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marianomhi everyone. my team started today using launchpad's mailing list but users are complaining that when they reply to the mail goes to the sender and not to the list. how can I fix this?04:13
marianomupps, it seems i should send this question to Answers. 04:14
jtvJust watching America's Got Talent.  Formula is very similar to So You Think You Can Dance, right down to the three-judge panel with the British and American accents.06:10
jtvAfter this, work will be so much fun.06:11
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janimodanilos: is it possible to modify all translations for a certain locale on the server side by the LP team?07:16
janimodanilos: the Romanian LoCo would need a search and replace to switch a character to a new one which looks almost like the old and is the correct standard07:16
janimodanilos: all occurencews of ţ should be ț - the current use of both is due to historical reasons. If it were possible to do it all at once on the server it would save a lot of time07:18
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philngmb: ping10:08
gmbphiln: Hi.10:10
gmbphiln: Sorry, we're running a bit behind with your import.10:10
gmbphiln: I didn't get round to doing it yesterday (I'm at UDS, which has made scheduling a bit of a nightmare).10:10
gmbphiln: But we should be good to go today; the import is working fine locally.10:11
philnok, cool10:12
ccmhi there10:44
ccmis there any way to force a rebuild of a ppa package?10:44
jameshccm: a failed build?10:47
ccmjamesh: no, a successfull one11:06
ccmjamesh: isn't it neccessary to rebuild as libraries might have updated?11:06
wgrantccm: You need to upload again.11:06
wgrantWe don't do binNMUs.11:06
ccmwgrant: what is a binnmu?11:06
wgrant(we == Ubuntu, so therefore Soyuz. Or the causality might be the other way around)11:06
wgrantccm: Binary Non-Maintainer Upload. Uploading a new version of binaries without a new source.11:07
ccmwgrant: i see. just for my understanding: it would be helpful to so, right? i uploaded when hardy was alpha and the package hasn't been rebuild since that11:08
wgrantccm: Possibly. There are pros and cons from both sides.11:09
wgrantFor the foreseeable future, just upload a new revision.11:09
jameshccm: in general, you'd want a new version of the package (as opposed to a rebuild) if the new library breaks the package11:10
ccmwgrant: okay, i can live with that, just didn't want to misunderstand something with the procedure. 11:10
wgrantjamesh: Only in Ubuntu...11:10
jameshccm: if a user has installed the old version of your package, apt won't know that it needs to replace it with a rebuild that has the same version number11:10
jameshwgrant: I don't think this is Ubuntu specific11:11
wgrantjamesh: Outside Soyuzland, binNMUs are supported. Basically, .1 is appended to the binary version, IIRC.11:11
ccmjamesh: of course! i missed that - though i might only rebuild as other things have updated apt needs to know about. okay11:12
ccmthank you jamesh and wgrant for the explanations11:14
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gmbphiln: Import complete on http://demo.launchpad.net/elisa15:24
philngmb: "Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad. "15:33
gmbphiln: URL?15:33
philnthe one you gave me above15:33
gmbphiln: Hmm. Try https://demo.launchpad.net/elisa instead. It's working for me.15:34
philnhttp redirects to https apparently, which leads to the error page for me15:35
gmbphiln: Usually there's an OOPS ID on the page, can you see one?15:35
philn(Error ID: OOPS-871DEA495) 15:40
gmbphiln: Thanks. I'll take a look, hang on.15:42
gmbphiln: While I'm waiting for the error report to be synced to somewhere I can get at it, could you try bugs.demo.launchpad.net/elisa?15:57
philnOops too :(16:01
philni'll try with epiphany16:02
gmbphiln: Okay. I don't think that'll help; OOPSes are server-side errors.16:03
philnworks.. only noticeable difference is that i'm not logged in16:03
gmbphiln: Okay, log in and let's see what happens.16:03
* philn logs out ;)16:05
gmbHmm. Interesting, I'm seeing the issue too, now.16:05
gmbphiln: Good plan ;)16:05
philnok let's have a look at the import16:05
philnrahh OOPs again!!16:07
ReedzBookzHello, how is every one? i just finished and aced my second programming course (procedural programming in c) and was wondering if there was a place for me at launchpad? or do i need more knowledge?16:19
allenapReedzBookz: Have a look at http://www.ubuntu.com/employment - there is a space on the Translations team.16:23
ReedzBookzyea i saw that but i only speak English....16:24
ReedzBookzI wasnt looking for employment more so just contributing to the scene16:24
allenapReedzBookz: Oh, right. Well, a lot of the code that runs Launchpad is not released, so if you wanted to code for Launchpad you would need to be an employee.16:26
ReedzBookzoh lol16:27
ReedzBookzoh lol, i thought it would be cool to help develop some crazy open source apps16:28
ReedzBookzbut i only know procedural programming which i hear is not widely used anymore16:29
* Spads switched to FORTH decades ago16:29
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mrevellHowdy all. If you're interested in helping out with Launchpad documentation, we're about to have a meeting in #launchpad-meeting.17:02
philnthe network cable at UDS was cut or what?17:25
Spadsnah, everyone just shut their laptops :)17:25
philnargh got no update from gmb :(17:28
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vadi2Loggerhead is down again, if someone could fix it that'd be great18:05
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vadi2Thank you18:35
asabilhi all19:37
asabilseems like lp became really very slow at scanning branches recently19:37
sabdflasabil: they are introducing a new scanner that is more scalable, but it might have changed behaviour20:33
sabdfljml`or mwhudson will know more, or thumper20:34
asabilok thanks20:35
matsubaraphiln: our sysadmins have fixed the demo instance. it's using a wrong configuration option and now things should be working fine21:43
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