt-gettable? | 23:33 |
SpeakerMania | Crimsun: I'm assuming ALT+F2 with that? | 23:33 |
crimsun | SpeakerMania: you can use it from a command line, at the shell, with Terminal | 23:34 |
SeaPhor | Bizzeh, also look here | 23:34 |
mpalm | I have a new HP Pavilion DV6700z that formerly had Windows Vista on it but I deleted that and installed Ubuntu | 23:34 |
solrize | will there be new install cd's made for hardy any time soon, that don't have the ssh bug? | 23:34 |
brygee | dpowerd: want to send me an invite to waffles? | 23:34 |
crimsun | SpeakerMania: e.g., ssh | 23:34 |
mpalm | any ideas on what I need to know to get started? | 23:34 |
frost | crimsun,: | 23:34 |
solrize | openssl i mean | 23:34 |
benpicco_ | s3a, still not, but they offer a .deb | 23:34 |
crimsun | frost: sec, looking | 23:34 |
dpowerd | brygee, just drop me your email | 23:34 |
benpicco_ | s3a, | 23:35 |
brygee | dpowerd: you get it? | 23:35 |
SpeakerMania | Crimsun: Thanks. | 23:35 |
crimsun | frost: are you attempting to use the spdif connector? | 23:35 |
amenado | mpalm-> start here | 23:35 |
aaroncampbell | When I tried to apt-get upgrade, I got: The following packages have been kept back: libtotem-plparser10 | 23:35 |
frost | no | 23:35 |
mpalm | I'm also selling a new HP Pavilion DV6700t for $800 if anybody's interested | 23:35 |
crimsun | frost: or are you trying to play to "normal" computer speakers/headphones? | 23:35 |
dpowerd | ya got it | 23:35 |
dpowerd | sent | 23:35 |
brygee | ty | 23:35 |
frost | yes | 23:35 |
dpowerd | np | 23:35 |
frost | Normal | 23:35 |
frost | like i did on windoz | 23:36 |
s3a | benpicco_: thx ill try it out and a deb isnt bad ;) | 23:36 |
frost | it worked perfect out there | 23:36 |
tikka | is there an issue with the gb ubuntu portage server? | 23:36 |
SeaPhor | benpicco_, the first part of that url looks painful :-( | 23:36 |
mgroman | ~ubuntu | 23:36 |
crimsun | frost: ok, please run this command: /etc/init.d/alsa-utils reset | 23:36 |
frost | but here dont know why it doesnt works i just removed windows all i want to use only ubuntu but no sound :( | 23:36 |
benpicco_ | s3a, it's kind a swiss archive knife, but the interface is quiet crappy imho | 23:36 |
guardian | how can i regenerate /etc/fstab with correct uids ? | 23:36 |
mgroman | !ubuntu | 23:37 |
ubottu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see | 23:37 |
frost | crimsun, : * Resetting ALSA... | 23:37 |
ompaul | tikka, there is no ubuntu portage server ;-) if you are referring to the repos then I suggest you ask in #ubuntu-uk | 23:37 |
benpicco_ | SeaPhor, becaurse of the sourceforge subdomain? | 23:37 |
crimsun | frost: right, now please try this command: aplay /usr/share/sounds/*up.wav | 23:37 |
mpalm | if anybody is interested in buying a laptop I'm selling this one at this link | 23:37 |
Stwange | I keep seeing a black cursor go across my screen, just every now and then really quick, once it moved my mouse onto the door in the top right hand corner.... am I hallucinating? | 23:37 |
mgroman | crimsun: are you sure he is ready for it? | 23:37 |
frost | bash: /usr/share/sounds/startup.wav: Permission denied | 23:37 |
crimsun | mgroman: more context, please? | 23:37 |
Nostahl | what do i need to do to get my headphone's jack working on my laptop | 23:38 |
frost | crimsun, : bash: /usr/share/sounds/startup.wav: Permission denied | 23:38 |
SeaPhor | benpicco_, lol, no, was j/k, | 23:38 |
CaptainMorgan | Where can I view this information: "user is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported." ? | 23:38 |
crimsun | frost: you need to copy and paste the entire command :) | 23:38 |
mgroman | SeaPhor: LOL n1 | 23:38 |
frost | sorry | 23:38 |
mgroman | !arch | 23:38 |
ubottu | Factoid arch not found | 23:38 |
Nostahl | !headphones | 23:38 |
mgroman | trevor stone sucks | 23:38 |
ubottu | Factoid headphones not found | 23:38 |
frost | crimsun, : ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:874:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave | 23:38 |
frost | aplay: main:546: audio open error: Device or resource busy | 23:38 |
