
jelmerw00t, got "bzr builddeb <remote-url>" working :-)00:30
alecwhHello! I want my bzr repository to be something that any user can just clone for the latest version possible of the software. The only problem is, I have a "config.php" file that needs to be changed after a clone, because a variable needs to be set to "$installed = 'no';". However, my local copy has it to 'yes' because that's what I use for myself. So, is there any way that bzr can just "ignore" that config.php to any changes, and just leave 03:12
bob2have a seperate branch03:12
bob2although then you can only merge one way03:13
alecwhoh, so just merge branches whenever I make a change?03:16
alecwhbut that will merge the config.php's (and probably have a merge conflict), because they are different, correct?03:16
jelmeralecwh: alternatively, you may just want to include a file "local-config.php" from your config.php that isn't versioned03:20
jelmerperhaps only if it exists, and set "$installed = 'yes'" if it doesn't03:21
alecwhjelmer: good idea actually... but if bzr doesn't recognize it, then it won't be uploaded with the repository.03:22
jelmeralecwh: yes, but you would be the only one who would have to have that file03:22
jelmerusers who wouldn't have it would just get the default configuration03:23
alecwhoh okay. I'll try that out, thanks jelmer.03:23
alecwhwait - what does bzr ignore do?03:23
bob2stop bzr status complaining about files being unknown and 'bzr add .' from adding them03:23
alecwhoh, ok.03:29
bob2(you can still add them by giving their specific name)03:30
nekohayough, for some reason I am still not able to rebase with bzr 1.5, getting tracebacks, can anyone help me figure out if it's me doing something wrong or if it's a bug?03:51
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alecwhI'm trying to get bazaar to work with http://cia.vc to send my commits to IRC channels, but I'm stuck. Does anybody know how to do this?06:25
bob2you're using the bzr cia thing?06:57
gouris this "Another possible use for a checkout is to use it with a treeless repository containing your branches, where you maintain only one working tree by switching the master branch that the checkout points to when you want to work on a different branch." common 'bzr-idiom' when for local development?06:59
gours/when for/for06:59
gourmy xdg_email is empty...anyone use Gnus with bzr?08:38
vilagour: I use bzr and I use Gnus, what is your question :)09:03
bob2I don't even have a xdg_mail09:04
vilagour: no need for a Gnus mail client, just add 'mail_client = emacsclient' in ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf and add (server-start) to your ~/.gnus09:05
vilagour: I said ^ a few days ago, did you read it ?09:05
gourvila: no, i missed it09:06
vilagour: hmm, yeah, re-reading logs, you left just before I posted it :) Sorry, I missed that detail :-/09:07
vilagour: what exactly means 'ta'09:08
vilaI understand the 't' is for thanks but the 'a' ?09:09
spiv"ta" is just a short way to say "thanks".09:10
vilaspiv: hi !09:10
spivvila: good evening09:11
vilaI'm looking at bug #230223, but I feel out of my league :-/09:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 230223 in bzr "smart server probing in 1.4 breaks check outs of short bus http repositories [regression]" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23022309:11
spivvila: sorry, I'm just passing through...09:12
vilamy understanding so far is that smart server probing is not prepared to receive a 40309:12
vilaspiv: ok, no worries09:12
* spiv -> dinner09:12
alefterisi upgraded my local branch to rich-root-pack, then I'm trying to do the same with the launchpad.net hosted branch, but I get this: "bzr: ERROR: The branch format Bazaar-NG meta directory, format 1 is already at the most recent format."11:39
alefteriswhen i try to do bzr info at the launchpad branch i get "Standalone branch (format: unnamed)". What am I doing wrong?11:40
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lifelessalefteris: for the launchpad branch you need to upgrade using sftp; that should work12:00
alefterislifeless, thanks, I had to install paramiko as well and all went fine :)12:07
