=== You're now known as ubuntulog | ||
LivingByPlan | I am in desperate need of assistance. | 08:25 |
LivingByPlan | I am in West Africa with a very poor internet connection so I am not able to do all the research I would like on my own. | 08:26 |
LivingByPlan | I need some assistance in knowing how to upgrade from Edubuntu 7.04 to Edubuntu 8.04 without reinstalling from the CD. | 08:26 |
LivingByPlan | Is there an upgrade path? | 08:26 |
LivingByPlan | Sorry if I have posted to the wrong group but finding the right one is difficult from here. | 08:27 |
johnny | uhmm.. you should be able to upgrade in the distro itself? | 08:28 |
johnny | via the update manager | 08:28 |
LivingByPlan | Please, how do I make it look at the CD, or at another location, rather than going to the Internet to find the updates? | 08:31 |
bimberi | LivingByPlan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 08:32 |
bimberi | LivingByPlan: Note that the strongly recommended upgrade path is from 7.04->7.10 then 7.10->8.04 | 08:33 |
LivingByPlan | Thanks I will take a look at this site. | 08:33 |
LivingByPlan | I would follow that route, but still need to know how to make the upgrades without downloading the same files over and over from the internet on many computers. | 08:35 |
LivingByPlan | Thanks for the tip. | 08:35 |
johnny | LivingByPlan, you could setup one computer to serve up all the files to others | 08:36 |
LivingByPlan | I am new to linux and to Ubuntu so need more information on how to do this. | 08:39 |
LivingByPlan | If anyone has available documentation for upgrading and would care to do so, they could email it to me at david.perry.ghana@gmail.com. | 08:40 |
LivingByPlan | I would appreciate the assistance very much. | 08:40 |
stgraber | ogra_: How was yesterday's discussion with intel guys ? | 13:49 |
ogra_ | ah, well | 13:50 |
ogra_ | lots of HW changes ahead | 13:50 |
stgraber | so lot of work to make all that working ? | 13:51 |
ogra_ | indeed | 13:51 |
ogra_ | i'll be in shanghaithe firts week of july to discuss software stuff | 13:52 |
stgraber | then fly to Portland ? busy month :) | 13:52 |
ogra_ | inbetween there is the distro sprint as well | 13:53 |
ogra_ | i'm ctually travelling 3 of 4 weeks | 13:54 |
stgraber | oh, so one flight to London too :) very busy month | 13:54 |
ogra_ | well, actually a flight to london and moving on to portland | 13:55 |
RichEd | stgraber: was that content server info okay ? | 14:37 |
RichEd | i'm about to check your presentation | 14:37 |
stgraber | well, I can probably make a slide from that, the main problem is that I never used moodle myself except on their demo website :) | 14:39 |
RichEd | stgraber: let me send you a moodle presentation as well ... you will be able to get some high leve info off that | 14:39 |
stgraber | cool | 14:39 |
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra | ||
RichEd | stgraber: sented the mail | 15:38 |
stgraber | RichEd: thanks | 16:42 |
RichEd | stgraber: cool ... that is quite a nice presentation ... hope it goes well for youi | 16:43 |
monteslu_ | ogra, you around? | 17:18 |
monteslu_ | anyone else ? | 17:19 |
monteslu_ | my terminals are getting kicked out upon login | 17:19 |
monteslu_ | just started happening yesterday | 17:19 |
stgraber | can you define "kicked out" please ? | 17:20 |
stgraber | authentication error ? | 17:20 |
monteslu_ | dont think so, but its possible | 17:20 |
monteslu_ | i log in, then black screen, then ¨x¨, then back to login screen | 17:20 |
monteslu_ | its ubuntu 7.04 | 17:21 |
monteslu_ | edubuntu | 17:21 |
monteslu_ | i can log into the server without problem | 17:21 |
monteslu_ | actually 2 servers against an openldap server | 17:21 |
stgraber | ok, I was thinking of the recent ssl/ssh security bug, did you do the security update recently ? | 17:22 |
monteslu_ | no, i havent | 17:22 |
stgraber | ok, because that'll likely create new ssh keys and needs a ltsp-update-sshkeys | 17:22 |
stgraber | so if you haven't it's probably something else | 17:23 |
monteslu_ | OpenSSH_4.3p2 Debian-8ubuntu1.4, OpenSSL 0.9.8c 05 Sep 2006 | 17:23 |
monteslu_ | thatś the version im on | 17:23 |
