
hawkeyexhow do I change GDM to KDM?00:03
ubottupurekde is If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »00:03
DaSkreech_CrashMaster_: that's not what was asked00:04
gnomefreakhawkeyex: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm00:04
gwpdoes kubuntu support SLI? I am not sure how to tell if my cards are configures properly00:04
_CrashMaster_DaSkreech: He didnt want to change from gnome to kde?00:04
DaSkreechhe wanted a different display manager00:04
Daisuke_Idohawkeyex: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm00:05
Daisuke_Idoand i should really read :D00:05
_CrashMaster_DaSkreech: Then its back to the docs for me. I though G/KDM *was* the display manager00:05
Daisuke_Ido_CrashMaster_: gdm and kdm != gnoe and kde00:06
hawkeyexthen what do I need to do?00:08
=== hawkeyex is now known as Hawkeye-X
Hawkeye-Xok i ran dpkg reconfigure kde00:08
Hawkeye-Xbut it still stays as gdm00:08
Hawkeye-Xdo I need to reboot?00:08
gnomefreakHawkeye-X: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm00:09
gnomefreakno space00:09
cnstarzhow do i change the font size within adept?00:09
gnomefreakit should bring up the dialog to choose it might choose it on its own in hardy i dont remember00:09
Hawkeye-XI did that00:09
Hawkeye-Xthen pops up with a screen giving me a choice - and I selected kdm00:10
gnomefreakHawkeye-X: did it bring up the dialog?00:10
gnomefreakHawkeye-X: ok give me a sec00:10
Daisuke_IdoHawkeye-X: did you restart x?  you know that gdm and kdm are only x display managers that launch your desktop environment00:10
Daisuke_Idojust trying to cover all the bases00:11
cnstarzwhenever i go into administrator mode, the font size for everything changes to 9...how do i change them to 4?00:11
_x-X-x_anyone know of anyway i can mount .bwi .bws .bwt files ?00:11
Daisuke_Idoblindwrite images?  no.00:12
Hawkeye-Xyes. I restarted X (alt-control-backspace) right?00:12
Daisuke_Idox-X-x: you might want to check out a program called acetoneiso00:12
_x-X-x_Daisuke_Ido is there a demonoid for ubuntu ?00:12
_x-X-x_i did00:12
_x-X-x_acetone didnt recognise it00:12
Daisuke_Ido_x-X-x_: then you're probably outta luck00:12
gnomefreakHawkeye-X: try sudo update-alternatives --config kdm-config-derivative let me know if it lets you00:14
Hawkeye-Xit says no alternatives00:14
gnomefreakHawkeye-X: try with gdm instead of kdm let me know if it has kdm in the selections00:15
* gnomefreak wonders why dpkg didnt change it00:15
gnomefreakHawkeye-X: if that shows nothing please reboot the system not just X00:15
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!00:17
hawkeyexgnomefreak: still gdm00:18
gnomefreakhawkeyex: i would file a bug than dpkg-reconfigure should have done the trick00:19
gnomefreakthats why its there00:19
hawkeyexshould I reinstall from scratch?00:19
gnomefreakhawkeyex: i dont remember the login screen config file but changing it there is another option00:19
gnomefreakhawkeyex: no00:19
gnomefreakhawkeyex: remove kde and reinstall it :)00:19
gnomefreakkdm not kde00:19
twinkie_addicti tryed sudo adduser and it sead only one or names aloud00:21
gnomefreakcd /etc/gdm/00:21
twinkie_addictone or two names aloud sorry00:21
twinkie_addictfor some reason adding user in kbuntu remix seems to be not working00:22
azzcoAnyone else having problems connecting to msn?00:24
DevourerWhy does it say "Manual page make(1) line 112/162 (END)" is the end when it is only at page 112 out of 162 in man pages?00:24
gnomefreakmaybe a man(2)00:24
cnstarzkubuntu doesn't come with firefox?00:25
gnomefreaksorry man make2 or (2) i cant rmeember the context but you can get into the rest00:25
gnomefreakcnstarz: no00:25
gnomefreakcmkubuntu uses qt not gtk00:25
gnomefreakcnstarz: install it00:25
gnomefreaksudo apt-get install firefox-3.000:26
gnomefreakor -2 or nothing00:26
gnomefreakhawkeyex: i found the file00:26
hawkeyexgnomefreak: what is it?00:26
cnstarzwow this font size is so gay00:26
gnomefreakhawkeyex: see if you have a /etc/kdm/kdm.conf00:26
toenswhen i'm in 'system settings', why are words cut off? it looks ugly00:26
gnomefreakhawkeyex: kde sometimes keeps their conf files in ~/.kde or something of the sort00:27
toensfor example "Notificatio" next line "ns"00:27
gnomefreaktoens: its wrapper00:27
hawkeyexI don't have kdm.conf00:27
gnomefreakItaku: there used to be a way to turn wrappers off but never easy for gui00:27
hawkeyexand I'm in /etc/kde/kdm/00:27
toensyes, word wrap00:27
hawkeyexand there is kdm.options00:27
hawkeyexkde4 rather00:28
aaroncampbellOn to my pressing problem: Kubuntu 8.04 doesn't seem to be launching the box to choose an action for my camera when it's plugged in by USB (like the option to transfer the pictures using digiKam).  Here are the System Log Lines: http://paste2.org/p/2866200:28
gnomefreakhawkeyex: you just want login to change right?00:28
hawkeyexno. i want the desktop back to kde00:28
* gnomefreak so damn stupid tonight its friday im allowed :)00:28
hawkeyexlogin is kde style00:28
gnomefreakhawkeyex: you can choose that in login00:28
hawkeyexhm. let me try again00:29
gnomefreakhawkeyex: go to sessions00:29
gnomefreakand choose kde4 and make it default00:29
toensgnomefreak, so how would i toggle word wrap on/off?00:29
gnomefreaktoens: in GUI i dont know for sure00:29
Hammer89I need to export the display from one Ubuntu system to another... I tried issuing the "export DISPLAY=<ip address>:1.0" command in terminal... but it's not working... what am I doing wrong?00:29
hawkeyexthere we go00:29
hawkeyexback to kde00:29
gnomefreakhawkeyex: if you go into sessions or options than sessions00:29
gnomefreakyou can choose kde4 than make default00:29
cnstarzhow do i install nvidia drivers?00:30
gnomefreakcnstarz: what card?00:30
hawkeyexand back to the same problem.00:30
gnomefreakcnstarz: hardy?00:30
cnstarzif thats the latesst kubuntu, yes00:30
hawkeyexwith the libtotem-parser1000:30
gnomefreakcnstarz: if its hardy dont install them00:30
gnomefreakhawkeyex: still giving you an issue?00:30
cnstarzwhy not?00:31
gnomefreakhawkeyex: remove it00:31
gnomefreakcnstarz: its causing crashes in hardy but being worked on00:31
cnstarzoh ok00:31
hawkeyexok. i'm going to reinstall totem again00:31
gnomefreakcnstarz: bug 21264800:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 212648 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "[nvidia-new, hardy] certain websites in firefox causes X restart due to lack of wfb symlink" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21264800:31
gnomefreakcnstarz: that is the bug report and yes i have it in my head all the time :(00:32
cnstarzwould you happen to know how to fix the font size on some of my apps?00:32
cnstarzfor instance....00:32
cnstarzwhen i open adept00:32
cnstarzthe font is HUGE00:32
hawkeyexcan't install totem00:32
cnstarzbut everything else is fine00:32
gnomefreakcnstarz: that will change with the drivers but you may see X crashes00:32
cnstarzand firefox has huge fonts too00:32
gnomefreakhawkeyex: remove the package00:32
cnstarzhow long have they been working on the drivers?00:33
gnomefreakhawkeyex: and if you want gnome to go remove libgtk....00:33
hawkeyexI did.00:33
hawkeyexI don't want gnome00:33
gnomefreakcnstarz: a while timo is working on them if you look at the bug at top you will see date it was filed and i gave it to timo :)00:34
gwpcross your fingers all im using wine to download and install world of warcraft00:34
cnstarzoh ok00:34
gnomefreakhawkeyex: remove it all example find the libgtk package and remove it00:34
SkribleGood evening.00:34
* gnomefreak forgot something important 00:34
SkribleIs there any app in kate to find and replace a word with other one?00:34
=== azzco is now known as Azzco
hawkeyexfuck it. i'll just reinstall kubuntu and go from there.00:36
hawkeyexno major losses00:36
=== ubuntu_ is now known as ryanc42
toensreally, as trivial as it is, this word wrap thing is ugly00:43
ryanc42I keep having problems with the live cd reporting errors refering to squashfs... the check cd boot option says it's clean, any ideas?  I get this on two seperate CDs00:44
ryanc42do i need the alternitive cd to do root-on-LVM?00:57
aaroncampbellKubuntu 8.04 doesn't seem to be launching the box to choose an action for my camera when it's plugged in by USB (like the option to transfer the pictures using digiKam).  Here are the System Log Lines: http://paste2.org/p/2866200:58
lintabais here anybody?01:01
wordaaroncampbell: sounds like it's not getting good drivers for it, so it doesn't know it can use it, so it doesn't give you an option to open it with anything...or can you open it manually?01:01
aaroncampbellword: I can open digicam, and transfer pictured from it01:02
lintabai am a beginer in the linux, and i want to use my webcamera, can anybody help me?01:02
wordlintaba: first make sure your webcam is compatible with linux, search around on google01:02
lintabai found few thinks, example a sourceforge driver, but i cant download it:D01:03
wordaaroncampbell: does it alert you when you put in other things? that little bit mighta just bugged out01:03
lintaba0402:5602 ALi Corp https://sourceforge.net/projects/m560x-driver/01:03
aaroncampbellword: I went to camera->Add Camera, had it auto detect, it found the camera (Canon EOS 400D, the "Rebel XTi").  Now I just go to camera, choose that one, and if it's plugged in it works01:03
wordbut it doesn't notice when you plug it in and unplug it?01:04
wordand did it ever?01:04
aaroncampbellword: not since the fresh install of Hardy01:05
gwpi downloaded a theme that usses KDFX I then downloaded KDFX and cant figure out what to do next. ANyone familiar with the application?01:06
worddid it work in kde4?01:06
BluesKajif you plugin USB connectors , the devices show up in the System menu/Storage Media01:06
gwpKBFX even01:06
aaroncampbellword: it doesn't offer the box for CD's or Memory Cards either ...I don't have a thumb drive here01:06
wordaaroncampbell: did you try turning on the new device notifier plasmoid?01:07
aaroncampbellword: well, it must "notice" because the KSystemLog shows those lines I pasted01:07
aaroncampbellword: not sure what that is, so probably not ;)01:07
wordaaroncampbell: yah but the bit that does the notifying might not be working correctly01:08
aaroncampbellword: what do I need to do?01:08
wordgo to the top right corner of your screen and turn on the recently plugged devices, not sure what it does i'm pretty new to kde4, but it might duplicate what you want it to do until they fix it01:08
lintabaword: my computer look the camera in the lsusb, but i cant found camera* in any directory01:08
wordi dont think it treats it as a camera..more like a video input..pretty much the exact same as a tv tuner card..which sadly is easier to set up than a webcam :P01:09
aaroncampbellword: I'm not in KDE 4, and there is nothing in the top right of my screen01:09
wordwow..i thought you said you werre..01:10
wordlol :P01:10
wordi have one contact in and one out, so my vision's kinda quirky ;p01:11
lintabaword sorry, i'm verry new in the world of linux, and i just learning the english... Have you any idea what can i do with my camera?01:11
wordbut um, if you're using kde3 it should be relatively stable as far as that function goes..it might just be the way the camera system is set up...you might be able to configure digikam to autolaunch when you plug in the device01:11
aaroncampbellKubuntu 8.04, but not KDE 4.  Anyway, I have to run, so I guess I'll ask again later tonight.  If you know the solution, just PM it to me.  Thanks for your time01:11
wordlintaba: what's your native language? there are seperate channels for differently languages if that'd be easier for you01:12
aaroncampbellword: again, NOTHING autolaunches when ANYTHING is inserted (CDs, usb, etc)01:12
wordoh o.O01:12
worddo you know the 2 letter abbreviation for that? like spanish is es, english is en?01:13
ubottuMagyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál01:13
wordaaroncampbell: i'll google around a bit01:13
wordJucato: thanks :P01:13
* Jucato bows01:13
gwpwhat exactly is the "Kicker" its referred to in this how to01:13
lintabathx, i look it01:13
gwpIts in reference to KDE01:13
Jucatogwp: Kicker is the KDE Panel01:13
Jucato(KDE 3 Panel)01:14
wordkicker is the doo-dad at the bottom of your screen01:14
gwpThank you all01:14
gwpI am to now add kbfx menu to it01:14
Jucatoaaroncampbell: can you check System Settings -> Advanced tab -> Service Manager -> Startup services at the lower part, if KDED Media Manager is checked and running?01:14
wordJucato: he said he was leaving :-/ pm him if he doesn't answer01:15
Jucatooh ok... he can also read the backlog/logs :)01:15
* chalcedony smiles01:17
chalcedony i was logged in as another user (with admin priveleges) to do my upgrade  from feisty to hardy, using do-release-upgrade.) It asked for me to reboot, do i login as THAT user again and then what? or as me and how do i reload my data?01:18
mri just installed kubuntu 7.10 on an old amd box and everything went very well except when i try to sut down the icon for shut down is missing. Not a big deal if anyone knows how to shut my box down w/o it, a shortcut command maybe?01:21
chalcedonymr control alt backspace01:22
chalcedonystops it cold01:22
mran orderly shut down?01:22
chalcedonyharder. i don't know that one01:22
* chalcedony tries google01:23
mrany idea why i have hibernate, swith user etc. but no shut down icon01:24
chalcedonymr how to shut down ubuntu01:24
chalcedonygoogle for that phrase01:24
chalcedony i got a lot of hits01:24
chalcedonysome might relate to your problem01:24
ubottuFactoid hpfs not found01:25
mrthx i will try it01:25
o0Chris0owhats the pakage name for kde4 desktop?01:28
Odd-rationaleo0Chris0o: kubuntu-kde4-desktop01:29
inaetyHello I am running 8.04 and kde 4.0.3.  and I lose cookie functionality in Konqueror after a period of time and the only way so far to fix it is to reboot or probably log off.  I am trying to update her to 4.0.4 but i am having issues with that too01:29
ubottuKDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde401:29
inaetythanks o0Chris0o01:29
=== terrestre is now known as abe
=== abe is now known as terrestre
gwpwhat irc program is everyone using?01:53
Odd-rationalegwp: i really konversation01:53
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines01:54
=== george_ is now known as gwp
gwpits not bad, does konversation use scripts?01:55
robocopcan someone point me to a newish site for installing compiz-fusion please :)01:56
Jucato!compiz-fusion | robocop01:58
ubotturobocop: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion01:58
jhutchinsrobocop: Or the compiz website.01:59
robocopthanks.....what is the command to make kate work as root please........i forget :(02:01
Jucatokdesu kate02:01
robocopjucato thanks :)02:02
inaetyo0Chris0o: they aren't answering me :/02:02
o0Chris0osorry inaety02:04
o0Chris0otry idling in these channels02:04
o0Chris0oit becomes useful :)02:04
cahuezhiya to all and have a nice weekend..!02:05
cahuezneed some help to locate> http://kubuntu.org/packages/libdvdcss-amd64.deb ..02:06
inaetyso true02:06
inaetyso true02:06
cahuezI upgraded to kubuntu 8.04 from 7.10 and before, kaffeine used to play well any dvd..!02:06
daskreechcan someone give me the MD5SUM to 8.04 desktop i386 Cd ?02:07
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:08
b4l74z4rhow do i move around taskbar entries in kde 3.5?02:14
daskreechnooooo the md5sum matches :(02:15
Dr_willisb4l74z4r,  middle click i think to move items on thepanel02:16
=== hawkeyex is now known as Hawkeye-X
matt____errorno 5 = read/write error, correct?02:17
Hawkeye-XHey - I'm still having trouble with libtotem-plparser1002:17
daskreechmatt____: no context ?02:17
Hawkeye-Xand here's my pastebin02:17
daskreechgwp: hey02:17
Hawkeye-X(and yes, I reinstalled the damned kubutnu)02:17
matt____daskreech: no context at all, but do you know the purpose of acpi?02:17
daskreechHawkeye-X: get a blessed Kubuntu instead02:18
Hawkeye-Xdaskreech: I've had the priest bless the cd, what else do you want me to do?02:18
* Hawkeye-X is Jewish02:18
b4l74z4rhmm, middle click didn't work02:20
matt____acpi, anyone?02:20
matt____what does acpi do/acount for?02:20
robocoperrmm that site for installing compiz on kubuntu 8.04 is a little out of date....stuff still there fior feisty!!02:21
* Hawkeye-X pokes gnomefreak awake02:22
Dr_willisapt-get install the packages. and thats about all it needs.02:22
Hawkeye-XDr_willis: you referring to me?02:22
Hawkeye-XI can't get it installed02:22
Dr_willisto robo. :)02:22
Dr_willisas  for Hawkeye-X  i dont mess with totem. :(02:22
Hawkeye-Xwhat do you use for DVD player? :P02:23
Dr_willisgmplayer or vlc02:24
Dr_willisfor all my video needs.02:24
dbgltis dragonplayer the only kde4 client?02:25
daskreechfor now02:27
robocop#compiz....say the stuff on the site is wrong or outa date :(02:27
daskreechmost likely02:28
daskreechand it is #compiz-fusion02:28
robocopdaskreech, ....thats where Ive just been to.....theres something wrong with an update mirror02:29
NickPrestarobocop, that sometimes happens (an update is broken). I would wait a couple of days and a new update should be available02:30
robocopNickPresta, hhmm.....ok....not good though is it....almost get the required updates and then it stalls because of a server being down....oh and the kubuntu instructions point to feisty and not heron!¬02:33
kevmanI'm having an issue here.02:37
kevmanKonqueror refuses to go to any websites. It says "could not connect to host."02:37
kevmanBut I can ping out and use apt. Its connected to the Internet.02:37
daskreechwhich websites ?02:39
wirechief_intelkevman did you try changing web browser id ?02:39
robocopIf someone can please point me to a working site with instructions to install compiz-fusdsion of kubuntu 8.04 would be great....thanks :)02:41
kevmandaskreech, all of them.02:41
kevmanwirechief_intel, for google?02:41
wirechief_intelwell, i know that konquer doesnt work google docs, and is not friendly to google02:42
robocopkevman.......just wondering...are you using a firewall at all?02:42
kevmanJust an everyday router.02:42
kevmanIts for all websites. All of them. Konqueror is not connected to the INternet, but everything else is.02:42
daskreechkevman: can you check if it has a proxy defined02:43
robocopkevman, i know whats wrong.....or i think i do.....its the settings from getting from the router to your isp thats the problem02:43
wirechief_intelkevman even here :http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg  ?02:44
Jucatorobocop: shouldn't there be a Desktop Effects in  K Menu -> System?02:44
kevmanrobocop, why would that only affect konqueror on one machine?02:44
robocopjucato....yse should be....its there....but i want new compiz-fusion to work02:44
Jucatowirechief_intel: other way around. Google refuses to do anything to make their stuff work for Konqueror/KHTML02:44
Jucatorobocop: and what do you mean by "new" compiz-fusion?02:45
wirechief_intelJucato agrees02:45
robocopkevman.....its the router not allowing connections from it....from that machine02:45
kevmanThen why would ping, Firefox, and adept work?02:45
robocopJucato,  0.7.4/502:45
robocopkevman...its saying you have a ping an internet connection......but like doesnt know what to do with it properly02:46
Jucato!info compiz02:46
ubottucompiz (source: compiz): OpenGL window and compositing manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.7.4-0ubuntu6 (hardy), package size 33 kB, installed size 68 kB02:46
Jucatorobocop: it's already at 0.7.402:46
Jucatoif you want a newer version, you'll have to ask in #compiz-fusion because Ubuntu doesn't have updates yet02:46
Jucatoyou'll have to use their repositories02:47
robocopJucato, .....but it doesnt work....ive folowed the instaructions at he site and its down...so the updates needed dont work02:47
Jucatohow doesn't it work?02:47
robocopkevman....do you know how to log onto the router?02:47
Jucato(although you might get better help in #compiz-fusion)02:48
console_jockeyI'm running kubuntu gutsy and I've have "unmet dependencies" when I running aptitude safe-upgrade.  Specifically: openssh-server: Depends: openssh-client (= 1:4.6p1-5ubuntu0.2) but 1:4.6p1-5ubuntu0.3 is installed.  How do I correct this issue?02:48
kevmanI'm connected wirelessly, if that's any help.02:48
robocopkevman, ....ok scroll down or even through the settings and you will see sometghing like this renew or get new ip addy.....that should get new ip for that machine and should open the ports for you to get on the net properly02:49
robocopkevman, .....then it could be a por signal to that pc02:50
kevmanits not the connection.02:50
wirechief_intelkevman check this out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=50224702:50
daskreechconsole_jockey: where did you get that one from?02:50
kevmanthe connection on the computer works PERFECTLY. Just not in konqueror.02:50
wirechief_intelkevman maybe in terminal sudo konqueror and then try to get to internet02:51
kevmanYeah, I'll try that.02:51
Jucatono no02:51
Jucatodo not use "sudo" with a GUI app02:51
ubottuIn KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)02:51
robocopkevman, .........iof you use firefox......do you get to the websites?02:51
Jucatoand do not go online as root (with sudo)02:51
console_jockeydaskreech: where did I get the error message from?  aptitude safe-update following an aptitude upgrade02:51
daskreechkevman: did you check what I asked?02:51
kevmanIt woeks as root.02:52
kevmandaskreech, that was the first thing I tried.02:52
daskreechconsole_jockey: No where did you get the package from ?02:52
daskreechkevman: then it's your konqueror settings02:52
console_jockeydaskreech: ah, one moment. checcking sources.list02:52
wirechief_intelkevman there must be something with konqueror and your permissions but follow that thread i gave02:52
daskreechkevman: Move your konqueror setting dir to a new name02:52
console_jockeydaskreech: not sure which repo has openssh but the general form for my sources.list is deb http://ftp.citylink.co.nz/ubuntu/ gutsy02:53
kevmandaskreech, its a fresh install.02:53
kevmanI installed it, rebooted, open konqueror. And nothing.02:53
kevmanwirechief_intel, disabling cache worked.02:54
wirechief_intelkevman ok, i didnt think you had to do anything with your other stuff.02:55
console_jockeydaskreech: running software-properties-gtk to find new mirror now.02:55
daskreechconsole_jockey: woah. where are those coming from? can you pastebin your source.list ?02:55
wirechief_intelkevman thank google ;)02:55
console_jockeydaskreech: heh... new zealand would be my guess, and it was the fastest mirror the last time I ran software-properties-gtk.  I am running it again and will be sure to choose something a little more mainstream.... heh02:56
