Vretilli | i must do it 4 GB :| | 00:00 |
Zirg | sgtoompa, that will test the memory for errors. It's an option when you boot the ()buntu cd. make sure your memory is good, first. | 00:00 |
bazhang | Vretilli, 2gb should be fine though I have 6gb :) | 00:00 |
Scunizi | bosanac: check out http://www.linux-sound.org/ddj.html | 00:00 |
Slart | bosanac: describe what the windows program does.. many people here only use ubuntu | 00:00 |
m1r | bosanac: djplay | 00:00 |
Vretilli | 6 GB for the swap? | 00:00 |
sgtoompa | Zirg: So should I enter the cd in my cd drive, restart and do the memtest86? | 00:00 |
Zirg | sgtoompa, "I" would. | 00:01 |
bazhang | Vretilli, 2gb should be fine for you :) | 00:01 |
Terabyte | slart, outputs quite a lot, anything in particular? eth0, link encap: ethernet, Hw.. <<address>> inet6 addr..... then eth1, similarly with no mention of inet 6 add, then another mention of eth0:avahi | 00:01 |
sgtoompa | Zirg: Ok. thanks :-), what should I do if it doesn't find anything wrong | 00:01 |
ralph | can some one help me i have a link on my clipboard to describe my problem ??? | 00:01 |
Zirg | bazhang, I take it I exhausted your searches too. :-) | 00:01 |
Vretilli | ok | 00:01 |
ralph | http://img186.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotcn8.png | 00:01 |
Zirg | sgtoompa, Come Back Here! :-)) | 00:01 |
woli | hi | 00:01 |
Vretilli | thanks everybody | 00:02 |
sgtoompa | haha ok. Be Back soon maybe :-D | 00:02 |
bazhang | Zirg, the printer cannot be seen at all? is this a shared printer or other | 00:02 |
Zirg | sgtoompa, good luck | 00:02 |
Vretilli | good night guys! | 00:02 |
Slart | Terabyte: well.. there's a eth0 in there.. that's good news at least.. | 00:02 |
woli | i own a usb-dongle and its connected to my computer right now.. My linux bluetooth wont detect the device. Help. | 00:02 |
Slart | Terabyte: what happens if you run this "sudo ifdown eth0; sudo ifup eth0" in a terminal? | 00:02 |
KrimZon | memtesting takes ages :\ | 00:02 |
ralph | can some one help me i have a link on my clipboard to describe my problem ??? | 00:03 |
ralph | http://img186.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotcn8.png | 00:03 |
Zirg | bazhang, oh, no! the printer is seen on the ip / port it's assigned to. "I" just don't have a ppd on either of these machines I can point cups at, hence my asking which package I needed FOR that ppd. But if you too are finding that foo2zjs is 'supposed' to be it, I guess I'm just out of luck. | 00:03 |
Terabyte | it asks me for my password, and then says "ifdown: interface eth0 not configured; Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0. | 00:03 |
Lanlost | http://home.columbus.rr.com/lanlost/glxgears.png | 00:03 |
Lanlost | that is why I want to know what driver I am using ^ | 00:04 |
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Lanlost | ATI driver doesn't do that, but compiz is slow. This does that, but compiz is great. | 00:04 |
Slart | Terabyte: it doesn't try to get an ip-adress using dhcp? | 00:04 |
bazhang | zirg is this on a lan? what about sharing it via another computer or the router | 00:04 |
Jaikkuli | anyone here use blender? | 00:04 |
ralph | D|STORT | 00:04 |
Terabyte | slart, everything i wrote, is everything it says | 00:04 |
Lt88 | Lanlost: turn off compiz until you resolve your problem if i were you. | 00:04 |
=== ralph is now known as D|STORT | ||
Lanlost | you mean, use the ati drivers instead of these without compiz? | 00:05 |
viperserv1 | hello i added a user and she can't use wine in gnome | 00:05 |
Zirg | bazhang, Yes, it's a network printer. The issue is that I can't use it via any of the ()buntu machines in the office as they don't have the proper ppd to talk to it. | 00:05 |
=== yacc_ is now known as yacc | ||
D|STORT | how do i forcedismount a drive ? | 00:05 |
Lanlost | well, I'm not planning n using opengl much... so that's why I'm not using ATI drivers.. The only reason i can think of for using ATI drivers would be for opengl. I'm getting 1250fps in glxgears.. which means the performance isn't that back with non-ati drivers | 00:05 |
bbyever | D|STORT: sudo umount -f | 00:06 |
Zirg | D|STORT, mount -f | 00:06 |
D|STORT | http://img186.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotcn8.png | 00:06 |
Lt88 | Lanlost: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy#C._ATi_Open_Source_radeon_driver_.28ATi_only.29 | 00:06 |
Lanlost | oh, maybe that screenshot doesn't give the right impression | 00:06 |
Lanlost | glxgears is the ONLY program that does that. | 00:06 |
Lanlost | I thought compiz used opengl | 00:06 |
Lanlost | Lt88, let me look | 00:06 |
D|STORT | in the link discripbed above i need to dismount that drive | 00:07 |
emma | Lanlost: compiz certainly does use opengl | 00:07 |
Zirg | Lanlost, iirc, only in nV does it use the opengl. | 00:07 |
emma | Lanlost: that is the reason why google earth does not want to run well with compiz running. Because google earth also uses opengl. | 00:07 |
Lanlost | Emma, that doesnt' make sense.. | 00:08 |
ringer | i have a logitech wireless mouse and i dont want it to take any action when i tilt the scroll wheel left or right, how can i disable that? | 00:08 |
Zirg | bazhang, well, Thank You for trying! I appreciate the assist. | 00:08 |
emma | Something to do with the kernel at the moment not supporting two apps using opengl at the same time. | 00:08 |
D|STORT | Zirg will u plz tell me how to dismount this drive in this screen shot http://img186.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotcn8.png | 00:08 |
Slart | Terabyte: I'm off to bed so I can't help you any further.. just one thing before I go.. if you're getting that ip from your ISP it might be that the dhcp-server still thinks your Vista is connected.. so it won't give you a new ip-number until that lease expires. (should take about half an hour or so) .. I've had this problem with my ISP when I used to dual-boot.. if you boot vista and before you shutdown run "ipconfig /release" or something like that to releas | 00:08 |
Lanlost | two programs can use opengl at the same time without problems.. | 00:08 |
bbyever | D|STORT: open a terminal and cd into /dev or /media then run sudo umount -f "name-of-drive" | 00:09 |
Terabyte | ok thanks slart | 00:09 |
Arrick | Slart I dont see any modules for that that will manage apache, do you know of ant customs? | 00:09 |
adrift | hello all | 00:09 |
Lanlost | Zirg, this is getting closer to the information I need.. and would explain to me why I can use compiz without the ATI drivers. What does compiz use on non nv cards? | 00:09 |
max_ | Can someone help me? My webcam is working funnily. The display output is BLUE. | 00:09 |
cgentry72 | how do i change the gnome start button(icon) | 00:09 |
Lanlost | max_, that sound's more like a tv capture card that isn't getting a signal and defaulting to blue to get rid of the static | 00:09 |
max_ | How would I fix that? | 00:10 |
Lanlost | that's what mine does if I switch to it (capture card) | 00:10 |
Slart | Arrick: I don't use it myself so I have no idea.. surprising that apache wouldn't be available.. it seems like a very common program | 00:10 |
Lanlost | I've never used my capture card in linux, but it's working. I'm assuming that if I plugged a source into it.. it would show up. | 00:10 |
D|STORT | ralph@ralph-desktop:/media$ sudo unmount -f EXTERNAL HDD | 00:10 |
D|STORT | sudo: unmount: command not found | 00:10 |
Lanlost | I don't know.. I'm just letting you know that so you might be able to figure out something based off that | 00:10 |
max_ | umount D| | 00:10 |
max_ | not unmount | 00:10 |
Zirg | Lanlost, (shrug) :-) Mate I don't even BOOT it, unless it has nV under the hood. Sorry. | 00:10 |
Lanlost | is it possible that linux things your webcam is a capture card? | 00:11 |
Arrick | Slart lol, you would think so | 00:11 |
Lt88 | D|STORT: it's umount i believe, not unmount | 00:11 |
Zirg | D|STORT, no. sudo umount -f /dev/sdb1 <ENTER> and it's umount not UNmount | 00:11 |
Lanlost | zirg, boot what? the computer or compiz | 00:11 |
sveakex | is testdisk on the latest livecd? | 00:11 |
adrift | Got a question folks. I just updated from Gusty to Hardy... everything fine. Tried to update to "Extra Visual | 00:11 |
adrift | Effects | 00:11 |
Terabyte | Anybody help me get my internet connection up and running on 8.04? It was working fine on 7.04, works fine on vista, yes the network connection is plugged in. I'm using bethere broadband via their normal router, it SHOULD be just plug and play, problem is in ubuntu, if i go to Network Settings All the entries in the connections list are disabled. Any ideas? | 00:11 |
Lanlost | I can't tell if that means you have some huge pride for nVidia.. or you just don't think of using compiz without it | 00:11 |
max_ | Perhaps Lanlost .. | 00:11 |
max_ | It's camorama that displays it as blue | 00:12 |
D|STORT | ralph@ralph-desktop:/media$ sudo umount -f /dev/sdb1 | 00:12 |
D|STORT | umount2: Invalid argument | 00:12 |
D|STORT | umount: /dev/sdb1: not mounted | 00:12 |
Zirg | Lanlost, computer. And No, I don't run compiz/fusion. personally, I detest it. Horrible waste of time/resources. | 00:12 |
f0rmat | i just upgraded to 8.04 and now cannot used updates as it just says all the links are dead :S it cannot seem to get access to ubuntu repos or any other non ubuntu repos i add for some reason | 00:12 |
D|STORT | 1 sec | 00:12 |
DjViper | umount should be aliased unmount in ubuntu just for userfriendliness-ness | 00:12 |
D|STORT | mount | 00:12 |
adrift | and then I had to restart my computer and now I'm working on safe mode graphics. | 00:12 |
bazhang | !ccsm | adrift | 00:12 |
ubottu | adrift: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'simple-ccsm'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion | 00:12 |
chaosrl | does anyone here have experience with thinkvantage rescue and recovery? | 00:12 |
Terabyte | f0rmat, sounds like you have no internet connection, like me | 00:12 |
DjViper | rm should be aliased del aswell | 00:12 |
D|STORT | ralph@ralph-desktop:/media$ sudo mount -f /dev/sdb1 | 00:12 |
D|STORT | mount: can't find /dev/sdb1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab | 00:12 |
voiici | Terabyte: you need to unlock them. there is a button on the lower edge of the networking manager to do so | 00:12 |
Zirg | D|STORT, df -h and see what IS mounted. If the removable is in there, use THAT info in the umount line. | 00:12 |
adrift | ok thanks ubottu | 00:12 |
Lanlost | zirg, I'm sort of a cross between you and people who do stuff like make skins | 00:12 |
Terabyte | voiici thanks | 00:12 |
f0rmat | Terabyte, i do have 1 as i run a server | 00:13 |
f0rmat | Terabyte, and am speaking to you right now | 00:13 |
kgwillow | what will happen if I kill Xorg under System-Monitor(Processes)? | 00:13 |
adrift | and thank you too bazhang | 00:13 |
Steve-cal | Terabyte: Maybe this is a long shot--but did you hit the "administration" button or similar in the Network program and type your password? | 00:13 |
bazhang | adrift, she is a bot | 00:13 |
Laizerox | Hello | 00:13 |
adrift | oh hehe | 00:13 |
Andre_Fiuza | Olá pessoal | 00:13 |
zim | hi all | 00:13 |
bazhang | :) | 00:13 |
adrift | well thank her for me | 00:13 |
Zirg | D|STORT, RALPH! GET OFF THE DRIVE! hahahahahaha Yer trying to cut the branch off, that you are SITTING ON!!! | 00:13 |
adrift | :D | 00:13 |
zim | quick Q | 00:13 |
Zirg | D|STORT, cd <ENTER> | 00:13 |
voiici | Terabyte: no prob. and if you want to have a nice working networking manager try wicd | 00:13 |
mainstreet | ok, I tried to load Ubuntu, and got the busybox, someone told me to try running "dmesg", I did and got something looooooong, so what would it tell me? | 00:13 |
Terabyte | f0rmat can you get online with firefox? | 00:13 |
voiici | i hate the gnome native one | 00:13 |
sveakex | is testdisk on the latest livecd? | 00:13 |
Andre_Fiuza | como faço pra instalar a webcam no skype? | 00:14 |
bazhang | mainstreet, this is via wubi? | 00:14 |
Terabyte | steve-cal just trying unlocking and fiddling with it, thanks | 00:14 |
robbie`` | ugh | 00:14 |
mainstreet | bazhang: ? | 00:14 |
D|STORT | fuck it ill install winshit to fix this shit | 00:14 |
Lanlost | zirg, I used linux without X for 2 years by having multiple consoles open... so I definitely know what you mean by a waste of time. However, it work's great for me and doesn't cause any problems so I use it. | 00:14 |
bazhang | Andre_Fiuza, english please | 00:14 |
Laizerox | bumping into problem for few days... problems is that my audio disappears... or well players can't play anything neither wine | 00:14 |
robbie`` | i couldnt even get this machine online when i plugged it in directly to the modem | 00:14 |
Laizerox | anything could oppose this? | 00:14 |
Steve-cal | Terabyte: That may be your only problem--just unlocking it. :) | 00:14 |
Nitricacid | Does anyone use Kate, and know how to edit how many spaces tab uses? | 00:14 |
Andre_Fiuza | excuse me | 00:14 |
Lanlost | max_ I would suggest looking up your specific webcam on google with "linux" | 00:14 |
Lanlost | like "MyWebCamModel linux" | 00:14 |
f0rmat | Terabyte, yes i can | 00:15 |
Lanlost | or even search for "mywebcammodel linux blue" | 00:15 |
mainstreet | bazhang: what do you mean by that? what is | 00:15 |
Zirg | Lanlost, I would be giving up desktops, if I ran that. I run a dozen active desktops, in KDE, on all my machines. Going backwards to 4 (or 6 w/beta compiz) would be silly. :-) | 00:15 |
mainstreet | "wubi" | 00:15 |
Terabyte | f0rmat ignore me then >.< | 00:15 |
Andre_Fiuza | how i install the web cam for skype? | 00:15 |
zim | how can I remove the ESSIS:" " from ESSID:"Some Access Point" in terminal from command line ? | 00:15 |
f0rmat | Terebyte, ubuntu package manager says "HIT" to every update :S | 00:15 |
Lanlost | Zirg, you can specify the number you want. you can use more than 6 I'm pretty sure | 00:15 |
Andre_Fiuza | how i install the web cam for skype? | 00:16 |
Lanlost | but regardless, that's a good reason | 00:16 |
Zirg | zim, sudo iwconfig {device} ESSID "" <ENTER> | 00:16 |
Terabyte | Steve-cal, on eth1 properties, should I pick Local Zeroconf network, or Automatic Configuration (DHCP)? | 00:16 |
voiici | dhcp probably | 00:16 |
yeoj_ | is there a how to on how to install stuff? For instance, i'm struggling to get flash installed/configured with firefox... thought this would be more straight forward... | 00:16 |
Nitricacid | yeoj_: use the within firefox dler | 00:16 |
Nitricacid | its much easier | 00:16 |
Steve-cal | Terabyte: Try DHCP first and see if it is able to get an IP, otherwise we can try a static IP. | 00:16 |
Nitricacid | at the top of your screen just click the little error message | 00:16 |
Nitricacid | and then just keep clicking next | 00:17 |
yeoj_ | Nitricacid, it fails.... says i have to 'manually install' from adobe... | 00:17 |
Ganandorf | should i install this or does ubuntu 8.4 have it already | 00:17 |
Nitricacid | yeoj_: try the other ones | 00:17 |
Auctionedllama | Hey, can someone tell me a HDD partitioner I can download for 8.04? | 00:17 |
voiici | yeoj_: go to a website that has flash and click on the yellow field at the top of the webpage that will appear to install flash. install other programs with "synaptic package manager" which can be found in the administration menu | 00:17 |
eswiig | yeoj_: weird, i just did it 5 min ago | 00:17 |
zim | Zirg: SET failed on device wlan0 ; Invalid argument. | 00:17 |
alan_m | Auctionedllama, gparted | 00:17 |
Nitricacid | yea i have hardy and i did it like, 2 min ago | 00:17 |
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Auctionedllama | thanks man | 00:18 |
voiici | or install "flashplugin-nonfree" from synaptics | 00:18 |
Nitricacid | yea | 00:18 |
alan_m | sure Auctionedllama | 00:18 |
zim | how I got that was iwlist wlan0 scan | grep ESSID | 00:18 |
Nitricacid | Anyone here know how to use Kate the txt editing program, im having some problems. | 00:18 |
alan_m | Auctionedllama, you might have to enable some repositories, not sure....been a while since i installed it. | 00:18 |
Auctionedllama | alright mate, I'll check it out | 00:19 |
Steve-cal | zim: Be sure to put "sudo" in front of those commands... | 00:19 |
zim | Zirg: but I then would like to strip the ESSID:" " | 00:19 |
yeoj_ | eswiig, i'm just going to try from apt-get... this gui installers are ticking me off. | 00:19 |
zim | done | 00:19 |
sveakex | is testdisk on the latest livecd??? | 00:19 |
robbie`` | zim: did you have a hard time getting your wireless card to work | 00:19 |
sveakex | for recovery purposes? | 00:19 |
dualboo1 | how do I dual boot between vista and ubuntu | 00:19 |
Nitricacid | dualboo1: its simple | 00:20 |
zim | robbie``: yes using windoze driver | 00:20 |
sveakex | dualboo1: your shink the vista partition inside vista, and then you use the rest of the space for ubuntu | 00:20 |
Nitricacid | exactly | 00:20 |
voiici | dualboo1: install vista first, after that ubuntu. ubuntu will add a start-menu for you to choose which operating system to boot | 00:20 |
Nitricacid | then you use grub to control | 00:20 |
Terabyte | Steve-cal, Still not working :(. I have 2 connections, i've tried setting both of them to dhcp (and each individually) nothing seems to work | 00:20 |
robbie`` | dualboo1: http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2006/05/08/dual-boot-laptop.html | 00:20 |
Terabyte | Steve-cal, and static | 00:20 |
robbie`` | thats a good tutorial | 00:20 |
Nitricacid | dualboo1: if you have any questions after you read the tut pm me | 00:20 |
s3a | u no in synaptic u can choose to download & install more than one thing, right? is it possible to put things in queue using terminal? | 00:20 |
dualboo1 | I installed ubuntu on another drive in a separate partition but when I restart I don;t get a boot menu | 00:21 |
Steve-cal | Terabyte: Make sure in the main Network program window you have only ONE interface checked--should be your eth0 interface. What do you see? | 00:21 |
zim | robbie``: but you are missing the point it works fine now this is a command line Q | 00:21 |
dualboo1 | thanks robie | 00:21 |
voiici | s3a: yes. apt-get install packageA packageB packageC ... | 00:21 |
yeoj_ | ok, now i think i need kernel headers to install/compile my vmware module.... | 00:21 |
sveakex | dualboo1: because grub is installed on the wrong partition it seems | 00:21 |
Terabyte | steve-cal, i see two checked, i have unchecked the 2nd one | 00:22 |
Terabyte | still not working* | 00:22 |
Krepta | which partition is set as primary? | 00:22 |
imjesus_1 | got a quick questin wat happen to beryl | 00:22 |
Steve-cal | Terabyte: which two devices can you choose from? | 00:22 |
zim | if have some text on a line ie. foo bar how can I remove foo for example | 00:22 |
Terabyte | Wired Connection (eth0) or Wired Connection (eth1) | 00:22 |
dualboo1 | sveakex:I have no idea what | 00:22 |
s3a | voiici: k, thx :):D i never thot it would be possible | 00:22 |
dualboo1 | it should be | 00:22 |
Steve-cal | Terabyte: How is it you have two? Do you have two ethernet cards? | 00:23 |
dualboo1 | I created its own parition | 00:23 |
robbie`` | zim: did your wireless card work out of the box | 00:23 |
robbie`` | CLI or not | 00:23 |
sveakex | dualboo1: it looks like you installed grub on the wrong hard drive i mean | 00:23 |
voidmage | I have a process i can't kill -9. How can I kill it? | 00:23 |
zim | robbie``: no | 00:23 |
voiici | Terabyte: check tcp/ip settings in windows if they are set to dhcp (automatic network connfig) or if you need to set things like ip-address, submask, etc by yourself | 00:23 |
freewilly | just set other boot drive in bios | 00:23 |
Terabyte | Steve-Cal, Striker Extreeme motherboard, it has 2 lan connectors on it, both of which work (only 1 of which is connected) | 00:23 |
Ganandorf | ok guys whats the best torrent client for linux | 00:23 |
dualboo1 | I don;t know what grub is | 00:23 |
Ganandorf | i use ubuntu 8.4 | 00:23 |
yeoj_ | voidmage, kill -KILL <procid> | 00:23 |
robbie`` | zim: do you have a bc43xx ? | 00:23 |
Terabyte | voiici: it is set to dchp | 00:23 |
Auctionedllama | alan_m, I installed it, but I can't resize any of my partitions. Can you help/ | 00:23 |
zim | yes | 00:23 |
robbie`` | zim: how'd you get it to work | 00:23 |
voidmage | yeoj_: that's the same as kill -9, which isn't working. I xkilled the process but it's still going. | 00:24 |
sveakex | Ganandorf: transmission if you want a gtk (gnome), ktorrent for kde, and rtorrent for the terminal | 00:24 |
lnar | hello, i cant enable DRI on my intel i810 i cant access to DRI with two users at the same time, does any one know how to do it?? | 00:24 |
voidmage | yeoj_: only the window is destroyed | 00:24 |
zim | robbie``: will find the howto I used | 00:24 |
dualboo1 | I created a swap file and a ext2 partition | 00:24 |
Steve-cal | Terabyte: OK, so you have them both set to DHCP, and you try each one individually (only one checked) and nothing works yet? | 00:24 |
Terabyte | steve-cal correct | 00:24 |
redshadowhero | I second the transmission one, too. | 00:24 |
robbie`` | zim: thanks, i've tried about 4 of them so far but none work | 00:24 |
voidmage | yeoj_: i even tried kill -9 it as root | 00:24 |
Steve-cal | Terabyte: OK are you connected to a ADSL modem or some sort of cable box? | 00:24 |
voiici | Terabyte: forget about that networking manager for a moment. go to a console and type dhclient eth0 . after that dhclient eth1. that would manualy try to get adresses for the networking interfaces from dhcp | 00:25 |
yeoj_ | voidmage, hmm.. kill -9 as root is the same as kill -KILL as root? | 00:25 |
voiici | the networking manager applet is buggy sometimes | 00:25 |
Arrick | how does one install webmin if they download the debian .deb package? | 00:25 |
voidmage | yeoj_: yeah, kill -KILL is the same as kill -9 | 00:25 |
lnar | does any one here knows howto enable dri for two users with ant intel gmda?? | 00:25 |
Terabyte | steve-cal: I'm connected to a standard bethere broadband router box, it is an adsl connection. | 00:25 |
Terabyte | voiici: just try that now... | 00:25 |
Auctionedllama | Hello all, I installed Gparted, and want to resize my windows partition, but it actually won't let me resize any of my partitions, can anyone help? | 00:25 |
robbie`` | i had some networking manager errors before rebooting after installing | 00:25 |
alan_m | Auctionedllama, when you use gparted and your logged into your computer....it might "lock the drive" | 00:26 |
woli | do i have to install a bluetooth program or does ubuntu come with one built-in? | 00:26 |
alan_m | use a live cd to edit partitions Auctionedllama :) | 00:26 |
woli | is that i have a bluetooth dongle and my system doesn't detect it | 00:26 |
Auctionedllama | alan_m, aww crap, so boot into a live cd and then download gparted onto it? | 00:26 |
alan_m | Auctionedllama, its already on the live cd ;) | 00:26 |
Auctionedllama | alan_m, o so you mean act like I'm going to intsall it? | 00:27 |
Terabyte | voiici: both commands resulted in.. "Internet Sys... blah blah.... can't create /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.leases: eermission denied... Can't create /var/run/dhclient.pid: Permission denied drop_priviliges: could not set group id: Operation not permitted" | 00:27 |
zim | robbie``: have ndiswrapper | 00:27 |
mamefan | what is the name of the binary that lets me choose 'roles' for my ubuntu machine (like kubuntu desktop, LAMP server, etc.) | 00:27 |
voiici | Terabyte: add a sudo in front please | 00:27 |
adv | what's an easy to use proxy server? | 00:27 |
robbie`` | zim: did you find that tutorial? | 00:27 |
zim | robbie``: have you installed ndiswrapper | 00:27 |
Terabyte | sorry | 00:27 |
robbie`` | i tried ndiswrapper | 00:27 |
alan_m | Auctionedllama, go to partition editor in the menu's..i forget where its located..but its in there. | 00:27 |
voiici | Terabyte: sudo dhclient eth0 | 00:27 |
alan_m | Auctionedllama, i mean on the live cd | 00:27 |
Auctionedllama | alan_m, ok thanks mate I'll brb gonna try | 00:27 |
zim | sorry no but I think I can remember it | 00:27 |
Invisionfree | What's a good .ogg editor for Hardy? | 00:28 |
zim | robbie``: have you installed it ? | 00:28 |
robbie`` | yeah but i ended up reinstalling ubuntu, i can't get online whatsoever, but i am dual booting and have a shared partition | 00:28 |
opusmcd | Hi all...IRC newbie here. | 00:28 |
Lanlost | ok, so let me ask one more time.. because my girlfriends about to be here and I won't be able to do anything in linux after that | 00:28 |
robbie`` | so i'll have to install again | 00:28 |
mamefan | what is the name of the binary that lets me choose 'roles' for my ubuntu machine (like kubuntu desktop, LAMP server, etc.) | 00:28 |
viperserv1 | hello i added a user and she can't use wine in gnome | 00:28 |
robbie`` | zim: did you use apt-get to install it? | 00:28 |
zim | ok what you have to do is this install ndiswrapper and cabextract | 00:28 |
Nitricacid | How do i let programs edit files in locations that require sudo, WITHOUT using CLI? | 00:29 |
mamefan | It get's run during install but I've forgotten the name. Anyone? | 00:29 |
Lanlost | Nothing pertaining to video is listed in my xorg.conf as my video card being autodetected... does anyone know any specific way to see what driver I have loaded for my video card without using xorg.conf? | 00:29 |
robbie`` | zim: did you find the tutorial? | 00:29 |
zim | robbie``: yes | 00:29 |
Invisionfree | !info tasksel | mamefan | 00:29 |
ubottu | mamefan: tasksel (source: tasksel): Tool for selecting tasks for installation on Debian systems. In component main, is important. Version 2.70ubuntu5 (hardy), package size 60 kB, installed size 880 kB | 00:29 |
Terabyte | "listening on LPF/eth0/00::.....addrses... sending on....... sending on socket/fallack..... DHCPDISCOVER ON eth0 to port 67 interval 5...14....12... No DHCPoffers recieved. No working leases in persistent database - sleeping. | 00:29 |
=== svensko is now known as svensk1 | ||
smallfoot- | i watch flash in firefox, then i close firefox, and when i open firefox it say "fierfox is already open plz close it or restart computer" :(( | 00:29 |
mamefan | invisionfree: Thanks! That's it. | 00:29 |
Nitricacid | smallfoot-: make sure all firefox windows are closed | 00:29 |
Invisionfree | mamefan: No problem. | 00:29 |
graft | smallfoot-: firefox is crashing/hanging instead of closing properly | 00:29 |
Lanlost | I know what options I have for my video card (closed source, or open source) i JUST want to know where I can find informationt hat will just tell me like "video driver: radeon" or what not | 00:29 |
zim | robbie``: sorry no but it was in german if you find one in german thats it | 00:29 |
Terabyte | voiici: "listening on LPF/eth0/00::.....addrses... sending on....... sending on socket/fallack..... DHCPDISCOVER ON eth0 to port 67 interval 5...14....12... No DHCPoffers recieved. No working leases in persistent database - sleeping. | 00:29 |
leetbumble | hi all. noob question time... i took the default system name when i installed last night... it was late i was tired blah blah. is it possible to change it from "user-home" to "cleaverName"???? thanks | 00:29 |
Lanlost | I guess I'll ask #linux | 00:29 |
robbie`` | zim: bummer | 00:29 |
voidmage | hm | 00:29 |
voidmage | pidgin is unterruptible and slowly leaking meemory | 00:30 |
voidmage | and writing something to disk | 00:30 |
graft | smallfoot-: you can kill it manually but you should probably fix your hanging problem... kill it with pkill -9 -f firefox in the shell | 00:30 |
voidmage | that i can't tell what though | 00:30 |
Nitricacid | leetbumble: create a new user, then delete the default | 00:30 |
zim | robbie``: but its not long or hard to follow | 00:30 |
adv | is there a console msn app? | 00:30 |
graft | smallfoot-: try running firefox from the shell and reading the debug output to see why it's hanging, though | 00:30 |
Nitricacid | How do i let programs edit files in locations that require sudo, WITHOUT using CLI? | 00:30 |
Steve-cal | !hostname | leetbumble | 00:31 |
ubottu | leetbumble: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab | 00:31 |
voiici | Terabyte: hmm, that means both cards don't get adresses from your router. are you sure you are using dhcp on windows? | 00:31 |
Nitricacid | example : i want to edit and save learn.php within var/www/ | 00:31 |
dmsuperman_ | Nitricacid, is there a reason you can't use CLI? | 00:31 |
leetbumble | thanks! ill try that | 00:31 |
Terabyte | voiici: certain | 00:31 |
opusmcd | leetbumble: maybe this is what you're looking for: http://linux.about.com/od/ubuntu_doc/a/ubudg26t2.htm | 00:31 |
Nitricacid | dmsuperman_: trying to save time | 00:31 |
voidmage | weirder too, my load average is 91 | 00:31 |
xepra | anyone a gconf/compiz expert? | 00:32 |
dmsuperman_ | Nitricacid, nothing faster than typing "sudo chmod 0777 -R /var/www" | 00:32 |
Mizfar | Could anyone tell me how I could bridge the eth0 and eth0:1 interfaces I have? | 00:32 |
dmsuperman_ | Nitricacid, (which would accomplish that btw) | 00:32 |
Terabyte | voiici: otherwise, I would pick: (free ip address), and (as the routers ip) | 00:32 |
InGunsWeTrust | How do i make a command run at system startup before the logon screen even comes up? | 00:32 |
Nitricacid | dmsuperman_: that fucks up permissions on my webspace though | 00:32 |
Stephenishere | Hi everyone | 00:32 |
pen | my mplayer can't display chinese subtitle, why? | 00:32 |
voiici | Terabyte: ok, try that. set a static ip and see if it's working | 00:32 |
Terabyte | voiici: using the network manager> | 00:32 |
voiici | Terabyte: see if you can ping your router afterwards | 00:32 |
dmsuperman_ | Nitricacid, so what are you trying to change permissions for then? | 00:33 |
phdmybest | i install ubuntu 8.04 on my 4G flash disk ,but it could not boot,anybody could help? | 00:33 |
bosanac | Hello people have some program for Ubuntu 7.10 like this one ( http://www.ultramixer.com/purchase/res/pics/ss1_pro_gr.jpg ) ? | 00:33 |
Nitricacid | im not trying to change permissions | 00:33 |
Nitricacid | im trying to edit and save files in my webspace | 00:33 |
matt444 | postgresql is not starting up when i start my computer? Why, and how do I fix it? | 00:33 |
xepra | I have a dual monitor setup with two separate instances of X running | 00:33 |
dmsuperman_ | Nitricacid, and you can't edit them as normal user? | 00:33 |
Mizfar | Could anyone tell me how I could bridge the eth0 and eth0:1 interfaces with each other, so computers on both networks can access each other. I would really appreciate the help. | 00:33 |
Nitricacid | no it will not let me save into that directory | 00:33 |
theFATMAN | how can i correct choppy video playback? I use an ATI Radeon HD 2400 XT presently, and I have the drivers installed. I have all the needed codecs, but in either vlc player or mplayer, it goes choppy fullscreen. What gives? | 00:33 |
bosanac | Hello people have some program for Ubuntu 7.10 like this one ( http://www.ultramixer.com/purchase/res/pics/ss1_pro_gr.jpg ) ? | 00:33 |
xepra | everything is great, but I can't modify the number of workspaces on the second screen | 00:33 |
m1r | after upgrade to 8.04 compiz stoped working. using ATI RV250 FireGL9000. any help appriciated. | 00:34 |
dmsuperman_ | Nitricacid, then that _is_ what you need, you need to make the first permission column 7 (which means that local users can read write and execute) | 00:34 |
xepra | the setting seems to be a gconf setting under apps/compiz/general/screen1 | 00:34 |
xepra | but there is no screen1 | 00:34 |
Ganandorf | whats the cost of the program | 00:34 |
Ganandorf | bosanac: | 00:34 |
xepra | and if I copy screen0, it doesn't show up in the gconf editor | 00:34 |
voiici | 8.04 broke a lot of stuff. i think it's the most painful update yet | 00:34 |
xepra | so I guess, how do I add the screen1 key to the gconf editor? | 00:34 |
Nitricacid | dmsuperman_: i dont want other uses to do that though, so don't i want 747 or 707 or something? | 00:34 |
theFATMAN | mlr: did you install the drivers? | 00:34 |
alecwh | !java | 00:34 |
ubottu | To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 00:34 |
bosanac | Ganandorf: dunno sry dude | 00:34 |
dmsuperman_ | Nitricacid, if you want, you can make a launcher that executes "sudo gedit" and that will open a root file editor, but it's more logical and easier to just change permissions to allow your local user to access it | 00:34 |
Terabyte | voiici: no luck | 00:35 |
xepra | ne1? add a key to gconf? | 00:35 |
voiici | Terabyte: doh | 00:35 |
InGunsWeTrust | How do i make a command run at system startup before the logon screen even comes up? I am using xubuntu 8.04 | 00:35 |
dmsuperman_ | Nitricacid, You want something like 755, that will allow you to modify it but others can only read and execute it | 00:35 |
Mizfar | Could anyone tell me how I could bridge the eth0 and eth0:1 interfaces with each other, so computers on both networks can access each other. I would really appreciate the help. | 00:35 |
Nitricacid | 755? | 00:35 |
Nitricacid | ok | 00:35 |
voiici | Terabyte: did you set ip's for both interfaces? | 00:35 |
bpgoldsb | I have a widescreen monitor, is there a way I can trick Gnome/X into treating it like 2 seperate monitors, so I can maximize windows and have them only take one half of the screen? | 00:35 |
theFATMAN | any video experts in the house? | 00:35 |
Terabyte | voiici: yes | 00:35 |
m1r | theFATMAN: it didnt show anything under restricted drivers but modem | 00:35 |
viperserv1 | hello i added a user and she can't use wine in gnome | 00:35 |
Terabyte | voiici: different ones too | 00:35 |
bosanac | people can you help me please | 00:35 |
bosanac | Hello people have some program for Ubuntu 7.10 like this one ( http://www.ultramixer.com/purchase/res/pics/ss1_pro_gr.jpg ) ? | 00:35 |
Terabyte | voiici: Should note DNS list is empty, i don't know if it's supposed to be | 00:36 |
theFATMAN | mlr: you may need to go to the ATI website | 00:36 |
voiici | Terabyte: ok. lets check if networking manager actually set them. do "ifconfig" on the console. that will list your interfaces with their ip's if they got any from networking manager | 00:36 |
Nitricacid | i get an error message | 00:36 |
Nitricacid | The document could not be saved, as it was not possible to write to file:///var/www/learn.php. | 00:36 |
Nitricacid | Check that you have write access to this file or that enough disk space is available. | 00:36 |
theFATMAN | mlr: they have the drivers available | 00:36 |
m1r | theFATMAN: hmm | 00:36 |
m1r | bosanac , jel si ti gluh, djplay ;) | 00:36 |
Ganandorf | bosanac: isn't that like a mixer or something there are windows versions like virtual dj and stuff | 00:36 |
theFATMAN | mlr: do you want me to find the link for you? | 00:37 |
Ganandorf | can't you install one of those using wine | 00:37 |
bosanac | m1r: djplay don't works so good i tryed. | 00:37 |
Ganandorf | just asking though | 00:37 |
m1r | theFATMAN: shouldnt ubuntu upgrade taken care of vga driver also ? | 00:37 |
bosanac | Ganandorf: yes yes can you help me please, cuz the party will starts for 40 mins :S | 00:37 |
Mizfar | Could anyone tell me how I could bridge the eth0 and eth0:1 interfaces with each other, so computers on both networks can access each other. I would really appreciate the help. Is this even possible in 8.04? | 00:37 |
m1r | bosanac , make playlist | 00:37 |
bosanac | m1r: omg i tryed with djplay thats bad program | 00:38 |
theFATMAN | mlr: yes, it did for mine, the AMD 64 bit version, but a friend of mine had the same problem | 00:38 |
majnoon | how come they remove xmms ??? | 00:38 |
Terabyte | voiici: Link encap: ethernet HWaddr 00:1b:fc:09:18:c6 inet addr: Bcast:, Mask inet6 addr: fe80::21b:fcff:fe09:18c6/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTY:1500 Metric:1 RX packets....... all zero...... Interrupt:215 Base address:0xc0000 | 00:38 |
theFATMAN | mlr: http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon.html | 00:38 |
voiici | Mizfar: this is not a trivial thing to explain. you must read. check this link -> http://wiki.openzaurus.org/HowTos/Bridging_with_Ubuntu | 00:38 |
voidmage | never mind, the power cut | 00:38 |
m1r | bosanac: no program is bad if u get it for free to use and imporve | 00:38 |
Terabyte | voiici: similarly for eth1 with .125 as an address | 00:38 |
voidmage | i guess it fixed itself :P | 00:38 |
cdeszaq | how can I search for ".svn" directories within a particular (very large) directory on my hard drive from the command line? | 00:38 |
m1r | theFATMAN: i check , tnx | 00:39 |
theFATMAN | mlr: no p, it was added may 21 | 00:39 |
Ganandorf | bosanac: i am not sure which program does that in linux i am quite new to it | 00:39 |
voiici | Terabyte: ok. please try this now to set the standard gateway: "route add default gw IP.OF.YOUR.ROUTER" | 00:39 |
theFATMAN | mlr: lol, yesterday | 00:39 |
]DreameR[ | can anyone assist with dual monitors? | 00:39 |
Ganandorf | bosanac: but i know of and have window based programs | 00:39 |
bosanac | Ganandorf: pls find 1 for me i really need it :| | 00:40 |
InGunsWeTrust | cdeszaq: do sudo find/ | grep .svn | 00:40 |
m1r | theFATMAN: i would really like to use from ubuntu repos :( | 00:40 |
cdeszaq | InGunsWeTrust: thanks | 00:40 |
InGunsWeTrust | cdeszaq: do sudo find / | grep .svn | 00:40 |
theFATMAN | ]DreameR[: in what way? what graphics card do you have? | 00:40 |
Terabyte | voiici: done | 00:40 |
woli | how do i safely remove a usb? | 00:40 |
InGunsWeTrust | sorry space after find | 00:40 |
fungo | hi, how could i change the default compiz decorator to emerald? | 00:40 |
Ganandorf | bosanac: and some one was telling me that you can install and use them via wine | 00:40 |
voiici | Terabyte: ok, try to ping your router now | 00:40 |
Ganandorf | bosanac: you know how to use wine right | 00:40 |
Terabyte | voiici: destination host unreachable | 00:40 |
theFATMAN | mlr: sudo apt-get ATI [tab key] | 00:40 |
Fredd | Does the ubuntu install disc have a "check if the install media is OK" utility, like redhat used to? | 00:41 |
voiici | Terabyte: uhh ohh. i fear i can't help you any more. no ideas left | 00:41 |
Fredd | or still does, I dnno. Been a while. | 00:41 |
bosanac | Ganandorf: yes yes i have wine. | 00:41 |
Terabyte | voiici: gah! >., | 00:41 |
Mizfar | Fredd: Yes It does.:P | 00:41 |
Ganandorf | bosanac: i can send you the window based programs and you can install them through that i guess | 00:41 |
Ganandorf | its worth a try | 00:41 |
Terabyte | voiici: thanks anyway | 00:41 |
bosanac | brb 2 min | 00:41 |
cypha | how can i clean up my system? | 00:41 |
voiici | Terabyte: maybe set both cards to dhcp and reboot | 00:41 |
]DreameR[ | 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV280 [Radeon 9200 SE] (rev 01) | 00:41 |
]DreameR[ | 01:00.1 Display controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV280 [Radeon 9200 SE] (Secondary) (rev 01) | 00:41 |
Fredd | Mizfar, now are you going to give me more information, or leave me with that | 00:41 |
cypha | make sure there are no extra files or lines in the config? | 00:41 |
voiici | Terabyte: np | 00:41 |
cypha | what're the major files i should look at? | 00:41 |
woli | doesn't anybody know how to safely remove a usb??? then what are you people doing here?? | 00:42 |
DarkLordVenom | how can I make certain mount points available to only certain users? | 00:42 |
cypha | woli, unmount it | 00:42 |
woli | THANK YOU | 00:42 |
theFATMAN | ]DreameR[: did you download the ATI control center? | 00:42 |
cypha | welcome | 00:42 |
woli | how hard its to get a damn answer in here... | 00:42 |
InGunsWeTrust | How do i make a command run at system startup before the logon screen even comes up? I am using xubuntu 8.04 | 00:42 |
]DreameR[ | theFATMAN: no, I don't think so - this is fresh install | 00:42 |
DarkLordVenom | woli: you can type fuser -u <usb mount point> to see if any users are using it | 00:42 |
alecwh | How do I completely remove a program, including config files? | 00:42 |
m1r | ]DreameR[ what is problem ? | 00:42 |
randal | hey what is the skydome in Desktop cube | 00:43 |
theFATMAN | ]DreameR[: then, yes, you need to d/l it bro, trust me | 00:43 |
CuteNess | . | 00:43 |
cypha | alecwh, something like apt-get remove --purge | 00:43 |
]DreameR[ | problem is it's cloned the screens.. regardless of checkbox... | 00:43 |
cypha | but i'm not 100% sure | 00:43 |
]DreameR[ | theFATMAN: what's the filename? | 00:43 |
cypha | that removes the dependencies i think | 00:43 |
Mizfar | Fredd: Well, you just select the Check CD for Defects option on the boot up screen. | 00:43 |
xepra | I have a relatively specific question. I have two monitors on an nvidia card running two separate gnome xsessions with compiz. Everything works great, but I can't change the number of workspaces on the second monitor, both applets change the number on the first monitor. I tried copying the screen0 folder to screen1 in .gconf/apps/compiz/general/, but the gconf editor doesn't pick it up. Is there a way to add keys to gconf? | 00:43 |
Fredd | Mizfar, right, thanks. I don't suppose there's a way to check it once the live-OS has booted? | 00:44 |
cypha | there is one that removes the program, one that removes the program + config, and one that removes the program + config + dependencies | 00:44 |
randal | hey what is the skydome in Desktop cube | 00:44 |
theFATMAN | ]DreameR[ ATI Catalyst Control Center | 00:44 |
Terabyte | just curious http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=387312 should it say forcedeath? or forcedeth | 00:44 |
]DreameR[ | theFATMAN: thanks, I'll go check it out. | 00:44 |
Mizfar | Fredd: I dont know, sorry. :S I am quite new here myself, lol. | 00:44 |
xepra | it allows you to make it look like your cube is in a landscape, like outside | 00:44 |
randal | hey what is the skydome in Desktop cube | 00:44 |
xepra | randal: it allows you to make it look like your cube is in a landscape, like outside | 00:44 |
theFATMAN | ]DreameR{: NO P | 00:44 |
DarkLordVenom | what happens if you do chmod -R 700 on an ntfs file system? | 00:45 |
randal | xepra: there is a box says you can animate | 00:45 |
cypha | how can i clean up my system, to make sure there are no extra files or lines in configs. also, what would be the major configs i should look at? | 00:45 |
xepra | I have a relatively specific question. I have two monitors on an nvidia card running two separate gnome xsessions with compiz. Everything works great, but I can't change the number of workspaces on the second monitor, both applets change the number on the first monitor. I tried copying the screen0 folder to screen1 in .gconf/apps/compiz/general/, but the gconf editor doesn't pick it up. Is there a way to add keys to gconf? | 00:45 |
randal | xepra: can you put like a animation pic?? | 00:45 |
Mizfar | Could anyone tell me how I could bridge the eth0 and eth0:1 interfaces with each other, so computers on both networks can access each other. | 00:45 |
xepra | Haven't messed with it, sorry. Just play with it | 00:45 |
theFATMAN | where are the video playback experts? | 00:45 |
xepra | Mizfar: look up xen documentation - I know it does it | 00:46 |
xepra | there was a great tutorial on that somewhere | 00:46 |
xepra | google like xen networking | 00:46 |
theFATMAN | I have choppy playback when i go FS, no matter what player | 00:46 |
xepra | you don't need xen, just look at the ifconfig stuff | 00:46 |
randal | xepra: ????? what do i serch for skydome animate | 00:46 |
alecwh | How do I install java for frostwire? | 00:46 |
theFATMAN | (.)(.) | 00:46 |
spent | can any one help me im a newbi and i want to instal a driver from a cd | 00:47 |
m1r | theFATMAN: what driver should/need to be installed | 00:47 |
Mizfar | xerpa: Thanks very much. I have tried the ifconfig stuff as far as I can understand, however I seem to break the network everytime I make significant changes. :S | 00:47 |
]DreameR[ | theFATMAN: XFree86 or X.Org version? | 00:47 |
Invisionfree | Someone who is good with Kino please PM me? | 00:47 |
Mizfar | xepra: Thanks very much. I have tried the ifconfig stuff as far as I can understand, however I seem to break the network everytime I make significant changes. :S | 00:47 |
theFATMAN | ]DreameR[: what bit system? | 00:47 |
]DreameR[ | 32 | 00:47 |
theFATMAN | mlr: http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon.html | 00:47 |
]DreameR[ | yeah, am on that page | 00:48 |
xepra | http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?t=4431 | 00:48 |
xepra | looks like it makes clouds move... | 00:48 |
]DreameR[ | http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon-prer200.html | 00:48 |
theFATMAN | ]DreameR[: then, Xorg if you have GNOME | 00:48 |
spent | a wireless usb cd | 00:48 |
]DreameR[ | yeah, gnome... ok | 00:48 |
]DreameR[ | thanks again | 00:48 |
Fredd | My install media is good, but ubuntu quits halfway through and says "Oy, you're CD's bad!" Ideas? | 00:48 |
theFATMAN | ]DreameR[: :)\ | 00:48 |
Fredd | Mizfar, thank you for your help. :{D | 00:49 |
Oli`` | How can I force the removal of a package? I'm trying to get rid of btnx and it just keeps throwing errors in its pre-removal script | 00:49 |
]DreameR[ | 'course, I'll prolly be asking more questions in a moment. ;-) | 00:49 |
theFATMAN | ]DreameR[ LOL | 00:49 |
Templarian | in vista when I map a network drive what do i type to get to samba's drive i forgot what it was i think it had smb in it. | 00:49 |
xepra | Mizfar: hrm, xen may install some special utilities... I don't know | 00:49 |
Invisionfree | Someone who is good with Kino please PM me? | 00:49 |
xepra | ne1? add a key to gconf? | 00:49 |
xepra | I have a relatively specific question. I have two monitors on an nvidia card running two separate gnome xsessions with compiz. Everything works great, but I can't change the number of workspaces on the second monitor, both applets change the number on the first monitor. I tried copying the screen0 folder to screen1 in .gconf/apps/compiz/general/, but the gconf editor doesn't pick it up. Is there a way to add keys to gconf? | 00:50 |
]DreameR[ | hmm. it gave me an rpm.. been a while since I used rpm's | 00:50 |
spent | how do u install a file with ubuntu | 00:51 |
theFATMAN | ]DreameR[ : me too, lol, just a sec | 00:51 |
]DreameR[ | the package manager didn't like it. ;-) | 00:51 |
theFATMAN | ]DreameR[: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/add-applications/C/install-file.html | 00:52 |
]DreameR[ | cool | 00:52 |
mainstreet | ok I still keep getting BusyBox when I try to load Ubunt | 00:52 |
fxr_ | is it possible to configure twin monitors, without using the nvidia restricted drivers? | 00:52 |
mainstreet | Ubuntu* | 00:52 |
spent | can anyone help | 00:53 |
Wyleyrabbit | fxr_: I don't think so. Why do you not want to use Nvidia's drivers? | 00:53 |
Wyleyrabbit | spent: what kind of file do you want to install? | 00:54 |
fxr_ | Wyleyrabbit, i am having an issue getting them working on AMD64, i dont care for the desktop effects just want to config my dual monitors | 00:54 |
Vertelemming | Is there any way to allow Ubuntu to use a full four gigs of memory on 32-bit without having to recompile the kernel? | 00:55 |
fxr_ | i might just try building the NVIDIA drivers from there website.. but ve fiddled with this earlier, and i cant remove the restricted nvida kernel modules as it trys to remove the real time kernel stuff along with it | 00:56 |
spent | Wyleyrabbit: i bought a wireless usb and it has a cd and u can use it with linux i open the cd it says linux i open the folder then i be seeing tar.gz files and other things it has a read me i dont understand it thoe | 00:56 |
crdlb | fxr_: put DISABLED_MODULES=nv in /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common | 00:56 |
blizzardman1219 | hello. i'm trying to configure wpa supplicant to allow me to use my wireless card with an encrypted network. the directions i read tell me to edit the wpa_supplicant.conf file with some information that i've already found, but i can't find the wpa_supplicant.conf file anywhere | 00:56 |
CaptainMorgan | !subversion | 00:56 |
ubottu | subversion is an open source application used for revision control. It is sometimes abbreviated to svn in reference to the name of its command line interface. Look here for a Subversion How To on Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Subversion | 00:56 |
heirrook | fxr_: you can just blacklist the modules you don't want loaded | 00:57 |
fxr_ | ok thanks crdlb , then run that install sh script thing from the NVIDIA site yeah? | 00:57 |
Gauss | MY HEAD IS NOW A GIANT EGG | 00:57 |
bazhang | Gauss, please stop | 00:57 |
fxr_ | ok gotchas thanks heirrook .. ll give this a whirl | 00:58 |
Over2seeu | I need help trying to get my wireless to work on Xubuntu. Can anyone help? | 00:58 |
heirrook | fxr_: sorry, i didn't see where crdlb responded | 00:58 |
]DreameR[ | theFATMAN: I converted the .rpm to a .deb using alien, and when I attempted to install, I got an error... | 00:59 |
fxr_ | its cool.. thanks ppl , i have a plan now : ) | 00:59 |
mbi0 | hellow all | 00:59 |
Fredd | On the following doc page, the link "Navigating.." is broken: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/internet/C/networking-browsenetcomps.html | 00:59 |
mbi0 | im new into linux and was looking for a bit of help :D | 00:59 |
heirrook | Over2seeu: what kind of card | 00:59 |
]DreameR[ | it couldn't overwrite a manfile, it seems | 00:59 |
blizzardman1219 | can anyone help me? i'm trying to configure wpa supplicant to allow me to use my wireless card with an encrypted network. the directions i read tell me to edit the wpa_supplicant.conf file with some information that i've already found, but i can't find the wpa_supplicant.conf file anywhere | 01:00 |
Over2seeu | Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller [10ec:8136] (rev 01) | 01:00 |
mbi0 | lol any one can help me on how to make to work a wireless card of an averatec 2300 ?? | 01:00 |
heirrook | Over2seeu: that is not a wireless card | 01:00 |
mbi0 | any link will be great | 01:00 |
Over2seeu | ok. how do I find what it is then? | 01:01 |
blizzardman1219 | mbi0: i've successfully configured two wireless cards so i might be able to help. i'm fairly new myself though | 01:01 |
mbi0 | lol | 01:01 |
DarkLordVenom | how can i list ONLY hidden files with ls? | 01:01 |
scifiguy951 | is there a way to make my pc faster? i use an audio program that uses a lot of mem and its slow somtimes is there a way to fix this? it is a program run from wine. | 01:02 |
heirrook | over2seeu: what kind of laptop is it? it looks like you must have used lspci already | 01:02 |
mbi0 | blizzardman: it will be great if u could help me with this one | 01:02 |
mbi0 | i think its just a driver problem or something like that | 01:02 |
mainstreet | is there anything special I should do when using the Alternate Install CD? | 01:02 |
Over2seeu | Toshiba Satelite A215 | 01:02 |
fiz | i just installed ubuntu 8.04 when i move my mouse over another window the one im focused on fades away its very annoying where would i turn that off? | 01:02 |
blizzardman1219 | mbi0: you have the ndiswrapper installed right? | 01:02 |
mainstreet | I have already tried the main Install CD and it failed | 01:03 |
mainstreet | so don't want to screw this up | 01:03 |
fiz | failed how? | 01:03 |
heirrook | over2seeu: use lshw | 01:03 |
hantu | hello, nautilus-share doesn't seem to modify smb.conf (i thought it was supposed to - to enable smb share) - i tried using the share gui to share files, doesn't work. my previous smb setup from gutsy works fine | 01:03 |
scifiguy951 | is there a way to make my pc faster? i use an audio program that uses a lot of mem and its slow somtimes is there a way to fix this? it is a program run from wine. | 01:03 |
mbi0 | nop lol i havent even installed ubuntu in my system was waiting for some tutorial so i can find a way of using ubuntu with my laptop and to be avaible to use the wireless carf | 01:03 |
mainstreet | fiz: It doesn't work | 01:03 |
mbi0 | cause it just wont work :S | 01:03 |
scifiguy951 | ? | 01:03 |
fiz | i had to turn off all power management to make it so i could boot the new ubuntu | 01:03 |
heirrook | over2seeu: it might be atheros card | 01:03 |
rustynails | Lanlost are you still here? | 01:03 |
mbi0 | but if u can tell me how to do it i may be able to work it by my self :D | 01:04 |
mainstreet | fiz: Yeah, I turned power-save off | 01:04 |
fiz | all the power stuff in the bios i had to turn off | 01:04 |
mainstreet | fiz: but I still keep getting BusyBox loading, not actual Ubuntu | 01:04 |
scifiguy951 | ? | 01:04 |
* mainstreet blinks | 01:04 | |
]DreameR[ | I has fail | 01:04 |
mainstreet | Uh this is a USB drive it's gogin to | 01:04 |
mainstreet | going* | 01:04 |
blizzardman1219 | mbi0: ndiswrapper is a program that will convert windows drivers into linux drivers. what you will need is the drivers for your wireless card. the ndiswrapper can be found here: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/n/ndiswrapper/ | 01:04 |
theFATMAN | ]DreameR[: srry bro, just a sec | 01:04 |
]DreameR[ | theFATMAN: I'm dl'ing the big install file they have on the page | 01:05 |
theFATMAN | ]Dreamer[: hey, run the hardware test | 01:05 |
mbi0 | i need the drivers of windows | 01:05 |
]DreameR[ | tell me about the hardware test | 01:05 |
]DreameR[ | the thing that submits to some webservice? | 01:05 |
blizzardman1219 | mbi0: you will need a utils package, and a common package. i believe you install the common package first. this can be done using the GUI by putting the ndiswrapper in the home folder, right clicking on it, and saying install | 01:05 |
spent | can any one help me | 01:06 |
blizzardman1219 | mbi0: did you try the manufacturers website for the drivers? | 01:06 |
Over2seeu | heirrook: where would I find that in my terminal? | 01:06 |
theFATMAN | ]DreameR[ scan your hardware | 01:06 |
mbi0 | yeah lol they just have for xp and vista | 01:06 |
mbi0 | and the real thing its i h8 both lol | 01:06 |
theFATMAN | for drivers | 01:06 |
m1r | after upgrade to ubuntu 8.04 , compiz stoped working on ATI RV250 FireGL9000. any tips on how to get it runing again ? | 01:06 |
]DreameR[ | theFATMAN: :-) let's pretend this is my first day using Ubuntu... | 01:06 |
blizzardman1219 | mbi0: the xp drivers will work fine | 01:06 |
rustynails | I finally got COMPIZ to work... thanks to who ever linked those mesa drivers that did the trick!! | 01:06 |
heirrook | over2seeu: do you mean is that where you type the command? | 01:06 |
]DreameR[ | theFATMAN: where would I go to scan it? | 01:06 |
theFATMAN | ]DreameR[: just a sec | 01:06 |
]DreameR[ | theFATMAN: np | 01:07 |
mbi0 | ok i will use an app for making my drivers into .zip o rar | 01:07 |
mbi0 | and then install linux | 01:07 |
mbi0 | unzip em | 01:07 |
Over2seeu | heirrook: that is where I typed it then a bunch of info. came up. | 01:07 |
mbi0 | and use ndiswrapper | 01:07 |
fxr_ | hi i am trying to build the nvidia modules from the script on the NVIDIA website but it fails saying 'unable to find kernel source tree' what do i need to install? ve already installed build essential | 01:07 |
mbi0 | its that ok ?. | 01:07 |
theFATMAN | ]Dreame[: run your update manager | 01:07 |
blizzardman1219 | mbi0: what you will need to do is find the .inf file, and all the .bin and .sys files when you download the drivers. put them all in a folder and use the command sudo ndiswrapper -i filenamehere.inf | 01:08 |
heirrook | over2seeu: if you didn't use lspci before that will be easier to browse through | 01:08 |
Steve413z | mbi0, what kind of card is it? | 01:08 |
heirrook | over2seeu: do lspci | grep network | 01:08 |
]DreameR[ | theFATMAN: OK - I did this 4 hours ago | 01:08 |
cypha | can i show someone my terminal history and they tell me if i have any junk on my computer still? | 01:08 |
Over2seeu | heirrook: ok | 01:08 |
cypha | preferably someone with experience? | 01:09 |
tanlaan | Hello everyone, I am having troubles with "suspending" my laptop. Basically when I put it to sleep it just creates a black screen upon opening and I have to force it to shut off and restart | 01:09 |
mbi0 | ok and that should make it work right ? | 01:09 |
]DreameR[ | theFATMAN: it says I'm up to date. | 01:09 |
Steve413z | tanlaan, what version of ubuntu are you running? | 01:09 |
theFATMAN | ]DreameR[: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2007/03/28/ati-driver-released-with-new-control-center/ | 01:09 |
tanlaan | 8.04 | 01:09 |
blizzardman1219 | mbi0: you will have to put the .inf, .sys, and .bin folders into a folder in the home directory. then you will type cd nameoffolder in the terminal. finally in the terminal put sudo ndiswrapper -i nameofinffile.inf | 01:10 |
Steve413z | oh, cause i used to have that problem | 01:10 |
Steve413z | but 8.04 fixed it | 01:10 |
tanlaan | Steve413z: 8.04 on a Compaq Presario f572us | 01:10 |
Steve413z | do you have ATI graphics card? | 01:10 |
remu | hey guys, I have a question, I have wine running virtuatennis3, it used to run fine, now it starts to run, but then fades away and does not run...I have no clue what to do, I checked the appdb at wine, and theres no issues that show up there | 01:10 |
tanlaan | Steve413z: nvidia | 01:10 |
blizzardman1219 | mbi0: to ensure that it worked you can use the command ndiswrapper -l and it should say something about the driver being active | 01:10 |
Steve413z | tanlaan, i donno then, sorry | 01:11 |
tanlaan | Steve413z: thanks for trying | 01:11 |
mbi0 | ok will do all of this steps and hope it all works :D | 01:11 |
=== hiphophippo is now known as hiphophippotamus | ||
Steve413z | tanlaan, Google and ubuntuforums.org are your friend probably | 01:12 |
Over2seeu | heirrook: It did nothing in my terminal | 01:12 |
mbi0 | i will continue to install ubuntu right now :D | 01:12 |
Steve413z | tanlaan, you are running the official nvidia drivers right? | 01:12 |
blizzardman1219 | mbi0: good luck | 01:12 |
mbi0 | thanks blizzard | 01:12 |
mbi0 | hope it works | 01:12 |
mbi0 | :D | 01:12 |
]DreameR[ | theFATMAN: reading.. I just noticed I don't have a "Systems Tools" submenu... | 01:12 |
mbi0 | and thanks for ur help and time :D | 01:12 |
m1r | after upgrade to ubuntu 8.04 , compiz stoped working on ATI RV250 FireGL9000. any tips on how to get it runing again ? | 01:13 |
heirrook | over2seeu: alright do the lspci and just look for something like broadcom or atheros or maybe rtl8187b | 01:13 |
theFATMAN | ]DreameR[: right- click the app drawer and edit it, then add it | 01:13 |
Over2seeu | ok | 01:13 |
Broadcom | heirrook: you have the link for broadcoms? i can give it to you if you don't. | 01:13 |
mainstreet | ok how is this text-based installer supposed to work? Anything special I need to do for a FreeAgent drive? | 01:14 |
Steve413z | Broadcom, did you have a problem with broadcom after the 8.04 upgrade? | 01:14 |
heirrook | Broadcom: sorry? i am just trying to help find out what card he has, thanks though | 01:14 |
]DreameR[ | theFATMAN: ok, this is going to sound odd... I do that, click on System tools, it stays checked for 1 second, then clears itself | 01:15 |
Broadcom | Steve413z: you have no idea | 01:15 |
tyler_2 | how do you list the total size of a dir? | 01:15 |
theFATMAN | ]DreameR[: here, this should really help you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=751638 | 01:15 |
Over2seeu | heirrook: would this be it?: RTL8101E | 01:15 |
Broadcom | heirrook: if he has a braodcom, do you know what link to give him? | 01:15 |
Ganandorf | bosanac still here | 01:15 |
Lanlost_ | Ok, the problem is completely solved. | 01:15 |
]DreameR[ | reading... | 01:16 |
err404 | what does the following mean exactly? or how do i fix it? i'm trying to debootstrap hardy. "sudo debootstrap hardy ${WORK}/rootfs" results in "/usr/sbin/debootstrap: 356: cannot create /tmp/work/rootfs/test-dev-null: Permission denied" & "E: Cannot install into target '/tmp/work/rootfs' mounted with noexec or nodev" | 01:16 |
Over2seeu | RTL8101E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller | 01:16 |
i_own_the_circle | i didnt like the open office is it possible to download or install any other package ? | 01:16 |
Broadcom | Over2seeu: that is not it | 01:16 |
Broadcom | i_own_the_circle: look into abiword | 01:16 |
Lanlost_ | My program was originally: After install, compiz works completely fine, and glxgears works.. so obviously OpenGL works. The problem was http://home.columbus.rr.com/lanlost/glxgears.png. Why is it doing this? Well I might as well check what driver I am using so I can try an alternate. | 01:16 |
Over2seeu | heirrook: I understand that. there is nothing else here about it. | 01:17 |
i_own_the_circle | Broadcom, does it have the good features in it | 01:17 |
heirrook | over2seeu: no......... that is still the ethernet controller | 01:17 |
Lanlost_ | But how do I check what driver I am using? Check xorg.conf? It's autoconfigured so it doesn't have that information in it. dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg? Nope, it doesn't ask about video anymore and creates the same file. | 01:17 |
kumarphilly | anyone here have an offical ubuntu CD that they can send out? | 01:17 |
Broadcom | i_own_the_circle: i like openoffice better, what do you not like about it? | 01:17 |
Broadcom | kumarphilly: they will send one to you | 01:17 |
randal | how do you use screen savers | 01:17 |
Lanlost_ | I figured it out. Don't lspci or lsmod. They can tell you what card you are using, but not the driver. I wanted to know the driver so I could switch back. | 01:17 |
randal | how do you use screen savers | 01:17 |
Broadcom | !sreensaver | 01:18 |
ubottu | Factoid sreensaver not found | 01:18 |
=== flavio is now known as flllllllaaaaa | ||
kumarphilly | Broadcom, doesnt it take like forever for them to arrive? | 01:18 |
Lanlost_ | So here in the answer I was trying to get in here.. | 01:18 |
flllllllaaaaa | i cant find where i choose a monitor in ubuntu? | 01:18 |
Broadcom | kumarphilly: im not sure, it should say on the site | 01:18 |
kumarphilly | yah i hear 6 weeks from some | 01:18 |
randal | how do you use screen savers | 01:18 |
heirrook | over2seeu: is the wireless internal or is it pcmcia or usb or something else? | 01:18 |
Lanlost_ | If you want to figure out what driver you are using, regardless if your xorg.conf lists it or if it's autoconfigured or what not.. It is important to know, that way if you have the driver in xorg.conf you can stll check to see what is loaded. | 01:18 |
i_own_the_circle | Broadcom, basically problem having presenting the documents properly especially you cannot do the number 1.1 and 1.1.1 like that kind of things | 01:18 |
Broadcom | !shipit > kumarphilly: read private messege from ubottu | 01:19 |
Lanlost_ | It is grep LoadModule /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 01:19 |
Ganandorf | yeah i want to know how to get screen savers also | 01:19 |
Over2seeu | internal | 01:19 |
randal | how do you use screen savers | 01:19 |
Lanlost_ | You will see LoadModule "ati" or what not.. That's the answer. Voila. | 01:19 |
bazhang | !repeat | randal | 01:19 |
ubottu | randal: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 01:19 |
Broadcom | i_own_the_circle: yes you can, hold on a i can tell you how | 01:19 |
flllllllaaaaa | where do i change my monitor settings? other than xorg.conf ... | 01:19 |
daveosx | flllllaaaa System>Preferences>Screensaver from the top menus | 01:19 |
heirrook | over2seeu: did you scan the lshw and couldn't find a wireless either? | 01:19 |
randal | how do you use screen savers | 01:19 |
Steve413z | randal, system>preferences>screensaver | 01:19 |
kumarphilly | !shipit | 01:19 |
ubottu | shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will send Hardy (8.04) CDs | 01:19 |
Lanlost_ | Randal, What do you mean how? You can go to the system then preferences and then screen saver. | 01:19 |
i_own_the_circle | Broadcom, ok thanks | 01:20 |
daveosx | Anyone here a network guru> | 01:20 |
randal | Steve413z: IM an IDIOT I CANT BELEAVE I MIID THAT | 01:20 |
Broadcom | !anyone | daveosx | 01:20 |
ubottu | daveosx: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 01:20 |
randal | Steve413z: missed* | 01:20 |
flllllllaaaaa | im stuck at 640x480.. where can i change my monitor? (NOT RESOLUTION..) | 01:20 |
Over2seeu | that is where I got it from the first time | 01:20 |
Steve413z | randal, oh well | 01:20 |
Steve413z | randal, i think they changed the location | 01:20 |
Broadcom | i_own_the_circle: go to format, bullets and numbering, outline, and you will see it ther | 01:20 |
daveosx | On a dual network MB Ubuntu 7.10 I get a pulsation in the system monitir | 01:21 |
randal | Steve413z: how do i install new ones | 01:21 |
Steve413z | flllllllaaaaa, system>preferences>screen resolution, if you can't make it bigger, you need to install the right graphics drivers | 01:21 |
Steve413z | randal, hold on... theres a package with a bunch of them, lemme find it, i forget what it's called | 01:22 |
daveosx | The pulsation is constant and reaches full bandwidth then plummets to ) about once a second throughput is half what is calculated | 01:22 |
randal | Steve413z: i got one that i want to use i downloaded it how do i use it | 01:22 |
Steve413z | randal, which screensaver, provide URL | 01:22 |
daveosx | what could cause the pulsation? | 01:23 |
yupperz | :) | 01:23 |
ksoviero | what is the offtopic ubuntu chat named? | 01:23 |
bazhang | !ot | 01:23 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 01:23 |
=== usb007 is now known as Segnale007 | ||
Steve413z | randal, the packages: xscreensaver-data-extra and xscreensaver-gl-extra provide tons of screensavers, it might already be in there | 01:23 |
randal | Steve413z: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/KCometen3?content=30313 | 01:23 |
ksoviero | thanks | 01:23 |
=== theaber_ is now known as theaber | ||
=== Segnale007 is now known as usb007 | ||
i_own_the_circle | Broadcom, no even i choose that one from there when i enter something and press enter it starts the new number again instead of going to 2.1 | 01:24 |
MaximLevitsky | Why ubuntu doesn't install on my ACER 7200G | 01:24 |
=== stephen_ is now known as stephenishere | ||
tyler_2 | my sound will not play, using 7.10: upon startup the welcome sound comes on, after that nothing, I have attempted to switch a few things within the sound Preferences, could someone walk me through this please? | 01:24 |
jaminko | my resolution is 1440 x 900 but i since i installed the ati drivers i can't change the refresh rate from 60 | 01:24 |
=== usb007 is now known as Segnale007 | ||
=== stephen_ is now known as stephenishere | ||
flllllllaaaaa | where can i change my monitor? i cant change my resolution because its "UNKNOWN" | 01:24 |
spent | can anyy one help me | 01:24 |
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky | ||
Broadcom | i_own_the_circle: hit tab | 01:25 |
MaximLevitsky | According to /sys, it can't find the CD | 01:25 |
=== stephenishere is now known as Stephenishere | ||
randal | Steve413z: HOW DO I USETHE ONE I DOWNLOAD | 01:25 |
SykeZa | !users | 01:25 |
ubottu | To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo | 01:25 |
=== Gaint_Sura is now known as GaintSura | ||
i_own_the_circle | Broadcom, thank you that wasnt that hard damn anyway thanks again | 01:25 |
bazhang | randal, that is a very old version, and for KDE | 01:25 |
Pici | !away > stephen_ (Please see the private messsage from ubottu) | 01:25 |
MaximLevitsky | ACER 5720G | 01:25 |
SeaPhor | spent, help you with what? plz be specific, or no one will answer | 01:25 |
Steve413z | randal, hold on | 01:26 |
Broadcom | i_own_the_circle: your welcome. | 01:26 |
flllllllaaaaa | where can i change my monitor? i cant change my resolution because its "UNKNOWN" | 01:26 |
daveosx | what might cause a network pulsation ? | 01:26 |
jakob | hi, how do I change the permissions of a directory (subdirecteries and files INCLUSIVE) with nautilus. | 01:26 |
Lanlost_ | Or right click on your desktop, | 01:26 |
Lanlost_ | Or right click on your desktop, | 01:26 |
MaximLevitsky | I tried to run gutsy live cd on that system, but it doesn't work, and it looks like it doesn't find the cd | 01:26 |
randal | Steve413z: how do i download the wones you were saying the package give me the exact code to type | 01:26 |
Broadcom | MaximLevitsky: what computer? | 01:26 |
bazhang | MaximLevitsky, try the alt cd | 01:27 |
MaximLevitsky | the ahci driver reports only about the harddisk | 01:27 |
Steve413z | randal, http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~pmueller/files/dapper/kcometen3_1.1-1_i386.deb download that file | 01:27 |
Steve413z | and just install the package | 01:27 |
usb007 | hello ... someone can help me with xubuntu and aircrack-ng? | 01:27 |
spent | SeaPhor: i bout a wireless usb and it brought a cd that i need to insatll the driver it says u can install it on linux | 01:27 |
MaximLevitsky | bazhang, ACER 5720G | 01:27 |
GaintSura | usb007: I'd suggest checking out #remote-exploit they'd probably be able to help you with aircrack, I got a lot of help from them | 01:27 |
randal | Steve413z: i allready have that file | 01:27 |
heirrook | over2seeu: well if you can't find the type of wireless card you have I don't know what to tell you. maybe the radio button is off? | 01:28 |
MaximLevitsky | It seems to qute linux friendly | 01:28 |
bazhang | !alternate | MaximLevitsky | 01:28 |
randal | Steve413z: now how do i install it | 01:28 |
ubottu | MaximLevitsky: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent | 01:28 |
sarthor | i have install gyachi from tar.gz .... how to remove that now.. apt-get -y remove not working. | 01:28 |
usb007 | ok man | 01:28 |
usb007 | ty | 01:28 |
usb007 | Ill trry | 01:28 |
bazhang | randal, he told you ; click on it | 01:28 |
Over2seeu | heirrook: I scaned it and don't see one anywhere | 01:28 |
heirrook | over2seeu: do you have a slider to enable the wireless | 01:28 |
Broadcom | heirrook: it is probobly connected via usb internally. i have seen it on this channel before | 01:28 |
silvertip257 | I'm trying to hook up FreeNX (remote desktop software) server on my linux box, but I'm unable to view the primary display (display=:0)...suggestions? | 01:28 |
Lanlost | Test.. | 01:28 |
Steve413z | randal, double click on it and it should have a GUI to install it | 01:28 |
Over2seeu | heirrook: yes | 01:28 |
randal | bazhang: i allready did that installing doesent work | 01:28 |
MaximLevitsky | bazhang, I know, and why should alternate cd find the cd drive? | 01:28 |
Broadcom | Lanlost: it works | 01:28 |
SeaPhor | spent, when did you buy it? what chipset does it have? is this for a laptop or desktop? | 01:28 |
heirrook | Broadcom: really? thank you | 01:29 |
bazhang | randal, then it is too old | 01:29 |
Lanlost | Ok, wtf. My xchat dissapeared, the program was still running because if I right clicked it on the gnome bar and clicked close it told me I was connected and asked me if I wanted to quit anyway | 01:29 |
randal | Steve413z: i allready installed it but it doesent go in the screensaver place to use it | 01:29 |
randal | bazhang: ok | 01:29 |
heirrook | over2seeu: did you see that? do lsusb | 01:29 |
Lanlost | but I couldn't see the window.. I tried moving it to another desktop.. I tried minimizing it, maximizing it.. sending it to tray, nothign worked. | 01:29 |
Lanlost | Anyone ever had this happen with a program? | 01:29 |
randal | Steve413z: how do i download that package you were talking about | 01:29 |
Broadcom | heirrook: it is not easy to figure out, google the laptop and see if you can find out what the wireless card is | 01:29 |
Steve413z | randal, it might be for KDE only then | 01:29 |
sarthor | i have install gyachi from tar.gz .... how to remove that now.. apt-get -y remove not working. | 01:29 |
spent | SeaPhor: its for both i installed it on my vista n i just bought it i got the read me i just dont get them | 01:29 |
jaminko | my resolution is 1440 x 900 but i since i installed the ati drivers i can't change the refresh rate from 60 | 01:29 |
bazhang | sarthor, did you checkinstall? | 01:30 |
randal | Steve413z: xscreensaver-data-extra and xscreensaver-gl-extr | 01:30 |
jaminko | anyone know how to make it 75 | 01:30 |
randal | Steve413z: how do i install that | 01:30 |
james__ | hello | 01:30 |
Broadcom | !hi | 01:30 |
randal | Steve413z: xscreensaver-data-extra and xscreensaver-gl-extr | 01:30 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 01:30 |
Lanlost | broadcom: what works? | 01:30 |
Steve413z | randal, "sudo apt-get install xscreensaver-data-extra xscreensaver-gl-extra" will provide you with a ton of screensavers | 01:30 |
james__ | are there any wi-fi ninjas here? | 01:30 |
Broadcom | Lanlost: your test | 01:30 |
sarthor | bazhang, i can run gyachi.. it means its install .. but how to remove and reinstall it.. i dont know. | 01:30 |
m1r | after upgrade to ubuntu 8.04 , compiz stoped working on ATI RV250 FireGL9000. any tips on how to get it runing again ? | 01:30 |
Broadcom | james__: just ask a question | 01:30 |
bazhang | sarthor, check the read me file that came with it | 01:30 |
mateusz_g | hooray | 01:31 |
=== tolecnal_ is now known as tolecnal | ||
james__ | Does anyone know how to make LEAP work with the iwl4965 from intel? | 01:31 |
MaximLevitsky | bazhang, besides, I don't yet want to install linux there, since that thing has windows, and doesn't have a install disk. I mostly do not use windows, but I still paid for it, so I don't want to destroy it (I know about dual-boot, etc, but first I want to runn live disk to see the whole system carefully, see for example which partition is recovery partition | 01:31 |
Lanlost | Broadcom: You mean the driver thing? grep LoadModule /var/log/Xorg.0.log? | 01:31 |
randal | Steve413z: installing thz | 01:31 |
SeaPhor | spent, take it back get your money back order the one that works out of the box from here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsAirlink101 | 01:31 |
Lanlost | Oh.. "test" to see if I was here. | 01:31 |
Lanlost | Hah, sorry. | 01:31 |
sarthor | bazhang, i deleted that ....... mistaken | 01:32 |
Broadcom | Lanlost: you said test, i assume you meant the channel | 01:32 |
VSpike | Just installed 8.04 server and i'm bitten by this problem https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/151942 https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/23343 | 01:32 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 151942 in linux-source-2.6.22 "PANIC: CPU too old for this kernel" [High,Invalid] | 01:32 |
Steve413z | randal, unfortunately the screen saver you were trying to install was for KDE only :-( | 01:32 |
james__ | I have an open network using 802.11x authentication and unable to connect | 01:32 |
randal | Steve413z: what is kde | 01:32 |
bazhang | sarthor, then get it back | 01:32 |
Steve413z | randal, if you get kubuntu it would work, but that would involve moving over to KDE | 01:32 |
Lanlost | Right.. I couldn't see anyone typing and I couldn't join any other channel. xchat has been doing this, I just all of a suddon seem to lose connection but only in xchat, no matter what server | 01:32 |
sarthor | bazhang, i dont remeber that from where i downloaded that. | 01:32 |
randal | Steve413z: is ubuntu beter | 01:32 |
Steve413z | randal, ubuntu uses "GNOME" window manager, kubuntu uses "KDE", they are the two most common window managers | 01:33 |
pteague | anybody know where i should look for info on a linksys WPC53GX pcmcia card? it wasn't detected when my friend installed ubuntu & i've been doing a couple google searches & haven't found much... i'm guessing ndiswrapper? | 01:33 |
MaximLevitsky | bazhang,btw the vista it has sucks, that for sure | 01:33 |
Lanlost | all of a suddon like 3 minutes worth of messages appeared on the screen. Must have been been lot of packet loss or something. | 01:33 |
bazhang | !best | randal | 01:33 |
Broadcom | james__: run lspci and put the return in patebin | 01:33 |
ubottu | randal: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 01:33 |
Lanlost | Anyway, I gotta go ... sorry for being the person who never shuts up. | 01:33 |
]DreameR[ | I wonder if kunbuntu would have the dual monitor issue | 01:33 |
james__ | Broadcom, you mean pastebin? | 01:33 |
spent | SeaPhor i have to insatall the driver its telling me how i just dont know how to do it | 01:33 |
Broadcom | pteague: do lspci and put the return in pastebin | 01:33 |
Broadcom | james__: yes | 01:33 |
VSpike | How can I install the generic kernel? | 01:33 |
Arrick | hey all, how do I change my desktop machine so that when it boots it boots to terminal and not the gui of ubuntu-desktop? | 01:33 |
Lanlost | Arrick, hold on. I used to do this | 01:33 |
pteague | Broadcom: k, hold on... let me call him | 01:34 |
]DreameR[ | runlevel | 01:34 |
Lanlost | You want it so it goes to the console and you have to type startx instead of doing it by default right? | 01:34 |
Steve413z | pteague, hold on, might be able to help you... | 01:34 |
ari_stress | morning all | 01:34 |
Broadcom | pteague: oh, your not at the computer | 01:34 |
randal | Steve413z: these screen saver suck they look like they were made in the 90s technology | 01:34 |
Broadcom | ari_stress: its 8:43 pm where i am | 01:34 |
Arrick | yes Lanlost | 01:34 |
jaminko | i installed the ati driver and now i can't change my refresh rate is there a way to force it? | 01:34 |
james__ | Broadcom, http://pastebin.org/37883 | 01:34 |
bazhang | randal, please chat in #ubuntu-offtopic thanks | 01:34 |
Over2seeu | heirrook: ok and? what am I looking for? | 01:34 |
justdave | Arrick: sudo update-rc.d --force gdm delete | 01:35 |
Steve413z | randal, well write your own screensaver | 01:35 |
p1t2f0id3 | Guys...and gals, I am struggling with a NOVATEL U727 evdo (usb) card, can somebody give me some pointers ? | 01:35 |
Steve413z | randal, I recommend just using blank screen, and have your monitor turn off | 01:35 |
VSpike | I tried booting the rescue option and selecting a terminal on the root parition, but when I do sudo apt-get intall linux-generic it breaks with a whole slew of dependancy errors | 01:35 |
Lanlost | Arrick, ok here | 01:35 |
randal | Steve413z: i like the one on gnome-look but i dont know what type i should download | 01:35 |
justdave | that won't nuke gdm, it'll just get rid of the startup item that launches it | 01:35 |
heirrook | over2seeu: what kind of laptop is is again? | 01:35 |
Arrick | unknown option justdave | 01:35 |
Over2seeu | Toshiba Satelite A215 | 01:35 |
spent | SeaPhor: i have a rtl8187 chipset. | 01:36 |
justdave | er, maybe it's remove instead of delete | 01:36 |
lolo2 | does anyone know how to install ffmpeg-devel in hardy? | 01:36 |
GaintSura | Over2seeu: have you had any problems with your system randomly shutting down? I've got the same model laptop | 01:36 |
Arrick | that command worked justdave testing it now | 01:36 |
justdave | yep, it's remove | 01:36 |
heirrook | over2seeu: do you have rtl8187 by chance? | 01:36 |
Steve413z | pteague, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=803986 this worked for me with the WPC54G | 01:36 |
Lynet | lolo2: sudo apt-get install? | 01:36 |
Arrick | Lanlost justdave beat you to it, thanks though | 01:36 |
Broadcom | james_ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=396204 | 01:36 |
justdave | you can still do sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start if you really want it later | 01:36 |
lolo2 | lynet: not in there | 01:36 |
heirrook | over2seeu: do a pastebin of the lsusb and lshw | 01:37 |
paulcross | which package can edit .swf files? | 01:37 |
darrend | VSpike: you sure it's not already installed and you just booted to the wrong kernel? | 01:37 |
VSpike | darrend: no only server kernel installed | 01:37 |
Over2seeu | heirrook: how do you do pastebin? | 01:37 |
Broadcom | Over2seeu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=396204 works on a A205... maybe yours | 01:37 |
Over2seeu | lol | 01:37 |
Broadcom | !paste | Over2seeu | 01:37 |
ubottu | Over2seeu: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 01:37 |
GOTFrogqc | Hi I have a DFI NF4 SLI-DR mobo, I was wondering if there was a way to get the intergrated sound to work with other than my headphone jack | 01:37 |
nickellery | what is the repository link you use so that you don't have to insert a CD for some applications? | 01:37 |
Lynet | lolo2: Whow, you're right. I wonder why it isn't in the repos. | 01:37 |
m1r | ATI help needed !after upgrade to ubuntu 8.04 , compiz stoped working on ATI RV250 FireGL9000. any tips on how to get it runing again ? | 01:37 |
Lanlost | Arrick, voila -> http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/prevent-xorg-from-starting-in-ubuntu/ | 01:38 |
lolo2 | is ffmpeg-devel included in another package? | 01:38 |
]DreameR[ | oh.. cool.. just did a window M | 01:38 |
darrend | VSpike: standard server install? | 01:38 |
Broadcom | nickellery: go to software sources and enable universe | 01:38 |
barbuj | hello everyone | 01:38 |
VSpike | darrend: it was the last rc cd but yeah otherwise | 01:38 |
Broadcom | !hi | barbuj | 01:38 |
ubottu | barbuj: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 01:38 |
Lanlost | bazhang.. why the hell didn't you tell me there was a #ubuntu-offtopic?! =P | 01:38 |
nickellery | Broadcom, ah, easier than I though! Thanks | 01:38 |
barbuj | i need some help with sed and/or awk, can anybody help? | 01:39 |
Broadcom | nickellery: your welcome | 01:39 |
darrend | VSpike: what does /boot/grub/menu.lst look like? | 01:39 |
Gaint_Sura | Over2seeu: figures... I say something about my system randomly shutting down, and whats it do..? shuts down | 01:39 |
Broadcom | Lanlost: its only in the welcome messege | 01:39 |
Lynet | lolo2: Hmm.. Seems it has been split up into component -dev packages. (libavcodec-dev, libavformat-dev, etc). | 01:39 |
Broadcom | barbuj: just ask | 01:39 |
Lanlost | Really?.. I don't see a welcome message when I join. | 01:39 |
barbuj | i have a file with multiple records of this format: user,group | 01:39 |
ariqs | could someone please make this source a package for me? http://www.sfu.ca/~cth/ltmodem/ltmodem-8.26a.tar.gz | 01:39 |
Lanlost | I guess xchat has it off my default or something. | 01:39 |
Broadcom | Lanlost Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Important, please type /msg ubottu etiquette | Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Install Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download | May 13: OpenSSL/SSH Vulnerability see: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-2 | 01:39 |
barbuj | i need to combine all the records for the same user into ONE line of the form: user,group1,group2,group3 etc | 01:39 |
heirrook | Gaint_Sura: do you clean it ever? install a temp monitor and see what temp it is before it shutsdown | 01:39 |
m1r | after upgrade to 8.04 desktop effects couldnt be enabled. any help appriciated! | 01:39 |
barbuj | obviously, the number of records per user can vary.... | 01:40 |
Broadcom | Lanlost: oh hey, it is not in there, sorry | 01:40 |
Gaint_Sura | heirrook: it usually runs at 130F, and when it shuts down, theres no indication of a temp rise | 01:40 |
lolo2 | lynet: ok i was thinkin that... its just them 2 right avcodec and avformat? | 01:40 |
=== Gaint_Sura is now known as GaintSura | ||
ariqs | could someone please make this source a package for me? http://www.sfu.ca/~cth/ltmodem/ltmodem-8.26a.tar.gz for 2.6.24-16 | 01:40 |
heirrook | Gaint_Sura: have you checked your ram? | 01:40 |
Over2seeu | heirook: mine use to shut down randomly. but it hasn't for a while now | 01:40 |
jrib | !packaging > ariqs (read the private message from ubottu) | 01:41 |
Dillizar | I have problems with my monitor and the resolution ??? | 01:41 |
GaintSura | heirrook: it is practically new. | 01:41 |
GaintSura | Over2seeu: what did you do to fix that? | 01:41 |
Lynet | lolo2: Plus libavutil-dev, postproc and swscale as far as I can find. | 01:41 |
Lynet | lolo2: What you compiling? vlc? | 01:41 |
heirrook | GaintSura: it doesn't matter if it is new. use memtest just to make sure | 01:41 |
ariqs | jrib: I can't do it because those are the modem drivers I need to connect to the net to get the source files i need to compile it, which is why I'm asking someone else to make it a package fo rme, jrib | 01:42 |
darkomen | hi | 01:42 |
lolo2 | lynet: im installing stepmaina from source | 01:42 |
Over2seeu | GiantSura: nothin' really. just disabled a bunch of the programs that I didn't use and ran a 4gb sd card in the front of my computer. | 01:42 |
Broadcom | !hi | darkomen | 01:42 |
ubottu | darkomen: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 01:42 |
lolo2 | lynet: this is for the videos to play in the background | 01:42 |
pteague | Steve413z: k, thanks, i'll look & see if i can walk him through | 01:42 |
jrib | ariqs: ubottu's message tells you how to properly request a package | 01:42 |
GaintSura | Over2seeu: REALLLL descriptive... ^_^ | 01:43 |
VSpike | darrend: /boot is not mounted at the moment | 01:43 |
Steve413z | pteague, np | 01:43 |
tyler_2 | my sound will not play, using 7.10: upon startup the welcome sound comes on, after that nothing, I have attempted to switch a few things within the sound Preferences, could someone walk me through this please? | 01:43 |
Ganandorf | which chat client lets u use your web cam | 01:43 |
darkomen | amsn | 01:43 |
jrib | ariqs: anyway I don't see why you couldn't obtain the source files through the same means you are talking to me right now :) | 01:43 |
tyler_2 | amsn | 01:43 |
Broadcom | !webcam | ganadist | 01:43 |
ubottu | ganadist: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 01:43 |
darkomen | lets you use webcam | 01:43 |
jaminko | i installed the ati driver and now i can't change my refresh rate is there a way to force it? | 01:44 |
Ganandorf | ok cool | 01:44 |
ariqs | jrib: is it really that hard for someone to make it a debian package for me real quick? | 01:44 |
ariqs | jrib: I have the source files | 01:44 |
ariqs | jrib: I can't get them to compile without other uninstalled packages | 01:44 |
ariqs | because linux is a nightmare like this | 01:44 |
FloodBot1 | ariqs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 01:44 |
GaintSura | heirrook: I'm gonna go run memtest, I'll be back and let you know the results | 01:44 |
darkomen | ariqs make a debian package of what | 01:44 |
Immersion | So, my friends trying to VNC with me, she's on Ubuntu, I'm on Mac OSX Leopard, we are having some troubles, anyone know anything about this? | 01:44 |
Over2seeu | GiantSura: I just went into my list of programs and deleted the ones I don't use. BTW i don't have Vista on here anymore/ | 01:44 |
Dillizar | which client lets you use your subtitles? | 01:44 |
darrend | VSpike: sudo mount /boot && cat /boot/grub/menu.lst | 01:44 |
darkomen | vlc | 01:44 |
ariqs | http://www.sfu.ca/~cth/ltmodem/ltmodem-8.26a.tar.gz darkomen | 01:44 |
Dillizar | doesnt | 01:44 |
darkomen | lets you use subtitles | 01:44 |
Dillizar | no | 01:45 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: yes it does | 01:45 |
Dillizar | no | 01:45 |
barbuj | i have a file with multiple records of the form "user,group", one per line; i need to generate a file that contains only one line per user, like "user,group1,group2,group3..." is this something that sed and/or awk can handle and if so, can someone give me some tips? | 01:45 |
Broadcom | !username | 01:45 |
ubottu | Please prefix what you're saying with a name to avoid confusion. See !tab | 01:45 |
Dillizar | i tried Broadcom | 01:45 |
Lynet | lolo2: Finding all the -dev packages you need is often the hardest job when compiling, so good luck. ;-) Actually, apt-get build-dep some_package_that_needs_ffmpeg should pull inn all the -dev packages you would need for ffmpeg. | 01:45 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: what did you try? | 01:45 |
Dillizar | and some lines doesnt shows on the screen | 01:45 |
jrib | ariqs: can't you use the binary packages on that page? | 01:45 |
darkomen | maybe you have set it up with the wrong codec | 01:45 |
darkomen | that could be it | 01:45 |
Ganandorf | i would also like to know what application allows you to use a tv capture card | 01:45 |
LineOf7s | I had two hard disks installed: one boot disk, one full of data (and Ubuntu). Boot info was on the first. It died. How do I get the boot information onto the second disk so I can boot into the full Ubuntu installation there? (pretty please) | 01:46 |
darkomen | ariqs you can install alien and make a pkg out of an rpm package if you find one | 01:46 |
Broadcom | go to open, fine the file, click use subtitles file, and find the file | 01:46 |
ariqs | jrib: I get an error that kernel versions don't match | 01:46 |
Dillizar | darkomen: there is codec and for subtitles | 01:46 |
ariqs | i don't have the rpm package to do so | 01:46 |
jrib | !dialup > ariqs (read the private message from ubottu) | 01:46 |
jrib | ariqs: that might provide more info | 01:46 |
voraistos | bloody hell i just tried mandriva: what a pile of crap ! after 4 hours of not being able to sort out the kded taking 100% cpu, I'm back :P | 01:46 |
darkomen | dillizar did you create your own | 01:47 |
lolo2 | lynet: ex apt-get bulid-dep vlc? | 01:47 |
ariqs | jrib: I've already run scanmodem and all of that nonsense. This is hwy i know I need these friggin drivers ;P | 01:47 |
darkomen | subtitles or you're trying to use a subtitle file | 01:47 |
bazhang | language please voraistos | 01:47 |
Dillizar | subtitle? darkomen?? NO | 01:47 |
Templarian | how do i find my servers ip really fast? | 01:47 |
darkomen | hmm | 01:47 |
Broadcom | !language | 01:47 |
ubottu | Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 01:47 |
Lynet | lolo2: Yeah. Although vlc is an absolute monster when it comes to all the dependencies it has. :-D | 01:47 |
darkomen | weird I use it all the time to watch stuff with subtitles | 01:47 |
Dillizar | hmmmmm file i think | 01:47 |
darkomen | thank god for apt-get lol | 01:48 |
jrib | ariqs: what dependencies don't you have to compile it? | 01:48 |
darkomen | btw now that we're in this | 01:48 |
voraistos | bazhang: that was good language compared to what's in my mind. honest :D | 01:48 |
Templarian | whats the fastest way to get my ubuntu's server ip from terminal | 01:48 |
Dillizar | .srt darkomen | 01:48 |
darkomen | I have a legacy kyocera fs-3800 printer that I can connect directlly to my comp through a lan cable | 01:48 |
heirrook | Templarian: ifconfig | 01:48 |
ariqs | a handful jrib, I don't remember what. It was last night and took a break from it because it was driving me crazy | 01:48 |
Broadcom | !prefix | darkomen | 01:49 |
ubottu | darkomen: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 01:49 |
Dillizar | I have problems with my monitor and the resolution ??? | 01:49 |
darkomen | when I switch my connection to wired I can print stuff and set it up but as soon as I switch back to the wireless network the ethernet port isnt accessed | 01:49 |
Templarian | heirrook: is my servers ip because that doesn't seem right? | 01:49 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: i don't think anybody knows the answer, please be patient. | 01:49 |
heirrook | Templarian: that is your local ip | 01:50 |
Dillizar | the ubuntu thinks i have a 15" how can i make him think diffirent | 01:50 |
Templarian | | 01:50 |
Steve413z | Templarian, use a site like ipchicken.com to find out your real IP | 01:50 |
Templarian | it doesn't say in the ifconfig thing | 01:50 |
voraistos | Broadcom ? Are you related to broadcom corp. ? | 01:50 |
darkomen | sorry | 01:50 |
Steve413z | Templarian, you'll need to setup port forwarding on your router if you want to let the internet access it | 01:50 |
jrib | ariqs: if you find out what they are, I can help you obtain them | 01:50 |
Broadcom | voraistos: nope, i have my user name like that so if someone mentions one, it alerts me. | 01:51 |
Templarian | Steve413z: I'm trying to set up a networked drive. and it says i need my server ip \\serverip\username | 01:51 |
darkomen | Dillizar: is the name of the subtitle file EXACTLY the same as the file you're trying to play? | 01:51 |
Deiz | I've just replaced my dead 8800GTS320 with a 9600GT, and am having issues getting Nvidia drivers working. Regardless of whether I install through EnvyNG or the .run from Nvidia, I get dumped to low graphics mode. | 01:51 |
voraistos | Broadcom: cool :P Lots of people might curse you everyday though :P | 01:51 |
Templarian | Steve413z: is the inet addr the server ip | 01:51 |
Dillizar | no darkomen | 01:51 |
Steve413z | Templarian, should be right | 01:51 |
Broadcom | voraistos: they do. :p | 01:51 |
darkomen | Dillizar then that's your problem | 01:51 |
heirrook | Templarian: are you behind a router? | 01:52 |
janey | hello? :) | 01:52 |
darkomen | Dillizar : you have to place it in the same directory and it has to be named EXACTLY as the video file you want to play | 01:52 |
Lynet | Templarian: \\servername\sharename Are you trying to access it on the local network, or over the internet? | 01:52 |
Killerklown | any of u guys use centerim>? | 01:52 |
Dillizar | ok darkomen | 01:52 |
voraistos | Broadcom: are the firmwares shipped the CD nowadays ? | 01:52 |
bazhang | voraistos, no | 01:53 |
Broadcom | voraistos: not really. it is a huge headache to get them to work | 01:53 |
darkomen | Anyone here has a network printer directly attachedto his computer? | 01:53 |
Killerklown | anyone use centerim? | 01:53 |
Broadcom | !anyone | Killerklown | 01:53 |
ubottu | Killerklown: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 01:53 |
Templarian | Lynet: local | 01:53 |
janey | anyone would like to help with sound issue on laptop? | 01:53 |
janey | plz?? | 01:53 |
Killerklown | need to know how to clear the chat history in centerim | 01:54 |
Lynet | Templarian: Then you should be able to do \\servername\sharename | 01:54 |
Broadcom | !anyone | janey | 01:54 |
ubottu | janey: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 01:54 |
jrib | ariqs: from what I am reading, it seems you just need linux-hearders and build-essential (both of which are on the cd iirc). At least at one point in time. | 01:54 |
Templarian | Lynet: my server is called ubuntu and the share name okay i'll try | 01:54 |
voraistos | Broadcom: oh no, once you know, it's alright -well, my card works fine- It's just a pain to have to connect through wire to download this bloody firmware | 01:54 |
m1r | after upgrade to 8.04 restricted drivers didnt offer upgrade of graphic card drivers only modem , so desktop effects are imposible to use. any tips how to fix this ? | 01:54 |
voraistos | Broadcom: we need laws to ban them cards :P | 01:54 |
darkomen | mlr: what video card you have? | 01:54 |
phixxor | m1r, this bug affects me too :( | 01:54 |
bazhang | voraistos, any support questions? or just wish to chat? | 01:55 |
Broadcom | voraistos: it took me one line of code to get mine to work, but i have helped people hat have gone though hundreds and it has still not worked | 01:55 |
m1r | darkomen: ATI RV250 FireGL9000 | 01:55 |
Dillizar | nope darkomen still missing some lines | 01:55 |
phixxor | darkomen: mine is geforce 7600 gs | 01:55 |
Arrick | hey all, I am trying to get http://wcsg.org/tune/player.php playing in my ff3 beta 5 on ubuntu 8.04, any ideas what plugins and hacks I have to do to get it to play? | 01:55 |
Deiz | I've just replaced my dead 8800GTS320 with a 9600GT, and am having issues getting Nvidia drivers working. Regardless of whether I install through EnvyNG or the .run from Nvidia, I get dumped to low graphics mode. <- No ideas? | 01:55 |
voraistos | nah not really looking for support. I can give some though. It's been a long time since i showed up here bazhang | 01:55 |
janey | ubottu: i'm not getting any sound on my asus laptop,i've instaled ubuntu 8.04 | 01:56 |
ubottu | janey: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 01:56 |
selocol | Hello, my notebook's pointer and mouse glider is automatically enabled but sometimes it closes by itself. How do I manually open and close it and how can I set whether it should automatically be enabled upon startup? Thanks. | 01:56 |
jrib | ariqs: also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/210652 which suggests ltmodem is included in linux-restricted | 01:56 |
janey | ubottu: my first days on linux :) | 01:56 |
ubottu | janey: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 01:56 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 210652 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "[Hardy] ltmodem driver missing" [Undecided,Fix released] | 01:56 |
phixxor | hey can someone help me update my grub menu.lst with correct values for my new partition? | 01:56 |
darkomen | Dillizar: that means the file you have is not the right one for the file you have. subtitles are timed to fit certain specific files since not everyone edits them the same way | 01:56 |
phixxor | I don't know how to do it | 01:56 |
voraistos | janey: stop abusing the bot, i doesnt have a brain :P | 01:56 |
nosa-J | lol | 01:57 |
darkomen | dillizar: there was this page, I forgot which one that had all the subtitles for the most common video files for movies and stuff on the internet | 01:57 |
janey | sorry,i'm kinda slow,didn't get that one ;) | 01:57 |
xtrender | i need help with svn.. can anybody help me?? | 01:57 |
nosa-J | any one hear useing pidgen for irc? | 01:57 |
ariqs | jrib: can I download linux-restricted , put it on my flash drive and put it in the other computer? | 01:57 |
darkomen | dillizar: they're identified with the group that either encoded it or released it | 01:57 |
Dillizar | i downnload it from there darkomen | 01:57 |
xtrender | yes.. i'm pidgin for irc nosa-j | 01:57 |
phixxor | nosa-J, I usually do but I'm using xchat today | 01:57 |
Templarian | xtrender: i tried to set up svn a few minutes ago still trying to currently | 01:57 |
jrib | Arrick: works fine here with default totem. Install ubuntu-restricted-extras maybe | 01:58 |
voraistos | nosa-J i wouldn't recommend that, using pidgin for IRC is just not the right thing to do. not user friendly enough imho | 01:58 |
jrib | ariqs: I believe it is on the repository on the CD. Check there first | 01:58 |
Dillizar | darkomen: what should i set int the advance settings? | 01:58 |
imjesus_1 | what happen with beryl | 01:58 |
ariqs | nice, bbl. Thanks jrib | 01:58 |
nosa-J | voraistos: im connecting to ubuntu channel right now with pidgen | 01:58 |
emma | m1r: I may have found something that could be useful for you -- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=727371 | 01:58 |
jrib | !beryl | imjesus_1 | 01:58 |
ubottu | imjesus_1: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion. New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz | 01:58 |
darkomen | Dillizar: Then try finding one that has the name of the group that released your files. It happened to me once too with a shinobi subtitle | 01:58 |
* janey using pidgin | 01:58 | |
luderacer | pidgin r0xs | 01:58 |
janey | ;) | 01:58 |
nosa-J | yes indeed | 01:58 |
nosa-J | but umm.. about xchat | 01:58 |
emma | m1r: take a look at that link. | 01:59 |
janey | but /me still have sound problems :(( | 01:59 |
xtrender | pidgin ftw | 01:59 |
imjesus_1 | how do i talk to some one on aim trough this | 01:59 |
nosa-J | when i try to connect to a some server s it freases up | 01:59 |
voraistos | nosa-J oh but it works fine, it's just... ah i dont know, i just prefer xchat (not the stripped down gnome version) | 01:59 |
Joshua_Cook | Hello, I am looking for some help with a script I wrote that is run from crontab as root. It works once and then doesn't seem to work properly after that. Is this the right place for that kind of question? | 01:59 |
WIDESPREADpanic | is there a way to get my verizon wireless card to work with ubuntu? | 01:59 |
m1r | tnx emma | 01:59 |
Templarian | Lynet: why doesn't ubuntu show up on my lists of hosts? | 01:59 |
janey | go accounts | 01:59 |
nosa-J | oh ok hmm.... | 01:59 |
darrend | janey: do you have the sound applet in the task bar? (speaker icon) | 01:59 |
jrib | Joshua_Cook: yes, but it's better to just ask the question | 01:59 |
janey | and enter your aim settings | 01:59 |
Dillizar | darkomen: its showing 4 lines then nada then again 4 lines but i opend the file and its all there | 01:59 |
janey | !darrend" yes i do | 01:59 |
ubottu | janey: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 01:59 |
m1r | emma , i read it b4 :) i didnt had any problems on this ATI untill i upgrade to 8.04 | 01:59 |
emma | hm. | 02:00 |
spent | does any one get this | 02:00 |
janey | spent: yes | 02:00 |
xtrender | ppl.. can anyone help me with svn...?? | 02:00 |
user1 | hi | 02:00 |
darrend | janey: double-click it, are the "Master" and "PCM" levels high enough> | 02:00 |
jrib | xtrender: better to ask a more specific question | 02:00 |
nosa-J | voraistos: yes the gnome version works but its not enugh so i can install the real one, but ide much rather stick with pidgen if i can sense its already installed with the system :) | 02:00 |
WIDESPREADpanic | is there a way to get my verizon wireless card to work with ubuntu? | 02:00 |
darkomen | Dillizan what's the name of your file | 02:00 |
janey | darrend: it shows my sound card | 02:00 |
janey | i was even in the alsamixer | 02:01 |
janey | all is unmuted | 02:01 |
janey | still nothing | 02:01 |
Templarian | how do i find the name of my server | 02:01 |
user1 | where does Tomboy store its notes? Something got corrupted, the program won't launch again. I just need to get a phone number from a note, anyone know where they're stored? | 02:01 |
m1r | !enter | 02:01 |
ubottu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 02:01 |
spent | Release Date: 2006-02-09, ver 1.2 | 02:01 |
spent | RTL8187 Linux driver version 1.2 | 02:01 |
spent | --This driver supports RealTek RTL8187 Wireless LAN driver for | 02:01 |
spent | Fedora Core 2/3/4/5, Debian 3.1, Mandrake 10.2/Mandriva 2006, | 02:01 |
spent | SUSE 9.3/10.1/10.2, Gentoo 3.1, etc. | 02:01 |
FloodBot1 | spent: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 02:01 |
spent | - Support Client mode for either infrastructure or adhoc mode | 02:01 |
Dillizar | fixed it darkomen i put "next step" in advance settings | 02:01 |
darkomen | How can I set my printer that is connected through the ethernet to my laptop while I'm also connected to the internet wirelessly? | 02:01 |
Dillizar | :D | 02:01 |
janey | sorry | 02:01 |
voraistos | janey: did you pay a visit to the multimedia selector ? | 02:01 |
jrib | user1: ~/.tomboy/ probably | 02:01 |
darkomen | yAYYY DILLIZAR | 02:01 |
Templarian | Lynet: how do i find the name of my server maybe i have it wrong. | 02:01 |
darkomen | *clap* | 02:02 |
user1 | thanks | 02:02 |
darkomen | :P | 02:02 |
janey | voraistos: not sure what that is | 02:02 |
Templarian | Lynet: i mean in terminal it says templarian@ubuntu so i figured | 02:02 |
xtrender | here it goes: i'm doing a program in java with a friend... i need something do sync the files ... like a shared folder... | 02:02 |
voraistos | janey it's in a config menu somewhere.... you can selec which audio system you wish to use. If Als "works", make sure alsa is selected | 02:02 |
janey | voraistos: i think i know what you mean,tried that and it didn't help | 02:03 |
hey | anyone know how to dual bot?? | 02:03 |
HangukMiguk_ | why am i now having problems installing from source on gutsy? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/13967/ | 02:03 |
Joshua_Cook | Ok, I have a script that is pasted to : http://paste.ubuntu.com/13964/ It calls another script which is pasted to: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13963/ The problem I am having is this: when I run this from crontab, it seems to work once. I have it scheduled to run once a day. When it runs the next day, it just doesn't restart. I can't seem to figure out why. Thanks for any help! | 02:03 |
janey | i've tried auto and alsa and my SIS card | 02:03 |
jrib | xtrender: svn, bzr, git, darcs, mercurial are all decent choices. Research them and choose one | 02:03 |
hey | PLZ help!!,i have just messed up my grub settings | 02:03 |
Joshua_Cook | Could someone please take a look at this and see what I am doing wrong? | 02:03 |
nosa-J | its easy hey just install your other os then install ubuntu it will ask you to set it up if you wish | 02:04 |
ariqs | jrib I didn't see it there.. under pool/restricted or anywhere else | 02:04 |
jrib | ariqs: you are sure you added the CD as a repository? | 02:04 |
janey | hey: do you get to your boot manager screen wher you select the system to boot? | 02:04 |
ariqs | jrib: I went through the cd on my own | 02:04 |
voraistos | janey: did you try playing a wav file or something in CLI with alsaplayer (or something like that) or mpeg123 (or something like that... not sure of the names) | 02:04 |
ariqs | i can try that too, bbl ;) | 02:04 |
Joshua_Cook | My crontab line looks like this: 0 4 * * * /home/jdcook/holdmusic.pl & | 02:04 |
Starnestommy | hey: in what way are they messed up? | 02:04 |
Joshua_Cook | It is run as root. | 02:04 |
m1r | oh my, i instaled compiz-fusion icon and everything working with compiz and ATI RV250 FireGL9000 | 02:05 |
janey | voraistos: i've tryed mp3 and wav - it opens it automaticaly in some program that i didn't remember the name of..it plays and shows video but not sound | 02:05 |
phixxor | !uuid | 02:05 |
ubottu | To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 02:05 |
hey | janey yes i do but i am trying to dule boot ubuntu with fedora, only fedora options are listed | 02:05 |
=== Charitwo is now known as kirby | ||
phixxor | does ubotu not work anyomre? | 02:05 |
jrib | ariqs: I just loaded my hardy cd. It's there under pool/restricted/l | 02:05 |
jrib | phixxor: ubottu is taking over | 02:05 |
spent | can any one help me | 02:05 |
voraistos | janey: try playing a sound file without gnome or anything running. You never know, those things can mess up from time to time | 02:06 |
Starnestommy | hey: I think installing fedora overwrote ubuntu's grub | 02:06 |
HangukMiguk_ | why am i now having problems installing from source on gutsy? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/13967/ | 02:06 |
phixxor | jrib lol almost like it's sentient | 02:06 |
Dillizar | the ubuntu thinks i have a 15"?? how can i change it | 02:06 |
Arrick | thanks, jrib thats what it needed was the ubuntu-restricted-extras | 02:06 |
phixxor | ubottu: are you taking over? | 02:06 |
ubottu | phixxor: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 02:06 |
Lynet | Templarian: You are trying to connect to it from vista, right? In vista, open a command line and type "ping ubuntu" (without quotes). If it finds an IP address then you have the right name. | 02:06 |
phixxor | ahahaha | 02:06 |
janey | hey: what helped me is that i pressed 'e' on my selected system,then first option 'e' again (for editing) and then change (hd1,0) into (hd0,0) then press 'b' | 02:06 |
spent | can any one help me witha driver proble | 02:06 |
jrib | spent: ask your actual question | 02:07 |
Templarian | Lynet: it didn't ping | 02:07 |
Starnestommy | HangukMiguk_: have you installed build-essential? | 02:07 |
spent | jrib: do u now how to install this http://paste.ubuntu.com/13966/ | 02:07 |
voraistos | in fact, you could use mplayer-cli, play some video through directfb with alsa sound and start thing: hmm cli rocks, i can play a video 3 seconds after power-on :D | 02:07 |
notanonymous | i have a problem booting from the ubuntu 8.04 desktop liveCD (it says it has an IO error reading from CD, but I have tested successfully on my other PC) | 02:07 |
Templarian | Lynet: is linux blocking it? i restarted samba like it said online and everything. | 02:07 |
jrib | !wifi > spent (read the private message from ubottu) | 02:07 |
Lynet | Templarian: Then either smbd/nmbd isn't running on the ubuntu box or there is some configuration snafu somewhere. | 02:08 |
notanonymous | I need to boot from the cd in order to rebuild my grub partition (which is currupt) | 02:08 |
HangukMiguk_ | starnestommy: apparently not -_-; | 02:08 |
janey | voraistos: i dind't understand that - sorry :( | 02:08 |
Templarian | Lynet: its a clean install of server ubuntu. lol. | 02:08 |
Joshua_Cook | Hello, did anyone see my question earlier and have a suggestion? | 02:09 |
spent | jrib: its in a cd nd i dont know how to install the files on the cd | 02:09 |
HangukMiguk_ | Joshua_Cook: repost it | 02:09 |
jrib | spent: when you put the cd in, it should ask you if you want to add it as a repository | 02:09 |
Joshua_Cook | Ok, here goes: Ok, I have a script that is pasted to : http://paste.ubuntu.com/13964/ It calls another script which is pasted to: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13963/ The problem I am having is this: when I run this from crontab, it seems to work once. I have it scheduled to run once a day. When it runs the next day, it just doesn't restart. I can't seem to figure out why. Thanks for any help! | 02:09 |
Lynet | Templarian: Well, it should work if you have smbd/nmbd running and you have configured the share(s) right. | 02:09 |
Templarian | do i have to install nmbd? | 02:10 |
HangukMiguk_ | starnestommy: fixed it. thanks | 02:10 |
Joshua_Cook | My crontab is run as root and looks like: | 02:10 |
Joshua_Cook | My crontab line looks like this: 0 4 * * * /home/jdcook/holdmusic.pl & | 02:10 |
Templarian | Lynet: i never installed nmbd | 02:10 |
jrib | spent: oh sorry, I thought you were someone else. If it's not a .deb, then you should check ubottu's link for your wireless card. It will give you ubuntu-specific instructions | 02:10 |
voraistos | janey: what you could try is: install mplayer-cli, read the mplayer man page (man mplayer), kill the xserver (so no graphical user interface running) and see if the sound works by playing some file with mplayer | 02:10 |
phixxor | hey, if I have a manually edited menu.lst, will "update-grub" mess it up? | 02:10 |
Over2seeu | hey everyone | 02:10 |
jrib | Joshua_Cook: you haven't actually asked a question yet | 02:10 |
Templarian | Lynet: nor do i know what it is online it said to only install samba | 02:10 |
Lynet | Templarian: It's part of samba so I'm sure you have it. ;-) | 02:10 |
notanonymous | is there something like ubuntu server's fix broken install option in ubuntu desktop livecd? | 02:10 |
Templarian | Lynet: do i have to restart my server completely for it to work? | 02:11 |
Over2seeu | I need help finding drivers for an Atheros AR5007EG B/G wireless card. Anyone know where I can get it? | 02:11 |
voraistos | uh... anyone knows how to burn a cd image on a dvd with k3b? it wont let me :O | 02:11 |
spent | jrib: its a tar.gz file and i dont know how to install it it gives me the instructions i just dont get them | 02:11 |
heirrook | over2seeu: mad-wifi | 02:11 |
janey | voraistos: so you think it might be that the player is the problem? | 02:11 |
Templarian | Lynet: its going through 2 routers but that shouldn't do anything should it? | 02:11 |
Over2seeu | ok | 02:11 |
pteague | oh brother... he hasn't even finished installing ubuntu yet... gee, no wonder he's having problems getting the linksys wireless card to work :) | 02:11 |
Over2seeu | thanks | 02:11 |
ariqs | jrib: I see that there, but in it is only one .deb package and it's for isdn modems | 02:11 |
Lynet | Templarian: Nope. Reboot is not the Linux Way(TM). You should only have to (re)start the samba service. | 02:11 |
jrib | spent: did you read what I just said about ubottu's link? | 02:11 |
Joshua_Cook | Ok, I have a script that is pasted to : http://paste.ubuntu.com/13964/ It calls another script which is pasted to: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13963/ The problem I am having is this: when I run this from crontab, it seems to work once. I have it scheduled to run once a day. When it runs the next day, it just doesn't restart. Why does this script not restart the mplayer process? It is run as... | 02:12 |
Joshua_Cook | ...root from a crontab. That line looks like: 0 4 * * * /home/jdcook/holdmusic.pl & | 02:12 |
Templarian | Lynet: and routers shouldn't mess it up its a server... its made to work with them | 02:12 |
voraistos | janey: no, but there could be some program that runs with the graphical user interface breaking your sound support | 02:12 |
HangukMiguk_ | Joshua_Cook: which script won't run on the 2nd day? first or second? | 02:12 |
ariqs | jrib: you see the right ltmodem package there? | 02:12 |
jrib | ariqs: how are you determining that? The bug report seemed to indicate that it included the module you wanted. | 02:12 |
navk2005 | why is quakenet so annoying :-/ | 02:12 |
Lynet | Templarian: They're not on the same ethernet? You have a router in the middle? | 02:12 |
navk2005 | when i try to join quakenet channel, xchat hangs up | 02:12 |
Joshua_Cook | HangukMiguk: The first one calls the second one. It's the first one. | 02:13 |
ariqs | under the package description or something, hold on, let me bring the cd in here | 02:13 |
Packerfan | Anyone have ideas on how to cause xorg not to use up 50%+ of my cpu | 02:13 |
voraistos | janey: dont forget to apt-get update (then upgrade and dist-upgrade), there could be a bug too. | 02:13 |
Templarian | Lynet: yes my updstairs splits the internet should i have used a switch instead? | 02:13 |
Templarian | Lynet: its Modem -> router -> router ->ubuntu server | 02:13 |
janey | voraistos: sorry but i'm totally fresh to linux and all this sounds too complicated right now | 02:13 |
janey | i don't think i know how to do all that | 02:14 |
nosa-J | take it one steep at a time | 02:14 |
notanonymous | so anyone else having the problem of booting the 8.04 live cd? | 02:14 |
ezzieyguywuf | has anyone else experienced issues with audacity in hardy heron? it used to run fine but now after tinkering around with JACK for a bit, then subsequently uninstalling JACK due to issues, audacity seems to be really bogged down and at times just crashes, I've tried reinstalling audacity to no avail. any help? | 02:14 |
ariqs | jirb: "This package contains firmware binaries needed for various Fritz! ISDN cards made by AVM." | 02:14 |
ariqs | jrib also | 02:14 |
ariqs | that's all that is under L | 02:14 |
nosa-J | youll get it im nearly a embread and i have no problem janey | 02:14 |
larson9999 | firefox is using yahoo to search when i type something in the address bar but keyword.url is google. what do i need to change so it uses google instead of yahoo? | 02:15 |
fxr | hi i have installed the NVIDIA driver from their website, but nvidia-settings is only seeing one monitor.. anyone any idea how to fix that? | 02:15 |
voraistos | janey: go in a terminal. type "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get upgrade" then "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade". this will just make sure everything is up-to-date, and correct any possible bugs | 02:15 |
jrib | ariqs: what is the name of the package you are looking at? | 02:15 |
janey | i mean,everything else works so nicely,to my surprise..i had few issues like with dual booting and partitioning but it all worked out weell -all but sound | 02:15 |
luderacer | larson9999, do u see the search bar near the top right had corner? | 02:15 |
janey | voraistos: got that one,thnx!! :) i go try | 02:16 |
nosa-J | gl janey | 02:16 |
ariqs | drivers for lt winmodem, jrib | 02:16 |
voraistos | janey: also, this is linux, but rebooting may help. | 02:16 |
jrib | ariqs: no, what package are you looking at on the cd | 02:16 |
larson9999 | luderacer, yeah, that's google. | 02:16 |
nosa-J | rebooting does help sometimes | 02:16 |
janey | i don't even know the nr how many time i rebooted ;) | 02:16 |
Packerfan | xorg is using around 50%+ cpu, i have an ATI 9250 pci card and no drivers seem to work for it, i have tried open source and ati drivers and neither worked | 02:16 |
jrib | ariqs: because linux-restricted-modules contains a lot more than what you just described | 02:16 |
luderacer | uses google here for me | 02:16 |
luderacer | ;) | 02:16 |
luderacer | once its set there | 02:16 |
ariqs | jrib: I checked both my pressed cd and my iso image.. | 02:16 |
voraistos | janey: you may need to install codecs too. mp3 support does not come with a fresh install | 02:17 |
jrib | ariqs: you aren't answering my question :/ | 02:17 |
ariqs | pool/restricted/ | 02:17 |
janey | and talking aobut rbbooting - there's a funny thing: starts up the system,i get the ubuntu screen with the orange line,stops after a second - then i have to count to 30 EXACTLY,hold Esc until it starts moving againg and that | 02:17 |
larson9999 | luderacer, doesn't for me. that search does use google but not the address bar searches with yahoo. | 02:17 |
jrib | ariqs: ... what is listed there? | 02:17 |
ariqs | d l s | 02:17 |
nosa-J | mp3 is cheep any ways imo voraistos | 02:17 |
janey | is the only way to boot up!?!?! how funnuy is that? any cure you think? | 02:17 |
luderacer | thats werid both searches threw google for me | 02:17 |
mark__ | hi, my I am trying to burn a DVD data disk but I keep getting "Unhandled error, aborting" the moment I click the burn button. I have already tried reinstalling all DVD related packages in Synaptic. Any suggestions? | 02:18 |
voraistos | nosa-J: i agree, I only use flac. | 02:18 |
imjesus_1 | any recommended software for ubuntu | 02:18 |
nosa-J | same | 02:18 |
nosa-J | imjesus_1: try open arena its a good fps | 02:18 |
imjesus_1 | wats fps | 02:18 |
voraistos | janey: what do you mean with this boot problem ? | 02:18 |
nosa-J | first persion shooter im sorry | 02:18 |
jrib | ariqs: never mind, I see what you are saying now | 02:19 |
Dillizar | the ubuntu thinks i have a 15"?? how can i change it | 02:19 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: you been her for a while, ill try to help | 02:19 |
Abd67 | imjesus_1 fps = Frames Per Second | 02:19 |
VSpike | darrend: which bit of /boot/grub/menu.lst were you interested in? | 02:19 |
nosa-J | imjesus_1: its verry fun based on quake 3 if you want to try it out ill give you a link to get it | 02:19 |
Dillizar | yeahhhhhhhhhh Broadcom | 02:19 |
Dillizar | 1 week Broadcom | 02:20 |
Abd67 | or first person shooter | 02:20 |
nosa-J | oh indded Abd67 | 02:20 |
nosa-J | frams p sec | 02:20 |
voraistos | janey: if you were talking about your boot problem, i suspect you mean press enter, select your OS of choice (dual booting ?) the PRESS ENTER (so you dont have to wait 30 seconds ?) | 02:20 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: have you tried simply chaning the resolution? | 02:20 |
hey | Starnestommy do you know how to undo the fedora overwriting the ubuntu's grub?/ | 02:20 |
jrib | ariqs: so it's not all on the cd I guess. You could get around this either by downloading the debs or downloading the dvd and using the repository there | 02:20 |
Dillizar | Broadcom: i know what is the problem i cant fix it by my self | 02:20 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: what is the problem? | 02:21 |
nosa-J | hey: install fedora first :) | 02:21 |
ariqs | what debs do I want, jrib? | 02:21 |
Abd67 | night all | 02:21 |
jrib | ariqs: check packages.ubuntu.com (you'll have to resolve dependencies yourself) | 02:21 |
ariqs | urgh | 02:21 |
Y | Abd67: Night | 02:21 |
* voraistos reboots to install ubuntu NOW*** | 02:21 | |
nosa-J | nice Abd67 | 02:21 |
Starnestommy | hey: try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 02:21 |
hey | nosa-J i cant/dont want to ... i have it working fine, it is just the grub thatsi corrupt | 02:21 |
Dillizar | well Broadcom the last time i had this problem was with 7.04 and some body gave some sudo smt and i paste it to him he change it i replace it and all was good again | 02:22 |
VSpike | can anyone help? I have booted server from cd and selected rescue, then got shell in install environment, then mounted /boot into /target and chroot /target | 02:22 |
VSpike | but I can't apt-get install linux-generic | 02:22 |
nosa-J | hey: | 02:22 |
Ubuntong | Is there a difference between Wine and Wine CVS? | 02:22 |
WhoNeedszzz | Hey guys, does anyone know if there is a channel for firestarter? | 02:22 |
Dillizar | Broadcom: as i remeber he said it was something with my monitor horizonts and the verticals | 02:22 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: what happens when you change the screen resolution? | 02:23 |
reya276 | need to fix this msg: E: Broken Packages | 02:23 |
nosa-J | hey: thats just what i would resort to if i couldnt sort out grub | 02:23 |
VSpike | problem i have is that the server kernel won't boot on my machine | 02:23 |
Light- | <Ubuntong> Is there a difference between Wine and Wine CVS? <-- go for wine packages | 02:23 |
WhoNeedszzz | hey tritium | 02:23 |
Broadcom | !firestarter | 02:23 |
ubottu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 02:23 |
Dillizar | the screen goes wild Broadcom | 02:23 |
janey | voraistos: no,i go past that,after,you know when the orange bar starts moving back and forth? | 02:23 |
Starnestommy | Ubuntong: I think wine cvs is the build of wine from the cvs repositories which is less stable and likely to be very buggy | 02:23 |
jrib | reya276: pastebin the whole message including the command that resulted in it | 02:23 |
eisenhower | Does anyone know how to view rar comments in ubuntu? | 02:23 |
WhoNeedszzz | Broadcom: unfortunately that didn't answer my question | 02:23 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: define wild | 02:23 |
Broadcom | WhoNeedszzz: i see, it seems not to, it would say, just ask here | 02:24 |
Ubuntong | Thanks, Light ans Starnestommy! | 02:24 |
Dillizar | Broadcom: like there isnt any programs on the tv?? | 02:24 |
WhoNeedszzz | Broadcom: ask here? | 02:24 |
Liquid-A | Anyone got an idea how a 320GiB internal IDE drive, disappears on ubuntu? | 02:24 |
mark__ | hi, my I am trying to burn a DVD data disk but I keep getting "Unhandled error, aborting" the moment I click the burn button. I have already tried reinstalling all DVD related packages in Synaptic. Any suggestions? | 02:24 |
Dillizar | pictures are mixed and stuff Broadcom | 02:24 |
Broadcom | WhoNeedszzz: it is an ubuntu program isn't it? | 02:24 |
Light- | Liquid-A: it failed, or for some reason its not getting mounted | 02:24 |
reya276 | jrib: it did not install anything, my dumb AZZ did this sudo apt-get install gtk+* and then a bunch of things came up but none installed | 02:24 |
WhoNeedszzz | Broadcom: true | 02:24 |
Dillizar | and and i cant change the right Hz Broadcom | 02:25 |
Liquid-A | So how do I over come this problem? | 02:25 |
reya276 | LOL | 02:25 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: mixed and stuff? you will have to be more specific | 02:25 |
mdh76 | reya276, the * was probably interpreted as a shell wildcard...no? | 02:25 |
Y | Liquid-A: Is the drive compatible with Ubuntu? Do you have the drivers installed? | 02:25 |
reya276 | jrib: but then E: Broken packages came up afterwards | 02:25 |
reya276 | yeap | 02:25 |
Light- | Liquid-A: mount it manually. you will need to know its filesystem and what its called in /dev . can you please post the result of "sudo gedit /etc/fstab" onto pastebin.ubuntu.com | 02:25 |
WhoNeedszzz | Ok so I have a server running through apache2 and i want all connections let through for apache2. I put in allow port 80 for everyone and yet it still blocks connections to the server | 02:26 |
reya276 | mdh76: yeap, Si | 02:26 |
Light- | Y: Its a IDE hard drive, it should not need any specific drivers | 02:26 |
mdh76 | reya276, you can't apt-get install using wildcards like that... unfortunately. its expanding files in your current directory, not package names | 02:26 |
Over2seeu | hierrook: that didn't work. it downloaded the zip. what do I do after that? | 02:27 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: be more specific | 02:27 |
Dillizar | Broadcom: hmmmmm well i cant see anything !!! there isnt piture just some colors | 02:27 |
reya276 | mdh76: so is my system messed up? | 02:27 |
Y | Light-: My bad, I looked real fast and thought he was talking about a DVD drive. =O It's my bad. | 02:27 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: why did you say it thinks you have a 15"? | 02:27 |
Dillizar | cuz | 02:27 |
Light- | Y: lol np | 02:27 |
mdh76 | reya276, probably not.. it most likely didn't find any useful packages to install =) | 02:27 |
Liquid-A | It was working, I was using it mid-session, then it disappeared. I rebooted, checked BIOS to make sure it was actually there, and it was. but when I booted, nothing was there. | 02:27 |
Starnestommy | WhoNeedszzz: you might need to add "Listen 80" to /etc/apache2/ports.conf | 02:27 |
reya276 | mdh76: I actually need to install gtk+-2.10 | 02:28 |
Dillizar | when i try to chane the resolution the picture of the monitor has a 15" in it | 02:28 |
Light- | Liquid-A: do what I just told you | 02:28 |
WhoNeedszzz | Starnestommy: I did, the server works, it just isn't allowing connections | 02:28 |
WhoNeedszzz | Starnestommy: to outside connections | 02:28 |
Dillizar | Broadcom: wanna send you a screen shot | 02:28 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: i thought all you can see is some colors | 02:28 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: sure | 02:28 |
mdh76 | reya276, best thing to do is "apt-cache search gtk" to get a list of package names | 02:28 |
larson9999 | i even removed .mozilla. still using yahoo for firefoxes url searches :( | 02:28 |
Starnestommy | WhoNeedszzz: did you remember to restart the server? Also, are you behind a router? | 02:28 |
Liquid-A | root@keiran-desktop:~# gedit /etc/fstab || cannot open display: | 02:28 |
mdh76 | reya276, then apt-get install xxxx | 02:28 |
Light- | Liquid-A: are you in a graphical environment? | 02:29 |
jrib | Liquid-A: how did you become root? | 02:29 |
Liquid-A | KDE | 02:29 |
mdh76 | reya276, just use the mouse to cut & paste package names | 02:29 |
WhoNeedszzz | Starnestommy: yes i did. And yes i am behind a router. And yes i forwarded the port. It works if i add the outside ip to the allowed connection list | 02:29 |
sanzanric | use sudo -s | 02:29 |
Liquid-A | Using the root terminal option in Konsole... | 02:29 |
sanzanric | or sudo su | 02:29 |
Light- | Liquid-A: oh, umm... dunno what the KDe version of gedit is... try "nano /etc/fstab" | 02:29 |
sanzanric | or sudo bash | 02:29 |
Nomi | I only see a command like window that asks for username and password. How do I get back to GNome desktop from there? | 02:29 |
WhoNeedszzz | Starnestommy: I don't want to have to add the ip of the outside connection for it to work | 02:29 |
sanzanric | kate | 02:29 |
sanzanric | startx | 02:30 |
Dillizar | Broadcom: get it | 02:30 |
jrib | Liquid-A: ugh, don't do that if you want to run graphical apps. Just do kdesu kate or whatever from a normal shell | 02:30 |
Starnestommy | WhoNeedszzz: I think fixing that depends on your router | 02:30 |
Broadcom | Nomi: hit crtl + alt + f7 | 02:30 |
sanzanric | nomi: startx | 02:30 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: how? | 02:30 |
reya276 | mdh76: but there is no package name gtk+ 2.10? | 02:30 |
WhoNeedszzz | Starnestommy: port 80 is open on my router... | 02:30 |
Dillizar | aaa dcc? | 02:30 |
Light- | Liquid-A: "cat /etc/fstab" works too | 02:30 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: did you mean got? | 02:30 |
kgwillow | Ok I edit my xorg file and got it to recognize my i810 intel extreme graphics 2 video chipset. But now it's stuck in a different resolution. I'm trying to get it to 1280x1024. Here is my xorg http://pastebin.com/f6cffd46 any help would be appreciated. | 02:30 |
mdh76 | reya276, it should be libgtk2.0-0 in hardy | 02:30 |
Starnestommy | WhoNeedszzz: are you running a firewall? | 02:30 |
mdh76 | reya276, hardy comes with 2.12.9 which is binary compatible with 2.10 | 02:30 |
Dillizar | Broadcom: i am sending it with dcc? | 02:31 |
