
=== croppa_ is now known as croppa
xukunhow can I use the tv out of my laptop in mythbuntu? my video card is ati x30010:39
equim-Seeker`: dunno if it's much use for you, but I got my P2-P5945GC from efficientpc.co.uk as a ready built mythbuntu box14:51
Seeker`equim-: cool. I was just going to buy the case and a processor - I have a HDD and RAM already14:53
Seeker`which means that I can build a system for ~£15014:53
equim-ahh nice :)14:54
equim-I was (am still I guess) completely new to mythtv so that was the easiest way to get up and running14:54
lagaheh, nice. "MythTV options" :)14:55
Seeker`equim-: I already have a combined front/back end14:57
Seeker`I want to seperate the two out14:57
MandrakeHi all15:13
MandrakeI'm a noob - an OLD noob (age 61)15:14
ddgooselaga: what is the version of mcc that should be installed if I used your latest with the unsigned packages fix?15:16
lagaddgoose: ~hardy215:17
lagalinked in the forum15:17
ddgoosek thanks15:18
MandrakeI got a blank screen after I clicked on "Live Environment" on the Desktop Install disk. What might be wrong?15:19
lagaMandrake: where did you choose that option? in the boot screen?15:24
MandrakeI had done a disc check - it was ok - but not a memory check15:25
Mandrake1 GB memory15:26
lagado you get a blank screen immediately afterwards or did you get a mythbuntu splash screen?15:26
Mandrake300 GB HD divided into 2 partitions15:26
MandrakeWhen I hit Live Environment it went balnk and stayed that way about 20 min?15:27
MandrakeSo I gave up15:27
lagahum. can you try "safe graphics mode"?15:27
MandrakeIs that one of the F buttons?15:27
MandrakeI had okay graphics from bootup until I hit Live Env.15:28
lagai'm not sure :) possibly15:28
MandrakeI can't try it right this minute15:28
ddgooseubuntuforums gone to lunch15:29
lagaddgoose: yeah :/15:30
MandrakeSo I shouold try "safe graphics mode" and get back to you?15:30
lagalet me get you the url.15:30
lagaMandrake: yes, that might work.15:30
MandrakeOkay. Video chipset is nVidia GeForce 610015:31
ddgoosecan't get mcc to turn off autologin.. wtf15:31
MandrakeDisc has 1 10 GB partition w/ XP installed15:31
MandrakeAnd another 290 GB15:32
lagaddgoose: http://laga.ath.cx/mythbuntu-control-centre_0.28-0ubuntu1~hardy2_all.deb15:32
lagaddgoose: yeah, that's a known problem. :(15:32
lagai'll try to refactor MCC and write some testing suites.. after i learned how to do that.15:32
ddgoose *** 0.28-0ubuntu1~hardy2 015:32
lagaah, so your version should be good? what's the matter?15:33
Mandrakelaga, how long will you be on?15:33
ddgooseI still get unsigned package error and that one above.15:33
lagaMandrake: hard to say, another hour or so. i'll be back later tonight15:33
ddgoosehave to build chroot by hand15:33
lagaddgoose: that's unfortunate.15:34
ddgoosenot really15:34
MandrakeGreat. What time zone are you in? I'm in GMT +2 (Paris)15:34
lagaddgoose: can you see what command line it's trying to use?15:34
lagaMandrake: GMT+2, germany. saarland, so almost france :)15:34
ddgoosewhile the interface is handy, best to not be dependant on it15:35
ddgoosewith  MCC_DEBUG="true" sudo -E /usr/share/mythbuntu-control-centre/bin/mythbuntu-control-centre ?15:35
MandrakeAh, great. Vielen dank, freund!15:35
lagaddgoose: yeah, or maybe by looking at the output of "ps".15:35
ddgooseyeah ok15:36
lagai really want to get MCC in a good shape for 8.04.115:36
lagai never thought it'd be that hard to get some hacking done in summer. i must be growing up or something. :)15:36
ddgoose /bin/sh -c /usr/sbin/ltsp-build-client --mythbuntu --mythbuntu-copy-user-credentials --copy-sourceslist --arch i386 --base /opt/ltsp/ --accept-unsigned-packages 2>/dev/null15:39
