jammin | I'm having some trouble with bacula installation on hardy. Had no problems of this sort on... um... I think it was actually fiesty before this round of upgrades. | 00:02 |
jammin | It seems the bacula-director-mysql package doesn't work. It doesn't create the db it is supposed to, and doesn't give any error messages to imply there is any trouble. | 00:02 |
jammin | I've been poking around at this thing for way to long... help? | 00:02 |
ScottK-uds | jammin: Look for ivoks when he's on this channel. He did some significant rework on the package for Hardy to get it to meet security requirements for Main. | 00:21 |
jammin | ScottK-uds: thanks. I'll come back to try to catch him. | 00:28 |
jammin | That's cool. I'm just venting I guess. :) I'd hunt down further, but this is for work, and there's plenty of other stuff I really should be attending to instead. | 00:36 |
jammin | I don't really know the packaging system well enough to dig into it efficiently. I could probably do it, but it'd take me forever... | 00:36 |
ScottK-uds | jammin: Just catch ivoks later. I'm pretty sure he'll either point you in the right direction or start working on a fix. | 00:36 |
jammin | Sounds good. Except I should be sleeping myself in 8 hours. :) Maybe I'll still be up... | 00:38 |
ScottK-uds | We have a 9 hour work day here at UDS, so he should still be around when you wake up. | 00:42 |
keithclark | Is there a database out there for linux that is easy to use and as powerful as access? I've tried to use Base, but it is not supported all that well. | 05:26 |
keithclark | ok, I guess not, back to windows and access for me. Thanks for listening though! | 05:29 |
hads | heh | 05:32 |
hads | There are excellent database servers which run on Linux. The issue is that Access isn't really a database server. | 05:33 |
hads | It's more of a thing that does database stuff (badly) and also GUI forms etc. | 05:33 |
keithclark | I did not say server | 05:33 |
hads | I did | 05:34 |
keithclark | I would like to have a single user database to run on my server | 05:34 |
ajmitch | no, but you're in the server channel | 05:34 |
keithclark | See above | 05:34 |
hads | keithclark: SQLite is an excellent non-server database :) | 05:34 |
keithclark | hads: I've tried all the linux stuff, but I need something simpler....with an easy to use interface. | 05:35 |
keithclark | No scripts and such | 05:35 |
hads | keithclark: You'd possible be better off asking in a desktop channel then. This is the server channel, most people running servers don't have a GUI interface and instead rely on scripts and such. | 05:36 |
keithclark | Ah, but I need it to run on my server and be available via ssh | 05:36 |
hads | So, something like Access that runs via ssh from your server? | 05:37 |
ajmitch | those few of us that are alive here probably aren't like to know of basic GUI database frontends | 05:37 |
keithclark | Yeah, too much? | 05:37 |
hads | I don't know about too much, I just don't get it. | 05:38 |
* hads goes back to work | 05:38 | |
keithclark | ? | 05:39 |
keithclark | Thanks for making fun of someone new....have a good night. | 05:41 |
hads | keithclark: I wasn't making fun of you. I don't get what you're tring to do. Like I said, probably better to ask elsewhere, GUI apps typically aren't server related. | 05:43 |
keithclark | No worries, thanks for trying. | 05:43 |
Kalamansi | hello how to know if i installed the openssh? | 07:29 |
Kalamansi | during the installation, i press spacebar. | 07:30 |
=== You're now known as ubuntulog | ||
fromport | dpkg -l ssh\* | 08:15 |
fromport | dpkg -l openssh\* | 08:16 |
sunny | is ubuntu server compatible with rhel? | 12:19 |
sunny | anyone home? | 12:23 |
dthacker | sunny: compatible in what way? | 12:24 |
sunny | i am not sure either, i get an advise from other saying that centos is preferred over ubuntu when compatible with rehl is considered | 12:26 |
sunny | i am trying to setup a server with other rehl server existing. | 12:27 |
dthacker | ubuntu uses a different package management system than rhel. CentOS uses the same packaging system. | 12:27 |
