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mhb | good morning! | 08:09 |
seele | oh how i love people talking for me on stuff i have no idea is about :P | 08:24 |
\sh | the life, the universe and the rest? | 08:26 |
Riddell | seele: Dan is like that :) | 08:34 |
Riddell | ryanakca, everyone: our website brainstorm https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidWebsite | 08:45 |
=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK-uds | ||
seele | yuriy: some of this may repeat what you discussed earlier | 09:18 |
seele | yuriy: are there only two progress bars? | 09:18 |
seele | yuriy: and can you cancel during reading package lists? | 09:18 |
\sh | Riddell, Dan as in Dan Kegel (wine dev)? | 09:26 |
Riddell | dan or openchange | 09:30 |
Riddell | dan of openchange | 09:30 |
\sh | too many Dan error ;-) | 09:31 |
seele | dan shearer | 09:31 |
* mhb is a bit bored | 09:36 | |
* \sh 's shocked | 09:36 | |
mhb | does anyone have an interesting thing to do for me? | 09:37 |
mhb | to pass the time before lunch | 09:38 |
\sh | hopefully you guys at UDS are ok...I wonder how many of you will have to visit the betty ford sanatorium ;) | 09:39 |
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2_away | ||
mhb | \sh: eh? | 09:39 |
\sh | http://www.flickr.com/photos/8094673@N04/2515083861/sizes/l/in/set-72157605116896496/ | 09:40 |
mhb | \sh: like I said, I'm bored here :o) | 09:40 |
\sh | mhb, jono playing drums on kwiis head...and seeing the eyes of malcom... | 09:40 |
ScottK-uds | mhb: Feel like doing some KDE 3 hacking then? | 09:41 |
mhb | ScottK-uds: KDE3 hacking? | 09:41 |
mhb | ScottK-uds: I thought "that's gone, move on, to the latest and greatest" | 09:41 |
ScottK-uds | mhb: Not everything is ported. | 09:41 |
mhb | wbat do you suggest then? | 09:42 |
ScottK-uds | mhb: Klamav has a problem I could use a hand with. | 09:42 |
mooper | hi, sometimes, like now, i cant use shift or caps lock. i have a virtual machine with win xp and that works fine....any ideas/ | 09:42 |
mhb | OK | 09:42 |
mooper | i tried in #kubuntu | 09:42 |
ScottK-uds | mhb: In 0.42 upstream remove the on access file scanning function. | 09:42 |
\sh | ScottK-uds, do we have a timeframe for konversation shifting to kde4 api? | 09:42 |
ScottK-uds | mhb: But they left the GUI. | 09:42 |
mhb | mooper: wrong keyboard layout? I really haven't seen that error before. | 09:42 |
ScottK-uds | \sh: I believe it exists, the question is the maturity, but I'm only starting to look at KDE4. | 09:43 |
\sh | ScottK-uds, /me needs to browse the kde svn more deep....at least we should get the standard apps for kde4 in shape | 09:43 |
ScottK-uds | mhb: So I patched out the U/I for on access file scanning. However I couldn't figure how to remove the preferences for it without the package exploding. | 09:43 |
mhb | so you'd like to remove the preferences from it. | 09:44 |
mhb | OK. | 09:44 |
ScottK-uds | \sh: There is a list on one of the UDS spec pages of key apps we need to make sure are complete and stable (to the extend we'd rather ship a good KDE3 version if the KDE4 version isn't good enough) | 09:44 |
ScottK-uds | mhb: Yes. | 09:44 |
ScottK-uds | mhb: So if you give me a moment I'll install it and I'll come over and show you exactly. | 09:45 |
\sh | ScottK-uds, sure...but this "kde3 <-> kde4" pref/config sharing makes me crazy....I have several systems with the same apps installed (amarok+konversation) and all kde4 installs + kde3 apps are behaving differently... | 09:45 |
mooper | mhb, nope, keyboard is right | 09:45 |
mooper | it was working yesterday | 09:45 |
