
ceekayI know this isn't strcitly development-related, but it's in the topic and i get no response in #ubuntu so I'll ask here http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-1 says that for 7.04 to get libssl0.9.8 version 0.9.8c-4ubuntu0.3 ... however packages.ubuntu.com and my nearest mirror lists 0.9.8c-4ubuntu0.2 as being the latest available... is ...ubuntu0.3 still in the works?00:03
crimsunceekay: no, it's already available.00:07
ceekayjust a mirror sync thing or something?00:08
crimsunceekay: yes00:08
crimsunlibssl0.9.8 | 0.9.8c-4ubuntu0.3 | feisty-security | amd64, i386, powerpc00:08
crimsunlibssl0.9.8 | 0.9.8c-4ubuntu0.3 | feisty-updates | amd64, i386, powerpc00:08
crimsunso, you can either pull from archive.ubuntu.com or from security.ubuntu.com00:08
crimsun(sorry, I reversed that, respectively)00:09
crimsunas long as you have "Important security updates" ticked/checked in the Updates tab of System> Administration> Software Sources, you should be set.00:10
ceekaycool thx... just wanted to verify that it was actually available00:10
ceekaymy repositories are set to a local mirror at work that probably just syncs nightly00:10
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Hobbseepitti: i'm no -sru'er....02:42
lamont`hrm... how do I tell network mangler to keep doing it's thing even when I'm not logged in, I wonder?03:33
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johanbrlamont: for versions older than 0.7 I think the answer is "you don't".03:51
ScottKlamont: By not logging out AFAIK.03:52
lamontI see.03:52
lamontdoes 0.7 play well with hardy, I wonder?03:52
johanbrNot without tweaking: http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.linux.network.networkmanager.devel/965403:54
andrew_sayersShould I be filing wishlist bugs when I stumble over things where IPv6 is less well supported than v4?04:00
andrew_sayers(e.g. netcat6 not in main, libsocket6-perl not in main)04:01
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pittiHobbsee: ah, ok; seems I mixed that up07:31
pittiGood morning07:31
YokoZarpitti: uh oh07:44
gesergood morning pitti08:02
kirklandpitti: seems my build had a problem, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/14558108/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-i386.ecryptfs-utils_45-1_CHROOTWAIT.txt.gz08:16
geserkirkland: looks like the buildds are broken right now :(08:24
pittikirkland: that hit me as well yesterday; NFC, unfortunately08:33
TheMusopitti: Ok ACKEd, will process the rest when I'm down stairs.08:40
pittiTheMuso: thanks08:40
Mithrandirpitti: why does pg_config --libs output lots of stuff like -lz?  They should be pulled in by having libpgport linked to it, should they not?08:48
pittiMithrandir: hm, good point; can you please file a bug about it? (in Debian preferably)08:50
pittiMithrandir: (sorry, EBUSY ATM)08:50
Mithrandirpitti: np, and will do08:50
kirklandpitti: geser: okay, thanks.  i thought this might be pervasive, but mentioned it just in case08:59
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Keybukstupid question of the day:10:17
KeybukI always what terminals to start at 60px across10:17
StevenKAnd 60 pixels?10:18
KeybukRAOF: yes10:18
andrew_sayersNot 60 characters?10:19
RAOFThe Stupidly Configurable window managers will do this; Compiz is one, and I think you'll find the 'window rules' plugin is where you can specify this behaviour.10:19
KeybukRAOF: I can't find a way10:19
andrew_sayersMost terminals take a --geometry attribute - the man page for the terminal will tell you more.10:20
pittiKeybuk: session management is *supposed* to do that, and it worked just fine until gutsy; too bad that hardy broke it (might be a gnome-terminal bug, though, it works for other apps)10:21
RAOFKeybuk: Advanced ... -> Window Rules -> Size rules -> New should allow you to specify that you want your gnome-terminals to be 60px wide.10:21
NafalloKeybuk: devilspie10:21
pittiRAOF: I don't seem to be able to find an 'Advanced' thing in g-t; where is it?10:23
KeybukRAOF: not 60px wide, as in not use the left-most 60px of the screen10:23
KeybukNafallo: doesn't seem to have a rule for "first terminal on an otherwise empty workspace" ?10:23
NafalloKeybuk: ah. only the first one... not every.10:24
andrew_sayersKeybuk: I'm a but rusty with my geometry, but I think you want something like --geometry 60x?+0+010:26
andrew_sayers(Where "?" is the height of your screen)10:26
Keybukyeah you can do something like that10:26
Keybukbut that's annoying10:26
pittino, rather +60+010:26
pitti+ is the offset, AxB the size10:26