jelmernekohayo, please file a bug report12:37
lifelessjelmer: bzr pull from bzr-svn - is it mainly slow cause of bzr ?12:46
jelmerlifeless: yes12:47
jelmerlifeless, there are some minor bits that can be improved in the fetch code of bzr-svn but it's mainly in the bzr-side of things12:49
jelmerlifeless, are you doing a pull that appears to be too slow?12:50
bob2did the bzr-gtk trunk get rebased?12:52
lifelessjelmer: I was showing ted gould from inkscape12:57
lifelessjelmer: and it was doing a revision every 30-40 seconds ot so12:57
lifelesswhich is rather appalling :P12:57
bob2oh, bah, ~bzr/bzr-gtk got killed 6 months ago and I didn't notice12:58
jelmerlifeless: Wow, ok. Worst I've seen is once every couple of seconds12:58
jelmerlifeless: Any idea what is being so slow?12:59
jelmerlifeless, are you trying this with a local svn repository?13:01
jelmersourceforge can be really slow sometimes13:02
jelmerlifeless: I'm just trying it as well now, and it's taking 2 seconds to reply to each request13:05
jelmerlifeless: so, when are shallow branches going to land ? :-P13:06
lifelessjelmer: argh, 2 second latency on the server is explainable :)13:18
lifelessjelmer: could we show that in thhe ui/log file somehow ?13:19
jelmerlifeless: we are, but the progress bar is sometimes hidden for some unexplainable reason13:19
jelmerthere are progress bars being displayed from inside bzr-svn13:20
hsn_zr: ERROR: No such file: 'http://bazaar-vcs.org/bzr/bzr.dev/.bzr/repository/indices/b072a80d0242839227870cba3a3e0f9b.rix'13:20
hsn_repo moved?13:20
lifelesshsn_: probably a push going through at the time you were reading13:22
lifelesshsn_: just try again13:22
lifelesshsn_: there is a bug open - this is something we should retry on13:23
hsn_lifeless: it works now13:29
jelmerlifeless: inkscape isn't exactly fast here either; does about one revision every two or three seconds13:56
jelmerlifeless: seriously though - what's still left for shallwo branches?13:57
lifelessjelmer: thats faster than we were seeing13:58
lifelessjelmer: well the prototype branch is there for testing; you should be able to do bzr-svn work for it now13:58
lifelessjelmer: I'm working on optimisations now - inpartcular exposing historic texts on all repositories13:58
jelmerlifeless: where's the branch?14:00
lifelessjelmer: mumbke shallow-branch or somthing14:11
lifelessits in that list :)14:11
* jelmer wished he could do "lp list-branches bzr | grep shallow"14:12
jelmerlifeless: how stable is that API supposed to be, and what are the chances it's going to be in 1.6 ?14:17
* jelmer doesn't want to go through similar issues as rich roots14:17
lifelessjelmer: hopefully the external API is done14:21
lifelessI would like it if you worked with me on a beta-bzr-svn branch to use it14:21
lifelessjelmer: that would be better than waiting for me to be 'done' and then findingout its missing/bad for you14:22
lifelessjelmer: just don't offer it to 'users'.14:22
jelmerlifeless: I'm happy to work on "beta" support in bzr-svn, I'm just trying to avoid participating in the process too early14:28
jelmerand having to maintain a bzr-svn branch through API changes and months of bzr releases14:29
acusterhey jelmer! Any chance you'd be willing to flesh out your answer to the last FAQ: http://samba.org/~jelmer/bzr-svn/FAQ.html ?14:31
jelmeracuster: What specifically?14:31
acusterit bit me enough that I'm being pushed towards mercurial but I suspect bzr handles svn copy better than hg14:31
acusterI did a push back to svn, possibly with an --overwrite I don't remember, and the operation deleted the whole trunk and pushed us back to where I had converted from14:32
acusterso I gather I deeply misunderstood how bzr and svn go together14:33
acusterso specifically14:33
acusterthat and it are vague14:33
acusterI'd like a recepie possibly with why14:33
lifelessjelmer: I would help maintain such a branch14:34
lifelessjelmer: work goes >> when many hands14:34
jelmeracuster: I updated the FAQ14:34
jelmerlifeless: Thanks, that'd help14:35
acusterI'll try to get a better grip on my question when I can use 1.5 on this hardy14:35