ScottK-uds | \sh: We'll ship one prefs file for Intrepid. | 09:46 |
\sh | ScottK-uds, sounds sane. | 09:46 |
seele | mhb: where you be? | 09:46 |
mhb | seele: lobby | 09:46 |
mhb | ScottK-uds: building it now | 09:46 |
mhb | ScottK-uds: so you can show me at my computer | 09:46 |
ScottK-uds | We won't have two desktops KDE3/KDE4 only one with as much KDE4 as we can reasonably make it. | 09:47 |
ScottK-uds | mhb: Great. Coming over. | 09:47 |
\sh | ScottK-uds, oh btw...is libetpan already unleashed? | 09:53 |
\sh | oh it is already... | 09:53 |
\sh | preparing claws* | 09:54 |
\sh | ScottK-uds, claws-* rebuild uploaded | 10:07 |
ScottK-uds | \sh: Great. That reminds me I have one I need to do. Thanks. | 10:21 |
\sh | ScottK, are there any other packages which needs a push? | 10:21 |
ScottK-uds | \sh: etepan-ng (I think that's the package name) | 10:26 |
\sh | ScottK-uds, on it | 10:28 |
\sh | ScottK-uds, done | 10:30 |
ScottK-uds | \sh: Thanks. | 10:32 |
\sh | welcome | 10:32 |
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=== ScottK-uds is now known as ScottK2 | ||
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mhb | hi | 14:01 |
jdavies | hi mhb | 14:02 |
mhb | jdavies: greetings from the last day of UDS | 14:04 |
mhb | jdavies: I'm not enjoying this one as much as the last one, probbly because I've got a slight headache, sleep deprivation perhaps | 14:05 |
jdavies | :/ ouch.. | 14:05 |
mhb | I'm also kind of tired, and we just went for a walk (had to carry my laptop around), so I'm now even more tired | 14:07 |
* jdavies is so tired too | 14:08 | |
mhb | jdavies: how are you? | 14:08 |
jdavies | thank goodness it's weekend | 14:08 |
jdavies | mhb: hmm, normal, just tired tho :) | 14:09 |
mhb | jdavies: so what are your plans for intrepid? | 14:10 |
mhb | you're likely to have some free time during the summer, like me, right? | 14:11 |
jdavies | mhb: more likely find some money. | 14:12 |
mhb | jdavies: ah, money... | 14:13 |
mhb | so coding for MS, then? | 14:13 |
mhb | :o) | 14:14 |
jdavies | nah. :) | 14:14 |
mhb | some VB | 14:14 |
jdavies | arg, I dislike VB | 14:14 |
mhb | I know... | 14:14 |
mhb | I'm just teasing you | 14:14 |
* jdavies opens docs.python.org always in computer class | 14:15 | |
seele | mhb: Riddell and i got stuck in the elevator! | 14:15 |
mhb | seele: for how long? | 14:15 |
seele | mhb: i dunno.. 5 10 minutes then Riddell pried the door open | 14:15 |
mhb | really? | 14:15 |
mhb | too bad I wasn't there | 14:16 |
mhb | I'd need something like that to cheer me up | 14:16 |
mhb | seele: I'm a bit tired today, which seems to affect my mood significantly, so I apologize for not being the happiest guy around | 14:16 |
seele | mhb: nah, it's ok. it happens to everyone | 14:16 |
mhb | right | 14:17 |
mhb | seele: are you at the ubiquity session now? is it any good? | 14:17 |
seele | mhb: yes and i'm not sure yet | 14:17 |
seele | mhb: just got here | 14:17 |
mhb | ok | 14:18 |
mhb | I'll ask later then | 14:18 |
mhb | any good news lately? | 14:21 |
seele | mhb: theyre trying to figure out what kind of images to use in the instaler | 14:23 |
seele | mhb: screenshots vs logos vs something else | 14:23 |
mhb | ah | 14:23 |
mhb | ah | 14:25 |
mhb | I'd say neither | 14:25 |
mhb | whenever I install stuff, I already know what it looks like | 14:25 |
mhb | there's no need to market it to me when I already have it at home and am installing it | 14:26 |
mhb | I'd say a funny-educational video about what you can achieve in Ubuntu | 14:27 |
