
sectechbug #230906, I don't know what package to assign it to... There is enough to confirm00:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 230906 in ubuntu "Using special characters in filenames prevents Windows from opening" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23090600:06
dsas_sectech: I think that bugs in discussion on ubuntu-devel-discuss at present. I seem to remember that it wasn't clear where the bug lay, possibly the filesystem level.00:19
sectechOkay I'll leave it be... I am just going through the incomplete bugs I was triaging...00:20
sectechhouse keeping (with what is possible)00:20
sectechIf I request a backtrace for a bug and it returns with no symbols, and there isn't a -dbg for the application would an apport report be any more effective?00:29
dsas_sectech: Yes I believe so. It's then retraced with debug symbols in the datacentre00:38
sectechOkay, then I'll be asking for apport for a couple of mine00:39
RyanPriorHow do I change the importance of a bug?06:39
nickelleryRyanPrior, you have to be a member of the Ubuntu-Bugcontrol team06:44
RyanPriornickellery: Who do I complain to if there's a bug that's clearly mis-marked in importance?06:53
thekornwhat's the bugnumer and the importance in question?06:54
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RyanPriorlaunchpad bug #183917 (marked low priority) is the most complained about bug in Hardy06:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 183917 in libflashsupport "Sound stops working in Firefox once other applications (Pidgin, Rhythmbox) have played sound" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18391706:58
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!06:58
thekornRyanPrior, IMO there is no need to chenge the importance of this bug, this is surely in focus of the developers, changing the importance won't change anything07:05
RyanPriorthekorn: I think it hurts the credibility of the bug tracking system. Hundreds of people per day find that bug and see that it's already confirmed, and low priority.07:07
thekornRyanPrior, based on the number of different comments and subscribers I'm not sure if there are really hundreds of people are intrested in this bug07:11
thekornthe importance was set by someone who really knows what to do,07:12
thekornso the best would be to conntact him and talk to him directly about changing it07:12
RyanPriorthekorn: I'm not sure on the numbers. I sit in #ubuntu for a few hours a day though, and we get questions about that bug probably once every few minutes, so figuring in how many people search the bug tracker without asking in IRC, I figure it's a pretty big numberr.07:12
RyanPriorthekorn: the number of comments isn't a good indicator, because a bug tracker is not a popularity contest. Not everybody is going to chime in. If there's an Ubuntu Brainstorm entry for this bug, I bet it's got a thousand votes.07:14
thekornRyanPrior, right, if you add a comment, saying you have seen many people affected by this bug, I will change the importance07:19
RyanPriorthekorn: Done.07:25
thekornRyanPrior, my problem right now is: I 'm unable to reproduce it with an uptodate hardy07:30
RyanPriorthekorn: Are you using Adobe Flash?07:30
RyanPriorthekorn: I reproduce it daily using these steps: Open Rhythmbox, set music playing, browse to a YouTube video and play it, pause Rhythmbox to let the video play. Expected result: audio and video play. Actual result: only video plays.07:32
thekornRyanPrior, I'm using flash-nonfree, so yes07:32
RyanPriorThe workaround I use is closing Rhythmbox, closing Firefox, opening Firefox again, playing the flash video, and then opening Rhythmbox again.07:32
RyanPriorthekorn: Do you have libflashsupport installed?07:33
thekornRyanPrior, Ohh, ok, I think I'm able to reproduce it this way,07:36
thekornneed to reboot, back in a few07:36
thekornRyanPrior, I'm still not able to reproduce this particullar issue, maybe it is just luck ;)07:46
RyanPriorthekorn: If you have libflashsupport you won't be able to reproduce it - do you?07:46
thekornbut I'm going to change the importance based on your last comment07:48
RyanPriorWell, if you really can't reproduce the bug, we should figure out why that is and try to get to the bottom of this.07:49
RyanPriorI don't have time tonight, but maybe there's a clue in the discrepancy.07:49
thekornRyanPrior, I have libflashsupport installed! why is there a libflashsupport task?07:49
RyanPriorthekorn: libflashsupport solves this bug but creates a worse one.07:50
RyanPriorthekorn: You won't be able to reproduce this bug as long as you have libflashsupport though.07:50