Liquid-A | http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/13974/ | 02:31 |
loebas | hello everyone, does anyone knows where i can find the file with all the session info (with the tasks that has to start after login) | 02:31 |
WhoNeedszzz | Starnestommy: ... | 02:31 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: http://tinypic.com/ | 02:31 |
nosa-J | does anyone know what would cause a irc server to time out when trying to connect to it? ive connected to it before fine with pidgen but it olny last for a day or so, has any one had this error? any help would be greatly aprecheated | 02:31 |
reya276 | mdh76: I'm trying to compile the Aurora engine and is requesting this, but I don't know what to install | 02:31 |
Light- | Liquid-A: hmm, it doesnt seem to be in your fstab.... do you know what it was called in /dev? | 02:31 |
mdh76 | reya276, to compile stuff you'll need to install the -dev packages | 02:32 |
WhoNeedszzz | Starnestommy: firestarter controls are firewall so how couldn't i be? | 02:32 |
reya276 | mdh76: configure: error: GTK+-2.10 is required to compile aurora | 02:32 |
WhoNeedszzz | Starnestommy: controls a* | 02:32 |
Liquid-A | I know the drive was called httpd | 02:32 |
Light- | Liquid-A: also, pop your case and check all cables are connected correctly | 02:32 |
Starnestommy | WhoNeedszzz: did you set it to allow all IP addresses on port 80? | 02:32 |
mdh76 | reya276, apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev | 02:32 |
Light- | Liquid-A: lulwut, httpd is the http daemon | 02:32 |
Liquid-A | Light-: Thats the name of the drive. | 02:33 |
Liquid-A | I should know. | 02:33 |
Liquid-A | I called it that. | 02:33 |
Light- | oh | 02:33 |
WhoNeedszzz | Starnestommy: yes that's what i said... | 02:33 |
Light- | Liquid-A: well, it wont be called that in /dev, itd be something like /dev/hda or /dev/sda | 02:33 |
Starnestommy | WhoNeedszzz: where is the allowed connection list? | 02:33 |
=== kirby is now known as Charitwo | ||
WhoNeedszzz | Starnestommy: in firestarter | 02:33 |
reya276 | mdh76: got it, thanks | 02:34 |
Light- | Liquid-A: or /dev/hdb if its the 2nd IDE drive in the system | 02:34 |
ksweeley | Hello, I have a problem with Ubuntu 8.04. I just installed 8.04 and it's not picking up my sound card and I have no sound at all, my sound card is a Sound Blaster X-Fi. | 02:34 |
mdh76 | reya276, ubuntu splits the C header files needed for compiling from the binary library package since end-users generally don't need to waste space with these development files | 02:34 |
Dillizar | Broadcom: which link i should send ?? | 02:34 |
Light- | Liquid-A: is it formatted as ext3? | 02:34 |
WhoNeedszzz | Starnestommy: under "Allow Service" | 02:34 |
scifiguy951 | whats good all? | 02:34 |
reya276 | mdh76: got yah, thanks | 02:34 |
janey | kweeley: i have the same problem - looking for a solution still :( | 02:34 |
mdh76 | reya276, its the same for every library, not just gtk btw | 02:34 |
Liquid-A | It was working, because I used it less than 5 hours ago. | 02:34 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: upload it and give me the link to the photo | 02:34 |
mdh76 | reya276, did you also apt-get install build-essentials ? | 02:34 |
Starnestommy | WhoNeedszzz: I'm not sure how to fix it | 02:34 |
scifiguy951 | is there a way to get into other pcs on my network? | 02:34 |
ksweeley | janey: Wow, it's crazy, I thought that 8.04 supports Sound Blaster X-Fi cards. | 02:35 |
Broadcom | !samba | scifiguy951 | 02:35 |
ubottu | scifiguy951: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 02:35 |
Dillizar | Broadcom: there are like links | 02:35 |
Light- | Liquid-A: that doesnt answer my question | 02:35 |
WhoNeedszzz | Starnestommy: heh | 02:35 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: give me the fist one | 02:35 |
reya276 | mdh76: no, and I just got an error too | 02:35 |
janey | ksweeley: i have integrated media card on my asus laptop Sis SI7012 | 02:35 |
Liquid-A | Im not sure, but It didnt say anything about formatting it to ext3 when I was I/O'ing data on it... | 02:35 |
ksweeley | Janey: Oh okay. | 02:36 |
reya276 | mdh76: E: Couldn't find package build-essentials | 02:36 |
nosa-J | does anyone know what would cause a irc server to time out when trying to connect to it? ive connected to it before fine with pidgen, xchat, and mirc but it olny last for a day or a few hours then i get disconnected, not to advertise or any thing but its irc.dashhacks.com has any one had this error? im not sure if it's something to do with ubuntu or not, any help would be greatly appreciated :) | 02:36 |
Dillizar | Broadcom: <a href="http://tinypic.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i25.tinypic.com/2qcqjkm.png" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a> | 02:36 |
mdh76 | reya276, that's my mistake, its build-essential (singular, not plural) | 02:36 |
Light- | Liquid-A: try "sudo mkdir /media/httpd" then "sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hdb /media/httpd" | 02:36 |
janey | i've tried some apt updates need to reboot and see what happens,ksweeley | 02:36 |
ksweeley | Okay janey. | 02:36 |
jrib | !ssh > scifiguy951 (read the private message from ubottu) | 02:36 |
mark__ | Ok, I have made some progress, the problem I had was trying to burn a 4 gig image to my DVD, smaller files burn fine | 02:36 |
Nitricacid | Anyone here use kate as a text editor I could use some help with configging it. Also Guido shot first. | 02:36 |
reya276 | mdh76: build-essential is already the newest version. | 02:36 |
mdh76 | reya276, sweet. just making sure =) | 02:37 |
Light- | Liquid-A: It is a separate drive right, not a partition? | 02:37 |
ksweeley | Could anyone help me get sound within 8.04? | 02:37 |
mark__ | the 4gig file is smaller then the disk, so why can't I burn it? | 02:37 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: looks ok to me. Does it just not fill up your screen? | 02:37 |
reya276 | mdh76: yet I'm still getting "configure: error: GTK+-2.10 is required to compile aurora" | 02:37 |
Dillizar | nooooo | 02:37 |
reya276 | mdh76: even though I just installed it | 02:37 |
WhoNeedszzz | So is there a firestarter guru in here? | 02:37 |
Dillizar | this one is bout the 15" Broadcom | 02:37 |
Liquid-A | Its a whole drive to itself, all 320GiB's (and in response to the commands you told me to type... mount: special device /dev/hdb does not exist) | 02:37 |
mdh76 | reya276, you may need to "make distclean" or similar to get rid of the configure.cache | 02:37 |
Light- | ksweely: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78495 | 02:37 |
crdlb | reya276: build-essential is just the base stuff needed for building things | 02:38 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: i know, oh wait, i see, you have two screens? | 02:38 |
dug_ | reya276: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-619065.html | 02:38 |
dug_ | reya276: sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev | 02:38 |
Dillizar | 4 | 02:38 |
crdlb | reya276: it does not contain development headers for libraries | 02:38 |
Dillizar | nooooooo Broadcom one monitor | 02:38 |
reya276 | mdh76: weird | 02:38 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: it looks fine to me. | 02:38 |
mdh76 | crdlb, we're past this point, thanks =) | 02:38 |
reya276 | dug_: yeap that's installing all kinds of stuff | 02:38 |
Dillizar | yes but i dont have 15" | 02:39 |
Light- | Liquid-A: I was just guessing at what it was called in /dev... you will need to find out what its called (sorry I dont know how to do that, I usually trial and error) | 02:39 |
snarkste2 | hi guys and gals. what is the name of a graphical hard drive partition manager? | 02:39 |
apow | Anyone using Xen? | 02:39 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: is that what you are seeing? | 02:39 |
NickGarvey | snarkste2: gparted | 02:39 |
NickGarvey | !info gparted | 02:39 |
Broadcom | !anyone | apow | 02:39 |
ubottu | gparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.3.5-1ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 339 kB, installed size 2100 kB | 02:39 |
ubottu | apow: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 02:39 |
snarkste2 | thank you | 02:39 |
Liquid-A | Light-: Do you have any suggestions considering the drive isnt seen? | 02:39 |
NickGarvey | yup | 02:39 |
larson9999 | huh. i've changed everything that says yahoo i can find. ff still want to use yahoo for url searches. | 02:39 |
apow | I'm trying but i get a black screen and a crash | 02:39 |
loligager | hey what was the grub configuration site again???? | 02:39 |
Flannel | Light-, Liquid-A, drives are now sdX not hdX, as of Hardy they're all mapped there. | 02:39 |
Flannel | Liquid-A: | 02:39 |
dug_ | WhoNeedszzz: ask your firestarter question, maybe someone here can help | 02:39 |
loligager | last try didnt work | 02:39 |
Dillizar | Broadcom: do ya know the command to see the setings bout my monitor | 02:40 |
Light- | Flannel: ahh, thanks. good to know that :) | 02:40 |
NickGarvey | larson9999: do you mean when you enter a url it uses yahoo, or when you mistype a url it does a search for that | 02:40 |
Dillizar | *of | 02:40 |
snarkste2 | thank you | 02:40 |
apow | I wonder if any of you got a working setup or the same problem as I do. | 02:40 |
reya276 | dug_: done, thanks | 02:40 |
reya276 | mdh76: thank you sir! | 02:40 |
Light- | Liquid-A: not really, ask Flannel he seems to know a lot :P | 02:40 |
mdh76 | reya276, you're welcome | 02:40 |
larson9999 | NickGarvey, i mean when i put a word or phrase in the url location that's not a url it uses yahoo to do the search. | 02:40 |
Jonathan_R | how well does smartpm work? | 02:41 |
loligager | GRUB help needed | 02:41 |
loligager | Any experts?? | 02:41 |
woli | how can i add a sound to the beep system event? | 02:41 |
NickGarvey | larson9999: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-change-your-firefox-location-bar-search-engine/ | 02:41 |
Dillizar | >> Broadcom | 02:41 |
Flannel | !anyone | loligager | 02:41 |
ubottu | loligager: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 02:41 |
Broadcom | gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 02:41 |
* Vicfred is listening pornophonique - rock'n'roll hall of fame ( Album: 8-bit lagerfeuer / Year: 2007 / Genre: Pop / Songtime: 4:02) | 02:41 | |
woli | for example, i have it enabled that instead of the annoying beep the pc makes, the screen is flashed black... but i want also a sound | 02:41 |
Flannel | Vicfred: Please turn that off | 02:41 |
Broadcom | **Dillizar | 02:41 |
eisenhower | Bah. okay.. does anyone know how to view the comments of a rar file? | 02:41 |
Broadcom | !rar | eisenhower | 02:42 |
ubottu | eisenhower: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 02:42 |
Dillizar | Broadcom: if i paste it to ya can you see the problem?? | 02:42 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: sure | 02:42 |
jcsteele | i have a script that needs to be ran at boot to download a file using curl, and also moves some files around on the fs and uses tar, but i am unsure which runlevel to place it in...in ideas? | 02:42 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: i can try | 02:42 |
Dillizar | mmmm what was is the page? | 02:42 |
loligager | ok, before i logged in as a diffrent user, i asked how to dule boot ubuntu with fedora, a guy game me a link, can anyone find it?/ | 02:42 |
Dillizar | !paste | 02:42 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 02:42 |
Nitricacid | Anyone here use kate as a text editor I could use some help with configging it. Also Guido shot first. | 02:42 |
Broadcom | !anyone | Nitricacid | 02:43 |
ksweeley | Light: What do I type into the console to get build-essentials? | 02:43 |
ubottu | Nitricacid: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 02:43 |
Goone | I fucked your dad. | 02:43 |
Flannel | !ops | Goone | 02:43 |
ubottu | Goone: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01! | 02:43 |
Light- | loligager: just install Fedora after you install ubuntu, Fedoras bootloader will pick up Ubuntu and give you a choice at which one to boot at startup | 02:43 |
snarkste2 | nice language | 02:43 |
Goone | Hahaha. | 02:43 |
loligager | light it didnt | 02:43 |
eisenhower | Broadcom: that didn't help unfortunently | 02:43 |
Light- | ksweely: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 02:43 |
larson9999 | NickGarvey, i already did that. it's always been set to that. | 02:43 |
dug_ | Nitricacid: I don't use kate, but isn't that a KDE application? maybe someone on a kde or kubuntu channel would know more | 02:43 |
Flannel | loligager, Light-, or install Ubuntu after Fedora, and Ubuntu will pick it up, etc. Either way, just install one, then the other. | 02:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sorry I lagged on that | 02:43 |
Broadcom | eisenhower: why not? | 02:43 |
Dillizar | http://paste.ubuntu.com/13978/ Broadcom | 02:43 |
Broadcom | Jack_Sparrow: thanks | 02:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 02:44 |
eisenhower | Broadcom: I just want to view the comments of the rar. I know how to extract and archive files... | 02:44 |
Dillizar | hmmmm the last time it was bigger Broadcom? | 02:44 |
Broadcom | eisenhower: use that to view it too | 02:44 |
eisenhower | idk. they don't have anything in the documentation too | 02:44 |
woli | whats the registry entry for the beep event? | 02:44 |
eisenhower | well they have only to write.. not to read | 02:44 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: what do you mean? | 02:44 |
Light- | woli: lol registry | 02:44 |
Liquid-A | Flannel: So what do you recommend I do if Ubuntu wont pick up my unpartitioned IDE drive? | 02:44 |
woli | emmm gconf? | 02:45 |
larson9999 | Light-, errr, gnome has a registry. one of the things i dislike about gnome | 02:45 |
NickGarvey | larson9999: and it does yahoo anyway? I just changed it to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ and it works perfect | 02:45 |
Light- | larson9999: wow I did not know that | 02:45 |
Flannel | Liquid-A: This is the second drive? or third? or what? | 02:45 |
weens | Is it possible to install ubuntu on a macbook and triple boot, with xp sp2 already installed? | 02:45 |
Liquid-A | Second. | 02:45 |
woli | registry is what makes an OS organized, larson999 | 02:45 |
weens | along with leopard | 02:46 |
Dillizar | Broadcom: the "list" was bigger it had more info !!! | 02:46 |
Light- | woli: judging by windows.... not really | 02:46 |
dug_ | eisenhower: are you using unrar-free or the nonfree one? I have the non-free one and it says it shows comments (there is a -c- option to disable) | 02:46 |
dug_ | the non-free one is in the medibuntu repository | 02:46 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: when? | 02:46 |
Flannel | Liquid-A: `ls -al /dev/sdb` gives you what? | 02:46 |
ksweeley | Light: What do I type in to uninstall Open Sound System sound drivers for Linux? | 02:46 |
larson9999 | NickGarvey, yeah it still goes to yahoo. i'll change it to wiki and see if it takes | 02:46 |
woli | there's been people that 64xboot | 02:46 |
woli | in the record guinness, weens | 02:46 |
weens | the wiki tutorial on triple booting assumes you are installing windows for the first time, I just dont know if this is required... | 02:46 |
Liquid-A | brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 16 2008-05-23 03:13 /dev/sdb | 02:46 |
woli | emmm... ubuntu has a registry also, Light | 02:46 |
eisenhower | dug_: i'm not sure. i'm on hardy so i would imagine the the nonfree | 02:46 |
woli | launch gconf and watch it yourself | 02:47 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: this might help, im not sure if it was solved though https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/34527 | 02:47 |
Flannel | Liquid-A: There you go. That's your second harddrive. You probably don't have a sdb1, because its unpartitioned. | 02:47 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 34527 in xorg "Philips 105MB monitor improperly detected (dup-of: 3731)" [Low,Invalid] | 02:47 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 3731 in xorg "Xorg resolution falling back to 640x480 and/or 800x600 when h/v freqs incorrect" [High,Fix released] | 02:47 |
loebas | hey, i'm trying to reset the saved_state file in ~/.gconfd but thus doesn't seem to work. every time i login it is the old file again. Any idea how to solve this? | 02:47 |
Dillizar | the last time i send it but then i was useing 7.04 | 02:47 |
Light- | ksweely: whya re you trying to do that? | 02:47 |
snarkste2 | getting the live ubuntu cd to load on this computer was a pain in the butt.. | 02:47 |
jm2k | in command-line, how do i send an input to a python program, like: echo 'username' > python open-gmail.py ? | 02:47 |
scifiguy951 | i cant access my login window config thing. | 02:47 |
ksweeley | Light: I tried to install OSS, it's not launching. | 02:47 |
Light- | ksweely: you need to find out the name of the package, then "sudo apt-get uninstall <name of package>" | 02:47 |
scifiguy951 | it wont open | 02:47 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/3731 maybe this? | 02:48 |
Dillizar | Broadcom: Xorg its the grafic card?? | 02:48 |
dug_ | jm2k: you might try | instead of > perhaps | 02:48 |
scifiguy951 | NVM | 02:48 |
GoldeNArX | hey guys. i'm running 8.04 (jeos) in a virtual machine but I cant get the NIC to detect / configure anymore | 02:48 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: im not sure | 02:48 |
GoldeNArX | it doesnt list under ifconfig | 02:48 |
woli | well, whats the entry name for the system beep anyone...?? | 02:48 |
GoldeNArX | how would I add it? | 02:48 |
larson9999 | woli, a registry is what makes an OS too much like windows | 02:48 |
Stephenishere | I cant get my nvidia drivers to work off the guide i followed : ( when i type glxgears this is what i receive, Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 02:48 |
Stephenishere | Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual | 02:48 |
Stephenishere | any help would be appreciated | 02:48 |
Dillizar | Broadcom: thats the problem | 02:48 |
Liquid-A | Flannel: So where do I go from here, to actually get on the drive? | 02:48 |
Light- | GoldeNarx: what VM are you using? | 02:48 |
GoldeNArX | server 2.0 | 02:48 |
mdh76 | scifiguy951, is sudo whining about an unknown hostname? | 02:48 |
GoldeNArX | the beta. perviously this worked | 02:48 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: will that fix it? | 02:48 |
Dillizar | Broadcom: i have 107E6 not 105 | 02:48 |
__aib | is there a way to tell apt to go ahead and install a package even if you cant find a dependency | 02:48 |
woli | larson9999, launch gconf, and youll see ubuntu's registry | 02:48 |
Light- | GoldeNarX: sorry ive only ever used VirtualBox | 02:48 |
Broadcom | Dillizar: should not be too different | 02:48 |
dug_ | woli: you want to disable the system beep? | 02:48 |
woli | i bet even mac has a registry | 02:48 |
Flannel | Liquid-A: Well, you need to partition it, so fire up a partitioner (gparted) and partition/format etc, then you can mount it, and add it to your fstab/etc | 02:49 |
mdh76 | scifiguy951, several times something overwrote my /etc/hosts file and sudo refused to work, so all config stuff was broken. | 02:49 |
woli | dug_ i want to launch a sound when system beep is launched | 02:49 |
snarkste2 | yes use the --force option but thats dumb | 02:49 |
Liquid-A | Right, so partition without loosing data? Is that possible? | 02:49 |
larson9999 | woli, i've been using ubuntu for years. i know it's regitstry. just don't like it. | 02:49 |
Flannel | woli: gconf is not Ubuntus registry. Where do you want the beep? is this in a terminal, or what? | 02:49 |
Dillizar | Broadcom: 105 its for 15'' and 107 its for 17'' | 02:49 |
Light- | Liquid-A: nope | 02:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | __aib not the best choice.. | 02:49 |
Flannel | Liquid-A: If its unpartitioned, you have no data on it. | 02:49 |
mdh76 | scifiguy951, I eventually booted in rescue mode, fixed the /etc/hosts file, and chmodded it 0444 ;) | 02:49 |
woli | emmm... | 02:49 |
WhoNeedszzz | My problem with firestarter is that i have to add the outside connection to my allowed connection list even though i've added port 80 as open to all | 02:49 |
VSpike | just tried a non-lvm install of 8.04 server and it breaks in the same way so it's not lvm | 02:50 |
woli | i just want to launch a sound when system beep is called... i thought registry would help me do that | 02:50 |
__aib | jack_sparrow, its my own repository. | 02:50 |
VSpike | damn that's annoying | 02:50 |
larson9999 | lol@ holding mac up as an OS model | 02:50 |
Flannel | VSpike: which way does it break? | 02:50 |
__aib | anyway, i just want to know how. whose to say whether its a good choice. there are lots of reasons for doing lots of things. | 02:50 |
woli | larson9999, i can't think a os without registry would be as easy to customize as ubuntu | 02:50 |
q_a_z_steve | How do I get help upgrading from 6.06 to 8.04? It wouldn't let me because I don't have enough room in /boot (partition is 31.5MB) | 02:50 |
WhoNeedszzz | pm me if you think you can help me with firestarter | 02:50 |
Nitricaci1 | i want to know the answer to WhoNeedszzz question, im in the same boat | 02:50 |
Flannel | q_a_z_steve: Remove any old kernels you've got (keep the current one, obviously) | 02:51 |
VSpike | It says "This kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU: 0 :6" "Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU." | 02:51 |
ksweeley | Light: How do I get OSS to run in Ubuntu 8.04? | 02:51 |
VSpike | Flannel: ^ | 02:51 |
WhoNeedszzz | oh then nvm say it here | 02:51 |
jm2k | dug_: wouldnt && work ? | 02:51 |
Light- | Vspike: are you trying to run 64bit on a 32bit cpu? | 02:51 |
Flannel | VSpike: try the alternate CD instead of the server CD. It supports more general-computer hardware | 02:51 |
q_a_z_steve | !OSS | 02:51 |
ubottu | Factoid oss not found | 02:51 |
Light- | ksweely: use ALSA | 02:51 |
jm2k | i did piping ubt didnt work either. | 02:51 |
WhoNeedszzz | what are you trying to do Nitricaci1? | 02:51 |
Nitricaci1 | run a Lamp server | 02:51 |
q_a_z_steve | ksweeley: OSS what? | 02:51 |
VSpike | Flannel: is this hardware just too old? | 02:51 |
woli | well, does anybody know the answer to my question | 02:51 |
ksweeley | Light: ALSA does not support my soundcard, OSS does.' | 02:52 |
woli | ? | 02:52 |
WhoNeedszzz | ok so exactly the same as me | 02:52 |
Nitricaci1 | mine is working fine though | 02:52 |
VSpike | Light-: nope, it's not a 64 bit cd | 02:52 |
Nitricaci1 | i just changed the port | 02:52 |
Nitricaci1 | and im all set | 02:52 |
Flannel | VSpike: No, the server CD is geared towards "real" servers. The generic kernel supports more hardware | 02:52 |
WhoNeedszzz | oh? | 02:52 |
Light- | Vspike: dunno then | 02:52 |
Nitricaci1 | thats what i was gonna say in pm | 02:52 |
dug_ | WhoNeedszzz, Nitricaci1: can't help with firestarter, but an alternative for servers especially is shorewall, see: http://edtechdev.blogspot.com/2007/11/quickly-setting-up-and-securing-ubuntu.html | 02:52 |
Nitricaci1 | but then you never responded :-x | 02:52 |
VSpike | Flannel: rats, that means i gotta download it :) | 02:52 |
Scared | How do I find the IP that I can use to see my apache site from my laptop that is on the same network? | 02:52 |
Light- | ksweely: sorry cant help you, ive never used OSS as my sound card is supported in ALSA | 02:52 |
VSpike | Flannel: there's no way to install the generic kernel on this install? | 02:52 |
Flannel | VSpike: You could always download the minimal ISO, which is 8mb, of course thenyou've gotta download all the packages at install time. | 02:53 |
Nitricaci1 | Scared ifconfig on the apache machine | 02:53 |
Broadcom | Scared ifconfig | 02:53 |
Scared | kk thanks. | 02:53 |
afallenhope | anyone know where I can get the driver for my LG 8600 phone? | 02:53 |
Flannel | VSpike: I... don't think so. Let me check. | 02:53 |
WhoNeedszzz | Nitricaci1: oh are you the same as Nitricacid? | 02:53 |
Nitricaci1 | yea | 02:53 |
WhoNeedszzz | oh | 02:53 |
ksweeley | q_a_z_steve: OSS 4.0-1015 for AMD64 build. | 02:53 |
WhoNeedszzz | u never responded to me | 02:53 |
Nitricaci1 | for some reason it booted me | 02:53 |
Nitricaci1 | yea it booted me | 02:53 |
WhoNeedszzz | ah | 02:53 |
WhoNeedszzz | ok | 02:53 |
WhoNeedszzz | oh so a ghost | 02:53 |
WhoNeedszzz | ok then i will change the port | 02:53 |
utui | Deuteronomy 22 (21st Century King James Version) | 02:53 |
utui | 21st Century King James Version (KJ21) | 02:53 |
utui | Copyright © 1994 by Deuel Enterprises, Inc. | 02:53 |
utui | [KJ21 at Deuel] | 02:53 |
utui | Deuteronomy 22 | 02:53 |
FloodBot1 | utui: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 02:53 |
utui | 1"Thou shalt not see thy brother's ox or his sheep go astray, and hide thyself from them. Thou shalt in any case bring them back unto thy brother. | 02:54 |
Nitricaci1 | use 800 | 02:54 |
Broadcom | afallenhope: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=721804 | 02:54 |
Nitricaci1 | or 8000 | 02:54 |
WhoNeedszzz | ok thanks Nitricaci1 | 02:54 |
Nitricaci1 | dont use anything below 80 | 02:54 |
WhoNeedszzz | ok | 02:54 |
Broadcom | !prefix | 02:54 |
ubottu | As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 02:54 |
dug_ | WhoNeedszzz: you can kill the process instead of using a different port if you want | 02:54 |
crimsun | ksweeley: sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-sound-base, and choose to blacklist ALSA | 02:54 |
Flannel | VSpike: there may be, yes. That CD does have the generic kernel on it. Try checking out the different menus at boot. | 02:54 |
q_a_z_steve | why did they separate "liveCD mode" and "install"? | 02:54 |
WhoNeedszzz | what do you mean dug_? | 02:54 |
Nitricaci1 | dug_: that wont work i tried that | 02:54 |
Nitricaci1 | i think his isp blocks 80 | 02:54 |
Nitricaci1 | like mine does | 02:54 |
Nitricaci1 | all the same symptoms | 02:54 |
WhoNeedszzz | ok i'll just change the port | 02:54 |
Flannel | q_a_z_steve: Er... In dapper? or you talking about in newer ones? | 02:54 |
dug_ | oh ok, | 02:54 |
VSpike | Flannel: you mean boot from cd or boot from disk? | 02:55 |
Broadcom | !enter | nitricaci1 | 02:55 |
ubottu | nitricaci1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 02:55 |
afallenhope | Broadcom: thanks. I didn't know that bitpim had the drivers haha | 02:55 |
q_a_z_steve | heron | 02:55 |
crimsun | ksweeley: then, install the OSSv4 parts, and set GStreamer et al. to use OSS instead of ALSA | 02:55 |
WhoNeedszzz | thanks again | 02:55 |
Flannel | VSpike: boot from the CD | 02:55 |
q_a_z_steve | Flannel: Heron, | 02:55 |
Liquid-A | Flannel: I've loaded up GParted, its saying its NTFS, but what I cant understand how the drive can be working one minute, then fail to be recognised the next, and if i change the FS to ext3, will I lose all the data on it? | 02:55 |
ksweeley | crimsun: I'm new to Ubuntu, how do I set gstreamer to use OSS? | 02:55 |
Flannel | q_a_z_steve: the Desktop CD is a liveCD, with an installer on it. The alternate CD is the old "Installer" CD, which is just debinstaller. | 02:55 |
q_a_z_steve | or can you install from the GUI? | 02:55 |
GoldeNArX | ok guys were do I look for the eth0 drivers and config on this? | 02:55 |
VSpike | Flannel: i was trying to install it from the rescue mode but without much success | 02:55 |
Broadcom | !install | 02:55 |
ubottu | Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 02:55 |
Flannel | q_a_z_steve: You can install form both yes. That was not the case in Dapper, where we had a liveCD, and an install CD. And you couldn't install from the liveCD | 02:56 |
GoldeNArX | I have one that is fully functional I want to copy the network driver settings and what not over to the other ubuntu box | 02:56 |
S3xyBeast | Hi | 02:56 |
Broadcom | !hi | S3xyBeast | 02:56 |
ubottu | S3xyBeast: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 02:56 |
S3xyBeast | Thanks :) | 02:56 |
=== S3xyBeast is now known as tompouk | ||
snarkste2 | you need to mount it mount -t /dev/<drive> /media/mountpoint -o force | 02:56 |
snarkste2 | sorry -t ntfs-3g | 02:56 |
Flannel | Liquid-A: Yes. I thought you said it was unformatted? Pastebin the output of `sudo fdisk -l` please (that's a lowercase L) | 02:56 |
scifiguy951 | how do i make that annoyence of a sound go away when i log in? | 02:56 |
bluefoxx | bluefoxx@azUre-prIDE:~$ sudo chown bluefoxx:bluefoxx /home/bluefoxx/RAID_5-1/ | 02:56 |
bluefoxx | chown: changing ownership of `/home/bluefoxx/RAID_5-1/': Operation not permitted | 02:56 |
Flannel | scifiguy951: Its in Sound preferences | 02:56 |
bluefoxx | the hell is that? | 02:57 |
bluefoxx | if root isnt allowed to do that then who the hell is? | 02:57 |
Flannel | bluefoxx: Is it mounted read-only? | 02:57 |
ksweeley | crimsun: I'm new to Ubuntu, how do I configure gstreamer to utilize OSS instead of ALSA? | 02:57 |
crimsun | ksweeley: set it using `gstreamer-properties' | 02:57 |
GoldeNArX | or is there a way for me to make uit "scan" for a new network card? | 02:57 |
dug_ | scifiguy951: system->preferences->sound->sounds and turn off log in sound | 02:57 |
bluefoxx | Flannel: its mounted with mount command, using root[since root is only allowed to] | 02:57 |
Liquid-A | Flannel: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/13984/ | 02:57 |
Flannel | VSpike: do you have a system installed already? or... I don't understand your situation I guess | 02:57 |
TiTy | holas | 02:57 |
scifiguy951 | i did it thnx | 02:58 |
tompouk | I'm trying to install ubuntu, but the alternative cd install tells me that it can't mount the cdrom :S What the hell? It has loaded the install from the cd, now it is verifying the cd and it can't load it any more :S | 02:58 |
woli | if anyone also wanted to know the system bell registry key, just look for 'bell' in gconf.. you will get several entries | 02:58 |
Broadcom | !hi | TiTy | 02:58 |
ubottu | TiTy: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 02:58 |
woli | like bell_custom_sound | 02:58 |
TiTy | alguien habla español aca? | 02:58 |
TiTy | xD | 02:58 |
ksweeley | Crimsun: I'm getting "OSS - Open Sound System: Could not open audio device for playback." | 02:58 |
GoldeNArX | I guess what I'm asking is say I added a new nic to this ubuntu... how would I get it to recognize that nic? | 02:58 |
Flannel | Liquid-A: you have three drives. Did you know that? | 02:58 |
Flannel | !es | TiTy | 02:58 |
woli | yop | 02:58 |
Broadcom | !es | 02:58 |
ubottu | TiTy: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 02:58 |
crimsun | ksweeley: are the OSSv4 drivers loaded? | 02:58 |
Liquid-A | Flannel: Yes. Two internal, 1 External. | 02:58 |
bluefoxx | Flannel: its my reformatted raid array, after i "upgraded" the drives, formatted as fat32 since i have windows back for games and *some* media | 02:58 |
q_a_z_steve | Flannel: So what's with the boot options? http://tombuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/hardyheronalpha5_1.jpg | 02:58 |
VSpike | Flannel: yeah the install completes but then breaks when it reboots | 02:58 |
ksweeley | Crimsun: How do I check if the OSS v4 drivers are loaded? | 02:58 |
fxr | can someone suggest ideas why my 2 monitors arnt coming up in nvidia settings? on AMD64 ,. i installed the binary drivers from nvidias website, i hadnt these issues on feisty.. | 02:59 |
VSpike | flannel: so i just booted from CD again and selected "rescue broken system" | 02:59 |
weens | anyone know if it's possible to triple boot, Leopard, XP, and Ubunutu even if leopard and xp are already installed | 02:59 |
snarkste2 | later guys | 02:59 |
VSpike | Flannel: so i now have the root system mounted and a terminal | 02:59 |
afallenhope | Broadcom: so I basically just have to type sudo apt-get install bitpim right? | 02:59 |
Flannel | VSpike: I'd try just reinstlaling from the CD, there should be a way to install a non-server kernel | 02:59 |
weens | on a macbook, 2.16ghz | 02:59 |
ksweeley | Crimsun: How do I check if the OSS v4 drivers are loaded? | 02:59 |
Broadcom | afallenhope: yes | 02:59 |
VSpike | Flannel: can't see one in the menu | 03:00 |
crimsun | ksweeley: did you run the OSSv4 install script? | 03:00 |
tompouk | Could someone help me please? | 03:00 |
ksweeley | Yes. | 03:00 |
Flannel | q_a_z_steve: The first option boots to the live mode, from there you can install. The second boots to the same installer as on the LiveCD, but without the rest of the live system (ubiquity-only) | 03:00 |
Broadcom | tompouk: ask | 03:00 |
crimsun | ksweeley: and soundon? | 03:00 |
pedro_ | como entro no ubuntu brasil | 03:00 |
afallenhope | Broadcom: it picks it up as a modem but I can't view the filesystem | 03:00 |
Broadcom | !pg | 03:00 |
ubottu | Factoid pg not found | 03:00 |
Flannel | VSpike: Try f4? I'm not really sure if its possible, but the generic kernel is on the disc, so its not impossible. | 03:00 |
tompouk | Broadcom I'm trying to install ubuntu, but the alternative cd install tells me that it can't mount the cdrom :S What the hell? It has loaded the install from the cd, now it is verifying the cd and it can't load it any more :S | 03:00 |
dug_ | !pt | 03:00 |
ubottu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 03:00 |
pedro_ | #ubuntu-br | 03:01 |
mdh76 | tompouk, maybe your cd is a bad burn :( I've burnt coasters before... | 03:01 |
Broadcom | dug_ ah that is what it is | 03:01 |
Flannel | Liquid-A: sdc is your NTFS drive. Not sdb, you should be able to mount sdc1 as your NTFS drive, and you do recognize it as NTFS right now | 03:01 |
bluefoxx | reforrmatting my array...whats better: ext2 or ext3? im using it for my music for the most part | 03:01 |
ksweeley | crimsun: I did sudo soundon and I get "No /usr/lib/oss/etc/installed_drivers - cannot continue" | 03:01 |
WhoNeedszzz | Nitricaci1, you there? | 03:01 |
Starnestommy | bluefoxx: ext3 | 03:01 |
afallenhope | Broadcom: would I have to sudo to run bitpim? | 03:01 |
Broadcom | afallenhope: not to run it, but to install it yes | 03:01 |
Nitricaci1 | WhoNeedszzz: can you read my pms? | 03:01 |
bluefoxx | Starnestommy: kk | 03:01 |
tompouk | mdh76 I burnt 4 differents cds :S | 03:01 |
WhoNeedszzz | Nitricaci1 i don't see any | 03:01 |
Broadcom | tompouk: not sure, ask again in this channel | 03:02 |
Nitricaci1 | WhoNeedszzz: yea im here, just my chat software being stupid | 03:02 |
Starnestommy | Nitricaci1: you might need to be registered and identified to PM people | 03:02 |
WhoNeedszzz | ah ok | 03:02 |
mdh76 | tompouk, md5sum check the .iso file to make sure its okay, and burn at 8x instead of faster. that generally works. | 03:02 |
tompouk | I'm trying to install ubuntu, but the alternative cd install tells me that it can't mount the cdrom :S What the hell? It has loaded the install from the cd, now it is verifying the cd and it can't load it any more :S | 03:02 |
WhoNeedszzz | so i have a problem | 03:02 |
Nitricaci1 | WhoNeedszzz: ya i can read it | 03:02 |
Broadcom | Starnestommy: just start a channel | 03:02 |
WhoNeedszzz | ah | 03:02 |
ksweeley | crimsun: I did sudo soundon and I get "No /usr/lib/oss/etc/installed_drivers - cannot continue" When I open the install script, it says "Same version is already installed" | 03:02 |
Nitricaci1 | WhoNeedszzz: join #nitty | 03:02 |
Liquid-A | Flannel: Im in GParted now, and its saying that SBC is the external (the disk thats mounted) and sbd (the ntfs i cant mount) | 03:02 |
jm2k | Got a python script accessing Gmail via python, when executing script, urllib asks for HTTPBasicAuth then waits for user input. I want to send (via basic linux command), when executing python script, the username/pass beforehand "python gmail.py && username && password" thus it goes into the HTTPBasicAuth without retyping. Any takers? | 03:02 |
afallenhope | Broadcom: because I used "sudo apt-get install bitpim" and it's not pickin up my phone... I went into the manual settings and set my phone as a LG 8600 and manually selected the COM port | 03:02 |
mangojambo | hello there china ... I'm having a problem trying to boot hardy CD (initramfs)... I tried to boot with that options: all_generic_ide ... floppy=off ... and never worked ... I'd read about to put pci=nomsi ... but my HDs are IDE and not SATA!! there is no problem to try that? | 03:03 |
Broadcom | jm2k try #python | 03:03 |
chetnick | hi guys, my printer wont print no more, it just print "!PS-Adobe-3.0 %%Creator: cairo 1.6.0 (http://cairographics.org)) %%CreationDate: | 03:03 |
chetnick | and than blank pages | 03:03 |
fxr | can someone suggest ideas why my 2 monitors arnt coming up in nvidia settings? on AMD64 ,. i installed the binary drivers from nvidias website, i hadnt these issues on feisty.. | 03:03 |
Broadcom | afallenhope: afrid i cant help you, ask again on the channel sorry. | 03:03 |
hoggie | Hey all... im trying to figure out if my network interfaces are configured correctly.. when i ifconfig, i get 3 interfaces: lo (loopback), eth0 (ethernet card) , eth1 (ether..), when i iwconfig: lo (no wireless extensions) , eth0 (no wire...) , eth1 (unassociated ..) | 03:03 |
mdh76 | jm2k, you could just stick them on the command line and use sys.argv to get the contents | 03:03 |
ksweeley | crimsun: I did sudo soundon and I get "No /usr/lib/oss/etc/installed_drivers - cannot continue" When I open the install script, it says "Same version is already installed" | 03:03 |
mdh76 | jm2k, sys.argv is a 0-indexed array | 03:04 |
bogey- | What purpose do enteprrises use ubuntu for? I.e. webserver, database server, etc... | 03:04 |
mdh76 | jm2k, just remember doing it this way puts the username and password into the process list | 03:04 |
jm2k | Broadcom: cant get in to #python. | 03:04 |
jm2k | #python :You need to be identified to join that channel | 03:04 |
Flannel | bogey-: Sure, and also workstations | 03:04 |
VSpike | Flannel: what can i run to get a decent terminal emulator? | 03:04 |
Flannel | VSpike: I have no idea. I use ttys | 03:05 |
VSpike | I'm in a busybox environment, but chrooted | 03:05 |
crdlb | !register | jm2k | 03:05 |
ubottu | jm2k: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. | 03:05 |
sazma | anyone running Heron64 able to get mozplugger to embed evince or gv or anything that isn't totem? | 03:05 |
crdlb | jm2k: some channels, like #python require you to be registered | 03:05 |
Broadcom | jm2k: register your username with /msg NickServ REGISTER <password> | 03:05 |
jm2k | mdh76: i'm aware of it, but just testing the script and on my personal laptop. | 03:05 |
dug_ | fxr, i'm not sure, I use the nvidia-glx-new driver, and see the tips on getting a 2nd display (like a projector) to work: http://edtechdev.blogspot.com/2007/12/getting-projector-to-work-with-laptop.html | 03:05 |
GoldeNArX | so to ask again guys... I have 2 identical ubuntu 8.04 (jeos) machines rolled up. one sees "vmnet0" and the other does not. how can I get the working machines ethernet / nic settings into the non working machine? (the non working one is the one that I need to work) | 03:05 |
mdh76 | some bastard stole my registration when the servers moved several years ago, I've never bothered to reapply | 03:05 |
dug_ | these tips | 03:05 |
crimsun | ksweeley: and you're sure you need OSSv4? | 03:05 |
crimsun | ksweeley: which card is this? | 03:05 |
ksweeley | Yes, I have a Sound Blaster X-Fi. | 03:06 |
fxr | ok thanks dug_ ll have a nose, m totally outta ideas here | 03:06 |
ksweeley | Soundblaster X-Fi is not compatible with ALSA but is with OSS v4. | 03:06 |
crimsun | ksweeley: which X-Fi? | 03:06 |
digitalslave | anyone here good with pam i have pam_tally working but it only allows 1 login attempt with ssh before it cuts the connection - anyone know how to make it keep the connection for 3 attempts - deny=3 already | 03:06 |
crimsun | ksweeley: even OSSv4 doesn't support all the models. | 03:06 |
ksweeley | I have the basic X-Fi. | 03:07 |
crimsun | ksweeley: which? | 03:07 |
Lynet | Is there a generic wrapper somewhere to run 32bit firefox plugins in 64bit hardy? | 03:07 |
crimsun | Lynet: nspluginwrapper. | 03:07 |
JackWon1 | hi nice to met you everybody | 03:08 |
ksweeley | crimsun: This one: http://us.creative.com/products/product.asp?category=209&subcategory=669&product=15854 | 03:08 |
JackWon1 | i'm newbie for Linux | 03:08 |
deuryte | does any one know if ubuntu 8.04 is posix conformant ?? | 03:08 |
JackWon1 | anyone can guide me? | 03:08 |
JackWon1 | Thanks | 03:08 |
dug_ | JackWon1: i'd just ask what questions you have, and someone here can probably help | 03:09 |
dug_ | !ask | 03:09 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 03:09 |
mdh76 | deuryte, which part of posix? | 03:09 |
crimsun | ksweeley: err, you likely need Creative's beta driver instead. | 03:09 |
ksweeley | crimsun: I get an error when I tried to run that. | 03:09 |
JackWon1 | i'm using ubuntu right now | 03:09 |
JackWon1 | i intend to learn linux from zero | 03:09 |
JackWon1 | how do i start? | 03:10 |
Liquid-A | JackWon1: Which number do you intend to get to? | 03:10 |
cycom | JackWon1: try gentoo | 03:10 |
q_a_z_steve | K thanks guys | 03:10 |
kgwillow | Ok I edit my xorg file and got it to recognize my i810 intel extreme graphics 2 video chipset. But now it's stuck in a different resolution. I'm trying to get it to 1280x1024. Here is my xorg http://pastebin.com/f6cffd46 any help would be appreciated. | 03:10 |
mdl-unit | Is there any way to slow down terminal output of something (what I have in mind is tail -f)? | 03:10 |
dug_ | JackWon1: there are some beginner tutorials on the web on using ubuntu, http://www.google.com/search?source=ig&hl=en&rlz=&q=ubuntu+beginner+tutorial&btnG=Google+Search | 03:11 |
dug_ | or just play around and ask here if something breaks | 03:11 |
deuryte | mdh76: well, not sure but am finding out through certain articles that if an os was not posix conformant, than it was only compliant wich means its compatability is hindered when concidering adding additional software | 03:11 |
JackWon1 | i don't know how to using the terminal | 03:11 |
crimsun | ksweeley: which error? It's best to ask on Creative's forum(s) | 03:11 |
mdh76 | deuryte that's probably posix.1 in which case you've been safe for decades with Linux | 03:11 |
afallenhope | anyone know where the "/etc/hotplug/usb.usermap" is? | 03:12 |
ksweeley | crimsun: I extracted the folder onto the desktop, what do I do to try the install? | 03:12 |
afallenhope | lol. like.. it's not there.. | 03:12 |
afallenhope | the /etc/hotplug is not there | 03:12 |
JackWon1 | how do i adjust the brightness in my Laptop? | 03:12 |
deuryte | mdh76: thanks, ok, where does 1b and 1c come into play? commercially ?? | 03:12 |
JackWon1 | in Linux OS i can't make it | 03:12 |
digitalslave | anyone here good with pam i have pam_tally working but it only allows 1 login attempt with ssh before it cuts the connection - anyone know how to make it keep the connection for 3 attempts - deny=3 already | 03:13 |
dug_ | JackWon1: here are some tutorials on using the terminal: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=990636 and brightness i usually adjust using the knobs on the monitor itself | 03:13 |
imjesus_1 | is their a program that is like publisher | 03:13 |
ksweeley | crimsun: I get "make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop. | 03:14 |
ksweeley | Installation Unsuccessful" | 03:14 |
dug_ | ksweeley: "cd" into the folder with the makefile first, then run ./configure or make or whatever | 03:15 |
Liquid-A | so does anyone have an idea how an NTFS drive is usable for 3 days, and then suddently turns unusable? | 03:15 |
cycom | Liquid-A: the drive failed... | 03:15 |
Liquid-A | cycom: Define "Failed" | 03:15 |
mdh76 | deuryte, 1b defines RTOS extensions and 1c threading extensions... obviously parts of both are fully implemented though I'm not sure if either is fully. | 03:16 |
cycom | Liquid-A: hardware issue... | 03:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | Liquid-A Windows locked it down...? | 03:16 |
Liquid-A | cycom: Detected by BIOS, and is usable in windows. | 03:16 |
dug_ | !games | 03:16 |
ubottu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php | 03:16 |
VSpike | Flannel: i was pretty much right before i think .. just had to do "export TERM=vt100" so that it was a recognised terminal and the configure scripts could run | 03:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ntfsfix | 03:16 |
cycom | Liquid-A: unclean shutdown? | 03:16 |
ubottu | Factoid ntfsfix not found | 03:16 |
sazma | anyone running Heron64 able to get mozplugger to embed evince or gv or anything that isn't totem? | 03:16 |
mdh76 | deuryte, there are some linux distributions like LynxOS that fully implement 1,1b&1c | 03:16 |
deuryte | mdh76: thanks, just learning, i do thank you for taking time to do dearch ... have a nice evening......... central florida, | 03:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | IS the factoid ntfstools? | 03:17 |
getoo | i am dualbooting , is it possible to run a windows app (ie. yahoo messanger) in ubuntu . i am using hardy | 03:17 |
deuryte | mdh76: i saw that | 03:17 |
smallfoot- | i have dualcore, 4gb ram, i want watch a porno in flash, and i press fullscreen, and it lags, why? | 03:17 |
smallfoot- | in window mode, it dont lag, but in fullscreen it is lag | 03:17 |
deuryte | mdh76: what exactly is linxOS used for? | 03:18 |
cycom | getoo: just use Pidgin. I'm pretty sure it can do yahoo messenger | 03:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | getoo not from your windows install but in wine or vbox etc | 03:18 |
zelrikriando | getoo, you can use you msn/yahoo/icq whatever accounts with pidgin on linux | 03:18 |
mdh76 | deuryte, the glibc manual might talk more about 1c | 03:18 |
getoo | cycom: wont do chatrooms | 03:18 |
ksweeley | I went through the install script for the Creative driver and I get: "install error 2" | 03:18 |
Liquid-A | cycom: The latter sounds like a possibility, but its a non-essential disk, it doesnt get booted from, but Ubuntu seriously crashed before, the whole screen locked, nothing would move. So it was impossible for me to shut it down any other way. | 03:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | getoo Yes pidgin can connect to yahoo im friends | 03:18 |
dug_ | smallfoot-: you need a restricted 3d driver to watch your porn better :) | 03:18 |
mdh76 | deuryte, LynxOS looks like its targetting the embedded market - POS terminals, ATMs etc | 03:18 |
getoo | i mean u can get in read but none can see ya when typing | 03:18 |
JackWon1 | anyone willing to guide me i'm newbie of Linux please! | 03:18 |
puff | I'm installing ubuntu from scratch on a new hard drive (old drive had a hardware failure). This is the first time I've installed 8.0.4, the installation process appears to have changed abit. | 03:19 |
mdh76 | missile launch systems | 03:19 |
smallfoot- | dug_, i have nvidia-glx-new 168.12 with gf8600 | 03:19 |
mdh76 | space shuttles | 03:19 |
mdh76 | washing machines | 03:19 |
illriginal | anyone know a good media server that I can run Ubuntu 8.04 so that my PS3 can connect and play media files? | 03:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ot | 03:19 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 03:19 |
cycom | Liquid-A: try running chkdisk on it on windows | 03:19 |
getoo | Jack_Sparrow: i know you can do friends , but i wana do chat rooms , and u cant be seen , as in typing only entered the room and exit | 03:19 |
zelrikriando | hey isnt Yahoo chatrooms, irc servers? | 03:19 |
getoo | thats it | 03:19 |
Liquid-A | >.> | 03:19 |
blizzardman1219[ | hello. i'm trying to configure wpa supplicant to allow me to use my wireless card with an encrypted network. the directions i read tell me to edit the wpa_supplicant.conf file with some information that i've already found, but i can't find the wpa_supplicant.conf file anywhere | 03:19 |
Liquid-A | That means releasing the devil from his cage... | 03:19 |
puff | I'd like to set up specific hardware partitions, not one big LVM partition. Does "guided" permit that, or should I do it manually? | 03:19 |
Liquid-A | :( | 03:19 |
deuryte | mdh76: more of a universal security kernel ? proprietory to privacy ?? | 03:19 |
mdh76 | blizzardman1219[, you need to create it. I threw mine into /etc | 03:19 |
puff | Hello? | 03:20 |
Liquid-A | cycom: Does Ubuntu not have any chkdisk facilities? | 03:20 |
cycom | Liquid-A: you're the sucker that decided to use NTFS :) | 03:20 |
zelrikriando | getoo, which chatroom? | 03:20 |
getoo | zelrikriando: anychatroom | 03:20 |
deuryte | mdh76: well, i gotta get some sleep, work am early, thanks fer all yer help... | 03:20 |
Nitricaci1 | Can anyone help me compile the client for www.no-ip.com on Hardy. | 03:20 |
cycom | Liquid-A: I think ntfstools has it, but I dunno. | 03:20 |
getoo | lets say linux, freebsd, solaris:1 | 03:20 |
JackWon1 | hi anyone willing to guide me i'm newbie for Linux - Ubuntu! | 03:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | puff yes guided will let you make partitions / , /home/ usr all you want | 03:20 |
ksweeley | Can anyone help, when I ran the install script, I got an error 2 with the X-Fi beta drivers? | 03:20 |
getoo | zelrikriando: i used zinc for a while , same with zinc | 03:21 |
DJ_Cranky | JackWon1 what can i do for you | 03:21 |
blizzardman1219[ | mdh76: how does one create it? | 03:21 |
deuryte | mdh76: c ya | 03:21 |
puff | Jack_Sparrow: Ah, okay, because when I selected "guided", it didn't put up a partitioning interface. | 03:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | puff do manual | 03:21 |
mdh76 | blizzardman1219[, just copy the sample one there, or make your own using a text editor | 03:21 |
zelrikriando | getoo, cant you use xchat? | 03:21 |
getoo | zelrikriando: is xchat doing chatrooms in yahoo ? | 03:22 |
DJ_Cranky | puff Jack_Sparrow just a suggestion, if using live CD i prefer to use gparted before i launch installer | 03:22 |
getoo | I'm using ERC Version 5.2 with GNU Emacs 22.1.1 (i486-pc-linux-gnu, X toolkit, Xaw3d scroll bars) of 2008-05-03. | 03:22 |
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Jack_Sparrow | DJ_Cranky same difference, gparted is run as part of manual partiutioning during the install | 03:22 |
mdh76 | blizzardman1219[, I made my own with "vi /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf" | 03:23 |
Athenon | what does the "install inside windows" installation do exactly? | 03:23 |
puff | DJ_Cranky: Any advice on partitioning? Mainly I want to have different hardware partitions for the install vs. the user data. | 03:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | Athenon read the faq on wubi... not my choice of installation options | 03:24 |
=== svensko is now known as svensk1 | ||
getoo | i used linux for like 10 years , i do not know how to use vi ;-) i use emacs | 03:24 |
getoo | heh | 03:24 |
=== silverpower_ is now known as silverpower | ||
puff | DJ_Cranky: To make it easier to reinstall without having to shuffle user data around. | 03:24 |
zelrikriando | getoo, I dont know....google is there for that... | 03:24 |
getoo | true zelrikriando , thanx | 03:24 |
mdh76 | Athenon, it makes a ext2 fs on a file stored on an existing NTFS partition, then sets up a boot entry into ntldr that'll start grub and load linux using that loopback filesystem thing | 03:24 |
JackWon1 | hi anyone willing to guide me i'm newbie for Linux - Ubuntu! | 03:24 |
puff | getoo: But of course, "vi vi vi" == "666", QED vi is obviously The Editor Of The Beast. | 03:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | puff you want / "root" /home swap ... and a spare data | 03:24 |
DJ_Cranky | puff well, i would make an extended partition for the ext3 and swap together, and maybe make a big NTFS or FAT32 and mount it as /home | 03:24 |
Athenon | mdh76: hmm, doesn't sound like TOO bad of a deal...why don't people like it? | 03:25 |
lnar | <JackWon1> no problem | 03:25 |
Stephenishere | dj_cranky, just curious did you get my /msg? | 03:25 |
mdh76 | Athenon, it unfortunately didn't do what I hoped... let me run linux inside windows ;) So I ended up uninstalling that one and doing a proper install | 03:25 |
getoo | "vi vi vi " = " veni vidi vici" @ puff | 03:25 |
getoo | not for me tho | 03:25 |
puff | DJ_Cranky: Hm? | 03:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | DJ_Cranky ntfs or fat32 as /home ? What about permissions? | 03:25 |
Stephenishere | i came , i saw, i conquered? | 03:25 |
blizzardman1219[ | mdh76: it says i don't have permission to save the file | 03:25 |
mdh76 | Athenon, its a heck of a lot slower than a raw filesystem, and you still need to reboot into it to use it | 03:25 |
lnar | <JackWon1> what u need? | 03:25 |
getoo | Stephenishere: yes | 03:25 |
mdh76 | blizzardman1219[, oh, yeah, you need to be root to do it. sudo vi /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf | 03:26 |
hojpoj | Hello | 03:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | DJ_Cranky If you are running that now, I want to see your fdsik -l and fstab | 03:26 |
Athenon | mdh76: yeah. but if you mess up, you can just delete the ext2 fs file and all is bueno, right? | 03:26 |
JackWon1 | hi lnar | 03:26 |
Stephenishere | getoo: can you see my private msgs? | 03:26 |
hojpoj | I'm having a hard time getting bootlogd working as it should. | 03:26 |
JackWon1 | could i chati with you directly? | 03:26 |
getoo | Stephenishere: let me check it | 03:26 |
lnar | <JackWon1> how u doin, what are u tryin to do with ubuntu | 03:26 |
illriginal | anyone know twonkyvision or mediatomb? Which is better? | 03:26 |
mdh76 | Athenon, sure. (well.. use the uninstall option in the control panel, don't just delete random files) | 03:26 |
JackWon1 | as a newbie do you have guidelines? | 03:27 |
DJ_Cranky | Jack_Sparrow not on this current machine, and the /home can be ext3 as well, its just i also dual boot with windows, so its good to be able to share data | 03:27 |
hojpoj | bootlogd is not showing me all the boot info | 03:27 |
JackWon1 | where should i start? | 03:27 |
puff | Jack_Sparrow: That's the basic idea... On another box, I have /usr under a separate partition, I'm not sure why I did that at the time... maybe that's where a lot of not-/home user data is kept. | 03:27 |
JackWon1 | i would like to learn the command of terminal | 03:27 |
tang | hello | 03:27 |
hojpoj | %B Hello? | 03:27 |
Athenon | mdh76: nod. so stupid question...last time ubuntu messed up on me, it hung in the middle of a java installation and i was forced to reboot with the hard drive still working and it messed the whole hard drive up...with a wubi installation, would it be the same way? | 03:27 |
JackWon1 | i don't understand what is tar...rpm... apt-cache... | 03:27 |
DJ_Cranky | Jack_Sparrow then i have my windows user profile stored on that same drive, so all the data is os independent and shared | 03:27 |
JackWon1 | how do i use in in Ubuntu? | 03:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | DJ_Cranky ext3 for home is fine.. but ntfs or fat32... never seen anyone set up a system with that.. ever. | 03:28 |
puff | What's the word on newer file system types? E.g. journaling, etc? | 03:28 |
lnar | <JackWon1> well...i would search in google for some guides about linux itself, then a guide in ubuntu | 03:28 |
Athenon | Jack_Sparrow: tar is an archive file, like zip......rpm is a redhat package, and apt-cache....im not 100% sure. | 03:28 |
DJ_Cranky | Jack_Sparrow hmm.. maybe i am using xfs? it is something that windows can read as well, i know that | 03:28 |
hojpoj | Does anyone here have any knowledge of BOOTLOGD????? | 03:28 |
puff | In the recent drive failure problem, I ran across mention of journaling file systems not needing to fsck. | 03:28 |
mdh76 | Athenon, hrm sounds like pebcak... I'm sure you'll run into similar problems no matter how you install :O | 03:28 |
Athenon | JackWon1*...sorry | 03:28 |
JackWon1 | i have installed Ubuntu 3 days ago | 03:28 |
iissmart | Anyone know how to check your mail upon ssh'ing into an 8.04 server? | 03:28 |
puff | hojpoj: Not I. | 03:28 |
hojpoj | k | 03:28 |
Templarian | whats a good DNS program for resetting my dns thing for dyndns.com | 03:28 |
JackWon1 | basiclly i can understand | 03:29 |
Templarian | perferably has a gui | 03:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | DJ_Cranky I have no problem with the shared data being fat32, but ntfs is fine as well... for accdessing from the windows side an ext3 I use ext2fs | 03:29 |
puff | iissmart: sudo aptitude install mutt<enter> mutt<enter> | 03:29 |
DJ_Cranky | Templarian a lot of routers can do it, if yours does i would reccommend that | 03:29 |
JackWon1 | after which step should i go? | 03:29 |
lnar | <JackWon1> search in ubuntu forums | 03:29 |
blizzardman1219[ | mdh76: what do i do once i do sudo vi /etc/wpa_supplicant.inf? it just opens up a blank windo | 03:29 |
Athenon | mdh76: hrm. thats discouraging. too bad java couldnt have just worked....java gave me mountains of trouble...although most everything else worked fine -_- | 03:29 |
puff | Templarian: What cranky siad. | 03:29 |
Templarian | DJ_Cranky: didn't even think of that and yes it does | 03:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | !pm | tang | 03:29 |
ubottu | tang: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. | 03:29 |
puff | Athenon: I've never had a problem getting java to work, though I've never really used it for applets. | 03:30 |
mdh76 | Athenon, its a little easier now that openjdk is free and in the install.. just apt-get install it :) | 03:30 |
iissmart | puff, no I mean like an automatic mail check, like I think if you have the Desktop version installed and you ssh into it, it says "No mail" or "New mail for <username>" right under the MOTD | 03:30 |
JackWon1 | okie | 03:30 |
iissmart | it doesn't do this in my fresh installation of 8.04 server | 03:30 |
puff | iissmart: ah... there used to be an old program, "from", that would do that. | 03:30 |
smallfoot- | ubuntu needs to focus more on porno, thats where the market share is | 03:30 |
DJ_Cranky | Templarian glad i could hellp | 03:30 |
Athenon | mdh76: erm yeah, thats what i did...but it didnt work right...i forgot what was wrong exactly, but something wasnt right | 03:30 |
* mdh76 was growing tired of using make-jpkg to roll his own j2sdk debs | 03:30 | |
Y | lol smalloot- | 03:30 |
lnar | <JackWon1> http://start.ubuntu.com/8.04/ | 03:30 |
JackWon1 | what is main function of Bind DNS? | 03:30 |
smallfoot- | Y everyone loves porno | 03:30 |
DJ_Cranky | Jack_Sparrow i dont think ext2fs can write to ext3, can it? | 03:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | smallfoot- Please stop | 03:31 |
JackWon1 | Thank you Inar! | 03:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | DJ_Cranky yes | 03:31 |
smallfoot- | Jack_Sparrow, we need security from spyware that you get from porno sites, and we need smooth high quality multi media playback | 03:31 |
Templarian | puff: whats the host name and do i check the wild card box | 03:31 |
DJ_Cranky | Jack_Sparrow i will look at it again then, | 03:31 |
puff | Jack_Sparrow: Bind is the oldest and probably most popular DNS server program. | 03:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ot | smallfoot- | 03:31 |
ubottu | smallfoot-: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 03:31 |
lnar | <JackWon1> no problem man | 03:31 |
puff | Jack_Sparrow: WHoops, that was for JackWon1 | 03:31 |
Athenon | mdh76: i think i was trying to get a newer version of the sdk or somesuch and it errored in the middle...or...AHH YES I REMEMEBER...it was the firefox plugin...java itself was working ok, but not inside firefox...and yeah, i messed up a hard drive trying to fix it -_- | 03:31 |
Templarian | puff: nvm | 03:31 |
hojpoj | Is there an advanced Ubuntu forum or IRC channel? | 03:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | puff np | 03:32 |
Y | smallfoot-: This is a support chat. If you wish to speak off-topic please go to a more appropriate chat. | 03:32 |
mdh76 | blizzardman1219[, you hit 'i' to go into insert mode, write in the config stuff or copy & paste it in, hit <esc> then :wq to save and quit vi | 03:32 |
JackWon1 | what different between DEBAIN...UBUNTU...RED HAT? | 03:32 |
iissmart | puff, if I try running 'from' it says "can't read /var/mail/<user>", and the man page says its for listing who's SENT mail, not received | 03:32 |
hojpoj | DEBIAN and UBUNTU = No difference | 03:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | JackWon1 /join #ubuntu-offtopic for discussions | 03:32 |
dug_ | Athenon: yeah there's a sun-java6-plugin package if you don't have it installed already | 03:32 |
Y | JackWon1: Have you tried google? | 03:32 |
puff | iissmart: It lists who sent the mail that yo u've received. | 03:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | hojpoj Yes there is a difference | 03:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | !debian | 03:33 |
ubottu | Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu! | 03:33 |
hojpoj | Red Hat - Primarily different installation program. Uses RPM instead of the much more superior Aptitude | 03:33 |
Athenon | dug_: I did that, but java stuff still wouldnt work in firefox | 03:33 |
Y | JackWon1: Always remember - GOOGLE! (Ignorance's only natural predator!) | 03:33 |
puff | iissmart: Back in the day, mail was saved in spool files under /var/mail, these days it depends on how your mail server is set up. | 03:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | hojpoj Please feel free to join him in ot to discuss the differences | 03:33 |
hojpoj | ubottu - Most 8.04 Ubuntu packages will work on Debian Etch | 03:33 |
ubottu | hojpoj: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 03:33 |
mdh76 | Athenon, there's not 64-bit java plugin afaik... otherwise it simply works out of the box on 32-bit systems... | 03:33 |
Y | puff: Back in the day mail was delievered in big blue or red bags. =D | 03:34 |
Athenon | mdh76: i think it did, but when i upgraded it, it quit working or somesuch | 03:34 |
hojpoj | Ubuntu 8.04 and Debian 4.0r3 Etch are exactly the same | 03:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | hojpoj Please feel free to join him in ot to discuss the differences | 03:34 |
Rorgo | what possessed the ubuntu people to think releasing a beta firefox browser as the default for 8.04 would be a good idea | 03:34 |
Flannel | hojpoj: Please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks | 03:34 |
puff | Templarian: Host name is whatever you set it to. IT's the name that your linux box uses to describe itself. It is often set to be the same as a domain name associated with the box. | 03:34 |
Athenon | mdh76: i just know it was a big mess and i tried everything i could think of to fix it and it all failed -_- | 03:34 |
hojpoj | What an idiotic channel. | 03:34 |
lnar | <JackWon1> linux is linux, all names like ubuntu, debian, red hat, gentoo, they are distributions, basically they are the same with different ways of doing the same thing on the same system, different ways of installing software packages etc | 03:34 |
Flannel | Rorgo: it wont be beta much longer | 03:34 |
dug_ | iissmart: i'm assuming you already tried running "mail" to check your mail | 03:34 |
iissmart | dug_, yes, but I would like it to be an automatic check upon ssh'ing in. And this would be for multiple users, not just me | 03:35 |
puff | dug_: he wants a quick summary of his inbox when he logs in. | 03:35 |
DJ_Cranky | hojpoj please be polite | 03:35 |
iissmart | I thought it came by default, but evidently not on server installations. Maybe on desktop installations though? | 03:35 |
lnar | <JackWon1> and some of them are free, and use free software only and some others dont | 03:35 |
mdh76 | Athenon, if you upgrade using ubuntu packages you should be fine. if you try to install from tarballs off java.sun.com you'll likely run into trouble | 03:36 |
JackWon1 | Thank you Inar | 03:36 |
JackWon1 | i had tried to google it | 03:36 |
Tech-Mike | sup peeps...got a question about network devices/adapters....does ubuntu only handle one network device at a time? when i connect w/ usb wireless (wlan0) my lan (eth0) isnt connected... and vice versa | 03:36 |
Athenon | mdh76: nope, it was synaptic packages...in fact i was in the middle of installing one and the whole computer hung and never released...i had to reboot and messed up the hard drive in so doing -_- | 03:36 |
JackWon1 | just confirm the answer again at here | 03:36 |
mdh76 | Athenon, I remember a while back they only released tarballs compiled against mis-named redhat packages, so java was broken on all distributions that mattered (debian) | 03:36 |
DJ_Cranky | Tech-Mike usually, i believe there are ways to use both | 03:37 |
puff | Athenon: When did you try this, btw? Java on debian and ubuntu got a lot better within the last year or so. | 03:37 |
mdh76 | Athenon, oooh nasty | 03:37 |
lnar | <JackWon1> any distro u like and fits ur wills is the one for u, so choose and install any but ull see that they are all like | 03:37 |
[Al3xand3r] | Hello. | 03:37 |
Tech-Mike | Dj_Cranky how might i go about doin that | 03:37 |
Athenon | puff: probably....6 months ago or so...i was using like 7.04 or 7.10, not sure which | 03:37 |
DJ_Cranky | DJ_Cranky if you take both connections out of roaming mode you can config them both for operations | 03:37 |
puff | Athenon: That is, ubuntu/debian support for installing java got a lot better, because Sun fixed their licensing to make it more free software compatible. | 03:37 |
DJ_Cranky | Tech-Mike if you take both connections out of roaming mode you can config them both for operations | 03:37 |
DJ_Cranky | Tech-Mike you do this in network manager | 03:38 |
Flannel | JackWon1: Please take further discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks. | 03:38 |
mdh76 | lim mdh76 > pi is approaching 0 | 03:38 |
=== brett is now known as bpat1434 | ||
puff | Athenon: Also make sure you selected the sun java package for installing, due to the afore-mentioned history, there are different packages and I wouldn't assume you'd get the right hting by just doing "sudo aptitude install java" | 03:38 |
mdh76 | its lunch o'clock, there's nobody in the office and I have a fridge full of beer | 03:38 |
[Al3xand3r] | Says I can't private message due to spammers so what the topic says doesn't work for me.... can I just ask my question here? | 03:39 |
Tech-Mike | ill give it a shot thx Dj_Cranky | 03:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | mdh76 great... but also offtopic | 03:39 |
Athenon | puff: nope, i tried sun AND i tried the others...nothing worked | 03:39 |
lnar | <mdh76> ur lucky | 03:39 |
DJ_Cranky | Tech-Mike no problem, have fun! | 03:39 |
Flannel | [Al3xand3r]: yep | 03:39 |
[Al3xand3r] | Okay thanks. | 03:39 |
bpat1434 | is FF3.0rc1 out yet? | 03:39 |
Templaria1 | puff: i have svn and everything configured would i use http://url/var/svn/repos/ | 03:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ff3rc | 03:40 |
ubottu | The Firefox 3 RC package is not currently available as most of the Ubuntu-mozilla team are at the Ubuntu Developer Summit. Thanks for your patience. | 03:40 |
[Al3xand3r] | I just used to Wubi to install ubuntu for the first time... All went well at first. | 03:40 |
Tech-Mike | Dj_Cranky im tryn...im tryn to use linux more and more, i tri-boot with ubuntu, xp pro sp2, and vista | 03:40 |
hiptobecubic | how can one execute a command on all the files in a directory tree if it doesn't have a recursive option? | 03:40 |
puff | Athenon: Odd. | 03:40 |
[Al3xand3r] | Then it gave me a pop up saying I can enable non-free driver software for better performance. I accept, it downloads ATI drivers, installs them, and after reboot and load all I get is blank screen :( | 03:40 |
hiptobecubic | can't you use find | exec somehow? | 03:40 |
jrib | hiptobecubic: find and the -exec switch | 03:40 |
[Al3xand3r] | Black screen even. | 03:40 |
puff | Templaria1: Idaknow, I always use the command line stuff. Did you check the red-bean book? | 03:40 |
hiptobecubic | jrib, yeah i read the man page but i'm having syntax issues | 03:41 |
Athenon | puff: my thoughts exactly. | 03:41 |
DJ_Cranky | Tech-Mike don't be afraid..linux doesnt bite, it just growls...Loudly.. | 03:41 |
jrib | hiptobecubic: did you see the EXAMPLES section of the man page? | 03:41 |
Y | Is IceWeasel still in use? | 03:41 |
Tech-Mike | lol...i havnt given up yet - been usin ubuntu for about a year now | 03:41 |
Templaria1 | puff: well even with the command line what url would one use? | 03:41 |
DJ_Cranky | [Al3xand3r] have you tried booting into recovery mode? | 03:41 |
hiptobecubic | jrib, is it 'man -exec' ? | 03:41 |
[Al3xand3r] | Nope. have no clue bout linux =) | 03:41 |
puff | Athenon: Could it have been that you had some other conflciting packages installed? | 03:41 |
jrib | hiptobecubic: no, in 'man find' | 03:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | DJ_Cranky I didnt think wubi could do that | 03:42 |
Athenon | puff: i doubt it, but it's not impossible | 03:42 |
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hiptobecubic | jrib, i'll look again. thanks | 03:42 |
trentster | Hey all, I just wanted to ask some advice about the openssl vulnerability: If I generated all keys to use passwords, does this mean we are safe from a brute force attack against vulnerable keys if they use passwords? secondly if those encrypted streams are recorded, can the contents be decrypted regardless of weather we use passwords with our keys? | 03:42 |
[Al3xand3r] | Just came to ask best course of action... and if I could find working ati drivers and if others have same issue... | 03:42 |
puff | Templaria1: Where? | 03:42 |
DJ_Cranky | [Al3xand3r] okey, well when you boot up, choose ubuntu, then there will be a thing that says press esc to enter the menu, press esc, choose recovery and hit enter | 03:42 |
jrib | hiptobecubic: in the man page hit: /EXAMPLES<enter> | 03:42 |
yell0w | has anyone worked out how to use ndiswrapper on hardy for a bcm4318 ? | 03:42 |
jrib | hiptobecubic: then 'n' a couple of times | 03:42 |
Templaria1 | puff: on my server the repository is in /var/svn/repos | 03:42 |
puff | Athenon: That'd be my first suspect. | 03:42 |
blizzardman1219[ | ok so i got the file wpa_supplicant.conf configured correctly so i decided to do the command "sudo wpa_supplicant -iwlan1 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -Dmadwifi -w" but then it says "Line 1: invalid configuration line 'i'." | 03:42 |
DJ_Cranky | Jack_Sparrow yeah, wubi actually just mounts a virtual disk and then boots GRUB, pretty cool idea.. | 03:42 |
[Al3xand3r] | I saw the option just didn't use it yet DJ_Cranky. recovery is like windows safe mode? | 03:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | DJ_Cranky You have never used wubi have you? | 03:43 |
Templaria1 | puff: so what would be the url or should i put it somewhere else? | 03:43 |
puff | Athenon: I'm a java programmer, I've never had problems with running java from tar balls, but the package stuff has always been a hash. | 03:43 |
Athenon | puff: i honestly thing the packages were fine...its just that the plugin was disabled in firefox and i couldnt figure out how to enable it | 03:43 |
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hiptobecubic | jrib, ah there we are. alright thanks. i'll study a bit more | 03:43 |
dug_ | yell0w: see if these instructions help, although I no longer needed to use ndiswrapper in hardy myself: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=297092 | 03:43 |
mdh76 | blizzardman1219[, umm.. get rid of the letter i in there ;) | 03:43 |
Athenon | puff: I'm a java programmer too :P | 03:43 |
Templaria1 | puff: im thinking its probably in the wrong folder or something. | 03:43 |
DJ_Cranky | [Al3xand3r] yes, it is similar, it should load without the restricted driver | 03:43 |
puff | Templaria1: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/ | 03:43 |
DJ_Cranky | Jack_Sparrow i am using it right now on my laptop | 03:43 |
=== Greg is now known as MTecknology | ||
puff | Athenon: Well, I'm a java programmer and a lonnnnng-time unix user. | 03:43 |
[Al3xand3r] | and then what would i do after that :) | 03:43 |
mdh76 | blizzardman1219[, everyone using vi has done that at some stage, held the insert keybind down too long and got extraneous letters into files :O | 03:44 |
[Al3xand3r] | to remove the ati driver and boot normally | 03:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | DJ_Cranky Good luck... not something I would use | 03:44 |
Athenon | puff: ok you got me on the last one :P | 03:44 |
DJ_Cranky | [Al3xand3r] you need to disable the driver, i wouldnt know how,, anyone got ideas? | 03:44 |
DJ_Cranky | Jack_Sparrow have you ever used it? | 03:44 |
puff | Athenon: I've always been the guy in the corner office who actually caught the windows-specific behaviors *before* we tried to deploy new code to the solaris servers - because *I* was developing on unix. | 03:44 |
Templaria1 | puff: do i actually have to read this I use SVN day an night on a windows machine just not on linux if i knew the url it would be perfect. | 03:44 |
mrkeishii | I have a ? | 03:44 |
mrkeishii | I have a 64-bit processor | 03:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | DJ_Cranky yep, which is why I was against it being included with ubuntu | 03:45 |
[Al3xand3r] | wubi's simple and great, all went well for me DJ_Cranky. problem i encounter is after install with standard ubuntu's functions really. | 03:45 |
puff | Templaria1: It's an excellent read, but hang on a sec, I'll try to look up the specific bit of info you need. | 03:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | DJ_Cranky but this is not the place to discuss it | 03:45 |
Templaria1 | puff: i may have found it. | 03:45 |
mrkeishii | and I am wondering which Ubuntu 8.04 should i download? is it the 32-bit or 64-bit? Which would be better? | 03:45 |
puff | Templaria1: If I understand what you're asking, you're looking for the repository argument to use in donig a checkout? | 03:45 |
DJ_Cranky | Jack_Sparrow agreed | 03:45 |
mdh76 | blizzardman1219[, after fixing that file btw I was able to use NetworkManager to setup the wireless, it Just Worked (tm) | 03:45 |
Y | mrkeishii: Please do not ask to ask a question. Just ask and we'll do our best. =D | 03:45 |
Templaria1 | puff: correct | 03:45 |
DJ_Cranky | [Al3xand3r] yes, it does what it does for new ubuntu users... | 03:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | mrkeishii We try to suggest that new users run 32 bit | 03:45 |
Y | mrkeishii: 32 bit | 03:46 |
mrkeishii | I'm not a new user | 03:46 |
lnar | <mrkeishii>32 bit | 03:46 |
dug_ | Templaria1: you might try a graphical svn client, there are many, but I mainly use the svn clients in netbeans or eclipse | 03:46 |
mrkeishii | y 32bit? | 03:46 |
DJ_Cranky | mrkeishii who said you were? | 03:46 |
brappin7 | bazhang you around ? | 03:46 |
mrkeishii | Y 32-bit and not 64-bit? | 03:46 |
Templaria1 | dug_: im using tortoise on vista. | 03:46 |
[Al3xand3r] | so, how would i disable the ati driver via recovery mode then :) | 03:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | mrkeishii most experienced users would not have asked.. 64 works fine for most people | 03:47 |
Templaria1 | dug_: or do you mean in linux because im sure i've got it set up right there | 03:47 |
chronographer | Hi. I jsut changed from nvidia to ati card, installed new drivers with nvng and I have got metacity running nicely, but compiz makes xorg use heaps of cpu, framerate of around 4 fps when moving windows... any ideas? | 03:47 |
DJ_Cranky | [Al3xand3r] well.. hmm.. i forget, recovery mode just boots to terminal right? anyone know? | 03:47 |
=== yannick_ is now known as ylynfatt | ||
mrkeishii | basically what is the 64-bit consist? | 03:47 |
Y | mrkeishii: What Jack_Sparrow said. If you're asking then you'd probably be more safe with 32 bit. | 03:47 |
chronographer | change xorg.conf | 03:47 |
ariqs | why do they put an bunch of entirely unrelated shit into one package? all i want is the ltmodem drivers and i have to install all kinds of other restricted drivers? | 03:47 |
[Al3xand3r] | no idea DJ_Cranky, like i said haven't used linux ever be4... :> | 03:47 |
mrkeishii | whats wrong with the 64-bit? | 03:48 |
mrkeishii | I'm using it right now. | 03:48 |
Templaria1 | svn+ssh://url.com/var/svn/repos | 03:48 |
chronographer | sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change Driver in device | 03:48 |
ariqs | linux devs smoke the crack | 03:48 |
DJ_Cranky | chronographer thanks | 03:48 |
lnar | <mrkeishii> there is more soft for 32 than for 64 | 03:48 |
chronographer | np. | 03:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | chronographer Please suggest to people gksudo gedit and not sudo | 03:48 |
chronographer | why? | 03:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | !gksudo | 03:48 |
ubottu | If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) | 03:48 |
puff | Templaria1: So you'd use http://myserverdomain.com/var/svn/repos/ | 03:48 |
Flannel | chronographer: Because it sets up the enviroment more appropriately for gui programs | 03:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | chronographer sodu gui can lead to disaster | 03:48 |
[Al3xand3r] | it's command line based in recovery? | 03:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | sudo | 03:49 |
chronographer | not necessarily | 03:49 |
[Al3xand3r] | i'll have to write down the stuff then.. | 03:49 |
chronographer | gnome starts without scripts | 03:49 |
chronographer | gee i use sudo gedit all the time! | 03:49 |
DJ_Cranky | [Al3xand3r] yeah it just load the terminal to begin with, then you can start gui's | 03:49 |
Flannel | !worksforme | chronographer | 03:49 |
ubottu | chronographer: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/ | 03:49 |
puff | Templaria1: And if you'd checked in your project as, say, calc, you'd check out http://myserverdomain.com/var/svn/repos/calc | 03:49 |
imjesus_1 | what are widgets and where can i get them | 03:49 |
[Al3xand3r] | need to be told exactly what to type then | 03:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | chronographer please read the link for gksudo above. | 03:49 |
DJ_Cranky | [Al3xand3r] all you want to do is make sure you don't load the driver | 03:49 |
[Al3xand3r] | change what to what etc | 03:49 |
chronographer | ok surer. | 03:49 |
mrkeishii | So whats wrong with the 64-bit? | 03:50 |
chronographer | any advice on ati driver with compiz using all my cpu? | 03:50 |
cylux | Hey guys, this is my /etc/fstab http://pastebin.com/f68b1b479, any idea why the filesystm is read-only? | 03:50 |
DJ_Cranky | chronographer older card? | 03:50 |
mdh76 | mrkeishii, if you're using it now like you claim, you should know | 03:50 |
blizzardman1219[ | mdh76: i took out the "i" so i typed "sudo wpa_supplicant -wlan1 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -Dndiswrapper -w" but then i get the message "wpa_supplicant: invalid option -- l" and then it just gives me a bunch of information about wpa_supplicant | 03:50 |
chronographer | radion i think, 256 ram, 3 years old? | 03:50 |
cylux | I want to be able to write as well. | 03:50 |
imjesus_1 | what are widgets and were an i get them | 03:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | mrkeishii How much ram are you running | 03:50 |
mrkeishii | I don't see anything wrong with it. | 03:50 |
Flannel | cylux: Which filesystem? | 03:50 |
mrkeishii | I'm running 2 gigs | 03:51 |
cylux | cylux: I'm pretty sure it's nftf | 03:51 |
DJ_Cranky | chronographer ok you don't need legacy driver then, hmm. | 03:51 |
cylux | ntfs* | 03:51 |
chronographer | i am using 'ati' driver now, i had to blacklist fglrx to stpo white screen | 03:51 |
[Al3xand3r] | think my card's unsuported, it's a new-ish one but it's AGP (via that rialto chip crap ati's done) and is not even 100% supported in windows, have to keep finding hotfixes to new drivers... | 03:51 |
Y | mrkeishii: For starters, there's more software for the 32 bit than the 64 bit. If you like your 64 bit setup then, by all means keep it. | 03:51 |
Flannel | cylux: Because you have a "ro" as the first option | 03:51 |
cylux | Flannel: It's ntfs, how do I make it so that I can read AND write? | 03:51 |
mrkeishii | I have a Intel Core 2 Duo T5500 Processor | 03:51 |
chronographer | funny thing is, I checked a live cd of hardy, and everything worked ootb, didn't even need restricted drivers! | 03:51 |
Flannel | cylux: which version of Ubuntu are you using? | 03:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | mrkeishii Feel free to use whatever you like.. but the general concensus is 32 bit.. you can /join #ubuntu-offtopic to discuss it with other users in there | 03:51 |
cylux | Flannel: Hardy Heron | 03:51 |
jtaylor13 | group:my audio player amarok 1.4 now says error audio xpin or something like that busy.will not work at all anymore.And my new desktop says same thing.any help?? | 03:52 |
chronographer | I have an eisting hardy install, used to use nvidia, but changed cards | 03:52 |
mdh76 | blizzardman1219[, I meant from the config file not the command line :O | 03:52 |
Flannel | !ntfs | cylux | 03:52 |
ubottu | cylux: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE | 03:52 |
cylux | Thanks | 03:52 |
grezer | Howdy everyone, I Have a quick question for you all, I just got done installing my LAMP server, made sure that the email server was working, I see two Messages in /var/www/mail how do I look at the email to see what they are ?? | 03:52 |
brappin7 | hey guys, while installing atheros wireless drivers, is it possible to install them on, say ath0, rather then eth0 ? | 03:52 |
mdh76 | blizzardman1219[, if your config file is correct, you won't need to run wpa_supplicant by itself as the network scripts in ubuntu will do it for you | 03:52 |
DJ_Cranky | ubottu is one useful dude | 03:52 |
ubottu | DJ_Cranky: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 03:52 |
blizzardman1219[ | mdh76: how do i do that? | 03:52 |
xwind | my LTSP client hangs after PXE booting and displaying the Ubuntu 8.04 logo ... | 03:53 |
xwind | syslog says " in.tftpd[5666]: tftp: client does not accept options" | 03:53 |
cylux | Flannel: That's the page I used, thats where I got the code from in the first place. | 03:53 |
Y | DJ_Cranky: I think your name would be DJ_Homicidal if it weren't for him. | 03:53 |
DJ_Cranky | Y lol | 03:53 |
DJ_Cranky | okey, time for me to jam, later buds | 03:53 |
Flannel | !ntfs-3g | cylux | 03:53 |
ubottu | cylux: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 03:53 |
Flannel | cylux: sorry, check that one out | 03:53 |
Quickslvr | How can i zip multiple files? | 03:53 |
Miroku | doesn't ubuntu use ntfs-3g by default? | 03:54 |
cylux | I know.. | 03:54 |
cylux | I think it does. | 03:54 |
Quickslvr | tried a few commands but it only zip the first file | 03:54 |
mdh76 | blizzardman1219[, make sure /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf is syntactically correct. mine contains a ctrl_interface and ap_scan lines and two network={...} sections | 03:54 |
cylux | Like if I mount the hard-disk manually, everything will work. | 03:54 |
Miroku | I'm a newbie to ubuntu tho so i dunno | 03:54 |
lnar | <Miroku>yes, check if u have it installed though... use synaptic to do so | 03:54 |
Miroku | tho i'm not a newbie to linux | 03:54 |
michaelbuckbee_ | Trying to install 8.04 onto a clean machine, loads the CD and I choose install, but it just goes to a blank screen after specifying the language, no errors or logs as far as I can tell, any suggestions? | 03:54 |
mdh76 | blizzardman1219[, then use NetworkManager (its in the menu bar by default) to setup your wireless network | 03:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | Quickslvr I usually tag them right clichk and create archive | 03:55 |
chronographer | last time, anyone experienced ati drivers using too much cpu with config (xorg uses all the cpu) | 03:55 |
Quickslvr | Jack_Sparrow: no xwindow. need the command | 03:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | michaelbuckbee_ At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--" | 03:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | Quickslvr Sorry I dont know the cli command | 03:56 |
grezer | michaelbuckbee - I had the same issue ... but then I went and tryied it again and it worked, I found out that I had a external Hard Drive that was causing my issues | 03:56 |
michaelbuckbee_ | Jack_Sparrow: ok, trying that | 03:56 |
MachinShin | hey all, i'm running linuxmint, which is ubuntu-based in vmware.. it thinks there is no dns server(s). it used to work, but no it doesn't. any idea how i can fix it? /me is a linux newb | 03:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | michaelbuckbee_ I am about to call it a night.. hope that helps get you going | 03:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | !mint | 03:57 |
ubottu | The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate | 03:57 |
blizzardman1219[ | mdh76: mine has an "i" at the top and then it has a single network-{...} and that's it | 03:57 |
MachinShin | !mintsupport | 03:58 |
ubottu | Linux Mint is not a supported derivitve of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org | 03:58 |
lekremyelsew | how do i change the output resolution or the GDM login? | 03:58 |
MachinShin | oh.ok. thanks Jack_Sparrow | 03:58 |
Dgro | Hi | 03:58 |
lekremyelsew | how do i change the output resolution of the GDM login? | 03:58 |
izinucs | MachinisT, this might be a vmware issue.. you might try #vmware.. at least I think that's the channel | 03:58 |
michaelbuckbee_ | Jack_Sparrow: it might be here in the morning ;) have a good night | 03:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | lekremyelsew vga=791 etc.. you would need to google the different res's | 03:59 |
izinucs | MachinisT, also are you running a linuxmint "appliance" in vmware player or did you do a full install in vmware server? | 03:59 |
MNeC | hi, can somebody help me with my ubuntu installation? | 03:59 |
grezer | Howdy everyone, I Have a quick question for you all, I just got done installing my LAMP server, made sure that the email server was working, I see two Messages in /var/www/mail how do I look at the email to see what they are ?? | 03:59 |
tang | hello everyone | 04:00 |
lekremyelsew | JakeConnor: cuz it thinks that the monitor is bigger than it really is, so i only see part of the login window | 04:00 |
tang | I am new here | 04:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | !hi | tang | 04:00 |
ubottu | tang: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 04:00 |
imjesus_1 | what are screenlets | 04:00 |
tang | and I have a problem with my ubuntu | 04:00 |
hiptobecubic | i'm trying to show all of the *.m3u files in a directory tree how can i do this? | 04:00 |
StevenX | Ubuntu says that I am using proprietary nvidia drivers, but some programs say I am not. How do I make ubuntu reload the drivers? | 04:01 |
jrib | hiptobecubic: find -name '*.m3u' | 04:01 |
hiptobecubic | jrib, thanks again | 04:01 |
lekremyelsew | Jack_Sparrow: cuz it thinks that the monitor is bigger than it really is, so i only see part of the login window | 04:01 |
blizzardman1219[ | ok, now that mdh76 has left, can someone else help me? | 04:02 |
MNeC | i'm trying to install ubuntu 8.04 desktop on my computer but rather tahn go to a gui, it shows a busybox. do any1 know how to get around this? | 04:02 |
Y | How do I remove a drive that is mounted on my desktop, but is not plugged in? | 04:02 |
tang | I lost one of my two workspaces | 04:02 |
izinucs | lekremyelsew, actually it's just the opposite.. it think screen resolution is probably 800x600 or smaller so it displays LARGE on the screen | 04:02 |
tang | anybody who can help me ? | 04:03 |
Tech-Mike | Dj_Cranky when i take them out of roaming, set the wireless to my ssid and dhcp and lan to static ... i think its tryn to use the lan eth0 for internet instead of wlan0 | 04:03 |
lekremyelsew | izinucs: i dont think so cuz i turned up the screen resolution to bigger than my monitor can handle and the same thing happened | 04:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | lekremyelsew vga=794 will give 1280 x 1024 | 04:03 |
grezer | are there any email specialists here tonight | 04:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | tang I asked you earlier to not pm people without asking.. thanks | 04:04 |
lekremyelsew | Jack_Sparrow: i have 1024 x 768 | 04:04 |
AutoMatriX | Hi folks, where can I find some 'nice' examples for parsing text-files fromout a bash-script ? | 04:04 |
__Psytek__ | in the bash channel? | 04:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | lekremyelsew I really need to call it a night... jrib .... you are really up late..... take care, get some rest | 04:05 |
Y | What is the unmount command for the terminal? | 04:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | !umount | 04:05 |
ubottu | Factoid umount not found | 04:05 |
=== cameron_1 is now known as ewhore | ||
kakoonia | !lzma | 04:05 |
ubottu | Factoid lzma not found | 04:05 |
kakoonia | !lzma | 04:05 |
kakoonia | !lzm2dir | 04:05 |
ubottu | Factoid lzm2dir not found | 04:05 |
FloodBot1 | kakoonia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 04:05 |
kakoonia | yeye | 04:05 |
AutoMatriX | __Psytek__, just examples, I don't want to bother anybody with 'stupid' questions ;) | 04:06 |
michaelbuckbee_ | Jack_Sparrow: ok, removed quiet and splash, lots of things identified correctly flashing by, monitor blanked for a second and then got a signal back, but nothing actually displayed on screen. Likely resolution issue? I have a DVI connected 24" LCD, so maybe it's native res is higher than supported? | 04:06 |
=== ewhore is now known as e | ||
kakoonia | anyone knows this lzm2dir decompress tool or something? | 04:06 |
=== e is now known as ewhore | ||
Tech-Mike | anybody able to help with the question i asked Dj_Cranky ? | 04:06 |
tang | Jack ,I am sorry ,I am new here and I am not good at English .I can not express my mind.so | 04:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | michaelbuckbee_ sorry gotta go | 04:06 |
Y | How do I remove a device that is busy? I use sudo rm -r disk but it says the directory is busy. | 04:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | !find lzm2 | 04:06 |
ubottu | Package/file lzm2 does not exist in hardy | 04:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | !info lzm2 | 04:07 |
ubottu | Package lzm2 does not exist in hardy | 04:07 |
SeaPhor | michaelbuckbee_, is this a new install? | 04:07 |
Nith | Y: figure out what's using it, other than that you can't | 04:07 |
Nith | Y: of course restarting forcefully unmounts | 04:07 |
michaelbuckbee_ | Yes, fresh hard drive, not upgrading | 04:07 |
Y | Nith: It's not in the drive. (it's a microsd card) | 04:07 |
Y | Nith: So it can't be busy. Or the computer must be locked into thinking it is as it tries to unmount it. | 04:07 |
KHAnet | whats the command for a kernel upgrade | 04:07 |
SeaPhor | michaelbuckbee_, ok, this is gonna sound weird but,,, do you have speakers, did you hear drums? | 04:08 |
Nith | Y: I don't understand, its not in the drive but you're trying to unmount it? | 04:08 |
Nith | KHAnet: do-release-upgrade | 04:08 |
michaelbuckbee_ | SeaPhor: No speakers, but USB headset, I could restart and see if I hear with that | 04:08 |
Y | Nith: It is still showing as mount, and I can access it (though it's just blank when I do). This is not much of a concern. However, when I put the drive in it will still show as mounted, but when I pull up the drive it is still blank and reads "busy". | 04:09 |
KHAnet | exit | 04:09 |
KHAnet | quit | 04:09 |
michaelbuckbee_ | SeaPhor: restarting | 04:09 |
Y | Nith: Is there a "die you m%#@!-f%&*!er command? | 04:10 |
SeaPhor | michaelbuckbee_, so, did Jack_Sparrow have you remove quiet and slash from kernel line? | 04:10 |
rod0009 | anyone able to play lineage 2 in hardy? | 04:10 |
Y | rod0009: Use Wine, check the compat list. | 04:10 |
blizzardman1219[ | how do i edit my wpa_supplicant.conf file? | 04:10 |
Y | rod0009: Go to #winehq. | 04:10 |
michaelbuckbee_ | SeaPhor: yes, I did that and it didn't display any errors, same behavior, everything looks good and then it appears like it might be shifting resolutions and goes black | 04:10 |
rod0009 | Y: ok i wiil see | 04:11 |
Painless | Y: don't mean to but into your convo... but you could try an 'umount -f ...' | 04:11 |
Y | Painless: Any advice is welcome. I will try it now. | 04:11 |
Y | Painless: unmount command not found. | 04:11 |
blizzardman1219[ | does anyone know how i can edit my wpa_supplicant.conf file? | 04:12 |
Painless | Y: its 'umount' | 04:12 |
Painless | not 'unmount' | 04:12 |
Y | Painless: My bad. | 04:12 |
SeaPhor | michaelbuckbee_, ok, i just came in but picked up on that,,, do the same thing, delete the quiet and splash but this time add vga=771 | 04:12 |
fiz | anyone using songbird in hardy? | 04:12 |
Buttercup | I'm having a problem recording from the microphone. I open the sound recorder, hit record, say some stuff and play it back, but don't hear anything. I open the volume control, but I only see playback options, not recording options. How do I get it to record? | 04:12 |
Painless | Y: lol.. I think 'unmount' would definately make more sense :) | 04:12 |
Y | Painless: That did it. Thanks man. | 04:13 |
Dgro | Bye | 04:13 |
Painless | Y: yw | 04:13 |
RoadHazard | Buttercup: do yourself a favor, if youre gonna record, get audacity | 04:13 |
michaelbuckbee_ | SeaPhor: ok, will try that, also did the reboot and did not hear any drums (but my headset might not be recognized) | 04:13 |
Y | Painless: What does umount -f do? | 04:13 |
fiz | man i wish google would make the toolbar for ff3 | 04:13 |
Painless | Y: it's a forced unmount | 04:13 |
Nith | -f Force unmount (in case of an unreachable NFS system). (Requires | 04:13 |
Nith | kernel 2.1.116 or later.) | 04:13 |
jtaylor13 | group:i can not get google earth to work.nor slingmedia in wine.any help? | 04:13 |
SeaPhor | michaelbuckbee_, and i need to know how how far along you are | 04:13 |
Nith | I've never heard of that one before | 04:13 |
Nith | :) | 04:13 |
Y | fiz: All Google toolbars are of the devil and will make your bollocks rot off. Remember that. | 04:13 |
fiz | why lol | 04:14 |
Y | Painless: Thanks again. =) I'll remember that. | 04:14 |
Buttercup | RoadHazard: I plan to, but right now I'm just trying to get this to work at all. | 04:14 |
Y | fiz: I just hate them. =P | 04:14 |
fiz | i have grown quite attached to mine | 04:14 |
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SeaPhor | michaelbuckbee_, did you get to install or are you still on live cd? | 04:14 |
fiz | all my bookmarks are in there and my mail is just right there | 04:14 |
MikeCulver | I'm trying to image my current hard drive contents to a file so I can try ubuntu on the whole disk. How do I do this with the desktop CD? | 04:14 |
RoadHazard | its really alot easier | 04:14 |
michaelbuckbee_ | SeaPhor: I'm booting from CD, get the options, choose "Install", Hit F6, remove quiet and splash and just added vga=771, processing now | 04:15 |
fiz | ff3 needs to hurry up though its pretty sexy just hardly any of my set of extentions work yet | 04:16 |
tang | I have two workspaces ,but only one is working .who to make another working | 04:16 |
Y | fiz: "Favorites" and "Bookmarks" is there for that in your web browser of choice. Why add another feature to handle this? As for mail - if you're on Ubuntu just use Evolution! =) | 04:16 |
michaelbuckbee_ | SeaPhor: fwiw it did mention finding my headset in the boot messages | 04:16 |
fiz | because i use it wherever i go | 04:16 |
gnomefreak | fiz: thats why we package alot of extensions in Hardy | 04:16 |
fiz | my bookmarks are there | 04:16 |
Painless | fiz: if you like google bookmarks, as I do for the same reason, the 'gmarks' plugin does the same thing and works with f3 | 04:16 |
SeaPhor | michaelbuckbee_, k, if easier, you can join #SeaPhor, less noise, but up to you | 04:17 |
kakoonia | hey, anyone care to help me with how do i unpack a *.lzm archive? | 04:17 |
gnomefreak | Painless: its causing problems with bookmarks | 04:17 |
RoadHazard | I wanna piece of the guys who did Mono | 04:17 |
gnomefreak | Painless: i just saw taht bug yesterday and commented on it but i dont remember bug # atm | 04:17 |
RoadHazard | my whole day was a nightmare | 04:18 |
RoadHazard | oops, wrong room | 04:18 |
bnalohim | do anyone know how to update a bios?? | 04:18 |
Painless | gnomefreak: might be the one I opened... it's caused by having the CTRL-D integration turned on... if you go into gmarks options and turn off CTRL-D integration, it works | 04:19 |
gnomefreak | Painless: ah ok the bug i saw someone commented on it that gmarks was causing issues with thier book marks and i asked if anyone else can confirm that they had it and to see if disabling it helped, also told them to move profile | 04:20 |
Painless | gnomefreak: I opened bug #225257 (Russ Nash is me) ... turned out to be gmarks overtaking CTRL-D and the 'add a bookmark' menu option | 04:22 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 225257 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox 3 Beta 5 not saving normal or live bookmarks" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/225257 | 04:22 |
puzzle | cybybuddy :D | 04:22 |
cybybuddy | puzzle =D | 04:22 |
gnomefreak | Painless: i think thats it | 04:22 |
Painless | gnomefreak: check my post nearer the bottom (the long one by Russ Nash) | 04:22 |
gnomefreak | Painless: yeah i did and i commented after it | 04:22 |
Chapai | is there a browser in ubuntu that doesnot crash when using flash. firefox and epiphany has succumbed | 04:22 |
Painless | gnomefreak: ah ok :) | 04:23 |
gnomefreak | ah you commented after my 2 posts | 04:23 |
linuxpenguin207 | !games | 04:23 |
ubottu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php | 04:23 |
cybybuddy | hey.. I instaled hardy heron on my lappy and tried to listen a mp3 with totem.. then I downloaded gstreamer plugins and the downloads went ok... but now my song is not playing.. no asks for install codecs... it just cant get more than 0 sec... tried to install banshee.. its the same.. anyone can help me? | 04:24 |
bnalohim | I need to install the last EA81510A.86A.0046.P11 bios version for my Intel Desktop Board D815EEA wich is in te version EA81510A.86A.0014.P09 .. has anyone done a BIOS actualization befoer??? | 04:24 |
ken | !chmod | 04:24 |
ubottu | An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview | 04:24 |
gnomefreak | Painless: once they answer i can let you know more on the bug but for right now im gonna change status to incomplete since this bug doesnt meet confirmed status yet since the problems may be caused by different things :) | 04:25 |
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=== Joaojoao is now known as JoaoJoao | ||
Buttercup | cybybuddy: restart your computer. It did the same thing to me after I did some updates. | 04:25 |
toresn | has anyone in here been successful in installing 'FFES' (The Freehand Formula Entry System)? | 04:25 |
JoaoJoao | howdy | 04:25 |
Painless | gnomefreak: I agree... this was definately gmarks related. With the relevant option checked (the install default) it jumps right in front of 'add a bookmark' | 04:26 |
linuxpenguin207 | whats a good email client that integrates nicely with Gmail? | 04:26 |
JoaoJoao | Is there a place where I can download the new flashplugin-nonfree version (10.xxx)? | 04:26 |
toresn | linuxpenguin207: mutt? | 04:26 |
cybybuddy | Buttercup, hmmm ok.. thanks =D.. didnt want restart my putter because im coping some files in my network... | 04:27 |
d`never | bnalohim: see if this helps - http://www.linuxinsight.com/how-to-flash-motherboard-bios-from-linux-no-dos-windows-no-floppy-drive.html | 04:27 |
gnomefreak | linuxpenguin207: thunderbird bery easy to set up as it sets servers and stuff for you | 04:27 |
cybybuddy | I will restart in 9 minutes.. when the copy will terminate.. hehe.. thanks bro.. Buttercup | 04:28 |
Stephenishere | buttercup, can you see my message? | 04:28 |
gnomefreak | JoaoJoao: what version of Ubuntu | 04:28 |
JoaoJoao | hardy | 04:28 |
Buttercup | Stephenishere: I see that one. | 04:28 |
linuxpenguin207 | thanks for the advice | 04:28 |
gnomefreak | JoaoJoao: they will be working its way into hardy gutsy and others soon as it was just uploaded to intrepid now they can build for other versions of Ubuntu | 04:29 |
JoaoJoao | Oh I see | 04:29 |
JoaoJoao | It fixes the constant Firefox+Flash crashes , right? | 04:30 |
adv | is there a way to zoom interactively to the screen? | 04:30 |
gnomefreak | JoaoJoao: sorry if noone has started for other versions i will start them tomorrow and finish them tomorrow i hope | 04:30 |
linuxpenguin207 | another question: in hard heron how do you set a desktop shortcut to the trash like in windows? i can only find it as an applet in the GNOME panel | 04:30 |
gnomefreak | crimsun: you still around? i looking to know if you have started flash 10 for <Intrepid yet and if not would you like some help with it since i can use the work, Im looking to get motu during this devel cycle i hope | 04:32 |
croddy | how can i match all file/directory names containing a question mark using 'find'? | 04:32 |
croddy | *\?* seems to have the same effect as * | 04:33 |
Zaiden | How do I log onto root again? | 04:33 |
jrib | !root | Zaiden | 04:33 |
ubottu | Zaiden: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 04:33 |
linuxpenguin207 | isn't the username root and [assword admin? | 04:33 |
Agrossman | lol | 04:33 |
linuxpenguin207 | ahhh stupid typos | 04:33 |
Agrossman | root toor | 04:33 |
No1CaNTeL | hey guys, can someone tell me how to take this zoom mode off my screen please :D | 04:34 |
jrib | croddy: enclose the expression in single quotes | 04:34 |
Zaiden | I have to edit a file in the usr folder, and I need root access | 04:34 |
bnalohim | Do anyone know.. if I move a Windows installes Hard Disk to other computer.. Will it boot? | 04:34 |
Painless | croddy: I think the -wholename parameter will do what you want | 04:34 |
croddy | jrib, thanks, that did it | 04:35 |
cyris| | I'm getting this error when I attempt to install ebox on 8.04, any ideas ? http://rafb.net/p/1DnRA224.html | 04:35 |
d`never | Zaiden: try gksu gedit /path/to/file | 04:35 |
jrib | bnalohim: ask in ##windows, I don't see how this is related to ubuntu | 04:35 |
mudd`Hossam | hello how can i get a copy of the main.cf from the postfix deb? | 04:35 |
camposneto | alquem aki fala portugues? | 04:35 |
bnalohim | it is | 04:35 |
jrib | !pt | bnalohim | 04:35 |
ubottu | bnalohim: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 04:35 |
bnalohim | i need a bios actualisation | 04:35 |
jrib | !pt | camposneto | 04:35 |
ubottu | camposneto: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 04:35 |
Flannel | camposneto: Do you have a GUI on this box? | 04:36 |
linuxpenguin207 | !es | 04:36 |
ubottu | Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 04:36 |
jrib | bnalohim: how is this an ubuntu question? | 04:36 |
jtaylor13 | group:xine error in amarok is what i get.any help? | 04:36 |
linuxpenguin207 | Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 04:36 |
camposneto | #ubuntu-pt | 04:36 |
jrib | camposneto: /join #ubuntu-pt | 04:36 |
SeaPhor | linuxpenguin207, my assword is ilikeniceones | 04:36 |
bnalohim | well i have ubuntu and i need to install te last BIOS version | 04:36 |
camposneto | \ubuntu-pt | 04:36 |
No1CaNTeL | is there a key combo I might use o turn this off? | 04:37 |
camposneto | desculpe, mas como entro no ubuntu-pt? | 04:37 |
linuxpenguin207 | no1cantel: sudo halt | 04:37 |
jrib | camposneto: escreve: /join #ubuntu-pt | 04:37 |
d`never | camposneto: try /j #ubuntu-pt | 04:37 |
Flannel | cyris|: gconftool-2 is available in gconf2. This version of ebox could be outdated if its looking for gconftool, I don't know. | 04:37 |
mudd`Hossam | hello how can i get a copy of the main.cf from the postfix deb? | 04:37 |
camposneto | ok, valeu | 04:37 |
linuxpenguin207 | when is firefox 3 coming out? | 04:38 |
s3a_ | can i have firefox3beta5 and firefox 2 on the same system at the same time? | 04:38 |
cyris| | Flannel, can you recommend anything then? Use an earlier verion of ebox ? | 04:39 |
Flannel | cyris|: I have no idea regarding ebox. You might consult their documentation | 04:39 |
linuxpenguin207 | s3a_: NO!!!! it will cause problems in firefox 2 i read it in launchpad | 04:39 |
cyris| | Flannel, it appears their site is down :/ | 04:39 |
eross | quick question, when we have folders like .openarena, .wine, etc.. why the introduction of folders like Public, Pictures, Documents, etc for the user? Is that to make it more user friendly? What if I create 10 users on my system, would it create those same folders for all those users or if I wanted them I would need to create them for each user? | 04:40 |
s3a | can i have firefox 3 beta 5 and firefox 2 at the same time? | 04:40 |
jrib | s3a: firefox 3 and firefox 2 are both in the repositories and yes you can install and use both at the same time | 04:40 |
gnomefreak | linuxpenguin207: soon RC1 was relased and RC2 should be in a week or 3 and that will be final | 04:40 |
gnomefreak | s3a: yes | 04:40 |
absnt | I have a 250gb HD but after installing ubuntu I seem to be missing 50gb | 04:41 |
gnomefreak | s3a: you might experiance profile issues if you switch from one to other and back i dont think we looked at it yet i might do that when i get time to play with it | 04:41 |
Flannel | eross: When users get created, /etc/skel is copied into their homedir | 04:41 |
yell0w | does anyone know how to enabled hardy-proposed ? | 04:41 |
gnomefreak | yell0w: yes add it to sources list. give me a sec and ill give you what to add | 04:42 |
linuxpenguin207 | what is a good dvd-ripping program for ubuntu i am trying to burn a copy of a DVD movie for backup. | 04:42 |
Painless | yell0w: you can also do it via the preferences in synaptic | 04:42 |
gnomefreak | deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-proposed main restricted universe multiverse | 04:42 |
Flannel | yell0w: deb [your mirror] hardy-proposed main restricted universe multiverse | 04:42 |
gnomefreak | yell0w: ^^^ and add the src one as well | 04:43 |
yell0w | cool, thanks guys | 04:43 |
absnt | I have a 250gb HD but after installing ubuntu I seem to be missing 50gb | 04:43 |
yell0w | the .25 kernel is in there right ? | 04:43 |
gnomefreak | yell0w: in where? | 04:43 |
yell0w | -proposed | 04:43 |
yell0w | gnomefreak: hardy-proposed | 04:43 |
yell0w | well let me find out | 04:44 |
yell0w | :) | 04:44 |
gnomefreak | yell0w: for some reason i doubt it since i dont have it on my hardy set up | 04:44 |
Flannel | yell0w: It shouldn't be, no. | 04:44 |
leftyfb | roughly how far along are the .1 releases released? | 04:44 |
bnalohim | sorry for my bad english.. ill try again... I am running ubuntu in a intel desktop board pc.. i need a new version of the BIOS but Intel only offer a .exe update.. do anyone know how to update the BIOS? do you know if moving a windows hard disk from another PC will work?? | 04:44 |
leftyfb | as in 8.04.1 | 04:44 |
Flannel | leftyfb: July 3, and every 6 months or so for LTS | 04:45 |
gnomefreak | yell0w: it wont be in hardy for a while if it ever gets in it | 04:45 |
leftyfb | Flannel: thanks :) | 04:45 |
gnomefreak | yell0w: intrepid is running 24 still as well | 04:45 |
leftyfb | there are a few updates slated for 8.04.1 that i'm excited about | 04:45 |
yell0w | :( | 04:45 |
yell0w | i just check the kernel page, .25-4 is the last stable one | 04:46 |
yell0w | oh man | 04:46 |
sw54_nxsrv | bnalohim: yes but before doing that, go to System in ControlPanel, open Device Manager and set IDE controller to Standard | 04:46 |
Flannel | yell0w: Hardy will always have .24 | 04:46 |
yell0w | i need that fix for bcm4318 | 04:46 |
yell0w | :( | 04:46 |
gnomefreak | most likely you will never see 25 kernel in Hardy its extreamly unstable to upgrade to new kernel like that and we cant afford hardy to become unstable | 04:46 |
mudd`Hossam | hello how can i get a copy of the main.cf from the postfix deb? | 04:46 |
yell0w | Flannel: gnomefreak : so i'm stuck till intrepid ? | 04:47 |
yell0w | :( | 04:47 |
gnomefreak | plus alot of packages to upgrade and you are just adding bugs to a stable release | 04:47 |
linuxpenguin207 | http://www.googleityoumoron.com | 04:47 |
Flannel | yell0w: Or you could compile your own | 04:47 |
camposneto | pessola com um problema, os dvds que rodo, seja no kafeine ou toten ou mplayer jtodos estão dando um poiuco jde lag | 04:47 |
gnomefreak | yell0w: yes unless you build it yourself but if you never done it i wouldnt start now | 04:47 |
Flannel | linuxpenguin207: please dont | 04:47 |
yell0w | gnomefreak: no, and i want to | 04:47 |
yell0w | don't* | 04:48 |
yell0w | ay yay yay | 04:48 |
Flannel | mudd`Hossam: I presume this is because you want to revert yours? | 04:48 |
mudd`Hossam | Flannel: i believe ive deleted an important line in mine yes | 04:48 |
linuxpenguin207 | does linux-questions.org have an irc channel? | 04:48 |
mudd`Hossam | Flannel: just need the orignial file to see what i might have removed | 04:49 |
Flannel | mudd`Hossam: reinstalling the package will work | 04:49 |
linuxpenguin207 | brb | 04:49 |
Flannel | mudd`Hossam: check /usr/share/postfix/ | 04:49 |
mudd`Hossam | Flannel: ahh thank you | 04:50 |
InGunsWeTrus1 | I set up a terminal server using x11vnc but I have to run a command to enable it. How can I run the command as part of bootup so that I can just start my computer and it is automatically shared | 04:51 |
Painless | InGunsWeTrus1: an alternative would be to enable the remote desktop option | 04:52 |
InGunsWeTrus1 | I couldnt get vino to work properly thats why I chose x11vnc | 04:52 |
mrgksser | Does anyone know what changed in ubuntu 8.04 that changed how wine works with comports? | 04:52 |
ariqs | god fucking damnit. I just took forever to download linux-restricted-modules bullshit just for the god damn ltmodem driver, and it tells me the package doesn't have hte required dependencies, but it doesn't say what it's missing. I've tried to compile the source for the ltmodem drivers, i've tried to download old packages. sadfkjsdklfjasdfds | 04:54 |
Flannel | !language | 04:54 |
ubottu | Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 04:54 |
ariqs | why i have to download 17 megs of nonsense | 04:55 |
ariqs | just to get a driver that won't install | 04:55 |
ariqs | what is with this? and people try to say this makes a better desktop. HAHAH | 04:55 |
Flannel | ariqs: What were you trying to do? What does it tell you re: not having stuff? | 04:55 |
keithclark | What is the best relational data base out there with a good gui interface for Linux? I've tried Base and Kexi and find they are way too limited. It needs to be relational and close to the functionality of Access | 04:55 |
No1CaNTeL | who's the moron that jsut told me to sudo halt?? you ignorant ahole, I was in the middle of setting my partitions off of the damn live cd. not EVERYONE kows how to USE THIS OS. was this supposed to be funny??? | 04:55 |
Buttercup | Well, I got the thing to record, but it was awfully quiet. So I started fooling around with some other settings and now I can't get it to record again. Does anyone know what settings I have to have in the volume control panel to get it to record? | 04:56 |
No1CaNTeL | my primary partition is now f'n up because of your IGNORANCE | 04:56 |
Zaiden | Is thee any way to disable pulseaudio and use ESD in place without borking Ubuntu? | 04:56 |
Zaiden | there* | 04:56 |
linuxpenguin207 | ariqs: try linux-drivers.com | 04:56 |
=== PrivateVoid_ is now known as PrivateVoid | ||
Flannel | linuxpenguin207: Please troll elsewhere. | 04:56 |
Painless | keithclark: I would recommend checking out postgresql and phppgadmin package | 04:56 |
No1CaNTeL | out of respect for this channel I will keep my "language" down, is there an @ here? | 04:56 |
linuxpenguin207 | or i think its .org, not sure | 04:57 |
keithclark | Painless: Yes, I've tried that phpadmin package but it does not do what I want it to do.....and the programming is a nightmare | 04:57 |
ariqs | flannel: I'm trying to get the modem drivers so I can actually connect to the internet, which I can't do because ubuntu doesn't come with the necessary drivers to let me do it, and I can't compile those drivers because it doesn't have the dependencies that i can't download because I need the driver to do it | 04:57 |
linuxpenguin207 | troll? | 04:57 |
ariqs | all this nonsense is driving me insane. I've wasted a day on it | 04:57 |
Flannel | ariqs: you can apt-get build-deps to grab the stuff it needs to compile | 04:57 |
No1CaNTeL | ANY @'S HERE? | 04:57 |
mrgksser | Does anyone know what changed in ubuntu 8.04 that changed how wine works with comports? | 04:57 |
Flannel | No1CaNTeL: #ubuntu-ops | 04:58 |
izinucs | keithclark, you could use mysql or postgres as the backend for OpenOffice Database.. | 04:58 |
ariqs | flannel: how? I can't get on the net with the machine | 04:58 |
ariqs | because I need the driver I don't have to do it | 04:58 |
Flannel | ariqs: Grab them with another machine | 04:58 |
No1CaNTeL | ty, would you mind doing me afavor and letting me know (from history) who told me to sudo halt my system?? would be appreciated | 04:58 |
=== fiyawerkin is now known as fiya_werkin | ||
ariqs | i've been trying to do that | 04:58 |
No1CaNTeL | I was on the live cd so I dont have a history | 04:58 |
ariqs | and it's failing miserably | 04:58 |
ariqs | i can't believe this nonsense | 04:58 |
Flannel | No1CaNTeL: take it to #ubuntu-ops | 04:59 |
keithclark | izinucs: Yeah, I've been recommended that before, but it is still pretty complicated. I need something simple but powerful. I hate to bring up Access, but it truly is both. | 04:59 |
linuxpenguin207 | flannel what did you mean when you said "troll"? | 04:59 |
__Psytek__ | has anyone here got one of those artigo pico-itx boxes? | 04:59 |
No1CaNTeL | kk | 04:59 |
ariqs | why do they have to stick the single driver I want in a package with a ton of other junk I don't? | 04:59 |
izinucs | No1CaNTeL, scrolling back looks like it was linuxpenguin207 | 05:00 |
dodo | HELP! I started by trying to dual boot ubuntu with fedora, i messed up and now, i have a messed up grub (how to fix) | 05:00 |
izinucs | !grub | dodo | 05:00 |
ubottu | dodo: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 05:00 |
Flannel | ariqs: Which package do you need? | 05:01 |
egc | hi, can somebody tell me where nm-applet might keep its configuration files? | 05:01 |
keithclark | izinucs: I had hoped that there was something like that in linux. | 05:02 |
ariqs | flannel: ltmodem drivers | 05:02 |
Flannel | ariqs: Which package is that? | 05:02 |
DrBanzai | I need some help getting wireless to work on my Acer 5920 with the Intel 3945 chipset. Fresh install of Ubuntu Hardy Heron. No wireless under Networks, no icon in the task bar either. Any ideas? | 05:02 |
fiya_werkin | Keith, Access? I just use virtualbox with a windows session when I need actual MS Office functionality, better than rebooting at least | 05:02 |
lanxuan | hello | 05:03 |
ariqs | linux-restricted-modules. I've already downloaded it, but the package won't work because of dependencies | 05:03 |
corollax | DrBanzai: First thing I'd check is the "Hardware Drivers" section | 05:03 |
ariqs | I got the listed dependencies on packages.ubuntu.com and they have other dependencies | 05:03 |
keithclark | fiya_werkin: yeah, I thought of that as well but I need to access this on my server via ssh sessions. | 05:03 |
DrBanzai | corollax: Nothing listed. | 05:03 |
corollax | Dr Banzai: It's under system -> administration -> hardware drivers | 05:03 |
ariqs | it's bs | 05:03 |
ariqs | every dependency has another dependency and I'm sick o fit | 05:03 |
Flannel | ariqs: How did you install Ubuntu? | 05:04 |
ariqs | i just want one friggin driver | 05:04 |
ariqs | cd | 05:04 |
polysilicon | which is the best way to run windows in virtual machine in Ubuntu 8.04 for playing high graphics games? | 05:04 |
fiya_werkin | ariqs: have fun compiling and resolving all the dependncies manually then | 05:04 |
fiya_werkin | polysilicon, you won't be playing high graphics games in virtual machines | 05:04 |
izinucs | polysilicon, if the games require direct x forget it. | 05:04 |
polysilicon | izinucs, ohh Quake? | 05:04 |
fiya_werkin | polysilicon, opengl stuff works well, like warcraft 3, WoW, some other games do run ok, but its still sketchy | 05:04 |
ariqs | fiya_werkin, even compiling has dependencies I don't have | 05:04 |
Flannel | ariqs: That package should be installed by default. Which CD did you use? | 05:04 |
corollax | Dr Banzai: Try typing in "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" on the command line, with an internet connection | 05:05 |
ariqs | flannel: pressed cd 8.04 hardy. | 05:05 |
fiya_werkin | polysilicon, quake 1? | 05:05 |
ariqs | flannel: I don't think it's on the cd. it's not in pool/restricted anyway | 05:05 |
egc | linux is a special brew, made for a chosen few | 05:05 |
corollax | Dr Banzai: You might get some new package updates that would include information on your wireless chipset. Can't guarantee anything, though. | 05:05 |
fiya_werkin | polysilicon, check out wine / wine hq website for some games that work good with that | 05:05 |
Flannel | ariqs: There are only a few packages on the CD, because they're all compiled into the casper image. It'd be the alternate CD, or check the manifest. Hold on. | 05:05 |
keithclark | egc: ahmen, yes it is. | 05:06 |
izinucs | polysilicon, there are games out there for linux that are using the older quake engines.. not sure about the newer stuff.. check out synaptic and search for quake and see what pops up | 05:06 |
polysilicon | fiya_werkin, ok, is that the only option? wine.. | 05:06 |
ariqs | flannel: I'm on dialup. I just can't download a cd image | 05:06 |
DrBanzai | corollax: Ok, I'll try it | 05:06 |
fiya_werkin | polysilicon, other than native ports of the games you want in linux which most don't have, wine is your best bet | 05:06 |
egc | :D | 05:06 |
polysilicon | okkk | 05:06 |
No1CaNTeL | linuxpenguin207: you really are a funny guy...... | 05:06 |
Flannel | ariqs: Right. but they *are* included by default on the Desktop CD | 05:06 |
corollax | DRBanzai: Best of luck! If it's a fresh install, there will be a LOT of updates. Fair warning. >,< | 05:06 |
keithclark | egc: my workload on my home network went up 100% since changing over to linux | 05:06 |
ariqs | where then? because like I said, it's not in pool/restricted | 05:06 |
egc | keithclark: why's that? | 05:07 |
Flannel | ariqs: Its included by default in the live image. The desktop CD has all its packages that it installs compiled in, see here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.manifest | 05:07 |
tv7497 | Flannel: good morning dir :-) | 05:07 |
keithclark | egc: oh man, this doesn't work, this site crashes, this usb device has no drivers....and so on. Ubuntu also has it's crashes on my laptops. Overheating is a huge issue. | 05:08 |
Flannel | tv7497: Howdy | 05:08 |
fiya_werkin | polysilicon, there are some fun games even fps that are made for linux too, check out nexuiz, sauerbraten, bzflag | 05:08 |
polysilicon | fiya_werkin, its wine version 1.0! | 05:08 |
Speedy | keithclark, really? | 05:08 |
Speedy | usb works out of the box | 05:08 |
egc | keithclark: oh ;) i took it to be positive at first | 05:08 |
fiya_werkin | polysilicon, yes, after many years they released version 1 :) | 05:08 |
tv7497 | Flannel: Ivor Horton’s Beginning Java 2,JDK 5 Edition | 05:08 |
Nostahl | how do i get a pcmcia card working | 05:08 |
egc | i actually don't have many problems with it | 05:08 |
fiya_werkin | polysilicon, don't let that fool you, wine's been out for quite a while | 05:08 |
tv7497 | Flannel: sir is this book good to start with java | 05:08 |
Nostahl | !pcmcia | 05:09 |
ubottu | Factoid pcmcia not found | 05:09 |
keithclark | speedy: oh yeah. I spend much more time working on my machines now. But....I must say, they can all do so much more! | 05:09 |
ariqs | there are some modules that look very similar to linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-386, but I don't see that exactly | 05:09 |
Speedy | tv7497, if you wanna do java "big java" by "kay horstman" is a good bet | 05:09 |
polysilicon | fiya_werkin, yeah. got that | 05:09 |
fiya_werkin | polysilicon, you can do a lot with wine other than games also, for example I use it for running pokestars, and some other windows only software | 05:09 |
ariqs | flannel: at any rate, how do I access them then? | 05:09 |
xaos1111 | !cloning | 05:09 |
ubottu | To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate | 05:09 |
Flannel | ariqs: No. Stop looking on the CD itself, you won't find them there. They are *already* installed, on the live system, and then on the installed system as well. | 05:09 |
Serway | Hey guys, is there an ubuntu application that can help me make buisness cards? Ill i want is a program that will partition the paper into the sizes i want to print | 05:09 |
keithclark | Speedy: my house is mostly wireless....imagine the problems there! | 05:09 |
Speedy | yeah | 05:10 |
fiya_werkin | I run uTorrent in wine also, I don't know what it is, but that client works faster for me than any client I've ever tried for torrents | 05:10 |
ariqs | Flannel: Then why don't have have my modem's drivers? | 05:10 |
oc80z | hello | 05:10 |
Speedy | because modems suck -_- | 05:10 |
polysilicon | fiya_werkin, even I used utorrent with wine | 05:10 |
corollax | fiya_werkin: Would you recommend switching from Deluge to uTorrent? | 05:10 |
oc80z | how the heck do i bring /dev/net/tun device up | 05:10 |
izinucs | Serway, glabel | 05:10 |
Flannel | ariqs: I have no idea. But you can verify that restricted modules are installed by: dpkg -l | grep restricted | 05:10 |
tv7497 | Speedy: thank you sir | 05:10 |
oc80z | corollax, utorrent is the best. | 05:10 |
Speedy | thats ok | 05:10 |
phun_ | I like deluge, seems to work just as well as utorrent | 05:10 |
Speedy | that book served me well at university | 05:10 |
fiya_werkin | corollax, doesn't hurt to try it, utorrent isn't even an install, you can just run it | 05:10 |
fiya_werkin | and compare for yourself :) | 05:11 |
oc80z | how the heck do i bring /dev/net/tun device up | 05:11 |
keithclark | Speedy: finding a replacement for Quickbooks took awhile.....now a decent database with ease of use is the next challenge. Hey, nothing in life is free! You either pay with a chequebook or your own time. | 05:11 |
fiya_werkin | Sometimes even with very few seeds utorrent just impresses me | 05:11 |
corollax | fiya_werkin: I've already got Wine installed and running brilliantly... | 05:11 |
fiya_werkin | It's like they have their own hidden network | 05:11 |
corollax | fiya_werkin: Would it be worth doing a speed comparison? | 05:11 |
Nostahl | where doi go to see what pcmcia cards i have plugged in | 05:11 |
oc80z | how the heck do i bring /dev/net/tun device up | 05:11 |
Speedy | keithclark, i guess that statement is mainly true | 05:11 |
fiya_werkin | corollax, never hurts load up the same torrent on both and see what it takes to complete / speesd | 05:12 |
izinucs | Nostahl, Places/computer | 05:12 |
fiya_werkin | corollax, granted things can change seeds / leechers over time but you can get an idea | 05:12 |
fiya_werkin | plus I keep meaning to set up utorrents web interface, havn't messed with it yet tho | 05:12 |
Nostahl | izinucs i have it plugged in but its not showing up there | 05:12 |
corollax | fiya_werkin: Would this help? http://www.ubuntu1501.com/2007/09/running-utorrent-in-ubuntu.html | 05:12 |
Nostahl | the little light isnt lighting up on it eather | 05:12 |
keithclark | Speedy: it is absolutely true. When you buy a standard machine from say HP with windows, you have one throat the strangle when something goes wrong. With Linux, you have no throats to strangle. No one single entity is responsible. | 05:13 |
izinucs | Nostahl, sorry I dont know much about how to get them to work.. just where you might find them when mounted. | 05:13 |
izinucs | Nostahl, you could try "sudo mount -a" | 05:13 |
=== RootMR_ is now known as RootMR | ||
Serway | <izinucs>, THANKS! | 05:14 |
fiya_werkin | corollax, thats pretty nifty | 05:14 |
keithclark | Speedy: don't get me wrong though. I love Linux. The rapid developments are amazing. Some real fun, and not tied to one coporation. | 05:14 |
keithclark | *corporation | 05:14 |
izinucs | Serway, it's a good little program.. it'll even "merge" data from a text file or spreadsheet. | 05:14 |
Templaria1 | right now my dns is pointing to my router when it should be pointing to on my local network... how do i fix this? | 05:14 |
corollax | fiya_werkin: Would that help you get the web interface running? | 05:15 |
fiya_werkin | corollax, oh, no i think thats still beta | 05:15 |
fiya_werkin | corollax, i dont think its too hard i just havn't had the time to mess with it :) | 05:15 |
Serway | <izinucs>, the thing is, i want it to say different things on every card, and it only does one card and multiplies it, do you know how to do this? | 05:15 |
Templaria1 | puff: you have been right thus far :) | 05:15 |
corollax | fiya_werkin: Hee. Understandable. I'll admit, I love to tinker. Actually, I was thinking about switching to Elyssa Mint when it comes out... | 05:15 |
Templaria1 | puff: do you know why its pointing to my router and not to my server. | 05:16 |
ariqs | flannel what does non mean when it lists them? | 05:16 |
corollax | fiya_werkin: I've got my /home partitioned already. Do you think it's a good idea to switch? | 05:16 |
Flannel | ariqs: non? | 05:16 |
izinucs | Serway, sorry no.. never tried that. | 05:16 |
Nostahl | i updated ubuntu and now the back/forward buttons do not work on firefox hrmmm | 05:16 |
ariqs | dpkg -l | grep restricted shows drivers and then non after them | 05:17 |
ariqs | or rather modules | 05:17 |
dannyjay | Does anybody know a simple way to view all hardware on Hardy? | 05:17 |
Flynsarmy | I did a mysqldump but when i try to open it in gedit it just sits on 100% CPU. | 05:17 |
fiya_werkin | corollax, switch ubuntu to mint? thought we were talking about utorrent lol | 05:17 |
flotishtu | falak tak chal saath meray. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 05:17 |
izinucs | dannyjay, lshw -v | 05:17 |
fiya_werkin | corollax, personally, i'm addicted to trying new distros, i format all the time :-\ | 05:17 |
fiya_werkin | so i'm not the best person to ask | 05:17 |
polysilicon | fiya_werkin, any racing game comparable with Need For Speed -linux native? | 05:18 |
dannyjay | Is there any GUI method | 05:18 |
corollax | fiya_werkin: Admittedly, yes. But I got onto tinkering, and well..... | 05:18 |
dannyjay | just curious | 05:18 |
ariqs | flannel: so say the driver I want is installed. Why won't the ltmodem driver work? what do I have to do? | 05:18 |
izinucs | polysilicon, check out whats available at www.getdeb.net | 05:18 |
corollax | fiya_werkin: Do you think I'd be able to keep my /home settings with Mint? | 05:18 |
polysilicon | ok | 05:18 |
nevyn | does anyone know why alsa-firmware isn't packaged in hardy? | 05:18 |
fiya_werkin | polysilicon, http://www.racer.nl/ maybe | 05:19 |
corollax | nevyn: I think it's because hardy is moving to pulse-audio? | 05:19 |
fiya_werkin | polysilicon, not much of a racing fan so not too sure, google might be able to help you with that one | 05:19 |
ariqs | flannel: what is this about ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/210652 | 05:19 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 210652 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "[Hardy] ltmodem driver missing" [Undecided,Fix released] | 05:19 |
Flannel | !modem | ariqs | 05:19 |
ubottu | ariqs: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto | 05:19 |