\sh | what about a flash movie? it's state of art...and we could use it for e.g. "Destroy 10 Windows Installation per Day with this Ubuntu Install CD and win an Ubuntero for free" or so | 14:28 |
\sh | you know something really not needed ad..like windows is doing ;) | 14:29 |
mhb | indeed, no ads | 14:30 |
mhb | especially in a live CD | 14:30 |
mhb | screenshots would be really stupid | 14:30 |
mhb | Riddell: what's python-gobject needed on a Kubuntu CD for? | 14:40 |
Riddell | dunno | 14:41 |
Riddell | germinate output knows all, but it's hard to read, see KubuntuFiles | 14:41 |
ScottK2 | Riddell: I think it's one of awen's Guidance fixes. | 14:42 |
ScottK2 | mhb: ^^^ | 14:42 |
mhb | how you read that germinate stuff? | 14:45 |
mhb | I see a folder full of files and I don't know which one to open | 14:45 |
mhb | hmm, perhaps the germinate ouput one? | 14:47 |
mhb | hmm | 14:47 |
Riddell | mhb: try the desktop one | 14:48 |
mhb | no gobject there | 14:50 |
mhb | hmm, I'll bother you about it some other time | 14:51 |
mhb | I got to do the task for ScottK2 , that should cheer me up | 14:51 |
mhb | (right? :o) | 14:51 |
ScottK2 | mhb: It'd cheer me up definitely. | 14:52 |
mhb | ScottK2: right, and when you can't cheer yourself up, cheer someone else! | 14:52 |
mhb | let's get to it | 14:52 |
mhb | ScottK2: I'll be notifying you on the progress | 14:52 |
ScottK2 | Thanks. | 14:53 |
seele | Riddell: http://obso1337.org/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=3301 | 15:08 |
Jucato | seele: did you take pics inside the elevator? :) | 15:08 |
seele | Jucato: lol no | 15:09 |
mhb | you never realize how ugly you are until you look at the photos :o) | 15:09 |
flaccid | prague is nice | 15:09 |
flaccid | it appears | 15:09 |
seele | mhb: no! | 15:10 |
seele | mhb: you *are* having a bad day | 15:10 |
mhb | seele: oh yes, that's a common realization | 15:10 |
* seele hugs mhb | 15:10 | |
Jucato | so.. which one is mhb? (there doesn't seem to be captions.. baaad usability :P) | 15:10 |
mhb | Jucato: I'm not scott wheeler, and I'm not French, Scottish, or female | 15:11 |
Jucato | mhb: the only info I can use there is the !femaile part :) | 15:12 |
Jucato | well you're definitely not Riddell :) | 15:12 |
Jucato | ok :P | 15:13 |
seele | Jucato: http://obso1337.org/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=3400 | 15:17 |
seele | Jucato: that is mhb | 15:17 |
Jucato | <mhb> you never realize how ugly you are until you look at the photos :o) <--- he must really be in a bad mood then ;) | 15:17 |
mhb_ | Jucato: found me? | 15:18 |
Jucato | mhb_: seele gave you away ;) | 15:18 |
mhb_ | Jucato: ah, well, I thought it was the age | 15:18 |
Jucato | [22:17] <Jucato> <mhb> you never realize how ugly you are until you look at the photos :o) <--- he must really be in a bad mood then ;) | 15:19 |
mhb_ | session time | 15:20 |
Jucato | have fun :) | 15:20 |
flaccid | kik | 15:21 |
flaccid | lol even | 15:21 |
mhb_ | Artemis_Fowl: hi | 15:28 |
mhb_ | Artemis_Fowl: are you going to be around in a 45 minutes? | 15:28 |
mhb_ | I'd like to have a talk with you, but I can't right now | 15:28 |
Artemis_Fowl | mhb_: yep | 15:28 |
Artemis_Fowl | fine | 15:28 |
mhb_ | great | 15:31 |
Artemis_Fowl | mhb: unfortunately I have to go. I will be back in about an hour if you are still interested | 16:06 |
mhb_ | Artemis_Fowl: I won't be around, but we can do that sometime else | 16:07 |
mhb_ | it's okay | 16:07 |
mhb_ | see you | 16:07 |
Artemis_Fowl | ok | 16:07 |
=== emonkey-t is now known as emonkey | ||
