
=== Seeker`_ is now known as Seeker`
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Platform Team | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 21 May 07:00 UTC: Ubuntu Developer Summit - Day 3 | 21 May 16:00 UTC: LoCo Council | 21 May 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 22 May 07:00 UTC: Ubuntu Developer Summit - Day 4 | 22 May 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team
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=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Ubuntu Developer Summit - Day 3 | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 21 May 16:00 UTC: LoCo Council | 21 May 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 22 May 07:00 UTC: Ubuntu Developer Summit - Day 4 | 22 May 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Ubuntu Developer Summit - Day 3 | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 21 May 16:00 UTC: LoCo Council | 21 May 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 22 May 07:00 UTC: Ubuntu Developer Summit - Day 4 | 22 May 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team | 23 May 09:00 UTC: Ubuntu Developer Summit - Day 5
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Palintheus@schedule chicago14:48
ubottuPalintheus: Schedule for America/Chicago: Current meeting: Ubuntu Developer Summit - Day 3 | 21 May 11:00: LoCo Council | 21 May 16:00: Server Team | 22 May 02:00: Ubuntu Developer Summit - Day 4 | 22 May 08:00: Desktop Team | 23 May 04:00: Ubuntu Developer Summit - Day 514:48
ubottueffie_jayx: Current time in Etc/UTC: May 21 2008, 14:51:24 - Current meeting: Ubuntu Developer Summit - Day 315:50
ubottuRoAkSoAx: Current time in Etc/UTC: May 21 2008, 15:14:13 - Current meeting: Ubuntu Developer Summit - Day 316:13
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: LoCo Council | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 21 May 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 22 May 07:00 UTC: Ubuntu Developer Summit - Day 4 | 22 May 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team | 23 May 09:00 UTC: Ubuntu Developer Summit - Day 5
juliuxmeeting will start after we get some drinks at uds;)17:04
JanChehe, I just fetched a beer from the fridge (had to run to be home in time)  ;)17:05
effie_jayxjuliux,  you guys are elite :(17:05
* effie_jayx settles from a papercup of water17:06
effie_jayxI can do17:06
effie_jayxis anyone here?17:06
effie_jayxeveryone I ment17:06
SyntuxHey, I'm bit late;17:07
juliuxdon`t worry17:07
effie_jayxanybody else from the Council?17:07
juliuxboredandblogging: ready?17:07
effie_jayxJanC is here17:07
boredandbloggingi think the first thing on the agenda was mine17:08
juliuxthink we should take a look to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncilAgenda and we should discusee what we are doing today17:08
effie_jayxboredandblogging,  you chairman then17:08
Syntux+1 for discussing legal entities17:09
juliuxSyntux: i think we will not doing this today17:09
juliuxthe cc meetings aid to the denish team that they should work on a provopsal17:10
JanCI know that the Dutch team is thinking about legal entities too17:11
juliuxi think we should wait untile the cc had made a discussion17:11
JanCjuliux: you talked to SWAT I guess?17:11
effie_jayxboredandblogging,  shall we begin then?17:11
JanCSWAT = Sebastian17:11
juliuxJanC: yes but not about legel entities17:12
SyntuxI sent an email including a concept letter to Mark, Alan, Juliux and Nick regarding that issue.17:12
juliuxeffie_jayx: yes pls17:12
huats_effie_jayx: boredandblogging has some connection pb17:12
juliuxSyntux: wen you sned it?17:12
Syntuxjuliux,  19 May17:12
juliuxSyntux: no mail here from you17:13
Syntuxactually I have a meeting with HRH Princess Sumaya next week and this is why I'm pushing for discussing legal entities.17:13
bandb_udsthis is nick, I'm using popey's eee17:13
effie_jayxjuliux,  shall we hold on for boredandblogging  then?17:13
Syntuxjuliux, I sent it to jabber@juliux.de17:13
bandb_udsok, lets do the first thing on the agenda17:14
popeyagreed bandb_uds17:14
bandb_udsmy idea is that we need to come up with a formal mission statement17:14
bandb_udsa purpose statement17:14
