yuriy | oh adept session was today? | 00:06 |
daskreech | am I the only person who can't click on stuff from the download page on the Kubuntu website? | 02:00 |
Hobbsee | probably | 02:01 |
daskreech | grrr | 02:01 |
Jucato | I hope so | 02:01 |
daskreech | the stupid DDV links work fine | 02:02 |
daskreech | DVD | 02:02 |
* Jucato gives a rainy day wave | 02:02 | |
daskreech | I can't click any of the Cd links | 02:02 |
* daskreech kicks KonquiKDE4 | 02:02 | |
seele | wow, that laptop bag you won is expensive | 02:06 |
Jucato | who? | 02:06 |
seele | er, etretyak.. who is not here | 02:06 |
Jucato | yeah | 02:06 |
seele | didn't notice the name didnt complete | 02:06 |
* Jucato was meaning to congratulate him | 02:06 | |
jjesse | evening :) | 02:13 |
daskreech | Hey | 02:13 |
daskreech | how are you? | 02:13 |
daskreech | Wait | 02:13 |
jjesse | good how are you ? | 02:13 |
daskreech | did they put out a new Ubuntu book? | 02:14 |
jjesse | don't know if it is actually out | 02:14 |
jjesse | but there will be | 02:14 |
jjesse | the kubuntu chapter will cover kbuntu remix | 02:14 |
* daskreech grumbles. Should have gotten two chapters | 02:14 | |
jjesse | i agree, one on kde 3 and one on kde4 | 02:14 |
jjesse | out july 13, 2008 | 02:14 |
daskreech | Am I loopy or didn't K3b add Blu-ray burning last year ? | 02:17 |
jjesse | i odn't know | 02:18 |
jjesse | haven't followed k3b development | 02:18 |
jjesse | bummer i have a vm that is locked :( | 02:18 |
jjesse | yay have bzr+ssh in windows working | 02:20 |
daskreech | That was why I started following k3b | 02:21 |
daskreech | didn't care till one day I saw they added blu-ray burning | 02:21 |
jjesse | sounds cool, didn't know there were blue-ray burning utilities | 02:21 |
daskreech | this was like a month before blu-ray burners were available so I had now idea how they did that or tested it | 02:21 |
daskreech | Well I'm looking in the Ubuntu wiki and it has there is no way to burn blu-Ray | 02:22 |
daskreech | Yes there is! install Kubuntu! | 02:22 |
* daskreech thinks it highly amusing that it's a Blu Ray :) | 02:22 | |
daskreech | when you get a brown ray call us!! | 02:22 |
* daskreech grumbles | 06:17 | |
daskreech | Why are my only updates gtk :( | 06:17 |
daskreech | Jucato: how's school? | 06:26 |
daskreech | anyone up? | 07:28 |
=== hunger_t is now known as hunger | ||
mornfall | yuriy: Yeah, but only me and Riddell appeared. | 09:41 |
mhb | Riddell: hmm, I seem to be short on information on where to meet with you folks... I mean the location is clear, but what should I do when I get there? | 10:47 |
mhb | on Monday | 10:47 |
mhb | Thank you for any information. | 10:47 |
mhb | seele: your last blogpost reminded me of the Dark Side of usability | 10:48 |
mhb | seele: trying to achieve what is best for someone else | 10:48 |
mhb | seele: hmm, better put: being sure to know what is best for someone else. | 10:48 |
mhb | seele: I mean - you shouldn't really prefer "usability" over usefulness. Which is what the original Pidgin developers did. I know you were trying to address some "marketing talk" Funpidgin folks put on their website, but still, you cannot take that post without the context. | 10:51 |
jcastro | mhb: third floor is where UDS is | 10:57 |
\sh | moins | 11:06 |
\sh | nixternal: we need to fix qt4-designer in backports | 11:06 |
\sh | or wait..is it again my system not knowing about backports anymore? | 11:06 |
\sh | oh fun | 11:06 |
mhb | jcastro: right, but nobody knows me, and I don't know any of you folks... | 11:53 |
mhb | jcastro: and asking strangers is not my greatest pleasure, to be honest. | 11:54 |
mhb | jcastro: but thank you for the info! | 11:54 |
\sh | mhb: follow the smell of beer and cigarettes ;) | 12:04 |
mhb | hmm, both of which I dislike :o) | 12:05 |
\sh | or just follow people who are looking geekish, wearing laptop bags...they are mostly all friendly and are not byting ;) | 12:07 |
mhb | right, well | 12:07 |
mhb | I've met a lot of grumpy geeks, trust me :o) | 12:08 |
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde | ||
seele | mhb: the post wasn't about funpidgin, it was about their project philosophy | 13:06 |
Riddell | Czessi, Nightrose: is amarok and kubuntu having a joint booth at linuxtag? | 13:48 |