monteslu_ | is there any way to test if thatś out of sync? | 17:23 |
stgraber | ok, it's the broken one, so it's not the issue but you should do the security upgrade anyway | 17:24 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak | ||
stgraber | http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-2 | 17:25 |
monteslu_ | i probably dont have time to fix that part this morning, can do the ssh update this evening | 17:26 |
monteslu_ | any other way to tell why the terminals arent connecting? | 17:26 |
stgraber | if it's an issue when starting gnome you may have some debug informations in the .xsession-errors file in the user home dir | 17:27 |
monteslu_ | just tried the startkde session and got the same result | 17:28 |
monteslu_ | black screen, x, then back to login | 17:28 |
stgraber | ok, you could try to do this : | 17:29 |
stgraber | start a standard workstation in a failsafe X session (so only a terminal) | 17:29 |
stgraber | start : ssh -X user@server | 17:29 |
stgraber | then start : gnome-session or the KDE equivalent | 17:29 |
stgraber | that's basically what LDM does so it may helps you debug the issue | 17:30 |
monteslu_ | whole bunch of pulseaudio errors | 17:32 |
monteslu_ | and stuff like: ** (nm-applet:6732): WARNING **: <WARNING> nma_dbus_init (): nma_dbus_init() could not acquire its service. dbus_bus_acquire_service() says: 'Connection ":1.15" is not allowed to own the service "org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerInfo" due to security policies in the configuration file' | 17:33 |
stgraber | and that makes the session to crash and restart ? | 17:35 |
stgraber | it's supposed to be only a warning (the thin clients have pulse correctly set up) | 17:35 |
monteslu_ | im not sure, was that supposed to fire up another instance of gnome locally? | 17:36 |
stgraber | yes | 17:36 |
stgraber | that's what ldm does, connect using ssh -X (X redirection) and start gnome-session | 17:36 |
monteslu_ | could you give me that command again? | 17:39 |
monteslu_ | trying it from kde to start gnome-session | 17:39 |
stgraber | ssh -X user@server | 17:41 |
stgraber | then : gnome-session | 17:41 |
stgraber | I guess ldm uses /etc/X11/Xsession or something similar but the result is supposed to be the same | 17:41 |
monteslu_ | that worked | 17:42 |
monteslu_ | gnome is running on top of kde | 17:42 |
monteslu_ | kinda wierd | 17:42 |
stgraber | ok, so your problem is related to your thin client/ltsp chroot then | 17:43 |
monteslu_ | any idea how to troublshoot that? | 17:44 |
monteslu_ | i dont even know where to look | 17:44 |
monteslu_ | stuff was easier for me to understand in ltsp 4 :) | 17:44 |
stgraber | Ubuntu 7.04 is still NFS or already NBD ? | 17:45 |
monteslu_ | dont know | 17:46 |
monteslu_ | im using nfs for the homes | 17:46 |
monteslu_ | but thats on a fedora server | 17:46 |
stgraber | ls -lh /opt/ltsp/images/ | 17:46 |
stgraber | that will fail if it's using nfs | 17:46 |
monteslu_ | yeah, no such directory | 17:47 |
stgraber | ok, can you do : ltsp-update-sshkeys and try again with a client | 17:47 |
stgraber | I don't think it'll fix anything as you haven't done the security update but maybe another reason made the ssh keys to be out of sync | 17:48 |
monteslu_ | that worked! | 17:48 |
monteslu_ | should i do that from both of my ltsp servers? | 17:48 |
stgraber | I think so yes | 17:48 |
stgraber | (can't hurt anyway) | 17:48 |
monteslu_ | hmm, didnt fix the second box, but at least the lab is up now :) | 17:50 |
monteslu_ | and i can go to work | 17:50 |
monteslu_ | wish i could be at the school full time | 17:50 |
monteslu_ | thanks for the help! | 17:51 |
stgraber | np | 17:52 |
sixty6murph | hi, is edubuntu designed specifically for a teacher/pupil environment or is it suitable for unsupervised, undirected home use? | 19:10 |
sixty6murph | i want to set up an old machine for a 6 and 8 year old to use by themselves... | 19:11 |
johnny | edubuntu is just an addon cd now | 19:44 |
johnny | you can use ubuntu and add the same packages on the internet | 19:44 |
* litlebuda allom ppl | 19:50 | |
* litlebuda allom ppl | 19:50 |
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