bandb_udsI've noticed a lot of confusion in the community...17:15
bandb_udsand the press between Ubuntu and Canonical17:15
bandb_udsso lots of new LoCos17:15
bandb_udsthink that Canonical should provide us with everything17:15
juliux_Syntux, that is not a valid email address17:15
juliux_bandb_uds, good17:15
juliux_Syntux, pls use jbloch@ubuntu.com17:15
popeySyntux: alanpope@ubuntu.com17:15
bandb_udsWhile Canonical obviously is Ubuntu's main sponsor17:15
juliux_yes that is a real issue17:15
bandb_udswe obviously aren't the same thing17:15
bandb_udsI think we need to get into the habit of the LoCos supporting ourselves17:16
Syntuxjuliux, popey sent.17:16
bandb_udsand not being so dependent on Canonical17:16
juliux_Syntux, thxs17:16
nixternalGO LOCO!17:16
nixternalor go crazy, whichever fits the best :p17:16
bandb_udsthen LoCos know who to contact (other LoCos)17:16
bandb_udsand it takes pressure off Canonical17:16
bandb_udsto support us so much17:17
bandb_udsso thats my main thing17:17
bandb_udsI want LoCos to work together to help ourselves17:17
juliux_i think that sounds real great idea, to push that "mission" to the locos17:17
popeyI agree that there is a lack of perception of LoCo in the community17:17
popeyand what LoCos do, and what canonical and the wider Ubuntu project is "obliged" to contribute to those LoCos17:17
huats_bandb_uds: that is I think the idea that jono want to promotte with loco twinning17:18
Nafallomakes sense17:18
popeyyes, with twinning an "approved" loco could "twin" with an unapproved loco to help them build up and get approved17:18
juliux_i think i we get this statement clear to the loco teams there is a benfit for the locos so they know what support they get from canonical and what not and there is a win for canonical because the locoteams will grow on there own side17:18
bandb_udshuats_: I agree, LoCos helping LoCos17:19
effie_jayxhow is twining different from mentoring17:19
huats_and I think that to push to further it is almost the idea of independency that is on stake17:19
bandb_udsI think twining/mentoring is part of it, but like popey said, there is a perception issue17:19
effie_jayxso we are to decide on the mission of the council? or is there a proposal for a mission statement17:20
JanCmaybe we'll have to write down some suggestions or rules about sponsoring & cooperation with other companies too?17:20
juliux_i think we are mixing issues, at first we should spread the mission and then work on the misson;)17:20
bandb_udsthe LoCos are not extension of Canonical, we need to support ourselves17:20
huats_bandb_uds: +117:21
juliux_bandb_uds, +117:21
popeywe need to be self sustaining17:21
huats_I mean we shoudl accept any help from canonical but not depend/wait on it17:22
bandb_udspopey: exactly17:22
popeyand not keep asking for it :)17:22
bandb_udsright, we shouldn't have expectations17:22
huats_popey: definitly17:22
bandb_udsok, so I think we are agreed in general?17:22
popeywell, we shouldn't have _high_ expectations17:22
bandb_udspopey: fair enough :-)17:22
nxvlthat what i was telling you about, in Peru we are having this ways to have our own incomes17:23
popeyi think if we're more self sustaining then when we do ask for stuff from Canonical, we may actually get something17:23
popeyif we can prove that we can do this stuff on our own17:23
doctormopopey: I think it's more important to work with Canonical and other LoCo teams than to beg from them.17:23
popeyprove that we can work without their help17:23
popeydoctormo: canonical have a very limited resource for "us"17:23
popeythat's why I suggest that we try to help eachother, support eachother17:23
doctormopopey: but we don't, and we're not yet offering somethign in return.17:24
doctormopopey: And I agree about cross support17:24
popeydoctormo: "we don't" what?17:24
bandb_udsexactly what popey sai17:24
huats_and the great side that if we do not depend on canonical we can still have our own word...17:24
popeyask canonical?17:24
popeyok, so we need to come up with a simple mission statement17:24
popeyand send to the list for approval?>17:24
popeyand the cc?17:25
juliux_so we will write the mission down then we will send it to the lococontacts liste and will discuss it here;)17:25