thekornRyanPrior, ok, I'm sorry to say this, but I'm not sure what the best steps at this point are, maybe you should ask crimsun or members of mozilla-bugs about this. I will subscribe myself to this bug, and follow on this later today as I'm running out of time right now.07:55
RyanPriorthekorn: I'm going to bed myself. Thanks for the attention.07:55
thekornRyanPrior, thank you for working on this07:56
thekornRyanPrior, good night07:56
isforinsectsNot entirely sure how to report this bug correctly, of if indeed it is a bug or something else.10:01
isforinsectsI am trying to install the Hardy package 'imms' and it depends on 'xmms' which isn't available in 8.04 repos.10:01
isforinsectsin fact quite a few packages require xmms: playground-plugin-xmms for instance10:03
isforinsectsThere are even gobs of xmms plugins in the repos, but no xmms10:04
RAOFisforinsects: That means we need to file a bunch of removal request bugs, basically.10:05
RAOFBut they'll only be removed from Intrepid, not Hardy.10:05
isforinsectsCan you point me to an example?  I'd be willing to do file them.10:05
isforinsectsOh yes, I suppose hardy repos are set now aren't they.10:06
sectechWhy on earth.10:15
RAOFsectech: ?10:16
sectechI used xmms all the time,  wonder why they would remove the main package10:16
isforinsectsWell it is obsoleted by xmms210:16
isforinsectsI think?10:16
RAOFBecause it's ancient, not well maintained, and depends on gtk1.2.10:16
RAOFisforinsects: No, xmms2 is quite different.10:17
RAOFAnd gtk1.2 is going to disappear from the archives real-soon-now :)10:17
sectecha shame they didn't keep it up.... oh well...10:17
sectechIt's been around for ages...10:18
isforinsectsI like it myself.  I find more and more problems with heavy weight media players10:18
pedro_bug 19068410:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 190684 in xmms "Remove xmms from Ubuntu" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19068410:18
pedro_clearly explain why it was removed10:18
sectechmorning pedro_10:19
sectechanyway bbl, getting ready for work10:20
pedro_hello sectech10:20
isforinsectsSo do you have any pointers for filing the bug reports?10:33
isforinsectsOr removal requests?10:33
mgunesisforinsects, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs10:34
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Pierreanyone notices huge slowdown in firefox3 in comparison with ff2? (on last ubuntu vs ubuntu-1)14:05
* Hobbsee has had the opposite.14:07
PierreHobbsee: net acces is slow, autocomplete takes seconds to find smtg, etc. Reproducible on three boxes14:08
Pierreand JS is... gmail is now unusable :)14:08
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pedro_is KelvinGardiner in the channel?15:54
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pochuthekorn: you have mail :)20:06
pck-chemquick question for those csh-ers. I'm using a program that requires the use of the c shell and I need to edit my .cshrc file. Where is this file? and if I need to make it myself, where should I do that? thanks.20:14
thekornpochu, do you mean the one from ~5hrs ago?20:23
thekornI already replied to this one20:24
pochuthekorn: ah, right21:15
penguin42hi, a bug of mine #229067 has a connection to an external KDE bug, but it's been marked as invalid - I'm not 100% sure, but I think the reason is that the upstream bug has been marked as a dupe - does launchpad now need tying to that other bug?21:24
pck-chemIt wouldn't hurt.21:26
pck-chembug 22906721:26
pck-chembug #22906721:26
penguin42It looks like they have a fix for it as well, so it would be a good thing to pick the fix up since it segs konq21:27
penguin42hohum, I've added a comment21:34
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sectechI'm surprised a "[needs-packaging] Firefox 3-RC1" hasn't come across launchpad yet23:34
gnomefreaksectech: it has23:37
gnomefreaksectech: its being taken care of23:37
gnomefreaksectech: hard part is its UDS week this week but we have been testing it since b5 came out23:38
sectechOh I stand corrected...23:39
gnomefreaksince fta;s ppa is synced it will update and we will push final RC23:39
sectechI just saw a post of /. saying it was out....Guess I didn't see it go through launchpad...23:44
sectechthen again I am running on 3 hours sleep so I am not seeing much of launchpad today23:44
gnomefreaksectech: i get emails from mozilla before and at time of release plus app-days the whole team does, so we know we test snapshots all through process, people have this issue where they have to have it the sec it comes out23:47
sectechlol true enough....23:48
gnomefreakok ill be back, if you see a bug like that please close it and tell them we are working on it and send them to #ubuntu-mozillateam if they have more questions or they can ask on mailing list23:52
gnomefreakbe back i have to reboot23:53

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