The-Kernel | What's a good free alternative open source program to cpanel/directadmin? | 01:00 |
d34th | hello | 01:24 |
d34th | i could use some help with the installation of the server | 01:26 |
udaho | what's the problem? | 01:30 |
d34Th1 | when i try to install it to giveme the error Cannot Find CD-Rom | 01:32 |
udaho | are you installing this to an actual PC or virtually? | 01:32 |
d34Th1 | actual pc | 01:33 |
d34Th1 | ive done it on virtual with no problem | 01:33 |
d34Th1 | i have the other box right here | 01:33 |
d34Th1 | its a Compaq Presario s4000nx with a ram and mobo upgrade | 01:33 |
udaho | so the PC boots to the cd rom, you choose install from the menu, and it errors out at that first step when it's checking for the cd rom drive? | 01:36 |
d34Th1 | it does the keyboard then kicks out | 01:36 |
d34Th1 | saying the cdrom isnt in there | 01:36 |
udaho | have you tried testing the disc from the server install main menu? | 01:37 |
d34Th1 | actually no | 01:52 |
d34Th1 | let me do that not | 01:52 |
d34Th1 | **now | 01:52 |
d34Th1 | it didnt give me the option | 01:54 |
udaho | are you using the latest version 8.04? | 01:55 |
d34Th1 | yea | 01:55 |
udaho | what options do you have on the main menu? | 01:56 |
d34Th1 | i have no main menu | 01:56 |
udaho | so after booting the PC with your disc did you ever see the menu that has install ubuntu server, check cd for defects, etc? | 02:00 |
d34Th1 | no it just went straight to installation | 02:03 |
udaho | when you successfully installed virtually was it with this same disc? | 02:04 |
d34Th1 | no, it was with the .iso | 02:07 |
d34Th1 | but i burnt the .iso to disk and tht didnt work so im using syslinux to boot it | 02:08 |
udaho | when you installed with the .iso did it go straight into the install like it is now? I'm not sure if you are using the alternative installation image or what but my suggestion would be to burn another copy of the disc, possibly on another medium (eg. cd-r instead of cd+r). If that doesn't work I would download the installation .iso again. Best of luck to you, I've got to go now. | 02:14 |
* delcoyote hi | 05:04 | |
jay2 | Do you guys change the support information for help files on Ubuntu main site? | 05:10 |
jay2 | If not do you guys know where there is a irc chat channel for support forums? | 05:11 |
Kamping_Kaiser | dont understand the first question | 05:14 |
Kamping_Kaiser | and both #ubuntu-forum and #ubuntu-forums exist | 05:14 |
jay2 | well what I was trying to say Kamping_Kaiser is this most of the install instructions are really confusing thats all | 05:44 |
jay2 | like documentation | 05:44 |
jay2 | that was the main one | 05:45 |
stiv2k | is there a way I can reconfigure my dovecot-server thru dpkg? | 05:47 |
stiv2k | for example, the SSL/TLS certs are expired. | 05:47 |
shifty1b | i am installing the ubuntu server, it gets stuck at 42% @ scanning the mirror <--- anyone knows how to fix this ? | 06:51 |
AlexC_ | hey all, | 09:46 |
AlexC_ | my server appears to be restarting its self every day at roughly 00:37-00:38. I can't see anything in the logs to being an explanation to this - I'm hoping someone can help me find out what is causing this =) | 09:47 |
AlexC_ | actually, ignore that - I was reading them wrongly | 09:53 |
hads | syslog probably | 09:59 |
uvirtbot` | New bug: #234732 in samba (main) "Upgrade gutsy -> hardy, faled for packages: samba-common, smbclient, ubuntu-desktop, bash-completion " [Undecided,New] | 10:02 |
* delcoyote hi | 10:25 | |
h1d | hello, does ubuntu have a package for phpbb3? it seems there is one for debian | 10:30 |
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shiftysg | i am installing the ubuntu server, it gets stuck at 42% @ scanning the mirror <--- anyone knows how to fix this ? | 11:42 |
shifty | hey anyone out there? | 12:34 |