neversfelde | Riddell: afaik amarok and kubuntu will share booth 124 in hangar 7.2b. Not sure if this is an up to date information. | 13:58 |
Riddell | seems to be if their website is correct | 13:58 |
Czessi | Riddell: yes, opposite to the ubuntu/edubuntu booth | 13:59 |
stdin | Riddell: any idea on libqt4-devs' "missing" deps? | 14:03 |
larsivi_ | hi - since it has been mentioned on the kde planet in the past, I suppose it is well known that launchpad by many is considered a disaster for translations | 14:09 |
larsivi_ | what is kubuntu devels stance on this issue? | 14:09 |
Riddell | works for me | 14:10 |
mhb | I did the best thing I could - gave up translations. | 14:11 |
Riddell | some launchpad translation teams are poor communities | 14:11 |
Riddell | oh and in hardy there is a nasty bug with KDE 3 plural strings | 14:11 |
Riddell | larsivi_: any paticular issue you want to moan about? | 14:12 |
mhb | Riddell: what do you plan on doing on Sunday? | 14:13 |
mhb | or is there a Canonical-only party? :o) | 14:13 |
mhb | I understand FOSSCamp ends today and UDS starts Monday. | 14:14 |
Riddell | mhb: see some sites of Prague I think | 14:14 |
Riddell | seele should arrive at some point | 14:14 |
Riddell | KDE people at fosscamp will leave at some point | 14:14 |
mhb | OK. | 14:14 |
Riddell | any recommended tourist activities? | 14:15 |
mhb | I may have some time tomorrow, if you want a native sherpa. | 14:15 |
seele | Riddell: i'll be there mid-day sunday | 14:15 |
seele | mhb: castles! | 14:16 |
Riddell | mhb: got my phone number? | 14:16 |
Riddell | seele: you have no phone for europe right? | 14:16 |
seele | like, real ones with stones.. none of those huge mansions they call castles | 14:16 |
seele | Riddell: nope, i got a new phone! | 14:16 |
seele | Riddell: +1 724 331 3058 | 14:16 |
Riddell | groovy | 14:17 |
seele | although it's like $2 a minute.. so sms is best | 14:17 |
seele | the escape codes are different in europe, so i have to figure out how to use it | 14:17 |
seele | it should effect calling in tho | 14:17 |
Riddell | yes, text is the only sane thing for international use | 14:17 |
seele | *shouldn't | 14:18 |
mhb | Riddell: I guess I do. | 14:18 |
Riddell | +447941938912 lest you don't | 14:18 |
mhb | but it still costs me as much as if I were calling into England, right? | 14:18 |
apachelogger | stdin: I wrote about the deps yesterday | 14:18 |
mhb | which is kind of inconvenient | 14:18 |
apachelogger | stdin: Czessi can probably get you a backlog ;-) | 14:19 |
stdin | apachelogger: I have a bug on it bug 229813, but I'm not sure if anything is missing/not needed there | 14:19 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 229813 in qt4-x11 "libqt4-dev seems to have some missing dependencies" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/229813 | 14:19 |
apachelogger | stdin: just compare the build-deps to the ones you listed | 14:19 |
apachelogger | I have a diff somewhere | 14:20 |
apachelogger | anyway | 14:20 |
apachelogger | they are not missing | 14:20 |
apachelogger | as debian is patching the buildsystem to it's knees | 14:20 |
Riddell | mhb: to call yes, it costs me too to receive, so texts are best in most cases | 14:21 |
apachelogger | we need a free/libre open mobile communication carrier I guess | 14:22 |
apachelogger | Riddell: btw, who backported qt 4.4ß | 14:23 |
apachelogger | s/ß/? | 14:23 |
mhb | Riddell: okay, my cell phone # is +420608508294 | 14:23 |
* Riddell looks guilty and hides from apachelogger | 14:25 | |
mhb | Riddell: so if you need me (or just want me along), text me. | 14:25 |
Riddell | groovy | 14:26 |
* apachelogger spots Riddell and releases the hounds | 14:27 | |
Riddell | stdin: qt 4.4 has been split into a few more packages, maybe libqt4-dev doesn't depend on them all? | 14:27 |
apachelogger | Riddell: no | 14:27 |
apachelogger | the thing is | 14:27 |
stdin | Riddell: I've looked at opengl-dev too, nada | 14:27 |
apachelogger | cmake does reverse dependency linking | 14:27 |
jussi01 | apachelogger: whats the status of quassel and intrepid? | 14:27 |
apachelogger | so kde packages would fail on very lowlevel deps because of cmake | 14:27 |
apachelogger | now of course that is quite bad practice in case the name of such a lowlevel dep changes | 14:28 |
stdin | kde4libs ftbfs for instase | 14:28 |
stdin | *instance | 14:28 |
