jammin | ScottK-uds: I missed ivoks. (Had issues with an RFP that needed immediate attention, so got on late.) Are ya'll gonna be in that time zone for a while? | 00:15 |
ScottK-uds | UDS is all day tomorrow. His home time zone is one hour different than this one. | 00:16 |
ScottK-uds | jammin: Did you install the mysql packages? They aren't required since the database may be remote. | 00:16 |
uvirtbot` | New bug: #234171 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "mysql server 5.0.22 CREATE statements not replicable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/234171 | 00:16 |
ScottK-uds | When I discussed it with him today, he ran the script and created a database successfully on his laptop as a test. | 00:17 |
jammin | Yep. Mysql is up, running and available, and not serving any other purpose beyond becoming the catalog for bacula. | 00:17 |
jammin | Checking the databases (and user table) before and after the config shows nothing happened. | 00:18 |
ScottK-uds | OK. Well I know it works in at least some cases because he did it. | 00:18 |
ScottK-uds | I'd try to catch up with him then. | 00:18 |
jammin | I don't get any errors (or anything in logs I've found so far) to indicate why. | 00:19 |
ScottK-uds | I don't know much about it, so I don't have any further suggestion.s | 00:19 |
ScottK-uds | .s/s. | 00:19 |
jammin | I figure it must work for most, since searches aren't turning up many people sqawking about it. But uninstalling everything related (with a purge) including mysql and starting over from scratch gives the same result. Pretty weird. Yeah, I probably need to catch him. Would email be appropriate, or just check in here when I can? | 00:21 |
ScottK-uds | I'd suggest either catch him here or file a bug. | 00:23 |
ScottK-uds | I did discuss it with him, so he's familiar with the problem and knows your IRC nick. | 00:24 |
jammin | Cool beans. I'll try to catch here. Maybe type up all I can think of beforehand for reference, and/or for filing as a bug if it turns out it is. Thanks a bunch. | 00:26 |
=== {Roger} is now known as Mofo | ||
=== Mofo is now known as {Roger} | ||
jammin | Hey ScottK-uds, you'll never guess what just happened. | 01:33 |
ScottK-uds | It works? | 01:34 |
ScottK-uds | jammin: ^^^ | 01:34 |
jammin | Heh... yep. I blew it all away for the third time, in order to document it nicely as I went along. Of course that meant it would work. :) | 01:35 |
ScottK-uds | All's well that ends well. Any idea what was different? | 01:35 |
jammin | I've been writing up both experiences from memory now, and the only thing I can think of is... | 01:35 |
jammin | This last time when I apt-get purged it all, I double checked to see that it did exactly that. | 01:36 |
jammin | In starting over, wanted to be sure it was truly starting over. The /etc/bacula directory was still there, with everything in it. | 01:37 |
ScottK-uds | Interesting. Did you have bacula installed before you upgraded to Hardy? | 01:37 |
jammin | I do know that on a previous try I'd emptied that by hand, excepting some examples I stuffed in a subdir. | 01:38 |
jammin | Yes... I upgraded (in two dist-upgrade steps) from 6.10 to hardy, and bacula had been working before then. | 01:38 |
jammin | I wasn't too suprised when it no longer did. That's why I stashed my old configs for reference and tried to blow it away and start over. | 01:39 |
ScottK-uds | OK. That's worth knowing. If you removed stuff from /etc by hand, that can get things confused. | 01:39 |
daveosx | HI All | 01:40 |
jammin | That was after apt-get purging it, though. (I think. It was at least a remove.) | 01:40 |
daveosx | Got a strange network pulsation any Ideas ? | 01:41 |
ScottK-uds | If you apt-get remove, remove conffiles by hand and then reinstall, it can get confused. | 01:41 |
daveosx | Intel MB dual wan two different servers two different locations | 01:41 |
jammin | Yeah, that's why I usually use a purge. | 01:42 |
jammin | I wonder if I just slipped somewhere. | 01:42 |
ScottK-uds | OK. I'll mention to him that it might be an upgrade issue then. | 01:42 |