ariqs | flannel: I've already done the nonsense there | 05:20 |
ariqs | that's where I identified the modem | 05:20 |
ariqs | there is no working modem on my machine as it is | 05:20 |
* Templaria1 nvm my little bro fixed it he said something about server and games and fixed forwared 80 | 05:20 | |
Flannel | ariqs: That page says the version of rstricted modules on the CD doesn't include support for it, you need a more updated version. | 05:21 |
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq | ||
ariqs | flannel: so we go back to where I was | 05:21 |
ariqs | i downloaded the new version | 05:21 |
fiya_werkin | polysilicon, http://maniadrive.raydium.org/ | 05:21 |
ariqs | and the package doesn't install because of dependencies | 05:21 |
ariqs | i'm using some sorta debian package manager instead of apt-get because I don't know how to use it for something I downloaded that's on a flash drive. will that effect things? | 05:22 |
omar | السلام عليكم | 05:23 |
No1CaNTeL | gnomefreak: if ya have a sec, to recover my corrupted install, what would you recommend? repair or reinstall ubuntu?? | 05:23 |
gnomefreak | reinstall No1CaNTeL | 05:23 |
Flannel | ariqs: Actually, checking the dates and versions in that bugreport, means its sort of been on and off for a little while. You however, should only need like two packages. the restricted modules, and the corresponding linux-image | 05:24 |
ariqs | http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-386 is the package I got, flannel. i downloaded all those depedencies and it still tells me nonsense about dependencies | 05:24 |
dmsuperman | !english | omar | 05:25 |
ubottu | omar: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 05:25 |
ariqs | I got that | 05:25 |
ariqs | URGH | 05:25 |
* ariqs cries | 05:25 | |
Flannel | ariqs: did you install the other one first? | 05:25 |
Flannel | that is, the kernel? | 05:25 |
kappaccino | this channel never sleeps | 05:25 |
ariqs | I don't think it worked. it had dependency issues as well | 05:25 |
dmsuperman | kappaccino, it only slows down sometimes | 05:25 |
Flannel | ariqs: which depends? | 05:26 |
ariqs | I'll go try again | 05:26 |
Flynsarmy | Is there a problem with opening huge documents on ubuntu or something? I can't even open a mysqldump without WINEing notepad++ | 05:26 |
dmsuperman | Flynsarmy, how big is it? | 05:26 |
graft | Flynsarmy: what's wrong with emacs or vim? | 05:26 |
No1CaNTeL | kk, ty :P now my home is on it's own partition, will the setup know to find it there? | 05:26 |
dmsuperman | Flynsarmy, you could always do a head or tail if you only need to read a few lines of it | 05:26 |
fiya_werkin | Flynsarmy, how bigs the file? | 05:26 |
Flynsarmy | dmsuperman: It's only 1.6MB but i think it's cause it has really long lines | 05:26 |
No1CaNTeL | sorry, I am learning as I go | 05:26 |
masterloki | I have a | 05:26 |
masterloki | a question for anyone | 05:27 |
graft | Flynsarmy: that's a joke, man.. i can open 100+M files in vim with no trouble | 05:27 |
dmsuperman | No1CaNTeL, you can specify that you want that mounted as /home in the installer process, just make sure you choose manual | 05:27 |
dmsuperman | !ask | masterloki | 05:27 |
ubottu | masterloki: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 05:27 |
phobiac | I've been having an issue with installing grub. I have 8.04 installed properly, but grub messed up and now I'm unsure of what to do. I have no /grub under /boot in the partition, so I'm assuming I need to use grub-install? | 05:27 |
Flynsarmy | graft: I could probably open it with VIM but i prefer a GUI program. None of them seem to be albe to handle it though and i'm not sure why | 05:27 |
graft | Flynsarmy: because GUI programs suck? use the appropriate tools for your job | 05:27 |
kappaccino | masterloki: no, but I like my pancakes fluffy | 05:28 |
Flannel | ariqs: All of the other depends are satisfied by versions you already have. You just need the linux-image-[version]-generic and linux-restricted-modules-[version]-generic (or something similar to that) | 05:28 |
izinucs | Flynsarmy, you could try nano.. | 05:28 |
masterloki | can I add a a drive to my fdisk file or will it f--k it up | 05:28 |
graft | Flynsarmy: but if you want, try kate | 05:28 |
dmsuperman | Flynsarmy, it depends on how the program opens it. I think notepad++ only loads so much of the file into memory, depending on where you're at | 05:28 |
masterloki | hahha | 05:28 |
dmsuperman | izinucs, nano wouldn't do it | 05:28 |
No1CaNTeL | will do, and sorry I have one last q :P I have 8.04 installed now, I did the upgrade from 7.10 from the updates in ubuntu. is there a way to reload that install instead of using my disc so I dont have to upgrade again? | 05:28 |
dmsuperman | izinucs, nano tries to open the whole thing at once | 05:28 |
Flannel | Flynsarmy: Try less. You need something that doesn't open the entire file, but only whatever you're working on at the time. | 05:28 |
graft | less is not an editor | 05:28 |
ariqs | flannel: it tells me the package is either corrupt or I can't open it, for linux-image | 05:29 |
fiya_werkin | graft, gui's dont suck as much as generalizations | 05:29 |
Flannel | graft: Did he need an editor? | 05:29 |
Flynsarmy | Flannel: Shouldn't nano be able to handle it? 1.6MB isn't that large | 05:29 |
Flynsarmy | Flannel: Gedit sorry | 05:29 |
dmsuperman | Flannel, he didn't actually say | 05:29 |
Flannel | Flynsarmy: the problem is its all one line, isn't it? | 05:29 |
Flynsarmy | Flannel: Not all of it. but there are a few really long lines, yes | 05:29 |
dmsuperman | Flynsarmy, 1.6m is hard to open when it's got to get the whole thing and put it into a big text box | 05:29 |
graft | Flannel: true he didn't say, though he implied it by suggesting notepad++ | 05:29 |
graft | 1.6m is not hard to deal with | 05:30 |
Flannel | Flynsarmy: Those long lines are the problem. Because some programs try and buffer them entirely. | 05:30 |
Speedy | gedit with wrapline enabled | 05:30 |
Speedy | job done | 05:30 |
graft | gedit or kate should do it fine | 05:30 |
Flynsarmy | I was looking for a GUI that could handle it. I've never used kate before, i'll try that | 05:30 |
Flannel | Speedy: Its not the displaying of the line, its the contents in memory. | 05:30 |
ariqs | thankyou flannel, if this works I really appreciate it ;P | 05:30 |
graft | kate is perfect for code monkeys | 05:30 |
dmsuperman | Flynsarmy, kate is pretty good | 05:30 |
ariqs | I'm getting the linux-image again | 05:30 |
fiya_werkin | Flynsarmy, might try gedit or geany first if you don't want to install the dependencies that come with kate (since its a kde app) | 05:30 |
fiya_werkin | for gtk i like geany | 05:30 |
fiya_werkin | but yeah code wise kate is nice | 05:31 |
dmsuperman | eclipse ftw | 05:31 |
* dmsuperman ducks | 05:31 | |
Speedy | yeah i like eclipse | 05:31 |
Speedy | its almost as professional as netbeans too | 05:31 |
fiya_werkin | yeah but it can be overkill if your just doing small editing | 05:32 |
dmsuperman | i hate it on windows though, the buggiest crap i've ever used | 05:32 |
dmsuperman | but in linux it's so amazing | 05:32 |
fiya_werkin | so far I like netbeans over eclipse | 05:32 |
Speedy | its buggy on linux too | 05:32 |
Speedy | in places | 05:32 |
Speedy | netbeans if far more professional | 05:32 |
graft | eclipse for looking at mysql dumps? | 05:32 |
dmsuperman | fiya_werkin, I built this machine to game originally, so resource usage isn't much of a problem for me :D | 05:32 |
fiya_werkin | graft, i think the convo got hijacked into general code editing | 05:32 |
graft | oh ah | 05:33 |
dmsuperman | Speedy, I haven't ever run into bugs in linux. In windows, it would erase the second half of all the liens in the editor like 5 times a day, so I would have to close without save and restart since the last savepoint | 05:33 |
fiya_werkin | dmsuperman, yeah, some people are just picky about having extra libs around | 05:33 |
fiya_werkin | dmsuperman, my rigs a gaming machine too :) | 05:33 |
No1CaNTeL | dmsuperman: I'm not sure if you saw my last q :( it's the last q! I promise!! | 05:33 |
dmsuperman | fiya_werkin, I was actually debating selling my second gig of memory until I started doing more virtual machine work | 05:33 |
graft | a gaming machine running linux? | 05:33 |
* fiya_werkin nods | 05:33 | |
graft | we're going dangerously offtopic here... | 05:33 |
Speedy | dmsuperman, i've only had issues with the php plugin really | 05:33 |
Speedy | so maybe i'm being too harsh | 05:33 |
fiya_werkin | dmsuperman, yeah, i had a spare 2 gigs lying around that I never RMA'd until i started playing with virtualbox as well, it runs pretty good on ubuntu but the extra ram helps | 05:34 |
graft | are there good games in ubuntu? like, not idle-time games, but FPSs and such | 05:34 |
dmsuperman | No1CaNTeL, There's really not too much you can do | 05:34 |
fiya_werkin | graft, nexuiz / bzflag / armagetron advanced / sauerbraten | 05:34 |
dmsuperman | graft, we aren't talking about gaming, just the fact that our rigs were built to game so when we do things like run linux then there is nothing to worry about as far as resource usage | 05:34 |
* No1CaNTeL wants to kick linuxpenguin in the butt for telling an uber to sudo halt his system!! | 05:35 | |
graft | fiya_werkin: anything that has a storyline? | 05:35 |
No1CaNTeL | lesson learned :P | 05:35 |
dmsuperman | I could have swore there was a quake game in linux | 05:35 |
fiya_werkin | graft, whats a storyline :) | 05:35 |
graft | dmsuperman: yeah, quake | 05:35 |
dmsuperman | Speedy, I primarily do PHP | 05:35 |
phobiac | Have you guys tried urban terror? | 05:35 |
Jesus_Quintana | when running 'hostname --fqdn' i get a message 'hostname: Unknown host' | 05:35 |
fiya_werkin | when i want story, I play muds | 05:35 |
phobiac | It's like counter strike mixed with quake, not bad really. | 05:35 |
dmsuperman | when I want a story, I read a book...but that's just me | 05:35 |
dmsuperman | but I'm off to bed | 05:36 |
graft | that's what i like best about games | 05:36 |
dmsuperman | actually probably to read one of those ancient things...books | 05:36 |
graft | i want high-quality, polished, free-software games with great storylines | 05:36 |
swiftkick | hello | 05:37 |
Speedy | graft, you wont find many of them yet | 05:37 |
Speedy | or any for that matter | 05:37 |
graft | this will have to change | 05:37 |
Speedy | good games are usually made for money | 05:37 |
graft | so what? operating systems are usually made for money | 05:37 |
No1CaNTeL | kk, gonna try to reboot a couple more times, maybe I had a bad load. if not, then it will be a long night :P thanks again for the help guys :D | 05:38 |
Speedy | graft, not true | 05:38 |
Speedy | games are though | 05:38 |
phobiac | Most free software games I can think of are played by the people who make them, so the quality of the game reflects how much time they want to invest in it. | 05:38 |
amenado | Jesus_Quintana-> can you paste your /etc/hosts file? | 05:39 |
* No1CaNTeL cringes to think that all of this started because some cute brunette got him addicted to Guitar Hero 3 and needed a full windows install.... | 05:39 | |
fiya_werkin | this is why i like muds, its a combination of books, choose your own adventurers, and just fun | 05:39 |
phobiac | Okay this is annoying. I have no idea how to reinstall grub without reinstalling linux. | 05:40 |
graft | No1CaNTeL: just get a wii man | 05:40 |
fiya_werkin | !grub | 05:40 |
ubottu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 05:40 |
No1CaNTeL | lol | 05:40 |
Joe_CoT | is there a way to list all the possible "displays"? I can't get programs to open in display 0.0 | 05:40 |
phixxor | hey guys, my computer is using the wrong /boot/grub/menu.lst how can I make it use the correct one? | 05:40 |
graft | phixxor: how do you have more than one? | 05:40 |
amenado | phixxor-> how do you know it is using the wrong one? | 05:40 |
No1CaNTeL | meh, I'll stick with my XBMC Xbox, that sys is not for the lazy gamer ;) | 05:40 |
phobiac | Thank you, that should help. | 05:40 |
fiya_werkin | mostly I just play TF2 anymore | 05:41 |
fiya_werkin | but it doens't run well enough in linux yet so thats why i dual | 05:41 |
graft | there are rumors valve is porting source to linux | 05:41 |
fiya_werkin | graft, heard that | 05:41 |
phixxor | graft, amenado, I have more than one because I have more than one linux installs on this computer, and I know I'm using the wrong one because both are different, and the one it's using is the one on the other partition that I don't want it to use | 05:41 |
theFATMAN | need help with unrar | 05:41 |
graft | phixxor: well, tell it the correct partition to use | 05:42 |
phixxor | how? | 05:42 |
puff | I'm installing 8.0.4. I'm using manual partitioning. In the "new partition" dialog I enter partition size 10000, and then back at the main partition dialog, it says 10001. I enter 14000, main dialog says 13999. Wtf? | 05:42 |
amenado | phixxor-> well then use the correct menu.lst corresponding to the one you are booting to | 05:42 |
graft | phixxor: first of all, run grub-install from the correct linux install | 05:42 |
theFATMAN | phixxor: u talkin to me? | 05:42 |
phobiac | Those guides are old, I've tried the gui method on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto and it doesn't work anymore. The installer installs over the old system and reeks havoc. The commandline version it gives won't work either, I don't have a stage1 file. | 05:42 |
phixxor | theFATMAN, naw, i'm talking to the other guys | 05:42 |
theFATMAN | phixxor: oh, lol | 05:42 |
graft | phixxor: second of all, make sure that it has its partitions straight when it boots | 05:42 |
amenado | !who | phixxor | 05:42 |
ubottu | phixxor: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 05:42 |
theFATMAN | phixxor, damn i got happy | 05:43 |
DrBanzai | Okay, I got my wireless to show up under networks, on my Acer 5920 with the Intel 3945 chipset, under Ubuntu Hardy Heron, but now when I do an ifdown, and then an ifup on wlan0 I get the following: http://pastebin.com/m1226b14d | 05:43 |
graft | phixxor: did you do the first part correctly? | 05:43 |
graft | theFATMAN: what's your problem? | 05:43 |
phixxor | graft, amenado, yeah, I was looking into that, but I don't know what to put after "sudo grub-install <something>" | 05:43 |
graft | DrBanzai: why ifup/down, and not network manager? | 05:43 |
graft | phixxor: put the device of the drive you want it to boot from | 05:43 |
phobiac | phixxor: My problem too. | 05:43 |
theFATMAN | graft, i have unrar installed, but when i go to extract it gives me a device error message now, was not so earlier | 05:43 |
amenado | DrBanzai-> do a lshw -C network to confirm your wireless card and driver it uses | 05:43 |
graft | phixxor: like /dev/hda if that's what it boots from | 05:44 |
puff | graft: Btw, one gotcha to be aware of is that ifup/ifdown use a different set of lock files than iwconfig eth1 up and iwconfig eth1 down. | 05:44 |
graft | theFATMAN: can you pastebin the output? | 05:44 |
phobiac | graft: I have linux installed on /dev/sda3, so I would run "sudo grub-install /dev/sda3"? | 05:44 |
theFATMAN | graft, just a sec | 05:44 |
phixxor | graft: ok, so if the /boot I want it to use is /dev/sda6, I do sudo grub-install /dev/sda6 | 05:44 |
puff | graft: It's no big deal, but just remember that if you bring the interface down with iwconfig, then ifup will tell you it's already up. | 05:44 |
graft | phobiac: no. do you understand what an MBR is? | 05:44 |
graft | phobiac: err sorry, that was for phixxor | 05:44 |
graft | phobiac: no wait, now i'm all confused | 05:45 |
phixxor | graft, I've heard of the MBR but I don't know what/where it is | 05:45 |
graft | oh i see, you both have the same issue | 05:45 |
phobiac | graft: I've got the same problem basically, I'll just sit quiet and listen. | 05:45 |
amenado | phixxor-> you can do grub-install --root-directory=/boot /dev/sda6 assuming your /boot is in /dev/sda6 | 05:45 |
corollax | fiya_werkin: Umm...I'm trying out utorrent, but I'm experiencing an interesting error. | 05:45 |
graft | phixxor: okay, one of your drives probably has a boot flag, which you can find out with gparted | 05:45 |
=== adante_ is now known as adante | ||
theFATMAN | graft, inappropriate ioctl for device | 05:45 |
phixxor | graft, I'm pretty sure it's my windows partition, /dev/sda1 | 05:45 |
fiya_werkin | phixxor, are all the partitions on one drive | 05:46 |
graft | phixxor: well, check to make sure | 05:46 |
puff | Is there any way to edit a partition size once I've created it in the partitioning dialog? | 05:46 |
phixxor | fiya_werkin, yes | 05:46 |
graft | phixxor: that's the drive you want to install grub to | 05:46 |
graft | phixxor: ah, so you only have one physical hard drive? | 05:46 |
theFATMAN | graft, inappropriate ioctl for device | 05:46 |
graft | phixxor: in that case you only have one boot sector, so grub-install /dev/sda should work | 05:46 |
fiya_werkin | corollax, what error? | 05:46 |
phixxor | graft, amenado, yes /dev/sda1 has the boot flag | 05:46 |
graft | theFATMAN: that sounds like a bad disk error, nothing to do with unrar | 05:46 |
blackluster | join please | 05:47 |
corollax | fiya_werkin: No terminal output... | 05:47 |
theFATMAN | graft, checkdisc gives me the ok | 05:47 |
amenado | phixxor-> it is not essential to have grub installed in the mbr, it can be installed on the partition where the linux is installed | 05:47 |
corollax | fiya_werkin: but after about 15 seconds, it says "error: Access denied" under the status bar | 05:47 |
theFATMAN | graft, on vista(which sucks) it works fine(winrar) | 05:47 |
corollax | fiya_werkin: I'm thinking that it might be a permissions issue. | 05:48 |
phixxor | amenado, I have the /boot I want to use on it's own partition, which is /dev/sda7. How do I tell the computer to boot with that GRUB? | 05:48 |
theFATMAN | graft, brb | 05:48 |
phobiac | graft: I've got one hard drive, linux on partition /dev/sda3 and windows on /dev/sda1. I ran sudo grub-install /dev/sda and it gives me an error: Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device. | 05:48 |
fiya_werkin | corollax, access denied? like the tracker status? | 05:48 |
corollax | fiya_werkin: Precisely. | 05:48 |
corollax | fiya_werkin: I've tried it with three torrents now. (an open office installer for windows is my current test subject) | 05:48 |
amenado | phixxor-> you can do grub-install --root-directory=/boot /dev/sda7 assuming your /boot is in /dev/sda7 | 05:48 |
graft | phobiac: is /boot a separate partition? | 05:49 |
puff | Is journaling enabled by default on an ext3 partition created at installation? | 05:49 |
absnt | I have a 250gb HD but after installing ubuntu I seem to be missing 50gb | 05:49 |
fiya_werkin | corollax, where's the link for the one your trying with now | 05:49 |
Templaria1 | puff, you there? | 05:49 |
phobiac | graft: No, linux is all in one partition. | 05:49 |
=== puzzle is now known as ecanto | ||
fiya_werkin | puff, afaik yes | 05:49 |
graft | phobiac: can you pastebin your menu.lst? | 05:49 |
phobiac | graft: But I'm pretty sure windows is where the mbr is, I had windows on here first. | 05:49 |
catunda | hi, i've trying to set iptables masquerade between tun0 -> eth0. All the packets sent correctly to target but don't throught the tun0. Does anyone have any tips? | 05:50 |
amenado | phixxor-> wait a minute, you have a second linux? if you do, you can have your 1st booting linux to have its menu.lst to point to the second install of linux | 05:50 |
phobiac | graft: I have no menu.lst | 05:50 |
fiya_werkin | !mbr | 05:50 |
ubottu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 05:50 |
graft | phobiac: the mbr is just a sector of the disk | 05:50 |
phixxor | amenado, graft, so "grub-install --root-directory=/boot /dev/sda7" because /boot is in /dev/sda7 ? (Just doublechecking with both of you) | 05:50 |
graft | phobiac: no menu.lst would be a big problem for grub, eh | 05:50 |
phobiac | graft: Oh okay. And yeah, that's why I need to reinstall it from scratch. | 05:50 |
phixxor | amenado, I've manually edited my menu.lst to point to the second linux and windows -- I can show you if you want | 05:50 |
fiya_werkin | basically, the mbr is what gets booted off of, grub installs directions there saying 'boot off of my menu.lst file somewhere', and then that menu file tells the system how to boot the different os's | 05:50 |
phobiac | graft: I'd rather reinstall grub and not linux though. | 05:50 |
amenado | phixxor-> that will be much better, paste in pastebin your menu.lst for the 1st linux that is booting okay | 05:51 |
fiya_werkin | phobiac - im not sure, but maybe a sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub ? | 05:51 |
phixxor | amenado, ok | 05:51 |
graft | phobiac: no, you just need to run update-grub | 05:51 |
Templaria1 | we'll say i have my folders for SVN and local host like so: /home/templarian/www and /home/templarian/repos , why in the world won't svn connect to the bloody project in /home/templarian/repos/trunk | 05:51 |
DrBanzai | amenado: Ok, looks like it's using the right driver... | 05:51 |
fiya_werkin | i think there is a grubconfig app also that might do it, again not positive tho | 05:51 |
phobiac | graft: I have no grub at all though, just the /boot directory with no /grub. Update grub will work? | 05:52 |
phixxor | is something wrong with the pastebin? | 05:52 |
graft | phobiac: err... is grub installed? | 05:52 |
amenado | DrBanzai-> please paste the result of lshw -C network for us to confirm | 05:52 |
phobiac | graft: No, that's the problem. | 05:52 |
graft | phobiac: i mean do you have the package installed? | 05:52 |
phixxor | !pastebin | 05:52 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 05:52 |
phixxor | ooh new pastebin :) | 05:52 |
* Templaria1 maybe its because its 1 and i have work in 6 hours i just can't figure this out. svn seems such an easy idea but i just can't get it to work. | 05:52 | |
phobiac | graft: I'm running the live CD, so I'm pretty sure it is. | 05:52 |
dpreacher | i wanted to downgrade firefox 3 to 2 on my hardy machine and followed these steps. | 05:53 |
fiya_werkin | oh | 05:53 |
dpreacher | 1. sudo apt-get purge firefox | 05:53 |
graft | phobiac: well, then update-grub should work fine | 05:53 |
dpreacher | 2. rm -r ~/.mozilla/firefox | 05:53 |
fiya_werkin | graft, if hes on the livecd, hes not running off of his acutal / | 05:53 |
dpreacher | 3. sudo apt-get install firefox-2 | 05:53 |
amenado | phobiac-> how you manage to install without the /boot/grub/ and the files there ? | 05:53 |
DrBanzai | amenado: Done | 05:53 |
dpreacher | will that be all | 05:53 |
dpreacher | is it required to restart anything? | 05:53 |
amenado | DrBanzai-> where is the link? | 05:53 |
dpreacher | i have kept backup of the profile dir. | 05:53 |
dpreacher | is the ffx3 profile dir not compatible with ffx2? | 05:54 |
fiya_werkin | graft, wouldn't he need to chroot to his actual install and run grub install from there? | 05:54 |
phobiac | graft: Just run update-grub from the live CD? | 05:54 |
dpreacher | please help. thanks in advance | 05:54 |
fiya_werkin | or will it ask him where to put the files? | 05:54 |
DrBanzai | amenado: Oh sorry, http://pastebin.com/m6d5af4 | 05:54 |
graft | phobiac: no, fiya_werkin is probably right | 05:54 |
phobiac | amenade: I ran the install and it worked fine up until it was installing grub...I got an IO error something and the computer froze for several hours. | 05:54 |
graft | phobiac: do you have your real drive mounted somewhere? | 05:54 |
phobiac | graft: No, but I can mount it. | 05:55 |
loller | can gedit highlight assembly code ? somebody to help me | 05:55 |
amenado | DrBanzai-> i think your clue is *-network DISABLED | 05:55 |
phobiac | It's under /media/disk now. | 05:55 |
graft | phobiac: well mount it, then do sudo chroot /mounted/drive/directory update-grub | 05:55 |
phixxor | amenado, http://paste.ubuntu.com/14006/ this is the menu.lst I want to use. I'm currently running on the first entry on that list (is that the most up to date version of the kernel for amd64, btw (if you know)) | 05:56 |
bazhang | dpreacher, why did you want to delete ff3 | 05:56 |
amenado | phobiac-> as an fyi, the /boot/grub/ directory contains the stage15 and stage2 files plus the menu.lst ..so after you issue those command suggested by others, verify that you have what I just said | 05:56 |
dpreacher | because i needed google toolbar to work on it. | 05:56 |
dpreacher | it is very much important for my work | 05:56 |
giloth | good evening fellow geeks ^^ | 05:57 |
dpreacher | funny thing is google toolbar makes you download the 968kb file n then says 'can't do' | 05:57 |
DrBanzai | amenado: Ok...so how do I enable it? It's got a check mark next to it in the Network control panel | 05:57 |
puff | Templaria1: I'm there, but about to go drinknig. | 05:57 |
graft | phixxor: i'm pretty sure that won't work, since i think your boot directory will become your / | 05:57 |
Zaiden | Why did they make Pulseaudio a requirement to run ubuntu? | 05:58 |
amenado | DrBanzai-> click on properties and check to make sure its okay, that should activate it | 05:58 |
phobiac | graft: I ran the command and I noticed this "Cannot determine root device. Assuming /dev/hda1 | 05:58 |
phobiac | " | 05:58 |
Zaiden | 8.04* | 05:58 |
graft | phixxor: you need to make the root the actual root partition | 05:58 |
phixxor | graft, is there some way I can pastebin my partition map for you guys? I think tha twould help too | 05:58 |
phixxor | amenado, ^^ | 05:58 |
puff | Templaria1: I don't know offhand, but I can say that the one thing I had trouble with in svn was exactly what your'e stuck on. | 05:58 |
phobiac | graft: I'm not 100% sure, but linux is on /dev/sda3. Shouldn't that be the root? | 05:58 |
puff | Templaria1: One thing to remember, in CVS there is One True Repository. In svn, you can just create a repository anywhere. You can create a private repository of your own, etc. | 05:59 |
phobiac | I also got sh: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied | 05:59 |
EsTEx | Does anyone know if its possible to ignore certain updates? | 05:59 |
amenado | phixxor-> from what you pasted, line 130 is what you boot to now? and which 2nd one you'd like to boot to? which line number? | 05:59 |
puff | Templaria1: I wish I had a better answer for you, but I'd have to puzzle it out, and I have to go. | 05:59 |
Templaria1 | puff its okay | 05:59 |
puff | Templaria1: Possibly go ask in a programming-oriented channel that has svn users. Or ask in #svn? | 05:59 |
EsTEx | I'm constantly annoyed by the update icon when the only update is one I'd rather not install | 05:59 |
amenado | phixxor-> yes you can pastebin your /boot/grub/device.map too | 05:59 |
Templaria1 | puff: im not going to figure it out tonight probably | 05:59 |
Templaria1 | puff: will do | 06:00 |
puff | Good luck. | 06:00 |
puff | Good night. | 06:00 |
amenado | EsTEx-> learn to ignore :P | 06:00 |
phobiac | Thank you guys for your help so far. | 06:00 |
EsTEx | amenado: heh... | 06:00 |
phixxor | amenado, lol that just contains the one line: (hd0)/dev/sda | 06:00 |
EsTEx | Is there at least a configuration file I could edit or something? | 06:00 |
amenado | phixxor-> okay, but for your second linux partition it also has a boot/grub/device.map? what is its contents? | 06:01 |
bazhang | dbpreacher which aspects did you need? | 06:02 |
bazhang | oh he left | 06:02 |
phixxor | amenado, but yes, line 130 is the one I'm booting from right now, that's where the grub I want to use is. The secondary linux partition is in /dev/sda9, I'll go look up those contents (line 143 in this menu.lst) | 06:02 |
graft | phobiac: hmm. i think you might have to mount /dev as well | 06:02 |
amenado | EsTEx-> i dont know, on mine, i just rigth click on the icon and uncheck the notification | 06:02 |
dpreacher | bazhang was that aspect thing for me? | 06:03 |
phobiac | graft: How do I do that? | 06:03 |
DrBanzai | amenado: Well, looks like no matter how I try to enable it, it stays disabled, under the lshw command... | 06:03 |
MattCampbell | Is the OpenSSH server included in the default Ubuntu desktop install? If so, how does one start it from the command line? | 06:03 |
dpreacher | dbpreacher didn't exactly ring a bell with my chatzilla | 06:03 |
dpreacher | so i missed it | 06:03 |
amenado | phixxor-> what happens when you do indeed select the entry 143 during boot? | 06:03 |
Zaiden | Is it possible that a program's sound lags because it uses too much of the system memory | 06:03 |
bazhang | dpreacher, which part of that toolbar did you need? there are number of replacements for ff3 | 06:03 |
graft | phobiac: try sudo mount -o bind /dev /mnt/root/dev | 06:03 |
phixxor | amenado, well I never see line 143, because this isn't the menu I get when I boot, I get the other menu | 06:04 |
amenado | DrBanzai-> can you please pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file too? | 06:04 |
dpreacher | bazhang i particularly am interested in the PageRank feature primarily. | 06:04 |
graft | phobiac: i think you ought to be able to get away without a /proc | 06:04 |
* Templaria1 thinks the svn channel is dead | 06:04 | |
DrBanzai | amenado: Sure... | 06:04 |
amenado | phixxor-> what other menu? | 06:04 |
phixxor | amenado, the one that lives on /dev/sda9 | 06:04 |
illriginal | ROFLMAO Hardy is the best distro I've ever had. You can put your mouse on a music file and it'll start to play, as soon as you remove the mouse from the icon/file (song) the song stops playing. | 06:04 |
phixxor | amenado, the one I want to use lives on /dev/sda7 | 06:04 |
bazhang | well dpreacher as you have already deleted ff3 it is a bit late. | 06:04 |
dpreacher | isn't ff3 available on the repos? | 06:04 |
amenado | phixxor-> why not make them two the same? | 06:04 |
phobiac | graft: The mount point doesn't exist, should I just sudo mkdir /mnt/root/dev? | 06:05 |
dpreacher | s/on/in | 06:05 |
graft | phobiac: err, what was your mount point again? | 06:05 |
graft | phobiac: /media/disk/dev | 06:05 |
amenado | phixxor-> the ones you pasted, was from which menu.lst? the 1st or the 2nd? | 06:05 |
phobiac | graft: Oh okay, I should use /media/disk/dev? Sorry. | 06:05 |
bazhang | dpreacher, next time you might want to check the extensions on offer; additionally the older plugins will be updated as ff3 will soon be reaching final status in ubuntu | 06:05 |
dpreacher | also another irritating bug was that the flash graphic was covering any rollover drop down js menus | 06:06 |
phixxor | amenado, the thing is, I'll probably reformat sda9 eventually, it's the partition I use to install test operating systems | 06:06 |
graft | phobiac: might as well mount /proc - mount -t proc none /media/disk/proc | 06:06 |
graft | phobiac: then it oughta work okay, hopefully | 06:06 |
dpreacher | i really cannot wait for the upgrades... | 06:06 |
DrBanzai | amenado: http://pastebin.com/m203c19a3 | 06:06 |
dpreacher | but if you have alternatives that show PR i am all ears | 06:06 |
dpreacher | n eyes | 06:06 |
amenado | phixxor-> well whatever you decide, you just have to correct the menu.lst so you can have the correct menu for selections | 06:06 |
phixxor | amenado, the one I showed you is the /boot/grub/menu.lst that I want to use, but isn't in use right now. the one on sda7. | 06:06 |
illriginal | what's goin on what update, which distro? | 06:06 |
EsTEx | amenado: Ok so I just disabled recommended updates | 06:07 |
bazhang | https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/321 like this dpreacher | 06:07 |
phobiac | graft: I was about to say there was an error, but the /proc thing fixed it. It worked fine. Anything else I should do? | 06:07 |
phixxor | amenado, I'm getting the other menu.lst and device map to show you | 06:07 |
simso | can someone please help me configure x so that that my nvidia graphics card is allowed to be set at a higher resolution? before i was using onboard graphics and recently i purchased and installed a different one which is still for some reason only allowing me to use a certain resolution i tried to reconfigure x but it didn't seem to help | 06:07 |
graft | phobiac: update-grub ran okay? see if you have a menu.lst | 06:07 |
graft | phobiac: and see if it has the entries you want | 06:07 |
graft | phobiac: in /media/disk/boot/grub/ | 06:08 |
EsTEx | What is your favorite music player | 06:08 |
bazhang | simso, which card | 06:08 |
hischild | !poll | EsTEx | 06:08 |
ubottu | EsTEx: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 06:08 |
amenado | DrBanzai-> when you click on System->Administration->Network and the window pop up..what is checked? | 06:08 |
simso | geforce 5700, bazhang | 06:08 |
bazhang | !player | EsTEx | 06:08 |
ubottu | EsTEx: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 06:08 |
simso | bazhang, i do have the drivers enabled as well | 06:08 |
bazhang | EsTEx, ask in #ubuntu-bots | 06:09 |
[1]ToxicSoul | I need help getting authentication via ~/.shosts to work, the publickey is on the remote machine, afaik my sshd_config is right, and the .shosts file is right.. : http://rafb.net/p/NDQ1IP35.html | 06:09 |
EsTEx | geez... | 06:09 |
=== [1]ToxicSoul is now known as ToxicSoul | ||
bazhang | simso, what res you have and what do you want | 06:09 |
phobiac | graft: Menu.lst is there, but it doesn't have any entries. The only question I have is how do I know what kernel my linux install is using? | 06:09 |
simso | bazhang, its set at 800x600 the max it will run at i would like it to be at 1280x1024 | 06:09 |
dpreacher | bazhang thanks :) very much | 06:10 |
hischild | ToxicSoul: if you use public/private key, add the public key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. | 06:10 |
DrBanzai | amenado: Well, now only Wired is checked...other options are wireless and point to point. I have tried putting a check next to wireless, to no avail. | 06:10 |
DJ_HaMsTa | guys this is realy important, i am in need of starcraft and i cant play because im behind a firewall, i have connected via VPN to my home ubuntu server and i need UDP forwarded, how can i config starcraft to use that VPN tunnel in my windows machine ? | 06:10 |
graft | phobiac: uname -a | 06:10 |
bazhang | simso, what about gksudo displayconfig-gtk does that let you run a better res | 06:10 |
phobiac | graft: That will work from the live cd? | 06:10 |
ToxicSoul | hischild: thats not via .shost (hostbased).. I can get keybased to work fine | 06:10 |
bazhang | dpreacher, :) | 06:10 |
graft | phobiac: that will tell you the kernel the live cd is running... the kernel you booted with | 06:10 |
amenado | DrBanzai-> when you enable the checkmark for wireless what happens? | 06:10 |
graft | phobiac: there might be multiple kernels installed on your linux partition, any one of which you can boot from | 06:11 |
pen | hi. Anyone here use swiftweasel? | 06:11 |
simso | bazhang, it says command not found.. | 06:11 |
dpreacher | bazhang do you have any idea why if an extension is ff2 compatible but not ff3 compatible. it won't even let me right click and save the .xpi in the new site design? | 06:11 |
bazhang | simso, this is gutsy then? | 06:11 |
amenado | DrBanzai-> is it grey out that you can not check it? | 06:11 |
simso | bazhang, no its hardy heron | 06:11 |
prettyricky | how do I add a splash screen? | 06:11 |
graft | phobiac: no entries at all? hrm | 06:11 |
phobiac | graft: Okay. It'd probably be the same kernel that the install would have used anyway. | 06:11 |
phixxor | amenado, graft, menu.lst I'm stuck with now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14008/ , mount: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14009/ , sda9's device map: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14011/ | 06:11 |
DrBanzai | amenado: It is grey until I click on the unlock button and enter the root password. | 06:11 |
dpreacher | bazhang do you really really mean i cannot get back to ff3 or are you just wishing it badly? :P | 06:11 |
bazhang | simso, how did you install the drivers | 06:11 |
phobiac | graft: All the examples and stuff are there, just no entries. | 06:12 |
bazhang | dpreacher, you can get it back | 06:12 |
simso | bazhang, i just enabled them in restricted drivers | 06:12 |
dpreacher | yaayy | 06:12 |
DrBanzai | amenado: As far as what happens when I check it...the check appeared, but nothing else has happened yet. | 06:12 |
graft | phobiac: try running update-grub again | 06:12 |
pen | dpreacher, something wrong with ff3? | 06:12 |
amenado | DrBanzai-> okay then allow yourself to unlock it and the put the check mark, then lets look at the properties | 06:12 |
bazhang | simso, you mean hardware drivers? | 06:12 |
pen | dpreacher, you can try swiftweasel | 06:12 |
simso | bazhang, yeah | 06:12 |
dpreacher | pen: needed the Google Toolbar | 06:12 |
DrBanzai | amenado: Ok, looking at properties... | 06:13 |
ToxicSoul | I need help getting authentication via ~/.shosts to work, the publickey is on the remote machine, afaik my sshd_config is right, and the .shosts file is right.. : http://rafb.net/p/NDQ1IP35.html | 06:13 |
graft | phobiac: this is really the sort of thing the live-cd should have a utility for, too bad it doesn't | 06:13 |
bazhang | simso, I used envyng-gtk to fix that up; no worries after that | 06:13 |
phobiac | graft: I noticed that when I ran it again it said "grep: /boot/config*: No such file or directory" | 06:13 |
dpreacher | bazhang the searchstatus extension connects to alexa as well...isn't that an uncool site privacy wise...or is that a myth? | 06:13 |
simso | bazhang, so? any ideas? | 06:14 |
amenado | phixxor-> well whatever you decide, you just have to correct the menu.lst so you can have the correct menu for selections | 06:14 |
phobiac | graft: The live DVD (I have that too, but my DVD drive is giving me hell for some reason) USED to have a "rescue a broken system" option. | 06:14 |
graft | phobiac: no idea what that's about... did it report any entries this time? | 06:14 |
phobiac | graft: I've no idea where it went though. | 06:14 |
bazhang | dpreacher, not sure, there are other options if you search for pagerank in extensions are | 06:14 |
phixxor | amenado, that's not the issue -- both menu.lsts do what I want them to -- I just want the computer to use the one that won't get deleted when I reformat | 06:14 |
prettyricky | how do I add a splash screen? | 06:14 |
dpreacher | sure i will do that | 06:14 |
pen | hi. Anyone here use swiftweasel? Which build is the optimized for core 2 duo? | 06:14 |
phobiac | graft: No, same as it was last time. | 06:14 |
Y | How do I remove a link to a program from the Applications Menu? | 06:14 |
Smegzor | Can anyone recommend a guide to dual booting two Linuxes? I've installed Fedora 9 over top of XP (oooh that felt good), but I don't see it in grub. I only see all my Ubuntu grub entries. | 06:15 |
phixxor | Y, I'm pretty sure you can right click on it and say remove | 06:15 |
graft | phobiac: did it make /boot/grub/stage1? | 06:15 |
amenado | phixxor-> you can always save a copy, just in case the one you wanted got deleted..keep it in a safe place | 06:15 |
phixxor | Y, nope, sorry | 06:15 |
simso | bazhang, i've also tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 06:16 |
phixxor | amenado, if I reformat, and try to boot the computer, it will say no disk | 06:16 |
phobiac | graft: Uh..no. | 06:16 |
phixxor | amenado, lol this has happened before | 06:16 |
giloth | easiest way i've found to dual boot vista and ubuntu (would also work in XP) would be to shrink the volume in windows under computer management and then have ubuntu use the largest amount of continuous free space | 06:16 |
phobiac | graft: I just noticed there aren't any stage files at all. And I don't see any kernels under /boot. | 06:16 |
DrBanzai | amenado: Everything looks to be fine...unless I'm giving it the wrong WPA password... | 06:17 |
Y | How do I remove a link to a program from the Applications Menu? | 06:17 |
hischild | graft: if you're running update-grub or grub-install or anything else, make sure you chroot into the real env first and don't run it directly from the live env. | 06:17 |
amenado | phixxor-> then it behoves you to know which partitions is which, i cant give you anymore info other than you better make sure you format the correct partitions, | 06:17 |
giloth | right click applications and edit menus | 06:17 |
teeshep | hey! can i have some help with GRUB? I installed windows after in installed Ubuntu Gutsy, and it erased (disabled?) my GRUB. How do i get it back? | 06:17 |
graft | hischild: hrmrmrm | 06:17 |
hischild | !fixgrub | 06:17 |
ubottu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 06:17 |
amenado | DrBanzai-> okay after you close the properties, and then on a terminal, can you do iwconfig to see if your wlan0 is okay? | 06:17 |
phixxor | amenado, I know which is which -- how do I tell the computer to start using the right /boot directory when it turns no | 06:17 |
phixxor | turns on | 06:17 |
Y | Giloth: Thanks | 06:18 |
giloth | np glad i could help ;) | 06:18 |
phobiac | graft: Should I do a grub-install? I don't think it's installed. | 06:18 |
giloth | uh oh fussy baby - brb | 06:18 |
graft | phobiac: grub-install is useless without a proper menu.lst | 06:18 |
amenado | phixxor-> your bios point to the bootable disk, and it will look in its mbr | 06:18 |
graft | phobiac: grub-install actually puts it on the MBR | 06:18 |
phobiac | graft: Oh okay. | 06:18 |
graft | phobiac: you can try dpkg-reconfigure grub | 06:18 |
phixxor | amenado, ok, how do I tell the MBR to look at sda7 instead of sda9 for menu.lst | 06:19 |
graft | phobiac: chrooted, of course | 06:19 |
teeshep | i have tried this, and it has not worked. | 06:19 |
EsTEx | has anyone got streamed wma (http) music to work ? | 06:19 |
bazhang | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto simso | 06:19 |
teeshep | here is my problem as of now: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=764235 | 06:19 |
DrBanzai | amenado: http://pastebin.com/m7887e327 | 06:19 |
amenado | phixxor that is done via the grub entries.. | 06:19 |
phobiac | graft: sudo chroot dpkg-reconfigure grub | 06:19 |
phobiac | chroot: cannot change root directory to dpkg-reconfigure: No such file or directory | 06:19 |
pen | hi. Anyone here use swiftweasel? Which build is the optimized for core 2 duo? | 06:20 |
phobiac | Oops that was supposed to be one line. | 06:20 |
graft | phobiac: chroot needs the directory argument | 06:20 |
darthanubis | /usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Error: Could not acquire compositing manager selection on screen 0 display ":0.0" | 06:20 |
darthanubis | My nvidia driver is working proper | 06:20 |
darthanubis | why am I getting this compiz error? | 06:20 |
amenado | DrBanzai-> okay, also confirm with lshw -C network is it enabled now? | 06:20 |
phobiac | graft: What directory argument? | 06:20 |
graft | phobiac: sudo chroot /media/disk/ dpkg-reconfigure grub | 06:21 |
DrBanzai | amenado: Nope, still disabled. | 06:21 |
phobiac | graft: Oh oops. Thank you. | 06:21 |
teeshep | here is my problem as of now: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=764235 | 06:21 |
phixxor | graft: how do I tell the MBR to look at sda7 instead of sda9 for menu.lst. That's all I want to do | 06:21 |
amenado | DrBanzai-> i dont know, you can now try dhclient wlan0 and see if it acquires an ip address | 06:21 |
phobiac | graft: It ran fine but doesn't seem to have done anything. | 06:22 |
phixxor | graft: so I guess in other words, how do I "install" the sda7 menu.lst to the MBR | 06:22 |
graft | phobiac: dangit. well, you'll just have to write an entry by hand i guess | 06:22 |
graft | phixxor: grub-install will do it | 06:22 |
phobiac | graft: Okay. But I noticed something, I don't seem to have any kernels under /boot. | 06:23 |
graft | phobiac: ! | 06:23 |
graft | phobiac: well that explains at least part of your problem | 06:23 |
phixxor | graft: what's the syntax, I couldn't figure it out. sda1 is bootable, sda7 is /boot, and sda8 is / | 06:23 |
Y | LOL -> http://pastebin.com/f22329ab1 | 06:23 |
phobiac | graft: Yeah lol. Is this at the point where a full reinstall would be easier? | 06:23 |
DrBanzai | amenado: That results in: http://pastebin.com/m4134f34b | 06:24 |
PMantis | Hello! An upgrade of my 7.10 server to 8.04 left bluetooth broken. I used to send files from my phone to the server (obviously without physical access to the server) which were automatically processed. I was using obexpushd, is there a more approved/integrated way? | 06:24 |
phixxor | phobiac, sounds like it to me - especially if you're trying to fix a fresh install that went bad | 06:24 |
phobiac | I haven't even booted into linux once. | 06:24 |
hischild | phobiac: do you have a seperate /boot partition? | 06:24 |
phobiac | hischild: No | 06:24 |
phixxor | phobiac, better to just reinstall the whole thing | 06:24 |
Eric | How do I change the default sound device in Hardy Heron? I have an onboard Realtek chip and an Audigy 4. | 06:24 |
phobiac | phixxor: Alright. | 06:24 |
graft | phobiac: where the heck are your kernels? are yo usure you don't have a separate boot partition? | 06:24 |
phixxor | phobiac, good luck! | 06:24 |
hwdyki | where can i find agar packages? | 06:25 |
hischild | Eric: administration => preferences => sound | 06:25 |
phobiac | I meant to but /home in a seperate partition, but I kept getting weird errors about my partitions not being big enough. | 06:25 |
graft | phobiac: oh, if this is a fresh install, i agree you should just reinstall | 06:25 |
hischild | phobiac: count the output of this command and tell me how many partitions you have (in a new terminal please) ==> sudo fdisk -l | 06:25 |
DrBanzai | amenado: And I did reboot my wireless access point/router before I started all this. | 06:25 |
teeshep | hey can i have some help re-enabling grub after installing windows? i've followed the tutorials but it doesn't seem to work | 06:25 |
phobiac | Okay, I'll go that route. | 06:25 |
Eric | hischild, I'm not having any luck there. | 06:25 |
hischild | Eric: what is "not having any luck" in this case? | 06:26 |
amenado | DrBanzai-> I just recalled now, that one person last week mentioned the difficulty with intel 3945 chips...i dont remember the solution though | 06:26 |
Y | teeshep: What seems to be the problem? | 06:26 |
yupperz | is google.com down? | 06:26 |
hwdyki | nobody... | 06:26 |
Y | yupperz: You bet. | 06:26 |
Eric | Um, which am I supposed to change? | 06:26 |
Bugs_Bunnybr | someone here knows some thing about (k)ubuntu 8.04 dont respect the /etc/group ?? | 06:26 |
Eric | "default mixer tracks"? | 06:26 |
teeshep | Y: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=764235 | 06:26 |
DrBanzai | amenado: Ahhh...yeah, I seem to recall some mention of it as well...but thought the newest drivers took care of it. | 06:26 |
phobiac | hischild: I have three partitions. I know that without running it. | 06:27 |
hischild | phobiac: 1. please still run it and check it to be sure. 2. what partitions? | 06:27 |
phobiac | hischild: The first is NTFS (windows), the second is swap, and the third is ext3 (Linux) | 06:27 |
amenado | DrBanzai-> it could have been, try to see if they have posted the solution ...google for it? | 06:27 |
phixxor | ok graft, amenado, I'm trying to use install-grub to install the /boot I have mounted right now (sda7) to the MBR. My root partition is sda8. How? | 06:28 |
phobiac | hischild: I just double checked to be sure, and no my kernels didn't somehow end up on the windows partition. | 06:28 |
phixxor | phobiac, how many partitions do you have total? | 06:28 |
Eric | hischild, what am I supposed to change? | 06:29 |
phobiac | hischild: I had to inturrupt the install when it was installed the boot manager, the computer froze. I left it for about three hours and it was still frozen. | 06:29 |
amenado | phixxor-> you sudo grub, then on grub menu find /boot/grub/menu.lst | 06:29 |
teeshep | Y: any suggestions? | 06:29 |
phobiac | phixxor: Three. | 06:29 |
absnt | Why doesnt the Bluetooth icon show in my taskbar? | 06:29 |
Bugs_Bunnybr | someone here knows some thing about (k)ubuntu 8.04 dont respect the /etc/group ?? | 06:29 |
Bacta | Hi I have a beta of Hardy Heron, how can I upgrade to the latest version of Ubuntu? | 06:29 |
koheleth | the numers lock is not activating on boot, I have it on in the bios though, how do I fix this? | 06:29 |
amenado | phixxor-> then root ( press tab twice | 06:29 |
Y | Bugs_Bunnybr: Go to #kubuntu. | 06:29 |
phixxor | phobiac, windows, linux, swap? In that case just reinstall linux. make sure your cd is without defects though | 06:29 |
blackluster | thanks | 06:29 |
amenado | phixxor-> then setroot i believe.. i cant remember off hand | 06:29 |
teeshep | Y: any suggestions? | 06:30 |
hischild | phobiac: then a reinstall is probably easier yeah. | 06:30 |
Eric | Bacta, does running the update manager give you an option to update to the full release? | 06:30 |
Bugs_Bunnybr | can bee to ubuntu | 06:30 |
phixxor | amenado, so I don't use grub-install at all? | 06:30 |
Bugs_Bunnybr | is not about the kde | 06:30 |
hischild | Eric: that's where your sound settings are. If you need to change something, that's the place | 06:30 |
Y | teeshep: One sec, while I work this out. | 06:30 |
phobiac | phixxor: I checked it. The problem was my DVD drive. It's a crappy matshita or something and the CD part works fine but it's having issues booting DVDs. | 06:30 |
duane | anyone try to install eclipse web package for html editing it fails in ubuntu for me | 06:30 |
teeshep | Y: okay thank you | 06:30 |
amenado | phixxor-> thats another way.. | 06:30 |
koheleth | duane, use bluefish | 06:30 |
blackluster | talk to me | 06:31 |
=== hwdyki_ is now known as hwdyki | ||
duane | whats bluefish? | 06:31 |
hischild | !info bluefish | duane | 06:31 |
ubottu | duane: bluefish (source: bluefish): advanced Gtk+ HTML editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.7-4 (hardy), package size 1570 kB, installed size 6728 kB | 06:31 |
Eric | hischild, But nothing changes. I can change the type of sound for playback, etc and "default mixer tracks" is the only thing relating to the sound device. When I choose the Audigy there and test the audio there is still nothing. | 06:31 |
phobiac | Anyway yeah, I'll just run an install from the live CD. | 06:31 |
hwdyki | where can i find agar library and devel packages? | 06:31 |
dpreacher | which is better? bluefish or screem? | 06:31 |
Daisuke_Ido | Bugs_Bunnybr: what about it doesn't ubuntu respect? | 06:31 |
koheleth | Bluefish | 06:31 |
amenado | phixxor-> then setup (hdx) | 06:31 |
phixxor | amenado, well if both of them do the same thing I'm going with your way because that's the only way I have instructions. Thanks :) | 06:31 |
duane | I like to use one eclpise has koheleth | 06:31 |
hischild | Eric: then it probably has its own mixer settings. Check that programs preferences | 06:32 |
dpreacher | is bluefish default on ubuntu? | 06:32 |
amenado | phixxor-> here is an extensive guide i used as reference http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm | 06:32 |
phixxor | amenado, what is (hdx)? | 06:32 |
Eric | hischild, What program? | 06:32 |
koheleth | duane, not seen that one, I will take a look myself :) | 06:32 |
dpreacher | ubuntu hardy i mean | 06:32 |
phobiac | Oh I have another question. I'm pretty sure that the MBR has been overwritten more than once now, and I've been unable to boot into Windows. Can I use grub to boot into Windows? | 06:32 |
duane | eclipse is great | 06:32 |
hischild | Eric: whatever program that you use to check the sound output | 06:32 |
Daisuke_Ido | dpreacher: nothing's installed by default, but you can do bluefish or kompozer | 06:32 |
phixxor | phobiac, yes, it's really easy | 06:32 |
phobiac | I'm not sure how the whole chainloader thing works. | 06:32 |
Eric | hischild, That would be the same sound dialog you directed me to. | 06:32 |
duane | can do java,php,html,c,c++ you name it | 06:32 |
phixxor | phobiac, I think the installer sets it up for you | 06:32 |
amenado | phixxor-> go over what i typed earlier starting from find /boot/grub/menu.lst and btw can be found on that link i pasted | 06:32 |
dpreacher | Daisuke_Ido nothing's installed?! | 06:33 |
phixxor | amenado, ok, thanks :) | 06:33 |
tonewhy | i'm new to linux, just installed the newest version. where is the best server or place to get answers? | 06:33 |
phobiac | phixxor: It's a Vista install though, it'll still work out fine? | 06:33 |
dpreacher | so among bluefish and kompozer which is the preferred one. I have used kompozer on windows | 06:33 |
hischild | Eric: if you use for example vlc to check sound, also check the preferences of vlc for the sound settings. | 06:33 |
Daisuke_Ido | dpreacher: not for html editing, no, not by default. | 06:33 |
duane | I was able to install the php extension fine but web one seems fail saying unable to create file | 06:33 |
Slynker | Same boat as Tone here | 06:33 |
hischild | Eric: i have to go, breakfast is ready. | 06:33 |
tonyyarusso | dpreacher: well, I'd vote for KompoZer, but I'm biased :) | 06:33 |
koheleth | duane, Bluefish is good, quanta is a bit buggy for me, another good one is archnophilia, thats in java though but will edit anything www.arachnoid.com | 06:33 |
dpreacher | does the *ubuntu line have anything ever for development? | 06:33 |
blackluster | let me introduce my self | 06:34 |
koheleth | the numers lock is not activating on boot, I have it on in the bios though, how do I fix this? | 06:34 |
duane | installing bluefish take a peek at it | 06:34 |
dpreacher | tonyyarosso: i like the bias :p | 06:34 |
Daisuke_Ido | dpreacher: you're not talking just html? | 06:34 |
sc006 | phobiac, are you trying to reinstall grub | 06:34 |
bazhang | blackluster, this is not a chat channel | 06:34 |
phobiac | Lol hischild is going to breakfast, it's like 1:30 A.M. where I am. | 06:34 |
blackluster | what ever | 06:34 |
amenado | phobiac-> here is a good reference for grub, in case you get stuck..lots of explanations.. http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm | 06:34 |
phobiac | sc006: Yeah | 06:34 |
duane | that will work i guess thanks koheleth | 06:34 |
blackluster | ubuntu chanel | 06:34 |
phixxor | phobiac, I think as far as linux is concerned, windows is windows, and it will work fine | 06:34 |
sc006 | phobiac, aftern you installed windows | 06:34 |
tonewhy | which chanel is for newbies like me? | 06:34 |
tonyyarusso | dpreacher: (I'm the packager of that particular piece of software, so I'm slightly invested) | 06:34 |
phobiac | amenado: Thanks, I'll save that. | 06:34 |
Daisuke_Ido | blackluster: not "whatever". this is a support channel. if you have a question, ask it. if not, go to #ubuntu-offtopic | 06:35 |
blackluster | any more | 06:35 |
bazhang | blackluster, #ubuntu-offtopic for chat | 06:35 |
Eric | tonewhy, you're probably in the right place | 06:35 |
dpreacher | just html? maybe. maybe not. i need a solution to move my colleagues away fom dreamweaver and something just as bloated...err...i mean featurefull | 06:35 |
phobiac | sc006: No, after a messed up grub install. | 06:35 |
blackluster | yeah you right... | 06:35 |
Daisuke_Ido | dpreacher: html, php, etc etc | 06:35 |
phixxor | phobiac, afaik, all grub really does is relinquish control and let windows boot itself up | 06:35 |
dpreacher | oh wow nice to know you tonyyrusso | 06:35 |
sc006 | phobiac, ahh i see | 06:35 |
tonewhy | ok | 06:35 |
dpreacher | exactly Daisuke_Ido | 06:35 |
phobiac | phixxor: I just wasn't sure because Vista has a new bootloader. | 06:35 |
Daisuke_Ido | dpreacher: i'm going to have to say kompozer | 06:35 |
phobiac | New as in not lie the one XP used. | 06:35 |
phobiac | like* | 06:35 |
dpreacher | thanks for the votes :D | 06:36 |
tonyyarusso | I will say KompoZer leaves something to be desired when you move into including PHP, but it handles HTML/XHTML and CSS pretty well. | 06:36 |
Eric | phobiac, what's the problem you're trying to sort? I just went through some grub hell myself. =P | 06:36 |
phixxor | phobiac, yeah, that's a good question. maybe somebody else here knows for sure | 06:36 |
koheleth | the numbers lock is not activating on boot, I have it on in the bios though, how do I fix this? | 06:36 |
Slynker | Tone, you running live? or planning on duel-booting? | 06:36 |
sc006 | phobiac, if you follow this it may help you https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 06:36 |
tonewhy | i already installed it onto the hardrive | 06:37 |
phobiac | Eric: Basically grub isn't installed, at all. I had to pull the plug because the computer froze while it was installing linux, but it's a fresh install so I'm just going to restart. | 06:37 |
sc006 | phobiac, just ignore the windows part | 06:37 |
Eric | phobiac, Ah, yeah that would probably be the easiest fix. | 06:37 |
tonewhy | i'm having problems getting my external hard drive to mount | 06:37 |
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duane | eclipse is a ide koheleth | 06:37 |
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phobiac | sc006: I've tried all that, thank you though. I'm at a point where I don't even have kernels on my linux partition. | 06:37 |
Eric | How do I change my default sound device? | 06:37 |
teeshep | Y: you still there? | 06:38 |
bazhang | eric in sound prefs | 06:38 |
dpreacher | tonyyarusso the php part is the main stumbling block. but i guess using templates that might be handled well | 06:38 |
sc006 | phobiac, o lol sounds like u bugger it up good | 06:38 |
=== wh0 is now known as tato^ | ||
koheleth | duane, ok, where is the site? | 06:38 |
Eric | bazhang, I'm not getting any change with that. | 06:38 |
phobiac | phixxor: Any idea how I can set up grub to boot into windows before I install Linux? | 06:38 |
pen | hi. Anyone here use swiftweasel? Which build is the optimized for core 2 duo? | 06:38 |
phixxor | amenado, sorry for being so dense, but how do I find the menu.lst from the grub command line? | 06:38 |
duane | http://www.eclipse.org/ | 06:38 |
phobiac | phixxor: Do I just add the entry into the menu.lst and do a grub-install? | 06:39 |
Geoffrey2 | I have several shared drives on my desktop that I'd like to have auto-mounted on my laptop whenever I boot up, what file would I want to set that up in? | 06:39 |
amenado | phixxor-> thats the exact command you type find /boot/grub/menu.lst | 06:39 |
phixxor | phobiac, yes, you enable hidden menu, and you tell grub to boot from windows by specifying which entry to start from | 06:39 |
Flannel | phobiac: You change it after you install | 06:39 |
phixxor | amenado, ah ok | 06:39 |
sc006 | phobiac, install windows first then ubuntu | 06:39 |
tonewhy | i have ntfs 3g installed, but when i plugin my external hard drive, it doesn't mount anyone know the problem? | 06:39 |
blackluster | someone have a "fs"...??? | 06:39 |
phobiac | sc006: Windows is already installed. | 06:39 |
No1CaNTeL | hey guys, I was just about to reinstall due to some complications that started due to an interrupted partitioning session. It was suggested to me before that I should reinstall my Ubuntu to solve the errors but after looking into the issue a bit further it seems that one item called "dcopserver" is the problem. I get an error msg when loading most programs regarding the dcopserver file only having one line. anyone have an idea what this is or how to f | 06:39 |
Flannel | phobiac: when you install Ubuntu, you'll have an entry made for you already | 06:39 |
phixxor | phobiac, all of that I just said is done by editing menu.lst | 06:39 |
teeshep | Y? | 06:39 |
bazhang | blackluster, what is that | 06:39 |
phobiac | Alright, I'll go that route. Thank you guys. | 06:40 |
Kalamansi | hello after installing ubuntu i get this http://img364.imageshack.us/img364/2852/ubuntudesktopxm3.jpg ... how to adjust my desktop? thanks..this is my 2nd time of installing ubuntu desktop 8.04..first install same thing.2nd install, same thing desktop.. | 06:40 |
amenado | phixxor-> if you just visit that link i pasted, you'd see the command and the samples.. | 06:40 |
* teeshep looks for Y | 06:40 | |
Y | teeshep: Hey, sorry I took so long. I don't know what to tell you other than a fresh install of Linux. = / | 06:40 |
blackluster | friendster. you have,,,??? | 06:40 |
phixxor | amenado, I visited it but did not understand it | 06:40 |
koheleth | duane, ahh, its not user friendly is it :) | 06:40 |
teeshep | Y: gah are you serious? | 06:40 |
sc006 | phobiac, menu.lst | 06:40 |
bazhang | blackluster, not here please | 06:40 |
phixxor | amenado, it found it, on (hd0,8) but that's the wrong one, I want (hd0,6) | 06:40 |
tonewhy | can anyone help me? | 06:40 |
Y | teeshep: I am still learning though, so don't give up hope just because of me. | 06:41 |
amenado | phixxor-> then adjust accordingly | 06:41 |
koheleth | the numbers lock is not activating on boot, I have it on in the bios though, how do I fix this? | 06:41 |
Flannel | !numlock | koheleth | 06:41 |
ubottu | koheleth: To enable Number Lock by default, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NumLock | 06:41 |
phixxor | amenado, which part of the webpage are you reading from? | 06:41 |
teeshep | Y: okay. gah. do you have any suggestions of who i can go to next? | 06:41 |
amenado | phixxor-> dont forget you are booted off of one linux, if you boot to the other, you'd get a different one...so decide which one to keep | 06:41 |
koheleth | thanks | 06:41 |
koheleth | obviously an issue then | 06:42 |
blackluster | so where...?? | 06:42 |
duane | its user friendly koheleth | 06:42 |
phobiac | phixxor: Wait one last question, I run sudo grub-install (what goes here?) | 06:42 |
amenado | phixxor-> if you are using firefox, ctrl+f to get a find box, and inside thebox type find /boot | 06:42 |
duane | do apt-get install eclipse see for yourself | 06:42 |
Y | teeshep: Nah, sorry. =( | 06:42 |
bazhang | #ubuntu-offtopic blackluster | 06:42 |
phixxor | amenado, ok yeah, I plan to keep sda7 as boot because it's the permanent one | 06:42 |
tonewhy | can anyone tell me what to do, i can't get my external usb drive working. it will not mount | 06:42 |
teeshep | Y: righty-o. thanks. | 06:42 |
blackluster | i dont know about that...!!! | 06:42 |
phixxor | phobiac, lol that is what I am trying to find out. But if you're reinstalling linux, you don't have to worry about it | 06:43 |
bazhang | blackluster, type /join #ubuntu-offtopic | 06:43 |
phobiac | phixxor: I wanted to see if the windows entry for grub would work before I installed Linux, just to check. But ah, okay. | 06:43 |
phixxor | phobiac, just completely wipe the linux partition and reinstall, as if nothing happened :) | 06:43 |
sc006 | tonewhy, what model is it | 06:43 |
LiniX | hi | 06:43 |
LiniX | where i can find information about DB2 on Ubuntu ? | 06:44 |
U68113 | 大家好 | 06:44 |
tonewhy | sc: its western digital 120gigs | 06:44 |
Eric | tonewhy, has it been used on a Windows machine last? | 06:44 |
phixxor | phobiac, as long as you don't erase your windows partition, you'll be fine | 06:44 |
blackluster | i've done | 06:44 |
tonewhy | eric: yes | 06:44 |
tonewhy | i installed the ntfs 3g, but still doesn't work | 06:45 |
Eric | tonewhy, did you do the "safely remove device" when you took it off? If it doesn't shut down cleanly you'll have to do that on Windows to get it to work. | 06:45 |
phobiac | phixxor: Lol yeah, that would suck. 5 years worth of building up a music library out the window. I really need a backup hard drive. | 06:45 |
phixxor | phobiac, ooh yeah I know what you mean! | 06:45 |
amenado | DrBanzai-> here's a link that may have some answers http://linuxtechie.wordpress.com/2008/04/24/making-intel-wireless-3945abg-work-better-on-ubuntu-hardy/ | 06:46 |
tonewhy | eric: i'll try that right now, i'll sfaely remove it again and re plug it into linux | 06:46 |
phobiac | Uhh, okay. I can't unmount my linux partition to start installing linux again because an application is using it, but nothing is using it as far as I can tell. | 06:46 |
DrBanzai | amenado: Thanks, I'll check it out. | 06:46 |
marksky | newbie here | 06:46 |
marksky | can't seem to get utuntu to load | 06:47 |
bazhang | marksky, need more info | 06:47 |
Eric | tonewhy, the last thing I can think of if that doesn't work is that it requires some sort of security software to access it, which you'll probably need to remove to get access in Linux. | 06:47 |
WhatTheBen | having lots of trouble installing apps | 06:47 |
marksky | ok... have a pentium pc.... loaded with xp... downloaded with iso image software onto cd | 06:47 |
bazhang | WhatTheBen, how installed | 06:48 |
tonewhy | Eric: thanks, i'll be bak in 2min. | 06:48 |
bazhang | marksky, did you check the md5 of the iso | 06:48 |
Eric | tonewhy, alright. | 06:48 |
WhatTheBen | thru add/remove or synaptic | 06:48 |
phobiac | I feel like such a noob now. I haven't used linux since my Dapper Drake install of Ubuntu crapped out on me and now I'm all rusty. | 06:48 |
bazhang | WhatTheBen, what exact errors please | 06:48 |
sc006 | tonewhy, here a list of supportes western digital usb drives if all else fails http://www.qbik.ch/usb/devices/search_res.php?pattern=western+digita | 06:48 |
Eric | I need help to get sound working please... | 06:49 |
marksky | cd loads the menu... but, ubuntu freezes during boot from drive or cd | 06:49 |
WhatTheBen | ill just get them up | 06:49 |
pen | hi. Anyone here use swiftweasel? Which build is the optimized for core 2 duo? | 06:49 |
Eric | marksky, have you checked the CD for defects? | 06:49 |
bazhang | marksky, sounds like a bad burn or a corrupt iso | 06:49 |
phobiac | Is there any way to see what programs are acessing a mounted drive? | 06:49 |
johnwa | marksky: might be a bad cd | 06:49 |
bazhang | WhatTheBen, dont paste them here | 06:49 |
marksky | eric: no have not checked cd for defects anddon't know what the md5 is | 06:49 |
phixxor | amenado, problem, the find command is supposed to list all of the partitions with boot menus, but it only sees one of mine | 06:50 |
WhatTheBen | no i wont | 06:50 |
bazhang | !md5 | marksky | 06:50 |
ubottu | marksky: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows | 06:50 |
Flynsarmy | If i have a zip file is it possible to remove every intsance of the file 'error.log' (all in diff subfolders) from it fro mthe terminal without unzipping? | 06:50 |
phobiac | Marksky: Does the menu come up? It might be the boot options. | 06:50 |
bazhang | WhatTheBen, to paste.ubuntu.com please with the errors | 06:50 |
marksky | actually copied it to 2 cd's.... do you think the fact I have a dual monitor would have anything to do with the issue I'm having? | 06:50 |
phobiac | Marksky: My laptop used to require nolapic noapic until 8.04 came out. | 06:50 |
Eric | marksky, load the disc up and use the option to check for defects. It was probably a bad burn or download. That'll be easier than doing an MD5 right now. | 06:50 |
homeslice | ATI did it again, they got my hopes up and let me down with there Linux driver | 06:50 |
blackluster | .... | 06:51 |
phobiac | Marksky: Check for defects, if it isn't defective then try booting in safe graphics mode. | 06:51 |
koheleth | thanks my numbers lock problem is solved, why dont they just patch that? | 06:51 |
WhatTheBen | bazhang well for starters it freezes when trying to download package information | 06:51 |
Y | homeslice: lol. That'll come out the same day as iTunes for Linux. = / | 06:51 |
phixxor | can anyone tell me what will happen if I do "sudo grub-install /dev/sda1"? | 06:51 |
homeslice | phobiac: latest bios? | 06:51 |
Nergar | hello | 06:51 |
bazhang | WhatTheBen, could you pastebin your sources.list please | 06:51 |
marksky | yes, menu comes up.... and changed the bios to boot from cd and even installed it so that the option came up for me to choose which os I wanted... but every time I select linux it the orange progress graphic freezes. | 06:52 |
WhatTheBen | i'm working from pc...ubuntu on my notebook | 06:52 |
phobiac | homeslice: I updated it when the latest came out, I'm not sure what the problem was. | 06:52 |
bazhang | corrupt iso then marksky do the md5 | 06:52 |
phobiac | homeslice: I still get a BIOS bug #81 when the live CD boots up though. Everything works fine. | 06:52 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 81 in rosetta "message 'A system error occurred' when updating a po file" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81 | 06:52 |
WhatTheBen | bazhang: i'm really new to this, is there a more basic channel? | 06:53 |
phobiac | I just noticed that my computer runs cooler on Linux, on the live CD no less, than on Vista. | 06:53 |
homeslice | huh funny | 06:53 |
ThreeFinity | Anybody know what would cause my sound to randomly stop working and only loop like .5 second of a song and then stop working all together? using 8.04 with hda-intel ALC883 on alsa | 06:53 |
tonewhy | Eric: thanks it worked! | 06:53 |
marksky | I'll try and see if it has defects because I've tried loading in other modes and still didn't work. | 06:53 |
pen | hi. Anyone here use swiftweasel? Which build is the optimized for core 2 duo? | 06:54 |
Eric | tonewhy, no problems. There used to be a popup that described that, but it may only be if the drive had been mounted once before that. | 06:54 |
Y | WhatTheBen: Welcome to the most basic of all ubuntu support channels. =D But if you need some more indepth help you can probably query someone in the off-topic room if no one here will help. | 06:54 |
phobiac | Does anyone know how to see what applications are using mounted drives? | 06:54 |
bazhang | WhatTheBen, cat /etc/apt/sources.list and then paste that to paste.ubuntu.com (this is from the terminal) | 06:54 |
marksky | I'll read the above link and come back... thanks for entry suggestions folks. | 06:54 |
robbie`` | phobiac: does ps aux | grep /dev/device work | 06:54 |
Eric | I need help getting sound to work out of an Audigy 4 please! | 06:55 |
tonewhy | Eric: my second problem is i can't get the amsn to connect | 06:55 |
johnwa | phobiac: fuser | 06:55 |
koheleth | marksky, when it freezes how long are you waiting? | 06:55 |
Br0k3 | hello has anyone heard if they have fixed the calibiration for the hp tx2000z tablet? | 06:55 |
bazhang | WhatTheBen, alt f2 gnome-terminal then type that command and paste | 06:56 |
Eric | tonewhy, I'm probably not of any use to you there...have you tried using Pidgin? | 06:56 |
phobiac | robbie: I think that worked, it seems to have given me a PID | 06:56 |
tonewhy | eric: thanks tho. ya i'm tryin it thru pidgin | 06:57 |
phobiac | johnwa: Fuser works too, thank you. | 06:57 |
Y | B20k3: There's this new, innovative website that answers questions like that. It's called GOOGLE. Try it at http://www.google.com/ . It's free, but it might be a bit scary or complicated for the new user. Don't be overwhelmed! We're here to help! =D | 06:57 |
johnwa | phobiac: welcome | 06:57 |
bazhang | y please save the chat for offtopic thanks | 06:57 |
LiniX | I try to use UBUNTU-DB2 Vmware image and GRUB is Error 15, How i fixed ? | 06:57 |
Br0k3 | lol | 06:57 |
Eric | tonewhy, I've never used AMSN (always loved Pidgin ;)) | 06:57 |
Y | bazhang: Answering a support question. Please read it next time, thanks. =D | 06:58 |
phixxor | amenado, this is what happened http://paste.ubuntu.com/14016/ | 06:58 |
Y | Br0k3: Is there anything else we can help with bud? =) | 06:58 |
phobiac | robbie: Wait no I'm not sure what that number is, but it isn't a PID | 06:58 |
pen | hi. Anyone here use swiftweasel? Which build is the optimized for core 2 duo? | 06:58 |
Br0k3 | << tired of booting into obuntu on vmware | 06:58 |
bazhang | Y that is not helpful | 06:58 |
ThreeFinity | Anybody know what would cause my sound to randomly stop working and only loop like .5 second of a song and then stop working all together? using 8.04 with hda-intel ALC883 on alsa | 06:58 |
Br0k3 | well ive ran ubuntu like 2 weeks ago but could never get it to run straight on my tablet | 06:59 |
Myrth[home] | hi, k3b says not enough permissions to access my cd-rw device. which group should i add my user to so it will work? | 06:59 |
Y | bazhang: Now you're creating off-topic chat! But in answer to your concern, it took care of his problem, didn't it? Thus - I answered a support problem, which is what we're here for. =) | 06:59 |
Y | Br0k3: Let me take a look and see what the problem is. One moment. | 06:59 |
sc006 | pen, when itn installs i be leave it detects which processor you have | 06:59 |
Br0k3 | cool thanks | 07:00 |
ompaul | !jfgi | Y | 07:00 |
ubottu | Y: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. | 07:00 |
what4893 | has anyone here used initng with Ubuntu? | 07:00 |
ompaul | y that goes for the sentiment of googling things you get the url | 07:00 |
ompaul | morning people I am about to unban a little | 07:00 |
ompaul | there will be some scrolling :-/ | 07:01 |
pen | sc006, I have core 2 duo | 07:01 |
Flynsarmy | when zipping a file is there a way to skip the current file? it's adding really huge ones that're taking ages | 07:01 |
Y | ompaul: How many people in here are using an hp tx2000z with Linux? Do you really think it would have been helpful to just let him sit and wait endlessly for an answer? | 07:01 |
zcat[1] | woot.. unbanflood! | 07:01 |
pen | lol | 07:01 |
Br0k3 | «« ompaul »» morning??? its 11pm here heh | 07:01 |
ompaul | zcat[1], hehe | 07:01 |
ompaul | Br0k3, it is always morning when you join the irc network :) and night when you leave | 07:02 |
Y | zcat[1]: Grab your surfboard. ;) Lol | 07:02 |
rustynails | 1am here..lol | 07:02 |
Br0k3 | heh :) | 07:02 |
Myrtti | ompaul: "moin" | 07:02 |
tat | 8am here :) | 07:02 |
Br0k3 | Y... | 07:03 |
Y | Br0k3: I see a lot of people reporting the HP tx2000z as operable under Linux, with no boot problems or such. | 07:03 |
j1solutions | hello all | 07:03 |
Y | Br0k3: What version of Ubuntu are you using? | 07:03 |
j1solutions | what's new? | 07:03 |
WhatTheBen | bazhang: ill get back when ive sorted some stuff out...thanks | 07:03 |
Br0k3 | the lastest one | 07:03 |
Y | Hello jlsolutions! | 07:03 |
Br0k3 | well booting is not a problem | 07:03 |
bazhang | WhatTheBen, okay we'll be here :) | 07:03 |
phixxor | hey guys, does this http://paste.ubuntu.com/14016/ mean I can safely reboot? | 07:04 |
zcat[1] | !tx2000z | 07:04 |
ubottu | Factoid tx2000z not found | 07:04 |
Br0k3 | getting the touch screen and stylus working properly is the problem oh yea and keeping the wireless working | 07:04 |
zcat[1] | hehe.. jfbi ? | 07:04 |
Y | Br0k3: I know, one moment. I am looking for calibration. =P Just running down the list. | 07:04 |
Br0k3 | ok | 07:04 |
Br0k3 | yea ive looked through the forums and their xorg didnt really help me | 07:05 |
Y | Br0k3: I have problems with my fingerprint reader on my thinkpad and can't use it because of Ubuntu. Sometimes sacrifices need to be made. =,O Hopefully not with your tablet though! | 07:06 |
j1solutions | who here could help me set up a mail server for my domain? | 07:06 |
ThreeFinity | Anybody know what would cause my sound to randomly stop working and only loop like .5 second of a song and then stop working all together? using 8.04 with hda-intel ALC883 on alsa | 07:06 |
cvd-pr | cheese, why the hell firefox always close when view videos in youtube? | 07:06 |
Sturmeh | nfi it happens to firefox beta 5 | 07:06 |
robbie`` | works fine for me | 07:07 |
Br0k3 | heh yea i still want to be able to use the tablet | 07:07 |
zcat[1] | cvd-pr: we'd like to help you but the bug is in flash, which is non-free software and not open to debugging | 07:07 |
simplyubuntu | hello ppl | 07:07 |
Sturmeh | hythar | 07:07 |
Br0k3 | even if i am stuck with windoes | 07:07 |
Sturmeh | ur never stuck with windows! | 07:07 |
bazhang | !ot | 07:07 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 07:07 |
Br0k3 | when you have a tablet | 07:07 |
simplyubuntu | for some reason whenever I dbl click on a desktop icon, ubuntu opens up a text file... weird. | 07:07 |
simplyubuntu | any ideas? | 07:07 |
zcat[1] | cvd-pr: does it close -every- time, or just far too often? | 07:08 |
simplyubuntu | I can pastebin the file if reqd | 07:08 |
Br0k3 | you got no other choice | 07:08 |
cvd-pr | zcat[1], the second video i try to view | 07:08 |
bazhang | Br0k3, do you have a support question or just venting | 07:08 |
hellues | !paste | 07:08 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 07:08 |
Br0k3 | yea i thought Y was looking around | 07:09 |
Y | Br0k3: Have you used this tablet with Windows? If yes, did it have any calibration problems? I am seeing a ton of reports that the tablet is notoriously buggy when using the tablet features - primarily calibration errors. | 07:09 |
bazhang | Br0k3, could you explain your issue please | 07:09 |
Br0k3 | i need help calibrating | 07:09 |
zcat[1] | cvd-pr: hmmm .. mine can usually get through three or four but it crashes very frequently. I never bothered filing a bug 'cos I'm prettu sure the issue is just flash and I don't think the ubuntu devs can fix it. | 07:09 |
Br0k3 | my stylus and touchscreen on my hp tx2000z | 07:09 |
dpreacher | bazhang guess what happened? even though i used apt-get purge firefox and installed firefox 2. i found that both versions are co-existing. so is purge not sincere in its workings. since ff3 existed i installed searchstatus and it really is a cool extension | 07:09 |
bazhang | dpreacher, nice to hear it worked | 07:10 |
ben | back! | 07:10 |
Eric | Can somebody help me to get sound working in Hardy Heron? | 07:10 |
simplyubuntu | here it is! http://pastebin.com/m55031c29 | 07:10 |
bazhang | Br0k3, you have ubuntu installed now? | 07:10 |
Br0k3 | «« Y »» but at least in windows i can write when i try to write something in ubuntu the pointer is 5 inches away from where my stylus is actually at | 07:10 |
Br0k3 | no i uninstalled because i needed to use tablet | 07:10 |
dpreacher | bazhang thanks once again :) | 07:11 |
Br0k3 | but i can go back to ubuntu if someone can help me calibrate it | 07:11 |
blackluster | join me | 07:11 |
bazhang | Br0k3, then you dont have ubuntu installed? this is a support channel for actual installations | 07:12 |
=== ben is now known as whattheben | ||
whattheben | back! | 07:12 |
Y | Br0k3: Try looking over this to see if it helps - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=708726&page=5 | 07:12 |
whattheben | bazhang: did what you said http://paste.ubuntu.com/14019/ | 07:12 |
Br0k3 | bazhang, the reason i dont have it installed is because i couldnt get help last time i had it.. | 07:12 |
=== wabiD is now known as Wabid | ||
Y | bazhang: He can't use the tablet when the OS is installed. That's the problem. He needs to have the help before he can install the OS. ;) | 07:13 |
bazhang | Br0k3, nonetheless, talking about windows and here and not having ubuntu are offtopic | 07:13 |
bazhang | whattheben, looking now | 07:13 |
Eric | bazhang, He isn't asking for Windows help. | 07:13 |
=== Wabid is now known as wabiD | ||
Br0k3 | «« Y »» yea that's the post that i was looking at, thats were i got the help to install the drivers for wireless and i got the xorg | 07:14 |
whattheben | cheers | 07:14 |
yupperz | :) | 07:14 |
Y | Br0k3: My bad, one moment while I look some more. | 07:14 |
Kaell | hello, i am trying to find the cpu utilization of my computer... it appears that it thinks it has 4 cores (2hyperthreading i think), but dmesg only sees 1, and all other proc mons see 1 | 07:14 |
bazhang | whattheben, your sources.list has only the cd listed as a software source--that is what you need to fix | 07:14 |
Kalamansi | hello after installing ubuntu i get this http://img364.imageshack.us/img364/2852/ubuntudesktopxm3.jpg ... how to adjust my desktop? thanks..this is my 2nd time of installing ubuntu desktop 8.04..first install same thing.2nd install, same thing desktop.. | 07:14 |
Br0k3 | bazhang, i am trying to get help for ubuntu... | 07:14 |
Kaell | is there something i need to change to make it use 2? | 07:15 |
Eric | Can somebody help me to troubleshoot my Audigy 4 sound card? I'm not getting any audio. | 07:15 |
ariqs | I need a book on ubuntu linux. | 07:15 |
Y | ariqs: Welcome to the club. =D | 07:15 |
Eric | Kaell, Did you go to system monitor? | 07:15 |
Kaell | yes, tried that, shows 1 i think | 07:15 |
Br0k3 | «« Eric »» have you looked at this | 07:16 |
Br0k3 | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=334215 | 07:16 |
bazhang | whattheben, you have an internet connection? | 07:16 |
zcat[1] | Kalamansi: ctrl-alt-F1 and log in to the text terminal... then "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" | 07:16 |
whattheben | bazhang: yep | 07:16 |
whattheben | bazhang: on it now | 07:17 |
zcat[1] | Kalamansi: and then find the line that lists what the autoconfig thing thought your monitor can handle and remove the resolutions it can't do. | 07:17 |
bazhang | whattheben, okay, go into software sources and fix that list, enabling the repositories and disabling the cd as a software source | 07:17 |
Kaell | how can i determine how many cpus i actually have? | 07:17 |
=== pinkfloyd is now known as floyd | ||
Kaell | i cant see them directly, has a giant HSF and ducting on top of it | 07:17 |
Y | Br0k3: I am not familiar with the hardware in question and I can't seem to find any resource with solutions. I am sorry, but I do not think I can be of any more help. =( | 07:18 |
=== roxanndAWAY is now known as roxahris | ||
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Eric | Br0k3, Looks like a possible way to do it, seems like there should be an easier method though since this is just a fresh install. I'll try it if I can't find something else though. | 07:18 |
xobni | how can I tell if I'm running the right kernel? I think mine got switched | 07:18 |
bazhang | !away > roxahris | 07:18 |
Eric | Kaell, What kind of processor is it? | 07:18 |
bazhang | xobni, uname -r | 07:18 |
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xobni | bazhang, it says 2.6.22-14-generic is that right? | 07:19 |
=== iro is now known as ranranru | ||
Br0k3 | «« Y »» thanks anyways | 07:19 |
bazhang | xobni, should be 16 not 14 | 07:19 |
whattheben | bazhang: trying that now | 07:19 |
Kaell | pentium 4? | 07:19 |
Br0k3 | seems i cant find anyone here that actually has a tx2000z | 07:19 |
xobni | xobni, how do I make it 16? | 07:19 |
xobni | lol I mean bazhang ^^ | 07:19 |
Kaell | doh! nevermind :\ | 07:19 |
bazhang | haha | 07:19 |
Eric | Kaell, Some have hyperthreading, so it would make sense for two to be seen. Did you say it was showing 4 somewhere? | 07:20 |
Flynsarmy | Why does zip -d allsites *.log not work? It returns 'zip warning: name not matched'. All the .log files are in subdirectories in teh zip file | 07:20 |
Kaell | i had done a cat /proc/cpuinfo while sshed into my office comp, and thought it was a local shell to this lab comp | 07:20 |
pen | lol | 07:20 |
pen | hi. Anyone here use swiftweasel? Which build is the optimized for core 2 duo? | 07:20 |
Flynsarmy | zip -d allsites \*.log also does not work | 07:20 |
Kaell | this one has 1 core, my office comp has 4 | 07:20 |
xobni | pen - what is the core 2 duo? | 07:20 |
Kaell | thanks all :) | 07:20 |
bazhang | xobni, the latest updates should take care of that (latest being about a month ago) | 07:20 |
SwedeMike | Flynsarmy: because the * isn't passed on to zip, it's expanded in the shell | 07:20 |
Eric | Lol... | 07:20 |
xobni | bazhang, i have the latest updates though | 07:20 |
ghindo | I'm having trouble with the repos and am getting this error message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14021/ | 07:20 |
Eric | Nice one Kaell. = | 07:21 |
Flynsarmy | SwedeMike: It is passed hwen i stick the \ infront of it. Sitll get the same error | 07:21 |
xobni | bazhang, I just think they aren't being used right | 07:21 |
Kaell | ;) | 07:21 |
bazhang | xobni, perhaps you chose that in grub menu | 07:21 |
pen | xobni, cpu | 07:21 |
ThreeFinity | Anybody know what would cause my sound to randomly stop working and only loop like .5 second of a song and then stop working all together? using 8.04 with hda-intel ALC883 on alsa | 07:21 |
SwedeMike | Flynsarmy: my experience is that those kinds of wildcards aren't usually passed on to unix commands, it's not the unix way | 07:21 |
Banditul | ghindo: use default | 07:21 |
xobni | bazhang, I think maybe my grub menu got messed up, it only has 14, and when I tried changing the numbers to 16 it said file not found | 07:21 |
Y | Br0k3: From a wholely off-topic and probably unwelcomed point-of-view. HP manufactures trash. I have had three of their desktops and two of their laptops and all died quick, miserable deaths. HP provided hardly any help in all of the situations. So, just so you've been warned... Best of luck to you. (Yes, bazhang, this is off-topic. Feel free to fire up your !ot gun) | 07:21 |
Flynsarmy | SwedeMike: Is there a wya to delete all .log files from a zip without extracting it? | 07:21 |
ghindo | Banditul: Use default what? The default server? | 07:22 |
ThreeFinity | !ot | Y | 07:22 |
ubottu | Y: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 07:22 |
bazhang | Y dont tempt me | 07:22 |
ThreeFinity | lol | 07:22 |
Y | Lol ThreeFinity | 07:22 |
Y | lol Bazhang | 07:22 |
geremy | y: never had any problem with hp. I've only done about 200, but whenever there's been a problem theyve been right there | 07:22 |
SwedeMike | Flynsarmy: looking at the man page, what you say should work though: | 07:22 |
Br0k3 | lol... | 07:22 |
SwedeMike | -d Remove (delete) entries from a zip archive. For example: | 07:22 |
SwedeMike | zip -d foo foo/tom/junk foo/harry/\* \*.o | 07:22 |
SwedeMike | will remove the entry foo/tom/junk, all of the files that start with foo/harry/, and all of the files that end | 07:22 |
FloodBot1 | SwedeMike: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 07:22 |
SwedeMike | with .o (in any path). Note that shell pathname expansion has been inhibited with backslashes, so that zip can | 07:22 |
SwedeMike | see the asterisks, enabling zip to match on the contents of the zip archive instead of the contents of the current | 07:22 |
Kaell | please dont do that SwedeMike | 07:23 |
bazhang | xobni, best to drop into the livecd boot then update grub | 07:23 |
xobni | bazhang, synaptic says I have linux-image-2.6.24-17 even, that's even newer | 07:23 |
SwedeMike | Kaell: check. | 07:23 |
bazhang | xobni, or maybe even reinstall it | 07:23 |
Flynsarmy | SwedeMike: Yea...it shoudl work. i have no idea why it isn't | 07:23 |
Br0k3 | «« Y »» well for now i am stuck with this laptop and from what it seems stuck with crappy vista | 07:23 |
whattheben | bazhang: tried that...just hangs while downloading package info | 07:23 |
pen | hi. Anyone here use swiftweasel? Which build is the optimized for core 2 duo? | 07:23 |
bazhang | xobni, or good idea, go into synaptic and install it | 07:23 |
simplyubuntu | ok so I've got a configuration question... I need to somehow configure hot corners to unhide the gnome panel when its activated | 07:23 |
xobni | bazhang, what should I install specifically? | 07:24 |
simplyubuntu | any ideas? | 07:24 |
geremy | brok3: whats the problem? | 07:24 |
Banditul | ghindo: replace mirrors.easynews.com with archive.ubuntu.com | 07:24 |
whattheben | bazhang, the connection is timing out | 07:24 |
bazhang | whattheben, how about sudo apt-get update from the terminal and how long does it hang | 07:24 |
asa | can someone check on a hardy bug for me? I am not getting any submenus in Eric and I want to make sure I am not alone. | 07:24 |
xobni | bazhang, there's a linux metapackage, should I install that? | 07:24 |
simplyubuntu | anyone? | 07:24 |
ghindo | Banditul: I am getting the same error. | 07:24 |
Banditul | deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ | 07:24 |
Banditul | this is how should look your sources | 07:24 |
ghindo | Banditul: Even with archive.ubuntu.com. All servers are giving me the same error | 07:24 |
bazhang | xobni, you dont have 16 available there? | 07:24 |
geremy | br0k3: whats the problem? | 07:25 |
Br0k3 | «« geremy »» i am having troublet setting up my stylus properly on my tx2000z | 07:25 |
Tech-Mike | anybody able to help with samba? | 07:25 |
bazhang | xobni, if not then grub needs a reinstall from the livecd | 07:25 |
CroX | Somehow I have enabled some damn magnifier/zoom function.. How can I turn it off? | 07:25 |
Banditul | ghindo: because you have bad link : Hit http://mirrors.easynews.com hardy Release.gpg | 07:25 |
xobni | bazhang, it looks like 16 is already installed: linux headers | 07:25 |
bazhang | xobni, update and reinstall | 07:25 |
Banditul | u miss a / | 07:25 |
dpreacher | pen did you check the nocona version? | 07:25 |
Banditul | try this : http://mirrors.easynews.com/hardy | 07:25 |
dpreacher | http://swiftweasel.wiki.sourceforge.net/Which+Build%3F | 07:26 |
geremy | br0k3: give me a sec | 07:26 |
Br0k3 | «« geremy »» i can get it running but i cant calibrate it...when i touch the screen with stylus the pointer is like 5 inches off | 07:26 |
zcat[1] | CroX: windows-key scrollwheel ? | 07:26 |
Br0k3 | ok np | 07:26 |
ghindo | Banditul: It's giving me the same error even with the main server: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14023/ | 07:26 |
CroX | zcat[1]: Wow, what a relief! Now.. How can I disable that from ever happening again? | 07:26 |
asa | Br0k3: you might try and make sure you are using the correct device in /dev/input | 07:26 |
Ganandorf | hi guys whats the best torrent client for linux and the best audio and video player in one for linux | 07:27 |
xobni | bazhang, wait, is this what I want, because I don't have it yet: linux-image-2.6.24-16-generic | 07:27 |
Tech-Mike | anybody able to help with samba? | 07:27 |
Banditul | ghindo: go to System/Administration/Software sources | 07:27 |
bazhang | xobni, aye | 07:27 |
pen | dpreacher, I did, but it's kinda slow than athlon64. I don't understand why. | 07:27 |
zcat[1] | CroX: why would you want to? It's really handy... (install compizconfig-manager and turn off the zoom feature) | 07:27 |
geremy | br0k3: do me a favor and see what shows up on an lsusb | 07:27 |
dpreacher | are the swift versions suggestable to newbie users? | 07:27 |
CroX | Ganandorf: Deluge, Exaile and VLC - my prefs | 07:27 |
Banditul | and on download from ...just use Main Server | 07:27 |
pen | dpreacher, so i"m curious whether the list is wrong or noty | 07:27 |
CroX | zcat[1]: Thanks. | 07:27 |
zcat[1] | CroX: sorry, compizconfig-settings-manager.. | 07:27 |
dpreacher | pen then why not athlon64 version? :) | 07:27 |
pen | dpreacher, so I think maybe someone here knows | 07:27 |
bazhang | dpreacher, we are all new when it comes to that | 07:27 |
absnt | I want to reinstall Ubuntu but I want to save some settings and files, I have a second HD to put them on but I don't know which files to back up. I want to save my shell colors and settings | 07:28 |
pen | dpreacher, I'm just afraid...lol | 07:28 |
Ganandorf | iwhich is which Banditul | 07:28 |
Br0k3 | «« asa »» well i followed one of the tutorials in the forums | 07:28 |
dpreacher | pen must have tried swiftweasel | 07:28 |
dpreacher | i had tried swiftfox before on amd64 | 07:28 |
asa | using xdd on each of the devices in /dev/input which wiggling your wacom and you will have the right one eventually. the problem stems from using the /dev/input/mice instead of the correct /dev/input/eventX | 07:28 |
dpreacher | no issues | 07:28 |
Kalamansi | zcat[1] : which one to edit here mate? | 07:28 |
pen | dpreacher, what's the difference? | 07:28 |
dpreacher | including having flash workin on it | 07:28 |
ghindo | Banditul: Yes, I've already done that. | 07:28 |
dpreacher | iceweasel and firefox | 07:28 |
Kalamansi | zcat[1] : which one to edit here mate? i am now in sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 07:28 |
dpreacher | you know the difference | 07:28 |
xobni | bazhang, it's weird, I have all the linux generic packages, 20-15, 20-16, 22-14, and 24-17, but for some reason 24-16 is not installed. | 07:29 |
dpreacher | i dont have core 2 duo | 07:29 |
pen | dpreacher, iceweasel, swiftfox and swiftweasel | 07:29 |
pen | dpreacher, which ons have you tried? | 07:29 |
asa | Br0k3: do you have a link to the tut? you might check the linux wacom driver project page. | 07:29 |
dpreacher | i tried swiftfox | 07:29 |
Banditul | paste again your sources.list | 07:29 |
whattheben | bazhang, tried that, still waiting...this is what i got so far http://paste.ubuntu.com/14025/ | 07:29 |
pen | dpreacher, is it good? | 07:29 |
Banditul | ghindo: | 07:29 |
dpreacher | for the end user it won't be much of a bother | 07:29 |
Br0k3 | «« asa »» http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=708726 | 07:29 |
asa | Br0k3: another way I got wacom working was by getting my mapping settings from a windows or mac instal, which gives you the correct numbers to punch in. | 07:30 |
dpreacher | i wasn't holdin a speedometer in front of it | 07:30 |
dpreacher | :p | 07:30 |
Kalamansi | hello after installing ubuntu i get this http://img364.imageshack.us/img364/2852/ubuntudesktopxm3.jpg ... how to adjust my desktop? thanks..this is my 2nd time of installing ubuntu desktop 8.04..first install same thing.2nd install, same thing desktop.. | 07:30 |
pen | dpreacher, at least you can feel it right? | 07:30 |
pen | dpreacher, what do you think? | 07:30 |
bazhang | whattheben, did you fix your sources.list? | 07:30 |
ikonia | Kalamansi: that either looks like your sync rate is way off, or there is a problem with your drivers. | 07:30 |
ikonia | Kalamansi: what video card do youhave ? | 07:30 |
bazhang | whattheben, what is the port :80 doing in that archive? | 07:31 |
zcat[1] | Kalamansi: there should be a line that lists a bunch of available resolutions, quite far down towards the bottom.. mine's been edited by nvidia-settings and is now using metamodes. :( | 07:31 |
Kalamansi | ikonia : its a built-in video card | 07:31 |
xobni | bazhang, so I want to get linux image, linux modules, and linux backports modules, right? | 07:31 |
dpreacher | i love performance over looks but sometimes its just like placebo...your mind just thinks things work real fast. i didn't do the keep-on-for-3hours-and-see-if-its-memory-hog test | 07:31 |
ikonia | Kalamansi: yes, but what make/model | 07:31 |
godfreyhk | is there any ways (hacks) to allow a non-root (non-sudoer) user to change the parameters of an network interface? | 07:31 |
whattheben | bazhang, i have no idea | 07:31 |
bazhang | xobni, that last one is up to you entirely | 07:31 |
ikonia | godfreyhk: no | 07:31 |
xobni | bazhang, what is it for? | 07:31 |
zcat[1] | !resolution | Kalamansi this might help too | 07:31 |
ubottu | Kalamansi this might help too: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 07:31 |
Kalamansi | ikonia : is there a comand to type so i could see the model?thanks | 07:31 |
pen | dpreacher, I'm not talking about memories, because swiftweasel is a memory hog but it's relativevly fsat | 07:31 |
godfreyhk | ikonia: so thereś absolutly no way that a non-root user could run software like tcpdump? | 07:32 |
bazhang | stuff that is not officially supported xobni | 07:32 |
ikonia | Kalamansi: lspci will give you a hint, or you can get it when the PC powers on - it should flash | 07:32 |
pen | dpreacher, so you mean it's faster? | 07:32 |
meglaw | another thing, in debian "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg promts me with lotts of hw-data the reconfigure has autodetected, like gfxcard. how do i do this in ubuntu? | 07:32 |
dpreacher | swiftfox was quick enough too.. the thing is i'd used default firefox very less | 07:32 |
ikonia | godfreyhk: tcpdump yes, that's not changing the parameters of a network card | 07:32 |
dpreacher | yes its swift | 07:32 |
dpreacher | :) | 07:32 |
pen | dpreacher, ok, maybe I will try it | 07:32 |
xobni | bazhang, I see. Would nvidia drivers be in there? because I think I need those | 07:32 |
Rat409 | /cl5~/cl | 07:32 |
ikonia | meglaw: xorg config is dynamic in ubuntu | 07:32 |
Kalamansi | zcat[1] : same thing happen mate | 07:32 |
godfreyhk | ikonia: but it wont allow.. cause it said could not found suitable interface when I ran it non root | 07:32 |
meglaw | ikonia: what does that mean and how does it help me? ;) | 07:33 |
Miroku | Good night boys and girls and edman007 | 07:33 |
bazhang | whattheben, you may need to hand edit the sources.list if using software sources did not do it-->alternately switch mirrors from au to another and try again | 07:33 |
godfreyhk | I assumed it needs to switch the interface to capture mode or sth, maybe I am wrong | 07:33 |
ikonia | meglaw: try this, this is a document I'm writing, it's not complete but should help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XORGHardy | 07:33 |
simplyubuntu | so what do you guys think of this? http://bayimg.com/OajHfaaBL any improvements? | 07:33 |
zcat[1] | Kalamansi: you have to change resolution in xorg.conf (follow the link) then restart gdm to make it take effect.. just restarting gdm won't make any difference | 07:33 |
meglaw | ikonia: ok | 07:34 |
ikonia | godfreyhk: what command are you using | 07:34 |
bazhang | xobni, the drivers, dont believe so no | 07:34 |
ikonia | meglaw: it's not complete (be warned) but there is stuff in there you'll find of use | 07:34 |
whattheben | bazhung, ill try that, thanks heaps | 07:34 |
whattheben | :-) | 07:34 |
godfreyhk | ikonia: tcpdump | 07:34 |
Kalamansi | ikonia : vga compatible controller: VIA technologies, INC..PCI bridge: VA technologies, inc vt8237a | 07:34 |
simplyubuntu | come on! | 07:34 |
meglaw | ikonia: let me know when u got the ati part up and running ok? ;) | 07:34 |
=== khaos is now known as Maslow | ||
ikonia | meglaw: nvidia and ati are being split out into two new docs - more complete, so it should be better | 07:35 |
ikonia | godfreyhk: specify the interface | 07:35 |
bazhang | simplyubuntu, what is your support issue related to that photo | 07:35 |
xobni | bazhang, it wants to know what to do about menu.lst -- what should I do at this point? install package maintainer's or keep mine? | 07:35 |
meglaw | ikonia: ok great. | 07:35 |
Maslow | Don't suppose anyone knows how to add other networks to this "Gnome" version of XChat? | 07:35 |
Br0k3 | «« geremy »» you find anything? | 07:35 |
asa | anybody on hardy? can you check a qt thing out for me? it will take you 2 minutes | 07:35 |
dpreacher | xobni how many users have downloaded you so far? any rough estimates? | 07:36 |
ikonia | asa: just ask | 07:36 |
Ganandorf | simplyubuntu: i like it nice | 07:36 |
geremy | br0k3: yeah, if you could do a quick lsusb for me, that would help | 07:36 |
simplyubuntu | bazhang well I wanted to know how to configure the screen corners thing to unhide the gnome dock... | 07:36 |
Ganandorf | but is that rocket dock below | 07:36 |
ikonia | asa: or try #kubuntu - all kde/qt in there | 07:36 |
xobni | dpreacher, users? | 07:36 |
Kalamansi | ikonia : vga compatible controller: VIA technologies, INC..PCI bridge: VA technologies, inc vt8237a | 07:36 |
asa | in eric, in gnome, I am not getting any submenus. | 07:36 |
Br0k3 | i am not on linux right now i am on vista but i can run ubuntu with cmware | 07:36 |
simplyubuntu | Ganandorf nope. simple gnome dock the one that you get with gnome | 07:36 |
ikonia | Kalamansi: ahhh via chip, how annoying | 07:36 |
Br0k3 | vmware | 07:36 |
simplyubuntu | just tweaked the settings | 07:36 |
Caf-Fiend | morning all | 07:36 |
dpreacher | yes xobni you are the most coolest Outlook plugin on windows | 07:36 |
dpreacher | as the latest reviews say | 07:37 |
asa | in another qt app I got the same thing. | 07:37 |
coppertop | i know this may be beating a dead horse | 07:37 |
kashogi | ls | 07:37 |
xobni | dpreacher, haha really? I was just trying to think of a nick and I chose inbox backwards | 07:37 |
Ganandorf | simplyubuntu: i have ubuntu i don't see that | 07:37 |
geremy | br0k3: hmm that's going to be trickier. have you seen http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=708726 | 07:37 |
bazhang | xobni, yours has windows on it right? this is a dual boot correct? | 07:37 |
asa | main window menus work, but not the sub ones. | 07:37 |
Ganandorf | isn't ubuntu gnome | 07:37 |
coppertop | but i cannot seem to get my sound blaster audigy SE working | 07:37 |
fdsss | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0 | 07:37 |
godfreyhk | ikonia: okay thanks | 07:37 |
simplyubuntu | yup ganandorf it is. | 07:37 |
xobni | bazhang, tripleboot actually, with a separate /boot partition | 07:37 |
Br0k3 | «« geremy »» yes | 07:37 |
coppertop | i've tried the steps in the fourms and no luck | 07:37 |
Maslow | Nm, got the right xchat installed. | 07:37 |
Caf-Fiend | anyone got any idea why i get white cube of death once i installed the nvidia drivers on a 6600GT system with hardy? | 07:37 |
Br0k3 | «« geremy »» ive followed that but got me no where | 07:37 |
coppertop | even installed the latest alsa | 07:38 |
simplyubuntu | you know the panel at the bottom that has your windows in it? | 07:38 |
Ganandorf | so why don't i have that simplyubuntu | 07:38 |
dpreacher | ppl who built xobni also had the same brainwave | 07:38 |
Ganandorf | yeah | 07:38 |
coppertop | any ideas regarding the SB Audigy SE ? | 07:38 |
bazhang | no rick-rolling here please | 07:38 |
simplyubuntu | just follow these instructions http://pimpyourlinux.com/linux-feature-review/pimp-out-your-gnome-dock-without-installing-a-thing/ | 07:38 |
ikonia | Kalamansi: for a test you mean want to try (just for a test) editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf to include the line "driver "vesa" under the "Display Section" device | 07:38 |
Ganandorf | ok cool | 07:38 |
Caf-Fiend | or even any idea how to fix the aforementioned white cube? | 07:38 |
xobni | ikonia, I've been having trouble with xorg recently -- I think ubuntu doesn't respect xorg.conf as much anymore -- do you know anything about that? | 07:39 |
godfreyhk | ikonia: socket: operation not allowed | 07:39 |
ikonia | xobni: it respects xorg.conf %100 | 07:39 |
kashogi | need help | 07:39 |
ikonia | godfreyhk: make tcpdump setuid | 07:40 |
turutosi_ | installiing vmware server beta 2 on ubuntu 8.04 | 07:40 |
godfreyhk | you mean recompile tcpdump? | 07:40 |
xobni | ikonia, hmm, weird, because I've seen it work with generic xorg.conf s | 07:40 |
ikonia | xobni: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XORGHardy | 07:40 |
Flynsarmy | SwedeMike: Is there a way to skip files with specific names with the zip command? | 07:40 |
ikonia | xobni: it does work with a generic config - thats the point | 07:40 |
zcat[1] | xobni: xorg has 'bulletproof x' now; it will try and run X no matter how broken the xorg.conf is.. | 07:40 |
Kalamansi | ikonia there is no "Display Section" there | 07:40 |
ikonia | godfreyhk: no, I mean setuid on the tcpdump binary | 07:40 |
xobni | zcat[1], ah... so that's why it keeps forcing vesa on me | 07:40 |
kashogi | need help with terminal server cannot access USB flash drive | 07:40 |
godfreyhk | oh ok | 07:41 |
ikonia | xobni: read the URL I sent you | 07:41 |
xobni | doing so | 07:41 |
kashogi | anybody have idea | 07:41 |
ikonia | Kalamansi: find the section that says "section"Device " | 07:41 |
ikonia | Kalamansi: then "Identifier "configured Video Device" - put it under there | 07:41 |
kashogi | have thin client t5000 terminal server when i insert usb flash drive cannot view it | 07:42 |
zcat[1] | ikonia: changind the colour depth might help to; have run into some cards that are fine with 16 or 32 but choke on 24 | 07:42 |
ikonia | kashogi: we saw you saw that 1 minute ago | 07:42 |
geremy | br0k3: ok, have you tried this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4715731#post4715731 | 07:42 |
ikonia | zcat[1]: yes, I've had him drop back to vesa to just see how it responds | 07:42 |
xobni | bazhang, if you're there, what should I do about menu.lst? | 07:43 |
ikonia | zcat[1]: the via card drivers are poor | 07:43 |
Br0k3 | «« geremy »» yes that gets it working | 07:43 |
bazhang | xobni, you chose yours right? | 07:43 |
Br0k3 | «« geremy »» but i cant get it to calibrate | 07:43 |
geremy | br0k3, ok, but the calibration script does not work? | 07:43 |
Br0k3 | nope | 07:43 |
xobni | bazhang, haven't chosen yet | 07:43 |
mgs88 | I use hardy heron and when I try to update gave me this Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused) | 07:44 |
xobni | ikonia, the hardware driver thing wouldn't get my nvidia card working right, but I think that's because I was using an old kernel somehow | 07:44 |
geremy | br0k3: and added the boot parameters? | 07:44 |
Br0k3 | i didnt do that | 07:44 |
ikonia | mgs88: look at your /etc/apt/sources.list - it thinks you have a local repo | 07:44 |
ikonia | xobni: it does make mistakes, - hence why I'm writing that doc | 07:44 |
xobni | ikonia, I have a question for you though | 07:44 |
gothicd3vil | hi, i'm having problems with ubuntu it doesn't recognize the wireless card | 07:45 |
ikonia | xobni: ok | 07:45 |
dpreacher | can people suggest recommended GUI packages for PHP/MySQL web development on ubuntu that i can download? is LAMP configured or is there a way to apt-get that? | 07:45 |
Kalamansi | ikonia : wizard "ubuntu is running in a low-graphics mode | 07:45 |
mgs88 | How can I fix it | 07:45 |
xobni | ikonia, when it gets it wrong, and warns you you're in low graphics mode, and gives you the chance to configure -- even if I get the settings right, and the test works, how come when I click "OK" i'm still using vesa in low graphics mode? | 07:45 |
ikonia | Kalamansi: yes, thats fine - how does the screen compare to what you had before in terms of lines | 07:46 |
geremy | brok3: there are several reports of success after editing the boot params, from people who seem to have had much the same problem you're having. do you need a walkthrough on that or is that page sufficient? | 07:46 |
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo | ||
Flannel | mgs88: You have a proxy defined. Software Sources > ... something proxy-ish. | 07:46 |
ikonia | xobni: because the detection over-rode it or changes where not submitted to the xorg.conf file as they should have been | 07:46 |
xobni | ikonia, sounds like a problem | 07:46 |
Kalamansi | ikonia : ok ill give you a screenshot. | 07:46 |
Kalamansi | ikonia : i cannot eexplain it in words mate. | 07:46 |
ikonia | xobni: as I said, it can get things wrong, the detection stuff is only now starting to become usable | 07:47 |
Flannel | !lamp | dpreacher | 07:47 |
ubottu | dpreacher: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 07:47 |
Kalamansi | ikonia : its like an offroad street hehe | 07:47 |
xobni | i've gotta restart now, see you all in a bit | 07:47 |
xobni | bazhang, I'm about to restart. Is there anything I should do in the live cd to get grub working right? | 07:47 |
Ahmad | Semarang | 07:48 |
Flannel | dpreacher: You can either install it during the install from the server CD, or follow instructions on that page. Its pretty straight forward to install | 07:48 |
xobni | bazhang, I'm not that experienced with grub, I don't know how to make it see that there's a new kernel in there now without losing all the custom changes I added | 07:48 |
=== LiniX_ is now known as LiniX | ||
xobni | bazhang, I guess I could update it and then copy back the custom changes | 07:48 |
Flannel | xobni: You need to make the changes at the top, in the comments. What sorts of changes did you make? | 07:49 |
dpreacher | Flannel thanks for the link. i don't have server CD | 07:49 |
xobni | Flannel, I added a "halt" entry, a windows entry, and an entry for a second ubuntu install I was using for testing | 07:49 |
xobni | Flannel, I can pastebin it for you | 07:50 |
Flannel | xobni: Those you need to add at the bottom, after the ## END AUTOMAGIC DEBIAN KERNELS## (or the line that looks somewhat like that) | 07:50 |
gothicd3vil | can somebody help, ubuntu recognize the wireless card but i try to turn it on and i can't | 07:50 |
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomeffreak | ||
xobni | Flannel, ok, so should I let grub automajically update itself and then add those? | 07:51 |
dpreacher | how do i check php installed version from the shell? | 07:51 |
=== gnomeffreak is now known as gnomefreak | ||
xobni | Flannel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14006/ | 07:51 |
Flannel | xobni: Add them, you can verify that they'll stick around by doing a "sudo update-grub", and then view the file again. What did you do to tell grub not to update itself? | 07:51 |
xobni | Flannel, I don't know, but my computer got pretty messed up | 07:51 |
wangwenjie | chinese or english? | 07:52 |
Flannel | xobni: To remove the older kernels, remove their packages via package management. Your XP and halt options will stick around | 07:52 |
xobni | Flannel, it was using -14 instead of -16 and wasn't getting the display drivers right, | 07:52 |
geremy | br0k3: you there? | 07:52 |
xobni | Flannel, should I remove everything prior to 2.6.24-16? | 07:52 |
Br0k3 | yes | 07:52 |
Caf-Fiend | anyone got a link to fixing whitescreen using nvidia drivers? my googlefu is weak it seems | 07:53 |
Flannel | xobni: Usually its a good idea to keep a current, plus one older (that you haven't had any problems with), just in case you find some showstopper with the current one | 07:53 |
xobni | Flannel, ok. I've seen a -17 in synaptic too -- is that a mistake? | 07:53 |
geremy | br0k3: alrighty. you see the boot options I'm talking about? | 07:53 |
Br0k3 | um no | 07:54 |
Br0k3 | where is it | 07:54 |
dpreacher | how do i check with apt or aptitude if a package is installed or not? | 07:54 |
Arrick | !chanserv.py | 07:55 |
ubottu | http://kaarsemaker.net/software/chanserv/ | 07:55 |
Flannel | xobni: er... I guess? | 07:55 |
Kalamansi | ikonia : kinda dark desktop...can i adjust it right? | 07:55 |
Flannel | dpreacher: `dpkg -l | grep packagename` is one way. apt-cache policy [package] is another, the list goes on | 07:55 |
geremy | br0k3: bottom of the third page, it lists the ones they used | 07:56 |
xobni | Flannel, it says I have "linux-image-2.6.24-17-generic" installed, version 2.6.24-17.31 | 07:56 |
Kalamansi | ikonia http://img55.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ubuntu8desktopcj5.jpg | 07:56 |
Br0k3 | oh | 07:56 |
Br0k3 | how do i add them | 07:56 |
xobni | Flannel, I'm restarting now | 07:57 |
dpreacher | Flannel lets hope these 2 are sufficient | 07:57 |
geremy | br0k3: as it says, you will have to edit your menu.lst | 07:58 |
Br0k3 | oh ok sorry | 07:58 |
geremy | br0k3: its np. you want a walkthrough? | 07:58 |
Br0k3 | sure | 07:59 |
geremy | br0k3: ok. come to pm, and ill walk you through it | 07:59 |
phixxor | Flannel: doing "sudo update-grub" now :) | 08:00 |
=== Adlai_ is now known as Adlai | ||
ikonia | Kalamansi: ok, I see, so it behaves the same with the vesa driver | 08:02 |
Geek | has anybody succeeded in using ubuntu server as a NAS server? | 08:02 |
ikonia | zcat[1]: do you have an opinion on that, Kalamansi monitor still behaves the same with teh vesa driver | 08:02 |
ikonia | Geek: yes | 08:02 |
phixxor | Flannel: it didn't work -- my menu.lst is the same as before, doesn't have the new kernels listed | 08:02 |
Geek | ikonia, how'd you do it? | 08:03 |
=== The_JoKeR is now known as SplinTer0616 | ||
ikonia | Geek: hang on , thats not strictly true | 08:03 |
ikonia | Geek: as in true nas - or just network disk | 08:03 |
Geek | network disk | 08:03 |
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01 | ||
=== karan is now known as karanz | ||
ikonia | Geek: just shared it out as NFS | 08:04 |
geremy | br0k3: you getting my pm? | 08:04 |
dpreacher | is it possible to install an app in wine from command-line. i have wine 0.9.59-ubuntu5 package installed | 08:05 |
Geek | ubuntu server (at last check) is a commanline OS, so can you give me the exact coomands you used? | 08:05 |
phixxor | Flannel, what is wrong? why didn't update-grub change my menu.lst? | 08:05 |
phixxor | dpreacher, usually yes. did you check appdb? | 08:05 |
ikonia | Geek: install the nfs packages - set up the exports file and volia - your ready to go | 08:05 |
ikonia | Geek: also, look at the freenas packages | 08:06 |
Geek | I can't even get a simple game to install on ubuntu desktop | 08:06 |
Flannel | phixxor: Did you install new kernels? | 08:06 |
phixxor | Flannel, yes | 08:06 |
Flannel | phixxor: -17 kernels are in -proposed, they're probably not stable yet | 08:08 |
phixxor | Flannel, I'll uncheck the proposed repos then | 08:08 |
=== areels_ is now known as areels | ||
Hallertauer | Is i686 64bit? | 08:09 |
Flannel | Hallertauer: no, 32 | 08:09 |
Caf-Fiend | can anyone help me with an ubuntu/nvidia problem? | 08:10 |
Sarah | has anyone installed bcwipe on ubuntu, i tried from the tar.gz but couldnt, i'm not sure how to | 08:10 |
Geek | maybe | 08:10 |
Geek | what're the symptoms? | 08:10 |
otg | 詐 | 08:10 |
Flannel | Sarah: What is bcwipe? | 08:10 |
Hallertauer | hmm..that's what I thought. I'm getting an error with my compiler: configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables | 08:10 |
Sarah | Flannel, its a file deleting program | 08:10 |
Flannel | Hallertauer: install the build-essential package | 08:10 |
magnetron | Caf-Fiend: please just ask your question, that way we will know if we are able to answer | 08:10 |
ikonia | Hallertauer: what are you trying to compile ? | 08:11 |
Flannel | Sarah: just use shred, it's already on your computer | 08:11 |
Sarah | is shred as good though? | 08:11 |
Hallertauer | trying to compile crossfire | 08:11 |
Flannel | Sarah: yes | 08:11 |
Hallertauer | the client | 08:11 |
ikonia | Hallertauer: so not the ati drivers ? | 08:11 |
phixxor | Flannel, can you help me figure out why grub isn't updating? | 08:11 |
chmac | Any tips on how to apply a regex to a file? I want to delete certain parts, but sed can't edit in place if I understand the docs correctly. Can awk? | 08:11 |
Hallertauer | I'll try build-essential | 08:11 |
ikonia | chmac: sed can edit | 08:11 |
Flannel | Hallertauer: crossfire is in the repositories, you probably don't need to compile | 08:11 |
Hallertauer | Flannel, I want the latest SVN.. | 08:12 |
chmac | ikonia: With the --in-place flag? | 08:12 |
ikonia | chmac: oh, no, not like that | 08:12 |
Flannel | Hallertauer: fair enough. Yeah, build-essential is what you'll need | 08:12 |
Sarah | im trying to format this whole disk though and bcwipe wipes the file slacks and free space and everything | 08:12 |
Sarah | because i want to throw this hard drive out | 08:12 |
Caf-Fiend | magnetron: ok - I have a 6600GT, and I want to get it working. The current version of the restricted drivers available don't support it to my knowledge. I've installed the NVIDIA binary driver from the NVIDIA website, and now when i try to log into X, my workspaces are white, but supposedly still work. | 08:12 |
chmac | ikonia: How would I do it with sed? | 08:12 |
ikonia | Sarah: why do you need to do that ? | 08:12 |
Flannel | Sarah: shred /dev/sda will do sda | 08:12 |
ikonia | chmac: you can't do it like that with sed | 08:12 |
chmac | ikonia: Ok, any tips on an alternative? | 08:12 |
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti | ||
Flannel | Sarah: check out the man page, I believe it defaults to 25 times, you may want to change that number | 08:13 |
otg__ | 張 | 08:13 |
ikonia | chmac: you where probably on the right trick with regex, gawk maybe (note maybe) have something similar | 08:13 |
ikonia | !ch | otg__ | 08:13 |
ubottu | Factoid ch not found | 08:13 |
Sarah | Flannel, ok | 08:13 |
ikonia | !vn | otg__ | 08:13 |
ubottu | Factoid vn not found | 08:13 |
ikonia | !cn | otg__ | 08:13 |
ubottu | otg__: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 08:13 |
Sarah | i think ill just try to figure out how to install bcwipe though, i use it in windows i really like it | 08:14 |
otg_ | 女.. | 08:14 |
otg__ | 張 | 08:14 |
otg__ | 張 | 08:14 |
ikonia | !jp | otg__ | 08:14 |
ubottu | otg__: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい | 08:14 |
otg_ | 角削削鷸刲烰但焊塒裳禈爝 | 08:14 |
flotishtu | how to use or open files of an .iso without burning it one cd ? | 08:15 |
magnetron | Caf-Fiend: first of all, the restricted drivers are the same as the one from the Nvidia homepage. if you install them manually, you will have to go through a bunch of problems, like the one you are experiencing now. you should have used the restricted driver in ubuntu. | 08:15 |
otg__ | 張 | 08:15 |
Ububegin | otg_ or otg__ is a troll... Ops ban him | 08:15 |
Hallertauer | Same problem with compiler after installing build-essential. Any other ideas? I can compile a basic "hello world" so not sure what the deal is | 08:15 |
otg_ | 傒儑冉堡一 | 08:15 |
magnetron | flotishtu: open them in file-roller | 08:15 |
otg_ | 鵗蟗爝吐熀 | 08:15 |
Flannel | Sarah: bcwipe is windows software, it probably won't run in Ubuntu. and shred is just as good, doing more or less the same thing. | 08:15 |
Sarah | Flannel, they have a linux version thats the one im trying to install | 08:15 |
Caf-Fiend | magnetron: i was using that, but like i said, the current driver doesn't support my card, so i (thought i) had to get the beta drivers from nvidia | 08:16 |
flotishtu | magnetron fileroller is an app? | 08:16 |
Ububegin | otg_: 滚开 | 08:16 |
Flannel | Sarah: I take the stuff back about it being windows only. But still, unless you need the pattern writing, shred will work fine. | 08:16 |
phixxor | Flannel: I think I may have synaptic set wrong. It says right now I "always prever the highest version" is that correct? | 08:16 |
omposter | alright, so. libldap is installed and i'm trying to install wine 9.58 (a 7.10 package) on 8.04 | 08:16 |
Flannel | phixxor: That is normal | 08:16 |
Sarah | Flannel, oh ok thanks | 08:16 |
magnetron | Caf-Fiend: i've used the restricted driver for my geforce 3 with great success. why do you think that your 6600GT isn't supported? | 08:17 |
phixxor | Flannel: ok, then when I try to remove -17 why does it make me remove all the linux metapackages? | 08:17 |
Flannel | Sarah: If you do need the patterns, sudo apt-get install wipe, and then use wipe instead of shred, I believe it does patterns | 08:17 |
omposter | dpkg -i wine-9.58-etcetera fails with 'Package libldap2 not installed' | 08:17 |
omposter | what gives? | 08:17 |
ikonia | magnetron: out of interest did you use glx - or glx legacy for that card ? | 08:17 |
Sarah | oh ok cool thanks Flannel | 08:17 |
ikonia | omposter: the package libldap2 is not installed | 08:17 |
magnetron | ikonia: glx | 08:17 |
ikonia | omposter: thats exactly what gives | 08:17 |
ikonia | magnetron: ta | 08:17 |
Flannel | phixxor: because that -17 version is from -proposed, which is where the metapackage is from. After doing that, reinstall the metapackage, and you'll have the older version of it (not from proposed) | 08:18 |
phixxor | Flannel, alright, great, doing that. I think I'll replace my menu.lst as well as that's happening, seeing how update-grub isn't working | 08:18 |
Caf-Fiend | magnetron: the 6800GT wasn't on the list of supported drivers at http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/169.12/README/appendix-a.html linked from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 08:19 |
robbie`` | i have a pretty fresh install of hardy, i only have 2 desktop windows, how do i up that to 4? | 08:19 |
Flannel | robbie``: install simple-ccsm, and theres a configuration option in there (it'll be under preferences) | 08:20 |
magnetron | Caf-Fiend: you said you had a 6600GT the first time. which one is it? 6600GT or 6800GT? i have the 6800GT and it works just fine | 08:20 |
robbie`` | thanks | 08:20 |
Caf-Fiend | 6600GT | 08:20 |
phixxor | Flannel, for amd64, the meta package I need is linux-generic, correct? | 08:21 |
Flannel | phixxor: yes | 08:21 |
Lucy | ` | 08:21 |
phixxor | excellent | 08:21 |
cens0red | hi. Just upgraded to 8.04. And the gnome panel is really slow. How do I get the old gnome-panel back? | 08:21 |
magnetron | Caf-Fiend: both 6600GT and 6800GT are on that list | 08:21 |
Lucy | 嗨 | 08:21 |
otg | ㄅ | 08:22 |
robbie`` | Flannel: i have cssm from earlier, not simple-cssm | 08:22 |
otg__ | ㄅ | 08:22 |
otg__ | ㄅ | 08:22 |
otg__ | ㄅ | 08:22 |
FloodBot1 | otg__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 08:22 |
chmac | I want to grab the 3rd word of every line and pass it to xargs, what's the command to use again? | 08:22 |
Flannel | !ops | otg__ and friends | 08:22 |
robbie`` | i dont see any option though for that under the preferences | 08:22 |
ubottu | otg__ and friends: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01! | 08:22 |
otg__ | ㄅㄅㄅ | 08:22 |
otg | 大家好阿 | 08:22 |
chmac | I forget the name of it | 08:22 |
otg | 我是子於 | 08:22 |
Myrtti | !cn | otg__ | 08:22 |
ubottu | otg__: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 08:22 |
caitistrophic | a | 08:23 |
phixxor | Flannel, alright, my menu.lst looks a lot better now, I'm gonna restart | 08:23 |
Caf-Fiend | magnetron: is there a way to get the restricted drivers package working in ubuntu with the beta drivers? | 08:23 |
mgs88 | I return the source list to default but still give me Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused) | 08:24 |
=== soldats_ is now known as soldats | ||
Flannel | mgs88: You need to change (disable) your apt proxy. In software sources | 08:24 |
pawan | hi | 08:25 |
pawan | unable to install nvidia fx 5200 drivers | 08:25 |
magnetron | Caf-Fiend: no. you need to undo the installation of the drivers from the Nvidia homepage. which is quite a mess, usually. which is why you shouldn't have installed those in the first place | 08:25 |
caitistrophic | can't get perl script to run | 08:25 |
magnetron | pawan: how are you trying to install them | 08:25 |
pawan | using synaptic | 08:25 |
pawan | hardware drivers | 08:26 |
caitistrophic | can't get a perl script to run | 08:26 |
Flannel | !doesntwork | caitistrophic | 08:26 |
ubottu | caitistrophic: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. | 08:26 |
magnetron | pawan: close synaptic and run System > administration > hardware drivers instead | 08:26 |
Caf-Fiend | magnetron: ok, so is there a way to do that | 08:26 |
mgs88 | there is no apt proxy in software sources | 08:26 |
phixxor | Flannel, alright, seems i'm running the latest kernel, yes! | 08:26 |
magnetron | Caf-Fiend:sure, but it's complex. i don't really know all the steps | 08:26 |
Caf-Fiend | magnetron: ok bbl googling | 08:27 |
pawan | no properity drivers are enabled message | 08:27 |
steph33560 | ! | 08:27 |
phixxor | ikonia, I'm going to give the hardware drivers another shot, care to help me if they send me back to vesa? (right now I'm using a backed up custom xorg.conf) | 08:27 |
steph33560 | Hi all | 08:27 |
caitistrophic | i found a perl script to automate a file conversion and I attempt to run the script from the file the script and the files are saved in, and I get doesn't recognize command | 08:27 |
Flannel | mgs88: Do you have any other proxy configuration? | 08:28 |
Flannel | mgs88: er, I mean, are you connecting through a proxy otherwise? | 08:28 |
Rat409 | Sarah: if you prefer BCWipe gedit the makefile,uncomment the os=linux cc=gcc lines,type make then sudo make install or run it from build folder | 08:28 |
steph33560 | !minimal | 08:28 |
mgs88 | I installed tor and now I remove it | 08:28 |
ubottu | The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD | 08:28 |
pawan | alaways getting low graphics mode error | 08:29 |
Rat409 | steph33560: it just copies the built binary to /usr/bin it seems | 08:29 |
lavluda | i need to rename a big list of file which looks like sdfXXX.mp3 , i want to remove this XXX for the name. any one can help me ? | 08:29 |
perpetual | I really like Hardy Heron. But why does the poor bird look like it got caught in a particle accelerator? | 08:29 |
steph33560 | Rat409, gné ? | 08:29 |
Rat409 | sorry meant Sarah | 08:29 |
steph33560 | Rat409, haa :) | 08:30 |
Flannel | mgs88: Alright, take a look at /etc/apt/apt.conf for anything that looks like its setting up a proxy. Also, look in any files that are in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ for the same | 08:31 |
magnetron | perpetual: the hardest questions in this channel are the "why" questions, almost everyone in here are regular users that just volunteer to offer support | 08:31 |
Sarah | Rat409, oh ok thanks ill try | 08:31 |
flotishtu | Sarah how sydney going? | 08:31 |
LogiTech | Could anyone tell me why i cannot download stuff from torrents? every file going 48% downloaded and then it will stuck and ill get error called: "bad data from tracker-" Help someone pls...thank you | 08:31 |
magnetron | perpetual: we don't work for canonical. and we're no even volunteer developers | 08:31 |
pitoc | Hi all, I'm pitoc from taiwan, nice to see you all | 08:31 |
mgs88 | Flannel: thanks a lot | 08:31 |
Flannel | perpetual: He was looking for the Higgs boson | 08:31 |
HymnToLife | LogiTech: broken torrent | 08:31 |
Sarah | flotishtu, same as usual | 08:31 |
phixxor | restarting now | 08:32 |
LogiTech | broken torrent ALL the time? noway | 08:32 |
caitistrophic | Any ideas why I can't get a perl script to run in terminal | 08:32 |
HymnToLife | LogiTech: how many have you tried ? | 08:32 |
flotishtu | Sarah hm.. | 08:32 |
Flannel | caitistrophic: What command are you trying? | 08:32 |
icanic | hi there | 08:32 |
LogiTech | i am downloading normal things what many ppl have downloaded and downloading...they get 100% I get 48%... | 08:32 |
icanic | can someone help me? | 08:32 |
HymnToLife | caitistrophic: no. what are you doing and what does it do instead of running the script? | 08:32 |
Rat409 | caitistrophic: perl name.pl ? | 08:33 |
LogiTech | have tried like 4-5 movie | 08:33 |
HymnToLife | buy the dvds | 08:33 |
icanic | I can't login as root | 08:33 |
caitistrophic | hmmm. thanks let me try something. | 08:33 |
crazy_bus | I plugged in a microphone, checked the levels in kmix. But the microphone doesn't seem to be working. How do I test it? | 08:33 |
Sarah | Rat409, i get a bunch of errors still when i make | 08:33 |
Flannel | icanic: Correct. Thats a good thing. Use sudo instead. | 08:33 |
HymnToLife | !sudo | icanic | 08:33 |
ubottu | icanic: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. | 08:33 |
magnetron | LogiTech: maybe your ISP tries to disrupt your bittorrent traffic | 08:33 |
icanic | I'm using sudo | 08:33 |
icanic | but don't know password | 08:33 |
icanic | it's fresh install | 08:33 |
HymnToLife | then why do you want to login as root? | 08:33 |
Flannel | icanic: then you don't need to log in as root. The sudo password is your user password | 08:33 |
flotishtu | how to use sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> | 08:33 |
Rat409 | Sarah: you have build-essential? | 08:34 |
Flannel | icanic: Whatever password you set up for your user to login with | 08:34 |
HymnToLife | the password you have to enter when using sudo is _your_ password | 08:34 |
LogiTech | magnetron i dont know... | 08:34 |
icanic | it don't accept my user password as password for root | 08:34 |
Sarah | Rat409, i'm not sure | 08:34 |
HymnToLife | Sarah: <hat are you trying to compile? | 08:34 |
magnetron | LogiTech: are you using transmission? | 08:34 |
Sarah | HymnToLife, bcwipe | 08:34 |
Rat409 | Sarah: it build here in like 2 secs | 08:34 |
doktoreas | hello verybody | 08:35 |
Flannel | icanic: It's not the password for root. Its your password for sudo. | 08:35 |
HymnToLife | hm | 08:35 |
Flannel | icanic: The root account is locked, it doesn't work. Use sudo instead. | 08:35 |
doktoreas | sorry for OT, but anyone can suggest a framework OS for doing e-commerce? | 08:35 |
HymnToLife | does it come with a configure script? | 08:35 |
icanic | don't wanna accept it | 08:35 |
meglaw | nice sudo topic. :) | 08:35 |
ompaul | !root | icanic | 08:35 |
ubottu | icanic: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 08:35 |
