JoshJ | Rixon-, no it's not. the manufacturer is one of those who uses 1000's instead of 1024 to try to make it look bigger | 00:00 |
Flannel | tritium: No, not of gdm. Although reinstall ubuntu-desktop would reinstall gdm as well. but that's besides the point. | 00:00 |
Rixon- | ok | 00:00 |
JoshJ | peternix, what manufacturer is it? you may be able to pile onto a class-action lawsuit :) | 00:00 |
Slart | peternix: no | 00:00 |
Genesi1 | any1 know of a video converter to convert avi to mp4? | 00:00 |
xq | tico: This might be your best bet! -- try it out, it works well for many. | 00:00 |
tritium | Flannel: no, the point was that she reinstalled gdm, not ubuntu-desktop | 00:00 |
tico | Flannel: i dont have the disk and i'm logged in ubuntu, but I'm afraid that if i restart the machine it wont but again | 00:00 |
Slart | peternix: it's been like that for.. well.. at least 5 years | 00:00 |
tico | xq: thanks | 00:00 |
peternix | Dam | 00:00 |
peternix | n | 00:00 |
J-a-k-e | Flannel: I missed the last part of your message there. So the problem is in /boot then? I'll just se if i can find an ext3 filesystemn viewer that way I wont need to reboot | 00:01 |
xq | tico: Also a detailed how to for that tool can be found at: | 00:01 |
JoshJ | Slart, well, Western Digital got owned. | 00:01 |
Flannel | tritium: right, and when you said "you need to reinstall ubuntu-desktop and fast-u-s-a" I said, reinstalling hte former (u-d) will grab the latter (f-u-s-a) | 00:01 |
xq | tico: No problem, let me/us know if you run into anything in the configuration of GRUB | 00:01 |
Slart | JoshJ: they did? in court? | 00:01 |
JoshJ | So now WD at least uses the correct sizes | 00:01 |
JoshJ | er, they settled | 00:01 |
tritium | Flannel: indeed. | 00:01 |
JoshJ | there was Seagate as well, lemme check the results of that | 00:01 |
Flannel | J-a-k-e: The problem is /boot/grub/menu.lst, which is the menu config file that tells GRUB how to boot everything, yeah. Luckily, wecan edit it in place, at the menu itself. We just need to do so. | 00:01 |
Lalo2 | So... | 00:01 |
JoshJ | oh, Seagate settled also. | 00:01 |
xq | tico: But that will definitely overwrite/install to MBR (or another boot sector) for you replacing LILO | 00:01 |
Monica_2 | tritium, flannel, i really appreciate you two, could you help a girl out? | 00:01 |
tritium | Monica_2: have you reinstalled ubuntu-desktop yet? | 00:02 |
Flannel | J-a-k-e: we just need to get to the GRUB menu, then we can edit it | 00:02 |
Lalo2 | nobody has his session closed when trying to restore a minimized aplication?? | 00:02 |
tico | xq: ok thanks =) | 00:02 |
Slart | JoshJ: oh.. nice to see common sense prevail for once =) | 00:02 |
xq | tico: No problem, happy GRUBin | 00:02 |
peternix | It /is/ Western Digital | 00:02 |
Flannel | tico: You're correct. It wont. Youcould try installing the grub package, but I'm not sure if that'll do everything. Can't hurt to try, at any rate. | 00:02 |
tritium | Monica_2: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop (verify that fast-user-switch-applet is intsalled as well automatically) | 00:02 |
sasori | hello everybody | 00:02 |
Rixon- | hi dr nick | 00:02 |
Monica_2 | tritium, i wasnt aware that i was supposed to, is it, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop? | 00:02 |
sarakh | Hello | 00:02 |
JoshJ | peternix, look carefully at the box; make sure it doesn't have "binary gigabytes" or "gibibytes" somewhere in fine print | 00:02 |
tritium | Monica_2: yes, it was uninstalled when you removed gdm | 00:03 |
sarakh | a question for you guys | 00:03 |
JoshJ | also, when'd you buy it? | 00:03 |
sasori | excuse me | 00:03 |
Monica_2 | ok, just a sec | 00:03 |
Slart | sarakh: just ask | 00:03 |
tritium | Monica_2: I told you already ;) | 00:03 |
sasori | i have some problems with my ubuntu | 00:03 |
Flannel | peternix, JoshJ, you mind taking it to #ubuntu-offtopic? thanks | 00:03 |
xq | Flannel: Gave him a link to QGrubEditor and how-to. It's "the grub configurator-magic-tool-love" hehe | 00:03 |
J-a-k-e | Flannel: ok I'll reboot and write down what i get when i hit "e" be back in about 5 mins | 00:03 |
cpro | hello | 00:04 |
Flannel | J-a-k-e: If you don't have a seond box, you can boot to an Ubuntu LiveCD and we can edit from that (and you can IRC from that too) | 00:04 |
Monica_2 | tritium, ok, it is installing those two you spoke of | 00:04 |
Rixon- | JoshJ: or gigabits | 00:04 |
harpreet | when i am trying to configure 64 bit atheros i get an error of not finding a file at this command tar xvf ndiswrapper-newest.tar.gz | 00:04 |
sasori | and when i start it i have the ubunru's splash screen and 2 second after the busybox | 00:04 |
test | where do you put emerald --replace & disown so that when i log out my theme does not reset | 00:04 |
sasori | without erros messages | 00:04 |
tritium | Monica_2: great. Let me know if gdm works when you login. | 00:04 |
xq | Someone should add QGrubEditor to the Bot's grub command. It's a great GUI frontend editor for grub, post-install... | 00:04 |
max__ | I'm having some trouble with mythtv | 00:04 |
test | where do you put emerald --replace & disown so that when i log out my theme does not reset | 00:04 |
rbw | anyone here using Azureus on Hardy? | 00:04 |
Slart | rbw: yes | 00:04 |
sasori | no | 00:04 |
max__ | it's complaining about the protocol im using | 00:04 |
Monica_2 | tritium, ok (.)(.) | 00:04 |
sasori | sorry | 00:04 |
Demonho-br | hello, my amsn is not working in ubuntu 8.04, when i try to rec sound, i cant because that says error writting on /dev/what i choose.... and my usb webcam is not working as mic. but it works in skype. its like the amsn is working in OSS not alsa, not sure.. someone here got the problem ?? | 00:04 |
rbw | Slart: you having any problems with it? | 00:04 |
harpreet | when i am trying to configure 64 bit atheros i get an error of not finding a file at this command tar xvf ndiswrapper-newest.tar.gz, Any help what file it wants? | 00:05 |
Lalo2 | seems nobody here want's to help me... | 00:05 |
test | where do you put emerald --replace & disown so that when i log out my theme does not reset | 00:05 |
sarakh | how do i change manual network configuration to automatic? | 00:05 |
Slart | rbw: nope | 00:05 |
sasori | heho | 00:05 |
sasori | i am here | 00:05 |
test | where do you put emerald --replace & disown so that when i log out my theme does not reset | 00:05 |
sasori | you can help me | 00:05 |
sasori | ? | 00:05 |
cpro | hello there - has anybody any knowledge of SKYPE and how to fix it when the sound is lousy ? | 00:05 |
tritium | !enter | sasori | 00:05 |
Flannel | !ask | sasori | 00:05 |
ubottu | sasori: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 00:05 |
ubottu | sasori: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 00:05 |
rbw | Slart: I can let Azureus run for a bit and then it locks the system. I have to do the nasty ALT+PrintScreen reboot stuff. | 00:05 |
Polarina | peternix: GB = 1000 MB. GiB = 1024 MiB. | 00:05 |
rbw | Slart: what version of Azureus? | 00:05 |
Monica_2 | tritium, ok, it is back to the usr prompt, should i restart at this pont/ | 00:05 |
test | #compiz-fussion | 00:05 |
sasori | ok | 00:05 |
tritium | Monica_2: no need. | 00:05 |
harpreet | when i am trying to configure 64 bit atheros i get an error of not finding a file at this command tar xvf ndiswrapper-newest.tar.gz | 00:06 |
J-a-k-e | Flannel: Ok, I have chatzilla setup on my ubuntu drive so I think i'll reinstall grub and boot into there. I'll be back in about 7 mins | 00:06 |
test | how do i get the the compiz section of chat | 00:06 |
Slart | rbw: have you installed the sun java runtime? | 00:06 |
sasori | ! | 00:06 |
Monica_2 | ok, how do i go from console to gui/ | 00:06 |
tritium | Monica_2: Ctrl-Alt-F7 | 00:06 |
harpreet | Flannel: when i am trying to configure 64 bit atheros i get an error of not finding a file at this command tar xvf ndiswrapper-newest.tar.gz | 00:06 |
sasori | ! when i sart my ubuntu | 00:06 |
ubottu | sasori: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 00:06 |
test | how do i get the the compiz section of chat | 00:06 |
Monica_2 | ok | 00:06 |
alado2 | i bought a new cpu, had a celeron 2.1 Ghz, the new one is a P4 2.5Ghz, can i just replace the old one and hope for the best or do i have to manually change something in ubuntu? | 00:06 |
sasori | ^^ | 00:06 |
IndyGunFreak | test: type w/o quotes.. "/join #compiz-fusion" | 00:06 |
max__ | Can someone please help me? I can't get mythtv working. It used to be just fine, but now It's complaining about an incompatible protocol that I'm using, and I dont know how to fix it. | 00:06 |
rbw | Slart: hrm. I have OpenJDK 1.6.0-b09. I should go with the sun package then? | 00:06 |
Monica_2 | tritium, it flashed this time, but it is still the white screen :( | 00:07 |
harpreet | Flannel: when i am trying to configure 64 bit atheros i get an error of not finding a file at this command tar xvf ndiswrapper-newest.tar.gz | 00:07 |
tritium | Monica_2: hmm | 00:07 |
robg_ | rbw: dump OpenJDK install Sun Java | 00:07 |
Slart | rbw: I honestly don't know.. there are so many java packages these days.. but I use suns java.. might as well give it a try | 00:07 |
Flannel | harpreet: I imagine you don't have that file in the current directory then. do you have anything similar? | 00:07 |
sasori | when i start my ubuntu (i have installed wubi) i have the ubuntu 's splash screen 2 seocnd after i have the busybox without error | 00:07 |
asabil | sarakh: click on the network icon to the top right | 00:07 |
sarakh | ok | 00:08 |
asabil | sarakh: then select Manual configuration ... | 00:08 |
sasori | i can't start it | 00:08 |
Monica_2 | tritium, i got a `fatal xserver` error that it? | 00:08 |
sarakh | I guess we figured it out | 00:08 |
rbw | I had sun java on Gutsy... didn't expect Hardy to change it. | 00:08 |
sarakh | thanks guys :) | 00:08 |
sarakh | byebye | 00:08 |
asabil | sarakh: the enable roaming mode | 00:08 |
tritium | Monica_2: when? | 00:08 |
asabil | ok cool | 00:08 |
sarakh | asabil: tnx | 00:08 |
Slart | rbw: I doubt it did.. might be something else then | 00:08 |
sasori | excuse me there is a people was speaking french here ? | 00:09 |
sasori | please | 00:09 |
Flannel | !fr | sasori | 00:09 |
ubottu | sasori: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 00:09 |
JoshJ | !fr | 00:09 |
Monica_2 | when this started happening, i rebooted before i asked here on IRC, and got it then | 00:09 |
corto_ | #debian-user-french | 00:09 |
harpreet | Flannel: I got ndiswrapper 1.52.tar.gz or ar5007eg-64.0.2.tar.gz thats it | 00:09 |
sasori | i said ubottu | 00:09 |
alado2 | does someone have a Nvidia card which works to 100% with ubuntu? in that case which? | 00:09 |
corto_ | <sasori> #debian-user-french | 00:09 |
tritium | corto_: that's for debian, not ubuntu (ubuntu uses #ubuntu-fr) | 00:09 |
sasori | but the french irc server don't know the solution | 00:09 |
IndyGunFreak | alado2: what do you mean by 100%?.. mine works fine, 3d is good, i run dual monitors with it, what more do you want to work? | 00:10 |
Slart | alado2: I have a geforce 8800gtx. works nicely for me | 00:10 |
max__ | Poser la question. | 00:10 |
rbw | alado2: I do. older one though. 7300 GS or something | 00:10 |
Flannel | harpreet: alright, then use that. It'll even be easier, type "tar xvf ndisw" and then hit tab | 00:10 |
sasori | ok peut etre ce chan | 00:10 |
sasori | j'essaye thank | 00:10 |
Monica_2 | tritium, when i rebooted after this started the 1st time | 00:10 |
cpro | hello there - has anybody any knowledge of SKYPE and how to fix it when the sound is lousy ? | 00:10 |
tritium | Monica_2: rebooted after what? | 00:10 |
max__ | Il y a un possibilite que je peux traduire quest-ce-que tu veux pour demander aux autres gens. | 00:11 |
tritium | max__: English, please | 00:11 |
max__ | Trying to help him out. | 00:11 |
alado2 | IndyGunFreak: i mean it should work, as it is meant to, 3d, tv-out etc. | 00:11 |
elfizz | how do I get video overlay to work with mplayer, using fglrx driver? | 00:11 |
aoupi | my home just dissapeared, it's a separete partition mounted to $HOME (not /home) what should I do to make sure I don't break anything? | 00:11 |
IndyGunFreak | alado2: ok, so what problems are you having w/ it? | 00:11 |
tritium | max__: we told him where to get French help. | 00:11 |
alado2 | Slart: rbw: ok thnx i'll see if i find them on ebay | 00:11 |
max__ | he said that there was nobody that knew how to solve the issue there | 00:11 |
tritium | max__: then do it in private | 00:11 |
max__ | don't even know how XD | 00:12 |
alado2 | IndyGunFreak: i dont have any problems, i want to buy one though, which has no problems | 00:12 |
Monica_2 | tritium, when i installed the login screen, i rebooted to try it out, got the white screen, read in a forum to `repair xserver from the recovery menu`, but when i did, i got a fatal xserver error | 00:12 |
rbw | alado2: just have to install the restricted drivers, but that's pretty easy to do | 00:12 |
anabolix | why when i run to programs that deal with outputting sound does my system then get screwed up and i cant open sound files? | 00:12 |
rbw | well, don't really HAVE to. but to get good performance, I think you have to. | 00:12 |
sasori | i have tryed the chan 'debian-french-user" there is nobody was speaking | 00:12 |
sasori | snif | 00:12 |
IndyGunFreak | alado2: i see, well my 7300 GT works fine.. are you talking about AGP, or PCI-E or what? | 00:12 |
tritium | Monica_2: I need to go fix dinner. | 00:13 |
sasori | a people can help me ? | 00:13 |
Monica_2 | tritium, the console is fine, but the gui will not display anything but the white screen---ok, thanks alot | 00:13 |
max__ | sasori, I can help you. | 00:13 |
max__ | Do you have msn/aim? | 00:13 |
Monica_2 | :) | 00:13 |
sasori | yes | 00:13 |
tritium | max__: use /query <nick> to PM | 00:13 |
oc80z | Hey Ubuntu | 00:13 |
Stu | Anyone know how to write/type a hash on a UK iMac aluminium keyboard ?? | 00:13 |
oc80z | A PPTP VPN is not possible on neither OpenVZ nor Xen. Why? Because it needs to recompile the kernel from scratch to include some code in order to implement PPTP protocol. Otherwise, it's not possible. | 00:13 |
oc80z | How can i bring up /dev/net/tun | 00:13 |
alado2 | IndyGunFreak: good question, agp 8x or something like that | 00:13 |
JoshJ | Stu, on ubuntu you can always tell it to treat it as the US layout | 00:14 |
JoshJ | which will make it shift-3 | 00:14 |
IndyGunFreak | alado2: ok, i'd say most of the agp models will work fine for you | 00:14 |
JoshJ | system-preferences-keyboard | 00:14 |
tritium | Stu: what is "hash"? # ? | 00:14 |
oc80z | wtff | 00:14 |
Flannel | tritium: yes | 00:14 |
SeaPhor | IndyGunFreak, just for reference, i have a 7300, a 8600, and an 8800 all working great with restricted drivers | 00:14 |
Stu | tritium: yes | 00:14 |
tritium | Stu: on my UK keyboard, it's above the Enter key on the right side | 00:14 |
Stu | JoshJ: just for the hash key... seems a bit odd | 00:14 |
Gumby` | Hi all, I am trying to get my backend back up and running but the mysql connection keeps getting denied. "Access denied for user 'mythtv'@'localhost' (using password: YES)" I've run mythtv setup and it shows (local box) as the mysql backend server (as it should be) and I have tested mysql from the command line (mysql -umythtv -p) and all works well there. mysql.txt also shows the proper username/pass. Anyone have any id | 00:14 |
Gumby` | ea why this is failing? | 00:14 |
anabolix | why when i run to programs that deal with outputting sound does my system then get screwed up and i cant open sound files????? | 00:14 |
IndyGunFreak | SeaPhor: my 7300 works great w/ the restricted driver.. | 00:14 |
JoshJ | Stu, well most other keys are the same | 00:14 |
Stu | tritium: its a mac keyboard | 00:14 |
=== Gumby` is now known as Gumby | ||
Stu | it doesnt have a hash key | 00:14 |
alado2 | IndyGunFreak: ok good, if found a few cheap ones on ebay, thnx | 00:15 |
IndyGunFreak | alado2: np.. | 00:15 |
Stu | ok thanks JoshJ might do that | 00:15 |
JoshJ | Stu, if the KB doesn't have a hash key you're going to need to either switch it to a layout that does have one | 00:15 |
xodiak | Both Alien Arena and Tremulous play and look okay. But each game has an annoying black flicker thing going on every few seconds. | 00:15 |
tritium | Stu: it's not shift-3? | 00:15 |
Stu | tritium: no that gives £ | 00:15 |
Stu | like I said, its a UK keyboard | 00:15 |
JoshJ | or learn xmodmap or whatever it is that does custom keyboard commands | 00:15 |
SeaPhor | IndyGunFreak, just for reference :-) | 00:15 |
tritium | Stu: ok, so it's truly a UK keyboard, just a Mac version... | 00:15 |
tritium | No idea where they put it. | 00:15 |
eXploide | pidorasi | 00:15 |
xodiak | I mean video card question: Both Alien Arena and Tremulous play and look okay. But each game has an annoying black flicker thing going on every few seconds. | 00:15 |
eXploide | gamaseki | 00:15 |
Stu | is there a gui front end to xmodmap ? | 00:16 |
IndyGunFreak | SeaPhor: i think *most* of the nvidia cards, work w/o issue.. i know with gutsy, there were some issues with the 8800 GTX i think, and the restricted driver | 00:16 |
sasori | oh shit | 00:16 |
JoshJ | Stu, there's a way you can switch layouts with one keypress | 00:16 |
tritium | !language | sasori | 00:16 |
ubottu | sasori: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 00:16 |
sasori | i must register myself for send PM | 00:16 |
max__ | no, you don't. | 00:16 |
IndyGunFreak | sasori: well, newsflash | 00:16 |
eXploide | pediki us | 00:16 |
JoshJ | in keyboard preferences, hit layout, then layout options, then rollout layout switching | 00:16 |
tritium | max__: yes, you do on freenode | 00:16 |
IndyGunFreak | !pm | 00:16 |
ubottu | Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. | 00:16 |
IndyGunFreak | !register | 00:16 |
ubottu | By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. | 00:16 |
sasori | !pm | 00:16 |
JoshJ | Stu, from there you can pick a key that switches layouts while pressed or change the layout altogether | 00:16 |
max__ | sasori !register | 00:17 |
eXploide | max ti pidoras | 00:17 |
n-iCe | is there any way to run a .pl perl script on windows? | 00:17 |
sasori | !register | 00:17 |
tritium | eXploide: English, please | 00:17 |
tritium | n-iCe: ask in #windows | 00:17 |
JoshJ | Stu, so if you do "while pressed" you can make it effectively so that.... say, win-key + shift + 3 does a hash | 00:17 |
alan_m | sasori, please stop that. | 00:17 |
IndyGunFreak | the link is right above, what do you need sasori | 00:17 |
sasori | what is the problem | 00:17 |
Stu | JoshJ: sorry, this is all using what application ? | 00:18 |
sasori | alan_m | 00:18 |
Stu | xmodmap ? | 00:18 |
IndyGunFreak | !msgthebot | sasori constantly triggering the bot is annoying | 00:18 |
ubottu | sasori constantly triggering the bot is annoying: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. | 00:18 |
JoshJ | Stu, system, preferences, keyboard preferences | 00:18 |
Stu | oh | 00:18 |
alado2 | by the way, is it just to replace the video card and boot up ubuntu or do i have to do something before? | 00:18 |
JoshJ | Stu, xmodmap is a much more complicated thing | 00:18 |
JoshJ | this is probably simpler :) | 00:18 |
SeaPhor | IndyGunFreak, In gutsy i had no issues with 8800gtx, but i dont do compiz or VM, or anything but Play COH and Deus Ex and Splinter-Cell | 00:18 |
IndyGunFreak | alado2: now that i'm not sure of... | 00:18 |
max__ | Sasori, PM me your screenname | 00:18 |
jadewolf | Hey guys is there a mixer that helps you alter pitch and tone of the microphone when recording? Or is that something that would be specific to the software that does the recording? I'm trying to make sound effects for a website (I am a ubuntu user :) ) | 00:18 |
sasori | max_ you can speak french ? | 00:19 |
IndyGunFreak | SeaPhor: well one would think if you could play those games under Linux, you could use compiz. | 00:19 |
max__ | Yes. | 00:19 |
eXploide | tritium, and I in what language talk? | 00:19 |
tritium | sasori: stay on topic please. | 00:19 |
oc80z | A PPTP VPN is not possible on neither OpenVZ nor Xen. Why? Because it needs to recompile the kernel from scratch to include some code in order to implement PPTP protocol. Otherwise, it's not possible. ---- How can i bring up /dev/net/tun | 00:19 |
JoshJ | Stu, that's also the same general area you can find the "compose" key settings which makes it easier to type things like é | 00:19 |
tritium | eXploide: English in this channel, as I stated. | 00:19 |
sasori | thank max_ | 00:19 |
Stu | # | 00:19 |
Stu | woooo | 00:19 |
kitche | jadewolf: after you recorded you input the sound into audacity and play with the filters it has :) | 00:19 |
JoshJ | :D | 00:19 |
chv | someone know, where I can find a 64 Bit Version of Adobe Air for Linux?? | 00:19 |
Monica_2 | :( | 00:20 |
Stu | JoshJ: cool thanks | 00:20 |
jadewolf | So there is no way to do it on the fly Kitche? | 00:20 |
kitche | jadewolf: not without special hardware and such | 00:20 |
Stu | whats the best way to run a windows box inside ubuntu for work purposes? | 00:20 |
sasori | max_ how i can send a pm to you ? | 00:20 |
JoshJ | Stu, VMWare most likely | 00:20 |
Stu | is there something better than vmware server? | 00:20 |
max__ | use /query __max | 00:20 |
max__ | whoops | 00:20 |
SeaPhor | IndyGunFreak, but i dont need, I love my linux (Ubuntu) just the way it is! :-) and I am so happy to be finally free of ALL MS! | 00:20 |
sasori | i am a big newbies | 00:20 |
jadewolf | >.< damn I just saw soemthign like that for winblows and was hoping linux had caught up | 00:20 |
max__ | other way around for my name | 00:20 |
Stu | !xen | 00:20 |
ubottu | XEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at | 00:20 |
kitche | Stu: vmware, qemu, virtualbox | 00:21 |
Starnestommy | Stu: virtualbox, qemu/kvm, or xen | 00:21 |
IndyGunFreak | SeaPhor: its definitely a refreshing feeling... | 00:21 |
Stu | I hear that microsoft officially support xen now | 00:21 |
JoshJ | !virtualization | 00:21 |
ubottu | There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications | 00:21 |
Stu | novell's xen anyway | 00:21 |
Rixon- | Stu: i'd recommend virtualbox to be honest. | 00:21 |
eXploide | tritium, ne pizdi suka ebanaya. | 00:21 |
kitche | Stu: well xen is probably a bit more then you want really | 00:21 |
eXploide | how many costs 8800gtx | 00:21 |
eXploide | ? | 00:21 |
JoshJ | i've only used VMWare, myself. | 00:21 |
Stu | i'll check out virtual box | 00:21 |
xenos_ | how do i check the version i'm running with xubuntu? | 00:21 |
=== freelance is now known as blumm | ||
xenos_ | updates are 'up to date' but ... i doubt it. | 00:21 |
blumm | hi | 00:21 |
JoshJ | xenos_, the version of what? | 00:22 |
sasori | max in my log it was write it | 00:22 |
JoshJ | xubuntu itself? | 00:22 |
Stu | xenos_: uname -r ? | 00:22 |
kitche | !version | xenos_ | 00:22 |
ubottu | xenos_: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell | 00:22 |
max__ | Huh? | 00:22 |
sasori | i msut registrer for pm | 00:22 |
Stu | oops thats kernel | 00:22 |
blumm | i cant login as root anymore, it says my username isnt in sudoers | 00:22 |
blumm | any ideas? | 00:22 |
max__ | whats your msn/aim then? Just tell me | 00:22 |
* SeaPhor is laying on a beach in cabbo, with a beer and a beautiful woman, thats how i feel being free of MS | 00:22 | |
blumm | i shut down ubuntu via reset button | 00:22 |
kitche | blumm: your user is not in the sudoers file need to add it if you want to use sudo | 00:22 |
Starnestommy | blumm: go into recovery mode then add your user to the admin group | 00:22 |
sasori | | 00:22 |
DG19075 | concurs with SeaPhor :) | 00:22 |
Stu | since when does root need to be in sudoers? | 00:22 |
blumm | kitche: everything worked perfectly before | 00:23 |
Stu | why would you sudo as root in the first place | 00:23 |
Rixon- | blumm, go to system>administration>users and groups, click 'unlock', root pw, check your user grups | 00:23 |
IndyGunFreak | blumm: that could be all sorts of fun. | 00:23 |
max__ | Added you sasori. | 00:23 |
xenos_ | Great! 6.06 ... how the heck do i upgrade i've done the 'do-release-upgrade' but says No new release found | 00:23 |
JoshJ | Stu, i assume he doesn't know what "root" itself is and thinks sudo = logging in as root | 00:23 |
IndyGunFreak | !upgrade | xenos_ | 00:23 |
ubottu | xenos_: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 00:23 |
Rixon- | JoshJ: yes good assumption | 00:23 |
kitche | Stu: I limit root myself but more with ACL's and such :) | 00:23 |
Stu | sudo -s is my friend although I know I shouldnt | 00:24 |
blumm | in system -> many programs disappeared | 00:24 |
blumm | ??? | 00:24 |
* SeaPhor shares ice-chest with DG19075 | 00:24 | |
klaes | hey, anyone know how to start NetworkManager on startup without having to do it with gksu or sudo or smt? | 00:24 |
fxfitz | My samba server ONLY accepts request from the local network (anything on the same router). How do I set samba up to accept connects from anywhere? | 00:24 |
DG19075 | The only problem I have is with the login screen..I'm running 8.04, and can't get the login off 1280x1024..Anyone figure tht out? | 00:25 |
SeaPhor | fxfitz, if you're sure you want to do that, you have to setup subnets, and/or acl's | 00:26 |
STSX | klaes: In general, if you want to start an app at startup as root user, you can put it in your /etc/rc.local file. | 00:26 |
jdaic | Hey all, I installed virtualbox, and got some vboxdev.ko or something like that from synaptic package manager, and now my computer will not succesfully boot | 00:26 |
fxfitz | SeaPhor, Yup, I'm pretty sure I want to do it. How would I go about doing that? | 00:26 |
blumm | Rixon-: i just tried that, i get an error msg, saying authentification failed | 00:26 |
jdaic | The progress bar just bounces back and forth for a really long time until it finally gets to a screen that says BusyBox built-in shell (ash), and sits there with (initramfs) displayed with a blinking cursor | 00:27 |
SeaPhor | fxfitz, or you could setup a ssh server instead, depends on what you're trying to accomplish | 00:27 |
blumm | how can i change anything, when my root password isnt accepted anymore? | 00:27 |
fxfitz | SeaPhor, I want to be able to mount a folder from my server as a regular drive from linux AND Windows machines. | 00:27 |
klaes | STSX, omg, thx, thats perfect :) | 00:27 |
legend2440 | DG19075: have you read this? | 00:28 |
STSX | klaes: No problem, glad to help. :) | 00:28 |
SeaPhor | fxfitz, over the local network, or over the internet? | 00:28 |
klaes | STSX, btw, would i have to put like... "NetworkManager &" or can i leave out the "&"? :) | 00:28 |
eTranquility | Hi, can someone help me with a sound problem? There is no audio on my laptop and if I hit "test" under sound preferences I get "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat: Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument". How do I fix this? | 00:28 |
Ashfire908 | How do I tell firefox to do HTTP and IPv6? | 00:29 |
fxfitz | SeaPhor, Over the internet. | 00:29 |
fxfitz | SeaPhor, It works perfectly over the local network :-P | 00:29 |
Starnestommy | blumm: try going into recovery mode then adding your user to the admin group with "adduser <username> admin" | 00:29 |
xodiak | how to start Samba? | 00:29 |
fxfitz | xodiak, sudo /etc/init.d/samba start | 00:29 |
Starnestommy | xodiak: sudo invoke-rc.d samba restart | 00:29 |
blumm | Starnestommy: how do i get into recovery mode? | 00:30 |
Stu | are you sharing a directory via samba or sonnection to a share ? | 00:30 |
Stu | connecting* | 00:30 |
STSX | klaus: That's a good question, and I'm not sure, but I suspect you may have to run it in the background with the & like you suggest. You could try it without, put a command after it, and see if the other command is run. | 00:30 |
blumm | sorry, im totally new | 00:30 |
Jonathan_R | is there an app that will organize the menus better | 00:30 |
SeaPhor | fxfitz, then you want VPN? | 00:30 |
Starnestommy | blumm: reboot, press esc at the prompt, then select the recover mode option | 00:30 |
fxfitz | SeaPhor, What's VPN? :( | 00:30 |
blumm | thx, will try that right now | 00:30 |
SeaPhor | fxfitz, Virtual Private Network | 00:30 |
klaes | STSX, ye, ill have a go at it, thx again :) | 00:31 |
fxfitz | SeaPhor, And how come I need VPN and not Samba? everyones been telling me Samba is the thing ti use :-P | 00:31 |
klaes | STSX, brb, relogging... gotta try it no? ^^ | 00:31 |
SeaPhor | fxfitz, Samba is local | 00:31 |
STSX | klaes: Sounds good! Sorry I have to go now, good luck though. :) | 00:32 |
Stu | hey does vmware workstation/server allow you to use a partition as a disk for the virtual machine, this virtual box insists on using flat file | 00:32 |
fxfitz | SeaPhor, Ahh. Alright. Well, if I set up a VPN on my ubuntu machine, I'll be able to mount it like a regular drive from ubuntu and windows? | 00:32 |
Stu | all this room joining/leaving is crazy... wonder if I can turn it off | 00:32 |
JoshJ | you can, but i don't know how in Purple IRC | 00:33 |
Starnestommy | Stu: it depends on your client | 00:33 |
JoshJ | purple IRC is Pidgin i assume? | 00:33 |
xodiak | this may to much to explain here. but how do I get my ubuntu machine to show up in windows networking to share files? | 00:33 |
Stu | yes | 00:33 |
Starnestommy | JoshJ: it is | 00:33 |
xenos_ | HOW ABOUT on irssi? | 00:33 |
Starnestommy | Stu: pidgin can't do it | 00:33 |
xenos_ | (excuse the caps0 | 00:33 |
Stu | sux | 00:33 |
Starnestommy | xodiak: in irssi, /ignore #ubuntu joins quits parts nicks | 00:33 |
Starnestommy | er, xenos_ | 00:33 |
fxfitz | SeaPhor, And would it be secure? What I liked about samba was only one user would be able to access it | 00:33 |
SeaPhor | fxfitz, yes, in windows you add a connection in network places "vpn" on linux i dont know, I'm still a n00b :-) | 00:34 |
JoshJ | tools-preferences-sounds will get rid of the sounds ones (uncheck person enters/leaves chat) but i don't know if you can get rid of the lines | 00:34 |
=== freelance is now known as blumm | ||
kitche | xenos_: you might need to to put + in front of joins quits parts | 00:34 |
xenos_ | kitche: it worked | 00:34 |
blumm | Starnestommy: thanks a lot, m8 - that helped me to solve the problme | 00:34 |
Stu | i've just created a fat32 partition /dev/sda5 how can I mount it ? | 00:34 |
SeaPhor | fxfitz, vpn is secure user authenticated | 00:35 |
blumm | i think id be back to windows if this channel didnt exist :)) | 00:35 |
Stu | or device or certificate authenticated | 00:35 |
Nyad | Stu, mount -t vfat /dev/sdat /media/MyFatPartition | 00:35 |
JoshJ | blumm, even a broken Ubuntu install is better than Windows | 00:35 |
Nyad | Stu, the last part will say where you are mounting it | 00:36 |
Stu | Nyad: thanks can I use vfat in fstab too ? | 00:36 |
Nyad | yes | 00:36 |
Stu | k, ta | 00:36 |
blumm | JoshJ: well, i have yet to find a ftp client with socks5, ssl, fxp support | 00:36 |
raul | does ubuntu have anything comparable to convertx to dvd? | 00:36 |
max__ | raul: | 00:36 |
jerrcs | hi, i've got a question. i'm thinking about installing ubuntu on my server (ubuntu-server) and i was wondering if the amd64 packages are worth it.. i don't want buggy stuff and i want maximum compatibility | 00:36 |
Nyad | Stu, if you want extra info check in the system documentation index under hardware section. It has more info if your keen on learning | 00:37 |
Stu | Nyad: sorry what are you talking about ? | 00:37 |
ron459 | Anyone want to help a noob get online wired? been through every solution i can think of and i am stumped | 00:37 |
ron459 | ?? | 00:37 |
JoshJ | blumm, you mean on ubu or windows? | 00:37 |
IndyGunFreak | raul: another good link... | 00:37 |
Stu | ron459: is the card detected? | 00:37 |
ron459 | i believe so | 00:37 |
kitche | jerrcs: well for a server it is not really amd64 is very stable just a lot of holes you need to jump though to get stuff working for desktop use really | 00:37 |
Stu | ron459: does it show up in iconfig ? | 00:38 |
Stu | er ifconfig | 00:38 |
Nyad | Stu, documentation that comes with ubuntu, it can explain more than I can since Im also a novice, thats where I learnt | 00:38 |
ron459 | stu-i believe it does | 00:38 |
blumm | JoshJ: on ubuntu of course, im so sick of windows | 00:38 |
jerrcs | kitche: so amd64/intel64 is a good choice for servers with 64bit capable processors? | 00:38 |
JoshJ | blumm, doesn't firefox's FTP stuff do all that? | 00:38 |
ron459 | stu - it all appears normal | 00:38 |
Stu | ron459: are you on this machine at the moment ? | 00:38 |
jerrcs | i can do either i386 or amd64 i just wanna know if it's "that much better" | 00:38 |
jerrcs | this server will be used for large website hosting | 00:38 |
ron459 | stu-no-i am on my vista laptop | 00:38 |
kitche | jerrcs: yes amd64 is excellent there is not such thing as intel64 unless it's ia64 really | 00:38 |
blumm | JoshJ: no, unfortunately not. either socks, ssl or fxp support is missing | 00:38 |
JoshJ | hrm. | 00:38 |
jerrcs | kitche: well, amd64 is really for intel emt64 processors too | 00:39 |
Stu | ron459: ok so how many network adapters does this machine have ? | 00:39 |
jerrcs | thats what i mean, sorry | 00:39 |
kitche | jerrcs: I just don't suggest amd64 for desktop use myself others might though | 00:39 |
jerrcs | correct | 00:39 |
blumm | JoshJ: lftp is capable to do all that, but its a command line program and i am not good enough to use it | 00:39 |
scooby2 | does ubuntu let you run gparted or something like that on installation? | 00:39 |
JoshJ | scooby2, yes | 00:39 |
kitche | jerrcs: I understood what you want just making a clearification just in case someone else wants to chime in :) | 00:39 |
JoshJ | blumm, does gftp have it? an apt-cache search for "fxp" turns it up | 00:39 |
ron459 | stu-one - plus a wireless card wich doesnt appear, but i am not concerned about that now, i only need a wired connection | 00:39 |
ish_nitti | kitche, jerrcs, i love my AMD64 desktop box | 00:39 |
jerrcs | kitche: ok :P | 00:39 |
Stu | ron459: ok open a terminal and type sudo ifconfig what do you see ? | 00:40 |
ish_nitti | kitche, jerrcs, just gotta make sure that you get the amd64 packages :) | 00:40 |
scooby2 | JoshJ: thanks | 00:40 |
xodiak | how to list running processes? | 00:40 |
blumm | JoshJ: gftp has fxp support but no ssl spport | 00:40 |
JoshJ | xodiak, ps -e | 00:40 |
jerrcs | well, i like ubuntu on my desktop (when i had it working.. my computer broke -- etc...) anyways | 00:40 |
ish_nitti | xodiak, JoshJ, or top from terminal :) | 00:40 |
kitche | ish_nitti: to bad you have to jump though holes for some stuff which is why I don't suggest it really | 00:40 |
jerrcs | i'm really taking a jump here and moving my production server to ubuntu-server instead of gentoo | 00:40 |
ron459 | stu - i see a lot of stuff | 00:40 |
kitche | ish_nitti: unless you have more then 4 gbs of ram | 00:40 |
blumm | JoshJ: when i use tlswrap to do the job i cant use my proxy anymore... | 00:40 |
ron459 | can i get more specifics? | 00:40 |
Stu | ron459: do you see eth0 ? | 00:40 |
jerrcs | and i'm just wanting whats best for stability and performance on my new server OS :) | 00:40 |
ron459 | stu yes | 00:40 |
Stu | ron459: does it have an IP address ? | 00:41 |
JoshJ | blumm, best advice i can give you then is to read the lftp manual :\ | 00:41 |
ish_nitti | kitche, to me, ubuntu 64bit is more compatable than 64bit windows | 00:41 |
Stu | ron459: do you have something on your network that will hand out DHCP addresses ? | 00:41 |
szx0 | Whenever I use apt-get to try and install a package and that package fails for whatever reason.... Any subsequent apt-get calls to try and install anything else.... it always tries to install the first failed package.... any ideas? | 00:41 |
ish_nitti | kitche, when a user is running 64bit, i always have them install the amd64 cd | 00:41 |
kitche | ish_nitti: considering 64bit windows is not 64bit windows but anyways going a tad offtopic | 00:41 |
blumm | JoshJ: i did, but as unix newbie all that isnt easy. you would need someone who did all that already | 00:41 |
ish_nitti | kitche, lol | 00:41 |
ron459 | stu-i dont think it assigned an ip | 00:42 |
X4D | hello | 00:42 |
ish_nitti | szx0, what does sudo apt-get update do? | 00:42 |
=== bderrly_ is now known as bderrly | ||
ron459 | stu-i am not sure about the dhcp question. | 00:42 |
jdaic | nevermind, i'm an idiot, i fixed it | 00:42 |
Stu | ron459: what does this machine plug into via the wired connection? a router of some sort? | 00:42 |
ron459 | stu-i tried it plugged into directly to my modem and it still gave me no signal | 00:43 |
szx0 | ish_nitti, it just seems to go and grab the latest stuff as usual... why? | 00:43 |
ish_nitti | jdaic, 99% of the problem is between the keyboard and the desk chair :) | 00:43 |
Stu | ron459: a cable doesnt have a signal | 00:43 |
ish_nitti | szx0, making sure your repos are straight | 00:43 |
X4D | quick question about the VNC server in Ubuntu, I have a spanish keyboard and when I connect through VNC my keyboard layout changes to the US, is there anyway I can change this ? | 00:43 |
Stu | ron459: you have a wired connection between this box and the router/switch that serves up your internet ? | 00:43 |
ron459 | stu- i have it plugged into the same switch as my laptop and voip and it never gave a problem before, always been pnp | 00:43 |
szx0 | ish_nitti, alright... well yeah that seems fine | 00:43 |
Stu | ron459: ok... do you have a link light where the cable plugs in ? | 00:43 |
ish_nitti | szx0, which package are you installing? | 00:43 |
ron459 | stu-link lights are both green on the switch | 00:44 |
Stu | ron459: type sudo dhclient | 00:44 |
szx0 | ish_nitti, ZoneMinder | 00:44 |
=== defs|Abd is now known as Abd67 | ||
Stu | when mounting a device using fstab how do I make it read/write ? 0 0 ? | 00:44 |
blumm | btw, is it possible to encrypt ubuntu after installation? (system encryption, not only folders) | 00:44 |
jerrcs | Okay, a very technical question here.... I have a working gentoo install not doing much.. I'm trying to backup but unfortunately the net-connection isnt very fast at this moment.. is there anyway to resize my gentoo partition and install ubuntu and have another partition to gentoo's data? | 00:44 |
ron459 | stu-now what? | 00:45 |
jerrcs | then resize them back to normal after i've moved the stuff | 00:45 |
cylux | Hey guys, I am running java applications I have by doing 'java appname', but it doesn't open. On a windows box, the application works perfectly. | 00:45 |
Stu | ron459: what was the result ? | 00:45 |
ish_nitti | szx0, do you have any 3rd party repos added? | 00:45 |
rumbleca | is there some trick for getting wpa to work with ubuntu? | 00:45 |
=== elkbuntu is now known as elky | ||
rumbleca | the network manager doesn't seem to work | 00:45 |
poni | So I got quite a problem... I updated the system and it required a restart, and after starting again, I was in Low Graphics Mode (!!), I had to configure the xserver, and if I set it to use nvidia driver, it would go "Out of Range!" on my screen and then completely black, so I have to use vesa, or nv which I use currently. Problem is these dont bring me any Direct Rendering, and I'd like to use the nvidia drivers... I've tried uninstalling in | 00:45 |
poni | stalling them, and reinstalling, and complete removal + install as well. I've also tried nvidia-xconfig, but that doesn't solve anything. If I do sudo nvidia-xconfig it sets it to use nvidia, but next time I start I will have to go in Recovery Kernel and fix the xserver from there, since otherwise it'll be completely black... Any ideas and help on this is appreciated :)' | 00:45 |
Flannel | jerrcs: Sure, assuming you've got the space to duplicate your data (while copying over), or at least like 60% overhead | 00:45 |
cpro | rufl | 00:45 |
ish_nitti | rumbleca, not really :) | 00:45 |
szx0 | ish_nitti, nah.... ZoneMinder is part of the defaults | 00:45 |
jerrcs | Flannel: i've got a ~200gb hdd and using about 90gb of it | 00:46 |
ron459 | stu- no dhcpoffers received - no working leased in persistent database - sleeping | 00:46 |
rumbleca | ish_nitti: I'm getting a realy weird ip back, any idea what that's about? | 00:46 |
ish_nitti | szx0, im aware of this but im starting to think a 3rd party repo may be giving you the bad path | 00:46 |
blumm | encrypt ubuntu after installation - possible? | 00:46 |
ish_nitti | rumbleca, are you connected to the correct wifi router? | 00:46 |
cpro | i | 00:46 |
Flannel | jerrcs: Ah, no problem then. Yeah, just shrink the Gentoo one, install Ubuntu, then copy stuff over and remove the gentoo one. Its as easy as it sounds | 00:46 |
Abd67 | hi all. For some days now, the update manager is giving a msg saying " A problem occourred when cheking for updates" What can I do to correct this? | 00:46 |
ish_nitti | blumm, via truecrypt? | 00:46 |
somedude | is ubuntu better than debian | 00:46 |
Stu | ron459: have you tried configuring it from the network manager? | 00:46 |
redwyrm | hi. I'm trying to install the DOM inspector for Firefox 3.0b5. It shows up as installed in Synaptic, but I don't see it in any menu in Firefox, nor is it listed as installed in the Add-Ins window. I tried to install it via the Add-Ins window, but I got an error saying that it was incompatible. I found nothing about this error using Google. Please help! :( | 00:46 |
ish_nitti | somedude, ubuntu IS debain | 00:46 |
rumbleca | ish_nitti yes | 00:46 |
ish_nitti | somedude, just a flavor of it :) | 00:47 |
Stu | somedude: as a desktop yes... as a server who knows | 00:47 |
szx0 | ish_nitti, hmm.. well I didn't add anything so can't be that | 00:47 |
jerrcs | Flannel: do I have to get my ISP to do all of this on a livecd? or can i do some of it while in the OS(gen)? | 00:47 |
blumm | ish-nitti, truecrypt can do it? | 00:47 |
ron459 | stu - tried every avail option in network manager | 00:47 |
ish_nitti | szx0, which package is it failing on? seems to be installing for me so far | 00:47 |
poni | anyone? | 00:47 |
Stu | ron459: is the interface set to roaming mode ? | 00:47 |
ish_nitti | rumbleca, does the ip start with 169? | 00:47 |
=== elky is now known as elkbuntu | ||
Flannel | jerrcs: Your ISP? | 00:47 |
rumbleca | ish_nitti: yes | 00:47 |
ron459 | stu - that was the default setting on first install - didnt work | 00:47 |
rumbleca | 169.254 | 00:47 |
jerrcs | Flannel: sorry, my ISP being the people who host my server :) | 00:48 |
ish_nitti | blumm, i use truecrypt for my encryption, but i dont encrypt ALL of ubuntu, just a folder of private stuff | 00:48 |
alado2 | why is firefox so much slower on my ubuntu than on my xp, anybody know the reason for that or have had the same problem? | 00:48 |
jerrcs | it's in cali, and i'm in maryland :P | 00:48 |
ish_nitti | blumm, not even sure if that can be done | 00:48 |
Stu | ron459: set it back to roaming mode, unplug the cable.... wait a bit, plug it back in and try dhclient again | 00:48 |
ron459 | stu - k | 00:48 |
Abd67 | could this because of broken down update? | 00:48 |
rumbleca | ish_nitti: how did you know? what does that mean :) | 00:48 |
hexoroid | alado2 my firefox is slow too heh dunno why | 00:48 |
eTranquility | Hi, can someone help me with a sound problem? There is no audio on my laptop and if I hit "test" under sound preferences I get "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat: Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument". How do I fix this? | 00:48 |
ish_nitti | rumbleca, that means DHCP failed to give you an IP | 00:48 |
hexoroid | lots of apps are slower heh | 00:48 |
alado2 | hexoroid: yes very strange | 00:49 |
blumm | ish_nitti, i wonder if its possible to encrypt the system partition (just like in windows) with truecrypt | 00:49 |
ish_nitti | rumbleca, by defualt it will give you a 169.*.*.* ip address. that way when DHCP server crashes, all clients on the network can still communicate | 00:49 |
szx0 | ish_nitti, Starting ZoneMinder: DBI connect('database=zm;host=localhost','zmuser',...) failed: Unknown database 'zm' at /usr/share/perl5/ZoneMinder/ line 89 | 00:49 |
rumbleca | ah, I see | 00:49 |
ish_nitti | rumbleca, check your DHCP settings on you wireless router, or assign a static ip by editing /etc/network/interfaces | 00:49 |
Flannel | jerrcs: oh. I see. Well, you have to have the partition unmounted to resize it. But, in theory, most could probably be done remotely. I'll give you a link (well, ubottu will), with a bunch of ways to install, some of them through a network connection, and some of them with an existing install, etc (installing Ubuntu through gentoo, etc). You might be able to gleam some stuff off of it. | 00:49 |
Flannel | !install | jerrcs | 00:49 |
ubottu | jerrcs: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See Don't want to use a CD? Try - See also !automate | 00:49 |
szx0 | ish_nitti, doesn't seem to have setup mysql for me correctly | 00:50 |
ish_nitti | blumm, its great for single folders. used it on windows, use it even more on linux :) | 00:50 |
ron459 | stu - it was already set to roaming - unglugged the cable anyway | 00:50 |
hexoroid | alado i finally went to vista then after that prob | 00:50 |
hexoroid | i just run ubutnu in console :-) | 00:50 |
Stu | how do I get write access to a fat32 mount ?? | 00:50 |
hexoroid | as a server | 00:50 |
ish_nitti | szx0, lol you said you were getting an error from sudo apt-get install, not from running the app itself | 00:50 |
ish_nitti | szx0, thats a whole diff story then | 00:50 |
blumm | ish_nitti: i know, but i want to encrypt my ubuntu without having to reinstall it... | 00:50 |
rumbleca | ish_nitti: ah ok, well thanks. I'm not sure why that would be | 00:50 |
ish_nitti | blumm, i have no idea, ask around or google it | 00:50 |
rumbleca | bt thanks | 00:50 |
ron459 | stu - nothing working | 00:50 |
ish_nitti | rumbleca, np | 00:50 |
blumm | yep | 00:50 |
ron459 | stu - i dont get it | 00:51 |
Stu | ron459: dhclient still tells you no dhcp offers ? | 00:51 |
navk2005 | how well does ubuntu work with dual core processors? | 00:51 |
ish_nitti | navk2005, very well. run it @ work :) | 00:51 |
alan_m | navk2005, pretty good | 00:51 |
rumbleca | maybe ron459 and I have the same problem | 00:51 |
alan_m | navk2005, my pc is dual core :) | 00:51 |
ish_nitti | szx0, give me a sec | 00:52 |
ron459 | rumble, whats ur prob? | 00:52 |
jerrcs | Flannel: ty so much.. this sounds fun :P | 00:52 |
Abd67 | hi all. For some days now, the update manager is giving a msg saying " A problem occourred when cheking for updates". Can't run the update manager. Only from console. Can this because of a broken down update | 00:52 |
ish_nitti | szx0, ok did you sudo apt-get install it or did you compile it from source? | 00:52 |
navk2005 | is core management very good? my dual core laptop shipped and i think ubuntu is the most stable operating system on the planet. | 00:52 |
ish_nitti | szx0, when i apt-get it, it installs mysql for me | 00:52 |
rumbleca | ron459: trying to use the network assistant to connect to my wireless network | 00:52 |
ron459 | stu-no offers recieved | 00:52 |
ron459 | rumble-i am trying a wired connection | 00:53 |
rumbleca | oh | 00:53 |
=== Thirsteh` is now known as Thirsteh | ||
peternix | Would be nice if ubuntu could differentiate between IA64 and AMD64 | 00:53 |
Nitricacid | How do i make a user list for my FTP? is there a GUI FTP server? | 00:54 |
peternix | OS Architecture keeps reporting AMD64, even though my processor is IA65 | 00:54 |
peternix | *64 | 00:54 |
ron459 | stu - if this doesnt work it means i need to spend $$$ on an OS, I dont want to do that :-( | 00:54 |
Flannel | jerrcs: If you're planning on playing more, what I'd do is get them to install a tiny tiny OS that consists more or less only of a partitioner (and a way to boot to it, and ssh, obviously) and then you can use that to do your shrinking/expanding/etc in the future. | 00:54 |
Abd67 | peternix maybe in next version | 00:54 |
peternix | Cool | 00:54 |
jerrcs | Flannel: well, is there anyway to resize my stuff within gentoo? | 00:54 |
rumbleca | peternix: you have ia64? I don't think so | 00:54 |
Lynet | peternix: You have an Itanium? | 00:54 |
Stu | ron459: reboot ? | 00:54 |
Monica_2 | how do i uninstall a splash screen? | 00:55 |
ron459 | stu-5 times | 00:55 |
kitche | peternix: Intel x86_64 chipsets are the same as amd64 ia64 is ithanium and that's really pure 64bit | 00:55 |
Nitricacid | On Hardy heron, using vsftpd how do i make a user / password list? | 00:55 |
Stu | ron459: sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces | 00:55 |
Ashfire908 | Monica_2, you could remove the splash option from the boot options, though then the end startup lines have an extra space in them. | 00:55 |
Flannel | jerrcs: I don't believe you can resize a mounted partition, but there may be some really odd esoteric method. | 00:55 |
Stu | ron459: is there anythign in there about eth0 ? | 00:56 |
jerrcs | Flannel: I was hoping I could all of this without bugging the server provider :P | 00:56 |
jerrcs | if not, I can bug em, but it would be fun to try | 00:56 |
Monica_2 | ashfire, i just need it gone | 00:56 |
senyox | j/ #linuxac | 00:56 |
kitche | Nitricacid: there is many howtos on how to make virtual users and passwords for that actually | 00:56 |
cylux | Hey guys, I am running java applications I have by doing 'java appname', but it doesn't open. On a windows box, the application works perfectly. | 00:56 |
Stu | anyone know how to get a fat32 partiion mounted as RW I cant get write access regardless of what UID or whatever I use | 00:56 |
ron459 | stu-what am i looking for? | 00:56 |
Ashfire908 | Monica_2, what are you on? (ubuntu, kubuntu) | 00:56 |
Stu | ron459: a mention of eth0 ? | 00:56 |
usser | cylux, well what does it say? | 00:56 |
ron459 | stu - nothing about eth0 | 00:56 |
Monica_2 | ubuntu | 00:57 |
cylux | usser: Nothing, just goes to next line of prompt | 00:57 |
rumbleca | ubuntu doesn't even exist for ia64 | 00:57 |
cylux | usser: It compiles perfectly and everything. | 00:57 |
rumbleca | according to the website | 00:57 |
Nitricacid | kitche: theres no like sudo vsftpd make user command? the ubuntu help page is entirely unhelpful | 00:57 |
Nitricacid | kitche: | 00:57 |
zerg | any one use compiz fusion? | 00:57 |
usser | cylux, hm... weird | 00:57 |
cylux | Very | 00:57 |
navk2005 | compiz fusion or any type of 3d acceleration makes my computer freeze | 00:57 |
kitche | Nitricacid: nope by default I believe it uses system users | 00:57 |
Rat409 | cylux: java -jar name.jar | 00:57 |
cylux | Rat409: Huh? | 00:57 |
SeaPhor | Monica_2, look here and see if this is same prob, if so resolution is there | 00:57 |
Nitricacid | kitche: it mentions a croone list but i cant even find that file | 00:57 |
ron459 | stu-auto lo, iface lo inet loopback - - "etc/network/interfaces" 5l, 34c | 00:58 |
tico | how do i know grub is installed in the mbr? | 00:58 |
Monica_2 | seaphor, ok, brb | 00:58 |
zerg | navk2005: how did you install it? is there a apt-get install for it? | 00:58 |
Origin415 | Hey guys, I'm having trouble with vlc, mplayer, and xine: none of them output any sound, even though totem is working perfectly. I have them configured to use pulseaudio... | 00:58 |
cylux | Rat409: Wtf is .jar ? | 00:58 |
Stu | ron459: you could try adding (press the i button to enter insert mode) auto eth0 and then on the next line iface eth0 inet dhcp | 00:58 |
Rat409 | cylux: java archive | 00:58 |
Stu | when done press escape, colon, wq and press enter to save the file | 00:58 |
ron459 | stu - can u pm? | 00:58 |
cylux | Rat409: I don't have one. Just a .java and .class | 00:59 |
Stu | ron459: I actually have to do, try those last two things I said and then reboot | 00:59 |
kitche | cylux: a jar file it's a java archieve file kinda like a exe sorta | 00:59 |
Stu | do = go | 00:59 |
Rat409 | cylux: dunno then | 00:59 |
Ashfire908 | Monica_2, uninstall usplash-theme-ubuntu (or usplash, which will remove usplash competely). Doing either of these will uninstall the meta package ubuntu-desktop though (That doesn't effect anything really though, to my knoledge.) | 00:59 |
ron459 | stu - not sure how to do those things | 00:59 |
cylux | Rat409: Does it matter that it's a swing applet? | 00:59 |
ron459 | i need a little more detail please | 00:59 |
usser | cylux, remember that linux is case sensitive so make sure u tyoe it right | 00:59 |
Stu | ron a lot of people in here can help you with vim | 00:59 |
Monica_2 | ashfire908, ok, then reinstall ubuntu-desktop? | 01:00 |
Killthrill | hello all | 01:00 |
cylux | usser: If I typed it wrong, bash would complain. Not helpful. | 01:00 |
Stu | just enter on two seperate lines auto eth0 and then on the next line iface eth0 inet dhcp | 01:00 |
Ashfire908 | Monica_2, no. you can't. | 01:00 |
Stu | ron459: ^ | 01:00 |
Stu | reboot | 01:00 |
usser | cylux, yea u right | 01:00 |
navk2005 | zerg: just search "compiz fusion" on synaptic package manager | 01:00 |
Stu | try again | 01:00 |
=== Xulthus is now known as pwnt | ||
Stu | gtg | 01:00 |
navk2005 | zerg: and then install | 01:00 |
zerg | thxs navk2005 | 01:00 |
Nitricacid | kitche: do you have a website that i can look at, nothing is behing helpful on google | 01:00 |
=== Guest20071 is now known as tyler` | ||
SeaPhor | Monica_2, so vga=771 with rmoving quiet and splash didn't help? | 01:00 |
Ashfire908 | Monica_2, ubuntu-desktop depends on the usplash and the theme. ubuntu-desktop is a metapackge though, and it's not actually required for anything | 01:00 |
ron459 | thanx stu! | 01:01 |
tyler` | how would i remove a package AND ALL of its dependencies with aptitude/apt-get? | 01:01 |
zerg | also does any one know how to make your bars at the top and bottom of screen in ubuntu auto hide and reappear when move over them? | 01:01 |
Killthrill | anyone able to help me solve a problem with grub? I just did a fresh install of ubuntu on a second drive and had the installer put grub on my main boot drive but it's stall at Grub | 01:01 |
kitche | Nitricacid: vsftpd official website | 01:01 |
Monica_2 | seaphor, i havnt checked yet actually i am srry | 01:01 |
usser | tyler`, remove the package itself and then do sudo apt-get autoremove | 01:01 |
tyler` | ah k | 01:01 |
Ashfire908 | Don't remove quiet and then get rid of splash (unless you let your screen filling with every kernel thing at boot) | 01:02 |
Ashfire908 | *you like your | 01:02 |
rouslan | my compiz config is hosed. how do i go back to ubuntu defaults? | 01:02 |
Monica_2 | brb | 01:02 |
NorthLioness | ok what is with the mouse-lag?? | 01:02 |
crdlb | rouslan: in ccsm: Preferences > Reset to defaults | 01:03 |
Loligaga | A little off topic, BUT what is the best movie (max pg-13) | 01:03 |
rouslan | crdlb: thanks :) | 01:03 |
kitche | !offtopic | Loligaga | 01:03 |
SeaPhor | Monica_2, i watched what Jack_Sparrow was telling you and that was correct info, however, it did not work for me, i had to remove quiet and splash and add vga=771 , then all was fine | 01:03 |
ron459 | anyone help me where stu left off please?? something about vim auth eth0? | 01:03 |
ubottu | Loligaga: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 01:03 |
NorthLioness | mouse lags in ubuntu.. a little bit normally.. just a little biut annoying.. but when playing games the mouse lags like hell | 01:03 |
Monica_2 | seaphor, ok, j/a/sec | 01:03 |
Killthrill | anyone know how I can access my ubuntu install from the live cd? grub install doesn't seem to have worked and now I can't boot into either winxp or linux | 01:04 |
ron459 | anyone know what a "vim" is please? | 01:04 |
xanadoid | I can't create a working shortcut in the gnome desktop to run a .jar program. What do I do? | 01:04 |
Origin415 | ron459 a text editor | 01:04 |
Monica_2 | seaphor, i did: metacity --replace ,and it says it cant open the x display | 01:04 |
ron459 | origin - how do i do an "auto eth 0? | 01:05 |
Origin415 | ron459: use nano if you dont know what vim is | 01:05 |
dmsuperman | Is there a way to make a window click through? Basically, I have a video that I want to play full screen, then lower the opacity (which all works fine), but then make it so my mouse clicks and such pass through the window | 01:05 |
ron459 | origin ron=N00B | 01:05 |
SeaPhor | Monica_2, ? you have to change the "Kernel Line" in boot process? | 01:05 |
zeusss | NorthLioness is your graphics card driver up to date? | 01:05 |
crdlb | dmsuperman: there's an experimental plugin for compiz to do that | 01:05 |
X4D | Can anyone tell me how to change the keyboard layout of the VNC in Hardy ? | 01:05 |
crdlb | dmsuperman: it's called "ghost" | 01:05 |
dmsuperman | crdlb, how safe is it to install? would it be easy to remove/disable if it ends up being problematic? | 01:05 |
X4D | I have a spanish keyboard and everytime I use remote desktop the layout is US | 01:06 |
Killthrill | ron: you will need to open the terminal up and type in the auto eth 0 | 01:06 |
Monica_2 | SeaPhor..i'm not sure | 01:06 |
Origin415 | ron459: that sounds like a line from /etc/network/interfaces | 01:06 |
ron459 | kill thrill - i did and it said bash: auto: command not found | 01:06 |
Origin415 | edit it with nano or gedit | 01:06 |
NorthLioness | zeusss well I had ubuntu use the latest update so I guess so | 01:06 |
crdlb | dmsuperman: yep, it would install to ~/.compiz . Join #compiz-fusion for more info | 01:06 |
rouslan | compiz does not show decorations for unfocused windows. has anyone seen this issue? | 01:06 |
Killthrill | ah | 01:06 |
Abd67 | hi all. For some days now, the update manager is giving a msg saying " A problem occourred when cheking for updates". Can't run the update manager. Only from console. Can this because of a broken down update? | 01:06 |
xanadoid | I can't create a working shortcut in the gnome desktop to run a .jar program. What do I do? | 01:06 |
harpreet | Flannel: Thank you very much I finally made my wireless work | 01:06 |
dmsuperman | crdlb, thanks :D | 01:07 |
Origin415 | ron459: should be auto eth0 | 01:07 |
SeaPhor | Monica_2, ok lets start over, pc is off, you turn power on and what happens from there? | 01:07 |
Origin415 | no space | 01:07 |
ron459 | origin - that is how i have it | 01:07 |
harpreet | how do I make my HDAUDIO Soft Data Fax Modem work? | 01:07 |
rouslan | Abd67: see what happens when you run 'sudo apt-get update' in console | 01:07 |
Abd67 | rouslan all goes well in thye console | 01:07 |
Origin415 | ron459: i havent been following your problem from the beginning, whats up? | 01:07 |
Monica_2 | SeaPhor, PC logo screen, then dual boot menu, then login for ubuntu, then black screen, then the white screen | 01:08 |
ron459 | origin - cant get an internet connection but everything seems to be working fine | 01:08 |
rouslan | Abd67: ok, now try 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'. does it start downloading stuff? | 01:08 |
ron459 | origin - dhcp doesnt seem to assign (im a noob, go slow :-) | 01:08 |
SeaPhor | Monica_2, ok, but you get to the log-in screen,,, 1 sec | 01:08 |
zeusss | NorthLioness ok, how many fps can you get with "glxgears"? | 01:08 |
harpreet | how can I make my HDAUDIO Soft Data Fax Modem work on compaq presario C700 | 01:08 |
Abd67 | rouslan no it does not | 01:08 |
harpreet | how can I make my HDAUDIO Soft Data Fax Modem work on compaq presario C700 ? ? ? | 01:09 |
Monica_2 | SeaPhor..ok | 01:09 |
alan_m | !repeat | harpreet | 01:09 |
ubottu | harpreet: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 01:09 |
rouslan | crdlb: thanks for your compiz help. you wouldn't know why compiz is not drawing decorations on unfocused windows, would you? | 01:09 |
Abd67 | rouslan I can't even go to software sources | 01:09 |
Origin415 | ron459: network manager doesnt do it? Try sudo ifup eth0 | 01:09 |
SeaPhor | Monica_2, can you boot off of live cd? | 01:09 |
Abd67 | the app just dies i think | 01:09 |
NorthLioness | how can I see the fps? | 01:10 |
harpreet | yes u can seaphor | 01:10 |
lindzeyn | I have a question. I recently upgraded to Hardy Heron and now my nvidia restricted graphics drivers will not load. | 01:10 |
harpreet | SeaPhor: you can | 01:10 |
Killthrill | anyone know what command I need to use to access my already install ubuntu system from the Live CD? | 01:10 |
Monica_2 | SeaPhor...i should...i havent tried | 01:10 |
lindzeyn | I have two geforce 8800 GTXs | 01:10 |
NorthLioness | eeek the gears really flicker when I have compiz on | 01:10 |
rouslan | Abd67: is there any output from the dist-upgrade? | 01:10 |
rumbleca | ok, another question, how can I 'disable the avahi daemon'É | 01:10 |
Nitricacid | Killthrill: that wasnt worded correctly. can you rephrase? | 01:10 |
SeaPhor | Monica_2, please join me in #SeaPhor, less noise, i'll help either way tho | 01:10 |
harpreet | how can I make my HDAUDIO Soft Data Fax Modem work on compaq presario C700 ? | 01:10 |
Monica_2 | ok, just a sec | 01:11 |
ron459 | origin-network manager=useless, ifup gave me "ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0 | 01:11 |
rouslan | Killthrill: mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb1 | 01:11 |
Abd67 | rouslan | 01:11 |
alan_m | How can he access his hard drive contents from the live cd is what he is asking i guess Nitricacid | 01:11 |
m_ad | trying to do a "clean" install from 7.10 to 8.04. I'm at the point of the partition manager, and I'm a bit confused.. can anyone help? | 01:11 |
zeusss | ok, do u have a nvidia card? or ati | 01:11 |
Origin415 | what do you get from ifconfig -a | 01:11 |
Killthrill | I install ubuntu onto a harddrive but grub didn't install correctly so I can't access either my winxp or linux | 01:11 |
NorthLioness | zeusss how do I see the fps in gears?? | 01:11 |
rouslan | Abd67: there are no upgrades for your system | 01:11 |
rouslan | Abd67: so that's normal | 01:12 |
ron459 | origin -i get a lot | 01:12 |
ron459 | origin - what u lookig for? | 01:12 |
crdlb | rouslan: that might be an nvidia bug. are you using emerald? | 01:12 |
Abd67 | rouslan ok, but the msg saying that there was a problem when cheking for updates is not very normal | 01:12 |
zeusss | you will get sth like this in your console: 21032 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4206.350 FPS | 01:12 |
harpreet | how can I make my HDAUDIO Soft Data Fax Modem work on compaq presario C700 ? ? | 01:12 |
bazhang | Abd67, pastebin sources.list please | 01:13 |
Origin415 | ron459: is there an entry for eth0 | 01:13 |
Ashfire908 | Should I install the server version of ubuntu for a gui-less headless gateway system (which runs on a desktop system)? | 01:13 |
Ashfire908 | Or should I install a CLI desktop system on it? | 01:13 |
bazhang | harpreet; if no one knows, then no one will answer-->best to check ubuntuforums while waiting for an answer | 01:13 |
usser | Ashfire908, install debian etch | 01:13 |
ron459 | origing-yes there is | 01:13 |
rouslan | Abd67: do you still see that message after the update and the dist-upgrade? | 01:13 |
m_ad | trying to do a "clean" install from 7.10 to 8.04. I'm at the point of the partition manager, and I'm a bit confused.. can anyone help? ext3 mount point / format ticked, but I'm confused on the /home and swap partitions | 01:14 |
usser | Ashfire908, if u serious about stability | 01:14 |
harpreet | Bazhang: whats the link? | 01:14 |
jadewolf | Anyone here use the JACK server? | 01:14 |
Abd67 | rouslan | 01:14 |
Abd67 | rouslan yes I do | 01:14 |
jadewolf | just wondering if its anygood | 01:14 |
cypha | what's the "whatis database"? | 01:14 |
Origin415 | ron459: ok, thats good, is there one with just ifconfig (no -a) | 01:14 |
ron459 | ifconfig | 01:15 |
Ashfire908 | usser, My internet sucks, so i can get the iso, and i'm not learning debain just to use it for a gateway, when all my other systems are ubuntu. | 01:15 |
harpreet | bhzhang: whats the link for forum? | 01:15 |
Origin415 | harpreet | 01:15 |
ron459 | origin - yup it is there, but no ip addresses on the screen | 01:15 |
harpreet | thanks | 01:16 |
stams23 | hello... | 01:16 |
rouslan | crdlb: i am not using emerald. i am using compiz-gnome. interesting to note that other users on the same computer do not have such problem. must be a config/theme issue? | 01:16 |
cypha | harpreet ki hal hai | 01:16 |
stams23 | kanenas ellhnas edw? | 01:16 |
rouslan | Abd67: can you show the problematic message? | 01:17 |
=== StoneApple is now known as StoneNewt | ||
cylux | Hey guys. I am trying to use a java application. I compile it with javac, no problems or errors. I run the application with 'java appname' but the prompt just goes to the next line and the application doesn't open. I run the EXACT same thing on a Windows box and it works. Any ideas? | 01:17 |
usser | Ashfire908, if u know ubuntu u'll be quite alright with debian, but if u have slow inet then go with server install | 01:17 |
bazhang | !gr | stams | 01:17 |
ubottu | stams: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes | 01:17 |
stams23 | ge...yes | 01:17 |
stams23 | gr | 01:17 |
Killthrill | sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/sdc1 worked. thanks rouslan.. No I just need find how to fix the mbr so I can boot :) | 01:17 |
Ashfire908 | usser, ok. | 01:17 |
bazhang | stams23, /join #ubuntu-gr | 01:17 |
ron459 | origin - eth0 is present with ifconfig, but no ip came up | 01:18 |
rouslan | cylux: try disabling visual effects | 01:18 |
Abd67 | rouslan when I do a mouse over the update icon it show the msg "Aproblem occurred when checking for updates" | 01:18 |
cylux | rouslan: Already did. doesn't doa nything | 01:18 |
xenos_ | how do i check what processes are running? | 01:18 |
rouslan | Killthrill: grub> root(hd0,0); setup(hd0) | 01:18 |
stams23 | join #ubuntu-gr | 01:18 |
m_ad | can anyone help me with a clean install? | 01:18 |
Origin415 | xenos_: ps -A | 01:18 |
xenos_ | Origin415: thanks | 01:19 |
rouslan | m_ad: describe the problem | 01:19 |
stams23 | #ubuntu-gr | 01:19 |
Killthrill | ah. many thanks rouslan | 01:19 |
bazhang | stams23, type /join #ubuntu-gr | 01:19 |
m_ad | rouslan no problem, just wondering what to format/what not to. I have /dev/sda1 fat16, /dev/sda2 fat32, /dev/sda3 ext3, /dev/sda4 swap | 01:19 |
rouslan | Abd67: could be a bug in the update icon. maybe will disappear after relogin? | 01:19 |
=== tolecnal_ is now known as tolecnal | ||
m_ad | and I can't identify which of those is /home | 01:20 |
alan_m | !gr | stams23 | 01:20 |
ubottu | stams23: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes | 01:20 |
ron459 | origin - any more ideas? | 01:20 |
rouslan | m_ad: do you plan to keep any data? like home directory? | 01:20 |
allieal23 | When I press Ctrl-Alt-F1 (or any other F-key) nothing happens. How can I fix this? | 01:20 |
alan_m | well...sorry..thought it had instructions on how to join. | 01:20 |
cylux | Hey guys. I am trying to use a java application. I compile it with javac, no problems or errors. I run the application with 'java appname' but the prompt just goes to the next line and the application doesn't open. I run the EXACT same thing on a Windows box and it works. Any ideas? | 01:20 |
Origin415 | ron459: try putting this in your /etc/network/interfaces: | 01:20 |
m_ad | rouslan no, I want a clean install | 01:20 |
Origin415 | iface eth0 inet dhcp | 01:20 |
Abd67 | rouslan it's strange, because I can't even start Software Sources or anything regarding updates | 01:21 |
Origin415 | and sudo ifup eth0 again | 01:21 |
rouslan | m_ad: then go back and click on 'guided install - use the whole disk' or something rather (WARNING - IT WILL ERASE ALL YOUR DATA) sorry for caps. but it's important | 01:21 |
allieal23 | Or at least... how can I administer the system when I'm logged into a non-sudoer user? I am the administrator and I have that password. | 01:21 |
m_ad | rouslan ok, I was going off of, they said to use | 01:21 |
m_ad | "manual" in the partition manager | 01:22 |
rouslan | Abd67: does 'Software Sources' staring from console print any messages? that could be a hint | 01:22 |
ron459 | origin-not letting me do etc/netowrk/interfaces: no such file or directory | 01:22 |
cylux | Hey guys. I am trying to use a java application. I compile it with javac, no problems or errors. I run the application with 'java appname' but the prompt just goes to the next line and the application doesn't open. I run the EXACT same thing on a Windows box and it works. Any ideas? | 01:22 |
Abd67 | rouslan sorry but how do i do that? | 01:22 |
Chapai | is there a channel for aircrack-ng/aireplay-ng pernetration test | 01:23 |
Origin415 | ron459: /etc/network/interfaces | 01:23 |
bazhang | Chapai, nay | 01:23 |
Origin415 | ron459: I sure hope it exits :O | 01:23 |
Chapai | :( | 01:23 |
Origin415 | exists* | 01:23 |
ron459 | origin - permission denied | 01:24 |
Origin415 | sudo | 01:24 |
rouslan | Abd67: "/usr/bin/perl /usr/share//system-tools-backends-2.0/scripts/ -m Platform" | 01:24 |
Origin415 | sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces | 01:24 |
rouslan | Abd67: you may need sudo | 01:24 |
m_ad | rouslan so you recommend "guided" instead of "manual" in partition manager? | 01:25 |
m_ad | er, "guided - use entire disk" | 01:25 |
ron459 | origin-did it-got a new screen-gedit | 01:25 |
Abd67 | rouslan ok | 01:25 |
rouslan | m_ad: right, it kindly erases all your data and performs a 'clean' install | 01:25 |
ron459 | origin"auto lo iface lo inet loopback" | 01:25 |
m_ad | rouslan ok, thank you | 01:26 |
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky | ||
xenos_ | What in the world: | 01:26 |
xenos_ | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/) | 01:26 |
Ashfire908 | I've been doing backups by mounting a nfs share on another system and tarring and bzipping my entire system and tarring to a file on the nfs share. I assume there's a better way than this? | 01:26 |
xenos_ | how do i release this process? | 01:26 |
ordinareez | @xenos please do it as root | 01:27 |
Origin415 | ron459: didnt we start this with putting auto eth0 in there? :/ | 01:27 |
Killthrill | grub> root(hd0,0); setup(hd0) gives error bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(' | 01:27 |
Killthrill | Did I type something wrong there? | 01:27 |
allieal23 | When I press Ctrl-Alt-F1 (or any other F-key) nothing happens. How can I fix this? | 01:27 |
Abd67 | rouslan nothing happens | 01:27 |
dassouki | how do i know what sound device is my system is using as default | 01:27 |
Origin415 | ron459: regardless put in "iface eth0 inet dhcp" | 01:27 |
ron459 | origin - where? | 01:28 |
Origin415 | on the next line | 01:28 |
ron459 | after loop back? | 01:28 |
Origin415 | yeah | 01:28 |
rouslan | Killthrill: i apologize for my shorthard. start grub by running `grub`. you will see the "grub>" prompt. then type "root(hd0,0)", if that is fine, then your boot partition is on sda1. then go ahead and type "setup(hd0)". if that is fine, your MBR is fixed. type Ctrl-D. you're done | 01:28 |
SeaPhor | ok, /media/disk | 01:28 |
cypha | how can i mount my windows ntfs drive in a way that i can see the contents of everything (including my documents and the windows folder) ??? | 01:28 |
remu | hey guys, question, i just installed mplayer, and in the video output, i have three choices, x11, xv, and opengl, i went to mplayer to get some information about these options, but none of them really explained a performance difference, could someone shed some light on the issue for me, and let me know what the real difference between the three output settings is? | 01:29 |
xanadoid | how do I create desktop shortcuts to jar programs in gnome? | 01:29 |
Killthrill | ahh. ok. now i understand | 01:29 |
Abd67 | rouslan this is some of the outpu of /var/log/auth.log | 01:29 |
nux565 | Hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone could help me with a quick problem I had with Ubuntu. | 01:29 |
ron459 | origin - press save? | 01:29 |
Origin415 | yep | 01:29 |
yngve | how do i get hardware information in Ubuntu 8.04? | 01:29 |
Origin415 | and retry sudo ifup eth0 | 01:29 |
rouslan | Abd67: thanks. your should probably not make auth.log public | 01:30 |
harpreet | cypha theek thaak hai apna sunao | 01:30 |
Oak___ | My taskbar icon shows my computer is connected to the internet and the settings seem to all be correct but I can not access the internet and have no idea why | 01:30 |
Abd67 | rouslan yes i know, what I pasted is harmless | 01:30 |
Oak___ | I looked all over the forums and documentation without finding a solution | 01:31 |
Oak___ | any ideas? | 01:31 |
Oak___ | my router is not showing the computer on the network | 01:31 |
cypha | harpreet, mai bhi theek, tusi kithe se? | 01:31 |
bazhang | cypha english | 01:32 |
rouslan | Abd67: could be your DISPLAY variable, although you'd see a warning. anyway. do "sudo -s" then "export DISPLAY=:0.0" and run that command again | 01:32 |
ron459 | origin-none received, but i got a new response at the end - etc/resolv.conf: no such file or directory | 01:32 |
Ashfire908 | Could someone recommend a system for backing up my systems? (CLI is prefered, since i'm backing up mainly a few gui-less systems) | 01:32 |
cypha | stop sweatin the skillz bazhang | 01:32 |
iRelinquish | hey, i am with my girlfriend and i need to print a picture of us on a 4 by 6 and its not coming out right. Whats the best app to use? | 01:32 |
rouslan | Oak___: make sure firefox is in online mode | 01:32 |
cypha | =) | 01:32 |
harpreet | cypha main aithey hisee | 01:32 |
harpreet | cypha you having any problem with ubuntu? | 01:33 |
rouslan | Ashfire908: rsync | 01:33 |
bazhang | !en | cypha harpreet | 01:33 |
ubottu | cypha harpreet: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit | 01:33 |
cypha | yeah, def | 01:33 |
saint-takeshi | anyone got time to help me with DRI (gaming/3d acceleration) issues? | 01:33 |
cypha | are u a ubuntu expert harpreet? | 01:33 |
harpreet | what is it cypha | 01:33 |
harpreet | i use ubuntu | 01:33 |
shree_ | Has anyone configured landell for gtalk voip | 01:33 |
Origin415 | ron459: dhcp should configure that file when it makes a connection. If the file doesnt exist at all you could try sudo touch /etc/resolv.conf | 01:33 |
cypha | hardy mounts the ntfs partition automatically, but i can't see the contents of my documents | 01:34 |
HairyDude | anyone else like me appreciate firefox not crashing when the flash plugin does and therefore set up the flash plugin to work through nspluginwrapper? | 01:34 |
cypha | it shows it as empty | 01:34 |
Abd67 | rouslan still nothing | 01:34 |
Ashfire908 | rouslan, no, I don't want to store the backups as a filesystem... | 01:34 |
harpreet | cypha ever heard of wine? | 01:34 |
cypha | yeah | 01:34 |
Pey | I've booted into ubutntu (Finally), but can't get it to recognise my dual-monitors, any help? | 01:34 |
cypha | i need wine to view the contents of the folders? | 01:35 |
allieal23 | When I press Ctrl-Alt-F1 (or any other F-key) nothing happens. How can I fix this? | 01:35 |
ron459 | origin - did it, now what? | 01:35 |
harpreet | to install windows based software you need wine | 01:35 |
[TiZ] | Hey, guys. Everything went smoothly in my move from Wubi's disk images to a real partition. | 01:35 |
harpreet | what version of ubuntu you have cypha? | 01:35 |
Oak___ | rouslan: online mode? I am not using it working offline | 01:35 |
cypha | hardy | 01:35 |
saint-takeshi | cypha: you sure you're in the right "my documents" folder? | 01:35 |
pen | how to find open ports in ubuntu? | 01:35 |
HairyDude | nmap localhost? | 01:35 |
alastair1 | How can I run an x session just for a single application, e.g. mplayer? I'm running a server and so I don't need the whole desktop environment, but I've forgotten the magic incantation to run an x session just for the duration of one application. | 01:36 |
Starnestommy | pen: netstat -al | 01:36 |
cypha | saint-takeshi, yes | 01:36 |
Pey | 'ello? | 01:36 |
[TiZ] | But I've got another problem. Asian characters aren't appearing in my FAT32 stuff partition, which contains some japanese music. How can I fix this? | 01:36 |
harpreet | cypha, go to places computer and you will be able to see media | 01:36 |
