
Ashfire908Ok, I didn't know how to auto config it.00:10
Centaur5From the reading that I've done I'm guessing that it would be either complicated or impossible to use ebox, pppoe, and internet sharing (proxy) together. Would I be correct on that?01:38
lamonthrm...  for roughly the last 4 hours my server(?) install on hppa has been clearing the serial console... I wonder if that means that it's done... :(03:17
saylarhey guys.03:26
saylaranyone here familiar with backuppc? this is driving me nuts. when i access the webinterface, apache isn´t responding anymore03:27
saylari really don´t see where this is coming from03:28
saylarok, now i managed to access apache again, backuppc is not running.03:29
saylaras soon as i start backuppc again, apache is not responding anymore.03:30
AshfireWill radvd auto configure the 6to4 tunnel if the Base6to4Interface subnet option is set?04:09
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
squeeDoes anyone here use ufw and nfs?  I'm having issues getting nfs to run while ufw is enabled (nfs is set to allow)05:17
Mater_TuXhi alguien habla español, hola i dont speak english i need help in spanish please06:05
Kamping_Kaiser!es | Mater_TuX06:06
ubottuMater_TuX: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.06:06
karlitohi, just got a dns server up (BIND9). what is the proper naming of my NS host in the zone file. ns1 or the real hostname. ex : in the zones configuration file. ns1.mydomain.com myhostname.domain.com ?06:42
AtomicSparkkarlito, the server guide has a good write up on how to configure that06:46
AtomicSparklet me get link06:46
AtomicSparkkarlito, http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/dns-configuration.html06:46
karlitomabey I ask my self to much why ? is that "ns" a convention ? if it is then better to stick with it.06:49
nijabanealmcb: http://wiki.lemonldap.objectweb.org09:13
nealmcbnijaba: :)09:13
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RockHoundhas anyone else run into the infamous openldap syncrepl issues between 2.3 and 2.4? any solutions for this? I too quickly updated one branch office to hardy and now my replications fail which is a pita10:37
ivoksdo you have a bug report?10:38
* delcoyote hi10:54
RockHoundivoks: ITS#540510:58
ivokslink or something?10:58
ivoksthis one?10:59
RockHoundor better: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.network.openldap.general/4284510:59
ivokshoward reported it?11:01
ivoksheh, nice... he's right next to me :D11:01
ivoksi'll talk to him...11:01
RockHoundstill at FOSS?11:01
RockHoundand yes, I followed all advice which could be found to try and avoid the issue ... it is still there11:02
uvirtbotNew bug: #227613 in bacula (main) "SIGSEGV in bacula-fd" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22761311:02
ivokscould you please report the bug, and surbscribe me11:03
ivoksso we could keep the track of it?11:03
ivoksi'll add a patch today or during this week11:04
RockHoundivoks: you meant me?11:07
RockHoundok will do11:10
CrummyGummyHi all, anyone sorted out this problem?12:33
CrummyGummyPreparing to replace openssh-server 1:4.6p1-5ubuntu0.2 (using .../openssh-server_1%3a4.6p1-5ubuntu0.3_amd64.deb) ...12:34
CrummyGummyTemplate #4 in /var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/templates has a duplicate field "template" with new value "ssh/vulnerable_host_keys". Probably two templates are not properly separated by a lone newline.12:34
CrummyGummydpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/openssh-server_1%3a4.6p1-5ubuntu0.3_amd64.deb (--install):12:34
CrummyGummy subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 25512:34
mok0CrummyGummy: what release are you on?12:37
CrummyGummyopenssh-server/gutsy upgradeable from 1:4.6p1-5ubuntu0.2 to 1:4.6p1-5ubuntu0.312:38
* mok0 tries 12:38
mok0CrummyGummy: I didn't have that problem12:39
mok0This is the current version in gutsy: 1:4.6p1-5ubuntu0.512:40
CrummyGummyapt-get -f install outputs the following.12:40
CrummyGummyPreparing to replace openssh-server 1:4.6p1-5ubuntu0.2 (using .../openssh-server_1%3a4.6p1-5ubuntu0.3_amd64.deb) ...12:40
CrummyGummyOk, thats the same as above...12:41
mok0CrummyGummy: did you do apt-get update?12:41
CrummyGummyI think my upgrade is still stuck from Friday.12:42
mok0CrummyGummy: well, the current release is -5ubuntu0.512:42
CrummyGummyapt-get dist-upgrade :12:42
CrummyGummyopenssh-server: Depends: openssh-client (= 1:4.6p1-5ubuntu0.2) but 1:4.6p1-5ubuntu0.3 is installed12:42
mok0CrummyGummy: why don't you remove openssh-server completely and reinstall12:42
CrummyGummyLooks like I need a downgrade12:43
* CrummyGummy is worried about getting locked out.12:43
mok0CrummyGummy: do you have gutsy-updates in your list of repos12:43
mok0... and gutsy-security?12:43
mok0... and not some weird repo mirro that is lagging waay behind Ubuntus?12:44
CrummyGummylemme revert to the original security repos. That could be the problem.12:44
CrummyGummyRight, I just had to remove the debs I had in the cache. thanks :)12:47
mok0CrummyGummy: good news12:47
