
xtrendercan anyone help me with svn..02:12
jribxtrender: ask a specific question...02:12
xtrenderi want to create a shared folder with a frien of mine..02:12
jribdistributed versioning works much better imo, you should check out bzr02:13
xtrenderbut with bzr, he can acess my files if i am offlline?02:14
jribtypically, you share changes when you are ready02:14
jribthough you can use a centralized workflow too02:14
xtrenderwhat is that?02:15
jribcheck out http://bazaar-vcs.org/Workflows02:15
xtrenderthe matter is that both needs to be connected... if i am disconnected.. he cant read the changes of project02:18
jribxtrender: yes, then that describes a centralized workflow02:21
jribyou can use bzr for that, or svn like you wanted02:22
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