jeroen-- | I found a very annoying bug, please see Bug #234355 | 16:22 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 234355 in xine-lib "[hardy] dvd devices are not correctly configured in xine (affecting DVD-playback in Kaffeine)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/234355 | 16:22 |
nixternal | mornin' | 16:28 |
Jucato | moin nixternal | 16:30 |
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=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_away | ||
yuriy | seele: on the download part there is one total download progress bar and another one above it that appears and disappears (yuck) per download. on the other 2 screens it's just the one progress bar in the center, but it resets a couple times | 17:18 |
yuriy | seele: on the last stage (where you see "reading package lists" in the screenshots, that text changes) you can't cancel | 17:20 |
yuriy | and tbh I don't know what the two buttons on the middle screen are supposed to be | 17:21 |
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smarter | Riddell: I'm packaging foxkit(http://gitorious.org/projects/foxkit), should I use the debian/cdbs/kde.mk from kde4libs and /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/cmake.mk? | 17:35 |
Riddell | smarter: cmake.mk from kde4libs too | 17:36 |
mhb | kubuntu people are awesome | 17:36 |
Riddell | woo! | 17:37 |
mhb | I mean you folks redefine the definition of "being online" | 17:37 |
mhb | you're here all the time | 17:37 |
mhb | it's like you had clones locked up in your rooms doing IRC for you | 17:37 |
nixternal | not all of the time :p | 17:37 |
smarter | ok, what's the difference with standard cmake.mk? | 17:37 |
nixternal | smarter: has boogs | 17:37 |
mhb | nixternal: no, all the time | 17:38 |
Hobbsee | mhb: it's scary. | 17:38 |
Hobbsee | mhb: it's called addiction, methinks. | 17:38 |
nixternal | I am here all the time cuz I am a loser...I have no life :p | 17:38 |
Hobbsee | !visternal | 17:38 |
nixternal | muhaha! | 17:38 |
Hobbsee | awww | 17:38 |
nixternal | !nixternal | 17:38 |
nixternal | hrmm | 17:38 |
ubottu | Oh no! The pointy-clicky Vista lover has arrived! He's rumoured to be giving out free money, too! | 17:38 |
mhb | Riddell: Please send my respect to your girlfriend. If she's tolerating that, she's a really great person. | 17:38 |
nixternal | ahh, there we go | 17:38 |
mhb | nixternal: Canonical is also giving out free money | 17:39 |
nixternal | well, I haven't received any of it :) | 17:39 |
mhb | I guess I'm the only one here actually careful about not spending too much of their money | 17:39 |
nixternal | I am trying to make some money | 17:39 |
nixternal | ok, Riddell in that pic you just blogged, I can spot you and seele, who are the others? | 17:40 |
nixternal | seele: likin' that hair! :) | 17:41 |
mhb | nixternal: !! | 17:41 |
nixternal | which one is mhb in that pic? | 17:41 |
mhb | nixternal: the ugly one | 17:41 |
nixternal | mhb: all I see is beautiful people in that picture. please try again :) | 17:41 |
nixternal | tall skinny one with black hair? | 17:41 |
mhb | nah, that's Alberto Milone | 17:41 |
nixternal | damn, it is...didn't even recognize him | 17:42 |
Jucato | [22:17] <seele> Jucato: http://obso1337.org/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=3400 | 17:42 |
Jucato | [22:17] <seele> Jucato: that is mhb | 17:42 |
Jucato | [22:17] <Jucato> <mhb> you never realize how ugly you are until you look at the photos :o) <--- he must really be in a bad mood then ;) | 17:42 |
* Jucato yawns... | 17:42 | |
Jucato | good night people | 17:42 |
mhb | good night Jucato | 17:42 |
nixternal | k'nite Jucato :) | 17:43 |