wirechief_intelkevman and using gui as root is a very bad idea but you had to see if you were going down the right road.02:56
kevmanYeah, I know. My main computer is actually a gentoo machine. This is for my mom...02:58
wirechief_intelkevman well im glad thats all you needed, i usuaully check for bugs with the symptom and of course google02:59
kevmanI didn't really know what to query.02:59
console_jockeydaskreech: I've gone ahead and changed the repo source and run aptitude update, but when I run aptitude upgrade I get the same error.  You think I should maybe remove openssh-* and reinstall them?02:59
Aloneathe text install is only on the alternate disk?03:00
daskreechhi Alonea03:00
daskreechconsole_jockey: pastebin yoour sources03:01
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:01
wirechief_intelkevman i used "konqueror cannot connect to  internet"03:01
Aloneadaskreech: *curses* I cant get the graphical on e to work on this laptop that I am fixing for a friend. Its old and only has 384mb of ram03:01
* wirechief_intel checks his trick bag for more tricks03:01
dbgltanyone updated to kde 4.0.4 by any chance?03:02
console_jockeydaskreech: http://rafb.net/p/GZ7TUF41.html03:02
kevman"graphical on e"?03:02
kevmanText install is also on the dvd03:02
daskreechAlonea: That's what the text one is for03:02
kevmanSomeone told me the GUI install doesn't work well under 384meg of RAM. Issat true?03:02
wirechief_inteldbglt: yep, it is still experimental.03:03
dbgltwirechief_intel: oh yes, I know. I'm running 4.0.3. For some reason, my system won't update to 4.0.4, even though I have the correct repositories03:03
wirechief_intelkevman probably very close to being right on.03:03
wirechief_inteldbglt: hmm well i got it on another machine but to be honest i havent bothered anymore with it.03:04
Jucatodbglt: I was told that there was a bug with that, even if you have 4.0.4 installed it still says 4.0.3 in About KDE03:04
Jucatodbglt: try asking in #kubuntu-kde403:04
dbgltJucato: ah, that could be it. I have, very little luck there03:04
wirechief_intelJucato i heard the same03:04
dbglton that note then, are there any repositories for the 4.1 alpha?03:05
Aloneadaskreech: I just hate that they are separate. used to them being on same disk.03:05
console_jockeydaskreech: any thoughts on my removing/reinstalling?03:05
Jucatodbglt: none yet03:05
dbgltJucato, wirechief_intel: thanks for clearing that up, was a bit lost!03:05
Aloneadaskreech: this will run on it right? (kde3 of course, not 4)03:06
* wirechief_intel joins the lost 03:06
wirechief_inteldbglt just try to have fun with 3.5.9 youll have more excitement03:07
daskreechAlonea: yeah03:07
daskreechJucato: took a peek at the rafb link ?03:07
daskreechplease do and tell me what you think03:08
Hawkeye-Xcould someone take a look at this vlc dev and tell me why my dvd player is not working?03:08
Aloneadaskreech: ok. good. thing is, he just wants this to browse the internet and maybe type up a couple things. His windows was virus ridden. *shudder*03:08
_2where does konqueror put "trash" ?   i'm having trouble removing what i can't find...03:09
Jucato_2: in the fd.o specified locations: ~/.local/share/Trash03:09
Jucato(info/ and files/)03:10
Aloneadaskreech: we both figured linux would be safer. and hopefully easier...03:10
daskreechAlonea: will make the computer feel faster too03:11
wirechief_intel_2  just add the applet with add Applet - kde panel03:12
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* Hawkeye-X twiddles03:12
_2applet ?   panel ?   im not using kde03:12
wirechief_intel_2  ? you using Ubuntu then ? with Gnome ? and your on a Kubuntu irc ...hmmm03:13
console_jockeydaskreech: I take it you didn't find anything worth commenting on with my sources.list?03:13
daskreechAlonea: Best part?03:13
Aloneadaskreech: ^__^. I am just glad he isn't computer illiterate.03:13
daskreechAlonea: two clicks and they can hang out with us!03:13
_2wirechief_intel no.03:14
daskreechJucato: Peeked at it?03:14
_2wirechief_intel no gnome either03:14
Jucatowirechief_intel: you don't know _2 yet :)03:14
Aloneadaskreech: ? er. irc or have they added something new? I haven't used kubuntu in a long while. slackware is what I moved to.03:14
Jucatodaskreech: yes. what am I supposed to be looking for?03:14
Jucato(is that the sources.list pastebin?)03:14
wirechief_intelJucato i guess not. ;)03:14
Hawkeye-Xhttp://www.pastebin.org/36493 - could someone take a look and tell me why my dvd player is not working?03:15
_2who is it "nautilus" that uses ~/.Trash/  ?03:15
Jucato_2: yeah.. though I thought that also "linked" to the fd.o standard place... although I think KDE uses .Trash for removable devices too03:15
Jucatonot clear on that one03:15
Aloneadaskreech: er, what wifi cards are natively supported? I know the brand is intel.03:16
_2Jucato umm may have changed from dapper to now ?03:16
Jucatothat I don't know... sorry03:16
daskreechJucato: those are all valid server?03:16
_2k.  well thanks again, i'm back to work.03:16
daskreechAlonea: IRC :)03:17
mot_why is it that randomly when i boot up03:17
mot_the kicker program03:17
daskreech!wifi | Alonea03:17
ubottuAlonea: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:17
mot_like the program that opens to run other programs when you hit alt+f203:17
mot_won't open.03:17
mot_i go to kde menu -> run program03:17
mot_still won't open03:17
mot_what the hell?03:17
daskreechJucato: I don't know how they got configured like that. I've never seen a sources.list like that before03:18
Aloneadaskreech: thanks. looks like intel cards are generally supported natively. yay03:20
_2mot_ dcop communication problem ?03:21
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sneedleyok. i need help can someone help me with twin view.03:22
Broadcomi cant fix my swap partition03:24
sneedleythis is the one part of windows which worked a little better03:24
Hawkeye-Xhttp://www.pastebin.org/36493 - could someone take a look and tell me why my dvd player is not working?03:25
Hawkeye-Xpretty please with sugar on top?03:25
_2Broadcom sudo swapoff -a ;sudo mkswap /dev/"partition_device" ;swapon /dev/"same_device"03:28
_2sudo that last one too ^03:28
wirechief_intelHawkeye-X not sure this link will be of help http://digg.com/linux_unix/Linux_101_Enable_DVD_Playback_in_Ubuntu_in_Two_Commands03:29
Broadcom_2: Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 1689722 kB03:30
Broadcomno label, UUID=de28611d-9217-4073-ad95-c862e5666aa003:30
Broadcomswapon: /dev/hda4: Operation not permitted03:30
_2sudo that last one too ^   <<<repeting03:30
Broadcom_2: what do you mean?03:30
Broadcomok, ok03:30
Broadcom_2 swapoff: cannot canonicalize /dev/disk/by-uuid/\x2fdev\x2fhda4: No such file or directory03:31
BroadcomSetting up swapspace version 1, size = 1689722 kB03:31
Broadcomno label, UUID=f1aeec54-b3aa-43c9-939a-6d2c19376d4203:31
_2Broadcom sudo swapoff -a ;sudo mkswap /dev/"partition_device" ;sudo swapon /dev/"same_device"   <<< is it so dificult to add the "sudo to that last command" or do you not know that ";" seperates commands ?03:33
Broadcom_2: i did03:33
* _2 is too busy for all this. sorry.03:34
Broadcomcan anybody else help?03:34
_CrashMaster_Sorry man, thats way above my head03:35
wirechief_intelHawkeye-X  wodim --devices   and also man wodim for more03:37
ubottuFactoid shockwabe not found03:37
ubottuShockwave is currently only available for Windows. To run it under !Wine, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave03:37
Broadcomanybody else know how to fix a swap partition?03:38
Broadcomwould it be diffrent in ubuntu?03:38
wirechief_intel Broadcom why do you want to "fix' your swap ?03:41
Agent_bobok did the guy get his swap space setup ?03:42
wirechief_inteli dunno was that Broadcom ?03:42
Agent_bobBroadcom ?03:42
Agent_bob< _203:43
wirechief_intelwell he said something about fixing it, not sure what he was doing.03:43
gwpanyone know how to get KBFX to work03:43
gwpim trying to spruce up my desktop03:43
Broadcomwirechief_intel: sorry, kuubntu keeps freezing, i discovered that the swap was not working03:44
Agent_bobi hate to leave anyone hanging like that, but some times work comes first...   (albeit not often in my case)03:44
Agent_bobBroadcom how much ram do you have ?03:44
Agent_boband how did you determine that the swap was not working?03:44
Broadcomim not sure, how do i check? sorry, i jost got this from sombody03:44
Agent_bobcat /proc/swaps03:45
BroadcomAgent_bob: i would give you a link, but if i open firefox, it crashes03:45
wirechief_intelalso try using free03:45
Broadcomi did $ free | grep Swap and it printed 0        0         003:45
Agent_bobBroadcom ok that's normal for a non-mounted swapfs   did you run the command that   _2 gave you ?03:46
Broadcomagent bob, yes, and it gave me errors, hold on while i find them03:46
Broadcomswapoff: cannot canonicalize /dev/disk/by-uuid/\x2fdev\x2fhda4: No such file or directory03:47
BroadcomSetting up swapspace version 1, size = 1689722 kB03:47
Broadcomno label, UUID=3678d16d-7995-4bf2-9f95-b13675b23a8603:47
Agent_bobcommands  there were three of them in one string.03:47
Agent_bobok that's not errors...03:47
Broadcomno label??03:47
Agent_bobswap wasn't on so it couldn't turn it off.03:47
Agent_bobnothing wrong with that.03:48
BroadcomAgent_bob: there were two in a string03:48
Broadcomsudo swapoff -a ;sudo mkswap /dev/hda4 ;sudo swapon /dev/hda403:48
Broadcomshould it be working now?03:48
Agent_bobtwo ?    two what ?       that's three commands.03:48
BroadcomAgent_bob: oh, i see, nevermind03:48
Agent_bobBroadcom and yes it could.      free -m   to see03:49
BroadcomAgent_bob: thanks a lot, it works now03:49
Agent_bobyeah    welcome.03:49
Agent_bobok now back to work...03:50
Pramodanyone knows how can i use the apt-to-cd application?03:50
Pramodwhere can i get it?03:50
Pramodwhere can i get that?03:51
wirechief_intelgoogle but it might be in repo03:51
wirechief_inteltry in a terminal apt-get install aptoncd  see what happens.03:51
Pramodok thank you... :)03:52
wirechief_intelPramod are you using ubuntu or Kubuntu03:52
wirechief_intelaptoncd is for gnome03:52
Pramodwell i am usung kubuntu... but i want to transit to ubuntu... :)03:52
wirechief_intelnot sure it will work in kubuntu03:53
Pramodwell got any suggestion for kubuntu?03:53
wirechief_intelpramod but there are web sites for cloning.03:53
wirechief_inteljust google it, cloning kubuntu03:53
Pramodok thanks...03:53
Pramodi try it03:54
billydWhat are you trying to clone03:54
wirechief_intelthere are programs for that, at least there were under 7.0403:54
Pramodcloning kubuntu...03:54
billydLike cloning a HD with kubuntu on it?03:55
wirechief_intelsomething different than partimage03:55
_CrashMaster_ubunutu are kubuntu the same thing, with the exception of the desktop manager.... right?03:55
wirechief_inteli used it a couple of times when i had two installs of 7.04 and wanted to keep them in sync03:55
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flaccid_CrashMaster_: mainly yes03:56
flaccidwhat do you mean by cloning?03:56
wirechief_intelCrashMaster well there are lots of gome programs that will muck up a good kde based install.03:57
billydPramod - if you are trying to get stuff on a HD to another HD as a clone, regardless of what is onthe disk look at g4u  Think website might be www.g4u.com - or google it03:57
wirechief_intelbest to stay away from em.03:57
flaccidwirechief_intel: like?03:57
flaccidwhen you say clone, do you mean disk image?03:57
wirechief_intelflaccid: i dont mix em i can tell you that much.03:58
flaccidi do :)03:58
billydg4u will make a clone to another disk of same or greater size - regardless of format03:58
wirechief_intelflaccid: well fine, live on the edge. thats your fun rights.03:58
Pramodi want to save all the cache in the apt so that when i format my disk i can use them from the cd instead of downloading them...03:58
wirechief_intelwith my distro the developer refuses to do anything with gnome, and will never.03:59
flaccidwirechief_intel: ubuntu is designed so things like this are not a problem, if you do run into something that conflicts thats what !bugs are for :)03:59
wirechief_intelflaccid: yep your right i guess thats why so many people are looking for help on #ubuntu channel04:00
Nodlewhey guys.. I just finished an install of kubuntu 8.04, rebooted, and I'm stuck at a grub prompt... I'm lost, can anybody help?04:00
Aloneadaskreech: ya know, the install screen is very screwy looking...lots of flickering and black lines04:01
flaccidwirechief_intel: well a lot of us think that kde has a better dependency tree - easier to install/compile etc. i tend to agree04:01
flaccidNodlew: the actual grub prompt? did it say anything just before that eg. errrs?04:01
wirechief_intelflaccid: i prefer it. but like to test others.04:02
Nodlewflaccid:  No erros.. just dropped me at a grub prompt.. same thing after 3 re-installs... fedora 9 installed with no problems04:02
flaccidNodlew: is this the standard desktop cd install?04:02
daskreechAlonea: What video card?04:03
Nodlewflaccid:  kubuntu 8.04 dvd04:03
wirechief_intelwell time to catch the train see ya.04:04
flaccidNodlew: not much to go on. i guess you could try the alternate cd but they may have the same result04:04
Aloneadaskreech: I have no earthly idea. laptop is old.04:05
NodlewI really don't want to goto another distro... there has to be something I can do.. manually install grub or lilo or something?04:05
flaccidNodlew: ok try reinstalling grub and if that fails i guess try alternate cd04:06
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:06
flaccidfirst link04:06
daskreechAlonea: can you see?04:07
Nodlewthere is a fasttrack scsi adaptor in the system that I think is somehow confusing things.. but the drive that I'm installing on is on that controller04:07
Aloneadaskreech: yeah. I can read it alright. its just the entire screen has diagonal black marks over it and the window in the middle is a bit transparent looking.04:08
Pramodwant help about kubuntu kde4...04:08
Pramodwhere should i look?04:08
flaccid!kde4 | Pramod04:09
ubottuPramod: KDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. KDE 4.0.3 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde404:09
Pramodthanks flaccid thanks ubottu... :P04:10
AloneaNodlew: have you tried messing with the boot options? like, taking off the splash option if its on there. I think I remember I had some problems and taking that off helped.04:10
AloneaNodlew: its been a while since I have used Kubuntu. I moved distros.04:10
flaccidJucato: hey mate you there04:11
NodlewAlonea:  I'm rebooting from the dvd now to see if I can get back to the filesystem... if I'm just getting the grub prompt.. would it likely be even reading grub.conf... or just getting to the mbr?04:11
Jucatoflaccid: yeah04:11
AloneaNodlew: so, to make sure I get you, it loads the grub screen and...stops? doesn't try to load an os?04:12
flaccidJucato: i think we just need to change the !kde4 factoid to say 4.0.4 in both instances04:12
NodlewAlonea:  Doesn't try to load the OS at all.. just drops at a grub screen.. same prompt you'd get if you ran "grub" from a console on a live system04:13
Jucatoflaccid: I just removed the 2nd instance to make updating it easier04:13
flaccidsweet Jucato04:14
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AloneaNodlew: not sure, but sounds like grub isn't configured correctly. Are you just installing linux, or are you dual booting? do you have multiple hdds?04:14
ubottuKDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde404:15
daskreechLatest packages ?04:15
NodlewAlonea:  There are multiple HDD's... not trying to multiboot04:15
AloneaNodlew: ok. are you installing on first hdd?04:15
Nodlewthere is onboard raid controller, but the disk array currently isn't configured, so I'm not sure how it's being detected04:16
Nodlewthe drive I installed on is a scsi drive on a separate controller04:16
AloneaNodlew: have no experience there. I do know that the config is going to look for grub on the first hdd and then look for instructions on where linux is installed, which can be anywhere.04:17
Alonealemme find some instructions real quick for how to config grub.04:17
NodlewAlonea:  thaks, much appreciated04:18
flaccidJucato: #kubuntu-kde4 please :)04:19
AloneaNodlew: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351, try that.04:22
AloneaNodlew: hopefully that will fix it.04:22
Aloneadaskreech: gods this is taking ages to install.04:22
NodlewAlonea:  Thanks.. taking a look now04:22
AloneaNodlew: there was another page I used to use, but this is the same instructions pretty much04:23
daskreechAlonea: With slow computers I normally pull out the network cable04:31
daskreechotherwise it will try and download all the updates from the net04:31
daskreech I'd ratehr do that once the machine is up and running so I can do other stuff04:32
NodlewAlonea:  So I followed the instructions.. it found the stage1 file, wrote the mbr, but when I rebooted, I still got the grub shell04:32
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Aloneadaskreech: it finally finished.04:37
AloneaNodlew: I honestly don't know whats wrong. If its funky drivers or a messed up config, a picky config, or what.04:38
NodlewI just don't get it why Fedora installs with no problem...04:38
daskreechAlonea: What is it doing?04:42
daskreechhi Jucato04:42
daskreechAlonea: oh wait' that's someone else's problem :)04:42
Chrysalismy fonts are all messed up in konqueror. . . if i set the size right on one page they get messed up in another. . . isnt there a setting to let the site chose its own font?04:43
Chrysalislike, i can barely read google search results and newegg is like size 15 or so04:43
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gwpI installed wine and then world of warcraft the game ran fine, then I installed burning crusade and now it crashes at the screen to accept the ToS, anyone know a fix?04:59
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* ASUS-tek good morning to every one in south Asia and visversa to the ROW05:10
Aloneadaskreech: ok, I can't get firefox to work. It tries to load for a bit then just goes off. konqueror works fine.05:12
daskreechAlonea: Run it from command line05:12
daskreech if it's FF2 10 bits to one crouton that it's running out of memory05:12
Aloneadaskreech: ok. to see if there is an error?05:14
daskreechAlonea: Yup yup05:14
ketteq es esto????05:15
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.05:15
Alonea! not installed...eh? dude, I downloaded it and all you have to do is load the file right?05:15
ubottuAlonea: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:15
daskreechAlonea: What?05:15
Aloneahang on05:16
daskreechAlonea: alt+space -> type Adept -> press enter05:16
Aloneadaskreech: ok, I figured it out. I am an idiot.05:19
daskreechHere's your sign05:20
Aloneadaskreech: was in wrong folder and had a requirement issue. ^^;;;05:20
daskreechAlonea: Seriously. what are you doing?05:20
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Aloneadaskreech: I have barely slept this week. I got it figured out. it works now. its allll good. and I installed firefox manually cause the adept one didnt work and now I know why the adept one didn't work, but still prefer manually installing certain things.05:22
daskreechAlonea: Ha ha good luck :)05:23
daskreechadminstration nightmare :)05:23
* daskreech hugs Alonea 05:23
daskreechget some sleep05:23
Aloneadaskreech: well, he said as long as browser works and he can connect to internet, he could care less.05:23
daskreechtechnically he couldn't care less05:23
daskreechbut english nazi's get kicked here05:23
Aloneadaskreech: this isn't his main computer. pretty much a device he uses on trips for email since he hates cell phones.05:24
Aloneadaskreech: his main is a nice pretty new imac.05:24
daskreechooooh linuxify that :)05:24
Daisuke_Laptopanyone alive that's good with networking issues?  i cannot seem to connect to the net with a static ip, but getting a dynamic ip from the router works.05:24
Aloneadaskreech: if I get to touch it...^__^05:24
Aloneawell, daskreech , I am going to attempt to knock myself out, even if I have to resort to drugging myself.05:25
Aloneanight all05:26
Fungyoanyone tried the new amarok 2 nightly build with kubuntu hardy ? i have no sound05:50
lookin_kubulinux newborn here06:00
lookin_kubucan someone tell me how to switch between admin and user?06:00
daskreechlookin_kubu: Sorry What do you mean?06:01
lookin_kubuthanks you for the welcome!06:01
lookin_kubuto log off as admin, and login as user, or visa-versa06:02
Jucato!root | lookin_kubu06:02
ubottulookin_kubu: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo06:02
daskreechlookin_kubu: no need to06:03
daskreechlookin_kubu: You can be user all the time and be admin on the fly06:03
daskreechand for a very specific task06:03
lookin_kubulots to learn :)06:04
daskreechlookin_kubu: hang around We are cool and informative06:07
daskreechLike PSA in the 80's06:07
daskreechlookin_kubu: Anythign else that has a burning void of konwledge ?06:08
lookin_kubunot ATM, 1 thing at a time :)06:10
Fungyolookin_kubu: FYI root can be enabled. If that is what you prefer06:13
daskreechWow kite was profound :)06:14
daskreechFungyo: He doesn't know root he knows admin06:14
daskreechdon't go confusing him06:14
daskreechassuming lookin_kubu is a him :)06:14
Fungyoyeah.. my bad sorry - root = admin06:15
daskreechroot = superadmin! :)06:15
daskreechPhear me phor I am Root!06:15
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ibun2299 people06:21
ibun2not a whole lot to say06:22
ibun2friday...so ronery...06:22
lookin_kubuok I dumb06:31
lookin_kubuI need to log on as admin, extract a package in /usr/local/06:37
flaccid!root | lookin_kubu06:37
ubottulookin_kubu: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo06:37
flacciddefault user is admin - use sudo06:37
lookin_kubuI read the rootsudo, and still don't understand how to just login as admin06:37
lookin_kubuso sudo chown bob:bob /home/bob/* , get me admin?06:38
Fungyolookin_kubu: no... "sudo -s -H" no quotes, will log you in as an admin06:40
Fungyochown changes ownership of files or directories(folders)06:41
Fungyoyour home folder and files "/home/bob" should already be owned by you06:42
lookin_kuburead the who thing and could'nt find it :)06:43
Fungyoif you do the sudo -s -H be careful not to play around in your home folder as writing or modifying folders/files will then be owned by root and not your normal login account eg. bob06:44
Fungyoif that happens you can then do the chown bob:bob on that file/folder to change ownership back06:45
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lookin_kubuI am lost then, how am I supposed to extract a downloaded file in my /home/bob/ to the /usr/local , if I cannot touch home/bob/?06:46