egoleohow do i install perl modules on ubuntu  since the cpan seems broken is not working for me13:46
egoleohardy server13:46
Kamping_Kaiserif its packaged, from apt, otherwise cpan.13:48
Kamping_Kaiserwhat does "broken" mean to you?13:48
egoleois not work13:50
egoleoi get this error: Running make install make had return bad status install seems impossible13:50
\shyou mean: perl -MCPAN -E ?13:50
\shwhich module?13:51
egoleoi am now installing cpan itself13:51
egoleowith Bundle13:51
\shI'll never do this...I'll package the module rather as debian package ;)13:52
egoleoso where can i find all this debian packaged13:53
\shhttps://launchpad.net/~perl-jam <- this is the team + ppa for my project....I'll need to announce it still13:53
\shegoleo, if the cpan module is not in our archive, please file a wishlist bug [NEEDS PACKAGING] <perl module name> ... provide all infos (where to download etc.) and I'll probably will take care about it13:54
egoleobut i need it now13:55
\shdownload the tar ball and compile it manually then13:55
\shwith cpan13:55
\shperl Makefile.pl is an easy task13:55
\shyou should make sure you have all necessary build tools on your system...13:56
egoleoand where do i get that from13:56
\shegoleo, if it's not CPAN, you get those modules from www.cpan.org13:56
\shsearch.cpan.org for a search interface13:56
egoleobut how is it done or install cpan for the first time13:56
\shand build system is apt-get install build-essential + necessary -dev packages for the deps13:56
\shcpan is something like perls module management13:57
\sh(like gem for ruby)13:57
\shyou actually don't need it to build perl moduels13:57
\shanyways../me goes home now, and tries to get some painkillers....13:58
egoleoso how did u install urs13:58
\shegoleo, again...I'll download the tarball of the module and start perl Makefile.pl ; make ; make install (if you want that), or I'll package it cleanly in debian packages and hopefully push it to ubuntu :)13:59
\shegoleo, anyways../me really needs to go to a doctor now...you can reach me via eMail...check LP http://launchpad.net/~shermann14:00
sergevnIs it possible to check your filesystem if it's mounted?14:09
sergevnor is this discouraged?14:09
Alblasco1702\sh: i want to install mod perl too bud i don no what i had to say when he ask me for: Please provide a full path to 'apxs' executable14:26
CrummyGummyAny ideas why ipac-ng isn't in hardy? I don't see anything on lauchpad.14:27
egoleoi have finally installed the perl modules through CPAN14:36
coffeedudedendrobates:  hey.  How are things  @ UDS ?15:24
dendrobatescoffeedude: things are going pretty well.  I wish I had a chance to talk to you before I left though.15:24
sergevnsorry for disconnects15:52
coffeedudedendrobates: if there is a number I can call you at, I will.  Or if you have skype we can do that.16:01
LunarizingAnyone in here feel like helping a newbie?   =)16:59
Konamhi, what permissions does --gid 450 give to a certain group?17:36
giovaniKonam: ... none ... that's telling some application that you want to use group id 45017:40
giovanithat's not a permissions statement17:40
Konamgiovani it's just that I saw it here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AdvancedOpenSSH#head-bb07462f59fb73d2b3e6b241672a0d09947e619b17:41
giovaniif you read the instructions: "Finally, in another example, you could configure your OpenSSH server so that only users belonging to a certain system group would be allowed to login via ssh. In this example, we'll perform all the steps required to allow ssh logins only to users who are members of the group sshlogin."17:43
giovaniit's clear what's going on17:43
giovanisudo addgroup --gid 450 sshlogin17:43
KonamI know17:43
giovanithe "-gid 450" has nothing to do with permissions17:43
giovani... no ... that's why you asked17:43
KonamI just wanted to know what did --gid 450 did17:43
giovaniI just told you17:43
Konamthere's no reason to specify anything17:43
giovani... yes there is17:44
Deepssystem groups are (by convention) < 100017:44
Konamyou could just create the sshlogin group with 'sudo addgroup sshlogin'17:44
Deepsif you dont specify a group, it'll autopick > 100017:44
Deepshense why it specifies17:44
Konamthanks Deeps17:44
giovaniKonam: this has nothing to do with permissions ... you asked about permissions17:44
Deepsof course, the problem begins if you already have a gid 45017:44
Konamthat was what I was asking for17:44
Deepsyou asked the wrong questions then#17:45
Konammy bad17:45
Deepsgiovani answered your question17:45
Deepsnp, alls well that ends well17:45
Konamwhat would happen if that group gets a >1000 gid?17:46
Deepsismilar end result to dividing by 017:47
Deeps(the end of the world)17:47
Deepsi kid, nothing, it just gets 'messy'17:47
Konamand about that link I want to know, I create the sshlogin group but I try to add an user that isn't on the server but on my network, it doesn't work17:49
KonamI will have to create an user on the server for every user from what I might login from my network?17:50
Deepsunless you use a centralised authentication system like ldap, yes17:52
KonamDeeps and there isn't a way to make sshd ask me for a user and a password when login17:54
