
=== ebel is now known as drunk_ebel
CIA-1oem-config: evand * r463 oem-config/ (debian/changelog gui/glade/oem-config.glade): Disable the close button (LP: #190234).08:59
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2_away
=== davmor2_away is now known as davmor2
greearbI rolled my own ISO based on 8.0.4, and it generally runs fine.18:06
greearbHowever, when I try to install from the live cd, it complains about IO errors.  We burned several media, so it doesn't seem to be a media problem18:06
greearbthe disk checker reports that two files are busted...is there any way to figure out which two files it is complaining about?18:07
greearbI was thinking maybe I could mount it loopback and then run some shell script or something similar to whatever is checking the integrity18:07
greearbor, check the live cd when it is booted?18:07

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