apachelogger | which made debian think they should patch cmake/kde's cmake files | 14:28 |
apachelogger | to only link to real dependencies | 14:28 |
apachelogger | and that is really why our current KDE 4 packages fail | 14:29 |
apachelogger | best case this gets fixed when 4.1 packages are merged | 14:29 |
stdin | the only non-qt deps I can find for libqt4-dev and libqt4-opengl-dev seem to be: libc6, libgcc1, libstdc++6, zlib1g, libgl1-mesa-dev | libgl-dev, libglu1-mesa-dev | libglu-dev | 14:29 |
apachelogger | worst case is that 3rd party stuff breaks after merging | 14:29 |
Riddell | debian are editing cmake files in 4.1 | 14:29 |
stdin | some are in Suggests though | 14:30 |
apachelogger | Riddell: do you always have to sum me up in one sentence ;-) | 14:30 |
apachelogger | jussi01: needs revu | 14:30 |
apachelogger | http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=quassel | 14:30 |
jussi01 | apachelogger: ahh, nice :) | 14:31 |
apachelogger | stdin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12732/ | 14:33 |
apachelogger | if strigi found the right file these packages should be deps for libqt4-dev | 14:33 |
apachelogger | in addition to the exisiting ones IIRC | 14:34 |
mornfall | yuriy: I have pushed your patches (and a whole lot of others). | 14:35 |
Riddell | apachelogger: I'm still unclear on why qt 4.4 causes all the linking errors that it does, it can't just be a few missing depends on the -dev package | 14:36 |
stdin | from what I can see, the -dev package doesn't really depend on anything non-qt | 14:40 |
apachelogger | Riddell: AFAIK cmake is causing the errors, not Qt | 14:41 |
apachelogger | Riddell: http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-buildsystem/2008-April/004626.html | 14:42 |
apachelogger | http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-buildsystem/2008-May/004639.html | 14:42 |
Riddell | hmm, but cmake 2.6 isn't in hardy-backports | 14:45 |
Riddell | so maybe the issues in intrepid are different than in hardy-backports | 14:46 |
apachelogger | Riddell: I think currently they are the same since the only thing that changed in both is qt4 | 14:47 |
apachelogger | cmake 2.6 itself doesn't fix the issue, it still needs the patched KDE cmake files | 14:47 |
Riddell | stdin: do you know if qt 4 used to depend on those pacakges? | 14:51 |
\sh | oh...did anyone see this jumping kde cursor with broken icon bottom right, after upgrading to kde4.0.4 via -backports? | 14:51 |
nosrednaekim | Riddell: hey.... can someone participate in UDS remotely? | 14:51 |
\sh | nosrednaekim: voip obviously...I think | 14:52 |
nosrednaekim | oh nice.... using what program/protocol? SIP? | 14:52 |
apachelogger | Riddell: yes it did | 14:52 |
mhb | nosrednaekim: SIP, AFAIK. | 14:52 |
\sh | nosrednaekim: yes | 14:52 |
Riddell | https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/i386/libqt4-dev/4.3.4-0ubuntu3 is longer than https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/i386/libqt4-dev/4.4.0-1ubuntu3~hardy1 | 14:52 |
Riddell | fabo: do you know why libqt4-dev has lost its non-qt dependencies? | 14:53 |
apachelogger | didn't I tell that 5 minutes ago :P | 14:54 |
stdin | Riddell: this is what libqt4-dev for 4.3 depended on http://stdin.pastebin.com/d6ea5c25d | 14:55 |
Riddell | nosrednaekim: I don't see any information about voip for UDS, although that's what has happened in the past | 14:55 |
apachelogger | Riddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12736/ | 14:56 |
mhb | nosrednaekim: but if it's not possible, don't worry, we can chat/hack while the others sleep :o) | 14:56 |
apachelogger | hehe | 14:56 |
apachelogger | Riddell: also see http://paste.ubuntu.com/12737/ | 14:57 |
Riddell | apachelogger: interesting | 14:57 |
nosrednaekim | mhb: XD | 14:57 |
Riddell | so if we add back those qt dependencies can those 97_ patches be removed? | 15:00 |
apachelogger | most probably | 15:00 |
apachelogger | Riddell: we can as well just add the deps | 15:01 |
apachelogger | Nightrose did some builds in hardy-backports with just the deps | 15:01 |
nosrednaekim | wow.... the PPA is slow | 15:06 |
=== smarter_ is now known as smarter | ||
apachelogger | uhh, shiny akonadi icons in kde trunk | 15:08 |
apachelogger | hrrhrr | 15:08 |
Riddell | nuno and his usual genius | 15:09 |