jammin | When I did the reinstall, everything was fine, except it failed to create /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf. The other conf files were there. | 01:43 |
jammin | Because that file was missing, the bacula-director-mysql threw an error message about it. | 01:43 |
jammin | I put a fresh file in that place (from /usr/share/bacula-common/defconfig), and after that doing a dpgk-reconfigure on bacula-director-mysql was successful... but never actually touched the database. | 01:45 |
jammin | I was pretty positive I started over completely (with purges) to try it again, but with the same result. I must not have, since on this third try I somehow got it right. :) | 01:46 |
ScottK-uds | Odd. | 01:47 |
jammin | Thanks for listening, anyway. Sometimes just bouncing it all off of someone elses head clears up the cruft in ones own, I guess... | 01:47 |
daveosx | Any help on network issues? | 01:48 |
jammin | shoot | 01:49 |
ScottK-uds | Sure. | 01:49 |
ScottK-uds | Good night. I need to get to bed. | 01:49 |
jammin | dang, I gotta run... thanks yall | 01:49 |
daveosx | Got a pulsation on my network full to 0 once a second | 02:00 |
mralphabet | daveosx: how in the world are you measureing that | 02:24 |
daveosx | system monitor | 02:35 |
daveosx | mralphabet what about flow control settings? | 02:42 |
uvirtbot` | New bug: #234196 in openldap2.3 (main) "dnPrettyNormal: Assertion `pretty != ((void *)0)' failed." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/234196 | 02:47 |
flyback | yo | 03:37 |
flyback | is there any guide to all the install options you can script | 03:37 |
cyris| | hows everyones evening? | 03:52 |
cyris| | whoa what a day :/ | 03:52 |
cyris| | I'm trying to install ebox using the ubuntu server guide, but I keep getting the following errors, any ideas anyone? http://rafb.net/p/sE5RJr45.html | 04:04 |
* flyback is having such a bad anxienty attack about events from many yrs ago he is not sure he's going to live to see tomarrow | 04:15 | |
cyris| | sounds pretty ruff flyback | 04:18 |
cyris| | nm about my ebox problem, i think i got her fixed | 04:21 |
cyris| | UGH maybe not | 04:22 |
keithclark | Ok, I've tried my best to find a replacement for Access and I cannot. I choose not to crawl back to Windows so I guess I have no choice but to learn the command line driven mySQL. Anyone know of a great beginners tutorial out there? Something that really explains the whole thing really well and easy? | 05:20 |
uvirtbot` | New bug: #231898 in evolution-exchange "evolution-exchange-storage SIGABRT (dup-of: 215904)" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/231898 | 05:25 |
_ruben | hmm .. my need to tweak my /var/log filesystem .. syslog stopped logging to some files which reached 2G | 05:36 |
_ruben | s/my/may | 05:43 |
kraut | moin | 08:23 |
=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK-uds | ||
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kaii | _ruben: you may just want to rotate earlier | 09:30 |
zul | mathiaz: #234171 mysql sru? | 09:38 |
mathiaz | zul: may be - the diff should be looked at first | 09:44 |
zul | mathiaz: yep | 09:45 |
oly- | does anyone know a location i can get hardy server netboot files other than the cd ? | 10:19 |
oly- | i can get the desktop ones from http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/main/installer-i386/current/images/ for example | 10:19 |
oly- | or do i just pass a parameter to the standard desktop installer to do a server install | 10:21 |
hads | I don't know but I'm interested. How about the jeos image? | 10:26 |
hads | (which is at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/jeos/releases/8.04/release/ if you're interested) | 10:28 |
oly- | well thats for an iso not for the netboot files | 10:30 |
oly- | i would be intrested in knowing where i can get netboot files on the web for jeos as well | 10:30 |
=== nicola is now known as nicolab80 | ||
oly- | aha looks like you just use the standard netboot image with extra parameters when launching it | 10:32 |