juliux_i think cc is good17:25
bandb_udsi think we can cc the cc into it17:25
popeyok, shall we move on?17:25
juliux_yes pls;)17:25
bandb_udsbut yeah, lets come up with a few suggestions and try them out on the loco-contacts17:25
bandb_udseffie_jayx: you next?17:26
doctormoTo advocate and communicate the availability of ubuntu as an alternative in local communities?17:26
effie_jayxwe were working on the new approval process for LoCo teams17:26
effie_jayxand one of the elements needed to help us decide if a team is ready or not is a set of rules or guidelines that the CC has used for the longest time17:27
effie_jayxwe have all worked together to give some more definition to these guidelines and you can find them  here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/TeamApprovalGuidelines17:28
effie_jayxthese come from a suggestion from jono and they have some little things I have added17:28
effie_jayxShall we go through this quickly?17:28
effie_jayxjust to see if we all agree on this17:29
bandb_udseffie_jayx: yes17:29
* popey reads17:29
* juliux_ reads17:29
effie_jayxThese guidelines see that the Team sees the approval not only as a reward but also a commitment to continue participating asactive or even more17:30
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: LoCo Council | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 21 May 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 22 May 07:00 UTC: Ubuntu Developer Summit - Day 4 | 22 May 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team | 23 May 09:00 UTC: Ubuntu Developer Summit - Day 5 | 27 May 20:00 UTC: EMEA Ubuntu Membership Approval Board
popeyis this copy/pasted from what the cc used to use?17:30
effie_jayxpopey,  I added some elements17:30
effie_jayxand defined a bit17:30
popeyI am uneasy about the "trusted with CD" element17:31
effie_jayxDo the council feel this team could be trusted with additional resources such as additional CDs and being sent equipment for use?, Extra resources encourage more participation therefore, Being able to administer their resources is paramount, making sure that the team has what they need to promote ubuntu locally .17:31
doctormomy system76 computer crashed, can you guys recap17:32
ubottuFactoid log? not found17:32
effie_jayxpopey,  what exactly do you feel is questionable?17:33
popeyif a loco passes all the other criteria, then by implication they would be responsible17:33
popeyit's an unncessary requirement17:33
effie_jayxpopey,  right... it looks tacky?17:33
popeya bit, yes17:33
juliux_i also think it is not a requirement17:33
JanCyou mean the word "trusted" can be seen as offending to some people?17:33
popeye.g. if a loco passed all the others, how would you measure that one?17:33
effie_jayxpopey,  I left it untouched17:34
bandb_udsi agree with popey17:34
Syntuxand if I may state my opinion, mailing list activities isn't a  good measure for team activities in all cases; in our case Ubuntu-Jo it's easier to call for a meeting by phoning the members and it's easier to meet face-2-face than setting up IRC meeting or discussing anything over the mailing list, this is how we have been doing it and it works like charm here.17:34
popeyok, it's possible people could take CDs and ebay them17:34
effie_jayxI think we must ask what the rationale was behind it17:34
juliux_popey, yes it is possible but if they sell them localy you didn't get a notification about this17:35
effie_jayxSyntux,  sounds good to you, but how do you journalize these meetings?17:35
JanCSyntux: do you make meeting reports afterwards then?17:35
juliux_so i think that is a point which we can' t "controlled"17:35
popeyexactly, so it seems somewhat moot17:35
popeymaybe we could get clarification on that from the cc17:35
Syntuxeffie_jayx, JanC yeah we put MOMs in google DOCs and/or we take the action directly17:35
popeybut I am overall happy with the rest of it17:35
nxvlyes, but you can see at the events photos or with some prove about events that their are going to use the right way17:36
popeySyntux: could you paste them into the wiki?17:36
nxvli think17:36
effie_jayxpopey,  we could discuss further to try and sencibilize that bit of the guidelines17:36