Oak___ | pages are not loading | 01:36 |
[TiZ] | I've installed Japanese and Chinese, but they haven't made a difference. And the characters appear properly if I browse my iPod's filesystem. | 01:36 |
harpreet | cypha: is it dual booted system? | 01:37 |
cypha | yes | 01:37 |
Oak___ | my router does not show the compter being on the network | 01:37 |
harpreet | what is the other system cypha | 01:37 |
pen | Starnestommy, I'm using transmission, the port listed are all closed | 01:37 |
cypha | i can't see anything within Documents and Settings | 01:37 |
pen | Starnestommy, tested by transmission | 01:38 |
cypha | i have vista and ubuntu hardy | 01:38 |
pen | Starnestommy, why? | 01:38 |
harpreet | go to places and computer | 01:38 |
saint-takeshi | cypha: oh, well, you got me. i was just offering the kind of newbie advice that sometimes gets missed by the advanced users | 01:38 |
[TiZ] | Can anyone help me to get the Japanese characters to appear? | 01:38 |
Byron1 | oak What is the problem? | 01:38 |
pen | [TiZ], are you using UTF-8? | 01:38 |
harpreet | under computer you will be able to see everything cypha | 01:38 |
ron459 | origin-now what? | 01:38 |
Starnestommy | pen: I 'm not sure; I don't use transmission | 01:38 |
Pey | Oh, and where is my windows partition? Or can a wubi-install not access those? | 01:39 |
pen | Starnestommy, what do you use? | 01:39 |
cypha | harpreet, i can't | 01:39 |
[TiZ] | Not sure, pen. How can I find out? | 01:39 |
cypha | documents and settings is empty | 01:39 |
LOWER_CASE | Hi, Raw Newbie Qustion: anybody suggest what VOIP I should use to talk from my Ubuntu box to my non-technically-minded daughter's Windows box? Skype seems to have a Linux app. Is Skype OK, or should I consider other Apps? | 01:39 |
Starnestommy | pen: I don't use bittorrent | 01:39 |
cypha | it's like all the protected folders from vista are shown as empty | 01:39 |
saint-takeshi | cypha: vista might lock those files, or hide them in some way....xp used to write-protect itsself, back int he SP1 days,,, | 01:39 |
cypha | LOWER_CASE, i use skype, it's fine | 01:39 |
harpreet | not under documents cyoha | 01:39 |
pen | Starnestommy, oh | 01:39 |
cypha | saint-takeshi, how do i over-come that? | 01:39 |
shree_ | Has anyone installed tapioca-voip | 01:39 |
Pey | I'll come back later, eh? | 01:40 |
harpreet | cypha: you can try seeing your files by logging back into vista and share that folder | 01:40 |
[TiZ] | pen, How can I find out if UTF-8's being used? | 01:40 |
Abd67 | rouslan thanks anyway. Gotta sleep. My kids wake up damn early in weekends | 01:41 |
Origin415 | Does anyone know why totem would be able to play movies fine, but vlc, mplayer and xine all cannot play their sound? | 01:41 |
cypha | k, i'll give that a shot harp | 01:41 |
ron459 | origin - im stuck on the last commanf | 01:41 |
ron459 | command | 01:41 |
sober | anyone into gaming? | 01:42 |
pen | [TiZ], before you check that, go to system|administration|language, check to see if Japanese is checked | 01:42 |
harpreet | cypha: NTFS is not supported by ubuntu I believe, if you want to access your files free some space by going into vista, computer management and free some space under disk management and make if fat file system, copy your files on that and access them, got it? | 01:42 |
bazhang | !games | sober | 01:42 |
ubottu | sober: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at and | 01:42 |
LOWER_CASE | cypha, thanks. | 01:42 |
saint-takeshi | sober: i would be, if i could get them to work | 01:42 |
saint-takeshi | not used to using non-ATI graphics cards | 01:43 |
bazhang | harpreet, that is not correct | 01:43 |
[TiZ] | pen, Japanese is installed. | 01:43 |
Origin415 | ron459: so ifup is running, it just isn't getting an ip address? | 01:43 |
ron459 | origin - i guess | 01:43 |
bazhang | !ntfs | harpreet | 01:43 |
ubottu | harpreet: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE | 01:43 |
pen | [TiZ], try | 01:44 |
pen | [TiZ], oops | 01:44 |
pen | [TiZ], try that | 01:44 |
harpreet | bazhang: thank you, i will check | 01:45 |
ron459 | origin-any more ideas? u seem to have a handle on the issue | 01:46 |
* gnomer thinks most questions can be redirected to the FAQ' | 01:46 | |
sober | when i enable my ati driver kdetv wont display video anyone know a quick fix, what i did was remove the drive which wouldnt be bad but i always have to restart after | 01:46 |
poundsign | hi i'm dropping in a new hard disk on my ubuntu box, do i want a primary or secondary partition? | 01:46 |
shane2peru | poundsign, primary | 01:46 |
Origin415 | ron459: at this point, as far as I can tell its something with the router/network | 01:46 |
[TiZ] | Ah, I see why you sent me there, pen. It does indeed work. | 01:46 |
poundsign | And any opinions as to file system type? | 01:46 |
poundsign | thanks shane2peru | 01:46 |
ubuntu | hi every body | 01:46 |
Byron1 | ron459 what's the problem | 01:47 |
shane2peru | poundsign, are you going to use it to boot off? ext3 seems to be the b3est | 01:47 |
bazhang | ext3 poundsign | 01:47 |
shane2peru | !hi | ubuntu | 01:47 |
ubottu | ubuntu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 01:47 |
ubuntu | what do i need to install octave 3.0? | 01:47 |
poundsign | shane2peru: no i've got a separate disk that contains system files. Thanks! | 01:47 |
=== benzs_s is now known as benzss | ||
shane2peru | poundsign, no prob | 01:48 |
Lalo2 | Hi! I have a problem with my firefox... with flash?? is it common? how can I fix it?? | 01:48 |
shane2peru | Lalo2, are you running 64bit? | 01:49 |
[TiZ] | pen, the Japanese on does work. | 01:49 |
Origin415 | Lalo2: Is firefox crashing when you play a flash movie? | 01:49 |
Chapai | its common Lalo2 | 01:49 |
Abd67 | Origin415 Lalo2 yes it has happened to me some times | 01:50 |
Lalo2 | it only plays youtube, and embedded media jus doesen't play... | 01:50 |
pen | [TiZ], then you have the file that has different encoding | 01:50 |
pen | [TiZ], there are two cli programs in repo for you to change the encoding | 01:50 |
pen | [TiZ], first one is recode | 01:50 |
saint-takeshi | anyone experienced with DRIconf and/or the Intel 965GM (X3100) onboard graphics chip? | 01:50 |
Lalo2 | doesen't crush... | 01:50 |
pen | [TiZ], and I personally found that very easy and useful | 01:50 |
Kage_Jittai | I have a idea for a new ubuntu distro! | 01:51 |
HairyDude | aha | 01:51 |
pen | [TiZ], it can convert the encoding of the file[s] to anything you want | 01:51 |
[TiZ] | pen, but what about Windows's access to the file? Will it mess that up? | 01:51 |
norbert_ | 1287 people in one channel... that's a lot | 01:51 |
[TiZ] | files, actually. I have a lot of Japanese music | 01:51 |
Kage_Jittai | glrbuntu! (or something) | 01:51 |
pen | [TiZ], will, I think so, so you better make a backup or try to find a text editor which can view different encoding | 01:51 |
ubuntu | somebody form spain? | 01:51 |
saint-takeshi | and there hasn't been a server split in over half an hou-----i don't wanna jinx it | 01:52 |
ubuntu | some body from spain? | 01:52 |
norbert_ | !es | 01:52 |
bazhang | ubuntu /join #ubuntu-es | 01:52 |
ubottu | Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 01:52 |
[TiZ] | Well, thank you for that information. | 01:52 |
pen | [TiZ], np | 01:52 |
Kage_Jittai | !1337 | 01:52 |
ubottu | 1337 i5 nigh-inc0mpr3h3n5ib13 70 u5 n00bs, 4nd n0b0dy c4r35 if UR 4 1337 h4x0r. Giv3 i7 4 r357. | 01:52 |
bazhang | Kage_Jittai, best take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic | 01:52 |
Wires` | | 01:53 |
cccd | I'm getting an error when using apt-get to install anything. it looks to be related to "libjline-java" | 01:53 |
Wires` | I get down to #5 | 01:53 |
Wires` | and all for all but one modules it says not found | 01:53 |
Lalo2 | how can I get to see flash on firefox on hardy?? | 01:54 |
cognatus | can someone help me reinstall GRUB or LILO? | 01:54 |
cypha | harpreet, i'm retarded and was checking MY DOCUMENTS instead of DOCUMENTS, i don't even know why i haev that directory in there | 01:54 |
alan_m | install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package lalo2 | 01:54 |
cognatus | i get verious error messages on boot | 01:54 |
cypha | harpreet, identify to services so i can +notify you | 01:55 |
anonymous__ | what are the error messages? | 01:55 |
harpreet | cypha: you got your files? | 01:55 |
Oak___ | is theresome kind of program to download from somewhere when making a network connection seems completely hopeless? | 01:55 |
HairyDude | lalo: if you don't want the plugin crashing your browser, have a look at | 01:55 |
cypha | yup | 01:55 |
ordinareez | @Lalo2 you can use adobe flash firefox extension | 01:55 |
tech0007 | I'm currently on hardy and up to date. My usb devices (like PSP and mp4 player) do not automatically mount anymore. I didn't change anything except update the box regularly thru apt-get. The PSP and mp4 player are detected (when I run dmesg or lsusb), but I have to run mount in the terminal to use them. Any ideas? | 01:55 |
alan_m | !grub | cognatus | 01:55 |
ubottu | cognatus: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 01:55 |
cypha | i was checking mydocuments instead of documents | 01:55 |
alextvm_ | hello i removed lilo from ubuntu and i reinstall grub but im not sure if its written in the mbr | 01:55 |
ubuntu | what is the diference between the ubuntu cd live and the ubuntu DVD? | 01:55 |
harpreet | cypha: your ntfs is mounted ? | 01:55 |
anonymous__ | reinstall grub by using this site link | 01:55 |
anonymous__ | | 01:55 |
cypha | yeah, it's automatically mounted in hardy | 01:55 |
cognatus | basically i just want to wipe and reinstall the boot loader that the installation auto-configured for me, thanks alan_m anonymous__ | 01:55 |
anonymous__ | yea just install grub so you don't have to lose all of your files | 01:56 |
harpreet | cypha: thats all its solved for you | 01:56 |
harpreet | :) | 01:56 |
amenado | alextvm_-> you can run the grub command and then find /boot/grub/menu.lst to confirm | 01:56 |
cypha | yup | 01:56 |
cypha | why don't u identify to services? | 01:56 |
harpreet | cypha: what do you mean? | 01:56 |
ubuntu | what do you recomend if i dont have internet to update my ubuntu operating system? | 01:57 |
anonymous__ | oh | 01:57 |
tritium | !register | cypha | 01:57 |
ubottu | cypha: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. | 01:57 |
anonymous__ | i'll just tell you the commands | 01:57 |
alextvm_ | amenado: ok | 01:57 |
tritium | cypha: sorry, that was for harpreet | 01:57 |
anonymous__ | put them in terminal ok? | 01:57 |
anonymous__ | sudo grub | 01:57 |
LOWER_CASE | Q about Skype. I've only got a 450 MHz box - skype suggests 1 GHz. Anybody run Skype on an older system? (RAM and Video card are fine.) | 01:57 |
thingfish | ubuntu: I don't believe it's possible. | 01:57 |
harpreet | tritium, i am sorry i missed what was said? | 01:57 |
boyam | ,[-0-9 | 01:57 |
anonymous__ | ok first in terminal type sudo grub | 01:58 |
alextvm_ | amenado: could you walk me through? | 01:58 |
anonymous__ | then type find /boot/grub/stage1 | 01:58 |
harpreet | cypha: what services you talking about? | 01:58 |
tritium | !register | harpreet | 01:58 |
ubottu | harpreet: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. | 01:58 |
Wires` | hey anyone here for a queston? | 01:58 |
cypha | that's just what it's called | 01:58 |
cypha | "identify to services" | 01:58 |
Wires` | im having a problem with lm-sensors | 01:58 |
cypha | just basically identify to NickSErv | 01:58 |
amenado | alextvm_-> anonymous__ just gave you the commands | 01:58 |
tritium | harpreet: see the URL in the above message | 01:59 |
anonymous__ | next type root (hd?,?) where ?,? indicates whatever your drive is | 01:59 |
=== Oak___ is now known as jubjub | ||
tech0007 | I'm currently on hardy and up to date. My usb devices (like PSP and mp4 player) do not automatically mount anymore. I didn't change anything except update the box regularly thru apt-get. The PSP and mp4 player are detected (when I run dmesg or lsusb), but I have to run mount in the terminal to use them. Any ideas? | 01:59 |
cypha | just type /msg NickServ Register <Password> | 01:59 |
amenado | !who | anonymous__ | 01:59 |
cypha | i think | 01:59 |
ubottu | anonymous__: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 01:59 |
anonymous__ | setup (hd?) | 01:59 |
anonymous__ | and finally quit | 01:59 |
boyam | ']9ijj,ut n bmj mrv bbbbbbbbbfh t-m,l;' | 01:59 |
Wires` | | 01:59 |
=== jubjub is now known as DaveKong | ||
Wires` | when I get to step #5 I ahve problems | 01:59 |
tritium | boyam: stop | 01:59 |
Wires` | not found for all but one module | 01:59 |
Lalo2 | ordinareez: I have all the extensions installed for viewing flash! | 01:59 |
Wires` | even though im looking at them right now in the modules file | 02:00 |
bazhang | !coc > boyam | 02:00 |
cdm10 | Is Realtek audio/networking well-supported in Linux? | 02:00 |
Nevermind | hi guys. any1 knows some fan controlling program? (like Speedfan in windows...) | 02:00 |
xenos_ | so apparently ubuntu has to be upgraded one at a time 6>6.10>7>8? | 02:01 |
Dena | Hello | 02:01 |
cdm10 | xenos_: 6.06 can be directly upgraded to 8.04 | 02:01 |
ordinareez | @lalo2: please check on firefox (tools->add-ons) to check are your plugins are enabled | 02:01 |
tritium | xenos_: as cdm10 says, LTS -> LTS upgrades are possible | 02:01 |
cdm10 | xenos_: but besides that, it has to go one at a time... so 6.10 --> 7.04 --> 7.10 --> 8.04 | 02:01 |
harpreet | cypha: where do I register? | 02:02 |
tritium | harpreet: I had ubottu give you instructions | 02:02 |
cypha | something like taht | 02:02 |
alextvm_ | anonymous__: when i type find /boot/grub/stage1 i et error 15: file not found | 02:02 |
anonymous__ | ! Nevermind : there is a linux version of speedfan | 02:02 |
ubottu | anonymous__: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 02:02 |
cypha | ./msg nickserv register <pw> | 02:02 |
cypha | something like that | 02:02 |
ubuntu | thingfish: why do you dont believe me? | 02:02 |
cypha | and then /msg nickserv identify <pw> from now on to be identified | 02:02 |
Lalo2 | ordinareez: and i have gnash active | 02:02 |
nadjavox | help | 02:03 |
nadjavox | !help | 02:03 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 02:03 |
Wires` | I asked my question a bit ago | 02:03 |
cypha | !ask | nadjavox | 02:03 |
anonymous__ | !alextvm : hang on I'm finding a fix | 02:03 |
ubottu | nadjavox: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 02:03 |
ubottu | anonymous__: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 02:03 |
LOWER_CASE | tech0007 - same thing happened to me when upgrading to Gutsy. In Gutsy, the disk discovery changed to UUID, therefore affecting mount points. The only suggestions I was given was "*INSTALL* Gutsy, don't *UPGRADE* to Gutsy." I still haven't fixed it yet, but will probably just install 8.x at some time. HTH. | 02:03 |
thingfish | ubuntu: what I mean is, I don't think you can get updates without access to the internet. | 02:03 |
Wires` | anyone wanna help? | 02:03 |
tritium | !patience | Wires` | 02:03 |
ubottu | Wires`: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 02:03 |
ordinareez | Lalo2: do you using NoScript or something like that? | 02:03 |
harpreet | ded | 02:03 |
Wires` | my bad | 02:03 |
Dena | nadjavox with what you need help ? | 02:03 |
Lalo2 | ordinareez: nop, i dont | 02:04 |
tritium | Wires`: no worries, just don't repeat too often ;) | 02:04 |
=== DaveKong is now known as DaveKong_ | ||
Wires` | ; | 02:04 |
Wires` | ;) even | 02:04 |
tanner_ | anyone know why i have to do "ifconfig eth2 netmask" before the interface will pass traffic | 02:04 |
nadjavox | Dena: I was trying to get a list of the channel commands...sorry | 02:04 |
ordinareez | Lalo2: sorry, maybe i can't help you | 02:04 |
anonymous__ | !alextvm : in terminal type sudo mkdir /mnt/root | 02:05 |
ubottu | anonymous__: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 02:05 |
cypha | harpeet, did it work ok? | 02:05 |
cdm10 | anonymous__: please stop prefixing nicks with !, it confuses the bot | 02:05 |
ubuntu | thingfish: but that is it my question, how can i do to upgrade my system without internet conection, FOr example carriyng repositories from an internet cafe? | 02:05 |
tech0007 | LOWER_CASE: it worked even after i upgraded from gutsy to hardy. dont know what caused it to stop working all of a sudden. | 02:05 |
anonymous__ | alextvm : sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sda6 /mnt/root | 02:06 |
anonymous__ | sudo mount -t proc none /mnt/root/proc | 02:06 |
Dena | nadjavox since i'm using mIRC i can use /list | 02:06 |
nadjavox | Dena: I have a boot problem & have to edit grub commands every time I boot - noapic, acpi=off ide=bios usb-handoff | 02:06 |
anonymous__ | sudo mount -o bind /dev /mnt/root/dev | 02:06 |
alastair1 | Guise, I'm using server, 64-bit, hardy. I'm currently SSH'd into a box somewhere foreign and running irssi from it. I pressed ctrl-S and my SSH session locked up completely. I tried connecting again and the screen session I was in wouldn't reconnect. Does anyone have any idea what on earth I did? | 02:06 |
cognatus | what was that clipboard site again? | 02:06 |
anonymous__ | alextvm : Doing this allows grub to discover your drives. | 02:07 |
Ashfire908 | Does the --one-file-system option for tar apply to the file it's putting it to? (Does it keep the tar file on the same file system?) | 02:07 |
LOWER_CASE | tech0007 - sorry, I'm at my knowledge-limit. Anyone else help tech0007 ? | 02:07 |
thingfish | ubuntu: I'm afraid what you're asking is just not practical. | 02:07 |
cognatus | to paste commands and other text into? | 02:07 |
tech0007 | PSP/mp4 player not automatically mounted...any other ideas? | 02:07 |
Starnestommy | cognatus: | 02:07 |
sandy_ | i have a shell program and i want to run that when the system start can anyone tell me how to do that | 02:07 |
anonymous__ | alextvm : sudo chroot /mnt/root /bin/bash | 02:07 |
fwaokda | does anyone here use the server email client "Horde" ??? | 02:07 |
cdm10 | ubuntu: you can download the Alternate CD. It will allow you to upgrade the system from the CD. | 02:07 |
anonymous__ | alextvm : sudo grub | 02:07 |
alextvm_ | ok | 02:07 |
thingfish | cdm10: is that a collection of updates? | 02:07 |
jrib | !startup > sandy_ (read the private message from ubottu) | 02:07 |
anonymous__ | alextvm : find /boot/grub/stage1 | 02:08 |
cdm10 | thingfish: the alternate CD? no. | 02:08 |
Ward1983 | someone familiar with virtualbox? | 02:08 |
cognatus | thanks Starnestommy | 02:08 |
jrib | !anyone | Ward1983 | 02:08 |
ubottu | Ward1983: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 02:08 |
xenos_ | i tried doing the 6>8 upgrade following the ubuntu webpage instructions. but no luck. had to do first apt-get install to 6.6 > 6.10 lol | 02:08 |
anonymous__ | alextvm : root (hd0,0) | 02:08 |
cdm10 | Ward1983: Somewhat... try asking | 02:08 |
anonymous__ | alextvm : setup (hd0) | 02:08 |
cognatus | so i'm reinstalling grub according to | 02:08 |
=== Monica_2 is now known as computer | ||
nhamilton | hello all | 02:08 |
britt_ | xenos_: wow. you were behind! | 02:08 |
cdm10 | xenos_: if you've done that, then you'll have to go release-by-release to 8.04 :( | 02:08 |
anonymous__ | alextvm : hope that helps | 02:08 |
cognatus | | 02:08 |
=== computer is now known as monica | ||
thingfish | hmm I guess the trick with pinot noirs is that you have to spend more than $12 | 02:09 |
Ward1983 | cdm10, ok thanx, well i followed page 75 of their manual, someone from #ubuntu-nl advised me to do that | 02:09 |
cognatus | am i right in guewssing my next command is "setup (hd2)"? | 02:09 |
cdm10 | Ward1983: what's your question? | 02:09 |
cdm10 | ubuntu: There's a Wiki page on it, hold on a sec | 02:09 |
cdm10 | !upgrades | ubuntu | 02:09 |
ubottu | ubuntu: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 02:09 |
=== monica is now known as pc_chick | ||
Ward1983 | cdm10, but now my system has no connection to the internet anymore :s | 02:09 |
ubuntu | thing fish: a friend told me that i need the repositories DVD's or the debian CD, What do you knw about it? | 02:09 |
cdm10 | Ward1983: I'm afraid I can't really help with that... | 02:09 |
Ward1983 | and i REALLY need internet, all of my schoolwork is on there | 02:09 |
wuver | so how did u get here | 02:09 |
cognatus | anonymous__, care to take a look for me please? =D | 02:09 |
Ward1983 | cdm10, no prob maybe someone else :) | 02:09 |
Ward1983 | the problem is the guy who told me to do that left | 02:10 |
anonymous__ | cognatus: sure | 02:10 |
cdm10 | Ward1983: can you send me a link to the manual you read? We might be able to try to reverse what you did... | 02:10 |
thingfish | ubuntu: forget about using a Debian cd collection. Ubuntu is not Debian. | 02:10 |
nhamilton | I've got a really annoying problem, and can't seem to find any solutions on the web. I'm using Pidgen in Hardy, and I'm getting dropped messages. I've had friends tell me they've sent mesages and I haven't got them, and in addition my messages often will fail with various failure messages from pidgen. Anyone got any ideas to point me in the right direction to fixing this? | 02:10 |
cognatus | anonymous__, | 02:10 |
cdm10 | nhamilton: what protocols are you using? | 02:10 |
cdm10 | nhamilton: and, which fail? | 02:10 |
Ward1983 | cdm10, that link would be on the desktop, can give it to you in a bit, im outside with my laptop atm | 02:10 |
ubuntu | all i want is download the repositories DVD but i don't know where i can | 02:10 |
Ward1983 | for a needed smoke | 02:10 |
nhamilton | MSN, over the http method | 02:11 |
cdm10 | oh, it's a PDF? Where can I download that manual? | 02:11 |
tritium | ubuntu: | 02:11 |
anonymous__ | cognatus: so at what point are you currently at? | 02:11 |
Ward1983 | cdm10, im googling to see if i can find it now | 02:11 |
=== DaveKong_ is now known as DaveKong | ||
thingfish | ubuntu: I'm not sure it's clear what you're wanting to do. Are you wanting to upgrade a system to 8.04, but don't have an internet connection? Or are you wanting to get security updates/bug fixes for your current version? | 02:11 |
cognatus | anonymous__, i'm about to type "setup (hd2)" [because find/boot/grub/stage1 returned (hd2,2) and not hd0 | 02:11 |
Ward1983 | cdm10, | 02:12 |
anonymous__ | cognatus: I think you may have specified the wrong drive | 02:12 |
cognatus | anonymous__, how can i check what drive i'm supposed to have specified? | 02:12 |
marshall | hey everyone | 02:12 |
anonymous__ | cognatus: instead type setup (hd0) | 02:12 |
cdm10 | Ward1983: ugh, sorry, I'm totally out of my depth here... Linux networking is not something I'm familiar with. | 02:12 |
cognatus | anonymous__, ok it's done | 02:13 |
ubuntu | i have installed ubuntu 7.10, but i dont have an internet conection, i want to know e.g. how can i to install codecs for play mp3 sons? | 02:13 |
cdm10 | ubuntu: You can download packages from | 02:13 |
anonymous__ | cognatus: follow the next steps replacing any 2 you see with a 0 | 02:13 |
cognatus | anonymous__, so root (hd2,2) & setup (hd0) are a normal combination for ppl with multiple drives? | 02:13 |
marshall | im trying to run photoshop CS3 in wine and it keeps hanging at the lisence agreement after the program starts. terminal output complains about mshtml. how do i fix this? | 02:14 |
jrib | !appdb | marshall | 02:14 |
ubottu | marshall: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: | 02:14 |
jrib | marshall: have you checked there for a guide? | 02:14 |
marshall | jrib, yes | 02:14 |
thingfish | cdm10: that'd be kind of tricky, what with dependencies etc. | 02:14 |
cdm10 | thingfish: true | 02:14 |
cdm10 | ubuntu: check out apt-cacher | 02:14 |
jrib | marshall: might want to try #winehq | 02:14 |
anonymous__ | cognatus: no, when people setup multiple drives...each drive is numbered starting with the first being hd0 | 02:14 |
cdm10 | ubuntu: I think it lets you download packages on one machine, fulfilling all dependencies, then copy them to a drive or CD or something to move to another machine. | 02:15 |
cognatus | anonymous__, thing is i have no hd_ detected by gparted... all sd_ | 02:15 |
cdm10 | ubuntu: I may be thinking of apt-proxy or apt-mirror though | 02:15 |
Ward1983 | cdm10, no prob at least you looked :à | 02:15 |
Ward1983 | :° i mean | 02:15 |
anonymous__ | cognatus: so if you are using one hard drive which I'm assuming, then it would be called hd0,0 | 02:15 |
illa | hello | 02:15 |
Ward1983 | :) i mean | 02:15 |
cognatus | no anonymous__, i have 3 HDs | 02:15 |
anonymous__ | cognatus: I see | 02:16 |
cognatus | ...... any way to back out of a sudo grub without making any changes? | 02:16 |
anonymous__ | cognatus: you are trying to boot the primary hd right? | 02:16 |
zcat[1] | (hd0) will be referring to the primary master where grub will want to write it's MBR. (hd2,2) would be referring to a partition on secondary master which is where your root filesystem is .. I thikn :) | 02:16 |
cognatus | yes anonymous__ | 02:16 |
Chapai | the alias for my usb card changes almost everytime i connect from wlan1 and wlan0 i have to keep changing the interface in scripts, can i force it to remain | 02:16 |
cognatus | there are no PATA drives | 02:16 |
Ward1983 | someone familiar with virtual box networking? i kindof screwed up my networking and am unable to fix it, yet i need internet access on my desktop, pretty urgent (my school stuff is on there) | 02:16 |
cognatus | there's one SATA drive and one PCI-RAID-card-with-two-SATAs-attached | 02:17 |
cognatus | ...... any way to back out of a sudo grub without making any changes? | 02:17 |
nflava | can anyone poinnt me to a website that has good walk throughs on installing packages in ubuntu | 02:17 |
nflava | besides stuff i can get through apt-get | 02:17 |
tritium | !repeat | cognatus | 02:17 |
Starnestommy | Ward1983: does running sudo rmmod vboxdrv fix it? | 02:17 |
ubottu | cognatus: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 02:17 |
illa | Problem, Ubuntu 8.0.4, trying to mount a ntfs hard drive on boot, once im booted, i see it listed under places, if click on it there it mounts, im guessing my syntax is wrong, in fstab I have (minus the #) #UUID=7E66AF1266AECA6B /media/TELE ntfs-3g defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0 1 | 02:18 |
zcat[1] | I never quite figured out how the drive numbers get assigned with SATA ... It's majorly confusing | 02:18 |
Ward1983 | Starnestommy, will try that immediatly after my smoke i cant access the desktop at the moment | 02:18 |
cognatus | !sorry | tritium | 02:18 |
ubottu | tritium: It's ok, I can't stay mad at you. | 02:18 |
Origin415 | ok, I got mplayer working: it was outputting to the wrong sound card. Now it only shows 2 audio channels, this video has 6 channels | 02:18 |
Ward1983 | Starnestommy, qllthough i can tell you i can still access my route from it, but i cannot seem to get passed it | 02:18 |
anonymous__ | cognatus: ok, then in that tutorial you found, you should replace all (hd2) in the code with (hd0) and all (hd2,2) with (hd0,0)with | 02:18 |
tritium | cognatus: :) | 02:18 |
Ward1983 | Starnestommy, also my interface got another ip all of a sudden for some sick reason | 02:19 |
anonymous__ | cognatus: that should fix your problem reguardless of the fact that you use sata | 02:19 |
Ward1983 | should that tell you more | 02:19 |
cognatus | anonymous__, here goes nothing... [pushes the big red button] | 02:19 |
anonymous__ | cognatus: good luck :) | 02:19 |
Chapai | UUID=..... /media/TELE ntfs default 0 0 illa | 02:19 |
=== PrivateVoid_Ghos is now known as PrivateVoid | ||
Vedalken | Can an Ubuntu machine control another Ubuntu machine over the web without a VNC client? | 02:21 |
Origin415 | i can do it through a command line with -channels 6 | 02:21 |
Chapai | illa, are you sure the uuid is correct | 02:21 |
d34Th1 | can anybody here help me with server? | 02:21 |
Starnestommy | Vedalken: you could use ssh, although it's command-line oriented | 02:21 |
Origin415 | but I'd rather have it automatically through the gui | 02:21 |
jrib | Vedalken: sure, use ssh for example | 02:21 |
Ward1983 | Vedalken, VNC is standard is ubuntu, but you allready knew that i think | 02:21 |
jrib | !ask | d34Th1 | 02:21 |
ubottu | d34Th1: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 02:21 |
illa | thanks chapai | 02:21 |
eboyjr | How do I refresh the .bashrc thingy in a terminal? | 02:21 |
illa | let me reboot and give it a try | 02:21 |
jrib | eboyjr: source ~/.bashrc | 02:22 |
Vedalken | Ward1983: so essentially VNC is built-in to Ubuntu? | 02:22 |
eboyjr | thanks | 02:22 |
d34Th1 | Umm... I Cant Install The Server | 02:22 |
Ward1983 | Vedalken, yes if you enable remore desktop you enable a vnc server | 02:22 |
jrib | d34Th1: you need to provide more details so the channel can help you | 02:22 |
Vedalken | Ward1983: but what about for the client? would i have to install another program? | 02:22 |
d34Th1 | It Says It Cannot read The Files From The Cd-rom You Know After The Keyboard check | 02:23 |
Ward1983 | Vedalken, system -> preferences -> remore desktop | 02:23 |
DaveKong | I have a wired connection and it is not working how do I troubleshoot it? | 02:23 |
Ward1983 | Vedalken, i think you would need to apt-get vncviewer for thqt im not sure | 02:23 |
anonymous__ | d34Th1: possibly a bad cd-rom? | 02:23 |
DaveKong | ehternet connection | 02:23 |
cypha | i can't open a bunch of programs like the terminal, firefox, gedit....but i can open xchat, skype | 02:23 |
cypha | any ideas? | 02:23 |
tech0007 | I'm currently on hardy and up to date. My usb devices (like PSP and mp4 player) do not automatically mount anymore. I didn't change anything except update the box regularly thru apt-get. The PSP and mp4 player are detected (when I run dmesg or lsusb), but I have to run mount in the terminal to use them. Any ideas? | 02:23 |
tritium | Ward1983: vinagre is installed by default on hardy | 02:23 |
jrib | d34Th1: did you check that the burn was ok by running the "verify the integrity of the cd" (or something similar) option when you boot from the cd? | 02:23 |
d34Th1 | checked its good it meets the md5 | 02:23 |
d34Th1 | and verified | 02:24 |
tritium | Ward1983: Applications -> Internet -> Remote Desktop Viewer | 02:24 |
Ward1983 | Vedalken, maybe theres one standard in ubuntu but im not sure, anyway, installing one is as simple as typing "sudo apt-get install vncviewer" in a terminal | 02:24 |
d34Th1 | its all good just cant readi t | 02:24 |
Chapai | the alias for my usb card changes almost everytime i connect from wlan1 and wlan0 i have to keep changing the interface in scripts, can i force it to remain | 02:24 |
Ward1983 | Vedalken, read what tritium said, there is one standard in hardy :) | 02:24 |
Ward1983 | thanx tritium | 02:25 |
tritium | Ward1983: no problem | 02:25 |
anonymous__ | d34Th1: what linux OS are you using? | 02:25 |
Vedalken | Tritium: thanks! | 02:26 |
d34Th1 | the system im installing it on has no os | 02:26 |
d34Th1 | to talk to you im currently using windows vista | 02:26 |
Ward1983 | Vedalken, by the way sohuld you ever want to connect from a windows system (lets say at a friend or at work / school) you can also use a simple exe from less then a megabyte, i believe ts called vncviewer, its easy to find trough gogle, i used it a few times | 02:26 |
zafo | I am using compiz and I need to know how to get different wallpapers on different desktops | 02:26 |
reflexx | Hey.. uhm, I just installed Hardy, and, at first I had Hardware Drivers thingie, which found my nvidia drivers, but I decided to run the system update first, and so I did ... then it required a reboot, so I rebooted, and now I'm back in again, but now the Hardware Driver / RDM finds nothing, and I dont have the nvidia drivers, what should I do to get the nvidia drivers and start using them? | 02:27 |
anonymous__ | d34Th1: I'll try to think of a solution...hang on | 02:27 |
d34Th1 | thanks | 02:27 |
anonymous__ | cognatus: did it work? | 02:27 |
reflexx | zafo: Wallpaper plugin, but you need t oinstall from git I believe, try going to #ubuntu-effects | 02:27 |
dassouki | is there an app that can say the time just like the map app | 02:27 |
zafo | ok | 02:27 |
cognatus | anonymous__, IT's ALIVE!! well, not really. absolutely no effect. | 02:27 |
cognatus | i do have the error messages now however | 02:28 |
nflava | can anyone offer a little advice on install a .bin file, i did chmod +x file, then ./file.bin, now its asking for the instalation prefix (/usr/local) | 02:28 |
nflava | can i just hit enter there and it will be ok? | 02:28 |
anonymous__ | cognatus: sorry | 02:28 |
nflava | or do i need to still name the correct path? | 02:28 |
tritium | nflava: native ubuntu packages are better, if they're available. Which software? | 02:28 |
illa | chapia:thank you very much | 02:28 |
nflava | i wish it was avaiable but its secureftp | 02:28 |
nflava | i looked for a ubuntu package but didnt see one | 02:28 |
Chapai | no problem illa | 02:29 |
illa | anyone have a package reccomndation to make ubuntu look sexxy? | 02:29 |
illa | well sexxier | 02:29 |
tritium | nflava: ssh provides sftp | 02:29 |
reflexx | please, anyone? :) | 02:29 |
nflava | with gui ftp? | 02:29 |
anonymous__ | d34Th1: check this site, person had same problem | 02:29 |
zcat[1] | illa: emerald theme manager and go find some nice thmes (beryl) at | 02:29 |
tritium | nflava: no, not with gui. gftp does, I believe. | 02:29 |
anonymous__ | d34Th1: | 02:30 |
nflava | i couldnt get what I needed with gftp | 02:30 |
Chapai | have you tried screenlets illa | 02:30 |
illa | havent tried anything | 02:30 |
anonymous__ | cognatus: what are the error messages? | 02:30 |
zcat[1] | yeah, and screenlets although the're a bit broken still... | 02:30 |
illa | so one for emeral and one for screenlets | 02:30 |
tritium | nflava: nautilus can too. Make sure you were using the right options with gftp. | 02:30 |
nflava | i need auth tls | 02:30 |
nflava | Im pretty sure i could not get that with gftp | 02:31 |
kushal_12_27_200 | Hello, I have a question regarding Wubi Installer running on Microsoft Windows XP 2002 home in Toshiba Satellite M55-S135. I understand that I can uninstall Ubuntu by just going to add-remove panel in Windows if I need to uninstall Ubuntu. My question is what happens to the space allocated to Ubuntu if I decide to uninstall Ubuntu? Wubi is recommending me to give 15 GB of space for Ubuntu. What happens to the space if I remo | 02:31 |
kushal_12_27_200 | ve Ubuntu from Windows Add/remove software? Will it merge back to my C: (which is the only one on that computer) or will it go to become an unformatted drive? Thank you. | 02:31 |
amenado | what is the correct syntax to add another java selection on the alternatives? update-alternatives --install ? | 02:31 |
cognatus | anonymous__, | 02:31 |
Flannel | kushal_12_27_200: it goes back to freespace on your windows partition | 02:31 |
d34Th1 | This Isnt On A Virtual Box Its On A Physical | 02:31 |
illa | kushal:Im guessing you wuld need to make a new partition, if you want the space in an existing partition you will prolly need an app | 02:32 |
Flannel | kushal_12_27_200: The Ubuntu stuff lives inside of windows, its basically one big file. | 02:32 |
illa | oh really | 02:32 |
illa | wow | 02:32 |
zcat[1] | kushal_12_27_200: that space is just a big file under windows.. when you remove ubuntu you remove the big file too.. | 02:32 |
reflexx | Also: After updating Hardy, it no longer detects any sound card | 02:32 |
tritium | nflava: gftp _does_ support sftp | 02:32 |
kushal_12_27_200 | awesome! | 02:32 |
kushal_12_27_200 | thanks guys | 02:32 |
amenado | !nfo update-alternatives | 02:33 |
ubottu | amenado: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 02:33 |
amenado | !nfo alternatives | 02:33 |
ubottu | amenado: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 02:33 |
kushal_12_27_200 | !info | 02:33 |
ubottu | Factoid info not found | 02:33 |
nflava | do I need an addon for gftp to do ssl ? | 02:33 |
Ward1983 | Starnestommy, sudo rmmod vboxdrv did not fix it | 02:33 |
zcat[1] | ?? !nfo? -- !info ? | 02:33 |
tritium | nflava: as I said, no | 02:33 |
kushal_12_27_200 | !info update-alternatives | 02:33 |
ubottu | Package update-alternatives does not exist in hardy | 02:33 |
Ward1983 | Starnestommy, i still have this annoying br0 interface | 02:34 |
nflava | well im looking in there now | 02:34 |
sensae | How can I fullscreen a dosbox window? | 02:34 |
Ward1983 | Starnestommy, (br0 shares its ip zith eth1 in my case) | 02:34 |
nflava | i still cant connect to my ftp through gftp :9 | 02:34 |
tritium | kushal_12_27_200: update-alternatives is a command, not a package | 02:34 |
nflava | auth-ssl | 02:34 |
Ward1983 | Starnestommy, any more suggestions? | 02:34 |
zcat[1] | btw why do I have a wlan0 and a 'wmaster0' which appears to be the same interface but doesn't do anything? | 02:34 |
d34Th1 | anon that helps none atall | 02:35 |
d34Th1 | because | 02:35 |
d34Th1 | This Isnt On A Virtual Box Its On A Physical | 02:35 |
anonymous__ | cognatus: it probably has something to do with either X or your graphic card | 02:35 |
kushal_12_27_200 | thanks, tritium. ubottu tried to say the same thing but it is clearer when you said it | 02:35 |
anonymous__ | d34Th1: I'm sorry that I can't find a fix | 02:35 |
tritium | kushal_12_27_200: no problem. Note that !info is only for package information. | 02:36 |
d34Th1 | the problem is i dont think the system is i386 its x86 or w/e | 02:36 |
Ward1983 | damn, can anyone else help me with my annoying networking situation? | 02:36 |
cognatus | anonymous__, it all happened after i installed "StartUp-Manager" | 02:36 |
kushal_12_27_200 | If anyone here uses or has used a Toshiba Satellite M55-S135, could they tell me how 8.04 works with it? | 02:37 |
anonymous__ | cognatus: try resetting xserver to its original default settings by hitting ctrl-alt-backspace | 02:37 |
gnomer | while in windoze you can't go full screen, reboot hit f8 and go to a command thing I could think of. | 02:38 |
gnomer | for dos that is | 02:38 |
cccd | I'm getting an error when using apt-get to install anything. it looks to be related to "libjline-java" | 02:39 |
woli | how can i fix the 'host down' error message while trying to connect to bluetooth device? | 02:39 |
kushal_12_27_200 | Wubi is now downloading the installation files. Please forgive my ignorance but I have another question. If I allocate 15 GB for Ubuntu under Windows, and if it is all one big file, how will Windows users with FAT32 use Wubi? (just curious, the toshiba satellite in question has ntfs) | 02:41 |
Flannel | kushal_12_27_200: they dont. It has to be NTFS | 02:41 |
Ward1983 | its hard to believe that theres nobody here with enough networkingknowledge to help me out, i REQLLY need my pC | 02:41 |
kushal_12_27_200 | thanks for the answer, flannel | 02:42 |
Ward1983 | its so frustrating since i allways try to help others, and when i really need it, nobody helps me | 02:42 |
jon__ | I want to install hardy from a usb thumb drive. I've downloaded the iso. My thought was that I'd expand the iso to the thumb drive and then boot from the thumb drive. Can I do that and is it as simple as expanding the ISO to the thumb drive and booting from the thumb drive? | 02:42 |
adam7 | Ward1983: what is your question? | 02:42 |
zcat[1] | jon__: nope.. quite a lot harder | 02:42 |
Ireclan | Could someone help me? I've run into a strange problem with Movie Player not playing audio less than 1 second when it's ogg vorbis. Anyone have any tips? I transcoded some MP3s to ogg; that's where the problem occurs. | 02:43 |
zcat[1] | jon__: there's an iso-to-usb script around somewhere that does the hard work for you though.. might need to google for it | 02:43 |
kushal_12_27_200 | I don't mean to be picky, and please don't take it personally Ireclan, but transcoding from one lossy format to another is often not a very good idea. | 02:44 |
Ward1983 | adam7, i followed page 75 of the virtualbox manual and now i cant acess the internet anymore, it seems i cant get passed my router | 02:44 |
adam7 | Ward1983: Where is this Virtual Box manual? | 02:44 |
jon__ | zcat[1]: thanks, I'm checking for it now. | 02:45 |
woli | can anybody help with bluetooth manager? | 02:45 |
Ward1983 | adam7, | 02:46 |
katami | Hey guys I just installed ubuntu and it completely ignores the monitors on my docking station? | 02:46 |
zcat[1] | jon__: | 02:46 |
Ward1983 | adam7, after that someone here told me to try sudo rmmod vboxdrv, so i did that too | 02:46 |
Ward1983 | and then i restarted networking | 02:46 |
Ward1983 | didnt help | 02:46 |
Ireclan | kushal_12_27_200: And yet I do it, because I am not picky about the quality loss. AAnd I want as much of my media as possible FOSS (and thus available as soon as possible on Ubuntu). But surely my problem has nothing to do with lossy transcoding? Audacity seems to play the audio just fine... | 02:47 |
Ireclan | *And | 02:47 |
kushal_12_27_200 | ireclan, could it be a bug in Movie Player? | 02:48 |
KinkyBlackGoat | yep so, how does one disable this auto accenting (pressing ' or " accenting the next character if possible) thing? it´s..¨annoying¨ | 02:50 |
shane2peru | anyone run a custom kernel??? is it hard to do? | 02:50 |
Ireclan | kushal_12_27_200: That's what I'm thinking...But I don't report bugs. I don't feel like tracking them upstream. | 02:50 |
KinkyBlackGoat | or sorry I lied, it does that with any given character that could be applied as an accent :D | 02:50 |
shane2peru | I have installed gentoo several times successfully, so I have messed with kernels before, just don't know the ubuntu way of kernel building | 02:51 |
Ward1983 | adam7, any ideas? | 02:51 |
adam7 | Ward1983: page 73, you say? | 02:51 |
bri-h | Plenty in the forums on kernel building for ubuntu | 02:52 |
akk | shane2peru: I do, but I just get kernels and compile them. | 02:52 |
keram | how can i downgrade the kernel to the previous version? | 02:52 |
Ward1983 | adam7, page 75 | 02:52 |
adam7 | Ward1983: sorry :) | 02:52 |
shane2peru | akk, just found some doc's and was looking over them, I'm not sure about the compiling and using part. :) | 02:52 |
Ward1983 | adam7, lol no problem | 02:53 |
akk | shane2peru: There are lots of tutorials around on compiling standard kernels, and a few (sometimes they skip steps) on compiling debian/ubuntu kernel packages. | 02:53 |
adam7 | Ward1983: do you need bridged networking? I never had to do anything like that when I setup VirtualBox | 02:53 |
akk | shane2peru: I find it easier to do them the way. | 02:53 |
shane2peru | akk, do you notice a diff with the custom kernel? | 02:53 |
shane2peru | akk, I'm checking this out: I like Ubu-specific instructions. :) | 02:54 |
akk | shane2peru: Well, in my case the difference on one machine is whether I can boot at all; on the other machine, no difference except that the custom kernel lets me sync my Treo. | 02:54 |
Ward1983 | adam7, well i would like it, i just want my virtual machine to get an ip of my router, just like the real machines in this huse | 02:54 |
kushal_12_27_200 | Ireclan, You mentioned audacity plays the OGG vorbis files under one second in length. Does Movie player play OGG vorbis files over one second? | 02:54 |
Ward1983 | any way | 02:54 |
adam7 | Ward1983: ok, that's fine, it's just a little trickier :P | 02:54 |
adam7 | !virtualbox | Ward1983 | 02:54 |
shane2peru | akk, I'm running a 64bit, and have heard it improves boot time, and running, cuts some bulk out. | 02:54 |
ubottu | Ward1983: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at | 02:54 |
Ward1983 | adam7, page 75 is for ubuntu and debian in specific | 02:55 |
akk | shane2peru: I played briefly with 64 but didn't see much difference ... but that was several releases back. | 02:55 |
neil_d | I have become a member at the ubuntu forums, why can't I create a thread in the hardware & Laptops section ? | 02:55 |
kushal_12_27_200 | !free | 02:55 |
tristil | Hi, the volume multimedia keys stopped working to change the master volume, and in fact when I press the multimedia keys it shows a full meter, but the master level can be something different. Pretty sure I broke a setting somewhere. This is on Hardy. | 02:55 |
ubottu | freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See and | 02:55 |
Ward1983 | adam7, i just would like to get my networking back i dont even want to use virtualbox anymore | 02:55 |
shane2peru | akk, I like the 64bit now, gutsy was my first try with it, seems to run nice. | 02:55 |
Ireclan | kushal_12_27_200: Oh yeah. Just fine. Actually, I'm wondering if it isn't that Audacity appears to use OSS, while Movie Player uses ALSA. | 02:56 |
adam7 | Ward1983: haha ok | 02:56 |
adam7 | Ward1983: is this on a laptop or desktop? | 02:56 |
shane2peru | akk, I'm more interested in compiling the kernel, 1. for knowledge 2. just to trim down and run a little quicker. | 02:56 |
Veinor | I'm trying to view, specifically the japanese text. | 02:57 |
Veinor | But no matter what I do, what program I open it in, the text always comes out wrong. | 02:57 |
Ward1983 | adam7, a desktop, im typing from my laptop atm, but the desktop is right next to it | 02:57 |
Ward1983 | so i can type on it | 02:57 |
adam7 | Ward1983: ok -- does your network use dhcp then I take it? | 02:57 |
Ward1983 | adam7, correct | 02:57 |
adam7 | Ward1983: open a terminal on the desktop and type sudo dhclient | 02:57 |
akk | shane2peru: Yeah, I like building kernels anyway just so I have the source handy and know how to do it | 02:57 |
Ward1983 | adam7, allready tried it has an ip | 02:57 |
Veinor | I think it's in shift-JIS, but changing encoding to that doesn't help in firefox | 02:58 |
Ward1983 | adam7, i still have this annoying br0 interface maybe thats the problem | 02:58 |
adam7 | Ward1983: ok, run sudo route and !pastebin the output | 02:58 |
shane2peru | akk, that is me, that is why I installed gentoo and slackware, just the upkeep was too much work for me. lol | 02:58 |
Ward1983 | adam7, pastebin zithout internet access? | 02:58 |
akk | shane2peru: though for a few years I went back to using ubuntu kernels 'cause they had some really good acpi patches (but now they have other things broken) | 02:58 |
Ward1983 | lol | 02:58 |
adam7 | Ward1983: oops, sorry :D | 02:58 |
Ward1983 | adam7, lol no problem | 02:58 |
tell | anyone get an Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG working in hardy? | 02:58 |
eboyjr | lets say im installing a package and its downloading... i want to run a command without opening a new terminal or tab... is that possible? | 02:58 |
Ward1983 | adam7, ill see if i can spot unusual stuff there | 02:58 |
shane2peru | akk, are there some good instructions on I'm looking over the page now. | 02:59 |
TiTy | Cual es el canal ubuntu español? | 02:59 |
adam7 | Ward1983: there should be a couple of lines --- in the column that says gateway, what ips are there? | 02:59 |
tell | eboyjr: you can Ctrl-Z it | 02:59 |
tell | TiTy: #ubuntu-es | 02:59 |
=== mojo is now known as mojo|away | ||
TiTy | thx | 02:59 |
tell | de nada | 02:59 |
eboyjr | de nada | 02:59 |
eboyjr | :D | 02:59 |
mynetdude | Hi all :) | 02:59 |
eboyjr | !hi | 02:59 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 02:59 |
osxdude|laptop | WHOA | 02:59 |
osxdude|laptop | Sorry. lol | 02:59 |
D3RGPS31 | Software Question - How do I configure an Adesso Z12 Graphics Tablet that's being run off of Wacom drivers? | 02:59 |
osxdude|laptop | I plugged in my extrenal monitor.. | 03:00 |
osxdude|laptop | and it showed up right away | 03:00 |
tell | D3RGPS31: it uses the same drivers? | 03:00 |
mynetdude | got a question about editing a server list file for xchat in andlinux, 1. how would I change directories and 2. what would I use to edit it 3. or can I locate /usr/bin/xhcat in windows? | 03:00 |
poseidon | su doesn't seem to be working in the console. It still requires me to use sudo to gain root access | 03:00 |
Ward1983 | adam7, it looks normal but it has both entries twice, one extra "copy" for br0 | 03:00 |
D3RGPS31 | tell: they're the most compatible, so i guess | 03:00 |
tritium | poseidon: the root account is disabled by default | 03:00 |
cris | hello, i got a problem. i deleted something out of my upper panel, so i cannot see the compiz tray anymore. can anyone help me to recover it please??? | 03:00 |
adam7 | Ward1983: there should be a line that says default (probably at the bottom) -- what is in the gateway column for that line? | 03:01 |
dmsuperman | How do I search through available packages in a commandline? I want to find a package (for instance, the Avant Window Manager package) with like partial-text searches | 03:01 |
shazzam | hey people... i downloaded the live cd for fuin just to try it out... | 03:01 |
tritium | dmsuperman: apt-cache search <foo> | 03:01 |
shazzam | i have finals this week in college but somehow ill make time for it... | 03:02 |
Ward1983 | adam7, the gateway there is correct | 03:02 |
dmsuperman | tritium, thanks | 03:02 |
shazzam | is there irc on ubuntu? | 03:02 |
shazzam | or do i have to download it seperatlery? | 03:02 |
Ward1983 | adam7, but the line is there twile, once for eth1 and once for br0 | 03:02 |
adam7 | Ward1983: ok -- what does ping give you? | 03:02 |
cris | shazzam: yes, here | 03:02 |
shazzam | does it come with it? | 03:02 |
mynetdude | shaazz if you mean an irc client? | 03:02 |
shazzam | yup | 03:02 |
jon__ | zcat[1]: thanks for the link. I've created the usb drive and I'm going to see if it boots. Thanks again. | 03:02 |
shazzam | im on mirc ritwe now | 03:02 |
Ward1983 | adam7, i can access the webinterface so yes that works :p | 03:02 |
tritium | shazzam: you mean an IRC client? Download one separately. | 03:02 |
poseidon | tritium, how do I enable the root acount? | 03:02 |
akk | shazzam: I'm pretty sure xchat has been preloaded in most ubuntus I've installed | 03:02 |
mynetdude | shazzam yeah I think you can tell it apt-get install xchat | 03:02 |
Ward1983 | adam7, was the first thing i tried | 03:02 |
cris | shazzam: pidgin, xchat,.... | 03:03 |
tritium | poseidon: we don't recommend it, of course | 03:03 |
tell | D3RGPS31: hm I'm not sure... could you try googling for the Wacom instructions (easy, except for the Bamboo Fun line) but I don't know if they really can run off the same drivers | 03:03 |
cris | i got a problem. i deleted something out of my upper panel, so i cannot see the compiz tray anymore. can anyone help me to recover it please??? | 03:03 |
tritium | !sudo | poseidon | 03:03 |
ubottu | poseidon: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for more information. | 03:03 |
mynetdude | does anybody know how I could edit the server list file for xhcat in andlinux? | 03:03 |
cris | i got a problem. i deleted something out of my upper panel, so i cannot see the compiz tray anymore. can anyone help me to recover it please??? | 03:03 |
tritium | cris: don't repeat | 03:03 |
cris | sorry | 03:03 |
shazzam | ive never used ubuntu before.... so when i go into the live cd... are there any cool things i should look at... that will make me say "wow!" | 03:03 |
D3RGPS31 | tell: wacom would have drivers for linux?! | 03:03 |
tritium | shazzam: pidgin is the one client that is installed by default, although I would not recommend it for IRC | 03:04 |
kushal_12_27_200 | !apt-get | 03:04 |
ubottu | APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 03:04 |
jc___ | I have a program that everytime I close it it generates a crash report, although I can't find the report. The program seems to end just fine, how can I exclude it from reporting a crash? | 03:04 |
Ward1983 | shazzam, maybe the ability of installing anything you like from synaptic :p | 03:04 |
IndyGunFreak | xchat gnome used to be on the base install.. while not the best IRC client, its better than pidgin | 03:04 |
tell | D3RGPS31: yes Wacom works very well | 03:04 |
shazzam | wats that beryl thingy? is it on it preloaded? | 03:04 |
shazzam | i hear its cool | 03:04 |
cris | jelp please!!!! | 03:04 |
IndyGunFreak | beryl doesn't exist anymore, its called compiz | 03:04 |
cris | help | 03:04 |
adam7 | !compiz-fusion | shazzam | 03:04 |
* mynetdude has seen the synaptic have no idea what it is | 03:04 | |
IndyGunFreak | !compiz | shazzam | 03:05 |
ubottu | shazzam: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at - help in #compiz-fusion | 03:05 |
shazzam | !compiz | 03:05 |
kushal_12_27_200 | beryl was merged back to compiz | 03:05 |
Ward1983 | D3RGPS31, check for how to set it up for the software you intend to use though, you can set it up in a few different ways depending what you need | 03:05 |
zcat[1] | basically it's already installed and working as soon as you enable 3d video drivers | 03:05 |
tritium | !patience | cris | 03:05 |
ubottu | cris: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 03:05 |
DragonLotus | every time I close my laptop lid and open it back up, the screen is all messy. I reboot and it looks fine. Any ideas why or how to redraw the screen without rebooting? | 03:05 |
shazzam | ok .... so is it in thew packages the synaptic thingy or no? | 03:05 |
kushal_12_27_200 | shazzam, | 03:06 |
Ward1983 | D3RGPS31, for instance that the tablet is just the window youre drawing in, or the full screen, etc | 03:06 |
IndyGunFreak | DragonLotus: dont' close your laptop lid | 03:06 |
Ward1983 | D3RGPS31, but it indeed works great, i have one too | 03:06 |
shazzam | i want to impress my friend.. me and him have nevr used ubuntu before... but im giving it a chance... hes being stupd.... | 03:06 |
DragonLotus | IndyGunFreak: unacceptable. Any other ideas? ;) | 03:06 |
zcat[1] | shazzam: you already have it.. but you might want to install compizconfig-settings-manager package to turn on soem of the more fun effects | 03:06 |
IndyGunFreak | not really.. i don't have any probs w/ mine... | 03:06 |
jc___ | where do crash reports live? | 03:06 |
matthew_ | I know I'm going to get flamed for this, but here goes: I've got my desktop running gentoo (gcc-4.2.3, i686-linux-gnu), and my server running ubuntu (gcc-4.2.3, i486-linux-gnu). How can I change the gcc target to compile for i686 processors (my desktop proc)? | 03:06 |
DragonLotus | thanks anyway. | 03:07 |
IndyGunFreak | shazzam: what graphics device do you have? | 03:07 |
zcat[1] | shazzam: what video card do you have? | 03:07 |
Ward1983 | adam7, so ping works but i cant get passed it, i cant surf or ping google | 03:07 |
zcat[1] | nvidias work really well, others ymmv.. | 03:07 |
D3RGPS31 | ward1983: i'm abit lost, i don't know which wacom drivers where installed | 03:07 |
adam7 | Ward1983: ok, so the problem isn't there... probably the gateway is the issue | 03:07 |
IndyGunFreak | yeah,, you'll get about as far as Rosie O Donnell gets on a treadmill | 03:07 |
shazzam | well im just testing it for now.. ill prob use the live cd on my vista (im on an xp now...) | 03:08 |
cypha | how do i get GNOME-DO to search files in my attached usb drive? | 03:08 |
adam7 | Ward1983: actually, try this: ping | 03:08 |
shazzam | im not sure wat the vista has | 03:08 |
zcat[1] | apparently the recent intel cards are pretty good, and open source drivers too :) | 03:08 |
Ward1983 | adam7, this laptop uses the same gateway, my router is setup fine | 03:08 |
Flannel | matthew_: it's just cross compiling, just make sure you have the proper binutils and then pass the --target=arch | 03:08 |
Ward1983 | adam7, no reply, its not a dns problem :( | 03:08 |
matthew_ | ah, there we go | 03:09 |
matthew_ | thank you, Flannel | 03:09 |
adam7 | Ward1983: ok, try this: sudo apt-get remove bridge-utils, and then reboot the desktop | 03:09 |
Loligaga_ | anyone know good html programming sites?? | 03:09 |
IndyGunFreak | zcat[1]: yeah, they aren't to bad(i have an Intel Moble GM965/GL960 on my laptop, it runs compiz fine.. on Gutsy though, forget it.. couldn't even enable even the most basic desktop effects | 03:09 |
osxdude|laptop | ok. | 03:09 |
zcat[1] | loligaga_ w3c :) | 03:09 |
osxdude|laptop | i'mma brb | 03:09 |
Ward1983 | adam7, good idea | 03:09 |
Loligaga_ | w3c? | 03:09 |
shazzam | so is compiz fusion one of the synotics?. | 03:09 |
bri-h | loligaga echo on w3c | 03:09 |
* zcat[1] writes compliant html and css in nano :) | 03:09 | |
Loligaga_ | what? | 03:10 |
black9ice | I just added 2 more drives to my machine for data, how can I add them to read/write to them? Standard Fstab editing? | 03:10 |
Loligaga_ | sry noob | 03:10 |
zcat[1] | shazzam: compiz-fusion is installed and running by default, with a limited set of eeffects enabled. | 03:10 |
[gquit]bombadil | if ubuntu doesnt give users write access to /usr/local/bin/ where should i put programs that aren't available via repos? | 03:11 |
jc___ | anyone know how to exclude a program from ubuntu's crash reporting system? | 03:11 |
shazzam | so how do i get more effects going so my friend will get interested and look at the friggin screen! | 03:11 |
IndyGunFreak | shazzam: wether it works or not, depends on your graphics device, again, what is your graphics device | 03:11 |
matthew_ | Flannel, but how can I get gcc to aim at i686 instead of i486? | 03:11 |
zcat[1] | .. right from the CD.. if you have a recent intel card you will get all the 3d effects right away off the live cd | 03:11 |
tell | anyone have an Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG working in Hardy? | 03:11 |
ArrowLance | ubuntu likes to freeze up on me | 03:11 |
Flannel | matthew_: the --target option. But, I'm not really the best person to ask, you should try #gcc | 03:11 |
osxdude | Hey. | 03:11 |
tritium | shazzam: System -> Preferences -> Appearance | 03:11 |
IndyGunFreak | tell: that should work pretty well... Intel has a pretty good reputation | 03:12 |
osxdude | Is there a terminal PDF viewer? | 03:12 |
matthew_ | Flannel, I guess I'm not understanding...where do I apply the --target option? | 03:12 |
mechdave | Hi all, this could well be OT but no one else seems to want to answer, does anyone know how to get Evolution to request reciepts? | 03:12 |
cris | i got a problem. i deleted something out of my upper panel, so i cannot see the compiz tray anymore. can anyone help me to recover it please??? | 03:12 |
ArrowLance | and then after i recover from the freeze python is screwed up | 03:12 |
tell | IndyGunFreak: doesn't seem to, there is a problem with it in hardy | 03:12 |
Flannel | matthew_: when you call gcc, its an option for gcc | 03:12 |
Cracker_Jax_ | could anyone tell me how to create a app launcher to launch a command line and not close after it has ran | 03:12 |
shazzam | u know wat... ill just play around and see wat happens | 03:12 |
zcat[1] | for any other card, you might need to install the drivers (system > administration > hardware drivers and tick the box) | 03:12 |
IndyGunFreak | tell: hmm, didn't know that... i take it it worked fine in gutsy? | 03:12 |
shazzam | for now... | 03:12 |
osxdude | 6~Anyone? | 03:12 |
matthew_ | Flannel, oh, ok, maybe alias it out? | 03:12 |
osxdude | I need one so I don't have to open the PDF all the time. | 03:12 |
SniperXPX | can anyone here help me with a problem in xubuntu as nobody in #xubuntu is there | 03:12 |
[gquit]bombadil | Cracker_Jax_: what are you trying to run? | 03:12 |
tell | IndyGunFreak: new laptop, not sure, but from google results it seems that it did | 03:12 |
IndyGunFreak | hmm | 03:13 |
DaveKong_ | My router is giving me a blinking green light and I can not use the internet what is going on? | 03:13 |
Cracker_Jax_ | i have a few programs i need to run in the command line, i.e. nmap | 03:13 |
Ward1983 | adam7, working again now thanx :) | 03:13 |
adam7 | Ward1983: no problem :) | 03:13 |
CodemasterMM | hey guys, i am trying to do a PXE install on a server next to me and it loads the initd.gz and such, but sits there on a blank screen with a blinking underscore... anyone know wtf is going on | 03:13 |
mechdave | DaveKong, restart your router | 03:14 |
zcat[1] | davekong: you appear to be on the internet at the moment... | 03:14 |
dmsuperman | How do I install a GTK theme that the System->preferences->appearence dialog won't recognize as a theme? | 03:14 |
[gquit]bombadil | if you tick the "run in a terminal" box it should keep the window open, or alternatively, you could open a terminal and run nmap | 03:15 |
bri-h | tell - I'm using intel 3945 and it works great | 03:15 |
Cracker_Jax_ | yeah but after i click it the terminal runs and closes | 03:15 |
CodemasterMM | hey guys, i am trying to do a PXE install on a server next to me and it loads the initd.gz and such, but sits there on a blank screen with a blinking underscore... anyone know wtf is going on | 03:15 |
tell | bri-h: which driver? | 03:15 |
Dominion076 | I just leveled up. i fixed my sound problem | 03:16 |
osxdude | Seriously. | 03:16 |
DragonLotus | IndyGunFreak: Apparently ctrl alt backspace works just as good as rebooting. I'll take your advice ;) | 03:16 |
osxdude | Anyone know of a terminal-based PDF viewer? | 03:16 |
mechdave | CodemasterMM, is the link lights blinking on your network card? | 03:16 |
[gquit]bombadil | Cracker_Jax_: i'm going to try this out | 03:16 |
IndyGunFreak | DragonLotus: :), ok | 03:16 |
Dominion076 | after the last update i couldn't get any music files to work | 03:16 |
zcat[1] | CodemasterMM: apparently you got something wrong. not sure how many ppl here know PXE well though, so good luck getting an answer | 03:16 |
bri-h | tell - the default install worked - I had some trouble with the alpha and beta versions | 03:16 |
tritium | osxdude: no | 03:16 |
CodemasterMM | mechdave: yeah i have a TFTP server setup, so it transfers the files and all... | 03:17 |
Centaur5 | CodemasterMM: Are you doing this PXE install from Hardy? | 03:17 |
CodemasterMM | yes | 03:17 |
CodemasterMM | er | 03:17 |
CodemasterMM | WinXP booting a Ubuntu net install | 03:17 |
CodemasterMM | WinXP hosting a TFTP | 03:17 |
Centaur5 | CodemasterMM: Are you using xinetd or inetd-utils? | 03:17 |
syke | hi | 03:17 |
osxdude | dang it. | 03:17 |
syke | does anyone know if there are hardy packages for kde 4.1 beta 1? | 03:17 |
CodemasterMM | Centaur5: so it's WinXP sending out Hardy, basically | 03:17 |
osxdude | thanks anyway, tritium | 03:17 |
tritium | osxdude: perhaps fbi | 03:17 |
* zcat[1] managed to get hardy installed PXE on a bunch of compaq blades here, but it was a total fluke.. no idea what I was doing really :) | 03:17 | |
[gquit]bombadil | Cracker_Jax_: what command are you using? | 03:17 |
osxdude | oh, really? | 03:17 |
osxdude | lemme see. | 03:18 |
Centaur5 | CodemasterMM: Oh sorry, I've never done it that way. | 03:18 |
CodemasterMM | should be similar, if not the same | 03:18 |
osxdude | Installing. | 03:18 |
tell | bri-h: can you tell me what 'version' it says in output of this? modinfo iwl3945 | 03:18 |
CodemasterMM | seems like it might not be sending files over...... or something | 03:18 |
Sonja | sometimes Flash is just a grey box, and I have to close and restart Firefox to get the Flash to work | 03:18 |
CodemasterMM | seems ubuntu forums doesn't have anything on this either | 03:18 |
berkelep | how do i see a list of groups a user is in? | 03:19 |
Centaur5 | CodemasterMM: Well I was just going to say it could be a new package that you need in Hardy vs. Feisty but that doesn't apply to you. | 03:19 |
Steve-cal | Cracker_Jax_: Try this: | 03:19 |
Steve-cal | gnome-terminal -e 'mycommand; read -n1' | 03:19 |
CodemasterMM | ah | 03:19 |
Steve-cal | And replace mycommand with your command | 03:19 |
zcat[1] | Umm yeah, make sure tftpd can read all the files that it's going to try serving... check permissions and ownership | 03:19 |
bri-h | tell version is 1.2.0 | 03:19 |
jc___ | can apport be configured to ignore some programs? | 03:19 |
zcat[1] | and/or check the logs and see if the server is requesting something other than what/where you were expecting it to look for it | 03:20 |
tell | bri-h: hm ok thanks. I have 1.2.25. what kernel version are you running? ( uname -a ) | 03:20 |
osxdude | my lag is apperently "2.61" | 03:20 |
bri-h | tell 24-16 | 03:20 |
mechdave | CodemasterMM, why don't you just enable the net boot on your card in BIOS? | 03:20 |
james__ | hello | 03:21 |
zcat[1] | mechdave: PXE is 'net boot' ?!! | 03:21 |
bri-h | tell 24-16 generic #1 smp | 03:21 |
osxdude | Yes, zcat[1] | 03:21 |
tell | bri-h: same here... hmm | 03:21 |
mechdave | zcat[1], I know, but CodemasterMM mentioned he was trying to do it through XP | 03:21 |
bri-h | tell: I just updated too | 03:21 |
zcat[1] | ahhh, ok. weird. | 03:21 |
james__ | zcat[1] PXE is Pixy | 03:22 |
bri-h | tell: what's problem | 03:22 |
james__ | not net boot | 03:22 |
james__ | lol | 03:22 |
tell | bri-h: just never connects | 03:22 |
mechdave | CodemasterMM, You have a DHCP server set up along with the TFTP server? | 03:22 |
zcat[1] | what other kinds of network booting are there? PXE is basically it afaik | 03:22 |
bri-h | tell: what's ifconfig say? | 03:22 |
owen1 | I don't want gdm to show on start up. how do i cancel it? | 03:23 |
trident523 | owen1: What login thing would you want? | 03:23 |
mechdave | CodemasterMM, You have a DHCP server set up along with the TFTP server? | 03:23 |
zcat[1] | owen1: You want no GUI at all, or automatic login and no username/password ? | 03:23 |
tell | bri-h: in dmesg I get "privacy configuration mismatch and mixed-cell disabled - disassociate" | 03:23 |
james__ | can someone tell me what some of the better media programs are available under Ubuntu? | 03:23 |
owen1 | trident523: zcat[1] maybe just command line login? | 03:23 |
tritium | owen1: | 03:24 |
tell | bri-h: wlan0 exists has some TX packets, but RX = 0 | 03:24 |
zcat[1] | owen1: sudo rm /etc/rc2.d/S20gdm | 03:24 |
bri-h | tell: did you google that error msg? | 03:24 |
tritium | owen1: the first method is the debian/ubuntu way | 03:24 |
j1solutions | james__: me likes VLC | 03:25 |
tritium | zcat[1]: (see the first method) | 03:25 |
zcat[1] | I think it's S20 .. S??gdm will get it | 03:25 |
james__ | jlsolutions: what are some of the features that I might like? | 03:25 |
owen1 | tritium: does it mean no x? | 03:25 |
arthur37854 | FREEDOME | 03:25 |
tritium | owen1: it means no graphical login | 03:25 |
|WorldWorld| | which is the best im | 03:26 |
zcat[1] | It's S30gdm | 03:26 |
owen1 | tritium: great! | 03:26 |
j1solutions | james__:plays anything, has a plain/simple interface | 03:26 |
zcat[1] | owen1: Easiest answer: "sudo rm /etc/rc2.d/S???dm" | 03:26 |
tritium | owen1: I'd advise against removing files | 03:26 |
Flannel | !bum | owen1 | 03:26 |
ubottu | owen1: Boot options: - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: - Also see | 03:26 |
j1solutions | james__: also will install on horrid windows machines if you are forced to used one of those someday | 03:26 |
zcat[1] | tritium: they're not files, they're links | 03:26 |
akk | james__: I'll vote for vlc too | 03:26 |
owen1 | zcat[1]: tritium it's scary. what is this file? | 03:26 |
tell | bri-h: yeah | 03:26 |
tritium | zcat[1]: links, then. Debian/Ubunty method is preferred | 03:26 |
james__ | jlsolutions: does it work with .wma? | 03:27 |
zcat[1] | owen1: Or install bum and turn it off that way... | 03:27 |
arthur37854 | %echo "usr/local/bin" | 03:27 |
j1solutions | james__:i believe it will if they are not DRM'ed | 03:27 |
|WorldWorld| | can any one tell me how to play movies in ubuntu 8 | 03:27 |
james__ | jlsolutions: yuck | 03:27 |
james__ | jlsolutions: I want a DRM stripper for the junk I've purchased | 03:27 |
arthur37854 | and there is no place like | 03:28 |
sam_ | Hello everyone :) | 03:28 |
bri-h | tell: how about iwconfig essid youressid key yourkey | 03:28 |
zcat[1] | arthur37854: or ~ | 03:28 |
james__ | arthur37854: that's old | 03:28 |
j1solutions | james__: i'm thinking there is stuff to convert to .wav and then to .mp3 or something, not sure | 03:28 |
owen1 | tritium: and with commmand line login, how do i choose the DE/WM | 03:28 |
|WorldWorld| | can any one tell me how to play movies in ubuntu 8? | 03:28 |
arthur37854 | what about startx? | 03:29 |
RAdams | howdy. I've got a webcam here, a dynex. It doesn't match the list of microdia cams (at least, the list I saw). It works flawlessly in progs like Cheese, Skype, etc. But it fails every time in flash-based webcam environments (, for example) | 03:29 |
bri-h | tell: sorry left out wlan0 after iwconfig | 03:29 |
james__ | jlsolutions: any suggestions for mpeg2/3 codecs? | 03:29 |
tritium | owen1: in your ~/.xsession (I never disable the DM) | 03:29 |
j1solutions | james__ : have you heard of | 03:29 |
james__ | jlsolutions: no, but i have now | 03:29 |
zcat[1] | !codecs | |WorldWorld| | 03:29 |
RAdams | |WorldWorld|: not to be annoying, but it's Ubuntu 8.04. It's actually the 7th official Ubuntu release :o and what kind of videos are you trying to play? | 03:29 |
ubottu | |WorldWorld|: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 03:29 |
CodemasterM1 | Centaur5: well, if this helps, it seems to grab initd.gz and then it just sits there... with a blinking cursor, doing thing | 03:29 |
owen1 | tritium: what is a DM and why u never disable it? | 03:30 |
Sonja | sometimes Flash is just a grey box, and I have to close and restart Firefox to get the Flash to work | 03:30 |
j1solutions | james__: what version of Ubuntu are you running? | 03:30 |
lnar | hey does anyone know a program similar to funny voice for linux??? | 03:30 |
james__ | jlsolutions, actually, I want to do my media stuff on PC linux, Geexbox, or Dreamlinux | 03:30 |
tritium | owen1: display manager (such as gdm), which is what you're trying to disable. Why would I want to? | 03:30 |
zcat[1] | !medibuntu | |WorldWorld| | 03:30 |
ubottu | |WorldWorld|: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 03:30 |
james__ | jlsolutions Hardy | 03:30 |
RAdams | I've got a webcam here, a dynex. It doesn't match the list of microdia cams (at least, the list I saw). It works flawlessly in progs like Cheese, Skype, etc. But it fails every time in flash-based webcam environments (, for example). Any ideas? | 03:30 |
owen1 | tritium: speed? | 03:30 |
bri-h | tell: this worked for me when I was having trouble - iwconfig wlan0 essid myessid key mykey | 03:30 |
tritium | owen1: no, not an issue | 03:31 |
|WorldWorld| | Thanks Adams I want to play vcds and dvds and avi files etc | 03:31 |
lnar | does any one know a program similar to funny voice for linux?? | 03:31 |
zcat[1] | |WorldWorld|: you want to look at that medibuntu link then | 03:31 |
owen1 | tritium: ok. so just leave it as it is? | 03:31 |
SJrX | I get /dev/dsp busy when trying to use VMWare, what do I need to do? I looked on the forums but it says something about esound but I'm under the impression that this is not correct | 03:31 |
j1solutions | james__: ok, under hardy i issues with adding the medibuntu gpg key, but i got around it somehow | 03:31 |
james__ | hmm | 03:31 |
RAdams | |WorldWOrld|: Totem is pretty user friendly and good for that. It will try to find codecs for files it can't play. If it can't find the codec, check | 03:31 |
j1solutions | james__: but check it out | 03:31 |
shazzam | i ran live cd on my visat which has core 2 dua and nvidia geforce 8400 and still no 3d effects of compiz | 03:31 |
james__ | will do | 03:31 |
tritium | owen1: that's up to you. You were asking about me. | 03:32 |
owen1 | tritium: what gdm do u use? | 03:32 |
shazzam | it said cool effects cudnt be applied to desktop | 03:32 |
tritium | owen1: gdm | 03:32 |
james__ | shazzam: do you know how to enable visual effects, and start compiz? | 03:32 |
shazzam | under synaptics it said compiz was already loaded | 03:32 |
CodemasterM1 | ok | 03:33 |
RAdams | shazzam: installed does not equal started | 03:33 |
CodemasterM1 | seems this is piece of junk PXE | 03:33 |
james__ | shazzam: that doesn't mean it's running | 03:33 |
CodemasterM1 | i'll just have to wait for ubuntu CDs later on | 03:33 |
shazzam | oh? wat do i do | 03:33 |
tritium | shazzam: as we told you it would be | 03:33 |
james__ | shazzam: hold on | 03:33 |
shazzam | so how do i start it? | 03:33 |
shazzam | ok | 03:33 |
james__ | hold on | 03:33 |
RAdams | I've got a webcam here, a dynex. It doesn't match the list of microdia cams (at least, the list I saw). It works flawlessly in progs like Cheese, Skype, etc. But it fails every time in flash-based webcam environments (, for example). Any ideas? | 03:33 |
zcat[1] | shazzam: if it said it can't be started that's probably because you don't have 3d drivers enabled yet.. | 03:34 |
tel1 | bri-h: hm doing that alone didn't work (routes weren't set up?) but doing that while Network Manager was trying to connect did it! | 03:34 |
james__ | zcat: good call | 03:34 |
shazzam | i went into appearances and selected special effects and it said it cudnt be applied | 03:35 |
tel1 | bri-h: so, thanks! | 03:35 |
james__ | shazzam: what's the model of your computer? | 03:35 |
IndyGunFreak | and thats because his graphics drivers aren't set up | 03:35 |
shazzam | dell vostro | 03:35 |
shazzam | its a good laptop | 03:35 |
shazzam | runs fast | 03:35 |
shazzam | had nvidia geforce 8400 | 03:35 |
shazzam | had core 2 duo | 03:35 |
tritium | shazzam: please, don't use the enter key for punctuation | 03:35 |
zcat[1] | go to restricted drivers manager (system > admin > hardware drivers) and see if there are any drivers you could install | 03:36 |
Tyrant91101 | what is the correct grub configuration for booting ubuntu? | 03:36 |
bri-h | tell: network manager seems buggy in hardy | 03:36 |
bri-h | tell: command line always seems to work | 03:36 |
shazzam | ok so i go to hardware drivers and install wat... | 03:36 |
Tyrant91101 | i installed mandriva nad its grub replaced ubuntu's and now it wont boot properly | 03:36 |
zcat[1] | shazzam: go to restricted drivers manager (system > admin > hardware drivers) and see if there are any drivers you could install but this probably won't work on a live CD boot, you need to do some kind of install, wubi perhaps) | 03:36 |
tritium | shazzam: no, there is no package called "wat" | 03:36 |
shazzam | hehe | 03:37 |
james__ | shazzam: do you know if you have an Intel graphics card, or what kind it is? | 03:37 |
zcat[1] | shazzam: Well, you have an nvidia card, hardware drivers should suggest installing the nvidia drivers. | 03:37 |
osxdude | Hmmm... | 03:37 |
j1solutions | Tyrant91101: don't do that again | 03:37 |
shazzam | itsan nvidia? | 03:37 |
shazzam | ok ill go see... | 03:37 |
osxdude | Anyone know how to get to the 7.10 Screen Prefrences in 8.04? | 03:38 |
james__ | no lie | 03:38 |
shazzam | be back in a litle | 03:38 |
tritium | osxdude: that makes no sense | 03:38 |
Tyrant91101 | j1solutions: hmm? | 03:38 |
sam_ | So, I have a similar problem with shazzam, although my graphic card happens to be an ATi something, but it supports 3-D | 03:38 |
RAdams | !GRUB | Tyrant91101 | 03:38 |
ubottu | Tyrant91101: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 03:38 |
zcat[1] | BUT since nvidia drivers will require a reboot, it won't work off the live CD.. | 03:38 |
tritium | osxdude: did fbi work for you? | 03:38 |
osxdude | tritium: no. | 03:38 |
tritium | osxdude: what happened? | 03:39 |
mechdave | Hi all, this could well be OT but no one else seems to want to answer, does anyone know how to get Evolution to request reciepts? | 03:39 |
sam_ | hmm | 03:39 |
sam_ | no response :( | 03:39 |
tritium | mechdave: it's in the preferences | 03:39 |
osxdude | It just said that /dev/fb0 doesn't exist | 03:39 |
tritium | osxdude: you have to use the framebuffer | 03:39 |
mechdave | tritium, I found send reciepts but not request reciepts | 03:40 |
osxdude | ah. | 03:40 |
osxdude | well, I need to run it without X. | 03:40 |
osxdude | at all. | 03:40 |
osxdude | meh. | 03:40 |
tritium | osxdude: framebuffer is not X | 03:40 |
osxdude | oh | 03:41 |
osxdude | well... | 03:41 |
tritium | !enter | osxdude | 03:41 |
ubottu | osxdude: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 03:41 |
osxdude | see, I'm trying to get dual screens working, but apperently it isn't working right. | 03:41 |
osxdude | lemme check the xorg log | 03:41 |