lookin_kubuark would not do it anyways06:47
lookin_kubusaid I still have no permission06:47
lookin_kubuKonsole shows root@bob#06:48
Fungyowhat is the file name of the downloaded file06:48
mauroi have no sound in my computer06:49
coder2Please help me with skype. Microphone does not work. I can't understand input connector names which skype shows to me and kmix interface like spaceship control panel. My soundcard is Audigy 4. I've tried each connector but no success. The same problem with on-board Realtek....06:49
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maurocan somebody hel me?06:50
Fungyolookin_kubu: type "exit" always no quotes from now on btw. this will bring you back to your normal login06:51
Fungyolookin_kubu: "sudo tar -xzvf crosstools2.tar.gz /usr/local"06:52
coder2Is there any human-friendly mixer for kubuntu? kmix shows much more weird labeled sliders than physically present inputs on the soundcard.06:53
lookin_kubutks Fungyo !06:55
Fungyono worries, glad to help06:55
coder2It even much more complicated. There are about 30 sliders shown on the alsa mixer panel. Do you really think that the alsamixer is more user-friendly?06:56
Agent_bobit lets you do what you want to do,   as far as controlling audio    so yes.06:57
Agent_bobconfigure it.06:57
Agent_bobfor that matter configure kmix06:57
coder2I want to know which button to push to get my skype working.06:57
Fungyolookin_kubu: basically "sudo" is all you should need to do simple admin tasks06:57
mauroi have no sound in my computer06:58
maurocan somebody help me?06:58
Agent_bobwhat: do you think that "default"  is supposed to be "perfect for everybody"   heck it's not even acceptable to most...06:58
coder2Agent_bob: I do not want to argue. I just need help.06:58
Agent_bob!skype | coder206:59
ubottucoder2: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto06:59
Fungyolookin_kubu: it's better to add "sudo" to the beginning of a command, rather than logging in as root(admin)06:59
Agent_bobthe howto might help06:59
coder2Agent_bob: Thanks.06:59
Agent_bobi did say might.07:00
Agent_boblooks like i'm going to have to rm /var/lib/apt /var/lib/dpkg    to ever get this thing the way i want it...07:02
coder2Agen_bob: The problwm is: I don't know which input in skype corresponds a slider in kmix. Why kmix has two sets of sliders: one for outputs and another for inputs. Why each of them shows two mics, 2 aux sliders, PC-speaker, etc. My soundcard even don't have such connectors onboard...07:04
coder2And I can't understand dependency rule of "red LEDs"07:06
coder2It looks like a puzzle07:06
mauroi have no sound in my computer07:08
maurocan somebody help me?07:08
c1|freakymy microphone isnt working. ive a got a really new pc07:11
c1|freakySysinfo for 'loopy': Linux 2.6.24-17-generic running KDE 3.5.9, CPU: Intel(R)Core2QuadCPUQ6600@2.40GHz at 1603 MHz (4788 bogomips), , RAM: 1407/3042MB, 134 proc's, 7.57h up07:11
c1|freakyits a realtek chipset. realtek high definition audio07:12
c1|freakycan someone help me getting it workingß07:14
brian_hey all07:14
brian_i nearly got wpa working07:14
Agent_bobif no one here is able to come to the phone, you can leave a message in one of the other channels   #ubuntu   ##linuxhelp   ##linux   #alsa    < any of those might have active help at this time07:15
brian_why is it that kubuntu doesnt install an example wpa_supplicant.conf example file anywhere?07:16
Agent_bobi can't do any good here because of server load.  lagging right now.07:16
maurohow can enable alsaa in kubuntu 8.0407:18
maurohow do I enable ALSA in kubuntu 8.04?07:18
ferhathi i have sound problem07:18
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:19
ferhatalsa conf is not running07:19
ferhatUsage: /sbin/alsa {unload|reload|force-unload|force-reload|suspend|resume}07:19
ferhatpls somebody help me :(07:26
mauroalsamixer is not working07:27
ferhatmy problem sbin/alsa {unload|reload|force-unload|force-reload|suspend|resume}07:33
level1is there a kubuntu 8.04 bittorent?  I can only find a torrent for the dvd, not the cd07:36
buyakahow do i move an existing ubuntu installation to kubuntu?07:44
intelikeysudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:44
intelikey!purekde | buyaka07:45
ubottubuyaka: purekde is If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »07:45
harolddongwhat's the deal? video playback in hardy?  It seems to be a little more system intensive than feisty or gutsy were... especially for hd video.  I can't even really comfortably play anything above 480p without lag and I never had a problem before07:47
=== intelikey is now known as Agent_bob
Agent_bobidk.    i know that dapper is usable on a p1 100mhz with 64m ram and 610m hdd    i tried it... :)07:50
Agent_bobactually it works quite well on that box...07:51
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=== ferhat__ is now known as i_hate_this
holycowhey guys08:03
holycowwhat is the ubuntu kernel channel?08:03
kavithi all, I have a nvidia card and I am using TwinView (Xinerama) to use two monitors. I added a new panel to the second screen. I however found that I couldnt add a system tray to the second panel. Does anyone know if I can have 2 system trays running on the same Xinerama session08:04
Agent_bobkavit i don't think you can,  not without some heavy tweekin'08:06
kavitAgent_bob: i thought so08:06
holycowxinerama is different from twinview08:06
holycoweither you are using twinview or xinerama08:06
holycowif its twinview its fully ogl capableon all monitors, you can put a panel anywhere08:06
holycowtwinview in general unfortunately is a bit lacking tho08:07
Blissexholycow: sort of -- TwinView also provides Xinerama emulation.08:07
holycowokay right08:07
kavitholycow: nvidia-settings says Twinview is enabled, kde desktop pref says Xinerama is on08:07
kavitholycow: i have a second panel... I just want to add a system tray to that second panel08:07
holycowsystem tray? you can have as many as you want08:08
holycowwhat error are you getting?08:08
BlissexXinerama is both an implementations and a protocol. As a protocol it allows application to figure out that what looks like a single screen is divided into ''regions'' which are sub-screens.08:08
holycowit renders on one moni and not the other?08:08
Agent_bobholycow you can have multiple systrays ?08:08
kavitholycow: the applet doesn't show up in the Add Applet menu08:08
kavitholycow: i dont mind going into .kde/ and editing stuff by hand08:08
kavitholycow: i just wanted to know if there was an easier way08:09
holycowoh wait you are using kde08:09
kavitaye... hence kubuntu :P08:09
holycowlol sorry i'm a bit slow today :)08:09
holycowso what you can't add a systray applet?08:09
kavitholycow: sacred bovines are not supposed to be quick08:10
holycowlol, its not that my mind is on the topic of whether or not th eintel 5100 chipset is supported08:10
kavitholycow: nope08:11
kavitholycow: nope to systray not showing up08:11
kavitholycow: I have no idea about the chipset08:11
holycowdoes it render on one screen but not other?08:11
holycowdoes a single systray render?08:11
holycowor you are trying to get multiple ones running?08:11
kavitholycow: trying to get multiple ones running08:12
kavitholycow: compiz and emerald are running nicely08:12
kavitholycow: everything else works but the system tray08:12
kavitholycow: might go gnome... this otherwise small annoyance is a very big deal for me08:13
holycowkavit i'd haveto dig a little bit to find out, but unfortunately i don't have time08:13
holycowi'm sorry08:13
holycowmultiple system trays?08:13
holycowpersonally i find them mostly useless08:13
holycowi think the concept of a system tray needs to be rethought08:13
kavitholycow: it's all good, i can do my own digging, thanks for trying anyway08:13
Agent_boball i have ever done with a system tray is remove them.08:13
holycowsorry bro :/08:13
holycowno quick answer08:14
kavitwell until something stable comes along to replace the system tray08:14
kaviti guess i will keep using it08:14
* Agent_bob doesn't much care for systrays panels or bars08:15
kavitAgent_bob: heh i used to be like that on Solaris... i guess now I just like glitzy IDEs and desktop apps08:16
maurojoin #ubuntu08:16
freakabcdhi all08:19
freakabcdi have downloaded the kubuntu hardy kde4 remix iso08:19
freakabcdi have loop mounted this on /tmp/koobuntu08:19
freakabcdi added this line to /etc/apt/sources.list: deb file:/tmp/koobuntu/ hardy main restricted08:19
freakabcdthen when i do a reload (apt-get update) in synaptic, then click on 'Origin'08:20
freakabcdit doesn't show /tmp/koobuntu as a possible source for packages08:20
Agent_bobummm isn't it two slashes ?   file:// <08:20
freakabcdactually it should be 3 slashes: file:// then the path /tmp/koobuntu08:21
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freakabcdi tried all methods, but none of them work08:21
Agent_bobhmm you updated the database ?08:21
Agent_bobapt-get update ?08:21
freakabcdAgent_bob, actually there is an error, i will show you08:21
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:22
* Agent_bob waits to be shown ...08:24
freakabcderr.. now it doesn;t show any error08:25
freakabcdon console when doing apt-get update it always ignores08:25
freakabcdGet:2 file: hardy Release [1777B]08:25
freakabcdIgn file: hardy/main Packages08:25
freakabcdIgn file: hardy/restricted Packages08:25
freakabcdsorry for the whitespace08:25
Agent_bobfreakabcd ls /tmp/koobuntu   make sure that hardy is a dir there08:26
freakabcdroot@mobile:/tmp# ls /tmp/koobuntu/08:27
freakabcdautorun.inf  dists    isolinux    pics  preseed             ubuntu     wubi.exe08:27
freakabcdcasper       install  md5sum.txt  pool  README.diskdefines  umenu.exe08:27
Agent_bobcasper ?    liveCD ?08:27
Agent_bobis the pool dirrectory full of the .deb files you want ?     you could copy them to /var/cache/apt/archives/   and install the meta package from there...08:29
Agent_bobnot the "*buntu" way though08:29
Agent_bobmore the _bob way...08:29
Agent_bobit's 'em bob way again..08:30
Agent_bobfreakabcd ok apt seems to always ignore local lists on update   maybe you need to use something like the apt-cdrom tool to add that ?08:31
Agent_bobor apt-file ?08:32
ubottuapt-file is a program that can tell you which package(s) contain(s) a given filename. To install it and generate the database it needs, run "sudo apt-get install apt-file && sudo apt-file update"08:32
Agent_bobno not apt-file08:32
ubottuFactoid apt-zip not found08:32
Agent_bob!info apt-zip08:33
ubottuapt-zip (source: apt-zip): Update a non-networked computer using apt and removable media. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.17 (hardy), package size 19 kB, installed size 128 kB08:33
Agent_bob!info apt-move08:33
ubottuapt-move (source: apt-move): Maintain Debian packages in a package pool. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.2.27-1ubuntu5 (hardy), package size 48 kB, installed size 216 kB08:33
freakabcdso which is it?08:33
freakabcdi am pretty sure i have done this before.08:33
freakabcdjust that this time it seems weird08:34
Agent_bobfreakabcd i'm pretty sure i have never tried to add a mounted iso as a source     so without error messages i might be stabbing in the dark08:34
freakabcdAgent_bob, i'm pretty sure it gave an error the very first time i did reload in synaptic08:35
freakabcdbut now it doesn;t give that anymore.. grr .. for silent errors08:35
Agent_bob"it's really ok to stab in the dark, if you hit something you can tell by the colour of blood on your knife, whether it's us or them"08:36
freakabcdmaybe it is trying to get some newer versions from the internet08:37
freakabcdmaybe i should try ti disable the rest of the repos08:37
Agent_bobworth a shot08:37
Agent_bob!info apt-ftparchive08:38
ubottuPackage apt-ftparchive does not exist in hardy08:38
Agent_boboh it's in apt-utils08:39
freakabcdif i comment out all the repos except the file: one, it doesn't even find 'kubuntu' when i search :(08:40
freakabcdso obviously it is not being added (poperly perhaps)08:40
Agent_bobless the parenthetical i assume08:40
freakabcdtalking in #ubuntu is a crazy thing to do. waaay too much traffic, heh08:41
Agent_bobyou could mount the iso on the mountpoint of the cdrom and use apt-cdrom to add it maybe ?08:42
freakabcdoooo.. thats something i never thought of!08:42
freakabcdheh, gonna try it now08:43
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Agent_bobsudo apt-cdrom -d /tmp/koobuntu add08:43
pteagueok, i don't think this is good - "The ext3 file system creation in partition #2 of SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) failed."08:43
Agent_bobmaybe ?08:43
Agent_bobadd -m maybe.08:43
Agent_bobpteague hmm no i would think not.08:44
Agent_bobpteague gparted ?08:44
pteaguedoing an install08:44
Agent_bobyeah that's parted qt* i think   but anyway   you could drop to a console and manually build the fs08:45
Agent_bobyou could make sure that it's not mounted...  O.o08:46
pteaguelet me change it from a primary to a logical & see what that does08:46
Agent_bob"primary to a logical"  </blinks>08:47
Agent_bobyou mean extended ?08:47
Agent_bobshouldn't matter unless  you have several primaries already08:47
pteagueat least the installer seems to have remembered all the other settings08:47
pteaguenope, old laptop08:48
Agent_bobwith any "normal" system you can have at least 4 primary partitions one of which can be an extended with many logical disks in it.     and with more advanced systems you can have more than 4 primaries08:49
pteaguenope... dang, i wonder if i go back to my original partition scheme if that would work08:49
maurolegend2440: Thans thans thans08:50
maurothanks thanks thanks08:50
mauroñegend2440: thanks thanks thanks08:50
maurolegend2440: thanks thanks thanks08:50
Agent_bobmauro you said that08:50
maurojoin #ubuntu08:51
Agent_bobpteague did you tell it to resize any windows fs/partition ?08:51
pteaguenope, deleted everything & had debian on it before08:52
Pennycook_I'm getting an error in my aptitude full-upgrade: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12669/ .  Does it mean that for some reason libtotem has been upgraded, but the packages on which it depends aren't in the repos yet?08:52
Agent_bobPennycook_ apt-cache policy libtotem-plparser1008:54
Pennycook_Agent_bob: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12670/08:55
Agent_bobPennycook_ sudo apt-get update ;sudo apt-get upgrade      and see if it errors out08:56
Pennycook_It does.  Just had a look through Launchpad and it seems there's a bug.08:56
Pennycook_Thanks anyway. :)08:56
pteaguehmm...  "Some of the partitions you created are too small.  Please make the following partitions at least this large (in bytes): \ \ /boot 55346688 \ \ If you do not go back to the partitioner and increase the size of these partitions, the installation may fail." ... that's 55,346,688...  55mb?08:57
Agent_bobok the package is not built correctly Pennycook_08:57
Agent_bobpteague yep08:58
pteaguei think you're right... i think i need to fdisk & manually build08:58
Agent_bobpteague cfdisk08:59
pteaguecfdisk ??08:59
Agent_bobyep.  it's more "vision oriented"09:00
Agent_bobsame app with a sort of  M$ fdisk looking shell on it.09:00
pteagueweird - it wasn't deleting the extended partition09:04
Agent_bobimo cfdisk is the better of the three   and sfdisk being the lesser of them09:04
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Agent_bobbut some like sfdisk09:04
Agent_bobpteague call it habbit, but anytime i reload a system, i always do a cat /dev/zero > /dev/sda    first  then i never have that kind of errors   but it shouldn't ever actually be needed,  i just like the all clean aproach to things.09:07
freakabcdi think i need to find a rewritable 700 MB disc09:07
freakabcdthis thing just doesn;t want to work, grr09:07
Agent_bobfreakabcd you did use the -m switch on that didn't you?09:08
freakabcdit added the cd09:08
Agent_bobbut ?09:08
freakabcdand i can see Kubuntu-KDE4 hardy heron in the 'origin'09:08
freakabcdbut clicking on it, doesn't even show any kde/qt packages!09:09
Agent_bobmmm k09:09
Agent_bobfreakabcd does apt-get install Kubuntu-KDE4      error out ?09:10
freakabcdafter i search for kubuntu-kde4-desktop, and click on apply, then it shows it will download 190 megs or so09:10
freakabcdAgent_bob, i can install if i want with just the internet, but i don't want to spend the bandwidth if at all possible09:10
Agent_bobfreakabcd did you re-enable the other repos ?09:11
ugaI hate this... anybody can recommend a domain name registerer?09:11
Agent_bobwhy ?09:11
ugathere are so many, and lots look almost fake...09:11
freakabcdyou want me to disable them?09:11
Agent_bobyeah try it09:11
pteaguegodady.com ?09:11
freakabcdAgent_bob, disabling them doesn;t even show kde or kubuntu when i search!09:11
pteagueer, godaddy09:11
jussi01uga: godaddy09:11
freakabcdits almost the same as not having the source added :(09:12
freakabcdi'm gonna find a freaking 700 rewritable.09:12
ugajussi01: pteague: thanks, I'll check it09:12
freakabcdthis is an unfortunate situation09:12
Agent_bobfreakabcd care to post your /etc/apt/sources.list ?09:13
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:13
freakabcdah, sorry i pasted int he wrong place09:14
pteagueok, that didn't work... what was it you were saying?  /dev/zero > /dev/sda ?09:14
Agent_bobpteague cat /dev/zero > /dev/sda     will totally wipe the hd09:15
bibsthawhat is the meaning of adding node content in panel-node?09:15
bibsthaany idea/09:15
bibsthaoops wrong channel :(09:16
pteaguei wonder if my high school science teacher still teaches at the school i went too... if /dev/zero doesn't work i think i'll try his giant magnet09:16
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Agent_bobfreakabcd lines 39 and 40 are intentional ?09:17
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freakabcdi can comment them if you want..09:17
freakabcdi'm editing the sources list by hand and sometimes using that software sources list09:17
Agent_bobyeah do that and do this.       apt-cache search kde409:17
Agent_bobthat should show several packages on the cd09:18
freakabcdapt-get update; apt-cache search kde409:19
freakabcdreturn with NO results09:19
freakabcdseriously this is starting to piss me off09:19
freakabcdi will find that damn rewritable09:19
Agent_bobyeah i can see why.    everything is correct but the iso is acting like it's blank.09:19
freakabcdbut i can see all the package files on the mount point09:20
Agent_bobyeah i'm saying that the package database is saying it'd blank   not that the iso actually is09:20
Agent_bobsomething is wierd there.     i just haven't been able to put my fingure on what it is yet09:21
ugajussi01: pteague: they offer e-mail hosting. In theory I shouldn't need that though, right? my plan is to use hosting in some other place09:21
lookin_kubulol, here's a smart question .....how do I type "~" on keyboard?09:22
ugalookin_kubu: try AltGr+409:22
ugaif it fails, try twice09:22
JoshOvkilookin_kubu: what layout you using?09:22
JoshOvkibecause here its above  #09:22
ugaJoshOvki: I was guessing spanish, given we have same issue over here09:23
lookin_kubui have american english keyboard09:23
pteagueuga, not sure you need the extra... just be able to assign the different DNS for it09:24
Agent_bobfreakabcd idk.   i've gone back over what we have covered,  and that "should" be working.   i'm at a loss here.09:24
JoshOvkiuga: who you hosting with?09:24
jussi01uga: this is kinda offtopic for here, maybe try #kubuntu-offtopic ?09:24
freakabcdme too..09:25
freakabcdnow sudo synaptic09:25
freakabcdhas hung!09:25
freakabcdwow, first time i see this09:25
jussi01freakabcd: dont use sudo - gksudo for graphical gtkapps.09:25
freakabcddoesn;t matter, gksudo will not help me with this situation09:26
Agent_bobuntil i ironed out the issue i'd leave synaptic alone.   stick with apt/aptitude so you can read the output..09:26
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JoshOvkilookin_kubu: try    Alt Gr +    the key on the left of 109:27
ugaJoshOvki: that's what I was thinking. Right now I'd use localhost, but they are requiring me to use a second name server sigh =(09:27
ugajussi01: sorry, yes09:27
lookin_kubutks  :)09:28
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pteaguehow long should the cat /dev/zero > /dev/sda take?09:30
Agent_bobpteague every bite on the disk is being writen with 0x009:31
Agent_bobso depends on the size of the disk and the speed your system can write09:32
pteagueah, there we go... hmm...09:32
Agent_bobon my lappy about 17/18 minutes  but it's not fast and has 74g hd09:32
pteagueis this normal?  "cat: write error: No space left on device" ?09:33
Agent_bobthat means it reached the end.09:33
Agent_bobsee normally cat would read all the input and write to a file (or stdout)   but in this case, it's reading an unding source of null charictors  and writing to finite destination.09:34
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pteaguegoing into fdisk i get a bunch of junk & then "Warning: invalid flag 0x0000 of partition table 4 will be corrected by w(rite)"09:35
Agent_bobhmm shouldn't.09:35
Agent_bobyou still have non-zero data on that disk09:36
pteagueby junk i meant the normal blah blah blah09:36
Agent_bobstill should NOT mention partition table 409:36
pteaguewell, i am on a live cd & there's still a /dev/sda5 listed09:36
Agent_bobshould say something like no partition table found09:36
Agent_bobyep you still have non-zero data on that disk09:37
=== Maska is now known as Maska-[AFK]
Agent_bobi.e.   "huston, we have a problem!"09:37
pteagueyep... it starts with "Device contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun, SGI or OSF disklab e1 \ Building a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0x764487a6."09:37
pteaguerebooting to see if that'll help09:38
Agent_boboh did say no partition table     good.    but the other message still throws red flags everywhere09:38
* Agent_bob wonders if pteague might be fighting with a bios "virus protection" program ???09:40
Agent_bobi'm old school on that topic.  i think linux should totally take over bios when the kernel loads.   not leaving anything to the bios makes for a cleaner kernel    imo09:42
Agent_boband a much more controlable system09:43
pteagueit's a 500mhz laptop with 128mb ram... an old compaq armada e500... not had problems in the past, but i've not done much with it in about a year other than turn it on09:45
eyemonhow can i use the root09:45
Agent_bob128m ram    ! there's your issue09:45
Agent_bobeyemon sudo -i09:45
Agent_bob!root | eyemon09:46
ubottueyemon: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:46
Agent_bobpteague the new live CD can't all load in that size ram09:46
pteaguei'm actually installing mythbuntu atm09:46