popeyyes effie_jayx17:36
nxvlshould not be a hard point to take care about, but an optional one which gives extra point17:36
m-cI find voice communication most effective to determine who is really interested in real-life loco activities.  Replies to a mailing list are much less effective indicators.17:36
bandb_udsadding photos or wiki reports would be excellent17:36
popeybut overall, +1 from me for that list17:36
effie_jayxnotice the wording to ensure further participation17:36
juliux_Syntux, in general irc and mailinglist is easier to access for everybody so we recommend that, but i a locoteam is doing it an other thing well, i think we will not have any problems with that17:36
Syntuxpopey, of course we can do that; but why the MOMs matter?17:36
bandb_udswe need to see some evidence that something is going on17:37
effie_jayxmost people see approval as a goal ... a place you reach17:37
popeySyntux: it's a central place for everyone to collaborate17:37
juliux_this rules are not written on stone so i am happy with that list17:37
popeySyntux: we request team reports to be placed on the wiki17:37
effie_jayxand then it's all downhill from there.. and it is not... It is where the real commintment begins17:37
huats_effie_jayx: that is why I think tthere is a need for re-approval (which is the next point)17:37
effie_jayxgreat then17:37
effie_jayxso all in favor let's vote to approve (with comments)17:38
JanCmaybe the team leadership shouldn't always be concentrated into 1 person?17:38
popey(with clarification from cc)17:38
bandb_uds+1 for clarification17:38
Syntuxpopey, we do reports but not MOMs because it's usually (jad call X arrange for Y, Faisal burn the CDs with his gamers friends, Khamis prepare lecture for X and Y) and we don't see any meaning of publishing such thing.17:38
doctormowhat are we voting on? I see no statement17:38
JanC(otherwise I'm also +1 on this)17:38
popeySyntux: we could discuss this on the locoteams mailing list if you like?17:39
popeyI'm sure others would value this conversation, and getting involved in it17:39
JanCSyntux: the meaning is us seeing you are doing something  ;)17:39
juliux_doctormo about https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/TeamApprovalGuidelines17:39
Syntuxpopey, sure I will move it there.17:39
juliux_Syntux, thxs17:39
popeycool, thanks Syntux17:39
SyntuxJanC, we do report activities after it's done but not meetings.17:40
juliux_so next point?17:40
effie_jayxJanC,  do the guidelines make reference to just one Contact?17:40
huats_Syntux: I mean, even if you don't do a MOM right now, then you should in the future17:40
bandb_udsre-approval dates17:40
JanCLeadership within the team must be build upon fairness and openess. The team must be in agreement with the fair apointment of a leader. This leader must represent the team in different situations in an efficient and effective manner, so the leader's commitment towards the team is paramount.17:40
juliux_we have 20minutes left so pls lets move on17:40
popeyJanC: again, another one for the list - open discussion IMO17:40
bandb_udsi've added anniversary dates for when some LoCos need to be re-approved17:41
JanCokay  ツ17:41
popeyI'd like to see the question of leadership discussed, it's an interesting topic I have opinions on17:41
popeybut we don't really have time for it here I think17:41
bandb_udsif there is no anniversary date for them, the LoCos were approved more than a year ago17:41
bandb_udsand need to be reapproved anyway17:41
juliux_popey, we can do that on the next cc meeting17:41
effie_jayxbandb_uds,  have we decided on the procedure for this to happen then17:41
juliux_effie_jayx, the process will be the same like a first approval;)17:42
bandb_udseffie_jayx: for re-approval17:42
bandb_udswe talked about starting with 317:42
bandb_udsthat already need to go through re-approval17:42
juliux_bandb_uds, 4;)17:42
popey4 teams for re-approval in the first meeting17:42
bandb_uds4, sorry, contacting thenm17:43
bandb_udsand going through the process17:43
effie_jayxI thought we said something less paperwork like17:43
popeygiving them warning17:43