RAdams | mechdave: Composer Preferences --> Always Request Read Receipt | 03:42 |
tritium | *sigh* | 03:42 |
RAdams | tritium: lol ~_~ | 03:42 |
arm-c | Hello | 03:42 |
osxdude | rofl | 03:42 |
RAdams | I've got a webcam here, a dynex. It doesn't match the list of microdia cams (at least, the list I saw). It works flawlessly in progs like Cheese, Skype, etc. But it fails every time in flash-based webcam environments (, for example). Any ideas? | 03:43 |
arm-c | I am looking for someone to point me in the right direction to solve a couple of Ubuntu issues. The first one is: Video in Terminals 1 - 6 corrupt | 03:43 |
RAdams | arm-c: define corrupt | 03:43 |
zcat[1] | do webcams even work in flash yet? I never thought to try it | 03:43 |
RAdams | zcat[1]: yes. my logitech works just fine | 03:44 |
osxdude | damn it. | 03:44 |
arm-c | The text is unreadable AND large in the other terminals besides 1 and the GUI | 03:44 |
spec_ | Heya...I just upgraded to Hardy, and I'm on a Dell touchpad mouse isn't working, and I've tried appending "i8042.nomux=1" to my kernel boot line, like the bug report says to. | 03:44 |
RAdams | arm-c: widescreen monitor, using DVI or a laptop? | 03:44 |
osxdude | Ok. I need help getting to the Screens and Graphics prefrences from 7.10 in 8.04 | 03:44 |
arm-c | Terminal 1 is still LARGE and doesn't all fit on the window. | 03:44 |
arm-c | Laptop... | 03:44 |
RAdams | arm-c: widescreen? | 03:45 |
arm-c | 1024x768 | 03:45 |
arm-c | Never had problem before | 03:45 |
tritium | osxdude: again, that makes no sense. | 03:45 |
mechdave | RAdams, not there | 03:45 |
RAdams | arm-c: hmmm... that's odd... >.< | 03:45 |
arm-c | Have been a user since about a year ago. | 03:45 |
sam_ | Question regarding ATi graphic cards. So, I installed the driver for ATi using the hardware driver, restarted and all. But, whenever I try selecting a theme in emerald and running emerald --replace, the screen turns all white. | 03:45 |
RAdams | mechdave: definitely there, because I'm lookign at it. Version of evolution? | 03:45 |
osxdude | ugh. | 03:45 |
osxdude | well, in System > Prefrences > Administratoin in 7.10 there was a "Screens and Graphics" prefrences. I want to access it. | 03:46 |
tritium | osxdude: System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution | 03:46 |
osxdude | ... | 03:46 |
osxdude | I know. | 03:47 |
osxdude | I'm looking for the exact same precfence panel, but from 8.04 | 03:47 |
tritium | !enter | osxdude (again) | 03:47 |
ubottu | osxdude (again): Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 03:47 |
joe_ | neener | 03:48 |
osxdude | Oh. | 03:48 |
RAdams | osxdude: I'm in 8.04. It's System --> Preferences --> Screen Resolution. If you don't see it, edit your menu and make sure it's checked | 03:48 |
Elad-3 | hello all | 03:48 |
Elad-3 | why there is no 'skype' package on the apt-get ? | 03:48 |
deuryte | where is my documents in windows 2k ?? | 03:49 |
tritium | deuryte: wrong channel | 03:49 |
osxdude | Well....what I mean I want the prefrence panel that shows up when X fails to show up. That's what I want. | 03:49 |
deuryte | he he he | 03:49 |
zcat[1] | Elad-3: 'cos skype is non-free | 03:49 |
binarymutant | is there a way to get 'wget -i' to download like 3 files at a time? | 03:49 |
mechdave | RAdams, 2.12.1 | 03:49 |
osxdude | binarymutant: use 3 terminal windows :) | 03:49 |
zcat[1] | Elad-3: I think it's in medibuntu or perhaps cafuego | 03:49 |
binarymutant | osxdude: any other way I can do it in the same process? | 03:49 |
Elad-3 | zcat[1], so I'll need to configure it ? | 03:49 |
Onyx | huh? | 03:50 |
deuryte | tritium: which is better open office in ubuntu or kopffice ?? | 03:50 |
n8k99 | Serv identify <differently> | 03:50 |
deuryte | koffice | 03:50 |
zcat[1] | Elad-3: yeah | 03:50 |
tritium | deuryte: that's personal preference | 03:50 |
osxdude | I don't believe so, binarymutant | 03:50 |
zcat[1] | !info skype | 03:50 |
ubottu | Package skype does not exist in hardy | 03:50 |
binarymutant | :( ty | 03:50 |
zcat[1] | !skype | 03:50 |
ubottu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see - To record on Skype, check: | 03:50 |
slowlearner | binarymutant: append & | 03:50 |
deuryte | tritium: im a newbee, can you help me with posix explanation ?? | 03:50 |
Elad-3 | zcat[1], ohh I fount a .deb package on they site (for ubuntu) | 03:50 |
lab34 | someone speek french | 03:51 |
tritium | lab34: no, this is an English channel | 03:51 |
arm-c | osxdude: That option window has been moved to other under the gnome menu. It is usally hidden, so edit menus and make the "other" menu visible. Also may have to turn on in the "other menu." | 03:51 |
tritium | deuryte: what is your question? | 03:51 |
binarymutant | slowlearner: whats that? | 03:51 |
deuryte | tritium: what exactly is posix for ?? | 03:51 |
Poprocks | koffice 2.0 (qt4) looks like it has promise, but let's face it, in an MSOffice-dominated world, is much more comprehensive and seems to handle word documents better | 03:51 |
Rat409 | !fr | lab34 | 03:51 |
ubottu | lab34: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 03:51 |
slowlearner | binarymutant: wget link & | 03:51 |
tritium | deuryte: | 03:52 |
arm-c | radams: Any suggestions? | 03:52 |
Poprocks | koffice is nice and fast though. | 03:52 |
binarymutant | slowlearner: do you know a way to do it in just one process? | 03:52 |
slowlearner | binarymutant: so that, the wget's run as background processes | 03:52 |
deuryte | tritium: is ubuntu posix conformant ?? | 03:52 |
osxdude | anyone say anything to me? | 03:52 |
osxdude | lol | 03:52 |
neil_d | Is there a software way to simulate a USB device being unpluged and then pluged back in ? | 03:53 |
osxdude | ok. i'mma go hunting | 03:53 |
tritium | !properenglish | osxdude | 03:53 |
Elad-3 | someone can tell me please that is mean hardy version? | 03:53 |
ubottu | osxdude: English is a language with rules, grammar, and correct spellings. Please don't abuse it with AIM-speak and misspelling common words because you are lazy or just being stupid. | 03:53 |
slowlearner | binarymutant: do you want to download everything at the same time? or one at a time? | 03:53 |
Elad-3 | and what the all ubuntu version? | 03:53 |
tritium | Elad-3: hardy is ubuntu 8.04, the latest stable release | 03:53 |
alan_m | !hardy | Elad-3 | 03:54 |
ubottu | Elad-3: Hardy Heron is the codename for the current release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS) You can get it now from but please use !torrents | 03:54 |
=== noble- is now known as artenius | ||
Elad-3 | tritium, there is any unstable version? more updates? | 03:54 |
Elad-3 | like debian - debian stable, unstable-sid | 03:55 |
tritium | Elad-3: no, ubuntu isn't organized like debian | 03:55 |
alan_m | just giving you more info, probably overkilled your help tritium but figured i could give a little more info. | 03:55 |
Elad-3 | tritium, ohh I see.. | 03:55 |
tritium | alan_m: :) | 03:55 |
Elad-3 | tritium, thanks ;) | 03:55 |
osxdude | Ok, anyone open for help? | 03:55 |
alan_m | osxdude, we all are I think. | 03:55 |
neil_d | Elad-3: new one every 6 months. | 03:55 |
osxdude | ok. | 03:56 |
Rat409 | !ask | osxdude | 03:56 |
ubottu | osxdude: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 03:56 |
alan_m | P.S. Next time, dont ask if were open for help, just state your question... | 03:56 |
Elad-3 | neil_d, ohh.. and when the new will release ? | 03:56 |
tritium | Elad-3: every 6 months, so in October | 03:56 |
Elad-3 | tritium, and ubuntu will support 8.04 for how long? | 03:57 |
arm-c | Anyone able to give provide me assistance for why my terminals 1-6 are corrupt -- large text and unreadable. | 03:57 |
alan_m | at least 18 months Elad-3 | 03:57 |
tritium | !lts | Elad-3 | 03:57 |
ubottu | Elad-3: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. | 03:57 |
neil_d | Elad-3: 8.04 means it was release in the 4th month of 08. | 03:57 |
Elad-3 | ohh I see... | 03:57 |
tritium | Elad-3: 18 months on normal releases, 3 years on LTS releases (which hardy is) | 03:58 |
Elad-3 | and when they will release a new version, I'll be able to upgrade, and then get more support right? | 03:58 |
tritium | Yes, Elad-3. | 03:58 |
Elad-3 | oh cool | 03:58 |
alan_m | yeah, what tritium said...hence my "at least" portion. :) | 03:58 |
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Elad-3 | thanks guys :) | 03:58 |
alan_m | Welcome buddy! | 03:58 |
neil_d | Elad-3: ok | 03:58 |
alan_m | Need anything else while your here just ask :) | 03:59 |
kramer3d | hey guys i am trying to install ubuntu 7.04 on my desktop | 03:59 |
osxdude | alright | 03:59 |
osxdude | i've had enough fun. | 03:59 |
kramer3d | but it says failed to start X server during installation | 03:59 |
kramer3d | what do I do?? | 03:59 |
osxdude | whoa. ubuntu exploded. | 03:59 |
=== zhanxuw is now known as not | ||
alan_m | "exploded" osxdude ? | 04:00 |
paradoxpenguin | Hi all! I am trying write an init.d script in Hardy that mounts CIFS shares on startup (runlevel 2345) and unmount them on shutdown (runlevel 016). I have the startup sequence set to 99 and shutdown sequence to 1 (trying to mount last on startup and unmount first on shutdown) -- but it never mounts because networking doesn't seem to be up until AFTER the script runs and so it errors out. Anybody suggest anything? | 04:00 |
osxdude | meh, I had it set to output to the external monitor, then I went to tty1. | 04:00 |
osxdude | when I went back to the tty:X, it was all messed up | 04:00 |
arm-c | exit | 04:01 |
alan_m | arm-c, your trying to exit out of your IRC client? nevermind :) | 04:01 |
kramer3d | can anyone help me? | 04:01 |
neil_d | kramer3d: You could try to reconfigure X with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" from a terminal | 04:01 |
Beatbreaker | hi - i've got no internet in the terminal - here's a summary | 04:01 |
Elad-3 | someone can help me with change key lang, it change the lang, but the scroll led is off.. why is that? | 04:01 |
alan_m | kramer3d, whats the issue your having? | 04:02 |
alan_m | oh wait | 04:02 |
alan_m | nevermind kramer :) | 04:02 |
clever | !antivirus | 04:02 |
ubottu | antivirus is something you don't really need on Linux, unless you serve windows clients. ClamAV and aegis are decent linux virusscanners. Also see !linuxvirus | 04:02 |
alan_m | I see :) | 04:02 |
xodiak | compiz is dead. How do I uninstall compiz? | 04:02 |
Elad-3 | and I configure it to make the scroll led on | 04:02 |
clever | !linuxvirus | 04:02 |
ubottu | The short life and hard times of a Linux Virus | 04:02 |
Elad-3 | xodiak, apt-get remove compiz? | 04:02 |
IndyGunFreak | kramer3d: also, why ar eyou installing 7.04? its ancient at this point. | 04:02 |
|WorldWorld| | hi, can anyone suggest a list of best programmes for ubuntu 8.04 | 04:02 |
bitumen2003 | lol | 04:02 |
kramer3d | IndyGunFreak: thats not that point | 04:02 |
IndyGunFreak | kramer3d: i didn't ask you what the point was, it was a question | 04:03 |
kramer3d | alan_m: neil_d it says no screens found | 04:03 |
xodiak | thanks | 04:03 |
alan_m | hrrrmmm... | 04:03 |
kramer3d | I had this problem before, i have an integrated graphics card and an nvidia card but the integrated card has not been disabled in the bios | 04:03 |
kramer3d | i tried to disable it before but it just doesnt work for some reason | 04:04 |
Elad-3 | anyone? (the scroll led didnt work when I switch lang) | 04:04 |
kramer3d | anywho neil_d how do i get to the terminal? | 04:04 |
Elad-3 | and another question please, some one are using icq-sim for icq client? | 04:05 |
osxdude|laptop | ok. | 04:05 |
neil_d | kramer3d: <ctrl><alt><f1> will do | 04:05 |
osxdude|laptop | i'm back, apperently. | 04:05 |
kramer3d | ok thanks | 04:05 |
osxdude|laptop | wait... | 04:05 |
* tritium wonders what is so hard about !enter for osxdude|laptop to remember | 04:05 | |
osxdude|laptop | !enter | 04:05 |
ubottu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 04:05 |
paradoxpenguin | Can anybody help with getting a CIFS share mounting script to run at startup? | 04:05 |
osxdude|laptop | I should try. heh. | 04:06 |
* alan_m contemplates botabuse then backs off :) | 04:06 | |
osxdude|laptop | dang it, xchat won't connect to ONE network. restart! | 04:06 |
|WorldWorld| | any links for best ubuntu 8.04 software to install please? | 04:07 |
jordan | ? | 04:07 |
zcat[1] | |WorldWorld|: | 04:07 |
tritium | |WorldWorld|: it depends on what type of software you need, of course. | 04:08 |
alan_m | jordan, thats the main ubuntu website, yeah :) | 04:08 |
IndyGunFreak | |WorldWorld|: well what do you want to do? | 04:08 |
zcat[1] | that article has some good sugestions of stuff you might like | 04:08 |
Elad-3 | someone can recommend me a nice icq client? | 04:08 |
|WorldWorld| | thanks zcat | 04:09 |
zcat[1] | Elad-3: pidgin isn't too bad | 04:09 |
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|WorldWorld| | Indy have just installed on a new system, wanna some idea | 04:09 |
neil_d | Elad-3: I like xchat | 04:09 |
Elad-3 | zcat[1], only using it for msn, for icq it's not very cool | 04:09 |
zcat[1] | xchat does ICQ ? | 04:09 |
Elad-3 | neil_d, me too, but my friend didnt.. :( | 04:09 |
bobsomebody | i seem to have an uncanny abilty to find every possible rock and hard place to end up with.... | 04:10 |
paradoxpenguin | :( | 04:10 |
IndyGunFreak | |WorldWorld|: well what do you n eed to do.. i can tell you all sorts of crap to install, but if you have no use for the,m whats the point. | 04:10 |
bobsomebody | is it really this complicated to get dual screen linux and non laggy synergy? lol | 04:10 |
Zaiden | In Hardy, is it possible to switch PulseAudio with ESD? | 04:10 |
shazzam | ok so aparently u cant use the 3d effects if u run it off live cd... because the graphics require a restart and that just defeats the whole thing | 04:11 |
IndyGunFreak | bobsomebody: whats your graphics device?... dual screens works fine for me. | 04:11 |
shazzam | so... wat shud i do? | 04:11 |
zcat[1] | shazzam: I think I mentioned that almost an hour ago? | 04:11 |
shazzam | im afraid to install ubuntu and lose windows cuz wat if i dot like it? | 04:11 |
shazzam | yeah i was busy | 04:11 |
bobsomebody | IndyGunFreak, I used an ATI Radeon HD 2400 Pro | 04:11 |
IndyGunFreak | bobsomebody: thats the problem.. | 04:12 |
bobsomebody | and XFX GeForce 8400 GS | 04:12 |
dmsuperman | shazzam, Run the LiveCD, it will give you a full ubuntu desktop without modifying yoursystem at all | 04:12 |
bobsomebody | one at a time | 04:12 |
nadjavox | does anyone know how to find out how my hardware is being recognized by ubuntu? | 04:12 |
IndyGunFreak | nvidia, dual screens is gravy | 04:12 |
haris2 | hey somebody help me to run a cpp program in ubuntu 8.04. i tried with gcc <filename> but following error is displayed....."gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1plus': execvp: No such file or directory" | 04:12 |
bobsomebody | nvidia fails to install properly | 04:12 |
zcat[1] | shazzam: put the disk in in Windows and do a wubi install.. turn off any AV software first tho 'cos it reads the CD into an ISO image and trying to scan a 700M file seems to bother most AV software | 04:12 |
IndyGunFreak | how so? | 04:12 |
bobsomebody | it crashes 1/2 wy through | 04:12 |
xodiak | my ati isn't installing all that great. | 04:12 |
dmsuperman | shazzam, or, if you want to get even more into it, you could resize your partition and put windows and ubuntu and dualboot | 04:12 |
bobsomebody | right after i set the screen settings *im resorting to alt install right now | 04:12 |
bobsomebody | i have the nvidia in | 04:13 |
xodiak | bobsomebody: have you tried EnvyNG? | 04:13 |
dmsuperman | shazzam, or what zcat[1] said, but I haven't had anything but problems with wubi | 04:13 |
dmsuperman | then again I could just unlucky | 04:13 |
bobsomebody | xodiak, eh? | 04:13 |
IndyGunFreak | bobsomebody: is the nvidia card a dualhead card?.. | 04:13 |
bobsomebody | nvidia dual head card | 04:13 |
IndyGunFreak | xodiak: envyng isn't necessary for what he wants to do. | 04:13 |
xodiak | shazzam: I did a dual boot and it was pretty easy and worked pretty good. | 04:13 |
shazzam | installing it on windows... it doesnt need to partition? | 04:13 |
lnar | does any one know some software that can change voice like funny voice? | 04:13 |
zcat[1] | wubi is pretty broken still, I think.. I got it working first time but I've heard plenty of ppl complaining about it | 04:13 |
dmsuperman | shazzam, no, it just sort of dual boots using windows own boot manager | 04:14 |
xodiak | Gotcha. I'm too new to recommend anything anyway. :) | 04:14 |
AaronH | lnar, audacity | 04:14 |
shazzam | how much room does dual boot take? | 04:14 |
dmsuperman | shazzam, i advise against it, it's not difficult just to partition. if you don't like it, delete the partition and add the space back to your windows partition | 04:14 |
bobsomebody | the best result i had so far was the ATI card with 8.04, but synergy bugs out and would require a complete rebuild with a modified source | 04:14 |
bobsomebody | which is WAY beyond me lol | 04:14 |
dmsuperman | shazzam, however much room you want. I made it 20GB for ubuntu, 4GB for swap, but that's well beyond what's needed | 04:14 |
kramer3d | how do i gain root access in terminal? | 04:14 |
bobsomebody | (talking about the os) | 04:15 |
Starnestommy | kramer3d: sudo | 04:15 |
kramer3d | kk | 04:15 |
shazzam | see i never partitioned so i dont know about these things... | 04:15 |
tritium | kramer3d: sudo -i will give you the equivalent | 04:15 |
bobsomebody | kramer3d, sudo su | 04:15 |
shazzam | wats the swap? | 04:15 |
zcat[1] | shazzam: wubi makes a big file in windows with all the stuff ubuntu needs to boot, then launches the kernel from windows boot manager.. you can completely remove it again if you don't like it. | 04:15 |
tritium | kramer3d, bobsomebody: sudo su is not recommended | 04:15 |
AaronH | kramer3d, use "sudo" or to have root prompt use "sudo -s" | 04:15 |
xodiak | shazzam: I set up a 16 GB ubuntu and 4GB for swap. | 04:15 |
bobsomebody | oh | 04:15 |
dmsuperman | shazzam, swap is just virtual memory area, basically overflow for when your memory runs out | 04:15 |
haris2 | hey somebody help me to run a cpp program in ubuntu 8.04. i tried with gcc <filename> but following error is displayed....."gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1plus': execvp: No such file or directory" | 04:15 |
shazzam | i see... right now my windows doesnt even have that.. | 04:16 |
dmsuperman | shazzam, it's very easy to do, and there's not much risk of losing data in any case | 04:16 |
shazzam | so it uses hard drive memory as ram? | 04:16 |
tritium | haris2: you need to install build-essential first | 04:16 |
Starnestommy | shazzam: yes | 04:16 |
dmsuperman | shazzam, it's a linux thing. in windows it's called "virtual memory" or a "pagefile" | 04:16 |
bobsomebody | IndyGunFreak, im @ the x server video modes in alt install setting it to 1280x1024, lets hope it works this time | 04:16 |
dmsuperman | shazzam, i'm sure you have it enabled | 04:16 |
tritium | shazzam: swap is also used if you hibernate, such as with a laptop | 04:16 |
bobsomebody | it looks like its getting the right data from the card with the res's available | 04:16 |
zcat[1] | I wound't bother with more than 20G for a wubi install.. if you end up doing anything more than just seeing what ubuntu is like, you really need to do a proper install.. | 04:16 |
haris2 | tritium:how do i do it.....? | 04:16 |
IndyGunFreak | bobsomebody: server video modes? | 04:16 |
tritium | haris2: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 04:16 |
shazzam | ok and am i ablet o access files on my drive from ubuntu? or only files put in in ubuntu? | 04:16 |
tom_ | Hi guys. Having a problem wit hibernating.. hibernate, and uswsusp(s2disk) both result in funky menus. Can anyone check out if you get a second? I provided a screenshot.. thanks! | 04:16 |
xodiak | Any ATI video experts around tonight? | 04:17 |
bobsomebody | IndyGunFreak, X server | 04:17 |
bobsomebody | ie screen res | 04:17 |
dmsuperman | shazzam, and it's even better than windows. Windows will use your hard drive as ram, regardless of if it needs to or not. linux swap only uses it when it must (which is good for hard drive life) | 04:17 |
dmsuperman | shazzam, you can see all files | 04:17 |
bobsomebody | this is where it boned out on me last time | 04:17 |
IndyGunFreak | bobsomebody: oh, did you reconfigure x? | 04:17 |
bobsomebody | no | 04:17 |
bobsomebody | this is just a reinstall | 04:17 |
bobsomebody | i had both screens plugged in last time | 04:17 |
dmsuperman | shazzam, you may have to change 1 line in a single text file to be able to modify files from windows, but that's easy | 04:17 |
tritium | !enter | bobsomebody | 04:17 |
ubottu | bobsomebody: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 04:17 |
IndyGunFreak | hmm, doesn't make much sense.. i've never done that. | 04:17 |
bobsomebody | i vaugly remember 8.04 throwing a fit about it | 04:17 |
shazzam | iso wat is partitioning for? is it like formating only a part of the drive for ubuntu? | 04:17 |
dmsuperman | shazzam, basically, you'll edit /etc/fstab and replace "ntfs" with "ntfs-3g" then run a command to remount, then you can modify | 04:18 |
tritium | shazzam: the word is "what", not "wat" | 04:18 |
bobsomebody | tritium, sorry | 04:18 |
dmsuperman | shazzam, partitioning is dividing a drive | 04:18 |
hexoroid | is there apt-get flash player for linux ? trying to play youtubes. | 04:18 |
Starnestommy | hexoroid: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 04:18 |
shazzam | y must i divide it? y cant they share the stuff? | 04:18 |
dmsuperman | shazzam, your drive right now probably has a single partition. think of a drive as a drawer, and a partition as a folder. right now, you have 1 folder that fills the whole drawer | 04:18 |
shazzam | im just trying to leanr... | 04:18 |
dmsuperman | shazzam, windows sits in that folder | 04:18 |
Ahadiel | hexoroid, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 04:18 |
shazzam | learn.. | 04:18 |
Starnestommy | shazzam: it's because windows and linux work very differently | 04:18 |
hexoroid | whats a non-free for ? | 04:18 |
dmsuperman | shazzam, to install ubuntu, without modifying windows or anything else, you take some room away from that folder and make another folder for ubuntu | 04:19 |
Starnestommy | hexoroid: it's free as in price, but it's proprietary | 04:19 |
shazzam | but they both can acces the ame files... like .avi or .whatever.. | 04:19 |
tritium | hexoroid: it downloads a binary-only file (no free source) from adobe | 04:19 |
hexoroid | oh ok | 04:19 |
hexoroid | thanks | 04:19 |
shazzam | same... my keys are having issues typing the letters! | 04:19 |
lnar | does any one know some software that can change voice like funny voice? AUDACITY NEEDS TO RECORD THE VOICE FIRST... I NEED SOMETHING LIKE FUNNY VOICE | 04:20 |
dmsuperman | shazzam, correct. as I said above, it may take a quick edit to a single file to be able to, but once you do it works flawlessly | 04:20 |
shazzam | but they both can acces the same files... like .avi or .whatever.. | 04:20 |
dmsuperman | shazzam, correct. I have windows and ubuntu on my machine. My MP3s can be read in both operating systems the exact same | 04:20 |
dmsuperman | shazzam, there's no worries about that | 04:20 |
zcat[1] | lnar: let me know when you find it... I've been looking and never found anything like that | 04:20 |
Starnestommy | shazzam: that's because of applications made to access those files. Windows itself doesn't know how to read those files and neitherdoes Linux | 04:20 |
Starnestommy | *neither does | 04:20 |
alan_m | zcat, they can always make it but thats way off topic lol | 04:21 |
xodiak | dmsuperman: so you're saying I can (or should be able to) read my xp harddrive when I'm in Ubuntu? | 04:21 |
dmsuperman | xodiak, absolutely | 04:21 |
J-a-K-e | hi all, does anyone know what to edit in /boot to sort out my grub problems? | 04:21 |
bobsomebody | yeah it looks like this thing has completely locked up on Select and install software right @ 6%.... | 04:21 |
shazzam | i c...somewhat... | 04:21 |
dmsuperman | xodiak, are you not able to? | 04:21 |
Starnestommy | J-a-K-e: /boot/grub/menu.lst | 04:21 |
xodiak | dmsuperman: Is there an easy way to set this up? | 04:21 |
shazzam | so how much shoud i partition for now? | 04:21 |
dmsuperman | shazzam, really the best way to learn about it is to just install ubuntu and play with it | 04:21 |
shazzam | cna i always change the amount? | 04:21 |
zcat[1] | perhaps freqtweak ? | 04:21 |
hexoroid | my comp sucks its an old box hardly plays videos sort of laggs lol | 04:21 |
xodiak | I just didn't know it was possible. (I'm only two weeks new) | 04:22 |
lnar | i dont find any program like funny voice!! | 04:22 |
dmsuperman | shazzam, depends. how much free space does your hard drive have? | 04:22 |
dmsuperman | shazzam, and yes | 04:22 |
haris2 | tritium: ok thanks...........:) | 04:22 |
alan_m | hexoroid, have you tried xubuntu on it? | 04:22 |
zcat[1] | lnar: because afaik there is none. | 04:22 |
xodiak | dmsuperman: I didn't even know it was possible. | 04:22 |
dmsuperman | xodiak, it's cool. if you give me about 3 minutes i can probably walk you through it (i'm fairly new to the whole thing as well, using linux for like 2 months now, so if it gets complicated i may require assitance from somebody else) | 04:22 |
shazzam | im gonna put it on the xp with ATI graphics first because the vista belongs to my family and i dont need them yelling at me if i break it | 04:22 |
Beatbreaker | hi - i've got no internet in the terminal - here's a summary | 04:22 |
xodiak | dmsuperman: I would appreciate it. | 04:23 |
shazzam | my xp has 30 GB free | 04:23 |
dmsuperman | shazzam, alright. My suggestion is to resize your xp, and make it 20GB smaller | 04:23 |
shazzam | i have a 500GB hard drive though... | 04:23 |
shazzam | external | 04:23 |
dmsuperman | shazzam, and then put ubuntu in there. 16GB for ubuntu itself, and then like 4GB for thw swap | 04:23 |
dmsuperman | shazzam, you could really be fine with like 2GB of swap, sometimes even less, but it never hurts to have extra | 04:23 |
tritium | dmsuperman: anything above 2GB for swap is waste | 04:23 |
shazzam | shoud i put ubuntu on my external... | 04:23 |
hexoroid | alan_m whats xubuntu ? | 04:23 |
dmsuperman | xodiak, what filesystem is your windows using, FAT32 or NTFS? | 04:24 |
Beatbreaker | hi - i'm stuck in the terminal after upgrading to Gutsy with NO INTERNET - here's a summary | 04:24 |
shazzam | thats what i wanted to do originally | 04:24 |
Ashfire908 | Can I bring up a ppp connection in a (text-mode) installer environment? | 04:24 |
alan_m | !xubuntu | hexoroid | 04:24 |
ubottu | hexoroid: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at and - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels | 04:24 |
dmsuperman | tritium, I was always told to do 2x your memory | 04:24 |
dmsuperman | shazzam, alright | 04:24 |
hexoroid | alan thanks i should try it i think this computer a bit old for gnome :-) | 04:24 |
alan_m | its a lot easier on hardware than Ubuntu and Kubuntu, its made for older pc's :) | 04:24 |
tritium | dmsuperman: that's good to a point | 04:24 |
xodiak | dmsuperman: I'm pretty sure it's FAT32 | 04:24 |
hexoroid | it works fine loads it up but.. like when i move windows it laggs :-) | 04:24 |
Beatbreaker | hi - i'm stuck in the terminal after upgrading to Gutsy with NO INTERNET - here's a summary | 04:24 |
alan_m | yeah, try xubuntu hexoroid, im almost positive that will help you with that kind of issue :) | 04:25 |
dmsuperman | xodiak, alright. open up a terminal and enter "sudo fdisk -l" and pastebin the results | 04:25 |
shazzam | will i ruin my external hard drive? it has about 20GB of tuff i just got it a few days ago.. | 04:25 |
flash__ | Helloo, quick question, anyone know if there is some hardware detection software for linux (in particular ubuntu), which would sort of list all the hardware on your system along with the model numbers and such? | 04:25 |
hexoroid | alan_m so when i install it will it remove gnome ? | 04:25 |
RAdams | alan_m: I'm definitely sleep-deprived. I was about to ask you what version Xubuntu Hexoriod was. :| | 04:25 |
J-a-K-e | Starnestommy: you wouldnt by chance know what i'm looking for being a somewhat new user to ubuntu. I have been having troubles booting with grub, I get error 17 when i try to boot ubuntu and error 13. Since I've already installed grub several times I was told the error is in /boot | 04:25 |
dmsuperman | tritium, I've never used any of my swap at all, but I've got so much hard drive space that I could probably just lose 100GB and be fine, so having plenty of extra for everything is fine for me | 04:26 |
AaronH | flash__, use "sudo lshw" | 04:26 |
alan_m | hexoroid, not if you install it through synaptic | 04:26 |
Beatbreaker | hi - i'm stuck in the terminal after upgrading to Gutsy with NO INTERNET - here's a summary | 04:26 |
hexoroid | synaptic ? | 04:26 |
dmsuperman | shazzam, I wouldn't advise running it off an external hard drive, only because 1: some BIOSes don't easily let you boot from USB, and 2: it will be much slower | 04:26 |
lnar | i cant see some caracters with firefox it appears a ? in some words | 04:26 |
shazzam | oh i c... | 04:26 |
alan_m | !synaptic | Hexoroid | 04:26 |
ubottu | Hexoroid: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see | 04:26 |
lnar | i cant see some caracters with firefox it appears a ? in some words , what do i have to install ?? | 04:26 |
shazzam | well then.... ill instal it... and see wat happens | 04:27 |
alan_m | im trying not to use the bot for simple stuff but it explains some things much better than myself :) | 04:27 |
tritium | dmsuperman: you'll get no gains from anything above 2GB | 04:27 |
Beatbreaker | hi - i'm stuck in the terminal after upgrading to Gutsy with NO INTERNET - here's a summary | 04:27 |
Ashfire908 | !repeat | Beatbreaker | 04:27 |
ubottu | Beatbreaker: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 04:27 |
Starnestommy | J-a-K-e: 17 = cannot mount selected partition, 13 = invalid or unsupported executable format | 04:27 |
hexoroid | alan well i am going to do now apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 04:27 |
dmsuperman | tritium, why is that? | 04:27 |
xodiak | dmsuperman: actually looks like it might be NTFS | 04:28 |
Starnestommy | J-a-K-e: the error 17 is from either setting the wrong partition or setting the right partition, but with that one being corrupt | 04:28 |
alan_m | hexoroid, great :) | 04:28 |
hexoroid | hmm it says it can not find that package | 04:28 |
dmsuperman | xodiak, I'm assuming that 600GB partition is your windows? | 04:28 |
Beatbreaker | !patience | 04:28 |
ubottu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 04:28 |
alan_m | hexoroid, remember to put sudo in front of this though | 04:28 |
dmsuperman | xodiak, sorry, 60GB :P | 04:28 |
lnar | i cant see accents with firefox any ideas? | 04:28 |
Starnestommy | J-a-K-e: error 13 comes from selecting the wrong file as the kernel | 04:28 |
alan_m | hexoroid sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 04:28 |
flash__ | AaronH, thanks! | 04:28 |
AaronH | np, flash__ | 04:29 |
Beatbreaker | hi - i'm stuck in the terminal after upgrading to Gutsy with NO INTERNET - here's a summary | 04:29 |
tritium | Beatbreaker: you've been asked not to repeat | 04:29 |
=== thebitguru is now known as aficionado | ||
alan_m | hexoroid, i dont know what to tell you, it should be in the repositories, do you have them all enabled? (even though I believe its in the main...) | 04:29 |
SJr|Nbook | How do I figure out what my raid device appears as in /dev/? | 04:29 |
hexoroid | alan_m its installing it now.. thank you. if i have anymore questions how to start this up is it ok if i msg you ? | 04:29 |
Starnestommy | Beatbreaker: please pastebin /etc/network/interfaces from that computer | 04:29 |
Beatbreaker | tritium - i have no idea if anyone has even looked at my paste bin at all | 04:29 |
alan_m | hexoroid, its ok if you message me in this room, dont go private message, i like helping multiple people at once :) | 04:30 |
tritium | Beatbreaker: patience | 04:30 |
shazzam | i actually have windows cp on this comp and it goes friggin slow and i have too much stuff on here and im thinking of just getting rid of the whole thing... but then im afraid im mite want it back and i dont have the xp cd's... | 04:30 |
aficionado | Hi, I just finished setting up dual display, but I can't move a window from one monitor to the other. The two desktops seem independent | 04:30 |
Ashfire908 | Beatbreaker, is what you pasted exactly what you typed in? could you please paste your /etc/network/interfaces file? | 04:30 |
Beatbreaker | Starnestommy - thank you. how do i do that from the terminal? | 04:30 |
yit4s | why i cant play flash movies on firefox whenever amarok is playing? | 04:30 |
flash__ | AaronH, I can't seem to get my motherboard brand/model, any other suggestions? | 04:30 |
xodiak | dmsuperman: .... old PC. The main reason I put ubuntu on here. | 04:30 |
AaronH | SJr|Nbook, you can look in /etc/fstab | 04:30 |
yit4s | i having trouble playing amarok after i played something from youtube | 04:30 |
shazzam | will the live cd help me partition my drive? | 04:30 |
dmsuperman | xodiak, this should be easy. First, we want to test that you can actually mount it. in your terminal, type "sudo mkdir /media/Temp1" and then "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/Temp1/" | 04:30 |
xodiak | dmsuperman: yes the 60GB is my windows. | 04:31 |
SJr|Nbook | AaronH I just installed it | 04:31 |
AaronH | SJr|Nbook, use "cat /etc/fstab" | 04:31 |
Chapai | yit4s, install libflashsupport | 04:31 |
Starnestommy | Beatbreaker: it looks like you have two lines starting with "iface eth0" or "auto eth0" in /etc/network/interfaces | 04:31 |
SJr|Nbook | AaronH it's not there | 04:31 |
may60 | hi, | 04:31 |
Beatbreaker | Starnestommy - so should i delete the extra ones? | 04:31 |
yit4s | chapai: what is it by the way? do i have to uninstall adobe flash? | 04:32 |
flash__ | AaronH, nvm, think I got it | 04:32 |
Starnestommy | Beatbreaker: delete them all except for the first one | 04:32 |
Chapai | you dont have to uninstall aything, | 04:32 |
hexoroid | ok.. will do alan_m | 04:32 |
Starnestommy | Beatbreaker: and don't remove anything that refers to lo | 04:33 |
yit4s | chapai: ok thanks | 04:33 |
AaronH | flash__, that command should tell you your brand and model of mother board | 04:33 |
xodiak | dmsuperman: I think that I should have tried mounting /dev/sda2 instead. | 04:33 |
Chapai | hope it works yit4s | 04:33 |
kramer3d | neil_d: how do i get out of terminal and resume with installation? | 04:33 |
dmsuperman | xodiak, sorry, yeah i accidently copied mine instead of yours :P | 04:33 |
hexoroid | alan_m, it has installed right now how do i switch to it now ? | 04:33 |
AaronH | SJr|Nbook, have you looked at your "dmesg" | 04:33 |
AaronH | ? | 04:33 |
J-a-K-e | Starnestommy: I meant to say I get error 13 when I try to boot windows error 17 what I get when I try to boot ubuntu; windows is on my 160GB ide and ubuntu on my 30GB ide | 04:33 |
dmsuperman | xodiak, then do "cd /media/Temp1" to move into our newly mounted filesystem, and "ls -al" to list all the files in it. if that looks like it's your windows partition then that's good news, we've got it mounted (temporarily) | 04:34 |
Beatbreaker | Starnestommy - so I should delete all the doubles of "iface eth0" and "auto eth0" - but obviously keeping one of them each? (just for clarification) | 04:34 |
neil_d | kramer3d: <ctrl><alt><f7> | 04:34 |
yit4s | chapai: hope so. i uninstalled adobe flash and tried other stuff but it doest suit. now i have to wait some time install back adobe flash | 04:34 |
Starnestommy | Beatbreaker: delete all of them except the first auto eth0 and the first iface eth0 | 04:34 |
J-a-K-e | I can get things working temporarily if i follow -> to reinstall grub | 04:35 |
alan_m | you can switch to it by logging out of your current session, clicking the button that says "sessions" i believe it says..and choosing Xubuntu...correct any of this if its wrong guys. | 04:35 |
xodiak | dmsuperman: I get an error telling me mount is denied. | 04:35 |
Starnestommy | J-a-K-e: it looks like you have the wrong root setting for ubuntu. For windows, you might need to chainload it | 04:35 |
Chapai | you asked and i said you dont have to uninstall anything | 04:35 |
maco | alan_m: click "XFCE" i believe | 04:35 |
Beatbreaker | Starnestommy - got ya, ok i'll give it a go and i'll be back with the results. Thankyou! | 04:35 |
alan_m | That above message was for HeXoroid, sorry for not saying | 04:35 |
Chapai | you asked and i said you dont have to uninstall anything yit4s | 04:35 |
madman91 | hello everyone | 04:35 |
kramer3d | neil_d: crap it says x server is now disabled , restard GDM when it is configured correctly | 04:35 |
alan_m | maco, thanks for assisting me | 04:36 |
Starnestommy | Beatbreaker: make sure that the first iface eth0 says "iface eth0 inet dhcp" | 04:36 |
yit4s | chapai: i did before i asked the question :p | 04:36 |
illa | okay dumb question.. how do i know if im using gnome or kde? | 04:36 |
dmsuperman | xodiak, alright, that happens sometimes. windows says that it's still using the drive, even though you're obviously not. "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda2 /media/Temp1 -o force" | 04:36 |
neil_d | kramer3d: you can restart gdm with from the terminal with "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" | 04:36 |
Starnestommy | illa: do you have two panels? | 04:36 |
kramer3d | kk | 04:36 |
illa | yup | 04:36 |
dmsuperman | xodiak, that should force-mount it. then "cd /media/Temp1" and "ls -al" to make sure that's it | 04:36 |
Starnestommy | illa: gnome | 04:36 |
Dwxreaper3 | The ssh vulnerability is just that someone could read the packets? | 04:37 |
illa | thats what i thought(im using the default i guess) | 04:37 |
J-a-K-e | Starnestommy: well thing is windows works fine if i boot grub off my 30gig I have grub installed on my 160, 30, and a 320 sata (which wont load the grub menu at all) | 04:37 |
dez_nuts | any info on obtaining proxies? | 04:37 |
yit4s | just wondering why my DNS keeps changing after 30-60 minutes connected to internet? not to mention everytime i turn on my comp | 04:37 |
madman91 | I have a computer on which I run rtorrent (self compiled), I'm having troubles with it. I ssh into it and administer that way. Often it will crash, leaving just my ssh shell open and with only "cd" available as a command.. other times I have no commands and must manually restart it | 04:37 |
clearzen | How do I disable auto mounting drives to the desktop at startup? | 04:38 |
zcat[1] | madman91: perhais it would have been easier to just install the rtorrent package | 04:38 |
hexoroid | alan_m do i select xfce session ? | 04:38 |
yit4s | why does my synaptic downloads at a super slow speed compared to my firefox? | 04:38 |
xodiak | dmsuperman: Holy #$@! | 04:38 |
SJr|Nbook | AaronH I did look at it suggests that the drive is sdb but cfdisk says there is no disk there | 04:38 |
neil_d | clearzen: you can edit the /etc/fstab and put in the option noauto | 04:38 |
madman91 | zcat[1]: I don't see how that would solve anything (and rtorrent deb is horribly outdated) | 04:38 |
Lokii- | clearzen press the power button on your tower right now and hold it for 5seconds | 04:38 |
Chapai | clearzen, open terminal, type gconf-editor | 04:38 |
Starnestommy | yit4s: it's because of dhclient automatically setting DNS servers. To fix that, change the prepend domain-name-servers setting in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf | 04:38 |
clearzen | Lokii-: shut the fuck up | 04:38 |
Starnestommy | !language > clearzen | 04:39 |
[GUN]Wires | eek | 04:39 |
xodiak | dmsuperman. that's pretty cool. Thank you! Will this stay or will I have to do all that everytime I boot into ubuntu? | 04:39 |
zcat[1] | madman91: hmm, ok. | 04:39 |
pistorexDD | !language | 04:39 |
ubottu | Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 04:39 |
Lokii- | LoL | 04:39 |
Chapai | app/nautilus/preferences and untick automount | 04:39 |
pistorexDD | BRazil? | 04:39 |
J-a-K-e | Starnestommy: grub has been an issue ever since i've installed 8.04 which i've tried reinstalling several times now without fixing the problem. Never has an irrue with 710 | 04:39 |
dmsuperman | xodiak, that was a 1 time thing. to make it automatically mount it, we're going to edit /etc/fstab. "sudo gedit /etc/fstab" | 04:39 |
J-a-K-e | *issue | 04:39 |
SJr|Nbook | I'm a moron, damn ubuntu not having root :P | 04:39 |
[GUN]Wires | I've got a problem: when I get to tep #5 it says not found on all but one module even though im looking at them right now | 04:40 |
Starnestommy | J-a-K-e: that's part of the reason why I stuck with 7.10 | 04:40 |
tritium | SJr|Nbook: it does, it's just disabled for security purposes. Use sudo instead. | 04:40 |
xodiak | dmsuperman: okay, it's open | 04:40 |
dmsuperman | xodiak, then add these lines to the file: # /dev/sda2 - Windows | 04:40 |
dmsuperman | /dev/sda2 /media/Windowsntfs-3gdefaults00 | 04:40 |
madman91 | SJr|Nbook: you can enable it by doing "sudo su" then "passwd" and setting a password | 04:40 |
SJr|Nbook | yeah I know | 04:40 |
Starnestommy | !noroot | 04:40 |
SJr|Nbook | I agree with it, but I forgot about it | 04:40 |
ubottu | We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-) | 04:40 |
zcat[1] | SJr|Nbook: what's the problem? | 04:41 |
madman91 | SJr|Nbook: alright, just making sure | 04:41 |
AaronH | SJr|Nbook, if you want a root prompt do "sudo -s" | 04:41 |
SJr|Nbook | Yeah I know all that | 04:41 |
tritium | AaronH: sudo -i | 04:41 |
neil_d | mad_max02: better to use "sudo su -" for a root login | 04:41 |
AaronH | tritium, try sudo -s | 04:41 |
zcat[1] | neil_d: I think sudo -i is recommended | 04:41 |
dmsuperman | xodiak, then a few things to wrap up, "sudo umount /media/Temp1" "sudo rmdir /media/Temp1" "sudo mkdir /media/Windows" and lastly "sudo mount /media/Windows" and all should be well | 04:41 |
tritium | AaronH: no, sudo -i is recommended | 04:41 |
yit4s | Starnestommy: ok, i'm on gediting the dhclient and found the prepend line. what am i editing to make my DNS permanent? | 04:41 |
J-a-K-e | Starnestommy: well for me it's either 8.04 or windows xp being something of an audiophile alsa sound drivers just don't cut it pulseaudio sound heaps better | 04:41 |
hexoroid | alan_m i pressed logout then i went to options "selected" xfce session and saved it it still logs me in into gnome ? | 04:42 |
dmsuperman | xodiak, after that, and every time you reboot, you should now have your windows partition mounted to "/media/Windows" | 04:42 |
xodiak | dmsuperman: the last things you said in the terminal window? | 04:42 |
xodiak | dmsuperman... actually the next to last thing you said | 04:42 |
Starnestommy | yit4s: add this to the bottom: prepend domain-name-servers <first-ip>,<second-ip>; | 04:42 |
dmsuperman | xodiak, yes | 04:43 |
neil_d | zcat[1]: didn't know about that one. | 04:43 |
dmsuperman | xodiak, those are just unmounting your windows partition, deleting the Temp1 folder, creating a folder called Windows, and finally remounting it to the place that it will be residing from then on out | 04:43 |
Starnestommy | yit4s: if the first ip were and the second were, add "prepend domain-name-servers,;" | 04:43 |
DVS01 | <--- <3 vmware | 04:43 |
amenado | Starnestommy-> do you know if other information like configuration settings other than ip, name server, gateways can be passed to the client? | 04:44 |
xodiak | dmsuperman: I'm trying to catch up. Would you mind checking out the fstab file to make sure I typed what you told me correctly? | 04:44 |
lnar | is it possible to make transparent metacity themes using compiz? | 04:44 |
[GUN]Wires | can anyone help me? | 04:44 |
dmsuperman | xodiak, perfect. save that, close it, and run those 4 commands and you should be good to go :D | 04:45 |
kramer3d | neil_d: sorry to bother you again but it just doesnt seem to work, let me repeat my problem so you dont have to scroll up: i have an onboard graphics card and an nvidia card installed | 04:45 |
tom_ | Hi guys. Having a problem wit hibernating.. hibernate, and uswsusp(s2disk) both result in funky menus. Can anyone check out if you get a second? I provided a screenshot.. thanks! | 04:45 |
Starnestommy | amenado: I think a few things can be transferred, but I don't know exactly what | 04:45 |
azzco | How should I be able to record sound from my computer? | 04:45 |
yit4s | Starnestommy: put the IPs under the <request>? i see <#prepend domain-name-servers> | 04:45 |
Carbonflux | lnar, there is a theme manager called Emerald that works with compiz fairly well imo | 04:45 |
kramer3d | neil_d: how ever it does not recognize my nvidia card (or maybe it does i dk) | 04:45 |
kramer3d | neil_d: so I would like to set the nvidia card as my default and get on with installation | 04:46 |
amenado | Starnestommy-> oh okay..been looking around for explanation of such..(what maybe passed to clients) | 04:46 |
lnar | Carbonflux i know about emerald, just want to make metacity transparent.... ANY IDEAS? | 04:46 |
xodiak | dmsuperman: Very cool Appreciate your help. | 04:46 |
Starnestommy | yit4s: just add the line that I told you to add at the end of the file | 04:46 |
neil_d | kramer3d: by get on with the installation, have you finished the basic install, and what to now add your own apps ? | 04:46 |
dmsuperman | xodiak, no problem =D | 04:46 |
Starnestommy | yit4s: it doesn't matter where it is, as long as it's on a separate line | 04:46 |
quittt | depois de muito esforço | 04:47 |
Carbonflux | lnar, well, you can use the general settings in compiz to set the transparency of windows etc, but thats not want you want? | 04:47 |
quittt | eu consegui ENFIAR ESSA POCARIA DE MEMÓRIA | 04:47 |
kramer3d | neil_d: no i have not started install at all, i am stuck on the "Cannot load X server part" | 04:47 |
dmsuperman | xodiak, and in the future, if you want to mount an ntfs drive as read-only, you could replace "ntfs-3g" with just "ntfs" | 04:47 |
tritium | quittt: English, please | 04:47 |
SJr|Nbook | If my RAID Card shows as /dev/sdc and /dev/sdb when it's mirrored does that mean linux is ignoring the raid settings | 04:47 |
kramer3d | the actual problem is it doesnt recognize my monitor or something but i know that cant be the problem... it must be becaues it doenst recognize graphics card | 04:47 |
lnar | Carbonflux u know what to type in to make metacity transparent and gnome panel? | 04:48 |
zcat[1] | "I want 'feature' but I don't want to use the software that actually has 'feature'" | 04:48 |
quittt | tripps, sorry, I thought this was ubuntu-br =P | 04:48 |
zcat[1] | sigh... | 04:48 |
=== T_cH is now known as cwe_gril | ||
michael_ | Starnestommy: Hi i'm back online in the terminal - i'm on IRSSI - thankyou | 04:49 |
dmsuperman | Does anybody know how can I mount an FTP folder to my local filesystem? I'd prefer a method that doesn't involve editing /etc/fstab, so I only have to mount it when I need it, but if that's the only way it's fine | 04:49 |
neil_d | kramer3d: it might be better to, do the install in vesa mode. then load the nvidia drivers after basic install. | 04:49 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: but when I do a "sudo apt-get update" i get a ton of "netowrk unresolved" stuff | 04:49 |
Carbonflux | lnar, what do you mean by metacity in this case? the panel can be made transparent by going into system->preferences->advanced desktop settings->general->opacity tab then create a entry for name=gnome-panel | 04:50 |
yit4s | Starnestommy: if i put the IPs, does that mean i cant no longer change my DNS in Network Settings? or it will set that as default and whenever i dont need a DNS, it will change to the default setting? | 04:50 |
Starnestommy | yit4s: you can still change the DNS settings | 04:50 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: sorry i'm Beatbreaker | 04:50 |
kramer3d | neil_d: how do i install in vesa mode? is that the safe graphics mode? | 04:50 |
[GUN]Wires | when I go to step #5 I get not found for all but one module.. please help | 04:50 |
Starnestommy | michael_: what's one of the errors that you get? | 04:50 |
neil_d | kramer3d: I think so. | 04:51 |
zChris | how do i force a unmount? i want to change cd | 04:52 |
blizzardman1219 | hello. i've been trying to configure my wpa_supplicant.conf file for a while now and can't seem to get it right. anyone know how to help? | 04:52 |
Carbonflux | lnar, if you want to make all windows transparent automaticlly, you can use any | 04:52 |
adv_ | any easy to use cli email clients?not pine or mutt. | 04:52 |
Starnestommy | adv_: maybe cone | 04:52 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: failed to fetch Http://BLAHBLAH unable to connect to HTTP | 04:52 |
Carbonflux | lnar, but that is hard to do | 04:52 |
kupesoft | adv_: alpine | 04:52 |
Carbonflux | lnar, because it sets all your windows to zero first | 04:52 |
AaronH | dmsuperman, I sent you a pm | 04:52 |
stechkov | michael_: whats the error message? | 04:52 |
shazzam | hey people im running ubuntu off the live cd... imusing pidgin to chat... | 04:53 |
Starnestommy | michael_: that could be due to having an Http:// instead of an http:// in /etc/apt/sources.list if the H in tht is capital | 04:53 |
michael_ | stechkov: do you mean the stuff after the "E:..." | 04:53 |
Carbonflux | lnar, the word "any" I mean, just put that in a opacity value entry, before you do tho find out what key/mouse combo lets you control the transparency of all the windows, heh | 04:53 |
shazzam | so.... if i install ubuntu will i be able to do all the things i do in windows.. | 04:53 |
lnar | Carbonflux got it, but still try to make metacity transparent, is there any web page with all name of settings to make transparent? | 04:53 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: sorry that was my typo when writing it to you | 04:54 |
=== cwe_gril is now known as faras_cwe | ||
Carbonflux | the word is "any" lnar | 04:54 |
shazzam | i guess it depends wat i do.. | 04:54 |
Starnestommy | michael_: what's in /etc/resolv.conf ? | 04:54 |
yit4s | how do i terminate synaptic activity? it is downloading something not from ubuntu server so it's under Applying Changes instead of Downloading Packages window. the speed sickens me | 04:54 |
shazzam | how do i get wine working.... | 04:54 |
neil_d | shazzam: how long is a piece of string. you need to specify what all is. | 04:54 |
shazzam | i want utorrent to work... or shud i just use azureus | 04:55 |
Carbonflux | lnar, its tricky applying it tho, because the default value is 0 | 04:55 |
shazzam | well i use gimp, azureus, utorrent, a few window programs.. including one that uses the windows registry | 04:55 |
lnar | got it, i can name=what ever i want | 04:56 |
lnar | cool | 04:56 |
lnar | thanks man | 04:56 |
Carbonflux | lnar, or title= | 04:56 |
Carbonflux | lnar, there is such a webpage also, let me just check... | 04:56 |
shazzam | is therea prob with a program that uses the windows registry? will it work on ubuntu thru wine? | 04:56 |
lnar | k thank u | 04:56 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: search universal <new line> nameserver | 04:56 |
Starnestommy | michael_: can you ping that address with "ping -c 4" ? | 04:57 |
arc_shmoo | does anyone know how to run total training dvds on ubuntu? | 04:57 |
yit4s | help! i need to terminate synaptic... the download speed is unbearable | 04:58 |
PPKuma | hi, why the gmail hotkeys don't work? is it a common problem in ubuntu? | 04:58 |
billy12 | ssh-keygen is still making bad keys | 04:58 |
blizzardman1219 | hello. i've been trying to configure my wpa_supplicant.conf file for a while now and can't seem to get it right. anyone know how to help? | 04:59 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: 4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received | 04:59 |
quittt | !diveintopyhon | 04:59 |
ubottu | Factoid diveintopyhon not found | 04:59 |
quittt | what is diveintopyhon?! | 04:59 |
quittt | my instalation locked on it | 04:59 |
faras_cwe | hi | 04:59 |
saieno | Hello | 05:00 |
Neuro2112 | yits: sudo ps -A | grep synaptic | 05:00 |
saieno | How are ya? | 05:00 |
Neuro2112 | then kill -HUP the job number that comes back | 05:00 |
zcat[1] | !oreilly | 05:00 |
ubottu | Factoid oreilly not found | 05:00 |
shazzam | ok so is it better to have a dual boot with windows or ubuntu run with windows inside it? or the oppsite | 05:00 |
saieno | I figured I'd ask here, has anyone gotten COD4 running in Ubuntu? | 05:00 |
Sturmeh | yeah i installed vista on another partition, works great | 05:00 |
Sturmeh | :D | 05:00 |
Neuro2112 | depends what you need to do. I like parallels personally | 05:01 |
Neuro2112 | but not free | 05:01 |
Carbonflux | lnar, | 05:01 |
zcat[1] | I prefer not having windows at all.. | 05:01 |
Neuro2112 | lol. that too | 05:01 |
saieno | Same here zcat | 05:01 |
Sturmeh | meh forget quality gaming hten | 05:01 |
Carbonflux | lnar, also | 05:01 |
lnar | thanks uu | 05:01 |
Neuro2112 | to avoid windows i only play UT | 05:01 |
hellonull | hey, out of curiousity, why did hardy include firefox 3 instead of 2 seeing as how ff3 was still beta and such at hardy's release time? | 05:01 |
Sturmeh | haha | 05:01 |
james__ | Can someone help me with "grep" options and controlling output? | 05:01 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: what's the course of action? | 05:01 |
Dr_willis | IRC is the ultimate MMORPG. | 05:01 |
yit4s | Neuro2112: i get some numbers... what it does actually? | 05:01 |
Sturmeh | valve are porting enough stuff for yas | 05:02 |
Dr_willis | james__, tell us what you are trying to grep? | 05:02 |
Dew420 | hellonull : because ff3 will be released in June and FF2 will not have lts | 05:02 |
Neuro2112 | well that first number is the job number | 05:02 |
Starnestommy | michael_: what's one of the URLs that it fails on? | 05:02 |
zcat[1] | Urban terror, OpenArena, glest .. but no, not really into games that much | 05:02 |
milos_ | quittt, | 05:02 |
Carbonflux | the half life eng is getting ported right now tho | 05:02 |
cwo_cool | hi | 05:02 |
hellonull | dew420, thank you, that's what i was thinking | 05:02 |
Neuro2112 | in linux everything gets a job number. when you use the "kill" command, you actually terminate that job | 05:02 |
saieno | Quake 4, Enemy Territory, soon to have Steam native. | 05:02 |
Neuro2112 | kill -HUP allows it to exit gracefully | 05:02 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: there's alot of "Hit: ...." coming up if that means anything | 05:03 |
=== faras_cwe is now known as nana | ||
zcat[1] | job == "process ID" or PID | 05:03 |
woli | why can't i use my microphone under ubuntu? | 05:03 |
yit4s | Neuro2112: how do i kill the downloading process? | 05:03 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: but i'll get one complete address up for you hold on | 05:03 |
woli | it returns an error ALWAYS | 05:03 |
Starnestommy | michael_: the Hit ones usually mean that those worked | 05:03 |
james__ | Dr_willis: I'd like to run {lspci | grep Intel | more} is that correct syntax? | 05:03 |
Neuro2112 | what did you get when you ran "sudo ps -A | grep synaptic" ? paste it into the window | 05:03 |
Neuro2112 | here | 05:03 |
sjdurfey | i need help setting up mplayer to playback my DVD's, as it is right now, it gives me this error "No Stream found to handle url dvd://1" , the no one in the #mplayer room is talking | 05:04 |
* delcoyote hi | 05:04 | |
Kohlrak | any idea why i can't play dvds in totem? | 05:05 |
yit4s | Neuro2112: | 05:05 |
woli | when i try to test the microphone under sound preferences i get the error: Could not open audio device for recording. | 05:05 |
yit4s | Neuro2112: p/s type my nick so that i can hear the pidgin alerting me :d | 05:06 |
Kohlrak | woli, do you have a sigmatel audio card? | 05:06 |
woli | i have audigy soundblaster | 05:06 |
woli | audigy 2 zs | 05:06 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: http:/ | 05:06 |
james__ | let me try this again, can anyone tell me how to view specific output from lspci and read it line by line? | 05:07 |
Kohlrak | then i don't know what to tell you | 05:07 |
Neuro2112 | yit4s: those are the two jobs associated with synaptic currently. To end them, type "sudo kill -HUP 6726" and then type that again, but replace the 6726 with 6739. That will get you back to synaptic not running. | 05:07 |
woli | and when i go under sound recorder, i'm told to configure in multimedia settings... I don't think i have that app | 05:07 |
secleinteer | hi, is there any word on when kernel 2.6.25 will be in the hardy repos? | 05:07 |
userzero | james__: use 'lspci -vv |less' | 05:08 |
Kohlrak | you have it, but i havn't a clue where it is, woli | 05:08 |
Neuro2112 | yit4s: you may not need the sudo since you are the owner, but i can't remember if synaptic runs as a privileged task, so leaving sudo in won't hurt. | 05:08 |
woli | ain't it the sound preferences thing? | 05:08 |
blizzardman1219 | ok is there someone in here who can help me? i'm trying to configure my wpa_supplicant.conf file | 05:08 |
Kohlrak | maybe | 05:09 |
yit4s | Neuro2112: cool, nice killing trick! how do i view other jobs by the way? | 05:09 |
Kohlrak | anyone know how to play a simple DVD? | 05:09 |
james__ | userzero, that chops off some info | 05:09 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: that one before said "unable to connect to http:" | 05:09 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: but there's a different type too hold on... | 05:09 |
Neuro2112 | yit4s: If you just do the ps -A you get all the jobs, ps -ef shows you detailed information. | 05:09 |
james__ | userzero, rather I can't view the first few entries | 05:10 |
Starnestommy | michael_: was it http:// or http:/? | 05:10 |
userzero | james__: lspci -vv > lspci.txt | 05:10 |
lastexyle | does anyone think they might be able to help me with getting nat/dns working? | 05:10 |
james__ | thank you | 05:10 |
Neuro2112 | yit4s: if you do the "ps -ef" you can see the owner too, this can help figure out if you need to "kill" with "sudo" or not | 05:10 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: it was http:/archive.... i double checked | 05:10 |
Starnestommy | michael_: that one url you had was giving me a 404 | 05:10 |
james__ | userzero, can I accomplish the same with grep? | 05:10 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: great | 05:11 |
james__ | or similar | 05:11 |
userzero | james__: lspci -vv |grep anything | 05:11 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: i'm not in australia anymore anyway, i'm living in Japan, is there a way to get those updated | 05:11 |
james__ | userzero, thanks, that's very helpful. make my life a bit easier | 05:11 |
userzero | james__: anytime | 05:12 |
Starnestommy | michael_: I think so, but I'm not exactly sure how | 05:12 |
Kohlrak | looks like i'm gonna have to boot up windows, wine wont' even use the software on the dvd | 05:12 |
james__ | Kohlrak: what app ya trying to run? | 05:12 |
james__ | Kohlrak: what version of wine do you have? | 05:12 |
Kohlrak | james__: not an app, actually, a DVD | 05:12 |
Kohlrak | and the most recent version of wine | 05:13 |
james__ | Kohlrak: Video DVD? | 05:13 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: another one is http://archive/ could not resolve "archive" | 05:13 |
Kohlrak | there is software on the dvd, so i'm assuming the app might provide some sort of decryptor | 05:13 |
Kohlrak | and yes, video dvd | 05:13 |
Starnestommy | michael_: change the archive/ to | 05:13 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: yeah i can see the problem | 05:14 |
Dr_willis | Kohlrak, what dvd exactly? | 05:14 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: but i don't know how to fix that - will it be in sources.list? | 05:14 |
james__ | Kohlrak: is it embedded Video software or actual windows software? | 05:14 |
Starnestommy | michael_: probably | 05:14 |
Kohlrak | Xfiles - Season 4 | 05:14 |
Airwolf | Hi, doing sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf returns an error " Couldn't Open Display" where could be the problem? I am installing new drivers for my ati video card | 05:14 |
Kohlrak | it's actual windows software | 05:14 |
Dr_willis | Kohlrak, i would guess its some 'extras' - not needed to play the disks. | 05:15 |
Kohlrak | Then what's totem's problem that it's chokin' on it? | 05:15 |
james__ | Kohlrak: it might be that the software itself has runtime DRM attached | 05:15 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: haha, sorry, whats the location of sources.list again? i'm drawig a blank | 05:15 |
Kohlrak | the DRM is beyond annoying....................... | 05:15 |
Starnestommy | michael_: /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:16 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: cheers | 05:16 |
lastexyle | does anyone think they might be able to help me with getting nat set up? | 05:16 |
Dr_willis | explore the disk. see what other files you see.. Ive used the various video players t play the data files directly | 05:16 |
Kohlrak | i'm trying that now | 05:16 |
danag1 | what happens when i execute mv (single filename) *.iso | 05:16 |
Dr_willis | vlc whatever.vob :) has worked for me in the past | 05:16 |
jrib | danag1: depends on what *.iso matches | 05:16 |
Kohlrak | ton of vobs, sorting through them now | 05:16 |
yit4s | Neuro2112: another problem arise. since i killed synaptic, i have to run it again on terminal to finish it again. and the slow download still an unfinished task. how do i cancel the download? | 05:17 |
widowmaker | hello | 05:17 |
james__ | Kohlrak: I once had audio files from musicmatch that used runtime DRM to tell me I didn't have licenses that I've purchased, and other time it would tell me that I don't have the correct player. | 05:17 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: they're all fine there | 05:17 |
EvolutionXtinct | Does anyone know how to get Ubuntu 7.10 Wifi working on a PS3? | 05:17 |
danag1 | jrib: oh shit, thank you | 05:17 |
james__ | Kohlrak: it sucked | 05:17 |
Kohlrak | i'm sick of the DRM stuff. | 05:17 |
EvolutionXtinct | i grabed the 2.6.23 kernel and it totally bricked my install after following the guides | 05:17 |
widowmaker | evo extinct I can help | 05:17 |
Kohlrak | it's just more stuff to force us to microsoft, they're not really worried about us or the people who make the dvds | 05:18 |
EvolutionXtinct | widowmaker aewsome can I PM you | 05:18 |
=== widowmaker is now known as WidowMaker | ||
WidowMaker | sire | 05:18 |
Kohlrak | Microsoft is just using them to control us | 05:18 |
WidowMaker | sure | 05:18 |
Neuro2112 | yit4s: use "sudo ps -A | grep apt" to see if any apt-get are running. If it already downloading then it may have hung there. Kill that process to if it exists. | 05:18 |
xvedejas | Evolution: try upgrading to hardy, for me it fixed several wifi problems (although I have no idea about it on the ps3) | 05:18 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: where else could those mistakes be? I assumed they'd be in sources.list too, i've tried to fix it from there before | 05:18 |
CTho | why does the updater tell me to quit my apps before the 2 hours of downloading, rather tahn after the 2 hours of downloading right before it actually starts installing? | 05:18 |
james__ | Kohlrak: DRM, good Idea, poor implementation | 05:18 |
Neuro2112 | yit4s: after you kill all that run "sudo apt-get clean" to remove any locks | 05:18 |
Starnestommy | michael_: messed up files on the server migth cause it, but that's unlikely | 05:19 |
james__ | oh well, such is life | 05:19 |
corevette | is there a way to make the installer i'm using ignore dependencies? (not synaptic/apt-get) | 05:19 |
Starnestommy | corevette: depends on the installer | 05:19 |
jrib | CTho: some apps might become fubar if you use them while you upgrade. This way you expect it | 05:19 |
danag1 | jrib: thank you | 05:19 |
CTho | jrib: but why do i have to keep everything quit for 2 hours while it's downloading and not actually changing anything? | 05:19 |
Kohlrak | what the hell? I tried to copy some files from the dvd now it's saying i don't have permission to do it | 05:19 |
corevette | Starnestommy, ./ -commandgoeshere? | 05:19 |
EvolutionXtinct | xvedejas is the 8.04? | 05:19 |
Kohlrak | to delete the files either | 05:19 |
CTho | jrib: there's no risk until after the download finishes | 05:19 |
EvolutionXtinct | of Ubuntu i don't go by the gimick names haha i just remember the version #'s | 05:20 |
xvedejas | yes | 05:20 |
xvedejas | 8.04, yes | 05:20 |
Kohlrak | admin nautilus time | 05:20 |
Starnestommy | corevette: I don't know about | 05:20 |
jrib | CTho: fair enough, I see your point. It's being overly cautious | 05:20 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: humm ok, well i guess this is kinda beside the point - id really jsut like to get into the GUI mainly. | 05:20 |
EvolutionXtinct | xvedejas do they have a live cd yet for PS3 i couldnt' find one | 05:20 |
Hammer89 | what's a good program for creating password protected archives? | 05:20 |
WidowMaker | truecrypt | 05:20 |
jrib | Hammer89: gpg | 05:20 |
WidowMaker | it's amazing | 05:20 |
WidowMaker | go with truecrypt | 05:21 |
EvolutionXtinct | i was wrong!! xvedejas your right i swear it didn't come up | 05:21 |
Sturmeh | truecrypt ftw | 05:21 |
Hammer89 | lol | 05:21 |
xvedejas | yes, here | 05:21 |
xvedejas | | 05:21 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: i'll be better at fixing it after that (i'll use forums since it'll be working anyway) | 05:21 |
WidowMaker | you can create secret secret files. That's double secret fyi | 05:21 |
sjdurfey | i need help setting up mplayer to playback my DVD's, as it is right now, it gives me this error "No Stream found to handle url dvd://1" , the no one in the #mplayer room is talking | 05:21 |
EvolutionXtinct | xvedejas sorry haha my brains fried after this whole experience | 05:21 |
EvolutionXtinct | xvedejas so did you have any problems at all? | 05:21 |
Hammer89 | I've used truecrypt before... gui didn't work last time I tried though | 05:21 |
EvolutionXtinct | i have a newer 80GB version PS3 | 05:21 |
james__ | has anyone else here used dreamlinux or pclinuxos? | 05:21 |
jrib | !dvd > sjdurfey (read the private message from ubottu) | 05:21 |
EvolutionXtinct | thats only like 4 months old | 05:21 |
slimjimflim | anybody seen any good movies recently? | 05:21 |
Hammer89 | is truecrypt in the hardy repos? | 05:21 |
WidowMaker | yeah | 05:22 |
slimjimflim | non-horror pls | 05:22 |
zcat[1] | !dvd | 05:22 |
ubottu | For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 05:22 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: sorry i didn't say, the main problem is with my xserver - the update from Fiesty to Gutsy broke my Nvidia driver and i haven't been able to get to the GUI since | 05:22 |
jjoyner | hey...anybody know how to reset my mouse's keybindings to default, somehow it is keybound to where i need to hold shift, alt, or ctrl as well as left click to click on any thing | 05:22 |
Starnestommy | michael_: you could try telling xorg to use the vesa driver until you get the nvidia one working | 05:22 |
Kohlrak | thanks zcat.... | 05:22 |
bullgard4 | After Gutsy dist-upgrading to Hardy my Gnome programs are in English although '~$ locale' returns LANG=de_DE.UTF8. How can I change that? | 05:23 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: i think i've tried that - is that changing the driver from "nvidia" to "nv" ? | 05:23 |
xvedejas | Like I said I never installed on a PS3 | 05:23 |
=== adam_ is now known as Kirsch | ||
xvedejas | But I've had no problems on a PC | 05:23 |
Qster | evdev mouse support anyone know how? | 05:23 |
Kohlrak | ugh, legal reasons... They are out to get rid of us... | 05:23 |
Starnestommy | michael_: change it to "vesa" | 05:23 |
michael_ | ok hold on | 05:23 |
EvolutionXtinct | xvedejas oh... see thats the thing | 05:23 |
EvolutionXtinct | what kernel is outta the box? | 05:23 |
Hammer89 | WidowMaker: it's saying hidden volumes aren't supported on my platform... | 05:23 |
zcat[1] | "First thing we do, kill all the lawyers" | 05:24 |
jrib | Qster: man evdev :) I can pastebin my setup if you want | 05:24 |
Kirsch | hey guys, i have a script that i want to send an email, which script is easiest so i can use an smtp server? | 05:24 |
EvolutionXtinct | 2.6.254? | 05:24 |
REDLiNE | how can i install tcl on my Ubuntu box? | 05:24 |
Qster | plz jrib | 05:24 |
nks_ | Hello All, whenever I restart my laptop, my skydome image vanishes - Would anyone happen to know how to keep the image in place? | 05:24 |
Gauss | | 05:24 |
jjoyner | is there any way to restore my mouse's left click to what it is supposed to do? | 05:24 |
EvolutionXtinct | has anyone else installed ubuntu on PS3 yet? | 05:24 |
Starnestommy | REDLiNE: sudo apt-get install tcl8.4 | 05:24 |
corevette | how do you remove a link 'ln' | 05:24 |
zcat[1] | corevette: rm | 05:24 |
Starnestommy | corevette: rm the link | 05:24 |
Neuro2112 | corvette: rm | 05:24 |
corevette | thanks | 05:24 |
REDLiNE | thanks | 05:24 |
* alan_m doesnt follow the suit and just nods in agreement. | 05:25 | |
austin | hi | 05:25 |
alan_m | welcome corevette :) | 05:25 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: ok i changed it, so how to i try to book into the GUI now? | 05:25 |
alan_m | hello austin | 05:25 |
Starnestommy | michael_: startx | 05:25 |
EvolutionXtinct | well... hopefully 8.04 will work | 05:25 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: cheers | 05:25 |
jrib | Qster: modify appropriately (seriously, read the man page) | 05:25 |
Qster | ok thanks jrib | 05:26 |
jjoyner | midoomed? | 05:26 |
jjoyner | is there a way to restore my mouse's left click? | 05:27 |
Gauss | Yes. | 05:27 |
=== john__ is now known as BaD-Laptop | ||
yit4s | Neuro2112: i still cant kill the download task. unless i let it finishes download. but it always got stuck in the middle because it so fucking slow | 05:27 |
alan_m | dam....errr..dag nabbit! | 05:27 |
jjoyner | how so? | 05:27 |
* alan_m exhales..ok..back to work for me :) | 05:28 | |
michael_ | Starnestommy: "module ABI minor version (2) is newer than the servers version (1) failed to load module "vesa" (module required mismatch, 0) no drivers avaliable | 05:28 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: it gave me that error | 05:28 |
jjoyner | does anybody know what i'm trying to ask? | 05:28 |
Starnestommy | michael_: you might need to run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, or reinstall xserver-xorg | 05:29 |
yit4s | arggh!! how do i kill ubuntu? | 05:29 |
Starnestommy | yit4s: hit the power button? | 05:29 |
Travis | does anybody know how or if you can setup crontab to run a system wide task? | 05:29 |
Ireclan | Can someone help me? I'm trying to convert an FLV to theora using ffmpeg2theora... | 05:29 |
Neuro2112 | yit4s: lol. okay. take a "ps -A" and send a paste link to me | 05:29 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: i'd rather reinstall it, i've tried to reconfigure it before and it didn't work | 05:30 |
w3rd_ | hey do you guys know of any podcast / videocast software that is opensource to install on a webserver? | 05:30 |
zcat[1] | Travis: /etc/crontab | 05:30 |
In-Sane`` | hello, I have an issue with my ubuntu. after running firefox it stops working and I am not able to close, open or modify anything.. all i can do is press the power button and boot again, any suggestions please? | 05:30 |
nks_ | Hello All, whenever I restart my laptop, my skydome image vanishes - Would anyone happen to know how to keep the image in place? | 05:30 |
Travis | thanks, zcat | 05:30 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: i'm sorry but i'm going to have to ask you for some instructions of how to reinstall the xserver, i don't know | 05:30 |
xvedejas | I'm very confused, on the location map in the ubuntu install there is no location within 1000 miles of me... But I live in the US? | 05:30 |
jjoyner | Gauss: how do i fix my mouse's left click? | 05:30 |
yit4s | Neuro2112: nahh, i just let it finish downloading. patient is never one of my virtues | 05:31 |
Starnestommy | michael_: sudo aptitude reinstall xserver-xorg | 05:31 |
Neuro2112 | yit4s: sometimes that is all you can do. i build servers out all day - i am very patient with these things :-) | 05:31 |
azzco | Has anayone been successfull on using recordmydesktop with pulseaudio? | 05:31 |
nux565 | Excuse me, I have just installed the Ubuntu 8.04, and when I try to log on, its starts to, then my monitor flashes, then it logs me off again. I have checked the forums and I cannot find an answer.. It also does it on the liveCD thing.. it won't log in there either.. | 05:31 |
psmith | How are we to night | 05:32 |
djnm | nux565: what is your graphics card? | 05:32 |
nux565 | ATI somethin | 05:32 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: GOD, nothing works!!! that failed too | 05:32 |
nux565 | just got the tower for free today | 05:32 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: is my instillation jsut stuffed? | 05:32 |
yit4s | Neuro2112: i ordered hardy heron on CD. i thought i was gonna get it in 4 weeks, but i only took 1 1/2 weeks and i'm in Asia!! | 05:32 |
jjoyner | this is test to make sure i'm connected, can somebody respond? | 05:32 |
bullgard4 | After Gutsy dist-upgrading to Hardy my Gnome programs are in English although '~$ locale' returns LANG=de_DE.UTF8. How can I change that? | 05:32 |
izinucs | jjoyner, no | 05:32 |
zcat[1] | jjoyner: no | 05:32 |
Starnestommy | michael_: it depends on the cause of this state of not working | 05:32 |
bijur | hey all :) | 05:33 |
jjoyner | tyvm | 05:33 |
zcat[1] | rofl.. | 05:33 |
jjoyner | is there a way to fix my mouse's left click button? i unbound it and can't find how to rebind it | 05:33 |
absnt | is there a way to see all files associated with a program? | 05:33 |
wasssups | yo ah i am testing ubuntu hardy with crashme and .... it seems it has been tweaked to restrict forking / processes for users to a certain number is this so ? | 05:33 |
In-Sane`` | any one please? ;) | 05:34 |
nux565 | djnm: ati something.. could it be the vid card? | 05:34 |
bijur | absnt: i am sure there would be a better way, but try doing a locate <pg_name> | 05:34 |
bijur | absnt: do an updatedb& before that | 05:34 |
zcat[1] | wasssups: not as far as I know.. I forkbombed mine quite recently | 05:34 |
U | hi! Good night, | 05:34 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: the error said "i wasn't able to locate file for the xserver-xorg package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package. Couldn't lock list directory, are you root?" | 05:34 |
bijur | in-sane: whats the matter mate? | 05:34 |
jjoyner | is there a way to rebind my mouse's left click button, i unbound it and now i can't figure out how to rebind | 05:35 |
In-Sane`` | bijur: I have an issue with my ubuntu. after running firefox it stops working and I am not able to close, open or modify anything.. all i can do is press the power button and boot again, any suggestions please? | 05:35 |
bijur | u mean ubuntu as such stopped working? | 05:35 |
zcat[1] | michael_: ubuntu upgrades are majorly broken imho.. best to backup /home and do a fresh install. | 05:35 |
joot | zcat[1]: Hi from Hamilton west? | 05:35 |
Dr_willis | jjoyner, i cant even think of WHERE you would unbind that at.. | 05:35 |
In-Sane`` | bijur: yes, exactly | 05:35 |
Neuro2112 | jjoyner: | 05:35 |
jjoyner | compiz.... | 05:35 |
Starnestommy | michael_: that's definitely strange | 05:35 |
zcat[1] | joot: where joo? | 05:35 |
=== U is now known as Gian2008 | ||
bijur | michael_: i found the german packages really good | 05:35 |
Qster | jrib, where do you get your values of "7 6" from? i know they are buttons but what does the "7 6" mean? | 05:35 |