tikka | ompaul, ooops sorry, I am a gentoo user also lol | 23:38 |
dpowerd | plik, msg me email addy | 23:39 |
crimsun | frost: ok, is this Ubuntu 8.04? | 23:39 |
tikka | thanks :) | 23:39 |
SeaPhor | guardian, did you edit your fstab or is it wrong to begin with? | 23:39 |
Nostahl | anyone know any tips to help get my headphone's jack working | 23:39 |
dimas869 | i am having problem installing some modules so i would like to delete the entire file from the terminal and reinstall so how do i delete a folder from a terminal i mean the command? | 23:39 |
frost | crimsun, : yes Ubuntu 8.04 \n \l | 23:39 |
guardian | i upgraded ubuntu server using do-release-upgrade and at first reboot it blames my uiids in /etc/fstab | 23:39 |
guardian | i don't know what to do | 23:39 |
CaptainMorgan | Where can I view report of this incident: "user is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported." ? | 23:39 |
plik | dpowerd: thanks | 23:39 |
guardian | i have disks not mounted | 23:39 |
crimsun | Nostahl: could you include a bit more detail? | 23:39 |
dpowerd | enjoy | 23:39 |
Nostahl | it dosnt play out of headphone's jack | 23:39 |
crimsun | frost: ok, what's the output from this command? pgrep -c -x pulseaudio | 23:39 |
Nostahl | and dosnt mute speakers when headphone's jack pluged in | 23:40 |
Nostahl | so i think its not recognizing it | 23:40 |
frost | it says 1 | 23:40 |
crimsun | Nostahl: please download and save it to your Desktop. Then, in a Terminal, run it using `bash ~/Desktop/' | 23:40 |
frost | crimsun, : its 1 | 23:40 |
dimas869 | whats the command to remove a folder from terminal? | 23:40 |
SeaPhor | guardian, do you have /home (and other important directories) on a separate partition? | 23:41 |
kitche | dimas869: rmdir | 23:41 |
=== Spec is now known as Spec[x] | ||
guardian | SeaPhor: yes | 23:41 |
crimsun | frost: ok, do you hear the sound from `paplay /usr/share/sounds/*up.wav' ? | 23:41 |
dimas869 | kitche thanks | 23:41 |
kitche | dimas869: it has to be empty with that command or you can use rm -r | 23:41 |
aguitel | anyone use gnome-art-nextgeneration ? | 23:41 |
SeaPhor | guardian, then i would consider a fresh install | 23:41 |
MachinTrucChose | hi | 23:41 |
=== _robilive is now known as robilive | ||
frost | crimsun, : no | 23:42 |
frost | crimsun, : no sound at all | 23:42 |
s3a | benpicco_: wat does that swiss nife thing u said mean? | 23:42 |
MachinTrucChose | can anyone help me? I have a program that I'd like to run from a directory other than /home. What permissions should I give it? I set the "World" permission to read and execute, but that wasn't enough apparently | 23:42 |
crimsun | frost: ok, please try this: `pasuspender -- aplay /usr/share/sounds/*up.wav' | 23:42 |
sFEARs | i need some help with my wireless network, it all of a sudden stopped working, not sure what changed. It sees the available wireless network but won't connect to it. is there a way i can purge all the network settings and reset to default? | 23:42 |
SeaPhor | guardian, then edit the fstab after to tell it where /home (and other important directories) are | 23:42 |
benpicco_ | s3a, just that it can handle nearly every archive type | 23:42 |
kitche | MachinTrucChose: you just have to chmod +x the fiel and run it | 23:43 |
guardian | can't i just recover the uuids? | 23:43 |
Nostahl | | 23:43 |
=== hawkeyex is now known as Hawkeye-SX | ||
=== Hawkeye-SX is now known as Hawkeye-X | ||
frost | crimsun, I only can say that you are LEGEND | 23:43 |
frost | crimsun, : now it works PERFECT | 23:43 |
s3a | benpicco_: all i jneed is encrypted zips tho | 23:43 |
frost | crimsun, : the legend , thank you very very very much for this kind of help | 23:44 |
crimsun | frost: np. | 23:44 |
frost | you are nr1 | 23:44 |
SeaPhor | guardian, probably but i don't know how, thats probably the question for you ask here :-) | 23:44 |
amenado | sFEARs-> perhaps the AP needs to be reset..try that | 23:44 |
frost | i love ubuntu :) | 23:44 |
sFEARs | how do i do that amenado? | 23:44 |
pewsh | anyone know if 8.04 has built in kerbel support for 3ware 9650se cards? | 23:44 |