HymnToLife | usually those are used to spot missing dependencies before using make | 08:35 |
magnetron | doktoreas: maybe ubuntu server edition? | 08:35 |
Sarah | Rat409, i get a few things saying sha1.c: In function ‘SHA1Update’: - warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘memcpy' | 08:35 |
phixxor | SUCCESS!! direct rendering: yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 08:35 |
ikonia | Sarah: are you still trying to compile that disk wiping tool | 08:36 |
HymnToLife | Sarah: try installing build-essential | 08:36 |
Sarah | ikonia, yeah | 08:36 |
Sarah | HymnToLife, ok | 08:36 |
LogiTech | magnetron "transmission" ? :S i dont understand... | 08:36 |
icanic | sudo '/home/icanic/Desktop/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.12-pkg1.run' | 08:36 |
icanic | [sudo] password for icanic: | 08:36 |
icanic | Sorry, try again. | 08:36 |
HymnToLife | you're most likely missing stdlib.h and other headers | 08:36 |
Br0k3 | does any1 here have a tx2000z tablet? | 08:36 |
phixxor | ikonia, it works!! the only reason it didn't work before was because I was using the wrong kernel!!!!! | 08:36 |
ikonia | Sarah: give it up - use the version in the repo, that warning is not going to be straight forward to fix as it looks like that are some conflicts | 08:36 |
Rat409 | Sarah: well,i can't say then i had no errors,sorry first time i've built it | 08:36 |
magnetron | Sarah: install the 'shred' package and try it out, you won't have to compile anything to get it working | 08:36 |
Flannel | icanic: You put in the password that you logged in with. If it doesn't work, it means you typed it wrong | 08:36 |
ikonia | HymnToLife: thats pretty pointless generic advice | 08:36 |
LogiTech | i am using bittorrent to download files from torrent sites..if u ment that :/ | 08:36 |
doktoreas | magnetron: I mean the web application | 08:37 |
magnetron | LogiTech: which bittorrent client are you using | 08:37 |
icanic | no, I didn't type it wrong | 08:37 |
HymnToLife | ikonia: I don't remembar asking for your opinion | 08:37 |
Flannel | magnetron: shred is part of coreutils, no need to install | 08:37 |
LogiTech | when i installed linux ubuntu 7.10 i got 1....i dont know which 1 is it..some old 1 :D | 08:37 |
HymnToLife | remember* | 08:37 |
ikonia | HymnToLife: no but it was a pointless suggestion to give someone randomly | 08:37 |
DJones | icanic: is your username the only user on the system? If you're not the first user created, it might be that your user isn't part of the root/sudo admin group? | 08:37 |
magnetron | Flannel: oops. how do i find out which package a file belongs to? | 08:38 |
HymnToLife | ikonia: I think you just don't know what you're talking about | 08:38 |
HymnToLife | oh well, we'll see :) | 08:38 |
phixxor | bye everyone! I'm so happy everything works now | 08:38 |
magnetron | phixxor: bai | 08:38 |
icanic | I'm the only one user on this ubuntu | 08:38 |
icanic | and the first one | 08:38 |
Flannel | magnetron: dpkg -S [file] or packages.ubuntu.com | 08:38 |
KazaLite | hi all....any kernel hacker around? | 08:38 |
Sarah | thanks HymnToLife, Rat409 etc, make works now that i installed that build-essential, first time i looked for it i wrote 'essentials' with an s so it didnt find anything | 08:38 |
magnetron | Flannel: what if the file isn't installed? | 08:38 |
HymnToLife | hehe | 08:38 |
HymnToLife | poitless, huh? | 08:38 |
ghindo | Does anyone know how to make Gnash the default Flash player in Firefox 3 b5? | 08:38 |
ikonia | HymnToLife: I stand MASSIVLY corrected | 08:38 |
magnetron | !ask | KazaLite | 08:38 |
HymnToLife | pointless* | 08:39 |
ubottu | KazaLite: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 08:39 |
Flannel | magnetron: packages.ubuntu.com. You can also use apt-file which should do the same thing, but I haven't used it personally | 08:39 |
ikonia | HymnToLife: why would the build-essential package contain the sha headers/routines ? | 08:39 |
HymnToLife | ikonia: because that's what it's for ;) | 08:39 |
DJones | icanic: what error message does it give you when you try putting your users password when you use the sudo commmand? | 08:39 |
=== leche_ is now known as leche | ||
HymnToLife | build-essential is just a metapackage that contains everything needed to compile basic stuff | 08:39 |
ikonia | HymnToLife: build-essential - sha headers | 08:39 |
Sarah | this hdd im wiping has my way old mandrake 7.2 install on it, from years ago, that was the first linux distro i ever used, then i tried debian then just used windows for ages now im in ubuntu | 08:39 |
magnetron | ghindo: uninstall the adobe flash player. it's called "flashplayer-nonfree" in synaptic | 08:39 |
HymnToLife | so that's make, gcc, all the standard headers, etc. | 08:39 |
Ganandorf | hey guys whats the fastest torrent client by that i mean the most efficient one that allows you to connect to many peers and make full use of your available speed | 08:40 |
ikonia | HymnToLife: I know what it is/what is's for, but the sha headers....seems odd | 08:40 |
HymnToLife | ikonia: it was not the sha1 header | 08:40 |
ikonia | HymnToLife: exactly "standard" | 08:40 |
flotishtu | http://pastebin.com/m79f1d17b help ? | 08:40 |
KazaLite | i've googled for system call number 285 but could not find any. I'm looking at some code and it does not make any sense to me, may be because of my little knowledge of linux system programming...have a look at function: http://rafb.net/p/ak7BmW96.html | 08:40 |
ikonia | HymnToLife: rats, it's scrolled off screen | 08:40 |
icanic | sudo '/home/icanic/Desktop/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.12-pkg1.run' | 08:40 |
icanic | [sudo] password for icanic: | 08:40 |
icanic | Sorry, try again. | 08:40 |
HymnToLife | look at the error, it complained about memcpy not being declared | 08:40 |
magnetron | Ganandorf: Transmission and Deluge are great clients | 08:40 |
ikonia | HymnToLife: I can't it's scrolled, pastebin it ? | 08:40 |
HymnToLife | and memcpy is a standard function, fond in stdlib.h | 08:40 |
HymnToLife | [09:35] < Sarah> Rat409, i get a few things saying sha1.c: In function 'SHA1Update': - warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'memcpy' | 08:40 |
ikonia | HymnToLife: I thought it said sha | 08:40 |
Ganandorf | ok cool which is top of the list for you magnetron | 08:41 |
ikonia | HymnToLife: ahh sha1.c - not header | 08:41 |
ikonia | fine | 08:41 |
ikonia | HymnToLife: my mistake | 08:41 |
Ganandorf | between those two | 08:41 |
icanic | can't even open my users and group | 08:41 |
KazaLite | is there some system call number 285 in kernel? | 08:41 |
magnetron | Ganandorf: i'm fine with Transmission for the moment, but if i need more options i'll switch to deluge | 08:41 |
DJones | icanic: that looks like the error you get when the password is entered wrongly, you've not got the caps lock on or anything like that have you | 08:41 |
Ganandorf | o ok cool | 08:41 |
magnetron | Ganandorf: install deluge with applications > add / remove | 08:42 |
Ganandorf | why not synaptic | 08:42 |
icanic | the password is good | 08:42 |
magnetron | Ganandorf: or, synaptic, whatever you like. transmission is a part of the default ubuntu install since hardy | 08:42 |
icanic | cause I loged in 30 min ago | 08:42 |
icanic | with the same pass | 08:42 |
Ganandorf | ok cool | 08:43 |
jms1989 | Why does ff crash every time I change my ubuntu theme? I just changed my folder icons to my favorite blue color and it crashed. | 08:43 |
Rat409 | Sarah: dban= Dariks Boot n Nuke or you can do dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda or whatever or just use wipe,shred from repos.wayyy past my bedtime,but if you use dd make sure you use it properly it can wipe you whole system if not | 08:43 |
ghindo | magnetron: I did that and installed gnash but youtube videos still prompt me to install adobe flash | 08:43 |
Caf-Fiend | magnetron: ok apparently (according to a guy on #nvidia) my problem is just to do with compiz - is there a way to stop it loading on startup then load it later after login? | 08:43 |
Captain_Haddock | hi | 08:44 |
Captain_Haddock | how do i find the UUID of a partition? | 08:44 |
Flannel | Captain_Haddock: blkid | 08:44 |
Captain_Haddock | thanks | 08:44 |
magnetron | ghindo: you are missing the browser plugin for gnash. go to a web page with flash (except youtube, it's a silly bug) and it will allow you to install gnash | 08:44 |
ghindo | magnetron: I did that and installed gnash but youtube videos still prompt me to install adobe flash | 08:44 |
magnetron | !repeat | ghindo | 08:44 |
ubottu | ghindo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 08:44 |
jms1989 | !patience | 08:47 |
ubottu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 08:47 |
DJones | icanic: I'm out of idea's, i can't think of what else to suggest, can only suggest to see if anybody else can help | 08:47 |
ghindo | magnetron: Thank you! | 08:48 |
cypha | can i speak with someone about linux theory please? | 08:48 |
mgs88 | flannel: no thing is there proxy setting | 08:49 |
cypha | i'm identified | 08:49 |
arek_hiphop | woi | 08:49 |
cypha | does anyone program in linux? | 08:49 |
Flannel | cypha: #ubuntu-offtopic would be the proper place for it. | 08:49 |
cypha | really | 08:49 |
cypha | wow | 08:49 |
Flannel | mgs88: alright, try this: grep 4001 -r /etc/ | 08:50 |
Captain_Haddock | Flannel: do you by any chance know of an issue where an upgrade to hardy messes up all partition assignments. My PATA drive is being detected as /dev/sda rather than /dev/hda | 08:50 |
HymnToLife | Captain_Haddock: this is normal | 08:50 |
Captain_Haddock | (thereby messing up other partitions which did not have UUID assignments) | 08:50 |
Flannel | Captain_Haddock: that's not "messed up" thats normal. All HDDs have been mapped to SATA stuff now | 08:51 |
HymnToLife | it's because the PATA & SATA drivers were unified in the kernel | 08:51 |
HymnToLife | it's not Ubuntu-specific | 08:51 |
Captain_Haddock | I see | 08:51 |
FergoFrog | I need help I have an Ubuntu 7.04 Server setup and I just got a new screen for it and I'm wondering if I can increase the resolution. I've tried changing the kernal bootup resolution but the codes I got from here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=258484 didn't work | 08:51 |
Captain_Haddock | It was rather disconcerting :) | 08:51 |
magnetron | !fixres | cypha | 08:52 |
ubottu | cypha: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 08:52 |
gumpontheweb | hello | 08:52 |
gumpontheweb | has anyone else noticed that their internet ran slower with the new verson??? | 08:53 |
bazhang | gumpontheweb, no | 08:53 |
gumpontheweb | bazhang: my flash was very slow after new update was working | 08:54 |
FergoFrog | If that was for me magnetron I'm not running xorg it's a console... | 08:54 |
gumpontheweb | my brother said he saw similar problems on the forums? I dont know though? | 08:54 |
magnetron | FergoFrog: it was directed to cypha | 08:54 |
FergoFrog | Okay | 08:55 |
RoadHazard | anyone know how to make Mono work, either from svn or deb? | 08:55 |
FergoFrog | Anyone who can help? | 08:55 |
gumpontheweb | Bazhang: I lost control of my power button asking mm even when it is set to "ask me"... got any clue? | 08:55 |
DistroJockey | FergoFrog: you put vga=<what> on the end of your kernel line? (sorry can't visit links atm) | 08:57 |
cypha | hey sorry, i got disconnected | 08:57 |
Ganandorf | my videos are showing all blue | 08:57 |
Ganandorf | the ppl look blue | 08:57 |
Ganandorf | in movie player | 08:57 |
Ganandorf | the colour is all weird | 08:58 |
cypha | i can restart the resolution, the problem is the resolution itself | 08:58 |
FergoFrog | DistroJockey: 0x31B 0x31A 0x319 0x315 0x314 | 08:58 |
cypha | did you guys install all of the 11 updates? | 08:58 |
DistroJockey | FergoFrog: try vga=791 | 08:58 |
Ganandorf | can any one help me | 08:58 |
magnetron | !ask | Ganandorf | 08:58 |
ubottu | Ganandorf: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 08:58 |
bazhang | Ganandorf, compiz is running or not | 08:58 |
Ganandorf | its running | 08:59 |
bazhang | try turning it off Ganandorf | 08:59 |
Ganandorf | how do i turn it off | 08:59 |
Ganandorf | i just kno wuts running cause i can do the fire and stuff | 08:59 |
BWGames | help.. just installed hardy, and had a powercut... when i restarted it, it boots into gnome, login, but nothing loads except wm..no taskbar or menu, just desktop | 08:59 |
Ganandorf | but i not sure how to take it off | 08:59 |
bazhang | alt f2 metacity --replace Ganandorf | 09:00 |
termagant | Hey, can anybody tell me how to disable XGL and/or compiz fusion? I installed them, but I'm running a laptop and it's really slowing down my computer. I tried metacity --replace, but it doesn't seem to have changed anything. | 09:01 |
Symmetria | hrm, Im trying to transfer some files between two mounted file systems, and when I do a tar -C /old-directory -cvf - blah/ | tar -C /new-directory -xf - it transfers all the files, but they are all suddenly owned by root and have like 700 perms, I thought tar was meant to keep uid/gid/permissions | 09:01 |
termagant | I think what I need to uninstall is XGL because it is in the system processes, but compiz isn't. | 09:02 |
termagant | Can I just kill it, or is that a bad idea? | 09:02 |
FergoFrog | DistroJockey: just does what it usually does. Which is: You passed an undefined mode number and gives a list of 6 resolutions | 09:03 |
DistroJockey | FergoFrog: hmm | 09:03 |
Ganandorf | bazhang: the ppl still appear blue | 09:03 |
=== Effex is now known as Effe-Work | ||
bazhang | Ganandorf, restart the movie or try another player | 09:04 |
Ganandorf | bazhang: what do i do and do i always have to have compiz off and how do i get it back on | 09:04 |
clusty | hey | 09:04 |
robbie`` | what up | 09:04 |
clusty | i have a device that is accessible only by root. how can I give rights to all users to do reads writes to it? | 09:05 |
termagant | I tried killing it, and it broke the session, but it didn't actually turn it off. :( | 09:05 |
DistroJockey | FergoFrog: google gave this as the first link, maybe it help? : http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/undefined-mode-number-error-320298/ | 09:05 |
Ganandorf | bazhang: tried vlc still blue | 09:05 |
Ganandorf | and how do i turn back on compiz | 09:05 |
fran | why hello thar! | 09:06 |
bazhang | Ganandorf, what vid card and driver and how installed---> alt-f2 compiz --replace | 09:06 |
MrKeuner | hi, what does apt-cache do running every few minutes? | 09:06 |
MrKeuner | hardy | 09:06 |
termagant | bazhang, is there a way to undo that, though? | 09:07 |
Ganandorf | i have a nvidia 8400 i installed compiz via synaptic | 09:07 |
termagant | I want to go back to metacity, but it won't let me. :( | 09:07 |
Flannel | termagant: metacity --replace | 09:07 |
bazhang | Ganandorf, installed vid driver how | 09:07 |
termagant | Flannel: I tried that, but XGL is still running and making it really slow. | 09:07 |
FergoFrog | DistroJockey: That doesn't change the res it sets it to normal | 09:07 |
DistroJockey | FergoFrog: ahh. How about vga=0x0318 | 09:08 |
Ganandorf | i choose the codec thing that came up when i clicked searched for codec and i see in my add or remove some nvidia binary x.org driver | 09:09 |
Ganandorf | i think i used synaptic | 09:10 |
Ganandorf | no i didn't it appeared after i updated | 09:10 |
bazhang | Ganandorf, that is not very specific info to troubleshoot on though | 09:10 |
cypha | is there a system menu to see what processes are running? | 09:10 |
cypha | or terminal command | 09:11 |
Ganandorf | because i was using some restricted driver before thats what linux told me and when i updated i saw that in add or remove | 09:11 |
Sturmeh | Ganandorf, how do I get the third triforce? | 09:11 |
bazhang | cypha top | 09:11 |
cypha | just type top? | 09:11 |
termagant | Flannel, do you have any other suggestions about disabling XGL? I tried starting from a default Gnome session. | 09:11 |
cypha | nice | 09:11 |
MrKeuner | why is apt-cache running often? | 09:11 |
cypha | thanks | 09:11 |
Ganandorf | the third triforce not sure what that is Sturmeh | 09:11 |
bazhang | cypha, yes | 09:11 |
cypha | and it updates | 09:12 |
cypha | that's cool | 09:12 |
Sturmeh | where do you get your nickname from Ganandorf? | 09:12 |
fran | someone has the third triforce? | 09:12 |
Sturmeh | Ganondorf has it | 09:12 |
Sturmeh | ! | 09:12 |
fran | holy shit | 09:12 |
cypha | bazhang, can i ask you something? | 09:12 |
Ganandorf | the game zelda Sturmeh | 09:12 |
* cypha don't ask to ask cypha | 09:12 | |
Ganandorf | or lol | 09:12 |
Ganandorf | lol | 09:12 |
Sturmeh | u spelt the name wrong :D | 09:12 |
bazhang | fran watch the language | 09:12 |
cypha | well, i just want to have things start when i start ubuntu | 09:12 |
Ganandorf | i did really | 09:12 |
DistroJockey | cypha: htop is also available and ps -e gives a list also | 09:12 |
Sturmeh | -> "Ganondorf" | 09:12 |
baheer | how can I update skype? | 09:12 |
baheer | through terminal | 09:12 |
cypha | not installed | 09:12 |
cypha | what's it do? | 09:13 |
Captain_Haddock | Flannel , HymnToLife : Thanks for your help! | 09:13 |
Ganandorf | :( | 09:13 |
DistroJockey | cypha: fancy version of top :) | 09:13 |
Ganandorf | lol | 09:13 |
Sturmeh | quick! "/nick Ganondorf" | 09:13 |
Sturmeh | :D | 09:13 |
cypha | worth it? | 09:13 |
cypha | better question,d o u have it? | 09:13 |
=== Ganandorf is now known as Ganondorf | ||
DistroJockey | cypha: yeah | 09:13 |
Ganondorf | yay me | 09:13 |
cypha | k, cool | 09:13 |
Sturmeh | yay u | 09:13 |
Sturmeh | now where is the third triforce Ganondorf ? | 09:13 |
FergoFrog | DistroJockey: same ting | 09:13 |
cypha | DistroJockey, how long have you had linux? | 09:13 |
FergoFrog | *thing | 09:14 |
DistroJockey | FergoFrog: :( | 09:14 |
bazhang | Sturmeh, what is that | 09:14 |
DistroJockey | cypha: a few years | 09:14 |
Ganondorf | ummm i forgot where i put it | 09:14 |
FergoFrog | DistroJockey: yeap | 09:14 |
cypha | can you tell me some useful installs you have? | 09:14 |
Ganondorf | hey bazhang what do you need to know so you can help me | 09:14 |
DistroJockey | cypha: not really :) | 09:15 |
cypha | oh | 09:15 |
DistroJockey | FergoFrog: this is a server install right? | 09:15 |
DistroJockey | FergoFrog: with vesa driver only? | 09:15 |
mgs88 | how can I change the apt to default proxy | 09:15 |
vodka | turklerın gırdıgı lınk | 09:16 |
cypha | is there a bubbly gui version of top/htop? | 09:16 |
vodka | hangısı | 09:16 |
bazhang | !tr | 09:16 |
ubottu | Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 09:16 |
Ganondorf | Sturmeh: i was always so sure it was spelt ganandorf my email has that spelling boo me | 09:16 |
DistroJockey | cypha: System - Administration - System Monitor | 09:16 |
Sturmeh | maybe i'm wrong Ganondorf? or it's spelt ganan in europe or something lol? | 09:16 |
Sturmeh | i just know "Ganon" is the beast form of "Ganondorf" | 09:17 |
Sturmeh | :P | 09:17 |
bazhang | !ot | Sturmeh | 09:17 |
ubottu | Sturmeh: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 09:17 |
cypha | awesome, thanks | 09:17 |
DistroJockey | cypha: you're welcome | 09:17 |
Ganondorf | bazhang: can you help me what info do you still need | 09:18 |
cypha | DistroJockey, tell me more | 09:18 |
cypha | :) | 09:18 |
Ganondorf | is it a codec prob | 09:18 |
mgs88 | when I try to update give me this Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused) | 09:19 |
bazhang | Ganondorf, need to know exactly how you installed those drivers and what card make and model it it | 09:19 |
DistroJockey | cypha: I be in #ubuntu-offtopic also, beter take it there | 09:19 |
cypha | word | 09:20 |
Ganondorf | i never manually installed drivers i am new to ubuntu and all i have been doing is just installing software and is the some way i get ubuntu to tell me what card i have the model and stuff | 09:20 |
robbie`` | lspci | 09:20 |
Ganondorf | all i use on ubuntu is synaptic packet manager | 09:20 |
Ganondorf | or add or remove | 09:21 |
Sturmeh | learn teh cmdline! | 09:21 |
Ganondorf | that about it that i know how to use | 09:21 |
MrKeuner | hi, what does apt-cache do running every few minutes? Using Hardy Heron | 09:21 |
Sturmeh | sudo apt-get install PACKAGENAME | 09:21 |
Sturmeh | in terminal | 09:21 |
FergoFrog | DistroJockey: Yes | 09:21 |
robbie`` | open applications -> accessories -> terminal | 09:21 |
jim_1 | Hi | 09:21 |
robbie`` | hi | 09:21 |
Ganondorf | i am totally new to terminals and stuff never installed a thing through them | 09:22 |
fran | hai2u | 09:22 |
mgs88 | when I try to update give me this Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused) | 09:22 |
Sturmeh | Ganondorf just... do it | 09:22 |
Ganondorf | where to i get instruction Sturmeh | 09:22 |
Sturmeh | :D | 09:22 |
bazhang | Ganondorf, please pastebin output of lspci to paste.ubuntu.com (Not Here) | 09:22 |
robbie`` | Ganondorf: man man | 09:22 |
Sturmeh | Ganondorf just open terminal, and type "lspci" | 09:22 |
DistroJockey | FergoFrog: can you show me your kernel line? | 09:22 |
Ganondorf | what do i need to paste and where | 09:22 |
FergoFrog | DistroJockey: Like what it boots with? | 09:22 |
DistroJockey | FergoFrog: yeah | 09:23 |
Sturmeh | done Ganondorf | 09:23 |
Sturmeh | ? | 09:23 |
Ganondorf | ok | 09:23 |
bazhang | !paste | 09:23 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 09:23 |
Sturmeh | copy the output, and paste it on this site http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | 09:23 |
Sturmeh | then give us the link here Ganondorf | 09:23 |
FergoFrog | DistroJockey: kernal /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-15-server root=UUID=[blah] ro quiet splash vga=0x0318 | 09:24 |
toresn | i would like to colorize keywords in the man pages, how can i do this without using | 09:24 |
DistroJockey | FergoFrog: I suggest trying without the quiet splash | 09:24 |
Ganondorf | ok cool here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/14049/ | 09:24 |
toresn | i would like to colorize keywords in the man pages, how can i do this without using 'most' | 09:24 |
toresn | ? | 09:24 |
Ganondorf | thast so i would not spam you guys | 09:25 |
Ganondorf | cool | 09:25 |
Sturmeh | duuur | 09:25 |
Sturmeh | :P | 09:25 |
DistroJockey | FergoFrog: and drop the vga= down | 09:25 |
Ganondorf | lol | 09:25 |
FergoFrog | DistroJockey: Damn just restarted | 09:25 |
Sturmeh | bazhang he gave paste link http://paste.ubuntu.com/14049/ | 09:25 |
DistroJockey | FergoFrog: 318 is probably too high for the vesa driver | 09:25 |
MatBoy | does someone know if i need a special package installed to use 'e and so on / | 09:26 |
Sturmeh | 'e? | 09:26 |
mog | ? | 09:26 |
FergoFrog | DistroJockey: Ohhokay any way to fix? | 09:26 |
MatBoy | Sturmeh, yes, you make a e with a / above it | 09:26 |
bazhang | Ganondorf, check hardware drivers in system-->admin-->hardware drivers | 09:26 |
Ganondorf | Sturmeh: where do i get a list of all those commands to use in terminals and what they do | 09:26 |
Ganondorf | ok bazhang | 09:26 |
mgs88 | when I try to update give me this Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused) | 09:27 |
DistroJockey | FergoFrog: I suggest trying without the quiet splash Drop vga= to a lower res | 09:27 |
Sturmeh | Ganondorf, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 09:27 |
rickyfingers | Ganondorf: http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html | 09:27 |
DJones | MatBoy: You can change your keyboard settings to one with sticky keys enabled so that when you press 'e or 'o etc, you get correct key | 09:27 |
Ganondorf | thanks guys Sturmeh and rickyfingers | 09:27 |
cypha | how do u run system monitor through the terminal? | 09:27 |
cypha | the pretty one in the system's menu | 09:28 |
rickyfingers | cypha - try top | 09:28 |
cypha | that one doesn't look as nice | 09:28 |
cypha | i'm saying, to have running on start | 09:28 |
Ganondorf | bazhang: it says proprietary drivers are being used to make this computer work | 09:28 |
BWGames | hi, any idea how to get my gnome taskbar/menu back, they don't load on login... | 09:28 |
mudd`Hossam | my ubuntu non-free plugin keeps showing greyed out boxes what can i do to fix this? | 09:28 |
cypha | can i run something on start and put it in a different workspace? | 09:28 |
mudd`Hossam | amd64 installation btw | 09:28 |
cypha | where is that information kept? | 09:29 |
FergoFrog | DistroJockey: 640x480 doesn't work | 09:29 |
bazhang | Ganondorf, what format file you watching and do you have all the codecs installed including medibuntu ones | 09:29 |
cypha | bazhang, any ideas? | 09:29 |
FergoFrog | DistroJockey: thanks for trying to help it's okey | 09:29 |
zarlino | hi all, today i update the the packages from hardy-updates and i cannot connect to my local apache on localhost | 09:29 |
zarlino | any ideas? | 09:29 |
rickyfingers | zarlino: first of all, do a ps -ef | grep apache and make sure it's still running. | 09:30 |
cypha | also, can i make my scrolling slower or faster when i hold ctrll or alt or something? | 09:30 |
Ganondorf | bazhang: its mpeg video not sure whether i have all the codecs and that one first time i am seeing it | 09:30 |
cypha | so that it scroll more lines in that instance? | 09:30 |
zarlino | rickyfingers: yes it is | 09:30 |
cypha | alright, someone highlight me | 09:30 |
bazhang | Ganondorf, all videos or only that one | 09:31 |
rickyfingers | now try telnet localhost 80 see if it fails or not. | 09:31 |
zarlino | rickyfingers: it hangs | 09:31 |
zarlino | rickyfingers: just like any other client i tried | 09:31 |
Ganondorf | all | 09:31 |
zarlino | rickyfingers: curl, firefox etc | 09:31 |
rickyfingers | hit enter a few times, do you get some html, or what? | 09:31 |
mgs88 | when I try to update give me this Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused) | 09:31 |
zarlino | rickyfingers: nothing | 09:32 |
Symmetria | heh how big a file system can you make with xfs? | 09:32 |
zarlino | rickyfingers: i can connect from other machines | 09:32 |
zarlino | rickyfingers: but not from local | 09:32 |
bazhang | Ganondorf, you need ubuntu-restricted-extras, and win32codecs (the last from medibuntu.org); though I still suspect it is a driver prob for your video card | 09:33 |
Ganondorf | so if its a driver prob how do i fix that | 09:33 |
rickyfingers | interesting. I have no idea how to fix it. what if you use local machine's ip address instead of localhost? | 09:33 |
bazhang | Ganondorf, when did this start (blue videos) | 09:34 |
rickyfingers | zarlino: one thing to check, what about /etc/hosts? | 09:34 |
rickyfingers | is localhost defined in /etc/hosts? | 09:34 |
=== leche_ is now known as leche | ||
Ganondorf | first time i played a video actually | 09:34 |
zarlino | rickyfingers: it hangs even with my ip | 09:34 |
zarlino | rickyfingers: etc hosts has: localhost odisseo | 09:35 |
williot-jade_ | hello | 09:35 |
bazhang | Ganondorf, is your system using nv or nvidia drivers | 09:35 |
zarlino | rickyfingers: and then the ipv6 stuff | 09:35 |
zarlino | rickyfingers: odisseo is the name of the machine | 09:35 |
Ganondorf | nvidia drivers | 09:35 |
mgs88 | When I try to update give me this Could not connect to localhost:4001 (>3th message | 09:35 |
Ganondorf | thats what it says in system admin driver | 09:35 |
bazhang | which video Ganondorf let me try | 09:35 |
rickyfingers | zarlino: since you can connect from other machines, but not local host, it is most definitely a configuration problem on the local machine. | 09:36 |
Ganondorf | it says proprietary drivers are being used | 09:36 |
rickyfingers | zarlino: here's a stupid question: can you ping localhost? | 09:36 |
Ganondorf | installin ubuntu extras | 09:37 |
bazhang | which mpeg video Ganondorf let me try | 09:37 |
cypha | if my processes aren't taking up processing power, what's the system resources? | 09:37 |
zarlino | rickyfingers: no! | 09:37 |
zarlino | rickyfingers: ping hangs | 09:37 |
rickyfingers | zarlino: you've got some kind of tcp/ip config problem on this one machine. Are you running a firewall on the local machine, like firestarter or anything? | 09:38 |
zarlino | rickyfingers: no firewall | 09:38 |
zarlino | rickyfingers: i'm connected via ethernet to a hub | 09:38 |
rickyfingers | ok, what happens when you type "route" at the command prompt? | 09:38 |
rickyfingers | oh, and also, what happens when you do a ps -ef | grep dhcp ? | 09:39 |
mgs88 | When I try to update give me this Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( pleas any 1 just say something | 09:39 |
zarlino | rickyfingers: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14050/ | 09:40 |
zarlino | rickyfingers: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14051/ | 09:40 |
pigsflyme | hello, has anyone tried using public and private key authentication on 8.04? | 09:41 |
bazhang | gpg pigsflyme ? | 09:41 |
pigsflyme | for some reason i am not able to get mine to work even though test login works | 09:42 |
eisenhower | question. when i do "make ; sudo make install " Is this the directoryt he program is in ? and do i need to move it or build it else where to make my organization cleaner? | 09:42 |
pigsflyme | bazhang: nope.. just rsa pub and private for ssh | 09:42 |
pigsflyme | eisenhower: it depends on ur configure command | 09:42 |
Ganondorf | bazhang: trying to send it | 09:43 |
Ganondorf | well i did | 09:43 |
eisenhower | pigsflyme: can you give me a example? | 09:43 |
bazhang | Ganondorf, dont | 09:43 |
Ganondorf | ok | 09:43 |
pigsflyme | eisenhower: usually when u do a ./configure --prefix="/usr/local/someapp/" | 09:43 |
pigsflyme | when u perform a make install | 09:43 |
pigsflyme | it will be installed to that directory | 09:43 |
Ganondorf | so what do i do now | 09:43 |
rickyfingers | zarlino: ok, here's something to try: give the server a static ip reboot, and afterward, make sure there are no dhcp processes. | 09:44 |
bazhang | Ganondorf, what about popping a dvd (physical dvd) and playing that-->also blue screen? | 09:44 |
eisenhower | oh! snap! . is that where you install all your apps? yet another thing i'm confused to .. b/c apps seem to be scattered | 09:44 |
zarlino | rickyfingers: it's not a serve, it is my laptop and i'm using connection manager | 09:44 |
zarlino | rickyfingers: NetworkManager sorry | 09:45 |
rickyfingers | zarlino: just saying, I've seen NetworkManager screw things up big time. Sometimes things work better when I do things the old school way, and bypass it. | 09:46 |
zarlino | rickyfingers: ok, i'll try, going to disconnect | 09:46 |
zarlino | rickyfingers: thank you! | 09:46 |
zarlino | rickyfingers: your support is great! | 09:47 |
rickyfingers | *any ubuntu developers listening now?* wpa dies once a week or so why? | 09:47 |
Ganondorf | its not the screen thats blue the ppl skin appear blue | 09:47 |
Ganondorf | and when i put in a dvd | 09:47 |
Ganondorf | no sound | 09:47 |
rickyfingers | wrt54g + ubuntu wpa 2 personal + one week = no signal. Why? | 09:48 |
Gui13 | hey guys | 09:48 |
Ganondorf | beyonce is all blue at the moment | 09:48 |
Ganondorf | not the screen | 09:48 |
bazhang | Ganondorf, what about youtube videos | 09:48 |
Gui13 | gnome-session-preferences won't save my modifications, do you have an idea why? | 09:48 |
pete_ | afternoon all | 09:49 |
administrateur | oh | 09:49 |
pete_ | anyone else had issues with hardy not playing sound from other sources when you pause rythmbox? mocp will still play but no firefox sound | 09:49 |
administrateur | oh | 09:49 |
administrateur | oh | 09:49 |
administrateur | oh | 09:49 |
administrateur | oh | 09:49 |
Ganondorf | the colour is normal | 09:49 |
FloodBot1 | administrateur: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 09:49 |
Ganondorf | nothing wrong there | 09:49 |
baheer_ | how can i update skype through comand line | 09:50 |
FloodBot1 | administrateur: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 09:50 |
bazhang | what about color in dvd (forget sound for now) | 09:50 |
rickyfingers | pete_: they've never had things worked out with alsa and the other sound driver (can't remember name now) hogging the device. | 09:50 |
pete_ | rickyfingers: aah ok. Ill just sit with mocp for a bit then heh | 09:51 |
rickyfingers | Just like I can't hear realplayer after watching youtoube (flash) | 09:51 |
blivori | Hi | 09:51 |
blivori | How do I format a USB pendrive into ext#? | 09:51 |
bazhang | blivori, cfdisk | 09:51 |
blivori | bazhang: ahh theres no gui program? | 09:51 |
rickyfingers | pete_: I'm sure there's a process I could kill to fix without rebooting, but I've never figured out what that is. | 09:51 |
bazhang | www.pendrivelinux.com blivori | 09:52 |
blivori | bazhang I don't want to put a linux distro on it, I want to put files | 09:52 |
Ganondorf | the colour in the dvd the ppl are still blue | 09:52 |
Ganondorf | beyonce is all blue | 09:52 |
Gui13 | an idea for my problem? | 09:52 |
Gui13 | gnome-session-preferences won't save my modifications, do you have an idea why? | 09:52 |
bazhang | Ganondorf, sounds like a conflict between compiz and potentially your video drivers; may want to ask in #compiz-fusion | 09:53 |
bazhang | blivori, gparted then? | 09:53 |
toresn | how do i add color on keywords in man pages? i use the gnome-terminal | 09:53 |
rickyfingers | blivori: All you want to do is copy files to a memory stick? | 09:53 |
toresn | (i don't want to use 'most') | 09:53 |
Ganondorf | hmmm ok cool | 09:54 |
vega-- | i'm trying to upgrade from 7.10 (fully updated) to 8.04, but update-manager doesn't give the opportunity (there's no "upgrade to 8.04 button), what's wrong? not even when running update-manager -c | 09:54 |
blivori | rickyfingers: yes | 09:54 |
bazhang | vega should be -d right? | 09:54 |
rickyfingers | vega: back everything up and do a clean install. | 09:54 |
vega-- | bazhang: no? that's for devel releases | 09:54 |
rickyfingers | blivori: what does "mount" tell you at the command prompt? | 09:54 |
blivori | bazhang: for some reasn qparted is not starting up. I'll try GParted | 09:54 |
vega-- | rickyfingers: ehh, bad advice | 09:54 |
rickyfingers | Anything about /dev/sda ... | 09:55 |
bazhang | sudo do-release-upgrade then vega | 09:55 |
blivori | rickyfingers: the usb pen drive is found. Its just that itsfat and i want to turn it to ext | 09:55 |
blivori | its fat* | 09:55 |
vega-- | bazhang: "Checking for new ubuntu release. No new release found" | 09:55 |
gordonjcp | blivori: so put it on a diet then | 09:55 |
rickyfingers | blivori: out of my league, you need a utility that will convert fat to ext, I'm not sure if such a beast exists. | 09:56 |
blivori | gordonjcp: .) | 09:56 |
gordonjcp | blivori: reformat as ext ;-) | 09:56 |
bazhang | vega--, what I did was changed gutsy to hardy in sources list then update and then dist-upgraded | 09:56 |
rickyfingers | It might be easier to copy disk to backup, reformat mem stick, and copy files back over. | 09:56 |
blivori | rickyfingers: so its not possible/recommended to use ext3 on a pendrive for file storage? | 09:56 |
vega-- | bazhang: yes, but that's not recommended.. i'd like this to work the official way, no kludging | 09:57 |
Trotamundo | I'm trying to install 8.04 x64 in a box that only has a TV connected. The installer doesn't start up. Tryed text based setup and all went fine, but when I restarted the computer, X doesn't start. I have a NVIDIA 8500 graphics board. | 09:57 |
rickyfingers | blivori: it's possible, but what I'm saying is I don't know of any utility that will convert fat file system to ext3 file system. | 09:57 |
bazhang | vega--, it was too late for me; did it that way before I found out about official way | 09:57 |
vega-- | bazhang: for me it isn't :) | 09:57 |
blivori | rickyfingers: ok I'll send an email to Microsoft and ask them | 09:57 |
bazhang | vega true :) read !upgrade | 09:58 |
blivori | :) | 09:58 |
rickyfingers | blivori: It's not worth anyone's time to do so anyway, because it's easier to copy all the files to backup, reformat the drive, and copy the files back to the original medium. | 09:58 |
vega-- | !upgrade | 09:58 |
ubottu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 09:58 |
rickyfingers | blivori: surely you are joking. Microsoft will never respond. | 09:58 |
vega-- | read that, been there | 09:58 |
blivori | rickyfingers: and I do that by using GParted? | 09:58 |
blivori | rickyfingers: well they want to increase open source .). Did you read tat article when they send an email to the blender devs asking them about file formats? | 09:59 |
rickyfingers | blivori: let me make it clear that you should start by making a copy of every file on the memory stick in the first place. | 09:59 |
bazhang | blivori back up first | 09:59 |
blivori | rickyfingers: I did -.- | 09:59 |
rickyfingers | Yes, then you can use gparted to reformat the memory stick. | 09:59 |
eisenhower | how can I figure out where a program is installed? | 09:59 |
blivori | rickyfingers: its not working | 10:00 |
bazhang | eisenhower, which | 10:00 |
rickyfingers | try something like this at the command prompt: mkfs.ext3 -b 4096 /dev/sdb1 | 10:00 |
rickyfingers | where /dev/sdwhatever is your mem stick. | 10:01 |
* alpha is away: je retourne dans la vraie vie ;-) Je reviendrai ! (si je peut) | 10:01 | |
blivori | rickyfingers: thanks I love you | 10:01 |
rickyfingers | If your shell complains about mkfs.ext3 not existing, then there's a big part of your problem. | 10:01 |
bazhang | !away > alpha | 10:01 |
rickyfingers | blivori: don't joke about that. it's insulting. | 10:01 |
blivori | rickyfingers: ok then. thanks I hate you | 10:02 |
bazhang | eisenhower, which java for example | 10:02 |
rickyfingers | blivori: that's better. | 10:02 |
balachmar | Hi, does anyone know how too automatically unlock wifi at startup when you are using auto login? I used to use libpam-keyring-tool for that, but I cannot find that package in hardy. | 10:02 |
blivori | rickyfingers: :) . aaaaaaaathommmmmmmmmmoooooood. thak | 10:02 |
eisenhower | well what would yo uknow thats install installed in usr/bin ? | 10:02 |
eisenhower | b/c everything i keep testing pops up there | 10:02 |
blivori | rickyfingers: erm what the hell | 10:03 |
bazhang | eisenhower, most is | 10:03 |
blivori | rickyfingers: but now I can't mount the drive | 10:04 |
eisenhower | bazhang: one last question. and thanks for helping out. You know where documentation is usualy located? | 10:04 |
rickyfingers | too easy what's dmesg say? that'll tell you what /dev/whatever the mem stick is. | 10:04 |
rickyfingers | blivori: do dmesg | less to capture the output | 10:04 |
gordonjcp | blivori: What exactly are you trying to do? | 10:04 |
bazhang | eisenhower, in the manual pages you mean? such as man dpkg or other | 10:05 |
Ganondorf | bazhang: this is strange if i click on the dvd icon on my desktop movie player opens beyonce is still blue but no sound if i open up the dvd and choose the file it self i hear audio | 10:05 |
Ganondorf | but she still blue | 10:05 |
blivori | gordonjcp: copy files onto an ext3 pen drive | 10:05 |
rickyfingers | blivori: then you just have to sudo mount /dev/reformatted-pen-drive-id /wherever you want | 10:06 |
eisenhower | bazhang: for example if i did man gcc where is that docu coming from? is it part of the program or something? | 10:06 |
blivori | rickyfingers: and? | 10:06 |
blivori | rickyfingers: it is mounted | 10:06 |
Omniwoof | Hello All! | 10:06 |
robbie`` | hi | 10:06 |
caesiumhydroxid | hoi | 10:06 |
rickyfingers | where? what does the output say when you type "mount" | 10:06 |
Omniwoof | <--- complete ubuntu nub here. ;) | 10:06 |
bazhang | eisenhower, they are often installed with the packages iirc; though some may not have them and you have to package --help | 10:06 |
gordonjcp | blivori: ok | 10:06 |
blivori | ricky in /dev/sdb1 | 10:06 |
gordonjcp | blivori: and what's stopping you doing that? | 10:06 |
caesiumhydroxid | ^^ | 10:06 |
blivori | gordonjcp: permission denied | 10:07 |
eisenhower | bazhang: aite cool. ty for the help | 10:07 |
gordonjcp | blivori: hm | 10:07 |
bazhang | :) | 10:07 |
rickyfingers | blivori: that doesn't sound right. /dev/sdb1 sounds like the device, what directory is it mounted on? | 10:07 |
blivori | rickyfingers: sudo mount /dev/reformatted-pen-drive-id | 10:07 |
blivori | rickyfingers: dev/sdb1 on /media/disk type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal,data=ordered) | 10:07 |
rickyfingers | ok, then do a cd /media/disk | 10:07 |
rickyfingers | and try "touch test" or "sudo touch test" what happens? | 10:08 |
blivori | rickyfingers: touch test -> permission denied | 10:08 |
blivori | rickyfingers: and sudo touch test just takes me back to /media/disk | 10:08 |
rickyfingers | blivori: now do a "ls" do you see a file called "test" ? | 10:09 |
blivori | rickyfingers: yes. Lost+found test | 10:09 |
rickyfingers | blivori: can you paste me the exact output? | 10:09 |
blivori | rickyfingers: I just did. | 10:10 |
Jaikkuli | do i have to set unbuntu to look under certain workgroups in order to see those network workgroups? | 10:10 |
Omniwoof | I was wondering if I could ask some basic questions about ubuntu here? It's with regards to hardware and drivers. | 10:10 |
Jaikkuli | for example.. mine is mshome.. i want to see the other computers on ubuntu | 10:10 |
m1dn1ght | hey guys- I seem to have corrupted my boot loader while trying to install a different distro on a seperate partition. I get "No operating system found". Ubuntu still seems to be OK on its partition, so can anyone please tell me how to restore my settings? (Using Live CD atm) | 10:11 |
spion | hi | 10:11 |
RealNitro | short question: is there a script in ubuntu that allows me to switch from gcc 3.2 to 4.1 (both are installed) | 10:11 |
Jaikkuli | Omniwoof: dont ask to ask, just ask | 10:11 |
spion | is there any documentation how to configure shorewall in a bridged xen environment (kernel > 2.6.20) with shorewall-perl? Maybe any other firewall frontend? | 10:11 |
KillerOrca | anyone know how to set a non-static ip? | 10:12 |
jftsang | What's the command for getting a .deb to extract? | 10:12 |
blivori | rickyfingers: its lost+found test | 10:13 |
spion | killerorca: hmm? | 10:13 |
spion | how should be a non-statical thing be set? | 10:13 |
billybongo | killerOrca: man interfaces | 10:14 |
rickyfingers | Then you can write to the device, and it is mounted, otherwise you wouldn't see test. Try the same touch command with some crazy file name you invent on your own. You should see it too. The device will probably show up in gnome after you reboot. | 10:14 |
Jaikkuli | can someone tell me how i can see other computers on my windows network through ubuntu | 10:15 |
Omniwoof | Jai: Thanks. I'm having trouble with my audio output at the moment and I want to check why. I'm 90% sure it's because there aren't any drivers available (using a digital output to an amp which is a little unusal). I coudln't find anything under sound settings, and i want to check to see if the audio drivers are installed properly. How do I do this? | 10:15 |
gordonjcp | !samba | Jaikkuli | 10:15 |
ubottu | Jaikkuli: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 10:15 |
Omniwoof | Jiakuli: I just shared the folders on the windows machines and used, 'Connect to Server' under the 'Places' menu. Browse away and you should be able to connect. | 10:16 |
Jaikkuli | Omniwoof: i can only give one suggestion.. look under system/admin/hardware drivers.. see if it says you are lacking some drivers there | 10:17 |
novato_br | is there some brazilian guy ? | 10:17 |
vega-- | trying to upgrade from 7.10 (fully updated) to 8.04, but update-manager doesn't give the "upgrade to 8.04 button". not even when running update-manager -c | 10:18 |
Jaikkuli | Omniwoof: so is server like workgroup name? | 10:18 |
Jaikkuli | or is that domain name | 10:18 |
Omniwoof | Jia: I'll walk you through it. | 10:19 |
Omniwoof | Jia: Firstly what windows OS are you running? Vista? Xp? | 10:19 |
Jaikkuli | ubuntu :D | 10:19 |
pihhan | hello | 10:19 |
Omniwoof | chuckles | 10:19 |
pihhan | i have problems with wifi kill switch on ubuntu hardy | 10:19 |
blivori | Jaikkuli: since when w UBUNTUoney Microoft? | 10:19 |
pihhan | anyone have it working? | 10:19 |
blivori | OMG. | 10:20 |
soulhacker | hi guys am behind a http proxy with authenitication how can i do svn checkout????thanks in advance?? | 10:20 |
Omniwoof | Jia: Are there other PC's in the network running windows? | 10:21 |
rrohde | blivori: can you rephrase that sentence? :) | 10:21 |
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Jaikkuli | well.. it is not.. i never said it was.. the only thing i said about microsoft or windows is that the network was.. (despite the fact i didnt know routers were native to an OS.. but when i go into Network in ubuntu.. it says Windows Network | 10:21 |
Jaikkuli | Omniwoof: yes, the other computers are using windows | 10:21 |
blivori | rrohde: no. somethin is wrong ith my keybord | 10:21 |
blivori | rrohde: omg. | 10:21 |
Omniwoof | Jia: Great! XP or vista or NT? Or is it a mix? | 10:21 |
Jaikkuli | Omniwoof: xp | 10:21 |
Omniwoof | Jia: Ok thats good news because it should be fairly straightforward. Next question: Have you enabled filesharing on the XP machine(s)? | 10:22 |
soulhacker | hi guys am behind a http proxy with authenitication how can i do svn checkout????thanks in advance | 10:22 |
Jaikkuli | it should already be configured correctly.. as this computer used to run xp.. and they would share things fine | 10:22 |
Jaikkuli | Omniwoof: yes :) | 10:22 |
Omniwoof | Jia: Good to know. :) Running a firewall? Nortons, trendmicro? | 10:23 |
Jaikkuli | dont think so | 10:23 |
Omniwoof | Jia: OK we'll assume not for now. OK now go to places, and got o connect to server. | 10:23 |
Jaikkuli | Omniwoof: incase you didnt see.. i said it worked perfectly fine before, when this laptop was using xp.. so i figure the same config should be fine now, if it was then | 10:23 |
Jaikkuli | Omniwoof: done | 10:23 |
pihhan | soulhacker: is your repository http(s) or ssh based? | 10:23 |
Omniwoof | Jia: Shit shit.. Sorry Jia.. I had this working last night. Now it's screwed up. | 10:24 |
Jaikkuli | haha :D oh damn | 10:24 |
soulhacker | pihhan:svn checkout svn://svn.berlios.de/linux-uvc/linux-uvc/trunk | 10:24 |
dimas869 | i need to copy two file to a different directory....how do i do that? | 10:24 |
Jaikkuli | Omniwoof: tell me what you did, and i will try to play around with it | 10:25 |
Kanashimi | Hi there. I just upgraded a Ubuntu server edition system to 8.04. In the same it decided to remove tmda from the system, which is a required package for the system in question. Is there any way to install tmda in hardy at the moment through apt-get? Or do I need to build the sourcecode myself outside the package system? | 10:25 |
Omniwoof | Jia: Sorry, try this, 'Places' then 'Network' | 10:25 |
ikonia | Omniwoof: please be mindful of your language | 10:25 |
Omniwoof | Does it show you the windows workgroup name? | 10:25 |
dimas869 | what is the command on terminal to copy a file to a different directory? | 10:25 |
dpreacher | is there some place to check the softwares being installed after a sudo aptitude safe-upgrade? | 10:25 |
soulhacker | pihhan:dont know type must be http i guess | 10:25 |
ikonia | dimas869: cp | 10:25 |
Jaikkuli | Omniwoof: it doesnt show mshome atleast.. it does show "windows network" | 10:26 |
Kanashimi | dogmeat: man cp | 10:26 |
Kanashimi | Erp, wrong name | 10:26 |
Jaikkuli | Omniwoof: and if i go inside that.. no computers | 10:26 |
pihhan | soulhacker: you cannot do that easily then | 10:26 |
Kanashimi | dimas869: man cp | 10:26 |
soulhacker | pihhan:i am not worried about it being easy can i do it dats da question?? | 10:26 |
dimas869 | kanashimi man cp "file name" and then i guess paste right? | 10:27 |
ikonia | dimas869: no - cp $source $target | 10:27 |
ikonia | dimas869: replace source with your source file and target with your target location | 10:27 |
Jaikkuli | Omniwoof: did you get those messages? | 10:27 |
Kanashimi | dimas869: man is to show you a manual page of the command 'cp' which is used to copy files. | 10:27 |
pihhan | soulhacker: dont know, you would need some tunel to change normal TCP connection to HTTP request to your proxy. i believe there are some tools, but never done that | 10:27 |
dimas869 | kanashimi is the file going to also remain in the same directory? | 10:28 |
Kanashimi | dimas869: Yes. | 10:28 |
Wallgod | Hi All... please HELP.. i have uploaded some sites on a server thru FireFTP. Some of the folders i have set permissions to 2777 so that the client can uplaod images.... recently there is some crap javascript getting injected in th index files creating problems.... please help | 10:28 |
pihhan | soulhacker: i would try downloading normal release if you havent tried, you will have it much easier | 10:28 |
soulhacker | pihhan:ya i know i think proxychains should do it i have it will try and tell you | 10:28 |
Omniwoof | Jia: sigh Sorry Jia. I wish I could help, but I must have just lucked out with the network sharing. | 10:28 |
ikonia | Wallgod: are you sure you want 2777 | 10:28 |
ikonia | Wallgod: thats very open permissions | 10:28 |
Jaikkuli | Omniwoof: no worries.. but canyou tell me how you configured it with the connect to server thing? | 10:29 |
Wallgod | ikonia, thanks for replying... i need to update an xml file in the root folder and upload images to another folder | 10:29 |
dimas869 | kanashimi if perhaps the file is in /usr/lip/codecs and name is win32 how that would be then? | 10:29 |
Bollinger | why oh why does ubuntu 8.04 install a beta version of firefox.. | 10:29 |
Omniwoof | Jia: Well thats the thing. Last time I looked at it there was an option to choose 'Windows Share' then browse for the network. Since I've updated it seems gone. | 10:29 |
ikonia | Wallgod: yes, that makes sense, but are you sure your want the permissons to be very wide open with 2777 | 10:29 |
Jaikkuli | Omniwoof: well i still have windows share | 10:30 |
soulhacker | pihhan:ok i will try the normal release thanx anyways | 10:30 |
Jaikkuli | Omniwoof: but i dont really see a way to "browse" exactly.. i still have to insert information | 10:30 |
Kanashimi | dimas869: cp /usr/lib/codecs/win32 /what/ever/path -- If you read the manual page, it will explain things for you. Including recursive copying, etc. | 10:30 |
ikonia | soulhacker: there are PROXY environment varibles for SVN | 10:31 |
Wallgod | ikonia, honestly i dont understand this permissions thing too well.. in FireFTP i right click a folder and set to Read, Write and Execute and it sets the permissions to 2777 | 10:31 |
ikonia | soulhacker: I don't know them to hand, but you can do things like SVN_PROXY= | 10:31 |
soulhacker | ikonia:exprt http_proxy already tried | 10:31 |
dimas869 | kanashimi is that manual apt-get? | 10:31 |
ikonia | soulhacker: is that an svn varible, or generic | 10:31 |
Kanashimi | Anyone here have TMDA running on Hardy 8.04? | 10:31 |
soulhacker | ikonia:will google your suggestion | 10:31 |
Kanashimi | dimas869: Type 'man cp' sans the quotes. | 10:31 |
dpreacher | is there some place to check the softwares being installed after a sudo aptitude safe-upgrade? | 10:32 |
ikonia | Wallgod: well, I suggest you look at your client then | 10:32 |
Omniwoof | Jia: I'm still trying to look for it since this is something I'm going to have learn eventually anyway. I'll let you know if I find something. | 10:32 |
ikonia | soulhacker: why ? | 10:32 |
zorglu_ | q. what is the channel name for the motu people ? | 10:32 |
Wallgod | ikonia, look at the client? | 10:32 |
Wallgod | ikonia, can u suggest me a folder permissions number that i can directly put in the right click options | 10:33 |
Jaikkuli | Omniwoof: i am going to try to access the other pc by typing in the name in the address bar.. like smb:///Computer/ or something.. but i am not sure if that is exactly it, do you know? | 10:33 |
zcat[1] | Wallgod: if someone needs to uload files, it would be bets to give them an account with password, and give that account access. I gather you're allowing Anonymous ftp logins to write to folders, which is really insecure.. ppy will upload javascript exploits, etc. as you're seeing | 10:33 |
ikonia | Wallgod: who hosts this website ? | 10:33 |
zvacet | dpreacher : mayb in synaptic>file tab>history | 10:33 |
soulhacker | ikonia:well svn_proxy on google gave no results and that variable is generic(got my wget working with that) | 10:33 |
ikonia | soulhacker: I guess you have read this | 10:34 |
ikonia | http://subversion.tigris.org/faq.html#proxy | 10:34 |
Wallgod | zcat[1], ikonia , only the client will use this side of the site... its a CMS | 10:34 |
Jaikkuli | Omniwoof: because i think it sees the mshome network.. it just doesnt see the computer.. for no particlar reason.. i have had this problem. which seems to come and go for no reason.. on both ubuntu and windows.. so this might help | 10:34 |
ikonia | soulhacker: ok - thats the problem | 10:34 |
dpreacher | zvacet only ssh access now...command line solution preferable | 10:34 |
ikonia | soulhacker: I said I can't remember the exact options to off the top of my head it is something like "svn_proxy" | 10:34 |
Omniwoof | Jia: On my it's smb://{workgroup] | 10:34 |
ikonia | soulhacker: and the generic variable will not be picked up by svn | 10:34 |
RoadHazard | jakkul: did you put a wins server in the mix | 10:34 |
Omniwoof | Sorry: smb://workgroup | 10:34 |
zvacet | zorglu_ :#ubuntu-motu | 10:34 |
ikonia | Wallgod: who hosts this website ? | 10:35 |
Wallgod | ikonia, there is this space we(company i work for) got from Answerable.com | 10:35 |
Wallgod | ikonia, they host all our sites | 10:35 |
Omniwoof | Where 'workgroup' is the name of your workgroup, sop for you I believe it will be smb://MSHOME | 10:35 |
ikonia | Wallgod: contact your provider then and ask them to fix the permissions, 2777 is not a wise permission set | 10:35 |
zorglu_ | zvacet, ok thqnks | 10:35 |
ikonia | Wallgod: they will know what to do rather than expalin it to you | 10:35 |
soulhacker | ikonia:got it my squid doesnt support svn methods propfind etc | 10:35 |
zorglu_ | thanks even :) | 10:35 |
Jaikkuli | RoadHazard: do you mean... do i have a windows server computer in my network.. or? | 10:35 |
Wallgod | ikonia, ok.... thanks... | 10:35 |
ikonia | soulhacker: looks like y our running out of options then | 10:35 |
RoadHazard | Jaikkuli: did you set your smb server to also serve wins | 10:36 |
Jaikkuli | i am not sure | 10:36 |
{g} | Hey People! For Gnome, is there any kind of commandline-utility to change the screen resolution? Or do i always have to edit the x-config and restart gnome etc if i want to try a new resolution? | 10:36 |
Jaikkuli | i dont recall so | 10:36 |
Wallgod | ikonia, zcat[1], is there a folder permission number that i can write instead of 2777 | 10:36 |
Jaikkuli | RoadHazard: i dont think so | 10:36 |
ikonia | Wallgod: no - contact your hosting provider | 10:36 |
Jaikkuli | RoadHazard: how would i do that | 10:36 |
eisenhower | cansomeone tell me what pwds stands for? | 10:36 |
ikonia | Wallgod: this is not something you can change | 10:36 |
soulhacker | ikonia:yup thanks anyways will try to get a precompiled deb or tar.gz anyways thanks | 10:36 |
RoadHazard | Jaikkuli: can you get the samba box by ip? | 10:36 |
ikonia | Wallgod: your hosting provider will fix this for you | 10:36 |
soundray | {g}: if you graphics and driver support it, you can use xrandr | 10:36 |
Jaikkuli | samba box? | 10:36 |
Wallgod | ikonia, ok thanks again | 10:36 |
sarmisak | eisenhower: passwords? | 10:37 |
RoadHazard | smb | 10:37 |
eisenhower | sarmisak: mhmm kay thats what i thought | 10:37 |
Jaikkuli | i dont know... :D how do i do that? | 10:37 |
RoadHazard | smb://###.###.###.### | 10:37 |
sarmisak | eisenhower: it might also mean print working(curren) directory | 10:37 |
Jaikkuli | well i think it works if i put in smb://mshome | 10:38 |
Jaikkuli | RoadHazard: but i still see no computers there | 10:38 |
Jaikkuli | RoadHazard: if i put in smb://mshome | 10:38 |
Jaikkuli | RoadHazard: i doubt putting the ip would make a difference | 10:38 |
RoadHazard | youre going to need something in there serving names instead of numbers | 10:39 |
joanki2 | does anyonek now how i get get sqlalchemy? | 10:39 |
{g} | soundray: hmm.. xrandr does not take resolutions as input. only index numbers of predefined resolutions. | 10:39 |
Jaikkuli | RoadHazard: i dont really know what you are talking about :D | 10:39 |
RoadHazard | try getting the smb server by ip if you would | 10:39 |
Jaikkuli | RoadHazard: which ip do i use.. i am not very knowledgable with ips.. | 10:40 |
Jaikkuli | RoadHazard: gateway ip or? | 10:40 |
RoadHazard | the ip of the machine you are attempting to contact at smb://waddever | 10:40 |
Jaikkuli | oh | 10:40 |
snowblink | anyone else getting bad headers from gb.archive.ubuntu.com? | 10:41 |
zcat[1] | RoadHazard, Jaikkuli: be aware that SMB works on a master server / broadcast system.. it can take a number of minutes for machines to elect a master browser and get around to announcing themselves so that other machines can see them on the network. Sometimes the best way to fix samba problems is go make a cup of coffee and come back in five minutes. | 10:41 |
RoadHazard | thats why I'm looking at accessing by ip, to see if its serving names yet | 10:41 |
Omniwoof | zcat1: Thanks for that. Good to know what it's doing in the background. | 10:41 |
soundray | {g}: you want to switch to a non pre-defined resolution dynamically? I don't think the design of X allows that. | 10:42 |
{g} | soundray: ok. damn x coders. lamers. stupid. | 10:42 |
Jaikkuli | RoadHazard: well i put in smb:// followed by the ip.. didnt give me any prompts.. just an empty window | 10:43 |
RoadHazard | try pinging that ip? | 10:43 |
ikonia | soundray: could he not hardcode it into xorg.conf ? | 10:43 |
Jaikkuli | how? | 10:43 |
zcat[1] | Jaikkuli: OK, so samba is there but no folders are being shared? | 10:43 |
RoadHazard | terminal > ping ###.###.###.### | 10:43 |
Jaikkuli | zcat[1]: there is files being shared.. i know because when this computer had xp on it.. it could see the other computer.. and see its files just fine before | 10:44 |
=== bon-jovi is now known as pancyber | ||
soundray | ikonia: hardcoding = pre-defining | 10:44 |
soundray | {g}: pull yourself together | 10:44 |
ikonia | soundray: but that would only be a one time definition, I missed the first part of the question so I don't know if thats important to him. | 10:45 |
soundray | {g}: at the time X was designed, nobody assumed that monitors would ever support more than one resolution | 10:45 |
Omniwoof | Jia: I'd try pinging the windows machine first. Make sure you are actually getting a connection through the network, then I'd grab a folder on the XP machine, right click, go to sharing and security and make it a shared folder. Just to be 100% that it is shared and you can conect to it. | 10:45 |
KillerOrca | does anyone know how to set up a non-static ip? | 10:45 |
Omniwoof | KillerOrca: Local network or WAN? | 10:46 |
ikonia | KillerOrca: open networking system -> Administration, and set your card to dhcp | 10:46 |
soundray | KillerOrca: dynamic IP = DHCP | 10:46 |
{g} | soundray: yeah | 10:46 |
Jaikkuli | Omniwoof: well the ping is currently sitting there | 10:46 |
KillerOrca | Omniwoof: not sure | 10:46 |
zcat[1] | soundray: I'm not exactly sure how this works, but with the nvidia drivers I have only one resolution defined in xorg.conf and of course alt+/- does nothing, but nvidia-settings lets me jump to any other res and refresh rate quite easily (without quitting session, etc) so the functionality is in there somewhere | 10:46 |
KillerOrca | ikonia: no gui | 10:46 |
Jaikkuli | Omniwoof: guess it isnt finding anything | 10:46 |
RoadHazard | Jaikkuli: are you on the same subnet as the smb machine? | 10:47 |
Jaikkuli | subnet? you mean.. connected to the same network? | 10:47 |
Jaikkuli | RoadHazard: we are connected to my same wireless router yes | 10:47 |
napsy_ | Hello. I've created a new virtual display with Xvfb with a screen numbered 1. I started a program on that screen. Now I want to atart another program on the same display on a different screen. How to do that? | 10:48 |
zcat[1] | Jaikkuli: 192.168.1.x .. same first three numbers on both machines? | 10:48 |
RoadHazard | if you cant ping it youre not gonna smb it | 10:48 |
Jaikkuli | zcat[1]: yes | 10:48 |
soundray | zcat[1]: are you sure it lets you set *any* combination? I think it will support VESA modes plus some extra ones, but not arbitrary resolutions (say, 1000x800) | 10:48 |
mgs88 | When I try to update give me this Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( | 10:48 |
mcphail | KillerOrca: examples under "man interfaces" | 10:48 |
ikonia | KillerOrca: your using the server edition ? | 10:48 |
Jaikkuli | zcat[1]: wait a sec | 10:48 |
RoadHazard | mgs88: have you been doing anythign with the firewall? | 10:49 |
Jaikkuli | no.. i think this computer has a different ip | 10:49 |
mgs88 | no | 10:49 |
KillerOrca | ikonia: in a way, with gui was way to slow, so I turned it off and it is headless | 10:49 |
zcat[1] | soundray: well, yeah.. any supported res I think.. the point is they're not predefined in xorg.conf and I can't switch res with alt-+ or alt-- | 10:49 |
Jaikkuli | zcat[1]: the one starting in 192.168.1. should be the first IP address right.. the one at the top? in connection information? | 10:49 |
zcat[1] | .. but nvidia-config can jump to other settings without restarting X or writing new stuff to xorg.conf | 10:50 |
Jaikkuli | beause mine is nothing like that.. however the other computer does start with 192.168.1 | 10:50 |
RoadHazard | Jaikkuli: and theyre all plugged into the same router? | 10:50 |
soundray | zcat[1]: "predefined" doesn't necessarily mean "predefined in xorg.conf" though. Look through /var/log/Xorg.0.log and you'll probably see that it probes various modes during startup and thus pre-defines them. | 10:50 |
Jaikkuli | RoadHazard: wireless.. well let me check again | 10:50 |
mgs88 | RoadHazard: I just installed foxyproxy and I remove it | 10:50 |
dylan_ | I'm trying to set up file sharing between to ubuntu machines plugged into a router. I right clicked on the folder and selected sharing options and it said I didn't have permission. | 10:51 |
RoadHazard | ahh mgs you need to stop it from looking for a proxy | 10:51 |
dylan_ | I didn't see a place to type the PW in | 10:52 |
RoadHazard | because its looking for foxy at 4001 | 10:52 |
zcat[1] | soundray: like I said, I'm not really sure how it works.. but I know I used to have to have a line like "1196x967" "1024x768" "800x600" and I could switch between them .. what nvidia-settings does is something different than this | 10:52 |
ikonia | zcat[1]: doesn't nvidia-settings to it in memory though ? | 10:53 |
mgs88 | RoadHazard:that is right but I remove it | 10:53 |
Jaikkuli | zcat[1], RoadHazard i dont know what happened.. but i reconnected the other computer.. and now everything works fine.. the network now shows as mshome.. and the other computers shows up | 10:53 |
RoadHazard | and in what are you getting the cannot connect to | 10:53 |
zcat[1] | Jaikkuli: It's been a few minutes.. 'magic' -- you should have just gone and had a coffee like I suggested ;) | 10:53 |
RoadHazard | Jaikkuli: ahh the master browser lag, well good, party on jai | 10:54 |
Jaikkuli | zcat[1]: :D like me.. i hate sitting around and waiting | 10:54 |
* Jaikkuli dances around the room naked | 10:54 | |
Jaikkuli | thanks guys | 10:54 |
Omniwoof | Jia: Gratz! | 10:54 |
RoadHazard | Jaikkuli: then do not dabble in the affairs of DNS its a patient mans game | 10:54 |
dylan_ | I'm trying to set up file sharing between to ubuntu machines plugged into a router. I right clicked on the folder and selected sharing options and it said I didn't have permission. | 10:55 |
dylan_ | I'm trying to set up file sharing between to ubuntu machines plugged into a router. I right clicked on the folder and selected sharing options and it said I didn't have permission. | 10:55 |
dylan_ | ooops | 10:55 |
FloodBot1 | dylan_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:55 |
dylan_ | sorry. | 10:55 |
lopin | I need a way to tell why my wireless isn't working? | 10:55 |
Jaikkuli | RoadHazard: i guess i am just a typical cool guy.. i like my fast cars, girls and food | 10:55 |
Omniwoof | Jia: BTW it was probably windows. Often you'll have to restart or disconnect/reconnect a machine from the network to get a workgroup to actually show up. | 10:55 |
Jaikkuli | Omniwoof: yeah.. well there is one other reason i have to convince my girlfriend to use ubuntu | 10:56 |
mgs88 | RoadHazard: how to set default proxy | 10:56 |
RoadHazard | mgs88: in what program? | 10:56 |
lopin | Like, it was working before I took apart the laptop to clean it, but I don't now if it's the driver acting up again, or I might have broken the antennas... | 10:56 |
zcat[1] | SMB is pretty braindead but not too bad once it's working.. nfs has some pretty annoying issues too.. | 10:56 |
mgs88 | RoadHazard: for the apt | 10:57 |
soulhacker | hi anybody know a replacment for update-modules in hardy | 10:57 |
Omniwoof | Jia: laughs Well good luck with that. Dunno what sort of support this channel has for girlfriend though. ;) | 10:57 |
zcat[1] | 'man girlfriend' -- I don't think they come with a manpage though.. | 10:58 |
lopin | If I were to set up an adhoc network, and see if another computer can pick it up? Could someone tell me how I'd do that? | 10:58 |
RoadHazard | mgs88: could you postbin your /etc/network/interfaces? | 10:58 |
zcat[1] | !girlfriend | 10:59 |
ubottu | Factoid girlfriend not found | 10:59 |
RoadHazard | !girls | 11:00 |
ubottu | Girls don't exist on the internet. See http://www.escapistmagazine.com/print/17/27 | http://www.xkcd.com/322/ | For more interesting reading: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ | 11:00 |
zcat[1] | hmm.. even ubotu doesn't understand them.. | 11:00 |
* Omniwoof waits for the inevitable /mount jokes. ;) | 11:00 | |
fxtgear | girls love facebook | 11:00 |
mgs88 | RoadHazard: there is: auto lo iface lo inet loopback | 11:01 |
fxtgear | they get wet for zuckerberg | 11:01 |
KillerOrca | non static ip setup? | 11:01 |
zcat[1] | there are girls on our urban terror server. They keep killing me! | 11:01 |
RoadHazard | mgs88: look at System-Menu -> Preferences -> Network Proxy | 11:02 |
Omniwoof | Without wanting to seem too impatient can anyone help me diag my audio output via digial optical issue? | 11:03 |
joanki2 | has anyone ever gotten this error message ? ImportError: cannot import name sessionmaker | 11:03 |
magnetron | Omniwoof: just state your problem and ask your question | 11:03 |
magnetron | !anyone | Omniwoof, joanki2 | 11:04 |
ubottu | Omniwoof, joanki2: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 11:04 |
KillerOrca | command line non static ip setup? | 11:04 |
Jaikkuli | where is the wine c: directory placed? | 11:05 |
Omniwoof | Ok, motherboard is an gigabtye GA-p35-s3l with onboard HD Audio and digital output. At the moment there is no output via the digial audio. need to check to see if I have the right drivers (if they exist). | 11:05 |
fxtgear | /home/user/.wine | 11:05 |
Jaikkuli | fxtgear: thanks | 11:05 |
magnetron | Jaikkuli: are you using the standard wine in ubuntu? applications menu > wine > c: drive | 11:05 |
billybongo | KillerOrca: see my message earlier | 11:06 |
mgs88 | RoadHazard: then | 11:06 |
Jaikkuli | magnetron: well i tried that.. but for some reason nothing opens when i click it | 11:06 |
arno-t | hi all what is your favourite command-line tool for extracting mp3tags? | 11:06 |
KillerOrca | billybongo: actually no, I got an unexpected restart and I don't know how to scroll up in irssi | 11:06 |
gordonjcp | joanki2: sounds like it can't import the module called sessionmaker | 11:06 |
billybongo | KillerOrca: what do you want to do - just pick up an ip number from dhcp? | 11:07 |
Jaikkuli | fxtgear: i cannot find it.. and yes i have hidden shown | 11:07 |
magnetron | Jaikkuli: the folder is created the first time you run wine | 11:08 |
Jaikkuli | fxtgear: perhaps i need to configure before it is made? | 11:08 |
KillerOrca | billybongo: I set it to a static ip before, but it wasn't from editing the /etc/network/ file, it was using ifconfig on the command line | 11:08 |
billybongo | KillerOrca: if so you could do something like "dhclient eth0" | 11:08 |
mudd`Hossam | Omniwoof: right click speaker icon at the top right of your screen --> go to edit --> preferences --> check the IEC958 option --> select close --> close the volume control --> open the volume control once more --> go to the switches tab --> enjoy spdif audio | 11:08 |
RoadHazard | Jaikkuli: open terminal type winecfg | 11:08 |
billybongo | KillerOrca: do you want to changes to last past a reboot? | 11:09 |
Jaikkuli | RoadHazard: already sorted :) | 11:09 |
mudd`Hossam | Omniwoof: oh and dont forget to select IEC958 from the switches tab | 11:09 |
RoadHazard | k | 11:09 |
Jaikkuli | RoadHazard: thanks again | 11:09 |
Jaikkuli | whoops, that thanks was for everyone else | 11:09 |
KillerOrca | billybongo: well before my problem was making it a lasting static ip, so yes but non-static | 11:09 |
Omniwoof | Mudd: Thanks! But don't seem to have IEC958 as an option. | 11:09 |
pen_ | anyone know how to triple boot ? | 11:10 |
pen_ | I have vista ubuntu and I want to install mac together | 11:10 |
KillerOrca | pen_: just install them all, windows 1st though | 11:10 |
magnetron | Omniwoof: some sound cards call it "digital" or similar | 11:10 |
Omniwoof | Mudd: Sorry take that back. | 11:10 |
Omniwoof | Mudd: Give me a min here. | 11:10 |
pen_ | KillerOrca, but I want to use grub as my bootloader | 11:10 |
mudd`Hossam | Omniwoof: select all of the available options, then go to switched and play with them until sound comes from your speakers | 11:10 |
pen_ | KillerOrca, how can I do that? | 11:10 |
mudd`Hossam | Omniwoof: *switches | 11:10 |
pen_ | KillerOrca, I have already install vista nad ubuntu | 11:10 |
RoadHazard | KillerOrca: edit /etc/network/interfaces and change the static line to this http://kszk.sch.bme.hu/net/dhcp/settingsenlin.php | 11:11 |
KillerOrca | pen_: you want to install them all on the mac? | 11:11 |
pen_ | KillerOrca, this is a intel laptop | 11:11 |
pen_ | KillerOrca, I don't have a macbook | 11:11 |
eth01 | RoadHazard: what the hell are you doing? | 11:11 |
magnetron | pen_: which OS are you planning on installing | 11:11 |
KillerOrca | pen_: ok so what are the 3 OSes? | 11:11 |
pen_ | magnetron, mac on my intel laptop | 11:11 |
RoadHazard | attempting to get him changed back over dhcp | 11:11 |
pen_ | KillerOrca, vista, ubuntu and mac | 11:11 |
billybongo | pen_: triple booting is the same as double booting | 11:11 |
billybongo | but how are you going to turn your intel PC into a mac? | 11:12 |
pen_ | billybob, but I'm afriad of the bootcamp from mac would destroy grub or something | 11:12 |
an_tor| | pen_: you can reinstall grub easily | 11:12 |
RoadHazard | if that isnt the way to do it I'm all ears | 11:12 |
pen_ | billybongo, my cpu supports the instruction I can install mac on it | 11:12 |
magnetron | pen_: oh, can't help you with that. this IRC network would risk shutting down if we supporte piracy. sorry | 11:12 |
billybongo | pen_: bootcamp probably won't even run on a non-mac | 11:12 |
eth01 | RoadHazard: yes, but you don't need to put that link into .interfaces | 11:13 |
eth01 | (which is what you actually said) | 11:13 |
RoadHazard | no no, its instructions on how to do it | 11:13 |
billybongo | and yes, it would in complete breach of the license | 11:13 |
pen_ | why does this has to be involved with piracy? | 11:13 |
eth01 | RoadHazard: read over what you said. | 11:13 |
RoadHazard | yeah, my bad | 11:13 |
KillerOrca | pen_: mac not meant to run on non apple hardware | 11:13 |
eth01 | "KillerOrca: edit /etc/network/interfaces and change the static line to this http://kszk.sch.bme.hu/net/dhcp/settingsenlin.php" | 11:13 |
magnetron | pen com on. | 11:13 |
billybongo | pen_ have you agreed to the apple EULA? | 11:13 |
eth01 | thank you. | 11:13 |
keebler_ | ummm, sorry for my ignorance, but what is bootcamp? | 11:14 |
magnetron | keebler_: a mac thing. we don't discuss it here. | 11:14 |
pen_ | billybongo, what do you want to say? I don't want to read through it. | 11:14 |
J-a-k-e | hi all, does anyone know how i might go about changing speakers settings and setting a lfe crossover in pulseaudio? | 11:14 |
CroX | I'm not getting any sound from youtube's flash, after just installing it, but the video is showing. Anyone know what can cause this? | 11:14 |
KillerOrca | keebler_: mac program for running more than one OS | 11:14 |
keebler_ | oh ok | 11:14 |
billybongo | keebler_: bootcamp is a Mac program that allows you to install XP on a mac | 11:14 |
eth01 | "Leopard is the world’s most advanced operating system. So advanced, it even lets you run Windows if there’s a PC application you need to use. Just get a copy of Windows and start up Boot Camp, now included with Leopard. Setup is simple and straightforward just as you’d expect with a Mac." @ keebler_ | 11:14 |
RoadHazard | leopard's father is a fruit, and its mother is open source | 11:15 |
KillerOrca | CroX: flash is a tricky thing to work with, does it work elsewhere? | 11:15 |
keebler_ | ok, now why would you want to run windoze on a mac | 11:15 |
Omniwoof | Mudd: Thank you, it isn't working quite yet, but I think you've pointed me in the right direction. | 11:15 |
KillerOrca | keebler_: if you need to run business apps | 11:15 |
magnetron | keebler_: we don't discuss it here. ok? | 11:15 |
billybongo | pen_: either you have a mac, in which case you'll already have OSX on it, or you don't have one, in which case you'll need to buy OSX to put on one and agree to the EULA | 11:15 |
eth01 | keebler_: why would you want to run windows on ubuntu? same bloody question. moving on. | 11:15 |
MrNaz | ive been using xubuntu for 4 days now, its my first real steps out of windows on the desktop world and its been great, i've gotten my one windows app (ultrastudio ide) workgin in wine, running the nvidia binary driver for 3d gfx and i've sorted sharing files between this pc and my win pcs... however 2 small niggles remain, and i need help: | 11:15 |
magnetron | !piracy | pen_ | 11:15 |
ubottu | pen_: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o | 11:15 |
billybongo | I use vmware fusion on my mac - it totally rocks | 11:15 |
eth01 | magnetron: don't be so hasty | 11:15 |
MrNaz | the microphone doesn't appear to work, and the hardware volume keys dont work (thinkpad t61p) | 11:15 |
CroX | KillerOrca: Checking Revver. Don't know any other place of the top of my head that has sound in flash apps. | 11:16 |
magnetron | eth01: i already warned him TWICE. i'm not hasty | 11:16 |
eth01 | capitals :) | 11:16 |
KillerOrca | CroX: southparkstudios.com uses flash to plat the episodes, try there | 11:16 |
pen_ | billybongo, do you guys mean that mac has always come with the macbook? no cd? | 11:16 |
pen_ | billybongo, omh | 11:16 |
CroX | KillerOrca: Tried Revver and last.fm but neither gives sound. | 11:17 |
KillerOrca | pen_: do you have an apple, I can't figure it out | 11:17 |
billybongo | pen_ what do you mean by "mac" ? | 11:17 |
keebler_ | Magnetron, was just asking a question. Isn't that what life is al about, if you dont know ask | 11:17 |
billybongo | do you mean "OSX" ? | 11:17 |
pen_ | yes | 11:17 |
pen_ | I usually call it mac | 11:17 |
billybongo | pen_, the apple eula says: | 11:17 |
gordonjcp | magnetron: sorry, I'm not getting where piracy comes into what pen_ is saying | 11:18 |
ompaul | !offtopic | 11:18 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 11:18 |
gordonjcp | magnetron: offtopic, yes, as ompaul has helpfully pointed out ;-) | 11:18 |
billybongo | 2. Permitted License Uses and Restrictions. | 11:18 |
billybongo | A. Single Use. This License allows you to install, use and run one (1) copy of the Apple Software on a single Apple-labeled computer at a time. You agree not to install, use or run the Apple Software on any non-Apple-labeled computer, or to enable others to do so. This License does not allow the Apple Software to exist on more than one | 11:18 |
billybongo | 2. Permitted License Uses and Restrictions. | 11:18 |
billybongo | A. Single Use. This License allows you to install, use and run one (1) copy of the Apple Software on a single Apple-labeled computer at a time. You agree not to install, use or run the Apple Software on any non-Apple-labeled computer, or to enable others to do so. This License does not allow the Apple Software to exist on more than one | 11:18 |
KillerOrca | CroX: did you install the flash plugin for firefox? | 11:18 |
FloodBot1 | billybongo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:18 |
billybongo | pen_: A. Single Use. This License allows you to install, use and run one (1) copy of the Apple Software on a single Apple-labeled computer at a time. | 11:18 |
U-G-G | hello room, i've just installed the gutsy-gibbon release and there is not options to update mozilla firefox on its menu. how will i update it | 11:18 |
magnetron | gordonjcp: i can't help him install a pirated version of Mac OS here, for several reasons | 11:18 |
gordonjcp | magnetron: did he explicitly say it was pirated? | 11:18 |
* N3bunel saluta | 11:18 | |
pen_ | billybongo, alright, damn that EULA, forget it... | 11:19 |
KillerOrca | U-G-G: beta 1 was just released, I don't think the alphas auto update | 11:19 |
archman | how to hide hostname on network? | 11:19 |
pen_ | magnetron, don't blackmail me | 11:19 |
ompaul | pen_, please stop with the offtopic stuff thanks | 11:19 |
CroX | KillerOrca: Yeah. And the video is showing just fine. It's just the sound which wont play. Playing music in Exaile works though, so that's covered. | 11:19 |
magnetron | pen_: "blackmail"? | 11:19 |
pen_ | ompaul, I thought it's no offtopic | 11:19 |
pen_ | not | 11:19 |
pen_ | magnetron, you got the idea | 11:19 |
ompaul | pen_, the side conversation | 11:20 |
U-G-G | KillerOrca: so i cant update it ? | 11:20 |
KillerOrca | CroX: the issue isn't the sound card at least, but flash | 11:20 |
magnetron | pen_: if you bought Mac OS X, you should ask Apple for help with installing it. they have great support | 11:20 |
RoadHazard | ok, I see we have the hitters in tonight, anyone help me make mono work? | 11:20 |
KillerOrca | U-G-G: you can, but you have to dl it, specifically | 11:20 |
CroX | KillerOrca: Yah, it would seem so. Know how to fix that? | 11:20 |
U-G-G | ok ty | 11:20 |
gordonjcp | pen_: long and short of it is yes, OS X can happily co-exist with Ubuntu, but this isn't the place to ask about it | 11:20 |
pen_ | gordonjcp, is there a channel devote for this conversation? | 11:21 |
gordonjcp | pen_: no idea | 11:21 |
KillerOrca | CroX: well I'm GUI-less but I will try and look with you | 11:21 |
gordonjcp | pen_: #ubuntu-offtopic maybe | 11:22 |
KillerOrca | CroX: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=213701 look through that | 11:22 |
ompaul | !dualboot | pen_ this is the sum total of ontopicness for this subject | 11:23 |
ubottu | pen_ this is the sum total of ontopicness for this subject: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot | 11:23 |
gordonjcp | ompaul: indeed | 11:23 |
KillerOrca | CroX: this thread is about 7.10 but it might work http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=664242 | 11:24 |
magnetron | gordonjcp, ompaul: i wish there was EFI support in ubuntu | 11:25 |
CroX | KillerOrca: Thanks, I'll check that out! | 11:25 |
U-G-G | 1. Install the flashplugin-nonfree package from the...." does the nonfree package means that we need to pay for it? | 11:25 |
KillerOrca | U-G-G: no, it means it is not free oss software | 11:26 |
KillerOrca | U-G-G: so no source code for you! | 11:26 |
U-G-G | um, ok | 11:26 |
U-G-G | i see | 11:26 |
xpain | hiiiii | 11:27 |
xpain | helooooo | 11:27 |
ompaul | !hello | xpain | 11:27 |
ubottu | xpain: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 11:27 |
KillerOrca | U-G-G: unless it is specifically labeled as pay$ like cedega http://www.transgaming.com/ then you don't pay | 11:27 |
xpain | hi i have proplem in my laptop | 11:28 |
U-G-G | ok, killerorca, can i apply this on the gutsy-ribbon https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion | 11:28 |
archman | how to hide hostname on network so it wont be shown in router log? | 11:28 |
xpain | i instlled compiz fuison on 8.04 work great but some time when i open totem player laptop freeze | 11:29 |
ZiggyFish | hello | 11:29 |
xpain | i instlled compiz fuison on 8.04 work great but some time when i open totem player laptop freeze | 11:29 |
ZiggyFish | Firefox keeps on freezing, and it's only on certain auser ccounts. | 11:30 |
DaveTarmac | hi folks! | 11:31 |
KillerOrca | U-G-G: those instructions are for older, but they should work, if you really need to update, keep in mind though the latest version isn't the final release | 11:31 |
xpain | i instlled compiz fuison on 8.04 work great but some time when i open totem player laptop freeze | 11:31 |
Omniwoof | Hello Davet! | 11:31 |
xpain | can any one help | 11:31 |
U-G-G | ok thanks KillerOrca | 11:32 |
KillerOrca | xpain: grapx card? | 11:32 |
DaveTarmac | Does anyone have any experience of VNC-ing to a Mac over a VPN? | 11:32 |
DaveTarmac | I'm using 8.04 | 11:32 |
vega-- | trying to upgrade from 7.10 (fully updated) to 8.04, but update-manager doesn't give the "upgrade to 8.04 button". not even when running update-manager -c | 11:33 |
KillerOrca | DaveTarmac: which direction are you trying to go? | 11:33 |
DaveTarmac | from Ubuntu -> Mac | 11:33 |
magnetron | DaveTarmac: there should be no difference to vncing over the internet, provided that you are connected to the VPN | 11:33 |
KillerOrca | vega--: hold on I think I can pull up some old install instructions | 11:33 |
RoadHazard | DaveTarmac: hosting on the ubuntu box would work with x11vnc | 11:34 |
soundray | vega--: try 'gksudo update-manager -d -c' | 11:34 |
jimcooncat | What browser should I use in order to see websites the way they will render on a Mac? | 11:34 |
soundray | vega--: 'sudo do-release-upgrade' should work as well | 11:34 |
magnetron | jimcooncat: maybe konqueror or midori | 11:34 |
DaveTarmac | I've managed to establish the VPN, but when I try to use xtightvncviewer I get the IP dialog box, so I type it in then nothing happens | 11:34 |
billybongo | magnetron: are you kidding? | 11:35 |
vega-- | soundray: neither works | 11:35 |
vega-- | soundray: do-release-upgrade gives "no new releases" | 11:35 |
jimcooncat | magnetron: am I looking for one built with webkit? | 11:35 |
billybongo | jimcooncat: define "on a mac" | 11:35 |
akonkwa | Hi, I just installed XFCE on 8.04 and I wanted to know if there was a way I could activate desktop effects lik I had under gnome? | 11:35 |
KillerOrca | vega--: ok what are you running? | 11:35 |
vega-- | KillerOrca: 7.10 | 11:35 |
RoadHazard | DaveTarmac: are you putting in the port such as xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5900? | 11:35 |
KillerOrca | vega--: server? | 11:35 |
magnetron | jimcooncat: yes, konqueror or midori will do the job | 11:35 |
vega-- | KillerOrca: no desktop | 11:35 |
jimcooncat | billybongo: not being a Mac user, I can only guess | 11:36 |
KillerOrca | vega--: ok these are command line for server, but they should work | 11:36 |
magnetron | DaveTarmac: why use xtightvncviewer? use vinaegre instead | 11:36 |
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jimcooncat | thanks magnetron | 11:36 |
KillerOrca | vega--: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading , scroll down | 11:36 |
billybongo | jimcooncat: that's like saying "How will my site look on windows, or on ubuntu?" | 11:36 |
magnetron | DaveTarmac: applications menu > internet > remote desktop viewer | 11:36 |
billybongo | it depends entirely on the browser | 11:36 |
magnetron | billybongo: we're here to help out, not to point and laugh at them. | 11:37 |
RoadHazard | DaveTarmac: are you serving vnc at the mac end or ubuntu? | 11:37 |
jimcooncat | billybongo: whatever the default browser is that comes with a new mac, example how will my site look on windows would mean IE. | 11:37 |
billybongo | magnetron: you've clearly not been on #debian | 11:37 |
magnetron | billybongo: this isn't debian | 11:37 |
RoadHazard | theyre mean | 11:38 |
vega-- | KillerOrca: you mean "sudo aptitude install update-manager-core | 11:38 |
DaveTarmac | RoadHazard: I'm trying to VNC from ubuntu to the Mac | 11:38 |
billybongo | jimcooncat: in that case you could get safari for windows and try running it with wine | 11:38 |
vega-- | KillerOrca: and do-release-upgrade, doesn't work.. | 11:38 |
U-G-G | KillerOrca: i cannot dl it to /opt folder, it says "Cannot write to `firefox-' (Permission denied)." and i'm login as root | 11:38 |
billybongo | jimcooncat: a lot of mac users use firefox these days | 11:38 |
KillerOrca | vega--: I used those instructions myself, are you using sudo? | 11:38 |
vega-- | KillerOrca: yes | 11:38 |
RoadHazard | and are you putting the port number in the vnc ip box? | 11:38 |
KillerOrca | U-G-G: for visual apps you need gksudo | 11:38 |
vega-- | KillerOrca: basically tried all the official stuff.. | 11:39 |
KillerOrca | vega--: what does it say? | 11:39 |
soundray | jimcooncat: safari uses WebKit, which is derived from KHTML. Browsers that render using the same engine are konqueror and epiphany (new versions of the latter) | 11:39 |
vega-- | KillerOrca: "no new releases found" | 11:39 |
jimcooncat | thanks billybongo, I'm trying to set up a machine that will show how a website will look with all popular renderings. | 11:39 |
magnetron | soundray: epiphany-webkit is yet to be included in ubuntu | 11:39 |
DaveTarmac | magnetron: I'll have a look at Vinaigre tonight | 11:40 |
soundray | magnetron: oh, thanks | 11:40 |
KillerOrca | vega--: well I will check my command history real fast | 11:40 |
J-a-k-e | does anyone know how i wouild go about fixing my installation of grub I've tried re-installing grub several times off the hardy 8.04 disk tho it's only a temporary fix | 11:40 |
jimcooncat | soundray: yes, I was hoping to use epiphany for both gecko and webkit | 11:40 |
Anton1234 | HI. I nedd help with iptables. I want to monitor network traffic (to detect malwares on a Windows computer) and I want to use a Linux box with Wireshark between that computer and the modem. So I need to configure pass-all rules (tcp, udp, icmp, etc.) that would simply forward all (and really all) the traffic form eth1 (connected to win.box) to eth0 (connected to the modem) and vice versa. Could anybody tell me how to do it? I need only th | 11:40 |
Anton1234 | e iptables command. Everything else is already done. Thanks. | 11:40 |
DaveTarmac | RoadHazard: I haven't added an ports to the IP box | 11:40 |
RoadHazard | ok when you type in the mac's ip, put in xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxx:5900 | 11:41 |
KillerOrca | vega--: what happens when you so a regular sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get upgrade? | 11:41 |
vega-- | KillerOrca: nothing, it's a fully upgraded gutsy | 11:41 |
DaveTarmac | RoadHazard: Thanks for the advice - I'll give it a try tonight (not at the machine at the moment) | 11:42 |
soundray | vega--: which version of update-manager do you have? | 11:42 |
vega-- | i've also gone through a lot of similiar but not quite from www.ubuntuforums.org .. next is reinstall | 11:42 |
cew_liverpudlian | cew_liverpudlian | 11:42 |
RoadHazard | DaveTarmac: itll probably live on 5900 or 5901 | 11:42 |
SnOke | hi | 11:43 |
vega-- | soundray: 1:0.81.3 (newest gutsy) | 11:43 |
vega-- | update-manager-core is also installed, as is ubuntu-desktop | 11:43 |
SnOke | how install red5 on ubuntu server 7.04? | 11:43 |
vega-- | SnOke: what IS red5? | 11:44 |
akonkwa | !xubuntu | 11:44 |
ubottu | Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels | 11:44 |
SnOke | is a server for streaming | 11:44 |
KillerOrca | vega--: well I am stumped, you know how to use sudo, and your system is updated so there is no reason those commands should not work | 11:44 |
jimcooncat | is there a window manager or applet that uses a tab interface instead of a "window list"? | 11:44 |
RoadHazard | SnOke: got a .deb for it? | 11:44 |
SnOke | alternative to flash media server | 11:44 |
DaveTarmac | Also - and I've been looking around the web for this - but does anyone else's browser crash when Flash is used? I've tried updating to the Flash 10 beta, but no joy. I've tried disabling compositing and still crashes | 11:44 |
mudd`Hossam | anyone here using kolab? im thinking of jumping in feet first with this thing | 11:45 |
vega-- | SnOke: probably according to it's instructions because it doesn't seem to be in ubuntu repositories.. | 11:45 |
RoadHazard | hossam: might wanna look at egroupware too | 11:45 |
vega-- | KillerOrca: me too, i'll just probably go for editing sources.list manually to hardy then dist-upgrade even though it's not recommended | 11:45 |
vega-- | KillerOrca: if that fails then just reinstall, /home is on separate partition anyway | 11:45 |
mudd`Hossam | RoadHazard: will do, ive got a horde , imap, postix, sasl set up already | 11:45 |
SnOke | RoadHazard yes, in: http://dl.fancycode.com/red5/0.6.3/debian/red5_0.6.3-1_all.deb | 11:45 |
mudd`Hossam | RoadHazard: all id need then was kolab and ldap | 11:46 |
KillerOrca | vega--: step ahead of me there, my next install will be putting home alone | 11:46 |
RoadHazard | mudd`Hossam: cool deal, just an idea | 11:46 |
mudd`Hossam | RoadHazard: ill check it out | 11:46 |
vega-- | KillerOrca: ok, thanks anyways | 11:47 |
RoadHazard | vega--: I wouldnt do the sources.list/dist-upgrade thing, it borked me | 11:47 |
KillerOrca | vega--: you could upgrade from cd | 11:48 |
mudd`Hossam | RoadHazard: which would you prefer horde or egroupware? | 11:48 |
jimcooncat | mudd`Hossam: you might want to use virtualbox or a separate machine for testing, I've made quite a mess trying new mail servers | 11:48 |
billybongo | jimcooncat: your problem is going to be IE7, unless you run XP on qemu or vmware | 11:48 |
mudd`Hossam | jimcooncat: definitely | 11:48 |
RoadHazard | I like egroupware, but thats just me | 11:48 |
sCOTTo | hey guys - can anyone suggest a linux package for mapping? I need to map out what I need in a software package that will be designed in php... | 11:48 |
sCOTTo | RoadHazard: what egroupware like? | 11:49 |
mudd`Hossam | RoadHazard: ill check out the demo and whatnot thanks! | 11:49 |
vega-- | KillerOrca: true, have to think about it.. | 11:49 |
mudd`Hossam | http://www.egroupware.org/screenshots | 11:49 |
RoadHazard | mudd`Hossam: its free, no demo | 11:49 |
jimcooncat | billybongo: yes, I know that's going to be tough. I was hoping there was an ie4linux for it | 11:49 |
sCOTTo | RoadHazard: does it setup on mysqo ? | 11:49 |
RoadHazard | yuppers | 11:49 |
billybongo | jimcooncat: very unreliable in my experience | 11:49 |
vega-- | RoadHazard: perhaps, but then there's still the reinstall option left.. it's a secondary computer anyway | 11:49 |
mudd`Hossam | RoadHazard: i mean the interactive demo | 11:49 |
RoadHazard | oh, I dunno, never used the demo | 11:49 |
billybongo | jimcooncat: it sounds like you're in a similar field to me - I ended up getting XP installed in a virtual machine | 11:49 |
billybongo | it's just too reliable otherwise | 11:50 |
billybongo | but at least it doesn't need anything else and because it's only ever started for IE it never goes wrong | 11:50 |
RoadHazard | the real deal uses mysql or pgsql | 11:50 |
sCOTTo | RoadHazard: can you give me a run down of what it DOES do well and doent do etc? | 11:50 |
BigRed | Trying to install ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso on a HP Pavillion Dv8000 series notebook (can get exact model # if you need it)....I get the black screen/blinking cursor no matter what options I choose. If I do remove the quiet option it hangs after this line.....[ 38.425053] ACPI: EC: non-query interrupt received, switching to interrupt mode | 11:51 |
sCOTTo | RoadHazard: i need to setup something like sugarcrm - but to customise it to what I am doing - I need to manage workflow of web design - let me clients know when each step is complete etc... | 11:51 |
jimcooncat | billybongo: yeah, unfortunately I want to use this on a remote Xen host, which I can't further virtualize. | 11:51 |
RoadHazard | calendaring is good, webmail works with pop or imap | 11:51 |
BigRed | Ive tried the "remove the battery and disconnect AC power and then boot with just battery" as suugest here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/191137 | 11:51 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 191137 in linux "[Hardy] ACPI Embedded Controller (EC) stops boot when kernel boot 'quiet' option is enabled or AC power is connected" [High,In progress] | 11:51 |
KillerOrca | BigRed: have you checked the cd for defects? | 11:51 |
BigRed | when I do that it gives me the same black screen blinking cursor | 11:52 |
RoadHazard | www.egroupware.org would explain it better than I can | 11:52 |
KillerOrca | BigRed: any other systems you could test the cd on? | 11:52 |
BigRed | ive done md5 checks and ive tried installs of studio, server, "ultimate ubuntu" as well as downloaded from multiple mirrors | 11:52 |
sCOTTo | thanks ill go check it out :) it MIGHT do what i need :) | 11:52 |
sCOTTo | bbs | 11:52 |
BigRed | all burnt at 1x | 11:52 |
RoadHazard | and it is in the repos | 11:53 |
sCOTTo | yup yup | 11:53 |
BigRed | yeah I can try it on this machine | 11:53 |
BigRed | be back in a few | 11:53 |
KillerOrca | BigRed: but no tests on other machines? | 11:53 |
BigRed | correct | 11:53 |
jimcooncat | looks like ie4linux can use the ie7 rendering engine, I'll give that a shot | 11:53 |
KillerOrca | BigRed: you don't have to burn at the slowest speed | 11:54 |
BigRed | I did it just to be safe | 11:54 |
jimcooncat | ugh, cookies don't work | 11:54 |
BigRed | im pretty close to giving up on ubuntu for this laptop | 11:54 |
KillerOrca | BigRed: yeah, I did that too, burn at about half | 11:54 |
BigRed | been at it for around 10 hours | 11:54 |
Nyad | Hi. i have ubuntu installed on a partition. I want to know what will happen if I backup my system onto another HD and then format this partition and then change the partition size and then put ubuntu back onto that partition with the same name. note: my grub is on the partition that I want to do this with | 11:55 |
wildfire_ | anybody from mindanao | 11:55 |
wildfire_ | anybody from mindanao | 11:55 |
KillerOrca | BigRed: it doesn't always work, have to check the hardware database | 11:55 |
jimcooncat | BigRed: you could try installing with the mini.iso, it worked well for my gf laptop | 11:55 |
RoadHazard | nyad rsync might be your winner there | 11:56 |
Millow | Hello Iäm having trouble with my Ubuntu 8-04 VPS, I keep getting this error, cannot allocate memory | 11:56 |
Nyad | !rsync | 11:56 |
ubottu | Factoid rsync not found | 11:56 |
RoadHazard | millow could you paste the error? | 11:56 |
Millow | RoadHazard: kk from the apache2 log | 11:57 |
KillerOrca | BigRed: could also not meet the system requirementss | 11:57 |
jimcooncat | Nyad, you might want to try just resizing the partition after you backup, it would save you a lot of work if it works | 11:57 |
BigRed | its a newer laptop | 11:57 |
BigRed | where is the hardware database? | 11:58 |
KillerOrca | BigRed: well that's eliminated at least | 11:58 |
generic | hi all when ever i reboot my ubuntu 8.04 machine my resolv.conf files removes and i have to create it every time | 11:58 |
generic | any idea | 11:58 |
generic | ? | 11:58 |
Nyad | say the partition name is sda1 and i format to create sda2, then i put my system back onto sda1 will it all work? | 11:59 |
DistroJockey | BigRed: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport | 11:59 |
RoadHazard | hyad might get some grub issues there | 11:59 |
wzt | hello every one | 11:59 |
wzt | hello every one | 11:59 |
wzt | is anybody here? | 12:00 |
KillerOrca | BigRed: I know there is one, but I'm not sure precisely, I'm just googling now | 12:00 |
DistroJockey | hi| wzt | 12:00 |
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DistroJockey | oops | 12:00 |
wzt | hi | 12:00 |
wzt | first use this | 12:00 |
KillerOrca | wzt: what you need? | 12:00 |
jimcooncat | wzt, there are 1316 users here, not everyone will say hi | 12:01 |
wzt | sorry first use this so say hello | 12:01 |
maaike | hi everyone! Can someone help me? I upgraded from Gutsy Gibbon to Hardy Heron a couple of days ago but I am encountering some problems... For example: I can't update anymore | 12:02 |
DistroJockey | wzt: best to just ask a question or provide an answer here :) | 12:02 |
wzt | oh i know | 12:03 |
KillerOrca | maaike: are three packages being held back? | 12:03 |
DistroJockey | wzt: but, welcome :) | 12:03 |
sCOTTo | RoadHazard: how do you find egroupware to customise? | 12:03 |
wzt | thank you | 12:03 |
dpreacher | how do i set a certain user to be able to login to a ubuntu hardy machine running proftpd? | 12:04 |
maaike | KillerOrca: well, if I just click on 'update', it starts to download packages and then keeps hanging in this downloading phase, I have had it on for days and nothing is happening and it is only supposed to download 4.3MB | 12:04 |
dpreacher | from command line... | 12:04 |
RoadHazard | if you write php you'll get along just fine, its really modular | 12:04 |
dpreacher | what changes to proftpd.conf should be done | 12:04 |
KillerOrca | maaike: what are the packages that are supposed to be updating? | 12:04 |
sCOTTo | RoadHazard: if i dont :( ? | 12:04 |
RoadHazard | dpreacher edit proftpd.conf and jail the users in their home directories | 12:04 |
BigRed | ok gonna try the cd in this pc to see what happens | 12:05 |
BigRed | brb | 12:05 |
dpreacher | RoadHazard . a little more digestable explanation. please | 12:05 |
RoadHazard | scotto: you cant customize it as much but theres like 30 modules you can mix and match, and a bunch of stuff on sourceforge | 12:05 |
dpreacher | i need to allow anon login | 12:05 |
RoadHazard | without any programming experience | 12:05 |
sCOTTo | ok well i might have to freelance someone to help me :) | 12:05 |
clusty | hey | 12:06 |
Nyad | DistroJockey, you said I may run into some grub issues, but will there be a problem if I just reinstall grub? | 12:06 |
sCOTTo | RoadHazard: thanks heaps for your help d00d :) | 12:06 |
infoclog | i installed ubuntu on my computer and then on another partition I installed Knoppix on the root parition. | 12:06 |
RoadHazard | if you reinstall grub it should fix the issues I envisioned | 12:06 |
maaike | KillerOrca: the packages to be updated are: libgnutls13, openssl-blacklist, these are the most important ones | 12:06 |
RoadHazard | sCOTTo: quite welcome | 12:06 |
clusty | i am having trouble with my bluetooth mouse: when I do a "sudo hidd --search" i get a : "Searching ... | 12:06 |
clusty | Connecting to device 00:12:5A:6A:57:C8 | 12:06 |
clusty | Can't create HID interrupt channel: Connection refused" | 12:06 |
clusty | clues? | 12:06 |
sCOTTo | :) | 12:06 |
Vasily | hi, I've installed some program and it has some 'link' so that when I type 'program' (like 'ls'), it runs. now I've removed the program where that link was pointing to, and I want it to point somewhere else, how can I do that? | 12:06 |
infoclog | I wanted to bring the knoppix menu also on the grub list. How can I do it? | 12:07 |
DistroJockey | Nyad: I did? umm, if you had grub and are redoing a non working one, I guess it can't get any worse | 12:07 |
KillerOrca | maaike: ok we'll try this: open up a terminal and type 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' | 12:07 |
Nyad | DistroJockey, tnx, you wrote hyad so I thought it was a typo | 12:08 |
maaike | KillerOrca: I am trying that right now, I'll let you know when it is finished | 12:08 |
tcpdumpgod | GENIUS in the house. | 12:08 |
dpreacher | in the conf file only the username is specified but when i try to login as that user the server says that the password is incorrect. do i need to restart the server after editing the conf...how do i do that? | 12:08 |
* tcpdumpgod is using Windows 200 SP4!!! :O | 12:08 | |
Millow | RoadHazard: | 12:09 |
Millow | [Fri May 23 11:07:30 2008] [notice] Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu) Phusion_Passenger/1.1.0 configured -- resuming normal operations | 12:09 |
Millow | Rails Error: Unable to access log file. Please ensure that /var/rails/kneg/releases/20080523095350/log/production.log exists and is chmod 0666. The log level has been raised to WARN and the output directed to STDERR until the problem is fixed. | 12:09 |
Millow | ** ultrasphinx: configuration file not found for "production" environment | 12:09 |
Millow | ** ultrasphinx: please run 'rake ultrasphinx:configure' | 12:09 |
FloodBot1 | Millow: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 12:09 |
Millow | *** Exception Errno::ENOMEM in Passenger::ApplicationSpawner (Cannot allocate memory - fork(2)) (process 9279): | 12:09 |
infoclog | i installed ubuntu on my computer and then on another partition I installed Knoppix on the root parition.I wanted to bring the knoppix menu also on the grub list. How can I do it? | 12:09 |
RoadHazard | dpreacher: yes, you must execute sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd restart | 12:09 |
maaike | KillerOrca: it finished and seemed to work :) | 12:09 |
maaike | KillerOrca: why did it not work through the interface? | 12:09 |
RoadHazard | dpreacher: when you edit proftpd.conf | 12:09 |
Millow | RoadHazard: any idea? | 12:10 |
dpreacher | it worked | 12:10 |
dpreacher | any idea about how to turn anon login on? | 12:10 |
KillerOrca | maaike: someone else told me the fix, so I don't know the root cause :/ | 12:10 |
DistroJockey | Nyad: Don't recall doing that either. Sorry | 12:10 |
KillerOrca | maaike: you should be able to update normally now, and I would | 12:11 |
Nyad | was on topic either way, and you helped me, so thanks :) | 12:11 |
anormallu | http://www.gnome.org/~jdub/images/3ubuntu.jpg | 12:11 |
RoadHazard | Millow: sorry, I'm at a loss on that one | 12:12 |
maaike | KillerOrca: I do have another problem, when I startup ubuntu, a crash report is detected, when I click on it, it disappears so I can't read the report, but it seems that sometimes I lose control of my mouse and keyboard because of it | 12:12 |
sCOTTo | RoadHazard: i just use synaptics to install egroupware - where can i find it now LOL | 12:12 |
KillerOrca | maaike: don't use a gui, but the report should be logged somewhere | 12:12 |
maaike | KillerOrca: do you know where? | 12:13 |
RoadHazard | sCOTTo: yes, you'll need to be installing it on a lamp server or have the resources of a lamp server available | 12:13 |
maaike | KillerOrca: never mind! found it | 12:13 |
sCOTTo | RoadHazard: so if i upload it to my bigass cPanel account online i can install it there ? | 12:13 |
maaike | KillerOrca: thanks for all your help by the way :) | 12:13 |
KillerOrca | maaike: type out the link for the logs please :P | 12:14 |
RoadHazard | if they have php | 12:14 |
maaike | KillerOrca: you can find them in /var/crash | 12:14 |
justprogramming8 | hello i installed ubuntu in my laptop and i want to remove it and install windows but when i put cd of windows to start formatting massage appeared no hard disk in my laptop | 12:15 |
sCOTTo | RoadHazard: i can install joomla and most other apps there... soo maybe... | 12:15 |
KillerOrca | justprogramming8: ok did you overwrite the whole hD? | 12:15 |
RoadHazard | yes, joomla has much the same requirements | 12:15 |
KillerOrca | maaike: glad you found it, cause the link I had didn't have that path :P | 12:16 |
RoadHazard | sCOTTo: so goto synaptic, hit search and put in egroupware | 12:16 |
maaike | KillerOrca: the only problem is that I am not allowed to open it! even as root! | 12:16 |
billybongo | what do people like so much about egroupware? | 12:16 |
KillerOrca | maaike: even with gksudo? | 12:16 |
billybongo | I find it a bit clunky | 12:16 |
KillerOrca | maaike: or just sudo? | 12:16 |
sCOTTo | RoadHazard: i installed it but cant find it now :( | 12:17 |
RoadHazard | its reliable, unlike exchange | 12:17 |
billybongo | usable but clunky | 12:17 |
billybongo | RoadHazard: haven't you tried something like Zimbra? | 12:17 |
RoadHazard | sCOTTo: its in /usr/share/egroupware | 12:17 |
justprogramming8 | ah | 12:17 |
sCOTTo | ok thanks | 12:17 |
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RoadHazard | I tried a few things, found egroupware to my liking | 12:17 |
justprogramming8 | yes ubuntu overwrite the whole hd | 12:17 |
billybongo | RoadHazard: but did you try zimbra? | 12:18 |
RoadHazard | billybongo: cant say I have | 12:18 |
billybongo | ahh ok | 12:18 |
BigRed | Trying to install ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso on a HP Pavillion Dv8000 series notebook (can get exact model # if you need it)....I get the black screen/blinking cursor no matter what options I choose. If I do remove the quiet option it hangs after this line.....[ 38.425053] ACPI: EC: non-query interrupt received, switching to interrupt mode. Ive tried the "remove the battery and disconnect AC power and then boot with just battery" as suug | 12:18 |
sCOTTo | billybongo: whats it like ? | 12:18 |
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billybongo | couldn't work out why someone would try it and then use egroupware :) | 12:18 |
billybongo | zimbra is great | 12:18 |
maaike | KillerOrca: yep :) I got to open it, it has to do with openssl, which we just updated, so chances are that things will work fine next time I restart my laptop | 12:18 |
BigRed | the cd works fine on another pc | 12:18 |
rsk | BigRed: tried disabling apci ? | 12:18 |
billybongo | you have to go along with its funny ways, but we have a couple of servers running it | 12:18 |
billybongo | essentially it is exchange without having exchange | 12:19 |
maaike | KillerOrca: thanks for all your help, hope to talk to you again some time! :) | 12:19 |
BigRed | no but ill google the directions and try right now | 12:19 |
BigRed | brb | 12:19 |
KillerOrca | dammit does anyone know how to scroll up in irssi? | 12:19 |
KillerOrca | maaike: np | 12:19 |
billybongo | KillerOrca: try ctrl-pgup | 12:19 |
RoadHazard | KillerOrca: shift page up? | 12:19 |
sCOTTo | billybongo: what exactly does it do... im looking for something specific... | 12:19 |
KillerOrca | no to both | 12:19 |
billybongo | yeah, or that maybe | 12:19 |
KillerOrca | just move the putty scroller | 12:20 |
billybongo | sCOTTo: what are you looking for? | 12:20 |
billybongo | zimbra 5 does mail, calendar, contacts, tasks, IM, documents, briefcase | 12:20 |
justprogramming8 | any one help me | 12:20 |
justprogramming8 | ??? | 12:20 |
billybongo | it provides its own mta (postfix) and is its own imap/pop3 | 12:20 |
KillerOrca | whoever is asking about the windows install that is a windowws issue for not seeing the hd | 12:20 |
billybongo | justprogramming8: with what? | 12:21 |
KillerOrca | billybongo: I believe he is trying to re-install windows | 12:21 |
jatt | !offtopic | 12:21 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 12:21 |
justprogramming8 | i installed ubuntu in my laptop and i want to remove it and install windows but when i put cd of windows to start formatting massage appeared no hard disk in my laptop | 12:21 |
BigRed | rsk | 12:21 |
jatt | windows is offtopic in this channel | 12:21 |
KillerOrca | jatt: and that is why he is here | 12:21 |
rsk | BigRed | 12:22 |
BigRed | that got me the furthest | 12:22 |
rsk | ok =) | 12:22 |
BigRed | it froze up on the splash screen though | 12:22 |
rsk | hm... | 12:22 |
BigRed | going to try it again in verbose mode see if its freezing on the same step | 12:22 |
sCOTTo | billybongo: ok - i run an it bus in Syd Australia. I do onsite stuff, setup servers, setup websites, repair problems of all sorts. I need a setup that I can manage my customers in, create custom workflows and specify what servers a customer is using and NOT using... create a workflow tick off list for things to be done on certain job types - and have it email the people involved letting them know as each item is ticked off... thats a start | 12:22 |
sCOTTo | - i need to manage workflow - i need to be able to work on 20 - 50 websites per week and manage my sub contractors through the program so i can see what going in time and whats not... | 12:22 |
sCOTTo | billybongo: ceal enough :D | 12:22 |
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sCOTTo | clear enough sorry | 12:23 |
RoadHazard | sCOTTo: ohhh, you might wanna look at ispconfig | 12:23 |
KillerOrca | justprogramming8: I think google will be your best bet | 12:23 |
sCOTTo | really? | 12:23 |
billybongo | sCOTTo: sounds like you need something more bespoke, perhaps built on something like zope/plone | 12:23 |
rsk | BigRed: aparently it's working in gutsy https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/HPDV8000?highlight=(Dv8000) | 12:23 |
RoadHazard | ya | 12:23 |
sCOTTo | ok guys... ur confusing the #$% outta me now :) | 12:23 |
sCOTTo | \which one? | 12:23 |
harmzii | BigRed did u find the solution im curious now | 12:23 |
billybongo | sCOTTo: describe what a "workflow" does | 12:24 |
BigRed | I think im getting closer harmzii | 12:24 |
RoadHazard | sCOTTo: for what you just said, I believe ispconfig will work, its not in the repos, but it compiles easy enough | 12:24 |
sCOTTo | RoadHazard: will it run on AMP ? | 12:24 |
BigRed | ~[ rsk ]~ yeah alot of the people having the issue I am were fine in gutsy | 12:24 |
KrimZon | justprogramming8: what version of windows, what type of hard disk? | 12:24 |
RoadHazard | yup | 12:24 |
BigRed | sorry for the colors | 12:24 |
KillerOrca | omfg apparently just pgup pgdn work | 12:24 |
RoadHazard | sCOTTo: lamp I know it works, wamp, dunno | 12:24 |
billybongo | sCOTTo: what you're describing doesn't sound like anything that egroupware does | 12:24 |
RoadHazard | billybongo: I was mistaken about his needs | 12:25 |
sCOTTo | billybongo: just a step by step of what is going to happen from teh FIRST call into my company to the end result... | 12:25 |
sCOTTo | RoadHazard: whats the difference between wamp and lamp? | 12:25 |
comodo | can somone help me with a totem problem | 12:25 |
RoadHazard | winders and linux | 12:25 |
sCOTTo | billybongo: then i will un install it :) | 12:25 |
* sCOTTo uses LINUX ONLY. | 12:25 | |
jatt | GNU/Linux | 12:26 |
* sCOTTo hates windows :) | 12:26 | |
comodo | i have the youtube plugin installed for totem but when i try to play a youtube video it says you do not have the right codecs | 12:26 |
billybongo | sCOTTo: so we're talking about management of people and resources to fit in with a predifined plan? | 12:26 |
RoadHazard | sCOTTo: or management of the users sites? | 12:26 |
billybongo | yes, sCOTTo how much does this actually have to do to other sites? | 12:27 |
KillerOrca | comodo: someone had that problem earlier, have you searced the forums? | 12:27 |
comodo | no | 12:27 |
comodo | well i read up on totems website | 12:28 |
sCOTTo | billybongo: yeah pretty much... i got WAY too much work to handle, and even if i just have me i still need to manage my work better... but i need to have dev people log in to the thing to check what work they have to do, tick off work they have done and have the program EMAIL my / clients to let us know work is complete :) | 12:28 |
sCOTTo | no it doesnt REALLY have to have anything to do with any other sites... just sit in the backend of mine :) | 12:28 |
RoadHazard | task management and communications in egroupware, and site management in ispconfig | 12:28 |
KillerOrca | comodo: this maybe http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/04/04/play-youtube-videos-from-the-totem-movie-player/ | 12:28 |
billybongo | sCOTTo: are you happy to do a bit of hacking yourself? | 12:29 |
infoclog | can i install a distro in rootparition and still see it on the bootloader list? | 12:30 |
hypn0 | will there be updates of pidgin and firefox in ubuntu repos? | 12:30 |
gestahlt | Hi | 12:30 |
gestahlt | Can someone help me setting up pxe boot ssh-servers? | 12:30 |
sCOTTo | billybongo: i try not to because im so stupid (without my ADHD pills) but im willing to have a go and work on something if it has directions - i also have a guy who is keen tolearn how to make something like this work and maybe even write plugins for joomla sites :) | 12:30 |
gestahlt | The systems works fine booting from pxe | 12:30 |
gestahlt | and from NFS | 12:30 |
gestahlt | but i cant get ssh-server installed | 12:30 |
gestahlt | release is hardy | 12:31 |
KillerOrca | gestahlt: so you are trying to ssh to your ubuntu box | 12:31 |
gestahlt | and on pxe / nfs as well | 12:31 |
gestahlt | no, i try to ssh the remote systems | 12:31 |
billybongo | sCOTTo: Zope is very workflow oriented | 12:31 |
jrib | gestahlt: the package is openssh-server, don't know anything about pxe though | 12:31 |
sCOTTo | what IS zope... sounds like dope :) | 12:31 |
KillerOrca | gestahlt: so you are trying to ssh from ubuntu elsewhere? | 12:31 |
sCOTTo | LOL | 12:31 |
gestahlt | I tried to install it with aptitude / apt-get.. it seems to install, but it doesnt work | 12:31 |
billybongo | sCOTTo: you could feasibly write a "job" or "customer" object and then change it's state to reflect what happens | 12:31 |
billybongo | sCOTTo: | 12:31 |
gestahlt | killerorca: yes | 12:31 |
billybongo | zope is an application server based on python | 12:31 |
sCOTTo | billybongo: sounds a bit out of my depth | 12:31 |
gestahlt | KillerOrca: I remoteboot the other systems from my main install | 12:32 |
RoadHazard | gestahlt nmap the ip address of the ssh server and see if 22 is open? | 12:32 |
gestahlt | KillerOrca: Which works fine | 12:32 |
sCOTTo | billybongo: does it setup on apache/mysql? | 12:32 |
gestahlt | Roadhazard: 22 isnt open. And neither is SSH running | 12:32 |
billybongo | sCOTTo: no it lives on its own space, a bit like a jvm | 12:32 |
gaokai | how to support UNICODE? | 12:32 |
KillerOrca | gestahlt: alright well is it just that ssh isn't installed on ubuntu or on the other systems? | 12:32 |
billybongo | sCOTTo: there is an erp framework for it called ERP5 | 12:32 |
RoadHazard | gestahlt: got physical access to the servers? | 12:32 |
sCOTTo | billybongo: its a bit hard because i needit to sit in the backend of my website... | 12:33 |
gestahlt | Roadhazard: I dont know what i do wrong. I installed openssh-server chrooted in my pxe boot dir | 12:33 |
MrMist | I've got a big big problem.. some of the buttons on my "numeric keypad" restarts X completely, like the "1 (/ end)"-key. How do I remap these keys?? | 12:33 |
gestahlt | RoadHazard: Yes | 12:33 |
Nazrax | My Hardy Alternate install keeps stopping at 6% during "Select and install packages" - anyone have any idea why? | 12:33 |
Sarah | can i import fonts from windows and use them in linux? i have a bunch that came with ms office, some i like to use like latha and some others i cant remember the names of | 12:33 |
RoadHazard | if 22 aint open the thing aint running | 12:33 |
jrib | !fonts > Sarah (read the private message from ubottu) | 12:33 |
sCOTTo | billybongo: may i pm you ? my eyes are getting sore in here :( | 12:33 |
Sarah | ok thanks jrib | 12:34 |
billybongo | sCOTTo: no worries | 12:34 |
KillerOrca | jrib: you seem to know the irc, how would I read a pm? | 12:34 |
gestahlt | Roadhazrad: That is exactly my problem. SSH Server wont run | 12:34 |
gestahlt | Roadhazard: i have no idea why | 12:34 |
Riot777 | does anybody know a command for "system log viewer" from the gnome menu ? | 12:34 |
KillerOrca | gestahlt: it just doesn't run on ubuntu? | 12:35 |
gestahlt | roadhazard: It works fine on the server, but it doesnt work in the Pxe boot enviroment (on the clients which i want to control via ssh) | 12:35 |
jrib | KillerOrca: in irssi? alt-# where # is the number of the buffer (or letter if you get that high) | 12:35 |
gestahlt | killerorca: nope, it doesnt run on debian etch either | 12:35 |
thesaint4444 | hi guys, does anyone use capistrano? for some reason I am having problems connecting to my remote host via ssh.... | 12:35 |
RoadHazard | gestahlt: firewall? | 12:36 |
KillerOrca | gestahlt: ohh your keys might be blacklisted | 12:36 |
RoadHazard | nah, 22 would still nmap with bad keys | 12:36 |
KillerOrca | gestahlt: have you done a package upgrade? | 12:36 |
gestahlt | killerorca: Yes, i did | 12:37 |
Wessman | find NCIS | 12:37 |
RoadHazard | any mono users? I cant make it work | 12:38 |
KillerOrca | gestahlt: so when you use top ssh isn't in the list on any of the machines? | 12:39 |
BigRed | got it to boot using noacpi and the other "no" option below that | 12:39 |
KebabBob | Is it possible to have both firefox2 and 3 installed? (Or: How do I downgrade to firefox2?) | 12:39 |
BigRed | what is acpi and do I need it for my laptop to run at a decent speed? | 12:39 |
jrib | KebabBob: yes, they are both packaged | 12:40 |
DracoZA | How can I give myself full system access without constantly having to issue passwords for synaptic, gnome etc ? | 12:40 |
RoadHazard | speed? not really, battery efficiency, I'd recommend it | 12:40 |
harmzii | advanced configuration and power interface | 12:40 |
harmzii | cpu scaling and the like | 12:40 |
KebabBob | jrib: Won't I get conflicts having both? Config files and such? | 12:40 |
RoadHazard | DracoZA: probably wouldnt wanna do that | 12:40 |
BigRed | oh sweet | 12:40 |
BigRed | its a desktop replacement laptop | 12:40 |
BigRed | it never gets used without ac power ever | 12:40 |
DracoZA | RoadHazard, I do, trust me :) | 12:41 |
soundray | vega--: was away for a while -- have you found a solution? | 12:41 |
jrib | DracoZA: why are you always entering passwords? what is it that you are doing so often that requires superuser privileges? | 12:41 |
KillerOrca | DracoZA: you could do sudo su, but it is not advised | 12:41 |
soundray | KillerOrca: sudo -i (sane environment) | 12:41 |
jrib | KebabBob: not that I know of. You can always create separate profiles if you want to be sure | 12:41 |
DracoZA | jrib, one huge pain is constantly having to run gksudo nautilus because gnome wont let me modify files/folders that have been copied to my machine | 12:42 |
jrib | DracoZA: what files exactly? Why are you copying them as root? | 12:42 |
DracoZA | jrib, being copied to me via the network | 12:43 |
jrib | DracoZA: surely there is a way to copy them as your user | 12:43 |
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DracoZA | jrib, I cant find one hence the pain | 12:44 |
jrib | DracoZA: using samba? | 12:44 |
DracoZA | jrib, just plain gnome copy | 12:45 |
maaike | Hi everyone, I was just here and KillerOrca was kind enough to help me, but I have a few other problems :(. I updated to Hardy Heron a couple of days ago, and when I now try to open the update manager or the synaptic package manager, it doesn't ask me to provide the root password but just doesn't let me open these programs anymore, is there a solution to this? I do not want to log in as root all the time | 12:45 |
jrib | DracoZA: how are you accessing the other files on the network? | 12:45 |
gestahlt | AH | 12:45 |
gestahlt | I tried to reinstall the open ssh server | 12:45 |
gestahlt | i get this: invoke-rc.d: initscript ssh, action "restart" failed. | 12:45 |
DracoZA | jrib, the files are being copied to my machine by other users | 12:45 |
gestahlt | but that is okay so far | 12:45 |
gestahlt | since i do it chrooted | 12:45 |
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maaike | Hi everyone, I was just here and KillerOrca was kind enough to help me, but I have a few other problems :(. I updated to Hardy Heron a couple of days ago, and when I now try to open the update manager or the synaptic package manager, it doesn't ask me to provide the root password but just doesn't let me open these programs anymore, is there a solution to this? I do not want to log in as root all the time | 12:47 |
recon69 | my EDIMAX 7128g wireless card not working, any suggestions -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/14072/ | 12:47 |
anirudh0 | maaike: its possible to use visudo to allow superuser proviledges without needing a password | 12:47 |
anirudh0 | maaike: for you particular username _only_ | 12:47 |
Pici | maaike: Does it giev you an error? | 12:48 |
RoadHazard | can you add yourself to the root group? | 12:48 |
mdh76 | maaike, does normal console sudo whinge about hostnames? | 12:48 |
maaike | Pici: no, no error, nothing opens and that's it | 12:48 |
jrib | DracoZA: the real solution is to setup permissions properly. Editing things as root all the time doesn't really make sense | 12:48 |
anirudh0 | maaike: but I would'nt recommend it unless you are the only user on your system | 12:48 |
soundray | maaike: have you looked at System-Administration-Authorizations? | 12:48 |
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Nazrax | My Hardy Alternate install keeps stopping at 6% during "Select and install packages" - anyone have any idea why? | 12:48 |
maaike | anirudh0: I'll try that, and yes I am the only one using my laptop :) | 12:48 |
DracoZA | jrib, agreed I will have to look that up | 12:49 |
KillerOrca | Nazrax: maybe a broken cd? | 12:49 |
anirudh0 | maaike: run update-manager or "sudo synaptic" from the terminal | 12:49 |
soundray | maaike: don't use visudo yet please -- see if configuring PolicyKit fixes your problem | 12:49 |
Nazrax | I've used the CD's selfcheck, it says it's fine | 12:49 |
anirudh0 | maiike: so that you know what the error is about | 12:49 |
soundray | anirudh0: please recommend gksudo for graphical programs | 12:49 |
KillerOrca | Nazrax: then it may just be incompatible hardware | 12:49 |
Nazrax | LiveCD works fine | 12:49 |
rascal999 | I'm trying to make a folder share, but I get this error 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error Permission denied | 12:50 |
madyogi | Hi guys. I've searched all the enries to the Ubuntu Forums, and all the bug reports, but I can not find any solution to my Problem concerning Keyboard Layouts. All the bugs are filed as solved, but for me it appears that they are not | 12:50 |
rascal999 | how do I fix? | 12:50 |
maaike | soundray: help me, where can I find PolicyKit (I am very new to ubuntu :) | 12:50 |
soundray | maaike: have you looked at System-Administration-Authorizations? | 12:50 |
DracoZA | jrib, see silly little permission issues like rascal999 just announced | 12:50 |
KillerOrca | Nazrax: how long have you left it alone? | 12:50 |
Millow | Can omseone help me with "Cannot allocate memory"-problems | 12:50 |
RoadHazard | madyogi: is the user in the group permitted to access that folder? | 12:50 |
maaike | soundray: I am looking at that right now :) | 12:50 |
Nazrax | KillerOrca: It sits there for 20 minutes, then dies. | 12:51 |
rascal999 | DracoZA: I know its a permission issue | 12:51 |
Millow | keep getting it all the time everywhere, even tho I have like 250mb free ram left | 12:51 |
DracoZA | rascal999, its just such an annoying issue | 12:51 |
madyogi | RoadHazard: which folder? | 12:51 |
rascal999 | but I want to be able to do it from GNOME, not in terminal | 12:51 |
maaike | soundray: but what do I need to change there? | 12:51 |
rascal999 | they haven't fixed it? | 12:51 |
gaokai | how to create a shared space between VMware Ubuntu and Host WINXP ? | 12:51 |
Nazrax | KillerOrca: According to the logs, it installs libc, waits 20 minutes, then starts to setup "configure" | 12:51 |
soundray | maaike: I'm new to PolicyKit myself, so I'd have to make it up as we go along | 12:51 |
RoadHazard | madyogi: sorry I answered rascal999's question on your name | 12:51 |
soundray | maaike: but maybe there is something obvious in there | 12:51 |
bouma | does ubuntu support the dell all in one printer scanner | 12:51 |
RoadHazard | bouma and which one would that be? | 12:52 |
maaike | soundray: maybe 'Manage System Configuration' | 12:52 |
rascal999 | RoadHazard: its /home/<user> | 12:52 |
madyogi | RoadHazard: np. | 12:52 |
anirudh0 | maaike: run apt from the terminal...that should tell you what the problem is about | 12:52 |
recon69 | my EDIMAX 7128g wireless card not working, any suggestions -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/14072/ | 12:52 |
KillerOrca | Nazrax: I know my install took forever, but that was on oldware | 12:52 |
anirudh0 | maiike: it might not be a permissions issue at all... | 12:52 |
MeRodent | bouma; check lexmark as dell tend to repackage them. | 12:52 |
bouma | RoadHazard: not completely sure, but im running ubuntu, lsusb ? | 12:52 |
soundray | maaike: before you pursue this, could you tell me what a simple 'sudo ls' gives you in a terminal? | 12:52 |
sCOTTo | RoadHazard: i looked at ispconfig - nah id stick to cPanel... it feels better :) | 12:52 |
KillerOrca | Nazrax: did you try that wubi installer? | 12:52 |
Nazrax | KillerOrca: Setup actually dies; the screen turns red and it tells me that it failed during the "Select and install packages" step. | 12:53 |
Nazrax | KillerOrca: I don't have Windows on this machine. | 12:53 |
bouma | MeRodent: Bus 001 Device 003: ID 046d:c313 Logitech, Inc. | 12:53 |
maaike | soundray: oh sorry, I was looking at the wrong thing, I am looking at the policy kit now. But one question, if I am the only person using my laptop, can't I just set the rights to everything to me? or is that too dangerous | 12:53 |
gestahlt | when i try to install openssh i get following error (in a chroot enviroment) invoke-rc.d: initscript ssh, action "stop" failed. | 12:53 |
RoadHazard | should | 12:53 |
gestahlt | uh replace stop with start | 12:53 |
bouma | MeRodent: should i just google that string from lsusb ? | 12:53 |
KillerOrca | Nazrax: what do you have? | 12:54 |
soundray | maaike: it would be better to get to the default Ubuntu behaviour if you can achieve this | 12:54 |
maaike | soundray: sudo ls gives me a big list of files | 12:54 |
bouma | MeRodent: will that give me scanning too, or should i follow some other keywords, (? sane) | 12:54 |
soundray | maaike: good | 12:54 |
MeRodent | bouma, that looks like something other than the printer. | 12:54 |
maaike | soundray: and some directories | 12:54 |
soundray | maaike: when you launch 'gksudo synaptic' from there, does that work? | 12:54 |
gestahlt | OK Nvm | 12:54 |
BigRed | what is apic? | 12:54 |
gestahlt | It works now | 12:54 |
bouma | MeRodent: Bus 004 Device 002: ID 413c:5109 Dell Computer Corp. | 12:54 |
gestahlt | whyever | 12:54 |
BigRed | I had to disable that also | 12:54 |
bouma | MeRodent: i unplugged the printer and this was the one that disapeared | 12:55 |
maaike | soundray: yes that works | 12:55 |
soundray | BigRed: advanced programmable interrupt controller. There is a Wikipedia article | 12:55 |
madyogi | If I set up german and Ukrainian Layout, then at first everything works fine. After reboot though, the ukrainian Layout is scrapped and instead of normal characters I get unknown characters... It seems to happen always, when 2 or more Layouts are set. I tried it also with "German/German Dvorak" and the Issue was the same | 12:55 |
BigRed | thanks | 12:55 |
Nazrax | KillerOrca: Physically, it's a newer Dell. Right now, it has Gutsy with the root in one partition and home in LVM (done after the original install). I know I could upgrade, but this machine has already been upgraded a couple of times, and I really want a fresh start. | 12:55 |
soundray | maaike: okay, I think that clarifies it -- it's PolicyKit preventing you from using it through the menus. | 12:55 |
maaike | soundray: okay, how do I fix that? | 12:56 |
soundray | maaike: through the Authorizations dialog that you already opened | 12:56 |
