ICM | SeaPhor: Yes, I do have speakers hooked up. Broadcom: I'm not at a shell yet | 00:00 |
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elsteo | yeah there are a coupke knocking about | 00:00 |
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Broadcom | clintchanc1: well, i dont know | 00:00 |
elsteo | theyre pretty good actually | 00:00 |
erUSUL | Steve-cal: Moduliz0r it seems that a simple &> suffices | 00:00 |
ICM | still trying to boot into the liveCD.. I have 4 GB of memory, so being out of memory shouldn't be an issue | 00:00 |
bbyever | elsteo: qemu-launcher adds a menu entry | 00:00 |
clintchanc1 | Broadcom, ever hear about anyproblems? | 00:00 |
ICM | though Linux will only address 3.2 GB of that I'm sure, since this is 32-bit edition | 00:00 |
Steve-cal | Moduliz0r: Yes, all stdin and stderr get thrown into cyberspace: /dev/null :) | 00:00 |
elsteo | cool | 00:00 |
Seeker` | ICM: It can go up to 3.5GB IIRC | 00:01 |
ifelseif | Anyone know why I cant add desktops in compiz on 8.04? | 00:01 |
Moduliz0r | hmm, i cant have it hang the shell | 00:01 |
Moduliz0r | its in rc.local :| | 00:01 |
Broadcom | clintchanc1: nope, not like this, if you find the answer, tell me though | 00:01 |
Moduliz0r | ill go take a poke | 00:01 |
clintchanc1 | HEy why wont google desktop open? | 00:01 |
Steve-cal | Moduliz0r: Huh? It won't hang the bash shell. | 00:01 |
Moduliz0r | ah thats cool, thanks | 00:01 |
ICM | seaphor: it's not moving at all... | 00:02 |
ICM | I may have to give the alternative CD a try, this is very frustrating XD | 00:02 |
cyberbrain | it seems that bluetooth implementation of copy multiple files/folders to bluetooth device is not implemented yet! :( | 00:02 |
=== Struggle is now known as Infinito | ||
ICM | 64-bit broke apt-get for me, and 32-bit installer disc won't boot, lol | 00:02 |
SeaPhor | ICM, try just a bit more patience before we get to that point ;-) | 00:03 |
_phoenix_ | anyone here | 00:03 |
Moduliz0r | rc.local only ever gets executed once, right? | 00:03 |
zvacet | _phoenix_ :no | 00:03 |
ICM | seaphor: it's been at this screen for 6 minutes now :-/ | 00:04 |
_phoenix_ | how can i deactivate the graphical effects? | 00:04 |
Steve-cal | Moduliz0r: Yes, and be careful what you put in it because everything is run as root. | 00:04 |
SeaPhor | ICM, is it responding to num lock/capslock? | 00:04 |
ICM | yes | 00:04 |
Moduliz0r | thats ok, well actually... is it su "commands" -c username to do that? | 00:04 |
ICM | SeaPhor: Yep. and I've made sure scrollock isn't activated or anything | 00:05 |
SeaPhor | ICM, hit enter and see if there's any change? | 00:05 |
steven_ | !compiz | 00:05 |
ubottu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion | 00:05 |
ICM | SeaPhor: no change | 00:05 |
=== steven_ is now known as StevenX | ||
sstewart207 | hello? | 00:05 |
clintchanc1 | I Though Google Desktop was supposed to have a sidebar? I cant seem to find it! | 00:05 |
firefuzz | _phoenix_: system > preferences > appearance > visual effects, click 'none'. | 00:05 |
Moduliz0r | is it a good idea to run these things as nobody? | 00:05 |
Steve-cal | Moduliz0r: "su username -c <commands>" | 00:05 |
Moduliz0r | ok thanks | 00:06 |
Moduliz0r | so su nobody /my/path/to/ip-update &> /dev/null & | 00:06 |
jonnymac | how 'bout this? If I reinstall ubuntu from the love cd will it destroy the existing data and reinstall ubuntu as default as a more ubuntly challenged alternative to Gparted? | 00:06 |
Moduliz0r | would that be any good? | 00:06 |
Moduliz0r | with -c | 00:06 |
Moduliz0r | i mean ^^ | 00:06 |
clintchanc1 | How do i get Google Desktop to show Sidebar? | 00:07 |
StevenX | I am having trouble getting compiz up and running. I installed the compiz manager, but how do I make it "start" | 00:07 |
ICM | SeaPhor: I'm kinda lost as to what to do next, this is very odd o.O | 00:07 |
ICM | StevenX: Any relationship to stevex? | 00:07 |
firefuzz | StevenX: system > preferences > appearance > visual effects, click 'whichever you like'. | 00:07 |
Lordmat | Jordan_U: Okay, I have a live cd in, which option do i choose? try ubuntu with no changes, install, check cd, test mem, boot from first HD | 00:08 |
cgentry72 | how do I change the name of my workgroup? | 00:08 |
StevenX | ICM, nope. | 00:08 |
StevenX | firefuzz, thanks | 00:08 |
Paddy_EIRE | clintchanc1, I dont think that the google desktop client on ubuntu (linux) has a sidebar or desklets/widgets sreenlets whatever... use screenlets if you have compiz running | 00:08 |
ICM | StevenX: Oh, alrighty, sorry :) | 00:08 |
firefuzz | cgentry72: chgrp | 00:08 |
cgentry72 | firefuzz: thanks | 00:08 |
Paddy_EIRE | clintchanc1, they should be in your add/remove apps | 00:08 |
SeaPhor | ICM, i've only had this happen to me once, over 6 months ago on either fiesty or gutsy, someone here had me burn the ISO at slowest speed and that actually got farther cant remember if it completed, but did finish it with the alternate | 00:08 |
guillermo_spain | hi | 00:09 |
Steve-cal | Moduliz0r: If you don't need your script run as root, add it with the "Sessions" program to run on startup. | 00:09 |
Steve-cal | Moduliz0r: "Sessions" will run the script under the user who logs in. | 00:09 |
=== Infinito is now known as Infinito_ | ||
guillermo_spain | i'm on ubuntu 8 and I need firefox 2 | 00:09 |
ICM | SeaPhor: Alright, I'll try downloading the alternative :) | 00:09 |
Paddy_EIRE | guillermo_spain, its in the repos | 00:09 |
Moduliz0r | Steve-cal: its a server | 00:09 |
guillermo_spain | but it only opens 3.0 and 3.0 don't works with firebug | 00:09 |
Paddy_EIRE | guillermo_spain, use synaptic to find firefox 2 | 00:09 |
SeaPhor | ICM, and burn it at slowest speed, please | 00:09 |
ICM | SeaPhor: Will do! | 00:09 |
Moduliz0r | the second one needs root anyway, for port 443 | 00:10 |
guillermo_spain | Paddy_EIRE I know, but I can get working properly and It's quite necessary to me, any hack to downgrade firefox? | 00:10 |
Paddy_EIRE | guillermo_spain, no that would be pointless if it where built that way | 00:10 |
ICM | SeaPhor: I would've thought that the Alternative CD would've been smaller xD | 00:10 |
ICM | in terms of ISO size | 00:10 |
SeaPhor | ICM, nope ;-) | 00:11 |
guillermo_spain | Paddy_EIRE so no solution? | 00:11 |
sean_ | I'm running kubuntu, but if I exit out of X to the CLI, I can't seem to get back to KDE. startx starts Gnome | 00:11 |
Steve-cal | Moduliz0r: OK, yes I think that should work, try it at the command line to make sure you get everything right. | 00:11 |
ashlayne | I'm working on an interesting issue that I don't think is hardware related. I'm running Hardy on two different computers and what happens is this: When I go to Youtube and play <insert video here>, the audio is fine. Then, I can load up either Banshee or Rhythmbox and play <insert random song>, pause the music or even close it out, and go back to Youtube... and the audio is no longer there in Youtube! Anyone have any clue? | 00:11 |
Moduliz0r | seems all good =] | 00:11 |
Paddy_EIRE | guillermo_spain, just simply do what I am telling you and open "Synaptic Package Manager" and run a search on "firefox" then firefox 2 will be installable.. Problem solved. | 00:11 |
firefuzz | sean_: at the login screen, click 'options' and choose kde | 00:12 |
CarlC0X | http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/839/55055427mo4.png << can anyone help me to make fix the network connection? | 00:12 |
Steve-cal | Moduliz0r: Good deal, hopefully your set to go. | 00:12 |
Lordmat | can anyone tell me how to copy files from the live cd to my cpu? I have made some changes to some files that has caused problems | 00:12 |
StevenX | firefuzz, that's not working. the program is not running, even though i have selected diff effects already in the manager / config editor | 00:12 |
Moduliz0r | Steve-cal: thanks | 00:12 |
timelost | anybody know how to password protect a directory in apache without using htaccess? | 00:12 |
timelost | i know there's some kind of configuration directive...dunno what it is | 00:12 |
Paddy_EIRE | timelost, tried asking on the apache irc channel | 00:13 |
Paddy_EIRE | ;0 | 00:13 |
sean_ | firefuzz: I'm not seeing the login screen. If I run startx it logs me into Gnome, if I log out of gnome it takes me back to the command line. | 00:13 |
StevenX | maybe i need to restart x server? | 00:13 |
ghabit | Where I can find a list of notebooks with good linux support? Trying to choose notebook. | 00:13 |
amenado | CarlC0X-> all you have show is your loopback interface, where is your eth0 or eth1 ? | 00:13 |
firefuzz | StevenX: run synaptic, search 'compiz' and insure it's installed. re-start usually isnt necessary. | 00:13 |
TTreshoem | CarlC0X: did you add network adapters when you created the VM? | 00:13 |
Steve-cal | ashlayne: Make sure in Banshee/Rhythmbox that if you are using the ALSA sound system, to use "default" as the driver and not your sound card. If you choose your sound card then the programs talk directly to it and prevent other apps from using it. | 00:14 |
StevenX | firefuzz, it is installed. | 00:14 |
YixilTesiphon-li | noob question | 00:14 |
YixilTesiphon-li | how do I deal with this error when using "make": | 00:14 |
YixilTesiphon-li | fwcutter.c:33:20: error: stdlib.h: No such file or directory | 00:14 |
Seeker` | YixilTesiphon-li: Have you installed build-essential | 00:15 |
YixilTesiphon-li | Seeker`: no | 00:15 |
steven_ | firefuzz, I restarted, still nothing. | 00:15 |
steven_ | ;-( | 00:15 |
YixilTesiphon-li | what's that | 00:15 |
CarlC0X | amenado TTreshoem worked fine last night. then i used apt-get to remove networkmanager. then i installed back networkmanager with apt-get as well... then worked fine... but today... i see this problem | 00:15 |
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Steve-cal | YixilTesiphon-li: If you are trying to install the fwcutter software, why not just do it through Synaptic? It's in the repos. | 00:15 |
Seeker` | YixilTesiphon-li: it installs the packages you need for compiling stuff | 00:15 |
YixilTesiphon-li | Steve-cal: ok thanks | 00:16 |
firefuzz | steven_: try system, prefs, advanced effects, if it's in the menu. | 00:16 |
amenado | CarlC0X-> what is the reason for removing network manager? | 00:16 |
sulan | In Hardy Heron, how do I disable DMA as a kernel option? | 00:16 |
DrUnKnMuNkY | hey everyone. i just noticed that when i open gparted it tells me that i have 72 GiB free on my 1.35 TiB partition but df -h tells me that i only have 6.1 G free. can anyone explain the discrepancy? | 00:16 |
Moduliz0r | hmm, why does this process have like three different entries | 00:16 |
Moduliz0r | there's su | 00:16 |
Moduliz0r | then sh | 00:16 |
steven_ | firefuzz, yes. i see advanced desktop effects settings | 00:17 |
Moduliz0r | and then /bin/bash as well, why? | 00:17 |
CarlC0X | amenado the reason was having some problem while installing pidgin. and an error message said to disable network manager. and didnt work. so i removed it :) | 00:17 |
ashlayne | Steve-cal: Do I go into Preferences > Sound to correct that, or is it a change through the player? | 00:17 |
talntid | In Nautilus, I am getting a "You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "RecordedCalls"." error, but I can use smbclient just fine - any ideas? | 00:18 |
amenado | CarlC0X-> disable is not same as de-installing yes? | 00:18 |
firefuzz | steven_: try using advanced effects and or appearance, sounds like it needs coaxing to work. ps aux |grep compiz [in a xterm] to be sure compiz is running | 00:18 |
CarlC0X | amenado, yes i know the difference. but i just gived a try. i just want to start with linux. im a very newbie :) | 00:19 |
ghabit | talntid: Do you mean accesing files over network through samba? | 00:19 |
TTreshoem | try something like ifconfig eth0 up | 00:19 |
talntid | Yes | 00:19 |
CarlC0X | however, what can i do now to fix this issue? | 00:19 |
steven_ | firefuzz, it seems like it is running | 00:19 |
TTreshoem | or whatever your interface was called earlier | 00:19 |
YixilTesiphon-li | I'm not getting any search results in Synaptic | 00:19 |
amenado | CarlC0X-> then since you are just a newbie and trying to learn things, go ahead and do a couple more of re-installing so you get familiar with the steps | 00:19 |
Steve-cal | ashlayne: Well, first go to Preferences > Sound and make sure you are using ALSA, then you need to check the settings of the individual programs to make sure they are using ALSA, and if they have an option to choose the driver, make sure you use "default". | 00:19 |
steven_ | when i try compiz in a terminal it says that xgl is not present and that it is using metacity | 00:19 |
TTreshoem | when you start ubuntu, look closely at the lines and you might find what your ethernet adapter is called | 00:20 |
TTreshoem | Also lookup snapshot in Vmware, its useful before you do something that might ruin your setup | 00:20 |
amenado | CarlC0X-> more to gain by installing a fresh one, than struggling so hard to recover a botched install | 00:20 |
firefuzz | steven_: that could be your problem, i'd suggest the ubuntu wiki site for xgl issues w/compiz | 00:20 |
steven_ | k | 00:21 |
mod_cure | is ubuntu based on debian ? | 00:21 |
CarlC0X | amenado i have asked a simple question., u can either help or not. no need to be ironic. ... and in order to learn things i dont need to make a fresh install for every little thing. im sure there must be a way around | 00:21 |
cycletronic | can anyone point me to resources for getting usb2.0 to work in hardy? usb 1.1 works fine, but I'm running into bandwidth issues (believe it or not) | 00:21 |
firefuzz | mod_cure: yes it is, it's just not as good as debian. | 00:22 |
musashi | in hardy, is there no longer a multimedia tab on the "removable drives and media" preference? I want to set vlc as the default dvd player and that was how i did it in the past. thanks. | 00:22 |
mod_cure | firefuzz, so debain is still being developed ? | 00:22 |
benpicco | cycletronic, your hardware must support usb2, it's not a software thing | 00:22 |
firefuzz | mod_cure: debian is alive and well. | 00:22 |
mod_cure | firefuzz, so ubuntu uses the debian internals ? | 00:23 |
amenado | CarlC0X-> if you believed it is so simple, then you probably already know the answer..you dont like to take my advise thats okay too..we ourselves didnt learn linux with one shot installs | 00:23 |
ashlayne | Steve-cal: Score! Thank you so much for the help! I wish I'd've thought of that! | 00:23 |
merlin08 | hi | 00:23 |
firefuzz | mod_cure: negative, it's not totally compatible | 00:23 |
=== steven_ is now known as StevenX | ||
homeofpoe | So I have a .iso that when I use "file <file>" on it, it says "<file>.iso: data". Is there a way to make it into an actual iso I can mount? | 00:24 |
Steve-cal | ashlayne: Great! Glad it worked. :) | 00:24 |
merlin08 | anyone know how i can fix my headset sound? | 00:24 |
talntid | ghabit: yes, samba | 00:24 |
mod_cure | firefuzz, ubuntu used(not anymore) some of the debian internals in 2004 when ubuntu was created ? | 00:24 |
merlin08 | i hear a toon when i plug in the headset, but then when i play something i get no sound | 00:24 |
CarlC0X | amenado its not my first install i assure u. i even installed debian and backtrack as well. i know how to install. now i just need to step ahead. so a fresh install wont help me. i need to learn how to fix things alright :) | 00:24 |
cycletronic | benpicco: the hardware supports usb2, but when I modprobe ehci_hcd, it goes into an endless loop of "new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 80" with increasing address | 00:25 |
YixilTesiphon-li | I can't find fwcutter on packages.ubuntu.com | 00:25 |
firefuzz | mod_cure: ubuntu does things the ubuntu way, but it follows the basic debian way. they are different just similiar. | 00:25 |
rodrigo_ | olá | 00:25 |
amenado | CarlC0X-> okay, you dont like fresh install, try to learn the re-installation of network manager as it is the app you have tried to de-install and re-install | 00:26 |
merlin08 | anyone wanna help me out? | 00:26 |
balug | musashi: Open a Nautilus window, the Edit/Preferences, there is the media tab | 00:26 |
Steve-cal | merlin08: Does it work at all or is it just poor quality audio? | 00:26 |
CarlC0X | amenado making a fresh install for every failure isnt a solution. means ill have to reinstall 5 times a day? :) | 00:26 |
merlin08 | it doesnt work at all | 00:26 |
merlin08 | i hear a sound when i plug in the headset...like a windows login kinda sound | 00:26 |
merlin08 | but then nothing | 00:27 |
amenado | CarlC0X-> i have done that before, allowing me to learn the nuances..but off course you are much smarted than I, so you can do things less | 00:27 |
talntid | In Nautilus, I am getting a "You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "RecordedCalls"." error, but I can use smbclient just fine - any ideas? | 00:27 |
musashi | balug, cool thanks. did they move it or just remove a duplicate. | 00:27 |
mod_cure | firefuzz, so ubuntu doesnt use debian internals it just follows the basic debian way ? | 00:27 |
=== gconftool is now known as _a | ||
firefuzz | merlin08: try double clicking on the volume ctrl [under gnome atleast] and check that headset isn't muted and cranked up. | 00:27 |
=== _a is now known as I | ||
merlin08 | tried that already....still doesnt work | 00:28 |
=== I is now known as I_am | ||
Seeker` | I_am: Please decide on a nickname and stick with it | 00:28 |
CarlC0X | amenado i see ure a little bit ironic. but u should be. being more advanced in linux doesnt make you smarter. it just makes u linux advanced :) | 00:28 |
bloodrock | merlin make sure you are plugging it into headset and not microphone jack | 00:28 |
=== I_am is now known as gconftool | ||
balug | musashi: Not sure, it used to be there. | 00:29 |
merlin08 | its like it isnt my primary sound card | 00:29 |
musashi | balug, okay, i see that but the only option for dvd is open movie player but not to select the movie player i want. am i missing something? | 00:29 |
amenado | CarlC0X-> you are mis-understanding me, all am saying is i have to install several times, to get a real feel of what is happening | 00:29 |
gconftool | Seeker`: no | 00:29 |
firefuzz | mod_cure: i'm no expert, but debian is debian, ubuntu just kinda cloned and tweaked it into ubuntu. | 00:29 |
Kellie | I just installed ubuntu 8.04 on this computer and rebooted when it asked me to and grub gave me an error saying it couldn't mount the partition. I can mount the partition in this live session. What can I do to fix this problem? | 00:29 |
TTreshoem | CarlC0X : are you familiar with snapshots in vmware? They let you roll back your changes to a 'checkpoint so to speak' | 00:29 |
CarlC0X | amenado, following the installation wizard doesnt give me any feeling about whats going on with my network manager :) | 00:30 |
firefuzz | mod_cure: as far as system binaries, i wouldn't dare mixing them. use ubuntu repo's, definetly not debian repo's or .deb packages unless you like living dangerously :) | 00:31 |
homeofpoe | Nobody on the .iso file being a data with the file command, converting it into a usable .iso? | 00:32 |
CarlC0X | TTreshoem i see the spanshot button is not available now | 00:32 |
amenado | CarlC0X-> you have re-installed and it worked, but suddenly it just does not work anymore? | 00:32 |
CarlC0X | amenado yes i know its strange. but it worked last night after i re installed :) | 00:32 |
bloodrock | kellie did you let ubuntu do the partitioning or did you do it manaully | 00:33 |
balug | musashi: Mmh. You're right. | 00:33 |
Kellie | I let it do it | 00:33 |
Kellie | I told it to wipe one of my two hard drives and install to it | 00:34 |
musashi | balug, for once :) | 00:34 |
Kellie | I think it was the second of the three options the wizard gave me | 00:34 |
amenado | CarlC0X-> is the network on the host okay? networking on the host must be working before the vmware guest. | 00:34 |
musashi | balug, there used to be a tab on the removable drives and media window but it's gone in hardy | 00:34 |
evilmm | does anyone have any experience in getting intel 4965agn working with advanced wireless auth like 802.1x? | 00:35 |
SeaPhor | amenado, and then there's people like me, I do a fresh install every week just to fix all the things I've "fixed" that week! ;-) but on a serious note, i could use your help in a bit? | 00:35 |
Kellie | linux was installed to that hard drive previously so I know my setup works fine | 00:35 |
sulan | is it possible to disable ata1.00's DMA via a kernel option? | 00:35 |
clusty | is it just me or there is something seriously wrong with firefox? | 00:36 |
dillizar | how can i have a dock on my ubuntu 8.04 | 00:36 |
balug | musahi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlc/+bug/191475 | 00:36 |
CarlC0X | amenado yes host is fine, im using the host now. plus i can use wireless in ubuntu guest too | 00:36 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 191475 in amarok "[hardy] media tab in file management preferences missing applications" [Low,Confirmed] | 00:36 |
amenado | SeaPhor-> i do an install at least once a week, different methods though, | 00:36 |
clusty | konqeror works just fine, firefox opens about 1/2 links and rest just slacks around with a half opened page | 00:36 |
bloodrock | kellie which distro was on it | 00:36 |
cgentry72 | could someone guide me how to install a printer that is attached to a windows machine | 00:36 |
crille | hello good people, I have a question you might be able to help me with: I have two soundcards installed, I want to use on of them for output/input via oss (teamspeak) and the other for output via alsa, how would I go about fixing that? | 00:37 |
firefuzz | clusty: firefox beta 5 is definetly acting weird here too. | 00:37 |
phenom_ | hey im having trouble with speakers ... i have a 5.1 onboard sound card with 5.1 setup ... all channels work except center speaker | 00:37 |
dillizar | how can i have a dock on my ubuntu 8.04 | 00:37 |
SeaPhor | amenado, cool, i have here lately, lol, but those days are gone with the new wireless card :-)))))) | 00:37 |
crille | dillizar, install awn | 00:37 |
Kellie | bloodrock: Ubuntu 7.something | 00:37 |
amenado | CarlC0X-> umm you have the wireless working in guest? | 00:37 |
musashi | balug, thanks. that seems to be what i'm seeing. looks like most got fixed but not vlc | 00:37 |
clusty | firefuzz: i just spent 3hours reconfiguring all my network | 00:37 |
CarlC0X | amenado yup :) | 00:38 |
dillizar | crille: how and from where | 00:38 |
firefuzz | clusty: check and or remove mozilla addons in firefox beta 5 seemed to help me. | 00:38 |
bloodrock | kellie weird that you came up with a grub prob hmm | 00:38 |
dillizar | !awn | 00:38 |
ubottu | Avant Window Navigator, is a dock-like navigation bar for the linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy | 00:38 |
Kellie | well, I just told grub to rewrite itself to the mbr on the drive so I'll try a reboot and write down the error code if it still gives ti to me | 00:38 |
Kellie | be back in a bit | 00:38 |
crille | dillizar, check this url for info: http://www.simplehelp.net/2007/05/31/how-to-install-setup-and-use-avant-window-navigator-awn-in-ubuntu-feisty/ | 00:39 |
cgentry72 | could someone guide me how to install a printer that is attached to a windows machine | 00:39 |
evilmm | does anyone have any experience in getting intel 4965agn working with advanced wireless auth like 802.1x or LEAP? | 00:39 |
clusty | firefuzz: worked | 00:39 |
crille | it might not be for your specifiv distro, but most of it should be accurate | 00:39 |
amenado | CarlC0X-> I didnt know you can, you are controlling the wireless from the guest os? | 00:39 |
clusty | firefuzz: godamn it.... | 00:39 |
SeaPhor | amenado, speaking of which, i have only done the alternate install once, and that was with help from someone in almost real-time on the forum (before i knew about this channel) | 00:39 |
noname12 | In ubuntu 8.04, I cannot get Evolution to put up calendar alarms. I want the alarm to appear and stay there until I click on the alarm. At present it sometimes flashes a message, but it disappears after a couple seconds, so I usually miss it. Anyone know how to change this? It worked on older versions of Evolution. | 00:39 |
amenado | SeaPhor-> try it yourself, just digging up tidbits all over..makes you appreciate the developers sheer talents.. | 00:40 |
homeofpoe | dillizar: have you looked at avant-window-navigator? | 00:41 |
homeofpoe | oops, sorry, window wasn't scrolling and I thought there were no responses. :B | 00:41 |
dillizar | yes homeofpoe | 00:41 |
sarah_bear | is anyone here familiar with Nepenthes for ubuntu gusty? | 00:42 |
SeaPhor | amenado, i most certainly will, however, i was helping someone who is now downloading the alt ISO to attempt an install because the live cd kept freezing, any chance you can help him? | 00:42 |
CarlC0X | amenado yes works fine. i can get ubuntu online via wireless | 00:42 |
amenado | SeaPhor-> let them join here in the channel | 00:42 |
SeaPhor | amenado, he was/is?? | 00:43 |
amenado | CarlC0X-> you are controlling the wireless from the guest os? or the nic appears just as an ethernet from the guest point of view? | 00:43 |
phenom_ | hey im having trouble with speakers ... i have a 5.1 onboard sound card with 5.1 setup ... all channels work except center speaker | 00:43 |
amenado | SeaPhor-> okay..we'll assist them when we can | 00:43 |
SeaPhor | amenado, ok | 00:44 |
CarlC0X | amenado im controlling the wireless from the ubuntu guest (the one which doesnt work otherwise) | 00:44 |
jansen | hi.. i have a problem with xorg.conf my screen is always 800x600 after restart, i have to go to nvidia program and set it to 1024x768, and i save to X and it does not work.... | 00:45 |
jansen | Option "metamodes" "1024x768 +0+0; nvidia-auto-select +0+0" | 00:45 |
CarlC0X | TTreshoem i did that ifconfig eth0 up and i see the eth0 now. but still no network connection | 00:46 |
jansen | on my xorg.conf... shwoul i put it only Option "metamodes" "1024x768 " ? | 00:46 |
hisingh1 | anyone good with command prompt?? | 00:46 |
HH8 | my video is stuck at 600x800 clean install real 8.04 disk.?? | 00:46 |
Takalius | hisingh1, You mean terminal..? | 00:46 |
amenado | CarlC0X-> what ip address did you get for your guest? for your host? | 00:46 |
hisingh1 | ya terminal; | 00:46 |
ICM | Guys- installing Ubuntu now with the alternative CD- it tells me to enter a hostname for the system | 00:46 |
ICM | is this the same as the computer name? | 00:46 |
Takalius | hisingh1, Uh I'm pretty good with it I guess... Well what do you need? | 00:47 |
amenado | ICM yes | 00:47 |
hisingh1 | <Takalius> do you know how to copy a file from one directory to another | 00:47 |
ICM | thought so, thanks amenado ^^ | 00:47 |
firefuzz | ICM: yes it is, name it anything | 00:47 |
CarlC0X | amenado rephrase please | 00:47 |
jansen | hi.. i have a problem with xorg.conf my screen is always 800x600 after restart, i have to go to nvidia program and set it to 1024x768, and i save to X and it does not work.... xorg.conf section: Option "metamodes" "1024x768 +0+0; nvidia-auto-select +0+0" can anyone help!?!?!? | 00:47 |
ICM | firefuzz: going with Shana ;-) | 00:47 |
ICM | ..beacuse I have a weird obession with naming my computers with (typically east-Asian) female names | 00:47 |
amenado | CarlC0X-> your guest os will have a separate ip address from your host (hosting the guest)..what are they? | 00:48 |
Takalius | hisingh1, cp <file> <directory> | 00:48 |
Takalius | hisingh1, if you're trying to copy a directory to inside of another directory, cp -r <directory> <directory to be put in> | 00:48 |
amenado | ICM name one like Indira | 00:48 |
CarlC0X | amenado its set for auto. i didnt mess with the IPs | 00:49 |
belorix112 | I NEED help with the restricted driver they arnt wworking | 00:49 |
firefuzz | jansen: I would just edit xorg.conf and ADD a 1024x768 lines before the 800x600 entries. it usually defaults to rhe highest setting listed, but backup your original xorg.conf first. | 00:49 |
=== SplinTer is now known as SplinTer0616 | ||
ICM | Hmm nah, I'm very picky with names XD | 00:49 |
amenado | CarlC0X-> auto what? no matter, each has to have an ip address, what are they? | 00:49 |
TTreshoem | carlC0X: try the command iwconfig or ifconfig to find out | 00:50 |
amenado | ICM you just dont like those red dotted ones huh? :P | 00:50 |
McJester | Is there a good wifi sniffer for Ubuntu? | 00:50 |
CarlC0X | amenado tell me where to look at and ill check it out | 00:50 |
amenado | CarlC0X-> what is the host os? the guest os? | 00:50 |
andresmao | dsfsd | 00:50 |
andresmao | hola | 00:51 |
ICM | amenado: nah, My server is named Mai, partially after Mai from Kanon 2006; my laptop is named Yuki (Nagato) from The Melancholy of Suuzimiya Haruhi, and I guess Shana could be from Shakugan no Shana | 00:51 |
CarlC0X | amenado host = vista, guest = ubuntu | 00:51 |
belorix112 | I NEED help with the restricted driver they arnt wworking | 00:51 |
hisingh1 | thanks | 00:51 |
hisingh1 | i found out how | 00:51 |
=== hisingh1 is now known as sup | ||
ICM | I'm a true geek :) | 00:52 |
jansen | hi.. i have a problem with xorg.conf my screen is always 800x600 after restart, i have to go to nvidia program and set it to 1024x768, and i save to X and it does not work.... xorg.conf section: Option "metamodes" "1024x768 +0+0; nvidia-auto-select +0+0" can anyone help!?!?!? | 00:52 |
musashi | has anyone tried using the garmin gps software with wine? any luck? without win i'm kind of having a hard time uploading maps. | 00:53 |
amenado | CarlC0X-> on vista windows command line, type ipconfig, on ubuntu terminal type ip a | 00:53 |
CarlC0X | TTreshoem i did ifconfig and i see the eth0 now. but the internet still not working. and i still see the icon "no network connection" | 00:53 |
TTreshoem | what did it say after ifconfig | 00:53 |
TTreshoem | did it have an ip address? | 00:53 |
Mark17 | how can i see how hot my hard disk is? | 00:53 |
amenado | I have been asking him that, for the ip address | 00:54 |
TTreshoem | Mark17: stick a thermometer in there .. | 00:54 |
LtL | CarlC0X: try sudo ifup eth0 | 00:54 |
TTreshoem | :) | 00:54 |
crille | is the webmin debian package compatible with ubuntu? | 00:54 |
SeaPhor | amenado, i see you met the person i was referring to :-) | 00:55 |
TTreshoem | CarlC0X: hang on a sec, is this wifi you are on like you mentioned a few minutes ago and it WAS working?? | 00:55 |
CarlC0X | sudo ifup eth0 | 00:55 |
Mark17 | TTreshoem: well if you are 200km away from the system that is a litle bit difficult to be honest ;) | 00:55 |
CarlC0X | Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0. | 00:55 |
dillizar | how can i make the weather report start working? | 00:55 |
bazhang | !ebox | crille | 00:56 |
ubottu | crille: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox | 00:56 |
CarlC0X | TTreshoem yes wifi working | 00:56 |
LtL | CarlC0X: I didn't see all your posts, what interface do you want to connect with? | 00:56 |
XiD` | I have very scratching sounding Mp3 playback on Ubuntu. Does anyone know why this is? | 00:56 |
XiD` | Static/scratchy quality to it on any mp3 | 00:57 |
dillizar | how can i make the "weather report" on the panel start working? | 00:57 |
LtL | CarlC0X: sudo ifup <interface> | 00:57 |
CarlC0X | LtL i want to have the same internet connection as the host OS. (i used a wifi USB card and i can get online from the guest) but i want to get online directly | 00:57 |
belorix112 | CAN SOMEONE help me find out what RESTRICTED driver i NEED | 00:57 |
=== fserve_ is now known as fserve | ||
jonaskoelker | is there an application that lets me share files easily? | 00:57 |
bazhang | caps belorix112 | 00:58 |
CarlC0X | sudo ifup eth0 | 00:58 |
CarlC0X | Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0. | 00:58 |
dillizar | how can i make the "weather report" on the panel start working? | 00:58 |
TTreshoem | are you sure you saw ifconfig return eth0? | 00:58 |
jonaskoelker | CarlC0X: try staring intensely at lshw and lsmod; are the drivers for your nic loaded? | 00:58 |
LtL | XiD`: try changing your sound to use alsa | 00:58 |
XiD` | LtL, i am already using alsa | 00:58 |
TTreshoem | in the VM that you are using have you configured the connection to be active? | 00:58 |
sup | how do you end a task using a terminal | 00:59 |
coonlokht | org | 00:59 |
pen | how to change the color of inotify window? | 00:59 |
TTreshoem | CarlC0X: Also, what did you select: NAT or Bridged (share with host) ? | 00:59 |
LtL | XiD`: have you tried 'system - preferences - sound?' | 00:59 |
blah569 | I can not mount my external hard drive. Ubuntu procliams that it can not mount the EHD due to an "unclean shutdown." Is there a safe way to mount this hard drive? | 00:59 |
belorix112 | Bazhang, well if someone would Help me | 00:59 |
Dewi | is there a boot parameter that can be used to stop the Live CD from starting X ? | 01:00 |
blah569 | "unclean shutdown of the EHD" * | 01:00 |
[1]Coded1 | sup; in terminal use "ps -A" to find the PID then "kill 'pid#'" | 01:00 |
XiD` | LtL, everything is set as NVidia CK804, which is my on-board sound driver. Is this incorrect? | 01:00 |
Dewi | blah569: what filesystem? | 01:00 |
bazhang | belorix112, that wont make it happen faster; open a terminal and type lspci for chipset | 01:00 |
blah569 | NTFS (I believe) | 01:00 |
Dewi | blah569: put it in a windows machine and run chkdsk | 01:00 |
CarlC0X | TTreshoem, it did work super fine last night. (untill i did an apt-get install remove networkmanager, and re-installed right back).. and still worked fine last night after i reinstalled. but today it didnt work. im sure it was becaused i messed with the network manager | 01:00 |
Dewi | blah569: hopefully that makes the journal consistent | 01:00 |
blah569 | ok | 01:00 |
LtL | CarlC0X: i'm not sure what you're attempting to do, maybe wlan0 is your interface to use. the wiki has a good wifi section. | 01:01 |
CarlC0X | TTreshoem bridged | 01:01 |
blah569 | How do I run the "chkdsk?" | 01:01 |
Dewi | blah569: it sounds like you're pulled it without dismounting at some point | 01:01 |
XiD` | blah569, chkdsk is a windows command to run from DOS. | 01:01 |
Dewi | blah569: on a modern windows machine, chkdsk /v /f x: | 01:01 |
blah569 | okay, thanks | 01:01 |
Dewi | XiD`: CMD.EXE isn't DOS :P | 01:01 |
[1]Coded1 | anyone with problems with xfx 6200 256mb graphics cards? I tried booting hardy 8.0.4 off a live cd and all i get is scree corruption regardless of the resolutions I cycle through | 01:01 |
LtL | XiD`: I would think so, but ubuntu is weird sometimes, try anything different and see if it helps. | 01:01 |
XiD` | Dewi, well a dos emulator :) | 01:01 |
Dewi | XiD`: nor is it a DOS emulator | 01:01 |
Dewi | XiD`: it's a console | 01:02 |
XiD` | Dewi, it doesn't matter, as you can't run chkdsk from within cmd. | 01:02 |
Dewi | XiD`: er, you can't? | 01:02 |
XiD` | Dewi, so you are arguing semantics :) it forces a restart into dos regardless. | 01:02 |
Dewi | XiD`: no it doesn't | 01:02 |
Dewi | XiD`: XP doesn't even have a "DOS" stage | 01:02 |
bazhang | !windows | 01:02 |
belorix112 | bazhung: http://pastebin.com/m72f04145 | 01:02 |
ubottu | For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents | 01:02 |
Dewi | XiD`: perhaps you're thinking of how if it can't dismount a volume, it will offer to check on next boot... | 01:02 |
=== tolecnal_ is now known as tolecnal | ||
XiD` | Dewi, you can't run a chkdsk from cmd.exe - the drive will already be in use. A reboot is required, so why are you arguing | 01:02 |
Pici | !windows | 01:03 |
amenado | CarlC0X-> on vista windows command line, type ipconfig, on ubuntu terminal type ip a <--- any results or you ignored my request? | 01:03 |
Dewi | XiD`: you think his external disk is already in use when he plugs it in? | 01:03 |
belorix112 | bazhang: http://pastebin.com/m72f04145 | 01:03 |
LtL | Dewi is correct. | 01:03 |
XiD` | Dewi, i know it is, because this ubuntu partition is on my third drive, whereas windows is on my first. i couldn't run chkdsk on this drive while in windows. | 01:03 |
bobboy | Hey I think I found a bug so who can I talk to about it? | 01:03 |
pen | how to change the color of inotify window? | 01:03 |
pen | bobboy, I think join channel ubuntu-bugs? | 01:04 |
bazhang | belorix112, looks like you have ethernet and then a modem but no wifi | 01:04 |
=== Feyhart_ is now known as Feyhart | ||
Dewi | XiD`: you must have had a stray file handle | 01:04 |
bobboy | alright im in.. thx pen | 01:04 |
pen | bobboy, np | 01:04 |
belorix112 | bazhang: i use wifi, but i use ndiswrapper, but i need to know what Nvidia restricted driver to use | 01:04 |
belorix112 | bazhang: for my Video card | 01:05 |
XiD` | I'm still confused as to why my mp3 files are scratchy/staticy. Alsa is installed properly, this only happens with media players. Any clues? | 01:05 |
bazhang | belorix112, check the ubuntu nvidia wiki | 01:05 |
belorix112 | bazhang: already tried couldnt figure out what one i needed | 01:05 |
bazhang | nvidia 6150? likely not the new nvidia driver--try envyng-gtk or hardware drivers | 01:07 |
bazhang | !bugs | bobboy | 01:07 |
ubottu | bobboy: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots | 01:07 |
dillizar | !dock | 01:08 |
ubottu | Factoid dock not found | 01:08 |
bazhang | XiD`, try fiddling with master and pcm controls in alsamixer | 01:08 |
dillizar | HOW can install dock | 01:08 |
bazhang | dillizar, awn | 01:08 |
dillizar | i know but i have problems | 01:08 |
pen | dillizar, there are many more out there | 01:08 |
pen | dillizar, not only awn | 01:08 |
dillizar | hit me | 01:09 |
belorix112 | Anyone know what nvidia restricted driver a 6150 takes | 01:09 |
dillizar | pen do ya know any other | 01:09 |
ICM | SeaPhor: I spoke too soon | 01:09 |
dillizar | and how the fu** i can install beryl | 01:10 |
SeaPhor | ICM, ?? whats up? | 01:10 |
ICM | locking up in the same place... Ubuntu itself | 01:10 |
ICM | this time not just off of the CD >_< | 01:10 |
dillizar | !breyl | 01:10 |
ubottu | Factoid breyl not found | 01:10 |
musashi | dillizar, i think beryl is no more. use compiz | 01:10 |
dillizar | !compiz | 01:11 |
ubottu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion | 01:11 |
m0u5e | is stuff in /var/tmp deleted every restart? | 01:11 |
m0u5e | my drive is small, and it seems to be slowly but steadily running out of space... | 01:11 |
pen | dillizar, there are cairo dock | 01:11 |
SeaPhor | ICM, type the name of the person you are typing to, with this many ppl, it can get lost :-) | 01:11 |
pen | dillizar, kiba dock | 01:11 |
pen | dillizar, and a small one I forgot the name | 01:11 |
pen | dillizar, well | 01:11 |
SeaPhor | !tab | ICM | 01:11 |
pen | that's it | 01:11 |
ubottu | ICM: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 01:11 |
ICM | sorry SeaPhor :) | 01:11 |
ICM | Yes, I know, just simply forgot to do it :) | 01:12 |
ICM | SeaPhor... like right there^ | 01:12 |
SeaPhor | ICM, np, just dont want to lose what you say | 01:12 |
ICM | SeaPhor: Basically it's locked up at the same place it had locked up before- or not, now 'its loading | 01:12 |
[1]Coded1 | are there known problems with xfx graphics cards with hardy? | 01:12 |
XiD` | how do i install the KDE interface? | 01:12 |
bazhang | [1]Coded1, no, but problems with ati and nvidia drivers | 01:13 |
ICM | SeaPhor: it just changed screens from the Ubuntu loading screen to saying "REading files needed to boot... [ OK ].... Preparing restricted Drivers... [ OK ]... etc | 01:13 |
ICM | SeaPhor: though now it says: modprobe: Warning: Error inserting padlock_aes (/lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic/kernel/drivers/crypto/padlock-aes.ko): No such device | 01:13 |
bazhang | XiD`, install kubuntu-desktop | 01:14 |
Level1Tech | I have a RAID question... Windows disk manager allows you to create a RAID 1 mirror....is there an app in linux that will do the same | 01:14 |
SeaPhor | ICM, just let it go on, and if you feel maybe you were too hasty before, you can always try again | 01:14 |
[1]Coded1 | bazhang, i thought nvidia wasnt that bad for drivers? | 01:14 |
bazhang | !raid | Level1Tech use alt cd | 01:14 |
ubottu | Level1Tech use alt cd: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto | 01:14 |
XiD` | bazhang, sudo apt-get kubuntu-desktop ? | 01:14 |
[1]Coded1 | i dont even need the eye candy | 01:14 |
bazhang | XiD`, install | 01:14 |
Level1Tech | !raid | 01:14 |
ICM | SeaPhor: alright, it says 'loading manual drivers....' now and is waiting- I just googled that error, and it should be noticed that I do have a Cisco Aironet wirelss card | 01:14 |
SeaPhor | ICM, is this a home-built PC or what brand? | 01:15 |
fbc | Is there an application (preferable web-app) that will catalog and let me hear all my music online? Maybe movies too? | 01:15 |
ICM | seaphor: Home-built PC, I can pastebin the components if you need me too | 01:15 |
bazhang | fbc, related to google or ubuntu | 01:15 |
ICM | seaphor: not sure if this is relavent or not, but.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/189398 | 01:15 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 189398 in linux "Cisco Aironet stopped working in Hardy" [Medium,Triaged] | 01:15 |
ICM | seaphor, in it, he states "I have tried booting using kernel versions 2.6.22-10 through 2.6.22-14, all of which worked fine. Only 2.6.24-5 hangs."- so perhaps I need an older kernel or something? | 01:16 |
fbc | bazhang, ubuntu. I have my ubuntu server setup already and I would liek an app to catalog and stream all my media to me at work or wherever I may be. | 01:16 |
SeaPhor | ICM, ok, while you wait, look up that wireless card here http://linux-wless.passys.nl/ | 01:16 |
SeaPhor | ICM, is it still loading? | 01:17 |
ICM | SeaPhor: Also should be noted that I've gotten the wirelss card to work with absolutely no problems in the past with Ubuntu, in fact, it usually just recognizes it as soon as it installs (and even in the LiveCD) | 01:17 |
bazhang | fbc should be, cant remember the name offhand right now though | 01:17 |
ICM | SeaPhor: claims to be still 'loading manual drivers...' though it hasn't changed | 01:17 |
Darlok_Williams | I thought PulseAudio was supposed to be better than ALSA... Ever since installing Hardy I can only hear sound from one application at a time... is that normal? | 01:18 |
SeaPhor | ICM, so this is with 8.04, you haven't had issues with 7.10 or previous? | 01:18 |
fbc | bazhang, k I'll try to look around. hotscripts or somewhere else. | 01:18 |
pen | how to change the color of inotify window? | 01:18 |
ICM | SeaPhor: http://linux-wless.passys.nl/query_chipset.php?chipset=Aironet Cisco 802.11b Aironet 350 man: 015f dev: 000a PCMCIA Aironet driver green | 01:18 |
jonaskoelker | I'm just reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EasyFileSharing and I want to work on this. Who should I coordinate with, where can I find out current status, ...? | 01:18 |
barslo1 | hey im trying to help my buddy install Ubuntu 8.04 from inside of Windows XP | 01:18 |
tom_ | Hi! If anyone is familiar with 64-bit, and 2gb-or-4gb of ram, with memory mapping(MTRR) causing kernel crashes using fglrx - could you take a look at my Ubuntu post? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4997452#post4997452 - many thanks! | 01:18 |
ICM | SeaPhor: correct- haven't had issues with 7.10 | 01:18 |
barslo1 | can anyone help me out and IM him | 01:18 |
bazhang | Darlok_Williams, here is the pulseaudio 'prefect setup' http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup | 01:18 |
ICM | SeaPhor: those installs might have been Kubuntu, however | 01:18 |
=== The_JoKeR is now known as SplinTer0616 | ||
Darlok_Williams | tom_: www.wubi-install.org | 01:19 |
tom_ | Thanks, I'll take a peak. | 01:19 |
tom_ | Darlok_Williams, Page error (load) | 01:19 |
g0x | amigos no puedo instalar nada por apt pk no tengo actualizados los sources que hago? | 01:19 |
Pici | !es | g0x | 01:19 |
ubottu | g0x: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 01:19 |
ICM | SeaPhor: Sadly, this thing isn't on a wired connection, I'm stuck on wireless up here in my room, so removing the wireless card might not be an option | 01:19 |
musashi | barslo1, are you using wubi? what is the question? | 01:19 |
Darlok_Williams | tom_: Sorry, it's www.wubi-installer.org | 01:19 |
dillizar | autoreconf: `configure.ac' or `configure.in' is required?? what is this | 01:20 |
bazhang | jonaskoelker, look who edited it at the bottom and then click that link for more info | 01:20 |
Clunck | ciao | 01:20 |
fred-erich | hi, when I want to mount a sftp server via gnome mount, It (the link) doesn't remember the directory on the server I specified, and defaults to / on that server (on which I have no permissions). Is this expected behavior? | 01:20 |
Darlok_Williams | bazhang: Wow... all that work just to get it working? lol no thanks. | 01:20 |
tom_ | Thanks, let me peak | 01:20 |
bazhang | g0x, enable them and reload | 01:20 |
dillizar | autoreconf: `configure.ac' or `configure.in' is required?? what is this | 01:20 |
tom_ | Darlok_Williams, are you telling me to install windows, then install ubuntu to run from windwos? | 01:21 |
Darlok_Williams | tom_: You already have Windows installed, right? This is for your friend? | 01:21 |
SeaPhor | ICM, just a question, but , if 7.10 gives you no issues, whats the reason you are going to 8.04, is there anything you have to have in 8.04? or if 8.04 gives you issues, are you willing to go back until all the issues are fixed? | 01:21 |
fred-erich | tom_, he meant barslol, but spoke to you | 01:21 |
tom_ | Oh! :/ | 01:22 |
Darlok_Williams | tom_: Oh lol | 01:22 |
Darlok_Williams | Sorry | 01:22 |
digitalslave | anyone here having problems with account lock outs with the server edition? | 01:22 |
tom_ | It's okay. i'll continue to search. Many thanks anyway! | 01:22 |
fred-erich | hi, when I want to mount a sftp server via gnome mount, It (the link) doesn't remember the directory on the server I specified, and defaults to / on that server (on which I have no permissions). Is this expected behavior? | 01:22 |
fred-erich | oops sry | 01:22 |
barslo1 | can someone help me by IMing my freind | 01:22 |
Darlok_Williams | Yeah... that's the problem with having two questions right next to eachother... I associated the wrong name with the right question. Sorry, bud. | 01:22 |
barslo1 | and walking him thru a wubi install | 01:22 |
ICM | SeaPhor: Nope, I could gladly go back to 7.10, I'm not really even sure of the differences, to be honest. It was just the newest release and such, that's all | 01:22 |
SeaPhor | ICM, just a question,,, nothing more :-)) | 01:22 |
Darlok_Williams | barslo1: www.wubi-installer.org | 01:22 |
fred-erich | barslo1, go to that link | 01:22 |
tom_ | barslo1, sure, who's your friend.. I'll send them a message. | 01:22 |
bazhang | barslo1, tell him to come here | 01:22 |
Darlok_Williams | barslo1: There's nothing to really walk through... it's as straightforward as possible, but I could IM him too, if you'd like. | 01:23 |
LtL | fred-erich: use scp instead the target must must this format regardless sftp file target_ip:/path/to/yourdir | 01:23 |
j4w4 | I've been told that mounting volumes with improper information can cause the volume to become unaccessible until editing certain keys in the registry Editing file stab is not enough to recover unaccessible volume. Whats the Ubuntu software packages to edit registry keys for Ubuntu? | 01:23 |
Darlok_Williams | j4w4: Linux doesn't have a registry... what do you mean? | 01:23 |
fred-erich | LtL, I am trying to mount a directory though - not copy files | 01:23 |
digitalslave | its either when using su and sudo or after the screen saver has kicked in - have to delete the account and rebuild - nothing shows it being locked out and changing password doesnt work | 01:23 |
pen | how to change the color of inotify window? | 01:23 |
pits | hi | 01:23 |
LtL | fred-erich: mount a dir? ok. | 01:23 |
dillizar | autoreconf: `configure.ac' or `configure.in' is required?? what is this | 01:24 |
dillizar | autoreconf: `configure.ac' or `configure.in' is required?? HELP | 01:24 |
j4w4 | Darlok_Williams this is information Im reading from a webpage on my problem. it says use a softare utility called gconf-editor??? | 01:24 |
pits | I do not have 8.04CD, how do I upgrade from 7.04 to 8.04? | 01:24 |
barslo1 | pits: upgrading can ruin everything | 01:24 |
fred-erich | LtL, so, is my problem normal? gnome-mount sftp only goes to / of server? | 01:24 |
bazhang | !upgrade | pits read this | 01:24 |
ubottu | pits read this: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 01:24 |
Darlok_Williams | j4w4: Ah... gconf-editor is similar to the windows regedit, but it's not editing a registry, just a bunch of system config files organized in one place. | 01:25 |
Darlok_Williams | j4w4: You can install gconf-editor and change a lot of hidden Gnome settings. | 01:25 |
ICM | SeaPhor: Guess I'll try to get 7.10 to work! Comcast is going to kill me for downloading so many ISOs >_< | 01:25 |
=== illovae_ is now known as illovae | ||
SaschaRed | anyone know anything about electricsheep | 01:25 |
digitalslave | upgrading to 8.04 has gone rather well as opposed to other versions | 01:25 |
AliP | Hey I was wondering if i should try out ubuntu, will it work without any drivers? Can i just install it on my hardware without problems or do I need something? | 01:25 |
fred-erich | I hate upgrading :/ | 01:25 |
bazhang | SaschaRed, to run os9 right | 01:25 |
LtL | fred-erich: yes, i would assume mounting requires to mount it's root / | 01:25 |
ICM | I think I might just install OS2/Warp | 01:26 |
j4w4 | Darlok_Williams looks like I'll be getting familar with it then or I dont get my improperly defined Windows XP volume back, (at least under Ubunutu that is) still works fine under Windows | 01:26 |
bazhang | AliP, run the live cd and see | 01:26 |
fred-erich | AlexLatchford, use a live-cd it boots without insalling anything on the harddisk | 01:26 |
Darlok_Williams | AliP: There's a very good chance it will run just fine on your hardware. Have you tried booting the Live CD? | 01:26 |
digitalslave | ICM so you can play pong? | 01:26 |
SaschaRed | whenever the electricsheep screensaver starts | 01:26 |
ICM | digitalslave: :D | 01:26 |
dillizar | autoreconf: `configure.ac' or `configure.in' is required?? HELP | 01:26 |
ICM | I love pong. | 01:26 |
fred-erich | AlexLatchford, not for you sry | 01:26 |
SaschaRed | it only plays in a a small corner | 01:26 |
AliP | No, I am still downloading a "desktop version" | 01:26 |
pen | how to change the color of inotify window? | 01:26 |
SaschaRed | so I have a black screen with a little box with electric sheep in it | 01:26 |
fred-erich | LtL, why? the gnome dialog even has a 'folder' entry option | 01:27 |
ICM | Do robots dream of electric sheep? | 01:27 |
Darlok_Williams | AliP: When you get that download, burn it to a disc and reboot your computer. It will load Ubuntu from the CD (without installing anything). This will let you use Ubuntu and see if all your hardware is compatible. | 01:27 |
AliP | What are the primary advantages of running ubuntu as compared to XP? | 01:27 |
SeaPhor | ICM, was just a question... be patient,, plz, may be worth it :-) | 01:27 |
LtL | pen: are you using xchat? look in colors settings | 01:27 |
pits | barslo1: i just installed 7.04 into my brand new USB, so no data to ruin yet. | 01:27 |
bazhang | icm please stay on topic | 01:27 |
fred-erich | AliP, it works | 01:27 |
pits | well this room too busy. no fun | 01:27 |
pits | /leave | 01:27 |
disasm | hello everyone. I setup my wireless network with wpa2 originally. I had a friend visit and they could only do wpa1 so I changed the settings, and now roaming my network I can't connect, but if I manually set things up I can connect, so I think NetworkManager or wpasupplicant has some settings stored for that specific essid and I can't find them. Any thoughts? | 01:27 |
mevsthevoices | Anyone here good with SSH? | 01:27 |
pen | LtL, I mean for rhythmbox or general | 01:28 |
rsk | AliP: depends... but no need for antivirus firewall defragmentation tool adaware scanners and soo on is the obvios advantage. | 01:28 |
LtL | fred-erich: in order to access that dir, you need to mount the whole thing, starting with root | 01:28 |
fred-erich | mevsthevoices, possibly yes | 01:28 |
disasm | mevsthevoices: I bee good with ssh | 01:28 |
Darlok_Williams | AliP: There are many articles that discuss exactly that. Here is one that I wrote a while ago: http://elyon225.wordpress.com/2007/03/18/linux-vs-windows/ | 01:28 |
digitalslave | so no one has experienced strange account lockouts on 32bit server edition? | 01:28 |
just2cool | i like gentoo | 01:28 |
LtL | pen: you can use theme-manager | 01:28 |
bazhang | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 disasm here is a cli guide for that | 01:28 |
fred-erich | LtL, seems kind of... lame I guess. But thanks, thats what I needed to hear | 01:28 |
pen | LtL, theme manager? | 01:28 |
mevsthevoices | Ok then, I currently run SSH from my home computer, the one I am currently on. It is listening on port 22 and that is open on the router | 01:28 |
ICM | SeaPhor: Hehe, I'm trying not to be impatient, just anxious, want to hopefully get this resolved | 01:28 |
pen | LtL, what is the full name | 01:28 |
fred-erich | mevsthevoices, you mean the server. ok | 01:29 |
mevsthevoices | Everyone with SSH unix client or mac, seems to be able to connect to it | 01:29 |
mevsthevoices | But when I use putty, the windows one. I'm left with connection times out | 01:29 |
fred-erich | mevsthevoices, seems like a windows problem, not a ubuntu one | 01:29 |
digitalslave | mevsthevoices, port forwarding on the router? | 01:30 |
brad0722_ | hi. simple question... how can I add private ip addresses? What's the right format in /etc/network/interfaces... I just need to add,, etc., and only need them accessible from localhost. please help? | 01:30 |
LtL | pen: right clik on the desktop and look for the themes tab | 01:30 |
SeaPhor | ICM, lol, wellanything off-topic you want to discuss with me you can join #SeaPhor | 01:30 |
mevsthevoices | I think its just open, 22 | 01:30 |
pen | LtL, you sure I cant change the color of inotify from there? | 01:30 |
ICM | SeaPhor: Heh, that's alright, just trying to get Ubuntu to work properly :( | 01:30 |
LtL | pen: change desktop background, them theme | 01:30 |
pipegeek | Anyone used virt-manager before? | 01:30 |
dillizar | autoreconf: `configure.ac' or `configure.in' is required?? HELP | 01:30 |
pen | LtL, do you know what is inotify? | 01:31 |
LtL | pen: no i don't | 01:31 |
digitalslave | mevsthevoices, are you restricting anything in hosts or sshd_config? | 01:31 |
mevsthevoices | If its empty will that restrict? | 01:31 |
dnyy | err, all of a sudden I get errors trying to install ubuntu 8.04 | 01:31 |
digitalslave | if sshd_config is empty you have bigger problems ;) | 01:31 |
bazhang | dnyy please specify | 01:32 |
dnyy | last time i did it it worked fine, now i'm getting a ton off I/O buffer errors, and some SQUASHFS stuff. any ideas? | 01:32 |
ICM | SeaPhor- it really isn't a big deal installing 7.10, I'm not too sure on the differences, though | 01:32 |
ICM | or for how long 7.10 is going to be supported | 01:32 |
bazhang | dnyy you md5 the iso and run an integrity check on cd yet | 01:32 |
mevsthevoices | Well my /etc/ssh is empty | 01:32 |
bazhang | !lts | icm | 01:32 |
ubottu | icm: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. | 01:32 |
pen | LtL, the tray balloon | 01:32 |
bazhang | oops | 01:32 |
Pici | ICM: 18 months from release date. | 01:32 |
kajo_ | Firefox is dying everytime I start it, within 3 seconds. It was running fine a minute ago. The only change I've made is installed & then uninstalled the following: gtkpod, banshee, "ipod" command. | 01:32 |
AliP | Hey is a program that suppots "linux" compatable with ubuntu? (Sorry if i sound like a complete retard). | 01:32 |
ICM | I know that much, bazhang | 01:32 |
bazhang | 18 mos icm | 01:32 |
mevsthevoices | Ohh wait, never mind | 01:32 |
dnyy | bazhang: No, how do I do that? :/ | 01:33 |
pen | anyone know how to change the color of tray balloon | 01:33 |
pen | ? | 01:33 |
sunnybg | hi. fresh install of hardy. i have selected english and bulgarian keyboard layouts en(us) being the default. now in SCIM dropdown, I see 2 choices - Other - English/European, Other-RAW CODE and Englis/Keyboard. How do I enable the bulgarian keyboard layout? | 01:33 |
bazhang | AliP, which app | 01:33 |
sunnybg | ops, 3 choices | 01:33 |
Darlok_Williams | AliP: Short answer, yes. Ubuntu is capable of running any software made for Linux. | 01:33 |
bazhang | dnyy let me get you a link for the md5 | 01:33 |
kajo_ | Alip, Ubuntu is a kind of linux... most do, but there are many kinds of linux, so not all do. | 01:33 |
AliP | Alright, thanks, I guess thats good enuff for me | 01:34 |
kajo_ | Firefox is dying everytime I start it, within 3 seconds. It was running fine a minute ago. The only change I've made is installed & then uninstalled the following: gtkpod, banshee, "ipod" command. Anyone have a clue where to start troubleshooting? | 01:34 |
mevsthevoices | My config is on pastebin if that would help http://paste.ubuntu.com/13393/ | 01:34 |
hexoroid | how do you start sshd service in ubuntu ? | 01:34 |
LtL | hexoroid: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start | 01:35 |
hazard1nc | it sounds like firefox had a dependancy to it. try removing and reinstalling firefox | 01:35 |
ICM | SeaPhor: I think I may go with 7.10, it worked fairly well | 01:35 |
SeaPhor | ICM, lol, that was a hint to watch out how off-topic you get, you see all that are paying attn.? :-) | 01:35 |
SeaPhor | ICM, cool, i did to for a while | 01:35 |
bazhang | !md5 | dnyy check this | 01:35 |
ubottu | dnyy check this: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows | 01:35 |
LinuxMercedes | Hi, I've run into a problem with update-manager. Here's my bug description: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/232081 | 01:36 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 232081 in update-manager "Update Manager cannot install the upgrades in my initramfs" [Undecided,New] | 01:36 |
hazard1nc | nice bot :) | 01:36 |
LinuxMercedes | The problem is, I need to fix the machine =] | 01:36 |
tom_ | Where does Banshee keep its playlists? Not in ~/.config/banshee ... | 01:36 |
kajo_ | Firefox is dying everytime I start it, within 3 seconds. It was running fine a minute ago. The only change I've made is installed & then uninstalled the following: gtkpod, banshee, "ipod" command. Anyone have a clue where to start troubleshooting? | 01:36 |
blahblahx | how would i remove all the files (keeping their subfolders intact) in a folder except those with a certain exact name? for example, i want to remove all the files other than copyright from the folder /usr/share/doc, yet preserve each subfolder for each program within /doc. Note: I have backed up /usr/share/doc | 01:36 |
dnyy | bazhang: ill do that, thanks. it worked before, though, so idk. | 01:36 |
mevsthevoices | And port 22 is being listened too | 01:36 |
Darlok_Williams | blahblahx: Look at the find command (man find) | 01:37 |
ICM | Bah, I can't find where I can download 7.10 from >_< | 01:37 |
bazhang | dnyy, if it worked then the cd integrity check is when you start up with choices (enter/install ubuntu, etc) | 01:37 |
hazard1nc | kajo_: sounds like there was a dependancy with firefox maybe with banshee?? Try reinstalling firefox | 01:37 |
kdc1956 | anyone know how to start cd-roast | 01:37 |
bazhang | !torrents | icm | 01:37 |
ubottu | icm: Hardy can be torrented from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD). | 01:37 |
LtL | kajo_: reboot it, you probably have running instances of firefox-bin or whatever running. | 01:37 |
digitalslave | mevsthevoices, never seen host? and why everything is commented out is rather strange | 01:38 |
pits | is it a good idea to install ubuntu on USB ? i mean speed stuff ? | 01:38 |
ICM | bazhang: Any HTTP sources? Torrenting is fairly slow for me. | 01:38 |
kajo_ | Ltl, shouldn't I just be able to killall those? | 01:38 |
bazhang | pits nay | 01:38 |
mevsthevoices | That was standard, haven't fiddled with it | 01:38 |
pits | bazhang: seems a little bit slower | 01:38 |
LtL | kajo_: its supposed to work, but often won't | 01:38 |
digitalslave | what ssh server are you using? | 01:38 |
bazhang | http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/ icm | 01:38 |
LtL | kajo_: do a 'ps fax' and see if its running | 01:39 |
j4w4 | I think I have I found the key I "created" when I tried to mount a volume as NTFS. But gconf-editor says the key has no "schema" and I dont see a way to delete it. How can I delete this key? | 01:39 |
ICM | thankyou | 01:39 |
mevsthevoices | How? would I get version with this | 01:39 |
tom_ | Where does Banshee keep its playlists? Not in ~/.config/banshee ... | 01:39 |
bazhang | kdc1956, cd-roast? from where | 01:39 |
digitalslave | sshd -v | 01:39 |
kajo_ | I ran pstree and saw it still lying around... it was a -bin. I'm not used to that just lying around because I installed something else? I usually only have that happens if it crashes. Thanks anyways, it's running now. | 01:39 |
Benjie | Gutsy had 24/7/60 uptime on my machine before upgrade to hardy. I installed hardy on saturday, and it has crashed twice since then (roughly after 24-36 hours each time, whilst unmanned) | 01:39 |
mevsthevoices | OpenSSH_4.7p1 Debian-8ubuntu1.2, OpenSSL 0.9.8g 19 Oct 2007 | 01:39 |
pits | sorry. what's the link to read to upgrade 7.04 to 8.04 ? | 01:39 |
blahblahx | how would i remove all the files (keeping their subfolders intact) in a folder except those with a certain exact name? for example, i want to remove all the files other than copyright from the folder /usr/share/doc, yet preserve each subfolder for each program within /doc. Note: I have backed up /usr/share/doc | 01:39 |
selocol | !upgrade | pits | 01:40 |
ubottu | pits: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 01:40 |
bazhang | pits /msg ubottu upgrade | 01:40 |
circa-87 | hello | 01:40 |
LinuxMercedes | Hi, I've run into a problem with update-manager. Here's my bug description: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/232081 | 01:40 |
Benjie | When I say crashed, I mean I can't ssh, http or any other thing to it, X has locked up and frozen, control-alt-backspace does nothing, Alt+SysRq+r does not allow me to go to terminal. Hard drive lights don't flash. But it does still respond to ping... | 01:40 |
LinuxMercedes | The problem is, I need to fix the machine =] | 01:40 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 232081 in update-manager "Update Manager cannot install the upgrades in my initramfs" [Undecided,New] | 01:40 |
SeaPhor | ICM, hey, have you run a memory test lately, it is possible ram has died, if you have same issue installing other, check that next :-) | 01:41 |
hexoroid | how do you start ssh ? | 01:41 |
Benjie | I can restart the computer using magic keys (s,e,i,u,b) and there are no clues in /var/log/messages or other similar files. | 01:41 |
digitalslave | mevsthevoices, your config is junk and definitely nothing close to default - reinstall if need be | 01:41 |
ICM | SeaPhor: I guess I could try that, though it's new RAM | 01:41 |
Benjie | What could be wrong? | 01:41 |
mevsthevoices | Okie doke will purge and reinstall | 01:42 |
Netham45 | where does openssh store it's logs? | 01:42 |
SeaPhor | ICM, prolly not then but has happened to me, | 01:42 |
Netham45 | wait, I bet it's in the log folder | 01:42 |
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LinuxMercedes | How do I go about fixing up my machine after a failed do-release-upgrade? | 01:42 |
LtL | hexoroid: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start [take two] | 01:43 |
hexoroid | LtL i want it to start every time when i reboot the box | 01:43 |
crackerjackz | have you guys ever had a problem with linksys wireless adapters | 01:43 |
SeaPhor | ICM, and the RAM wasn't "bad", just something odd, i switched it out and all was fine, i pit the ram in a diff machine and it worked fine, was odd but all worked out | 01:43 |
crackerjackz | any one know of a good driver for the broadcom chipset | 01:43 |
i_own_the_circle | hello is there any way to access the pc from the network from ubuntu ? | 01:43 |
Netham45 | where are the sshd logs stored? | 01:44 |
crackerjackz | i_own_the_circle, yes there is but i dont know how | 01:44 |
blahblahx | how would i remove all the files (keeping their subfolders intact) in a folder except those with a certain exact name? for example, i want to remove all the files other than copyright from the folder /usr/share/doc, yet preserve each subfolder for each program within /doc. Note: I have backed up /usr/share/doc | 01:44 |
Daisuke_Ido | crackerjackz: yeah, the one you can get through restricted drivers | 01:44 |
LtL | hexoroid: it should, or use BUM, bootup manager and tell it too. once i start it its on for life here. | 01:44 |
crackerjackz | Daisuke_Ido, where do i get it? | 01:44 |
ICM | SeaPhor: Not something I can afford to do, though :( | 01:44 |
mevsthevoices | New config file after pruge and install http://paste.ubuntu.com/13394/ | 01:44 |
crackerjackz | can i just modprobe blahblah | 01:44 |
Odd-rationale | i_own_the_circle: a windows pc? or linux? | 01:44 |
i_own_the_circle | crackerjackz, that was nice answer your answer helped alot | 01:44 |
Benjie | blahblahx, you want the "find" command | 01:44 |
hexoroid | ltl what is that [take two] | 01:44 |
ICM | SeaPhor: running memtest now | 01:44 |
i_own_the_circle | Odd-rationale, window pc ? | 01:44 |
Daisuke_Ido | Cracken226: assuming it's a supported chipset, go to system > administration > hardware drivers | 01:44 |
brad0722_ | how can I add additional private ip addresses to my interfaces file? | 01:44 |
Odd-rationale | i_own_the_circle: research rdesktop | 01:44 |
hexoroid | LtL you mean sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start 2 | 01:44 |
crackerjackz | i_own_the_circle, i was just saying yes that it is possible but i dont know how | 01:45 |
blahblahx | Benjie: right but what specifically | 01:45 |
crackerjackz | sorry wish i could help you | 01:45 |
LtL | hexoroid: the second time i answered you. | 01:45 |
Daisuke_Ido | whoops... crackerjackz ^^^ | 01:45 |
hexoroid | oh ok | 01:45 |
hexoroid | lol | 01:45 |
i_own_the_circle | Odd-rationale, on shell or ? | 01:45 |
pits | bazhang: well there is no update from 7.04 to 8.04 | 01:45 |
Odd-rationale | i_own_the_circle: google rdesktop, i meant... | 01:45 |
Benjie | blahblahx, find /usr/share/doc -type f -! -name COPYRIGHT -exec ls -la \{\} \; | 01:45 |
bazhang | i_own_the_circle, via samba you mean? | 01:45 |
Benjie | Something like that... | 01:45 |
LtL | hexoroid: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start <--- thats it. | 01:45 |
bazhang | pits not directly outside of a fresh install no | 01:45 |
Benjie | blahblahx, that is completely untested. | 01:45 |
hexoroid | LtL i dont have ssh | 01:46 |
mhall_ | i just asked min ago but go disconnected how do i install more window themes | 01:46 |
hexoroid | so i supose sudo apt-get instal sshd | 01:46 |
hexoroid | ? | 01:46 |
pits | bazhang: seems i need to update the sourcelist file somewhere ? | 01:46 |
i_own_the_circle | bazhang, no i have ubuntu and windows i want to access the windows folders from ubuntu | 01:46 |
crackerjackz | Daisuke-ido i see restricted drivers manager but not hardware driver manager | 01:46 |
mhall_ | other then the stock brown one | 01:46 |
digitalslave | anyone know what sysctl doesnt update on boot from /etc/sysctl.config? | 01:46 |
blahblahx | Benjie: ill give that a try. | 01:46 |
bazhang | mhall_, windows-looking or actual windows ones | 01:46 |
Soulwarp | noob question, i have a file in my trashcan that has the wrong permissions or something and i can not delete it or move it. some how the permissions are read only. is there a way to navigate to the trash folder and remove this file as root permission? | 01:46 |
Odd-rationale | i_own_the_circle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rdesktop | 01:46 |
heirrook | hello all, does anyone know what to do if I am having a problem with connecting to hidden essid's using network manager | 01:46 |
crackerjackz | i_own_the_circle, ill try to find you some documentation hold on | 01:46 |
mhall_ | dosent matter baz aslong as it not brown | 01:46 |
LtL | hexoroid: sudo apt-get install openssh ; i think thats the package name. searh i synaptic if needed. | 01:47 |
Odd-rationale | i_own_the_circle: you want to access files? or do remote desktop? | 01:47 |
bazhang | mhall let me get you a bot link | 01:47 |
mhall_ | cool thx | 01:47 |
bazhang | !themes | mhall_ | 01:47 |
mevsthevoices | Ok I have got it on both putty and ssh using my static ip. But neither using dynamic | 01:47 |
ubottu | mhall_: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 01:47 |
kdc1956 | I install cd-roast but I need root to start it for the first time but how? | 01:47 |
digitalslave | openssh-server | 01:47 |
i_own_the_circle | Odd-rationale, i just want to access the folder i share so that will be only files | 01:47 |
LtL | digitalslave: thx | 01:47 |
bazhang | kdc1956, installed from where | 01:47 |
hazard1nc | wow, does anyone know how to install new icon themes in xfce? | 01:47 |
kdc1956 | ubuntu/gnome | 01:47 |
Odd-rationale | i_own_the_circle: then sambe will be your answer not rdesktop. (sorry, misunderstood your question) | 01:47 |
Odd-rationale | hazard1nc: try in #xubuntu ? | 01:48 |
bazhang | kdc1956, downloaded from *where* | 01:48 |
neil_d | hi, i am having some trouble with a USB modem :( it appears that at startup the driver sometimes doesn't find the modem, but if I unplug the modem and plug it back in all is OK :) is the a way of restarting the USB system or something to simulate a device unplug and plug in ? | 01:48 |
hazard1nc | did, they are quiet | 01:48 |
roninbv | okay, this is my first time here in the ubuntu room, although I have been using linux for quite a while. | 01:48 |
LinuxMercedes | Ok, so I'm updating my 7.10 server to 8.04 and do-release-upgrade messes up setting up initramfs-tools and I get the error: "The upgrade aborts now. Your system could be in an unusable state." | 01:48 |
LinuxMercedes | Can anyone help me? | 01:48 |
bazhang | !welcome | roninbv | 01:48 |
ubottu | roninbv: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel. | 01:48 |
kdc1956 | on the add programs under applications | 01:48 |
i_own_the_circle | Odd-rationale, i already have a samba installed here but i want to access the files from windows pc | 01:48 |
j4w4 | Success, I finally got my Windows XP volume to mount again. I had to delete a key using gconf-editor. | 01:48 |
crackerjackz | i_own_the_circle, heres something http://samba.netfirms.com/ | 01:48 |
crackerjackz | i_own_the_circle, yes to accomplish that you want to use samba | 01:49 |
=== pits is now known as pitsN | ||
Odd-rationale | i_own_the_circle: you will have to setup samba shars on the windows pc. search the ubuntu wiki for sambe. that should get you going... | 01:49 |
roninbv | I am having some problems with installing a video card driver. My box is a bit old, and I have an old Nvidia Geforce4 MX that I am trying to install. | 01:49 |
hexoroid | LtL its not openssh.. dont know how to find it | 01:49 |
=== hagabaka` is now known as hagabaka | ||
Soulwarp | noob question, i have a file in my trashcan that has the wrong permissions or something and i can not delete it or move it. some how the permissions are read only. is there a way to navigate to the trash folder and remove this file as root permission? | 01:50 |
corro_ | is clamav a recommened virus scanner? | 01:50 |
crackerjackz | Daisuke_Ido, i see restricted drivers manager but not hardware drivers manager | 01:50 |
hazard1nc | we will just try | 01:50 |
hazard1nc | #xfce* | 01:50 |
Odd-rationale | Soulwarp: yes. i beleive the folder is ~.Trash or something... | 01:50 |
Daisuke_Ido | crackerjackz: restricted then (moved to hardware drivers in 8.04) | 01:50 |
Takalius | Soulwarp, folder is ~/.Trash | 01:50 |
=== martian67_ is now known as martian67 | ||
crackerjackz | Daisuke-Ido, thanks =] | 01:51 |
digitalslave | corro_, yes it is recommended as is mcaffe command line scanner | 01:51 |
hexoroid | what is the openssh called on apt-get | 01:51 |
roninbv | I have tried to install the nvidia legacy driver, but alas, it doesn | 01:51 |
roninbv | install correctly | 01:51 |
crackerjackz | the only driver is see in there is for my graphics card =/ | 01:51 |
digitalslave | openssh-server - should auto complete if you sudo when apt-get | 01:51 |
corro_ | digitalslave: so is it what you use? | 01:51 |
LtL | hexoroid: sudo apt-get install openssh-server | 01:52 |
hexoroid | LtL how did you find the package name ? | 01:52 |
bazhang | corro_, for getting windows virii via linux? sure | 01:52 |
LtL | hexoroid: digitalslave informed the channel. | 01:52 |
digitalslave | i dont use anything currently at home but use mcaffe at work | 01:53 |
cygoku | Nautilus is always saying this : (nautilus:6323): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "default", ... WHY ?? | 01:53 |
Fogel1497 | When playing flash movies in firefox such as those on youtube, the video freezes up every once and a while, making viewing videos completely unenjoyable. Even if the videos are completely buffered, this still happens | 01:53 |
bazhang | Fogel1497, you may wish to download them or use miro then | 01:53 |
corro_ | digitalslave: are you saying it is unnecessary to scan linux files? or are you saying i should use something else for linux? | 01:53 |
crackerjackz | how do i figure out which wifi driver im using right now | 01:53 |
digitalslave | virus protection is not to be overlooked but as im not servering anything to the public and dont mingle with windows machines at home im not totally concerned with virii just yet | 01:53 |
Fogel1497 | @bazhang Miro is better than the swf flash player available from adobe? | 01:54 |
Soulwarp | Takalius how would i be able to navigate to it | 01:54 |
corro_ | digitalslave: well this will be my server which will be hosting like 4 windows machines and linux machines | 01:54 |
bazhang | Fogel1497, it is good, certainly moreso than the other option-->though vlc plays that just fine (youtube-dl) | 01:54 |
digitalslave | scanning is important but since linux isnt a huge target yet most finds are false positives unless picking up a windows virus | 01:55 |
vinicius__ | hi! is there anyway to use the mini-usb ports of my laptop to output the screen to a tv via a usb-av cable? | 01:55 |
digitalslave | if you are serving email or file shares at any level scan it! | 01:55 |
corro_ | digitalslave: does that mean most of the people that code virus's use linux =P | 01:55 |
crackerjackz | how do i see which wifi driver im using? | 01:56 |
bazhang | vinicius__, that seems more of a hardware issue | 01:56 |
vinicius__ | bazhang, yes I know, but I coudn't find any information | 01:56 |
bazhang | crackerjackz, check lsmod | 01:56 |
digitalslave | corro_, hahaha im thinking thats not the case but we can all dream haha | 01:56 |
vinicius__ | bazhang, as I have the cable, it would be nice to know | 01:56 |
bazhang | vinicius__, there is a hardware channel you know | 01:56 |
corro_ | :-D | 01:56 |
vinicius__ | bazhang, Ill check it out | 01:57 |
vinicius__ | bazhang, thanks! | 01:57 |
bazhang | :) | 01:57 |
crackerjackz | bazhang ok i see it | 01:57 |
Takalius | Soulwarp, open a folder. At the top, click Go>Location, and type ~/.Trash | 01:57 |
crackerjackz | how do i get modprobe to show me a complete list of drivers for my wifi | 01:57 |
crackerjackz | right now im using rt61pci | 01:58 |
bazhang | crackerjackz, you want to know if it is loaded; then type ifconfig and see if there is a wifi entry | 01:58 |
crackerjackz | bazhang i know its loaded because im on the internet | 01:59 |
crackerjackz | but its a flakey driver | 01:59 |
crackerjackz | i remember before when i set it up | 01:59 |
crackerjackz | there was something i typed | 01:59 |
crackerjackz | modprobe blahblah and then tab | 01:59 |
crackerjackz | to bring up a whole list | 01:59 |
crackerjackz | but i dont remember what it was i did | 01:59 |
cygoku | Nautilus is always saying this : (nautilus:6323): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "default", ... WHY ?? | 01:59 |
neil_d | crackerjackz: lsmod will give you a complete list of drivers, maybe pipe the result though 'grep' | 02:00 |
crackerjackz | neil_d i see that | 02:01 |
crackerjackz | but i mean i want a list of drivers that i can install | 02:01 |
crackerjackz | not a list of drivers that are installed | 02:01 |
crackerjackz | wait | 02:02 |
crackerjackz | ok i see | 02:02 |
cygoku | hello | 02:02 |
cygoku | anybody home ? | 02:02 |
crackerjackz | so how do i undo the driver that im using rightnow? | 02:02 |
digitalslave | crackerjackz, why not find the driver you need on the net and install it instead of willy nilly installing all kinds of crap | 02:02 |
crackerjackz | digitalslave, because im a newb | 02:03 |
digitalslave | crackerjackz, uninstall or search for black listing drivers | 02:03 |
crackerjackz | so in a terminal window type uninstall rt61pci? | 02:03 |
hexoroid | what circles the planet earth ? | 02:03 |
crackerjackz | digitalslave, ** | 02:03 |
miwachiru | Does anybody know how to get iCall to work in Ubuntu? I've tried it in Wine, the program installs correctly, but the program window when you start it is blank. Can anyone please help? | 02:04 |
LtL | crackerjackz: rmmod module-name, as root | 02:04 |
digitalslave | man dpkg or man apt-get | 02:04 |
crackerjackz | thank you ltl | 02:04 |
Mr_Mirsal | hello | 02:05 |
hexoroid | what circles the planet mars, jupter, sun or moon :D | 02:05 |
Pici | !offtopic | hexoroid | 02:05 |
ubottu | hexoroid: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 02:05 |
Fogel1497 | @bazhrang: Dude miro rocks, so much smoother and better than the adobe player i was using. | 02:06 |
bazhang | Fogel1497, nice :) | 02:06 |
digitalslave | wonders why someone would use an adobe player to begin with?! | 02:06 |
_tribu_ | #ubuntu-offtopic | 02:06 |
mevsthevoices | digitalslave: what would I do if the place I am connecting from has port 22 blocked | 02:06 |
Fogel1497 | << Linux n00b, i had heard not of the amazingness of miro. I will stopp the off-topicness now. sorry | 02:07 |
digitalslave | mevsthevoices, why is it blocked? | 02:07 |
mevsthevoices | Its a school, fraid of those crafty kids and der' command line | 02:07 |
mevsthevoices | I know 21 is open though | 02:07 |
digitalslave | most machines allow outgoing from the machine but block on a router or something | 02:08 |
vinicius__ | bazhang, yes... there's no way... | 02:08 |
vinicius__ | bazhang, the pins are unsupported | 02:08 |
vinicius__ | bazhang, thanks anyway! | 02:08 |
bazhang | vinicius__, sorry to hear that | 02:08 |
digitalslave | you can try another port like changing the port number in sshd_config to something normal like 80 | 02:08 |
bazhang | oops | 02:08 |
mevsthevoices | Yea the routers block it, computers are fine, just massive firewalls | 02:08 |
mevsthevoices | And eighty is for http right? | 02:09 |
greyfrog | mevsthevoices, try something higher like 2222 | 02:09 |
digitalslave | yeah | 02:09 |
neil_d | crackerjackz: you might find what you are looking for in /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic/kernel/drivers/net | 02:09 |
Scifiguy951 | speakers not working,,how do i fix?? | 02:09 |
digitalslave | Scifiguy951, plug them in ;) | 02:10 |
simmerz | how does hardy work with firefox updates now that it comes with a beta version of ff 3? | 02:10 |
Mr_Mirsal | Fogel1497, it rocks because it uses videolan stuff :P | 02:10 |
sigmounte | hello , i need to use the kernel 2.6.25 for my laptop (bug correct in this release) , i've tried to use git , but it download the 2.6.24-3 instead , what is the good addy / repository for the current 2.6.25 version ? thanks | 02:10 |
simmerz | will rc1 be available, or will it upgrade to 3.0 release, or neither?# | 02:10 |
Scifiguy951 | they are plugged in,, i play music and no sound comes out!! >=DD | 02:10 |
bazhang | simmerz, the second | 02:10 |
simmerz | bazhang: ok. any reason 3.0 was put in as a beta? | 02:11 |
mevsthevoices | So I should use 80 or a higher number? I think they only open ports and default everything else closed | 02:11 |
bazhang | sigmounte, perhaps in proposed repos | 02:11 |
digitalslave | Scifiguy951, turn them up? we need more info and chances are searching the forums would get a good response | 02:11 |
sigmounte | bazhang, this is a new .deb source.list ? | 02:11 |
Scifiguy951 | they are a;; the way up. | 02:11 |
=== pawalls_ is now known as pawalls | ||
adamb | How can I have copy on select in my terminal, anyone know? | 02:11 |
Scifiguy951 | all* | 02:12 |
digitalslave | mevsthevoices, i would use something higher - 80 is just something that would most likely be open for a test | 02:12 |
bazhang | sigmounte, unstable stuff and the like | 02:12 |
Bombuxp | I've been trying to compile the ivtv kernel module, but it says it can't find ivtv.h. The file is in the media subdirectory. (/usr/src/modules/ivtv/driver/media) Why wouldn't it be able to find it? | 02:12 |
mepk_ | y | 02:12 |
sunnybg | !scim | 02:12 |
ubottu | Chinese, Japanese, Korean Language input. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SCIM | 02:12 |
mevsthevoices | didgitalslave: okie doke | 02:12 |
sunnybg | !bulgarian | 02:12 |
ubottu | Factoid bulgarian not found | 02:12 |
sunnybg | hi. fresh install of hardy. i have selected english and bulgarian keyboard layouts en(us) being the default. now in SCIM dropdown, I see 3 choices - Other - English/European, Other-RAW CODE and Englis/Keyboard. How do I enable the bulgarian keyboard layout? | 02:13 |
trev | i just had a tar.gz compression fail and now i can't find where the file is to delete it, can anyone tell me where the data is stored until the archive is done? | 02:13 |
sunnybg | !layout | 02:13 |
ubottu | To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts | 02:13 |
adamb | How can I have copy on select in my terminal, anyone know? | 02:13 |
adac | how can i disable services/daemons on the command line so that they won't start again on reboot? | 02:13 |
bazhang | sunnybg, configure scim | 02:13 |
Odd-rationale | adamb: try shift+ins | 02:14 |
=== IcedDante_ is now known as IcedDante | ||
trev | yeah i found it, hidden file | 02:14 |
Odd-rationale | adamb: sorry. that was for paste... | 02:14 |
sunnybg | bazhang: thats the question - how? right-click on the applet/setup does not revial anything useful I could change | 02:14 |
adamb | no I want a copy on select.. | 02:14 |
Odd-rationale | adamb: highlight to copy. and middle-click to paste. | 02:14 |
bazhang | sunnybg, right click scim setup also be sure you have language support installed and know the hotkeys | 02:15 |
sunnybg | !shortcuts | 02:15 |
ubottu | Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts | 02:15 |
ubunturocks117 | i have a question: how do you erase the account settings for evolution and start over? | 02:15 |
adamb | i want it to "COPY on select" | 02:15 |
adamb | lol | 02:15 |
digitalslave | rm -rf ~/.evolution | 02:15 |
cateddy | Hello | 02:15 |
adamb | im not asking HOW to copy, im asking how it will copy on select of my terminal, like putty in window. | 02:15 |
sunnybg | !Keyboard | 02:16 |
ubottu | To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts | 02:16 |
Firefishe | I'm running ubuntu feisty. I need alsaconf for my soundcard, but I can't find it anywhere. Any idea why it's not in the alsa-utils package>? | 02:16 |
Scifiguy951 | i cant find anything on ubuntu site about speakers | 02:16 |
cateddy | I am trying to get this chat program running on the ubantu operation system. | 02:16 |
crackerjackz | how do i update ubuntu like example in gentoo its emerge -auNDv world | 02:16 |
LtL | ubunturocks117: click edit, preferences, mail accounts, and delete at will. for evolution. | 02:16 |
bazhang | Scifiguy951, enter terminal and type alsamixer | 02:16 |
rsk | Firefishe: alsaconf is depracated sadly.. you will need to compile alse for yourself to get that script... | 02:16 |
cateddy | No luck yet. | 02:16 |
ubunturocks117 | ltl: thanks | 02:16 |
bazhang | cateddy, which one | 02:16 |
Firefishe | rsk: what has it been replaced with? | 02:16 |
rsk | Firefishe: nothing. | 02:17 |
cateddy | I get it to where I can see all the channels. | 02:17 |
Firefishe | rsk: gads | 02:17 |
Odd-rationale | adamb: idk :/ | 02:17 |
cateddy | I guess it must be infos. | 02:17 |
Scifiguy951 | what do i do with that? | 02:17 |
cateddy | Maybe. | 02:17 |
bazhang | cateddy, which app | 02:17 |
crackerjackz | whats the command to update every thing in ubuntu? | 02:18 |
Necrosan | Should I run AMD64 ubuntu on my gfs laptop for her? | 02:18 |
Necrosan | Or just the standard? | 02:18 |
Necrosan | I don't know if the advantages outweigh the incompatibilities. | 02:18 |
Odd-rationale | crackerjackz: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade | 02:18 |
Necrosan | Do they now a days? | 02:18 |
Scifiguy951 | nvm | 02:18 |
bazhang | Necrosan, standard most likely | 02:18 |
crackerjackz | thank you Odd-rationale =] | 02:18 |
digitalslave | Necrosan, standard | 02:18 |
Necrosan | That's what I was thinking, thanks | 02:18 |
simmerz | Necrosan: until things like gnash are made better (now that adobe have made the details of the flash player available), x86 rather than x86_64 are the best bet | 02:19 |
LtL | crackerjackz: in one fell swoop, 'sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade' in a terminal or alt+f2 | 02:19 |
simmerz | or until adobe release a 64bit flash player | 02:19 |
Necrosan | Adobe made the flash player info available? | 02:19 |
Necrosan | News to me. | 02:19 |
crackerjackz | LtL, thank you | 02:19 |
Scifiguy951 | i turned everything up and still nothing. my speakers work fine cuz i can hear that they are on. | 02:19 |
simmerz | Necrosan: kinda. enough that people can now build their own and have them read swfs from the later versions of flash | 02:19 |
Necrosan | Awesome | 02:20 |
sunnybg | bazhang: I have the lang support installed, als I have added the layout in System/Preferences/Keyboard. Bulgarian is not listed in SCIM/Options/Frontend/Global. I can not find it anywhere. | 02:20 |
bazhang | Scifiguy951, you using wine | 02:20 |
simmerz | not released details of the flash format enough to build your own swfs in the same way, but its a start | 02:20 |
xjxaxcxkx13 | hey everyone | 02:20 |
cateddy | bazhang I am not sure I just install the ubantu software a couple days ago. | 02:20 |
xjxaxcxkx13 | anyone there? | 02:20 |
cateddy | I put it on a website. | 02:21 |
Scifiguy951 | i have wine | 02:21 |
Flannel | cateddy: You put what on a website? | 02:21 |
crackerjackz | man | 02:21 |
crackerjackz | this flakey wifi driver | 02:21 |
crackerjackz | i cant update my system | 02:21 |
crackerjackz | becuase its so flakey | 02:21 |
crackerjackz | 28 hours left | 02:21 |
cateddy | I could get the url and put it here so you can take a look at it. | 02:21 |
bazhang | Scifiguy951, you have no sound at all, or only certain situations | 02:21 |
crackerjackz | for a 29.8mb file | 02:21 |
Pici | !enter | crackerjackz | 02:21 |
ubottu | crackerjackz: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 02:21 |
Flannel | !enter | crackerjackz | 02:21 |
Mr | Hello | 02:21 |
Mr | I need help | 02:21 |
crackerjackz | !enter | crackerjackz | 02:21 |
Flannel | !ask | Mr | 02:22 |
ubottu | Mr: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 02:22 |
crackerjackz | im confused | 02:22 |
Mr | ok | 02:22 |
cateddy | http://cateddy.tripod.com/websiteforcodingwebpages/ | 02:22 |
bazhang | crackerjackz, take a break then | 02:22 |
simmerz | Necrosan: http://www.regdeveloper.co.uk/2008/05/01/adobe_open_access_protocols/ if you want to read about it | 02:22 |
Pici | crackerjackz: Dont use enter a punctuation. | 02:22 |
Mr | I'm using Wubi ubunto and after i got that installed. It tells me it is missing a MLB helping file | 02:22 |
crackerjackz | i mean i dont understand how you would use enter as punctuation i thought punctuation marks wore exclamation marks, commas, periods, colons, apostraphes, etc | 02:23 |
crackerjackz | were* | 02:23 |
blahblahx | how can i remove all files (but not folders) in /usr/share/doc without the name "copyright"? BTW, I backed up the folder already. | 02:23 |
Fogel1497 | Is there anyway for me to play embedded WMP files in firefox? | 02:23 |
ubunturocks117 | i have a problem: every time i go into Apps > Internet > Epiphany Web browser it always starts in offline mode and i have to manually uncheck the setting every time i log in. This also previously happened with Firefox 3 Beta. | 02:23 |
bazhang | cateddy, you misspelled ubuntu | 02:24 |
digitalslave | Fogel1497, have you installed all the gstreamer packages? | 02:24 |
crackerjackz | !enter | 02:24 |
ubottu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 02:24 |
Fogel1497 | since i dont know what that is im going to assume no. | 02:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | mr Please try the wubi faq (I wont/cant answer your questions about it) | 02:24 |
cateddy | You are right. | 02:24 |
SeaPhor | crackerjackz, all they are saying is type all you want to type before you hit enter | 02:24 |
j4w4 | jack_Sparrow finally fixed my problem. All it required was simply "unsetting" a key that the ubuntu created using conf-editor. Its a bug in "gnome-mount". Click on link if you want to see it for future. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-mount/+bug/107668 | 02:24 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 107668 in gnome-mount "Setting an invalid mount point can make a removeable media unaccessible" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 02:24 |
digitalslave | go into synaptic and search for gstreamer | 02:24 |
bazhang | Fogel1497, like wmv? sure some | 02:25 |
digitalslave | install all of them | 02:25 |
Fogel1497 | roger dodger. will do. | 02:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | Cracken226 It means dont kit enter every three or four words. Make complete sentences and quesions on one line | 02:25 |
bazhang | cateddy, edit your blog post | 02:25 |
crackerjackz | SeaPhor, ok. sorry guys | 02:25 |
bazhang | Fogel1497, also win32codecs from www.medibuntu.org | 02:25 |
cateddy | I will have to change that code and maybe it will work. Thanks bazhang. | 02:26 |
cateddy | Talk to you later bye | 02:26 |
Flannel | cateddy: there's an IRC client in Ubuntu, you don't need to use a web based one | 02:26 |
mhall | whats the compiz chan name | 02:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | j4w4 Clearly a user can create an invalid mount point. I really dont consider it a bug | 02:26 |
DarrenCT | anyone have luck with an Epson CX9400 printing/scanning on the network? | 02:26 |
Flannel | mhall: #compiz-fusion | 02:26 |
SeaPhor | crackerjackz, better to have a long sentence or small paragraph than 5 posts (Enters) :-) | 02:27 |
blahblahx | how can i remove all files (but not folders) in /usr/share/doc without the name "copyright"? BTW, I backed up the folder already. | 02:27 |
Scifiguy951 | no sound at all | 02:27 |
ubunturocks117 | i have a problem: every time i go into Apps > Internet > Epiphany Web browser it always starts in offline mode and i have to manually uncheck the setting every time i log in. This also previously happened with Firefox 3 Beta. | 02:27 |
j4w4 | jack ah maybe not i dont know, just thought i'd pass on how i fixed it personally, still appreciate all the help, im learning alot about linux | 02:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | digitalslave enough with the caps.. thanks | 02:28 |
LtL | blahblahx: mv all the *copyright* files then delete the others | 02:28 |
bazhang | digitalslave, dont shout | 02:28 |
jpw27__ | i've successfully connected to a VPN through the nm applet, but now everytime using Vinagre it says 'Connection was closed'. Using the exact same info on a Windows machine right next to me works | 02:28 |
digitalslave | ok | 02:28 |
digitalslave | will do | 02:28 |
digitalslave | thanks kids | 02:28 |
blahblahx | LtL: that would take forever | 02:29 |
mhall | hey i just install emerald theme manager and im trying to apply a theme but its not working how do i apply it | 02:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | digitalslave Now your pushing your luck | 02:29 |
digitalslave | open theme manager and select the theme | 02:29 |
orudie | how can i wget all the files from a folder instead of downloading one by one | 02:29 |
orudie | from http://svn.wikimedia.org/svnroot/mediawiki/trunk/extensions/Cite/ | 02:29 |
mhall | i did that but its not changing anything | 02:30 |
ubunturocks117 | the only way i know how is to go into terminal and type emerald --replace but then you must keep the terminal window open every time you use emerald. | 02:30 |
Fogel1497 | Quick question about miro. | 02:30 |
Bombuxp | Scifiguy951: do you have a pci soundcard as well as onboard? or just one? | 02:30 |
Dr_willis | orudie, wget has options to mirror a site I recall. check its docs or --help | 02:30 |
bazhang | Fogel1497, go ahead :) | 02:30 |
Scifiguy951 | just the onboard | 02:30 |
ubunturocks117 | i have a problem: every time i go into Apps > Internet > Epiphany Web browser it always starts in offline mode and i have to manually uncheck the setting every time i log in. This also previously happened with Firefox 3 Beta. | 02:30 |
mookinator1313 | ive got a quick question, who wants to give me a hand? | 02:30 |
digitalslave | mhall, you need to start emerald but your current manager will keep it from loading | 02:30 |
LtL | blahblahx: sudo mv /usr/share/doc/*copyright* /home/me/temp ; cd /usr/share/doc ; rm * | 02:30 |
ubunturocks117 | mookinator1313: whats up? | 02:30 |
mhall | do you know how i would go about making it my default windows manager | 02:31 |
digitalslave | add emerald to your session start up | 02:31 |
Fogel1497 | Quick question about miro: I have to switch firefox from using the adobe player to miro. but when i go to edit > preferences > content and try to change how it handles .swf's it tells me to select the application from a window viewer to use to open the flash video. so i navigate to ~/myUsername/.miro but i don't know what file to click on to make it use miro inside firefox | 02:31 |
mookinator1313 | how can i make my wireless connection faster than 5 mbps? i have 2 cards, a USB wireless card, and a PCI wireless card | 02:31 |
mhall | i wouldnt know how to do that im new to linux | 02:31 |
babolat | does the ubuntu DVD contain the repos? | 02:31 |
digitalslave | and Jack get off the power trip man i want a clean channel just as much as you do | 02:31 |
blahblahx | LtL: and i want to preserve the subfolders | 02:31 |
ubunturocks117 | are you using a router | 02:32 |
bazhang | Fogel1497, cant do that | 02:32 |
xTheGoat121x | Is there a way to cut back on the LiveCD of Ubuntu so it boots quicker? I've made a persistent live flash drive, but it's unbearably slow booting. | 02:32 |
shree_ | Does anyone know if I need to run mysql_install_db after installing a LAMP Ubuntu Server | 02:32 |
magic_ninja | anyone know any good hardware channels | 02:32 |
magic_ninja | i'm having soem real hardware problems | 02:32 |
ubunturocks117 | you got liveusb working on hardy? how? | 02:32 |
bazhang | xTheGoat121x, you want to remaster it or other | 02:32 |
Bombuxp | sdcifiguy951: what kind is it? | 02:32 |
Fogel1497 | Miro can't run flash in firefox? | 02:32 |
Starnestommy | magic_ninja: ##hardware is one | 02:32 |
magic_ninja | tried there first to no avail | 02:32 |
Scifiguy951 | idk its the stock one that came with the comp | 02:32 |
xTheGoat121x | bazhang, is that a question or a statement? LOL | 02:32 |
LtL | blahblahx: you're right, it would take awhile, why would you want to? | 02:32 |
Scifiguy951 | h.o. i will find out | 02:32 |
bazhang | miro cannot run inside of another app no Fogel1497 | 02:32 |
ubunturocks117 | i have a problem: every time i go into Apps > Internet > Epiphany Web browser it always starts in offline mode and i have to manually uncheck the setting every time i log in. This also previously happened with Firefox 3 Beta. | 02:32 |
blahblahx | LtL: save space on a livecd. | 02:32 |
Fogel1497 | Well poo on miro. Thanks for your help anyways bazhang | 02:33 |
mookinator1313 | both of my wireless cards work with the computer, just the USB one is a little faster | 02:33 |
LtL | blahblahx: 10/4 | 02:33 |
bazhang | !uck | xTheGoat121x here is one option | 02:33 |
ubottu | xTheGoat121x here is one option: UCK is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/ | 02:33 |
blahblahx | LtL: i know its possible using find+rm because six months ago someone told me but i forgot to write it down. | 02:33 |
Bombuxp | sdcifiguy951: go into the terminal and type lspci and tell me any multimedia aoudio devices it lists | 02:33 |
blahblahx | LtL: that do you mean 10/4? | 02:33 |
xTheGoat121x | bazhang, thank you! | 02:33 |
AliP | Hey i just installed ubuntu, i installed to a hardrive i had just deleted the particion of, now Im finished and when i tryed to boot up i get "Grub loading.... Error 17", and i cant seem to get into windows, can anyone help? | 02:33 |
LtL | blahblahx: i mean 'ok' | 02:33 |
ubunturocks117 | alip did you delete your swap as well? | 02:34 |
mookinator1313 | can any one help me out? | 02:34 |
bazhang | AliP, you need to fix grub; boot in live cd and then get to a console | 02:34 |
AliP | My what? | 02:34 |
AliP | fine | 02:34 |
ubunturocks117 | use supergrubdisk.org | 02:34 |
ubunturocks117 | i have a problem: every time i go into Apps > Internet > Epiphany Web browser it always starts in offline mode and i have to manually uncheck the setting every time i log in. This also previously happened with Firefox 3 Beta. | 02:34 |
AliP | what then? | 02:34 |
blahblahx | LtL: oh. any ideas about how to do it with find and rm? | 02:35 |
Nissan_350Z | I need help please | 02:35 |
AliP | Hey im into the live cd thingy, what now? | 02:35 |
bazhang | we need a question Nissan_350Z | 02:35 |
Nissan_350Z | lol | 02:35 |
shree_ | AliP: This is not a solution but an advice. I dont install Grub to MBR since I easily obstruct my access to Windows. INstead I use bootpart to make NTLDR boot to GRub | 02:35 |
Nissan_350Z | okay mIRC used to work on WINE but it hasnt worked since i upgraded wine | 02:35 |
dassouki | what do u guys recommend for video recording ? | 02:35 |
sigmounte | anyone can tell me where to find the kernel 2.6.25 with the ubuntu patch ? (i need it to fix a big bug for my machine ) | 02:36 |
Nissan_350Z | im on Ubuntu Hardy Heron | 02:36 |
mookinator1313 | cans some one PM me to give me a hand? | 02:36 |
AliP | A what? I just threw the CD into the drive and tried to install ubunto right onto there, i wasnt expecting any problems, now i cant get into either system | 02:36 |
LtL | blahblahx: a script would be best | 02:36 |
bazhang | sigmounte, you need to patch it yourself | 02:36 |
babolat | does the ubuntu DVD installer contain the repos? | 02:36 |
Nissan_350Z | how do i make mIRC work again? | 02:36 |
sigmounte | patch the "kernel.org" version , with ubuntu patch ? | 02:36 |
cateddy | I think that took care on the problem that I was having. I am in the ubunta os now. | 02:36 |
bazhang | babolat, two of them yes | 02:36 |
Starnestommy | Nissan_350Z: how is it not working? | 02:36 |
blahblahx | LtL: yeah but i dont know how to make it | 02:37 |
Nissan_350Z | when i go to double click it nothing happens | 02:37 |
cateddy | It worked bazhang. | 02:37 |
Dr_willis | !appdb | Nissan_350Z | 02:37 |
ubottu | Nissan_350Z: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org | 02:37 |
babolat | bazhang: both multi and uni right? the whole shebang? | 02:37 |
j4w4 | Im trying to create a shortcut(or launcher as linux calls them) from my steamapps folder on Windows drive to steamapps folder on linux partition but it says permission denied. ln -s /media/win.xp.sp2.on.250/"Program Files"/Steam/steamApps ./SteamApps. Do I proceed command with sudo? | 02:37 |
Starnestommy | Nissan_350Z: try starting it from the terminal | 02:37 |
Nissan_350Z | how? | 02:37 |
Scifiguy951 | this is the audio controller | 02:37 |
shree_ | AliP: I am not sure but probably if you could get a CD or Floppy with fdisk and try fdisk /mbr you will be able to recover windows | 02:37 |
Scifiguy951 | Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02) | 02:37 |
Nissan_350Z | its on my desktop | 02:37 |
bazhang | babolat, sounds right though I'm fuzzy this early in the am | 02:37 |
yaman | hi every one need some help to configure my wifi card i am getting wlan0 Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down when i am trying to scan for wireless and i have a firmware problem any one can give some help plz ? | 02:37 |
slowlearner | hi by default, where can i find the apache2 config? | 02:37 |
hooT | I just installed Ubuntu 8.04 on my Dell XPS1530 and if I touch the touchpad, it just flies around the screen, opening things and completely out of control, any ideas? | 02:38 |
silverpower | Is there a way to force the installer to only install the base system? Because if this install does the spontaneous reboot thing one more time, I'm going to snap... >_< | 02:38 |
Starnestommy | Nissan_350Z: cd "~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/mIRC" && wine mirc.exe | 02:38 |
shree_ | AliP: the media shoudl be bootable | 02:38 |
Starnestommy | slowlearner: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf | 02:38 |
babolat | alright bazhang.. i'll go check myself to confirm then.. thanks. laters man | 02:38 |
slowlearner | Starnestommy: thanks | 02:38 |
ubunturocks117 | anybody? | 02:38 |
ubunturocks117 | plz? | 02:38 |
david_ | hello I have ubuntu 8.04 and I am trying to get my subwoofer to work how do I do this? | 02:38 |
LtL | blahblahx: how big is your swap partition? you could shrink that without breaking anything, i think. | 02:38 |
silverpower | (I'm on the kubuntu 8.04 alternate install CD, by the way.) | 02:38 |
blahblahx | LtL: its a livecd | 02:38 |
cateddy | I might see about changing the code again to see if I can get this program to go all the way across the screen. | 02:39 |
bazhang | ubunturocks117, save the setting then | 02:39 |
Nissan_350Z | okay Starnestommy i did that but now i see this on the terminal: > | 02:39 |
bloodrock | alip you might try the super grub livecd to fix your windows bootup | 02:39 |
DarrenCT | anyone using an Epson Printer??? | 02:39 |
Starnestommy | Nissan_350Z: I think you forgot a " somewhere or accidentally added an extra one | 02:39 |
slowlearner | Starnestommy: something is weird with my install, when i try to browse http://localhost i get forwarded to localhost/xampp | 02:39 |
Nissan_350Z | i copied and pasted this: cd "~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/mIRC" | 02:40 |
AliP | Yeah, the thing is, atm i only have this system and a shitty laptop, unless you have any quick fixes im fkd atm | 02:40 |
ubunturocks117 | bazhang: i do it from the file menu there is no save option | 02:40 |
j4w4 | someone tell me how to get permission to make this launcher? ln -s /media/win.xp.sp2.on.250/"Program Files"/Steam/steamApps ./SteamApps | 02:40 |
j4w4 | Its being deined? | 02:40 |
KernelC | how are you? | 02:40 |
Starnestommy | j4w4: put "sudo" before the command | 02:40 |
j4w4 | Starnestommy: thats what i thought but i wasnt sure, thanks | 02:40 |
bazhang | alip language please | 02:40 |
=== conor is now known as Conor_M | ||
yaman | hi every one need some help to configure my wifi card i am getting wlan0 Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down when i am trying to scan for wireless and i have a firmware problem any one can give some help plz ? | 02:41 |
Scifiguy951 | does anyone know how i can get sound again???????? | 02:41 |
Starnestommy | slowlearner: I've never used apache with xampp | 02:41 |
LtL | blahblahx: I've never used the livecd, sorry. | 02:41 |
shree_ | yaman: does the wlan LED glow | 02:41 |
Nissan_350Z | okay Starnestommy am i supposed to add mIRC to the WINEs virtual hard drive? | 02:41 |
anabelle | hello | 02:41 |
yaman | shree: no :( | 02:41 |
Starnestommy | Nissan_350Z: is mIRC installed in wine's program files? | 02:41 |
david_ | scifi you have no sound? | 02:41 |
anabelle | Does anybody know when Firefox3 RC1 is coming to Hardy Repos? | 02:42 |
slowlearner | Starnestommy: is there any way to tell which config apache is using? | 02:42 |
Nissan_350Z | Starnestommy: i dont see it | 02:42 |
Steve-cal | Is there anyone here who uses Pulseaudio as their audio driver? I would just like some people's ideas of how well it works, and how well it works as a replacement for ALSA? | 02:42 |
yaman | shree_ : nop :( | 02:42 |
shree_ | yaman: i would say that you might not have installed the driver properly then | 02:42 |
Scifiguy951 | i have NO sound whatsoever!! | 02:42 |
bloodrock | alip how bout trying to reinstall ubuntu? | 02:42 |
shree_ | yaman: which version is that | 02:42 |
ubunturocks117 | slowlearner: isn't there already a deb package | 02:42 |
bazhang | http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup Steve-cal check this | 02:42 |
Starnestommy | slowlearner: it's usually using apache2.conf, ports.conf, sites-enabled/*, and mods-enabled/* in /etc/apache2/ | 02:42 |
silverpower | Steve-cal: Last I checked, pulseaudio isn't a replacement for your ALSA/OSS4 drivers. | 02:43 |
bazhang | Scifiguy951, create a new user and see if that works | 02:43 |
soldats | Steve-cal: ive heard from some friends that pulseaudio cant or wasnt able to run on multiple apps at the same time | 02:43 |
Scifiguy951 | okay | 02:43 |
yaman | shree_: i am a little bit new on linux it's hardy and i did configure the wireless b4 on dapper and on knoppix but now i am having some conflict with the firmware or some thing else | 02:43 |
slowlearner | ubunturocks117: i previously installed xampp with no problems, now i tried the deb package and it wont work | 02:43 |
david_ | did you go to system, preferences then to sound and make any adjustments there? | 02:43 |
slowlearner | Starnestommy: somehow it's using my xampps apache conf | 02:43 |
pen | anyone know how to change the color of tray balloon? | 02:43 |
shree_ | yaman: have you tried the wireless driver application on Hardy. Installed my wlan device in a breeze | 02:43 |
ubunturocks117 | slowlearner: did you try alien | 02:43 |
slowlearner | ubunturocks117: why would i do that? i sudo apt-get install apache2 | 02:44 |
soldats | alien is NOT for ubuntu | 02:44 |
anabelle | Where can i find out when Firefox3 RC! will get to hardy repos? | 02:44 |
bazhang | ubunturocks117, bad choice | 02:44 |
Steve-cal | silverpower: If it doesn't replace ALSA entirely, what is its purpose? Does it just do the mixing part (multiplex audio output from various apps) and then hand it off to ALSA? | 02:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | !alien | 02:44 |
ubottu | RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) | 02:44 |
Flannel | slowlearner: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP | 02:44 |
=== c is now known as Charitwo | ||
yaman | shree_: i tryied b4 and it's telling me network is down is there any thing or way that i can make an upgrade or autodetection for my card ? | 02:44 |
bazhang | anabelle, likley never | 02:44 |