* Ng wonders why keybuk wants that, although the only hack I can think of right now would force all windows on all workspaces to start at +60 ;/10:31
RAOFHm.  You can set the place plugin to manually start terminals at +60+0.10:32
RAOFBut that's going to start _all_ terminals at the same place.10:32
Ngdepending on how you arrange your terminals, you could go for a terminal program which keeps them all in one window and just have that window start at +60 :D10:33
KeybukNg: because with the size of the terminals, I can fit two on the screen10:33
Keybukwith 60px either side10:33
Keybukwhich looks nice and balanced10:33
Ngare you determined to keep 80x24? I rather like having 4 120x35 terms :)10:35
RAOFYou could get compiz's put plugin to bind a key to "move this terminal to +60+0"; that's the best I can think of.10:36
andrew_sayersKeybuk: you might want to consider using screen, and splitting the screen into regions.10:42
TheMusopitti: Ok I think I have got all of the ones that remained.11:19
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Hobbseepitti: mp12:52
Hobbseepitti: ping-a-ling13:16
jdstrandkees: what do you think of:13:18
jdstrand$ sudo ufw limit ssh/tcp13:18
jdstrandlimit is an 'allow' but with rate limiting13:18
jdstrand(I'm still not here)13:18
jdstrands/is an/just like/13:19
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lucaswhere's the source code behind http://patches.ubuntu.com/?13:34
Amaranthlucas: Someone else runs that. *shrug*13:45
mvolucas: Scott will know13:47
pittiTheMuso: thanks for the SRU acks; can you please take a look at bug 175536 as well?13:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 175536 in audacious "[Hardy, patch] audacious does not use pulseaudio by default" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17553613:51
TheMusopitti: I'm on it.13:51
Hobbseepitti: tis borken :(13:51
Hobbseepitti: https://launchpad.net/bugs/23123613:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 231236 in totem-pl-parser "libtotem-plparser10 Will not install." [Critical,Triaged]13:51
pittiTheMuso: thanks13:52
pittiHobbsee: oh argh, thanks for pointing out13:53
Hobbseepitti: may be worth adding to the doc, or something, not to do that.13:53
pittiHobbsee: we can't update evo yet; I guess we need to do a direct -updates upload with a rebuild13:53
Hobbseepitti: presumably, yeah.13:54
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Keybuklucas: http://launchpad.net/merge-o-matic13:54
seb128Hobbsee: rebuild uploaded to hardy-updates now, thanks for mentionning13:58
Hobbseeseb128: thanks13:58
seb128Hobbsee: it's not as easy as migrating all the rdepends, evolution-data-server is still buggy and not ready to migrate to updates13:59
Hobbseeseb128: which means it all isn't, or you should do as you're doing now, with the rebuild, just in case.13:59
Hobbsee(unless you have some easy way of seeing if all the deps get satisfied, with it in -updates.13:59
seb128right, it was an oversight13:59
Hobbseeyes, same as last time :)14:00
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StevenKI wonder if I can brutalise quilt to add a patch only on one arch14:05
azeemStevenK: glibc does that on Debian at least, AFAIK14:05
kirklandcjwatson: I would like to talk to you about the automatically generated/updated repository of ubuntu manpages and such.  Would you like to do this offline/in-the-halls, in a fosscamp session, or next week during UDS?14:13
marmadeoliComo eu posso ajudar no desenvolvimento de algum pacote ubuntu? (How can I help to develop any ubuntu package?)15:09
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mptKeybuk, what's the meaning of blue, pink, and white?15:53
Keybukmpt: ?16:05
mptcody-somerville: reported as bug 23140316:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 231403 in malone "Can't easily list bug reports I need to follow up on" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23140316:07
mptKeybuk, in the UDS schedule16:07
cody-somervillempt, thanks.16:07
Riddellthere's a UDS schedule?16:12
tseliotRiddell: I'm not sure about this but have a look at this link: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-drivers/uds-intrepid/trunk/files16:26
Riddellwas hoping for something more readable :)16:30
tseliotRiddell: me too... :-(16:32
munckfishthat's got to be the ultimate techy web UI no? :D16:34
munckfishall in XML16:34
munckfishall in source control16:34
tseliotXML is the global language. It will soon replace the English language too (which is deprecated) ;)16:35
pitti<answer type="agreement" value="no" />16:38
cody-somervilleThats not even the latest16:41