mhb | I got to go to the party! | 17:43 |
mhb | see you round nixternal | 17:43 |
nixternal | ok, so mhb is the one in the black shirt bent down laughing at Riddell on a Mac :p | 17:43 |
nixternal | have fun mhb! | 17:43 |
mhb | my mac | 17:43 |
nixternal | be careful everyone | 17:43 |
nixternal | hahaha | 17:43 |
mhb | :o) | 17:43 |
Jucato | oh I thought only coreymon was a mac loving.. person | 17:43 |
mhb | there's ScottK2 on the top left | 17:43 |
nixternal | ya, I know ScottK2's old arse :p | 17:44 |
yuriy | what happened to the firefox integration session? is there a spec for that? | 17:44 |
nixternal | we are going to integrate firefox with the trashbin | 17:44 |
* ScottK2 on the top left of what? | 17:45 | |
nixternal | is it possible to do the integration with firefox in k-d-s or does there have to be a firefox-kde? | 17:45 |
nixternal | ScottK2: the picture posted by Riddell on his blog | 17:45 |
ScottK2 | Ah. | 17:45 |
awen_ | yuriy: "firefox - Transitional package for Konqueror" :P | 17:45 |
Jucato | is that Tonio in the blue shirt? | 17:46 |
Jucato | hm... hsould be seleping | 17:46 |
Jucato | should* sleeping* | 17:46 |
mhb | Jucato: right | 17:46 |
mhb | seeleping | 17:46 |
ScottK2 | Thanks. Found it. | 17:46 |
mhb | hmm, the wifi is shutting down | 17:46 |
mhb | so I have no choice but to go | 17:47 |
mhb | see you guys | 17:47 |
ScottK2 | See you. | 17:47 |
mhb | and girls | 17:47 |
mhb | and ScottK2 | 17:47 |
ScottK2 | Are you coming to the club tonight? | 17:47 |
nixternal | that doesn't look like tonio to me | 17:47 |
mhb | I am | 17:47 |
ScottK2 | Great. See you there. | 17:47 |
nixternal | can't see a good shot of his bean though | 17:47 |
mhb | nixternal: it is him | 17:47 |
ScottK2 | nixternal: It is Tonio in the light blue shirt to my right. | 17:47 |
yuriy | nixternal, awen_: sure, as soon as we "integrate" konqueror with the latest versions of gmail, or the kubuntu wiki for that matter: http://www.yktech.us/temp/konqwiki.png | 17:47 |
Jucato | nixternal: don't argue with the people who *were* there with him :) | 17:47 |
nixternal | couldn't see his head that great in that pic | 17:48 |
mhb | yuriy: hopefully | 17:48 |
Jucato | omg! they decapitated him! :P | 17:48 |
mhb | yuriy: we get webkit in Konqueror with videos, Flash and all... we're dumping KHTML | 17:48 |
ScottK2 | mhb: For why python-gobject, see debian/changelog for kde-guidance (0.8.0svn20080103-0ubuntu10) hardy; urgency=low | 17:48 |
mhb | OK. | 17:48 |
nixternal | yuriy: hrmm, I have no problems with the wiki and Konqi | 17:48 |
mhb | got to go | 17:49 |
nixternal | ahh, when you shrink the page it happens | 17:49 |
awen_ | will be good to get webkit in konqueror | 17:50 |
nixternal | yuriy: that kubuntu wiki issue is also in Firefox, Opera, Safari, and IE 7 | 17:50 |
Jucato | IE 7.... :) | 17:51 |
nixternal | gotta have all the browsers to test webstuff on | 17:51 |
yuriy | works fine in FF3 here | 17:51 |
nixternal | only thing I have found Wine to be useful for | 17:51 |
nixternal | yuriy: it doesn't work here | 17:51 |
Jucato | aaah :) | 17:51 |
* Jucato thought it was IE 7 on nixternal's fave OS | 17:51 | |
nixternal | it is IE 7 on my fave OS, Kubuntu :) | 17:52 |
ScottK2 | nixternal: iTunes is another use case for WINE. | 17:52 |
yuriy | that is, the buttons go on top of each other when you shrink the page, but they're fine when it's wide. in konqi that's with a big window | 17:52 |
nixternal | I hate iTunes | 17:52 |
Jucato | !nixternal | nixternal, may I remind you | 17:52 |