bouma | RoadHazard: i want to scan a page and email it to my supervisor, so im thinking of rebooting to xp | 12:56 |
maaike | soundray: can I just grant my user an authorization and that should work? | 12:57 |
RoadHazard | did you install sane? | 12:57 |
bouma | RoadHazard: yes i have sane | 12:57 |
KillerOrca | Nazrax: what happens if youtry upgrading via the cd? | 12:57 |
KillerOrca | gestahlt: what did you do to get it to work? | 12:57 |
RoadHazard | have an app that "should" see the scanner? | 12:57 |
bouma | RoadHazard: xsane | 12:57 |
Nazrax | KillerOrca: Haven't tried any upgrade paths. | 12:57 |
urlwolf | I'm using Opera as a mail client. I want to remove duplicates, and opera uses the standard mbox format. The problem is that it places ONE email per file. | 12:58 |
anirudh0 | maiike: adding this line "maiike ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" using visudo might ne easier | 12:58 |
zhyagao | hey there | 12:58 |
soundray | maaike: you could -- but have a look at how this dialog looks by default (URL coming) | 12:58 |
urlwolf | Is there any way find duplicates when each mbox contains only one file? | 12:58 |
xodiak | good morning. I have been trying to update my system with the latest batch of updates through the Update Manager. But the update app just appears to lock up. Sat there all night last night. Now after a restart I tried again it's locked up. Oh and I'm a newbie... :) | 12:58 |
anirudh0 | maaike: assuming your username is also maaike | 12:58 |
zhyagao | anybody can help plz? imy keoboard doesn't work ... | 12:58 |
bouma | RoadHazard: i dont get the preview, but i also have a tv card which could be confusing things | 12:58 |
urlwolf | I have a perl script for dupes, but it assumes all mail is in a single mbox... | 12:58 |
soundray | maaike: http://www.soundray.org/Screenshot-Authorizations.png | 12:58 |
KillerOrca | xodiak: sudo apt-get dit-upgrade | 12:58 |
KillerOrca | xodiak: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 12:59 |
xodiak | KillerOrca: will try | 12:59 |
RoadHazard | bouma: sorry, not alot of help | 12:59 |
maaike | soundray: that's what my dialog looks like too | 12:59 |
KillerOrca | xodiak: should be dist not dit | 12:59 |
zhyagao | I use ubuntu 8.04 with fusion icon, but it suddenly wouldn't work as there's nothing out whatever i type by my keyboard. but it's ok when i switch to another user id | 12:59 |
xodiak | okay | 12:59 |
zhyagao | anybody can help me please ? | 12:59 |
soundray | maaike: oh, nothing to fix then... | 12:59 |
maaike | soundray: so I can't do anything to fix my problem? I always have to open it from the command line? | 13:00 |
xodiak | KillerOrca: I probably should not run this while the Update Manager is running correct? | 13:00 |
DracoZA | correct xodiak | 13:00 |
anirudh0 | maaike: the visudo method does'nt need to be used from the command line | 13:00 |
soundray | maaike: no, you can certainly do what you were going to do, adding yourself explicitly in Manage System Configuration | 13:01 |
KillerOrca | xodiak: yeah | 13:01 |
maaike | soundray: thanks for all your help, I'll do that then. Thanks!! | 13:01 |
xodiak | Is there a way to Force a Quit similar to "End Process" in windows task manager? So I don't have to restart | 13:01 |
RoadHazard | xodiak: you can blow the xserver back to login | 13:02 |
soundray | anirudh0: visudo should always be a last resort | 13:02 |
gestahlt | YAY | 13:02 |
gestahlt | Openssh works now | 13:02 |
* gestahlt dances | 13:02 | |
RoadHazard | xodiac or system monitor | 13:02 |
anirudh0 | soundray: yes...but he was the only user on the system.... | 13:02 |
zhyagao | I use ubuntu 8.04 with fusion icon, but it suddenly wouldn't work as there's nothing out whatever i type by my keyboard. but it's ok when i switch to another user id. anybody can help me plz ? | 13:02 |
tesseract | Weet iemand ook perongeluk hoe je volledige zinnen kan laten weer geven in Python? | 13:02 |
gestahlt | How can i check for installed devices (harddrives) on the system? | 13:02 |
soundray | anirudh0: she :) | 13:02 |
gestahlt | in terminal | 13:02 |
gestahlt | with output | 13:02 |
RoadHazard | mount | 13:02 |
KillerOrca | xodiak: can't you just cloes it? | 13:02 |
gestahlt | Unmounted devices | 13:03 |
gestahlt | i do not want the harddrives mounted | 13:03 |
anirudh0 | soundray: hmm ... vague :) | 13:03 |
soundray | anirudh0: still, that might change | 13:03 |
gestahlt | i only want to know if they are there | 13:03 |
xodiak | KillerOrca: No, It acts like it's locked up. And will not close. | 13:03 |
PriceChild | !nl | tesseract | 13:03 |
TwinX | tesseract; #ubuntu-nl | 13:03 |
ubottu | tesseract: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl | 13:03 |
JonathanElli1 | I have a networking problem. I set my computer running Ubuntu 8.04 to have a fixed IP address, subnet mask Now when I try to ping (my router), I get the error "Network is unreachable". This also happens when I try the same thing on Ubuntu 7.10. Any ideas please? | 13:03 |
soundray | anirudh0: what's vague? | 13:03 |
anirudh0 | zhyaao: describe in more detail please | 13:03 |
Millow | Can anyone help me with this Cannot allocate memory - fork(2) problem I'm getting? | 13:03 |
anirudh0 | soundray: the name i mean...i thought it was an anime character | 13:03 |
KillerOrca | xodiak: umm terminal then top to see the process # | 13:03 |
KillerOrca | xodiak: then sudo kill that # | 13:04 |
soundray | anirudh0: if you're logging on from .nl under a nick of maaike, you're either female or posing as one | 13:04 |
xodiak | KillerOrca:Is that PID? | 13:04 |
madyogi | JonathanElli1: Is the router set up properly? Does it recognise the 192.168.1.* net properly? | 13:04 |
KillerOrca | xodiak: yes | 13:04 |
tesseract | yeah I antecedently typed it here. Sorry fellas | 13:04 |
pere_ | Hi I need urgent help!! I have just upgrade ubuntu and now I can't record audio with audacity it sads that "check audio device" and from the panel is going, and is also very slow to do any thing! | 13:04 |
xodiak | KillerOrca: PID is 5821 | 13:05 |
zhyagao | the situation is. when i worked with my picasa, suddenly all my keyboard stopped working. then i restart, finding that keyboard still didn't work. but when i switch into another user id, it is ok. | 13:05 |
pere_ | is basic for me! | 13:05 |
madyogi | JonathanElli1: normally, per default, they use 192.168.0.* Maybe that's the Problem? | 13:05 |
anirudh0 | soundray: thnx for the info..will remember in the future...if you are logging as *anirudh* from .in, you are either a male or posing as one :) | 13:05 |
zhyagao | seems i did no change to my bashrc or else. i just dont know what's the matter with it | 13:05 |
JonathanElli1 | madyogi: Yes. The router is set as with net mask | 13:05 |
anirudh0 | zhyagao: does you keyboard work properly until the gdm stage? | 13:05 |
soundray | anirudh0: :) | 13:05 |
madyogi | JonathanElli1: hrm... | 13:06 |
zhyagao | yep. it works fine in GDM, or just another user id environment | 13:06 |
JonathanElli1 | madyogi: And it works fine if the computer gets its address via DHCP. I think this is an Ubuntu problem not a router problem. Windows machines connect fine with | 13:06 |
zhyagao | that's what i'm doing now | 13:06 |
JonathanElli1 | madyogi: with a fixed ip address | 13:06 |
KillerOrca | xodiak: it is 5 am here, I need to sleep, good luck | 13:06 |
madyogi | JonathanElli1: My Ubuntu also connects fine with fixed adsress | 13:06 |
xodiak | Used the "Kill" don't know I knew that but it worked | 13:06 |
xodiak | Thanks man!!!! | 13:07 |
JonathanElli1 | madyogi: I have experienced this problem with my other computer trying to connect to totally different hardware | 13:07 |
RoadHazard | god love an OS with a command like kill | 13:07 |
madyogi | JonathanElli1: The problem could be, that you mybe somehow take anothers computer IP? | 13:07 |
anirudh0 | zhyagao: if its a bashrc thing...you can just delete the file..it falls back to /etc | 13:07 |
pere_ | Hi I need urgent help!! I have just upgrade ubuntu and now I can't record audio with audacity it sads that "check audio device" and from the panel is going, and is also very slow to do any thing! some answer? | 13:07 |
anirudh0 | pere_:: check sudo alsamixer | 13:08 |
anirudh0 | pere_:make sure "Capture" is not muted | 13:08 |
madyogi | JonathanElli1: Ill take a look at my config... | 13:08 |
pere_ | merci, in terminal window ok? | 13:08 |
RoadHazard | is there new sound daemon in hardy? | 13:08 |
anirudh0 | pere_: yes | 13:08 |
jrib | RoadHazard: pulse audio | 13:08 |
RoadHazard | then he'll need to tell audacity about that | 13:09 |
madyogi | JonathanElli1: You use wired connection, don't you? | 13:09 |
Anton1234 | pere_: Try also this: From audacity menu select: | 13:09 |
mad_max02 | I have downloaded kubuntu-8.04-dvd-amd64.iso. Is there both KDE 3 and KDE 4 on that dvd and how can I choose to install KDE4 only ??? | 13:09 |
Anton1234 | Edit -> preferences -> Audio I/O -> Device Try to change it. | 13:10 |
anirudh0 | pere_:also make sure the pulseaudio daemon is running...to do this do "ps -A|grep pulse" ...and check that the output is not null | 13:10 |
zhyagao | the problem is that i did not change my .bashrc file at all...it's just i downloaded some pictures from picasa, waiting patiently, and soon the keyboard stopped | 13:10 |
JonathanElli1 | madyogi: Nope. The only other computer on the subnet (this one I am typing on) has address The DHCP pool begins at and there are no entries in the router DHCP pool for Usually I would expect a different error message for the problems you mention. "Network unreachable" usually means no route or no default gateway to connect to a machine on a different subnet. I am trying to connect to the same subnet. Yes it is a | 13:10 |
anirudh0 | zhyagao: what is you locale | 13:10 |
zhyagao | en.US-utf8 | 13:10 |
pere_ | yes I try it all, but nothing, I am on Alsa now but I don't really understand it... | 13:10 |
pere_ | seems ok.. | 13:11 |
Anton1234 | Tried to change the device as I told you? | 13:11 |
Anton1234 | It worked for me. | 13:11 |
anirudh0 | zhyagao: the only explanation is that picasa changed something in you home folder(since thats the only place it could have had permissions) | 13:11 |
BigRed | ok in order to install ubuntu on my laptop I had to disable APIC....what are the downsides to this? | 13:11 |
pere_ | yes I try them all I have 3 alsa ways | 13:12 |
anirudh0 | zhyagao: so its a __last__ resort...but deleting the whole home folder must work | 13:12 |
Dr_willis | mad_max02, kde4 is very much a work in progress. and lacking a lot of features. I suggest installng kde3, then installing kde4 to test out kde4 | 13:12 |
madyogi | JonathanElli1: Maybe you can try to take an IP Address from the DHCP pool, but a much higher address. For example Just for test if it'll work | 13:12 |
soundray | BigRed: there are no noticable downsides that I've had as a long term user of noapic | 13:12 |
Anton1234 | pere_: Then I don't know how to help you without being in fron of your computer. | 13:12 |
anirudh0 | mad_max02: or install kubuntu-kde4-desktop...it has a sane mix of kde3 and kde4 packages | 13:12 |
Dr_willis | BigRed, you sure its noapic, not noapci ? | 13:13 |
RoadHazard | its noapic and acpi=off | 13:13 |
soundray | BigRed: some drivers may operate more slowly as they have to fallback to polling | 13:13 |
anirudh0 | pere_:: if you can...take a screenshot of the output of "sudo alsamixer" and post it somewhere we can see | 13:13 |
Dr_willis | apci=off is the same as noapci i belive. | 13:13 |
soundray | Dr_willis: there is no noapci, and not noacpi, only noapic | 13:13 |
pere_ | ok! | 13:13 |
soundray | Dr_willis: no | 13:13 |
Dr_willis | soundray, if you say so. I reall needeing them ages ago. havent had to mess with them in ages.. seems odd way for them to name optuons | 13:14 |
RoadHazard | I believe they did that to prevent dyslexic mistakes | 13:14 |
Dr_willis | RoadHazard, i recall them being there but i am gettting old and senile. :) and this was 3+ yrs ago. | 13:14 |
anirudh0 | is it possible to wake the computer up from hibernate after some prespecified delay? | 13:15 |
pere_ | I have it how can I show it? | 13:15 |
anirudh0 | pere_:: post the link!! | 13:15 |
soundray | Dr_willis: well, APICs were invented before ACPI as far as I know, so blame Microsoft and consorts for creating confusion | 13:15 |
pere_ | I don't get it Where I up load it? | 13:15 |
JonathanElli1 | madyogi: Well thats weird! I changed the address to something high in the pool and it worked. Then I changed it back to and it still works | 13:16 |
RoadHazard | try like imageshack or something | 13:16 |
anirudh0 | pere__: yup..imageshack or imagevenue or flickr | 13:17 |
zhyagao | just migrating all my previous home folder to a new id's home folder, u mean ? | 13:17 |
zhyagao | anirudh0: i'm not quite sure what i can do now. but when i try to get sudo i get the msg " is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported." | 13:17 |
pere_ | file:///home/pere/Escriptori/Screenshot.png | 13:17 |
zhyagao | anirudh0: what should i do to recover my sudo? | 13:17 |
pere_ | ok! | 13:17 |
madyogi | JonathanElli1: Maybe the router just don't want to accept anything from outside the DHCP range? Mine Netgear also didn't. | 13:17 |
kevin_ | anyone around her who can help me with applets for awn manager? | 13:18 |
anirudh0 | zhyagao: this is bad...you are in failsafe terminal? | 13:18 |
anirudh0 | kevin_: which particular applet.. | 13:18 |
zhyagao | anirudh0: no. i'm just use another user id to go into the X window | 13:18 |
RoadHazard | zhyagao: tried a grub recovery boot? | 13:18 |
zhyagao | RoadHazard: grub recovery boot to do what ? | 13:19 |
RoadHazard | zhyagao: and visudo? | 13:19 |
anirudh0 | zhyagao: yes..as RoadHazard said..grub recovery boot will make you root | 13:19 |
kevin_ | well i installed awn manager (+other needed things) but i cant find any awn applet packages on internet and dont know how to install apllets in it -.- | 13:19 |
kevin_ | just started working with ubuntu :D | 13:19 |
zhyagao | anirudh0: ok, i try it now. and get u back soon | 13:19 |
anirudh0 | kevin_: check out the awn homepage...they have debian packages for awn themes and awn-applets | 13:19 |
pere_ | here it is http://img373.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotrd5.png][IMG]http://img373.imageshack.us/img373/9387/screenshotrd5.th.png[/IMG][/URL] | 13:19 |
kevin_ | oke thx | 13:20 |
simplexio | ~/last pere | 13:20 |
kevin_ | but is there a easy way to put shortcuts to inet and other things in the applet bar | 13:20 |
kevin_ | without downloading > | 13:20 |
Blinny | Currently using i386 8.04 - Could I boot to an amd64 alternate CD and choose 'Upgrade', and have the installer figure out which packages I have and upgrade them all from i386 to amd64? | 13:20 |
soundray | Blinny: no | 13:21 |
JonathanElli1 | madyogi: No I dont think thats it because the pool was set from to and when I changed the machine address to it worked first thing. Then when I changed the machine back to the first line of the ping said "From icmp_seq=1 Destination host unreachable" but then the next line of the ping worked fine. Now every time I ping it works first thing. Its a weird bug! | 13:21 |
Le2 | hi, if I run a command with su, how can I specify to the program I launch it's working directory? | 13:21 |
jrib | Blinny: no, you need to reinstall to change architecture | 13:21 |
Blinny | Damn. | 13:21 |
vy | Hi! I disabled PasswordAuthentication and just allowed entrance via public key authentication in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. When I try to connect to the related machine via ssh, /var/log/auth.log tells that: «Accepted publickey for ...\npam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user ...\nerror: PAM: pam_open_session(): Permission denied.» Any ideas? | 13:21 |
Blinny | Reinstall == formatting all partitions? | 13:21 |
anirudh0 | pere_: it seems several things are muted...you can unmute them by going to each and pressing the 'm' key | 13:21 |
soundray | Le2: are you using su to run programs as root? | 13:21 |
xodiak | exit | 13:22 |
pere_ | ok I try! | 13:22 |
Le2 | soundray: no, i'm actually doing the opposite- running a program in rc.local to make it run as not-root | 13:22 |
madyogi | JonathanElli1: Really Weird | 13:22 |
jrib | Blinny: reinstall == reinstalling ubuntu. So whatever partitions it installs packages to will be wiped. (not /home for example if that is on its own partition) | 13:22 |
soundray | Le2: use 'su - username'. This should set the home directory to /home/username | 13:23 |
Blinny | jrib: Okay. Thank you. | 13:23 |
Le2 | soundray: at the moment i've got su scast -c /home/scast/sc_serv/sc_serv &> /dev/null &, so I'd use su - scast -c /blah ? | 13:23 |
laeg | is there anyway to create a folder in /media so i can mount disk images there? it seems like the most logical place | 13:23 |
jrib | laeg: sudo mkdir /media/whatever-you-want | 13:24 |
Swordbeta | Vlet, it's meh again :P | 13:24 |
laeg | jrib: ty | 13:24 |
soundray | Le2: I think so. Try it out from a root shell (sudo -i) to be sure | 13:24 |
soundray | Le2: oh, not quite, sorry | 13:24 |
Le2 | soundray: huh? | 13:25 |
sharkp | Hi | 13:25 |
sharkp | I've a problem with the sound system | 13:25 |
pere_ | does not work.. here what I get http://img374.imageshack.us/img374/8607/screenshot1ij9.png | 13:25 |
Le2 | soundray: what could I use to test this? shoutcast is already running and in use so I can't kill it to try this | 13:25 |
kevin_ | anirudh0 | 13:25 |
soundray | Le2: man su has the answer. You need to specify - as the last option. Alternatively, use su -l -c 'command' | 13:25 |
sharkp | it's very low...I use the integrated sound by realtek | 13:25 |
kevin_ | do you maybe have alink for me ? | 13:25 |
Le2 | soundray: ah ok, thanks | 13:25 |
soundray | Le2: su -l -c 'echo $HOME' username | 13:26 |
soundray | Le2: this should echo /home/username | 13:26 |
Le2 | ok | 13:26 |
Le2 | is there any way to make it use a directory other than just the home dir? | 13:27 |
bazhang | kevin_, link for what | 13:27 |
madyogi | JonathanElli1: I can not add anything to it :-( Sorry... | 13:27 |
anirudh0 | kevin_: http://wiki.awn-project.org/DistributionGuides | 13:27 |
soundray | Le2: oh, I misread... you said working directory... | 13:27 |
Le2 | soundray: hehe, unless I made the command cd sc_serv && sc_serv ? | 13:28 |
soundray | Le2: su -l -c 'cd /some/dir && command' | 13:28 |
soundray | Le2: indeed | 13:28 |
Le2 | yeah, thanks | 13:28 |
tch23 | Hi evryone! | 13:28 |
tch23 | deos someone know how to configure a real-time ubuntu studio's kernel? | 13:30 |
RoadHazard | sudo apt-get install linux-image-rt ? | 13:30 |
Templarian | hey guys when i'm doing a remote login to putty to a server that goes through a router how exactly do i tell it to find the server without setting a port forwarding? | 13:31 |
pere_ | <anirudh0> what you think? | 13:31 |
Swordbeta | can someone help me installing php5 and mysql on apache2? I have downloaded all packages via synaptic, but php and mysql isn't working on apache, apache is working though | 13:31 |
anirudh0 | pere_: as i said before...unmute all the settings in alsamixer | 13:31 |
Templarian | !remotelogin | 13:31 |
ubottu | Factoid remotelogin not found | 13:31 |
Templarian | !remote login | 13:32 |
ubottu | Factoid remote login not found | 13:32 |
anirudh0 | pere_: "man alsamixer" shhoudl give you more info | 13:32 |
jrib | !lamp > Swordbeta (read the private message from ubottu) | 13:32 |
anirudh0 | pere_:*should | 13:32 |
* Templarian mr bot his that helpful. | 13:32 | |
krim | I've tried to upload a large (1.4 MB) .torrent file to three different sites several times, every time I get "Connection Interrupted. The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading. The network link was interrupted while negotiating a connection. Please try again.", this has happened with both Firefox and Konqueror (using Hardy). I asked someone using Opera to upload it for me to one site and that worked. Anyone want to tr | 13:32 |
vlt | Hello. Which group members are allowed to start and stop printers by default? | 13:32 |
Swordbeta | Thanks jrib, I'll take a look at lamp | 13:33 |
pere_ | yes I done it, and doesnot work, what you mean? is a terminal comand? | 13:33 |
pere_ | "man alsamixe" ? | 13:33 |
anirudh0 | pere_: yes it is a terminal command to show alsamixer's manual page | 13:33 |
=== TwinX is now known as TwinX-Away | ||
pere_ | ok I see... | 13:34 |
anirudh0 | pere_: but since you say you have already unmuted everythin...it might not help very much :( | 13:34 |
pere_ | is sads men not found | 13:34 |
bazhang | pere_, man not men | 13:35 |
magnetron | !man | pere_ | 13:35 |
ubottu | pere_: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 13:35 |
pere_ | ok! sorry! I have it! | 13:35 |
anirudh0 | pere_: :) | 13:36 |
pere_ | but is what you sad, may be in audacity help? | 13:36 |
RoadHazard | I'm not completely sure if audacity is compatible with pulse | 13:36 |
mrichman | What does this mean when gxine gives you this: video_out_xv: No adaptors found. You can improve performance by installing an X11 driver that supports the Xv protocol extension. | 13:36 |
anirudh0 | pere_: sorry about that ...i have'nt used audacity too much myself...maybe someone else can help | 13:37 |
pere_ | Thank you any way! nice time! | 13:37 |
anirudh0 | pere_: but try if gnome-sound-recorder works | 13:37 |
Swordbeta | jrib, I get this error: tasksel: aptitude failed (100) | 13:37 |
anirudh0 | pere_: since your problem is about capturing audio, and not with audacity itself | 13:38 |
pere_ | the thing is that before upgrading it was working! | 13:38 |
jrib | Swordbeta: and when you don't use tasksel? | 13:38 |
RoadHazard | yes, the audio daemon is different in hardy | 13:38 |
anirudh0 | pere_:fresh installs are always better.. both in terms of system bloat and things working :) | 13:38 |
pere_ | What you mean fresh installs? | 13:39 |
Swordbeta | install: missing destination file operand after `lamp-server' | 13:39 |
Swordbeta | Try `install --help' for more information. | 13:39 |
RoadHazard | FFR | 13:39 |
Jav13r_ | where could i get some help about Alpine mail clinet? | 13:39 |
RoadHazard | Fdisk, Format, Reinstall | 13:39 |
pere_ | ok... | 13:40 |
pere_ | lot of work huh!! | 13:40 |
RoadHazard | it can be | 13:40 |
tandc | Hello | 13:40 |
anirudh0 | pere_: nope...just pop in a cd..then its 20 min work | 13:40 |
RoadHazard | anirudh0: ....and rewrite half the /etc directory.... | 13:41 |
pere_ | but can I re-install only alsa? | 13:41 |
praveen | hi bala | 13:42 |
krim | I've tried to upload a large (1.4 MB) .torrent file to three different sites several times, every time I get "Connection Interrupted. The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading. The network link was interrupted while negotiating a connection. Please try again.", this has happened with both Firefox and Konqueror (using Hardy). I asked someone using Opera to upload it for me to one site and that worked. Anyone want to tr | 13:42 |
anirudh0 | pere_: theoretically::yes...practically:: it might not work | 13:42 |
steph33560 | Hello | 13:42 |
RoadHazard | mornin steph, state the nature of your medical emergency | 13:42 |
mrichman | How do I play Quicktime videos? | 13:43 |
pere_ | ok I keep trying I must go now Thank you so much! | 13:43 |
steph33560 | I'm looking for informations about WIFI WEP ASCII definition in /etc/network/interfaces | 13:43 |
steph33560 | did not find any links... | 13:43 |
Swordbeta | do you know what I can do jrib? | 13:43 |
jrib | Swordbeta: what command did you exectue? | 13:43 |
Swordbeta | sudo tasksel install lamp-server, jrib | 13:44 |
krim | mrichman: tried http://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu+quicktime ? | 13:44 |
jrib | Swordbeta: yes, follow the directions that don't involve tasksel | 13:44 |
Swordbeta | how?I'm a windows newb, so I don't know anything about linux, jrib | 13:44 |
mrichman | krim: yes, but i can't find the mplayer plugin | 13:45 |
jrib | Swordbeta: read the rest of the wiki after the tasksel part | 13:45 |
tolecnal | krim: I'll make it easy for you -> http://www.medibuntu.org/ | 13:45 |
bazhang | mrichman, mozilla-mplayer? | 13:45 |
Swordbeta | but thats about installing them seperatly, I want them to install them in one | 13:45 |
RoadHazard | steph33560: lookie here http://paste.ubuntu.com/14083/ | 13:45 |
krim | tolecnal: That's the answer to mrichmans question, not mine :) | 13:45 |
tolecnal | krim: ah, sorry.. kinda jumped in there :P | 13:45 |
tolecnal | mrichman: http://www.medibuntu.org/ :P | 13:45 |
Lego_Minifig | Where can I get help with 3D effects? | 13:46 |
D_ubuntu | heelloooo | 13:46 |
kantlivelong | ENTERTAIN ME! | 13:46 |
D_ubuntu | i need help..??!!! | 13:46 |
Lego_Minifig | I am trying to do the cube effect and I cannot get it to do more than 2 sides. | 13:46 |
kantlivelong | sup D_ubuntu | 13:46 |
D_ubuntu | with graphic | 13:46 |
krim | D_ubuntu: The red button. | 13:46 |
mrichman | tolecnal: cool...which of those packages do i need to install? | 13:46 |
steph33560 | RoadHazard, I got this but it seems that's informations are lacking | 13:47 |
RoadHazard | Lego_Minifig: in gnome-compiz-manager theres a selection for #of desktops | 13:47 |
tolecnal | mrichman: the site should tell you what do to :) | 13:47 |
RoadHazard | Lego_Minifig: set to 4 or waddever | 13:47 |
Lego_Minifig | I am running KDE | 13:47 |
=== milosz_ is now known as Mikhail|Cylon | ||
legend2440 | mrichman: in synaptic mozilla-mplayer is the MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla | 13:47 |
D_ubuntu | i have old ati card and have troble with drivers now | 13:48 |
D_ubuntu | can anybody help me | 13:48 |
D_ubuntu | envy doesnt resolve my problem | 13:48 |
pteague | !ati | 13:49 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 13:49 |
Lego_Minifig | I have rotate cube abd some other ettings, but nothing on changing cyube sides. | 13:49 |
kantlivelong | D_ubuntu: need more info | 13:49 |
D_ubuntu | ok | 13:49 |
tandc | Joshua 1 | 13:49 |
tandc | God.s Commission to Joshua | 13:49 |
D_ubuntu | i have vesa drivers now because i cant find better | 13:49 |
tandc | 1 After the death of Moses the servant of the LORD, it came to pass that the LORD spoke to Johua the son of Nun, Moses. assistant, saying: 2 .Moses My servant is dead. Now therefore, arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to them.the children of Israel. 3 Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you,, as I said to Moses. 4 From the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the gr | 13:49 |
mrichman | legend2440: i just need Gnome desktop integration...dont care about the browser right now | 13:49 |
tandc | The Order to Cross the Jordan | 13:49 |
tandc | 10 Then Joshua commanded the officers of the people, saying, 11 .Pass through the camp and command the people, saying, .Prepare provisions for yourselves, for within three days you will cross over this Jordan, to go in to possess the land which the LORD your God is giving you to possess... | 13:49 |
D_ubuntu | everything is slow and flickering | 13:49 |
FloodBot1 | tandc: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 13:49 |
jesse | !brightness | 13:50 |
ubottu | Factoid brightness not found | 13:50 |
thrope | hello - i have 64 bit unbuntu - is firefox there 64bit? | 13:52 |
jrib | thrope: yes | 13:52 |
thrope | jrib: how does flash work then (not having any problem - just checkign) | 13:52 |
jrib | thrope: nspluginwrapper runs 32bit flash | 13:52 |
thrope | ah ok | 13:53 |
D_ubuntu | can anyone help my...?? stupid ati drivers | 13:53 |
RoadHazard | theres firefox and firefox32 still isnt there? because of shockwave? | 13:53 |
D_ubuntu | everything is slow and flickering | 13:53 |
=== insomnia is now known as anabolix | ||
jrib | RoadHazard: shockwave isn't available for linux at all. You would need to run a browser in wine | 13:54 |
RoadHazard | yuck | 13:54 |
Pici | Shockwave is not the same as flash though. | 13:54 |
RoadHazard | mah x wife is a pogo nut | 13:55 |
RoadHazard | and I'm still wrangled with her tech support somehow | 13:56 |
telemaco | anyone is in the UDS ? | 13:56 |
destino | Buongiorno | 13:56 |
bazhang | !it | destino | 13:56 |
ubottu | destino: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 13:56 |
Steve-cal | Question about Grub: if I have two linux distro's installed on my HD (one Ubuntu), and each have Grub installed, how can I change which Grub will be loaded at boot time? | 13:57 |
RoadHazard | Steve-cal: have it install to the master boot record at install time | 13:57 |
BWGames | my gnome taskbar and menu've disappeared.. cant get them back at all..only way to get anything decent working is failsafe terminal, then start stuff from there.. any ideas? | 13:58 |
scunizi | Steve-cal, Grub creates a menu for you to choose which opsys you want to load | 13:58 |
Steve-cal | RoadHazard: Yes, that's actually the problem. I didn't mean to install Grub on my second distro install, and now the second distro handles boot up--i want Ubuntu to retain the boot up. | 13:59 |
gogeta | hey guys can virtulbox run off a real partation like vmware | 13:59 |
scunizi | Steve-cal, do you actually want Ubuntu as the first option in the list? | 14:00 |
pteague | i've always installed multi-boots in reverse order that i want to have control | 14:00 |
Steve-cal | scunizi: No, I just want Ubuntu's Grub to control boot-up, not the other distro. | 14:00 |
scunizi | Steve-cal, you can use Ubuntu's live cd to reinstall grub | 14:01 |
RoadHazard | Steve-cal: sudo grub --install (hdx) where x is where you want it | 14:01 |
pteague | although with multiple linux distros you could mount the /boot & modify the grub boot list | 14:01 |
DaveTarmac | not REALLY ubuntu related, but can I use rsync over SSH to backup FROM a remote site? everything I find online is for backing up TO a remote server? | 14:01 |
pteague | DaveTarmac: yes... however the source or target has to be the machine you're running rsync on | 14:02 |
RoadHazard | DaveTarmac: if you have rsync on both machines you can go both ways | 14:02 |
DaveTarmac | rsync is on both machines. I tried running it and I get link_stat ... No such file or directory errors | 14:03 |
Steve-cal | RoadHazard: That seems like a bit of a workaround--I don't want to reinstall Grub in Ubuntu to gain back the MBR. Isn't there a way in the grub shell to change it, such as the "root /dev/hdaX" commmand or something? | 14:03 |
RoadHazard | Steve-cal: just trying to save you from having to rewrite your own menu.lst | 14:04 |
=== adante_ is now known as adante | ||
whileimhere | Hi. Is there a way to extract one page from a 30 page pdf? | 14:05 |
DaveTarmac | so do I need to put the backup script on the server to push it down to the local one? | 14:05 |
Steve-cal | RoadHazard: Thanks, I think it would actually be easy for me to add my second distro to my Ubuntu's menu.lst--I've done something like that before. Do you know anything about that "root /dev/hdaX" command in Grub? Is that what I'm looking for? | 14:06 |
scunizi | whileimhere, if you have installed the cups-pdf print driver you could "print" the page you want to a new pdf | 14:06 |
magnetron | !info pdftk | whileimhere | 14:06 |
ubottu | whileimhere: pdftk (source: pdftk): useful tool for manipulating PDF documents. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.41-2 (hardy), package size 1029 kB, installed size 3052 kB | 14:06 |
RoadHazard | you could use sudo grub --boot-drive= | 14:07 |
__mor1 | hi there. My wireless network starts at boot (I don't use networkmanager, i had to delete /etc/udev/rules.d/85-ifupdown.rules). Good. The PROblem: eth0 (wired) comes up too and i have routing problems while i don't set ifdown eth0... why? Better: how can i solve the problem? | 14:08 |
whileimhere | scunizi good idea | 14:08 |
Abd67 | hi all. The package manager is saying "A problem has occurred when checking for updates" and now I can't even go to software source or preferences on the update manager on hardy | 14:09 |
jrib | Abd67: what happens when you run 'sudo apt-get update'? | 14:10 |
=== puzzle is now known as edson | ||
scunizi | whileimhere, when printing pdf's from cups they will end up in the ~/PDF directory | 14:10 |
ubuntu_ | jel ima ovde nekog iz Srbije? | 14:10 |
Pici | !pl | ubuntu_ | 14:11 |
ubottu | ubuntu_: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 14:11 |
sarthor | i have installed gyache... that was not .deb file, i installed from tar.gz,, there is not uninstall help,,, how to remove gyachi now.. i want to install with webcam suport now. | 14:12 |
=== koheleth is now known as mydogsmells | ||
=== mydogsmells is now known as koheleth | ||
lars_bauer | Program to unpack <filenane>.rar | 14:13 |
jrib | sarthor: what command did you use to install it? | 14:13 |
jrib | !rar > lars_bauer (read the private message from ubottu) | 14:13 |
sarthor | ./configure | 14:13 |
tyler | anyone installed the sidebar screenlet? | 14:13 |
sarthor | jrib, ./configure | 14:13 |
jrib | sarthor: and make install? | 14:13 |
sarthor | Yes | 14:14 |
Abd67 | jrib running 'sudo apt-get update' on console all goes well, but on desktop bar the icon still says "A problem occourred when cheking for updates" | 14:14 |
RoadHazard | lars_bauer: ummm unrar filename.rar? | 14:14 |
sarthor | jrib, Yes with make install | 14:14 |
jrib | sarthor: you may try 'make uninstall', however that is not guaranteed to exist. In that case, read the README and/or INSTALL files. If there's no info there, then you will have to delete the files manually | 14:14 |
steph33560 | did somebody tried to setup a bridge over a wlan interface ? | 14:15 |
jrib | Abd67: pastebin the output | 14:15 |
jrib | !checkinstall > sarthor (read the private message from ubottu) | 14:15 |
jrib | sarthor: in the future, consider checkinstall | 14:15 |
Pici | sarthor: And checking the package repositories first of course | 14:15 |
sarthor | Pici, jrib i am not much familier with linux i am trying what ubuto saying in pm | 14:16 |
RoadHazard | sarthor: instead of using make install use checkinstall | 14:17 |
yacc | Any ideas: May 23 15:14:53 andi-lap pulseaudio[6578]: module-alsa-sink.c: Error opening PCM device front:0: Device or resource busy | 14:17 |
sarthor | RoadHazard, Checkinstall is not installed,, i am installing that. | 14:17 |
RoadHazard | that will help in the future | 14:17 |
tyler | in xchat how do i disable the messages that say this person has left or entered chat? | 14:19 |
DaveTarmac | RoadHazard: do you know how to specify a port for ssh using rsync? | 14:19 |
RoadHazard | DaveTarmac: sorry, I've only used rsync over network | 14:20 |
DaveTarmac | RoadHazard: ok, no worries | 14:20 |
moDumass | hey all, just did a system update and now i cant un-fullscreen movie player | 14:20 |
DaveTarmac | does anyone else know how to specify a port when rsync connects oer ssh? | 14:20 |
moDumass | its eating my brain | 14:20 |
tyler | in xchat how do i disable the messages that say this person has left or entered chat? | 14:20 |
moDumass | any ideas? | 14:20 |
__mor1 | hi there. My wireless network starts at boot (I don't use networkmanager, i had to delete /etc/udev/rules.d/85-ifupdown.rules). Good. The PROblem: eth0 (wired) comes up too and i have routing problems while i don't set ifdown eth0... why? Better: how can i solve the problem? | 14:21 |
=== tolecnal_ is now known as tolecnal | ||
rouini | hello is msn works like windows or smilar software work with ubuntu 8.04 | 14:21 |
moDumass | although my theme wasnt working and now it is | 14:21 |
moDumass | random | 14:21 |
Oli`` | rouini: tried pidgin? | 14:23 |
scunizi | rouini, msn messenger? aMSN in ubuntu | 14:23 |
anirudh0 | hi...in compiz under hardy...i get blinking squares in top of the screen when the screensaver comes on | 14:23 |
rouini | yes but there is no video call | 14:23 |
RoadHazard | anirudh0: did you reinstall your vid driver after the dist-upgrade? | 14:23 |
anirudh0 | i did a fresh install | 14:23 |
Abd67 | jrib [URL=http://img360.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot1zb6.png][IMG]http://img360.imageshack.us/img360/5800/screenshot1zb6.th.png[/IMG][/URL] | 14:23 |
anirudh0 | my driver is ati radeon...compiz has no problem | 14:24 |
navk2005 | mine is ati radeon as well | 14:24 |
rouini | oli:but there is no video call | 14:24 |
anirudh0 | only in some fullscreen apps..like games...and in xscreensaver..there are these blinking squares | 14:24 |
moDumass | hmm, this is messed up, my movie player is stuck ull screen and i cant change it and my emerald themes wont let me change themes | 14:24 |
moDumass | any ideas? | 14:24 |
navk2005 | any type of 3d acceleration is gonna cause my computer to hang. | 14:24 |
sarthor | Pici, jrib the checkinstall result is here more help needed please http://paste.ubuntu.com/14087/ | 14:25 |
DaveTarmac | no worries folks - figured it out. it's rsync ... 'ssh -p <port>' ... | 14:25 |
navk2005 | after trying many, many things out i quit. | 14:25 |
Pici | sarthor: Are you trying to uninstall it with checkinstall? | 14:25 |
whileimhere | hi I need a plain jane fast email client that is reliable. Any suggestions? | 14:25 |
anabolix | turn off hardware acceleration | 14:25 |
sarthor | sarthor, no.. i want to install gyachi. | 14:26 |
RoadHazard | whileimhere: mutt? | 14:26 |
whileimhere | is mutt graphical as well? | 14:26 |
sarthor | Pici, , no.. i want to install gyachi. | 14:26 |
=== adante_ is now known as adante | ||
RoadHazard | you said plain jane | 14:26 |
Pici | sarthor: You still need to ./configure , just replace the 'make install | 14:26 |
soundray | whileimhere: no. sylpheed is graphical and plain | 14:26 |
Pici | sarthor: step with checkinstall | 14:26 |
whileimhere | RoadHazard that I did. I should say also graphical interface | 14:26 |
porta_ss | hi there...I need help. I have a SB [HDA ATI SB] sound card and I get no sound...any ideas? | 14:27 |
sarthor | Ok. | 14:27 |
Penagoul | hey how do i register my nick on irssi ? | 14:27 |
soundray | !register | Penagoul | 14:27 |
Oli`` | Is the Solarwinds (and others too) screensaver supposed to use a ton of CPU or is there an issue with my computer? | 14:27 |
ubottu | Penagoul: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. | 14:27 |
rouini | soundray:is there msn for Ubuntu 8.04 works with video call | 14:28 |
soundray | rouini: how should I know. I only touch Microsoft stuff with a bargepole, if at all. | 14:29 |
Abd67 | jrib http://paste.ubuntu.com/14089/ | 14:29 |
harfg | argh help me.. I let some presumcious cracker play with apt.conf and he b0rked it :( HEH i noticed him enable a setting that was even commented to // I would never enable this but I thought well I give him the benifit prehaps he knows what the heck hes doing !! but NO i secretly knew as soon as I touched apt it would freak and it Did what a supprise and ironically the setting before that is called "assume_yes" heh any way thinking he made a back of the file | 14:29 |
harfg | call apt.conf~ i copyed that back and when I edited it I found that its not a proper file with the warning for that fact right at the end of the file you only get to find out with apts uber smart junk_at_eof() check .. so can some please send me hardys apt.conf or post it some where or tell how I can get it back baring in mind apt segmentates now | 14:29 |
anirudh0 | rouini: skype works with video...there are some open source apps as well...but they are generally not as good | 14:29 |
anirudh0 | soundray: good for you :) | 14:30 |
genii | harfg: By default there is no apt.conf file. Only a sources.list file of the repositories | 14:30 |
Abd67 | it looks like the update manager gui that shows up next to the network icon is having problems connecting to the server to check for updates | 14:30 |
rouini | scunizi:is there software works with ubuntu 8.04 using video call | 14:30 |
=== Penagoul is now known as agentia | ||
harfg | mm | 14:31 |
anabolix | harfg learn to write proper english please | 14:31 |
harfg | still segments | 14:31 |
Abd67 | and when i got to software sources and type in the password nothing happens | 14:31 |
scunizi | rouini, ekiga is a native app but won't work with msn, skype will work, there may be others but I'm not aware of them.. I thought aMSN had video support | 14:31 |
rootfield | hi all | 14:32 |
soundray | genii: there is a default /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ though... | 14:32 |
genii | harfg: You would create and use an apt.conf file if you were doing something like pinning a certain app or similar. Otherwise ubuntu doesn't normally have one. | 14:32 |
genii | soundray: Yes | 14:32 |
rootfield | how can I change the group password on ubuntu 8.04? note: I don't see the "-g" option on passwd command | 14:33 |
harfg | my apt worked perfectly | 14:33 |
RoadHazard | harfg: I believe this will help | 14:33 |
RoadHazard | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=739119 | 14:33 |
bullium | Has anyone here done any development with python using ubuntu? | 14:34 |
Exteris | bullium, i have | 14:34 |
harfg | maan | 14:34 |
RoadHazard | ? | 14:34 |
harfg | Dont ever let any one touch you stuff | 14:34 |
DaveTarmac | when writing a shell script - does it wait until a command is fiished before moving on to the next? | 14:35 |
magnetron | bullium: yes. | 14:35 |
harfg | you think the sources could be seging it? | 14:35 |
bullium | Exteris: I'm trying to do some stuff with curses do you know if I have to do anything special for it to work in ubuntu.... | 14:35 |
harfg | they were fine before | 14:35 |
magnetron | bullium: did you install it? | 14:35 |
Exteris | bullium, installing it would help ^^ | 14:35 |
anirudh0 | Dave..:yes..unless you have started a new thread | 14:35 |
DaveTarmac | anirudh0: Cheers | 14:35 |
bullium | magnetron: yes python is installed and working...is curses a different package...I have ncurses installed | 14:36 |
magnetron | bullium: both curses and the python bindings for curses are separate packages | 14:37 |
bullium | magnetron: so which packages do I need installed to utilize the "import curses" in python? | 14:38 |
gidna | hi | 14:38 |
gidna | How can I remove the download window? | 14:39 |
rouini | is there new version of skype for Ubuntu 8.04 | 14:39 |
sads | Joshua 5 (New King James Version) | 14:40 |
sads | New King James Version (NKJV) | 14:40 |
DG1 | hi, how would i go about fixing this message from apt-get | 14:40 |
DG1 | The package secondlife-install needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. | 14:40 |
sads | Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. | 14:40 |
=== [GUN]Wires is now known as Wires | ||
sads | 14:40 | |
sads | Joshua 5 | 14:40 |
FloodBot1 | sads: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 14:40 |
* harfg apt-get updates and hopes for the best | 14:40 | |
sads | The Second Generation Circumcised | 14:40 |
PuMa356 | <gidna< go to the options in FireFox | 14:40 |
bullium | magnetron: I'm trying to follow this tutorial http://tinyurl.com/5w9ron | 14:41 |
DG1 | harfg: nope.. :( | 14:41 |
harfg | my 'pal' was trying to show me how uber apt was with its potential to build from source | 14:41 |
croddy | rouini, the deb package from the skype website worked for me | 14:41 |
gidna | ok thanks | 14:41 |
harfg | which i already knew | 14:41 |
DaveTarmac | do I need to CHMOD my .sh file to have it run on a cron? | 14:41 |
* harfg is so mad at him | 14:41 | |
RoadHazard | DaveTarmac: I'm gonna guess yes, if you want it to execute its gotta have +x on it | 14:42 |
anirudh0 | Dave..: yes..do a chmod +x | 14:42 |
Itaku | what does this error mean in dolphin? | 14:42 |
rouini | croddy:is there anther software using video call | 14:42 |
Itaku | The desktop entry file | 14:42 |
Itaku | has an invalid menu entry | 14:42 |
Itaku | addAsPodcast. | 14:42 |
sarthor | I am unable to gyachi.. please tell me how to check where its installed. i want to delete that installed dir. | 14:42 |
genii | harfg: You could always grab apt_0.7.14ubuntu2_i386.deb from /pool/main/a/apt off one of the mirrors (if you use i386, otherwise grab the right architecture)and use dpkg to install | 14:43 |
RoadHazard | sarthor, I too cannot gyachi as well as I used to, but as we get older... | 14:43 |
anirudh0 | Itaku; that means the .desktop file corresponding to the software has an error in its syntax...these files are generally in /usr/share/applications/ | 14:43 |
Abd67 | I'm trying to use Software source and nothing shows up. In the auth log I get this msg http://paste.ubuntu.com/14090/ | 14:43 |
magnetron | bullium: the page you pasted to me says that your python module can be found at http://effbot.org/efflib/console . that site doesn't exist anymore. | 14:44 |
magnus_ | sarthor: 'locate gyachi' maybe | 14:44 |
harfg | genii, tnx looks like that might be all that sorts it | 14:44 |
yacc | Hmm, any way to capture the server public key somehow with openssl *scratchhead* | 14:44 |
anirudh0 | bulium: i'm not sure there is a package for that | 14:44 |
harfg | cause I just tryed to apt-get update which went alright and now its still seging | 14:44 |
mzuverink | Firefox on 64bit seems to have overnight developed a strange behavior, it totoall covers the entire screen when opened and hides the panels and offers no title bar, any ideas on a fix? | 14:44 |
anirudh0 | bulium: apt-cache search turns up nothing | 14:44 |
rouini | i am trying amsn but can't work with video call | 14:44 |
Wires | hey | 14:44 |
PPSD | got the following problem: i need to pipe all traffic to a certain host xxx.yyy.zzz through an SSH tunnel. so i entered " xxx.yyy.zzz" into /etc/hosts. for "ping" the host is resolved, but for some other programs it is not (as can be seen using netstat). what could be the problem? | 14:45 |
Wires | in xhat how do I launch another server window | 14:45 |
Wires | it's not -m like mirc | 14:45 |
scunizi | I just installed docbook.. how do I launch it? | 14:45 |
sarthor | magnus_, i found a lot of files.. how to delete now?? | 14:46 |
anirudh0 | PPSD: you are trying to forward ports? | 14:46 |
magnetron | PPSD: you should not add such a thing to your hosts. instead of being routed through the ssh proxy, you are just trying to connect to yourself | 14:46 |
mohamed_ | Wires: CTRL+T this give you new Tab then type /server yourserver | 14:46 |
JPSman | How can I open .fla files? | 14:46 |
bullium | magnetron: I see that...I've found it after navigating to the root | 14:46 |
harfg | I forgot to say as well l the package list might of got corrupted | 14:46 |
harfg | as this was the original error | 14:47 |
PPSD | magnetron: sorry didn't really get that | 14:47 |
harfg | Reading package lists... Error! ... E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room .... E: Read error - read (14 Bad address) | 14:47 |
harfg | E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened. | 14:47 |
Wires | hey | 14:47 |
Wires | how do I open another server window in xchat? | 14:47 |
PuMa356 | <JPSman> flash player | 14:47 |
harfg | cant i rebuilt that list some how before I do anything | 14:47 |
JPSman | now .swf .fla files | 14:48 |
harfg | prehaps its causing the seg now that apt.conf is deleted | 14:48 |
JPSman | not even | 14:48 |
mohamed_ | <mohamed_> Wires: CTRL+T this give you new Tab then type /server yourserver | 14:48 |
Speedy | is it possible to stop wobble windows in compiz-fusion from snapping to the edge of the screen? | 14:48 |
PPSD | magnetron: all traffic to a certain port of xxx.yyy.zzz needs to be tunneled through ssh, access to any other ports (to that host) can be rejected as well | 14:48 |
PPSD | magnetron: actually access to any other ports than the tunneld one wont happen | 14:48 |
scunizi | Speedy, yes.. use ccsm for adjustments on most compiz issues | 14:48 |
Speedy | scunizi, i've been looking for a while and haven't been able to find an option to disable | 14:49 |
Speedy | been looking in the ccsm | 14:49 |
Wires | thanks mohamed | 14:49 |
smmagic | Hi, If I have vista and XP installed on separate drives. is there a way to install ubuntu | 14:49 |
scunizi | Speedy, do you have the simple version of ccsm installed or the standard.. (I'll look now to) | 14:49 |
magnetron | PPSD: you need to look up "ssh local tunnels" | 14:50 |
Speedy | i believe it to be the standard verson | 14:50 |
Wires | bah | 14:50 |
Speedy | whatever the default is that comes out of the package manager | 14:50 |
Wires | muhamed.. what was that again? sorry | 14:50 |
wy | Hi, I wonder why I got messages like "Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary." after I install ubuntu? | 14:50 |
Wires | I didnt mean to part so soon | 14:50 |
spike_ | anuj4ubuntu: google | 14:50 |
bazhang | anuj4ubuntu, no caps please | 14:50 |
RoadHazard | anuj4ubuntu: you could try SHUT OFF THE CAPS LOCK by don beadic | 14:51 |
mohamed_ | Wires: you press Control+T this will open empty server Tab | 14:51 |
magnetron | !jfgi | spike_ | 14:51 |
ubottu | spike_: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. | 14:51 |
Wires | k thanks | 14:51 |
anuj4ubuntu | i am sorry | 14:51 |
scunizi | Speedy, under "Window Management" ... "Snapping Windows" | 14:51 |
Wires | it's not working | 14:51 |
magnetron | spike_: hold on | 14:51 |
jrib | anuj4ubuntu: help.ubuntu.com is a great place to start | 14:51 |
jrib | !rute > anuj4ubuntu (read the private message from ubottu) | 14:51 |
bazhang | anuj4ubuntu, come to #ubuntu-offtopic and we can guide you | 14:51 |
Speedy | yeah that diables wobble windows though scunizi | 14:51 |
Speedy | *disables | 14:51 |
PPSD | magnetron: the tunnel is in fact working. the problem is that the host is apparently resolved to its original ip instead of the local one, and i have no influence on the host name as it is a foreign application | 14:51 |
raga1 | !jfgi | scunizi | 14:51 |
ubottu | scunizi: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. | 14:51 |
mohamed_ | Wires: menu > Xchat > New > Server Tab | 14:52 |
HymnToLife | Ctrl+T ftw! | 14:52 |
magnetron | PPSD: the thing is, to connect to the host via the tunnel, you connect to a port on your LOCAL machine. otherwise it won't go through the tunnel | 14:52 |
scunizi | raga1, did you type the wrong nick for that admonition? | 14:53 |
bullium | magnetron: turns out its a windows specific thing...there is a "low-level driver for Win32" | 14:53 |
anuj4ubuntu | i really love to work in ubuntu/linux thts why i want to learn basic fundementals thts why i want free study materials | 14:53 |
Wires | I dont seem to have "xchat" there | 14:53 |
HymnToLife | [15:51] < ubottu> scunizi: Acronyms or statements like noob <= since when is noob an acronym? | 14:53 |
anirudh0 | PPSD: eg ssh -L 5865:myfamousproxy.myhost.com:3000 myintermediatemachine.com | 14:53 |
RoadHazard | bullium: most windows drivers are "low level" | 14:53 |
magnetron | anuj4ubuntu: ubottu gave you a list of links | 14:53 |
spo | hello all :) | 14:53 |
raga1 | scunizi: nope ;) | 14:53 |
jrib | HymnToLife: "or statements" | 14:53 |
Wires | I didnt download and compile it.. I just added it though the applications thing on ubuntu | 14:53 |
anirudh0 | PPSD: connects to myfamousproxy via myintermiadte host | 14:53 |
HymnToLife | right | 14:53 |
PPSD | magnetron: exactly, thats we i need to let the traffic to "xxx.yyy.zzz" (whose name i can#t change) to my local host | 14:53 |
anuj4ubuntu | but how can i get the lists | 14:53 |
Wires | just installed ubuntu last night.. very new at the whole *nix thing | 14:53 |
anirudh0 | PPSD: via port 5865 on yout own machine | 14:53 |
HymnToLife | I can't read anymore :p | 14:53 |
jrib | anuj4ubuntu: ubottu sent you a private message | 14:54 |
bullium | RoadHazard: well thanks for that RoadHazard :) I understand that drivers are low level, those are just specific for windows is all | 14:54 |
magnetron | PPSD: you are completely misunderstanding me | 14:54 |
PPSD | magnetron: xxx.yyy.zzz is no the ssh target but the final host | 14:54 |
scunizi | HymnToLife, raga1 when did I use any of these terms or any other derogitory statements to anyone here.. I'm confused.. | 14:54 |
=== spo is now known as kran_ | ||
RoadHazard | bullium: some are lower than others | 14:54 |
bazhang | raga1, he didnt | 14:54 |
Ch1gg1n5 | Hey, how do I add programs such as PHP, Apache, VLC Media Player, etc? | 14:54 |
magnetron | PPSD: i know what you are saying. | 14:54 |
bullium | RoadHazard: yeah how low can YOU go | 14:54 |
jrib | !software > Ch1gg1n5 (read the private message from ubottu) | 14:54 |
HymnToLife | !apt | Ch1gg1n5 | 14:54 |
ubottu | Ch1gg1n5: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 14:54 |
Wires | yeah, this is different than actual xchat | 14:55 |
Itaku | !botfood | 14:55 |
ubottu | Factoid botfood not found | 14:55 |
Wires | I'm gonna download it | 14:55 |
Itaku | !botsnack | 14:55 |
ubottu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 14:55 |
HymnToLife | and you really shouldn't use VLC, by the way | 14:55 |
magnetron | PPSD: but you completely misunderstood how to connect to this tunnel | 14:55 |
bullium | magnetron: I'm trying to update a portion of the screen without clearing the entire screen...to say do a percentage updated live or something. You know what I mean? | 14:55 |
PPSD | ok... | 14:55 |
Ch1gg1n5 | thanks... and why not use vlc? | 14:55 |
hurius | hi, is it possible to access with ubuntu cdversion to the local partitions? | 14:55 |
PPSD | mhhh | 14:55 |
harfg | poor ole apt | 14:55 |
HymnToLife | because it sucks, mainly | 14:55 |
harfg | injured like a wounded animal | 14:55 |
HymnToLife | like | 14:55 |
HymnToLife | when you encode a video and there is one player that has trouble playing it | 14:56 |
bazhang | offtopic harfg | 14:56 |
HymnToLife | guess which one it is? | 14:56 |
anuj4ubuntu | tell me how to change my nick name | 14:56 |
HymnToLife | anyway, this is going ot | 14:56 |
hurius | 8,04 | 14:56 |
=== raga1 is now known as ragsagar | ||
PPSD | magnetron: ok then i need to connect to A, but to A it needs to look as if i am B. so i connect via SSH to B and forward ports to A using a local listening port, right? | 14:56 |
anuj4ubuntu | whats the command | 14:56 |
=== andres_ is now known as fr500 | ||
anuj4ubuntu | for changing my nickname here | 14:56 |
bazhang | anuj4ubuntu, /nick newnick | 14:56 |
mark___ | anuj4ubuntu type /nick then your new name | 14:56 |
harfg | your like a bunch of power crazed prefects at boarding school or something | 14:56 |
Steve-cal | !fstab > Steve-cal | 14:57 |
bazhang | !ot | 14:57 |
HymnToLife | PPSD: right | 14:57 |
harfg | relax let, and let live | 14:57 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 14:57 |
anuj4ubuntu | nick anujtom | 14:57 |
sarthor | I am new to linux, i want to download/install gyachi.. from where i can download, i found several downlaod website, but i am confused.. i want gyachi that support webcam. Help | 14:57 |
bazhang | anuj4ubuntu, with / | 14:57 |
anirudh0 | anuj4ubuntu: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration | 14:57 |
magnetron | PPSD: when you create the tunnel, it will exist on a port on your local machine! like for example. all connections to this port will go through the tunnel. in your client ( web browser? ftp client?) you will then enter as the target host! | 14:57 |
PPSD | the actual problem is: a forgein application i have no influence on resolves A to its original IP so its not tunneld | 14:57 |
Ch1gg1n5 | well, when I was using the commands given to me by VLC and what not, I couldn't get the packages because it was said that they werne found | 14:58 |
anuj4ubuntu | anuj4ubuntu /nick anujtom | 14:58 |
HymnToLife | PPSD: what are you trying to do, _exactly_ ? | 14:58 |
RoadHazard | PPSD: cant rightly tunnel when you dont have a fixed target to shoot at | 14:58 |
jrib | Ch1gg1n5: so tell us the command and the output (exactly) | 14:58 |
bazhang | anuj4ubuntu, no, /anujetc. newnick | 14:58 |
magnetron | PPSD: you connect to YOUR OWN IP!!! not the ip of A or B. get it? connect to | 14:58 |
harfg | tnx a bunch genii | 14:58 |
PPSD | i need to let some license server look as if i am one of the university computers (which is legal before you start ;-) we have the license) | 14:58 |
harfg | worked a treat :D | 14:58 |
anuj4ubuntu | i am not getting guys | 14:58 |
PPSD | magnetron: but how to tell the forgein program to connect to the local IP?? | 14:59 |
Ch1gg1n5 | im not on my linux comp right now, im at school, but the command was sudo apt-get install php5-cli | 14:59 |
anirudh0 | PPSD: wont work man...have spent a lot of time trying to do that | 14:59 |
jrib | anuj4ubuntu: just write everything after the colon: /nick my_new_name_here | 14:59 |
Wires | in the console how do ?I get into the desktop | 14:59 |
HymnToLife | PPSD: so you do : ssh 6L x:licenseserver:y user@universitycomputer | 14:59 |
anirudh0 | PPSD: i mean fooling the license server | 14:59 |
PPSD | anirudh0: yea i fear so but still trying | 14:59 |
HymnToLife | -L | 14:59 |
magnetron | PPSD: you can't do that | 14:59 |
Wires | I type cd /desktop/ and it doesnt work | 14:59 |
Wires | is it not a directory? | 14:59 |
=== anuj4ubuntu is now known as anujtom | ||
sarthor | I am new to linux, i want to download/install gyachi.. from where i can download, i found several downlaod website, but i am confused.. i want gyachi that support webcam. Help | 14:59 |
jrib | Wires: cd ~/Desktop | 14:59 |
anujtom | yaa i got it guys | 14:59 |
Speedy | Wires, desktop should be Desktop | 14:59 |
Wires | ty, why the ~? | 14:59 |
RoadHazard | wires its Desktop not desktop | 14:59 |
bal | hi | 14:59 |
PPSD | magnetron: so i thought of forcely resolving the host to may local ip | 14:59 |
silvertip257 | Anyone with experience using NX server? ;) | 15:00 |
jrib | Wires: ~ means /home/your_username | 15:00 |
mohamed_ | Wires: ~ for your home | 15:00 |
Wires | ah yeah, case sensitive.. forgot | 15:00 |
sarthor | its this the good place for download http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Multimedia/Video/GyachI-9936.shtml | 15:00 |
ramontayag | hey all. what command do i type to see the memory usage? ps aux seems to show only low memory usage as compared to what free -m claims i have (or don't have, for that matter) | 15:00 |
bal | hi guys | 15:00 |
Wires | ah k, thanks :) | 15:00 |
magnetron | PPSD: you COULD do it by adding an iptables rule. but it's not that easy | 15:00 |
PPSD | magnetron: sounds complicated yea ;-) | 15:00 |
britt | ramontayag: free -m does free in amount of megabytes | 15:00 |
HymnToLife | PPSD: I think I still don't get it, whare are you going to do with that server ? | 15:00 |
HymnToLife | what* | 15:00 |
anujtom | thnx grib | 15:00 |
anirudh0 | PPSD: the command i posted earlier can allow you to use the proxy server "myfamousproxy" that ia accessible from "myintermediatehost" | 15:01 |
britt | ramontayag: free by itself does free memory by kilobytes | 15:01 |
res22 | ramontayag: try top | 15:01 |
PPSD | HymnToLife: the license server of our software only accepts university computers, but i am at home here | 15:01 |
anujtom | sorry jrab | 15:01 |
anujtom | thnx bro | 15:01 |
HymnToLife | PPSD: yeah, got that, but define "accept" ? | 15:01 |
bilbao | #ubuntu-ro | 15:01 |
anirudh0 | PPSD: so if "myyintermediatehost" is a lab comp which accesses the license server via "myfamousproxy" | 15:01 |
magnetron | PPSD: iptables rules are what you are looking for | 15:01 |
PuMa356 | many programs desn't run proberly in Wine | 15:01 |
anirudh0 | PPSD: then that command just _might_ work | 15:01 |
PPSD | HymnToLife: it just refuses to grant my computer access to the program | 15:02 |
magnetron | PuMa356: yes | 15:02 |
HymnToLife | yeas | 15:02 |
Caf-Fiend | morning all | 15:02 |
harfg | I wonder where I could find a support channel for 'MPD' | 15:02 |
genii | harfg: You're welcome | 15:02 |
ramontayag | britt, yes, but ps aux %MEM seem to add up to around 30 only.. but free -m shows I'm using more than that :o res22, i'll try top thanks | 15:02 |
PPSD | anirudh0: ok i will lookup your command in the log later on, just too much stuff here ;-) | 15:02 |
HymnToLife | you mean it's just a piece of software that needs to be on a licensed computer to run, right ? | 15:02 |
Caf-Fiend | is there a support channel for x, or can i ask X specific questions here? | 15:02 |
PPSD | HymnToLife: yea | 15:02 |
wy | What's the right tool to partition the disk when installing ubuntu? Everytime I install, some partitions are not aligned with cylinder boundaries | 15:02 |
will00 | im trying to install amarok from source on ubuntu, when iv started the ./configure i eventually get this "checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X libraries. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!" any ideas as to the missing packages | 15:02 |
Wires | /topic | 15:02 |
Wires | bah | 15:02 |
anirudh0 | PPSD: its simple --- ssh -L your_local_port:proxy:proxy_port intremediate_machine | 15:02 |
jrib | harfg: third hit for "mpd support" on google. Also, it's #mpd here on freenode | 15:02 |
HymnToLife | will00: sudo apt-get install xorg-dev | 15:03 |
Wires | I type cp /home/jwires/Desktop xchat-2.8.4.tar.bz2 . and no work | 15:03 |
anirudh0 | ahh..damn smileys | 15:03 |
bazhang | wy gparted | 15:03 |
PuMa356 | there is a another why to Run .exe files? i know Wine | 15:03 |
res22 | ramontayag: I remember the command now, it's free | 15:03 |
res22 | yeah free | 15:03 |
ragsagar | !abuse | scunizi | 15:03 |
ubottu | scunizi: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 15:03 |
PPSD | anirudh0: but the program will connect to a fixed server, can't tell it to connect locally | 15:03 |
Steve-cal | What is the UUID stuff at the beginning of device entries in the /etc/fstab? And how are they determined/set? | 15:03 |
Wires | I've been using sunOS... that works on there | 15:03 |
HymnToLife | PPSD: /etc/hosts is your friend ;) | 15:04 |
anirudh0 | PPSD: dude...tell your program to use localhost:forwarded_port as the http_proxy | 15:04 |
bazhang | ragsagar, stop that | 15:04 |
PPSD | HymnToLife: thats where is started my first question ;-) | 15:04 |
HymnToLife | add a line like server.domain.com | 15:04 |
wy | bazhang, I used gparted, but fdisk still reports something like "not on cylinder boundary". Do I just ignore fdisk? | 15:04 |
ragsagar | bazhang: dont cry ;) | 15:04 |
PPSD | anirudh0: can't tell the program anything unfortuantely | 15:04 |
HymnToLife | but you need to know the server the program tries to connect to | 15:04 |
anirudh0 | PPSD: so that it actually forwards all the data to lab comp..and via that to the lab server | 15:04 |
HymnToLife | and the port it uses | 15:04 |
Wires | anyone? | 15:04 |
anirudh0 | PPSD: hmm..anyway | 15:04 |
ramontayag | res22, why does %MEM only add up to such small amounts? I'm guessig that's the percentage of the memory it's using right? | 15:04 |
PPSD | HymnToLife: yea i do, i entered it in /etc/hosts, doesn't resolve it | 15:04 |
anujtom | hey frends i really like chatting with you guys as i get lot of stuff frm der | 15:04 |
selocol | Hello, if I install android SDK, do I have to install apache? | 15:04 |
bullium | So could anyone tell me if import curses should be working for me in python? | 15:04 |
anirudh0 | PPSD: do a export http_proxy=http://localhost:port | 15:04 |
anirudh0 | PPSD: and then run command from terminal | 15:05 |
anujtom | i am joining this chat room with the help of my frend | 15:05 |
RoadHazard | anirudh0: sounds strangely like IP spoofing for dummies to me | 15:05 |
anujtom | please tell me how to join it after i logout | 15:05 |
PPSD | anirudh0: will try that thx | 15:05 |
HymnToLife | anirudh0: I don't think it's HTTP, they can't be that dumb | 15:05 |
jrib | bullium: yeah, probably... | 15:05 |
anirudh0 | PPSD: some progs will read the http_proxy env variable | 15:05 |
Wires | I type cp /home/jwires/Desktop xchat-2.8.4.tar.bz2 . and it doesn't work.. what should I be typing? | 15:05 |
anujtom | anyone plz help me | 15:05 |
HymnToLife | must be some kind of proprietary protocol | 15:05 |
Caf-Fiend | can someone pm me to help me fix my xorg.conf, i've destroyed it | 15:05 |
anirudh0 | PPSD: mind telling what the prog is..I might be able to help better if it is one i've used? | 15:06 |
jrib | Wires: why? xchat is in the repositories. No need to download anything manually | 15:06 |
HymnToLife | will00: how about telling uns what you want to achieve? | 15:06 |
jrib | !info xchat | Wires | 15:06 |
ubottu | wires: xchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.4-0ubuntu7 (hardy), package size 301 kB, installed size 808 kB | 15:06 |
Wires | it's not the same thing | 15:06 |
PuMa356 | there is a another why to Run .exe files? i know Wine | 15:06 |
Wires | it doesnt have "xchat" at the top | 15:06 |
jrib | Wires: it is. You probably have xchat-gnome installed | 15:06 |
PuMa356 | way* | 15:06 |
bullium | jrib: lol thanks...it doesn't seem to working every time a script tries to import it I get an error.... | 15:06 |
anirudh0 | HymnToLIfe: thats what the giy wants | 15:06 |
HymnToLife | !repeat | PuMa356 | 15:06 |
ubottu | PuMa356: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 15:06 |
PPSD | anirudh0: its the new matlab, with the old versions tunneling worked but the new one seems to be getting a second server name from the primary license server (for which i am already tunneling) | 15:06 |
Wires | hmm..how would I get it back to the original? | 15:06 |
anirudh0 | PPSD: matlab has a proxy fiels | 15:06 |
ethan | anybody know a good site that teaches noobs command line? | 15:06 |
jrib | bullium: it's in the standard library, so it should be working. You're using ubuntu hardy? and now custom compiled stuff? | 15:07 |
britt | ramontayag: free also includes cache memory too. and most of the memory is allocated as cache memory until needed by programs, hence why the two dont match | 15:07 |
jrib | s/now/no | 15:07 |
anirudh0 | PPSD: go to options..it also reads the global env variable | 15:07 |
jrib | Wires: install the "xchat" package | 15:07 |
anirudh0 | PPSD: and consider using the open source clone scilab..it can convert legacy .m files as well | 15:07 |
mohamed_ | Wires: sudo apt-get install xchat | 15:07 |
Wires | k | 15:07 |
res22 | ramontayag: Mine shows my memory, I have 1gb and under total it says: Mem: 1034748 | 15:07 |
PPSD | anirudh0: my boss won't like that though ;-) | 15:07 |
Caf-Fiend | or could someone link me the best guide to setting up and xorg.conf, i'm a bit of a noob with this whole linux thing :( | 15:07 |
ubuntu_ | server - m irc.darksin.eu | 15:08 |
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ubuntu_ | irc.darksin.eu/atl_revenge | 15:08 |
anirudh0 | PPSD: your boss should be happy...he wont have to pay the exhorbitant license fees :) | 15:08 |
PPSD | anirudh0: hehe i will hav a look at scilab | 15:08 |
Wires | you were right.. it was gnome | 15:08 |
Wires | be back | 15:08 |
PPSD | anirudh0: good idea with the proxy, just cant test it now as matlab won't run -.- | 15:09 |
anirudh0 | PPSD: whoich toolbox do you plan on using..Image processing and speech processing are well supported in scilab | 15:09 |
Radi1 | does anybody know how to connect to a windows pc using bluetooth? | 15:09 |
krim | I've tried to upload a large (1.4 MB) .torrent file to three different sites several times, every time I get "Connection Interrupted. The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading. The network link was interrupted while negotiating a connection. Please try again.", this has happened with both Firefox and Konqueror (using Hardy). I asked someone using Opera to upload it for me to one site and that worked. Anyone want to tr | 15:09 |
PuMa356 | -.- | 15:09 |
PPSD | anirudh0: probably the bioinformatics toolbox, but i dont really know yet, just started | 15:09 |
bazhang | Radi1, where does ubuntu come into the picture? | 15:10 |
anirudh0 | PPSD: have a look at biopython then | 15:10 |
PPSD | anirudh0: well but thats just a library | 15:10 |
PPSD | anirudh0: we really need those matrix operations and stuff | 15:10 |
HymnToLife | bazhang: maybe the computer he wants to connect to the Windows one with is running Ubuntu? | 15:10 |
anirudh0 | PPSD: python has packages called numpy and scipy | 15:10 |
ubuntu_ | server irc.darksin.eu | 15:11 |
anirudh0 | PPSD: they are almost as fast as the matlab ones | 15:11 |
PPSD | anirudh0: hmmm ok... | 15:11 |
Radi1 | bazhang, i'm using ubuntu and i want to send files to a friends windows pc, how do i connect it bazhang? | 15:11 |
jrib | ubuntu_: do you have an ubuntu question? | 15:11 |
ramontayag | britt.. oh i see. cache memory? i'm on vps and i'm at the moment going beyond the memory i bought :o i was wondering why it was so high. | 15:11 |
HymnToLife | Radi1: why not using a simple ethernet cable ? | 15:11 |
bazhang | Radi1, same lan? | 15:11 |
PPSD | anirudh0: i will check out all of that, thanks | 15:11 |
anirudh0 | PPSD: coz the underlying libraries are in C..but python allows you to write REAL progs(sorry for the caps) | 15:11 |
PPSD | anirudh0: true ;-) | 15:11 |
lanxuan | hello | 15:11 |
anirudh0 | PPSD: k then...hth | 15:12 |
Radi1 | bazhang: using wireless bluetooth | 15:12 |
PPSD | anirudh0: yea thanks and thanks to everyone else for now | 15:12 |
RoadHazard | Radi1: might just install proftpd on the ubuntu box and just ftp to the ip addy | 15:12 |
bazhang | Radi1, ethernet from your ubuntu box to the windows computer would be much easier as hymn says | 15:12 |
bal | hi | 15:12 |
HymnToLife | Radi1: what not use your good ol' Ethernet cable? | 15:12 |
HymnToLife | bluetooth is asking for trouble | 15:13 |
HymnToLife | why* | 15:13 |
bal | yahoo messenger can be support for ubuntu...just asking | 15:13 |
saint-takeshi | bal: if that was a question then yes | 15:13 |
RoadHazard | pidgin supports yahoo messenger accounts | 15:13 |
HymnToLife | bal: there are plenty of IM clients that can connect to Yahoo messenger | 15:13 |
Radi1 | i'm currenty on a cafe, i need to transfer files it connects but the windows pc is asking for pass key, is there a default pass key? | 15:14 |
HymnToLife | kopete, pidgin, and certainly others | 15:14 |
scunizi | bal, yes with Pidgin but not some of yahoo mess. more advanced features. | 15:14 |
Gr3yW0lf | how can you get ubuntu 8.04 ( 2.6.24-17-generic #1 SMP i686 kernel) to recognise more then 3gig RAM? I have 4gig, 'free -m' shows 3gig :( | 15:14 |
bal | IM means what | 15:14 |
wildman | hello there, I have Ubuntu 8.04LTS on my laptop, in ES, and I want to switch it to EN, what should I do? | 15:14 |
DaveTarmac | Gr3yW0lf: if you're running the 32-bit version, you can't | 15:14 |
agentia | how do i install new themes? | 15:14 |
bal | im new | 15:14 |
Gr3yW0lf | bios shows 4gig, memtest shows 4 gig too | 15:14 |
saint-takeshi | scunizi: isn't there an official linux client for yahoo messenger | 15:14 |
saint-takeshi | ? | 15:15 |
Gr3yW0lf | i heard there was perhaps a kernel config option that might do it | 15:15 |
agentia | can i send me a cool theme via dcc? | 15:15 |
Gr3yW0lf | CONFIG_HIGHMEM4G | 15:15 |
scunizi | saint-takeshi, official you mean made by yahoo? I don't know. There are other yahoo clients out there but I haven't used them. | 15:15 |
wildman | Gr3yW0lf, AFAIK, Ubuntu 32-bit kernels don't have that option enabled, I have the same pb on my dekstop, only a bit more than 3GB is reported | 15:15 |
Radi1 | test | 15:15 |
agentia | can any1 send me a cool theme via dcc? | 15:15 |
saint-takeshi | does the "SMP" in the kernel name stand for "Multiple Simultaneous Processing" ? | 15:15 |
saint-takeshi | wait | 15:16 |
saint-takeshi | un-idiot that last sentence...i need sleep | 15:16 |
agentia | quit | 15:16 |
HymnToLife | Gr3yW0lf: yes, but you need to recompile the kernel if you want to have one with that option enabled | 15:16 |
agentia | exit | 15:16 |
HymnToLife | not worth the hassle, if you ask me, but go ahead if you really want to | 15:17 |
HymnToLife | it's a good learning experience | 15:17 |
=== madmaxmad is now known as mad_max02 | ||
Gr3yW0lf | there is no pre-compiled kernel in the repositories with that turned on then? | 15:17 |
fraer4e1 | kkkkj | 15:17 |
HymnToLife | no | 15:17 |
Gr3yW0lf | i had a search but ... | 15:17 |
wildman | Gr3yW0lf, AFAIK, no, no 4GB+-enabled compiled kernels | 15:17 |
Wires | I put the userlist on the left side.. and now my server list is gone | 15:18 |
Wires | how do I get it back?? | 15:18 |
fraer4e1 | kocsni | 15:18 |
fraer4e1 | n | 15:18 |
Wires | in xchat | 15:18 |
fraer4e1 | n | 15:18 |
fraer4e1 | n | 15:18 |
fraer4e1 | n | 15:18 |
fraer4e1 | n | 15:18 |
fraer4e1 | n | 15:18 |
FloodBot1 | fraer4e1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:18 |
saint-takeshi | i have real trouble making sense of modern CPU architectures...i miss the days when it was a straight choice between "Pentium" or "K6" | 15:18 |
anujtom | how to join irc chatzilla | 15:18 |
Wires | oh | 15:18 |
anujtom | ? | 15:18 |
Wires | nvm I got it | 15:18 |
Gr3yW0lf | oh well... 64bit it is... with hacky crap to get 32 bit firefox going :P (cause compiling the linux kernel is a pain in the ass!) | 15:18 |
wildman | hehe, good luck | 15:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | Gr3yW0lf Please watch the language | 15:19 |
HymnToLife | Gr3yW0lf: seriously, do you _really_ need those 4 gigs ? | 15:19 |
saint-takeshi | hehe...this channel's family-friendly now? | 15:19 |
CaBlGuY | greetings all.. I'm having issues on my laptop.. I have no panels now at all on the desktop and it just started this yesterday. I'm running 8.04 and it's a Toshiba satellite.. was fine foir about a week until yesterday.. any help would be great.. | 15:19 |
bazhang | saint-takeshi, switch the first two words then bingo | 15:20 |
bal | can be add icon as like mac to ubuntu...i love it... | 15:20 |
cuitkacrut | uoz | 15:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | saint-takeshi always has been | 15:20 |
wildman | HymnToLife, I didn't know about this limitation when I bought them, and even if I don't *need* them, having 1GB unused RAM on my system is not 'nice' :) | 15:20 |
bazhang | oops sorry saint-takeshi | 15:20 |
Gr3yW0lf | yeah i do, i run lots of heavy apps, like secondlife, blender + lots of little ones... all at the same time :P | 15:20 |
ragsagar_ | hi Jack_Sparrow: do u remember me? | 15:20 |
simplexio | recompiling kernel isnt that hard | 15:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | ragsagar_ Still waking up.. so not really | 15:20 |
wildman | HymnToLife, of course, me culpa, cuz I should have done my research before buying... but it was an opportunity not to be missed :) | 15:20 |
Gr3yW0lf | sorry about the language jack | 15:20 |
ferronica | hi all | 15:20 |
saint-takeshi | Jack_Sparrow: yeah, i was thinking of #debian, my bad | 15:20 |
ragsagar_ | ok | 15:20 |
CaBlGuY | greetings Jack_Sparrow long time no see.. | 15:21 |
recon69 | quick question, how do i install iwscan? | 15:21 |
wildman | I'll shot my Q again: | 15:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | saint-takeshi agreed | 15:21 |
ragsagar_ | recompiling kernel is easy | 15:21 |
bal | hi | 15:21 |
wildman | hello there, I have Ubuntu 8.04LTS on my laptop, in ES, and I want to switch it to EN, what should I do? | 15:21 |
ragsagar_ | there is a good tutorial in owtoforge | 15:21 |
ragsagar_ | there is a good guide in howtoforge | 15:21 |
simplexio | its just make oldconfig. keep hitting enter. them make-kpkg and you have "ubuntu/debian" .deb package which you can install | 15:21 |
ragsagar_ | and read the readme file inside the vanilla kernel | 15:21 |
recon69 | wildman: system -> amin -> language support | 15:21 |
CaBlGuY | anyone at all b4 I go doing a wipe and re-install? | 15:21 |
simplexio | offcourse after oldconfig you need to make xconfig or just nano .config to add that option you wanted | 15:22 |
wildman | simplexio, and configuring needed options somewhere along the way too, if you want something different, like 4GB support :) | 15:22 |
HymnToLife | nano .config is a BAD idea | 15:22 |
wildman | recon69, thx | 15:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | CaBlGuY what was the question | 15:22 |
HymnToLife | very bad | 15:22 |
kevin_ | anyone know where I can get broadcom wireless drivers? | 15:22 |
simplexio | HymnToLife: true | 15:22 |
HymnToLife | make menuconfig if you don't have X | 15:22 |
simplexio | but i mean it isnt that hard | 15:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | kevin_ they are floating around.. should not be hard | 15:22 |
ragsagar_ | make xconfig | 15:22 |
recon69 | anyone know what package iwscan is in? | 15:22 |
Vlet | Is there a way to install a package while ignoring specific dependencies? | 15:22 |
HymnToLife | yep, it's really not had | 15:22 |
saint-takeshi | kevin_: turn on the "Restricted Drivers" | 15:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | Vlet again, you are asking for trouble trying that | 15:23 |
CaBlGuY | thanks Jack_Sparrow -- got 8.04 on my laptop and ran fine but last night, I lost my panels after I did a reboot.. | 15:23 |
Vlet | In other words, install ubuntu-desktop without openoffice, or evolution, etc | 15:23 |
ragsagar_ | bazhang: HI ;) | 15:23 |
CaBlGuY | bothj top and bottom.. | 15:23 |
HymnToLife | it's like anything, when you've done it acouple times, you don't even remeber youused to have trouble | 15:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | CaBlGuY Wanna just reset panels | 15:23 |
kevin_ | did but it just wont conect to any wireless networks ? | 15:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | one sec | 15:23 |
simplexio | specily if you make it like you should do it in ubuntu, using make-kpkg, nice .deb packages for dpkg -i and it even handles automaticly adding boot entry to grub | 15:23 |
CaBlGuY | Jack_Sparrow, sure.. whats the command? | 15:23 |
saint-takeshi | well, it should work | 15:23 |
saint-takeshi | i'm using one right now | 15:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | CaBlGuY To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » | 15:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | !panel | 15:24 |
ubottu | Factoid panel not found | 15:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | !panels | 15:24 |
ubottu | Factoid panels not found | 15:24 |
CaBlGuY | ok, gimme a minute... brb | 15:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | CaBlGuY there is even a factoid on it | 15:24 |
simplexio | ok. have to admit that my last try update to was "failure" because 169.12 nvidia driver didnt want to compile wiht it | 15:24 |
wildman | recon69, thx, rebooting... | 15:24 |
wildman | bye ppl | 15:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | CaBlGuY I wont be here. good luck. But time for morning coffee on the patio... | 15:24 |
wildman | have a nice one! | 15:24 |
=== mw1 is now known as Cyr4x | ||
Cyr4x | hi | 15:25 |
Cyr4x | how to monior my download speed from console? | 15:25 |
Cyr4x | while deluge-torrent is downloadint | 15:25 |
Cyr4x | monitor* | 15:25 |
Cyr4x | i'm logged to my pc via ssh | 15:26 |
CaBlGuY | k thanks Jack_Sparrow | 15:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | CaBlGuY good to go now? | 15:26 |
Cyr4x | i want to check how fast deluge downloads now | 15:26 |
=== hwilde_ is now known as hwilde | ||
agentia | hi! my update manager hangs in the gui mode .. how do i update thru terminal ?? im sure there's a command for that right ? | 15:27 |
RoadHazard | update manager is becoming a theme today | 15:27 |
RoadHazard | agentia sudo apt-get update | 15:28 |
bullium | jrib: that is correct standard library no custom stuff...could you give me a simple snippet of code to make sure curses is working? | 15:28 |
bullium | jrib: yes hardy | 15:28 |
mamefan | What's the difference between 'apt-get upgrade' and 'apt-get dist-upgrade' | 15:29 |
ferronica | i am unable to use bookmark toolbar with firefox ? | 15:29 |
jrib | bullium: if 'import curses' fails, then it doesn't work | 15:29 |
giovaloga | ciao | 15:29 |
bazhang | !it | giovaloga | 15:29 |
ubottu | giovaloga: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 15:29 |
ferronica | this version not supported | 15:29 |
bazhang | mamefan, one upgrades packages | 15:29 |
xif | How do I know which GTK+ version is installed on my machine? | 15:29 |
tatter1 | I have completely messed up my host file with no ,backup how would I go about creating a new one with the proper default entries? | 15:29 |
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davidooooo | hi everybody | 15:30 |
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bullium | jrib: if only have import curses in it I get no error...but I want to utilize it to "test it" any idea on some code to do so | 15:30 |
CaBlGuY | Jack_Sparrow, didn't work.. brb | 15:30 |
recon69 | how do i install iwscan ? | 15:30 |
davidooooo | do you know php irc | 15:30 |
xif | How do I know which GTK+ version is installed on my machine? | 15:30 |
davidooooo | I have a problem with php | 15:30 |
RoadHazard | tatter1: could you pastebin what you have now, in its current disarray? | 15:30 |
Ahadiel | davidooooo, #php probably | 15:30 |
davidooooo | ok thanks | 15:30 |
ferronica | this version of firefox 3 beta 5 dont support foxmark bookmark toolbar | 15:30 |
jrib | bullium: some hello world examples: http://albatross.dnsdojo.net/apache2-default/wiki/index.php/Python_Curses | 15:31 |
xif | How do I know which GTK+ version is installed on my machine? | 15:31 |
bazhang | ferronica, you should look for some very nice alternatives at ff extensions site | 15:31 |
davidooooo | I dont know how to enter in #php | 15:31 |
genii | ferronica: Install Nightly Testing Tools then you can put addons which normally are for earlier versions | 15:32 |
davidooooo | can you help me | 15:32 |
davidooooo | I need the server name to configure | 15:32 |
kjdx | 15:32 | |
kjdx | someone knows how to remove the shutdown of the monitor on the server but not in graphics in the shell? | 15:32 |
mamefan | bazhang: It seems that both upgrade and dist-upgrade upgrade packages. I cannot understand the distinction between the two. | 15:32 |
bazhang | davidooooo, /j #php | 15:32 |
RoadHazard | mamefan: upgrade is for upgrading within a distro, dist-upgrade is like from gutsy to hardy | 15:32 |
Pici | xif: dpkg -l libgtk2.0-0 | 15:32 |
agentia | hello ?? | 15:33 |
Pici | RoadHazard: no. | 15:33 |
RoadHazard | eh? | 15:33 |
xif | Pici: OK, thanks! | 15:33 |
RoadHazard | its ok, really, I've been wrong before | 15:33 |
mamefan | On gutsy when I run dist-upgrade it updates packages but keeps me on gutsy. | 15:33 |
saint-takeshi | is there something i can do to get my audio latency to calm down? i'm getting upto something like 4 seconds latency from jack, even with compiz-fusion turned off | 15:34 |
RoadHazard | forget what I said, I was wrong | 15:34 |
soundray | kjdx: set BLANK_TIME=0 in /etc/console-tools/config | 15:34 |
KazaLite | how can i list global variables with gdb? | 15:34 |
KazaLite | i can do info locals to see local variables.....but how can i do for globals? | 15:34 |
kjdx | tnk | 15:34 |
bhagman88 | Hello. I installed Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Haron) on my laptop but it runs extremely slow. The laptop is an MPC X3000 with a Pentium M 1.8GHZ Processor and 1011MB of ram. I figured with those specs Ubuntu should run perfectly fine, especially since windows XP did. I did a memtest86 for the past 15 hours, and it passed 9 runs. Can anybody help me? I would greatly appreciate it. | 15:34 |
mamefan | sounds like I'm not the only one who doesn't understand the difference between "upgrade" and "dist-upgrade" ;-) | 15:34 |
genii | RoadHazard: dist-upgrade will put a new kernel if one exists but keep you on same version of Ubuntu | 15:34 |
perpetual | bhagman88, what is slow exactly | 15:35 |
mamefan | genii: is that the only distinction between upgrade and dist-upgrade? | 15:35 |
bazhang | mamefan, the second is version upgrade; my apologies | 15:35 |
genii | mamefan: There may be others but thats the main one | 15:35 |
Pici | mamefan: dist-upgrade pulls in packages that have new dependencies, upgrade does not. RoadHazard too. | 15:36 |
RoadHazard | got it | 15:36 |
genii | thanks Pici | 15:36 |
vinoman | hi | 15:36 |
bhagman88 | perpetual: The computer crashes a lot, lags when opening basic applications like Firefox. When scrolling in firefox it is extremely slow and lags a lot. Massive lag and opens applications very very slowly. Even typing this message takes a while, since the words dont process fast enough | 15:36 |
Yggdrasil | what kernel does hardy run ? | 15:37 |
=== SuperguyA1 is now known as dbarnett | ||
Pseudomocha | Could I please get some help setting ubuntu 8.04 to automount my windows partition on login? | 15:38 |
soundray | !ntfs | Pseudomocha | 15:38 |
ubottu | Pseudomocha: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE | 15:38 |
recon69 | bhagman88: have you looked in system monitor to see if anything is slowing down you comp | 15:38 |
soundray | Yggdrasil: 2.6.24 | 15:38 |
genii | Yggdrasil: mine says 2.6.24-16-generic | 15:38 |
bazhang | bhagman88, also open a terminal and type top | 15:38 |
=== me1234 is now known as Silent69 | ||
Yggdrasil | i cant seem to get this one up to 24. it wasnt to stay on 2.6.22 | 15:39 |
bhagman88 | ok did the terminal command bazhang | 15:39 |
Yggdrasil | and i need the kernel headers and they arent avail for 2.6.22 i see them there for 2.4 | 15:40 |
perpetual | bhagman88, can you open a shell and run top to see if the cpu is very busy with something? | 15:40 |
=== Silent69 is now known as [Silent69] | ||
soundray | bhagman88: sounds like it's in some emergency mode. How much swap is in use (5th line in top)? | 15:40 |
RoadHazard | Yggdrasil: which flavor of .22 are you running? | 15:40 |
oreomike | Need to debug a kernel panic, anyone know what log files to look for? | 15:40 |
Wires | how do I make a browser default? | 15:40 |
bhagman88 | XGL takes up 15% of proccessing | 15:40 |
Yggdrasil | 2.6.22-14-386 | 15:40 |
RoadHazard | Yggdrasil: ok sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get install linux-image-386 | 15:41 |
bhagman88 | soundray 3028212k total | 15:41 |
Yggdrasil | ill try it road | 15:41 |
soundray | oreomike: kernel panics arent' logged to protect the filesystems from inconsistent kernel behaviour | 15:41 |
oreomike | Wires: System-> Preferences -> Preferred Applications | 15:41 |
oreomike | soundray, any way to know what caused the panic then? | 15:42 |
RoadHazard | Yggdrasil: and of course you'll need to reboot | 15:42 |
Yggdrasil | eading state information... Done | 15:42 |
Yggdrasil | linux-image-386 is already the newest version. | 15:42 |
Yggdrasil | The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: | 15:42 |
Yggdrasil | wamerican aircrack-ng wbritish | 15:42 |
FloodBot1 | Yggdrasil: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:42 |
soundray | bhagman88: how much is *used*? | 15:42 |
oreomike | soundray: would I find cores anywhere? | 15:42 |
Yggdrasil | suck it | 15:42 |
Yggdrasil | bot | 15:42 |
Wires | thanks oreomike | 15:42 |
bhagman88 | 38168k | 15:42 |
soundray | oreomike: no | 15:42 |
Pici | Yggdrasil: Don't flood, and listen to the bot. | 15:42 |
erUSUL | Yggdrasil: why are you using thr 386 image instead of the generic one? | 15:42 |
Radio-Head | hey guys | 15:42 |
bhagman88 | soundray: 38168k* | 15:42 |
emorris | any idea how to find out what packages were updated today? | 15:42 |
Radio-Head | everyone go to #finished | 15:42 |
Radio-Head | good game channe; | 15:42 |
Yggdrasil | its whats on the box | 15:42 |
Radio-Head | channel | 15:42 |
jdavies | Radio-Head: please that spam | 15:43 |
Pici | Radio-Head: This is a support channel, please don't advertise here. | 15:43 |
Radio-Head | fine | 15:43 |
Radio-Head | what's a good channel to do that? | 15:43 |
bazhang | not here Radio-Head | 15:43 |
Radio-Head | and do you know any good game channels? | 15:43 |
Pici | Radio-Head: I can't think of anywhere where that would be accepted | 15:43 |
Radio-Head | hmm | 15:43 |
Radio-Head | ok | 15:43 |
Yggdrasil | ok , lets see ill try to force the generic on there | 15:44 |
Radio-Head | fuck this | 15:44 |
FloodBot1 | Radio-Head: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:44 |
bhagman88 | Radio-Head: People don't like spamming, so I doubt anyone can reccomend advertising of another server. Google "IRC Gaming Chat" | 15:44 |
soundray | bhagman88: which process is listed at the top of the top output? | 15:44 |
erUSUL | Yggdrasil: you should be using linux-image package afaics | 15:44 |
erUSUL | !info linux-image | Yggdrasil | 15:44 |
Steve-cal | I'm trying to modify a file owned by root, and I'm getting a "timestamp too far in the future" error when I try to do anything to it. I think it has to do with my clock being wrong before I corrected it. But how to get around that error? | 15:44 |
ubottu | yggdrasil: linux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 25 kB, installed size 52 kB | 15:44 |
RoadHazard | Yggdrasil: that would be sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic | 15:44 |
erUSUL | !info linux-image gutsy | Yggdrasil | 15:44 |
ubottu | yggdrasil: Package linux-image does not exist in gutsy | 15:44 |
Yggdrasil | well, did you see my paste ? | 15:44 |
Yggdrasil | im on , hardy | 15:44 |
bhagman88 | soundray: XGL, Firefox, and transmission | 15:45 |
erUSUL | Yggdrasil: so why are you using 2.6.22 ?? any problem with 24 ? | 15:45 |
soundray | bhagman88: Xgl on top? | 15:45 |
oreomike | !info kernel panic | 15:45 |
ubottu | Package kernel does not exist in hardy | 15:45 |
bhagman88 | soundray: yes | 15:45 |
Yggdrasil | shit nevermind | 15:45 |
Pici | Yggdrasil: Please watch the language here, thanks. | 15:45 |
bazhang | Yggdrasil, language please | 15:45 |
suriro | Steve-cal: man touch | 15:45 |
Yggdrasil | english | 15:45 |
emorris | How do I find out what packages were updated today? | 15:45 |
agentia | hi i need some help with an update problem | 15:46 |
RoadHazard | Yggdrasil: actually sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.24-16-386 might get you where you wanna go | 15:46 |
oreomike | that is such a bad command. how about info touch instead ... | 15:46 |
Yggdrasil | thanks roadhazard, your the only person that seems to understand whats going on here. i think i can force it to work. gonna try the generic, i allready tried the 386 pkg and it didnt take. | 15:47 |
Pici | Yggdrasil: Why are you using -386 instead of -generic ? | 15:47 |
Yggdrasil | I DONT KNOW | 15:47 |
Pici | Yggdrasil: Okay.. calm down. | 15:47 |
Yggdrasil | Why is ubuntu decided to use that ? i dont knwo | 15:47 |
astrid | COMO COLOCO EL IRC EN ESPAÑIL | 15:47 |
Pici | !es | astrid | 15:47 |
ubottu | astrid: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 15:47 |
erUSUL | !es | astrid | 15:47 |
agentia | hi i need some help with an update problem | 15:47 |
bhagman88 | soundray: Any idea whats going on with my computer by any chance? | 15:47 |
Pici | agentia: Whats the problem? | 15:47 |
erUSUL | astrid: coloca en tu cliente irc "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) | 15:48 |
RoadHazard | agemtia: I'm starting to think hardy is having an update issue today | 15:48 |
Yggdrasil | I personally decided to use 2.6.24 so i can get the new kernel with the headers , but ubuntu has decided to use 2.6.22 . and im here to f ind out why it has decided to do that. | 15:48 |
agentia | how do i update my system thru the terminal ? im new to ubuntu and i prolly installed an old cd .. update manager in gui hangs .. i figure old dependencies .. so how do i fix all that thru terminal ? | 15:48 |
RoadHazard | try it with linux-image-2.6.24-16-386 | 15:49 |
Pici | agentia: What version of Ubuntu are you using? | 15:49 |
RoadHazard | agentia sudo apt-get update | 15:49 |
emorris | RoadHazard: hi, what else has been happening, my wireless card stopped working after today's updates | 15:49 |
RoadHazard | emorris: that one is new | 15:49 |
Yggdrasil | roadhazard i allredy did, it for some reason didnt take. Im trying . The generic now. | 15:49 |
Yggdrasil | ill cat out the /boot/grub/meu.lst to check it before i reboot. | 15:50 |
thinkmassive | in evolution 2.22 (default in hardy), why is the "send/receive" button greyed out for imap? | 15:50 |
Jaikkuli | can someone recommend a good package for mounting cd images such as mds and iso | 15:50 |
bhagman88 | anybody think they can help me with my computer speed issue? | 15:51 |
Yggdrasil | roadhazard ok looks good im gonna reboot it. Had to use the generic pkg, the 386 didnt work for some reason | 15:51 |
Yggdrasil | brb | 15:51 |
Pici | agentia: lsb_release -a on a terminal if you are not sure | 15:51 |
Yggdrasil | and sorry guys for getting mad. please accept my appologies. | 15:51 |
eracc | Anyone know if an AMD Phenom X4 Quad Core processor and Linux play well together? | 15:51 |
muzy | hello can somone help me? I've a question about the ubuntu dvd image.... is this multilingual? | 15:51 |
bazhang | eracc, sure | 15:51 |
Daisuke-Laptop | eracc: why wouldn't they? | 15:51 |
Pici | muzy: Yes | 15:51 |
muzy | thanks | 15:52 |
eracc | bazhang, thanks. | 15:52 |
Daisuke-Laptop | still built on x86_64 architecture | 15:52 |
__mork | hi | 15:52 |
Jaikkuli | anyone know a good cd image mounter? | 15:52 |
eracc | Daisuke-Laptop, I have no idea why they would not. I need to check before I shell out that kind of money. :) | 15:52 |
Pici | Jaikkuli: gisomount works | 15:52 |
Daisuke-Laptop | eracc: can't say that i blame you :) | 15:52 |
Jaikkuli | Pici: only does iso? | 15:53 |
Jaikkuli | Pici: i need something for mds for example also | 15:53 |
sarthor | i am installing gyachi.. applying ./autogen.sh it show me some error.. how to fix this... http://paste.ubuntu.com/14099/ | 15:53 |
Pici | Jaikkuli: I don't know honestly. | 15:53 |
__mork | what's wrong with this routing configuration? http://paste.ubuntu.com/14100/ help pleaze | 15:53 |
funalien | hello | 15:53 |
bazhang | Jaikkuli, what kind of image | 15:53 |
__mork | hi funalien | 15:53 |
__mork | Jaikkuli: mount is a good iso mounter | 15:54 |
dbarnett | __mork: are you allowed to have 2 default routes? | 15:54 |
RoadHazard | that in there gives me a headscratch | 15:54 |
__mork | dbarnett: it's the *same* route | 15:54 |
dbarnett | __mork: different interfaces | 15:54 |
funalien | __mork, How can I see what ubuntu is doing then computer is shuts down? | 15:54 |
Jaikkuli | bazhang: mds for example | 15:55 |
funalien | * - is | 15:55 |
bazhang | Jaikkuli, vlc perhaps | 15:55 |
RoadHazard | funalien: alt f1 to get rid of the splash | 15:55 |
Jaikkuli | vlc is for video replay.. what does it have to do with image mounting? | 15:55 |
Pici | Jaikkuli: There are utilities to convert from different image formats to iso. | 15:55 |
bal | wine can support of my microst office | 15:55 |
funalien | RoadHazard, thanks | 15:55 |
__mork | dbarnett: is it wrong? well this is the route at boot time (i'm not using nm 'cause of static addresses needed) | 15:56 |
bazhang | Jaikkuli, can also mount iso and other images (not distros though) | 15:56 |
dbarnett | __mork: I'm not sure, just speculating | 15:56 |
tompouk | Hi! | 15:56 |
funalien | + | 15:56 |
__mork | i even tried to set default route on eth1 metrics 20, no changes | 15:56 |
funalien | bye | 15:56 |
RoadHazard | bazhang: is there something wrong with mount -o loop filename.iso /directory? | 15:56 |
tompouk | I have installed Ubuntu, but it's too slow for my machine. I installed xubuntu-desktop over it. Now running XFCE. Is it possible to uninstall all ubuntu apps and things and keep only xubuntu ones?? | 15:56 |
dbarnett | can you ping your router? | 15:57 |
Jaikkuli | bazhang: are you sure? vlc? it can mount cd images like iso? | 15:57 |
askand | I want to remove libtrackerclient0 but then it says it must remove totem to? Why? | 15:57 |
__mork | nope | 15:57 |
bazhang | RoadHazard, not at all; thought he meant live movie image etc | 15:57 |
bazhang | err like | 15:57 |
Jaikkuli | live movie image? | 15:57 |
Jaikkuli | is that what i meant bazhang? | 15:57 |
bhagman88 | hey, sorry my comp crashed! | 15:57 |
Jaikkuli | cus i dunno wtf live movie image is | 15:58 |
RoadHazard | bazhang: you can mount it to a dir and treat it like a mounted dvd movie | 15:58 |
tompouk | I want some help please. | 15:58 |
hwilde | !clone | 15:58 |
ubottu | To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate | 15:58 |
eracc | Daisuke-Laptop, I would like to get a two CPU Dual Core Opteron setup but really cannot afford it. My next best option is the Quad Core Phenom. | 15:58 |
bazhang | RoadHazard, surely you are right | 15:58 |
bhagman88 | could someone help me figure out whats going on with my computer? | 15:58 |
__mork | dbarnett: I would like to have wireless or wired interface up and working at startup, depending on Hardware kill switch status and wired (wire connected) status... is it too hard? | 15:58 |
pro-rsoft | is there some cmd tool around that can convert my "\r\n" to "\n" in a file? | 15:59 |
RoadHazard | bhagman88: state the nature of your medical emergency | 15:59 |
askand | Is there any software than can write iptc to pictures in ubuntu? | 15:59 |
Pici | pro-rsoft: sed? | 15:59 |
Yggdrasil | roadhazard that workeed, vmware finding the headers now. | 15:59 |
bhagman88 | RoadHazard: I installed 8.04 hardy on a 1.8 GHZ Pentium M 1011Mb Ram Laptop, and it runs extremley slow | 15:59 |
eracc | pro-rsoft, I think sed will do that but I am not a sed guru. | 15:59 |
pro-rsoft | neither am I. | 15:59 |
RoadHazard | Yggdrasil: *bow* | 15:59 |
__mork | is there some1 who can investigate on my route table? http://paste.ubuntu.com/14100/ thanks! | 16:00 |
Yggdrasil | ha | 16:00 |
bhagman88 | RoadHazard: Before I installed Ubuntu I had XP, and that ran perfectly fine | 16:00 |
Yggdrasil | hmm. | 16:00 |
blankhead | if ur isp gives u dynamic ip address could u reset ur modem, get a new ip address and get a new username if u have been banned from a site | 16:00 |
pro-rsoft | nvm, i found "dos2unix" in the package "tofrodos" | 16:00 |
tompouk | I have installed Ubuntu, but it's too slow for my machine. I installed xubuntu-desktop over it. Now running XFCE. Is it possible to uninstall all ubuntu apps and things and keep only xubuntu ones?? | 16:00 |
dbarnett | __mork: I would think it would be possible. I'm not sure what you mean by hardware kill switch. I'm just surprised that you can have a forwarding table with two default entries. It was my understanding that the forwarding table should be a unique lookup. | 16:00 |
Pici | blankhead: We dont advocate that here. | 16:00 |
blankhead | my mother uses a pc and my girlfriend uses the same site my mom goes on and my girlfriend got banned from being stupid and now my mom cant access it | 16:00 |
RoadHazard | bhagman88: this is like the 4th I've heard that story this morning, not sure whats up yet | 16:00 |
zhyagao | hey guys. i need some help. there's supposed to be "main-menu - system - administration - restricted drivers" button in my ubuntu, but there's none at all. While i have it in another id of the same ubuntu system. what's the problem ? how can i fix it ? | 16:01 |
blankhead | i tried contacting the site about it but i guess they dont wanna hear it | 16:01 |
blankhead | idk | 16:01 |
zhyagao | thanks a lot | 16:01 |
blankhead | ok pici | 16:01 |
eracc | blankhead, fire your girlfriend. | 16:01 |
blankhead | i did | 16:01 |
blankhead | eracc i did but that doesnt handle the situation u know... | 16:01 |
blankhead | well i dont know then thanks for ur help | 16:01 |
zhyagao | hey guys. i need some help. there's supposed to be "main-menu - system - administration - restricted drivers" button in my ubuntu, but there's none at all. While i have it in another id of the same ubuntu system. what's the problem ? how can i fix it ? | 16:02 |
bhagman88 | RoadHazard: Well this is the 2nd time tdat i've been this room with that issue, so it might have\been me :-P | 16:02 |
eracc | blankhead, if the site banned your IP block then you are not going to get back on. | 16:02 |
theresa_ | tried to upgrade, and i guess i'm not allowed to su? | 16:02 |
zhyagao | it's weird. and besides, a lot of others are not the same | 16:02 |
__mork | dbarnett: not sure, but suppose i have the system connected by wire and by wireless: i need two default gateway. | 16:02 |
bhagman88 | It just sucks because i wanted to test ubuntu on this ystem before doing a complete switchover, now that might not happen =/ | 16:02 |
mohamed_ | eracc: he can't use free proxy for this ? | 16:03 |
dbarnett | I would think one would have to be favored and the other fallback, unless you're doing some sort of multipath forwarding | 16:03 |
DevilSShadoW | anyone know how i could copy stuff from my ubuntu to my windowsXP(virtualbox) | 16:03 |
Pici | !offtopic | eracc blankhead mohamed_ | 16:03 |
ubottu | eracc blankhead mohamed_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 16:03 |
blankhead | im also curious, as if i have an isp that changes my ip address every now and then then wouldnt that make it impossible to block someone if ur ip always cahnges? just curious on this technologic terms or whatever... | 16:03 |
theresa_ | how to i enable my user account to sudo and perform admin tasks when asked the password. | 16:03 |
eracc | mohamed_, maybe. But this is not the place to discuss it (as you now see). :) | 16:03 |
RoadHazard | zhyagao: gnome or kde? | 16:03 |
mohamed_ | ok :) | 16:03 |
blankhead | maybe this is the wrong chatroom sorry | 16:03 |
__mork | dbarnett: in this case there is no way to send packets through eth0 (wired), it should use eth1 (especially if its metric is 20 i.e < than eth0's metric). [By killswitch I mean the hardware - physical - wireless switch) | 16:03 |
zhyagao | roadhazard: gnome | 16:03 |
zhyagao | RoadHazard: i dont know how to fix it ... | 16:04 |
blankhead | oh well sorry if i offended just curious i need to understand my computer as well as my internet services | 16:04 |
blankhead | take care | 16:04 |
hellride | do i need both adept and synaptic package dlers installed? | 16:04 |
Pseudomocha | I used a script to automount my windows partition from this page sudo bash diskmounter | 16:04 |
theresa_ | maybe this is also the wrong room to ask ubuntu questions. | 16:04 |
RoadHazard | zhyagao: one moment | 16:04 |
zhyagao | RoadHazard: i'm sure i have the application in my ubuntu, but dont know how to activate it | 16:04 |
zhyagao | RoadHazard: thanks ! | 16:04 |
PriceChild | hellride: you don't need anything installed | 16:04 |
PriceChild | hellride: but yes, both those do the same thing | 16:04 |
Pseudomocha | i mean this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions and it mounts my partition as read onnly | 16:05 |
hellride | k so it dosent matter which one i get rid of? | 16:05 |
Pseudomocha | i want it to mound as read + write | 16:05 |
tompouk | I have installed Ubuntu, but it's too slow for my machine. I installed xubuntu-desktop over it. Now running XFCE. Is it possible to uninstall all ubuntu apps and things and keep only xubuntu ones?? | 16:05 |
theresa_ | i tried to use the update manager to get 8.04, and i tried root password, and failed. | 16:06 |
hellride | is there any transparent instant messanger for kde? | 16:06 |
Pici | tompouk: Here you go: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce | 16:06 |
tompouk | Thanks!! | 16:07 |
RoadHazard | zhyagao: using hardy? | 16:07 |
hellride | is there any transparent instant messanger for kde? | 16:07 |
theresa_ | the only account that works is the one created at system install, not the one i added. | 16:07 |
bhagman88 | ok i'm going to try the Hackintosh Project. Hopefully someone resolves this speed issue! | 16:07 |
hellride | can amarok go transparent? | 16:07 |
zhyagao | RoadHazard: yep. 8.04 | 16:07 |
Pseudomocha | I used a script from here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions to automount my partitions but it automounts them as read only, how can i make them read + write? | 16:08 |
davidooooo | do you know how to make a custom live cd that goe to another server to install the aplications in the other pc | 16:08 |
genii | davidooooo: See The Ubuntu Customization Kit at Sourceforge | 16:09 |
RoadHazard | zhyagao: tried installing jockey-gtk? | 16:09 |
zhyagao | i've already had jockey | 16:10 |
zhyagao | roadhazard: i dont know how to use jockey ... | 16:10 |
zhyagao | aha ! it's cool ! | 16:10 |
davidooooo | yeah I have it these kit | 16:10 |
zhyagao | RoadHazard: but i still have some other missing applications in my main menu bar. i wanna know how to customize the main menu contents ? | 16:11 |
wesleywillians | hi folks.. i have a ubuntu server with 4gb of ram with apache | 16:12 |
wesleywillians | apache and php | 16:12 |
wesleywillians | this server is using more than 3gb of ram... | 16:12 |
lizbethdh | hey...does anyone know how to configure ssh without passwd? | 16:13 |
wesleywillians | i have only 3 active connections in my apache.. do u have idea why its consuming the ram? | 16:13 |
zhyagao | RoadHazard: thanks, now i need to reboot ... c u soon | 16:13 |
soundray | lizbethdh: you need to enable key-based authentication. There are good tutorials on the web | 16:13 |
soundray | lizbethdh: e.g. http://pkeck.myweb.uga.edu/ssh/ | 16:14 |
davidooooo | but I don't know how to cathc the application that are in other pc and when I insert the custom lice cd in other pc and said what programs do you like | 16:14 |
genii | wesleywillians: What does top say is the hog? | 16:14 |
hellride | is there a gi to uninstall things that arent in the kde kmenu? | 16:15 |
hellride | like how do i unintall epic4 | 16:15 |
hellride | its not listed in kmenu | 16:15 |
wesleywillians | genii: http://dpaste.com/52272/ | 16:15 |
hellride | just in /usr/share | 16:15 |
soundray | !enter | hellride | 16:15 |
Jaikkuli | anyone had problems with their cd drive in ubuntu? mine seems not to be responding half the time | 16:15 |
ubottu | hellride: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 16:15 |
hellride | k sorry | 16:15 |
soundray | hellride: in konsole, 'sudo apt-get --purge remove epic4' | 16:15 |
Pici | hellride: Or use Adept. | 16:16 |
hellride | soundray will that command work for all apps? | 16:16 |
soundray | hellride: it will work for all packages | 16:16 |
wesleywillians | genii: any idea?? | 16:16 |
soundray | hellride: not all package names are the same as the application names | 16:16 |
hellride | k thanks, adept only showed me installed applications in kmenu, | 16:17 |
davidooooo | but I don't know how to cathc the application that are in other pc and when I insert the custom lice cd in other pc and said what programs do you like | 16:17 |
soundray | hellride: I'm not familiar with adept, but I'm sure you can make show (and uninstall) all installed packages | 16:17 |
soundray | *make it | 16:17 |
hellride | k | 16:17 |
__mork | suggestion about my network routing table? http://paste.ubuntu.com/14100/ | 16:18 |
__mork | thanks! | 16:18 |
genii | wesleywillians: It only shows apache (httpd) using .2%, the myslq daemon is using 1.2 but even together negligible amount. | 16:18 |
lmg | hi there ppl. I'm experiencing X lockups with a freshly installed Hardy, nvidia. as soon as I enable the restricted drivers + either desktop fx or any other GL app (like glxgears). have searched the forums (both ubuntu + nvidia) but none of the "solutions" changed anything for me. any hints greatly apretiated. | 16:18 |
soundray | lmg: are you using the restricted nvidia driver or the one that was installed by default? | 16:19 |
RoadHazard | hey, the guy with hardy upgrade poor performance, you still here? | 16:19 |
ross | test | 16:20 |
soundray | ross: failed | 16:20 |
ross | can anyone hear me? | 16:20 |
ross | this is my first time here | 16:21 |
soundray | ross: no | 16:21 |
ross | what's wrong with this? | 16:21 |
lmg | soundray, using the one that got installed by the "restricted driver available" notification. | 16:21 |
soundray | ross: I'll bring my ear closer to the screen, and you'll shout louder. Okay? | 16:21 |
ross | ah | 16:21 |
soundray | !hi | ross | 16:22 |
ubottu | ross: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 16:22 |
soundray | :) | 16:22 |
ross | my first time here | 16:22 |
Jaikkuli | can someone tell me why my dvd drive decides to occssionally not appear or not work properly? | 16:22 |
ross | i just installed ubuntu a few days ago | 16:22 |
ducky | When I plug in my usb cable that connects to my mp3 player ( not ipod ) the mp3 player knows it got plugged into a computer, but ubuntu dosen't mount or recognize it | 16:22 |
Abd67 | is anyone elsse having problems using the update manager? Mine does not show up and the icon says "A problem occourred when cheking for updates" | 16:22 |
Nostahl | I think i got a bad update cause now when i bootup it takes almost a minute for wifi to initialize and my startup program to open / also the forward/back buttons on firefox do not work anymore any idea's? | 16:22 |
lmg | soundray, using the one that got installed by the "restricted driver available" notification. | 16:23 |
soundray | lmg: okay, from there I can only suggest you run nvidia-settings and see if any of the offered settings make a difference | 16:23 |
RoadHazard | Abd67: thats complaint #5 of the update manager this morning, its a trend | 16:23 |
genii | ducky: Does it show anything relevent in the last few lines of dmesg when you plug it in? | 16:23 |
ducky | genii, lemme check | 16:23 |
Abd67 | RoadHazard did not know that. So maybe a server problem then? | 16:23 |
ross | i'm having some trouble accessing a site: https://www.citicards.com/cards/wv/home.do | 16:24 |
davidooooo | but I don't know how to cathc the application that are in other pc and when I insert the custom lice cd in other pc and said what programs do you like | 16:24 |
genii | ducky: If more than acouple lines, please use pastebin site | 16:24 |
RoadHazard | methinks an update was probably borked, but thats an opinion | 16:24 |
ross | can anyone please tell me why..the page flashes for a minute and then it would just disappear | 16:24 |
hanzahar | hi guys | 16:24 |
Nostahl | any idea's why the forward/back button on firefox quit working | 16:24 |
genii | !clone | davidooooo | 16:25 |
ubottu | davidooooo: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate | 16:25 |
hanzahar | hello how is everyone? | 16:25 |
ducky | last two lines:[ 44.814191] EXT3 FS on sda8, internal journal | 16:25 |
ducky | [ 45.984237] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team | 16:25 |
soundray | ross: it's the same here. The page has been made by incompetent people who didn't test it properly | 16:25 |
genii | davidooooo: That will get you a list of whats installed | 16:25 |
Abd67 | RoadHazard hope so. Hoping they release a patch to correct that soon | 16:25 |
ross | is there a way to fix it? | 16:25 |
ross | soundray: is there a way to fix it? | 16:25 |
Nostahl | ross try different browsers | 16:26 |
ross | ok | 16:26 |
Jaikkuli | someone tell me why my cd drive wasnt working, and now after reboot wont even appear in my computer | 16:26 |
hanzahar | hi can i know...i've a usb wireless dodge...smc 2862 w g to be exact...i've already installed the driver but can't make it work any ideas? | 16:26 |
ducky | genii: full dmesg at http://pastebin.com/d412e147d | 16:26 |
ross | it would probably work with konqueror | 16:26 |
genii | ducky: Reading | 16:26 |
RoadHazard | Jaikkuli: hardware failure, software failure, meteor strike | 16:27 |
Jaikkuli | RoadHazard: not hardware.. what software could it be.. looks ok to me outside | 16:27 |
ross | it doesn't work | 16:27 |
ross | i tried it in konqueror | 16:27 |
Jaikkuli | RoadHazard: and why would the software not be corrected after reboot | 16:27 |
ross | what browser should i use to fix this? | 16:27 |
ross | to access https://www.citicards.com/cards/wv/home.do | 16:27 |
RoadHazard | Jaikkuli: what electronic devices look like is not an accurate assessment of their condition | 16:27 |
genii | ducky: Nothing enlightening there. Please unplug/wait 30 seconds/replug the thing, then pastebin result of: dmesg | tail | 16:28 |
Jaikkuli | RoadHazard: my rom drive? | 16:28 |
RoadHazard | Jaikkuli: thats what I would check first, got an extra one handy? | 16:28 |
Jaikkuli | nope, not on a laptop i dont :P | 16:28 |
rgravener | how do you determine which app is binded to a port? | 16:29 |
hanzahar | how can i ask for help? | 16:29 |
vega-- | soundray: changed sources.list and issued apt-get update && apt-get -u dist-upgrade | 16:29 |
RoadHazard | Jaikkuli: because barring a bad update, drives generally dont just quit because of software that hasnt been changed | 16:29 |
Pici | hanzahar: Just ask the question ;) | 16:29 |
Jaikkuli | RoadHazard: wierd thing is.. it didnt work.. then after reboot it worked.. then stopped working.. then reboot and wasnt even apearing in the computer | 16:29 |
vega-- | soundray: don't know results, left the machine at work for the weekend.. | 16:29 |
ross | soundary: so there is no way for me to access https://www.citicards.com/cards/wv/home.do while i'm in ubuntu? | 16:29 |
soundray | vega--: what change did you make? | 16:30 |
soundray | ross: hold on, still researching | 16:30 |
RoadHazard | Jaikkuli: maybe unplug the ribbon cable and reseat it | 16:30 |
lmg | soundray, none of the settings sounds like it affected 3D acceleration, so I don't think that will solve it. | 16:30 |
ross | WHOIS soundray | 16:30 |
vega-- | soundray: s/gutsy/hardy/g :) | 16:30 |
Jaikkuli | kinda hard to reach anything in this laptop.. esspecially the harddrive.. that part has screws i cant undo | 16:30 |
soundray | ross: it's me | 16:30 |
Jaikkuli | RoadHazard: guess i will just reboot again, see what happens.. seems to be a fucking roll of the dice | 16:30 |
hanzahar | .i've a usb wireless dodge...smc 2862 w g to be exact...i've already installed the driver but can't make it work any ideas? | 16:30 |
davidooooo | can you tell me a emulator to ubuntu 8.04 to test iso | 16:30 |
ducky | genii : at http://pastebin.com/d2bf6fc85 | 16:31 |
RoadHazard | !language | 16:31 |
ubottu | Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 16:31 |
Jaikkuli | i would find that quite bizzare to find a family spending time together on an ubuntu channel | 16:31 |
davidooooo | can you tell me a emulator to ubuntu 8.04 to test iso | 16:31 |
ross | extended families | 16:31 |
davidooooo | pleaseeee | 16:32 |
RoadHazard | davidooooo: how you wanna test it? | 16:32 |
danh | run off the cd? | 16:32 |
soundray | vega--: danger... | 16:32 |
genii | ducky: reading | 16:32 |
davidooooo | I need to test an iso with graphic interface | 16:32 |
tim_mibbit | hi hi, I was thinking of setting up a computer (fresh install) with XFS file system. Is there anything I need to know? I hear I should make a 500 meg boot partition, presuambly in like ext2. Links welcome... | 16:32 |
ducky | genii : ok | 16:33 |
soundray | vega--: my next suggestion would have been to switch mirrors, to force a refresh of the package lists | 16:33 |
davidooooo | because qemu don't work | 16:33 |
RoadHazard | davidooooo: so mount it to a directory | 16:33 |
sarthor | i remove gyachi.. installed..... removed..... read a lot..... read.. read.. but i am unable to run my webcam on gyachi.. I need help.... | 16:33 |
billybongo | tim_mibbit: I think your boot stuff can be on xfs these days if you want | 16:33 |
davidooooo | how I mount | 16:33 |
tim_mibbit | I'll try that, and report back if I needed to do the /boot thing | 16:33 |
RoadHazard | davidooooo: make a directory then sudo mount -o loop filename.iso /directoryname | 16:34 |
davidooooo | I wnat to know if the iso works or not in a virtual terminal in ubuntu | 16:34 |
soundray | ross: I think this may be an intentional measure to lock out Linux users... | 16:34 |
rym | Would disabling and re-enabling my sound device (if this is possible) fix the ' device is busy' problem | 16:34 |
genii | ducky: That was a full output and not just the tail :) But it looks like your drive is on /dev/sg2 now anyhow. | 16:34 |
ross | soundray: intentional measure to lock out Linux users? Do you think microsoft is behind this? | 16:34 |
davidooooo | but then the iso unpack in directory | 16:34 |
davidooooo | but I need to test grafically | 16:35 |
genii | ducky: possibly /dev/sdb1 | 16:35 |
soundray | ross: no | 16:35 |
Nostahl | anyone else getting problems with firefox forward/back buttons stop working? | 16:35 |
layec | helow monde | 16:35 |
ross | soundray: so there is NO WAY to access this site? | 16:35 |
RoadHazard | davidooooo: I'm not following you | 16:35 |
tim_mibbit | ross: have you tried changing your agent ID? | 16:36 |
ross | tim_mibbit: how do I do that? | 16:36 |
soundray | ross: what sometimes happens is that bank web sites are run by people who in their ignorance equate "Linux" with "Hacker OS" | 16:36 |
soundray | ross: give me another minute | 16:36 |
tim_mibbit | ross: there is a plugin for firefox to do it easily, if its just detecting your agent and locking you out. makes your computer report its "IE on XP" or whatever | 16:36 |
tim_mibbit | ross: I wasnt here to hear exactly the problem though... | 16:36 |
josspyker | !flash | 16:36 |
ubottu | To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 16:36 |
davidooooo | i need test an iso in enumlator bescause i would like to see if its works grafically and boot | 16:36 |
sarthor | i remove gyachi.. installed..... removed..... read a lot..... read.. read.. but i am unable to run my webcam on gyachi.. I need help.... | 16:36 |
ross | tim_mibbit: ooo that is pretty cool | 16:36 |
soundray | !mountiso | davidooooo | 16:36 |
ubottu | davidooooo: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » or use the "gmountiso" package - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 16:37 |
RoadHazard | davidooooo: then just burn the sucker on a disk and boot it | 16:37 |
davidooooo | i only need an emulator | 16:37 |
Dr_willis | davidooooo, the fuseiso tool is a little nicer then the 'mount -o loop' method. :) but both work . | 16:37 |
ross | tim_mibbit: I'm having some trouble accessing this site: https://www.citicards.com/cards/wv/home.do | 16:37 |
Dr_willis | davidooooo, there is no 'emulator' for iso files under linux. You mount them as you do any other filesystem. | 16:38 |
ducky | genii: i think i get it now, it works! thanks! | 16:38 |
ross | tim_mibbit: i tried using mozilla and konqueror but it doesn't work | 16:38 |
Dr_willis | davidooooo, is this some copy protected game or somthing? | 16:38 |
davidooooo | for example the program qemu | 16:38 |
davidooooo | or virtual box | 16:38 |
ross | tim_mibbit: so how can I go about changing the agent id? | 16:38 |
soundray | ross: the whole page seems to be overlaid with a Flash thing. | 16:38 |
davidooooo | but qemu in ubuntu 8.04 don't work and i don't know | 16:38 |
ross | soundray: what does that mean? | 16:38 |
Dr_willis | davidooooo, those exist. and can boot iso images. virtualbox has 8.04 packages at theior web site i belive. | 16:39 |
lmg | is anyone in here using hary + nvidia + nvdia-glx-new? can't believe I'm the only one. | 16:39 |
RoadHazard | virtualbox is in the hardy repos davidoooo | 16:39 |
lmg | s/hary/hardy | 16:39 |
theFATMAN | what does this mean: rar: | 16:39 |
theFATMAN | Package rar has no available version, but exists in the database. | 16:39 |
theFATMAN | This typically means that the package was mentioned in a dependency and never uploaded, has been obsoleted or is not available with the contents of sources.list | 16:39 |
davidooooo | i try virtual box but there is an error | 16:39 |
omposter | theFATMAN: Isn't the package called unrar? | 16:39 |
soundray | ross: do you know what Flash is? | 16:40 |
theFATMAN | omposter: yea, but i keep geeting this | 16:40 |
omposter | theFATMAN: with apt-get install unrar? | 16:40 |
RoadHazard | davidooooo: what error would that be? | 16:40 |
ross | soundray: yes | 16:40 |
ross | soundray: i have installed flash | 16:40 |
theFATMAN | omposter, nah, in the terminal i get this: sudo apt-get install unrar | 16:41 |
theFATMAN | Reading package lists... Done | 16:41 |
theFATMAN | Building dependency tree | 16:41 |
theFATMAN | Reading state information... Done | 16:41 |
theFATMAN | Package unrar is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 16:41 |
FloodBot1 | theFATMAN: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 16:41 |
theFATMAN | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 16:41 |
harish | i came to know about ccsm from my friend.how to download it from internet? | 16:41 |
erUSUL | !paste | theFATMAN | 16:41 |
ubottu | theFATMAN: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 16:41 |
davidooooo | ther error of virtual box is the virtual box kernel driver is not accessible to the current user. Make sure that you have permissions dev/vboxdrv | 16:41 |
omposter | theFATMAN: use a damn pastebin | 16:41 |
Pici | omposter: Be nice. | 16:41 |
soundray | ross: I have to take it back | 16:41 |
omposter | Pici: I'm being very nice | 16:41 |
erUSUL | theFATMAN: you are not new to this channel should knew about pastebin ... | 16:42 |
RoadHazard | davidooooo: did you happen to install the virtualbox kernel package for your kernel? | 16:42 |
tim1 | Can any one please help, when I install nvidia graphics driver. My onbard lan stops working. I have an A8V-VM SE motherboard. | 16:42 |
ross | soundray: so.....this site is just simply stupid...? | 16:42 |
omposter | soundray: nowadays, people refer to flash as 'youtube', just like people refer to linux as 'ubanto' | 16:42 |
soundray | ross: the site is incompetently written, but it isn't really trying to lock you out on the basis of you using Linux | 16:42 |
tim1 | When i remove the drivers the lan card starts working again | 16:42 |
ross | soundray: ah | 16:42 |
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ross | soundray: so...you're saying that there is no way to access this site while i'm in ubuntu...? | 16:42 |
soundray | ross: if you resize the window to be very small, you can scroll around and see elements that were covered up by that Flash element before. | 16:43 |
Nspryspartan | hello everyone? | 16:43 |
soundray | ross: see if you can find the link you need, and maybe it's a smooth ride from there. | 16:43 |
erUSUL | tim1: maybe a irq sharing isuue? somethin in dmesg /var/log/messages ?? | 16:43 |
omposter | ross: are you using firefox? | 16:43 |
erUSUL | tim1: maybe a irq sharing isuue? somethin in dmesg or /var/log/messages ?? | 16:43 |
harish | somebody help me to know about ccsm | 16:43 |
Nspryspartan | what you going? | 16:43 |
davidooooo | I dont find the 8.01 package kernel | 16:43 |
davidooooo | in what page | 16:43 |
Nspryspartan | what you guys talking about? | 16:44 |
tim1 | erUSUL: what shouldi do, install driver and look at dmesg | 16:44 |
omposter | ross: or opera? | 16:44 |
erUSUL | davidooooo: packages.ubuntu.com | 16:44 |
anirudh0 | ross: or use extensions like flashblock or noscript to temporarilly ban flash | 16:44 |
soundray | ross: failing that, get a Firefox Addon for selectively blocking Flash elements. | 16:44 |
RoadHazard | davidooooo: which flavor kernel you running? server, generic? | 16:44 |
ross | omposter: firefox, and also, maybe i should try using opera | 16:44 |
soundray | ross: like anirudh0 suggests :) | 16:44 |
Pici | harish: Do you have a specific question about it? | 16:44 |
erUSUL | tim1: yep; something like that. also "cat /proc/interrupts" before and after | 16:44 |
anirudh0 | ross: opera wont help...same reason | 16:44 |
davidooooo | generic | 16:44 |
omposter | ross: do you have an adblocker installed? | 16:45 |
jcaspe | Help please. I'd tried installing ubuntu in my pc a while ago but it stop loading at "running local boot scripts (etc/rc.local)" | 16:45 |
RoadHazard | one moment | 16:45 |
ross | omposter: no | 16:45 |
hassen | hi, anybody tried to make firefox2 work with addons on ubuntu... Firefox 3 beta is installed by default, and most of the addons do not support it... Anybody has the same problem with firefox2? | 16:45 |
harish | Pici: I am not able to open ccsm .... | 16:45 |
ross | anirudh0: how do i use flashblock or noscript | 16:45 |
omposter | ross: try installing adblock plus, and disabling that flash overlay like the others said. | 16:45 |
anirudh0 | ross:noscript is better...it has better blocking options...but it might block scipts too | 16:45 |
anirudh0 | ross: just install noscript from addons.mozilla.com | 16:45 |
Pici | harish: Is it installed? | 16:45 |
anirudh0 | ross: its also in the repos | 16:45 |
tim1 | erUSUL before http://pastebin.com/m2ecde50a | 16:46 |
ross | anirudh0: i will try it now | 16:46 |
recon69 | anyone able to help with wpa_supplicant? | 16:46 |
omposter | really, it seems more to me like gecko failing at loading the page properly | 16:46 |
RoadHazard | davidooooo: open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.24-16-generic | 16:46 |
harish | Pici: I have installed ubuntu 8.04.i dont know whether it is inbuilt or not... | 16:46 |
soundray | ross: have you tried the resize approach? | 16:46 |
Pici | harish: its not, you'd need to install it. | 16:47 |
omposter | which is funny, because they're doing everything with javascript (and loading flash with that) | 16:47 |
ross | anirudh0: currently installing noscript | 16:47 |
Pici | harish: apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager simple-ccsm | 16:47 |
ross | soundray: yes, and it works, but that is STRANGE | 16:47 |
soundray | omposter: I think ross has found a Flash bug. The size of the Flash element is calculated wrong. | 16:47 |
harish | Pici: How do i do it...? | 16:47 |
anirudh0 | ross: flash is a pain in general...eats up cpu and distracts you from what you actually want to see | 16:47 |
tim1 | dmesg http://pastebin.com/me26f859 | 16:47 |
ross | soundray: the whole page doesn't display properly but when it's resized i can see the login section?? | 16:47 |
Pici | harish: run that command in a terminal prefixed with sudo: | 16:48 |
omposter | soundray: you can't find a bug in something that's a bug in itself. | 16:48 |
omposter | flash shitsux QED | 16:48 |
davidooooo | I have the same error | 16:48 |
ross | anirudh0: ok um | 16:48 |
Pici | !language | omposter | 16:48 |
ubottu | omposter: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 16:48 |
ross | anirudh0: i installed the noscript from the repos, and when back to try the site, but it still doesn't work | 16:48 |
FreeFull | The only two things flash is good for are games and animations on webpages. | 16:48 |
soundray | ross: I've found the plugin that causes the problem. The name is ominous | 16:48 |
ross | soundray: how can i go about fixing this OMINOUS | 16:49 |
soundray | ross: https://www.citicards.com/cards/wv/swf/filter1.swf | 16:49 |
omposter | FreeFull: good job naming more things flash should never ever be used for. | 16:49 |
anirudh0 | ross: what do you mean "does'nt work"...flash not blocked? | 16:49 |
=== Effe-Work is now known as Effe | ||
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soundray | ross: I meant the choice of name doesn't bode well (I didn't mean the name is "ominous") | 16:49 |
harish | Pici: can you tell me what command to run....? | 16:49 |
FreeFull | omposter, according to you flash shouldn't be used at all. | 16:50 |
ross | anirudh0: it doesn't look like it, i mean, the page still can't be displayed | 16:50 |
RoadHazard | FreeFull: thats got my vote | 16:50 |
omposter | FreeFull: exactly. You've learned your lesson, young padawan. | 16:50 |
ross | soundray: i clicked on that site | 16:50 |
ross | soundray: it's all gibberish | 16:50 |
jcaspe | I tried installing ubuntu 8.04 a while ago but it stop loading at "running local boot scripts (etc/rc.local)" How can i fix this problem? | 16:50 |
anirudh0 | ross:hmm..works for me..i'll post a screenshot | 16:50 |
RoadHazard | jcaspe: edit /etc/rc.local and see whats hanging it? | 16:51 |
ross | anirudh0: strange...i already installed noscript...maybe i should try restarting my browswer | 16:51 |
soundray | ross: you're not meant to click on it. You're meant to block it. Use Adblock Plus or something similar. | 16:51 |