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tseliotpitti: hehehe16:52
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McRibI am just curious about the status of Bug #228044.  I submitted it a few days ago and it's listed as being fixed in -proposed, but I can't install it.17:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 228044 in mplayerplug-in "In Hardy, mozilla-mplayer depends on firefox-3.0 - does not accept firefox-2" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22804417:33
crimsunwhat do you mean by "can't install it"?  Are the maintainer scripts failing?  Also, you want to migrate this discussion to #ubuntu-motu.17:34
McRibcrimsun: What I mean is that it still depends on firefox-3.0... does not accept firefox-217:36
crimsunMcRib: dpkg -l mozilla-mplayer|grep ^ii17:36
crimsunMcRib: and please, this belongs in -motu17:37
McRibcrimsun: Alright, I'll take it there... I was referred here first, though.17:37
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bud32Hi, once Ubuntu 8.04 installed, there was some file left with GID 999 throughout the file system. I fixed it with "sudo find / -nogroup -exec chgrp root {} \;"19:32
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hwildeso how compromised are the keys really20:40
hwildetrue randomness is not theoretically achievable by state machines20:40
hwildeso how can the new algorithm be that much better than the old one?20:41
jdonghwilde: err, very compromised.20:46
jdonghwilde: metasploit has a 10MB tarball of id_rsa's that you can use to log into any affected machine.20:46
jdongreportedly it took 3 hours to generate20:46
Chipzzhwilde: there's only 32.000 something keys now20:46
jdongif you ran ssh-keygen for 15 minutes you'd probably end up with a bunch of duplicate private keys :)20:47
hwildeand the new algorithm is better how20:47
jdonghwilde: the old one forgot to seed the random number generator.20:48
hwildeholy shit20:48
jdonghwilde: rather, it seeded ONLY by the PID of the ssh-keygen generator.20:48
jdonghwilde: which makes your key one of 32,767 predictable sequences :)20:48
jdongthat was my reaction waking up that morning20:49
hwildethat can't be true...20:49
hwildethe internet would not still be up20:49
jdonghwilde: I wish it weren't.20:49
* hwilde wonders how many rejected login attemps my servers allow 20:49
jdonghwilde: but alas, you can try the metasploit proof of concept with a VM.... it works shockingly well20:49
hwildeand what exactly does it mean when ssh-vulnkey says COMPROMISED20:51
desrthwilde; it means that someone else _definitely_ has a copy of your private key20:51
jdonghwilde: that means your key is DEFINITELY in http://sugar.metasploit.com/debian_ssh_rsa_2048_x86.tar.bz220:51
* Chipzz wonders why this wasn't embargo'd for longer20:53
jdongChipzz: not sure that would've been any more helpful.20:54
Chipzzjdong: well, when the embargo was lifted there only was an openssl update20:54
Chipzzno openssh update yet20:54
ChipzzI had to do a lot of manual key regeneration20:55
Chipzzthis left a whole lot of people who didn't know how to regenerate their keys vulnerable for a couple of hours/a day20:55
Chipzzs/keys vulnerable/vulnerable keys/20:56
jdongssh and ssl services were completely disabled on my system the moment I read the advisory, until I could figure out what was necessary20:56
jdongdefinitely the first few hours were not well handled in terms of publishing the security update informatively.20:56
Chipzzjdong: yes, on your system maybe. but there are a lot of less knowledgable people out there20:56
jdongeven the DSA pointed to a dead link20:56
jdongChipzz: I'm agreeing with you here...20:56
Chipzzit should have been as simple as apt-get install openssh-server20:57
Chipzzwhich it wasn't at first20:57
Chipzzthere wouldn't have been an excuse to have a metasploit "plugin" then20:58
Chipzzsince you could easily check just running apt-get install openssh-server20:58
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Mezcjwatson, ping. Im using ssh-vulnkey, and its showing me some entries that i cant find in files anywhere, but seem suspicious23:06
Mezany idea how to find out what files they're coming from?23:06
StevenKstrace? :-P23:07
gnomefreakMez: it doesnt give you something like /home/gnomefreak/.ssh/id_rsa.pub23:44
Meznope. was giving me root@domain.i.dont.know23:45
Mez(replacing domain.i.dont.know23:45
Mezas the comment23:45
Mezappears it was my host keys as generated somwhere else23:45
Mezwhich I've now re-generated anyways23:45
gnomefreakMez: ah23:51

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