LtL | slowlearner: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default is the file you want iirc. | 02:44 |
anabelle | bazhang Why do you say that? | 02:45 |
ubunturocks117 | slowlearner sudo apt-get install alien then go to firefox site then download the .rpm package then there will be an option to convert it to deb then it will be installed | 02:45 |
=== honey is now known as honeyzzz | ||
shree_ | yaman: which wireless card is it | 02:45 |
bazhang | anabelle, straight to final | 02:45 |
shree_ | yaman: Broadcom?? | 02:45 |
Flannel | ubunturocks117: Thats... just bad advice. | 02:45 |
anabelle | what do you mean? | 02:45 |
slowlearner | ubunturocks117: why would i download rpm???? | 02:45 |
ubunturocks117 | bazhang bad choice for what | 02:45 |
yaman | shree_> yeah for dell 1390 mini card | 02:45 |
jughead | anabelle, I don't think there are resources to track the development of packages that are going to be in the repos at some point | 02:45 |
silverpower | Steve-cal: Yep, that's more or less all it does. That, and network streaming. Kinda handy, but I prefer ESD for that task anyway. | 02:45 |
ubunturocks117 | ok never mind | 02:45 |
slowlearner | ubunturocks117: this is debian!!! | 02:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | slowlearner converting rpms is not a good idea.. much better to compile it yourself | 02:45 |
Steve-cal | soldats: Interesting, I was looking at its description in Synaptic and it claims to be able to mix multiple audio streams together. But your friends had problems with it? Did they figure it out or just give it up? | 02:45 |
shree_ | yaman: i am having the same | 02:45 |
bazhang | ubunturocks117, please stop with the bad advice | 02:45 |
Nissan_350Z | Starnestommy: i dont see it | 02:45 |
Starnestommy | Nissan_350Z: you might need to reinstall mirc | 02:46 |
yaman | shree_: does it work with you fine ? | 02:46 |
Nissan_350Z | ahh okay :D | 02:46 |
Nissan_350Z | Thank you :D | 02:46 |
yaman | shree_: how did make it work ? | 02:46 |
anabelle | jughead but firefox3 RC1 is getting to the repos right? | 02:46 |
ubunturocks117 | bazhang stop being arrogant its called learning okay | 02:46 |
soldats | Steve-cal: to mu knowledge they javent figured it out yet but im they will some time soon but for now they have all just been using ALSA instead | 02:46 |
bazhang | ubunturocks117, no name calling please | 02:46 |
Flannel | anabelle: Firefox will be updated, yes. | 02:46 |
shree_ | yaman: yeah. install Windows wireless driver program from App-> Add/ Remove | 02:46 |
slowlearner | Jack_Sparrow: yes i've always been used to compiling from sources... and I might be considering to go back, since the one from repos did not work out of the box | 02:46 |
Starnestommy | Nissan_350Z: the reason why it's not working is probably because it somehow got uninstalled | 02:46 |
Nissan_350Z | and do you know, Starnestommy if this UnrealIRCd will work with Wine? | 02:46 |
yaman | shree_: did you install it on ndiswrapper ? bcmlw5 ? | 02:46 |
Pici | !ff3rc | 02:46 |
Steve-cal | silverpower: ALSA all ready has mixing of multiple audio streams functionality--so what would be the reason to use Pulseaudio? | 02:46 |
ubottu | Providing Firefox 3 RC package is planned, but currently most of the Ubuntu-mozilla team is at the Ubuntu Developer Summit (!uds) so please be patient. | 02:46 |
anabelle | :D | 02:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | ubunturocks117 using alien can not be considered learning.. | 02:46 |
shree_ | yaman: You dont need that much of trouble | 02:46 |
Starnestommy | Nissan_350Z: you can compile unrealircd and run it natively on linux without wine or unreal's windows version | 02:47 |
Scifiguy951 | F***ERS!!! it didnt work!! | 02:47 |
yaman | shree_> add remove?! | 02:47 |
bazhang | anti-learning more like | 02:47 |
david_ | scifi did you get my last message? | 02:47 |
shree_ | yaman: I had configured it earlier using ndiswrapper for my KDE too. It did work | 02:47 |
ICM | SeaPhor- just installed 7.10 64-bit edition, we'll see how this goes :) | 02:47 |
Scifiguy951 | no | 02:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | Scifiguy951 Watch the language please | 02:47 |
Nissan_350Z | Starnestommy: i dont know how XD thats why i want to run it with wine | 02:47 |
shree_ | yaman: i meant install that program | 02:47 |
shree_ | yaman: :) | 02:47 |
Scifiguy951 | sorry i am just really frustrated | 02:47 |
bazhang | I suspect wine with his sound problems | 02:47 |
Steve-cal | bazhang: BTW thanks for that link. | 02:47 |
david_ | did you go into sound and try adjusting it there? | 02:48 |
Starnestommy | Nissan_350Z: there are instructions in the readme and install files of the source archive | 02:48 |
bazhang | Steve-cal, :) | 02:48 |
slowlearner | anyway, thanks guys, ill take a look at the links | 02:48 |
yaman | shree_> :( i can't get it work i don't know how to install it like you did ? did you blocked any drivers manualy ? | 02:48 |
papi001 | join#100 | 02:48 |
silverpower | Steve-cal: Not much I can think of. It's a good replacement for ESD and arts. That's about it, really. dmix is good enough if you don't need network streaming (I do). | 02:48 |
Nissan_350Z | Starnestommy: okay thanks :D | 02:48 |
shree_ | yaman: have you installed that program | 02:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | papi001 Please dont do that | 02:48 |
Scifiguy951 | i click test on "autodetect" and i get this message ""audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Resource busy or not available."" | 02:49 |
shree_ | yaman: search for wireless and you will find this program | 02:49 |
ubunturocks117 | i go into gnome-look.org and theres all these choices like gdm and gtk but which one is the default themer for ubuntu? tried ubuntu-look.org its down | 02:49 |
yaman | shree_: in the add remove ? or synapitic ? | 02:49 |
als | where can I find some help on a Code::Blocks install for dapper synap say its installed but I can't get it to load? | 02:49 |
shree_ | yaman: In the add/Remove under Applications | 02:50 |
david_ | did you click on other options you should have seen your sound card drivers | 02:50 |
Starnestommy | als: is build-essential installed? | 02:50 |
Steve-cal | silverpower: I don't need network streaming, but I'm still having issues with audio apps "stuttering" sometimes when I use ALSA. Any ideas by chance? I'm not sure I would gain anything by trying PulseAudio. | 02:50 |
als | yes | 02:50 |
david_ | or at least something else similar | 02:50 |
Starnestommy | als: what happens when yoy try to start it? | 02:50 |
ubunturocks117 | yaman: they are very similar but synaptic has more features....you can also try apt-get or aptitude | 02:50 |
Starnestommy | *you | 02:50 |
yaman | shree_: there is only 3 programs i have windows wireless drivers and 2 called hardware drivers | 02:50 |
als | apt-get update? | 02:51 |
silverpower | Steve-cal: What sort of CPU load? You're not using the pure unmitigated evil that is gstreamer, are you? | 02:51 |
shree_ | yaman: install hte windows wrieless driver and hardware drivers | 02:51 |
Starnestommy | als: no, Code::Blocks | 02:51 |
Scifiguy951 | i clack "test" on one of the drivers and a "test" window comes up and nothing happens just "TESTING..." | 02:51 |
yaman | shree_: i do have them all installed | 02:51 |
als | haven't tried it | 02:51 |
david_ | what version are you using scifi? | 02:51 |
Scifiguy951 | 7.10 | 02:51 |
david_ | Did you just load it? | 02:51 |
shree_ | yaman now goto Ssytem-> Administration-> Windows Wireless Drivers | 02:52 |
shree_ | yaman: now goto Ssytem-> Administration-> Windows Wireless Drivers | 02:52 |
Steve-cal | silverpower: No, no gstreamer for me. :) And the crazy think is the "stuttering" can happen under light loads--I have a CPU monitor on my panel so I know exactly what's happening when my audio stutters. | 02:52 |
Steve-cal | bazhang: Do you have any personal experience with PulseAudio? | 02:52 |
yaman | shree_: then | 02:52 |
theFATMAN | Hello, everyone, is anoyone available to help a desperate noobie? | 02:53 |
DJ_Cranky | theFATMAN go for it! | 02:53 |
shree_ | yaman: Click the isntlal new driver | 02:53 |
silverpower | Steve-cal: Good. ^_^ That is strange, though. What sound card? | 02:53 |
theFATMAN | ok | 02:53 |
ubunturocks117 | thefatman: whats up | 02:53 |
lgc | Hi. How can I disable -or reduce- the launch sound? I'm fed up with it! | 02:53 |
yaman | yeah ? | 02:53 |
Scifiguy951 | ????? | 02:53 |
Dewi | is there a bot here I can ask about common problems? | 02:53 |
theFATMAN | i am a former windows user | 02:53 |
Flannel | lgc: You mean the gdm sound? | 02:53 |
Dewi | !twinview | 02:53 |
Starnestommy | Dewi: ubottu | 02:53 |
dobson | Steve-cal: are you trying to get Video working? | 02:53 |
ubottu | xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead | 02:53 |
DJ_Cranky | theFATMAN okey dokey... continue | 02:53 |
ubunturocks117 | yes its ubottu | 02:53 |
theFATMAN | i am having some issues w/ my system | 02:53 |
Dewi | aah yes, thanks Starnestommy | 02:53 |
yaman | shree_: yeah ? | 02:53 |
ubunturocks117 | !welcome | 02:53 |
ubottu | Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel. | 02:53 |
shree_ | yaman: wait a min | 02:53 |
david_ | scifi did you just install 7.10? | 02:53 |
DJ_Cranky | theFATMAN what is the problem? | 02:53 |
Steve-cal | silverpower: Not only that, but I can assign my apps a high priority (low nice value) and it has no effect. My sound card is a VIA 82C686A/B model. | 02:53 |
christopher | how do i upgrade firefox to the lastest rc1? | 02:54 |
theFATMAN | I keep getting error 22 | 02:54 |
Scifiguy951 | no i have had it for a while noww | 02:54 |
yaman | shree_: ok sorry | 02:54 |
lgc | Flannel, the wooden sticks sound. I don't know if it's gdm or whatever...;). | 02:54 |
Flannel | lgc: In the login window setup, under accessibility you can change that. If you mean the login sound, thats under sound. | 02:54 |
Pici | !ff3rc | christopher | 02:54 |
ubottu | christopher: The Firefox 3 RC package is not currently available as most of the Ubuntu-mozilla team is at the Ubuntu Developer Summit. Thanks for your patience. | 02:54 |
Steve-cal | dobson: No, just having some issues with my audio. :) | 02:54 |
DJ_Cranky | theFATMAN what are you doing when the error comes up? | 02:54 |
theFATMAN | i am trying to boot up | 02:54 |
david_ | was the sound working before? | 02:54 |
Scifiguy951 | yep | 02:54 |
lgc | Flannel, OK, let me try. | 02:54 |
shree_ | yaman: Sorry goto System-> Administration->Hardware Drivers | 02:54 |
theFATMAN | here is some history | 02:54 |
bazhang | Steve-cal, just from trying to fix it :) | 02:54 |
Firefishe | How does one configure ALSA in ubuntu? | 02:54 |
theFATMAN | i have a amd 64bit | 02:54 |
als | Starnestommy: when i try to laod it it says loading Code::Blocks and then nothing | 02:54 |
Xcell | Help! My ubuntu works too good. | 02:54 |
theFATMAN | system | 02:54 |
christopher | i know I have the tgz file and i extracted it and it runs but it is seperate and my plugins dont work | 02:54 |
ubunturocks117 | is it possible to obtain the hardy system updates .deb files and then installing them | 02:54 |
theFATMAN | i have vista installed | 02:54 |
christopher | im sorry | 02:55 |
david_ | what were you doing before it quit? | 02:55 |
Starnestommy | als: I'm not sure what's causing it | 02:55 |
theFATMAN | and installed ubuntu 8.04 | 02:55 |
shree_ | yaman: Sorry, I think the installation will proceed even without that Winodws WIreless Driver application | 02:55 |
Steve-cal | bazhang: So do you think that if I don't need any network streaming capability, would I have any advantage of using PulseAudio? | 02:55 |
ubunturocks117 | ewww! vista! lol | 02:55 |
silverpower | Steve-cal: If that's what I think it is, I'm sorry to hear that. :p | 02:55 |
christopher | o well tr ill just wait for ff3 final release | 02:55 |
evilbug | i have an NVIDIA nForce2 Ultra 400 AGP DDR,would it be compatible with a newer dual core amd or intel? | 02:55 |
DJ_Cranky | theFATMAN did you use wubi? | 02:55 |
Scifiguy951 | it just stopped working randomly,,except i did install a program on wine it played sound once then after that my speakers just stopped outputting sound. =(( | 02:55 |
theFATMAN | wubi? | 02:55 |
shree_ | yaman: Once in Hardware driver, click the check box under enable | 02:55 |
christopher | ty | 02:55 |
yaman | shree_: i can't find the administrating work | 02:55 |
Steve-cal | silverpower: What do you mean? | 02:55 |
bazhang | Steve-cal, the only current benefit I get is when connecting a tv as second monitor; then it really shines | 02:55 |
christopher | !offtopic? | 02:56 |
ubottu | Factoid offtopic? not found | 02:56 |
david_ | did you reboot? | 02:56 |
Xcell | evilbug, google that statement | 02:56 |
Scifiguy951 | i have | 02:56 |
shree_ | yaman: cant you goto Sys-> Admin-> Hardware drivers | 02:56 |
christopher | !offtopic | 02:56 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 02:56 |
XiD` | How do I enter the alsa settings menu from console? I forgot the command... | 02:56 |
dobson | I have been to support and wiki and I cannot get DVD's to play with neither Totum nor VLC, well VLC finally loading a file but very choppy and pixelated. | 02:56 |
silverpower | Steve-cal: That's the infamous 686B southbridge, if I read that model number correctly. | 02:56 |
dobson | any help? | 02:56 |
theFATMAN | ok, i installed the wubi on an external drive | 02:56 |
yaman | shree_: kde ? | 02:56 |
Scifiguy951 | since installation of program tho? | 02:56 |
shree_ | yaman: nope i am in GNOME and I am talking about GNOME | 02:56 |
flyingsquirrel32 | Can someone help me get a linksys WPC100 working on Hardy? | 02:56 |
DJ_Cranky | theFATMAN ok, there is the problem | 02:56 |
Bombuxp | Scifiguy951: do you have pulseaudio or alsa? | 02:56 |
bazhang | Scifiguy951, wine does not play well with sound and ubuntu | 02:57 |
Scifiguy951 | idk? how do i find out?? | 02:57 |
theFATMAN | now i cant boot anything | 02:57 |
theFATMAN | i am on here via the live cd | 02:57 |
DJ_Cranky | the external drive does not have a master boot record and so it cannot boot and it is crashing the windows boot loader | 02:57 |
theFATMAN | crap | 02:57 |
yaman | shree_: i am in the kde | 02:57 |
Scifiguy951 | i have alsa | 02:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | !grub | 02:57 |
ubottu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 02:57 |
edward_ | where can i get A QQ protocol SOFTWARE | 02:57 |
Steve-cal | silverpower: That's not what I was hoping to hear. :D So any ideas of how to help it? | 02:57 |
yaman | shree_: just tell me what to i ll write it all | 02:57 |
Bombuxp | Scifiguy951: check in synaptic, do a search for pulseaudio and see if its installed. | 02:57 |
DJ_Cranky | theFATMAN you will need to reinstall windows and install wubi on the C drive | 02:57 |
shinjin | Can someone explain to me why my video sometimes plays in color but usually plays in black and white? | 02:57 |
Bombuxp | wow | 02:58 |
XiD` | How do I enter the alsa settings menu from console? I forgot the command... | 02:58 |
Bombuxp | that was a lot of message lag | 02:58 |
shree_ | yaman: Could you find this System-> Administration-> Hardware Drivers | 02:58 |
bazhang | XiD`, alsamixer | 02:58 |
yaman | shree_: because i am on a dialup connection and i don't know how to go to the gnom with out losing the connection | 02:58 |
DJ_Cranky | theFATMAN i am sorry to give you bad news | 02:58 |
XiD` | bazhang, ty | 02:58 |
yaman | shree_: yeah i am in i | 02:58 |
theFATMAN | i dont have a disc for vista, also, i am a graphic designer and cant afford to lose any work--can i be helped? | 02:58 |
LtL | XiD`: try running alsamixer in the term. | 02:58 |
david_ | Can anyone help me figure out how to get my subwoofer working my other speakers work. | 02:58 |
silverpower | Steve-cal: New motherboard? Maybe get a cheap ES1371 somewhere? | 02:58 |
Daisuke_Ido | yaman: you can do it from kde as well | 02:58 |
yaman | shree_: but its not showing because the firmware problem | 02:58 |
shree_ | yaman: Sorry I dont remember the looks of KDE. I did install but using ndiswrapper | 02:58 |
DJ_Cranky | theFATMAN can the live CD see your hard drives? | 02:58 |
theFATMAN | yes it can | 02:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | theFATMAN From your description, you dont need to reinstall windows.. just pull the plug on the removeable drive, boot vista into recovery mode and fixmbr | 02:58 |
shree_ | yaman: Once you open that hardware driver | 02:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | !fixmbr | 02:59 |
ubottu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 02:59 |
Daisuke_Ido | yaman: go to system settings > advanced > restricted drivers (or something similar) | 02:59 |
shree_ | yaman: You should see your Broadcom device listed there. | 02:59 |
theFATMAN | how do i boot into recovery mode? | 02:59 |
DJ_Cranky | DJ_Cranky then simply move all of your graphics to the external drive and keep your work safe | 02:59 |
shree_ | yaman: there will be a column titled Enabled | 02:59 |
Steve-cal | silverpower: Yes, unfortunately it is an old sound card. But I know it's at least possible to get good audio out of it because it works without any problems in Windows. | 02:59 |
shinjin | Can someone help me with a small video problem. For some reason my video wants to play in black and white. All the time when I watch something online and most of the time when I view a local file. | 02:59 |
yaman | shree_: yeaj thats right and it's in use but not enabled | 02:59 |
edward_ | where can i get one it support the QQ support ????????????????????????????????? | 02:59 |
shree_ | yaman: check the box under that corresponding to the wireless deviec | 02:59 |
DJ_Cranky | theFATMAN since windows cannot boot there really is no other solution | 02:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | theFATMAN windows disks should all have a recovery mode when you boot them | 02:59 |
bazhang | edward_, check ubuntuforums | 03:00 |
ubunturocks117 | !offtopic | 03:00 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 03:00 |
shree_ | yaman:I tshould proceed downlaoding the driver | 03:00 |
theFATMAN | how do i boot into recovery mode? | 03:00 |
Reck_ | !off-topic | 03:00 |
DJ_Cranky | theFATMAN Jack_Sparrow he does not have discs | 03:00 |
silverpower | Steve-cal: I'm leaning towards "ALSA broke it". | 03:00 |
Steve-cal | silverpower: I'm wondering if its a latency issue--I've done just a little research on it but am not sure if that's the problem. | 03:00 |
tmapj | can anyone tell me how to play a DVD in ubuntu | 03:00 |
dobson | theFATMAN: Listen get a external drive and use the live cd to copy over all your vital data first!! | 03:00 |
yaman | shree_: and when i try to enable it it says while this driver itself is free software .... your hardware will not work with out firmware | 03:00 |
david_ | subwoofer how do I get that working? | 03:00 |
edward_ | where can i get one it support the QQ support ????????????????????????????????? | 03:01 |
Nissan_350Z | Need help again, please | 03:01 |
ex777 | How do i create a new desktop? | 03:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | theFATMAN YOu can borrow a windows cd. You would need one to reinstall anyhow, unless you have a recovery partition | 03:01 |
DJ_Cranky | tmapj what country do yo live in | 03:01 |
tmapj | usa | 03:01 |
shree_ | yaman: Yeah, that is along story. Just procveed ahead | 03:01 |
bazhang | edward_, I told you where | 03:01 |
edward_ | where can i get one it support the QQ support ????????????????????????????????? | 03:01 |
yaman | shree_: then it say need to restart thats it | 03:01 |
theFATMAN | i have a recovery partition | 03:01 |
Nissan_350Z | How do i browse the WINE Virtual Harddrive? | 03:01 |
Flannel | !repeat | edward_ | 03:01 |
ubottu | edward_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 03:01 |
DJ_Cranky | tmapj well it is illegal but you need to go to synaptic and install libdvdplayback | 03:01 |
shree_ | yaman: Yup follow the instructions | 03:01 |
silverpower | Steve-cal: It's possible. My ES1371 sometimes got set to nonsensical latencies. The results were less than stellar, to say the least. | 03:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | edward_ Please dont repeat the same question over and over | 03:01 |
Dr_willis | Nissan_350Z, look in the .wine folder in your home dir. | 03:01 |
DJ_Cranky | theFATMAN see if that will boot | 03:01 |
theFATMAN | i cant boot to access it | 03:01 |
bazhang | edward_, please dont repeat; also I gave you an answer | 03:01 |
theFATMAN | it wont boot | 03:01 |
yaman | shree_: i don't have choices just i have the enable button and close and help | 03:01 |
theFATMAN | it goes to grub error 22 | 03:01 |
DJ_Cranky | theFATMAN hmm, try burning the files from it onto a disc and booting that | 03:01 |
Scifiguy951 | i installed pulse audio,,nothing... | 03:02 |
ICM | Say, I just installed 7.10, now I cna't get apt-get working. I wasn't connected to the ineternet during the time of install, so it commented out lines in the /etc/apt/sources.list -- just uncommented those lines, but still can't get apt-get to install anythign (E: package <whatever> has no installation candidate)- how shall I go about fixing this? | 03:02 |
shree_ | yaman: I didnt get you | 03:02 |
Nissan_350Z | Dr_willis: there isnt one.. | 03:02 |
theFATMAN | which files? | 03:02 |
flyingsquirrel32 | Can someone help me get a wireless card working on Hardy? | 03:02 |
ICM | Wait, sudo apt-get update, perhaps? | 03:02 |
bazhang | icm edit sources list | 03:02 |
edward_ | OH!Thank you | 03:02 |
DJ_Cranky | theFATMAN everything on the recovery partition | 03:02 |
Nissan_350Z | Dr_willis: Do you mean the folder that has my user name on it? | 03:02 |
tmapj | i cant find anything "libdvdplaybackwith" | 03:02 |
dobson | theFATMAN: you will have to make it an iso or it will not work | 03:02 |
dmsuperman | ICM, yup | 03:02 |
DJ_Cranky | it should fit on a dvd | 03:02 |
agitkid | Anyone know if this ISO will work for 64bit Xeon processors (cuz it says AMD platform): ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso | 03:02 |
ubunturocks117 | something about ubuntu its just so much better than windows | 03:02 |
tmapj | i cant find anything libdvdplayback | 03:02 |
ICM | bazhang: I did that, I told you, I uncommented the lines. got it to work, though | 03:02 |
theFATMAN | ok, what do i use on ubuntu for an iso? | 03:02 |
dobson | can someone please tell me how to get the dvd player working? | 03:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | theFATMAN Since you are running live you can remove the external drive... and reinstall grub per the howto ubotu linked for you | 03:03 |
yaman | shree_: after starting that hardware i do have the brodcom listed and neer it 2 check boxes 1- in use 2 - enable and 2 buttons 1-help 2-close | 03:03 |
ICM | thanks dmsuperman :) | 03:03 |
Dr_willis | Nissan_350Z, your users home dir is /home/USERnAME/ there should be a .wine (note the .) directory in there. If theres not.. well then you dont have any apps installed with wineyet it seems. | 03:03 |
Dr_willis | !wine | Nissan_350Z | 03:03 |
shinjin | How can I stop my video from playing in black and white. It randomly plays in color. I'm using VLC media player. No idea what codecs though. | 03:03 |
ubottu | Nissan_350Z: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. | 03:03 |
bazhang | theFATMAN, cd/dvd creator | 03:03 |
silverpower | agitkid: AMD64 is a generic term. If your Xeon's based on P4 or Core 2, yes. Otherwise, no. | 03:03 |
Nissan_350Z | Should i make a .wine folder? | 03:03 |
shree_ | yaman: Does the checkbox corresponding to it say enabled? | 03:03 |
Steve-cal | silverpower: So do you know where I would start if I want to try and tweak my latency configuration? | 03:03 |
david_ | scifi wish I could help you more but I can't | 03:03 |
yaman | shree_:nothing i have else when i click on the enable button i have the message | 03:03 |
SeaPhor | flyingsquirrel32, what chipset is your wireless card | 03:03 |
tmapj | can anyone tell me how to play a DVD in ubuntu | 03:03 |
Bombuxp | theFATMAN: if the fixmbr that vista uses is the same as xp's, you could use an xp disk if you have one? (I don't have vista, so I don't know if it is. maybe someone else here knows if it is) | 03:03 |
yaman | shree_: no its a check box | 03:03 |
b4l74z4r | is there a plugin for exaile that enables me to announce mp3's in xchat? | 03:03 |
manuel_ | me pregunto porque hay taaaaaaannnnnntos usuarios en esta pajina una guuuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa saludos | 03:03 |
bazhang | Bombuxp, hes gone | 03:04 |
manuel_ | esto no es con mi persona | 03:04 |
DJ_Cranky | tmapj i am PMing you terminal code | 03:04 |
dobson | LOL tmapj we are in the same boat. | 03:04 |
flyingsquirrel32 | Not sure about the chipset, but its a Linksys WPC100 | 03:04 |
Bombuxp | stupid message lag | 03:04 |
Flannel | !es | manuel_ | 03:04 |
ubottu | manuel_: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 03:04 |
Scifiguy951 | what should i do????? i NEEEDDD music!!!!! | 03:04 |
shree_ | yaman: did it install the driver | 03:04 |
theFATMAN | man, i hate windows, this is crazy | 03:04 |
yaman | shree_: ndis ? | 03:04 |
david_ | did you try playing a cd already? | 03:04 |
bazhang | Scifiguy951, calm down please | 03:04 |
Slaj_R | Guys, ever since I returned home from a public network, I can't reconnect to my home wireless network. In Network Settings, I chose the proper wireless network and entered my WEP password. Nothing. Ideas? | 03:04 |
theFATMAN | what program for ISO? | 03:04 |
DJ_Cranky | theFATMAN don't we all? | 03:04 |
tmapj | im not getting it DJ_Cranky | 03:04 |
agitkid | silverpower: thanx for responding. but I've had servers with strictly AMD chips, just didn't understand why they wouldn't distinguish between the chipsets in the release | 03:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | edward_ Pidgin is supposed to support qq see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=617237 | 03:04 |
Nissan_350Z | Okay there isnt a .wine folder on the home folder should i make one? | 03:04 |
Xcell | b4l74z4r, only for amarok that i know of | 03:04 |
DJ_Cranky | tmapj okey, follow this page then http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-play-dvd-under-ubuntu-linux | 03:04 |
silverpower | Steve-cal: I believe you'd start with lspci -vv. I don't remember the command I used (as I had to do it on my sparc64 box). | 03:04 |
bazhang | cd/dvd creator theFATMAN | 03:05 |
shree_ | yaman: well, i dont remember the exact message, but it shoudl have downloaded something and installed it | 03:05 |
theFATMAN | i cant wait to get this sorted | 03:05 |
Scifiguy951 | i am going to die!! | 03:05 |
DJ_Cranky | tmapj remember it is illegal in USA | 03:05 |
theFATMAN | bazhang-thank you | 03:05 |
dobson | DJ_Cranky: can you send me one, I have been to the support page, and updated the suppossed "restricted formats" still no Play | 03:05 |
silverpower | Steve-cal: That's where you'd check it, anyway. | 03:05 |
Scifiguy951 | i just tried use VLC | 03:05 |
shree_ | yaman: is it displayhing the original window | 03:05 |
tmapj | why is it illegal? | 03:05 |
bazhang | Scifiguy951, please calm down | 03:05 |
chmac | Anyone know where the Win+1/2/3 is mapped to zoom? I'm guessing it's compiz but I can't find it apps/compiz under gconf-editor. | 03:05 |
tmapj | i paid for the DVD | 03:05 |
yaman | shree_: it did b4 2 days and then i got that message about hte firmware | 03:05 |
DJ_Cranky | dobson here-remember illegal in USA-http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-play-dvd-under-ubuntu-linux | 03:05 |
Scifiguy951 | i am calm i just really miss my musiczz | 03:05 |
flyingsquirrel32 | SeaPhor: Not sure about the chipset, but its a Linksys WPC100 PCMCIA | 03:05 |
manuel_ | ubottu, si ya me di cuenta de eso gracias | 03:05 |
ubottu | manuel_: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 03:05 |
shree_ | yaman: Ok. i wouild say restart the ssytem and check the status of the checkbox | 03:06 |
theFATMAN | wait, the recovery partition is 12 GB | 03:06 |
SeaPhor | flyingsquirrel32, check your card here, let me know the result http://linux-wless.passys.nl/ | 03:06 |
tmapj | DJ_Cranky, how is it illegal? I paid for the DVD. | 03:06 |
Xcell | wow 12G? | 03:06 |
yaman | shree_: ok i ll be back | 03:06 |
croddy | chmac, install ccsm and check out the bindings section of Enhanced Desktop Zoom | 03:06 |
shree_ | yaman: cool | 03:06 |
DJ_Cranky | tmapj you could use the tools to rip the movie from the disc | 03:06 |
croddy | (not to be confused with Enhanced Desktop Doom) | 03:06 |
silverpower | tmapj: Blame the DMCA. Defeating CSS is required to play most DVDs. This is illegal because you have to defeat copy protection. Don't ask me why, this sort of stupidity gives me a headache. | 03:06 |
ubunturocks117 | any cool ubuntu games you could recommend? | 03:06 |
Slaj_R | Anyone available to help troubleshoot wireless networking? | 03:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | theFATMAN Please try this in a terminal.. sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cp /etc/fstab ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && sudo fdisk -l >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /home/$USER/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel) | 03:07 |
chmac | croddy: :) I was just looking in synaptic for a configuration manager :) | 03:07 |
theFATMAN | does anyone know what to burn from a recovery partition to fix the MBR? | 03:07 |
bazhang | !games | ubunturocks117 | 03:07 |
david_ | I guess no one knows how to get my subwoofer working | 03:07 |
ubottu | ubunturocks117: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php | 03:07 |
lgc | Flannel, the login screen config just thrashed my system (and I didn't find the woodstick sound, anyway). | 03:07 |
DJ_Cranky | tmapj and it isnt licensed/official dvd compliant copyright blah blah blah- the digital media millenium thing blocks it | 03:07 |
SeaPhor | flyingsquirrel32, be sure to type my full name in or i may not see your post and tab works :-) | 03:07 |
Scifiguy951 | =''((((((( | 03:07 |
ubunturocks117 | thanks bazhang | 03:07 |
theFATMAN | jack_sparrow:thank you, just a sec | 03:07 |
SeaPhor | !tab | flyingsquirrel32 | 03:07 |
ubottu | flyingsquirrel32: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 03:07 |
Dewi | what's the name of the executable for Restricted Devices Manager? | 03:07 |
Flannel | lgc: Its under accessibility, theres only three things in that screen, and two of them are disabled. | 03:07 |
dobson | Slaj_R: I can try to help you | 03:07 |
tmapj | so its illegal to play a dvd i paid for on my computer? | 03:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | theFATMAN Does the livecd give you an option to boot the first hard drive.. that might also let you back in.. | 03:07 |
flyingsquirrel32 | manuel_: ubottu es un robot. no es una persona de verdad. | 03:07 |
bazhang | tmapj, not to worry about | 03:07 |
croddy | Dewi, jockey-gtk | 03:07 |
silverpower | tmapj: Basically, yup. | 03:08 |
Steve-cal | silverpower: lspci -vv doesn't give any latency value for my sound card, but has a latency value for my monitor and other devices. | 03:08 |
DJ_Cranky | tmapj no but the same program can be used to rip the dvd and make copies or sell or distribute it illegally | 03:08 |
tmapj | bazhang, why? | 03:08 |
lgc | Flannel, what would be the whole path to it? | 03:08 |
Dewi | croddy: oh, that thing just says I have none installed. How would I install some? | 03:08 |
Dewi | croddy: ie nvidia | 03:08 |
Flannel | lgc: I have no idea | 03:08 |
tmapj | well im not planning on copying and distributing it | 03:08 |
flyingsquirrel32 | SeaPhor: Cool, I never knew that! | 03:08 |
silverpower | Steve-cal: Okay, lemme check and see. Like I said, it's been a while. | 03:08 |
Dewi | tmapj: welcome to US law | 03:08 |
DJ_Cranky | tmapj try telling the government that | 03:08 |
j4w4 | does ubuntu let you cut'n'paste launcher files or do I have to use terminal commands? | 03:08 |
SeaPhor | flyingsquirrel32, :-) | 03:08 |
Dewi | tmapj: you are only allowed to play digital media on devices approved by the cartel | 03:09 |
`Kermudge | Question using Xchat alas can't seem to get the whois command to work. :( | 03:09 |
bazhang | Dewi, getting offtopic | 03:09 |
DJ_Cranky | Dewi tmapj yeah thats what i meant by official dvd thing | 03:09 |
theFATMAN | jack_sparrow:it says it cant find the package | 03:09 |
croddy | Dewi, you'll need to check and make sure that the restricted repos (universe?) are enabled in your apt sources config, and it should recommend the nvidia driver to you. if it doesn't, in my experience, that means your hardware is not recognized by the restricted drivers manager and you'll need to do it manually | 03:09 |
edward_ | my pidgin has one question. it said: not read Sock data!无法读取套接字 | 03:09 |
bazhang | !cn | edward_ | 03:10 |
ubottu | edward_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 03:10 |
theFATMAN | jack_sparrow:the live CD does not | 03:10 |
DJ_Cranky | bye everyone, nice to chat! | 03:10 |
silverpower | Steve-cal: could you pastebin your lspci -vv output? | 03:10 |
tmapj | where can i find information about this new law? | 03:10 |
crackerjackz | edward why is it in chinese | 03:10 |
bazhang | tmapj, not here | 03:10 |
crackerjackz | edward_, ***** | 03:10 |
DJ_Cranky | tmapj http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DMCA | 03:10 |
tmapj | can you give me some search terms that might bring it up? | 03:10 |
tmapj | ok thanks | 03:10 |
Dewi | croddy: right... I've got universe/multiverse... if jockey isn't prompting me it hasn't worked? | 03:10 |
edward_ | beacuse i am chinese | 03:10 |
bazhang | DJ_Cranky, please take this to offtopic | 03:11 |
dobson | sorry I hate the chat client.. :( | 03:11 |
Xcell | really | 03:11 |
crackerjackz | edward_, ahhhhh that makes sense :-P | 03:11 |
croddy | Dewi in my experience if jockey or restricted-manager does not offer the driver to you then your hardware is probably too recent (or possibly too old) although you can try installing the nvidia stuff anyway | 03:11 |
DJ_Cranky | bazhang sorry, will do if convo continues | 03:11 |
dobson | xcell ? | 03:11 |
crackerjackz | so what does 无法读取套接字 mean? | 03:11 |
Xcell | someone else dobson | 03:11 |
dobson | K | 03:11 |
silverpower | Steve-cal: Mine displays it, but this is an nForce1 board. It also displays the latency as 0ms. >_< | 03:12 |
theFATMAN | jack_sparrow? | 03:12 |
edward_ | it's not read Socks | 03:12 |
Steve-cal | silverpower: http://pastebin.com/d58dbffc5 look near the very bottom for my sound card. | 03:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | theFATMAN I never recommend wubi... I think you can save your windows install by installing grub even if it cant find windows, or just do a regular install without wubi and you should get windows back | 03:12 |
chmac | croddy: Thanks, works like a charm :) | 03:12 |
dobson | Which guy was asking for wireless networking help? | 03:12 |
Dewi | croddy: actually I get a bunch of 'modinfo' warnings when I launch jockey - there jsut aren't any nvidia files in my /lib/modules/*-generic/volatile | 03:12 |
`Kermudge | bazhang you there? | 03:12 |
bazhang | edward_, /join #ubuntu-cn | 03:12 |
Dewi | croddy: I'm on a live cd.... | 03:12 |
crackerjackz | edward_ run pidgin from a terminal window | 03:12 |
bazhang | `Kermudge, :) | 03:12 |
crackerjackz | and then paste the output | 03:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | theFATMAN even if it cant find ubuntu is what I meant | 03:12 |
theFATMAN | ummmm...what exactly is wubi? | 03:12 |
croddy | Dewi, i don't know how to set up nvidia drivers on the live CD. | 03:12 |
dobson | Jack_Sparrow: you are right although it may have to be configured manually with grub. | 03:12 |
`Kermudge | Need some more help bazhang. Can't get the Whois command to work. :( | 03:12 |
Bodsda | theFATMAN, wubi installs ubuntu as aprogram in windows | 03:12 |
Bodsda | !wubi | 03:12 |
ubottu | Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. | 03:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | theFATMAN I can link you a faq later. | 03:13 |
theFATMAN | ohhh | 03:13 |
bazhang | `Kermudge, like this /whois | 03:13 |
`Kermudge | Yup like that. | 03:13 |
Dewi | anyone know what impact using WUBI might have on the NTFS journal? | 03:13 |
theFATMAN | yes, please do | 03:13 |
bazhang | Dewi, none | 03:13 |
theFATMAN | i have gotten -0- support from M$ | 03:13 |
`Kermudge | does not do squat when I use it. | 03:13 |
flyingsquirrel32 | SeaPhor: Not in the list. Should I move on to ndiswrapper? | 03:13 |
Dewi | bazhang: can it avoid doing metadata writes because it's just writing sections within one big monolithic file? | 03:13 |
edward_ | let me try again | 03:14 |
crackerjackz | edward_, do you know how to use wgetpaste? | 03:14 |
bazhang | `Kermudge, just right click someone's name then and ask for who is from xchat | 03:14 |
dobson | `Kermudge: are you talking about wubi? | 03:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | theFATMAN In your position, I would unplug my external drive, boot livecd, shrink my primary drive windows partition and let ubuntu install to that drive | 03:14 |
edward_ | what is it? | 03:14 |
theFATMAN | ok, how do i mount a partiton? | 03:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | theFATMAN I need to get to dinner | 03:14 |
croddy | with great gusto | 03:14 |
theFATMAN | ok | 03:14 |
crackerjackz | whats the command for edward to install wgetpaste? | 03:14 |
edward_ | wait one minutes. i google | 03:14 |
theFATMAN | i understand | 03:14 |
crackerjackz | im not sure what it is for ubuntu | 03:14 |
`Kermudge | Again nothing bazhang. | 03:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | theFATMAN create mount point and mount the drive to that point | 03:14 |
DjDoNy | hi | 03:14 |
theFATMAN | how to link? | 03:15 |
SeaPhor | flyingsquirrel32, tell me your card again, i'll look, aam open a terminal and run lshw -C network and pastebin that while i look | 03:15 |
AliP | Mkay, I just got ubuntu to work, now im trying to access my secondary hard drives, they all give me the same message, "cannot mount volume", any idea whats wrong? | 03:15 |
`Kermudge | won't even respond to a /who command either. | 03:15 |
bazhang | `Kermudge, you using xchat? then check server window for who is info | 03:15 |
Nissan_350Z | I need Help | 03:15 |
croddy | !ask | 03:15 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 03:15 |
Nissan_350Z | WINE is having problems | 03:15 |
crackerjackz | AliP, check fstab maybe? | 03:15 |
silverpower | Steve-cal: What is this, anyway, a K6-2? | 03:15 |
ivan_ | buenas noches | 03:15 |
ICM | Anyone know of any guides for getting two graphics cards to work in Ubuntu (7.10 x64) -- I have two 7600GS's, both dual-head, trying to get a quad-monitor setup | 03:15 |
AliP | fstab? | 03:15 |
Bodsda | !DiskMounter > AliP please see pm from ubottu | 03:15 |
ICM | Kinda clueless on what I have to do | 03:15 |
edward_ | Thanks your means i need install it on first | 03:15 |
bazhang | !es | ivan_ | 03:15 |
ubottu | ivan_: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 03:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | theFATMAN sudo mkdir /media/mydrive sodu mount /dev/sda1 /media/mydrive assuming sda1 is the drive you want to mount | 03:15 |
AliP | sorry, noob here | 03:15 |
crackerjackz | yeah AliP hang on let me look it up | 03:15 |
crackerjackz | iv done got used to gentoo | 03:15 |
ivan_ | alguien q hable en español? | 03:16 |
Bodsda | !spanish | 03:16 |
AliP | gives me sone nfts thing | 03:16 |
Xcell | lol | 03:16 |
`Kermudge | LOL bazhang again you helped was expecting it to show in the active window. Thaks. | 03:16 |
Condoulo | just how long, on average, does it take for Firefox updates to be sent out? Because I'm waiting for RC1 of Firefox 3. oO | 03:16 |
AliP | looks like moonspeak to me... | 03:16 |
=== narg_ is now known as narg | ||
ivan_ | holaaaaaaa | 03:16 |
theFATMAN | thank you, i'll be back later --- you guys are awesome!!!! | 03:16 |
dobson | are you an Architect ICM? | 03:16 |
* croddy wonders if we'll be on 3.0b5 until 8.10 | 03:16 | |
bazhang | ivan_, type /join #ubuntu-es | 03:16 |
crackerjackz | AliP, read this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=283131 | 03:16 |
yaman | shree_: you there ? back ! | 03:16 |
Bodsda | croddy, no | 03:16 |
ICM | dobson: no, just a high school geek | 03:16 |
crackerjackz | it will help | 03:16 |
SeaPhor | flyingsquirrel32, *and | 03:16 |
* dobson says just curious of the quad monitor | 03:16 | |
shree_ | yaman: yup here | 03:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ffrc | 03:16 |
ubottu | Factoid ffrc not found | 03:16 |
crackerjackz | how does edward_ install wgetpaste? | 03:16 |
dobson | I Am that's why I asked :) | 03:16 |
crackerjackz | whats the package name | 03:17 |
bazhang | !ff3rc | dobson | 03:17 |
Steve-cal | silverpower: Hmm? K6-2 isn't in that lspci output that I can see... | 03:17 |
ubottu | dobson: The Firefox 3 RC package is not currently available as most of the Ubuntu-mozilla team is at the Ubuntu Developer Summit. Thanks for your patience. | 03:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ff3rc | 03:17 |
ICM | dobson: hehe. programmer, if anything | 03:17 |
dobson | ICM Ok.. nice. | 03:17 |
edward_ | i getting it | 03:17 |
silverpower | Steve-cal: Heh, did I guess right? It's the age of the components, so I made a guess. | 03:17 |
bazhang | icm dobson take chat to offtopic please | 03:17 |
* dobson laughs at ubottu | 03:17 | |
bazhang | dobson offtopic | 03:18 |
`Kermudge | Not sure if you saw my response bazhang but that worked. | 03:18 |
dobson | thanks bazhang | 03:18 |
crackerjackz | is it apt-get wgetpaste ?\ | 03:18 |
bazhang | `Kermudge, aye :) | 03:18 |
yaman | shree_: i am having the same status:in use enabled=embty checkbox when i click on it again it tells me your hardware will not work without the firmware (brodcom b43 wireless driver) | 03:18 |
`Kermudge | Again thanks much. | 03:18 |
croddy | crackerjackz, there is no wgetpaste in ubuntu as far as i can tell. what does it do? | 03:18 |
shree_ | yaman: then you have not completed the installation | 03:18 |
crackerjackz | croddy there is | 03:18 |
yaman | shree_:in the top of the window there is no proprietary drivers are in use on this system | 03:18 |
Nissan_350Z | Any one know what i can do about WINE? Its not working.. | 03:18 |
Steve-cal | silverpower: OK, seriously though, do you have any idea where I would start as far as tweaking latency values? Maybe it would have to involve a kernel patch I imagine. | 03:18 |
streakz | i just installed ubuntu onto my laptop Lenovo 3000 N100 and the keyboard layout is incorrect any ideas? | 03:19 |
bazhang | pastebinit crackerjackz | 03:19 |
crackerjackz | well | 03:19 |
croddy | crackerjackz, what does it do | 03:19 |
crackerjackz | i mean not wgetpaste | 03:19 |
zenxyz | anyone alive in here? | 03:19 |
crackerjackz | but i know there is something like it | 03:19 |
croddy | WHAT DOES IT DO | 03:19 |
yaman | shree_: i think some thing wrong when installing the driver but how can i reinstall it or remove this problem ? | 03:19 |
SeaPhor | flyingsquirrel32, you there? | 03:19 |
crackerjackz | it allows you to paste stuff from your terminal window to rafb.net | 03:19 |
silverpower | Steve-cal: Nah, it's a tool included with pcitools. | 03:19 |
shree_ | yaman:you seem to be stopping the installation halfway through | 03:19 |
croddy | you could have pasted it by now... | 03:19 |
crackerjackz | or like if something errors out and it gives you a log file to check you could type like | 03:19 |
`Kermudge | aye sailor response bazhang? | 03:19 |
bazhang | pastebinit oy crackerjackz | 03:19 |
flyingsquirrel32 | yeah, testing to see if ndiswrapper works | 03:19 |
shree_ | click the checkbox | 03:19 |
crackerjackz | wgetpaste /var/blah/blah.txt | 03:19 |
crackerjackz | bazhang ty | 03:19 |
shree_ | yaman:enable it | 03:19 |
shree_ | yaman:tell me step by step what u r doing | 03:20 |
bazhang | `Kermudge, lazy more like it :) | 03:20 |
`Kermudge | LOL that works too. | 03:20 |
yaman | shree_: it wont tell me any thing just it tell me need restart and then i ll found it not enabled again | 03:20 |
D1 | Hi... I'm trying to get my friend to convert to Ubuntu but she's too used to the windows interface. is there a windows skin for ubuntu? | 03:20 |
yaman | shree_: any way to give you the control on vnc or some thing like that ? | 03:20 |
Nissan_350Z | Any one know what i can do about WINE? Its not working.. Everytime i try to let it make a drive C: it messes up.. | 03:20 |
crackerjackz | wait..bazhang what do you mean? | 03:20 |
edward_ | thanks ,but i am linux newer. operate it slowly | 03:20 |
phreck | anyone know of any good DVD movie burning software | 03:20 |
D1 | phreck: nero | 03:21 |
phreck | I want to burn AVI to DVD | 03:21 |
shree_ | yaman: does vnc work on linux | 03:21 |
Bodsda | Nissan_350Z, pastebin the ouput of winecfg | 03:21 |
croddy | D1, http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm . if you make it look like windows, she'll reasonably expect it to behave like windows. this would be lying to her. | 03:21 |
phreck | For linux? | 03:21 |
D1 | okay thanks | 03:21 |
Steve-cal | silverpower: OK, well thanks for the help. :) | 03:21 |
yaman | shree_: just when i check the checkbox it ll make the staut need restart | 03:21 |
slonbg | !suspend | 03:21 |
ubottu | Factoid suspend not found | 03:21 |
Nissan_350Z | Bodsda: i did | 03:21 |
Nissan_350Z | Bodsda: oh | 03:21 |
Nissan_350Z | lol hold on | 03:21 |
tech404 | do the NVIDIA drivers in Hardy support 8 series nvidia cards? | 03:21 |
flyingsquirrel32 | SeaPhor: Hmm... says Hardware Present: No | 03:21 |
bazhang | crackerjackz, for example cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit it gives a pastebin url you post here | 03:21 |
flyingsquirrel32 | SeaPhor: also no power light on the device. | 03:21 |
yaman | shree_: i can install it | 03:21 |
flyingsquirrel32 | I had it working under gutsy | 03:22 |
crackerjackz | bazhang thanks | 03:22 |
SeaPhor | flyingsquirrel32, is it lynksys usb? | 03:22 |
flyingsquirrel32 | SeaPhor: no, PCMCIA | 03:22 |
phreck | So no one has any idea of what good multimedia software would be? | 03:22 |
silverpower | Steve-cal: Only thing I can think of is maybe trying the OSS4 drivers, or using out-of-kernel ALSA drivers. Not sure how you'd do that on Ubuntu, and I suck at explaining the specifics. | 03:22 |
slonbg | hi. i have acer 5620, fresh install of hardy, all updated. selecting suspend puts it to sleep, but then when I hit the power button, it tries to wake up, and goes in power-off mode. so, next time when I hit the power button, it performs a normal boot. how should I troubleshoot this? | 03:23 |
yaman | shree_:apt-get install vnc4server ? | 03:23 |
zenxyz | i need help | 03:23 |
zenxyz | I have two 250 GB drives. One (C that has Windows XP installed on with all the programs installed. The other drive is D: that stores all my data files. Which should I install Ubuntu on ? I am going to throw 60 GB of space towards the install of Ubuntu and have the space on both drives available. Which should I put in on and why? I am new to Ubuntu and would like the best setup. I was thinking of putting it on D: even though I have less space on it because if one | 03:23 |
SeaPhor | flyingsquirrel32, can you take it out and give me the model # off of it? | 03:23 |
edward_ | i find one that is pidgin. i have installed. thanks of your time crackerjackz | 03:23 |
Nissan_350Z | Bodsda: i get this: http://pastebin.com/da91753 | 03:23 |
crackerjackz | edward_, do you know how to use the terminal window? | 03:23 |
goppy | how do i isntall ubuntu 1008.888? | 03:23 |
flyingsquirrel32 | SeaPhor: Wrong drivers :| | 03:23 |
crackerjackz | edward_, open up a terminal window and type pidgin | 03:23 |
flyingsquirrel32 | SeaPhor: WPC100 | 03:23 |
crackerjackz | you should see an error in the terminal window | 03:23 |
goppy | edward_, frist type sudo init 0 | 03:24 |
crackerjackz | should point you to a log file | 03:24 |
babolat | bazhang: nope, the DVD doesn't seem to have them. But one is however able to create one's own DVD repos. Big, big ISOs we're talking about. There are several pre-made repo ISOs floating around, but they're either obsolete, unavailable or not upgradable. | 03:24 |
shree_ | yaman: i have got the viewer on | 03:24 |
croddy | zenxyz, linux is not nearly as picky as windows about what disk it's on. put it wherever you feel it will fit. but keep in mind your life will be easier if you allow ubuntu to put grub (the bootloader) at the beginning of /dev/hda ("C:") | 03:24 |
crackerjackz | edward_, do what goppy said first | 03:24 |
goppy | BIOS | 03:24 |
goppy | TitleVer.#Date | 03:24 |
goppy | 1. | 03:24 |
goppy | BIOS Update 0413 [DPP3510J.86A ] (2429KB) | 03:24 |
goppy | 04133/6/2008 | 03:24 |
Bodsda | Nissan_350Z, im afraid that doesnt mean much to me but the guys in #winehq can probably tell you more ;~) | 03:24 |
croddy | uh oh | 03:24 |
goppy | Four methods for updating your Intel® Desktop Board’s BIOS version. | 03:24 |
goppy | Read Me (pdf) Release Notes (pdf) | 03:24 |
SeaPhor | flyingsquirrel32, 1 min, ill look that up, i can help with ndiswrapper if that is whats needed | 03:24 |
goppy | OS:OS Independent, Windows Vista* 32, Windows Vista* 64, Windows* XP Home Edition, Windows* XP Media Center Edition, Windows* XP Professional, Windows* XP Professional x64 Edition | 03:24 |
goppy | Download File(s):English(1 of 4) 2429KB, English(2 of 4) 2750KB, English(3 of 4) 3770KB, English(4 of 4) 6169KB | 03:24 |
Bodsda | !paste | goppy | 03:24 |
ubottu | goppy: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 03:24 |
goppy | Drivers | 03:24 |
croddy | here comes the flood | 03:24 |
goppy | TitleVer.#Date | 03:24 |
goppy | 2. | 03:24 |
bazhang | goppy pastebin | 03:24 |
goppy | LAN: Intel® PRO Network Connections Driver (11147KB) | 03:24 |
Steve-cal | silverpower: :) I'm not going to mess with it any more tonight anyway. I'll pick up tomorrow. :) | 03:24 |
goppy | 13.05/6/2008 | 03:24 |
goppy | Installs the LAN driver version 13.0 for Intel® Desktop Boards with the Intel® PRO 10/100 Network Connections for Desktop. (WHQL certified) | 03:24 |
goppy | Release Notes (txt) | 03:24 |
Steve-cal | silverpower: Take care... | 03:25 |
silverpower | Steve-cal: setpci! That's the one. | 03:25 |
zenxyz | croddy is that the default place where it's installed ? | 03:25 |
bazhang | floodbot too slow | 03:25 |
Nissan_350Z | Bodsda Thanks :DS | 03:25 |
Nissan_350Z | *:D | 03:25 |
Bodsda | bazhang, wasnt doin his job cause peoplepostin breakin up the flood i guess | 03:25 |
croddy | zenxyz, that is the most common place the bootloader is installed on the most common kinds of desktop hardware | 03:25 |
croddy | the installer should suggest that by default | 03:25 |
yaman | shree_: ok 28% downloaded i need 8 min because i am on dialup | 03:26 |
ggrrr | hello | 03:26 |
ggrrr | help me pls | 03:26 |
croddy | !ask | 03:26 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 03:26 |
zenxyz | if you had two drives and were dual booting would you put it on same drive where windows resides or partition the data drive? | 03:26 |
shree_ | yaman:k | 03:26 |
ggrrr | i want to create a ftp account on ubuntu with proftpd | 03:26 |
bazhang | zenxyz, same drive | 03:26 |
sladjan | join #ubuntu-rs | 03:26 |
croddy | zenxyz, it depends on what data i had where. if my second hard disk were blank, i'd probably put linux on that disk | 03:26 |
crackerjackz | zenxyz, same drive | 03:26 |
crackerjackz | partition it | 03:26 |
zenxyz | thx all; | 03:26 |
ggrrr | but it wont use ssh? | 03:26 |
ggrrr | how can i do it? | 03:27 |
vitas | hey guys, first time ubuntu install on a gateway laptop, running across issues finding drivers though, looked on gateways website. all i can kind for my model are win drivers. any suggestions? | 03:27 |
tmapj | can anyone tell me how to proxy the terminal? | 03:27 |
zenxyz | 80 GB is enough for a beginner for ubuntu ? | 03:27 |
crackerjackz | zenxyz, your second drive is hooked up as a slave right? | 03:27 |
edward_ | why ? shut down my computer? | 03:27 |
bazhang | zenxyz, more than enough | 03:27 |
croddy | zenxyz, 80 GB is fine to start out | 03:27 |
dijix | Like my little brother when we were kids... He'd ask if he could ask me a question.. I'd say, "You just did.".... "Can I ask you two questions?" lol | 03:27 |
Bodsda | !ndiswrapper | vitas | 03:27 |
crackerjackz | zenxyz, yeah | 03:27 |
zenxyz | yeah second drive is a slave | 03:27 |
ubottu | vitas: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 03:27 |
crackerjackz | edward_, what are you talking about | 03:27 |
bazhang | !cn | edward_ | 03:27 |
dobson | Well thanks for the link, but I am back to square one. I cannot get the dvd player to work. The closest I have come is playing an indivdual video file through VLC, but very broken and pixelated. Any other help out that. ?? | 03:27 |
ubottu | edward_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 03:27 |
zenxyz | ok; well I will probably go with that then; thx | 03:27 |
tmapj | can anyone tell me how to proxy the terminal? | 03:27 |
croddy | tmapj, can you be more precise with what you mean by "to proxy" | 03:28 |
SeaPhor | flyingsquirrel32, ok, this may take some doing and the room is full, can you join me on #SeaPhor and i'll help you as much as i can? | 03:28 |
zenxyz | going to partition my data drive | 03:28 |
crackerjackz | zenxyz, is your second drive set up as a slave | 03:28 |
zenxyz | err i mean my windows drive | 03:28 |
bazhang | no slave in linux | 03:28 |
tmapj | i want the terminal to download through the tor proxy | 03:28 |
zenxyz | and install ubuntu..... | 03:28 |
croddy | slavery was abolished in the P1 days i though | 03:28 |
lovre | hi all. I was wondering if you know what channel i should ask in about image processing algorithms? | 03:28 |
crackerjackz | zenxyz, use your second drive for storage | 03:28 |
vitas | ok how do i pull up the cmd line for ubuntu? | 03:28 |
zenxyz | i had it installed and deleted it............ i guess it's good practice.... | 03:28 |
crackerjackz | if you plan on sharing between that drive between linux and windows | 03:28 |
crackerjackz | then make it a fat32 | 03:29 |
croddy | vitas, Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal | 03:29 |
rick_ | hey can some 1 help me plz | 03:29 |
bazhang | alt f2 gnome-terminal vitas | 03:29 |
vitas | thank you sorry for the stupid questions | 03:29 |
zenxyz | can u write safely to ntfs from within ubuntu 8.04 | 03:29 |
bazhang | zenxyz, sure | 03:29 |
flyingsquirrel32 | SeaPhor: im there | 03:29 |
`Kermudge | Yup can zenxyz | 03:29 |
montpelie | hi everybody | 03:29 |
tmapj | i want the terminal to download through the tor proxy. can anyone helo me | 03:29 |
montpelie | apt-file update won't work | 03:29 |
crackerjackz | zenxyz, there is a way to write to ntfs but iv never gotten it to work | 03:29 |
rick_ | how do u ge | 03:29 |
montpelie | any suggestion??? | 03:29 |
croddy | tmapj, the terminal only displays text. what tools do you use in the terminal that you'd like to connect through tor? | 03:29 |
zenxyz | ok i could copy from ntfs to ext3 no problem, but never tried the other way | 03:30 |
bazhang | montpelie, apt-get not apt-file | 03:30 |
rick_ | how d u get the flames on ubuntu ultimate edition 1.7 | 03:30 |
croddy | bazhang, apt-file exists | 03:30 |
montpelie | nope | 03:30 |
montpelie | apt-file | 03:30 |
crackerjackz | you cant access ext3 from with in windows if thats what your asking | 03:30 |
tmapj | when the terminal downloads software, i want it done through a proxy | 03:30 |
bazhang | rick_, ubuntu ultimate not supported here | 03:30 |
ivan_ | holaaaa | 03:30 |
Dillizar | where i can find a old ubuntu? | 03:30 |
zenxyz | no i am interested in writing to ntfs from linux | 03:30 |
croddy | crackerjackz, explore2fs (and others), please be sure you know what you're saying before you say it | 03:30 |
Flannel | Dillizar: What version? | 03:30 |
ivan_ | soy propietario de un cybercafe, y deseo hacer la emigracion | 03:30 |
`Kermudge | zenxyz while in windows pop in the Unbutu cd there is a new install method that allows you to install it that way works great. | 03:30 |
bazhang | !en | ivan_ | 03:30 |
ubottu | ivan_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 03:30 |
croddy | !es | 03:31 |
ubottu | Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 03:31 |
Dillizar | Flannel: for a my laptop 200mhz | 03:31 |
crackerjackz | croddy i said it was possible i was just saying i havent been able to get good NTFS support | 03:31 |
zenxyz | kermudge I want the full experience.... i have ubuntu in vmware, but want to dual boot | 03:31 |
tmapj | hello? | 03:31 |
tmapj | hello? | 03:31 |
`Kermudge | Oh ok zenxyz. | 03:31 |
=== benzs_s is now known as benzss | ||
Dillizar | !mk | 03:31 |
ubottu | Factoid mk not found | 03:31 |
zenxyz | peace out all and thx; | 03:31 |
rick_ | bazhang were will it be | 03:31 |
dijix | Is there an easy way to open a Terminal in a specific directory? Ideally something like right-clicking on a folder in Nautilus and selecting a non-existent "Open in Terminal" - that's the behavior I'm looking for | 03:31 |
Dillizar | !mkd | 03:31 |
ubottu | Factoid mkd not found | 03:31 |
bazhang | rick_, not here | 03:31 |
montpelie | apt-file update won't work | 03:32 |
tmapj | i want the terminal to download through the tor proxy. can anyone help me? | 03:32 |
Dillizar | Flannel: what is the first version | 03:32 |
=== conor is now known as Conor_M | ||
croddy | dijix, nautilus-open-terminal | 03:32 |
croddy | montpelie, is there any useful error output? | 03:32 |
Flannel | Dillizar: Warty, although I'm not sure older is better. You may want to pick a distro specially designed for older/slower hardware, DeliLinux is one example of such a distro | 03:33 |
croddy | tmapj, your question makes little sense. what do you run in the terminal that you want to connect through tor? | 03:33 |
tmapj | croddy, WHEN THE TERMINAL DOWNLOADS STUFF | 03:33 |
bazhang | tmapj, dont shout | 03:33 |
tmapj | sorry | 03:33 |
bazhang | tmapj, what stuff | 03:33 |
croddy | tmapj, for the last time: the terminal downloads nothing. if you are running tools in the terminal, they might use the HTTP_PROXY environment variable. | 03:33 |
tmapj | bazhang, like software | 03:34 |
montpelie | sure, hold on | 03:34 |
montpelie | oceanvessel@oceangoingvessel-TPC:~$ sudo apt-file update | 03:34 |
montpelie | [sudo] password for oceanvessel: | 03:34 |
montpelie | Can't get http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/Contents-i386.gz (404) | 03:34 |
montpelie | Can't get http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy-security/Contents-i386.gz (404) | 03:34 |
montpelie | Can't get http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy-security/Contents-i386.gz (404) | 03:34 |
montpelie | Can't get http://mx.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy-proposed/Contents-i386.gz (404) | 03:34 |
bazhang | tmapj, why though | 03:34 |
montpelie | Can't get http://mx.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy-updates/Contents-i386.gz (404) | 03:34 |
croddy | not all of it please | 03:34 |
montpelie | Can't get http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy-security/Contents-i386.gz (404) | 03:34 |
croddy | it was a yes or no question | 03:34 |
montpelie | pastebin didnt work, just to let u guys know | 03:34 |
tmapj | because they told me the software for playing DVD's is illegal | 03:34 |
Xcell | have a good day folks | 03:34 |
bazhang | tmapj, oh that; never mind | 03:34 |
izinucs | montpelie, there's another way with pastebinit from the command line | 03:35 |
croddy | nobody cares whether you download libdvdcss2 tmapj | 03:35 |
tmapj | bazhang, what nevermind? | 03:35 |
montpelie | oh which one is it izinucs?? | 03:35 |
bazhang | tmapj, just download it as millions of others do | 03:35 |
bpat1434 | When I right-click on the menu, and select "Edit Menus" nothing happens. Same as when I go to System -> Preferences -> main Menu. Any ideas why? | 03:35 |
* croddy did! | 03:35 | |
tmapj | ok | 03:35 |
crackerjackz | brb i gotta get on my other box this wifi driver is too flakey im getting every thing like 5 minutes delayed | 03:35 |
tmapj | thnx | 03:35 |
dobson | control +p | 03:35 |
shree_ | yaman: BTW do you know your IP address | 03:35 |
croddy | bpat1434, alacarte takes a bit of time to start up even on fast hardware -- not sure why | 03:35 |
bpat1434 | croddy: I give it like 20 minutes | 03:36 |
bpat1434 | never taken that long | 03:36 |
croddy | that would be too long to wait | 03:36 |
izinucs | montpelie, install pastbinit then you can cat <filename> | pastebinit.... it will return an address.. | 03:36 |
croddy | bpat1434, run alacarte from a terminal and see if there is any useful output | 03:36 |
croddy | (but don't paste more than a line or two in here!) | 03:36 |
izinucs | montpelie, it's also a different pastbin service.. so the link is a little different.. smaller | 03:36 |
afallenhope | hey.. how do I remove an item from the menu? for some reason I have two "Services" | 03:36 |
Dillizar | Flannel: lol 10x there is "Download installation floppy disks". | 03:36 |
montpelie | oh ok thanks for the info izinucs | 03:36 |
afallenhope | like.. folders. | 03:36 |
montpelie | kk | 03:36 |
croddy | afallenhope, use alacarte | 03:36 |
bpat1434 | croddy: permission denied? | 03:36 |
redwhitewaldo | I have a desktop PC connected to (wired) cable modem. I would like to share my internet connection with another person in the house. He has a laptop and he would like to do wireless internet. I have a Dell Wireless Broadband 2350 Router. As for me, I would like to continue using Wired internet. How do I go about setting up the router? | 03:37 |
afallenhope | croddy: I have... and I can't remove it | 03:37 |
redwhitewaldo | I have tried doing a physical "rewiring" (the end of cable that went to the back of my computer now goes to the Internet port on the wireless router. Then, with another cable, I connect the back of my computer to "LAN1" at the back of the wireless router) but that doesn't work). Thanks | 03:37 |
croddy | bpat1434, i'm out of ideas, sorry | 03:37 |
dobson | Can someone please help me with my DVD playback problem? I have tried the links given in here and under support and on the Totum page, and wiki and still get the "you do not have the plugin" for this movie. | 03:37 |
afallenhope | croddy: I simply want to remove one item | 03:38 |
=== JohnnyHempseed is now known as crackerjackz | ||
afallenhope | an empty folder that says "services" | 03:38 |
croddy | afallenhope, i have not experienced any flakiness with alacarte so i am at a loss to explain the behavior you are describing, sorry | 03:38 |
yaman | shree_: hello | 03:38 |
bpat1434 | croddy: | 03:38 |
dobson | BTW, I installed VLC player and even it doesn't work correctly, barely loads before crashing when I run the dvd | 03:39 |
bpat1434 | croddy: http://paste2.org/p/29682 | 03:39 |
afallenhope | croddy: I used the menu editor.... I made a new menu...named "Services" and "Security" I have two folders named Services now | 03:39 |
afallenhope | want to remove the empty one | 03:39 |
izinucs | redwhitewaldo, that should have worked.. once connected can you see the rom of the router .. usually on or | 03:39 |
redwhitewaldo | izinucs: thanks for your reply. How do i know if i can see rom? | 03:39 |
croddy | bpat1434, try 'chown -R brett:brett /home/brett/.config/menus/applications.menu' and run it again. looks like someone else might own your menus | 03:39 |
russ | Hello Flannel a couple of days ago you referred me to APTonCD and I'd like to ask you some follow-up questions | 03:40 |
izinucs | redwhitewaldo, type in both of the address i just gave you and see what pops up. | 03:40 |
croddy | (might want to go a bit higher up than just the one file though) | 03:40 |
montpelie | hey izinicus | 03:40 |
montpelie | already setup pastebinit | 03:40 |
montpelie | and catted the file in question | 03:40 |
yaman | shree_: ?!!?! | 03:40 |
redwhitewaldo | ok. I'll have to re-wire right now, and get the router as the middleman again. Because, currently, the router is out of the loop as I'm online. | 03:40 |
redwhitewaldo | brb | 03:40 |
montpelie | it came up with pastebin.com | 03:40 |
=== dobson is now known as Nu2Linux | ||
bpat1434 | croddy: | 03:41 |
izinucs | montpelie, and /<link number>? | 03:41 |
afallenhope | Anyone else know? I simply want to remove ONE item from the menu | 03:41 |
montpelie | nope | 03:41 |
bpat1434 | croddy: Was a bad permission on settings.menu and applications.menu | 03:41 |
bpat1434 | thanks for the suggestion | 03:41 |
croddy | cool | 03:41 |
montpelie | am I missing something??? | 03:41 |
izinucs | montpelie, let me try here. brb | 03:42 |
montpelie | kkk | 03:42 |
Nu2Linux | afallenhope: sorry bud, I'm new to linux too, i could help you if we were talking about menus in IRC. | 03:42 |
Dillizar | wait! gnome its gnome? there are not versions like KDA? | 03:42 |
Nu2Linux | KDE? | 03:42 |
afallenhope | Nu2Linux: the menus on the main pannel. I simply want to remove a folder | 03:42 |
Flannel | redwhitewaldo: Alright | 03:42 |
Flannel | russ: Alright | 03:42 |
redwhitewaldo | testing | 03:43 |
redwhitewaldo | hello? | 03:43 |
redwhitewaldo | can you hear me, people? | 03:43 |
redwhitewaldo | izinucs: it says "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at" | 03:43 |
redwhitewaldo | same for | 03:43 |
redwhitewaldo | do you hear me? | 03:43 |
Nu2Linux | I can see you redwhitewaldo | 03:43 |
Nu2Linux | afallenhope: in what "ubuntu? | 03:43 |
croddy | redwhitewaldo, is that address running a web server? generally that error indicates it is not. | 03:43 |
afallenhope | Nu2Linux: yes | 03:43 |
izinucs | http://pastebin.com/f3e7c4f2d | 03:43 |
izinucs | montpelie | 03:43 |
colin3 | #ubuntu | 03:43 |
Nu2Linux | I just installed this myself I have no idea.. | 03:43 |
montpelie | sup? | 03:43 |
redwhitewaldo | Flannel: why'd you say "alright"? did you get my "testing" message? | 03:44 |
izinucs | redblacktree, did you try the other number? | 03:44 |
AliP | I dont get it, how do I access an secondary hard drive on ubuntu, I just installed this and i have no idea wtf is going on. | 03:44 |
Nu2Linux | most panel allow you to edit the contents using a right button click | 03:44 |
izinucs | redwhitewaldo, did you try the other number? | 03:44 |
redwhitewaldo | that's funny. I was able to type things in while the router was connected, but I couldn't see any of your messages | 03:44 |
izinucs | sorry redblacktree wrong nick | 03:44 |
cateddy28 | Anyone know the url for the log for this site? | 03:44 |
redwhitewaldo | izinucs: yes, both numbers were tried. both said "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at" | 03:44 |
Nu2Linux | afallenhope: where is the folder ? | 03:44 |
redwhitewaldo | croddy, i'm not sure if that address is running a webserver. | 03:45 |
colin3 | can anyone help me solve a sound problem? | 03:45 |
croddy | colin3, ask away | 03:45 |
redwhitewaldo | croddy: this i can tell you: i am just a regular websurfer | 03:45 |
izinucs | redwhitewaldo, if you have the manual for the router it should give you the administrative ip address to see the rom | 03:45 |
`Kermudge | is your router is it not? | 03:45 |
Nu2Linux | afallenhope: apps, places, system? | 03:45 |
colin3 | ok I just installed hardy and my sound doesn't work on some things | 03:45 |
Flannel | redwhitewaldo: no, my nick complete was betraying me. But, I did get your testing message. | 03:45 |
colin3 | i hear the drum sound at the login screen | 03:45 |
colin3 | i hear pidgin sounds | 03:45 |
aspoor | is there a listserver email client for linux? | 03:45 |
shree_ | yaman: I was wondering how I woudl connect to you on VNC, do you know your IP | 03:45 |
montpelie | shut, I did not get that izinucs, is that a sample? | 03:45 |
colin3 | and i hear the test sound on gstreamer-properties | 03:45 |
kristjans | dumb question: how do i start up any application in awesome-wm, terminal for example? | 03:46 |
colin3 | but I can't hear sounds from amarok | 03:46 |
crackerjackz | sent, awaiting response | 03:46 |
yaman | shree_: | 03:46 |
crackerjackz | it wont connect to any of the servers for portage | 03:46 |
yaman | shree_: i did sent some messages to you on private ? ! | 03:46 |
redwhitewaldo | izinucs: i have the paper manual. paper manual has no ip address | 03:46 |
yaman | shree_: | 03:46 |
Bodsda | when i use theinternet the application doing so uses 60%-100% cpu! but when i watch this in top it says that my swap partition isnt being used at all,.,.is this normal? | 03:46 |
izinucs | montpelie, yep.. just did cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit and that was the address returned. | 03:46 |
crackerjackz | by i know my internet works because i can ping google | 03:46 |
croddy | colin3, something is probably blocking the sound device. 'lsof |grep snd' might help you find what | 03:46 |
abhi | is there any chm to pdf or html converter available for linux? | 03:46 |
sigmounte | hello where can i find the patch to create a 2.6.25 ubuntu kernel from the kernel.org version ? | 03:46 |
russ | OK Flannel I went and got APTonCD and when I start it, it lists a bunch of packages on my machine, but not all of the apps I have are listed, e.g., audacity, gtkpod, etc. Are those packages on my machine somewhere? How can I find them? Or, barring that, how can I get them onto a CD for my friend? | 03:46 |
shree_ | yaman: i didnt receive those | 03:46 |
crackerjackz | any ideas? | 03:47 |
montpelie | uhhm, I guess I am missing some sort of configuration then | 03:47 |
izinucs | redwhitewaldo, you might check dell's website for a more detailed manuel.. or their online live help | 03:47 |
yaman | shree_: mmm no private i think because not a registerd name | 03:47 |
crackerjackz | it keeps timing out when i try to emerge something basically | 03:47 |
yaman | shree_: 111111 (im open source) | 03:47 |
colin3 | this was the output: gconf-hel 6487 colin mem REG 8,2 357520 4950267 /usr/lib/libsndfile.so.1.0.17 | 03:47 |
colin3 | mixer_app 6618 colin 20u CHR 116,0 12148 /dev/snd/controlC0 | 03:47 |
crackerjackz | crap im talking in the wrong channel | 03:47 |
Nu2Linux | is anyone here available for maybe 5 minutes to help me sort out the DVD issue. Nothing will get it playing. It's aggrevating since I can do anything I want in winblows.. But I really want to transition to Linux. | 03:47 |
`Kermudge | Nite folks have fun I think. | 03:47 |
Flannel | russ: do you have some examples of programs you have that aren't listed? | 03:48 |
yaman | shree_: ?? you got it work ? | 03:48 |
croddy | colin3, looks like gnome stuff is hogging the sound card. you'll want to look into something like pulseaudio | 03:48 |
Nu2Linux | you too Kermudge | 03:48 |
izinucs | montpelie, you're not doing it from Alt+f2 are you? should be in an open terminal.. | 03:48 |
redwhitewaldo | izinucs: good news. CD rom has some stuff. IP Address Subnet Mask: Does that help? | 03:48 |
montpelie | right | 03:48 |
mookinator1313 | aggg!! im ready to kill some one, im stuck at a step in a tutorial kuz its a little out of date, and i dont know the language, can any one help me out? | 03:48 |
colin3 | ok thanks | 03:48 |
redwhitewaldo | those are default settings. | 03:48 |
izinucs | redwhitewaldo, try it. | 03:48 |
russ | Flannel sure, I listed two - audacity and gtkpod - I'm sure there's lots of others | 03:48 |
abhi | is there any chm to pdf or html converter available for linux? | 03:48 |
aspoor | is there a listserver email client for linux? | 03:48 |
redwhitewaldo | ok. here we go again. pls stand by. i'll get the router in the loop again. | 03:49 |
redwhitewaldo | 8-) | 03:49 |
shree_ | yaman: i am unable to connect | 03:49 |
Nu2Linux | mookinator1313: we can use you over in Iraq../Iran.. :) | 03:49 |
SanitariuM | abhi/aspoor : that'd probably be best answered by a simple google search | 03:49 |
afallenhope | Nu2Linux: it's int the main "Applications" | 03:49 |
croddy | aspoor, you want to run a mailing list, or subscribe to one? | 03:49 |
mookinator1313 | HEY!! JUST KUZ IM RETARTED!! | 03:49 |
izinucs | abhi, yes.. search synaptic for chm and you'll see what you're looking for | 03:49 |
Nu2Linux | afallenhope: ok the main menu? | 03:49 |
abhi | ok | 03:49 |
montpelie | izinucs , running it as root as well | 03:49 |
mookinator1313 | doesnt mean the army is my only option, im not THAT dumb | 03:49 |
russ | Flannel I tried just searching for files with ".deb" in their names and a zillion "changelog.Debian.gz" were found but no files *.deb | 03:49 |
babolat | !ot | mook | 03:50 |
izinucs | montpelie, you shouldn't need to do that.. | 03:50 |
ubottu | mook: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 03:50 |
Dillizar | !ISO Mirrors | 03:50 |
ubottu | Factoid iso mirrors not found | 03:50 |
afallenhope | Nu2Linux: yeah | 03:50 |
montpelie | it should work though , right??? | 03:50 |
yaman | shree_: can you telnet to 14314 | 03:50 |
izinucs | montpelie, yep | 03:50 |
Nu2Linux | LOL @ mookinator1313 | 03:50 |
Nu2Linux | afallenhope: you there? | 03:50 |
montpelie | oh man, I am lost | 03:50 |
croddy | !ask mookinator | 03:51 |
ubottu | Factoid ask mookinator not found | 03:51 |
croddy | dammit | 03:51 |
croddy | !ask | 03:51 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 03:51 |
afallenhope | Nu2Linux: yeah | 03:51 |
shree_ | yaman: i have not used telenet to connect. can u give me the commands | 03:51 |
montpelie | http://pastebin.com/, this is all I get; no reference number after that | 03:51 |
aspoor | I have a python script that turns everything on the desktop into a SWF movie. Go Me | 03:51 |
colin3 | croddy, it seems PulseAudio is already installed... what do I need to do with it? | 03:51 |
croddy | montpelie, just paste the output by hand then | 03:51 |
montpelie | haha | 03:51 |
SanitariuM | How to change autostarted applications (file type associations)... all I see for easily accessible options is "web client" and "multimedia player" | 03:51 |
croddy | !pulseaudio | 03:51 |
ubottu | PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions | 03:51 |
Nu2Linux | afallenhope: I think if you click on : applications then >other then menu editor.. that's what you are looking for | 03:51 |
izinucs | montpelie, there's a space between the file name and the | and pastebinit | 03:51 |
montpelie | much easier ah | 03:51 |
croddy | the link will have better info than i will colin3 | 03:51 |
montpelie | there certainly is | 03:52 |
shree_ | have u tried vnc from a dial-up ever b4 | 03:52 |
croddy | shree_, i have, and it's no fun! | 03:52 |
montpelie | oceanvessel@oceangoingvessel-TPC:~$ cat apt-file-error | pastebinit | 03:52 |
montpelie | http://pastebin.com/ | 03:52 |
montpelie | oceanvessel@oceangoingvessel-TPC:~$ | 03:52 |
Nu2Linux | I'm not positive since everything in linux is installed in a package manager but I think you can customize it there. | 03:52 |
AliP | Can anyone help me access a hard drive on my computer? | 03:52 |
croddy | you could have had it pasted by now! | 03:52 |
montpelie | take a look at it | 03:52 |
afallenhope | Nu2Linux: thanks lol. I should have seen that | 03:52 |
shree_ | yaman: what port are you serving. i have used vnc only on windows | 03:52 |
AliP | I just installed ubuntu and i have no idea whats going on | 03:52 |
yaman | shree_: telnet 14314 | 03:52 |
izinucs | montpelie, apt-file-error is the name of the file? | 03:52 |
Nu2Linux | :) Hey I'm lost myself. is that what you were looking for? | 03:53 |
montpelie | correct | 03:53 |
afallenhope | Nu2Linux: yeah. | 03:53 |
sam_ | hi... | 03:53 |
babolat | AliP: you'll have to give us more than that, like error prompts, messages and log info | 03:53 |
Nu2Linux | :) Yeah, the newbies win a round.. lol | 03:53 |
yaman | shree_: the port is automatic configured just i asked for telnet to check if the problem is from the vncserver or from the bad connection | 03:53 |
shree_ | yaman: unable to connect to you | 03:53 |
Firefishe | I'm *still* working on a sync problem with a clie palmOS handheld. When I sync, here's what <sudo dmesg> puts forth: http://pastebin.org/37192 I'm using kpilot. | 03:53 |
AliP | Well, I just tryed clicking on the harddrive like in WinXP, got "Cannot mount volume" | 03:53 |
SanitariuM | AliP, how many hard drives do you have hooked up? How are they partitioned? What filesystem are they using? Are they shown/detected by BIOS? | 03:53 |
SanitariuM | does it give you a reason, alip? | 03:54 |
yaman | shree_: oh shift | 03:54 |
mysterioso | what is a good bit torrent downloading program, other than transmission? | 03:54 |
yaman | shree_: i am dead | 03:54 |
AliP | I have 5 hard drives, nfts, yes they detect in bios | 03:54 |
babolat | AliP: what kind of HD is it | 03:54 |
Flannel | russ: When you first start it, it lists the packages you have downloaded and are still in your apt-cache, you can add any dditional packages as well, by just indicating them. Everything in the repos is available | 03:54 |
montpelie | d4x mysterioso | 03:54 |
AliP | They are all Sata Seagates | 03:54 |
croddy | mysterioso, i like deluge, but apt-cache search torrent for an extensive list | 03:54 |
shree_ | yaman: iam unable to ping you | 03:54 |
afallenhope | Nu2Linux: actually I found it myself in the System -> Preference -> Main Menu and I deleted it from there | 03:54 |
SanitariuM | sometimes ntfs (windows) drives if not properly shut down go into a read only mode, you have to bypass it with a FORCE option | 03:54 |
babolat | Are they all ntfs AliP? | 03:55 |
AliP | yes | 03:55 |
SanitariuM | I'm new myself, but had to answer this one for myself a lil bit ago | 03:55 |
flameon | yo i have a dell latitude c640.... master bios password installed, and i dont know who it was registered under so calling dell is useless... anyone know how to get by it | 03:55 |
bmharsha | Hello, I am unable to access my external Harddisk, I am encountering an error saying "Cannot mount volume". | 03:55 |
SanitariuM | I'll have to go look the command up on google for ya as I don't remember | 03:55 |
Bassoon | Little. | 03:55 |
Bassoon | "Lil | 03:55 |
babolat | AliP: please install ntfs-3g from Synaptic | 03:55 |
izinucs | montpelie, try with a different file name and include the path | 03:55 |
croddy | flameon, if you need a bag, steal a camera, not a laptop | 03:55 |
Bassoon | " is correctly spelled"little", SanitariuM. | 03:55 |
yaman | shree_: this is the dialup protection :P | 03:55 |
croddy | ;-) | 03:55 |
shree_ | babolat: what for is that 3g stuff | 03:55 |
yaman | shree_: i used the www.whatismyip.com to find out my ip | 03:56 |
shree_ | yaman: yeah. i think you might need to forward the apckets to you else i wouldnt be able to reach you | 03:56 |
=== Charitwo is now known as Harry_Potter | ||
babolat | shree_: it's for NTFS disk read/write capacity in the Linux kern | 03:56 |
montpelie | kk, izinux; to let U know I am at the directory the file was generated into | 03:56 |
yaman | shree_: this should work but i don't know y | 03:56 |
AliP | What then? | 03:56 |
hieu | hey im trying the cp command and it say i dont have permission, then i try the su command to get access and it say authentication fails, why so? | 03:56 |
montpelie | ok, I'll give that a shot, hold on | 03:56 |
izinucs | montpelie, include the path anyway.. just to eliminate that issue | 03:56 |
croddy | flameon, you can try pulling the CMOS battery and waiting a couple of days, but any BIOS security that was worth implementing in the first place won't be vulnerable to that | 03:57 |
montpelie | kk | 03:57 |
russ | Flannel I don't see how to add things in the repos - when I click "add" it takes me to my local file system. Would the package used to install gtkpod still be on my machine somewhere? How would I indicate to add something in the repos that is not on my local machine? | 03:57 |
wurenliang | hi | 03:57 |
bmharsha | I am unable to access my external Harddisk, I am encountering an error saying "Cannot mount volume". Please help | 03:57 |
shree_ | yaman: see when a packet comes to the router with that ip address that you mentioned, it will not know to whom it shoudl be sent and hence will be discarded | 03:57 |
croddy | bmharsha, how is your external drive formatted? | 03:57 |
montpelie | izinux same thing | 03:57 |
=== Harry_Potter is now known as Charitwo | ||
shree_ | yaman: if you forward i will be able to reach you at that ip address | 03:57 |
babolat | bmharsha: what filesystem is your external HD? | 03:57 |
bmharsha | croddy: It is an NTFS partition. | 03:57 |
Nu2Linux | afallenhope: I hear ya.. :) | 03:57 |
SanitariuM | if windows isn't properly shut down (would normally ask you if you want to boot into safe mode), it will not mount normally without being forced | 03:58 |
izinucs | montpelie, try with a different file... like xorg.conf.. same address I gave you earlier.. | 03:58 |
croddy | bmharsha, do you have ntfs-3g installed? you will need it | 03:58 |
flameon | croddy... i didt steel it, my little brother put the damn pawssord on it by accident, and my mom got it from the school she used to work at... the laptop was donated so i dont know who its registered to | 03:58 |
babolat | bmharsha: do you have ntfs-3g installed? | 03:58 |
yaman | shree_: i am not under a router i am not using a dsl it's only a dialup old hsfmodem | 03:58 |
bmharsha | croddy: Yes | 03:58 |
bmharsha | babolat: yes | 03:58 |
Flannel | russ: Hmm, it seems it doesn't download for you. Alright, well, you can use apt-get -d install [packages], that'll download packages without installing, then aptonCD can find them | 03:58 |
croddy | flameon, i was only kidding. try again to recover the password from your brother and then try pulling the CMOS battery | 03:58 |
flameon | i did pull the cmos battery for 4 days, and it didnt clear cuz its NVRAM | 03:58 |
shree_ | yaman: try ifconfig. you wouldnt have this ip address assigned to you | 03:58 |
yaman | shree_: i connect with ppl on windows some times but this is the first time i try on the linux also like you thats y i can't guess what is the problem | 03:59 |
croddy | oh well then you're out of options i guess, sorry, it's bricked | 03:59 |
montpelie | ok izinux, that came up with a number at the end, but the thing is, why is it not working with a file other than xorg.conf | 03:59 |
babolat | bmharsha: try mounting the volume via the terminal | 03:59 |
flameon | my lil bro was just messing with the keys... he dont know himself | 03:59 |
evilmm | does anyone have any experience in getting intel 4965agn working with advanced wireless auth like 802.1x or LEAP? | 03:59 |
yaman | shree_:inet addr: P-t-P: Mask: | 03:59 |
bmharsha | babolat: how do I do that? | 03:59 |
croddy | i know there is a little circuit you can build that cracks some revisions of thinkpad BIOS passwords but this is now off topic and we have exhausted all avenues flameon | 03:59 |
shree_ | yaman: hmmm | 04:00 |
Bassoon | "Lil" is correctly spelled "little", flameon. | 04:00 |
yaman | shree_: i hate only the connections on the linux lol | 04:00 |
orudie | when i'm doing ls -s its not showing the complete list of files | 04:00 |
bmharsha | croddy: yes I have installed ntfs-3g | 04:00 |
hieu | hey i need to access the root directory, and i type in su in the terminal window, and type in password but it say authentication fails, why? i only set 1 password throughout installation. | 04:00 |
babolat | bmharsha: might help -->http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-633002.html | 04:00 |
orudie | ls -a | 04:00 |
orudie | how can i list all files using ls | 04:01 |
SanitariuM | bmharsha : open a terminal (applications, terminal), type "df", and see if your drive is listed.... look for the path to the device listed (example : /dev/sda1) | 04:01 |
croddy | bmharsha, i think your ntfs partition was uncleanly unmounted -- someone here earlier mentioned a way to reset the clean unmount flag, but i don't know it | 04:01 |
SuperQ | Hestv4: Ubuntu doesn't use su | 04:01 |
Ububegin | how do you unzip in Ubuntu... This command "tar -xzvf" is only for tar files... | 04:01 |
SuperQ | Hestv4: by default, you can use sudo su | 04:01 |
croddy | Ububegin, unzip | 04:01 |
shree_ | yaman: i should tell you that I had problems earlier with drivers on fedora but Hardy was like damn easy | 04:01 |
SuperQ | Hestv4: this is done to prevent people from forgetting the root password | 04:01 |
flameon | sorry basson... i didnt know you were OCD as well as particular about spelling | 04:01 |
HXSAIMING | HI | 04:01 |
mookinator1313 | how do i unpack a download source code? | 04:01 |
shree_ | yaman: i have installed it thrice already, mainly bcoz i keep tinkering with it always | 04:01 |
russ | Flannel ok I've made a note of that and will give it a try. But a more general question apropos of the problem is this: what happens to a package once you install it? One of the packages APTonCD finds is emacs21 which is about the first thing I ever installed, but doesn't find a dozen or more packages I installed later. What gives? | 04:02 |
yaman | shree_: no problem shree thanx i don't want to waste your time on the linux i am really happy that you tried to help me i ll try to find a way to remove the bad installation if it didn't work i ll reinstall the hardy again | 04:02 |
montpelie | which compressor was the file shrunk with UBubegin?? | 04:02 |
Sleeping143 | flameon: i haven't used this tactic in years, but some boards would lose the password with a BIOS flash | 04:02 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 it depends on how it is compressed | 04:02 |
leprasmurf | hello all, 8.04 fresh install on a dell latitude d820. I'm having a problem with alsa/sound. on a fresh restart I'm able to play a movie with mplayer and everything is fine, it's an mpeg from a myth box so vlc speeds it up, etc... I just closed mplayer and went to start another one and it stops after about .5 seconds and no other application has any sound output | 04:02 |
shree_ | yaman: one thing i would try is | 04:02 |
SuperQ | ~ | 04:02 |
Ububegin | croddy: merci, dude.. didnt even know .. I had *unzip* | 04:02 |
SuperQ | !sudo > hieu | 04:02 |
mookinator1313 | im trying to make my wireless work faster than 5mbps | 04:02 |
yaman | shree_: ? | 04:02 |
flameon | Croddy... can we chat really quick on private | 04:02 |
shree_ | yaman: uninstall the hardware drivers | 04:02 |
hieu | what up | 04:02 |
russ | Flannel in other words, what causes a package to depart from my "apt-cache"? | 04:02 |
shree_ | yaman: application | 04:02 |
croddy | flameon i am out of ideas, so no | 04:03 |
mookinator1313 | and im stuck at a step in the tutorial, because its a little out dated, and i dont know the language | 04:03 |
SuperQ | hieu: sorry, I had the wrong nick | 04:03 |
Flannel | russ: /var/cache/apt/archives, and you can clean them with apt-get clean or apt-get autoclean | 04:03 |
shree_ | yaman: remove any remnants of the ndiswrapper method, if you had tried | 04:03 |
SuperQ | hieu: sudo is how you get root access on Ubuntu | 04:03 |
hieu | oh, what's with the sudo command? | 04:03 |
flameon | Croddy, about the circut u told me about.... | 04:03 |
SuperQ | hieu: sudo is like su, but it uses your normal password | 04:03 |
croddy | !ot | flameon | 04:03 |
ubottu | flameon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 04:03 |
montpelie | found something izinucs???? | 04:03 |
shree_ | yaman: i had tried ndiswrapper on GNOME, but didnt get it right | 04:03 |
hieu | oh ok | 04:03 |
yaman | shree_: ah | 04:03 |
SuperQ | hieu: it's better for most people because a lot of people forget their root passwords | 04:03 |
shree_ | yaman: i later tried this method and it worked in a flasj | 04:03 |
yaman | shree_: i ll do it | 04:04 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 are you compiling userland or kernel/modules source? | 04:04 |
shree_ | yaman: after a reinstall when i tried this method it did work | 04:04 |
hieu | so is the root password the password of hte first user created? | 04:04 |
croddy | SuperQ, how does this work out when you hose the sudoers file? | 04:04 |
SuperQ | hieu: no, the root password is disabled | 04:04 |
yaman | shree_: ok i ll try it now | 04:04 |
shree_ | yaman: after removing both install the hardware drivers again | 04:04 |
mookinator1313 | uhh, i dont know what that means, so im just gonna say im stuck at step 3.2 in this tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4894088 | 04:04 |
SuperQ | croddy: you boot to Recovery Mode, and it will give you root prompt with no password | 04:04 |
leprasmurf | is the ICH7 audio chip family blacklisted in gutsy? | 04:04 |
izinucs | montpelie, could just be that file .. you might try to copy it to the desktop then rename it to something more simple. | 04:04 |
croddy | nassty | 04:04 |
shree_ | yaman: until you get the led on after boot, i dont think you can suspect anythign else | 04:05 |
SuperQ | croddy: not really | 04:05 |
Flannel | croddy: Don't hose the sudoers file, always edit it with visudo | 04:05 |
russ | Flannel Kool - so if I do apt-get -d install [xxx] it grabs package xxx and puts it in there without installing? | 04:05 |
yaman | shree_: ok , do you have a laptop ? | 04:05 |
croddy | i'm gonna keep doing sudo passwd root immediately after installing | 04:05 |
Flannel | russ: right | 04:05 |
croddy | i like it like that | 04:05 |
montpelie | k | 04:05 |
SuperQ | croddy: why? | 04:05 |
hieu | if it's disabled then how am i using it? | 04:05 |
shree_ | yaman: yeah, dell vostro | 04:05 |
SuperQ | croddy: if I have physical access to your computer, there are 100 ways around a root password | 04:05 |
shree_ | yaman: i have not had any problem with wlan | 04:05 |
ltcabral | hey ppl can anyone help me with my shell script? http://rafb.net/p/SvT0Io48.html the problem is that the file im running ./server is not inside a folder called server and changing to ./server/server wont work :( | 04:05 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 it gives the command for using tar to extract the archive | 04:05 |
russ | thanks a million - wonder what caused all those other packages to get "cleaned"? | 04:05 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 what trouble are you having with the command? | 04:06 |
yaman | shree_: thanx shree_ i don't know how to thank you ( can't find a good way ) | 04:06 |
mookinator1313 | but its not the right command, because the tutorial is for a different version of the driver | 04:06 |
croddy | SuperQ, you're welcome to try. bring your twofish books. | 04:06 |
russ | thanks a million Flannel - wonder what caused all those other packages to get "cleaned"? | 04:06 |
SuperQ | croddy: init=/bin/bash | 04:06 |
SuperQ | done | 04:06 |
shree_ | yaman: i would have been happy to get your problem solved | 04:06 |
SuperQ | :) | 04:06 |
montpelie | shuuuut | 04:06 |
montpelie | the same s.....t | 04:06 |
SuperQ | that's only one way | 04:06 |
abhi | I have created a custom Ubuntu 8.04 having all specific applications and codecs and media players. Can i distribute it in net? | 04:06 |
redwhitewaldo | izinucs: you there? | 04:06 |
shree_ | yaman: but i dont know where you are comitting a mistake | 04:06 |
izinucs | montpelie, k..at this point I'm at a loss. | 04:06 |
cdecarlo | Hi, I'm looking for a not-so-heavy IDE but not super light-weight either, any suggestions? | 04:06 |
izinucs | redwhitewaldo, yep | 04:06 |
montpelie | I even tried by renaming the file to a txt | 04:06 |
redwhitewaldo | i'm back without the router | 04:06 |
redwhitewaldo | Did you get my messages? | 04:07 |
montpelie | that's strange | 04:07 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 then change rt2500-1.1.0-b4.tar.gz to rt2500*.tar.gz that will extract it by pattern (version does not matter) | 04:07 |
yaman | shree_: no problem thanx i know too much about windows mcse and vb6 12 years programmer i ll be glad if you want to ask about some thing | 04:07 |
izinucs | redwhitewaldo, no | 04:07 |
shree_ | yaman: i can assure you that I dont see any problem with the isntallation | 04:07 |
yaman | shree_: was so kind from you | 04:07 |
SuperQ | croddy: having a root password isn't all that usefull | 04:07 |
redwhitewaldo | i can connect with the router, but even the router's Device Status page says that internet is not active. | 04:07 |
redwhitewaldo | what's going on? | 04:07 |
Firefishe | Palm sync success! problem solved by switching device entry from /dev/pilot to usb: | 04:07 |
Flannel | russ: I'm not too familir with what programs clean automatically. Its possible that synaptic or add/remove does. | 04:07 |
shree_ | yaman: thanks, i am actually moving over to linux. all the best with yoru attempt | 04:07 |
SuperQ | croddy: if login to that account is disabled | 04:07 |
Starnestommy | redwhitewaldo: unregistered and unidentified users cannot send PMs to most users | 04:08 |
izinucs | redwhitewaldo, what kind of connection do you hve.. cable or dsl or ...? | 04:08 |
redwhitewaldo | izinucs: cable | 04:08 |
yaman | shree_: yeah i c its really the best i am moving also thanx | 04:08 |
redwhitewaldo | Starnestommy: oh, i'm talking about regular messages (not pm). We're trying to fix my router | 04:08 |
yaman | shree_: bye | 04:08 |
yaman | shree_: thanx | 04:08 |
shree_ | yaman: bye | 04:08 |
nakedgoat | ey all. | 04:08 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: that didnt work either | 04:08 |
eric | hi, my gnome sesion doesnot work after migrate from gusty to hardy, anyone can help me? | 04:08 |
Starnestommy | oh | 04:09 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 what file did you download? what command are you typing in the command line? | 04:09 |
nakedgoat | eric: can you be more persise? what doesn't work have you tried creating a new user account? | 04:09 |
harriseldon | redwhitewaldo sometimes cable requires that you clone the mac address of your computer. did you try that in the router settings? | 04:09 |
mookinator1313 | its the most current cvs on this page: http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/wiki/index.php?title=Downloads | 04:09 |
eric | nakedgoat: i will try it in a console, | 04:10 |
izinucs | redwhitewaldo, harriseldon has a point | 04:10 |
redwhitewaldo | harriseldon: i didn't touch anything on the router's settings | 04:10 |
redwhitewaldo | i guess i could try that | 04:10 |
SuperQ | croddy: dm-crypt is an ok solution, but even that's been worked around via the non-wiped ram attack | 04:10 |
nakedgoat | eric: so x isn't running at all? whats are the errors? | 04:10 |
redwhitewaldo | harriseldon: is that a matter of putting a check in a checkbox? | 04:10 |
harriseldon | redwhitewaldo I do not remember off hand. I have seen the option but never used it. Look through the router documentation | 04:10 |
logreeval | Hi, is it possible to update to Hardy thruogh the LiveCD | 04:11 |
leprasmurf | what happened to the "bulk rename" app? | 04:11 |
izinucs | redwhitewaldo, it should be a button to push | 04:11 |
Flannel | leprasmurf: "rename"? | 04:11 |
redwhitewaldo | harriseldon: ok. if it's not a matter of just putting a check, how do i figure out my current (without router) MAC setting | 04:11 |
redwhitewaldo | ... i meant "MAC address" | 04:11 |
montpelie | hey izinucs, you just let me HIgh and dry man | 04:11 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 which source did you download? There are 5 versions. | 04:11 |
montpelie | lol, help me out with it | 04:11 |
eric | nakedgoat: you have right, i made an user, and i logged whit him | 04:12 |
izinucs | montpelie, been trying... I've exaused all my options... | 04:12 |
nakedgoat | eric: working? | 04:12 |
eric | yeah, workinh | 04:12 |
izinucs | redwhitewaldo, you won't need to know the mac address.. the router will find it by itself | 04:12 |
the | hello | 04:12 |
nakedgoat | eric: super, have a good night. | 04:12 |
eric | it works for him | 04:12 |
the | buenas noches | 04:12 |
nakedgoat | k, del ur bad user | 04:12 |
leprasmurf | Flannel: there was a utility (Applications>Accessories>Bulk Rename) which was a gui for bulk renaming. extremely useful when you rip an audio book and are trying to load it onto your mp3 player | 04:13 |
nakedgoat | and create ur new user AND USE IT | 04:13 |
leprasmurf | can't find it in synaptic either | 04:13 |
redwhitewaldo | izinucs: harriseldon. ok. thanks. i'll do the re-wiring again. | 04:13 |
logreeval | anyone?, I only have the ubuntu hardy heron livecd, can you only update through the alternate CD? | 04:13 |
redwhitewaldo | i'll be right back. 8-) | 04:13 |
eric | then the trouble is a malforming conf in the other accounts, | 04:13 |
mookinator1313 | rt2500 cvs | 04:13 |
nakedgoat | and stop del; stuff from ur home folder ;) | 04:13 |
harriseldon | redwhitewaldo: System-Administration-NetWork Tools -- choose your device (probably eth0) look at hardware address | 04:13 |
eric | someone that stopping the gnome panel and desktop | 04:13 |
Flannel | leprasmurf: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=rename&searchon=names&suite=hardy§ion=all | 04:13 |
Jonathan_R | i'm used to rpm, and have read the man pages for dpkg, dselect, and dpkg-deb, i need to know the debian version of rpm -q --requires | 04:13 |
nakedgoat | eric: ok, so -- u created a new user and it works fine? and the problem is what? | 04:14 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: i downloaded 2500 cvs | 04:14 |
Flannel | Jonathan_R: What does rpm -q --requires do? | 04:14 |
leprasmurf | Flannel: nvm, I already looked through those and installed a few, none of them are what was in the previous release from what I can see | 04:14 |
Jonathan_R | its like this | 04:14 |
nakedgoat | eric: sorry just trying to clarify | 04:14 |
Jonathan_R | gonna paste in pastebin Flannel | 04:15 |
godlygeek | any way to get a gconf-using app to reset all its gconf keys to their defaults? | 04:15 |
Flannel | leprasmurf: Those look to be the same ones that were offered in gutsy | 04:15 |
Jonathan_R | http://pastebin.com/m8cfcf89 Flannel here ya go | 04:15 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 then the command should be tar -zxvf /home/yourlogin/rt2500-cvs-daily.tar.gz (replace /home/yourlogin with path of the file) | 04:15 |
nakedgoat | brb | 04:15 |
leprasmurf | Flannel: and none of them are what was installed by default apparently. | 04:15 |
Flannel | Jonathan_R: so, just list depends? | 04:16 |
Jonathan_R | right | 04:16 |
eric | the problem is tha the old users can log in in a gnome sesion, but the desktop is frozen, not work,. This users can log in kde without probklems | 04:16 |
Jonathan_R | i need the deb equivalent | 04:16 |
Jonathan_R | with out using apt-get | 04:16 |
Flannel | Jonathan_R: apt-cache show [package] or apt-cache showpkg [package] | 04:16 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: where should i send the file? | 04:16 |
Flannel | Jonathan_R: They both offer different information, both include depends (in slightly different formats) | 04:16 |
Jonathan_R | ok, is there a way to do it with dpkg? | 04:16 |
phenom_ | hey im having trouble with speakers ... i have a 5.1 onboard sound card with 5.1 setup ... all channels work except center speaker | 04:17 |
harriseldon | mookinator: have your performed step 3.1? When you use the tar command it will extract the archive to the current directory | 04:17 |
YixilTesiphon | bizarre problem: every time I try and connect to the router (not mine - 2Wire HomePortal 1000HW using WEP) the router loses its link with DSL | 04:17 |
YixilTesiphon | anybody got any idea why that would be happening? | 04:17 |
Irene | hdoaekj | 04:17 |
eric | nakedgoat: the old users can log in in gnome, but their session are not working fine, the desktop not work | 04:17 |
russ | Flannel thanks a lot for your help. | 04:17 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as kwan | ||
Flannel | Jonathan_R: dpkg-deb -I [deb] | 04:18 |
mookinator1313 | yea, i did step 3.1 | 04:18 |
Flannel | clear | 04:18 |
Jonathan_R | ty | 04:18 |
nakedgoat | eric: new users work ok? | 04:18 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 then step 3.2 should work. Do you know where you saved the archive? | 04:19 |
jaebird | Ubuntu Live Cancelled? | 04:19 |
jaebird | does anyone know why? | 04:19 |
Flannel | jaebird: Who said it was? | 04:19 |
orudie | does anyone know of ploticus? i'm having trouble to getting pl to be executable | 04:19 |
jaebird | I got an email from O'Reilly Media | 04:20 |
jaebird | i was registered | 04:20 |
Jonathan_R | so Flannel with dpkg, I thought -l was to list the files of a packages | 04:20 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: yea, i have the file browser open to it now | 04:20 |
jayk- | is there a way to get the configure time options for a package? | 04:20 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 are you using that full path on the command line with the tar command? | 04:20 |
Flannel | Jonathan_R: -L | 04:20 |
Jonathan_R | ok so you said I | 04:21 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: what do you mean? | 04:21 |
jaebird | We're sorry to tell you that the Ubuntu Live conference, which was scheduled to take place July 21-22 in Portland, OR has been cancelled. We are planning to include some Ubuntu content in the O'Reilly Open Source Convention (OSCON) also happening July 21-25 in Portland, Oregon. | 04:21 |
Jonathan_R | I and l look a lot alike | 04:21 |
Flannel | Jonathan_R: -I is for info for depends. -L is for listing contents. dpkg -l (lower L) lists packages installed in your system | 04:21 |
ce_bth_tmn | hai semua | 04:21 |
Flannel | jaebird: #ubuntu-offtopic, not here. | 04:21 |
Jonathan_R | ty Flannel | 04:21 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 are you getting a specific error with the tar command? what is the path in the file browser for the file? | 04:21 |
jaebird | Flannel, uh | 04:22 |
redwhitewaldo | hi | 04:22 |
Flannel | jaebird: This is for support only, not general ubuntu discussion | 04:22 |
redwhitewaldo | izinucs: harriseldon. help | 04:22 |
redwhitewaldo | 8-) | 04:22 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: heh, i seemed to have figured it out, kuz it spat out a whole bunch of stuff i havent seen before | 04:22 |
redwhitewaldo | anybody here? | 04:22 |
jaebird | Flannel, nice | 04:23 |
ce_bth_tmn | yaa | 04:23 |
harriseldon | redwhitewaldo what happened? did you figure out how to clone your mac address? | 04:23 |
cu3edweb | how can I set keybindings in compiz to change desktops? | 04:23 |
orudie | bazhang, do you know of ploticus? i'm having trouble getting pl to be executable | 04:23 |
redwhitewaldo | harriseldon: no. 8-( | 04:23 |
arooni-mobile | i have a laptop and a PC running hardy. HOWEVER ... the version of 'unison' ( a cool file sync utility ) are different on each system. on laptop its 2.13.16; on PC its 2.27.57. i've already tried running 'sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude dist upgrade' ... and the versions of unison are still different! help! | 04:23 |
redwhitewaldo | i took screenshots. would you like to know the ones related to MAC? | 04:24 |
YixilTesiphon | so anybody know why attempting to connect using wep to the router would cause the router to lose its connection to all the other boxes in the house and the DSL line? | 04:24 |
harriseldon | redwhitewaldo sure find a place to paste them and I can take a look | 04:24 |
daks | hello | 04:24 |
Flannel | jaebird: sorry, I realised we probably should take it somewhere appropriate, but you have more information than anyone here apparently. UDS is going on, so it may take some time for it to trickle down through other channels (planet for instance) | 04:24 |
ce_bth_tmn | speak Indonesian please | 04:25 |
daks | does anybody know what would cause network manager to say 'Connection ":1.54" is not allowed to own the service "org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerInfo"?? | 04:25 |
orudie | bazhang, do you know of ploticus? i'm having trouble getting pl to be executable | 04:25 |
arooni-mobile | where do i go to turn the annoying system beep off (what happens when you try to delete and you cant delete anymore) | 04:25 |
orudie | does anyone know of ploticus? i'm having trouble to getting pl to be executable | 04:25 |
harriseldon | orudie what have you tried? | 04:25 |
orudie | harriseldon, i really dont know how to get it executable | 04:25 |
Starnestommy | orudie: chmod +x filename | 04:26 |
cu3edweb | anyone know how to set keybindings for desktop switching with compiz? | 04:26 |
orudie | i'm looking at this tutorial http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:EasyTimeline/installation#Download_Ploticus | 04:26 |
orudie | this is the line | 04:27 |
orudie | If you can't put the Ploticus executable pl in /usr/local/bin, or any of the other suggested locations, just make sure it's executable | 04:27 |
albert_linux | Hello. I just installed apache and ftp server: apt-get install apache2 AND apt-get install proftpd. The question is: how can I configure the standard folder be /var/www? and how can I enable the permition to create a subdirectory? | 04:27 |
orudie | i didnt go to a download link | 04:27 |
harriseldon | orudie where is pl installed? you can run which pl from the command line to see | 04:27 |
orudie | i just tried sudo apt-get install ploticus and it worked | 04:27 |
orudie | harriseldon, which pl returns nothing | 04:27 |
blah569 | Photoshop CS2 lags as if it would lag on Vista when I am using it on WINE. Does anyone know of a way to "speed PSCS2?" | 04:28 |
harriseldon | orudie then pl is not in your path. did you install it using apt? | 04:28 |
daks | I just upgraded to 8.04 from 7.10 and network-manager has stopped working. when I run nm-applet from the command line, it gives me a cryptic message about not being able to own something. has anyone else had this proglem? | 04:28 |
orudie | harriseldon, yeah | 04:28 |
orudie | harriseldon, installed using apt and it seems like it installed fine | 04:28 |
blah569 | This is primarly with Text editing. | 04:28 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon, now im stuck at step 5.1 | 04:28 |
orudie | harriseldon, i can do 'which ploticus' and 'ploticus --version' | 04:28 |
albert_linux | can anyone help me? | 04:29 |
krammer_ | anybody know when 8.04 will be ready and stable? | 04:29 |
harriseldon | orudie does that work? Then use that full path in the php file | 04:29 |
orudie | harriseldon, yeah, but it doesnt work i cant find pl | 04:30 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: how do i change the code in step 5.1 so it works? | 04:30 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 the path should depend on the version you installed. If you use ls /root/source you can see the directory name that is correct | 04:30 |
vitas | sorry noob question of doom coming up: how do i install my wireless tar.gz drivers? | 04:30 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 or you can use cd rt25* when you are in /root/source | 04:30 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 or you can use tab completion. Type cd rt [tab] | 04:31 |
mookinator1313 | im soo lost | 04:31 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 are you at the terminal? | 04:31 |
teddy | arrgh | 04:31 |
mookinator1313 | yes | 04:31 |
harriseldon | mookinator what do you get when you type pwd? | 04:32 |
mookinator1313 | i made it up to step 5.1 in that tutorial i sent you earlier | 04:32 |
krammer_ | Linux is patience but is well worth it | 04:32 |
