sadmac | how do I commit a merge? | 01:57 |
sadmac | in bzr | 01:57 |
sadmac | nvm. | 02:03 |
catsup | does upstart need to have pid 1? | 04:56 |
darius12 | I wonder how upstart could solve the "boot splash problem". If there is no goal, how can a "percentage" be calculated? | 11:56 |
darius12 | Some sort of "spinning" is the only UI solution that seems to make sense | 11:57 |
darius12 | you could also have some sort of "icon parade" in the lower part of the screen so that you can get a sense of what has already started | 11:59 |
darius12 | I can't build current upstart trunk :-( | 14:26 |
darius12 | I did the ../nih/nihify && autoreconf -i && ./configure && make dance | 14:27 |
ion_ | I don’t think it would be very difficult to estimate the percentage based on previous boots. | 14:27 |
darius12 | yes but what will define the "100%" in order to calculate this percentage? when X started? | 14:28 |
ion_ | For instance, yes. | 14:28 |
darius12 | but that can happen at different times depending on the situation (e.g., a usb drive is plugged or not) | 14:29 |
ion_ | Yes. | 14:29 |
ion_ | As i said, estimate. | 14:29 |
darius12 | and when this estimation underestimates? you return the bar back? | 14:30 |
darius12 | or do you take something like the 200% of the estimation just to be sure? | 14:31 |
ion_ | No, just let it stay at 100%. | 14:31 |
darius12 | hmm, if it stays at 100% for long the user might think the system is stuck | 14:31 |
ion_ | The probability of that happening is low. It’s more likely it stays at a much smaller percentage (e.g. waiting for a device or network), at which time the bar could be replaced with a spinner until there’s progress again. | 14:32 |
darius12 | and there is also the question how much do you increment the bar for each "started" events? | 14:32 |
ion_ | That’s based on previous boots. | 14:33 |
darius12 | but since things start in parallel it is unlikely you can estimate that correctly (at least without a lot of samples) | 14:33 |
ion_ | I said previous boots. That’s where we get a lot of samples from. | 14:34 |
ion_ | If there isn’t enough certainty, just show a spinner and collect data. | 14:34 |
darius12 | So it is a spinner in the beginning and at some arbitrary boot it is transformed to a bar? | 14:35 |
ion_ | Yes. | 14:35 |
ion_ | Probably already at the second boot. | 14:36 |
ion_ | And the accuracy will increase after that. | 14:36 |
darius12 | interesting | 14:36 |
darius12 | ion_: does current trunk build for you? | 14:37 |
ion_ | I haven’t built it for a while, dunno. | 14:38 |
darius12 | I see. It fails to build here sadly :-( | 14:38 |
Keybuk | darius12: what was the result of "make" ? | 14:49 |
darius12 | INSTALL_NIH does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL | 14:50 |
darius12 | I added it manually and now it breaks inside libnih | 14:51 |
darius12 | *** No rule to make target `../m4/codeset.m4', needed by `'. Stop. | 14:51 |
darius12 | is it possible that I have an incorrect version? I bzr branch'ed from launchpad | 14:51 |
darius12 | I have rev 960 | 14:52 |
darius12 | I 'm trying to build it in ubuntu hardy | 14:52 |
Keybuk | so you checked out trunk | 14:54 |
Keybuk | and you ran autoreconf -i ? | 14:54 |
darius12 | first I run ../libnih/nihify | 14:54 |
Keybuk | you nihify'd libnih? | 14:54 |
darius12 | and then autoreconf -i yes | 14:54 |
Keybuk | the _correct_ sequence is ... | 14:54 |
Keybuk | bzr checkout .../libnih/trunk libnih | 14:55 |
Keybuk | bzr checkout .../upstart/trunk upstart | 14:55 |
Keybuk | cd libnih | 14:55 |
Keybuk | autoreconf -i | 14:55 |
Keybuk | cd ../upstart | 14:55 |
Keybuk | ../libnih/nihify | 14:55 |
Keybuk | autoreconf -i | 14:55 |
Keybuk | ie. you nihify _upstart_ rather than libnih | 14:55 |
Keybuk | if you do it inside libnih, it'll likely futz things up | 14:55 |
Keybuk | so you'd need to checkout again | 14:55 |
darius12 | I did it within upstart's dir | 14:56 |
Keybuk | did you do the above sequence? | 14:56 |
darius12 | but I didn't autoreconf libnih before I do that | 14:56 |
Keybuk | ah | 14:56 |
darius12 | so I 'll try again | 14:56 |
darius12 | If it works could you please just copy & paste the above snippet in HACKING? | 14:57 |
darius12 | I missed the "autoreconf -i" part inside libnih in the current instructions | 14:58 |
Keybuk | yeah, I probably should | 14:58 |
Keybuk | | 14:58 |
Keybuk | has it | 14:58 |
Keybuk | hmm, you may have to configure libnih too | 14:59 |
Keybuk | I can't remember ;) | 14:59 |
darius12 | how do you build it? | 14:59 |
darius12 | it would also be nice then if there was a standard script for all this dance assuming standard directory names ("upstart" and "libnih") | 15:00 |
darius12 | this way you wouldn't forget yoursef :-) | 15:00 |
Keybuk | heh | 15:02 |
Keybuk | It's just always checked out | 15:02 |
darius12 | so you just "make" right? | 15:02 |
darius12 | ok, I did exactly the above sequence. Now it says: /bin/sh: ../libtool: No such file or directory | 15:03 |
Keybuk | yeah | 15:03 |
Keybuk | try a ./configure in libnih as well | 15:03 |
darius12 | ok | 15:03 |
darius12 | hmm, no it seems to be building :-) | 15:04 |
darius12 | s/no/now/ | 15:04 |
darius12 | yep, it built fine. thanks :-) | 15:04 |
darius12 | would you like me to pastebin the exact sequence so that you can put it in HACKING? | 15:05 |
darius12 | well, it's here if you want it: | 15:08 |
darius12 | bbl | 15:08 |
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