apachelogger | yeah | 15:10 |
Riddell | stdin: do you have a build failure log from backports? | 15:10 |
stdin | http://launchpadlibrarian.net/14476631/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.kde4libs_4%3A4.0.4-0ubuntu1~hardy2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz | 15:12 |
Riddell | stdin: ok, that's different from what I get in intrepid | 15:13 |
Riddell | so for backports we just want to add back those missing qt4 depends | 15:13 |
Riddell | for intrepid we want to remove the 97_ and 98_ patches from kde4libs too | 15:14 |
apachelogger | Riddell: is 4.1 in intrepid yet? | 15:14 |
Riddell | apachelogger: no, it's blocked on main inclusion reports | 15:14 |
apachelogger | ok | 15:14 |
* apachelogger notes that he really has to go for core-dev when kde 4.1 is in main | 15:15 | |
Riddell | otherwise it's all on my laoptop ready to go | 15:18 |
Riddell | 4 | 15:18 |
nixternal | mornin' | 15:19 |
apachelogger | morning nixternal | 15:20 |
apachelogger | nixternal: wanna revu http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=quassel ;-) | 15:20 |
* nixternal revus | 15:20 | |
nixternal | apachelogger: revu'd | 15:25 |
nixternal | fix your watch file, that's it really, and maybe add something about it being qt based in the description?? | 15:25 |
apachelogger | nixternal: does that matter for the user ;-) | 15:27 |
apachelogger | there is also some issue with the desktop file actually | 15:27 |
apachelogger | nixternal: thanks for the revu :) | 15:27 |
nixternal | I was wondering why I wasn't getting crazy amounts of updates in Hardy...just realized I didn't have hardy-proposed in my sources | 15:46 |
nixternal | now I can go back to breaking stuff again, or letting others break it for me :p | 15:47 |
nixternal | Fetched 84.6MB in 1min13s (1148kB/s) | 15:47 |
nixternal | that rocks..gotta love the new intertubes I got | 15:47 |
yuriy | morning! | 15:49 |
nixternal | mornin' yuriy | 15:51 |
nixternal | holy smokes!!!! | 15:51 |
nixternal | I finally get the "Reboot Required" thing in Adept | 15:51 |
nixternal | that rocks! | 15:51 |
Riddell | nixternal: any kubuntu packages come in among those? | 15:52 |
nixternal | yup | 15:52 |
Riddell | kaffeine may still be in -proposed? | 15:52 |
nixternal | kde3 stuff | 15:52 |
Riddell | what else? | 15:52 |
nixternal | pastebinning it now | 15:53 |
nixternal | Riddell: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/m752f25c6 | 15:55 |
nixternal | quite a bit actually, and kaffeine is still in -proposed | 15:55 |
nixternal | time to roll out...going to a craft fair...fun | 15:55 |
nixternal | hi Jucato | 15:55 |
nixternal | bye Jucato | 15:55 |
nixternal | :) | 15:55 |
Jucato | hi nixternal! | 15:55 |
Jucato | bye nixternal! | 15:55 |
yuriy | mornfall: pulled. looks like a lot of progress :) | 15:57 |
yuriy | Riddell: have you had a chance too look at the patch for bug 218138? | 15:58 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 218138 in kde4libs "unable to launch atlantik in kde4" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/218138 | 15:58 |
Riddell | nixternal: looks like just kdebase and kaffeine | 15:58 |
Riddell | mornfall is busy hacking away opposite me | 15:59 |
Riddell | last night he implemented the upgrader without even touching his keyboard! | 15:59 |
Riddell | nixternal: fancy checking the bugs reports for those and seeing if they can go into -updates? | 16:00 |
Riddell | yuriy: hmm, I added that somewhere | 16:01 |
Riddell | yuriy: oh, it's in backports unapproved | 16:01 |
* Riddell approves | 16:02 | |
Riddell | yuriy: I've copied into my kde4libs package due for intrepid too | 16:04 |
Riddell | yuriy: I don't know if you want to do a SRU | 16:05 |
yuriy | mornfall: did you make some changes to ept as well? | 16:05 |
yuriy | Riddell: do we need it in intrepid if stuff is going to get moved around anyway? | 16:06 |
yuriy | Riddell: i was working with 4.0.4, don't know about SRU | 16:06 |
Riddell | yuriy: mm, good question | 16:13 |
Riddell | I still would like kde 3 packages marked as kde 3 | 16:13 |
Riddell | but it shouldn't add the path | 16:13 |
Riddell | yuriy: the same issue will be in the 4.0.3 in the normal hardy archive | 16:14 |
yuriy | i guess i should download that and test | 16:16 |