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Kubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/8.04/kubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent09:47
pteaguethe gui installer is xfce & the 'text' installer looks like it's x with just the installer windows09:48
pteaguei'm using the 'text' installer09:49
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pteaguei just wish the installer was smaller :)  my firewall boots off a floppy ;)09:51
Agent_bobthe "<pteague> well, i am on a live cd & there's still a /dev/sda5 listed" had me thinking you were using a live CD  silly me.09:51
Agent_bobpteague heh the ubuntu kernel wont fit on a floppy and the initramfs.img is over 6m now09:52
pteaguei was messing with the live cd earlier & was messing around in xfce, but it was just to dang slow... the 'text' installer still runs on x, just doesn't have the extra bloat09:52
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Agent_bobyou can run XFree86 in 4m of ram09:53
Agent_bobi don't know about xorg  but probably about the same09:53
Agent_bobgranted you can't do anything with it.  but it will run there.09:54
pteaguehehe, all it needs to do is run the popup windows09:54
* Agent_bob meant total ram == 4m like old 386's09:55
* Agent_bob used to reinstall twice a weak...09:59
pteaguei need to get this fixed up so i can swap the monitor back over & set up the mythtv backend to record the indiana jones marathon tomorrow10:00
Agent_bobnow i haven't reinstalled "per say" in 2 years...10:00
* JoshOvki reinstalled 1 month ago, due to a bad upgrade which was self inflicted10:00
Agent_bobJoshOvki heh.  yeah.10:01
Agent_bobi merged two systems on three hd's to one system on two hd's    but that's not a reload by any means10:01
Agent_bobbut it was self inflicted too10:02
Agent_bobpteague hows the partition work now ?10:02
JoshOvkimost things are. i dont like it when people say "*ubuntu broke this"10:03
pteagueif you can call it a reinstall...  i stripped down my old raid5 fileserver (1 of the drives went bad), made 1 of the good drives / & put in a whole new set of drives, & a pci sata i/o card10:03
Agent_boboh.  "ubuntu" grub actually did break ont of my systems10:03
pteaguestill trying to load the cd into ram10:03
JoshOvkiAgent_bob: when i first started out a few years ago i had so many problems with grub10:04
* JoshOvki says a few years ago, but its coming up 10 years10:04
pteaguei've had issues with lilo as well... neither's a silver bullet :(10:05
* Agent_bob wonders how they expect 700m compressed to fit uncompressed into 128m ....10:05
pteagueoh dang... & no swap =)10:05
JoshOvkiAgent_bob: tight squeeze?10:05
JoshOvkiright i gotta go shopping, lucky me. catch ya all later10:06
pteaguei may use ubuntu server to set up partitions so there's at least some swap10:06
Agent_bobJoshOvki heh yeah.   my issue is that it writes more than 512bytes into the MBR  thus adversly affecting the first sector of the hd      i don't use partitions,   so that means it hoses the superblock of my fs10:06
Agent_bobJoshOvki k.   tre bon chance shopping10:07
pteaguehehe... must be with the SO10:07
pteaguehe sounded overly excited about it10:08
* Agent_bob never minded spending other peoples money :)))10:09
Agent_bobit's his own that he doesn't like to part with10:09
Agent_bobhowto make less print colours rather than the code that sets the colour ?10:12
pteaguehehe... this had a huge hard drive! - 12.1gb10:14
Agent_bobah found it....   -R10:15
Agent_bobpteague untill last year i was still working on 4g hd's10:15
Agent_bobbut three of them add up to 12g  so...  :)10:16
Agent_bobactually i had one box with 8 drives in it...   kinda nice   for older hardware   i really liked10:17
pteaguehmm... ok, 1gb swap at beginning of disk & the rest is ext3 for / ...  do i put the bootable flag on sda1 or sda2 ?10:18
Agent_bobdoesn't matter if there is one10:18
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:18
Agent_bobgrub is going to ignore the bootflag anyway10:18
josef_hmm.. what's the one for hda intel cards?10:18
ubottuFactoid hda not found10:19
Agent_bobwell it was10:19
ubottuFactoid intel not found10:19
ubottuFactoid sound-hda not found10:19
ubottuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto10:19
Agent_bobpfft the stand in bot is not up to par10:19
josef_ah thanks jussi01 :)10:19
jussi01Agent_bob: you leave ubottu alone - shes trying her best10:20
Agent_bobshe's fired10:20
Agent_bobyou hear me ?   F I R E D !10:20
pteaguenah, just needs an upgrade10:20
jussi01Agent_bob: you are fired! its exactly the same db as ubotu :D10:20
jussi01Agent_bob: learn to use !search10:21
pteaguefired? bring out the torches10:21
jussi01!search intel10:21
ubottuFound: aiglx, snd_hda_intel, hdaintel, effects, intelhda10:21
Agent_bobjussi01 yeah but they keep deleting factoids lots of thing that used to be there aren't there now...10:21
Chrysalisjumped over to check out kde 4.0.4 and everything is a mess. . . panel is gone, programs crash etc. . . how do i get rid of it to try to reinstall while keeping me kde3 intact?10:22
pteagueany idea how to tell if a webserver is sending gzipped content?10:28
Agent_bobpteague sniff for the gzip header ?10:29
Agent_bobsorry,  i mean    nope not a clue.10:29
pteaguewas using curl...  checked the headers & nothing in there about it & the html page is standard html... wasn't sure if it'd be garbled or not10:30
* Agent_bob whistles inocently, and walks away10:30
pteaguei need to figure out who made this website... it'll be another local co for my friend to rip into10:32
freakabcdAgent_bob, i gave up. i can;t find a 700 MB rewritable :(10:32
freakabcdgetting everything off the internet now10:32
Agent_bobfreakabcd sorry to hear that.10:33
freakabcdits unfortunate, but i have the bandwidth for this month. so its ok10:33
* Agent_bob has bandnarrowness in place of bandwidth 10:34
pteagueif you guys ever set up a web server... make sure you allow people to cache stuff unless it's absolutely necessary not to on something10:34
Agent_bobcuts down on data transfer does it10:35
Agent_bobmakes cracking easier too10:37
ubuntupiko para todos ustedes10:38
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.10:39
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.10:39
Agent_bobi don't speak chilineese ;/10:41
Agent_bobpteague you mentioned swap eariler,   i actually made a swap file and used it some today.    heavy photo editing.10:44
Agent_bobused a GUI for that too10:44
pteaguei need to get either 64bit or server working on my desktop so i can make full use of my ram... i've been using up my 1gb swap quite a bit... firefox is a hog... especially when i've got 60+ tabs open10:45
Agent_bobcan't imagine...10:46
crazy_busI installed the kde4 khangman and loaded it via /usr/lib/kde4/bin/khangman but it fails with this error  >ASSERT failure in QList<T>::operator[]: "index out of range", file /usr/include/qt4/QtCore/qlist.h, line 39910:46
chalcedonypteague a man after my own heart10:47
jdavieschalcedony: ?10:47
chalcedonymy son used to get so mad at me for having so much open10:47
Agent_bobchalcedony :)10:47
chalcedonygreetings jdavies:)10:47
chalcedonyif i upgraded to gutsy (just the download and reboot) do i need to do anything else before changing to hardy?10:49
pteaguei had somebody tell me i was using my computer wrong... when you need to browse something you open firefox & find what you need, then you close it & open your editor...  i can see where he's going, but #1 i'm lazy & #2 i don't like sitting around for 10 seconds (talking about windows here) to wait for something to open that was already open...10:49
Agent_bobhttp://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.debian.devel.bugs.general/430949 crazy_bus10:51
Agent_bobnot interesting really,    all i found on that tho10:52
pteaguechalcedony> i think that's all you need to do10:52
Agent_bobchalcedony you might find it easier to just grab the iso and fresh install10:53
Agent_bobonly  a though.10:53
chalcedonyAgent_bob i thought about it and decided not to10:54
chalcedonyi'm used to my 'tracks'10:54
Agent_bobyou'll dl three times as much   if that matters to you10:54
chalcedonyhmm ?10:54
chalcedonywhy is that?10:54
chalcedony2x for two steps10:55
crazy_busAgent_bob: so nothing I can really do about it?10:55
Agent_bobthe gutsy upgrade   then the hardy upgrade will == about three times the iso size.    but then you would probably want to update the hardy which negates part of that... so never mind my rambling chalcedony10:56
Agent_bobcrazy_bus you can file a bug on it.    i can't help you do anyething more with it...10:56
crazy_busthanks anyway10:57
chalcedonyi was using do-release-upgrade , i expected it to go to hardy, but it had me reboot .. and now it's gutsy?10:58
chalcedonyis there a different command to get Hardy ?10:58
pteaguedo an aptitude update10:58
Agent_bobit doesn't skip releases     to the best of my knowledge     only Agent_bob upgrades streight through10:59
pteaguethen i think you can do the release upgrade10:59
KRFis it possible to change the color of plasma panel by now?11:02
KRFor having two rows?11:02
Agent_bobah!  25 minutes and i'm finished for the next 62 hours11:07
Agent_bobso i'm leaving no to do final rounds.   shalom!11:07
pteaguewell i missed it setting up ext3, but it's definitely past there cause it's copying files... thanks for telling me about /dev/zero :)11:11
chalcedonypteague i did aptitude upgrade .. 0 removed 0 added11:12
chalcedonytried safe-upgrade too11:12
pteagueno, update... to update what it has in the way of packages cached... might have done that when it updated to gutsy, but i don't know11:12
chalcedonyhow to go to hardiy?11:12
chalcedonyi think it did11:13
chalcedonyi tried both.. 0s11:13
pteaguetry the release upgrade again?11:14
chalcedonythat should do it?11:14
pteaguenot sure... i haven't done it yet myself due to possible issues with hardware11:16
chalcedonySystem Error: E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.11:16
chalcedonyand stopped11:16
chalcedonytype that?11:17
pteagueno, that was a joke :)11:17
chalcedonybe careful, i migiht take someone literally11:18
chalcedonywhat to do now?11:18
pteagueack! as in eep! or oops! ...  but ack is also a hello message in protocols to which the response is syn ;)11:18
chalcedonyhehehe lol11:19
chalcedonyum it says to report the bug11:19
chalcedonyi can't copy paste on that box now11:19
pteaguei can't remember how to deal with broken packages without trying to install something11:19
chalcedonyit won't let me open files11:19
* chalcedony taps toe.. i EXPECT geniuses!11:20
chalcedonywe can look for someone else11:21
pteaguecan you get the alt+ctrl+f[0-9] terminal? i typically use alt+ctrl+f2 ... & don't forget that alt+ctrl+f7 brings you back to gui11:21
chalcedonyumm ok.. why?11:22
chalcedonygives me a login11:22
chalcedonyf7 gives me a flashing prompt in the top left of a blank screen11:23
pteaguegeeze... i should stop trying to pay attention to other people's problems... i'm to far gone... i thought i read something from you that said you couldn't type anything11:23
chalcedonyno what i said was it won't let me create a file : w filename11:24
chalcedonybut it;'s not taking me back to the gui11:24
pteaguei know -f tries to aggressively fix problems, but i don't know if that'd work or not11:25
pteagueok, i wonder if there's something wrong with 1 of those broken packages then that's causing the gui to be messed up11:26
chalcedonypteague that would be interesting11:27
chalcedonyi'd like to have the error msg back11:27
pteaguelog in to that terminal & restart kdm11:28
chalcedonypteague i like this channel but i have ubuntu (command please?)11:29
eagles05im trying to setup kde4 to use a static ip addresss how do i do it with ifconfig11:30
pteagueoh, then you'll need to restart gdm...  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart11:30
chalcedonywow there is no gui with control alt f711:33
chalcedonyi relogged in but it won't go there11:33
pteagueafter you restart gdm shouldn't need to go to ctrl+alt+f7, should put you at a gui login11:34
chalcedonyit says kinit:No resume image, doing normal boot11:34
chalcedonyi got a non-gui login11:35
pteaguewhen did you reboot last?11:36
chalcedonypteague after it upgraded to gutsy this evening11:37
chalcedonyit did a shutdown11:37
chalcedonythen it got that error and now this11:37
chalcedonythat was a feisty to gutsy upgrade11:39
chalcedonyand i already have two sick computers (other)11:40
harryhey chaps11:40
pteague& `aptitude upgrade` doesn't give you anything?11:40
chalcedonygreetings harry11:41
chalcedonyit checked for things and ran the program, but ended with 011:41
pteaguei've not done much with apt, but i think there's a way to check for broken packages, but i'm not sure how... or what to do once found11:44
pteaguemight check #ubuntu & #ubuntu-server11:45
noam_so... that libtotem update... it's a bug, right?11:47
chalcedonypteague i'll also join #ubuntu-server but thank you for all your help, it's not you it's the upgrade11:48
crazy_buslibqt4-debug: Depends: libqt4-gui (= 4.3.4-0ubuntu3) but 4.4.0-1ubuntu3~hardy1 is to be installed  :: any idea's on how to fix this?11:51
fernandohi, I have update my kubuntu system and vista gone from my grub list...11:52
fernandohow can I restore vista??11:52
crazy_busah I see the problem now, still not how to fix it11:52
fernandoany help..?11:58
noam_there's a broken package update for libtotem-plupdate10. i guess a bug has been reported already?11:58
fernandoI can find information about restart linux after vista, but not in the other direction..11:58
noam_fernando: http://www.planetmy.com/blog/how-to-fixmbr-using-windows-vista-bootable-disk/ will remove the GRUB menu, i believe12:00
fernandonoam: I not need to remove grub.. I have both system.. my problems is after I update kubutu, the entry of vista gone..12:00
fernandoI need only to restore the vista entry on my grub menu..12:01
rubenHi I'm new to kde, my resolution is set to low imo. But I can only slide the bar to 800x600, why can't I set a higher resolution???12:01
noam_well, all windows vista grub entries look the same, i think, so try adding an entry as described here: http://www.pronetworks.org/forum/about78184.html12:01
eagles05fernando: i did duel boot for a friend12:02
eagles05ended up having to redo it12:02
eagles05u have to install kubuntu first then install windows vista12:03
noam_what? i haven't tried it but it's obviously possible. i installed kubuntu after i installed winxp12:03
eagles05noam_: thats xp but i did duel boot with vista and kubuntu it ended up messing up for my friend and i had to redo it puting kubuntu first then vista12:04
eagles05this was after doing some digging around on google12:04
fernandonoam. I am restarting the system..I hope that's it12:05
fernandonoam. thanks.. :-)12:06
rubenhow can I configure X to a higher resolution?12:06
pteaguei've not messed with vista, but prev versions i've always had to install win first & then linux...  windows overwrites the boot stuff & won't let you load anything else12:08
pteagueruben, whats the highest res allowed on your box ?12:08
ubuntu_hello everybody12:08
rubenI dont know, but defenitly not 800x600,  I want to have 1280X 1024, but I can only slide the bar in de monitor options to 800x600 max.12:11
pteagueyou can hack your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to have higher resolutions...  the other thing to check is to see if you have the right driver for your video card12:12
dev_eddiecan someone confirm me that libtotem-plparser10 is broken in the repository right now?12:13
rubenpteague, where to check te driver?12:14
pteaguewhat video card do you have?12:14
pteagueor do you know? :)12:14
noam_fernando: well did it work? :)12:15
andreas__do kubuntu 8.04 have KDE4?12:19
Dr_willisThere is a kde4 variant and a kde3 variant12:20
Odd-rationalekde4 | andreas__12:20
freakabcdandreas__, kubuntu-kde412:20
andreas__ok, ty :)12:20
Dr_willisOr you can install kde4 on the kde3 variant. Or visa-versa12:20
Odd-rationale!kde4 | andreas__12:20
ubottuandreas__: KDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde412:20
eagles05bah cant get ssh to work with putty12:23
eagles05myy connection keeps timing out12:24
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:24
andreas__kde i mutch nicer to look at, but i think gnome is easyer to use12:33
Dr_williseasy is relative.12:33
Dr_willisi often find gnome harder to use to do the spefific jobs i want to do. :)12:34
andreas__but this is first time kde. it's look nice :)12:34
Dr_willisuse both for a few weeks/months befor deciding.12:35
fernandoI have set the right resolution for my lcd screen on my monitor and on my sesion it works, however, on my login screen is a very low resolution.. how can I set the same resolution on my login screen?12:35
fernandoomit - on my monitor - sorry12:36
andreas__Dr_willis:  yes i will :)12:36
fernandoI have try using root privilegies but doesn't work12:36
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:37
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eagles05whats the commaned to kill x12:39
Dragnslcrctrl-alt-backspace will restart X12:39
eagles05Dragnslcr: i dont wanna restart it i wanna kill x so i can start x in the ssh session im currently logged into on my other lapto12:40
DragnslcrFrom a terminal, it's just like any other process12:40
Dragnslcri.e. kill12:40
eagles05i did sudo killx and it didnt work12:40
eagles05said killx command not found12:40
DragnslcrTry kill <pid>12:41
Dr_willisif you kill the window manager you will restart the X session totally. it depends on EXACTLY what you are wanting to do.12:41
DragnslcrIf that doesn't work, you can try kill -912:41
Dr_willisKilling the window manager is different from killing X.12:41
|Dreams|can someone help m eplease adept keeps crashing http://paste.ubuntu.com/12703/12:41
eagles05Dr_willis: i wanna start x on my ssh session12:41
Dr_willisI normally start a x session locally, with a xterm, and ssh to the remote box then start the window manager and tools.. The idea of 'starting x', on a ssh session.... seems... wrong12:42
noam_the command is xkill, not killx12:42
noam_in KDE it has the shortcut ctrl alt escape12:42
Dr_willisIn fact on my laptop - theres a 'secure x session' session entry i recall that lets you do that.12:42
noam_oh wait, you want to kill X. disregard me12:43
Dr_willisnoam_,  im confused also. :)12:43
andreas__When i try to delete program whit the tool "add/remove programs" it's only install the program twise. who i delete programs ?12:44
|Dreams|can someone help me please adept keeps crashing http://paste.ubuntu.com/12703/ and synaptic wont load either12:44
Dr_willisandreas__, the adept manager is a more powerfull package manager tool you may want to try out.  it dose the same thing as add/remove only with more optuons.  You will eventually want to learn to use it. (or install synaptic and use that, its a similer front end also)12:47
Dr_willisandreas__,  or use the command line 'apt-get' tools - again.. these all install/remove the same programs. they are just different front ends to the apt system12:48
chalcedonyDr_willis  HELP! I upgraded from Feisty to Gutsy with "do-release-upgrade", it finished Gutsy and restarted, I got the gui screen and tried to update aptitude, 0 % upgraded etc. I tried running "do-release-upgrade" but got an error: System Error: E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. I told someone that I could not open a file to paste the error into. He misunderstood me, he told me to do control+alt+f(1-9) and coltrol+12:49
|Dreams|if anyone has had the same problem with segmentation usig adept then this is for you sudo rm /var/cache/apt/*.bin12:49
|Dreams|works liek a charm12:49
andreas__Dr_willis:  ty man, i gonna take a look at adept manager, if it dont work i will try apt-get12:50
chalcedony|Dreams| glad for you :)12:50
Dr_willisandreas__,  i tend to use synaptic, and the command line apt-get tools.12:50
andreas__is synaptic instaled by default ?12:51
Dr_willischalcedony,  i rarely if ever upgrade. I normally do clean installs. Sorry cant really help.12:51
Dr_willisandreas__,  no. :) does it matter ? if you want it  install it.12:51
andreas__will do :)12:51
Fungyoclean installs are the way to go. keep /home on separate partition12:52
chalcedonyhmmm so .. from here12:53
andreas__synaptic, is that who is in ubuntu whit gnome?12:53
Fungyosynaptic is the default package manager in ubuntu.12:54
andreas__i see, i love that manager :)12:54
Fungyoi use it in kubuntu. i prefer it over adept12:55
andreas__ye, mutch easyer to use, and more clean i think12:55
Fungyoalso i find synaptic to be rock solid. adept i have issues with from time to time12:57
eduardiyohola hola !12:58
Dr_willisI rarely use adepts manager. It just seems too slow at times.12:58
eduardiyotengo un problema, he instalado klaptopdaemon para ver la batería y demás de mi laptop, pero ahora no se cómo añadir ese elemento a al barra del menú k, alguna ayuda?, gracias12:59
andreas__do more i use linux, do more i love it12:59
emilsedgh!es | eduardiyo12:59
ubottueduardiyo: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.12:59
=== clemens is now known as beethoven
=== beethoven is now known as beethoven2
sweetchack_jó napot13:04
andreas__who i see if my gfx card have drivers?13:05
armin_wieder da13:11
armin_schwerer absturz nachdem ich nur was auf einen usb-stift kopier habe13:11
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de13:12
armin_grothesk_ hast es?13:12
Fungyoextremely funny -> http://www.rishiraj.in/wp-content/uploads/kill-bill.jpg13:12
armin_sorry!! I thought I was in the German channel13:12
armin_thanks, bye13:12
robertoqualcuno ha la scheda ati radeon ?  con ubuntu 8.04  ho dei problemi , non funz  il 3d13:20
wilczekwitam :)13:21
wilczekja z drobnym pytaniem13:21
robertooh !  i can speak english or french13:21
wilczeki maked file ~/.kde/autostart/irssi.sh13:22
wilczekkillall irssi13:22
wilczekscreen irssi -c QuakeNet13:22
wilczekbut it don't work13:23
wilczekirssi dos not work13:24
wilczekroberto: do you know why?13:24
wilczekwhy irssi don't start?13:25
andreas__who i see if i have drivers to me gfx card?13:27
robertono I  have installed xorg but  I haven't changed file config yet  , with the  owner driver it is wrong at the moment13:27
roberto64 bit  is not yet supported I mean13:28
=== c1|freaky is now known as c1|freaky-ut3
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »13:39
andreas__well, i instaled the nvidia drivers, and now is the screen size max is 640x480, who i make it bigger ?13:39
Dr_willis_I normally install and use the 2 nvidia config tools after i install the drivers13:49