Neuro2112 | jjoyner: stand by, it is /usr/bin/click | 05:35 |
psmith | Thats why I switched to OpenSolaris. | 05:36 |
Dr_willis | jjoyner, disable compiz perhaps? | 05:36 |
djnm | nux565: most likely, search for your model on the forums. also see if you can log in to a failsafe shell session | 05:36 |
In-Sane`` | bijur: it only get to that when i attempt to open Firefox. | 05:36 |
bullgard4 | What is the effect of a line "LANGUAGE="de_DE:de:en_GB:en" in /etc/environment and /etc/default/locale? | 05:36 |
joot | zcat[1]: it is jt from wlug | 05:36 |
Neuro2112 | used to be atleast | 05:36 |
zcat[1] | ahh, kewl | 05:36 |
michael_ | i've got no idea what to do in this situation | 05:36 |
jjoyner | tried, i uninstalled it even, but it is a no go | 05:36 |
nux565 | djnm: I can get into failsafe shell session.. But thats all. | 05:37 |
jjoyner | Neuro2112: i'm going there now | 05:37 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: what's the diagnosis Doc? should i just kill my instillation and start a new? | 05:37 |
bijur | In-Sane``: try booting up and debugging, it might be that ur X is the only one thats screwed. Try runnin firefox from shell with the command firefox and notice what are the errors and warnings thrown. Also look at the /var/log/xorg.log etc. | 05:37 |
Starnestommy | michael_: you might need to | 05:37 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: what is with that error!? | 05:37 |
Gian2008 | somebody here is using VMWare to use Ubuntu? | 05:37 |
psmith | jjoyner: Stick With it and you will love the end result. | 05:37 |
bijur | In-Sane``: also try to see if u can do ctrl+alt+1 and see if u get a shell | 05:37 |
Neuro2112 | jjoyner: it seems to be missing. that used to be the config util for mououse | 05:37 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: ok, thanks for your help, no need to waste anymore time on that | 05:37 |
Brent^ | how do I restart gnome/compiz? | 05:38 |
Starnestommy | michael_: it could be another package manager open, or the package info for xserver-xorg being missing | 05:38 |
In-Sane`` | bijur: ok.. do you want me to paste the log file? | 05:38 |
jjoyner | yea, so i'm gullible, but how do i fix? | 05:38 |
In-Sane`` | bijur: ok.. lemme try :) | 05:38 |
djnm | nux565: so it is probably your video card. search the model on the forums | 05:38 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: will it be as easy as downloading the ISO sticking it and | 05:38 |
Gian2008 | who here is using VMWARE? | 05:38 |
Gian2008 | just me? | 05:38 |
Gian2008 | oh my God@ | 05:38 |
bijur | In-Sane``: i am new to irc, i dont think people would like to see a lot of log file content on here, do u have a wiki or something where u cud do that and send me the link? | 05:38 |
slimjimflim_ | ok, one more time, anybody seen any non-horror/thriller movies lately that didn't suck? | 05:38 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: there seem to be way too many problems here for me to handle at the moment | 05:38 |
Starnestommy | Gian2008: just ask the question that you needed to ask about vmware and ubuntu | 05:38 |
Flannel | slimjimflim_: #ubuntu-offtopic, not here please. | 05:38 |
psmith | bijur: please use pastebin | 05:39 |
bijur | slimjimlim_:lol | 05:39 |
Sturmeh | slimjimflim yeah indianajones | 05:39 |
nux565 | djnm: will do. Thanks. Though, I am a little curious.. Why would my video card f' it all up on normal login? | 05:39 |
zcat[1] | !pastebin | In-Sane`` | 05:39 |
ubottu | In-Sane``: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 05:39 |
bijur | !pastebin | 05:39 |
In-Sane`` | bijur: nah, i will use the paste service from ubuntu. | 05:39 |
Sturmeh | slimjimflim_ /\ | 05:39 |
jjoyner | can anybody help? | 05:39 |
Neuro2112 | jjoyner: | 05:39 |
bijur | ,pastebin | 05:39 |
Dr_willis | !pastebinit | bijur | 05:39 |
ubottu | Factoid pastebinit not found | 05:39 |
In-Sane`` | zcat[1] yeah thanks | 05:39 |
james__ | slimjimflim_ I am Legend | 05:39 |
james__ | that was decent | 05:39 |
Brent^ | how do I restart gnome and/or compiz? | 05:39 |
Gian2008 | I want to know how can I reset my Ubuntu, | 05:39 |
Dr_willis | bijur, the pastebinit command is very handy..... 'cat output | pastebinit ' and give the url here. | 05:39 |
zcat[1] | brent^ from where? | 05:39 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: i guess it's nice that i can atleast get things working again like that | 05:39 |
azzco | I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself but I'm feeling utterly ignored..pulseaudio+recordmydesktop=video+sound? | 05:39 |
bijur | james__: i found they ran out of ideas to wards the end of that movie | 05:39 |
slimjimflim_ | james__ that movie sucked | 05:39 |
Neuro2112 | slimjimflim: I watched "Alien" again today -- that never sucks | 05:39 |
psmith | neuratix: Let me pull that up on my solaris work station | 05:39 |
bullgard4 | What is the effect of a line "LANGUAGE="de_DE:de:en_GB:en" in /etc/environment and /etc/default/locale? | 05:39 |
slimjimflim_ | i've seen alien | 05:40 |
bijur | Dr_willis: cool! | 05:40 |
zcat[1] | Brent^: ctrl-alt-backspace works if you're already in gnome | 05:40 |
Brent^ | zcat[1] terminal I guess... doesnt really matter | 05:40 |
slimjimflim_ | thanks for trying tho | 05:40 |
zcat[1] | Brent^: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 05:40 |
Starnestommy | michael_: upgrading ubuntu through the package manager or by any other method other than a clean reinstall can cause issues | 05:40 |
Dr_willis | bijur, install pastebinit first - of course. :P | 05:40 |
djnm | nux565: i dont know why exactly. i just think your graphics card cant handle starting the main gnome X session | 05:40 |
Neuro2112 | slimjimflim: try the original version of "Wickerman" it is way creepy in a weird 70's way | 05:40 |
bijur | lol, sure , thanks | 05:40 |
In-Sane`` | how do I view my xorg log file? | 05:40 |
slimjimflim_ | sturmeh, sorry, my eth cable has a broken tab, i didn't seen anything ^^ | 05:40 |
DEMON[x11] | äàðîâà | 05:41 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: so really, do i just need to get the ISO from the net, boot with it and will it overwrite the crappy one that i've got? i won't be loosing anything cos nothing is there anyway | 05:41 |
Starnestommy | michael_: yes | 05:41 |
Brent^ | thanks zcat[1] :) | 05:41 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: it's worked for me once before | 05:41 |
Sturmeh | slimjimflim_ indianajones | 05:41 |
Sturmeh | :D | 05:41 |
psmith | | 05:41 |
Neuro2112 | in-sane: /var/log/Xorg.0.log (probably the new one) | 05:41 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: will it bust my grub up? | 05:41 |
=== slimjimflim_ is now known as slimjimflim | ||
IcemanV9 | In-Sane``: cat <xlog file> |less | 05:41 |
In-Sane`` | bijur: /var/log/xorg.log: No such file or directory | 05:41 |
Gian2008 | someone knows how can I reset Ubuntu without the need to download that one again? | 05:41 |
bijur | In-Sane``: the xorg log is at /var/log | 05:41 |
jjoyner | | 05:41 |
Starnestommy | michael_: you could tell it to not install grub | 05:41 |
jjoyner | Neuro2112: | 05:41 |
bijur | In-Sane``: X thats a capital | 05:41 |
Gian2008 | I'm using VMWARE and Ubunt8.04 | 05:41 |
slimjimflim | sturmeh, heh, just got that off usenet this afternoon, it kicked ass | 05:41 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: i need grub, i've got it split between windows and ubuntu | 05:42 |
Sturmeh | lol | 05:42 |
Starnestommy | Gian2008: if you still have the .iso, you can use that | 05:42 |
jjoyner | so do i make it read exactly as your pastebin did?? | 05:42 |
james__ | anyone know of any awesome games for ubuntu? | 05:42 |
Starnestommy | michael_: is grub on a separaate /boot partition? | 05:42 |
michael_ | james__: quake? | 05:42 |
bijur | In-Sane``: /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 05:42 |
zcat[1] | with or without windows, you still need some kind of bootloader.. grub or lilo, usually | 05:42 |
Neuro2112 | jjoyner: Do you see any weird "option" values... check this for a reference on the mouse config opts | 05:42 |
djnm | james__:nethack ;-) | 05:43 |
psmith | Gian2008: What host os are you running vmware under? | 05:43 |
jrib | Qster: you can ignore that. That's to switch the side scroll buttons on my mouse because they are reversed by default | 05:43 |
azzco | james__: Tremulous, frets on fire | 05:43 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: maybe, but i couldn't be sure | 05:43 |
zcat[1] | james__: openarena, urban terror, World of Padman, glest .. | 05:43 |
In-Sane`` | bijur: yep.. i will give you the link, just a minute please | 05:43 |
yit4s | can i move my ubuntu to a real partition from wubi installation WITHOUT removing ubuntu, windows and start everything all over again? | 05:43 |
Gian2008 | well, just let it go. Thanks anyway. | 05:43 |
Gian2008 | be. | 05:43 |
IcemanV9 | In-Sane``: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | less (to be exact command in your terminal) | 05:43 |
Starnestommy | michael_: if it isn't, you could still manually configure a new install of grub | 05:43 |
J-a-k-e | hi all is anyone able to help me get grub working? | 05:43 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: how can i access my grub now so i can take down some notes on how it's working at the moment? | 05:43 |
Neuro2112 | jjoyner: what type of mouse are you using? as long as it is rather generic, my config works across all 6 of my systems | 05:43 |
In-Sane`` | IcemanV9: ok, thanks alot | 05:43 |
jjoyner | logitech | 05:43 |
zcat[1] | yit4s: not really... | 05:43 |
Neuro2112 | jjoyner: i have a fairly vanilla input device config | 05:43 |
Starnestommy | michael_: look at /boot/grub/menu.lst | 05:44 |
Neuro2112 | jjoyner: two button with a wheel? | 05:44 |
jjoyner | Neuro2112: yes | 05:44 |
jjoyner | Neuro2112: sorry, 4 button with a wheel | 05:44 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: cheers, sorry i ask really obvious questions, i used to use ubuntu a lot but stopped so i forgot all of the locations of things. | 05:44 |
Neuro2112 | jjoyner: try my pastebin then and see how that goes -- i have a four button here (old mac mouse) that works fine with that inputdevice | 05:44 |
psmith | FYI the whell on most modern mice also counts as a thirdbutton | 05:44 |
jjoyner | Neuro2112: kk | 05:44 |
In-Sane`` | bijur: here is my xorg log file if you don't mind having a look: | 05:45 |
Travis | does anybody know how to setup tunneling with ssh? | 05:45 |
zcat[1] | yit4s: you possibly could but I think it'd be pretty tricky anyhow | 05:45 |
bijur | checking | 05:45 |
yit4s | zcat[1]: i decided that ubuntu fits me well after 3 weeks via wubi. now i need it on a real partition so that i can get better performance ubuntu | 05:45 |
administrator | Hi everyone | 05:45 |
bullgard4 | "~$ uname -r; 2.6.24-16-generic." Why does not list 2.6.24-16-generic? | 05:45 |
ragas | hi administrator | 05:45 |
yit4s | zcat[1]: i installed alot of stuff on ubuntu, fixed alot of things to get it running smoothly. you know how hard it is to make my wireless work and my webcam | 05:46 |
tenX | good mornin every1 | 05:46 |
Travis | how do you ssh to a computer inside a lan from the internet? | 05:46 |
administrator | I was wndering if any of you know why is so damn hard to install the flash player | 05:46 |
Starnestommy | bullgard4: because the -generic kernel uses a set of patches made by either debian's or uubntu's developers | 05:46 |
psmith | Don't use prerelease versions, IMHO your asking for trouble, | 05:46 |
tenX | Travis: that depends.. | 05:46 |
Travis | on? | 05:46 |
Neuro2112 | psmiith: on jjoyner's config, it says she is using vmmouse as the driver - isn't that the old XFree mouse opt? | 05:46 |
tenX | Travis: a lot? | 05:46 |
administrator | everything else is working well for me | 05:46 |
bijur | In-Sane``: this does seem like the current X log, as in, this is the not th elog of the session that crashed. Do uhave the log of that? maybe Xorg.0.log.old or something | 05:46 |
kreeper | u mean for opera | 05:46 |
tenX | Travis: you never described your setup so far | 05:46 |
kushal05212008 | thank you so much #ubuntu I have installed ubuntu using wubi. it was really easy. it detected my sound card and wireless cards too | 05:47 |
kreeper | installing the flashplayer for firefox is easy | 05:47 |
zcat[1] | yit4s: I haven't looked too closely, you might be able to tar it all up, create an ext3 partition and untar it back again, you'll need to fix up /etc/fstab though, and install GRUB by hand.. at the very least | 05:47 |
psmith | Travis: That requires a bit of configuration on the host and router. | 05:47 |
Dr_willis | kushal05212008, you are in the minority then in that area. :) Lucky for you it all worked.. | 05:47 |
tenX | Travis: we need to know what exactly you want to do and in which environment | 05:47 |
yit4s | kushal05212008: does your ubuntu boots slower than windows?? | 05:48 |
In-Sane`` | bijur: hold on, lemme see if i can get to it.. | 05:48 |
kushal05212008 | not really | 05:48 |
administrator | how do I install grub????? | 05:48 |
kushal05212008 | well, there is this additional time for waiting | 05:48 |
yit4s | does wubi really affects my ubuntu's boot time? | 05:48 |
jjoyner | Neuro2112: that didn't work...same problem | 05:48 |
Neuro2112 | hmmm | 05:48 |
tenX | yit4s: wubi? | 05:48 |
psmith | tenX: Thanks | 05:48 |
Flannel | !grub | administrator | 05:48 |
ubottu | administrator: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 05:48 |
bullgard4 | Starnestommy: And for example the kernel does not use any patches? | 05:49 |
jjoyner | Neuro2112: i tried it both with changing vmmouse and without changing | 05:49 |
Travis | i want to ssh to a workstation that's connected to the internet through a router. | 05:49 |
kushal05212008 | I did not find it in my case | 05:49 |
Travis | it's a basic setup | 05:49 |
tenX | psmith: for what is that :) | 05:49 |
Travis | modem -> router -> computer | 05:49 |
Starnestommy | bullgard4: it doesn't use any extra patches | 05:49 |
jjoyner | Neuro2112: to left click for me i have to hold shift OR ctrl OR alt and then left click | 05:49 |
In-Sane`` | bijur: maybe this one but am not sure :) : | 05:49 |
tenX | psmith: cant remember helping you out | 05:49 |
kushal05212008 | It was much faster than when I used live CD | 05:49 |
yit4s | tenX: wubi is windows installer for ubuntu. it installs ubuntu as an application on windows | 05:49 |
jjoyner | Neuro2112: otherwise, it just grabs the window and initiates move | 05:49 |
bullgard4 | Starnestommy: What is an "extra patch"? | 05:49 |
Starnestommy | tenX: forward port 22 on the router to that workstation | 05:49 |
tenX | yit4s: that sounds scary. but i heart about that :) | 05:49 |
Starnestommy | bullgard4: a patch made by someone other than the kernel's developers | 05:49 |
Neuro2112 | jjoyner: how did you initially change it? | 05:49 |
tenX | Starnestommy: why would i wanna do that? | 05:50 |
Travis | i need to connect to multiple computers using ssh on the lan | 05:50 |
kushal05212008 | and I think it is actually faster than windows since windows comes with the heavy load of nagware and so on that toshiba installs | 05:50 |
bullgard4 | Starnestommy: Ah, ok. -- Thank you for explaining. | 05:50 |
ragas | എദാ തെണ്ടികലെ | 05:50 |
Travis | so forwarding port 22 to one terminal wouldn't work | 05:50 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: great thanks, i wrote it all down | 05:50 |
Outburst | hi everybody | 05:50 |
Starnestommy | er, whoops, wrong person tenX | 05:50 |
yit4s | tenX: not really. it only takes 15 minutes to install ubuntu and you can get everything work once it's done | 05:50 |
ragas | ഹാ ഹാ | 05:50 |
jjoyner | Neuro2112: in compiz, i keybound "Button1" to be something | 05:50 |
administrator | thanks guys I appreciate the tips | 05:50 |
michael_ | Starnestommy: thanks for your help, i'm outta here. hopefully Hardy will be more sucessful with me | 05:51 |
tritium | ragas: English, please | 05:51 |
redwyrm | hi. I'm trying to install the DOM inspector for Firefox 3.0b5. It shows up as installed in Synaptic, but I don't see it in any menu in Firefox, nor is it listed as installed in the Add-Ins window. I tried to install it via the Add-Ins window, but I got an error saying that it was incompatible. I found nothing about this error using Google. Please help! :( | 05:51 |
bijur | In-Sane``: i aint no expert, but i dont see any errors here in these two. | 05:51 |
Starnestommy | Travis: is that workstation running an ssh server? | 05:51 |
ragas | എടാ കൊപ്പെന്മാരെ | 05:51 |
bijur | Are u launching ff as root? | 05:51 |
In-Sane`` | bijur: i think you | 05:51 |
redwyrm | bijur, who, me? | 05:51 |
michael_ | ragas: funky | 05:51 |
tenX | yit4s: well its a nice start for people being scared of banning their windows system but why not going the whole way? | 05:51 |
bijur | redwyrm: no In sane | 05:51 |
michael_ | rag | 05:51 |
administrator | one more question ....How about wireless???? | 05:51 |
redwyrm | bijur, I don't understand you | 05:51 |
bijur | redwyrm: i meant not u m but In-Sane`` | 05:51 |
In-Sane`` | bijur: i think you're right, because i didn't get any errors with my xorg before | 05:52 |
michael_ | ragas: anata wa nihon jin desu ka? | 05:52 |
x1 | Hi... I'm a newb and I have a possibly stupid question... how do I upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04? | 05:52 |
jjoyner | Neuro2112: i wanted to show off "Write fire to screen" and I made the left click be the initiate fire basically and it erased the other keybind, where as I thought it would just add it instead of erase it | 05:52 |
redwyrm | bijur, understood, sorry. | 05:52 |
administrator | can I connect wireless so far it seems inosible | 05:52 |
Outburst | could you please confirm that I need to modify /etc/fstab to auto mount a partition at startup time? I'm using SimpleBackup and since doesn't find the mount point it crashes. | 05:52 |
tenX | yit4s: and i say "scary" because i am always careful when it comes to windoze | 05:52 |
bijur | redwyrm: my mistake :) | 05:52 |
Starnestommy | x1: use the Updata Manager, or install 8.04 over 7.10 | 05:52 |
michael_ | thanks all, see you later! | 05:52 |
DJ_Cranky | x1 | 05:52 |
Neuro2112 | jjoyner: I'm not sure how to move that back, but this looks promising and it may help you bind buittons later | 05:52 |
redwyrm | bijur, you wouldn't happen to know anything about my problem, would you? :P | 05:52 |
In-Sane`` | bijur: thanks for trying. i appreciate it :) | 05:52 |
Starnestommy | x1: I think there's also a way to do it with the alternate 8.04 cd that doesn't require reinstalling | 05:52 |
jjoyner | Neuro2112: i don't care a thing about those nice graphics and the one time i want to show them off, this happens :( | 05:52 |
Travis | i'll try to explain better: several computers on the LAN have SSH installed. I need to know how to connect over the public IP address assigned to the modem to the private IP addresses assigned by the router to each terminal. | 05:52 |
kushal05212008 | the only problem I came up with was when the computer stalled in the middle of installing vlc, I decided to do a hard reboot, and I had to manually empty a temporary folder using rm * in terminal | 05:52 |
bijur | administrator: a good combination of wpa_supplicant and wpa_gui wud get u there | 05:52 |
x1 | Ok, I'll take a look, thanks | 05:53 |
bijur | In-Sane`` : no problemo :) | 05:53 |
x1 | Yeah, I was hoping there was a way that would avoid reinstalling | 05:53 |
tenX | how about vmware-server, are their finally working packages out for 8.04? | 05:53 |
yit4s | tenX: i'm not scared banning windows. it's just that i'm scared when no windows is running on on my computer :D beside, i cant set up computer without GUI | 05:53 |
administrator | I got 8.4 no succes on wireless | 05:53 |
Starnestommy | Travis: use a vpn, or forward different ports on the modem/router to each computer on the lan | 05:53 |
bijur | administrator: if its not oo much trouble cud u shorten ur name pls? | 05:53 |
bijur | administrator: which wireless card? | 05:54 |
nomasteryoda | !tell administrator about wireless | 05:54 |
Starnestommy | bijur: you could use tab completion | 05:54 |
Travis | alright. thanks! | 05:54 |
=== xxx is now known as [cE_eXeMpHe_fZ_c | ||
DJ_Cranky | !wifi | 05:54 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 05:54 |
tenX | yit4s: of course that is a step. but afaik you can setup a linux system without a lot of knowledge | 05:54 |
bijur | Starnestommy: wicked | 05:54 |
bullgard4 | What is the effect of a line "LANGUAGE="de_DE:de:en_GB:en" in /etc/environment and /etc/default/locale? | 05:54 |
bijur | Starnestommy: is this a client feature? | 05:54 |
redwyrm | administrator, type this: /nick admin | 05:54 |
Starnestommy | bijur: it is | 05:54 |
yit4s | tenX: then i guess Wubi is the best way. | 05:54 |
bijur | Starnestommy: i love erc ! :) | 05:54 |
zChris | how do i force a unmount? i want to change cd | 05:54 |
kushal05212008 | yit4s, i would recommend doing a wubi install or testing liveCD first | 05:54 |
Starnestommy | bijur: most clients have it | 05:55 |
bijur | zChris: do as root! | 05:55 |
DJ_Cranky | zChris you do not need to force a cd to unmount, just eject it | 05:55 |
bijur | zChris: u'd still have to find the pgms accessing it and kill em | 05:55 |
bijur | DJ_Cranky: cant eject if not unmounted | 05:55 |
kushal05212008 | I have had my share of problems when I first installed SuSE on a windows computer (it was then my only computer) | 05:55 |
yit4s | kushal05212008: i did LiveCD and i'm on wubi. Wubi rocks! | 05:55 |
tenX | yit4s: watch for my query. i am thankful for everyone that tries linux but a half a$$ installation can't be the way imho | 05:55 |
administrator | I got a trendnet wireless card | 05:55 |
bijur | yit4s: whats wubi? | 05:56 |
administrator | which works great with windows | 05:56 |
DJ_Cranky | !wubi | 05:56 |
ubottu | Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at | 05:56 |
kushal05212008 | yit4s, do you think wubi is slow for you? | 05:56 |
administrator | don t know what s hapening here | 05:56 |
zChris | bijur: i dont want to kill samba , the thing is that i have my cdrom in the server, and mounted it as Z: on the windows. Then im trying to install a game with multiple cds, but i cant change cd since its in use | 05:56 |
Neuro2112 | jjoyner: which buttons are crossed now? | 05:56 |
Starnestommy | administrator: you might need to use ndiswrapper and the windows driver for your wireless card | 05:56 |
Neuro2112 | jjoyner: left to right? | 05:56 |
bijur | administrator: see first if u have the drivers for trendnet, simply google for ubuntu trendnet wireless driver | 05:56 |
tell | what's up with Hardy/PulseAudio only playing audio from a single application? | 05:56 |
blizzardman1219 | i'm trying to configure wpa supplicant to work, and i'm having problems. as i understand it when i type the "sudo wpa_supplicant -Bw -Dwext -i wlan1 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf" it's supposed to connect to my network but its not doing anything. when i attach -dd at the end of that this is what i get: | 05:57 |
bijur | administrator: get back to us once thats installed and loaded | 05:57 |
yit4s | kushal05212008: never been on a real Ubuntu partition but it is faster than LiveCD of course. it's just that it takes double amount of time of windows for booting | 05:57 |
jjoyner | Neuro2112: it isn't that they are crossed, it is that neither function properly just with a mouse click | 05:57 |
jjoyner | Neuro2112: as if i wanted to click on a link, i would have to hold shift AND left click | 05:57 |
DJ_Cranky | yit4s yes, wubi typically has slow reboots as better virtual disk processes start after boot | 05:57 |
bijur | blizzardman1219: dude, are u familiar with wpa_supplicant? | 05:57 |
blizzardman1219 | bijur: no, i'm not | 05:58 |
bijur | blizzardman1219: if not install a package called wpagui | 05:58 |
Neuro2112 | jjoyner: ooh.. that is bad.. maybe you can get a weight for the shift key? | 05:58 |
yit4s | kushal05212008: and Amarok works great like a charm. my family wants it on their windows | 05:58 |
Neuro2112 | jjoyner: :) | 05:58 |
jjoyner | Neuro2112: the same goes with anything that should just require left click, i have to hold one of those 3 i listed | 05:58 |
bijur | blizzardman1219: also create ur /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf file | 05:58 |
jjoyner | Neuro2112: haha, i'm pretty pissed at myself for being so careless | 05:58 |
blizzardman1219 | bijur: do you have a link to wpagui? | 05:58 |
zChris | bijur: is there no fix ? :( | 05:58 |
blizzardman1219 | bijur: i already have a wpa_supplicant.conf file | 05:59 |
yit4s | DJ_Cranky: just wondering, does the ubuntu's performance is the same as on wubi and normal partition? except the boot time | 05:59 |
DJ_Cranky | blizzardman1219 install it from synaptic package manager | 05:59 |
kushal05212008 | yit4s, I don't remember ever using amorak | 05:59 |
administrator | bijur thanks I ll install those divers I guess I forgot that this ain t windows it wont pick up the drivers automatically | 05:59 |
bijur | blizzardman1219: and have the update_config=1 in that file | 05:59 |
administrator | thanks | 05:59 |
blizzardman1219 | DJ_Cranky: i would if i could, but i don't have an internet connection on my ubuntu computer | 05:59 |
tritium | administrator: most drivers *are* loaded automatically | 05:59 |
bijur | blizzardman1219: then use the wpa_gui tool to scan for networks and connect | 05:59 |
=== alan_m_ is now known as Alan_M | ||
astro76 | zChris: sudo fuser -vkim /media/cdrom | 05:59 |
tritium | administrator: much more so than on windows, certainly | 05:59 |
yit4s | kushal05212008: it doesnt come with ubuntu by default. you have to install it via synaptic or add/remove | 06:00 |
DJ_Cranky | yit4s wubi performs about 90% disk speed for reads/writes to hard drives, but besides HDD everything performs full speed, this is because wubi uses a virtual disk image that runs below the ubuntu kernel | 06:00 |
kushal05212008 | administrator: i did not install a single dirver manually on this toshiba satellite m55-s135 | 06:00 |
bijur | administrator: dude, in windows also , u have to install drivers for every device on the machine, for some windows ships with drivers and in a world where devices are increasing, thats one of the reasons why ur windows installation is so f%$%#ing huge | 06:00 |
kushal05212008 | * driver | 06:00 |
blizzardman1219 | bijur: i would much rather have wpagui then wpa_supplicant but i have no way to install it with synaptic package manager considering that i don't have an internet connection which is why i'm here in the first place | 06:00 |
bijur | blizzardman1219: try apt-get | 06:01 |
yit4s | DJ_Cranky: so i guess i'm getting the full feature of ubuntu on wubi, isnt it? | 06:01 |
bijur | blizzardman1219: apt-get install wpagui | 06:01 |
Dr_willis | administrator, i find that with linux - it has 90+% of the drivers i need for any random machine.. Other then the Video card, and wireless card.. theres very few drivers ive ever had to install. | 06:01 |
kushal05212008 | can we talk about deCSS or is it forbidden here? | 06:01 |
tritium | bijur: if he doesn't have a network connection, apt-get won't work either | 06:01 |
DJ_Cranky | yit4s yes, just slightly slower reads/writes to your filesystem, however remember secondary hard drives and external drives run full speed | 06:01 |
tritium | !medibuntu | kushal05212008 | 06:02 |
ubottu | kushal05212008: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 06:02 |
DJ_Cranky | yit4s only the virtual disk is slower, | 06:02 |
Dr_willis | kushal05212008, whats to talk about. :) its in the unofficial repos. | 06:02 |
bijur | tritium: he doesnt have a network,?? he asked me for alink , so i assumed he has internet | 06:02 |
tritium | bijur: read what he said | 06:02 |
kushal05212008 | tritum, I am connected to the Internet | 06:02 |
blizzardman1219 | bijur: it says "couldn't find package wpagui" | 06:02 |
bijur | blizzardman1219: oh sorry. try adding the multiverse, restricted repos and apt-get update and try again | 06:03 |
jjoyner | Neuro2112: thanks for the help, i'm logging | 06:03 |
NETWizz | Hi | 06:03 |
promet | hello there | 06:03 |
NETWizz | I want to play a movie | 06:03 |
DJ_Cranky | promet hello | 06:03 |
NETWizz | a Blue Ray Movie and I just got a new drive | 06:03 |
bijur | NETWizz: i wanna act in one :( sigh | 06:03 |
c_workaholic | hello, how can i update the list of serivces in "services settings"? | 06:03 |
NETWizz | cool | 06:03 |
promet | I am having trouble configuring some ports. | 06:03 |
DJ_Cranky | NETWizz hmm, lets see if we can help you | 06:03 |
* bijur claims he'll be right back! | 06:04 | |
promet | when I "nmap localhost" it shows a range of ports, but not all I have opened | 06:04 |
yit4s | argh! why my DNS keeps changing?? | 06:04 |
NETWizz | What do I need to install to make this work? | 06:04 |
DJ_Cranky | NETWizz | 06:04 |
promet | and the services I am trying to use are not working on those corresponding ports | 06:04 |
Neuro2112 | jjoyner: is your mouse a "MouseManPlus"? | 06:05 |
blizzardman1219 | bijur: what? i have no idea what you just said... i'm a major newb | 06:06 |
kushal05212008 | I just installed it | 06:06 |
MyZ_Charming | huy.. | 06:06 |
kushal05212008 | thank you | 06:06 |
bobsomebody | AHA! | 06:07 |
bobsomebody | success | 06:07 |
In-Sane`` | !automatix | 06:07 |
yit4s | DNS setting is really getting to my nerves |) | 06:07 |
ubottu | Automatix is no longer developed or supported by its creators and is not recommended, supported or needed by Ubuntu. See and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe » | 06:07 |
tritium | yit4s: why are you configuring DNS? | 06:08 |
rodolfo | OK I go a question: what should I do??? running into java issues. i can't start up a java-based-app. more detail @ | 06:08 |
Neuro2112 | jjoyner: this miight help you along, | 06:08 |
bobsomebody | the geforce 8400 pulled through finally and got dual head going, the progblem seems to be one of the old CRT's im using. It didnt dawn on me until i realised THAT moniter has been floating around the office since 98.... | 06:08 |
Neuro2112 | g'night all | 06:09 |
bobsomebody | bobfail lol, alrighty im out | 06:09 |
Nehal | is there a way to load a module, then immediately unload that module at startup... my wireless card will only work if i load and unload the b43 module, then load the ndiswrapper module.... (weird, i know) ... might have something to do with the fact that i'm using 64-bit ubuntu. | 06:09 |
yit4s | tritium: i just need DNS servers enter to access my internet on firefox. it keeps changing to (the router). i dont have trouble with this on windows | 06:09 |
tritium | yit4s: which router do you have? | 06:10 |
oc80z | hey i got a | 06:10 |
kushal05212008 | thank you once again and have a great day | 06:11 |
yit4s | tritium: D-Link something... i'm connected to my neighbour's router. the point is why Ubuntu keeps changing it?? | 06:11 |
tritium | yit4s: you know how to configure dhcp3-client to prepend your servers, right? | 06:11 |
bullgard4 | What programs use /etc/environment and /etc/default/locale? | 06:11 |
NETWizz | DJ Crankey | 06:11 |
chaitat | hello ... i upgrade postgresql from 8.2 to 8.3 but the info on "services settings" still shows 8.2? | 06:11 |
NETWizz | I have been to that site | 06:11 |
tritium | yit4s: it could be on the router side, which is why I asked. | 06:12 |
yit4s | tritium: i did just now. but i dont think it is working or i might set it up wrongly | 06:12 |
NETWizz | I have Gusty Gibbon. What do I install to support DRM and UDF to play a blue ray? | 06:12 |
yit4s | tritium: like i said, i dont have any problem on windows, connected to the same router on the same laptop | 06:12 |
tritium | yit4s: you could configure the dhcp client, or you could set yourself up to use OpenDNS. | 06:12 |
tritium | yit4s: but then again, you shouldn't be stealing from your neighbor, either | 06:12 |
corevette | what are common keyboard shortcuts to get to the BIOS? | 06:12 |
yit4s | tritium: maybe you could show me how to set up the dhclient? | 06:13 |
yit4s | tritium: it's his fault. he never turns off his router and put a WEP key | 06:13 |
NETWizz | WHat is DumpHD? | 06:14 |
NETWizz | I do not want to decrypt the movie | 06:14 |
tritium | yit4s: no, don't give me that. Take responsibility for your actions. | 06:14 |
NETWizz | I just want to watch it | 06:14 |
tritium | !enter | NETWizz | 06:14 |
ubottu | NETWizz: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 06:14 |
olrind | hi | 06:14 |
ricemark20 | bash scripting, anyone? | 06:14 |
dmsuperman | I know I know, this isn't exactly on-topic, but I feel that all of us who actually care about copyright laws should see this, learn about it, and contact somebody about it: Please view it (not my video, don't accuse me of advertising :P) | 06:15 |
ricemark20 | I got an easy question | 06:15 |
GPabel | dmsuperman: what you mean with that ? | 06:15 |
hacksilber | hey, how can i make an application launcher that runs a program and has its terminal window open? | 06:15 |
olrind | sorry, english is not my native language. I have a problem whit ndiswrapper. when I do : make, I have the following error : fix it to use EXTRA_CFLAGS | 06:16 |
dmsuperman | GPabel, watch the video, it's about the orphan works bill | 06:16 |
stiv2k | is there a way I can reconfigure my dovecot-server thru dpkg? For example, it says my snakeoil certificate is expired. | 06:16 |
yit4s | tritium: anyway, can you help me solve my DNS problem? i also need this on other router back in my room. it's kinda part of the ISP's config which i dont know why | 06:16 |
GPabel | ok | 06:16 |
* bijur is back! | 06:16 | |
NETWizz | how do I play hd dvd | 06:17 |
NETWizz | I am sorry blue ray | 06:17 |
NETWizz | I want to play it not rip it | 06:17 |
tritium | !enter | NETWizz (for the second time) | 06:17 |
ubottu | NETWizz (for the second time): Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 06:17 |
tritium | yit4s: man dhclient.conf, and you'll see prepend and supersede options. Look at those for entering the DNS server addresses. | 06:17 |
sjdurfey | how do i determine the mount point of my dvd drive? | 06:18 |
stiv2k | WHy does it say the package ssl-cert has been kept back? | 06:18 |
ricemark20 | how do I read a bash argument without having to hit enter twice? | 06:18 |
blizzardman1219 | can someone help me install wpa-gui without an internet connection? | 06:18 |
tritium | blizzardman1219: you can't, as you need to fetch the package from the repos | 06:19 |
stiv2k | blizzardman1219: perhaps you could download the package from a different machine and use a flash drive. | 06:19 |
blizzardman1219 | tritium: so there's no other way to do it? | 06:19 |
blizzardman1219 | stiv2k: i've tried that, but it says something about the "dependency not being satisfiable" | 06:20 |
tritium | blizzardman1219: you can use another machine, and transfer it, as stiv2k suggests | 06:20 |
bruce_ | How do I go about getting my usb joypad to work in ubuntu? | 06:20 |
stiv2k | blizzardman1219: you need to get its dependencies too. | 06:20 |
blizzardman1219 | stiv2k: how do i find out what it's dependencies are? | 06:20 |
tritium | blizzardman1219: apt-cache depends wpagui | 06:21 |
stiv2k | blizzardman1219: ^ | 06:21 |
HappyHater | when I switch over to kde from gnome, the screenlets that I run appear in the panel, how do I get them to not show? | 06:21 |
CaptainMorgan | has anyone got the firefox web developer add-on to install, using 3.0b5 ? | 06:21 |
sjdurfey | how do i determine the mount point of my dvd drive? | 06:21 |
stiv2k | sjdurfey: does /etc/fstab have anything relevant? | 06:21 |
CaptainMorgan | is it a product of 8.04 or my core 2 duo arch that it will not install ? | 06:21 |
bruce_ | It's a logitech dual action if that helps... | 06:22 |
sjdurfey | stiv2k: nope | 06:22 |
R2r | hi i just got my 20 cd's form ubuntu ship it i wnat to istall them without repartioning my internal hard drive but i can partition my external hard drive can i do that?? | 06:22 |
blizzardman1219 | tritium: it says "unable to locate wpagui" | 06:22 |
Nrbelex | Hello - will 8.04 install on an eee without any special hacking? | 06:22 |
zgmf-x20a | hey, anyone o merge multiple documentsknow a good ap for using PDF's? i need to be able t | 06:22 |
zgmf-x20a | to merge multiple documents | 06:22 |
R2r | hi i just got my 20 cd's form ubuntu ship it i wnat to istall them without repartioning my internal hard drive but i can partition my external hard drive can i do that?? | 06:23 |
tritium | blizzardman1219: see my /query | 06:23 |
zgmf-x20a | anyone? | 06:24 |
GPabel | dmsuperman: sounds strange | 06:25 |
r2r | hi i just got my 20 cd's form ubuntu ship it i wnat to istall them without repartioning my internal hard drive but i can partition my external hard drive can i do that?? | 06:25 |
Flannel | !install | r2r | 06:25 |
ubottu | r2r: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See Don't want to use a CD? Try - See also !automate | 06:25 |
dmsuperman | GPabel, yeah. I figured, if any group would be the perfect group to alert it would be the linux group :P | 06:25 |
GPabel | god bless us | 06:25 |
dmsuperman | There will be an uproar | 06:25 |
wendys | join #cuba | 06:25 |
GPabel | could be | 06:25 |
r2r | i want to know can i partition my external hard drive with linux filesystems but install to a windows partion?? | 06:27 |
r2r | also can i run ubuntu with no gui smoothly on a 256mb ram 1.4ghz system | 06:27 |
EvolutionXtinct | does anyone know when 8.10 will be available for use? | 06:27 |
Nrbelex | !xubuntu | r2r | 06:28 |
ubottu | r2r: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at and - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels | 06:28 |
tritium | EvolutionXtinct: in October, of course | 06:28 |
friedtofu | r2r: use wubi to install ubuntu first - and then use gparted to format the external hardrive | 06:28 |
Flannel | EvolutionXtinct: Sometime a few months before october. Try #ubuntu+1. You can technically already use it. | 06:28 |
r2r | ok then can i hibernate | 06:28 |
=== Arct|cA|rborne is now known as _A^A_ | ||
friedtofu | eh... i doubt you can hibernate if you use wubi... | 06:28 |
friedtofu | why cant you use a dedicated partition? | 06:28 |
r2r | i wnat the mbr and /boot partition on my har drive(internal) | 06:29 |
EvolutionXtinct | oh ok... cuz someone said its available in like 2 weeks for early testing... | 06:29 |
friedtofu | ahuh.... | 06:29 |
tritium | EvolutionXtinct: you can test early, yes. The actual release is in Oct. | 06:29 |
mzuverink | could some one refresh my memory regarding the whole command "dpkg-reconfigur xserver..." | 06:29 |
Flannel | EvolutionXtinct: ask in #ubuntu+1 please, its offtopic here. | 06:29 |
friedtofu | dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 06:29 |
mzuverink | thanks | 06:29 |
GPabel | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 06:30 |
olrind | sorry, english is not my native language. I have a problem whit ndiswrapper. when I do : make, I have the following error : fix it to use EXTRA_CFLAGS | 06:30 |
r2r | hi i just got my 20 cd's form ubuntu ship it i wnat to istall them without repartioning my internal hard drive but i can partition my external hard drive can i do that?? | 06:31 |
CaptainMorgan | if anyone has problem with their firefox and the new 8.04, take a look here: | 06:31 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 65609 in firefox-3.0 ""installLocation has no properties" error in nsExtensionManager.js during install/update of extensions" [Undecided,Fix committed] | 06:31 |
bullgard4 | What programs use /etc/environment and /etc/default/locale? | 06:31 |
r2r | :-) | 06:31 |
GPabel | CaptainMorgan: ok | 06:32 |
CaptainMorgan | GPabel, what problem were you having ? | 06:32 |
Byan | what is the default window decoration for ubuntu called? | 06:32 |
friedtofu | compizfusion? | 06:33 |
friedtofu | metacity (gnome) | 06:33 |
Byan | no | 06:33 |
Byan | the theme | 06:33 |
cappicard | bleh... the forums are having database errors | 06:34 |
GPabel | i install a black theme | 06:34 |
Byan | I installed debian today | 06:34 |
GPabel | textfields are black too | 06:34 |
Byan | and I can't figure out what the theme used in ubuntu was called | 06:34 |
friedtofu | human? haha | 06:34 |
GPabel | slickness | 06:34 |
friedtofu | oh. | 06:34 |
GPabel | hahaha | 06:34 |
friedtofu | clearlooks | 06:34 |
Byan | is it clearlooks? | 06:34 |
Byan | ok | 06:34 |
r2r | can i install ubuntu with no gui then install fluxbox on it?? | 06:34 |
r2r | can i install ubuntu with no gui then install fluxbox on it?? | 06:34 |
Flannel | r2r: yes | 06:35 |
Byan | r2r: why the hell not | 06:35 |
tritium | Byan: language, please | 06:35 |
Byan | sorry >_> | 06:35 |
Flannel | r2r: Get the alternate CD, and hit f4 at the boot menu, then there's an option to install a command-line system only | 06:35 |
r2r | will it run on a 256mb ram machine smoothly? | 06:35 |
ross_ | is anyone using mythtv with ubuntu? I would like some feedbacks | 06:35 |
Flannel | r2r: yes | 06:35 |
friedtofu | haha.. fluxbox has no file manager >.> | 06:35 |
r2r | so i have 20cd's of ubuntu and 20cd's of kubuntu can i use them this way | 06:35 |
tritium | ross_: yes | 06:35 |
tenX | r2r: using fluxbox i can hardly understand why you ask that question | 06:36 |
Byan | friedtofu: so, in window border under apperiance | 06:36 |
tenX | friedtofu: who needs a file manager? | 06:36 |
Byan | what does it say? clearlooks? | 06:36 |
Flannel | r2r: No. The CDs through shipit are Desktop CDs, you can't install a command line system with them | 06:36 |
r2r | they say i can install vevn on 256mb ram machine | 06:36 |
friedtofu | true. but it adds convenience | 06:36 |
ross_ | tritium: what did you think of mythtv? | 06:36 |
r2r | owwwwwww | 06:36 |
r2r | owowowow | 06:36 |
r2r | owowowoww | 06:36 |
Flannel | r2r: Yes, and you can. But they only install a system with Gnome (Ubuntu) or KDE (Kubuntu) | 06:36 |
FloodBot3 | r2r: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 06:36 |
tritium | ross_: I love it | 06:36 |
ross_ | tritium: more | 06:37 |
r2r | i dint select the gui pakage | 06:37 |
tritium | ross_: than what? | 06:37 |
r2r | if i dont select the gui pakage? | 06:38 |
HappyHater | in kde, how do I get screenlets to not show a button in the panel? | 06:38 |
ross_ | tritium: more feedback | 06:38 |
NETWizz | AACS Directory not found | 06:38 |
ross_ | tritium: positives and negatives | 06:38 |
ross_ | tritium: how much space do you have on your computer | 06:38 |
tritium | ross_: I suggest you ask in #ubuntu-mythtv | 06:38 |
r2r | if i dont select the gui pakage? | 06:40 |
r2r | if i dont select the gui pakage? | 06:40 |
Makro1 | hello | 06:40 |
pliskin | HELLO | 06:40 |
r2r | hellllllo | 06:40 |
_A^A_ | hello | 06:40 |
_A^A_ | hero | 06:40 |
Dr_willis | !hi | all | 06:41 |
ubottu | all: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 06:41 |
r2r | if i dont select the gui pakage? | 06:41 |
r2r | if i dont select the gui pakage? | 06:41 |
yunsn | hello, everyone | 06:41 |
shifty1b | hey i nid help | 06:41 |
tritium | r2r: quit repeating, please | 06:41 |
friedtofu | i dont know if there is an option to do that | 06:41 |
Starnestommy | r2r: select the gui package in what? | 06:41 |
Makro1 | glibc 2.4 not found....on my hardy 8.04 u[pdated system...any idea how to fix this issue? | 06:41 |
yunsn | who know how to wine? | 06:41 |
shifty1b | i am install the ubuntu server, it gets stuck at 42% @ scanning the mirror | 06:41 |
pliskin | install it | 06:41 |
r2r | the desktop installer | 06:41 |
yunsn | i can't use | 06:41 |
Starnestommy | r2r: then you won't have a desktop | 06:41 |
pliskin | apt-get | 06:41 |
GPabel | agree | 06:42 |
friedtofu | yunsn: install it, and then do "winecfg" in terminal | 06:42 |
r2r | ok ill intall fluxbox by apt-get | 06:42 |
robvdl | I was wondering if anyone knows if XFS is fixed in Hardy. I Gutsy, it would cause file corruption when copying large files | 06:42 |
robvdl | I/in | 06:42 |
r2r | can i do that? install command line system for desktop cd | 06:43 |
Dr_willis | r2r, you are not making a lot of sence. | 06:43 |
astro76 | r2r: no you need the alternate cd as previously mentioned | 06:43 |
yunsn | friedtofu:yeah, i installed it,but i can't config | 06:43 |
tritium | r2r: you were already told | 06:43 |
Starnestommy | r2r: the desktop cd still installs a desktop | 06:43 |
shifty1b | i am installing the ubuntu server, it gets stuck at 42% @ scanning the mirror | 06:43 |
dmsuperman | What might be a good channel for building an inexpensive HTPC? I'd like it to be linux based, so I was thinking #linux or maybe #mythbuntu, but it's actually more of a hardware question after that | 06:43 |
r2r | i orderd 20cd's for shit!!!!!!!!!!! | 06:43 |
Dr_willis | r2r, the desktop install has command line :) | 06:44 |
r2r | ohh | 06:44 |
r2r | wow | 06:44 |
sjdurfey | are there any DVD players that can display the DVD's main menu? | 06:44 |
Starnestommy | r2r: you can uninstall the desktop stuff after it's installed | 06:44 |
tritium | r2r: watch the language, and the attitude | 06:44 |
r2r | were you listenng dr | 06:44 |
astro76 | dmsuperman: #hardware maybe | 06:44 |
GPabel | how you can edit userContent.css ? | 06:44 |
r2r | iam sorry | 06:44 |
Dr_willis | Linux basics. :) the shell is our friend. | 06:44 |
Dr_willis | sjdurfey, yes. i belive gmplayer can. | 06:44 |
tekrytor | i'm looking for help getting alsa up on an old Dell Inspiron 7000 | 06:45 |
dmsuperman | astro76, will try that, thanks | 06:45 |
yunsn | friedtofu: winecfg need '.dll',s file? | 06:45 |
shifty1b | i am installing the ubuntu server, it gets stuck at 42% @ scanning the mirror <--- can anyone see my message ? | 06:45 |
Starnestommy | shifty1b: yes | 06:45 |
tenX | Dr_willis: havent met you around here for a while | 06:45 |
Starnestommy | shifty1b: does waiting 5 minutes work? | 06:45 |
Dr_willis | tenX, im in here every day :) | 06:45 |
shifty1b | starnestommy : been waiting for like 20 minutes already | 06:45 |
Mba7eth | what do i need to compile C programs. ... i'm missing lots of headers files ? | 06:45 |
tritium | Mba7eth: build-essential | 06:46 |
Starnestommy | shifty1b: try telling it to use another mirror | 06:46 |
jwtodd | hey ... just installed 8.04 and now my screen resolution is 800x600 ... ideas on how to (easily) reconfigure thsi? | 06:46 |
r2r | so i uninstall the gui after it is installed?? | 06:46 |
Starnestommy | r2r: yes | 06:46 |
tritium | r2r: you can | 06:46 |
tenX | Dr_willis: well i hang out here rather seldom. usually when i want to forget about everything being wasted :> | 06:46 |
shifty1b | starnestommy : how do i do that | 06:46 |
friedtofu | yunsn: after you do "winecfg" it should pop up a box that says WIne configuration. you can close it- so when you want to install stuff from windows... that involves .exe - you can do "wine (path to file).exe" and it'll install. look up the application on with their wineapp for compatibility issues and the like. | 06:46 |
r2r | no way to do that directly | 06:46 |
snewp | i have a sempron proc here which ubuntu installer should i download ? | 06:46 |
tritium | r2r: you've been told multiple times | 06:46 |
GPabel | I fixed firefox 2.* with a script, for ff 3 beta 5 I read editing userContent.css | 06:46 |
Mba7eth | thanks alot tritium | 06:46 |
Starnestommy | shifty1b: I'm not exactly sure how to do it for the server version | 06:46 |
r2r | i have also asked multiple times | 06:46 |
tritium | Mba7eth: no worries | 06:47 |
jwtodd | how can i reconfigure my screen resolution? i'm on 8.04 at 800x600 now. | 06:47 |
tritium | r2r: unnecessarily so, since you've gotten the correct answer multiple times now. Pay attention! | 06:47 |
jwtodd | i know i have other resolutions available, before the 8.04 upgrade. | 06:47 |
r2r | man it will just get stuck on the desktop | 06:47 |
sjdurfey | Dr_willis: unless GNOME Mplayer is different then gmplayer, it doesnt work, thanks for the suggestion though | 06:47 |
tenX | jwtodd: edit xorg.conf if you're able to? | 06:47 |
jwtodd | k | 06:48 |
bruce_ | How can I tell whether I'm using ALSA or OSS? | 06:48 |
Dr_willis | sjdurfey, somthings weird then.. I pertty much only use gmplayer and i get my dvd menus. | 06:48 |
tritium | bruce_: you're using alsa if you're using ubuntu | 06:48 |
jwtodd | i thought there was a pretty sweet tool to help w/ this sometime back | 06:48 |
tekrytor | bruce: you can set which in jack control | 06:48 |
Dr_willis | sjdurfey, i do recall a play dvd -> menus and a play dvd as 2 menu items | 06:48 |
yunsn | friedtofu: thanks i try now | 06:48 |
r2r | ohh i have xubuntu 8.04 in the iso i can do it with that?? | 06:48 |
Alan_M | r2r, the people in here are volunteers...we dont guaruntee miracles but we do know a thing or two about ubuntu. If we tell you something, just pay attention, if it screws up we can most probably get you to a point where its fixed again. :) | 06:49 |
tritium | r2r: install the xfce desktop | 06:49 |
mk | can someone help me with flash problems in firefox on Ubuntu Hardy? | 06:49 |
r2r | yeah thats possible | 06:49 |
r2r | ok so thanks | 06:49 |
sjdurfey | Dr_Willis: i just opened up GNOME Mplayer right now, and i dont see anything of the like | 06:49 |
Dr_willis | sjdurfey, i recall vlc and gmplayer also having a play -> dvd -> chapter -> where you could select a specific cnapter and not the menus. | 06:49 |
Flannel | r2r: Why don't you just download the alternate CD? It'll save you a lot of effort at the cost of a little bandwidth and a CD | 06:49 |
robvdl | The only thing I can find on large file corruption on XFS that Gutsy suffered is here, but it looks like the bug report is stale | 06:49 |
friedtofu | mk: there are firefox issues with flash? | 06:49 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 190839 in linux-source-2.6.22 "Large file corruption on XFS" [Undecided,Won't fix] | 06:49 |
r2r | not unlimited net | 06:49 |
Dr_willis | sjdurfey, it may be theres some dvdnav package to install. | 06:50 |
sjdurfey | Dr_Willis: i have that installed already | 06:50 |
robvdl | then here it is listed again, but marked green, does that means its fixed in hardy? | 06:50 |
r2r | so ill work on my nager mamangement and see ya later | 06:50 |
mk | With adobe, videos don't want to start | 06:50 |
tekrytor | bruce: you can also set oss or also in the sound settings under system > preferences > sound | 06:50 |
robvdl | I am really skeptical installing on XFS | 06:50 |
bruce_ | cheers guys :) | 06:51 |
shifty1b | i am installing the ubuntu server, it gets stuck at 42% @ scanning the mirror <--- anyone knows how to fix this ? | 06:51 |
friedtofu | mk: | 06:51 |
Flannel | r2r: if you install Ubuntu, then use the removing gnome option from this page: except without the installation of xubuntu-desktop, you can then add fluxbox to it | 06:51 |
robvdl | I've had 3 Gutsy PC's die of XFS corruption :( | 06:51 |
click170 | Does anybody know if there is a way to automatically disconnect a bluetooth device (such as an Apple Bluetooth Keyboard) after X period of inactivity? | 06:51 |
robvdl | slowly too | 06:51 |
promet | I am trying to get some mail services working, but can't seem to open the correct ports | 06:51 |
friedtofu | dont use xfs then! ... ext3~! haha | 06:51 |
cappicard | hrmm... anyone using ebox? I just installed it via apt-get install ebox, but I can't connect to port 443 | 06:51 |
robvdl | JFS I am deciding over | 06:51 |
robvdl | but I was just wondering if anybody here knew about the bug, or if it was fixed | 06:52 |
Flannel | cappicard: | 06:52 |
MCCloak | hello, where do I find information about POSIX struct pthread_mutex_t? I've searched whole google and found nothing :( | 06:52 |
GPabel | someone knows L.A.S Linux ? | 06:52 |
tekrytor | need alsa help, files write protected, can't overwrite changes | 06:55 |
tekrytor | sudo doesn't work | 06:55 |
EsTEx | what is the command to query my repositories for "packagename" | 06:55 |
tritium | EsTEx: apt-cache search <foo> | 06:56 |
EsTEx | thanks. | 06:56 |
EsTEx | does it work with dpkg too? | 06:56 |
Starnestommy | EsTEx: apt is a frontend to dpkg | 06:57 |
hanchi | who know how to decode the .rmvb files under the ubuntu? | 06:57 |
Starnestommy | tekrytor: what happens when you try to use sudo? | 06:57 |
Shervin1 | Hi, im on the liveCD right now and am trying to install but whenever I try to click on the install icon it doesn't load up | 06:57 |
friedtofu | hanchi: i believe you just install the codecs... something under mediabuntu or something like that | 06:58 |
tekrytor | starn: i sudo the make etc to build my alsa driver, but it responds that the files are write protected near the end, I think sudo is timing out | 06:59 |
Dr_willis | hanchi, check out | 06:59 |
hanchi | yes,but how to do i slove this problem? | 06:59 |
cd-r | hi, does anybody know how to fix desktop icons so that they don't move after clicking "clean up my name" | 06:59 |
tekrytor | starn: I'm using ubuntu-studio 7.10 | 06:59 |
Shervin1 | Hi, im on the liveCD right now and am trying to install but whenever I try to click on the install icon it doesn't load up | 06:59 |
cd-r | i.e. they don't auto align | 07:00 |
Starnestommy | tekrytor: I don't know anything about ubuntu-studio. Which files does it say are write-protected? | 07:00 |
tekrytor | starn: checking | 07:01 |
Shervin1 | /msg ubottu etiquette | 07:02 |
hanchi | thanks | 07:02 |
hanchi | thanks Dr_willis | 07:02 |
Shervin1 | Hi, im on the liveCD right now and am trying to install but whenever I try to click on the install icon it doesn't load up | 07:02 |
tekrytor | starn: here's what it responds: | 07:03 |
tekrytor | install: cannot stat `include/sound/*.h': No such file or directory | 07:03 |
tekrytor | make: *** [install-headers] Error 1 | 07:03 |
BM1219|Bored | i have the ultimate newb question, how does one open wpagui? | 07:03 |
robvdl | Well, I might test XFS myself then, install Hardy on XFS and run those tests, copy large ISO file many times and run MD5 sum, if it's fixed in Hardy I will comment on the bug report for others | 07:03 |
redwyrm | hi. I'm trying to install the DOM inspector for Firefox 3.0b5. It shows up as installed in Synaptic, but I don't see it in any menu in Firefox, nor is it listed as installed in the Add-Ins window. I tried to install it via the Add-Ins window, but I got an error saying that it was incompatible. I found nothing about this error using Google. | 07:03 |
=== BM1219|Bored is now known as blizzardman1219 | ||
blizzardman1219 | i have the ultimate newb question, how does one open wpagui? | 07:04 |
kuma_ | hi, why the gmail hotkeys don't work? is it a common problem in ubuntu? | 07:04 |
Starnestommy | tekrytor: are the kernel headers and alsa-source installed? | 07:04 |
tritium | blizzardman1219: it should have a menu entry | 07:04 |
Shervin1 | Hi, im on the liveCD right now and am trying to install but whenever I try to click on the install icon it doesn't | 07:04 |
Dr_willis | gmail has hotkeys? | 07:04 |
Starnestommy | Shervin1: the disk might have been burned wrong | 07:04 |
kuma_ | Dr_willis: yup | 07:04 |
kuma_ | Dr_willis: | 07:05 |
[TiZ] | Hey, I'm trying to run ZSNES. And it runs seriously bad. What can I do to make it faster? | 07:05 |
matyy | can someone tell me by heart where the default input methode for the x-server (or gnome?) is defined? in which file? | 07:05 |
Dr_willis | kuma_, i would guess that most likely the desktop/window manager is using the hotkeys for somthing else. | 07:05 |
Shervin1 | Shit. | 07:06 |
blizzardman1219 | tritium: i can't seem to find it :/ is there another way to open it? | 07:06 |
kuma_ | Dr_willis: I see... well... its a shame.. | 07:06 |
kuma_ | Dr_willis: thanks | 07:06 |
Shervin1 | starn: Thats impossible because when I was on windows, i used that wubi thing and it installed fine. | 07:06 |
Dr_willis | kuma_, i dont see those keys working here - under windows either | 07:07 |
tritium | blizzardman1219: "dpkg -L wpagui" will list the files in the package. Look for a binary in /usr/bin | 07:07 |
redshadowhero | So... I tried to replace my pidgin icon, and it won't replace. Can someone help me? | 07:07 |
tritium | Shervin1: watch the language | 07:07 |
Starnestommy | Shervin1: wubi works differently. There might also be something else causing the installer to fail | 07:07 |
tekrytor | starn: no idea, how can I tell? | 07:07 |
tekrytor | here's the whole event: | 07:07 |
tekrytor | root@ubuntu:/usr/src/alsa/alsa-driver-1.0.16# ./configure --with-cards=unknown --with-sequencer=yes ; make ; make install | 07:07 |
tekrytor | checking for gcc... gcc | 07:07 |
tekrytor | checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables | 07:07 |
FloodBot3 | tekrytor: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 07:07 |
tekrytor | See `config.log' for more details. | 07:07 |
Starnestommy | tekrytor: install build-essential, and next time use a pastebin for pasting | 07:07 |
Shervin1 | starn: such as ? | 07:07 |
[TiZ] | What's going on with Wubi, now? I just upgraded my Wubi install to a dedicated partition one. Maybe I can help? | 07:07 |
_A^A_ | dual booting ubuntu 64bit and vista ultimate 32bit, working rather nice | 07:07 |
kuma_ | Dr_willis: their not working on windows wither? :o | 07:07 |
Starnestommy | Shervin1: does it try to start then quit, or does it just not try to start at all? | 07:08 |
tekrytor | sorry, newb here | 07:08 |
Shervin1 | yea | 07:08 |
Starnestommy | Shervin1: for the first one or the second one? | 07:08 |
Shervin1 | Starn: Tries to start then quits, i can see a Starting administrativ.. | 07:08 |
Shervin1 | at the bottom of the screen | 07:08 |
Dr_willis | kuma_, firefox 3 rc1, and vista = Not working none of them are. | 07:08 |
Omega11 | can i ask a few quick questions such as how do i edit my grub configuration or do i need to spend time reading stuff on the net before i can enjoy ubuntu? | 07:09 |
=== Alan_M is now known as Alan_M|BED | ||
[TiZ] | Omega11, what do you mean? You wanna change the boot menu? | 07:09 |
Dr_willis | Omega11, it pays to learn to use your tools befor you build a house. :) | 07:09 |
Omega11 | yea | 07:09 |
Starnestommy | Shervin1: try running "gksudo ubiquity & disown" in a terminal | 07:09 |
Omega11 | just edit the boot menu and i need to change the drive it boots to (hd,0,0) | 07:10 |
Shervin1 | ok | 07:10 |
Dr_willis | Omega11, grub is a very very 'complex' tool thats vbery well documented. and the grub config is very well commented also. its a simple text file. | 07:10 |
shifty1b | i am installing the ubuntu server, it gets stuck at 42% @ scanning the mirror <--- anyone knows how to fix this ? | 07:10 |
[TiZ] | What do you mean, drive it boots to? | 07:10 |
Dr_willis | Omega11, backup the existing menu.lst is always a good idea. | 07:10 |
[TiZ] | You want to change the default boot entry? | 07:10 |
Rat409 | Omega11: it's in /boot/grub/menu.list | 07:10 |
=== BM1219|Bored is now known as blizzardman1219_ | ||
Shervin1 | starn: it comes up with [1] 11073 | 07:11 |
Omega11 | yea i want to change it to boot hd 0,0 i have to change that everytime i boot | 07:11 |
Omega11 | ok thanks | 07:11 |
blizzardman1219_ | tritium: uh... i don't know what to be looking for... all i see is /usr/sbin | 07:11 |
Starnestommy | kuma_: are keyboard shortcuts enabled in gmail's settings? | 07:11 |
[TiZ] | What's in hd 0,0, Omega11? Linux? Windows? | 07:11 |
tritium | blizzardman1219_: that's likely it. | 07:11 |
Legendario | HI!!! Could anyone please do me a favor? Please, i need someone to cat the /usr/share/applications/displayconfig-gtk.desktop and pastebin it for me | 07:11 |
Rat409 | Omega11: typo menu.lst | 07:11 |
c_workaholic | hi | 07:12 |
Omega11 | see i am booting from and external hard disk and after i installed when i tell the bios to boot it it changes the drive order thats why its not working | 07:12 |
blizzardman1219_ | tritium: ok, so now what do i do? sorry i'm such a newb and thanks for the help! | 07:12 |
Omega11 | i will edit it and change it now thanks | 07:12 |
Shervin1 | starn: it comes up with [1] 1107 | 07:12 |
c_workaholic | why ubuntu-8.0.4 contains difficulties | 07:12 |
Starnestommy | Shervin1: I saw | 07:12 |
[TiZ] | From an external drive? My usefulness just ran out. | 07:12 |
tritium | c_workaholic: please be specific | 07:12 |
Starnestommy | Shervin1: and I still don't know what's causing it | 07:12 |
tekrytor | starn: thanks for helping, i pasted my alsa results at | 07:13 |
amit_ | hey guys.. wanna format my ipod on do I go about doing that? | 07:13 |
Legendario | i have wrongly erased it | 07:13 |
[TiZ] | Oh, right! I still have a burning question of my own. ZSNES runs like crap on Linux, but beautifully on Windows. How can I make it run better? I'm on a laptop with an ATI Radeon Xpress. The fglrx drivers are installed, and I'm running Compiz Fusion. | 07:13 |
c_workaholic | tritium: like pptp gui client [has to be installed from], vmware server [has to do some trick about the library] | 07:13 |
blizzardman1219_ | tritium: i can't register my nick to query because the nick i can register hasn't pinged-out yet | 07:13 |
legend2440 | Legendario: | 07:13 |
hagabaka | rubygems in ubuntu hardy is so old :( | 07:14 |
tritium | blizzardman1219_: ok, I was wondering | 07:14 |
Dr_willis | Omega11, you have encounterd the major issue with booting from external drives. :) | 07:14 |
quittt | the exit button is not working here | 07:14 |
Starnestommy | tekrytor: did you run sudo apt-get install build-essential ? | 07:14 |
c_workaholic | tritium: i have just upgraded from 7.04 to 8.04 today | 07:14 |
tritium | c_workaholic: I don't use either of those | 07:14 |
amit_ | hey guys.. wanna format my ipod on do I go about doing that? using kubuntu gutsy | 07:14 |
Omega11 | :) ok the next question is to run a command as root is type sudo command right | 07:14 |
Shervin1 | starn: is there something i can write in the terminal to start the installation? | 07:14 |
c_workaholic | tritium: what do you use? | 07:14 |
Starnestommy | Omega11: yes | 07:14 |
[TiZ] | Can anyone help me to get ZSNES to run better? | 07:14 |
Legendario | thanks a lot legend2440! Are u on hardy? | 07:14 |
tritium | c_workaholic: lots of things, but neither of those packages | 07:15 |
Omega11 | ok it come back with sudo: unable to resolve host Chris-Desktop | 07:15 |
legend2440 | Legendario: yes | 07:15 |
Starnestommy | Shervin1: if it's not working in the terminal either, then it might not work at all | 07:15 |
c_workaholic | tritium: oh... will it be ok if i still use 7.04 [unsupported] for the next few years | 07:15 |
Dr_willis | Omega11, you changed your hostname recently? | 07:15 |
Omega11 | i changed it to that when i installed | 07:15 |
Legendario | legend2440: thanks a lot man... | 07:15 |
Dr_willis | !hostname | Omega11 | 07:15 |
ubottu | Omega11: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab | 07:15 |
c_workaholic | c_workaholic: i am about to roll back | 07:16 |
tritium | c_workaholic: it's up to you | 07:16 |
c_workaholic | tritium: thanks | 07:16 |
tekrytor | starn: i was following the procedure at alsa for my weird device, ESS1688 | 07:16 |
Starnestommy | Omega11: run "nano /etc/hosts" in recovery mode and add this: Chris-Desktop | 07:16 |
[TiZ] | Anyone? Anyone at all? | 07:16 |
legend2440 | Legendario: no problem | 07:16 |
Starnestommy | tekrytor: did you install build-essential or not? | 07:16 |
Omega11 | thanks | 07:16 |
quittt | everytime I press it, | 07:16 |
Shervin1 | starne: but is there something i can write to execute the installation in the terminal? | 07:17 |
Starnestommy | Shervin1: I think it's gksudo ubiquity | 07:17 |
tekrytor | starn: not that I'm aware of, I installed ubuntu 7.04 then upgraded to 7.10. the audio never worked tho | 07:18 |
Starnestommy | tekrytor: please install build-esential then try to compile that again | 07:18 |
tekrytor | starn: so I started down the road with alsa procedures for my soundchip | 07:18 |
Starnestommy | er, build-essential | 07:18 |
Byan | alright | 07:18 |
Byan | that took way too long to figure out >_> | 07:18 |
[TiZ] | Um, do I even exist right now? No one's responding... I wonder if something's wrong on my end. | 07:18 |
brady | you exist | 07:19 |
Starnestommy | [TiZ]: you might need to ask your question again | 07:19 |
tekrytor | starn, thanks, is build-essential from alsa or elsewhere? | 07:19 |
[TiZ] | Phew, I exist. That's a relief. | 07:19 |
Starnestommy | tekrytor: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 07:19 |
brady | true that | 07:19 |
tekrytor | starn: thanks, will do | 07:20 |
[TiZ] | Okay, I'll try again. ZSNES runs really badly. How can I get it to run better? I'm on a laptop with an ATI Radeon Xpress 1150, and the fglrx drivers are installed. I'm running Compiz Fusion, too. | 07:20 |
Dr_willis | [TiZ], disable compiz fusion for a start. | 07:20 |
quittt | which is the gnome application that finishes the session? | 07:20 |
Dr_willis | [TiZ], it runs decently well here on my ati x200m video card. | 07:20 |
robbie`` | anyone seen a good tutorial on getting WPA working | 07:20 |
[TiZ] | Dr_willis, how do I turn it off? | 07:21 |
brady | can someone help me uninstall crossover linux | 07:21 |
Dr_willis | [TiZ], DESKTOP -> Wallpaper -> effects -> disable | 07:21 |
Omega11 | alright those two things are fixed gonna reboot now | 07:21 |
Omega11 | brb | 07:21 |
[TiZ] | Ah... hm... | 07:21 |
[TiZ] | And after I got it set up the way I want it, too. | 07:22 |
Shervin | starn: is there anything i can do? | 07:22 |
Starnestommy | Shervin: try burning another disc | 07:23 |
Starnestommy | Shervin: or use the alternate install cd | 07:23 |
=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU | ||
Dr_willis | [TiZ], it aint gong to lose your settings. | 07:23 |
brady | can someone help me uninstall crossover linux | 07:24 |
cinta_laura | msnrhfjks | 07:24 |
[TiZ] | It won't? Okay. | 07:24 |
=== elkbuntu is now known as elky | ||
[TiZ] | I'll turn it off and see if ZSNES runs better | 07:24 |
cinta_laura | hellow i'm cinta laura | 07:24 |
Rat409 | robbie``: try ubuntuguide or ubuntugeek websites | 07:24 |
lukifer_etyrnal | how do i check to see if my 8.08 server instalation is usung a kernel that sees and uses both CPU's? | 07:25 |
Condoulo | ok, any idea when Firefox 3 RC1 will hit update manager, or is there anywhere I can download the RC1 source to compile myself? | 07:25 |
lukifer_etyrnal | do i need to install a special smp kernel or something? | 07:25 |
[TiZ] | Still no good. Really, really slow. | 07:25 |
Starnestommy | lukifer_etyrnal: the default kernel should be able to see all cpus | 07:25 |
akazawa | Does ubuntu support RTL8180 Wireless card? | 07:25 |
lukifer_etyrnal | Starnestommy, thanks, how can verify both cpu's ar eseen/used? | 07:26 |
legend2440 | Condoulo: | 07:26 |
Omega11 | ok those are fixed :) last problem is i have installed the nvidia-glx legacy driver which my card needs how do i activate it in x | 07:26 |
Rat409 | lukifer_etyrnal: sudo apt-get install htop then run it in gnome-terminal | 07:27 |
blizzardman1219_ | ok i'm in the wpa_gui but when i click on scan i get nothing and in-fact, nothing in it is working | 07:27 |
Dr_willis | [TiZ], you got some deeper issues then. zsnes should run very well on rather low end systems. check its settings. disable the various modes, and effects perhaps. run it full screen at a low res also. | 07:27 |
Starnestommy | lukifer_etyrnal: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep ^processor | wc -l | 07:27 |
[TiZ] | Dr_willis, it runs beautifully on Windows. hq3x, native resolution, everything. | 07:27 |
[TiZ] | I shouldn't have to disable anything, or pull any punches. | 07:27 |
[TiZ] | Well, at least inside ZSNES | 07:28 |
Dr_willis | [TiZ], could be a video driver. fglrx is not noted for being very well done. | 07:28 |
Starnestommy | akazawa: I think so. Check | 07:28 |
[TiZ] | And there aren't any alternatives to fglrx, huh? | 07:28 |
Dr_willis | [TiZ], the normal ati driver, or the vesa driver | 07:28 |
Dr_willis | the ati driver may work fine for you - ive used it for ages on my x200m laptop | 07:29 |
Dr_willis | [TiZ], dont expect compiz to work with it however | 07:29 |
[TiZ] | The vesa driver's slower, isn't it? | 07:29 |
lukifer_etyrnal | Starnestommy, says two - plus when i ssh in it says "Linux machine 2.6.24-16-generic #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 13:23:42 UTC 2008 i686" | 07:29 |
promet | my firewall front-end apps are not able to control my ports, has anyone else experienced this? | 07:30 |
lukifer_etyrnal | Starnestommy, so thank You again. I appreciate Your help | 07:30 |
kibibyte | hi | 07:30 |
promet | hi | 07:30 |
kibibyte | pls help | 07:30 |
tenX | promet: what are those "front-apps"? | 07:30 |
kibibyte | how to change keybaord layout | 07:30 |
kibibyte | i mean | 07:30 |
kibibyte | keymap | 07:30 |
promet | tenX guarddog & firestarter | 07:30 |
Dr_willis | [TiZ], proberly. but for just 2d - the ati driver should work decently well. | 07:31 |
kibibyte | i have xubuntu | 07:31 |
tenX | promet: okay just curious. never dealt with them. do stuff on my own | 07:31 |
[TiZ] | Compiz runs great with fglrx. | 07:31 |
kibibyte | ?? | 07:31 |
promet | tenX do you use ipchains etc. ? | 07:31 |
[TiZ] | I can even do the springy windows. | 07:31 |
tenX | promet: iptables | 07:31 |
Dr_willis | [TiZ], its only recently with the release of hardy - i could even GET compiz working at all on my laptop. :) | 07:31 |
lukifer_etyrnal | if i used aptitude to install gdm... how do i either a.) boot into the gdm/login window, or b.) create a grub entry that would allow me to choose at boot-time? | 07:31 |
Dr_willis | [TiZ], i find compiz use4less eye candy and causes way too many problems. | 07:32 |
promet | tenX is it necessary to use iptables & ipchains together? | 07:32 |
tenX | promet: ipchains i used back on earlier days | 07:32 |
[TiZ] | It seems there's a lot of mixed opinions on Hardy. And I enjoy my eyecandy. :P | 07:32 |
tenX | promet: no! u can only use one of those | 07:32 |
lukifer_etyrnal | also how do i launch it (in that past i had desktop installed and was used to it just coming right up) | 07:32 |
promet | tenX iptables is preferred then? | 07:32 |
tenX | promet: and nowadays you would always stick to iptables | 07:32 |
redwyrm | kibibyte, I also use Xubuntu | 07:32 |
tenX | promet: exactly ipchains is the past | 07:33 |
Starnestommy | lukifer_etyrnal: it should launch on boot, or upon running sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start | 07:33 |
redwyrm | kibibyte, you might want to join #xubuntu and ask there | 07:33 |
kibibyte | redwyrm, how to change keyboard layout | 07:33 |
redwyrm | kibibyte, are you familiar with the xmodmap command? | 07:33 |
tenX | promet: if you want to get deeper into firewalling i recommend reading a good book on iptables | 07:33 |
kibibyte | i have keyboard from UK | 07:33 |
promet | tenX thanks | 07:33 |
kibibyte | redarrow_, but is there ant tool for it | 07:33 |
redwyrm | kibibyte, I'm going to google for a minute or two and find you a keymap to use | 07:34 |
kibibyte | ok | 07:34 |
lukifer_etyrnal | Starnestommy, thanks again. | 07:34 |
blizzardman1219_ | does anyone here have experience with wpa_gui | 07:34 |
blizzardman1219_ | ? | 07:34 |
hanchi | I use RealPlayer11 to slove the problem of .rmvb file decoder under the ubuntu.thanks | 07:34 |
kibibyte | redwyrm, in xorg.conf i have Option "XkbLayout" "us" | 07:34 |
kibibyte | how to change it | 07:34 |
Sarah | the other day in here someone gave me some info on fonts but i forgot how, because im trying to use windows fonts in linux, but anyway i just realised if i cp my fonts from my windows install to /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ then i can use them, is that an ok way of doing it though? | 07:34 |
kibibyte | Sarah, are you woman | 07:35 |
lukifer_etyrnal | i think my last question of the evening is, in my fstab file (tried doing this in webmin, but it fails), what line do i need to add to mount an nfs export from another machine on my network? | 07:35 |
redwyrm | kibibyte, do you know how to edit a file? | 07:35 |
Ayabara | why is spaces in folder/filenames "bad" on linux? | 07:35 |
zChris | is this a faulty iptables entry ? iptables -A FOWARD -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 6881-6999 -j ACCEPT | 07:35 |
zChris | take a look at the --dport part | 07:36 |
kibibyte | redwyrm, i know but is there any app tool for change x keymap | 07:36 |
promet | tenX yeah? | 07:36 |
tenX | zChris: dport takes only one port | 07:36 |
Starnestommy | Ayabara: because it makes it so that in shell scripts and on the command line have to put " marks around the filenames or put \'s before spaces | 07:36 |
redwyrm | Ayabara, it's bad because if you're typing a command in the terminal, you have to use backslashes before _every single_ space in a filename, otherwise it's treated as two separate filenames (usually) | 07:36 |
tenX | zChris: dealing with ranges or multiport you have to use the multiport option | 07:36 |
zChris | tenX: is there a option i can use to specify a range of ports? | 07:37 |
zChris | tenX: so this one is false or have i read it wrong? | 07:37 |
tenX | zChris: actually i never ran into using a range in lack of applications having a need for that | 07:37 |
legend2440 | Sarah: | 07:37 |
tenX | zChris: but mport might take ranges i am not sure | 07:38 |
tenX | zChris: w8 i'll take a look | 07:38 |
Ayabara | redarrow_, Starnestommy, I'm aware of that, so my question was a little vague :-). What I wonder is why it is so. Was a decision made at some point in time that spaces in filenames are bad, since so many (all?) terminal commands treat spaces that way | 07:38 |
* Ayabara is having a linuxhistory-lesson | 07:39 | |
Starnestommy | Ayabara: it's because spaces are used for separating arguments for command line programs | 07:39 |
Ayabara | Starnestommy, good point. | 07:39 |
daftpunk | how can I change folder permissions please? | 07:39 |
Starnestommy | daftpunk: chmod -R <mode> <directory> to change the permissions of the directory and everything in it | 07:40 |
Dr_willis | daftpunk, depends on what directories | 07:40 |
daftpunk | /var/www | 07:40 |
daftpunk | its read only for the mo | 07:40 |
klos | anyone using vmware server 2 beta | 07:40 |
tenX | klos: i stick to version one, sry | 07:41 |
daftpunk | so it's chmod -R /var/www ? | 07:41 |
Dr_willis | klos, i tried.. but i couldent figure it out. :) they did too many changes to the interface | 07:41 |
klos | yea same for me | 07:41 |
Dr_willis | daftpunk, you want all users to be able to read/write to /var/www ? | 07:41 |
klos | i could apply my old vm | 07:41 |
script_ | blya | 07:41 |
daftpunk | yes | 07:41 |
klos | but when i started it i didnt get a picture or something | 07:41 |
script_ | sorry, hi all | 07:42 |
Starnestommy | daftpunk: sudo chmod -R a+w /var/www, but note that that can be very dangerous as ANYONE can edit stuff there | 07:42 |
klos | it seemed to startup but how to interact with it ?? | 07:42 |
klos | do you need vmwarew orkstation now ? | 07:42 |
Dr_willis | daftpunk, theres proberly a proper way to do that - with groups. you are kicking the webserver right in the head from a security point of view | 07:42 |
Dr_willis | klos, i never did figure it all out. | 07:42 |
Condoulo | in the Deskbar prefs, it says I can't use Beagle Live Extension because the Beagle Daemon is not running. How can I fix this? | 07:43 |
Dr_willis | klos, it sort of wanted to launch a web/browser plugin i recall. that dident work for me. | 07:43 |
klos | well the webrowser thing worked for me | 07:43 |
daftpunk | Dr_willis thanks I will have a look at the groups first. It's just for my local stuff anyway | 07:43 |
klos | yoiu have to press the firefox button, so firefox accepts the certificate | 07:43 |
script_ | could anyone explain me how to install kde4 on hardy heron? | 07:44 |
Dr_willis | script_, theres a kde4 desktop package you instgall. check the package manager | 07:44 |
Condoulo | script_, ummm.... I believe you should be able to find it through synaptic. | 07:44 |