ddgoose  /bin/bash /usr/sbin/ltsp-build-client --mythbuntu --mythbuntu-copy-user-credentials --copy-sourceslist --arch i386 --base /opt/ltsp/ --accept-unsigned-packages15:39
ddgooseat same time?15:39
lagai think that might be normal15:40
ddgoosethat normal?15:40
lagaand what's your command line?15:40
ddgooseMCC_DEBUG="true" sudo -E /usr/share/mythbuntu-control-centre/bin/mythbuntu-control-centre15:40
ddgooseone sec15:40
ddgoosesudo /usr/sbin/ltsp-build-client --mythbuntu --mythbuntu-copy-user-credentials15:41
ddgoosethat one works fine15:41
ddgoosefrom the interface I get the maybe you need "allow unsigned packages" checked.15:42
ddgooselike just now15:42
lagaso.. wait. what happens when you use MC?15:43
ddgooseexit code 1 + maybe you need "allow unsigned packages" checked.15:44
ddgoose001-set-accept-unsigned-packages is getting the proper arg on the command line15:45
ddgooseI even have medibuntu-keyring installed15:46
ddgoosewhich is where its failing15:46
ddgoosefrom command line I can install without warning15:46
ddgoosefrom medibuntu15:46
lagaand from command line you don't need --accept-unsigned-packages ?15:47
lagayou don't happen to have a theory why that happens?15:48
lagabecause it worked for me with the ~hardy2 package ;)15:48
ddgoosedo you have medibuntu-keyring installed?15:49
lagai'm not sure, TBH.15:49
lagai probably imported the key into apt.15:49
ddgooseI will try purging diskless-server and try it again, maybe something in there got munged15:51
ddgoosethe only thing cutom in there currently is apt-cacher, but it works from command line so I am stumped15:52
ddgoosecustom even15:52
lagai'll try it here15:53
ddgoosewhere does --copy-sourceslist come from, I don't grep it in any plugins15:54
ddgoosein common or Ubuntu15:55
ddgooseoh wait lemme check l-b-c15:55
lagaduh, yeah. that's probably why it works for you in command line15:55
ddgooseits not in ltsp-build-client either15:56
ddgooseso it doesn't exist as an arg15:56
lagait does. :)15:58
lagaltsp-build-client --extra-help15:58
lagaltsp-build-client/Ubuntu/015-sources-list:        add_option "copy-sourceslist" "`eval_gettext "use the servers sources.list instead of generating one"`" "advanced" "false"15:59
ddgooseoh crap15:59
ddgooseI droped the s15:59
ddgoosemy bad16:00
ddgoosemy coffee level is low I guess16:01
lagamy coffee level is always low. :)16:01
ddgooseok gonna purge and reinstall see if I loose my gremlin16:02
ddgoosedang can't type I guess either16:02
lagait's squashing now..16:03
ddgoosehas to be something on my end then16:04
lagaif it still breaks, i'll be glad to try with your sources.list.16:04
lagaall worky.16:06
ddgoosereinstalled, gonna eat some chow then I'll be back and try it16:15
MandrakeHey! We gave it a try with Safe Graphics Mode and it works! Thanks!16:15
lagaMandrake: great16:16
ddgooselaga: it works now16:56
ddgooseI must have messed something up in plugins16:57
ddgoosedo you have a source .deb for mcc @ 0.28-0ubuntu1~hardy2 ?16:58
ddgooseI want to add --mirror and --security-mirror16:59
nespinosahi everybody17:00
nespinosaI have mythbuntu 8.04, I've got a problem when I want to watch tv the screen becomes black and then return to the general menu17:01
nespinosaHere is my mythtvfrontend log :2008-05-14 22:56:12.678 Using protocol version 4017:03
nespinosa2008-05-14 22:56:12.755 TV: Attempting to change from None to WatchingLiveTV17:03
nespinosa2008-05-14 22:56:12.756 Using protocol version 4017:03
nespinosa2008-05-14 22:56:14.115 GetEntryAt(-1) failed.17:03
nespinosa2008-05-14 22:56:14.117 EntryToProgram(0@jeu jan 1 01:00:00 1970) failed to get pginfo17:03
nespinosa2008-05-14 22:56:14.117 TV Error: LiveTV not successfully started17:03
nespinosa2008-05-14 22:56:14.118 TV Error: LiveTV not successfully started17:03
nespinosa2008-05-14 22:56:14.194 TV: Deleting TV Chain in destructor17:03