colin3 | hey croddy, so after doing everything from the pulseaudio documentation, all of my sound quit altogether... however, i uninstalled that and went back to the way it was, and now i can get the sound working on any application where i can change the audio settings to use ALSA... is there an easier way to set this for everything? | 04:32 |
montpelie | sure it is krammer_ | 04:32 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 if you got that far, the cd command should be easy. lol | 04:32 |
cdecarlo | Hi, I'm looking for a not-so-heavy IDE but not super light-weight either, any suggestions? | 04:32 |
mookinator1313 | uhh i just kinda followed exactly what the guy said to do | 04:33 |
cdm10 | I need to get a PCI wireless adapter... what should I look for for Ubuntu compatibility? | 04:33 |
teddy | i'm curious if anyone here uses a cisco anyconnect VPN client, mine broke after the SSL/Hardy Heron upgrade | 04:33 |
mookinator1313 | and i get stuck when his codes are out to date | 04:33 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313. I am trying to help. What is the error you are getting with cd command? | 04:33 |
redwhitewaldo | harriseldon: pls see http://www.bubbleshare.com/album/382754.0fbd91d0d95 for the pics | 04:33 |
montpelie | Ipass VPN Client | 04:33 |
montpelie | cd | 04:33 |
ari_stress | morning all | 04:33 |
mookinator1313 | cd command? wich is that? yes, i really am this nooberish | 04:33 |
teddy | mookinator1313, cd means "change directory" | 04:34 |
teddy | it's how you move through the filesystem | 04:34 |
vitas | can anyone tell me how to install drivers? jesus this is so confusing. | 04:34 |
mookinator1313 | ok, so what do i type into the terminal? | 04:34 |
krammer_ | Try ultra VNC | 04:34 |
redwhitewaldo | harriseldon: let me know if you can see them ok. | 04:35 |
redwhitewaldo | 8-) | 04:35 |
harriseldon | redwhitewaldo I see the check box! It is on picture 4 (Your ISP requires you to input WAN ethernet Mac) | 04:35 |
colin3 | croddy did you get that? | 04:35 |
teddy | krammer_, i think i tried that in the past, but it was a bit cumbersome | 04:35 |
montpelie | cdm10, that's what I meant | 04:35 |
teddy | i'm just cureious if anyone has had certificate errors since the upgrade really | 04:35 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: what do i type in to the terminal for the cd command? | 04:35 |
redwhitewaldo | yes, i put a check there, which led to Picture 6. Pls see pic 6 | 04:35 |
cdm10 | montpelie: sorry, what? I think I missed your message or something... | 04:36 |
* vitas eyes his xp disk | 04:36 | |
teddy | mookinator1313, type cd | 04:36 |
j4w4 | can someone please tell me how to navigate to my .wine folder using the terminal??? Is it a hidden directory? I have selected "view hidden filess" from my view menu | 04:36 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 did you try cd rt25*? | 04:36 |
redwhitewaldo | harriseldon: The MAC address, as in Pic 6 is all filled out, but internet still doesnn't work. 8-( | 04:36 |
cdm10 | j4w4: type cd ~/.wine | 04:36 |
montpelie | right cdm10, you were talking about some issues with the VPN client | 04:36 |
j4w4 | cdm10 thanks, ill try it, what does the ~ mean? | 04:36 |
cdm10 | montpelie: I was not... I was talking about PCI wireless adapters. | 04:36 |
cdm10 | j4w4: it means your home directory | 04:36 |
teddy | montpelie, i had the vpn issue | 04:36 |
j4w4 | cdm10: ok ill try it, thanks | 04:37 |
mookinator1313 | cd rt25* came up as no file or directory | 04:37 |
montpelie | ok, what kind of issue, terddy | 04:37 |
j4w4 | cdm10: it worked, thanks. | 04:37 |
cdm10 | j4w4: np | 04:37 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: cd rt25* came up as no file or directory | 04:37 |
harriseldon | redwhitewaldo, you can uncheck the hostname checkbox. When I used cable (5 years) I had to leave the modem unplugged for 10 minutes before switching computers. did you try that? | 04:37 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 can you give the output of ls rt* | 04:38 |
teddy | well, i think i might have a corrupted certificate on file, because when i attempt to connect i get a "Connection attempt has failed due to server certificate problem" | 04:38 |
arooni-mobile | are hardy backports a good/bad idea? | 04:38 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: i am really really really lost | 04:38 |
redwhitewaldo | unplug/power-off modem, harriseldon? | 04:38 |
teddy | i know it says server, but i am able to connect with the annyconnect woftware on my Mac | 04:39 |
redwhitewaldo | the CABLE modem from the internet company, harriseldon? | 04:39 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: how do i give the output of ls rt*? | 04:39 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 I am trying to have you list the contents of the current directory to find out where the archive was extracted. | 04:39 |
arhino | anyone know how to disable the thing where scrolling rotates the desktop cube | 04:39 |
redwhitewaldo | I haven't tried switching off the cable modem, harriseldon. | 04:39 |
harriseldon | redwhitewaldo at this point it cannot make it worse. you can try it | 04:39 |
teddy | montpelie, do you have a favorite vpn client? | 04:39 |
mookinator1313 | oh, i know where it was extracted, it went to /home/mat | 04:39 |
redwhitewaldo | harriseldon: ok. | 04:39 |
mookinator1313 | herriseldon: it was extracted to /home/mat | 04:40 |
tv7497 | guys my theme is horrible the inside one it looks like windows classic any help | 04:40 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 if type pwd to print the working directory does it show /home/mat? | 04:40 |
vitas | soooooo | 04:40 |
mookinator1313 | it jsut says /root | 04:40 |
setuid_w00t | Are there any programs that can be used to try to read a device repeatedly? I have a DVD that isn't reading very well and I want to try to extract all of the data from it. | 04:41 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: it just says /root | 04:41 |
tv7497 | and i have tried almost every theme from gnome.org still no result | 04:41 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 what was the directory when you issued the tar command? | 04:41 |
arhino | tv7494: try clearlooks industrial with murrine windowborders. | 04:42 |
arhino | it looks really clean | 04:42 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: root@comp-pwnage:~# | 04:42 |
arhino | nvm | 04:42 |
conwon | hey room | 04:42 |
vitas | anyone help me load up my wireless driver | 04:43 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: root@comp-pwnage:~/source# tar -zxvf /home/mat/rt2500-cvs-daily.tar.gz | 04:43 |
tv7497 | bazhang : sir still no improvement in my theme tried every thing from gnome.org the apllication like start up manager s/w sources the inside theme is horrible like windows classic | 04:43 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: that command, right? | 04:43 |
vitas | this is turning out to be a nightmare, and i'm sick of laying on the floor to use my laptop | 04:43 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 then you need to be in ~/source when you issue the cd command | 04:43 |
mookinator1313 | how do i get there? | 04:44 |
teddy | vitas, do you knoa the chipset on your wireless card? | 04:44 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 you can issue the cd ~/source command | 04:44 |
neil_d | hi, i am having some trouble with a USB modem :( it appears that at startup the driver sometimes doesn't find the modem, but if I unplug the modem and plug it back in all is OK :) is the a way of restarting the USB system or something to simulate a device unplug and plug in ? | 04:44 |
empresaria | HOLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa | 04:44 |
DanaG | japa -A | 04:44 |
DanaG | Alsa_driver: the playback interface doesn't support mmap-based access. | 04:44 |
DanaG | Can't connect to ALSA | 04:44 |
daks | vitas: me too | 04:44 |
ce_bth_tmn | shiet!!!!!! | 04:44 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 ~ is short for your home directory | 04:44 |
DanaG | So what if it doesn't support mmap? | 04:44 |
DanaG | I should still be able to start an application! | 04:44 |
krammer_ | nmap? | 04:44 |
kajo | wtf? I installed banshee with the intentions of removing it after using it to do what I wanted (which was to extract the music off of a friend's ipod shuffle). I installed it, couldn't get it to work (appeared to be a dbus issue, bellow the ipod library, didn't have time...), and so sudo aptitude remove'd banshee (I used sudo aptitude install so it would keep track of everything). | 04:44 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: im in ~/source# now | 04:45 |
vitas | I downloaded the tar.gz - it's a realtek 8185 | 04:45 |
kajo | And now, I start up my window manager, and it's using gnome. I never had gnome installed before. | 04:45 |
vitas | i'm in terminal | 04:45 |
apallo | Hello, I lost my wireless applet thingy that's in the top panel, is there a way to get it back? | 04:45 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 then try typing cd rt then hit the tab key without hitting enter | 04:45 |
cdm10 | apallo: hit alt-f2, and type nm-applet | 04:45 |
AS | hy | 04:45 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: now what? | 04:45 |
AS | sd | 04:45 |
cdm10 | apallo: you mean permanently? Have you tried rebooting? | 04:45 |
krammer_ | apallo right click on panel and add | 04:45 |
AS | mkn | 04:46 |
cdm10 | krammer_: if he's talking about networkmanager, it's not that. | 04:46 |
krammer_ | i know | 04:46 |
DanaG | That app is broken -- it assumes everything can give mmap. | 04:46 |
daks | quit | 04:46 |
apallo | It doesn't show up in add... | 04:46 |
cdm10 | apallo: have you tried logging off and back on? | 04:46 |
apallo | cdm10: will that fix it permanantly? | 04:46 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 when you hit tab did it autocomplete the directory? If it did, press enter | 04:46 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: should i press enter after hitting tab? | 04:46 |
apallo | trying now, thanks | 04:46 |
apallo | brb | 04:47 |
kajo | wtf? I installed banshee with the intentions of removing it after using it to do what I wanted (which was to extract the music off of a friend's ipod shuffle). I installed it, couldn't get it to work (appeared to be a dbus issue, bellow the ipod library, didn't have time...), and so sudo aptitude remove'd banshee (I used sudo aptitude install so it would keep track of everything). It's important to know that I don't have gdm, wdm, or xdm (o | 04:47 |
kajo | r any equiv) on my computer- I just login in the terminal, and then use 'startx'. This takes me to fluxbox, which is the only window manager I had installed... this time when I typed in 'startx', it took my to a jacked up gnome that has issues. ???? why/how? How do I completely uninstall this intrusion? I tried sudo aptitude remove gnome, and it didn't find anything. | 04:47 |
cdm10 | apallo: it won't, it'll just start it for that session. If it won't come back after logging off and back on, go to System>Preferences>Sessions and we'll go from there. | 04:47 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 sorry type Mo then tab again to begin the autocomplete for Modules | 04:47 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: ok, now it says root@comp-pwnage:~/source/rt2500-cvs-2008051921# | 04:47 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 then hit enter | 04:47 |
krammer_ | how do you do the highligt red for answering quesitons | 04:47 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 then use cd Modules | 04:47 |
rgreening | has anyone setup kontack (korganizer) to use google calendar? | 04:47 |
cdm10 | krammer_: just say someone's nick, and it'll highlight on their client | 04:47 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 sorry that was cd Module | 04:48 |
krammer_ | cdm10 | 04:48 |
cdm10 | krammer_: yep, that did it. | 04:48 |
krammer_ | but i dont c the red | 04:48 |
cdm10 | krammer_: but I do. | 04:48 |
krammer_ | ok | 04:48 |
cdm10 | apallo: hey, is it back? | 04:48 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: now im really lost lol, it spat out this: root@comp-pwnage:~/source/rt2500-cvs-2008051921# mo | 04:49 |
mookinator1313 | modinfo mono mount.fuse mountpoint | 04:49 |
mookinator1313 | modprobe more mount.ntfs mousetweaks | 04:49 |
mookinator1313 | module-assistant mount mount.ntfs-3g | 04:49 |
mookinator1313 | root@comp-pwnage:~/source/rt2500-cvs-2008051921# mo | 04:49 |
apallo | cdm10: it didn;t come back | 04:49 |
cdm10 | apallo: alright, go to System>Preferences>Sessions | 04:49 |
krammer_ | goodnite all | 04:49 |
montpelie | ok izinucs | 04:49 |
montpelie | http://pastebin.ca/1023475 | 04:49 |
levander | It'd be cool if someone would write a command line utility that would let you pipe output into it and then paste what gets piped to it to a pastebin. | 04:49 |
montpelie | the problem I got with apt-file update | 04:50 |
cdm10 | levander: ha, that exists | 04:50 |
torshido | which kind of ssh key is "better"? DSA or RSA? why? | 04:50 |
cdm10 | levander: sudo apt-get install pastebinit | 04:50 |
cdm10 | torshido: er, are you sure you're talking about ssh? I think DSA is a PGP thing... | 04:50 |
teddy | levander, wouldnt be hard, | clipboard | 04:50 |
biochip2k | @ setuid_w00t: sudo apt-get install gddrescue | 04:50 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: did you get that? | 04:50 |
levander | cdm10: Sitting in this channel, I was figuring someone had already written one that sent whatever was piped to it to the specified IRC channel. | 04:50 |
torshido | ssh-keygen -t dsa | 04:50 |
kajo | How does one restore one's system to it's previous state? | 04:50 |
cdm10 | levander: ha, no, people just copy and paste 'em in, which is bad. | 04:51 |
levander | cdm10: I'm gonna try that one next time I get a chance. Thanks. | 04:51 |
cdm10 | kajo: unless you have a backup, that's not going to happen... | 04:51 |
levander | cdm10: I know, I was trying to make geek humor. | 04:51 |
teddy | hmm | 04:51 |
kajo | cdm10, did you see my last post? | 04:51 |
teddy | would be kinda cool to have a DCC pastebin | 04:51 |
cdm10 | levander: Sorry, I shoulda noticed :) Sorry for the cyber-sarcasm fail. | 04:51 |
torshido | cdm10: it is not a gpg thing | 04:51 |
chaqu1 | ok i got a quick one for someone | 04:51 |
cdm10 | torshido: ah, sorry, I don't know as much about ssh as I should. | 04:52 |
mookinator1313 | herriseldon: hello? now what? | 04:52 |
chaqu1 | i recently switched over to epiphany web browser, now when i click on links they dont open my web browser | 04:52 |
torshido | so, which kind of ssh key is "better"? DSA or RSA? why? | 04:52 |
chaqu1 | how do i set it? | 04:52 |
teddy | i think DSA is newer | 04:52 |
teddy | not sure though | 04:52 |
kajo | I was under the impression that using aptitude to install software would allow one to completely remove everything that was installed by using aptitude to remove it. Is this true or not? | 04:52 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 then you are on step 5.2 (the actual compilation of the module) | 04:52 |
redwhitewald1 | harriseldon: good news! internet wiith router now works! | 04:53 |
levander | frostwire isn't in the repositories?? | 04:53 |
cdm10 | kajo: try sudo apt-get autoremove | 04:53 |
redwhitewald1 | harriseldon: after powering off computer and modem for a few minutes | 04:53 |
harriseldon | redwhitewald1 excellent that is good to hear | 04:53 |
cdm10 | apallo: still there? | 04:53 |
torshido | wrong channel, bye | 04:53 |
kajo | cdm10, what do you mean? What is that?? What would that try to do? | 04:53 |
redwhitewald1 | harriseldon: but now I don't know what is the solution: was it the MAC thing, the modem off thing, or the computer off thing? | 04:53 |
teddy | redwhitewald1, there was probably an arp issue | 04:53 |
teddy | solved by a 60 second timeout | 04:53 |
cdm10 | kajo: it would try to remove everything that was installed as a dependency and is no longer needed. | 04:54 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: it spat out a few things: root@comp-pwnage:~/source/rt2500-cvs-2008051921# make clean ; make ; make install | 04:54 |
mookinator1313 | make: *** No rule to make target `clean'. Stop. | 04:54 |
mookinator1313 | make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. | 04:54 |
mookinator1313 | make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop. | 04:54 |
cdm10 | !paste | mookinator1313 | 04:54 |
ubottu | mookinator1313: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 04:54 |
redwhitewald1 | teddy: what's an "ARP" issue? | 04:54 |
amenado | mookid-> read the error, it is very clear to what the cause of it is. | 04:54 |
Ahadiel | mookinator1313, Did you ./configure first? | 04:54 |
teddy | address routing protocal i believe | 04:54 |
teddy | let me find the wiki page | 04:54 |
kajo | cdm10, I fear that installing banshee with aptitude installed gnome with it as a 'dependency', and everything that entailed (including tons of unwanted software...).... will that fix this? | 04:55 |
rolando-ve | Hi everyone | 04:55 |
mookinator1313 | ahadiel: uhh what? | 04:55 |
redwhitewald1 | so how does arp fit in with my guesses? | 04:55 |
teddy | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Address_Resolution_Protocol | 04:55 |
cdm10 | kajo: it might. | 04:55 |
Ahadiel | mookinator1313, ./configure | 04:55 |
tv7497 | rolando-ve :hey !!!!!! | 04:55 |
cdm10 | kajo: no guarantees, sorry | 04:55 |
Ahadiel | mookinator1313, It's an executable in that directory no doubt. | 04:55 |
teddy | redwhitewald1, arp is how routing gear finds your hardware in the midst of packets | 04:55 |
cdm10 | kajo: I'm not entirely sure why/how everything else got installed, so... | 04:55 |
rolando-ve | I have a question, if anybody can answer it I'll so glad | 04:55 |
j4w4 | how do i restore something i put in the trash can?? | 04:55 |
cdm10 | j4w4: drag it back to somewhere | 04:55 |
rolando-ve | I have in my hands a Classmate PC (intel) and I wanna install on it Edubuntu, where and how can I find an Image or create my image? | 04:55 |
j4w4 | cdm10 thanks, ill give it a shot | 04:55 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: whered you go? im soo lost | 04:56 |
rolando-ve | May I use the UME (moblin-image-creator) to create an Image? | 04:56 |
amenado | rolando-ve-> what os does it have on it now? | 04:56 |
Ahadiel | mookinator1313, Well? Did you run ./configure? That's the program which makes the makefile. | 04:56 |
lobazo | please help me i can't restart cups in a terminal i wrote sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart it's says ok. but my printer hp 3740 is flinking | 04:56 |
rolando-ve | Hasefroch | 04:56 |
rolando-ve | (Win) | 04:56 |
montpelie | hey, anybody having issues while doing "apt-file update" ??????????'' | 04:56 |
cdm10 | Does anyone have any recommendations for a PCI WiFi card that works nicely with Ubuntu? | 04:56 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 use the pastebin service to copy and paste the output at http://paste.ubuntu.com | 04:57 |
montpelie | cdm10 , atheros | 04:57 |
SeaPhor | cdm10, i do | 04:57 |
cdm10 | montpelie: Any specific models that use the Atheros chipset? D-Link, right? | 04:57 |
cdm10 | SeaPhor: what is it? | 04:57 |
montpelie | correct | 04:57 |
rolando-ve | amenado: WindowsXP | 04:57 |
_2 | what's the command to start a pannel ? | 04:57 |
mookinator1313 | ahadiel: it says: no such directory or file | 04:57 |
lobazo | please help me i can't restart cups in a terminal i wrote sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart it's says ok. but my printer hp 3740 is flinking | 04:57 |
montpelie | it also depends on the things you'd like to do with it, let's say packet injection | 04:58 |
amenado | rolando-ve-> does it have a cdrom drive? you can try to use the liveCD to install | 04:58 |
Ahadiel | mookinator1313, Are you **sure** there's a makefile in that folder? | 04:58 |
cdm10 | montpelie: I just want to connect to my network :) nothing fancy | 04:58 |
Ahadiel | mookinator1313, Maybe look around in the directory structure and see. | 04:58 |
montpelie | atheros would be the best as well | 04:58 |
SeaPhor | cdm10, Airlink AWLH4130 108 PCI Wireless-G 108Mbps PCI | 04:58 |
rolando-ve | amenado: Nop. | 04:58 |
cdm10 | SeaPhor: I'll look into that as well. | 04:58 |
_2 | what's the command to start the panel ? as kicker is to kde so ___? is to gnome ? | 04:58 |
cdm10 | _2: gnome-panel | 04:58 |
SeaPhor | cdm10, works out of the box!!! | 04:58 |
amenado | rolando-ve-> what devices does it have? | 04:58 |
_2 | k | 04:58 |
_2 | ty | 04:58 |
montpelie | which one are you using right now, cdm10?, or hardwired | 04:59 |
cdm10 | montpelie: D-Link PCMCIA | 04:59 |
cdm10 | montpelie: but I'm looking to build my first desktop | 04:59 |
calm | Hi everyone! Does anyone know how to find out the current value for the hdparm apm setting? (For example, hdparm -B 254 will *set* the value to 254, but I just want to *get* the value.) | 04:59 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: can you continue helpin me out? | 04:59 |
rolando-ve | amenado: In fact: a classmate PC is a spacial Education PC with 256Mb RAM and 2Gb Hard disk | 04:59 |
cdm10 | calm: try just typing hdparm -B | 04:59 |
montpelie | with a wifi card on it | 04:59 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 use the pastebin service to paste your results | 04:59 |
rolando-ve | amenado: 2 USB ports | 04:59 |
cdm10 | calm: iirc, that's how most settings on hdparm work | 04:59 |
Qster | anyone know how to raise usb polling rate to 500hz? | 04:59 |
calm | cdm10: that doesn't work for -B | 04:59 |
cdm10 | montpelie: yep, can't wire ethernet in here | 04:59 |
lobazo | please help me i can't restart cups in a terminal i wrote sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart it's says ok. but my printer hp 3740 is flinking | 04:59 |
mookinator1313 | wich results? of what? the whole make clean ; make ; make install thing? | 05:00 |
cdm10 | !repeat | lobazo | 05:00 |
ubottu | lobazo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 05:00 |
Omlette | I installed the Pulseaudio settings, as described at Ubuntuguide. Now, the sound of frozen-bubble is stuttery and static-y, but other sounds are fine. Can anyone help? | 05:00 |
Kohlrak | gdb reported "Cannot access memory at address 0x7fffac70bb38" with one of my programs, seems to happen from anything using gtk-x11 dynamically. Any idea what's wrong? | 05:00 |
chaqu1 | can anybody help me making the switch to epiphany webbrowser? | 05:00 |
montpelie | at first I thought linksys would be the best choice, nevertheless it's still got some problem with the driver; you need to use it with ndiswrapper | 05:00 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: wich results? of what? the whole make clean ; make ; make install thing? | 05:00 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 whole thing | 05:00 |
montpelie | sometimes the connection drops | 05:00 |
cdm10 | chaqu1: I used to use Epiphany until I switched to Hardy, and now use Firefox 3 | 05:00 |
cdm10 | chaqu1: but, what do you need help with? | 05:00 |
amenado | rolando-ve-> does it have a floppy disk? btw, which country is that sold in? | 05:00 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: like my entire terminal history for today? | 05:01 |
harriseldon | calm look at this wiki for help on hdparm http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Use_hdparm_to_improve_IDE_device_performance | 05:01 |
teddy | if anyone still has questions about SSL, this page looks to be promising | 05:01 |
teddy | http://wiki.debian.org/SSLkeys | 05:01 |
cdm10 | montpelie: urgh, ndiswrapper = yucky, i think I'll stick with atheros | 05:01 |
SeaPhor | cdm10, i've been fghting 5 months in in-law's house with cat5 strung, on 4 different devices, 2 pci cards ans 2 usb, i ordered that and was done | 05:01 |
montpelie | right cdm10, much better | 05:01 |
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx | ||
surlyduff | can anybody help me load some firmware to hopefully get my wireless adapter working? the instructions I found are from a few years back and I don't want to screw anything up. | 05:01 |
apallo | cdm10: rechecking the networkmanager session thing didn't work... | 05:01 |
chaqu1 | CDM10: i didn't enjoy firefox so i went elseware and i am now using epiphany, when i click on links say in pidgin it doesnt open the webpage | 05:01 |
cdm10 | surlyduff: what sorta wireless adapter is it? | 05:01 |
cdm10 | apallo: hmm... does it start when you run nm-applet from alt-f2? | 05:01 |
majikins | hi does anyone know a utility for backing up a system to dvd's for install on another system? | 05:02 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 just the ouput from the last command. That is where is is failing | 05:02 |
cdm10 | chaqu1: go to System>Preferences>Preferred Applications and see what you can do from there | 05:02 |
yusuf_ | icha | 05:02 |
montpelie | majikins you could use the "dd" command | 05:02 |
deserteagle | anyone know how to restore the Applications > Wine > Program Files directory so it updates when there are new apps installed? | 05:02 |
chaqu1 | cdm10: i have a tendancy to overlook the obvious, thanks | 05:02 |
cdm10 | chaqu1: no problem :) | 05:02 |
squidy | Hi there... Is there a way to configure network profiles with network-manager? | 05:02 |
CrAzY181 | hi guys i am trying to set up pptpd to allow me to vpn in from work and i am getting error 619 when trying to connect | 05:03 |
Omlette | Squidy: wired or wireless networks? | 05:03 |
harriseldon | deserteagle did you try right-clicking on Applications menu and choosing edit menu? | 05:03 |
apallo | cdm10, no it doesn't | 05:03 |
majikins | montpele - I need to have the base system with its configuration set to live disk for install | 05:03 |
surlyduff | cmd10: it's a USB adapter. it used to work before I upgraded to gutsy and now I want to try it again. but I have a message saying I'm missing atmel-firmware | 05:03 |
squidy | Omahn, both | 05:03 |
mookinator1313 | 1 2 3 4root@comp-pwnage:~/source/rt2500-cvs-2008051921# make clean ; make ; make install make: *** No rule to make target `clean'. Stop. make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop. | 05:03 |
SeaPhor | deserteagle, try #wine or #wine-hq | 05:03 |
majikins | then have the rest(data) on other dvds | 05:03 |
cdm10 | apallo: try first running killall nm-applet then running nm-applet | 05:03 |
deserteagle | harriseldon: yes, i recreated the folder in the menu but it won't update | 05:03 |
Qster | anyone know how to raise usb polling rate to 500hz? | 05:03 |
deserteagle | anyone know how to restore the Applications > Wine > Program Files directory so it updates when there are new apps installed? | 05:04 |
squidy | Omlette, both... | 05:04 |
cdm10 | surlyduff: I have no experience with that, so I can't really help you there... sorry | 05:04 |
Omlette | If you use Network manager, try right-clicking on the applet in your tray. Select "edit wireless networks.." and go from there. | 05:04 |
majikins | must be like an windows 3.1 install - just feed disks in until finish | 05:04 |
Omlette | The network manager applet, that is. | 05:04 |
squidy | Omahn, how about wired connection? | 05:04 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: i pasted it, now what? | 05:04 |
harriseldon | paste! mookinator1313 | 05:04 |
Omlette | It might also work for wired, I don't know. | 05:04 |
wers | can two ubuntu pcs share internet? | 05:04 |
redwhitewald1 | guys, is WEP better than WPA for wireless internet? | 05:04 |
cdm10 | wers: how do you want to achieve this? | 05:04 |
karkin | Hello, I have a c140x gateway tablet that is penabled, how do I get the pen working in ubuntu. Im using 8.04. | 05:04 |
Qster | wpa is better | 05:05 |
cdm10 | redwhitewald1: no, not at all, WPA is far more secure | 05:05 |
redwhitewald1 | 2nd Q: what keyformat is good? Hexdecimal? | 05:05 |
Pastor | I can not get my wireless to work on my HP notebook... where do I start? | 05:05 |
montpelie | wpa much better | 05:05 |
_2 | ok one more question. how to set gnome as the default session if a person uses startx ? | 05:05 |
cdm10 | redwhitewald1: with WPA, you can just use a passphrase | 05:05 |
redwhitewald1 | cdm10: really? | 05:05 |
cdm10 | redwhitewald1: yep... WPA Personal | 05:05 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: its pasted in the pastebin, now what do i do? | 05:05 |
Omlette | I installed the Pulseaudio settings, as described at Ubuntuguide. Now, the sound of frozen-bubble is stuttery and static-y, but other sounds are fine. Can anyone help? | 05:05 |
redwhitewald1 | cdm10: but with WEP, I can put in Key1 password, can't i? | 05:05 |
harriseldon | !paste mookinator1313 | 05:05 |
ubottu | harriseldon: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 05:05 |
mookinator1313 | !paste | 05:05 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 05:05 |
squidy | Omlette, just for wireless.... but it's ok... thanks for reply | 05:05 |
amenado | Pastor-> what kind of wifi card do you ahve? | 05:05 |
cdm10 | redwhitewald1: you can, but WEP isn't as secure | 05:05 |
wers | cdm10, I have a good internet connection and i want to share this with my friend who is in another country | 05:05 |
harriseldon | !paste | mookinator1313 | 05:06 |
ubottu | mookinator1313: please see above | 05:06 |
apallo | cdm10, that didn't bring it back.... | 05:06 |
majikins | I got about 120 gigs of data with specific locations - so I need like a restore function. | 05:06 |
rolando-ve | amenado??? | 05:06 |
cdm10 | wers: Is his connection censored or something? | 05:06 |
amenado | rolando-ve-> does it have a floppy disk? btw, which country is that sold in? | 05:06 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: uhhhhhh, help? | 05:06 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 you need to use the pastbin service to paste the results. do not paste them to the irc session | 05:06 |
cdm10 | wers: If his is just slow, then there's no way to get him a faster connection by using yours. | 05:06 |
amenado | !install | rolando-ve | 05:06 |
ubottu | rolando-ve: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 05:06 |
harriseldon | !paste | mookinator1313 | 05:06 |
ubottu | mookinator1313: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 05:06 |
maXimus | Hi, I'm having some problems with winbind. I'm getting: gateway winbindd[4089]: Possible deadlock: Trying to lookup SID S-1-22-2-1001 with passdb backend | 05:07 |
tlrokeutoetn | Can anyone help me? my wireless internet suddenly stopped working earlier today | 05:07 |
rolando-ve | amenado: no man, nothing | 05:07 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: yea, its pasted in the pastebin, now what do i do with it? | 05:07 |
_2 | never mind i found it $(HOME)/.xinitrc | 05:07 |
redwhitewald1 | ok. re: wpa, which is better for encryption: TKIP or AES??? | 05:07 |
j4w4 | is there an easier way to create shortcuts on "links" other than the command line in terminal?? I've done everything right and it still says the link is broken. Trying to create a shortcut from my .wine steam folder to my windows steam folder. | 05:07 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 post the url to the irc chat | 05:07 |
redwhitewald1 | and what key format is better: hexdecimal or ascii? | 05:07 |
=== maXimus is now known as juannicolas | ||
mookinator1313 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/13404/ | 05:07 |
CrAzY181 | ok i want to set up a vpn server on my home Ubuntu server any suggestions? the vpn has to support windows machines connectiong | 05:07 |
rolando-ve | ubottu: It is a classmate PC (256 RAM 2 GB Flash Hard disk) | 05:07 |
karkin | Hello, I have a c140x gateway tablet that is penabled, how do I get the pen working in ubuntu. Im using 8.04. | 05:07 |
cdm10 | j4w4: you need to use ln -s, not just ln | 05:08 |
wers | cdm10, he has a windows pc that has a good internet connection but he want to go online. in that case, how can he share his windows pc'c internet connection with his ubuntu pc? is that possible? | 05:08 |
cdm10 | j4w4: although you can right-click on a folder and click "Create Link" and just rename/drag the link wherever | 05:08 |
amenado | !install | rolando-ve | 05:08 |
ubottu | rolando-ve: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 05:08 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 you need to be in the Module directory. use cd Module to get there | 05:08 |
SunStorm | hi. i'm looking for a flash editor | 05:08 |
wuxia | is there a way to force Linux to flush file caches? | 05:08 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 then try the previous command again | 05:08 |
montpelie | oh karkin, you know which kind of digitizer your tablet uses? | 05:08 |
amenado | wers very possible, he has a router or the ubuntu can be the router, but it requires two interfaces | 05:08 |
j4w4 | cdm10 thanks, i did use -s, got the exact command line from a webpage that teaches how to link the wine steamapps to the windows steamapps, not sure whats up but ill keep tinkering with it | 05:09 |
karkin | montpelie: its penabled, wacom, thats about all I know. | 05:09 |
harriseldon | wuxia explain what you mean by file caches | 05:09 |
amenado | wuxia-> come again? | 05:09 |
tlrokeutoetn | anybody know what can cause a wireless card to suddenly stop working? | 05:09 |
rolando-ve | amenado: http://www.classmatepc.com/ | 05:09 |
karkin | has 256 levels of sensitivity or some crap. | 05:09 |
montpelie | connected through USB or serial port karkin? | 05:09 |
SeaPhor | redwhitewald1, that part doesn't really matter except to router, tkip ans ascii are fine | 05:09 |
wuxia | harriseldon , amenado : certain recently accessed files are cached in memory right? if so, how can I flush taht cache | 05:09 |
karkin | montpelie: no idea. | 05:09 |
amenado | tlrokeutoetn-> its a radio, so any thing that can cause the radio tx/rx to fail.. | 05:09 |
montpelie | which tpc model is it? | 05:09 |
redwhitewald1 | SeaPhor: what part doesn't matter? pre-shared key? | 05:10 |
Omlette | I installed the Pulseaudio settings, as described at Ubuntuguide. Now, the sound of frozen-bubble is stuttery and static-y, but other sounds are fine. Can anyone help? | 05:10 |
harriseldon | wuxia do you mean to clear the recent documents menu? | 05:10 |
karkin | montpelie: its Gateway c-140x | 05:10 |
amenado | wuxia-> nope, not really | 05:10 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: this is what it spat out http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | 05:10 |
montpelie | I got a gateway tablet as well, and it was a pain in the behind getting it setup | 05:10 |
SeaPhor | redwhitewald1, the tkip and ascii part | 05:10 |
wers | amenado, his windows pc is connected to his usb wireless internet (which has no Ubuntu driver). i dont think it can be connected to a router | 05:10 |
cdm10 | wers: That's more of a Windows question than an Ubuntu question... but, in any case, I'd recommend buying a router, which is a device that will allow him to share the connection between the two PCs without any complicated software setup. | 05:10 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 give the new url like you did before | 05:10 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: it gave me this again http://paste.ubuntu.com/13408/ | 05:10 |
cdm10 | wers: what's the wireless internet connected to? | 05:10 |
tlrokeutoetn | amenado: it is no longer recognized by my computer | 05:10 |
redwhitewald1 | what do i put in wpa pre-shared key blank? | 05:10 |
karkin | montpelie: whats the low down n it? | 05:10 |
SeaPhor | redwhitewald1, just remember what you choose | 05:10 |
montpelie | http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-laptop-and-handheld-25/howto-get-your-gateway-or-finepoint-pen-working-497879/page5.html, take a look a this KARKIN, it might work for you | 05:11 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 you did not cd into the Module directory first | 05:11 |
amenado | wers, by another router, and use the router to share the connectivity | 05:11 |
redwhitewald1 | SeaPhor: it has to be a certain length doen't it? | 05:11 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 please use cd Module then press enter | 05:11 |
tlrokeutoetn | amenado: it is supposed to be eth1, but according to the utilities, eth1 doesn't exist | 05:11 |
wers | cdm10: it's an axesstel usb wireless internet | 05:11 |
amenado | tlrokeutoetn-> try sudo /etc/init.d/neworking restart | 05:11 |
SeaPhor | is there a "generate" button near by or something like? | 05:12 |
wers | amenado, the two computers should be connected to the same router? after that, how can the connection be shared? | 05:12 |
cdm10 | wers: Ah, okay. Well, Windows has something called Internet Connection Sharing, which should allow that to happen, but I have never used it. This is more of a Windows question than an Ubuntu question. | 05:12 |
SeaPhor | redwhitewald1, is there a "generate" button near by or something like? | 05:12 |
montpelie | karkin, this one seems to be more accurate | 05:12 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: how do i get back to the cd module? | 05:12 |
montpelie | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=590747 | 05:12 |
amenado | wers thats the job of the router | 05:12 |
cdm10 | amenado: it sounds like the internet connection is some sort of cellular wireless connection | 05:12 |
juannicolas | Hi, I'm having some problems with winbind. I'm getting: gateway winbindd[4089]: Possible deadlock: Trying to lookup SID S-1-22-2-1001 with passdb backend | 05:12 |
cdm10 | amenado: and the only way the user has of accessing it is via a USB adapter to the Windows PC | 05:12 |
harriseldon | wuxia what do you mean then by cached files? I do not know of any file caching | 05:12 |
wers | amenado, the thing is, the usb modem cant be connected to the router | 05:13 |
j4w4 | cdm10 you are the man!! The GUI way to make links is much easier. Thanks. And my Steam is loading and working. | 05:13 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 cd is a command to type in the terminal | 05:13 |
cdm10 | j4w4: glad I could help :) | 05:13 |
amenado | cdm10-> is you and wers same person? | 05:13 |
cdm10 | amenado: um, not at all | 05:13 |
karkin | montpelie: I dont have a /etc/serial.conf | 05:13 |
tlrokeutoetn | amenado: I tried it, but still "eth1 No such device" | 05:13 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 type cd Module to change the directory to the Module directory. It is case sensitive | 05:13 |
amenado | cdm10-> oh okay | 05:13 |
montpelie | create it then, karkin | 05:13 |
mookinator1313 | yea, im back at the original directory root@comp-pwnage:~# | 05:13 |
=== MakubeX is now known as Anonymizer | ||
amenado | tlrokeutoetn-> is it ethernet or wireless? | 05:14 |
montpelie | and put the proper uart and port values on it, dont forget the baud_rate if needed | 05:14 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: yea, im back at the original directory root@comp-pwnage:~# | 05:14 |
tlrokeutoetn | amenado: it is wireless | 05:14 |
=== Anonymizer is now known as MakubeX | ||
apallo | my network manager thingy is still gone.... | 05:14 |
amenado | wers-> then please visit #windows to get help on sharing internet access via windows | 05:14 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 type cd ~/source/rt2500-cvs-2008051921/Module and hit enter | 05:14 |
=== MakubeX is now known as chatter | ||
=== chatter is now known as MakubeX | ||
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: ok, now what? | 05:15 |
amenado | tlrokeutoetn-> what is the wifi card? chip for the wifi? | 05:15 |
redwhitewald1 | SeaPhor: no "generate" button. but i just changed from hexdecimal to ascii | 05:15 |
montpelie | I guess you Karkin, already edited the xorg.conf file appending input devices and server layouts | 05:15 |
SeaPhor | redwhitewald1, something that geberates a key for you? | 05:15 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 step 5.2 again | 05:15 |
montpelie | and installed the wacom-tools package | 05:15 |
SeaPhor | redwhitewald1, something that generates a key for you? | 05:15 |
karkin | montpelie: I installed wcom tools... i have a /dev/input/wacom | 05:15 |
tlrokeutoetn | amenado: it is an intel wireless card for a laptop, I'm not sure which version | 05:15 |
redwhitewald1 | another question. I'm on wireless router BUT am on WIRED connection. I'm sharing my internet wirelessly with Someone. How can I monitor my wireless internet (bandwidth, URLs visited)? | 05:16 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: its doing something, what that is... i dont know | 05:16 |
karkin | montpelie: I have no wacom driver in my kernel though | 05:16 |
SeaPhor | redwhitewald1, sorry, typing in total darkness here, monitor is only light | 05:16 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 it is compiling!! That is a very good thing. It is the greatest part about open source software. Enjoy the moment. | 05:16 |
amenado | tlrokeutoetn-> well you can find out from your laptop manual, or search in google? | 05:16 |
redwhitewald1 | Seaphor, ha. why no light? | 05:17 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: lol thanks, ill brb, i need to reboot | 05:17 |
SeaPhor | redwhitewald1, sick kid, in my bed | 05:17 |
calm | harriseldon: Ah, it looks like hdparm -I is what I want. Thanks! | 05:17 |
redwhitewald1 | oh | 05:17 |
redwhitewald1 | sorry | 05:17 |
harriseldon | mookinator1313 did you run step 5.3? | 05:17 |
SeaPhor | redwhitewald1, so lights are off | 05:18 |
harriseldon | clam glad I could help. The gentoo wiki has a lot of good command line help | 05:18 |
tlrokeutoetn | amenado: the device manager says "PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Connection (Dell B130 laptop integrated WLAN)" | 05:18 |
iddo | how to have evolution use keyring ? | 05:19 |
SeaPhor | redwhitewald1, no worries, mostly allergies, but needs to be close to me | 05:19 |
wuxia | how do i edit fstab to have /tmp use tmpfs? | 05:19 |
montpelie | karkin, go ahead and install it then | 05:19 |
amenado | tlrokeutoetn-> you have rebooted? you can view what your system detects at boot via dmesg | 05:19 |
montpelie | first off do "dmesg |grep ttyS" at your terminal | 05:20 |
tlrokeutoetn | amenado: I have rebooted | 05:20 |
montpelie | it should come up with some irq values | 05:20 |
harriseldon | wuxia http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119975 | 05:20 |
SeaPhor | redwhitewald1, didn't i say ascii to begin with??? lol | 05:21 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: im back, and still have 5mbps for internet | 05:21 |
amenado | tlrokeutoetn-> and you typed dmesg to find out if your wireless nic is detected? | 05:21 |
wuxia | harriseldon: how do I specify a max size for the tmpfs? | 05:22 |
tlrokeutoetn | amenado: one minute....I just piped it to a file and am about to search it | 05:22 |
cypha | i've just installed ubuntu, and i'm on a train...i'd like to get the wireless network to work in ubuntu so i can make use of my 5 hours on here to finish setting up ubuntu properly....but i need internet and help files for that (i'm currently on windows, btw),...can someone help me get it going? | 05:22 |
cypha | i'm running hardy | 05:22 |
mookinator1313 | harriseldon: yea, its still at 5mbps | 05:23 |
amenado | rolando-ve why didnt you go for OLPC instead of the intel copycat? | 05:23 |
zChris | cypha: what wireless ? | 05:24 |
cypha | i have a built in wireless adapter | 05:24 |
cypha | broadcomm i believe | 05:24 |
cypha | yup, broadcom zchris | 05:25 |
zChris | cypha: download this guide -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1071920&mode=linear , and the proper deb files for your card, then mount your partition in ubuntu and read the guide and install deb file :) | 05:25 |
cypha | how can i download? | 05:26 |
cypha | i don't have internet | 05:26 |
zChris | cypha: but you have it now ? | 05:26 |
juannicolas | on windows | 05:26 |
cypha | yeah, i'm on windows | 05:26 |
giloth | does compiz use opengl for the effects? | 05:26 |
SeaPhor | cypha, you are here now? | 05:26 |
tlrokeutoetn | amenado: does this mean anything? "[ 26.830800] ipw2200: Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 2200/2915 Network Driver, 1.2.2kmprq" | 05:26 |
zChris | cypha: download in windows and mount that drive in ubntu then you can access the files | 05:26 |
nickrud | giloth yes | 05:26 |
giloth | hmmm stupid ati cards and their opengl issues >.> | 05:26 |
cypha | k...i'll do that | 05:27 |
cypha | btw, how can i access files within the my documents folder in linux? | 05:27 |
amenado | tlrokeutoetn-> yes, it uses ipw2200 drivers | 05:27 |
zChris | cypha: you mount the correct partitione | 05:27 |
cypha | it always shows stuff within my documents as blank from the mounted partition | 05:27 |
tlrokeutoetn | amenado: okay, then yes, it seems to detect it, as there is another line that says "ipw2200: Detected Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network" | 05:28 |
zChris | cypha: well save the stuff in c:\ then ? | 05:28 |
juannicolas | cypha you have to mount it with user privileges | 05:28 |
juannicolas | create a folder with user prvileges | 05:28 |
cypha | ahh, k...so just use sudo? | 05:28 |
cypha | i thought i had done that actually | 05:28 |
juannicolas | in a folder withing the user you are using in ubuntu | 05:29 |
montpelie | need to use chmod to set proper privileges cypha | 05:29 |
zChris | cypha: btw you are sure it just dont work out of the box? | 05:29 |
amenado | tlrokeutoetn-> type iwconfig to see if your wifi is active | 05:29 |
=== yusuf_ is now known as ICHA_ | ||
Jagged|NZ | Is there an easy way to customise the widgets in Firefox, my theme makes the default widgets hard to read in FF3 | 05:29 |
cypha | well, i don't see any "available wireless networks" | 05:29 |
nickrud | cypha how had you been mounting it? You should be able to simply see it under places, if ubuntu recognized it properly | 05:29 |
cypha | but i could juts be retarded | 05:29 |
cypha | ...and side note, sometimes i see the ntfs partition on my desktop, and sometimes i don't...why is it random? | 05:30 |
cypha | i didn't really mount it before | 05:30 |
zChris | i think this is the correct guide for you cypha | 05:30 |
tlrokeutoetn | amenado: "lo no wireless extensions. | eth0 no wireless extensions." | 05:30 |
zChris | cypha: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766560 | 05:30 |
cypha | see what tlrokeutoetn just said? | 05:30 |
cypha | i was following some offline help file in ubuntu...and it said that whne i ran some command in tnermal | 05:31 |
cypha | terminal | 05:31 |
=== phenom_ is now known as phenom|away | ||
cypha | zchris: thanks! | 05:31 |
amenado | tlrokeutoetn-> can you use the network manager to enable it ? | 05:31 |
cypha | that looks perfect | 05:31 |
=== phenom|away is now known as phenom|zZz | ||
=== phenom|zZz is now known as phenom_ | ||
cypha | can i save onto my linux partition from vista? | 05:31 |
zChris | cypha: just be sure to save the files you need on your desktop | 05:32 |
cypha | (not on my desktop) | 05:32 |
cypha | (that's priviledged area) | 05:32 |
zChris | cypha: what filesystem did you use? | 05:32 |
cypha | c:\ i'll use | 05:32 |
tlrokeutoetn | amenado: I use wicd as a network manager, and that doesn't have an option to disable networks | 05:32 |
cypha | vista has ntfs...linux has ext3 | 05:32 |
harriseldon | cypha http://www.fs-driver.org/ | 05:32 |
amenado | tlrokeutoetn-> paste in pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file | 05:32 |
tlrokeutoetn | amenado: (network-manager gave me problems such as not reconnecting to the network on resume from standby) | 05:33 |
cypha | that's ext2 harriseldon | 05:33 |
harriseldon | cypha read the faq | 05:33 |
___Alex___ | is gutsy or feisty more stable than hardy? | 05:33 |
teddy | gutsy is | 05:33 |
zChris | cypha: its for ext3 aswell | 05:33 |
cypha | woops, gotcha harris...thanks | 05:34 |
tlrokeutoetn | amenado: It's short enough: "auto lo | iface lo inet loopback" | = newline | 05:34 |
harriseldon | mrnotproper great name. lol. It takes me back to the make mrproper days | 05:34 |
tlrokeutoetn | amenado: that is what wicd says it should be | 05:34 |
montpelie | hey boys any way I can set a password for a folder, so that access can be granted by inputting it | 05:35 |
amenado | tlrokeutoetn-> then you are missing the entry for your wireless, insert it in manually | 05:35 |
___Alex___ | is it worth re-installing ubuntu to downgrade from hardy to gutsy? or should I just wait for hardy to have all it's bugs worked out? | 05:36 |
Dillizar | how can i set a program to autorun when i sign in? | 05:36 |
montpelie | gnome session dillizar | 05:36 |
tlrokeutoetn | amenado: what line should I add? | 05:36 |
nickrud | Dillizar put it in system->prefs->session | 05:36 |
juannicolas | winbindd[4089]: [2008/05/20 00:35:04, 0] nsswitch/winbindd_passdb.c:sid_to_name(130) winbindd[4089]: Possible deadlock: Trying to lookup SID S-1-1-0 with passdb backend | 05:36 |
viro | any one know a good website to use as a source for a linux paper on sysetem security? | 05:37 |
___Alex___ | sorry for repeating, but is it worth re-installing ubuntu to downgrade from hardy to gutsy? or should I just wait for hardy to have all it's bugs worked out? | 05:37 |
amenado | tlrokeutoetn-> something like iface wlan0 inet dhcp | 05:37 |
gavru | http://www.traffpro.ru - project for russian | 05:37 |
montpelie | hey anyway to set up a password protected folder????? | 05:37 |
zChris | ___Alex___: thats really up to you | 05:37 |
amenado | tlrokeutoetn-> something like iface wlan0 inet dhcp ; wireless-essid yourESSID | 05:37 |
Dillizar | 10x nickrud you are the best | 05:38 |
Dillizar | :D | 05:38 |
zChris | montpelie: i dont think you can do that outofthebox | 05:38 |
amenado | tlrokeutoetn-> please man iterfaces for samples | 05:38 |
lab | 123 | 05:38 |
lab | 356 | 05:38 |
montpelie | what should I do then | 05:38 |
lab | 3515136 | 05:38 |
montpelie | zchris | 05:38 |
lab | hfdeyjt | 05:38 |
zChris | montpelie: depends on the contex | 05:38 |
tlrokeutoetn | amenado: thanks | 05:38 |
nickrud | montpelie usually you would use group permissions for that, so anyone in the right group can read it after logging in. | 05:38 |
montpelie | would I have to encrypt the folder??? | 05:38 |
Pav5088 | Is it possible to set configuration options for a package install from a script? | 05:39 |
mephistofun | is there a way to reinstall packages while completely wiping their configuration and data files (i.e. aptitude purge followed by aptitude install).. i try to purge the packages before reinstalling them but aptitude wants to uninstall a bunch of other packages that i don't want to touch | 05:39 |
montpelie | right, but in case the folder in question is my HOme folder | 05:39 |
zChris | montpelie: do you want to hide the folder from a user that uses the same account as you ? or from another user on the system ? | 05:39 |
Dillizar | nickrud: how can i put some other effects | 05:39 |
montpelie | right, a user using the same account | 05:39 |
nickrud | montpelie you can make the folder rwxrwx--- , add the person you your group | 05:40 |
montpelie | using a different one, no permissions are granted by default to access other users' folders | 05:40 |
tlrokeutoetn | amenado: how do I get it to reread the interfaces file? | 05:40 |
nickrud | Dillizar what effects? | 05:40 |
klos | anyone can help me out with dv editing ??? im looking for some material like animated backgrounds or music that i could use to create a little video | 05:40 |
zChris | nickrud: that wont work since they are using the same account | 05:40 |
Dillizar | visual effects nickrud | 05:41 |
nickrud | zChris ah, missed that line. not red :) | 05:41 |
amenado | tlrokeutoetn-> sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 05:41 |
zChris | nickrud: :) | 05:41 |
gavru | join #gentoo-ru | 05:41 |
S4nD3r | I have a problem... Everytime I turn on my notebook, I need to run in recovery mode, run fix video configuration (xfix)... HOw solve it to normal mode?? | 05:41 |
nickrud | Dillizar install compizconfig-settings-manager , then in prefs->advanced desktop settings. #compiz-fusion (if someone is around) will show you all the goodies | 05:41 |
montpelie | chmod 770 file, you mean nickrud??' | 05:41 |
alecwh | !flash | 05:42 |
ubottu | To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 05:42 |
nickrud | montpelie yes, but you're both using the same account, from what I was just told. Give them their own account, then set up a separate folder, like /shared to share stuff. | 05:42 |
tlrokeutoetn | amenado: thanks for your time, but it still isn't working. It's too late at night for me to keep doing this, so I'm signing off now | 05:42 |
montpelie | so that only the owner and the group get full access to it | 05:42 |
nickrud | montpelie that's the principle, yes | 05:42 |
zChris | nickrud: 06:39 < montpelie> right, a user using the same account |:) | 05:43 |
mephistofun | is there a way to tell aptitude to ignore dependencies when installing/uninstalling a package | 05:43 |
Flannel | mephistofun: no. That defeats the purpose of package management | 05:43 |
Dillizar | how can i install compizconfig-settings-manager nickrud | 05:43 |
montpelie | right, as I got some compromising pics in home folder , I dont want my girlfried to see them right..... that's the issue | 05:44 |
alecwh | Hello, I'm using Hardy, and I installed libflashsupport with Flash so I can have sound with PulseAudio. However, it's VERY unstable. Firefox crashes every other time I load a page with flash! Has this been fixed? | 05:44 |
rrr | hi | 05:44 |
S4nD3r | how to setup videocard as default, used in instalation???? | 05:44 |
mephistofun | flannel, yes, but aptitude wont let me do what i want to do. i want to completely purge the packages and reinstall them. it seems like aptitude reinstall leaves the configuration and data files behind | 05:44 |
zChris | montpelie: ahahahaha, well i suggest you to hide it with . prefix then :) | 05:44 |
nickrud | mephistofun you can use dpkg -i --force-confnew /var/cache/apt/archive/<package-file, that should force a replacement of the config files. | 05:44 |
montpelie | and of course if I set up an additional account for her, she'll get pissed off | 05:44 |
montpelie | ok zchris | 05:44 |
montpelie | good idea | 05:44 |
montpelie | haha | 05:45 |
mephistofun | ok thanks nickrud | 05:45 |
nickrud | montpelie heh. make a hidden folder in /var maybe | 05:45 |
lab | ok | 05:45 |
lab | i think it's a good ideal | 05:45 |
montpelie | hahahah, kk | 05:45 |
montpelie | sound good | 05:45 |
lab | where are you come from | 05:46 |
* nickrud thinks <momentarily> of tracing montpelie and mailing his girlfriend | 05:46 | |
montpelie | hahaha | 05:47 |
montpelie | I'd appreciate that nickrud | 05:47 |
montpelie | devil made flesh | 05:48 |
nickrud | my it's quiet tonight. I haven't been around for a bit, is hardy that stable for most? | 05:48 |
Ontolog | I'm trying to compile something and I get /usr/bin/ld: crt1.o: No such file: No such file or directory | 05:49 |
Ontolog | Which package should I install to solve this problem? | 05:49 |
nickrud | find crt1.o | 05:49 |
montpelie | which package are u trying to cimpule ontolog | 05:49 |
nickrud | !find crt1.o | 05:49 |
montpelie | compile | 05:49 |
ubottu | File crt1.o found in gcc-m68hc1x, libc6-dev, libc6-dev-amd64, libuclibc-dev, mingw32-runtime (and 3 others) | 05:49 |
tom_ | Is there any way to boot a 32 bit kernel with some kind of HIGH MEM option, so it'll fully use 4gb without having to recompile? | 05:50 |
nickrud | Ontolog probably libc6-dev is what you want | 05:50 |
rrr | ÓлáÖÐÎĵÄÅóÓÑÂ𣿠| 05:52 |
bigmcq77 | ??????? | 05:53 |
Flannel | !cn | rrr | 05:53 |
ubottu | rrr: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 05:53 |
montpelie | guys quick question | 05:53 |
rrr | thanks | 05:54 |
montpelie | any opengl gdm theme available??? | 05:54 |
glitch942004 | linux newbie here, hello everybody :) | 05:54 |
nickrud | montpelie unless gdm has changed a lot, it's only 2d themes | 05:54 |
nickrud | welcome glitch942004 | 05:55 |
manifest | what was the cube thing that allows you to go trough diffrent desktops? | 05:55 |
glitch942004 | thanks | 05:55 |
montpelie | mmm, any project you know about maybe nickrud??? | 05:55 |
nickrud | manifest it's part of compiz | 05:55 |
nickrud | montpelie not really. I've gotten really out of touch with development stuff the last couple years, I just use what's put in front of me | 05:56 |
bigmcq77 | hola ¿como estas mis amigos? | 05:56 |
bigmcq77 | ???? | 05:56 |
bigmcq77 | hola | 05:56 |
bigmcq77 | ¿hablas espanol? | 05:56 |
Flannel | !es | bigmcq77 | 05:56 |
ubottu | bigmcq77: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 05:56 |
bigmcq77 | ubuntu es mi OS favorita | 05:56 |
oddalot | lol | 05:56 |
montpelie | hahaha, so the advice --->> stick to what's in front of you | 05:56 |
montpelie | kk | 05:56 |
bigmcq77 | i done actually speak spanish. ha i tricked the bot | 05:57 |
nickrud | montpelie well, advice for a working desktop. Playing with development stuff is fun, but time consuming. I just don't have much to spare | 05:57 |
billy12 | ssh-vulnkey -a said i have 2 "COMPROMISED:", what do i do about it | 05:57 |
montpelie | right gotcha, | 05:57 |
nickrud | billy12 see the topic, there's a link on the steps you take to fix that | 05:58 |
billy12 | thanx | 05:58 |
bigmcq77 | dont | 05:58 |
S4nD3r | How to define video configuration as default??? | 05:59 |
montpelie | hey nickrud, some experience with "xrandr"???????''' | 05:59 |
wuxia | how does /tmp and /var/tmp differ? | 05:59 |
nickrud | Dillizar I missed your message (rolled out of my brain stack) did you get package installed? | 05:59 |
ganymede | does anyone know how to modify the contact list appearance for pidgin so that each item takes up less vertical space? i don't see the setting for non-detail view contact list | 05:59 |
___Alex___ | is xubuntu 8.04 less buggy than it's gnome cousin? | 06:00 |
Dillizar | YES nickrud | 06:00 |
=== phenom_ is now known as phenom|zZz | ||
nickrud | wuxia not much, just nothing that I have uses /var/tmp | 06:00 |
MasterShrek | ganymede, click buddies > show > uncheck buddy details | 06:00 |
Dillizar | but i dont know how to set to butn off the window when i close it nickrud :P | 06:01 |
m0u5e | does /var/tmp clear its cache after you reboot? i have an extremely small hd and would like to keep my tmp files as clean as possible... | 06:01 |
ganymede | MasterShrek, thanks | 06:01 |
nickrud | Dillizar that question, not sure what you meant | 06:01 |
MasterShrek | m0u5e, maybe, if not you can always add a command to your startup that will do that each time it reboots | 06:02 |
MasterShrek | m0u5e, then youll be sure it happens | 06:02 |
halstead | I just hit a key combination that popped both my desktops up over a reflective background. I don't see it in the keyboard shortcuts. Does anyone know what it is? | 06:02 |
m0u5e | MasterShrek: okay thx | 06:02 |
zChris | halstead: check keyboard bindings of compiz | 06:02 |
Dillizar | its a effect i saw in a movie nickrud | 06:02 |
MasterShrek | halstead, was it alt+tab maybe? | 06:02 |
halstead | zChris, where can I look at those? | 06:03 |
dave11 | is there a ping tester for linux? | 06:03 |
MasterShrek | dave11, ping <host or ip> | 06:03 |
MasterShrek | example: ping www.google.com | 06:03 |
zChris | halstead, in Compiz advanced settings i think, not really sure | 06:03 |
halstead | MasterShrek, Not alt-tab but it was something from compiz I think. Both virtual desktops at once. Very shiny. | 06:03 |
nickrud | Dillizar ah, burn instead of butn? | 06:04 |
dave11 | MasterShrek: will it analyze hops? | 06:04 |
eclipse23 | hi guys...i have a display problem after installing nvidia driver. problem is the default display is set to the ext output instead of the lcd screen. no luck with screens and graphics either. please someone | 06:04 |
zChris | dave11: tracert ? | 06:04 |
MasterShrek | dave11, doubtful im not really too experienced with that, nmap is probably more what you are looking for | 06:04 |
dave11 | zChris: thanks | 06:04 |
MasterShrek | halstead, ctrl+alt+tab? | 06:04 |
minusidea | whats the terminal command to look at the hardware report? | 06:04 |
Starnestommy | minusidea: sudo lshw | 06:05 |
dave11 | looknig for something like ping plotter | 06:05 |
minusidea | thank you | 06:05 |
Starnestommy | dave11: graphical or text-based? | 06:05 |
nickrud | Dillizar if that's what you want, the windows to burn themselfs off the screen, it's under animations | 06:05 |
tieTYT2 | can anyone tell me how to write a script that will stop a command returned from ps? I'm piping to a grep to find it, and it always returns the grep command itself so i'm not sure how to be sure i'm killing the right one | 06:05 |
dave11 | Starnestommy: graphical | 06:05 |
halstead | MasterShrek, Not that either but it does alternate the screen that shows the alt-tab line-up. | 06:06 |
zChris | dave11: if you dont find any software for linux that are like pingplotter you can always try to wine the original | 06:06 |
eclipse23 | hi guys...i have a display problem after installing nvidia driver. problem is the default display is set to the ext output instead of the lcd screen. no luck with screens and graphics either. :( im using geforce2 go, on ubuntu 7.10 installed with restricted drivers mangr | 06:06 |
dave11 | zChris: heard too many nightmare stories about that | 06:07 |
___Alex___ | I'm on ubuntu 8.04 right now and was wondering if I switched to kubuntu or xubuntu, would stability improve? Or should I consider going to 7.10 instead? | 06:07 |
nickrud | wine is negative energy | 06:07 |
zChris | dave11: weird, one guy says it works absolutly fine under wine | 06:07 |
zChris | nickrud: wine is doing a great job :< | 06:07 |
halstead | MasterShrek, zChris It wa sthe expo effect in compiz Super+E (which is windows+E for me.) Had to install compizconfig-settings-manager and run ccsm to find it. | 06:08 |
nickrud | zChris it always bites my butt, and I don't have the inclination to tweak it. I run a vm instead. | 06:08 |
dave11 | zChris: just dont want mix windows with linux, creaps me out..:) | 06:08 |
zChris | dave11: i just use it to play games | 06:08 |
eclipse23 | windows on linux? thats cool | 06:09 |
SuperQ | yes :) | 06:09 |
amenado | tieTYT2-> what is your command line? | 06:09 |
tieTYT2 | bash | 06:09 |
tieTYT2 | or you mean the command i use? | 06:09 |
tieTYT2 | ps aux | grep java | 06:09 |
dave11 | makes it feal dirty | 06:09 |
dave11 | lol | 06:09 |
* nickrud agrees with dave11 , like totally | 06:10 | |
amenado | !who | tieTYT2 | 06:10 |
ubottu | tieTYT2: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 06:10 |
dave11 | lol | 06:10 |
tieTYT2 | i was talking to amenado | 06:10 |
amenado | tieTYT2-> well put my nick on the front, so i would be able to follow | 06:10 |
LinuxMercedes | Is rebuilding the initramfs the last thing a do-release-upgrade command does? | 06:10 |
tieTYT2 | amenado: do you want me to repeat? | 06:10 |
dave11 | ?me thinks nickrud=cool | 06:11 |
amenado | tieTYT2-> yes | 06:11 |
eclipse23 | hi guys...i have a display problem after installing nvidia driver. problem is the default display is set to the ext output instead of the lcd screen. no luck with screens and graphics either. :( im using geforce2 go, on ubuntu 7.10 installed nvidia with restricted drivers mangr | 06:11 |
tieTYT2 | amenado: or you mean the command i use? ps aux | grep java | 06:11 |
zChris | eclipse23: you 100 sure it is on the ext ? | 06:11 |
amenado | tieTYT2-> and that gives you how many lines? ie how many processes that has java on it? | 06:12 |
twiztr | Heyy, I really need some help... | 06:12 |
nickrud | tieTYT2 if you know you're looking for java, you might try pidof java | 06:12 |
nakedgoat | twiztr : with what? | 06:12 |
tieTYT2 | amenado: it gives me 2 | 06:12 |
twiztr | My 160 GB harddrive is about to fail, so I got a new 250 GB drive, but they are both SATA, and I only have two sata cables (my DVD is sata too), so i cant boot to a norton ghost CD and clone the failing CD | 06:13 |
tieTYT2 | nickrud: sweet, i didn't know that existed | 06:13 |
tieTYT2 | that works perfectly | 06:13 |
twiztr | so i need to know how to make an exact copy of one partition on the drive im on now | 06:13 |
twiztr | to the other one | 06:13 |
eclipse23 | zChris: yes...under screens and graphics the 1st monitor is the lcd. but nothing appears in the lcd so i connected another ext monitor and the screen appears there instead. i cant seem to get the laptop screen to be default | 06:13 |
twiztr | without the need for a CD | 06:13 |
Ontolog | what is a good iTunes-like MP3 player? | 06:14 |
twiztr | and my hard drive can fail at any second, theoretically. | 06:14 |
neil_d | hi, i am having some trouble with a USB modem :( it appears that at startup the driver sometimes doesn't find the modem, but if I unplug the modem and plug it back in all is OK :) is the a way of restarting the USB system or something to simulate a device unplug and plug in ? | 06:14 |
egc | forgive me if this is a simple question...but im trying to copy the symlinks in /etc/fonts/conf.d to a USB drive...and I can't find the option to 'cp' to do so | 06:14 |
Ontolog | ideal would be one that can read an iTunes Library XML file | 06:14 |
nakedgoat | seems like I would just use another PC, or a USB drive cable. | 06:14 |
zChris | eclipse23: hmm sorry cant really help ya :/ | 06:14 |
twiztr | so, any one have any ideas? | 06:14 |
nakedgoat | I'm sure these guys have a better idea. | 06:14 |
zChris | twiztr: install the 250gb and install an OS on that one, plug in the first sata and ghost it ? | 06:14 |
nakedgoat | crazy huh | 06:15 |
eclipse23 | zChris: thanks bro...well worse come to worst ill just switch back to vesa :( | 06:15 |
zChris | eclipse23: so it works in vesa `? | 06:15 |
tieTYT2 | thanks guys | 06:15 |
eclipse23 | zchris: problem is only after installing the nvidia driver | 06:15 |
amenado | tieTYT2-> also you can pipe it to grep -v grep to remove the last grep on the result | 06:15 |
zChris | eclipse23: have you checked xorg.conf for hints ? | 06:15 |
jjgalvez | can anyone help me with my laptop, when I plug in my headphones the main speakers don't go off | 06:16 |
oddalot | duct tape | 06:16 |
Daemonax | Anyone here got any experience with getting connected to the net in China? Works fine on my friends windows machine, but can't get my laptop to auth. | 06:16 |
pyro17_ | after accidently deleting all my secondary groups but audio i am trying to get back the rest but cannot seem ti | 06:17 |
pyro17_ | i booted my live cd, mounted / and edited the /etc/group and added myself to admin, but now that im back in my normal user i used " sudo usermod -G XXXX,adm,uucp,dialout,cdrom,audio,dip,video,plugdev,scanner,netdev,powerdev,admin XXXX " it doesnt complain but id XXXX still only says im part of audio and XXXX only | 06:17 |
zChris | pyro17_: tried logout and in ? | 06:17 |
pyro17_ | yea | 06:17 |
pyro17_ | zChris logged out and back in to restart the shell | 06:18 |
amenado | Daemonax-> are you in china now? are you using linux or windows now? | 06:18 |
eclipse23 | zchris: what exactly should i look for in xorg.conf. i tried to meddle with it but no luck too | 06:18 |
zChris | eclipse23: pastebin it | 06:18 |
nickrud | pyro17_ logged out completely, to the gdm login screen? If you have any login anywhere, the group change won't get recognized | 06:18 |
eclipse23 | zchris: whats that? sorry im new to ubuntu | 06:19 |
zChris | !pastebin | 06:19 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 06:19 |
pyro17_ | nickrud i log out to the login page | 06:20 |
pyro17_ | no sessions still running | 06:20 |
Yarcanox | I'm on windows XP and currently downloading the iso image for ubuntu, but now facing a problem: I have no program to burn this onto a CD. does someone know a free burning program or a trail version of a commercial one that will burn that bootable iso image onto a CD for me? | 06:20 |
Yarcanox | I know plenty of free cd burning programs for linux but not a single one for windows o.O | 06:20 |
nakedgoat | Yarcanox: virtualbox | 06:20 |
nickrud | pyro17_ try clt-alt-f2, log in there, then sudo adduser XXXX adm , then do the logout/in thing there (faster turnaround on troubleshooting) | 06:20 |
sols | cdburnerxp | 06:21 |
eclipse23 | yarcanox:nero | 06:21 |
zChris | Yarakyo: imgburn ? | 06:21 |
nickrud | pyro17_ at the login screen, that is. | 06:21 |
nakedgoat | no need to burn | 06:21 |
=== spem1 is now known as speme | ||
glitch942004 | download img burn | 06:21 |
zChris | eclipse23: is not free :P | 06:21 |
glitch942004 | imgburn is free free free | 06:21 |
nickrud | Yarakyo infrarecorder is gpl, works well | 06:21 |
Yarcanox | Yarakyo is not me =P | 06:21 |
nakedgoat | Yarcanox: yeah imgburn is free, so is damon tools | 06:21 |
eclipse23 | zchris:yeah its not. ahaha | 06:21 |
zChris | nakedgoat: psst.. daemon* | 06:22 |
nickrud | running gpl on windows makes me feel virtuously subversive | 06:22 |
nakedgoat | I can spell corona | 06:22 |
eclipse23 | zchris: what happens if i pastebin stuff...? | 06:22 |
bpat1434 | are there any really good directions on replacing Firefox in ubuntu? I'd like to get rid of the FF3.0b5, and use rc1 | 06:22 |
eclipse23 | nakedgoat:corona is good | 06:23 |
zChris | eclipse23: well i can see it :P | 06:23 |
nakedgoat | Si si | 06:23 |
pyro17_ | nickrud says im not on the sudoers list O_O | 06:23 |
nakedgoat | back to topic ;) | 06:23 |
SkiddyFisk | How come some packages will only update in the graphical package manager, but not in apt-get in the console? | 06:23 |
scunizi | SkiddyFisk, sometimes you have to sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 06:23 |
eclipse23 | zchris: so us cant see my post just now? the long one? | 06:23 |
nakedgoat | SkiddyFisk: your sources? can you elaborate? | 06:23 |
u007 | hi, i found 1 of the mirror for package has been down, is there any command for me to ask apt-get to choose another mirror? or i have to edit the configuration file | 06:23 |
nickrud | pyro17_ aha! | 06:24 |
zChris | eclipse23: where? give me the link | 06:24 |
zChris | u007: tried man ? | 06:24 |
karlito | Hi. I set up a bind server. stop working. syslog = unexpected RCODE (refused) is that because my domain is unregister for now and I got kick ? anyway a restart make it work again, I just don't like window like troubleshooting | 06:24 |
* Yarcanox is already excited about installing and running new ubuntu in half an hour :) | 06:24 | |
eclipse23 | zchris: im lost...nvm | 06:24 |
nickrud | SkiddyFisk like what? That's not right ... | 06:24 |
pyro17_ | nickrud but i used the live cd to manually add myself to the admin | 06:24 |
zChris | eclipse23: you use pastebin to paste text there for other to see | 06:25 |
bpat1434 | Anyone? Replace the distributed Firefox with that of Firefox rc1? | 06:25 |
zChris | pyro17_: did chroot to the ubuntu on the hd ? | 06:25 |
scunizi | bpat1434, we'll probably get the update pretty soon.. | 06:25 |
nakedgoat | bah | 06:26 |
joelsolanki | Hi room | 06:26 |
joelsolanki | good evneing | 06:26 |
Yarcanox | bpat1434 what about apt-removing the old/current firefox and make/install the new one? | 06:26 |
nickrud | pyro17_ something went wrong in your add then. I'd suggest booting in recovery mode (hit esc when you see something about grub on boot) and running adduser XXXX admin to make sure it takes properly | 06:26 |
Yarcanox | at least that's the way I replaced wine | 06:26 |
joelsolanki | i am ubuntu latest and i have a iso cd which is created on debian | 06:26 |
bpat1434 | yarcanox: I've read that it would break some things in ubuntu that rely upon the gecko rendering engine | 06:26 |
pyro17_ | zChris i mounted the hdb1 and then edited /etc/group | 06:26 |
eclipse23 | zchris: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13416/ <--is this it? | 06:26 |
bpat1434 | scunizi: I'd rather get all updates, not just security updates | 06:26 |
Yarcanox | oh ok. so you have to ask someone else then =P | 06:26 |
nakedgoat | O my G0d! | 06:26 |
bpat1434 | lol | 06:26 |
shadowimmage | Hey- just looking for some guidance here, I updated to the latest version of Ubuntu on my laptop, and after the update my wireless card won't work. | 06:27 |
zChris | eclipse23: the idea was that you should pastebin your xorg.conf :) | 06:27 |
pyro17_ | nickrud will adduser be bad if the user already exists | 06:27 |
nakedgoat | ;P | 06:27 |
bpat1434 | shadowimmage: restricted drivers? | 06:27 |
SkiddyFisk | nickrud: I just installed a fresh system of 7.04 and did a full apt-get update, then upgrade. after I finished that there was still a bunch of ssl and libssl type stuff that wouldn't update unless I went for the little tray icon | 06:27 |
Flannel | bpat1434: The updates will take a little while for firefox, because its currently UDS, but the repos will be updated soon | 06:28 |
shadowimmage | bpat1434: I wasn't using any before in the last version before 8.04 | 06:28 |
joelsolanki | the ISO is binded to work cdrom on /dev/hdc but my computer doesnt have /dev/hdc. I have /dev/hdb so i want to change the ISO content from /dev/hdc to /dev/hdb so i can use that ISO image and install on my computer. Do you think mounting the ISO and changing the content and creating ISO with changed files should work ? | 06:28 |
sladjan | I have installed KDE4 and after some time firefox freezed and I reboot it manualy... When it turned on panel has dissapeared... I don't know what to do?? PLEASE HELP ME | 06:28 |
sladjan | I have installed KDE4 and after some time firefox freezed and I reboot it manualy... When it turned on panel has dissapeared... I don't know what to do?? PLEASE HELP ME | 06:28 |
joelsolanki | i dont have experienc with it. any suggest plz ? | 06:28 |
bpat1434 | shadowimmage: Just going off my experience. I have to use the Broadcom restricted driver for my wireless card | 06:28 |
nakedgoat | FF! | 06:28 |
Flannel | sladjan: Try #kubuntu for KDE4 help (they may redirect you to #kubuntu-kde4) | 06:28 |
nickrud | SkiddyFisk the guys that mentioned apt-get dist-upgrade probably were on the right trail then | 06:28 |
eclipse23 | zchris: im on it...hahaha that was a bimbo mistake ill copy the xorg | 06:29 |
SkiddyFisk | nickrud: weird. well, update manager did it anyway. I was just curious. | 06:29 |
Daemonax | amenado: I'm in China now, using GNU/Linux of course. | 06:29 |
S4nD3r_ | how to reinstall my videocard as was in default instalation??? | 06:29 |
shadowimmage | bpat1434: So even though the ubuntu site says that my card should work under airo or airo_cs I should get the Broadcom? | 06:29 |
zChris | joelsolanki: how the hell did you end up binding your cdrom to /dev/hdc ? | 06:29 |
starz | sigh | 06:30 |
shadowimmage | bpat1434: or at least try? | 06:30 |
bpat1434 | shadowimmage: no. My card is a Broadcom card, I was just offering a suggestion | 06:30 |
bpat1434 | as to what the cause may be | 06:30 |
sladjan | I have installed KDE4 and after some time firefox freezed and I reboot it manualy... When it turned on panel has dissapeared... I don't know what to do?? PLEASE HELP ME | 06:30 |
bpat1434 | shadowimmage, not saying you should install it | 06:30 |
nakedgoat | gnome ;) | 06:30 |
bpat1434 | sladen, use #kubuntu-kde4 | 06:30 |
shadowimmage | bpat1434: alright, just making sure | 06:30 |
zChris | sladjan: try rename your .kde folder to kde.backup and try to login, if that dont work rename it back to .kde | 06:31 |
amenado | Daemonax-> so what was your question earlier? you cant connect your laptop? running which os? | 06:31 |
nakedgoat | zChris: or create a new ueser? same deal | 06:31 |
sladjan | zChris: where is that folder, I am new in linux | 06:31 |
sladjan | hmmm | 06:31 |
zChris | sladjan: in your home folder? | 06:31 |
zChris | nakedgoat: or reinstall ubuntu, that works :) | 06:32 |
Daemonax | amenado: laptop is running Debian, but I tried the Ubuntu livecd and same problem. Can't seem to auth, plug in the ethernet cable and it finds a protected 802.1x connection, I've got username and password, but it just won't auth. | 06:32 |
magnetron | wobblywu: http://www.amazon.com/Hacking-Cable-Modem-What-Companies/dp/1593271018/ref=sr_11_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1211261543&sr=11-1 | 06:32 |
wobblywu | magnetron, thanks ;) | 06:32 |
johntramp | Hey. Would the wire colours inside a parallel port cable be the same for each cable? Is there any standard? | 06:33 |
amenado | Daemonax-> which authentication method does the ISP there uses? | 06:33 |
Flannel | johntramp: #ubuntu-offtopic, not here, thanks. | 06:33 |
eclipse23 | zchris: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13417/ <---heres my xorg | 06:33 |
Level1Tech | whatup snitches | 06:33 |
bloodboy | http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/883/av1894tg1.gif | 06:34 |
shadowimmage | bpat1434: another thing that I noticed is that ubuntu won't boot when the card is inserted at boot. and inserting it later doesn't work. (it's a Cisco Aironet 350 series Pcmcia) | 06:34 |
Level1Tech | just got my stuff runnin baby | 06:34 |
Daemonax | amenado: seems to be chap, checking connection status on my friends windows machine it says chap, I've tried that though. :-/ | 06:34 |
Level1Tech | neeed to change my desktop yo...how i do that | 06:34 |
zChris | eclipse23: have you been in there? :P | 06:34 |
Level1Tech | it skips when I scrotum down | 06:34 |
=== [cE_eXeMpHE_Fz_c is now known as co_januari | ||
dassouki | does anyone know of a good online meeting site alternative to gotomeeting dot com | 06:34 |
=== co_januari is now known as [cE_eXeMpHE_Fz_c | ||
amenado | Daemonax-> but first, how are you connecting to the ISP? ppp? pppoe ? | 06:34 |
Level1Tech | ms groove | 06:35 |
eclipse23 | zchris:not this one...kinda like paranoid since haywired everything | 06:35 |
=== [cE_eXeMpHE_Fz_c is now known as co_januari | ||
Daemonax | amenado: oh it should be pppoe. | 06:35 |
Flannel | !nickspam > co_januari | 06:35 |
nakedgoat | !ot | dassouki | 06:35 |
ubottu | dassouki: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 06:35 |
Level1Tech | try adutlfriendfinder.com...they have a nice webcam chat area | 06:35 |
Flannel | Level1Tech: Please keep it on topic | 06:35 |
bullgard4 | How often will a default Ubuntu 8.04 call ntpdate? | 06:35 |
Level1Tech | sorry...I did ask for some desktop background help | 06:36 |
zChris | eclipse23: you got my pm ? | 06:36 |
Level1Tech | I think thats ubuntu related | 06:36 |
Flannel | Level1Tech: you can do it from the right click menu | 06:36 |
dassouki | nakedgoat, it's one of those topics that's hard to know in which room to ask the question | 06:36 |
Level1Tech | oh snap....you da man | 06:36 |
nakedgoat | dassouki: what is ur question? | 06:36 |
amenado | Daemonax-> that is pretty straightforward isnt it? you have a dsl modem which makes the connection then the modem hands off to your pc right? | 06:36 |
sja | hello, all! im have next problem: my update notifer say: you have XXX updates aviable. im clicking to icon and automatically runing update manger (all, ok). bu when im click to INSTALL - update manager reload server list and package information and all, im again press install - and this is to frever. apt-get upgrade worked great. what a resolved my problem? big thanx/ | 06:37 |
bpat1434 | I'm going to feel like a dunce, but how can I install ff 3.0 rc1? The .bz2 package isn't an install package, no makefile..... | 06:37 |
minusidea | there a way to force a .run to install? | 06:37 |
shadowimmage | Anyone have ideas to fix my wireless card problem? Ubuntu fails to boot when the card is inserted when I boot, and it also won't work when I try to insert it after logging into ubuntu | 06:37 |
nakedgoat | minusidea: a ./*.bin? | 06:37 |
Flannel | bpat1434: The easiest way is to just wait for it to be updated in the repository | 06:37 |
bpat1434 | Flannel: I don't want to ;) | 06:37 |
Level1Tech | buy new card fool | 06:37 |
minusidea | <--- noob | 06:38 |
Flannel | bpat1434: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion has the gist of it | 06:38 |
nakedgoat | Level1Tech: it's fewl and be nice.. | 06:38 |
minusidea | basically here's the issue | 06:38 |
Daemonax | amenado: nope, it's in an apartment, they just provide the rooms with an ethernet connection, I guess to a central radius server or something, and I have to provide the correct auth details, which I've tried, but it won't work. :-/ | 06:38 |
Level1Tech | you in china? | 06:38 |
Daemonax | Level1Tech: yup. | 06:39 |
nakedgoat | Level1Tech: no america.. ??? | 06:39 |
dassouki | nakedgoat, i asked the question in the -offtopic room | 06:39 |
minusidea | i'm trying to install the VIA UniChrome Pro Driver Binary off their website - when i go to terminal and run, sudo sh via.run - I type #1 for Install Driver - then it gives me "this driver package is only support the default 2.6.22-14-generica" for Ubuntu 7.10 | 06:39 |
nakedgoat | dassouki: sorry Missed it or I'd have answered u | 06:40 |
tmapj | can anyone tell me how to get the virtual midi keyboard working? | 06:40 |
lorb | is it appropriate for me to ask a generic question about DNS? | 06:40 |
shadowimmage | Anyone have ideas to fix my wireless card problem? Ubuntu fails to boot when the card is inserted when I boot, and it also won't work when I try to insert it after logging into ubuntu. Also, sleep doesn't work after update from 7.xx to 8.04 | 06:40 |
dassouki | nakedgoat, i'm just looking for an alternative to to goToMeeting dot com. basically to do online meetings, and presentations | 06:40 |
* Level1Tech going to get dick wet....laterz fewls | 06:40 | |
nakedgoat | dassouki: have u tried logmein.com? | 06:41 |
minusidea | problem is i don't know what version of the integrated video card is on this motherboard and lshw doesn't show it either | 06:41 |
=== neeed is now known as Nyad | ||
zChris | !search nvidia-settings | 06:41 |
ubottu | Found: | 06:41 |
error0327 | areal problem in Ubuntu i make a directory to c++ program using txt editor after i end i cut that directory from my desktop to anther place and again i create a document withe the same name on my desktop and create anther cpp files for new program all the same main.cpp func.cpp head.h but after restart the system i back to my program and i find that the files replaced withe the old one that i remove before that is a real prob | 06:41 |
error0327 | lem because they get the same names the system change it withe the old files that is craze | 06:41 |
amenado | Daemonax-> perhaps thats where you need to focus on, the radius server authentication...but you get an ip address already? | 06:41 |
dassouki | nakedgoat, thanks for the recommendation, i'll try it right now | 06:41 |
tmapj | can anyone tell me how to get the virtual midi keyboard working? | 06:41 |
scunizi | dassouki, dimdim is another and free | 06:42 |
nakedgoat | dassouki: check it if not, i might have another mention for u.. | 06:42 |
zChris | !search nvidia | 06:42 |
ubottu | Found: nouveau, tvout, nodeco, aiglx, binarydriver, nvidia, nvidia9, nonxgl, nvidia-beta, effects | 06:42 |
zChris | !help | 06:42 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 06:42 |
Yarcanox | LoL | 06:42 |
amenado | error0327-> hard to follow your statements, you created a directory and put text files and then what? | 06:42 |
zChris | How do i search for a package? | 06:42 |
dpowerd | zChris, apt-cache search packagename | 06:43 |
dassouki | scunizi, nakedgoat dimdim dot com might be exactly what i was looking for, thanks for the advice :D | 06:43 |
eclipse23 | zchris: got ur pm workin on it | 06:43 |
zChris | i meant with ubottu :P | 06:43 |
dpowerd | :p | 06:43 |
scunizi | dassouki, np | 06:43 |
Flannel | zChris: /msg ubotu find [name] | 06:43 |
tmapj | can anyone tell me how to get the virtual midi keyboard working? | 06:43 |
Daemonax | amenado: yeah, it gives me an ip address. Hmmm. | 06:43 |
zChris | ty ^^ | 06:43 |
scunizi | !repeat | tmapj | 06:44 |
ubottu | tmapj: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 06:44 |
nakedgoat | there's a nice linux package that does the same thing.. | 06:44 |
shadowimmage | Anyone have ideas to fix my wireless card problem? Ubuntu fails to boot when the card is inserted when I boot, and it also won't work when I try to insert it after logging into ubuntu. Also, sleep doesn't work after update from 7.xx to 8.04 | 06:44 |
amenado | Daemonax-> so you already have an ip address...what more do you need? | 06:44 |
aluser | I have a logitech webcam with a built-in microphone. The webcam works, the usb microphone device is detected (and I can access its mixer), but I can't seem to get any sound from it. It works fine in other OSs, any ideas? I just don't know how to work this newfangled mixer thingamajig | 06:44 |
* nakedgoat doens't do video or wireless | 06:44 | |
Daemonax | amenado: I need to auth. | 06:45 |
Yarcanox | tmapj I dunno what a virtual midi keyboard is, but normal midi output (playing of .mid-files) can be enabled by installing a software synth, e.g. timidity (just search apt-get/aptitude for it) | 06:45 |
zChris | eclipse23: well im off to bed, if you havent already you can try the advice i gave you in pm :) | 06:45 |
zChris | Gn | 06:45 |
nakedgoat | tmapj: didn't u get ur vbox up and running? | 06:46 |
amenado | Daemonax-> to what server you need to authenticate? can you ping www.yahoo.com? is your route table okay? you have /etc/resolv.conf and filled with a name server? | 06:46 |
tmapj | Yarcanox virtial midi keyboard is a virtual synth | 06:46 |
ringer | how do i play .flv videos? | 06:46 |
error0327 | it is not a text file it is cpp files but i use the text editor after i creat them i move them to anther place and then creat a new one withe the same name and inside the smae names of files and then the system replace them withe the old ones | 06:46 |
nakedgoat | big clock around ur neck? | 06:46 |
tmapj | nakedgoat yes i did but the display is downsized | 06:46 |
tmapj | nakedgoat how do you fix that? | 06:47 |
error0327 | after the restart | 06:47 |
nakedgoat | tmapj: it's using genric video drivers | 06:47 |
ringer | how do i play and convert .flv videos | 06:47 |
dassouki | is there a way to get evolution to minimize to the "status" bar | 06:47 |
tmapj | nakedgoat then how do i fix it | 06:47 |
Filled-Void | Hello all, Im an Exaile 0.2.11 user on Ubuntu. Im trying to use the Album Art Collector. It looks like it is fetching the information but it nver gets displayed. I tried a couple of things like deleting a folder in the .exaile dirctory and running another command but no luck. ANyone knows any workarounds :) ? I know its not an Ubuntu problem but the exaile channel is very vey silent :x . | 06:47 |
amenado | error0327-> cpp files are not text files? binaries? | 06:47 |
nakedgoat | tmapj: don't expectmuch | 06:47 |
shadowimmage | Hey! Anyone have ideas to fix my wireless card problem? Ubuntu fails to boot when the card is inserted when I boot, and it also won't work when I try to insert it after logging into ubuntu. Also, sleep doesn't work after update from 7.xx to 8.04 | 06:48 |
guiest | I can't change my default font | 06:48 |
Daemonax | amenado: I can't ping anything, by domain name or ip. Net connections are wierd here in China. | 06:49 |
error0327 | amenado ->yes | 06:49 |
guiest | Fontconfig error: line 564: mismatched tag | 06:49 |
guiest | Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file | 06:49 |
guiest | are the error messages i get | 06:50 |
error0327 | amenado->binaries | 06:50 |
amenado | Daemonax-> tell you what, paste your ifconfig; iwconfig; cat /etc/resolv.conf ; route -n | 06:50 |
Lanlost | I love LinuxMint (Ubuntu derivative) and have been using Linux for years.. theres always one problem that keeps me from not having the option of dual booting | 06:50 |
Lanlost | The hoary release is.. ridiculously great. I'm just having a strange problem with video. | 06:50 |
Daemonax | amenado: can't, I can't connect to the net with that machine. I could copy it to this windows machine, but it'll have to wait. Thanks anyway. | 06:51 |
amenado | error0327-> why are you editing a binary with a text editor? and i dont follow the rest of what you said, you moved the files to where? and create another what? | 06:51 |
Flannel | Lanlost: Hoary was a few years ago, you mean Hardy? | 06:51 |
Lanlost | haha yeah sorry. I used to use slack and Hoary was my first Ubuntu distro | 06:51 |
amenado | Daemonax-> you have a usb pen drive? transfer it using that..or manually type it, am out of here soon, so be quick | 06:51 |
nakedgoat | bah... | 06:51 |
Daemonax | amenado: yeah I've got one. But it doesn't matter, I've got to go now myself. Thanks though. | 06:52 |
amenado | ok laters | 06:52 |
Lanlost | regardless.. I tried googling it but no luck narrowing well enough.. Have any of you ever ran glxgears and when you move the window... it doesn't .. erm. erase the old window? | 06:53 |
Nyad | Hi, does anyone here know how to install a kubuntu off an ISO? without using a CD? | 06:53 |
guiest | ... and my problem? | 06:53 |
=== DBLobster is now known as U09526 | ||
Flannel | !install | Nyad | 06:53 |
ubottu | Nyad: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 06:53 |
Lanlost | I can move the window.. leave a ghost imprint.. move, leave a ghost imprint.. and when I move the window over the imprints.. it does erase them | 06:53 |
Flannel | Nyad: that page (first link) has a number of methods | 06:53 |
Lanlost | It's like its drawing with dirty rectangles but not erasing that area | 06:53 |
error0327 | these is a real problem some one must fix that !!! | 06:54 |
Nyad | Flannel, tnx | 06:54 |
jochmenDS | turn off desktop effects | 06:55 |
wolfwalker | I keep trying to install Ubuntu on a flash drive, but it gives me error 17 at grub. | 06:55 |
wolfwalker | What am I missing? | 06:55 |
nakedgoat | till ur raptor falls to peices.. ouch | 06:55 |
guiest | Fontconfig error: line 564: mismatched tag | 06:55 |
guiest | Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file | 06:55 |
aluser | capture from usb mic, anyone help? kind of a dealbreaker here :P | 06:55 |
Lanlost | Maybe I'll just do the install and then come back and ask again | 06:55 |
wolfwalker | It installs no problem. But when I restart and grub comes up from the flash drive's bootloader, it won't load an OS. | 06:55 |
my_haz | i kno i am late but "turn's out distro is just windows vista with a few custom themes" just cracks me up | 06:56 |
nakedgoat | lol | 06:56 |
Lanlost | I'm hoping once it's installed and I can screw with xorg.conf I can fix it. I bought a replacement ATI card for my old Geforce in which I broke it's fan (compressed air blew it backwards) thinking that ATIs drivers were better than nVidias | 06:56 |
Lanlost | now it seems I made the wrong choice and should have used an nVidia card again | 06:56 |
my_haz | i <3 xkcd | 06:56 |
Flannel | my_haz: #ubuntu-offtopic | 06:57 |
zoko | hi all | 06:57 |
minusidea | ugh.... anyone have a work around for installing older drivers on 8? | 06:57 |
CrAzY181 | hey guys anyone have any experience with pptpd setup? | 06:58 |
nakedgoat | sounds like slayer!!! | 06:58 |
CrAzY181 | i get error 619 when i try to connect from work i have ssh access to my ubuntu machine | 06:59 |
error0327 | ok the problem after making the same directory that include the same name of files in one place even if you move the first one to anther place and then you make the ather one the system replace the files even if the content is not the same | 07:00 |
Nyad | Flannel, I don't understand something on that page. could you help me? of you scroll down to the part where they explain how to do this from linux it has: sudo chmod `whoami`:`whoami` | 07:02 |
error0327 | maybe the txt editor do that becuse it make a file.xxx~ it is some kind of backup | 07:02 |
Nyad | Flannel, if I put my name there it doesn't work | 07:02 |
nakedgoat | bh! | 07:04 |
Lanlost | wow.. sda1? | 07:05 |
Lanlost | I've never had it be anything except hda1 | 07:05 |
Lapinux | how is it that every single process listed in gnome system monitor is either sleeping or zombie except gnome system monitor? | 07:05 |
Lapinux | even xorg is sleeping when it shows some cpu usage | 07:05 |
suthesan | i using ubuntu 8..my laptop is aspire 4520..using Nvidia Geforce 7000M ..but my screen resolution very bad,,,600x800 ..my fonts big and low resolution..how to solve it? | 07:06 |
Lanlost | Wouldn't sda1 be SCSI instead of IDE? It's and IDE harddrive.... I thought | 07:07 |
suthesan | pls help me | 07:07 |
minusidea | i'm having the same issue suthesan | 07:07 |
Nalleman | hi, yesterday i downloaded the game "frets on fire" and it played just fine. Now nothing happens when I click the shell script that runs the bin. Nothing have changed in my configuration overnight exept that i have restarted the computer. What might have happened? | 07:07 |
minusidea | only i am using the S3 UniChrome Pro (vn800) video card | 07:07 |
suthesan | minusidea: did u find any solution? | 07:07 |
Lanlost | I've had that problem minusidea/suthesan | 07:08 |
minusidea | no i've been searching the forums, the only thing I did see as a possible solution is to modify your xconfig file | 07:08 |
Lanlost | Not on my laptop, but on my desktop. The resolution is stuck, correct? | 07:08 |
minusidea | right | 07:08 |
suthesan | yea | 07:08 |
steven_ | Hello? | 07:08 |
minusidea | when i go to settings it only shows 640x480 | 07:08 |
suthesan | yea | 07:09 |
Lanlost | If you go to your display thing.. does it only have like one resolution listed and one refresh rate? | 07:09 |
minusidea | i can't get any other res | 07:09 |
minusidea | yes | 07:09 |
suthesan | minusidea: :( | 07:09 |
suthesan | anyoneeeee | 07:09 |
Lanlost | I can probably help you | 07:09 |
suthesan | i tried find ubuntu forum | 07:09 |
steven_ | I'm very new to IRC ^^;; Could someone please explain to me the concept? | 07:09 |
Lanlost | I was right about to do an install though | 07:09 |
suthesan | Lanlost: pls | 07:09 |
Lanlost | I would be back in like 20 minutes.. I mean I really want to help now | 07:09 |
Lanlost | I've got my own problem .. let me see what I can do | 07:09 |
suthesan | Lanlost: pls spend 10 mins with us | 07:09 |
steven_ | I don't understand a few things, it seems... Mainly- how is it superior to any other chat software and what secret abilities allow people to share files and programs through it? | 07:10 |
steven_ | My brother, for instance, had some IRC channel through which he found anime episodes. How does that work? | 07:10 |
Lanlost | Trust me, I will.. my question hasn't been answered, I know the feeling. It doesn't mean I'm not looking though. I'll spend 3 hours if that's what it takes. It helps me learn too | 07:10 |
suthesan | :) | 07:10 |
Lanlost | I was just saying though, I was literally right about to run an install | 07:10 |
Lanlost | but I'll see if I can put it off | 07:10 |
Lapinux | you guys might try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 07:11 |
tux97 | hello i need some help i added a external hd to samba and i used the chmod 077 comand for it and now i dont have network or net access any ideas? | 07:11 |
Lanlost | I hit enter a lot, you should join another channel so we don't have to scroll though a crap ton of text | 07:11 |
Swift_Fox | hi i installed mysql-admin but it wont show up in my applications-systemstools menu =( | 07:11 |
suthesan | Lapinux: yes..i tried it..but its same.. | 07:11 |
Lanlost | brb | 07:11 |
Lapinux | suthesan: same thing happened to me, i had to edit the config file | 07:12 |
Swift_Fox | what do i have to edit? | 07:12 |
Erealz | hey is ubuntu aware that hardy is very bugy | 07:12 |
Erealz | ? | 07:12 |
suthesan | Lapinux: can guide me or give web add...i can refer? | 07:12 |
tv7497 | erealz : ubuntu ??? | 07:12 |
Erealz | yes | 07:12 |
tv7497 | well they created hardy | 07:13 |
Swift_Fox | erealz:be specific | 07:13 |
_vampiro_ | Olà A Tutti i Presenti Di #ubuntu | 07:13 |
Erealz | mine will freezup or hult for no reason | 07:13 |
Lapinux | suthesan: do you know where the config file is? | 07:13 |
Nalleman | Erealz, what do you mean? | 07:13 |
suthesan | Lapinux: no bro.. | 07:13 |
Erealz | well sometimes | 07:13 |
minusidea | i don't either | 07:13 |
Erealz | the screen will go black | 07:13 |
Swift_Fox | erealz; did you look at your system monitor to see what might be taking your resources? | 07:13 |
minusidea | i'm trying to edit the xconfig as well :P | 07:13 |
ompaul | !it | _vampiro_ | 07:13 |
ubottu | _vampiro_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 07:13 |
Erealz | like the monitor gos into standby mode | 07:13 |
Erealz | but it not | 07:13 |
tv7497 | erealz : which 1 freezes entire system or any particular apps | 07:14 |
Swift_Fox | lapinux:thanks for trying | 07:14 |
steven_ | Rawr... | 07:14 |
Lapinux | suthesan: your config file is at /etc/X11/xorg.conf make sure you make a backup before you edit it | 07:14 |
Erealz | umm sometime the everthing on the desktop freezs only the mouse moves?.... | 07:14 |
steven_ | Now that I have returned, can someone please explain to me IRC? At least in general | 07:14 |
Lapinux | Swift_Fox: thanks for trying what? | 07:14 |
buntunub | Erealz in terminal do $cat /var/log/messages | more and scroll down to where you can find some messages about the lockup to see the reason why | 07:15 |
Erealz | I can't seem to run compiz with out it freezing or hulting on me | 07:15 |
Swift_Fox | lapinux:thanks for trying to help. | 07:15 |
Erealz | oh did I also mention no sound?! | 07:15 |
tv7497 | steven_ : dude its almost like gtalk but here almost everyone can talk | 07:15 |
Lapinux | Swift_Fox: trying to help you? | 07:15 |
Erealz | my entire system | 07:15 |
minusidea | lapinux : I don't have a etc folder :P | 07:15 |
minusidea | at least from root | 07:15 |
Nalleman | Erealz, The last two days the thought that linux as a whole is a bug have crossed my mind several times. Although, Im not so sure that any other operating systems is significantly less buggy. | 07:16 |
steven_ | tv7494: I understand that this is a chat relay, but what I don't understand is why it is so much more popular. Is there more to IRC? | 07:16 |
suthesan | xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration | 07:16 |
suthesan | file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20080520141543 | 07:16 |
Lanlost | minusidea and suthesan type /join #tempchan and hit enter I'll help you there.. I hit enter too much and don't want to flood the channel | 07:16 |
Erealz | I have to say 6.10 was the absolutely most stable iv remember ubuntu being... | 07:16 |
steven_ | A quick question- how can I get a list of functions? Is there a way to send a private message to one person? | 07:16 |
Nalleman | steven /msg person | 07:17 |
buntunub | Erealz it is unstable for you. It has never been more stable ever for me | 07:17 |
tv7497 | steven_ : private messages just click the person on right new window pop up if | 07:17 |
Erealz | it one thing to be budy but it another , that make it so you can't even run your system for more then a min or 2 before everthis crashes you know... | 07:17 |
buntunub | just because your having issues does not mean Hardy is unstable for everyone, or even many people | 07:17 |
steven_ | I'm using a text-based display. I don't have windows or names listed on the right | 07:17 |
Erealz | mayb your hardware is more new then mines | 07:18 |
steven_ | I can only access through irssi at the moment | 07:18 |
Erealz | some time age catches up | 07:18 |
tv7497 | steven_ : irrsi ???????/ | 07:18 |
Lapinux | suthesan: you still there? | 07:18 |
Erealz | but still no excuses for the lack of performance with newer updates/ | 07:18 |
mkquist | hmm, no problems w/stability on any of the new ones | 07:18 |
Erealz | right now im in gnome failsafe becouse im afraid the my system will crash | 07:19 |
buntunub | well.. my server is almost 10 years old running hardy has no problems whatever | 07:19 |
steven_ | irssi is a text-based IRC client for Linux. I am accessing my Ubuntu computer through SSH with Putty and running the irssi function | 07:19 |
ompaul | !bootoptions | Erealz please check this page out and have a look at noapic and noapci | 07:19 |
ubottu | Erealz please check this page out and have a look at noapic and noapci: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions | 07:19 |
Erealz | I love ubuntu more so then iv ever been with anyother distro but this is a serious problem here | 07:20 |
ompaul | Erealz, did you look at that web page? | 07:20 |
Erealz | on it right now.... | 07:20 |
steven_ | How does one send a private message with irssi? | 07:21 |
suthesan | Lapinux: i cant use pvt message..its ask me to register | 07:21 |
steven_ | I tried /msg and I don't think it worked, and I don't have windows or names to click. It is text-based | 07:21 |
ompaul | !register | steven_ suthesan | 07:21 |
ubottu | steven_ suthesan: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. | 07:21 |
Sladjannn | I created new user and I have deleted old and now I can open, or delete home folder where are my documents(pictures,music,video) because I dont have permisions.... PLease tell me waht to do? | 07:21 |
Lapinux | suthesan: ok, can you open your config file and paste it to pastebin? | 07:21 |
Sladjannn | I created new user and I have deleted old and now I can open, or delete home folder where are my documents(pictures,music,video) because I dont have permisions.... PLease tell me waht to do? | 07:21 |
Lapinux | !pastebin | 07:21 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 07:21 |
=== steven_ is now known as Lain_of_the_Wire | ||
tv7497 | ompaul : dude what is irssi | 07:22 |
suthesan | Lapinux: i cant get u..which file i hv to open? | 07:22 |
MasseR | tv7497: A text based irc-client | 07:22 |
Erealz | im thinking of switching to opensuse or fedora becouse hardy is so bugy | 07:22 |
Erealz | well more so then b4 | 07:23 |
MasseR | Erealz: What's wrong with hardy? | 07:23 |
light50 | tv7497: http://www.irssi.org/about | 07:23 |
Lapinux | suthesan: goto places->computer and browse to /etc/X11 and find xorg.conf | 07:23 |
tv7497 | masser : then isnt pidgin same like irssi | 07:23 |
MasseR | tv7497: No. Irssi is console based whilst pidgin is gui | 07:23 |
ompaul | Erealz, you have been given an option and you seem to have ignored it - suggesting you are going elsewhere is offtopic please implement the suggestion I made | 07:23 |
tv7497 | masser : got it dude | 07:23 |
Erealz | im looking into it | 07:24 |
Sue82 | anyone any experience with thcvlogger or similar ones= | 07:24 |
Lapinux | suthesan: you find it? | 07:24 |
Sue82 | *? | 07:24 |
tv7497 | masser : dude will sudo-apt works to get irssi | 07:25 |
MasseR | tv7497: You got it | 07:25 |
Lain_of_the_Wire | I got irssi from the package manager | 07:26 |
modpr0be | hi all, i just installed thunderbird last night..receiving message with no subject with strange date (01/01/1970 07:00 AM) has anyone got the same problem? | 07:26 |
dpowerd | email from 1970 :O | 07:27 |
tv7497 | masser : is it good dude compared to pidgin | 07:27 |
dpowerd | tv7497, pidgin isnt really a proper irc client | 07:27 |
MasseR | tv7497: Depends. I myself would not even consider using pidgin as an irc--client | 07:27 |
modpr0be | yup, and i'm using hardy | 07:27 |
ompaul | tv7497, you should try xchat | 07:28 |
suthesan | hello | 07:28 |
Erealz | ok that link didn't have an answer to why the fudge cakes ! my install crash, freezes ,hults whatever you wana call it. | 07:28 |
suthesan | sorry me dc | 07:28 |
tv7497 | modprobe : dude my was worst case had lot of problem with thunderbird so swtiched to evolution | 07:28 |
suthesan | Lapinux: u there? | 07:29 |
Lapinux | yeah | 07:29 |
Lapinux | suthesan: you find that file? | 07:29 |
suthesan | Lapinux: can u help me..sorry just now me dc | 07:29 |
Erealz | no sound in hardy | 07:29 |
suthesan | Lapinux: where i can find it? | 07:29 |
Lapinux | dc? | 07:29 |
suthesan | me in terminal now | 07:29 |
suthesan | disconnected from irc | 07:29 |
Lapinux | in /etc/X11 its the file xorg.conf and its case sensitive | 07:30 |
y_ | hi all | 07:30 |
y_ | need help | 07:30 |
Erealz | how do you start soun | 07:30 |
y_ | sos | 07:30 |
Lain_of_the_Wire | I'm getting very upset at IRC very quickly | 07:31 |
y_ | some how the screen can't confogure to 1024 x 764 | 07:31 |
dpowerd | y_, start by stating your issue | 07:31 |
suthesan | Lapinux: where i should paste it? | 07:31 |
Lain_of_the_Wire | I've been trying to follow the intstructions for registering to the letter, but the intructions keep using the terms nickname and password interchangably | 07:31 |
buntunub | !pastebin | 07:31 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 07:31 |
y_ | dpowerd. | 07:31 |
tv7497 | ! nickserv | 07:31 |
ubottu | Factoid nickserv not found | 07:31 |
Lain_of_the_Wire | And despite sending a message to nickserv with the register command (and it won't let me register again with a different password) I cannot message people | 07:32 |
y_ | i read the forum, but still can't get it | 07:32 |
tv7497 | !register | 07:32 |
ubottu | By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. | 07:32 |
suthesan | Lapinux: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13426/ | 07:32 |
ompaul | Lain_of_the_Wire, this is not a problem for #ubuntu you do this /msg nickserv register (your password here) <<<<< further issues you should take to #freenode ;-) | 07:32 |
tv7497 | !refister | lain_of_the_wire : dude read this | 07:32 |
ubottu | Factoid refister not found | 07:32 |
Lain_of_the_Wire | I went to that website about registering | 07:32 |
tv7497 | lain_of_the_wire : then whats your problem | 07:33 |
Lapinux | suthesan: ok, one sec | 07:33 |
suthesan | Lapinux: ok..thanks bro | 07:33 |
yuuki | Hi guys. Is it possible to run the Windows that you have installed in a separate partition in a virtual machine instead? | 07:33 |
Lain_of_the_Wire | I was going step by step. First I chose a name (I wanted Lain_of_the_Wired, but it was too long and cut off the d) | 07:33 |
Sue82 | could anybody help me with a keylogger software (or ev. hardware)?? | 07:34 |
Lain_of_the_Wire | Second, I typed /msg nickserv register Lain_of_the_Wired | 07:34 |
tv7497 | yuuki : yes dude | 07:34 |
bazhang | Sue82, not here | 07:34 |
suthesan | Lapinux: i using Acer aspire 4520 laptop.. my card is Nvidia Geforce 7000M | 07:34 |
yuuki | tv7497, really? I thought maybe I would have to reinstall XP in the vm | 07:34 |
Lain_of_the_Wire | Then I typed /msg nickserv set hide email on | 07:34 |
Lain_of_the_Wire | And /msg nickserv set email <email> | 07:34 |
ashish | hello everybody !! | 07:34 |
tv7497 | yuuki : well i didnt get ur point sir | 07:34 |
ashish | i am new to ubuntu and linux | 07:34 |
Lain_of_the_Wire | Steps four and onward are about alternate nicks, which seem useless if I can't get a primary nick functioning | 07:35 |
=== bobbie4__ is now known as bobbie4 | ||
ashish | will the package form ubuntu gusty compile on ubuntu | 07:35 |
yuuki | tv7497, I'm talking about running the XP that I have in my other partition inside a virtual machine instead, without re-installing XP in my VM | 07:35 |
ashish | i mean what is this gusty | 07:35 |
tv7497 | yuuki : no sir i dint think you can | 07:36 |
bazhang | !ubuntu | ashish | 07:36 |
ubottu | ashish: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com | 07:36 |
=== Yarcanox_ is now known as Yarcanox | ||
yuuki | tv7497, thanks :) | 07:36 |