script_ | in synaptic? | 07:44 |
EsTEx | anyone been here? | 07:44 |
script_ | thanks | 07:44 |
neil_d | I have a problem, I have a USB fax/modem that uses the "Conexant Systems" chipset, but every time I turn the computer on the modem driver doesn't work :( I have to unplug the modem and re-insert it. then it goes :) Is there a command I can run that simulates a USB device being unpluged etc, | 07:44 |
quittt | how do I remove all personal information of Gnome? | 07:45 |
script_ | are usb modems work at ubuntu 8.04 ??? im using 7.10 and it doesnt work | 07:46 |
script_ | ? | 07:46 |
daftpunk | neil_d have you tried reinitializing it? | 07:46 |
Starnestommy | script_: it depends on the modem. You might have to manually install drivers for it | 07:46 |
blizzardman1219_ | can someone help me with wpa_gui? nothing in it is working | 07:47 |
kherona | I guess he talks about Alcatel DSL modems | 07:47 |
script_ | is this very difficult? | 07:47 |
redwyrm | kibibyte, sorry, I got distracted by conversations in other channels | 07:47 |
script_ | sorry for my english | 07:47 |
redwyrm | kibibyte, the tool you need is xmodmap | 07:47 |
Starnestommy | script_: somewhat difficult, depending on the modem | 07:47 |
neil_d | daftpunk: I am not sure what you mean. I have tried to rmmod/modprobe the driver that doesn't help. | 07:47 |
redwyrm | kibibyte, and the way you use it is by piping the appropriate modmap file to it | 07:48 |
script_ | blya thanks | 07:48 |
kherona | script_ if you need to access the internet via ubuntu, i say install it in VMware and use ICS to access the internet | 07:48 |
kibibyte | redwyrm, how | 07:48 |
kherona | script_ this problem havent been solved for long time now, and i dont think it would be solved anytime soon | 07:48 |
script_ | what does it mean? ICs ? | 07:48 |
redwyrm | kibibyte, xmodmap < modmapfile | 07:49 |
kherona | its internet connection sharing from windows xp machine | 07:49 |
redshadowhero | I'm having a problem with replacing icons. Can someone help me? | 07:49 |
Starnestommy | script_: Internet Connection Sharing | 07:49 |
Dr_willis | i dident have to set up ICS to get vmware to the network - under vista.. of course it may of auto-did-it during the install | 07:49 |
=== ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u | ||
redwyrm | kibibyte, the downside is that you need to use that command every time you start up X | 07:49 |
script_ | why this problem exist very long time? Programmists from ubuntu couldnt destroy that problem? | 07:50 |
kibibyte | so how to make it perm | 07:50 |
script_ | with usb modems? | 07:50 |
Starnestommy | script_: it's because some usb modem makers don't care about linux enough to make drivers for it | 07:50 |
script_ | bitchs | 07:50 |
redwyrm | kibibyte, I'm not sure how you would make it permanent... all I know how to do is to change it when you start up X | 07:50 |
kibibyte | ok | 07:50 |
redwyrm | kibibyte, sorry | 07:51 |
kibibyte | ok | 07:51 |
kibibyte | i dont kill you | 07:51 |
script_ | bye bye all | 07:51 |
redwyrm | lol kibibyte | 07:52 |
Darlok_Williams | I'm hoping someone can help me here. I have a new keyboard/mouse set ... I can no longer use the Ctrl-Alt-F1 (or any other function key combination).... any ideas? | 07:52 |
redwyrm | Darlok_Williams, what happens if you plug in the old keyboard? | 07:52 |
redwyrm | does it work again when you do that? | 07:53 |
redshadowhero | So, if I replace an occurance of an icon with another icon (and a GUI preference window confirms that I have changed it) what could keep the icon the same as the old one? | 07:53 |
tv7497 | Flannel: sir you there | 07:53 |
Darlok_Williams | redwyrm: I haven't tried, but since this issue only began the second I hooked up the new set, I have no reason to think it wouldn't work (the old set was destroyed, so I can't actually test it) | 07:54 |
redwyrm | Darlok_Williams, is this a laptop or a desktop PC? | 07:55 |
moDumass | hey all, im doing this walkthrough to install my printer "" and im just wandering, now that ive dloaded that package and put it in my home dir, the $make command, how do i run that | 07:55 |
Darlok_Williams | redwyrm: It's a desktop. | 07:55 |
moDumass | do i jsut type it into console | 07:55 |
moDumass | or is it $make and then the name of the package? | 07:55 |
redwyrm | is there a way you could borrow somebody else's keyboard? | 07:56 |
Starnestommy | moDumass: just make | 07:56 |
moDumass | starnestommy how does it know what to make since there is a whole bunch of stuff in that dir | 07:56 |
=== Omega11 is now known as Omega111 | ||
moDumass | or do i go to that dir in itseld | 07:56 |
redwyrm | Darlok_Williams, is there a way you could borrow somebody else's keyboard? | 07:56 |
Omega111 | ok my ubuntu is up and working now :) last thing is the printer driver | 07:56 |
Starnestommy | moDumass: go into it first, then run make | 07:56 |
Starnestommy | moDumass: it knows what to make by reading the Makefile | 07:56 |
Darlok_Williams | redwyrm: I have a spare USB keyboard here... the new set it a Microsoft (blech) Wireless Desktop | 07:57 |
moDumass | starnestommy so home/username/package make | 07:57 |
moDumass | cool, brb | 07:57 |
neil_d | moDumass: make uses special files in the directory to know what to do. | 07:57 |
moDumass | thanks btw | 07:57 |
Darlok_Williams | redwyrm: I don't suppose I could have two keyboards hooked up at once without complications, could I? | 07:57 |
Dr_willis | Darlok_Williams, i do that all the time | 07:57 |
Dr_willis | Darlok_Williams, 2+ mice also | 07:57 |
Darlok_Williams | Dr_willis: And they both work just fine? | 07:58 |
Dr_willis | Darlok_Williams, No problems | 07:58 |
Dr_willis | Darlok_Williams, if i had problems.. i wouldent be doing it. :) | 07:58 |
redwyrm | Darlok_Williams, if they are USB keyboards, it will work, yes | 07:58 |
bullgard4 | Since dist-upgrading to Hardy my GNOME programs are in English. How can I change them to German? locale prints all "de_DE.UTF8". | 07:59 |
Darlok_Williams | Dr_willis: Just tried it... how fricken awesome is that? ;) | 07:59 |
redwyrm | Darlok_Williams, though if one keyboard has problems, the results could be "interesting"... | 07:59 |
moDumass | hmm sudo: /home/modumass/mp150-0.14.4.tar.bz2: command not found this is with "make" | 07:59 |
Darlok_Williams | redwyrm: Okay, I just plugged in my other USB keyboard... the function key combos work on it. | 07:59 |
tv7497 | little help in reconfiguring grub to detect my windows boot loader | 07:59 |
Starnestommy | moDumass: you might need to extract that package firsr | 07:59 |
redwyrm | Darlok_Williams, well, is this other keyboard ergonomic and useful for you? | 07:59 |
Starnestommy | *first | 07:59 |
Dr_willis | Darlok_Williams, your Fk issue isent due to one keyboard defaulting to the Fkeys being 'media' keys is it ? i got a keyboard like that.. | 08:00 |
moDumass | yeh i did, hangon may have to rename that path | 08:00 |
moDumass | thanks | 08:00 |
neil_d | I have a problem, I have a USB fax/modem that uses the "Conexant Systems" chipset, but every time I turn the computer on the modem driver doesn't work :( I have to unplug the modem and re-insert it. then it goes :) Is there a command I can run that simulates a USB device being unpluged etc, I have tried restarting the drive without success :( | 08:00 |
Darlok_Williams | redwyrm: The new keyboard is a wireless ergonomic keyboard and wireless laser mouse (it's a set, same wireless receiver). It's pretty important that I keep using it...wasn't exactly cheap. | 08:00 |
moDumass | ok,it says its a dir | 08:00 |
Rat409 | moDumass: try unpacking it first then read the readme,install files | 08:01 |
Darlok_Williams | Dr_willis: That's a possibility, I guess. It is a keyboard with a ton of extra buttons only Windows knows what to do with. | 08:01 |
moDumass | Rat409 will do thanks, i was following a walkthrough | 08:01 |
Starnestommy | moDumass: cd into it, then run ./configure, then make | 08:01 |
tv7497 | legend2440: hello sir | 08:01 |
moDumass | ah | 08:01 |
moDumass | ok | 08:01 |
moDumass | cool | 08:01 |
tv7497 | legend2440: sir little help in reconfiguring grub to detect my windows boot loader | 08:01 |
moDumass | awesome its doing stuff | 08:02 |
Starnestommy | moDumass: and check the install and readme files in it, too, becire running ./configure or make | 08:02 |
legend2440 | tv7497: hello how are you? | 08:02 |
tv7497 | legend2440: doing good sir | 08:02 |
redwyrm | Darlok_Williams, so the new one is the one with problems, I take it? | 08:02 |
Starnestommy | *before | 08:02 |
tv7497 | legend2440: i just installed windows tried to configure grub didnt work | 08:03 |
Darlok_Williams | redwyrm: Correct. | 08:03 |
legend2440 | tv7497: sorry i don't dual boot with windows. only use ubuntu so not much help with grub | 08:03 |
redwyrm | Darlok_Williams, what happens if you search on the Ubuntu forums for your keyboard make and model? | 08:03 |
tv7497 | legend2440: no problem sir :-) | 08:03 |
redwyrm | Darlok_Williams, like... what results do you get? | 08:04 |
tv7497 | bazhang : sir you there ???? | 08:04 |
Darlok_Williams | redwyrm: I've tried it a few days ago... most of it was just to get it work in general. I don't remember seeing anyone asking to get the function keys to ...well, function properly. | 08:04 |
mgregsond | tv7497: You're having troubles with grub? | 08:04 |
tv7497 | mgregsond: yes sir need to make my windows boot loader work | 08:05 |
mgregsond | tv7497: Grub is what currently comes up when you boot, yes? | 08:05 |
tv7497 | mgregsond: yes sir | 08:06 |
xukun | legend2440, hi legend2440 | 08:06 |
redwyrm | Darlok_Williams, well, this 2 keyboard solution should make your system somewhat usable until you figure out what the problem with the function keys is :/ | 08:06 |
mgregsond | tv7497: Do you know which drive windows is installed on? | 08:06 |
legend2440 | xukun: hello xukun | 08:06 |
legend2440 | xukun: did you figure out why screen moves with mouse? | 08:07 |
mgregsond | tv7497: Tell grub which drive windows should be on with rootnoverify (hd0,0) (for example - replace hd0,0 with the right value) | 08:07 |
tv7497 | mgregsond: well sir i installed windows completely in new hard disk of 40 gb and i have ubuntu in 160 gb hdd | 08:07 |
xukun | legend2440, sadly no | 08:07 |
Darlok_Williams | redwyrm: Right... and I'm glad to know about that... but good grief. I really HATE Microsoft... my short talk with the Best Buy sales staff today (before buying a new system) didn't help either. They actually are trained to spread incredible lies about hardware too. | 08:07 |
lukifer_etyrnal | anyone have a moment or two to help me figure out what line to put in my fstab to mount an nfs mount? the export works, and mounts on my osx machines, but i need to make it work on this linux box | 08:07 |
redwyrm | Darlok_Williams, yeah, those guys at Best Buy do not know shit | 08:08 |
tv7497 | mgregsond: should i replace (hd0 , 0 ) to (hdo , 1) sir | 08:08 |
mgregsond | tv7497: Probably not. | 08:08 |
redwyrm | and the little shit that they _do_ think they know is actually disinformation | 08:08 |
xukun | legend2440, I think that I need to put something on the "Screen Section" of xorg for the tv | 08:08 |
Darlok_Williams | redwyrm: I guess this is what I get for buying Microsoft hardware (although the keyboard/mouse worked instantly when booting into Linux... had to wait a few minutes for Windows to install the generic drivers for it) :P | 08:08 |
neil_d | Darlok_Williams: like what ? | 08:08 |
redwyrm | Darlok_Williams, is it too late to return it and get your money back? | 08:08 |
mgregsond | tv7497: It depends on how things are set up in your computer... | 08:09 |
tekrytor | starn: i installed build-essential but got errors, see | 08:09 |
Darlok_Williams | neil_d: They said it was impossible to remove Vista because all the drivers were written specifically for Vista.... that was the first red flag for me that she didn't know a thing. | 08:09 |
redwyrm | Darlok_Williams, I'd be willing to guess that there are other keyboards with similar features that have better support on Ubuntu/Linux | 08:09 |
tv7497 | find /boot/grub/stage1 when i gave this sir the out put was hdo 0 sir mgregsond | 08:09 |
legend2440 | xukun: i thinkit has something to do with clone vs dual monitor setup. dual allows moving files across two monitors while clone only mimics what is shown on one monitor on to another. i think you ar in dual mode | 08:09 |
Starnestommy | tekrytor: build-essential appears to be installed now | 08:09 |
neil_d | Darlok_Williams: oh yes .... | 08:09 |
Darlok_Williams | redwyrm: Features mean nothing to me. I just wanted a decent wireless keyboard... but they ALL have so many "media" and "function" keys. | 08:09 |
xukun | legend2440, that would make sense. | 08:10 |
mgregsond | tv7497: How many hard drives do you have in your computer? | 08:10 |
redwyrm | Darlok_Williams, well, a keyboard's wireless-ness _is_ a feature :P | 08:10 |
legend2440 | xukun: did you get mplayer to work for tv out? | 08:10 |
Starnestommy | tekrytor: the other problems appear to have been caused by timidity not working | 08:10 |
tv7497 | mgregsond: two sir 1 for ubuntu and another for xp | 08:11 |
Darlok_Williams | neil_d: You'll be happy to know that I have had MUCH better hardware support in Linux than in Windows thus far (I had to use Linux to download drivers for my LAN card before windows would let me get online) :P | 08:11 |
Darlok_Williams | redwyrm: You know what I meant :P | 08:11 |
redwyrm | Darlok_Williams, so can you return your keyboard? | 08:11 |
redwyrm | Darlok_Williams, and get your money back? | 08:11 |
mgregsond | tv7497: Are they SATA drives? | 08:11 |
Darlok_Williams | redwyrm: It's been a while... probably not. | 08:11 |
xukun | legend2440, no when I start mplayer to play movie I get only blue screen on the tv | 08:11 |
redwyrm | :( | 08:11 |
Darlok_Williams | redwyrm: I doubt I have the receipt any more. | 08:11 |
tv7497 | mgregsond: yes sir | 08:11 |
tekrytor | starn: i use synaptic, tried reinstalling timidity, but its errors persist | 08:12 |
legend2440 | xukun: yea thats what i got until i found a video driver that would work | 08:12 |
Darlok_Williams | redwyrm: I know the function keys work (just hitting F1 opens a help window)... it's just combining it with Ctrl or Alt that has no effect. | 08:12 |
mgregsond | tv7497: Ok, and your ubuntu starts up just fine? | 08:12 |
Starnestommy | tekrytor: it looks like something with alsa caused it | 08:12 |
xukun | legend2440, where can I select this video driver in mplayer? | 08:12 |
tv7497 | mgregsond: its wonderful sir | 08:12 |
Starnestommy | tekrytor: I'm not sure how to fix it | 08:12 |
redwyrm | Darlok_Williams, now that is very odd | 08:13 |
Darlok_Williams | redwyrm: I agree.... | 08:13 |
neil_d | Darlok_Williams: I don't use windows much, but I can understand that. just yesterday a bad keyboard caused my win98 computer to run out of memory !! figure that one out. | 08:13 |
mgregsond | tv7497: Alright, do you know which section of your grub configuration is for booting ubuntu? | 08:13 |
tekrytor | starn: thanks for trying!!! | 08:13 |
tv7497 | mgregsond: dont know sir | 08:13 |
Darlok_Williams | neil_d: Microsoft had a deal with the keyboard and memory chip manufacturers :) | 08:13 |
redwyrm | Darlok_Williams, read the manpage for the "xev" command | 08:13 |
redwyrm | Darlok_Williams, that's what you need! | 08:13 |
legend2440 | xukun: right click on the gray control panel then select preferences>video you should have different drivers listed | 08:14 |
Darlok_Williams | redwyrm: Hmm.. yeah, I'm not a developer. I've used xev before but have no idea what to make of the results. | 08:15 |
hwilde | what kind of errrors would cause remount=ro in fstab | 08:15 |
magnetron | !grub | tv7497 | 08:15 |
ubottu | tv7497: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 08:15 |
Darlok_Williams | redwyrm: I just know that it recognizes a difference with every combination I use. | 08:15 |
redwyrm | Darlok_Williams, well, it could help you post a thread on the forum | 08:15 |
redwyrm | (cut-and-paste the output) | 08:15 |
mgregsond | tv7497: Ok, hold on, I'm checking... | 08:16 |
Darlok_Williams | redwyrm: I think I'm getting to that point. It's not HUGE, really... but annoying nonetheless. | 08:16 |
Darlok_Williams | Curious - Does Windows allow you to use two USB keyboards or mice like Linux does? | 08:16 |
tv7497 | magnetron: sir i am at recovering windows boot loader in that article sir there is no boot descrption about windows boot loader in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 08:16 |
xukun | legend2440, xv X11/Xv is now selected | 08:16 |
redwyrm | Darlok_Williams, I have no idea... I haven't tried that in Windows | 08:16 |
magnetron | tv7497: that's why you need to recover it. | 08:17 |
Darlok_Williams | redwyrm: heh... I only keep Windows installed for my games.... no need for two keyboards there. | 08:17 |
tekrytor | Darlok: windows does let you use two or more USB kb or mice | 08:17 |
tekrytor | XP anyway | 08:17 |
tv7497 | magnetron: can i proceed from that article sir | 08:17 |
legend2440 | xukun: for me the one that worked is gl | 08:17 |
mgregsond | tv7497: I'm guessing that (hd1,0) is your windows install | 08:18 |
Darlok_Williams | tekrytor: Ah... I use a stripped-down version of XP (thank God for slipstreaming)... never tried it. | 08:18 |
mgregsond | tv7497: So, you'd want lines like | 08:18 |
xukun | legend2440, ok I will try different one's | 08:18 |
H__ | what log file holds the bootup rc script output ? | 08:18 |
mgregsond | tv7497: title Windows | 08:18 |
Starnestommy | H__: dmesg | 08:18 |
mgregsond | tv7497: root (hd1,0) | 08:18 |
mgregsond | tv7497: makeactive | 08:19 |
lukifer_etyrnal | anyone have a moment or two to help me figure out what line to put in my fstab to mount an nfs mount? the export works, and mounts on my osx machines, but i need to make it work on this linux box | 08:19 |
mgregsond | tv7497: chainloader +1 | 08:19 |
athreya | "ioctl(SIOCSIWMODE) failed: Device or resource busy" what does this mean? | 08:19 |
mgregsond | tv7497: sorry, it should be rootnoverify (hd1,0) rather than root (hd1,0) | 08:19 |
H__ | Starnestommy : only part of it, the 'nfs internal errors' I get are not in there | 08:19 |
Starnestommy | athreya: it depends on what put out that error | 08:19 |
Dr_willis | !nfs | 08:19 |
ubottu | nfs is the network file system. See for information on installing and configuring NFS. | 08:19 |
legend2440 | xukun: do you have fglrx-amdcccle installed? | 08:19 |
tv7497 | mgregsond: k sir i will try now and let you know sir and sir where should i add this command | 08:19 |
kindofabuzz | man fstab | 08:20 |
redwyrm | Darlok_Williams, good night | 08:20 |
redwyrm | and good luck | 08:20 |
Darlok_Williams | redwyrm: Thanks for you help, bud... | 08:20 |
Darlok_Williams | grr. | 08:20 |
mgregsond | tv7497: /boot/grub/menu.lst | 08:20 |
magnetron | tv7497: in the article, they say "your windows stanza should look something like this". add something like that to the menu | 08:20 |
Darlok_Williams | I hate it when other users don't see my appreciation lol | 08:20 |
=== leif is now known as leifdk1978 | ||
H__ | Dr_willis : nfs works, but hangs for some 30 seconds during boot. I think it is because dhcp client has not run yet, as machine does not ping yet either | 08:20 |
tekrytor | darlok: xp lets you plug them in and they all work, but you have only one mouse pointer that can be controlled by any mouse connected, not as good as have multiple pointers, can Linux do multiple cursors? | 08:21 |
xukun | legend2440, how can I check that? | 08:21 |
tv7497 | mgregsond: sir the title not xp sir ?????/ | 08:21 |
Dr_willis | H__, yep ive heard of similer issues You could just mount it from the rc.local making it pause for a while befor trying to mount | 08:21 |
athreya | Starnestommy: | 08:22 |
legend2440 | xukun: open system>administration>synaptic | 08:22 |
mgregsond | tv7497: The title doesn't matter - it can be whatever you like, it's only there to tell grub what to show in the menu. | 08:22 |
Condoulo | how would I enable a splash screen? | 08:22 |
Dr_willis | H__, that url may have some tips. I also recall some nfs auto mounting tools that mounted when needed. | 08:22 |
hwilde | H__, look at the order things startup in /etc/rcS.d they have numbers like s40networking | 08:22 |
H__ | Dr_willis interesting workaround. and set to noauto in fstab. that would help., yes. | 08:22 |
tv7497 | k sir mgregsond | 08:22 |
Starnestommy | athreya: what are you running that is causing that error? | 08:22 |
Dr_willis | !info autofs | 08:22 |
ubottu | autofs (source: autofs): kernel-based automounter for Linux. In component main, is extra. Version 4.1.4+debian-2.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 111 kB, installed size 476 kB | 08:22 |
H__ | hwilde : ah, thanks. it's runlevel 5 then. I'll try moving dhcp client to before the nfs stuff is mounted | 08:23 |
xukun | legend2440, does this has something to do with amd chipsets bfglrx-amdcccle becouse I don't have imd | 08:23 |
legend2440 | xukun: it is a control panel for ati radeon graphics card. is that what you have? ati radeon? | 08:24 |
athreya | Starnestommy: sudo airodump-ng eth1 | 08:24 |
Starnestommy | athreya: something else is using eth1 while that command is being run | 08:25 |
xukun | legend2440, yes I have ati radeon x300 card | 08:25 |
xukun | legend2440, I will install that | 08:25 |
legend2440 | xukun: also install fglrx-control | 08:25 |
xukun | legend2440, ok | 08:26 |
xukun | legend2440, done | 08:27 |
H__ | mv S24dhcdbd S19dhcdbd in rc5.d, testing now :) | 08:27 |
athreya | Starnestommy:I am connected to a wireless network..may this be the reason? | 08:27 |
moDumass | bash: scanimage: command not found >> evilsherpa@evilsherpa-desktop:~/mp150-0.14.4$ | 08:27 |
legend2440 | xukun: ok under applications >other do yo u see ati catalyst control center? | 08:27 |
moDumass | arghh | 08:27 |
moDumass | my brain hurts | 08:27 |
Starnestommy | moDumass: did you run sudo make install? | 08:28 |
xukun | legend2440, yes | 08:28 |
Starnestommy | athreya: it's probably because a running process is using the internet through eth1 | 08:28 |
ntorido | How do a check the amount of free memory i have in ubuntu? | 08:28 |
moDumass | hmm, i did not, sorry, im following website instructions here | 08:28 |
moDumass | and that wasnt one of them | 08:28 |
moDumass | but i will now | 08:28 |
moDumass | thanks | 08:28 |
Starnestommy | ntorido: free -m | 08:28 |
H__ | I don't see dhc* starting before nfs, are you sure it's runlevel 5 we're using ? | 08:30 |
Dr_willis | H__, i dident thinkubuntu used runlevels much any more | 08:30 |
moDumass | No supported scanner found! >> make: *** [install] Error 1 >> evilsherpa@evilsherpa-desktop:~/mp150-0.14.4$ | 08:30 |
Dr_willis | !upstart | 08:30 |
ubottu | Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: | 08:30 |
legend2440 | xukun: ok now when you hook up your tv or crt and open that you should see both monitors. if you open display manager>display modes you may be able to select single mode and that might solve problem with mouse moving screen | 08:30 |
tv7497 | mgregsond: sir tere is an option called windows and it doesnt boot up sir | 08:30 |
H__ | ah, excellent. the sysV runlevels are not my favourite (I like provide/requires dependency systems) | 08:31 |
xukun | legend2440, ok I will do that | 08:31 |
legend2440 | xukun: ok good luck | 08:31 |
mgregsond | tv7497: I see. I suppose I guessed wrong. ;) | 08:31 |
H__ | so, the SXX order is just ignored ? | 08:31 |
hwilde | is there a tmpwatch or tmpreaper in ubuntu? | 08:31 |
ntorido | Starnestommy: if i get 25 free does that mean i have 25 GB free or 2.5 GB | 08:31 |
Dr_willis | H__, i was thinking ubuntu just used runlevel 3 and 6. and that was it. | 08:32 |
tv7497 | mgregsond: should i change it to hd0 , 0 sir | 08:32 |
Dr_willis | H__, dident use 5 at all. | 08:32 |
Starnestommy | ntorido: 25 MB | 08:32 |
Starnestommy | H__: ubuntu uses runlevel 2 by default | 08:32 |
H__ | ah, ok, thanks. so it's probably 3 | 08:32 |
Thomamvt | hi all | 08:32 |
moDumass | although this is my scanner >> Canon PIXMA MP470 04a9:1723 0 2400x4800 | 08:32 |
H__ | ehh ?! this is getting confusing :) how do I see which runlevel I'm in anyway ? | 08:32 |
Dr_willis | 2 ? why wouldit use 2? :) heh - i never have understood that stuff. heh | 08:32 |
moDumass | which is one of the outputs | 08:32 |
Dr_willis | it proberly is 2. | 08:32 |
Thomamvt | can anyone please help me | 08:32 |
hwilde | what kind of errrors would cause remount-ro in fstab | 08:33 |
hwilde | is there a tmpwatch or tmpreaper in ubuntu? | 08:33 |
tv7497 | mgregsond: sir is was that correct changing rootverify to hd0,0 | 08:33 |
bullgard1 | After distant-upgrade to Hardy shortly after logging in a dialog window appears asking: "Update standard folders to current language?" And only if I click on the "Keep old names" button, I keep these German names. Other GNOME identifiers are in English although locale prints LANG="de_DE.UTF8". What configuration file tells GNOME that the current language is English? | 08:33 |
Starnestommy | Thomamvt: only if we know what you need help with | 08:33 |
Slart | hwilde: apt-cache search tmpreaper | 08:33 |
ntorido | Starnestommy: it says i have 716 used therefore that would mean i have used 716 MB ?is this how i convert ? | 08:34 |
xukun | legend2440, maybe I need to restart x becouse it does not see any second monitor or display yet | 08:34 |
hwilde | Slart, I meant is it in there by default | 08:34 |
Thomamvt | i want to help to translate ubuntu into malayalam | 08:34 |
Slart | hwilde: nope | 08:34 |
Starnestommy | ntorido: free -m is in megabytes or MB | 08:34 |
Thomamvt | i have a launch pad account | 08:34 |
mgregsond | tv7497: It works with rootnoverify (hd0,0)? | 08:34 |
legend2440 | xukun: yes maybe. what i do when hooking up tv is shut off computer hook up svideo cable and reboot | 08:34 |
Thomamvt | is there is any tool is needed for that | 08:34 |
ntorido | Starnestommy: Is this the ram ? | 08:35 |
jwormy | I have an hp compaq 8510p, my sound plays fine through firefox, system sounds work, i get the welcome sound, but i can't get sound working in VLC, MPlayer, etc. | 08:35 |
xukun | legend2440, I will do that. see u in sec | 08:35 |
Starnestommy | ntorido: in the line that starts with Mem:, it's ram | 08:35 |
legend2440 | ok | 08:35 |
H__ | root@frag:/etc/rc5.d# runlevel | 08:35 |
H__ | N 2 | 08:35 |
Thomamvt | hey anyone | 08:35 |
H__ | so it's 2 indeed | 08:35 |
Thomamvt | hey going | 08:36 |
Slart | hwilde: on the other hand.. I see no old files in /tmp on my system.. might be something cleaning it up after all.. | 08:36 |
tv7497 | dont know sir can i try that ??????? , mgregsond | 08:36 |
ntorido | Starnestommy: sorry for bothering you ,but this does not show any other memory used,the one for the disk? | 08:37 |
Starnestommy | ntorido: just ram and swap | 08:37 |
H__ | I'll add $dhcdbd to Required-Start of S20nfs-common and report back | 08:37 |
Starnestommy | ntorido: df -h shows disk | 08:37 |
ntorido | Starnestommy: thanks. | 08:37 |
hwilde | Slart, so is it safe to use noatime,nodiratime in fstab ? is anything looking for times and deleting "old" files | 08:38 |
tv7497 | mgregsond: sir i have changed it and im now restarting to test it would report to u afetr the restart sir | 08:38 |
xukun | legend2440, I will do that. see u in sec | 08:38 |
legend2440 | ok | 08:39 |
lukifer_etyrnal | anyone have a moment or two to help me figure out what line to put in my fstab to mount an nfs mount? the export works, and mounts on my osx machines, but i need to make it work on this linux box | 08:39 |
H__ | strange, does not help. no dhcdbd startup before nfs-common | 08:40 |
Dr_willis | lukifer_etyrnal, <server>:</path/of/dir> </local/mnt/point> nfs <options> 0 0 | 08:40 |
hwilde | !nfs | lukifer_etyrnal | 08:40 |
ubottu | lukifer_etyrnal: nfs is the network file system. See for information on installing and configuring NFS. | 08:40 |
tv7497 | mgregsond: sir its stating invalid operations so now what to do sir | 08:41 |
Il_Angelito | hi | 08:41 |
lukifer_etyrnal | Dr_willis, thanks | 08:41 |
DistroJockey | tv7497: can you please pastebin the contents of /boot/grub/menu.lst and the output of: sudo fdisk -l | 08:41 |
lukifer_etyrnal | hwilde, thanks | 08:41 |
lukifer_etyrnal | ubottu, thanks | 08:42 |
ubottu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 08:42 |
Dr_willis | lukifer_etyrnal, all i did was google for 'nfs fstab example' | 08:42 |
DistroJockey | !pastebin | tv7497 | 08:42 |
ubottu | tv7497: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 08:42 |
hwilde | !google | Dr_willis | 08:42 |
ubottu | Dr_willis: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux: | 08:42 |
tv7497 | DistroJockey: yes sir just a moment | 08:42 |
hfswork | mSq, if you have a question, please ask it on channel, don't private message me. | 08:42 |
Dr_willis | hwilde, what next shoule we read the wiki pages to them also? :) | 08:42 |
lianj | oh my god | 08:42 |
lianj | can i speake in chinese | 08:42 |
hwilde | !wiki | Dr_willis :) | 08:43 |
ubottu | Dr_willis :): - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to - the Ubuntu community documentation. | 08:43 |
lianj | speak | 08:43 |
Dr_willis | lukifer_etyrnal, the page has some neat info also. seems well done. | 08:43 |
Starnestommy | !chinese | lianj | 08:43 |
ubottu | lianj: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 08:43 |
jwormy | I have an hp compaq 8510p, my sound plays fine through firefox, system sounds work, i get the welcome sound, but i can't get sound working in VLC, MPlayer, etc. | 08:43 |
theFATMAN | yo, badass ubuntu users, how are ya? i need help getting skype on AMD64 Hardy 8.04 | 08:43 |
lianj | 请问我怎么去访问中文频道 | 08:44 |
useless_k1tty | !cn > lianj | 08:44 |
lianj | !cn>lianj | 08:45 |
Starnestommy | lianj: /join #ubuntu-cn | 08:45 |
theFATMAN | nevermind, figured it out | 08:46 |
majikins | hi does anyone know where i can find material/case studies for running linux desktops for small business? | 08:46 |
tv7497 | DistroJockey: | 08:46 |
lianj | 我怎么还在这 ? | 08:46 |
majikins | recent stuff | 08:46 |
tv7497 | DistroJockey: | 08:47 |
Flynsarmy | I have ubuntu in one partition with grub as my boot loader. I want to increase the size of the ubuntu partition which will probably mean reinstalling windows on the other partition. If i reinstall windows will it remove GRUB? | 08:47 |
tv7497 | DistroJockey: posted sir | 08:47 |
DistroJockey | tv7497: looking | 08:47 |
seishi | my modem driver loads, and conect through wvdial.. but firefox don't works and w3m.. pidgin do. any tip ? | 08:47 |
hwilde | !fixgrub | Flynsarmy | 08:47 |
ubottu | Flynsarmy: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 08:47 |
Flynsarmy | After a while of my machine being turned on the window shadows all turn pinkish even though it's set to no colour in compiz. Is this a common problem? | 08:49 |
lianj | 这里是中文频道吗 ? | 08:50 |
DistroJockey | tv7497: try this: | 08:50 |
hwilde | !english | lianj | 08:50 |
ubottu | lianj: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit | 08:51 |
lianj | my english is poor | 08:51 |
hwilde | better than our chinese | 08:51 |
lianj | i am chinese where are you from? | 08:51 |
majikins | hi does anyone know where I can find recent case studies for linux desktops for small business? | 08:51 |
hwilde | !ask | lianj | 08:51 |
ubottu | lianj: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 08:51 |
DistroJockey | tv7497: I changed the default timeout to 10 and turned off the hiddenmenu as well as those map lines | 08:51 |
mgregsond | DistroJockey: What does the map do? | 08:51 |
DjViper | hwilde: uhm... | 08:52 |
DistroJockey | tv7497: performs a virtual swap between your first and second hard drive | 08:52 |
lianj | i dont know some word i dont know | 08:52 |
mgregsond | DistroJockey: (More, why is this needed?0 | 08:52 |
lianj | what can i do? | 08:52 |
DistroJockey | mgregsond: I have needed to use it when I have Windows on a second drive | 08:52 |
hwilde | lianj, translator | 08:52 |
lianj | yeah | 08:53 |
lianj | i want to try | 08:53 |
mgregsond | DistroJockey: Very odd. Makes me wonder... | 08:53 |
lianj | where are you from | 08:53 |
lianj | usa | 08:53 |
lianj | ? | 08:53 |
razel | hello anyone know what good application i can use to burn dvd movie? | 08:53 |
razel | thanks in advance | 08:53 |
hwilde | !burn | razel | 08:53 |
ubottu | razel: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see | 08:53 |
razel | hwilde: yes.. | 08:54 |
H__ | about sysVinit / upstart a 'initctl list' only shows a short list, including none of nfs, dhcp, etc. | 08:54 |
razel | hwilde: what do you use? | 08:54 |
hwilde | razel, you have an iso ? | 08:54 |
DistroJockey | mgregsond: I assuming it's because Windows likes to be the first HDD | 08:54 |
mgregsond | DistroJockey: Yeah. I can't come up with a good reason why it should care... | 08:55 |
razel | hwilde: my cousin use devede.. the process is to convert to iso and then write to dvd.. im using hardy now as my distro. | 08:55 |
hwilde | just right click on the iso and tell it burn to dvd | 08:56 |
hwilde | it's so easy | 08:56 |
hwilde | did you try | 08:56 |
razel | hwilde: im thinking if theres any better application than devede? | 08:56 |
H__ | DistroJockey / mgregsond: correct, i have a 'map (hd0) (hd1)' and vice versa in my windows part of grub for the backup i keep on a second harddisk | 08:56 |
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Carbonflux | ya I do the same as H__ | 08:56 |
razel | hwilde: yes i have tried it. | 08:56 |
Carbonflux | use map to switch the drives | 08:56 |
Carbonflux | it works good for me | 08:57 |
Flynsarmy | anyone having problems iwth window shadows in compiz? | 08:57 |
razel | hwilde: what application are you using for dvd burn? | 08:57 |
ntorido | I have tried almost every solution about fixing the sound problem in 8.04 but to no avail.Can anyone help me please. | 08:57 |
Carbonflux | Flynsarmy, what kind of graphics card do you have? | 08:57 |
DistroJockey | H__ , mgregsond: yeah, it's mentioned quite a bit when trying to get Windows on a second drive to boot from Grub | 08:57 |
tv7497 | DistroJockey: sir an error Error 13 : inexecutable or unknown file format | 08:57 |
DistroJockey | eek | 08:57 |
Carbonflux | Flynsarmy, if you turn off compiz the color returns to normal? | 08:58 |
moDumass | hmm, so i installed the driver, and it did a scan, but i cant find the scanner with sane | 08:58 |
moDumass | xsane sorry | 08:58 |
DistroJockey | tv7497: can you pastebin your current /boot/grub/menu.lst again please? | 08:58 |
Flynsarmy | Carbonflux: Nvidia geforce 8600m gt | 08:59 |
lukifer_etyrnal | that's weird - ubuntu server 8.04 doesn't install nfs-comon by default?? | 08:59 |
tv7497 | DistroJockey: yes sir | 08:59 |
DistroJockey | tv7497: cheers | 08:59 |
Carbonflux | Flynsarmy, did you try nvidia-settings and see if all the setting are correct? it might have some bad values or there or something? | 08:59 |
Carbonflux | Flynsarmy, also make sure you have the color filter plugin turned off on CompizConfig Settings Manager | 09:00 |
xintron | I got a grey box on all flash things when using ff3b5, when I click the grey box (with an arrow) I can see the flash thing, however, I want the flash stuff to be shown directly, how do I change that? | 09:00 |
DistroJockey | tv7497: and you have a backup copy of /boot/grub/menu.lst right? | 09:00 |
Flynsarmy | Carbonflux: I'm in nvidia-settings now but i'm not sure how to tell if there are any incorrect settings or not. My resolution and colours are all fine. The shadows appear fine when my laptop first starts up and are fine for a while | 09:00 |
Flynsarmy | Carbonflux: The plugin was turned off | 09:01 |
tv7497 | DistroJockey: no i guess sir | 09:01 |
Carbonflux | Flynsarmy, so this is your laptop screen? if you turn Compiz totally off the color problem goes away? | 09:01 |
DistroJockey | tv7497: well, better do a : sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst.backup | 09:01 |
Flynsarmy | Carbonflux: If i turn off window decorations plugins all the borders disappear. all colours on my screen are right except for the window shadows | 09:02 |
tv7497 | DistroJockey: yes sir | 09:02 |
Rafabe | hi | 09:02 |
Rafabe | I have 2 HDDs, different in size...I need to know which is considered hdd 0,0 and which is hdd 1,0 | 09:02 |
xintron | Is there a way to remove directly instead of putting it to the Trash (I want it to be removed when I hit delete, not using shift. In other words, I don't want to use the trashbin)? | 09:03 |
Rafabe | df, mount, etc, none of that stuff shows the "hdd x,y" name | 09:03 |
Carbonflux | Flynsarmy, but the colors are right for a while? if you can into appearances and turn off desktop effects all together do the colors look right? | 09:03 |
ntorido | Is anyone having/had any a sound problem in 8.04 ? | 09:03 |
tv7497 | DistroJockey: done sir | 09:03 |
Rafabe | ntorido: I couldn't have 2 programs using sound at the same time. The second one would mute. | 09:03 |
mgregsond | tv7497: What's the URL? | 09:03 |
hwilde | !sound | ntorido | 09:03 |
ubottu | ntorido: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 09:03 |
Flynsarmy | Carbonflux: Yes. they're all fine with it turned off | 09:04 |
DistroJockey | tv7497: hmm, I guess you could change rootnoverify to just root | 09:04 |
Rafabe | so can anyone give me a command that would show which HDD is considered "0,0" by GRUB, and which os "1,0" ? | 09:04 |
tv7497 | DistroJockey: no i guess sir , DistroJockey | 09:04 |
Carbonflux | yes, lots of sound problems for me in 8.04, I am going to hang in there tho, seems like some fixes are on the way | 09:04 |
H__ | hacking in a call to S24dhcdbd in the start of S20nfs-common revealed a dependency on S24hal. continuing :) | 09:04 |
Zaiden | I was able to fix the sound delay in second life by killing PulseAudio, but then I'm not able to listen to music or etc : / | 09:05 |
tv7497 | DistroJockey: doest that work sir ???????? | 09:05 |
DistroJockey | tv7497: ohh, best to try :) | 09:05 |
tv7497 | DistroJockey: k sir | 09:06 |
DistroJockey | tv7497: looks good to me | 09:06 |
Carbonflux | Flynsarmy, my only guess because I have not seen this problem before personally and I do have a 8600 also, is that somehow some of the settings got messed up, the color filter might not really be turned off or something even tho its unchecked could try using Emerald, its a theme manager that works with compiz and replaces the decorations, its in the repo's if you search of Emerald in symantic | 09:06 |
yit4s | what is the difference between pulseaudio and alsa? | 09:06 |
Carbonflux | pulse audio is network oriented | 09:07 |
Carbonflux | its a server for audio streams | 09:07 |
H__ | ehh i meant dbus, not hal | 09:07 |
Carbonflux | ALSA is a api | 09:07 |
ttkeppi | something seems to be broken at update manager, I cannot get the update notifier icon to show up in the taskbar.. still updating from synaptic works.. something I need to reinstall? | 09:07 |
hwilde | !pulse | yit4s | 09:07 |
ubottu | yit4s: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See for information and installation instructions | 09:07 |
hwilde | !alsa | yit4s | 09:07 |
ubottu | yit4s: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 09:07 |
Flynsarmy | Rafabe: /boot/grun/sources.lst it's written int here | 09:08 |
xukun | legend2440, it works | 09:08 |
Carbonflux | ttkeppi, it could be that you need to try a different mirror for your repository source | 09:09 |
legend2440 | xukun: ok good , i was getting worried i thought you couldn't boot or something got screwed up | 09:09 |
legend2440 | xukun: mplayer work too? | 09:10 |
=== matyy_ is now known as matyy | ||
xukun | legend2440, no sorry it took so long but I was very exited. even mplayer and mythbuntu both work great. thank you so much for your help | 09:10 |
=== matyy is now known as matyy_ | ||
=== matyy_ is now known as matyy | ||
legend2440 | xukun: your welcome gotta go now take care | 09:11 |
ackbahr | Hi! If I have the choice between a Fedora, Mandriva or Suse version of a program, which should I take for Ubuntu? | 09:11 |
Carbonflux | ttkeppi, if you system->administration->software sources and select the download from combo box, it opens a dialog that will help you find a closer server maybe, there is a button that will test for the fastest one, with 8.04 the repo's on the main server have gotten kind of busy | 09:11 |
Starnestommy | ackbahr: a source version if one exists | 09:11 |
DistroJockey | ackbahr: none of them | 09:11 |
hwilde | ackbahr, what program | 09:11 |
xukun | legend2440, bye | 09:11 |
ackbahr | gbDVDenc | 09:11 |
ackbahr | Starnestommy: There's a source, but I don't know how to compile it.... | 09:12 |
hwilde | ackbahr, you just want to burn a dvd ? | 09:12 |
Starnestommy | ackbahr: check the install and readme files in it | 09:12 |
mgregsond | ackbahr: There are probably instructions with it. | 09:12 |
hwilde | !dvd | ackbahr | 09:12 |
ubottu | ackbahr: For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 09:12 |
ttkeppi | Carbonflux: I'll try that next.. just found by trying apt-get install update-manager ... I apparently didn't have it(?!) ...system is upgraded from 7.10 -> hardy beta -> hardy final | 09:12 |
ackbahr | hwilde: No, I want to cut pieces off a DVD | 09:13 |
Carbonflux | ttkeppi, it does sound a bit messed up, to be honest I started over on my main machine, I was able to get a upgrade to work on a VM version of 7.10 but it was a very clean default install. | 09:13 |
ackbahr | Starnestommy, mgregsond : I'll try this... | 09:14 |
xintron | I've got ATI X600 on my laptop and currently running 1280x800. Is it possible and if so, good to set a higher screenresolution? | 09:14 |
Carbonflux | ttkeppi, I was not able to get it to work personally via the repo's, I used the alternative install disk to upgrade. | 09:14 |
hwilde | !fixres | xintron | 09:14 |
ubottu | xintron: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 09:14 |
H__ | this *is* strange. hacking in S12dbus and S24dhcdbd at the beginning of start() of S20nfs-common does NOT help. Result observed : while S24dhcdbd claims to start successfully *no* dhcp request was sent (and thus no IP address was set up, confimed because machine was not pingable) during the nfs internal errors (plain nfs fstab entries) | 09:14 |
BlackRece | hiya, if i can't connect to the internet via one of my nics, how do I make sure that it is working properly? | 09:14 |
BlackRece | !nic | 09:15 |
ubottu | For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see | 09:15 |
xintron | hwilde: The question was if it is good to set a higher resolution than recommended. | 09:15 |
hwilde | xintron, can your monitor handle it | 09:15 |
ttkeppi | Carbonflux: main reason that i dont do clean hardy install, is that i cant get the display to work.. the bug is known, via integrated gfx just plain sucks. new gfx card is on the buy list.. | 09:15 |
H__ | anyone an idea what is preventing S24dhcdbd to send dhcp requests out when it's running ? | 09:15 |
BlackRece | hwilde: can the gfx card handle it?! | 09:16 |
hwilde | that is a hardware question | 09:16 |
lukifer_etyrnal | Dr_willis, thanks - Your help has got my NFS problem solved - the machine didn't even have nfs-common on it | 09:16 |
xintron | hwilde: I don't know, since 1280x800 is the highest i can select without editing any files | 09:16 |
Carbonflux | ttkeppi, ouch, well it sounds like you can chip away at it app by app I guess...picking another server helped me a lot tho, the main server was getting really slow. | 09:16 |
hwilde | xintron, look up the specs on your laptop, that's not really an ubuntu question | 09:16 |
Dr_willis | lukifer_etyrnal, :) ubuntu dosetn install most of the server related stuff by default. | 09:17 |
xintron | hwilde: But can I force it to use higher, even if it might damage my screen? | 09:17 |
yit4s | can i install software from .BIN file? | 09:17 |
ackbahr | Well, I have another question about DVD playing : I managed to get libdvdcss2 and it works (I can read DVDs with mplayer), but xine still won't read the same DVD! Any ideas? | 09:17 |
Starnestommy | yit4s: it depends on the software | 09:17 |
hwilde | xintron, you can have the xserver try to display whatever resolution you want... but it won't work if your monitor can't handle it | 09:17 |
Carbonflux | xintron, try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg maybe | 09:17 |
Carbonflux | don't use the GUI to set your graphics card tho | 09:18 |
Carbonflux | its just wrong | 09:18 |
yit4s | Starnestommy: well, i'm downloading Real Player 11 | 09:18 |
ttkeppi | Carbonflux: i did get a decent 1869kB/s speed just a moment ago, max for me is somewhere around 2500kB/s | 09:18 |
Starnestommy | yit4s: chmod +x file.bin, then sudo ./file.bin | 09:18 |
BlackRece | can anyone tell me how to fix a nic that ubuntu can see but can't connect to the internet with it | 09:18 |
Carbonflux | nvidia-settings will also do a good job of generating a xorg.conf file, if you have a nvidia board, etc | 09:18 |
Starnestommy | yit4s: but try to find a .deb package of it first | 09:18 |
H__ | When | 09:19 |
manchester | hola | 09:19 |
Carbonflux | ttkeppi, its gotten better, right after release it was really slow, like 300kB/s | 09:19 |
manchester | keria preguntar, En ke carpeta se instalan las aplicaciones como el Xchat ? | 09:19 |
H__ | When using 'console login' kdm stops, how does one start it again ? | 09:19 |
Starnestommy | !es | manchester | 09:20 |
ubottu | manchester: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 09:20 |
yit4s | Starnestommy: i can only find .RPM installer. would that be okay? or i just go with .BIN? | 09:20 |
Carbonflux | use the .bin for real player | 09:20 |
Starnestommy | yit4s: bin | 09:20 |
xx | boyts | 09:20 |
xx | | 09:20 |
xx | check it u will lol | 09:20 |
xx | :D | 09:20 |
FloodBot3 | xx: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 09:20 |
Carbonflux | do a chmod a+x on it yit4s after you download | 09:21 |
Starnestommy | !ot | xx | 09:21 |
ubottu | xx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 09:21 |
yit4s | Starnestommy: where do i put the .BIN file before i start the terminal commands? | 09:21 |
manchester | In what dir, the aplicattions where install ? please | 09:21 |
Starnestommy | yit4s: anywhere | 09:21 |
yit4s | oh ok | 09:21 |
Starnestommy | yit4s: just cd to to the directory that it's in before running it | 09:22 |
Starnestommy | manchester: probably /usr/bin | 09:22 |
ackbahr | well, so long everyone! | 09:22 |
=== mookid_ is now known as mookid | ||
xintron | I need help with TV-out, have a ATI card | 09:24 |
jwormy | I have an hp compaq 8510p, my sound plays fine through firefox, system sounds work, i get the welcome sound, but i can't get sound working in VLC, MPlayer, etc. | 09:25 |
yit4s | Starnestommy: it has where should i installed it. where? is there any Program Files folder like windows? | 09:25 |
theFATMAN | whats the reinstall code again? | 09:25 |
theFATMAN | for sudo apt-get? | 09:25 |
=== Owner_ is now known as smmagic | ||
hwilde | theFATMAN, remove && install | 09:27 |
enzo_ | hello I can give a room name in Spanish | 09:27 |
Starnestommy | enzo_: #ubuntu-es ? | 09:27 |
hwilde | !es | enzo | 09:28 |
ubottu | enzo: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 09:28 |
BlackRece | hello ppl, how are we today? anyone know anything about detecting if a nic is working properly? | 09:28 |
theFATMAN | hwilde, thanks | 09:28 |
yit4s | Starnestommy: it asks where should i installed it. where? is there any Program Files folder like windows? | 09:28 |
theFATMAN | Black! Whats up dude? | 09:28 |
Starnestommy | yit4s: /usr/local | 09:28 |
user_ | !install | 09:29 |
ubottu | Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See Don't want to use a CD? Try - See also !automate | 09:29 |
Starnestommy | yit4s: linux uses various directories for program files, but ones that aren't part of the base system or from the package manager should be in /usr/local | 09:29 |
BlackRece | hiya FATMAN!! my box can see both of my nics,(i have two lol) i can connect to internet on only one NIC the other won't let me, who do I sort this? | 09:30 |
hwilde | BlackRece, you have two cables connected? | 09:30 |
BlackRece | theFATMAN: If I can establish that my 2nd nic is broke then I'll replace it. | 09:30 |
* chalcedony smiles | 09:31 | |
theFATMAN | ok, stupid question, i just reinstalled jave, in the terminal, and it pulled up a confirmation 'do you accept' box. i hit enter, but its not doing nada. | 09:31 |
BlackRece | hwilde: to avoid conflicts, I only have one cable in at the mo, but when I switch, no network! | 09:31 |
hwilde | BlackRece, type in "ifconfig" do you see two interfaces | 09:31 |
jwormy | I have an hp compaq 8510p, my sound plays fine through firefox, system sounds work, i get the welcome sound, but i can't get sound working in VLC, MPlayer (setting it up to use alsa), etc. - but it seems to work with Movie Player | 09:31 |
BlackRece | theFATMAN: press tab and some text should turn red... | 09:32 |
BlackRece | yup | 09:32 |
BlackRece | hwilde: let me do a pastedump | 09:32 |
theFATMAN | BlackRece, ok, now what bro | 09:32 |
cpro | hey there i am gettin an error my laptop is not booting. whenever i boot it gooes in a inbuilt shell called ash with (initramfs) prompt can anybody help | 09:32 |
hwilde | BlackRece, are they named eth0 and eth1 ? | 09:33 |
Starnestommy | cpro: run "dmesg" and look for errors thta might cause it to not boot | 09:33 |
theFATMAN | nvrmind, got it | 09:33 |
hwilde | cpro, did the livecd work ? | 09:33 |
LostOverThere | Hi | 09:33 |
cpro | hwilde wat do u mean by live cd work?? | 09:34 |
chalcedony | how do i get the proper java for an amd64 ? (Hardy opera and open office) | 09:34 |
LostOverThere | I've got a problem with gnome-system-monitor, whenever I use it the CPU usage for it goes up to about 50%+ | 09:34 |
BlackRece | hwilde: yup, heres my terminal dump - | 09:34 |
hwilde | cpro, how did you install ubuntu? did the livecd work ? | 09:34 |
hwilde | BlackRece, which one works | 09:34 |
hwilde | !java | chalcedony | 09:34 |
ubottu | chalcedony: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 09:34 |
cpro | starnestommy ya i tried dmesg but it raned a lot of messages and at the end there is no such error | 09:34 |
LostOverThere | When I run it from terminal, it says 'Warning: SELinux was found but is not enabled' | 09:34 |
chalcedony | hwilde: ty :) | 09:35 |
BlackRece | theFATMAN: keep pressing tab until the option yu want is in red and then press enter when u found the option u want | 09:35 |
LostOverThere | Any ideas? | 09:35 |
LostOverThere | Is there another decent system monitor? | 09:35 |
theFATMAN | Black, yeah i got it, i had to fresh install, so i am redoing everything | 09:35 |
hwilde | BlackRece, plug the cable into the other one and type "sudo dhclient eth1" | 09:36 |
BlackRece | theFATMAN: that bit is ubuntu specific as in I was installing skype, got a screen in the terminal, couldn't get past it untill i hit the tab key and saw the <Ok> button I was trying to click turn red, then I hit enter and it flew through the install | 09:36 |
cpro | starnestommy i was ufferinf some problem in installing my windows so i ran dell diognastic tool since then i am facing this problem can u tell me y this problem is comming or wat can be the reason or where can i know more about it | 09:36 |
theFATMAN | lol, yeah same here homie | 09:37 |
jwormy | I have an hp compaq 8510p, my sound plays fine through firefox, system sounds work, i get the welcome sound, but i can't get sound working in VLC, MPlayer (setting it up to use alsa), etc. - but it seems to work with Movie Player | 09:37 |
Starnestommy | cpro: the output of dmesg is one thing that I could check | 09:37 |
robg_ | jwormy: I got sound to work well using pulse audio from | 09:38 |
yit4s | is there any FLV downloader for ubuntu? | 09:38 |
bazhang | yit4s, youtube-dl | 09:39 |
chalcedony | my problem with java is that when i upgraded to Hardy a lot of packages were broken if i just 'get java' am i going to continue to have problems? do i need to get rid of what i have? (open office is still not happy although i removed and reinstalled it) | 09:39 |
cpro | starnestommy i don have any workin os so i cant take the output mesg out of my box but i have copied it in a file through | . wat shud i do to send u the output | 09:39 |
yit4s | bazhang: is that for youtube ONLY or all websites that have FLV videos? | 09:39 |
robg_ | chalcedony: ubuntu comes with OpenJDK not Sun Java. If you want Sun Java you must uninstall OpenJDK frist. | 09:40 |
lonejack_ | hi, strange problem, dsl configuration, the PC sees ADSL modem( but it doesn't allow me to go on the Internet. Do you know where I have to put username and password? | 09:40 |
bazhang | yit4s, miro for all flash stuff | 09:40 |
kherona | lonejack you need to specify the DNS address in the interface | 09:40 |
Starnestommy | cpro: just tell me some of the things that show up in it, specifically hard disk errors | 09:40 |
chalcedony | robg_: apt-get uninstall OpenJDK ? | 09:40 |
kherona | lonejack sometimes the modem dont supply the DNS address to your PC | 09:41 |
robg_ | chalcedony: use synaptic package manager | 09:41 |
lonejack_ | kherona: excuse me. Where is the interface? | 09:41 |
chalcedony | robg_: visually impaired i can never figure out guis | 09:41 |
yit4s | so i installed a .BIN application. now how do i remove it? | 09:41 |
BlackRece | theFATMAN: explain this tom me please? | 09:41 |
Starnestommy | yit4s: check the instructions for its use | 09:42 |
robg_ | lonejack: normally ubuntu does an automatic DHCP. If that fails you can do a manual config | 09:42 |
Kira | Has anybody had problem upgrading Ubuntu from 7.10 to 8.04 through SSH? | 09:42 |
robg_ | chalcedony: do it the way you want. | 09:42 |
kherona | lonejack System ---> Administration ---> Network or Network Services | 09:42 |
=== lipsinV1 is now known as lipsin | ||
robg_ | Kira: You upgrade by doing a re-install | 09:42 |
ntorido | I just restarted my computer from the commandline and now i goes on commandline when it starts.How can i get back to the graphical part? | 09:42 |
lonejack_ | kherona: thx | 09:43 |
cpro | starnestommy 4.802 system 0:0b: iomem range ............. coudnot be reserved | 09:43 |
yit4s | Starnestommy: the installation was a breeze. i thought it would be the same as windows version but it is not | 09:43 |
chalcedony | Kira: you would not be the first and it's possible to upgrade .. just might be troublesome .. but anything is | 09:43 |
theFATMAN | Black, looks normal, whats up? | 09:43 |
cpro | starnestommy is that a problem?? | 09:43 |
Starnestommy | cpro: it looks like that could cause it. it might be bad ram | 09:43 |
Kira | robg_: sudo do-release-upgrade doesn't work well? | 09:43 |
Starnestommy | cpro: or something in the kernel or initrd image not working | 09:44 |
H__ | repost from a sleeping u+1 : Question : when debugging the 'nfs internal error' during boot (plain nfs entries in fstab) I noted that there is no IP connectivity yet (machine does not ping, and no dhcp request was sent out). As a test I hacked in S12dbus and S24dhcdbd in start() of S20nfs-common, but while dhcdbd claimed a OK startup again NO dhcp request was sent, and machine did not respond to ping. Any ideas ? Additional : at the end of the boot all | 09:44 |
H__ | works fine, dhcp request is sent, IP connectivity works, NFS works | 09:44 |
cpro | starnestommy u mean to say there is problem in my ram (ramdon access memory)??????? :( | 09:44 |
robg_ | Kira: It is a question of preference. I am a fervent user of the install option. | 09:44 |
captnpete | anyone know if the 8.04 server cd supports installing into a luks and lvm root file system? | 09:44 |
Sitherae | Do ati drivers work well? | 09:44 |
Starnestommy | cpro: there might be, but there also might not be a problem with that | 09:44 |
Starnestommy | cpro: I'm not exactly sure if that's the cause of the problem | 09:45 |
tyler | hey how do i install a theme like this in ubuntu | 09:45 |
cpro | starnestommy ok so wat do you suggest ? i have a deadline tommorow i need this badly :( | 09:45 |
Starnestommy | cpro: did you recently make any changes to the system? | 09:45 |
Carbonflux | Sitherae, they get better all the time and soon should be very good, in the past they have been weak, still some issues, but usable imo, I use them for my laptop | 09:46 |
pidgin | how to install ubuntu | 09:46 |
mSq | !install | 09:46 |
ubottu | Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See Don't want to use a CD? Try - See also !automate | 09:46 |
Starnestommy | cpro: a software could also have caused this | 09:46 |
pidgin | :) | 09:46 |
tyler | hey how do i install a theme like this in ubuntu | 09:46 |
kracker | hi pidgin | 09:46 |
cpro | starnestommy u mean ubuntu internal or ubuntu settings ? noo i didnt but i do raned dell diagnostic tool | 09:46 |
kracker | Iam in a try to create a plugin for pidgin | 09:46 |
BlackRece | trying to set up my ubuntu box as a firewall/nat server but I can only accept internet via on nic not the other so i don't know if on of my nics work | 09:46 |
Sitherae | Carbonflux: What is the better alternative? | 09:46 |
Starnestommy | cpro: anything in ubuntu, specifically installing, removing, or updating hardware | 09:47 |
BlackRece | theFATMAN: eth0 is the one i'm having issues with | 09:47 |
Starnestommy | cpro: er, software, not hardware | 09:47 |
kracker | bazhang: | 09:47 |
kracker | tritium: | 09:47 |
babolat | where do i find ff2's cached pages? | 09:47 |
ntorido | Please how do i get out of the this terminal.When my computer starts it says "No resume image ,doing normal boot" then it goes into the black and white terminal | 09:47 |
Carbonflux | Sitherae, if you have a ati card and need acceleration none really, the open source driver only does 2D acceleration iirc | 09:48 |
Ayabara | I'm dualbooting Vista and Hardy, and a thing that annoys me is that the volume of my laptop is _much_ higher in Vista. In Ubuntu I have to have all relevant sliders in alsamixer almost to max. Why oh why? | 09:48 |
cpro | starnestommy i just saw an error in dmesg output there is a line unable to read inode | 09:48 |
theFATMAN | Black, i'll look again in a sec, maybe netspeed can help u troubleshoot | 09:48 |
Sitherae | Carbonflux: I have an nvidia | 09:48 |
kracker | tritium: | 09:48 |
kracker | tritium: | 09:48 |
tyler | hey how do i install a theme like this in ubuntu | 09:48 |
BlackRece | theFATMAN: "netspeed"? what's that? | 09:48 |
Starnestommy | cpro: looks like a filesystem error. | 09:48 |
Sitherae | Carbonflux: Did I say ati up there? Sorry if I did lol. I meant. Are nvidia drivers any good | 09:48 |
Carbonflux | Sitherae, the ati drivers will not work with nvidia boards, the nivida drivers are quite good | 09:48 |
Carbonflux | lol ya | 09:48 |
cpro | starnestommy ok wat to do then??? | 09:49 |
Carbonflux | Sitherae, the nVidia drivers are good | 09:49 |
Starnestommy | cpro: fsck might be able to fix it | 09:49 |
Sitherae | Carbonflux: Are there any better alternatives? | 09:49 |
Carbonflux | Sitherae, well, if we are talking about the restricted drivers from nVidia you can't do any better | 09:49 |
theFATMAN | Black, its a applet that shows speed, connectivity, could maybe help a little, lnow what i mean, improve 'trial and error' | 09:49 |
Sitherae | Carbonflux: Alright thanks. | 09:50 |
cpro | starnestommy i cant see fsck command in this prompt do i need the live cd and do the fsck of the file system | 09:50 |
Carbonflux | Sitherae, when you installed did you also active the restricted driver? | 09:50 |
BlackRece | theFATMAN: whats the syntax for netspeed | 09:50 |
Sitherae | Carbonflux: Im not having a problem with my driver. Just wanting to update to see if I can get Age of Conan to work in Wine. | 09:50 |
Starnestommy | cpro: use the livecd to run fsck | 09:50 |
cpro | starnestommy ok i will do that | 09:51 |
Starnestommy | cpro: although on that cd it would be "sudo fsck" in a terminal | 09:51 |
cpro | starnestommy i will tell u if it works | 09:51 |
cpro | starnestommy thanks | 09:51 |
theFATMAN | Black, sudo apt-get install netspeed | 09:51 |
mSq | How to set a root pass in mysql. When i try mysqladmin -u root mypass newpass i recieve this msg: mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed | 09:51 |
mSq | error: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)' | 09:51 |
cpro | starnestommy ya i understand that | 09:51 |
Carbonflux | Sitherae, be interesting to find out if you can, thats a fairly cutting edge app, it might run a bit slow | 09:51 |
cpro | starnestommy thanks a lot man | 09:51 |
cpro | starnestommy u were great help | 09:52 |
cpro | starnestommy u were great help :) | 09:52 |
Sitherae | Carbonflux: Well I'm only getting 12-15 fps in windows. Seeing if ubuntu runs it anybetter | 09:52 |
yit4s | how do i remove a .BIN application? | 09:52 |
dejx | hello | 09:52 |
dejx | how do i set resolution for X? | 09:52 |
dejx | 0.04 | 09:52 |
dejx | 8.04 | 09:52 |
FloodBot3 | dejx: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 09:52 |
Carbonflux | Sitherae, what kind of hardware do you have? | 09:53 |
Carbonflux | yit4s, you don't like real player? | 09:53 |
Carbonflux | yit4s, do a whereis realplay and rm all the stuff | 09:53 |
captnpete | does the 8.04 server CD support LUKS and LVM install or do I need the alternate CD? someone here must have set up an encrypted server before... | 09:53 |
Sitherae | Carbonflux: 7600 GTS. But. I have an 8800 GTS OC'd to 670 mhz in the mail to my house right now :D | 09:53 |
tenX | dejx: you should edit xorg.conf | 09:53 |
cpro | starnestommy i have another problem i am not ablem to install winxp in my system it says no hard drives found | 09:53 |
Carbonflux | Sitherae, ya, with the 7600 you just don't have the shader support, its not going to be faster in Ubuntu | 09:54 |
Starnestommy | cpro: are they sata hard drives? | 09:54 |
dejx | tenX jea but there are no lines about resolutions.. and i dont know them | 09:54 |
=== FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC | ||
robg_ | captnpete: You find ou when you download ubuntu-server and run the installer. | 09:54 |
Sitherae | Carbonflux: I see. | 09:54 |
BlackRece | theFATMAN: installed, netspeed to run? | 09:54 |
yit4s | Carbonflux: whereis? what's that? nahh, i dont like it. Amarok is way better | 09:54 |
cpro | starnestommy yes | 09:54 |
Sitherae | Carbonflux: Damn >.> | 09:54 |
Carbonflux | yit4s, whereis is a command, do whereis realplay | 09:54 |
tenX | dejx: there used to be a helper script called xorgconfig | 09:54 |
theFATMAN | Black, u gotta put it in the menu | 09:54 |
captnpete | robg_: looks that way, will write up when I'm done so others don't have this issue | 09:55 |
tenX | dejx: otherwise you should google for ubuntu xorg.conf | 09:55 |
Starnestommy | cpro: you might need a disk with the sata drivers on it. Someone in the channel ##windows should know how to get windows and sata working | 09:55 |
Carbonflux | Sitherae, heh ya, soon linux gaming is going to get better tho, with this port of Half Life starting it off. | 09:55 |
dejx | yes but ... command not found, i dont know why | 09:55 |
robg_ | captnpete: Ubuntu Alternate has 4 different install options. I alsways pick LVM Encrypted. | 09:55 |
cpro | can u please tell me all the irc details of any windows channel | 09:55 |
Carbonflux | yit4s, ya, I keep realplay around only for specific streams that nothing else will support correctly | 09:56 |
Starnestommy | cpro: ##windows is on this server. Just type /join ##windows to get to it | 09:56 |
bazhang | cpro, /j ##windows | 09:56 |
kracker | hi bazhang | 09:56 |
=== ward_ is now known as Ward1983 | ||
BlackRece | theFATMAN: u'll have to talk me through adding it to my menu cos i dunno how to! (sry n00b, was a windblows user!) | 09:56 |
cpro | starnestommy thanks | 09:57 |
cpro | bazhang thanks | 09:57 |
bazhang | cpro :) | 09:57 |
epoxxy | I have a funny problem i've tried to install ubuntu on 3 diffrent computers, with 3 diffrent soundcards, but with the same result. Only way to hear several sounds at the same time (i.e. mp3 and msn) is to use pulseaudio. But many games doesnt support pulseaudio and get silent. Any solution or suggestion??? | 09:57 |
kracker | tritium: are you there? | 09:57 |
captnpete | robg_: that what I usually do but I'm trying to avoid installing X etc., think I'll just go with alternate and see how lean I can make it after the install | 09:57 |
theFATMAN | Black, yo, right click applications | 09:57 |
Starnestommy | kracker: doesn't look like it. He's been idle for 2 hours | 09:57 |
robg_ | captnpete: Alternate is a single boot system. You start the installer and go for a walk. | 09:58 |
kracker | Starnestommy: i too think so | 09:58 |
kracker | he is afk | 09:58 |
theFATMAN | who here uses xchat? | 09:58 |
r2r | hey is there a program form which i can make linux partitons inside windows? | 09:58 |
r2r | i do | 09:58 |
Carbonflux | epoxxy, only time it seems like, some people have experimented with totally removing pulse audio also, I would love a fix but so far I have not found one personally | 09:58 |
kracker | iam using konversation | 09:58 |
Starnestommy | theFATMAN: a lot of people | 09:58 |
captnpete | robg_: sweet, sounds perfect - thanks man I didn't know it was that flexible | 09:58 |
r2r | hey is there a program form which i can make linux partitons inside windows? | 09:58 |
Dr_willis | r2r, you mean resize a windows partition and create linux ones? or partition a new hard drive? | 09:59 |
bazhang | r2r ask in ##windows | 09:59 |
Carbonflux | epoxxy, there is talk of a fix soonish tho, not sure when :( | 09:59 |
theFATMAN | Starnestommy, lol, how do you enable the transparent window? | 09:59 |
robg_ | captpete: the less you mess with it the better the install. Just fill in the lines and go for a walk. | 09:59 |
yit4s | Carbonflux: i did the whereis. what do i do know? | 09:59 |
kracker | theFATMAN: check the preference | 09:59 |
Dr_willis | r2r, i tend to use any linux live cd - that has the 'gparted' tools for my partioning needs. | 09:59 |
kracker | there is a option | 09:59 |
Carbonflux | yit4s, did you see a list of all the places it is? | 09:59 |
theFATMAN | kracker, thanks | 09:59 |
yit4s | Carbonflux: yes | 09:59 |
BlackRece | theFATMAN: where the hell did apt-get install netspeed? | 10:00 |
theFATMAN | r2r, right click 'computer' and go to 'manage' | 10:00 |
Carbonflux | yit4s, you can do a rm -rf on those paths and that will remove the files, thats all you need to do really | 10:00 |
epoxxy | Carbonflux, ok. i think something needs to be done with alsa to be able to play several sounds at once, and be free from libflashsupport that craches firefox | 10:00 |
Anjiru | HAY ALGUIEN ESPAÑOL? | 10:00 |
theFATMAN | Black, do a search, be in home or root maybe | 10:00 |
Carbonflux | epoxxy, one semi fix is to go into sounds and set everything to ALSA | 10:00 |
Starnestommy | !es | Anjiru | 10:01 |
ubottu | Anjiru: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 10:01 |
epoxxy | Carbonflux, doesnt help | 10:01 |
yit4s | Carbonflux: just rm -rf <path> for every one of them? | 10:01 |
Carbonflux | epoxxy, heh ya it did not help me | 10:01 |
Carbonflux | yit4s, sudo rm -rf <path> | 10:01 |
robg_ | Captnpete: you need a live internet connection for Alternate because it calls home to the mirror during the install. | 10:01 |
Carbonflux | yit4s, should only be 3 of them iirc | 10:01 |
epoxxy | Carbonflux, :P | 10:01 |
Carbonflux | epoxxy, some people claim it works in the forums heh | 10:01 |
dunken | Hi | 10:01 |
dunken | Just installed the core system here with ubuntu server edition , but when booting up the system he dosent start the os , | 10:01 |
dunken | it just stops just after bios check , if i then remove all hds exept bootdisk it works | 10:01 |
dunken | Any idea why it behaves like this ? | 10:01 |
yit4s | Carbonflux: yeah, only three | 10:01 |
FloodBot3 | dunken: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:01 |
Sitherae | Im getting this error :Unable to get exclusive lock | 10:02 |
Sitherae | This usually means that another package management application (like apt-get or aptitude) already running. Please close that application first. | 10:02 |
Anjiru | OK | 10:02 |
Starnestommy | Sitherae: close any other package managers | 10:02 |
Carbonflux | yit4s, rm is dangerous btw so be sure you have the right paths :) | 10:02 |
kracker | !flood | 10:02 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 10:02 |
theFATMAN | wtf? my 'advanced desktop settings' is gone from the preferences do i get it back? | 10:02 |
Sitherae | Starnestommy: None are open | 10:02 |
yit4s | Carbonflux: thanks for the warning | 10:02 |
Carbonflux | theFATMAN, what do you mean gone? | 10:02 |
kracker | theFATMAN: right click in ur desktop | 10:02 |
kracker | and check there is a tab named desktop effects | 10:03 |
theFATMAN | carbonflux, i mean---gone | 10:03 |
Carbonflux | theFATMAN, did you change anything? | 10:03 |
=== ward_ is now known as Ward1983_ | ||
=== Ward1983_ is now known as Ward1983__ | ||
Carbonflux | I don't see how it can be just "gone" but maybe I am missing something :) | 10:04 |
theFATMAN | Carbonflux....not really, d/l'd k9 | 10:04 |
=== Ward1983__ is now known as Ward1983_ | ||
theFATMAN | dude its not there, lol(not funny?) | 10:04 |
Ayabara | the volume in windows has a much higher max than in linux. is the difference in the soundcard drivers? | 10:05 |
Carbonflux | theFATMAN, try the menu editor? maybe it got unselected, try reinstalling it maybe? | 10:05 |
yit4s | Carbonflux: i get permission. do i have to add sudo? | 10:05 |
kracker | theFATMAN: launch it using console | 10:05 |
robg_ | Ayabara: I recognize your issue. Learn to live with it. | 10:05 |
theFATMAN | oh yeah, duh | 10:05 |
Carbonflux | yit4s, yes | 10:05 |
=== cO_gEe_sTrEzZZ is now known as cE_BejUTa_ciNTa | ||
cE_BejUTa_ciNTa | #bandung | 10:06 |
cE_BejUTa_ciNTa | aiiiii | 10:06 |
Carbonflux | should be something like, sudo rm -rf /usr/share/realplay | 10:06 |
kracker | !abuse | cE_BejUTa_ciNTa | 10:06 |
ubottu | cE_BejUTa_ciNTa: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 10:06 |
Carbonflux | etc | 10:06 |
yit4s | Carbonflux: hmmm... so it doesnt show any like confirmation or progress right?? | 10:06 |
Ayabara | robg_: recognice as in "have heard of it before", or as in "I'm aware you have a problem"? | 10:06 |
ferou | hello.... is there someone willing to help total lama with printing under Ubuntu (Konica Minolta mc2300W)??? | 10:07 |
robg_ | Ayabara: my system also has this issue. | 10:07 |
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo | ||
Carbonflux | yit4s, no, its a ruthless unixy command, do a whereis realplay again after you run it also | 10:07 |
ferou | :-( | 10:07 |
babolat | How can I access previously cached pages in firefox-2 ?? | 10:08 |
robg_ | Ayabara: I succeeded in generating some sound volume after installing Pulse Audio from | 10:08 |
yit4s | Carbonflux: thanks man | 10:08 |
ferou | nobody???? :'( | 10:08 |
babolat | !cups | ferou | 10:08 |
ubottu | ferou: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See - - - Printer sharing: | 10:08 |
Carbonflux | yit4s, there is no uninstall for realplayer that I know of, just have to do it by hand, you can use the menu editor to get rid the menu items also | 10:09 |
Carbonflux | yw :) | 10:09 |
Ward1983_ | realplayer??? | 10:09 |
* Ward1983_ pukes | 10:09 | |
Ayabara | robg_: ok. it's a bit annoying. it seems I get more noise and stuff as well, when I have to crank up all alsa-sliders | 10:09 |
zubu | hello, my computer is dead.showing error 17 when grub loads up!cant select any of my OS!!! | 10:09 |
yit4s | Ward1983_: lol some people just cant help leaving windows 100% | 10:10 |
=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU | ||
robg_ | Ayabara: I experiences low sound volume but goog sound quality. Now I have high sound volume and quality. | 10:10 |
Carbonflux | Ward1983, religion aside, there are some streams it can play that are closed source, it can be good to have laying around, really its the helix player | 10:10 |
ferou | ubottu & babolat ... I already have read many forums (, but I have one problem I could not solve :( | 10:10 |
ubottu | ferou: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 10:10 |
rrrr | hey | 10:10 |
ferou | hups :( | 10:10 |
babolat | ferou: ubottu is a bot. have you been to those howtos above? | 10:10 |
Ayabara | robg_: ok. I'll test the pulseaudio-stuff | 10:10 |
Starnestommy | zubu: did you specify the right partitions in /boot/grub/menu.lst ? | 10:11 |
rrrr | can someone please kick r2r thats my nick name | 10:11 |
ferou | babolat.. jj. | 10:11 |
Ward1983_ | yit4s, in windows you should use real alternative | 10:11 |
Ward1983_ | it uses mplayer classic | 10:11 |
Starnestommy | rrrr: if r2r is registered to you, /msg nickserv ghost r2r password | 10:11 |
Ward1983_ | very nice litle mediaplayer | 10:11 |
Ward1983_ | and it plays everything | 10:11 |
Starnestommy | rrrr: if not, wait for it to time out on its own | 10:11 |
babolat | ferou: im really not very savvy with CUPS and printing. but many have been helped by the links that ubottu provides | 10:11 |
yit4s | Ward1983_: i hate real on windows anyway. iTunes is okay, WMP is bleh, Amarok the best. i wish i could get Amarok on windows | 10:12 |
zubu | Starnestommy: how do i go to dat file when i cant access an of my OS!! | 10:12 |
bazhang | yit4s, Ward1983_ please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic | 10:12 |
Starnestommy | zubu: mount the filesystem under the livecd | 10:12 |
zubu | ok | 10:12 |
babolat | How do I access/display cached pages in firefox-2 ? How do I even find the cache? | 10:12 |
Ward1983_ | bazhang, please help people instead of complaining, or is that all you are here for? | 10:13 |
xenomorph99 | In preferences->removable media, I have no option to change autoplay for CDs. Is that correct? Did it move since 8.04? | 10:13 |
rrrr | hey is there a program form which i can make linux partitons inside windows? | 10:13 |
Nostie | babolat, have you tiped about:cache? | 10:13 |
[_miT_] | rrrr, gparted can be used in windows as well as in linux | 10:13 |
zubu | Starnestommy: after loading with live cd how do i spicfy the right partitions in /boot/grub/menu.lst? | 10:13 |
babolat | where do i type that, Nostie | 10:13 |
Ward1983_ | i hate negative minded people | 10:14 |
ferou | babolat: I already have checked them, I have driver for this, but when I'm installing it, it shows an error and ends... :( | 10:14 |
Starnestommy | rrrr: you can make unformatted primary/logical ones then have linux format them | 10:14 |
bazhang | !ot | Ward1983_ | 10:14 |
spsneo | i want to setup my own local ubuntu repository for my intranet | 10:14 |
ubottu | Ward1983_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 10:14 |
spsneo | how can i? | 10:14 |
Nostie | type it where you tiped the urls | 10:14 |
spsneo | i want to setup my own local ubuntu repository for my intranet, how can i? | 10:14 |
Ayabara | When booting into Vista after using Ubuntu, the clock is 2 hours wrong. Had this issue before, but I don't remember what I turned off in Ubuntu to fix it.. | 10:14 |
kracker | !abuse | Ward1983_ | 10:14 |
ubottu | Ward1983_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 10:14 |
[_miT_] | spsneo, thats a great idea. i'd like to see how that would be possible. | 10:14 |
Nostie | instead typing,, type about:cache | 10:14 |
xenomorph99 | In preferences->removable media, I have no option to change autoplay for CDs. Is that correct? Did it move since 8.04? | 10:14 |
Starnestommy | zubu: first, find out which hard disk partition ubuntu is on | 10:14 |
babolat | ok Nostie | 10:14 |
zubu | Starnestommy:i'll load up the live cd and give you all the info!! | 10:15 |
rrrr | where can i get gparted for windows | 10:15 |
Ward1983_ | kracker, bazhang do i get this for helping people? | 10:15 |