lifelessjelmer: have you seen my status mails ?14:42
jelmerlifeless: no, I haven't - a quick search for "shallow" in my bzr mailbox doesn't list anything15:03
jelmerlifeless: also, the only "shallow" branch from you on launchpad is 11 weeks was last changed in february15:04
bob2it's on p.u.c15:04
jelmerhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~robertc/baz2.0/shallow-branch/ ? that's the one that hasn't hcanged since feb15:06
nekohayojelmer: hey, it seems it stopped giving me tracebacks! http://pastebin.ca/1021882 but I get a bunch of conflicts. should bzr replay be done with -r2.. (revision 2 is identical in contents) or the revision that followed?15:07
jelmernekohayo: the branches probably have different file ids15:09
nekohayojelmer: well, I assume so, they were different branches... what do I do?15:09
jelmerthe maptree stuff should be able to help there (it makes rebase/replay use paths rather than file ids) but that's not hooked up to the rebase ui yet (only used by svn-upgrade)15:10
jelmerso it's not really possible to use rebase/replay in this case15:11
nekohayoI don't exactly see what's so unusual with my case :|15:12
jelmerdifferent file ids15:12
nekohayojelmer: what is a fileid actually? and how could branches that were not historically connected ever have matching file ids?15:17
jelmernekohayo: a file id is a unique string that identifies a file. It's generated when it is first added to bzr15:17
jelmernekohayo: there's no way for historically not connected branches to have the same file ids15:17
nekohayoso there's no way to go further now? solving the conflicts wouldn't do it?15:19
jelmernekohayo: you can use diff + patch manually to replay each commit so you end up using the file ids from the branch you're building on rather than the branch you're replaying15:20
nekohayobasically recommitting everything by hand15:22
jelmerI'm not aware of any bzr plugins at that can do that for you15:22
jelmerrebase/replay could do it if you hooked up the maptree stuff15:23
nekohayohow hard is that?15:23
jelmershould be a matter of adding a call to MapTree() in the function that replays a delta in rebase15:25
lifelessjelmer: yes, thats right - I've been working on 'VersionedFiles' the consolidation of knits etc15:26
lifelessjelmer: that will let me loosen the constraint on version locking in shallow-ranch, and also get good performance for checkout() over the network.15:26
nekohayorebase.py:410:def replay_delta_workingtree(wt, oldrevid, newrevid, newparents,15:27
nekohayojelmer: I see that there is a file bzr-rebase/site-packages/bzrlib/plugins/rebase/test_maptree.py15:31
nekohayobut I don't understand it15:32
jelmernekohayo: you'd need the code in maptree.py15:32
jelmerand wrap the other tree specified to merge in replay_delta_workingtree() with MapTree()15:34
nekohayox_x beyond my skillset I guess15:40
nekohayoor is there a bug/blueprint I can subscribe to for rebase to support maptree?15:40
jelmerno, though you could file one15:41
Verteroknekohayo, jelmer: maybe using fastexport/fastimport to replay the commit?15:54
lifelessjelmer: so look for those mails :)15:55
lifelessvila: isn't your new POST bug a dupe?15:56
vilalifeless: I was unsure and wanted a reference to put in my merge request for #23022315:57
vilalifeless: bug #231649 is for the *test* servers15:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 231649 in bzr "http test server can't handle POST" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23164915:57
lifelessvila: anyhow, do you have time to look at http vs sftp pull performance?15:58
vilaghaaa, still trying to clean up my plate, I think I shoudl decline :-/15:59
vilaI really really really want to write that use-a-real-server-for-tests plugin now16:00
vilalifeless: wait a minute, what are you talking about ? http vs sftp ? Care to help me page in ?16:01
lifelessvila: couple days ago16:04
lifelessvila: kinnison was saying 'pull never utilises full bandwidth'16:04
lifelessvila: I said 'try sftp'; he did and it maxed his link out16:04
lifelessvila: he had been pulling over http16:05