ubottu | nixternal, may I remind you: Oh no! The pointy-clicky Vista lover has arrived! He's rumoured to be giving out free money, too! | 17:52 |
nixternal | then again, I haven't looked at it much in a while | 17:52 |
ScottK2 | I don't use it, but it's an essential app for my teenagers. | 17:52 |
Jucato | :D | 17:52 |
nixternal | ScottK2: ya, I kind of figured that | 17:52 |
Jucato | :D | 17:52 |
nixternal | my daughter really likes Banshee/Rythmbox over Amarok for some reason | 17:52 |
nixternal | I think because I started her on Edubuntu and she got used to Gnome | 17:53 |
Jucato | simpler UI? | 17:53 |
Jucato | :D | 17:53 |
nixternal | then I forced Kubuntu down her throat | 17:53 |
Jucato | scary :D | 17:53 |
nixternal | it could be the simpler UI | 17:53 |
jdavies | nixternal: .... | 17:53 |
nixternal | huh? :) | 17:53 |
Jucato | last time.. bye! :) | 17:54 |
* Jucato should escape whil ehe still ca n | 17:54 | |
nixternal | hehe | 17:54 |
ScottK2 | See you all later. I'm off to the social event. | 17:55 |
nixternal | have fun ScottK2! be carefule and give everyone a hug for me | 17:55 |
nixternal | just don't do it to the point where you become the club pervert this time :p | 17:55 |
ScottK2 | nixternal: In some cases those to things conflict. | 17:55 |
nixternal | lol | 17:55 |
awen_ | have a fun night ScottK2 and everyone alse | 17:55 |
ScottK2 | to/two | 17:55 |
nixternal | have a drink for me! | 17:55 |
nixternal | ScottK2: ask jono about the passed out pirate at penguicon | 17:56 |
nixternal | great story! | 17:56 |
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smarter | If anyone is interested, a new QDevelop package is waiting to be reviewed http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=qdevelop :) | 17:57 |
smarter | Now Qt 4.4 friendly! | 17:57 |
nixternal | heh, just got the email for it | 17:58 |
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_away | ||
DreadKnight | somebody should make #kubuntu-dev forward here please | 19:10 |
jdavies | DreadKnight: that channel is not registered with services | 19:12 |
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bobesponja | hi | 20:16 |
bobesponja | are there people working on the new kubuntu.org web site? cause I would like to | 20:16 |
nosrednaekim | ryanakca is I think | 20:18 |
bobesponja | ok | 20:20 |
ryanakca | bobesponja: Currently we're waiting on the more technical issues (Sysadmin's need to finish installing the site), but when it gets back in motion, I'll poke you... | 20:34 |
smarter | foxkit, a little KDE4 Web browser based on WebKit is ready to be reviewed :) http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=foxkit-kde4 | 20:47 |
bobesponja | ryanakca: ok | 20:51 |
bobesponja | ryanakca: so is the site ready already? | 20:52 |
bobesponja | smarter: nice :) | 20:53 |
ryanakca | bobesponja: Well, yes. There's maintenance, updating, etc... and there are a few tweeks to be done to the theme, but I'm waiting on the sysadmin's and a more "final" TODO list before tackling them. | 20:55 |
* ryanakca will bbl | 20:55 | |
smarter_ | apachelogger: ping | 20:55 |
apachelogger | pong | 20:55 |
smarter_ | that was quick ;) | 20:55 |
smarter_ | do you have some time to revu qdevelop and/or foxkit? | 20:56 |
apachelogger | I shouldn't :P | 20:57 |
apachelogger | well | 20:57 |
apachelogger | letz see | 20:57 |
smarter_ | thanks | 20:57 |
bobesponja | smarter_: do I need to switch to intrepid to test them? | 20:58 |
smarter_ | nop, they work on hardy too | 20:58 |
apachelogger | smarter: does that thing have no desktop file? Oo | 20:58 |
apachelogger | foxkit that is | 20:58 |
