ddgoose | hurray the glade ide is totally retarded! | 01:10 |
dustin_tt_ | When I click on Watch TV, my screen goes black for a few seconds and then goes back to the menu. | 04:05 |
dustin_tt_ | If I use TVTime, I can view the TV. Can someone help? | 04:06 |
tgm4883_laptop | dustin_tt_, check the backend log for errors | 04:08 |
tgm4883_laptop | /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log | 04:08 |
len | I upgraded to Mythbuntu 8.04 and now my ir blaster doesn | 04:11 |
len | t | 04:11 |
len | work anymore. | 04:11 |
len | I used to just select ADS ir blaster from the list of supported devices, but it's gone from the setup list now. | 04:12 |
len | The device is detected in linux as FTDI usb serial device. | 04:13 |
len | Which ir blaster device profile do I need to choose from the setup list? | 04:13 |
dustin_tt_ | tgm4833_laptop. Do you want me to post my log file? | 04:15 |
tgm4883_laptop | dustin_tt_, use pastebin | 04:16 |
dustin_tt_ | Sorry. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14432/ | 04:18 |
iamlindoro | Heh, you have / set as your recording directory, and only root would have write access to that | 04:24 |
iamlindoro | You need to set a proper directory that your backend user has permissions to | 04:24 |
dustin_tt_ | Going to check that now. Thanks. Will let you know how it went. | 04:28 |
dustin_tt_ | Same result, unless I did something wrong. See http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14433/ | 04:37 |
iamlindoro | You did something wrong, since it's still trying to record to / | 04:39 |
dustin_tt_ | How can I change that? | 04:40 |
iamlindoro | By seting up all your storage groups properly in mythtv-setup | 04:40 |
dustin_tt_ | When I make changes and I am exiting, I see an error that says "Cannot create a file //.test - directory not writable". How do I remove that? | 04:45 |
tgm4883_laptop | dustin_tt_, what directory is your recordings dir? | 04:51 |
dustin_tt_ | When I browse the LiveTV folder, I see / and then DirecTV | 04:54 |
tgm4883_laptop | dustin_tt_, what directory did you use in your storage groups? | 04:55 |
dustin_tt_ | In the LiveTV group, there are two directories - / and DirecTV | 04:58 |
dustin_tt_ | and I cannot remove the first entry - / | 04:58 |
tgm4883_laptop | hit either the delete key or the d key when on it | 04:59 |
tgm4883_laptop | i assume you made a DirecTV directory somewhere? | 04:59 |
tgm4883_laptop | dustin_tt_, did you follow a guide? | 05:01 |
dustin_tt_ | I just deleted the / and yes I did create a DirecTV directory. Same result. I followed a guide, but probably entered the / in error. | 05:02 |
tgm4883_laptop | ok, most likely, it's a permission problem | 05:03 |
tgm4883_laptop | you need to chmod it 775 | 05:03 |
tgm4883_laptop | and chown it mythtv:mythtv | 05:03 |
iamlindoro | also make sure you put the whole path in mythtv-setup, not just "DirecTV," but /wherever/you/put/DirecTV | 05:13 |
iamlindoro | or /DirecTV if you put it off the root filesystem, and case sensitive. | 05:13 |
dustin_tt_ | ok | 05:14 |
dustin_tt_ | Getting closer. I created a new folder - http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14441/ | 05:26 |
iamlindoro | Did you run chmod and chown as tgm4883_laptop mentioned? | 05:27 |
iamlindoro | 'cause you're not going to get far without permissions set right | 05:28 |
dustin_tt_ | I did, but getting an error on chown | 05:28 |
iamlindoro | sudo chmod 775 /home/dustin/DirecTV/ | 05:28 |
iamlindoro | sudo chown mythtv.mythtv /home/dustin/DirecTV/ | 05:28 |
iamlindoro | then try again | 05:28 |
dustin_tt_ | that was it. I was not doing a sudo on chown | 05:30 |
dustin_tt_ | working now guys | 05:30 |
dustin_tt_ | Thanks alot for everything | 05:30 |
dustin_tt_ | bye | 05:31 |