Steve-calIf I go to KDE System Settings, click "Sound System", and the click the "Hardware" tab, I can choose which audio device I want to use. It only gives me rather generic choices such as ALSA and OSS. When I'm in Gnome however, I can choose my specific device "VIA 82C686A/B rev 20". Why can't I do that in KDE?13:50
mateuszello people13:51
Tokeiitoi have problem with alsa in latest kubuntu. only one program can use audio, other just pops error. is there a way to fix that?13:52
mateuszshould yes13:52
mateuszwhich version u using of kubuntu13:53
Tokeiitoand using alsa for audio13:53
mateuszyeah same so what might be the issue13:53
Tokeiitohere is the example: if i launch amarok, then java application doesnt has sound. if i launch that java app, then amarok drops me error, that alsa is busy13:54
robertoI cannot hear sound with my audigy in ubuntu 8.04  and alsa  seems ok13:55
Dr_willis_What audigy specifically?13:56
Tokeiitomaybe there is some alsa configuration option to enable multi channels?13:56
robertosb0160  appear on ubuntu  I don't remember  exactly13:58
andreas__where i change my hz on the monitor to 65hz in xorg.conf?13:59
robertoI have enabled all13:59
Zeongood morning, i need support. I got a problem with my network card. In kubuntu 6.x the OS detects and uses it correctly but in Kubuntu 7.x and 8.x i got some malfunction. Anyone can help me solve this problem?14:14
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andreas__where i change my hz on the monitor to 65hz in xorg.conf?14:20
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baudthiefI've just (re)built my new machine and reinstalled Kubuntu 8.04 - My new GFX card is a nvidia 8800GTS, I installed compiz through synaptic, but each time I start it says I have no composite extention?14:20
BluesKajhowdy all14:20
baudthiefBluesKaj: hello14:21
BluesKajbaudthief, edit the xorg file and enable composite , or you could post your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file on pastebin so we can have a look .14:23
baudthiefBluesKaj: already enabled in xorg, will pastebin xorg.conf right now14:24
farchordI was using Compiz fusion a while ago, but I got sick of the eye candy, so I just picked a nice looking KDE theme and personnalized it's looks ;)14:25
ZeonI got a problem with my network card. In kubuntu 6.x the OS detects and uses it correctly but in Kubuntu 7.x and 8.x i got some malfunction. Anyone can help me solve this problem?14:25
baudthiefBluesKaj:  http://pastebin.com/m6dc2b18c14:25
BluesKajZeon, wirless ?14:25
baudthieffarchord: hah, to be honest I thought of uninstalling it - but it's just not the same. I also tried out openSUSE for the past couple of days (figured i'd see how it compares) - the few suse users I asked for help are bastards though.14:26
baudthiefKubuntu always sorta felt like home though lol14:27
farchordbaudthief: granted, but I'm a linux gamer, and I do believe to use my PC as fast as it can be and the least buggy possible. So Compiz Fusion hinders that philosophy lol14:27
baudthieffarchord: haha I always run 'kwin --replace' before gaming :p14:28
farchordImo if I wanted eye candy instead of performance I'd install Windows Vista with Object Desktop lol14:28
baudthiefmight have to for DX10 later anyway :P14:28
BluesKajbaudthief, I don't see anything wrong, ...perhaps the ppl at #compiz-fusion can help14:29
farchordMeh. Wine will get into DX10 sooner or later14:29
baudthiefhad to stick to dx81 for Half-Life/portal ;\14:30
farchordbaudthief: : what error do you get when you try to enable it in console?14:30
baudthieffarchord: Checking for Composite extension: not present. - same error for XGL14:32
baudthief#compiz-fusion say it's xinerama that's causing it, I like xinerama :(14:32
farchordk hold on14:32
farchorddo me a favor, type this in console and tell me the output: glxinfo | grep OpenGL14:33
farchordCase sensitive btw14:33
BluesKajbaudthief, your module section:   Load           "glx" ..wondeing if that shouldn't be 'xgl'14:33
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ZeonBluesKaj no, i got a cable ethernet card.14:34
baudthieffarchord: http://pastebin.com/m33cfc70e14:35
baudthiefBluesKaj: isn't glx the name of the nvidia driver or something?14:35
farchordBluesKaj: that's for ATI cards14:35
baudthief* _A_ driver14:35
baudthiefwell spotted though :P14:35
farchordhold on trying to work and do this at the same time but ill help ya14:36
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baudthiefthanks heh, i'll put off disabling xinerama as suggested then14:36
BluesKajmaybe I should stay out of this ...I'm an ati user and all this glx -xgl stuff confuses me :)14:36
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eyemoni installed aircrack-ng using sudo but its no where no be seen14:37
eyemonwhat sould i do14:37
baudthiefBluesKaj: I ended up throwing out my ATI card and buying a crappier NVidia card for Beryl :P14:37
baudthief(about a year ago)14:37
baudthief'locate aircrack' ?14:38
eyemonwhere should i write locate aircrack??14:38
BluesKajbaudthief, I'm not a compiz fan , I prefer a nice desktop but the eye candy thing is like a cheap drunk > It only lasts for a little while before the headache arrives14:39
baudthief*Konsole rather14:39
farchordBluesKaj: funny tho the only difference between your xorg and mine is that you have xinerama enabled, indeed....14:39
farchordBluesKaj: that was my problem ^^14:39
farchordBluesKaj: my bad wrong person on the first one14:39
baudthiefI guess I'll disable xinerama and try heh14:39
farchordbaudthief: : funny tho the only difference between your xorg and mine is that you have xinerama enabled, indeed....14:39
BluesKajthat's baudthief 's xorg file14:39
baudthiefI sorta like dragging widnows across screens though lol14:39
eyemonhey c'mon14:40
eyemonhelp me14:40
baudthiefeyemon: I told you, Konsole14:40
farchordeyemon if anyone can help you they will, but I personnaly know nothing about it14:40
eyemonnothin happens man14:40
farchordeyemon: ALT+F214:40
farchordThen that command does nothing14:40
BluesKajeyemon, in konq address bar , locate:aircrack14:40
andreas__is  ModeLine       "640x480@60" 25.2 640 656 752 800 480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync... Is this the line i change the HZ on my monitor in the xorg.conf?14:41
baudthiefback in a flash, restarting X14:41
farchordandreas__: it's actually recommended to try to do it from gnome14:41
farchordandreas__: but if not, yes it should normally be, just be careful and do lots 'o backups ;)14:41
andreas__farchord: 50hz is the max i can turn on in X14:42
farchordandreas__: ahh just be sure your screen can handle it or you might end up harming it14:42
BluesKajandreas__, i wouldn't fool with the text , go thru the menu with the command line , sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg14:42
andreas__run 100hz on windwos, so it's np14:42
farchordthat seems high to me, but okay14:43
eyemoni installed kubuntu on my lap14:45
Dr_willis_this a crt or lcd display?14:45
andreas__19wide from asus14:45
eyemonbut when i restarted after updating somethin comes up saying "(initramfs)"14:46
eyemonwhats that??14:46
eyemondoes any one know about this??14:48
BluesKaj!patience | eyemon14:48
ubottueyemon: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines14:48
Dr_willis_I wonder if the lcd is actually doing 100hz, or if it is just defaulting to a lower setting anyway.14:50
Dr_willis_initramfs - is loaded by the kernel to setupdrivers and other things so the main system can boot.14:51
farchordandreas__: anyway refresh rates are not that critical with lcds, it hurts eyes with CRT but it's fine on lcd, I wouldn't bother with it14:51
Dr_willis_I was thinking the same thing farchord14:51
eyemonbut when i restarted after updating somethin comes up saying "(initramfs)"14:51
Dr_willis_eyemon,  no idea on that. You asked what a initrdramfs was.14:51
Dr_willis_byeee... gotta go shopping14:51
andreas__ok, then it stand by default :)14:51
leatherdruidCan anyone tell me if there is a way to migrate kubuntu from hd to hd.14:51
nosrednaekimleatherdruid: dd14:52
Dr_willis_leatherdruid,  there are tools that can backup/restore - but you may have to change some files. for the uuid and other things14:52
leatherdruidso I'll have to reintall?14:52
farchordeyemon: for the record, initramfs is a kernel feature.... if it gets stuck there your linux install might be bricked14:52
eyemonwhat should i do14:53
leatherdruidI'm new to this... and I don't quite get it...lol14:53
[GuS]Hi guys... is there a problem in Kubuntu with QtDesigner 4.4? cause only works with oxygen style (when i have kde4 installed but i am using 3.x indeed). When i set qtconfig to Plastique.. the fonts of its menu bar dissapear.14:54
farchordmaaan can't wait to get my age of conan game14:59
andreas__farchord: ye, that game look king. ;) but i need a new pc to play that game :(15:01
eyemonanyone else have a suggetion??15:01
farchordeyemon: sorry mate I do not know. The #1 feature about linux is you have to be willing to sweat to find solutions, and that might mean many reinstalls15:01
=== andreas__ is now known as andor
baudthieffarchord: hah, disabling xinerama worked!15:02
nosrednaekimthats not true,,,15:02
farchordnosrednaekim: was for me anyway lol many trials and errors15:02
farchordbaudthief: cool15:02
andorwhat is the "code" to rename a file whit the console?15:03
farchordbaudthief: gotta keep in mind that compiz is still in kind of not 100% stable yet, might conflict with some things like xinerama :)15:03
farchordandor: rm nameoffile.som15:03
nosrednaekimnot rm!15:03
nosrednaekimits mv15:03
farchordno mv is move15:03
nosrednaekimrm is "remove"!15:03
andorrm is remove yes15:03
farchordsorry misread15:04
eyemonwhat is better ubuntu or Kubuntu15:04
farchordyeah it's mv lol15:04
farchordeyemon: depends on your preferences15:04
baudthieffarchord: apparently twinview does virtually the same thing anyway lol, I'm used to nvidia's twinview meaning a cloned output15:04
nosrednaekimeyemon: it very much depepends... try them both and see which you like best15:04
andoreyemon: try both, it's only the skin15:04
farchordeyemon: but being sincere with you, considering you are a beginner, I'd go with Kubuntu15:04
andoreyemon: if you like eyekandy, go for kbuntu15:04
BluesKajkubuntu has more apps as well , altho they all run in both desktops15:05
baudthiefkubuntu is cooler.15:05
farchordI personnaly don't like KDE415:05
farchordI hate the way they made the desktop15:06
andoryou use gnome?15:06
farchordna KDE3.915:06
farchordos[Linux 2.6.24-16-generic i686] distro[Debian lenny/sid] cpu[2 x AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+ (AuthenticAMD) @ 2.01GHz] mem[Physical: 2.0GB, 79.8% free] disk[Total: 93.1GB, 36.0% free] video[nVidia Corporation G70 [GeForce 7600 GT]] sound[CA0106 - CA01061: USB-Audio - USB Device 0x46d:0x8ca2: USB-Audio - Logitech USB Headset3: MPU-401 UART - MPU-401 UART]15:06
andorah ok15:06
BluesKajlotta ppl would disagree baudthief , it's a matter of personal taste15:06
baudthieffarchord: yeah buy YOU considered windows vista, therefore all of your oppinions aren't valid :P15:06
BluesKajbut baudthief I'm with you , I do prefer kde 315:07
farchordbaudthief: hey, I'm dual-booting Vista with kubuntu haha15:07
eyemonbut my kubuntu wont load15:07
baudthiefyou deviant! LOL15:07
farchordbaudthief: and I have virtualbox with an XP image lol15:07
farchordbaudthief: I'm a gamer, not all games work in linux15:07
nosrednaekimyeah.... Vbox + XP ftw15:07
farchordnosrednaekim: I just l-o-v-e seamless mode15:08
baudthieffarchord: I'm just about to setup my vmware XP install for apps heh15:08
BluesKajI wonder if any of the web heavy hitters here are using "moonlight" ?15:08
andorthat day linux got better gamesupport i go over for real :)15:08
baudthiefvirtualbox == vmware?15:08
farchordbaudthief: dude screw vmware install virtualbox15:08
farchordI found virtualbox going better than vmware15:08
baudthieffarchord: alright, geez, don't hurt me please :P15:08
farchordlol sorry15:08
BluesKajandor, buy a game machine , linux wasn't developed for gamerz15:09
nosrednaekimfarchord: I have it set up with Vbox in another Virtual desktop, and I have active desktop borders, so I can just move my mouse to switch between the two :P15:09
baudthiefhaha, is it a similar setup to vmware?15:09
eyemonwhat is a busybox??15:09
baudthiefnosrednaekim: SOOORRRRAAAYYYYYYY15:09
farchordbaudthief: go get the .deb, it's a 1-step install, then I think you only have to add yourself to the vboxgroup usergroup15:09
farchordit'll tell ya15:09
nosrednaekimeyemon: a very very basic command line15:09
andorBluesKaj: yeha i know, i run grub whit winxp when i have to game now :)15:09
baudthiefmy window corners activate the Expo plugin lol15:09
nosrednaekimbaudthief: what?15:09
baudthiefnosrednaekim: nevermind15:09
eyemonhow do i exit it to load kubuntu15:10
farchordnosrednaekim: I put my XP start bar on top, and the kubuntu bar on the bottom15:10
jonahhey does anyone know how to change the kmenu icon in kde4, i've asked in kde4 room but not many people around? i wanted to put a kubuntu logo i found there15:10
baudthieffarchord: that's insane ol15:10
jonahand also: hey guys i've got a second hard drive which shows up no worries in dolphin but i always have to double click it to mount it. how can i have it auto mount or append my fstab to do so cleanly?15:10
BluesKajthere's alotta games that will run on linux andor , just have to search for them15:10
nosrednaekimeyemon: uhh oh, you got that on a boot of the liveCD?15:10
baudthieffarchord: getting now, any tips on making a not-so-bloated XP installation?15:10
farchordbaudthief: seamless mode: You can have your XP desktop and windows somewhat all merged with your linux desktop15:10
farchordbaudthief: default install with the basic drivers... that's what I have15:11
eyemoni dont know15:11
andorBluesKaj: i know, but i only play strange games hehe15:11
eyemonmy kubuntu wont load15:11
baudthieffarchord: you using a regular XP ISO/etc?15:11
eyemonthis thing comes up15:11
farchordbaudthief: I have a legit version of XP ;)15:11
nosrednaekimeyemon: thats not good....15:11
baudthiefme too :P15:11
nosrednaekimeyemon: try booting safe graphics moe15:11
farchordbut na used the CD15:11
farchordbaudthief: want a screenshot?15:12
baudthieffarchord: hell yeah!15:12
farchordAnyone know a site where you can post temporary screenies?15:12
baudthieffarchord: imagefap.com15:12
farchordwow nice pr0n15:12
farchordnot the right site15:12
baudthiefeverything you need, you into japanese hentai tentacle pr0n? :P15:13
farchordnosrednaekim: thanks15:13
eyemonits not working15:13
baudthieffarchord: dare I ask what machine you're runing? CPU/RAM mainly15:14
andorkonqueror is damn like firefox, is a clone or someting ?15:15
farchordbaudthief: http://imagebin.ca/view/rH8jtR.html15:17
farchordos[Linux 2.6.24-16-generic i686] distro[Debian lenny/sid] cpu[2 x AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+ (AuthenticAMD) @ 2.01GHz] mem[Physical: 2.0GB, 52.4% free] disk[Total: 93.1GB, 36.1% free] video[nVidia Corporation G70 [GeForce 7600 GT]] sound[CA0106 - CA01061: USB-Audio - USB Device 0x46d:0x8ca2: USB-Audio - Logitech USB Headset3: MPU-401 UART - MPU-401 UART]15:17
baudthieffarchord: *head explodes*15:18
farchord<3 virtualbox15:18
farchordbaudthief: and seriously I get absolutely no speed issues.... I run photoshop and flash at the same time in my VM and it runs pretty quick15:19
baudthiefthat is pretty damn cool15:20
driffarchord: too bad timecritial software such as musical sequencers aren't that forgiving.. :-\15:20
hydrogenandor: do you mean they both have the capability of loading webpages and rendering the html into something that looks appealing to the eye?15:20
farchorddrif: yeah heh15:20
baudthieffarchord: I'm about to start setting it up, as soon as I break 4 pins off the connector on my DVI leads :p15:20
eyemonwhere did u get photoshop??15:20
farchordbaudthief: thing is tho, seamless mode (Which is what this is) is not compatible with Compiz15:20
andorhydrogen: yeha15:20
baudthieffarchord: #@(*&$^(&#@^(&*(#$&15:21
hydrogeneyemon: The store (or adobe.com)15:21
farchordafaic, compiz is not gonna run on my desktop heh..... idc much about eye candy15:21
rohanon my (and everyone who uses backports i guess) system, qt version is 4.4, whereas pyqt is 4.3.3. will it cause problems? when will hardy-backports have python-qt4 4.4, if at all?15:22
kreibhave some images i want to include as equations, what tag can i use to get numbering to the right of the image15:22
hydrogenandor: then yes, I suppose that just like linux is a clone of windows (they both have the capability of providing users an interface to use their system) and the space shuttle is a clone of the model T ford (both allow for enhanced transportation) konqueror is a clone of firefox15:22
baudthieffarchord: lol I'd live without compiz, but I cant live without my dual monitor setup - something weird is happenning, after setting up twinview, everything is blurrier than usual15:22
farchordno idea i dont use a dual desktop setup15:23
* baudthief cries15:24
baudthiefnothing is going right today lol15:24
driffarchord: are you using amd-v with virtualbox?15:25
farchorddrif: yeah15:25
farchordjust wondering, I'm trying to have Songbird running in linux, it looks like it's playing but nothing comes out of the speakers anyone got that?15:26
cappy_Why when im sitting on PC ,my system just logout me ? im not clicking Ctrl+Alt+Backspace or something else.... can any1 help me ?15:29
thompasince installing kde4 I get no more Nvidia, also login screen looks ugly, how do I purge kde4??15:30
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hydrogenfarchord: I'm pretty sure that the amount of people using songbird is somewhere around 015:31
farchordhydrogen: not according to what I'm reading lol15:32
farchordmah screw it ill stay with amarok15:33
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BluesKajfarchord, I'm looking at the songbird auto-install page and it distinctly says "The script is free and requires you to be using Ubuntu and Gnome."15:43
farchordk then the hell with it15:43
BluesKajfarchord, http://lifehacker.com/software/linux-tip/automatically-install-songbird-in-ubuntu-267042.php15:43
farchordguess i could install the gnome desktop but meh15:44
BluesKajamarok has it's clunky side but i still prefer it to anything else.15:45
jhutchinsMy wife's been getting into pandora, and I'm listening to it now.  Nice to expand my (already large and ecclectic) collection.15:47
BluesKajIm still trying to figure out what Silverlight/Moonlight actually does for webpages ?15:48
farchordBluesKaj: simple. Microsoft's answer to flash.15:49
BluesKajfarchord, there's a linux version ,Moonlight15:50
farchordBluesKaj: huh, I'll be damned15:50
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thompahow do i purge kubuntu?15:51
dutHello! :-)15:51
BluesKajthe blogs say it's supposed to be a "universal answer" to all the different graphics engines required by browsers to media on websites15:51
farchordBluesKaj: odd, thought the 'Made by Microsoft' part would run you off heh15:52
BluesKajfarchord, I'm an old winders guy , so I don't totally hate it ..I learned about pcs using it , but we must move on :)15:53
farchordhehe yep15:54
cappy_http://paste.ubuntu.com/12742/ <- why its happening that? im logging out when i receive it .im not clicking Ctrl+Alt+backSpace15:55
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mattycozehey guys, wow - kinda blown away with the kde build of ubuntu 8.04... can someone tell me if it's advisable to remove the gnome enviroment files?16:02
AngelKillmattycoze: You can remove the Gnome enviorment, but its not suggested, because the Gnome holds a few files that might be needed to help run the system in a stable way.16:03
JucatoAngelKill: not really16:03
ubottupurekde is If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »16:04
mattycozeAngelKill okay... what i did was download the gnome version first (fresh install) and then used apt-get to install the kde version... but gnome defaults seems to be activated by defauly16:04
mattycozei like konquer and all the associated programs; amarok ect16:04
AngelKillJucato: alright true, but a as a Gnome addict myself, I know its possible but to remove Gnome. But the question is wont it damage the GTK installs that needs the Gnome evnio?16:05
JucatoKubuntu and Ubuntu use the same "base". neither GNOME nor KDE is actually necessary to run a stable system16:05
JucatoAngelKill: not if he wants to remove Gnome16:05
AngelKillok, another thing learned :)16:06
Jucatoanyway, you can safely have the two installed with no side effect except for having more apps in your menus and more disk space used16:06
mattycozeAngelKill so what can and can't i do?16:06
AngelKillmattycoze: just follow the link provided, it is actually useful but I suggest reading it through before doing any thing16:07
mattycozeJucato do you recommend?16:08
mattycozejust to check, i've got a wireless card and an nvidia card (that's currently working via envy)16:09
Jucatohm.. there's no technical reason for or against it. it's all up to you whether you want to keep both installed16:09
ubottuI am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)16:10
Jucatobut if you're new to KDE, I'd suggest keeping Gnome as backup16:10
mattycozeokay then16:10
monaxjoin #ubuntu-ru.16:10
Jucatoer.. new to KDE and Kubuntu. at least until you get a hang of how to drive the thing16:10
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:10
mattycozejucato well i suppose i could always install the gnome files again right?16:10
Jucatomattycoze: yeah, the package would be "ubuntu-desktop"16:11
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_gtt_ok, what do i have to do to generate all new keys due to the debian openssl flaw?16:14
xsachaJucato: you're back!16:22
Jucatoum.. yeah I think so :)16:22
xsachaJucato: how was it.. that big break16:23
Jucatoxsacha: so good that I'm tempted to do it again :D16:24
favro_gtt_: #debian might be a go for that if you're registered...16:25
Jucato_gtt_: I think there are a lot of posts about what to do posted in planet.ubuntu.com16:25
gsahi all,how do i get root previleges in wireshark?16:28
gsai mean root permissions16:28
crimsunkdesu wireshark16:29
gsatnx ill try that right now16:29
madberrygtt you mean openssh?16:30
gsacrimsun ty it works16:30
crimsungsa: np16:31
madberrygtt if you mean ssh then just empty this folder ~/.ssh to create new keys16:31
SlimeyPeteerm, the local ssh keys are in /etc16:32
SlimeyPetewell, mine are anyway.16:33
madberrynot in my case16:33
SlimeyPete~/.ssh just contains info pertaining to other systems, for me16:33
farchordssh client should be in ~/.ssh16:33
farchordssh server would be somewhere else16:33
SlimeyPeteyeah, and isn't it the server keys that need to be regenerated?16:34