Kanashimi | Hi there. I just upgraded a Ubuntu server edition system to 8.04. In the same it decided to remove tmda from the system, which is a required package for the system in question. Is there any way to install tmda in hardy at the moment through apt-get? Or do I need to build the sourcecode myself outside the package system? | 10:33 |
Kamping_Kaiser | can you give more info? | 10:35 |
Kanashimi | I ran 'do-release-upgrade' on the system, which was I think 7.04 originally. At the end of the process it decided to list tmda and python-tmda as packages to remove. | 10:37 |
ivoks | so, you are at 7.10 now? | 10:38 |
Kanashimi | Tried to reinstall by 'apt-get install tmda' but getting 'Package tmda is not available, but is referred to by another package.' | 10:38 |
ivoks | there are no tmda related packages in 8.04 | 10:38 |
Kamping_Kaiser | what is tmda? (sorry my ignorance) | 10:39 |
soren | tagged message delivery something, probably. | 10:39 |
Kanashimi | Tagged Message Delivery Agent, an anti-spam solution for whitelisting/autowhitelisting/blacklisting. | 10:39 |
Kanashimi | Challenge system, etc. | 10:39 |
\sh | looks like it's removed from the archives | 10:39 |
Kamping_Kaiser | nod | 10:39 |
Kanashimi | Hmm, rather inconvenient for the package to suddenly disappear like that without anything to replace it. Seems like I'll have to set it up from source then? | 10:40 |
ivoks | http://www.mail-archive.com/tmda-workers@tmda.net/msg03100.html | 10:41 |
Kanashimi | Ah.. I see, hm. Yeah, I guess I'll have to do the source install. Thanks for the info. | 10:41 |
Kamping_Kaiser | MIA maintainers are a bit of a problem :/ | 10:42 |
Kanashimi | Mm, indeed. | 10:44 |
Kanashimi | Was a bit nasty surprise as such. | 10:44 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i have the same problem with bugzilla3 | 10:44 |
Kanashimi | Hm, oh? Package obsoleted due to maintainer missing? | 10:48 |
ivoks | due maintainer missing and nobody wanted to maintain it | 10:49 |
ivoks | so, if there's no intrest in public, why maintain it? | 10:49 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Kanashimi, in bugzillas case, no one is packaging it (the bugzilla2 maintainer abandoned the package) | 10:49 |
Kanashimi | Heh, well, I do find tmda at least quite useful myself. First I heard about the whole thing now, having been happily using it before this upgrade. | 10:50 |
Kanashimi | Kamping_Kaiser: Ah, I see :/ I guess there's the sourcecode solution if nothing else at least. | 10:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Kanashimi, yeah, which is what i'm going to be deploying. (i have zip packaging skills unfortunately) | 10:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | more annoyingly, it looks like the debianisation of bugzilla3 started, and after a weekish was abandoned (12 months ago) | 10:52 |
Kanashimi | There we go, back in action with the filter again. Challenges and passthroughs working. | 10:52 |
Kamping_Kaiser | \o/ | 10:52 |
Kanashimi | :) | 10:52 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :) | 10:52 |
Kanashimi | Ah *nods*. Well wish you good luck with getting it running. Is of course a lot more inconvenient to have to manage packages manually. One of the big reasons why I set up the system with Ubuntu in the first place -- the earlier system was built from scratch, with all manual updating. Interesting project and was very customized, worked well. But just came to be too much | 10:55 |
Kanashimi | work. | 10:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | yeah, source packages are a pita | 10:56 |
soren | wuh? | 11:14 |
Kanashimi | Hm? | 11:14 |
soren | Source packages are a pita? | 11:15 |
ivoks | yeah... pita, in croatian, means - a pie | 11:16 |
ivoks | :D | 11:16 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ivoks, rofl | 11:16 |
Kamping_Kaiser | soren, er, 'packages' wasnt meant to be there | 11:16 |
soren | Ah. | 11:19 |
soren | Well, source is sexy, too. | 11:20 |
Kamping_Kaiser | wonder if it would be worth making recompiled packages for calendarserver (from sid) available for people, or just let them use a tarball. its not like they need a backport, just a recompile | 11:23 |
