[00:07] kiko: just hope someone actually still is responsible for it ;) [01:17] My SSH key was recently rejected by LP (because of the infamous SSH bug found), so I updated my system, created another one, put it inside LP, and it is rejecting it. "This key is known to be compromised due to a security flaw in the software used to generate it" [01:17] I'm fairly certain I just upgraded my system. [01:36] alecwh: can you check your key with ssh-vulnkey? [01:37] intellectronica: I don't have that package installed, how do I get it? [01:38] if you don't have it installed then you haven't upgraded to the latest version. it's in the same package [01:39] alecwh: are you using ubuntu? [01:40] intellectronica: Yes, hold on, I'm doing an apt-get update [01:40] alecwh: after that you also need to do `apt-get upgrade` [01:41] and then generate new keys [01:41] okay, I'll check back when my bandwidth lifts up, my internet is going really slow. [01:41] cool [01:50] alecwh, apt-get dist-upgrade [01:54] kiko: I'm using the latest Ubuntu version already. [01:56] alecwh, if you don't have ssh-vulnkey, you aren't :) [01:56] alecwh, if you just did upgrade you won't have it. you need dist-upgrade. [01:57] kiko: I'm 100% I'm using 8.04. =) I'm waiting for a friend down the hall from downloading a video, and then I'm going to update my repositories [01:58] * Hobbsee wonders [01:58] alecwh, it's not 8.04 that's the issue -- it's dist-upgrade. [01:58] oh, it is in openssh-client [01:58] hmm, okay, I'll try it in like 5 minutes - sorry... [01:58] noprobs [01:58] I'm outta here but intellectronica or Hobbsee can help [01:58] see you all from prague! [01:59] alecwh: do you have openssh-client installed? [02:01] shitty weather in Prague :( [02:01] clear sky, 10C? yeah. bit cold. [02:02] Hobbsee: rain :( [02:02] http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/5day.shtml?world=0055&links [02:03] Hobbsee: yes [02:03] alecwh: run `which ssh-vulnkey` and paste the output please. [02:03] emgent: very dodgy. [02:04] emgent: spain was lovely. there should be a requirement on all european weather being nice for uds' [02:04] ture italy too :) [02:04] s/ture/true/ [02:04] alecwh@alecwh-laptop:~$ which ssh-vulnkey [02:04] alecwh@alecwh-laptop:~$ [02:04] * Hobbsee kicks the weather applet [02:05] alecwh: and `ls -la /usr/bin/ssh-vulnkey`? [02:05] * Hobbsee scratches head. [02:05] Hobbsee: eh, I just did an update, and I have security packages to download... [02:05] alecwh: that'll do it.... [02:05] alecwh: it's in them. [02:05] =) [02:05] Sorry about that. [02:06] nickellery, are you here? [02:07] Hobbsee: good possibility for news uds in italy :) [02:08] emgent: now that would be fun.... [02:12] nickellery, one of your likely problems is that you seem to have 4 keys :-) [02:12] Hobbsee: :) [02:13] I think so :) [02:27] nickellery, well, since you're not around I've sent you a signed email to decode [02:27] nickellery, you can also take the gpg text from Launchpad, save it into a text file, and run gpg from the command line on it [02:27] hi Hobbsee. bye Hobbsee. [02:27] Rinchen: ? [02:28] drive by "hello" :-) [02:28] Rinchen: oh...hi then.... [02:28] * Rinchen is off to a very late dinner [02:28] oh. enjoy. [02:36] i go to sleep people [02:36] see you from Prague! === lamont` is now known as lamont [03:42] could someone explain why im getting another email from Matt Revell about my SSH key after I did the update and generated a new key which tested ok by ssh-vulnkey [04:05] Rinchen, sorry about that, but I'm available now [08:17] How often is Launchpad's bzr installation updated? [08:17] It's currently 1.3.. [08:57] Peng: every release, we update to the latest released bzr version [08:58] Peng: when Launchpad was last updated, it was still 1.4 rc 1 [08:58] Peng: so it had to wait [08:58] Peng: so when the next Launchpad rollout happens in a week and a half you will see bzr #1.5 [08:58] Ok. [08:59] Thanks, thumper. [08:59] Peng: np [09:00] I think bzr has gotten more efficient when pulling when there are no changes since 1.3. [09:00] (Which Launchpad does all the time.) [09:00] Peng: it has [09:00] It'll start auto-detecting bzr+http, too, won't it? [09:03] perhaps [09:03] I'm not sure what we need to do on the Launchpad end to get that working [09:03] but I'll chase up spiv [09:04] * Peng shrugs. [09:04] If Launchpad just does os.system('bzr pull ...'), nothing needs to be changed. If you use bzrlib's API, I have no idea. [11:50] heya === mpt_ is now known as mpt === _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde [13:28] question about PPA [13:29] I deleted all the packages in the PPA [13:29] still [13:29] when I do a dput I get: MD5 sum of uploaded file does not match existing file in archive [13:29] how do you get rid of this one? [13:29] * theseinfeld is totally puzzled... [13:29] AFAIK, deletes aren't processed instantly. [13:29] It may work after "a while". [13:30] hmm... [13:30] how