bazhang | yuuki, you should ask in #vbox | 07:36 |
Flannel | ashish: Gutsy is Ubuntu 7.10, the previous version of Ubuntu | 07:36 |
ashish | ok !! | 07:37 |
tv7497 | bazhang : sir lain_of_the_wire is stuck with some probs in registering your help would be g8 sir :-) | 07:37 |
os2mac | what is the gnome equivalent of kdesu? | 07:37 |
Flannel | os2mac: gksu | 07:37 |
bazhang | tv7497, that would best be handled in #freenode | 07:37 |
os2mac | Mahalo | 07:37 |
tv7497 | yuuki: sir may i know why are you looking for a vm | 07:37 |
ashish | Flannel: i want to install qt4.4 " https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/qt4-x11/4.4.0-1ubuntu1~gutsy1" will this work' | 07:37 |
Lain_of_the_Wire | How do I access #freenode? | 07:38 |
Lain_of_the_Wire | I am VERY new to IRC. I don't know if that was well communicated | 07:38 |
bazhang | Lain_of_the_Wire, /j #freenode | 07:38 |
Flannel | ashish: What version of Ubuntu are you using? | 07:38 |
Lain_of_the_Wire | bazhang, thank you | 07:38 |
bazhang | tv7497, she is gone | 07:38 |
tv7497 | bazhang : she ????? wasnt he a guy | 07:38 |
ashish | Flannel: i think its 7,actually its my other comp which is down for sometime | 07:39 |
wippo | Y | 07:39 |
tv7497 | !y | 07:39 |
ubottu | Factoid y not found | 07:39 |
tv7497 | !u | 07:39 |
ubottu | Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun. If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you". The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on.. | 07:39 |
Flannel | ashish: do you have it available? go over to it and do this, lsb_release -a we need to know what version it is. | 07:39 |
=== X-B4S1C-X is now known as D3StR0Y | ||
tv7497 | flannel : sir is irssi better than pidgin | 07:40 |
Bodsda | !better | tv7497 | 07:41 |
ubottu | tv7497: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 07:41 |
modpr0be | tv7497: last time, i used evolution but gpg wasn't working properly :( | 07:41 |
modpr0be | that's why i use thunderbird | 07:41 |
modpr0be | i know evolution is more powerful than thunderbird ;) | 07:41 |
ashish | ok Flannel :) , but can you give me an overview , i think i will be able to acess that comp some 4 hours from now | 07:41 |
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo | ||
tv7497 | modprobe : gpg ?/ i dont know what it is sir relatively new to evolution | 07:43 |
Flannel | ashish: assuming its connected to the internet, just install the libqt4-gui package and you'll have qt4, this will work on any version of Ubuntu | 07:44 |
Bodsda | !gpg | tv7497 | 07:44 |
ubottu | tv7497: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts | 07:44 |
tv7497 | bodsda : dude is it like this /ms' bestbot irssis | 07:44 |
Bodsda | tv7497, go to #ubuntu-bots and type "What is the best irc client?" | 07:45 |
=== shoot^ is now known as tom | ||
tv7497 | #ubuntu-bots | 07:47 |
Bodsda | tv7497, /j #ubuntu-bots | 07:47 |
tv7497 | bodsa : k | 07:48 |
juice | what is the best vm application for 8.04? | 07:48 |
devasura | even though I unmount my smb directory using "sudo smbumount directory". The directory shows up when I type "mount". But it does'nt appear in /proc/mounts | 07:48 |
bazhang | juice ask in #ubuntu-bots | 07:48 |
shadowimmage | Does anyone know about issues with kernels? | 07:50 |
dopievoli | mmmm slow day | 07:50 |
shadowimmage | no? | 07:50 |
bazhang | just wait | 07:50 |
kwan | hi amenado! | 07:50 |
domino14 | does anyone here use openvpn? | 07:51 |
Bodsda | always is this time of day | 07:51 |
domino14 | i just cant get this to work, im using the same exact config file as on my windows computer | 07:51 |
domino14 | i get a tap0 interface and another ip assigned, but i cant ping any ips on the remote network, i dont know what to do | 07:51 |
shadowimmage | Hey, how do you modify the GRUB menu? | 07:52 |
Bodsda | /boot/grub/menu.lst | 07:53 |
shadowimmage | thanks | 07:53 |
Bodsda | your welcome ;~) | 07:53 |
dopievoli | shadowimage: add/remove startup manager | 07:54 |
CaptainMorgan | shadowimmage, be sure you back up that copy first :) | 07:54 |
ramontayag | i cna't seem to find this in google: how do you remove a script from /etc/init.d properly? in gentoo it's something like "rc-update del" | 07:54 |
shadowimmage | still, anyone know about why I have 3 kernel versions on the boot list, and why Kernel 2.6.24 is really messed up and 2.6.22 is fine on my system? | 07:54 |
Flannel | !bum | ramontayag | 07:55 |
ubottu | ramontayag: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 07:55 |
Bodsda | shadowimmage, i dunno why the kernels are borked but you can comment out the bad ones in menu.lst | 07:56 |
Rothun | I am having a little trouble with my weather thing on the system clock in Hardy 64bit. It is only displaying sunrise/sunset. | 07:56 |
khin | You need to set it for setting #3 | 07:57 |
shadowimmage | Bodsda: it doesn't hurt anything having them like that? (each major ubuntu update adds another.... | 07:57 |
Bodsda | shadowimmage, each kernel update adds another one untill theyre happy then they release another and wipe the previous ones from the list -- as long as you dont use them there not a problem | 07:58 |
ramontayag | hmm what happened? hehe :) thanks Flannel | 07:58 |
Bodsda | they=ubuntu devs | 07:58 |
ramontayag | i'll check out bum | 07:58 |
domino14 | anyone here use openvpn? | 07:58 |
domino14 | is this the wrong chatroom | 07:58 |
domino14 | to ask | 07:58 |
guiest | Fontconfig error: line 564: mismatched tag | 07:58 |
guiest | Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file | 07:58 |
guiest | Where is that file | 07:58 |
guiest | so I can change the error | 07:58 |
Bodsda | domino14, ask the nextquestion (the real one) | 07:58 |
guiest | I can't find it | 07:58 |
Bodsda | where is what file guiest ? | 07:59 |
guiest | Fontconfig | 07:59 |
guiest | I keep getting this error message when I start up programs in ubuntu | 07:59 |
guiest | Fontconfig error: line 564: mismatched tag | 07:59 |
guiest | Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file | 07:59 |
shadowimmage | Bodsda: alright, thanks... that actually takes care of a lot of problems... just as long as I use this kernel instead of the latest. | 08:00 |
montpelie | how can I set a wireless connection as the default one, whenever I fire my lap up, it tries to connect to a network other than mine, so I have to ifconfig wlan0 down/up, and select the correct one | 08:00 |
Bodsda | guiest, if you cant find a file im not sure its a good idea if you start editing them | 08:00 |
montpelie | anyway I can get this fixed?? | 08:00 |
Bodsda | shadowimmage, glad to help ;~) | 08:00 |
kwan | I need help installing a wireless network driver. The Hardy liveCD ("try Ubuntu w/o installation") had no problem detecting, loading and configuring my wireless card but the thing is I didn't install my copy of Ubuntu with the installer, rather, I installed it manually. I did wrote down the driver name that the liveCD loaded for me, its name is: zd1211rw | 08:00 |
montpelie | wisacom usb antenna right , kwan?? | 08:01 |
wolfwalker | I found a solution, but apparently I'm to dumb to use it. | 08:01 |
Bodsda | Wolf23, care to explain? | 08:01 |
wolfwalker | I tried to install Ubuntu on flash drive. When booted, Grub said error 17. | 08:01 |
wolfwalker | Found out you had to go in and edit menu.lst | 08:02 |
Bodsda | Wolf23, sorry wrong nick | 08:02 |
wolfwalker | So I booted from the CD and edited the menu.lst in the flash drive. | 08:02 |
Bodsda | wolfwalker, you installed on usb or put live cdversion on usb? | 08:02 |
wolfwalker | Or tried to....... when I tried to save changes, it said I didn't have permission to. | 08:02 |
wolfwalker | Installed on usb | 08:02 |
Bodsda | wolfwalker, you have to open with sudo gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 08:03 |
wolfwalker | Can I do that a GUI way? | 08:03 |
xim | whats a good package for an ssh/scp server | 08:03 |
xim | theres too many to choose from | 08:03 |
kwan | montpelie: the maker is TP-LINK, and it is a usb :> I think if you could show me how to install the zd1211rw driver, i think it'll work cuz when i was running off liveCD that was the wireless driver it used | 08:03 |
Bodsda | wolfwalker, just copy and paste that line into a terminal it will bring up a gui text editor | 08:03 |
=== stunatra_ is now known as stunatra | ||
wolfwalker | With the spaces between sudo and gksudo? | 08:04 |
xyz1234567897644 | wolfwalker: you can use sudo nautilus | 08:04 |
kwan | montpelie, i almost forgot, thx so much for your attention to my question =D | 08:04 |
montpelie | no problem | 08:04 |
Bodsda | wolfwalker, start at 'gksudo | 08:04 |
wolfwalker | Ah | 08:04 |
domino14 | bodsda: i dont know what to do after the openvpn connects on linux | 08:05 |
xyz1234567897644 | wolfwalker: that command would open nautilus in super-user mode | 08:05 |
domino14 | on windows i can just go to a computer \\fserv or something | 08:05 |
domino14 | on linux i try ping fserv and it doesnt work, it works on windows | 08:05 |
montpelie | ok kwan, is seems that you can find the source by doing aptitude search zb1211 | 08:05 |
YazzY | hi guys | 08:05 |
kwan | montpelie: man... i've been up since i dunno when... I finally successfully installed ubuntu on raid set, felt great. If you could help me get the wireless usb working. I think i could go to bed :> | 08:05 |
Bodsda | domino14, you'll have to address the channel i dont no anything about openvpn im afraid | 08:05 |
Bodsda | !hi | YazzY | 08:05 |
ubottu | YazzY: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 08:05 |
domino14 | someone out there must use openvpn :) anyone? | 08:05 |
wolfwalker | It worked, sort of. Couldn't find the specified file, but it let me browse to it after gedit opened. | 08:06 |
domino14 | i went to the openvpn channel and its dea | 08:06 |
domino14 | dead | 08:06 |
wolfwalker | Here's hoping | 08:06 |
wolfwalker | However it works, thanks Bodsda | 08:06 |
Bodsda | domino14, try #openvpn | 08:06 |
Bodsda | wolfwalker, your welcome ;~) | 08:06 |
YazzY | any idea why linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-xen does not include following: ltmodem ltserial nvidia nvidia_legacy nvidia_new ? | 08:06 |
YazzY | Bodsda: howdy | 08:07 |
domino14 | ithat's where i went | 08:07 |
Rothun | Is anyone familiar with the weather applet on the system clock in Hardy? | 08:07 |
YazzY | ubottu: hi there | 08:07 |
ubottu | Factoid hi there not found | 08:07 |
guiest | how do I change the default font | 08:07 |
Bodsda | YazzY, ubottu is a bot | 08:07 |
montpelie | kwan, http://wireless.kernel.org/download/compat-wireless-2.6/compat-wireless-2.6.tar.bz2 | 08:07 |
guiest | the font I see when I login | 08:07 |
YazzY | Bodsda: so i thought :) | 08:07 |
guiest | at the login screen | 08:07 |
Bodsda | ;~) | 08:07 |
montpelie | download this package | 08:07 |
domino14 | ubottu: openvpn | 08:07 |
ubottu | Factoid openvpn not found | 08:07 |
montpelie | you need the headers installed on your system already | 08:08 |
domino14 | ubottu: domino14 is the ruler of the universe | 08:08 |
Bodsda | !boatabuse | 08:08 |
domino14 | ubottu: domino14 | 08:08 |
Bodsda | !botabuse | 08:08 |
ubottu | Factoid boatabuse not found | 08:08 |
YazzY | this website says nvidia drivers are included but they are not http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/misc/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-xen | 08:08 |
ubottu | Factoid domino14 not found | 08:08 |
ubottu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. | 08:08 |
YazzY | and the nvidia driver is not listed in the list of files either | 08:08 |
YazzY | so something is incorrect there | 08:08 |
domino14 | hahaha boatabuse | 08:09 |
Bodsda | domino14, please this is a support channel, although it is not busy now please do not post pointless things, #ubuntu-offtopic for chit-chat | 08:09 |
wolfwalker | Well it worked, but it didn't work | 08:10 |
Bodsda | wolfwalker, ok how so? | 08:10 |
wolfwalker | I was able to edit menu.lst, but the edit didn't work | 08:10 |
db92 | can anyone tell me how to disable alsa to install oss? (need to cos my sound card is xfi) | 08:10 |
Bodsda | wolfwalker, remind me what your attempting to achieve? | 08:10 |
wolfwalker | Have Ubuntu installed on a flash drive. Standard install, just chose the flash drive at the disk select step. | 08:11 |
Bodsda | oh yeah | 08:11 |
wolfwalker | Have Grub installed on the flash drive's MBR, and BIOS set to boot from USB flash before hard drive. | 08:11 |
Bodsda | wolfwalker, why didnt it work? error 17 still? | 08:11 |
wolfwalker | Grub keeps giving error 17, yes. | 08:12 |
tv7497 | bazhang : sir i tried irssi i conected to irc.freenode.net i cant login with tv7497 | 08:12 |
microwaver | Anyone with a quick fix to restore menubar? | 08:12 |
wolfwalker | Someone on the Ubuntu forum said | 08:12 |
microwaver | menubars* | 08:12 |
suthesan | Lapinux: :/ | 08:12 |
Bodsda | wolfwalker, are you in a live session? | 08:12 |
wolfwalker | To go into menu.lst and replace all instances of (hda:x,x) with just () | 08:12 |
Bodsda | wolfwalker, no | 08:12 |
Bodsda | dont do that | 08:12 |
wolfwalker | No, not a live cd install. Just a straight install. | 08:12 |
bazhang | tv7497, close your other chat client | 08:12 |
wolfwalker | I done did. | 08:13 |
wolfwalker | It didn't work | 08:13 |
tv7497 | bazhang : didnt work sir i closed my pidgin | 08:13 |
Bodsda | wolfwalker, ok thats fine,.,. can you pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l" please (no quotes) | 08:13 |
bazhang | tv7497, never used irssi; best to ask the channel | 08:13 |
Bodsda | tv7497, what error did it give? | 08:13 |
wolfwalker | It's down right now, I rebooted and tried to boot from flash drive again. | 08:13 |
montpelie | kwan??????, still there? | 08:14 |
wolfwalker | Has ANYONE been able to use Ubuntu 8.04's new install to flash drive automatically feature? | 08:14 |
Bodsda | wolfwalker, i need the output of that command while the flash drive is plugged in | 08:14 |
tv7497 | freenode-connect [freenode@freenode/bot/connect] requested CTCP VERSION | 08:14 |
tv7497 | from maplye: | 08:14 |
kwan | montpelie i dun think the site is working. what do you mean I need the headers installed on my system already? | 08:14 |
Koheleth | where is the geubuntu irc channel? | 08:14 |
montpelie | the linux headers bro | 08:14 |
montpelie | http://www.linuxwireless.org/en/users/Download | 08:15 |
semanticpc | heh what the minimum memory requirement for Ubuntu 7.10 ??? | 08:15 |
montpelie | kwan | 08:15 |
wolfwalker | Working on it Bodsda. Booting from CD now. | 08:15 |
montpelie | that's the place you can get the tarball at | 08:15 |
suthesan | anyone here using acer aspire 4520? | 08:15 |
domino14 | help with openvpn | 08:15 |
Bodsda | semanticpc, 3?? 300 and something i think | 08:15 |
kwan | montpelie: the linux headers? I'm still fairly new to this. I thought could pickup that zd1211rw driver off the livecd somehow. Not that easy eh? so do aptitude search zd1211 in conjunction with downloading the package rigth? | 08:16 |
wolfwalker | While it is booting........... if the objective is to see what this computer sees the flash drive as, wouldn't that change when I try to boot with the flash drive on another computer? | 08:16 |
Rothun | ' | 08:17 |
montpelie | just download the package, kwan and find out wich + | 08:17 |
matrix | hello | 08:17 |
montpelie | which kernel version you have by doing "uname -r" | 08:17 |
matrix | i was install proftpd on ubuntu | 08:17 |
Bodsda | wolfwalker, its only for the purposes of installing grub (i have no idea how flash drives work in relation to an install) so this should be fun but i have to elave in a min | 08:17 |
semanticpc | Bodsda: have to tried to install on a 256 MB RAM ?? | 08:17 |
montpelie | at console | 08:17 |
matrix | but i cant access | 08:17 |
matrix | ftp> mkdir deneme | 08:17 |
matrix | 550 deneme: Permission denied | 08:17 |
Bodsda | semanticpc, should be fine just a little slower | 08:17 |
matrix | i cant create file .. | 08:17 |
microwaver | Anyone with a quick fix to restore menubar? | 08:18 |
wolfwalker | Fun is relative. I want this to work. | 08:18 |
matrix | what sould i do for this ? | 08:18 |
wolfwalker | Booting now | 08:18 |
Bodsda | matrix, sudo | 08:18 |
microwaver | Anyone using Avant-window manager? | 08:18 |
matrix | bodhi_zazen ? | 08:18 |
matrix | what | 08:18 |
Bodsda | !sudo | matrix | 08:18 |
ubottu | matrix: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. | 08:18 |
Bodsda | sudo mkdir /new/dir | 08:18 |
db92 | can anyone tell me how to make ubuntu use oss instead of alsa? | 08:18 |
matrix | no | 08:18 |
matrix | i am using | 08:18 |
matrix | ftp | 08:18 |
maxoo | join #ezpublish | 08:19 |
Bodsda | matrix, dunno then sorry | 08:19 |
kwan | montpelie wireless.kernel.org is down i believe. did you try going on ther yourself/? | 08:19 |
r2r | i need help i had placed an order for 20cd's on 2008-04-27. not yet arrived | 08:20 |
r2r | i need help i had placed an order for 20cd's on 2008-04-27. not yet arrived | 08:20 |
montpelie | I did, Kwan, I'm actually at that page right now | 08:20 |
wolfwalker | Whoops! | 08:20 |
semanticpc | Bodsda: i tried but the installation freezes even when the live cd boots up | 08:20 |
Bodsda | r2r, oh dear what are we meant to do | 08:20 |
wolfwalker | Bodsda sudo fdisk -l gave a lot. | 08:20 |
wolfwalker | Which part do you want? | 08:20 |
r2r | tell me what to do | 08:20 |
bazhang | r2r contact shipit | 08:20 |
Bodsda | wolfwalker, all of it in pastebin | 08:20 |
Bodsda | !paste | 08:20 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 08:20 |
wolfwalker | It's on another computer, which is not online | 08:20 |
xst | When will firefox 3 rc1 be available for Hardy? | 08:20 |
bazhang | !ffrc3| xst | 08:21 |
ubottu | Factoid ffrc3 not found | 08:21 |
montpelie | kwan, there it goes again, http://www.linuxwireless.org/en/users/Download | 08:21 |
Bodsda | wolfwalker, copy and paste, save as a text file, put on mem stick move to internet comp and pastebin | 08:21 |
bazhang | !ff3rc | 08:21 |
ubottu | The Firefox 3 RC package is not currently available as most of the Ubuntu-mozilla team is at the Ubuntu Developer Summit. Thanks for your patience. | 08:21 |
Bodsda | wolfwalker, actually come to this channel #helpwolf | 08:21 |
kwan | there we go =D | 08:22 |
bazhang | new factoid xst :) | 08:22 |
xst | ok, thanks | 08:22 |
suthesan | !nvidia | 08:22 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 08:22 |
domino14 | help? | 08:23 |
suthesan | !acer aspire 4520 | 08:23 |
ubottu | suthesan: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 08:23 |
kimbrel | Why does PulseAudio occasionally make my media apps hang? | 08:23 |
kimbrel | (more importantly, how do I make it stop?) | 08:23 |
Bodsda | cause its crap -- killall pulseaudio | 08:24 |
Lanlost | is there a way to detect what video driver you are using currently? | 08:24 |
Lanlost | as in if you selected one from low-graphics-mode and it's not updated in xorg | 08:24 |
microwaver | Hallo? | 08:24 |
ljsoftnet | there is text shown when i shutdown Ubuntu, whats wrong with it? | 08:24 |
Lanlost | (it might be) | 08:24 |
microwaver | how do I restore my panel bars. | 08:24 |
mondayrocks | So. I love this desktop. | 08:24 |
mondayrocks | http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4851342&postcount=9 | 08:25 |
mondayrocks | Any idea how to make it? | 08:25 |
=== brian__ is now known as seanumen | ||
kimbrel | Bodsda: Okay, following that, what all do I need to reconfigure to get it to go away entirely? | 08:25 |
starz | kimbrel, | 08:25 |
starz | thast a wallpaper | 08:25 |
Bodsda | kimbrel, sorry im a bit busy atm plz ask the channel | 08:25 |
bazhang | !resetpanels | microwaver | 08:25 |
ubottu | microwaver: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » | 08:25 |
starz | and a widget of some sort | 08:25 |
montpelie | sudo displayconfig-gtk lanlost | 08:25 |
starz | er i meant mondayrocks // sorry kimbrel | 08:26 |
suthesan | how to run Restricted Devices Manager? | 08:26 |
microwaver | bazhang, thanks once again. | 08:26 |
jjgalvez | when I plug in my headphones into my laptop I get sound in both the hadphones and the main speakers. How can I turn off the main speakers? | 08:26 |
domino14 | someone fix my openvpn, thanks | 08:26 |
daddyo23 | hello - im in need of some help. my broadcom truemoblie 1300-1400 is real slow. I went through a few tutorials - so atleast i got it to work, but now about the speed. lik 15kb :( | 08:26 |
bazhang | microwaver, :) | 08:27 |
ljsoftnet | there is text shown when i shutdown Ubuntu, whats wrong with it? | 08:27 |
maplye | use /nick tv7497 | 08:27 |
daddyo23 | nothings wrong with it-- somewhere you can make it a silent boot- look around | 08:28 |
bazhang | maplye, its /nick newnick | 08:28 |
daddyo23 | Can anyone help me | 08:28 |
Lanlost | Hey, isn't there a website so you can paste information and it will put a link to the text you pasted | 08:28 |
Lanlost | so that you don't have to paste it into IRC for example | 08:28 |
jatt | !paste | 08:28 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 08:28 |
Lanlost | I could really use that right now | 08:28 |
tv7497 | bazhang , its tough here to change to irssi | 08:28 |
gooody | anybody here knows how to patch in ubuntu hardy? | 08:29 |
ljsoftnet | daddyo23 do you know how to silent boot? | 08:29 |
Lanlost | you are great | 08:29 |
microwaver | bazhang, wht kinda desktop do you actually use? | 08:29 |
daddyo23 | ya i think i remember- im new to ubuntu -- i have used other linux | 08:29 |
daddyo23 | give me a sec | 08:29 |
ljsoftnet | daddyo23 ok | 08:29 |
mondayrocks | How do I modify the conky config? | 08:29 |
tv7497 | bazhang , dude the maplye is me | 08:30 |
Rothun | gooody: Have you tried the update manager? | 08:30 |
tv7497 | bazhang , trying to acess from irssi | 08:30 |
bazhang | tv7497, most people would rather not be called 'dude' | 08:30 |
tv7497 | tv7497 , k sir | 08:30 |
montpelie | gooody --------> patch file < file.diff | 08:30 |
gooody | Rothun: i'm installing .tar.gz | 08:31 |
suthesan | Lanlost: u find solution> | 08:31 |
suthesan | ? | 08:31 |
daddyo23 | go to System > admin >login window | 08:31 |
bazhang | tv7497, I have never used irssi; you might want to read their docs or ask the channel as it is slow now | 08:31 |
Lanlost | im in tempchan suthesan | 08:31 |
Lanlost | type /join #tempchan | 08:31 |
Rothun | What is the weather applet in the system clock called? I am having trouble getting it to display anything but sunset and sunrise. | 08:32 |
ljsoftnet | daddyo23: whats next? | 08:32 |
daddyo23 | im looking around-- | 08:33 |
ashish | where can i get qt4.4 package for ubuntu | 08:33 |
jatt | Weather Report 2.14.3 | 08:33 |
gooody | montpelie: i'm new to linux and trying to learn compiling softwares. | 08:33 |
jatt | A panel application for monitoring local weather conditions. | 08:33 |
Rothun | jatt: Thank you. Now maybe I can research on how to get the darned thing working properly. | 08:34 |
gooody | montpelie: i don't know how to patch files | 08:34 |
ruiboon | !make | gooody | 08:34 |
ubottu | gooody: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 08:34 |
matrix | pls helpme | 08:35 |
matrix | :( | 08:35 |
montpelie | sudo make install after that gooody | 08:35 |
montpelie | patch file < file.diff | 08:35 |
gooody | ruiboon: i have visited the site but encountered problems during configure | 08:35 |
semanticpc | heh can you suggest some light weight distros with x-windows support for 256mb ram | 08:35 |
montpelie | that's the easiest way you can get a file patched | 08:35 |
ruiboon | gooody: can you paste the terminal output into pastebin? | 08:36 |
mussolini | is it possible to http install linux? | 08:36 |
montpelie | during configure, it didnt find all dependencies then | 08:36 |
mussolini | someone told me this was possible | 08:36 |
kwan | I don't think i have the linux headers because there is not "build" directory under /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-386 | 08:36 |
r00tintheb0x | Yes mussolini it is. | 08:36 |
daddyo23 | well im having trouble finding it. try searching or playing around with the settings in admin and pref | 08:36 |
gooody | ruiboon: how can i access pastebin? i'm sorry, i'm new to this. | 08:37 |
mussolini | r00tintheb0x> ; u know where i could get readin material on how to do it | 08:37 |
Rothun | !paste | 08:37 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 08:37 |
r00tintheb0x | sure thing mussolini, one second. | 08:37 |
kwan | montpelie, I don't think i have the linux headers because there is not "build" directory under /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-386 | 08:37 |
montpelie | sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.24-16-386 ----- kwan | 08:37 |
r00tintheb0x | mussolini, may I ask why you're wanting to install this way? | 08:38 |
r00tintheb0x | Ubuntu already installs from the internet. | 08:38 |
montpelie | gooody, you can also dowload pastebinit from the console | 08:38 |
bazhang | mussolini, sure minimal install for fresh hdd, and unetbootin from another distro/windows | 08:38 |
montpelie | and then cat file | pastebinit | 08:39 |
ljsoftnet | daddyo23 ok | 08:39 |
kwan | montpelie: the problem is i don't have internet tho | 08:39 |
mussolini | <r00tintheb0x> ; i am forced to use vmware right now because i am having cdrom issues | 08:39 |
gooody | ruiboon: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13433/ | 08:39 |
r00tintheb0x | Okay. | 08:39 |
r00tintheb0x | So your physical CDROM is acting up mussolini ? | 08:39 |
montpelie | wow, how are u connected then, spare pc kwan?? | 08:40 |
alzamabar_ | Hi, I made a mistake and I changed the security on my /etc/sudoers to 0775 instead of 0440. Now I can't perform any sudo operation anymore and I can't change it back to 0440. Is there anyone who could help on this? | 08:40 |
mussolini | <r00tintheb0x> ; i am not able to sucessfully install from cdrom ive tried multiple .isos checkin md5 always gets corrupt | 08:40 |
=== master_o1_master is now known as master_of_master | ||
r00tintheb0x | Okay mussolini one second. | 08:40 |
kwan | montpelie: i'm on my laptop. | 08:40 |
mussolini | <r00tintheb0x> ; thank you. | 08:40 |
montpelie | you may wanna tick the cdrom as a repository | 08:40 |
=== dare is now known as Effex | ||
montpelie | at the software sources window | 08:41 |
ruiboon | gooody: it seems that you have to do some patching. Could you refer to patches/README ? | 08:41 |
gooody | ruiboon: yes | 08:41 |
r00tintheb0x | mussolini, this is probably going to be your best bet: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot?highlight=(netboot) | 08:41 |
r00tintheb0x | Wait. | 08:41 |
r00tintheb0x | Yeah, thats it. | 08:42 |
mussolini | thanks | 08:42 |
r00tintheb0x | Sure thing. | 08:42 |
montpelie | goooody, "patch fileinquestion < file(thepatchitself).diff | 08:42 |
db92 | looking for someone to help meuse oss instead of alsa | 08:42 |
r00tintheb0x | db92, why would you want to do that may I ask? | 08:42 |
kwan | montpelie: i really thought i would involve locating the zb1211rw driver and putting it in the /etc/modules. But i guess compat-wireless is some crazy linux wireless subsystem. anyways let me install the headers =D | 08:43 |
ruiboon | alzamabar_: one possible way would to boot up using a live cd. mount your current ubuntu, then chmod from there. | 08:43 |
ruiboon | alzamabar_: not sure if there is an easier way though | 08:43 |
db92 | r00tintheb0x: i got creative x-fi card | 08:43 |
db92 | doesnt work with alsa, its even on their wiki | 08:43 |
db92 | or whatever it is :p | 08:43 |
r00tintheb0x | db92, give me the exact model number of your card. | 08:43 |
ruiboon | gooody: does it mention anything about patching the source? | 08:43 |
db92 | r00tintheb0x: you mean the ids from lspci ? | 08:44 |
montpelie | right, but in order to get that done KWAN, the kernel headers must be installed first | 08:44 |
gooody | ruiboon: actually there is a patching folder that contains the .patch files and a .sh file but don't have any instruction on how to patch. | 08:44 |
montpelie | goooody | 08:44 |
r00tintheb0x | db92, like the model number off the box. | 08:44 |
r00tintheb0x | lspci would probably give it to you | 08:45 |
db92 | hard to know where the box is :P | 08:45 |
montpelie | what is the file you'd like to patch | 08:45 |
alzamabar_ | ruiboon, how would I do that? | 08:45 |
alzamabar_ | ruiboon, I mean, mount my current ubuntu? | 08:45 |
db92 | r00tintheb0x: the id given is 1102:0005 | 08:46 |
db92 | other than that, cant find much more :p | 08:46 |
maplye | can u read this | 08:46 |
montpelie | the patches were generated using the diff command, you may wanna try by looking at the patches; they will let you know the lines that will be appended and the lines to be removed | 08:46 |
maplye | 1 | 08:46 |
ruiboon | alzamabar_: after booting the live cd, $sudo mount /dev/sdXx /mnt/ubuntu | 08:46 |
r00tintheb0x | db92, that isnt waht I need. | 08:46 |
gooody | montpelie: xmms-1.2.10-is_quitting.patch | 08:47 |
montpelie | hence you can modify the file manually | 08:47 |
r00tintheb0x | Is it a Creative SB-15005 | 08:47 |
r00tintheb0x | ? | 08:47 |
r00tintheb0x | I need a model number like that. | 08:47 |
ruiboon | alzamabar_: where /dev/sdXx is the partition where ubuntu is installed. | 08:47 |
db92 | no idea, cant find anything like that from lspci and i got no idea where the box is :P | 08:47 |
ruiboon | alzamabar_: refer to /etc/fstab for the exact partition | 08:47 |
montpelie | ok, open that file up, and use pastebin so I can see it goood | 08:47 |
montpelie | gooogy | 08:47 |
r00tintheb0x | db92, is it a SAA7134? | 08:47 |
r00tintheb0x | You dont know where a machine you're trying to play sound on is db92 ? | 08:48 |
alzamabar_ | ruiboon, would that be: /dev/sda1? | 08:48 |
db92 | hm, confusion | 08:48 |
r00tintheb0x | db92, mine reads... | 08:48 |
r00tintheb0x | 00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02) | 08:48 |
db92 | seems we didnt understand each other from the beginning | 08:48 |
r00tintheb0x | When i "sudo lspci" | 08:48 |
ruiboon | alzamabar_: it differs from configuration to configuration. If there is only ubuntu, then most likely, yes | 08:48 |
alzamabar_ | ruiboon, thanks. I'll try | 08:49 |
gooody | montpelie: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13436/ | 08:49 |
r00tintheb0x | Okay, you're trying to use OSS instead of ALSA because supposedly it doens't work with ALSA? | 08:49 |
maplye | 11 | 08:49 |
db92 | hardly supposedly, i know it doesnt work with alsa | 08:49 |
db92 | its all over the interwebs that it doesnt | 08:49 |
DistroJockey | !ask | maplye | 08:49 |
ubottu | maplye: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 08:49 |
db92 | the main issue is how to disable alsa and install oss :P | 08:49 |
db92 | and all i get from lspci is 05:00.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB X-Fi | 08:49 |
r00tintheb0x | Okay thats fine, db92 paste me the results of "sudo lspci |grep -i sound" to the pastebin please. | 08:49 |
montpelie | kk, gooody.......so the file to be patched is input.c | 08:49 |
r00tintheb0x | ok ty | 08:49 |
db92 | what you just told me to do gave me no results :p | 08:50 |
montpelie | and the patch is the one you put on pastebin | 08:50 |
maplye | distrojockey : dude i cant use my registerd nick name when i acess from irssi | 08:50 |
DistroJockey | maplye ahh, bummer. Sorry to hear that | 08:51 |
montpelie | so what you have to do, is go into xmms-1.2.10.orig/xmms/ | 08:51 |
r00tintheb0x | I meant "sudo lspci |grep -i audio" | 08:51 |
r00tintheb0x | My bad. | 08:51 |
gooody | montpelie: i'm not familiar with it sir. yes that's 1 of the 2 patch that is needed. | 08:51 |
montpelie | no problem goooody, I get it | 08:51 |
kwan | montpelie, if you are talking about the checkbox for "CDrom with Ubuntu 8.04 'Hardyt Heron'" then its already checked. Its still trying to connect to archive.ubuntu when I apt-get install tho. | 08:51 |
r00tintheb0x | db92, hold up... im checkin it out | 08:52 |
db92 | r00tintheb0x: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13437/ | 08:52 |
montpelie | deselect the other repositories kwan | 08:52 |
montpelie | ok goooody send me the original input.c file | 08:53 |
montpelie | via pastebin | 08:53 |
r00tintheb0x | ok db92 hold. | 08:53 |
Mantan | I'm trying to install Ubuntu but the built in partitioner won't detect the HD. I used an old win98 floppy to wipe the old partition (which would boot before I wiped it), I also made a new one (which is empty). I had tried installing before wiping the old partition as well and encountered the same problem. If it makes any difference the old partition was Kubuntu 7.04 | 08:53 |
gooody | montpelie: what do you mean about that original input sir? | 08:53 |
julle_ | is there a way to disable the creation of thumbnails in .thumbnails folder? | 08:54 |
bullgard4 | What might be the reason that rsnapshot last night took more than an hour while at all other days it took 10 mins maximum. | 08:54 |
r00tintheb0x | db92, you using Hardy? | 08:54 |
gooody | montpelie: i don't see any file containing that filename. | 08:54 |
montpelie | kwan, you may want to try downloading the tarball into a USB, and plug it into the other computer, then follow the instructions provided on the page I sent you | 08:55 |
db92 | r00tintheb0x: yup | 08:55 |
mevsthevoices | By default, does vlc stream on udp or tcp? | 08:55 |
r00tintheb0x | db92, is your sound card a PCI-E? | 08:56 |
mevsthevoices | When using http as a stream | 08:56 |
db92 | r00tintheb0x: yup, last time i checked | 08:56 |
r00tintheb0x | Ok | 08:56 |
montpelie | gooody try by doing this "sudo updatedb | locate input.c" | 08:56 |
r00tintheb0x | Dont be a smart (_|_) | 08:56 |
montpelie | so we know where the file to be patched is located at | 08:57 |
db92 | rofl | 08:57 |
r00tintheb0x | :P | 08:57 |
r00tintheb0x | db92, from what im reading it doesn't seem to want to work with OSS also. | 08:57 |
db92 | idno, every guide ive found seems to say it works with oss | 08:58 |
kwan | montpelie yea. i do have a jump drive handy but right now i'm still having problems with the "Software Sources" its still trying to connec to security.ubuntu.com. I'm under the Ubuntu Software tabs right now, and the only checkbox checked is "Cdrom with UBunutu 8.04 'Hardy Heron'" | 08:58 |
r00tintheb0x | db92, could you link me? | 08:58 |
db92 | still worth trying, if it works ill at least finally get rid of the annoying pc speaker sound :p | 08:58 |
jatt | why this with rm -rf tmp? | 08:58 |
jatt | rm: cannot remove directory `tmp/jdk1.5.0_10/bin': File exists | 08:58 |
montpelie | ok, kwan, you need to click on reload, so the system knows which repositories are to be used | 08:59 |
r00tintheb0x | True db92... im not finding out much info on installing OSS either. | 08:59 |
montpelie | it'd be much easier if you can get an ethernet cable though | 08:59 |
r00tintheb0x | You may have to compile it from source. | 08:59 |
db92 | r00tintheb0x: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571656 afaik | 08:59 |
gooody | montpelie: it returns a different file | 08:59 |
* r00tintheb0x looks | 08:59 | |
db92 | although it is somewhat outdated :p | 08:59 |
kwan | montpelie you know what? i'm just gonna go comment out everything in sources.list myself | 09:00 |
kwan | that should do it | 09:00 |
r00tintheb0x | db92, have you followed the guide to install OSS yet? | 09:00 |
montpelie | kk kwan | 09:00 |
montpelie | for sure | 09:00 |
gooody | montpelie: /usr/share/doc/libgtk1.2-dev/examples/testinput.c.gz | 09:00 |
db92 | did, but there was always something running from alsa | 09:00 |
montpelie | which file, gooody; the patch you sent me seems to be a patch for xmms | 09:00 |
db92 | something called saa7134_alsa and snd_pcm that prevented it from working | 09:00 |
r00tintheb0x | db92, join the channel #r00tintheb0x | 09:01 |
montpelie | at the very top of it, the filename's been specified, therefore you should have the source of the xmms package, right??? | 09:01 |
gooody | montpelie: yup, it's for xmms but it seems like my installed xmms is of different version than the plugin that i want to install | 09:01 |
r00tintheb0x | Blah, nevermind. | 09:02 |
r00tintheb0x | Good luck, you move too slow.; | 09:02 |
r00tintheb0x | You obviously have it handled. | 09:02 |
db92 | o0 | 09:02 |
r00tintheb0x | Did you do step 3 here db92 ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4874981&postcount=2 | 09:03 |
montpelie | ok, gooody and where did you get that patch from, you should be able to get the 1.2.10 version of XMMS from the same place | 09:03 |
db92 | ive done everything as it says | 09:03 |
daddyo23 | can anyone help me? | 09:03 |
db92 | but obviously something was still running :p | 09:03 |
mevsthevoices | Depends | 09:03 |
Mantan | I'm trying to install Ubuntu but the built in partitioner won't detect the HD. I used an old win98 floppy to wipe the old partition (which would boot before I wiped it), I also made a new one (which is empty). I had tried installing before wiping the old partition as well and encountered the same problem. Gparted won't detect the drive either. | 09:03 |
daddyo23 | i deleted my eth0 connection some how. how can i restore it to the live cd state-- thats when it worked | 09:04 |
gooody | montpelie: ok thanks for the help. i'll try to search for that xmms version. | 09:04 |
daddyo23 | anyone got time to help? | 09:04 |
montpelie | ok, gooody, you may wanna take a look at http://www.xmms.org/plugins.php | 09:05 |
kwan | montpelie, are you sure the linux header is on the liveCD?? | 09:05 |
montpelie | first | 09:05 |
r00tintheb0x | db92, im SURE I could do it man. | 09:06 |
r00tintheb0x | You need to make sure GDM is stopped... then kill all the alsa procs. | 09:06 |
* r00tintheb0x shrugs | 09:06 | |
gooody | montpelie: thank's for the link. | 09:06 |
db92 | the second step | 09:06 |
db92 | tells you to remove alsa | 09:06 |
r00tintheb0x | Okay, when you paste the command... what's it tell you? | 09:07 |
db92 | what im saying is that alsa isnt getting fully removed and some procs are still running :P | 09:07 |
r00tintheb0x | PASTE it to me. | 09:07 |
r00tintheb0x | http://pastebin.ca | 09:07 |
mkquist | daddyo23: how'd u 'delete' it? | 09:08 |
montpelie | no problem gooody, I think it'd be much easier by uninstalling the version you have, downloading the XMMS source from that page which is actually the newest version, and possibly there will be no need for you to patch after that | 09:08 |
r00tintheb0x | db92, if you want to continue this... /join #r00tintheb0x | 09:08 |
r00tintheb0x | I have BAD ADD and i cant concentrate over this "Cross talk" | 09:08 |
mkquist | db92: alsa problems? (just coming in, or looking) | 09:10 |
Dark_Fire | Hey | 09:10 |
db92 | mkquist: x-fi problems | 09:11 |
db92 | therefore, alsa :P | 09:11 |
_julian_ | hi all | 09:11 |
Dark_Fire | I downloaded Ubuntu yesterday and wrote it to a CD-RW. It shows the boot screen and everything, but when I say boot or install or check disk, it says "error reading boot disk" | 09:11 |
mkquist | db92: well you could look here if you havent, it usually 'fixes' my sound problems.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449 not sure on x-fi tho... | 09:12 |
Dark_Fire | Is this because its a CD-RW? Or could my download be corrupy? | 09:12 |
_julian_ | is it somehow possible to remove installed libxine and replace it with a custom built one without removing all programs depending on libxine and recompile them too? | 09:12 |
GibbaTheHutt | Dark-Fx, did you finalise the disk ? | 09:12 |
gooody | montpelie: ok. thanks for the information. | 09:12 |
Dark_Fire | GibbaTheHutt, Its a Re-writable CD. | 09:12 |
GibbaTheHutt | yeah just ive known some people have problems using cd's not finalised to boot from | 09:13 |
GibbaTheHutt | which get stuck round about where yours sounds to have | 09:13 |
GibbaTheHutt | try a normal cd and finalise it ? | 09:13 |
void^ | _julian_: use checkinstall to create a deb. | 09:13 |
montpelie | kwan, it's in the cd, just found it | 09:13 |
db92 | mkquist: no need, its a guide full of alsa details | 09:14 |
Friendster | Hi, is there a way to download userful from ubuntu 7.04 64bit, <-- the desktop multiplier? | 09:14 |
db92 | mkquist: on the alsa site its said that my card is simply incompatible | 09:14 |
julle_ | what is the correct chmod option to make an index.html accessable on a apache server ? | 09:14 |
Dark_Fire | Sure, ill try, Just dont wanne waist up my CD's :P | 09:14 |
_julian_ | void^: can you point me to some documentation/howto? | 09:14 |
DistroJockey | Dark_Fire, check the md5sum of the iso you downloaded and compare it | 09:14 |
Friendster | where can i download desktop multiplier and how? ty | 09:14 |
Baron1984 | I've perfected a random number generator for Debianm here goes | 09:14 |
Baron1984 | 9...9....9....9.....9....9....9 | 09:15 |
montpelie | julle_ 750 I guess | 09:15 |
Yarcanox | I just tried to install ubuntu using the alternate install disc (8.04) | 09:15 |
fongkwan_ | nick kwan | 09:15 |
=== fongkwan_ is now known as kwan | ||
Yarcanox | which worked fine until it discovered some trashed files on the CD while writing the basic installation of the system on the hard disk | 09:15 |
Yarcanox | how can I tell this stupid installer to download those files from the web?? | 09:15 |
void^ | _julian_: it's pretty simple, just checkinstall make install, instead of make install. i'm sure there's a lot of documentation out there, for details. | 09:15 |
Friendster | has any1 of u already tried to install desktop multiplier in ubuntu 7.04 64bit? :) | 09:15 |
_julian_ | void^: cool, thank you (c: | 09:16 |
Yarcanox | the network is established (just normal DSL ethernet router) and if that thing just downloaded the trashed files, everything would be fine | 09:16 |
Yarcanox | so why doesn't it just do that? | 09:16 |
KazaLite | i did something bad...now tell me how to recover....i did echo "hello" > /etc/fstab | 09:16 |
kwan | montpelie, the only entry in my sources.list is: deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 8.04 _Hardy Heron_ - Release i386 (20080423)]/ hardy main restricted | 09:16 |
Yarcanox | or what do I need to do so it finally does this? | 09:17 |
KazaLite | and lost everything in /etc/fstab....now how can i recover? | 09:17 |
r00tintheb0x | lol | 09:17 |
r00tintheb0x | KazaLite, "ls -al /etc/fstab*" | 09:17 |
montpelie | kazalite, livecd might be useful | 09:17 |
r00tintheb0x | See if there's a backup | 09:17 |
kwan | montpelie, yet i can't seem to find the "linux-headers-2.6.24-16-386" package | 09:18 |
koshari | kazalite you will sutn need another fstab file, boot of a live disc and copy one from a live session to a mamory stick, then copy it back to the destinatin | 09:18 |
aurax | hello, is there a way to override license acceptance when install with apt-get (force yes on all questions) | 09:18 |
chmac | Is there a way to show additional partitions in the gnome file dialogs? Are they bookmarks maybe? | 09:18 |
montpelie | uhhmm, kwan, try by doing apt-get update first | 09:18 |
chmac | So when I click open / save / etc, alongside Home, Desktop, File System, I would also like Data (/data) | 09:19 |
montpelie | then uname -r | 09:19 |
Yarcanox | does someone know where to get the netinstall disk then? *sigh* | 09:19 |
kwan | i did it like 30 times | 09:19 |
montpelie | it should come up with the kernel version you are currently using | 09:19 |
KazaLite | :'(.......no backup file....... | 09:19 |
hwdyki | should i use nvidia-glx-envy or nvidia-glx? | 09:19 |
Yarcanox | so I don't have to download all the 600 mb again just because of 20 small files! | 09:19 |
montpelie | apt-cache linux-headers ??????????, | 09:19 |
Yarcanox | is there really no way to tell the default installer to download files from the net in case they can't be read from the disk? | 09:20 |
montpelie | apt-cache search linux-headers | 09:20 |
koshari | kaza lite you wont need a backup file just use the live disc which will generate one dynamicly | 09:20 |
hwdyki | or nvidia-glx-new-envy? | 09:20 |
Mantan | Yarcanox I'm pretty sure you're SOL | 09:20 |
Yarcanox | what's that o.O | 09:20 |
KazaLite | but if i shutdown my system and get file from live cd...then on re-boot, nothing would be auto-mounted...right? i just mount my usb flash drive and then mount "/" by myself and then copt fstab file. | 09:20 |
KazaLite | right? | 09:20 |
Yarcanox | never heard that abbreviation :) | 09:20 |
Mantan | Yarcanox: SOL=s**t out of luck | 09:21 |
koshari | kazalite mount your hard drive in the live session and copy it over before rebooting, | 09:21 |
aurax | so does anyone knows how to override console interaction when installing deb packages with apt-get ? | 09:21 |
heymr | do i still fxload for hotplugging my tascam US-122 as mentioned on alsa wiki and ubuntu forums? | 09:21 |
Yarcanox | Mantan you want to tell me that there is no way to make the default installer download them out of the net? O_O | 09:21 |
AMDXP | hi there | 09:21 |
SFauconnier | aurax, override? | 09:21 |
Yarcanox | there's a netinstall disk that does the same, and the default installer even asks for net mirrors _AFTER_ setting up the default system | 09:22 |
koshari | kazalite i find it strange that someone who knows what echo "hello" > /etc/fstab would do would be asking these questions | 09:22 |
AMDXP | anyone using virtual box on hardy | 09:22 |
Yarcanox | so why can't it just access them before? O_O it even configures the network - for what? for _not_ using it? | 09:22 |
openweek_attende | mneptok: It worked | 09:22 |
kwan | montpelie, , its got: linux-headers=2.6.24-16, linux-headers-generic, linux-headers-2.6.24-16-generic. | 09:22 |
douye | amdxp: i am, why ? | 09:22 |
Yarcanox | anyone? | 09:22 |
bullgard4 | What might be the reason that rsnapshot last night took more than an hour while at all other days it took 10 mins maximum? | 09:22 |
aurax | SFauconnier yeah override... it ask's for license acceptance, i want to override it | 09:22 |
alzamabar | Hi, need help with a security issue. How can I chmod /etc/sudoers after I've change it by mistake? | 09:22 |
AMDXP | douye anyway i can change the Ctrl down hotkey | 09:22 |
vagothcpp | Hey, any text editors support C++ syntax that are installed with ubuntu (as in coloring. compile options optional)? | 09:22 |
montpelie | kk, kwan, now do uname -r | 09:22 |
_julian_ | void^: hmm, libxine in ubuntu consists of several splitted packaged how can I just make my one package replace all of them? - I think libxine1 is a metapackage, but somehow I'd need my package to implement that metapackage won't I? | 09:22 |
alzamabar | Can I restart as root? | 09:22 |
douye | admxp: uhm lemme see | 09:23 |
AMDXP | my toshiba doesnt have a right Ctrl button | 09:23 |
kwan | 2.6.24-16-386 | 09:23 |
montpelie | sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.24-16-generic | 09:23 |
koshari | alzamabar you can with a live disc | 09:23 |
montpelie | that should do it | 09:23 |
vagothcpp | Hey, any text editors support C++ syntax that are installed with ubuntu desktop 7.04 (as in coloring. compile options optional)? | 09:23 |
DracoZA | AMDXP, interesting question let me check | 09:23 |
douye | amdxp: go to preferences > input | 09:23 |
vagothcpp | and when is 7.04 supported till? | 09:23 |
heymr | AMDXP, xmodmap? | 09:23 |
alzamabar | koshari, I've tried. It changed it there, but when I logged in again, the sudoers was still in 0775 | 09:23 |
Yarcanox | has someone the link to that netinstall disk? | 09:23 |
aurax | anyone ? | 09:23 |
douye | amdxp: then highlight the "right control" box | 09:23 |
Yarcanox | or does this disk not exist anymore? | 09:24 |
heymr | AMDXP, run that in a terminal | 09:24 |
alzamabar | montpelie, was that for me? | 09:24 |
vagothcpp | Anyone know? | 09:24 |
heymr | vagothcpp, gedit | 09:24 |
douye | amdxp: then press a key you want to use for it, and it will be set | 09:24 |
heymr | yesh | 09:24 |
Yarcanox | I am really in need of something like this now | 09:24 |
montpelie | n | 09:24 |
vagothcpp | and when is 7.04 supported till? | 09:24 |
montpelie | nope alzamabar | 09:24 |
AMDXP | ok let me try it right now | 09:24 |
koshari | alzamdar did you mount the filesystem and change it on the disk or change it in the ramdisc? | 09:24 |
DistroJockey | alzamabar, boot your install in recovery mode and change it there | 09:24 |
kwan | its already installed | 09:24 |
DracoZA | AMDXP, File -> Preferences -> Input to change | 09:24 |
vagothcpp | and when is 7.04 supported till? | 09:24 |
Yarcanox | I can't find the net install disk on ubuntu.com and on google I get just some netboot stuff | 09:24 |
Yarcanox | is there a net install disk? if yes, where can I find it? | 09:25 |
vagothcpp | and when is 7.04 supported till? | 09:25 |
montpelie | kwan, you were finally able to install it right?, just download the tarball and do as I suggested | 09:25 |
AMDXP | DracoZA : ty that was it | 09:25 |
alzamabar | montpelie I haven't got the live CD for the version I'm running. I'm running 8.04 (SCSI system) but the live disc is for 7.10. So I couldn't mount the disk. I double clicked on it and it appeared under /media/disk | 09:25 |
AMDXP | thanks for all the help guys/gals | 09:25 |
koshari | yarconix a minimal install disc would be a webinstall disk, | 09:25 |
Yarcanox | yes | 09:25 |
vagothcpp | and when is 7.04 supported till? | 09:25 |
alzamabar | DistroJockey, how do I do that? | 09:25 |
heymr | AMDXP, did it work? | 09:25 |
Yarcanox | koshari where can I get it?? | 09:26 |
vagothcpp | and when is ubuntu desktop 7.04 supported till? | 09:26 |
spider | ? | 09:26 |
Yarcanox | I just want to have it and install the system finally o.O | 09:26 |
AMDXP | heymr: yes you can do as he instructed and set any key you like | 09:26 |
Yarcanox | without downloading 600 mb again when I just need 200 mb of this crap | 09:26 |
=== spider is now known as Jahid_ | ||
DistroJockey | alzamabar, should be an entry on the grub menu for it, you may have to hit Esc to see the menu when you boot | 09:26 |
vagothcpp | and when is ubuntu desktop 7.04 supported till? | 09:26 |
AMDXP | File>>Preferences>>Input | 09:26 |
alzamabar | DistroJockey, thanks. I'll try | 09:26 |
heymr | AMDXP, cool. now you should see a change in the output of xmodmap | 09:27 |
Yarcanox | koshari I can't find a link on the homepage, so where can I download this minimal install thingy? | 09:27 |
vagothcpp | PLEASE, when is ubuntu desktop 7.04 supported till? | 09:27 |
kwan | montpelie it was already on the system. IN the instruction, it specificaly asked for linux-headers- but i guess i might have to give see if the generic one already installed on my system would do the job | 09:27 |
[LMM]Iowahc | hy there, question to compiz-fusion, before 10 minutes everything worked fine, direct rendering and also the water effect, now i started up and compiz didn't started up, a quick workaround for me was: LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 compiz --replace ccp &, any suggestions? | 09:27 |
heymr | vagothcpp, GOOGLE | 09:27 |
vagothcpp | Google times out! | 09:27 |
AMDXP | heymr: now i can delete my XP partition and do a full blown Ubuntu | 09:27 |
AMDXP | and run virtual box for any extra stuff i need | 09:27 |
heymr | AMDXP, just that? lol | 09:27 |
heymr | AMDXP, COOOLLL :D | 09:27 |
AMDXP | i couldnt before because i didnt know how to switch in and out of virtual box | 09:28 |
heymr | oh haha | 09:28 |
Yarcanox | anyone. where. can I get the minimal installation. I can't find it! | 09:28 |
AMDXP | its got sound and everything | 09:28 |
heymr | AMDXP, you can do tight integration | 09:28 |
ybeddyj | how do i create a devel package i just downloaded farsight2 and i want to create the associated devel package for it | 09:28 |
AMDXP | darn this is sweet | 09:28 |
montpelie | ok kwan | 09:28 |
AMDXP | tight integration? | 09:29 |
koshari | yarcanox https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD | 09:29 |
gooody | can't get any apt-file update. it returns "Can't get http://ph.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy-updates/Contents-amd64.gz". | 09:29 |
Yarcanox | thank you very much koshari | 09:29 |
db92 | anyone knows of an irc support chan for oss? | 09:29 |
Yarcanox | does anyone know why the minimal installation isn't mentioned on the download page? O_o | 09:29 |
Yarcanox | very annoying! | 09:29 |
vagothcpp | PLEASE, when is ubuntu desktop 7.04 supported till? | 09:29 |
=== foka_ is now known as foka | ||
montpelie | goooody, got the same problem | 09:30 |
montpelie | with it | 09:30 |
crdlb | vagothcpp: 18 months after release, so about 5 more | 09:30 |
montpelie | apt-file update DOES NOT work | 09:30 |
hwdyki | my keyboard is messed up in gnome. how can i fix this? | 09:30 |
vagothcpp | ty | 09:30 |
Yarcanox | hwdyki probably you got the wrong keyboard layout? | 09:30 |
hwdyki | how can i change the layout? | 09:31 |
Yarcanox | I think the command was "sudo dpkg-reconfigure Xorg" or something which prompts the X-server configuration that lets you change it. hm | 09:31 |
AMDXP | when i get my desktop going i can do a full install now | 09:31 |
gooody | montpelie: does apt-file still works without the update? | 09:31 |
Yarcanox | no, it wasn't Xorg, was something else :/ what was the command for the Xorg-config-util again? hwdyki needs it | 09:31 |
montpelie | nope gooody, it seems to be a bug | 09:32 |
koshari | dpkg -reconfirure? | 09:32 |
Yarcanox | hwdyki it's at least sudo dpkg-reconfigure <xserverpackage>, but I can't remember the name | 09:32 |
Yarcanox | someone here must now | 09:32 |
Yarcanox | *know | 09:32 |
koshari | xorg-xserver | 09:32 |
Yarcanox | ah. so it's "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver" :) | 09:32 |
montpelie | if you google for that issue, it'll return some bug-related pages | 09:32 |
koshari | its written at the top of the xorg file | 09:32 |
Hoenikker | what's up with firefox 3.0rc1 in 8.04? | 09:33 |
koshari | in the remarks | 09:33 |
hwdyki | xorg-xserver is not installed | 09:33 |
gooody | montpelie: how sad. is it only unavailable in hardy? | 09:33 |
koshari | hwdyki sudo apt-get install xorg | 09:33 |
db92 | join #ubuntu-gr | 09:33 |
db92 | ups | 09:33 |
KazaLite | my /etc/fstab from live cd is totally different than what i had:'( | 09:34 |
[LMM]Iowahc | hy there, question to compiz-fusion, before 10 minutes everything worked fine, direct rendering and also the water effect, now i started up and compiz didn't started up, a quick workaround for me was: LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 compiz --replace ccp &, any suggestions? | 09:34 |
koshari | kazalit use it as a beginning alnd add the extra lines you want from info you get from gparted. | 09:34 |
vlt | Hello. What (cli) tool can I use to display info about a CD in a drive? (type, size, tracks ...) | 09:34 |
Yarcanox | hm hwdyki you can also manually edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf to change the keyboard layout | 09:34 |
montpelie | yep, gooody, unfortunately | 09:35 |
Hoenikker | why is the "check update" option grayed in my firefox beta? is there a way to upgrade to 3.0rc1 with the package manager? | 09:35 |
interzone | Hi, I have just installed dapper drake, firefow is really slow. How can i sort this out? | 09:35 |
hwdyki | i'm on vnc. | 09:35 |
montpelie | some people's been able to get it to work after a looooooot of time | 09:36 |
Myrtti | !ff3rc | 09:36 |
ubottu | The Firefox 3 RC package is not currently available as most of the Ubuntu-mozilla team is at the Ubuntu Developer Summit. Thanks for your patience. | 09:36 |
hwdyki | when i run twm in vnc, the kbd works. but when i run gnome-session, the kbd gets messed up. | 09:36 |
KazaLite | whats gparted? | 09:36 |
Myrtti | !gparted | 09:36 |
ubottu | GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/ | 09:36 |
Hoenikker | i see :/ | 09:36 |
hwdyki | any ideas? | 09:36 |
Hoenikker | major suckage | 09:36 |
interzone | I dont want firefox3 tho | 09:36 |
gooody | montpelie: after this bug is fixed are they going to provide it through updates? | 09:36 |
h0ax | how would i go about a virtual machine for ubuntu ? | 09:37 |
ikonia | h0ax: there are multiple virtualistion options, what do you need, | 09:37 |
Stormx2 | interzone: Why'd you install dapper? :/ | 09:37 |
Yarcanox | ok I'm now out to install it... hope it works this time | 09:37 |
interzone | I want to know how to make firefox faster, it is alot slower than other versions | 09:37 |
h0ax | ikonia: i windows emulator | 09:37 |
interzone | Stormx2: cos it was the only boot cd i had about | 09:37 |
ikonia | h0ax: ok, you want to run a windows VM within an ubuntu host, yes ? | 09:38 |
Stormx2 | Oh | 09:38 |
Stormx2 | heh | 09:38 |
Stormx2 | Couldn't you have burnt another? :/ | 09:38 |
montpelie | not sure about that, I guess you'll just be able to do apt-file update without a problem | 09:38 |
interzone | Stormx2: no cd's | 09:38 |
Stormx2 | Well | 09:38 |
h0ax | ikonia: no sorry, i mean i want to run a live cd within linux | 09:38 |
montpelie | dont really know gooody | 09:38 |
Stormx2 | I don't know why firefox is so slow. | 09:38 |
amidaniel | ikonia: Doesn't hardy have virtualisation of some kind installed by default? | 09:38 |
hwdyki | hello... | 09:38 |
ikonia | amidaniel: no | 09:38 |
Stormx2 | You might want to upgrade to hardy though | 09:38 |
_julian_ | ahh, I accidently removed all kde4-packages by removing libxine - how can I install them again? - is there some metapackage for kde4? | 09:39 |
amidaniel | Oh, thought I read something about that ... *googles* | 09:39 |
ikonia | h0ax: ok, so y ou want to run a Linux livecd as an operating system, from within an ubuntu host, yes ? | 09:39 |
interzone | Stormx2: i had this problem before but it was rectified by updates | 09:39 |
h0ax | ikonia: yes | 09:39 |
gooody | ok. thanks for the info and help. it means a lot to beginners like me. | 09:39 |
ikonia | amidaniel: there are virtualisation options (such as kvm) built into the ubuntu kernel | 09:39 |
psypher246 | hi all, pls can someone help me. i cannot find any relavant info on google. i cannot mount ANY usb hard drive device. it just suddenly started happening. when i try to manually mount i get mount: special device /dev/sdc1 does not exist | 09:39 |
amidaniel | Ah, maybe that's what I read | 09:39 |
mondayrocks | psyp, it doesn't mount automaticly? | 09:39 |
psypher246 | nope | 09:40 |
mondayrocks | did you try restarting? | 09:40 |
psypher246 | yup | 09:40 |
ikonia | h0ax: ok, very straight forward you just need to select a virtualisation technology, configure it and boot it, there are multiple options such as vmware, virtualbox, kvm, xen | 09:40 |
psypher246 | lots | 09:40 |
ikonia | !virtualisation | howtoo | 09:40 |
ubottu | howtoo: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications | 09:40 |
ikonia | oops | 09:40 |
interzone | was firefox in dapper drake known for being slow? | 09:40 |
ikonia | !virtualisation | h0ax | 09:40 |
ubottu | h0ax: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications | 09:40 |
mohamed_ | psypher246, what is " fdisk -l " say ? | 09:40 |
h0ax | !virtualbox | 09:40 |
ubottu | virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox | 09:40 |
howtoo | aha =) | 09:40 |
ikonia | h0ax: I suggest you start with something with an easy interface to use, such as vmware, I don't rate it personally, however, it is a good introduction | 09:40 |
mohamed_ | psypher246, sudo fdisk -l | 09:40 |
h0ax | !qemu | 09:40 |
ubottu | qemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo | 09:40 |
ikonia | howtoo: apologies | 09:40 |
DistroJockey | _julian_, you could try: sudo tasksel | 09:41 |
psypher246 | i can see all the partitions there | 09:41 |
hwdyki | help pls. | 09:41 |
howtoo | np =) | 09:41 |
_julian_ | DistroJockey: thanks a lot (c: | 09:41 |
mohamed_ | psypher246, are you sure that usb harddisk is hdc ? | 09:41 |
DistroJockey | _julian_, you're welcome | 09:41 |
rrohde | I found the easiest is Virtual Box.. it's even inside the Ubuntu repos :) | 09:41 |
interzone | How do I update to feisty without waiting for the updater to prompt me? | 09:42 |
esteth_ | Can i expect FF3 RC1 in the repository any time soon, or is the team going to go straight to FF3 final once it comes out? | 09:42 |
psypher246 | it's not hdc sdc | 09:42 |
jon_ | om | 09:42 |
psypher246 | pecial device /dev/sdc1 does not exist | 09:42 |
mohamed_ | psypher246, sdc1 appear in fdisk -l ? | 09:43 |
psypher246 | yes | 09:43 |
ikonia | mohamed_: only devices will show in fdisk -l eg: /dev/sdc1 | 09:45 |
ikonia | mohamed_: only devices will show in fdisk -l eg: /dev/sdc not /dev/sdc1 (sorry) | 09:45 |
psypher246 | Disk /dev/sdc: 80.0 GB, 80026361856 bytes | 09:45 |
psypher246 | 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 9729 cylinders | 09:45 |
psypher246 | Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes | 09:45 |
psypher246 | Disk identifier: 0x000bf6d7 | 09:45 |
psypher246 | Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System | 09:45 |
psypher246 | /dev/sdc1 * 1 9729 78148161 7 HPFS/NTFS | 09:45 |
Myrtti | !paste | psypher246 | 09:47 |
ubottu | psypher246: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 09:47 |
psypher246 | sorry | 09:47 |
psypher246 | trying to explain that i have done fdisk and i'm using the correct mouont commands | 09:47 |
bazhang | !ff3rc | esteth_ | 09:47 |
ubottu | esteth_: The Firefox 3 RC package is not currently available as most of the Ubuntu-mozilla team is at the Ubuntu Developer Summit. Thanks for your patience. | 09:47 |
esteth_ | bazhang, Aha, ok | 09:48 |
amorphous_ | how easy is it to remove all usb from a machine & re-install? | 09:50 |
syntropy | whwre did devfs/udev/go wrong? | 09:50 |
psypher246 | reinstall hardy?? | 09:51 |
montpelie | good nite guys, thanx for your help...............later | 09:51 |
amorphous_ | there appears to be something wrong with usb, and I may have made it worse (although it may be the machine (dell optiplex -- bios rev 1.1.11 | 09:51 |
mohamed_ | ikonia, i mean if device appear in fdisk -l then he can mount it normal | 09:52 |
psypher246 | these keys work in windows | 09:52 |
ikonia | mohamed_: sure | 09:52 |
mrak | hello there | 09:52 |
psypher246 | on the same pc | 09:52 |
Tr0gd0r | snowblink | 09:53 |
mrak | i have a question about cryp fs on ubuntu | 09:53 |
mrak | where i can setup it in installation | 09:53 |
amorphous_ | anyone? is it possible to replace alll usb drivers/connotations and restore them to default? | 09:54 |
sam_ | hey guys, I just used Envy to install my drivers | 09:55 |
psypher246 | are there any logs i can look for? | 09:55 |
sam_ | and It didnt work properly, and now my desktop resolution is buggered | 09:55 |
psypher246 | WTF now it;s workinhg???? | 09:55 |
naos_ | sam- how easy is envy to use? I cant get ubuntu to detect my graphic card (nvidia 8800gtx) | 09:56 |
sam_ | hmm, I have an 8800GTS | 09:56 |
sam_ | and... well... yeah | 09:56 |
DistroJockey | !envy | 09:56 |
ubottu | envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package. | 09:56 |
sam_ | screw it. | 09:56 |
psypher246 | what the hell? | 09:56 |
psypher246 | i don't get this | 09:56 |
erUSUL | !language | 09:56 |
ubottu | Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 09:57 |
sam_ | well, my current experience over the last week of Ubuntu is that it sucks | 09:57 |
psypher246 | all i did was open gparted | 09:57 |
sam_ | but its starting to grow on me | 09:57 |
psypher246 | well i have to agree, i have been using ubuntu since breezy and hardy is BUG-GY! | 09:57 |
psypher246 | i just WISH that for once, new things are not added and bugs are actually fixed | 09:57 |
sam_ | well, First format, Ubuntu goes and puts /home and root on the same partition, and doesnt give me read write access. | 09:57 |
sam_ | Second format: Grub 17 error without dualbooting | 09:57 |
sam_ | Third: Wine flat out refuses to work | 09:58 |
heymr | psypher246, bugs do get fixed... lol. get a real distro :P | 09:58 |
psypher246 | which one then? | 09:58 |
Gustov | what's a good general chat room? | 09:59 |
psypher246 | mm chicken | 09:59 |
cybic_ | hello... anyone with a IBM X31 and ubuntu here? :) | 09:59 |
sam_ | so EnvyNG didnt work, how do I uninstall the drivers it installed? | 09:59 |
DJones | Gustov: You could try #defocus for a general chatroom | 10:00 |
Gustov | thanks dj | 10:00 |
bazhang | Gustov, or #ubuntu-offtopic | 10:00 |
gooody | where can i find the source folder of applications? i need to uninstall self compiled applications. | 10:00 |
psypher246 | dudes I LOOOOOVE ubuntu. it is the shizzness. i am from south africa like Mr Shuttleworth and love the work he's dooing, but i just wish all the annoying things that have been in ubuntu since foreever gets fixed instead of new features being added | 10:00 |
Gustov | it just seems like irc is only for linux now | 10:00 |
sam_ | well, I can tell I'd LOVE ubuntu... | 10:02 |
sam_ | if it worked. | 10:02 |
ikonia | Gustov: there is pleanty of non linux irc clients | 10:02 |
erUSUL | gooody: that's where you untarred the source code and many apps do not have a make uninstall target so you will have to delete files by hand | 10:02 |
bazhang | psypher246, great to hear; could you please move it to #ubuntu-offtopic thanks | 10:02 |
sam_ | so how do I uninstall drivers? | 10:02 |
Gustov | well.. i mean the theme of every irc room is linux based distros lol | 10:02 |
Gustov | I kinda just want to talk about life and stuff | 10:02 |
bazhang | Gustov, this is freenode | 10:02 |
Scarecrow | Gustov: No... No, they're not. | 10:02 |
Gustov | is freenode known for computer chat? | 10:02 |
sam_ | How do I uninstall bad video drivers? | 10:02 |
Gustov | what would be a good server for just whatever? | 10:02 |
ikonia | Gustov: no, there are hundreds of non-linux channels, if you join #freenode you can get advice on how to use your client to search for them | 10:02 |
bazhang | sam_, installed how | 10:02 |
sam_ | through EnvyNG | 10:02 |
bazhang | same use the same tool then | 10:02 |
Scarecrow | Gustov: efnet? | 10:02 |
bazhang | err sam | 10:02 |
Gustov | efnet.. cool | 10:02 |
Gustov | thanks | 10:02 |
sam_ | hmm, EnvyNG has no uninstall feature | 10:03 |
Gustov | only one server a time though, right? | 10:03 |
psypher246 | weird, usb working fine now???? | 10:03 |
Scarecrow | Gustov: Not necessarily. | 10:03 |
cybic_ | so nobody is using ubuntu on a x31? | 10:03 |
Scarecrow | Gustov: Not in my client. | 10:03 |
marcus | Hi everyone :) | 10:03 |
ikonia | cybic_: as in the thinkpad ? | 10:03 |
Scarecrow | Gustov: Not in most clients, afaik. | 10:03 |
Gustov | miranda here | 10:03 |
cybic_ | ikonia: yes, a thinkpad x31 | 10:04 |
bullgard4 | What might be the reason that rsnapshot last night took more than an hour while at all other days it took 10 mins maximum? | 10:04 |
psypher246 | k i got another ON-topic question. is it possible to speed up the boot process by diabaling hardware autodetection and compiling the drivers you need into the kernel? | 10:04 |
psypher246 | i have an eee pc that takes 2min 15 secs to boot, just not cool | 10:04 |
cybic_ | ikonia: just need an advice, how to get less in power consumtion ;) | 10:04 |
erUSUL | psypher246: yes; i do not think you will gain much but it is possible | 10:04 |
bazhang | which eeepc and how booted (sd card or other) psypher246 | 10:05 |
psypher246 | either with the built in ssd or an external hdd | 10:06 |
Kalamansi | hello im trying to install a software of ubutu server 8... what key should i execute so that i could select all packages like lamp,openssh etc..X key is not working... | 10:06 |
erUSUL | cybic_: install and use powertop to find out who is causing power drain | 10:06 |
psypher246 | eee 700 | 10:08 |
marcus | I'm running 2 software raids on an ubuntu server 8.04 lts. md0 and md1. when I do mdadm -D /dev/md1 the state says "clean, Not started". but its mounted and I can read data from it. /proc/mdstat states that it has 0 blocks(?!). the array size information is also missing from the mdadm -D, and the used dev size states 0. What is going on with my raid? | 10:08 |
psypher246 | i have followed all the usual increase boot speed howto's | 10:08 |
cybic_ | erUSUL: done already, still getting about 11,9 Watt | 10:08 |
bazhang | psypher246, that may work but with the eeepc may also be a hardware limitation they have a channel and wiki as well | 10:08 |
erUSUL | cybic_: http://www.lesswatts.org/ | 10:08 |
psypher246 | do u know the link? | 10:08 |
bazhang | #eeepc and www.eeeuser.com wiki psypher246 | 10:08 |
psypher246 | yeah been there done all that | 10:08 |
psypher246 | was hoping sumone had some more ideas | 10:08 |
cybic_ | erUSUL: thx | 10:10 |
patrik | Hi I would like to give a directory and all it's subdirectories +x permission (with chmod) but without touching the files in the directories. How do I do that? | 10:12 |
ethana2 | I'm on a dual seat rig, and I can't get my machine to mount my camera media | 10:13 |
ethana2 | I used gksu nautilus and it didn't see the camera at all | 10:13 |
ethana2 | f-spot sees it but can't /do/ anything with it | 10:13 |
marcus | noone for my raid problem? :) | 10:13 |
titusg | anyone know how I get a reading of the state of my laptop battery on the command line? | 10:13 |
erUSUL | patrik: find /dir/ -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod +x | 10:13 |
vasi | patrik: find /path/to/dir -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod +x | 10:13 |
vasi | erUSUL: nice timing :-) | 10:13 |
erUSUL | vasi: :P | 10:14 |
ethana2 | Bus 003 Device 005: ID 040a:05aa Kodak Co. | 10:14 |
patrik | erUSUL: vasi: Thanks! | 10:14 |
bain | Morning everybody. Is there anybody around that can help me with a pppoe and pppd, I need to setup pppoe to use two concentrators. | 10:15 |
r00tintheb0x | ethana2, are the permissions correct on the device? | 10:15 |
r00tintheb0x | Whats the model number of your camera? | 10:15 |
erUSUL | ethana2: have you tried gthumb or gtkam ?? | 10:15 |
ethana2 | uh, I don't know, I don't know, and no | 10:15 |
ethana2 | but I can do some finding out | 10:15 |
ethana2 | Kodak EasyShare C433 | 10:16 |
r00tintheb0x | ethana2, that'd be good. | 10:16 |
ethana2 | probably not | 10:16 |
r00tintheb0x | ok, hold. | 10:16 |
ethana2 | k | 10:16 |
ethana2 | ...and I'll install those two now | 10:16 |
marcus | Should I be able to mount and access data on a raid that has the state: clean, Not started? | 10:17 |
gooody | how can i uninstall self compiled softwares? | 10:17 |
koshari | gooody thats why its a good idea to use chkinstall | 10:18 |
bain | Is it possible to setup pppoe with two concentrators and switching between then when needed ? | 10:18 |
Koheleth | what is the command to install the restricted driver for ati hd2400 please | 10:18 |
ethana2 | gtkam detects no cameras.... | 10:19 |
gooody | koshari: sorry but i'm new to linux and not yet familiar with chkinstall. i'm just following instructions from blogs. | 10:19 |
ethana2 | ...aand same with gthumb | 10:19 |
gooody | koshari: is there other way to uninstall the software? | 10:19 |
eikke | anyone knows how to get the Python hotspot module in ubuntu? | 10:20 |
Koheleth | what is the command to install the restricted driver for ati hd2400 please | 10:20 |
Koheleth | !ati | 10:20 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 10:20 |
sammyice | anyone know tool to manage updates centrally, got 25 ubuntu boxes | 10:21 |
sammyice | would like to push package updates and also not have all boxes download the updates directly but from a local repo | 10:22 |
koshari | gooody was there a log left when you compiled the binarys? | 10:23 |
anormallu | hi | 10:23 |
xur1z | can i use the alternate installer CD to install an LVM raid1 with 2x mirrored disks? | 10:23 |
anormallu | libcrypto.so.0 and libcrypto.so.2 missing | 10:23 |
anormallu | how can i put it? | 10:23 |
koshari | sammyice you want to check out apt-cacher | 10:24 |
gooody | koshari: i don't know. where can i find those log files? | 10:25 |
anormallu | error while loading shared libraries: libcrypto.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 10:25 |
koshari | they would likely be in the directory where you compiled the binarys, how did you install the package? | 10:25 |
anormallu | how can i install? | 10:26 |
sriramoman | has anybody run captainclaw game in emulation [not virtualisation] softeware? | 10:26 |
PodMan99a | hey all ... using ubuntu 8.04 on my new mail server postfix / (dspam/amavis) and neither of them are modifing headers.... when I know that older versions modified headers successfully any ideas? | 10:26 |
gooody | i follow this blog "http://blog.sartek.net/2008/04/install-xmms-on-ubuntu-804-hardy-heron.html". | 10:26 |
ethana2 | r00tintheb0x: I had this problem on the alpha of hardy, I guess I assumed it'd be fixed by now. | 10:28 |
garrett__ | I've got an odd issue. After running something like NWN, even after restarting X, glxgears reports a 700fps drop under my baseline. If I reboot, it's all cool. Windows take forever to draw in, and the system's just really laggy. | 10:28 |
garrett__ | same thing was happening in windows | 10:28 |
ethana2 | r00tintheb0x: should I do a fresh install? | 10:28 |
ethana2 | garrett__: what GPU? | 10:29 |
garrett__ | any way to diagnose this? memtest doesn't report anything, and SMART utils says my disk's fine. any health-report software for video cards? | 10:29 |
garrett__ | ethana2: geforce 4 440gp (32mb) | 10:29 |
koshari | goody do you want to remove just the xmms binary or all the dependencies as well? | 10:29 |
ethana2 | garrett__: interesting.... buggy drivers I think | 10:29 |
ethana2 | garrett__: that card probably isn't even supported anymore, is it? | 10:29 |
garrett__ | ethana2: I was using the omega 6693 drivers under windows, and they'd been fine for a year or so. | 10:29 |
ethana2 | hmm | 10:30 |
gooody | koshari: including the dependencies | 10:30 |
BuRn_sLuG | Does anyone know how to have a wireless NIC connect to a router upon boot? (this is for a headless server, administered via command line) | 10:30 |
ethana2 | garrett__: there probably is some suite of sensors with gpu stuff, but I don't do much like that | 10:30 |
garrett__ | ethana2: hm. i'll keep looking. thanks anyhow | 10:30 |
ethana2 | yeah | 10:30 |
ethana2 | garrett__: I hope it lived a good, full life | 10:31 |
garrett__ | ethana2: it's like almost 6years old at this point :P | 10:31 |
randomnr | man why is ff3b5 so damn slow :( | 10:31 |
koshari | gooody thats not a great idea because other packages may rely on thedependencies, thats why its wise to use a package manager to manage your software, is it causing trouble, porsonally i would live with it, may i ask why you installed it from source rather than getting a deb package? | 10:31 |
garrett__ | ethana2: still sort of surprised it still does what i want (roughly)--or did, anyhow | 10:31 |
ethana2 | randomnr: what are you talking about? | 10:31 |
ethana2 | garrett__: 32 MB | 10:32 |
ethana2 | garrett__: that's hilarious to me | 10:32 |
randomnr | ethana2: firefox 3 beta 5 is much slower than ff2 | 10:32 |
randomnr | and it fucks up the sound daemon | 10:32 |
ethana2 | randomnr: opposite experience here | 10:32 |
ethana2 | that would be flash | 10:32 |
randomnr | yeah | 10:33 |
ethana2 | also | 10:33 |
gooody | koshari: actualy i'm new to linux and don't know how to install xmms in ubuntu hardy. | 10:33 |
ethana2 | !o4o | 10:33 |
ubottu | Some things are inappropriate for #ubuntu. Controversial topics, which always turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) | 10:33 |
ethana2 | oops | 10:33 |
ethana2 | !ohmy | 10:33 |
ubottu | Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 10:33 |
ethana2 | yeah, that's the one | 10:33 |
gordonjcp | gooody: xmms isn't packaged for hardy, but audacious is a good alternative | 10:33 |
koshari | gooody to install software you are best to research installing via synaptic to begin with | 10:33 |
randomnr | ethana2: the thing is when I watch a flash video with sound and then some other Application such as vlc oder pidgin makes a sound, the complete system halts | 10:34 |
ethana2 | :( | 10:34 |
gordonjcp | !botabuse | ethana2 | 10:34 |
ubottu | ethana2: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. | 10:34 |
koshari | gooody the packages in the repositorys are generally good makes and using the package manager it is a lot easier to remove | 10:34 |
ethana2 | gordonjcp: I just did the wrong thing, sorry | 10:34 |
gooody | koshari: i usualy use synaptic for softwares available in repo | 10:35 |
atmanam | randomnr: is pulseaudio daemon running? | 10:35 |
DracoZA | why is it CTRL+H ?? I have small hands :( | 10:35 |
gordonjcp | ethana2: ah, sorry, I thought you were a random teasing the bot | 10:35 |
UriN | Привет | 10:35 |
ethana2 | gordonjcp: no, I avoid doing that | 10:35 |
koshari | gooody thats good, is xmms not available in the repos? | 10:35 |
ethana2 | yarr, the guy who was helping me left the channel.... | 10:35 |
UriN | Привет | 10:35 |
bazhang | !ru | UriN | 10:35 |
ubottu | UriN: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 10:35 |
gordonjcp | ethana2: incidentally I appear to be the only one that finds it amusing and somewhat ironic that "ohmy" is homophonic to a very rude word in my local language | 10:36 |
randomnr | atmanam: yes, pulseaudio is running | 10:36 |
gooody | koshari: it's not available in hardy. | 10:36 |
gordonjcp | koshari: use audacious | 10:36 |
atmanam | randomnr: pulseaudio is supposed to take care of exactly that problem | 10:36 |
atmanam | koshari:or beep-media-player | 10:37 |
gordonjcp | atmanam: do you know if it's possible to remove or completely disable pulseaudio? | 10:37 |
koshari | gordonjcp i use amarok, its gooody looking for xmms, irecall it was repackaged as beep media player in a previous version | 10:37 |
atmanam | gordon..:i guess apt-get --purge remove should do the trick | 10:37 |
gordonjcp | koshari: yeah, beep was a port to gnome2, but I'm not sure if that's still maintained | 10:38 |
gordonjcp | atmanam: I think that might just have a knock-on effect on other packages | 10:38 |
gooody | gordonjcp: i am used to xmms since it was available in gutsy and it's similar to winamp. | 10:38 |
atmanam | gordon..:or just remove the corresponding startu script in /etc/init.d/ | 10:38 |
atmanam | so that it does'nt run on startup | 10:38 |
gordonjcp | gooody: audacious is the modern version of XMMS | 10:39 |
gooody | koshari: is there a way to remove xmms without removing the dependencies? | 10:39 |
gordonjcp | atmanam: good point, it is just a daemon | 10:39 |
atmanam | gooody: XMMS is gtk-1..which means the fonts are all screwed up | 10:39 |
gordonjcp | gooody: you may as well just leave xmms, for all the space it takes up | 10:39 |
=== nico_ is now known as nico_|gone | ||
koshari | you could simply delete the binary file if you knew what it was but thats a bit of a messy way of going about things, | 10:40 |
gooody | gordonjcp: i'll try that after i remove xmms from my system. | 10:40 |
atmanam | gordon..:xmms has some very nice plugins | 10:40 |
gordonjcp | atmanam: they're easy to port | 10:40 |
=== nico_|gone is now known as nico_ | ||
randomnr | atmanam: hmm thank you ill try to modify the startup scripts | 10:40 |
randomnr | bye | 10:40 |
BuRn_sLuG | Does anyone know how to have a wireless NIC connect to a router upon boot? (this is for a headless server, administered via command line) | 10:40 |
punzada | i dont know who the hell thought that all these bloated and large ass music players are best for everyone, but it drives me nuts ;x | 10:40 |
koshari | IIRC xmms is tiny and it will be taking up bugger all space | 10:40 |
pain | hi, i am not sure about latex, especially etex. which ubuntu-package contains etex? | 10:41 |
bazhang | !find latex | 10:41 |
ubottu | Found: auctex, dblatex, latex-beamer, latex-xcolor, libwriter2latex-java-doc (and 56 others) | 10:41 |
koshari | gooody if you still have the directory tou compiled it in available there may be a log file there | 10:41 |
koshari | gooody otherwise there are often uninstall scripts left behind, | 10:41 |
pain | !find etex | 10:42 |
ubottu | Found: jadetex, mimetex, perl-modules, tetex-bin, tetex-extra (and 11 others) | 10:42 |
gooody | i may have deleted the directory as instructed | 10:42 |
koshari | gooody but agian these actions are not withour risk | 10:42 |
atmanam | goody: i did'nt follow the earlier conversation...but looks like you want "sudo make uninstall" | 10:42 |
bazhang | !info tetex-bin | 10:42 |
ubottu | tetex-bin (source: texlive-base): TeX Live: teTeX transitional package. In component main, is optional. Version 2007-13 (hardy), package size 17 kB, installed size 100 kB | 10:42 |
gooody | koshari: it's OK. i'm willing to take the risk. | 10:43 |
pain | if i want to have etex, do I have to install tetex? | 10:43 |
koshari | antmanam gooody installed a proggie compiled from source without checkinstall, and then deleted the dir the source was it | 10:43 |
pain | i am a little bit confused about tex-distros and how they are related to each other... | 10:43 |
Ontolog | How to use apt-cache to tell me if a package is actually installed or not? | 10:44 |
Benjie | Hardy keeps freezing! Locking up completely! Gutsy didn't - whats up?! | 10:44 |
exyan | Hey, any ideas on how to mount .bin files? | 10:44 |
antx | hi all | 10:44 |
Benjie | I only installed it on saturday, and it has crashed every night since then and 3 times since midnight today already. | 10:45 |
atmanam | koshari: unless he knows what the binaries ans libs are named(in which case he can use "find /"), he cant do much | 10:45 |
Benjie | (I'm in UK, its 10:45am currently) | 10:45 |
antx | hi benjie | 10:45 |
Benjie | antx, hi | 10:45 |
napster | Hey can i copy my gmail contacts to evolution address book???? | 10:46 |
gooody | koshari: how can i locate the uninstall scripts? | 10:46 |
atmanam | Benjie: the .bin is an iso or a movie file? | 10:46 |
napster | Hey can i copy my gmail contacts to evolution address book???? | 10:46 |
Benjie | atmanam, you mean exyan | 10:46 |
=== antx is now known as Ecclipse | ||
atmanam | Benjie:oops.sorry | 10:46 |
erUSUL | napster: i think gmail can export contacts as vcard then import them on evolution | 10:47 |
atmanam | exyan: the .bin is an iso or a movie file? | 10:47 |
Ecclipse | napster : yes U can | 10:47 |
exyan | atmanam: data | 10:47 |
napster | as vcard??? | 10:48 |
KingOfDos | i've got a strange problem. after updating from ubuntu 7.10 to 8.04 my server won't allow any network connections. | 10:48 |
exyan | atmanam: atmanam mounting with a loop and type as iso doesn't seem to do the trick | 10:48 |
koshari | gooody get the /xmms-1.2.11.tar.gz tarball again and open it and see if there is a file called uninstall ect | 10:48 |
zvacet | koshari : sudo apt-get --purge remove packagename | 10:48 |
KingOfDos | I can ping the server from localhost to localhost and the two interfaces in the server. | 10:48 |
zvacet | koshari : or sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq packagename | 10:49 |
gooody | koshari: it doesn't contain uninstall files. | 10:49 |
KingOfDos | but it just won't allow any other connections. it looks like the network cables are unplugged. | 10:49 |
babo | how do i stop the Download page from popping up in FireFox ? | 10:49 |
KingOfDos | but it CAN'T be possible that the cables are unplugged, since the host is running on VMWare ESX. | 10:50 |
koshari | gooody sartek said... in XMMS' source folder execute: | 10:50 |
koshari | # make uninstall | 10:50 |
koshari | if you removed it, follow again the steps | 10:50 |
koshari | so: | 10:50 |
koshari | # ./configure --prefix=/usr | 10:50 |
koshari | # make uninstall | 10:50 |
zvacet | gooody : I didn´t look wel so commanda I posted to koshari are for you | 10:50 |
koshari | zvacet it was installed from source not a package | 10:51 |
gooody | koshari: my problem is i can't locate the folder | 10:51 |
koshari | gooody you will have to downlaod it again and make the uninstall | 10:51 |
zvacet | koshari : yes I know and I just give you suggestion how to handle it | 10:52 |
koshari | gooody sartek has this in his blog half way down | 10:52 |
=== matthew is now known as _bash3ll | ||
gooody | koshari: ok, i kinda figure it out. | 10:53 |
koshari | gooody it will be roughly the same process you did by installing it | 10:53 |
gooody | koshari: i have to follow the instruction until the third step then make uninstall right? | 10:54 |
=== Ecclipse is now known as NetBeanz | ||
koshari | gooody yep | 10:54 |
=== _bash3ll is now known as bash3ll | ||
gooody | koshari: i'll try it. thanks a lot for the help. | 10:55 |
=== bash3ll is now known as _bash3ll_ | ||
NetBeanz | kewl | 10:56 |
ari_stress | afternoon | 10:59 |
* dywanik welcomes everybody :-) | 11:01 | |
carrie | Hey i have a laptop that has a fresh install using wubi of 8.04, and it wont play sound through the headphones output, to the speakers | 11:01 |
soundray | !sound | carrie | 11:02 |
ubottu | carrie: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 11:02 |
gooody | koshari: the uninstall process returns an error. | 11:03 |
acech | !mp3 | 11:05 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 11:05 |
Lanlost | hi, I made a partition (/boot) as ext3. Two questions. 1) Is ext3 ok for this? and 2 It's asking me where I want to install the boot loader and is defaulting at hd0.. should I use the one that is /boot? Or is /boot a seperate thing? | 11:06 |
muszek | hi... I'd like to install some package (xvidcap) on a laptop that doesn't have internet access... is there any way to figure out (and possibly download) all dependencies? | 11:06 |
Lanlost | I read a page about partitioning.. I've partitioned before, I was just trying to be more flexible | 11:06 |
Suthesan | Lapinux | 11:07 |
Suthesan | :) | 11:07 |
zvacet | Lanlost : do you really need boot partition? | 11:07 |
f0rmat | i was just wondering could anyone tell me whether 8.04 has any serious problems last time i used it over the course of a day it just fell to peices first the GUI then it became totally unstable and that wasn't the BETA | 11:07 |
soundray | Lanlost: 1) yes. 2) the boot loader does not go into a partition, but into the master boot record of the first HD in your system. | 11:08 |
=== miki_ is now known as v1r0z | ||
Suthesan | anyone here using acer aspire 4520? | 11:08 |
zvacet | Lanlost : I mean you can make jusr root and home (and swap of course) | 11:08 |
soundray | !anyone | Suthesan | 11:08 |
ubottu | Suthesan: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 11:08 |
live | -cŹ.czxcxx | 11:08 |
live | ola | 11:09 |
popey | muszek: synaptic can generate a download script | 11:09 |
Lanlost | zva: it was recommended | 11:09 |
chris_ | hi, i am a bit stumped. i have a program of the name 1. it's file permissions are -rwxr-xr-x. when i type in the console: ./program i get the message: "bash: ./program: No such file or directory". the program doesnt start. why? | 11:09 |
Lanlost | and it's only 128 mb ... so it's fine with me | 11:10 |
Suthesan | my laptop not read my graphics card.i using acer aspire 4520 ... Nvidia Geforce 700M ..all in my laptop.. 800x600 resolution and very low | 11:10 |
Suthesan | why? | 11:10 |
Lanlost | if I can't figure out later how to use it in a flexible way .. I will get rid of it and reinstall | 11:10 |
Lanlost | suthesan.. yo | 11:10 |
soundray | f0rmat: not really. I would suspect that the fault lies with your hardware | 11:10 |
Lanlost | I will back back tomorrow | 11:10 |
f0rmat | yeah | 11:10 |
Suthesan | Lanlost ggrr..u going...without helping me! | 11:10 |
=== nico_ is now known as nico_|gone | ||
f0rmat | soundray, i thought it was my NVIDIA driver because that was first to go | 11:11 |
soundray | Suthesan: try installing the nvidia driver -- System-Administration-Hardware Drivers | 11:11 |
f0rmat | but i am unsure of whether to chance an upgrade | 11:11 |
Suthesan | i did | 11:11 |
f0rmat | whilst running a server | 11:11 |
Suthesan | and when i login..its still using low resolution | 11:11 |
Suthesan | !paste | 11:11 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 11:11 |
soundray | Suthesan: change the resolution then through System-Preferences-Screen Resolution | 11:11 |
zvacet | muszek : http://nonetdebs.unixpod.com/ | 11:11 |
garrett__ | ethan: sorted it out. looks like one of my fan's isn't spinning, and subsequently the GPU's underclocking | 11:12 |
Suthesan | soundray there was no option to select my resolution..only 1 ..ths is 800x600 | 11:12 |
Suthesan | Lapinux..u there? he hv my conf file ..i paste it today..forget that link | 11:12 |
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soundray | chris_: you have a program of the name 1, and you're trying to start it with ./program? | 11:14 |
chris_ | soundray: sorry, i renamed the program to 1, and i also start with 1 | 11:14 |
soundray | !fixres | Suthesan, have you seen these help pages? | 11:14 |
ubottu | Suthesan, have you seen these help pages?: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 11:14 |
eisenhower | i have a quick question. does anyone know of anyway to spread out windows equally in ubuntu? or is it not built in | 11:14 |
soundray | chris_: your program must be trying to call another program that doesn't exist. | 11:15 |
soundray | chris_: is it a script? | 11:15 |
chris_ | soundray: its a propietary program | 11:16 |
chris_ | soundray: when i call another program, which really doesnt exist, i get the same error message, how come? | 11:16 |
soundray | chris_: it must have some dependency that you haven't installed. Try running it with 'strace ./1' | 11:16 |
chris_ | soundray: ok thanks a bunch | 11:16 |
XLV | anyone remembers where to put geometry settings for a certain X app? i need to set nvidia-settings window size permanently, now it starts as a very small window | 11:17 |
soundray | eisenhower: metacity (the default gnome window manager) doesn't have this option. Other window managers do, though. | 11:17 |
XLV | iirc its Xdefaults | 11:17 |
garrett__ | Anyone know how to disable temperature-based/condition-based speedstepping? i think my GPU's underclocking on account of a dead fan | 11:18 |
garrett__ | if i reset the temperaure sensors, i gain 500-1000fps in glxgears | 11:18 |
eisenhower | soundray: tries others* thanks | 11:18 |
garrett__ | and my GPU's really basically cool to to the touc | 11:18 |
Assid | heya | 11:18 |
=== nico_|gone is now known as nico_ | ||
soundray | XLV: try starting it with the -geometry option to see if it even honors those settings. Consider using devilspie | 11:19 |
Assid | is there a quick and easy way to batch convert bmps to jpegs | 11:19 |
eisenhower | soundray: do you know what command or where i need to look to make it do it? | 11:19 |
ushi-lappy | Assid: convert (from image magic) | 11:19 |
Assid | no gui tool? | 11:19 |
Ontolog | After updating /etc/manpath.config what do I need to do for man to use the new configuration? | 11:19 |
soundray | Assid: with imagemagick: 'mogrify -format jpg *.bmp' | 11:19 |
ushi-lappy | Assid: or mogrify (from same) | 11:19 |
soundray | eisenhower: not really, sorry | 11:20 |
eyyYo | Is there any software for ubuntu that does same thing as shred (writes over with random ones and zeros), but instead of a file, it writes to all of the empty disc space? To prevent file restoring. | 11:20 |
chris_ | soundray: http://pastebin.org/37245, ??, another reason maybe: i am on 64bit and the program is for 32bit only? would that be possible? | 11:20 |
bazhang | eyyYo, shred | 11:20 |
Finnish | I ditched Avanti, and took back the gnone panel. How can I minimize windows to panel? | 11:20 |
garrett__ | my laptop's not overheating, but I've got a dead fan, and I think it's underclocking its self. if I reset the sensors, I gain 500fps | 11:20 |
eyyYo | bazhang, oh, i didnt know it could do that.. thank you :) | 11:21 |
bazhang | :) | 11:21 |
garrett__ | any idea how to monitor GPU/CPU clock? | 11:21 |
Chapai | how do i unload a module | 11:21 |
garrett__ | or how to disable the temperature step? | 11:21 |
garrett__ | i'm guessing it's underclocking on account of a fan's low rpm | 11:21 |
Chapai | i used modprobe to load a module and i think it is messing with other, so how do i unload it. | 11:21 |
void^ | chris_: uh, looks like a simple case of file not found. | 11:21 |
soundray | chris_: what kind of program is this? It tries to call makedev, which should be restricted to admin... I wouldn't trust it | 11:21 |
chris_ | soundray: x-plane.com linux demo (flight simulator) it worked in a vm machine 32bit yesterday | 11:22 |
eyyYo | bazhang, sorry for bothering you, but I didnt find anything about it in 'man shred'. Do you have an example? :) | 11:23 |
BobB | hi, what is the command to start the printer configuration tools in ubuntu? I'm trying to add a network printer. Thanks | 11:23 |
XLV | soundray, good call, it doesnt seem to... nvidia does a half ass job again | 11:23 |
bazhang | eyyYo, hang on a sec | 11:24 |
XLV | anyone gets same behaviour from nvidia settings? starting in a small window? | 11:24 |
soundray | chris_: try calling it with linux32 ./1 (you may have to install it) | 11:24 |
chris_ | BobB: system -> adminsitration -> printing | 11:24 |
eyyYo | bazhang, will do | 11:24 |
soundray | XLV: use devilspie | 11:24 |
BobB | chris_, I can't access that because i'm using a different window manager | 11:24 |
gordonjcp | eyyYo: what do you need to know? | 11:25 |
eyyYo | gordonjcp, how to overwrite the empty disc space with random ones and zeros, to prevent file restoration. | 11:25 |
gordonjcp | eyyYo: 'shred <file>' is about all there is to it ;-) | 11:25 |
gordonjcp | eyyYo: create a very very big file? | 11:26 |
chris_ | soundray: same error message, another difference (and the only additional one) between yesterday (worked) and now is: now nvidia graphics driver installed. i hope thats not relevant | 11:26 |
gordonjcp | eyyYo: shred only really overwrites files | 11:26 |
soundray | chris_: why did you rename it? | 11:26 |
eyyYo | gordonjcp, yeah, but I was wondering if there is any software to do it :) | 11:26 |
gordonjcp | eyyYo: if you do something like "cat /dev/urandom > /somerandomfile" it will eventually fill up the disk | 11:26 |
chris_ | BobB: /usr/bin/system-config-printer | 11:26 |
gordonjcp | eyyYo: probably | 11:27 |
BobB | chris_, thanks :) | 11:27 |
soundray | BobB: or have a look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=310450 | 11:27 |
BobB | soundray, will, do. Thanks | 11:27 |
gordonjcp | eyyYo: http://www.slac.stanford.edu/comp/unix/secure-erase.html | 11:27 |
BobB | ive got to set it up to print using a different user name which will be interesting to say th eleast.. | 11:27 |
gordonjcp | eyyYo: something like that? | 11:27 |
chris_ | soundray: i had problems calling it from the command line with a programname which has spaces. tab couldnt help me | 11:28 |
marcosbistro | hey all you wouldnt believe it | 11:28 |
marcosbistro | slackware irc are so rude ! | 11:28 |
soundray | chris_: you can escape spaces with \, ie. program\ name\ with\ spaces | 11:28 |
eyyYo | gordonjcp, okey, ill check it out, thanks! :) | 11:29 |
bazhang | http://packages.ubuntu.com/secure-delete eyyYo perhaps more comprehensive than shred | 11:29 |
chris_ | soundray: ok, have it working now with original filename and +/- linux32. no luck | 11:29 |
gordonjcp | eyyYo: from that page you may be looking for "scrub" | 11:29 |
soundray | chris_: sorry, can't help you then | 11:30 |
gordonjcp | eyyYo: incidentally scrub appears to just create a very big file, which you then remove... | 11:30 |
chris_ | soundray: thank you very much | 11:30 |
* soundray off to the dentist | 11:30 | |
eyyYo | bazhang, okey, thanks :) | 11:30 |
eyyYo | gordonjcp, haha :) okey | 11:31 |
bazhang | :) | 11:31 |
bazhang | packages ubuntu com is back up :) | 11:31 |
bullgard4 | yes. | 11:32 |
drhous3 | Hi all, I just got a new DELL laptop that comes with an integrated webcam. But I am not able to get it activated. I am using Hardy on it. Please guide me as to where I can find the webcam and related stuff | 11:33 |
bazhang | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras drhous3 | 11:33 |
m1r | hello | 11:34 |
Chapai | i need some help, i loaded the rrt73 modules and i think it has messed up other modules, coz my onboard wifi does not work, and nm-applet is picking up nothing. how do unload the module | 11:34 |
bazhang | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam and here drhous3 | 11:34 |
drhous3 | bazhang: Thanks | 11:34 |
bazhang | rmmod name of module Chapai | 11:35 |
Chapai | k bazhang, | 11:35 |
Ienorand | Is there any chance of flash 10 making it into 8.04.1? | 11:36 |
bazhang | Ienorand, some are using it with ff3rc | 11:36 |
ikonia | Ienorand: what is it about flash 10 you want | 11:37 |
Swift_Fox | ok really strange thing. i can listen to pandora but when i try to play music or watch a video i cant hear anything. can someone please help me. | 11:39 |
Ienorand | ikonia: Avoiding flash-crashes and being ablr to play flash and music simultaneously... | 11:39 |
bazhang | Swift_Fox, simultaneously? | 11:39 |
Swift_Fox | yeah | 11:40 |
Swift_Fox | exactly | 11:40 |
ikonia | Ienorand: are you confident those bugs are fixed in flash 10 ? | 11:40 |
Ienorand | There you go, Swift-fox here has the very problem... | 11:40 |
Swift_Fox | i guess your right lol | 11:40 |
Swift_Fox | thanks guys | 11:40 |
Ienorand | People testing the beta have said they are fixed | 11:40 |
=== Seeker`` is now known as Seeker` | ||
Swift_Fox | that worked all i had to do was close down that browser window with the flash | 11:40 |
Swift_Fox | i hate flash so much!!!! | 11:40 |
Swift_Fox | it messes up all the time! | 11:41 |
bazhang | get flashblock | 11:41 |
Ienorand | or noscript | 11:41 |
Swift_Fox | thanks guys | 11:41 |
Ienorand | Anyhow, flash messed up Hardy, big time | 11:41 |
simplexio | when it dosent | 11:42 |
ikonia | Ienorand: I suspect every version has issues for certain peoples set ups, eg: mine is working %100 | 11:42 |
simplexio | my flash worj 95% with opera | 11:42 |
=== Seeker`_ is now known as Seeker` | ||
m1r | hello, i am having problems installing guest additions in virtualbox on 8.04. can someone help with install ? | 11:42 |
simplexio | sometimes, 5 to 10 refresh on page before flash videos work and sometimes they dont work at all | 11:42 |
bazhang | m1r, what issues | 11:42 |
\`slushpuppy`\ | Flash on my ubuntu screws up on youtube :p. | 11:43 |
simplexio | operapluginwrap[24711]: segfault at e0838b30 eip b7eb9593 esp bfca1f60 error 5 | 11:43 |
Ienorand | Right, then you probably have a sound card which supports multiple output without pulseaudio ikona | 11:43 |
simplexio | for somereason that line takes 90% my dmesg log | 11:43 |
Ienorand | * ikonia | 11:43 |
ikonia | Ienorand: yes, so as I said flash hasn't messed up "ubuntu 8.04" some users are having a problem | 11:44 |
m1r | bazhang: i dl guest additions .iso , but when i try to mount it , system frezze and can only use command line. even that it shows up ISO is mounted i cant access it. | 11:44 |
Ienorand | Going by the amount of bug reports I'd say it's a fair amount of people... | 11:44 |
simplexio | m1r: have you tryed : mount file.ido /media/some_dir -o loop | 11:44 |
jenda | IS there an FTP client to try besides nautilus? With nautilus, I'm trying to upload a 35 MiB file and it always stops at 192 KiB. | 11:45 |
simplexio | m1r: and it need sudo | 11:45 |
Ienorand | There's at like 2-3 new dups per day... | 11:45 |
m1r | simplexio: i will try now | 11:45 |
simplexio | jenda: ncftp from commandline ? | 11:45 |
DracoZA | Is there an application like a text reader ? | 11:46 |
mrthundercleese4 | anyone use deluge much? | 11:46 |
Ienorand | ikonia: Anyhow, do you know if Flash 10 might make it into 8.04.1 | 11:47 |
web_knows | anyone around? | 11:47 |
DracoZA | around the world ? | 11:47 |
jonnymac | my kid brother wants to learn how to make his own website. Any ideas of an educational programme that would help him do that? | 11:47 |
bazhang | DracoZA, something lighter than open office you mean? | 11:47 |
Ienorand | web_knows: Seems fairly calm here... comparatively | 11:47 |
DracoZA | bazhang, open office has text to speech ? | 11:47 |
bazhang | !html | jonnymac | 11:47 |
ubottu | jonnymac: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/ | 11:47 |
jonnymac | muchas gracias bazhang | 11:48 |
bazhang | prego :) | 11:48 |
neko_ | hi people | 11:48 |
DracoZA | bazhang, sorry when I said read I actually meant audible read | 11:48 |
neko_ | i have some problem with the apache server on the last ubuntu | 11:48 |
bazhang | DracoZA, my mistake; let me check forums | 11:48 |
ikonia | neko_: what's up | 11:48 |
neko_ | how do i make the .htaccess files working | 11:49 |
neko_ | ? | 11:49 |
ikonia | neko_: what have you done to use it | 11:49 |
ikonia | neko_: have you defined the .htaccess setup in your config file / | 11:49 |
ikonia | neko_: have you created the config file, and added the user / passwords | 11:49 |
bazhang | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TextToSpeech DracoZA and here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=462037 | 11:49 |
DracoZA | thanks bazhang will check them out | 11:50 |
neko_ | i need it to add some php flag for having the register_global on specific folders | 11:50 |
ikonia | neko_: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/howto/htaccess.html | 11:50 |
neko_ | in the main httpd.conf it seems to be defined | 11:50 |
ikonia | neko_: register globals is global isn't it ? | 11:50 |
ikonia | neko_: as in it has to be on or off, not a per directory basis | 11:50 |
neko_ | not necessary | 11:50 |
neko_ | it can be set in htaccess | 11:51 |
neko_ | well on one other server i have it set in this way | 11:51 |
ikonia | neko_: that bit I don't know, I thought it was global. Maybe the link I sent will expalin it | 11:51 |
neko_ | thanks | 11:51 |
m1r | simplexio: it shows that my drive has mounted vbox additions, but i cant find it under /mnt or /media | 11:51 |
neko_ | i give it a look | 11:51 |
mrthundercleese4 | anyone know how to use ipfilters in deluge | 11:52 |
fatbrain | Can I somehow list what tcp ports that are open for inbound connections? | 11:52 |
rrohde | when I want to see what's open to the outside I go to www.grc.com and use "shields up" there.. | 11:53 |
void^ | fatbrain: sudo netstat --inet -lnp | 11:55 |
fatbrain | void^: thanks | 11:56 |
Qsv | Hi, does anyone knows if Seagate FreeAgent 500GB External USB drive works on Linux? | 11:57 |
ikonia | Qsv: SHOULD DO | 11:57 |
ikonia | OOPS | 11:57 |
=== Seeker`` is now known as Seeker` | ||
Qsv | ikonia: but it comes in NTFS format | 11:57 |
Ta3v | Hey can some one help me out here. I'm running a dual boot system with GRUB on the MBR. I need to reinstall windows xp which will put XP on the MBR. How do I put GRUB back on the MBR? | 11:58 |
ikonia | Qsv: you can put any file system on it you want | 11:58 |
ikonia | Qsv: you can also read/write to ntfs under linux | 11:58 |
drhous3 | bazhang: is there support on the 64 bit version of Hardy for the same? Camaroma didnt work. xawtv worked though, but the clarity was really bad | 11:58 |
ikonia | !grub | Ta3v | 11:58 |
ubottu | Ta3v: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 11:58 |
Qsv | ikonia: cool. i'm just afraid it ntfs isn't compatible with linux | 11:58 |
Qsv | ikonia: thanks! | 11:58 |
prOMiNd | !root | 11:58 |
ubottu | Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 11:58 |
ikonia | Qsv: it is | 11:58 |
afief | How can I insert a formula into OO.o Writer? the insert->object->formula menu item is disabled | 11:59 |
Ta3v | aww tyvm | 11:59 |
* Ta3v hugs ikonia | 11:59 | |
ikonia | no problem | 11:59 |
Ta3v | you're my hero! | 11:59 |
Ta3v | lol | 11:59 |
bazhang | http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-607518.html Qsv | 11:59 |
Ta3v | stupid fracking windows always got to screw things up | 11:59 |
bazhang | drhous3, not sure as I have neither webcam nor 64bit; best to address the channel on that one | 12:00 |
ikonia | Ta3v: no it doesn't, it behaves the same way as ubuntu. EG: it will install a boot loader after install | 12:00 |
eth01 | morning | 12:00 |
drhous3 | ok thanks :) bazhang | 12:00 |
Ta3v | quiet. windows = bad. | 12:01 |
hanak_ | Ta3v: lol :) | 12:01 |
drhous3 | all: is there 64 bit support for webcams on Hardy? | 12:01 |
acech | Hey guys! Hope you are well. I have just installed ubuntui 8.04. Are there any further software repositories that are worth adding? | 12:01 |
Ta3v | windows chroot of /mnt/evil. | 12:01 |
ikonia | Ta3v: no that comment = uneducated | 12:01 |
rayne | anyone help or point me in the right direction for solving a NAT problem? | 12:01 |
Stroganoff | !medibuntu | acech | 12:01 |
ubottu | acech: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org | 12:01 |
Ta3v | I'm just venting. | 12:01 |
eth01 | this channel isn't called #debating-windows-over-ubuntu | 12:01 |
ikonia | Ta3v: please don't | 12:01 |
bazhang | canonical partner perhaps acech | 12:01 |
hanak_ | acech: uh ubuntu restricted soft :) | 12:01 |
Ta3v | Windows is great for many things | 12:01 |
Ta3v | piracy mostly. | 12:02 |
lucky__ | server jade.dal.net | 12:02 |
ikonia | Ta3v: enough | 12:02 |
eth01 | !topic | Ta3v | 12:02 |
ubottu | Ta3v: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic | 12:02 |
Ta3v | ok </humor> | 12:02 |
hanak_ | yeah why cant smile a little :) | 12:02 |
=== \`slushpuppy`\ is now known as slushpuppy | ||
acech | thanks! Will go an explore! | 12:03 |
=== slushpuppy is now known as slushpuppy\ | ||
eth01 | hanak_: #ubuntu-offtopic | 12:03 |
bazhang | smiling in #ubuntu-offtopic thanks | 12:03 |
scrimple101 | hello, does anyone know the path to the fonts folder? | 12:03 |
jatt | /usr/share/fonts | 12:03 |
jatt | but there are others | 12:03 |
m1r | bazhang , simplexio : it was probably some problem with downloaded .iso of guest additions, i am redownloading again | 12:04 |
hanak_ | anyone knows where i can find a good linux ebook? free one | 12:04 |
LimCore | !ggl linux ebook | 12:05 |
ubottu | Factoid ggl linux ebook not found | 12:05 |
xorand | i'm installing heron on a pc. It seems to hang at 95% (removing packages). Will it be safe to reboot? | 12:05 |
bazhang | xorand, how long | 12:05 |
scrimple101 | jatt: thanks is that the folder you can install extra fonts to? | 12:06 |
xorand | 10 mins | 12:06 |
xorand | bazhang, no activity on hdd or dvd | 12:06 |
drhous3 | all: is there 64 bit support for webcams on Hardy? | 12:06 |
bazhang | xorand, how long | 12:06 |
perpetual | To all: I really like Hardy Heron. But why does the poor bird look like it got caught in a particle accelerator? | 12:06 |
xorand | bazhang, 10 mins | 12:06 |
bazhang | xorand, give it a bit | 12:06 |
legend2440 | scrimple101: http://www.howtodude.net/howto/view.article.php/183 | 12:07 |
m1r | bazhang , simplexio, i dl vbox guest additions again, but it cant mount, i am using minimal install, could i be missing some packages for mounting ? | 12:07 |
xorand | bazhang, good advice, it's started again :) | 12:08 |
bazhang | xorand :) | 12:08 |
rush2 | Hello. How can I install ubuntu using usb flash drive (without CD-ROM) ? | 12:08 |
scrimple101 | legend2440: thanks | 12:08 |
bazhang | !usb | rush2 | 12:08 |
ubottu | rush2: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 12:08 |
Assid | hrmm | 12:09 |
Assid | id like to have a live usb drive | 12:09 |
Assid | 1gb enough? | 12:09 |
jatt | scrimple101: the true type fonts are installed there, I think it is enough to put your fonts in a new subdirectory and then update the font cache, but at best install your fonts from an already existing .deb file... | 12:09 |