=== ScottK-uds is now known as ScottK2 | ||
vhristev | hi | 11:34 |
vhristev | can someone help me with Load balancing | 11:34 |
Kanashimi | What kind of load balancing are you referring to? | 11:36 |
Kanashimi | I'm not terribly familiar with the subject but maybe I can give some pointers in the right direction. | 11:37 |
vhristev | Kanashimi | 11:38 |
vhristev | For now i use 1 box with HAPROXY + apache web servers | 11:38 |
vhristev | but I want to switch to nginx web servers | 11:38 |
vhristev | and Im not sure if nginx can use Haproxy cookie | 11:38 |
Kanashimi | Ah, not familiar with haproxy/nginx unfortunately. | 11:39 |
vhristev | what you use | 11:39 |
vhristev | I think in future to switch everything to be with NGINX | 11:39 |
vhristev | now I search for solution with Nginx | 11:40 |
vhristev | Nginx reverse proxy (some kind upstream ) | 11:40 |
Kanashimi | Well, theres round robin DNS setups and such with multiple systems. | 11:40 |
vhristev | yeaa but its not good idea | 11:41 |
vhristev | its too slow to up and down servers | 11:42 |
vhristev | i have 6 box with for 1-n site | 11:42 |
vhristev | 1 haproxy + web | 11:42 |
vhristev | + 3 webs | 11:42 |
vhristev | + 1 Mysql | 11:42 |
vhristev | + 1 memcache + flash server | 11:42 |
vhristev | servers are different | 11:43 |
vhristev | one with Xeon other Quad Xeon more memoryh | 11:43 |
vhristev | memory | 11:43 |
vhristev | In haproxy I have optin WEIGHT 1~250 | 11:44 |
vhristev | I can make more connections to go on Quad Xeon server | 11:44 |
vhristev | 9; | 11:44 |
uvirtbot` | New bug: #234268 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "mysql online help out of date: help min does not work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/234268 | 11:48 |
Kanashimi | Hm, well unfortunately not very familiar with the subject myself. Wish you good luck though. | 11:53 |
Kanashimi | Take care all. | 12:07 |
faulkes- | INBOX: Downloading message header 65229 of 2023552 | 13:11 |
* faulkes- sighs | 13:11 | |
Kamping_Kaiser | faulkes-, you should use your inbox for ssl entropy :) | 13:14 |
faulkes- | were this my inbox rm -rf would suffice | 13:15 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hahaha | 13:15 |
faulkes- | unfortunately this is a customers | 13:15 |
Kamping_Kaiser | are you doing a sitei visit, or reading their email for some other reason? | 13:15 |
faulkes- | we process there mail for them | 13:16 |
faulkes- | well, I don't, my staff and our application does | 13:16 |
Kamping_Kaiser | nod | 13:17 |
faulkes- | they unfortunately never automated removal of old messages from the inbox | 13:17 |
_ruben | kaii: rotating more often is smth i thought of, then again, rotating more than once a day doesnt appeal much to me | 13:17 |
faulkes- | hrmm, think I just killed thunderbird telling it to drop 50k messages | 13:19 |
* faulkes- waits for it to come back | 13:19 | |
* Kamping_Kaiser has had problems with t.bird expireing mail after a week. | 13:21 | |
faulkes- | well, I only use it when I have to manually go in for stuff | 13:22 |
faulkes- | heh, it's making the fan on the laptop turn on | 13:22 |
uvirtbot` | New bug: #227464 in php5 (main) "PHP 5.2.6 fixes important security bugs" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/227464 | 13:41 |
psufan | got a problem | 13:43 |
psufan | my pxe boot server auto scripts ubuntu 6.06lts and gives it -url 10.10.10.whatever which works great for the installer cycle but once you are at a command prompt then it's hosed if you still don't have that pxe server vm up | 13:44 |
psufan | how can I tell it NOT to change the installed apt-get sources.list file when done installin | 13:44 |
psufan | it's also a mega pain because I can't handle vi :P | 13:45 |
Deeps | learn vi, use 'easier' editors like nano/pico | 13:55 |
gegema | My ubuntu 8.04 server install's current time is 5 minutes later that what it should be. Shold I force in a new time entry or is there a way to synch it with a time server? | 13:57 |