farchordtake it this way, SSH server doesn't run under your username so it can't be under your home folder16:34
madberryyou have to empty the client side to get new keys16:34
farchordisn't the problem on the server side? And when the client connects it should auto-grab the new keys no?16:34
farchordClient abides by the server, so the server is what needs to be fixed16:35
madberryit doesn't i had the same problem and this fixed it16:35
SlimeyPeteso the vulnkeys util doesn't pick anything up now?16:36
farchordMore infos on that: http://www.linuxsecurity.com/content/view/136970/16:37
SlimeyPeteright... so both may need to be regenerated16:39
madberryyes but as soon as you delete client side server will create new keys for both16:39
SlimeyPetemadberry: it does? why? surely the local server doesn't care about the local client's keys.16:41
madberryno the remote server generates the keys right so if the client doesn't have any key new key will be created by the remote server16:43
SlimeyPeteoh... I think we're talking at cross-purposes16:43
SlimeyPeteI am referring to the local server installation16:43
madberryo ok16:43
SlimeyPetei.e. a machine with both client and server installed will need to have both sets of keys regenerated.16:43
SlimeyPeteto be safe16:44
hdevalencewill 8.10 use KDE 4.1?16:44
Daisuke_Idohdevalence: presumably, assuming it gets released :D16:45
paghdevalence, probably. afaik no final decisions about 8.10 has been made yet though.16:46
Daisuke_Idoso that's probably a yes16:46
hdevalencebecause tbh 4.0 sucks16:47
ubuntu_hdevalence: Highly likely16:47
ubuntu_but that's really a   #kubuntu-kde4 discussion16:47
Daisuke_Idohdevalence: i agree 100%, 4.0.x is essentially for developers, 4.1 is where it should start to come together for the end users16:48
ubuntu_4.2 is where it gets bling!16:49
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DiswillI would like to know if it is possible to run yahoo desktop widgets in hardy 8.0417:00
Diswillreal quiet in here17:02
ubuntu_Diswill: no17:02
Diswillok, thanks17:02
favroyaho bites - I never get a return from their entries in google17:03
Diswillthere is one widget I have grow use to I was hopeing to keep it17:04
ubuntu_UNless they work in superkaramba17:05
Diswillhow would I find out17:05
ubuntu_#superkaramba ? :)17:06
Diswillhi nic17:06
nic_how u goin17:06
Diswillfine playin with widgets17:08
kreibis there a bug with konqueror showing wrong last write time of files?17:08
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andorwhere can i find out if i have instaled the gfx driver ?17:14
andordont seens like it work17:14
andorforget it :) i found out17:15
andorwas not activ17:15
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McRibCould someone please suggest a decent Firefox 2 plugin that will allow me to play streaming video (particularly the Quicktime format)?  I'm using Hardy and mozilla-mplayer no longer supports Firefox 2 in Hardy.17:26
ubuntu_It doesn't ?17:28
ubuntu_hmm funky17:28
ubuntu_I just used kmplayer plugin in Konqueror17:28
ubuntu_Don't recall what I did (if any) for firefox17:29
McRibubuntu_: Yeah, the mozilla-mplayer package for hardy has a bug that causes it to depend on Firefox3 (which is actually doesn't)17:29
ubuntu_McRib: Hit up #ubuntu-devel and ask. Also vote for the bug. See if they will put it in backports17:30
ubuntu_Shall I assume you removed FF3 ?17:31
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fafouillefrench channel plz17:42
Bizzehhey, i think this is the first time i have installed any linux dist, had all my hardware work, and not have it break my windows install17:43
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »17:44
Bizzehcan i just install compiz-kde via adept and just have it work after a reboot?17:45
ubuntu_IN theory17:46
ubuntu_Compiz isn't exactly shipping software so YMMV17:46
digitaloktayis firefox 3.0 rc1 ready for kubuntu17:51
ubuntu_NOthing's ready for Kubuntu We are that awesome17:51
ubuntu_Really though it takes a while for FF releases to get processed17:52
ubuntu_Look for it sometime next week is my guess17:52
Bizzehalso, how would i create a shortcut to /var/www on my desktop?17:54
ubuntu_ln -s /var/www Desktop/webdocs ?17:55
Dr_willis_I always get links backwards18:00
fdovinguse konq/dolphin to make links :)18:01
Jucatofdoving: exactly! :)18:01
* Jucato prefers to use GUI for linking and multiple copy/paste :)18:01
fdovingJucato: i don't do that myself, but it probably is a good idea :)18:01
fdovingi rarely use GUI to manage files, at all.18:02
Jucatofdoving: I am not so confident with my CLI-fu when it comes to those kinds of operations. specially critical ones :)18:02
Bizzehi used ln -s to create a link on my desktop, and i keep getting thise error when i go into it http://rafb.net/p/J8XcVb32.html18:03
fdovingJucato: understandable, i started using linux as a server-side operatingsystem with the other OS on clients and workstations, that way i learned the cli-foo first.18:03
fdovingbrb. bed(kid);18:04
ubuntu_Dr_willis_: from to18:04
Dr_willis_i rember the old amiga command line days. :) it actually had 'from' and 'to' as  keywords... 'copy from foo.bar to foo.two     (or copy to foo.two from foo.bar)18:05
ubuntu_Bizzeh: Hmm? thats a desktop file18:06
ubuntu_can you paste the contents of it?18:06
ubuntu_Jucato: Thanks. Good post18:08
=== gnomefre2k is now known as gnomefreak
Bizzehbtw. ubuntu_ that 2nd rafb was the contents of the desktop file18:11
ubuntu_Bizzeh: ok you said you made a link where is the link18:12
ubuntu_to /var/www ?18:12
Bizzeh"ln -s /var/www Desktop/webdocs"18:12
Bizzehthe webdocs link is on my desktop now, but i keep getting this error18:12
ubuntu_when you click on it?18:13
ubuntu_That error is for a right click menu entry18:13
Bizzehwhen i click on it, and it opens up in dolphin18:13
ubuntu_did you install that service menu?18:13
ubuntu_Add as podcast ?18:14
Bizzehand i try and right click on the default html file thats in there18:14
Bizzehi didnt install anything18:14
ubuntu_OK let me try something18:14
ubuntu_btw KDE3 correct?18:14
Bizzehall i installed so far was xorg driver for fglrx, apache, php and mysql18:14
Bizzehno idea, whatever comes with 8.0418:14
ubuntu_Bizzeh: Has your K Menu changed from what you are used to ?18:15
Bizzehjust checked "about kde", its 3.5.918:15
=== ubuntu_ is now known as kubuntero
kubunteroBizzeh: can you try open Konqueror Press Ctrl+Home Go to desktop and see if it does the same thign?18:17
=== kubuntero is now known as Toejam
Bizzehno error at all in konq18:18
psychwhats the package(s) ive to install tto get a full kde desktop manager?18:18
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.18:18
ToejamBizzeh: I suppose you could remove that desktop file and stop the error18:19
Toejamit doesn't seem to do anything useful18:19
Bizzehi was thinking that, since i dont use podcasts anyway18:19
ToejamThere you go :)18:20
ToejamTann: hello18:20
TannIn Konsole and other terminal programs, when ever i open them up a large number of "~"s keep comming up18:20
ToejamYour Home key is stuck18:21
psychis it kde4 for hardy ?18:21
Toejampsych: If you so desire18:21
ubottuKDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde418:21
TannToejam: I'm not pressing any keys though18:21
psychgnomes is having issues18:21
ToejamTann: Do they keep coming up or is there one set of them on startup that jsut stay ?18:21
psychso i cant use apt-get to install kde418:22
* Toejam waves at uga_18:22
TannToejam: they keep comming up. one after the other as if someone is holding that key down18:22
Toejampsych: yes. Read the link there18:22
ToejamTann: Possibly somethign is holding the key down18:22
ToejamTann: Do they come up in kate?18:22
TannToejam: nope18:23
ToejamTann: when you type does the cursour try to move around ?18:23
TannToejam: no18:24
ToejamTann: Hmm so only Konsole is affected?18:24
TannToejam: That and Konsole Based apps (ex. Yakuake). Also some gnope programs keep switching between full screen and not. (ex. gnome terminal and firefox))18:25
=== uga__ is now known as uga
bradhexHello, new to kubuntu and using 8.0.4. I'm trying to disable ALL the system notifications but can not find any setting that I might be able to disable. Any help?18:27
ToejamYakuake is konsole18:27
Toejamsues teh kpart18:27
ToejamTann: that would probably be F11 stuck then18:27
ToejamUses the kpart18:28
mkultrasbradhex: the sytem notifications are in system settings18:28
mkultrasits just called notifications18:28
bradhexmkultras, i have looked over that, but there isn't exactly anything to disable short of removing the devices under "Notifications"18:29
TannToejam: kpart?18:29
Bizzehi installed phpMyAdmin via adept, but i cant seem to access it via localhost/phpMyAdmin18:29
TannToejam: thats weird18:29
Bizzehwhere is it supposed to install to?18:29
mkultrasbradhex: like if you unchecked all the boxes you wont get any18:30
bradhexmkultras, there are no checkboxes to...check18:30
TannToejam: thanks18:30
ToejamTann: that was it eh ?18:31
mkultrasbradhex: ah must be on the wrong page theres not devices on my notifications page, are you in kde 3.5.918:31
bradhexmkultras, no, I'm using kde 4.018:31
bradhexmkultras, I just have a list of sound cards and an option to prefer or defer18:31
jussi01bradhex: #kubuntu-kde4 for kde4 support :)18:32
McRibI'm using Konversation in Hardy (Gnome) and whenever I click on URL links, it refuses to open in any browser.  I've tried setting the custom browser option but still no dice... any ideas?18:32
talavisBizzeh: It should be possible to check in Adept; select the package, choose details and then the installed files tab18:32
bradhexhaha, from room to room =) thanks.18:32
Bizzehit doesnt have the description for what i believe to be phpmyadmin18:33
Bizzehits describing some Py templating system18:33
talavisBizzeh: i think it should be possible to check the details anyway18:34
ToejamBizzeh: Details -> installed files18:34
mkultrasomg i just killed the first mosquito of the year18:35
mkultrasinside my apt too18:35
=== romain_ is now known as ElegantAngel
ugaguys, shouldn't /etc/resolv.conf override any DNS?18:37
ugafirefox is behaving stupid here, and I really don't know why18:37
Bizzehis there a sidebar for kde like the one in vista?18:40
fdovinguga: yeah, but network-connection apps, like network-manager and others might modify the resolv.conf file.18:40
ToejamOr ignore it18:40
ugafdoving: that might explain, thanks18:40
* Toejam hates on Network manager18:40
ugafdoving: somehow firefox picks up the correct IP resolve first, but after a few clicks, it goes to an older one, so until the whole dns thing is set up, I'm trying to override it18:41
fdovinguga: are you configuring your network via DHCP? - you can override dhcp settings in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf18:41
ugait's like after a while it uses a different name server18:41
ugaah nice idea, yes18:41
fdovinguga: have a look at "prepend" and "superseed" (or somethingl ike that)18:42
ugayes, there's a prepending option18:42
ugafdoving: resolv.conf wasn't altered though18:43
ugacan networkmanager it override resolv.conf settings without altering it?18:43
fdovinguga: not that i'm aware of, no.18:44
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »18:45
McRibI'm using Konversation in Hardy (Gnome) and whenever I click on URL links, it refuses to open in any browser.  I've tried setting the custom browser option but still no dice... any ideas?18:48
morphiusWhen I try to mount a drive I get mount: unknown filesystem type 'linux_raid_member'18:51
morphius It used to be a member of a raid aray, but I reformatted it18:51
morphius I also changed the type to 83 (Linux) in fdisk18:52
morphius I commented out "ARRAY /dev/md0 level=raid0 num-devices=4 UUID=ea89faf9:d8d09d48:606c7615:a045ad62" in mdadm.conf too18:52
lovre is there a way to open/edit files from MS Office 2007, from linux? Does OpenOffice have this compatibility?18:55
radius_with word excel and powerpoint18:56
Toejamlovre: Pretty much as long as tehy are not too elaborate18:57
ToejamKexi should be able to open access files as well18:57
hawkeyexdoes anyone know how to make my printer default to hp6280? because when I try to print something, it always selects PDF first19:00
kblinhi folks19:01
=== ubuntu is now known as oni_shadow
kblinI'm trying to get a movie off a DV camera. any recommendations for a program to do this?19:03
kblinI don't need to edit it, just get it off in a lossless fashion19:03
darksoulCan anyone help me with installing Nvidia drivers for Kubuntu, I attempted to use the package manager earlier but my screen blanked out19:04
Toejamkblin: try open konqueror and type camera:/19:04
darksoulCan anyone hear me?19:06
kblinToejam: no go19:06
kblindarksoul: yes, but I don't know anything about the nvidia drivers19:06
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:07
Toejamkblin: I'll assume it doesn't mount as a device ?19:07
kblinToejam: looking at dmesg, it creates a /dev/raw1394 device,  but it's rw only for root:disk19:08
kblinso kino can't open it19:08
kblinhm, nm19:09
kblinkdesu kino works19:09
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.19:12
rmribeiroanybody can helpme with firefox19:13
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:13
hawkeyexdoes anyone know how to make my printer default to hp6280? because when I try to print something, it always selects PDF first19:14
rmribeirowhere is firefox in hardy?19:14
Toejamin Kubuntu ?19:14
Toejamnot installed19:14
Toejaminstall the Firefox package19:15
ToejamIt has neer been installed in Kubuntu19:15
Toejamalt+space -> type adept -> press enter19:15
=== oni_shadow is now known as ooni_shadow
=== ooni_shadow is now known as oni_shadow
rmribeiroi unistall19:16
rmribeiroand dont know how install, sorry my english is very bad19:16
darksoulI got a problem here, I just installed Kubuntu and according to Monitor and Display - system settings I have a max res of 1280x1024 but my monitor is 1680x105019:16
rmribeiroand apt and actitude no found firefox19:16
Toejamrmribeiro: oh?19:17
Toejamsudo apt-get install firefox does not work?19:17
rmribeirormribeiro@rmribeiro-desktop:~/Download/makefusion$ sudo apt-get install firefox19:18
rmribeiroLeyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho19:18
rmribeiroCreando árbol de dependencias... Hecho19:18
rmribeiroEl paquete firefox no está disponible, pero algún otro paquete hace referencia19:18
rmribeiroa él. Esto puede significar que el paquete falta, está obsoleto o sólo se19:18
rmribeiroencuentra disponible desde alguna otra fuente19:18
rmribeiroSin embargo, los siguientes paquetes lo reemplazan:19:18
rmribeiro  libnss319:18
rmribeiroE: El paquete firefox no tiene candidato para su instalación19:18
rmribeiropacket not found19:18
gtti've got one ssh server that I can't get it to update the package (doesnt find a new one) and so every key it creates is compromised.19:19
gttcan anyone help?19:19
nohelpherei need to scan images what is a good tool 2?19:19
gttnohelphere: xsane or kooka19:19
Toejamgtt: copy it across19:20
Toejamrmribeiro: sudo apt-get update first19:23
rmribeiroi find openoffice, libnspr4 and libnss3, but not firefox19:26
Toejamapt-cache policy firefox19:26
rmribeirono installed and not candidate19:27
ToejamBut you get information?19:27
rmribeirothis info19:28
rmribeiroy can paste here?19:28
ToejamYou see that ?19:28
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:28
rmribeiroi can?19:28
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:29
Toejamno use the http://paste.ubuntu.com/19:29
Toejamfdoving: ping19:29
ToejamDo you see that when you do apt-cache policy firefox ?19:30
Toejamand sudo apt-get install firefox doesn't work ?19:30
rmribeiroundestand the screen in spanish?19:30
Toejamwell if  the errors are all in spanish then #kubuntu-es may be easier19:31
fdovingToejam: ack.19:32
rmribeirothanx toejam19:32
Toejamfdoving: I was asking for a temp kick of chalcedony19:33
Toejamthey decided to stay off so it's ok now19:33
fdovingah ok :)19:33
Toejamrmribeiro: Let me know what the problem is if you fix it19:35
gwpk guys, maybe some1 here can help19:36
Bizzehhmmn, no bin only can be taken the wrong way when writen like that19:36
Bizzehie, how i read it first.. nob in only19:37
gwpI am having world of warcraft issues, game loaded fine before, i installed the expansion, and now it crashes at the log in screen19:37
OmnificienTCould someone explain the difference between the desktop and the alternate versions?19:37
gwphows it going OmnificienT19:37
OmnificienTim ok19:38
jussi01OmnificienT: simply the desktop takes you to a full ubuntu environment (loads ubuntu) where as the alternate only installs ubuntu.19:38
thorgood evening every one19:38
gwpOmnificienT: you mean the multidesk? Its just an extension of your primary desktop, some people play games on 2 and do work on 1, so their old lady doesnt know they are gaming19:38
jussi01both have the same end pruduct after install19:38
gwpahh, i didnt understand his question19:39
OmnificienTOh thanks :p I couldn't find that information.19:39
jussi01OmnificienT: :)19:39
OmnificienTWell bye ;-)19:39
gwpanyone know anything about that wow issue I have?19:39
thorcould some one please help me with installing vmware server on 8.04 64bit19:39
Toejamjussi01: Not really19:39
Toejambut pretty simplified :)19:39
ubottuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers19:40
ToejamI forget if we have a vmware server pacakage19:40
Toejamgwp: Wht version of WOW?19:40
Toejamgwp: Likely that #winehq would be better at fielding that19:40
gwpToejam: the latest update with burning crusade19:40
Toejamgwp: Wait sorry I meant version of Wine :)19:41
ToejamYeah they should have info on that in #winehq19:42
ToejamLets just say WOW is a app they hear about a lot19:42
thornot available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy19:42
thorI am running 8.0419:43
ToejamWell you are on Hardy so...19:43
thorwell so it seems vmware server is not in the repository so I downloaded the tarball19:44
thorand followed the help onlin e19:44
thorbut well it seems no matter what i try it dont whant to worjk19:44
thorno one here who can actualy help me with this problim19:46
Toejamthor: I'm not sure is it in the new packages repo ?19:46
thorno it's not in the repository I have all of them enabled19:47
Toejamwhat error do you get?19:48
edjuAnyone w/ a pointer for a solution to the kaffeine "xine was unable to initialize any sound drivers"?  All I could find on Google was foe SUSE - not relevant.19:49
ToejamI've no idea about vmware btw I'm just seeing if it's something non-obvious rather than vmware specific19:49
thorVMware Server is installed, but it has not been (correctly) configured for the running kernel. To (re-)configure it, invoke the following command:19:49
user__how do I sudo cp everything in a directory?19:50
Toejamuser__: to where?19:50
user__new firefox rc119:51
user__I want to overwite my old stuff19:51
Toejamuser__: umm19:51
user__don't want to sudo cp each thing19:51
Toejamwell you could mv the dir and not lose everything19:51
user__directory is: /usr/lib/firefox-3.0b5/19:51
user__won't let me drag and drop so I guess I need to sudo19:52
Toejamand you really should probably be having external packages in a seperate place from system installed ones19:52
Toejamyes you do but I would advise to install FFRc1 in a personal dir19:52
user__I see19:52
user__so I just extracted it19:52
Toejamif you want a system wide RC1 ubuntu will be providing packages soon19:52
user__how come when I click the executable nothing happens19:52
user__ie firefox-bin19:53
ToejamI don't know :) maybe it's erroring out ?19:53
Toejamrun it from the command line19:53
Toejamcd to the dir and then ./firefox19:53
Toejamsee if it throws errors19:53
user__that worked19:54
user__what is ./firefox?19:54
user__make firefox?19:54
Toejamit runs an executable file in this dir19:55
Toejam. means here19:55
user__is there a way to make a shortcut?19:55
Toejamwhere do you want it?19:55
user__desktop would be great19:55
user__or my start menu19:55
McRibstart menu :P19:55
Toejamright click the desktop and LInk to application19:55
Toejamnew -> Link to application19:56
Toejam3rd tab19:56
digitaloktayhow can i compile the new version of firefox?19:56
user__ah that was so easy19:56
user__thanks toejam19:56
Toejammake sure the work path is the dir that you extracted19:56
user__yup, just like windows19:56
user__very intuitive19:56
Toejamand the application is of course Windows :)19:56
ToejamYou broke my train!19:57
user__actually strange19:57
* Toejam watches his train of thought fly off the tracks19:57
user__it seems to be permanently loading19:57
user__Loading application...19:57
user__do I need to put ./firefox-bin?19:58
user__so that should work yes19:58
ToejamI guess. I've not tried firefox since it' started depending on xul-runner19:58
user__it's just loading and then disappearing19:58
user__I have to use it for my language studying19:59
Toejamin the konsole try ./firefox-bin &19:59
user__I prefer konq19:59
user__yeah that worked before19:59
user__loaded up instantly19:59
user__I don't understand what my shortcut is doing :P19:59
ToejamYeah. I dunno Firefox has been strange for me since Gutsy19:59
ToejamI either have to start it like 5 times or run it from Konsole20:00
user__oh I'm retarded20:00
user__Command!=work path haha20:00
Toejamuser__: :-)20:00
ToejamWork path is without executable20:00
user__ok works great now20:00
Toejamthe command is with20:00
user__yes I see20:00
user__I just looked at diff shortcut20:01
Toejamwell we will excuse your being retarded then :)20:01
user__thank you20:01
Toejamenjoy RC1 :)20:01
user__another question just for shits and grins20:01
user__do you know why xorg uses so much memory?20:01
ToejamUbuntu should have a package soon and it should obsolete that20:02
user__I mean, it's not affecting my usability, I was just curious20:02
user__ah good20:02
Toejamuser__: Memory is black magic in UNIX systems20:02
user__I heard it's very efficient20:02
duaneis there something i have do get broadcom bcm4310 wireless card working in kubuntu??20:02
ToejamOh yes very20:02
Toejamthat's the problem :)20:02
user__I use same chip20:02
Toejamthings share so much memoory and feed off each other so much you can't tell very well how much memory this onething is using20:03
user__one sec, I know a great tutorial20:03
duanethere a b43-fcutter that work or no user__ ?20:03
Toejamduane: user__ is getting you a walkthrough20:03
user__its crappy compared to the windows driver20:03
user__less range/speed20:03
user__ndiswrapper=very efficient20:03
DFlames'pretty easy to get ndiswrapper going if you read the instructions right20:04
duanethere was a no fuss guide i used before that worked awesome20:04
duanecant find it now20:04