sunny | so will i be able to link them together? | 12:28 |
dthacker | So in that way, CentOS is more compatible. | 12:28 |
dthacker | afk 10 mins. storm coming in must close windows | 12:29 |
sunny | what is the difference anyway? | 12:30 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #233983 in samba (main) "Wrong source code in repository" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/233983 | 12:51 |
zatic | anyone here know good root (ubuntu) server hosting in the US? | 12:51 |
spiekey | Hi | 12:53 |
spiekey | why do i need #rootbinddn cn=nssldap,ou=DSA,dc=hardy,dc=net | 12:53 |
spiekey | ? | 12:53 |
spiekey | whats it good for? I commented it out any everything still seems to work | 12:53 |
Alblasco1702 | hallo is somebody here they now samething about postfix? | 13:37 |
_ruben | i started using postfix only recently (currently in the process of stresstesting a bulk mailer based on postfix), so i gathered some knowledge, but not much, yet :) | 13:38 |
Alblasco1702 | i want to use another drive dan de home dir bud i don't now how i had to configure that. | 13:39 |
_ruben | use for what? storing the emails? | 13:39 |
Alblasco1702 | yes | 13:39 |
_ruben | with a defailt install the mail's stored in /var/spool/mail/username i thought | 13:40 |
_ruben | procmail is used as delivery agent by default, with /etc/procmailrc you can configure where your email ends up | 13:40 |
Alblasco1702 | ok i have a special partition for my email that i wil use. | 13:42 |
Alblasco1702 | _ruben: thnx for your help for so far | 13:43 |
_ruben | Alblasco1702: i'd mount that under /var/mail/ (/var/spool/mail is symlink to that dir) and have postfix/procmail deliver it to /var/mail/username | 13:48 |
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra | ||
RockHound | Alblasco1702: do a man 5 postconf and search for directory ... you can figure almost any paths that postfix uses | 15:49 |
=== bamed_ is now known as bamed | ||
cyris| | morning everyone | 15:52 |
RockHound | afternoon | 15:53 |
RockHound | ;-0 | 15:53 |
cyris| | RockHound, i guess it depends where your situated :D | 15:53 |
RockHound | hehe | 15:54 |
vhristev | hi ... | 15:55 |
vhristev | can anybody help me with NGINX or HAPROXY | 15:55 |
=== ScottK-uds is now known as ScottK2 | ||
cyris| | man i'm love the ubuntu server guide, if i need to reference anything, bam its there | 15:56 |
jjesse | cyris|: great to hear... sommer_ did a lot of work on it for this release | 15:56 |
jjesse | cyris| any changes that need to be made please submit them as bugs against ubuntu-docs | 15:57 |
jjesse | and that way we can take care of them next | 15:57 |
cyris| | jjesse, i dont think i've spoken to sommer_ before :/ | 15:57 |
cyris| | jjesse, forsure | 15:57 |
=== RockHound is now known as RockHound_ | ||
* delcoyote hi | 16:54 | |
=== bamed is now known as bamed|lunch | ||
LeChacal | hey i just did 'ls -la' in the direct that has my maildir in it and i got a strange file permission of drwx--S--- and drwxrwsr-x what does the s and S mean? | 17:05 |
LeChacal | never mind i found on google | 17:10 |
=== good_dana1 is now known as good_dana | ||
Eddy | Anyone know of a TUI for adding users? | 17:56 |
blue-frog | eddy what are you looking for? | 17:59 |
=== bamed|lunch is now known as bamed | ||
bordy | Afternoon folks... anyone have any experience with Dell's CERC raid controller? | 18:29 |
bordy | Our IT guy is having a heck of a time with it, giving him more of an excuse to bash Linux :-X | 18:31 |
jammin | Dang, looks like I missed ivoks. Had some major stuff needing immediate correction this morning (RFP related), and couldn't get on earlier. Bummer. :( | 18:53 |
LeChacal | i my web/mail server has two NICs a different public IP for each i am trying to setup the mail server part using | 19:02 |
LeChacal | i my web/mail server has two NICs a different public IP for each i am trying to setup the mail server part using (postfix and Courier IMAP) but i get blocked when send emails to comcast because the server is sending the mail through the web IP so the DNS isnt for mail and comcast blocks email from it. So how can i make the mail serves go through one and web go through the other? | 19:05 |