juliux_effie_jayx, there is a loft of this on the community-loco-council document on gobby.ubuntu.com17:43
nxvlwhy did you re-approve teams?17:43
popeyto ensure they continue to do good work17:43
popeyand don't go stale17:43
popeyor disappear17:43
juliux_and to see if they needs some help from the council17:43
popeyand to motivate them to do more good work17:44
nxvloh, so is kind of a loco membership expiration?17:44
popeyyes agreed juliux_17:44
bandb_udsbeing approved isn't the goal, its just a milestone17:44
effie_jayxnxvl,  to make sure they live...17:44
popeyyes nxvl17:44
juliux_when we will start with reapproval?17:44
bandb_udswe will soon be contacting 4 locos that need to approved17:44
popeywe need to schedule who is going to be looked at first and let them know as soon as possible17:44
juliux_and how we will select the 4 teams?17:44
popeyjuliux_: random17:44
juliux_random is good17:45
juliux_so we will give them 2 month time? or 1month?17:45
popeycat /dev/urandom > juliux_17:45
bandb_udsand lets see they all need to be reapproved by July17:45
popeywhere "all" means all 417:45
effie_jayxcan we have updates on their process to have a clear idea on what they need to do and how they have done it and if they found any problems aloing the way?17:45
popeyyes effie_jayx17:45
popeyand offer help17:45
bandb_udseffie_jayx: yeah, thats a good idea17:45
effie_jayxpopey,  exactly17:45
popeyetc, if they are having difficulties17:45
juliux_so we have to select 4 teams for reapproval in july;)17:46
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nxvland how it will work if the LoCo still works, but the leader has disapear with all the access?17:46
juliux_who will run the random skript?17:46
juliux_nxvl, we will work with the loco to find a new leader17:46
popeynxvl: we work that out with the loco17:46
effie_jayxjuliux_,  bandb_uds has a compehensive list already17:46
juliux_bandb_uds, pls take 4;)17:46
nxvlwell, i don't think the problem will be the leadership, but the permissions/access to the mailling lists, irc channels, etc...17:47
JanCyeah, maybe it's a good time for locoteams to check those things  ;)17:48
juliux_ok the council wil select 4 and then inform them privatly17:48
popey..rather than announce it here so they are under the spotlight17:48
juliux_nxvl, that are points we can work together withthem;)17:48
bandb_udsok, so next point?17:49
doctormoHave any of the other LoCo teams considered LoCo specific development projects? Getting some software that helps us organise?17:49
popeynxvl: we have processes in place for fixing things like that with ubuntu ops, forum mods etc17:49
popeydoctormo: I'd send that to the loco list if I were you17:49
popeyas it's not an agenda item right now17:49
JanCpopey: but reapproval can be a good time for teams to think about such things17:49
juliux_yes lets come to the next point;)17:50
doctormopopey: Oh I thought you'd ran out of items, you seem to be just talking about the same thing over and over.17:50
popeyJanC: yes, but we don't want to put them in the spotlight before _they_ know :)17:50
effie_jayxnext up: Resource Allocation Process Doc - any progress?17:50
viperhootwith the reapproval, the loco teams again considered new?17:50
bandb_udswho was supposed to do that?17:51
JanCviperhoot: not new, just not dead  ;)17:51
popeydoctormo: seen the agenda?17:52
JanCbandb_uds: popey?17:52
juliux_popey, ?17:52
popeywas it me?17:52
bandb_udshold on17:52
juliux_Resource Allocation Process Doc17:52
popeynot done yet17:52
popeypostpone to next meeting17:53
bandb_udsconflict resolution17:53
juliux_it is started but not finished17:53
juliux_i will work on this during this week17:53
bandb_udslegal entities17:54
SyntuxJordanTeam ?17:54
popeyjuliux_: grab us if you need help this week given we're in UDS17:54
JanClegal entities17:54
juliux_legal entities are up to the community council17:54
effie_jayxsounds fair to me17:55
bandb_udsyeah, the CC discussed it yesterday17:55
juliux_the denish team has the task to write a proposal for that17:55
bandb_udsplease check their logs17:55
juliux_so lets wait17:55
effie_jayxI suggest we all be there when a final resolve on the issue is given17:55
effie_jayxall the LoCo council17:55
JanCif possible, yes17:56