Toejamuser__: So xorg has all this apps running on top of it. Which all add to it's memory count but some of it is explicitly X and some isn't. So .. yeah Xorg will always report a lot of memory used but it's more a marking stick than hard and fast20:04
Toejamas you open more apps the memory goes up but a lot of it is likely shared20:05
Toejamso you may have say 12 Megs (pulled this number out of nowhere) that is reported multiple time across multiple libraries and apps20:05
user__Toejam: indeed...20:06
user__that's the tut link btw, worked great for me20:06
ToejamWe are getting better and better at giving a good judgement of the state of each thread but just because so much memory is reused it's really hard to say exactly20:06
user__fascinating stuff20:07
duanethere is a no fuss one I found before darn it20:07
user__I'm using default kubuntu install, but even so it's very snappy20:07
ToejamIn Windows a lot of apps ship their own libs even if it's redundant so you get a better handle of exactly how much memory they are using but you also have far less real memory available20:07
ToejamThanks We try to make it a nice balance between clean and useful20:07
user__well Vista and XP do it differently for sure20:07
user__toejam=you part of the Kubuntu team?20:08
ToejamIn spirit :-)20:08
user__Kubuntu kicks ass20:08
user__nuff said20:08
user__Got my install up in running in 1hr 30 minutes and I'm bittergreen20:09
user__up in running as in everything I could ever want/need :)20:09
user__ndiswrapper-no prob because so many explanations how to do it20:09
ugauser__: you forgot changing the wallpaper20:10
ugathat'll be 10 mins more20:10
user__yes my look completely modified20:10
user__color scheme, kicker, wall20:10
user__took me not long at all, I had a template going in :)20:11
Toejamha ha :-)20:11
ToejamHopefully in KDE4 you can just upload that template for use worldwide :)20:11
ugano please!20:11
user__I'm really looking forward to using KDE4 full up20:11
user__Hope 4.1 is a triumph20:11
ugaI already hate there's so many useless wallpapers uploaded at kde-look20:11
user__I'm already impressed, but I'm using 3.59 because I use Kubuntu for school and such20:12
ugasome people look at their shitty snapshots and understand them as art...20:12
Toejamuga: that's what rating systems are for :)20:12
ugaso they just upload them =)20:12
user__I'm using Eos the KDE4 wallpaper at the moment20:12
user__crystal modified with my color scheme20:12
user__they make it so easy to play with the theme options20:12
user__looks just so cool, and so intuitive to do it20:12
ugaToejam: unfortunately, antyhign close to Vista gets a 99% positive score20:13
user__well, Vista looks pretty cool I think20:13
user__but it's so damn overdone20:13
ugapeople are unimaginative and ratings aren't of much use20:13
ugauser__: it looks black20:13
user__I'm just tired of seeing the cookie cutter stuff20:13
user__how many times can you do the exact same theme?20:13
ugauser__: I think there are like 100 of them in kde-look20:14
ugaand considering some users might not have uploaded it...20:14
user__wait, wait!20:14
ugaI calculate around 25421 different themesw of Vista clones exist for linux ;)20:14
user__mine is like...1 pixel different around the borders!!!!11!20:14
user__1 pixel=complete difference dude!20:15
user__ /sarcasm20:15
user__in any case, kubuntu is epic win20:15
_StefanS_hey.. anyone have a good howto on compiz with kde3 ? (kubuntu 8.04)20:15
ubottuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion20:15
_StefanS_sweet thanks20:16
user__Desktop Effects: Install :P20:16
ugauser__: it's pretty broken by default20:16
user__neutered that is20:16
ugait's got double shadows, some coming from kde3 and some other coming from compiz that go rendering wrong20:16
ugait really looks bad20:17
user__I'm just using kwin20:17
user__and I have a blacklisted card (965gm)20:17
_StefanS_the thing is that I've grown pretty tired with nvidia and 2d, want to make the desktop 3d to avoid the slowdown20:17
user__but I'll figure it out sometime20:17
user__kwin on kde4 is what I want :)20:17
scifi hi guys, get my new lappy soon, just wanted to know if its IGP has any issues with compatability on linux, its an Intel 950GMA20:17
user__I don't think so20:18
user__I think 915/950 is fine20:18
_StefanS_scifi: very nice support, you shouldn't have any issues20:18
_StefanS_I will go with igp next time.. ati and nvidia should just go away (had both on my previous thinkpads )20:19
scifithankgod for that, it comes preloaded with vista, which apparently has issues with it, so if i experience problems i'll defo be slapping kubuntu on it20:19
user__slap it on anyway ^_^20:20
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection20:20
ToejamI wonder if that's maintained20:20
user__!intel965 whhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyy20:20
ubottuuser__: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:20
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!20:20
scifiand will performance be ok because ive seen a few worrying OLD forum posts that they had sluggish performance with this IGP?20:20
CalvinAm I allowed to ask questions her?20:20
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins20:21
user__Only one way to find out20:21
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:21
ubottuFactoid konqueror not found20:21
user__!why not?20:21
ubottuFactoid why not? not found20:21
user__guess not20:21
CalvinI'd like to install kubuntu on my pc20:21
Toejam!botabuse | user__20:21
ubottuuser__: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.20:21
_StefanS_gotta try this compiz thingy out20:21
ubottuFactoid konqui not found20:21
ubottuFactoid konqi not found20:21
ubottuBrowsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)20:21
ubottuFactoid poop not found20:21
ToejamCalvin: good welcoeme :)20:21
scifii guess it will handle all kde's candy ok???20:21
ToejamArKabZol, uga, user__: Please PM the bot20:22
CalvinI am using Gentoo Linux now20:22
user__Calvin: go for it20:22
ToejamIt's hilarious but people need help in here :)20:22
user__than kubuntu will be retard easy for you20:22
ToejamCalvin: Ok what would you like to know20:22
ArKabZolMeh. leaves20:22
scifilmao @ retard easy20:22
Toejamscifi: Define eye candy20:22
CalvinIs there a howto where I can find something about encrypted root file system?20:23
ubottuFactoid luks not found20:23
* uga P(oop) M(assages) the bot20:23
scifiToejam: transparency effects etc20:23
Toejamscifi: Oh then yes20:23
ToejamCalvin: Hold on :)20:23
ToejamBut yes you can have encryted file system20:23
scifii didnt mean compiz/3d stuff :)20:23
CalvinI want encrypted root file system.20:24
digitaloktayService Temporarily Unavailable ---------------> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion20:24
user__why do they make compiz so kde unfriendly?20:24
user__have to install 60mb of useless gnome libraries20:24
Toejamuser__: It's based on metacity so it's very gnome centric20:24
CalvinI found that link, but it was not helpful20:24
user__I didn't know that20:24
Toejam was started in Redhat so it's based on tools they use20:25
scifiim just expecting a really sluggish vista experience, so just wanted to check a few things in advance regarding kubuntu20:25
user__metacity, that's the gnome wm yes?20:25
ToejamCalvin: What are you looking for?20:25
Toejamuser__: Yes20:25
user__Lol ubuntu guys have some fast servers...20:26
CalvinWell, I am used to Gentoo -> bash commands20:26
Toejamhttp://learninginlinux.wordpress.com/2008/04/23/installing-ubuntu-804-with-full-disk-encryption/ ?20:26
Toejamuser__: except at release time20:26
Toejamcause you know you HAVE to upgrade the day it comes out. Its the law!20:27
user__I AM THE LAW20:27
ToejamCalvin: does that link help^^^ ?20:28
scifihope to get the claimed 4-6 hrs battery life from this lappy :DD20:28
user__what kind of laptop?20:28
user__ie company20:28
scifiuser__: Samsung Q3520:28
Toejamscifi: doubtful20:28
user__ah those are nice20:28
ToejamLinuxisn't power friendly yet20:28
CalvinI read that I can install an encryptet file system with the ubuntu installer, but I did'nt find the option.20:28
Toejamwith powertop this should get much better quickly though20:29
scifiToejam: thats something i asked in here about the other day, and apparently there ARE power management options?20:29
ToejamCalvin: Were you using the dsktop CD?20:29
Toejamscifi: Yes there are but apps aren't written to be power friendly20:29
ToejamCalvin: Highly doubt it would be there. Check the alternate CD20:30
Toejamthat has many many more options of installing20:30
CalvinMaybe it is there, because I don't know where it should be.20:30
ToejamDesktop is the streamlined default install kind of with no questions asked20:30
ToejamCalvin: It won't be on the desktop CD get the alternate CD20:31
CalvinWhere do I start looking for it?20:31
scifiToejam: now im worried again :s20:31
ToejamStright pull or torrent if you like20:32
Toejamscifi: It's not going to hold your laptop against the wall with a knife and take away it's powerlunch20:32
CalvinI downloaded this file file:///home/cbarcley/kubuntu-kde4-8.04-desktop-amd64.iso20:32
Toejamscifi: But there are quite a few scenarios that Windows will get better battery life20:32
CalvinI have to take the alternate CD? Ok THX20:32
ToejamCalvin: You want kubuntu-kde4-8.04-alternate-amd64.iso20:33
Toejamscifi: It's already gotten a lot better over the last year when Intel put out powertop20:33
ToejamKDE4 is built to extend battery life20:33
ToejamDatabases like sqlite and wifi management apps are all now being looked at in terms of power over snappiness so expect it to get a lot better over the next two years20:34
user__woo yeah20:34
user__I got compiz20:34
ToejamNo my friend20:34
Toejam Compiz got you20:34
user__something I can do to make my desktop less sexy?20:35
pimHello I like to know how to acces windows partitions from within kubuntu.20:35
exp_PLZ Halp!! trying to  auto mount a new SATA drive via fstab.  It is located on /dev/sdb (ext3 filesystem) -- additional hard drive.  I used gparted to create the filesystem and format20:35
user__I'm kind of overpowered by its sexiness20:35
scifiToejam: im only likely to be using the lappy for browsing, basic image editing, some video/music playing, so in this scenario, how does kubuntu handle battery life?20:36
user__scifi: very well20:36
user__at least on my laptop20:36
user__there is adjustable power settings20:36
scifii was told kde 4 is still quite unstable tho...altho will perhaps be better a few months20:36
user__you can adjust how much power is given to your cpu20:36
=== george_ is now known as poolgeorge
user__and there are dynamic settings20:37
pimHow can I acces a windows partition from within ubuntu?20:37
poolgeorgeDoes anyone know how to get an HP Color laserjet working in 7.10?20:37
user__pim: open up dolphin, go to storage media20:38
user__it will ask for your password20:38
Toejampim: Mount them20:38
ubottuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter20:38
Toejamscifi: Pretty well20:38
Toejamscifi: It's stable but annoying20:38
ubottuFactoid hp not found20:38
user__well, on a default install he has automount20:38
=== jorhumcc is now known as kuadrosx
user__should work out of box20:39
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows20:39
Toejampoolgeorge: ^^^ :-)20:39
ubottuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter20:39
pimuser_ Thanks!20:39
Toejamscifi: 4.0 = very stable but very boring20:39
user__my pleasure :)20:39
Toejamscifi: 4.1 should berak one of those truths :)20:40
scifireally? hmmm getting conflicting opinions on stability then20:40
Toejamscifi: Don't mistake stabilty for features20:40
Toejam4.0 is stable but has a van plus a paddywagon of missing features20:40
scifiim not, but maybe other peeps are when telling me these thigns :P20:41
Toejam there are lots of regressions in comparison to KDE3.4.x20:41
scifiregression??!! :O20:41
fdovingit's not comparable to 3.5.20:41
fdovingit's different.20:41
Toejamscifi: Yes. Things that used to work now they don't20:41
fdovingnot a new 3.5.20:41
Toejamsomethings that you are used to in KDE3 are very different20:42
gwpThere is something wrong with my install where I get an error code at bootup20:42
scifiperhaps thats what they mean by "stability" then..... but what i meant was the wdm crashing etc20:42
Toejamscifi: If you wanna try it there is a live Cd if you are scared by all means wait till reviews of 4.1 come rolling in in two months20:42
gwpsomething about my hard drive sectors.20:42
Toejamwhat's the error code?20:42
gwplet me log in here in windows, and i'll reboot kubuntu20:43
Toejamscifi: I've had 4.0 as the only environment on my sole work computer since Feb.20:43
user__how do I do the desktop cube20:43
user__I have it enabled20:43
pimIn Amarok I want to create a music collection, but I cant seem to be able to select subdirectories. How can I select subdirectories?20:43
scifiToejam: an no crashes ? does wifi work ok?20:43
Toejamuser__: There is a keyboard shortcuts section for all the plugins in Compiz. Just look at them before you close out20:44
NickPrestapim, select "scan folders recursively to get children folders from a parent.20:44
Toejamscifi: Wifi sucks. Bad in 4.0 but I don't use wifi anywhere I go20:44
Toejamscifi: so it's very much a if it fits you release20:44
andresHi, I have a little problem with compiz in kubuntu, some times, mostly in konqueror, the  contents of the window is not well repainted, what can I do?20:44
pimNickPresta I like to search only specific sub-folders, not the entire folder.20:45
CalvinToejam are you using KDE 420:45
user__kwd crashed20:45
poolgeorgetoejam: I know all this. I cant find a single working driver. The 1500 is a "winprinter".20:45
=== gp1 is now known as gwp
scifiToejam: so perhaps go with 3.5 until 4.1 is released?20:46
gwpThe error message is: Error 18: Selected cylinder exceedsmaximumsupported by BIOS press any key to continue.... Where i am forced to load generic20:47
CalvinI have KDE 4.0 installed, but I think it's not useable for daily use20:47
Calvin@scifi I will do that.20:48
scifik :)20:48
CalvinHave you tried KDE 4 yet?20:49
gwpWith getting the 'Error 18:' at boot up, is it recommended that I reinstall?20:49
gwpand why would I getthat?20:49
pimgwp did you check your cd for errors?20:50
ToejamCalvin: yes20:50
Toejampim: You should be able to just choose them20:51
Calvingwp: hold on20:51
Toejamgwp: You need a /boot partition20:51
scifiCalvin: no im getting a lappy soon with vista preinstalled, but i am considering putting kubuntu on it, the only slight drawback of this MAY be reduced battery life. But surely kubuntu will be less resource-hungry and wud perhaps counter the loss of power from less efficient power-management20:51
Toejamyour BIOS has a bug that can't reach the kernel file20:52
Calvingwp: if you have a boot partition move it to the beginning of the drive20:52
Toejamgwp: If you read the GRUB Faq on the site they havethat in it as it's a very popular error20:52
Toejamscifi: Wouldn't worry about it vista's power consumption gets horrible the longer you use it from what I have seen20:53
Calvinscifi: I am on a desktop, so that does not matter for me20:53
ToejamWhereas Linux seems to be getting better :)20:53
gwpoh, Toejam; no I did not check for errors and Calvin; how do I move it to the beginning all: im checking the faq now20:53
ToejamCalvin: No worries. 4.0 is very much not for everyone20:53
Toejamgwp: How well do you understand partitions ?20:54
CalvinToejam: I know that20:54
=== PascalFR is now known as pascalFR
scifiToejam:  :D20:54
Calvingwp: can you show your partition table?20:54
ToejamCalvin: 4.1 should be for the average user. Hopefully 4.2 will be for everyone 4.3 will be for aliens and 4.4 will incorporate all carbon based life forms20:55
scifiim so sad, im already looking on kde-look for new themes and i havent even got the lappy yet LOL20:55
Toejamthen 4.5 will be the "When I was younger we didn't use KDE. No Way grandpa! how did you survive" release20:55
gwpToejam: not enouh to repairthem or move the boot sector without an easy to use program, but I do know what a partition is and the basics20:55
Toejamgwp: Gparted should be good enough for you20:56
gwpToejam: what command to list my partitions?20:56
gwpI just reboot my kubuntu pc and it didnt error this time20:57
CalvinThe command is sudo fdisk -l20:57
pimWell I found it. I used the option which I could select on the left first, but with a manual search via the menus, it worked well.20:58
nohelpherei need to kill EVERYTHING related to printing which processes shoudl I stop (and restart)?20:58
Calvinkill cups20:59
scifiwhat themes do u guys use? :)20:59
yordanhow i can install somthing whith out adept?20:59
gwpCalvin; I typed fdisk -l and it showed nothing, did not even error, just went to the next command line20:59
=== famipolo is now known as polo
Calvindid you do it as root user?21:00
nohelpherei killed cups21:00
nohelphereand also the thing that come sup when you start a print job21:00
pimIf I go to the flash download site, I have to select what to download a tar a rpm or a yum?21:00
nohelpherei thin k cups is running...21:01
nohelpherethat krpint thing isn't21:01
pimwhat should I pick to install?21:02
MachinTrucChosehow can I tell which files a package has installed? I'm trying to locate the configuration file for Gnome Catalog and have had no luck.21:02
gwpk, i got it. /dev/sda1 * 1 19205 154264131 83 Linux ; /dev/sda2 19206 20023 6570585 5 Extended ; /dev/sda5 19206 20023 6570553+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris21:02
nohelphereit isn't printing21:02
gwpthats my partition table21:03
Calvin/dev/sda1 * 1 19205 154264131 83 Linux  /dev/sda2 19206 20023 6570585 5 Extended ; /dev/sda5 19206 20023 6570553+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris21:03
CalvinI am just wondering21:03
Calvinyour boot partition is the first, as it should be21:04
gwpyeah, so I am curious too21:05
Calvinyou told befor that your pc booted the last time21:05
Calvinif the error comes back try to update your bios21:05
gwpJust now when i rebooted, gonna reboot again to see what it does (i just didnt have to select generic)21:06
phoenix_harmental you speak french ?21:07
gwpError 18: Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS21:09
gwpJust got it again21:09
gwpThe weird thing is it was supose to be KDE4 install21:10
gwpbut its like 3.9 or something like that21:10
Calvinprobably 3.9921:11
Calvinis it 3.99?21:12
gwplet me check, i was rebooting again21:12
gwpwell im loading kde 4 right now21:12
Calvin3.99 is the "developer edition"21:12
gwpit loaded fine i just went to log out and selected it21:12
rohanon hardy systems having hardy-backport enabled, qt is updated to 4.4, wheres pyqt is still 4.3.3. would that cause a problem? will hardy-backports update pyqt to 4.421:13
gwpkde4 is bad ass21:13
=== uga is now known as uga|away
Calvinkde4 does not change your mbr21:14
Calvinmbr = master boot record  - that's the place where grub lives21:15
Toejamnohelphere: sudo /ect/init.d/cups stop21:15
gwpI understand that but I dont know what to do about my mbr, maybe the size of that drive kubuntu has a problem with? maybe use a smaller drive and put the mbr and install on and then put /home on my larger drive?21:16
Freddy2one friend is trying to create a software raid at install time (from the live cd), but can't find the option for creating "md devices", with the desktop version21:16
Toejampim: you can install flash from adept21:16
Freddy2do you need the alternate version for this? thx21:16
pimToejam, also apt-get flash?21:17
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr21:17
phoenix_thanks for the french link21:17
Toejamrohan: in time I'm sure21:17
Toejamrohan: #kubuntu-devel21:17
ToejamFreddy2: You can't use the Desktop Cd use the alternate Cd instead21:18
Freddy2ok, i'll try.. thx21:18
Toejampim: apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree21:18
rohanToejam: ok21:18
* Toejam goes back to picking cherries21:19
pimToejam will it also work with konqueror?21:21
Toejamin theory21:22
Freddy2Toejam: hmm in dvd format are also available both desktop and alternate versions? or there's only one?21:22
pimToejam it doesn't unfortunately, what should I do next?21:23
ToejamFreddy2: Both are available21:23
Toejampim: you restarted Konqueror?21:23
DragnslcrFreddy2- there's only a single version of the DVD. It should include everything from both the Desktop and Alternate CD's21:24
ToejamPLus all of the main repo21:24
* Toejam waits for Kubuntu Blu_ray edition21:24
Freddy2ok, that's what i had imagined..21:24
ToejamWith all of KDE SVN :)21:24
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!21:24
antoniotmierda que arrecho pura gente que usa kde21:25
pimToejam, yes I have rebooted.21:25
Toejampim: Hmm21:25
Freddy2antoniot: este canal es en ingles exclusivamente21:25
Toejampim: Settings -> configure -> Konqueror -> Plugins -> scan for new plugins21:25
antoniotgracias mi pana21:26
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.21:26
antoniotporfa me dices uno en español?21:26
antoniotlisto man gracias!!! =)21:26
Toejamantoniot: ^^^ :-)21:26
Freddy2ahi tienes21:26
HunterSThompsonI see Toejam...but no Earl to be found...21:26
ToejamHunterSThompson: Someone took earl :(21:26
ToejamYeah wait till I tell my uncle Cryptosporidium 13721:27
gwpI just did an integrity test on the cd-rom it checked good, gonna try a fresh install to see if it fixes the issue21:28
pimToejam, I'm sorry but I have the dutch version of kubuntu. Which settings do you mean, within Konqueror or from the 'start' menu?21:29
Toejampim: Konqueror I'm sorry21:29
HunterSThompsonI'm getting no response in #mythtv-users so I'll ask here...does anyone know how I can cause playback to always be in Progressive Scan mode?21:30
Toejam#mythbuntu ?21:30
HunterSThompsonYe gods!  That's the channel i wanted21:30
pimToejam, It works, thanks!21:31
Toejampim: :-)21:31
nohelpherei sent something to be printed a half hour ago... its just now being printed21:31
Toejam!fr | pim If you want french help in the future21:31
ubottupim If you want french help in the future: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr21:31
Toejamnohelphere: that's no good if the cops are knocking on the door21:32
pimToejam My french is not as good as my English I'm afraid : -)21:32
ToejamOui oui21:32
HunterSThompsonas long as it's better than most american's speak english I have no complaints...21:32
pimMa francais, n'est pas tres bien21:33
HunterSThompsonsont le mot qui vont tres bien ensemble21:33
Toejamdo we allow conjunctions here?21:34
gwpToejam: I am at the partition editor in the install. I selected automated partitioning and it gave me, #1 primary 158.0 GB F ext3 / ; #5 logical 6.7 GB F swap swap21:34