renegade444 | ayabara: I believe the setting you want is "hardware clock set to universal time" but I don't know where it is in ubuntu | 10:16 |
Sithe | When I start ubuntu it says It cant find the resume script then it goes to a command line | 10:16 |
kracker | Ward1983_: explain ehat u said? | 10:16 |
rrrr | i cant boot off windows its a server | 10:16 |
spsneo | i want to setup my own local ubuntu repository for my intranet, how can i? | 10:16 |
bazhang | Ward1983_, please take chat elsewhere thanks | 10:16 |
robg_ | rrrr: Visit Wikipedia: Gparted, follow link to Sourceforge, download latest gparted version to drive then burn to CD. | 10:16 |
DistroJockey | spsneo, [_miT_] : this may be what you need: | 10:16 |
Makuseru | is there any way to deal with .isz files in Ubuntu? | 10:16 |
Ward1983_ | bazhang, i stopped chatting for minutes now, your just a negative minded #@$@$ that cant get over him/herself | 10:17 |
xenomorph99 | In preferences->removable media, I have no option to change autoplay for CDs. Is that correct? Did it move since 8.04? | 10:17 |
[_miT_] | thanks DistroJockey | 10:17 |
babolat | Nostie: It displays info about the cached pages. I was looking for a way to *display* the contents of that page since before it was changed | 10:17 |
DistroJockey | [_miT_]: you're welcome | 10:17 |
Sithe | When I start ubuntu it says It cant find the resume script then it goes to a command line | 10:17 |
=== cO_gEe_sTrEzZZ_ is now known as ce_elUNdh | ||
kracker | Ward1983: | 10:18 |
Nostie | hmm... i'm not sure | 10:18 |
babolat | Ward1983: Will you kindly lay off. We just want a clean, support-oriented room | 10:18 |
Nostie | i thought it was there | 10:18 |
Starnestommy | muted | 10:18 |
kracker | +1 to nostie | 10:18 |
rrrr | robg_, i cannot boot off windows!! not possible | 10:18 |
spsneo | DistroJockey, can i install anything on a fedora machine | 10:18 |
babolat | Nostie: nope.. I really need to see them old pages... | 10:18 |
robg_ | rrrr: it is possible you have deleted Windows during the install. | 10:18 |
* H__ is being stubborn and compiling xmms from source | 10:19 | |
kracker | spsneo: install anything?? :O | 10:19 |
DistroJockey | spsneo: dunno, this is Ubuntu support | 10:19 |
spsneo | DistroJockey, actually i want a repo for ubuntu, but on the server fedora is installed | 10:19 |
rrrr | what my windows i just fine | 10:19 |
kracker | robg_: yes | 10:19 |
DistroJockey | spsneo: no idea sorry | 10:19 |
Nostie | hmm... i will research about it | 10:19 |
rrrr | its a server dude | 10:19 |
=== ce_elUNdh is now known as cO_gEe_sTrEzZZ | ||
Sithe | When I start ubuntu it says It cant find the resume script then it goes to a command line | 10:19 |
xenomorph99 | Can someone just do me a favour and have a look in their preferences->removable media (in 8.04) and see if they have a tab for adjusting autoplay of CDs etc | 10:19 |
babolat | Hey.. I need to display the contents of a page in firefox-2 that has since changed. I think the page is cached, but about:cache does not do it. Ideas? | 10:20 |
babolat | thanks, Nostie | 10:20 |
[_miT_] | xenomorph99, sure hold on | 10:20 |
Starnestommy | Sithe: does the command line say "initramfs" anywhere? | 10:20 |
Sithe | Starnestommy: No | 10:20 |
robg_ | rrrr: your windows is still on your drive but if you delete the pointer to it then it becomes inaccessible. | 10:20 |
Starnestommy | Sithe: does it let you log in? | 10:20 |
Sithe | Starnestommy: Through the cmd line yes | 10:20 |
=== cO_gEe_sTrEzZZ is now known as ce_berjuta_cinta | ||
[_miT_] | xenomorph99, nope. just options for everything else. | 10:20 |
saint-takeshi | xenomorph: i don't see an option for CDs there | 10:20 |
ferou | caute luuuuuseri... | 10:21 |
Starnestommy | Sithe: try running sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start | 10:21 |
spsneo | i want to setup my own local ubuntu repository for my intranet, how can i do it on a fedora machine | 10:21 |
xenomorph99 | OK, cos on some other help pages it shows that you can adjust autoplay here. But they must have moved it for 8.04 (very clever move ;-)) - anyone know where it is now ? | 10:21 |
xenomorph99 | (The help pages applied to 7.xx, I think) | 10:21 |
Nostie | babolat, try about:cache?device=disk | 10:22 |
xenomorph99 | The Ubuntu help is very good in this respect. If you search for autoplay, it says: "autoplay: if autoplay is activated, cards are automatic..." | 10:22 |
xenomorph99 | Top stuff ;-) | 10:22 |
Matenda | Hi! I am trying to install real player for linux, and i have a bin file now... does anyone know hos this is working? I tried to look after real player in synaptic but it does not find any. | 10:22 |
[_miT_] | xenomorph99, im looking at pages right now. let me see if i find anything | 10:23 |
hfswork | Matenda, I believe it is Helix player in Synaptic. | 10:23 |
xenomorph99 | ok, ta | 10:23 |
Matenda | hfswork, thanks! :) | 10:23 |
drtroll | xenomorph99, places -> home folder to run the "file browser". then edit -> preferences and 'media' tab might be what you're looking for | 10:23 |
babolat | spsneo: <--may help | 10:23 |
xenomorph99 | Ah yes. Thanks - there it is. Pity they don't say that it's moved | 10:24 |
xenomorph99 | Thanks for that | 10:24 |
[_miT_] | drtroll, Exposure, thats exactly what we're looking for | 10:24 |
[_miT_] | thanks drtroll | 10:24 |
babolat | Nostie: I've been there. it's just the same. i'll try to poke in the cache directory and manually look up the files themselves | 10:24 |
Nostie | /home/yourname/.mozilla/firefox/random/Cache | 10:25 |
h1d | hello, does ubuntu have a package for phpbb3? seems debian has one | 10:25 |
xenomorph99 | Also, is it possible to burn DVD videos with Brasero or GnomeBaker? Only K3B appears to have a specific project option for this | 10:25 |
=== tidus_ is now known as Rikku | ||
* delcoyote hi | 10:25 | |
Nostie | but it's very hard | 10:25 |
obf213 | hey, sometimes when i open a video my whole comp freezes this happens pretty regulalry maybe 2 or 3 times a week, everything but my mouse will freeze or seem to freeze when i am opening a vido | 10:25 |
obf213 | anyone else have this problem | 10:26 |
xenomorph99 | Is the video playing from a DVD? | 10:26 |
xenomorph99 | (disc) | 10:26 |
obf213 | nope | 10:26 |
obf213 | usually like a flash or avi or something | 10:26 |
xenomorph99 | OK, cos sometimes read errors from DVDs will lock the machine up | 10:27 |
obf213 | vlc or movie player doesn't seem to make a difference, it sucks b/c the mouse is responsive but the key board isn't | 10:27 |
obf213 | which means the whole system hasn't frozen up but there is no way to restart x or anything | 10:27 |
=== Rikku is now known as Tidus | ||
xenomorph99 | Did you try CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE to restart X when it happens? | 10:27 |
obf213 | the keyboard is unaresponsive | 10:28 |
obf213 | but yeah i try a lot | 10:28 |
obf213 | to no avail always | 10:28 |
xenomorph99 | OK, cos unresponsive can mean that it doesn't respond within a reasonable amount of time as to 'not at all' ;-) | 10:28 |
drtroll | obf213, have you tried disabling "overlay video output" in vlc preferences? (settings -> preferences -> video -> overlay video output) | 10:29 |
xenomorph99 | Is it possible to burn DVD videos with Brasero or GnomeBaker? Only K3B appears to have a specific project option for this | 10:29 |
obf213 | drtroll no i haven't i will try it although totem has done the same thing | 10:30 |
xenomorph99 | is it possible to burn DVD videos with Brasero or GnomeBaker? Only K3B appears to have a specific project option for this. And k3b doesn't work properly under Gnome because it won't automatically mount the disc you just burned to verify it. Why is it that Gnome apps often have functionality removed to the point of being unusable? | 10:30 |
obf213 | i think the problem may stem from compiz for some reason, | 10:30 |
Dillizar | Q:How many IBM CPU's does it take to do a logical right shift? | 10:30 |
Dillizar | A:33. 1 to hold the bits and 32 to push the register. | 10:30 |
xenomorph99 | Does everything play alright when compiz is disabled ? | 10:31 |
robg_ | xenomorph99: My ubuntu has no problems with burning disks. | 10:31 |
xenomorph99 | With which application? | 10:31 |
Saint`Dia__ | What can I manage my startup items with? | 10:31 |
DistroJockey | saint-takeshi: bum or sysvconfig | 10:32 |
robg_ | xenomorph99: simply go to the standard filemanager and say you want to burn a disk. You will be presented with options. | 10:32 |
kracker | xenomorph99: you can easily make data dvds with brasero | 10:32 |
renegade444 | obf: I've had a lot of problems with bad behavior of certain apps when desktop effects are turned on. Turning them off stopped my funny lock ups. | 10:32 |
xenomorph99 | Is a data DVD the same as a video DVD? | 10:32 |
xenomorph99 | Nothing special in one that isn't in the other? | 10:32 |
kracker | xenomorph99: nope :P | 10:32 |
jussi01 | !info devede | xenomorph99 | 10:33 |
ubottu | xenomorph99: devede (source: devede): program to create video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.6-0.0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1128 kB, installed size 2592 kB | 10:33 |
xenomorph99 | devede? You mean you can't do it with Brasero and you have to use that? ;-) | 10:33 |
DistroJockey | Saint`Dia__: those be GUI and CLI respectively | 10:33 |
andreyv | i configured xorg to use resolution 1024*768, then i recompiled kernel and resolution became 1200*1600 and is not fit into screen size, what's problem? | 10:36 |
chalcedony | if i upgraded to Hardy from Feisty last week, would i need to replace my repositories for multiverse etc separately ? | 10:36 |
cipikus | can somebody help me to config WiFi on Ubuntu 8.04. I use WPA2 PSK TKIP+AES, on channel 13, STATIC IP and SSID broadcasting is Disabled. | 10:37 |
eth01 | lmfao. my gpu just burnt out. | 10:38 |
eth01 | 120 quid down the drain :P | 10:38 |
chalcedony | eth01: i feel for you | 10:39 |
eth01 | it's either take it back to pcworld and beg for mercy or just buy another | 10:40 |
chalcedony | start by begging .. you can always buy if you're not sucessful .. got your receipt? | 10:40 |
eth01 | exacly my thought, and of course i do. | 10:40 |
eth01 | exactly * | 10:40 |
Nostie | hey, how do i install new .ttf fonts? | 10:41 |
jussi01 | !fonts | Nostie | 10:41 |
ubottu | Nostie: Font installation basics here: - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 10:41 |
Nostie | ubottu: thanks | 10:41 |
ubottu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 10:41 |
jussi01 | :) | 10:42 |
Nostie | what the fuck?!??! :D | 10:42 |
jussi01 | !ohmy | Nostie | 10:42 |
ubottu | Nostie: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 10:42 |
Nostie | haha ok | 10:42 |
jussi01 | !bot > Nostie | 10:42 |
Dahita | hello | 10:42 |
Dahita | I need help with madwifi plz | 10:43 |
Dahita | someone knows that thing here? | 10:43 |
robg_ | Dahita: get local hel. is complicated. | 10:43 |
jussi01 | Dahita: probably best to: /join #madwifi | 10:43 |
Dahita | oh god lol | 10:43 |
Dahita | I didn't know | 10:44 |
DannyV | damn, doesn't appear that i can apt-get boschs | 10:44 |
Dahita | thx :) | 10:44 |
cO-birahi | 00 | 10:44 |
cipikus | can somebody help me to config WiFi on Ubuntu 8.04. I use WPA2 PSK TKIP+AES, on channel 13, STATIC IP and SSID broadcasting is Disabled. | 10:46 |
=== [cE_eXeMpHe_Fz_c is now known as irenzzz | ||
cipikus | nobody? | 10:47 |
irenzzz | hiiiiii | 10:47 |
robg_ | cipicus: not on this channel. Get local help. | 10:47 |
bazhang | cipikus, what chipset | 10:47 |
cipikus | broadcom | 10:48 |
yit4s | how do install from tar.gz file? | 10:48 |
alkisg | Hi all, how can I give to an ntfs partition read-write permissions for me and read-only for other users? I put my uid/guid in fstab but other users can still write... | 10:48 |
jussi01 | cipikus: I assume you have read the how to's on the wiki? | 10:48 |
jussi01 | !bcm43xx | cipikus | 10:48 |
ubottu | cipikus: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at | 10:48 |
jussi01 | !wpa | cipikus | 10:48 |
ubottu | cipikus: Wireless documentation can be found at | 10:48 |
gabbah | Hello. For some reason, my firfox 3 beta5 on kubuntu/Hardy Heron looks old and ugly.. the GUI is raw and ugly looking, not smooth like it should look. The icons are not the right ones either. I have tried reinstalling firefox, but to no avail. Can anyone help? | 10:48 |
bazhang | cipikus, please open a terminal and say the exact number; is it 43xx? you need to type lspci | 10:48 |
jussi01 | cipikus: look at those 2 links | 10:49 |
DistroJockey | yit4s: read the that should be inside the tar.gz | 10:49 |
cipikus | bazhang yes it is 4311 | 10:49 |
bazhang | cipikus, then you want the fwcutter iirc | 10:49 |
Nostie | gabbah: have you tried deleting ~/.mozillla ?? | 10:50 |
cipikus | bazhang i am able to connect if using dhcp and broadcasting ssid. but i don't know how to setup with Static IP and non-broadcasting ssid | 10:50 |
bazhang | cipikus, the broadcom link above should have it--gettting the rest done will take abit, but there are guides for that as well. | 10:50 |
bazhang | cipikus, you know the cli then? | 10:50 |
gabbah | Nostie: yes | 10:50 |
cipikus | bazhang i am still new to linux | 10:51 |
bullgard1 | After Gutsy dist-upgrading to Hardy my Gnome programs are in English although '~$ locale' returns LANG=de_DE.UTF8. How can I change that? | 10:52 |
bazhang | cipikus, you used the network manager then? this method is far superior in terms of reliability--little more than cutting and pasting really. | 10:53 |
yit4s | DistroJockey: well i'm installing Firefox and the readme tells me to view on their page but i dont have a browser right now :p | 10:53 |
DistroJockey | yit4s: why are you installing Firefox from a tar.gz? | 10:54 |
cipikus | thanks bazhang i will now try something from the links you provided, i'll be back | 10:54 |
DistroJockey | yit4s: sudo apt-get firefox would be better | 10:54 |
DistroJockey | yit4s: sudo apt-get install firefox would be better ^^ | 10:54 |
bazhang | cipikus, if you need any explanations dont hesitate to ask | 10:55 |
cipikus | thanks again bazhang | 10:55 |
=== Da_Dude is now known as MrWES | ||
* MrBashir loves Axigen :D | 10:55 | |
DistroJockey | yit4s: or if you want FF2, then: sudo apt-get install firefox-2 | 10:56 |
MrWES | are there really that many problems with FF3beta? | 10:57 |
DistroJockey | MrWES: not for me | 10:57 |
Nostie | MrWES: yeah, i recommend opera :) | 10:57 |
rconan | MrWES, a fair few | 10:57 |
evolive | здрасте! как научить Pidgin получать файлы? | 10:57 |
rconan | MrWES, for example my online banking wont allow it | 10:57 |
Nostie | evolive: english speaking! | 10:57 |
DistroJockey | !ru | evolive | 10:57 |
ubottu | evolive: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 10:57 |
Nostie | !es | nost | 10:57 |
MrWES | hrmm...I'm still running Gusty and I love it, solid as a rock | 10:57 |
ubottu | nost: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 10:57 |
=== ubottu is now known as ubott2 | ||
yit4s | i cant install add-on on firefox | 10:58 |
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu | ||
=== irenzzz is now known as cw-cw] | ||
robg_ | MrWES: Gutsy is indeed solid as a rock but hardy heron is just as solid. | 10:58 |
MrWES | any idea what I'm getting this IRC error? | 10:59 |
MrWES | Looking up | 10:59 |
MrWES | Connecting to ( port 6667.. | 10:59 |
MrWES | Connection failed. Error: Connection refused | 10:59 |
FloodBot3 | MrWES: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:59 |
DistroJockey | yit4s: I read about an about:config setting to turn off addon version checking that may work. Forget the exact setting though | 10:59 |
MrWES | many lines can I paste? | 10:59 |
yit4s | it says unexpected error | 10:59 |
Starnestommy | MrWES: that server cannot be connected to for some reason, probably because the server is blocking port 6667 or isn't running | 11:00 |
bazhang | yit4s, what are you trying (ie how) | 11:00 |
bullgard4 | After Gutsy dist-upgrading to Hardy my Gnome programs are in English although '~$ locale' returns LANG=de_DE.UTF8. How can I change the GNOME identifier language? | 11:00 |
MrWES | hrmm | 11:00 |
gabbah | Hello. For some reason, my firfox 3 beta5 on kubuntu/Hardy Heron looks old and ugly.. the GUI is raw and ugly looking, not smooth like it should look. The icons are not the right ones either. I have tried reinstalling firefox, but to no avail. I have deleted ~/.mozilla. Can anyone help? | 11:01 |
medvind | hello. I have an Nvidia Geforce MX400 graphics interface. I tried to enable the nvidia drivers today, resulting in an error message saying that my graphics card can't be detected. I tried undoing it, using the nv or vga driver instead, but I still can't get back to my old settings. I'm running lo-res now and I would like my normal resolution back. (I'm running Hardy by the way). How do I fix this? | 11:01 |
wudong | anyone could tell me where the source file is put when after using apt-get source command? | 11:01 |
Starnestommy | wudong: the current directory | 11:01 |
Nostie | how do i add another irc server to xchat connect list? | 11:01 |
g[r]eek | Hi guys I've use aticonfig --initial=dual-head to enable dual monitor display. But now some of my keyboard shortcuts have stopped working and when I try re-enable these shortcuts, certain command shortcuts aren't available (ie: open terminal). Also, whenever I open a program (ie: firefox / terminal) the program's top border/bar becomes part of the desktop's toolbar (ie: I can no longer see the desktop toolbar) and I can't even move the program's window ar | 11:01 |
g[r]eek | ound - it is fixed to the top left of my first screen. Any idea? | 11:01 |
yit4s | bazhang: i need an add-on and it is incompatible with firefox 3. so i installed firefox 2 but i get unexpected error when installing, refer error console | 11:01 |
g[r]eek | Ubutnu 8.04 | 11:01 |
bazhang | yit4s, which one | 11:01 |
wudong | Starnestommy, should i put the source in a specific directory for gdb to search? | 11:02 |
Starnestommy | Nostie: xchat > network list > add | 11:02 |
yit4s | bazhang: the add-on is unplug | 11:02 |
bazhang | yit4s, the name is 'unplug'? what does it do | 11:02 |
Starnestommy | wudong: it most likely does not matter where it is. Just extrace the sources, navigate to the root of the sources, then run gdb | 11:02 |
desperado_ | hi all | 11:02 |
wudong | thx | 11:03 |
yit4s | bazhang: umm download videos from sites | 11:03 |
desperado_ | I am searching for rm to mp3 converter for ubuntu any one can tell me if there is any converters that comes with ubuntu | 11:03 |
Nostie | Starnestommy: i'm not sure where is that! (using xchat-gnome) | 11:03 |
desperado_ | ? | 11:03 |
DistroJockey | yit4s: how did you install FF2? | 11:03 |
yit4s | bazhang: the error console tells me something about extension manager | 11:03 |
H__ | urgh. xmms 1 gives Locking assertion failure. | 11:03 |
bazhang | yit4s, there a bunch of ff3 compatible ones that do that--if you search in add-ons page they will show up. | 11:03 |
yit4s | bazhang: sudo aptitude firefox-2 | 11:04 |
Starnestommy | Nostie: I know where it is in regular xchat. Give me a minute to look in xchat-gnome | 11:04 |
Nostie | Starnestommy: ok, ill wait | 11:04 |
Starnestommy | Nostie: edit > preferences > networks > add | 11:04 |
DistroJockey | yit4s: did you close down all running FF3's before running FF2? | 11:04 |
bazhang | yit4s, those two (ff2 + ff3) will conflict without some serious cli magic | 11:04 |
yit4s | i uninstalled it via synaptic | 11:05 |
DistroJockey | yit4s: ohh | 11:05 |
desperado_ | @-@? | 11:05 |
Nostie | Starnestommy: thanks | 11:05 |
bazhang | desperado_, convert to what | 11:05 |
yit4s | DistroJockey: let me try unistall everything' | 11:05 |
desperado_ | from rm to mp3 | 11:05 |
yit4s | i did have some add-ons from ff3 | 11:05 |
desperado_ | real media to mp3 | 11:05 |
bazhang | desperado_, does any app do that? | 11:06 |
desperado_ | I dont know really thats why I am asking | 11:06 |
bazhang | desperado_, ie in windows world or elsewhere | 11:06 |
desperado_ | I am using ubuntu | 11:07 |
bazhang | desperado_, let me check | 11:07 |
desperado_ | ok thank you bazhang | 11:07 |
bazhang | desperado_, to mp4 not mp3--> | 11:08 |
desperado_ | I think I found some applications on add/remove ubuntu I will check them | 11:09 |
bazhang | okay | 11:09 |
desperado_ | thank you alot bahz | 11:09 |
bazhang | :) | 11:09 |
desperado_ | :) | 11:09 |
q4a | hi all | 11:09 |
tyler | hey can i install a .deb file in ubuntu? | 11:09 |
Starnestommy | tyler: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb | 11:10 |
anirudh0 | tyler, yes...double click on iy | 11:10 |
tyler | it says error:wrong architecture i386 | 11:10 |
anirudh0 | tyler, it means you downloaded the wrong file | 11:10 |
Starnestommy | tyler: .deb for what? | 11:10 |
anirudh0 | !deb | 11:10 |
ubottu | deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility. | 11:10 |
mohamed | Hi Guys i am using 8.04 Ubuntu my online video is slow and patchy how to correct it i installed all codecs | 11:10 |
tyler | | 11:11 |
mohamed | i am using Mozilla 3 Beta | 11:11 |
q4a | i use kubuntu 8.04, but in ubuntu repository i have only audacious 1.5.0, but i want to try 1.5.1. somebody know when i can setup 1.5.1 from repository? | 11:11 |
anirudh0 | mohamed, you mean flash video? | 11:11 |
mohamed | yea | 11:11 |
mohamed | Online videos | 11:11 |
anirudh0 | tyler, whats you architecture, amd64 or i386? | 11:11 |
mohamed | some times overlapping is also very bad | 11:11 |
Starnestommy | tyler: are you using the 32-bit or 64-bit version of ubuntu? | 11:11 |
robg_ | mohamed: did you visit for multimedia apps ? | 11:11 |
tyler | amd64 | 11:11 |
mohamed | no robg | 11:11 |
anirudh0 | mohamed, flash video playback eats a lot of cpu | 11:11 |
mohamed | mine is i386 | 11:11 |
tyler | running intel c2duo | 11:11 |
anirudh0 | tyler, then please download the amd64 deb | 11:11 |
mohamed | its using totem | 11:11 |
tyler | 64 | 11:12 |
mohamed | default player | 11:12 |
mohamed | but i tried mint linux its fine | 11:12 |
q4a | hi all, i use kubuntu 8.04, but in ubuntu repository i have only audacious 1.5.0, but i want to try 1.5.1. somebody know when i can setup 1.5.1 from repository? | 11:12 |
mohamed | so what codecs should i install | 11:12 |
anirudh0 | mohamed, the totem plugin is not all that great...remove it and install the mplayer-plugin | 11:12 |
robg_ | mohamed: go to and follow instructions to download medibuntu repository into your machine. Then pick the multimedia apps, drivers and codecs you want. | 11:12 |
tyler | i dont see a 64 download listed? | 11:12 |
anirudh0 | mohamed, all codecs should be covered by w32codecs | 11:12 |
mohamed | yea i installed w32codecs | 11:13 |
anirudh0 | tyler, hmm...then you;ll have to compile it :) | 11:13 |
chronographer | hello. Anyone got experience getting ati tv-out working? i have s-cideo working, but it is only showing the top left of my desktop, I sould like it to be a separate screen? | 11:13 |
BlackRece | hiya, how do i restart my menus/panels? | 11:13 |
robg_ | mohamed: you also need libdvdcss2 | 11:13 |
anirudh0 | tyler, that particular package should be easy to compile | 11:13 |
chronographer | *s-video | 11:13 |
mohamed | ok | 11:13 |
Starnestommy | BlackRece: alt+f2, then enter "gnome-panel" | 11:13 |
bluefox83 | how do i copy a directory and it's contents via terminal? | 11:13 |
anirudh0 | tyler, download the .tar.gz, then read the README file in the directory | 11:13 |
Starnestommy | BlackRece: cp -r | 11:13 |
tyler | im new to linux i dont know how to compile that this | 11:13 |
tyler | $ ./configure --prefix=/usr | 11:14 |
tyler | $ make | 11:14 |
tyler | $ sudo make install | 11:14 |
Starnestommy | er, bluefox83 | 11:14 |
FloodBot3 | tyler: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:14 |
chronographer | bluefox cp /this/dir/ /that/dir/ | 11:14 |
negge | chronographer getting tv-out to work wit ati cards can be quite difficult | 11:14 |
bluefox83 | ty Starnestommy | 11:14 |
robg_ | mohamed: uninstall OpenJDK and install Sun Java | 11:14 |
chronographer | is that so negge? | 11:14 |
anirudh0 | tyler, i think for alarmclockapp...its sudo install | 11:14 |
chronographer | i found atitvout (the package) dont support my card | 11:14 |
mohamed | sun java already installed | 11:14 |
mohamed | openjdk also installed | 11:14 |
anirudh0 | BlackRece, sudo killall gnome-panel | 11:14 |
Starnestommy | tyler: yes, but use ./configure --prefix=/usr/local | 11:14 |
mohamed | how to change the default player in mozilla beta 5 | 11:14 |
mohamed | to mplayer | 11:15 |
BlackRece | Starnestommy: "cp -r" eh? type that in a terminal or should that have gone on the end of "gnome-panel"? | 11:15 |
robg_ | mohamed: uninstall OpenJDK | 11:15 |
tyler | anirud0: how do i point it to the file or whatever | 11:15 |
negge | chronographer you have to use ati-config to configure the tv-out properly. usually it involves activating the TV, enabling overscan and choosing the correct output format, although in my experience all this worked better in gutsy than in hardy, somehow my drivers get busted after I enable overscan... | 11:15 |
chronographer | oh? | 11:15 |
Starnestommy | BlackRece: I accidentally tab-completed the wrong name for the 100th time this week | 11:15 |
doradzia | #pvtclan | 11:15 |
mohamed | ok | 11:15 |
chronographer | is aticonfig gui? | 11:15 |
anirudh0 | BlackRece, to _restart_ gnome-panel, use killall, to _start_ gnome-panel use alt+F2 | 11:15 |
Starnestommy | BlackRece: so ignore the cp -r | 11:15 |
chronographer | i used xrandr and it seems ok. | 11:15 |
antonioC | hellO! | 11:16 |
negge | chronographer no you'll have to run it in a terminal, it's really easy to use. there's a gui called fglrxgui or something like that, I tried it but it's no good... | 11:16 |
anirudh0 | tyler, sorry, did'nt get you | 11:16 |
chronographer | ok I'll give it a go. | 11:16 |
anirudh0 | tyler, first download the tar.gz...then tar -xzf <tarball-name>...then cd <newly-created-directory>...then sudo python install | 11:17 |
chronographer | gee, I need to install fglrx first... I don't want to ruin my lovely setup tho... is it safe? | 11:17 |
nates | hi ppl, when booting my up-to-date ubuntu system, i always get a "fail" when it comes to "starting firestarter". i would like my firewall to work, what could be wrong, and where could i get more information what 'fail' actually means? | 11:17 |
anirudh0 | chronographer, nope | 11:17 |
LennyBPunkt | hey | 11:17 |
anirudh0 | chronographer, backup you xorg.conf | 11:17 |
Starnestommy | nates: firestarter might be configured wrong | 11:17 |
robg_ | nates: forget firestarter, use ufw | 11:17 |
chronographer | nates. firestarter is a frontend, if u uninstall it i think your firewall is still goind. | 11:18 |
chronographer | ufw is command line still tho | 11:18 |
LennyBPunkt | is anybody using shfs? | 11:18 |
Dr_willis | LennyBPunkt, sshfs? Ive used it befor | 11:18 |
LennyBPunkt | yes | 11:19 |
LennyBPunkt | sshfs | 11:19 |
tenX | LennyBPunkt: i use it on a regular base | 11:19 |
robg_ | nates: uninstall firestarter, go to terminal sudo su <pw> ufw enable <enter> ufw logging on <enter> ufw default deny <enter> | 11:19 |
negge | LennyBPunkt I've used it too | 11:19 |
chronographer | i like firestarter, as it tells you when things are happeinig, but I haven't got it stably working for a few ubuntus | 11:19 |
LennyBPunkt | I used itwith debian, too | 11:19 |
harpreet | hello | 11:19 |
negge | chronographer yeah firestarter somehow terminates itself from time to time | 11:19 |
LennyBPunkt | but with ubuntu,I can't install the shfs-source | 11:19 |
harpreet | how do i install server on ubuntu desktop | 11:19 |
robg_ | chronographer: dump firestarter | 11:19 |
BlackRece | my god!! this is hard!!! only want to run netspeed to find out why i can't set up this ubuntu box as a firewall!!! | 11:19 |
negge | harpreet what server? | 11:20 |
chronographer | anyone konw how xrandr makes the top left of your screen go on the telly right? now how do you get mplayer to start fullscreen only in that top left bit? | 11:20 |
harpreet | negge: server edition | 11:20 |
q4a | hi all, i use kubuntu 8.04, but in ubuntu repository i have only audacious 1.5.0, but i want to try 1.5.1. somebody know when i can setup 1.5.1 from repository? | 11:20 |
tyler | anirud0: whats tarballs name mean.... a name of folder? | 11:20 |
bazhang | harpreet | 11:20 |
Dr_willis | LennyBPunkt, why do you need the source? | 11:20 |
mohamed | hi guys thank you for your help | 11:20 |
chronographer | tyler: tarball == zip file | 11:20 |
negge | harpreet the desktop version is basically the same as the server version plus it has a GUI and misses some server applications | 11:20 |
chronographer | only with .tar.gz on the end | 11:20 |
mohamed | now i have to make a default player mplayer in my firefox 3 beta 5 how to do it | 11:21 |
anirudh0 | mohamed | 11:21 |
mohamed | yea | 11:21 |
anirudh0 | sudo apt-get install mplayer-plugin | 11:21 |
mohamed | ok i will do it | 11:21 |
mohamed | thanks guys | 11:21 |
tyler | do i put tarball and then the name or just the name lol? | 11:21 |
anirudh0 | tyler, use tab completion in the terminal | 11:21 |
tyler | tab completion? | 11:22 |
anirudh0 | tyler, or just double click and extract :) | 11:22 |
nates | chronographer: how could I check that it is actaully running then? i think it uses iptables, right? | 11:22 |
negge | tyler you start writing the filename and hit tab | 11:22 |
anirudh0 | tyler, sorry...should have told that a long time ago | 11:22 |
LennyBPunkt | yeah, I need the source | 11:22 |
LennyBPunkt | I can't find the source | 11:22 |
nates | robg_: that will deny all access? I have rules configured in firestarter ... | 11:22 |
tyler | no worries man | 11:23 |
psypher246 | hey guys i had sudden power supply failuire for my laptop and need to desperately find out how i can slow my cpu down as much possible to conserve power | 11:23 |
LennyBPunkt | should I use older sources? | 11:23 |
anirudh0 | psypher246, poertop | 11:23 |
chronographer | nates: i don't know. I just hope for the best these days! | 11:23 |
robg_ | nates: default deny will deny all access except loopback and except ubuntu update | 11:23 |
anirudh0 | *powertop | 11:23 |
psypher246 | already done that | 11:23 |
anirudh0 | psypher246, clarify please | 11:23 |
psypher246 | i need to slow my dula core down | 11:24 |
psypher246 | dual | 11:24 |
psypher246 | constantly | 11:24 |
anirudh0 | cpufreq-selector | 11:24 |
psypher246 | i'm at work and need the power | 11:24 |
anirudh0 | psypher246, please read the man page of cpufreq-selector | 11:25 |
chronographer | psypher: use a pen? | 11:25 |
psypher246 | E: Couldn't find package cpufreq-selector | 11:25 |
psypher246 | soz | 11:25 |
psypher246 | already installed | 11:25 |
=== Yvonne_ is now known as Yvonne | ||
anirudh0 | psypher246, you need to be root to set cpu freq | 11:25 |
psypher246 | THANK YOU!! | 11:26 |
anirudh0 | psypher246, glad to help | 11:26 |
psypher246 | perfect | 11:27 |
anirudh0 | psypher246, i would'nt recommend it though | 11:27 |
anirudh0 | psypher246, there are far better ways to save laptop poweer | 11:27 |
psypher246 | like what> | 11:27 |
psypher246 | and why? | 11:27 |
anirudh0 | psypher246, powertop is your friend :) | 11:27 |
Dr_willis | LennyBPunkt, you recompiling sshfs? why - its in the repos. | 11:28 |
psypher246 | i already have it installed and config | 11:28 |
livingdaylight | anyone use jahjah? | 11:28 |
anirudh0 | psypher246, does;nt powertop give you recommendations on reducing consumption?...along with the correct command to do it | 11:28 |
livingdaylight | know whether it works in Ubuntu? | 11:28 |
kracker | where you are bazhang | 11:28 |
kracker | and tritium | 11:28 |
psypher246 | yeah but it's wasn't to decide when it should speed up the cpu | 11:28 |
psypher246 | i want it at 800 ALL the time, in fact how can i turn off the other core | 11:29 |
psypher246 | *wants | 11:29 |
kracker | bazhang: | 11:29 |
kracker | bazhang: | 11:29 |
kracker | bazhang: | 11:29 |
FloodBot3 | kracker: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:29 |
harpreet | how do i register my username? | 11:30 |
erUSUL | !register | 11:30 |
ubottu | By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. | 11:30 |
psypher246 | anyone know how to switch off a 1 core of a core 2 due? | 11:30 |
anirudh0 | !who| psypher246 | 11:30 |
ubottu | psypher246: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 11:30 |
psypher246 | duo | 11:30 |
kracker | /msg nickserv nick pw | 11:30 |
exclipy | Rhythmbox starts up when I plug in my Walkman phone - how do I disable that? | 11:30 |
psypher246 | i know | 11:31 |
kracker | psypher246: can u hear me | 11:31 |
psypher246 | yeah | 11:31 |
rym | When i installed samba, i got the posibillity to enter what workgroup i wanted to be in etc. | 11:31 |
rym | Where can i reconfigure this | 11:31 |
kracker | psypher246: ? | 11:31 |
psypher246 | /msg nickserv psypher246 password | 11:32 |
q4a | hi all, i use kubuntu 8.04, but in ubuntu repository i have only audacious 1.5.0, but i want to try 1.5.1. somebody know when i can setup 1.5.1 from repository? | 11:32 |
anirudh0 | rym sudo dpkg-reconfigure samba | 11:32 |
Nostie | q4a: sudo apt-get update | 11:32 |
kracker | !abuse | psypher246 | 11:32 |
ubottu | psypher246: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 11:32 |
=== FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC | ||
negge | q4a it can take a few days until the newest version of a program appears in the repo's | 11:32 |
kracker | !u | 11:32 |
ubottu | Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun. If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you". The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on.. | 11:32 |
psypher246 | i know people here are volenteers?? | 11:33 |
psypher246 | sorry | 11:33 |
psypher246 | thanks anyway | 11:33 |
rym | hmmm | 11:33 |
rym | that wasnt it | 11:33 |
anirudh0 | rym, ? | 11:33 |
harpreet | where do i type all this to have my username registered? | 11:33 |
rym | first off it was a gui | 11:33 |
bobodclown | Hi guys, Im running ubuntu 8.04 in virtual PC 2007, gnome runs fine but when i change to console display goes distorted. how can i stop this? | 11:33 |
negge | harpreet in the server window/tab | 11:33 |
q4a | Nostie, i do it every day | 11:33 |
erUSUL | harpreet: on the text box of your irc client | 11:33 |
rym | And it asked me if i wanted to use smb or ntb (or what the other one was?), what workgroup i wanted to be in | 11:33 |
harpreet | negger: erUSUL thank you | 11:34 |
erUSUL | harpreet: things beginning by / are interpreted like commands by every irc client | 11:34 |
Nostie | q4a: so, wait a few days | 11:34 |
negge | :D | 11:34 |
negge | negger... | 11:34 |
anirudh0 | rym, the gui only shows up in synaptic | 11:34 |
Nostie | q4a: or install it from its home page | 11:34 |
rym | ah | 11:34 |
kracker | !fuck | bazhang | 11:34 |
ubottu | Factoid fuck not found | 11:34 |
kracker | !fuck | tritium | 11:35 |
=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU | ||
Starnestommy | !language | kracker | 11:35 |
ubottu | kracker: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 11:35 |
kracker | ok ubittu | 11:35 |
kracker | ok ubottu | 11:35 |
bobodclown | hi guys, anyone able to help me with ubuntu in virtual PC? | 11:35 |
q4a | Nostie, in its home pade no deb package | 11:35 |
q4a | i have to install from sources | 11:36 |
icyisamu | exclipy: still interested to know how to disable Rhythmbox auto start? | 11:36 |
Nostie | q4a: i'm sorry. the only thing you can make is to wait | 11:36 |
negge | q4a either install it from source then or if there's an RPM package available you can convert it to a deb with alien | 11:36 |
bazhang | kracker, please watch the language | 11:36 |
Nostie | !fuck | nost | 11:37 |
ubottu | Factoid fuck not found | 11:37 |
anirudh0 | negge, the rpm method can be dangerous sometimes | 11:37 |
kracker | !language | Nostie | 11:37 |
ubottu | Nostie: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 11:37 |
bazhang | Nostie, please watch the language | 11:37 |
Ward1983 | does anyone use vmware server on hardy 64bit ? | 11:37 |
exclipy | icyisamu: yes | 11:38 |
kracker | bazhang: fuck off u mother fucker | 11:38 |
Yoav | אפשר לדבר בעברית פה | 11:38 |
kracker | tritum:fuvk off | 11:38 |
kracker | tritum:fuvk off | 11:38 |
kracker | tritum:fuck off | 11:38 |
anirudh0 | this proves that the bots are uselss | 11:38 |
Ward1983 | im looking for a good howto on how to install vmware on hardy 64bit, i foudn this one but i dont understand what to do with those patches, he talks about pastebinned ones and downloadable ones adn then about filenames i didnt come across | 11:39 |
icyisamu | exclipy: First, go to System -> Preferences -> Main Menu | 11:39 |
negge | anirudh0 why is that? | 11:39 |
icyisamu | exclipy: On the left hand side, select Preferences. Then on the right side check the checkbox for File Management | 11:39 |
anirudh0 | negge, he said !@#$ 'n' times without consequence | 11:39 |
anirudh0 | negge, and finally had to be banned by an op | 11:39 |
Ward1983 | this one: | 11:40 |
mohamed | Hi guys i am using mplayer as default with firefox 3 beta 5 now the problem is when i use online videos it is not showing options for full screen how to do it | 11:40 |
anirudh0 | negge, a good bot would have done it automatically | 11:40 |
negge | anirudh0 I was talking about this line: <anirudh0> negge, the rpm method can be dangerous sometimes :d | 11:40 |
exclipy | icyisamu: got it, thanks | 11:40 |
negge | that kracker guy was really weird... | 11:40 |
Starnestommy | anirudh0: bots aren't very good at detecting human misbehaviour | 11:40 |
anirudh0 | negge, rpms sometimes rely on older versions of libs | 11:40 |
negge | okay | 11:40 |
anirudh0 | Starnestommy, how difficult is it to scan for !@#$ | 11:40 |
robg_ | mohamed: full screen media players are discouraged because of bandwidth | 11:40 |
negge | so installing from source is always the best method if there's no .deb available? | 11:40 |
icyisamu | exclipy: No problem | 11:41 |
mohamed | i see | 11:41 |
mohamed | so there is noway i can do it | 11:41 |
anirudh0 | mohamed, flash in full screen can kill your cpy | 11:41 |
bazhang | Ward1983 this may help | 11:41 |
Starnestommy | anirudh0: it also needs to be established that !@#$ isn't allowed before banning | 11:41 |
mohamed | ok is there any other way i can do it | 11:41 |
Starnestommy | anirudh0: and sometimes it's purely accidental | 11:41 |
anirudh0 | Starnestommy, is it? | 11:41 |
robg_ | mohamed: you can get MSNTV in full screen using Flash but it will result in problems with Comcast | 11:41 |
Ward1983 | will ook thanx bazhang | 11:42 |
Ward1983 | look | 11:42 |
bazhang | and this thread Ward1983 | 11:42 |
mohamed | i see no i am asking only online videos to be in full screen which uses mplayer | 11:42 |
LennyBPunkt | Dr_willis:I found the solution | 11:42 |
LennyBPunkt | see your private chat | 11:42 |
robg_ | mohamed: if the servers do not offer full screen video then it is not available. | 11:43 |
mohamed | no it allows | 11:43 |
Ward1983 | bazhang, ok thanx again | 11:43 |
mohamed | when i try totem it allows and shows | 11:43 |
anirudh0 | mohamed, this is'nt a very good way...but any video you watch on the net is downloaded to /tmp fiest | 11:43 |
mohamed | but when i use mplayer as default its not showing up | 11:43 |
anirudh0 | mohamed, so you can always browse to the video and watch it later | 11:43 |
robg_ | mohamed: there are issues between servers which provide full screen video and the carriers that need to provide the bandwidth. | 11:43 |
mohamed | ok | 11:44 |
mohamed | ok let me try that /tmp | 11:44 |
anirudh0 | robg_, i think he means full screen video of the same quality | 11:44 |
anirudh0 | robg_, then the user's cpu has to do the work...not the server | 11:44 |
anirudh0 | mohamed, Disclaimer:may not work..never tried it myself :) | 11:45 |
mohamed | ok | 11:45 |
robg_ | anirudh0: the user's CPU is not a problem. It is the bandwidth consumption. | 11:45 |
zzillezz | i've installed flashplugin nonfree but firefox keeps saying flash isn't installed ... | 11:45 |
mohamed | thanks guys | 11:46 |
anirudh0 | robg_, well..if the video is of the same quality, then the same amount of data must be why more B/W | 11:46 |
DistroJockey | zzillezz: did you close down ALL instances of Firefox? | 11:46 |
YETI | guys, how do i make microphone work? | 11:46 |
robg_ | anirudh): it is not a technical but a commercial issue. | 11:46 |
Caf-Fiend | hi can someone help me get my nVidia video card working? It doesn't come up in the hardware drivers section | 11:47 |
ntolo | My applications button is no longer working.Anyone seen this ? | 11:47 |
anirudh0 | YETI, plug it in...unmute the mic in alsamizer...try recordin in sound-recorder | 11:47 |
bazhang | Caf-Fiend, which card number | 11:47 |
Caf-Fiend | bazhang, 6600GT | 11:47 |
bazhang | Caf-Fiend, you did the official link from the bot? | 11:48 |
ModMerc | Caf-Fiend: You should be able to activate it using System->Restricted Drivers | 11:48 |
YETI | anirudh0, whats alsamizer? | 11:48 |
Caf-Fiend | ModMerc: yeah I should, but it's not there like it should be | 11:48 |
bazhang | yeti open a terminal and type alsamixer | 11:48 |
chronographer | does mplayer always have a problem with spaces? | 11:48 |
bazhang | yeti x not z | 11:48 |
Caf-Fiend | bazhang: the what? | 11:48 |
ModMerc | whoa, I just checkecked myslef, and it's not there too... | 11:49 |
bazhang | !nvidia | Caf-Fiend this one | 11:49 |
ubottu | Caf-Fiend this one: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 11:49 |
anirudh0 | YETI, sorry...a little sleepy at the moment :) | 11:49 |
chronographer | actually no it doesn't! | 11:49 |
|et | hi is there an application via desktop to set up programs that load via boot or can you only do that via terminal | 11:49 |
Caf-Fiend | bazhang: yeah i've been through enough guides to thoroughly destry my system | 11:49 |
anirudh0 | |et, startupmanager | 11:50 |
bazhang | |et, sure sessions startup | 11:50 |
anirudh0 | |et, i think there is a wiki page on ubuntu | 11:50 |
|et | is that native for the os | 11:50 |
|et | or do i get it | 11:50 |
anirudh0 | |et, session startup is...startupmanager is'nt | 11:50 |
bazhang | |et part of gnome | 11:50 |
|et | cool thankyou very much | 11:50 |
YETI | doesn't work | 11:51 |
Caf-Fiend | bazhang: so since i've pretty much done everything in those guides - should i just give up and reformat? | 11:51 |
bazhang | |et systems prefs sessions | 11:51 |
bazhang | Caf-Fiend, nah, should be fixable; what have you tried so far (if you can remember) | 11:52 |
ModMerc | Caf-Fiend: Do you have ""Hardware Drivers" in System? If so, that's it. | 11:52 |
nates | robg_: okay, i'll try. | 11:52 |
nates | thanks all so far | 11:52 |
Caf-Fiend | ModMerc: i have it, but there is no option to choose to use a restricted nvidia driver | 11:52 |
ModMerc | that's odd... | 11:52 |
ModMerc | let me check some more... | 11:53 |
robg_ | Caf-Fiend: have you been to the repository ? | 11:53 |
|et | thanks again | 11:53 |
bazhang | !info envyng-gtk | Caf-Fiend check this out | 11:54 |
ubottu | caf-fiend check this out: envyng-gtk (source: envyng-gtk): install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 93 kB, installed size 324 kB | 11:54 |
Caf-Fiend | bazhang: well i wanted to use the beta driver from nvidia, i've installed that and managed to get a white screen of death for my desktop which was an issue with compiz, then i uninstalled that, and it didn't revert back, i've broken my xorg.conf after that somehow because the nvidia driver just wants to run in vesa mode | 11:54 |
anirudh0 | tyler, np | 11:55 |
Caf-Fiend | bazhang: i've trieed pretty much every guide i can get my hands on, but i think i've broken it to a point where it doesn't know what it's doing | 11:55 |
anirudh0 | Caf-Fiend, your driver used depends on xorg.conf | 11:55 |
Caf-Fiend | robg: not yet, now checking | 11:55 |
anirudh0 | Caf-Fiend, as long as that is alright, nothing is broken | 11:56 |
erUSUL | Caf-Fiend: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' use the nv driver | 11:56 |
robg_ | Caf- | 11:56 |
kibibyte | how to access windows partition? | 11:56 |
wiska | hello | 11:56 |
kibibyte | help | 11:56 |
jrib | !ntfs > kibibyte (read the private message from ubottu) | 11:56 |
robg_ | Caf-Fiend: do go and follow instructions | 11:56 |
jrib | hi wiska | 11:56 |
orgthingy | how can i uninstall ubuntu from my pc? | 11:56 |
Nostie | !ntfs > nostie | 11:56 |
Caf-Fiend | bazhang: yeah i've tried that, but it won't run opengl with that setting | 11:56 |
anirudh0 | !ntfs| kibibyte | 11:56 |
Starnestommy | orgthingy: erase its partition | 11:56 |
ubottu | kibibyte: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE | 11:56 |
Caf-Fiend | bazhang: just goes into vesa mode | 11:56 |
jrib | orgthingy: do you have another OS already installed or are you installing a new one over it? | 11:56 |
orgthingy | yes i do | 11:57 |
orgthingy | Im using windows right now | 11:57 |
orgthingy | and i wanna use Debian | 11:57 |
orgthingy | and i dont want ubuntu | 11:57 |
Starnestommy | orgthingy: you can install debian over ubuntu | 11:57 |
bazhang | #debian :) | 11:57 |
Caf-Fiend | anirudh0: yeah i have messed around with that file a lot - i had about 30 backups at one stage | 11:57 |
orgthingy | i am already in debian | 11:57 |
erUSUL | orgthingy: /part | 11:57 |
orgthingy | but i wanna remove ubuntu anyway | 11:57 |
Caf-Fiend | erUSUL: i've tried that, i think that's what got me into trouble in the first place :( | 11:58 |
Starnestommy | orgthingy: then remove ubuntu's partition with a partition editor | 11:58 |
anirudh0 | Caf-Fiend, :D | 11:58 |
bazhang | best ask in #debian then orgthingy | 11:58 |
wiska | hi jrib | 11:58 |
orgthingy | k | 11:58 |
gordonjcp | orgthingy: maybe you should try #debin | 11:58 |
jrib | orgthingy: just run the install and tell it to format ubuntu's pratition. Or format it before | 11:58 |
gordonjcp | #debian even | 11:58 |
anirudh0 | Caf-Fiend, thats the most i've ever heard of man | 11:58 |
bazhang | debain | 11:58 |
Starnestommy | orgthingy: also, from now on use #debian. #ubuntu is for ubuntu users, not debian users | 11:58 |
orgthingy | um, Im ubuntu user that wants to removes ubuntu | 11:58 |
gordonjcp | orgthingy: there's not really a lot of difference between Ubuntu and Debian though | 11:59 |
orgthingy | i wont be ubuntu user, soon | 11:59 |
orgthingy | yea i know that | 11:59 |
Dr_willis | delete the partitiosn.. done... reinstall other os | 11:59 |
bazhang | orgthingy, nice try but /j #debian | 11:59 |
Starnestommy | orgthingy: you aren't anymore. You're a debian user who wants to remove an exiting OS | 11:59 |
Starnestommy | *existing | 11:59 |
gordonjcp | orgthingy: you can't really remove *any* OS from a drive, you can just overwrite it | 11:59 |
robg_ | orgthingy: you can use gparted to delete ubuntu partitions | 11:59 |
Dr_willis | orgthingy: you can use gparted to delete partitions/ :) | 11:59 |
gordonjcp | orgthingy: but as I said, Debian is pretty much the same as Ubuntu, except most stuff doesn't work properly | 12:00 |
anirudh0 | Dr_willis, not very differnt from sudo rm -r / | 12:00 |
orgthingy | hmm | 12:00 |
Caf-Fiend | so is there any way i can get restricted drivers to be in the hardware drivers section | 12:00 |
Dr_willis | anirudh0, faster :) | 12:00 |
Caf-Fiend | i mean the nvidia ones | 12:00 |
anirudh0 | Dr_willis, deleting a running partition :) | 12:00 |
Starnestommy | anirudh0: but that de;etes the files, not the partition | 12:00 |
Caf-Fiend | because they just aren't appearing in there | 12:00 |
orgthingy | i cant remove ubuntu :S | 12:00 |
orgthingy | only overwrite it | 12:00 |
Dr_willis | anirudh0, dont it befor. :) fun to watch it try to shutdown properly befor you KILL it off! | 12:00 |
anirudh0 | Starnestommy, same effect | 12:00 |
orgthingy | hmm | 12:00 |
gordonjcp | orgthingy: same as any other OS ;-) | 12:00 |
Starnestommy | orgthingy: no, it can be removed | 12:00 |
user___ | !x | 12:00 |
ubottu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 12:00 |
jrib | orgthingy: there's no difference. Think about it | 12:00 |
Caf-Fiend | and i've even tried synaptic installing the packages, but still no dice | 12:00 |
Starnestommy | orgthingy: just delete the partition | 12:01 |
orgthingy | and hwo do i delete it..? | 12:01 |
anirudh0 | Dr_willis, early on i once removed libstdc++ via synaptic | 12:01 |
Starnestommy | orgthingy: with a partition editor like gparted on the livecd | 12:01 |
Dr_willis | orgthingy, delete the partitions its isntalled to. | 12:01 |
anirudh0 | Dr_willis, it was fun to watch the error messages scroll by...before the system collapsed | 12:01 |
jrib | orgthingy: you just had 10 different people tell you to format the partition ubuntu is on and install debian on them | 12:01 |
zixo | orgthingy, use hammer | 12:01 |
orgthingy | k k k | 12:01 |
orgthingy | xD | 12:01 |
robg_ | Caf-Fiend: go to and activate medibuntu repository. | 12:01 |
jrib | s/them/it | 12:01 |
gordonjcp | orgthingy: why do you want to switch to Debian? | 12:02 |
orgthingy | because i know that linux is garbage, but i wanna see the best of linux | 12:02 |
p1t2f0id3 | question: my usb pen drive works great, but it's not seen in /proc/bus/usb/ you know why ? | 12:02 |
orgthingy | Windows Vista is new but grabage | 12:02 |
gordonjcp | orgthingy: that would be Ubuntu, then | 12:02 |
Caf-Fiend | robg_: now doing that | 12:02 |
lenatis | which distro best suit for newbies?? | 12:02 |
tobleronee | hello, i'm getting an error with emesene when someone sends me a file | 12:03 |
anirudh0 | orgthingy, garbage? | 12:03 |
Shervin | Hi, Im on the live CD right now but whenever I try and click on install. It doesn't come up, at the bottom it says starting Administrative... and then it goes away. | 12:03 |
orgthingy | Windows XP with SP# would be good | 12:03 |
bazhang | !ot | 12:03 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 12:03 |
orgthingy | yes, grabage | 12:03 |
gordonjcp | lenatis: well, you're asking in #ubuntu, what do you think the answer is likely to be? | 12:03 |
gordonjcp | lenatis: slackware, obviously ;-) | 12:03 |
jrib | orgthingy, gordonjcp: discuss the merits of debian and ubuntu in #ubuntu-offtopic please | 12:03 |
lenatis | yeah~ | 12:03 |
anirudh0 | orgthingy, what is'nt garbage then? | 12:03 |
Starnestommy | tobleronee: what error? | 12:03 |
orgthingy | what isnt garbage = Windows XP SP3 | 12:03 |
gordonjcp | orgthingy: hm | 12:03 |
anirudh0 | orgthingy, nice try...check slashdot | 12:04 |
gordonjcp | orgthingy: Windows was garbage when I tried it | 12:04 |
bazhang | orgthingy, chat elsewhere please | 12:04 |
orgthingy | k | 12:04 |
Slart | could you play with your troll somewhere else, please? =) | 12:04 |
gordonjcp | orgthingy: you might want to take this to #ubuntu-offtopic | 12:04 |
tobleronee | this error: Error fatal Açò és un bug, si us plau, reporteu-lo a: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/emesene/", line 102, in onFtInvite context, sender) File "/usr/share/emesene/", line 74, in __init__ _('%(mail)s is sending you %(file)s') % args, \ KeyError: 'files' | 12:04 |
Shervin | Hi, Im on the live CD right now but whenever I try and click on install. It doesn't come up, at the bottom it says starting Administrative... and then it goes away. | 12:04 |
gordonjcp | orgthingy: or take it away entirely | 12:04 |
anirudh0 | Slart, its just too much fun :) | 12:04 |
Slart | anirudh0: =) | 12:04 |
robg_ | Shervin: your LiveCD could be defective. | 12:05 |
Shervin | argh | 12:05 |
Starnestommy | Shervin: try the alternate cd | 12:05 |
Shervin | how big is that? | 12:05 |
anirudh0 | Shervin, check md5sum | 12:05 |
anirudh0 | Shervin, to see if the cd is correctly written | 12:06 |
Caf-Fiend | robg_ what do i actually want from medibuntu | 12:06 |
Shervin | ok | 12:06 |
Shervin | what program do i use/ | 12:06 |
anirudh0 | k3b can do that automatically for you | 12:06 |
Slart | !md5sum | Shervin | 12:06 |
ubottu | Shervin: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see for more | 12:06 |
Starnestommy | Shervin: about 600 MB | 12:06 |
robg_ | Caf-Fiend you want Sun Java, w32codecs, libdvdcss2, media players, | 12:06 |
anirudh0 | who writes these factoids? | 12:06 |
jrib | Shervin: you can just run the "verify the integrity of the cd" option instead of "install ubuntu" when you boot the cd | 12:07 |
p1t2f0id3 | guys: in hardy, do you see your usb devices in /proc/bus/usb/devices ? | 12:07 |
jdavies | anirudh0: the ops | 12:07 |
Slart | anirudh0: regular users like you and me I think | 12:07 |
Caf-Fiend | robg_, but it's my video drivers that aren't working? | 12:07 |
jrib | anirudh0: anyone that wants to can suggest them | 12:07 |
Shervin | jirb: When i boot the cd it comes up with a screen asking for language, and then it boots up to ubuntu | 12:07 |
anirudh0 | Slart, no..i thought ops as well | 12:07 |
FoxII | Hi all. Just a quick question. Don't know where the prob lies. When I'm surfing, I'm lucky if I get speeds of 2Kb/s. But if I surf in my virtualisation ubuntu, surfing is nice and fast. Any thoughts? TIA | 12:07 |
Slart | anirudh0: ah.. correct | 12:07 |
jrib | Shervin: no, there is a menu after the language. Check | 12:07 |
robg_ | Caf-Fiend: try the medibuntu stuff and if you cannot get it to work then your system could be broken. | 12:08 |
anirudh0 | FoxII, is that with firefox or all browsers? | 12:08 |
Shervin | jrib: what does the menu have, because it doesnt come up fo rme | 12:08 |
kibibyte | how to safely remove my pendrive? | 12:08 |
jrib | Shervin: you probably just missed it. It has the two options I said and a couple more | 12:08 |
Caf-Fiend | robg_: i know my system is broken, it fails to load the gl drivers | 12:08 |
Dr_willis | FoxII, whats your network card also. Ive heard of some issues with specific chipset cards. | 12:08 |
jrib | kibibyte: right click -> unmount/eject | 12:08 |
gordonjcp | kibibyte: unmount it | 12:08 |
Starnestommy | kibibyte: use gparted on the livecd | 12:09 |
Ron | I am ready to give up on Ubuntu and move to Windows, an serious people out here want to tackle a network problem for the third time? | 12:09 |
kibibyte | but where to rightclick | 12:09 |
robg_ | Caf-Fiend: wat about a re-install ? | 12:09 |
Caf-Fiend | robg_: i'm considering it | 12:09 |
FoxII | anirudh0, Its with all browsers. Dr_willis, I'm using usbadslmodemmanager. | 12:09 |
jrib | kibibyte: on the icon on your desktop or in the Places sidebar in the file browser | 12:09 |
robg_ | Caf-Fiend: only takes 1 to 2 hours. | 12:09 |
kibibyte | okl | 12:09 |
Caf-Fiend | robg_: just i'll have to buy a ne HDD to do that to back up all my data | 12:09 |
roger_ | hello | 12:09 |
chronographer | bloody dual monitor shit is messed up. You know I plugged a mini-vga to s-video into my ibook g4 and it put a picture on the screen instantly! I wish Ubuntu bloody well did that! | 12:09 |
Shervin | jrib: the thing is i can't use my keyboard at the beginning of the boot up | 12:10 |
robg_ | Caf-Fiend: cannot you write your data to CDs ? | 12:10 |
Slart | Ron: ask your question.. I dont think I've seen it | 12:10 |
Dr_willis | FoxII, thats somthing ive never touched.. My 'Yukon' chipset network card - had some bugs in the drivers that really made it slow.. Not sure if that could be the issue in your case or not. | 12:10 |
ounie | does any one know room for C programmer please? | 12:10 |
Dr_willis | Shervin, can use keyboard in the bios, but not in grub? | 12:10 |
jrib | ounie: ##c | 12:10 |
Starnestommy | ounie: ##c | 12:10 |
Shervin | dr_willis: yes. | 12:10 |
Caf-Fiend | robg_: lots of cds | 12:10 |
ounie | thanks anyway :) | 12:10 |
Dr_willis | Shervin, try enabling 'legacy usb support' in the bios.. I got a machine with the identical issue.. i had to use a ps2 keyboard for it. | 12:11 |
robg_ | Caf-Fiend: I have little cabinets with 50 CDs in each | 12:11 |
FoxII | Dr_willis, Well I will be moving soon and will need to use a wireless card so maybe I'll just wait for that. Any suggestions on a nice supported wireless card for k/ubuntu? | 12:11 |
Dr_willis | Shervin, if i enabled legacy usb - then the thing wouldent boot Windows OR linux right. :( | 12:11 |
Ron | slart - dhcp is not assigning an address. i have tried EVERYTHING, i dont think it is a hardware issue because i just went out and purchased a new ethernet adapter and even tried it hardwired straight to the modem without the switch | 12:11 |
Dr_willis | FoxII, i dont use wireless. :) | 12:11 |
Dr_willis | FoxII, im not sure such a thing exists for windows OR linux. :P | 12:12 |
Shervin | dr_willis: Where can i find this legacy usb support | 12:12 |
FoxII | Dr_willis, okay. I will have a hunt through the forums. Thanks for the help though :) | 12:12 |
Dr_willis | Shervin, check out the bios settings menus.. | 12:12 |
Shervin | ok | 12:12 |
anirudh0 | ron checked the logs? | 12:12 |
Shervin | i'l tyr that out | 12:12 |
ron | Slart-got disconnected | 12:12 |
Slart | Ron: you mean your computer isn't getting an ip-address from your ISP ? or you mean your home server isn't giving out ip-numbers properly? | 12:12 |
Dr_willis | Shervin, rember where its at.. You may have to reneable it. :) | 12:12 |
McJester | Visual Effect give me an error when I try and enable it, Are they not compatible with the Powerbook G4? or is something not installed right | 12:12 |
Caf-Fiend | robg_: yeah but burning many cds is horribly tedious | 12:12 |
ron | slart - i am a noob - i am not sure which one | 12:12 |
=== cO_gEe_sTrEzZZ is now known as cw_BaIx | ||
cw_BaIx | hyyyyy | 12:13 |
Slart | ron: ok.. let's go with number one then =) | 12:13 |
ron | slart - ifconfig shows everything except an ip | 12:13 |
robg_ | Caf-Fiend: we must plan for future failures and future re-installs. I have my system not in my computer but on CDs. I can rebuild immediately. | 12:13 |
anirudh0 | Caf-Fiend, create a new partition on your current hdd...transfer data to that | 12:13 |
=== lordmetroid__ is now known as LordMetroid | ||
anirudh0 | robg_, wow..what if a cd gets scratches? | 12:14 |
Slart | ron: what happens if you run this in a terminal, "sudo ifdown eth0; sudo ifup eth0" | 12:14 |
ron | slart - i have my switch assigning ips to my voip and laptop i am using now without issue | 12:14 |
Slart | ron: assuming eth0 is your wired connection | 12:14 |
robg_ | anirudh0: always make 3 copies. | 12:14 |
dylan_ | Could someone discuss a flash problem with me? | 12:15 |
frans_ | hoi | 12:15 |
jrib | !ask | dylan_ | 12:15 |
ubottu | dylan_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 12:15 |
Caf-Fiend | anirudh0 | 12:15 |
Caf-Fiend | anirudh0: good idea | 12:15 |
xukun | I have external usb 5.1 sound card. How can I select it or test it? | 12:15 |
ubuntuROX | Yesterday I installed this winbind update, now I cant browse the network shares? Any ideas? | 12:16 |
Webu | Is there a way to test read/write speed of an encrypted partition or folder? | 12:16 |
manoff | this is a little offtopic but is there any speech synthesis / recognition framework for linux ? | 12:16 |
krabador | hey people, who of you use exaile? | 12:16 |
dylan_ | I have the non adobe flash players stuck on my system they say they are uninstalled but they still come up when I try to play a flash video on cbs. | 12:16 |
anirudh0 | Caf-Fiend, syslog must show something | 12:16 |
jrib | !poll | krabador | 12:16 |
ubottu | krabador: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 12:16 |
=== cw_BaIx is now known as cw | ||
dylan_ | but they won't play the video | 12:16 |
Caf-Fiend | anirudh0: yeah, i think a reinstall will do it though | 12:16 |
Caf-Fiend | thanks for the help anyway | 12:17 |
jrib | dylan_: which? gnash? | 12:17 |
=== redarrow_ is now known as redarrow | ||
dylan_ | swfplayer | 12:17 |
=== cw is now known as cw_cr | ||
ubuntuROX | do I need this winbind package? | 12:17 |
jrib | dylan_: what package is that? | 12:17 |
dylan_ | both the apt-get purge command and the add/remove programs say its uninstalled but it still acts as if its installed | 12:18 |
jrib | dylan_: what package name did you use? | 12:18 |
ron | slart - et0 is my wired connection - another funny thing is that my wireless card on my desktop isnt recognized | 12:18 |
manoff | i have only ubuntu server without x, how can i play sounds on this machine? | 12:18 |
jrib | !who | dylan_ | 12:18 |
ubottu | dylan_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 12:18 |
dylan_ | i'm looking | 12:18 |
ron | slart - sorry for the delay- i had to move my car | 12:19 |
Slart | ron: did you run the command I wrote? | 12:19 |
ron | slart - no didnt see it | 12:19 |
Slart | ron: what happens if you run this in a terminal, "sudo ifdown eth0; sudo ifup eth0" | 12:19 |
ron | sorry | 12:19 |
microwaver | Is it true you cant use 3d rendering and xserver at the same time? | 12:19 |
anirudh0 | dylan_, go to /usr//lib/firefox/plugins | 12:19 |
anirudh0 | dylan_, and delete whatever you dont need | 12:19 |
Starnestommy | microwaver: no, as you need x for 3d to work | 12:20 |
dylan_ | !tab swfdec | 12:20 |
jrib | anirudh0, dylan_: that's not really a great solution | 12:20 |
ubottu | Factoid tab swfdec not found | 12:20 |
ubuntuROX | Has anyone else had a problem with the recent update to winbind preventing them from browsing their networks? | 12:20 |
anirudh0 | jrib, will work for sure though | 12:20 |
jrib | dylan_: purge the libflash-mozplugin package | 12:20 |
microwaver | Starnestommy, pretty unny, because I need xserver-xgl to let compiz work, but then I can('t wine wow because I don't have 3D rendering. | 12:20 |
jrib | anirudh0: for varying degrees of "work" | 12:20 |
mohkohn | I thought rpm hell only happened with rpm based distro's | 12:21 |
ron | slart- one sec | 12:21 |
ron | redoing it | 12:21 |
mohkohn | I am in Hardy apt-Hell | 12:21 |
Starnestommy | microwaver: xserver-xgl provides 3d rendering which compiz uses | 12:21 |
=== GodMok is now known as GodMok_ | ||
=== MAHANI is now known as ImoetZzz | ||
mohkohn | caused by a long powercut that interupted aptitude update | 12:22 |
anirudh0 | mohkohn, please explain... | 12:22 |
anirudh0 | mohkohn: sudo dpkg --configure -a should fix almost everything | 12:22 |
mohkohn | I have to "dpkg-reconfigure -a" | 12:22 |
anirudh0 | no..."sudo dpkg --configure -a" | 12:23 |
mohkohn | but I have done it three times now. | 12:23 |
ron | slart- ifdow: infterface eth0 not configured ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0 | 12:23 |
anirudh0 | mohamed_, read the command carefully | 12:23 |
anirudh0 | mohamed_, sorry | 12:23 |
dylan_ | jrib how do you purge that, Like this [ sudo apt-get purge libflash-mozplugin] ? | 12:23 |
Slart | ron: hmm... ok.. do you have the network-manager thingy in your system tray? | 12:23 |
ron | yup i do | 12:23 |
anirudh0 | mohkohn, read instructions carefully please | 12:23 |
mohkohn | "Adding extension /usr/lib/openoffice/share/extension/install/" | 12:23 |
ron | slart it is set to roaming | 12:23 |
mohkohn | "unopkg failed." | 12:24 |
anirudh0 | !pastebin|mohkohn | 12:24 |
ubottu | mohkohn: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 12:24 |
ron | slart - it is recognizing both my new and old adapter, both are plugged in | 12:24 |
ron | slart - new adapter is usb | 12:24 |
mohkohn | spotted it. Old age kicking in | 12:25 |
dylan_ | !tab jrib how do I purge that? | 12:25 |
ubottu | dylan_: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 12:25 |
ron | slart - old ethernet port is on the mother | 12:25 |
mohkohn | 'dpkg --configure -a | 12:25 |
mohkohn | not reconfigure | 12:25 |
jrib | dylan_: aptitude purge libflash-mozplugin | 12:25 |
mohkohn | dpkg --configure -a | 12:25 |
Slart | ron: can you pastebin the output of "ifconfig" ? | 12:25 |
mohkohn | oops meant that for a shell. | 12:25 |
Slart | !paste | ron | 12:25 |
ubottu | ron: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 12:25 |
ron | slart - i cant paste bin - i am on a different computer | 12:26 |
Slart | ron: ah.. nevermind | 12:26 |
McJester | is it possible to upgrade from Ubuntu 8.04 to Xubuntu 8.04 without changing any settings? | 12:26 |
anirudh0 | ron: its a long shot..but can you ssh | 12:26 |
ron | ani - whats ssh? | 12:27 |
manoff | i have only ubuntu server without x, how can i play sounds on this machine? i want to test the festival speech synthesis framework | 12:27 |
anirudh0 | McJester, settings are associated with gnome | 12:27 |
anirudh0 | !ssh | 12:27 |
ubottu | SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at | 12:27 |
Dr_willis | ssh - the wonder tool of the ages. | 12:27 |
Dr_willis | :) | 12:27 |
Slart | ron: does this network card work in windows? are you sure the cable is ok? | 12:27 |
anirudh0 | ron :ssh -X gives you full graphical access | 12:27 |
anirudh0 | McJester, so if you install xfce, inherently settings cant be preserved .. | 12:28 |
McJester | anirudh0, when i mean settings I mead, my video is really touchy and im surprised I even got ubuntu 8.04 to finally work | 12:28 |
ron | slart - this computer worked fine on my cracked copy of xp - cable is showing green lights on the switch | 12:28 |
ron | ani - how will that help me? ron=n00b | 12:28 |
Slart | ron: and it doesn't matter which card the cable is connected to? | 12:28 |
anirudh0 | McJester, that'll work | 12:29 |
ron | slart - doesnt matter | 12:29 |
McJester | thanks anirudh0 | 12:29 |
oldcpu | !alsa | 12:29 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 12:29 |
Slart | anirudh0: he cant' get the network card working.. no ssh.. no nothing.. | 12:29 |
anirudh0 | ron : i meant...ssh and run ifconfig..if its possible | 12:29 |
anirudh0 | Slart, thats what i feared .. | 12:29 |
anirudh0 | Slart, then that comp's dead for all practical purposes | 12:30 |
ron | slart - the network icon has no red exclamation point eithr | 12:30 |
Slart | ron: it's a regular install of hardy? | 12:30 |
ron | slart - downloaded it last night - installed without a prob | 12:30 |
ron | 8.04 | 12:30 |
McJester | how do I make an live cd based on my machine? | 12:30 |
anirudh0 | McJester, did'nt get your question | 12:31 |
McJester | so that when I screw it up, I can easily reload | 12:31 |
mohkohn | thanks anirudh0 + pastebin is now bookmarked. | 12:31 |
bazhang | !uck | McJester | 12:31 |
ubottu | McJester: UCK is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See | 12:31 |
robg_ | McJester: you have to make do with a standard iso | 12:31 |
krabador | ive a problem with cover management in exaile, someone can help me? | 12:31 |
Shervin | dr+willis: it didn't work, i couldnt make the keyboard work because i dont have one of those Ps2 ports | 12:31 |
Dr_willis | McJester, i recall some remastering scripts/guides on google. - but thats not the same as easially reloading it.. | 12:31 |
anirudh0 | McJester, looking for this ? | 12:31 |
Dr_willis | McJester, there are backup/restore tools.. then there is 'generating a live cd' :) | 12:31 |
krabador | in #exaile no one said nothing.... | 12:31 |
ron | slart - is there another version of ubuntu i can try - should i try a new install? | 12:32 |
anirudh0 | McJester, you are looking for backup tools like partimage then | 12:32 |
Dahita | I need some help plz: | 12:32 |
ron | slart - i just want a basic os on this pc | 12:32 |
Dahita | my wifi card won't connect to a network | 12:32 |
marto | hi, having problems setting up 8.04 with my MSI NX8800GT card | 12:32 |
Dahita | nice card lol | 12:32 |
marto | once I install the driver and reboot, I have to start in low graphics mode (VESA driver) | 12:33 |
Slart | ron: I'm thinking.. can't really think of a reason why the network just refuses to work.. even though it finds your ethernet cards | 12:33 |
anirudh0 | Dahita, you mean, wont detect , or wont connect? | 12:33 |
Slart | ron: does this produce any output "dmesg | grep -i error | 12:33 |
ron | slart - neither can i, even wired directly to the modem it wont word | 12:33 |
Dr_willis | marto, i normally install the 2 (not installed by default) nvidia config tools - and use them to tweak the settings after i get the drivers installed for my 8800gtsxxx | 12:33 |
ron | strange | 12:33 |
anirudh0 | slart, ron: check log | 12:33 |
Ayabara | is it possible to repair a corrupt jpeg file with some linux app if it just has a damaged header? | 12:33 |
marto | Dr_willis, which config tools should I install? | 12:34 |
Slart | ron: I think the problem is with ubuntu.. if the setup worked with windows | 12:34 |
dylan_ | Jrib My fiancee found the solution we uninstalled from synaptic and it took a conf file this time and that solved the problem we now have macromedia flash | 12:34 |
Dr_willis | marto, serach the package manager for 'nvidia' theres 2 in there. one is a X tool , the other is a text based config tool. they used to be included in the nvidia drivers | 12:34 |
ron | slart - stupid question, how did u make that straight line in the code? | 12:34 |
Slart | ron: try running this also "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" | 12:34 |
McJester | anirudh0, I'm not sure, I just want to be able to re-image my machine back to my current state in the even that I can't get Xubuntu to install correct. It took me a long time to get Ubuntu working rught | 12:34 |
dylan_ | and its playing twin peaks on cbs which is why we went through this whole matter | 12:34 |
cpro | hi there my dell laptop has broadcom wireless and i used bcm cutter in feisty fawn to get the wireless workin but it is not workin in LTS can any budy help me please | 12:35 |
Shervin | dr_willis: Is it possible to install Ubuntu Alternate CD from the downloaded ISO while you are on the LIVE CD? | 12:35 |
shifty | any ubuntu server experts out there to pm me to teach a noob ? | 12:35 |
Slart | ron: on my swedish keyboard it's ALTGR+ the key with <>.. don't know where it is on the english keyboard | 12:35 |
movedx | shifty: what's the issue? | 12:35 |
Dr_willis | Shervin, that sounds weird and convulated... | 12:35 |
Shervin | ok | 12:35 |
shifty | movedx : nothing much just wanna learn some basics. is there a wiki or smthing ? | 12:36 |
Shervin | im on the live cd right now, | 12:36 |
robg_ | Shervin: Alternate is a single boot OS. It will overwrite everything. | 12:36 |
Dr_willis | Shervin, the live cd and alt-cd install the same os. just different installers. so if the live cd works.. use its installer tool | 12:36 |
Shervin | I download the ISO of the alternate cd | 12:36 |
bazhang | shifty | 12:36 |
Shervin | Oh | 12:36 |
Shervin | i need dual boot | 12:36 |
FloodBot3 | Shervin: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 12:36 |
ron | slart - nothing doing with the codes | 12:36 |
krabador | some exaile fan? | 12:36 |
marto | Dr_willis, installing nvidia-settings and nvidia-xconf now | 12:36 |
shifty | bazhang i already installed, jump wanna learn how to config and stuff :P thanks :) | 12:36 |
movedx | shifty: WHat is it you're trying to achieve? FTP server? HTTP server? | 12:36 |
Slart | ron: where are you from? what kind of keyboard are you using | 12:36 |
Dr_willis | alternative cd - does not overwrite everyting. I useit all the time to install alongside my windows install. | 12:36 |
shifty | movedx : just a web server | 12:36 |
robg_ | Servin: If you need dual boot then download: ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso | 12:37 |
cpro | hi there my dell laptop has broadcom wireless and i used bcm cutter in feisty fawn to get the wireless workin but it is not workin in LTS can any budy help me please | 12:37 |
Shervin | dr_willis: If I am on the Live CD, download the alternate cd iso, can i extract it and run it. (I want to dual boot with XP) | 12:37 |
ron | using us keyboard living in israel right now, just moved here from the us | 12:37 |
bazhang | shifty | 12:37 |
movedx | shifty: Pretty simple really. Just install Apache 2 and read the docs for it. | 12:37 |
=== cO-birahi is now known as lny | ||
andre_ | hi =) anyone know where can i find the ume beta download? :) | 12:37 |
=== lny is now known as cO-birahi | ||
movedx | shifty: Learn some firewall (iptables) basics | 12:37 |
Slart | ron: did you find the | key? | 12:37 |
Isador | How do I stop KDE if it is hung | 12:37 |
Dr_willis | Shervin, the live cd CAN install to the hard drive. . You dont need the alt cd to install. | 12:37 |
ron | slart - nope | 12:37 |
movedx | shifty: file system permissions etc, and you'll do fine. | 12:37 |
shifty | alrite will do brb | 12:37 |
Slart | anyone.. where is the pipe character on a regular american keyboard? | 12:37 |
=== cO-birahi is now known as lny | ||
bazhang | ron it is shift of \ this key | 12:38 |
robg_ | Shervin: Alternate will kill everyting on your harddisk ! | 12:38 |
Dr_willis | Shervin, last i looked the live cd even had a 'install' option in the boot menus. or you can use the install icon on the desktop. | 12:38 |
Slart | thanks, bazhang | 12:38 |
tyler | anyone know how i can get the amarak plugin for gnome music applet? | 12:38 |
ron | got it - thanx baz! | 12:38 |
bazhang | Slart, :) | 12:38 |
cpro | hi there my dell laptop has broadcom wireless and i used bcm cutter in feisty fawn to get the wireless workin but it is not workin in LTS can any budy help me please | 12:38 |
cpro | hi there my dell laptop has broadcom wireless and i used bcm cutter in feisty fawn to get the wireless workin but it is not workin in LTS can any budy help me please | 12:38 |
cpro | sorry | 12:38 |
ron | slart - what was that code again? | 12:38 |
Shervin | dr_willis: I have a keyboard which doesnt work at boot, dont have another port to put the old types of keyboards in, and when i try to click install on the desktop it loads up then goes away | 12:38 |
ron | || | 12:39 |
tyler | anyone know how i can get the amarak plugin for gnome music applet? | 12:39 |
Slart | ron: does this produce any output "dmesg | grep -i error | 12:39 |
lny | hiii | 12:39 |
* Dr_willis never noticed the Alternative Install cd - killing everything on the hd. - It asked how i wanted to partition my disk which i allready had partioned and it used the unallocated space. | 12:39 | |
Dr_willis | Shervin, try the 'install' option in the boot menu? | 12:39 |
Dr_willis | I think the live cd had an Install option.. | 12:39 |
Shervin | dr_willis: That doesn't come up, all that comes up is the "Choose Language" then it starts booting up Ubuntu, maybe that might be because the keyboard isnt responding/ | 12:40 |
Isador | How do I kill KDE process? | 12:40 |
robg_ | Iny: ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso does not ask for boot options. It is a OEM version that takes the whole disk. | 12:40 |
Dr_willis | Shervin, ahh the install option was at the GRUB menu i belive which you cant mess with. | 12:40 |
cpro | Dr_willis hi there my dell laptop has broadcom wireless and i used bcm cutter in feisty fawn to get the wireless workin but it is not workin in LTS can any budy help me please | 12:41 |
Shervin | dr_willis: how can i get to the grub menu | 12:41 |
=== FoxII is now known as FoxII_out | ||
ron | slart - error, file /dsdt.aml not founf | 12:41 |
r2r | hey kubuntu 8.04 works good on 256mb ram | 12:41 |
tyler | anyone know how i can get the amarak plugin for gnome music applet? | 12:41 |
Slart | ron: mm.. I don't think that's it.. nothing else? | 12:41 |
manoff | i have ubuntu server without x, i need to use audio, one of the software uses /dev/dsp, i don't have it, what can i do? | 12:41 |
Dr_willis | Shervin, its the first menu you see. I noiticed the kubuntu live dvd here - flasked that lanugage dialog up real fast. I had to hit the escape key to see the actual menu under it. | 12:42 |
=== ajmorris is now known as ajmorris|AFK | ||
r2r | bye | 12:42 |
ron | looking for dsdt in intramfs... error, file /dsdt.aml not found | 12:42 |
Shervin | dr_willis: how can i get to it AFTER getting into the live CD, | 12:42 |
Dr_willis | Shervin, sort of annoying it asked for the language so fast. that you dont see the menu under it. | 12:42 |
Slart | ron: ok, try this then "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" | 12:42 |
manoff | !dsp | 12:42 |
ubottu | Factoid dsp not found | 12:42 |