tim_mibbit | jscape: yes, it would be nice to ascertain whether its hanging in those scripts, or whether its just not running them (unlikely) | 16:51 |
wax_man | Does anyone know how to create a Desktop or Applications link to a program that is accessed through the console? | 16:52 |
anirudh0 | ross:yes..restart ff and make sure the extension is enabled | 16:52 |
ross | soundray: how can I get the adblock plus? is it in the repos? | 16:52 |
anirudh0 | ross: adblock is in repos...adblock plus is'nt | 16:52 |
cl0s | wax_man: right click on ur desktop and click "create launcher" | 16:52 |
soundray | ross: no, get it through Tools-Addons-Get Extensions | 16:53 |
RoadHazard | ross: in the time it took you to type that you could have typed apt-cache search adblock | 16:53 |
anirudh0 | ross: do apt-cache search "package-name" when you want to find stuff like this | 16:53 |
jcaspe | tim_mibbit, i tried to reboot but im getting the same result - it stop loading | 16:53 |
harish | harish: Pici: can you tell me what command to run....? | 16:53 |
anirudh0 | :) | 16:53 |
MCCloak | hi. please can anyone tell me whats the name of that program on the left side of this screenshot? http://www.lynucs.org/index.php?screen_type=1&screen_id=89145899840881173b6626&m=screen | 16:53 |
soundray | ross: or, if you've already installed noscript, restart your firefox and use that to block the address | 16:53 |
cl0s | wax_man: where it says type.. select Application in Terminal .. and then in command enter the command you want it to execute | 16:53 |
RoadHazard | jcaspe: when you hang like that, try hitting ctrl-c | 16:53 |
jcaspe | RoadHazard, how can i see whats hanging it? | 16:54 |
tim_mibbit | *I'll be back later, jscape, open up the script file and have a look for anything that might hang it. remember it will lock until the things its running return | 16:54 |
RoadHazard | jcaspe: it stops going? | 16:54 |
tim_mibbit | *I think | 16:54 |
wax_man | cl0s: thanks | 16:54 |
The_B_Guy | MCCloak: I think that is a screenlet | 16:54 |
anirudh0 | ross: http://img399.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotmz5.png | 16:54 |
cl0s | wax_man: no doubt | 16:54 |
davidooooo | I execute shell_exec('tail -n10 file') | 16:55 |
ross | soundray: i tried looking for the installed apps under the add-ons in mozilla but i don't see it : ( | 16:55 |
MCCloak | The_B_Guy: thanks, and the bar with programs at the bottom? | 16:55 |
soundray | MCCloak: it could be gkrellm | 16:55 |
anirudh0 | ross: looks like working to me | 16:55 |
jcaspe | RoadHazard, yes it stops. But its strange because i can type whatever i like at hit enter but there's no result at all | 16:55 |
ross | anirudh0: how do i enable noscript...? | 16:55 |
soundray | ross: Tools-Addons-*GET EXTENSIONS* | 16:55 |
ross | soundray: it is not listed | 16:56 |
jcaspe | tim_mibbit, pardon me but i don't really know how to do that | 16:56 |
Pici | harish: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager simple-ccsm | 16:56 |
harish | Pici: i am not able to run that command... | 16:56 |
anirudh0 | ross: Firefox 2? | 16:56 |
X3lectric | hi anyone can have a look at website | 16:56 |
X3lectric | http://fridge.ubuntu.com/about | 16:56 |
X3lectric | does it display ok | 16:57 |
X3lectric | not here | 16:57 |
anirudh0 | ross: post screenshot of the misrendered site | 16:57 |
ross | anirudh0: yeah, i saw your print screen, you enable noscript? | 16:57 |
dinya | hello all | 16:57 |
The_B_Guy | MCCloak: Could be awn... | 16:57 |
dinya | how can i know, who rebooted my system in X time? | 16:57 |
alastor666 | soir' all :) | 16:57 |
bazhang | X3lectric, yes | 16:57 |
RoadHazard | jcaspe: when it hangs like that, try hitting ctrl and c | 16:57 |
soundray | ross: if you click on Get Extensions, it will take you to this site: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/ -- there you can search for Adblock Plus | 16:57 |
anirudh0 | ross: yes..after installation it is enabled by default...see the icon in the status bar | 16:57 |
babolat | X3lectric: are you refering to the left side pannel overflow? | 16:57 |
The_B_Guy | MCCloak: There is another one like AWN but I don'T remember the name of the package... | 16:57 |
MCCloak | The_B_Guy: cairo dock? | 16:58 |
anirudh0 | ross: I forgot the famous acronymn..but google is your friend!!! | 16:58 |
The_B_Guy | MCCloak: Maybe... Let me look around | 16:58 |
gooody | anyone can help me remove kde session from my ubuntu? | 16:58 |
harish | Pici: thanks now i am able to run:) | 16:58 |
MCCloak | The_B_Guy: ok | 16:58 |
jcaspe | RoadHazard, thank you. I will try it now. I will just update you for what happen | 16:58 |
Grell | im subscribed to a mailing list, i want all the mail from that list to go into a specific folder, i am using evolution as my email client, how can i do this? | 16:58 |
anirudh0 | goody: edit /etx/X11/xsessions and remove the kde entry | 16:58 |
soundray | anirudh0: for this screenshot, did you have Flash enabled? | 16:59 |
anirudh0 | goody: i dont understand...you are removing kde..or removing the entry and keeping kde | 16:59 |
anirudh0 | soundray: nope | 16:59 |
babolat | Grell: you'll need to add a filter | 16:59 |
X3lectric | http://homepage.ntlworld.com/jfj.oliveira/site.png | 16:59 |
X3lectric | well like I saidd dont display right here | 17:00 |
gooody | anirudh0: i want to remove the kde entry | 17:00 |
X3lectric | gotta go | 17:00 |
score | why do a lot of people recommend installing ruby gems from source rather than through the deb package? | 17:00 |
ross | anirudh0: EH | 17:00 |
ross | the page can now be displayed | 17:00 |
soundray | score: you need to ask those people | 17:00 |
ross | but when I logged in, it said that Javascript must be enable!!!!!! | 17:01 |
DavidCraft | I am trying to get Ubuntu server edition installed on an IBM server. The server contains 2 SCSI Hard drives. They are NOT RAIDed. I have booted up and done diagnostics on the drives and they are fine. Ubuntu setup though does notpick them up. There are drivers for the drives but only Windows, Redhat, and SUSE specific. Any ideas? | 17:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | gooody http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/2755/ubuntu_7_10_how_to_uninstall_kde | 17:01 |
The_B_Guy | MCCloak: Got it... simdock in the repository (8.04) | 17:01 |
X3lectric | babolat yea | 17:01 |
MCCloak | The_B_Guy: tyvm | 17:01 |
anirudh0 | goody: oops..go to /usr/share/xsessions | 17:01 |
soundray | ross: you need to enable JavaScript, but block the address that I gave you | 17:01 |
ross | anirudh0: i can see the site but i can't access my account!! | 17:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | score THey may recommend it .. but we recommend staying with our repos | 17:02 |
anirudh0 | goody: and remove the files you dont want | 17:02 |
babolat | X3lectric: the site has CSS layout that's incomprehensible. that's why | 17:02 |
X3lectric | lol | 17:02 |
anirudh0 | ross: thats because noscipt blocks _all_ scripts | 17:02 |
ross | soundray: how do i enable javacript? and what was the address again? how do i block it? | 17:02 |
soundray | ross: you disabled javascript by enabling noscript | 17:02 |
X3lectric | well I thought I would share so it could be fixed | 17:02 |
stabbe | I have a problem with my tv-out settings, i manage to get a picture and can move the mouse around on the tv. But i cant drag anything with me from my desktop to the tv monitor, like vlc when i want to watch a movie on the tv. How do i do this? thanks | 17:02 |
The_B_Guy | MCCloak: Look at http://www.getdeb.net for latest screenlet application | 17:03 |
babolat | X3lectric: Go file a bug about it if you think it's worth it | 17:03 |
anirudh0 | ross: so the easiest thing is to disable noscript..enable flashblock...and access your account | 17:03 |
X3lectric | na | 17:03 |
X3lectric | thx | 17:03 |
tim1 | erUSUL after http://pastebin.com/m569db134 | 17:03 |
X3lectric | laters guys | 17:03 |
anirudh0 | ross: you can edit noscipt as well..bit it is'nt so straightforward | 17:03 |
DavidCraft | so any ideas on my server problem ^ ? | 17:03 |
anirudh0 | ross:flashblock _only_ blocks flash | 17:03 |
ljsoftnet | is there an icon theme for gnome that looks like windows? | 17:04 |
ross | anirudh0: flashblock = adblock plus? | 17:04 |
ross | anirudh0: that is already enabled | 17:04 |
tim__ | hey, how can I see my CPU revision (eg; B3, G0 (Q6600)) ? | 17:04 |
H4lon4 | Does ubuntu contain all debian packages in the repos? | 17:04 |
ross | anirudh0: and I already disabled noscript | 17:04 |
babolat | look for them icon packs at http://art.gnome.org ljsoftnet | 17:04 |
edgecase | i've been having problems getting ps/top to show WCHAN, for years it seems, i don' t remember the last time it worked, but i have a need for it now | 17:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | ljsoftnet yes, but it is not a simple point and click. much needs to be done manually | 17:04 |
anirudh0 | ross: nope..adblock= block ads...flashblock=block all flash objects | 17:04 |
Pici | H4lon4: Not all. | 17:05 |
anirudh0 | ross:therefore adblock!=flashblock..even though names are similar | 17:05 |
ljsoftnet | babolat: the website doesn't show the sizes of the icons | 17:05 |
tim1 | erUSUL and dmesg http://pastebin.com/m37a09ad9 | 17:05 |
ross | OK NOW IT WORKS | 17:05 |
anirudh0 | ljsofnet: its easier to make it look like mac...look at Mac4Lin...it'll look better anyways | 17:05 |
babolat | ljsoftnet: you mean the display sizes? | 17:05 |
anirudh0 | ross:great | 17:06 |
ross | i enabled flash block | 17:06 |
gooody | anirudh0: how am i going to remove the files using sudo? i am new to linux and not very familiar yet with terminal commands. | 17:06 |
ross | WOW | 17:06 |
ross | THAT TOOK LIKE AN HOUR | 17:06 |
FloodBot1 | ross: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:06 |
H4lon4 | Pici: Do you know why some packages are left out, or what kinds of packages are left out? | 17:06 |
soundray | ross: all thanks to incompetent web designers | 17:06 |
ljsoftnet | babolat i just want smaller icons for gnome | 17:06 |
anirudh0 | goody:sudo rm "file-name" | 17:06 |
babolat | ljsoftnet: you can resize them via your own config | 17:06 |
Pici | H4lon4: I dont know. | 17:06 |
anirudh0 | soundray: i'm not sure that its a flash bug | 17:06 |
soundray | anirudh0: no, I agree | 17:07 |
ross | ok, so the solution was to install and enable flash block | 17:07 |
Pici | H4lon4: You can look on packages.ubuntu.com if you need check | 17:07 |
ross | this is my first time here, and I'm loving it | 17:07 |
ljsoftnet | babolat: how? | 17:07 |
=== yacc_ is now known as yacc | ||
[CroX] | How can I get my clock applet to show "Internet time" in Hardy? | 17:07 |
soundray | anirudh0: it's either a misguided attempt to lock out Linux users, or plain stupid design on behalf of Citibank | 17:07 |
ross | i'm a newbie in ubuntu, can anyone offer me a guide to learn more about ubuntu (or just simply linux) in general? | 17:07 |
soundray | !faq | ross | 17:08 |
ubottu | ross: A list of common questions and answers about Ubuntu: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions - Official documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com - IRC FAQ: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | 17:08 |
soundray | !cli | ross | 17:08 |
ubottu | ross: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 17:08 |
ross | soundary: wow that is awesome let me try that out | 17:08 |
ross | !faq soundray | 17:08 |
ubottu | Factoid faq soundray not found | 17:08 |
anirudh0 | ross: there are tons of ubuntu newbie guides and books on the net...google away | 17:08 |
sparkyy | my trash had decided it will NOT delete. =( Why is it going on strike? | 17:08 |
babolat | ljsoftnet: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=520348 http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-242590.html http://blog.shabdar.ws/2006/11/27/change-desktop-icon-size-in-gnome/ | 17:08 |
ross | soundray: what the why didn't it work lol | 17:08 |
babolat | ljsoftnet: many ways to kill the cat | 17:09 |
soundray | ross: you need to use the pipe symbol | but please don't play with it in the channel | 17:09 |
ross | soundray: ok thanks | 17:09 |
soundray | ross: causes unnecessary traffic | 17:09 |
sparkyy | anyone see a problem with trash not deleting ? | 17:09 |
sparkyy | in 8.04 | 17:09 |
H4lon4 | Pici: I have, and ubuntu has about 2000 more packages than debian unstable. I was wondering if there is anything to lose from switching debian -> ubuntu | 17:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | sparkyy Are these things you deleted as root user? | 17:09 |
jrojas | hi, i have broken packages in ubuntu, i try 'sudo apt-get install -f' but can't get fixed this error.. i need help.. | 17:10 |
sparkyy | Jack_Sparrow, nope. all as me | 17:10 |
imperfect- | Anyone here running gusty on a MacPRO? | 17:10 |
soundray | jrojas: try 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' | 17:10 |
imperfect- | Is there special magic to get access to the HFSPLUS drives that use EFI? | 17:10 |
[CroX] | How can I get my clock applet to show "Internet time" in Hardy? Worked fine in Gutsy to just go to the preferences but now I can only find a 12/24 hours format option there. | 17:10 |
soundray | jrojas: if that doesn't help, please put the output from both commands on http://paste.ubuntu.com | 17:10 |
ross | anirudh0: what's your favorite ubuntu newbie guide? | 17:10 |
babolat | sparkyy: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=116371 | 17:11 |
ubottu | KDE bug 116371 in trash "Trash appears to be empty, but files remain in ~/.local/share/Trash/files" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] | 17:11 |
genii | jrojas: Did you install some things from packages you downloaded? When this happens sometimes the package manager gets confused | 17:11 |
gooody | anirudh0: i have deleted the kde session but still have the applications under applications>others. any idea how to remove those applications? | 17:11 |
anirudh0 | ross: ubuntuguide.org | 17:11 |
sparkyy | babolat, so that is for KDE and I am on Gnome | 17:11 |
sparkyy | babolat, I am on Ubuntu 804 | 17:12 |
ubottu | sparkyy: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Ubuntu: not well-formed (invalid token): line 382, column 84 | 17:12 |
anirudh0 | gooody: alacarte menu editor...type alacarte in terminal | 17:12 |
jrojas | soundray and genii: i was installin linux backport modules but for another kernel version, so i got an error | 17:12 |
jcaspe | Hello everyone. I'm trying to install ubuntu 8.04 in my pc but it stop at "Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.loca)" I tried using ctr+c but it wont work | 17:12 |
babolat | sparkyy: I think it's for nautilus in general | 17:12 |
sparkyy | babolat, ok its not a big deal anyhow | 17:12 |
ross | anirudh0: isn't that site for designed for ubuntu 7.10? | 17:12 |
imperfect- | Anyone at all know? | 17:12 |
stechkov | anyone help me can i edit the choices in grub menu? | 17:12 |
ross | anirudh0: i'm using the latest version: 8.04 | 17:12 |
Nostahl | when ever im on a game whenever i click the mouse the whole screen flashes black why? | 17:12 |
anirudh0 | ross: replace the ":Gutsy" in the url with ":Hardy" | 17:13 |
babolat | !grub | stechkov | 17:13 |
ubottu | stechkov: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 17:13 |
stechkov | thnx.. | 17:13 |
jrojas | soundray, this is the error http://paste.ubuntu.com/14117/ | 17:13 |
ross | anirudh0: Aha!! Wow, you guys are great | 17:13 |
sparkyy | ubuttu - you and your parsing errors. Pfftt silly bot | 17:13 |
sparkyy | lol | 17:13 |
jrojas | soundray, is in spanish, sorry | 17:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | ljsoftnet google for vista-aero-theme-automated for your windows look.. | 17:14 |
jcaspe | Hello everyone. I'm trying to install ubuntu 8.04 in my pc but it stop booting at "Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.loca)" I tried using ctr+c but it wont work. Please help me out... | 17:14 |
stechkov | anyone help me i am using gyachi and i am getting an error using my webcam...but my webcam is working on cheese and ekiga | 17:14 |
sparkyy | ubottu what is the meaning of life | 17:14 |
sparkyy | lol | 17:14 |
linkmaster03 | how do I open automatix? | 17:14 |
W8TAH | is anyone aware of problems in the hardy server installer - specifically in detecting HDD and other hardware? im having some problems and im not sure if its my hardware or a bad disk or what | 17:14 |
RoadHazard | jcaspe: if ctrl-c didnt help you might try doing a grub recovery boot | 17:14 |
anirudh0 | ross: no one's great my friend...there is only experienced and inexperienced :) | 17:15 |
DavidCraft | I am trying to get Ubuntu server edition installed on an IBM server. The server contains 2 SCSI Hard drives. They are NOT RAIDed. I have booted up and done diagnostics on the drives and they are fine. Ubuntu setup though does notpick them up. There are drivers for the drives but only Windows, Redhat, and SUSE specific. SO any ideas? | 17:15 |
stechkov | anyone can help me about my webcam? | 17:15 |
soundray | jrojas: I think you need to install linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic, then install linux-backports-modules-2.6.22-14-generic, then remove both. | 17:15 |
RoadHazard | isnt automatix still bad woogies for ubuntu? | 17:15 |
gooody | anirudh0: does removing them from menus will remove the whole application? | 17:15 |
jcaspe | RoadHazard: how can i do a grub recovery boot | 17:15 |
soundray | jrojas: use 'sudo dpkg -i' to install | 17:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | gooody no | 17:16 |
stechkov | RoadHazard: can you help me about my webcam? | 17:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | jcaspe boot livecd | 17:16 |
RoadHazard | jcaspe: hit escape when it says starting grub, select the recovery kernel option | 17:16 |
anirudh0 | gooody: no...only the menu entry...they can sill be run from terminal..or added later using alacarte | 17:16 |
Nostahl | what all does the recovery kernel thing do | 17:16 |
RoadHazard | stechkov: make and model of the cam? | 17:16 |
neumind | wher i can find skype for 8.04 ? | 17:16 |
jrojas | soundray my kernel version is 2.6.24-16-generic | 17:16 |
gooody | Jack_Sparrow: how cAN i remove the applications that was installed with kde-core? | 17:16 |
soundray | !skype | neumind | 17:16 |
ubottu | neumind: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto | 17:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | gooody http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/2755/ubuntu_7_10_how_to_uninstall_kde | 17:17 |
RoadHazard | Nostahl: puts you in as root with a limited driver set | 17:17 |
anirudh0 | Nostahl:its the normal kenel..just runs in verbose mode..and defaults to the root shell | 17:17 |
soundray | neumind: it's in the medibuntu repository | 17:17 |
stechkov | RoadHazard: its an a4tech webcam an old one pk-335 i think.. | 17:17 |
jcaspe | RoadHazard: now i get it. What's the next step i'll do afterthat? | 17:17 |
Nostahl | ah not automated recovery then? | 17:17 |
gooody | Jack_Sparrow: thanks for the link | 17:17 |
soundray | jrojas: I know. To remove the packages you don't want, you will have to install them first. Otherwise the package manager will get hung up on this error. | 17:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | gooody np, I gave it to you earlier when you asked as well | 17:18 |
jrojas | soundray, all right.. can i install them from repositories? | 17:18 |
RoadHazard | one moment | 17:18 |
soundray | jrojas: see if they are still in /var/cache/apt/archives/ first. If so, use 'sudo dpkg -i' to install them. | 17:18 |
jrojas | soundray, ok, be right back | 17:19 |
stechkov | RoadHazard: its an a4tech webcam an old one pk-335 i think.. | 17:19 |
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RoadHazard | I just had a brainfart, what is the log that logs the boot sequence guys? | 17:19 |
RoadHazard | stechkov: one moment | 17:19 |
anirudh0 | you mean how to see it? | 17:20 |
stechkov | RoadHazard: ok ill wait.. | 17:20 |
anirudh0 | dmesg | 17:20 |
jrojas | soundray, no, they are not in /var/cache/apt/archives.. | 17:20 |
anirudh0 | RoadHazard:i think its /var/log/syslog or /var/log/kern.log | 17:21 |
ljsoftnet | is there a way to change the sizes of the icons in the panel and menus? | 17:21 |
anirudh0 | RoadHazard: and whats a "BrainFart" | 17:21 |
ross | anirudh0: it's like when you do something dumb | 17:21 |
soundray | jrojas: you will have to get them from packages.ubuntu.com then | 17:22 |
stechkov | anyone here from philippines? | 17:22 |
RoadHazard | anirudh0: when your brain just stops operatin for amin | 17:22 |
Nostahl | magandang umaga sayo | 17:22 |
jrojas | thanks soundray, i will do that.. i hope that works :) | 17:22 |
stechkov | <Nostahl> pare | 17:23 |
RoadHazard | stechkov: I'm not having alot of luck diggin that up guy | 17:23 |
Nostahl | stechkov that is all i know in tagalog | 17:23 |
babolat | ljsoftnet: You can change the default size for all of the icons on the Gnome desktop and the file manager, Nautilus. type "nautilus" into a terminal. The nautilus GUI will appear. In the edit menu select preferences. Under "Icon View Defaults" and "List View Defaults" change the zoom level to 75% or whatever. The results are both immediate and lasting. | 17:23 |
stechkov | roadhazard: its ok man...me too...cant make it work with gyachi | 17:23 |
score | Jack_Sparrow: i guess the ubuntu wiki mentioned installing it from source. a lot of ubuntu/rails people seem to think it works out better | 17:23 |
stechkov | Nostahl: I can teach you some...if you want | 17:24 |
soundray | jrojas: let me know if you hit more trouble | 17:24 |
cocoa117 | hello, question regarding to fdisk. How many partition can kernel see on amd64 Ubuntu Hardy? I currently trying to create total 17 partitions on my hard disk, because of LVM, after exceeding /dev/sda15, kernel won't see it anymore | 17:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | score Try from the repos first or at least make a backup of your system first | 17:24 |
robg_ | 17 partitions is a bit over the top. | 17:25 |
cocoa117 | thanx, robg | 17:25 |
cocoa117 | what's the limits? | 17:25 |
cocoa117 | 15? | 17:25 |
cocoa117 | they all in logical partition by the way | 17:25 |
robg_ | Are you talking desktop or server ? | 17:25 |
cocoa117 | desktop | 17:26 |
cocoa117 | hardy desktop, amd64 | 17:26 |
robg_ | Most standard PCs will accept 3 or 4 primary partitions plus a few logical ones. | 17:26 |
sparkyy | jdavies, lol | 17:26 |
Webu | Is there any CLI DC++ software? | 17:26 |
sparkyy | mortal, lol | 17:26 |
ljsoftnet | babolat: i'm referring to the menus and icons in the upper panel | 17:27 |
jdavies | sparkyy: hey there | 17:27 |
cocoa117 | 4 primary partition is understandable, because of BIOS | 17:27 |
sparkyy | ubottu is so full of wisdom. He blurs my consciousness | 17:27 |
ubottu | sparkyy: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 17:27 |
sparkyy | lol | 17:27 |
cocoa117 | i thought in logical partition, the number is much higher, in theory, unlimited | 17:27 |
Pici | sparkyy: Please don't play with the bot. | 17:27 |
anirudh0 | Webu:microdc...you'll have to compile it | 17:27 |
sparkyy | Pici sorry man | 17:27 |
Webu | anirudh0, hmm, thanks! | 17:28 |
robg_ | Do you have any idea how much work it is to maintain so many instances of an OS ? | 17:28 |
babolat | ljsoftnet: right click on the panel, then properties. it should have a size in pixels box there for you | 17:28 |
stechkov | anyone knows a good VCD Ripper and a Video Converter For Gutsy? | 17:28 |
Acorn | argh, i'm on the ubuntu live cd but I can't login to root because I don't have a password, what do i do? | 17:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | cocoa117 I think logicals have a limit of 356 | 17:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | 256 | 17:28 |
babolat | !root | Acorn | 17:29 |
ubottu | Acorn: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 17:29 |
sparkyy | What user should games be installed as if they are not from the repos | 17:29 |
cocoa117 | ok, 256 | 17:29 |
ljsoftnet | babolat: it doesn't change the size of the icons | 17:29 |
cocoa117 | i am currently under 17 | 17:29 |
stechkov | Acorn: Try "sudo su" command | 17:29 |
cocoa117 | so, why kernel or fdisk can't see anything beond 15? | 17:29 |
ross | is it possible to boot to Windows while still in linux? I have Windows installed on one HD and ubuntu on another | 17:29 |
sparkyy | /usr/share/games is root:root shouldn't you just install in home directory if the games are not from the repositories? | 17:29 |
tacojohn | http://digg.com/microsoft/Lenovo_It_s_hard_to_say_goodbye_to_Windows_XP | 17:29 |
Acorn | hehe, let me guess, i'm not the first to ask that question :) thanks for the help | 17:30 |
Slart | sparkyy: usually game binaries are installed as root.. then the game has a folder in your home folder for settings, maps and such | 17:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | ross not the way you think.. vbox etc yes | 17:30 |
tacojohn | Thats pretty funny that Lenovo doesn't want to get rid of XP | 17:30 |
ross | Jack_Sparrow: so there is no way? | 17:30 |
luderacer | awsome tacojohn | 17:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | ross vbox wine and other ways... yes | 17:31 |
sparkyy | Slart, ok but some games don't do that by default. i.e nexuiz so I couldnt get the game to run without sudo | 17:31 |
Baltazaar | Any idea why I can't switch between workspaces anymore? | 17:31 |
tacojohn | luderacer, If you like it, digg it :) | 17:31 |
Slart | sparkyy: or put it in /opt/ and use any user you want.. as long as the game itself isn't suid there shouldn't be any problems, afaik | 17:31 |
ross | Jack_Sparrow: so how do I do it? | 17:31 |
ross | Jack_Sparrow: can you please tell me? | 17:31 |
Slart | sparkyy: running games with sudo would be a big nono | 17:31 |
sparkyy | Slart, ok I will use opt | 17:31 |
clever | Slart: enless theres a rootkit in the 'make install' script:P | 17:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | ross /join #vbox or #winehq | 17:31 |
sparkyy | Slart, I know but it wouldn't see its maps so I had to get my Nex fix | 17:31 |
sparkyy | lol | 17:31 |
Slart | clever: indeed =) | 17:32 |
sparkyy | the games in the repos are often way out of date and so I have to get the binaries from the source project | 17:32 |
Slart | sparkyy: hehe | 17:32 |
ross | Jack_Sparrow: i'm in the vbox room | 17:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | ross then ask your questions, and they will answer | 17:32 |
MvG | Hi! What's the preferred place for feature requests? Launchpad bugs? Brainstorm? | 17:33 |
sparkyy | Slart, so it should work without modification in /opt. I just chown to my user. right? | 17:33 |
soundray | MvG: wishlist bug on launchpad | 17:33 |
Acorn | I'm trying to share a folder. When I try it says me that I don't have permission to do it. I tried doing "sudo su" in terminal but I still can't do it. what do i do? | 17:34 |
soundray | MvG: what feature do you need? | 17:34 |
slimjimflim | can anybody tell me the command to mount a flash drive? | 17:34 |
linkmaster03 | How can I install Java JRE in Seamonkey to handle "application/x-java-vm"? | 17:34 |
Slart | sparkyy: afaik, it should.. | 17:34 |
slimjimflim | u2/6/22 | 17:34 |
slimjimflim | *2.6.22 | 17:35 |
MvG | soundray: bash completion for "sudo -e" matching an editable file relative to $PWD, not an executable program on the $PATH. | 17:35 |
jimcooncat | MvG brainstorm is a good place to find out if your idea's already implemented, or would be popular | 17:35 |
Dr_willis | Do NOT use 'sudo su' --> see --> http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/05/09/a-root-shell-on-ubuntu-the-right-way/ | 17:35 |
Baltazaar | figured it out... Was a compiz thing | 17:35 |
Slart | sparkyy: there's nothing special about the /opt/ folder.. you could do the same with /usr if you really wanted.. but I think keeping your weird stuff in /opt makes things a bit clearer | 17:35 |
clever | MvG: theres also sudoedit | 17:35 |
Spoom | hi folks, i'm trying to install ubuntu on a client's machine but it has a compaq recovery partition that's preventing the installer from detecting the windows xp install that's already there, and is only presenting me with the option to use the entire disk, does anyone know how i can get it to correctly detect the xp partition? i'm willing to delete the recovery partition if that's necessary | 17:35 |
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Acorn | does sudo su only allow you to do things in terminal? if so is there any way to give yourself permission to do things (such as share a folder) from within file explorer? | 17:35 |
darthanubis | my fullscreen games like vegastrike will not steal fullscreen | 17:35 |
Dr_willis | slimjimflim, sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/sda1 is the basics.. with whatever extra options you need. | 17:35 |
linkmaster03 | How can I install Java JRE in Seamonkey to handle "application/x-java-vm"? | 17:36 |
darthanubis | maybe I need the compiz taskbar button? | 17:36 |
Dr_willis | Acorn, the root user/sudoer must enable some features to allow samba shares to work. I always just enable samba manually | 17:36 |
robg_ | If you want a complete overview of your harddisk you can use Gparted from Sourceforge. | 17:36 |
Slart | Acorn: gksudo nautilus will give you a root-file explorer window... BE VERY CAREFUL WITH IT | 17:36 |
sparkyy | Slart, so put all your weird binaries and pr0n in /opt. lol | 17:36 |
tacojohn | linkmaster03, Install the jre and don't use seamonkey, use firefox or epiphany | 17:36 |
MvG | clever: Thanks, hadn't known that one. | 17:36 |
Pici | MvG: That seems to work in zsh fine fyi. | 17:36 |
Slart | sparkyy: only the stuff involving midgets.. | 17:37 |
Slart | !ohmy | Slart | 17:37 |
linkmaster03 | tacojohn: i have it installed but this one application requires seamonkey | 17:37 |
Spoom | robg_, do you think if i remove the recovery partition it'll correctly detect the xp install? | 17:37 |
Dr_willis | Acorn, seems every time i try the gui 'share tools' they never proplery install the 'samba' package . I always fire up the package manager and install it myself. | 17:37 |
RoadHazard | samba's evil | 17:37 |
MvG | Pici: bash-completion is a complete package only applicable to bash afaik, so there is no relation to other shells. | 17:37 |
=== blubb is now known as Phlogi | ||
sparkyy | Slart, yes, but only Ubuntu-midgets - they are more stable, secure and bug free. lmao | 17:37 |
Pici | MvG: I know. Was simply an fyi ;) | 17:37 |
robg_ | You can never predict exactly what will happen but if you use Gparted you can do some manipulation. | 17:37 |
Acorn | basically all i'm trying to do is send my files over my network to another computer so that i can format my hard disk and install ubuntu. the problem is that doing it through file explorer takes a long time (50 minutes for 3gb). There must be a faster way of doing it | 17:37 |
Pici | sparkyy: Please take offtopic discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic . #ubuntu is only for Support. | 17:38 |
sparr | how can i disable the "doesnt support secure updates" addon protection in ff3? | 17:38 |
RoadHazard | Acorn: need a fatter cable | 17:38 |
MvG | Pici: Question is, is it because of more intelligent completion in zsh, or because of more dumb completion... ;-) | 17:38 |
robg_ | You can delete partitions with Gparted or reduce them in size. You cannot move an OS from one part of the disk to another. | 17:38 |
Pici | MvG: I'm not sure, I didnt look into the logic behind it | 17:38 |
clever | sparr: http://lifehacker.com/355973/make-your-extensions-work-with-the-firefox-3-beta | 17:38 |
jimcooncat | Acorn, live cd then tar over ssh | 17:39 |
Acorn | oh.. "cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares" | 17:39 |
RoadHazard | robg_: doesnt parted have partition copy? | 17:39 |
sparr | thanks cleaton | 17:39 |
sparr | clever too! | 17:39 |
Acorn | jimcooncat: tar over ssh? | 17:39 |
Dr_willis | Acorn, winscp and ssh - will get you moving files around rather easially.. not super fast.. but it will work. | 17:39 |
Spoom | robg_, ok, well, thanks for the ideas, though gparted says ntfs is inconsistent on the xp install so that might be why anyway | 17:39 |
* Spoom reboots to run chkdsk /f | 17:39 | |
robg_ | Gparted may offer options that you may not want to use because of the risk. Isuggest only parition deletes and partition size reductions. | 17:40 |
clever | Acorn: tar -cf - /|ssh name@host 'cat - > /remotefile' | 17:40 |
Acorn | is ssh a program? | 17:40 |
Dr_willis | !ssh | 17:40 |
ubottu | SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ | 17:40 |
Baltazaar | I've had two X crashes after installing 8.04... That's not good | 17:40 |
Dr_willis | Acorn, ssh is one of those tools that has so many ussages. :) theres whole books on it. winscp is a ssh client/gui for windows. | 17:40 |
Acorn | maybe i should just use a client | 17:40 |
Acorn | ah ok, winscp is a client | 17:41 |
jimcooncat | Acorn: (cd /orig/dir; tar cf - .) | (cd /targ/dir; tar xpf -) | 17:41 |
=== Gaint_Sura is now known as GaintSura | ||
plik | Acorn: rsync -av wil be more efficient if both your machines have it installed | 17:41 |
anirudh0 | clever:nice hack..bit it'll require root perms on remottehost | 17:41 |
Acorn | ones running xp, and this computer is on live cd | 17:41 |
Dr_willis | Acorn, ssh is WELl worth reading up on. quick setup.. install the 'sshd' server on linux, install winscp on windows.. run winscp. enter ip/name/pass of user guy.. and you should see their home dir. | 17:41 |
anirudh0 | clever:since you are piping to /remotefile | 17:41 |
clever | anirudh0: ive used a similar command to dump the entire fs as a plain tar on the remote host | 17:41 |
Dr_willis | I dont know if the live cd has sshd or not. most likely not. | 17:41 |
jimcooncat | Acorn, sorry | 17:41 |
recon69 | getting "Error for wireless request "Set ESSID" (8B1A) " when i try setup my wireless EW_7128g card -> any suggestions welcome http://paste.ubuntu.com/14125/ | 17:41 |
plik | Acorn: you probably need to google a bit and learn the best way to do what you want | 17:41 |
clever | anirudh0: to archive the fs on a failing hdd | 17:41 |
jimcooncat | Acorn: tar cf - . |ssh remotehost "cd /targ/dir; tar xf -" | 17:42 |
anirudh0 | clever:strange...i thought ssh forbids root logins | 17:42 |
clever | anirudh0: i didnt use root | 17:42 |
clever | anirudh0: i just dumped to a path my non root name could write to | 17:42 |
tacojohn | anirudh0, No it doesn't unless you disable them | 17:42 |
saimon | bonjour, je suis un noob vous pouvez m'aider ? | 17:42 |
Pici | !fr | saimon | 17:42 |
Baltazaar | anirudh0: only by default | 17:42 |
ubottu | saimon: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 17:42 |
clever | anirudh0: ive also put /(and all the config file) under svn so i can easily track changes and to update the tar later on if i restored it | 17:42 |
clever | its a bit overkill to throw the whole fs under svn | 17:43 |
clever | but its fun at the same time | 17:43 |
Baltazaar | If ssh did not accept root logins, I would be out of business... | 17:43 |
anirudh0 | clever:nice stuff...but git is easier than svn | 17:43 |
clever | i still ssh in as root on my redhat9 box:P | 17:43 |
jimcooncat | tar over ssh is fast, because the files keep on flowing, no stop and start at end of each file | 17:44 |
soundray | I'm not having any success using synce-pcp. synce-pls works -- ? | 17:44 |
clever | anirudh0: ive allready learned svn, it was pretty simple to setup a 2nd repo for the router | 17:44 |
anirudh0 | clever: i've disabled root login..so i login normally and then use sudo | 17:44 |
clever | anirudh0: yeah same here most of the time | 17:44 |
Izinucs | Where does evolution hide it's address book? | 17:44 |
clever | i also keep a sudo -i open inside screen | 17:44 |
cecc | hi all | 17:44 |
clever | so i can ssh host -t screen -x and then hop over to the allready open root shell | 17:44 |
RoadHazard | yup, there will be no hacking of the root account when its disabled | 17:44 |
anirudh0 | jimcooncat: did'nt get you | 17:44 |
cecc | is swap auto mounted in ubuntu? | 17:45 |
clever | RoadHazard: and you have no idea what my sudo act is called | 17:45 |
* clever covers his nick! | 17:45 | |
soundray | cecc: on a default setup, yes | 17:45 |
tacojohn | cecc, cat /proc/swaps to see if you have swap enabled. The answer to your q is yes | 17:45 |
Andycas | Is there a guide to ssh somewhere? Only thing i know about ssh is that you can access your pc outside from lan | 17:45 |
clever | !ssh | 17:45 |
maddin | why dont see hardy with Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG and ndis not my wlan wo ndis it shows and trys to connect | 17:45 |
ubottu | SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ | 17:45 |
cecc | soundray and tac thank you | 17:45 |
jimcooncat | anirudh0: what didn't you get? | 17:46 |
Acorn | there must be an easy way of transferring files over network that's faster than just copy/pasting | 17:46 |
RoadHazard | acorn: rsync | 17:46 |
anirudh0 | jim..: what did you mean by start and stop at the end of file...the EOF character? | 17:46 |
cecc | but how to enable it--the swap? | 17:46 |
ljsoftnet | can i change the icon sizes in the upper panel? | 17:46 |
clever | cecc: sudo blkid /dev/sd* #this will tell you what every block device is, and help you find the swap one | 17:47 |
clever | cecc: then run sudo swapon on it | 17:47 |
soundray | ljsoftnet: if you change the panel size, the icon sizes will change, too | 17:47 |
babolat | Acorn: you may want to consider a different way of moving your files. like burning them to CD/DVD or uploading them to a remote server | 17:47 |
bazhang | ljsoftnet, sure; just right click panel properties and increase panel size | 17:47 |
jimcooncat | anirudh0: yes, then the subsequent "I got it" message from the receiving server | 17:48 |
RoadHazard | Acorn: use rsync | 17:48 |
bazhang | oops | 17:48 |
Acorn | babolat: why's that? | 17:48 |
cecc | thank you clever | 17:48 |
Acorn | can you not get rsync through appget? | 17:48 |
RoadHazard | yes it should be in there | 17:48 |
maddin | b43 wont work | 17:48 |
babolat | Acorn: because you've asked the same question more than a few times already. and speed of transfer of files over a network is *network specific* | 17:48 |
Acorn | grsync is all i find, a gtk frontend | 17:48 |
=== EmilioEiji is now known as Emilio_Eiji | ||
Webu | Has anyone used TrueCrypt from CLI? | 17:49 |
tacojohn | maddin, Did you extract the firmware? | 17:49 |
CroX | One of my processors are working at 100% and the other between 70% and 100%, but the Processes lists in System Monitor isn't showing anything taking up any CPU. | 17:49 |
ljsoftnet | bazhang: can i make it smaller? | 17:49 |
gwern | hi everyone. so I just got my cd of 8.04, and I have a question: my hard drive is currently formatted into two partitions, one for / (ext3), and one for swap. obviously I want to hold onto my /home completely intact, but I don | 17:49 |
maddin | yes sure | 17:49 |
clever | Acorn: apt-get install rsync | 17:49 |
bazhang | ljsoftnet, not by much | 17:49 |
maddin | unter hardware drivers ist enabled | 17:49 |
r00723r0 | My Flash is not working. | 17:49 |
maddin | but hangs at passwort | 17:49 |
r00723r0 | It doesn't tell me that I need to install flash. | 17:49 |
gwern | er. let me try that again when I've finished typing >.< | 17:49 |
Acorn | is add/remove not the same as apt-get through terminal? | 17:49 |
maddin | is WPA 1 | 17:49 |
maddin | WEP same probleme | 17:49 |
r00723r0 | But it doesn't display a single flash file. | 17:49 |
r00723r0 | What do I do? | 17:49 |
babolat | basically, Acorn | 17:50 |
r00723r0 | I'm already at the "panic" phase. | 17:50 |
robg_ | You can reduce a swap partition in size but you cannot delete it. | 17:50 |
clever | Acorn: i beleive they are the same, but its simpler to give a 1 line command, then a 2 page explanation on how to use the graphic interface | 17:50 |
RoadHazard | Acorn: do you have all the repos turned on? | 17:50 |
kslater | anyone have HH with mythtv-frontend 0.20 running on it? | 17:50 |
CroX | One of my processors are working at 100% and the other between 70% and 100%, but the Processes lists in System Monitor isn't showing anything taking up any CPU. What can I do? | 17:50 |
babolat | !repeat | CroX | 17:51 |
ubottu | CroX: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 17:51 |
clever | CroX: run 'top' in a terminal | 17:51 |
RoadHazard | CroX: open terminal run top and look for the offending unit | 17:51 |
robg_ | My processor is also working hard. It is a peculiarity of Ubuntu. | 17:51 |
cecc | clever how to let it automatically mount the swap? | 17:51 |
gwern | hi everyone. so I just got my cd of 8.04, and I have a question: my hard drive is currently formatted into two partitions, one for / (ext3), and one for swap. obviously I want to hold onto my /home completely intact, but I dont have any other computers to copy /home onto (a couple hundred gigabytes is a bit much to upload to some site or cd, ufnortunately). can ubuntu resize the /partition so I can install a ubuntu /, and then mount my current / as /home? (T | 17:51 |
clever | cecc: it needs to be properly added to /etc/fstab | 17:51 |
Acorn | RoadHazard: I think rsync was already installed | 17:51 |
CroX | babolat: I felt like clarifying what I needed help with. | 17:51 |
cecc | oh | 17:51 |
Acorn | does it not have a gui? | 17:52 |
cecc | thank you clever | 17:52 |
clever | gwern: gparted can resize ext3 filesystems | 17:52 |
robg_ | You can use Gparted to reduce paritition in size or to delete parititions. | 17:52 |
RoadHazard | Acorn: nope its command line, old school goodness | 17:52 |
clever | gwern: you could delete everything except /home and then shrink it | 17:52 |
recon69 | maddin: try reading http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 , think it will help | 17:52 |
CroX | clever, RoadHazard: Seems like it's mysqld_safe stealing all CPU. | 17:52 |
Gus_Tronado1 | Hello!! ... I have an issue with SYNERGY. Somebody here uses it? | 17:52 |
tacojohn | gwern, Not really, you would be better off to reinstall. If you wanted to, you could boot from the livecd and resize those partitions with gparted, copy the data, and then update your fstab... | 17:52 |
CroX | Any idea what that specific MySQL component's for? | 17:52 |
clever | CroX: connect to the mysqld with a mysql client and run 'show processlist; | 17:52 |
stercor | What do I apt-get to install a gui? | 17:53 |
r00723r0 | Does anyone know anything about Flash? | 17:53 |
tacojohn | gwern, But if you didn't already know that it would be much simpler for you to just reinstall it and select a custom partition scheme in the installer | 17:53 |
bazhang | stercor, ubuntu-desktop is one choice | 17:53 |
RoadHazard | stercor: which gui would you like? | 17:53 |
soundray | stercor: what do you mean by gui -- a desktop environment? | 17:53 |
clever | CroX: mysql -u USERNAME -p | 17:53 |
gwern | tacojohn: well, I'm not running ubuntu right now, so I'm not sure what you mean by reinstlal and select a custom partition | 17:53 |
r00723r0 | soundray, a GUI is a graphical user interface. | 17:53 |
stercor | hazhang: thanks | 17:53 |
* gwern is tired of gentoo and is going back to ubuntu, so it's been quite a while. I think left at some point before drake or so | 17:54 | |
tacojohn | gwern, Oh ok I understand | 17:54 |
slawek | j /ubuntu-pl | 17:54 |
tacojohn | gwern, You have to backup your /home | 17:54 |
CroX | clever: Looks empty when running that, atleast using phpMyAdmin. Only process listed is the "show processlist". | 17:54 |
soundray | r00723r0: I know that, but the question did not make sense without qualification | 17:54 |
tacojohn | gwern, There isn't any way around that | 17:54 |
tacojohn | gwern, Not in your case | 17:54 |
=== Gaint_Sura is now known as GaintSura | ||
clever | CroX: only root(on mysql) can see other users | 17:54 |
r00723r0 | soundray, ahh, I didn't read the question. | 17:54 |
RoadHazard | gwern: and make sure you get the . directories | 17:54 |
clever | CroX: if you run it as a non root, you only see your own things | 17:54 |
Acorn | RoadHazard: would i need to use any options? | 17:54 |
CroX | clever: I'm logged in as root. Even in the mysql client I'm only seeing that. :/ | 17:55 |
clever | CroX: mysql -u root -p? | 17:55 |
RoadHazard | Acorn: depends, whatcha trying to do? from where to where? | 17:55 |
CroX | clever: Yeah. | 17:55 |
neumind | wher i can get automatix for 8.04 ubuntu version? | 17:55 |
gwern | tacojohn: backing up is kind of a problem, as I have no other drives to back up to. however, I haven't used up more than half the space on this disk, which is why I was thinking about resizing | 17:55 |
bazhang | neumind, you cant | 17:55 |
clever | CroX: could be crashing or alot or things connecting&disconnecting | 17:56 |
erUSUL | !automatix | neumind | 17:56 |
ubottu | neumind: Automatix is no longer developed or supported by its creators and is not recommended, supported or needed by Ubuntu. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe » | 17:56 |
clever | CroX: run the show processlist a few times and see if you catch something when its connected | 17:56 |
Acorn | RoadHazard: ok, i have the source on this computer, and i need to specify the destination. the computer is called "lianli" | 17:56 |
jimcooncat | neumind: most stuff Automatix provided in the past can just be done regularly now | 17:56 |
Acorn | would it be: rsync "source" lianli@ ? | 17:56 |
CroX | clever: Seems quite empty. Might have found something while googling the issue though. | 17:57 |
tacojohn | gwern, ok well boot the ubuntu live cd up (Don't choose Install). and you can resize things using gparted | 17:57 |
ross | how can i go about installing itunes on ubuntu? | 17:57 |
clever | CroX: are you using mysqld for anything? | 17:57 |
clever | CroX: you could just stop or restart it | 17:57 |
ross | i have an ipod and I would like to be able to use itunes | 17:57 |
ijiti | if you guys could help me digg this story i would be really happy, it pertains to free speech if that helps, Sorry to bother you guys and you might not approve but as open source users, i assume you guys oppose unappropriate censorship. Could you guys help me and Turkey by possibly reading and maybe digging this website http://digg.com/world_news/End_Censorship_show_that_we_can_stand_up_for_a_cause | 17:57 |
CroX | clever: Yeah, just wanted to know what caused this so that it doesn't happen again. | 17:57 |
gwern | tacojohn: ok, so it *can* be done yes? | 17:58 |
RoadHazard | Acorn: so something like rsync --recursive /wherefrom //lianli/whereto should do the trick | 17:58 |
Oberon | Hi, any idea why marking packets in INPUT chain of mangle table and tc ingress don;t work properly | 17:58 |
tacojohn | gwern, Yes, you'll need to first shrink the partition, and then move it | 17:58 |
* Acorn crosses fingers | 17:58 | |
tacojohn | So that way you can have Ubuntu install /boot | 17:58 |
jimcooncat | !offtopic | ijiti | 17:58 |
ubottu | ijiti: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 17:58 |
ru_ | hi | 17:59 |
ChrisULM | would anybody mind helping me setup a samba share of a fat32 hard drive? its driving me nuts | 17:59 |
ChrisULM | (gutsy) | 18:00 |
rascal999 | I have a LifeCam vx-1000, the webcam (kinda) works but I want the microhpone in it going, how can I do this? | 18:00 |
ru_ | does anybody know why i cannot simultaneously execute two versions of firefox? | 18:00 |
soundray | CroX: have you found out how to switch your clock applet to internet time? | 18:00 |
=== Gaint_Sura is now known as GaintSura | ||
RoadHazard | ChrisULM: samba has that effect on people, given any thought to an ftp server? | 18:00 |
CroX | soundray: Nope, I have no idea. Do you? :) | 18:00 |
Miranda7831 | :-) | 18:00 |
jimcooncat | ru_ the script that starts it (named firefox) keeps that from happening, IIRC | 18:00 |
ChrisULM | RoadHazard, i'd rather have samba going. I usually have no problems with it, but i think its this second internal hdd thats freaking it out | 18:00 |
clever | soundray: thats fun, but i find the kde clock applet is more flexible, it can go to diff timezones | 18:01 |
GottaBeAndrew | hi, i'm wanting somebody who has used linux for a while now and has a good knowledge of it all who i can pm. i'm a new user and trying to figure out what's best for me. | 18:01 |
Acorn | RoadHazard: " No such file or directory " :( | 18:01 |
Slart | ru_: I'm not sure but I think firefox checks to see if it's already running... | 18:01 |
ru_ | CroX, ntpdate -u | 18:01 |
Acorn | (for the destination) | 18:01 |
soundray | CroX: yes. gconf-editor, apps/panel/applet_0/prefs -- change the value of the format key to Internet | 18:01 |
clever | soundray: though if i just set TZ before starting gnome-panel i can get a fake timezoen for that clock also | 18:01 |
ru_ | Slart, i even have this problem when i try to start mozilla on a remote computer, via ssh | 18:01 |
RoadHazard | Acorn: try replacing lianli with the ip addy | 18:02 |
Acorn | ok | 18:02 |
gwern | thanks for the help everyone | 18:02 |
clever | ru_: use --no-remote | 18:02 |
clever | ru_: to start a 2nd firefox | 18:02 |
ru_ | i execute mozilla over ssh, while firefox is running locally. mozilla does not start, but a new firefox window appears | 18:02 |
clever | ru_: that option forces it to not try to contact the existing ff window | 18:02 |
clever | and makes it not listen either | 18:02 |
soundray | clever: "Locations" is not for you? | 18:02 |
GottaBeAndrew | is there anybody in here who has used linux for a while now and who has a good knowledge of it all who i can pm? i'm a new user and trying to figure out what's best for me. | 18:03 |
ChrisULM | any samba/fstab gurus care to take a look at my config files for me? | 18:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | GottaBeAndrew Please just ask your support related questions in this channel of /join #Ubuntu-offtopic for discussions | 18:03 |
clever | soundray: locations? | 18:03 |
bazhang | GottaBeAndrew, join us in #ubuntu-offtopic :) | 18:03 |
GottaBeAndrew | thanks jack_sparrow and bazhang | 18:03 |
GottaBeAndrew | how do i do that | 18:03 |
anirudh0 | ross: look up gtkpod,,,itunes per se wont work on linux..not even under wine | 18:03 |
GottaBeAndrew | i've not used irc before neither and i'm using it through pidgin atm so how do i change. | 18:03 |
ru_ | clever, thanks! --no-remote works. | 18:03 |
soundray | clever: left-click the applet and select Locations from the bottom of the calendar panel | 18:03 |
CroX | soundray: There's not such directory. I only got apps/panel but no applet_0 there. Checking it out though, I have applets/clock_screen0 in there, but it doesn't contain a format value. | 18:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | GottaBeAndrew type /join #Ubuntu-offtopic right where you type messages | 18:04 |
GottaBeAndrew | ok, will that change my operating system? | 18:04 |
clever | soundray: the kde or gnome clock applet? | 18:04 |
nem | question: how do i change resolution on my lcd screen when all i can select are 800x600 and 640x480? running geforce6800 with restricted drivers | 18:04 |
GottaBeAndrew | no, i'm joking. i'm not that much of an idiot. :P | 18:04 |
Acorn | RoadHazard: should it be /dev/share or something? | 18:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | GottaBeAndrew no, just channels like on tv | 18:04 |
=== jagggy1 is now known as jagggy | ||
epahl_ | hey does anyone here use openvpn? | 18:05 |
CroX | epahl_: Yep. | 18:05 |
RoadHazard | acorn just put the destination in as the same destination you were copy and pasting to | 18:05 |
soundray | clever: gnome | 18:05 |
epahl_ | CroX: do you have it setup to automatically add/remove dns nameservers? | 18:05 |
clever | soundray: nope, dont see that here, 7.10 | 18:06 |
soundray | CroX: sorry, apps/panel/*applets*/applet_0/prefs | 18:06 |
CroX | epahl_: Nope. | 18:06 |
soundray | clever: it's new in hardy | 18:06 |
Acorn | RoadHazard: that's starts with smb: | 18:06 |
epahl_ | CroX: what do you do then? | 18:06 |
clever | soundray: ahhh, ive been in kde since atleast 6.06 | 18:06 |
CroX | soundray: Sure about that? Because that one seems to be my system monitor applet. | 18:06 |
clever | i havent upgraded my systems in a while | 18:06 |
ru_ | has anyone successfully mapped a shortcut to one of these laptop buttons in hardy? | 18:07 |
ross | anirudh0: gtkpod is not available for ubuntu! | 18:07 |
psufan | got a problem | 18:07 |
RoadHazard | Acorn: then send it to smb://liani/wherever | 18:07 |
clever | that last 6.06->7.10 broke my lirc remote | 18:07 |
CroX | epahl_: I run "openvpn --config myfile.conf". That's about it. :P | 18:07 |
Acorn | RoadHazard: i get the message "smb: Name or service not known" | 18:07 |
RoadHazard | one moment | 18:07 |
roma | hi all | 18:08 |
psufan | when using the --url= parameter to do a pxe netboot install, after the install it's setting the sources.list urls all to that value and that means either the machine that fed it the install files is still running or apt-get is dead in the water, how do I make the installer put the normal sources.list on the hard drive | 18:08 |
killemall | can debian .deb be installed on ubuntu ? | 18:08 |
killemall | is there any difference? | 18:08 |
soundray | CroX: in the default setup, the clock applet takes the position of applet_0. It may be different for you. | 18:08 |
ru_ | killemall: yes | 18:08 |
epahl_ | CroX: would you be able to put your config file on pastebin or something for me to have a look at? | 18:08 |
ru_ | killemall, sometimes i do that when no ubuntu package is available | 18:08 |
xintron | if I connect my iPod, will rythmbox send the played songs to last.fm when I start rythmbox and initialize the iPod? | 18:09 |
Gus_Tronado1 | Hello!! ... I have an issue with SYNERGY. Somebody here uses it? ... | 18:09 |
soundray | killemall: it's not recommended and not necessary in most cases. If push comes to shove, you can try it and it *may* work | 18:09 |
CroX | soundray: Found it! Thanks alot. :) | 18:09 |
RoadHazard | Acorn: mount the samba share to a directory on your computer and rsync it to there | 18:09 |
killemall | can i add something to sources.list so as a last resort it might check debian repos for some things? theres a security update for a program im using but no ubuntu deb yet, (well apt finds nothing) but theres a debian one | 18:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | !debian | 18:10 |
ubottu | Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu! | 18:10 |
ru_ | xintron, rhythmbox only sends the tracks you actually play to last.fm | 18:10 |
CroX | epahl_: Sorry, no. That's an employer's config file. :/ | 18:10 |
anirudh0 | xinitron:rhthmbox does'nt care about your player | 18:10 |
=== pathikx is now known as Pathik | ||
anirudh0 | xinitron:whatever songs are played are sent to last.fm | 18:10 |
ru_ | xintron, i think the last.fm client can scan your ipod and submit all the tracks on it | 18:10 |
xintron | ru_: So not the tracks played on the iPod when it was disconnected? | 18:10 |
ross | i still an answer | 18:10 |
ru_ | i don't think it will do that | 18:10 |
soundray | killemall: have you enabled/checked the ubuntu security repo? | 18:10 |
ross | i have an ipod and what's the best app in ubuntu for ipods? | 18:11 |
xintron | ru_: I know, but when using winamp back on win xp it submitted the played tracks, but then I'll have to install the last.fm client then | 18:11 |
soundray | !ipod | ross | 18:11 |
ubottu | ross: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod | 18:11 |
clever | !rockbox | 18:11 |
ubottu | rockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started! | 18:11 |
anirudh0 | xinitron:can it do that?...i mean does the ipod have a history feature? | 18:11 |
ross | soundray: wow you are great | 18:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | !info gtkpod | 18:11 |
ubottu | gtkpod (source: gtkpod): manage songs and playlists on an Apple iPod. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.99.12-1 (hardy), package size 822 kB, installed size 3020 kB | 18:11 |
Acorn | RoadHazard: it got mounted automatically and made an icon on my desktop. It's called "o on lianli". any idea what the full path is? | 18:11 |
killemall | soundray, yes its uncommented. this program uses a binary blob | 18:12 |
RoadHazard | acorn: right click it select properties | 18:12 |
killemall | teamspeak-server | 18:12 |
Gustav_ | please help, I can't set my display resolution higher than 800*600 | 18:12 |
epahl_ | hmm | 18:12 |
killemall | i tried simply copy pasting the updated binary, but it broke it so | 18:12 |
xintron | anirudh0: Try to hilight me correctly next time ;) Yes, the last.fm client can do that | 18:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | !res | Gustav_ | 18:12 |
ubottu | Gustav_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 18:12 |
AaronMT | !resolution | 18:12 |
Acorn | RoadHazard: that's the first thing i did. it just says the name | 18:12 |
xintron | anirudh0: I was just checking if rythmbox did that as well | 18:12 |
RoadHazard | gustav: need to edit /etc/X11/xorg and put in the higher resolutions | 18:13 |
killemall | ok im going to download the debian deb and see what happens thank you for the advice | 18:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | killemall Please make a system backup | 18:13 |
Acorn | RoadHazard: "location: on the desktop" | 18:13 |
anirudh0 | xinitron: oh..interesting..then try amarok maybe(not the 2.0 version) | 18:13 |
xintron | wtf, my sound is lagging when I'm upgrading (sudo apt-get upgrade), should it do that? | 18:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | xintron please dont use the rude shorthand | 18:13 |
soundray | killemall: if you download the debian deb, you won't have to enable a repo. Just install it with 'sudo dpkg -i file.deb' | 18:13 |
AaronMT | !xintron | attitude | 18:13 |
ubottu | Factoid xintron not found | 18:13 |
mbi0 | hellow every one a nebie into linux will like to know if any one of u could help him with vmware on ubuntu ? | 18:14 |
xintron | anirudh0: I don't like amarok. I would like to use banshee, but that doesn't work too well with my ipod | 18:14 |
anirudh0 | xinitron: if it can be done then amarok would have it. | 18:14 |
anirudh0 | xinitron:amarok has no equal | 18:14 |
xintron | Jack_Sparrow: I'm just saying that I won't see if he's writing to me otherwise :) I*m not rude | 18:14 |
robg_ | I advise against virtualisation because of the infection risk | 18:14 |
AaronMT | Use virtualbox not VMware | 18:14 |
xintron | anirudh0: Still, amarok isn't for me ... | 18:14 |
anirudh0 | xinitron: there are lots of similar clients...but nine half as good as amarok | 18:14 |
anirudh0 | xinitron: k..if you say so :) | 18:14 |
RoadHazard | acorn sudo mount -t cifs //lianli/sharename /somedirectory | 18:15 |
xintron | but thanks anyway anirudh0 | 18:15 |
soundray | killemall: Jack_Sparrow's advice is good! :) | 18:15 |
tacojohn | robg_, And you are showing people how naive you are by saying that about a perfectly good technology | 18:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | xintron wtf is not allowed in the channel | 18:15 |
killemall | roger that | 18:15 |
mbi0 | tryed to user VB but cant get it to run my windows installation disk | 18:16 |
FreeDom_Linux | yes is notinng permitide in the channel | 18:16 |
xintron | back to my other question. My sound lags from time to time, usually when the CPU is used a lot, however, it shouldn't lag... | 18:16 |
tacojohn | vmware works well on Ubuntu. Virtualbox works just as well, is open source, and is free | 18:16 |
xintron | Jack_Sparrow: ah, then I'm sorry | 18:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 18:16 |
killemall | its a new install on a box im setting up to take over another. resinstall would be just as fast | 18:16 |
Webu | Has anyone used TrueCrypt from CLI? | 18:16 |
robg_ | Without a hard business case virtualisation has more drawbacks than advantages | 18:16 |
killemall | i appreciate the advice, for sure! | 18:16 |
soundray | robg_: please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic | 18:16 |
soundray | tacojohn: please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic | 18:16 |
killemall | im currently shuffling(encouraging) users to switch to mumble, slow but sure | 18:16 |
tacojohn | robg_, Perhaps for you | 18:17 |
tacojohn | robg_, This is my last comment on this but look at this: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_virt_benchmarks&num=2 it is almost native performance... | 18:18 |
PMantis | Anyone have experience with bluetooth on a server to receive files from a phone? Mine stopped working with 7.10 -> 8.04 upgrade. I probably wasn't using an "approved" way. | 18:18 |
Acorn | RoadHazard: i think the cifs might be wrong | 18:18 |
anirudh0 | Jack_Sparrow: if its "not allowed", then it makes sense to have a bot that checks for it and automatically bans the user concerned...this is better than naively expecting guys to not use slang | 18:18 |
RoadHazard | acorn: what file system did you set the samba share as? | 18:18 |
=== PuppiesOnAcid` is now known as PuppiesOnAcid | ||
robg_ | I am only saying that you need a good reason to use it. | 18:18 |
edgy_ | Hi, may any one here check firefox with http://java.com/en/download/installed.jsp?detect=jre&try=1 to see whether java is enabled? For me I couldn't enable it | 18:18 |
killemall | should i mail the package maintainer to add the security update to ubuntu repos or how does it get done | 18:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | anirudh0 We give users a warning.... there are always ops around | 18:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | !lol | 18:19 |
ubottu | Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks. | 18:19 |
Acorn | RoadHazard: i have to make a samba share? | 18:19 |
tacojohn | edgy_, Try sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre if you are using hardy | 18:19 |
Invisionfree | Like who, Jack_Sparrow? :P | 18:19 |
RoadHazard | the thing that you were connecting to on the other machine, the smb://lianli/blahblah | 18:19 |
Invisionfree | Sarcasm, Jack_Sparrow, I've been here before :( | 18:19 |
* soundray gives channel operator status to ChanServ | 18:20 | |
Acorn | yeah, smb://lianli/o | 18:20 |
anirudh0 | Jack_Sparrow: warnings? then it makes sense..but even that could be automated...no to say that the ops are'nt effective of course! | 18:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | sarcasm.. wasted on irc | 18:20 |
lars_bauer | how do i open a <name>.acu file ? | 18:20 |
RoadHazard | Acorn: smb = samba share | 18:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | anirudh0 we are working to improve the system all the time | 18:20 |
anirudh0 | :) | 18:20 |
Acorn | RoadHazard: ok, well when i tried to mount it it just gave me information on all the syntax | 18:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | anirudh0 bots are currently in for a facelift | 18:20 |
RoadHazard | Acorn: is that share an ntfs, fat32? | 18:21 |
* soundray misses ubotu | 18:21 | |
=== AJC_Z0- is now known as AJC_Z0 | ||
Jack_Sparrow | :) | 18:21 |
=== mehteenager is now known as MrObvious | ||
tacojohn | RoadHazard, for smb, the fs is agnostic | 18:21 |
tacojohn | RoadHazard, Linux interprets the filesystem as smb so it doesn't matter | 18:21 |
RoadHazard | tacojohn: what would you put in the -t to mount it to a directory? | 18:21 |
Acorn | RoadHazard: isn't the files system smb? | 18:22 |
anirudh0 | Jack_Sparrow: back there...you sounded like a microsoft exec...thats what they always say about windows :) | 18:22 |
=== Skittt is now known as Skitt | ||
tacojohn | RoadHazard, mount -t cifs //hostname/full/share/path. smbfs is deprecated | 18:22 |
soundray | anirudh0: that it's in for a facelift? | 18:22 |
* erUSUL misses Seveas :| | 18:23 | |
nuke_ | hi | 18:23 |
RoadHazard | Acorn: did you get what tacojohn said? | 18:23 |
Acorn | not quite :) | 18:23 |
tacojohn | RoadHazard, A better example might be mount -t cifs //hostname/share -ouser=username,pass=yourpassword | 18:23 |
anirudh0 | soundray:nope..that "We are working to improve the system" | 18:23 |
nuke_ | im trying to build the kernel header package for the kernel i just built | 18:23 |
killemall | works! | 18:23 |
Acorn | oh wait, i think i get it | 18:23 |
soundray | killemall: phew! :) | 18:23 |
nuke_ | but everytime make-kpkg builds a package with just the header files from the patches i applied | 18:23 |
nuke_ | how can i build the full kernel headers? | 18:24 |
MSNLiveHelp | I answer all questions ending with "?"! I am powered by Live Search! Just call me MSNLiveHelp. | 18:24 |
RoadHazard | tacojohn: could you help acorn with rsyncing to a smb share? I gotta run | 18:24 |
killemall | im going to paste the relevant info over at the teamspeak forum, so others can know | 18:24 |
erUSUL | nuke_: if you buiolded the kernel yourself the 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)' are on the build directory ... | 18:24 |
killemall | thanks all for the help | 18:24 |
killemall | go ubuntu! | 18:24 |
tacojohn | RoadHazard, sigh, I can't. Some servers in production just went down | 18:24 |
Invisionfree | What did you say? | 18:24 |
buzkillington | I bought a usb wireless adapter, it came with a cd, how do i install the driver? | 18:24 |
tacojohn | RoadHazard, Time to get into serial consoles. Sorry | 18:24 |
MSNLiveHelp | nuke_: Howto: build Linux kernel module against installed kernel w/o full kernel ... Please note that above command will only install kernel headers and not the ... | 18:24 |
MSNLiveHelp | www.cyberciti.biz/tips/build-linux-kernel-module-against-installed-kernel-source-tree.html | 18:24 |
Acorn | don't worry, i think i'll manage (i hope) | 18:24 |
MrObvious | Heh who invited MSN Live Help? | 18:24 |
MrObvious | lol | 18:25 |
RoadHazard | Acorn: get the samba share mounted to a directory and itll work great | 18:25 |
cl0s | buzkillington: u should be able to just plug it in.. | 18:25 |
Blackhatdon | xml2-config not found. please check your libxml2 installation | 18:25 |
bazhang | !test | 18:25 |
ubottu | Failed! | 18:25 |
cl0s | and go to network manager and setup ur connection.. | 18:25 |
Acorn | thanks for the help RoadHazard, you're very patient | 18:25 |
Blackhatdon | anybody know wat to do | 18:25 |
RoadHazard | Acorn: no prob, good luck | 18:25 |
MSNLiveHelp | buzkillington: I found out about the Ralink drivers from this site and a few other websites before I bought a Wireless USB adapter. In the course of my searching, ... | 18:25 |
nuke_ | MSNLiveHelp, its trying to install the headers package that i built for my custom kernel which is incomplete | 18:25 |
ga2arch | hello | 18:25 |
Invisionfree | nuke_: Please do not speak to a bot. | 18:25 |
ga2arch | when i try to install klik | 18:26 |
cl0s | msn? | 18:26 |
ga2arch | test: 33: ==: unexpected operator | 18:26 |
nuke_ | grrr sry | 18:26 |
ga2arch | why ? | 18:26 |
Blackhatdon | I tried to install php5 and when i ran ./config i got the error: | 18:26 |
Blackhatdon | xml2-config not found. please check your libxml2 installation | 18:26 |
Blackhatdon | any help? | 18:26 |
ga2arch | this is the line if test "$DISPLAY" == ""; then | 18:26 |
nuke_ | erUSUL: the kernel headers that it installed are the kernel headers that i built which are incomplete nothing is in include/asm | 18:26 |
MSNLiveHelp | ga2arch: Official site of World Hunger Year, a national non-profit organization that attacks root causes of hunger and poverty by promoting effective and innovative ... | 18:26 |
RoadHazard | Blackhatdon: ummm sudo apt-get install libxml2 | 18:27 |
MrObvious | Heh lol. | 18:27 |
MrObvious | !enter | ga2arch | 18:27 |
ubottu | ga2arch: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 18:27 |
billenium | I have a windows partition and an ubuntu partition... Is there anyway to format the windows partition and make it join with the ubuntu one? | 18:27 |
buzkillington | cl0s: It tells me i'm connected but it wont load any webpages or do upgrade/update | 18:27 |
PMantis | Is there a howto anywhere for bluetooth file receiving on 8.04 that *doesn't* reference gnome?? I need to do this on a *server*. | 18:27 |
MrObvious | Blackhatdon: Did you try the Ubuntu repositories first? | 18:27 |
Blackhatdon | i did install libxml2. | 18:28 |
Blackhatdon | but still i get the error | 18:28 |
robg_ | billenium: use gparted to get an overview of your harddisk | 18:28 |
buzkillington | cl0s: I figured w/ the proper driver it would have better connection? it works fine w/ strong signal in windows | 18:28 |
MrObvious | Blackhatdon: YOu don't need to compile PHP5 I think. | 18:28 |
billenium | k | 18:28 |
ga2arch | i have reported this error during the installation of klik test: 33: ==: unexpected operator this is the line 31 if test "$DISPLAY" == ""; then | 18:28 |
loller | can gedit highlight assembly code ? somebody to help | 18:28 |
RoadHazard | Blackhatdon: try installing libxml2-dev | 18:28 |
cl0s | oo.. so you have a slow connection on it right now on ubuntu? | 18:28 |
MrObvious | Blackhatdon: Nope. Just install it via sudo apt-get install php5 and you will have PHP. | 18:28 |
MrObvious | :) | 18:28 |
Blackhatdon | everything from package manager related to xml is installed | 18:29 |
loller | or can somebody tell me what editor to install to highlight assembly code | 18:29 |
soundray | ga2arch: isn't klik a package management thing? | 18:29 |
ga2arch | not | 18:29 |
Blackhatdon | sudo apt-get install php5 couldn't install it | 18:29 |
ga2arch | http://klik.atekon.de/ | 18:29 |
Invisionfree | OH MY GOD. Someone help me with Kino .. it keeps crashing when I try and export a .kino file, WHY? | 18:29 |
MrObvious | Blackhatdon: Why not? What is the error message? | 18:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | !find php5 | 18:29 |
ubottu | Found: libgv-php5, php5-adodb, php5-apache2-mod-bt, php5-auth-pam, php5-clamavlib (and 42 others) | 18:29 |
Blackhatdon | there was problem downloading it | 18:29 |
Tailsfan | Hi There, What are the repo categories that don't comtain the illegal stuff? | 18:29 |
buzkillington | cl0s: so slow it wont connect.. but im next to the router | 18:30 |
RoadHazard | Blackhatdon: try sudo apt-get -f install | 18:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | !info php5 | 18:30 |
ubottu | php5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (meta-package). In component main, is optional. Version 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.1 (hardy), package size 1 kB, installed size 20 kB | 18:30 |
=== fserve_ is now known as fserve | ||
xintron | My sound is lagging, might it be that I don't have the right drivers? Or, it's lagging when the processer works a bit (not much, it's enough if I just move a window around)? | 18:30 |
bbyever | Tailsfan: main and universe | 18:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | Blackhatdon What distro or release are you running | 18:30 |
Tailsfan | Thanks | 18:30 |
soundray | ga2arch: you don't need this for Ubuntu, and you'll only cause trouble for yourself if you do use it. | 18:30 |
=== blizzardman1219[ is now known as blizzardman1219 | ||
mbi0 | hellow guys | 18:30 |
Blackhatdon | Ubuntu gutsy gibson 7.10 | 18:30 |
Parsec300 | Anybody have too large font problem running 8.04 in VMware Fusion? | 18:30 |
Parsec300 | With Firefox that is | 18:31 |
mbi0 | any one that can help me with virtual box ?? | 18:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | mbi0 #vbox has a channel | 18:31 |
soundray | !anyone | mbi0 | 18:31 |
ubottu | mbi0: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 18:31 |
MrObvious | Blackhatdon: I run Hardy and it's right there in the repository lis. | 18:31 |
MrObvious | *list | 18:31 |
RoadHazard | mbi0: quickly. yes | 18:31 |
Blackhatdon | i couldn't get u ubottu | 18:31 |
vega-- | soundray: i did switch mirrors, test two different countries | 18:31 |
soundray | vega--: no joy? | 18:31 |
Invisionfree | OH MY GOD. Someone help me with Kino .. it keeps crashing when I try and export a .kino file, WHY? | 18:31 |
vega-- | soundray: nope | 18:31 |
Blackhatdon | Mrobvious you are talking about the package manager rite? | 18:32 |
mbi0 | ok i get this msg when i try to run virtual box | 18:32 |
mbi0 | VirtualBox kernel driver not installed. The vboxdrv kernel module was either not loaded or /dev/vboxdrv was not created for some reason. Please install the virtualbox-ose-modules package for your kernel, e.g. virtualbox-ose-modules-generic.. | 18:32 |
mbi0 | VBox status code: -1908 (VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED). | 18:32 |
ingunnv | Invisionfree: start kino from gnome-terminal, maybe it will give you some info? | 18:32 |
bbyever | !paste | mbi0: | 18:32 |
ubottu | mbi0:: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 18:32 |
Invisionfree | ingunnv: Alright. | 18:32 |
MrObvious | Blackhatdon: Yeah. | 18:32 |
RoadHazard | mbi0: which version of the kernel are you running, server, generic? | 18:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | Blackhatdon It is in the repos for gutsy as well... exactly what does lsb_release -a give you | 18:32 |
mbi0 | generic | 18:32 |
xintron | My sound is lagging, might it be that I don't have the right drivers? Or, it's lagging when the processer works a bit (not much, it's enough if I just move a window around)? | 18:32 |
cl0s | buzkillington: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/internet/C/ndiswrapper.html | 18:32 |
billenium | robg_: I have 90gb on /dev/sda1 NTFS and i want to format it and add it to /dev/sda2 ext3 (ubuntu) | 18:33 |
Blackhatdon | but i have installed everything from the repositries regarding xml | 18:33 |
soundray | vega--: sorry. It's a strange problem | 18:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | billenium Do you already have a seperate /home partition? | 18:33 |
cl0s | basically just "sudo apt-get install ndisgtk" and then go to system->administration->windows wireless drivers | 18:33 |
RoadHazard | mbi0: running hardy 8.04? | 18:33 |
mbi0 | roadhazard : generic i think lol im new at linux and just started to use this | 18:33 |
mbi0 | yeah | 18:33 |
mbi0 | 8.04 | 18:33 |
robg_ | You can use gparted to delete partitions and to resize (reduce) partitions. I do not suggest moving an OS. | 18:33 |
RoadHazard | mbi0: open terminal and type sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose module for linux-image-2.6.24-16-generic | 18:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | Blackhatdon PHP5 is in the repos for gutsy... exactly what does lsb_release -a give you | 18:34 |
billenium | Jack_Sparrow: no | 18:34 |
Invisionfree | ingunnv: Should I pastebin what it says? | 18:34 |
MrObvious | Blackhatdon: You're not getting my point! You do not need to compile PHP - which is what you are doing now to do a ./configure. Rather you must download a prebuilt package from the repository to get it to work. If there are download errors then you might need to check your connection. | 18:34 |
Blackhatdon | ok i willcheck again jack_sparrow | 18:34 |
psufan | <psufan> is this the correct syntax for kickstart for ubuntu server | 18:34 |
psufan | [13:33] <psufan> bootloader --append console=ttyS1,38400 | 18:34 |
psufan | [13:33] <psufan> cause the installer is saying unrecongised option | 18:34 |
soundray | vega--: I take it you've read all of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades | 18:34 |
Acorn | argh, help :( "sudo mount -t smbfs //lianli/o -o user=****,pass=**** /mnt/o" "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //lianli/o" | 18:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | billenium I would not then add it to your existing partition, I would use it for /home one sec for a liunk on how to | 18:34 |
MrObvious | !pastebin | psufan | 18:35 |
ubottu | psufan: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 18:35 |
billenium | well what if i want that partition to go to like /opt or something else? | 18:35 |
RoadHazard | Acorn: try sudo mount -t auto //lianli/0 | 18:35 |
RoadHazard | Acorn: and the rest | 18:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | billenium http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome | 18:35 |
mbi0 | roadhazard : ok will try this out | 18:35 |
robg_ | Partition management is dangerous work. | 18:35 |
billenium | Jack_Sparrow: I really dont use my /home as i use my / all together | 18:35 |
Tailsfan | What Repo is b43-fwcutter in? | 18:35 |
Blackhatdon | MrObvious, wat would be the problem if i compile it? | 18:36 |
Acorn | RoadHazard: "special device //lianli/o does not exist" | 18:36 |
Parsec300 | Anybody have too large font problem running Firefox with 8.04 in VMware Fusion? | 18:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | billenium haveing a sep /home is a really good idea. | 18:36 |
MrCabana | doesn anyone of an easy way to add subtitles to DVD's? I am running gutsy | 18:36 |
Tailsfan | All I see is utils | 18:36 |
billenium | I dont really use /home though :P | 18:36 |
RoadHazard | Acorn: are you sure you named the samba share o and not something else? | 18:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | billenium you cant not use /home | 18:36 |
billenium | Especially that big of a /home... 90GB home is to much | 18:36 |
billenium | Can i put them together and make a /home partition later? | 18:36 |
Acorn | i know that the computer "lianli" definitely had a share called "o" | 18:36 |
Invisionfree | Jack_Sparrow: Do you know kino decently enough to help me? | 18:37 |
Acorn | *has | 18:37 |
mbi0 | roadhazard: i got this message: virtualbox-ose is already the newest version. | 18:37 |
mbi0 | E: Couldn't find package module | 18:37 |
Blackhatdon | i searched for php in repositries and i get a huge list which one should i | 18:37 |
Acorn | do i need to set up the share on this computer maybe? | 18:37 |
Blackhatdon | go for? | 18:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | billenium you can mount it as anything you want.. but merging it with your main install will create some issues in fstab and grub and uuid etc | 18:37 |
=== erUSUL_ is now known as erUSUL | ||
Jack_Sparrow | Invisionfree no | 18:37 |
RoadHazard | mbi0: that should fix the kernel issue, perhaps you are running a different kernel version | 18:37 |
billenium | :( i guess i can put my web RootDirectory in /home | 18:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | Blackhatdon PHP5 is in the repos for gutsy... exactly what does lsb_release -a give you | 18:38 |
TuxPWNZ | I need help playing .mox files, please? | 18:38 |
Invisionfree | ingunnv: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14135/ Jack_Sparrow: Think you could help with that little bit enough? That's all it says when it crashes :x | 18:38 |
TuxPWNZ | I need help playing * .mov * files, please? | 18:38 |
mbi0 | hmmm dont think so i just installed 8.04 ubuntu yesturday and i installed the 64 bit for pc | 18:38 |
Blackhatdon | Jack_sparrow could u tell me wat is the problem if i compile it? | 18:39 |
pama | hi. I'm having a problem when I print from a java aplications. I'm having printed words with different spaces between them, but in java print preview everything is ok. This happens printing directly to printer or using pdf printer driver. Anyone with a theory about this issue? | 18:39 |
Acorn | is there any way that i can check from terminal that //lianli/o is fine maybe? | 18:39 |
muzy | how can i install ubuntu parallel to an windows system? without any destruction? | 18:39 |
Blackhatdon | why can't i do it | 18:39 |
RoadHazard | aha! you need to install the ose for the 64 bit kernel | 18:39 |
Oberon | Could someone please take a peak at http://www.pastebin.ca/1027226 and point out what is breaking? | 18:39 |
MrObvious | Blackhatdon: Compiling would make things much much more difficult if you ever had to remove it. Installing it through the repository is a) easier b) easier to update c) more secure and d) easier to remove. | 18:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | Blackhatdon If you dont have the answer to that question then you are not running ubuntu and you would need to find people that support the release you are using | 18:39 |
blizzardman1219 | hello. i'm trying to configure my wpa_supplicant.conf so that i can access my encrypted network. i did "sudo vi /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf" to create the file, then i pushed "i" so that i could enter the information that i found when i did "wpa_passphrase". then i pushed "esc" and did :wq to save. here's where my problem comes, when i type "sudo wpa_supplicant -iwlan1 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -Dmadwifi -w it's not giving me the | 18:39 |
dextrous_ | Hi, does anyone else have a problem with there sound? It works on start up (the drum roll) also in hardware testing, but nowhere else. Could someone help? | 18:39 |
bazhang | !dualboot | muzy | 18:39 |
ubottu | muzy: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot | 18:39 |
muzy | THX | 18:39 |
buzkillington | cl0s: it has linux drivers on the cd but i don't know how to install them | 18:39 |
billenium | Jack_Sparrow: should i format or delete my windows partition? | 18:39 |
TuxPWNZ | I need help playing .mov files, please? | 18:40 |
buzkillington | cl0s: the laptop wont connect to the internet to download that program | 18:40 |
lukifer_etyrnal | once upon a time i lost gdm due to letting synaptic have it's way with my system - is there a way to fix it, using dselect, or apt-get, or aptitude ? | 18:40 |
robg_ | Many of the multimedia problems can be resolved by downloading the www.medibuntu.com repository. | 18:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | billenium I would format it.. not delete it.. fewer headaches | 18:40 |
MrObvious | Blackhatdon: I'm trying to help but if you refuse it by insisting on compiling then I can't help. Unless you have a special reason for compiling then let's work out why you can't install it. | 18:40 |
bbyever | TuxPWNZ: download vlc | 18:40 |
billenium | What do i have to format it to, ext3? | 18:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | billenium that will work | 18:40 |
billenium | k | 18:40 |
Blackhatdon | jack_sparrow, could u ask the question again? | 18:40 |
TuxPWNZ | bbyever: Not even VLC helped. | 18:40 |
cl0s | daym... | 18:40 |
ingunnv | Invisionfree: not easy to say, what are you trying todo? | 18:40 |
pama | dextrous_: try to open volume control and adjust | 18:40 |
cl0s | oops sorry | 18:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | Blackhatdon exactly what does lsb_release -a give you | 18:41 |
Blackhatdon | ok one sec | 18:41 |
bbyever | TuxPWNZ: doesnt totem automatically download the plgins? | 18:41 |
RoadHazard | not the really fun ones | 18:41 |
Invisionfree | ingunnv: I edited a .ogg, and saved it as a .kino, now I'm trying to export it to a .ogg | 18:41 |
Blackhatdon | No LSB modules are available. | 18:41 |
Blackhatdon | Distributor ID: Ubuntu | 18:41 |
Blackhatdon | Description: Ubuntu 7.10 | 18:41 |
Blackhatdon | Release: 7.10 | 18:41 |
Blackhatdon | Codename: gutsy | 18:41 |
FloodBot1 | Blackhatdon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:41 |
Oberon | Could someone please take a peak at http://www.pastebin.ca/1027226 and point out what is breaking? thanks | 18:41 |
unimatrix9 | what would you use to ecit ogg theora video? | 18:41 |
Blackhatdon | thats wat i got | 18:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | Blackhatdon sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel) | 18:42 |
dextrous_ | >Hi, does anyone else have a problem with there sound? It works on start up (the drum roll) also in hardware testing, but nowhere else. Could someone help? Im running Hardy. | 18:42 |
MrObvious | !pastebin | Blackhatdon | 18:42 |
ubottu | Blackhatdon: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 18:42 |
TuxPWNZ | bbyever: I tried to install Win32 codecs, but It says it has no installation candidates. | 18:42 |
Invisionfree | This might help too ingunnv: File `pipe:' does not exist or has an unknown data format. | 18:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | Blackhatdon Please do not paste into the channel, we request you use the pastebin | 18:42 |
GottaBeAndrew | i don't like to go into the terminal to install stuff. i'm using ubuntu 8.04 so how can i do it without doing that. for example, i want to download this file which is a twitter screenlet - http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/SimpleTwitterScreenlet?content=77988 . i have screenlets installed and working properly. i click on download and its a .tar.gz file. to start with, do i open with archive manager or save it. | 18:42 |
bazhang | TuxPWNZ, medibuntu.org for that | 18:42 |
robg_ | Multimedia repository Medibuntu.org ! | 18:42 |
RoadHazard | TuxPWNZ: go to www.medibuntu.org and follow dee instructions | 18:42 |
Blackhatdon | ok, i will know about pastebin and then come here. | 18:43 |
unimatrix9 | what would you use to ecit ogg theora video? | 18:43 |
Acorn | "mount: special device //lianli/o does not exist" what's going wrong? | 18:43 |
blizzardman1219 | hello. i'm trying to configure my wpa_supplicant.conf so that i can access my encrypted network. i did "sudo vi /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf" to create the file, then i pushed "i" so that i could enter the information that i found when i did "wpa_passphrase". then i pushed "esc" and did :wq to save. here's where my problem comes, when i type "sudo wpa_supplicant -iwlan1 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -Dmadwifi -w it's not giving me the | 18:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | GottaBeAndrew If you are going outside our repos, you need to follow the directions provided by the people that made your package | 18:43 |
Quintasan | Hi, I have problems with printer, here is my topic | 18:43 |
unimatrix9 | if i would like to edit ogg theora video's , what could i use? | 18:43 |
Invisionfree | unimatrix9: If you're going to use the up arrow, can you try and at least fix spelling errors? I don't think there is a program to "ecit" ogg video. | 18:43 |
MrObvious | GottaBeAndrew: You shouldn't need to do that. :\ | 18:43 |
bbyever | TuxPWNZ: sudo apt-get install vlc-plugin-alsa | 18:43 |
Quintasan | Hi, I have problems with printer, here is my topic | 18:43 |
unimatrix9 | yes , thank you | 18:43 |
Quintasan | http://tiny.pl/n6k4 | 18:43 |
MrObvious | GottaBeAndrew: There might be a .deb on the repos. | 18:43 |
unimatrix9 | :P | 18:43 |
Invisionfree | unimatrix9: Not sure if it is me or the program, but try Kino | 18:44 |
MrObvious | !find twitter | 18:44 |
ubottu | Found: gtwitter, prism-twitter | 18:44 |
unimatrix9 | trying pitivi , see if it works | 18:44 |
unimatrix9 | Kino, ok | 18:44 |
fcse | has anyone here ever upgraded a fluke nettool to nt-pto-opt | 18:44 |
GottaBeAndrew | i'm just using this file as an example for a program which i need to download and install. | 18:45 |
bazhang | !repos | GottaBeAndrew | 18:45 |
ubottu | GottaBeAndrew: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories | 18:45 |
Invisionfree | ingunnv: Please don't run away! :( | 18:45 |
Blackhatdon | I am not sure, i know how to use this pastebin | 18:45 |
Nyad | How do I patch my linux kernel that I downloaded? I have the kernel and the patch. what now? I installed the patch package | 18:45 |
GottaBeAndrew | ok, how do i install programs once i've downloaded them without using repositaries (which the file might not be in) and without using the terminal | 18:45 |
RoadHazard | Acorn: read this itll help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=280473 | 18:46 |
MrObvious | Blackhatdon: Do you know how to copy/paste? | 18:46 |
Blackhatdon | ya, ofcourse | 18:46 |
bazhang | GottaBeAndrew, always look in the repos first; most everything is there | 18:46 |
dextrous_ | >Hi, does anyone else have a problem with there sound? It works on start up (the drum roll) also in hardware testing, but nowhere else. Could someone help? Im running Hardy. | 18:46 |
billenium | If i add 45GB of unallocated to / partition will i mess everything up? | 18:46 |
GottaBeAndrew | ok, so how do i find out what the repo would be for it? | 18:46 |
GottaBeAndrew | i don't know where to begin | 18:46 |
robg_ | For sound get Pulse Audio from Medibuntu.org | 18:46 |
Invisionfree | Someone tell me what this could mean? (Kino is spitting it out at me!) File `pipe:' does not exist or has an unknown data format. | 18:46 |
Kanonkas | How do I change my mouse to be a little bigger, in ubuntu? | 18:47 |
MrObvious | Blackhatdon: Just copy the text from the terminal, then go to a pastebin website like pastebin.com or the one in the /topic and paste the text there. | 18:47 |
astra-work | how would set their window behavior to when you double click on the window pane to shrink the pane like in mac os 9 classic? | 18:47 |
erUSUL | dextrous_: make sure "everywhere else" is using either esd or pulseaudio as sound output system | 18:47 |
freelance | hello, im trying to set up a socks5 proxy in gftp | 18:47 |
freelance | can anybody help me? | 18:47 |
bbyever | Blackhatdon: then click paste, and copy the url of the page and paste that here | 18:47 |
bazhang | http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy GottaBeAndrew start here and read the important guides listed there as well | 18:47 |
MrObvious | Blackhatdon: Push submit then it gives you a resulting URL which is unique to your query and give us the URL. | 18:47 |
Blackhatdon | ok, i got it now | 18:47 |
Blackhatdon | thank u very much | 18:47 |
GottaBeAndrew | why can i not just download a file and install it like i do in windows | 18:47 |
Blackhatdon | i will try it once | 18:47 |
cl0s | blizzardman1219: sorry im nto sure how to install it without apt-get.. if you load the files onto a cd the right way it will ask u if u want to install any of the packages on that cd when you put it in but im not sure exactly how to do it, and make sure you have all the dependencies etc... here's the files though http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/net/ndisgtk | 18:48 |
bazhang | GottaBeAndrew, this is not windows that is why | 18:48 |
Invisionfree | Someone tell me what this could mean? (Kino is spitting it out at me!) File `pipe:' does not exist or has an unknown data format. | 18:48 |
MrObvious | Blackhatdon: Ok. | 18:48 |
Blackhatdon | http://paste.ubuntu.com/14138/plain/ | 18:48 |
cl0s | actually try this... http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/ndisgtk | 18:48 |
GottaBeAndrew | so why do i have to mess around with repositaries and installing files in a hard way and stuff | 18:48 |
bazhang | !lnw | GottaBeAndrew | 18:48 |
ubottu | GottaBeAndrew: Want to know the differences between Windows and Linux? This guide, called "Linux is Not Windows" is a pretty good read -- http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm | 18:48 |
cl0s | that one was for fiesty.. | 18:48 |
Quintasan | can someone help me with brother printer? I've tried OpenPrinting guide but the printer stops at Processing state, my forum topic http://tinyurl.com/3lo7an | 18:49 |
=== dop182 is now known as dop182_ | ||
dimitris | How can I have my sdhc card mounted for all users during boot? If I leave the card in the pc when booting is only mounted for root. If I take it out and insert it again I have access as a user. Thanks. | 18:49 |
x0x | hello... can anyone tell me where do i get libmysqltcl? i have installed mysqltcl.. but i cant find libmysqltcl.so | 18:49 |
Invisionfree | Real nice support, my questions go unanswered ... | 18:50 |
robg_ | My Cannon MP210 printer worked fine with a driver from the list. | 18:50 |
Quintasan | dimitris: I belive you can put it into /etc/fstab | 18:50 |
GottaBeAndrew | if i use fedora or something, would it be easier | 18:50 |
rascal999 | is gimp as good as photoshop? | 18:50 |
bazhang | GottaBeAndrew, you dont need to; everything can be done via the gui. best to do some reading and ask informed questions when you are finished reading-->there are plenty of links for you to start on. | 18:50 |
Kolche1 | I miss some font. There are only ??????? signs instead of names of files sometimes. How do I know what set of fonts to install? msttcorefonts did'nt solve the problem | 18:50 |
MrObvious | Blackhatdon: What happens when you type sudo apt-get install php5 in a terminal? | 18:50 |
x0x | hello... can anyone tell me where do i get libmysqltcl? i have installed mysqltcl.. but i cant find libmysqltcl.so | 18:50 |
MrObvious | Blackhatdon: Put the whole output of it into a pastebin. | 18:50 |
GottaBeAndrew | by reading where? | 18:51 |
dimitris | Quintasan, this is the entry I have in /etc/fstab: /dev/sdb1 /media/MMCSD auto user,auto,exec,rw 0 0 | 18:51 |
freelance | can anybody help me with proxies in gftp ? | 18:51 |
GottaBeAndrew | i've spent a month on here and i STILL don't know how to do it. all i want to do is find out how to install programs and i have loads of gibberish chucked at me like terminal, GUI, respositaries etc. | 18:51 |
bazhang | http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy here GottaBeAndrew and the guides linked there | 18:51 |
blizzardman1219 | cl0s: wpa_supplicant came pre-installed, so i don't think that's my problem. yesterday someone on this channel told me that despite the fact that the package was installed i had to create the file myself | 18:52 |
Quintasan | dimitris: and it doesnt mount for you? | 18:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | !attitude | GottaBeAndrew | 18:52 |
ubottu | GottaBeAndrew: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 18:52 |
bbyever | GottaBeAndrew: what is the problem you have? | 18:52 |
dimitris | Quintasan, no I get an error when I try to write something on the card. I only get read rights as a user. | 18:52 |
=== Tyczek_ is now known as Tyczek | ||
anirudh0 | GottaBeAndrew: once you start understanding the "gibberish", its easier than any other method | 18:52 |
Oberon | Could someone please take a peak at http://www.pastebin.ca/1027226 and point out what is breaking? thanks | 18:53 |
DogPawHat | Does anyone have sound problem with warzone 2100 in hardy? | 18:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | !sudo | dimitris | 18:53 |
ubottu | dimitris: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. | 18:53 |
Hammer89 | howdy.... I need some help getting a camera to automount (or even manually mount) via USB on hardy... I'm not sure why it stopped working.. | 18:53 |
JacksDepression | Is there a way to enable the display of a second monitor without refreshing? | 18:53 |
JacksDepression | Restarting* | 18:53 |
GottaBeAndrew | ok, so if i can only install the thing by downloading from the respositaries, why does it bother giving me a .tar.gz file to download? what does that do? | 18:53 |
Quintasan | dimitris: try adding "umask=007" to options | 18:53 |
MrObvious | GottaBeAndrew: This channel is hard to keep up on . | 18:53 |
robg_ | Camera should work. OS views it as a removable disk. | 18:54 |
x0x | !mysqltcl | 18:54 |
ubottu | Factoid mysqltcl not found | 18:54 |
dimitris | Quintasan, will do. Thnx! | 18:54 |
anirudh0 | GottaBeAndrew: the stuff in repos are .debs...these are pre-compiled versions of the ".tar.gz" | 18:54 |
x0x | !libmysqltcl | 18:54 |
ubottu | Factoid libmysqltcl not found | 18:54 |
Quintasan | can someone help me with brother printer? I've tried OpenPrinting guide but the printer stops at Processing state, my forum topic http://tinyurl.com/3lo7an | 18:54 |
MrObvious | x0x: What do you need it for? | 18:54 |
freelance | how to set up a socks5 proxy in gftp? | 18:54 |
x0x | MrObvious: eggdrop | 18:54 |
freelance | i dont get it | 18:54 |
freelance | :/ | 18:54 |
MrObvious | x0x: To compile? | 18:54 |
x0x | no | 18:55 |
MrObvious | !find mysqltcl | 18:55 |
robg_ | Printer: walk through de driver list and see if there is a driver that is close to what you need. | 18:55 |
ubottu | Found: mysqltcl | 18:55 |
Fishscene | lol? | 18:55 |
MrObvious | !find libmysqltcl | 18:55 |
ubottu | File libmysqltcl found in mysqltcl | 18:55 |
GottaBeAndrew | anirudh0: what does pre-compiled mean? | 18:55 |
fcse | has anyone here ever upgraded a fluke nettool to nt-pto-opt? | 18:55 |
anirudh0 | GottaBeAndrew: the .debs are platform specific...that is the .deb that works on your computer may fail on your neighbour's...but .tar.gz relies on compiling...so it will work wherever there is a working compiler | 18:55 |
x0x | MrObvious i have installed mysqltcl.. and now i cant find the libmysqltcl.so | 18:55 |
Quintasan | x0x: tried using apt-file? | 18:55 |
GottaBeAndrew | right | 18:56 |
JacksDepression | Is there a way to enable the display of a second monitor without restarting? | 18:56 |
nassty | hello there, I'm looking for help in wireless stuff | 18:56 |
dskfjw | https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-es/attachments/20051202/4abe3cb1/ubuntu_5.11.jpg | 18:56 |
dskfjw | i need that one in full size resolution | 18:56 |
dskfjw | please halp | 18:56 |
MrObvious | !apt-file | 18:56 |
ubottu | apt-file is a program that can tell you which package(s) contain(s) a given filename. To install it and generate the database it needs, run "sudo apt-get install apt-file && sudo apt-file update" | 18:56 |
anirudh0 | GottaBeAndrew: 'pre-compiled' means that the good guys at ubuntu and debian have done the hard work of compilations and dependency management for you | 18:56 |
dskfjw | WHERE IS THE UBUNTO PORN?????????????? | 18:56 |
MrObvious | x0x: Do what ubottu said aobut apt-file | 18:56 |
Fishscene | JacksDepression, I'm not sure why it's restarting to enable your 2nd monitor. | 18:56 |
Speckal | hi all | 18:56 |
MrObvious | !enter | dskfjw | 18:56 |
ubottu | dskfjw: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 18:56 |
bybys | Hi all!! | 18:56 |
MrObvious | Hello bybys | 18:56 |
MrObvious | Blackhatdon: How are you doing? | 18:57 |
x0x | Quintasan: i said i HAVE INSTALLED mysqltcl... now i cant find the lib file... how to find it? | 18:57 |
MrObvious | x0x: apt-file is how to search for it. | 18:57 |
erUSUL | x0x: what lib file? | 18:57 |
MrObvious | !apt-file | x0x | 18:57 |
ubottu | x0x: apt-file is a program that can tell you which package(s) contain(s) a given filename. To install it and generate the database it needs, run "sudo apt-get install apt-file && sudo apt-file update" | 18:57 |
GottaBeAndrew | ok, i have this download at gnome-look.org which you are all comlpetely against. its called simpletwitterscreenlet. i search simpletwitterscreenlet in synaptic package manager and no results. so now we know it isn't there, how do i install it from a .tar.gz file? | 18:57 |
MrObvious | x0x: Learn to use apt-file and you can answer the question yourself. | 18:57 |
x0x | lmao | 18:57 |
nassty | anyone getting a "no scan results" when is supposed to be results? | 18:57 |
JacksDepression | Fishscene: It will clone output when I restart but when I have been running on my laptop for a while and want to plug in the second one it does not detect output | 18:57 |
x0x | i know what is apt-get | 18:57 |
x0x | sudo apt-get install packagename | 18:57 |
x0x | lol | 18:58 |
erUSUL | !info screenlets | GottaBeAndrew | 18:58 |
ubottu | gottabeandrew: screenlets (source: screenlets): Widget-like mini-applications for GNOME. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.0.12-0ubuntu5 (hardy), package size 1939 kB, installed size 7832 kB | 18:58 |
xintron | Now I got a serious problem. I run the upgrade now and did a reboot. Now I can't login, all I get is "kinit: no resume image, doing normal boot" and then I come to the "tty1" loginscreen. How do I do so I get to the normal loginscreen? | 18:58 |
Quintasan | x0x: are you blind? | 18:58 |
bybys | I have a big probleme with my microphone, it's really funy, someone wanna help? :p | 18:58 |
dextrous_ | Hi, still having sound problems I only have Pulse Audio install and have auto removed everything else, any advice? Hardy. | 18:58 |
x0x | just tell me how to find file | 18:58 |
GottaBeAndrew | yes, i know what a screenlet is. how do i install it. | 18:58 |
MrObvious | x0x: apt-FILE, not apt-GET | 18:58 |
Quintasan | x0x: apt-file | 18:58 |
Speckal | I need help getting my hardy machine to access my company's windows domain. Browsing network thru nautilis, I can see all PCs. When I select our file server, for example, nothing is displayed. It doesn't ask me to autenticate to the domain controller; it just shows blank pane. Help please :) | 18:58 |
x0x | oh | 18:58 |
anirudh0 | Gotta..:load it in screenlets-manager | 18:58 |
Fishscene | JacksDepression. I'm not sure why that is happening. I will admit though that the 2nd display features in Ubuntu 8 aren't the greatest at the moment. | 18:58 |
astra-work | how would set their window behavior to when you double click on the window pane to shrink the pane like in mac os 9 classic? | 18:58 |
GottaBeAndrew | which file do i load in the screenlets manager? | 18:59 |
x0x | st3v3n@AmaderBanglaChat:/$ apt-file libmysqltcl.so | 18:59 |
x0x | -bash: apt-file: command not found | 18:59 |
Quintasan | x0x: sudo aptitude install apt-file && sudo apt-file update && apt-file list libmysqltcl.so | 18:59 |
Quintasan | x0x: sudo aptitude install apt-file && sudo apt-file update && apt-file list libmysqltcl.so | 18:59 |
JacksDepression | Fishscene: I noticed, Ubuntu needs better multi-monitor suppport | 18:59 |
blizzardman1219 | anyone know how to fix this problem? i'm trying to configure my wpa_supplicant.conf so that i can access my encrypted network. i did "sudo vi /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf" to create the file, then i pushed "i" so that i could enter the information that i found when i did "wpa_passphrase". then i pushed "esc" and did :wq to save. here's where my problem comes, when i type "sudo wpa_supplicant -iwlan1 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -Dmadw | 18:59 |
Quintasan | can someone help me with brother printer? I've tried OpenPrinting guide but the printer stops at Processing state, my forum topic http://tinyurl.com/3lo7an | 18:59 |
anirudh0 | gotta...I'm not sure i remember..but screenlet-manager should handle tar.gz | 18:59 |
Blackhatdon | http://paste.ubuntu.com/14144/ | 19:00 |
bazhang | www.screenlets.org GottaBeAndrew for more info | 19:00 |
Blackhatdon | MrObvious thats wat i got | 19:00 |
robg_ | Quintasan: look up what driver you need then look in the driver list if it is there. | 19:00 |
jcsteele | during startup, if I have a shell script that I want to run that uses tar, curl, rm, gzip are these commands available if I place the script in startup using update-rc.d myscript defaults 99 ? | 19:00 |
anirudh0 | does encrypting one's hard disk slow down the computer significantly? | 19:00 |
bybys | My microphone work perfectly, but with skype, I need to launch sound and skype see my microphone... If I just try to test my microphone I have got an error... | 19:00 |
MrObvious | Blackhatdon: PHP5 is already installed. What is this for? | 19:01 |
Blackhatdon | but when i ried the install previously around few hours back i got only err | 19:01 |
jcsteele | because I cannot for the life of me get the script to run...it runs fine from the init.d script when fully booted. | 19:01 |
Blackhatdon | ors | 19:01 |
dextrous_ | Hi, still having sound problems I only have Pulse Audio install and have auto removed everything else, any advice? Hardy. | 19:01 |
MrObvious | Blackhatdon: It looks like it is installed to me. | 19:01 |
erUSUL | GottaBeAndrew: why don't you take a loo at the FAQ http://www.screenlets.org/index.php/FAQ | 19:01 |
Quintasan | robg_: I have installed the driver, then in the tray a printer icon showed up informing me that dcp-357c was successfuly configured, but whenever i send a printing job i stops at Processing | 19:01 |
Blackhatdon | thats wat i am seeing now... | 19:01 |
=== dop182_ is now known as dop182 | ||
Blackhatdon | but around few hours back when i tried to install i got only errors | 19:02 |
MrObvious | Blackhatdon: lol Now you know how to at least use apt-get. sudo apt-get install (package) will install a program, and sudo apt-get remove (package) removes it obviously. apt-cache search can find files and so forth. | 19:02 |
robg_ | You must find the driver for youtr Brother machine in the list and install it. | 19:02 |
menllyos | anirudh0 : obviously that also depends on your hardware... but i got full disc encryption and i dont feel any real difference (except when doing big hard disk tasks like moving around big files) | 19:02 |
maxxism | anyone have an idea, why a samsung940bf monitor wont go into 1280x1024 in hardy? I can get 1280x800, but it wont do anything else? I used to have it hooked to a 1080p tv, so I think it is trying to still do widescreen. I am very comfortable in xorg.conf | 19:02 |
bybys | any idea for my problem? :) | 19:02 |
Blackhatdon | ya, but now how do i run the program | 19:02 |
Quintasan | robg_: there is no 357c on brother drivers list, it is told that the dirvers for 350c works | 19:02 |
MrObvious | Blackhatdon: Maybe the repos started working. lol. Also sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade will do all the upgrades. Also that pastebin you have given me suggests you should run sudo apt-get autoremove since you have old packages you don't need anymore. | 19:03 |
TuxPWNZ | Guys, do I have to reboot the system after installing w32codecs so that it takes effect? | 19:03 |
anirudh0 | menillyos: when you say full disk, you mean the entire hard disk or one full partition? | 19:03 |
bazhang | TuxPWNZ, nay | 19:03 |
Quintasan | TuxPWNZ: I hope not | 19:03 |
x0x | Put CDROM labeled [Ubuntu-Server_6.06.2__Dapper_Drake__-_Release_i386_(20080110.1)] in the cdrom device | 19:03 |
x0x | lmao | 19:03 |
robg_ | If 357 is not available then try 350 | 19:03 |
MrObvious | Blackhatdon: On a terminal. is how it runs. Also can you type MRO and push tab before you talk to me so I can see your text? It highlights your line so I can see it | 19:03 |
MrObvious | . | 19:03 |
x0x | where i gonna get cd on my dedicated server ;o | 19:03 |
menllyos | anirudh0 : entire harddisc except for the /boot partition | 19:03 |
Quintasan | x0x: omg, remove this cd entry :P | 19:04 |
bazhang | x0x, edit cd out of sources.list | 19:04 |
sint | hey, i have installed vmware server on my ubuntu and wanna install xp in it. anyone know if it is possible to install this on a certain partition instead to an image file? | 19:04 |
Blackhatdon | MrObviousok | 19:04 |
Quintasan | robg_: I HAVE DONE THAT, it stops at processing state | 19:04 |
anirudh0 | menllyos:interesting...will grub work if you encrypt /boot? | 19:04 |
TuxPWNZ | bazhang, I did alomst everything they mentioned on Medibuntu, but still the .mov files refuse to work. | 19:04 |
robg_ | You must have done something wrong. Re-install everything. | 19:04 |
Fishscene | sint, point the "hard drive" portion of the VM to a physical partition | 19:04 |
Quintasan | robg_: If i wouldn't tried that i would not write a post on forum :S | 19:05 |
Blackhatdon | MrObvious is this how i do it?? | 19:05 |
MrObvious | Blackhatdon: Make sure you have a space at least. lol | 19:05 |
sint | Fishscene: like /dev/sdb1? | 19:05 |
menllyos | anirudh0 : i dont think you can use grub on an encrypted /boot, but you might want to verify that on the forums/google | 19:05 |
Blackhatdon | MrObvious ok | 19:05 |
Fishscene | sint, I've never done it myself, but that would sound about right. | 19:05 |
MrObvious | Blackhatdon: Yeah I type black and push tab and it highlights your name. It is quite useful #ubuntu IRC etiquette. lol | 19:05 |
robg_ | I had some problems myself before I got the right config. | 19:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | !tab | 19:06 |
ubottu | You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 19:06 |
Blackhatdon | MrObvious thanks | 19:06 |
MrObvious | Blackhatdon: It's called 1400 people and some of them chatting at once makes it hard to keep up. | 19:06 |
Acorn | "smb: \> put "/media/disk/test" "//lianli/o/dump" NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID opening remote file \/lianli/o/dump" what am i doing wrong? | 19:06 |
MrObvious | Blackhatdon: So is PHP working for your needs? | 19:06 |
=== hagabak`` is now known as hagabaka | ||
RAdams | I've got a IDE hard drive connected via a USB hard drive reader. It shows up correctly as a USB drive in computer:/// in Nautilus, and lsusb shows the hard drive reader correctly, but I cant mount the volume. I get "unable to mount volume". It's NTFS. Any ideas? | 19:06 |
Blackhatdon | MrObvious I am not gonna use it, its for ma friend who wanted it on my pc | 19:06 |
bbyever | RAdams: tried it as root? | 19:07 |
sint | Fishscene: ok, i will try | 19:07 |
sint | thank | 19:07 |
sint | you | 19:07 |
yezariael | hey | 19:07 |
RAdams | bbyever: good idea, trying now | 19:07 |
MrObvious | Blackhatdon: Ok so PHP is working. Here lemme give you some reading so you can set up MySQL and Apache too if you need to. | 19:07 |
MrObvious | !lamp | Blackhatdon | 19:07 |
Fishscene | sint, NP | 19:07 |
ubottu | Blackhatdon: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 19:07 |
BuFF | tell me smth abour virtualbox vs mvware | 19:07 |
Speckal | Two machines on same internal network: "linux" and "winxp" I want to print to "winxp" from "linux". Simply choosing the printer during a print operation is not enough (from OOo, for example); it will attempt to print, but will just sit there; no errors, no printing. I have to open nautilis and navigate to smb://winxp/C$ to get it to prompt me for authentication (smb://winxp is not enough) anyone know of a better way? | 19:07 |
funalien | hello | 19:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | RAdams It was possibly not properly removed / dismounted under windows | 19:07 |
funalien | how to open monitor selection dialog in ubuntu? | 19:08 |
yezariael | just installed 8.04, got everything running including wlan - rebooted and now the wlan-card seems to be deactivated and is also not in lspci anymore. this is a compaq 6715s laptop | 19:08 |
Fishscene | I have an external USB hard drive formatted with NTFS. I want to reformat with a linux FS using gparted. But the partition is locked? Any way to unlock it? | 19:08 |
Acorn | can anyone help? :( : smb: \> put "/media/disk/test" "//lianli/o/dump" NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID opening remote file \/lianli/o/dump" what am i doing wrong? | 19:08 |
Blackhatdon | MrObvious thanks... he is hosting a website i believe. so he needed it | 19:08 |
lukifer_etyrnal | how do i check to see whether ubuntu server or desktop was my original install ? | 19:08 |
yezariael | I also can not make it run by pressing the hardware-activation key on the book | 19:08 |
RAdams | bbyever, Jack_Sparrow: I get "unable to mount file". Windows properly shut down the computer it was in. | 19:08 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Fishscene You can force it or ntfsfix it | 19:08 |
MrObvious | Blackhatdon: You're welcome. I'm off to lunch so I will see you later. | 19:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | !info ntfsfix | 19:09 |
ubottu | Package ntfsfix does not exist in hardy | 19:09 |
billenium | How can i change the mount point of an unmounted partition? | 19:09 |
zelhar | greetings | 19:09 |
Fishscene | Jack_Sparrow: What commands do I need to enter? | 19:09 |
Blackhatdon | MrObvious i have ubuntu on a 4GB partition. Can i increase the size of volu | 19:09 |
Blackhatdon | me | 19:09 |
Blackhatdon | volume | 19:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | Fishscene let me try to find my link on that.. | 19:09 |
Fishscene | Awesome, Thanks :) | 19:09 |
jrojas | soundray, it works! Thank you.. :D my synaptic was fixed :D | 19:09 |
Blackhatdon | MrObvious ok see u later | 19:09 |
xintron | How do I get the gnome network-manager to show in tray? | 19:09 |
zelhar | I have a problem with the update manager in Ubuntu, | 19:09 |
Fishscene | By the way, it mounts just fine and I can read/write to it | 19:09 |
dextrous_ | Hi, still having sound problems I only have Pulse Audio install and have auto removed everything else, any advice? Hardy. | 19:09 |
MrObvious | Blackhatdon: If you reboot to the LiveCD and play with GParted you can. | 19:09 |
MrObvious | Blackhatdon: Bye. | 19:09 |
jimcooncat | Fishscene: maybe it automounted and you have to umount first | 19:09 |
lukifer_etyrnal | how do i check to see whether ubuntu server or desktop was my original install ? | 19:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | Fishscene http://forum.notebookreview.com/archive/index.php/t-211958.html | 19:10 |
Blackhatdon | MrObvious thanks. Bye | 19:10 |
Acorn | does anyone know how to use smbclient? | 19:10 |
Fishscene | oops. let me unmount it then *looks at Jack's link* | 19:10 |
bybys | There is some french geek here? | 19:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | RAdams http://forum.notebookreview.com/archive/index.php/t-211958.html | 19:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | !fr | 19:10 |
ubottu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 19:10 |
robg_ | Puse Audio: you need to walk through the system and get all the settings right. | 19:10 |
bybys | thank you bobot | 19:10 |
Fishscene | jimcooncat: That was it! Thanks for the link too Jack. | 19:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 19:11 |
jimcooncat | Fishscene: it's bit me before | 19:11 |
Fishscene | lol | 19:11 |
billenium | How do i mount a partition on /www ? | 19:11 |
Acorn | could anyone help me with smbclient? | 19:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | jimcooncat good catch on that | 19:11 |
zelhar | How do I get ubuntu help here? is there a queue ? | 19:11 |
Quintasan | billenium: sudo mount /your/parition /var/www | 19:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ask | zelhar | 19:11 |
erUSUL | Speckal: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPPrinter | 19:11 |
ubottu | zelhar: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 19:11 |
lukifer_etyrnal | bilennium, mount it within a subfolder of your apache root ? | 19:11 |
lukifer_etyrnal | how do i check to see whether ubuntu server or desktop was my original install ? | 19:11 |
bbyever | RAdams: you can force it mount -t ntfs-3g /path/toHD /media/whatever -o force | 19:12 |
Speckal | erUSUL: reading. ty | 19:12 |
zelhar | I have a problem with the update manager in Ubuntu, | 19:12 |
RAdams | bbyever: how do I find out the path to the hd? | 19:12 |
zelhar | The update manager crashes | 19:12 |
Quintasan | zelhar: ask the question in one line | 19:12 |
RAdams | bbyever: it's connected via uSB | 19:12 |
anvo | I'm trying to set up an ad-hoc network between hurdy and winXP... Anybody knows a proper guide? | 19:12 |
billenium | Quintasan: mount: mount point /www/ does not exist | 19:12 |
bbyever | RAdams: its proably /devdev | 19:12 |
erUSUL | anvo: wireless ? | 19:12 |
Quintasan | billenium: /var/www | 19:12 |
anvo | yes | 19:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | zelhar Have yo made any changes to your sources list | 19:12 |
bbyever | /dev/something | 19:12 |
zelhar | No | 19:12 |
billenium | i dont want it at /var/www | 19:13 |
billenium | i want it at /www | 19:13 |
Quintasan | billenium: ok, create a dir | 19:13 |
zelhar | and I have both Kubuntu and Ubuntu, and the Kubuntu update works fine | 19:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | RAdams mount command in terminal | 19:13 |
Acorn | okay, i'm trying to transfer some files to a share on my networked xp computer. I'm using smbclient. i type in the command "put "/media/disk/test" "//lianli/o/dump"" but it says "NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID opening remote file \/lianli/o/dump" does anyone know what i'm doing wrong? | 19:13 |
Quintasan | billenium: sudo mkdir /www | 19:13 |
billenium | oh lol | 19:13 |
billenium | i forgot to make teh dir | 19:13 |
x0x | where is all lib file located at? | 19:13 |
billenium | HAHA | 19:13 |
leftbas | usually at /lib | 19:14 |
Quintasan | x0x: Have you used the apt-file? | 19:14 |
res22 | lol | 19:14 |
RAdams | jack_sparrow: how do I find out which device is the hd? /dev/??? | 19:14 |
iuri | mysql | 19:14 |
bbyever | RAdams: it might be something like /dev/usb-something | 19:14 |
res22 | RAdams: type fdisk -l | 19:14 |
x0x | Quintasan how do i gonna get cd on my dedicated server? | 19:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | RAdams you can post the output of mount for one | 19:14 |
x0x | Quintasan i installed that.... | 19:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | pastebin not in here thanks | 19:15 |
Quintasan | x0x: can't you remove the cd entry form sources.list? | 19:15 |
Acorn | i'm trying to transfer some files to a share on my networked xp computer. I'm using smbclient. i type in the command "put "/media/disk/test" "//lianli/o/dump"" but it says "NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID opening remote file \/lianli/o/dump" does anyone know what i'm doing wrong? | 19:15 |
x0x | Quintasan: where is sources.list located at? | 19:15 |
Quintasan | x0x: gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 19:15 |
zelhar | So any suggestion what should I do to fix the update manager? | 19:15 |
Quintasan | zelhar: We don't know the error you got | 19:16 |
anvo | I need a guide or howto for ad-hoc wireless between hurdy and winXP! Anybody...? | 19:16 |
xintron | What might cuase my sound to "lagg" when switching window, moving windows etc? | 19:16 |
RAdams | jack_sparrow: mount doesn't output any info on the usb hard drive | 19:16 |
GoldeNArX | hey guys. I have ubuntu 8.04 (jeos) installed in a virtual machine however it does not detect the vmnet0 nic. I install another instance of 8.04 (jeos) and it sees the nic as eth0 no problems... anyone have some ideas for me to go on here? | 19:16 |
Quintasan | zelhar: copy and paste it at www.paste.ubuntu.com | 19:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | zelhar gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and copy that info to our pastebin | 19:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | !paste | 19:16 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 19:16 |
zelhar | ok I will | 19:16 |
Quintasan | x0x: done? | 19:17 |
lgus | i have problem installing ubuntu.. after it tries to start the x screen goes weird and after that blank.. i have nvidia 6600gt+nforce4 | 19:17 |
ruben | Hi all. I cant acces my filesystem I have my hard drive as ext2 and a ntfs partition. when I try to access them it gives me an error: feature only available with HAL. I do have hal installed everything is up to date. Also, my hard drive shows up with the uuid number | 19:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | RAdams Are you sure it mounted? | 19:17 |
Acorn | okay, i'm trying to transfer some files to a share on my networked xp computer. I'm using smbclient. i type in the command "put "/media/disk/test" "//lianli/o/dump"" but it says "NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID opening remote file \/lianli/o/dump" does anyone know what i'm doing wrong? | 19:17 |
ruben | I just turned on my computer and everything locked up... | 19:17 |
leftbas | Acorn: sorry, haven't messed with samba at all yet | 19:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | ruben have you moved or changed any partitions? | 19:18 |
zelhar | Pasted | 19:18 |
xintron | What might cuase my sound to "lagg" when switching window, moving windows etc? | 19:18 |
Quintasan | x0x: remove it and then sudo aptitude install apt-file && sudo apt-file update && apt-file list libmysqltcl.so | 19:18 |
RAdams | jack_sparrow: thats the problem, i can't mount it... it shows up under computer:/// in nautilus as USB Drive, but when i try to open it, even as root, it returns "can not mount file" | 19:18 |
Quintasan | zelhar: Provide a link | 19:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | zelhar we need the link with the number | 19:18 |
leftbas | xintron: could be too little memory | 19:18 |
Speckal | erUSUL: that wasn't it. I have the printer set up, and I _can_ use it from linux machine. My problem is that, before I print, I need to open nautilis and navigate to some known share on the xp machine to get it to ask me for authentication (even though I have given my credentials in the printer setup on linux) | 19:18 |
x0x | Quintasan: ok i removed it now what? | 19:18 |
zelhar | http://paste.ubuntu.com/14146/ | 19:18 |
xintron | leftbas: 512 MB memory | 19:19 |
ruben | no Mr. Sparrow. It has happened to me before, and I just restarted and everything was ok, except now | 19:19 |
Acorn | i'm assuming there's something wrong with the format of "//lianli/o/dump" as the destination | 19:19 |
omposter | I've had a problem where switching users stays on a black screen that can't be C-M-<Backspace>d out of. Is this a known issue? | 19:19 |
Quintasan | x0x: remove it and then sudo aptitude install apt-file && sudo apt-file update && apt-file list libmysqltcl.so | 19:19 |
leftbas | xintron: does it happen when you have only the music player running? | 19:19 |
Jav13r_ | does any1 here use Alpine email client? I`d need some help | 19:19 |
leftbas | Jav13r_: tried it once, didn't like it | 19:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | zelhar sudo apt-get update crashes on you? What all did you install from the debian etch repo | 19:20 |
xintron | leftbas: Well, if I select one window and the musicplayer is running, it doesn't lag. But when I hit "shift+tab" or use the mouse to select another window, it laggs | 19:20 |
Jav13r_ | leftbas: what r u using now then | 19:20 |
x0x | st3v3n@AmaderBanglaChat:/$ apt-file list libmysqltcl.so | 19:20 |
x0x | st3v3n@AmaderBanglaChat:/$ | 19:20 |
Acorn | okay, i'm trying to transfer some files to a share on my networked xp computer. I'm using smbclient. i type in the command "put "/media/disk/test" "//lianli/o/dump"" but it says "NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID opening remote file \/lianli/o/dump" does anyone know what i'm doing wrong? | 19:20 |
leftbas | Jav13r_: kmail | 19:20 |
funalien | Can anyone tell me please, where X.org stores data about display modes, which I prefer? | 19:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | ruben could you be out of room on your partition | 19:20 |
x0x | Quintasan: no luck | 19:20 |
Nyad | Is it dangerous to unmount my swap partition while in linux and using it? | 19:20 |
omposter | funalien: ....what? | 19:21 |
Speckal | erUSUL: are you familiar with my issue? have you seen or heard about it before? | 19:21 |
magnetron | !fixres | funalien | 19:21 |
ubottu | funalien: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 19:21 |
leftbas | xintron: how much of a lag are we talking about? a skip, or several seconds? | 19:21 |
Quintasan | x0x: what you mean by no luck? | 19:21 |
Slart | Nyad: I think there's a swapoff command | 19:21 |
GoldeNArX | lets start witht his. how do I install a new NIC in ubuntu 8.04? | 19:21 |
ruben | no, I have like 300GB free. Here is my fstab http://paste.ubuntu.com/14147/ | 19:21 |
omposter | Nyad: swapon/swapoff. It's safe, although it wouldn't feel too nice if you filled up your ram while it's off. | 19:21 |
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\ | ||
x0x | Quintasan: not found | 19:21 |
soundray | jrojas: well done :) | 19:21 |
ThreeFinity | Anybody know what would cause my sound to randomly stop working and only loop like .5 second of a song and then stop working all together? using 8.04 with hda-intel ALC883 on alsa | 19:21 |
Quintasan | x0x: try removing .so form file name | 19:21 |
robg_ | Tampering with partitions is always dangerous | 19:21 |
xintron | leftbas: It makes sound and then it's gone after like 0.5 seconds, just when the computer "works" | 19:22 |
funalien | ubottu, thanks | 19:22 |
ubottu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 19:22 |
omposter | ThreeFinity: what sound program? | 19:22 |
pracownik | ghf | 19:22 |
zelhar | The "Update Manager" available from the system menu crashes, and I don't think i installed anything from the debian. However I did install MoinMoin using the python command they provided | 19:22 |
soundray | robg_: scaremonger ;) | 19:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | !who | robg_ | 19:22 |
ubottu | robg_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 19:22 |
omposter | music player* | 19:22 |
Slart | ThreeFinity: streaming from a remote computer and loosing the network connection might do that | 19:22 |
Quintasan | x0x: aaaaaah, my mistake, use find instead of list | 19:22 |
ThreeFinity | omposter: all of them | 19:22 |
leftbas | xintron: try it with just one other window open, then switch between the player and that other window | 19:22 |
x0x | not found | 19:22 |
RAdams | jack_sparrow: any other ideas on how I can mount this drive? | 19:22 |
leftbas | xintron: if the lag stops, get more memory | 19:22 |
omposter | ThreeFinity: what sound file? | 19:22 |
Quintasan | x0x: apt-file find libmysqltcl.so | 19:22 |
xintron | leftbas: The player and a terminal window connected to my shell? | 19:22 |
ThreeFinity | omposter: all of them lol | 19:23 |
marcules | hi :) | 19:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | RAdams not atm, I am trying to finsih up current questions and have breakfast | 19:23 |
leftbas | xintron: that should work | 19:23 |
omposter | then find a different distro. Ubuntu isn't something you troubleshoot. | 19:23 |
Acorn | what's the best way to get help with doing something simple in smbclient? | 19:23 |
omposter | QED | 19:23 |
ThreeFinity | well I've tested mp3, and streaming audio | 19:23 |
lars_bauer | how do i open a <name>.acu file ? | 19:23 |
RAdams | acorn: #samba | 19:23 |
soundray | Quintasan: search (not find) | 19:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | zelhar sudo that etch repo was in our list, which is why I asked.. | 19:23 |
Slart | Acorn: read the manual, check the samba sitem, ask here.. perhaps ask in #samba | 19:23 |
x0x | Quintasan: its search any way... and no luck... still not found | 19:23 |
Dot2Kode | Quick question...whats a good program to use to join .avi's? (gnome) | 19:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | !aptfix | zelhar | 19:24 |
ubottu | zelhar: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 19:24 |
omposter | ThreeFinity: 8.04 has some wonky barely-working setup with pulseaudio that's questionable at best. | 19:24 |
xintron | leftbas: There is still lag | 19:24 |
soundray | x0x: apt-file search libmysqltcl reveals mysqltcl: usr/lib/mysqltcl-3.02/libmysqltcl3.02.so | 19:24 |
linkmaster03 | what character makes a comment in a shell script? | 19:24 |
Quintasan | x0x: k, try locate libmysqltcl.so | 19:24 |
ThreeFinity | omposter: I noticed. :/ | 19:24 |
xintron | leftbas: I got 50% memory free atm | 19:24 |
soundray | x0x: your .so is probably a symlink that the installer creates | 19:24 |
ThreeFinity | omposter: but pulseaudio isn't even running on my box lol | 19:24 |
soundray | linkmaster03: # | 19:24 |
Quintasan | x0x: same for me | 19:24 |
linkmaster03 | soundray: thank | 19:24 |
Quintasan | mysqltcl: /usr/lib/mysqltcl-3.02/libmysqltcl3.02.so | 19:24 |
Stavros | hello | 19:25 |
mDemocritus | anyone have an idea where i should ask a questions about netcat? | 19:25 |
astra-work | would anyone here have any experience in installing 4d developer in wine in ubuntu? | 19:25 |
x0x | grrrrrrr | 19:25 |
x0x | thanks for your help Quintasan | 19:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | astra-work #winehq ? | 19:25 |
Slart | astra-work: have you checked the application database? | 19:25 |
Stavros | is it possible for me to symlink a public folder that's inside a private folder so other people have access to it? | 19:25 |