HunterSThompsonyes...but no contractions a'tall...21:35
Toejamgwp: You have no Windows partition ?21:35
HunterSThompsonthat didn't work21:35
=== antoniot is now known as pazuzux
gwpToejam: now the weird thing is when i hit enter over the #1 primary to see the options, bootable flag is off21:35
gwpToejam: no21:35
Toejamgwp: Ok Well I assume you don't want one then :)21:35
gwpToejam: nosir21:36
ToejamWell If I may be so bold as to suggest a /home parition ?21:36
gwpToejam: yeah i wondered why the auto setup didnt do that, could you give me an example of a good partition system with a 160 gig hard drive, id set my partitions up based on that21:36
HunterSThompsonno response in #ubuntu-mythtv either21:37
ToejamWell if you are having a issue on boot up I would make ~1GB /boot first21:37
Toejamthen a ~10 GB /21:37
ToejamYou know your usage of the computer and the type of applications you will install so do that as to your liking21:38
ToejamI have a 7GB / I've never filled21:38
Toejamgwp: 64 Bit or 32 bit install ?21:38
gwpToejam: 64 bit21:39
Toejamah good how much RAM?21:39
gwpTHe /boot would be primary correct? and 4 gigs21:39
Toejamplease include foreseeable expansions :)21:39
ToejamSure that's a good deal more than plenty21:39
gwpWell I am going to expand to 16gigs soon21:40
ToejamOK A 6 Gig swap isn't ridiculous then21:40
gwpFor ram, 4 gigs for ram and 16 soon if thats what you meant21:40
ToejamYou had 6 gigs for swap which is normally really stupid21:41
ToejamIf you are going to be filling 16 Gigs of RAM then that 6 may come in useful21:41
Toejamassuming you are doing pretty heavy lifting21:41
gwpFor my main / how big would you suggest? I plan on using this pc asmy primary & gaming machine21:41
HunterSThompsonwow...16G...I have two...one of which is never used21:41
Toejamgwp: Dunno. You know better than I do21:42
gwpIts rediculous i know, the board will hold 32 gigs, i just wanted to see what 16 gigs did :)21:42
ToejamIf you install a lot of self contained apps (games would count) then more is good21:42
gwpWould the / be primary or logical?21:42
HunterSThompsonprimary I'm sure21:42
Toejam if you have a lot of servers that generate data then much more21:42
Toejamgwp: Doesn't matter but / is safe21:43
Toejamsorry primary is safe21:43
antoniotporque en #kubuntu.es no hay nadie?21:43
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.21:44
hawkeyexgot a little problem with my printer. hmmmm21:45
antoniotgracias otra vez21:45
hawkeyexanyone wanna help me with it?21:45
hawkeyexdoes anyone know how to make my printer default to hp6280? because when I try to print something, it always selects PDF first21:45
=== luis is now known as tigremx
Toejamhawkeyex: you checked in printers in system settings ?21:45
Toejamhi robertknight21:46
=== antoniot is now known as pazuzux
gwpWonder why kubuntu auto creat partitions sucks. it initially made 2 partitions / and swap and the first install i had was like that and probably causing the error 18 message21:48
Toejamgwp: Works for most people21:49
gwpToejam: well I hope that by creating the /boot it will fix the issues21:49
norman_xhi out there!21:49
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!21:49
Toejamgwp: Swap and /home can be logical21:50
gwpoh damn i set /home primary21:50
Toejamlogical is nicer is all21:50
gwpwhy is it nicer?21:51
Toejammore flexible to play with later21:51
gwpI have a couple more hard drives I need to install later, would I need to do a reinstall when I do?21:52
gwpThe reason they arent in are due to my laziness factor21:52
Toejamwhat do you mean install?21:52
gwpToejam: slide them into the pc and plug them in21:52
Toejamyou mean you want an OS on them as well?21:53
gwpno, i mean I want the space for this current kubuntu21:53
Toejamoh no21:53
gwpI dont like windows, its too screwy, I may download windows 2008 when its stable to check it out21:53
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!21:53
gwpbut im not a fan of windows at all21:54
bleistanks ubottu21:54
gwphopefully when I reinstall WoW it works this time21:55
gwpI wonder if I should install it twice21:55
Toejamha ha21:55
Toejamask in #winehq21:55
gwpSince WoW worked fine before the expansion21:55
gwpNo they didnt help when I did21:56
ToejamThey can give you nice walkthroughs I bet21:56
gwpthey sent me to the same how to that I used when I installed it21:56
rohanbleis: ubottu is a bot21:56
ToejamThey have a page on WOW though21:56
ToejamWhen did the update come out/?21:56
gwpa while back21:56
gwpim sure it works on most pcs21:57
gwpk, its rebooting, cross ur fingers21:57
gwpooh no error this time21:58
gwpno x windows21:59
Toejamwhats it do?22:00
gwpdidnt boot into windows just a command prompt login, last thing boot shows is, Loading, please wait... ; kinit: name_to_dev_t(/dev/sda5) = sda5(8,5) ; kinit: trying to resume from /dev/sda5 ; kinit: No resume image, doing normal boot...22:01
gwpBefore when I installed it booted into xwin22:01
ToejamThats not even booted22:01
Toejamcan you login?22:02
gwpyeah just did22:02
Toejamdoes that start KDE?22:03
=== luciano is now known as luciano_
gwpCould not create lock file in /tmp/.tX0-lock ; giving up. ; xinit: No such file or directory (errno 2): unable to connect to X server ; xinit: No such process (errno 3): Server error.22:04
gwpno KDE, reboot?22:04
Toejamgwp: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop22:04
gwpis that kde 4?22:04
gwpI wanted KDE 422:05
Toejamgwp: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop-kde422:05
gwpE: Couldn't find package kubuntu-desktop-kde422:06
joe_hi all can anyone help, i'm not able to open any website22:06
joe_i'm running on a dial up22:06
joe_i'm able to connect to irc using konversation22:06
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Toejamgwp: Whhops kubuntu-kde4-desktop22:07
joe_i'm also able to ping www.google.com or any other website22:07
Toejamjoe_: Can you ping the websites?22:07
andorwho i install a flash player on kunutu ?22:07
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash22:07
andorty bot :)22:07
joe_Toejam: what do you think?22:07
joe_i think it this has to deal with my localhost setting22:08
Toejamjoe_: Konqueror configured to go through a proxy?22:08
joe_Toejam: no, no proxy22:09
Toejamwhat localhost setting22:09
joe_Toejam: my localhost is: joe-laptop22:09
joe_Toejam: shouldn't it be "localhost"22:09
Toejamperhaps :)22:10
joe_Toejam: what do you suggest?22:12
Toejamjoe_: See if firefox browses22:12
joe_i don't have firefox22:12
ToejamIf so it's a konqueror specific issue22:12
Toejamjoe_: w3m then22:12
joe_no w3m also, i'm using kubuntu and it only comes with konqueror22:13
joe_don't you think that it is a problem related to a bad internet configuration22:13
Toejamyes but I wanna know if its Konqueror specific KDE specific or system22:14
joe_how can you know that?22:14
joe_other than trying another web browser22:15
joe_ah i see22:15
gwpjoe_; you sure seem to be an asshole for someone asking for help22:15
Toejamopen konsole and type w3m www.google.com22:15
Toejamgwp: Be nice22:15
gwpjoe_: your issue is system specific/isp you said you tried two browsers and all you can do is chat22:15
gwptry getting onto a messenger22:16
joe_Toejam: it worked22:16
joe_Toejam: i could open the google website from w3m22:16
Toejamjoe_: ok try getting onto some IM from kopete22:17
gwpthen its konqueror specific, check your konquerer settings22:17
joe_gwp: ok i will do that, it seems you're right guys that this is a konqueror issue22:17
lumpycowhow do you change your screen size in kde?22:20
ToejamSystem settings -> Monitor -> resolution slider22:21
lumpycowwould there be a reason why the monitor its not showing up in the systems setting?22:22
Toejamlumpycow: Computer Administration -> monitor & display ?22:22
lumpycowhmm maybe I hides it when your not using root....22:24
Toejami'm not root22:25
ToejamKDE3 ?22:25
lumpycowit did show up when I first installed it...22:25
ToejamYou have Date & Time ?22:25
ToejamAnd Keyboard & Mouse ?22:25
lumpycowoh... maybe I uninstalled some things in add remove programs.... hmm22:25
busfahrerExcuse me, I just installed Hardy and this is what reddit.com looks like in Firefox 3: http://i25.tinypic.com/71mivb.png -- The small gray font really looks messed up, really hard to read, it used to be better in Feisty and Gutsy. Any ideas?22:26
lumpycowyeah... I have everything else... I must have accedentally deleted it...22:26
Toejamlumpycow: From a konsole type kcmshell displayconfig22:27
lumpycowyeah couldn't find displayconfig22:28
Toejambusfahrer: Dunno ask in #ubuntu if there are font regressions with FF322:28
Toejamlumpycow: There you go22:28
lumpycowXD... think I deleted it when I uninstalled wine22:29
uhriventisIs there a program or something so that I can change my desktop theme without having to install compiz?22:29
Toejamyes too much wine will make you do drunk things22:29
Toejamuhriventis: What?22:30
uhriventisJust something to changed the colour of my bars and what not. But, not have all those ugly 3d effects22:30
gwpim reinstalling the system22:30
gwphopfully it works thistime22:30
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy22:30
Toejamgwp: What?22:30
ToejamWhat broke?22:31
gwpToejam: that command you gave me ended up in an error and i never got xwin22:31
Toejamgwp: The apt-get install?22:31
ToejamWhat error ?22:31
gwpI cant remember now but it was durring the install of kde422:32
Toejamrun it again22:32
gwplast thing i remember seeing was something about the libraries and it errored and ended, i tried the command 4 more times to same avail22:32
Toejamand you dont remeber the error?22:33
rogue_traderi have a problem with kde 4: right after installing I clicked with the mouse somewhere inside the panel at the bottom and the widgets including clock, system and workplace moved to the left right next to the start menu icon. I do not see running programs anymore as a result. how can I change the position of the widets back to the lower right?22:33
gwpno, i tried a reboot and recieved the same errors from before and ended up at the shell login, so i reboot again and went into rescue disk to reinstall22:34
Toejamheh :)22:34
gwpinstallation takes just a few seconds, so its no biggy22:35
tech9iner!seen kkathman22:37
ubottuFactoid seen kkathman not found22:37
gwpnot much out there for kde4 themes huh22:37
gwprogue_trader: you cant drag them back?22:38
gwpheres the newest reboot22:39
gwperror 16: Inconsistent filesystem structure22:40
crackbuenas notxes¡¡¡¡22:40
rogue_traderhow can i change the position of widgets in the panel?22:40
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.22:40
TeslaTonyrogue_trader: The way I fixed it was I right clicked on the panel where I wanted the task manager to be. Then I added the task manager applet to it again. You may need to add two before it sets correctly22:40
crackok, thank22:41
TeslaTonyAs far as repositioning goes, I don't think you can right now22:41
gwpwhat do you have up your sleaves for that Toejam?22:41
Toejamgwp: Should have tried to fix the old error :)22:41
ToejamWhere are you getting this?22:42
gwplol, this a worse one?22:42
Toejamgwp: Can you login?22:42
gwpAt initial bootup, it says that and then press any key to continue, then it asks if i want to load 8.04 kernal 2.6.24-16-generic or generic recovery mode22:42
gwpyeah i can load into xwin22:43
Toejampastebin your /etc/fstab22:43
gwpKernel 2.6.24-16-generic loads fine22:43
gwpWhat is that 16 bit mode or something the 2.6.24-16-generic?22:44
gwpthe kernel, what is that generic kernel?22:44
rogue_traderi just removed all widgets from the panel. now i do not see any widgets but I do not see any programs either22:45
gwphow do i read my /etc/fstab22:45
Toejam2 =major version 6 = minor version 24 = release version 16 = ubuntu changes version22:45
rogue_traderdoes anyone know where the configuration of the panel is stored?22:46
TeslaTonyrogue_trader: Right click on the panel, select "add widgets" and add whatever widgets you want in the order you want them arranged22:46
Toejamrogue_trader: Help in #kubuntu-kde422:46
rogue_traderTeslaTony, yes that would work but my problem is that I am not shown the running programs22:47
rogue_traderthe widgets moved right next tot the start button22:47
=== jay is now known as dCop
=== dCop is now known as Fstab
DarkJusticeI have hardy installed and it ran fine but suddenly I'm getting an error "Failed to start the x server. It is likely that it is not set up correctly. Would you like to view the x server output to diagnose the problem?" .. but when I do that it tells me "Failsafe mode was already attempted".. any suggestions how to boot back up would be grealy appreciated22:48
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TeslaTonyrogue_trader: Yes. I know. That's because you don't have the task manager widget. Add the task manager widget and you'll see the programs on the panel.22:48
=== gnomie is now known as notanick
=== notanick is now known as towely
towelydamn is every nick taken?! ROFL22:49
gwphow do i read my /etc/fstab Toejam?22:49
towelyat a term type sudo gedit /etc/fstab22:50
TeslaTonytowely: ilovewindowsandspam is still available22:50
Toejamalt+F2 -> kate /etc/fstab22:50
towelybe easy though... you can edit it that way too22:50
towelyGee thanks Telsa! haha22:50
Toejamgwp: Wait might be kwrite22:50
jeremieoéch les mec22:51
gwpthat worked22:51
towelysory guys didnt mean to flood with the nick changes... didnt realize it logged me into this channel at connect22:51
arturzykzainstalowaem dzis compiza, od tej pory nie mam polskich znakow i kubuntu jest bardzo niestabilny...22:51
jeremiesa va bien22:51
Toejamarturzyk: polish?22:51
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.22:51
ubottuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl22:51
arturzykyes, i come from Poland22:51
Toejamgood guess22:52
towelyQuestion... cant automount anything as user... ipod, usb harddrive...nothing... have to terminal sudo it. Even though there are entries in my fstab with the user prefix. Any suggestions or points in the right direction?22:53
arturzykszczerze, to nie szukam pomocy, tak chcialem tylko wyzalic sie:P22:53
arturzykale dzieki;)22:53
towelyunfortunaly I dont speak polish22:53
ubottuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl22:54
Toejamarturzyk: ^^^22:54
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gwpDid you see that pastebin Toejam?22:54
o0Chris0ohey guys, I tried to play a game in wine, and it changed my video settings, now I am at 640x480 how do I change back to 1280x1024, I tried going to system settings and changing it that way, but that didn't work :(22:55
Toejamgwp: yeah22:55
Toejamyou did something funky22:55
gwpWHATS THAT?22:55
gwpoops damnlaptop22:55
gwpand these small keys, sorry for caps22:55
towelycheck your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to make sure you have the proper mod lines for your monitor in there22:55
towelynever heard of wine messing things like that though..22:56
gwpThis sucks, im looking at a black screen right now because I selected logout, wonder if its going to go to the login screen22:56
jcohi, does someone know the difference between the nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-envy packages? From the description they seem the same...22:56
o0Chris0oI dunno22:56
towelyso anyone have any idea how I can get my system to automount my usb devices again?22:57
towelythe envy package would be for the envy client. I heard envy doesnt even work in hardy... what version are you running?22:57
jcotowely: 8.04... but what is envy then?22:58
towelyforget envy.... either download and install nVidias drivers or use the restricted driver manager to install your video drivers...22:58
towelyenvy was a way to install your vid drivers in previous versions of k/ubuntu22:59
jcotowely: I'm ok, I just saw in aptitude this new package, I was curious...22:59
towelyI would try the distro specific drivers installed by the RDM before using nVidia's.. nVidia's drivers hosed my system... the RDM did not22:59
arturzykGoodbye everyone;)23:00
TeslaTonyIs there a way on the command line to get a full (ish, anyways) set of system specs? HD capacity, RAM, CPU brand and speed...23:00
jcotowely: I'm indeed using the Ubuntu ones, too easy to get them working to bother IMHO23:00
ToejamTeslaTony: sudo lshw23:00
Toejamyou can dump iit to a HTML page as well23:01
towelyThey are working fine here. High fps in 3d games... full 3d desktop... very cool23:01
Toejamgwp: alt+ctrl+BkSpc ?23:01
gwpToejam: what should I do about what i did23:01
o0Chris0ohey towely check this out, I'm not sure what to change http://pastebin.com/f2110c21123:01
TeslaTonyToejam: Perfect. Thanks23:02
jcotowely: I have the 3d stuff on the gnome session, just to impress friends, I use a "normal" kde for daily work23:02
towelythe only mod line you have in there under the "monitor" section is for 640x480. Try adding like lines for your higher resolution23:02
towelyI use compiz all the time... love the cube and super-e.... I dont have any of the other "candy" turned on but wobbly windows23:03
o0Chris0owell I can change it to 1280x1024, but not sure how to go abouts to change the rest23:03
jcotowely: I just login on gnome when poeple tells me about the spectacular 3D effects of Vista...23:04
towelymodeline  "1280x1024@60" 25.2 640 656 752 800 480 490 492 525 -vsync -hsync  <-- try that. I am no expert here.... not a CRT monitor?23:04
o0Chris0ono its not23:05
jcotowely: I have a ThinkPad, Ubuntu detected my screen by itself and ran at 1920x1200 out of the box23:05
towelyok you shouldnt fry anything then... try changing the modline to what ever res you want that your lcd supports and restarting X23:05
towelyMAKE SURE you back up the xorg.conf file before making changes23:06
towelyok so anyone willing to take a stab at MY issue? ROFL23:06
jparishy_Shouldn't I have the GL headers in kubuntu? I don't have them23:07
jcotowely: what issue?23:07
towelyQuestion... cant automount anything as user... ipod, usb harddrive...nothing... have to terminal sudo it. Even though there are entries in my fstab with the user prefix. Any suggestions or points in the right direction?23:08
towelyif you dont then you should be able to DL and install them23:08
jcotowely: doesn't Ubuntu use hal? did you try halmount?23:08
towelygood point... brb.... see im a total noob except on the stuff ive done before... lol23:09
towelyI'll make sure hal is running23:09
jcotowely: I'm very new to Ubuntu, so I may be wrong, but I have the feeling that almost all major distros use hal nowadays23:10
towelyhalmount is not a usable command on my system... I did a /etc/init.d/hal restart and it seemed to restart/start without issues but nothing has changed with my issue...23:13
towelydoing a hal man23:13
towelyor man hal23:13
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towelylol no man for it23:13
towelycould I have some how removed the user level mount permissions globaly?23:14
andorI instaled flashplayer, but it dont work in opera. what to do ?23:14
jcotowely: I see now that hald is there, but there's no halmount command23:14
jcotowely: oh... on another distro halmount is a link to halmount.py23:15
towelyI deffinatly see being able to have full access to mount as a user could be a security issue but I can't even write to my ipod with gtkpod because it is mounted as root.  I suppose I could open gtkpod as root but I dont want to have to do that23:16
jcotowely: but have you tried to add to the panel the "Storage Media" (or something like that) applet which provides the "Mount" option when a device appears?23:16
Toejamtowely: Try setting a umask?23:17
jcotowely: oh, halmount should be provided by the package ivman (sudo apt-get install ivman)23:17
Toejamkk I'm out for an hour or two23:17
towelyin storage device manager I can add options for the pod.. wonder if I put user in there if it will solve the issue23:18
andori tryed to seartch for new plugins whit opera, but it dont find any.23:18
towelyI'm not up yet on the umask23:19
towelyTry Firefox....23:19
busfahrerExcuse me, I just reinstalled my system and have the following problem: When I mount my homedir that I retained on another partition, my Konsole updates the text noticeably slow, i.e. scrolls sluggish. When I use the homedir from the fresh install, the problem is gone. I guess my issue is that some configuration from my previous installation is messed up, but I don't know which. Any ideas?23:19
Toejambusfahrer: mv your ~/.kde/share/apps/konsole dir23:21
Toejambusfahrer: likely you just have a huge set of logs or something23:22
andortowely: Firefox, no i dont really like that browser23:22
towelyhave you gone through Opera's support forums?23:23
towelythats where I would start23:23
andorwill take a look23:23
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ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash23:37
darkalieni have a question23:38
darkalienwhen compiling git on KDE  are switches like --enable-kde  --disable gnome  --disable-gconf etc necessary?23:38
Toejamdepends. do you want to enable KDe disable gnome and gconf ?23:38
darkalieni have kde and i wanted to compile compiz23:39
Boohbahdarkalien: why?23:39
darkalienbut i have configure it and it says gnome: yes kde:no23:39
teddy_hello. does anyone know what -march flag i would use on gcc for an amd sempron 3000+?23:39
darkalieni must habe the new version23:39
Boohbahdarkalien: well it wouldn't hurt to --enable-kde23:40
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Boohbahdarkalien: i have never used git, but does it come with a gui? i assumed it was command line only23:40
darkaliengit is a downlaod manger23:41
darkalieni have downloaded the new version23:41
darkalienso and i must compile now23:41
darkalieni show you moment please23:41
darkalienproblem is that there is gnome: yes kde: now but i try kubuntu23:43
darkalienso ok i think what i must have to do23:44
darkalieni must disable gtk and gnome and enable kde23:45
darkalienbut how can i do this?23:45
andorlastime i used konqueror, and i was on a site whit flash one, i got a box ut if i wanted to instal flash. who i get that box up again?23:48
darkaliencan anyone helps me please23:49
=== george_ is now known as gwp1
=== usuario_ is now known as Gabrunix
Gabrunixno se por que no me funciona el apt-get23:52
Jucato!es | Gabrunix23:54
ubottuGabrunix: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.23:54
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)23:55
Gabrunixok thanks ubottu23:55
andorwhat file shuld i use, .rmp or tar.gz to kubuntu ?23:57
gwpWhere can I get a server install for Kubuntu23:57
gwpWell, to download and install from the kubuntu server23:57
gwpnot to run my own server, ftp install i think its called23:58

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