popeyso we need to talk to the cc and canonical about this?17:56
effie_jayxdes the LoCo Council have an assesment for the CC17:56
popeyhow about whilst at UDS we get some time with sabdfl and other cc members to get some direction?17:56
effie_jayxwe might get asked our opinion on the issue?17:57
juliux_popey, a good idea17:57
effie_jayxpopey,  I think that is a good start...17:57
JanCpopey: if that's possible, that would be nice17:57
popeyMatt East in that thread kind of threw it up in the air to the loco council, cc and canonical17:57
* effie_jayx has got to go to USD next time17:57
* effie_jayx sets up ... help.effiejayxgotousd.org17:58
JanCeffie_jayx: just organise it and you must be there...  ;)17:58
doctormoWe need to talk about how some things we want to do are made difficult by not having any incorperated body.17:58
popeyyes doctormo thats something we need to consider17:58
juliux_doctormo, legal entities is up to the cc and not to the loco council atm17:58
popeybut not something we can really decide on now without some input from the cc and canonical17:58
JanCdoctormo: you can sometimes use another legal entity as a proxy17:59
doctormojuliux_: it's up to neither, they can advise us as teams but IMO it's up to teams.17:59
popeyJanC: I'd rather not get into it now/here17:59
popeyall we can do is advise17:59
popeywe can't specifically give you a direction based on your local law / regulations18:00
doctormopopey: Indeed, that is why leaving it up to the CC is not good. it seems like passing the buck18:00
JanCwe can point to several possible options for teams to consider though18:00
popeywe aren't leaving it up to the cc18:00
popeywe are discussing with the cc and canoincal18:01
juliux_doctormo, we will work with them on that but we will not make any decision about it today!18:01
effie_jayxpopey,  I agree with you18:01
JanCand on the locoteam least  ;)18:01
doctormopopey: why are the CC and cononical not here to talk about it then?18:01
bandb_udsbecause they talked about it yesterday18:01
bandb_udscheck the CC logs18:02
juliux_bandb_uds, +118:02
bandb_udsand there are action items18:02
effie_jayxdoctormo,  and this is our meeting, we organize our ideas and we escalate them to CC if needed18:02
doctormobandb_uds: having every person read every log is a waste of time, is there a summery?18:02
popeydoctormo: it's not every log, it's one log18:02
juliux_the danish team has the task to write a provosal about that18:03
juliux_and then the cc will review that18:03
effie_jayxtime gents18:03
juliux_and the cc will talk with canonical about trademark issuses about this18:03
popeyindeed, beer calling18:03
juliux_popey, +118:03
Syntuxdoctormo, that one is short and sweet http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2008/05/20/%23ubuntu-meeting.html18:03
juliux_so when we will have the next meeting?18:03
juliux_in two weeks? or in four week?18:03
effie_jayxset a date for next meeting18:04
popeyteams to approve etc18:04
m-cdoes prague still have great beers available for less than a dollar each?  ;)18:04
juliux_so next meeting is at the 4th of june18:04
popeystuff to do, so it makes sense to get it done soon18:04
effie_jayxnext meeting we are doing approvals?18:04
juliux_m-c, yes18:04
popeym-c: if you go to the right places :)18:04
Syntuxno approval for today?18:04
juliux_Syntux, we are running out of time18:04
Syntuxoh God18:04
nxvlm-c: they cost between 30 and 35 monetary units, which change i don't know18:04
effie_jayxCouncil, next meeting will be?18:04
popeywe are scheduling the next meeting for 2 weeks which is pretty quick, so we can get the approvals done18:05
juliux_effie_jayx, 4th june18:05
JanCwhat time?18:05
juliux_i will check with the edubuntu and server team at which time they have there meetings18:05
juliux_so we don' t get in conflict with them18:05
juliux_and then i will let you known18:05
SyntuxI wonder if you guys could consider JordanTeam application today as I'm traveling the first two weeks of June.18:05
m-cnxvl: and you get to have vistas of castles while you enjoy it.  oh, the trials of the free software developer...  ;)18:05
popeySyntux: we really dont have time18:06