ross_ | hello | 06:39 |
xukun | when I play video with mythbuntu its not wide-screen. how can I change this? | 10:20 |
xukun | how can I select widescreen theme | 10:24 |
xukun | ? | 10:24 |
xukun | I have external usb 5.1 card how can I select this on mythbuntu? | 12:20 |
rockhound | good day everyone | 12:32 |
MythbuntuGuest31 | hekki can someone help me to install mythbuntu correct? at last i have install it with the gforce 5+ driver and active tvout with s-video and than the monitor and tv is blank after installation | 13:44 |
MythbuntuGuest31 | what must i use for my 6600 gf graphic card? | 13:44 |
MythbuntuGuest31 | s-video outpt and pal-b here in german? | 13:45 |
MythbuntuGuest31 | no one can help me? :( | 13:48 |
Seeker` | recording SDTV, what is the smallest bitrate I could record at and not lose quality | 14:09 |
KeinName | hello someone here how can help me? | 14:35 |
KeinName | i cant see all the configs in the nv xserver settings and cant enabled tvout | 14:36 |
laga | maybe, if you ask a question :) | 14:36 |
KeinName | because my resolution is to big (640x480) | 14:37 |
Seeker` | KeinName: Do you mean too big or too small? | 14:37 |
KeinName | to small. sorry | 14:37 |
Seeker` | KeinName: can you alt+click on the window to move it so you can see more options? | 14:38 |
KeinName | yes it works thanks i dont know the alt + click option :) | 14:39 |
Seeker` | :D | 14:40 |
Seeker` | laga: know anything about my question? | 14:40 |
KeinName | oh but when i click on detect displays it dont find the tv | 14:40 |
laga | Seeker`: NO | 14:40 |
laga | oops, sorry. caps. | 14:41 |
KeinName | how can i enabled the tv out, do you know? | 14:42 |
KeinName | why dont find he the tv? when i installed mythbuntu at first i have enabled the tv in the setup but when the install finised and reboot, the monitor and tv is blank | 14:44 |
KeinName | what driver is better for a 6600 gf the gf5+ driver or the tnt driver? | 14:45 |
laga | the gf5+ driver. | 14:46 |
laga | have you tried using nvidia-settins? | 14:46 |
KeinName | yes and there he dont find the tv | 14:46 |
laga | is it plugged in? maybe you need to turn on the TV? | 14:47 |
KeinName | yes it is pherhaps he must turn on on boot? | 14:47 |
laga | possibly | 14:48 |
KeinName | ok thanks i will try.... | 14:48 |
KeinName | no dont work.... dont find the tv | 14:55 |
laga | :( | 14:55 |
KeinName | is it right that in boot the tv will blank. because a old card i can the the boot in tv | 14:55 |
laga | i've gotta go now, sorr< :( | 14:56 |
Seeker` | I never had any luck with Tv-out | 14:56 |
KeinName | :( | 14:56 |
KeinName | ok thanks bye laga | 14:56 |
KeinName | Seeker`: mhh not good. i have a vodo 3 3000 with tv out pherhaps this work? | 14:57 |
KeinName | i will try and install mythtv again.... | 14:58 |
KeinName | bye and thanks for your help | 14:59 |
pparker | hi guys | 15:25 |
KeinName | hello i have know installed a tnt grapic card and when i boot and plug out the monitor the tv bild is enabled, but when he load the xserver the tv will be blank. whtas wrong? | 15:25 |
KeinName | hi | 15:26 |
pparker | 'im running mythbuntu on an old amd k7 with 128 mb of ram | 15:26 |
pparker | it swapping all times, i've setup swap partition of 256 | 15:27 |
pparker | i'll increase swap partition | 15:27 |
KeinName | <<< dont know... | 15:28 |
pparker | KeinName: i'm almost sure nvidia tnt cards dont do twinview | 15:45 |
KeinName | yes, but when i unplugged the monitor and only have tv the boot will be shown in tv but not xserver | 15:48 |
KeinNAME | Hello i have a problem with my gf 6600 grapic card. the tvout now work but its only in black and withe | 18:18 |
Seeker` | KeinNAME: Thats is the problem I had when I tried using tvout | 18:19 |