Riddell | yuriy: or just make the debdiff, get it uploaded then test when it's in -proposed | 16:17 |
yuriy | Riddell: do I need to fill out something else for SRU? | 16:18 |
Riddell | yuriy: on the bug report use Nominate for release and tick hardy | 16:19 |
Riddell | (assuming you have permissions to do so, I'm not sure who does) | 16:19 |
yuriy | Riddell: actually, I can set milestones. i was looking in the wrong place before | 16:19 |
Riddell | stdin: I've uploaded qt4 to intrepid with those depends added | 16:21 |
Riddell | will backport when it arrives | 16:21 |
stdin | great :) | 16:26 |
yuriy | Riddell: also, maybe you could help, I was working on bug 214577, where there was no debian/patches directory before, so I created one and made a new patch using quilt according to the packaging guide | 16:27 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 214577 in kgraphviewer-kde4 "kgraphviewer shows a blank screen" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/214577 | 16:27 |
yuriy | but it's not showing up in the debdiff | 16:27 |
Riddell | yuriy: if you add a file to the package, add a changelog entry and debuild -S, it must appear in the debdiff | 16:30 |
Riddell | unless it's been deleted somehow | 16:31 |
yuriy | i must be doing something really absentminded, because only the changelog entry is showing up | 16:31 |
Riddell | yuriy: what happens when you copy the .dsc .diff and .orig elsewhere and extract? is the patch still there? | 16:32 |
Riddell | yuriy: are you sure you didn't accidently also debuild -S when you hadn't added the changelog, so you're debdiffing against a version which already has the patch added? | 16:32 |
yuriy | Riddell: oh! yes that's probably it | 16:33 |
Riddell | I've done that before | 16:33 |
yuriy | because I forgot to do the changelog at first. didn't think about the trash that'd leave behind beyond a debuild clean | 16:33 |
yuriy | Riddell: yep, that solved it, thanks | 16:35 |
Riddell | phew | 16:35 |
yuriy | does the changelog need to say hardy or hardy-updates? | 16:37 |
Riddell | yuriy: hardy-proposed | 16:38 |
larsivi_ | Riddell: I'm not a translator (at the moment, so I won't moan), but I think in particular that translations via launchapd are considered bad quality, so much so that the nynorsk kde mantainer advice against using (k)ubuntu | 16:51 |
larsivi_ | today he was pissed that it looked like he had accepted a new translation that he would never accept - https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/amarok/+pots/amarok/nn/1773/+translate | 16:52 |
larsivi_ | seems like it is more of a layout error than anything else, considering the dates doesn't match up | 16:52 |
Riddell | larsivi_: Karl Ove Hufthammer is the kde maintainer? | 16:54 |
yuriy | hmm hardy-updates is not in the milestone list | 16:58 |
yuriy | or is it ubuntu-8.04.1? | 16:58 |
Riddell | yuriy: Nominate for Release? | 16:59 |
yuriy | that's there | 16:59 |
yuriy | I don't quit understand the difference | 16:59 |
yuriy | s/quit/quite | 17:00 |
Riddell | it's a launchpad-ism, but generally apps and distros have defined releases and less defined milestoned | 17:00 |
Riddell | yuriy: this for 218138 ? | 17:01 |
Riddell | bug 218138 | 17:01 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 218138 in kde4libs "unable to launch atlantik in kde4" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/218138 | 17:01 |
yuriy | Riddell: that was for bug 214577, but about to add the 218138 one as well | 17:01 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 214577 in kgraphviewer-kde4 "kgraphviewer shows a blank screen" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/214577 | 17:01 |
Riddell | yuriy: also subscribe ubuntu-sru | 17:03 |
Riddell | yuriy: you put intrepid in that debdiff, but it's also for hardy-proposed? | 17:06 |
yuriy | oops | 17:06 |
Riddell | it needs uploaded for both | 17:06 |
Riddell | I can add a -proposed entry | 17:06 |
yuriy | Riddell: oh, ok, thanks | 17:07 |
mornfall | yuriy: Sorry, I forgot about those. | 17:07 |
Riddell | yuriy: infact it's universe, so don't subscribe ubuntu-sru, I can just accept it from the unapproved queue and do add the needs-verification tag | 17:08 |
yuriy | Riddell: oh ok. i subscribed ubuntu-sru for the kde4libs one | 17:08 |