Dr_willis | Shervin, You DONT. its a menu befor the kernel even loads. | 12:42 |
=== FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC | ||
Shervin | dr_willis: the thing is though, i can't type anything in , for some reason the computer doesn't respond to my keyboard and i can't find anything in the bios | 12:43 |
jason__ | Identify tyuio4 | 12:43 |
jason__ | hmm | 12:43 |
Dr_willis | Shervin, its weird that the installer on the desktop is not working. I guess your only other option is to try burning the alt-cd to a disk and booting from it | 12:43 |
Shervin | dr_willis: can i use that with dual boot? | 12:44 |
ron | slart-nothing | 12:44 |
Dr_willis | Shervin, of course.. it installs an identical os to the live cd | 12:44 |
cpro | Dr_willis hi there my dell laptop has broadcom wireless and i used bcm cutter in feisty fawn to get the wireless workin but it is not workin in LTS can any budy help me please | 12:44 |
=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU | ||
decko_23 | zdr | 12:44 |
decko_23 | kako si | 12:44 |
decko_23 | kako ste | 12:44 |
Slart | !whois decko_23 | 12:44 |
ubottu | Factoid whois decko_23 not found | 12:44 |
Dr_willis | cpro, i dont use wireless.. alli did for my laptop was install the b43-fwcutter package.. and it sort of works. :) but i dont use it much | 12:45 |
bazhang | english please decko_23 | 12:45 |
decko_23 | da | 12:45 |
decko_23 | da | 12:45 |
tyler | anyone know how i can get the amarak plugin for gnome music applet? | 12:45 |
bazhang | !ru | decko_23 | 12:45 |
ubottu | decko_23: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 12:45 |
Dr_willis | cpro, the 'bcm' packages have been replaced by the 'bc' packages Ibelive | 12:45 |
dylan_ | does anybody know how to get an private irc server up and running and log into it? | 12:45 |
Shervin | dr_willis: is there really any other way, because i can't find any spare CD's to burn | 12:45 |
Dr_willis | dylan_, install an irc server,, run it.. connect to ip | 12:45 |
Slart | ron: did the network work when you used the live cd? | 12:46 |
dylan_ | I'm also open to being pointed in the right direction to read documentation. | 12:46 |
decko_23 | werewrwer | 12:46 |
Dr_willis | Shervin, no idea. its possible perhaps to boot from a usb driuve..but i dont mess with that stuff. | 12:46 |
=== FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC | ||
Dr_willis | Shervin, i ran out of cd's so i gtrabbed the dvd release this time. :) i got stacks of dvds | 12:46 |
decko_23 | hahaha | 12:47 |
bee-cyber | indomp3z | 12:47 |
decko_23 | kak e tamu | 12:47 |
decko_23 | denska | 12:47 |
dylan_ | How to I connect to an ip, I know what is I just don't know where to say "i wanna connect to | 12:47 |
bazhang | !dk | decko_23 | 12:47 |
ubottu | decko_23: For at få support til Ubuntu på Dansk bedes du venligst gå til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal tales kun Engelsk. | 12:47 |
Dr_willis | dylan_, irc client basics.. /server ip# | 12:47 |
ron | slart - got disconnected changing cables | 12:47 |
ron | sorry | 12:47 |
depth| | Bah anyone know where to get the drivers for Creative Sb x-fi? | 12:47 |
Slart | ron: no worries | 12:47 |
Dr_willis | dylan_, or use the irc clients server menus/configs/tools | 12:47 |
ron | slart- trying a different lan cable | 12:48 |
Ayabara | I'm trying "rsync -av src dst" for backup. what will this do is a file in src is renamed or changed? | 12:48 |
bee-cyber | @find indonesia idol | 12:48 |
ron | slart - wasnt the cble | 12:48 |
bazhang | !id | bee-cyber | 12:48 |
ubottu | bee-cyber: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia | 12:48 |
=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU | ||
Slart | ron: did the network work when you used the live cd? | 12:49 |
ron | slart - didnt try it-would u like me to? | 12:49 |
Slart | ron: yes, please | 12:50 |
Shervin | does anyone know how i can format a USB drive to boot Ubuntu Live CD? | 12:50 |
Dr_willis | !install | 12:50 |
ubottu | Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See Don't want to use a CD? Try - See also !automate | 12:50 |
bazhang | !usb | Shervin | 12:50 |
ubottu | Shervin: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 12:50 |
illa | shervin, there is a few guides out thee, but i never got it to work | 12:51 |
McJester | what repository should I be using for 8.04 PowerPC? I keep getting errors each time I try and install software of check for updates | 12:51 |
Shervin | thanks mate | 12:51 |
robg_ | Shervin: the computer BIOS boots the LiveCD. | 12:51 |
tyler | hey can someone help me compile and install this app | 12:51 |
tyler | i type ./configure first that worked fine....then i type make and it sayes no rule to make traget install stop | 12:51 |
dkT | Hey, I have trouble connecting to my wireless. Network it has been working fine, but suddenly I can't connect anymore??? | 12:52 |
alexander_root | you are using proprietally drivers? ) | 12:52 |
alexander_root | or not | 12:52 |
Shervin | argh im capped, its going to take 40 minutes jsut to download an app | 12:52 |
tyler | can someone help me install the program for a directory on my desktop | 12:53 |
kley | hi guys | 12:53 |
alexander_root | hi kley | 12:53 |
ubuntuROX | Hello Guys, I need help with a winbind / samba issue.. Yesterday update manager installed winbind and now the only thing that shows up in nautilus network is this pc. Does anyone have any ideas? Evidently winbind is part of or attached to wine as it wants to uninstall wine when I try to remove winbind? | 12:53 |
dkT | alexander_root: Are you talking to me? | 12:54 |
alexander_root | yes | 12:54 |
alexander_root | =) | 12:54 |
=== oldcpu is now known as oldlunch | ||
decko_23 | hey | 12:56 |
dkT | alexander_root: I guess I am, I have not installed another driver than the one, which was install together with Ubuntu. | 12:56 |
decko_23 | kako ste denska | 12:56 |
decko_23 | dali ste dobri | 12:56 |
manoff | can i somehow read description of some package and what files it contains before installing it from the command line with apt-get? | 12:56 |
bazhang | decko_23, which language? polish or russian | 12:56 |
dylan_ | Dr_willis Thanks, I'm now logged into my server but how can someone On my lan over over the internet connect to it? | 12:56 |
decko_23 | ima nekoja dama so saka da se zapoznae so mene | 12:56 |
ron | slate - still connection loading from the cd | 12:56 |
Caf-Fiend | danish? | 12:56 |
Slart | manoff: apt-cache show <packagename> | 12:56 |
Starnestommy | manoff: aptitude show <package> | 12:56 |
bazhang | !pl | decko_23 | 12:56 |
ubottu | decko_23: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 12:56 |
alexander_root | dkT try search driver for your wireless card in google | 12:57 |
manoff | ty | 12:57 |
jonnymac | why does the sound control not work for my usb speakers? Very buggy | 12:57 |
Dr_willis | dylan_, depends on what/how you want to connect. :) ssh - install the sshd server.. shares -> install samba, | 12:57 |
=== warren_ is now known as warrend`away | ||
Nostie | I have installed freebsd in a partition, and after i installed ubuntu in another. How do i add freebsd to grub? | 12:57 |
Slart | jonnymac: same for me.. the volume jumps up and down..mutes etc.. I don't touch it anymore.. just set it once using alsamixer in a terminal | 12:57 |
andre_ | hi =) anyone know where can i find the ume beta download? :) | 12:57 |
big-g | whats a good irc chat program to use? | 12:57 |
alexander_root | jonnymac System -> Settings -> sound | 12:58 |
manoff | Slart: and how can i see the files? | 12:58 |
ron | slate - no connection with cd | 12:58 |
Nostie | big-g: xchat-gnome | 12:58 |
Nostie | big-g: pidgin | 12:58 |
ubuntuROX | big-g I like xchat | 12:58 |
alexander_root | choose the USB sound device | 12:58 |
jonnymac | alexander: have tried that many times | 12:58 |
alexander_root | to play | 12:58 |
dylan_ | Dr_willis what I'm trying to set up now is I just want my other computer on my lan to be able to connect to my IRC server that I can connect to. | 12:58 |
Nostie | big-g: bitchx (not in repositories) | 12:58 |
ubuntuROX | Hello Guys, I need help with a winbind / samba issue.. Yesterday update manager installed winbind and now the only thing that shows up in nautilus network is this pc. Does anyone have any ideas? Evidently winbind is part of or attached to wine as it wants to uninstall wine when I try to remove winbind? | 12:58 |
robg_ | Nostie: If FreeBSD does not appear in the bootlist then you may have deleted it during the install. | 12:58 |
big-g | is independent of desktopmanagers? | 12:58 |
jonnymac | Slart: how did you fix it? | 12:58 |
Starnestommy | big-g: it is | 12:59 |
Starnestommy | big-g: but xchat is a lot better than xchat-gnome in my opinion | 12:59 |
big-g | cool, i'll check it out. thanx | 12:59 |
Nostie | robg_: thanks | 12:59 |
ron | slart - should i install a different distro? | 12:59 |
tyler | can somone please help me compile and install this program... | 12:59 |
Starnestommy | Nostie: you mught need to chainload its bootloader | 12:59 |
bazhang | tyler which one | 13:00 |
Slart | manoff: oh.. don't really know.. I kind of thought they would show up there.. no idea then | 13:00 |
robg_ | Nostie: I am assuming that you can do a BIOS boot ? | 13:00 |
manoff | ok | 13:00 |
Slart | jonnymac: I didn't .. I just don't change the volume any more | 13:00 |
Nostie | robg_: yeah | 13:00 |
manoff | Slart: no worries thank you for your time | 13:00 |
kley | java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /home/petru/WTK2.5.2/bin/ /home/petru/WTK2.5.2/bin/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32 (Possible cause: architecture word width mismatch) | 13:00 |
kley | at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method) | 13:00 |
kley | at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0( | 13:00 |
Slart | ron: the live cd didn't work? | 13:00 |
Starnestommy | Nostie: has instructions on booting freebsd with grub | 13:00 |
ron | slart - no luck | 13:00 |
kley | guys help | 13:00 |
tyler | bazhang: music-applet-2.3.1 | 13:00 |
robg_ | Nostie: if not in list then not exist. | 13:00 |
tarzeau | anyone plays bubnbros with me? | 13:00 |
Nostie | Starnestommy: thanks, i will check it | 13:00 |
bazhang | !compile | tyler read this first | 13:01 |
ubottu | tyler read this first: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 13:01 |
ron | slart - cd loaded fine, but same network prob | 13:01 |
Slart | ron: well.. trying some other distro might be a faster solution.. I just can't think of anything to look for | 13:01 |
tyler | bazhang: yeah i did dude its not working | 13:01 |
ron | slart - can u recommend a distro please? | 13:01 |
dylan_ | I have an IRC server installed and running. I can connect to it via, how do I make it so someone else can connect to it? | 13:01 |
Starnestommy | tyler: define "not working" | 13:01 |
bazhang | ron | 13:01 |
Starnestommy | dylan_: make it bind to port 6667 on | 13:02 |
Slart | ron: not really.. I've used debian and ubuntu.. that's it.. try one of the bigger ones.. suse, fedora etc | 13:02 |
tyler | well I ./configure and that works fine....then i do make and nothing happens | 13:02 |
dylan_ | Starnestommy How? | 13:02 |
Ward1983 | bazhang, i folowed but now i end up with /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware: /usr/lib/vmware/lib/ version `GCC_4.2.0' not found (required by /usr/lib32/ | 13:02 |
tyler | and same thing for make install | 13:02 |
Starnestommy | dylan_: depends on the ircd | 13:02 |
Ward1983 | bazhang, a ton of those, about a lot of files | 13:02 |
bazhang | Ward1983, you have build-essential installed? | 13:02 |
dylan_ | Starnestommy Can you explain that? | 13:02 |
Starnestommy | tyler: if it outputs nothing, it usually worked | 13:02 |
Ward1983 | bazhang, yes | 13:02 |
Starnestommy | dylan_: which irc server program are you using? | 13:03 |
tyler | el:~/Desktop/music-applet-2.3.1$ make install | 13:03 |
tyler | make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop. | 13:03 |
penguin42 | What is the thing that runs in the background and checks for updates? Since upgrading to Hardy I've had to run update-manager manually every few days - it doesn't seem to be notifying of changes automagically | 13:03 |
ron | slart - should i install debian? | 13:03 |
dylan_ | ircd-ircu | 13:03 |
Starnestommy | tyler: does ./configure show any errors? | 13:03 |
bazhang | Ward1983, I know it works on 32bit, but 64bit, apart from those guides have no real-world experience | 13:03 |
tyler | configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables | 13:04 |
Starnestommy | tyler: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 13:04 |
kley | Locking assertion failure. Backtrace: | 13:04 |
bazhang | ron take this to #ubuntu-offtopic please | 13:04 |
kley | #0 /usr/lib/ [0x7f275e4eb97c] | 13:04 |
kley | #1 /usr/lib/ [0x7f275e4eba15] | 13:04 |
kley | #2 /usr/lib/ [0x7f275e935323] | 13:04 |
kley | #3 /usr/lib/ [0x7f275e92c72c] | 13:04 |
kley | #4 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun- [0x7f275ee291f7] | 13:04 |
FloodBot3 | kley: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 13:04 |
Ward1983 | the guide says the author used it on both 64 and 32 bit systems, ill go ask in vmware, see what they say | 13:04 |
dylan_ | Starnestommy ircd-ircu | 13:04 |
aldanon | i accidently ran emerald --replace as sudo, am i pretty much SOL now? | 13:04 |
Starnestommy | dylan_: I don't know how to configure it. I'm looking up its online documentation | 13:04 |
Slart | ron: debian and ubuntu are pretty similar.. if you're having problems with hardware support in ubuntu, odds are you're going to have problems in debian live cd's of suse, fedora, gentoo (if you're into that kind of thing) and see how it works | 13:04 |
ron | thanx for all ur help slart | 13:05 |
dylan_ | Starnestommy can you send me the url? | 13:05 |
Slart | ron: you're welcome.. sorry I couldn't help you more | 13:05 |
renegade444 | ron: if you aren't really linux savvy and want to try another distro that's easy to use and has lots of support like ubuntu, I'd reccomend trying mandriva | 13:05 |
Starnestommy | dylan_: I'm looking for a good guide on configuring it | 13:05 |
aldanon | now i can get emerald themes to work by typing emerald --replace in the terminal, but as soon as i close the terminal it reverts back to something different | 13:06 |
dylan_ | cool thanks. I tried that but didn't understand the documentation I was reading. | 13:06 |
aldanon | nobody in the compiz channel could help ;/ | 13:06 |
tyler | downloading build essensials | 13:06 |
Treeh | Hello! | 13:07 |
Starnestommy | dylan_: pastebin the config file for it. I think I might know what changes need to be done | 13:08 |
Treeh | I've never written a script before...can someone help me write a basic startup script? | 13:08 |
dare | my PC freezes few times a day if I use compiz. but freezes after 5-10 seconds if I start Solarwinds screensaver, whats the problem? | 13:08 |
spitfirekdv_ | Hi all! Does anyone know free dns server to add it to resolv.conf instead of provider's DNS? | 13:08 |
trident523 | spitfirekdv_: | 13:09 |
hrhodes3114 | Help? | 13:09 |
dare | help? | 13:09 |
McJester | how do I change my repositories | 13:09 |
hrhodes3114 | I dont understand somthing | 13:09 |
myclug | why my ubuntu max resolution is 800x600 ? how do i change 1024x768 ? | 13:09 |
trident523 | McJester: In synaptic, there is a repo manager. | 13:09 |
trident523 | myclug: What graphics card do you have? | 13:09 |
Treeh | No one :(? | 13:10 |
robg_ | myclug: have you been to ? | 13:10 |
myclug | trident523, bulit in | 13:10 |
trident523 | !ask | hrhodes3114 | 13:10 |
ubottu | hrhodes3114: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 13:10 |
penguin42 | dare: It sounds like you have a problem with the 3D drivers | 13:10 |
hrhodes3114 | Why does my ubuntu quit apps in gnome when I use a miniumiz button? | 13:10 |
Treeh | ubottu, how do I write a script | 13:10 |
ubottu | Treeh: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 13:10 |
hrhodes3114 | Where do they go to? | 13:10 |
penguin42 | Treeh: What do you want to do in the script? | 13:10 |
kley | i am trying to run project in sun wireless toolkit and got a linux error pls guys help | 13:10 |
Starnestommy | hrhodes3114: because you don't have a window list applet loaded | 13:10 |
trident523 | myclug: Erm, there is a possiblity it is an intel card. But that isn't enough information. | 13:10 |
myclug | robbie``, no i new to ubuntu | 13:10 |
hrhodes3114 | thank you god bless you may you prosper | 13:11 |
McJester | trident523, it won't let me change the archive and security repos | 13:11 |
Treeh | penguin42, I just want it to run at startup...three basic commads. | 13:11 |
myclug | trident523, how do i change ? xorg.conf? | 13:11 |
Starnestommy | hrhodes3114: right-click on the panel, then select "add to panel", then select "window list", then hit the add button | 13:11 |
dylan_ | Starnestommy I don't know how to use pastbin yet. | 13:11 |
dare | penguin42, yeah I use opensource drivers, there was not problem in earlier relesases of ubuntu onlyin hardy. I tried To install 3rd party drivers but my computer lose 3d suport with 3rd party drivers | 13:11 |
robg_ | myclug: go to and follow instructions to activate medibuntu repository in your system. | 13:11 |
Treeh | penguin42, sudo iwconfig wlan0 txpower on, sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid SMC, and sudo dhclient wlan0 | 13:11 |
hrhodes3114 | thank you I love you I am a believer | 13:11 |
penguin42 | Treeh: Try this one | 13:11 |
Treeh | penguin42, ok | 13:11 |
Treeh | penguin42, thanks | 13:11 |
Starnestommy | dylan_: just go to paste the contents of the file then submit it and give me the link that it makes | 13:11 |
hrhodes3114 | I am going to log this | 13:12 |
myclug | ok | 13:12 |
dylan_ | cool okay | 13:12 |
trident523 | Where did the uboto factoids go and run off to? | 13:12 |
tyler | hey guys that didnt work tyler@Intel:~/Desktop/music-applet-2.3.1$ make install | 13:12 |
tyler | make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop. | 13:12 |
tyler | tyler@Intel:~/Desktop/music-applet-2.3.1$ | 13:12 |
hrhodes3114 | have a great Sunday sir! | 13:12 |
penguin42 | Treeh: However for that wireless stuff I'm betting there is some way to configure that in some of the wireless set up - but I just stick with real wires so don't know :-) | 13:12 |
Starnestommy | tyler: run ./configure and pastebin its output | 13:12 |
tyler | k | 13:12 |
Starnestommy | ubottu: test | 13:12 |
ubottu | Failed! | 13:12 |
hrhodes3114 | lol | 13:13 |
krupa^ | hey, im looking for a program that checks errors on the disk, similar to scandisk... | 13:13 |
Treeh | penguin42, I've tried everything..spent 5 hours on it yesterday...only thing that worked were those 3 commands. | 13:13 |
Starnestommy | it's working | 13:13 |
Starnestommy | krupa^: fsck | 13:13 |
trident523 | Starnestommy: Kay, but what about the website with the factoids listed? | 13:13 |
Starnestommy | trident523: it might be down | 13:13 |
krupa^ | WARNING!!! Running e2fsck on a mounted filesystem may cause SEVERE filesystem damage | 13:13 |
hrhodes3114 | I am a real Free software Advocate now | 13:13 |
trident523 | Starnestommy: drats. That's annoying. | 13:13 |
krupa^ | is that not risky? | 13:13 |
hrhodes3114 | I believe | 13:13 |
dare | krupa^, unmount | 13:13 |
Starnestommy | krupa^: run it in recovery mode | 13:13 |
hrhodes3114 | I will change my habits | 13:14 |
penguin42 | krupa^: Unmount it, if you want to check your / then use a live CD and do it from there | 13:14 |
krupa^ | i know iocheck | 13:14 |
krupa^ | is that similar? | 13:14 |
hrhodes3114 | and never read a word doc again | 13:14 |
bazhang | trident523 | 13:14 |
* penguin42 hands hrhodes3114 the soap | 13:14 | |
hrhodes3114 | thank you sir I will take that soap | 13:14 |
trident523 | thanks, bazhang. | 13:15 |
bazhang | !ot | 13:15 |
hrhodes3114 | how about ajax | 13:15 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 13:15 |
tyler | starnestommy: | 13:15 |
penguin42 | which reminds me what is the name of hardy+1 ? | 13:15 |
bazhang | !ibex | penguin42 | 13:15 |
ubottu | penguin42: Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - For more info, see: | Warning lots of breaking software and other good stuff between now and October! | 13:15 |
hrhodes3114 | hum | 13:15 |
Yodude | hello, it seems that sound does not work in openoffice hardy, any ideas how to fix this ? | 13:15 |
penguin42 | ooh ibex, that's a little more obscure than a Heron :-) | 13:15 |
usrl | I've got my screensaver set to pictures folder; I managed to use xscreensaver to iron out most of the kinks, but it seems like xscreensaver-getimage-file is biased towards certain files, or has a tendency to repeat them. I've been looking around, and I've seen mentions of replacements that would, say, remember which ones have already been viewed. Where could I find one? My google-fu has failed | 13:15 |
Starnestommy | tyler: sudo apt-get install python2.5-dev | 13:16 |
tyler | starnestommy: something about python headers | 13:16 |
Ienorand | Can you download any livecd:s of Ibex atm? | 13:16 |
Ienorand | * livecd: s | 13:16 |
bazhang | Ienorand, no | 13:16 |
hrhodes3114 | I love you guys but I have to go to chuch now! Take care friends | 13:16 |
Treeh | penguin42, I found someone who had a similar problem and I just edited the you think this would work? : #!/bin/bash | 13:16 |
Treeh | sudo iwconfig wlan0 txpower on | 13:16 |
Treeh | sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid SMC | 13:16 |
Treeh | sudo dhclient wlan0 | 13:16 |
Treeh | exit | 13:16 |
FloodBot3 | Treeh: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 13:16 |
trident523 | usrl: Never knew that. | 13:16 |
usrl | trident523: never knew what? | 13:17 |
penguin42 | Treeh: Yeh - you see scripts are simple; you need to do a chmod +x on the script but that's all you need to do | 13:17 |
Treeh | yeah i saw | 13:17 |
robg_ | lenorand: liveCD mirror: // | 13:17 |
hrhodes3114 | come to think of it I will continue to log this while I am gone please feel fee to give me important tips that will change my life sirs! | 13:17 |
Treeh | penguin42, I can't save the file in init.d...says I don't have the permission...any ideas why not? | 13:17 |
trident523 | usrl: | 13:17 |
penguin42 | Treeh: You don't have permissions! | 13:17 |
Treeh | penguin42, but I'm the admin >.< | 13:18 |
trident523 | usrl: Never knew that it wasn't sequencial normally. | 13:18 |
penguin42 | Treeh: You need to sudo to write in there - but DON'T - you don't want to put that shell script in there; you don't want to be doing things that sudo during boot | 13:18 |
Starnestommy | Treeh: prefix the command with sudo | 13:18 |
Ayabara | I get "Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x00 0x00" when I try to open one of my jpeg files. Any tool that can help me recover them? | 13:18 |
FreeFull | Hey, is the framebuffer bug fixed in Ubuntu 8.04? | 13:18 |
penguin42 | Ayabara: Open in what? | 13:18 |
Treeh | penguin42, why not :S? | 13:18 |
usrl | trident523: ah, thanks for that page. of course, I had used it to solve some OTHER query, and it was marked in purple on google; so I ignored it. I'll check it | 13:19 |
Treeh | Starnestommy, it's moving a do you sudo when you drag and drop xD? | 13:19 |
tyler | starnestommy: configure: error: could not find pygtk-codegen-2.0 script | 13:19 |
penguin42 | Treeh: Sudo is really just for users to become priveliged | 13:19 |
Ayabara | penguin42, both in gimp and eog | 13:19 |
Treeh | penguin42, ok...but why shouldn't I put the script in there? | 13:19 |
penguin42 | Ayabara: Odd, do you have the 'identify' command and what does it say about it? | 13:19 |
beginner | Hi!i want to add more space to swap partition (666.73 Mib) as my system becomes a bit slow ,somtimes frozen! but i need to resize the ext3 partition ,,could i do that & how please? | 13:19 |
Starnestommy | tyler: sudo apt-get install python-gtk2 python-gtk2-dev | 13:19 |
penguin42 | Treeh: init.d stuff is run during startup, you have to be a little more careful about stuff in there - well actually just putting a file in init.d won't make it get run so it's ok | 13:20 |
Gr3yW0lf | setuid might help perhaps? | 13:20 |
robg_ | beginner: get gparted and resize swap partition | 13:20 |
Rixon- | beginner: gparted | 13:20 |
penguin42 | beginner: It's easier (but a little slower) to create a swap file on another partition if you have the free space | 13:20 |
trident523 | beginner: you can follow this howto, but instead, grow the swapsize to the blank space. | 13:20 |
Treeh | penguin42, Ok...but I want this script to run, at startup. How can I go about doing this without killing my computer xD? | 13:20 |
Ward1983 | is there ANYONE who has vmware working on ubuntu hardy 64 bit??? | 13:20 |
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish | ||
trident523 | beginner: and ignore the last terminal part. | 13:21 |
Ayabara | penguin42, I don't have that command | 13:21 |
penguin42 | Ward1983: It's always a bit of a fight with new releases, it takes a while for them to update the kernel drivers | 13:21 |
FloodBot3 | !netsplit | 13:21 |
=== _packetscan is now known as packetscan | ||
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See | 13:21 |
penguin42 | oops | 13:21 |
usrl | heh, the bots talk to each other? | 13:22 |
penguin42 | anyway back later | 13:22 |
dkT_ | My wireless network card suddenly dissapeared, any s?uggestions | 13:22 |
hrhodes3114 | I really understand why linux is better than Windows even netware 3.11 | 13:22 |
beginner | i tried with gparted & Qtparted but the resize option is disbaled ! | 13:22 |
trident523 | !ot | hrhodes3114 | 13:22 |
ubottu | hrhodes3114: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 13:22 |
Ward1983 | i dont understand it since i cant use vmware server and i can in windows:( | 13:22 |
bullgard4 | What programs do use the /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local file? | 13:22 |
usrl | beginner: do you have root (admin) permissions? | 13:23 |
hrhodes3114 | thanks | 13:23 |
Starnestommy | beginner: does it work from the livecd? | 13:23 |
robg_ | beginner: if gparted refuses to resize then it may not be possible in your case | 13:23 |
trident523 | beginner: You can not resize from your actual install. | 13:23 |
beginner | yes | 13:23 |
beginner | i odnt have hardy live cd (i upgraded gutsy via the net) | 13:24 |
beginner | have* | 13:24 |
trident523 | beginner: If you try to do that... well, you can't. GParted won't let you. You'll have to use a live CD. | 13:24 |
trident523 | beginner: There are smaller CDs with gparted on them. | 13:24 |
beginner | i ve gutsy CD so can i do that on hardy ? | 13:24 |
robg_ | beginner: you can download ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso from // | 13:24 |
dare | how to check my xorg version | 13:25 |
FreeFull | Is the gutsy framebuffer bug fixed in hardy? | 13:25 |
renegade444 | Ward1983: I like Virtual Box. Do you really need vmware? You might be able to use Virtual Box for the same tasks.... | 13:25 |
trident523 | beginner: Well, if you want to not download everything, there is a gparted live cd. | 13:25 |
trident523 | FreeFull: I'll check launchpad, but, you can too. :P | 13:25 |
Ward1983 | renegade444, it seems i need a PHD so setup bridged networking for virtualbox, i came to the point i didnt have any internet anymore | 13:25 |
big-g_ | hey, how do i set xchat to use port 8007? | 13:26 |
Rixon- | renegade444: vbox has been proven to be better than vmware on scalability issues, etc | 13:26 |
trident523 | big-g_: In the server settings, add :8007 to the server name, or there might be a port option | 13:26 |
beginner | thnx trident523 ,when i ll finish downloading it ,,i need just to run it then resizing, no problems? | 13:26 |
robg_ | Beginner: go to Wikipedia:Gparted and link into Sourceforge and download Gparted Live 0.3.6-7.iso and then burn to CD. | 13:27 |
trident523 | beginner: It will let you resize from there. | 13:27 |
trident523 | FreeFull: I think gutsy is being faded out. | 13:27 |
Gr3yW0lf | dare look at the xorg log /var/log/xorg.log at the top few lines | 13:27 |
tyler | starnestommy: configure: error: GNU gettext tools not found; required for intltool | 13:27 |
taras | i need help really badly with my resolution | 13:27 |
big-g_ | i don't see a server settings. would that be a proxy server instead? | 13:28 |
taras | imagine 800x600 on a 24 inch screen | 13:28 |
tyler | jeez how many files do i need to simply compile this prog | 13:28 |
beginner | thnx rodbg_ & trident523 ,, ill try doing that | 13:28 |
dkT__ | My wireless network card suddenly dissapeared, any suggestions? | 13:28 |
dare | Gr3yW0lf, file is empty | 13:28 |
Starnestommy | tyler: sudo apt-get install gettext | 13:28 |
taras | i cant figure out how to make my resolution what i need it, can anyone help? | 13:28 |
=== big-g_ is now known as big-g | ||
trident523 | taras: Intergrated card? | 13:28 |
Rixon- | dkt compare lspci to lsmod | 13:29 |
Starnestommy | tyler: a lot of programs use a lot of libraries | 13:29 |
shifty | hey i nid to edit port.conf on my apache2 but it is readonly | 13:29 |
robg_ | taras: have you been to ? | 13:29 |
Starnestommy | shifty: gksudo gedit /etc/apache2/ports.conf | 13:29 |
trident523 | !x | taras | 13:29 |
ubottu | taras: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 13:29 |
dkT__ | Rixon-: I'm a beginner how do I do that? | 13:29 |
trident523 | shifty: sudo gedit (file) | 13:29 |
Gr3yW0lf | dare run xorg with the -version switch | 13:29 |
taras | ok ill check that out | 13:29 |
dare | Gr3yW0lf, I found by command X -versionm | 13:30 |
Gr3yW0lf | :) | 13:30 |
dare | Gr3yW0lf: :) | 13:30 |
Dim12345 | Hi all | 13:30 |
trident523 | !hi | Dim12345 | 13:31 |
ubottu | Dim12345: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 13:31 |
Corporal_Jones | Hi Guys, I'm hoping someone can help, got a specialised problem, I wanted to convert a physical installation into a vmware install, what i've done so far is installed a clean install on a virtual machine so all drivers etc are right, i've also got a image of the physical machine in virtual disk format which does not boot because of driver issues, my plan is to replace the system folders from the virtualised clean isntall but | 13:31 |
taras | it doesnt accetp the command | 13:31 |
Isador | How do I login as root in KDE by default? | 13:31 |
trident523 | Corporal_Jones: Erm, that might be a better question for the virturalbox/vmware teams. | 13:31 |
trident523 | !root | Isador | 13:31 |
ubottu | Isador: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 13:31 |
nabcore | Does 8.04 have drivers for with PCI ADSL card: 00:09.0 Network controller: Globespan Semiconductor Inc. Pulsar [PCI ADSL Card] (rev 01) ? | 13:32 |
=== [PUPPETS]Gonzo is now known as ^Gonzo^ | ||
Starnestommy | Isador: never login graphically as root or do anything other than administrative tasks as root | 13:32 |
wers | how do I reconfigure my graphics card? for some reason, my screen refreshes often and not all elements are reloaded | 13:32 |
Starnestommy | Isador: it can cause huge proglems | 13:32 |
rfm7694 | hi | 13:32 |
Corporal_Jones | trident523, I didnt know there was a dedicated team for that, are they on IRC | 13:32 |
Slart | Isador: don't run your os as root.. it's just bad. | 13:32 |
trident523 | nabcore: Does it woek with the live CD? | 13:32 |
tyler | starnestommy: configure: error: checking for MUSICAPPLET_DEPS... configure: error: Package requirements ( | 13:32 |
tyler | gtk+-2.0 | 13:32 |
tyler | libpanelapplet-2.0 | 13:32 |
tyler | pango >= 1.6 | 13:32 |
tyler | pygtk-2.0 | 13:32 |
tyler | gnome-python-2.0 | 13:32 |
FloodBot2 | tyler: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 13:32 |
tyler | ) were not met: | 13:32 |
beginner | !past tyler | 13:32 |
ubottu | Factoid past tyler not found | 13:32 |
jdavies | !paste | tyler | 13:32 |
ubottu | tyler: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 13:32 |
beginner | !paste | 13:32 |
trident523 | Corporal_Jones: Well, they are programmers. Ususally, they have some sort of hang out on irc, but I've never been there. | 13:33 |
dbmoodb | hi ah i have a problem my /tmp is not large enough to do what i want | 13:33 |
Isador | Starnestommy: It is just a local computer and with a backup of drive as an image, what bad can happen? please tell me how I can login as root always | 13:33 |
ssn_ | hi guys | 13:33 |
dbmoodb | how can i add another tmp dir / thing | 13:33 |
Starnestommy | Isador: no | 13:33 |
rfm7694 | mr do you know blankon | 13:33 |
ssn_ | does anyone know how much disk space is required to install ubuntu studio (full installation)? | 13:33 |
Corporal_Jones | trident523, oh right, do you know which are the sys folders, I'm sure just replacing afew of them should do the trick | 13:33 |
dbmoodb | my root fs is 6.6gb but my disk is 320gb .... (/home is 200 of that) | 13:33 |
subzer0__ | Hi everybody | 13:33 |
Isador | Starnestommy: why? | 13:33 |
Starnestommy | Isador: extreme insecurity | 13:33 |
ssn_ | in #ubuntustudiu, nobody answered :( | 13:33 |
dbmoodb | how do i add another /tmp in /home (this is an encrypted setup) | 13:33 |
dkT__ | Rixon-: What to compare and how? | 13:33 |
Isador | Starnestommy: what exactly may happen? | 13:33 |
Corporal_Jones | trident523, I want to keep "program files" eqiovilent but replace all sys specific | 13:33 |
trident523 | Isador: Well, you shouldn't/can't. When you login as root, some mistypes can leave you with a borked system. Use sudo. | 13:34 |
schnootop | anyone know how to check to see what version of hardy heron im running. ie 32 or 64 | 13:34 |
Isador | trident523: I have a backup of drive as an image | 13:34 |
renegade444 | isador: starnestormy is VERY RIGHT. do not do the windows thing and ruin your system... | 13:34 |
trident523 | Corporal_Jones: I don't have any experience with vms, never got them to work. | 13:34 |
ssn_ | does anyone know how much disk space is required to install ubuntu studio (full installation)? | 13:34 |
Isador | renegade444: even if the drive gets formatted I will restore in a few mins! | 13:34 |
Corporal_Jones | trident523, its not VM specific to be honest, i just need an idea where the system specific files are stored as i dont understand the file structure | 13:34 |
dbmoodb | ssn probably more than ubuntu | 13:34 |
dbmoodb | 3gb ? | 13:34 |
dbmoodb | 4gb ? | 13:35 |
Ward1983 | can anyone help me with either installing vmware server on ubuntu hardy 64bit or with setting up bridged networking in virtualbox? | 13:35 |
tyler | starnestommy: | 13:35 |
ssn_ | as long as its less than 16gb, i dont care. thing is, the installation fails | 13:35 |
Isador | renegade444: if the computer blows up I'll buy a new one | 13:35 |
Dim252 | in 8/04 don't avtomatical mount ntfs partition.. What fix it?? | 13:35 |
trident523 | Isador: Kay, then use sudo -s in a terminal so you don't have to keep typing sudo. That's about it. You can run any program as sudo, but why do you need to run as root? | 13:35 |
Jav13r_ | ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ echo $EDITOR | 13:35 |
Jav13r_ | ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ | 13:35 |
Starnestommy | tyler: sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev libpango0-dev libpanelappletmm2.6-dev python-gnome | 13:35 |
Jav13r_ | this means i dont have editor? | 13:35 |
Isador | trident523: for example to be able to edit text files anywhere | 13:35 |
trident523 | Corporal_Jones: I don't dabble with system files, sorry. | 13:36 |
Starnestommy | Jav13r_: you most likely have one somewhere, but the environment variable EDITOR is unset | 13:36 |
trident523 | Isador: sudo -s; gedit | 13:36 |
Starnestommy | Isador: just use sudo | 13:36 |
Corporal_Jones | trident523, no problem, Thank you for your help :) | 13:36 |
Gr3yW0lf | isador if someone managed to run stuff on the machine (like via the web browser for example) it will run as root and allow them to do al sorts of horrible stuff, thats what happens on some winblows | 13:36 |
wers | how do I reconfigure my graphics card? :D | 13:36 |
Starnestommy | Isador: or gksudo/kdesu for graphical things | 13:36 |
taras | none of this is working | 13:36 |
taras | i just need a straightforwad instruction to get 1920x1200 and 85 hz | 13:36 |
Isador | guys, the computer IS NOT connected to internet. | 13:37 |
thhp | Hi, can anyone tell me whether slocate is required for ubuntu? I'm not using gnome or kde and would like to disable updatedb... | 13:37 |
Starnestommy | thhp: I think some search tools use slocate. | 13:37 |
robg_ | taras: if it can be done then can do it. | 13:37 |
dejx | hello | 13:37 |
dejx | how come that ubuntu 8.04 dont have supported NFS ? | 13:38 |
trident523 | Isador: ubuntu, and this nearly whole support channel does not use root for anything. Infact, ubuntu is built to not use root. If you want to use root on a daily basis, I suggest a different distro. | 13:38 |
taras | ok, but my xorg.conf file doesnt even have resolutions in it | 13:38 |
trident523 | dejx: I can boot my nfs. | 13:38 |
dejx | i cant:S | 13:38 |
trident523 | dejx: Wait, I mean mount. :P | 13:38 |
Gr3yW0lf | isador, if someone finds your session open on the physical terminal by mistake, they can do the same thing... | 13:38 |
dejx | root@archi:/# mount gir:/shared /shared -t nfs | 13:38 |
dejx | mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on gir:/shared, | 13:38 |
Slart | Isador: if you want to run everything as root, I don't think ubuntu is the distro for you.. try one of the others | 13:38 |
akazawa | Hello, how do I mount a usb drive and another hard drive (which is ntfs) in ubuntu server? | 13:38 |
thhp | Starnestommy: any ideas which? I don't use much apart from 'find' | 13:38 |
Starnestommy | thhp: find doesn't use slocate | 13:38 |
trident523 | dejx: That happened to me, it means you hard shutdown last time, and nfs locked the drive. | 13:38 |
dejx | so what now? | 13:39 |
Isador | what's the difference ubuntu or other distro, I usually do this to run KDE as root in ubuntu - '/etc/init.d/kdm stop;sudo startx' | 13:39 |
jrib | Isador: regardless of the distro, don't run kde as root... | 13:39 |
trident523 | dejx: Boot into your other partition, shutdown normally. and it should work. | 13:39 |
Polarina | Isador: If you really want to be able to log in as 'root' or be able to do 'su' try this: `sudo passwd root` | 13:39 |
Gr3yW0lf | lol@isador :P | 13:39 |
Isador | and I just wanted to start KDE by default | 13:39 |
jrib | !sudo > Isador (read the private message from ubottu) | 13:39 |
thhp | Starnestommy: OK, so it should be OK for me to drop the slocate updating cronjobs. Thanks! | 13:40 |
Isador | lol | 13:40 |
jrib | Isador: at the login screen, click on options and choose kde | 13:40 |
Isador | I know what sudo is | 13:40 |
jrib | Isador: use that instead of logging in as root | 13:40 |
Isador | jrib: that's tiring | 13:40 |
dejx | trident523 i dont quite understand | 13:40 |
Gr3yW0lf | isador has window-itis | 13:41 |
Ienorand | Guys, if somebody wants to login as root, isn't it their own choice, if they are fully aware that root deflowers you soul? | 13:41 |
Isador | Gr3yW0lf: what's that? | 13:41 |
jrib | Isador: you're doing something wrong if it is. What exactly do you need to do as root so much? | 13:41 |
Starnestommy | Ienorand: it's just four extra letters | 13:41 |
Starnestommy | er, wrong nick... | 13:41 |
Isador | jrib: experiments, I am learning linux | 13:41 |
mSq | What i need to install to can read cirylic ? | 13:41 |
Isador | jrib: a lot of them, typing sudo each time is tiring | 13:42 |
jrib | Isador: so use 'sudo -i' if you need a root prompt | 13:42 |
tyler | starnestommy: Package libpango0-dev is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 13:42 |
tyler | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 13:42 |
tyler | is only available from another source | 13:42 |
tyler | However the following packages replace it: | 13:42 |
tyler | libpango1.0-doc | 13:42 |
tyler | E: Package libpango0-dev has no installation candidate | 13:42 |
FloodBot2 | tyler: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 13:42 |
Taev | Can somebody hook me up with the Ubuntu doc page that shows how to overwrite windows on the MBR? | 13:42 |
Taev | I had bookmarked it but I lost it. | 13:42 |
Isador | I don't understand you guys, why are you so afraid for my system? | 13:42 |
Starnestommy | tyler: try libpabgo-1.0-dev | 13:42 |
Gr3yW0lf | isador its a user illness caught from using the start button too much :P | 13:42 |
Isador | it is not connected to internet, it is totally backed up and no one has physical access to it but me | 13:43 |
Starnestommy | tyler: er, libpango1.0-dev | 13:43 |
flyc0r | Isador: I just isn't really procedure to login as root .. and there's no need to anyway | 13:43 |
Isador | OK, then | 13:43 |
Isador | what makes KDE start? | 13:43 |
Gr3yW0lf | kdm | 13:44 |
Starnestommy | Isador: kdm/gdm or a startup script run by the user starting it | 13:44 |
Taev | I need some help I had to reinstall windows so it overwrote GRUB on the MBR | 13:44 |
Isador | where is it located? | 13:44 |
Starnestommy | !grub > Taev | 13:44 |
Taev | TY | 13:44 |
Taev | er ty | 13:44 |
mSq | What i need to install to can read cirylic | 13:45 |
=== dkT__ is now known as dkT | ||
jrib | Isador: 'whereis kdm' will tell you. Stop being silly though, there's really no need to login to X as root. Use 'sudo -i' if you need to do a bunch of stuff as root and don't want to type "sudo" all the time | 13:45 |
Starnestommy | mSq: you might need xfonts-cyrillic | 13:45 |
tyler | starnestommy: : Couldn't find package libpanelapplet-2.0 | 13:45 |
tyler | tyler@Intel:~/Desktop/music-applet-2.3.1$ | 13:45 |
Starnestommy | tyler: you might need libpanelappletmm-2.6-dev | 13:46 |
mSq | Starnestommy how | 13:46 |
Starnestommy | mSq: sudo apt-get install xfonts-cyrillic | 13:46 |
tyler | starnestommy: well basically what im trying to do is to get amarak plugin to work with the music applet for the gnome bar...i dont see it as a choice for hoping this new version im compling has it | 13:47 |
Starnestommy | tyler: it might be libpanel-applet2-dev | 13:47 |
mSq | Starnestommy i install xfonts-cyrillic but still can't read | 13:48 |
carrie | hey, can anyone please tell me where the config file that contains what is the current desktop background image is? | 13:48 |
Starnestommy | mSq: you might need to restart the x server with ctrl+alt+backspace | 13:49 |
flyc0r | guys, does anyone know a convenient way to run lmms with pulseaudio? - lmms' alsa doesn't really work with pulse :( | 13:49 |
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tyler | anyone here use amarak with the gnome music applet? | 13:50 |
emma | carrie: try looking in ~/.themes (a hidden directory, to view it in the GUI open places, home, and set view to hidden) | 13:50 |
l0C0 | hey | 13:50 |
Cromag | !bug | 13:50 |
ubottu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at | 13:50 |
xintron | I got a grey box with an arrow instead of flash applications in Firefox. Is there a way to fix this? | 13:51 |
carrie | emma: Thanks, but .themes is empty | 13:52 |
xintron | When I click the box the flash app is showing, however, I want it to show from the start | 13:52 |
Slart | xintron: sounds like flashblock to me.. it's a plugin, click on the arrow | 13:52 |
emma | carrie: Actually I don't think that the actual wallpaper (if that's what you mean by background) is in ~/.themes . I think that might be any image located in any directory on your system. | 13:52 |
Slart | xintron: disable flashblock then | 13:52 |
l0C0 | I'm trying to watch a DVD with a dolby digital soundtrack, how can I pass this through the spdif? Currently all I'm getting is a PCM version (even when I select AC3 pass through in the player) | 13:52 |
carrie | Yeah, i mean wallpaper | 13:52 |
flyc0r | xintron: maybe because you're using gnash/swfdec try installing flashplugin-nonfree | 13:52 |
carrie | I mean the config file that sets the wallpaper | 13:52 |
SirDeiu | hello all | 13:53 |
robg_ | carrie: wallpapers in ubuntu is indeed a problem. I downloaded photos from the web and added them to ubuntu. | 13:53 |
xintron | Slart: I didn't have flashblock | 13:53 |
dkT | The network manager will not shut down correctly, how can I solve this problem? | 13:53 |
Slart | xintron: adblock plus? | 13:53 |
SirDeiu | /msg ubottu etiquette | 13:53 |
emma | carrie: have you tried System>Preferences>Appearances>Background tab? | 13:54 |
xintron | Slart: nope | 13:54 |
carrie | emma: Need to do it via a config file, im accessing my computer over ssh | 13:54 |
stefan | how do i make xchat display the nicklist on the right again... this is a fresh install from 8.04 | 13:54 |
flyc0r | xintron: the grey box is coming from nspluginwrapper (at least i believe so) - try removing gnash/swfdec and installing flashplugin-nonfree | 13:54 |
emma | okay let me look into this a bit more. | 13:54 |
xintron | flyc0r: ok | 13:54 |
robg_ | carrie: you can import photos into the file system and then transfer them into backgrounds. | 13:54 |
dkT | What is the command similar to aux in some distros? | 13:55 |
xintron | flyc0r: it says that it's not installed :/ | 13:55 |
Starnestommy | dkT: ps aux? | 13:55 |
emma | carrie: try this, open a terminal and type: | 13:55 |
MultipleX | stefan: try view-> user list | 13:55 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 197788 in launchpad "Many people are mistakenly subscribing to launchpad-users@" [Undecided,New] | 13:55 |
emma | carrie: sorry that was a mis-paste. | 13:56 |
dkT | Starnestommy: Thanks | 13:56 |
dkT | My bad memory | 13:56 |
carrie | heh | 13:56 |
Bert_2 | hi, how can I play an SDL game in a xephyr window ? | 13:56 |
emma | carrie: open a terminal and type: gnome-background-change --set mybackground.jpg | 13:56 |
flyc0r | xintron: you need to add the universe and multiverse repositories in the "software sources" window anyway and then install flashplugin-nonfree | 13:56 |
carrie | ahh brilliant, thanks | 13:56 |
emma | carrie: did that work? | 13:57 |
xintron | flyc0r: I did install flashplugin-nonfree, still the same in firefox | 13:57 |
flyc0r | xintron: but you did restart firefox? | 13:57 |
carrie | program not found | 13:57 |
xintron | flyc0r: ofc :) | 13:57 |
flyc0r | xintron: mmh strange | 13:57 |
emma | carrie okay you are using GNOME? | 13:58 |
stefan | MultipleX: theres no view menubutton | 13:58 |
carrie | yes | 13:58 |
jrib | emma, carrie: you need to use gconf | 13:58 |
emma | jrib: i got this.. | 13:58 |
stefan | this is xchat gnome 0.18 | 13:58 |
emma | carrie: open a terminal and type this: gconftool-2 --type string --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename "/path/to/image.ext" | 13:58 |
vlt | Hello. I upgraded from Gutsy to Feisty on my notebook. When running `nice'd` processes the cpu clock doesn't switch to the max. possible step. What could cause this? | 13:59 |
vlt | Erm, too Hardy. | 13:59 |
MultipleX | stefan: ok try ctrl + F7 | 13:59 |
vlt | to Hardy | 13:59 |
stefan | nope | 13:59 |
stefan | doesnt work either | 13:59 |
stefan | i think | 13:59 |
stefan | i will install the normal xchat | 14:00 |
Starnestommy | stefan: xchat-gnome lacks a lot of features that the normal one has | 14:00 |
stefan | yea | 14:00 |
emma | carrie: any luck with that? | 14:00 |
stefan | i just realized that this is a silly frontend | 14:00 |
stefan | :P | 14:00 |
stefan | brb | 14:00 |
stefan | thanks for your help | 14:00 |
trident523 | vlt: What does that program... do? | 14:01 |
MultipleX | stefan: you're welcome | 14:01 |
stefan | ahhhhhhh | 14:01 |
carrie | emma: /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename: No such file or directory | 14:01 |
stefan | here we go | 14:01 |
stefan | :) | 14:01 |
emma | carrie: try using capital D in Desktop | 14:01 |
jrib | carrie: paste the command you entered. What emma said should not give you that error | 14:02 |
carrie | ahh fixed, sorry was a miss type | 14:03 |
carrie | emma: that worked, thank you very much | 14:03 |
MultipleX | does anyone know when are going to release official firefox 3? | 14:04 |
tyler | starnestommy: | 14:04 |
Isador | here is how I let myself login as root in ubuntu KDE - /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc I am still alive | 14:04 |
MultipleX | the final version? | 14:04 |
CroX | How can I remove the launcher to a slave HDD of mine from the desktop? | 14:05 |
koheleth | Sound card issue, when I play some music in one program and stop, I have to logout and back in if I wish to use a different program. Is there a fix? | 14:05 |
big-g | hey, this xchat is pretty cool. what font do ya'll like to use? | 14:05 |
trident523 | Isador: Kay. Don't complain if things go screwy. | 14:05 |
danbhfive | CroX: change the mount point to something other than /media | 14:05 |
tyler | hey in xchat how do u get rid of the xxxx has entered or left the room | 14:05 |
rym | Is it possible for me to install xfce just to see what it's like, and later switch to gnome | 14:05 |
rym | without anything going wrong? :p | 14:05 |
CroX | danbhfive: Surely there must be another way? | 14:05 |
robg_ | koheleth: have you been to and installed Pulse Audio ? | 14:06 |
trident523 | rym: Yep. Install xubuntu-desktop. | 14:06 |
danbhfive | CroX: why should there be another way? | 14:06 |
emma | carrie: you are very welcome! I'm really glad it worked! | 14:06 |
trident523 | rym: At login, you can change your session to xfice. | 14:06 |
rym | and when im done withit apt-get remove xubuntu-desktop? | 14:06 |
rym | okay | 14:06 |
erle- | hey, i think it is a real problem that nautilus hides files ending on ~ | 14:06 |
tyler | starnestommy: u there | 14:06 |
emma | jrib could I pm you briefly for a moment? | 14:06 |
koheleth | robg_, no will take a look thanks | 14:06 |
jrib | emma: sure | 14:06 |
robg_ | koheleth: go to and follow instructions to activate medibuntu Repository in your system. | 14:07 |
akazawa | how do I install things that use makefiles and such? | 14:07 |
big-g | is there a way to filter out the messages like 'so and so has joined #ubuntu" in xchat? | 14:07 |
johntramp | where is the dmesg info stored? | 14:07 |
Isador | trident523: repeat: 1. no internet connection 2. computer totally backed up. Why don't you write that down and read many times over ? =)) | 14:07 |
bazhang | big-g, right click channel name and uncheck show joins/parts | 14:08 |
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johntramp | can i get it from a pc which is kernel panicing? | 14:08 |
CroX | danbhfive: Because 1) It feels stupid to be forced to have anything in /media displayed on the Desktop, especially since it defaults to that mount point and 2) because only one dir in /media is shown on the desktop. | 14:08 |
trident523 | Isador: I don't care, honestly. If things go screwy, it's your own fault. | 14:08 |
MNZ | I have a problem with xfce. when I run programs with root permissions they don't use the gtk2 theme that I chose but instead the default one | 14:09 |
Isador | trident523: | 14:09 |
Isador | lol@ya | 14:09 |
Isador | trident523: define: "things go screwy" | 14:09 |
CroX | danbhfive: It's just inconsistent with Gnome's other behaviour, which otherwise is pretty MVC compliant. | 14:10 |
trident523 | Isador: Deleting a folder accidentally. Installing a bad program from the CD. I don't know, overwriting your xorg file, your xorg backup. Other stuff. | 14:11 |
danbhfive | CroX: well, its my understanding thats the standard, drives mounted in /media show up on the desktop. I think its a good default. All other OS's have that kind of default. I don't think I fully grasp your problem | 14:11 |
trident523 | Isador: I hardly ever use root powers though. | 14:11 |
Isador | trident523: do you know what "system is totally backed up" means? | 14:11 |
c3mble | anybody here know where to obtain SIS672 3D DISPLAY DRIVER? | 14:11 |
Isador | trident523: well obviously it means ANY folder that gets deleted can be restored... | 14:12 |
c3mble | i cant get 3d acceleration on my gutsy 7.10 | 14:12 |
koheleth | robg_, seems I have it installed already | 14:12 |
trident523 | Isador: Nothing to me, because all of my backup attempts fail. | 14:12 |
c3mble | anybody here know where to obtain SIS672 3D DISPLAY DRIVER? | 14:12 |
robg_ | c3mble: the best drivers and codecs for ubuntu are in the repository | 14:12 |
trident523 | Isador: I've corrupted my backup too many times to count. | 14:13 |
Isador | trident523: I'm just gonna play with it a lot (to learn), and when I get to REALLY using it I won't login as root obviously. By the way it is a virtual machine ;) What I just don't understand is why people force me NOT to be root | 14:14 |
WhyZeeGuy | okay I'm new to Ubuntu and could use a little help | 14:14 |
CroX | danbhfive: Yeah, you might very well be right. It just doesn't feel very user friendly to force that behavior without a setting to toggle it on and off. My file system is one thing, how Gnome presents various data is another. | 14:14 |
Slart | Isador: noone forcing you.. we just don't want to help you.. big difference there | 14:14 |
robg_ | koheleth: de medibunti osftware is not included in standard ubuntu isos. You must get it yourself. | 14:14 |
bazhang | Isador, no one is forcing you; please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic thanks | 14:14 |
tyler | can anyone help me with this error install recursive error 1 | 14:15 |
koheleth | what am I after exactly | 14:15 |
tyler | im trying to compile and install this program | 14:15 |
WhyZeeGuy | Somehow I managed to flip they layout of my panels, time now shows on the left instead of the right | 14:15 |
danbhfive | !root > Isador there is some info about sudo vs root in this factoid | 14:15 |
WhyZeeGuy | how can I flip the back to default | 14:15 |
Slart | tyler: hmm.. it's complaining about python module kdecore isn't available.. amongst others | 14:16 |
robg_ | koheleth: top quality multimedia software, drivers, codecs. | 14:16 |
amenado | WhyZeeGuy-> try xrandr -o 0 | 14:16 |
big-g | hey, how do i hide my ip address in xchat? | 14:16 |
tyler | slart: what do i do | 14:16 |
WhyZeeGuy | Okay, I'm very new so I'm not sure what you're referring to | 14:16 |
bazhang | big-g, get a cloak | 14:16 |
Slart | tyler: the package python-kde3 might supply that.. try installing it and do the ./configure thing again | 14:16 |
grobda24 | big-g ... you can a get a "cloak" on freenode .. see their website. | 14:17 |
Slart | tyler: I just ran "apt-cache search python kde" and checked what was there | 14:17 |
norbyka | hello | 14:17 |
koheleth | robg_, ok thanks, I will install all | 14:17 |
dkT | The network manager will not shut down correctly and therefore shuts down eth0 (wireless), which I can't get up running again, how can I solve this problem? | 14:17 |
BlackRece | can anyone tell me how to set up my ubuntu box so that my internal network can have internet access and use my box as a firewall/webserver rather than relying on the modem to do the firewall part?!?! Help?!?! | 14:17 |
tyler | all i want is a darn amarak thing to control music as an applet cany anyone help me with this? | 14:17 |
Slart | tyler: but that might not be an error.. just a warning | 14:18 |
robg_ | koheleth: install w32codecs, libdvdcss, sun java, pulse audio, media players, and uninstall openJDK | 14:18 |
Slart | tyler: ahhh. nevermind | 14:18 |
=== Xbehave is now known as Rioting_pacifist | ||
Slart | tyler: you have to run "make install" as root.. it copies files into the system.. have to be root for that | 14:18 |
c3mble | anybody here know where to obtain SIS672 3D DISPLAY DRIVER? | 14:18 |
Slart | tyler: so just run "sudo make install" instead and all will be fine | 14:18 |
tyler | i was able to install music applet from the respitories but it was an old version and i couldnt find an amarak plugin | 14:18 |
koheleth | ok | 14:19 |
Slart | !ics | BlackRece | 14:19 |
ubottu | BlackRece: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see - You may also use !firestarter: | 14:19 |
robg_ | c3mble: the best stuff is in | 14:19 |
d34Th1 | I Have A Problem With Ubuntu Server Which Pertains As It Cannot Install Due To A CdRom Issue After Checking The Keyboard | 14:19 |
BlackRece | thank you slart | 14:19 |
Slart | BlackRece: you're welcome | 14:19 |
koheleth | robg_, is there a command to free up my sound card? | 14:20 |
Rioting_pacifist | i installed my system to lvm, but i installed evms-gui and several otherthings went wrong (full /, couruption of home, dpjg fail, crashed when update-initramfs) resulting in kernal panaics for most of last night, now i cant mount my /boot, even though its not mounted and not on an lvm/evms | 14:20 |
Slart | d34Th1: and your keyboard seems to be broken ;) scratches on the cd? there is a "verify cd" option... have you tried it? | 14:20 |
robg_ | koheleth: When I activated the medibuntu repository and installed Pulse Audio everything worked right away. | 14:20 |
WhyZeeGuy | Somehow I managed to flip they layout of my panels, time now shows on the left instead of the right, how can I flip the back to default | 14:21 |
d34Th1 | i verified it through burn program keyboard works the (dvd-r) is new | 14:21 |
Slart | WhyZeeGuy: right click on it.. uncheck the "locked" box.. and move it.. | 14:21 |
WhyZeeGuy | no option to unlock | 14:21 |
robg_ | koheleth: You also need: ubuntu-restricted-extras. | 14:21 |
koheleth | ok | 14:22 |
Slart | d34Th1: what was the exact error message? do you remember? | 14:22 |
WhyZeeGuy | never mind, I found it | 14:22 |
WhyZeeGuy | thatnks | 14:22 |
Slart | WhyZeeGuy: if you right click on the .. ah.. nevermind=) | 14:22 |
d34Th1 | Slart: Cannot Find Cd-Rom | 14:22 |
WhyZeeGuy | I killed Microsoft last night | 14:22 |
Slart | d34Th1: so.. first it finds the cd-rom and boots from it.. then when it comes to installing it can't find it any more??? very strange | 14:23 |
d34Th1 | yea | 14:23 |
d34Th1 | Slart: so i put it on a portable drive and disk and still nothing? may it be tht im using syslinux to boot? | 14:24 |
koheleth | robg_, I am getting lib dependency errors when I try to install stuff | 14:24 |
catalyst | alright, I'm trying to run my "Intersil Corporation Prism 2.5 Wavelan chipset" as a wifi access point. I've got linux-wlan-ng, I've got hostapd and I've setup /etc/network/interfaces to bridge the ethernet connection and the wifi as I had (working) on a previous debian system. I've even supplanted the previous hostapd.conf to no avail. Anything obvious I should look for? | 14:24 |
robg_ | koheleth: You may have a broken system. | 14:24 |
=== Phoenix is now known as turk | ||
Slart | d34Th1: I have no idea... never seen that happen before | 14:25 |
catalyst | oh, and the network connection comes up on the ethernet fine - the wifi seems to be up and working, but nothing can see it | 14:25 |
d34Th1 | i know of one other occurance but that was someone else on a VM | 14:25 |
koheleth | ok, I will sort it :) | 14:25 |
=== turk is now known as antalya | ||
Treeh | Has anyone installed the FutureLooks theme pack? | 14:26 |
d34Th1 | Slart: Man, And I Was Hoping To Get That Server Alive And Kicking Today | 14:26 |
djpate | hello can anyone tell me isf | 14:27 |
d34Th1 | wow | 14:27 |
d34Th1 | join spam | 14:27 |
d34Th1 | that sent my pc beeping away | 14:28 |
ross_ | what program should I use for c++ in ubuntu? | 14:28 |
ross_ | i would like to be able to code in ubuntu | 14:28 |
ross_ | in many languages | 14:28 |
amenado | catalyst-> is it broadcasting the essid ? | 14:28 |
jrib | ross_: use any text editor you want to write it. Use g++ to compile it | 14:28 |
djpate | hello can anyone tell me if it's normal that grub hangs on running Embed /boot/grub... " when i try to fix the mbr | 14:28 |
jope | anyone been able to get a wireless card witha bcm4310 driver to work, or able to help me do so please? | 14:28 |
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Sindacious | Could anyone tell me what, "afs3-fileserver" is. | 14:29 |
gronne | Hi, I tried to search how to make x264 encoder to run in linux, but I couldn't find any good info. But I'd like the latest version available. | 14:29 |
grobda24 | ross_ ... vim has c++ syntax highlighting. It really depends on your style and how you work. | 14:29 |
jbroome | !broadcom| jope | 14:29 |
ubottu | jope: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at | 14:29 |
ross_ | how do i use g++ to compile it? | 14:29 |
catalyst | amenado: it's definitely set the essid on the card according to iwconfig, but I can't see it with any of the devices I'm attempting to connect, if that's what you mean | 14:29 |
ross_ | i would like syntax highlighting, yes | 14:29 |
ross_ | vim? | 14:29 |
jope | ive tried everything. ive been working on for over a day | 14:29 |
jrib | ross_: g++ -o program | 14:29 |
pamela | fuck you hepinize | 14:29 |
amenado | catalyst-> is it broadcast that essid you have set? | 14:29 |
jrib | !language | pamela | 14:29 |
=== dkT_ is now known as dkT | ||
ubottu | pamela: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 14:29 |
amenado | catalyst-> is it broadcasting* that essid you have set? | 14:29 |
ross_ | text editor doesn't have much syntax highlighting and it's quite dificult to code in | 14:29 |
bazhang | pamela, stop with the cursing | 14:30 |
pamela | ohhh | 14:30 |
jrib | ross_: it does have syntax highlighting (if you mean gedit) | 14:30 |
catalyst | amenado: I don't understand what you're asking, sorry | 14:30 |
catalyst | how would I check? | 14:30 |
Mlkhjg | hi | 14:30 |
djpate | hello can anyone tell me if it's normal that grub hangs on running Embed /boot/grub... " when i try to fix the mbr | 14:30 |
pamela | what | 14:30 |
Mlkhjg | how to mask ip on ubuntu ??? | 14:30 |
jope | at that link it says The bcm43xx driver (via manual install) is now considered to be deprecated as it is now included in Ubuntu 8.04 and all Linux kernel versions 2.6.24 and later. | 14:30 |
ross_ | so vim is the answer? | 14:30 |
grobda24 | ross_ "vim" at the command line. Its just what I use to edit code. | 14:30 |
amenado | catalyst-> does your guide in creating an AP gives you this tool? | 14:30 |
jope | but i cant get it to work | 14:30 |
ross_ | i have code in microsoft visual studio before | 14:31 |
ross_ | what is the ubuntu equivalent of that program? | 14:31 |
ross_ | if any | 14:31 |
IshinoSan | how do I mount a smb share with pw on 8.04? | 14:31 |
Mlkhjg | how to mask ip on ubuntu ??? | 14:31 |
jrib | ross_: vim is very nice, but not for everyone. The learning curve is steep, but if you don't mind that, you will be greatly rewarded after a few weeks | 14:31 |
robg_ | jope: manual install is for experts | 14:31 |
catalyst | amenado: ah, hold on, apparently I didn't have hostap-utils installed | 14:33 |
catalyst | heh | 14:33 |
amenado | djpate-> it means your /boot/grub/stage1 is faulty so it can not point to the next loader stage15 | 14:33 |
ross_ | is there a linux equivalent to microsoft visual studio? | 14:33 |
jope | rob: ive tried ndiswrapper and using another method. i really have been working on it for hours but cant get it to work | 14:33 |
Treeh | Has anyone installed the FutureLooks theme pack? | 14:33 |
catalyst | ross_: there's a few integrated environments. you might try KDevelop or Code::Blocks | 14:33 |
robg_ | jope: you have messed up. | 14:33 |
amenado | ross_-> what the heck is visual studio for? | 14:33 |
djpate | amenado -> well i've just installed xp and now im folowing ubuntu wiki to fix it | 14:33 |
bazhang | robg_, that is not helpful | 14:33 |
catalyst | ross_: depending on which language(s) you want to program for | 14:33 |
jope | rob i know, so ive done a fresh install and come here looking for help | 14:33 |
ross_ | catalyst: c++ and/or java | 14:33 |
flyc0r | ross | 14:33 |
catalyst | ross_: ah, for Java I'd strongly suggest Eclipse | 14:33 |
robg_ | bazhang: we need a realistic assessment of the situation before we can plot a course. | 14:33 |
Treeh | Can someone help me sort out why Emerald Theme Manager isn't working? | 14:33 |
flyc0r | _: you maybe wanna try realbasic | 14:33 |
IshinoSan | I would say eclipse ross_ | 14:33 |
ross_ | catalyst: and c++? | 14:33 |
catalyst | ross_: I believe eclipse can handle c++ as well | 14:34 |
bazhang | robg_, not helpful; if you dont know then dont offer an answer. | 14:34 |
tyler | hey did I install this app right cause i cant find it to add to gnome bar when i right click on it | 14:34 |
ross_ | catalyst: wow | 14:34 |
catalyst | ross_: but I've never tried it for that myself | 14:34 |
tyler | | 14:34 |
ross_ | catalyst: i have to check that out | 14:34 |
ross_ | can anyone else comment on eclipse? | 14:34 |
robg_ | bazhang: a failed install may have to be redone. | 14:34 |
amenado | djpate-> perhaps you have missed a step, re-read the tutorial to recover mbr | 14:34 |
catalyst | ross_: there are a *lot* of language plugins for it, but anything I've used it for aside from Java has been a little meh | 14:34 |
catalyst | that was a while ago though | 14:35 |
jope | anyone got any ideas, without wiireless im finished | 14:35 |
ross_ | catalyst: ok i'm going to try eclipse | 14:35 |
flyc0r | tyler: seems that you successfully built it | 14:36 |
catalyst | ross_: enjoy | 14:36 |
wers | the rhythmbox media buttons bug is still present in Hardy. any idea on how to fix it? | 14:36 |
flyc0r | jope: did you try the ndiswrapper gui ? | 14:36 |
catalyst | ack, this thing still isn't coming up | 14:36 |
Treeh | ....No one here has ever used emerald theme manager? | 14:36 |
tyler | flyc0r: I cant find this app anywhere on my computer | 14:36 |
jope | flycor: yyeah i got it to show a driver but not the hardware | 14:36 |
ross_ | what's the best bit torrent program for ubuntu | 14:36 |
flyc0r | tyler: apt-get install ndisgtk | 14:36 |
ross_ | i used isohunt in windows | 14:36 |
grobda24 | jope ... have you checked System->Admin->System Log ? Ubuntu may already have setup the card. | 14:37 |
flyc0r | tyler: sry lol that wasnt for you :) | 14:37 |
tyler | lol damn | 14:37 |
ross_ | catalyst: Eclipse classic is good? | 14:37 |
tyler | i want a music applet for amarak! | 14:37 |
catalyst | ross_: I would imagine so | 14:37 |
flyc0r | tyler: go with sudo make install | 14:37 |
tyler | ? | 14:37 |
flyc0r | tyler: yay you just compiled the thing and now you install it with sudo make install (in the same dir) | 14:38 |
jope | grobda: just looked and nothing showing, but ive just done a complete fresh new install of the syystem, as i wasn't sure what i had done | 14:38 |
alsadk | how to verfy if a specific device work or has a problem? | 14:38 |
tyler | flyc0r: yes i did that | 14:38 |
flyc0r | tyler: then it's gotta be among the gnome applets | 14:39 |
mewt | Hi, anyone have any problems with the clock in gnome-panel not refreshing ? | 14:39 |
ross_ | does bit torrent work in linux? | 14:39 |
mewt | ross_, yes it does | 14:39 |
mad_max02 | is there any info on when will firefox 3 be released ? | 14:39 |
robg_ | jope: choose a guided install in the largest empty space and don't mess with the install process. | 14:39 |
tyler | flyc0r: lol i cant find it | 14:39 |
Treeh | Can someone PLEASE help me with emerald theme manager! | 14:39 |
Starnestommy | ross_: yes, and several different cloents exist for it | 14:39 |
ross_ | what's the best one for ubuntu? | 14:39 |
Starnestommy | *clients | 14:39 |
jrib | mad_max02: you need to ask mozilla | 14:39 |
flyc0r | tyler: mmh then I don't know | 14:39 |
sinnus | How can I disable running rhythmbox when my mp3 player have connected? | 14:40 |
jrib | ross_: the one included by default is fine | 14:40 |
jope | rob: i ont undderstand. i have a fresh new system installed, but now i want to try again to get thee wireless card to work | 14:40 |
jrib | sinnus: system -> preferences -> removable drives and media | 14:40 |
wers | i want to remove all kde apps except for basket and kooka from my computer. how can I do it? | 14:40 |
jrib | sinnus: except that doesn't seem to work anymore, hmm | 14:40 |
robg_ | jope: for wireless there is another site. | 14:41 |
alsadk | how to verify if my starstar2 pci dvb card ok or have a problem from terminal or something else? | 14:41 |
jope | rob: channel or site? | 14:41 |
sinnus | jrib: I don't see rhythmbox in one | 14:41 |
grobda24 | jope .. I suggest you carefully check it's not already being detected. I had this myself a couple of times "oh, it hasn't installed", but then I found I just had toggled a few software settings. | 14:41 |
grobda24 | had to* | 14:41 |
amenado | jope-> 3 wireless nic to run at same time at same channels? you will be asking for trouble | 14:41 |
jrib | sinnus: maybe preferences -> preferred apps? | 14:41 |
robg_ | jope: are you sure that your system is in good working order ? | 14:41 |
jope | sorry closed window by mistaake | 14:42 |
grobda24 | tyler .. I thought Amarok IS the music "plugin" ;) | 14:42 |
amenado | jope-> 3 wireless nic to run at same time at same channels? you will be asking for trouble | 14:42 |
sinnus | jrib, In preferred Applications I don't see autorun option :( | 14:42 |
jope | rob is there another channel or site | 14:42 |
jrib | sinnus: yes, but see what happens when you change it | 14:42 |
ntolo | How can i replace the maximum ,minimum and the close tabs in my windows ? | 14:42 |
tyler | groba24: amarak is a music player...i want to be able to control it on the gnome menu bar | 14:42 |
robg_ | jope: I am sure there are many sites and channels. You can also use Google. | 14:43 |
grobda24 | jope ... you could try #linux if you wanna be hit by the geeky details (but hold on to your hat). | 14:43 |
big-g | google? | 14:43 |
bazhang | tyler you can with amarok itself | 14:43 |
big-g | i think audacious sounds way better than amarok | 14:43 |
tyler | bazhang: how? | 14:43 |
jope | amenado i have no idea what you mean, sorry. i have just done a frsh install of my system and im starting from scratch to get one wireless card to work. its a card in a dell inspiron 1525 and it uses the broadcom 4310 driver | 14:43 |
robg_ | jope: ask the bot for direction to the broadcom channel. | 14:44 |
jope | rob: as is aid i have been trying for over 24 hours to get this t work, i have used google, ubuntu forumms and anything else i can find | 14:44 |
Treeh | Does anyone here use Emerald Theme Manager?? | 14:44 |
jope | !broadcom channel | 14:44 |
ubottu | jope: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 14:44 |
tyler | bazhang: how? | 14:44 |
sinnus | jrib, I have deleted rb from preffered applications so rb runs when I have connected mp3 player :( | 14:44 |
robg_ | jope: I am convinced that you have a failed install. You may need to do a re-install. | 14:44 |
recon69 | if i use ndiswrapper to load windows drivers for a wireless card, how do i get the drivers without a windows system? | 14:44 |
dheeraj_k | ~ wireless | 14:45 |
jrib | sinnus: don't know how to do it offhand then | 14:45 |
bazhang | tyler how ? what exactly are you trying to do-->please clarify | 14:45 |
dheeraj_k | ~wireless | 14:45 |
Treeh | !ask | ubottu | 14:45 |
ubottu | ubottu: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 14:45 |
big-g | anyone here use audacious? | 14:45 |
amenado | recon-> you can use wget to download them. | 14:45 |
jope | rob i have just installed my complete sysytem and it went fine | 14:45 |
mohit | hey can anyone let me know how to install pygame in ubuntu 7.04 | 14:45 |
amenado | jope you claim to have 3 wireless nic card? | 14:45 |
tyler | ok u know the gnome bars at top and bottom of screen....? I want lil play next back name of song and stuff for amarak at the top | 14:45 |
dhamma | i need help...i've suddenly lost audio...i've rebooted help...i have a dual boot system and audio works fine in xp, so i know it's not a hardware issue | 14:45 |
flyc0r | big-g: yeah occasionally | 14:45 |
james__ | does anyone here use Pidgin? | 14:46 |
robg_ | jope: do you have a functioning wired internet connection ? | 14:46 |
jope | amenado: no i have no idea why you thik that, i am sorry | 14:46 |
tyler | similiar to music applet but i couldnt get that to work | 14:46 |
jope | rob yes | 14:46 |
amenado | Joeb454-> my eyes.. i read your mistype thee as three | 14:46 |
robg_ | jope: and there are no signs of system mallfunction ? | 14:46 |
amenado | jope -> my eyes.. i read your mistype thee as three | 14:46 |
ross_ | how do i configure my screen | 14:46 |
jope | amenado: hehe sorry | 14:46 |
grobda24 | jope ... Tyler .. what are you trying to do ? Have you got Amarok to scan for all your music files so you ca play playlists ? | 14:46 |
big-g | hey, in xchat how do i change the color of my own text? i don't like the grey | 14:47 |
ross_ | i want to be able to view the next screen when I move my pointer to the outer part of the screen | 14:47 |
grobda24 | jope .. sorry that was meant for tyler :P | 14:47 |
bazhang | tyler, you want it embedded in the menu showing the song name, artist, time left etc like a stock ticker? is that it? | 14:47 |
savetheWorld | big-g: ask in #xchat | 14:47 |
jope | rob: no, there is a problem with that driver. i have been reading scress of suggestiions | 14:47 |
ross_ | screen transition is the term? | 14:47 |
big-g | good idea. thanx | 14:47 |
meco | ciao | 14:47 |
dhamma | what's the best way to troubleshoot for audio problems | 14:47 |
bazhang | !it | meco | 14:47 |
ubottu | meco: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 14:47 |
robg_ | jope: then proceed to the broadcom channel. | 14:48 |
jope | i tried all day yesterday and then when i still coouldnt get it to work, i decied tody to do a fresh install of the os and start from scraatch | 14:48 |
jope | which broadcom channel? | 14:48 |
xodiak | good morning all | 14:48 |
tyler | bazhang: like this | 14:48 |
recon69 | jope: have you look at , it has all the low level commands to fault find you card. | 14:48 |
grobda24 | dhamma ... System --> Administration --> Hardware Testing ? | 14:48 |
recon69 | my problems is not downloading the drivers but that the drivers come packaged in win exe files | 14:49 |
xodiak | something is hogging CPU. How do I list my processes to to what's dragging me down? | 14:49 |
jbroome | xodiak: top | 14:49 |
ePax | recon69: Drivers for what? | 14:49 |
tyler | see? | 14:49 |
magnetron | xodiak: System > Administration > system monitor | 14:50 |
jochmenDS | ps aux | 14:50 |
amenado | recon69 use the tool cabextract if you dont have it, download it first | 14:50 |
jochmenDS | or use gnome sytem monitor | 14:50 |
dhamma | grobda24: no, that just gathers information about my hardware, generates a report and submits it to launchpad | 14:50 |
ePax | xodiak: You can installl deskelets or screenlets and have one process monitor on your deskotp all the time. | 14:50 |
big-g | is there a security risk when your ip address can be seen in an irc chat room? | 14:50 |
jope | recon: thanks but that iss for setting the connection up. i cant geet it to find the card | 14:51 |
amenado | big-g-> not a biggy | 14:51 |
flyc0r | big-g: depends on your setup :D but not really | 14:51 |
frederific | wireless on my laptop stopped working last night. its a broadcom 4306 chipset, using ndiswrapper on hardy. When it worked i'm pretty sure it was called wlan0, now its called wlan1. It can't detect my wireless network... | 14:51 |
amenado | big-g use your iptables rules to setup a good firewall | 14:51 |
recon69 | jope: well then you got the wrong driver | 14:51 |
jochmenDS | internet is alway's insecure | 14:51 |
grobda24 | dhamma ... the wiki then ? | 14:51 |
dhamma | my audio worked fine, then just stopped for no reason | 14:51 |
big-g | ya, i use shorewall. | 14:51 |
dhamma | grobda24: which wiki | 14:51 |
jope | fredirific: i havee been trying for hours to get tht bcm43xx card to work and cannot | 14:52 |
jochmenDS | !audio | 14:52 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 14:52 |
xodiak | Jbroom, magnetron, ePax: Thanks. | 14:52 |
amenado | frederific-> you may have to modify /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules | 14:52 |
jope | recon: i know what the driver is, im having problems gettiing it to install which is wwhat i have been asking about | 14:52 |
Polarina | ubottu: I'm still having problems with sound. | 14:52 |
