
Mike_FeravoloMaybe some one can tell me how to find out what email address that i signed up for the marketing list is00:41
Mike_Feravoloi keep getting my messages bounced back00:41
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smallfoot-hey can you make a page that teaches users how to market ubuntu14:26
smallfoot-if i say "hey get ubuntu", people say "why?" and im like shit, i dont know14:26
smallfoot-sometimes people say untrue thing like "ubuntu is faster than window" then i try it, and its slower than windows14:27
smallfoot-they say "ubuntu is more easy than windows", i try, and its difficult to use and crash and many things dont works14:27
smallfoot-they say "ubuntu is more stable than window" and it crash14:27
smallfoot-they say "ubuntu is more secure than windows", but it doesnt have disk encryption like Vista has14:28
smallfoot-they say "ubuntu dont get virus", but its because nothing works in ubuntu, so virus cant work too14:29
pep[15:28] <smallfoot-> th?ey say "ubuntu is more secure than windows", but it doesnt have disk encryption like Vista has14:30
pep[15:29] <smallfoot-> they say "ubuntu dont get virus", but its because nothing works in ubuntu, so virus cant work too14:30
pepI don't want to hurt your feelings14:30
pepbut learn a little more about the funciotning of an operating system... inform yourself before saying wrong things14:30
pepever heard of truecrypt?14:31
smallfoot-yes, and ubuntu dont have truecrypt14:31
smallfoot-go look in repository, it dont have it14:31
smallfoot-and Vista has BitLocker Drive Encryption, you can encrypt WHOLE disk, in Ubuntu you cant even protect your home directory14:31
pepit does14:31
pepsudo apt-get isntall truecrypt14:32
pepoh my god14:32
pepdon't say things like that14:32
pepyou know what an alternate cd is?14:32
peptake a look at how "bad" ubuntu is: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Encrypted-Ubuntu-7-10-68383.shtml14:32
smallfoot-Package truecrypt is not available, but is referred to by another package.14:33
smallfoot-This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or14:33
smallfoot-is only available from another source14:33
smallfoot-E: Package truecrypt has no installation candidate14:33
smallfoot-apt-get say no truecrypt14:33
smallfoot-$ dpkg -l "*truecrypt*"14:33
smallfoot-No packages found matching *truecrypt*.14:33
pepwhich version of ubuntu do you have?14:33
pepI just checked14:34
pepit used to be there14:34
pepwe took it out14:34
smallfoot-yeah but its not14:34
smallfoot-install from outside repository is difficult14:34
smallfoot-and i want full disk encryption, not just a little encrypted file or volume, i want ALL encrypted14:34
pepit is what you have been doing all the time on windows... we're not talking about compiling here...14:34
smallfoot-and i want use normal cd, not have to use a alternative cd that i dont have, which has text install instead of graphics14:35
pepit is a precompiled .deb14:35
pepwell you can, then use truecrypt14:35
smallfoot-oh good14:35
pepnow listen14:35
pepif you're here to troll and say how bad it is and how you're too lazy to figure out how a new OS works, you may as well leave. We're not here to satisfy your need of complaining about Ubuntu.14:36
smallfoot-oh ok14:37
pepneedless to say that it was not at all constructive what you said14:37
smallfoot-but can you make a webpage that teaches ubuntu users how promote ubuntu to other people, i say "get ubuntu its free!!!! FREEDOM!!!" and they get scared of me, or they say widnows came free with their computer14:38
smallfoot-and if say "get ubuntu its open source!!", they say "open sauce?? what is this, i dont care"14:38
pephang on I'll look, I think this existed... there is a "marketing-guide" or similar prepared or already out...14:38
pepsmallfoot-: well then you have to explain why they should care... just take soem time to explain it all... like we all do :)14:39
pepI wouldn't care too if I had never heard of it :)14:39
smallfoot-and sometimes i see other people post in forum "Ubuntu is the absolutely best operating system ever, its much faster and stable than Windows and much easier, and its 100% secure, its impossibel get virus, and you get more FSP in CS!" then ppl are like "wow, this must be good" and they get it, then their hardware dont work like Wi-Fi and they say "hey, this ubuntu sucks! you tricked me!"14:39
smallfoot-the ubuntu marketing guys need to make a marketing-guide webpage maybe on ubuntu wiki that teaches users how to correctly promote it14:40
pepand? id you explain to them that it was a community based project also? that if their wifi bugs, they should try and get help, nd if it is a real bug they can report and we'll fix it?14:40
pepyeah I'll check on that page.. hang on14:40
pepsmallfoot-: https://launchpad.net/spreadubuntu14:42
pepsmallfoot-: http://doc.ubuntu.com/~marketing/spreadubuntu/14:42
pepthe best is still to read an re-read the official descriptions why Ubuntu is good. and most of all: understand them thouroughly!14:43
pepthe more you use ubuntu yourself, the more you will be able to talk about it and convince people.14:46
smallfoot-yeah maybe someone have different need, like if i promote to susy14 who likes to chat on msn or to csboy16 who like play game, or if i promote to Mr. John Applegate 43 who is the CEO of Applegate Solutions Inc, or if i promote to school or library14:50
pepyes, got to think about that when you talk to soemone about ubuntu14:51
smallfoot-yeah should be a guide14:52
smallfoot-why is no spreadubuntu.com?14:54
pepit is planned15:00
pepyou can participate if you want to see it standing :)15:01
smallfoot-i dont knows how15:01
peplearn website making... html/css/php... or easier... just participate to the wiki, no great skills neede for that...15:05
pepit wil be done when somebody takes the time to do it.15:06
smallfoot-well i can download Drupal, it is what spreadfirefox.com uses15:06
smallfoot-then install that15:06
pepif you want to make  a standalone .com site maybe use drupal, yes... see https://launchpad.net/spreadubuntu for info...15:07
smallfoot-i dont want make standalone .com, i want put on spreadubuntu.com15:29
pepspreadubuntu.com is a domain name... and it doesn't exist...15:30
pepI was talking about a standalonde website, as in "not in the ubuntu wiki"15:30
smallfoot-spreadubuntu.com does exist15:31
smallfoot-but it redirect to ubuntu.com15:31
smallfoot-yeah so we must put drupal on it, and make it same like spreadfirefox.com15:32
smallfoot-cuz that is what they use15:32
smallfoot-and their site is successful15:32
pepyes... actually a site needs tobe made, then the domain name will be linked to it....15:33
pepbut if you're serious to participate in this, mail the list...15:34
smallfoot-there is a mailing lists?15:34
pepthis is ubuntu-markting :)15:34
pephttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=213606 there has already been a lot of talk about this project..15:34
pepand the list is in the topic15:35
pep /topic15:35
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