ddgoosein the future please use pastebin.ubuntu.com for mutli line pastes, to avoid spamming the channel :)17:04
ddgoosedo you have guide data configured?17:05
nespinosayes, the guide data is configured and functional17:07
ddgoosecan you watch tv in tvtime?17:07
nespinosayes I can watch tv in tvtime17:08
tgm4883_laptopnespinosa, i'll assume the guide data is associated with the tuner17:08
nespinosaWhat do you mean by you will assume the guide data is associated with the tuner?17:09
nespinosahow do you know that ?17:09
nespinosaddgoose, I am sorry for not have used pastebin. I am not used to give logs on chat. I promiss to do it next time.17:11
tgm4883_laptopnespinosa, because I'm going to assume that you did all the steps that you were supposed to and got confused somewhere, not skipped a step.  Should I not think that way?17:11
nespinosayou can. sorry if I don't understand well. I am not very familiar with english.17:13
tgm4883_laptopnespinosa, did you follow a guide?17:13
nespinosaI have used the mythbuntu manual.17:14
nespinosato install and configure mythbuntu17:14
tgm4883_laptopwhat tuner17:16
nespinosamy tuner is a pinnacle pctv stereo. I use V4l17:17
nespinosait is an analogue tv card17:17
tgm4883_laptopnespinosa, did you change the recording direcyory17:20
nespinosain mythback end I have added in storage directory in default. But I did not find a way to cancel this directory added. Do you think it could become from that ?17:26
tgm4883_laptopwhat directory did you add?17:26
nespinosalet me check.17:26
nespinosaso, I have added a storage group name : défaut . In this group I have added a directorie : slash home slash nespinosa slash Desktop (sorry but my slash doesnt work, Iam under vnc))17:31
tgm4883_laptopso your recording dir is17:32
nespinosaI think it is17:32
tgm4883_laptopcan you pastebin your backend log?17:33
tgm4883_laptopor at least the last 50 lines of it17:33
tgm4883_laptopright now I think it's a permission problem17:34
tgm4883_laptopnespinosa, how many hard drives do you have?17:34
nespinosaSure I can. Let me see how to use paste bin. I'll do it right now.17:34
nespinosaI don't know if you will access to my log if I give you the link : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14349/plain/. Is it what I have to do?17:39
tgm4883_laptopnespinosa, perfect ;)17:42
tgm4883_laptopit's a permission problem17:43
tgm4883_laptopfirst, i'd like to point out that the Desktop isn't exactly the best place to put the recording directory17:43
tgm4883_laptopwith that being said, it's your machine and you can have it there if you like17:43
tgm4883_laptopdo you wish to change it?17:43
nespinosayes I would like to change it17:44
nespinosawhat directory would have directly permission access?17:44
tgm4883_laptopnespinosa, well we will give it permission17:45
tgm4883_laptophow many hard drives do you have in the box?17:45
nespinosaI have one hard drive (40GB) but I will soon buy another to stock video, music files and share it to other computers of my house17:46
tgm4883_laptophow is your partitions?17:47
tgm4883_laptophow many/what kind?17:47
nespinosaI've keep windows on a first partition, on the second partition I've / installed, on a third partition I have /home and finally a swap partition17:49
tgm4883_laptophow large are your home and / partitions17:50
nespinosaI do not remember the size of each partitions. Is there a command line to know it?17:50
tgm4883_laptoppastebin the output of df17:51
nespinosaI would like to point out that all are Ext3 partitions (except swap of course)17:51
nespinosaok ! I know how it works ;-)17:51
nespinosahere it is : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14355/plain/17:53
tgm4883_laptopnespinosa, ok lets do this17:54