Deeps | see the ubuntu server guide for information about ntp | 13:58 |
gegema | Deeps: Will Do . Thanks | 13:59 |
psufan | deeps | 14:08 |
psufan | I can't use nano if I can't apt-get anything | 14:09 |
psufan | see my problem? :P | 14:09 |
ivoks | no | 14:10 |
psufan | I can't apt-get to install nano | 14:12 |
psufan | and I need nano to fix apt-get | 14:12 |
ivoks | nano is installed by default | 14:12 |
ivoks | as vim-tiny | 14:12 |
psufan | well then my installer is canucking something up then | 14:15 |
psufan | nope nano not installed | 14:27 |
psufan | mabye that's the problem I need to adjust the installer script to make sure it does install nano | 14:27 |
psufan | or something | 14:27 |
psufan | can someone look at this install script and tell me if it | 14:41 |
psufan | is doing minimal install or something | 14:41 |
psufan | http://pastebin.com/m2c06340c | 14:42 |
ivoks | it installs almost nothing | 14:44 |
psufan | ah | 14:44 |
psufan | so what should I change it to | 14:44 |
ivoks | what do you want to install? | 14:44 |
ivoks | ubuntu server, ubuntu desktop? | 14:44 |
psufan | I don't know how to script it I was relying on the uba14 vm pxe server | 14:44 |
psufan | server | 14:44 |
psufan | it's on headless blades | 14:44 |
ivoks | put ubuntu-minimal and ubuntu-standard for packages | 14:45 |
psufan | any way to make it avoid changing the sources.list to what the installer used | 14:45 |
ivoks | you can setup your own sources.list | 14:46 |
psufan | so put those 2 lines right under the packages line? | 14:46 |
ivoks | but i mostly user preseeding, not kickstart | 14:46 |
psufan | well default is fine I just don't know how to tell it that | 14:46 |
psufan | ugh | 14:46 |
psufan | i'm blind | 14:46 |
ivoks | psufan: remove all the packages you added and put just those two | 14:47 |
psufan | had to take a full dosage of a digestive system pill and it makes my vision blurry for a while | 14:47 |
psufan | I didn't put those the pxe appliance did :P | 14:47 |
psufan | but gotcha | 14:47 |
ivoks | pxe appliance? | 14:47 |
psufan | uba14 | 14:47 |
ivoks | uba14? | 14:47 |
ivoks | ?? | 14:47 |
psufan | it has os templates for several windows and linux versions | 14:47 |
psufan | it extratcs tje kernel sets up pxe boot, scripts the install and waits for a machine to pxe net boot | 14:48 |
ivoks | you know there's a GUI for setting up kickstart in ubuntu? | 14:48 |
ivoks | system-config-kickstart | 14:49 |
ivoks | with it you can setup your own kickstart file | 14:49 |
psufan | yeah well this is fine for now I think | 14:50 |
psufan | other than fixing that sources.list file also hmm | 14:50 |
psufan | how do I add a line to that script to auto add a bootoption to grub | 14:52 |
psufan | console=ttyS0,38400 in this case | 14:52 |
psufan | it has a line for the pxe startup but I don't think it's perm | 14:53 |
bordy | hey folks | 14:53 |
psufan | think I found it | 14:56 |
psufan | bootloader --location=mbr --append="hdd=ide-scsi ide=nodma" | 14:56 |
psufan | thx | 14:59 |
psufan | you mentioning kickstart was what I needed to google for | 14:59 |
phil^ | someone mentioned the browser based game desktop tower defense in some bug on launchpad.. | 15:13 |
gegema | My apache access and error logs are being rotated with a 2 day difference. I touched access.log1 with error.log1, assuming logrotate looks at the date stamp of those files when running... but still, my error.log is being rotated 2 days after my access log >> this becomes a problem when trying to figure something out and one thing is in one file in access log but in 2 different files in error log for the same time period... any ideas how to get these | 15:14 |
phil^ | (which lowers my efficiancy at work quite a lot :p ) | 15:15 |
Deeps | link | 15:15 |
phil^ | http://www.handdrawngames.com/DesktopTD/Maps.asp | 15:16 |
phil^ | but don't make me responsible :) | 15:16 |
dthacker | gegema: look in /etc/logrotate.d/apache2 and check the policies | 15:16 |
phil^ | sorry, it's /game.asp | 15:16 |
Deeps | yep i'm there | 15:16 |