figaro | Hi, how can install vmware tools on ubuntu server 8.04 without a GUI....all the guides references to the desktop | 19:20 |
spiekey | Hi | 19:25 |
spiekey | soren: you there? :) | 19:25 |
leonel | figaro: you can use qemu with vnc | 19:45 |
emgent | heya | 19:57 |
spiekey | whats the easiest way to add a splash boot screen? | 20:20 |
CarlFK | Where can I find the files needed to do a net install of u-server? for instance, u-desktop's are http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/ | 20:23 |
CarlFK | I think they might be on the u-server CD, but my goal is to not have to dl the cd | 20:24 |
phynix | anyone willing so answer some questions about using ubuntu as an internet gateway | 20:56 |
Deeps | dont ask to ask, just ask | 20:57 |
phynix | ya sorry i just saw that | 20:57 |
phynix | ok i have a computer that has two nics | 20:58 |
phynix | one to the outside world | 20:58 |
phynix | and the other connected to the router | 20:58 |
phynix | i can connect just fine to the outside but computers cannot connect to the internet | 20:58 |
Deeps | cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward | 20:59 |
Deeps | and urr, 'router'? | 20:59 |
gladk | hi all! | 20:59 |
phynix | it is wireless router/switch | 20:59 |
phynix | my ultimate goal is to is add dhcp to its lists of jobs | 21:00 |
Deeps | might i recommend simplifying things initially, and juts having a single computer connected directly to your internal nic | 21:01 |
Deeps | and getting that second computer able to access the internet first | 21:01 |
Deeps | before you start playing with complicating it | 21:01 |
gladk | Can anybody help me with the next problem: "aptitude" shows that linux-image-2.6.22-14-server is partly installed, so when I try to add some packages, it adds and after that is trying to complete installation linux-image but with no success. Does anybody khow what the problem can be? Thank you | 21:01 |
phynix | good idea | 21:02 |
phynix | well i think my problem is somewhere with the second interface | 21:02 |
phynix | i tried editing the second interface eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces but i don't know what to put there | 21:02 |
Deeps | look for a guide to create a router with ubuntu | 21:04 |
Deeps | there are lots detailing all the steps you need to take | 21:04 |
phynix | ya been doing it | 21:04 |
Deeps | the basic key needs are | 21:04 |
Deeps | /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward should be 1 | 21:04 |
Deeps | and iptables -I POSTROUTING -o <extenral interface, eg. eth0> -j MASQUERADE | 21:04 |
phynix | wow ok thanks for the direction | 21:05 |
Deeps | and avoid webmin | 21:06 |
phynix | just curious | 21:06 |
phynix | why | 21:06 |
stefg | ebox is quite nice | 21:06 |
Deeps | !webmin | 21:06 |
ubottu | webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead. | 21:06 |
stefg | !ebox | 21:06 |
ubottu | ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox | 21:07 |
phynix | ok duly noted | 21:07 |
Deeps | you're better off doing it all from the CLI if you're capable | 21:07 |
phynix | ya I would rather do it that way so I know how it works | 21:08 |
phynix | i just didn't know where to start | 21:08 |
Deeps | that's what guides are for ;) | 21:08 |
phynix | the keyword in the search was router | 21:08 |
phynix | before that wasn't finding anything | 21:08 |
phynix | thanks for the help | 21:16 |
timelost | anybody use fail2ban? does this logfile look normal (notice the number of ssh bans) http://rafb.net/p/0ySG3o92.html | 22:14 |
Wicky656 | what is popularity-contest | 22:36 |
InsomniaCity | Have you tried googling it? | 22:39 |
Wicky656 | yeah and apt doesn't want you to remove it | 22:39 |
Wicky656 | seems very MSish | 22:39 |
=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK-uds |
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