juliux_Syntux, i personal had no time yet to ready your application18:06
popeywe are going to get kicked out soon18:06
bandb_udsfeel free to subscribe to the agenda page18:06
nxvlm-c: :D18:06
juliux_Syntux, where are all busy with uds and we need now some beer;)18:06
Syntuxlol ok18:06
juliux_so cu in 2 weeks18:06
juliux_Syntux, we are working sine 9:00 ;)18:06
juliux_cu later18:06
JanCSyntux: maybe someone else from the team can help?18:06
bandb_udsto get notified of any changes18:06
doctormoI don't think I'll join these meetings again, I don't see the point.18:06
popeywe need to check with other teams to fix the time18:06
popeyand will add it to locoteam list18:07
Syntuxjuliux, popey can you confirm if you got the PDF?18:07
popeyand fridge18:07
popeySyntux: i did18:07
juliux_Syntux, i did18:07
SyntuxJanC, maybe I will check with them.18:07
effie_jayxpopey,  the minute for the meeting18:08
effie_jayxsince you are 3 and are with beers it should come easily... so the USD attendees can do it18:08
* effie_jayx runs18:08
bandb_udsthanks all for coming18:08
effie_jayxbandb_uds,  thank you18:09
bandb_udssee ya all later18:09
Syntuxyeah, later.18:11
CelvinAproval never comes :-(18:12
effie_jayxCelvin,  it takes time18:12
effie_jayxwe are just settling in18:13
Celvineffie_jayx, I guess :-(18:13
effie_jayxmaking sure we are on the right page18:13
effie_jayxCelvin,  are you in any of the teams18:13
CelvinEl Salvador LocoTeam18:13
effie_jayxI am currently reviewing El salvador and Peru18:13
effie_jayxCelvin,  yep18:14
CelvinoooH, good! if I can help just say me18:14
effie_jayxCelvin, well today you saw the guidelines and what we expect18:15
CelvinA little of18:15
effie_jayxCelvin,  one thing you need to make sure is that your teams covers a good number of it18:15
effie_jayxCelvin,  it'll be another two weeks but it'll give you time to be approval ready18:17
Celvineffie_jayx, Registered members are about 4718:17
Celvinbut this 28, 29 y 30 of this mounth we will have a big meeting with approximately 200 people18:20
Celvineffie_jayx, in the mailling list have 68 members and in the launchpad 4518:21
effie_jayxCelvin,  numbers are good...18:22
effie_jayxI remember ve had something along 74 members when it asked for approval18:22
effie_jayxCelvin,  are you in #ubuntu-locoteams18:22
Celvineffie_jayx, now yes18:23
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 21 May 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 22 May 07:00 UTC: Ubuntu Developer Summit - Day 4 | 22 May 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team | 23 May 09:00 UTC: Ubuntu Developer Summit - Day 5 | 27 May 20:00 UTC: EMEA Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 28 May 06:00 UTC: Platform Team
LukehasnonameWhat time is it GMT?19:35
LukehasnonameDamnit! CDT is -5, not -619:36
ubottuSeveas: Current time in Etc/UTC: May 21 2008, 18:40:45 - Next meeting: Server Team in 2 hours 19 minutes19:40
=== Rinchen` is now known as Rinchen
ubottuLukehasnoname: Current time in Etc/UTC: May 21 2008, 19:53:02 - Next meeting: Server Team in 1 hour 6 minutes20:52
=== iostat_ is now known as iostat
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
LukehasnonameHello all21:28
=== Maquina_ is now known as celvin
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Server Team | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 22 May 07:00 UTC: Ubuntu Developer Summit - Day 4 | 22 May 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team | 23 May 09:00 UTC: Ubuntu Developer Summit - Day 5 | 27 May 20:00 UTC: EMEA Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 28 May 06:00 UTC: Platform Team
ubottuLukehasnoname: Current time in Etc/UTC: May 21 2008, 20:59:24 - Current meeting: Server Team21:58
LukehasnonameThere isn't a meeting, is there?22:00
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 22 May 07:00 UTC: Ubuntu Developer Summit - Day 4 | 22 May 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team | 23 May 09:00 UTC: Ubuntu Developer Summit - Day 5 | 27 May 20:00 UTC: EMEA Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 28 May 06:00 UTC: Platform Team | 28 May 17:00 UTC: Launchpad users meeting

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