Riddell | yuriy: then poke the sru-verification team people into testing then in a week I can move it into -updates | 17:08 |
mornfall | yuriy: I have also pushed wibble. | 17:09 |
mornfall | yuriy: I mean ept. | 17:09 |
mornfall | Blergh : - ). | 17:09 |
mornfall | yuriy: The binary is now called "adept" and if you run it as "adept updater" you should get updater UI. | 17:11 |
yuriy | mornfall: ok. but i'm still having trouble building. it's looking for packagedata.h which is not there | 17:14 |
mornfall | yuriy: Pull both... | 17:20 |
yuriy | mornfall: awesome :) | 17:21 |
mornfall | Now the UI bits for installer... | 17:22 |
yuriy | mornfall: crasher still there | 17:24 |
Riddell | yuriy: please add a test case comment starting "TEST CASE:" then a couple of sentenses saying how to verify problem then the fix | 17:24 |
Riddell | to both those bugs | 17:24 |
Riddell | then we're done until next week | 17:24 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: ping | 17:28 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: pong | 17:29 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: http://www.hotlinkfiles.com/files/1327049_4j6r8/KGRUBEditor48.png | 17:30 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: radio buttons | 17:30 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: http://www.hotlinkfiles.com/files/1327050_hotpv/KGRUBEditor49.png (same with an entry selected) | 17:31 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: cool. | 17:32 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: http://www.hotlinkfiles.com/files/1327051_dv5qn/KGRUBEditor50.png preview pane with white background | 17:32 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: and lastly the Quick Editor: http://www.hotlinkfiles.com/files/1329892_y0gpm/KGRUBEditor51.png | 17:32 |
Jucato | (you really had to choose XP as the sample? :P) | 17:32 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: what does SaveDefault and MakeActive mean? | 17:33 |
Jucato | Artemis_Fowl: awesome work :) | 17:33 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: these are strange ones. | 17:33 |
Artemis_Fowl | Jucato: :P thanks | 17:33 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: and can you put spaces between the names? "Save Defaul" | 17:33 |
Jucato | those are actual options in GRUB | 17:33 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: both are strange | 17:34 |
mornfall | yuriy: Yeah, I haven't had time to investigate -- and I couldn't reproduce either. | 17:34 |
Artemis_Fowl | if an entry is marked as savedefault and the default is set to 'saved' (yes it can take non-numerical value), then | 17:34 |
Jucato | Artemis_Fowl, seele: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/makeactive.html and http://gnu.j1b.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/savedefault.html | 17:35 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: if you boot it and reboot, this entry will be the default | 17:35 |
Artemis_Fowl | Jucato: yes yes. I have read these docs over 100 times :) | 17:35 |
Jucato | Artemis_Fowl: just pointing seele to it and informing you that I'm pointing seele to it :) | 17:35 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: aaah, ok. i know that default then | 17:35 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: is it possible to add a space between the words for the label in the UI? | 17:36 |
* Jucato is getting circular... | 17:36 | |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: of course | 17:36 |
mornfall | yuriy: Can you make a corefile and upload it somewhere? | 17:37 |
yuriy | mornfall: updated xapian index and can't reproduce it anymore either, so that was probably it | 17:37 |
Artemis_Fowl | and make active makes the primary partition of the disk the root for GRUB | 17:37 |
mornfall | yuriy: Ah. Interesting. | 17:37 |
Artemis_Fowl | they are strange concepts | 17:37 |
mornfall | yuriy: I have noticed some oddities with out-of-date index, although it *should* be resilient to that. It's still a bug if it breaks with old index. | 17:37 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: is make active usually used by advanced users? | 17:38 |
mornfall | (Although updating the index from adept is something I want to implement, too.) | 17:38 |
Artemis_Fowl | most users won't touch them but almost all distos use them | 17:38 |