bazhang | Assid, you might read the link | 12:09 |
=== newuser_ is now known as anjan | ||
Assid | yep | 12:10 |
=== newuser is now known as ubunturocks | ||
ep103 | Hey guys? Fresh install of Heron, in what used to be called the restricted drivers manager I have nvidia_new enabled, but its not in use. I've tried looking through the forums, but they all say simply install nvidia-glx-new, and I have that installed already | 12:11 |
ep103 | any help? | 12:11 |
m1r | what is package name used to mount/unmount disc/cdrom's ? | 12:12 |
rush2 | bazhang: and what's the different? | 12:12 |
bazhang | rush2, one saves changes | 12:12 |
yesudeep | ep103: Have you restarted your system too? | 12:13 |
rayne | Running Hardy, and trying to set up a shared internet from eth0 over wlan0, I can get the ad-hoc up and people to connect, but no shared internet. Tried firestarter and running the tutorials for NAT config, help? | 12:13 |
ep103 | yesudeep: done that a few times, as well as alt+cntrl+backspace | 12:13 |
matrix | Goodmorning what do you use for format of r/w dvd in ubuntu | 12:14 |
rayne | can anyone see me type? | 12:14 |
ep103 | rayne:yes | 12:14 |
matrix | i just want to blank media | 12:14 |
ep103 | matrix: have you tried simply rightclicking the cd image on the desktop? | 12:14 |
ep103 | yesudeep: any other ideas? | 12:14 |
rush2 | bazhang: thanx | 12:14 |
ubunturocks | matrix: blank media folder? | 12:14 |
matrix | yes i have dont work | 12:15 |
rayne | anyone here good with IP forwarding and NAT? | 12:15 |
yesudeep | ep103: Hold on. | 12:15 |
db92 | anyone who can help me with a creative x-fi card on hardy? | 12:15 |
m1r | anyone knows the name of the package that is used to mount/unmount disc/cdrom ? | 12:15 |
matrix | i tried gnomebaker k3b all off them | 12:15 |
Myrtti | m1r: how come? | 12:15 |
yesudeep | ep103: What happens when you type nvidia-xconfig --help in the terminal | 12:15 |
turis | turis | 12:15 |
matrix | only thing i can get to work is from terminal | 12:15 |
yesudeep | !terminal ep103 | 12:15 |
ubottu | Factoid terminal ep103 not found | 12:15 |
matrix | dvd+rw-format -blank /dev/dvd | 12:16 |
m1r | Myrtti: i installed minimal ubuntu and cant mount vbox guest additions cause i seem to miss mount/unmount package. | 12:16 |
Cromag | !pulseaudio | 12:16 |
ubottu | PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions | 12:16 |
yesudeep | How does one direct a factoid toward a nick? | 12:16 |
DistroJockey | matrix, Brasero has the option | 12:16 |
bazhang | yesudeep, with the | pipe | 12:16 |
matrix | ok im going to try that one to then | 12:16 |
turis | hi all search for a good guide to install CoD4 iso in Hardy ?? | 12:16 |
Myrtti | m1r: it's "mount" | 12:16 |
yesudeep | !terminal | ep103 | 12:16 |
ubottu | ep103: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 12:16 |
abuyazan | hi all | 12:16 |
matrix | i just would like to use one program to format and burn from | 12:16 |
matrix | thanks distro | 12:17 |
abuyazan | how can i join windows workgroup in ubuntu hardy | 12:17 |
m1r | Myrtti: i dont find mount under synaptic | 12:17 |
matrix | thanks ubunturocks | 12:17 |
DistroJockey | matrix, Brasero is the default in Hardy. You're welcome. | 12:17 |
ep103 | yesudeep: whats '!terminal'? I typed that and got: nvidia-xconfig can be found in the following packages, nvidia-xconfig, nvidia-xgl (if enabled), nvidia-glx-new (if enabled) try: sudo apt-get install <selected package> bash: nvidia-xconfig: command not found | 12:17 |
Ziroday-laptop | !screencasts | 12:17 |
ubottu | Factoid screencasts not found | 12:17 |
matrix | ok i will try that | 12:17 |
tobylane | Ok... I can work out how to run kubuntu and xubuntu beside ubuntu, but what about stuff like ubuntustudio? | 12:18 |
rayne | I tried using Firestarter to allow internet connection sharing, but it always says 'device wlan0 not ready', anyone? | 12:18 |
yesudeep | ep103: You don't have nvidia-glx-new installed. | 12:18 |
Ziroday-laptop | !screencast > Ziroday | 12:18 |
yesudeep | ep103: That's most probably the issue. nvidia-xconfig comes with nvidia-glx-new. | 12:18 |
yesudeep | ep103: Try issuing this command: sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx-new nvidia-settings | 12:19 |
tobylane | In the way I can add kde beside gnome to make kubuntu, how can I add more different ubuntu variations like ubuntustudio? | 12:19 |
ep103 | yesudeep: okay, not sure what I've uninstalled in the last few minutes then. just tried to install it, told me it couldn't be found | 12:19 |
bazhang | tobylane, add their repos and install | 12:19 |
tobylane | Repos? | 12:19 |
DistroJockey | tobylane, sudo tasksel | 12:19 |
DracoZA | tobylane, have you considered virtual machines ? | 12:19 |
ep103 | yesudeep: or trather 'is not available, but is referred to by another package...' do I have to update sources.list with something? | 12:20 |
tobylane | DracoZA, I thought they were similar enough | 12:20 |
rayne | Anyone here help me with IP forwarding, NAT/PAT? | 12:20 |
db92 | can anyone tell me how to disable saa7134_alsa and snd_pcm? | 12:20 |
DracoZA | tobylane, for your own sanity though it may be a nicer way to explore :) | 12:20 |
tobylane | The iso is massive though.. | 12:20 |
yesudeep | ep103: Can you paste the entire original error diagnostic message at paste site? http://dpaste.com | 12:20 |
ep103 | yesudeep: nevermind, its now installing, I just misstyped. Thanks a lot | 12:21 |
tobylane | Can I install ubuntu 8 from an iso, without a cd writer? | 12:21 |
tobylane | Or update from 5.10 to 8.04 with just the iso of 8.04? | 12:21 |
yesudeep | ep103: Sure, when you get it installed drop us a note about whether it worked. | 12:21 |
howtoo | I downloaded the amd64 iso DVD from kubuntu last night and was going to install it on my brand new computer running a intel core2 duo 3,16ghz cpu and 4gig ram.. but the installer crashed all the time.. is this a known problem? | 12:21 |
ep103 | yesudeep: will do, see ya'll in a few | 12:21 |
tobylane | Howtoo, did you get the 64bit kubuntu? | 12:22 |
avi_me | im trying to remount my filesystem but getting mount is busy , how can i force it ? -> i'm doing: mount -n -o ro,remount /var/log | 12:22 |
bazhang | !md5 | howtoo | 12:22 |
ubottu | howtoo: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows | 12:22 |
howtoo | tobylane: yeah | 12:22 |
howtoo | amd64 | 12:22 |
howtoo | should support intel too | 12:22 |
CapeTown-HardyHe | Need a little help getting my LIfeCam USB CapView working in Hardy. Installed ov511 driver via Synaptic. Question: How do I enable/tell_if_it's_installed, from the Terminal (or a GUI)? | 12:23 |
mohamed_ | rayne: read this maybe it help you http://www.ducea.com/2006/08/01/how-to-enable-ip-forwarding-in-linux/ | 12:23 |
howtoo | but.. it should support >4gig right? | 12:23 |
howtoo | because when I pulled out 2 gig, it went fine during install | 12:23 |
ka | connect irc.ubuntu.como work with ubuntu - have installed mediatomb | 12:24 |
Chapai | i just installed the rt73 modules, and its messing with my unboared wifi working, short of deleting the rt73.ko is there a way to install it | 12:24 |
howtoo | except that I could not compile anything and alot of other things was not working very well | 12:24 |
matrix | thinking about setting up a file server in ubuntu any advice | 12:24 |
ka | just installed mediatomb and i am unable to connect dlink dsm 320 media player | 12:24 |
howtoo | but I have to install lib32 parhaps | 12:24 |
rayne | mohamed_: thanks, I'll check it out. I have tried dozens of those... and none have worked so far | 12:24 |
matrix | just a simple one i can access from anywhere | 12:25 |
ka | just installed mediatomb and i am unable to connect dlink dsm 320 media player - need help - cant detect server | 12:25 |
db92 | if i try to uninstall alsa-utils, synaptic tells me its also gonna remove gdm. why? >> | 12:25 |
grisevg | Hello, can someone help with codecs? i cant set them... | 12:25 |
fdsss | how can you tell apt-get or dpkg to install all the dev packages of the required depencies of an application | 12:26 |
yesudeep | grisevg: Please don't ask to ask. Can you be more specific? | 12:26 |
grisevg | i installed all GStream codec...but video plauback is veeery slow....and in vlc no sound | 12:26 |
Pici | fdsss: apt-get build-dep somepackage | 12:26 |
grisevg | so....how to install codecs? which codecs install? | 12:26 |
Assid | hrmm | 12:27 |
fdsss | that will install the dev packages | 12:27 |
Assid | i dont want to use my U3 drive for this:( | 12:27 |
Assid | gonna try and get a cheap transcend | 12:27 |
ep103 | yesudeep: no luck with nvidia_new | 12:27 |
ka | just installed mediatomb and i am unable to connect dlink dsm 320 media player - need help - cant detect server | 12:27 |
=== newuser is now known as anjan | ||
fdsss | E: Unable to find a source package for amarok | 12:28 |
grisevg | so....how to install codecs? which codecs install? all i found in package manager was GStreamer codecs...but hey didnt helped | 12:28 |
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde | ||
Purplemess | Can someone help me with a Matlab installation? The guide says I need to look for a "default run level" in /etc/inittab, but it doesn't exist (ubuntu hardy). There are /etc/rc#.d folders though (With # running from 0 to 6). Bottom line, how do I figure out the default run level needed for the Matlab R2007b license manager? | 12:28 |
CapeTown-HardyHe | I installed the ov511 driver via Synaptic. MY LifeView USB CapView showed as /dev/video0 once in Skype but then vanished. Question: DO I need to restart the driver? How do I tell if it is detecting my USB gadget? | 12:28 |
ka | can someone help me with mediatomb installation ? | 12:29 |
ep103 | grisevg: http://linuxondesktop.blogspot.com/2007/02/13-things-to-do-immediately-after.html that mentions codecs, probably will solve your problem | 12:30 |
AaronH | Cap_J_L_Picard, you can check to see if cam is detected by "lsusb" and "dmesg" | 12:30 |
chris_ | Purplemess: #5 should be your way to go, check http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/06/22/a-discussion-on-grub-security/ f.e. | 12:30 |
AaronH | Cap_J_L_Picard, you can also use "sudo lshw" | 12:30 |
matrix | howto see what bus # usb device is conected to | 12:31 |
ep103 | Anyone willing to help with an nvidia_new problem? I'm on hardy heron, and have the driver enabled, but can't get it to be in-use. just installed nvidia-glx-new nvidia-settings with results | 12:31 |
AaronH | matrix, try "sudo lshw" | 12:31 |
Purplemess | chris_: sweet! thanks. That's one page that's definitly going on my bookmarkes while I still qualify as a linux-n00b ^_^ | 12:31 |
ka | quit+ | 12:31 |
matrix | thanks alot love it | 12:31 |
AaronH | np :) | 12:31 |
rayne | I already have ip_forwarding enabled, but still no internet of the connected computer | 12:32 |
ep103 | or rather with "no results" | 12:32 |
Assid | i think 1 u3 drive shouldbe enough | 12:32 |
Assid | i dont really use the u3 features | 12:32 |
Elias | 打中文不知道會不會變亂碼... | 12:32 |
Elias | 哇~不會耶 | 12:33 |
AaronH | whoa | 12:33 |
AaronH | ... | 12:33 |
ruiboon | !cn | Elias | 12:33 |
ubottu | Elias: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 12:33 |
Elias | ohoh.. | 12:33 |
Elias | sorry= = | 12:33 |
Vixus | Hey, I have a laptop with a widescreen monitor.. on Windows I could configure my graphics card so that fullscreen apps appeared at their native resolution in the centre of the screen rather than being stretched to fill the entire screen. Can I do this in ubuntu? | 12:34 |
CapeTown-HardyHe | Anybody know how to test if my ov511 driver is installed? HOw do I activate it? | 12:34 |
matrix | anyone speak danish here | 12:34 |
ren0r | hi everyone. i'm using ubuntu-server. when i create a dir under /var/run/ and reboot after that, the directory is deleted. how can that happen? | 12:35 |
erUSUL | !dk | 12:35 |
ubottu | For at få support til Ubuntu på Dansk bedes du venligst gå til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal tales kun Engelsk. | 12:35 |
matrix | ok thanks | 12:35 |
Assid | bazhang: any idea if the procedure differs if i have a u3 drive | 12:35 |
rodeno | hello | 12:36 |
chris_ | ren0r: you migth ask in #ubuntu-server | 12:36 |
ren0r | i'll do, thanks so far. | 12:36 |
rayne | I have ip forwarding enabled, ad-hoc network up and running, computer connceted to it, but the internet connection is still not being shared to the clients | 12:37 |
matrix | erusul yes | 12:37 |
sam_ | Hey guys, I formatted, installed wine etc etc, and when I try to run programs, it spams this in terminal: Warning: failed to reserve range 00000000-60000000 | 12:38 |
sam_ | err:dosmem:setup_dos_mem Cannot use first megabyte for DOS address space, please report | 12:38 |
abuyazan | join #exim | 12:38 |
DistroJockey | Assid, May want/need to use the following first: http://www.u3.com/uninstall/ | 12:38 |
sam_ | oops forgot im not in #wineHQ | 12:38 |
matrix | anyone have any luck running mastercam in ubuntu and how | 12:38 |
ep103 | Hey ya'll. Running Hardy Heron, and have enabled nvidia_new restricted driver, but it is not in use. I've installed nvidia-glx-new, but am a bit over my head, as this package doesn't even show up in synatpic, and the forums I've found don't refer to envy or legacy tags. | 12:39 |
microwaver | !puregnome | microwaver | 12:39 |
Vixus | where are the graphics card config files stored in ubuntu? | 12:39 |
Assid | DistroJockey: any clue if i can reload it in the future? | 12:39 |
ep103 | Vixus: I could be wrong, but I think its the xorg.conf file | 12:39 |
tobylane | If I do this ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UpgradingFromGutsy ) will it be beside ubuntu, or replace gnome? | 12:39 |
Vixus | ep103, do you know where that's kept? | 12:39 |
tobylane | Beside gnome, or on top of ..erm | 12:39 |
DistroJockey | Assid, why would you want to? ;) | 12:39 |
AaronH | sam_, did you run "winecfg" | 12:39 |
ep103 | Vixus: I used to. If you google it I'm sure itll pop up | 12:40 |
rayne | I have ip forwarding enabled, ad-hoc network set up, computers connected to it, but the clients are not able to use the internet. Someone help? | 12:40 |
AaronH | sam_, did you run "winecfg" | 12:40 |
microwaver | bazhang, what was the command to ask ubotto to reset my menus? | 12:40 |
ompaul | !wine | sam_ | 12:40 |
ubottu | sam_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. | 12:40 |
Assid | DistroJockey: still use a windows machine ..and its handy for the u3.. tbh | 12:40 |
tobylane | Eww u3 ftl | 12:40 |
CapeTown-HardyHe | Anyone know if there is a "Device Manager" in Ubuntu Hardy? | 12:40 |
DistroJockey | Assid, there are better free options such as PortableApps | 12:40 |
tobylane | Thats not great either | 12:41 |
Vixus | ep103, I enabled the new restricted driver too but I'm not even sure if it works.. window effects are very slow.. | 12:41 |
Assid | portableapps? | 12:41 |
DistroJockey | Assid, yeah, google it | 12:41 |
tobylane | If it can be run on one of these, it can be run without it | 12:41 |
Assid | yeah checking it | 12:41 |
rajiv_nair | My ubuntu hardy install gets really slow when a file operation like copying or moving is being performed | 12:41 |
chris_ | CapeTown-HardyHe: you have more info? maybe url? | 12:41 |
tobylane | A lot of programs, things like gimp and opera , can just be copied onto the usb drive | 12:41 |
rajiv_nair | any idea why? | 12:41 |
legend2440 | Vixus: /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 12:41 |
tobylane | If I do this ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UpgradingFromGutsy ) will it be beside gnome, or replace gnome? | 12:42 |
ep103 | Vixus: yea, everytime I put ubuntu on a new machine, I have to play around for a while before I get them working again. its always card/driver issues | 12:42 |
yesudeep | Window effects will be slow if you don't use compizconfig-settings-manager (ccsm) to set the compiz display frequency to match that of your display. It doesn't seem to automatically detect the right frequency and defaults to 50. | 12:42 |
Vixus | legend2440, thanks | 12:42 |
Assid | hrmm seems similar | 12:42 |
ep103 | for me | 12:42 |
yesudeep | ep103: Ok. What errors do you see now? | 12:42 |
microwaver | bazhang, what was the command to ask ubotto to reset my menus? | 12:42 |
ep103 | yesudeep: still enabled, still not in use. typed nvidia-xconfig --help with same results | 12:43 |
legend2440 | CapeTown-HardyHe: Applications>system tools>device manager or in terminal gnome-device-manager | 12:43 |
rayne | I need help finishing this networking issue. computer A is trying to share a wired internet via ad-hoc from wireless. Other computers can connect to the ad-hoc, but none are able to use the internet. Help? | 12:43 |
CapeTown-HardyHe | chris_ : Not sure what more info you need. I installed ov511 drivers via Synaptic but Skype only show /dev/video0 once and I don't get any info from "modprobe ov511" command... :-( | 12:43 |
EuMeNiDe82459 | ciao | 12:44 |
ep103 | yesudeep: found a forum online that said i needed to make sure that only nvidia-xlg-new was installed, and not nvidia-xlg-old or nvidia-xlg, but when I went to synaptic, I got confused by legacy vs envy | 12:44 |
EuMeNiDe82459 | !list | 12:44 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 12:44 |
microwaver | !gnome | 12:44 |
ubottu | gnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop. | 12:44 |
yesudeep | ep103: That's nvidia-GLX-new not nvidia-xlg-new. Are you sure you have installed the right package? | 12:44 |
chris_ | CapeTown-HardyHe: oh skype cannot help with that, terribly sorry, dont use closed source software much | 12:44 |
yesudeep | ep103: If you have a recent nvidia graphics card you don't need legacy drivers. I haven't played with envy (yet). | 12:45 |
ep103 | yesudeep: sorry for the mistype. I typed it in correctly, but all lowercase | 12:45 |
microwaver | Does anyone know how to reset your gnome menubars? | 12:45 |
CapeTown-HardyHe | Chris_: I installed ZoneMinder too but I though Skype would help me "test" the video capture.... I can't ghet ZoneMinder (open source) to show an image on /dev/video0 | 12:45 |
yesudeep | ep103: Can you pastebin the output of dpkg -L nvidia-glx-new at dpaste.com and show us the URL? Also paste the contents of /etc/X11/xorg.conf there in a new paste. | 12:45 |
=== Craig_ is now known as SecurityZen | ||
microwaver | does this : gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel work to reconfigure your gnome menu's | 12:46 |
Vixus | xorg.conf doesn't even have any entries for graphics card driver.. | 12:46 |
ep103 | yesudeep: http://pastebin.com/m17323f84 | 12:46 |
Vixus | At least, mine doesn't. | 12:47 |
mohamed_ | rayne: i look at my server and find script maybe this help you | 12:47 |
db92 | looking for someone who has a working x-fi on ubuntu... | 12:47 |
yesudeep | ep103: You see this line: "Package `nvidia-glx-new' is not installed." It tells you the problem. | 12:47 |
snadge | i cant seem to find a guide for setting up ipsec specific to ubuntu? | 12:47 |
ep103 | yesudeep: hold on | 12:47 |
garrett__ | If anyone's interested, I tracked down the my performance slowdown. while the cpu temperature wasn't worrysome, it looks like speedstep was being overly aggressive due to a 0rpm fan. (massively slow system, still said it was running at full clock). cleaned out the fan and no problems now. | 12:47 |
mohamed_ | rayne: you need to modify ip, network interface http://phpfi.com/318343 | 12:48 |
snadge | do i have to especially compile openswan to add it to the kernel? | 12:48 |
rayne | mohamed_: appreciate it | 12:48 |
ep103 | I saw that but: http://pastebin.com/m6bdf9339 | 12:48 |
ep103 | so what should I be installing? | 12:48 |
chris_ | Vixus: i am not sure hardy still uses traditional way of reading from xorg.conf files. i would digg a bit on the net how x config has changed from gutsy to hardy | 12:48 |
matrix | anyone ever had pc suddenly shut down and after it wont work without unplugging power plug | 12:48 |
yesudeep | ep103: Ok. Now step by step. Follow this. Type `sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx-new nvidia-settings` and pastebin the output at dpaste.com No changes in the case. Almost all packages in ubuntu are named in lowercase. | 12:48 |
yesudeep | I used the caps in my post to emphasize the 'glx'. Sorry about that. | 12:49 |
ep103 | http://pastebin.com/m4ad217b3 | 12:49 |
yesudeep | Also make sure you don't type the backquotes (`) surrounding the command. | 12:49 |
Lr5_ | Is it normal to have three compiz processes running? | 12:50 |
Lr5_ | umm, four | 12:50 |
Lr5_ | actually five | 12:51 |
rayne | mohamed_: is that something I would copy and past over? | 12:51 |
Vixus | i have nvidia-settings working on my setup.. it lists a version number for nvidia drivers so I guess my drivers are working properly? | 12:51 |
yesudeep | ep103: Ok. Do this now. Click through the main menu > System > Administration > Software Sources. | 12:51 |
garrett__ | Lr5_: i just started playing with it today, so dunno, but I have compiz-decorator (2 instances), compiz and compiz.real in my process table | 12:51 |
yesudeep | ep103: Can you check whether "Proprietary drivers for devices (restricted)" is checked? | 12:52 |
Vixus | oh amazing, this has the very settings I wanted | 12:52 |
yesudeep | Vixus: Nice. :-) | 12:52 |
ep103 | yesudeep: its unchecked. I've already uncommented everything in the sources.list file, never checked here. I take it i should check this box? | 12:52 |
mohamed_ | rayne: is script you can create file anyname.sh and past this script inside then chmod +x anyname.sh run this script and see if it work of course after you modify it to put your network interface inside and ip | 12:53 |
Lr5_ | I have compiz, compiz-decorato and four compiz.reals at the moment *wonders where the fifth one went* | 12:53 |
yesudeep | ep103: Ah. You should avoid touching the /etc/apt/sources.list file until you become a more advanced user for now. | 12:53 |
yesudeep | ep103: Enable all the repositories. | 12:53 |
Vixus | interestingly, apps still want to run fullscreen.. that's probably to do with my coding though. | 12:53 |
acech | Hiya! I have just installed Ubuntu 8.04 and when I try to plug in a usb stick it says 'cannot mount volume'. It worked when I booted up as a live CD but not now I have actually installed it! | 12:53 |
asfak | i am not so happy hardy fan. I was very happy gutsy user. Clean upgrade stopped my cisco wlan adapter. (though i was able to enable it with forum help). Can anyone help me, why windows drive automount icon on desktop disappears everytime i start pc ?. that was never a problem in gutsy. | 12:53 |
Lr5_ | three of the .reals use about 17% of cpu each | 12:53 |
yesudeep | ep103: The problem is that the package manager cannot locate the package. nvidia-glx-new exists in the restricted repost. | 12:53 |
yesudeep | repos* | 12:54 |
legend2440 | Vixus: http://www.bi03.co.uk/home/blog.php?id=8 | 12:54 |
rayne | muhamed_: I dont see ip values anywhere in there | 12:54 |
Myrtti | asfak: comment the line that mounts it in /etc/fstab | 12:54 |
saltedlight | hi. anyone can give some details about some specific ways to protect files and folders on a shared system? let's say that there are 2 (or more) users and each has it's own /var/www/user_site folder, everyone of them has write access on it's own folder but not on other's. i need to know exactly how to disable read acces on other's folders and stil those folders to be available on web. | 12:54 |
Vixus | legend2440, my monitor works fine, I was just wondering if I could change how fullscreen applications were displayed at various resolutions. | 12:55 |
mohamed_ | rayne: there is EXTIF="eth0 and INTIF="eth1" also EXTIP= | 12:55 |
garrett__ | Lr5_: huh. i've only got a 1.8GHz p4m, and it's sitting at about 1.3% with a 31M memory footprint | 12:55 |
rayne | muhamed_: what is EXTIP= ? | 12:55 |
legend2440 | Vixus: oh ok misread your problem | 12:56 |
ep103 | yesudeep: okay, repasted the installation code you gave me. Its uninstalling some legacy files that were apparently on there, and installing nvidia-glx-new | 12:56 |
garrett__ | rayne: external ip | 12:56 |
Lr5_ | garrett__: I have a core 2, 2.13 ghz both | 12:56 |
AaronH | saltedlight, you just have to use the "chmod" command | 12:56 |
yesudeep | ep103: Looks good. Once it's done, can you pastebin the output too? | 12:56 |
Lr5_ | and I don't think they should do that | 12:56 |
iclebyte | saltedlight, your probabbly going to need to make each specific user the owner of their directory and then make the directory a member of the www-data group and set read access on that and write only access for the user. but as AaronH just said google "chmod" | 12:56 |
garrett__ | Lr5_: could it be that it's showing up twice in your process table because it's spread across both cores? | 12:56 |
Lr5_ | What happens if you kill a compiz process? | 12:56 |
mohamed_ | rayne: this is the ip that connect to internet ( external ip ) | 12:56 |
Lr5_ | garrett__: it shows as 4-5 | 12:56 |
ep103 | yesudeep: to which command? the installation? | 12:56 |
maek | !xfce | 12:56 |
ubottu | Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels | 12:56 |
yesudeep | Lr5_: You lose the window management functionality. You can resume it by issuing 'compiz --replace' | 12:56 |
rayne | muahmed_/garrett_: so that would be whatever the IP is the hardline uses to hit internet right? | 12:56 |
yesudeep | ep103: Yes. | 12:57 |
garrett__ | Lr5_: i don't have a dual core box, but i remember about 8years ago there was some serious goofyness with process reporting on SMP machines. | 12:57 |
AaronH | saltedlight, if you would like more detail I will try to explain better on a PM | 12:57 |
garrett__ | Lr5_: i'm guessing that's been fixed up, but im' not too familiar with it. | 12:57 |
mohamed_ | rayne: you have two network card one connect to internet other to the internal network | 12:57 |
Lr5_ | now it's seven compiz.reals, strange | 12:57 |
garrett__ | Lr5_: is it running slow? or are you just making sure that it's not doing something silly? | 12:57 |
garrett__ | Lr5_: powered by rabits! | 12:57 |
rayne | mohamed_: gotcha, sorry. Drifting off into sleep | 12:57 |
rayne | mohamed_: was loosing concentration | 12:58 |
Lr5_ | garrett__: other programs are running a bit slow | 12:58 |
ep103 | yesudeep: http://pastebin.com/m1eeb1d55 | 12:58 |
garrett__ | Lr5_: huh | 12:58 |
yesudeep | ep103: Nice. Now enable the drivers in the "restricted drivers manager" and reboot. :-) | 12:59 |
yesudeep | ep103: And as usual, leave us a note. :-) | 12:59 |
garrett__ | Lr5_: are you using gnome? if so, try disabling it and see if you get you performance back | 12:59 |
garrett__ | Lr5_: dunno what'll happen if you killall -9 | 12:59 |
Lr5_ | I tried disabling the desktop effects, had no effect | 12:59 |
ep103 | yesudeep: thanks again for putting up with the all-nighter stupidity. see ya in a few | 12:59 |
yesudeep | ep103: np. | 12:59 |
garrett__ | Lr5_: huh. that probably shouldn't happen | 12:59 |
ncomp | hello, where to get the ncomputing software for ubuntu? | 12:59 |
rayne | mohamed_: okay, modified and ran the script | 13:00 |
rayne | mohamed_: do I need to restart the internet connection? | 13:00 |
matrix | anyone ever been able to use mastercam cadcam software in ubuntu | 13:01 |
mohamed_ | rayne: no just test your internal network | 13:01 |
mohamed_ | rayne: first be sure that ip of the network working well | 13:01 |
rayne | mohamed_: how would I do that? | 13:02 |
ep103 | yesudeep: It worked, I'm good to go. Thanks again! | 13:02 |
yesudeep | ep103: Did that work? | 13:02 |
skype | slt | 13:02 |
yesudeep | ep103: Sure, good luck. | 13:02 |
mohamed_ | rayne: you can ping server from any pc or oppisite | 13:02 |
f0rmat | hi i was just wondering whether anyone could tell me how to enable a USB flash drive to be writable it says permission denied and doesn't even allow root | 13:02 |
Ta3v | Hey whats the difference between "GNOME" and "GNOME Failsafe" Failsafe GNOME works fine, however, when I try to log in to GNOME it plays the login sound, starts to show the taskbars then it goes all white | 13:02 |
Ta3v | and i have no input at all. I have to ctrl alt backspace | 13:02 |
mohamed_ | rayne: you use dhcp server ? | 13:03 |
rayne | mohamed_: how do i specify to ping using wlan0 and not eth0? | 13:03 |
garrett__ | rayne: it depends on your default route and the routing tables for the interface. | 13:03 |
garrett__ | rayne: less you have some loadbalancing setup | 13:03 |
whileimhere | This may seem like a dumb question but would a program compile faster in a lighter desktop. At least one that is lighter than GNOME? | 13:03 |
rayne | mohamed_: I think i do use a dhcp... i think i set one up when I was trying to set this up the other day | 13:04 |
chris_ | whileimhere: yes | 13:04 |
Ta3v | nobody has any idea why GNOME Failsafe would start fine and GNOME doesn't ? | 13:04 |
garrett__ | wileim: yup | 13:04 |
rayne | garrett_: I try to ping and i get 'Destination Host Unreachable' | 13:04 |
chris_ | whileimhere: you can start the compile run from alt-ctrl+F1 f.e.: no window manager at all | 13:05 |
garrett__ | whileimhere: I'm using about 18% on just my windowmanager. so that 18% would otherwise be given to gcc | 13:05 |
whileimhere | That is what I was wondering. | 13:05 |
garrett__ | rayne: then you've got a routing problem | 13:05 |
rayne | mohamed_: the computer connected on the internal network does have an ip assigned to it and such | 13:05 |
whileimhere | Not that I compile much software. | 13:05 |
sandra | Hi, you guys, I have a problem. When my computer boots, it gives me alot of errors saying that "root is read only filesystem" | 13:05 |
whileimhere | I need to learn how to create deb files for distrobution now. | 13:05 |
garrett__ | whileimhere: you can renice gcc so that it'll grab a lions share of your scheduler's allocated cycles, though | 13:05 |
ncomp | sandra: maybe your filesystem is broken or your harddisk is damaged | 13:06 |
rayne | garrett_: I was wondering if it could be because of using eth0 (external) and wlan0 (interal) | 13:06 |
whileimhere | garrett__ how? | 13:06 |
Ta3v | Ok I'll try a 2nd question. I bought a USB data cable for my cell phone, yet I can't get Ubuntu to detect it. All the programs say as a default it should be /dev/mobile but theres nothing there. | 13:06 |
ncomp | run fsck to check your filesystem | 13:06 |
SnakeArt | Hi! I'm using ubuntu 7.10 (amd64). Update-manager notifies me about available updates. I'm satisfied with my current system, but I would like to have it up-to-date. If I make the suggested updates my actual settings will be overwritten? In other words, do I need to reconfigure anything after installation of updated packages? | 13:06 |
matrix | just use alien | 13:06 |
Ta3v | Ubuntu isn't detecting it. | 13:06 |
garrett__ | whileimhere: "nice" sets the priority of a procecss with regard to the kernel scheduler | 13:06 |
Lr5_ | killed three compiz.reals, processor usage dropped to 75% | 13:06 |
sandra | ncomp, is there a way to make root read-write... and not just read only? | 13:06 |
garrett__ | whileimhere: if a process has a higher priority, it gets more processor cycles. | 13:06 |
matrix | whileimhere use alien | 13:06 |
ncomp | sandra: true | 13:06 |
ncomp | sandra: but thats not the error itself | 13:07 |
ncomp | sandra: you need to know why it is read only | 13:07 |
SFauconnier | SnakeArt, nah, all your settings will stay the way they are | 13:07 |
sandra | It says, mounted root (ext2 filesystem) read-only | 13:07 |
garrett__ | rayne: possibly | 13:07 |
whileimhere | garrett__ I understand what nice is and does I mean how to I make it set for gcc? | 13:07 |
ncomp | it often happends when something goes wrong with your filesystem | 13:07 |
garrett__ | rayne: my guess is your routing tables are a bit mucked. | 13:07 |
chris_ | matrix: advising alien generally is not a good idea | 13:07 |
whileimhere | Martrix: Alien is for converting rpm to deb isnt it? | 13:07 |
ncomp | sandra: are there more errors? | 13:08 |
garrett__ | whileimhere: nice -n priority make? | 13:08 |
Lr5_ | oops, killed the one that was handling the windows, apparently it didn't do anything else than switch to the other window manager thing | 13:08 |
sandra | ncomp, Is there some way to make /dev/hda1 read and write? or root read and write? | 13:08 |
matrix | sorry if im wrong why chris | 13:08 |
SnakeArt | SFauconnier: Tnx. It makes me feel more comfortable:) | 13:08 |
ncomp | sandra: root means / | 13:08 |
ncomp | your root fs | 13:08 |
matrix | alien does the job | 13:08 |
Lr5_ | and processor usage is down to 55%, looks better | 13:08 |
jatt | there is nothing wrong with alien | 13:08 |
whileimhere | garrett__ thanks I will try it next time I am doing this. Its already 40% done | 13:08 |
garrett__ | whileimhere: nice -n -20 gcc foo.c -o foo, for example, would set that process as the highest priority | 13:08 |
ncomp | mount -o rw / | 13:08 |
sandra | Almost every file after it tries to mount... gives me an error that,, can not do ___ root is read only. | 13:09 |
chris_ | matrix: its a tweaky conversion tool. it exists for ages now, but its more of a nono tool. users should use deps/rpms designed for their distro after all | 13:09 |
garrett__ | whileimhere: or if you have some computers sitting about, you can setup something like distcc and just build yourself a compile farm | 13:09 |
ncomp | sandra: you need to type sudo before | 13:09 |
Lr5_ | re-enabled compiz, no cpu % effect, so I guess I fixed the problem | 13:09 |
matrix | ok thanks for the advice chris | 13:09 |
h0ax | how would i mount /dev/sda4 to /mnt/lfs | 13:09 |
garrett__ | Lr5_: something probably got bjorked up | 13:09 |
whileimhere | Another off-topic question (but I never get responses in ubuntu-offtopic) so here it goes. I would like a lighter web browser. Is there one out there for linux? | 13:09 |
sandra | ncomp, How can I make /dev/hda1 read write? | 13:09 |
garrett__ | whileimhere: opera's pretty light weight | 13:10 |
ncomp | sudo mount -o rw /dev/hda1 / | 13:10 |
h0ax | whileimhere: epiphany ? | 13:10 |
Lr5_ | garrett__: could be related to testing how firefox crashes the x server when visiting certain pages | 13:10 |
sandra | ncomp, Will it stay that way when I try to boot it next time? | 13:10 |
Arleas | hello! | 13:10 |
whileimhere | garrett__ I hd considered Opera. Isnt that closed source? | 13:10 |
zaputr | my pc speaker doesn't work ob beep command... how can i test it or turn on? | 13:11 |
ncomp | sandra: if it should stay then you need to do an entry in your /etc/fstab | 13:11 |
chris_ | whileimhere: y | 13:11 |
garrett__ | whileimhere: yeah, it is. | 13:11 |
Arleas | can someone tell me how i can edit my xorg.conf? it says i cannot write to the file.... | 13:11 |
h0ax | zuperz: alsa-conf ? | 13:11 |
matrix | make sure you use sudo arleas | 13:11 |
sandra | It needs to stay, it basically told me to add... it at boot | 13:11 |
ncomp | sandra: first try sudo mount -no remount,rw / | 13:11 |
fdsss | you need root priveleges | 13:11 |
whileimhere | I was thinking of switching over to Lynx for my day to day things. | 13:11 |
Arleas | i used sudo | 13:11 |
elmakin | hola | 13:12 |
fdsss | privileges | 13:12 |
fdsss | for real dwag | 13:12 |
Arleas | but when i did that, it opened a blank file | 13:12 |
fdsss | the ghetto is hard | 13:12 |
sandra | ncomp, It says to add it to start up with lilo | 13:12 |
fdsss | I know dwag | 13:12 |
Arleas | so i found xorf.conf and opened it, but nothing would save | 13:12 |
matrix | and it wont let you edit | 13:12 |
garrett__ | whileimhere: or k-melon or firefox wonder edition | 13:12 |
Arleas | i'm the only user | 13:12 |
fdsss | the ghetto is hard | 13:12 |
garrett__ | whileimhere: i haven't tried either of those, though | 13:12 |
ghis | What is the easiest way to upgrade firefox to RC1? | 13:12 |
legend2440 | Arleas: gksudo /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 13:12 |
chris_ | whileimhere: i use firefox having pics disabled if that would give you an addiotional idea.. | 13:12 |
Pici | ghis: Wait until you receive the official update from Ubuntu. | 13:12 |
legend2440 | Arleas: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 13:12 |
whileimhere | chris_ That is an interesting idea. | 13:12 |
maek | ghis, wait till its on the repos | 13:12 |
Pici | !ff3rc | ghis | 13:13 |
ubottu | ghis: The Firefox 3 RC package is not currently available as most of the Ubuntu-mozilla team is at the Ubuntu Developer Summit. Thanks for your patience. | 13:13 |
sandra | ncomp, it said at start up that I need to add... mount root=/dev/hda1 rw ?? Where would I add that to? | 13:13 |
fdsss | for real dwag | 13:13 |
ncomp | sandra: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html | 13:13 |
Sladjannn | what is the name od kde room? | 13:13 |
Pici | !ff3rc =~ s/team is/team are/ | 13:13 |
ubottu | I'll remember that Pici | 13:13 |
=== Acid_ is now known as Mr | ||
fdsss | respect ali g | 13:13 |
sandra | ncomp, Do I add it to the fstab? | 13:13 |
Sladjannn | what is the name of kde4 room | 13:13 |
=== Mr is now known as Acid4 | ||
Pici | Sladjannn: #kubuntu-kde4 | 13:14 |
ghis | Okay guys, the next easiest way? This beta 3 sucks... doest not work well with flash at all.... | 13:14 |
ncomp | sandra: true | 13:14 |
Arleas | ok i did that, i entered my password, but nothing happened | 13:14 |
zaputr | not standart speakers for music, but beeper, i think that it isn't need any drivers | 13:14 |
maek | Im going to wait till all my extensions are compatible with FF3 before upgrading | 13:14 |
legend2440 | Sladjannn: #kubuntu-kde4 | 13:14 |
sandra | ncomp, can you tell me where to put "mount root=/dev/hda1 rw? | 13:14 |
Arleas | im using xubuntu on an eee pc | 13:14 |
garrett__ | ghis: delete the firefox3 package, download the tarball, toss it in /usr/local or something and symlink /usr/bin/firefox to /usr/local/firefox/firefox? | 13:14 |
sandra | ncomp, It also said that I could use "loadlin vmlinuz root=/dev/hda1 rw | 13:15 |
ghis | garrett__: thanks | 13:15 |
garrett__ | ghis: then rm -rf it when an ubuntu package comes out | 13:15 |
ghis | garrett__: yeah sounds like a good idea | 13:15 |
garrett__ | ghis: make a backup of your .mozilla dir just on the offchance something stupid happens, though | 13:15 |
fdsss | I know that kcontrol is no more in kde4 but how do you get system settings to look the old way like this http://www.tuxmachines.org/images/ultimalive/kcontrol.jpg | 13:16 |
garrett__ | ghis: i think i'm going to do that, too, actually ;P the 8.04 build is sort of slow. | 13:16 |
garrett__ | ghis: scrolling through a page is sort of jerky. | 13:16 |
ghis | garrett__: i can't stand it | 13:16 |
ncomp | sandra: you need booth | 13:16 |
m1r | what is package name that take care of mounting/unmounting .iso images ? | 13:16 |
garrett__ | ghis: i thought it was just me | 13:16 |
legend2440 | Arleas: how about sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 13:16 |
garrett__ | m1r: mount -o loop? | 13:16 |
sandra | ncomp, How do I do that? | 13:16 |
ncomp | sandra: you first do it in the lilo config file | 13:17 |
sandra | I do "nano /etc/fstab and then add what line? | 13:17 |
fdsss | mlr: mount umount | 13:17 |
ncomp | to point it where the root fs is | 13:17 |
esi1 | HELLO | 13:17 |
esi1 | FUCK FUCK | 13:17 |
esi1 | GO GO | 13:17 |
m1r | garrett__: i installed minimal ubuntu and it seems i dont have mount package, i tried with afuse and autofs i think but both not working | 13:17 |
chris_ | esi1: shut up or you will be kicked | 13:17 |
jatt | he is already gone | 13:17 |
sandra | So, "nano lilo.conf?" and add what line? ncomp | 13:17 |
garrett__ | m1r: whoa. no mount? | 13:17 |
m1r | garrett__: yes, no mount | 13:18 |
Arleas | is there any way i can get mousepad to open my xorg.conf with the priveledges to change it? | 13:18 |
fdsss | install mount | 13:18 |
m1r | fdsss: what is name of that package ? | 13:18 |
garrett__ | m1r: do you have a network connection? can you just lookup what package provides mount? | 13:18 |
maek | your mousepad ?? | 13:18 |
matrix | anyone use mastercam with ubuntu | 13:18 |
m1r | garrett__: on synaptic it drops all but "mount" | 13:18 |
=== Acid4 is now known as ac1d | ||
=== ac1d is now known as acid4 | ||
Pici | Arleas: gksudo mousepad | 13:19 |
Arleas | it's a text edit application shipped with xubuntu i think.... | 13:19 |
sandra | ncomp, I can edit the lilo.conf but what line do I add to it? | 13:19 |
DracoZA | I have been having trouble with windows shares, I have installed smbfs and can browse a network and see all the machines but the folders I open are always displayed empty, any ideas ? | 13:19 |
Arleas | gksudo mousepad? | 13:19 |
Arleas | thanks | 13:19 |
Arleas | what does the gk part mean> | 13:19 |
Arleas | ? | 13:19 |
garrett__ | huh. does apt have a function to inform which package provides a particular binary? | 13:19 |
sandra | ncomp, I just use "nano /etc/lilo.conf" | 13:19 |
fdsss | I have no idea mount should be in the default install because then you will not be able to open any removable media | 13:19 |
maek | I should try out xubuntu .... | 13:19 |
m1r | garrett__, fdsss , i instaled autofs and afuse, but seems they not what is needed | 13:19 |
ncomp | sandra: its better to look at google i cant paste all this stuff here | 13:19 |
jatt | garrett__: dpkg -S | 13:20 |
m1r | fdsss: minimal install , cli , then gui | 13:20 |
=== Tyczek_ is now known as Tyczek | ||
sandra | I dont know what to look up | 13:20 |
maek | does xubuntu come with a Live CD ?? | 13:20 |
koshari | Arleas the gk part means its a sudo prompt in an applet | 13:20 |
Arleas | there is one that i downloaded for my EEE PC | 13:20 |
sandra | ncomp, I already tried google and I dont know what to look up. | 13:20 |
koshari | maek yes | 13:20 |
garrett__ | m1r: according to dpkg -S (thanks jatt), the "mount" package provides mount | 13:20 |
Arleas | you can put the installer onto a USB stick to | 13:20 |
garrett__ | m1r: apt-get install mount? | 13:20 |
Arleas | thanks kosh | 13:21 |
CapeTown-HardyHe | ANYONE: I have downloaded the XAWTX program and I have got a picture (in XAWTV) signal but in ZoneMinder the picture window just has a little grey square at the top left hand corner with a red dot in it. Reminds me of an image that won't display in a web browser.... Any ideas, anyone? | 13:21 |
Arleas | i'm trying it now... | 13:21 |
ncomp | sandra: look for the fstab | 13:21 |
sandra | ncomp, That is why I came in here. I know how to get to fstab and lilo.conf I just dont know what to enter to make it READ WRITE. | 13:21 |
m1r | garrett__: does "mount" package exist ? | 13:21 |
u-4b | hola | 13:21 |
ncomp | and for lilo.conf | 13:21 |
maek | sweet is the xfce desktop as polished as GNOME ?? | 13:21 |
u-4b | yes | 13:21 |
=== ajmorris is now known as ajmorris|AFK | ||
Arleas | ok cool it worked! | 13:21 |
* N3bunel saluta | 13:21 | |
sandra | ncomp, since it seems it only wants to be able to also read and write to the disk, and it is marked as readonly for some reason | 13:21 |
Arleas | so gksudo gives permissions that sudo does not? | 13:21 |
Arleas | sorry, im completely new to linux | 13:22 |
koshari | maek i dont think so, i personnaly prefer fluxbox for a minimalistic desktop | 13:22 |
m1r | garrett__: it says i have it already | 13:22 |
Pici | !gksudo | Arleas this explains it better than I can | 13:22 |
ubottu | Arleas this explains it better than I can: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) | 13:22 |
maek | gksudo means that you can open a GUI application as root | 13:22 |
u-4b | eo sandra ¿hablas sapanish? | 13:22 |
sandra | no | 13:22 |
u-4b | spanish? | 13:22 |
garrett__ | m1r: cd / ; find | grep mount | grep bin | 13:22 |
jatt | Qes | 13:22 |
fdsss | kdesu | 13:22 |
jatt | !es | 13:22 |
ubottu | Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 13:22 |
garrett__ | m1r: maybe it's just not in your path? | 13:22 |
u-4b | entoces why as entendido? | 13:22 |
koshari | Arleas gksudo gives the gams prompt as sudo does however it will do it in an applet rather than a text command prompt | 13:23 |
Arleas | ok cool, i just followed an online guide... it said use 'sudo mousepad /etc/X11 ... etc' | 13:23 |
fdsss | I know that kcontrol is no more in kde4 but how do you get system settings to look the old way like this http://www.tuxmachines.org/images/ultimalive/kcontrol.jpg | 13:23 |
u-4b | ahh¡¡¡¡ k me echas ¡¡¡ Vale,vale | 13:23 |
Arleas | i'll use gksudo from now on | 13:23 |
Arleas | that might be why i couldn't edit the file | 13:23 |
CapeTown-HardyHe | Anyone know if there is a #ZOneMinder channel and how I change to it using Pidgin? | 13:23 |
fdsss | vi estas bela | 13:23 |
u-4b | by,by | 13:23 |
m1r | garrett__: /bin/mount ; /bin/umount | 13:23 |
jatt | !es | 13:23 |
ubottu | Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 13:23 |
fdsss | mi estas puna | 13:23 |
Arleas | i also can't add files into certain folders, probably for permissions again | 13:24 |
Arleas | any way around this? | 13:24 |
garrett__ | m1r: then you have mount | 13:24 |
maek | a question about XFCE .... can I install it on top of my GNOME desktop in Gusty without it messing up my GNOME desktop ?? | 13:24 |
garrett__ | m1r: try /bin/mount -o loop /bla/foo.so /mnt/mountpoint | 13:24 |
m1r | garrett__: yes it seems so, but is not working with nautilus | 13:24 |
mr_boo | after i've installed hardy i can't use the samba filesystem | 13:24 |
koshari | Arleas you can change the destination folders permissions | 13:24 |
fdsss | mi estas seka | 13:24 |
Arleas | how do i do that koshari? | 13:24 |
Arleas | thanks for the help! | 13:24 |
garrett__ | m1r: ah. dunno. i've never used nautilus | 13:24 |
mr_boo | i could mount network ntfs drives on 7.10 | 13:25 |
koshari | maek you can install xfce as a different session option, | 13:25 |
garrett__ | m1r: i was running fvwm2 and then blackbox for years :P i just decided to install ubuntu the other day | 13:25 |
sandra | So somehow my filesystem is READ only.... How can I fix that? | 13:25 |
m1r | garrett__: :D | 13:25 |
maek | oh okay koshari ... and what does a different session option mean ?? | 13:25 |
fdsss | linus thinks that gnome is for idiots | 13:25 |
koshari | Arleas if you are the owner of the folder its in the properties accesable via nautilus or you can use chmod cmand | 13:25 |
Pici | fdsss: Thats not appropriate. | 13:26 |
pwang | hi, just have a question. when you enable and install proposed updates, is it only for expert users? will you get broken software/dependencies? | 13:26 |
frojnd | Tell me leightweight picture viewer ? | 13:26 |
tyler | help for lirc with SMK receiver and Media Center Edition remote? | 13:26 |
Arleas | thanks koshari, you've been great | 13:26 |
ramukmar | pwang: no...never happened to me at least | 13:26 |
jatt | I use gnome and ain't an idiot. | 13:26 |
Arleas | have a brew on me! | 13:26 |
fdsss | here is the proof https://lists.linux-foundation.org/pipermail/desktop_architects/2005-December/000390.html | 13:26 |
Pici | !ot | fdsss | 13:26 |
ubottu | fdsss: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 13:26 |
koshari | maek on the login screen the options selection will give you xfce as an extra option, or fluxbox, or kde depending on the additional desktop(s) you install | 13:26 |
cgentry72 | could someone guide me on how to install a printer installed on a windows machine? | 13:26 |
joe-351 | If I "login" as root using "sudo su" at the command line, then when I run my VLC Media Player, I noticed there are two instances (processes) of VLC in memory--one as root and the other as my username. If I start vlc normally under my username, I only get one process under my username as expected. What am I missing here? Why does VLC do that? | 13:27 |
whileimhere | Is there a beginners tutorial on how to make a deb file for distrobution? | 13:27 |
Pici | !newpackage | whileimhere | 13:27 |
ubottu | whileimhere: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports | 13:27 |
maek | oh thankyou very much koshari ... and the desktops wont interfere with each other ?? | 13:27 |
m1r | joe-351: i am not sure if i am right, but u shouldnt run program as vlc as root | 13:27 |
frojnd | lol kde, xfce, whatever use what u like. I use KDE on suse, fluxbox with I don't know what environment on server, xfce at home,... that's really not an issue what's an idiotic and what not. I use em all and I love em all... | 13:27 |
pwang | okay then. are proposed updates released every day? and are they a bit buggy still? will they conflict with other updates, ramukmar? | 13:28 |
frojnd | Can someone tell me lightweight picture viewer with gnome libraries ? | 13:28 |
koshari | maek no you can only have one session open at a time, however remeber that you will have a lot more packages to update. | 13:28 |
jatt | whileimhere: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/index.en.html | 13:28 |
tyler | help with lirc and ubuntu 8.04? | 13:28 |
joe-351 | m1r: Yes, I know that :) but I'm trying to understand how I can be logged in as root, run the program, and yet the program still runs with an instance under my username. | 13:29 |
maek | ah okay .... thanks for that koshari | 13:29 |
ramukmar | pwang: you're talking about the updates in the update manager right? no, not everyday, but there isn't an update cycle or anything of that sort as far as I know | 13:29 |
whileimhere | Thanks guys. | 13:29 |
koshari | maek in fact you dont even need a window manager to envoke a session, i have a jukebox that boots a session with just x | 13:29 |
maek | frojnd, gThumb is the best picture organiser for GNOME | 13:29 |
ramukmar | pwang: and no, they don't conflict with other updates...apt-get is nice ;) | 13:29 |
garrett__ | hm. scrolling a page is still really choppy compared to the win32 build | 13:30 |
garrett__ | (in firefox) | 13:30 |
pwang | okay, thx alot, ramukar. i am off to install my proposed updates. :) | 13:30 |
ramukmar | pwang: i can only talk about my experience though, never had any problems with updates here | 13:30 |
tyler | i use ubuntu server for my 'stereo', it doesnt have a gui :) | 13:30 |
cgentry72 | could someone guide me on how to install a printer installed on a windows machine? | 13:30 |
maek | lol koshari .... that is very cool | 13:30 |
ramukmar | pwang: great, it'll work fine i'm sure | 13:30 |
koshari | maek it makes our jukebox boot a lot quicker and more like a kiosk environment | 13:31 |
koshari | cgentry72 you will simply install the software for the printer and point it to the windows box addy | 13:32 |
cgentry72 | koshari: how do i install the software when its installed on a windows machine | 13:33 |
maek | koshari, that must be very handy for when friends come around and you don't want them to stuff up your desktop | 13:33 |
tyler | help with LIRC install? | 13:33 |
DracoZA | I need some help with viewing windows shares please, I have smbfs installed and I can browse the network but not forlders | 13:33 |
Myrtti | !elaborate | tyler | 13:34 |
ubottu | tyler: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 13:34 |
amorphous_ | how do i find out which release i have? | 13:34 |
amorphous_ | uname doesn't seem to give it me :( | 13:34 |
AdvoWork | hi there, how can i find out how much ram my machine has from the terminal? | 13:34 |
bogey- | uname -a | 13:34 |
bogey- | or cat /etc/issue | 13:34 |
=== Balaams_Miracle is now known as BalaamsMiracle | ||
maek | amorphous_, SYSTEM > ABOUT UBUNTU | 13:34 |
koshari | maek its a dedicated jukebox but yes that would be good i suppose. http://www.techtalkwiki.net/setting_up_a_basic_coin-op_style_linux_mp3_jukebox | 13:34 |
mr_boo | does anyone know if the samba approach still is supposed to work under hardy? | 13:35 |
mr_boo | i wanna mount a network drive | 13:35 |
sipior | AdvoWork: "free" | 13:35 |
bogey- | !samba | mr_boo | 13:35 |
ubottu | mr_boo: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 13:35 |
amorphous_ | maek, oh yeah --- sorry --- wood for the trees :/ ----is there a command line way? | 13:35 |
Python1320 | I need to run named on a unprivileged user. Is there a way to allow this unprivileged user to bind to low ports? | 13:35 |
f0rmat | hi i was just wondering whether anyone could tell me how to enable a USB flash drive to be writable it says permission denied and doesn't even allow root | 13:36 |
_Hypnos | hi, i wonder if someone can tell me, how to find out to which partition a /dev/mapper/somename points? | 13:36 |
mr_boo | bogey-: that was indeed what i had in mind | 13:36 |
bogey- | !partition | _hypnos | 13:36 |
ubottu | _hypnos: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 13:36 |
zackyramone | !compiz | 13:36 |
ubottu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion | 13:36 |
tyler | i'm trying to install an SMK IR receiver with the Media Center Edition remote, the mythTV guide says to use LIRC, but in the guide (http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/MCE_Remote#Ubuntu_6.10_Edgy.2C_7.04_Feisty.2C_7.10_Gutsy), when i hit "sudo make" in the lirc folder in /usr/src, it errors with "include/linux/autoconf.h or include/config/auto.conf are missing" | 13:36 |
bogey- | mr_boo: excellent then :) | 13:36 |
Odd-rationale | _Hypnos: you are dealing with encrypted partitions? | 13:37 |
mr_boo | bogey-: do you have any idea why that approach doesn't work since hardy? | 13:37 |
_Hypnos | Odd-rationale: not that i would remember having this setup | 13:37 |
mateusz | Hi | 13:37 |
mateusz | is i386 ubuntu 8.04 broken ? | 13:37 |
bogey- | mr_boo: no but if you ask me in a private message I might could help with wht you want to do | 13:37 |
bogey- | mateusz: no | 13:37 |
garrett__ | mateusz: i just installed it yesterday. | 13:37 |
mateusz | it does not install and I get shash read write error | 13:37 |
zackyramone | hi, i got a problem with the desktop effects...when they are on i dont have the menu bars.. | 13:37 |
mateusz | when I do test cd | 13:38 |
garrett__ | mateusz: i don't suppose you're getting an fd read error? | 13:38 |
mateusz | I get 1 file broken | 13:38 |
koshari | zackyramone nvidia card? | 13:38 |
Odd-rationale | _Hypnos: try "sudo fdisk -l" to see all partitions /dev name... | 13:38 |
cgentry72 | could someone guide me on how to install a printer installed on a windows machine? | 13:38 |
bogey- | mateusz: your cd needs reburned at a slower speed or just burn a new one | 13:38 |
mateusz | bogey-: I did | 13:38 |
mateusz | bogey-: I even launched it from qemu | 13:38 |
bogey- | mateusz: then your iso file is damaged | 13:38 |
mateusz | bogey-: and the same | 13:38 |
mateusz | bogey-: I tried two mirrors | 13:39 |
zackyramone | koshari: yes gefroce 4 | 13:39 |
bogey- | mateusz: go to ftp://ftp.ussg.iu.edu/pub/linux/ubuntu-releases/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso | 13:39 |
mateusz | bogey-: hm thanks | 13:39 |
tyler | anyone for LIRC help? | 13:39 |
jim_beam | is there a way to setup desktop files so they are not sharded by kde and gnome | 13:39 |
bogey- | mateusz: i burned that one yesterday | 13:39 |
_Hypnos | Odd-rationale: but that only gives me the "normal" partition names, not where the /dev/mapper/somepa | 13:39 |
_Hypnos | points to | 13:39 |
=== mr_boo is now known as mr_boo_laptop | ||
koshari | there is often a line you need to add for nvid cards to xorg.conf, something like rgb visuals true, | 13:40 |
mateusz | bogey-: thanks | 13:40 |
cgentry72 | in windows i have a path for the printer but dont know how to set it up in ubuntu | 13:40 |
zackyramone | koshari: thanks | 13:40 |
XLV | mateusz, download this ftp://ftp.ussg.iu.edu/pub/linux/ubuntu-releases/8.04/MD5SUMS then get an md5 sum program to check the iso you have downloaded.. eg hashcalc | 13:40 |
koshari | zackyramone what version of ubuntu | 13:40 |
AdvoWork | how do i find the physical memory in ubuntu? | 13:40 |
zackyramone | koshari: 8.04 | 13:41 |
XLV | mateusz, compare the md5 hash the program generates against the one that is certainly the right one in the MD5SUMS text file | 13:41 |
sipior | AdvoWork: "free" will tell you | 13:41 |
mateusz | XLV: no such file | 13:41 |
koshari | zackyramone that might not be the case in 8.04 as it automaticly does xorg... | 13:41 |
mateusz | XLV: oh too many connections:P | 13:41 |
Odd-rationale | _Hypnos: you are trying to find the real device name of a device listed in /dev/mapper ? | 13:41 |
XLV | mateusz, remember its linux text, so if you are in windows, use wordpad to open MD5SUMS file, to get LF+CR correctly displayed | 13:42 |
koshari | zackyramone which window manager are you using, emerald? | 13:42 |
_Hypnos | Odd-rationale: exactly | 13:42 |
zackyramone | koshari: i dont know.. u just installed the nvidia official driver and the effects were on | 13:42 |
CK-TECH | i using smplayer to watch rm file but why no video out ? | 13:42 |
mateusz | XLV: I am on linux | 13:42 |
senyox | \j #linuxac | 13:43 |
koshari | zackyramone try "compiz --replace" | 13:43 |
jim_beam | AdvoWork: cat /proc/meminfo | 13:44 |
CK-TECH | i using smplayer to watch rm file but why no video out ? | 13:44 |
xintron | I'm looking for a dictionary that can import UTF-8 dictionarys (.txt files) | 13:44 |
xintron | any suggestions? | 13:44 |
zackyramone | koshari: the menu bars are gone :S | 13:44 |
koshari | alt f to open a command and run "compix --replace | 13:45 |
banyan | hello! I'm running fedora. Just ran into so many problems upgrading from f8 to f9 on fedora that I am considering going ubuntu instead. Is there a way I can do that without doing a wipe and clean install? | 13:45 |
koshari | zackyramone sorry alt f2 and compiz --replace | 13:45 |
void^ | banyan: not really. | 13:45 |
CK-TECH | i using smplayer to watch rm file but why no video out ? anyone know ? | 13:45 |
Ace_NoOne | hi - on Gutsy's Compiz my graphics chip (Intel X3100 / 965) is blacklisted - how can I find out whether it's supported in Hardy? | 13:46 |
zackyramone | koshari: yeah thats what i did and the effects were on again | 13:46 |
astro76 | Ace_NoOne: it is | 13:46 |
Ace_NoOne | astro76: are you sure? how do you know? | 13:46 |
astro76 | Ace_NoOne: I have it ;) | 13:46 |
Ace_NoOne | astro76: thanks!! | 13:46 |
koshari | zackyramone and to switch back to metacity, "metacity --replace" which is the standard gnome window decorator | 13:46 |
banyan | hmm... so, I run mythtv... do I just have to retain the filesystem with /var on it and it's good to go again under ubuntu? that's the main thing I want to preserve. | 13:47 |
zackyramone | koshari: ok everything is back to normal | 13:47 |
Ace_NoOne | astro76: any catch? or does it Just Work since upgrading? | 13:47 |
koshari | zackyramone you may want to see if the nvidia binarys are installed properly by running glxgears | 13:47 |
astro76 | Ace_NoOne: upgrade on my T61 went fine | 13:47 |
zackyramone | koshari: glxgears runs perfectly | 13:48 |
koshari | zackyramone nice | 13:48 |
Ace_NoOne | astro76: thanks - was there any kind of notification, or has Compiz been activated automatically | 13:48 |
CK-TECH | i using smplayer to watch rm file but why no video out ? anyone help? | 13:48 |
astro76 | Ace_NoOne: hmm can't remember, but just go to system > prefs > appearance and check | 13:48 |
aurax | so does anyone knows how to override license agreement when installing deb packages with apt-get (like sun-java6-jdk and postgresql-8.3)? | 13:48 |
astro76 | Ace_NoOne: it probably was | 13:49 |
Ace_NoOne | astro76: yeah, will do - now I have a reason to upgrade ;) | 13:49 |
koshari | zackyramone now you just need to get skydome and scale setup :-) | 13:49 |
sipior | aurax: override in what way? so they'll install without you agreeing to the licence? | 13:49 |
Odd-rationale | _Hypnos: well, i tried to look it up, but i don't remember... try reading the man pages for crypsetup... | 13:49 |
cdecarlo | Hi, I'm looking for a free utility that can take full system backups (disk images), similar to Ghost, any suggestions? | 13:49 |
Odd-rationale | *cryptsetup | 13:49 |
jim_beam | hdparm ---- what are these error messages | 13:50 |
jim_beam | /dev/sdc: | 13:50 |
jim_beam | IO_support = 0 (default) | 13:50 |
jim_beam | 16-bit) | 13:50 |
jim_beam | HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device | 13:50 |
jim_beam | HDIO_GET_DMA failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device | 13:50 |
jim_beam | HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device | 13:50 |
jim_beam | readonly = 0 (off) | 13:50 |
jim_beam | readahead = 256 (on) | 13:50 |
sipior | cdecarlo: partimage is nice for that | 13:50 |
jim_beam | geometry = 19457/255/63, sectors = 312581808, start = 0 | 13:50 |
astro76 | cdecarlo: partimage, you can run it from the System Rescue CD | 13:50 |
zackyramone | koshari: how? | 13:50 |
_Hypnos | Odd-rationale: thanks, currently checkin if lvm might give some infos, will check crypsetup as well | 13:50 |
astro76 | !sysresccd | cdecarlo | 13:50 |
ubottu | cdecarlo: SystemRescueCd is a Linux system on a bootable CD-ROM. It contains a number of admin tools including gparted and partimage. http://sysresccd.org/Main_Page | 13:50 |
cdecarlo | many thanks! | 13:50 |
Pici | !enter | jim_beam | 13:51 |
ubottu | jim_beam: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 13:51 |
koshari | you need to install the advanced compiz configurator | 13:51 |
rrittenhouse | Is there a way to delete all of the files and folders inside of a directory but without deleting the directory they are contained ? | 13:51 |
sipior | rrittenhouse: enter the directory before issuing your rm | 13:51 |
jim_beam | it was an error message i believed should be read at once | 13:51 |
Pici | jim_beam: Use a pastebin next time | 13:51 |
Pici | !paste | jim_beam | 13:51 |
ubottu | jim_beam: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 13:51 |
jim_beam | i copied from treminal | 13:52 |
sipior | rrittenhouse: "pushd <foo>; rm -rf ; popd" | 13:52 |
manifest | !paste | 13:52 |
astro76 | rrittenhouse: maybe there's a better way but: rm -r dir/* && rm -r dir/.* | 13:52 |
bazhang | jim_beam, it makes the channel unreadable though | 13:52 |
jim_beam | ok | 13:52 |
jim_beam | sorry | 13:52 |
alecs | hi there! | 13:52 |
jim_beam | ooops | 13:52 |
alecs | is any "employee monitoring" | 13:52 |
manifest | still dont link goatse | 13:53 |
koshari | zackyramone apt:compizconfig-settings-manager | 13:53 |
alecs | software for ubuntu ? or linux platform ? | 13:53 |
jim_beam | any answer on hdparm | 13:53 |
koshari | zackyramone http://forlong.blogage.de/article/2007/8/29/How-to-set-up-Compiz-Fusion | 13:53 |
zackyramone | koshari: thanks | 13:54 |
XLV | jim_beam, you need to modprobe whatever module corresponds to your chipset, or controller.. its a sata drive? | 13:54 |
sipior | alecs: with root access, monitoring software is more or less superfluous, isn't it? :-) | 13:54 |
manifest | http://paste.ubuntu.com/13484/ if anyone speaks finnish, would you kindly say what to do in that point | 13:55 |
rrittenhouse | thanks sipior and astro76 | 13:55 |
fdsss | ask linux | 13:55 |
fdsss | linus | 13:55 |
Finnish | manifest: I can help | 13:56 |
manifest | thanks. should i just re-install wine? | 13:56 |
_Hypnos | Odd-rationale: i found out, thanks to your info i got to dm which is "device mapper" and the admin tool for it is dmsetup (also the package name, which i had to install) | 13:56 |
Finnish | It tells you to go to synaptics and fix it there | 13:57 |
fdsss | E: Type "- 16:56:58 -" is an unfamiliar line, the Source 1 / etc / apt / sources.list.d / winehq.list | 13:57 |
fdsss | E: Lähdelistaa can not read. | 13:57 |
fdsss | Go to the source as hallintaikkunaan and to resolve the situation. | 13:57 |
fdsss | E: _cache-> open () failed, please report | 13:57 |
CK-TECH | i using smplayer to watch rm file but why no video out ? anyone help? | 13:57 |
axisys | is there a sparc flavor ubuntu available? | 13:57 |
Assid | hrmm | 13:57 |
Assid | this documentation is flawed | 13:57 |
Assid | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 13:57 |
Assid | first it says to do something | 13:57 |
Assid | thenb it says dont | 13:57 |
manifest | where could i find synaptic? | 13:57 |
banyan | actually, the nvidia binaries are exactly why I'm pissed off with fedora. they have apparently started using some quite new (bleeding-edge?) x server, that the nvidia code hasn't caught up with, but they released it anyway. | 13:57 |
fdsss | apt-get install synaptic | 13:57 |
astro76 | axisys: there was server only, I think it was dropped, at least officially | 13:57 |
Assid | "Follow the instructions, but use /dev/sdx2 instead of /dev/sdx1, and make sure you make /dev/sdx2 bootable in fdisk." | 13:57 |
Assid | why cant the damn thing be a bit more specific | 13:58 |
alecs | sipior : can you be more explicit ? | 13:58 |
axisys | astro76: :-( that sucks.. i wanted to install it on a sun netra | 13:58 |
astro76 | axisys: yeah, there's debian ;) | 13:58 |
sipior | alecs: well, can *you* be more explicit about what you want to accomplish? :-) | 13:58 |
manifest | http://paste.ubuntu.com/13485/ | 13:59 |
axisys | astro76: oh ok.. i guess i could use that then.. do you happend to know any of the other popular distro run on sparc? | 13:59 |
axisys | astro76: like fedora/centos, mandriva .. etc. | 13:59 |
astro76 | axisys: not off-hand, debian has the most platform support | 13:59 |
axisys | astro76: or opensuse | 13:59 |
fdsss | use rpms | 13:59 |
astro76 | axisys: not any of those AFAIK | 13:59 |
axisys | astro76: ok.. cool~ | 13:59 |
manifest | finnish: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13485/ | 13:59 |
alecs | sipior, i want to install an application that make a statistic of opened windows. | 14:00 |
Assid | can someone help me with live usb | 14:00 |
mateusz | XLV: LoL the previous file I download has the same md5sum | 14:00 |
mateusz | XLV: the one I burned | 14:00 |
mateusz | XLV: and md5sum is fine | 14:00 |
banyan | there may be the same issue with nvidia drivers and ubuntu for all I know. | 14:00 |
mateusz | XLV: but I burned it twice and tried from qemu and was broken | 14:00 |
tyler | can anyone help with LIRC? the lirc channel is dead | 14:00 |
=== Exteris is now known as Exteris_ | ||
mateusz | bogey-: hmm this one has the same m5sum as the one I burned | 14:01 |
unr3a1 | hey all | 14:01 |
mateusz | bogey-: maybe its broken for polish language | 14:01 |
bogey- | mateusz: you may have to realize that your cd burner is bad :( because i promise you i burned that exact cd yesterday and put it on three computers | 14:02 |
sipior | alecs: what sort of statistics for each window? | 14:02 |
unr3a1 | I installed Ubuntu 8.04 and I am having problems with networking. it is saying that the eth0 device does not exist. but when I load the LiveCD, I am able to see the device. | 14:02 |
|StOnE| | good morning | 14:02 |
|StOnE| | ppl | 14:02 |
bogey- | Morning to you | 14:02 |
XLV | mateusz, qemu -cdrom [[cdrom''image]] -boot d [[hd''image]] should mount the iso in loopback device, so you dont have to burn it to test it in qemu | 14:02 |
=== Exteris_ is now known as Exteris | ||
mateusz | bogey-: I tested it in qemu | 14:02 |
sipior | unr3a1: ubuntu numbers ethernet devices in a retarded way, on occasion. do you have multiple network interfaces by any chance? | 14:03 |
mateusz | XLV: this one works | 14:03 |
mateusz | XLV: in qemu | 14:03 |
mateusz | XLV: I'll try bad one | 14:03 |
bazhang | unr3a1, what changes have you made in the install vs the live cd | 14:03 |
unr3a1 | sipior, I have only one ethernet card. i have a wireless card, but that does't even show up with lspci | 14:03 |
unr3a1 | bazhang, none, that I am aware of | 14:03 |
sipior | unr3a1: you might see if eth1 is there. try "ifconfig eth1" and see what turns up | 14:04 |
bazhang | unr3a1, yeah try ifconfig | 14:04 |
alecs | sipior: http://www.staffcop.com/features/ to see what are my active windows or so ... and be able how much time i have spent in one window or so | 14:04 |
unr3a1 | ifconfig only shows loopback | 14:04 |
AaronH | unr3a1, try using "sudo lshw -C network" to see if your network cards are detected | 14:04 |
sipior | alecs: mmm...creepy. | 14:04 |
tyler | i'm getting this error: "include/linux/autoconf.h or include/config/auto.conf are missing", the 'fix' is: "Run 'make oldconfig && make prepare' on kernel src to fix it" but idk how to do the fix | 14:05 |
alecs | sipior: yeah i know ... | 14:05 |
|StOnE| | i need a little help | 14:05 |
|StOnE| | anyone know how i can install kiba-dock | 14:05 |
mateusz | XLV: hmm the "bad one" also works.. maybe I removed that bad one.. ok.. | 14:05 |
mateusz | XLV: but thanks | 14:05 |
sipior | unr3a1: does "sudo ifconfig eth0" return an error? | 14:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | !find kiba | 14:06 |
ubottu | File kiba found in python-moinmoin | 14:06 |
microwaver | anyone using the applet 'screenlets' ? | 14:06 |
unr3a1 | sipior, yea. it says that device does not exist | 14:06 |
unr3a1 | I haven't tried eth1 | 14:06 |
unr3a1 | but I will | 14:06 |
adac | are there any additional font packages for open office? | 14:06 |
sipior | unr3a1: and eth1 is the same? looks like a driver didn't load... | 14:06 |
XLV | mateusz, if the iso mounted on loopback on qemu works, but the same iso burned in a cd/dvd doesnt, then the writer or media is problematic, try writing to some other media or at lower speed | 14:06 |
unr3a1 | I need to reboot... its dualbooted on the machine I am on right now | 14:07 |
PyRo_ | Is there any known reason winecfg would stall while creating the ~/.wine folder? | 14:07 |
Assid | err | 14:07 |
Assid | anyone got a working version of the live usb | 14:07 |
bazhang | Assid, sure | 14:07 |
AaronH | unr3a1, "sudo lshw -C network" will also give you your cards logical names like eth0, eth1, ect... | 14:07 |
Assid | the doc is messed up.. just doesnt want to work for me | 14:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | Assid Make an iso on usb bootable http://jak-linux.org/tmp/iso2usb.sh | 14:08 |
bazhang | Assid, which docs | 14:08 |
ramukmar | anyone using the new video ipod nanos with rhythmbox? is it just plug and play? | 14:08 |
Assid | it shows me to copy the file to 1st partition.. but the 1st parititon is tiny | 14:08 |
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Jack_Sparrow | PyRo_ Sounds like a question for /join #Winehq | 14:09 |
unr3a1 | AaronH, alright. I will give that a try and see what it outputs | 14:09 |
PyRo_ | Jack_Sparrow: Ty | 14:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 14:09 |
unr3a1 | sipior, thats what it looks like to me, but here is my lspci: http://rafb.net/p/OynMvo98.html | 14:09 |
SidStudios | Does anyone know whether the correct sentence in french is: "J'aime beacoup habiter en ville" or "J'aime beaucoup POUR habiter en ville"? | 14:09 |
unr3a1 | sipior, note line 16 | 14:10 |
sidux | J'aime beaucoup habiter en ville | 14:10 |
ramukmar | SidStudios: it's the first sentence | 14:10 |
Pici | 1fr | sidux | 14:10 |
SidStudios | Thanks much | 14:10 |
Pici | !fr | sidux | 14:10 |
ubottu | sidux: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 14:10 |
bazhang | SidStudios, that seems offtopic | 14:10 |
SidStudios | bazhang: No way, people in the "ville=city" use Ubuntu, and so do I | 14:10 |
SidStudios | By the way, does anyone know why my cache usage by programs has suddenly become so high? | 14:11 |
bazhang | SidStudios, nice defense | 14:11 |
lartza_ | I can't delete some files via ftp | 14:11 |
AaronH | unr3a1, did you try that command I gave you? | 14:11 |
lartza_ | Says directory not empty | 14:11 |
SidStudios | bazhang: :p | 14:11 |
sipior | unr3a1: i see it. can't remember which driver the Rhino-II uses...I assume via-rhine. try "sudo modprobe via-rhine", and see what happens | 14:11 |
lartza_ | Oops, not files, i meant directories on first message | 14:11 |
unr3a1 | kk | 14:11 |
sidux | in fact the real good sentence would be "J'aime beaucoup habiter en milieu urbain" | 14:11 |
SidStudios | sidux: Ah, and the adjective will get me one more tick on the IGCSE, cheers | 14:12 |
maikel | hoi | 14:12 |
unr3a1 | AaronH: I need to reboot to try all these commands and get their outputs. My laptop is dual-booted between Slackware and Ubuntu... | 14:13 |
ramukmar | does the new ipod nano work with rhythmbox in hardy? | 14:13 |
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bazhang | ramukmar, you tried it yet | 14:13 |
SidStudios | sidux: So what would be the "milieu urban" alternative to "campagne" | 14:14 |
ramukmar | bazhang: i have the older generation and it's fine, i might get one for a friend...want to check if it works | 14:14 |
bazhang | yes! | 14:14 |
AaronH | unr3a1, ah... well you should be able to get get the logical name for your network device then do "sudo ifconfig eth0 up" replace eth0 with the correct logical device name | 14:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | SidStudios Can we stay on topic please | 14:14 |
Pici | SidStudios: You probably want to ask in ##linguistics, #ubuntu is only for Ubuntu Linux support. | 14:15 |
ramukmar | bazhang: and she's on ubuntu now :) | 14:15 |
SidStudios | Pici: I'm terribly sorry, I didn't mean to disrupt your channel... | 14:15 |
dmacnutt | oops | 14:15 |
bazhang | sidux and SidStudios you could open a channel such as #french and chat there | 14:15 |
sidux | SidStudios: "milieu rural" | 14:15 |
AaronH | unr3a1, after you get your device up and you want to connect to the internet you just have to do "sudo dhclient eth0" again replace eth0 with the correct name | 14:16 |
SidStudios | bazhang: Thanks for the suggestion! sidux: Thanks :D | 14:16 |
S4nD3r | Hi there. Everytime I start my 8.04 box, I need to run recovery mode, ask to fix xorg. Is possible to solve it?? | 14:16 |
SidStudios | S4nD3r: Which version of Ubuntu are you running? | 14:16 |
S4nD3r | gnome do not starts if do not run this fix of xorg | 14:16 |
S4nD3r | 8 | 14:16 |
microwaver | anyone here that AWN? | 14:16 |
SidStudios | The LTS? | 14:16 |
rrohde | S4nD3r: I had that when I didn't change my menu.lst to the newest kernel | 14:16 |
SidStudios | S4ND3R: Did you upgrade Dists or Fresh install? | 14:17 |
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S4nD3r | I installed 8 directly from CD | 14:17 |
S4nD3r | it was working until yesterday | 14:17 |
S4nD3r | normallu | 14:17 |
S4nD3r | normally | 14:17 |
SidStudios | S4nD3r: Hmm, try deleting Xorg so it creates a fresh one for you | 14:17 |
SidStudios | Do a backup | 14:18 |
microwaver | How do I restore my panels | 14:18 |
microwaver | !panels | 14:18 |
ubottu | Factoid panels not found | 14:18 |
bazhang | !resetpanels | 14:18 |
microwaver | !gnomepanel | 14:18 |
ubottu | To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » | 14:18 |
guysoft42 | hey all, is there a way to run do-release-upgrade, without it asking questions? | 14:18 |
ubottu | Factoid gnomepanel not found | 14:18 |
SidStudios | cp /etc/X11/Xorg.conf /etc/X11/Xorg.conf.bak | 14:18 |
BonezAU | Hi, I am having trouble getting a TP-Link USB adapter to work. It uses the RALink "rt73usb" module by default. I have been googling for a couple of hours and have tried everything. The out-of-the-box ubuntu rt73usb driver *does* work, but it connects to my wireless lan at about 2mbps and it drops out regularly. Has anyone had any success in getting this type of USB wi-fi adapter to work correctly in Ubuntu? | 14:18 |
microwaver | bazhang, thanks, :) that was the thing i was looking for | 14:18 |
microwaver | Hmmm got a more serious problem | 14:18 |
unr3a1 | Aaron | 14:18 |
SidStudios | microwaver: What can I do to serve you? | 14:19 |
microwaver | I've got my panels, but I don't have the menu bar on application (i mean maximize, minimize, ... | 14:19 |
microwaver | SidStudios, I can't, e.g. drag and drop applications | 14:19 |
narcoclepsy | has anyone gotten a geforce 8200 rev a2 working on ubuntu? Envyng does not seem to know my card | 14:19 |
SidStudios | SidStudios: Oh, you mean like in Mac OS X? | 14:19 |
unr3a1 | AaronH: alright. will do that.. is there anything else I should do if lshw -C doesn't pull anything? | 14:19 |
W8TAH | hi folks - this is a very noob question -- but i need to know so i dont screw it up -- im beginning to learn to package deb files for the carrier project -- if im packaging an app that uses X and the gui - i need a computer with X etc on it to build the packages on, right? | 14:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | microwaver compiz --replace | 14:20 |
SidStudios | W8TAH: You might | 14:20 |
S4nD3r | SidStudios: how to recreate other xorg.conf ?? | 14:20 |
microwaver | Jack_Sparrow, what does that just do? | 14:20 |
W8TAH | SidStudios, ok - thats what i was thinkin | 14:20 |
SidStudios | S4nD3r: Just reboot, it should auotmatically make a new one for oyu | 14:20 |
Assid | i think that shell script seems better way to go | 14:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | microwaver dives you back window decorations like open close and minimize | 14:20 |
SidStudios | S4nd3r: And if it doesn't create one that works, use your old backup | 14:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | gives | 14:21 |
Assid | it should have added -v in the cp .. so people know whats happening | 14:21 |
S4nD3r | ok then | 14:21 |
S4nD3r | I will reboot to try it | 14:21 |
microwaver | Jack_Sparrow, a quick gfx reboot did the job :) | 14:21 |
AaronH | unr3a1, "sudo lshw -C network" should give you the info you need to do "sudo ifconfig eth0 up" then "sudo dhclient eth0" and you should have internet with no problems. | 14:21 |
BonezAU | Hi, I am having trouble getting a TP-Link USB adapter to work. It uses the RALink "rt73usb" module by default. I have been googling for a couple of hours and have tried everything. The out-of-the-box ubuntu rt73usb driver *does* work, but it connects to my wireless lan at about 2mbps and it drops out regularly. Has anyone had any success in getting this type of USB wi-fi adapter to work correctly in Ubuntu? | 14:21 |
unr3a1 | AaronH: alright. thanks. I will be back to let you know how it went | 14:22 |
AaronH | cool :) | 14:22 |
voodoo | i have the following error http://paste.ubuntu.com/13487/ when trying to `apt-get update`. how do i solve it? | 14:22 |
microwaver | anyone that has experience using Avant- Windows - Manager? | 14:22 |
SidStudios | microwaver: AWN is buggy | 14:22 |
SidStudios | microwaver: Especially on Linux, since it does not support compiling of X11 components | 14:23 |
microwaver | SidStudios, my only question is how to enable it without doing it in terminal avant-window-navigator & | 14:24 |
SidStudios | Microwaver: It shoud be in accessories | 14:24 |
SidStudios | Or something | 14:24 |
Vlet | voodoo: I probably know your problem. Past the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list | 14:24 |
Vlet | voodoo: to paste.ubuntu.com | 14:24 |
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voodoo | Vlet, http://paste.ubuntu.com/13488/ | 14:25 |
Vlet | voodoo: I'm curious, did you use some sort of tool to generate your sources.list? | 14:25 |
voodoo | no, default source.list | 14:26 |
voodoo | never touched it | 14:26 |
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Yo` | Hello community | 14:26 |
manifest | mikä se kuutioextra oli missä sai sen kuution jota siirrellä | 14:27 |
=== merealem_ is now known as SidStudios | ||
Vlet | voodoo: yep, see the "web" at the end of line 5, and 50. remove that. it's garbage, and I've seen people with the same problem before too. | 14:27 |
Yo` | i need help guys | 14:27 |
bazhang | !fi | manifest | 14:27 |
ubottu | manifest: Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi | 14:27 |
Yo` | i am on breezy badger machine | 14:27 |
Vlet | voodoo: how did you install? upgrade, or clean install? | 14:27 |
S4nD3r | SidStudios: Didnt works | 14:27 |
Vlet | !ask | Yo` | 14:27 |
ubottu | Yo`: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 14:27 |
Pici | Yo`: Breezy has not been supported for some time now. | 14:27 |
Yo` | thanks v let for support | 14:27 |
Assid | btw jthanks | 14:28 |
voodoo | vlet works 10x | 14:28 |
Yo` | i am not able to install applications | 14:28 |
voodoo | vlet, clean install | 14:28 |
voodoo | however i have xubuntu nut ubuntu | 14:28 |
Yo` | everytime i get the error message | 14:28 |
marshcast | will it work ok if I install 32bit ubuntu to 64bit machine? | 14:28 |
Yo` | FYI i am new with linux | 14:28 |
bazhang | Yo`, that is not supported | 14:28 |
Vlet | voodoo: ahh, good to know. | 14:28 |
Pici | Yo`: Thats probably because the package repositories are no longer online. Breezy's End of Life was April of 2007. | 14:28 |
SidStudios | marshcast: Yeah | 14:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | !eol | Yo` | 14:28 |
ubottu | Yo`: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/LifeCycle | 14:28 |
Pici | !breezy | Yo` | 14:29 |
ubottu | Yo`: Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger) was the third release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 13, 2007. See !eol for more details. | 14:29 |
Dr_willis | marshcast, 64bit hardware has always been able to run 32bit os;s "_ | 14:29 |
SidStudios | marshcast: If you have 4GB ram, it wont recognizse it in 32bit | 14:29 |
Yo` | yes Pici | 14:29 |
S4nD3r | without xorg.conf it keeps starting in dark screen. Then, I restart in recoverymode, runned sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg , to work and I be here again. | 14:29 |
marshcast | cheers SidStudios | 14:29 |
SidStudios | marshcast: No problem | 14:29 |
Assid | err | 14:29 |
S4nD3r | is there any other reconfigure to do ? | 14:29 |
Assid | the shell script is messed | 14:29 |
Yo` | i am only having this version on this machine | 14:29 |
marshcast | SidStudios, not much chance (or need) of that!# | 14:29 |
marshcast | ;) | 14:29 |
SidStudios | marshcast: :p | 14:29 |
Assid | Jack_Sparrow: the shell script didnt make the drive bootable | 14:29 |
Yo` | Pici any help :) | 14:29 |
Pici | Yo`: We can no longer support that version, sorry. | 14:29 |
db92 | how do i disable a module thats in use? | 14:29 |
bazhang | for support Yo` get a more recent version | 14:29 |
Vlet | Yo`: you're probably best off just backing up all your personal documents or whatever to a cd or thumb drive or somewhere else, and just install Hardy | 14:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | Yo` You need to get a newer/supported version.. you will continue to have problems if you do not | 14:29 |
SidStudios | Yo`: Why don't you just get 8.04? | 14:30 |
SidStudios | It's like using windows 3.1 | 14:30 |
marshcast | 'ere! SidStudios you know anything about usb support? | 14:30 |
Yo` | i have no problems sid | 14:30 |
SidStudios | marshcast: It works great | 14:30 |
SidStudios | marshcast: I use x64 right now | 14:30 |
marshcast | not here... | 14:30 |
Assid | bbiab | 14:30 |
Yo` | i am doing this breezy on very old hardrive | 14:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | Assid Odd, that is the one I used. | 14:30 |
SidStudios | marshcast: why, what happens? | 14:30 |
Yo` | i dont know it can take a pain of any more formatting | 14:30 |
erUSUL | db92: sudo modprobe -r module_name | 14:30 |
Assid | Jack_Sparrow: it just sits there | 14:30 |
Assid | doing nothing | 14:30 |
Vlet | Yo`: just because it's an old computer doesn't mean you have to use old software. | 14:30 |
Assid | i dont see it ready to boot | 14:31 |
marshcast | i want to know if theres a way to reset all usb drivers/support to default... am having massive issues with printing usb. | 14:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | Assid Cant help other than sending you to pendrivelinux.com | 14:31 |
Yo` | ok vlet | 14:31 |
wers | how do I open a .rar which requires a password if i dont know the password? hehe | 14:31 |
Yo` | i have some edgy version lying around | 14:31 |
marshcast | have tried everything I can find online | 14:31 |
Assid | weill check in a bit | 14:31 |
db92 | erUSUL, FATAL: Module saa7134_alsa is in use. | 14:31 |
marshcast | dmesg is a mess - and I cant make sense of it | 14:31 |
db92 | which is the one im trying to shut down | 14:31 |
unr3a1 | AaronH: I got something weird: http://rafb.net/p/NXa1tq97.html | 14:31 |
marshcast | and I think it's usb related :( | 14:31 |
Vlet | Yo`: use hardy. It's not like it's slower; just more refined. | 14:31 |
S4nD3r | looks that gnome ignores xorg.conf | 14:31 |
unr3a1 | looks like it has the drivers to my wireless card as well... | 14:32 |
Yo` | i have glib-2.14.0 with me | 14:32 |
Yo` | but i am not able to do make or make install | 14:32 |
marshcast | what you reckon SidStudios -- can i revert to original settings - it used to work...! | 14:32 |
erUSUL | db92: something is using the soundcard maybe you have to «sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio stop» and also make sure any other program that may be using it is closed | 14:32 |
SidStudios | marshcast: What happened that caused it to fial | 14:32 |
bazhang | Yo`, get a more recent version gutsy or up and then come back for support | 14:32 |
marshcast | don't know - it just stopped working. | 14:33 |
Yo` | i have edited source file | 14:33 |
db92 | erUSUL, just did it, still says the same thing | 14:33 |
marshcast | SidStudios, -- i've now bought a new one, and same prob :( | 14:33 |
SidStudios | Damn | 14:33 |
Yo` | and now trying contrib | 14:33 |
db92 | erUSUL, not to mention, when i also tried to stop alsa-utils it said it found no sound card | 14:33 |
unr3a1 | AaronH? | 14:33 |
SidStudios | marshcast: Try putting X64 on it as a live CD | 14:33 |
marshcast | i've used loads of them, so I know it's installed ok. | 14:33 |
AaronH | unr3a1, looking at it | 14:33 |
SidStudios | And see if it gets detected during your live CD sesion | 14:33 |
unr3a1 | oh ok | 14:33 |
unr3a1 | sorry | 14:33 |
unr3a1 | lol | 14:33 |
erUSUL | db92: lsmod | grep saa7134_alsa | 14:33 |
marshcast | x64 live wouldn't boot | 14:33 |
db92 | erUSUL, while it did just few mins before i tried to stop it | 14:33 |
Dybber | Hi, I have a seperate /home partition, but it doesn't report the correct amount of available diskspace (i.e. if you compare the reported with "partition size minus used space"). This looks related: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=633261 but I doesn't look like he had any luck solving it either :( | 14:34 |
SidStudios | marshcast: :| | 14:34 |
marshcast | this has been a nightmare for weeks SidStudios :( | 14:34 |
AaronH | unr3a1, you want to get your ethernet controller working right? | 14:34 |
marshcast | SidStudios, my setiments exactly | 14:34 |
SidStudios | marshcast: What does DMESG say? | 14:34 |
unr3a1 | AaronH: I am also having some issues with my laptop and its power, so I may get disconnected suddenly... | 14:34 |
Vlet | Yo`: nothing you do will fix the problem. The repositories for your version are gone, and the packages for the newer versions won't work with your system. You have ONLY two choices: use the system as it is now without any updates ever, or install hardy | 14:34 |
unr3a1 | AaronH: yes, I would | 14:34 |
Yo` | ok can i print the screen here | 14:34 |
db92 | erUSUL, http://pastebin.ca/1023787 | 14:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | no | 14:34 |
unr3a1 | AaronH cause I need to download the drivers for my wireless card, and I cannot do that unless I can get my ethernet connection to work. | 14:35 |
bazhang | Yo`, that is not supported; please get a more recent version and come back thanks | 14:35 |
Yo` | Vlet can i listen to mp3 files on this system? | 14:35 |
Pici | Yo`: We cannot support you until you are running a more current version of Ubuntu, Feisty or later. Please stop asking. | 14:35 |
richard_ | does xchat use different text rendering than the rest of gnome, the fonts look more edgy to me than the rest of the desktop | 14:35 |
Yo` | ok | 14:35 |
Yo` | take care | 14:35 |
Yo` | see ya around | 14:36 |
Yo` | excite | 14:36 |
Yo` | excite | 14:36 |
ikonia | ......ok | 14:36 |
Yo` | exit | 14:36 |
FloodBot3 | Yo`: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 14:36 |
ramukmar | ok, apparently the new ipod nanos work...after i tried mounting it once in gtkpod | 14:36 |
needbeer | http://www.dasdeutschlandspiel.de/index.php?page=beg.php&id=4410 | 14:36 |
ranit | I have done everything possible to get the restrictive driver up for my wifi Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 01) but couldn,t please http://pastebin.com/m5e4ea461 | 14:36 |
frojnd | what's the package name for java ? | 14:36 |
marshcast | SidStudios, looks like permissions in dmesg... Hang on - i'll try to install printer again & pastebin it... | 14:36 |
ikonia | frojnd: open synaptic and search for java - you'll see multiple options | 14:37 |
frojnd | ikonia: I need only one | 14:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | ranit This is for 7.10 but it may help http://invaleed.wordpress.com/2007/11/20/install-bcm94311mcg-wlan-mini-pci-ubuntu-710/ | 14:37 |
ikonia | frojnd: ok - so look at the otions and chose which one meets your needs | 14:37 |
ikonia | frojnd: look at the descriptions to get a better idea | 14:37 |
erUSUL | db92: sudo modprobe -r snd && sudo modprobe -r snd_pcm && sudo modprobe -r saa7134_alsa | 14:37 |
frojnd | ikonia: what if I don't have synaptic... only ubuntu server what's connected with ubuntu... | 14:38 |
ikonia | frojnd: apt-cache search is the command line version | 14:38 |
ranit | ok i ll check out | 14:38 |
ikonia | frojnd: you may want to consider running the desktop version if your not confident with the command line | 14:38 |
frojnd | ikonia: I get like 100 options.. | 14:38 |
ikonia | frojnd: pipe it through more | 14:38 |
db92 | erUSUL, FATAL: Module snd is in use. | 14:38 |
AaronH | unr3a1, im doing a google search for "VT6102 ubuntu" to see if there is a way to fix your network | 14:38 |
unr3a1 | kk | 14:39 |
frojnd | ikonia: I am ok with command line... let me ask other way, for playing games with java.. | 14:39 |
frojnd | ikonia: so I can | grep... | 14:39 |
AaronH | unr3a1, you should be searching too | 14:39 |
AaronH | :) | 14:39 |
ikonia | frojnd: how do you expect to play games with java without a gui ? | 14:39 |
unr3a1 | do you know what those mean? *-network:1 UNCLAIMED? | 14:39 |
unr3a1 | I am doing a google search for that | 14:39 |
frojnd | ikonia: I have gui - fluxbox.. | 14:39 |
michele | ubuntu-it | 14:39 |
marshcast | SidStudios, this is the tail end of dmesg http://pastebin.com/m56dcade1 | 14:39 |
ikonia | frojnd: ok - so you should have synaptic | 14:39 |
cappicrd | hi | 14:39 |
frojnd | ikonia: did I mentioned that I've installed fluxbox after server... | 14:40 |
ikonia | frojnd: but you can install synapcit | 14:40 |
ikonia | synaptic | 14:40 |
frojnd | ikonia: no I don't have synaptic and I don't need it.. | 14:40 |
AaronH | unr3a1, sorry I dont know exactly what "*-network:1 UNCLAIMED" means. | 14:40 |
ikonia | frojnd: you seem to need it as your struggling | 14:40 |
frojnd | ikonia: all I'm askinh here what should e a word after | grep if Iwanna java for playing games | 14:40 |
ikonia | frojnd: use the package manager to get descripitions | 14:41 |
ikonia | frojnd: it may seem harsh but I'm trying to teach you how to fish rather than give you fish | 14:41 |
frojnd | ikonia: I'll tell u when I find it since it's too hard for u :) | 14:41 |
Vlet | frojnd: apparantly you DO need it | 14:41 |
ikonia | frojnd: I know the answer thanks | 14:41 |
bazhang | frojnd, best to listen to advice :) | 14:41 |
marshcast | and this is the whole thing...: http://pastebin.com/m1cddcbd1, SidStudios can you see anything in there? | 14:42 |
richard_ | which font renderer does ubuntu use for it's menues? | 14:42 |
frojnd | Vlet: ikonia bazhang it's sun-java6-plugin thanx... | 14:42 |
mohamed_ | :) | 14:43 |
ikonia | frojnd: thats a browser plugin..... | 14:43 |
garrett__ | Is the guy who was talking about how slow ff3 in 8.04 is still around? | 14:43 |
frojnd | ikonia: exactly | 14:43 |
Yo` | a question | 14:43 |
garrett__ | because i got mine back up to windows speeds | 14:43 |
Yo` | can i run a upgrade install | 14:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | garrett__ Did you find a howto? | 14:43 |
S4nD3r | the guys from ubuntu | 14:43 |
Yo` | i have two recent version install cd with me | 14:43 |
frojnd | ikonia: how did u mean I would play games if not with firefox.. | 14:43 |
garrett__ | Jack_Sparrow: just readded DRI to my xorg conf | 14:43 |
ikonia | Yo`: from 5.10 it's going to be tough | 14:43 |
cappicrd | interest | 14:44 |
frojnd | :P | 14:44 |
ikonia | frojnd: java games | 14:44 |
daskReech | hello | 14:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | Yo` you could go through all of the upgrades, but that would take a long time. Much better to save /home and install a newer version | 14:44 |
S4nD3r | I dont believe that I will need to run my hardy in recovery mode only... | 14:44 |
sportman1280 | Hello, is there a way to add a menu entry to above the "about gnome" button in System? | 14:44 |
daskReech | is sound initalized by the x server? | 14:44 |
ikonia | Yo`: from your version it may be easier to just do a clean update | 14:44 |
frojnd | ikonia: I don't have taht much resources. | 14:44 |
frojnd | .taht ==that | 14:44 |
daskReech | Shouldn't I be able to get sound without having to log into a X session? | 14:44 |
Yo` | you mean to say to do a clean install? | 14:44 |
flush | yo | 14:44 |
flush | mayday | 14:44 |
Pici | Yo`: Backup your /home and format and install new version of Ubuntu | 14:45 |
Yo` | huh | 14:45 |
daskReech | when does Sound initialize? | 14:45 |
Yo` | ok | 14:45 |
Vlet | !ask | flush | 14:45 |
ubottu | flush: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 14:45 |
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Yo` | riight | 14:45 |
daskReech | or what should I run to initalize the sound? | 14:45 |
daskReech | :-) | 14:45 |
flush | i was just given a toshiba satellite laptop ok, but the little tits on the keyboard you use as mouse doesnt work.. i booted ubuntu 7.10 live cd and it keeps not working (wasnt working with winxp installed on it).. how cna i know if its software or if its broken | 14:45 |
daskReech | is another way to put it | 14:45 |
bagualas_ | why hardy heron 64 bits, is half portuguese, and half english when using portuguese language? bad translation? bug? | 14:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | garrett__ what does that mean.. sorry for the lag | 14:45 |
flush | should it work right out of the box when you boot the live cd ? | 14:46 |
sidewalk | when will ubuntu package of firefox be available? | 14:46 |
garrett__ | Jack_Sparrow: in xorg.conf, in your "Module" section, adding glx/v4l/dbe/extmod/fbdevhw/record/freetype/type1/dri took care of it. plenty speedy now. | 14:46 |
sidewalk | rc1 | 14:46 |
Vlet | flush: if the trackpad works, and the nipple doesn't, it's probably hadware, especially if two different OS's could use it | 14:46 |
garrett__ | Jack_Sparrow: i.e: section "Module" Load "glx" Load "v4l" ..... EndSection | 14:46 |
ikonia | sidewalk: ubuntu has firefox in the repo | 14:46 |
bazhang | !ff3rc | sidewalk | 14:46 |
ubottu | sidewalk: The Firefox 3 RC package is not currently available as most of the Ubuntu-mozilla team are at the Ubuntu Developer Summit. Thanks for your patience. | 14:46 |
ikonia | sidewalk: there is no point updating to RC1 - just wait for final | 14:47 |
flush | Vlet theres no trackpad only a nipple.. its old laptop | 14:47 |
sportman1280 | ikonia: there always a point | 14:47 |
garrett__ | ikonia: i'm running RC1 right now, and i'm not noticing a huge difference performance wise. | 14:47 |
flush | you say it would be hardware ? | 14:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | garrett__ thanks. saved that in my notes | 14:47 |
daskReech | flush: could | 14:47 |
garrett__ | Jack_Sparrow: no problem | 14:47 |
flush | so gay.. thx | 14:47 |
grimsqueaker13 | can anyone help me with accessing a windows share from ubuntu? the windows guest is enabled and the group everyone has full share and security access | 14:47 |
ikonia | garrett__: I mean in terms of development effort to intergrate RC1 - then intergrat potentially RC2 - then stable | 14:48 |
ikonia | garrett__: from ubunti's point of view it makes more sense to just update to final | 14:48 |
garrett__ | ikonia: ah, yeah | 14:48 |
Vlet | flush: ahh. Well, I would say that there's still a really good chance that it's hardware. generally, whatever OS is on the laptop, doesn't know what type of mouse it is; the computer just tells the OS, "I have a mouse at address xxxxx, go ahead and use it" | 14:48 |
flush | k Vlet so the nipple should always work thats the lesson right ? | 14:48 |
Beatbreaker | an upgrade has broken my Nvidia drivers | 14:49 |
sportman1280 | ikonia: i dont agree. security fixes could have been made | 14:49 |
ikonia | sportman1280: well, thats your parogative | 14:49 |
erUSUL | Beatbreaker: how did you instaled the drivers? | 14:49 |
Beatbreaker | i need help with my Nvidia driver | 14:49 |
Vlet | flush: yeah, no special drivers should be needed; I'd say it's broke. | 14:49 |
flush | kk | 14:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | flush can we assume you double checked the bios settings | 14:49 |
flush | thx ill chekc connections | 14:49 |
flush | Jack_Sparrow negative | 14:49 |
grimsqueaker13 | network shares anyone? | 14:49 |
daskReech | !SAMBA | 14:49 |
ubottu | Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 14:49 |
flush | Jack_Sparrow in bios theres options for the nipple? cool ill check it out | 14:49 |
Beatbreaker | erUSUL - i don't remember, i might have had to use a command prompt to install the Nvida driver | 14:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | flush Just a thought | 14:50 |
sportman1280 | Hello, is there a way to add a menu entry to above the "about gnome" button in System? | 14:50 |
flush | aight ill have a look | 14:50 |
grimsqueaker13 | i have looked at documents telling me how to do it, it doesnt work, thats why im here | 14:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | sportman1280 there may be a way in gconf-editor | 14:50 |
erUSUL | Beatbreaker: did you used envy or the drivers from nvidia.com site? | 14:50 |
bazhang | what about alacarte | 14:50 |
sportman1280 | Jack_Sparrow: good point didnt think about that. Any idea where i should start looking in there? | 14:50 |
Beatbreaker | hello | 14:51 |
rutger | hello, i installed mythbuntu-control-centre but it says that mythbuntu_common.vnc doesnt exist (when I start mythbuntu-controle-centre) | 14:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | sportman1280 YOu are going to the well one time too often.. :) | 14:51 |
__phil | ok, I closed the lid on my ubuntu laptop, and when I opened it, X was gone and a bunch of funky mess was there, what am I missing? | 14:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | !mythtv | 14:51 |
ubottu | MythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV | 14:51 |
Morph3us | hi.. someone knows about troubleshooting with the new linux kernel? (Hardy's kernel) | 14:51 |
sportman1280 | Jack_Sparrow: :) was worth the question. | 14:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | agreed | 14:51 |
Juan | Hello, I am trying to add a terminal shortcut to my Xubuntu's QuickLaunch ... does anyone know the command to open a new terminal window? | 14:51 |
erUSUL | !anyone | Morph3us | 14:52 |
ubottu | Morph3us: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 14:52 |
=== Pici changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Important, please type /msg ubottu etiquette | Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Install Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download | May 13: OpenSSL/SSH Vulnerability see: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-2 | ||
Morph3us | erUSUL, sorry for my bad english | 14:52 |
erUSUL | Morph3us: no problem mine is bad too i was just pointing out that you will have to be more concise if you want an answer. "troubleshooting with the new linux kernel" is to vague | 14:53 |
erUSUL | too* | 14:53 |
perillux | my friend can't access the internet with Ubuntu, but needs to install a package. How can he make sure it looks for the package on the CD and not online? | 14:54 |
ikonia | perillux: open system -> administration -> software sources | 14:54 |
Morph3us | erUSUL, my graphical interface get restarted randomly | 14:54 |
ikonia | perillux: then remove the repo's and tick the "cd" check box | 14:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | perillux software sources should have the cd listed and it should check there firast. | 14:54 |
Morph3us | erUSUL, automatically closes my session, i lost all i was done.. this after a clean installation of Hardy.. with Gutsy all was ok | 14:55 |
AaronH | unr3a1, | 14:55 |
AaronH | unr3a1, try this how to http://www.lockergnome.com/linux/2007/11/27/ubuntu-wired-networking-woes-read-this-closely/ | 14:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | !aptoncd | perillux | 14:56 |
ubottu | perillux: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers | 14:56 |
erUSUL | Morph3us: ouch! :| anything in the logs? /var/log/messages /var/log/syslog ?? | 14:56 |
Cubitus | hi @ all: i have some problems with my intel gm965 graphic card and compiz. If I start Google Earth or 3D-Applications, the screen is jittering. what can I do? | 14:56 |
dissent | hello, what are basic programs i just must have in ubuntu ?:D | 14:56 |
Cubitus | dissent: I think all basic programs you "must have" are already installed ;) | 14:57 |
daskReech | dissent: the ones you need | 14:57 |
Atomic_Bedroom | hey guys, erm, just installing ubuntu for pretty much the first time | 14:57 |
Atomic_Bedroom | and | 14:57 |
Atomic_Bedroom | i'm going to dual boot it with Vista | 14:57 |
jbroome | it's awesome? | 14:57 |
jbroome | !enter | Atomic_Bedroom | 14:57 |
ubottu | Atomic_Bedroom: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 14:57 |
Atomic_Bedroom | ubuntu 8 this is | 14:57 |
Cubitus | does anybody have problems with compiz & google earth? (jittering screen) | 14:58 |
dissent | Cubitus: I know :) but what have u already installed ? .... some players etc .. | 14:58 |
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daskReech | dissent: Frozen Bubble | 14:58 |
ecanto | hi all... | 14:58 |
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Cubitus | dissent: okay, I can list you all of my installed programs. but I think that's not what you need ;) | 14:58 |
Morph3us | erUSUL, i reviewed the logs, but i can't any error message.. | 14:58 |
Atomic_Bedroom | ok, well anyway, the option of "Guided - resize the partition and use the freed space." when it comes to splitting my partition (Vista is already installed) is not there | 14:58 |
timsom | hello ,is there anyone know the where to download the course of study of bluefish | 14:58 |
Beatbreaker | Hi, sorry i got kicked off the server | 14:58 |
timsom | bluefish | 14:58 |
ikonia | timsom: course of study ? | 14:58 |
Cubitus | dissent: Try SuperTux, SuperTuxCard, Exaile (Media Player), Elisa (media Center)... | 14:58 |
ryantmer | Atomic_Bedroom, use the manual option | 14:58 |
dissent | cubitus: ok, i'll check it out :) | 14:59 |
timsom | lectures | 14:59 |
jansen | hello everyone.. good afternoon!! ;D | 14:59 |
ikonia | timsom: I'm not sure what you mean | 14:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | dissent We have a discussion room for those questions, if something does not work, then people come here. Please see /join #Ubuntu-offtopic | 14:59 |
ryantmer | dissent amaroK is an amazing media player | 14:59 |
Atomic_Bedroom | ok, though I can't seem to be able to split the partition in that either | 14:59 |
Beatbreaker | My Nvidia driver broke after an Ubuntu OS upgrade | 14:59 |
timsom | i want to learn bluefish | 14:59 |
zamanfou | Hello | 14:59 |
daskReech | jansen: Hi good $TIMEOFDAY | 14:59 |
Vlet | Atomic_Bedroom: If it's asking your to resize the partition, it's asking you if you want to resize vista's partition. | 14:59 |
erUSUL | Morph3us: if it is random and there is no error msg there is little i can do .... | 14:59 |
Beatbreaker | from Fiesty to Gutsy | 14:59 |
timsom | is there anyone can help me | 14:59 |
daskReech | dissent: akregator :-) | 15:00 |
Beatbreaker | how do i fixt that | 15:00 |
dissent | rayntmer: I have audacious ... is it worse ? | 15:00 |
Phantal- | is there a relatively straightforward way to get a screen capture of a window in ubuntu and save it as a jpeg | 15:00 |
Morph3us | erUSUL, can u review my logs? | 15:00 |
daskReech | timsom: read the help file ? | 15:00 |
Atomic_Bedroom | i mean after going to manual, I can either start a new paritition table or edit one of the existing ones | 15:00 |
zamanfou | I bought a new keyboard which has some extra keys. The model is Lycosa from razer. How can I enable those keys (in touchpad) ? | 15:00 |
ikonia | timsom: google for a guide, its not really an ubuntu product | 15:00 |
Vlet | Phantal-: hit the print-screen button | 15:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | Phantal- you have a menu option for that | 15:00 |
daskReech | dissent: audacious is light. If thats' what's important then no | 15:00 |
Morph3us | erUSUL, i will post my logs to pastebin | 15:00 |
rrohde | Phantal > Applications > Accessories > "Take Screenshot" | 15:01 |
erUSUL | Morph3us: if you post them to pastebin i can take a look (post only the last 100 or so messages not everything) | 15:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | Phantal- YOu may need to convert the png to jpg with gimp or another tool. | 15:01 |
dissent | daskReech: I need sth what has nice look :) | 15:01 |
daskReech | amarok | 15:01 |
Beatbreaker | Nvidia drivers broke after an upgrade from FF to GG | 15:01 |
timsom | thank you | 15:01 |
Beatbreaker | how do i fix that? | 15:01 |
CapeTown-HardyHe | I have logged into my new install of Hardy about 10 times now and the resolution is 800x600. However once (the 3rd time) it set the screen res to 1600x1200 (correct for my screen and I quite liked that although it was just automatic and out of the blue). It has been 800x600 since then and this is driving me crazy. Some setting menus in ZoneMinder are off the screen and I can't click save button at the bottom. How do I set the res | 15:01 |
daskReech | possibly songbird but songbird is heeaavvy | 15:01 |
amorphous_ | can anyone tell me why a fresh ubuntu image wont boot? | 15:02 |
Beatbreaker | hello | 15:02 |
Atomic_Bedroom | ok can anyone help me manually edit/prepare partitions to dualboot? | 15:02 |
daskReech | timsom: if you have more specific questions about bluefish you can ask again in here But the help file is the way to go | 15:02 |
garrett__ | CapeTown-HardyHe: try ctrl+alt+(plus button on the numpad) | 15:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | amorphous_ bad dl bad burn, burned too fast, command line option may be required. etc | 15:02 |
amorphous_ | burnt on 2 different machines... tried to boot from 2 machines, md5sum on d/lded file is ok - but won't boot... :( | 15:02 |
daskReech | !hi | 15:02 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 15:02 |
garrett__ | CapeTown-HardyHe: or ctrl+alt+(minus button on the numpad) | 15:02 |
Vlet | amorphous_: You mean your computer won't boot off the CD? | 15:02 |
erUSUL | CapeTown-HardyHe: «gksudo displayconfig-gtk» or try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' | 15:02 |
garrett__ | CapeTown-HardyHe: that'll cycle through resolutions available to x, so you can at least save your work or whatever. | 15:03 |
Vlet | amorphous_: make sure your computer is set to try to boot off the CD before the primary drive | 15:03 |