gegema | dthacker: What is the pastebin used in this chan? so I can post my logrotate.d apache2 policies (which are pretty much what comes with the default install, except for a prerotate script I added for awstats) | 15:19 |
dthacker | hmm, my link has disappeared. | 15:20 |
dthacker | oops, he's gone | 15:20 |
dthacker | he's back! | 15:20 |
dthacker | gegema: use anything, I'm not picky | 15:21 |
gegema | sorry... went to #ubuntu to get the pastebin site and closed the wrong tab :) | 15:21 |
gegema | dthacker: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14095/ | 15:22 |
dthacker | gegema: so the goal is "All apache logs should be rotated once per week, unless empty." | 15:24 |
gegema | correct | 15:26 |
gegema | but somehow, access log and error log are being rotated in different days | 15:26 |
dthacker | have you tried running manually with the -f option to force rotate? That my synchroize the status. | 15:28 |
dthacker | btw that's kept in /var/lib/logrotate/status | 15:28 |
gegema | dthacker: checking .. | 15:29 |
dthacker | oh my spelling has gone to heck.... | 15:30 |
gegema | :) | 15:30 |
gegema | In the logrotate status, both acess and error log have the same date stamp | 15:31 |
gegema | dthacker: so your suggesting I try -force rotating all my logs and see if that syncs up the two apache logs? | 15:32 |
dthacker | I the error log ever empty? | 15:32 |
dthacker | gegema: yes. Then see if the behavior continues after the force. | 15:33 |
gegema | alrighty - thanks for the tip dthacker!! | 15:34 |
dthacker | np. :) | 15:35 |
dthacker | gegema: one other possiblity. Apache may have logrotate directives as well, I think. Take a look at your config. | 15:36 |
dthacker | maybe not. | 15:38 |
cyris| | http://www.lessaid.net/fun/apt-get-wife.png | 15:38 |
=== dantalizing is now known as mista_bone | ||
dthacker | I don't see a rotate directive in the apache docs. Ignore that advice | 15:40 |
dthacker | cyris|: made my day. :) | 15:41 |
cyris| | dthacker, made my too :D | 15:41 |
gegema | are there any known issues of using screen within PuTTY? I have tried using it a couple of times and when trying to re-attach a screen, PuTTY just freezes... could be key-bindings I guess | 15:48 |
Deeps | the issue almost certainly isn't putty | 15:50 |
alex_joni | any pointers on setting up software RAID5 on a new 8.04 server install? | 15:50 |
gegema | Deeps: what would it be in your opinion then? | 15:51 |
Deeps | gegema: depends on what you mean by 'freezing' | 15:52 |
* alex_joni has 3 x 500G HDDs.. what would be the best way to set things up? | 15:52 | |
psufan | anyway to keep the --url line in kickstart from becoming the default sources.list | 15:56 |
psufan | in the installed os | 15:56 |
psufan | bbl | 15:59 |
gegema | dthacker: Still around? | 16:24 |
phil^ | gegema: I use putty sometimes in combination with screen. like screen -R asd [...] <ctrl>+<A> - <D> (to detach) | 16:26 |
phil^ | never saw anything freeze at that point | 16:27 |
psufan | as part of the automated install process for pxe booted machines and headless uda14 pxe server vm, scripts ubuntu 6.06lts with this line | 16:51 |
psufan | url --url= | 16:51 |
psufan | which works great for the install but breaks the system's apt-get if the vm pxe server is no longer running | 16:51 |
psufan | any way to tell it to stick to the default urls after the install is done | 16:52 |
psufan | it changes all the lines in sources.list to | 16:52 |
CarlFK | psufan: um... huh? | 16:53 |
CarlFK | forgive my ignorance, but are you using a preseed file? | 16:54 |
CarlFK | my problem: tar czvf foo.tgz bar errored: invalid option -- c | 16:59 |
psufan | what is a preseed file? | 16:59 |
CarlFK | psufan: preseed stuff: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet#head-52c4d21520b498e09fe97a2eed47bd4942c35295 | 17:03 |
CarlFK | psufan: "d-i mirror/http/hostname foo" is related to what you are talking about, which is why I asked. but if you aren't using a preseed file, then it doesn't matter | 17:05 |
phil^ | when using md5sum on a file I get different results on 2 servers (one is ARM the other x86 arch.) | 17:08 |