Deepsit does that already when you connect and attempt to login17:55
Konamit ask for a password but not an user17:56
InsomniaCityit gets the user from your local user by default17:57
InsomniaCityyou can change it with username@host17:57
Deepsi defer you to the city that never sleeps17:57
Deepshis patience is never ending17:57
InsomniaCityhis stomach is also hungry, and will shortly departing along with the rest of his body for some dinner17:59
KonamInsomniaCity that's a directive included in the default sshd_config file?18:00
InsomniaCityKonam: no, thats client behaviour.18:01
InsomniaCityfor example, ssh on Linux uses your local username by default18:01
InsomniaCityputty asks you for it each time, unless you configure it18:01
KonamI couldn't notice that it ask for a username and passworkd because I have the same username in the server and in the desktop18:02
KonamInsomniaCity how do I add the username@host option?18:09
Konamjust like that (user@given_host) in the ssh_config?18:09
fromportssh user@host.domain18:10
InsomniaCityIf you want to configure it, read 'man ssh_config'18:10
InsomniaCityIf you just want to do it on the fly, just use it on the command line, eg 'ssh differentusername@host'18:10
=== _bicz is now known as bicz
biczor -l18:17
biczlike ssh -l user host.com18:17
brocebeatshey I just installed apache and everything works great but i am running a php site that requires db access.  my file with all the passwords is in a folder called includes.  and right now i can go to mywebsite/includes and it gives me a directory listing.  How do i stop that so it just gives an error.18:31
MastacheataYou have to disable directory listing for that directory, either by .htaccess or apache configuration18:32
MastacheataBut thats merely a Ubuntu Server specific question18:32
MastacheataThe Directive is called Indexes18:33
MastacheataYou could put <Directory "/PATH/TO/DIR"> Options -Indexes </Directory>18:35
Mastacheatahope that helps18:35
Mastacheataif not try #apache18:35
Deepsbrocebeats: better yet, remove the includes directory from being visible to people accessing your website18:36
brocebeatsi have to have them visible b/c of postcommit jargan18:36
brocebeatsit was like that before18:37
Deepsit's a bad idea18:37
brocebeatsso I never noticed18:37
brocebeatsall my dbpasswords require local host and ect18:37
brocebeatsbut i still dont like sharing18:37
Deepswhat you're suggesting is the equivilant of pinning your passwords on a noticeboard and covering it with a sheet18:37
Mastacheatayou don't like sharing? You share your passwords in those files with the whole world regardless of removing directory index. everyone can access the files from the web18:40
Dombrehey I was wondering is there a way to set up ubuntu server to act as a NAS?20:18
giovaniDombre: sure ... all of the different file/block-level servers you could want are provided20:24
giovaniwhat kind of protocol are you wanting to use?20:24
Dombresamba, its going to be serving windows xp clients20:26
giovaniwell, samba is available in ubuntu ... so there's no problem20:26
=== dantalizing is now known as TopJimmy
Dombreya I'm doing some work for a company they want a NAS server so I pitched them the idea of useing linux to keep costs down and they liked it.20:29
giovanido you have previous experience with samba?20:30
Dombrenot much more than setting it up for file sharing20:30
DombreI've been runing ubuntu on the desktop end for 3 years now20:30
Dombrehavn't really done much server work with it.20:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #232018 in squid (main) "squid 2.6 - can't start with coss file system" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23201820:31
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uvirtbotNew bug: #232032 in dhcp3 (main) "package dhcp3-server None failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23203221:21
=== TopJimmy is now known as dantalizing
seanyany one messed with software raid performance tuning ?22:27
giovaniseany: google has an incredible amount of information on that topic22:29
seanyit almost has too much22:30
Deepslol giovani22:30
seanyi'm just scratching my head as to why this aray is rebuilding @ 100k/s :(22:30
seany" [>....................]  resync =  0.0% (74240/245111616) finish=40213.1min speed=101K/sec"22:31
seanythats just shy of a month...22:31
InsomniaCityseany: are you reading/writing to it at the same time?22:31
Deepslol, 28 days, nice22:31
seanyfresh box, no partitions on md022:32
ryoohkii using ubuntu server 8.04( hardy heron) and want to use nis for authentication which apache2 do i need to apt-get install?  this is for twiki-4.2.023:05
giovaniryoohki: there's only one apache223:26
ryoohkigiovani: i'm in error, i should have writen "which apache2 module do i need to apt-get install to authenticate against nis password files?  this is for  twiki-4.2.0 on ubuntu server 8.04( hardy heron)"23:58
giovanithat's probably a question for #twiki23:59
giovanias in ... what you need to do authentication to NIS23:59

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