
psychnever used a distro that started x automatically :)00:00
kingair_sixhi, i´m trying to use a gtk-2+ theme in xubuntu, however, when i put it in /usr/share/themes i can't seem to find it in the interface dialogue. I can however install xfce themes. any idea?00:23
TheSheepkingair_six: note that gtk themes are selected in the user interface settings dialog00:27
kingair_sixyup, thatś where ive been looking00:29
kingair_sixdo i need to restart the session or so?00:29
erehello why can't i select 1024 just 800 x 60001:40
erewhy cant i select 1024 just 800 x 600 ?????????'01:46
favroere: you prob haven't installed your vid card driver02:03
eremy wireless doesn't work now, after an upgrade03:25
erewhat can I do??03:25
stilenxhey, I have just a real quick question05:25
stilenxI have a laptop with ubuntu on it, and I wanted to see if I could eek outs oem extra preformance with xubuntu, so I wne to the synaptics manager to look for the xubuntu packages05:26
stilenxyet there were none foudn05:26
stilenxi coudl download the kubuntu.... but I was looking for xubuntu05:26
stilenxany advice?05:26
stilenxany help at all?05:28
stilenxperhaps some configuration file I need to edit?05:28
Odd-rationalestilenx: look for the xubuntu-desktop package05:30
stilenxI did05:30
Odd-rationaleor just "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop05:30
stilenxI will try taht05:30
stilenxbecuse synaptic manager05:30
stilenxdid not display the package05:30
stilenxfor soem reason05:30
stilenxcan't type today lol05:30
stilenxthanks a million! it seems to be working now05:31
stilenxgah. why didn't I think to just use the terminal. oh well.05:31
mnemochi, i tried to open a remote .pls file with gmplayer of 8.0.4 but i get an ugly blinking error dialog telling "[AO_ALSA] Mixer load error: No such file or directory", what am I missing?11:01
TheSheepmnemoc: start it without any parameters, go to settings and set up your audio output properly11:06
* mnemoc wonders what properly is in this case... alsa->mixer has only "default" as option11:12
TheSheepyou are sure you have alsa working?11:14
mnemocTheSheep: mplayer by command line works file, and gmplayer plays fine, expect for that anoying dialog11:15
TheSheepah, no idea then11:15
mnemocTheSheep: thanks anyway11:17
PsynoKhi0Greetings, I was wondering: I installed hardy with "noapic nolapic pci=noacpi" from start... could that mess up the cpu scaling setup? I mean, my cpu does NOT support scaling... though I remember seeing Feisty and Gutsy (which I installed w/o specific options) trying to launch powernowd at boot... could it be that powernowd isn't properly configured so that cpu scaling tries to take place, sending bogus requests and making my comp freeze?12:22
PsynoKhi0uh I'm not sure I understand myself there... let me know if you feel the same :P12:23
pteagueis there a way to get the terminal to understand what the backspace is for? or is there another terminal that might be even more lightweight?13:56
TheSheeppteague: right-click, preferences, addvanced14:05
pteagueit's on auto-detect ... i'm not quite sure what control-h does14:07
pteagueah, there we go - thanks :)14:09
pteaguewhat's an easy way to figure out if my remote control is actually working?14:27
PsynoKhi0hi, isn't this output a tad weird? http://paste.ubuntu.com/12733/14:44
J-Unithow do u save the shortcuts for apps onto the bar in xubuntu (in ubuntu i right cliked and chose save to panel)15:13
joschanHi, how can I remove the startup screen that says "xubuntu" with the progres bar?16:17
favrojoschan: you can have text instead if you want - gksu mousepad /boot/grub/menu.lst - scroll down to the "end default options - and at the kernel line remove from the end "quiet splash" and add    verbose16:19
t|zzhi people, how can i boot the install-cd with no framebuffer ? my sis-chip corrupts output when i boot with framebuffer, can't read anything...16:40
crimsunno framebuffer or no usplash screen?16:40
crimsun(in either case, the options should be shown in more/advanced options at the boot menu)16:41
t|zzwell i just wan't no framebuffer, standard 80x25 or whatever output16:41
t|zzbut when i choose "install a command-line system" it tries to framebuffer anyway...16:42
crimsunright, there may be an option for that in the advanced options16:42
crimsunshould be F3,...,F616:42
t|zzi have other-options and modes, no "adwanced options". when i choose other options i can enter a command (kernel-parameter i think). but i don't know what to enter there, and it seems i have to mention the kernel as well...16:43