bimberi | shifty: yes | 12:46 |
shifty | hi just installed the lamp server | 12:47 |
shifty | where is the config file for the apache server located at ? | 12:47 |
bimberi | at a guess, somewhere within /etc/apache2 | 12:48 |
hads | /etc/apache2 | 12:48 |
bimberi | phew :) | 12:48 |
hads | :) | 12:49 |
shifty | hey how do i edit port.conf it's read only | 13:26 |
emgent | heya | 13:27 |
hads | shifty: sudo | 13:30 |
shifty | ok got it | 13:32 |
shifty | ar ha | 13:32 |
bimberi | !sudo | 13:35 |
ubottu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for more information. | 13:35 |
uvirtbot` | New bug: #234786 in dovecot (main) "dovecot-auth: pam_smbpass(dovecot:auth): unrecognized option [missingok]" [Undecided,New] | 15:11 |
GreeneMile | hey, anyone in here have experience with streaming audio servers? | 15:26 |
Ko_deZ | Hi | 15:57 |
Ko_deZ | I have a "noob" question that I am having a hard time figuring out. I have added a /dev/sdb1 line in fstab for an USB disk that I want automounted at boot. This works nicely, but as it is a usb disk, I also want to boot without it connected from time to time. That is my problem. It goes to maintainence mode (ctrl+d to continue). How do I avoid this? | 15:59 |
faulkes- | iirc you shouldn't have to put it in /etc/fstab | 16:00 |
faulkes- | it should simply automount itself if you insert it | 16:00 |
faulkes- | granted, it will likely mount to the default mount point | 16:00 |
Ko_deZ | faulkes-: really? | 16:00 |
faulkes- | yes, really, at least that has been my experience so far | 16:01 |
Ko_deZ | Does this also happen to HDD trays? That is my second "hurdle" =) | 16:02 |
Ko_deZ | Except, those has to have a reboot I guess, as it is not USB. | 16:02 |
ivoks | nxvl: damn you :) i'm sick as hell :D | 16:32 |
Ko_deZ | faulkes-: I am having issues with this disk-tray thing. If I have a line in fstab I get the same issues as with the usb disk. I get into maintainance mode (ctrl+d to exit) if the disk is not there. | 16:43 |
Ko_deZ | I am well aware of the disk being removed. I just want it to finish booting even though there is a disk missing. | 16:43 |
sergevn | anybody familiar with this error message? | 17:45 |
waydot | hello | 18:20 |
waydot | anyone here got into setting up custom apparmor profiles and got into problems with apparmor skipping those profiles? | 18:20 |
waydot | nevermind... "typo" error | 18:26 |
Centaur5 | I followed this site but I still can't seem to get it to work. I configured the rules underneath the one for internal networks was that the right one? | 19:54 |
blue-frog | tar --diff -vf test.tar .test/ gives me the same result as tar -tf test.tar. I was expecting it to pinpoint the new file that is in .test/ and not in test.tar. An idea? | 19:55 |
adinx | hi. i was told by genii from #kubuntu to ask for help over here.. i have a problem with apachefriend's lampp server. i can't connect to localhost if i unplug my network cable | 20:21 |
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phynix | do dhcp servers need two nics? | 21:13 |
Deeps | !webmin | 21:34 |
ubottu | webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead. | 21:34 |
Deeps | !ebox | 21:34 |
ubottu | ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See | 21:34 |
Deeps | user is in group 'admin', the following line is in /etc/sudoers (added using visudo, rather than editting the file directly): | 22:12 |
Deeps | %admin ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL | 22:12 |
Deeps | yet sudo <anything> still requests a password | 22:13 |
Deeps | is there anything i need to rehash/restart to make this change effective? (user has tried logging out and in again, no joy) | 22:13 |
bimberi | Deeps: No, it should just work(tm). Check for typos, correct group memberships etc. | 23:50 |
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