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mwhudson | vimes656: it takes admin intervention, ask a question at answers.launchpad.net/launchpd | 06:59 |
vimes656 | mwhudson: ok, thanks | 06:59 |
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probono | hi all, stupid question, how do i link my PPA packages so that they appear on my project homepage? | 09:46 |
probono | i'd like to have a link to my PPA packages appear on https://launchpad.net/liveusb | 09:46 |
wgrant | probono: You could link to your PPA in the homepage content, but there's no way to linmk iti anywhere else. | 09:47 |
probono | i don't quite understand the "Packaging" section of that page | 09:47 |
probono | played around with it, and now can't remove what i put there by mistake | 09:47 |
wgrant | You have to remove it from the other end. | 09:48 |
wgrant | It's one of the most thoroughly confusing bits of LP UI. | 09:48 |
probono | indeed, wgrant :-) | 09:48 |
wgrant | Those links are for packages within distributions. | 09:48 |
probono | so there is no way to get my PPA into "Packaging information", for example? | 09:48 |
wgrant | No. | 09:48 |
probono | hum | 09:48 |
wgrant | probono: Ah, those links are actually there permanently. | 09:49 |
probono | a button "download from PPA" just like "Report a bug" or "Ask a question" would *rock*. :-) | 09:49 |
probono | and what does the "Download project files" section do? it's empty and i see no apparent way to fill it | 09:50 |
wgrant | probono: You can upload files to that section by creating a release of your project. | 09:51 |
probono | ah, ok. i see. | 09:51 |
probono | still not ppa debs, i guess. ;-) | 09:52 |
wgrant | As for your previous question, bug #205637 is what you want, bug #157342 is why you can't remove those packaging links, and there are a few bugs on the ridiculous package link UI that I can't find right now. | 09:52 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 205637 in soyuz "Should be able to associate PPA packages with projects" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/205637 | 09:52 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 157342 in launchpad "PPA-created SourcePackageNames appear to exist in Ubuntu too" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157342 | 09:52 |
probono | thanks wgrant and ubottu | 09:53 |
wgrant | !ubottu | 09:53 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 09:53 |
probono | lol | 09:53 |
moquist | how can I get an @ubuntu.com email address? | 10:16 |
stgraber | moquist: are you a Ubuntu member ? | 10:20 |
stgraber | hmm, you aren't, best for you is to go trough Ubuntu or Edubuntu membership procedure which will give your the e-mail address, right to use the ubuntu logo on business cards and the ubuntu/member cloak on IRC | 10:21 |
stdin | and an inner sense of well being :) | 10:22 |
moquist | stgraber: right; thx. I thought I'd done that, but apparently not. | 10:22 |
stgraber | moquist: after the work on moodle and other LTSP things, edubuntu membership is probably the best way for you to become a member. | 10:23 |
mok0 | I need a bit of assistance registering a branch of an existing project | 12:19 |
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mok0 | nvm | 12:50 |
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Laney | Should I be able to email LP with any of my registered email addresses? | 15:30 |
Laney | I don't seem to be able to use the email interface at all. | 15:30 |
Laney | (from this one address, haven't tried it with others) | 15:30 |
gmb | Laney: Is the email address you're using confirmed in Launchpad? | 15:32 |
Laney | gmb: Yep | 15:32 |
Laney | gmb: It's not my "contact address" though - should this matter? | 15:33 |
gmb | Laney: No, you should be able to use any confirmed email address. | 15:33 |
gmb | Laney: What are you trying to do? | 15:33 |
Laney | gmb: I've tried to file a bug, and to comment on an existing one | 15:33 |
Laney | Neither works, and fails silently | 15:33 |
gmb | Laney: Hmm. How long ago did you try this? | 15:34 |
Laney | gmb: Yesterday and today | 15:34 |
gmb | Laney: That's weird. What's your Launchpad ID? | 15:39 |
Laney | gmb: It's laney | 15:39 |
gmb | Laney: Okay, I'll get someone to take a look and see if they see what's going on. | 15:39 |
Laney | gmb: Thanks a lot | 15:40 |
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Dvyjones | Is launchpad to ubuntu as mediawiki is to wikipedia? | 17:50 |