t|zzok got it now, just entered vga=asdf and it says it can't do this mode, so asks for mode and i can choose 0. then i have no framebuffer but it just changes graphics to something else after a some boot-lines and i can't read anything again16:45
crimsunvga=ask ?16:47
crimsunhmm, would have to look at debian-installer (for alternate) or ubiquity (for desktop)16:47
t|zzyes, then i can set mode 0 and can read, but after some lines of boot it changes mode and i can't ready anything again...16:47
favrot|zz: you're using the live cd? - on what type of hardware?16:48
t|zzi know there are issues with ubuntu and old sis-chipsets but i though i could just disable the whole fb-thing...16:48
t|zzits a very old laptop with sis chipset, intel 1ghz chip... can boot into gentoo install environment on cd but with xubuntu alternate-install-cd i can boot too but not read anything, corruptet graphic-output just strange arrangement of different colors, changing when i change console from keyboard16:49
favrot|zz: sis has poor support :( - at the start or install prompt or whatever - you can press F^ and get a safe boot option - I think it is F6... - never used it myself16:52
t|zzfavro:  with f6 i can modify the grub-line, there i can set vga=ask and then i can set mode 0 but after some lines of booting the kernel it changes mode and i can't see anything senseful on the screen again...17:00
t|zzit should be an option to disable the whole fb-stuff and just normal standard-text-output the whole boot-process and also install-process... but don't know how17:01
favrot|zz: you might need to add to the grub-line   noapic noalpic17:01
t|zzstill corrupted graphics as soon as i see syslog starting, the last message i see is "trying to enable framebuffer" but i have vga-mode set to 0, starnge that it still tries to enable fb17:03
favrot|zz: it prob can't find another option - what is the hardware?17:05
favro\2 am here - I'm  off - bye :)17:10
surirot|zz: remove 'splash quiet' from kernel line to get text output17:15
t|zzsuriro:  i have removed it, have no splash but after syslog starts on boot i get a kind of graphical mode... strange thing is: debian has the same behaviour, exactly equivalent, and only with gentoo i can boot, but there i have framebuffer and can see the little colored penguin on boot... works perfectly but i need a distro that is fast for installation, no compilation on such old hardware... strange17:26
surirot|zz: did you try installation from minimal cd?  http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:35
t|zznice i have it out with xubuntu: vga=0x317 is for 1024x768 and with this option it works when it tries to enable fb... thanks anyway guys !17:37
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The-Kernelis there anytihng wrong with the repo's atm?18:18
Chrysalishow am i supposed to mount partitions so they show as regular drives in thunar. . . apparently editing fstab and mounting in media doesnt do the trick18:19
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jeannehi all20:44
jeannedoes anyone uses pidgin and knows where the sounds files are located ? I am looking for sound for xchat, because there is no sound yet..20:45
TheSheep /usr/share/sounds20:48
TheSheepor somewhere in /usr/share/pidgin/20:49
jeannethank you20:52
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ubuntunoviceanyone know a good podcast aggregator for xubuntu which I can install using apt-get?22:18
TheSheepubuntunovice: just search for 'podcast' in synaptic22:19
ubuntunovicewhat is the difference between synaptic and the add/remove item in the menu?22:20
ubuntunovicewait I gotta reboot22:25
ubuntunoviceanybody know gpodder here?23:32
ubuntunovicedownloads keep stalling.. I don't know why.. ideas?23:32
zazenhi, is there someone who speaks spanish?23:35
floating_at least the people of #ubuntu-es23:35
zazenI don't know why, I cannot access ubuntu-ar, ubuntu-es, ubuntu-ve, ubuntu-ch23:36
zazennd so on23:36
floating_anyone know why my keyboard stops responding on some window, as if it was "inactive" ..i can't type to a window before I first activate other window, and then activate the window i wanted to type in23:36
zazengreat, now it did! thanks :D23:37
martynAlright dudes. Been having real problems with sound in Xubuntu laptop. Now discovered that sound does come out when headphones are plugged in. Does this suggest that problem is physical connection between the soundcard and speakers, and not a soundcard/driver issue?23:40

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