about couple of hours? [13:30] like 2 hours... [13:30] I dunno. [13:30] see the help on the left hand side of the page [13:30] My guess is that the source package is still not deleted [13:30] decipher it if possible [13:30] it can be up to 12 hours [13:30] :D [13:30] better to increment version [13:30] of the source package? [13:31] my guess is that the source package is the problem [13:31] earlier, the orig.tar.gz was from the svn [13:31] now it is from the release [13:31] do you think this might be the case? [13:31] probably [13:31] so, is there a way to delete the source package? [13:32] eventually. [13:32] after ~12 hours? [13:32] :D [13:32] you may have to publish something else, too [13:32] which may make it faster. [13:32] yeah, exactly... [13:32] I see [13:32] I will look into it [13:32] I already filed a bug report [13:33] I was thinking it was related to BUG 191892 [13:33] Launchpad bug 191892 in soyuz "Unsuperseded binaries can't be deleted from PPAs" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191892 [13:33] I was on that one before it happen :) === fdd-0 is now known as fdd [15:07] Hi! [15:08] Is there some way to access bug status information in launchpad over XML-RPC? === thekorn is now known as thekorn_96 [15:29] jelmer: no. but you can get a text representation of the bug by appending /+text to the url [15:30] BjornT: Ah, thanks. Even better :-) === thekorn_96 is now known as thekorn [15:32] BjornT: Is there a description of the format somewhere? [15:35] jelmer: no. it's a bit undocumented, since it's basically just a placeholder, until we get proper apis in place. [15:35] jelmer: it consists of multiple parts, separated by a blank line. [15:36] jelmer: first there is information about the bug itself. after that, there is one or more 'task' section, which gives information about the bug in each context it is reported [15:37] jelmer: after the 'task' sections is a multipart/mime message, which contains the bug description, and all the comments [15:37] BjornT: Thanks, that helps! [15:37] each section should be parsable with the python email module [15:44] BjornT: Ah, that sounds much simpler :-) [15:45] jelmer, btw, python-launchpad-bugs has a parser for this +text pages [15:46] thekorn: thanks, I'll see if I can get some inspiration from that one [15:46] This is in Debian though, so I can't use that module directly [15:47] jelmer, the first part is not always parseable with the email modul, you can use the configParser for this part [15:55] Looks like rfc822 does sufficient for what I'm looking for === fta2 is now known as fta [17:22] ok, bts-link now supports launchpad === gnomefre2k is now known as gnomefreak [19:34] hello [19:45] After having deleted my old SSH key and generated a new one, I keep getting the same error message as before: [19:45] Permission denied (publickey). [19:45] bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: please check connectivity and permissions (and try -Dhpss if further diagnosis is required) [19:45] Does anyone know how to solve this issue? [19:48] Lantash, have you uploaded you new key to Launchpad? [19:48] yeah, using https://launchpad.net/~lantash/+editsshkeys [19:49] the weird thing is that the "Key text" seems to be the same when I regenerate the key... [19:50] Lantash, then something must be wrong [19:50] at least always began with "AAAB3N" [19:50] are you using ssh-keygen? [19:51] I am... just as described in http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-2 [19:52] I tried it several times... the fingerprints weren't the same [19:59] don't get it... [20:02] removing the whole ~/.ssh dir didn't solve the problem either -> different private key, but the public key is always the same [20:26] ehrm just noticed that the public key isn't always the same, only the first 26 characters ^^, but I still get this Permission denied (publickey) error message [20:26] beuno: do we have to reupload keys even if our key was made pre-openssl bug? [20:27] mtaylor, no, not at all. Launchpad will remove your key if it's weak, so if it hasn't your safe [20:27] beuno: hrm. [20:28] beuno: none of my keys are listed by ssh-vulnkey... but bazaar.launchpad.net is still rejecting me atm [20:36] mtaylor, did you get an email about the key's removal? [20:37] beuno: no. and it looks like it's not removed [20:37] beuno: but I'm getting bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: please check connectivity and permissions (and try -Dhpss if further diagnosis is required) [20:37] when I try to do anything today [20:37] hrm [20:37] you seem to be having the same probleam as Lantash... [20:37] right :-/ [20:39] I don't think we have any LP admins around right now... Rinchen might be able to point us towards someone [20:39] ah [20:40] mine isn't working either :) [20:40] elmo? thumper? lifeless? SteveA? [20:40] all ssh keys seem to get rejected [20:41] greaaaat [20:41] abentley? [20:41] this