phil^ | but when I just pipe some random text to it - the hash is equal on both servers | 17:08 |
psufan | I just want the sources.list to be the installer defaults | 17:09 |
psufan | and not get changed to the used during install | 17:09 |
phil^ | I'm just asking myself what could be the reason for this behaviour... | 17:09 |
psufan | once it's installed to hard disk I want the default sources.list | 17:09 |
psufan | uh I know it's cause of --url but you need that for the install | 17:21 |
psufan | I am not stupid | 17:21 |
psufan | stoned out of my skull right now cause I had to take a full strength bentyl but otherwise ok | 17:21 |
DarkJustice | I was wondering if anyone could point me to very specific instructions on how to set up a web server and nameserver for kubuntu .. such as Nameserver for Dummies or something. I'm brand new to linux. Also is there any program like cPanel for kubuntu that is free? Thanks | 17:48 |
CarlFK | DarkJustice: the hard part of both of those is figuring out what you wan to do. how you do it is much easier once the goal is well defined | 17:58 |
psufan | ugh | 17:59 |
psufan | all I want to do is have a stock sources.list after the install and it seems impossible to find out how | 17:59 |
DarkJustice | CarlFK: ohh sorry I should have been more specific. I'm trying to host 3 websites of my own on my kubuntu box. And I'd like my domain names to point to the box as well. | 17:59 |
CarlFK | sounds like you don't really need to do your own DNS, so don't | 18:00 |
DarkJustice | well that would eliminate a step, tha'ts always good | 18:01 |
* psufan smashes his head into the wall | 18:01 | |
mdz | phil^: a bug | 18:02 |
mdz | phil^: or, a difference between the files | 18:02 |
CarlFK | DarkJustice: sudo apt-get install apache2 | 18:05 |
phil^ | the file had been copied via scp to both hosts | 18:06 |
DarkJustice | CarlFK: ok thank you I am going to get a coffee refill after I run that and will brb | 18:07 |
DarkJustice | ok seems apache installed fine | 18:12 |
stefg | Hi, i've spent the whole day trying to get WinXP clients to authenticate against a hardy-box with ebox in order to have access to their samba /home-shares. Since i'm inexperienced with ldap (that's what ebox uses) i'm a bit lost. Do i need to touch smb.conf manually to get it going, or am i simply making a mistake in setting up the accounts in ebox? | 18:13 |
stefg | so accessing group (samba) shares works, but trying to access the users /home/samba/<user> share always prompts me for user/pass, and won't accept even the right password. i can connect from another ubuntu-box, so there must be something garbled with accepting the authentication from the win clients. Anyone who can shed some light on this (google can't really) | 18:20 |
cyris| | stefg, make sure that the windows accounts have the same user/pass as the accounts in ldap | 18:22 |
stefg | cyris|: of course i did... so i even had a spare (win-) laptop where i could setup test accounts to test authentication.... no go ... | 18:23 |
cyris| | stefg, so the win clients can access shares expect for the ones in /home/samba/%username% ? | 18:23 |
cyris| | stefg, sorry have to go, i wasn't helping anyways :D | 18:25 |
stefg | cyris|: right. they can access a 'public' share (which i set up manually in smb.conf, made browsable and writable) and they can access a group folder set up in ebox. but they can't access their personal /home-share | 18:25 |
stefg | cyris|: thanks for tryinf anyway | 18:26 |
psufan | is this the correct syntax for kickstart for ubuntu server | 18:33 |
psufan | bootloader --append console=ttyS1,38400 | 18:33 |
psufan | cause the installer is saying unrecongised option | 18:33 |
voidwalker | hello. i want a hassle-free apache mysql php mail server installed | 18:44 |
voidwalker | will ubuntu do this for me? | 18:44 |
voidwalker | i mean, the hassle-free part | 18:44 |
W8TAH | hi folks -- im adding a user on a hardy server -- i want this user to be equivalent in rights etc to the one that is created during start up -- can someone point me to the right howto? | 18:45 |