bobesponja | and shouldn't it be git instead of svn in the package name? | 20:58 |
smarter_ | yes, it's pretty new | 20:58 |
smarter_ | good point ;) | 20:59 |
* smarter_ fixes that | 20:59 | |
apachelogger | smarter: we spell it KDE 4 not KDE4 ;-) | 20:59 |
smarter_ | Qt4 or Qt 4? | 21:00 |
apachelogger | I never ponted out, but I think TT also calls it Qt4 | 21:00 |
apachelogger | ++ for using quilt :D | 21:00 |
apachelogger | <3 quilt | 21:00 |
apachelogger | smarter: better to go with Qt 4 | 21:00 |
smarter_ | well, I just used what debian/cdbs/kde.mk uses ;) | 21:00 |
apachelogger | IMO | 21:00 |
smarter_ | ok | 21:01 |
apachelogger | jeez | 21:02 |
apachelogger | that makes me cry | 21:02 |
apachelogger | why is there an importet findqt4? | 21:03 |
apachelogger | and imported oxygen icons | 21:03 |
apachelogger | smarter: Icon=package_network | 21:03 |
apachelogger | that icon is certainly not part of oxygen | 21:04 |
smarter_ | nop, better suggestion? | 21:04 |
apachelogger | anything that is part of oxygen :P | 21:04 |
apachelogger | I think there is even an generic icon for web browsers | 21:05 |
apachelogger | smarter: please find out why upstream does import findqt4 and oxygen icons | 21:05 |
* smarter_ launches konqueror in /usr/lib/kde4/share/icons/oxygen | 21:06 | |
* smarter_ found applications-internet :) | 21:06 | |
apachelogger | good enough I think | 21:07 |
apachelogger | hm | 21:07 |
apachelogger | what license is oxygen using? | 21:07 |
apachelogger | IIRC CC/LGPL | 21:07 |
apachelogger | that probably should noted somewhere | 21:07 |
apachelogger | and the findqt4.cmake is probably also not gpl2 | 21:08 |
smarter_ | according to http://www.oxygen-icons.org/?page_id=4 it's CC-BY-SA/GPL | 21:08 |
* jdavies cheers Arby on in -bugs | 21:08 | |
smarter_ | apachelogger: the package doesn't really provide the oxygen icon, and applications-internet.png may be licensed in another license if someone use a different icons set | 21:09 |
=== smarter_ is now known as smarter | ||
apachelogger | does it not have icons? | 21:10 |
smarter | no | 21:10 |
apachelogger | Oo | 21:10 |
apachelogger | jeez | 21:11 |
apachelogger | anyway | 21:11 |
apachelogger | IMO you should point out that the icons in src/icons are (c) oxygen and licensend with whatever | 21:11 |
apachelogger | same for findqt4 | 21:11 |
smarter | oh, these icons | 21:12 |
smarter | yes | 21:12 |
smarter | findqt4 is LGPLv2? | 21:12 |
apachelogger | http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdelibs/cmake/modules/COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS?revision=581906&view=markup | 21:12 |
apachelogger | there oyu have it | 21:12 |
apachelogger | BSD | 21:12 |
smarter | ok, so I have to add the full license text to debian/copyright | 21:13 |
apachelogger | yup | 21:13 |
apachelogger | smarter: you should get in touch with upstream and get these issues sorted | 21:14 |
smarter | yep | 21:14 |
apachelogger | I am not feeling like it is advocatable right now | 21:14 |
apachelogger | smarter: packaging looks good though | 21:14 |
smarter | thanks :) | 21:14 |
apachelogger | letz sum up: desktop file missing in upstream, findqt4.cmake shouldn't be there at all since it is part of kdelibs, same for macrorushrequiredvars.cmake | 21:15 |
apachelogger | besides, both are BSD which should be noted somewhere if he wants ot keep them | 21:16 |
apachelogger | also they should go into cmake/modules | 21:16 |
apachelogger | src/icons need copyright information | 21:16 |
apachelogger | that's all I think | 21:17 |