zelhar | OK I will try, but how can I close the Update Manager without restarting? | 19:25 |
leftbas | xintron: i'm stumped. you have a fair amount left over, but i have 1GB on my machine with 56% left and no lag | 19:25 |
omposter | astra-work: appdb.winehq.org, check the status of your program. If an earlier version works better, downgrade. That's all there is to it. | 19:25 |
RAdams | stavros: yes, if your permissions are set correctly | 19:26 |
Stavros | RAdams: both the folder and the symlink are set to 777, but i can't access it | 19:26 |
Stavros | maybe i need to change the owner? | 19:26 |
ThreeFinity | omposter: do you think downgrading my distro would help ? | 19:26 |
=== blakeX is now known as GamerX | ||
Jack_Sparrow | bbl | 19:26 |
omposter | ThreeFinity: uhhhh........... | 19:26 |
RAdams | stavros: why not change the group to users, or something everyone belongs to? | 19:26 |
omposter | I have no idea | 19:26 |
blizzardman1219 | can someone link me to an example of what my wpa_supplicant.conf file is supposed to look like? | 19:27 |
omposter | that's a bit of a big change to just 'test out the difference' | 19:27 |
Stavros | RAdams: hmm | 19:27 |
Stavros | RAdams: let me try | 19:27 |
ThreeFinity | omposter: lol I've got nothing else to do with my time | 19:27 |
soundray | GoldeNArX: have you enabled networking in the virtual machine settings? | 19:27 |
Stavros | RAdams: there's no group users, hmm | 19:27 |
omposter | ThreeFinity: try the livecd first? | 19:27 |
omposter | or if you have an earlier livecd, try that | 19:27 |
ThreeFinity | good point. | 19:28 |
saltedlight | anyone have a link to an eggdrop precompiled? apt-get install it w/o modules... | 19:28 |
GamerX | black people smell bad | 19:28 |
omposter | if you have a livecd for a different distro, even better. You can track down who's at fault that way, too. | 19:28 |
ThreeFinity | I know this is an alsa issue, I'm just not sure if an older alsa fixes it or not | 19:28 |
soundray | !ops | GamerX | 19:28 |
ubottu | GamerX: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01! | 19:28 |
omposter | GamerX: thank you for your contribution! | 19:28 |
sint | hey, i've put a second sata drive into my computer and now sda is sdb and the new drive is sda. so the system is on sdb instead of sda. is there way to switch this? | 19:28 |
ferrante | hi i new | 19:29 |
Fishscene | Thanks | 19:29 |
jabbawokkies | ThreeFinity, why don't you just do a live-cd of an earlier distro | 19:29 |
ingunnv | Anyone know when Firefox RC1 comes to Ubuntu 8.04? | 19:29 |
RAdams | anyone have an idea on how to mount this hard drive hooked up to a usb hard drive reader? | 19:29 |
ThreeFinity | that's what I'm gonna do now | 19:29 |
ThreeFinity | but.. | 19:29 |
jabbawokkies | yeah, you shouldn't have to do a full install | 19:29 |
Stavros | RAdams: doesn't it mount automatically? | 19:29 |
ThreeFinity | isn't a livecd different from an install in the qway it works? | 19:29 |
jabbawokkies | how it boots, yes, but it still does all the hardware detection etc | 19:29 |
baptiste_ | hi | 19:29 |
RAdams | stavros: correct. it shows up in computer:/// in nautilus, but I get "cannot mount file" | 19:29 |
omposter | ThreeFinity: should be the same. Same programs. If it's a configuration problem, you can track it down with the livecd. | 19:29 |
zelhar | So how can I close the Update Manager without restarting? | 19:30 |
Stavros | RAdams: check mount and see which folder it's mounted under? | 19:30 |
ThreeFinity | alright, thanks :) | 19:30 |
Stavros | RAdams: and browse with the terminal to see if it's accessible | 19:30 |
RAdams | stavros: its not mounted under any folder. the output of mount doesnt even mention it | 19:30 |
bbyever | RAdams: i would suggest booting into windows and unmounting it from there, then trying again in ubuntu | 19:30 |
Slart | zelhar: can't you just close it? I've never had update-manager force a restart on me | 19:31 |
Stavros | RAdams: oh, then you need to find the device name :/ | 19:31 |
Stavros | do the properties in nautilus mention anything? | 19:31 |
zelhar | No it doesn't respond | 19:31 |
Slart | zelhar: is there some kind of dialog open? | 19:31 |
RAdams | stavros: yes | 19:31 |
lukifer_etyrnal | How do i determine whether my machine was installed using the Desktop LiveCD, or the Server LiveCD ?? | 19:32 |
x0x | bro | 19:32 |
x0x | i cant make it work :( | 19:32 |
Stavros | RAdams: what does it say? | 19:32 |
Slart | lukifer_etyrnal: lsb_release -a might give you some clue | 19:32 |
RAdams | stavros: what does what say? mount? | 19:32 |
x0x | hey Stavros | 19:32 |
blizzardman1219 | can someone link me to an example of what my wpa_supplicant.conf file is supposed to look like? | 19:32 |
lukifer_etyrnal | Slart, thanks | 19:32 |
Stavros | RAdams: does it tell you what the device name is? | 19:32 |
Stavros | x0x: yes? | 19:33 |
ferrante | bay allllllll | 19:33 |
zelhar | No after I clicked on check it is just stuck in a grey form with the clock-cursor and it doesn't respond | 19:33 |
GoldeNArX | if someone thinks they can help me install a NIC I can give you access to the virtual machine (through the vm console) | 19:33 |
jimcooncat | lukifer_etyrnal: I believe the kernel is different | 19:33 |
x0x | Stavros i really cant get that lib | 19:33 |
Stavros | x0x: what lib? | 19:33 |
x0x | libmysqltcl | 19:33 |
RAdams | blizzardman1219: http://linux.die.net/man/5/wpa_supplicant.conf | 19:33 |
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x0x | lib mysql tcl | 19:33 |
Stavros | x0x: i don't know anything about that | 19:33 |
Slart | zelhar: ok.. open a terminal, run "xkill" and then click on the update-manager | 19:33 |
zelhar | will do thanks | 19:34 |
RoadHazard | x0x: try libmysql-tcl | 19:34 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, the lsb_release -a didn't show that detail | 19:34 |
Slart | zelhar: or run "pkill update-manager" .. either way should work | 19:34 |
soundray | x0x: what happens when you run 'sudo apt-get install mysqltcl'? | 19:34 |
Slart | zelhar: if that doesn't work, do it again but add a -9 to the command | 19:34 |
zelhar | xkill did the trick thanks | 19:34 |
n3uromanc3r | I' currently trying to install over a network and have mounted and image using -o loop /path/to.iso etc etc... how do i unmount this? | 19:34 |
Slart | zelhar: you're welcome | 19:34 |
RAdams | Stavros: what is it you're wanting to see? the output of mount to tell the device name? | 19:34 |
GoldeNArX | ok ok. the nick lists under "lspci" but its not active. how do I get it to be active>? | 19:35 |
x0x | soundray: its installed | 19:35 |
Stavros | RAdams: no, i want to see if nautilus properties tells you the device name | 19:35 |
Stavros | so you can mount it | 19:35 |
soundray | x0x: so what's the issue now? | 19:35 |
Stavros | how do i unlink a symlink to a directory? | 19:36 |
soundray | Stavros: with rm | 19:36 |
RAdams | stavros: everything is "unknown" | 19:36 |
n3uromanc3r | anyone know how to unmount and iso image via command line? | 19:36 |
Stavros | ah, it the slash was superfluous | 19:36 |
yezariael | how can I deactivate compiz without being in X? | 19:36 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, i ask because i think i need to reinstall to fix gdm (synaptic broke it), but the Desktop LiveCD doesn;t seem to be able to handle the RAID in the Dell PowerEdge 2300 | 19:36 |
Stavros | RAdams: check dmesg perhaps? | 19:36 |
_ale_ | n3uromanc3r: umount /where/isd 7mounted | 19:36 |
soundray | n3uromanc3r: 'sudo umount /mountpoint/ | 19:36 |
zelhar | zelhar@yjk:~$ sudo apt-get update | 19:36 |
zelhar | sudo: unable to resolve host yjk | 19:36 |
Stavros | see if it mentions any connected devices | 19:36 |
n3uromanc3r | thanks guys | 19:36 |
x0x | soundray: issue is solved | 19:37 |
soundray | !hostname | zelhar | 19:37 |
ubottu | zelhar: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab | 19:37 |
RP_SWE | My printer does not work after the 8.04 update, I get a error message http://pastebin.se/194669 | 19:37 |
soundray | zelhar: if you can't follow ubottu's advice due to sudo failing, reboot to recovery mode and do it there | 19:37 |
jimcooncat | lukifer_etyrnal: why not just reinstall gdm? | 19:38 |
ariqs | ok, so I installed the restricted package that has my modem's drivers in it finally, only wvconf still doesn't find my modem, how do I figure out where it's installed? | 19:38 |
Webu | Would someone recommend me a way to encrypt a few hard disks on Ubuntu Server? Latest TrueCrypt doesn't look good.. | 19:38 |
Acorn | "smb: \dump\> put /media/disk/test ... NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID opening remote file \dump\/media/disk/test" why? :( | 19:38 |
alberto | Hello all, I have a problem with Ubuntu 8.04 with /home in JFS and aMule: after a cut in the power supply, some files got corrupt, and after trying to check this partition, /.aMule/ has dissapeared. It's a JFS problem or a Ubuntu 8.04 problem? | 19:38 |
soundray | zelhar: am I making sense? | 19:39 |
_ale_ | alberto: use XFS | 19:39 |
_ale_ | ;) | 19:39 |
ariqs | ok, so I installed the restricted package that has my modem's drivers in it finally (ltmodem), only wvconf still doesn't find my modem, how do I figure out where it's installed? | 19:39 |
xFlipx | I'd just like to say I'm so very happy about my switch from fedora to ubuntu. | 19:39 |
xFlipx | Thanks all! :) | 19:39 |
theFATMAN | while installing 8.04 on a XP system last night(dual boot), everything was fine util ubuntu began 'detecting file system' it has been frozen at 15% for 10+ hours, what should I do? | 19:40 |
alberto | _ale_, why? It's more secure over power failures? | 19:40 |
wy | Has anyone this problem with PQMagic? It always says that my partitions have errors "incorrect CHS values..." etc and after fix all of them, it displays that the disk is bad. | 19:40 |
_ale_ | alberto: for sure | 19:40 |
kriston | How come when I scroll up very fast using my scroll wheel the Firefox browser acts like I'm hitting the back button? | 19:40 |
RAdams | stavros: im not seeing anything in dmesg except where the device was attached: [ 431.811529] sd 3:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI disk | 19:40 |
_ale_ | i been using XFs for years in many servers | 19:40 |
soundray | alberto: I thing you're looking for it in the wrong place. Try 'cd ~/.a?ule' | 19:40 |
_ale_ | and works great | 19:40 |
robg_ | theFATMAN: Use gparted to look at the situation | 19:40 |
soundray | *think | 19:40 |
Slart | wy: never used pqmagic on ubuntu.. gparted does everything I need so far | 19:40 |
RP_SWE | Can anyone help me with the printer, what should I do? I cant open the printer setup or even the printer window, i typed system-config-printer and got this error message http://pastebin.se/194669 | 19:40 |
linuxnewbe | I have an inten e2160 64bit processor, should I download hardy for 64bit ? | 19:41 |
theFATMAN | robg_, how? | 19:41 |
_ale_ | alberto: you can try, usign a live Cd, mount that partition | 19:41 |
ariqs | ok, so I installed the restricted package that has my modem's drivers in it finally (ltmodem), only wvconf still doesn't find my modem, how do I figure out where it's installed? | 19:41 |
_ale_ | with fsck | 19:41 |
theFATMAN | robg_, it is installing... | 19:41 |
xFlipx | linuxnewbe, yes. | 19:41 |
genii | linuxnewbe: 32 or 64 bit will work for you | 19:41 |
zelhar | can I paste my hosts file so you could check it? | 19:41 |
xFlipx | !pastebin | 19:41 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 19:41 |
Slart | !paste | zelhar | 19:41 |
ubottu | zelhar: please see above | 19:41 |
robg_ | Download the latest Gparted LiveCD from Sourceforge.net and examine your harddisk | 19:41 |
Slart | bah =) | 19:41 |
linuxnewbe | 64 is best right? I have 4gb ram, is that a problem under 32 like it is with XP? | 19:41 |
xFlipx | linuxnewbe, no. | 19:42 |
Slart | linuxnewbe: not necessarily the best.. | 19:42 |
theFATMAN | robg, the ubuntu disc is in the drive, it is installing | 19:42 |
wy | Slart, I don't use PQmagic on ubuntu. I used it on windows. Whenever I have linux on the disk, it reports errors | 19:42 |
Slart | linuxnewbe: it has it's pros and cons | 19:42 |
xFlipx | linuxnewbe, 64bit for your processor 4gig of memory should work fine unless you're using an intel 965 chipset. | 19:42 |
_ale_ | linuxnewbe: the best is what works better for you | 19:42 |
linuxnewbe | Slart,oh yeah? anything serious I should consider? | 19:42 |
genii | linuxnewbe: You will only be able with 32bit to see about 3.5Gb of it. So 64bit or 32bit server kernel | 19:42 |
ariqs | ok, so I installed the restricted package that has my modem's drivers in it finally (ltmodem), only wvconf still doesn't find my modem, how do I figure out where it's installed? Do I have to do anything to get the modem drivers working aside from installing the restricted package? | 19:42 |
zelhar | http://paste.ubuntu.com/14156/ | 19:42 |
theFATMAN | Slart!!!! Hey, when you got a sec, can you help me out? | 19:42 |
wy | I wonder whether there is a real problem or is PQmagic stupid | 19:42 |
alberto | _ale_, I used a utility specially for JFS, and after it, the corrupt files have gone. Any way to recover them? | 19:43 |
Slart | linuxnewbe: java and flash are two things that have been.. problematic in the past.. | 19:43 |
robg_ | theFATMAN: if the install fails you will have to resque the situation | 19:43 |
zelhar | and the hostname has just a single line: yjk | 19:43 |
Slart | linuxnewbe: some closed source stuff is only available for 32-bit | 19:43 |
linuxnewbe | Slart I thought java/flash9 had been resolved recently? | 19:43 |
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Eddymvp | hello | 19:43 |
soundray | linuxnewbe: some proprietary software won't run natively in 64bit, so you will have to install compatibility libraries | 19:43 |
* ariqs yawns | 19:43 | |
alberto | there is a way to change from JFS to XFS without losing the data inside it? | 19:43 |
Slart | linuxnewbe: well.. it has.. mostly | 19:43 |
soundray | linuxnewbe: with flash, I have no issues in 64bit | 19:43 |
theFATMAN | robg_, so...abort the install at this stage? will that not damage the HDD? | 19:43 |
Eddymvp | i'm having issues getting the nvidia drivers to work on my lenovo t61 | 19:43 |
Slart | theFATMAN: what's your problem? | 19:43 |
Eddymvp | i have done this in a few laptops of the same time and didn't have any issues before | 19:44 |
linuxnewbe | I am sure I had flash and java running on my amd64 laptop before it died | 19:44 |
jimcooncat | alberto: not enough space to copy one to the other? | 19:44 |
robg_ | theFATMAN: this workhas its risks. You will have to assess the risks and rscue the situation. | 19:44 |
Eddymvp | when I do the sudo nvidia-xconfig and reboot the computer it complains that my graphical display is too low | 19:44 |
Webu | Would someone recommend me a way to encrypt a few hard disks on Ubuntu Server? Latest TrueCrypt doesn't look good.. | 19:44 |
alberto | yes | 19:44 |
theFATMAN | Slart, I was installing 8.04 on a Xp system last night, and it froze at 15% on the 'detecting file system' stage | 19:44 |
Slart | linuxnewbe: yes.. flash runs.. I don't know if the problems I have are because of adobe or the workaround for 64-bit.. I have no 32-bit install to compare with | 19:44 |
linuxnewbe | thanks guys | 19:45 |
ariqs | ok, so I installed the restricted package that has my modem's drivers in it finally (ltmodem), only wvconf still doesn't find my modem, how do I figure out where it's installed? Do I have to do anything to get the modem drivers working aside from installing the restricted package? | 19:45 |
Eddymvp | i'm trying to use the nvidia-glx-new drivers | 19:45 |
Slart | theFATMAN: no idea... never had that problem.. or heard of it | 19:45 |
alberto | jimcooncat, yes, not enough space | 19:45 |
RoadHazard | I just found out theres a problem with the -16 kernel | 19:45 |
theFATMAN | Slart, will it damage the system to abort the install and go fresh/ | 19:45 |
soundray | ariqs: did you enable the drivers through System-Admin-Hardware Drivers ? | 19:45 |
newuser_ | which is the best action game on ubuntu that is free? | 19:46 |
ariqs | soundray, I checked there and it's not in that list | 19:46 |
Eddymvp | I did enable it | 19:46 |
soundray | newuser_: IRC | 19:46 |
Slart | theFATMAN: I doubt it.. but that's just a guess.. don't blame me if your computer blows up | 19:46 |
Slart | theFATMAN: =) | 19:46 |
jimcooncat | alberto: you need to make room somehow. Can your files be compressed? | 19:46 |
cybic__ | hi ubuntu users | 19:46 |
zelhar | did you get my paste of the hosts file?it is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14156/ and the hostname file contain just a single word (which is my preferable hostname): yjk | 19:46 |
Flannel | !games | newuser_ | 19:46 |
ubottu | newuser_: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php | 19:46 |
xintron | Quick question, how do I send a message to someone who aren't online? | 19:46 |
Eddymvp | anyone? | 19:46 |
dopievoli_ | I likes the open arena | 19:46 |
=== The_JoKeR is now known as SplinTer0616 | ||
RoadHazard | xintron: carrier pidgeon | 19:47 |
theFATMAN | Slart, LOL, I wouldn't, it's my 5yr olds pc....i think i will abort it and run checkdisc..thanx | 19:47 |
ariqs | soundray: I installed the package with debian package manager because I couldn't connect to the net wiht that comp and had to use a flash drive, could that be a problem? | 19:47 |
soundray | ariqs: where did you get ltmodem drivers? | 19:47 |
cybic__ | i have trouble with my thinkpad and suspand to ram... could anyone help me, please? | 19:47 |
robg_ | theFATMAN: It is unlikely that your harddisk will be damaged. It is unknown what other damage will occur. | 19:47 |
xintron | RoadHazard: here on freenode :P | 19:47 |
Slart | theFATMAN: hope it works out for you | 19:47 |
squarebracket | is there any way to tell which processes are using my hard drive? | 19:47 |
ariqs | soundray: part of a restricted package I downloaded | 19:47 |
alberto | jimcooncat, they are video files, so they will not compress so much. Anyway, I'm not sure if it's the solution to my problem :( | 19:47 |
genii | squarebracket: lsof | 19:47 |
res22 | squarebracket: type top | 19:47 |
_ale_ | squarebracket: ps ax | 19:47 |
=== SplinTer0616_ is now known as SplinTer0616 | ||
theFATMAN | robg_, do you think a fresh install would identify the problem? | 19:47 |
theFATMAN | Slart: thanks bro | 19:47 |
wuxia | im mozilla, I can click on nan image and be like "load image in separate window" -- can I do do the smae to a flash app? | 19:48 |
genii | res22: Not all running processes are using the hd for anything. | 19:48 |
robg_ | theFATMAN: in principle you can overwrite a disk with an OS as many times as you want. | 19:48 |
Flannel | squarebracket: lsof and fuser | 19:48 |
Eddymvp | can someone help me to get my computer to use the nvidia video drivers? | 19:48 |
res22 | true genii, I was only giving my best guess :) lsof works nicely | 19:48 |
ariqs | soundray; any ideas? | 19:48 |
soundray | ariqs: was there a ready module file, or did you have to compile it? | 19:49 |
theFATMAN | robg_, cool, one other question, what is a good gui resource monitor? | 19:49 |
unstable | ok, I have this dapper box. I need a new kernel on it quick. doesn't have to be the latest, something within the last 6 months.. | 19:49 |
ariqs | soundray: It was a ready module file. I also tried to compile it and failed | 19:49 |
unstable | Anyone know how I can get a new kernel on an old dapper box quickly? | 19:49 |
Flannel | unstable: upgrade to Hardy | 19:49 |
alberto | jimcooncat, let me repeat my initial problem. Maybe now I can get other opinions: I have a problem with Ubuntu 8.04 with /home in JFS and aMule: after a cut in the power supply, some files got corrupt, and after trying to check this partition, /.aMule/ has dissapeared. It's a JFS problem or a Ubuntu 8.04 problem? | 19:49 |
ariqs | it was a .deb | 19:49 |
RoadHazard | unstable sudo apt-get dist-upgrade? | 19:49 |
unstable | Flannel: I can't do that, it will break the system. | 19:49 |
cybic__ | so, i know: sudo pm-suspend --quirk-dpms-suspend will put my computer into suspend and then it works... but... how to configurate linux, to execute this on going to standby? | 19:49 |
unstable | RoadHazard: I can't do that, it will break the system. | 19:49 |
soundray | ariqs: what's the name of the module? | 19:49 |
_ale_ | alberto: is not that simple | 19:49 |
Flannel | unstable: you'll have to compile it yourself then | 19:49 |
robg_ | theFATMAN: I have too little knowledge of your configuration to reply. | 19:49 |
W8TAH | how do i add someone to the sudoers file so that they have the same perms as the original user that is created at install time -- on server | 19:50 |
_ale_ | is a "situation" problem | 19:50 |
_ale_ | nothing is perfect | 19:50 |
Eddymvp | _ale_ do you know anyting about the nvidia drivers? | 19:50 |
jimcooncat | alberto: it's basically a problem with your JFS. have you tried the file system's repair tools? | 19:50 |
_ale_ | but you can use fsck to repair a bas partition | 19:50 |
eniac | I kinda fucked up my apache installation and would like to do a _full_ _clean_ reinstall, is this possible ? | 19:50 |
Flannel | W8TAH: just add them to the admin group | 19:50 |
Slart | W8TAH: isn't there a line for the current user? can't you just copy that? | 19:50 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, because dselect can't seem to handle it - there seems to be too many problems ... ? | 19:50 |
erUSUL | W8TAH: just ad that user to the admin group. no need to touch sudoers | 19:50 |
theFATMAN | robg_: AMD 64 bit|Phenom quad core|3072MB RAM|Ubuntu 8.04 | 19:50 |
W8TAH | ok | 19:51 |
_ale_ | Eddymvp: what do you want to do? | 19:51 |
alberto | _ale_, I undestand, but it took me a lot of time to get Ubuntu as I wanted, and now, with all finally configured, I don't want to start all again | 19:51 |
cybic__ | how to configurate ubuntu to execute this on going to standby? :sudo pm-suspend --quirk-dpms-suspend | 19:51 |
Eddymvp | when I use the nvidia drivers, it returns with low graphic interface | 19:51 |
Eddymvp | and use the xorg.conf.failsafe | 19:51 |
_ale_ | alberto: i know, but is not a ubuntu, or XFS problem | 19:51 |
Flannel | eniac: Watch the language, and just remove (with --purge) apache2 and apache2.2-common, and apache2-mpm-prefork, then reinstall | 19:51 |
ariqs | soundray something like linux-restricted modules.deb | 19:51 |
robg_ | THEfatman: My preference would be a single boot ubuntu-alternate in LVM encrypted mode. | 19:51 |
squarebracket | whoa... should i be grepping for something with lsof? | 19:52 |
balzac | hello | 19:52 |
balzac | I just had gedit crash on me | 19:52 |
jimcooncat | lukifer_etyrnal: you may want to find somehow to remove all x.org stuff. I've seen package lists on the forum but don't recall where | 19:52 |
balzac | Now I'm never going to use gedit again. | 19:52 |
squarebracket | genii, Flannel question at you | 19:52 |
soundray | ariqs: that's the package name. That would be good to know, too, but with the version numbers. | 19:52 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, thanks for tip | 19:52 |
alberto | _ale_, ok. I thought it could be a problem with the new release, because I heared good thing about JFS | 19:52 |
balzac | gedit was my simple text-editor and it was never supposed to crash. | 19:52 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, machine works find else-wise | 19:52 |
jimcooncat | lukifer_etyrnal: sorry not to be more help though | 19:52 |
cybic__ | how to configurate ubuntu to execute this on going to standby? :sudo pm-suspend --quirk-dpms-suspend | 19:52 |
balzac | I need a new simple text editor which never crashes. | 19:52 |
cybic__ | need help :( | 19:53 |
ariqs | soundray: got me, it was an update that put the forgotten ltmodem drivers back in it | 19:53 |
soundray | !repeat | cybic__ | 19:53 |
ubottu | cybic__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 19:53 |
theFATMAN | robg, for a gui resource monitor? i mean a progie that would sit on the desktop or tray to show me resource usage | 19:53 |
ariqs | it was just a big package of nonsense | 19:53 |
_ale_ | yes..but inm some situation something can fail | 19:53 |
ariqs | soundray: how does telling you the version number help? | 19:53 |
Eddymvp | i installed the nvidia-glx-new, nvidia-xconfig and nvidia-settings drivers and can't get it to work | 19:53 |
_ale_ | amule is all the time writing to disk | 19:53 |
wy | I found there problem. It seems that windows and linux have different ideas about the number of head my disk has | 19:53 |
soundray | ariqs: if you install a precompiled module, it has to fit your kernel | 19:53 |
Eddymvp | i have done this for 3 others laptop of the same model and same hardware and didn't have this issue before | 19:53 |
eniac | Flannel: thanks! I guess --purge just makes sure everything is removed ? The man-page isn't very clear on the details ... | 19:53 |
_ale_ | if you ask me..i would say is a amule fall | 19:53 |
res22 | wy, always remember, linux is always right ;) | 19:53 |
ariqs | soundray: it does | 19:53 |
robg_ | theFATMAN: not my field of erpertise. Ask somebnody else. | 19:53 |
soundray | ariqs: how do you know? | 19:53 |
ariqs | I had to change my kernel image in order to get the package to install | 19:53 |
eniac | res22: and you're clearly not always right | 19:53 |
squarebracket | tracker seems to be what's eating at my hard drive, but it will be useful to know what tasks are IO'ing.... | 19:53 |
alberto | _ale_, you think with EXT3 will be more secure for this kind of use? | 19:54 |
ariqs | it wouldn't let me do it until it matched | 19:54 |
ariqs | ! | 19:54 |
wy | res22: Linux says 255. Windows says 240... | 19:54 |
theFATMAN | robg, thanks anyway, i really appreciate ur help | 19:54 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, is the site just x.og ? | 19:54 |
res22 | enaic + wy, kidding | 19:54 |
jimcooncat | lukifer_etyrnal: just remember to backup before you "aptitude purge" | 19:54 |
_ale_ | ext3 works good for a desktop system | 19:54 |
wy | res22: I guess that's why PQmagic wants to fix the partition table | 19:54 |
theFATMAN | good gui resource monitor? anybody? | 19:54 |
_ale_ | alberto: | 19:54 |
_ale_ | is better if you do a separate partition | 19:54 |
robg_ | theFATMAN: overwriting a harddisk is never a problem if the harddisk is in good condition. | 19:54 |
alberto | and for this kind of use? In Windows this doesn't happens :( | 19:55 |
res22 | wy: windows takes account of the c: drive, linux takes account of the whole hd | 19:55 |
jimcooncat | lukifer_etyrnal: sorry, you misunderstood -- I'm talking about removing everything graphical if you can't just purge and reinstall gdm | 19:55 |
wy | How many heads do recent harddisks have? | 19:55 |
ariqs | and I see ltmodem.o files around now. I just don't have a clue what I need to do next. wvdialconf doesn't find the modem, like I said | 19:55 |
theFATMAN | robg, ok, that will solve it i hope, :.) | 19:55 |
jimcooncat | lukifer_etyrnal: it's still simpler than a full reinstall if you have server software configured already. | 19:55 |
soundray | ariqs: ltmodem.o is no use. You need a .ko. What does 'lsmod | grep ltmodem' give you? | 19:56 |
white_eagle | hello, when I try to compile ( ./configure ) do-plugins I get this error in the command line: "configure: error: No Boo compiler found". What should I install so the compiling should continue? | 19:56 |
theFATMAN | are there other ubuntu support channels? | 19:56 |
ariqs | soundray: I'll go see. | 19:56 |
alberto | _ele_, ok, many thanks for your help | 19:56 |
alberto | I have another issue: | 19:57 |
Eddymvp | _la_ | 19:57 |
alberto | I cannot configure with Pulse Audio and AC3 over SPDIF | 19:57 |
Eddymvp | any ideas what I can look at? | 19:57 |
ariqs | nothing, soundray | 19:58 |
wy | I got this warning from testdisk: Warning: Incorrect number of heads/cylinder 240 (NTFS) != 255 (HD) | 19:58 |
wy | I don't know how I can fix this | 19:58 |
oddar | anyone here dualbooting with backtrack? | 19:58 |
Gustav_ | please help, ubuntu freezes after "Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local) [OK]" | 19:58 |
greeg | hi | 19:59 |
soundray | ariqs: if it's installed correctly, you should be able to load the module with 'sudo modprobe ltmodem' (if that is really the name). Once you've done that, 'lsmod | grep ltmodem' should list it. | 19:59 |
greeg | how do i have firefox not play so choppy?libflash-mozplugin swfdec-mozilla mozilla-plugin-gnash don't work and is all thats listed under apt-cache search flash | grep moz | 19:59 |
kylehjin | I have an Atheros card with 8.04 and it's not working (no ath0 device) even though I have the linux-restricted-modules package installed for my kernel version. | 20:00 |
ariqs | ok, i'll go try to load it, thanks | 20:00 |
cgentry72 | how do I install KDE and keep the applications seperate from gnome | 20:00 |
alberto | I cannot configure Pulse Audio and AC3 over SPDIF. Anybody knows a workaround? | 20:00 |
soundray | ariqs: if that works, make the change permanent with 'echo ltmodem | sudo tee -a /etc/modules' | 20:00 |
dopievoli_ | greg: did you install flash properly? | 20:00 |
greeg | err how do i get firefox not play youtube so choppy | 20:00 |
greeg | whats the package i need ? | 20:00 |
Flannel | cgentry72: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/07/18/removing-kde-icons-in-gnome-remove-gnome-icons-in-kde/ | 20:00 |
cgentry72 | Flannel: thank u | 20:00 |
soundray | greeg: flashplugin-nonfree (and you need to remove gnash) | 20:01 |
crf | Gustav, what does the file /etc/rc.local say ? | 20:01 |
erUSUL | greeg: libflashsupport?? | 20:01 |
ariqs | soundray: it didn't work! it doesn't find the ltmodem | 20:01 |
ariqs | urrrghghg | 20:01 |
crf | greeg, you can go to macromedia and download the flash plugin beta. | 20:01 |
cgentry72 | Flannel: i assume i do all this after install kde correct | 20:01 |
soundray | ariqs: I'm out of suggestions at this point, sorry | 20:02 |
ariqs | soundray: this is the package I got http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-386 | 20:02 |
crf | And put that in the plugins directory of the .mozilla folder in your home directory. | 20:02 |
coil | im trying to install hardy heron from amd64 alt cd, and i did md5sum of the iso and the burned cd, two packages related to xorg are failing the hash checksum....how do i install those packages with the internet | 20:02 |
ariqs | I also got the linux-image dependency | 20:02 |
soundray | ariqs: and did you reboot to that kernel? | 20:02 |
jeejon83 | hi there | 20:02 |
ariqs | yes | 20:02 |
ariqs | and it told me the package was installed successfully | 20:03 |
greeg | flashplugin-nonfree is already installed | 20:03 |
* soundray shrugs. Sorry | 20:03 | |
greeg | yet youtube and newgrounds is still playing choppy | 20:03 |
ariqs | thanks for the help anyway, soundray | 20:03 |
soundray | greeg: have you removed gnash and restarted firefox? | 20:03 |
crf | greeg, you may try the beta plugin. | 20:03 |
crf | you don't need to remove gnash, you can just disable the plugin | 20:04 |
crf | in firefox. | 20:04 |
soundray | crf: why make it complicated | 20:04 |
white_eagle | hello, when I try to compile ( ./configure ) do-plugins I get this error in the command line: "configure: error: No Boo compiler found". What should I install so the compiling should continue? | 20:04 |
sriramoman | never use gnash. | 20:04 |
crf | it is more complicated. | 20:04 |
crf | to use a package manager to add and remove thing. | 20:04 |
coil | im trying to install hardy heron from amd64 alt cd, and i did md5sum of the iso and the burned cd, two packages related to xorg are failing the hash checksum....how do i install those packages with the internet | 20:04 |
sriramoman | since adobe-flash anyway has become opensource its safe to use flash-plugin | 20:04 |
_ale_ | white_eagle: a boo compiler | 20:05 |
zelhar | Thanks for your help I think I know what I should try to do now | 20:05 |
_ale_ | like the error says | 20:05 |
soundray | crf: 'sudo apt-get --purge remove gnash' -- very simple. It's not needed anyway if flashplugin-nonfree works (greeg) | 20:05 |
_ale_ | apt-cache search boo | 20:05 |
white_eagle | _ale_: ummm | 20:05 |
_ale_ | apt-cache search boo | grep compiler | 20:05 |
white_eagle | _ale_: there are too much result | 20:05 |
robg_ | coil: I have downloaded many .iso images and installed them successfully without doing any checksums. | 20:05 |
soundray | !info boo | white_eagle | 20:05 |
ubottu | white_eagle: boo (source: boo): python-like language and compiler for the CLI. In component universe, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 95 kB, installed size 832 kB | 20:05 |
white_eagle | _ale_: oh, thats more like it :) thanks | 20:05 |
coil | two .deb pakages are failing checksums | 20:06 |
_ale_ | no :D | 20:06 |
coil | so they wont install | 20:06 |
coil | from the cd | 20:06 |
white_eagle | _ale_: no what? :) | 20:06 |
ariqs | I downloaded http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-386 and the linux-image and installed them by double clicking on them fromt he flash drive. The packages were said to be installed successfully. However, ltmodem, the reason I got the package, doesn't show up anywhere, and sudo modprobe ltmodem (what soundray suggested) does nothing. What might be wrong, what might I need to try at this point? | 20:06 |
_ale_ | white_eagle: install build-essentials | 20:06 |
greeg | yes i removed gnash | 20:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | coil Is this a dell of hp by chance | 20:06 |
greeg | and restarted firefox | 20:06 |
_ale_ | white np sorry :D | 20:06 |
greeg | this linux shit sucks | 20:06 |
coil | no Jack_Sparrow | 20:06 |
_ale_ | a typo | 20:06 |
FloodBot3 | greeg: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 20:06 |
coil | it's custom computer | 20:06 |
robg_ | coil: if you have a damaged CD iso then download a new one. | 20:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | greeg Please stop that and be polite | 20:07 |
soundray | greeg: pull yourself together | 20:07 |
coil | robg_: I CHECKED THE MD5SUM | 20:07 |
greeg | it's not working | 20:07 |
soundray | greeg: some people need to use this channel professionally | 20:07 |
coil | md5sum is fine | 20:07 |
coil | and i did the md5sum of the burned cd as well | 20:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | coil md5 can be fine and still have a problem, particularly on dell and hp.. | 20:07 |
alberto | I cannot configure Pulse Audio to hear AC3 sound over SPDIF using an external home cinema :( Anybody can help me) | 20:07 |
Izinucs | any users of the most current version of VYM that's in the repo's out there.. If you're there, lets make a room #vym as this would be somewhat offtopic. I have an easy question about creating web links | 20:07 |
crf | greeg, try the plugin beta from macromedia .com then | 20:07 |
coil | it's just two packages on it failed | 20:07 |
white_eagle | so, now I get this error after installing boo and running ./configure again: config.status: error: cannot find input file: Makefile.in | 20:08 |
muzy | i've a problem, the grub boot loader didn't find the installed windows, what can i do? | 20:08 |
frojnd | Hey guys can I move file withing find command ? Like I would like to find .avi files in /home/me/videos/ with "*.avi" extension and move them at the same time to /home/1/ ? | 20:08 |
ThreeFinity | ok so I'm trying to rebuild my kernel atm and when I do 'make bzImage' I get... | 20:08 |
ThreeFinity | make[1]: *** No rule to make target `arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.c', needed by `arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.s'. Stop. | 20:08 |
ThreeFinity | make: *** [prepare0] Error 2 | 20:08 |
_ale_ | white_eagle: are you reading the README file? | 20:08 |
white_eagle | _ale_: no | 20:09 |
ariqs | I downloaded http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-386 and the linux-image and installed them by double clicking on them from the flash drive. The packages were said to be installed successfully. However, ltmodem, the reason I got the package, doesn't show up anywhere, and sudo modprobe ltmodem (what soundray suggested) does nothing. What might be wrong, what might I need to try at this point? | 20:09 |
white_eagle | !patience | ariqs | 20:09 |
ubottu | ariqs: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 20:09 |
_ale_ | white_eagle: do it :P | 20:09 |
_ale_ | maybe make workd? | 20:09 |
white_eagle | _ale_: just do it? :) | 20:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | !dialup | 20:09 |
ubottu | You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up | 20:09 |
greeg | you guys talking about http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash&promoid=BUIGP | 20:09 |
muzy | i've a problem, the grub boot loader didn't find the installed windows, what can i do? | 20:09 |
_ale_ | lol | 20:09 |
Mattitude | Hi - is anyone familiar with pure-ftpd at all? | 20:09 |
ariqs | !patience == ariqs | 20:09 |
ubottu | ariqs: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 20:09 |
robg_ | muzy: rescue the situation. This work is not without risk. | 20:09 |
crf | Greeg, jjust a sec, I'll check the url | 20:09 |
muzy | robg_ > waht can i do ? | 20:10 |
muzy | 'what | 20:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | muzy sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cp /etc/fstab ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && sudo fdisk -l >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /home/$USER/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel) | 20:10 |
robg_ | muzy: what is the problem ? | 20:10 |
white_eagle | _ale_: ummm... there isn't a README file in do-plugins folder (nor in any of its subfolders) :P | 20:10 |
muzy | i have installed windows parallel to ubuntu | 20:10 |
muzy | windows first | 20:10 |
muzy | now grub didn't find windows | 20:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | muzy Paste the command I just gave into a terminal without the () at the end and give us the link it gives you in return | 20:11 |
robg_ | muzy: did your Linux install overwrite Windows ? | 20:11 |
_ale_ | white_eagle: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/03/06/how-to-install-gnome-do-plugins/ | 20:11 |
muzy | no it disn't overwrite , because it is installed on antother hard disk drive | 20:11 |
_ale_ | white_eagle: did you try tahta? | 20:11 |
_ale_ | tried* | 20:12 |
muzy | 'isn't | 20:12 |
robg_ | muzy: that is ok. | 20:12 |
muzy | nothing is okay at the moment :S | 20:12 |
winmutt | anyone know why courier-imap might be slow? | 20:12 |
tim167 | when running ubuntu from a usb stick, how long will it take before the usb stick dies ? | 20:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | muzy The situation will not improve until you start listening to us and doing what we suggest | 20:13 |
ThreeFinity | make[1]: *** No rule to make target `arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.c', needed by `arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.s'. Stop. | 20:13 |
ThreeFinity | make: *** [prepare0] Error 2 | 20:13 |
ThreeFinity | anybody know how to fix that? | 20:13 |
robg_ | muzy: a linux install on drive 1 will not recognize a Windows install on drive 2. | 20:13 |
winmutt | i had my own compiled version and went to stock ubuntu and its is dog slow | 20:13 |
Mattitude | The problem I have you see, is that whilst as far as I am aware, I have configured pure-ftpd correctly, however I launch it and it seems to launch fine (showing the arguments etc.) - but it doesn't seem to be launched really as it doesn't then show up in a ps -A, and nor on a netstat -l either | 20:14 |
robinsk | anyone have any ideas on why i only get 16bpp color depth with the ati xserver-xorg-driver-ati? radeon x1900xt | 20:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | tim167 I wold not suggest that for long term use.. it will kill your stick eventually. It does work great for quick recoveries etc | 20:14 |
greeg | crf: forget it. it didnt work anyway | 20:14 |
ariqs | I posted it on the ubuntu forums. I'll see how it goes there | 20:15 |
Jav13r_ | any1 here use Alpine email client? i would need some help | 20:15 |
tim167 | Jack_Sparrow does it depend on how often you write to the stick ? | 20:15 |
suriro | ariqs: you probably got the wrong package. Get the one whose name ends as -generic | 20:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | tim167 yes, you have a finite number of write cycles | 20:16 |
crf | greeg, that isn't the one | 20:16 |
ariqs | surino: the package lists the driver I wanted in it | 20:16 |
muzy | i tried this: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cp /etc/fstab ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && sudo fdisk -l >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /home/$USER/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel) and nothing works | 20:16 |
blackcoatman | hails | 20:16 |
white_eagle | _ale_: thanks :) | 20:16 |
crf | greeg, there should be a beta 10.0 one. | 20:16 |
ariqs | surino: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-386 see, it shows ltmodem | 20:17 |
white_eagle | bye | 20:17 |
tim167 | Jack_Sparrow: is each small file a write cycle ? | 20:17 |
greeg | perhalps reinstalling firefox | 20:17 |
suriro | ariqs: it does not matter, the hw architecture has to match. | 20:18 |
crf | greeg, try here --> http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/ | 20:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | tim167 no, has nothing to do with that, just the number of times the data get written to the stick | 20:18 |
suriro | ariqs: you'd better make use of synaptic, it has it all... | 20:18 |
muzy | mhhm why grub doesn't find windows and why your commands didn't work ? | 20:19 |
ariqs | i can't | 20:19 |
robinsk | anyone know any fixes for this? http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Troubleshooting#Radeon_GPU_fan_is_very_loud_.2F_constantly_works | 20:19 |
ariqs | I need the stupid driver installed to use the internet connection on the machine | 20:19 |
suriro | ariqs: what's the output of uname -m | 20:19 |
el_ruso | hi | 20:19 |
crf | greeg, you can download the .tar.gz for linux, unarchive it, and put the .so plugin in the plugins dir of the .mozilla folder in your home dir | 20:20 |
GoldeNArX | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=255018 <--- contained my fix | 20:20 |
GoldeNArX | thx guys | 20:20 |
shazzam | hey im new to ubuntu... but i want to give it a try | 20:20 |
blackcoatman | ..... does anybody who uses Hardy finds his Gnome desktop freezing at unsuspected times?? | 20:20 |
shazzam | im good at computers... at least windows.. | 20:20 |
el_ruso | is there an ubuntu's simmilar aplication like frontpage? thanxs | 20:21 |
ariqs | surino: it's a pentium3, I dunno how that's said as uname -m, but i'd have to go fo ra walk to do it on that machine | 20:21 |
blackcoatman | el_ruso: nvu! | 20:21 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, so just sudo apt-get purge gdm ? like so? | 20:21 |
crf | greeg, then reopen firefox, go to tools-->addons-->plugins, and disable any flash plugin except the latest one you just installed. | 20:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | blackcoatman HAve you tried turning off desktop effects | 20:21 |
soundray | !lnw | shazzam | 20:21 |
ubottu | shazzam: Want to know the differences between Windows and Linux? This guide, called "Linux is Not Windows" is a pretty good read -- http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm | 20:21 |
lukifer_etyrnal | or do i have to hit ALL underlying "x stuff" | 20:21 |
Mattitude | nevermind, I found it out | 20:21 |
blackcoatman | Jack_SParrow yes I have... | 20:21 |
shazzam | nono.... i want to put ubuntu on my 500 gb har drive | 20:21 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, or do i have to hit ALL underlying "x stuff" | 20:21 |
blackcoatman | i uninstalled compiz and metacity completely | 20:22 |
Mattitude | I had to use the command "pure-ftpd &" instead of "/etc/init.d/pure-ftpd" | 20:22 |
blackcoatman | um not metacity lol | 20:22 |
el_ruso | blackcoatman, in the repos? | 20:22 |
shazzam | im not sure how | 20:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | crf He isnt trying to use shockwave is he.. or did I read something wrong earlier | 20:22 |
soundray | shazzam: do you have Windows on that drive already? | 20:22 |
blackcoatman | yes I completely removed it | 20:22 |
robg_ | shazzam, what is the problem ? | 20:22 |
jimcooncat | lukifer_etyrnal: that's only the theory, I can't suggest that without more research into what your initial problem wsa | 20:22 |
jimcooncat | was | 20:22 |
shazzam | no i just bought the hard drive but i want to put ubuntu on it... and probably windows | 20:23 |
cheeby | hi. I can I check the system architecture from the commandline? | 20:23 |
shazzam | but i dont need windows on it right now.. | 20:23 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, i understand that - i appreciate your suggestions - i take them at my own risk - i'm a grown-up now =) | 20:23 |
Mattitude | hmmm, ok pure-ftpd is running, but it's not binding to the port | 20:23 |
soundray | shazzam: is there another drive in your system? | 20:23 |
shazzam | is there a tutorial on partitioning a hard drive for this? | 20:23 |
jimcooncat | lukifer_etyrnal: what had actually happened? | 20:23 |
shazzam | wat u mean? | 20:23 |
shazzam | its an external hard drive | 20:23 |
ru_ | cheeby, uname -a | 20:24 |
el_ruso | blackcoatman, nva----> in the repos? | 20:24 |
soundray | shazzam: so you already have a hard drive in your computer? | 20:24 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, i cut synaptic loose and told it to update everything =) | 20:24 |
shazzam | the c: drive | 20:24 |
shazzam | yeah | 20:24 |
cheeby | ru_, ah, of course. | 20:24 |
shazzam | with windows xp | 20:24 |
blackcoatman | when gnome crashes, i can ctrl-alt-backspace and relogin, but then it won't load again, unless I reboot completely... The same happens to both my Linux Mint and Ubuntu Studio installation | 20:24 |
jimcooncat | lukifer_etyrnal: ok, are you not running a default installation? | 20:24 |
robg_ | shazzam: use gparted to examine your harddisk. | 20:24 |
shazzam | is that a program? | 20:24 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, it fell on it's face - machine boots alright - everything else is ok - just gdm is hosed | 20:24 |
alan_m | shazzam, yes | 20:25 |
soundray | robg_: I've got it under control, thanks ( shazzam) | 20:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | blackcoatman can you find anything in dmesg .. is it an overheating issue, have you installed much from outside our repos etc | 20:25 |
alan_m | shazzam, it can be found in synaptic, its in the repositories. | 20:25 |
jimcooncat | lukifer_etyrnal: what are you using the machine for? are you using startx to get a gui? | 20:25 |
ariqs | I downloaded http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-386 and the linux-image and installed them by double clicking on them from the flash drive. The packages were said to be installed successfully. However, ltmodem, the reason I got the package, doesn't show up anywhere, and sudo modprobe ltmodem (what soundray suggested) does nothing. What might be wrong, what might I need to try at this point? | 20:25 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, it originally was installed fresh from a LiveCD 6.06 - i do not remember if we used Desktop ot Server - starting to suspect Server though, since neither 7.10 or 8.04 LiveCD will not boot up to the installer | 20:25 |
=== jorge_ is now known as Jorge_Kolesne | ||
shazzam | i found it thru google | 20:26 |
soundray | shazzam: if these are your first steps with Ubuntu, I recommend that you don't try to install it on an external hard disk drive. | 20:26 |
shazzam | y not? | 20:26 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, well i like to be able to vnc to the desktop - i use this for a 3d graphics render slave | 20:26 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, running Blender 2.46 | 20:26 |
soundray | shazzam: it's much easier to install Ubuntu on the internal drive, turning your system into a dual-boot one. | 20:26 |
shazzam | i want to have fun.. ive never even partitioned a hard drive before... | 20:26 |
shazzam | but then i cant take it around with me | 20:26 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, ordinarily, the machine used to just boot up into gdm lohin windo | 20:27 |
alan_m | shazzam, you do realize that partitioning could possibly destroy data on a hard drive right? | 20:27 |
blackcoatman | jack It happens as soon I've freshly installed the distro... the only things i managed to install before it started crashing were esound (after I removed pulse-esound-comp), latest nvidia drivers... this only happens in Hardy | 20:27 |
shazzam | no... | 20:27 |
jimcooncat | lukifer_etyrnal: oh, so a reinstall wouldn't be too bad as long as you could save your media files? | 20:27 |
soundray | alan_m: thanks, I've got it under control | 20:27 |
shazzam | then y wud anyone partition any hard drive | 20:27 |
soundray | shazzam: this is a new drive, right? | 20:27 |
blackcoatman | basically it begins with a window... then it spreads all over gnome :P | 20:27 |
Mattitude | ah, turns out that the reason for using init.d is so pure-ftpd uses the wrapper thing....so I'm back to the first problem again then | 20:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | blackcoatman You might ask in #compiz ... sorry I cant be more help | 20:27 |
shazzam | yup but ni loaded it wit 30 GB of vids and stuf | 20:28 |
alan_m | soundray, ok, just putting my mind in on the conversation, you want it its all yours, ill help someone else ;) | 20:28 |
blackcoatman | window -> could be any window, nautilus, synaptic, the terminal | 20:28 |
blackcoatman | ok thanks anyway :) | 20:28 |
Acorn | if i'm going to format my HD and install ubuntu, will it be possible to make another partition for an xp installation at a later point? | 20:28 |
cgentry72 | ok how do i remove kde4 | 20:28 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, the files eren't even on that machine - they are on an nfs mount on my little network | 20:28 |
soundray | alan_m: you haven't followed it from the beginning, and you're not fully informed of what shazzam wants to do. | 20:28 |
alan_m | soundray, i am quite aware of this, thanks for reminding me though. | 20:29 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, just ubuntu and blender are on there ultimately - anything else is just for fun/education | 20:29 |
shazzam | shazzam want to read a tutorial on partitioning a hard drive and the pros and cons about it | 20:29 |
CShadowRun | Anyone know how to install gedit plugins? | 20:29 |
jimcooncat | lukifer_etyrnal: well heck, why not just start over? you'd get a better deal with hardy's server kernel | 20:29 |
soundray | alan_m: if you insist on your part in this, I'll happily back out. | 20:29 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, it's a trusty rusy DP machine that 'just works' | 20:29 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, i tried, but 8.04 Desktop doesn't seem to cope with the 6 drive raid in there | 20:30 |
jimcooncat | lukifer_etyrnal: except for the gdm, that is. Yeah, I'd try "sudo aptitude purge gdm" or whatever first | 20:30 |
stu | hey guys, anyone in here using a new aluminium iMac ? | 20:30 |
greeg | crf: thanx pal. that did the trick. sad though how it had to depend on a beta version | 20:30 |
robg_ | shazzam: you must install Linux on the primary harddisk of your system and it is wise to use gparted to view the process. | 20:30 |
alan_m | soundray no, your right i dont know the whole story, you do..so please help out, i will happily step down buddy :) | 20:30 |
=== paraita is now known as paraita|afK | ||
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, LiveCD that is - i haven't tried Server yet - i'm pretty sure that 6.06 Desktop was what we used | 20:30 |
shazzam | so windows shud be taken off? | 20:31 |
soundray | shazzam: no | 20:31 |
jimcooncat | stu, we're all using 386sx's with rust on them | 20:31 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, but now i'm not so sure we used Desktop to install - since neither 7.10 or 8. | 20:31 |
soundray | shazzam: I understand you want to learn stuff, including about partitioning. So my suggestion would be to go about it like this: | 20:31 |
stu | I need remote control help... (help with the remote control... not help.. remotely) | 20:31 |
topgun17 | How would i go about installing webmin on a Ubuntu Daper server? | 20:31 |
robg_ | shazzam: if you want to dual-boot with Windows then you must reduce the partition size of Windows to make space for Linux | 20:31 |
stu | topgun17: there's a package for it | 20:31 |
stu | topgun17: from www.webmin.com | 20:32 |
Y_ | I need help viewing a website that is meant to be seen in IE v.4+. I'm in FireFox, obviously. I know the website will show in FireFox, but I can't get past the "You need IE" warning page. | 20:32 |
jimcooncat | lukifer_etyrnal: well you probably did install dapper server at the time | 20:32 |
yacc | Stupid question, but I'd like a list of all packages in Hardy that provide x-window-manager? Any hints? | 20:32 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, 04 seems to be able to get the raid going - i remember when we first installed, we popped in the LiveCD, and it ran us all the way thorough from boot, to install, to starting up of HD -- FLAWLESSLY - i was blown away | 20:32 |
shazzam | so i shud put linux on the internal drive rather than the external? | 20:32 |
ariqs | I downloaded http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-386 and the linux-image and installed them by double clicking on them from the flash drive. The packages were said to be installed successfully. However, ltmodem, the reason I got the package, doesn't show up anywhere, and sudo modprobe ltmodem (what soundray suggested) does nothing. What might be wrong, what might I need to try at this point? | 20:32 |
shazzam | y is that safer? | 20:32 |
soundray | shazzam: install Ubuntu on your internal drive first, so you know the basics of that. Allow the installer to do the partitioning for you, which will give you an initial idea of what it's about. | 20:32 |
cgentry72 | what does it mean unable to resolve host? | 20:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | shazzam easier.. yet | 20:32 |
marx2k | yaxx: aptitude search <search term> | 20:32 |
topgun17 | I can't get the webmin packag via apt/ | 20:33 |
marx2k | cgentry72: DNS server not working | 20:33 |
soundray | shazzam: even if you install Ubuntu to your external HD, it won't necessarily boot elsewhere. | 20:33 |
stu | topgun17: download it from webmin website and then dpkg --install packagename | 20:33 |
CShadowRun | Can someone please tell me how to install a gedit plugin? | 20:33 |
Starnestommy | cgentry72: what's putting out that error? | 20:33 |
robg_ | shazzam: you must first check of Windows is not taking all the space on the harddrive. | 20:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | !webmin | 20:33 |
ubottu | webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead. | 20:33 |
jimcooncat | lukifer_etyrnal: yeah, I know ubuntu's wow factor after using gentoo for a couple years | 20:33 |
shazzam | if ur telling me to get a feel of it then i shud just get the live cd thingy rite? | 20:33 |
chn_boy | hello | 20:33 |
soundray | shazzam: if you want a carry-around-Ubuntu, it's best to use the live CD for that. | 20:33 |
cgentry72 | Starnestommy: anytime i do a sudo | 20:33 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, we use gentoo at the ISP i work at | 20:34 |
stu | has anyone got their iMac remote control working in hardy ?? | 20:34 |
chn_boy | I want to install web server for PHP. | 20:34 |
chn_boy | what is the best one?? | 20:34 |
soundray | shazzam: you can use the live CD for an initial impression without installing, and you can use it to install. | 20:34 |
stu | chn_boy: er apache obviously | 20:34 |
shazzam | wat is the point of the live cd? | 20:34 |
jimcooncat | lukifer_etyrnal: I gave up on them when their focus went from stability to performance. | 20:34 |
shazzam | its only temporary? | 20:34 |
chn_boy | where can i get the apache?? | 20:34 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, i liked gentoo for learning purposes - i like ubunto for it's "just let me use it - i don;t have time to be under the hood right now" | 20:34 |
Mattitude | well, it appears everyone's too busy, so I'll probably try again later - thanks anyway | 20:34 |
cgentry72 | Starnestommy: plus anytime it trys to load admin screen it fails. it takes like 3 times for it to finally load | 20:34 |
_ale_ | chn_boy: apt-get install apache2 | 20:35 |
chn_boy | can i get it from package manager?? | 20:35 |
chn_boy | ok | 20:35 |
robg_ | shazzam: sure just download an .iso image and start it up from your CD-ROM drive and check it out. If you decide to install then you must first make space for Linux by reducing the Windows partition size. | 20:35 |
Starnestommy | cgentry72: go into recovery mode, then type this: echo " `hostname`" >> /etc/hosts | 20:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | shazzam a test drive for functionalilty without needing to install, but has the option to install | 20:35 |
cgentry72 | Starnestommy: ok thanks | 20:35 |
dopievoli_ | shazzam: it will be all in ram | 20:35 |
Toznoshio | Q: How can I convert .wma files into mp3 in Ubuntu Hardy Heron? | 20:35 |
soundray | shazzam: it lets you try out Ubuntu without making any changes to your system. | 20:35 |
chn_boy | does apache 2 also include mysql?? | 20:35 |
CShadowRun | Hello? can anyone tell me how to install gedit plugins? | 20:35 |
shazzam | so nothing i do can be saved because its a test run basicaly? | 20:35 |
stu | chn_boy: yes via modules | 20:35 |
cgentry72 | Starnestommy: i assume 'hostname' is my hostname? | 20:35 |
Starnestommy | chn_boy: no, but you can install the mysql package separately | 20:35 |
ThreeFinity | Anybody know if having alsa kernel enabled and having normal alsa installed will cause a conflict? | 20:36 |
_ale_ | chn_boy: you have to install mysql-server | 20:36 |
Starnestommy | cgentry72: it is | 20:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | shazzam there are ways to save changes to a usb drive in what is called persistent mode | 20:36 |
soundray | shazzam: yes. Until such time as you decide to install it. | 20:36 |
stu | and the mysql apache module | 20:36 |
=== clifford is now known as yrjokin | ||
_ale_ | and a couple of libraries for php apache mysql | 20:36 |
CShadowRun | Hello...? Anyone going to answer me...i'm sure theres a bunch fo you in here that knows... | 20:36 |
stu | whats the newest kernel number ? | 20:36 |
shazzam | ok cool.. well i guess for now ill get the live cd... where do i get it? | 20:36 |
stu | and is there a package for it ? | 20:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | !webmin | topgun17 | 20:36 |
ubottu | topgun17: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead. | 20:36 |
ariqs | I downloaded http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-386 and the linux-image and installed them by double clicking on them from the flash drive. The packages were said to be installed successfully. However, ltmodem, the reason I got the package, doesn't show up anywhere, and sudo modprobe ltmodem (what soundray suggested) does nothing. What might be wrong, what might I need to try at this point? La | 20:36 |
ariqs | st call before I give up for a while | 20:36 |
stu | !ebox | 20:36 |
ubottu | ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox | 20:36 |
MrObvious | Toznoshio: http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Applications_GUI_Multimedia/Convert_WMA_to_MP3 | 20:36 |
shazzam | how long will it take to learn to use? | 20:37 |
soundray | !download | shazzam | 20:37 |
ubottu | shazzam: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Hardy, and help keeping the servers' load low! | 20:37 |
jimcooncat | lukifer_etyrnal: I'm here for another hour and would like to know if reinstalling gdm worked. Are you going to give it a shot? | 20:37 |
unstable | Anyone have a guide, for building the 2.6.25 kernel on dapper drake? | 20:37 |
soundray | shazzam: depends on your intelligence ;) | 20:37 |
robg_ | shazzam: you can download .iso images from //releases.ubuntu.com | 20:37 |
ThreeFinity | CShadowRun: First of all, getting pushy isn't gonna get you help any faster..most likely will justget you shunned lol. Secodly click system > administration > Synaptic Package Manager, then search for gedit | 20:37 |
shazzam | i c... wait about that persistent mode thingy.... wats that? | 20:37 |
stu | seems being pushy does get things done | 20:38 |
CShadowRun | ThreeFinity actually, i come in here quite often, getting pushy is generally what gets the job done (See, it worked this time too.) | 20:38 |
genii | robg_: direct iso download is discouraged, servers get hammered. Torrent is recommended | 20:38 |
stu | someone help me with my godamn remote control now | 20:38 |
Toznoshio | MrObvious: thanks, I'll look into that | 20:38 |
CShadowRun | ThreeFinity i'm trying to install an unofficial plugin, it's not in the repos. | 20:38 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, i'm ssh'd home - so i'll hopefully know mostly by lack of errors when i reinstall =) | 20:38 |
ThreeFinity | then extract and compile it ? | 20:38 |
MrObvious | Toznoshio: You're welcome. I just did a Google for linux wma to mp3 | 20:38 |
chn_boy | after i install apache2, what should I configure first??? | 20:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | shazzam it lets you run livecd without touching your hard drive, but lets you save your changes and addl installed programs to a usb stick | 20:38 |
Starnestommy | chn_boy: apache | 20:38 |
CShadowRun | ThreeFinity it doesn't appear to have a configure or a make. | 20:38 |
stu | !lamp | 20:38 |
MedO42 | My X server just crashed for no apparent reason. Backtrace in the Xorg.0.log.old seems to indicate the problem was with the binary nvidia driver. Does that mean that I shouldn't file a bug since the driver is not maintained by the community anyway? | 20:38 |
ubottu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 20:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | stu Watch the language | 20:38 |
stu | chn_boy: read that ^^^ | 20:39 |
ThreeFinity | no documentation about it ? | 20:39 |
minterior | I'm having problems with recent ubuntu-server upgrade (from 6.06 to 8.04). My system hangs on reboot after init-bottom init script. Anyone knows how to fix it? | 20:39 |
chn_boy | ok | 20:39 |
CShadowRun | ThreeFinity nope | 20:39 |
minterior | I've read that this is a bug, but I don't know how to fix it | 20:39 |
stu | guys whats the new kernel version number ? | 20:39 |
genii | minterior: Try hitting Enter key | 20:39 |
Kamaze | how can i debootstrap a fresh Hardy out of debian etch? | 20:39 |
kindofabuzz | yeah i'm back! | 20:39 |
ariqs | boogers | 20:39 |
CShadowRun | ThreeFinity http://live.gnome.org/Gedit/Plugins i'm trying to install Regex Search & Replace | 20:40 |
minterior | genii now I am in busybox shell | 20:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | ariqs Please dont do that | 20:40 |
shazzam | wat the difference btween downloading it here http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download or there by //reference... | 20:40 |
Starnestommy | stu: 2.6.24-16 | 20:40 |
shezif | Hi everybody | 20:40 |
stu | thnx | 20:40 |
MrObvious | Hey shezif | 20:40 |
shazzam | and which release do i get | 20:40 |
kindofabuzz | i have -17 | 20:40 |
shazzam | ? | 20:40 |
shezif | I have some question | 20:40 |
shazzam | there are so many! | 20:40 |
stu | Starnestommy: is there a package somewhere for it ? | 20:40 |
MrObvious | !ask | shezif | 20:40 |
ubottu | shezif: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 20:40 |
sykopomp | what's the config file that contains the list of daemons that will run by default? | 20:40 |
shezif | How I can to add software to ubuntu's sources ? | 20:40 |
Starnestommy | stu: linux-image-2.6.24-16-generic | 20:40 |
groove | -- | 20:41 |
ariqs | you can't ask to ask a question, but can you ask to ask to ask a question? | 20:41 |
CShadowRun | ThreeFinity, so...do you know how to install it? | 20:41 |
stu | Starnestommy: thnx | 20:41 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, during the install process i see a lot of "perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C")." | 20:41 |
stu | damn already running that | 20:41 |
ThreeFinity | CShadowRun: reading atm | 20:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | shezif What exactly are ou trying to do | 20:41 |
CShadowRun | ThreeFinity kk :) | 20:41 |
Starnestommy | shezif: it's a set of directories in /etc including /etc/rcS.d, /etc/rc2.d, and /etc/init.d/ | 20:41 |
blackcoatman | byez | 20:41 |
Starnestommy | er... | 20:41 |
Ximal | does anyone here know a good version or prgram to use to convert vob files to divx files ? | 20:41 |
MrObvious | ariqs: There are 1400 people in here and the channel is so busy that any attempts we can make to reduce the signal to noise ratio to something useful is helpful. lol | 20:41 |
robg_ | shazzam: I personally like ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso installed in LVM Encrypted mode. | 20:41 |
Starnestommy | sykopomp: it's a set of directories in /etc including /etc/rcS.d, /etc/rc2.d, and /etc/init.d/ | 20:41 |
reenignEesreveR | am i the only being who gets a "apache2: could not reliably determine server's fully qualified domain name ..." error message on ubuntu box when starting apache? | 20:42 |
soundray | shazzam: it doesn't make a difference, as long as you get 8.04 codenamed Hardy Heron | 20:42 |
sykopomp | Starnestommy: why so many? -.- | 20:42 |
* sykopomp mutters more debian-hate | 20:42 | |
MrObvious | shezif: What kind of software are you wanting to add to Ubuntu? | 20:42 |
genii | Kamaze: The instructions here are very good, just ignore the crypto parts unless you want them and substitute Hardy for Feisty in the commands given. Also may want to manually do partitioning instead of the auto scheme he uses there. http://www.cs278.org/blog/ubuntu-configuration/feisty-debootstrap-encrypted-install/ | 20:42 |
ajopaul | hi, upgraded to hardy when i connect to my nokia 6630 in nautilus , nothing shows up | 20:42 |
soundray | shazzam: and don't take robg_ too seriously, he's talking about seriously advanced stuff | 20:42 |
Starnestommy | sykopomp: blame the design of upstart and the SysV init system | 20:42 |
dopievoli_ | how to I tor in ubuntu | 20:42 |
sykopomp | Starnestommy: I do, actually. | 20:42 |
Starnestommy | dopievoli_: sudo apt-get install tor | 20:42 |
jimcooncat | lukifer_etyrnal: I don't pretend to understand perl (nor it me) | 20:42 |
lukifer_etyrnal | =) | 20:42 |
stu | Starnestommy: there's a 2.6.25 | 20:42 |
sykopomp | Starnestommy: Now, how do you add/remove default demons? | 20:42 |
Kamaze | thanks genii, i'll take a look :) | 20:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | !tor | 20:43 |
ubottu | TOR is a project aiming to provide anonymous connections via specialized !proxies - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TOR for information and help - Note that TOR is blocked on most Ubuntu IRC channels, please see !hostmask and !tor-gpg | 20:43 |
robg_ | Shazzam: disk encryption will protect you against viruses and hack attacks. | 20:43 |
Andycas | Is there a deb package for flash player 10? | 20:43 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, i'll probably try the same with perl | 20:43 |
shazzam | @soundray i c... so i shud get that one? what version comes from the ubuntu .com? there is a live cd link there also | 20:43 |
shezif | MrObvious, This software that can show video from many web sites | 20:43 |
maxxism | anyone have an idea, why a samsung940bf monitor wont go into 1280x1024 in hardy? I can get 1280x800, but it wont do anything else? I used to have it hooked to a 1080p tv, so I think it is trying to still do widescreen. I am very comfortable in xorg.conf | 20:43 |
kindofabuzz | Andycas: it's just an .so, the download comes with a script | 20:43 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, not to worried about perl - Blender uses Python | 20:43 |
MrObvious | shezif: What is it called? | 20:43 |
shezif | MrObvious, Mazrim | 20:43 |
Andycas | kindofabuzz: could you give me the link please? | 20:43 |
jimcooncat | lukifer_etyrnal: I don't think you need to touch perl, it's just a locale problem | 20:43 |
kindofabuzz | Andycas: google adobe flash | 20:43 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, ok | 20:44 |
shazzam | so i download the desktop cd? | 20:44 |
Starnestommy | sykopomp: use the update-rc.d program. When making a new script for a daemon, copy /etc/init.d/skeleton to /etc/init.d/<new-daemon-name> then use update-rc.d to add it to the startup list | 20:44 |
soundray | shazzam: the Desktop CD is the live CD that also contains an installer | 20:44 |
MrObvious | shezif: Hmm. I've never heard of it. What kind of files are you trying to play? | 20:44 |
ThreeFinity | CShadowRun: http://elias.hiex.at/gedit-plugins/ try that | 20:44 |
shazzam | thanks | 20:44 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, here's the final lines of the install of gdm (after purge finished and i installed): " * Reloading GNOME Display Manager configuration... * Changes will take effect when all current X sessions have ended. | 20:44 |
lukifer_etyrnal | invoke-rc.d: initscript gdm, action "reload" failed. | 20:44 |
lukifer_etyrnal | " | 20:44 |
jimcooncat | lukifer_etyrnal: you're not going to know until you get there if it worked though? | 20:44 |
MrObvious | !pastebin | lukifer_etyrnal | 20:44 |
ubottu | lukifer_etyrnal: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 20:44 |
chn_boy | In which folder my apache is installed???? | 20:44 |
sykopomp | Starnestommy: and to remove it? remove it from init.d/, then update-rc.d? | 20:44 |
CShadowRun | ThreeFinity that folder doesn't exist. | 20:44 |
xStandarshy | hey room | 20:44 |
lukifer_etyrnal | MrObvious, sorry | 20:44 |
shazzam | how do i get it as a torrent? | 20:44 |
erUSUL | !torrent | 20:44 |
ubottu | Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P | 20:44 |
sykopomp | but what if I want to keep the daemon in init.d so I can manually start it when I feel like it? | 20:45 |
ThreeFinity | CShadowRun: extract your regex plugin and copy the contents from the folder into /ome/username/.gnome2/gedit/plugins | 20:45 |
shezif | MrObvious, Mazrim can show media items from web sites that not suppot linux.. | 20:45 |
administrator | hi | 20:45 |
ThreeFinity | CShadowRun: create it ? | 20:45 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, http://paste.ubuntu.com/14167/ | 20:45 |
No1CaNTeL | hey guys, seems I am having a rocky few days with ubuntu, sorry to keep bugging ya. I'm currently stuck trying to move a partition to the right, I keep getting an error input/output error during read on /dev/sda | 20:45 |
xStandarshy | Could someone tellm eif there is any easy way to switch from the xfce system to gnome or kde? I am running xubuntu | 20:45 |
dopievoli_ | so many people..... | 20:45 |
administrator | hi | 20:45 |
No1CaNTeL | tia :D | 20:45 |
Starnestommy | sykopomp: no, sudo update-rc.d -f daemon-name remove, then optionally remove the /etc/init.d/ file, although the one with update-rc.d will just disable it | 20:45 |
robg_ | Shazzam: do you currently have a linux system to use for download ? | 20:45 |
CShadowRun | ThreeFinity now that folder definatly doesn't exist... /ome/ wtf? | 20:45 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, i guess i won;t know until i get there | 20:45 |
danbhfive | shazzam: if you are new to this, don't worry about getting the torrent too much. It just helps the ubuntu.com servers and mirrors, but for now, go for the easiest | 20:45 |
ThreeFinity | home* lol | 20:45 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, sorry | 20:45 |
=== administrator is now known as Lutherese | ||
Jack_Sparrow | CShadowRun Please do not use wtf in here, we try to keep it family friendly | 20:46 |
minterior | I'm having problems with recent ubuntu-server upgrade (from 6.06 to 8.04). My system hangs on reboot after init-bottom init script. Anyone knows how to fix it? | 20:46 |
CShadowRun | ThreeFinity gedit folder doesn't exist | 20:46 |
ThreeFinity | I know | 20:46 |
No1CaNTeL | I'm pretty sure that my problem is bad sector(s) but I am unsure of how to deal with them in Ubuntu | 20:46 |
shazzam | alrite... cause i was about to go to mininova.org... and get it there... | 20:46 |
CShadowRun | ThreeFinity i tried creating it and sticking the files in there, it didn't work. | 20:46 |
stu | !2.6.25 | 20:46 |
ubottu | Factoid 2.6.25 not found | 20:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | !fsck | 20:46 |
ubottu | fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot | 20:46 |
stu | !kernel | 20:46 |
ubottu | The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages | 20:46 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, i think i'm going to bounce the machine and see if i get it back - it take AGES to reboot though... there are SO many scsi controllers in it... i need to disable the ones i do not use =) | 20:46 |
Xsploit | how do i check how muce disk space i have left? | 20:46 |
ThreeFinity | CShadowRun: Go to Places > Search for Files.. and look for gedit or gedit-2 | 20:47 |
lukifer_etyrnal | Xsploit, df | 20:47 |
Xsploit | and is there an easy way to increase my partition size if i used wubi ? | 20:47 |
Xsploit | df -h ? | 20:47 |
robg_ | Shazzam: I got my first Ubuntu from a magazine in a bookstore and used that to upgrade to my current system | 20:47 |
ThreeFinity | CShadowRun: then check whatever directories it finds for a plugins directory | 20:47 |
jimcooncat | lukifer_etyrnal: that's true. If you get there and see a console display, try running gdm from it | 20:47 |
Xsploit | yup im gonna have to remember that :) | 20:47 |
soundray | shazzam: I'm logging off now. Good luck | 20:47 |
Oggu | How can i make my mic work with my C-Media CMI9880? | 20:48 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, i guess i could check for it in top ? | 20:48 |
shezif | MrObvious, It's can to play any media file that there in the web site... | 20:48 |
oddar | is gParted on the ubuntu liveCD? | 20:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | oddar yes | 20:48 |
robg_ | oddar: Gparted is NOT on the ubuntu distributions | 20:48 |
No1CaNTeL | ty, looking it over now | 20:48 |
CShadowRun | ThreeFinity there are 2 folders that have plugins dirs, one is /usr/lib/gedit-2 the other is /usr/share/gedit-2 which one? | 20:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | robg_ since when | 20:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | !gparted | 20:49 |
ubottu | GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/ | 20:49 |
danbhfive | robg_: I think its on the live cd | 20:49 |
Myrtti | robg_: it is part of the distribution, but not on the livecd | 20:49 |
yukonho | Hi - how do I set up a ~/.login file? | 20:49 |
talntid | gparted livecd = awesome | 20:49 |
Myrtti | robg_: difference exists | 20:49 |
jimcooncat | lukifer_etyrnal: you should be able to restart x and gdm without a full reboot | 20:49 |
lukifer_etyrnal | too late =) | 20:49 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, too late | 20:49 |
gwern | I has an installation problem which is making me sad. does anyone know what sort of error '(initramfs) [74.531898] ata7.00: revalidation failed (errno=-2)' indicates? | 20:49 |
shezif | MrObvious, Lets talk private | 20:50 |
shazzam | thanks u guys! | 20:50 |
oddar | can I use partitioning tools from ubuntu live CD to repartition a drive? | 20:50 |
lukifer_etyrnal | jimcooncat, but thanks for the info - i know my way around linux - just not a guru =) | 20:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | oddar yes | 20:50 |
robg_ | Gparted: you need a liveCD besides and Install CD. | 20:50 |
jimcooncat | lukifer_etyrnal: lol. I'm going downstairs a while, so , later | 20:50 |
shazzam | ill be here when i get the live cd up and running... though i cant use mirc on ubuntu im guessing.... | 20:50 |
No1CaNTeL | Jack_Sparrow: | 20:50 |
genii | gwern: Is this booting the livecd or the hard drive? | 20:50 |
shazzam | is there an irc client on ubuntu | 20:50 |
shazzam | ? | 20:50 |
gwern | genii: livecd | 20:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | oddar the gparted livecd is awesome | 20:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | No1CaNTeL YEs, may I help you | 20:51 |
DJones | shazzam: Use xchat for irc on ubuntu | 20:51 |
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=== lutherese is now known as Lutherese | ||
robg_ | oddar: you can install Ubuntu withou a Gparted LiveCD, but it is better to have one. | 20:51 |
No1CaNTeL | Jack_Sparrow: would you mind giving me some suggestions on usage with fsck? I am still quite new to ubuntu and I really dont want to play around with my filesystems without really knowing what I am doing :P | 20:51 |
genii | gwern: It is basically saying that the ramdisk it is trying to load the casper image from (the livecd kernel) is bad | 20:51 |
shazzam | is it good? like does it have all the functions of mirc or no? | 20:51 |
No1CaNTeL | flag wise that is^ | 20:51 |
gwern | genii: it's a .04 livecd, which I had mailed to me. would they be broken? | 20:51 |
Starnestommy | shazzam: it has most of them. If you want to run mIRC, you could run it with wine | 20:51 |
gwern | it doesn't *look* scratched or anything | 20:51 |
shazzam | ive heard of that.. it lest u ruin windows apps rite? | 20:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | No1CaNTeL I am about to call it a day, I would rather not drop you in the middle of a problem | 20:52 |
Starnestommy | shazzam: yes | 20:52 |
oddar | robg_ my ubuntu is already installed, I want to repartition so that i can install a second distro | 20:52 |
shazzam | im getting ahead of myslef.... let me install it first | 20:52 |
DJones | shazzam: its pretty good, fairly similar to mirc, its also available for windows as well | 20:52 |
No1CaNTeL | all good :D | 20:52 |
genii | gwern: Although it may be that the initramfs image in this case does not contain the proper driver to understand your hard drive controller and so fails | 20:52 |
gwern | genii: if the image is bad, what sort of output could I expect from the test-cd option? iirc, it gives the same console output as trying to install or run ubuntu | 20:52 |
shazzam | thaks a lot u guys are good.. | 20:52 |
=== hardy-usr is now known as zonem | ||
robg_ | oddar: same as Windows dual-boot. Reduce the size of Linux1 to make place for Linux2. | 20:52 |
cgentry72 | how can i get rid of tooltips in gnome | 20:53 |
shazzam | stupid question: is ubuntu faster than windows or it varies depending on comp | 20:53 |
genii | gwern: Is this a sata drive you are trying to install to? | 20:53 |
_ale_ | bye people! | 20:53 |
zonem | is there a way to launch gnome-system-tools from the command line? and with sudo? | 20:53 |
gwern | genii: yes, and an ide dvd drive | 20:53 |
oddar | robg_, yeah but with wich tools do i reparition? and how? | 20:53 |
Scarface | It acturally depend on how much Physical memory (ram) your have installed in the machine. | 20:54 |
robg_ | shazzam: I did not pick Ubuntu for speed but for safety and ease. | 20:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | shazzam lots of variables there. if you have 512 meg of ram or more, it will probably be faster | 20:54 |
No1CaNTeL | anyone else able to help me tackle finding/fixing a bad sector?? :D I am running into errors while trying to move one of my partitions to the right. it seems to be a sector issue but I am unsure of how to deal with this kind of problem in Ubuntu :( TIA | 20:54 |
zonem | or of i sudo xfce4-panel why can i not access system->users and groups with elevated privileges? | 20:54 |
ernijs | is there programm like deamon tools | 20:54 |
gwern | I was looking in ubuntu fora, and oddly, it seems people have no trouble installing with my gigabyte pa35-dslr motherboard, but someone mentioned that they had heard about problems mixing ide and sata stuff | 20:54 |
genii | gwern: OK. I *suspect* it is due to not knowing what driver to use then fo the hd/dvd controller. Do you have some external usb cd/dvd drive to boot from instead? | 20:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | No1CaNTeL You are not trying to move a mounted partition are you | 20:54 |
robg_ | oddar: the tool is a Gparted LiveCD. The operations are either delete partition or reduce partition. | 20:54 |
No1CaNTeL | no, I am on the live cd | 20:54 |
No1CaNTeL | http://pastebin.ca/1027338 | 20:54 |
afaith | hello poeple. does eany of you have a clue what's the equivalent of monotype corsiva in linux? | 20:55 |
No1CaNTeL | that is my error, it seems to be the same every time. | 20:55 |
afaith | i urgently need this font | 20:55 |
Scarface | http://pastebin.ca/1027338 | 20:55 |
shazzam | if im gonna ask that question i mite as well ask more.... wats better mac or ubuntu? | 20:55 |
ihcus | hi ppl....can anybody help me ...how to compile a c++ program in ubuntu | 20:55 |
oddar | robg_ crap, was hoping not to need gparted | 20:55 |
ajopaul | am unable to browse my nokia phone via bluetooth on nautilus using obex-data-server | 20:55 |
No1CaNTeL | I can take space away from sda3 and append unallocated space on the right, but I cannot move my filesystem to the right | 20:55 |
gwern | genii: external? I don't think so; what I was trying was to swapping the old cd-rw drive for another computer's dvd drive (doesn't seem to've worked) | 20:55 |
zonem | ihcus google gcc tutorial | 20:55 |
martin78 | My toolbars were missing on startup... have anyone else seen this? | 20:55 |
No1CaNTeL | and I need to use the unallocated space on another filesystem, sda2 | 20:55 |
ihcus | thank you zonem: | 20:55 |
zonem | martin78 what desktop? | 20:56 |
ajopaul | how do i make obex-data-server use channel 12 instead of channel 10 while connecting to my bluetooth mobile phone ? | 20:56 |
robg_ | oddar: You can use Windows paritition tools to reduce Windows partitions but you will need Linux tools to reduce Linux partitions. | 20:56 |
xst | Why isn't firefox 3 rc1 in hardy yet? | 20:56 |
martin78 | gnome | 20:56 |
ihcus | one more thing...i messed up my gnome power manager ...there are no restart and shutdown buttons now ? | 20:56 |
No1CaNTeL | It seems to be bad sector(s) but again, I am unsure of how to scan and/or repair them if it is and alot of the available info is not dumbed down enough for an uber like myself | 20:56 |
zonem | sorry ihcus, idk about that :( | 20:56 |
No1CaNTeL | :P | 20:56 |
afaith | no one knows? | 20:56 |
zonem | martin78 try relaunching gnome-panel | 20:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | No1CaNTeL You are on live cd correct? | 20:57 |
anvo | Is it possible for each one of two wireless NIC's to connect to different networks...? | 20:57 |
ajopaul | ihcus, Add to Panel ? | 20:57 |
DJones | !ff3rc | xst | 20:57 |
ubottu | xst: The Firefox 3 RC package is not currently available as most of the Ubuntu-mozilla team are at the Ubuntu Developer Summit. Thanks for your patience. | 20:57 |
ihcus | ajopaul : i couldnt get you | 20:57 |
martin78 | zonem: how would I do that? | 20:57 |
pwolfe | I have a script I need to load at boot time. it creates an ethernet bridge. I have added the script to /etc/rc.local, but something appears to be running after it that messes it up. How can I insure that my script is the final script run before x loads? | 20:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | No1CaNTeL You are using the livecd's partition program GParted 0.3.5 | 20:57 |
ihcus | ajopaul: i couldt restart or shutdown from the panel | 20:57 |
xst | When will they return from the summit? | 20:57 |
genii | gwern: If it's having issues with the controller of the cd or dvd it won't matter what drive you use, will still have same error. The installer knows automatically about external usb drives, that is why I am asking. I needed to insytall this way before on an Asus motherboard because it did not know the SATA/PATA controller | 20:57 |
No1CaNTeL | yes | 20:57 |
zonem | martin78 try alt+f2 (or maybe ctrl+f2) for a run prompt then type gnome-panel | 20:57 |
zonem | i think its f2 | 20:58 |
ajopaul | ihcus, u mean the button is missing or the function is unavailable ? | 20:58 |
alan_m | xst, shouldnt be too long from now I dont think. | 20:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | No1CaNTeL Verify that you have umounted the partition(s) you want to work with | 20:58 |
ihcus | ajopaul: the buttons are missing after i messed up removing somethin! | 20:58 |
zonem | anyone know how to launch gnome-system-tools from command line or from xfce4 with root privs? | 20:58 |
gwern | genii: would the 'controller' be in lspci? I see '00:1f.2 SATA controller: Intel Corporation 4 port SATA AHCI Controller (rev 02)' in lspci output | 20:58 |
genii | gwern: Another approach would be to use the Alternate CD to install from, it works with more hardware and has a text based installer. | 20:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | robg_ No1CaNTeL Is running live cd atm and confirmed gparted is included GParted 0.3.5 | 20:59 |
genii | gwern: Yes, that would likely be the culprit | 20:59 |
pwolfe | I have a script I need to load at boot time. it creates an ethernet bridge. I have added the script to /etc/rc.local, but something appears to be running after it that messes it up. How can I insure that my script is the final script run before x loads? | 20:59 |
gwern | genii: my little packet came with only the one cd - 'ubuntu 8.04 lts desktop edition (64-bit)' | 20:59 |
No1CaNTeL | nothing is mounted, and again I can resize but I cannot move | 20:59 |
orudie | orudie | 21:00 |
No1CaNTeL | been trying all night :( | 21:00 |
robg_ | Jack-Sparrow: may well be, but it is easier to work with two CDs. | 21:00 |
alan_m | !alternate | gwern | 21:00 |
ubottu | gwern: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent | 21:00 |
martin78 | zonem: I tried that (read some stuff from google before I got here) Nothing happens when I press the buttons. Mouseclick brings up the usual menu "create folder" etc... | 21:00 |
ajopaul | ihcus, right click on your panel, select Add to Panel, the applet of log off is down there | 21:00 |
maxxism | anyone have an idea, why a samsung monitor wont go into 1280x1024 in hardy? I can get 1280x800, but it wont do 1280x1024. I used to have this computer hooked to a 1080p tv, so I think it is trying to still do widescreen. even after hardy upgrade from gutsy it still wont go... xorg.conf looks correct, I listed 1280x1024 in there but still nothing. | 21:00 |
gwern | genii: being text mode, does that mean no gparted? | 21:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | robg_ just pointing out that it was on there... like I said earlier | 21:01 |
katatsumuri | Hello all. I'm reading a guide on how to add japanese input to ubuntu and it asks me to install basic Japanese support from System -> Administration -> Language Support. However, I can only see "English" in the list. Does anyone know how I can add it? | 21:01 |
robg_ | Jack-Sparrow: OK no problem, I have 50 CDs. | 21:01 |
No1CaNTeL | I've actually tried from both the 7.10 live cd and 8.04 live cd with the same error | 21:01 |
sd_ | katatsumuri: you're using kde or gnome? | 21:01 |
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zonem | martin78, did you try killall gnome-panel? | 21:02 |
No1CaNTeL | I have a bootable partition magic but I dont really want to get into an outside app, if it will even make a diff, unless needs be | 21:02 |
katatsumuri | sd_: Gnome :-) | 21:02 |
ihcus | ajopaul: i have added the new one but still the buttons on it a re missing @ | 21:02 |
No1CaNTeL | I need to learn what I am doing here :P | 21:02 |
robg_ | No1Cantel: the way I am telling it is foolproof. | 21:02 |
smev81 | Hello, does anyone know a ressource (i googled with no results) on ubuntu studio not installing, where it complains about having found the wrong kernel version and can not supply modules, asking if i would want to continue anyway, but doesnt let you? | 21:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | No1CaNTeL I do like partition magic... but it should not be necessary, I cant help but think it is something simple you are doing wrong in the installer | 21:03 |
martin78 | zonem: No I cant get a prompt... I just see the desktop... | 21:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | partitioner | 21:03 |
flotishtu | how to auto run a command on system boot when kde starts ? | 21:03 |
ron | hey does any one know how i can delete a specific file from a few different folds at once? | 21:03 |
zonem | martin78 did you try pressing alt+f2 and typing bash? | 21:03 |
flotishtu | how to auto run a command on system boot after kde starts ? | 21:03 |
sd_ | katatsumuri: install packages language-pack-gnome-ja and language-pack-ja | 21:03 |
Odd-rationale | !autostart | 21:03 |
ubottu | To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot | 21:03 |
katatsumuri | sd_: thank you! | 21:04 |
sd_ | katatsumuri: then there should be japanaese, for kanji/kana input you need an input server, there are several dunno which one you want to use | 21:04 |
n3uromanc3r | has anybody installed hardy using netboot over the LAN.. there are little to no details about this method online | 21:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | flotishtu after kde starts, but before login? | 21:04 |
sd_ | katatsumuri: *should see japanese in there | 21:04 |
alexxx_ | Hello Boys | 21:04 |
Odd-rationale | flotishtu: join #kubuntu the bot will tell you how there... | 21:04 |
ajopaul | ihcus, you are able to see the button, what happens when you click it, also do try killall gnome-panel | 21:04 |
No1CaNTeL | robg_: I think I might of missed your post, or maybe you were speaking to someone else? I seel a convo regarding partitioning but it was not directed to me :P | 21:04 |
alan_m | !boot > alan_m | 21:04 |
flotishtu | Jack_Sparrow after loging | 21:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | !startup | 21:04 |
ubottu | To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot | 21:04 |
alexandru | i have a problem configuring apache+php. it doesn't work... no php files are executed, but the php code is shown | 21:04 |
katatsumuri | sd_: oh, neither had any installation candidate, though :( | 21:04 |
martin78 | zonem: Nothing happens when I press alt+F2. Im stuck with the desktop... wait.. I'll try that from remote... | 21:05 |
dandel | anyone else here having a lot of issues with the latest ATI driver that came out? ( like massive rendering problems when compiz is disabled. ) | 21:05 |
zonem | !lamp | 21:05 |
ubottu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 21:05 |
ihcus | ajopaul: i am unable to see the buttons shutdown and reboot on the logoff panel | 21:05 |
erUSUL | !lamp | alexandru | 21:05 |
ubottu | alexandru: please see above | 21:05 |
robg_ | No1CanTel: My advise is to install Linux1. Then load Gparted LiveCD and reduce the Linux1 partition. Then Install Linux2. | 21:05 |
ajopaul | ihcus, what are all the buttons visible then ? | 21:05 |
dandel | oh and also issues with the compiz when using 1600x1200. | 21:05 |
sd_ | katatsumuri: hmm, then its already in there ... so all you need is an input server ... try to pick something from: apt-cache search "japanese input" | 21:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | dandel try /join #compiz | 21:06 |
sd_ | katatsumuri: im not exactly sure since i'm not using gnome :/ | 21:06 |
dandel | Jack_Sparrow, it's not a compiz issue, it's completely driver based. | 21:06 |
zonem | why i try to run system -> users and groups every button is grey anyone know why or how to fix it? | 21:06 |
ruben | I have a problem with udev. It fails to start, causing my hard drives to be unmounted. This is on ubuntu hardy | 21:06 |
ru_ | zonem, click admin mode | 21:07 |
ihcus | ajopaul: the buttonsvisible are logout,suspend,hibernate,lock screen,switch user | 21:07 |
zonem | ru_ where can i find admin mode button? | 21:07 |
dandel | i went back to the april release of fglrx because of how many issues i spotted. | 21:07 |
zonem | xfce | 21:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | dandel np, I just know they are good with working on those drivers and issues | 21:07 |
ru_ | zonem, it's called "unlock" in that dialog | 21:07 |
No1CaNTeL | robg_: you are losing me on this linux1 linux2 thing, linux is installed, windows is also installed, I am trying to just resize one of my larger partitions and them move the partition over so I can then add the extra space to my windows partition | 21:07 |
ruben | I tried starting it from syssettings-services, but fails starting the kernel event manager | 21:07 |
ajopaul | ihcus, killall gnome-panel ? | 21:07 |
zonem | ru_ unlock is grey | 21:07 |
katatsumuri | sd_: ah I see. I remember having no problems with this in 7.04/7.10, it's first now in 8.04 it gives me problem | 21:07 |
anirudh0 | ihcus: this happens when gdm is not the display manager | 21:07 |
dandel | it involves a lot of problems, Jack_Sparrow. | 21:07 |
ru_ | zonem, that's bad :| | 21:07 |
No1CaNTeL | I will try the gparted live disc though, is there much difference between that and the one included on the live cd? | 21:07 |
anirudh0 | ihcus: are you sure you are using gdm...and not kdm or some other? | 21:08 |
zonem | ru_ i know lol | 21:08 |
I440r | ok, im having some problems with ubuntu. ive installed it on an external USB drive with grub installed on the EXTERNAL drive, NOT on my main boot device. when i tell the computer to boot to the external drive i get the grub menu | 21:08 |
lars_bauer | how do i open a <name>.acu file ? | 21:08 |
genii | gwern: Apologies for lag, work required me. The text installer will use parted and not gparted. But same back-end to both | 21:08 |
I440r | but when i select a drive it tells me "cannot mount selected partition" | 21:08 |
ihcus | ajopaul: yes i did that but nothing happened all the applets on the panel disappeared and appeared again thats it | 21:08 |
sd_ | katatsumuri: also, i'm using 7.10 .. 8.x was far too much experimental, not just in matters of language inputs :) | 21:08 |
ajopaul | ihcus, beats me | 21:08 |
dandel | i've already got it figured out for the most part... 1600x1200 is a broken resolution with gnome and the latest fglrx driver. | 21:08 |
robg_ | No1CanTel: Gparted LiveCD can safely perform two operations: delete a partition and reduce a partition in size. Advise against any other operations. | 21:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | No1CaNTeL Different, but clean and easy to work with.. If you have partition magic, I would just use it | 21:08 |
zonem | ru_ running sudo xfce-panel doesn't help, any ideas as to what I can do to run in admin mode? | 21:08 |
ihcus | anirudh0: hi man...u look india..i dont know what i am using | 21:08 |
anirudh0 | I440r: go to the normal ubuntu install and post the contents of /boot/grub/menu.lst | 21:09 |
No1CaNTeL | I do, it's a bit older but should be able to do the trick | 21:09 |
I440r | anirudh0, i cant | 21:09 |
ihcus | anirudh: can u tell me how do we check if i am running it or not ? | 21:09 |
genii | gwern: Alternate CD also has advantage that you can switch to Console4 with ctrl-alt-f4 to see what errors are being generated which is helpful | 21:09 |
I440r | but its root is (hd1,1) | 21:09 |
anirudh0 | I440r: ? | 21:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | No1CaNTeL #7 or#8 | 21:09 |
zonem | ru_ any other IRC channels might be able to help you can recommend? | 21:09 |
I440r | im in windows. | 21:09 |
I440r | i cannot get online on this machine from linux | 21:09 |
anirudh0 | ihcus: in terminal type ps -A|grep gdm | 21:09 |
No1CaNTeL | has to be partition magic 7 or 8 eh? | 21:09 |
ihcus | ajopaul : anyway thanks for your help man.. | 21:09 |
No1CaNTeL | kk | 21:09 |
ru_ | zonem, there's no "admin mode", i was talking about the unlock button. you could try "sudo users-admin", but when i do that, everything is greyed out for me | 21:09 |
anirudh0 | I440r: is your partition type reiserfs? | 21:10 |
I440r | no | 21:10 |
No1CaNTeL | now if I still run into this bad sector issue, do you have any other suggestions (other then drive replacement?? :P ) | 21:10 |
I440r | ext3 | 21:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | No1CaNTeL The cutoff for ext3 is in there somewhere | 21:10 |
ajopaul | ihcus, let me check .. | 21:10 |
anirudh0 | I440r: there are ext3 drivers for windows | 21:10 |
I440r | there are? | 21:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | No1CaNTeL Partition around the error, or try hirens cd... google to find that | 21:10 |
I440r | ! | 21:10 |
I440r | brb lol | 21:10 |
katatsumuri | sd_: hehe, i guess so. was just too lazy to mess around with webcam/sound drivers and such again ;) | 21:10 |
I440r | omg wt*$^(* lol | 21:11 |
ihcus | 5562 ? 00:00:00 gdm | 21:11 |
ihcus | 5565 ? 00:00:00 gdm | 21:11 |
ihcus | this is what i get! | 21:11 |
No1CaNTeL | will do, just wish there was a way to mount the nix partitions in my windows install so I can just do a chkdsk /f/r | 21:11 |
No1CaNTeL | :P | 21:11 |
martin78 | zonem: It says "gnome-panel: no process killed" It's Not running from the beginning? | 21:11 |
zonem | ru_ i know, still unlock button is grey...not sure how to graphically edit user information otherwise. | 21:11 |
ajopaul | ihcus, in any case u can shutdown using sudo poweroff :) | 21:11 |
anirudh0 | ihcus: hmm...then gdm is running. | 21:11 |
zonem | martin78 that is likely | 21:11 |
anirudh0 | ajopaul: that way...you can do everything from the terminal :) | 21:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | No1CaNTeL not sure that would be a good idea even if it worked | 21:12 |
zonem | try starting gnome-panel & | 21:12 |
No1CaNTeL | :P yeah, fgured as much, but it would still be nice :P | 21:12 |
martin78 | zonem: Ok, you know how to start it? | 21:12 |
leo_ | hi | 21:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | No1CaNTeL ext2fs to read ext3 in windows | 21:12 |
ihcus | ajopaul: i am using shutdown now and it isn't shutting down and all it does is logs out and logs in again ... | 21:12 |
robg_ | No1CanTeL: strongly advise against easy fixes and shortcuts. | 21:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | No1CaNTeL Wife is here with lunch, good luck... | 21:12 |
gwern | genii: ok, that's good to hear. I'm wgetting the alternate 8.04 x86_64 installer now | 21:13 |
anirudh0 | ihcus: sudo /sbin/poweroff | 21:13 |
zonem | martin78, in your bash window type "gnome-panel &" | 21:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | No1CaNTeL I can agree with robg_ on that point | 21:13 |
gwern | then hopefully I will be able to burn it or something | 21:13 |
alexandru | i've tried ubottu suggestion. i still cannot correctly execute php files | 21:13 |
smev81 | I want to install ubuntustudio. It says kernel version does not match kernel modules on mirrors and that was it. | 21:13 |
No1CaNTeL | ty :P and no I will not do the chkdsk on them, that was more a joke then anything. but I did want to know how to mount them so I can move files back and forth, should that be ok to do? | 21:13 |
ihcus | anirudh: this thing may power off the system...now and i dont want to do it now... | 21:13 |
I440r | ok i installed the ext2 driver in windows but during the install i get one of those STUPID "the system cannot find the specified file" which fails to specify which specified file it was unable to locate | 21:13 |
I440r | ugh | 21:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | smev81 What version of ubuntu are you running | 21:13 |
smev81 | i try to install 8.04 | 21:13 |
genii | gwern: If it still doesn't install, then at least the error output may tell us why. Also on Consoles 2 and 3 you can obtain a command prompt from which to insert modules or so forth if needed | 21:13 |
n3uromanc3r | !ati | 21:14 |
ihcus | anirudh: any point in putting it in the applet ... | 21:14 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 21:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | smev81 Also note, they have a channel of their own too. | 21:14 |
n3uromanc3r | !netboot | 21:14 |
ubottu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 21:14 |
r00723r0 | Does Ubuntu have DNSPython? | 21:14 |
anirudh0 | No..: there is an ext3 driver for win....and _maybe__ a reiserfs one...but why do you want to do that anyway? | 21:14 |
smev81 | no response there. it might be a problem related to minimal install, since it bases on it | 21:14 |
MrKeuner | hi, what does apt-ceche do every once in a while, causing a lot of system load? | 21:14 |
No1CaNTeL | anirudh0: you talking to me? | 21:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | smev81 What version of ubuntu are you running, you are trying to install 8.04, but what are you currently running for a distro or release | 21:14 |
anirudh0 | yes | 21:14 |
martin78 | zonem: It says its not installed .... weird... Installing... | 21:14 |
ajopaul | r00723r0, yes python-dnspython | 21:15 |
r00723r0 | ajopaul, what's preferred - python-dnspython, python-dns, or python-adns? | 21:15 |
anirudh0 | No..,: your name is too long to type...and there is no tab completion in irc :( | 21:15 |
zonem | martin78, erueka! | 21:15 |
smev81 | currently mandriva | 21:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | !tab | 21:15 |
ubottu | You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 21:15 |
No1CaNTeL | well, I go back and forth between the two, and when I am writing a program I am consistently swapping back and forth to test compatibility, it is easier to access the same folder from whichever I am running at the time | 21:15 |
I440r | ok i have access to the grub.conf what do you wnat me to do ? | 21:15 |
No1CaNTeL | I normally use a v-box install for windows | 21:15 |
No1CaNTeL | but I miss my games :P | 21:15 |
anirudh0 | ihcus: did'nt get you...what do you mean by putting in applet? | 21:16 |
ajopaul | r00723r0, each package are for its diff purposes | 21:16 |
anirudh0 | Jack_Sparrow: thnx | 21:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | smev81 You cant do studio on ubuntu from mandriva.. /join #mandriva | 21:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 21:16 |
gwern | anirudh0: tab completion is handled by the irc client. if your irc client doesn't do tab completion, get a decent one (which will) | 21:16 |
martin78 | zonem: ....But I saw the toolbars just an hour ago.... Now on restart they where gone... | 21:16 |
r00723r0 | ajopaul, which one is used most often, and which one is able to check whether or not a domain is registered? | 21:16 |
No1CaNTeL | anirudh0: was just checking, although I think it is your client that does not have the tab function, mine works ok :P | 21:16 |
smev81 | i will overvrite the partition with mandriva anyways | 21:16 |
zonem | martin78 did you install ubuntu-desktop meta package | 21:16 |
zonem | ? | 21:16 |
No1CaNTeL | using pigdin off of the live cd | 21:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | martin78 I need to run. but try compiz --replace | 21:17 |
anirudh0 | gwern: using pidgin...just did'nt know it worked | 21:17 |
ajopaul | r00723r0, python-dnspython try this if its useful | 21:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | smev81 You are in the wrong channel for the help you need | 21:17 |
ihcus | anirudh: i want to use it as a button in the logoff panel ....i want to use reboot and shutdown as buttons in the panel | 21:17 |
leo_ | hi | 21:17 |
I440r | anirudh0, where do you want me to post menu.lst to? | 21:17 |
No1CaNTeL | k, time to find my partition magic | 21:17 |
anirudh0 | I440r: pastebin.ubuntu.com | 21:18 |
martin78 | zonem: Naaa... I removed evolution and some syuff that evolution used + installed vlc | 21:18 |
leo_ | jack? | 21:18 |
anirudh0 | ihcus: did you update gdm during the current user session? | 21:18 |
smev81 | you think the ubuntu-studio channel is my last hope? | 21:18 |
ihcus | anirudh: how do we update gdm? | 21:18 |
I440r | anirudh0, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14172/ | 21:18 |
leo_ | what is the last version of ubuntu ? | 21:19 |
zonem | !synaptic | 21:19 |
ubottu | synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto | 21:19 |
ihcus | anirudh: i removed somethin from the add remove programs and after that it had gone ... | 21:19 |
Starnestommy | leo_: 8.04 | 21:19 |
leo_ | okay thank you | 21:19 |
ihcus | anirudh: tum kaha rehte ho india mein ? | 21:19 |
anirudh0 | ihcus: what exactly did you remove. | 21:20 |
leo_ | could you give me a link? | 21:20 |
anirudh0 | ihcus: PM..main chat is not meant for this | 21:20 |
anirudh0 | I440r: hmm..your menu.lst points to hd1,1 | 21:20 |
ihcus | anirudh: i didnt know what i removed :( ...gud u r professional ... | 21:20 |
I440r | correct | 21:20 |
Starnestommy | leo_: wait, I think the previous version was 7.10. The current one is 8.04 | 21:20 |
I440r | i do NOT want the ubuntu grub installed on hd0,0 | 21:20 |
anirudh0 | ihcus: cant help you without that info | 21:20 |
I440r | i want it installed on the EXTERNAL drive | 21:21 |
TehMongoose | leo_: did you want a link to the download page? | 21:21 |
zonem | ru_ trying ked-guidance...see if it works better. based on forum policykit is bugged... | 21:21 |
I440r | im telling my machine to boot directly from the MBR of the external drive. | 21:21 |
shelby | Can someone please tell me how to get the universal repos? | 21:21 |
anirudh0 | I440r: I meant ...was linux installed in the first partition in the external drive or the second one? | 21:21 |
martin78 | zonem: It works now! Thanks! If you are ever in Mariestad, Sweden I've got a few beers with your name on them :) | 21:21 |
leo_ | yes | 21:21 |
joooj | how can you check your hardware from command line? | 21:21 |
I440r | the grub on said external drive is "not able to mount the selected partition" | 21:21 |
TehMongoose | leo_: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download | 21:21 |
ihcus | anirudh: how do i restore ubuntu .....like restore to newly installed | 21:21 |
sd_ | joooj: lspci | 21:21 |
I440r | first partition is swap. second partition is ext3 | 21:21 |
I440r | sorry | 21:21 |
Starnestommy | leo_: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 for 7.10, or http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download for 8.04 | 21:22 |
anirudh0 | ihcus: install it again from a livecd...you'll use your settings though | 21:22 |
joooj | how can I see how much ram and processor speed from command line? | 21:22 |
anirudh0 | I440r: strange then....try booting from the recovery kernel | 21:23 |
ihcus | anirudh: but what about my files? in the system | 21:23 |
anirudh0 | joooj: top | 21:23 |
=== zxc is now known as byt | ||
=== administrator is now known as Lutherese | ||
I440r | did that, same error | 21:23 |
Barnabas | hi all | 21:23 |
anirudh0 | I440r: it is a verbose version of the same kernel...so if anything works at all, you should see some output | 21:23 |
I440r | "unable to mount selected partition" | 21:24 |
I440r | same error | 21:24 |
asathoor | anyone here with an fujitsu siemens esprimo v5535? How can I configure the graphic driver? | 21:24 |
joooj | top didn't show the memory amount in my computer - any other command? | 21:24 |
anirudh0 | I440r: no output at all before the "cannot mount...." ? | 21:24 |
I440r | nope | 21:24 |
anirudh0 | joooj: top has a memort section | 21:24 |
anirudh0 | joooj: man top | 21:24 |
joooj | o.k. | 21:24 |
zonem | asathoor, which graphic chipset? | 21:24 |
shadowvice1 | Ubuntu/Apache Question ... Im trying a ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse ... for the life of me I cant get this working on Ubuntu 8.04... is there something Im missing? | 21:24 |
zonem | !proxypass | 21:25 |
ubottu | Factoid proxypass not found | 21:25 |
Sonja | is there a good flowchart program (or web-based) where it prompts me with questions and then tells me what to do based on my answers? | 21:25 |
zonem | heh just thought i would check | 21:25 |
killaz | hi #ubuntu. How can I find out what filesystem I have on a disk or partition? | 21:25 |
=== administrator is now known as Lutherese | ||
shadowvice1 | thanks zonem :D | 21:25 |
anirudh0 | anyone...any ideas on why an ext3 partition may get refused to get mounted by the kernel? | 21:25 |
killaz | which tool on command line can I use for this | 21:25 |
blindmelon | #ubuntu.it | 21:25 |
anirudh0 | I440r;s problem | 21:25 |
blindmelon | #ubuntu-it | 21:25 |
sriramoman | clear | 21:26 |
=== Lutherese is now known as ruthie | ||
anirudh0 | blindmelon: i think you are looking for /join #ubuntu-it | 21:26 |
asathoor | zonem >> sis | 21:26 |
ThreeFinity | Would everything work normally on a ubuntu 64bit distro if 32bit emulation was enabled in the kernel ? | 21:26 |
MrKeuner | hi, what does apt-ceche do every once in a while, causing a lot of system load? | 21:26 |
anirudh0 | ThreeFinity: everything ...possibly except flash | 21:27 |
robg_ | anirudh0: the drive is formatted before the OS is writen on it. | 21:27 |
asathoor | Graphics Controller SiS Mirage 3+ 256MB DDR2 SDRAM Shared ... | 21:27 |
ThreeFinity | I'd like to get more juice outta my cpu, but I don't wanna be restricted to using like 3 programs that support 64bit lol | 21:27 |
ru_ | ThreeFinity, no, but there are workarounds | 21:27 |
glennvd | does annyone know why my brand new XPS hangs when booting ubuntu (7.10) from disk ( hangs at loading boot script 9 out of 10 times) while it runs smoothly on my 5 year old pc? | 21:27 |
anirudh0 | robg_: agreed...but what about that? | 21:27 |
ru_ | ThreeFinity, check the 64bit forum at ubuntuforums.org | 21:27 |
I440r | :/ | 21:27 |
whogotsomo | /msg ubottu etiquette | 21:27 |
marathe25 | ThreeFinity: Java works on 64bit, I can confirm | 21:27 |
ThreeFinity | glennvd: linux is all about having gfood support for older hardware, but as new stuff comes out the support has to be created by people who don't get paid or anything lol so it could take a while | 21:28 |
robg_ | anirudh0: if the formatting is correct and the install is correct then everything should work. | 21:28 |
ThreeFinity | glennvd: either that or it's just setup wrong | 21:28 |
zonem | asathoor http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-450176.html ? | 21:28 |
asathoor | zonem >> thanx | 21:28 |
ThreeFinity | cool marathe25 | 21:28 |
I440r | erm. i just learned in #gentoo that the powers that be have MODIFIED the definition of the ext3 file system | 21:28 |
whogotsomo | does anyone know where the error log is for boot errors? | 21:28 |
zonem | asathoor, GL | 21:28 |
I440r | I440r: new ext3 filesystems have 256 byte inodes... .. . | 21:28 |
I440r | could THAT be my problem? | 21:29 |
glennvd | Meh anyway, hope this latest version (64 bit this time) does any better | 21:29 |
ru_ | ThreeFinity, in general, everything works under 64 bit | 21:29 |
=== Flav_u_ is now known as Flav_u | ||
zonem | whogotsomo, /var/log | 21:29 |
zonem | ? | 21:29 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as VaRo_DJ | ||
gwern | genii: I'm going to reboot now to reattach my cd burner; hoepfully the alternate will work | 21:30 |
DarkSideMoon | haloo | 21:32 |
movedx | If you install something with 'apt-get source <app> --compile', does it download the source, compile it AND install the app, or just compile it in the local directory? | 21:32 |
whogotsomo | does anyone know how to retrieve the boot error logs? | 21:32 |
Starnestommy | whogotsomo: dmesg? | 21:33 |
DarkSideMoon | jest tu ktos??? | 21:33 |
MrObvious | movedx: I'm not sure. :\ | 21:33 |
MrObvious | DarkSideMoon: Welcome. | 21:33 |
zonem | tail /var/log/boot? | 21:33 |
whogotsomo | ill try now one sec | 21:33 |
DarkSideMoon | haloo :) nice too meet you | 21:34 |
amrik | Hi, I am having trouble getting my sound to work in Ubuntu. Where can I start to troubleshoot? | 21:34 |
zonem | !alsa | 21:34 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 21:34 |
movedx | MrObvious: I think '--compile' compiles the source to a binary .deb file - so... what goes is that exactly? Heh! Does it compile it to a binary .deb, therefore optimizing the .deb to your system? | 21:34 |
anirudh0 | robg_: i meant...it dose'nt explain why the partition should refuse to get mounted. | 21:34 |
anirudh0 | if the problem was incomplete writing of the partition, then I440r would have seen something like "/bin/bash: no such file or directort" | 21:34 |
anirudh0 | *directory | 21:34 |
amrik | err, its more under the lines of "hda-intel: no codec found". ubuntu sees the device on the pci bus but isn't getting the driver module loaded into the kernel | 21:34 |
Chousuke | movedx: question: why are you compiling packages that are in apt? | 21:34 |
robg_ | amrik: you may want to download the medibuntu.org multimedia repository. | 21:35 |
movedx | Chousuke: I never said I was, I merely asking the question; because I want to. | 21:35 |
hexoroid | whats ipp service ? | 21:35 |
zonem | !policykit | 21:35 |
ubottu | Factoid policykit not found | 21:35 |
zonem | grr | 21:35 |
I440r | anirudh0, when i boot the external drives grub and select "boot the windows parition" entry i get "unsupported executable format" | 21:35 |
Chousuke | movedx: Well, I would assume it builds a .deb | 21:35 |
a514 | Hi There, How do i install kubuntu cdrom in ubuntu without a internet connection? | 21:35 |
amrik | robg_: OK I already have that enabled. Is there a particular package you had in mind? | 21:35 |
movedx | Chousuke: That *IS* what it does - I just said that. | 21:35 |
Fishscene | I just reformatted my external USB drive with ext3. I don't have write-access to it anymore and 7.5 GB is used. Any idea how to rectify this? | 21:36 |
ariqs | I downloaded http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-386 and the linux-image and installed them by double clicking on them from the flash drive. The packages were said to be installed successfully. However, ltmodem, the reason I got the package, doesn't show up anywhere, and sudo modprobe ltmodem (what soundray suggested) does nothing. What might be wrong, what might I need to try at this point? | 21:36 |
I440r | but booting ANY linux partition including my gentoo on hte internal drive gives me "unable to mount selected partition " | 21:36 |
robg_ | amrik: for sound Pulse Audio, for graphics delete Open | 21:36 |
robg_ | OpenJDK and install Sun Java | 21:36 |
anirudh0 | I440r: I am not sure what the problem is...but if even windows does'nt boot , then grub might be at fault | 21:36 |
I440r | i currently do not have a grub installed on the internal drive because of an upgrade to grub in gentoo STOMPING on my stage files | 21:36 |
amrik | robg_: If it helps I have Intel ICH7 and sigmatel STAC9227 codec. The issue seems to not be pulse but the hda-intel kernel module | 21:36 |
shelby | My Radeon x1650 Pro 512MB black screens on startup with the drivers that Ubuntu comes with. Anyone have any suggestions? | 21:36 |
zonem | ru_ i have dbus now | 21:36 |
a514 | Hi There, How do i install Kubuntu cdrom with synpatic repositories offline? | 21:36 |
amrik | robg_: this is evidenced by the fact that pulse works fine with my usb audio device | 21:36 |
anirudh0 | I440r: you could try restoring from a live cd | 21:37 |
robg_ | amirk: if you go the medibuntu.org they will give 2 two codecs: w32codecs and libdvdcss2 | 21:37 |
I440r | this is an older install cd that i just reinstalled to the external drive... when i first installed i did it on a different machine and ubuntu installed the grub to that machines internal drive. | 21:37 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: I would assume you need to change the permissions on the drive. | 21:37 |
anirudh0 | I440r: did'nt get you...gentoo lives in another partition...right | 21:37 |
dandel | shelby, it happens to even me... install the fglrx driver from the ubuntu repository and that should fix it... i had the same issue. | 21:37 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: it might be owned by roo | 21:37 |
ru_ | zonem, does that help with the buttons? | 21:37 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: root* | 21:37 |
Fishscene | Chousuke, any idea how to do that? | 21:37 |
I440r | i had to FIX that with a windows disk. reinstalled to external drive telling ubunto to put ITS boot sector on the external drive | 21:37 |
Fishscene | I just can't figure out why 7.5 GB is used on a blank drive =\ | 21:37 |
amrik | robg_: I really don't think its a software codec problem. I think it is a hardware issue | 21:38 |
whogotsomo | cd /var/log/boot/ says othign has been logged yet, but i turned on logging | 21:38 |
whogotsomo | is there anyway else to see the error message? | 21:38 |
zonem | ru_ no change after install of dbus...is there something else I should do? | 21:38 |
I440r | gentoo lives on /dev/sda4 | 21:38 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: not with a GUI. It's possible, but i have no idea how to use the gui tools :P | 21:38 |
dandel | shelby, just make sure that you don't get the 8.5 driver, since the card you have might not work well with it ( my Radeon X1900 does not like the 8.5 driver) | 21:38 |
I440r | ubuntu lives on /dev/sdb2 | 21:38 |
Fishscene | lol | 21:38 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: on the terminal, chown username:groupname /path/to/drive | 21:38 |
zonem | whogotsomo sudo find / |grep boot.log | 21:38 |
shelby | Thanks, dandel. I tried to fglrx driver, if you mean the one from the synaptic package manager, and had the same results. Any other ideas? | 21:38 |
zonem | or if you are adventerious sudo find / |grep *.log | 21:39 |
anirudh0 | I440r: then install a grub on the internal drive first..from a live cd that is | 21:39 |
zonem | err just .log | 21:39 |
robg_ | amrik: you can also consider players like VLC, Mplayer, Audacious, gxine | 21:39 |
I440r | no | 21:39 |
I440r | definately NOT | 21:39 |
Chousuke | zonem: whogotsomo: sudo find / -name "*.log" is better | 21:39 |
dandel | shelby, did you try this command by any chance? aticonfig --initial | 21:39 |
I440r | this drive HAS to have its own boot sector and grub.conf | 21:39 |
a514 | Hi I have the offical 8.04 Kubuntu cdrom, how do i add it to Ubuntu with synaptic offline, without a connection and share a partition? | 21:39 |
zonem | ahh -name...always forget about that | 21:39 |
Fishscene | Chousuke: The command went through, but permissions did not change | 21:39 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: hmm | 21:39 |
I440r | it will be booted from different locations. | 21:39 |
ru_ | zonem, i'm sorry, i'm out of ideas for now. in your case i would search ubuntuforums.org for any hints. | 21:39 |
zonem | ru_ ok thanks | 21:40 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: can you run ls -ld /path/to/drive and tell me what it says? | 21:40 |
anirudh0 | I440r: i meant get something working first on you main hdd | 21:40 |
amrik | robg_: dude, nevermind. I've confirmed its a hardware bug. | 21:40 |
Killthrill | hello all | 21:40 |
Fishscene | brw-rw---- 1 administrator disk 8, 17 2008-05-23 13:34 /dev/sdb1 | 21:40 |
anirudh0 | amrik: if its a hardware issue then all sound must fail..right? | 21:40 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: ah | 21:41 |
I440r | anirudh0, it WAS working in that manner, its pointless getting it working thusly on THIS machine as this drive is never going to be USED here | 21:41 |
shelby | dandel, I followed the instructions on the ATI wiki, so I did the sudo aticonfig --initial -f command. | 21:41 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: that's wrong | 21:41 |
I440r | im just doing the install here | 21:41 |
amrik | anirudh0: no that's not necessarily true. It is just a particular module isn't loading into the kernel. | 21:41 |
tichou | hi everyone | 21:41 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: I meant the *mount point* of the disk, not the device file | 21:41 |
sedra | hello | 21:41 |
tichou | i need some help for installing Football manager 2008 with wine. am i on the right channel? | 21:41 |
amrik | anirudh0: I have other sound cards as well, which is why I can still hear sound. It is just this particular one is not working. | 21:41 |
anirudh0 | amrik: i faced a problem like this during one of hardy-devel cycles | 21:41 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: in which directory is the drive mounted? (run "mount" without parameters to find out) | 21:41 |
Starnestommy | tichou: try #winehq | 21:41 |
tichou | thx dude | 21:42 |
Fishscene | just a sec.. | 21:42 |
Killthrill | can anyone suggest a good bittorrent client for ubuntu? the transmission version that comes with 8.04 is kinda old | 21:42 |
anirudh0 | amrik: turned out the kernel team had forgotten to compile some modules into the newer kernel | 21:42 |
Fishscene | /dev/sdb1 on /media/disk type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal) | 21:42 |
dandel | killthrill, i recommend using deluge. | 21:42 |
anirudh0 | amrik: regressing to a older kernel solved it | 21:42 |
Sonja | is there an easy programming language for Ubuntu that lets me display windows with questions, clicky buttons and display images? | 21:42 |
Sonja | i guess i could just use html | 21:42 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: okay, so you need to check the permissions on /media/disk/ | 21:42 |
Fishscene | /dev/sdb1 on /media/disk type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal) | 21:42 |
anirudh0 | Sonja: python | 21:42 |
sedra | sonja: python | 21:42 |
Fishscene | sorry, "drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2008-05-23 11:28 /media/disk" | 21:43 |
Killthrill | is deluge in the standard repository? | 21:43 |
amrik | anirudh0: hmm. I think I've tried to compile 2.6.25 from kernel.org and that didn't really seem to help, it just broke sound worse (although I might have been noobing it up) | 21:43 |
jagggy | is it posible to do gnome-terminal -x ls and let the terminal stay open? | 21:43 |
fxfitz | Can someone help me set up a samba server (or point me to a GOOD tutorial)? | 21:43 |
zonem | !python > sonja | 21:43 |
anirudh0 | hey...could I440r's problem be a permissions issue? | 21:43 |
shelby | dandel, I followed the instructions on the ATI wiki, so I did the sudo aticonfig --initial -f command. | 21:43 |
Sonja | thanks i'll take it to #python | 21:43 |
zonem | !samba | 21:43 |
ubottu | Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 21:43 |
anirudh0 | but do permissions come into play so soon into the boot process? | 21:43 |
I440r | how can it be a permissions issue? | 21:43 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: right. as you can see, it's owned by root | 21:43 |
Rat409 | soneil: zenity's a part of gnome | 21:43 |
Fishscene | ...brb | 21:43 |
jagggy | is it posible to do 'gnome-terminal -x ls' and let the terminal stay open? | 21:43 |
tichou | nobody response on #winehq :( | 21:44 |
zonem | jagggy, try it and find out | 21:44 |
amrik | anirudh0: also the hda-intel module is *there*, it just isn't *working*. Note that before it would sometimes randomly work, maybe 1/100 of the time. | 21:44 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: run "sudo chown youruser:youruser /media/disk/" to change it to your user. | 21:44 |
jagggy | zonem ye, but it closes terminal, but how to let it stay open | 21:44 |
anirudh0 | it makes no sense for an ext3 drive not to be mounted...so i am trying out all unlikely theories :) | 21:44 |
anirudh0 | amrik: whats the kernel version | 21:44 |
Fishscene | Chousuke, Fixed now. I changed the ownership | 21:44 |
Fishscene | Thanks :) | 21:44 |
zonem | jagggy what does -x switch to? | 21:45 |
zonem | do? | 21:45 |
jagggy | execute | 21:45 |
Chousuke | I think ubuntu could use a simple tool for managing ownership on external drives. | 21:45 |
amrik | anirudh0: uname -r => 2.6.24-17-generic | 21:45 |
zonem | jagggy execute then return? | 21:45 |
ariqs | I downloaded http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-386 and the linux-image and installed them by double clicking on them from the flash drive. The packages were said to be installed successfully. However, ltmodem, the reason I got the package, doesn't show up anywhere, and sudo modprobe ltmodem (what soundray suggested) does nothing. What might be wrong, what might I need to try at this point? | 21:45 |
dandel | shelby, ok, so you did the ubuntu method right? well do the manual method now and download the 8.4 driver... http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/previous/linux-rf-cat84.html | 21:45 |
jagggy | yes zonem | 21:45 |
Sonja | also is python able to somehow lock down my Ubuntu to force me to go through this questions program before being able to open or tab to any other program? i want to design a "to do" list prompter that forces me to answer the questions and accompilsh tasks before i'm allowed to play on my computer | 21:45 |
jagggy | but i need it to stay open | 21:45 |
Chousuke | it's very confusing for the average user, especially because the filesystem makes a big difference to how it works :/ | 21:45 |
Fishscene | Chousuke, Now for the hard part. :P How do I reclaim my "used" 7.6 GB of data? | 21:45 |
kindofabuzz | Chousuke: they do, it's called the command line | 21:45 |
kllj | irc://irc.freenode.net/Chousuke,isnick | 21:45 |
homeofpoe | I installed Mayanna via configuring/make install/etc... but I don't know how to remove it. It's not in the package manager. Do I just delete the folder? | 21:45 |
Chousuke | kindofabuzz: that's not a simple tool by far. | 21:46 |
Fishscene | I have a "Lost+found" directory on the drive that appears everytime I reformat | 21:46 |
anirudh0 | I440r: as you said..the kernel module is there...but i had a similar problem with this kernel version ...i am now running | 21:46 |
dandel | shelby, although you will need to remove the fglrx packages you have installed right now to fix the issue though. | 21:46 |
anirudh0 | * | 21:46 |
Sonja | i have extreme ADHD and need a tool to tell me what to do, and stop me from doing other things. maybe it could simply disconnect me from the internet as a way to lock the computer. | 21:46 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: it might be "reserved" by root | 21:46 |
zonem | jagggy -x is for scripting, why not just run gnome-terminal by itself it should stay open | 21:46 |
I440r | this error occurrs BEFORE the kernel is loaded | 21:46 |
kindofabuzz | Chousuke: yes it is, once you do it once, it's easy, i'm sure there are plenty of guides on how to do it | 21:46 |
shelby | All right, dandel. Thanks a lot. | 21:46 |
ariqs | sonja: write the tool for yourself ;P | 21:46 |
Chousuke | kindofabuzz: that's the non-simple part right there. | 21:46 |
jagggy | zonem, because it needs to execute a line ... | 21:46 |
anirudh0 | I440r: sorry...last post not to you | 21:46 |
Chousuke | kindofabuzz: "once you do it" | 21:46 |
I440r | oh lol ok :) | 21:46 |
anirudh0 | amrik: as you said..the kernel module is there...but i had a similar problem with this kernel version ...i am now running | 21:47 |
kindofabuzz | Chousuke: google is your buddie | 21:47 |
anirudh0 | * | 21:47 |
a514 | Hi how do i add kubuntu cdrom packages into ubuntu offline with synaptic? Thanks | 21:47 |
zonem | jagggy idk, sorry | 21:47 |
Chousuke | kindofabuzz: the cli is simple and easy and powerful if you're used to it, but it's not attractive to most users | 21:47 |
jagggy | k, ty zonem | 21:47 |
amrik | anirudh0: well I have 2.6.24-16 linux-image installed as well in parallel with -17, booting into it doesn't help. | 21:47 |