dissent | daskReech: yop i see, I need sth more compact :) so u think that amarok would be better ? | 15:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | amorphous_ At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--" | 15:03 |
penetrarthur | hello, is it okey that with 4.08 ubuntu applications, and my laptop overall works much slower than with xp ? | 15:03 |
Atomic_Bedroom | :( | 15:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | amorphous_ burn at slowest possible speed.. | 15:03 |
CapeTown-HardyHe | Garrett__ : it goes to 640x480 and back to 800x600, which incidently are the only options in System - Preferences - Screen Resolution.... | 15:03 |
amorphous_ | Vlet, yeah... burnt on laptop and desktop... both same result | 15:03 |
garrett__ | amorphe: are you getting an I/O error for /dev/fd0? | 15:03 |
amorphous_ | Jack_Sparrow, not getting that far!! | 15:04 |
Morph3us | erUSUL, this is my Xorg.0.log http://www.pastebin.ca/1023804 | 15:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | amorphous_ Are you burning as image or as file | 15:04 |
Vlet | amorphous_: no, you gotta make sure in your bios settings that your computer is trying to boot off the CD before anything else. | 15:04 |
Beatbreaker | my Nvidia drivers broke after an upgrade from FF to GG | 15:04 |
Beatbreaker | HELP | 15:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | !nvidia | 15:04 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 15:04 |
Beatbreaker | what is the commands i can use to make this work | 15:04 |
garrett__ | amorphous__: I have a dell combo dvd/cdr drive and while I could get it to boot off the normal cd, I had to boot with <normal stuff> nofloppy all_generic_ide vga=791 --<nowhitespace or for some reason it'd still try to read from /dev/fd0> | 15:05 |
Sun01Tech | penetraarthur : i running xubuntu on my laptop now...ubuntu is too much for it | 15:05 |
bazhang | Beatbreaker, how were drivers installed | 15:05 |
dissent | daskReech: or i would need some burning app ... sth. like nero :) | 15:05 |
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daskReech | gnomebaker or K3b | 15:05 |
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daskReech | dissent: If you want to burn ISOs just right click them and select Burn | 15:05 |
AaronH | gnomebaker=<3 | 15:05 |
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amorphous_ | bloody hell garrett__ --- that's harsh! | 15:06 |
anon111 | Hi. I'm having a problem upgrading. I've run "sudo apt-get update", "sudo apt-get upgrade", and I get a 404 error for some packages, saying that they cannot be found. The packages that can't be found are on the UK Canonical server. I've also tried "sudo apt-get -f install", and this does nothing either. Is there anything you can recommend? | 15:06 |
jbroome | anon111: try a different mirror | 15:06 |
Atomic_Bedroom | so if i've already got a partition table with the vista partition on it, and a small second partition for the vista backup (i think it is), how would I go about creating space for the ubuntu partition? | 15:07 |
garrett__ | it made me happy to get it working, haha. i was out of blanks. but i can't for the life of my rationalize why i couldn't have any whitespace at the end of the line *shrug* | 15:07 |
anon111 | ok - i'll try the main one | 15:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | garrett__ If you have patience.. it will try the fd up to three times then go through with the install | 15:07 |
dee | Hello | 15:07 |
Morph3us | erUSUL, this is my /var/log/syslog http://www.pastebin.ca/1023806 and my /var/log/messages http://www.pastebin.ca/1023809 | 15:07 |
Vlet | anon111: paste the contents of the file /etc/apt/sources.list to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and give us the link | 15:07 |
daskReech | Atomic_Bedroom: The installer will do that for you | 15:07 |
garrett__ | Jack_Sparrow: if there was whitespace, it'd read for /dev/fd0. if there wasn't, it'd never try to read. if it read from /dev/fd0, it'd drop me into whatever the installer shell is | 15:07 |
dee | Could someone tell me why Ubuntu Live is cancelled in June? Does anybody has some background information? | 15:07 |
Atomic_Bedroom | mmm that's what i thought, though it's missing the option to do that | 15:07 |
Atomic_Bedroom | it does not display the option resize the partition and use the freed space." | 15:08 |
garrett__ | Jack_Sparrow: and i couldn't mount my cdr, because it hadn't loaded squashfs yet | 15:08 |
daskReech | Atomic_Bedroom: Ah Interesting | 15:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | Vlet Have you ever tried this.. sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel) | 15:08 |
Atomic_Bedroom | yeah I have no idea why, and it's making installation hard | 15:08 |
Vlet | Jack_Sparrow: whoa, rad :) | 15:08 |
Vlet | Jack_Sparrow: when did that show up? | 15:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | garrett__ I have like 4 Dell lappys here, I understand your pain | 15:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | Vlet Feisty | 15:09 |
jbroome | dee: http://en.oreilly.com/ubuntu2008/public/content/home that one? | 15:09 |
szczym | helo all, do you know where i cane change resolution of my external monitor to have 1680x1050 - on 7.04 i could do that in xorg.conf but now it not works there ... | 15:09 |
daskReech | Atomic_Bedroom: can you run Gparted? | 15:09 |
garrett__ | Jack_Sparrow: i'm currently using my laptop half dissembled. :P the CFL or backligit went out, and i haven't rummaged up one yet | 15:09 |
alan_2008 | hi | 15:09 |
Atomic_Bedroom | haven't tried just yet | 15:09 |
anon111 | jbroome: Thanks - switching to the main mirror worked. :) Is there anywhere I should report the problem, or is it just a matter of waiting until the UK server is re-synched with the main one? | 15:09 |
Atomic_Bedroom | i guess it's my only option atm | 15:09 |
dee | jbroome: yes. that Ubuntu Live. It's cancelled but I do not find any information about it. | 15:09 |
garrett__ | Jack_Sparrow: the fact that there isn't much of the case on it helps with cooling, though | 15:09 |
jbroome | anon111: usually just waiting will do | 15:10 |
rutger | Jack_Sparrow: i had a problem with mythtv, ive solved it by completely uninstalling mythtv and mythbuntu packages and select none when lirc asks which remote I have | 15:10 |
anon111 | jbroome: Okay. Thanks again for your help. | 15:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | rutger cool | 15:10 |
matt444 | I have samba problems. I can see other workgroup computers in the Network tab in Places, but I can not see their shared folders. Why? | 15:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | Vlet Here are some that I have already made up.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/13496/ | 15:12 |
rotyyu | hola | 15:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | !hi | 15:13 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 15:13 |
Atomic_Bedroom | though i'd rather work out why a totally fresh live CD i just downloaded and burned doesnt have an option that all other installations do | 15:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | Atomic_Bedroom WHich live cd and what is the md5 on it | 15:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | !md5 | 15:14 |
Atomic_Bedroom | let me check | 15:14 |
ubottu | To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows | 15:14 |
Atomic_Bedroom | how do i find the md5 of the iso | 15:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | see above | 15:14 |
bazhang | see above Atomic_Bedroom | 15:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | :) | 15:14 |
Atomic_Bedroom | oh cool ok | 15:15 |
mudd`Hossam | join #horde | 15:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | mudd`Hossam please dont do that | 15:15 |
mudd`Hossam | that was a mistake i was typing /join and it logged me into this channel and cut what i was typing i apologize | 15:16 |
Hammer89 | hello... I'm having trouble installing the package "claws-mail-pgpcore" using apt-get... every time I attempt to install it it selects the package "claws-mail-pgpmime" instead | 15:16 |
=== bogey_ is now known as bogey- | ||
Jack_Sparrow | np | 15:16 |
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mudd`Hossam | can anyone help me figure out why i cannot authenticate user login with horde? | 15:17 |
mudd`Hossam | i installed the horde3 and imp4 packages | 15:17 |
Atomic_Bedroom | can i check the md5 if the iso is on the computer running vista? | 15:17 |
rutger | http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows | 15:18 |
Atomic_Bedroom | oh lol didn't see that one, cheers | 15:18 |
CK-TECH | how to set dual screen ? monitor and tv ? i using geforce 7300le . anyone know ? | 15:19 |
garrett__ | CK-TECH: google for a tutorial. there's tons of information | 15:20 |
bazhang | http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy#Configuring_multiple_monitors_with_a_nVidia_graphics_card CK-TECH | 15:20 |
ng0n | whobuntu !?! | 15:20 |
MRH2 | anyone tell me from experience the expected timeframe a bug fix hitting the normal update mechanisms https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/gnome-keyring/+bug/218434 | 15:20 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 218434 in gnome-keyring "gnome-keyring-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in location_manager_hal_init()" [High,Fix committed] | 15:20 |
erUSUL | !info claws-mail-pgpcore | Hammer89 | 15:20 |
ubottu | hammer89: Package claws-mail-pgpcore does not exist in hardy | 15:20 |
Hammer89 | erUSUL: heh, bummer | 15:21 |
erUSUL | Hammer89: do apt-cahe show claws-mail-pgpcore | 15:21 |
erUSUL | Hammer89: it is a virtual package | 15:21 |
CK-TECH | garrett__, all information for dual monitor not tv and monitor | 15:22 |
Hammer89 | erUSUL: apt-cache show claws-mail-pgpcore returned nothing | 15:22 |
x-X-x | can someone help me? i am having trouble running fullscreen game on my twinview set up. when i play games they span across both screens which makes it impossible to play. i have been told that it is something to do with the metamodes in my xorg.conf file but i dont want to edit anything without knowing what i am doing, anyone care to help me ?? | 15:22 |
bazhang | CK-TECH, same difference these days with tv having vga connectors | 15:22 |
erUSUL | Hammer89: well then trust me claws-mail-pgpcore is virtual that just will install claws-mail-pgpmime as replacement | 15:22 |
x-X-x | can u help me i want to be able to play fullscreen games so how do i make so that 1 screen turns of and i can use the other for fullscreen games. http://pastebin.com/d30fbd58d , what do i need to add or remove to my xorg.conf | 15:22 |
Hammer89 | erUSUL: alrighty... I wonder why I can't get claws-mail-pgpmime working then... | 15:23 |
CK-TECH | let's me try | 15:23 |
CK-TECH | i try alot time but still cant | 15:23 |
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Pelo | hi folks, I demonstrating ubuntu to a freind at a computer store, he want to try and connect to his company's server , how do we do that ? live cd | 15:24 |
erUSUL | Pelo: what type of server? | 15:25 |
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Pelo | erUSUL: hold on I'll ask | 15:25 |
daskReech | Shouldn't I be able to get sound without an Xserver? | 15:25 |
Pelo | erUSUL: win2003 ? | 15:25 |
daskReech | What initializes the sound? | 15:25 |
x-X-x | noone can help me ? ^ | 15:26 |
DIL_ | make sure you are not assisting a perp | 15:26 |
Pelo | x-X-x: what's the issue ? | 15:26 |
hwdyki | The following packages have been kept back: | 15:26 |
hwdyki | openssh-client openssh-server ssl-cert | 15:26 |
erUSUL | Pelo: i mean web server; mail; what service she/he wnats to access on the server | 15:26 |
hwdyki | why do i get that msg? | 15:26 |
Pelo | daskReech: asla ? pulse audio ? | 15:26 |
daskReech | Pelo: Is that turned on by the X Server? | 15:26 |
Atomic_Bedroom | ok that link to check md5sum in windows is confusing me | 15:26 |
Pelo | erUSUL: ok hold on I'll ask , he's got a client atm , it might take a while | 15:26 |
daskReech | If I start a sound app going I hear nothing | 15:26 |
Atomic_Bedroom | at the top of the post they say put it in system32 | 15:26 |
flush | nice this ubuntu install on this old crappy satellite laptop is gonna take approximately 10 years to complete | 15:27 |
daskReech | then I login to X and sound starts with the audio clip part way in | 15:27 |
dc2447 | I'm using openbox but all my keybindings seem to be ignored - example windows-F1 launches help in whatever appliaction I'm in rather than show desktop 1 | 15:27 |
Atomic_Bedroom | and then it says that it should be in the same directry as the iso? | 15:27 |
bazhang | Pelo, vpn? | 15:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | Atomic_Bedroom nero offers a free md5 checker | 15:27 |
daskReech | Can't I start whatever the X Session is starting to just have audio outside of logging into X? | 15:27 |
ringer | how do i play and convert .flv videos in ubuntu? | 15:28 |
Pelo | bazhang: I'm useless with server I have to wait until he comes back , I just wanted to show him the live cd and what a default install was, the first thing he did was try to remote in his companies's server and I'm useless at this stuff | 15:28 |
daskReech | Atomic_Bedroom: Also when you boot the CD it has a self check option on the menu | 15:28 |
Pelo | ringer: goto the forum and do a search for convertit | 15:28 |
daskReech | Pelo: Does he have a VPN? | 15:28 |
Atomic_Bedroom | kk | 15:28 |
bazhang | Pelo, you got web access (can read links etc)? | 15:28 |
jabu | i got this usb hard drive but it doesnt appear anywhere | 15:28 |
ringer | Pelo: thanks ill look it up | 15:29 |
daskReech | jabu: /media ? | 15:29 |
Pelo | daskReech: hold on, he' not back yet | 15:29 |
Atomic_Bedroom | i'll boot it again and check | 15:29 |
bazhang | http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-connect-to-windows-vpn-server-pptp-with-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon.html#more-381 if you got web access Pelo | 15:29 |
x-X-x | pelo i cant run games at fullscreen cos they span across two screens. i want the game to fullscreen to 1 screen. i am using twinview with compiz-fusion so it has to be twinview what do i need to add or remove to my xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/d30fbd58d | 15:29 |
=== Joeb454 is now known as Joeb454|AFK | ||
Pelo | x-X-x: try asking in #winehq | 15:30 |
ringer | Pelo: is it the same as fucoco | 15:30 |
* daskReech likes how that has to be twinview instaed of compiz's fault | 15:30 | |
x-X-x | k | 15:30 |
Atomic_Bedroom | "Check CD for defects"? | 15:30 |
erUSUL | Pelo: rdesktop ?? you will have to install it me thinks | 15:30 |
x-X-x | daskreech thnx dude u got me thinking out the box ill as in compiz-fusion | 15:30 |
x-X-x | ask* | 15:31 |
Speedlight | cc | 15:31 |
jabu | dask what do you mean by "/media" :) | 15:31 |
moi | elo paul | 15:31 |
Speedlight | c qui "moi ? | 15:31 |
daskReech | jabu: Did you look in the /media folder ? | 15:32 |
daskReech | !tab | jabu | 15:32 |
ubottu | jabu: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 15:32 |
daskReech | !fr | 15:32 |
ubottu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 15:32 |
jabu | oh not yet, ill try :) | 15:32 |
Speedlight | c quoi ce truc | 15:32 |
moi | nhbfdbbcgbbb | 15:32 |
bazhang | moi please dont | 15:33 |
daskReech | jabu: Though it should turn up in Nautilus if it's there | 15:33 |
daskReech | !gibberish | moi :-P | 15:33 |
ubottu | Factoid gibberish not found | 15:33 |
ggeecko | does cover | 15:33 |
genii | ggeecko: It covers to | 15:34 |
erUSUL | ggeecko: yep afaics | 15:34 |
moi | pol qe fé tu | 15:35 |
AaronH | moi > gibberish heheh | 15:35 |
ggeecko | k | 15:35 |
_Lugia_ | good afternoon | 15:35 |
daskReech | !fr | moi | 15:35 |
ubottu | moi: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 15:35 |
daskReech | good $TIMEOFDAY | 15:36 |
Atomic_Bedroom | oops | 15:36 |
Atomic_Bedroom | no errors on disk | 15:36 |
Atomic_Bedroom | but i must sleep | 15:36 |
_Lugia_ | after setting up separate x screens using nvidia-settings I'm unable to move windows between screens, any way to do this? | 15:36 |
daskReech | Atomic_Bedroom: I was about to say that's the fastest reboot I've ever seen | 15:36 |
zash | I cant ssh to my server, I just get "Permission denied (publickey)." I cant even ssh to localhost on the server | 15:36 |
erUSUL | !openssl | zash | 15:37 |
ubottu | Factoid openssl not found | 15:37 |
erUSUL | !ssl | zash | 15:37 |
ubottu | Factoid ssl not found | 15:37 |
moi | pol ou ou | 15:37 |
* erUSUL da** | 15:37 | |
bazhang | !libssl | 15:37 |
ubottu | Factoid libssl not found | 15:37 |
zash | thanks a lot debian :/ | 15:38 |
_Lugia_ | after setting up separate x screens using nvidia-settings I'm unable to move windows between screens, any way to do this? any gnome plugin for that? | 15:38 |
mgolisch | _Lugia_: you cant do that using seperate screens | 15:38 |
daskReech | zash: They use their freetime to do it. | 15:38 |
mgolisch | thats why its called seperate screens | 15:39 |
erUSUL | zash: well you rad about the ssl breakage; don't you? you most likely need to regenerate/copy/renew the keys | 15:39 |
Speedlight | salut! | 15:39 |
Speedlight | hi ! | 15:39 |
Beatbreaker | hi I need help with my Nvidia drivers, I updated form FF to GG recently and now my Nvidia driver is busted - i get dumped in the terminal after booting - how can i get it to work again?? | 15:39 |
zash | erUSUL: i have deleted /etc/ssh/*key* and ~/.ssh | 15:39 |
daskReech | !salut | 15:40 |
ubottu | Factoid salut not found | 15:40 |
bazhang | Beatbreaker, you use envy? | 15:40 |
daskReech | stupid bot :-) | 15:40 |
Pelo | daskReech: bazhang , to answer your question it's a vpn, installing the stuff from bazhang's webpage now , thanks | 15:40 |
_Lugia_ | mgolisch: no way to link real desktops as virtual desktops? | 15:40 |
daskReech | Pelo: cheers | 15:40 |
Beatbreaker | bazhang - nope | 15:40 |
bazhang | I'm not ubuntu-geek :) | 15:40 |
erUSUL | zash: run ssh-vulnkey on the server ? | 15:41 |
bazhang | Beatbreaker, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 15:41 |
Beatbreaker | bazhang - ok i might try that out | 15:42 |
Beatbreaker | bazhang - It's been telling me that the new OS is looking for a new version of the Nvidia driver, but the actual version i have installed is old. i don't know how to update it | 15:43 |
neil_d | Hi, I have a USB modem, but sometimes when I turn the computer on it isn't working, :( if I unplug the modem and plug it back in everything is OK again :) Is there a way to fix this ? Can I reset the USB system or something to simulate the modem being unplugged and plugged cycle ? | 15:43 |
bazhang | Beatbreaker, use the restricted drivers manager after running that command | 15:43 |
Beatbreaker | will your command to reconfigure make it work again? | 15:43 |
Beatbreaker | ok it's that simple, no problems then | 15:43 |
Beatbreaker | so long as i can get back into the GUI i'll be right | 15:44 |
juannicolas | can please someone help me? http://pastebin.com/d19a579f6 | 15:44 |
Afromonkey0 | i have a problem too, but we can't have us all going at once, is there a queue or something? | 15:44 |
Beatbreaker | haha, Linux users wouldn't have been saying that a few years ago | 15:44 |
daskReech | bazhang: Can you have a name like sexcopter? | 15:44 |
erUSUL | !ask | Afromonkey0 | 15:44 |
ubottu | Afromonkey0: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 15:44 |
bazhang | daskReech, not sure; there seems to be a limit and that passes | 15:45 |
daskReech | Afromonkey0: Nope shoot your question | 15:45 |
Afromonkey0 | thanks | 15:45 |
moi | pol q s tu fou | 15:45 |
Beatbreaker | many thanks, later b--arches | 15:45 |
bazhang | moi that's not nice | 15:45 |
flash_fash | wow 1410 users, really not bad | 15:46 |
ubuntu__ | Both kdm and gdm seem to loop back to the password screen when i input my password. sadly my system isn;t backed up so, is there a way to fix it, and if not, is there a way to transfer my files (firefox bookmarks, and akrigator stuff mainly) to a fresh install via the live CD? | 15:46 |
daskReech | !fr > moi | 15:46 |
=== ubuntu__ is now known as faileas | ||
Afromonkey0 | i installed a bunch of packages, and when i rebooted, ubuntu will not boot up. It's hardyheron installed with wubi. When i put it in recovery mode it hangs on the line "/build/buildd/linux-2.6.24/drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-core.c: v2.6:USB HID core driver" and pressing return drops me to busy box. I asked on the forum here, little help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=798999 | 15:47 |
daskReech | faileas: Check ~/.xsession-errors | 15:47 |
juannicolas | Im having problems with winbind, I dont know if Im asking in the right channle but is there some one who could help me I will apreciate it. http://pastebin.com/d19a579f6 | 15:47 |
potier-arnaud | sa va polo | 15:47 |
neil_d | faileas: have you tried login on the terminals accessable via <ctrl><alt><f1>...<f6> ? | 15:47 |
zzzzzz | hi, is there a software that can convert mpg to rmvb? | 15:48 |
bazhang | potier-arnaud, /j #ubuntu-fr thanks | 15:48 |
Afromonkey0 | I'm a linux noob btw, though i know windows quite well | 15:48 |
faileas | neil_d: those work, i just can't log into a graphical environment | 15:48 |
potier-arnaud | sa farte fr | 15:48 |
flash_fash | i wonder if there is any Downloading ACCELERATOR for linux | 15:48 |
* faileas is on a livecd so he can get on IRC | 15:48 | |
moi | arno je vois ce qe técri | 15:48 |
potier-arnaud | parler en françer | 15:48 |
DJones | !fr | potier-arnaud | 15:48 |
ubottu | potier-arnaud: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 15:48 |
faileas | daskReech: >_> where exactly is that? i'm on a livecd on the same system | 15:49 |
jbroome | we've been invaded | 15:49 |
moi | c du msn | 15:49 |
frank__ | moi potier-arnaud #ubuntu-fr pour parler francais | 15:49 |
Afromonkey0 | zut alors | 15:49 |
* erUSUL someone banforward moi and potier-arnaud | 15:49 | |
thiebaude | djones:salut | 15:49 |
neil_d | faileas: I would suggest trying to reconfigure gdm first, with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 15:49 |
eth01 | erUSUL: stay on topic | 15:50 |
bazhang | eth01, relax | 15:50 |
faileas | neil_d: i'll try that. in case i can't tho | 15:51 |
eth01 | bazhang: let us be civil in the words of our father hey? nalioth :) | 15:51 |
ringer | when using fuoco to convert video files, i cant get sound | 15:51 |
faileas | one moment, another system is getting free | 15:51 |
Afromonkey0 | The three lines before the hang read "input,hidraw2: USB HID v1.10 Device [Dell Dell USB Keyboard Hub on usb-0000:00:1d.1-2.1 | 15:51 |
Afromonkey0 | usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid | 15:51 |
Afromonkey0 | /build/buildd/linux-2.6.24/drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-core.c: v2.6:USB HID core driver" | 15:51 |
Afromonkey0 | is there a way of uninstalling packages from inramfs? | 15:51 |
FloodBot3 | Afromonkey0: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:51 |
zzzzzz | anyone knows a software that can convert mpg -> rmvb | 15:51 |
Afromonkey0 | sorry floodbot | 15:51 |
Speedlight | t'es là arnno???? | 15:51 |
bazhang | Speedlight, english here please | 15:52 |
Speedlight | arnno | 15:52 |
Speedlight | t la ???????? | 15:52 |
neil_d | faileas: I just installed hardy by resizing my partition and coping selected config files to the new system. | 15:52 |
bazhang | !fr | Speedlight | 15:52 |
ubottu | Speedlight: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 15:52 |
williot-jade__ | kikou | 15:53 |
faileas | neil_d: like i said, specifically i'd like to be able to save firefox bookmarks and akregator stuff. everything else i don't really care about | 15:53 |
Afromonkey0 | is there anyone here answering questions or is everyone asking? | 15:54 |
zzzzzz | Afronmonkey0: anything that I can help? | 15:54 |
Odd-rationale | Afromonkey0: well i can aswer your question... ;) | 15:55 |
sipiatti | anyone can answer if knows the answer and not AFK ;) | 15:55 |
zzzzzz | I ask and help :) | 15:55 |
Afromonkey0 | thanks guys | 15:55 |
jaja | kikou | 15:55 |
Afromonkey0 | i installed some packages and now ubuntu hangs on the line "/build/buildd/linux-2.6.24/drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-core.c: v2.6:USB HID core driver", can i remove packages from intramfs? | 15:55 |
neil_d | faileas: firefox can be done, as it keeps its bookmarks in a file, akregator I don't know about never used it. is there a .akregator directory in your home directory ? | 15:56 |
Speedlight | cc | 15:56 |
garrett__ | Afromonkey0: less you really need usb support | 15:56 |
faileas | neil_d: in that case where's firefox's bookmarks? | 15:56 |
bazhang | !ot | Speedlight | 15:56 |
ubottu | Speedlight: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 15:56 |
NONO | POLO | 15:56 |
Odd-rationale | faileas: for akregator, you will want to back up the ~/.kde/share/apps/akregator | 15:57 |
Afromonkey0 | garrett__ what do you mean? | 15:57 |
Speedlight | c qui nono ? | 15:57 |
garrett__ | Afromonkey0: if you get rid of hid-core, you're not going to have usb. | 15:57 |
neil_d | faileas: for firefox you can also copy the ~.mozilla/firefox directory over to the new home. | 15:57 |
erUSUL | Afromonkey0: the error msgs you post do not explain why you land on initramfs ... hid is for mouse and keyboards and landing in initramfs usually means there is probelm with your sata/ide chip driver | 15:57 |
bazhang | Speedlight, please stop | 15:57 |
garrett__ | Afromonkey0: but it'll probably get you to a point where you can figure out why hid-core's wedging your bo | 15:57 |
garrett__ | erp, box | 15:57 |
moi | ji v | 15:57 |
markl__ | i have a new hardy installation; is there a way to disable compiz? it is causing too much trouble | 15:58 |
NONO | POLO | 15:58 |
markl__ | once i put the nvidia drivers on there, it switched | 15:58 |
=== ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u | ||
Arrick | hey all, morning | 15:58 |
bazhang | NONO, please stop | 15:58 |
eth01 | what would you recommend i do with an idle ubuntu 8.04 system? | 15:58 |
lolo | my name is jade | 15:58 |
NONO | JVSS | 15:58 |
erUSUL | markl__: System>Preferences>Appearance last tab | 15:58 |
zzzzzz | eth01: plenty | 15:58 |
Yodude | hello, i'm not getting any sound in hardy heron using pulseaudio, although i can get sound using alsa, how can i fix this ? | 15:58 |
Raheem | markl . goto Preferences > Appearance | 15:58 |
garrett__ | markl__: system->prefs->apperances; set it to none (assuming you're using gnome) | 15:58 |
Seeker` | eth01: turn it off. Save electricity. | 15:58 |
jbroome | banhammer | 15:58 |
Afromonkey0 | garrett__: yeah i need USB, for mouse and keyboard. I have a bluetooth adapter plugged into a usb port on my keyboard, and one of the new packages i installd was bluetooth, i think thats the problem | 15:58 |
legend2440 | Afromonkey0: read this. might help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=589411 | 15:59 |
faileas | neil_d / Odd-rationale : would copying over my whole home work? | 15:59 |
neil_d | eth01: save CO2 | 15:59 |
timsom | is there anyone come from china | 15:59 |
zzzzzz | eth01: for example, you can participate in distributed computing eg seti@home or folding@home | 15:59 |
Afromonkey0 | legend2440: thanks i will | 15:59 |
Arrick | how do I turn of the network manager and make it where my two nic's are operational at the same time, and it uses the best of the two connections? right now it *always* wants to connect to wireless, but about 50% of the time im on a LAN | 15:59 |
markl__ | erUSUL, Raheem, garrett__: thanks. | 15:59 |
eth01 | CO2, heh. | 15:59 |
bazhang | timsom, /j #ubuntu-cn | 15:59 |
Raheem | anytime | 15:59 |
Odd-rationale | faileas: yeah, it would... | 15:59 |
garrett__ | markl__: np | 15:59 |
timsom | sorry , | 16:00 |
Yodude | why isn't PulseAudio working ?!?! | 16:00 |
perillux | my friend needs to download a package for Ubuntu, but he can't connect to the internet, and the package is not on the CD. He can however, connect to the internet in windows, is there anyway to still download the package "virtualbox-ose" and install it on his Ubuntu machine? | 16:00 |
bazhang | timsom, no problem; or #ubuntu-hk #ubuntu-tw | 16:00 |
Myrtti | perillux: sure | 16:00 |
neil_d | faileas: most likely, It might be a good idea to rename the new home directory first incase something in the old home directory is causing trouble. | 16:00 |
garrett__ | perillux: yeah, mount the partition | 16:00 |
Myrtti | perillux: download it, install with gdebi | 16:00 |
dee_afk | Could someone tell me why Ubuntu Live is cancelled in June? Does anybody has some background information? | 16:01 |
garrett__ | perillux: mount /dev/whatever /mnt/whatever -t ntfs | 16:01 |
Afromonkey0 | garrett__: last three lines of rescue mode display here http://paste.ubuntu.com/13500/ | 16:01 |
Georgij | Hello, can someone please help me to fix pcsx2 I have it installed and everything but I just need help to load my ISO file? PLease help me? | 16:01 |
neil_d | faileas: as a test you could make the home directory a sym link to the old home directory. | 16:01 |
perillux | Myrtti: so he would just download the .deb package? and then type "gdebi <packageName>" ? | 16:02 |
Myrtti | perillux: with gksudo, in Ubuntu | 16:02 |
=== napox_ is now known as napox | ||
garrett__ | Afromonkey0: that's still not a lot of info. just modprobe -r your bluetooth and give it a go | 16:02 |
garrett__ | brb | 16:02 |
perillux | Myrtti: so just to be clear, it would be "gksudo gdebi <packageName.deb>" ? | 16:02 |
Gasten | Hi! on my gdm-login screen I got a resolution that's waaay off (too big). How can I change it (it is perfectly fine when I log into the system)? thanks | 16:03 |
Myrtti | perillux: yup | 16:03 |
FinSteve | Hi, I am having an issue viewing any pages in the Ubuntu domain. I can view other sites and domains, just not Ubuntu | 16:03 |
Georgij | Hello, can someone please help me to fix pcsx2 I have it installed and everything but I just need help to load my ISO file? PLease help me? | 16:03 |
erUSUL | perillux: that will no work with a packge that needs dependencies .... | 16:03 |
Myrtti | perillux: just make sure that all the dependencies are other way met | 16:03 |
perillux | Myrtti: ok 1 more question, where can he actually download the .deb file | 16:03 |
Arrick | !disable network manager | 16:03 |
ubottu | Arrick: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 16:03 |
perillux | ok I will check the dependencies myself | 16:03 |
erUSUL | perillux: packages.ubuntu.com | 16:03 |
Georgij | PCSX2 HELP! | 16:03 |
perillux | thanx | 16:03 |
Arrick | !network manager | 16:03 |
ubottu | networkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager | 16:03 |
neil_d | Gasten: try System->Preference->Screen Resolution | 16:03 |
erUSUL | !patience | Georgij | 16:03 |
ubottu | Georgij: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 16:03 |
=== matthew_ is now known as _bash3ll_ | ||
Yodude | !pulseaudio | 16:04 |
ubottu | PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions | 16:04 |
=== dee_afk is now known as dee | ||
Georgij | PCSX2 HELP! | 16:04 |
FinSteve | I can also access the site via my Mac over the wireless connection, just not on my wired machine, very strange | 16:04 |
Myrtti | !repeat | Georgij | 16:04 |
ubottu | Georgij: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 16:04 |
Myrtti | !elaborate | Georgij | 16:04 |
ubottu | Georgij: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 16:04 |
Bodsda | Georgij, PCSX2 is an emulator??? | 16:05 |
Georgij | yes | 16:05 |
Afromonkey0 | man i need to get myself an ubottu | 16:05 |
Bodsda | for a ps2? | 16:05 |
Gasten | neil_d: well, that's for the session resolution which is fine. the problem is at the login-screen | 16:05 |
Georgij | My PCSX2 how to load a simple iso file? | 16:05 |
Bodsda | Georgij, is it an emulator for a ps2? | 16:05 |
Georgij | Yes Pcsx2 is an emulator for playstation 2 | 16:05 |
bazhang | Bodsda, it doesnt really work though | 16:05 |
andy_ | hi, is there a command to quit a gnome program and not have it restart itself, in this case the gnome panel | 16:05 |
neil_d | Gasten: I don't know how to affect that. | 16:06 |
Bodsda | Georgij, there is no working ps2 emulator (afaik) | 16:06 |
FinSteve | Any one, any one? | 16:06 |
gooody | anybody here knows how to fix volume mounting problem? | 16:06 |
Fear_Lobster | hello, does anyone here know how to get clamav to run? | 16:06 |
Georgij | Uhm there is I have seen screenshots and it is said that it is working + I have seen youtube videos | 16:06 |
Bodsda | bazhang, ps2 emulators dont exist yet | 16:06 |
bazhang | Georgij, that is still barely operational | 16:06 |
bazhang | Bodsda, there is a project though | 16:06 |
Georgij | and i have all the bios i just want to load the game there are many that are playing Final Fantasy 12 in the emulator and they say there is no buggs and so on. | 16:07 |
Bodsda | Georgij, it wouldnt take me long to fool someone into thinkin implayin ps2 on pc | 16:07 |
gooody | i recieve error when mounting my drives. it says "Cannot mount volume." any help? | 16:07 |
Afromonkey0 | since garrett is afk, does anyone else know how to deal with a hang at boot of the USB-HID core driver? | 16:07 |
bazhang | Georgij, is it in the repos? | 16:07 |
Bodsda | Georgij, you have a ps2 bios?? wow where did you get it? | 16:07 |
Georgij | I have the darn emulator and it works on windows | 16:07 |
Georgij | why doesnt anything work on linux | 16:07 |
jbroome | operator error | 16:07 |
Bodsda | !lnw | Georgij | 16:07 |
ubottu | Georgij: Want to know the differences between Windows and Linux? This guide, called "Linux is Not Windows" is a pretty good read -- http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm | 16:07 |
Afromonkey0 | geogij, proprietary standards | 16:08 |
Chapai | ubuntu does something very annoying, suddenly everything stops working, nothing open, the only solution has been to hard reboot. what causes this. | 16:08 |
Afromonkey0 | chapai: is this hardy? | 16:08 |
Chapai | yes Afromonkey0 | 16:08 |
Georgij | I aldready know the diffrence, | 16:08 |
Swish | Chapai, check your sys log! | 16:08 |
Afromonkey0 | chapai it's a known issue, never had it myself | 16:08 |
Georgij | But the emulator was made in Linux then in Windows | 16:08 |
neil_d | andy_: you can use " ps -AF | grep panel -" to find the process id then use "kill" to stop it. | 16:08 |
Arrick | hrm no help | 16:08 |
Afromonkey0 | chapai it's on the forums somewhere hang on | 16:09 |
Bodsda | Georgij, if you did you wouldnt say things like "<Georgij> why doesnt anything work on linux" | 16:09 |
Fear_Lobster | anyone here know anything about Clam ? | 16:09 |
andy_ | neil_d i did killall but it just restarts automatically | 16:09 |
Yodude | i'm not getting any sound with pulseaudio, can anyone help ? | 16:09 |
Swish | I'd be interested in the post too, Afromonkey0 | 16:09 |
jbroome | Fear_Lobster: what do you want to do with clamav? | 16:09 |
Georgij | Well nothing works | 16:09 |
Arrick | hey, my wireless finally worked on my laptop with the 8.04 release, so I am pretty happy with it. | 16:09 |
Georgij | in Linux | 16:09 |
Georgij | apperantly | 16:09 |
Bodsda | Georgij, would you care to prove that theory? | 16:09 |
Swish | I am deciding whether to install 8.04LTS on co-located servers, so I need to know if it's ready yet :) | 16:09 |
Georgij | yes | 16:09 |
Arrick | I havent gotten it working in any other linux distro other than ubuntu | 16:09 |
bogey- | Very nice | 16:09 |
* Swish guesses not for a few months | 16:09 | |
bogey- | !offtopic | 16:09 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 16:09 |
Fear_Lobster | haha, just get it to run. I'm really new to Ubuntu and it isn't showing up on my start menu | 16:09 |
Arrick | Swish works great here | 16:09 |
Georgij | Every single Ubuntu Tuturial when I want to install something | 16:09 |
Bodsda | Georgij, good join me in #proveIt | 16:09 |
Yodude | pulseaudio problems, help please | 16:10 |
Fear_Lobster | I downloaded the front end too but nothing is up | 16:10 |
bogey- | !advertising | 16:10 |
ubottu | Factoid advertising not found | 16:10 |
Swish | Arrick, good to hear :) What kind of hardware? | 16:10 |
Georgij | says one command then it says command not working blabla even though the command was given by an admin of the ubuntu forum | 16:10 |
erUSUL | !pulseaudio | Yodude | 16:10 |
ubottu | Yodude: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions | 16:10 |
gooody | Cannot mount volume problem. anybody familiar with this? | 16:10 |
mad_max02 | how can I debug firefox ??? | 16:10 |
Arrick | we have a bunch of dell poweredge's running it Swish | 16:10 |
mad_max02 | There is a shopping portal and I cant open shopping list in it | 16:10 |
thrashy | Hi, I've just installed 8.04 and I'm trying to connect my laptop to an external LCD monitor. At first the external monitor just displayed random colours and lines, I then install nvidia drivers and now it won't even detect the external monitor. Appreciate any help | 16:10 |
Afromonkey0 | guy who's hardy was freezing whos name i can't remeber, there's this | 16:10 |
Afromonkey0 | http://techxplorer.com/2008/04/23/fixing-random-freezes-in-ubuntu-804/ | 16:10 |
Swish | Arrick, hehe! That's what we would be running it on. PE 860s and 2950s. You? | 16:10 |
neil_d | andy_: I think its meant to do that, you would probably need to remove it to stop it coming back. but that is a little drastic. | 16:10 |
jbroome | Fear_Lobster: you using avscan or clamtk as a front-end? | 16:11 |
Arrick | 2950's here Swish | 16:11 |
Fear_Lobster | let me check | 16:11 |
Vlet | Swish: there's the usual issues with ubuntu desktop (wireless card, 3d card, etc) but I've found the server to be quite stable | 16:11 |
Swish | woo! With PERC 5i? | 16:11 |
Arrick | yep | 16:11 |
Swish | Vlet, cool man | 16:11 |
Vlet | Swish: in other words, no problems at all :) | 16:11 |
Yodude | erUSUL: it's not even working on the live CD at standard configuration nor in the installed system, everytime i try to open sound with pulseaudio it says it's playing but i don't hear anything | 16:11 |
Swish | Arrick, any issue getting the megaraid_sas driver working like there was in 6.06LTS? | 16:11 |
Arrick | the only thing I am having an issue with for desktop, is the network manager | 16:11 |
Arrick | not a bit SwedeMike | 16:11 |
Arrick | Swish ^ | 16:11 |
andy_ | neil_d i want to get rid of it temporarliy while i play a game | 16:11 |
Swish | sweet! | 16:11 |
Swish | that makes me happy :) | 16:11 |
Swish | Arrick, did you install Dell OMSA also? | 16:11 |
Afromonkey0 | whoever's hardyheron was freezing, is your machine an HP? | 16:12 |
erUSUL | Yodude: have you checked mute/volume in alsamixer and in pulseaudio configuration?? | 16:12 |
Arrick | i want to disable the gui deal that manages the network and set my nic's to automatically search for dhcp without having to be started by the netman | 16:12 |
Arrick | Swish yes | 16:12 |
Fear_Lobster | whoops, didn't have ether. which would you suggest? | 16:12 |
neil_d | andy_: you can use preference to make it 'auto hide' or put in 'hide buttons' | 16:12 |
Chapai | Afromonkey0, its me, its fujisemens | 16:12 |
Swish | Arrick, same 5.2 OMSA package that people made for 6.06LTS or is there some other procedure? | 16:12 |
olivier | xdcc list | 16:12 |
Yodude | erUSUL: all my alsa mixers are full, but i don't see any pulseaudio configuration box | 16:12 |
Afromonkey0 | there's this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=756906 | 16:12 |
Arrick | same one | 16:12 |
erUSUL | Arrick: System>Admin>Net disable roaming mode for the card | 16:12 |
Swish | kewl :) | 16:12 |
Afromonkey0 | i can't find the one i was looking at originally | 16:12 |
Swish | that's excellent news Arrick | 16:13 |
jbroome | Fear_Lobster: dunno, i use it from the command line. Try both, see which you like | 16:13 |
erUSUL | Yodude: have you instaled the packages pavumeter paprefs etc ??? | 16:13 |
Chapai | nevermind thanks for the time Afromonkey0 | 16:13 |
Fear_Lobster | which one is not command line? | 16:13 |
Yodude | erUSUL: no i'm no the livecd | 16:13 |
Swish | is it just me or did the 8.04LTS .isos ship with the broken openSSL weak-key-generation code? | 16:13 |
Yodude | erUSUL: do i install them ? | 16:13 |
neil_d | andy_: is that what you are looking for ? | 16:13 |
erUSUL | Yodude: try it | 16:13 |
jbroome | Swish: they shipped before the issue was known | 16:13 |
jbroome | Fear_Lobster: which ever has "front end" in the description | 16:14 |
Arrick | erUSUL its already unchecked in there. the problem is that it insists on using the wireless, and wont connect the LAN when I plug it in, i have to run ifup eth0 to get it to connect | 16:14 |
Vlet | Swish: yes they did. that didn't happen until after 8.04 was released | 16:14 |
Swish | jbroome, yeah I noticed when I apt-get upgraded them that openSSL was fixed. do you know if there's a new .ISO coming out soon? | 16:14 |
Yodude | erUSUL: but aren't they supposed to be shipped working by default ?? how come evrybody else has it working ? | 16:14 |
jbroome | Swish: probably not until 8.04.1 comes out | 16:14 |
andy_ | neil_d kind of, but i dont really like autohide, id prefer them just to go when i run my game | 16:14 |
Swish | jbroome, alright. Not a huge deal anyhow, but I know it might make the bossmen less nervous :) | 16:14 |
eth01 | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Hardy/Alternate/flat_dark_ubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=darkflatubuntu.png -- how can i get this btw? | 16:14 |
Fear_Lobster | ok, I'm going to try clamtk, it has a gui | 16:15 |
Pici | Swish: A new iso is planned to be released in June/July. | 16:15 |
erUSUL | Yodude: mine worked by default yes. i was just trying to be constructive; | 16:15 |
Arrick | oh wait, the wireless has roaming enabled erUSUL, but uhmm, it wont disable | 16:15 |
Swish | Pici, cool beans | 16:15 |
jbroome | Swish: i run and apt-get update && upgrade after a fresh install regardless | 16:15 |
neil_d | andy_: the 'hide buttons' is the only other way I know. | 16:15 |
^paradox^ | anyone here know how to uninstall wurm? the mmorpg | 16:15 |
Swish | jbroome, same here. I also ran dist-upgrade | 16:15 |
Pici | eth01: I believe thats a mockup, not a real theme. | 16:15 |
Swish | I forget what upgrade wouldn't fix, but dist-upgrade did install more things | 16:15 |
Yodude | erUSUL: btw did i say that the pipeline testing works ? | 16:15 |
Fear_Lobster | are there any good sites for learning command line? I really want to start learning. | 16:15 |
=== Yvonne is now known as Yvonne_ | ||
Yodude | erUSUL: it doesn't give sound, but it doesn't give any kind of errors neither | 16:16 |
^paradox^ | i didnt use a package manager or command line | 16:16 |
Baughn | That disk usage analyzation program that comes with ubuntu - it's in the accessories menu, I believe - what is it actually /called/? | 16:16 |
jagggy | how can i edit the background color of my menu's? | 16:16 |
Pici | Fear_Lobster: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal Check More information at the bottom. | 16:16 |
Swish | Fear_Lobster, experiment. First step is having an 8.04LTS virtual machine (or real machine) to play with. Then figure out what you want to do and google. Or start googling for "bash tutorial" | 16:16 |
Baughn | Or, rather, what's the package name? | 16:16 |
jbroome | Baughn: baobab | 16:16 |
Swish | or I guess Pici already had a link! :D | 16:16 |
Fear_Lobster | ok, thank you | 16:16 |
Baughn | jbroome: bao..bab. Okay, I found it, but.. geez. | 16:17 |
eth01 | Pici: so where could i get themes? (gnome) | 16:17 |
jbroome | Baughn: yeah, i have to tabcomplete to find it. | 16:17 |
erUSUL | Yodude: which player do you use to test sound it has pulseudio or esd enabled? | 16:17 |
^paradox^ | started by clicking a link in firefox which then asked to open a file with java webstart | 16:17 |
Pici | eth01: gnome-look.org | 16:17 |
[blackb] | /server irc.oltrelinux.com | 16:17 |
jagggy | how can i edit the background color of my menu's? | 16:17 |
^paradox^ | it was installed like that | 16:17 |
[blackb] | /server irc.oltrelinux.com | 16:17 |
eth01 | ty | 16:17 |
Yodude | erUSUL: i'm just testing it using system-preferences-sound | 16:18 |
matrix | anyone know good password generator other then apg | 16:18 |
Afromonkey0 | i miss ubuntu | 16:18 |
Swish | Arrick, in the past few days I mastered setting up LVM2 on top of md RAID arrays via the debian/ubuntu installer, too. Very slick :) | 16:18 |
Yodude | erUSUL: alsa when selected works fine but pulseaudio no luck | 16:18 |
^paradox^ | but wurm's not the game for me so id rather uninstall it. but im new to linux and im not sure how since package manager or command line wasnt used | 16:18 |
Arrick | yeah, I like it, especially with dynamic disks on demand Swish | 16:19 |
^paradox^ | can anyone help? | 16:19 |
* Swish has a 100MB /boot on just RAID1(md), then on another RAID1-md, I made an LVM split into three logical volumes: 2GB swap, 5GB /, and rest for /home | 16:19 | |
jagggy | how can i edit the background color of my main menu's? | 16:19 |
=== sparr_ is now known as sparr | ||
Swish | I even failed a disk to make sure the system would boot, and it does :) | 16:19 |
erUSUL | Yodude: all i can say that it works for me .... | 16:20 |
Swish | although it takes a few minutes just sitting there before it proceeds to the intramfs prompt | 16:20 |
erUSUL | Yodude: pulseaudio is running ? "ps ax | grep pulse " restarting it makes any difference? "sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart" | 16:20 |
Arrick | yea Swish its nice | 16:20 |
Swish | Arrick, now the only thing I wonder is... should I even bother with the PERC5i card or just do RAID6 on our 6 drives with md? ;D | 16:21 |
Yodude | erUSUL: no luck | 16:21 |
jbroome | Swish: hardware raid, ftw | 16:21 |
Swish | jbroome, sadly PERC5i isn't really hardware RAID :) | 16:21 |
Swish | it's fakeraid! | 16:22 |
joan | exit' | 16:22 |
joan | quit | 16:22 |
Swish | enterprise level fakeraid, but none-the-less.. :) | 16:22 |
erUSUL | Yodude: Aplications>Sound and video>Pulseaudio device chooser | 16:22 |
joan | exit | 16:22 |
Swish | joan, /exit | 16:22 |
joan | thanks | 16:22 |
jbroome | joan: /quit | 16:22 |
Swish | :) | 16:22 |
^paradox^ | anyone can help? | 16:22 |
Arrick | raid6 SwedeMike | 16:22 |
simmerz | is there any way to automatically disable my touchpad when i have an external mouse connected? | 16:22 |
Yodude | erUSUL:i'm installing the pulseaudio config apps sec | 16:23 |
Swish | Arrick, right now we have it setup in RAID 10, which is very fast | 16:23 |
Arrick | yeah, but doesnt that take a lot of extra space Swish ? | 16:23 |
cjohnson | !dualhead | 16:23 |
ubottu | Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama | 16:23 |
Swish | probably not a bad idea to linux raid it with md in a RAID10 then. Yeah it "wastes" half the space | 16:23 |
miromanyth | !leave | 16:23 |
ubottu | Factoid leave not found | 16:23 |
Swish | but it's the fastest most resilliant way to RAID the drives | 16:23 |
Swish | up to 3 drive failures before there's a problem | 16:23 |
Swish | and it's 3x the speed of a single drive :) | 16:24 |
Yodude | erUSUL: it's a shame pulseaudio is such a mess in hardy, everything else is so perfect | 16:24 |
Swish | (which is not bad for my purposes)... and the speed does not go down when the array is degraded, which was another plus | 16:24 |
gooody | i need help with "Cannot mount volume" problem due to unclean shutdown. | 16:24 |
Afromonkey0 | garrett__: are you there? my irc client crashed | 16:25 |
erUSUL | Yodude: worked for me :) i never had sound problems in ubuntu | 16:25 |
Swish | gooody, can you mount it read-only? | 16:25 |
paul___ | hi, i just tried to upgrade ssh per the vulnerability announcement on a 6.06 server. the computer reported that ssh client and server packages were held back. How do I get this upgrade completed? | 16:25 |
Swish | gooody or maybe run an fsck on it? | 16:25 |
gabriel | !dualhead | 16:25 |
ubottu | Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama | 16:25 |
Pici | paul___: I don't believe the ssl bug affected 6.06 | 16:25 |
Swish | paul___, check your existing openssl version anyway. you might have 0.9.8a which is not affected | 16:25 |
gooody | Swish: sorry i'm new to linux and not familiar with mounting volumes. | 16:25 |
erUSUL | paul___: sudo apt-get install held_packages | 16:25 |
Swish | erUSUL, wow I didn't realize there was a thing for that :) I always just used apt-get dist-upgrade which didn't hold anything back | 16:26 |
gooody | Swish: how can i run fsck? | 16:26 |
Pici | Still, the bug did not affect 6.06 | 16:26 |
Swish | gooody, i don't know off-hand how to mount an unclean volume. Google or maybe someone here will tell you :) | 16:27 |
Swish | maybe just force the mount, I dunno | 16:27 |
eth01 | which themes would you guys recommend tho? | 16:28 |
gooody | Swish: thanks anyway. | 16:28 |
paul___ | erUSUL: thanks, but that command didn't work for me. There's also a linux-image held back too. | 16:28 |
Swish | paul___, that's a new kernel. beware if you do grab that :) | 16:28 |
Roshan | I would really appreciate any help with syslog, I am running 8.04 and I know I did all the configs but I can't see any logs | 16:28 |
Swish | np gooog | 16:28 |
Swish | gooody* | 16:28 |
Roshan | I did a netstat -u and I can't see the server listening on syslog port | 16:29 |
Yodude | erUSUL: i messed with the device choose and it worked ! | 16:30 |
erUSUL | !yay | Yodude | 16:30 |
ubottu | Yodude: Glad you made it! :-) | 16:30 |
Yodude | erUSUL: seems like it's the two soundcards not being selected well | 16:30 |
erUSUL | Yodude: congrats | 16:31 |
mike_ | anyone running TimeVault w/kubuntu? | 16:31 |
jansen | how do i unrar on linux? | 16:32 |
Chapai | unrar e .... jansen | 16:32 |
wolfwalker | What is the command in a terminal to list hard drives? | 16:32 |
Chapai | well after installing unrar ofcourse | 16:32 |
wolfwalker | I want to see what the internal hard drive is being seen as. | 16:32 |
Afromonkey0 | a quick question before i leave: how easy is it to uninstall an ubuntu partition? Can it be done from inside windows? | 16:32 |
paul___ | Swish: I do have ssl version 0.9.8.a. So I don't have to upgrade? | 16:32 |
jansen | apt-get install unrar? | 16:32 |
julian | hello , is there an option to update/change user password from livecd ? | 16:33 |
jansen | or apt-get install rar? | 16:33 |
rrohde | unrar | 16:33 |
sparr | Afromonkey0: just delete it? | 16:33 |
wolfwalker | join #Xubuntu | 16:33 |
wolfwalker | Woops | 16:33 |
Afromonkey0 | sparr: i've never done anything with partitions before | 16:33 |
Chapai | you need to be aware of the grub, Afromonkey0 restore to windows before you delete ubuntu | 16:34 |
IPGHOST | hi buddies' | 16:34 |
Bodsda | hi | 16:34 |
lekro_ | what's the magic behind the shell telling me: The program 'foo' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install foo"? | 16:34 |
Bodsda | lekro_, foo=what ever you put there | 16:34 |
lekro_ | Bodsda: yea, but how does it work? | 16:34 |
sparr | Bodsda: he wants to know how the package-to-get is determined | 16:34 |
IPGHOST | any one can help me about the idea of building Iptables fail over cluster | 16:34 |
Bodsda | lekro_, the prog xchat is not installed install by doing sudo apt-get install xchat | 16:34 |
lekro_ | Bodsda: how does the shell figure out the required package? | 16:34 |
=== dc2447 is now known as jez | ||
Afromonkey0 | chapai: i don;t knwo what a grub is, but i'll cross that brindge when i come to it | 16:35 |
bazhang | !dpkg | lekro_ | 16:35 |
ubottu | lekro_: dpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. | 16:35 |
adac | what do i have to add in the .bashrc when i want to set JAVA_HOME path? | 16:35 |
Afromonkey0 | chapai: i'm just considering moving from wubi to a full partiion, and i want to know its not permanent | 16:35 |
Bodsda | lekro_, it should only say that if you try and use it or another package which has itas a dependency tries to use it | 16:35 |
adub | does anyone have a palm treo and know how to format the phone? | 16:35 |
lusius | hey, anybody know a good program for wiring diagrams? | 16:35 |
vjnp | hi | 16:35 |
Afromonkey0 | lusius: i like 'crocodile clips' but htta may be windows only | 16:36 |
Swish | paul___, correct, the "a" version is unaffected. only the "c" version and later are affected for openSSL | 16:36 |
Swish | anyway later all, time for grub :) | 16:36 |
eth01 | which themes would you guys recommend tho? | 16:36 |
bazhang | Afromonkey0, a partition is permanent unless you delete it; no add/remove for that | 16:36 |
Afromonkey0 | grub? | 16:36 |
lusius | Afromonkey0, maybe wine? | 16:36 |
Swish | hahah poor choice of words. Food. ;D | 16:36 |
Chapai | grub is the linux boot loader, it usually overides windows' bootloader, if you just delet it, you cant load windows Afromonkey0 | 16:36 |
jez | My windows key doesn't seem to be working - xev shows it mapped to F13 but when I try and use it from withing openbox nothing happens? | 16:36 |
Afromonkey0 | lusius yeah that'd probably work, i don't knwo though | 16:37 |
Chapai | jez, have you selected the correct keyboard layout in xorg? | 16:37 |
Afromonkey0 | chapai: so there's no simple procedure in place to remove a linux partition? | 16:37 |
legend2440 | Afromonkey0: did you install ubuntu on external usb hard drive? | 16:38 |
lusius | Afromonkey0, hmm, i'll check it out ;) | 16:38 |
^paradox^ | i still need some help uninstallin wurm | 16:38 |
Chapai | if its not wubi, you need to restore windows bootloader and then just delet the partition with ubuntu Afromonkey0 | 16:38 |
jez | Chapai: I think so | 16:38 |
Afromonkey0 | legend2440: no its my main c:/ drive with wubi | 16:38 |
bazhang | paradox what is wurm | 16:38 |
lekro_ | bazhang: do you know how the shell calls dpkg to figure out (for example) that fsck.hfsplus is part of hfsprogs? I'm just wondering because dpkg -S fsck.hfsplus finds the package but takes like 10-20 seconds whereas the shell knows it immediately | 16:39 |
Chapai | if you are using wubi, its the easiest, just unstall using wubi Afromonkey0 | 16:39 |
jansen | anyone plays cube here? | 16:39 |
Afromonkey0 | chapai: ok, it's just that my wubi install is upfucked and noone can fix it, i'm wondering if i should go with wubi again or go with a full partition. what do you think? | 16:39 |
^paradox^ | its an online rpg game. i installed by clicking a link at wurm's site which asked me to open a file with java webstart | 16:39 |
Pici | Afromonkey0: Please watch the language here. | 16:39 |
bazhang | lekro_, man dpkg or scour the web for that; this is a support channel | 16:39 |
^paradox^ | it was installed that way | 16:39 |
bazhang | Afromonkey0, please with the language | 16:39 |
legend2440 | ^paradox^: in terminal type sudo updatedb then locate wurm its probably all in the /opt directory | 16:40 |
^paradox^ | i didnt use a package manager or terminal | 16:40 |
Afromonkey0 | sorry | 16:40 |
nomad225 | hey | 16:40 |
^paradox^ | i installed it to /home/thegreatdestroyer/Wurm | 16:40 |
legend2440 | ^paradox^: then just delete that folder | 16:41 |
sipior | that's a hell of a username, there | 16:41 |
nomad225 | could someone help me with a scheduling issue | 16:41 |
Chapai | there is a little risk with full partition install, you need to know exactly what the default option wll do and specifically what partiotion is going to use, i almost lost my data when installing on my laptop, Afromonkey0 | 16:41 |
^paradox^ | thats all? | 16:41 |
Afromonkey0 | chapai: i guess i'll stick with wubi then. thanks for the advice | 16:42 |
^paradox^ | i dont wanna screw anything up | 16:42 |
cnstarz | are there any virtual machine programs that i can run linux on? | 16:42 |
Pici | ^paradox^: Thats all | 16:42 |
Chapai | no Afromonkey0 | 16:42 |
legend2440 | ^paradox^: yes then if you want sudo updatedb then locate wurm to make sure its all gone | 16:42 |
nomad225 | could someone help me with a scheduling issue? | 16:42 |
peppych | Hi there, I'm looking forward to organize my mails in evolutions just as gmail does. In other words I would like to group every mail and his replays in a conversation. Is this possible within Evolution or is there a other mail client capable to do this ?????? | 16:42 |
xorand | hi all | 16:42 |
Roshan | when I start the sysklogd it fail? can someone help | 16:42 |
sipior | nomad225: you'll have to be a bit more specific before we can answer that question :-) | 16:42 |
Afromonkey0 | peppych: gmail? | 16:42 |
sipior | cnstarz: vmware runs linux just fine | 16:43 |
peppych | Afromonkey0: the google mail client | 16:43 |
cnstarz | oh ok | 16:43 |
cnstarz | thanks | 16:43 |
tux_ | Hello i have just installed ubuntu 8.04 and the microphone worked but the front speakers was playing when i used my headset .. I installed alsa and now my mic dont work with jack inn.. any sugestion | 16:43 |
luiX_ | hi all | 16:43 |
Chapai | what free email service have ppl been successfully configured with evolution, so far its only bee gmail | 16:43 |
^paradox^ | it has jars in there and such etc | 16:43 |
Afromonkey0 | peppych: yeah I mean gmail is a mail client capable of that. | 16:43 |
peppych | Afromonkey0: oh sorry :P thx and no chance to do it with evo ??? | 16:44 |
jokkaa | Does anyone know any music-making progg? package supported | 16:44 |
Yodude | erUSUL: it seems it does give sound somewhere but it's not giving sound on the pipeline test ! Although it does give sound on the login sounds | 16:44 |
Afromonkey0 | peppych: I don't know about evo myself | 16:44 |
Yodude | erUSUL: when i try the test using the pulseaudio server i get "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Failed to connect stream: No such entity" | 16:45 |
^paradox^ | what was the sudo command again? | 16:45 |
Afromonkey0 | alright i'mm off, thanks for the help guys | 16:45 |
peppych | Afromonkey0: ok thanks anyway I think I'll give it a try CU | 16:45 |
^paradox^ | i already deleted the folder | 16:45 |
Pici | ^paradox^: sudo updatedb | 16:45 |
tux_ | Hello i have just installed ubuntu 8.04 and the microphone worked but the front speakers was playing when i used my headset .. I installed alsa and now my mic dont work with jack inn.. any sugestion | 16:45 |
Afromonkey0 | bye | 16:45 |
luiX_ | does anyone know about any "simple" (or not) way to build a .deb package from a java application? (from a .jar, a .class or a .java)? | 16:45 |
Chapai | i have been trying for a while to find a good stable easy to use video editor for ubuntu, so far nil, any suggestions to be specifi, one that works with ogg | 16:45 |
microwaver | hi, anyone who knows what the location of the terminal starter is? | 16:47 |
incorrect | what alternatives are there to cacti | 16:47 |
peppych | microwaver: applications->accessoires | 16:47 |
^paradox^ | i typed sudo updatedb entered my password and it went right back to command prompt | 16:47 |
^paradox^ | after a few secs | 16:48 |
legend2440 | ^paradox^: sudo updatedb then locate wurm | 16:48 |
microwaver | peppych, I mean, want create a launcher for terminal | 16:48 |
Pici | microwaver: the program is called gnome-terminal and it should be in your $PATH already | 16:48 |
onthefence928 | hey guys | 16:48 |
onthefence928 | I'm a new linux user, just got WUBI installed | 16:49 |
onthefence928 | wondeirng if anyone can help me get my bookmarks from my firefox 2 on my XP, to the fire fox 3 in ubuntu | 16:49 |
CK-TECH | now i dual screen monitor and tv , but how come my monitor screen look slow ? | 16:49 |
dango | import to delicious | 16:50 |
CK-TECH | now i dual screen monitor and tv , but how come my monitor screen look slow ? | 16:50 |
^paradox^ | its not asking for my password anymore | 16:50 |
dango | then export from delicious to ubuntu | 16:50 |
onthefence928 | dango: you talking to me? | 16:50 |
microwaver | Pici, where can I found the gnome-terminal thingu then? | 16:51 |
onthefence928 | what's delicious? | 16:51 |
boris_ | Hi ther I need help with apache configuration on ubuntu desktop"! | 16:51 |
TwinX | microwaver; jus use gnome-terminal for command | 16:51 |
CK-TECH | now i dual screen monitor and tv , but how come my monitor screen look slow ? | 16:51 |
legend2440 | ^paradox^: there is a space of time after you use sudo when you don,t need to type password | 16:51 |
Pici | onthefence928: Just use the file>export menu from the bookmark manager in each version | 16:51 |
microwaver | TwinX, what I want is a shortcut, when I click on it it opens the terminal, to place as a launcher on my docking bar. | 16:51 |
onthefence928 | Pici: I tried but I can't find my bookmarks in fire fox2 | 16:52 |
^paradox^ | it keeps going back to command prompt so i assume wurms all gone | 16:52 |
^paradox^ | correct me if im wrong lol not sure | 16:52 |
TwinX | microwaver; its /usr/bin/gnome-terminal | 16:52 |
Pici | ^paradox^: you're right | 16:52 |
legend2440 | ^paradox^: yes it is | 16:52 |
Pici | onthefence928: You'd need to do the export while you are running windows. | 16:52 |
microwaver | TwinX, Thanks a million and one | 16:52 |
^paradox^ | so theres no registry? | 16:52 |
TwinX | lol microwaver np | 16:52 |
gordonjcp | !repeat | CK-TECH | 16:53 |
ubottu | CK-TECH: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 16:53 |
onthefence928 | oh where do I export to? my secondary HDD? | 16:53 |
Pici | ^paradox^: The web start installer is different than the normal package management of Linux. | 16:53 |
Pici | onthefence928: Wherever you can get access to with Ubuntu. | 16:53 |
boris_ | How can I make apache DocumentRoot the same directory on ubuntu and Linux, (ubuntu desktop)! | 16:53 |
^paradox^ | none of that windows i guess i need to clear my java cache too | 16:53 |
boris_ | How can I make apache DocumentRoot the same directory on ubuntu and Windows, (ubuntu desktop)! | 16:53 |
onthefence928 | ok then thank you | 16:54 |
gordonjcp | boris_: the first thing I'd try is symlinking /var/www to wherever the DocumentRoot is in Windows | 16:54 |
^paradox^ | sorry blah i typed a big mess lol | 16:54 |
^paradox^ | i guess i need to clear my java cache too | 16:54 |
boris_ | gordoncp: How can I do taht?? | 16:55 |
gordonjcp | boris_: you'll need to work out where your Windows drive is mounted, and what the "new" path is | 16:55 |
jagggy | why won't my computer load this bootup splash scren? splashimage=(hd0,0)/boot/grub/splashimages/test | 16:55 |
boris_ | I have edited the path in the apache2.conf | 16:55 |
gordonjcp | boris_: and then something like "ln -l /var/www /mnt/windows/var/www | 16:55 |
PuppiesOnAcid` | where does cron keep it's log at? | 16:55 |
jbroome | PuppiesOnAcid`: /var/log/cron* | 16:56 |
gordonjcp | PuppiesOnAcid`: it uses syslog | 16:56 |
biagidp | I'm experiencing firefox covering my gnome panels in 8.04, I have to switch firefox to fullscreen and back to get them visable again, does anyone know how to fix this problem? | 16:56 |
boris_ | gordonjcp create a hard link | 16:56 |
gordonjcp | boris_: no, ln -s | 16:56 |
FinSteve | Anyone here from Canonical support? | 16:57 |
^paradox^ | ok theres a wurm app showing in javas cache so clear it normally to remove it correct? | 16:57 |
jagggy | why won't my computer load this bootup splash scren? splashimage=(hd0,0)/boot/grub/splashimages/test | 16:57 |
boris_ | gordonjcp: Il do it | 16:57 |
Pici | FinSteve: Generally no, this channel is run by volunteer support people. | 16:58 |
xorand | I lost my resolution on heron by installing a new monitor. The resolution was 1024x768 and now only 960x600. This new monitor is more capable than the old one. The resolution options don't give me the right options any more. How can i get my resolution back please | 16:58 |
^paradox^ | the directorys been deleted and ive ran sudo updatedb to check so those are done | 16:58 |
jedimind | my login screen resolution is always wrong; and never matches my actual reslotion - on the laptop most of it gets cut off to the point that i dont even see the login box, any ideas ? | 16:59 |
J-_ | !resolution | 16:59 |
ubottu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 16:59 |
tundrayeti311 | anyone willing to help me w/ a soundcard issue for a few minutes? | 16:59 |
jagggy | why won't my computer load this bootup splash scren? splashimage=(hd0,0)/boot/grub/splashimages/test | 16:59 |
xorand | ubottu, thanks | 16:59 |
ubottu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 16:59 |
Chapai | jedimind, change the virtual resolution in xorg.conf | 16:59 |
xorand | lol | 16:59 |
douye | When i try to play a certain movie with MPlayer im getting this error: "Cannot find codec for audio format 0x50", what can I do to get the sound working? | 17:00 |
jedimind | where is xorg.conf located? | 17:00 |
agentdoubleo | Can anyone comment on the stability of the KDE 4 version of Kubuntu? | 17:00 |
tundrayeti311 | /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 17:00 |
Chapai | backup xorg always before you alter it. jedimind | 17:00 |
^paradox^ | ok i deleted the wurm app in java control panel so i guess im done :-) | 17:00 |
jedimind | yup, i know taht much :) | 17:00 |
Chapai | haha | 17:00 |
jagggy | why won't my computer load this bootup splash scren? splashimage=(hd0,0)/boot/grub/splashimages/test | 17:00 |
tundrayeti311 | jack and amarok are complaining that my soundcard are in use, this happens 1/6 times i boot up... can someone help? | 17:01 |
PuppiesOnAcid` | where does syslog log to? | 17:01 |
exxxtreme | ciao a tutti | 17:01 |
Pici | !it | exxxtreme | 17:02 |
ubottu | exxxtreme: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 17:02 |
r2d2 | Afternoon peeps. My screen resoluion on windows i like to have at 1280x1024, i have installed the nvidia driver that popped up in the toolbar even so my resolution only will go up to 1024x768 on ubuntu....any ideas why people? | 17:02 |
exxxtreme | chiedo scusa | 17:02 |
exxxtreme | c'e nessuno che possa aiutarmi= | 17:02 |
exxxtreme | +? | 17:02 |
jedimind | Chapai: where's the info for the login screen located ? | 17:02 |
douye | When i try to play a certain movie with MPlayer im getting this error: "Cannot find codec for audio format 0x50", what can I do to get the sound working? | 17:03 |
jagggy | why won't my computer load this bootup splash scren? splashimage=(hd0,0)/boot/grub/splashimages/test PLEASE HELP | 17:03 |
Chapai | there should be virtual in the xorg.conf, under section monitor isn't there? jedimind | 17:03 |
r2d2 | douye, have u tried using vlc it comes with codecs installed | 17:04 |
jedimind | Chapai: yeah i see it - but its showing the proper resolution ... | 17:04 |
douye | r2d2: well its a .bin file im trying to play, is it possible to just play it with vlc ? | 17:04 |
Chapai | ohh.. jedimind then am at a loss | 17:04 |
r2d2 | douye, yes | 17:04 |
^paradox^ | its all gone :-). ill just have to look around a bit more for another mmorpg. thnx all | 17:05 |
legend2440 | jagggy: install startupmanager if its not already and choose the usplash theme from in there | 17:05 |
jagggy | legend, i did, thats what gave me that error | 17:05 |
douye | r2d2: doesnt really seem to want to load it tbh | 17:05 |
legend2440 | jagggy: what is the error? | 17:06 |
r2d2 | douye, vlc does support bin files..... | 17:06 |
jagggy | can't open file | 17:06 |
style | Hey People! Do you know how to connect 2 notebooks via wlan? | 17:06 |
boris_ | gordonjcp: Why I can't set a DocumentRoot for apache i Ubuntu | 17:06 |
style | In the office, they are connected via lan. They can ping each other etc. | 17:06 |
style | Is it possible to do the same outside the office via wlan? | 17:06 |
Rafase282 | Hello | 17:06 |
Rafase282 | Does wget supor resume? | 17:06 |
douye | r2d2: im selecting "open file, then select the .bin file, and it just wont play | 17:06 |
r2d2 | douye, could be anything at a guess maybe the file is corrupt, you could try burning the bin file to a cd/dvd either using k3b or nero | 17:07 |
jagggy | legend2440, it just says its unable to open the picture | 17:07 |
legend2440 | jagggy: is the file actually in /boot/grub/splashimages? | 17:07 |
jagggy | yes legend2440 | 17:08 |
_max | i have a problem that re-occurs in both 7.10 and 8.04, when i plug in the network cable, the switch, on all 8 ports starts blinking on / off / on / off / on / off, with a 1 second interval | 17:08 |
_max | this -kills- the switch | 17:08 |
douye | r2d2: dont really wanna burn it, but the gnome mplayer will atleast give the video stream of the movie, but not the audio | 17:08 |
_max | all other pc's connected to it are disconnected | 17:08 |
white_eagle | can I somehow see what packages are installed, but are in no need in my system (I don't use them, and other apps aren't dependant of them) so I could remove them and clean up the hdd space?? | 17:08 |
white_eagle | I need to make space for another distro ;) | 17:08 |
r2d2 | douye, , strange | 17:08 |
boris_ | Hi there, How can I change the DocumentRoot??? | 17:09 |
r2d2 | douye, search for codecs in add/remove | 17:09 |
douye | r2d2: do you know how to use MPlayer in the terminal ? | 17:09 |
r2d2 | douye, na i dont sorry | 17:09 |
boris_ | There is no DocumentRoot on apache2.conf | 17:09 |
_max | the only error i get in dmesg is : dhcdbd: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/eth0 for sub-path eth0.dbus.get.reason | 17:09 |
douye | r2d2: darn, coz with someone else it worked to run it with aid -0 | 17:09 |
r2d2 | douye, dont no m8, try the codecs via add/remove | 17:10 |
douye | r2d2: all the gstream-0.10 codecs or something are installed | 17:10 |
r2d2 | douye, is that the one that supports ac3 | 17:11 |
r2d2 | douye, maybe thats the problem | 17:11 |
rascal999 | anyone know a pay site for exclusively mp3s with a decent selection of downloads that works in linux? (not napstar) | 17:11 |
Pici | rascal999: please ask in #ubuntu-offtopic or ##linux | 17:11 |
r2d2 | back to my problem......:( | 17:11 |
douye | r2d2: what one is it? coz i've got a bunch of gstream-0.10 plugins installed | 17:11 |
tonyyarusso | rascal999: amazon mp3 | 17:12 |
bullgard4 | "~$ env" lists XDG_DATA_DIRS but not XDG_CONFIG_DIRS. Does this mean that XDG_CONFIG_DIRS is not defined in my Ubuntu 8.04 computer? | 17:12 |
r2d2 | My screen resoluion on windows i like to have at 1280x1024, i have installed the nvidia driver that popped up in the toolbar even so my resolution only will go up to 1024x768 on ubuntu....any ideas why people? | 17:12 |
r2d2 | douye, lemme look | 17:12 |
jedimind | my video totally messed up there - did someone say something to help me out ? | 17:12 |
gordonjcp | boris_: you can | 17:13 |
alastor666 | plop l'irc | 17:13 |
r2d2 | douye, dunno version number but in add/remove that one clearly states it supports ac3 -- that one ;) | 17:14 |
jedimind | so basically; my login screen is using the proper resolution to display the graphics (so the working area is full sized) but the resolution of the screeen is like 640x480, so i can just barely see part of the logo off to the right but cant see the login prompt or anything else | 17:14 |
onthefence928 | what the hell? I imported my firefox bookmarks and now I can't get my bookmark toolbar to show | 17:14 |
xorand | !resolution | 17:14 |
ubottu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 17:14 |
douye | r2d2: found how it works in terminal, and the aid -0 worked | 17:15 |
r2d2 | douye, cool | 17:15 |
onthefence928 | !firefox | 17:15 |
ubottu | firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins | 17:15 |
douye | r2d2: it was mplayer -aid 0 /home/douye/Bureaublad/BSVCD.BIN and it will work :) | 17:15 |
white_eagle | can I somehow see what packages are installed, but are in no need in my system (I don't use them , and other apps aren't dependant of them) so I could remove them and free hdd space?? I need to make space for another distro. | 17:15 |
douye | r2d2: now time to watch the movie! :P | 17:16 |
=== Martinp24 is now known as Martinp23 | ||
r2d2 | ;) | 17:16 |
r2d2 | douye, wish someone would pay attention to my problem :( | 17:17 |
douye | r2d2: which is ? | 17:17 |
r2d2 | screen res | 17:17 |
Corporal_Jones | Hi, does anyone know if can I use the ubuntu CD to rescue a debian install :) | 17:17 |
douye | r2d2: where ? in just ubuntu or starting up ? | 17:17 |
Pici | Corporal_Jones: If you need to boot off of it and edit some files, I dont see why not. | 17:17 |
frojnd | Is there a way so I could see numbers of lines ? | 17:18 |
r2d2 | on windows my gc can go to 1280x1024 but in ubuntu it will only go to 1280x768 | 17:18 |
frojnd | Is there a way so I could see numbers of lines ? In gedit in gedit | 17:18 |
Zyna | hm... der pc sagt beim versuch musik abzuspielen immer: audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Konnte die Ressource nicht zum Schreiben öffnen. | 17:18 |
Corporal_Jones | Pici, its not really that, I need to run kudzu or something similar | 17:18 |
Pici | !de | Zyna | 17:18 |
ubottu | Zyna: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 17:18 |
douye | r2d2: hmm maybe some option to add a custom size in it, lemme check something | 17:19 |
r2d2 | k | 17:19 |
Pici | Corporal_Jones: I can't really say whether that will work or not, sorry. | 17:19 |
legend2440 | white_eagle: the way i do it is open synaptic click installed on left then sort by size and go down list | 17:19 |
Corporal_Jones | basically I have made an image of the whole disc of a debian system, restored that image in VMware, and I need to redetect all the hardware as the current debian installation is looking for the old pc hardware | 17:19 |
Corporal_Jones | and i'm totally new to linux, not sure what to do | 17:20 |
wolfwalker | I need some technical support for a menu.lst file. | 17:20 |
Corporal_Jones | ive only used ubuntu before | 17:20 |
Pici | Corporal_Jones: You could ask in #debian | 17:20 |
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky | ||
azexian | has anyone managed to get cnr working in ubuntu? | 17:20 |
Corporal_Jones | i've tried, no one responds, thats why i thought i could use debian to restore the system | 17:20 |
douye | r2d2: tried this? : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183132 | 17:20 |
blingwadman | irc.whatnet.org | 17:21 |
r2d2 | douye, will look thx | 17:21 |
wolfwalker | I'll come back after work tonight I guess.......... | 17:21 |
Corporal_Jones | i just need to reinstall the drivers somehow, to let it know the hardware has changed | 17:21 |
frojnd | But I have another q. If someone use gedit for programming. Where could I set up tabbing for c++ or php an so on ? maybe some plugin ? | 17:22 |
Corporal_Jones | last question, is it ok to run kudzu for any system or does it only work for certain distros | 17:22 |
boris_ | gordonjcp: I have changed the directory but apache show me a forbidden 403 | 17:22 |
veno1 | y does ubuntu suck at mutitasking?> | 17:23 |
Aw0L | after setting a root pw, how do make gui prompts ask for the root pw instead of the user pw? | 17:23 |
Corporal_Jones | it doesnt suck at multitasking | 17:23 |
=== veno1 is now known as spidercarnage | ||
douye | r2d2: btw check if your videocard driver is really installed and being used (System > Administration > Hardware Driver ) | 17:23 |
azexian | has anyone managed to get cnr working in ubuntu? | 17:23 |
BruceLozz | why should it suck on multitasking? | 17:23 |
Aw0L | spidercarnage, how doy ou mean? | 17:23 |
spidercarnage | whenever i type the youtube video lags | 17:23 |
douye | veno1: it kinda rocks at it, as long as your computer can handle it.. | 17:23 |
Aw0L | spidercarnage, that could be flash | 17:24 |
r2d2 | douye, tis indeed | 17:24 |
spidercarnage | it is flash | 17:24 |
gooody | anyone here knows how to uninstall compiled software using the .deb package created using checkinstall? | 17:24 |
Aw0L | or if your computer is older, perhaps because it's binary? ;) | 17:24 |
Aw0L | so...gui prompting for root password instead of user? | 17:24 |
spidercarnage | p3 933Mhz/ | 17:24 |
spidercarnage | it dosent do this in xp | 17:24 |
pama | hello, anyone here with problems with thunderbird distributed in ubuntu 8? My inbox rules only work sometimes (I need to use Run Filter on folder) and inbox messages became flagged as read. | 17:24 |
douye | r2d2: tried editing your xorg.cong ? (if you edit it make sure to back it up first tho) | 17:24 |
Pici | gooody: dpkg -r packagename | 17:25 |
Corporal_Jones | doh no one can help | 17:25 |
bullgard4 | "~$ env" lists XDG_DATA_DIRS but not XDG_CONFIG_DIRS. Does this mean that XDG_CONFIG_DIRS is not defined in my Ubuntu 8.04 computer? | 17:25 |
Aw0L | spidercarnage, a compiled distro may run faster - but it may be more of a flash problem | 17:25 |
Corporal_Jones | Thanks anywa guys, C ya later :) | 17:25 |
rascal999 | what is the stable version? feisty, gusty or hardy? | 17:25 |
r2d2 | douye, wheres this located ? | 17:25 |
Pici | rascal999: They're all stable | 17:25 |
Aw0L | yeah, this user pw prompting stuff is annyoing | 17:25 |
spidercarnage | y is flash intense on a cpu? | 17:25 |
onthefence928 | hey my is my bookmark toolbar in FireFox 3 missing? | 17:25 |
rascal999 | whats the difference then? | 17:25 |
douye | r2d2: /etc/x11/xorg.conf | 17:25 |
Pici | rascal999: Release date. Ubuntu is not a rolling release like debian is. | 17:26 |
Aw0L | spidercarnage, is it laggy, or is it a syncing problem? | 17:26 |
douye | r2d2: but make a copy of it first tho | 17:26 |
Pici | rascal999: Hardy is the latest. | 17:26 |
BruceLozz | spidercarnage: yes, on 64 bit | 17:26 |
damg | is it possible to punch traffic into an ssh session? We've got a licence server on a machine which is only accessible from the intranet and over ssh. | 17:26 |
rascal999 | Pici: whats the latest release candidate then? | 17:26 |
spidercarnage | lags | 17:26 |
rascal999 | ok | 17:26 |
r2d2 | k | 17:26 |
spidercarnage | the video stalls also | 17:26 |
legend2440 | onthefence928: right click on panel>customize>bookmark | 17:27 |
gooody | Pici: thanks for the help. | 17:27 |
r2d2 | douye, i direct to it via terminal but it shows a blank page | 17:27 |
narcoclepsy | where does apt install the sun java jdk i need to set my JAVA_HOME | 17:28 |
gordonjcp | boris_: check the permissions | 17:28 |
douye | r2d2: what ubuntu version are you using ? | 17:28 |
r2d2 | douye, i use sudo nano /etc/x11/xorg.conf | 17:28 |
damg | narcoclepsy, /usr/lib/jvm/... | 17:28 |
r2d2 | hardy | 17:28 |
Zta | How do I regenerate the keys for my ssh server? Is there a nice dpkg-reconfigure sshd command ? | 17:28 |
Lynet | What rss reader and podcatcher would people recommend for Hardy? | 17:28 |
Pici | rascal999: /etc/X11/xorg.conf its case sensitive | 17:28 |
Pici | Zta: http://mjj29.matthew.ath.cx/openssl.txt explains it well | 17:29 |
douye | r2d2: gotta hate the case sensitive :P /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 17:29 |
r2d2 | douye, whats in that file then and what would i need to edit ruffly? | 17:29 |
r2d2 | oooo | 17:29 |
r2d2 | got it | 17:29 |
narcoclepsy | damg: i don't see any jdk folders there | 17:29 |
douye | r2d2: uhm its kinda the file that gives you a virtual ubuntu :P otherwise you would be stuck with the terminal like thingy | 17:29 |
instabin | I installed my wireless network connection with the following instructions but when i try to connect to my network it locks up and the caps-lock and scroll-lock lights blink | 17:30 |
narcoclepsy | damg: java-6-sun- | 17:30 |
instabin | \https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/CompaqW200 | 17:30 |
|chiz| | Does anyone know how to get two screens working where one is rotated with nvidia? | 17:30 |
damg | yeah | 17:30 |
douye | r2d2: thats why you must back it up as when you mess it up its kinda hard to get it back alright | 17:30 |
r2d2 | its backed up | 17:30 |
xerxas | Hi all | 17:30 |
r2d2 | maybe some googling is needed first ;) | 17:30 |
vix | is there any graphical tool to setup mountpoints ? I need to mount a new partition. | 17:30 |
douye | r2d2: hehe :P google is your friend :) (especially with opensource stuff ;)) | 17:30 |
zcq | fg | 17:30 |
r2d2 | douye, yes without it id still be running xp | 17:31 |
zcq | 第一次用这个 | 17:31 |
damg | narcoclepsy, it basically installs your virtual machines and jdks into /usr/lib/jvm and sets via update-alternatives the links to binaries and such | 17:31 |
onthefence928 | thanks whoever it was that told me how to fix that firefox thing | 17:31 |
douye | r2d2: i would be running vista, vista is now mainly there for things i really cant do in a virtualbox (like playing the newest games :D ) | 17:31 |
legend2440 | onthefence928: yw | 17:31 |
narcoclepsy | damg thanks ill see what happens. setting up java should be made less verbose... :-D | 17:31 |
juelz | hello, does anyone know the configuration directive to disable bounce messages in postfix? | 17:31 |
blame | what are ubuntu pre-released updates, are they stable and recommonded to install? | 17:31 |
r2d2 | douye, alrighty i shall have a google its not a major problem but one id like to no how to fix you no | 17:32 |
xerxas | I've installed ubuntu server , moved my server to a datacenter, added an entry in my dns server for that server, did a /bin/hostname on that server and I can't login root anymore : sudo says "sudo: unable to resolve host myhostname", I thought of preloading a resolver that would resolve my hostname, where can I find that ? | 17:32 |
Pici | blame: They are there so that advanced users can bugtest them before they are available to everyone. | 17:32 |
Roshan | finally, got my syslog to listen on 514, but now still can't see logs....and I know the host is sending logs | 17:32 |
douye | r2d2: yeah just like me with my slow usb 2.0 transfer speeds.. but hard as hell to fix it | 17:32 |
SDragon | hi | 17:33 |
SDragon | um | 17:33 |
Pici | SDragon: Hi! welcome to #ubuntu | 17:33 |
SDragon | what's the command line start-in-the-background symbol, again? | 17:33 |
jbroome | & | 17:33 |
Zta | Pici, thanks. | 17:34 |
acech | Hey guys - probably a stupid question - I have now installed ubuntu on my laptop and it has found the wireless and it all works correctly. Is there an option somewhere in the settings that allows you to change the power settings of the wireless card? ie it seems to work only at shorter distances under ubuntu.... | 17:34 |
douye | SDragon: you mean -D ? | 17:34 |
blame | Pici: any way to enable one-time-use of the pre-release repos with apt-get like apt-get --enable-pre-updates ? | 17:35 |
onthefence928 | hey can anyone give me some recommendations for software to set up on a new install of ubuntu. I come from microsoft XP and am new to linux. also is theer anyway I can sync my zune in ubuntu? | 17:35 |
hat0 | hi all. is it a known bug that the "detect displays" button in the resolution switcher doesn't detect a newly-plugged-in external monitor on the intel chipset? | 17:35 |
SDragon | jbroome, ummm -bash: syntax error near unexpected token `&' | 17:35 |
gilead | onelivv: System->Administration->Synaptic | 17:35 |
SDragon | ah, never mind, it supposed to be on the end of the line :) | 17:36 |
SDragon | thx. | 17:36 |
douye | r2d2: well im gonna watch my movie now :) hope you can find the help you need with google :) | 17:36 |
damg | acech, dunno if that's the right option, but I'm thinking right now of poking around with iwconfig <device> sens | 17:36 |
r2d2 | douye, njoy ;) | 17:36 |
azexian | having some package problems here, not found for loads of packages, even though there's no fails on apt-get update, is there a way to fix this? | 17:36 |
acech | interesting... How can I find the device number of my wireless card? | 17:36 |
spidercarnage | wat is the = of chkdsk? | 17:36 |
=== alp_ is now known as Alp` | ||
acech | Ah.. I see.. | 17:37 |
damg | acech, just type in iwconfig, it will bring up the list of devices. don't forget to prepend sudo once you want to change wireless configuration with it | 17:37 |
shane2peru | does anyone know how to set the media player for digikam? | 17:37 |
azexian | having some package problems here, not found for loads of packages, even though there's no fails on apt-get update, is there a way to fix this? | 17:37 |
shane2peru | any digikam users in here? | 17:38 |
acech | dawg: thanks - I think you pointed me in the right direction! | 17:38 |
Vlet | azexian: paste the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | 17:38 |
damg | :) | 17:39 |
azexian | thanks Vlet I'll do that now | 17:39 |
=== nico_ is now known as nico_|gone | ||
gooody | i need help in emptying the trash. files cannot be remove from the trash. | 17:40 |
azexian | Vlet: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13518/ | 17:40 |
mikek | dear friends what I need to do at my hardy installation in order to have runlevel choice from grub (ex to set 5 as parameter and starts ubuntu at runlevel 5). Thanks. | 17:40 |
azexian | Vlet: all fairly standard | 17:40 |
legend2440 | onthefence928: zune does not work with linux | 17:40 |
Vlet | azexian: hmm, yeah. what errors do you get when you update? | 17:40 |
azexian | Vlet: 404 | 17:41 |
azexian | Vlet: packages aren't there | 17:41 |
Vlet | azexian: well, I guess pick another mirror and try again | 17:41 |
azexian | Vlet: you got one to hand? | 17:41 |
gooody | deleting the files inside the trash returns an error stating: error removing file: Permission denied. any help? | 17:41 |
Vlet | azexian: I use ubuntu.media.mit.edu | 17:41 |
Vlet | gooody: did you run nautilus as root and then send something to trash? | 17:42 |
azexian | Vlet: can you add it for me? | 17:42 |
Vlet | azexian: no. why can't you? | 17:42 |
azexian | Vlet: sorry, I just forget the syntax :s | 17:42 |
Neuling | i am new to ubuntu i have downloaded scripts from a website how can i make them work on computer? | 17:42 |
JonathanElli1 | Hi, Can someone help please? I upgraded my computer from Ubuntu 7.10 to 8.04. Now I cant do anything administrative like add programs, download updates etc. Also Sane has stopped working | 17:42 |
Vlet | azexian: use the software sources control panel | 17:42 |
azexian | Vlet: the what? | 17:42 |
xerxas | I've installed ubuntu server , moved my server to a datacenter, added an entry in my dns server for that server, did a /bin/hostname on that server and I can't login root anymore : sudo says "sudo: unable to resolve host myhostname", I thought of preloading a resolver that would resolve my hostname, where can I find that ? | 17:43 |
Vlet | azexian: look in the admin control panels | 17:43 |
xerxas | does anyone have a solution | 17:43 |
damg | is there a way to set up an ssh tun device without root access? our admins forgot to make a licence server available from outside :E | 17:43 |
xerxas | other than preloading a resolver ? | 17:43 |
acech | damg: I am struggling to work out how to get iwconfig to tell me the current settings | 17:43 |
azexian | Vlet: ok, thanks | 17:43 |
gooody | Vlet: i'm a newbie and not familiar with running as root. those files are left after i uninstalled a software and cannot be remove. | 17:43 |
jbroome | damg: nope, have to be root for tun | 17:44 |
damg | jbroome, is there a different way to route traffic into intranet via ssh? | 17:44 |
=== nico_|gone is now known as nico_ | ||
Neuling | i am new to ubuntu i have downloaded scripts from a website ( nautilus scripts) how can i make them work on computer? | 17:45 |
juelz | hello, does anyone know how to disable bounce messages in postfix? | 17:45 |
azexian | has there been an official fix for flash yet? still seems to have issues | 17:45 |
Chapai | damg, you mean tunnelling? | 17:45 |
damg | acech, if you simply type in iwconfig into a terminal, it will show you all settings of your wireless card. you will find there a field called sensitivity. mine is 8/0 right now. you can increase it via e.g. iwconfig eth0 sens 24 | 17:46 |
marcules | hey guys :D | 17:46 |
mikek | dear friends what I need to do at my hardy installation in order to have runlevel choice from grub (ex to set 5 as parameter and starts ubuntu at runlevel 5). Thanks. | 17:46 |
anabelle | azexian | 17:46 |
gooody | Vlet: any idea how to remove the files? those files are contained inside a folder named doc-pak. | 17:46 |
anabelle | check the penguin.swf blog at adobe | 17:46 |
azexian | anabelle: yes? | 17:46 |
anabelle | it has all the info you need | 17:46 |
anabelle | ans discussions | 17:47 |
azexian | anabelle: penguin.swf ? have you got a link? | 17:47 |
Vlet | gooody: well, you can open a terminal and run the following: sudo chmod -R 777 ~/.local/share/Trash | 17:47 |
anabelle | azexian http://blogs.adobe.com/penguin.swf/ | 17:47 |
justprogramming8 | hello can some body tell me how can i install driver for my laptop | 17:47 |
jbroome | azexian: you have google? | 17:47 |
justprogramming8 | i have problem | 17:47 |
azexian | anabelle: thanks, I'll take a look =) | 17:47 |
damg | well, my problem is that we have got a licence server running. it resolves fine, but the firewall chokes off everything but ssh. to run the application locally it has to access that IP to verify the licence and I've got no idea how to route the traffic via an ssh session | 17:48 |
acech | damg: I dont get a field for sensitivity! | 17:48 |
azexian | jbroome google, what's that? | 17:48 |
justprogramming8 | with intel chip | 17:48 |
justprogramming8 | ?? | 17:48 |
jbroome | damg: do you control the firewall? | 17:48 |
Vlet | justprogramming8: driver for what? | 17:48 |
damg | acech, what adapter does your machine have? | 17:48 |
justprogramming8 | for graphics | 17:48 |
justprogramming8 | and wireless | 17:49 |
damg | jbroome, nope, I've only got user access | 17:49 |
Vlet | !resolution | justprogramming8 | 17:49 |
ubottu | justprogramming8: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 17:49 |
gooody | Vlet: thanks a lot for the help. it works. | 17:49 |
Vlet | gooody: yay :) | 17:49 |
jbroome | damg: take a look at ssh tunneling. you're interested in the -L option | 17:49 |
damg | jbroome, thank you for the pointer! | 17:50 |
Cr0w | hello, i've just received my notebook, it has a intel T9500 micro..but i can't find if it is 64 or 32 bit..to download ubuntu8, daes anyone knows that? | 17:50 |
justprogramming8 | but i can use wireless | 17:50 |
jbroome | Cr0w: how much ram? | 17:50 |
Cr0w | 4gb | 17:50 |
skunky_ | go to the librairy | 17:50 |
Vlet | justprogramming8: full sentences please :) | 17:50 |
onthefence928 | if your unsure get the 32 bit | 17:50 |
vix | how do I mount my new ext3 partition? should I edit /etc/fstab ? | 17:50 |
justprogramming8 | ok | 17:51 |
damg | in such a case I would check sizeof(void*) :D | 17:51 |
skunky_ | i have a problem with virtualbox usb no prensent in parametre | 17:51 |
spidercarnage | ext3 sucks | 17:51 |
Vlet | vix: yes, that is how to have the system mount it at boot. If you want to just boot it now, it should be as simple as: mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/somedrive | 17:51 |
Vlet | vix: or whatever /dev/sdxx it is | 17:52 |
vix | Vlet: i want to boot my /dev/sda1 partition at boot.. | 17:52 |
Vlet | vix: so yes, you need to edit your fstab | 17:52 |
Vlet | !fstab | vix | 17:52 |
ubottu | vix: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 17:52 |
vix | Vlet: the tutorial doesnt say anything about UUID, which my fstab uses | 17:53 |
Cr0w | jbroome, i found that name of the micro is Penryn | 17:53 |
justprogramming8 | i buy anew laptop then i installed ubuntu but there is some problem happened when i open devices manger there is some problem with devices spacialy with intel chip when i try to change vituial effect to speacial some massage appear tell me there is some problem | 17:54 |
Vlet | vix: as far as I know, it's not important; I've never used it... I think it's just there so if it's a USB drive it'll still recognize it even if it gets a different /dev/sdxx location | 17:54 |
=== matz3 is now known as ottk3 | ||
vix | Vlet: okay, so I can use /dev/sda1 instead of the UUID ? | 17:55 |
Vlet | vix: yep | 17:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | !uuid | 17:55 |
ubottu | To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 17:55 |
Vlet | oh sweet, Jack_Sparrow to the rescue again :) | 17:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 17:55 |
Nalleman | Hi, how can I run a shell script from the terminal? | 17:56 |
Vlet | justprogramming8: if your laptop has an intel video card, you probably are not going to be able to use the desktop effects | 17:56 |
sina | hi all | 17:56 |
Vlet | Nalleman: ./thescript.sh | 17:56 |
Sc00byD00 | . | 17:56 |
justprogramming8 | oh why | 17:56 |
justprogramming8 | ??/ | 17:56 |
Vlet | justprogramming8: it's just not supported | 17:56 |
justprogramming8 | ah | 17:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | justprogramming8 /join #compiz to get the latest info on running effects | 17:57 |
Nalleman | justprogramming8, I have intel card and desktop effects running smooth | 17:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | Nalleman just depends on the chipset | 17:57 |
justprogramming8 | ok | 17:57 |
justprogramming8 | can u tell me how can i install some file .gaz | 17:58 |
eichi | hello, is there a _best supported_ webcam for linux? | 17:58 |
Nalleman | Jack_Sparrow, ok. im not that much in technical stuff. it just works :) | 17:58 |
peppych | Re all, I'm willing to use a MTA on my machine but don't know which one to choose any advise ??? | 17:58 |
justprogramming8 | i installed some fill from intel | 17:58 |
vix | Vlet: do you know what relatime means in /etc/fstab? my other ext3 partition uses it | 17:58 |
Pici | !english | justprogramming8 | 17:58 |
ubottu | justprogramming8: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 17:58 |
gooody | how can i remove launcher under application>sound and video menu? | 17:59 |
theFATMAN | hello everyone!! | 17:59 |
Sc00byD00 | i have "no network connection" in ubuntu, can any1 assist me? | 17:59 |
* emma *smiles* | 17:59 | |
philippe | hi there | 17:59 |
Pici | gooody: Right click on the menus and go to edit menu | 17:59 |
theFATMAN | how do i compile from source tarballs? | 17:59 |
philippe | takes a while to have everything fine in ubuntu but it begins to look great. | 17:59 |
theFATMAN | i am a newbie | 18:00 |
philippe | to compile | 18:00 |
philippe | ./configure | 18:00 |
philippe | make | 18:00 |
Pici | !compile | theFATMAN | 18:00 |
ubottu | theFATMAN: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 18:00 |
philippe | make install | 18:00 |
gooody | Pici: thanks. i figured it out. | 18:00 |
emma | hm, I was typing how to do it and then the factoid beat me to it. | 18:00 |
theFATMAN | sudo make install? | 18:00 |
Pici | theFATMAN: Are you sure whatever you want to install isn't already in the repositories? | 18:01 |
emma | I think just make install. If you do sudo make you can end up with cruft in your home directory that you down't own. | 18:01 |
theFATMAN | well, i'm trying to istall the plugins for compizfusion | 18:01 |
emma | theFATMAN: what are the names of those plugins? | 18:01 |
theFATMAN | i'm a former windows user..so...he he | 18:02 |
Pici | emma: no, 'make install' will want to put everything in its proper place that your user does not have access to, you generally need sudo for that | 18:02 |
Sc00byD00 | i have "no network connection" in ubuntu, can any1 assist me? | 18:02 |
emma | Pici - Okay thanks for the clarification. | 18:02 |
rapha | Hi all! | 18:02 |
theFATMAN | ummm...all the main ones i suppose | 18:02 |
theFATMAN | hi! | 18:02 |
rapha | How do you make "@reboot" work in your crontab? | 18:02 |
Pici | theFATMAN: compiz-fusion is in Hardy by default, do you not see the plugins your want in the settings manager? | 18:03 |
theFATMAN | no i dont actually | 18:03 |
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Pici | theFATMAN: using ccsm? (compizconfig-settings-manager)? | 18:03 |
theFATMAN | i cant see "advanced settings" | 18:03 |
emma | theFATMAN: try this: sudo apt-get install compiz-fusion-plugins-extra | 18:03 |
nseremo | hello there | 18:04 |
=== seamus_ is now known as seamusoid | ||
seamusoid | hi | 18:04 |
theFATMAN | emma:where? from a terminal? | 18:04 |
Brent^ | My wireless card is having an issue where it just likes to stop working some days. The only way I've been able to get it to work again is booting back into windows then booting back into ubuntu again. Is there a terminal command to either reboot it or just give it a signal to start looking for networks I can use? | 18:04 |
Pici | !ccsm | theFATMAN | 18:04 |
ubottu | theFATMAN: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'simple-ccsm'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion | 18:04 |
emma | theFATMAN: Yes. | 18:04 |
nseremo | sum1 connected? | 18:04 |
Pici | nseremo: over 1400 of us here. | 18:04 |
emma | !info compiz-fusion-plugins-extra | theFATMAN | 18:04 |
ubottu | thefatman: compiz-fusion-plugins-extra (source: compiz-fusion-plugins-extra): Collection of extra plugins from OpenCompositing for Compiz. In component main, is extra. Version 0.7.4-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 2283 kB, installed size 8144 kB | 18:04 |
theFATMAN | emma:thank you sug | 18:04 |
nseremo | any 1 in the house? | 18:05 |
Brent^ | tes | 18:05 |
Brent^ | yes* | 18:05 |
emma | theFATMAN: I also suggest that you get the GUI interface for Compiz configuration that Pici was referring to. | 18:05 |
theFATMAN | emma:where? | 18:05 |
nseremo | Brent, hw r u/ | 18:06 |
jackson584 | Is there anyone here who can help me with a sound input issue? | 18:06 |
Pici | nseremo: This channel is for Ubuntu Support questions only, if you want to just chat you are free to /join #ubuntu-offtopic | 18:06 |
nseremo | some one can help with installing an application? | 18:06 |
Brent^ | nseremo: what? Please use proper english :) | 18:06 |
emma | theFATMAN: open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install simple-ccsm | 18:06 |
moprh | raga | 18:07 |
Brent^ | nseremo: what are you trying to install? | 18:07 |
nseremo | I meant an aplication software? | 18:07 |
amorphous_ | hello | 18:07 |
Chapai | is there a way to change the alias of a wireless device, is keeps changing, from wlan0 to wlan1 and back, | 18:07 |
theFATMAN | emma:THANK yOU!!! | 18:07 |
amorphous_ | has it been quiet in here? | 18:07 |
emma | theFATMAN: then once you have installed that, then go to System>Preferences>Appearances | 18:07 |
theFATMAN | emma:ok.... | 18:07 |
emma | theFATMAN: you are most welcome. Let me know if you have any other questions or need any more help. | 18:07 |
theFATMAN | 4sure the linux community ROCKS!!!!!! | 18:08 |
* emma *smiles* | 18:08 | |
Vance | in mplayer I see subtitle codes that are use for effects on subtitles for example: "m 40 20 I 900 20 900 80 40 80" and it doesn't display the effect. how can I fix this? | 18:08 |
emma | PriceChild ^ | 18:08 |
theFATMAN | EMMA: YOU ARE A SAINT!!! | 18:08 |
Brent^ | nseremo: what are you trying to install? | 18:09 |
nseremo | Pliz help me out...Am a new user of Ubuntu en feel lyk migrating to it but jst want to know | 18:09 |
amorphous_ | I'm suffering with getting cut off from streams on another pc in this LAN, and i think i just had the same thing in this chat on another machine. Anyone had this prob before? | 18:09 |
nseremo | the basics of it | 18:09 |
Pici | nseremo: What are you trying to install? | 18:09 |
emma | theFATMAN: let's not get carried away, people will think I paid you to say that. | 18:09 |
Cr0w | in download section only appears intel x86 and amd64 bits..intel x86 has support for both 32 and 64bits? or is only for 32bits? | 18:09 |
theFATMAN | emma:doh!!! | 18:09 |
theFATMAN | lol | 18:09 |
nseremo | pici am installing Geo Vision software | 18:09 |
hellues | nightwish nemo | 18:09 |
emma | theFATMAN: :P anyhow good luck and have fun with Ubuntu | 18:09 |
nseremo | for cameras | 18:09 |
theFATMAN | EMMA:yes, maam! have a good day! | 18:10 |
hischild | i have a laptop which we're trying to install hardy on. However, it drops to initramfs, with no apparent error when removing quiet and splash, acpi and apic off has no effect. | 18:10 |
Pici | nseremo: I'm not familiar with that software, is it for Linux? windows? | 18:10 |
|chiz| | can xinerama only use one vertical resolution? | 18:10 |
nseremo | Guyz anyone torescue? | 18:10 |
jackson584 | I have a laptop that I'm trying to use for audio recording through the front mic jack. Can anyone help me out? | 18:11 |
microwaver | anyone who knows how you can change the top color of the application bars ? | 18:11 |
Pici | nseremo: I'm trying to help you but you have not answered my question. | 18:11 |
Effex | microwaver: right click, properties | 18:11 |
Brent^ | nseremo: Windows software doesn't usually like to work under ubuntu. You'll probably have to look up a Ubuntu alternative to whatever it does using synaptic package manager (system->administration->synaptic package manager) | 18:11 |
emma | hischild: have you tried installing it in safe graphics mode? | 18:11 |
Effex | microwaver: then click the background tab | 18:11 |
Effex | Sorry, I thought you were talking about something else. | 18:12 |
hischild | emma: not yet. A second while we attempt this. | 18:12 |
nseremo | you mean I can't even install Ms office on dis platform? | 18:12 |
emma | hischild: it's a bit of a reach but I had problems with installation until I did that. | 18:12 |
Effex | It should be in themes, Right click on the desktop and "Change Desktop Background" Then the Themes tab might help. | 18:12 |
Pici | !wine | nseremo | 18:13 |
ubottu | nseremo: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. | 18:13 |
emma | nseremo: on Ubuntu? No need. It comes with openoffice.org which is a superb office package that is compatible with MS office applications. | 18:13 |
hischild | emma: the result should be apparent in a few seconds | 18:13 |
hischild | emma: no luck :( still drops to initfamfs | 18:13 |
jackson584 | can anyone help me out? | 18:13 |
Pici | nseremo: And no, not all Windows software will work under Wine. Linux is as different from Windows as Mac is. | 18:13 |
hischild | emma: i know the cd is right, i've installed my laptop from the same one. | 18:14 |
Brent^ | nseremo: MS office is listed as "Open Office" in ubuntu :). As for your software, if it's for camera's you can try just pluging in the camera and a lot of times they work by default | 18:14 |
microwaver | Effex, I don't mean the main menu bar. | 18:14 |
emma | hischild: bummer, I wish I could help you but this one seems over my head at the moment | 18:14 |
Vance | nevermind, I fixed it myself, the solution was to turn on ASS/SSA redering | 18:14 |
microwaver | Effex, I mean e.g. the bar where stands XCHat : ... @ ubuntu servers | 18:14 |
amorphous_ | Darnit if it didn't just do it again!!! | 18:14 |
microwaver | Effex, not the menu bar :) | 18:14 |
amorphous_ | TWICE! | 18:14 |
duane_ | anyone know why when I load my ipod into amarok all the album covers are lost? my iphone is not showing any album art all off a sudden | 18:14 |
Effex | microwaver: you mean like, in a terminal, where it says User@pcname: ? | 18:15 |
nseremo | what about using a LAn printer attached to A windows pc | 18:15 |
emma | duane_: this seems like a question for #amarok type /join #amarok | 18:15 |
duane_ | I did emma | 18:15 |
Pici | nseremo: Its possible. | 18:15 |
duane_ | no one talks there lol | 18:16 |
nseremo | how? | 18:16 |
microwaver | Effex, Yes. | 18:16 |
jackson584 | :-( can anyone help? | 18:16 |
Effex | then that's the second thing I said | 18:16 |
Pici | duane_: Not all channels are as active as this one is, but they are more specialized and probably have the answer for you | 18:16 |
Effex | You can change that with a desktop theme | 18:16 |
[b]b_ | Hello All | 18:16 |
Pici | !printing | nseremo | 18:16 |
ubottu | nseremo: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows | 18:16 |
Vlet | !ask | jackson584 | 18:16 |
ubottu | jackson584: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 18:16 |
hischild | i have a laptop which we're trying to install hardy on. However, it drops to initramfs, with no apparent error when removing quiet and splash, acpi and apic off has no effect. Safe graphics mode also has no effect. | 18:16 |
livingdaylight | my Hardy Heron is more like Flakey Herring... | 18:17 |
[b]b_ | How do i reset my ssh password? I seem to have changed it or something while i was acessing through phone | 18:17 |
duane_ | what does the firefox ubuntu package do?? | 18:17 |
nseremo | Coz am running Ubuntu now but printer attached to Windows machine...! | 18:17 |
Vlet | duane_: do? it installed firefox | 18:17 |
duane_ | I have firefox | 18:17 |
Vlet | [b]b_: your ssh password is your user accounts password. | 18:17 |
duane_ | its a addon Vlet | 18:17 |
duane_ | was just curious what it did for ubuntu | 18:17 |
duane_ | since other distros dont have like a fedora firefox plugin | 18:18 |
[b]b_ | oh shit, then i cant logoff or turn pc off cuz i was messing with "passwd" | 18:18 |
[b]b_ | lol | 18:18 |
abhinay | I have 1 HFS+ parition & two linux partition (one is ubuntu, and other one is blank ext3), i am using refit in MacBook to boot. I 'm not able to boot in to Ubuntu, it says missing operating system when i choose lagacy os in refit . may be the refit is trying to boot the blank ext3 partition. my parition table : http://paste.ubuntu.com/13523/ . Help ? | 18:18 |
Pici | [b]b_: Please watch the language. | 18:18 |
Vlet | duane_: oh, I see; not sure. | 18:18 |
Pici | duane_: What is the package name of the software you are referring to? | 18:18 |
[b]b_ | my bad | 18:18 |
microwaver | Effex, you mean the WIndow Border | 18:18 |
duane_ | Pici, go into firefox then click addons and you will see it | 18:18 |
Effex | microwaver: the theme can change both. | 18:18 |
jackson584 | Sorry about being such a newbie. I have a Toshiba laptop and I am attempting to do some recording through the mic jack through audacity, and audio input does not seem to be working. According to lspci, my audio device is: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia. Does anyone have a clue what I can do? | 18:19 |
Vlet | [b]b_: are you logged in now? if so, just set your password again | 18:19 |
* delcoyote hi | 18:19 | |
duane_ | Pici, its Ubuntu Firefox Modifications 0.5 | 18:19 |
Pici | duane_: Ah. The developers may not agree with me, but I dont see any benefit to installing extentions from that. | 18:19 |
[b]b_ | i just did; then ssh localhost; password still wont login | 18:19 |
Pici | duane_: oh, those? | 18:19 |
Vlet | jackson584: can you play audio? | 18:19 |
azexian | I'm having some really annoying sound issues: firefox open, with youtube, plays sound fine, exaile (media player) open with sound fine, but if I try and open them both, then the first one wins, and the other has no sound. I just tried starting both through aoss, same thing, any help very appreciated. I would like to use flash 10, but I am 64-bit, so I can't use it | 18:19 |
nseremo | You mean I can even run ms office on ubuntu? | 18:19 |
[b]b_ | i get: Permission denied (publickey,password). | 18:19 |
microwaver | Effex, so i'll have to adjust the theme | 18:20 |
hischild | i have a laptop which we're trying to install hardy on. However, it drops to initramfs, with no apparent error when removing quiet and splash, acpi and apic off has no effect. Safe graphics mode also has no effect. | 18:20 |
duane_ | it was auto installed Pici | 18:20 |
jackson584 | Vlet: Yes, my audio does work. I just haven't been able to get my input jack to work. | 18:20 |
