
flaccidhey nixternal when you say the new edition of official ubuntu book was being released?04:26
=== alefteris_ is now known as alefteris
=== fdd-0 is now known as fdd
alefteristhe edubuntu documents have been misplaced in the web server16:16
alefterisshould be http://doc.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/ but are now like http://doc.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/edubuntu/16:17
alefterisbecause of that, the links from http://doc.ubuntu.com are broken16:18
dsasalefteris: Could you file that as a bug please. It's only the draft documents so it's not urgent.16:41
alefterisdsas, sure16:42
alefterisdsas, i have also found some version number that are wrong in the intrepid branch, should i file them as bugs or are those branches are not ready yet?16:45
Eche|onhi, anyone here who can change some parts on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/I2P ?23:07
Eche|onthe URL is old far long outdated23:09
Eche|onplease change the url from i2p.net to i2p2.de23:09
Eche|onno one has access to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/I2P to change?23:15

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