nicolab80 | Hi! I'm trying to install hardy server under VirtualBox but I've just experienced a lot of different errors | 18:52 |
nicolab80 | the installtion hang | 18:52 |
nicolab80 | any idea? | 18:53 |
phil^ | yay! week is finally over... happy weekend to everyone ;) | 18:58 |
CarlFK | voidwalker: yes. | 19:49 |
psufan | why do you nimrods default ubuntu-server to quiet and splash on a server? | 20:03 |
psufan | espically since a large number of servers are headless | 20:06 |
gegema | in my iptable, I just added a DROP rule for an IP to test >>> however, packets are still not being dropped from that source and the IP can still access webpages on the server...anyone intesreted in helping me figure this out? | 20:53 |
alex_joni | did you add it to the beginning of the chain? | 20:54 |
alex_joni | iptables -I 0 ... ? | 20:54 |
alex_joni | if you do iptables -A .. then it gets appended to the end, so it might catch another ACCEPT rule first | 20:54 |
gegema | alex_joni: well... the reason I am doubting the whole process is, because I am not manually adding the rules, it is being added by fail2ban in a fail2ban-web chain, which fail2ban gets from a Mediawiki extension ... the idea being , to ban people who try to brute force my wiki login | 20:58 |
alex_joni | gegema: that beats me then.. | 20:58 |
alex_joni | I always do "iptables .." by hand :) | 20:58 |
gegema | give me a short sytax to add ip 123.45 to chain foo-bar with target DROP please | 21:00 |
alex_joni | iptables -I 0 foo-bar -s 123.45 -j DROP | 21:01 |
alex_joni | or something similar (but man iptables usually is helpfull enough ;) | 21:02 |
psufan | WHAT | 21:35 |
psufan | THE | 21:35 |
psufan | FUCK | 21:35 |
psufan | why would the grub options quiet and splash actually make console=ttyS1,38400 work!??!?! | 21:35 |
psufan | fuck me gently with a chainsaw | 21:36 |
psufan | wait now it's working without it | 21:38 |
* psufan is about to kill himself | 21:38 | |
* alex_joni puts the chain-saw back | 21:39 | |
psufan | this is the most screwed up shit I have seen in 15+ yrs of it | 21:39 |
psufan | the only logical thing I can come up with is grub corrupts it's config fiiles randomly during a install | 21:41 |
psufan | - /boot/grub/menu.1st is the correct file to edit right? | 21:41 |
alex_joni | yah | 21:41 |
psufan | then wtf | 21:41 |
psufan | ugh | 21:42 |
* psufan throws in the towel | 21:49 | |
=== bamed is now known as bamed|away | ||
Miguel` | Hi | 23:09 |
Miguel` | Is it possible to reinstall Ubuntu Server trought SSH? | 23:09 |
ScottK-uds | Miguel`: Not with the standard CD image. | 23:09 |
Miguel` | Problem is I don't have a CD Reader on my server | 23:11 |
ScottK-uds | How about USB? | 23:11 |
ScottK-uds | Miguel`: ^^^ | 23:12 |
Miguel` | That's a possibility | 23:12 |
ScottK-uds | There is a wiki page on wiki.ubuntu.com that tells you how to make a bootable USB image out of a standard Ubuntu ISO. | 23:12 |
Miguel` | But would it be possible w/o attaching a screen & keyboard? | 23:12 |
ScottK-uds | Probably not. | 23:13 |
Miguel` | Cauze if I do all the trouble to get my server out of the closet, I wouldn't mind wiring it up | 23:13 |
ScottK-uds | Why do you have to reinstall? | 23:14 |
Miguel` | Because I first installed it to test some things out, now I want a fresh start | 23:15 |
ScottK-uds | OK. Generally with Ubuntu you can just change it to be what you want and end up in the same place with much less effort. | 23:16 |
Miguel` | I would like to return to the basic install with SSH | 23:17 |
ScottK-uds | Then just purge the packages you added. | 23:18 |
Miguel` | And all the files I edited/added, they would also stay on the hard disk | 23:19 |
ScottK-uds | If you purge, then the config files would go. | 23:20 |
ScottK-uds | Up to you of course, but I don't typically reinstall for such things. | 23:20 |
Miguel` | Is there a way to see all the packages that aren't installed 'standard'? | 23:21 |
ScottK-uds | I think so, but I don't recall exactly how. | 23:22 |
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