Nostahl | crimsun | 23:45 |
pewsh | s/kerbel/kernel | 23:45 |
crimsun | Nostahl: sec, looking | 23:45 |
pewsh | gerbil | 23:45 |
MachinTrucChose | kitche: thanks, I already knew this, but your advice reminded me that there might be other executables. I added +x to ALL the "green" (executable) files in the folder, and now it works. Beforehand I was only doing it for the binary and .sh script. | 23:45 |
benpicco_ | s3a, yes, it can open them, too | 23:45 |
amenado | sFEARs-> go find the on/off switch or power chord and unplugged for a few secs.. | 23:45 |
ubuntu__ | problem with persistence on USB livecd install. Can boot from USB stick but changes are not saved. Looking at casper-rw partition is an unknown filesystem and is not mounted, is this normal? | 23:45 |
SeaPhor | guardian, I'll ask around while you seek help from another here | 23:45 |
halycon | hey everyone has anyone had any experience working with an Ipod in Ubuntu? I am attempting to get it working with Amarok and I have read a couple of the howto's and documents ive found on google and I'm still not able to get it to mount/detect | 23:45 |
MachinTrucChose | is there a single command that does "chmod +x" to all executable files? | 23:45 |
shane2peru | I'm trying to use dvd-slideshow and I keep getting an ffmpeg error! Anyone have any ideas??? | 23:46 |
s3a | benpicco_: can WinXP extract password protected zip files? | 23:46 |
halycon | s3a, yes | 23:46 |
s3a | halycon: k, thx :) | 23:46 |
benpicco_ | s3a, don't know | 23:46 |
shane2peru | ffmpeg has some serious problems, does anyone know anything about that? | 23:47 |
s3a | benpicco_: halycon just said it works | 23:47 |
s3a | benpicco_: so that .deb works with all ubuntu versions? | 23:47 |
dimas869 | i am having a problem compiling and would like to post ain bin but dont remeber how so you have a look | 23:47 |
sFEARs | i need some help with my wireless network, it all of a sudden stopped working, not sure what changed. It sees the available wireless network but won't connect to it. is there a way i can purge all the network settings and reset to default? | 23:47 |
benpicco_ | s3a, they should | 23:47 |
crimsun | Nostahl: can you try model=lenovo ? | 23:47 |
Nostahl | crimsun where | 23:48 |
s3a | benpicco_: k, thx for everythiong | 23:48 |
halycon | sFEARs, if you right click on the nm-applet doc in gnome | 23:48 |
halycon | sFEARs, if you right click on the nm-applet doc in gnome there is an edit wireless networks option there maybe you can just remove it and readd the info | 23:48 |
crimsun | Nostahl: in a Terminal: echo options snd-hda-intel model=lenovo|sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base-test | 23:48 |
sFEARs | i'm not sure what the nm-applet doc is halycon | 23:48 |
shane2peru | does anyone know about ffmpeg ??? It seems to not be working properly with dvd-slideshow | 23:49 |
halycon | sFEARs, it will probably show up as 2 little computer monitors near the time or on one of the panels | 23:49 |
ubuntu__ | problem with persistence on USB livecd install. Can boot from USB stick but changes are not saved. Looking at casper-rw partition is an unknown filesystem and is not mounted, is this normal? | 23:49 |
halycon | sFEARs, it is equivalent to the local area connection icon in winxp | 23:49 |
The-red-queen | Hi | 23:49 |
sFEARs | there's no way to purge the settings from there halycon | 23:49 |
shane2peru | !hi | The-red-queen | 23:49 |
ubottu | The-red-queen: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 23:49 |
shane2peru | does anyone know anything about dvd-slideshow?? | 23:50 |
CaptainMorgan | Where can I view report of this incident: "user is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported." ? | 23:50 |
The-red-queen | thanks | 23:50 |
crimsun | Nostahl: after you do that, please reboot | 23:50 |
halycon | sFEARs, I just saw on mine it has an option where you can edit the wireless networks if you right click on it and then there is a remove option where you can remove an SSID if it is detected | 23:51 |
psych | where can I see the console X is running, like when you run startx manually | 23:51 |