Pici | duane_: I thought you were referring to something else, I'm not sure what that does and I dont have a graphical session here to check | 18:20 |
Effex | Yeah, it should be possible with the 'customize' button, and then the colours tab. | 18:20 |
flow | j #ubuntu.de | 18:20 |
microwaver | Effex, what if the theme doesn't say so. Where can I adapt that in the theme itself :D? | 18:21 |
hischild | i have a laptop which we're trying to install hardy on. However, it drops to initramfs, with no apparent error when removing quiet and splash, acpi and apic off has no effect. Safe graphics mode also has no effect. It would appear that the live cd can't find a live file system. | 18:21 |
Pici | duane_: Ah, I believe its to enable some Ubuntu specific configuration defaults and an apt interface to installing extensions. | 18:21 |
Effex | No idea really. I only just installed Ubuntu xD | 18:21 |
tremby | what is the hardy-backports repo? | 18:21 |
Vlet | jackson584: I doubt it's a driver issue then. check in audacity's preferences for somewhere to set the recording source | 18:21 |
Flannel | [b]b_: You're logging in with public key authentication. Your key was recently changed due to the openSSL security update, or if it wasn't changed, it was marked invalid. You need to update it on the server, etc. | 18:21 |
tgelter | hey all. every time I create a file in my home directory, it shows up on my desktop (but no new file is created under ~/Desktop)... ideas? | 18:22 |
JoelAlejandro | Hello people. Another issue today. I'm trying to use my microphone to get some audio record. I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 LTS on a HP530 Laptop. I've set the Volume Control to enable record, but it doesn't seem to do anything. The sound card is a HDA Intel. Any ideas ??? | 18:22 |
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JoNNeMaNN | any1 who knows how to get flash to work in opera | 18:23 |
jackson584 | Vlet: I've already done that numerous times. Each time I go to the preferences menu and select another device, it gives me an error message saying that there was a problem opening the sound device. | 18:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | !intelhda | JoelAlejandro | 18:23 |
ubottu | JoelAlejandro: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto | 18:23 |
Sc00byD00 | my network connection isnt working. what should i do ? | 18:23 |
azexian | I'm having some really annoying sound issues: firefox open, with youtube, plays sound fine, exaile (media player) open with sound fine, but if I try and open them both, then the first one wins, and the other has no sound. I just tried starting both through aoss, same thing, any help very appreciated. I would like to use flash 10, but I am 64-bit, so I can't use it | 18:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | JoelAlejandro or /join #alsa | 18:23 |
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Zta | Um, how do I regenerate my ssl certificates/keys? | 18:24 |
achtung | hi all | 18:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | !sound | azexian | 18:24 |
ubottu | azexian: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 18:24 |
achtung | i have a problem installing ubuntu with wubi | 18:24 |
sand | is there a tracker website for what packages are in proposed? | 18:24 |
Pici | !libsslbug | Zta | 18:24 |
ubottu | Zta: A weakness has been discovered in the random number generator used by OpenSSL on Debian and Ubuntu systems. Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-2 and http://mjj29.matthew.ath.cx/openssl.txt | 18:24 |
Gabe | Need to install ubuntu on a laptop that will not boot from either usb or cd drive... going to take hdd out, partition and install cmd line system on another laptop then xfer hdd back to original system... now, how do I do install from a shell? | 18:24 |
azexian | Jack_Sparrow: not that simple I'm afraid | 18:24 |
Flannel | Gabe: Get the alternate CD. What does it boot from? | 18:25 |
Pici | !install | Gabe | 18:25 |
ubottu | Gabe: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 18:25 |
Vlet | jackson584: do you have 'alsa' selected as your default mixer in your sound control panel? | 18:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | azexian /join alsa | 18:25 |
JoNNeMaNN | no1 who knows how to get flash working in opera browser? | 18:25 |
Gabe | right now... it only boots from hdd. | 18:25 |
achtung | so, can anyone help? | 18:25 |
achtung | wubi downloads the image file | 18:25 |
azexian | Jack_Sparrow: I guess, but everything should be going through alsa if I use aoss | 18:25 |
achtung | and asks to reboot | 18:25 |
Flannel | Gabe: You may be able to install from that. Check out the first link of that last factoid | 18:25 |
achtung | then when i select the ubuntu option is just gives an error | 18:25 |
Gabe | and hdd only has win xp on it... | 18:26 |
Zta | Pici, well it doesn't explain. It's for courier mail server. | 18:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | !wubi | achtung | 18:26 |
ubottu | achtung: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. | 18:26 |
jackson584 | Vlet: Yes. Under Device it says "HDA ATI SB (Alsa mixer)" | 18:26 |
JoNNeMaNN | what says the error achtung | 18:26 |
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Vegombrei | hi .. i need help configuring apache :( | 18:26 |
Gabe | no... my buddy already tried that... | 18:26 |
Pici | Zta: hmm.. You may want to post the question to the folks in #ubuntu-server, they might be able to help you. | 18:26 |
Vlet | Vegombrei: #apache | 18:26 |
Zta | Pici, thanks | 18:26 |
Gabe | says that when installs with wubi, it gives him os selection menu then selects ubuntu and system hangs.... | 18:27 |
Sc00byD00 | my network connection isnt working. what should i do ? | 18:27 |
Vlet | jackson584: do you perhaps have another recording program open? | 18:27 |
mewt | hi, anyone here know the correct procedure to setup an ubuntu mirror ? pls pm me | 18:27 |
yesudeep | Sc00byD00: What kind of a connection is it? | 18:27 |
Vlet | !mirror | mewt | 18:27 |
ubottu | mewt: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Hardy, and help keeping the servers' load low! | 18:27 |
Gabe | he wants to get rid of xp all together, and I've just used the same method to install win2k on a laptop with no floppy or cd at all (only zip 250) | 18:27 |
Vlet | mewt: sorry, wrong one | 18:27 |
Sc00byD00 | yesudeep: i run ubuntu in vmware. its bridget. | 18:28 |
Brent^ | where would be a good place to ask about setting up my own IRC server? | 18:28 |
Vlet | mewt: http://popey.com/Creating_an_Ubuntu_repository_mirror_with_apt-mirror | 18:28 |
mewt | vlet, im not after downloading ubuntu :) im after the correct rsync scripts to keep my mirror in sync with the main ubuntu repos | 18:28 |
yesudeep | Oh ok. I don't use vmware sorry. | 18:28 |
Vlet | Brent^: #freenode maybe? | 18:28 |
mewt | Vlet, thanks, ill give it a look | 18:28 |
Flannel | Zta: you'd regenerate them the same way you generated them the first time, http://wiki.debian.org/SSLkeys#head-8f9f436d380e0e3ab6565d9ed58d2d76a8f6a4fb | 18:28 |
Sc00byD00 | yesudeep: i dont think it has anything to do with vmware. because it worked fine. until a removed and reinstalled network manager | 18:29 |
Brent^ | Vlet: thanks :) | 18:29 |
nickName_ | hi | 18:29 |
Vlet | !hi | nickName_ | 18:30 |
ubottu | nickName_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 18:30 |
obiyoda | I am having issues with ssh i am trying to ssh into a server that has a different port but whenever i do ssh username@server:11022 it gives me an error | 18:30 |
=== J_- is now known as J-_ | ||
ArrPirate | I'm having troubles installing Ubuntu on my neighbor's computer. | 18:30 |
Vlet | obiyoda: what error? | 18:30 |
Pici | obiyoda: ssh user@server -p 11022 | 18:30 |
obiyoda | Name or service not known | 18:30 |
Vlet | obiyoda: oh yeah, pici knows all :) | 18:31 |
obiyoda | thanks pici i will try that | 18:31 |
ArrPirate | with one disc it booted up just fine but gave me an error and wouldn't finish the install. This time, with a new disc, it scrolls a bunch of errors about squashfs | 18:31 |
obiyoda | pici Its good to know that you know all ;) | 18:31 |
bluefoxx | what do i need to install in order to use gparted to create and resize ntfs partitions? | 18:31 |
Gabe | awsome.... think I found what I needed... u guys rock! | 18:31 |
Pici | obiyoda: Heh, only for the questions I choose to answer ;) | 18:31 |
Vlet | bluefoxx: sudo apt-get install gparted | 18:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | bluefoxx gparted is all you need, or run the livecd | 18:32 |
bluefoxx | Vlet: i have gparted. i use it ofton. only on the live boot disk have i seen it able to resize ntfs. | 18:32 |
bluefoxx | Jack_Sparrow: it doesnt show me being allowed to make ntfs :/ | 18:33 |
Zta | Flannel, thanks. I just used mkimapdssl but I better do as this doc says. | 18:33 |
bluefoxx | Jack_Sparrow: wasnt there a module to load? | 18:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | bluefoxx You cant work on a mounted drive.. .. that may be the problem you are having | 18:33 |
ArrPirate | the error is sb_bread unable to read block | 18:33 |
bluefoxx | Jack_Sparrow: drive not mounted. | 18:33 |
hischild | I have a laptop here, who refuses to boot from CD. I've attempted safe graphics mode, noacpi and acpi=off so far, both crash me into initramfs, with a message in casper.log saying it can't find a live file system. I've tested the cd on a different laptop which boots it fine. | 18:33 |
bluefoxx | Jack_Sparrow: in the capabilities menu it shows ntfs as not being an option...i remember i could do this after installing a package and loading a module when in 7.04... | 18:34 |
JoNNeMaNN | no1 who knows how to make flash work in opera? | 18:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | hischild Burn your cd at slowest possible speed.. especially for dell and hp and here are some other options.. noapic acpi=off, pci=irqroute, xmodule=vesa, vga=normal, vga=771, vga=791, pci=irqroute, framebuffer=false, ide=nodma, nomce, pnpbios=off, xdrvr=vesa, res=800x600, apm=off,pci=noapci, nolapic, all_generic_ide, nolapic, pci=assign-busses, pci=irqpoll, pci=biosirq, pnpbios=off, hpet=disable | 18:34 |
mewt | hischild, how new is this laptop ? | 18:34 |
Vlet | hischild: it's not the live-dvd is it (and that system doesn't have a dvd perhaps)? And or course, make sure the system is set to boot off the CDrom | 18:34 |
duckytn | Hello, long time user of Ubuntu. Somehow I missed the removal of the Display/Video settings from 7.10. Anyone tell me where to find it in 8.04? | 18:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | hischild all_generic_ide comes to mind | 18:35 |
hischild | mewt: a week of 2. | 18:35 |
hischild | Jack_Sparrow: ugh ... uhm well give me a second on that one, that's quite a bit to type ... :p | 18:35 |
hischild | Vlet: Please read the support question again. | 18:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | hischild dont do all of those | 18:36 |
hischild | Jack_Sparrow: would you midn giving me a list of which ones i should try? It appears to be related to the file system. | 18:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | hischild all_generic_ide comes to mind | 18:36 |
mewt | hischild, I had the same on my new pc, the problem was something with the way my hdd was being detected | 18:36 |
mewt | hischild, i had to switch a compatibility mode on, in hdd options in bios | 18:37 |
hischild | mewt: we've checked the bios from front to back and reverse, no option there. | 18:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | mewt agreed.. I have used that before as well | 18:37 |
hischild | Jack_Sparrow: second while we try this. | 18:37 |
mewt | hischild, some will also tell you to switch it from ide, to raid | 18:37 |
mewt | hischild, didnt work for me tho, rendered my windows unbootable | 18:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | mewt or sata to ide mode | 18:37 |
mewt | Jack_Sparrow, yes :) couldnt remember the third option | 18:38 |
hischild | mewt: there are _no_ options regarding compability or anything else with the HD or anything. | 18:38 |
hischild | Jack_Sparrow: no luck. Still dropped me to a screen with initramfs from busybox. | 18:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | hischild switch to the alt cd | 18:39 |
nihi` | i hit some combination of keys and somehow i zoomed in on my desktop, is there a way to unzoom without rebooting? | 18:39 |
hischild | Jack_Sparrow: i was hoping to avoid that, but ok. | 18:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | nihi` yers, but I dont remember it | 18:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | nihi` you can look in ccsm for the key combo | 18:39 |
virtuald | nihi`: ctrl-alt-minus or win-scrollwheel i think | 18:40 |
hischild | Jack_Sparrow: one wierd thign though (just noticed it) is that after a minute or so, it spits out a lot of messages with errors about devices. | 18:40 |
mewt | Vlet, the article you gave me is specifically, for ubuntu packages, before I used to have copies of the isos and all debs on my mirror | 18:40 |
nihi` | win-scrollwheel did it | 18:41 |
nihi` | thanks | 18:41 |
mewt | mewt, I am more after a _total_ ubuntu mirror copy | 18:41 |
tgelter | gnome question: the contents of my /home/myuser are showing up on my Desktop instead of the contents of /home/myuser/Desktop ....help? | 18:42 |
mewt | Vlet, it used to be an official ubuntu mirror, however 2 disks failed and lost 1.25tb of data :/ | 18:42 |
embrik | Using debian hardy - connected a usb-printer (HP 1020) Cups finds the printer and drivers, and everything is just fine - but I can't print. The very first time I did it, I sent a test-print. The printer was out of paper- I didn't find any paper and later when I tried to print again, nothing happens | 18:43 |
trustybell | i'm an xubuntu newbie. can someone guide me through installing TightVNC? | 18:43 |
Vlet | mewt: first result when googling for "ubuntu mirror": http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/mirror | 18:43 |
mzuverink | I have a Sony Cybershot camera that worked fine in Gutsy and now in Hardy it will not allow importation of the photos and states that sdi1 is not a valid block device. What can I do to remedy this situation? i am connecting via usb normal mode | 18:43 |
Brent^ | embrik: did you try hitting the "load paper" button on the printer? | 18:43 |
Insectoid | I'm going for my first install of Ubuntu 8.04. I've checked my hardware, figured out how to get speech during install (I'm a blind computer user), and am generally ready to try it. I've got an Intel t7100 or so (64-bit whatever the number) I realize that Linux supports up to 64 gb of ram, even with 32-bit processors. Is there any real advantage in using the 64-bit Ubuntu Desktop installation? How about disadvantages? | 18:43 |
mewt | Vlet, hmm my bad, i was searching for "setting up a linux mirror" | 18:44 |
mewt | Insectoid, Imo there are more disadvantages than advantages | 18:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | Insectoid 4gb of ram on 32 bit os | 18:44 |
ankka | greetings. is it now no longer good to upgrade to a higher ubuntu by dist-upgrade? | 18:44 |
mewt | Insectoid, performance increase is minimal and you might find yourself in need of 32 bit software later on | 18:45 |
Insectoid | Jack_Sparrow: Nope. pae | 18:45 |
Flannel | ankka: Correct, use update-manager instead | 18:45 |
mewt | Jack_Sparrow, only 3.25gb with 32bit on desktop | 18:45 |
mewt | Jack_Sparrow, Insectoid I had to install ubuntu-server kernel image to get 4gb ram recognised | 18:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | mewt 32 supports 4gb (see server kernel) desketop kernel gives you 3.25 | 18:45 |
Insectoid | mewt/Jack_Sparrow: The kernel supports PAE so it can handle 64 gb of ram even on a 32-bit system I thought? | 18:46 |
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embrik | Brent^, There aren't any load paper button | 18:46 |
Flannel | Insectoid: Yes, but the generic kernel doesn't by default. | 18:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | mewt but you were abole to get 4gb on 32 bit os | 18:46 |
archangel_ | i'm using ubuntu 8.04 and am trying to use acroread, but it says there are broken packages. is this a known bug, or is there another package to give me acroread ? | 18:46 |
mewt | Insectoid, only the server kernel has PAE pre-compiled | 18:46 |
mewt | Jack_Sparrow, no, free only gave up to 3.2 | 18:46 |
mewt | Jack_Sparrow, same output from system-manager | 18:46 |
=== j_ack_ is now known as j_ack | ||
mewt | Jack_Sparrow, installed ubuntu-server kernel and recognised 4gb | 18:47 |
embrik | Brent^, could it have anything to do with permissions - I'm new to ubuntu - been on debian before | 18:47 |
mzuverink | The sony cybershot issue seems to be 64bit related, it works on 32 bit | 18:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | mewt I agree | 18:47 |
ankka | Flannel: is there some specific reason to this? I'm not against it, but what has changed so it's now the only way? | 18:47 |
Insectoid | I'll just build me a new kernel when I need more than 3.2 gb support then. Thanks all for your help | 18:47 |
gooody | anybody here knows the audacious channel? | 18:47 |
archangel_ | !acroread | archangel_ | 18:48 |
gordonjcp | !java | 18:48 |
ubottu | To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository (in !Backports for !Edgy) | 18:48 |
Bodsda | #audacious | 18:48 |
gordonjcp | hm | 18:48 |
Bodsda | damn | 18:48 |
archangel_ | !acroread | 18:48 |
ubottu | Factoid acroread not found | 18:48 |
ihasn | hey anyone know how to get a toshiba satellite's headphone jack working with alsa? | 18:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | ihasn /join #alsa | 18:49 |
Bodsda | gooody, if you go to #audacious information on the official channel is in the topic | 18:49 |
ihasn | thanks jack | 18:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 18:49 |
embrik | anybody know how to get hp laserjet 1020 working in hardy? | 18:49 |
Bodsda | !msgthebot | archangel_ | 18:49 |
ubottu | archangel_: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. | 18:49 |
instabin | I cannot get my wireless working | 18:49 |
Flannel | ankka: Its not the only way, its just the recommended way. It automates everything, and does some sanity/safety checks before doing the upgrade to try and keep systems from upgrading if it'll hose them. You can still upgrade with dist-upgrade and it'll still work fine if you've done the right stuff in preperation (installing the right metapackages) | 18:49 |
gooody | Bodsda: thanks. | 18:50 |
instabin | it crashes when i try to connect to my network | 18:50 |
Bodsda | gooody, your welcome | 18:50 |
unimatrix9 | a few questions : i read that asus has embedded linux into their motherboards , does this also mean that it will run ubuntu out of the box as well? | 18:50 |
archangel_ | bodsda, as i did it once, i'm sorry that that overworked the bot. my appologies | 18:50 |
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ankka | Flannel: ok, thanks, sounds like they've got the update-manager to finally work like intended, then. :) | 18:50 |
Bodsda | archangel_, its not that it overworks the bot its that this is 'most of the time' an extremely busy channel | 18:51 |
unimatrix9 | and : would an mini mac be the ultimate ubuntu 8.04 box? | 18:51 |
movedx | When a daemon fails to start from: /etc/init.d/nessusd start - where are the logs stored? | 18:51 |
joaopinto | unimatrix9, there is no relation between a motherboard using linux embedded and being supported on Linux | 18:52 |
wally1 | can anybody recommend me a liveCD that has compiz/beryl/xgl configured and customized with the better (and more eyecandy) options ready to use ? | 18:52 |
unimatrix9 | hmm, to bad | 18:52 |
joaopinto | wally1, your question is off topic, there is only 1 livecd available for Ubuntu | 18:52 |
archangel_ | i'm using ubuntu 8.04 and am trying to use acroread, but it says there are broken packages. is this a known bug, or is there another package to give me acroread ? | 18:52 |
Pici | wally1: Try ##linux | 18:52 |
Bodsda | wally1, i dont know if theres already one but you can make your own livecd's | 18:52 |
hischild | wally1: why would we recommend anything other then ubuntu? It has what you want ... | 18:53 |
frostburn | wally1, you can use the ubuntu live cd and install the advanced desktop settings package | 18:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | wally1 Has more to do with what video card than configuring the effects | 18:53 |
trustybell | can somebody guide me through installation of a VNC server? i'm new to linux | 18:53 |
unimatrix9 | pclinux maybe? | 18:53 |
joaopinto | archangel_, acroread is not available on the repositories, if you get a broken package msg it is related to a previous install, not to acroread | 18:53 |
joaopinto | trustybell, add/remove software, vnc server | 18:54 |
archangel_ | ok, joaopinto , how do i fix that ? | 18:54 |
joaopinto | unimatrix9, if your question is linux wide and not Ubuntu specific, try ##linux | 18:54 |
joaopinto | archangel_, on the terminal run: sudo apt-get install -f | 18:54 |
trustybell | joaopinto, i tried some of those, but i don't know how to run the server, it seems to run the client only | 18:54 |
archangel_ | joaopinto , it says i need this file : libldap2 but it is not available | 18:54 |
joaopinto | !pdf | archangel_ | 18:54 |
ubottu | archangel_: pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source) | 18:54 |
joaopinto | trustybell, those servers usually install a script at /etc/init.d | 18:55 |
joaopinto | you will need to start it with /etc/init.d/vncserver start | 18:55 |
joaopinto | or something similar, it depends on the vnc server version | 18:55 |
wolfdart | guys, the totem movie player, from ubuntu, suport subtitles? | 18:55 |
wally1 | i just dont' want to lost time installing, trying, etc... i also dont' have ubuntu, i just want to try a livecd with all that beryl stuff running and customized to made a look to it | 18:55 |
hanak | anyone know a nice tool for wireless connection? | 18:56 |
joaopinto | archangel_, I hope you didn't added non ubuntu repositories to your sources, that can break your system | 18:56 |
hanak | i try to connect my wifi but dont ork | 18:56 |
unimatrix9 | joaopinto : it was specific in relation to ubuntu version 8.04 | 18:56 |
joaopinto | wally1, please check ##linux instead | 18:56 |
archangel_ | joaopinto, unless it came with 8.04 it's not been added. | 18:56 |
microwaver | is it possible to listen to audio streams in rythmbox? | 18:56 |
hanak | anyone? | 18:56 |
unimatrix9 | hanak what kind of device is it ? usb , pci? | 18:56 |
hanak | pci card | 18:57 |
joaopinto | archangel_, try sudo apt-get remove for the package that is requesting that missing dependency | 18:57 |
hanak | unimatrix9: pci card | 18:57 |
unimatrix9 | hanak : does the network manager show anaything? | 18:57 |
trustybell | joaopinto, : i went to that directory and listed the contents, i don't see anything there | 18:57 |
kakoonia | Hey.. | 18:57 |
unimatrix9 | hanak : its in the right corner on top in the desktop | 18:57 |
hanak | unimatrix9: wireless connection | 18:57 |
trustybell | i mean, pertaining to a vncserver | 18:57 |
hanak | in network settings yeah | 18:58 |
hanak | where i can see if he see my card nice? | 18:58 |
kakoonia | if im installing ubuntu Gutsy, will it include software updates that hardy has? | 18:58 |
microwaver | how can I check which plugins rythmbox needs for a certain online stream? | 18:58 |
unimatrix9 | hanak : it does show networks? | 18:58 |
Pici | !vnc | trustybell have you read this | 18:58 |
ubottu | trustybell have you read this: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 18:58 |
hanak | yeah | 18:58 |
hanak | unimatrix9: yeah | 18:58 |
joaopinto | kakoonia, only security updates, not software updates in general | 18:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | kakoonia no | 18:58 |
trustybell | ubottu, i'm running it over a LAN | 18:59 |
ubottu | trustybell: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 18:59 |
unimatrix9 | hanak : then it works , you can also do an lspci on your gnome terminal and read the output | 18:59 |
hanak | yeah i did | 18:59 |
hanak | unimatrix9: but when i try to enter my ssid ect he dont connect | 18:59 |
Pici | trustybell: Most of that document still explains how to install VNC properly. | 18:59 |
ubgoon | Does anyone know why Ubuntu Live 2008 was cancelled? - http://en.oreilly.com/ubuntu2008/public/content/home | 18:59 |
kakoonia | Damn.. what about repositories? will it include some of the hardy repos? like new ones that can integrate into gutsy's? | 18:59 |
unimatrix9 | hanak : whats the network security : wep / wap /wpsk? | 18:59 |
hanak | WEP | 19:00 |
Pici | ubgoon: Nope, and I've been keeping my ear to the ground on this one. | 19:00 |
unimatrix9 | did you choose wep and hex? | 19:00 |
ubgoon | bummer :( | 19:00 |
hanak | unimatrix9: yeah | 19:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | kakoonia no it will not include hardy repos | 19:00 |
erUSUL | !info wicd | hanak | 19:00 |
ubottu | hanak: Package wicd does not exist in hardy | 19:00 |
_Petrov_ | when i play a movie in totem, the screen is blue and the movie goes slowly :( | 19:00 |
hanak | erUSUL: what you mean? | 19:01 |
erUSUL | hanak: nevermind | 19:01 |
kakoonia | Jack_Sparrow : is Gutsy's repositories still being updated? | 19:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | kakoonia Yes | 19:01 |
unimatrix9 | hanak : what happens when you try to connect? | 19:01 |
Iron-Cobra | does anyone know how to get the sound working on the new version of linux? everything else is working fine, but i can't figure out what's wrong. also, sound works if i boot windows | 19:01 |
kakoonia | Jack_Sparrow : ok! Thank you. | 19:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 19:01 |
kakoonia | joaopinto : thanks too | 19:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | Iron-Cobra /join #alsa | 19:01 |
unimatrix9 | !sound | 19:01 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 19:01 |
hanak | unimatrix9: he gives me a 169 ip | 19:02 |
unimatrix9 | hanak : the network is dhcp i guess? | 19:02 |
hanak | unimatrix9: yeah | 19:03 |
unimatrix9 | hanak : hmm | 19:03 |
hanak | unimatrix9: i gues i need a tool where i can scan after networks | 19:03 |
unimatrix9 | hanak : you could try to set it manually, i mean, go to system / and network, and try to set it from there, if that does not help , you can set it back later | 19:04 |
trustybell | Pici, how do i edit the /etc/vnc.conf file with sudo? | 19:04 |
unimatrix9 | hanak : what brand card is it? | 19:04 |
hischild_ | Jack_Sparrow, are you still there? Because apparently the alt cd also has some issues with this laptop. | 19:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | trustybell sudo nano or gksudo gedit | 19:05 |
trustybell | i mean how do i actually open the file | 19:05 |
hanak | unimatrix9: asus wl107G | 19:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | hischild_ what hardware are you running and have you checked it out in the supported hardware list | 19:05 |
unimatrix9 | hold on | 19:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | !hardware | 19:05 |
ubottu | For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection | 19:05 |
unimatrix9 | hanak : and you are using hardy ubuntu 8.04 right? | 19:07 |
hischild_ | Jack_Sparrow, i have not. Let me check that. | 19:07 |
hanak | unimatrix9: yeah the last new one | 19:07 |
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unimatrix9 | hanak : are you new to linux ? | 19:08 |
epifanio | hi, i need to login into an ubuntu machine via ssh -X | 19:08 |
hanak | not new new but not expert to :) | 19:08 |
epifanio | all the application that i try to runs, works fine in X mode | 19:08 |
epifanio | but if i try to run "startx" i get the error : user not authorized to run the X server, aborting | 19:09 |
unimatrix9 | hanak : well you have an card with small bug at the moment https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24/+bug/190515 | 19:09 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 190515 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "[Hardy] Low bandwidth with rt2400 / rt2500 drivers" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 19:09 |
unimatrix9 | read a little about it | 19:09 |
epifanio | how can i autorize a remote login ? | 19:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | trustybell sudo nano /etc/vnc.conf or gksudo gedit /etc/vnc.conf | 19:09 |
epifanio | that use the full desktop environment | 19:09 |
unimatrix9 | hanak : there is a way around it, but its not easy | 19:09 |
=== stabbe is now known as stabbe_ | ||
hanak | unimatrix9: ok damn, will try a little more lol | 19:10 |
trustybell | Jack_Sparrow, the file apparently doesn't exist | 19:10 |
hanak | unimatrix9: maybe i find it, thanks anyway | 19:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | trustybell cant help you there | 19:10 |
=== stabbe_ is now known as stabbe | ||
reya276 | What is the gnome install terminal command? | 19:11 |
erUSUL | reya276: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 19:11 |
unimatrix9 | hanak : it means you have to compile the driver and install it , then use rutils as your network manager , its pretty hard to do | 19:11 |
unimatrix9 | http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page | 19:11 |
epifanio | it isn't a vnc connection, i'm connected to the reote machine using : ssh -X ipnumber , need i to modify : /etc/vnc.conf ? | 19:11 |
reya276 | erUSUL: tried that and my desktop still won't show | 19:11 |
erUSUL | reya276: what is th error? | 19:12 |
trustybell | Jack_Sparrow, how do i save it once i'm done editing? | 19:12 |
unimatrix9 | hanak : her are some more webpages on the matter http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=563547&page=48 | 19:12 |
reya276 | erUSUL: I also installed Xbuntu-Desktop and that does not work either, NO Error. The Desktop just won't show, I can use the GDM to login but that is it | 19:12 |
hanak | unimatrix9: thanks | 19:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | trustybell see the menu at the bottom. | 19:13 |
reya276 | erUSUL: also I can run applications from terminal commands | 19:13 |
trustybell | Jack_Sparrow, yes, and it doesn't make sense to me | 19:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | trustybell use ctrl and the letter like w or x | 19:14 |
trustybell | ah ctrl, thanks | 19:14 |
erUSUL | reya276: how do you launch the terminal? what elements are missing? | 19:14 |
unimatrix9 | hanak : wich kernel do you use? uname -a | 19:14 |
^root^ | what to do with a process which become "uninterruptable" and using 100% CPU? (Kill doesn't work anymore) | 19:14 |
reya276 | erUSUL: I tried doing a google search for the answer and came up empty | 19:14 |
mewt | ^root^, tried kill -9 <process name> | 19:14 |
Bodsda | ^root^, killall <processname> | 19:14 |
unimatrix9 | hanak : uname -r | 19:15 |
unimatrix9 | hanak : what does it say? | 19:15 |
reya276 | erUSUL: by login on to the failsafe terminal | 19:15 |
^root^ | mewt: Bodsda: no use | 19:15 |
trustybell | is there any way to search the system for a file? | 19:16 |
^root^ | trustybell: find or locate | 19:16 |
galez | find / -type f -name blah ? | 19:16 |
wangfg | why i cannot use sound system, my ubuntu version is feisty frawn | 19:16 |
pen | wangfg, upgrade my friend | 19:16 |
Bodsda | ^root^, can you see the application? theres a applet you can add to your panel -- right click on panel-->add to panel-->Force Quit then click on the force quit icon then on the non-responsive app | 19:16 |
reya276 | erUSUL: also is very weird because before the install I was able to use the desktop through the Live CD | 19:16 |
hischild_ | Jack_Sparrow, the laptop i'm trying to install it on is not in that list (Asus A7U) however the surrounding laptops appear to be supported. The alt installer has trouble detecting the HD, yet the BIOS has no options to change anything. | 19:16 |
^root^ | Bodsda: the process is a daemon... | 19:16 |
Bodsda | oh | 19:16 |
erUSUL | reya276: failsafe terminal? you mean the falsafe xserver? | 19:17 |
Bodsda | recovery mode? | 19:17 |
Crysis | hi guys I'm new at ubuntu | 19:17 |
aldarsior | hello, I have a user that has a workstation where the network doesn't work until I issue a /etc/init.d/networking restart. Can anyone think of a reason that this would happen? | 19:17 |
wangfg | pen: you mean to hard, i am afraid it doesn't work either | 19:17 |
talntid | failsafe xterm | 19:17 |
^root^ | Bodsda: can't restart system... | 19:17 |
aldarsior | I'm having him boot the livecd to see if it's a hardware problem, but it's very strange | 19:17 |
lgc | How can I disable the "take a break" screen feature? | 19:17 |
Crysis | how can I connect the net to wireless | 19:17 |
^root^ | Bodsda: production system | 19:17 |
unimatrix9 | hanak | 19:17 |
reya276 | erUSUL: I guess, is where you choose the sessions and then I chose the one to launch the terminal | 19:17 |
unimatrix9 | hanak : is you still on this earth? | 19:18 |
embrik | * $£½$ can't get hp 1020 working in hardy - anybody with the same experience? | 19:18 |
lgc | !wireless > Crysis | 19:18 |
embrik | !wireless | 19:18 |
peterkls | wireless is the only pain in the but on hardy im having | 19:18 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 19:18 |
^root^ | anyone? | 19:19 |
grace_ | unimatrix9: i could solve it :) | 19:19 |
unimatrix9 | yeah | 19:19 |
soon | can someone offer me help on a gimp problem (#gimp is dead quiet) ?? | 19:19 |
grace_ | unimatrix9: i just installed wifi raddar and search from there on so i know sure the card working | 19:19 |
matt444 | this is executed NOW instead of at the directed time: cat /dev/video0 > file.mpg | at 2:19pm | 19:19 |
grace_ | unimatrix9: then reconfigure and solved | 19:20 |
DArkAnubiS | join #ubuntu-fr | 19:20 |
unimatrix9 | grace_ i understand, but the point is that the rt2500 ralink drivers are bad, they only give an 1mb connection speed, its a bug i guess | 19:20 |
bulbul | Hi, im installing ubuntu and i have a 1mb ram, what size should i give the swap space? | 19:21 |
erUSUL | bulbul: 1 GB | 19:21 |
grace_ | unimatrix9: yeah speed is not that, iv seen it. But its just for surfing :) | 19:21 |
grace_ | unimatrix9: for my wife lol | 19:21 |
Crysis | I know this is a dumb question but I seem to realise that mac(unix) & linux seem to have some little similarities why are they related? | 19:21 |
grace_ | unimatrix9: linux is the best no virus ect :) | 19:21 |
bulbul | erusul: why 1g? is there some logic? | 19:21 |
unimatrix9 | grace_ i thought , you are the wife? | 19:22 |
erUSUL | bulbul: so you can suspend to disk | 19:22 |
reya276 | erUSUL: any ideas on what it could be? | 19:22 |
unimatrix9 | :P | 19:22 |
grace_ | unimatrix9: hahahaha, you just dream man, you thalking to a real man :p | 19:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | unimatrix9 It all comes down to buying supported hardware.. | 19:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ot | 19:22 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 19:22 |
el_tejedor | uhm i am having a problem and need help, my sound is not working properly | 19:22 |
erUSUL | reya276: no sorry; it is really weird noone of the desktop systems (xfce or gnome) work | 19:22 |
unimatrix9 | ralink is supported | 19:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | unimatrix9 there are different degrees of support. | 19:23 |
unimatrix9 | the ralink drivers are official open source project | 19:23 |
erUSUL | unimatrix9: sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M is the solution i have for the 1 MB/s transfer rate and it works uite well XD | 19:23 |
grace_ | J/quit | 19:23 |
bulbul | erusul: im not sure what you mean? so i can suspend to disk? you mean use it as ram? | 19:23 |
erUSUL | unimatrix9: ralink driver are incorporated on 2.6.24 kernel and ubuntu one | 19:23 |
erUSUL | bulbul: no; when you suspend to disk ram is copied into swap | 19:24 |
el_tejedor | when i boot the "bootsound" is played but i can't play music on rhythmbox or whatever ... it's totally strange i was working before but suddenly o,O | 19:24 |
erUSUL | bulbul: so you need as much space as ram in the system | 19:24 |
unimatrix9 | the ralink drivers in the kernel on hardy heron have a bug...sorry to have to say | 19:24 |
bulbul | erusul: K!! Gotcha thanks dude! | 19:24 |
=== steven_ is now known as Lain_of_the_Wire | ||
nks_ | Hello All, I'm looking for a good video flash grabber ? I'm trying to download video from google and youtube ! | 19:25 |
unimatrix9 | and i mean the rt2500.ko | 19:25 |
erUSUL | unimatrix9: worked fine for me while i used that kernel | 19:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | nks_ youtube-dl-py google it up | 19:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | nks_ youtube-dl.py google it up | 19:25 |
el_tejedor | can't someone help me ? | 19:25 |
erUSUL | unimatrix9: is rt2500pci (the other is the legacy driver and is no longer used in ubuntu) | 19:25 |
matt444 | this is executed NOW instead of at the directed time: cat /dev/video0 > file.mpg | at 2:19pm | 19:25 |
trustybell | i'm getting this error related to fontpaths when trying to run a VNCserver. The file I'm supposed to edit (vnc.conf) to fix this, does not exist. What to do? | 19:26 |
Pici | nks_: youtube-dl is in the Hardy repositories, Jack_Sparrow too. | 19:26 |
lgc | How can I disable the "take a break" screen feature? | 19:26 |
erUSUL | lgc: System>Preferences>keyboard | 19:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | Pici cool.. didnt know they added it in.. Im on a gutsy box atm | 19:26 |
nks_ | jack_sparrow - thankx | 19:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 19:27 |
=== ^root^ is now known as root_1 | ||
el_tejedor | hello i just started using ubuntu and i'm having few problems /questions ... can someone please help me ? | 19:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ask | el_tejedor | 19:27 |
ubottu | el_tejedor: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 19:27 |
erUSUL | !pulseaudio | el_tejedor | 19:28 |
ubottu | el_tejedor: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions | 19:28 |
lgc | erUSUL, hey man, wunderbar, thanks! I was fed up with such feature (I enabled it, didn't work for me and then I forgot how to reset it). | 19:28 |
tiagoboldt | Hi, I'm having a kernel panic each time I do intensive use of ssh: file transfers most of the time.. any ideas on why? using an updated hardy | 19:28 |
unimatrix9 | going for a nap , bye all | 19:28 |
erUSUL | lgc: no problem | 19:28 |
elliotjhug | hi all, anyone had any luck getting SCiTE autocomplete to work - gen_python_api keeps giving me a segfault | 19:28 |
erUSUL | tiagoboldt: seems like a buggy network driver ?? file a bug report against the kernel | 19:29 |
tiagoboldt | on it:) | 19:29 |
Nebri | hey guys, having a major problem with installing ubuntu. It detects my hard drive, but it doesnt detect the current partition table. I got 2 partitions in use, one for windows other is for data. Dont want to lose my data, too much to lose. | 19:30 |
gooody | why does ubuntu hardy includes audacious-crossfade plugin but it is not supported by the latest version of audacious? | 19:31 |
dobey | is anyone around who admins ubuntuforums.com? | 19:31 |
xorand | !resolution | 19:31 |
ubottu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 19:31 |
Pici | dobey: try asking in #ubuntuforums | 19:31 |
dobey | oh, didn't realize there was a channel for it | 19:31 |
dobey | thanks | 19:31 |
sodifh | do you know some proxy that works with irc? I tried a dozen of public proxy lists, proxies from russia, china, iran, iraq, netherlands, norway, all port 3128. All reject connection. A chinese one worked, but the scanner kicked me "you are infected with a trojan". And one other worked, but I got kicked again "too many clones" | 19:32 |
Pici | sodifh: We dont support those here, sorry. | 19:32 |
Nebri | ubuntu's livecd wont detect my partition table but it does detect the drive showing everything unallocated, but windows does no problem. any ideas? | 19:32 |
erUSUL | Nebri: no; no idea not even gparted ? System>Admin>Partition Editor ?? or the output of "sudo fdisk -l· | 19:33 |
flyingsquirrel32 | how can I get my Atheros AR5416 chip Wireless adapter to work on Hardy? | 19:33 |
arunkale | !ffmpeg | 19:34 |
ubottu | Factoid ffmpeg not found | 19:34 |
arunkale | anyone know any good ffmpeg tutorials? | 19:34 |
Nebri | erUSUL: Nope, gparted just gives me everything as unallocated. | 19:34 |
erUSUL | Nebri: i've never herd of such a thing so i'm afraid i can not help much ... | 19:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | Nebri May I politely suggest you try the gparted livecd , 50 meg dl livecd and let us know what it shows for your partitions | 19:35 |
Nebri | erUSUL: fdisk sees it though :) | 19:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | Nebri I had one system that ub live didnt see the partitions but gparted did | 19:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | gparted live that is | 19:36 |
sascha_ | hi | 19:36 |
Nebri | Jack_Sparrow: Well my partitions are all set up the way I want them to be, its just getting ubuntu installed now.. | 19:36 |
=== nico_ is now known as nico_|gone | ||
Jack_Sparrow | Nebri Once I setup the partitions with gparted live, I was able to install | 19:37 |
flyingsquirrel32 | any help with a wireless card? | 19:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | Nebri do you already have etx3 and swap partitions. how many partitions total. | 19:37 |
erUSUL | flyingsquirrel32: which one? (chip) | 19:37 |
trustybell | Pici, the vnc.conf file did not exist, so i created it, and it still didn't fix the fontpath error that i'm getting when i try to run the vnc server | 19:38 |
hwilde | E: /var/cache/apt/archives/human-theme_0.18_all.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/applications/screensavers/ubuntu_theme.desktop', which is also in package gnome-screensaver | 19:38 |
Nebri | Jack_Sparrow: 5 partitions total, 2 NTFS primaries, then an ext3 with swap residing in extended partition | 19:38 |
hwilde | how can I get around this error? it won't let me upgrade. E: /var/cache/apt/archives/human-theme_0.18_all.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/applications/screensavers/ubuntu_theme.desktop', which is also in package gnome-screensaver | 19:38 |
flyingsquirrel32 | Linksys WPC100 | 19:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | Nebri really odd.. no answer. for that | 19:38 |
Crysis | hi guys can't I install network search in ubuntu | 19:39 |
erUSUL | flyingsquirrel32: the manufacturer is useless ... we need to know the chip ... is pci or usb?? | 19:39 |
flyingsquirrel32 | The chip is Atheros Communications Inc. AR5416 802.11abgn Wireless PCI Adapter (rev 01) | 19:39 |
Crysis | like in windows I check for networks near my area | 19:39 |
m1dn1ght | Can anyone recommend a package that is good for posting large, split binaries to usenet? | 19:39 |
bouncing | Odd question: I used to have kubuntu-desktop installed, but since installing ubuntu-desktop and using gnome, nothing seems to have spellcheck. (including Firefox, gaim, etc that had it in kubuntu). What am I doing wrong? (this is w/ gutsy) | 19:39 |
erUSUL | flyingsquirrel32: i think you need to dl and compile the driver for atheros ... | 19:40 |
bouncing | m1dn1ght: tar | 19:40 |
Nebri | Jack_Sparrow: I can even mount the partitions and gparted still doesnt see it. | 19:41 |
m1dn1ght | sorry bouncing - don't mean to do the splitting. I've got the files ready to post. but pan newsreader doesn't seem to have many options for posting binaries, so I'm looking for an alternative | 19:41 |
nabcore | is the server edition install text based by default? | 19:41 |
Xsploit | ok, so i used wubi to install ubunutu, i chose the size of the partition to be 15gb, is there an easy way to increase that ? | 19:41 |
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erUSUL | flyingsquirrel32: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766529 | 19:42 |
bouncing | m1dn1ght: The issue is that usenet was designed for posting text only. So posting files is done through encoding them. I think there are tools to do what you're asking, but actually you might try browsing around with other newsreaders to see if they do it automatically. I'm not very familiar with what the standard is on usenet. | 19:43 |
m1dn1ght | cheers bouncing - back in my windows days I used to have a a program that auto-encoded into yenc to allow posting. I'll search a bit harder for some software as I'm sure there's some out there. | 19:44 |
corky | when trying to install nmapfe, i get this "warning":"Note, selecting zenmap instead of nmapfe" | 19:45 |
corky | how can i install nmapfe? | 19:45 |
bouncing | anyone? enable spellcheck in gnome/ubuntu? | 19:45 |
garrett__ | aspell? | 19:45 |
Vlet | bouncing: spellchecking of what? | 19:45 |
Myrtti | bouncing: which language | 19:46 |
flyingsquirrel32 | erUSUL: Thats for a ar5007 do you think it will work for my 5416? | 19:46 |
rangnamei_absolu | hi | 19:46 |
rangnamei_absolu | im an absolute beginner | 19:46 |
garrett__ | rangnamei_absolu: everyone was once | 19:46 |
erUSUL | flyingsquirrel32: i think madwifi supports most ath chips but you can google araound with your exact chip revision if in doubt | 19:46 |
rangnamei_absolu | ok | 19:46 |
corky | well, anyone?1 | 19:47 |
Makuseru | hi, im having some problems with a 1/4th mono (an instrument) to USB interface (its just a cable with a analog to digital converter in it), and i cant get it to work with any recording programs, im using Ardour2, when i start it i use ALSA as the driver, and USB Audio as the interface, and i know how to record with Ardour (click record on the track/bus, click the other record button, then play to start recording, its worked with a microphone | 19:47 |
Makuseru | beforE) but i cant seem to get anything to work with this USB interface, does anyone know what im doing wrong and how to get it to work? | 19:47 |
rangnamei_absolu | i want to know something on wireshark | 19:47 |
erUSUL | flyingsquirrel32: search "ubuntu hardy yourmodelchip" | 19:47 |
rangnamei_absolu | ? | 19:47 |
bouncing | Vlet: Everything -- firefox, gaim, evolution, etc -- nothing has spellcheck for me. | 19:47 |
bouncing | Myrtti: English | 19:47 |
rangnamei_absolu | cananyone tellme which version of ubuntu is latest now | 19:47 |
rangnamei_absolu | ? | 19:47 |
les | 8.04 | 19:47 |
garrett__ | 8.04 | 19:47 |
r2d2 | Whats a good image mounting progam ?? | 19:47 |
m1dn1ght | rangnamei_absolu: hardy | 19:47 |
flyingsquirrel32 | I tried madwifi earlier, but it didn't work. | 19:48 |
garrett__ | rangnamei_absolu: 8.04 = hardy | 19:48 |
rangnamei_absolu | WHERE CAN I GET IT | 19:48 |
m1dn1ght | r2d2: ubuntu will mount automatically for you | 19:48 |
rangnamei_absolu | ? | 19:48 |
gooody | can someone recommend me a cd burning application for ubuntu hardy? | 19:48 |
Pici | !download | rangnamei_absolu | 19:48 |
ubottu | rangnamei_absolu: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Hardy, and help keeping the servers' load low! | 19:48 |
flyingsquirrel32 | erUSUL: isn't madwifi included in linux-restricted-modules? | 19:48 |
rangnamei_absolu | OK | 19:48 |
rangnamei_absolu | THANKS | 19:48 |
rangnamei_absolu | I HAVE ANOTHER BIG PROBLEM | 19:48 |
Pici | rangnamei_absolu: No need for the caps. | 19:48 |
garrett__ | broken keyboard? | 19:48 |
r2d2 | Really, auto mount images are u sure? | 19:48 |
erUSUL | flyingsquirrel32: yep it is but it seems that is failing for many people ... | 19:48 |
erUSUL | !caps | rangnamei_absolu | 19:49 |
ubottu | rangnamei_absolu: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 19:49 |
rangnamei_absolu | i cannot watch youtube videos | 19:49 |
m1dn1ght | r2d2: let me double check. I may have installed a package that did it for me, but as far as I remember it's always been a feature. One sec. | 19:49 |
erUSUL | !flash | rangnamei_absolu | 19:49 |
ubottu | rangnamei_absolu: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 19:49 |
bouncing | brb | 19:49 |
rangnamei_absolu | as it start loading my firefox browser hangs up | 19:49 |
rangnamei_absolu | i have flash installed | 19:50 |
rangnamei_absolu | but when i run youtube videos my computer hangs | 19:50 |
* erUSUL thinks flash factoid needs a facelift ;P | 19:50 | |
gooody | does kde applications like k3b works well with ubuntu? | 19:50 |
Odd-rationale | gooody: yes | 19:50 |
r2d2 | yeah i think anyway if it does thats to basic im after a more advanced mounting program | 19:50 |
=== smith is now known as smiith | ||
flyingsquirrel32 | erUSUL: rebooting... | 19:50 |
erUSUL | gooody: many people uses amarok or k3b on gnome | 19:50 |
m1dn1ght | r2d2: install gmount-iso | 19:50 |
r2d2 | alrighty ill check it out thx | 19:51 |
gabriel | !fireglcontrol | 19:51 |
ubottu | Factoid fireglcontrol not found | 19:51 |
m1dn1ght | r2d2: then right click the .iso file and select "open with gmount-iso" | 19:51 |
gooody | i see. thank you guys for the info. | 19:51 |
alex1 | hey guys, is there a channel where I can ask for some help regarding issuing a patch? | 19:51 |
rangnamei_absolu | someone would tell me why my firefox browser hangs as i open youtube vids | 19:51 |
gabriel | !fireglcontrol | 19:52 |
ubottu | Factoid fireglcontrol not found | 19:52 |
epifanio | ragazzi, mi sto collegando ad una ubuntu7.10 via ssh -X, se lancio applicazioni che richedono X funziona tutto alla grande, ma seprovo a dfare uno startx, mi da : user not authorized to run the X server, aborting | 19:52 |
gabriel | !ati | 19:52 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 19:52 |
m1dn1ght | rangnamei_absolu: have you installed the non-free flash package? | 19:52 |
erUSUL | rangnamei_absolu: flash is buggy in linux period for many people it work more or less ... | 19:52 |
rangnamei_absolu | yes | 19:53 |
rangnamei_absolu | but its still hanging whenever i watch | 19:53 |
m1dn1ght | rangnamei_absolu: like erUSUL said - flash is one of the few areas where windows still has advantage it seems. Even now firefox still crashes for me sometimes opening flash vids. | 19:53 |
gooody | erUSUL: can amarok burn data disc? is this the same amarok for playing media files? | 19:53 |
m1dn1ght | rangnamei_absolu: is it crashing your whole system, or just firefox? | 19:53 |
rangnamei_absolu | is there any other way to watch youtube vids | 19:54 |
rangnamei_absolu | ? | 19:54 |
rangnamei_absolu | my whole system hangs | 19:54 |
erUSUL | gooody: amarokl is an example of a popular kde app used on gnome just like k3b i was not comparing the two | 19:54 |
m1dn1ght | rangnamei_absolu: is the non-free flash package the only one you have installed? | 19:54 |
rangnamei_absolu | i have installed gnash | 19:55 |
rangnamei_absolu | shockwave or something like that i cant remember | 19:55 |
Pici | rangnamei_absolu: flash and gnash are not the same thing. | 19:55 |
rangnamei_absolu | can you please guide me on how to uninstall them | 19:56 |
bouncing | Is there a package I can configure or place I can universally say I want to configure my locale? Since I install kubuntu first, perhaps ubuntu-desktop doesn't know my locale. | 19:56 |
rangnamei_absolu | is that possible ? | 19:56 |
m1dn1ght | rangnamei_absolu: do you know how to use synaptic? | 19:56 |
blue|palm | has anyone tried playing any games through wine with an ATI card using one of the latest drivers? On hardy heron it always switches to very slow indirect rendering... | 19:56 |
Pici | rangnamei_absolu: Are you on a 32 bit or a 64 bit install? | 19:56 |
=== nico_|gone is now known as nico_ | ||
ijusten | http://www.octoshape.com/plugin/linux.asp <how do I execute a file? | 19:57 |
rangnamei_absolu | 32 bit | 19:57 |
ijusten | (setup n:o 2) | 19:57 |
rangnamei_absolu | 32 bit x86 intel 945 GCNL | 19:57 |
Pici | ijusten: chmod +x octosetup-linux_i386.bin ; ./octosetup-linux_i386.bin | 19:57 |
sriram_ | is there any easy way to install ubuntu-server in a click in ubuntu, like how we install kubuntu-desktop to install kubuntu? | 19:57 |
dassouki | why does my firefox hog my sound card :@ | 19:57 |
visik7 | dassouki: flash | 19:58 |
Pici | sriram_: Ubuntu server has less packages than ubuntu/kubuntu desktop | 19:58 |
ijusten | pici, thanks | 19:58 |
dassouki | visik7, so i have to close firefox everytime to listen to music or access apps ? | 19:58 |
visik7 | ubuntu-server has the same repos of desktop | 19:58 |
Pici | rangnamei_absolu: sudo apt-get remove gnash && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 19:58 |
sriram_ | Pici, i mean all the packages which are there in server should be installed in my system | 19:58 |
rangnamei_absolu | i will try thanks pici for the valuable info | 19:59 |
Pici | sriram_: You mean like apache, mysql, etc? | 19:59 |
sriram_ | yes | 19:59 |
genii | sriram_: sudo apt-get install tasksel then run tasksel with admin privelege and choose lamp install | 19:59 |
visik7 | dassouki: aptitude purge libflashsupport than go to System->preferences-> audio and swith from pulse to alsa | 19:59 |
Pici | sriram_: sudo tasksel install lamp-server | 19:59 |
sriram_ | Pici, and all apps in it, if not installed in my system, which comes with server version. | 20:00 |
Skrux | hi | 20:00 |
rangnamei_absolu | rangnamei@rangnamei-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get remove gnash && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 20:00 |
rangnamei_absolu | Reading package lists... Done | 20:00 |
rangnamei_absolu | Building dependency tree | 20:00 |
rangnamei_absolu | Reading state information... Done | 20:00 |
rangnamei_absolu | The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: | 20:00 |
FloodBot3 | rangnamei_absolu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 20:00 |
rangnamei_absolu | libboost-thread1.34.1 libboost-date-time1.34.1 gnash-common | 20:00 |
codecowboy | hi. my wireless has stopped working on ubuntu hardy harron desktop. i'm now connecting using my windows partition on the same hardware so i know its not a hardware fault | 20:00 |
visik7 | codecowboy: ipw3945 ? | 20:00 |
Pici | !language | visik7 | 20:00 |
ubottu | visik7: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 20:00 |
codecowboy | visik7, ? | 20:01 |
geoffrey | heyy | 20:01 |
visik7 | codecowboy: which chipset | 20:01 |
m1dn1ght | rabganmei - please use pastebin for long logs | 20:01 |
visik7 | ubottu: this things drive me crazy | 20:01 |
ubottu | visik7: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 20:01 |
flyingsquirrel32 | erUSUL: Still no taking... | 20:01 |
mussolini | is it possible to load the [WWW] Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron" Minimal CD 9.5MB* onto a usb and install it like that ? | 20:01 |
sriram_ | visik7, there could have been power problem in his comp or the like. | 20:01 |
Pici | !usb | mussolini see this | 20:01 |
ubottu | mussolini see this: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 20:01 |
m1dn1ght | rangnamei_absolu: www.pastebin.com - then post the URL here for things like that | 20:02 |
visik7 | sriram_: let we see if it will come back (I doubt) | 20:02 |
mussolini | Pici thank you | 20:02 |
codecowboy | visik7, dunno. sony vaio laptop if that helps? | 20:02 |
visik7 | codecowboy: without a model number no | 20:02 |
codecowboy | visik7, vista lists 3945 so i think the answer is yes. known problem? | 20:02 |
flyingsquirrel32 | can somone recommend a wireless card I can buy that will work out-of-the-box with hardy? | 20:02 |
soon | this pidgin thing is CRAP! How do I connect to server ird.gimp.org ?? Its already in my list ! | 20:02 |
codecowboy | visik7, Intel 3945 ABG | 20:03 |
visik7 | codecowboy: yes known problem, at least in my little linux community here all ppl with an ipw3945 got the new driver (iwl3945) that is far inferior compared to the new one | 20:03 |
visik7 | codecowboy: like mine | 20:03 |
m1dn1ght | flyingsquirrel32: the ubuntu page has a list of compatible hardware on the website | 20:03 |
rangnamei_absolu | which plugins should i install | 20:03 |
rangnamei_absolu | ? | 20:03 |
rangnamei_absolu | gnash or flash? | 20:03 |
gentlyninja | imagick in php5 doesnt work in ubuntu | 20:04 |
rangnamei_absolu | no idea im really crazy ... | 20:04 |
visik7 | codecowboy:there isn't much to do as I know maybe some ticket on launchpad I dunno | 20:04 |
codecowboy | visik7, new driver compared to the new driver ???? | 20:04 |
marathe25 | rt73 works OOB in hardy | 20:04 |
codecowboy | visik7, it was working last night | 20:04 |
m1dn1ght | flyingsquirrel32: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported | 20:04 |
m1dn1ght | rangnamei_absolu: do you know how to use synaptic? try uninstalling what flash you have then install all of the libflash packages in Synaptic package manager maybe. That's the method I used, but even now it still crashes firefox sometimes | 20:04 |
visik7 | codecowboy: old driver (on 7.10 was ipw3945) compared to new driver (iwl3945 ) | 20:04 |
mewt | most (if not all) intel wireless chipsets afaik work OOB in 8.04 | 20:04 |
rangnamei_absolu | but in live cd i can watch by installing flash | 20:05 |
codecowboy | visik7, if the new driver is standard on hardy herron, i havent changed it and it has been working | 20:05 |
visik7 | codecowboy: and when it stop ? | 20:05 |
codecowboy | visik7, and now suddenly not. got home from work today and noticed it has stopped working | 20:06 |
nico_ | test | 20:06 |
sriram_ | how do i configure/run apache "the graphical way" | 20:06 |
codecowboy | only thing i have changed on the machine today is installing filezilla | 20:06 |
m1dn1ght | rangnamei_absolu: like people have said - flash is temperemental as hell in linux for some reason. Adobe doesn't seem to be overly interested in devoted resources to fixing it | 20:06 |
codecowboy | visik7, ^^ | 20:06 |
visik7 | codecowboy: any reboot after got it not working ? | 20:06 |
rangnamei_absolu | guess i wouldnt be watching youtube vids for a while then | 20:07 |
visik7 | codecowboy: any boot on windows than switch the wireless off from some software panel (on windows)? | 20:07 |
visik7 | codecowboy: just guessing | 20:07 |
m1dn1ght | rangnamei_absolu: don't know if it's possible to install the windows version of firefox under wine with the windows flash plugins? I'm just thinking out loud, but maybe that could work? | 20:07 |
=== yesudeep1 is now known as yesudeep | ||
codecowboy | visik7,rebooted twice - no dice. you mean disable wireless under windows? | 20:07 |
visik7 | yes | 20:07 |
rangnamei_absolu | i have tried that but still there is some prob in my ubuntu | 20:08 |
visik7 | codecowboy: does the card works: I mean iwconfig show the card ? | 20:08 |
visik7 | codecowboy: or it's completly disapeard ? | 20:08 |
sriram_ | rangnamei_absolu, are u sure u use adobe-flash plugin? | 20:08 |
rangnamei_absolu | i dont know | 20:08 |
erUSUL | flyingsquirrel32: sorry was away... no luck with the new driver? | 20:08 |
codecowboy | visik7, card shows in iwconfig and network manager shows wireless networks | 20:08 |
rangnamei_absolu | i just install it from a popup in firefox | 20:08 |
Nythain | would there by chance be any way to install mozilla-mplayer in hardy for firefox 2 | 20:09 |
marathe25 | codecowboy: network manager is shitty, try rutilT | 20:09 |
visik7 | codecowboy: but doesn't associate ? | 20:09 |
m1dn1ght | rangnamei_absolu: go to System -> Admin -> Synaptic Package Manager. Hit search and type flash. Scroll down and see if flashplugin-nonfree is shaded in | 20:09 |
marathe25 | codecowboy: I was having the same problem, rutilT worked | 20:09 |
flyingsquirrel32 | erUSUL: No, | 20:09 |
sriram_ | rangnamei_absolu, in that popup, there would have been three or four options, do u know if u selected adobe-flash? | 20:10 |
abdulla | lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MngZ6y_ImC8 | 20:10 |
sriram_ | coz others are quite buggy and resource-hevy | 20:10 |
rangnamei_absolu | there is only two option | 20:10 |
flyingsquirrel32 | m1dn1ght: Thanks | 20:10 |
codecowboy | visik7, something like that. also when you run dhclient manually it is trying to connect on | 20:10 |
abdulla | check out this | 20:10 |
abdulla | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MngZ6y_ImC8 | 20:10 |
codecowboy | visik7, that usually means something is screwy somewhere | 20:10 |
m1dn1ght | flyingsquirrel32: no probs dude | 20:10 |
rangnamei_absolu | i chose first :..flash plugin | 20:10 |
rangnamei_absolu | second:>>gnash swf player | 20:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | abdulla Please dont do that | 20:10 |
codecowboy | visik7, i thought the wireless nightmare in linux was over with hardy herron. looks like i was wrong :-( | 20:11 |
m1dn1ght | Captain Jack will whoop you ... :) | 20:11 |
visik7 | codecowboy: yes you are :( | 20:11 |
m1dn1ght | rangnamei_absolu: go to System -> Admin -> Synaptic Package Manager. Hit search and type flash. Scroll down and see if flashplugin-nonfree is shaded in. That is the Adobe plugin. | 20:12 |
codecowboy | marathe25, exact same problem? suddenly stopped working or never worked? | 20:12 |
erUSUL | flyingsquirrel32: iwconfig does not show any wireless interface ? | 20:12 |
sriram_ | rangnamei_absolu, pls uninstall all the plugins and select adobe-flash again when starting youtube. | 20:12 |
rangnamei_absolu | hey i hit search and it displays many | 20:12 |
rangnamei_absolu | ok but how to uninstall | 20:12 |
quentusrex23 | Does anyone know of a way to integrate into nagios a way to monitor network bandwidth usage? I want to see a traffic graph for each of my machines... | 20:12 |
rangnamei_absolu | they redirect me to adobe website | 20:12 |
sriram_ | rangnamei_absolu, i refer to flash plugins; for an idea on current plugins-> type about:plugins in mozilla addressbar. | 20:12 |
m1dn1ght | head ---> brick wall. | 20:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | m1dn1ght agreed | 20:13 |
Nythain | any advice on installing mozilla-plugin for firefox 2 on hardy??? | 20:13 |
sriram_ | rangnamei_absolu, download the version for hardy, or whatever urs is. | 20:13 |
joaopinto | Nythain, copy from ff3 plugins dir to the ff2 plugins dir ? | 20:14 |
Nythain | well, i was hoping to not have to install ff3 | 20:14 |
sriram_ | Nythain, the same plugins of paradiso will be used in firefox2 by default, u may need to enable, though | 20:14 |
Ximal | is there a program I can use to convert flash or *.swf files to mp3/wave ? | 20:16 |
=== m1dn1ght is now known as m1dn1ght-AFK | ||
Stroganoff | Ximal you mean .flv files | 20:17 |
Ximal | no. actual swf files | 20:18 |
schwagner | can someone help me switch my java to use the sun jre/jvm/firefox plugin? | 20:18 |
Ximal | files like this one http://www.youtube.com/v/gPVbk0qaJiE&hl=en | 20:19 |
Stroganoff | Ximal use any audio recorder and set input source to "stereo mix" or something | 20:19 |
Stroganoff | Ximal, try this: www.file2hd.com | 20:19 |
faemir | Is there a list of the ati graphics cards currently supported in ubuntu? My friend has a newish card that he could never get X working in ubuntu and I thought perhaps the driver was too old, but that was before HH was released. | 20:20 |
Stroganoff | extract the .flv files from youtube or whatever, than proceed the conversion with the package "soundconverter" | 20:20 |
mattywarr | hi - is there a way i can reinstall the default gnome theme? | 20:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | Ximal http://onestoryeveryday.com/convert-flv-to-mp3.html yet another solution | 20:20 |
hatta | pwd | 20:20 |
Ximal | nm | 20:20 |
Ximal | bye guys.. thanks | 20:20 |
hatta | oops lol | 20:21 |
faemir | Jack_Sparrow: you should of told him to do mplayer -dumpaudio file.flv =/ | 20:21 |
newair | Does Ubuntu support wpa2-psk? | 20:22 |
Viza | hi, is it possible to use totem-mozilla (xulrunner based) in hardy with firefox-2? | 20:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | faemir He got lots of answers to his question.. all should work | 20:22 |
b12 | i have a serious issue | 20:22 |
b12 | my lipgtk2.0-0 is broken | 20:22 |
b12 | libgtK* | 20:23 |
andril | hello all | 20:23 |
faemir | Ok, does anyone here use a radeon x1950xt? | 20:23 |
andril | anyone know the ubuntu decoration channel? | 20:24 |
DShepherd | andril, compiz? | 20:24 |
andril | i need engines "pixmap" and "auroura" | 20:24 |
thyko | hi all | 20:25 |
faemir | andril: aurora. | 20:25 |
thyko | whats pppd flow control? | 20:25 |
andril | yeah | 20:25 |
Sc00byD00 | what can i do when i have no network connection? | 20:25 |
faemir | Sc00byD00: get it working? | 20:25 |
Guillaum3 | hellow | 20:25 |
Sc00byD00 | faemir: that'd be ideal. but how do i do that | 20:26 |
flyingsquirrel32 | erUSUL: Sorry for the late response. no, it doesn't, neither does ifconfig | 20:26 |
faemir | Sc00byD00: depends whether you are on wireless or wired | 20:26 |
faemir | :) | 20:26 |
Sc00byD00 | wired | 20:26 |
faemir | well then dhcp should take care of it... | 20:26 |
rangnamei_absolu | my system hangs | 20:26 |
Sc00byD00 | faemir: yes it should. but seems it doesnt :) | 20:26 |
faemir | Sc00byD00: well then you would have to set your own ip address. | 20:27 |
Sc00byD00 | faemir: i've tried that too, no success | 20:27 |
faemir | Sc00byD00: man ifconfig? | 20:27 |
rangnamei_absolu | i dont have any compiler for c++ and c in my ubuntu | 20:27 |
rangnamei_absolu | someone would tell me please where do i get them? | 20:27 |
Nebri | Jack_Sparrow: Figured out how to get around it! used fdisk to rewrite the partition table without any changes, worked like a charm :). | 20:27 |
newair | What is the highest level of wireless security in Ubuntu? | 20:28 |
faemir | rangnamei_absolu: sudo apt-get install build-essentials? | 20:28 |
faemir | newair: the same as any other. | 20:28 |
jonbryan | Anyone get WoW to run in wine? | 20:28 |
rangnamei_absolu | again | 20:28 |
faemir | jonbryan: see appdb.winehq.org | 20:28 |
Chapai | newair, i think wpa2 | 20:28 |
rangnamei_absolu | right now i downloaded flash plugin | 20:28 |
rangnamei_absolu | but it is not installed | 20:28 |
jonbryan | faemir: right on | 20:28 |
rangnamei_absolu | how do i install it manually | 20:28 |
Baltazaar | rangnamei_absolu: that is in universe/non-free | 20:28 |
Nebri | Anybody know how to get a partition to automount on boot? filesystem is ntfs, want full read/write. | 20:29 |
faemir | jonbryan: it runs pretty well ;) | 20:29 |
Charbucks | can someone tell me where /etc/default/acpi-support is used? It appears that in Hardy any changes to this file are ignored | 20:29 |
newair | I am curious if it supports wpa2-psk | 20:29 |
jonbryan | faemir: what kind of FPS you getting? | 20:29 |
flyingsquirrel32 | erUSUL: Wow, now hardware drivers shows an Atheros driver as installed but not in use. | 20:29 |
faemir | newair: wireless security is a contradiction in terms tbh ;) | 20:29 |
Chapai | thats what i meant newair | 20:29 |
faemir | jonbryan: ~2-3 lower than in windows | 20:29 |
jonbryan | I hear in some applications it runs faster than windows | 20:30 |
jonbryan | so im eager to try it out | 20:30 |
rangnamei_absolu | how do i disable software management tool | 20:30 |
rangnamei_absolu | update manager | 20:30 |
faemir | rangnamei_absolu: why would you not wnt to update? | 20:30 |
newair | faemir, Chapai, thank you | 20:30 |
Nebri | jonbryan: that really depends on how messy windows is. a clean windows system is just as fast as linux | 20:30 |
rangnamei_absolu | because i cant install other | 20:30 |
rangnamei_absolu | it says | 20:30 |
faemir | Nebri: no it's not. | 20:31 |
Chapai | i am not certain though, coz i use wpa-psk newair | 20:31 |
faemir | Try a tiling wm and tell me it's as fast. | 20:31 |
jonbryan | Windows comes with a lot of bloat | 20:31 |
rangnamei_absolu | only one software management tool is allwed to run at the same time | 20:31 |
rangnamei_absolu | what is the problem here? | 20:31 |
jonbryan | linux having less overhead, it just might run faster | 20:31 |
Baltazaar | jonbryan: so does many Linux distros | 20:31 |
Chapai | only if you buy it already installed jonbryan | 20:31 |
Starnestommy | rangnamei_absolu: it's a feature to prevent conflicts between package managers | 20:31 |
Nebri | faemir: sooo true! minimalist linux beats everything :). but I'm comparing gnome -> clean windows. | 20:32 |
frog | got new speakers with a weak midrange - is there a good sound mixer i can compensate with? | 20:32 |
Starnestommy | rangnamei_absolu: there's probably one already open that you aren't seeing | 20:32 |
faemir | Starnestommy: You would of thought that apt would get more to advance beyond m$ access access, but meh ;P{ | 20:32 |
stothepizzle | if i remove something (sudo apt-get remove) will that delete all data associated with it? | 20:32 |
joaopinto | !aptlock | rangnamei_absolu | 20:32 |
ubottu | rangnamei_absolu: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 20:32 |
Nebri | Anybody know how to get a partition to automount on boot? filesystem is ntfs, want full read/write. | 20:32 |
faemir | Nebri: fair enough | 20:32 |
joaopinto | stoffepojken, not the config files, for that you will need --purge | 20:32 |
rangnamei_absolu | oh can you please tell me which one is that running | 20:33 |
joaopinto | rangnamei_absolu, check the message from ubotu | 20:33 |
Baltazaar | Nebri: edit fstab, and install fuse or what it's called | 20:33 |
joaopinto | Baltazaar, fuse has nothing to do with ntfs mount !!! | 20:33 |
Baltazaar | what is it called? | 20:34 |
joaopinto | Nebri, you just need to make sure the partition is set on /etc/fstab, and the options includes defaults or auto | 20:34 |
Chapai | Nebri, if the drive is mount add it to the /etc/fstab /dev/sda? /media/? ntfs default 0 0 | 20:34 |
transience | does ubuntu no longer support emerald? I can't seem to find it anywhere... | 20:34 |
Nebri | Thanks gang :) | 20:34 |
Chapai | where ? is the device and device name repectively Nebri | 20:35 |
Makuseru | Can someone recommend some USB Audio recording software? | 20:35 |
Sharpie | my printer (hp deskjet 3940) prints out everything in green (only in ubuntu, fine on windows) | 20:35 |
Nebri | right right :) | 20:35 |
rangnamei_absolu | obuttu:>>i try the terminal but it simply ask for my password | 20:35 |
_Angelus_ | guys do you know if there are kubuntu mugs like tha ubuntu ones? | 20:35 |
legend2440 | Nebri: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindows | 20:35 |
mattywarr | hi - how do I uninstall a module using apt-get? I have tried apt-get uninstall <module> but it fails | 20:36 |
transience | does ubuntu 8.04 still support emerald? I can't seem to find it anywhere... | 20:36 |
Starnestommy | mattywarr: remove, not uninstall | 20:36 |
tvynr | mattywarr: apt-get remove | 20:36 |
mattywarr | ah cool thanks :) | 20:36 |
Baltazaar | joaopinto: read up: http://www.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfsmount needs fuse, and ntfsprogs | 20:37 |
MrElendig | mattywarr: rmmod/modprobe -r | 20:37 |
tvynr | Hello, all. I'm having some trouble trying out Ubuntu. I'm trying to install it in a QEMU VM in order to get a feel for it and I seem to persistently get the error "I/O error: Error reading boot CD" whenever I select "Install Ubuntu" from the boot menu. | 20:37 |
Webspot | I just upgraded my server from gutsy to hardy. Upgrade completed successfully. Restarted the box. Now cannot ssh in. It connects initially and shows the welcome message. After which it instantly loses connection. Any ideas? auth.log at https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/33707 | 20:37 |
joaopinto | Baltazaar, it actually requires ntfs3g, which by itself depends on fuse, all of them installed by default, so your recommendation is pointless :) | 20:37 |
Baltazaar | to get a full featured NTFS mount via fstab | 20:37 |
tvynr | Webspot: You know about the SSH vulnerability recently discovered in Debian and Ubuntu? I doubt it's part of the problem, but you might want to glance at a security patch to be sure. | 20:38 |
bo | Hi All | 20:38 |
bo | I need some help with Ubantu, if there's anyone who could chat with me, will appreciate it a lot | 20:39 |
Baltazaar | it was not a recommendation... Just told him what he needed to get full featured ntfsmount | 20:39 |
Makuseru | Can someone recommend some USB Audio recording software? | 20:39 |
tvynr | Does anyone have any idea how the "Error reading boot CD" would be caused? The install disc is an ISO, so physical medium problems is not an option. And the same command to launch qemu using Knoppix 5.1.1 and the Debian Etch installers works fine. | 20:39 |
mattywarr | does anyone know a repository for aceracpi-source? the one at mumblyworld doesnt seem to work? | 20:39 |
Chapai | what is the problem you are having, just ask and you will get a response ifppl know | 20:39 |
Webspot | tvynr, I don't believe this is the issue because I installed those updates prior to the upgrade to hardy. | 20:40 |
Baltazaar | /dev/hda1 /mnt/c fuse.ntfs locale=en_US.utf8 0 0 | 20:40 |
bo | I just installed Ubuntu recently, | 20:40 |
dissent | hi, which program i have to use, if i want to unpack rar files, but when the file is divided to many parts ? ... | 20:40 |
bo | and it doesn't have sound whatsoever | 20:40 |
pifo | quit | 20:40 |
joaopinto | Webspot, from the error log, you are missing the pam_smbpass module, which is specified by your pam config | 20:40 |
dpowerd | dissent, ark | 20:40 |
bo | nor do I have wireless network detected | 20:40 |
joaopinto | !rar | dissent | 20:40 |
ubottu | dissent: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 20:40 |
tvynr | Webspot: Ah. Hmm... can you confirm that the user's shell hasn't changed? And that it launches properly for that user? | 20:40 |
flyingsquirrel32 | can somone help me get sound? it worked in gutsy, aplay says: no soundcards found... | 20:41 |
bo | using Gateway 7330GZ | 20:41 |
Webspot | joaopinto, What do you suggest I do to get the pam_smbpass module? | 20:41 |
bo | no sound whatsoever, tried many different ways after I have googled the problem, but still no sound | 20:41 |
Nyad | Hi. Im looking at installing ubuntu from a USB but I'm wondering if this method is possible for any distro? since I wanna install crux this way. also I'm scared about the idea of using that syslinux, coz after the install I want to delete the partition and use it as I normally did, will the USB still be usable? | 20:41 |
Webspot | tvynr, The user's shell hasn't changed. Just checked using webmin. | 20:41 |
Jav13r | can any1 take a look at my screen and tell me whats wrong: http://img240.imageshack.us/img240/4734/screenshotux2.png | 20:42 |
microwaver | what is a good program to watch DVD's in Ubuntu Gutsy | 20:42 |
tvynr | Webspot: 'kay. Sounds like I'm not on the right track, then. The auth thing seems like it has promise. | 20:42 |
thrashy | I have 8.04 on my laptop and I'm viewing it on an external monitor, but every 10 minutes or so my screen fades to a black screen even though the system isn't idle. Does anyone have any idea whats causing this problem? | 20:42 |
joaopinto | Webspot, grep smb /etc/pam.d/*, pastebin it please | 20:43 |
flyingsquirrel32 | can somone help out bo an myself? we don't have any sound | 20:43 |
xorand | how do I create /shares? | 20:43 |
tvynr | Does anyone have any idea how I'd get "Error reading boot CD" when trying to boot the Ubuntu Desktop 8.04 x86_64 Edition installer in QEMU? The install disc is an ISO, so physical medium problems is not an option. And the same command to launch qemu using Knoppix 5.1.1 and the Debian Etch installers works fine. | 20:43 |
microwaver | what is a good program to watch DVD's in Ubuntu Gutsy | 20:44 |
jimcooncat | I was curious if I could use email addresses for login names, but it doesn't like the @ sign. Anyone know what the restrictions are on login names? | 20:44 |
dpowerd | xorand, a directory named under root named "shares' ? | 20:44 |
DarrenCT | anyone download any blu-ray's and play them?? | 20:44 |
xorand | dpowerd, yes | 20:44 |
tvynr | microwaver: I'm mostly a Debian user m'self. But I use Xine all the time for my video watching needs. | 20:44 |
Webspot | joaopinto, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/13540/ | 20:44 |
dpowerd | mkdir /shares | 20:44 |
rangnamei_absolu | im using ubuntu dvd 2007 | 20:44 |
xorand | i have no permissions | 20:44 |
xorand | ah su | 20:44 |
bo | am a new user of Ubantu, need some help, anyone available? | 20:44 |
dpowerd | xorand, sudo mkdir /shares | 20:44 |
tvynr | bo: Just ask your question. :) | 20:45 |
bo | thanks, | 20:45 |
tvynr | bo: If anyone knows the answer, they'll answer back. ;) | 20:45 |
bo | tvynr, I need some sound for my laptop. | 20:45 |
xorand | dpowerd, how do i allocate permission for the group? | 20:45 |
flyingsquirrel32 | tvynr: he already did! | 20:45 |
joaopinto | jimcooncat, login names are alfanumeric restricted | 20:45 |
Nyad | Hi. Im looking at installing ubuntu from a USB but I'm wondering if this method is possible for any distro? since I wanna install crux this way. also I'm scared about the idea of using that syslinux, coz after the install I want to delete the partition and use it as I normally did, will the USB still be usable? | 20:45 |
dissent | how could I disable one of my soundcards ? | 20:45 |
jimcooncat | thanks, joaopinto. Any length? | 20:45 |
joaopinto | Webspot, hum, strange, I have the same config, and I Dont have smb_passwd | 20:46 |
dpowerd | xorand, with the chmod command | 20:46 |
dpowerd | most likely | 20:46 |
bo | I have no clue how this chat works, so chaotic | 20:46 |
maikel | how can I make a share in a windows network? | 20:46 |
joaopinto | jimcooncat, initially on unix they were 8 chars max, I am not sure about linux | 20:46 |
r2d2 | I need a program other then G-mount iso that supports ALL formats, .iso .img etc........any suggestions? | 20:46 |
dpowerd | maikel, try samba | 20:46 |
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joaopinto | r2d2, try acetoneiso | 20:46 |
Webspot | joaopinto, Any other ideas? :) | 20:46 |
mattywarr | does anyone know a repository for bc43-fwcutter? | 20:47 |
joaopinto | Webspot, no :| | 20:47 |
maikel | dpowered: ok I'll try | 20:47 |
r2d2 | thanks joaopinto | 20:47 |
dissent | Does anybody know how could I disable one of my soundcards, or how to make one of them as primary(master) soundcard ? | 20:47 |
Webspot | joaopinto, Ok. Thanks for your help anyway. | 20:47 |
jimcooncat | joaopinto: I wonder if I could somehow specify a domain. I'd be happy to read up if I knew where to look | 20:47 |
Jav13r | can any1 take a look at my screen and tell me whats wrong: http://img240.imageshack.us/img240/4734/screenshotux2.png | 20:47 |
DarrenCT | mattywarr, what version ubu you running? | 20:47 |
Chapai | can you echo something to screen not just terminal? | 20:47 |
DarrenCT | 8.04 | 20:47 |
mattywarr | 8.04 | 20:47 |
tvynr | bo: Your laptop has no sound whatsoever? My first step is usually to run alsaconf as root. Afterward, things work happily for me. | 20:47 |
DarrenCT | it should be in there already .. did you search for it? | 20:47 |
DarrenCT | through Synaptic? | 20:47 |
joaopinto | jimcooncat, erm, linux usernames are regular usernames, there is no such thing as a "domain" for an username :P | 20:48 |
Helsu | Ubuntu just started without Gnome. All I see is the wallpaper and a folder on it. What can I do? | 20:48 |
tvynr | bo: But I'm not exactly an Ubuntu person. I'm here to get some assistance with installing Ubuntu to a QEMU instance and I'm having very little luck myself. :) | 20:48 |
mattywarr | with 7.10 it worked with aceracpi but the repo i had for that is gone | 20:48 |
jimcooncat | Chapai: If you want to show it in a GUI textbox, use zenity | 20:48 |
Zeldor | ho | 20:48 |
mattywarr | it doesn;t like it when doing it through command line - will try snaptic | 20:48 |
netron1234 | hi , i upgraded to hardy and the folder thumbnails for my music folders are now the same size as regular folders. how do i increase thumbnail sizes? | 20:48 |
DarrenCT | that's what I would suggest | 20:48 |
netron1234 | in nautilus... | 20:48 |
tvynr | Chapai: How do you mean "echo something to screen"? Where do you want it to appear? | 20:48 |
joaopinto | tvynr, try #qemu | 20:49 |
Helsu | Is there any way I can get a terminal up and just type gnome in it? WIll it work? | 20:49 |
Chapai | thank you, jimcooncat , | 20:49 |
bo | tvynr, I see, on google when you put the gateway 7730gz and ubuntu together, | 20:49 |
bo | most of the forums are about the sound card or the wireless network card | 20:49 |
bo | and I have tried all of them, nothing worked | 20:49 |
Meroveu3 | this is perhaps a Gnome or Compiz Fusion issue, but I was wondering if anyone else using Ubuntu faces the same problem -- sometimes my window titlebars seem to dim even when active (has focus) -- the entire titlebar goes grey, the buttons and title text disappears | 20:49 |
tvynr | joaopinto: I'm here because the problem is specific to the Ubuntu install CD. The Debian Etch install disc and Knoppix both work fine. | 20:49 |
bo | this is the strangest thing. | 20:49 |
jimcooncat | Chapai: you're welcome. all sorts of fun things you can do with it. | 20:49 |
Meroveu3 | only if I hober my mouse over the titlebar, does it reappear (sometimes only for a while) | 20:50 |
dracz | Hi all! I put an execuable shell script "editor" in my ~/bin . But it is not executed when I type "editor", rather the symbolic link set by "update-alternatives". "which editor" gives me /home/dracz/bin/editor. Why is all that? | 20:50 |
dpowerd | Meroveu3, thats what happens when a program is "not repsonding" or hung up | 20:50 |
bo | worst thing is I have no clue with unix command, have some DOS knowledge but that's about it | 20:50 |
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maikel | ok I tried samba to make network shares, but it crashes when i try to start it | 20:50 |
Helsu | Ubuntu just started without Gnome. All I see is the wallpaper and a folder on it. What can I do? | 20:50 |
flyingsquirrel32 | tvynr: maybe you should install network-manager-dev. I think that would give you the development headers you need | 20:50 |
Meroveu3 | dpowerd: no, it's only the titlebar -- it basically shows as a clear space | 20:50 |
dpowerd | maikel, samba crashes? o.O how so | 20:50 |
bo | exit | 20:51 |
tvynr | flyingsquirrel32: Development headers? Did you send that message to the wrong person? | 20:51 |
Invisibl` | Hi I need help with this bug, VLC is missing Volume Control. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlc/+bug/91248 | 20:51 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 91248 in vlc "VLC problems: volume control missing" [Low,Fix released] | 20:51 |
duane_ | trying to use nataulis to connect to ftp I can connect just fine with kftpgrabber but when i try to do it with naut it says operation unsupported?? | 20:51 |
maikel | dpowered when I start it it crashes and the there is a note of an error report | 20:51 |
Jav13r | can any1 take a look at my screen and tell me whats wrong: http://img240.imageshack.us/img240/4734/screenshotux2.png | 20:51 |
dpowerd | pastebin the error report | 20:51 |
thrashy | I have 8.04 on my laptop and I'm viewing it on an external monitor, but every 10 minutes or so my screen fades to a black screen even though the system isn't idle. Does anyone have any idea whats causing this problem? | 20:51 |
flyingsquirrel32 | tvynr: yes I did sorry | 20:51 |
tvynr | flyingsquirrel32: np :) | 20:52 |
r2d2 | joaopinto, u still around? | 20:52 |
flyingsquirrel32 | Jav13r: if you install network-manager-dev that should give you the headers you need | 20:52 |
joaopinto | r2d2, yes | 20:52 |
Jav13r | flyingsquirrel32: thanks | 20:52 |
Helsu | 1111111211 | 20:53 |
r2d2 | joaopinto, i got the .deb package of that iso program but got some errors if i paste thme int pastebin would u mind taking a lookie for me plz | 20:53 |
Helsu | Stupid tabs :P | 20:53 |
=== Bodsda is now known as Bodsda_ttfn | ||
joaopinto | ok | 20:53 |
maikel | dpowered: there is no error report but it sends me to this websitehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/system-config-samba/+bug/224599 | 20:53 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 224599 in system-config-samba "system-config-samba.py crashed with SystemError in __init__()" [Medium,Fix released] | 20:53 |
brynjolf | What does "AUDIT: <date>: <pid> X: client 30 rejected from local host (uid 0)" in xorg.0.log mean? I get one per second | 20:54 |
mattywarr_ | darrenct, the synaptic method worked perfectly | 20:54 |
mattywarr_ | thanks :) | 20:54 |
r2d2 | joaopinto, gimme sec my paste triggered a spam filter on pastebin >.< | 20:54 |
mattywarr_ | Just got a problem with my sound card now - it just tells me the gstreamer device could not be detected? | 20:54 |
dpowerd | maikel, sudo touch /etc/libuser.conf | 20:54 |
flyingsquirrel32 | tvynr: I also have a sound prob, but alsaconf isn't installed, and I cant find a package for it. | 20:54 |
transience | i can't figure out how to get emerald in ubuntu 8.04. can anyone help? | 20:55 |
maikel | dpowerd: and next? | 20:55 |
dpowerd | now try to start, does it still crash? | 20:55 |
tvynr | flyingsquirrel32: I'm a Debian user myself (trying to get Ubuntu running on QEMU to try it out), but I'm showing alsaconf as a member of alsa-utils in Debian. I imagine Ubuntu's package is something similar. | 20:55 |
Kl4m | I have a machine I need to access. I have physical access but I don't want to open it or buy a usb cdrom. Can I get a root shell via GRUB, _without_ the root password? | 20:55 |
Helsu | Ubuntu just started without Gnome. All I see is the wallpaper and a folder on it. What can I do? | 20:55 |
maikel | dpowered: no it works | 20:56 |
dpowerd | maikel, sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart | 20:56 |
dpowerd | maikel, ;] | 20:56 |
r2d2 | joaopinto, it wont let me post it on pastebin ;( | 20:56 |
r2d2 | can i pm u? | 20:56 |
flyingsquirrel32 | bo: hey check this page out. I think the first step applies to me | 20:56 |
dissent | how do I shut my computer down at specified time ? | 20:56 |
tvynr | Kl4m: Not AFAIK. But do you have USB ports? You could use a USB key drive to boot it if the machine is new enough. | 20:56 |
maikel | dpowered: thanks | 20:56 |
Kl4m | dissent, if you want to use the console, as root, echo halt | at 11pm | 20:57 |
TMLer | hey all, gotta gtk theme, installed it properly (usr/share/theme), but can't select it in "Appearance - theme" since theres no index.theme, any suggestions? | 20:57 |
duane_ | trying to use nataulis to connect to ftp I can connect just fine with kftpgrabber but when i try to do it with naut it says operation unsupported?? | 20:57 |
r2d2 | joaopinto, pm me plz wont let me pm u lol | 20:57 |
Helsu | Ok, so no one knows? | 20:58 |
Helsu | Is there a simple shortcut to the terminal I can do? | 20:58 |
tvynr | Helsu: Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to an honest-to-goodness text console. | 20:58 |
tvynr | Helsu: Ctrl+Alt+F7 to get back. | 20:58 |
jblanche | Hey, I'm currently using pulse audio as my sound server both on my home pc and on my laptop. I manage to tell to my main PC to "play" music and to use my laptop to "output" the sound | 20:59 |
r2d2 | hese errors.........http://pastebin.ca/1024153 | 20:59 |
transience | does anyone know how to install the emerald theme manager in 8.04? it doesn't show up in the package manager | 20:59 |
jblanche | But I would like to do something else, I would like to "stream" the sound from my main PC and to tell on my laptop and my roommate laptop to listen the sound from the main PC | 21:00 |
jblanche | is it possible ? | 21:00 |
r2d2 | joaopinto, http://pastebin.ca/1024153 | 21:00 |
transience | does anyone know how to install the emerald theme manager in 8.04? it doesn't show up in the package manager | 21:00 |
maikel | dpowered: is it normal that I don't see my own share's in the network using samba? | 21:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | transience Please slow down on the repeats.. | 21:00 |
joaopinto | r2d2, you need to change to another mirror | 21:01 |
jim-Dandy | Helsu, if you are missing the panels (the grey bars at the top and bottom of the desktop) try gnome-panel & | 21:01 |
joaopinto | on your software properties | 21:01 |
r2d2 | joaopinto, ok that i can do any idea which mirror plz? | 21:01 |
MrElendig | r2d2: s/plz/please/ | 21:02 |
MrElendig | r2d2: this isn't sms | 21:02 |
r2d2 | sorry? | 21:02 |
Arrick | can someone tell me why my audio isnt working when I try to watch videos, such as http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1647626314188526128 when using the default firefox 3 beta 5 in 8.04? | 21:02 |
Daisuke_Ido | !plz | r2d2 | 21:03 |
ubottu | Factoid plz not found | 21:03 |
joaopinto | r2d2, just choose one close to you | 21:03 |
J | What are the differences between Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Desktop Edition - Supported to 2011 Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Server Edition - Supported to 2013 | 21:03 |
r2d2 | MrElendig, chill out who even rattled ur cage | 21:03 |
Daisuke_Ido | !repomirror | r2d2 | 21:03 |
Arrick | I get system sounds, like the big "thunk" you get when you hit a wrong key | 21:03 |
ubottu | r2d2: Go to "System", "Administration", and "Software Sources" and choose "Other" from the drop down box. Then choose "select best server" and your system will choose the fastest mirror for you automatically. | 21:03 |
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r2d2 | TY!! | 21:03 |
tvynr | J: Just what gets installed by default, AFAIK. | 21:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | !find emerald | 21:03 |
ubottu | Found: emerald, libemeraldengine-dev, libemeraldengine0, xemeraldia | 21:03 |
Daisuke_Ido | "thank you" | 21:03 |
tvynr | J: Desktop edition installls a full set of desktop software. Server edition installs stuff that's necessary to get a server up and running./ | 21:04 |
Daisuke_Ido | as someone else said, this isn't SMS - you aren't being charged by the letter, it's much more readable if you type things out, and only takes a few more seconds | 21:04 |
poco | hi. does anyone knows where the wep/wpa passwords for networkmanager are stored? i changed my auth from wep to wpa and the new password never want to be stored. even if i remove the old connexion settings, the new one get corrupted with the old password. | 21:04 |
CyaniCs | anyone really familiar with LVM? | 21:05 |
CyaniCs | i need to know the best way to replace a failing disk inside an LVN array | 21:05 |
joaopinto | CyaniCs, are you using LVM mirroring ? | 21:06 |
CyaniCs | no, just a plain LVM array | 21:06 |
tvynr | CyaniCs: Is your LVM over a RAID? | 21:07 |
CyaniCs | nope. | 21:07 |
tvynr | CyaniCs: Hmm. Doesn't sound like you have any redundancy then. I'd just bring the machine down, copy the contents of the failing drive to its replacement using dd, and swap them out. Then bring it back up. | 21:07 |
tvynr | CyaniCs: But I'm not an expert on LVM by any means. | 21:08 |
virtuald | how do i install ubuntu from harddrive? i have no working optical drive. | 21:08 |
CyaniCs | tvynr i figured that was the only potential solution. | 21:08 |
virtuald | i want to install it to another disk (or set of disks) from ubuntu | 21:09 |
CyaniCs | i guess it is time to clear out the video archive. | 21:10 |
krammer_ | when booted into gusty i have some background lines showing resources is this normal? | 21:10 |
CyaniCs | one of these days i need to setup a myth box, but haven't had any luck thus far. | 21:10 |
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krammer_ | can anybody refer me to setting up a sever with linux? | 21:11 |
CyaniCs | krammer_; what kind of server? | 21:11 |
Arrick | krammer_ if you want support, suse, gentoo or cent0s | 21:12 |
krammer_ | i would like to learn more about gusty | 21:12 |
CyaniCs | http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu8.04-lts | 21:12 |
tvynr | Does anyone have any idea how I'd get "Error reading boot CD" when trying to boot the Ubuntu Desktop 8.04 x86_64 Edition installer in QEMU? The install disc is an ISO, so physical medium problems is not an option. And the same command to launch qemu using Knoppix 5.1.1 and the Debian Etch installers works fine. Could something be broken in Ubuntu's ISOLINUX or do I need to add some flag to qemu? | 21:12 |
Arrick | tvynr check the md5sum make sure it isnt corrupt | 21:12 |
belorix112 | Can someone help me, im dualing Ubuntu and Fedora but i cant figure out what to put in grubs menulist to allow fedora to be bootable | 21:12 |
rickwright | hey guys, is there an easy way to find out what video driver Xorg is using atm? | 21:13 |
krammer_ | tvynr i recently installed 8.04 and had nothing but problems I recommend waiting | 21:13 |
tvynr | krammer_: This is just for a QEMU instance to get a feel for the OS. It's nothing critical. | 21:13 |
rickwright | tvynr, yeah, if what you have is working right now, wait a few months! I wish I did | 21:13 |
neki-nele | hello | 21:13 |
tvynr | rickwright: What I have is indeed working. What I have is Etch. ;) But I'll bear that in mind, thanks. | 21:14 |
rickwright | :) | 21:14 |
krammer_ | I couldnt connect to the internet and didnt have any sound for starts I thought I let you know | 21:14 |
tvynr | krammer_: Thanks for the heads up; I'll bear that in mind. | 21:14 |
dpowerd | 8.04 worked right out of the box for ;] | 21:14 |
ArrPirate | Grrr! | 21:15 |
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ArrPirate | I'm so frustrated! | 21:15 |
dpowerd | for me* | 21:15 |
tvynr | hmm | 21:15 |
tvynr | Where on Ubuntu's site can I find the md5sum of the ISO? | 21:15 |
=== Webspot_ is now known as Webspot | ||
ArrPirate | I installed 8.04 no problem, had it working great... it asked me to reboot and now Grub gives me an error stating 'Error 17: can't mount selected partition' or something like that | 21:15 |
rickwright | tvynr, I don't know QEMU, but if you have the chance, you could make a smaller partition to try it out on and add it to your GRUB menu | 21:15 |
yassine | anyone here have an idea why i do not the VPN option to select from the NM applet even that i installed network manager plugins required for vpn? | 21:15 |
jbroome | tvynr: then download page | 21:15 |
tvynr | rickwright: I'd rather not dedicate any real hardware to the task for the time being. I got some weird behavior out of VMWare, too... it just sat there spinning on the disc. | 21:16 |
limcore | firefox farts on using fast-search (ctrl-f) how to disable that? | 21:16 |
tvynr | jbroome: Any idea where? I'm looking at http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download and I don | 21:16 |
rickwright | tvynr, alright | 21:16 |
ArrPirate | can someone PLEASE help me with my error 17? I've been working on getting this computer to work for the last 12 hours and it's really frustrating me | 21:16 |
tvynr | ArrPirate: Hmm... one sec. Can you pastebin your GRUB menu.lst? | 21:17 |
jbroome | tvynr: http://ftp.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp/pub/linux/ubuntu/releases/8.04/ | 21:17 |
ArrPirate | no because it's not on this computer | 21:17 |
ArrPirate | Will booting into the live CD let me check my grub menu.lst? | 21:17 |
tharvey | how can I make an iso image of a cd in /dev/scd0? I figured 'dd if=/dev/scd0 of=image.iso' would work but I get an I/O error reading /dev/scd0 | 21:17 |
sbox | hey all, where are the main gnome config settings held, basically want to reinstall but have all my settings saved | 21:18 |
rickwright | ArrPirate, yeah, you can mount your existing install and view/edit the file | 21:18 |
tvynr | ArrPirate: Yes. | 21:18 |
ArrPirate | where is it at? | 21:18 |
ArrPirate | /boot/grub? | 21:18 |
rickwright | yup | 21:18 |
ArrPirate | I'm not a linux expert :D | 21:18 |
tvynr | ArrPirate: np :) | 21:18 |
rickwright | :D don't worry about it | 21:18 |
ArrPirate | brb, other computer is a slug | 21:18 |
limcore | firefox farts on using fast-search (ctrl-f) how to disable that? | 21:19 |
rickwright | limcore: I don't know, but you might get a better answer checking firefox's official irc channel | 21:19 |
melter | what are the control flow commands for gnome terminal (ctrl-s and ctrl-q don't seem to work) | 21:19 |
joaopinto | I don't have any issues with ctrl-f | 21:19 |
rickwright | irc.mozilla.org, #firefox | 21:20 |
ubuntu_ | p2p-network.net | 21:20 |
rickwright | ^ limcore | 21:20 |
mattywarr_ | trying to install linux-backports-modules-generic on hardy but its telling me it can;t find the package? | 21:21 |
limcore | rickwright: thanks | 21:21 |
rickwright | mattywarr_, I don't know much but are you sure you need that one? | 21:21 |
masterloki | hey | 21:21 |
masterloki | whats up | 21:21 |
masterloki | can I addd my usb mp3player to my fstab | 21:22 |
Arrick | so, any ideas on my sound issue? | 21:22 |
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rickwright | so, how does one go about finding the video driver he's using? | 21:22 |
Arrick | this is my device according to lspci (use lspci rickwright ) 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02) | 21:23 |
rickwright | thanks :) | 21:23 |
Arrick | I get absolutely no sounds from it | 21:23 |
Arrick | its the default IBM Thinkpad T60p Sound card | 21:23 |
igor47 | does anyone know how to get the ssh-vulnkey utility on an edgy server? | 21:23 |
rickwright | Arrick, you could try seeing if the manufacturer provides any drivers -- not an elegant solution but it worked for me once | 21:23 |
Arrick | rickwright for ubuntu? IBM doesnt do linux lol | 21:24 |
rickwright | Arrick, lol alright. I had Realtek sound | 21:24 |
mattywarr_ | rickwright - i'm going through some sound troubleshooting on a guide I found on the forum - it says I need that but found something similar i'm trying now | 21:24 |
limcore | why ubuntu farts by default? | 21:24 |
limcore | when using terminals, especially | 21:24 |
kakoonia | yo, i installed ubuntu7.10, and from some reason when i apply compiz as window manager all the frames are gone.. anybody knows the fix for this? | 21:25 |
puargs | hey dudes! might anyone have an answer to this: i would like a command line command to combine all the files in multiple folders into one | 21:25 |
smallfoot- | i have ubuntu 8.04 and my gcc is not work? why?????+ | 21:25 |
Kl4m | err what does not work? | 21:25 |
puargs | something like "find -name * : cp blah" or something like that | 21:25 |
XLV | smallfoot-, install build-essential | 21:25 |
smallfoot- | oh | 21:26 |
melter | puargs, cat? | 21:26 |
rickwright | smallfoot-, heh don't worry -- happens to all new users | 21:26 |
smallfoot- | why ubuntu comes WITH gcc but WITHOUT build-essential? | 21:26 |
Arrick | you know the funniest part about this rickwright ? the ubuntu 7.10 distro runs my sound, but not my wireless, and now 8.04 runs the wireless, but not the sound | 21:26 |
puargs | melter, my first response was "dog?", lol I'm not sure how to use cat because I stink. | 21:26 |
smallfoot- | either include build-essential by default, or remove gcc by default, whats the point? | 21:26 |
XLV | !build-essential > smallfoot- | 21:26 |
Siph0n | hey, i read on ubuntuforums.org that I can use WinFF (a gui to ffmpeg I believe) to convert an AVI to DVD... tho I am running it now and all I get is an mpg file as my output... How do I burn that to a dvd to play in a dvd player? | 21:27 |
melter | puargs, cat file1 file2 file3 > one_big_file | 21:27 |
XLV | smallfoot-, cause some may never need to compile anything | 21:27 |
melter | puargs, cat is short for concatenate | 21:27 |
TMLer | hey, how do I install a gtk theme if theres no index.theme file.... I can't select the theme | 21:27 |
kakoonia | yo, i installed ubuntu7.10, and from some reason when i apply compiz as window manager all the frames are gone.. anybody knows the fix for this? anyone? | 21:27 |
XLV | smallfoot-, its all about choices, and fitting everything essential to one cd | 21:27 |
limcore | is there an easy way to stop ubuntu from farting? i.e. in console | 21:27 |
Kl4m | smallfoot-: I'm pretty sure there's a good reason. There's not much space left on the Install CD | 21:28 |
MrElendig | smallfoot-: cause it's ubuntu logic | 21:28 |
rickwright | Arrick, lol! on my sister's computer, 7.10 has wireless, but 8.04 can read cds, though WPA is broken :P | 21:28 |
puargs | melter, oh no, not one big file, but rather one big folder. in this instance, I have multiple folders (albums) and i want to conglomerate all the files into one folder | 21:28 |
ArrPirate | ok | 21:28 |
ArrPirate | back | 21:28 |
smallfoot- | XLV, if they dont need compile anything, then they dont need GCC | 21:28 |
smallfoot- | XLV why would anyone need GCC if they dont have build-essentials? | 21:28 |
melter | puargs, oh, my bad | 21:28 |
MrElendig | smallfoot-: don't try to understand it, just take it with good faith | 21:28 |
melter | puargs, use mv then | 21:28 |
ArrPirate | tvynr: pastebin.com/m62069997 | 21:28 |
smallfoot- | argh i get frustrated | 21:28 |
puargs | melter, no no, my fault, i'm not great at explaining | 21:28 |
MrElendig | smallfoot-: to compile hello workd? | 21:28 |
melter | puargs, or cp to copy them | 21:28 |
MrElendig | world* | 21:28 |
Starnestommy | smallfoot-: I think it's something that originally comes from debian | 21:28 |
julle_ | To upgrade firefox manually, you just overwrite the firefox folder in .mozilla at your home folder? | 21:28 |
Dillizar | how can i install skype | 21:29 |
Kl4m | Just install build-essential. Are you trying to troll or what | 21:29 |
XLV | smallfoot-, its a meta package, that installs gcc and some other packages needed for compiling stuff | 21:29 |
Dillizar | !skype | 21:29 |
ubottu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto | 21:29 |
XLV | smallfoot-, meta package means its just a name, if you install it, it just installs all the packages they are tagged with that meta-package name | 21:29 |
Dillizar | smt its better to just ask the bot :D | 21:29 |
peacho | Hi, when I log into Ubuntu 7.10, I have an exclamation mark on my Network icon. Every time I restart I have to click "Wired Connection" at which point it will get an IP address and work. Is there a way to have it automatically do that? | 21:30 |
puargs | melter, yep that's what I was wondering though, I have several hundred albums, and I'm trying to move EVERYTHING destroying folder structure, into one big folder. so one big folder with no many thousand files | 21:30 |
XLV | !meta-package > smallfoot- | 21:30 |
smallfoot- | MrElendig, i couldnt compile hello world without build-essentials | 21:30 |
Nyad | How do I resize my ubuntu HD partition in the command line while in ubuntu? | 21:30 |
Dillizar | puargs: what kind of internet you have | 21:30 |
ArrPirate | Nyad, I don't know command line but I use gparted as a GUI. Maybe it has a CLI as well | 21:30 |
XLV | why did ubotu become ubottu? | 21:30 |
Pepsi_ | Nyad: on a mounted partition ? | 21:31 |
puargs | dillizar: cable, why's that? I'm remoted into my home pc from work lol | 21:31 |
Nyad | yes | 21:31 |
XLV | !ubotu | 21:31 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 21:31 |
Sladjannn | what is the name od kde4 chat room? | 21:31 |
XLV | ok, ubotu needs to be trendy too | 21:31 |
Kl4m | Sladjannn: #kde4 goes to #kde, so #kde | 21:31 |
puargs | i thought "ubot2" would be more trendy | 21:32 |
Nyad | Pepsi_, yes it is mounted | 21:32 |
Nyad | Pepsi_, it's what I'm booted into atm | 21:32 |
stefg | peacho: disable the 'roaming profiles' and set up a dhcp connection via system-admin-network applet | 21:32 |
limcore | is there an easy way to stop ubuntu from farting? i.e. in console | 21:33 |
Pepsi_ | Nyad: without unmounting the partition, it won't be possible to resize it | 21:33 |
ArrPirate | tvynr: get the link? | 21:33 |
Kl4m | limcore: possible to what? | 21:33 |
Arrick | how do I tell what is allowing system beeps through my sound card, yet i cant play the test sounds from the sound settings? | 21:33 |
Nyad | hmm, then I would probably have to use a gutsy liveCD | 21:33 |
mqtt | Hi all, i have a hard time logging by ssh with publickey between 2 ubuntus. I regenerated the dsa keys, ssh-copy-id, and now it works well from machine 1 to machine 2 but from 2 to 1, I can get only a password prompt... logs here: http://hpaste.org/7771 | 21:33 |
Pepsi_ | Nyad: indeed | 21:34 |
Nyad | but how do I go about resizing a partition? | 21:34 |
tvynr | ArrPirate: 'fraid not, sorry. I was working on something else and missed it. | 21:34 |
stefg | limcore: try sudo rmmod pcspeaker, if it works you can blacklist the module permanently | 21:34 |
ArrPirate | tvynr: pastebin.com/m62069997 | 21:34 |
Niklas_E | is there any way to install Catalyst 8.4 (for ati graphic card) in ubuntu? | 21:35 |
Pepsi_ | Nyad: just use gparted, it is include on the livecd | 21:35 |
Kl4m | Arrick: the beeps are made by the pcspkr kernel module. Your mainboard may redirect the pc speaker to the sound card | 21:35 |
mrEiger | Hi there to all!!! | 21:35 |
Kl4m | Arrick: you can remove the module with sudo rmmod pcspkr | 21:35 |
Pepsi_ | Nyad: although it isn't command line | 21:35 |
Arrick | Kl4m I dont want to remove it, I want to get the rest of the sound working on the machine | 21:36 |
Nyad | Pepsi_, I'm running kubuntu and I only have the kubuntu liveCD, would parted suffice? | 21:36 |
ArrPirate | tvynr: get it that time? | 21:36 |
limcore | stefg: on the other hand I do need it for some programs... :/ | 21:36 |
Kl4m | Arrick: that's an entirely different problem | 21:36 |
tvynr | ArrPirate: Can you also pastebin the output of "fdisk -l" ? | 21:36 |
tvynr | ArrPirate: Yeah, I did. | 21:37 |
ArrPirate | tvynr: yep, hang on a sec | 21:37 |
Pepsi_ | Nyad: that would work indeed | 21:37 |
mattywarr | hello - I just applied some changes to ubuntu, but now it boots to a command line login screen, and when I log in, its just a command prompt - how can i get it to boot to the gui? | 21:37 |
tvynr | ArrPirate: Also, the contents of /boot/grub/device.map will likely be helpful. | 21:37 |
jerknextdoor | can anyone tell me how to get firefox RC1 on 8.04? everytime i download it it says it's still beta5 | 21:37 |
Pepsi_ | Nyad: and do backup before resizing | 21:37 |
D1 | I'm using Pidgin so that I can use AIM. I am trying to clean out the buddy list. But everytime I reboot Pidgin, the buddies that I deleted reappear on the buddy list. How can I fix this? | 21:37 |
ciardulli | Hello thereeee | 21:37 |
jeyk | Hi, why does upstart stop my service as soon as I start it? Here's the output from "start svscan": http://rafb.net/p/xEWZnw80.html | 21:37 |
Pepsi_ | Nyad: really :) | 21:38 |
ciardulli | I'm andrea | 21:38 |
Pepsi_ | Nyad: there is also an article on how to resize on howtoforge | 21:38 |
jeyk | oh, oops | 21:39 |
Nyad | Pepsi_, parted has resize option but it wants a start and end. what would I put there? | 21:39 |
jeyk | i see the problem, ugh. | 21:39 |
ArrPirate | tvynr: http://pastebin.com/m1b78c60 | 21:39 |
jim-Dandy | mattywarr: what changes? | 21:39 |
D1 | I'm using Pidgin so that I can use AIM. I am trying to clean out the buddy list. But everytime I reboot Pidgin, the buddies that I deleted reappear on the buddy list. How can I fix this? | 21:39 |
mattywarr | i installed various alsa stuff and a backport | 21:39 |
mattywarr | through synaptic | 21:40 |
Pepsi_ | Nyad: start and endpoint in megabytes | 21:40 |
jim-Dandy | mattywarr: is gdm still installed? | 21:40 |
Makuseru | Can someone recommend some USB Audio recording software? | 21:40 |