mornfall | Oh, the trace is in an assert. | 17:38 |
mornfall | It's in closeEditor(). I'll check later. | 17:38 |
mornfall | I guess we go out now. | 17:38 |
mornfall | yuriy: Anyway, thanks for patches and testing. | 17:38 |
mornfall | yuriy: The progressbar looks nice. | 17:39 |
yuriy | mornfall: about that, what about updating apt and the index in the background on startup? | 17:39 |
yuriy | mornfall: k, bye | 17:39 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: it isn't used only by advanced users. the default menu file of (K)Ubuntu includes this attribute | 17:39 |
seele | ok | 17:39 |
seele | and the other edit mode is your wizard, correct? | 17:40 |
mornfall | (Btw, it might be better to make a pass through all of the listfile only counting lines and then you can have exact progress. | 17:40 |
mornfall | ) | 17:40 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: yes | 17:40 |
fabo | Riddell: have you got your answer about Qt4 dependencies cleanup ? | 17:40 |
seele | i'm interested to see what people have to say about the two modes.. i dont know enough use cases with non advanced users to know how that will work out | 17:40 |
mornfall | yuriy: Noting that parsing the file once is very cheap in fact (it's all the stat-ing that's expensive). | 17:40 |
seele | if they will be confused why quick edit doesn't include certain options, or if they always rerun the wizard to make changes, etc. | 17:41 |
mornfall | See ya all. | 17:41 |
yuriy | mornfall: about the progress bar? yeah i was wondering why that should take long.. | 17:41 |
mornfall | --> : - ) | 17:41 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: actually other than the Title, Root, Chainloader and the CheckBoxes attributes, it doesn't make much sense to quick edit them | 17:43 |
Artemis_Fowl | unless you are advanced user and know how GRUB works | 17:43 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: but in that case, they're probably editing the file by hand | 17:43 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: GRUB is complex :| | 17:45 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: the next days I will be doing some internal stuff probably but moving on to the next page, (Boot Options), as I told you most of the options included in the wireframes are actually kernel parameters | 17:46 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: so only 3 options will be there? (Timeout,Hidden Menu and Save Default)? | 17:47 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: ok | 17:47 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: i'm leaving for prague in a few hours.. so i probably wont be around until sunday afternoon your time | 17:48 |
seele | hmm.. i should probably finish packing.. | 17:48 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: ok | 17:48 |
Artemis_Fowl | seele: have a nice...umm...flight? | 17:49 |
seele | Artemis_Fowl: thanks. talk to you soon. | 17:52 |
crimsun | hopefully not DCA | 17:52 |
Jucato | seele: take care and have fun @ UDS :) | 17:59 |
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larsivi_ | Riddell: sorry, my mistake - there definately is an error in that launchpad page - mr Hufthammer never did approve of anything in launchpad, and definately not a bad phrase superseeding his own | 18:41 |
larsivi_ | I did misread the dates | 18:42 |
* nixternal thinks that having an email flag for dput would rock - that way the list could get emailed when stuff is in proposed and backports for testing | 20:04 | |
jjesse | hello nixternal | 20:04 |
nixternal | howdy | 20:05 |
jjesse | how are things in chi-town today? | 20:06 |
nixternal | nice and warm | 20:11 |
jjesse | im in detroit today and its raining and warm | 20:11 |
nixternal | just got back from one of the local "taste of" events...quite boring, food was ey, beer was good, and the booths were boring | 20:12 |
jjesse | that's a bummer, the taste of grand rapids events i've been too have had great food and great wine | 20:12 |
nixternal | I am a fan of Naperville's Rib Fest here | 20:12 |
jjesse | sounds yummy | 20:13 |
nixternal | they have awesome tunes, great food, and top knotch beer | 20:13 |
nixternal | the ribs are typically free if you get in where the competition is, you get to taste test :) | 20:13 |
jjesse | cool | 20:19 |
jjesse | i like free ribs :0 | 20:19 |