tgm4883_laptopin your home directory make a directory called recordings17:54
tgm4883_laptopmkdir /home/nespinosa/recordings17:55
weiserHey, have anybody played with mythtv and a touchscreen?17:55
tgm4883_laptopchmod 775 /home/nespinosa/recordings17:55
tgm4883_laptopchown mythtv:mythtv /home/nespinosa/recordings17:56
tgm4883_laptopthen go into the mythtv-setup and delete the directory in your storage group (with either the delete key or the d key), then add /home/nespinosa/recordings as a recording dir17:57
tgm4883_laptopthen it should work17:57
nespinosaok that is cool. It works! Thank you!18:06
tgm4883_laptopnespinosa, keep in mind that when you add a second hard drive, for the recordings directory it is better to be formatted as XFS18:07
nespinosaOki thank you. But only for recordings? could I keep ntfs for music and videos to share with windows pc (the one of my girlfriend)?18:09
tgm4883_laptopyes I believe ext3 is better for home18:11
tgm4883_laptopyou could also do xfs for music and videos and use samba to share over the network with windows machines18:11
lagaddgoose: still wanting the source for MCC? if you wanna do an "official" patch, then the source tree is your best bet.18:12
nespinosaoki. I will do that.18:14
ddgooselaga: does the source tree have your unsigned sources patch?18:25
ddgooseok cool18:25
ddgoosegoing to add a checkbox with fields for setting custom mirror addresses to support apt-cacher18:26
lagawell, that's what i intended when i added the --copy-sourceslist option by default :)18:28
lagathe problem is that the UI is already very cluttered up.18:29
ddgooseit's not working as far as I can tell, it starts to grab stuff from security. and archive.18:29
ddgooseeven though my sources.list has apt-cacher setup18:29
lagaah. yeah, for debootstrap it'll use default values. :(18:30
ddgoosewhich glade package do you use to work on the interface? or do you code it by hand?18:32
lagajust glade-3 ;)18:32
lagacoding by hand must be a nightmare.18:32
ddgooselooks to be yeah18:32
lagai hope you find a nice way without making the UI even bigger.. maybe a popup, but we haven'T used popups so far.. would be bad for UI consistency.18:33
lagaalright, time for homework.18:33
ddgoosewas thinking basic/advanced tab18:33
ddgoosewe'll see18:33
nespinosaThomas, I think that I've got another problem. Do you think it is my channel which are not set properly ? Here is my mythbackend log : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14363/plain/18:44
tgm4883_laptopnespinosa, yea you need to scan for channels in mythtv setup.  You also need to setup a software encoder since you have a non hardware encoding card18:49
nespinosaI have taken channels number from tvtime. I think it is not good channels don't you?18:52
tgm4883_laptopnespinosa, you can scan for channels in mythtv-setup.  I suggest you do that18:56
nespinosaSo I do a manual scan in mythtv-setup then I do mythfilldatabase --manual and I fill channel corresponding number to connect tuner channels to tv guide. Is that correct ?18:59
tgm4883_laptopwhere do you get channel data from?19:00
nespinosauntil now I get channel number from tvtime (I think do not give a good number). I have tv_grab_fr that enable me to fill channels in mythtv. But I haded manually the channel number by running mythfilldatabase. do you see what I mean?19:04
tgm4883_laptopdo what you suggested before, see if it works19:07
tgm4883_laptop<nespinosa> So I do a manual scan in mythtv-setup then I do mythfilldatabase --manual and I fill channel corresponding number to connect tuner channels to tv guide. Is that correct ?19:07
tgm4883_laptopdo that ^^19:08
Rukusx7anyone here to grant me some help?19:10
nespinosaOk Thomas, I will do that. I have to go now. I'll certainly come back. I would like to thank you for your help. See you.  Nicolas19:13
