
micahcowanI'd like to file/check for bugs in the built-in gpg agent for Hardy, but don't know what package it is (gnupg-agent it's not).00:51
micahcowanIt was causing serious annoyances for me with Thunderbird.00:51
crimsunmicahcowan: the GNOME portion?00:52
crimsunmicahcowan: (i.e., seahorse?)00:52
micahcowanDefinitely seems to be part of the GNOME session, yeah.00:52
micahcowanIs seahorse the Gnome gpg-agent, then?00:52
crimsunit's a frontend for GnuPG, rather.00:53
crimsunit also has hooks for openssh keys00:53
crimsunso, yes, that's where I'd look.00:53
micahcowanWell, I'm talking about whatever GPG_AGENT_INFO apparently is set to automatically by Gnome (or _something_), and Thunderbird winds up trying to get passwords from.00:54
micahcowanI'm not using any frontends to gnupg itself, though.00:54
micahcowanUnless it's both a frontend and an agent.00:54
crimsunthat it is.00:56
micahcowanyeah, that's probably it, then. Thanks much, crimsun!00:59
misnghThere is a bug with the network manager for 8.04 -- it randomly decides not to work after reboot and i have to painstakingly key in my WPA2 key regularly04:55
misnghdoes anyone know or care about that?04:55
markaAnyone know what package to file a bug on in which my laptop won't completely shutdown. Usplash?06:00
markaI don't get the final Ubuntu progress bar screen, just blank.06:00
RAOFmarka: That's _probably_ linux-source-2.6.(your kernel version)06:00
RAOFYour kernel version will be .22 if Gutsy, and .24 if Hardy.06:00
markayes, is .24 (Hardy). Thanks06:01
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IulianHello pedro11:08
pedro_hey Iulian, how's going?11:15
Iulianpedro_: I'm doing good, just had lunch. Thanks11:18
IulianAnd you?11:18
pedro_I'm good too, waiting for lunch :-)11:19
pedro_i'm starving11:19
Iulianpedro_: I heard that food is quite expensive there.11:19
pedro_Iulian: at the hotel it's, but it's quite the normal price of europe at the city center11:20
thekornhello Iulian, dobry den pedro_11:21
Iulianpedro_: Ahh, that explains it :)11:21
IulianHeya thekorn!11:21
pedro_except for the UK of course :-P11:21
pedro_hello thekorn11:21
IulianBlah.. I cannot wait until next year.11:25
Iulianjdavies: I've seen your name on the list IIRC.11:29
Fallenoui have one question about this bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/13683611:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 136836 in linux "Ethernet (nVidia MCP55) not working [ gutsy, hardy]" [Medium,Won't fix]11:44
Fallenouwhy is it so much complicated to make a fix for this bug ?11:44
Fallenoui mean, this is important for newbies to have network access after booting their newly installed ubuntu11:44
Fallenoumost of them won't search deeper and will give up ubuntu if the network doesn't work11:45
Fallenouand since the workaround is just a line to add in a text file i wonder why it is not worth it to make a fix in the ubuntu distribution :o11:49
Fallenouif someone can answer me11:50
* bimberi has a look but can't provide any useful input, other than to reassure Fallenou that someone has read his posts :)12:06
Fallenoubimberi < that's no as helpful as i expected but that's better than nothing :p12:24
* Hobbsee has asked why it won't be fixed for intrepid.12:24
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Fallenoui'm writting a little post for this bug to explain my point of view12:28
bimberiFallenou: I aim to please ;p12:36
philbywhizzI just joined the BugSquad ;)12:41
Fallenoubimberi < sorry i don't understand :p12:43
Fallenou(i'm french, can you repeat with some other words ? :o)12:45
bimberiFallenou: I cannot sorry.  Best to just ignore me.  :)12:48
Fallenoulol ok12:48
Fallenouyou said you'd be pleased to read my post ? or something like that ?12:48
* Fallenou is trying to guess12:48
bimberiFallenou: No it's more like "I always try to help".  Which was silly because I didn't really help you.12:51
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Fallenouok i get it :)12:51
bimberiphew :)12:53
bimberiphilbywhizz: cool.  get squashing! :)12:55
philbywhizzi'd like to help out where i can - its a bit daunting though12:58
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bimberiphilbywhizz: The wiki links in the topic have lots of info.13:01
bimberiphilbywhizz: It can be good to pick an application you use and so know a little, and have a look at its bugs.13:02
philbywhizzbimberi: what isn't clear is where the bugs are - i assume they are in launchpad13:02
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots13:03
bimberiphilbywhizz: the first link ^^^13:04
philbywhizzthanks - i'm in the right area then.13:04
bimberiphilbywhizz: wrt an application you can go to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu, use "Find a package", and click on the "Bugs" tab once you've found the package.13:06
qensewhat the heck! http://www.jonobacon.org/?p=118413:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 231621 in vlc "gtk critical error " [Undecided,New]13:43
narcan anyone can confirm it please ?13:43
qenseafflux: did you read this? http://www.jonobacon.org/?p=118413:52
qenseI didn't know this things happen in our community13:52
qenseand Alan Pope is an Ubuntu Member!13:52
Hobbseethey do.13:53
Hobbseealan likes doing such things.13:53
affluxchecking.. I'm currently in england13:53
lifelessalan is also an old friend of jono's13:53
qenseis it an innocent joke or more serious?13:54
affluxI don't know either of them very much, but looks like a joke, doesn't it?13:55
james_wyeah, it's a joke13:56
affluxengland is nice, pizza hut has an all you can eat buffet. I'd like to see that offer in germany :D13:58
qensewe have yankee doodle here in the netherlands! :P13:59
qenseyou p[ay an entrance price and separate for the drinks13:59
qensebut you can eat as much as you want13:59
\shwell, there is a serious background behind those identity thefts14:09
Fallenoubimberi < i added my post, but since the status changed to "open for intrepid" , but i still think it should be fixed in the LTS14:21
LimCorehi, can anyone help to confirm a bug in psi (need to have an openpgp key)  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/psi/+bug/22490615:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 224906 in psi "[Hardy] Psi 0.11 connects in an infinite manner without success after enabling OpenPGP" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:00
LimCoreand, what can one do to use psi in version that works with openpgp15:01
BalachmarMy bug is about a netgear wireless usb dongle that results in a unstable wifi connection. Although it worked find in 7.0416:06
Balachmarit is a netgear wg111 v216:06
wolfgerbug 193798 is assigned to hal, but I think it's more likely an xfce problem. Launchpad will not let me assign the xfce package, though.16:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 193798 in hal "[Hardy] Audio-CD is not recognised" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19379816:18
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ReindeerHi, where shall I report a bug that crashes my X server when visiting the webpage www.meez.com? Can I do it here or shall I directly post it to launchpad?17:02
geserPlease direct to Launchpad. Thanks17:04
Reindeer@geser: ok. thanks17:06
sipiGreetings everybody. I think I have found a bug but a) I'm not sure if it realy is, b) to which package to report is. The problem is the cursor position in the bash shell and in the emacs. They are out of synchron, until I dont force to refresh the window somehow. It seems somehow related to the intel  driver because on the same system with a nvidia video card everything is allright.17:21
sipiBut then I don't know why is it application specific.17:21
sipiThanks for the help.17:22
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rbs-titoI've made a patch for bug 231741 , should I assign the bug to the sponsors team?21:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 231741 in conduit "Conduit password fields not masked" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23174121:13
rbs-titoAlso, is conduit a universe or main package?21:15
geseruniverse, see https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/conduit21:17
rbs-titogeser: Thanks, packages.ubuntu.com wasn't working for me21:18
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