tvynr | ArrPirate: I think I have it for you. Open up /boot/grub/menu.lst in the editor of your choice, please. | 21:40 |
ArrPirate | tvynr: My setup is that I have 2 hard drives, a 30gb drive I have ubuntu installed onto and an 80gb drive that I use for storage | 21:40 |
mattywarr | i have no idea - i can;t get into the gui to view the packages - i just get command line | 21:40 |
ArrPirate | tvynr: Ok | 21:41 |
mattywarr | i've booted to my windows partition to log on here | 21:41 |
tvynr | ArrPirate: Change the comment on line 74 from "groot=(hd0,0)" to "groot=(hd1,0)" . Then run update-grub from the command line. | 21:41 |
jim-Dandy | ok how about 'sudo apt-get install gdm' | 21:41 |
Nyad | Pepsi_, wouldn't it just be start=0 and end=X why would someone need a start? or is that part of the entire disk that start part? | 21:41 |
tvynr | ArrPirate: Your Linux drive is the second drive in your box. | 21:41 |
Desolate1 | I have an issue I'm at a troubleshooting standstill for. I use tovid, usually with ffmpeg, mkisofs, and Nautilus to burn DVDs. Everything from the original format of video to the VOBs play properly in multiple apps (mplayer and Totem) but when they are burned and played, they skip and the bitrate drops considerably. I've tried using mpeg2enc instead of ffmpeg, I've tried reinstalling mkisofs and the portions of Nautilus that burn, as w | 21:41 |
tvynr | ArrPirate: The storage drive (NTFS) is the first one, so (hd0,0) points to the first partition on it. | 21:41 |
=== lumpy is now known as lumbuntu | ||
ciardulli | anyone has succesfully installed compiz fusion on ubuntu 8.04 with ati radeon x1250? | 21:42 |
mattywarr | ok - i'll reboot and try, thanks :) | 21:42 |
ciardulli | it works with Ubuntu 7. | 21:42 |
tvynr | ArrPirate: So when GRUB boots, it tries to use that drive. It doesn't know how to read NTFS, so you get GRUB Error 17 (which indicates that it can't recognize the indicated partition). | 21:42 |
tvynr | ArrPirate: Once you've run update-grub, the section at the bottom at menu.lst (which is generated by the contents of the comments by update-grub) will refer to (hd1,0) rather than (hd0,0) | 21:43 |
tvynr | ArrPirate: Then you should be able to boot fine. | 21:43 |
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jim-Dandy | mattywarr: if it doesn't work, you can still try 'startx' from the console | 21:43 |
dri | i have compiz whit my old x300 ati radeon | 21:43 |
ciardulli | how do u make it work | 21:43 |
ciardulli | i installed driver | 21:43 |
|StOnE| | hi ppl | 21:43 |
ciardulli | fglrx works | 21:43 |
ciardulli | i did everything | 21:44 |
johncoltrane | does anyone know of a program like Sibelius for linux | 21:44 |
ciardulli | do u have a guid or something like that? | 21:44 |
|StOnE| | i have a little problem with my compiz | 21:44 |
thrashy | does anyone else find that flash videos are a bit laggy when you view them full screen? is there a way to make play back smoother? | 21:45 |
|StOnE| | i have a little problem with my compiz.. | 21:45 |
tanath | thrashy, personally, i use the compiz zoom plugin :P | 21:45 |
dri | after install drivers i install compizconfig-settings manager | 21:45 |
jim-Dandy | buy the dv d | 21:45 |
itocamargo | |StOnE|, what's a problem? | 21:46 |
thrashy | cheers i'll give that a try tanath | 21:46 |
ArrPirate | tvynr: when I try update-grub it tells me it can't find a grub directory | 21:47 |
tvynr | ArrPirate: Ah, right. LiveCD. | 21:47 |
jim-Dandy | thrashy: for some reason I found flash vids to work a little better on gutsy than hardy, pausing on hardy sometimes resulted in audio resuming while video remained paused indefinitly | 21:47 |
whileimhere | I could never get compiz to work on my laptop. Can anyone tell me what is required hardware wise? | 21:48 |
tvynr | ArrPirate: Well, for now just go down to the section starting at line 130 and just replace each of the "(hd0,0)" with "(hd1,0)". | 21:48 |
ArrPirate | tvynr: ok | 21:48 |
ArrPirate | tvynr: brb | 21:48 |
ArrPirate | wait | 21:48 |
ArrPirate | tvynr: after that, just reboot? | 21:48 |
tvynr | ArrPirate: There's a way to tell update-grub where the directory is (it normally assumes /boot/grub, but that's not the case in the LiveCD) but I don't know what it is. | 21:48 |
tvynr | ArrPirate: Hmm. Lemme think a sec. | 21:49 |
Arrick | soo, what channel can I actually get help from that deals with #ubuntu, since ##linux doesnt seem to want to help with ubuntu problems? | 21:49 |
ArrPirate | In the future could I solve this problem just by switching the cables from one hard drive to the other? | 21:49 |
alien_ | hi, if i want to create file so it will be on a live cd desktop i should create it where? in /etc/skel... ? | 21:49 |
tvynr | ArrPirate: Switching cables would work, too, except that you'd then need to update your /etc/fstab. | 21:50 |
Scunizi | Arrick: this it the Ubuntu help channel.. if someone is around that can provide assistance they will.. just ask.. make your question clear | 21:50 |
tvynr | ArrPirate: If I were you, I'd just switch the cables now and put the groot back. | 21:50 |
Cromag | i'm trying to figure out if i need PulseAudio to run 2 apps with sound in Wine, i need both Counter Strike and Ventrilo, and they are ofc. both with sound. Any guides or experience with this ? :) - PulseAudio vs. Alsa | 21:50 |
tvynr | ArrPirate: I assumed there was a reason your NTFS drive was first. | 21:50 |
sd_ | Arrick: welcome to our ubuntu helpdesk, please wait until one of our operators can attend to you [pop melody playing....] | 21:50 |
Arrick | Scunizi I have about 20 times | 21:50 |
Arrick | same story as usual, never get anywhere | 21:51 |
Broadcom | sd_: lol | 21:51 |
Broadcom | Arrick: i will try to help | 21:51 |
Arrick | this is my device according to lspci (use lspci rickwright ) 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02) | 21:51 |
DIL | dont 4get the $200 charge | 21:51 |
Broadcom | DIL: lol | 21:51 |
Arrick | I cant get any sound no matter which setting the in the sound device manager | 21:51 |
* Desolate1 waits patiently, trying to ignore the awful Muzak | 21:52 | |
MrElendig | Arrick: laptop? | 21:52 |
* sd_ got 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02) | 21:52 | |
Arrick | does DIL mean Do It Later? | 21:52 |
sd_ | and sound works fine | 21:52 |
Arrick | MrElendig IBM Thinkpad T60p, yep | 21:52 |
sd_ | Arrick: what does cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp do? | 21:52 |
MrElendig | Arrick: hmm shoud just work on the T60 afaik, but some others needs an module option | 21:52 |
tvynr | sd_: It blasts random data into your sound card. :-D | 21:53 |
alien_ | i am modifying ubuntu live cd where the live cd Desktop is available so i can add to it files? | 21:53 |
Arrick | it sits there blinking with no sound sd_ | 21:53 |
sd_ | thats bad | 21:53 |
Broadcom | Arrick: try alsamixer | 21:53 |
sd_ | yup | 21:53 |
ArrPirate | tvynr: I reverted the changes to menu.lst to remain hd0 instead of hd1 and then I turned off the computer and switched the IDE cables and it works fine now | 21:53 |
Arrick | already did Broadcom | 21:53 |
Broadcom | Arrick: no idea then | 21:54 |
tvynr | sd_: Oh... you meant in an execution sense and not in a conceptual sense. | 21:54 |
sd_ | tvynr: exactly :) | 21:54 |
tvynr | ArrPirate: Yaay. :) | 21:54 |
MrElendig | Arrick: shoud work out of the box with the snd-hda-intel driver | 21:54 |
sd_ | Arrick: if master and pcm are bumbed up thats really odd | 21:54 |
sd_ | Arrick: i suppose in windoze it works fine | 21:54 |
MrElendig | Arrick: check if they are unmuted too | 21:55 |
Cromag | Arrick: in system - pref- sound - devices. Do you, in the first pulldown menu, have more than one choice ? | 21:55 |
Arrick | sd_ yes it works fine in windows | 21:55 |
BinaryFu | Quick question: What's the command line down and dirty method to tell a command to do something recursively? Like converting flac to ogg using oggenc, isn't there a way to run something like .find (etc) and then pass that onto the oggenc? | 21:55 |
Arrick | yes croddy | 21:55 |
Arrick | Cromag ^ | 21:55 |
MrElendig | Arrick: also, press the increase sound button | 21:55 |
Ish_nitti | i have no sound icon in my taskbar (8.04 64bit) what program manages the sound mixer so i can launch it? | 21:55 |
Cromag | Arrick: you alreayd posted them ? | 21:55 |
Ish_nitti | ArrPirate: cool nick man :) | 21:55 |
Arrick | AD198x Digital, AD198x Analog,ALSA,OSS, and PulseAudio Sound Server Cromag | 21:56 |
frostburn | Ish_nitti, check out the system>pref>sessions that's where the widgets are loaded | 21:56 |
theFATMAN | hello everyone, it's another grand ubuntu day. Does anyone know what I can use to open winrar archives? | 21:56 |
Ish_nitti | frostburn: i checked there, nothing for sound besides the pulse audio manager | 21:56 |
Ish_nitti | frostburn: which is already running | 21:56 |
Cromag | Arrick: is this all in the first pulldown called Sound Playback ? | 21:56 |
BinaryFu | theFATMAN: You could try "rar" which should be in your repositories. | 21:56 |
tvynr | theFATMAN: I think there's an open source unrar package. | 21:56 |
Arrick | yesz | 21:56 |
frostburn | Ish_nitti, kill it then run it again | 21:57 |
Ish_nitti | frostburn: lemme do that | 21:57 |
Arrick | thats in everything except sound capture Cromag | 21:57 |
Cromag | Arrick: ok, an when you change it, neither of them can give you a tone when pressiing test. | 21:57 |
MrElendig | Arrick: unmuted in alsamixer? (OO under pcm/main) also press the volume up hw button | 21:57 |
Cromag | and=and | 21:57 |
Arrick | none of them do | 21:57 |
theFATMAN | BinaryFu: tvynr: thanks guys | 21:57 |
Cromag | ok | 21:57 |
Cromag | check for default muted stuff. | 21:57 |
theFATMAN | how is everybody? | 21:57 |
Arrick | MrElendig the sound is all the way up | 21:58 |
interzone | HI I have a file that is an isntallation file .run how do i installit? | 21:58 |
MrElendig | Arrick: read again | 21:58 |
BinaryFu | theFATMAN: np bud. I'm just trying to get a quick question answered, but I don't think anyone with CLi skills is on. | 21:58 |
MrElendig | OO vs MM | 21:58 |
MrElendig | under the sound bar | 21:58 |
Desolate1 | theFATMAN, a little aggravated. You? | 21:58 |
jim-Dandy | theFATMAN: for a gui, you can install ark. to see extra packages, in synaptic right-click, click dependencies, then look at packages marked 'suggests,' reccomends', etc | 21:58 |
MrElendig | also, the hw sound buttons | 21:58 |
Ish_nitti | frostburn: pactl load-module module-x11-xsmp ? | 21:59 |
tvynr | BinaryFu: CLi as in command-line interface or something else? | 21:59 |
theFATMAN | i'm good, actually. My life is better now thanks to LINUX!!! | 21:59 |
Ish_nitti | frostburn: i cant find anything else thats close to pulse audio | 21:59 |
jim-Dandy | theFATMAN: that is, packages that add support to ark for various formats | 21:59 |
Gat0rvean | I've just installed Ubuntu on a Dell XPS 1530 and my touchpad goes all over the screen whenever I try to use it, I can plug in a USB mouse and it works fine, any ideas? | 21:59 |
Arrick | ROFL, that was in MrElendig | 21:59 |
MrElendig | with kernel .24 or older you can mute but not unmute with the hw button | 21:59 |
tvynr | BinaryFu: Ah. Missed your question there. | 21:59 |
interzone | can anyone help :P | 21:59 |
tvynr | BinaryFu: I'd do something like this: | 21:59 |
kienan__ | BinaryFu: if you rgrep for the file, then pipe it into a for loop that executes the transformation it should work , yeh? | 21:59 |
drtroll | interzone, set the eXecute bit by doing 'chmod +x file.run' and then run it by calling './file.run' | 21:59 |
MrElendig | you got to press sound up/down to unmute | 21:59 |
theFATMAN | sweet | 21:59 |
interzone | thanks brb | 21:59 |
frostburn | Ish_nitti, it should be volume manager /usr/lib/gnome-volume-manager/gnome-volume-manager --sm-disable | 21:59 |
Desolate1 | I'm racking my brains on a DVD issue and considering reformat and reinstall. | 21:59 |
tvynr | BinaryFu: find . -name "*.wav" | while read line; do oggenc "$line" -o "${line//.wav/.ogg}"; done | 21:59 |
=== dieck is now known as sam_delta | ||
theFATMAN | i'm gonna check this stuff out guys, i'm trying to watch the new "House", ttyl | 22:00 |
BinaryFu | tvynr: You rule. | 22:00 |
Cromag | Arrick: it worked ? | 22:00 |
Ish_nitti | frostburn: its not running, let me bash it | 22:00 |
Intangir | how do i share a windows remote desktop, and view it on ubuntu, im trying to use this terminal server client.. with RDP5 and it doesnt connect | 22:00 |
tvynr | BinaryFu: I found myself in the position to write a 45K bash video encoding script once. Got me quite a bit of practice. ;) | 22:00 |
frostburn | Intangir, try just regular rdp | 22:01 |
BinaryFu | I need to learn some scripting, honestly. | 22:01 |
whabo | hello guys i have a quick and simple question. how can i get widgets/gadgets on my linux box? i would love to have that ... any ideas? applications that can do that? | 22:01 |
caferouge | hellooooooooooooooooo | 22:01 |
Ish_nitti | BinaryFu: with a nick like that, you're pretty damn close :) | 22:01 |
BinaryFu | :) | 22:01 |
sam_delta | hi, im planning on moving my home partition to a separate partition, how large should the filesystem partition be? | 22:01 |
Cromag | whabo: gdesklets | 22:02 |
caferouge | it is possible to fall in love with another man whwn you think to love your man who live togheter?????????? | 22:02 |
JabberWalkie | whabo: try superkarumba | 22:02 |
BinaryFu | sam_delta: I like to think of it as "How much could I cram in there if I REALLY wanted to?" and then settle for 20-40gb | 22:02 |
MrElendig | sam_delta: as big as you can get it | 22:02 |
Cromag | !gdesklets | whabo | 22:02 |
ubottu | whabo: gDesklets provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets -- tiny displays sitting on your desktop in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness. Homepage is http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/ | 22:02 |
MrElendig | sam_delta: I got 1.5TB for /home | 22:02 |
BinaryFu | He's referring to / | 22:02 |
BinaryFu | Not /home | 22:02 |
sam_delta | yea, im refering to how large should / be | 22:02 |
MrElendig | for / anything over 20gb is overkill | 22:03 |
MrElendig | even 10gb is overkill imo | 22:03 |
sam_delta | thx , so 20 should be good | 22:03 |
MrElendig | if you don't plan to host from /var | 22:03 |
BinaryFu | Well, depends though... | 22:03 |
Ish_nitti | wow, touchy subject | 22:03 |
caferouge | depends?????? | 22:03 |
BinaryFu | Some people like aftermarket software...so... | 22:03 |
sam_delta | MrElendig thx | 22:03 |
Ish_nitti | lol | 22:03 |
MrElendig | /dev/sdc3 19G 4.4G 14G 25% / | 22:03 |
BinaryFu | I always say 20-40gb to be safe. | 22:03 |
BinaryFu | Because an entire respository is about 23gb | 22:04 |
Arrick | Cromag I didnt know about the advanced properties on the Sound from double clicking on the speaker icon up top | 22:04 |
Ish_nitti | BinaryFu: i went for 1tb, justto be safe | 22:04 |
sam_delta | BinaryFu thx for your info | 22:04 |
jim-Dandy | BinaryFu: try http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Adv-Bash-Scr-HOWTO/index.html for generic linux scripting. if you are just into learning a little programming and administering your own system, you might enjoy ruby or python more. | 22:04 |
BinaryFu | So, you figure, if they jammed everything into it possible... | 22:04 |
Cromag | Arrick: but did it work ? :) | 22:04 |
onthefence928 | hey youtube videos aren't playing any sound for me! can anyone help? | 22:04 |
rascal999 | I'm trying to install wow on ubuntu using wine. Its downloaded the 3.9gb file but claims the installer hasn't got enough disk space, how can I fix this? | 22:04 |
BinaryFu | It'd be around 23gb w/o 3rd party repositories. | 22:04 |
tvynr | /dev/sda1 ext3 287G 100G 173G 37% / | 22:04 |
Arrick | yes Cromag | 22:05 |
MrElendig | who is stupid enough to install everything | 22:05 |
tvynr | I keep a lot of stuff on my drive. | 22:05 |
Cromag | great | 22:05 |
BinaryFu | MrElendig: I don't even ask...I know people who have...so...to save embarassment... | 22:05 |
MrElendig | Tyczek: not seperate /home or hosting from /var? | 22:05 |
Ish_nitti | frostburn: im blanking, im trying to auto complete bash my volume manager to no avail | 22:05 |
Arrick | thanks MrElendig and Cromag | 22:05 |
onthefence928 | youtube videos aren't playing any sound for me! can anyone help? | 22:05 |
MartinCz | Hi. Where could I find information about RUID, SUID and EUID ? Thanks. | 22:05 |
Cromag | creds is to MrElendig | 22:05 |
Ish_nitti | onthefence928: do you have sound otherwise? | 22:05 |
onthefence928 | yes | 22:06 |
frostburn | Ish_nitti, not sure what might be wrong, i need to head out though | 22:06 |
BinaryFu | rascal999: Do you happen to have the directory from a windows install? | 22:06 |
Ish_nitti | onthefence928: well thats good :) what flash do you have installed? | 22:06 |
Lynet | Is the combination nvidia/dual-monitor/xinerama/compiz known to work? | 22:06 |
Ish_nitti | Lynet: using it right now | 22:06 |
rascal999 | BinaryFu: On a seperate disk yeah | 22:06 |
BinaryFu | rascal999: Because that's the easiest way in the entire world to set it up...by just flopping it down and running wine from inside... | 22:06 |
onthefence928 | whichever one automatically installed itself for me a few minutes ago, I didn't grab the version# | 22:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | Lynet : xinerama cannot work with compiz (or any other composite manager) on nvidia | 22:06 |
rascal999 | BinaryFu: heh, nothing is simple on this machine | 22:07 |
Ish_nitti | onthefence928: i like to stick with the non-free ver, i had some flash issues with the others | 22:07 |
BinaryFu | rascal999: There's ways to make it thus. | 22:07 |
BinaryFu | rascal999: Always. | 22:07 |
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rascal999 | BinaryFu: I can't wait.. | 22:07 |
Lynet | Jack_Sparrow: Any recommendations for how I should set up a dual monitor system whithout losing compiz? | 22:07 |
BinaryFu | rascal999: I have WoW on mine. Play it every day. | 22:07 |
orkaa | O_o | 22:07 |
rascal999 | so what shall I try now? | 22:07 |
Ish_nitti | Lynet: im using compiz on dual monitors right now | 22:07 |
onthefence928 | Ish_nitti: I just started using ubuntu so I don't know what you mean | 22:08 |
Lynet | Ish_nitti: How? Mind sharing your config? | 22:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | Ish_nitti Nvidia card? | 22:08 |
rascal999 | /home/user/.wine/drive_c is the directory for c drive | 22:08 |
Ish_nitti | Jack_Sparrow: yes nvidia | 22:08 |
rascal999 | used to be /home/user/c/ | 22:08 |
Ish_nitti | Lynet: i used the nvidia-settings package to configure it | 22:08 |
crd1b | Lynet: with one video card? | 22:08 |
BinaryFu | rascal999: Okay, the EZ method for this...is to copy the whole directory from the Windows drive over to your Linux drive. I personally have mine set up in my /home/me/World of Warcrack directory. | 22:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | Ish_nitti #compiz people said that wouldnt work | 22:08 |
Ish_nitti | weird | 22:08 |
BinaryFu | Makes it easier to get into it when I need to slap in addons. | 22:08 |
Lynet | crd1b: One 8800GT, dual monitor. | 22:08 |
Ish_nitti | onthefence928: hold on | 22:09 |
rascal999 | I haven't got a win install of it | 22:09 |
crd1b | Jack_Sparrow: dual monitor works just fine, as long as you don't use Xinerama | 22:09 |
BinaryFu | rascal999: ...I thought you said you did...sorry. | 22:09 |
rascal999 | I've downloaded the 3.9GB for os x | 22:09 |
crd1b | Lynet: use TwinView | 22:09 |
BinaryFu | ... | 22:09 |
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onthefence928 | Ish_nitti: k | 22:09 |
kumarphilly | !virus | 22:09 |
ubottu | A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 | 22:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | crd1b but her question was specifically including xinerama | 22:09 |
BinaryFu | rascal999: I have no clue how that would work. Personally, I'd just install it from the windows discs, as that would be the more logical way to go about it. Any reason that's not doable? | 22:10 |
crd1b | Jack_Sparrow: I don't think Lynet really cares about the implementation :) | 22:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | crd1b Unless I missed a line | 22:10 |
Ish_nitti | onthefence928: launch term, type sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 22:10 |
rascal999 | BinaryFu: I have to boot into windows again and downlaod 2GB or so of content | 22:10 |
Ish_nitti | onthefence928: close firefox, reopen it and try again | 22:10 |
rascal999 | I have the 2004 disks | 22:10 |
BinaryFu | rascal999: Okay, so you had it installed for Windows at one point? | 22:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | crd1b Yep < I did miss a line where she asked any way | 22:11 |
rascal999 | way back | 22:11 |
BinaryFu | rascal999: Do you still have that installed? | 22:11 |
rascal999 | nai | 22:11 |
BinaryFu | rascal999: oy. | 22:11 |
MrElendig | MartinCz: tldp.org | 22:11 |
rascal999 | can't I use the content I've downloaded? | 22:11 |
Makuseru | Can someone recommend some USB Audio recording software? | 22:11 |
onthefence928 | Ish_nitti: it says I already had that version | 22:11 |
rascal999 | I have 16GB free space, installer was complaining about size of disk, is this why? | 22:11 |
BinaryFu | rascal999: Okay...I would still just install the discs with wine. It's super simple, really straight forward, no issues...but...there is an option you can pass through wine to "try" and get the download to work. | 22:11 |
thehurley | hello | 22:12 |
BinaryFu | Let me see if I can smack myself in the dome enough to remember it. | 22:12 |
will_ | Makuseru: the software wont care if its USB or not as long as there is a driver for it it will all look the same to any program | 22:12 |
thehurley | is there a repo for beryl and hardy? | 22:12 |
rascal999 | BinaryFu: even if I do use disks, still have to dl content | 22:12 |
will_ | Makuseru: I can recommend Ardour and Audacity depending on the complexity of what you want ot do | 22:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | !beryl | 22:12 |
ubottu | Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion. New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz | 22:12 |
jim-Dandy | Makuseru: what do you mean, usb audio recording software? if you have an usb audio card, it just needs a driver, then it will work as any other | 22:12 |
Ish_nitti | onthefence928: was it ever working at any point? | 22:12 |
thehurley | !compiz | 22:12 |
ubottu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion | 22:12 |
onthefence928 | haven't been on youtube except from windows XP | 22:12 |
thehurley | thanks Jack_Sparrow | 22:13 |
onthefence928 | uuntil now | 22:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 22:13 |
Ish_nitti | onthefence928: so, no. | 22:13 |
rascal999 | onthefence928: you can't hear youtube videos? | 22:13 |
onthefence928 | right | 22:13 |
Ish_nitti | rascal999: that is the problem at hand, yes. | 22:13 |
sam_delta | thehurley beryl has merged with compiz, becoming compiz fusion which comes as defaut in hardy | 22:13 |
onthefence928 | rascal999: yeah | 22:13 |
Ish_nitti | onthefence928: sudo apt-get install mozilla-plugin-gnash | 22:13 |
Makuseru | jim-Dandy: i habe a 1/4th mono audio to usb interface, and im having problems getting Ardour to recognize it | 22:14 |
BinaryFu | rascal999: DLing the content isn't an issue. | 22:14 |
nabcore | How do I debug a hang that's occurring when I instal 8.84 server ? | 22:14 |
BinaryFu | rascal999: How much free space on your home directory? | 22:14 |
rascal999 | System > Preferences > Sound : Device tabe, make sure all set to ALSA | 22:14 |
Ish_nitti | rascal999: his sound works fine otherwise, its just flash that has the problem | 22:14 |
Makuseru | i got it to record, and i could visually see that it recorded, but i got no sound on playback | 22:14 |
starz | hey any security heads around? | 22:14 |
BinaryFu | rascal999: Because you need about 4.5gb for WoW to sit in there comfortably. I'd suggest 6gb with the way they keep adding stuff. | 22:14 |
Dillizar | i need smb to fix my Horizontals and the verticals of my screen | 22:14 |
Ish_nitti | Makuseru: i had that same problem. gave up on it however... | 22:14 |
rascal999 | yeah, just try that method | 22:15 |
rascal999 | onthefence928: | 22:15 |
onthefence928 | Ish_nitti: ok trying it now | 22:15 |
Ish_nitti | is there a such thing as Ubuntu Anonymous? | 22:15 |
rascal999 | BinaryFu: 16GB free space | 22:15 |
jim-Dandy | Makuseru: what is the model/name of the device? | 22:16 |
Makuseru | jim-Dandy: its a SoundTech Lightsnake | 22:16 |
mattywarr | jim-Dandy - thanks the install of gdm has gotten me back into ubuntu | 22:16 |
m_ad | is this a known bug? opening a m3u file with audacious loads a "Open Files" dialog..? | 22:16 |
Ish_nitti | m_ad: i use VLC Player for my m3u's | 22:16 |
message144 | What is the best way to handle a "404 Not Found" error when i run apt-get install? | 22:16 |
mattywarr | I've got a problem with (Surprise!) broadcom wireless - its found the proprietary drivers but can't view any wireless networks - I think its to do with acer_acpi | 22:17 |
Ish_nitti | message144: sounds like a DNS issue | 22:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | message144 What do you have in your sources.list | 22:17 |
jim-Dandy | mattywarr: no problem, watch what synaptic reports before clicking 'ok', don't let it uninstall anything unless you want it to | 22:17 |
Ish_nitti | message144: from terminal type nslookup yahoo.com, does it resolve? | 22:17 |
Dillizar | i need smb to fix my Horizontals and the verticals of my screen | 22:17 |
message144 | Ish_nitti: one sec.. trying | 22:17 |
Simonft1 | mattywarr: which broadcom is it? | 22:17 |
Ish_nitti | onthefence928: any luck? | 22:18 |
mattywarr | bcm43xx | 22:18 |
thehurley | sam_delta, thanks for the tip - so once I enable the advanced graphics/appearance where do I go to change the settings, such as enabling the fancy cube desktop switcher? | 22:18 |
onthefence928 | Ish_nitti: don't think so | 22:18 |
BinaryFu | rascal999: Okay, what I would do is flat out: Install the game from the discs...log in, download updates, etc...but, I would make sure to mod the Config.wtf file in /world of warcrack/wtf/ directory so it's set up properly. I can help you config that too. | 22:18 |
mattywarr | thanks jim, i'll watch for that | 22:18 |
message144 | Jack_Sparrow, Ish_nitti : it seems to have no problem looking up security.ubuntu.com which is where the url is | 22:18 |
onthefence928 | Ish_nitti: let me try removing the no-scripts add-on | 22:18 |
Simonft1 | mattywarr: http://groups.google.com/group/ubuntuwirelesshelp/web/bcm43xx | 22:18 |
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Ish_nitti | onthefence928: LOL! | 22:18 |
BinaryFu | rascal999: With that one simple file, you can have some fantastic visuals in the game. Really nice fps too. | 22:18 |
m_ad | Ish_nitti, I like audacious gui :) | 22:18 |
Ish_nitti | onthefence928: i would of told you to do that first had i known | 22:18 |
rascal999 | BinaryFu: so I have to download content again? | 22:19 |
Ish_nitti | m_ad: i agree, its nice. but Amarok holds a special GUI place in my musical heart. | 22:19 |
onthefence928 | it never gave me problems on windows | 22:19 |
BinaryFu | rascal999: I'd also suggest setting it up for a windowed mode (makes life so much easier) and let wine handle the window. | 22:19 |
onthefence928 | Ish_nitti: the video was playing and the script was running but yeah no sound | 22:19 |
Ish_nitti | onthefence928: you probably allowed youtube on your block list | 22:19 |
message144 | Should I update my sources.list? | 22:19 |
Ish_nitti | onthefence928: oh then its not the block script | 22:19 |
Ish_nitti | message144: did you change it around? | 22:19 |
BinaryFu | rascal999: Well, I would consider that before I would consider installing a program that was made for OS X and trying to slap it into a Linux box while using wine... | 22:20 |
message144 | Ish_nitti: no | 22:20 |
m_ad | anyone use audacious? and successfully load m3u files? | 22:20 |
onthefence928 | Ish_nitti:: is there even a point to using no-script in linux? | 22:20 |
Ish_nitti | message144: and it fails ONLY on that url? | 22:20 |
Ish_nitti | onthefence928: on linux, no. | 22:20 |
onthefence928 | cool | 22:20 |
message144 | Ish_nitti: no it fails on all the urls for this particular package | 22:21 |
sam_delta | thehurley open synaptic and download a package called "simple-ccsm" and then you can edit your compiz plugins under system>preferences>advanced desktop effects setting or simple compiz config manager | 22:21 |
mattywarr_ | simonft1 - i've done that but still no joy :( | 22:21 |
=== mattywarr_ is now known as mattywarr | ||
message144 | Ish_nitti: but other packages seem to work | 22:21 |
mattywarr | sorry if i just flooded that message, disconnected me | 22:21 |
Ish_nitti | message144: i had this problem with a 3rd party repo i added. i never found a solution. | 22:21 |
Simonft1 | mattywarr: have you taken everything else that you tried off? | 22:21 |
ArrPirate | tvynr: Just an update, the computer is doing awesome since the cable switch. Thank you so very much. I hope you're having the best day of your life. | 22:21 |
Ish_nitti | message144: actually, i went and found the .deb instead | 22:21 |
edgy | Hi, $ /usr/lib/kde4/bin/konqueror | 22:21 |
edgy | KCrash: crashing... crashRecursionCounter = 2 | 22:21 |
edgy | KCrash: Application Name = konqueror path = <unknown> pid = 10428 | 22:21 |
edgy | how can I resolve this please? | 22:22 |
message144 | Ish_nitti: its for emacs21, which seems pretty common | 22:22 |
blacking | hello | 22:22 |
rascal999 | wahay | 22:22 |
Simonft1 | !hi | blacking | 22:22 |
ubottu | blacking: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 22:22 |
Ish_nitti | message144: sudo apt-get emacs21? | 22:22 |
mattywarr | yes - i'm pretty sure its to do with the fact this is an acer laptop - acer_acpi doesn;t seem to want to install (The repo no longer exists) | 22:22 |
rascal999 | BinaryFu: think I fixed it | 22:22 |
theFATMAN | how is everyone? | 22:22 |
thehurley | sam_delta, ty | 22:22 |
BinaryFu | rascal999: What changed? | 22:22 |
message144 | Ish_nitti: i did sudo apt-get install emacs21 | 22:22 |
Ish_nitti | onthefence928: wanna match my packages installed for flash? | 22:22 |
sam_delta | thehurley, np, enjoy | 22:22 |
Ish_nitti | message144: let me try on my side | 22:22 |
theFATMAN | does anyone know how to extract winrar archives? | 22:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | !rar | 22:23 |
ubottu | rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 22:23 |
Ish_nitti | theFATMAN: sudo apt-get install rar | 22:23 |
rascal999 | BinaryFu: instead of running the downloader from /home/user/, I just ran the installer.exe from wow folder | 22:23 |
rascal999 | sorted | 22:23 |
BinaryFu | theFATMAN: rar foo.rar | 22:23 |
blacking | does anyone can help me as remastering an ubuntu release? | 22:23 |
Ish_nitti | theFATMAN: right click on the .rar and select "extract here" | 22:23 |
theFATMAN | you guys rock!!!! | 22:23 |
DarkVampire | how can I install firefox3RC1 on Hardy? | 22:23 |
onthefence928 | Ish_nitti: what do you mean? | 22:23 |
=== damaltor_ is now known as damaltor | ||
theFATMAN | i am sowing off ubuntu to one of the homies now, actually | 22:23 |
xenocampanoli | How do I make a mongrel process start on y own user account at system startup? I'd like it to be always going, without my logging in, and without having to get into root configurations, or at least not much. | 22:23 |
Simonft1 | DarkVampire: go to the website, it will tell you | 22:23 |
Ish_nitti | message144: works fine for me | 22:23 |
theFATMAN | *showing | 22:23 |
Kaapa | hello everyone. How do I switch from boot to X to boot to console? | 22:23 |
theFATMAN | lol | 22:23 |
message144 | Ish_nitti: doh! | 22:24 |
BinaryFu | rascal999: There ya go! Now, once you have all that set up, drop me an IM and I'll explain what should be altered in the Config.wtf file to get you some rockin' FPS, etc. | 22:24 |
Kaapa | in slack is /etc/ionittab | 22:24 |
theFATMAN | gotta go guys, see ya!! | 22:24 |
rascal999 | BinaryFu: Sure thing dude | 22:24 |
Ish_nitti | xenocampanoli: System Prefs -> Sessions | 22:24 |
sam_delta | DarkVampire firefox updates will be comming soon, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=801368 | 22:24 |
Ish_nitti | message144: you sure you didnt change the repo url? | 22:24 |
message144 | Ish_nitti: nope i didnt... | 22:24 |
xenocampanoli | Ish_nitti: Is there a configuration file so I don't have to do it with the GUI? | 22:24 |
DarkVampire | Simonftl I had already... but it didn't help... | 22:24 |
message144 | Ish_nitti: i guess i could try the manual url | 22:24 |
Ish_nitti | xenocampanoli: im a noob, i do EVERYTHING from the GUI :) | 22:24 |
Vlet | Kaapa: in your 'services' control panel, disable gdm | 22:24 |
Kaapa | Vlet: thanks | 22:25 |
xenocampanoli | Ish_nitti: Cool. Thanks anyway. I'll mess around with that. xc | 22:25 |
mhz128 | hello world! | 22:25 |
Simonft1 | !hi | mhz128 | 22:25 |
ubottu | mhz128: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 22:25 |
BinaryFu | GUI = <3, but CLi = faster on the big projects. | 22:25 |
Dillizar | when i change the refresh rate the whole monitor nad the ubuntu goes ape@@@ | 22:25 |
DarkVampire | tks sam_delta | 22:25 |
Ish_nitti | BinaryFu: i was joking | 22:25 |
Nyad | How do I mount a fat16 USB disk? | 22:25 |
BinaryFu | Ish_nitti: Nuh uh! :P | 22:25 |
Dillizar | DarkVampire: ?? | 22:26 |
Ish_nitti | lol | 22:26 |
sam_delta | DarkVampire no problem | 22:26 |
message144 | Ish_nitti: is there an alternative way to install emacs21? | 22:26 |
BinaryFu | Nyad: mount -fat16 /dev/hda /mymount/point | 22:26 |
mhz128 | My Viewsonic monitor maximum settings are 1360x768 at 60Hz refresh rate. Ubuntu only allows me to select 50hz at that res. How can I bump it back up to 60hz? | 22:26 |
Ish_nitti | message144: see if there is a .deb somewhere | 22:26 |
BinaryFu | Nyad: I *think* | 22:26 |
* mhz128 50hz is hard on the eyes... | 22:26 | |
Ish_nitti | message144: one click install :) | 22:26 |
Kaapa | Vlet: to do that remotely, can I edit some file? somewhere in /etc/event.d? | 22:26 |
Dillizar | when i change the refresh rate the whole monitor nad the ubuntu goes ape!help | 22:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ff3rc | DarkVampire | 22:27 |
ubottu | DarkVampire: The Firefox 3 RC package is not currently available as most of the Ubuntu-mozilla team are at the Ubuntu Developer Summit. Thanks for your patience. | 22:27 |
Nyad | BinaryFu, usually it's -t filesystem but it says that fat16 is not known. I know for sure that it is fat16 and not vfat | 22:27 |
Lynet | TwinView vorked a treat, thanks folks. | 22:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | great | 22:27 |
DarkVampire | tks! =) I've checked that on ubuntuforuns | 22:27 |
BinaryFu | Nyad: Gimmie a moment to grunt over that one. | 22:27 |
Ish_nitti | message144: what ver of ubuntu? | 22:27 |
message144 | Ish_nitti: not sure how do i find that out? | 22:27 |
mhz128 | Dillizar: how do you change the refresh rate? | 22:28 |
message144 | Ish_nitti: im not using X.. its CLI only.. i ran uname -a, but that didnt tell | 22:28 |
Monobi_ | How do I upgrade from Ubuntu Hardy Development version to the stable version? | 22:28 |
Ish_nitti | message144: ahh that might be the issue | 22:28 |
Milos_SD | Monobi_, you don't | 22:29 |
Ish_nitti | message144: type nslookup yahoo.com, does it resolve? | 22:29 |
message144 | Ish_nitti: yes | 22:29 |
BinaryFu | Nyad: Try mount -F pcfs | 22:29 |
Monobi_ | Milos_SD, no? | 22:29 |
theFATMAN | hey everybody...which version of flash do I need for ubuntu 8.04 AMD64bit? .tar.gz; .rpm; YUM? | 22:29 |
henry_ | Monobi, it updates to it | 22:29 |
Monobi_ | Milos_SD, sudo apt-get upgrade && apt-get update will do it? | 22:29 |
Monobi_ | Oh | 22:29 |
henry_ | .tar.gz FATMAN | 22:29 |
Ish_nitti | message144: 64bit or 32? | 22:29 |
Monobi_ | :-) | 22:29 |
Milos_SD | If you did every update until now... you have final version... | 22:29 |
tvynr | ArrPirate: Glad to hear it. :-D | 22:29 |
sam_delta | Monobi every day updates take your system to be in the final release | 22:29 |
theFATMAN | henry_:thanks | 22:29 |
Monobi_ | Now, can I ask for Wine help here? :-) | 22:29 |
henry_ | FATMAN, if you just go to say ...youtube.com | 22:29 |
BinaryFu | I know it's something weird like that, because I had to set that up to do my ubuntu flashdrive. | 22:30 |
Simonft1 | Monobi_: yes | 22:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | Monobi_ #winehq | 22:30 |
Monobi_ | Ok | 22:30 |
henry_ | it will have a bar that asks you if you want to install the necesary plugin | 22:30 |
Simonft1 | oh | 22:30 |
Dillizar | mhz128: i had the same problem like you | 22:30 |
Nyad | BinaryFu, no luck | 22:30 |
message144 | Ish_nitti: no clue | 22:30 |
BinaryFu | ... | 22:30 |
message144 | Ish_nitti: i found this | 22:30 |
message144 | http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/e/emacs21/emacs21-nox_21.4a-3ubuntu2.2_i386.deb | 22:30 |
theFATMAN | yeah, i went to sony pictures.com to check out HANCOCK | 22:30 |
sam_delta | #winehq | 22:30 |
ZimCS | Hey guys, I configured the opening screen too large for Ubuntu in my virtual machine. Does anyone know how to go back and switch the settings? | 22:30 |
mhz128 | Dillizar: I know, but how did you change the rate? in the Screen Resolution settings? | 22:30 |
BinaryFu | Nyad: You did mount -F pcfs /dev/discname /mnt/windowsplace | 22:30 |
Dillizar | mhz128: but a good guy that isnt here at the momment can fix it | 22:30 |
theFATMAN | so....tar? | 22:31 |
Dillizar | yes mhz128 | 22:31 |
mhz128 | ok | 22:31 |
Dillizar | what are you useing mhz128 | 22:31 |
theFATMAN | i am a newb..so... | 22:31 |
Ish_nitti | message144: yeah thats what i was about to link you to | 22:31 |
henry_ | yes | 22:31 |
mhz128 | 8.04 32bit | 22:31 |
BinaryFu | Nyad: OH! Maybe it's mount -t msdos | 22:31 |
Simonft1 | !username | theFATMAN | 22:31 |
ubottu | theFATMAN: Please prefix what you're saying with a name to avoid confusion. See !tab | 22:31 |
mhz128 | I think there must be some config file to edit | 22:31 |
Dillizar | mhz128: you need to conf. the svreen | 22:31 |
Dillizar | *screen | 22:31 |
etienne_ | :quit | 22:31 |
message144 | Ish_nitti: so could i do sudo apt-get install foo.dev | 22:31 |
henry_ | fatman: what version are you running? | 22:32 |
mhz128 | ah | 22:32 |
message144 | Ish_nitti: err foo.deb | 22:32 |
Dillizar | mhz128: i dont know how to do it | 22:32 |
theFATMAN | henry_: 8.04 AMD 64bit | 22:32 |
Ish_nitti | message144: no, its something like dpkg | 22:32 |
yitz_ | Anyone up to some testing? I suspect that the confirm window you get after changing the resolution in the Gnome Monitor Resolution Settings that asks you if you want to keep/revert changes only reverts resolutions and not screen rotations. | 22:32 |
onthefence928 | Ish_nitti: did you run out of ideas to help me? | 22:32 |
limcore | is shitty silverlight playable in ubuntu? | 22:32 |
Ish_nitti | onthefence928: we could match our packages, since mine is working | 22:32 |
mhz128 | Dillizar: ok lets wait for your friened | 22:32 |
Dillizar | mhz128: lol | 22:33 |
survivor | hi, how can i set my interfaces ethx with given module, do i need to put an alias ? | 22:33 |
mhz128 | haha | 22:33 |
onthefence928 | Ish_nitti: I don't know what that means | 22:33 |
henry_ | fatman: try this in terminal ""sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree libflashsupport""" | 22:33 |
yitz_ | (Hardy Heron) | 22:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | limcore Please watch the language | 22:33 |
Ish_nitti | onthefence928: match the packages i have installed since mine is working fine | 22:33 |
Nyad | BinaryFu, no luck either | 22:33 |
mhz128 | Dillizar: I have to reboot to Windows, im starting to get a headache from the LOW refresh rate | 22:33 |
Dillizar | mhz128: i think i can fix it but i dont remeber the firs part | 22:33 |
onthefence928 | Ish_nitti: how do I match? | 22:33 |
BinaryFu | Nyad: It should be mount -t msdos or mount -t vfat. I know it is. | 22:33 |
Ish_nitti | onthefence928: just type what i tell you | 22:33 |
BinaryFu | Nyad: What's the error it's giving? | 22:34 |
onthefence928 | Ish_nitti: ok | 22:34 |
onthefence928 | Ish_nitti: and it works in hardy heron for you? | 22:34 |
Dillizar | mhz128: you can have biher hz on lower res. i am sure bout it | 22:34 |
pgrepvan | Hi. I just installed a -server kernel, so i have both -17-generic, and -17-server.. however, I need a propietary driver for my wireless card.. but when I go to HardWare Drivers, it says "No Proprietary Drivers in use" - what do I do to make it see I need one for my wireless card ? | 22:34 |
Nyad | BinaryFu, mount: wrong fs type, etc etc | 22:34 |
BinaryFu | Nyad: What's the command you're using? | 22:34 |
Ish_nitti | onthefence928: sudo apt-get install gnash gnash-common libflashsupport mozilla-plugin-gnash ubuntu-restricted-extras | 22:34 |
mhz128 | Dillizar: so lower the resolution? | 22:34 |
pgrepvan | Hi. I just installed a -server kernel, so i have both -17-generic, and -17-server.. however, I need a propietary driver for my wireless card.. but when I go to HardWare Drivers, it says "No Proprietary Drivers in use" - what do I do to make it see I need one for my wireless card ? (I meant to say I'm using the -17-server kernel.. generic detects all my hardware that needs proprietary, server does not) | 22:35 |
Dillizar | yes mhz128 | 22:35 |
Nyad | BinaryFu, sudo mount -t msdos /dev/sdc1 /mnt/ | 22:35 |
DarkVampire | does anyone knows a good xsd (xml schema) creator/editor? one that shows tips about what I can write, like visual studio 2008 does... | 22:35 |
pgrepvan | sorry for repeat.. forgot some stuff | 22:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | pgrepvan Please hold down the repeats.. | 22:35 |
Nyad | BinaryFu, vfat is for fat32, I am using fat16 | 22:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 22:35 |
Intangir | how do i fix my route | 22:35 |
teprrr | hi, anyone how should I allow software compiled by me to access NetworkManager's dbus interface? | 22:35 |
pgrepvan | Jack_Sparrow, I already typed an apology.. I forgot a key detail in helping anyone help me hehe | 22:35 |
BinaryFu | Nyad: vfat also works for fat16 if you have the support for it, which I believe you should. | 22:35 |
Intangir | or redetect how my route should be setup | 22:35 |
Ish_nitti | onthefence928: afk a sec | 22:35 |
Dillizar | try 1280 mhz128 | 22:35 |
teprrr | ""A security policy in place prevents this sender from sending this message to this recipient, see message bus configuration file (rejected message had interface "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" member "getDevices" error name "(unset)" destination "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager")"" is the error I'm getting.. | 22:35 |
mhz128 | Dillizar: ya, but it only went up 5hz | 22:35 |
SilverRavage | Hey i just installed Fluxbuntu on a Fujitsu P series laptop, i got the ethernet working, but when i try to scan for WiFi it shows nothing, even tho a windows tablet i have next to it see's the network | 22:35 |
mhz128 | at 1024x768 | 22:35 |
Nyad | BinaryFu, vfat doesn't mount, same error | 22:36 |
BinaryFu | Nyad: But you need to a) have a folder created for the mount point first...like, /home/bob/winderz and then use the command. | 22:36 |
BinaryFu | Nyad: You can't mount to /mnt | 22:36 |
Dillizar | mhz128: click on the hz | 22:36 |
Dillizar | :D | 22:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | SilverRavage I didnt think we supported fluxbuntu in here | 22:36 |
Metatro1 | hi ppl..ive a problem with all msn client on ubuntu...when i load mine account contact list (and only mine) on logon the client (both emesene, pidgin, kopete, kmess etc) crashes.. | 22:36 |
Dillizar | and try for more :P | 22:36 |
Nyad | BinaryFu, you can. I did it when I formatted to ext2 | 22:37 |
Metatro1 | can someone help me? | 22:37 |
mhz128 | Dillizar: ya, 55 is the max I can get | 22:37 |
Broadcom | Metatro1: just ask | 22:37 |
Dillizar | !ask Metatro1 | 22:37 |
ubottu | Factoid ask metatro1 not found | 22:37 |
Dillizar | wait mhz128 | 22:37 |
mhz128 | ok | 22:37 |
woli | hi | 22:38 |
Metatro1 | i just asked ^^ | 22:38 |
BinaryFu | Nyad: Just for giggles, mkdir /tmp/win and then do sudo mount -t msdos /dev/sdc1 /tmp/win and see what happens. | 22:38 |
woli | is there a language in ubuntu suck as autohotkey in windows?? | 22:38 |
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Metatro1 | (23:36:56) Metatron: | 22:38 |
Metatro1 | hi ppl..ive a problem with all msn client on ubuntu...when i load mine account contact list (and only mine) on logon the client (both emesene, pidgin, kopete, kmess etc) crashes.. | 22:38 |
Nyad | BinaryFu, still not working | 22:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | woli Thant question makes no sense | 22:39 |
BinaryFu | Same with -t vfat??? | 22:39 |
SilverRavage | Hey i just installed Fluxbuntu on a Fujitsu P series laptop, i got the ethernet working, but when i try to scan for WiFi it shows nothing, even tho a windows tablet i have next to it see's the network and the router thats sitting between both | 22:39 |
woli | yes it does | 22:39 |
arakthor | anyone know why some repos for 8.04 server can't be verified? | 22:39 |
woli | if you knew what autohotkey was | 22:39 |
woli | oh sory | 22:39 |
woli | i mean such* | 22:39 |
woli | lol, not suck | 22:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | :) | 22:39 |
Broadcom | SilverRavage do lspci and put the result in pastebin | 22:40 |
BinaryFu | Nyad: Are ya sure it's a FAT formatted disc that's not corrupted? I mean, does it show up in the partition manager? Because honestly, one of those should work just fine. | 22:40 |
wuxia | what's the ububntu way to pick up wmv drivers for mplayer? | 22:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | !wmv | wuxia | 22:40 |
ubottu | wuxia: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 22:40 |
Nyad | BinaryFu, I'm 100% sure. If I format it to ext2 and mount in /mnt it works | 22:40 |
BinaryFu | Nyad: That's just insane. And it's small enough to be formatted in FAT16, right? | 22:41 |
BinaryFu | As in, under 2gb? | 22:41 |
Nyad | I need fat16 though since I'm 400 bytes out of space on it from putting my new distro on | 22:41 |
Nyad | since fat16 is smaller than fat32 | 22:41 |
SilverRavage | anyone help ?i just installed Fluxbuntu on a Fujitsu P series laptop, i got the ethernet working, but when i try to scan for WiFi it shows nothing, even tho a windows tablet i have next to it see's the network and the router thats sitting between both | 22:41 |
woli | how do i hide a file in ubuntu? | 22:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | !mint | SilverRavage | 22:42 |
ubottu | SilverRavage: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (support in #linuxmint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate | 22:42 |
BinaryFu | Nyad: But it is 2gb or smaller in size, right? | 22:42 |
Nyad | 256MB | 22:42 |
BinaryFu | That should do it. | 22:42 |
BinaryFu | *sigh* | 22:42 |
Broadcom | SilverRavage do lspci and put it in pastebin. | 22:42 |
Sladjannn | i don't know how to remowe kde4?? | 22:42 |
woli | hide files in ubuntu??? | 22:42 |
Sladjannn | i don't know how to remowe kde4?? | 22:42 |
SilverRavage | lspci??? pastebin?? | 22:42 |
mhz128 | Dillizar : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83973 | 22:43 |
onthefence928 | woli: put it underneath your comic books collection | 22:43 |
woli | what thing? | 22:43 |
wuxia | what's the ububntu way to pick up wmv drivers for mplayer? (just apt-getting ubuntu-restricted-extras did not give me wmv mplayback for video in mplayer) | 22:43 |
woli | the suck thing? | 22:43 |
Dillizar | mhz128: can you go on undernet | 22:43 |
zvacet | !paste | SilverRavage | 22:43 |
ubottu | SilverRavage: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 22:43 |
mhz128 | ok | 22:43 |
joshuaos | Help Please? Running Hardy 64 and ia32-libs won't install. | 22:43 |
Sladjannn | i don't know how to remowe kde4?? | 22:43 |
visik7 | why ubuntu live has been cancelled ? | 22:43 |
Dillizar | mhz128: and come to chataholics | 22:43 |
Broadcom | SilverRavage: im not sure if im allowed to help you on this channel | 22:44 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Broadcom feel free to take him into pm | 22:44 |
BinaryFu | Nyad: Yeah, there's something wrong with that picture...because, flat out...mount for FAT16 and FAT32 is as follows: mount -t msdos and mount -t vfat. Period. | 22:44 |
BinaryFu | Nyad: There is no other way to mount them. | 22:44 |
Broadcom | Jack_Sparrow: ok, thanks | 22:44 |
mkan | wuxia the restricted-extras is in System >Administration > Software sources | 22:44 |
zvacet | SilverRavage : type in terminal lspci and post output with pastebin | 22:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | Broadcom thanks for helping | 22:44 |
wuxia | mkan: I have it installed already | 22:45 |
Broadcom | SilverRavage: do you have an aim? | 22:45 |
Nyad | BinaryFu, yeah, it is weird hey | 22:45 |
woli | i want to make a context item in ubuntu, to hide folders... how do I do such? | 22:45 |
onthefence928 | Ish_nitti: thanks man, I got it working | 22:46 |
BinaryFu | Yeah, my guess would be, if I had to guess...which I hate to guess...that perhaps the mbr is corrupted, and perhaps it just needs to be completely wiped, then formatted F16 again. | 22:46 |
DreadKnight | anyone here with a lenovo laptop and having a dual monitor configuration? | 22:46 |
bee-cyber | #indomp3z | 22:46 |
woli | brb | 22:46 |
mkan | wuxia: i installed them from Applications > Add/remove, search for gstreamer, it's the gstreamer extra plugins | 22:46 |
DIL | fat 32 is more efficient tahn fat 16 | 22:46 |
wuxia | mkan: you can play wmv files in mplayer now? | 22:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | woli make folder .iamhidden | 22:47 |
Broadcom | SilverRavage: did you get my response? | 22:47 |
SilverRavage | no | 22:47 |
BinaryFu | DIL: With the only exception being when you're crunched for space and you need every byte of storage you can get. | 22:47 |
Jav13r | is there any way to have Thunderbird minimized to tray ? | 22:47 |
BinaryFu | DIL: Then FAT32 kinda sucks. | 22:47 |
CelticLord | nuit!! | 22:47 |
SilverRavage | Broadcom: No i didnt get it | 22:47 |
zvacet | wuxia : do you have mancoder installed | 22:47 |
SilverRavage | Broadcom: will you join channel temp | 22:48 |
wuxia | zvacet: mencoder ? | 22:48 |
Broadcom | SilverRavage: sure | 22:48 |
basvg | hi all... how do I convert MPG files to the format that youtube uses (asf iirc) ? | 22:48 |
kakoonia | hey. | 22:49 |
Swiftfoxer | can anyone tell me why the input method for most programs change to System instead of staying at Simple from time to time? It used to change from Simple to X-input Method back in 7.10(which still the same problem, not accepting input form the keyboard) | 22:49 |
stefg | !info alltray | Jav13r | 22:49 |
ubottu | jav13r: alltray (source: alltray): Dock any program into the system tray. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.69-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 58 kB, installed size 224 kB | 22:49 |
zvacet | wuxia : yes,sorry for typing mistake | 22:49 |
joshuaos | Please? Can anyone help me get ia32-libs installed on Hardy 64? I keep getting this error: short read in buffer copy | 22:49 |
Broadcom | !hi | kakoonia | 22:49 |
ubottu | kakoonia: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 22:49 |
geordie | quit | 22:49 |
Dreamsorcerer | Trying to get 1280x768 resolution on my TV, running Ubuntu 8.04, worked in 7.10 with the graphical tools, but not anymore, someone created a new xorg file for me which didn't work, he thinks he entered in the modes incorrectly. | 22:49 |
Dreamsorcerer | Xorg.0.log.old (when running friend's xorg.conf) http://pastebin.com/m2457be33 | 22:49 |
Dreamsorcerer | Xorg.0.log (after returning to working xorg.conf) http://pastebin.com/d6335fcb | 22:49 |
Jav13r | ubottu: thanks | 22:50 |
ubottu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 22:50 |
BinaryFu | basvg: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=492799 | 22:50 |
mkan | wuxia: yes, but i may have also installed something else i don't recall right now | 22:50 |
Nyad | Hi. what's the smallest filesystem that I can put on my USB stick? | 22:50 |
basvg | BinaryFu: hmmm, that'll take some fiddling, but thanks | 22:50 |
kakoonia | when i had installed ubuntu8.04, i had VirtualBox OSE / Virtual BOX in the add/remove appz, i downgraded to 7.10. and i cant find a parallel application of virtualbox, i got only vmware, though it cannot be installed on an i386 architecture or something like that by the message it prompts. any idea? | 22:50 |
Neuling | I would like to run chkrootkit or rkhunter automatically each time i start ubuntu does anybody know how to make that work? | 22:50 |
DIL | >why | 22:51 |
mkan | can anyone help me use a bluetooth headset with bluez? i get it connected ok, but on playback, i only hear silence | 22:51 |
Broadcom | Nyad: damn small linux, but you cant boot off of it | 22:51 |
raziel | hello, is there anyone here with a working set of 7.1 speakers? | 22:51 |
joshuaos | mkan: does it beep once? | 22:51 |
ddgoose-boxen | how do I figure out the list of packages ubuntu-desktop installs? | 22:51 |
BinaryFu | basvg: Not too much, if you do a search in google for mpg to asf ffmpeg you'd probably find a howto in there somewhere... | 22:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | Nyad you are beating your hard over a $10 problem. You cant install ubuntu on fat16 anyhow, you may want to talk with the people that work with the distro you are trying to install | 22:52 |
BinaryFu | basvg: I'll keep browsing to see if I can find something more specific for ya. | 22:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | head | 22:52 |
Neuling | I would like to run chkrootkit or rkhunter automatically each time i start ubuntu does anybody know how to make that work? | 22:52 |
mkan | joshuaos: on playback start, no, but on end, twice | 22:52 |
wuxia | mkan: can you send me your output of dpkg -l ? I'll check it against what I have / don't have | 22:52 |
Swiftfoxer | Why does the input method for most programs change to System instead of staying at Simple from time to time? It used to change from Simple to X-input Method back in 7.10(which still the same problem, not accepting input form the keyboard into the respective text-fields) | 22:52 |
basvg | BinaryFu: thanks, working my way through the man-page atm | 22:52 |
Nyad | Jack_Sparrow, you can install it off fat16, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick has info on it | 22:53 |
frinkahedron | basvg: ffmpeg -i inputvideo.mpg outputvideo.flv | 22:53 |
ddgoose-boxen | Thanks | 22:53 |
mkan | wuxia: install everything that related with gstreamer or ffmpeg :P (or try vlc) | 22:53 |
frinkahedron | basvg: that's the basics | 22:53 |
BinaryFu | basvg: I think I've found something, youtube I believe uses flv as well, correct? | 22:53 |
basvg | flv? i thought it was asf... oh well, I'll try flv ;-) thanks | 22:54 |
Neuling | I would like to run chkrootkit or rkhunter automatically each time i start ubuntu does anybody know how to make that work? | 22:54 |
basvg | then upload the flv to my site and see what happens ;-) basically i'd like to get the nice embedded videos on my blog so... | 22:54 |
=== marcules is now known as moep | ||
BinaryFu | basvg: If so, then a down and dirty CLI would work: ffmpeg -i MPGMOVIE.MPG -ar 44100 FLVMOVIE.flv | 22:54 |
geo_ | hi i have a problem with firefox | 22:56 |
zvacet | ddgoose-boxen : if you just installed it and didn´t add anything then dpkg --get-selections > installed-software | 22:56 |
BinaryFu | geo_: Explain it as well as you can, we'll help if we can. | 22:56 |
Z_MadDawg | can anyone help me with finding a modem in 8.04? | 22:56 |
tvynr | Neuling: You'd drop something in /etc/init.d that'd run the app in question and then link it from the appropriate runlevels. | 22:56 |
geo_ | i have installed flash player but it doesnt appear sites with flash | 22:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | Nyad are you trying to install it to a bootable usb, or create a live usd stick | 22:57 |
Neuling | tvynr: thanks i will try that | 22:57 |
tvynr | geo_: What architecture? 32-bit processor or 64-bit? | 22:57 |
Nyad | Jack_Sparrow, use the USB to install a distro | 22:57 |
geo_ | 64 bit | 22:57 |
Nyad | there is no liveCD | 22:58 |
Dillizar | when i change the refresh rate the whole monitor nad the ubuntu goes ape!help | 22:58 |
zvacet | Z_MadDawg : uppper right corner you will see applet wit two monitors click on it | 22:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | Nyad how big is the usb and what distro | 22:58 |
Nyad | type of thing | 22:58 |
geo_ | but i have ubuntu 8.04 | 22:58 |
geo_ | i386 | 22:58 |
geo_ | but i have ubuntu 8.04 i386 | 22:58 |
bosanac | Hello people why i can't download the photos from my HP camera i'm running Linux Ubuntu 7.10 and i set the USB from the camera but dont works why i cant download the photos on linux ubuntu pls can some1 help me? | 22:58 |
Nyad | crux distro. 256MB but after a FS is added like vfat it becomes 245MB | 22:58 |
Z_MadDawg | ok | 22:58 |
tvynr | geo_: Ah, okay. Did you install Flash using the package? | 22:58 |
raziel | anyone can help me to make my 7.1 speakers to work? | 22:58 |
Swiftfoxer | Why does the input method for most programs change to System instead of staying at Simple from time to time? It used to change from Simple to X-input Method back in 7.10(which still the same problem, not accepting input form the keyboard into the respective text-fields) | 22:59 |
Nyad | 245.7MB and distro is 245.6 but then a 1KB file must be added so there is not enough space | 22:59 |
geo_ | yes i download flash player by the site of adobe and i run it in terminal and i did install | 22:59 |
Marcus_Intalex | hi | 22:59 |
meissomeone | hi | 22:59 |
Z_MadDawg | connect via modem? | 22:59 |
Marcus_Intalex | i have a problem with my asus dvd ram device in ubuntu 8.04 | 23:00 |
frinkahedron | basvg: once you get your flv, then you need a video player for your site. i recommend http://flowplayer.org/ | 23:00 |
tvynr | geo_: I don't usually install that way. You have to change stuff by hand if you do that. Try installing the package that Ubuntu repositories provide. Instructions: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-how-to-install-flash-player-for-firefox/ | 23:00 |
Gr34t3st | Did anyone have problems installing ubuntu 8.04 on windows ME? | 23:00 |
Marcus_Intalex | can someone help me | 23:00 |
=== moep is now known as marcules | ||
wuxia | is anyone able to play this? http://bioinformatics.ai.sri.com/ptools/webinars/webinars-intbiocyc/WEBINARINTBIO01.wmv | 23:00 |
tvynr | Gr34t3st: I think I need some context for that question before my brain hemmorages. | 23:00 |
Marcus_Intalex | i am not able to browse my disk | 23:01 |
basvg | frinkahedron: thanks, I'll fiddle with it a bit | 23:01 |
Gr34t3st | I just got my cd in the mail today and I tried to install it on my Windows ME Compaq laptop just to try it out. I tried all three installation processes and none have worked for me | 23:01 |
geo_ | ok | 23:01 |
starz | could someone explain the implications of installing package harden? | 23:01 |
tvynr | Gr34t3st: Oh, okay. So you're trying to replace Windows ME with Ubuntu, yes? | 23:02 |
Dillizar | when i change the refresh rate the whole monitor nad the ubuntu goes ape!help | 23:02 |
Gr34t3st | That's what I want to accomplish if I like it but I've also tried to run Ubuntu inside Windows and I've also tried the demo. | 23:02 |
mkan | can anyone help me use a bluetooth headset with bluez? i get it connected ok, but on playback, i only hear an empty sound | 23:02 |
zvacet | Z_MadDawg : now you see modems so click on one you want>preferences>choose dhcp or static>DNS tab delete address you find there (if you don´ use router) and add your nameservers<connection tab>check your modem and you will see window with message changing network interfaces | 23:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | Nyad is the usb already fat16 | 23:03 |
zvacet | Z_MadDawg : when it is done type in terminal pppoeconf | 23:03 |
tvynr | Gr34t3st: I don't know of any good virtualization software that will run properly under Windows ME. (For that part, I don't know very much software that will run properly in Windows ME.) What were you using? | 23:03 |
ryancr | whats is the best/quickest way to upgrade from edgy to hardy? | 23:04 |
Daisuke_Ido | ryanakca: fresh install | 23:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | ryancr fresh install | 23:04 |
ryancr | doh | 23:04 |
fentaz | where can I find a french ubuntu channel? | 23:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | !fr | 23:04 |
ubottu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 23:04 |
Broadcom | !fr | 23:04 |
Daisuke_Ido | ryanakca: otherwise you're going to be going through three potentially bad upgrade cycles | 23:04 |
tux__ | Hello i have ubuntu 8.04 and trying to use skype.. I can hear my self in the headset but when i make a test call or trying to record iam hearing nothing.. i need to yell into the mic.. everyting is boosted up in alsamixer.. | 23:04 |
Broadcom | damn | 23:04 |
Gr34t3st | I have no idea what you're talking about... I'm definatley an ubuntu noob. I just tried installing it by putting the disc in a rebooting | 23:04 |
ryancr | Daisuke_Ido: ok thats kinda what I thought, was hoping for some: update-manager --magic | 23:05 |
Daisuke_Ido | ryancr: i wish | 23:05 |
ryancr | ;) | 23:05 |
Daisuke_Ido | hey, i got the tab completion right that time! | 23:05 |
tux__ | Hello i have ubuntu 8.04 and trying to use skype.. I can hear my self in the headset but when i make a test call or trying to record iam hearing nothing.. i need to yell into the mic.. everyting is boosted up in alsamixer.. | 23:06 |
geck1 | how can i check to see if i have the most recent drivers for my graphics card? | 23:06 |
Daisuke_Ido | i actually feel kinda special... the version of ubuntu i started on has EOLed... actually been with it for a while :D | 23:06 |
bpat1434 | quick question, is there a way to map the "play/pause" button on a Windows remote to pause/start playback in VLC? | 23:06 |
mkan | ryancr: maybe you can also try upgrading to feisty first? | 23:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | Daisuke_Ido Yep.. since badger | 23:06 |
Z_MadDawg | yea um i am with gr34t3st, i am a ubuntu newb and still trying to figure it out | 23:06 |
ryancr | mkan: yeah thats what update-manager wants to do | 23:07 |
joshuaos | Can anyone help me get ia32-libs installed on Hardy 64? Please! | 23:07 |
Daisuke_Ido | Jack_Sparrow: i started with edgy... it just EOLed (18 months, right?) | 23:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | !edgy | 23:07 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) was the fifth release of Ubuntu. It is now in end of life, and is unsupported. Please upgrade to a newer release. | 23:07 |
theFATMAN | hey guys!! | 23:07 |
barn | Hi. My son needs install discs for a mac. He downloaded 3 .dmg files and wants to burn them to cd. Anyone know of a program that will do it? brasero crashed trying to do it. I know nothing about macs. Any thoughts? | 23:07 |
Daisuke_Ido | breezy EOLed when feisty was released | 23:07 |
Gr34t3st | Can anyone help me? I'm trying to install ubuntu 8.04 on a laptop running windows ME. I want to replace ME with ubuntu but it's not letting me. I got the Free CD in the mail today. It says just put the cd in and reboot but it hasn't worked yet. | 23:08 |
theFATMAN | who knows how to install skype for linux on 8.04 AMD 64bit? | 23:08 |
Daisuke_Ido | Gr34t3st: make sure you set the bios to boot from the CD | 23:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | Gr34t3st does the cd boot to a menu? | 23:08 |
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Daisuke_Ido | theFATMAN: does skype provide a 64 bit version? | 23:09 |
Dillizar | when i change the refresh rate the whole monitor nad the ubuntu goes ape!help | 23:09 |
rascal999 | anyone know the 7chan.org site? | 23:09 |
Gr34t3st | Yes it boots to a menu, I choose my language and then continue to install or anything else. | 23:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | theFATMAN sudo apt-get install skype ? | 23:09 |
rascal999 | atm, it points to cancer.com, if anyone has history with ip address or w/e, would help | 23:09 |
jpinedo | hola | 23:09 |
Daisuke_Ido | !ot | rascal999 | 23:09 |
ubottu | rascal999: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 23:09 |
jpinedo | hi | 23:09 |
Gr34t3st | When I choose install of something it will show the Ubuntu loading screen then it will show a blank command prompt for 10 minutes and then just a black screen | 23:09 |
Broadcom | !hi | jpinedo | 23:09 |
ubottu | jpinedo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 23:09 |
jpinedo | any idea howto install vmware workstation in ubuntu | 23:10 |
theFATMAN | Daisuke_Ido: no, they provide a 'static' download that is 'universal', but i dont know how to install it | 23:10 |
mexpal | I need help!! Got a problem with Openoffice 2.4 installed on Ubuntu 8.04. I can't write letters with accents but on Firefox or other applications I'm able to write accents | 23:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | rascal999 How is that ubuntu support related? | 23:10 |
martianlobste1 | how do I restart ssh? | 23:10 |
jpinedo | thank | 23:10 |
micahcowan | martian67, sudo /etc/init.d/sshd restart ? | 23:10 |
rascal999 | oh I don't know, maybe the 7chan servers run ubuntu | 23:10 |
micahcowan | martianlobste1, rather | 23:10 |
Daisuke_Ido | rascal999: safe to say that they don't - no chan is an appropriate topic for discussion in this channel | 23:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | Gr34t3st At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--" | 23:11 |
Z_MadDawg | trust me gr24t3st, im a noob but i can install ubuntu | 23:11 |
Z_MadDawg | i did it off of windows 98, pratically the same as ME | 23:11 |
theFATMAN | the skype install is a stumper, aye? | 23:11 |
Mynameisonic | Is there any way I can run Ubuntu off of a 1 GB flash drive without partitioning it? (like Wubi) | 23:11 |
Ish_nitti | theFATMAN: i installed skype just fine | 23:12 |
Dillizar | when i change the refresh rate the whole monitor nad the ubuntu goes ape!help | 23:12 |
theFATMAN | on AMD 64bit? | 23:12 |
Ish_nitti | theFATMAN: yeah, back when i was on 7.10 | 23:12 |
idimmu | is there a problem with x in hardy atm? | 23:12 |
Ish_nitti | theFATMAN: im on 8.04 right now and havent tried | 23:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | theFATMAN sudo apt-get install skype ? Does it give an error | 23:12 |
idimmu | im having problems dist-upgrading from dapper | 23:12 |
theFATMAN | Ish_nitti: how? | 23:12 |
idimmu | x11-xserver-utils: Depends: libxrandr2 (>= 2:1.2.0) but 1: is to be installed | 23:12 |
Ish_nitti | theFATMAN: exactly what Jack_Sparrow said, sudo apt-get install skype | 23:12 |
idimmu | PreDepends: x11-common (>= 1:7.0.0) but 7.0.0-0ubuntu45 is to be installed | 23:12 |
theFATMAN | ok, you guys should take donations!!!!! | 23:13 |
barn | fatman: here's a link.http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-skype-instant-messanger.html | 23:13 |
Ish_nitti | theFATMAN: i donate that Jack_Sparrow is a god | 23:13 |
theFATMAN | UBUNTU IS THE SHIZNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 23:13 |
theFATMAN | lol | 23:13 |
theFATMAN | but, seriuously, we all know it to be true | 23:14 |
theFATMAN | :) | 23:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | theFATMAN Give anything to your favorite charity and I am a happy camper | 23:14 |
Ish_nitti | well played Jack_Sparrow | 23:14 |
theFATMAN | coolio-->to ubuntu it goes! | 23:14 |
Mynameisonic | Is there any way I can run Ubuntu off of a 1 GB flash drive without partitioning it? (like Wubi) | 23:14 |
ubunt2 | Hello... can somebody help me out with a Sony Vaio PCV RZ25M ? I can't find drivers for the CDRom and DVD so i can't read anything on both drives... :-S | 23:14 |
Ish_nitti | Mynameisonic: my boss did it with a 4gig flash | 23:14 |
Dillizar | when i change the refresh rate the whole monitor nad the ubuntu goes ape!help | 23:15 |
Ish_nitti | Mynameisonic: dont know about a 1gigger tho | 23:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | Mynameisonic see pendrivelinux.com for several options | 23:15 |
theFATMAN | Jack_Sparrow:it returns the error that it cant find the package | 23:15 |
Vedalken | Hey i know this may be a stupid question but is Wine (or an Alternative type of similar program) supported by ubuntu? I am on a Windows XP machine and looking to switch but i need to know that i can still play my windows XP games. | 23:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | !skype | 23:15 |
ubottu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto | 23:15 |
Starnestommy | Vedalken: it is | 23:15 |
Ish_nitti | Vedalken: i play all of my games on ubuntu now, they run 10x faster! | 23:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | !info skype | 23:16 |
ubottu | Package skype does not exist in hardy | 23:16 |
Vedalken | Okay. Is it also defaultly installed with the OS? | 23:16 |
Ish_nitti | Vedalken: no, you will have to install it yourself. | 23:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | theFATMAN I personally run the beat with video.. but on 32 bit | 23:16 |
Starnestommy | Vedalken: no, but it can be easily installed with the package manager | 23:16 |
barn | Vedalken It's in synaptic | 23:16 |
theFATMAN | ubotto: skype.com gives a 'static' download' for that, but i dont know how to install it | 23:16 |
Ish_nitti | barn: i dont think so | 23:16 |
limcore | which torrent client allows to set upload to 0 ? | 23:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | Mynameisonic Please dont do that | 23:17 |
Z_MadDawg | loading unix kernel failed?!!! | 23:17 |
DIL | skype autoloads | 23:17 |
Vedalken | Ish_nitti: Also, can i use an AMD Athlon 64 on a i386 version of ubuntu just like with XP? | 23:17 |
Mynameisonic | Sorry, Jack, hit the wrong button. I'm a total IRC noob >.< | 23:17 |
compy | is it possible for my mac to connect to my ubuntu box directly, IE not through a router? | 23:17 |
barn | Ish_nitti: just checked, it's there | 23:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | Mynameisonic np | 23:17 |
Ish_nitti | Vedalken: im running 64bit AMD right now with 64bit Ubuntu. It's not as bad as 64bit XP | 23:18 |
compy | or would i need to buy a bluetooth thing for ubuntu? | 23:18 |
theFATMAN | BBL, guys, gonna do some readin' | 23:18 |
Ish_nitti | bye fatman | 23:18 |
xim | im having trouble with drag and drop on hardy. it seems to have stopped working for the most part | 23:18 |
Vedalken | Ish_nitti: will my 32bit games still work with 64bit Ubuntu or should i just get the 32bit version? | 23:18 |
barn | Anyone know how to burn a .dmg file in ubuntu? | 23:18 |
danonura | hello. when i upgraded to hardy heron i don't have permissions or my hard drives and dvd drive are inaccessable, though they have icons showing that they are there. any ideas? | 23:18 |
Ish_nitti | Vedalken: but yes, you can run 32bit ubuntu on a 64bit AMD system | 23:18 |
Ish_nitti | Vedalken: your 32bit games will run fine on a 64bit ubuntu box | 23:19 |
Ish_nitti | Vedalken: or at least all of mine do | 23:19 |
Fritzel | is there an overclocking utility for nvidia graphics cards in ubuntu? | 23:19 |
DrGizmondo | im having trouble VNCing into my Ubuntu erver from vista can anyone help a lot soul | 23:19 |
Dreamsorcerer | Gr34t3st: I had same problem, press F4, select 'safe graphics mode' and it should work | 23:19 |
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Ish_nitti | DrGizmondo: download tight-vnc | 23:20 |
adriannuta | Hy , got a Q about the volume control of an usb headset (MS LifeChat) - I made the sound to work , but not the volume | 23:20 |
Vedalken | Ish_nitti: thanks. I've been looking at linux for a while to run MegaMUD and World of Warcraft. | 23:20 |
DrGizmondo | tried i get the same error | 23:20 |
mkan | can anyone help me use a bluetooth headset with bluez? i get it connected ok, but on playback, i only hear an empty sound | 23:20 |
Ish_nitti | DrGizmondo: is remote desktop enabled on your ubuntu box? | 23:20 |
kevin_ | Hello, I was wondering, what has gtk-engines-pixmap been renamed to? | 23:20 |
DrGizmondo | ahh i didnt think to check that, how do I check it | 23:20 |
mhz128 | How do I prevent windows from "overlapping" the top Gnome toolbar??? | 23:21 |
mhz128 | its getting annoying | 23:21 |
Ish_nitti | DrGizmondo: System -> Prefs -> Remote Desktop | 23:21 |
Ish_nitti | mhz128: over lapping? | 23:21 |
Ish_nitti | mhz128: like you cant see your task bar anymore? | 23:21 |
Vedalken | Also, to anyone who can answer, does Ubuntu have a supported proc/MB/Memory/Video Card/Hard drive list of some sort i can look at? | 23:22 |
mhz128 | no, the task bar is on top of the window title bar | 23:22 |
david__ | hi | 23:22 |
mhz128 | so I cant move the window around | 23:22 |
mkan | anyone knows the flags needed to compile latest bluez-utils for ubuntu? | 23:22 |
Z_MadDawg | ok, i am using a nvidia geforce 5400, and it wont let me chagne the screen size smaller than 800X600. any suggestions? | 23:22 |
Ish_nitti | mhz128: have you been playing with compiz? | 23:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | barn there is dmg2img to get an sio you can burn, but it would need to be compiled | 23:22 |
Dillizar | mhz128: you need to type the name of the one you aare talking with | 23:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | iso | 23:22 |
mhz128 | Ish_nitti: I installed compiz, but havent fooled with it | 23:23 |
joshuaos | Anyone, help please? ia32-libs won't install on a fresh install of 8.04 AMD 64! | 23:23 |
wown00b | I've just installed Hardy on my D820, and I'm having sound problems | 23:23 |
Starnestommy | joshuaos: what happens when you try to install that package? | 23:23 |
Ish_nitti | mhz128: from termina type fusion-icon & | 23:23 |
ubunt2 | Hello do you know where to find drivers for a Sony Vaio CD'ROM drive ? | 23:23 |
Ish_nitti | mhz128: that should put a small blue box with an arrow into your taskbar | 23:23 |
ubunt2 | my cd rom drive model is DW-U12A DVD- RW | 23:23 |
hotmonkeyluv | what is the command to see what my gfx card is? | 23:24 |
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geck1 | how can i check to see if i have the most recent drivers for my graphics card? | 23:25 |
tux__ | anyone know to get the mic working in ubuntu? | 23:25 |
martianlobste2 | micahcowan: my internet went out. I am back now. I am doing an apt-get install openssh-server, it wasn't installed before. oops | 23:25 |
micahcowan | martianlobste2, :) | 23:25 |
Dillizar | Is there a chance that my Ubuntu doesn't support my Monitor ?? | 23:25 |
Ish_nitti | tux__: thats pretty easy | 23:26 |
fdsss | where is ubuntu's policiy on renaming packages when compiling? | 23:26 |
joshuaos | starnestommy: I get an error that reads: dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/ia32-libs_2.2ubuntu11_amd64.deb (--unpack): | 23:26 |
joshuaos | short read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during `./usr/lib32/libQtNetwork.so.4.3.4') | 23:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | geck1 lspci | grep -i vga | 23:26 |
Ish_nitti | tux__: your mic is most likely muted, just unmute it and you should be good to go. | 23:26 |
geck1 | thanks jack | 23:26 |
psych | is there a gnome panel applet to show opened windows as icon list ?? | 23:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 23:26 |
Ish_nitti | tux__: if it doesnt work, launch your sound prefs and play around with it a bit | 23:26 |
mhz128 | Ish_nitti: the windows are still hidden under the taskbar | 23:26 |
Ish_nitti | mhz128: we're not finished yet :) | 23:26 |
mhz128 | oh | 23:26 |
joshuaos | starnestommy: actually, sorry, I think the relevant part of the error is: short read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during `./usr/lib32/libQtNetwork.so.4.3.4') | 23:26 |
Ish_nitti | mhz128: so you have the icon now yeah? | 23:27 |
tux__ | tell me how.. i try to use it with skype. i can hear my self in the headset and everything is unmuted in alsa | 23:27 |
mhz128 | Ish_nitti: yes | 23:27 |
Macros42 | hi all - for some reason my wireless card has stopped working - could someone help me fix it? it's a dell inspiron using the bcmwl5 driver - http://pastebin.com/m3859f3c8 | 23:27 |
Logrusmage | Anybody know why i might not be able to get an IP wirelessly, even if the wired is working perfectly? | 23:27 |
Arrick | ok, new problem.. when I close the lid on my laptop and then open it, the video is gone to crap, IBM Thinkpad T60p, and I cant bring back the normal video, any ideas would be appreciated | 23:27 |
Ish_nitti | tux__: type !skype in here | 23:27 |
tux__ | !skype in here | 23:27 |
ubottu | Factoid skype in here not found | 23:27 |
Ish_nitti | lol tux__ | 23:27 |
Ish_nitti | !skype | 23:27 |
ubottu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto | 23:27 |
geck1 | Jack_Sparrow, so basically if it says VGA compatible controller, and it has my graphics card listed, that means it is up to date? | 23:27 |
martianlobste2 | somthing got messed up with my package manager: http://acumenconsultinginc.net/error.txt Does anyone know how to fix this? | 23:27 |
woli | !skype | 23:27 |
Ish_nitti | mhz128: right click on it and select window deco | 23:27 |
wown00b | I've just installed Hardy on my D820, and I'm having sound problems | 23:27 |
fdsss | thinkpads work great with linux since they mostly have intel based compunets | 23:28 |
Ish_nitti | mhz128: change it from whatever its on at the moment and see if that rebuilds your header bards | 23:28 |
Ish_nitti | bars* | 23:28 |
Arrick | !skype | woli | 23:28 |
ubottu | woli: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto | 23:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | geck1 Was that your original question? | 23:28 |
geck1 | yes | 23:28 |
Jav13r | how can i open a desktop shortcut as a root ? | 23:28 |
mhz128 | Ish_nitti: ok | 23:28 |
woli | lol i dont want skype | 23:28 |
afallenhope | Hey guys! I have a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge pickle here.. wondering if anyone could help me out | 23:28 |
Ish_nitti | i like pickles | 23:28 |
Arrick | lol, i thought you were the one wanting it | 23:28 |
woli | if i'm updating, will my system get slower while its happening? | 23:28 |
Arrick | should have been tux__ lol | 23:28 |
Ish_nitti | Arrick: no i was trying to show tux__ | 23:28 |
fdsss | what is ubuntu's policy on renaming packages when compiling? | 23:28 |
Ish_nitti | sorry | 23:28 |
afallenhope | my Windows jacked up like royally and well it stole over my linux | 23:29 |
afallenhope | well... bootloader that is | 23:29 |
afallenhope | it automatically boots up Windows | 23:29 |
Ish_nitti | afallenhope: do you get to GRUB? | 23:29 |
afallenhope | I don'thave the grub boot loader. | 23:29 |
Ish_nitti | doh | 23:29 |
Starnestommy | !grub | afallenhope | 23:29 |
mhz128 | Ish_nitti: nope, the window title is still hidden ......... | 23:29 |
ubottu | afallenhope: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 23:29 |
fdsss | you know like instead of libtag.pc it uses libtag-static.pc | 23:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | geck1 lspci | grep -i vga that just shows which card, not the driver.. sorry | 23:29 |
geck1 | Jack_Sparrow, that doesnt show me the driver version though | 23:29 |
geck1 | oh ok | 23:29 |
Ish_nitti | mhz128: then its not a compiz issue... hrm | 23:29 |
wown00b | Sound problems with Hardy on Dell D820. Anyone care to help me out? | 23:30 |
tux__ | ihave read that.. but the mic dosent work a have read now in two days to fix it.. | 23:30 |
mhz128 | Ish_nitti: it happens when I open a new window, or folder... | 23:30 |
Ish_nitti | mhz128: do this, go to System -> prefs -> apperance | 23:30 |
mandrig | is it normal for gnome-terminal to freeze? | 23:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | tux__ /join #alsa | 23:30 |
afallenhope | the thing is.. I still have grub on the system | 23:30 |
Arrick | wown00b check to see if anything is muted by clicking on the speaker, upper right | 23:30 |
afallenhope | just yeah it's not there | 23:30 |
afallenhope | lol | 23:30 |
Ish_nitti | mhz128: last tab, visual effects | 23:30 |
bpat1434 | what function would I use to figure out what key was pressed for mapping purposes? | 23:30 |
Ish_nitti | mhz128: disable them | 23:30 |
afallenhope | I'm on a linux LIVE cd ... ummm UBUNTU | 23:30 |
afallenhope | I mean | 23:30 |
afallenhope | lol | 23:30 |
afallenhope | BackTrack | 23:30 |
FloodBot3 | afallenhope: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 23:31 |
Ish_nitti | BackTrack2 FTW | 23:31 |
DrGizmondo | thanks that did the trick | 23:31 |
IcedDante | Suup peeps- I cannot log into Ubuntu anymore. Once I reboot into recovery mode it seems that all my groups are gone. chown `root:utmp' and `root:tty' both come back "invalid group" for example. Anyone know if this is fixable? | 23:31 |
afallenhope | ,lol | 23:31 |
Ish_nitti | DrGizmondo: ? | 23:31 |
deeperror | when the updates appears what if i choose to not select or install an updated...is there a way to go back and grab it later from a menu/list of non installed recommended updates? | 23:31 |
Bizzeh | hey, how do i make sure my non-system drives auto-mount on startup? | 23:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | afallenhope Please try hitting enter a bit less often.. this is a busy place | 23:31 |
Arrick | Ish_nitti backtrack is out of support, and the last time i went there, you couldnt even link to the disk | 23:31 |
DrGizmondo | is there anyway to auto allow connections though | 23:31 |
afallenhope | Jack_Sparrow? haha.. wow. | 23:31 |
Ish_nitti | Arrick: i have a copy if you need it | 23:31 |
cybertaur1 | hello, I'm experiencing a minor problem playing video in vlc and movie player: there are some flickering lines on the left-hand side of the picture. they appear to be the pixels from the right side of the picture, just copied and pasted on the left. when I set VLC's output to openGL instead of default, the lines go away (for vlc), but then there are other issues (slow, weird flickering elsewhere, etc.) | 23:31 |
mhz128 | Ish_nitti: ya that works. but I miss compiz | 23:31 |
afallenhope | my names Joseph Croe | 23:31 |
Ish_nitti | DrGizmondo: explain | 23:31 |
afallenhope | lol | 23:31 |
Arrick | !fstab | Bizzeh | 23:32 |
ubottu | Bizzeh: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 23:32 |
bpat1434 | found it: xev | 23:32 |
Ish_nitti | mhz128: then you need to figure out what you did wrong :) | 23:32 |
Ish_nitti | mhz128: at least i fixed it! | 23:32 |
wown00b | Arrick: I'm sure it isn't, I get Amarok to play music, but no sound in totem or flash (eg YouTube) | 23:32 |
Jav13r | how can i open a desktop shortcut as a root ? | 23:32 |
mhz128 | Ish_nitti: ok thanks for the help! | 23:32 |
Arrick | check the PCM settings where I just told you wown00b | 23:32 |
woli | can wmp be WINEd??? | 23:32 |
afallenhope | All I want to do is recover GRUB | 23:32 |
DrGizmondo | i connected via tight vnc to but had to go to the ubuntu server an allow the incomming remote connection | 23:32 |
afallenhope | lol | 23:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | Jav13r create a new shortcut using sudo guiapp | 23:32 |
mandrig | My gnome-terminal freezes pretty frequently, any help? | 23:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | !lol | afallenhope | 23:33 |
ubottu | afallenhope: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks. | 23:33 |
Bizzeh | Arrick: is there no gui tool for it like in kubuntu? | 23:33 |
Arrick | !fixgrub | afallenhope | 23:33 |
ubottu | afallenhope: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 23:33 |
mattywarr | hi - i'm having problems playing videos on hardy - they are slow and jumpy - they are xvids with relevant codecs installed - any ideas? | 23:33 |
afallenhope | Can't I just remove the [BOOTLOADER] from boot.ini | 23:33 |
Dillizar | Is there a chance that my Ubuntu doesn't support my Monitor ?? | 23:33 |
wown00b | Arrick: I don't have a speaker in my upper right corner.. | 23:33 |
Arrick | an icon on the desktop wown00b ? | 23:33 |
Arrick | is it gnome or kde | 23:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | Dillizar it supports it, possibly not at the refresh you want it to run at though | 23:33 |
wown00b | gnome | 23:33 |
Ish_nitti | DrGizmondo: its in the settings of remote desktop | 23:33 |
Arrick | should be a speaker icon in the upper right corner wown00b | 23:34 |
Jav13r | Jack_Sparrow: i have tried to use sudo and when i click the shortcut it wouldnt open | 23:34 |
Ish_nitti | Arrick: hey i lost that icon, any idea why? | 23:34 |
crd1b | mhz128: just enable the Place Windows plugin in ccsm | 23:34 |
Vedalken | okay for anyone else who would like to answer, would i need to format all my drives/partitions if they are currently in the NTFS file system? | 23:34 |
wown00b | But there isn't Arrick | 23:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | Jav13r please show the command line you put in the shortcut | 23:34 |
AoeE | any1 know how use "environment variables" in WinZIP? like %programfiles% %appdata% and so on | 23:34 |
cybertaur1 | hello, this isn't a hugely important problem, but video doesn't play correctly. there are flickering lines on the left side in both vlc and movie player. | 23:34 |
m0u5e | anyone experienced problems with brasero and burning audio cds? | 23:34 |
Arrick | Ish_nitti nope | 23:34 |
Dillizar | Jack_Sparrow: can you help me cuz the last time smb fixed the problem | 23:34 |
mhz128 | crdlb: cool, will try that | 23:34 |
Broadcom | m0u5e: just ask a question, we will try to answer it | 23:34 |
Ish_nitti | Arrick: but my sound works, i just dont have a mixer to adjust the volume :( | 23:34 |
Arrick | wown00b right click on panel, and choose add to panel | 23:34 |
m0u5e | for some reason, when i try to play a cd burned with brasero in the car, it plays fine for the first half of the cd, but then the second half sounds really distorted with consistent noise | 23:35 |
DrGizmondo | thank | 23:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | Dillizar what is smb? | 23:35 |
Arrick | look for a speaker icon in there | 23:35 |
Dillizar | some body Jack_Sparrow | 23:35 |
Jav13r | Jack_Sparrow: proxychains alltray -s -l thunderbird %u | 23:35 |
m0u5e | its happened with 3 cds so its not just a fluke | 23:35 |
m0u5e | and all have had the same problem | 23:35 |
mhz128 | crdlb: which plugin does the "sticky windows" that click to the sides...? i dont like that | 23:35 |
Jav13r | Jack_Sparrow: and i also used the same command line with Sudo, and it wouldnt open when its with sudo | 23:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | Jav13r so gksudo proxychains alltray -s -l thunderbird %u does not work? | 23:35 |
mandrig | mhz128: thats the Advanced Desktop Effects Settings using Compiz | 23:36 |
wown00b | Arrick: Can't find any speaker icon | 23:36 |
phrac | does ubuntu support reading of ufs/ufs2 filesystems out of the box? | 23:36 |
Arrick | look for the word sound | 23:36 |
afallenhope | BRB | 23:36 |
mattywarr | hi - i have a vga cable plugged into my hdtv from my laptop - how do I get ubuntu to display to the TV? | 23:36 |
mandrig | Arrick: its listed as volume i think | 23:36 |
wown00b | Only one with the word sound is the volume control | 23:36 |
bpat1434 | how would I map a key to VLC? Like I'm trying to map my laptop's remote play/pause key. How can I specifically map it to VLC, and only VLC? | 23:37 |
Arrick | wown00b look for volume in there | 23:37 |
wown00b | Hey, I found it. | 23:37 |
Arrick | make that visible | 23:37 |
wown00b | It really was that simple | 23:37 |
Fritzel | is there a better utility to use than nvclock to underclock my video card? | 23:37 |
wown00b | Hehe | 23:37 |
wown00b | Thanks | 23:37 |
wown00b | :) | 23:37 |
FloodBot3 | wown00b: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 23:37 |
Arrick | did the PCM work for you too wown00b | 23:37 |
Jav13r | Jack_Sparrow: worked now , thanks :D | 23:37 |
Arrick | ? | 23:37 |
wown00b | Yeah, it did! Appreciate your help. Thanks alot :) | 23:37 |
geck1 | anyone else know how i can check to make sure i have the latest drivers for my graphics card installed? | 23:38 |
IrishDavid | hey, has anyone on here tried to install vtune on 8.04? i cant get it working | 23:38 |
Arrick | yw | 23:38 |
Pulpie | is there a source cd or dvd download like debian? | 23:38 |
bpat1434 | How to map a specific key to a specific function in a specific program? | 23:38 |
Bizzeh | is there a graphical utility for editing fstab? | 23:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | Jav13r np | 23:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | Bizzeh gksudo gedit /etc/fstab | 23:38 |
martianlobste2 | how cat I rebuild /var/lib/dpkg/available ? | 23:39 |
mandrig | Can anyone help me?, my gnome-terminal freezes pretty frequently, usually mid-command, anyone know how to fix that? | 23:39 |
=== cirkit_ is now known as cirkit | ||
geck1 | mandrig: put a heater next to your computer | 23:39 |
Bizzeh | Jack_Sparrow: i dont have the patience to edit it manually, thats why i said gui tool | 23:39 |
mandrig | geck1: thanks, that did it | 23:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | Bizzeh gedit is a gui editor | 23:39 |
geck1 | np | 23:39 |
Dreamsorcerer | Trying to get 1280x768 resolution on my TV, running Ubuntu 8.04, worked in 7.10 with the graphical tools, but not anymore, someone created a new xorg file for me which didn't work, he thinks he entered in the modes incorrectly. | 23:39 |
Dreamsorcerer | Xorg.0.log.old (when running friend's xorg.conf) http://pastebin.com/m2457be33 | 23:39 |
Dreamsorcerer | Xorg.0.log (after returning to working xorg.conf) http://pastebin.com/d6335fcb | 23:39 |
Pulpie | is there a way to download all the apps in the apt-cache search? | 23:40 |
Vedalken | Ish_nitti: Would i have to format my drives/partitions from NTFS to Ubuntu's format or is Ubuntu compatible? | 23:40 |
aliverius | hi | 23:40 |
Ish_nitti | Vedalken: i have no idea | 23:41 |
IrishDavid | anyone on here install the Intel VTune Performance tool on 8.04? | 23:41 |
Bizzeh | its a graphical text editor, still doing the editing manually | 23:41 |
tvynr | Pulpie: One sec. | 23:41 |
aliverius | i have a problem with splashscreens | 23:41 |
psych | is there a gnome panel applet to show opened windows as icon list ?? any ideas?\ | 23:41 |
Bizzeh | this is why i said gui tool.... | 23:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | Vedalken You need an ext3 and a swap for ubuntu but your ntfs will be readable and writeable | 23:41 |
Ish_nitti | aliverius: i had a problem to, took FOREVER to bootup | 23:41 |
aliverius | i dont know what mode my 1280x800 screen is | 23:41 |
Lynet | !ntfs | Vedalken | 23:41 |
ubottu | Vedalken: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE | 23:41 |
mandrig | Gnome-terminal keeps freezing for me. | 23:41 |
tvynr | Pulpie: How about this? sudo apt-get install $(apt-cache search firefox | egrep -o '^[^ ]+'); | 23:42 |
tvynr | Replace the search with your own as you please. | 23:42 |
=== Joeb454|AFK is now known as Joeb454 | ||
ringer | how do i get the AWN extras. what do i add to the repos? | 23:42 |
Pulpie | tvynr: I want to download all the apts... not just one... | 23:42 |
Pulpie | I basically have an offline computer that I need to install some apts on | 23:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | Bizzeh so the answer is no.. and you could have finished the edit in the time you debated the symantics of tool | 23:43 |
Pulpie | It can not connect to the internet at all | 23:43 |
mandrig | Jack_Sparrow: haha | 23:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | !aptoncd | Pulpie | 23:43 |
ubottu | Pulpie: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers | 23:43 |
Arrick | ok, new problem.. when I close the lid on my laptop and then open it, the video is gone to crap, IBM Thinkpad T60p, and I cant bring back the normal video, any ideas would be appreciated | 23:43 |
tanath | mandrig, try reinstalling it? try running it from xterm? | 23:43 |
tvynr | Well done, Jack. :-D | 23:43 |
Ish_nitti | tata | 23:43 |
Dillizar | Dreamsorcerer: Philips 107 E6 | 23:44 |
Macros42 | any ideas why my wlan card is being deactivated: http://pastebin.com/maf1902c | 23:44 |
Pulpie | Jack_Sparrow: ok but I need that for windows cause my cd/dvd burner is only on windows. | 23:44 |
m0u5e | okay even playing it back on my computer, i am getting this issue with sound | 23:44 |
Macros42 | or where I could look for better logs? | 23:44 |
m0u5e | has anyone else experienced issues with audio cds burned by brasero? | 23:44 |
Marcus_Intalex | can somebody help me please ??? Im having trouble with my dvd drive in hardy | 23:44 |
tvynr | Pulpie: Do you have any Linux box with an internet connection? | 23:45 |
mkan | Arrick: changing the resolution might help, or maybe disabling the desktop effects (compiz) | 23:45 |
Marcus_Intalex | it will not mount | 23:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | Pulpie How are you getting on the internet in order to dl the packages ? | 23:45 |
Pulpie | tvynr: yes but the one I have does not have a cd or dvd burner | 23:45 |
tvynr | Pulpie: Okay. Use aptoncd to make an ISO image. | 23:45 |
Bizzeh | mount says these 2 lines are bad, anyone know why | 23:45 |
Bizzeh | /dev/sdc1 "/media/Media 1" ntfs rw,user,auto,exec,utf8 0 0 | 23:45 |
Bizzeh | /dev/sdd1 "/media/Media 2" ntfs rw,user,auto,exec,utf8 0 0 | 23:45 |
tvynr | Pulpie: Then transfer the ISO image to the Windows box and burn it. | 23:45 |
Arrick | mkan that I know of, I dont have compiz running, and the resolution shouldnt be a factor in the screen looking like crap after raising the lid back up, I believe it should be related to a driver. | 23:46 |
tvynr | Bizzeh: I'm not sure how thrilled the /etc/fstab reader will be about those spaces. | 23:46 |
Pulpie | tvynr: Erm, but the linux I have is debian so its different sources | 23:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | Bizzeh the sace in the name of the mount? | 23:46 |
m0u5e | i'm getting a puslating distortion... can someone confirm this as a bug, or is it just me? | 23:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | space | 23:46 |
m0u5e | !paste | 23:46 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 23:46 |
Bizzeh | Jack_Sparrow: /media/Media 1 and Media 2, space is in the mount | 23:46 |
Dillizar | Dreamsorcerer: ???? | 23:46 |
tvynr | Pulpie: I've never used aptoncd but an Ubuntu repository is formatted the same as a Debian repository. So you should be able to provide it with the Ubuntu repo URL and let it do the magic. | 23:46 |
woli | is there a way in ubuntu to apply the autorun.ini icon to a device? | 23:46 |
Jav13r | Jack_Sparrow: it seems the thunderbird opened via the shortcut, is different from the thunderbird i open from a terminal. | 23:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | Bizzeh make new mount Media_2 and edit fstab and see if that works | 23:47 |
Pulpie | tvynr: ok ill try it | 23:47 |
tvynr | Pulpie: I know that, for example, I can use debootstrap with an Ubuntu repo URL to get a chroot of Ubuntu under Debian. | 23:47 |
Fritzel | is there a better utility to use than nvclock to underclock my video card? | 23:47 |
tvynr | Pulpie: Good luck! :) | 23:47 |
mattywarr | any one know how to get the output on a laptop to point to an external monitor instead? | 23:47 |
mkan | Arrick: i'm no expert, but it gets distorted on my t40e too, but changing the resolution usually fixes it (if you can find where that is, of course, cause it may be impossible to see). sometimes i have to restart X (ctrl-alt-backspace), but that loses your open apps | 23:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | Jav13r interesting, but I am about to take a break | 23:48 |
freddy_engels | I have a macbook pri with an atheros wireless driver that doesn't work with madwifi for some reason. Should I try ndiswrapper, or will that not help me? (I don't know anything about ndiswrapper yet) | 23:48 |
freddy_engels | pro* | 23:48 |
Jav13r | Jack_Sparrow: np enjoy ur break | 23:48 |
freddy_engels | and wireless card, not driver :P | 23:48 |
mandrig | whats the package name for awn? | 23:49 |
mandrig | is it avant-window-navigator? | 23:49 |
freddy_engels | mandrig avant-window-navigator | 23:49 |
freddy_engels | yes | 23:49 |
tvynr | mattywar: There's usually a little function key on laptops for switching the output to the external plug. | 23:49 |
m0u5e | mandrig: avant-window-navigator | 23:49 |
Pulpie | tvynr: that wont work | 23:49 |
mandrig | lol, thanks guys (gals?) | 23:49 |
tvynr | Pulpie: No? | 23:49 |
Pulpie | tvynr: it wont let me put in a url it takes the cached source list | 23:49 |
m0u5e | can someone help me confirm this brasero audio cd bug? | 23:50 |
tanath | anyone know why pidgin (formerly gaim) doesn't update/change the msn status message? | 23:50 |
m0u5e | i'm not sure if its gstreamer related or brasero | 23:50 |
Pulpie | tvynr: I would have to put in the ubuntu sources then do apt-get update and apt-get upgrade on my debian stable.... | 23:50 |
Dillizar | Dreamsorcerer: can you read my pm | 23:50 |
Bizzeh | Unprivileged user can not mount NTFS block devices using the external FUSE | 23:50 |
Bizzeh | library. Either mount the volume as root, or rebuild NTFS-3G with integrated | 23:50 |
Bizzeh | FUSE support and make it setuid root. Please see more information at | 23:50 |
Bizzeh | http://ntfs-3g.org/support.html#unprivileged | 23:50 |
FloodBot3 | Bizzeh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 23:50 |
ubuntu__ | !fixgrub | 23:50 |
ubottu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 23:50 |
IrishDavid | how do i create a link to a file in linux? such as creating a link in a directory to the systems libgcc | 23:50 |
tvynr | Pulpie: Hmm. That's disappointing. | 23:51 |
tanath | IrishDavid, ln | 23:51 |
IrishDavid | thanks | 23:51 |
tvynr | Pulpie: Well, if you really wanted to go this route, you could always create an Ubuntu chroot on the Debian machine. | 23:51 |
Pulpie | tvynr: very, I thank you for your help so far. Do you have other ideas | 23:51 |
tvynr | Pulpie: Then you could run aptoncd from inside of the Ubuntu chroot. | 23:51 |
freddy_engels | does anybody know if ndiswrapper will play nice with an atheros wireless card? | 23:51 |
Pulpie | tvynr: whats a ubuntu chroot? | 23:51 |
Gr34t3st | Can someone help me? I'm installing Ubuntu 8.04 on windows ME and all I get after the menu is a blank black screen. | 23:52 |
Broadcom | freddy_engels: it should, tell me how it works out | 23:52 |
ubuntu__ | okay.. I have grub installled | 23:52 |
ubuntu__ | it's jsut not working | 23:52 |
=== ubuntu__ is now known as afallenhope | ||
freddy_engels | Gr34t3st: I'd say you problem is probably windows ME ;) | 23:52 |
Gr34t3st | What would be wrong with it? | 23:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | Pulpie you could run livecd and save everything in var/cache/apt/archives to a usb to transfer it over | 23:52 |
KindOne | gr34t3st, is it a intel 810e chipset ? | 23:52 |
ringer | how do i get the latest version of Avant Window Manager | 23:53 |
Gr34t3st | no idea. It's a compaq laptop running windows me. | 23:53 |
Gr34t3st | just wanted to try ubuntu out | 23:53 |
Pulpie | tvynr: ahh so put in the cd run chroot to the cd os? | 23:53 |
mandrig | sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator | 23:53 |
freddy_engels | Windows ME is terrible. I'd recommend upgrading to XP | 23:53 |
mandrig | ringer | 23:53 |
afallenhope | I have grub on my linux partition I don't know | 23:53 |
m0u5e | Gr34t3st: ubuntu > ME | 23:53 |
ringer | mandrig | 23:53 |
afallenhope | it's like it was overwritten | 23:53 |
=== chrissy is now known as chrissy_ | ||
tvynr | Pulpie: Not as such. You'd create the chroot on your hard drive. | 23:53 |
tvynr | Pulpie: Jack_Sparrow has a point. Perhaps you can even run the Ubuntu LiveCD on the Windows box, create the ISO and save it to the NTFS drive. Then you could boot back into Windows and burn the ISO. | 23:54 |
Gr34t3st | I'm trying to install ubuntu over ME but It's not going so well | 23:54 |
mandrig | ringer: its sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator | 23:54 |
m0u5e | Gr34t3st: whats up? | 23:54 |
tanath | anyone know why pidgin (formerly gaim) doesn't update/change the msn status message (but does for other protocols)? | 23:54 |
tvynr | Pulpie: Or, if you don't want to deal with writing to NTFS, you can do the same thing using the Debian box and then move it over. | 23:54 |
m0u5e | Gr34t3st: wheres it not going smoothly? | 23:54 |
m0u5e | tanath: because their msn support sucks at the moment | 23:54 |
Arrick | mkan, yeh I cant see anythign when it does it, and if Im in the middle of working on a website I dont want to lose my apps, because that loses my work | 23:54 |
Arrick | bbl | 23:54 |
ringer | mandrig: thank you! | 23:54 |
mandrig | tanath: I've heard of Pidgin doing that, but can offer no support | 23:54 |
Pulpie | tvynr: I would do that but then again Its not whats cached by default that I need | 23:54 |
KindOne | ge34t3st, dows it load the kernal then the screen just goes blank ?? | 23:54 |
mandrig | ringer: your welcome | 23:54 |
Pulpie | its ALL of the apt sources tvynr and Jack_Sparrow | 23:55 |
Swiftfoxer | Why does the input method for most programs change to System instead of staying at Simple from time to time? It used to change from Simple to X-input Method back in 7.10(which still the same problem, not accepting input form the keyboard into the respective text-fields) | 23:55 |
afallenhope | http://pastebin.com/m5d597f97 <-- that's the results but it's not the same as the one in the tutorial | 23:55 |
tanath | would you know why it won't let me change the protocol on my one account from xmpp to gtalk? | 23:55 |
tvynr | Pulpie: Once you start the LiveCD, edit the /etc/apt/sources.list and then do an apt-get update. Then run aptoncd. | 23:55 |
m0u5e | Swiftfoxer: did you upgrade from gutsy? if you clean install hardy that problem does not exist :X | 23:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | Pulpie all of the apt sources .. 20 gb worth? | 23:55 |
m0u5e | the gutsy --> hardy transition is not a smooth one | 23:55 |
Gr34t3st | I'm using the free cd. I re-boot > choose language > click full installation > a loading screen comes up that says ubuntu with an orange loading bar> after 10 min it goes to a blank command prompt screen then after another 10-15 it goes blank. | 23:55 |
tanath | i change it, and save, but it doesn't change | 23:55 |
Swiftfoxer | m0u5e, I upgraded from 7.10 yes | 23:55 |
Swiftfoxer | is there any way to fix this, m0u5e ? | 23:55 |
Pulpie | Jack_Sparrow: If thats what It takes I can use 3 dvd's... 2 sided. | 23:56 |
Bizzeh | now i have the following, and it still doesnt work, said i cant mount as a user | 23:56 |
Bizzeh | /dev/sdc1 /media/Media_1 ntfs-3g rw,allow_other,user,auto,exec 0 0 | 23:56 |
Bizzeh | /dev/sdd1 /media/Media_2 ntfs-3g rw,allow_other,user,auto,exec 0 0 | 23:56 |
Swiftfoxer | because atm I am not at liberty to format | 23:56 |
m0u5e | Swiftfoxer: there might be a way to fix it manually... but I just reformated my root partition and installed a clean hardy | 23:56 |
ringer | mandrig: do you also know how to get the notifier that tells you when people sign in on pidgin messenger? | 23:56 |
KindOne | gr34t3st: does the command screen say something like "BusyBot" | 23:56 |
m0u5e | Swiftfoxer: thats the easiest way (it'll only take 20 minutes) | 23:56 |
Swiftfoxer | oh well never mind then | 23:56 |
compengi | !ru | 23:56 |
ubottu | Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 23:56 |
Gr34t3st | no it doesn't say anything. Just the white blinking line | 23:56 |
m0u5e | Swiftfoxer: and it'll clean up a lot of stuff... since upgrading is always messy | 23:56 |
afallenhope | ugh I'm so confused | 23:57 |
Swiftfoxer | aye | 23:57 |
Swiftfoxer | I wish I could just upgrade but I can't atm | 23:57 |
m0u5e | Swiftfoxer: I would recommend trying to reinstall in input methods (like scim) | 23:57 |
tvynr | Pulpie: Perhaps something like this then? http://www.howtoforge.com/dvd_images_of_ubuntu_repositories | 23:57 |
Swiftfoxer | uhh, how do I do that? | 23:57 |
Lanlost | Hi, I have direct rendering and opengl seems to work and everything seems to work just fine. However, if I run glxgears and move the window.. it leaves a.. erm.. imprint where it was. | 23:57 |
afallenhope | perhaps someone can help me out PLEASE lol. | 23:57 |
Lanlost | It's like the screen is rendered with dirty rectangles and it doesn't tell it to update the screen when glxgears is moved | 23:57 |
Lanlost | anyone ever had this problem?' | 23:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | Bizzeh here is my fstab for reference.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/13560/ | 23:57 |
m0u5e | Swiftfoxer: sudo apt-get --purge (whatever packages you have installed like "scim") | 23:57 |
afallenhope | I just want to recover my grub... I have it installed but my Windows too over it after I did a "system restore" | 23:57 |
m0u5e | Swiftfoxer: that will completely remove your packages (and config files) | 23:57 |
m0u5e | Swiftfoxer: then reinstall it | 23:58 |
Swiftfoxer | uhh, I think that wouldn't be so easy then | 23:58 |
YixilTesiphon | Something weird happens every time I try to connect to the router using WEP: the router loses its DSL connection, anybody know why that would happen? | 23:58 |
Swiftfoxer | since I dunno what's installed | 23:58 |
Swiftfoxer | oh well | 23:58 |
Swiftfoxer | I think I'll just format when I have the time | 23:58 |
tanath | Laney, hm, mine seems to do something similar | 23:58 |
Gr34t3st | KindOne: it doesn't say anything. Just a blank black screen with the blinking white line | 23:58 |
m0u5e | Swiftfoxer: ubuntu only takes 20 minutes to install :D | 23:58 |
tanath | Lanlost, , hm, mine seems to do something similar | 23:58 |
tanath | Laney, sorry, wrong nick | 23:58 |
Swiftfoxer | m0u5e, it's the backup and stuff that's a nightmare, sadly | 23:58 |
m0u5e | Swiftfoxer: you don't have /home on a separate partition? | 23:59 |
m0u5e | Swiftfoxer: i always keep my /home on a separate partition in case :) | 23:59 |
afallenhope | okay back. | 23:59 |
Lanlost | tanath, so you weren't talking to me then? | 23:59 |
KindOne | Gr34t3st: did you try the alternative CD ? | 23:59 |
shinjin | How do I put the list of users on my login screen? | 23:59 |
tanath | Lanlost, doesn't smear, just leaves ghosts of the window in places | 23:59 |
Swiftfoxer | m0u5e, nah, too lazy to mess with it | 23:59 |
tanath | Lanlost, no, i was talking to you | 23:59 |
afallenhope | now... anyone able to help me rather than point me to a tutorial that just loses my mind | 23:59 |
m0u5e | okay i have no idea what happened in hardy, but brasero in hardy ********** (sucks) | 23:59 |
Gr34t3st | KindOne: I just requested a free cd and got it in the mail today. | 23:59 |
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