Rukusx7i'm trying to set mythTV up to scan for channels on bev 91 but not quite sure how to do it. also i am wondering what patches i need to apply, and anything that is necessary or not19:16
ddgoosegah.. glade is a bitch19:19
Lud7773hello...  wondering if anyone else has had problems managing volume with myth?19:49
Lud7773I have my remote configured so I can adjust volume... but I can have the volume down to 0% but it doesn't change the volume at all.19:50
DarthFrogDoes anyone have the 1st gen Hauppague grey remote control?  The one with the 4 coloured buttons surrounding the arrow keys.  Do you have it working properly with Mythbuntu?  For me, the arrow keys do not work.19:53
Lud7773DarthFrog: sry... I have the silver one... with the colored buttons on the bottom.19:55
DarthFrogLud7773: I've built several systems with that remote control, it works fine.  But my personal system antedates them.19:55
DarthFrogThe WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor) is becoming severely disgruntled.  I prefer her gruntled. :-)19:56
Lud7773I know the feeling... wife is happy with me once again...  she hated my xbox...  had to call me at work so she could watch her movies cause she didn't know how to navigate.19:57
Lud7773now with myth she's a lot happier...19:57
Lud7773only thing I can't get going is controlling volume with hauppauge remote.19:58
DarthFrogMythTV is truly excellent.  And works fine with a keyboard.19:58
Lud7773the remote works... but the volume levels don't change.19:58
Lud7773DarthFrog: you could modify your own lirc file and mythcontrols to have your arrow keys work.19:59
DarthFrogI'm not all that bothered by volume control:  I have a One4All programable remote control and I pipe audio from Myth into my stereo system.19:59
DarthFrogBelieve me, I've tried that.19:59
Lud7773DarthFrog: and no joy huhh.19:59
DarthFrogThis hardware worked perfectly with Fedora 7 and MythTV 0.20-219:59
DarthFrogBut Myth/Hardy is a different matter, even if I use the lircd.conf/lircrc files from Fedora.  It must be a change in lirc, methinks.20:00
DarthFrogWell, if I run irw, I get the correct mapping of key presses.20:01
DarthFrogSo lircd.conf must be OK.20:01
Lud7773DarthFrog: I've been following this guys How to... and he's got some pretty good mods... he does mention the "grey" remote... perhaps there is something here you can use:  http://s91928265.onlinehome.us/hfamily/mythtv/myth_ubuntu.html20:02
DarthFrogTnx.  I'll have a boo at that.20:02
Lud7773this is for older ubuntu... but perhaps something you can pick up.20:02
MandrakeHey, I just wanted to tell laga that I tried the Protected Video mode or whatever and it worked!! (my problem was a blank screen after the kernel loaded when tryin to boot into the Live Environment). Thanks!!20:24
Lud7773I have 3 different kinds of remote= installed on my lircrc file.  how can I tell which one myth is using for my remote?20:34
Seeker`Lud7773: The .lircrc file should specify a rmote20:38
Seeker`do you have 3 for each buttom?20:38
Lud7773it does... it specifies 3 remotes.20:38
Seeker`it will use all of them I think20:38
Seeker`how many remotes are specified in /etc/lirc/lirc.conf20:39
Lud7773for my lircrc I have:  hauppauge_pvr,  Hauppauge_WinTV_Nexus-S,  HVR-1100,  Hauppauge_350, Hauppauge20:40
Lud7773and for the lirc.conf same amount of remotes.20:41
Lud7773I'm trying to use mythcontrols to program my remote... but it's not working...20:42
Lud7773I have the config= ! in my lirc file, when I got to mythcontrols, it shows up as shift+!20:42
Lud7773I've restarted the lirc service and have even rebooted the pc, but still no joy when I press the remote button.20:43

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