jjesse | if i was describing a process where i would ssh in via an uprivileged account and then elevating to root privileges would it be consided "superusering" | 20:23 |
jjesse | or su'ing | 20:23 |
nixternal | hrmm, good question | 20:25 |
nixternal | escalating user priviledges :p | 20:25 |
jjesse | hrm ok | 20:26 |
jjesse | i like superusering :) | 20:26 |
fdoving | isn't it system administration? :) | 20:29 |
jjesse | if i was using a ubuntu box i would describe it as using sudo with the administrative password | 20:30 |
jjesse | but working on a SLED 10 VM and using root | 20:30 |
fdoving | sudoing and suing should be added to dictionaries :) | 20:31 |
fdoving | i can't think of any easy way to describe those operations with few words. | 20:32 |
fdoving | but my english sucks. | 20:32 |
=== uga is now known as uga|away | ||
nixternal | has anyone been able to build KDE 4 trunk with our qt4.4? | 21:15 |
apachelogger | :S | 21:18 |
apachelogger | nixternal: see the discussion I had earlier with Riddell | 21:18 |
apachelogger | or about 24h ago with \sh | 21:18 |
nixternal | so I take that as a no then | 21:20 |
nixternal | I need to start working on stuff and I need KDE trunk | 21:21 |
apachelogger | nixternal: what's the exact error? | 21:23 |
apachelogger | I'd say you should build qt-copy anyway since the whole qt4.4 is pretty much useless these days :| | 21:23 |
fdoving | does hardy ship qt 4.4? | 21:23 |
apachelogger | hardy-backports does | 21:24 |
apachelogger | unfortunately | 21:24 |
fdoving | but it breaks as all apps are compiled with 4.3, right? | 21:24 |
apachelogger | well, at least for KDE it doesn't | 21:24 |
apachelogger | too my great surprise | 21:24 |
fdoving | oh. | 21:24 |
apachelogger | some graphic glitches though | 21:24 |
apachelogger | kdm wallpaper not rendering | 21:25 |
apachelogger | and systray rendering too much | 21:25 |
fdoving | back when i tried ridd*lls ppa packages of qt4.4 it made all pre-built apps have white text instead of black etc. | 21:26 |
apachelogger | might have been a bug in pre-release-releases | 21:27 |
fdoving | nixternal: i'm pretty happy with my setup with a $HOME/kde4 dir and a qt-copy in the user-dir. and i've modified the environments for the different sessions in a way that i can have KDE3, KDE4(kubuntu), and KDE4.devel all running as one user with ~/.kde, ~/.kde4 and ~/.kde4d | 21:28 |
nixternal | ya, I was trying to not download qt-copy :) | 21:28 |
nixternal | oh well...that is the route I shall go then | 21:28 |
fdoving | yeah, note that kde 4.1 breaks kde4.0s ~/.kde for some apps. | 21:28 |
fdoving | atleast did for me. | 21:29 |
fdoving | plasma especially. | 21:29 |
fdoving | that's why i made the ~/.kde4d | 21:29 |
fdoving | for the devel | 21:29 |
apachelogger | I always like a smooth upgrade path :S | 21:29 |
fdoving | yeah, upgrading works nicely. | 21:30 |
fdoving | but running 4.0.4 apps on 4.devel configs doesn't work that well :) | 21:30 |
fdoving | i didn't expect it to work either, but i discovered the hard way :) | 21:31 |
rohan | on hardy systems having hardy-backport enabled, qt is updated to 4.4, wheres pyqt is still 4.3.3. would that cause a problem? will hardy-backports update pyqt to 4.4 | 22:19 |
ScottK | pyqt 4.4 isn't out yet. | 22:41 |
ScottK | It may. There were some small 4.3.3/4.3.4 (IIRC) problems. | 22:42 |
nixternal | yes it is | 22:44 |
nixternal | I am building it now :) | 22:44 |
nixternal | 4.7.5 for sip, and the new pyqt4.4 | 22:44 |
nixternal | ScottK: you already in Prague? | 22:45 |
ScottK | No. JUst about to leave for the airport. | 22:45 |
nixternal | groovy | 22:46 |
ScottK | Ah. Cool then. | 22:46 |
ScottK | re 4.4, etc. | 22:47 |
ScottK | See you later. Off to the airport. | 22:47 |
nixternal | hrmm, sip will not build to save its life | 22:47 |
nixternal | later | 22:47 |
* nixternal goes to watch indy time trials | 22:47 | |
rohan | ScottK: pyqt 4.4 is out ;) | 22:47 |
rohan | oh ok, nixternal coverd me already | 22:47 |
rohan | nixternal: so the backports will have pyqt 4.4 some time, right? :) | 22:48 |
rohan | you guys going to the airport for the UDS? | 22:48 |
rohan | if so, enjoy you guys, and thanks for putting up one great release after the other :) | 22:49 |
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