psych | ?? | 23:51 |
matt444 | hi. | 23:52 |
halycon | sFEARs, otherwise in the terminal I believe you use iwconfig to set the wireless options | 23:52 |
matt444 | what directory is the Tango theme located? | 23:52 |
matt444 | where do themes go? | 23:52 |
ubuntu__ | how do i search for room names on xchat? ubuntu chat etc | 23:53 |
Bizzeh | /list | 23:53 |
=== Mr_SpOOn is now known as Mr_SpOOn[nonciso | ||
halycon | Ubuntu_, type /list | 23:53 |
halycon | Ubuntu_, type /list <search topic> | 23:53 |
ubuntu__ | Thanks | 23:53 |
SeaPhor | amenado, do you know of a way to recover UUIDs to edit ftab? | 23:53 |
crimsun | gpolo: /win 82 | 23:53 |
crimsun | sorry | 23:53 |
psych | where can I see the console X is running, like when you run startx manually ..... any thoughts? | 23:53 |
Starnestommy | ubuntu__: or use Window > Channel List | 23:53 |
SeaPhor | amenado, *fstab | 23:53 |
infinull | I'm having trouble getting my monitor/graphics card (nvidia 8600)/ubuntu/xorg to do vertical sync correctly | 23:54 |
Nostahl | crimsun what did that do? | 23:54 |
Nostahl | crimsun was it suppose to tell me something? | 23:54 |
Bizzeh | whatever you do, dont type /who | 23:54 |
sideshow | f | 23:54 |
amenado | SeaPhor-> i dont follow, you want to recover a UUID? for what purpose? | 23:54 |
infinull | where is the option to sync with refresh rate? | 23:54 |
zvacet | SeaPhor : sudo blkid and after that gksudo gedit /etc/fstab | 23:54 |
crimsun | Nostahl: did you reboot after typing that entire command? | 23:54 |
JordiGH | I don't get it. Is it enough to install upgrades for OpenSSL, or do I also have to manually regenerate keys? | 23:54 |
crimsun | Nostahl: and yes, it echoes the command back to you | 23:54 |
MachinTrucChose | hwo do you exit the man program? | 23:55 |
SeaPhor | amenado, no,,, i am trying to get guardian some help | 23:55 |
Starnestommy | MachinTrucChose: q | 23:55 |
MachinTrucChose | thanks | 23:55 |
guardian | SeaPhor: i found, blkid generates the uuid | 23:55 |
guardian | then i edit the file | 23:55 |
SeaPhor | amenado, zvacet , thank you | 23:55 |
guardian | it appears that i have a disfunctional disc :( | 23:55 |
MachinTrucChose | that wasn't in the man pages :P | 23:55 |
danbhfive | SeaPhor: ls -al /dev/disk/by-uuid | 23:55 |
alec | i have vlc media player and i cant play dvds. i had it working then i uninstalled all the video players i wasnt using and now vlc wont work. i tried uninstalling and reinstalling it and it didnt work. any suggestions? | 23:55 |
tikka | MachinTrucChose, take estrogen | 23:55 |
ceekay | says that for 7.04 to get libssl0.9.8 version 0.9.8c-4ubuntu0.3 ... however lists 0.9.8c-4ubuntu0.2 as being the latest available... is ...ubuntu0.3 still in the works? | 23:56 |
SeaPhor | danbhfive, i think his fstab isnt listing, but he found blkid | 23:57 |
danbhfive | SeaPhor: heh, I dont get that program. It requires root privileges, whereas an ls can be run by the user | 23:58 |
tikka | tikka> MachinTrucChose, take estrogen | 23:58 |
=== master_o1_master is now known as master_of_master | ||
tikka | oops pasted it by acciden | 23:58 |
MachinTrucChose | k | 23:58 |
MachinTrucChose | I will | 23:58 |
=== ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u | ||
SeaPhor | guardian, can you mount/unmount it at all? | 23:58 |
tikka | i was showing my nerd friends how funny i am | 23:58 |
guardian | SeaPhor: no, the disc had an entry in /etc/fstab but it's not appearing in /dev/disk/by-uuid | 23:59 |
MachinTrucChose | you are the king of comedy | 23:59 |
SeaPhor | danbhfive, hey, what does the "-al" do? | 23:59 |
guardian | SeaPhor: it's really an hardware failure it seems | 23:59 |
Nighteyes | Whenever I try to upgrade from Gutsy (7.10) to Hardy (8.04), the upgrader fetches 15 of 23 files, and then freezes. If I click Cancel, it then brings up the list of files that were not fetched. How can I remedy this? | 23:59 |
tikka | MachinTrucChose, thank you :D | 23:59 |
danbhfive | SeaPhor: well, you should check the man pages for those questions, but l is list and a is all | 23:59 |
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