vilaso sftp utilizes full bandwidth but http not ? If it's with urllib, that's a regression from the time I rewrote the streaming part.16:09
vilabranch uses full bandwidth AFAICS, or not ? Seems like many pack files are involved.16:15
vilasftp doing asynchronous IO thanks to paramiko may explain a bit of difference16:16
nekohayojelmer: think that could work?16:17
jelmernekohayo, not familiar enough with fastexport/fastimport16:18
nekohayoVerterok: never tried them, any pointers how to go about it?16:18
vilalifeless: indeed, pull seems worst than branch for bandwith (did a test with bzr branch -r 3300 bzr.dev tests; cd test; bzr pull bzr.dev16:19
jelmerlifeless, any chance you can merge bzr.dev in your shallow branch branch?16:19
Verteroknekohayo: I'm not an expert, but played a bit with it :)16:19
Verteroknekohayo: first do an fastexport of the branch, then you can write your own  processor to filter whatever you need to16:20
Verterokand do a fastimport, using the your custom proccessor16:21
lifelessjelmer: I will, once I have all tests passing with no repository._revision_store16:27
lifelessjelmer: e.g. probably tomorrow16:27
jelmerlifeless, ok16:27
vilalifeless: bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "sftp://vila@bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr/bzr/trunk/ ???17:08
bob2are you a member of the bzr group?17:09
vilabob2: I hope so :)17:10
lifelessvila: ?17:24
vilalifeless: shouldn't there be a branch there ?17:25
lifelessvila: no17:26
lifelessvila: its not hosted on launchpad17:26
lifelessvila: its mirrored there only17:26
vilasimple, clear. Thanks lifeless :)17:26
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abentleyvila: We are hoping to make our sftp and bzr+ssh services behave the same.  So that branch might be available on sftp after the next launchpad release.18:05
abentleyvila: I worked on that with jml.  It was rather tricky because the sftp server is twisted, and bzr+ssh is synchronous.18:07
vilaabentley: thanks for the info, what I was searching for was a branch that I can access with http and sftp with the same network context cot ompare respective performances, I totally forgot that I was accessing different hosts on lp, so...18:09
abentleyvila: I think the host is the same in both cases.  The problem is really that there are two different areas on launchpad; the hosted area and the mirrored area.  http gives access only to the mirrored area (which contains copies of hosted branches).  sftp gives access only to the hosted area.18:12
abentleybzr+ssh gives access to both, preferring hosted.18:12
vilaabentley: thks.18:14
vilagrr, what is the difference between code.lp.net and bazaar.lp.net ? bazaar is giving me a 502 Bad Gateway after a 215s timeout where code seems to issue a redirection (triggering a bug in the nosmart+ decorator by the way) 8-(18:22
beunovila, I think code.lp is used for the web app, and bazaar.lp is for actual branches18:24
beunomorning  :)18:24
vilabeuno: hi :)18:24
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ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:49
lifelesssee you all tomorrow19:00
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MachinShinhey guys, getting this error, what can i do to fix it? ->bzr: ERROR: Unsupported protocol for url "sftp://<censored>/trunk": Unable to import paramiko (required for sftp support): No module named paramiko"21:24
mwhudsonbeuno: damn loggerhead -- i bounced it21:24
jelmerMachinShin, install paramiko21:24
MachinShinthanks jelmer21:30
PengOk, this is weird. I'm reading Ben Finney's posts on the mailing list while watching the Star Trek TOS episode about Lt. Cmdr. Ben Finney.21:50
pickscrapeMaybe they used bzr for source control when programming the LCARS system?21:51
thumperjelmer: are you available for a few questions?22:21
jelmerthumper, hi22:21
jelmerthumper, sure22:21
thumperjelmer: There are two branches on launchpad that are causing many errors right now22:22
thumperjelmer: and both are bzr-svn branches22:22
thumperjelmer: one is yours, and one is a friends22:22
thumperjelmer: LP is failing to scan them properly as it is failing some basic integrity checks on revisions22:22