KeinNAME | mh cant fix the problem? | 18:19 |
Seeker` | I couldn't find a solution | 18:20 |
Seeker` | that doesn't mean that one deosn't exist though | 18:20 |
KeinNAME | mh :( not good | 18:20 |
KeinNAME | i must went away bye | 18:25 |
cosmic | hi @ all | 18:59 |
cosmic | is there a manual for using Mythvideo with security pin ? | 19:02 |
tgm4883_laptop | Seeker`, you have that problem? | 19:31 |
Seeker` | tgm4883_laptop: I gave up on tvout | 19:33 |
Seeker` | tgm4883_laptop: Do you know what the minimum sensible bitrate for SD TV is | 19:40 |
tgm4883_laptop | Seeker`, not sure the minimum. I use 9000 | 19:43 |
tgm4883_laptop | Seeker`, where do you live? | 19:43 |
Seeker` | UK | 19:44 |
tgm4883_laptop | Just as I thought | 19:44 |
Seeker` | (this is analogue TV btw) | 19:44 |
Seeker` | why did you think that? | 19:44 |
tgm4883_laptop | the Black/white issue is usually a NTSC/PAL issue | 19:44 |
tgm4883_laptop | most likely, you are outputing a NTSC signal to a PAL TV | 19:45 |
tgm4883_laptop | I thought it was a PAL/NTSC issue, since you are in PAL land, makes it more likely | 19:46 |
Seeker` | keinNAME 9the one with the problem) is from de, which uses PAL too afaik | 19:46 |
tgm4883_laptop | yea I saw that. Unfortunatly he is gone now | 19:47 |
Seeker` | hmm, spdif output does 5.1, doesn't it? | 19:48 |
tgm4883_laptop | i believe so | 19:49 |
dthacker | How do I navigate to the second page of the setup screen? | 20:42 |
trillex | huh. I finally got mythbuntu to work together with my telly but after a reboot it just disappeared. | 21:13 |
trillex | and it keeps complaining about xorg crashing. | 21:16 |
trillex | Either my gfxcard is defective or the drivers are a bit dodgy. It started up the first time with everything working 100% | 21:36 |
Dr_Bidoof | Anyone have any luck with the Pinnacle 150e/55e? | 21:58 |
Rukusx7 | hey | 23:30 |
tgm4883_laptop | hey | 23:31 |
Rukusx7 | awesokme | 23:31 |
tgm4883_laptop | were the monkey's | 23:31 |
Rukusx7 | i'm setting up mythtv on my laptop, and i need some help. | 23:40 |
Rukusx7 | so far i've scanned both 82 and 91 | 23:40 |
Rukusx7 | have the channels, and now i dont know what next. . i also never applied any north america patches | 23:40 |
Rukusx7 | i've checked out howtos and what not, but i'm lost | 23:41 |
tgm4883_laptop | where do you get your channel data from? | 23:41 |
Rukusx7 | epg? | 23:41 |
Rukusx7 | do you mean the channel guide? | 23:42 |
tgm4883_laptop | yes | 23:42 |
Rukusx7 | i was hoping it would grab it the same way as mytheatre does, from transponder (forget which one) | 23:42 |
Rukusx7 | whatever transponder channel 352 bev is on | 23:43 |
tgm4883_laptop | you will need to mark the channel data as received from epg (in step 3), then bond it to a tuner (in step 4) | 23:43 |
tgm4883_laptop | have you read the installation guide? | 23:43 |
Rukusx7 | i read a howto on happysat | 23:44 |
ddgoose | Phoenix Lander mission is live on NasaTV | 23:45 |
tgm4883_laptop | Rukusx7, link? | 23:45 |
Rukusx7 | one sec | 23:46 |
Rukusx7 | http://dvbn.happysat.org/viewtopic.php?t=39630 | 23:46 |
tgm4883_laptop | here is the official installation guide http://mythbuntu.org/installation_manual | 23:46 |
Rukusx7 | i have al the channels | 23:46 |
Rukusx7 | i just need to know what to do now to prep my installation for North american use with sasc-ng | 23:47 |
tgm4883_laptop | oh | 23:47 |
tgm4883_laptop | yea, you aren't going to get help for sasc-ng here | 23:47 |
Rukusx7 | no, prob not | 23:47 |
tgm4883_laptop | no, really not | 23:48 |
Rukusx7 | well lets atleast belp me with setting up the epg | 23:48 |
tgm4883_laptop | check the manual | 23:49 |
Rukusx7 | ok well thanks for the help up to this point | 23:52 |
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