jagggy | is it posible to do gnome-terminal -x ls and let the terminal stay open? | 21:47 |
kindofabuzz | Chousuke: command line is part of linux, if you don't wanna use it, they should stay with windows | 21:48 |
Chousuke | kindofabuzz: that's not the point. | 21:48 |
insomnia | i want to burn an .avi to a cd.... im running ubuntu 8.04... what do i need to be able to burn a disc? the built in one, only lets me burn cd images if im not mistaken...? | 21:48 |
amrik | anirudh0: I know I'm not being very helpful, but the only reason I went to hardy-proposed kernel was to see if it would fix my sound | 21:48 |
Chousuke | kindofabuzz: having to use the command line for something as simple as getting an external drive configured is asking too much | 21:48 |
kindofabuzz | Chousuke: there's not gonna be a gui for everything | 21:48 |
Chousuke | kindofabuzz: I know that. | 21:48 |
zonem | brb | 21:48 |
jagggy | is it posible to do gnome-terminal -x ls and let the terminal stay open?.?.?.?.?.?.?.? | 21:48 |
insomnia | i want to burn an .avi to a cd.... im running ubuntu 8.04... what do i need to be able to burn a disc? the built in one, only lets me burn cd images if im not mistaken...? | 21:48 |
Chousuke | kindofabuzz: but this is something that could use a GUI | 21:48 |
kindofabuzz | Chousuke: what are you exactly trying to do? | 21:48 |
Fishscene | Chousuke, I agree that my situation was (and still is) rediculous =( | 21:49 |
Chousuke | kindofabuzz: I'm not trying to do anything | 21:49 |
=== fserve_ is now known as ferve | ||
=== ferve is now known as fserve | ||
jagggy | anyone??? please? | 21:49 |
anirudh0 | amrik: i joined in a bit late(only after you told about the module)..what is the exact error message that you said you were getting? | 21:49 |
Chousuke | kindofabuzz: I just helped Fishscene fix his permissions and thought about the GUI. | 21:49 |
kindofabuzz | oh ok | 21:49 |
anirudh0 | insomnia: brasero has a data disc option | 21:49 |
=== zonem is now known as zon | ||
amrik | anirudh0: dmesg | grep intel => hda-intel: no codecs found! | 21:49 |
jagggy | is it posible to do gnome-terminal -x ls and let the terminal stay open?.?.?.?.?.?.?.? | 21:50 |
Fishscene | Ok folks. My external USB drive is completely empty in both the GUI and the terminal. However, the GUI reports 7.6GB is used on the drive. How do I reclaim this? | 21:50 |
insomnia | anirudh0: thnx | 21:50 |
amrik | anirudh0: here is a pastebin of my alsa-info if you want it, http://pastebin.ca/1027393 | 21:50 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: anyway, I was saying, a part of ext3 filesystems are usually reserved for root | 21:50 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: so that root has space to work with when stuff gets filled up | 21:50 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: it's tunable, though. | 21:50 |
kindofabuzz | Fishscene: format it? or you wanna save what's on there? | 21:50 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: I just don't remember how... | 21:50 |
fserve | by using ubuntu 64 there is any problem? | 21:50 |
fserve | like dont have flash or java? | 21:50 |
Chousuke | kindofabuzz: it's a new filesystem | 21:50 |
jagggy | is it posible to do gnome-terminal -x ls and let the terminal stay open?.?.?.?.?.?.?.? | 21:51 |
anirudh0 | amrik: one sec | 21:51 |
revengervn | hi | 21:51 |
zon | jagggy try googling for bash scripting | 21:51 |
revengervn | does anyone know about ASTERISK | 21:51 |
Fishscene | kindofabuzz, I would like ALL space available to me. 7.6GB missing is kind of a lot | 21:51 |
revengervn | i'm writing AGI scripting for ASTERISK | 21:51 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: it was /dev/sdb1, right? | 21:51 |
kindofabuzz | Fishscene: what fs is it? i know ext3 uses some of the filesystem, but should'nt be 7.6G, unless it's like a 2000G hd lol | 21:51 |
a514 | !kubuntu | 21:51 |
ubottu | Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE | 21:51 |
Fishscene | Chousuke, yes. Mount point is /media/drive | 21:51 |
anirudh0 | amrik: the problem appears to be this : "04:00.0 Multimedia video controller: Conexant Unknown device 8880 (rev 0f)" ...line 49 on the pastebin | 21:52 |
Fishscene | kindofabuzz: ext3 | 21:52 |
Fishscene | I have a 160GB drive | 21:52 |
el1te | sup all | 21:52 |
Sonja | ariqs is there a way for python to disconnect and reconnect Ubuntu's internet connection? | 21:52 |
kindofabuzz | Fishscene: are you sure it's not 7.6M? | 21:52 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: unmount it, and run "sudo tune2fs -m 0" | 21:52 |
amrik | anirudh0: that looks like a modem codec to me | 21:52 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: er | 21:52 |
Fishscene | 7.5GB used, 140.2GB free | 21:52 |
revengervn | hi | 21:52 |
revengervn | HELLO | 21:52 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: "sudo tune2fs -m 0 /dev/sdb1" | 21:52 |
jagggy | zon, how would i do it then? | 21:52 |
jagggy | it needs to open AND a terminal, AND do ls | 21:52 |
jagggy | AND stay open* | 21:52 |
revengervn | Does anyone know ASTERISK | 21:52 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: then remount | 21:52 |
unstable | revengervn: | 21:53 |
unstable | revengervn: #asterisk | 21:53 |
revengervn | :( | 21:53 |
revengervn | i cannot connect to that channel | 21:53 |
amrik | Sonja: if your script is running as root, you can do import os; os.system('/etc/init.d/networking restart') | 21:53 |
revengervn | it requires authentication or somethin | 21:53 |
userone | jagggy: the answer is Yes. try gnome-terminal --help for details. | 21:53 |
eddieftw | !sound | 21:53 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 21:53 |
el1te | i have an older nforce2 mb....its the abit nf7-s ver2.0....(with soundstorm apu)....i have 2 systems we will call that system "2"....my system 1 is my gaming rig....i used its ANALOG-OUT to goto system "2" ANALOG-IN and from their i used the soundstorm OPTICAL-OUT to got my reciever | 21:53 |
kindofabuzz | well like i said ext3 uses some of the files system for journaling i guess, like my 60G hard drive, ext3 used up about 400M, so on a 140G drive, 7.6G may be right | 21:53 |
el1te | how do i do this with linux...it worked fine in winxp | 21:54 |
unstable | revengervn: /msg nickserv register ldkjlksj lkdjslkdjs@lkdjslkdj.com | 21:54 |
bigsexy | hey everyone | 21:54 |
unstable | revengervn: then /join #asterisk | 21:54 |
bigsexy | i got a question | 21:54 |
revengervn | thanks so much | 21:54 |
anirudh0 | amrik: i meant the "Multimedia video controller: Unknown device " part...i'm no expert on kernel modules, but that does'nt look right | 21:54 |
Hernan | hola | 21:54 |
bigsexy | has anyone here ever used zenwalk? | 21:54 |
tony_ | Mukanya | 21:54 |
revengervn | THANKS UNSTABLE | 21:54 |
zon | jagggy I know i'm saying that the bash scripting might talk about how to keep it open... | 21:54 |
bigsexy | i'm thinking about installing zenwalk but never tried it before, is it a good one? | 21:54 |
el1te | i tried kubuntu 8.04 kde remix but with no luck | 21:55 |
Sonja | amrik does "import os; os.system('/etc/init.d/networking restart')" disconnect the Internet access? or restore it? | 21:55 |
el1te | can someone help me here | 21:55 |
amrik | Sonja: it will disconnect and restart it | 21:55 |
bigsexy | is zenwalk a good os? | 21:55 |
Fishscene | sweet. Everything looks hunky-dory now. Thanks a lot guys :D | 21:55 |
ipx | Can I somehow, with SSH Xforwarding open a graphical window from my laptop here then close the window and the process shall still be on even though I disconnect this computer? | 21:55 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: did you try it+ | 21:55 |
kumarphilly | Steven_Office, are you steve cal? | 21:55 |
Sonja | amrik I want to disable it completely. and then restore it to normal as a separate command. | 21:55 |
Chousuke | ipx: not really. you need VNC for that. | 21:56 |
bigsexy | vnc for what? | 21:56 |
el1te | basically the only thing i want on the linux box to work is the sound..just use the machine to relay sound through optical out | 21:56 |
el1te | i dont even care if it has X | 21:56 |
Chousuke | binarydigit: remote X that can be detached | 21:56 |
Fishscene | yes, I have all space available to me and I can write to it. :) Although I am kind of miffed about having to type in my password to mount it. But it's liveable | 21:56 |
anirudh0 | jagggy: maybe gnome terminal -x "ls&&cat" will help | 21:56 |
Sonja | amrik or use the typing break functionality | 21:56 |
el1te | whatever i need to do i will | 21:56 |
Chousuke | er | 21:56 |
el1te | can someone help me | 21:56 |
anirudh0 | jagggy: the "&&cat" will keep the terminal open | 21:56 |
amrik | Sonja: err you can do networking stop, and networking start | 21:56 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: does it have an fstab entry? | 21:57 |
Sonja | amrik cool! that would turn off or on internet access? what is the exact command? thanks | 21:57 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: if it does, add the "user" option, that means any user can mount it. | 21:57 |
Fishscene | oo | 21:57 |
Fishscene | ok | 21:57 |
ariqs | I downloaded http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-386 and the linux-image and installed them by double clicking on them from the flash drive. The packages were said to be installed successfully. However, ltmodem, the reason I got the package, doesn't show up anywhere, and sudo modprobe ltmodem (what soundray suggested) does nothing. What might be wrong, what might I need to try at this point? | 21:57 |
ariqs | I see ltmodem.o files in lib/linux-restricted/ltmodem | 21:57 |
amrik | /etc/init.d/networking stop turns off internet access, /etc/init.d/networking start will reenable it (this will actually disable all networking, but you can figure out yourself how to do it on only 1 interface) | 21:58 |
Sonja | amrik sweet!! | 21:58 |
CyD | i'd like to script copying an ntfs partition with parted, but afaik ntfs is only support in gparted. anyone know of ways to do this? | 21:59 |
balleyne | In Gutsy, there was a Hardware Device Information type entry in Preferences or Administration, but it's not there in Hardy anymore... is there an equivalent? or has it moved? | 21:59 |
jagggy | it doesn't anirudh0 | 21:59 |
anirudh0 | amrik: would'nt the result of /etc/init.d/networking depend on what he uses to connect to the net...pppoe or dhcp? | 21:59 |
angelo | oi | 21:59 |
amrik | anirudh0: well its more of a sledgehammer approach | 22:00 |
ihcus | hi ppl ...how to use virtual box ose ????? | 22:00 |
ihcus | i want to install xp sp2 inside ubuntu | 22:00 |
sothe | Hey.. I got this problem, uhm, sound works in Music / Movie players, and it works in Firefox (Youtube etc), but it does not work in WoW running on WINE. It is set to ALSA | 22:00 |
emma | balleyne: I see something for hardware drivers. Is that what you had in mind? | 22:00 |
anirudh0 | amrik: for dhcp /etc/init.d/dhcpd stop does the job | 22:01 |
anirudh0 | amrik: should be something similar for pppoe | 22:01 |
jagggy | userone, it doesn't say it in the man | 22:01 |
=== zonem is now known as zon | ||
balleyne | emma: no, it's the equivalent of the MS Windows Device Manager in the Control Panel... it listed all connected devices with information about them | 22:01 |
tichou | i m on feisty, wnt to go to hardy | 22:01 |
el1te | does anyone know pulseaudio pretty good | 22:01 |
CyD | sothe: try a fresh config.wtf if it isn't new already. has worked for me | 22:01 |
emma | balleyne: try opening a terminal and typing lspci | less | 22:02 |
amrik | anirudh0: I don't even have that so I didn't know about it :) | 22:02 |
anirudh0 | jagggy: dunno about gnome-terminal...but it does work with xterm | 22:02 |
anirudh0 | amrik: same with me here...only dhcp :) | 22:02 |
emma | balleyne: i'm not sure that's what you want either but at least that won't hurt anything. | 22:02 |
balleyne | emma: Thanks, looks like that's my only option... ah well | 22:02 |
amrik | anirudh0: unfortunately this doesnt fix my sound :( | 22:03 |
emma | balleyne: was that the kind of information that is helpful for you? | 22:03 |
ariqs | I downloaded http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-386 and the linux-image and installed them by double clicking on them from the flash drive. The packages were said to be installed successfully. However, ltmodem, the reason I got the package, doesn't show up anywhere, and sudo modprobe ltmodem (what soundray suggested) does nothing. What might be wrong, what might I need to try at this point? | 22:03 |
ariqs | I see ltmodem.o files in lib/linux-restricted/ltmodem | 22:03 |
anirudh0 | amrik: yes...sorry about that...cant help much | 22:03 |
fxfitz | Can anyone please help me set up my smb.conf file for samba? I only want to share ONE directory to ONE user. | 22:03 |
anirudh0 | amrik: k then...have to sleep now..its 2:30 am here in mumbai..hope you find your fix! | 22:03 |
Sonja | what's the easiest python gui for linux? | 22:03 |
movedx | How come, despite having an nVidia 8800GTS 320mB with the nVidia drivers installed and being able to play Nexuiz at 1680x1050 in Ultimate mode and maintain 80+ FPS, I can't move layers around in Gimp without the app. having a sluggish redraw rate, as though I don't have a graphics driver installed? I've tried with and without the visual. | 22:04 |
balleyne | emma: a bit (lsusb in this case though). The GUI in Gutsy had more information too though, such as device serial numbers and manufacturers and all that sort of stuff | 22:04 |
anirudh0 | Sonja: i hate using caps, but GOOGLE | 22:04 |
hitcher | Hey guys | 22:04 |
kumarphilly | anyone here know how i can instlal ubuntu from a flash drive... cds arent afree and i dotn feel like waisting an cd | 22:04 |
danbhfive | Sonja: whats a python gui for linux? | 22:04 |
ariqs | sonja: Use Idle | 22:04 |
zon | !samba >fxfitz | 22:04 |
Sonja | I googled "python gui linux" but found unrelated throads | 22:04 |
movedx | Sonja wants a Python IDE. | 22:04 |
danbhfive | Sonja: what are you trying to do? | 22:04 |
fxfitz | zon, I've looked at those results already. :( | 22:04 |
jagggy | Can't ANYONE help me pleaseeeee? | 22:04 |
Sonja | !IDE | 22:05 |
ubottu | Factoid ide not found | 22:05 |
Sonja | what's ide? | 22:05 |
tony_ | Try Komodo python IDE | 22:05 |
movedx | Sonja: Intregrated Development Environment | 22:05 |
tichou | one question : feisty to hardy, better to download a new iso or the update? | 22:05 |
hexoroid | hah | 22:05 |
hexoroid | my gnome is so laggy | 22:05 |
jagggy | is it posible to do gnome-terminal -x ls and let the terminal stay open (please example...) | 22:05 |
tichou | give him some coke | 22:05 |
milosz | tichou, upgrade broke printing for me | 22:05 |
danbhfive | tichou: well, its a matter of opinion, but I say new isa | 22:05 |
zon | fxfitz, did you search the wiki thats how I set mine up | 22:05 |
danbhfive | *iso | 22:06 |
tichou | yep? | 22:06 |
hitcher | Wow, is anyone not complaining about what's wrong with their computer lol | 22:06 |
tichou | ok | 22:06 |
hexoroid | whats better kde or gnome ? | 22:06 |
Fishscene | I hate to ask, but I can't mount my drive through terminal. I'm using "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /dev/drive" and the error is "mount point /dev/drive does not exist". | 22:06 |
milosz | i was only able to print again with a reinstall after trying a lot to fix it | 22:06 |
tichou | with new iso, how to do for keep all my home stuffs? | 22:06 |
Sonja | i want to make a simple program that pops up a window with a question, i click on one of the answers, and then it promts the next question, like a flowchart, etc. It will also do commands like /etc/init.d/networking to block my Internet during certain questions. it will also display a picture or sound in the window with the question. | 22:06 |
zon | hexoroid, xfce | 22:06 |
gordonjcp | since switching to Hardy, I can't type accented characters any more - where should I be looking to fix this? | 22:06 |
hitcher | Ok.. Well yall complain, I'ma go install my printer... | 22:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | Fishscene you need to create the mount point in order to mount a drvie to it | 22:06 |
milosz | tichou, i think there is an option now to keep everything that's not the system | 22:06 |
theneb_eeepc | Is there any ubuntu eee channel? | 22:06 |
tichou | oki milos__ | 22:06 |
ali_ | can someone give me a link to the windows irc i gt a serious ubuntu windows **** up lol | 22:07 |
hexoroid | zon i ment lag wise.. kde or gnome ? | 22:07 |
fxfitz | zon, Yeah, I think so. I thought i had it set up right and then I can't access it. :( | 22:07 |
Sonja | danbhfive i was told i could do that in python | 22:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | hexoroid this is the support rom for ubuntu, you will not get an unbiased answer in here | 22:07 |
Fishscene | Jack_Sparrow, pardon my misunderstanding, but I thought that's what I was trying to do... create a mount point for the drive to live in. >.> How would I go about creating the mount point? | 22:07 |
theghost | hi can anyone tell me how i can change my default character encoding (i'm using GNOME and ubuntu 8.04) | 22:07 |
danbhfive | Sonja: what? what can you do in python? | 22:07 |
hexoroid | jack ubutnu runs gnome. | 22:07 |
milosz | Fishscene, mkdir | 22:07 |
zon | hexoroid, if you want a fast x desktop xfce is faster then kde or gnome. gnome is better supported... so maybe you want to do that | 22:07 |
userone | jagggy: i cant get it to stay open either but 'gnome-terminal -x ls > ls' will open/execute/ make the file of 'ls' output and close. backgrounding doesnt help. try a gnome-terminal and cron or at. | 22:08 |
zon | fxfitz, you getting errors? | 22:08 |
ali_ | anyone know how to restore xp without the disks? | 22:08 |
Sonja | danbhfive i want to make a simple program that pops up a window with a question, i click on one of the answers, and then it promts the next question, like a flowchart, etc. It will also do commands like /etc/init.d/networking to block my Internet during certain questions. it will also display a picture or sound in the window with the question. | 22:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | Fishscene sudo mkdir /dev/drive then sudo mount /dev/sdb1 | 22:08 |
ali_ | or how to speed up ubuntu downloads lol | 22:08 |
theghost | hi can anyone tell me how i can change my default character encoding (i'm using GNOME and ubuntu 8.04) | 22:08 |
revengervn | does anyone have crack or serial of WINGWARE python IDE ? | 22:08 |
revengervn | :( | 22:08 |
hexoroid | zon you run xfce ? | 22:08 |
fxfitz | zon, Actually, I tried changing my share to browsable and now I see it when I do "smbclient -L localhost -U" | 22:09 |
zon | hexaroid, yep | 22:09 |
danbhfive | Sonja: maybe start with glade and python | 22:09 |
daftpunk | hi | 22:09 |
zon | fxfitz, so fixed? | 22:09 |
hexoroid | are you able to run apps like xhcat and so on on it ? | 22:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | Fishscene sudo mkdir /dev/drive then sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /dev/drive sorry, copy paste got me | 22:09 |
tichou | i m a fooooool..tryin the update feisty to hardy! | 22:09 |
Fishscene | Just a sec.. | 22:09 |
Sonja | danbhfive I type sudo apt-get install glade ? | 22:09 |
fxfitz | zon, however, when I'm an another computer I will do "smbclient -L <server ip> -U" and it keeps giving me a timeout | 22:09 |
jagggy | k, userone do you got any decent terminal where it does work in then? | 22:09 |
zon | hexoroid, well I an't chatting with telepathy now | 22:09 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: you don't usually mount drives in /dev/ | 22:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | tichou you need to go to gutsy then hardy | 22:09 |
theghost | hi can anyone tell me how i can change my default character encoding to windows-1251 (i'm using GNOME and ubuntu 8.04) | 22:09 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: you put them in /media or /mnt | 22:09 |
tichou | i m on gutsy | 22:09 |
daftpunk | Is there any antivirus for Linux? | 22:09 |
tichou | oups=) | 22:09 |
wy | Is there a accurate way to find out the number of heads in a harddisk? fdisk, parted, testdisk... they seem to report different numbers | 22:09 |
=== silverpower__ is now known as silverpower | ||
tichou | daftpunk, try windoze | 22:10 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: and you can create the mount point by simply mkdir:ing it :) | 22:10 |
revengervn | does anyone have crack or serial of WINGWARE python IDE ? | 22:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | Fishscene I agree that you are selecting an odd mount point | 22:10 |
tichou | if u want some virus =D | 22:10 |
jagggy | daftpunk, yes, but why would you run it? you don't get viruses :p | 22:10 |
Chousuke | Fishscene: it's just a directory, nothing more. | 22:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | revengervn Not in here.. thanks | 22:10 |
userone | wy- hdparm i think | 22:10 |
revengervn | :( | 22:10 |
danbhfive | Sonja: well, that would install it, but you should google for the documentation | 22:10 |
revengervn | sorry | 22:10 |
ariqs | I downloaded http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-386 and the linux-image and installed them by double clicking on them from the flash drive. The packages were said to be installed successfully. However, ltmodem, the reason I got the package, doesn't show up anywhere, and sudo modprobe ltmodem (what soundray suggested) does nothing. What might be wrong, what might I need to try at this point? | 22:10 |
ariqs | I see ltmodem.o files in lib/linux-restricted/ltmodem | 22:10 |
whm__ | Anti-virus for linux. Try sophos. I don't think you can buy just one though. | 22:10 |
Sonja | ok thanks danbhfive | 22:10 |
mannytu | !virus | 22:10 |
robg_ | daftpunkt: I was also amazed that you need so little defensive software on Linux. | 22:10 |
ubottu | A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 | 22:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | !antivirus | 22:10 |
ubottu | antivirus is something you don't really need on Linux, unless you serve windows clients. ClamAV and aegis are decent linux virusscanners. Also see !linuxvirus | 22:10 |
fxfitz | zon, So then, no, it wouldn't be fixed. :( | 22:10 |
theghost | hi can anyone tell me how i can change my default character encoding to windows-1251 (i'm using GNOME and ubuntu 8.04) | 22:11 |
daftpunk | jagggy I just read about it somewhere that spyware and viruses are not an issue on linux, I just wasn't sure how old was that ste | 22:11 |
zon | fxfitz, sorry all i cat help you with is stuff on the wiki :( | 22:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | daftpunk They are not a problem | 22:11 |
jagggy | daftpunk, never been, doubt it ever will :p | 22:11 |
fxfitz | zon, Alright. Thanks though! | 22:11 |
daftpunk | so no trojans, keyloggers stuff like that? | 22:11 |
Jeruvy | daftpunk: rootkits are the big problem on linux | 22:11 |
jagggy | daftpunk, nope | 22:11 |
userone | daftpunk: install chkrootkit to be safe. | 22:12 |
daftpunk | I read about that, free rootkit scanner was AVG but they discontinued it | 22:12 |
robg_ | daftpunkt: Rootkit Hunter is a good disinfective. | 22:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | daftpunk rootkit is only a problem if you are using programs from unsafe sources outside official repos | 22:12 |
theghost | hi can anyone tell me how i can change my default character encoding to windows-1251 (i'm using GNOME and ubuntu 8.04) | 22:12 |
jagggy | k, userone do you got any decent terminal where it does work in then? ( the stay open thing ) | 22:12 |
zon | !lang | 22:12 |
ubottu | Factoid lang not found | 22:12 |
daftpunk | aha ok thanks | 22:12 |
Flare183 | !language | 22:12 |
ubottu | Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 22:12 |
freewilly | hehe | 22:12 |
zon | lol | 22:12 |
Flare183 | !lol | 22:12 |
ubottu | Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks. | 22:13 |
robg_ | theghost: Gnome is an easy desktop. You should be able to find your way around it. | 22:13 |
Sonja | danbhfive i'll try easygui too | 22:13 |
userone | jagggy: gnome-terminal alone will open a xterm an stay open, using gnome. | 22:13 |
zon | nice one! | 22:13 |
daftpunk | !omg | 22:13 |
ubottu | Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks. | 22:13 |
Flare183 | ... | 22:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | jagggy what are you trying to do in a term and keep it open? | 22:13 |
theghost | ok i'll try again | 22:13 |
zon | sigh | 22:13 |
ali_ | anyone know how to speed up ubuntus downloads | 22:13 |
MrObvious | daftpunk: Don't play with the bot or incur moderator wrath. | 22:13 |
zon | ali_ get a fatter pipe | 22:14 |
jagggy | Jack_Sparrow, just run 1 command, and let it stay open | 22:14 |
tichou | C ya | 22:14 |
MrObvious | ali_: From the Internet or for downloading packages? | 22:14 |
Anyday | is there a key i can press during the ubuntu install to see whats going on in? it keeps hanging on the splash screen | 22:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | jagggy give me your example again please | 22:14 |
Xore|work | how do i turn off apport? | 22:14 |
daftpunk | Now I wanted to use LOL :d | 22:14 |
gordonjcp | daftpunk: there are no practical viruses in Linux | 22:14 |
MrObvious | Anyday: Try Escape. | 22:14 |
gordonjcp | daftpunk: and furthermore, there never will be | 22:14 |
jagggy | Jack_Sparrow: gnome-terminal -x ls and it needs to stay open (other terminals may) | 22:14 |
emma | theghost: -- try this -- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30803&highlight=change+character+encoding | 22:14 |
robg_ | ali_: I have downloaded .iso's that took 12 hours to download. I swithc on the computer and go to bed. | 22:14 |
ali_ | MrObvious: Internet my downloads were much quicker on windows | 22:15 |
danbhfive | Sonja: I just googled easygui, I would say go with that. It looks easier than GLADE. Use GLADE is you wanted it to look really good or something | 22:15 |
Flare183 | daftpunk: Sorry we don't play around | 22:15 |
daftpunk | SO if I use package manager for updates and software I should be ok | 22:15 |
Xore|work | anyone know how to turn apport off? | 22:15 |
Sonja | thanks for all yoru help danbhfive!!! | 22:15 |
Flare183 | !repeat | Xore|work | 22:15 |
ubottu | Xore|work: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 22:15 |
MrObvious | daftpunk: Any viruses have been made in labs and require root access to begin with. Also any patches have already been made to the kernel much quicker than Microsoft can roll out fixes for Windows because of open source software. | 22:15 |
MrObvious | !ipv6 | ali_ | 22:15 |
ubottu | ali_: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 | 22:15 |
fxfitz | zon, Do you think I can't access it because I'm not on the same workgroup? I'm trying to connect to the samba server from a different location | 22:15 |
ali_ | robg_:good point lol | 22:15 |
Flare183 | ... | 22:16 |
daftpunk | mmm thats pretty cool | 22:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | jagggy I want to say add && to the end of the command you type in a term to keep it open.. But I may be misunderstandiong what you want to do | 22:16 |
zon | fxfitz, no i think it is because of the user account trying to access it, if it asks for authentication try root and your user password | 22:16 |
MrObvious | ali_: Disable ipv6 and it should speed up. | 22:16 |
daftpunk | Is there any downside of linux btw? | 22:16 |
emma | daftpunk: no. | 22:16 |
zon | fxfitz, you need to make sure you have set up your windows account username in the smb server properly | 22:16 |
zon | daftpunk, games | 22:16 |
emma | daftpunk: but that is off topic for this channel. :) | 22:16 |
freewilly | its not always plug&play | 22:17 |
Xore|work | Flare183: thanks, i'm well aware of that. which is why i refined my question from, "how do i do this" to "does anyone know how to do this" | 22:17 |
fxfitz | zon, Well i'm not even trying to connect with Windows. I want to connect with my ubuntu computer | 22:17 |
daftpunk | I started to use it about week or 2 ago and I love it more every day | 22:17 |
stroyan | Xore|work: Put enabled=0 in /etc/default/apport | 22:17 |
jagggy | Jack_Sparrow, that won't work, it just closes the terminal | 22:17 |
MrObvious | daftpunk: Some software and hardware that drivers exist for on Windows may not work on Linux...like tethering smartphones based off of Windows Mobile, or Quickbooks. | 22:17 |
Xore|work | stroyan: thanks | 22:17 |
MrObvious | daftpunk: But most software can run either in a VM or there are alternatives that are quite workable. | 22:17 |
zon | fxfitz, you want to go from ubuntu to ubuntu smb? | 22:17 |
Flare183 | ....ok | 22:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | daftpunk #ubuntu-offtopic is for discussions, this is support for specific problems | 22:17 |
freewilly | but my asus xonar works good | 22:17 |
daftpunk | ok thanks | 22:17 |
fxfitz | zon, I want to set up a fileserver that I can access from anywhere, whether it be with ubuntu or windows. | 22:17 |
zon | i usually use smb for going from windows to ubuntu | 22:17 |
leftbas | how do i reset my password? | 22:18 |
Xore|work | it's not so much that i really need it off, i'm doing python development, and it's driving me crazy whenever a script fails it tries to report it | 22:18 |
zon | fxfitz, its calld ftp | 22:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | !noroot | 22:18 |
ubottu | We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-) | 22:18 |
minterior | I'm having problems with recent ubuntu-server upgrade (from 6.06 to 8.04). My system hangs on reboot after init-bottom init script. Anyone knows how to fix it? | 22:18 |
fxfitz | zon, But I want to be able to mount the server like it's a disk. | 22:18 |
userone | leftbas: passwd | 22:18 |
minterior | I've found this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mdadm/+bug/116727 | 22:18 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 116727 in mdadm "mkinitramfs with raid makes an unbootable image" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 22:18 |
jagggy | Jack_Sparrow, that won't work, it just closes the terminal | 22:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | jagggy k | 22:18 |
leftbas | userone: i don't mean on my machine, i mean for freenode | 22:18 |
catunda | I've been having a problem at iptables set up. Does anybody knows a good email list do discuss iptables issues? | 22:18 |
leftbas | userone: sorry i wasn't specific | 22:18 |
ali_ | anyone know how to get my ubuntu partition bigger? | 22:19 |
Xore|work | better yet, is there an easy way to tell apport to ignore certain scripts entirely? | 22:19 |
jagggy | Jack_Sparrow: the perfect example is backtrack, you got nmap in their menu, and when you click on it, it spawns a terminal and run nmap, and stay open... | 22:19 |
daftpunk | How can I get rid of default keyring password? Is there any danger in doing that? | 22:19 |
fxfitz | zon, Any ideas? | 22:19 |
userone | leftbas: i used the website for that. | 22:19 |
Sonja | how do i change my pythonpath in .bashrc ? "sudo gedit... something??" | 22:19 |
smev81 | can it happen that you join a channel but you dont join, so that you cant be seen by other members? | 22:19 |
robg_ | ali_ if anything can do it it will be Gparted. | 22:19 |
leftbas | userone: i've been there, but there's no info on resetting a freenode password | 22:20 |
fxfitz | Sonja, sudo gedit ~/.bashrc | 22:20 |
Sonja | thanks | 22:20 |
zon | for windows you need smb and to mount from linux you need mount | 22:20 |
suriro | jagggy: create a profile that holds the terminal open when command exits, and use that profile as argument while invoking gnome-terminal.. | 22:20 |
Xore|work | aha. apport blacklist. | 22:20 |
zon | http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-52368.html | 22:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | fxfitz please suggest gksudo gedit and not sudo for gui apps | 22:20 |
jagggy | suriro, how? :s | 22:20 |
newair | How do you unlock network manager? I do not know the password. I am able to login to the system. I clicked on a link under details at the "unlock" dialog box. It led me to an authorization dialog box which looked like it was for changing policies. Can anyone help me get to my network manager? | 22:20 |
CShadowRun | Jack_Sparrow whats the diffrence? | 22:20 |
ali_ | robg_: yeh but its got loads of stuff on it im not sure whats what | 22:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | !gksudo | 22:20 |
ubottu | If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) | 22:20 |
fxfitz | Jack_Sparrow, Yes, sir! Any reason why? gksudo is definitely two letters longer than sudo, therefore longer to type :-P | 22:20 |
smev81 | hello? can u read my post? Am i connected? | 22:20 |
Sonja | how do I add a command like "sudo gedit ~/.bashrc" as a clickable icon on the panel? | 22:21 |
CShadowRun | Jack_Sparrow i see :p | 22:21 |
zon | newair, it wants your password to unlock if you can do sudo | 22:21 |
tyler_2 | I cannot get restricted or other drivers to work with my nvidia series 7 card, could someone walk me through it please? | 22:21 |
suriro | jagggy: just have a look at the menus of gome-terminal.. | 22:21 |
Sonja | for easy future access | 22:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | fxfitz Not a big deal if you dont mind being locked out of your system due to permissions issues | 22:21 |
daftpunk | Does anybody know pls, how to remove the default keyring password so my system connects to Wifi automatically on startup? | 22:21 |
smev81 | ubuntu is silly | 22:21 |
robg_ | ali_ There are two safe Gparted operations. 1. paritition delete. 2. partition resize. It depends on what is on your drive. | 22:21 |
zcat[1] | What programs exist that will let me record from /dev/video0, composite1. I can view it perfectly with tvtime, but none of the recording programs seem capable of recording anything other than 'Tuner" | 22:21 |
CShadowRun | smev81 your silly | 22:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | smev81 dont be disrespectful... | 22:21 |
fxfitz | Jack_Sparrow, I've never had that problem before. When does that happen/ | 22:21 |
smev81 | i just tested if i am connected | 22:21 |
suriro | jagggy: also 'man gnome-terminal' for commandline options | 22:22 |
=== bamed is now known as bamed|away | ||
Jack_Sparrow | just testing to see if I am still an op | 22:22 |
fxfitz | zon, So, my ubuntu server doesn't need to use samba to mount a networked drive on Windows? | 22:22 |
ihcus | hi ppl ....i have a prob..i cant increase my number of desktops to more than 1 ? | 22:22 |
zcat[1] | at this point it looks like the best solution is to watch it in tvtime and then record that with xrecordmydesktop. Surely there's a better solution?!! | 22:22 |
ali_ | robg_: thats the problem theres 2 partitions saying linuxs swap so i presume there my ubuntu 8.04 and the 7.10 i cant get rid off | 22:22 |
MrObvious | Jack_Sparrow: Feel better? ;\ | 22:22 |
fxfitz | zon, I was under the impression that I need to use Samba if I want my windows machine to be able to mount a ubuntu directory | 22:23 |
zon | fxfitz, if you want to support network drives like normal windows servers from windows machines you need samba | 22:23 |
theghost | emma thanks | 22:23 |
zon | but to do it from linux to linux you don't need samba | 22:23 |
ali_ | robg_:cause it says cant delete under nuber 6 or somethin | 22:23 |
smev81 | i have a bad feeling | 22:23 |
emma | theghost: you are very welcome. :) | 22:23 |
robg_ | ali_ swap partitions are empty parititions. They contain no data. You cannot delete a swap partition but you can reduce it in size. | 22:23 |
emma | PriceChild ^ | 22:23 |
theghost | :) | 22:23 |
zcat[1] | and yes I have tried everything in synaptic that claims to record video, none of them seem capable of changing the input source even when they have a dialog for it... they still record ant-racing off the tuner | 22:23 |
wy | Is there a way to remove grub under linux? | 22:23 |
ali_ | robg_: so how do i know which one is ubuntu im using and which one im not? | 22:24 |
MrObvious | wy: You COULD go to LILO. | 22:24 |
fxfitz | zon, Right. Okay. Now how would I go about mounting that samba share with my ubuntu machine if whenever I try to access it keeps giving me a timeout? | 22:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | emma may I have a quick pm | 22:24 |
ihcus | can anybody help me .....i cant increase my desktops to more than 1 .....pls ??? | 22:24 |
psykroll | Hi, can someone help me update VirtualBox on Ubuntu Hardy? | 22:24 |
zon | !smbclient | 22:24 |
ubottu | Factoid smbclient not found | 22:24 |
wy | MrObvious: I just want to remove all bootloaders tempararily | 22:24 |
emma | Jack_Sparrow: yes you are always welcome. Of course. | 22:24 |
MrObvious | wy: You have to have some kind of bootloader otherwise your computer will never get past the BIOS. | 22:24 |
ryanakca | I'm running an upgrade from the command line. I made my terminal smaller while it was running. However, I've put it back to it's original size, and debconf doesn't seem to want to resize. Is there a way to make in redraw itself? | 22:24 |
robg_ | ali_ If you have 2 linuxes installed they will each have created their own swap partition. | 22:24 |
ali_ | so how do i delete 7.10 | 22:25 |
zon | grrr | 22:25 |
robg_ | ali_ If you want to delete Ubuntu 7.10 then you can use Gparted and simply delete the partition in which 7.10 resides. | 22:25 |
ali_ | so how do i know in which one it resides tho? | 22:26 |
zcat[1] | wy: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1 should do it, although this is probably a really, really bad idea. | 22:26 |
carol | Hi all. I installed Ubuntu on my MacBook. In OS X there is this key stroke (ctrl+alt+cmd+F8) that changes all colors of the screen to their complements. This is very nice to have a 'dark view' quickly. Is their such a thing in Ubuntu? | 22:26 |
ryanakca | zon: what are you looking for, the linux to linux equivalent of samba? look for sshfs | 22:26 |
zon | !sshfs | 22:26 |
ubottu | Factoid sshfs not found | 22:26 |
zon | well it was worth a shot lol | 22:26 |
=== ajmorris is now known as ajmorris|AFK | ||
ryanakca | !info sshfs | zon | 22:26 |
ubottu | zon: sshfs (source: sshfs-fuse): filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9-1 (hardy), package size 31 kB, installed size 116 kB | 22:26 |
arno-t | hi all do you know of any good command-line mp3 tag extractors? | 22:26 |
zon | ahh info... | 22:26 |
zcat[1] | Is the bootloader the first 512 bytes on the drive? I think that's correct | 22:27 |
robg_ | ali_ Get Gparted from Sourceforge.net on a LiveCD and load it from CD-ROM. Gparted will tell you what is on your drive. | 22:27 |
fxfitz | ryanakca, No no, I want to use samba because i want to share a filesystem between linux and windows users. | 22:27 |
zon | fxfitz ok checkout sshfs like they are saying and also smbclient | 22:27 |
fxfitz | ryanakca, However, I want this share to be accessible to people outside the network/workgroup thing. | 22:27 |
ryanakca | zon: !info is for the package... just plain !foo is the factoid | 22:27 |
userone | zcat[1]: it's the mbr, master boot record | 22:27 |
psykroll | Can someone help me update VirtualBox on Ubuntu Hardy? | 22:27 |
ali_ | robg_: i gt gparted on ubuntu wont tht work? | 22:27 |
newair | zon: for some reason, that works now, but did not work a couple days ago. I have no clue, but thank you. I don't think I would have tried it again. I hope I just typed the wrong thing before. Yes thank you | 22:27 |
fxfitz | zon, Hmm. Alright. Does smbclient work with sshfs? | 22:27 |
zon | tks rayanakca | 22:27 |
smev81 | ubuntu is not silly | 22:27 |
ihcus | guys help me out...i cant increase my number of desktops from 1 | 22:28 |
zcat[1] | userone: so that nasty line of 'dd' should zero out the MBR right.. and hopefully not the partition table as well. | 22:28 |
zon | fxfitz they are different. | 22:28 |
xeugene | how about ubuntu to ubuntu filesharing can samba is right package | 22:28 |
userone | zcat[1]: it'll reset the mbr to nothing. | 22:28 |
zon | does the bot send links to man pages? | 22:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | zcat[1] what line for dd? | 22:28 |
zon | !man | 22:28 |
ubottu | The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 22:28 |
zon | ooh nevermind... | 22:28 |
psykroll | does anyone know the command to update an installed program? | 22:28 |
zcat[1] | Jack_Sparrow: the one that dumps 512 bytes of /dev/zero over the mbr | 22:28 |
robg_ | ali_ I never use an operating system to organise that operating system. That OS is only active in its own partition. | 22:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | zcat[1] that WILL erase your partition table | 22:29 |
zcat[1] | someone asked how to 'remove' GRUB.. that ought to do it. | 22:29 |
Odd-rationale | psykroll: sudo apt-get upgrade will upgrade all packages on your system | 22:29 |
seracht | Hi, can someone recommend me a good chat application (specifically for msn) | 22:29 |
fxfitz | zon, So far samba is working perfectly. The only thing I need is to be able for clients OUTSIDE the network/workgroup to interact with the fileshare | 22:29 |
Odd-rationale | !msn | seracht | 22:29 |
ubottu | seracht: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Kopete | 22:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | zcat[1] 442 I think is just the mbr.. one sec while I check | 22:29 |
smev81 | !banned | 22:30 |
ubottu | If you have been banned it is probably because you have not gone along with what is acceptable behaviour. If you're not sure what acceptable behaviour is please see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | 22:30 |
zon | fxfitz...windows clients can use already installed windows stuff, ubuntu clients can use smbclient | 22:30 |
newair | Got to go. Bye | 22:30 |
zcat[1] | Jack_Sparrow: cool, I wouldn't want anyone to do more damage than they asked for :) | 22:30 |
ryanakca | fxfitz: they don't work together I don't think... however, if you really want to use sshfs for both windows and linux and any combination there of, see the inefficient http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/03/05/using-sshfs-to-access-remote-directories-in-windows/ | 22:30 |
manoff | i have a problem; when i create .bash_profile file (which did not exist before) and write "export PAHT=$PATH:/home/myname/bin" there, suddenly the colors dissappear from 'ls' command, why? | 22:30 |
psykroll | Odd-rationale: No, that didn't work. It says everything is good, but VirtualBox isn't the current version | 22:30 |
smev81 | !blocked | 22:30 |
ubottu | Factoid blocked not found | 22:30 |
seracht | Odd-rationale is pidgin the best one though or are there better options | 22:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | zcat[1] Note: 512 includes the partition info 446 first partition is 16 bytes and gets to 462 Would just be the boot info... use hda if needed on your system copy mbr.backup to a USB Drive or other media | 22:30 |
fxfitz | zon, Then how come I can connect to the share with computers inside the local network, but not with computers outside? | 22:30 |
zon | fxfitz, firewall? | 22:31 |
ryanakca | fxfitz: I don't really know the whole question, I'm just guessing. Firewall? | 22:31 |
manoff | i have a problem; when i create .bash_profile file (which did not exist before) and write "export PAHT=$PATH:/home/myname/bin" there, suddenly the colors dissappear from 'ls' command, why? | 22:31 |
zon | !iptables | 22:31 |
ubottu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 22:31 |
fxfitz | zon, Nope. I have all my ports forwarded correctly. :( | 22:31 |
Odd-rationale | seracht: pidgin is quite good. kopete might be better as i heard that it supports webcam. and there is amsn... | 22:31 |
ryanakca | fxfitz: Have you read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba ? hmm... If you created an SSH tunnel and connected to the remote shares and from the remote shares through it? | 22:31 |
tristan_ | join #gstreamer | 22:31 |
Odd-rationale | manoff: did you delete the line containing the ls alias? | 22:31 |
PedanticSteve | does anyone know of a Linux utility in Ubuntu that can convert all line breaks in a text file to another character like ";' or something? | 22:31 |
zon | fxfitz, i can't help you with networking issues...they are impossible to troubleshoot unless you know the complete network topology | 22:32 |
zcat[1] | wy: (only because you asked) dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=446 count=1 should do it, although this is probably a really, really bad idea. Not having an MBR makes your system unable to boot.. you most likely want to -replace- the MBR with some other bootloader | 22:32 |
psykroll | Ok, another problem: I've screwed up my permissions. can someone help me? | 22:32 |
manoff | Odd-rationale: there was no .bash_profile file before, when i rename it into something else, ls colors work again | 22:32 |
j_ | PedenticSteve: vi, emacs, nedit | 22:32 |
manoff | Odd-rationale: i mean, when i logout and login again | 22:32 |
ryanakca | PedanticSteve: sed, ex: sed -e 's/$/;/g' should do that. | 22:32 |
robg_ | Firewall: to activate the firewall go to Terminal, type sudo su <pw> ufw enable <enter> ufw logging on <enter> ufw default deny <enter> | 22:32 |
PedanticSteve | thanks ryanakca | 22:32 |
MrObvious | ryanakca: Hmm I'm gonna need to learn sed. lol | 22:32 |
ryanakca | PedanticSteve: CLI only though... | 22:32 |
zon | !chmod > psykrool | 22:32 |
seracht | Another thing. I installed CompizConfig Settings Manager, but I don't think it's working | 22:33 |
zon | !chmod > psykroll | 22:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | People, it has been fun, but time for me to call it a day... and just lurk while I work | 22:33 |
PedanticSteve | I need CLI so I can use it in a script | 22:33 |
PedanticSteve | thanks | 22:33 |
seracht | do I have to set something to make the effects take into effect? | 22:33 |
manoff | Odd-rationale: my reasoning is that there must be some sort of default .bash_profile somewhere that gets overriden when i write my own into home dir | 22:33 |
ali_ | robg_: but how will i know whts on each partition? | 22:33 |
Odd-rationale | manoff: so colors are not working now? or you have to logout to get coloors? | 22:33 |
robg_ | ali_ Gparted will tell you. It recognizes all known filesystems. | 22:33 |
userone | manoff: you over-wrote your environment aliases and variables in ~/.bashrc | 22:33 |
psykroll | zon: bash: !chmod: event not found | 22:33 |
seracht | never mind, fixed it | 22:34 |
zon | psykroll, no just chmod | 22:34 |
ali_ | robg_: so it should say ubuntu 7.10 | 22:34 |
psykroll | o | 22:34 |
ali_ | ?? | 22:34 |
manoff | Odd-rationale: when i have my own .bash_profile and i logout / login again, colors dont work. when i remove the file or rename it into something else and logout/login, colors work again | 22:34 |
zon | !chmod | 22:34 |
ubottu | An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview | 22:34 |
zon | the ! is for the bot | 22:34 |
manoff | Odd-rationale: that is, when i have .bash_profile in home dir and login, colors dont work | 22:34 |
Odd-rationale | manoff: the .bash_profile is probably overwriting what you have in .bashrc | 22:34 |
shazzam | hey people i downloaded the live cd and burnt the iso to a cd | 22:34 |
manoff | Odd-rationale: aha | 22:35 |
shazzam | when i pop in the cd it just comes uso?p as an | 22:35 |
shazzam | when i pop in the cd it just comes up as an iso? | 22:35 |
Odd-rationale | manoff: consider adding the path line to your .bashrc file instead | 22:35 |
manoff | Odd-rationale: so should i / can i include .bashrc from .bash_profile | 22:35 |
shazzam | how do i play it? | 22:35 |
manoff | Odd-rationale: man bash says that .bashrc is for non-login shells only | 22:35 |
ariqs | I downloaded http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-386 and the linux-image and installed them by double clicking on them from the flash drive. The packages were said to be installed successfully. However, ltmodem, the reason I got the package, doesn't show up anywhere, and sudo modprobe ltmodem (what soundray suggested) does nothing. What might be wrong, what might I need to try at this point? | 22:35 |
ariqs | I see ltmodem.o files in lib/linux-restricted/ltmodem | 22:35 |
fxfitz | ryanakca, Would you mind if I paste you a few things in a private message? | 22:35 |
robg_ | ali_ Just get the Gparted Live 0.3.6-7.iso from Sourceforge.net. Link in via Wikipedia: Gparted. | 22:35 |
manoff | Odd-rationale: while .bash_profile is for login shells, but i try to do that | 22:36 |
zon | shzzaam, did you burn the iso image or burn the actual iso to your disk? | 22:36 |
manoff | hold on | 22:36 |
PedanticSteve | ryanakca I tried that sed command and it added a ";" to the end of each line, but did not replace the line breaks with them... what I am looking for is something to replace the line breaks so I end up with one really long line | 22:36 |
psykroll | zon: chmod: missing operand | 22:36 |
zon | psykroll try man chmod | 22:36 |
zon | read up | 22:36 |
jrib | ariqs: iirc the messages I read yesterday suggested either lt_serial or ltserial | 22:36 |
shazzam | ...i think... i...i | 22:36 |
shazzam | i dunno | 22:36 |
shazzam | i double clicked the iso and it ning softwareopened up sonic bu | 22:37 |
MadSurfer | Google Eart 4.3.7204.0836 (beta) running only a root with hardy, any idea = | 22:37 |
shazzam | grrr | 22:37 |
zon | shazzam, might want to double check | 22:37 |
shazzam | i double clicked the iso and it opened sonic burning software | 22:37 |
manoff | Odd-rationale: by the way, do i must use "export" keyword in front of "export PATH=$PATH...."? | 22:37 |
shazzam | then i just pressed burn? | 22:37 |
Doodluv | I used the update-manger to go from 7.04 to 7.10 and the update-manger pretty much bombed out on me during the upgrade process. I am not able to login as a regular user. I could kill gdm and startx as root and gain access to gnome desktop....until I rebooted the machine...now it hangs on boot. My question is: can I run the install from the 7.10 disk and reinstall ubuntu w/o destroying my /home partition? | 22:37 |
MrBashir | In the newest ubuntu 8.x where can I find the screen and Graphics menu? | 22:37 |
manoff | or is "PATH=$PATH..." just enought? | 22:37 |
shazzam | how was i suppose to burn it? | 22:37 |
[chr0n0s] | is there any way to have resumable downloads over ssh ? | 22:38 |
zon | shazzam, maybe, you need to burn the "image" to the disk no the actual ISO | 22:38 |
userone | manoff: read the /etc/environment file | 22:38 |
[Ely] | Hello guys I just downloaded and installed the Nvidia Linux drivers from their website but after rebooting I always get a message saying I do not appear to be using the NVidia drivers and asks me to configure X my display is running on very low resolution too. | 22:38 |
shazzam | how do i get to the image? | 22:38 |
manoff | userone: will do | 22:38 |
manoff | userone: it only contains "PATH=...." | 22:38 |
zon | shazzam, you will have to read the documentation on your burning software | 22:38 |
amenado | manoff-> also man export so you get an idea what it does | 22:38 |
[Ely] | I did what it asks me under root but I keep getting the same error, anyone can help me please? | 22:38 |
manoff | ok | 22:38 |
Odd-rationale | manoff: I use export PATH:... | 22:38 |
MrBashir | In the newest ubuntu 8.x where can I find the screen and Graphics menu? | 22:38 |
psykroll | not everyone wants or should have to learn a bunch of commands | 22:39 |
zon | [ely] did you change or xorg config files to use the new driver? | 22:39 |
manoff | ok thanks for your help, i have to logout/login to see if it works now | 22:39 |
manoff | see you later | 22:39 |
[Ely] | zon I dont have a clue how to | 22:39 |
userone | manoff: insert this. PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games" | 22:39 |
[Ely] | if you could help me Zon I would so much appreciate it | 22:39 |
zon | [ely] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia?highlight=%28nvidia%29 | 22:40 |
zon | !wiki | 22:40 |
ubottu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation. | 22:40 |
wolfdart | people, on rythmbox I activated the lyrics plugin, but I dont know what I need to do to the lyrics show up on screen! O_o | 22:40 |
[Ely] | alright Zon I ll check it out | 22:40 |
[Ely] | thanks | 22:40 |
ariqs | jrib: ltserial and lt_serial doesn't work either | 22:40 |
zon | [ely] np | 22:40 |
manoff | ok it works now when i put the PATH into .bashrc instead of .bash_profile | 22:41 |
l2s | Hi, When trying to mount an external usb drive, I want it to always mount at the same point when that particular drive is plugged in, anyone know how to make this work? | 22:41 |
Odd-rationale | manoff: good | 22:41 |
manoff | btw there is no man entry for export | 22:41 |
ringer | does anyone know how i can change the notifications of my bottom panel to make updated windows more noticable/ | 22:41 |
Odd-rationale | l2s: try adding a disk label | 22:41 |
userone | manoff: yeah, that'll be user-specific and just peachy also :) | 22:41 |
manoff | somebody suggested be to check "man export" | 22:41 |
l2s | How would the label help | 22:41 |
manoff | there is no such thing | 22:41 |
l2s | I want to mount it to a particular directory | 22:42 |
zon | !wiki nvidia | 22:42 |
ubottu | Factoid wiki nvidia not found | 22:42 |
xiambax | Hello how do i install xfce in ubuntu | 22:42 |
zon | thought it would maybe give me a linky | 22:42 |
xiambax | im trying to do apt-get install xfce but it doesnt work | 22:42 |
zon | xiambax sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 22:42 |
manoff | xiambax: i think you have to have xubuntu | 22:42 |
manoff | yeah | 22:42 |
Odd-rationale | l2s: hal would use /media/<disk_label> instead of /media/disk-1 | 22:42 |
userone | manoff: you can change path on the fly, but you must 'export PATH' too. | 22:42 |
Templarian | i need to edit a file i don't have permissions to and i can't access it from root | 22:42 |
Templarian | its in my usernames folder | 22:42 |
manoff | userone: ok | 22:43 |
MrBashir | Anyone: Where do I find the Screen and Graphics tool in Hardy Heron?! | 22:43 |
manoff | userone: im learning about shell scripting and have lot to learn | 22:43 |
Templarian | puff: how do i save a file that i do not have access to? | 22:43 |
xiambax | ok thanks its downloading | 22:43 |
l2s | ah | 22:43 |
MrObvious | MrBashir: What did it do before? | 22:43 |
Bizzeh | is there any way of reducing the sensitivity of the scroll wheel on my mouse? | 22:43 |
jAk | hello everybody ;) | 22:44 |
userone | Templarian: you can copy it | 22:44 |
ariqs | hah, i want to do the exact opposite of that, bizzeh | 22:44 |
Odd-rationale | manoff: also, you don't have to logout to use your new .bashrc configuration. just run it with ". ~/.bashrc" | 22:44 |
zon | you guys should trade mice then | 22:44 |
MrBashir | MrObvious: select a different monitor other that Plug and Play. I need it for a headless server | 22:44 |
robg_ | MrBashir: are you referring to the top quality multimedia software in de Medibuntu Repositories ? | 22:44 |
Templarian | userone: and i do this how? | 22:44 |
seracht | hey is there a site out there that kinda shows some good ubuntu desktops and good compizconfig settings to set? | 22:44 |
manoff | Odd-rationale: cool i didnt know that | 22:44 |
Bizzeh | mine is a ms laser mouse 5000, has bearings in the scrollwheel, and no click, so its ultra sensitive | 22:44 |
Odd-rationale | seracht: yes, hold on. let me get the link... | 22:44 |
seracht | Compiz is so big and it wil take forever to try to customize it. Would like to see what's out there and copy some other styles | 22:44 |
zon | anyone experiencing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/policykit-gnome/+bug/183673 or know how to fix it? | 22:44 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 183673 in policykit-gnome "Users-admin unlock not working" [Medium,Fix released] | 22:44 |
userone | Templarian: a hidden file in your home folder? | 22:45 |
Templarian | no its completely visible | 22:45 |
MrBashir | robg_: No i'm not | 22:45 |
seracht | Thank you Odd-rationale | 22:45 |
Templarian | if i edit it and try to save it says i can't | 22:45 |
Templarian | userone: | 22:45 |
seracht | specifically looking for the compiz settings | 22:45 |
MrObvious | MrBashir: Maybe System -> Preferences -> Appearance or Screen Resolution? | 22:45 |
userone | Templarian: cp /home/user/file /home/user/file.backup | 22:45 |
jAk | Anybody know OR is it possible to get outlook 2007 on ubuntu using either Wine or crossover? | 22:45 |
Templarian | userone: i'll try | 22:45 |
seme | hi guys... I'm trying to join my ubuntu workstation to my active directory... I tried the likewiseopen program and it said I was joined to the domain but ssh doesn't allow me to log in... kinit works though | 22:45 |
j_ | seracht: there really aren't THAT many compiz settings... why don't you just use the graphical config tools and play around? | 22:46 |
MrBashir | MrObvious: screen resolution mentions only 800x640 because its headless... | 22:46 |
seme | and samba isn't set up to use ad... does likewise do that? | 22:46 |
MrObvious | MrBashir: Well I tried. lol | 22:46 |
Odd-rationale | seracht: http://forlong.blogage.de/article/2008/4/26/How-to-set-up-Compiz-Fusion-074 | 22:46 |
kindofabuzz | j_: there are ALOT of compix setings | 22:46 |
j_ | seracht: the "advanced desktop settings" tool is quite good ... | 22:46 |
MrBashir | and 640x480, but nothing else | 22:46 |
kindofabuzz | compiz | 22:46 |
j_ | kindofabuzz: not really dude ... | 22:46 |
emma | !info simple-ccsm > emma | 22:46 |
seracht | thanks | 22:46 |
robg_ | MrBashir; My screen resolution is 1440 x 900 | 22:46 |
manoff | ok gotta run now see ya | 22:47 |
MrObvious | MrBashir: Sometimes you have to manually add resolutions to xorg.conf | 22:47 |
MrObvious | . | 22:47 |
* Bizzeh licks 1680x1050 screen | 22:47 | |
takyoji | Is Compiz or Compiz-Fusion packaged with Ubuntu 8.04? | 22:47 |
emma | seracht: I suggest you try installing simple-ccsm You do that by opening a terminal and typing: sudo apt-get install simple-ccsm | 22:47 |
emma | takyoji: it is Compiz-Fusion now. | 22:47 |
ariqs | I downloaded http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-386 and the linux-image and installed them by double clicking on them from the flash drive. The packages were said to be installed successfully. However, ltmodem, the reason I got the package, doesn't show up anywhere, and sudo modprobe ltmodem (what soundray suggested) does nothing. What might be wrong, what might I need to try at this point? | 22:47 |
ariqs | I see ltmodem.o files in lib/linux-restricted/ltmodem | 22:47 |
j_ | takyoji: compiz comes with 8.04 | 22:47 |
l2s | I think i found a bug in hardy when you boot up and it automounts a usb drive, when you manually try to set the volume mount point and do it wrong, there is no way to get back in to change it | 22:47 |
takyoji | j_ and emma: thank you | 22:47 |
emma | j_ oh I thought the whole thing is called compiz-fusion now. | 22:47 |
MrObvious | Bizzeh: 1920x1280 here :D | 22:47 |
l2s | gui errors out says cant mount and then stops | 22:48 |
emma | takyoji: no problem. Good luck. | 22:48 |
j_ | emma: yeah compiz-fusion .. compiz + beryl .. which is basically just compiz with a couple neat-o beryl plugins .. | 22:48 |
j_ | same thing :) | 22:48 |
Bizzeh | MrObvious: if i could be bothered, i would hook my tv in via hdmi also, and go for 1080p + 1680x1050 :D | 22:48 |
emma | j_ right. :) | 22:48 |
takyoji | Then where's the settings for Beryl? :P | 22:48 |
MrObvious | Bizzeh: Lucky son of a cat. :p | 22:48 |
j_ | takyoji: are you sure you aren't using compiz? | 22:48 |
legend2440 | MrBashir: screens and graphics is gksu displayconfig-gtk | 22:48 |
j_ | takyoji: beryl is now defunct | 22:49 |
emma | Bizzeh: this is not quite related but since you are talking about Ubuntu and hooking up your TV, you might also want to look into mythbuntu | 22:49 |
takyoji | ahh | 22:49 |
MrBashir | legend2440: Ok, thanks,ill try that | 22:49 |
Bizzeh | emma: i would be looking to hook my tv into ubuntu as simply a 2nd monitor, not a media viewer | 22:49 |
j_ | takyoji: the best config tool I've found for compiz is ccsm | 22:49 |
emma | Bizzeh: sure. | 22:49 |
MrObvious | Bizzeh: My resolution is 80 pixels bigg | 22:49 |
takyoji | j_: ahh k, thanks | 22:50 |
docta_v | is there a tool to check for weak ssl certificates | 22:50 |
j_ | takyoji: anytime | 22:50 |
jrib | ariqs: are you sure you aren't affected by the bug I linked yesterday? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/Lucent suggests you can use the martian_modem driver as an alternative | 22:50 |
docta_v | that is, not ssh keys but ssl certs for apache | 22:50 |
MrObvious | Bizzeh: Err 80 pixels bigger than 1080P.; | 22:50 |
jAk | Anybody know OR is it possible to get outlook 2007 on ubuntu using either Wine or crossover? | 22:50 |
l2s | odd-rationale your way worked to mount it under the /media/drivename | 22:50 |
psykroll | will ubuntu ever be user-friendly? I don't have time to learn how the commands work. I just need help. | 22:50 |
MrObvious | jAk: Why? | 22:50 |
docta_v | jAk: wine/crossover definitely works with outlook | 22:50 |
suriro | ariqs: that package is for i386 kernels. It wont work on i686 kernel | 22:50 |
docta_v | i don't know about 2007 though | 22:50 |
docta_v | check the crossover office website | 22:50 |
Bizzeh | psykroll: what are you on about, there is no need to know pretty much, any commands at all | 22:50 |
danbhfive | !appdb > jAk | 22:50 |
j_ | psykroll: what do you need help with? | 22:50 |
MrObvious | psykroll: I think most of the stuff can be done through the GUI from the system menu. | 22:50 |
Nevermind | testasdg | 22:50 |
Bizzeh | unless your customising in someway | 22:50 |
robg_ | psykroll: the nice thing about Ubuntu is that you do not really have to know the commands. | 22:51 |
Nevermind | 0_o last message was lost.. hm | 22:51 |
amenado | psykroll-> are you willing to pay cold cash? | 22:51 |
Nevermind | hi guys | 22:51 |
jAk | MrObvious : Work related quesion, was asked the question.. ;) | 22:51 |
MrObvious | psykroll: The help here is so wonderful you will learn fine and eventually love CLI. | 22:51 |
Broadcom | !hi | Nevermind | 22:51 |
ubottu | Nevermind: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 22:51 |
MrObvious | jAk: It's probably possible. | 22:51 |
Nevermind | have a problev - can some1 help? ) | 22:51 |
Nevermind | problem* ) | 22:51 |
Broadcom | !anyone | Nevermind | 22:51 |
ubottu | Nevermind: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 22:51 |
MrBashir | legend2440: Any idea why they removed it from the usual place? | 22:51 |
MrObvious | jAk: Is it for e-mail or becacuse of Exchange? | 22:51 |
emma | Nevermind: It's possible. The best course of action is to ask your question and see if someone has any ideas. | 22:51 |
j_ | although I like MrObviouses enthusiasm, you should hopefully never really have to learn the CLI... that's the point of ubuntu.. | 22:51 |
Bizzeh | thing is, the option to use the commands is there... so ubuntu suites me perfectly, im more of a gentoo user, but im to lazy to use commands now... but when i really want them, they are there | 22:51 |
psykroll | amenado: I thought ubuntu meant community | 22:52 |
Acorn | why when using the ubuntu livecd am i limited to 800*600 screen resolution? | 22:52 |
zon | !lol > zon | 22:52 |
j_ | it literally means "I am who I am because of all of you" | 22:52 |
jAk | http://wine-review.blogspot.com/2008/03/office-2007-on-linux-with-wine-install.html < i found this but outlook 07 doesn't load, LOL | 22:52 |
MrObvious | Bizzeh: lol | 22:52 |
amenado | psykroll-> and it meant your participation in learning | 22:52 |
l2s | one other question after i gparted a disk to ext3 it is showing this: dev/sdb1 1 60802 488386583+ ee EFI GPT | 22:52 |
j_ | that's the most direct translation of ubuntu | 22:52 |
Bizzeh | Acorn: your gfx isnt supported properly in the livecd | 22:52 |
MrObvious | Acorn: The video driver might not be set up right. | 22:52 |
l2s | what is ee EFI GPT rather than the normal 83 linux | 22:52 |
legend2440 | MrBashir: no in order to see launcher in menu i had to edit menus and enable it. it is under Other on mine | 22:53 |
psykroll | so I'm limited to windows until I have the time to become a programmer | 22:53 |
psykroll | nice | 22:53 |
ariqs | suriro: that may very well be my problem. | 22:53 |
Nevermind | ok... so. SOUND problems. sound card - Terratek Aurion 7.1. have sound in Totem player(deafult for 8.04) and pidgin. anywhere else... just silence ) | 22:53 |
Acorn | how do i find out how to set up my gfx? | 22:53 |
maxxism | this monitor hates ubuntu. I just did a reinstall to try to get the monitor to do 1280x1024, ubuntu still doesnt see anything bigger than 1280x800, winblows does 1280x1024. I tried manually adding 1280x1024 to xorg.conf already too. | 22:53 |
j_ | psykroll: not at all sir. nearly everything in ubuntu has a GUI | 22:53 |
MrBashir | legend2440: Ah, ok thanks again :) | 22:53 |
emma | I am not sure what just happened there. | 22:53 |
j_ | psykroll: ubuntu is AIMED at non-technical people :) | 22:53 |
_r2d2_ | hi have a problem with hellanzb, i belive i have it setup correctly but when i execute hellanzb.py in the terminal i get this --- hellanzb v0.13 (config = /usr/etc/hellanzb.conf) --- nuttin else happens, im sure sommits wrong somwhere.....can anybody advise plz ? | 22:54 |
Bizzeh | BAH! my dad had to ruin my night.... | 22:54 |
robg_ | maxxism: I would not be too anxious about resolution. It does not make that much difference. | 22:54 |
emma | Ubuntu is aimed at every human being on earth. | 22:54 |
Broadcom | !ot | 22:54 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 22:54 |
l2s | j_ would you know why the drive says ID ee and System EFI-GPT i wanted a standard linux format ext3 | 22:54 |
psykroll | j_: perhaps I'm retarded then | 22:54 |
=== userone is now known as LtL | ||
maxxism | robg_ umm yeah it does. nothing looks right at 1280x800. and 1024x768 is a waste of real estate | 22:55 |
Bizzeh | "my laptop is broke, can i bring it round and can you reformat it"... this is my 1 night of the month, when my gf isnt home, and i get all night to myself to do wtf i want... and he decides now is a good time to ask me to format his laptop | 22:55 |
j_ | ls2: I'm sorry I'm not really sure about that :( | 22:55 |
l2s | ok thanks its kinda weird | 22:55 |
l2s | i nuked the partition like 3 times | 22:55 |
l2s | and reformatted | 22:55 |
Acorn | how do you install your graphics card? | 22:55 |
Nevermind | so? any1 knows? ) or no1 had problems with sound? ) | 22:55 |
j_ | psykroll: no no. You're not. Listen, when you FIRST started playing with Windows... didn't you have to "learn" how everything worked? Same thing here ... | 22:55 |
Broadcom | !ot | Bisseh | 22:55 |
ubottu | Bisseh: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 22:55 |
emma | LtL your nick looks a bit like a prominent Ubuntu op, if it is not your typical nick you might want to change it to avoid confusion. | 22:55 |
robg_ | maxxism: with the current resolution you can get by for the moment untill you find a way to increase it. | 22:55 |
zon | acorn, plug it in to the pci bus? | 22:55 |
j_ | psykroll: are you having a specific problem? Or is it more general "catch up" to how ubuntu works? There are lots of video tutorials to help you catch up if need be .. | 22:56 |
psykroll | j_: I don't recall memorizing a bunch of code when I learned windows. It was all obvious to me. | 22:56 |
LtL | emma: yeah LjL right, i promise not to impersonate thanks. it's registered, sue me. | 22:56 |
maxxism | robg_ well so happy for the help. lol. I have been trying to get the higher res for a couple weeks. even though gutsy worked fine on this monitor. | 22:56 |
psykroll | j_: I've screwed my permissions up. | 22:56 |
jrib | psykroll: you don't need to memorize any code on ubuntu either | 22:57 |
j_ | psykroll: heh.. that sort of depends on who you ask. linux has a lot of technical people behind it so it's easier for them to say "run this command" then to say "go to applications->this->that" | 22:57 |
Broadcom | !offtopic | 22:57 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 22:57 |
j_ | psykroll: in what way? | 22:57 |
Acorn | j_: that' sounds great! do you know where i could find a good video tutorial on ubuntu? | 22:57 |
j_ | Acorn: yes let me find it ... they're flash tutorials | 22:57 |
jAk | ok, got mine answer more or less... another question. I've got a dell 22" monitor which has build in webcam (SP2208WFP) can i get the webcam to work in ubuntu? this is is for me and isn't work related | 22:57 |
Broadcom | !webcam | jaAk | 22:58 |
ubottu | jaAk: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 22:58 |
_r2d2_ | hi have a problem with hellanzb, i belive i have it setup correctly but when i execute hellanzb.py in the terminal i get this --- hellanzb v0.13 (config = /usr/etc/hellanzb.conf) --- nuttin else happens, im sure sommits wrong somwhere.....can anybody advise plz ? | 22:58 |
ariqs | suriro, that is the only package that I can find of the restricted modules that has the ltmodem driver. The generic version does not have it | 22:58 |
zon | wow is there anything ubottu can't do? | 22:58 |
ariqs | suriro: what am I supposed to do? I got the 386 version because I was linked to it | 22:58 |
psykroll | j_: I had a problem with my desktop so someone suggested I create a new user and delete the old one. now I get errors like /home/daddy/.wine is not owned by you. | 22:58 |
psykroll | daddy is the new profile | 22:58 |
zon | psykroll, you need to chgrp and other things like that. you have to do it manually using chmod and chgrp | 22:59 |
Broadcom | psykroll: did you try suco? | 22:59 |
j_ | psykroll: can you log in to your old account? | 22:59 |
Broadcom | **sudo | 22:59 |
psykroll | sudo? yes | 22:59 |
maxxism | Can someone help me figure out why this monitor wont do 1280x1024 anymore? It used to in breezy and gutsy. I have manually added 1280x1024 to xorg.conf with no luck. | 22:59 |
zon | sudo chgrp... | 22:59 |
=== Laggyware is now known as Lattyware | ||
jrib | psykroll: sudo chown -R $USER: ~ | 22:59 |
psykroll | j_: old folders for acct are there, but no acct gone. | 22:59 |
Broadcom | psykroll: there is a way to change who owns th folder, i forgot the command | 22:59 |
zon | !chgrp | 23:00 |
ubottu | Factoid chgrp not found | 23:00 |
Broadcom | !chown | 23:00 |
ubottu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 23:00 |
Acorn | how do you tell what your graphics card is? is there a utility in ubuntu? | 23:00 |
jrib | Acorn: lspci | 23:00 |
j_ | psykroll: Ah ok that's easier to fix that you think... but .. (I'm sorry) we have to do a simple command line thing .. | 23:00 |
Odd-rationale | Acorn: try "lspci | grep VGA" | 23:00 |
ariqs | basically, I'm back to where I was from the start trying to compile the damn ltmodem drivers because there isn't a package I can use with them. | 23:00 |
joooj | I am to do "./configure" and this message appears " C compiler cannot create executables" | 23:00 |
jrib | joooj: what are you compiling? | 23:00 |
jAk | brilliant... ;) | 23:00 |
j_ | psykroll: Type: "chown -R username.groupname directory/" | 23:00 |
joooj | vmtools | 23:01 |
Broadcom | joooj: did you install build essentials? | 23:01 |
Slart | joooj: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 23:01 |
j_ | Acorn: Still looking ... it's been a while since I saw it | 23:01 |
jrib | !compile > joooj (read the private message from ubottu) | 23:01 |
ali_ | robg_: what programme do i use to burn the iso? | 23:01 |
Acorn | don't worry if you can't find it | 23:01 |
MrKeuner | hi, what does apt-ceche do every once in a while, causing a lot of system load? | 23:01 |
Slart | MrKeuner: updates the package lists? but I thought apt-get did that | 23:01 |
ariqs | I mean, really, the focus on compatibility should start with internet connection drivers. It's obvious. after that you can get what you need, but you're nearly screwed if you can't connect to the net. What is with this | 23:01 |
robg_ | ali_ the standard file manager. | 23:01 |
=== freelance is now known as blumm | ||
Acorn | how would i get my nVidia GeForce4 Ti 4200 to work at higher resolutions? | 23:02 |
emma | apt-cache performs a variety of operations on APT´s package cache. | 23:02 |
emma | apt-cache does not manipulate the state of the system but does provide | 23:02 |
emma | operations to search and generate interesting output from the package | 23:02 |
suriro | ariqs: somehow ltmodem driver does not exist for i686 kernel, so you need to switch to i386 to use it | 23:02 |
jrib | ariqs: complain to your the modem manufacturer. The drivers are closed so all it's all up to them | 23:02 |
amenado | ariqs-> you are not connected? | 23:02 |
emma | Oops. I did not know it would post three lines. | 23:02 |
robg_ | ali_ simply say that you want to burn to CD and you will be presented with options. | 23:02 |
blumm | hello, can anybody help me with wlfxp and java?i | 23:02 |
paoloflappi | vasco | 23:02 |
ali_ | robg_: kk | 23:02 |
ariqs | not on the box i'm trying to get working, amenado | 23:02 |
jrib | ariqs: delete random words there for that to make sense | 23:02 |
blumm | i get Java.nullpointer.exception | 23:02 |
Jaikkuli | anyone recommend a good easy package for rar extraction? | 23:03 |
MrKeuner | Slart, it is running every couple of hours or so. and it is apt-cache not apt-get | 23:03 |
amenado | ariqs-> get an external modem will you? | 23:03 |
jAk | thanks for your help guys, much helpful | 23:03 |
jrib | !rar > Jaikkuli (read the private message from ubottu) | 23:03 |
blumm | java.lang.NullPointerException | 23:03 |
emma | MrKeuner: see the description of what apt-cache is above. Or open a terminal and type: man apt-cache | 23:03 |
Odd-rationale | Acorn: what res do you have right now? | 23:03 |
robg_ | ali_ while you are burning make 2 or 3 CDs. | 23:03 |
Slart | MrKeuner: then I don't know.. try to "catch it in the act" and use the system monitor to see what the command line says | 23:04 |
ariqs | how hard is it to switch to 386 kernel? | 23:04 |
suriro | ariqs: apt-get install linux-386 | 23:04 |
amenado | ariqs-> you are in san jose? stop by at weirdscience or old halted electronics | 23:04 |
joooj | it worked!! thanks, what are the essentials? | 23:04 |
ariqs | suriro: that won't work without a net connection, will it? | 23:04 |
suriro | ariqs: no. | 23:05 |
jrib | joooj: apt-cache show build-essential | 23:05 |
ariqs | hehe | 23:05 |
Slart | joooj: it justs installs and configs some basic compiler stuff | 23:05 |
seme | ok so ssh works but for some reason samba just complains that it is unable to open the domain client session to machine dc.myco.com then it says that domain password server not available | 23:05 |
seme | any idea what causes that | 23:05 |
blumm | can someone please help with java.lang.null.pointer.exception error message? | 23:05 |
blumm | cant find anything on google | 23:05 |
jrib | blumm: you need to provide more context | 23:05 |
seme | blumm: it usually means that a java program is trying to access an object that is null | 23:06 |
amenado | blumm we will give it a shot one time, but you may have to visit #java | 23:06 |
seme | blumm: what are you talking about | 23:06 |
blumm | i installed successfully wlfxp which needs java | 23:06 |
psykroll | j_: so that command gives me permission for a certain directory. How do I get root perms? | 23:06 |
blumm | i can connect without problems to any server | 23:06 |
MrKeuner | emma, thanks I think I know what apt-cache is but I could not find any other explanation when seeing it running when I check the ps when system load is high. It looks like it is gathering data but it is doing that very frequently. | 23:06 |
blumm | as soon as i switch to my proxy server i get that error message | 23:06 |
jrib | psykroll: don't run that chown command on stuff outside your HOME | 23:07 |
blumm | java.lang.NullPointerException | 23:07 |
j_ | Acorn: I'm really sorry man... I can't find them :( | 23:07 |
jrib | !root > psykroll (read the private message from ubottu) | 23:07 |
j_ | psykroll: That command actually changes ownership of the directory to the user you type in... | 23:07 |
krazybastid | can somebody help me with john the ripper | 23:07 |
j_ | psykroll: oh .. sude | 23:07 |
j_ | psykroll: oh .. sudo sorry | 23:07 |
seme | blumm: I'm not sure... I never used wlfxp.... try checking your config... enabling more verbose logging and see what that leads too... | 23:07 |
j_ | psykroll: Type: "sudo chown -R username.groupname directory/" | 23:08 |
remoteCTRL | 'evening! does anyone use a ticketing system under linux? in terms of trouble ticket? | 23:08 |
amenado | krazybastid-> thats to break a password? i dont think people here would like that | 23:08 |
blumm | seme, im sorry, i pretty new to linux, i wouldnt know how to change that | 23:08 |
MrKeuner | Slart, I tried finding the command line that runs, in the crontabs but no luck, it is not even in grep apt-cache /etc/* -r | 23:08 |
amenado | remoteCTR1-> there is an orielly book that came out, RT essentials | 23:08 |
Nevermind | so... i'll try one more time.... question: | 23:08 |
Nevermind | ok... so. SOUND problems. sound card - Terratek Aurion 7.1. have sound in Totem player(deafult for 8.04) and pidgin. anywhere else... just silence ) | 23:08 |
seme | blumm: well the logs are in /var/log usually... look there to see if there is a log for your app and maybe it has some additional messages | 23:09 |
ssastre | I need to test a var for null value in a bash script. How do I do? (I've tried "if test $varname = null" without success) | 23:09 |
Acorn | hmm, so if i have an nvidia gfx is it best to just go to the website and download the linux driver and install? | 23:09 |
rabusmar | >Hi, i installed eclipse with synaptic to install PDT for web development. I used the update manager that eclipse has, but one of the multiple dependencies of PDT (Java Development Tools) doesnt install properly (Reason: Plug-in "org.eclipse.jdt.junit4.runtime" version "0.0.0" referenced by this feature is missing.). Im running ubuntu 8.04 Desktop LTS x64. Any suggestion? | 23:09 |
remoteCTRL | amenado: that is good to know but i am less looking for general info than for applicable software? | 23:09 |
j_ | Acorn: I wouldn't... use the restricted driver that ubuntu provides | 23:09 |
Jaikkuli | jrib: i have installed unrar-free.. but how to i run it? what is it called specificly | 23:09 |
blumm | seme, i just checked - nothing there | 23:09 |
j_ | Acorn: I use NVidia exclusively in linux ... works incredibly well | 23:09 |
Acorn | j_: how would i find that? | 23:09 |
ringer | Nevermind: are you using hardy? or gutsy? | 23:09 |
jrib | Jaikkuli: no, install "unrar" and follow the instructions ubottu linked you to | 23:09 |
l2s | If you are running ubuntu hardy heron alternate install but want to disable X from automatically loading is this possible to save ram? | 23:09 |
amenado | remoteCTR1-> why not start with that, google for it? | 23:09 |
psykroll | j_: chown: cannot access `/home/daddy/.gvfs': Permission denied | 23:10 |
j_ | Acorn: System->Administration->Hardware Drivers | 23:10 |
remoteCTRL | amenado: its kind of hard as i'm not sure what precisely to lookf r:/ | 23:10 |
jrib | l2s: system -> administration -> Services | 23:10 |
debaser` | hi | 23:10 |
Nevermind | ringer: hardy | 23:10 |
l2s | thanks jrib still learnign my way around it | 23:10 |
j_ | psykroll: You typed sudo before the chown stuff right? And it asked you for your password? | 23:10 |
ringer | Nevermind: hm, i was going to say if you were using gutsy to upgrade, cause that fixed all my sound problems. sorry i dont know what else to tell ya | 23:11 |
psykroll | j_: yes. Was I supposed to type my password or sudo or what? | 23:11 |
psykroll | i'm so lost | 23:11 |
Acorn | j_: I don't understand, there's no option to add a driver | 23:11 |
j_ | psykroll: It's alright... slow down :) | 23:11 |
j_ | Acorn: Then your system doesn't recognize the card :( | 23:11 |
joooj | after "./configure", I got this message error: The X11 libraries were not found. Please configure without X11 (using --without-x), or install the libX11 devel package(s) | 23:11 |
anthonyplay | salut | 23:12 |
remoteCTRL | amenado: oh, now i got it! genius hint thanks alot! | 23:12 |
j_ | psykroll: ok type this (like before) "sudo chown myusername.mygroup directory/" | 23:12 |
jrib | joooj: install the libX11 devel packages like it says (hint: apt-cache search -n libx11 dev) | 23:12 |
blumm | uhm :/ | 23:12 |
amenado | remoteCTR1-> alright dude | 23:12 |
anthonyplay | woups , it's an english channel :p | 23:12 |
j_ | psykroll: when it asks you for your password, enter the password you use to log in to the system | 23:12 |
psykroll | i did | 23:12 |
psykroll | j_: i did | 23:12 |
j_ | psykroll: and it gave you an error? | 23:13 |
koran42 | hello everyone i am new to ubuntu and i love it like!!! | 23:13 |
psykroll | access denied | 23:13 |
Acorn | j_: why would that be? is it bad? can i fix it? I know what the card is (nVidia GeForce4 Ti 4200) | 23:13 |
j_ | psykroll: ok let's cheat :) | 23:13 |
Jaikkuli | jrib: thanks | 23:13 |
koran42 | i have a question ?? | 23:13 |
amrik | Hi something funky happens with my volume controls in hardy. When I try to raise the volume, the sliders act very funny. Does anybody know why this is? | 23:13 |
l2s | rebooting brb | 23:13 |
j_ | Acorn: Type "dmesg" in the CLI and look for your video card there ... just to make sure the system sees it | 23:14 |
jrib | !ask | koran42 | 23:14 |
ubottu | koran42: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 23:14 |
Fujisan | Buntu Family Theater: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7khI7hwdlI | 23:14 |
psykroll | j_: whatever works | 23:14 |
j_ | psykroll: type this: "sudo su" | 23:14 |
Nevermind | i have some SOUND problems. sound card - Terratek Aurion 7.1. have sound in Totem player(deafult for 8.04) and pidgin. anywhere else... just silence ) | 23:14 |
koran42 | k thanks | 23:14 |
jrib | !offtopic > Fujisan (read the private message from ubottu) | 23:14 |
amenado | psykroll-> try to see if you can get into single user mode, and try to change the password for the user | 23:14 |
danh | anyone know how to mount and xfs volume? i keep getting errors with the mount command | 23:14 |
Fujisan | jrib ? | 23:14 |
amenado | j_ remember he erased the original user..and recreated a new one | 23:14 |
danh | er, mount an xfs volume | 23:14 |
j_ | amenado: yeah the user's gone. He's logged in as a different one and is trying to reclaim permissions on his old directory | 23:15 |
psykroll | j_: root@<computername>:/home/daddy# | 23:15 |
jrib | Fujisan: please stick only to answering and asking support questions here in #ubuntu as there is a lot of traffic. Join us for fun stuff in #ubuntu-offtopic if you want | 23:15 |
koran42 | what's the difference between ubuntu ultimate 1.7 and ubuntu 7.10 gusty | 23:15 |
j_ | psykroll: fantastic .. now you're root :) | 23:15 |
danh | tried #mount /dev/sda8 /mnt/disk, but it dfailed | 23:15 |
j_ | psykroll: what's the username and group of the new user you created? | 23:15 |
danh | i mean mount -t xfs /dev/sda8 /mnt/disk | 23:15 |
psykroll | username daddy group admin I think | 23:16 |
Acorn | j_: the list is so long, i'm never going to find it :( | 23:16 |
j_ | psykroll: ok now type "chown -R daddy directory | 23:16 |
j_ | Acorn: Hardware is a pain bro. Try System->Preferences->Hardware Information | 23:17 |
psykroll | j_: chown: cannot access `/home/daddy/.gvfs': Permission denied | 23:17 |
Broadcom | psykroll: use sudo before | 23:17 |
psykroll | lol | 23:18 |
j_ | Broadcom: I've got him as root :) | 23:18 |
Broadcom | j_ really? | 23:18 |
psykroll | yep | 23:18 |
j_ | psykroll: I must say that's rather strange ... | 23:18 |
j_ | psykroll: Could you give me the listing of ls? "ls -a" | 23:18 |
Acorn | j_: i don't see hardware information in preferences | 23:18 |
psykroll | I need a smoke guys and gals, brb | 23:18 |
Broadcom | psykroll: try it anyway, maybe you are not for somereason | 23:18 |
psykroll | j_: I really want your help. brb, ok? | 23:18 |
j_ | Acorn: "apt-get install hal-device-manager" | 23:19 |
j_ | psykroll: Sure mind if I smoke a cig? | 23:19 |
j_ | Broadcom: heh yeah | 23:19 |
puff | There was somebody here the other day who had a problem with installing java from synaptic - it just hung forever, he said. | 23:19 |
psykroll | j_: have at it, I'm goin outside | 23:19 |
tom__ | is anyone up to help me install some hd audio controller? | 23:19 |
puff | I just stumbled across the answer to that. | 23:19 |
j_ | psykroll: k | 23:19 |
Acorn | j_: "Couldn't find package hal-device-manager" | 23:19 |
robg_ | puff: you must firts uninstall OpenJDK | 23:20 |
joema1 | I am having sound issues, can any one help? I only have sound in flash player, and nothing else, it was the other way round yeaterday 'till I played with something | 23:20 |
j_ | Acorn: ? are you on 8.04? | 23:20 |
legend2440 | mind if i take some hardy herion? | 23:20 |
f0rmat | cn anyone tell me why when i click reload to get updates it says hit and failed on all updates yet when the system auto updates it gets them fine as it has shown me just now :S | 23:20 |
f0rmat | *can | 23:20 |
legend2440 | mind if i take some hardy heroin? | 23:20 |
srbaker | heya folks | 23:20 |
srbaker | have an ubuntu-server box. what's the easiest to install ftp server these days? | 23:20 |
puff | robg_: Yeah, I recommended that to him at the thime. I just came across somebody pointing out that soimetimes synaptic's "show details" isn't open, and that's where the java click-through license is displayed. | 23:20 |
srbaker | i want it preconfigured to let users log in | 23:20 |
j_ | Acorn: I"ll brb I'm dyin for a cig .. :) | 23:20 |
Mongoose | can someone help me with a local lamp server? I'm having trouble getting php to run. | 23:21 |
srbaker | and drop files in their homedirs | 23:21 |
Acorn | j_: just running the livecd | 23:21 |
jrib | !lamp > Mongoose (read the private message from ubottu) | 23:21 |
puff | Mongoose: Wht's it doing? | 23:21 |
ls3 | hi guys | 23:21 |
puff | !lamp > puff | 23:21 |
Acorn | where do all the things i install get put if i'm running the live cd? | 23:21 |
ls3 | wondering how to install the ndiswrapper from xubuntu iso? | 23:21 |
jrib | Acorn: ram (or swap if you have it) | 23:21 |
robg_ | puff: you may need to install the Medibuntu repositories to get all the nice stuff. Go medibuntu.org and follow instructions. | 23:21 |
ls3 | the laptop doesn't have lan now | 23:21 |
ls3 | i mean wifi lan | 23:22 |
puff | robg_: I'm not having problems, I'm just trying to help the guy who was. | 23:22 |
Mongoose | ive followed the page on ubuntu, installed everything, the php module is running.. but php won't run | 23:22 |
BazookaTooth | Could anyone help me with a partitioning problem? I need to get Ubuntu off of a hard disk where it's the primary partition. | 23:22 |
Acorn | never new that so much could fit on ram :) | 23:22 |
Broadcom | ls3: you can get wired? | 23:22 |
ls3 | nope, brent113 | 23:22 |
ls3 | nope Broadcom | 23:22 |
Mongoose | when i go to localhost/test.htm, the raw php is left in the source of the page | 23:22 |
robg_ | puff: that remark is valid for anyone who has not yet visited medibuntu.org | 23:22 |
ls3 | wait, wired is ok already, but no with wifi, Broadcom | 23:22 |
jrib | Mongoose: try the troubleshooting steps on the page ubottu gave you | 23:22 |
DIL | just installed zenmap but it does not show in applications is there a way to add it manually? | 23:22 |
el1te | hi all | 23:22 |
Mongoose | i have. ive been using that guide the whole time. | 23:22 |
Acorn | does anyone know the best way to install the drivers for my nvidia graphics card? | 23:23 |
Broadcom | ls3 can you connect to wired? | 23:23 |
Mongoose | sudo a2enmod php5 says the module is running | 23:23 |
jrib | Acorn: system -> administration -> hardware drivers | 23:23 |
ls3 | not now, i am using another pc that using wifi connection to irc, Broadcom | 23:23 |
jrib | Mongoose: you restarted apache? | 23:23 |
lukas__ | olá | 23:23 |
tom__ | AccessExcess: wget from nvidia, then compile? | 23:23 |
jude | Acorn: I used Envy, worked a treat setting up my GT8800 | 23:23 |
Mongoose | yup | 23:23 |
robg_ | Acorn: those drivers should be included in ubuntu-restricted-extras but you also need to visit medibuntu.org | 23:23 |
jrib | Mongoose: cleared your browser's cache? | 23:23 |
lukas__ | tem brazuca na área? | 23:23 |
Mongoose | yup | 23:23 |
jrib | !br | lukas__ | 23:24 |
ubottu | lukas__: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 23:24 |
Broadcom | ls3: can you connect the non-working computer to wireless? | 23:24 |
Jav13r_ | any1 here use Alpine? | 23:24 |
LtL | Mongoose: you might check the /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default files to enable reading php files. | 23:24 |
j_ | back | 23:24 |
Broadcom | !anyone | Jav13r_ | 23:24 |
ubottu | Jav13r_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 23:24 |
el1te | i have 2 computers (comp 1 = vista box) (comp2= will be linux box)....i take the analog-out of comp1 and put it in comp2 analog-in then its router to its own optical-out (soubdstorm apu) to goto my stereo reciever....when it works ddl and dts sound great | 23:24 |
el1te | can ubuntu do this | 23:24 |
j_ | Acorn: lol OH | 23:24 |
ls3 | nope, Broadcom, the non-working computer (my asus X51) laptop | 23:24 |
LtL | Mongoose: seems everyone has php5 problems fyi. | 23:24 |
Acorn | j_: oh? | 23:24 |
Broadcom | ls3: hold on a sec | 23:24 |
tom__ | How do I get my sound to work!! | 23:24 |
ls3 | ok , Broadcom | 23:24 |
j_ | Acorn: you're using the live cd :) | 23:24 |
Acorn | :) | 23:24 |
jrib | Mongoose: positive you are only running apache2 and not also apache? | 23:24 |
Broadcom | ls3: do lspci and put the result in pastebin | 23:25 |
j_ | Acorn: apt-get should still work as long as you have internet connectivity | 23:25 |
Mongoose | LtL: how do i do that? i've added "ServerName localhost" ot httpd.conf, but how do i make sure php is enabled? | 23:25 |
el1te | does anyone use pulseaudio in here | 23:25 |
Jav13r_ | ubottu: how can i setup multiple email accounts in Alpine? | 23:25 |
ubottu | Jav13r_: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 23:25 |
Acorn | apt-get does work i think, do i need to make it connect to the multiverse or something? | 23:25 |
Broadcom | !anyone > el1te read prive messege form ubuntu | 23:25 |
ariqs | if i go from i686 to i386, what will I lose out on? | 23:25 |
j_ | Acorn: are you doing sudo before the apt-get command? | 23:25 |
Daisuke_Ido | ariqs: nothing | 23:25 |
nadjavox | Acorn: are you using an nvidia card? I had the same problem. I had to manually configure x-server to fix it | 23:25 |
Mongoose | jrib: yes, just apache2 | 23:26 |
j_ | Acorn: apt-get should use everything if you use it on the command line like we are | 23:26 |
el1te | can linux do this or not | 23:26 |
BazookaTooth | Can I safely delete a primary partition without harming the Logical partition on the same drive? | 23:26 |
Acorn | !paste | 23:26 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 23:26 |
jrib | Mongoose: your file ends in .php? | 23:26 |
jude | http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html , download envy it will solve your problem | 23:26 |
MrObvious | BazookaTooth: I don't think so. | 23:27 |
Mongoose | jrib: the one i was testing with was an htm with php in it, but .php's prompt you to save the file | 23:27 |
ariqs | Daisuke_Ido what all depedencies do I need to get? | 23:27 |
BazookaTooth | hrmm | 23:27 |
robg_ | BazookaTooth: what you are suggesting sounds very dangerous. | 23:27 |
LtL | Mongoose: if i recall the httpd.conf in any distro has a php directive somewhere in the file. ubuntu apache2 reads a file named simply 'default' AND the httpd.conf for it's configuration. | 23:27 |
Acorn | j_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14204/ | 23:27 |
MrObvious | BazookaTooth: Especially if you use the drive for an OS. | 23:27 |
Jav13r_ | how can i setup multiple email accounts in Alpine? | 23:27 |
jrib | verify /etc/apache2/mods-available/*php* are not dangling symlinks | 23:27 |
Daisuke_Ido | ariqs: not entirely sure, i've never made that search | 23:27 |
Daisuke_Ido | *switch | 23:27 |
Mongoose | LtL: my httpd.conf is empty except for the servername bit i added | 23:27 |
jrib | Mongoose: verify /etc/apache2/mods-available/*php* are not dangling symlinks | 23:27 |
BazookaTooth | Wheres the thing: Ubuntu is on that drive, along with the logical drive for Storage., I use Vista mainly, and wanted to try out Ubuntu | 23:27 |
ariqs | I don't want to, but apparently it's the only way i'm going to get my modem working | 23:28 |
BazookaTooth | Now Im trying to reclaim the Ubuntu space | 23:28 |
j_ | Acorn: huh | 23:28 |
BazookaTooth | But its on a Primary partition on the drive | 23:28 |
j_ | Acorn: I would suspect that has something to do with you being on the live cd :( | 23:28 |
psykroll | j_: back. Yeah, I know I did it. I just don't know how to undo it. | 23:28 |
Mongoose | jrib: its clean, just php5.conf and *.load | 23:28 |
robg_ | BazookaTooth: If you want to delete a partition that contains an OS then you will have to get Gparted from Sourceforge.net | 23:28 |
MrObvious | BazookaTooth: Oh ok. | 23:28 |
cory | hello | 23:29 |
jga23_ | anybody have any idea why the broadcom restricted drivers don't show up in the hardware drivers even though I have a broadcom card? | 23:29 |
Broadcom | !hi | cory | 23:29 |
ubottu | cory: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 23:29 |
Acorn | j_: maybe i should install properly then before getting things set up ^^ | 23:29 |
jrib | Mongoose: what do you mean by "clean"? | 23:29 |
MrObvious | BazookaTooth: You didn't like Ubuntu? | 23:29 |
Mongoose | no symlinks | 23:29 |
BazookaTooth | Ya I have Gparted, but I wanted to know if I could do that without messing up the Storage drive | 23:29 |
j_ | Acorn: yeah I'd try that ... | 23:29 |
amenado | BazookaTooth-> use a livecd gparted to remove it.. | 23:29 |
LtL | Mongoose: lookin 'sites-enabled' dir for the 'default' file. unless they changed, it is also a httpd.conf under the name default. | 23:29 |
jrib | Mongoose: they have to be symlinks... | 23:29 |
cory | Im having isues with my computer | 23:29 |
Broadcom | jga23_ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff | 23:29 |
Elad-Ubuntu | hello all... | 23:29 |
j_ | psykroll: ok where'd we leave off? | 23:29 |
Broadcom | !hi | Elad-Ubuntu | 23:29 |
ubottu | Elad-Ubuntu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 23:29 |
Mongoose | oh haha, nvm then | 23:29 |
j_ | psykroll: oh right, can I get the output for "ls -la .directory" ? | 23:29 |
Acorn | what's a good size to make an ubuntu partition? | 23:29 |
jrib | Mongoose: if you can see their contents, that means they are ok though | 23:29 |
BazookaTooth | So dont delete a partition, just use Gparted to merge it with the NSFT logical partition? | 23:29 |
jga23_ | Broadcom: should I be using ndiswrapper or the new b43 drivers? | 23:30 |
BazookaTooth | And then use /fixmbr to fix the boot? | 23:30 |
Mongoose | LtL: in sites-enabled, theres only 000-default | 23:30 |
j_ | Acorn: I'd say at least 1 gig, with swap 2x the amount of RAM you have | 23:30 |
Broadcom | jga23_ read the link, follow the instructions | 23:30 |
cory | can anybody in here help with an issue im having. | 23:30 |
Broadcom | !anyone | cory | 23:30 |
ubottu | cory: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 23:30 |
Mongoose | jrib: i can | 23:30 |
navk2005 | " windowsvista has joined #ubuntu" LOL | 23:30 |
joooj | when I type "make" I get this message :ake: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. | 23:30 |
turbolover | hello | 23:30 |
robg_ | BazookaTooth: the question is which OS starts up first and have you created a Master Boot Record. | 23:30 |
Broadcom | !hi | turbolover | 23:31 |
ubottu | turbolover: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 23:31 |
j_ | psykroll: are you ok? | 23:31 |
Acorn | j_: only 1 gig!? wow, that makes xp seem so bloated. what's swap? | 23:31 |
windowsvista | hehehehhehehe | 23:31 |
ls3 | Broadcom: here http://pastebin.com/d1c019616 | 23:31 |
LtL | Mongoose: read THAT file dude, that controls sites enabled | 23:31 |
jrib | Mongoose: then I'd ask you to humor me and restart apache, let it restart, then clear your browser's cache once more and refresh as it definitely should be working | 23:31 |
j_ | Acorn: 1 gig Minimum :) ... swap is what your system uses when you run out of RAM | 23:31 |
BazookaTooth | On boot, the list comes up and I have it set to start Vista auto | 23:31 |
turbolover | is anyone here able to help me with getting the pen digitizer working on a compaq tc1000? | 23:31 |
BazookaTooth | Vista dna Ubuntu are on two separate drives | 23:31 |
MrObvious | Bye everyone! | 23:31 |
BazookaTooth | er and | 23:31 |
ariqs | xp is half the source code | 23:31 |
cgentry72 | how do i show the home icon on the desktop in gnome | 23:31 |
psykroll | j_: ls: cannot access /home/daddy/.gvfs: Permission denied | 23:31 |
psykroll | total 18216 | 23:31 |
psykroll | drwxrwxr-x 53 daddy root 4096 2008-05-23 17:06 . | 23:31 |
psykroll | drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 2008-05-17 01:05 .. | 23:31 |
psykroll | drwxrwxrwx 3 daddy root 4096 2008-05-17 04:33 .adobe | 23:31 |
FloodBot3 | psykroll: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 23:31 |
MrObvious | !pastebin | psy | 23:32 |
ubottu | psy: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 23:32 |
Acorn | j_: so just add 2x your ram to the minimum of 1gb? | 23:32 |
MrObvious | Grr. | 23:32 |
jrib | Mongoose: and test the file that ends in .php | 23:32 |
robg_ | BazookaTooth: what can you gain by deleting ubuntu, a few Gb of storage ? | 23:32 |
Elad-Ubuntu | I need help with something please.. I installed Ubuntu, and when I'm trying to install packages from the "Update Manager" it's tell me to input administrative password, when I put there the "root" pass it's tell me that it's wrong, and when I put it my user pass, it's works.. why is that? (I was try to remove "Administer the system" from my user on "Users and Group" and now I cant install packages... | 23:32 |
Elad-Ubuntu | anyone can help me please to fix that problem? thanks a lot! | 23:32 |
ariqs | . | 23:32 |
BazookaTooth | 300 GB | 23:32 |
BazookaTooth | heh | 23:32 |
j_ | Acorn: No the swap is a separate partition... it'll probably set it up for you | 23:32 |
BazookaTooth | So ya, I want it back | 23:32 |
Pici | !sudo | Elad-Ubuntu | 23:32 |
ubottu | Elad-Ubuntu: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. | 23:32 |
Broadcom | ls3 http://ph.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?p=4492814 | 23:32 |
turbolover | anyone here put ubuntu on an older tablet? | 23:32 |
j_ | psykroll: I'm sorry psykroll it's been a long day: "ls -lda .gvfs" | 23:32 |
turbolover | !tc1000 | 23:32 |
ubottu | Factoid tc1000 not found | 23:32 |
turbolover | !tablet | 23:33 |
ubottu | Factoid tablet not found | 23:33 |
draginxx | Anyone know how to get an interal mic on a laptop have good/perfect sound? (No static)\ | 23:33 |
Elad-Ubuntu | Pici, sudo users-admin ? | 23:33 |
robg_ | BazookaTooth: difficult to predict what will happen. | 23:33 |
Broadcom | !anyone | turbolover | 23:33 |
ubottu | turbolover: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 23:33 |
BazookaTooth | When I installed, I meant to allocate 150 GB, but chose the opposite | 23:33 |
Acorn | so what will happen if i just tell it to do everything automatically and just use the whole drive? will it make one huge ubuntu partition? or will it make a small partitition and a big storage partition? | 23:33 |
remoteCTRL | Elad-Ubuntu: if you would enter the root passwort instead of the user password noone could ever see afterwards which user did that | 23:33 |
Pici | Elad-Ubuntu: No, sudo is the proper way on Ubuntu to do something with root privleges, not by logging into the root account ddirectly. | 23:33 |
psykroll | j_: ls: cannot access .gvfs: Permission denied | 23:33 |
BazookaTooth | hmm, Ill just move important things to another drive and reformat | 23:33 |
jrib | psykroll, j_: check that the file is not immutable with lsattr. If that's not the case, I'd bet on corrupt filesystem | 23:33 |
j_ | Acorn: Yep one big fat data partition and a smaller partition for swap | 23:33 |
remoteCTRL | Elad-Ubuntu: that is basically why you use the user password of users who are in the /etc/sudoers file | 23:33 |
ls3 | thanks Broadcom, will try it now | 23:33 |
BazookaTooth | What Im worried about it the MBR | 23:34 |
turbolover | Help! I can't get the pen driver working on my compaq tc1000, and the nvidia driver causes a blackscreen when i use it | 23:34 |
BazookaTooth | er is | 23:34 |
Odd-rationale | turbolover: i've got linux on a toshiba tecra M4. a tablet | 23:34 |
j_ | psykroll: Yeah there definitely seems to be something corrupt with that file | 23:34 |
cory__ | hello | 23:34 |
robg_ | BazookaTooth: Why not use Gparted to resize the partitions so that you gain maximum storage. | 23:34 |
Acorn | j_: and another partition for ubuntu? | 23:34 |
cory__ | i just had the crash | 23:34 |
turbolover | ive been trying to compile the driver on this website | 23:34 |
turbolover | and im missing something | 23:34 |
Mongoose | jrib & LtL: ok, .php's load now, but still php within .htm files doesnt run | 23:34 |
BazookaTooth | robg: i want to get rid of the ext3 partition and keep the NSFT | 23:34 |
j_ | Acorn: I'm sorry? I missed that ... | 23:34 |
Elad-Ubuntu | remoteCTR1, %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL --> that's line? | 23:34 |
BazookaTooth | and format the ext3 part as NSFT | 23:34 |
psykroll | j_: don't tell me that | 23:35 |
cory__ | im having problems with full system crashes that i need help fixing. | 23:35 |
Acorn | j_: a huge data partition, a small swap partition and a small ubuntu partition? | 23:35 |
Broadcom | !compile | turbolover | 23:35 |
ubottu | turbolover: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 23:35 |
dvs | I'm about to get a new internal and an external hdd. what should i remember to make both play well with windows and ubuntu? | 23:35 |
j_ | psykroll: At any rate the rest of the files should have their permissions corrected ... | 23:35 |
snarkste1 | hi guys and gals.. I need an app that will split the sound off a video file so i can cut pieces out of it. | 23:35 |
robg_ | BazookaTooth: How about using Vista to enlarge the size of the Vista partition and overwrite Ubuntu ? | 23:35 |
remoteCTRL | Elad-Ubuntu: that line say what privileges the according user has, yes, if you remove that line the user will not be able to execute sudo anymore | 23:35 |
j_ | psykroll: I think running fsck would solve your problem | 23:35 |
Pici | Elad-Ubuntu: You really shouldnt need to touch the sudoers file, please look at the link that ubottu gave you for an explanation of sudo | 23:35 |
Elad-Ubuntu | remoteCTR1, it's not dangerous to give root access to a nornal user? | 23:35 |
turbolover | ive done that | 23:35 |
LtL | Elad-Ubuntu: warning- do NOT edit /etc/sudoers directly. this applies to all distro's. use sudo visudo in ubuntu. | 23:35 |
turbolover | im getting an error during make | 23:35 |
BazookaTooth | robg: how do I do that? In Comp Management? | 23:35 |
clever | !enter | 23:36 |
ubottu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 23:36 |
jrib | Mongoose: you need to read apache docs so you can tell it to execute php in files that end in .htm (why not just put php in .php files though...?). This probably involves editing one of those files I asked you to ensure were not dangling before | 23:36 |
j_ | Acorn: by default if you tell ubuntu to use the whole drive, it will make one big partition for linux/data and another for swap .. 2 total | 23:36 |
j_ | Anyone know how to make ubuntu force a drive check upon boot? | 23:36 |
robg_ | BazookaTooth: Vista has a paritition manager somewhere. | 23:36 |
dvs | I'm about to get a new internal and an external hdd. what should i remember to make both play well with windows and ubuntu? | 23:36 |
Acorn | oh, linux/data. that would be a problem if i wanted to install xp as well at a later point wouldn't it? | 23:36 |
j_ | Acorn: Yeah you need to keep some unused space for xp | 23:36 |
BazookaTooth | Ya I have it, the problem is the NTFS storage partition is the logical part of the drive | 23:37 |
Mongoose | jrib: mk, .php's fine for now. thanks you very much, guys! | 23:37 |
j_ | Acorn: Install XP first and have ubuntu resize the partitions for you | 23:37 |
Elad-Ubuntu | I dont get it... how can I install packages from the GUI without being root, and I cant to that from the cli (apt-get install) command? | 23:37 |
Acorn | j_: is it better for linux and data to be separate? | 23:37 |
snarkste1 | need to strip audio out of a video anyone got any idea on that? | 23:37 |
jrib | Elad-Ubuntu: 'sudo apt-get install PACKAGE' doesn't work? | 23:37 |
robg_ | BazookaTooth: So you installed Linux first and then Vista ? | 23:37 |
j_ | Acorn: Um. I don't really know what you'd want that ... | 23:38 |
Broadcom | !grub | BazookaTooth | 23:38 |
ubottu | BazookaTooth: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 23:38 |
Elad-Ubuntu | jrib, without sudu | 23:38 |
remoteCTRL | Elad-Ubuntu: use sudo apt-get install <application> and of course you can install by using synaprics | 23:38 |
remoteCTRL | synaptics even | 23:38 |
BazookaTooth | No. C:\ (Its own Hard Drive) is Vista. E:\ (2nd physical drive) has Vista storage and Ubuntu | 23:38 |
joooj | when I type "make" I get this message :ake: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. | 23:38 |
psykroll | j_: I guessed you meant sudo fsck | 23:38 |
jrib | Elad-Ubuntu: in the gui, the launcher uses sudo when you install stuff | 23:38 |
Elad-Ubuntu | but, I want that I will need to give root passwords for install things... | 23:38 |
psykroll | j_: done, i guess | 23:38 |
j_ | psykroll: Well yeah but it'd be better to let the system do it :) | 23:38 |
Elad-Ubuntu | jrib, ohh.. I see | 23:38 |
BazookaTooth | Broadcom: grub is fine, but will it mess things up once I get rid of Ubuntu | 23:38 |
j_ | psykroll: did it find any errors? | 23:39 |
jrib | Elad-Ubuntu: why would you want that? Your user is the administrator | 23:39 |
Elad-Ubuntu | jrib, can I change it? and it will ask for root password? | 23:39 |
cory__ | I need help fixing full system crashing that is occurring using linux. | 23:39 |
robg_ | BazookaTooth: which OS was on the drive first ? | 23:39 |
BazookaTooth | Vista | 23:39 |
Acorn | j_: i think i just read something earlier today which talked about having 1 partition for ubuntu, 1 for xp, and one for shared data. | 23:39 |
remoteCTRL | Elad-Ubuntu: in that case you will have to switch users to root by entereing the su command but that is as pici already mentioned not the way that things are done in debian derivates | 23:39 |
psykroll | j_: fsck 1.40.8 (13-Mar-2008) | 23:39 |
psykroll | e2fsck 1.40.8 (13-Mar-2008) | 23:39 |
psykroll | /dev/sdc5 is mounted. | 23:39 |
psykroll | WARNING!!! Running e2fsck on a mounted filesystem may cause | 23:39 |
psykroll | SEVERE filesystem damage. | 23:39 |
FloodBot3 | psykroll: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 23:39 |
psykroll | Do you really want to continue (y/n)? yes | 23:39 |
Acorn | j_: and swap | 23:39 |
Elad-Ubuntu | jrib, I was using debian.. and there, when I wanted to install something I just "su" to root | 23:39 |
j_ | Acorn: OH. Not necessary anymore. Ubuntu has read/write to NTFS partitions ... so if you need XP to see data, just write to the XP partition from ubuntu :) | 23:40 |
dvs | I'm about to get a new internal and an external hdd. what should i remember to make both play well with windows and ubuntu? | 23:40 |
j_ | psykroll: lol exactly. That's why I wanted to force a check on reboot :) | 23:40 |
robg_ | BazookaTooth: I would expand the Vista paritition to cover nearly all of the drive and leave a token partition for Ubuntu. | 23:40 |
_InFuRitY_ | hello i need some help guys... i cant see the website i created on my ubuntu machine using its url.. but i can login on my webmin | 23:41 |
jrib | Elad-Ubuntu: only users in the "admin" group can sudo (the first user is automatically a member of this group). In ubuntu, you just use sudo. You can go back to the debian way of course, just get rid of the "admin" group membership. But then your user can't install things, you would have to su to root all the time | 23:41 |
LtL | Elad-Ubuntu: ubuntu disables the root acct. intentionally and gives the user sudo priveleges | 23:41 |
cory | I keep getting these crashes. Can anybody help me fix them. | 23:41 |
jrib | !sudo > Elad-Ubuntu (read the private message from ubottu) | 23:41 |
psykroll | j_: well, you gotta spell it out for me, man! I thought I made it obvious how clueless I am. | 23:41 |
BazookaTooth | It wont let me extend the Partition. I'm thinking because its a Logical Drive, not the primary | 23:41 |
remoteCTRL | Elad-Ubuntu: which is basically not a clever thing to do as the purpose is precisely NOT to use the root account because you can never again comprehend who f***ed your system if that is the case | 23:41 |
Acorn | j_: ah, ok, so it was out of date :D .. can i install ubuntu now and install xp at a later date? | 23:41 |
draginxx | Anyone know how to get an interal mic on a laptop have good/perfect sound? (No static) (hp pav dvnr 2xxx series) I tried looking through ubuntuforums but found nothing that helped. | 23:41 |
cory | _infurity_: It may be that your website hasnt propogated | 23:41 |
Elad-Ubuntu | I see... | 23:41 |
robg_ | BazookaTooth: what options does Gparted offer ? | 23:42 |
jeleta | hi how can i create a new partition on my hard drive without deleting ubuntu | 23:42 |
j_ | Acorn: Well. No. I'd still install XP first simply because windows does NOT play well with others. Ubuntu will give you an option to dual boot ... | 23:42 |
BazookaTooth | that Im not sure actually, im in vista right now | 23:42 |
psykroll | j_: so is that the file check thing I can choose in the bios? | 23:42 |
BazookaTooth | Ill boot and find out yay | 23:42 |
ls3 | sorry Broadcom, how should i install it? | 23:42 |
dvs | jeleta: gparted | 23:42 |
magnetron | draginxx: you may need to enable or disable "mic boost" in the mixer settings | 23:42 |
LtL | Acorn: its better to do windows then linux for a clean mbr w/grub | 23:42 |
_InFuRitY_ | cory: it was working yesterday.. but wen i change my domain name.. i cant browse it anymore | 23:42 |
Elad-Ubuntu | so I can be root, just using sudo before any command? | 23:42 |
draginxx | magnetron, can I do that via alsamixer? Trying to find where I cna do that =/ | 23:42 |
Broadcom | ls3: download the package and move it to the computer, then install the steps | 23:42 |
j_ | psykroll: That is what I'm trying to make ubuntu run when it reboots yeah | 23:42 |
BazookaTooth | hopefully back soon without my pc exploding | 23:42 |
jrib | Elad-Ubuntu: sure, or if you want something like 'su -', use 'sudo -i' | 23:43 |
ls3 | Broadcom: where the steps? the patch steps? | 23:43 |
LtL | Elad-Ubuntu: exactly yes | 23:43 |
j_ | psykroll: Google isn't being very helpful .. but I'll find it :) | 23:43 |
turbolover | error: linux/config.h: No such file or directory | 23:43 |
robg_ | BazookaTooth: You will have to shut down and boot Gparted and examine the drive and devise a strategy. Do not make any wrong choices. | 23:43 |
cory | _infurity_: yes thats what happens. It takes up to 24 hours for a domain to propogate. This isnt an ubuntu bug. You need to talk with your host/domain name provider such as goddady. They will give you support | 23:43 |
magnetron | draginxx: i use the regular mixer. double click on the speaker icon | 23:43 |
Broadcom | ls3: could you please give me the link i gave you? i forgot | 23:43 |
remoteCTRL | Elad-Ubuntu: using sudo is just the same as being root with the difference that you will afterwards still know who executed the command | 23:43 |
Acorn | i actually have windows still installed, maybe i should just leave it. | 23:43 |
jeleta | so with gparted i can create a partiton and not delete ubuntu because i tried and it wont let me do anything | 23:43 |
Elad-Ubuntu | it's not security dangerous to do that? | 23:43 |
Acorn | but for some reason i can't use my keyboard at the login screen :( | 23:43 |
draginxx | magnetron, not giving me the option to boost = | 23:43 |
draginxx | But yeah, boosting would help for sure. | 23:43 |
ariqs | does anyone know why the ltmodem has support for i386 and not i686? | 23:43 |
cory | I still need help with crashing. I will probably crash again soon. | 23:43 |
Elad-Ubuntu | to give normal users to be root? | 23:43 |
j_ | psykroll: Whoop think I got it .. hold on :) | 23:43 |
remoteCTRL | Elad-Ubuntu: you can if you want limit the sudo rights in /etc/sudoers like for example not to allow the user to edit /etc/sudoers | 23:44 |
LtL | Elad-Ubuntu: only the first user uponn install is added to that su-doers list. | 23:44 |
Pici | Elad-Ubuntu: Only if they are in the admin group (no need to directly edit the sudoers file) | 23:44 |
magnetron | draginxx: you need to check the mixer settings, as i told you. | 23:44 |
_InFuRitY_ | ahhh .. ok.. i think i will wait for it to propogate.. anyways.. im just using dyndns. | 23:44 |
nadjavox | i need help with booting ubuntu - my computer won't boot up unless I edit the boot properties in grub to ide=bios acpi=off noapic usb-handoff. is there a way to save the boot options so that i don't have to type them each time? | 23:44 |
Elad-Ubuntu | ohh only the first user... | 23:44 |
Elad-Ubuntu | I see... | 23:44 |
draginxx | magnet, right, I have double clicked on the sound tihng and I see "Internal Mic: | 23:45 |
draginxx | but there is no boost option | 23:45 |
Acorn | maybe i should just turn this computer into a pure ubuntu system, is there anything i should do before? like anything to clean the hard disk or anything? | 23:45 |
remoteCTRL | Elad-Ubuntu: not is not as you need to be sudo to install something, if that would be a keylogger for example you'd need to be sudo first to but you cant as you wanna instsall the keylogger to find out the password;) | 23:45 |
j_ | psykroll: ok I think I have it ... | 23:45 |
draginxx | Ihave tried using alsamixer and couldnt find the boost option in there | 23:45 |
cory | _infurity_: then yes you need to talk with them. Their support should help you. | 23:45 |
draginxx | And, I tried getting the asla mixer gui | 23:45 |
j_ | psykroll: We need to do a small edit to a file.... ready? | 23:45 |
psykroll | j_: ready when u are, friend | 23:45 |
magnetron | draginxx: did you check in the mixer settings? | 23:45 |
dvs | I'm about to get a new internal and an external hdd. what should i remember to make both play well with windows and ubuntu? | 23:45 |
cory | Is anybody available to assist me in my computer crashing issues. | 23:45 |
draginxx | magnetron, yeah | 23:45 |
Elad-Ubuntu | if I will edit /etc/group and I will change the admin:x:115:elad to admin:x:115:root , then I will need to give root password to install packages from GUI ? | 23:45 |
j_ | psykroll: type "sudo gedit /etc/fstab" | 23:46 |
Acorn | ok, hopefully when i'm back i'll be running off my hd, wish me luck ;D | 23:46 |
j_ | psykroll: Warning: BE CAREFUL when editing this file :) | 23:46 |
magnetron | draginxx: in the mixer, edit > preferences? | 23:46 |
jrib | psykroll, j_: to run fsck, you just touch /forcefsck | 23:46 |
draginxx | magnetron, yup | 23:46 |
LtL | Elad-Ubuntu: bad idea that. | 23:46 |
j_ | jrib: Seriously? That's it? | 23:46 |
blumm | can anybody recommend a good ftp-client with ssl/proxy/fxp support? | 23:46 |
magnetron | draginxx: then it's not available | 23:46 |
Pici | Elad-Ubuntu: Have you read this yet? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 23:46 |
Elad-Ubuntu | BRB | 23:46 |
remoteCTRL | Elad-Ubuntu: agree with LtL | 23:46 |
draginxx | Meh, this sucks | 23:47 |
jrib | Elad-Ubuntu: think about why you want that behavior. What's the advantage? | 23:47 |
draginxx | I guess when I want to use mic I could always use the external which works fine | 23:47 |
Loligaga | HEY! anyone know good video tutorial cites for blender | 23:47 |
j_ | psykroll: Ok new plan! :) "touch /forcefsk" | 23:47 |
jrib | j_: yep | 23:47 |
cory | jrib: are you available to assist me in an issue I have with a computer stability issue? I keep getting crashes that I am unable to fix. | 23:47 |
draginxx | but it loos awful to use it on a webcam since its so big ;x | 23:47 |
funkyhat | nadjavox: it's possible that there's a better solution to just adding those kernel boot options... what type of hard disc do you have? | 23:47 |
Elad-Ubuntu | I'll BRB | 23:47 |
Elad-Ubuntu | 5 min | 23:47 |
remoteCTRL | blumm: filezilla? | 23:47 |
j_ | jrib: Sweet thanks ... couldn't find any info about that on google | 23:47 |
jrib | cory: run a memtest if they just seem random | 23:47 |
magnetron | draginxx: lowering the volume may also improve the sound quality | 23:47 |
cory | jrib: i have 100% working. Its not an issue with my memory. its a graphics issue. | 23:47 |
nadjavox | funkyhat: i have a sata hd - 250 gb | 23:48 |
blumm | remoteCTRL: do you know anything else? also without gui? | 23:48 |
Broadcom | !ot > Broadcom | 23:48 |
draginxx | magnetron, yup did that too thanks mate :) gonna check out the alsa mixer and see if a newer version supports my sound card better | 23:48 |
cory | jrib: my windows xp is stable. Im new to linux | 23:48 |
jrib | cory: use a different video driver (maybe vesa) and see if they still happen | 23:48 |
j_ | psykroll: Get that? "touch /forcefsck" | 23:48 |
psykroll | sudo touch/forcefsk, got it | 23:48 |
j_ | psykroll: Sorry typoed the first one .. forgot the "c" | 23:48 |
j_ | psykroll: I know .. slap me .. it's friday and I'm still at work :( | 23:48 |
mad_max02 | anyone here with medical phd ?? | 23:48 |
cory | jrib: i have ati radeon xpress 200. Crashes occur with both the opensource and the fglrx(restricted) driver. | 23:49 |
jrib | !offtopic | mad_max02 | 23:49 |
ubottu | mad_max02: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 23:49 |
remoteCTRL | blumm: nope sry i dont ftp without gui exept if i use the ftp command | 23:49 |
jrib | cory: what happens exactly on a crash? | 23:49 |
psykroll | j_: asked for password and is now ready for next command. no error! | 23:49 |
j_ | psykroll: sweet! | 23:49 |
blumm | remoteCTRL: ok thanks | 23:49 |
psykroll | reboot? | 23:49 |
funkyhat | nadjavox: it is possible to add the options for every boot but if we can get sata support to work properly you'll get much better performance | 23:49 |
magnetron | draginxx: make sure you have muted the mic in your playback, it should be 0 % for playback and only enabled for recording. a new version of alsamixer will not change your sound quality, this has to do with your sound card | 23:49 |
remoteCTRL | blumm: no prob | 23:49 |
cory | jrib: i get an our of range black screen with the open source driver. | 23:49 |
j_ | psykroll: ok now get ready and brace yourself 'cause this is the really really hard part ... | 23:49 |
JuJuBee | Anybody here use UT2004 with ATI 9700 video? | 23:49 |
j_ | psykroll: ready? | 23:49 |
j_ | psykroll: reboot :) | 23:49 |
funkyhat | nadjavox: which version of ubuntu have you installed? | 23:50 |
draginxx | magnetron, I dont thinkI have a playback option | 23:50 |
blumm | remoteCTRL: one thing, i never found out how to fxp with filezilla | 23:50 |
nadjavox | funkyhat: hardy heron...had the same problem on feisty and gutsy | 23:50 |
JuJuBee | I get an error when I try to run...Couldn't set video mode: Couldn't find matching GLX visual | 23:50 |
dvs | if i drag an ubuntu .iso to an empty drive that is big enough, does that become the same as a bootable live cd version? | 23:50 |
cory | jrib: sometimes i recieve a full system crash with a white screen but that is mostly with the restricted driver. I dont get the out of range error. If i get the white screen i cant do anything but with the out of range i can ctrl-alt-backspace to logout. | 23:51 |
ls3 | i think there is some problem while doing the make, Broadcom | 23:51 |
magnetron | draginxx: yes you have. all sound cards have to mixers: one for playback and one for recording. your mic should be set to 0% in the playback options | 23:51 |
jrib | cory: tried disabling effects (compiz)? | 23:51 |
funkyhat | nadjavox: can you run 'lspci' and put the output in a pastebin? | 23:51 |
ls3 | Broadcom: i put it in pastebin, give me a second | 23:51 |
RP_SWE | after the update to 8.04 I cant open the printer config window, i tired to type my-default-printer in bash but got a error message, can anybody help me with that? | 23:51 |
magnetron | draginxx: *two mixers | 23:51 |
remoteCTRL | blumm: uh sry but i didn't reherse the settings...:D | 23:51 |
jpw27_ | I set up mysql a while ago, but now my configuration has been messed up somehow and i keep getting 'permission denied' errors. what is the easiest way to wipe mysql clean and install a completely fresh copy? | 23:51 |
robg_ | dvs: a drive is formatted with a file system, either NTFS or ext3. It may also have empty space. | 23:51 |
scr0ten | hey. anyone who got a broadcom wireless working with WPA on hardy? | 23:51 |
magnetron | !ask | RP_SWE | 23:52 |
ubottu | RP_SWE: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 23:52 |
draginxx | magnetron, sorry yeah -- my interal, ext and docking mic have been set to 0 | 23:52 |
draginxx | my recording is still up | 23:52 |
Broadcom | scr0ten: i did | 23:52 |
draginxx | but no sound is coming form the record now unless my dock is up | 23:52 |
magnetron | !enter | draginxx | 23:52 |
ubottu | draginxx: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 23:52 |
Broadcom | scr0ten: you have wired? | 23:52 |
cory | jrib: i get the crash running failsafe linux. I cant even login out of failsafe without the restricted driver. I prefer using the open source driver because i can ctrl-alt-backspace if i get the crash. So yes i have compiz disabled. | 23:52 |
turbolover | is autoconf deprecated? | 23:52 |
dvs | robg_: i should have mentioned "thumb drive" but what i'm guessing by ur answer is "no" | 23:52 |
blumm | remoteCTRL: i just dont know how to set up 2 server windows (without the local window on the left side)... :( | 23:52 |
magnetron | draginxx: which "dock"? | 23:53 |
jrib | cory: and you can't recreate the crash at will? They're just seemingly random? | 23:53 |
robg_ | dvs: I don't understand drag. You install an OS. | 23:53 |
SeaPhor | can you edit a man list? | 23:53 |
scr0ten | Broadcom: I used the steps in "No Fluff", version 0.3, and now unprotected WLANs works (in 7.10 WPA worked aswell) | 23:53 |
draginxx | magnet, i meant the external mic needs to be > 50% Not sure what dock is lol but is unimportant the only two important ones are interl and external | 23:53 |
remoteCTRL | blumm: aw now i get it you atre talking about ftp-ing from one server to another, aren't you? | 23:53 |
draginxx | external is really my internal laptop O_o ;) | 23:53 |
el1te | if i get ununtu can someone for the love of god help me with pulseaudio | 23:53 |
el1te | or does anyone know anything about it | 23:53 |
nadjavox | funkyhat: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14212/ | 23:53 |
blumm | yes, exactly | 23:53 |
cory | jrib: yes. Seemingly random. I get them sometimes right after i login or sometimes half hour after. | 23:53 |
Broadcom | scr0ten: did you see the steps for getting WPA to work, and did you do the hardy workaround? | 23:54 |
DIL | how do i manually add an application to a menu | 23:54 |
cory | jrib: i believe i was able to fix the bug in fedora taking the following steps. | 23:54 |
dvs | robg_: if i download a ubuntu live cd .iso and then drag it onto a thumb drive does it become the same as a live cd? | 23:54 |
robg_ | dvs: forget thumb drives. Use CDs. | 23:54 |
ls3 | Broadcom: i think i couldn't make, http://paste.ubuntu.com/14213/ | 23:54 |
scr0ten | Broadcom: I did the hardy workaround, but I did not know there was a step for WPA to work | 23:55 |
ls3 | this is the link u gave me just now, Broadcom http://ph.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?p=4492814 | 23:55 |
Broadcom | ls3: did you do ./configure? | 23:55 |
cory | jrib: booting to runlevel3 then logging in and typing system-config-display --reconfig and manually selecting my hardware | 23:55 |
jpw27_ | DIL: right click on menu, click 'edit menu', hit 'new item' is what i think you mean | 23:55 |
ls3 | Broadcom: the link u gave me said, there's no need for ./configure since there is no configure script. After that, edit /etc/modules and add (in this order) : | 23:56 |
ls3 | Broadcom: i think i don't have the development stuff to make .... | 23:56 |
scr0ten | guess im not the only one who hates Broadcom cards =) | 23:56 |
cory | jrib: for example. In windows my default moniter settings are off. I have to auto but in ubuntu it is directly centered. After i did that the fedora became like my windows and the error stopped. | 23:56 |
j_ | linksys seems to work well in linux ... | 23:57 |
hexoroid | jpw27_, thats for KDE ? | 23:57 |
Broadcom | ls3: oh yes, of course. hmm... not sure how to get you those, ask again to find out. sorry | 23:57 |
DIL | jpw27_: i installed an application but it did not show to add application i can run it from terminal only | 23:57 |
Broadcom | scr0ten: nope, spent hours on min | 23:57 |
jrib | cory: tried copying fedora's xorg.conf to ubunut? | 23:57 |
remoteCTRL | blumm: <-googling.. | 23:57 |
DIL | jpw27_: the GUI that is | 23:57 |
cory | no. I dont have fedora installed anymore. | 23:57 |
scr0ten | that's why I love the wonderful ubuntu community :D | 23:58 |
jpw27_ | DIL: so you mean you type a command from a command line to run the program, and you want an icon on a menu to launch it instead? | 23:58 |
RP_SWE | oh I hate ubuntu updates | 23:58 |
RP_SWE | it will always destory something | 23:58 |
el1te | this channel is to big..to many ppl and no one answer your questions | 23:58 |
blumm | remoteCTRL: thanks, ive been trying gftp, filezilla, wlfxp so far. iglooftp is not for free and now i think i am ready to go for some without gui... :( | 23:58 |
el1te | they need to have an #ubuntu-chat | 23:58 |
el1te | i have problems | 23:58 |
jpw27_ | hexoroid: i don't think so (?) that's how i do it on gnome | 23:58 |
jrib | cory: not really sure what's going on. This is probably better addressed on the forums or mailing list where more people can see it | 23:58 |
j_ | elite: keep asking every so often. sound is a difficult topic... | 23:59 |
Coiotes | I'm trying to copy all of my home directory settings (so, all files beginning with a .) to my USB Linux installation. I don't want my entire home directory copied, only pidgin, thunderbird, etc. settings. Any ideas? | 23:59 |
jrib | el1te: #ubuntu-offtopic fulfills that role | 23:59 |
DIL | jpw27_: yes generally there is one placed on the application menu list after installing | 23:59 |
hexoroid | jpw27_, hmmm | 23:59 |
cory | jrib: nobody answers my question on the forums. | 23:59 |
j_ | Acorn: Hey, are you still here? | 23:59 |
RP_SWE | this is the error I get when I type my-default-printer http://www.pastebin.se/194676 | 23:59 |
ls3 | i couldn't make, anyone wanna help? | 23:59 |
ariqs | "no targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. | 23:59 |
funkyhat | nadjavox: it looks like this issue is the same/very similar: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/194196 | 23:59 |
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