probably is the worst time, as most people will probably be travelling to UDS [20:42] beuno: Hi. [20:42] abentley, hey :) we seem to be having a problem [20:42] With ssh to bazaar.launchpad.net? [20:43] abentley, yeap [20:43] yup [20:43] Yep. [20:43] Have you updated your key since the openssl vulnerability was announced? [20:43] mine isn't vulnerable [20:43] abentley: I have [20:43] I have one older, good key and one new key. Both fail. [20:43] abentley, mine is pre-2006 too, and it pases all the tests [20:44] I can log in to sftp. [20:44] Or maybe I can't. Silly lftp. [20:44] beuno@beuno-laptop:~$ sftp beuno@bazaar.launchpad.net [20:44] Connecting to bazaar.launchpad.net... [20:44] Permission denied (publickey). [20:44] same here [20:46] Me too. [20:46] * Peng feels redundant. [20:46] launchpadlibrarian.net is down for me. Is it down for others? [20:46] Okay, I can confirm. [20:47] aos101: Seems to be. [20:47] since Lantash reported it first, I'd say *he* broke it :) [20:47] Who ran "rm -rf /"? [20:47] hehe :-D [20:48] Peng: Thanks. It was down when I tried it earlier also. [20:49] Peng: oh. was I not supposed to run rm -rm / ? darn it [20:49] what does that command do? let me try [20:51] ah, seems many images are stored in launchpadlibrarian [20:51] so it makes navigating LP akward [20:59] I've sent out an email to our launchpad sysadmins. I've also tried to ping them on the private IRC server. [21:00] abentley, great, thanks. So we play the waiting game now [21:01] From the symptoms, it sounds like a problem with the internal xml-rpc server. [21:02] it has to have borken down in the past hour or so [21:02] s/borken/broken [21:02] I used it before that [21:02] beuno: the practise with vulnerable keys was to remove them from the user profile, and then forbid re-uploading them. Any key still in your profile will (normally) work. [21:03] I just thought it could have been removed, and you might not have noticed the email. [21:03] abentley, ah, right. No, I've been using it, and tested my key [21:11] abentley, LP is still running bzr 1.3? That's odd, it used to be very much in sync [21:11] 1.4 came out too late for it to be included in our monthly release. [21:12] ah, so it's straight to 1.5? [21:15] is it possible for me to change my launchpad username? [21:15] nickellery: Yes. [21:15] Peng: how do i do that? [21:15] nickellery: I dunno. But you can. [21:15] Peng: should i contact an admin? [21:16] nickellery: User page -> Change details. [21:16] Peng: omg i never even noticed that I could do that! [21:17] thanks [21:20] beuno: That's the plan. [21:27] hi all [21:27] I am having troubles pushing code to launchpad [21:27] asabil: Yeah. [21:27] asabil: yup. something's broke [21:27] so I am not the only one [21:28] You are not. [21:28] launchpadlibrarian.net is down too. :) [21:29] asabil, Peng, mtaylor I'm trying to get hold of someone who can look into this now. [21:29] ok thanks a lot [21:33] launchpadlibrarian.net is down? [21:34] blueyed, yes, and ssh access to bazaar.launchpad [21:43] "Oops" [21:43] connecting to baazr.lp.net seems to work for me now. [21:43] A [21:43] librarian is on it's way back [21:44] elmo: Cool, thanks. [21:44] bzr+ssh and sftp still don't work for me. [21:45] Peng: what's your LP userid? [21:46] librarian is back up [21:47] elmo: mnordhoff. [21:48] Peng: you're not using one of the compromised keys we deleted, right? [21:48] Librarian works though. [21:48] elmo: I got one of my keys deleted, but the rest are okay. [21:49] I just tried two keys too. [21:49] Peng: can you retry bzr+ssh and sftp now? maybe the codehosting is using the librarian to fetch keys [21:49] (bzr.dev, if it matters.) [21:49] and when I said it was on it's way back, it was still booting [21:49] elmo: Still doesn't work. [21:49] elmo, I can't connect either [21:49] bother [21:49] I can't see anything obviously wrong on vostok [21:50] [21:50] yah [21:51] Still doesn't work. [21:51] lala [21:51] let me see if mister quiche is in the house [21:52] Any chance I got blocked because I tried like 10 times while it was still down? [21:53] My other IP probably didn't though. [21:53] Peng: don't think so - I don't think we have that kind of heuristics [21:54] Doesn't work from a third IP where I've never tried it before. [21:54] (All around the U.S.) [21:54] OH [21:54] Vostok's host key fingerprint is 9d:38:3a:63:b1:d5:6f:c4:44:67:53:49:2e:ee:fc:89, right? :) [21:54] Oh? [21:54] I know what it is, give me two secs [21:55] Peng: try now [21:55] elmo: Works. What was wrong? [21:55] Thanks. :) [21:55] works here too [21:57] Peng: the authentication server for the code hosting died in the same crash the took out the librarian [21:58] it didn't immediately click for a variety of reasons, starting with it should have auto-started but mostly boiling down to me being stupid [21:58] Huh. [21:58] Okay. [21:58] works like a charm... thanks a lot for fixing this issue