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Dvyjones | How do I get a "Major current versions" section as on the ubuntu project? | 17:58 |
philn | i can't find how to add a bugwatch to a LP bug | 17:59 |
philn | i thought that was supported ? | 17:59 |
thekorn | philn, by wubwatch you mean linking a bug to an upstream bug tracker? | 18:01 |
philn | ah i think i found: "also affect distribution" | 18:02 |
thekorn | bugwatch, I mean | 18:02 |
philn | i want to link a debian bug with a LP bug | 18:02 |
thekorn | philn, yes, thats the right way | 18:03 |
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Rinchen | >> Meeting time in #launchpad-meeting | 19:00 |
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=== Rinchen changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net || Problems with SSH when connecting to LP? See http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-2. Regenerate your SSH keys and add use https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+editsshkeys to add them to LP || Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 29 May 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Questions and spam reports: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: http://irclogs.u | ||
Rinchen | updated mtg date to the 29th | 19:05 |
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lpd79 | Hi all, I'm trying to figure out something related to PPA / Copy Packages | 19:51 |
lpd79 | Not sure if anyone is knowledgeable about that in this channel | 19:54 |
lpd79 | Well. I'll ask anyway; I guess if anybody has a clue then I'll get an answer | 19:57 |
lpd79 | I've uploaded a source package to my PPA | 19:57 |
lpd79 | It was build fine (for i386, amd64 and lpia) | 19:57 |
lpd79 | So I have Hardy binary packages | 19:58 |
lpd79 | Then, I copied the source package from Hardy to Gutsy (in the same PPA) | 19:58 |
lpd79 | It also seemed to build fine, i.e. the build logs contained no errors | 19:58 |
lpd79 | But I can | 19:58 |
lpd79 | I can't find the Gutsy binary packages | 19:58 |
lpd79 | I don't even see how it could ever work, since all binary packages end up in pool/main/... | 20:00 |
lpd79 | And the Hardy binary packages don't have anything in their name to identify them as Hardy-specific | 20:00 |
lpd79 | I.e. if the Gutsy .deb's were built, they would have the same name as the Hardy .deb's and end up in the same directory | 20:01 |
geser | I remember seeing someone asking the same question here but I don't remember anymore the solution | 20:01 |
lpd79 | So something is amiss. Perhaps it's *not* allowed to Copy Packages to the same PPA, changing only the distribution series? | 20:01 |
geser | iirc just copying the source package was not a good idea | 20:02 |
lpd79 | Argh... | 20:02 |
lpd79 | I saw a mention of a mailing list at some point, but I can't find it | 20:04 |
lpd79 | Ah, it has to be launchpad-users | 20:05 |
=== Rinchen changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net | Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 29 May 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Questions and spam reports: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | ||
Rinchen | removed the ssh stuff... | 20:10 |
Rinchen | we try to put everything in this channel topic and it doesn't work :-) | 20:10 |
lpd79 | Thanks geser. I send an e-mail to launchpad-users. Bye now. | 20:19 |
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sebner | Hey folks. emget and /me are new ubuntumembers (through universe-contributors) and wondering how long does it take to enable our @ubuntu.com mail adresses. I'm waiting since 12 days ;) And yes I tried to mail to the adress | 21:30 |
sebner | *emgent | 21:30 |
emgent | true :) | 21:31 |
emgent | but i think that we should wait Kiko | 21:31 |
thumper | sebner: it is possible that UDS has put a kink in the timeframe | 22:02 |
sebner | thumper: ah I see. just wondering since I'm waiting since 12 days | 22:03 |
thumper | sebner: it is always good to ask, I'm just suggesting a possible reason :) | 22:03 |
sebner | thumper: ok thanks | 22:04 |
thumper | just here to help :) | 22:04 |
thumper | well, answer but not actually help | 22:05 |
sebner | ^^ | 22:06 |
jussi01 | can someone remind me of the address for the LP build queue (for ppa's)? | 22:16 |
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