apachelogger | smarter: did you testbuild qdevelop? | 21:19 |
smarter | only under hardy I think | 21:19 |
* smarter pbuilds | 21:20 | |
apachelogger | packaging changes look good | 21:20 |
* apachelogger needs something to eat | 21:23 | |
=== santiago-php is now known as santiago-ve | ||
smarter | apachelogger: qdevelop builds fine | 21:33 |
=== j-dizzle is now known as jdong | ||
mhb | hi | 22:44 |
mhb | it's over... | 22:44 |
mhb | I'm not going to see you for one year... | 22:44 |
mhb | :-( | 22:44 |
nixternal | back home already? | 22:45 |
mhb | right | 22:46 |
nixternal | early night ey | 22:46 |
mhb | yes, but I couldn't stay because unlike them I have no direct transportation | 22:46 |
nixternal | ahhh, that stinks | 22:46 |
mhb | seele: where have you been? I haven't found you so I could say a proper goodbye to you! | 22:47 |
mhb | nixternal: it surely does | 22:48 |
mhb | well, when I am ultra nostalgic I can always view the Jonathan Riddell interview | 22:49 |
mhb | what's up, nixternal ? | 22:58 |
jjesse | he's drugged up so wathc out :) | 23:01 |
ScottK-uds | mhb was at the post-UDS party tonight, so he may be a little off too. | 23:05 |
mhb | off? | 23:05 |
mhb | :o) | 23:05 |
mhb | I'm always on. | 23:05 |
ScottK-uds | Speaking of which have you mailed the patch? | 23:06 |
mhb | not yet, will get to it | 23:06 |
mhb | hmm | 23:06 |
ScottK-uds | Thanks. | 23:06 |
ScottK-uds | Oops. | 23:06 |
=== bohm is now known as mhb | ||
mhb | Riddell: hmm | 23:08 |
mhb | Riddell: this codec thing is seriously messed up | 23:08 |
mhb | Riddell: has anyone actually tested it yet? | 23:08 |
mhb | Riddell: guess what happens when you have a video no codec is available for even after installing those | 23:09 |
* apachelogger has a nice word for what is happening | 23:22 | |
apachelogger | I actually did such a thing today for neon, just to ensure I remember it is broken | 23:22 |
apachelogger | anyway ... l00py ... | 23:22 |
apachelogger | Riddell: btw, neon is moving towards kde-nightly support for kubuntu | 23:23 |
yuriy | wow i just noticed all the stuff in the statusbar in digikam | 23:32 |
mhb | ScottK-uds: hmm, I can't seem to be able to do a nice diff | 23:39 |
mhb | because it really gets messed up, some of the Debian patches are applied, some not, debuild clean isn't working... | 23:40 |
ScottK-uds | Hmmm. All the patches should be applied. I'd suggest using cdbs-edit-patch with the next patch in the series and then adding your change. | 23:41 |
ScottK-uds | mhb: That should give you a clean patch. | 23:41 |
ScottK-uds | Actually give me a moment. | 23:41 |
mhb | how do I use that? | 23:41 |
ScottK-uds | Actually we want to add your diff to an existing patch , 09-disable-autoscan.patch | 23:43 |
ScottK-uds | mhb: From inside the package directory call cdbs-edit-patch 09-disable-autoscan.patch | 23:43 |
ScottK-uds | mhb: It will apply the patches in a copy in /tmp.. | 23:44 |
ScottK-uds | mhb: Then you make your changes inside that copy. | 23:44 |
mhb | OK. | 23:44 |
mhb | I am too tired right now, so I'll do it in the morning, okay? | 23:44 |
ScottK-uds | mhb: When you're done, type exit and it will update the patch. If you give it a non-zero exit code it won't save the change. | 23:45 |
ScottK-uds | mhb: Absolutely. | 23:45 |
ScottK-uds | mhb: I don't have the GPG key I use with Debian here anyway so it definitely will have to wait until I get back to the US. | 23:45 |
mhb | right | 23:46 |
ScottK-uds | mhb: I really appreciatet the help. | 23:46 |
mhb | no problem at all. | 23:46 |
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