thumperjelmer: one thing we do is to check the revisions to make sure that the parentage hasn't changed22:22
thumperjelmer: but for these two branches it appears that between scans, the parents of some revisions did change22:23
thumperjelmer: I was under the impression that bzr revisions didn't change once they were created22:23
jelmerthumper, that's correct22:23
thumpers/didn't/shouldn't/ ?22:23
jelmerwhich branches are these?22:23
thumperhttps://code.launchpad.net/~jelmer/python/trunk is one22:24
thumperRevisionModifiedError: parent svn-v3-trunk1:6015fed2-1504-0410-9fe1-9d1591cc4771:python%2Ftrunk:55872 was added since last scan22:24
thumperjelmer: that is the error I am seeing22:24
jelmerto which revision was that parent added?22:25
thumperjelmer: unfortunately I don't think I have that information easily to hand22:26
thumperjelmer: what can I provide in order to help track this down?22:26
jelmerthumper: details about which revision apparently changed parents22:26
thumperis that all?22:26
jelmerthumper: Also, is this integrity checking done across branches?22:27
thumperjelmer: yes22:27
thumperthat may be the underlying problem22:27
thumperwe store a copy of the revisions in the database22:27
jelmerin that case it's probably that one of the branches was created using an experimental version of bzr-svn22:27
thumperwhich includes parentage22:27
thumperthis is an interesting problem to solve then22:28
jelmerthumper: I think one of the branches just has to be thrashed22:29
thumperjelmer: is there any way to determine which branch is the one created with the experimental bzr-svn?22:29
jelmerwell, recreating that branch using a stable version of bzr-svn22:30
thumperjelmer: ok, thanks22:31
xifHow, and how well, does bzr support the following development process:22:41
xifThe project has the following root directories: /linux, /osx, and /osx-diffs. Each time a developer commits /linux/foo.conf, the SCM applies the /osx-diffs/foo.conf.diff to it, and then commits it /osx/foo.conf.22:41
xif(commits it as the file /osx/foo.conf)22:41
thumperxif: sounds like a candidate for looms22:43
thumperxif: as long as you didn't have bidirectional diff application22:43
thumperxif: you could have /linux as the base thread22:44
thumperxif: and /osx os the next thread22:44
thumperxif: and the difference between them is effectively the /osx-diffs22:44
thumperxif: there is an export-loom command that can create branches for each thread22:45
xifthumper: very cool... I'm looking at this right now22:45
thumperxif: you would commit on /linux22:45
thumperxif: then switch up to /osx22:45
thumperxif: and merge, resolve and commit22:45
thumperat least that is how I think it would work22:45
xifyeah, it definitely looks interesting...22:46
xifI'm reading about it right now: http://blogs.gnome.org/jamesh/2008/04/01/bzr-loom/22:46
xifthumper: thanks for the recommendation :)22:46
thumperxif: np22:46
PengWouldn't branches work too?23:13
xifPeng: how, exactly?23:28
PengI dunno.23:32
PengI have very little experience with looms, but how are looms better than branches for this? Avoiding lots of merge revisions?23:32
awilkinsI have a feeling I should have used looms for one of my projects after reading that page23:36
awilkinsMy example is patches to a set of model files (written as Java) ; one set of patches that was compatible with the old model, one that was for the new software and wasn't23:37
awilkinsI was managing that as two branches ; and I was making compatible changes in one branch and merging up to the other, but it sounds like I should have made a loom and had a compatible thread and an incompatible thread23:37
awilkinsIt would at least have beem more conveneient23:38
* awilkins is tired and his fingers are slipping23:38
awilkinsI still don't think it easily addresses what to do when you are making changes and one part of them should be in a thread lower than you are on... I think you might have to shelve the bits that go in the higher thread, jump down a thread, commit, jump up adnd unshelve and commit23:40
awilkinsAnyhow, gnight.23:41

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