ubottu | Polarina: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 14:52 |
grobda24 | dhamma .. also System --> Administration --> System Log. The wiki is in the topic message. | 14:52 |
recon69 | jope: you need to use "lshw -C network" and "modprobe" to load the right driver | 14:53 |
amenado | jope-> as a consolation, bcm43xx wifi card are very difficult to make work..speaking from experience | 14:53 |
PriceChild | | 14:53 |
xodiak | ePax: I have a CPU screenlet running and it's showing 97 to 100%. and it's usually below 50%. Can't figure out what it making it top off so high. | 14:53 |
jope | amenado did you succeeed? | 14:53 |
amenado | jope-> with a different card yes | 14:53 |
jope | amenado: great | 14:54 |
jope | hehe | 14:54 |
frederific | amenado: Ah, there were two entries in that file, should I try commenting out the wlan1? (There's only one wifi card in the machine...) | 14:54 |
amenado | frederific-> affirmative, leave the one you like | 14:54 |
josue | oi | 14:55 |
ePax | xodiak: There are screenlets wich show each process or few at the time. If you daon have it you can use "top" in your terminal. If you dont have top just use "sudo apt-get install top". And after that type "top" without ". | 14:55 |
recon69 | jope: I got wireless card problems myself, I can get the linux driver to load but it does not do encryption and having problems getting a windows driver to use with ndistwrapper | 14:55 |
frederific | amenado: AWESOME! I did that, rebooted, and its just come up and connected, thanks a billion :D | 14:55 |
amenado | frederific-> i wish i can use some of that | 14:56 |
jope | fredirific: can you give link to directions you used to get it to work with ndiswrapper pls | 14:56 |
xodiak | ePax: Okay. I do have top and I'm watching it in terminal. Looks like "Xorg as root" is using over 85% of the processor. | 14:56 |
frederific | amenado: heehee :) | 14:56 |
frederific | jope: yeah, of course. I'll have a grope through my history and see if I can find it for you :) | 14:57 |
Ayabara | Ubuntu and Vista doesn't seem to agree on how to treat my system clock. When I start Vista after using Ubuntu, the clock is 2 hours behind. | 14:57 |
jope | fredirific, thanks | 14:57 |
=== master_o1_master is now known as master_of_master | ||
flyc0r | ayabara: convenient solution: dont use vista :D | 14:58 |
niuq | hi, i need help, i cant enable desktops effects in ubuntu 8.04 | 14:58 |
Ayabara | flyc0r: :-) | 14:58 |
xodiak | Why would Xorg be taking up 80 to 95% of my CPU anybody? | 14:58 |
jochmenDS | set to use internet time | 14:58 |
frederific | jope: I used | 14:58 |
jope | ffredirific, thanks | 14:59 |
Starnestommy | xodiak: are you using compiz? | 14:59 |
xodiak | Yes... | 14:59 |
xodiak | Starnestommy: Yes | 14:59 |
Starnestommy | xodiak: that probably explains it | 14:59 |
flyc0r | ayabara: but it sounds like they're messing around with timezones, you could workaround it by putting vista or ubuntu in a "2 hours in the right direction" timezone ?! | 14:59 |
xodiak | Starnestommy: How do I remove compiz? Not really using it. | 14:59 |
frederific | amenado: any idea what might have made it think it had 2 cards? | 14:59 |
Ayabara | flyc0r: thanks for the tip | 15:00 |
flyc0r | ayabara npnp ;) | 15:00 |
Cha_sTheory_ | Is there any way to switch windows in tty/ | 15:00 |
jochmenDS | xodiak just disable desktop effect | 15:00 |
=== Cha_sTheory_ is now known as ChaosTheory_ | ||
SirDeiu | how can i change my screen resolution to a higher one ex 1o24 ... after installing the nvidia drivers only 640 maximum res is available in screen resolution applet ? | 15:00 |
ePax | xodiak: Do you have some superkaramba applets running? As i can see in ubuntuforums thay are lots of same issues | 15:01 |
ChaosTheory_ | Like, I'm using links2 -g --> how do I switch back to the console? | 15:01 |
Rioting_pacifist | i installed my system to lvm, but i installed evms-gui and several otherthings went wrong (full /, couruption of home, dpjg fail, crashed when update-initramfs) resulting in kernal panaics for most of last night, now i cant mount my /boot, even though its not mounted and not on an lvm/evms | 15:01 |
xodiak | ePax: not intentionally. | 15:01 |
magnetron | ChaosTheory_: start links with 'lings2 -g &' instead | 15:01 |
jope | ok im going to try from the beggining again. i just downloaded a package and then tried to extract it and it cannot open an input file | 15:01 |
amenado | frederific-> umm, timing, udev gets screwed up once in a while, i personally dislike udev | 15:02 |
magnetron | ChaosTheory_: sorry, 'links2 -g &' | 15:02 |
ChaosTheory_ | magnetron: what does that do? | 15:02 |
frederific | amenado: ah, ok :) | 15:02 |
Starnestommy | ChaosTheory_: starts it in the background | 15:02 |
niuq | hi, i need help, i cant enable desktops effects in ubuntu 8.04 | 15:02 |
ChaosTheory_ | Starnestommy: So how do I go there? | 15:02 |
Starnestommy | ChaosTheory_: fg? | 15:03 |
robg_ | niuq: have you visited ? | 15:03 |
xodiak | jochmenDS: You mean under System > Prefernces > Visual Effects - change from Extra to Normal? | 15:03 |
niuq | robg_: mmm noup | 15:03 |
ChaosTheory_ | Starnestommy: Sorry, what? | 15:03 |
ePax | niuq: By default deskop effects are enabled if you have composit on. | 15:03 |
Starnestommy | niuq: you might need the restricted driver for your card | 15:03 |
Starnestommy | ChaosTheory_: hopw do you get to the background? | 15:03 |
Starnestommy | *how | 15:03 |
bazhang | robg_, medibuntu wont help here :) | 15:03 |
travkin | lohi | 15:04 |
robg_ | go to, activate the medibuntu repository in your system and isntall multimedia apps, drivers, codecs, | 15:04 |
bazhang | !ccsm | niuq | 15:04 |
niuq | ePax: i have normal effects, if i try to change to extra, i get a message "you can't enable dekstop effects" | 15:04 |
ubottu | niuq: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'simple-ccsm'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion | 15:04 |
vlt | Hello. I upgraded from Gutsy to Hardy on my notebook. When running `nice'd` processes (pure number crunching) the cpu clock doesn't switch to the max. possible step. What could cause this? | 15:04 |
ChaosTheory_ | Starnestommy: Basically my question is I'm running links2 -g in tty . . . it opens it up, but now I can't see the tty, of course, so if I want to switch to tty and back, as if they were windows, how do I do that? | 15:04 |
GreeneMile | hi, anyone on here ever heard of haloradio? | 15:04 |
niuq | Starnestommy: yeah i needed, restricted drivers | 15:04 |
ePax | niuq: Thats because you havent installed your graphic drivers properly or you dont have composit on. | 15:04 |
ChaosTheory_ | Starnestommy: Or can I only keep links2 -g open while tty is in the background? | 15:04 |
ePax | niuq: What graphic card do you have? | 15:05 |
Nostie_ | !ccsm | nost | 15:05 |
ubottu | nost: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'simple-ccsm'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion | 15:05 |
Starnestommy | ChaosTheory_: you can't, but you can have several ttys open and switch between then with ctrl+alt+F<number> | 15:05 |
ChaosTheory_ | Starnestommy: I use screen, so I have no need for multiple ttys. | 15:05 |
ChaosTheory_ | Starnestommy: So that means I can only go back to tty once my job with links2 -g is finished? | 15:05 |
niuq | ePax: an ati card, x300 | 15:06 |
Starnestommy | ChaosTheory_: links2 -g doesn't work in screen due to needing a framebuffer | 15:06 |
Starnestommy | ChaosTheory_: or x | 15:06 |
niuq | ePax: already installed restricted drivers | 15:06 |
ChaosTheory_ | Starnestommy: Well, I just ran it. . . | 15:06 |
ePax | !ati | niuq | 15:06 |
ubottu | niuq: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 15:06 |
big-g | testing | 15:06 |
ChaosTheory_ | Starnestommy: Granted, I had to do sudo. . . | 15:06 |
Starnestommy | ChaosTheory_: that's not exactly a good idea | 15:07 |
Georgij | Hello how can i access my p990i phone in ubuntu with cable? | 15:07 |
ChaosTheory_ | Starnestommy: Oh. =P | 15:07 |
ChaosTheory_ | Starnestommy: So its best that I run ratpoison or something if I want to do links2 -g et al. | 15:08 |
Starnestommy | ChaosTheory_: you could also use multiple ttys | 15:08 |
ChaosTheory_ | Starnestommy: Also, what's this font called (tty font)? | 15:08 |
big-g | hey, howcome in command line when i do a 'shutdown' my pc does not shutdown but go into maintance mode instead? how can i do a shutdown and poweroff on the command line? | 15:08 |
Starnestommy | ChaosTheory_: console font | 15:08 |
ChaosTheory_ | Starnestommy: Running multiple ttys lets me do links2 -g? | 15:08 |
niuq | ePax: how can i test if i have 3d capabilities | 15:08 |
ChaosTheory_ | Starnestommy: How do I run multiple ttys? | 15:08 |
ChaosTheory_ | Starnestommy: Is that available in normal xfce4-terminal, gnome-terminal, etc. settings? | 15:09 |
erUSUL | vlt: can you paste the output of sudo cpufreq-info ?? | 15:09 |
Starnestommy | ChaosTheory_: wait, system ttys or x ttys? | 15:09 |
Georgij | Hello how can i access my p990i phone in ubuntu with cable? | 15:09 |
ChaosTheory_ | Starnestommy: I don't think I'm running X. | 15:09 |
Starnestommy | ChaosTheory_: is it graphical? | 15:09 |
ChaosTheory_ | Starnestommy: I haven't loaded up gdm yet. | 15:09 |
Georgij | I need to access my phone | 15:09 |
Georgij | please help me | 15:09 |
Starnestommy | oh | 15:09 |
Georgij | should i mount it? | 15:09 |
ChaosTheory_ | Starnestommy: I can't run FF et al, so no, I don't think so. | 15:09 |
Starnestommy | ChaosTheory_: ctrl+alt+F<number> | 15:09 |
erUSUL | ChaosTheory_: ubuntu has 6 VT's by default switch between them with Alt + Fn | 15:10 |
Starnestommy | ChaosTheory_: e.g. ctrl+alt+F1 for tty1, ctrl+alt+F6 for tty6 | 15:10 |
Ayabara | anyone know a way to try to restore jpeg files with damaged headers? | 15:10 |
travkin | loxiloxi | 15:10 |
=== Squawk_ is now known as Squawk | ||
ChaosTheory_ | Starnestommy: Awesome, thanks. | 15:10 |
ePax | niuq: here you have one howto... | 15:11 |
Georgij | omg as usual this support sucks is there somewhere some better support where i can call or something? | 15:11 |
GreeneMile | anyone have experience with streaming media servers? | 15:11 |
GreeneMile | or know where to look for good info? | 15:11 |
erUSUL | Georgij: yes you can pay Canonical for support | 15:11 |
erUSUL | !support | Georgij | 15:11 |
ubottu | Georgij: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see and | 15:11 |
bazhang | cs o | 15:12 |
Georgij | cant u just tell me how to mount a device storage? | 15:13 |
Georgij | into a folder | 15:13 |
Retiree | I have a MSI 7300 nVidia and i tried to install in Gutsy and it will not let me install driver that I obtained from manufacture website. it is a run file and when I run it from root terminal it stops on error and says it has to be run from terminal.What can I do to get it loaded? I plan on upgrade to Hardy after I get it running. The best resolution I can get now is 800x600.Before I tried to install I had desktop effects under compiz. T | 15:14 |
Starnestommy | Georgij: sudo mount /dev/<device> /path/to/folder | 15:14 |
erUSUL | !nvidia | Retiree | 15:14 |
ubottu | Retiree: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 15:14 |
erUSUL | Retiree: System>Admin>Hardware Drivers | 15:14 |
eTranquility | Can someone help me? I'm in a bit of a panic. I finally got my wireless working, but then my laptop lost audio ability. I checked the Ubuntu Sound Troubleshooting page and found that I was missing a sound module, so I installed it, "sudo aptitude install linux-ubuntu-modules-`uname -r` linux-generic" and rebooted. My sound works fine now, but "sudo modprobe ath_pci" doesn't work anymore and I don't have wireless. I can't live | 15:14 |
eTranquility | without wireless on my laptop. How can I get both sound and wireless to work? | 15:14 |
mewt | Retiree, switch to a virtual terminal by pressing ctrl+alt+f1 | 15:14 |
ntolo | Is there a way i can make my system be able to recognise my SD card ? | 15:14 |
Georgij | sudo mount /dev/usb /mnt/mountpoint | 15:15 |
Georgij | ? | 15:15 |
mewt | Retiree, then type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 15:15 |
mewt | and rerun the command | 15:15 |
Starnestommy | Georgij: something like that | 15:15 |
=== Nostie_ is now known as Nostie | ||
Rayneman | I've read numerous topics on the Ubuntu Forums and nothing has helped me yet. Does anyone know how I could get my microphone to work? | 15:15 |
mewt | Retiree, after installation is finished type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start | 15:15 |
Starnestommy | Georgij: but it depends on what the actual device node is for the device | 15:15 |
Georgij | there isnt a usb device in /dev/ | 15:15 |
Starnestommy | Georgij: ls /dev | grep usb | 15:16 |
ross_ | what can ubuntu offer that windows can't? | 15:16 |
erUSUL | ross_: freedom XD | 15:17 |
AaronH | ross_, anything you want :) | 15:17 |
Starnestommy | ross_: it's open-source and free, has no viruses in the wild, makes a good server, is generally very stable, and is far more customizeable | 15:17 |
Georgij | Starnestommy, its loading | 15:17 |
Georgij | :S | 15:17 |
Starnestommy | ross_: plus there are a huge set of other advangates | 15:17 |
ross_ | such as? | 15:17 |
Georgij | nothing happend | 15:18 |
r0rschach | ross_: you control your OS and not your OS you, you can do whatevery you wanna do | 15:18 |
AaronH | ross_, not having to load a firewall or anti-virus or anti-spyware is great :) | 15:18 |
erUSUL | !ot | ross_ | 15:18 |
ubottu | ross_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 15:18 |
Starnestommy | ross_: compiz and amarok are some good linux-only programs | 15:18 |
ross_ | ok | 15:19 |
dizzie | not to mention the dayli "upgrades" from windows-update :) | 15:19 |
r0rschach | compiz and amarok are sucking imo ;) xcompmgr and mocp rules :D | 15:19 |
rsk | ross_: virtually no virues, also no need for firewall/antivirus/defragmentation | 15:19 |
ross_ | rsk: ubuntu doesn't have firewall/antivirus/defragmentation? | 15:19 |
Starnestommy | a firewall may still be needed depending on what you do. | 15:20 |
rsk | ross_: it has but no need. | 15:20 |
ross_ | rsk: how does the os keep itself safe? | 15:20 |
AaronH | ross_, no need | 15:20 |
Starnestommy | ross_: clamav can scan for windows viruses | 15:20 |
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jbroome | !ot | ross_ | 15:20 |
ubottu | ross_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 15:20 |
rsk | ross_: there's no threat. | 15:20 |
Starnestommy | ross_: the os is designed to be virus-resistant | 15:20 |
AaronH | ^^^^ | 15:20 |
AaronH | what he said | 15:20 |
r0rschach | lol why it's virus-resistant ? | 15:20 |
Starnestommy | ross_: and the filesystems are designed to store data in such a way that it avoids fragmentation | 15:21 |
Rioting_pacifist | because it doesnt give programs access to any anything it doesnt need | 15:21 |
ross_ | jbroome, i don't really think this is a "random chat" i'm trying to find "support" for ubuntu | 15:21 |
emma | ross_ your questions are interesting but not really on-topic for a support channel. I suggest using your client to search the Freenode channel list for "Ubuntu" and find one of the many channels suited for general chit chat. | 15:21 |
dizzie | reiserfs :) | 15:21 |
Rioting_pacifist | i installed my system to lvm, but i installed evms-gui and several otherthings went wrong (full /, couruption of home, dpjg fail, crashed when update-initramfs) resulting in kernal panaics for most of last night, now i cant mount my /boot, even though its not mounted and not on an lvm/evms | 15:21 |
rsk | hans 'wife' fs :< | 15:21 |
r0rschach | Rioting_pacifist: tried to fix it with a live-cd? | 15:22 |
Rioting_pacifist | reiserfs, is the only one with almost zero fragmentation, ext2/3 still has fragmentation just not the defragable kind | 15:22 |
Retiree | Thanks newt, I am trying that | 15:22 |
recon69 | who would have though that immediately after i delete my win partition I would need it again | 15:22 |
D4s0tt0c4t | hello | 15:23 |
christopher | hey can anyone help me | 15:23 |
r0rschach | sure if you ask a question :) | 15:23 |
Rioting_pacifist | r0rschach: ive fixed most of it, but i dont know what id do from a liveCD to fix the boot partition | 15:23 |
ePax | !ask | christopher | 15:23 |
ubottu | christopher: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 15:23 |
airstrike | what's a good rss feed aggregator for gnome? | 15:24 |
erUSUL | airstrike: google reader ;P | 15:24 |
r0rschach | airstrike: newsbeuter or liferea | 15:24 |
yclian | hi guys, am trying to install a package, but apt-get is telling me that it depends on a few deps, and they're virtual packages. What can I do to resolve this problem? | 15:24 |
christopher | I have an inspiron e1405 with ubuntu 8.04 installed. I am attempting to run World of Warcraft, but it is very very suggish. Any suggestions on how to correct this? | 15:24 |
yclian | If there's a link thjat I can follow will be great, thanks. | 15:25 |
grobda24 | Am I in the right place System-->Administration-->Authorisations to grant myself permission to mount windows shares ? I'm getting "You do not have permission to create a usershare". | 15:25 |
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airstrike | i'll go for liferea, i think i've used that before | 15:25 |
ePax | yclian: You can install thouse packages with synaptic and it should install dependencies as well. | 15:25 |
Rioting_pacifist | yclian: try using aptitude or synamptic | 15:25 |
jope | ok i have just tried to install a bcm43xx card for the millionth time and even though the install code worked the driver is still not listed. please is anyone able to help? | 15:25 |
Pey | I've got Dual monitors on this box here, with an ATI card, but running it in big destop mode makes the resolution too small to be usable, any help? | 15:25 |
dizzie | christopher, running WoW how? i use wine, which works fine (35fps ingame) | 15:25 |
Rayneman | Does anyone know what might be causing my microphone to not function? | 15:25 |
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yclian | Rioting_pacifist, I am actually using aptitude, but yea, I read from somewhere that synaptic could be helpful. I will try that and come back to you guys later. Thanks. | 15:26 |
Dahita | I need help installing my gefore 7900GT plz | 15:26 |
jadams | My laptop hangs four or five times a day and I have to reboot. I don't know what logs I should look in to find out why this is happening. Any help? | 15:26 |
erUSUL | !nvidia | Dahita | 15:26 |
ubottu | Dahita: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 15:26 |
bullgard1 | After Gutsy dist-upgrading to Hardy my Gnome programs are in English although '~$ locale' returns LANG=de_DE.UTF8. How can I change that? | 15:26 |
ePax | !nvidia | Dahita | 15:26 |
ePax | ups sorry | 15:26 |
christopher | dizzie, what settings do you use? when i run it is very sluggish and kinda jumpy | 15:26 |
Rioting_pacifist | yclian: mght be broken reops as aptitude s farly good wth dependancy problems :( try synaptc anyway tho | 15:26 |
erUSUL | bullgard1: make sure the language packas are instaled for your language. Check System>Admin>Language Support | 15:26 |
Dahita | what's that erUSUL | 15:26 |
Nostie | !nvidia > Nostie | 15:26 |
erUSUL | Dahita: a how to to install nvidia drivers | 15:27 |
dizzie | I installed wine, ran the prefs, added "Launcher.exe" and it worked. I got a duo core 1.73ghz though. | 15:27 |
dizzie | christopher | 15:27 |
yclian | Rioting_pacifist, am actually trying SocialText, on Hardy though. Somewhere in the page about st-perl-deps doesn't work for me. | 15:27 |
salah_ | Is there any ways to convert FLV to mp3/flac or any other burnable formats? | 15:27 |
erUSUL | Dahita: basically go system>Admin>Hardware Drivers and enable them there | 15:27 |
bullgard1 | erUSUL: I have checked that before. The German language packs are installed. | 15:27 |
erUSUL | salah_: with ffmpeg | 15:27 |
Pey | I've got Dual monitors on this box here, with an ATI card, but running it in big destop mode makes the resolution too small to be usable, any help? | 15:27 |
r0rschach | Rioting_pacifist: the best is formatting it and, than mounting the partition to /boot and than reinstall it with apt-get --reinstall install | 15:27 |
Treeh | Hello | 15:27 |
jope | anyone able to help please with a bcm4310 wireless card? | 15:28 |
erUSUL | !broadcom | 15:28 |
r0rschach | linux-image-<Kernel-Version>-generic | 15:28 |
ubottu | Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at | 15:28 |
christopher | dizzie, what do you mean ran the prefs? i have a core dual 2.0ghz | 15:28 |
Pey | jope, I've had nothing but issues with mine, I reccomend buying a cheapy USB thing | 15:28 |
yclian | Rioting_pacifist, it's still giving me something like that: st-perl-deps: Depends: libapache-mod-perl (>= but it is not installable ... | 15:28 |
yclian | :( | 15:28 |
Treeh | This is a really basic question, but how do I merge the window selection bar on the bottom with the aplications bar on the top?? | 15:28 |
yclian | (I mean by using Synaptic) | 15:28 |
Rioting_pacifist | r0rschach: is that just the /boot that need formating? | 15:28 |
ePax | jope: | 15:28 |
ePax | jope: There you have on howto. | 15:28 |
jope | ive looked through that. i have been trying for over a day to install a driver, is anyoine able to help, if i have no wireless then i ahve to go back to windows | 15:29 |
dizzie | christopher, if installed correctly, there should be a "Configure Wine" in the menu | 15:29 |
jope | epax: i have runt rhough every run through i caould find | 15:29 |
r0rschach | yeah just format the boot partition from a live-cd (the same ubuntu version as your installed system is) mount the partition to /boot and do a apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-<Kernel-Version>-generic | 15:29 |
bullgard4 | yclian: Simply install it. | 15:29 |
Dahita | !nvidia | 15:29 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 15:29 |
erUSUL | Treeh: add the applets to the upper bar (window list; trash; workspace selector; and show desktop) and then get rid of the bottom bar | 15:29 |
Rioting_pacifist | yclian: it sounds like a broken repo, not sure what you can do | 15:29 |
ePax | jope: Do you have your restricted drivers enabled? | 15:29 |
Dahita | !nvidia | Dahita | 15:29 |
jope | epax: i dont know | 15:29 |
Treeh | erUSUL, Aha, thanks a lot :) | 15:30 |
ePax | jope: System - Administration - Hardware drivers | 15:30 |
Pey | I've got Dual monitors on this box here, with an ATI card, but running it in big destop mode makes the resolution too small to be usable, any help? | 15:30 |
christopher | there is, i can *wine config* but dont know how to configure it | 15:30 |
=== yesudeep1 is now known as yesudeep | ||
jope | epax: no proprietary hardware dirvers are in use | 15:30 |
Rioting_pacifist | r0rschach:thx, i might take the chance to upgrade to hardy tho :D | 15:31 |
feup | hi | 15:31 |
feup | hi | 15:31 |
r0rschach | hehe I update my productiv system as hardy was alpha, which was a lot of fun :D | 15:31 |
yclian | bullgard1, yea, but not sure what I can do when aptitude says, "Package libapache-mod-perl is not available, but is referred to by another package. \ This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or\ is only available from another source" What usually is the right action for that? | 15:31 |
happosade | | 15:31 |
happosade | what to do whit blender | 15:32 |
ePax | jope: If you have installed your drivers as it says in that howto you should be able to load them with "modprobe bcm43xx" | 15:32 |
Pey | I've got Dual monitors on this box here, with an ATI card, but running it in big destop mode makes the resolution too small to be usable, any help? | 15:32 |
ePax | jope: Type that and see whats happening. | 15:32 |
r0rschach | Pey: increasing the resolution?? | 15:32 |
D4s0tt0c4t | Wifi radar says I am connected to an AP and ifconfig says that rausb0 doesnt have an ip address. Is Wifi Radar bugged? | 15:32 |
Pey | <_< | 15:32 |
ePax | !dualview | pey | 15:33 |
ubottu | Factoid dualview not found | 15:33 |
Dahita | I don't have "restricted devices manager" | 15:33 |
amenado | D4s0tt0c4t-> umm associated does not translate to acquiring an ip address? | 15:33 |
Dahita | so I can't install it | 15:33 |
Pey | r0rschach, It's at my cards max | 15:33 |
D4s0tt0c4t | nope | 15:33 |
DarWin | i'm attempting to run the non-oss version of VirtualBox for USB support. As of 8.04 amd64, I have not been able to find a workaround that fixes the /dev/usb like the workaround for 7.10 did. Has anyone had success getting USB pass-through working? | 15:33 |
jope | epax: im gooing to run through tht how too again, from the beginning, could you tell me how to uninstall ndiswrapper please? | 15:34 |
r0rschach | Pey: are the texts and windows to big or to small to use for you? | 15:34 |
ePax | Pey: | 15:34 |
D4s0tt0c4t | rausb0 isnt really connected but Wifi Radar says it is | 15:34 |
eTranquility | Hi, can I have some help please? I finally got my wireless working, but then my laptop lost audio ability. I checked the Ubuntu Sound Troubleshooting page and found that I was missing a sound module, so I installed it, "sudo aptitude install linux-ubuntu-modules-`uname -r` linux-generic" and rebooted. My sound works fine now, but "sudo modprobe ath_pci" doesn't work anymore and I don't have wireless. I need to get both wirel | 15:34 |
eTranquility | ess and audio working. | 15:34 |
ePax | jope: I think that you have to have ndiswrapper on your system.. | 15:34 |
jope | epax: ok | 15:34 |
D4s0tt0c4t | I'm trying to connect to my wpa AP and its saying I'm connected to someone else OPN AP, but like I said I'm not really connected? | 15:35 |
Pey | ePax, Thanks, I'll give it a go | 15:35 |
ePax | jope: Have you tryed to connect to any wireless network? Do they come up? | 15:35 |
ePax | D4s0tt0c4t: By default every wireless is connecting to "default" if you dont set it to connect to your own wireless | 15:36 |
happosade | blender error | 15:36 |
amenado | D4s0tt0c4t-> get your connectivity working in the clear first before wpa or wpa2 | 15:36 |
D4s0tt0c4t | No, they are not mine so I'm only trying to connect to the WPA one. Though I think I might wanna lower my encryption until I get this figured out | 15:36 |
Steve-cal | eTranquility: what error do you get when yoiu do the "sudo modprobe ath_pci"? | 15:36 |
=== Kit_ is now known as Waffle | ||
amenado | !who | D4s0tt0c4t | 15:36 |
ubottu | D4s0tt0c4t: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 15:36 |
D4s0tt0c4t | if I double click, right click, or click on edit it doesnt do anything | 15:37 |
eTranquility | Steve-cal, "FATAL: Error inserting ath_pci (/lib/modules/2.6.24-16-386/net/ath_pci.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)" | 15:37 |
D4s0tt0c4t | im sorry | 15:37 |
ePax | D4s0tt0c4t: Your encription in your router hase to match the encription key on your comp. So if you use WPA or WPA2 it hase to match and channel hase to match as well to be able to connect. | 15:37 |
bobatomik | eTranquility, are you using a macbook? | 15:37 |
_paneb | join #javascript | 15:37 |
D4s0tt0c4t | ePax: Right now I'm just scanning for SSID's I'm not actually trying to connect yet | 15:38 |
ePax | amenado: He is speaking to me. :D | 15:38 |
eTranquility | bobatomik, No, Toshiba Satellite L35. | 15:38 |
CShadowRun | Hey, when i plug my USB Drive in, it says "Cannot mount volume." | "Unable to mount the volume 'New Volume'" can anyone help? | 15:38 |
amenado | eTranquility-> this does not look right /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-386/net/ath_pci.ko | 15:38 |
bobatomik | ok, because i had the same error with my atheros card in the macbook | 15:38 |
ePax | D4s0tt0c4t: Type in your termina. iwlist ath0 scan | 15:38 |
bobatomik | maybe you can go to the macbook-ubuntu page and follow the instructions | 15:38 |
bobatomik | it worked fine | 15:38 |
ePax | D4s0tt0c4t: And there you can see what channel and what encriotion and what your wireless is name. | 15:38 |
D4s0tt0c4t | ePax: sub my driver right? | 15:39 |
yclian | Rioting_pacifist, just fyi, maybe this page will solve my problem. Am trying to follow it now. | 15:39 |
ePax | D4s0tt0c4t: With that command you can see your SSID as well | 15:39 |
fiyawerx | anyone familiar with xsane? is there a way to make it scan multiple documents and save all as one pdf? or will i have to use imagemagick to convert them all individually | 15:39 |
dummies | hjth | 15:40 |
jope | epax; ah yes i remember now. when i tried tht method several times yesterday when i get to this linewget it cannot connect | 15:40 |
D4s0tt0c4t | epax: I see it, so basically what I'm getting at is Wifi Radar isnt the best utility to use? | 15:40 |
=== acimovj is now known as Robi_91 | ||
Waffle | D4s0tt0c4t, Kismet is a very good wi-fi network scanner | 15:41 |
ePax | D4s0tt0c4t: You can use some more radars. Check add/remove programs for more wifi apps. | 15:41 |
Rioting_pacifist | yclian: if you have to tme you might want to file a bug report regarding this, you shouldnt have to compile from source to get stuff working | 15:41 |
eTranquility | bobatomik, Thanks. If I had to choose, I would rather have wireless than sound. Is it possible to see what was uninstalled when I reinstalled the sound module? How can I see the terminal output I had before I rebooted? | 15:41 |
=== PrivateVoid_Ghos is now known as PrivateVoid | ||
D4s0tt0c4t | epax: I'm used to slackware and connecting to wpa takes using the iwconfig commands, in ubunutu that doesnt work so well | 15:42 |
D4s0tt0c4t | epax: kismet works I'm also familiar with airodump-ng | 15:42 |
Steve-cal | eTranquility: So before you installed the linux-ubuntu-modules package you could modprobe that atheros module OK? Just want to clarify. | 15:42 |
bobatomik | eTranquility its written that installing such module may disable sound, it didnt for me, but just resinstall sound after and you'll be fine | 15:42 |
ePax | D4s0tt0c4t: iwlist just lists all networks with their info. | 15:42 |
D4s0tt0c4t | epax: I will most likely end up there | 15:42 |
eTranquility | Steve-cal, Yes, it worked okay. Sound was disabled after I got wireless working. | 15:43 |
Rioting_pacifist | D4s0tt0c4t: are you using a madwificard | 15:43 |
ePax | D4s0tt0c4t: its possible to use win wireless drivers with ndiswrapper as well | 15:43 |
D4s0tt0c4t | epax: If I create a wpa_supplicant.conf it will work in ubuntu right? | 15:43 |
aCCe- | heloo | 15:43 |
aCCe- | hello hall | 15:43 |
aCCe- | can anyone tell me | 15:43 |
eTranquility | bobatomik, reinstalling sound killed my wireless though... | 15:43 |
aCCe- | how to install ares on ubuntu:S? | 15:43 |
Rioting_pacifist | !ask > acce | 15:43 |
bobatomik | eTranquility are you using madwifi of ndiswrapper? | 15:43 |
D4s0tt0c4t | I'm using the rt73 driver from serial monkey | 15:43 |
Katami | I have a problem with my headset (logitech usb) when I plug it up the left side of my headset volume turns all the way down and it wont let me adjust it. Attempting to muck with it results in the right side getting lower and the chain link refuses to "link" and if I click the mute button it instantly unmutes | 15:43 |
ePax | D4s0tt0c4t: im not sure about that but you can always try it | 15:43 |
TuxPWNZ | I can't watch any videos, when I open a video clip, whatever its format was, only the sound works. Any help plz? | 15:43 |
ePax | jope: What was the name of your card again? | 15:44 |
eTranquility | bobatomik, I think I was using madwifi. | 15:44 |
amenado | eTranquility-> this does not look right /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-386/net/ath_pci.ko <-- wrong | 15:44 |
jope | bcm4310 | 15:44 |
Rioting_pacifist | acce you cant install ares, but you can install gift which wll connct to ares | 15:44 |
Katami | I looked on google but I couldn't find any answers just 2 or three people witht he same problem | 15:44 |
gate_jo | just reinstall | 15:44 |
gate_jo | your videos | 15:44 |
ePax | TuxPWNZ: What player do you use? | 15:44 |
aCCe- | how to install ares on ubuntu:S? | 15:44 |
bobatomik | eTranquility: wait ima go check something | 15:44 |
Rioting_pacifist | ac | 15:44 |
Rioting_pacifist | C | 15:44 |
Rioting_pacifist | A | 15:44 |
D4s0tt0c4t | ePax: thank you | 15:44 |
ePax | D4s0tt0c4t: You welcome. | 15:44 |
* Rioting_pacifist goes home and learns to type | 15:44 | |
eTranquility | amenado, It doesn't look right? Er, what do I do about it? | 15:44 |
TuxPWNZ | ePax: I tried all the players I have, some problem with all of them. | 15:44 |
amenado | eTranquility-> the net directory should be under /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/ | 15:45 |
bobatomik | eTranquility, and did you try ndiswrapper? | 15:45 |
TuxPWNZ | ePax: same*** | 15:45 |
Rioting_pacifist | aCCe-: you cant install areas but you can install gift (with frontends like apollon) which connects to the same network as ares | 15:45 |
ePax | TuxPWNZ: Use VLC and then go to properetys and change output mode. Klick on advanced and try other video output modes. | 15:45 |
dassouki | how can i connect my ubuntu and mac via bluetooth | 15:45 |
eTranquility | amenado, How do I change it? | 15:45 |
ePax | !codec | TuxPWNZ | 15:45 |
ubottu | TuxPWNZ: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 15:45 |
amenado | eTranquility-> so i suspect your configs is looking for your driver in the wrong place | 15:46 |
eTranquility | bobatomik, I tried playing with it but in the end Madwifi worked and I didn't want to mess with it. | 15:46 |
rym | How would i remove all these folders at once | 15:46 |
amenado | eTranquility-> or the net directory should be under /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ubuntu/ | 15:46 |
bullgard4 | After Gutsy dist-upgrading to Hardy my Gnome programs are in English although '~$ locale' returns LANG=de_DE.UTF8. How can I change that? | 15:47 |
eTranquility | amenado, How to change it? | 15:47 |
Chapai | i just installed poc-streamer where is it and whats the command to run it | 15:47 |
axisys | my connection keep dropping to the wireless | 15:47 |
axisys | | 15:47 |
jrib | rym: the stuff in /usr/bin, are you sure that isn't managed by APT? | 15:47 |
amenado | eTranquility-> first, lets see what you ahve under /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel or ubuntu paste it in pastebin | 15:48 |
rym | its not | 15:48 |
axisys | i have to reset the radio on linksys to get the connection back | 15:48 |
alado2 | do i have to do something in particular in ubuntu before i replace my video card? | 15:48 |
jrib | rym: rm -rf file1 file2 ... | 15:48 |
axisys | it happens a lot since i upgraded to hardy | 15:48 |
Ko_deZ | I would like to disable the maintainance mode at ubuntu boot. I have a disk that I want to automount if it is there. I added it to fstab, but now when it is not there, the machine goes to maintainence mode (ctrl+d to continue), which I would like to avoid. | 15:48 |
ddamron | hehe | 15:48 |
ddamron | hi all | 15:48 |
rym | jrib allright, thank you | 15:48 |
ddamron | oops | 15:48 |
amenado | axisys-> your driver has the ability to reset the radio? | 15:48 |
eTranquility | amenado, Sorry, I'm such a noob. Do you want me to type something into the terminal. | 15:49 |
axisys | amenado: no.. on the linksys I did that to get the connection back | 15:49 |
darkstorm^ | hi pplz :) | 15:50 |
amenado | eTranquility-> yes type ls -la /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel and paste this in pastebin | 15:50 |
axisys | i made no change on linksys.. only upgraded my laptop to hardy | 15:50 |
jope | epax: any ideas how to work around tht failure to connect? | 15:50 |
amenado | axisys-> oh okay, i read it that you had somehow the ability to control the radio | 15:51 |
britt | .quit | 15:51 |
Ko_deZ | Anyone know how to disable maintainance mode at boot? | 15:51 |
ePax | jope: I would use another guide since ftp is not working which means that they have removed that file from that ftp. | 15:51 |
amenado | Ko_deZ-> what were the other text before it got into maintenance mode? can you paste it? | 15:52 |
eTranquility | amenado, Okay, | 15:52 |
ePax | jope: My search on google gave lots of results with your issue. | 15:52 |
jope | epax: yeah but thts the problem, every guide i try theres always something goes wrong | 15:52 |
jope | epax; yeah i know and each one seems to be sloghtly different and i cant get any of them to work and wihtout wireless im back to windows | 15:52 |
Ko_deZ | amenado: Sorry, no. It is on a different computer. I added a disk to fstab that I want to automount it on boot, but I get maintainence mode if it is not connected now. | 15:53 |
Sarah | when im using audacious, nothing else that uses sound will work unless i stop the mp3 thats playing, even pausing the mp3 isn't enough... is there a way to fix that? | 15:53 |
ePax | jope: Sure. Linux is not windows so if your really want to get everything to work you might need to spend some time learning how things work. | 15:53 |
amenado | eTranquility-> you noticed the net directory? your pasting earlier somehow missed the kernel/ is it a mistype when you pasted the error or was it really like you typed? | 15:53 |
erUSUL | Sarah: make audacious use pulseaudio or esd as soud output ?? | 15:53 |
ePax | That was well offtopic :S | 15:53 |
Ko_deZ | amenado: Since the computer is not easily accessable for me, that is not very handy. | 15:54 |
quittt | how do I make turn on the cube on compiz? | 15:54 |
Sarah | thanks erUSUL it works now using pulseaudio | 15:54 |
jope | epax: yes i understand tht but wihtout a cnnection i cant. its this first step i need | 15:54 |
amenado | Ko_deZ-> i suspect that what you added is not configured right, are they both masters or both slave? | 15:54 |
erUSUL | Sarah: no problem ;P | 15:54 |
axisys | check line 36 to 43 here | 15:55 |
axisys | eth1 is being stubborn | 15:55 |
Ko_deZ | amenado: it is a usb disk. | 15:55 |
amenado | Ko_deZ-> or sometimes even a combo of cs and slave also is not configured have to play with those jumpers | 15:55 |
darkstorm^ | 'update-alternatives --config java' doesn't show me icedtea but it is installed (jre, gcjwebplugin etc.) there is just java-6-openjdk selected. any ideas? :/ | 15:55 |
coccydynia | just making sure, will the x86 version work on an intel core 2 duo laptop? I want to avoid the x86_64 if I can due to bad experiences with other distros. | 15:55 |
ePax | jope: Have you tryed to search in ubuntu forums? | 15:55 |
axisys | I wonder if ipv6 is killing it | 15:55 |
amenado | Ko_deZ-> any other info you left out? we are guessing as to what you have, so we will only give you bad advice if you dont give complete info | 15:55 |
jope | epax: yes, i really have been on this for more than 24 hours | 15:56 |
Ko_deZ | amenado: No jumpers The computer boots and everything is fine. I just added a /dev/sdb1 in fstab. This works fine if the usb disk is connected, but if i disconnect it during boot, i get maintainence mode (must press ctrl+d) | 15:56 |
eTranquility | amenado, I'm looking into it... I think I copied everything correctly but I'll double check. | 15:56 |
amenado | darkstorm^-> i cant remember the exact syntax myself, please google | 15:56 |
ePax | jope: Did you type modprobe yourcardname? | 15:56 |
joe_chat | is there any soft ware that can play an m4p itunes file | 15:56 |
darkstorm^ | amenado: thank u anyway | 15:57 |
alado2 | what do i need to change in xubuntu before i replace my ATI video card with a Nvidia one? and where do i do it? | 15:57 |
amenado | Ko_deZ-> can you paste your /etc/fstab ? let see what you have done | 15:57 |
jope | eepax: ok i just tried modprobe bcm4310 and got an error but then ii tried modprobe bcm43xx and got text | 15:58 |
eTranquility | amenado, I'm pretty sure that was the error. We're talking about "FATAL: Error inserting ath_pci (/lib/modules/2.6.24-16-386/net/ath_pci.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)", right? | 15:59 |
bullgard4 | My Hardy did install 149 files having compiz in their names although I never said that I want compiz. I do not need compiz. How can I safely deinstall compiz? | 15:59 |
jope | epax: | 16:00 |
Ko_deZ | amenado: /dev/sdb1 /home/mediavision/usb ext3 noatime,users 0 3 | 16:00 |
amenado | eTranquility-> this does not look right /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-386/net/ath_pci.ko <-- wrong as you have pasted ..there is a kernel/ directory before net/ | 16:00 |
xodiak | bullgard4: I just removed compiz using the synaptic package manager. | 16:00 |
ePax | jope: sudo -i then modprobe yourcard :D | 16:00 |
xodiak | bullgard4: I mean just now did it. | 16:00 |
ivan_ | it's no need to update ur system to often.' | 16:00 |
bullgard4 | xodiak: And what packages did you de-select? | 16:00 |
amenado | Ko_deZ-> i would remove that entry in your fstab and try again, see if it works | 16:01 |
Katami | Does anybody know how to make sites like youtube play through a usb headset instead of my laptop speakers? | 16:01 |
coonlokht | server | 16:01 |
coonlokht | server | 16:01 |
crdlb | bullgard4: if you are using gnome, the only truly safe way to disable compiz is to disable it with system > preferences > appearance > visual effects | 16:01 |
eTranquility | amenado, so what do I do? | 16:01 |
Ko_deZ | amenado: Yes, I know that it works without that line. What I want is for it to boot with the line, but without the disk. | 16:01 |
jope | epax: no such file or directory | 16:01 |
bullgard4 | crdlb: Yes, I am using GNOME. -- I will follow to visual effects. | 16:02 |
amenado | eTranquility-> make sure your path is correct for the modules to be loaded correctly, it seems to be looking at the wrong spot | 16:02 |
ePax | jope: Then try "sudo modprobe yourcard" | 16:02 |
joe_chat | is the software that can convert an itunes m4p to mp3 | 16:02 |
ePax | jope: As i can see you have to run that command as root. | 16:02 |
eTranquility | amenado, Okay, but this command worked fine before I reinstalled the sound module. What should I be typing instead? | 16:03 |
amenado | Ko_deZ-> not sure why you have to have that entry in at boot time? usb are designed to be detected when plugged in | 16:03 |
amenado | eTranquility-> what command you used? | 16:03 |
jope | epax: ok im a bit lost now, im not sure what you mean | 16:03 |
ePax | jope: I dont know how you have installed the drivers but you should use sudo in every command | 16:03 |
jope | yeah i diid use sudo | 16:04 |
eTranquility | amenado, sudo modprobe ath_pci | 16:04 |
esteth | Is there a tool for defragmenting NTFS partitions availible, or at least analyzing them for fragmentation? | 16:04 |
jope | sepax: | 16:04 |
Cracken226 | hi | 16:04 |
jope | epax: no wrong copy and paste | 16:04 |
sizuya | hi | 16:04 |
amenado | eTranquility-> somehow your path has changed, it isnt looking in the right directory as I have explained several times | 16:04 |
jope | epax: i typed sudo -i bcm43xx | 16:04 |
ePax | jope: When typing "modprobe bcm43xx" you have to have higher access... You can do that with "sudo modprobe bcm43xx" or "sudo -i" then "modprobe bcm43xx" | 16:04 |
ePax | jope: You typed wrong. | 16:05 |
empiric | hey guys when i reboot my ubuntu 8.04 machine my resolve.conf files deletes any idea? | 16:05 |
iosu | Hooola soy de Venezuela y soy novaton esto de Linux | 16:05 |
james__ | anyone here use Pidgi? | 16:05 |
jope | epax: which bit was wrong | 16:05 |
james__ | Pidgin even? | 16:05 |
bullgard4 | crdlb: system > preferences > appearance > visual effects shows a radio button on 'None'. Nonetheless there are 149 compiz files on my computer. Are the so intimately interweved with other graphics files that a separation is not practical? | 16:05 |
ePax | empire: Change your resolve comp as root and save it and it should stay as it is. | 16:05 |
Ko_deZ | amenado: That is true, but I am trying to figure this out first, and then go on to making the same work for a HDD disk tray, which has the same problem. It is easier to connect/disconnect a usb disk =) | 16:06 |
christopher | Anyone here know how to install a win graphic driver in ubuntu 8.04 | 16:06 |
crdlb | bullgard4: are you low on hard drive space? compiz is quite small | 16:06 |
iosu | Soy de Venezuela y soy novaton esto de Linux | 16:06 |
ePax | jope: Type first "sudo -i" enter your pass if needed then type "modprobe bcm43xx" | 16:06 |
jbroome | christopher: you don't. which card? | 16:06 |
erUSUL | christopher: yo can not | 16:06 |
erUSUL | !es | iosu | 16:06 |
emma | !es > iosu | 16:06 |
ubottu | iosu: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 16:06 |
christopher | Do they not have a driver for intel 945? | 16:07 |
jope | epax: ok tht time it did modprobe bcm43xx | 16:07 |
nks_ | Hello all, Do the image(s) (mountains, skies, designs, etc.,etc.,) in skydome suppose to vanish when restarting the system ? | 16:07 |
emma | erUSUL: by using > instead of | you send the ubottu message to them in pm, and it reduces the net amount of non-english in the channel. | 16:07 |
erUSUL | christopher: intel graphic cards do not need an extra driver afaics | 16:07 |
erUSUL | emma: ok | 16:08 |
bullgard4 | crdlb: My Ubuntu grows fat and more fat. One day it will blow up my harddisk. -- Thank you for your information. | 16:08 |
cder | on aquad core os is it possible to split the screen inti four segments | 16:08 |
ePax | jope: Yes. Wich means that your module is loaded. Now seach for wireless access points with wifi radar and try to connenct | 16:08 |
axisys | I bet u I am hitting a bug.. i see tons of people complaining about there wifi connection drops at random time for no apparent reason and suggested to upgrade their ipw driver | 16:08 |
amenado | Ko_deZ-> well you can try what I suggested, without that entry, then look at your /proc/mounts, plug in the usb then look at the same file, and make the fstab entry like you see in that file | 16:08 |
amenado | axisys-> wifi is black magic still :P | 16:09 |
vikki | hi.... i'm a new user... i need help .... i have xubuntu and suddenly i'm not able to see any of my title bars for any of my windows | 16:09 |
jope | epax: when i run ifconfig there's no wireless showing | 16:09 |
amenado | axisys-> people also forget to mention that they and their thousand neighbors are on same channel, cross transmitting.. | 16:09 |
axisys | amenado: I have almost same issue | 16:09 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 64173 in network-manager "Wireless network keeps reconnecting (ubuntu edgy)" [Undecided,Fix released] | 16:09 |
axisys | amenado: i think it is the network manager keep scanning | 16:13 |
ePax | jope: Do ifconfig then past it to ubuntupast | 16:13 |
christopher | I'm trying to figure out why WOW runs so poorly, When i goto System>Admin>Hardware Drivers nothing is listed. Is this the reason for poor graphics while running the game? | 16:13 |
notsniw | what is the easiest way to report a bug in ubuntu (maybe gnome/nautilus)? ive got a usb-stick containing a bash script to start thunderbird form that usbstick. if a doubleclick onto that script to execute it, a window pops up and asks what to do (execute in terminal... bla). if i switch to desktopor a nother nautilus-windows i can do nothing | 16:20 |
_daniel_ | how do you submit new packages to ubuntu ? | 16:20 |
hellues_ | sorry one of the greatest drummer | 16:20 |
nks_ | Hello all, I'm very new to ubuntu and would like to know if the image(s) (mountains, skies, designs, etc.,etc.,) in skydome are suppose to vanish when restarting the system ? If not, then how am I to fix it ? HELP ! | 16:20 |
Steve-cal | live: If you can, dual boot is of course going to be better because you won't have the limitations of the virtualization software. But it's not as convenient of course. | 16:20 |
Wallgod | Hi All... I recently installed Art Manager to install themes but now it doesnt it start anymore,.. it shows 'Starting Art Manager' for about 2 seconds and vanishes | 16:21 |
notsniw | i cant select, rightclick or whatever | 16:21 |
zarshark | hi | 16:22 |
fiyawerx | notsniw, the easiest way is to see if anyone else has had the same problem | 16:22 |
fiyawerx | notsniw, quick google brought up this - | 16:22 |
jope | epax: any other ideas? | 16:23 |
jope | anyone else any suggestions for trying to get a broadcom wireless card to work, please? | 16:25 |
Loligaga | How do i configure noip-2 | 16:25 |
live | and is it possible to install windows and ubuntu on same hdd without wubi? | 16:25 |
jeffjennwa | krazy_waka: I'm running hardy | 16:25 |
esteth | live, Yes, you must partition your hard drive to do so, but the installer will help you with this | 16:25 |
Broadcom | i just updated kubuntu, an then the computer crashed, and now i can only log in under text based | 16:25 |
Steve-cal | eTranquility: To escape that prompt, hit "CTRL-C" at the same time. | 16:25 |
KRaZy_WaKa | jeffjennwa: system > administration > system monitor will give you your CPU and RAM | 16:25 |
mewt | Is there an ubuntu/linux gaming channel ? | 16:25 |
KRaZy_WaKa | its similar to control panel > system in windows | 16:25 |
live | and will a 64-bit ubuntu install 32-bit or 64-bit apps on 2gb RAM? | 16:25 |
christopher | Can anyone here help me with WOW on an Inspiron e1405 running intel 945? Not sure if wine is set up correctly | 16:25 |
KRaZy_WaKa | jeffjennwa: and if you click the file systems tab in system monitor it will show your hard drives | 16:25 |
bazhang | Wallgod, how did you install it? via synaptic or other | 16:25 |
live | christopher: wine as opengl? | 16:25 |
cidwel | hallo | 16:25 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 108214 in pmount "cannot execute programs/scripts from USB drives (including reiserfs and ext)" [Low,Confirmed] | 16:25 |
KRaZy_WaKa | !Firefox 3 RC1 | 16:25 |
ubottu | Factoid firefox 3 rc1 not found | 16:25 |
cidwel | anyone knows how to force flashplugin nonfree to use Alsa instead of PulseAudio? | 16:26 |
KRaZy_WaKa | !firefox | 16:26 |
ubottu | firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see Installing plugins: | 16:26 |
jbroome | !ffrc | 16:26 |
ubottu | Factoid ffrc not found | 16:26 |
amenado | eTranquility-> maybe you can even try sudo depmod to let your system build the dependencies | 16:26 |
ravalox | Okay, what is the deal; the new ubuntu cannot write DVDs? | 16:26 |
ravalox | I've tried k3b, brasero | 16:26 |
ravalox | none of these work. | 16:26 |
amenado | ravalox-> are you using the writable cd/dvd drive? | 16:26 |
eTranquility | amenado, asdfghjkl;... I could do that if I had wireless. I'm sorry that I'm so lost... All I want is for my wireless to work, I really could do without sound... T_T I can't stay here connected to the wired connection all day. And hang on, I'll try sudo depmod... | 16:27 |
Loligaga | What are the diffrences between ubuntu desktop and ubuntu server?? | 16:27 |
robg_ | I have some news on the latest updates: pulse audio has been made default, Synaptic has been locked, new stuff has been added to Add?Remove, CPU is now running at 20%. | 16:27 |
ravalox | Yes, it worked just fine in the previous version | 16:27 |
amenado | ravalox-> how many dvd drives do you have? | 16:27 |
ePax | jope: Actually i dont have any more ideas. It seems like your module is loading and you just need to bring wireless on. IS your wireless card on? I should search for more info on ubuntuforums as well.. And one more thing you need to bring your wifi card module up every time you start your comp or fix it to load auto. | 16:27 |
koheleth | !opera | 16:27 |
ubottu | opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: | 16:27 |
ravalox | just one | 16:28 |
jope | epax: ok thanks, yeah the card is up | 16:28 |
eTranquility | amenado, What's sudo depmod supposed to do? | 16:29 |
jope | think i have to go back to windows: no wireless, no connection, no use | 16:29 |
amenado | eTranquility-> a better explanation than i can do, man depmod | 16:30 |
shawnr34 | help I tried to set a mount point for a specific thumb drive now it won't mount and I'm not sure how to fix it (" Unable to mount the volume: mount_point cannot contain the following characters: newlin, G_DIR_SEPARATOR (usually /) ") | 16:30 |
koheleth | jope, annoying heh! | 16:30 |
erUSUL | shawnr34: what's the name of the new mount point? it seems it has ilegal characters | 16:31 |
shawnr34 | erUSUL, yea, i thought i set it to /media/thekey | 16:32 |
kwan | I have a 1920x 1200 LCD running at 50Hz (Plug n play) and after messing the refresh rate from 50Hz to 51Hz (in displayconfig-gtk) things went terribly wrong after a reboot. The X Server (or X Display Manager, *I know they're 2 different things*) incorrectly detects my monitor as 640x480 :S How can I reconfigure my resolution settings (Like I mentioned, 1920x1200 resolution is NO longer available in displayconfig-g | 16:32 |
shawnr34 | but maybe i screwed it up | 16:32 |
kwan | tk) | 16:32 |
shawnr34 | erUSUL, where would I go to change it | 16:32 |
erUSUL | shawnr34: check : "ls -al /media/" | 16:33 |
jope | koheleth: yeah, because its tht first step: to get connected, after that then i can learn and fiddle about with things, but i have too have wireless | 16:33 |
cidwel | anyone knows how to force flashplugin nonfree to use Alsa instead of PulseAudio? | 16:33 |
linkmaster03 | I accidentally configured 2 gmail screenlets, so they both start when I logon. I can't find out how to disable the other one. Any ideas on how I could do so? | 16:33 |
kwan | Help. | 16:33 |
robg_ | cidwel: on my system Pulse Audio has been made default. | 16:33 |
shawnr34 | erUSUL, i ran the command what am I looking for? | 16:33 |
erUSUL | cidwel: it does by default unless you install libflashsupport | 16:33 |
erUSUL | shawnr34: you said "I tried to set a mount point for a specific thumb drive" how you tried? | 16:34 |
christopher | When I enabled opengl renderer, why did half of my graphics in the game just dissapear | 16:35 |
shawnr34 | erUSUL, right click on the mounted thumb drive under computer:/// went to Volume>Settings>Mount Point | 16:35 |
erUSUL | shawnr34: and you changed it to? | 16:35 |
shawnr34 | erUSUL, thought I typed /media/thekey | 16:35 |
shawnr34 | drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2008-05-25 11:08 thekey | 16:35 |
eTranquility | amenado, I still just don't know what to do. I probably need a little more hand holding. I don't even know what a kernel module is. Is there really no way to get my wireless working through a set of troubleshooting steps to follow? | 16:36 |
erUSUL | shawnr34: and the mount pint appears in /media/ (the one you typed) when you do ls -al /media/ | 16:36 |
shawnr34 | erUSUL, yea | 16:36 |
kwan | How can i reconfigure my display's resolution? (displayconfig-gtk doesn't have all the resolution modes) | 16:36 |
bazhang | eTranquility, what chipset | 16:37 |
shawnr34 | erUSUL, but I might have typed it wrong i can't get to that properties window again because it would mount | 16:37 |
kwan | I have a 1920x 1200 LCD running at 50Hz (Plug n play) and after messing the refresh rate from 50Hz to 51Hz (in displayconfig-gtk) things went terribly wrong after a reboot. The X Server (or X Display Manager, *I know they're 2 different things*) incorrectly detects my monitor as 640x480 :S How can I reconfigure my resolution settings (Like I mentioned, 1920x1200 resolution is NO longer available in displayconfig-g | 16:37 |
kwan | tk) | 16:37 |
erUSUL | shawnr34: dunno what may be wrong ... | 16:37 |
eTranquility | bazhang, Atheros AR5BMB5. | 16:38 |
christopher | i'm starting to give up, my WOW wont run right. I enabled opengl renderer, run the game, and now I do not have half of my graphics!!! Anyone running wow on ubuntu help please | 16:38 |
shawnr34 | what can i do to fix this!!! all my passwords are stored on that usbkey!!!! | 16:38 |
amenado | eTranquility-> try this ls -la /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ubuntu/wireless and paste the results | 16:38 |
bazhang | eTranquility, madwifi not working with that? | 16:38 |
xodiak | what will play an AVI file? | 16:38 |
quantum | hey guys! can anybody pls tell me how i can find out wich partions are mounted from /dev/ ??? | 16:38 |
bazhang | xodiak, just about anything | 16:38 |
vocx | quantum, type "mount" | 16:39 |
amenado | bazhang-> his path is out of whack somehow, so when he modprobe ath_pci he is given a cant load becuase its looking at the wrong path | 16:39 |
hmuller | What should be backed up for current bluetooth settings, other than /var/lib/bluetooth/* ? | 16:39 |
xodiak | bazhang: I tried with "movie player" that's installed by default, but the file does not play. | 16:39 |
bazhang | amenado, okie thanks | 16:39 |
bazhang | xodiak, what about vlc | 16:39 |
shawnr34 | If I format a USB key will it change the UUID number ? | 16:39 |
quantum | vocx, thx alot! | 16:39 |
amenado | bazhang-> perhaps you recall where the settings of where modprobe looks for the modules? was it LD_LIBRARY_PATH ? | 16:40 |
xodiak | bazhang: seems all I have installed is movie player. looking for vlc now. | 16:40 |
vocx | shawnr34, maybe, but why does it matter? You can always now the new UUID. | 16:40 |
robg_ | xodiak: you need w32codecs and libdvdcss from | 16:40 |
eTranquility | baxhang, it worked fine but disabled my sound. Reinstalling the sound module disabled the wireless. | 16:41 |
bazhang | xodiak, listen to robg on this one | 16:41 |
xodiak | robg_: okay. | 16:41 |
eTranquility | amenado, | 16:41 |
robg_ | xodiak: you can either download these from the mirror or you can activate the medibuntu repository in your system and then install them from there. | 16:41 |
shawnr34 | vocx, I tried to set a mount point for a specific thumb drive now it won't mount and I'm not sure how to fix it (" Unable to mount the volume: mount_point cannot contain the following characters: newlin, G_DIR_SEPARATOR (usually /) ") | 16:42 |
yw | vbngjhv | 16:42 |
amenado | eTranquility-> perhaps you can put a copy of ath_pci.ko in that directory | 16:42 |
vocx | shawnr34, is that in your fstab? Or how are you trying to mount? | 16:43 |
KRaZy_WaKa | is anybody running Firefox 3 RC1 on Hardy? if so, how did you upgrade from beta 5 to RC1? | 16:43 |
shawnr34 | vocx, I right clicked on the mounted thumb drive under computer:/// went to Volume>Settings>Mount Point | 16:43 |
xodiak | robg_: how do I activate the medibuntu repository? | 16:43 |
bazhang | amenado, sorry for the slow response--no real clue about the path | 16:43 |
eTranquility | bazhang, it worked fine but disabled my sound. Reinstalling the sound module disabled the wireless. See for the error "sudo modprobe ath_pci" now gives. | 16:43 |
fiyawerx | !medibuntu | 16:43 |
ubottu | medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 16:43 |
fiyawerx | xodiak, check their website | 16:43 |
shawnr34 | vocx, thought I typed /media/thekey but may have messed it up | 16:43 |
eTranquility | amenado, Okay, I know how to do that, I think... | 16:44 |
pim | How can I extract a .zip archive | 16:44 |
beto0707 | Howdy. I believe I have run into a known bug with Nvidia onboard cards, but the advice in launchpad does not work for me. Here is the link the bug page: | 16:44 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 136836 in linux "Ethernet (nVidia MCP55) not working [ gutsy, hardy]" [Medium,New] | 16:44 |
xodiak | affirmative | 16:44 |
robg_ | xodiak: the easiest way is to activate the repo and to install the multimedia stuff from there. provides instructions and an apt-get phrase. | 16:44 |
beto0707 | I can not get my wired network to work... | 16:44 |
papared | Hello guys, does anybody work in the Testing team? | 16:44 |
amenado | eTranquility-> just for comparison, my ath_pci.ko is at /lib/modules/`uname -r`/madwifi/ath_pci.ko | 16:44 |
|newbie| | ciao a tutti !! | 16:44 |
KRaZy_WaKa | xodiak: | 16:44 |
bazhang | !it | |newbie| | 16:45 |
ubottu | |newbie|: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 16:45 |
PriceChild | papared: try #ubuntu-testing | 16:45 |
vocx | shawnr34, the mount point must first exist. Why would you use the key? Use a regular directory like "/home/user/USBstuff" | 16:45 |
christopher | how do i change name | 16:45 |
bazhang | christopher, /nick newnick | 16:46 |
shawnr34 | vocx, i did create the dir first, i found why it got screwed up... "you need to enter the new mount point as "newmountpoint" to get it to show up to "/media/newmountpoint". If you set it to "/media/newmountpoint" like I did, it will break" | 16:46 |
HairyDude | is there a gui tool for changing the default language? my installation only had "English" which is apparently US English, but I want UK English | 16:46 |
prodigel | Hi all. I would like to start ktorrent at boot without the need for login(daemon like). can I do this? | 16:46 |
KRaZy_WaKa | xodiak: the link i just put up has the proper commands to activate the medibuntu repository, copy and pastable into terminal | 16:46 |
vocx | shawnr34, so problem solved? | 16:46 |
kwan | How can i reconfigure my display's resolution? (displayconfig-gtk doesn't have all the resolution modes)? | 16:46 |
shawnr34 | vocx, i think, still reading this thread in the forum | 16:47 |
amenado | who has fiddled with apparmor? is it a good tool to have? any insight you can share? difficult to use and basically useless? | 16:47 |
vocx | shawnr34, okay | 16:47 |
vocx | amenado, I think it is most useful for servers, not so much for desktop installations. | 16:48 |
live | will ubuntu run on open pandora? (or at least xubuntu?) | 16:48 |
chris_wow | anyone running wow on ubuntu 8.04 that can help me? | 16:48 |
eTranquility | amenado, I tried "sudo cp /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-386/net/ath_pci.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ubuntu/wireless" but it didn't help... | 16:48 |
amenado | vocx-> have you used it? how is it working for you if you have? | 16:48 |
stefano | !list | 16:49 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 16:49 |
live | chris_wow: what's the problem? | 16:49 |
robg_ | xodiak: you will have to install Sun Java and must uninstall OpenJDK. | 16:49 |
=== johannes_ is now known as AcornAcorn | ||
amenado | eTranquility-> is that where ath_pci.ko resides? or where does it reside really? | 16:49 |
vocx | amenado, I haven't used it. As far as I know, it is in the kernel, so it is being used without users actually knowing, or caring about it. It just runs. | 16:49 |
chris_wow | live, i am having trouble with the graphics in the game. | 16:49 |
amenado | eTranquility-> i thought the error was it could not find it earlier? | 16:50 |
live | which graphic card? | 16:50 |
chris_wow | intel 945 | 16:50 |
eTranquility | amenado, I don't know. | 16:50 |
amenado | vocx, oh okay, i thought you have used, it, just trying to get a feel for this tool | 16:50 |
KinkyBlackGoat | hm, how can I change the "default" fonts GTK uses? | 16:50 |
live | are you running wine as d3d or as opengl? | 16:50 |
amenado | eTranquility-> well go find it first | 16:50 |
eTranquility | amenado, let me try again... | 16:50 |
holo | hi | 16:51 |
kwan | How can i reconfigure my display's resolution? (displayconfig-gtk doesn't have all the resolution modes)? Prior to Hardy, i remember dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg allow me to set resolution modes but it doesn't give me to option to do so now | 16:51 |
chris_wow | live, i did the set opengl in the config file | 16:51 |
holo | I have this problem: | 16:51 |
holo | src/mumble/ | 16:51 |
holo | no, i don't have ths problem lol | 16:51 |
holo | just a second | 16:51 |
holo | $ qmake | 16:51 |
holo | Failure to open file: /home/carlos/Desktop/mumble-1.1.4/Makefile | 16:51 |
FloodBot3 | holo: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 16:51 |
chris_wow | live, but now i'm missing things in the game, like me, my clothes will show but i wont, and the senery that is missing is a blue color | 16:52 |
live | chris_wow: have you looked for it in appdb of wine? | 16:52 |
chris_wow | dont know how | 16:52 |
holo | it was a 2 line paste.. is it flood? btw, the channel is not active.. so you should appreciate my exccessive verbosity | 16:52 |
holo | :) | 16:52 |
mewt | holo, I daresay it's quite active actually :) | 16:52 |
axisys | this bug is what I am experiencing | 16:52 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 220190 in network-manager "[Hardy] NetworkManager keeps prompting for new encryption key when AP disappears." [Undecided,New] | 16:52 |
fiyawerx | holo: it was your paste + your previous lines i believe | 16:53 |
axisys | sucks there is no fix yet | 16:53 |
fiyawerx | I think it was an auto response | 16:53 |
live | chris_wow: which version of wow? | 16:53 |
quantum | hey how can i rescue the data of a memory-stick? | 16:53 |
BlackDragonBE | hi everyone, first time here | 16:53 |
eTranquility | amenado, Should I try searching for it? | 16:53 |
axisys | amenado: I rather not disable roaming | 16:53 |
KRaZy_WaKa | holo: Floodbot is an auto responder bot | 16:53 |
chris_wow | live: wow 2.42, the latest one with burning crusade | 16:53 |
nops | test | 16:53 |
axisys | amenado: I like that feature | 16:53 |
holo | oops, i got cheated by a bot | 16:54 |
Loligaga | What are the diffrences between ubuntu desktop and ubuntu server??????? | 16:54 |
live | chris_wow: | 16:54 |
axisys | Loligaga: window manager | 16:54 |
KRaZy_WaKa | it only caught your post because you copied and pasted multiple lines | 16:54 |
chris_wow | live: what i did is copied the files from my wifeys win box into the directory here | 16:54 |
soundray | quantum: at what temperature did you wash it? | 16:54 |
astro76 | !server | Loligaga | 16:54 |
ubottu | Loligaga: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 6.06. For more info see - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support | 16:54 |
quantum | soundray: ?? | 16:54 |
jrib | Loligaga: server does not have a graphical environment by default. The installer for server also offers to automate the setup of a bunch of server stuff | 16:54 |
soundray | quantum: what happened to your memory stick | 16:54 |
BlackDragonBE | the apps installed are different | 16:54 |
kwan | How can i reconfigure my display's resolution? (displayconfig-gtk doesn't have all the resolution modes)? | 16:55 |
z1ng3r | Okay... so I've got 6.06 server, and CIFS file mounts are starting to throw errors about "CIFS VFS: No response..." I see a fair amount of chatter about it in google, but does anyone here have a fix for it? Other than dumping my Win2003 server? | 16:55 |
BlackDragonBE | kwan: your x config file | 16:55 |
quantum | soundray: i tried to use it on the vista of a friend and now it has 0 of 0 bites and no partitions | 16:55 |
Loligaga | So i have to do everything by terminal | 16:55 |
axisys | kwan: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg (??) | 16:55 |
quantum | soundray: everything is lost -.- | 16:55 |
live | chris_wow: I have heard that some inter chipsets have a real problem with wow, if you have a desktop pc I would try with another graphic card | 16:56 |
BlackDragonBE | loligaga: just do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 16:56 |
quantum | soundray: do you know how i can rescue the data? | 16:56 |
Loligaga | Is it not easier to just run apachi and call it a day?? | 16:56 |
soundray | quantum: if you're lucky, it only wrecked the partition table. Try to recover it with gpart. Read the documentation | 16:56 |
vocx | Loligaga, linux is very flexible so you may install a desktop Ubuntu and then install the appropriate packages to turn it into a server. | 16:56 |
soundray | !info gpart | quantum | 16:56 |
ubottu | quantum: gpart (source: gpart): Guess PC disk partition table, find lost partitions. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1h-4.1 (hardy), package size 35 kB, installed size 112 kB | 16:56 |
linkmaster03 | how can I copy part of my screen to the clipboard | 16:56 |
chris_wow | live: this is a laptop | 16:56 |
BlackDragonBE | vocx, i think its the other way around | 16:56 |
amenado | eTranquility-> yes search for it | 16:56 |
soundray | quantum: another rescue tool is called testdisk, but I haven't tried that myself | 16:56 |
Loligaga | <BlackDragonBE> will that make it have a gui | 16:56 |
soundray | !info testdisk | quantum | 16:57 |
ubottu | quantum: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.8-1 (hardy), package size 690 kB, installed size 2640 kB | 16:57 |
robg_ | vocx: such experimentation is frowned upon. | 16:57 |
live | chris_wow: have you read the appdb entry? | 16:57 |
amenado | axisys-> it is up to you, but stop complaining about getting disconnected | 16:57 |
BlackDragonBE | loligaga: yes | 16:57 |
vocx | BlackDragonBE, you can do it however you like, or what stops you from installing a new package? | 16:57 |
Loligaga | ok | 16:57 |
vocx | robg_, ye, I'm just pointing out that possibility | 16:57 |
quantum | soundray: testdisk does not work because it cant find any partion to rescue!? | 16:57 |
axisys | amenado: well sorry if I annoyed it.. but intention was looking for a fix .. | 16:57 |
soundray | quantum: have you read the documentation? | 16:58 |
kwan | axisys: Yea.. Prior to Hardy, when I do dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, it will asks me what resolution modes i want enabled but now when it doesn't have it | 16:58 |
live | chris_wow: some of hints could help, at least they helper me with oblivion on nvidia 8600GT, wow works with opengl without any problems | 16:58 |
amenado | axisys-> i tried to advise you of a fix, so if you dont want to the fix, stop complaining | 16:58 |
robg_ | vocx: it is not helpful advise. You must plan for future support and keep some standardisation. | 16:58 |
quantum | soundray: you mean "man testdisk" ? | 16:58 |
axisys | amenado: ;-) | 16:58 |
astro76 | robg_: not helpful advise to install apache on ubuntu desktop? nonsense | 16:58 |
eTranquility | amenado, Okay, the ath_pci.ko files I found are at /home/elizabeth/madwifi-ng-r2756+ar5007/ath, /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-386/net, /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-386/madwifi, /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-386/ubuntu/wireless, /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic/madwifi. | 16:58 |
soundray | quantum: yes, and whatever you can find in /usr/share/doc/testdisk | 16:58 |
quantum | soundray: i installed gpart now! | 16:59 |
vocx | robg_, depends, what if it is some homebrew server? Really, with linux you can do whatever you want. | 16:59 |
quantum | soundray: do you think it will work? | 16:59 |
axisys | amenado: i think what u suggested is a workaround | 16:59 |
robg_ | astro76: ubuntu will move towards standardisation to facilitate online support. If everybody builds his own computer then support becomes difficult. | 16:59 |
=== wayne is now known as wayne^ | ||
astro76 | robg_: umm, no | 17:00 |
amenado | axisys-> it had worked for me for a long time, its great | 17:00 |
chris_wow | live: it's running smoother, but doesnt solve my graphics problem | 17:00 |
soundray | quantum: it depends entirely on the nature of the fault. | 17:00 |
astro76 | robg_: not sure where you're getting these ideas ;) | 17:00 |
quantum | soundray: can you tell me what to type if the stick is on /dev/sde1 | 17:00 |
soundray | quantum: how should I know what Vista has done to your device? ;) | 17:00 |
robg_ | astro76: my desktop configuration is already being online supported for 100% | 17:00 |
bazhang | robg | 17:00 |
Lattyware | Hmm... I appear to have found a bug in hardy. It'll copy directories recursively into itself. | 17:00 |
quantum | soundray: well your right sorry! | 17:00 |
amenado | eTranquility-> it seems in the right place, perhaps somebody else here can suggest how to teach modprobe to look for your ath_pci.ko at those directories | 17:00 |
soundray | quantum: the stick isn't on /dev/sde1. That's a partition device name. | 17:00 |
live | chris_wow: you can try to ask for help in #winehq , sometimer they can help you | 17:00 |
adante | howdy folks, if i have a desktop session and a vnc session going at the same time how can i make my gnome-terminal go where i want it to when i start it? | 17:01 |
vocx | robg_, we were not referring to the possibility of getting support, just the simple fact that you can install apache in your desktop Ubuntu if you want. | 17:01 |
jrib | Lattyware: pastebin an example | 17:01 |
quantum | soundray: how can i find out where it is? | 17:01 |
soundray | quantum: the stick as such could be on /dev/sde | 17:01 |
adante | as far as I can tell DISPLAY is set appropriatelly, but it is still not showing up | 17:01 |
quantum | soundray: okay | 17:01 |
boxy | hi, i just did an apt-get install xubuntu-desktop on a minimal install and i restarted and gdm let me login but the desktop just pops up a terminal and there are no menus or panels or title bar for the terminal | 17:01 |
quantum | soundray: so what do i have to type? | 17:01 |
robg_ | vocx: you can always do what you want but if you want others to support your device then you will have to maintain some standardisation. | 17:01 |
quantum | soundray: "mount" says that the file-system of the stick is "vfat" | 17:02 |
soundray | quantum: I won't read the documentation out to you. Your unwillingness to read was probably the problem you encountered with testdisk. | 17:02 |
BlackDragonBE | boxy: do you have a window manager installed? | 17:02 |
amenado | can someone remember how to tell modprobe to look for certain modules? was it $LD_LIBRARY_PATH? | 17:02 |
Lattyware | jrib: Pastebin? It's a pretty simple concept. If I have a folder with files in, and another folder, and a select that entire folder, and copy and paste into the folder inside it, it'll find the new folder you are copying, and recursively copy and paste itself until it runs out of space/memory. | 17:02 |
boxy | BlackDragonBE no? i just did a minimal install last night then today went to terminal and did apt-get install xubuntu-desktop so im nto sure | 17:02 |
amenado | darn ubuntu seems to change its way of things.. | 17:02 |
erUSUL | amenado: afaik modprobe will look only in /lib/modules/`uname -r` | 17:02 |
vocx | amenado, which module is not being found? | 17:02 |
quantum | soundray: okay i'll read it sry! do you think it will be a problem that the stick's fs is "vfat"? because this fs is not listet in gpart doc!? | 17:02 |
astro76 | Lattyware: yeah I actually ran into that yesterday, meaning to look into a bug report | 17:03 |
eTranquility | amenado, Do you have any idea what could have gone wrong when I reinstalled the sound module? | 17:03 |
amenado | Im trying to assist eTranquility and his modprobe of ath_pci.ko looks at the wrong path | 17:03 |
kwan | axisys, any idea? | 17:03 |
jrib | Lattyware: use actual name a, b, c. Your description is confusing | 17:03 |
soundray | quantum: vfat is the filesystem driver that Linux uses to mount FAT16 and FAT32 filesystems. | 17:03 |
quantum | soundray: do you think it will be a problem that the stick's fs is "vfat"? because this fs is not listet in gpart doc!? | 17:03 |
BlackDragonBE | boxy: what happens when you try xfce --replace | 17:04 |
amenado | erUSUL-> i expected it too, but somehow eTranquility effort to use modprobe points him to the wrong directory | 17:04 |
Lattyware | astro76: Yeah, I wondered why my source code folder was suddenly like 1GB in size and going. Then my memory started being eaten. | 17:04 |
vocx | amenado, maybe do a "sudo depmod -a" that will rebuild the modules database or something then try modprobe again. | 17:04 |
quantum | soundray: ah okay thank you so much! | 17:04 |
mbi0 | hellow guys | 17:04 |
Lattyware | jrib: Folder X inside Folder Y, you copy folder Y into folder X, and it recurses. | 17:04 |
boxy | "xfce command not found" | 17:04 |
astro76 | jrib: you can paste directory a into directory a, which will start a forever deep recursive copy | 17:04 |
mbi0 | having trouble with ubuntu 8.04 and wireless card can any one help me ? | 17:04 |
amenado | eTranquility-> you saw that from vocx? sudo depmod -a i only gave you depmod earlier.. | 17:04 |
eTranquility | amenado, So... do I just type sudo depmod -a? | 17:05 |
BlackDragonBE | boxy, and "xfwm4"? | 17:05 |
amenado | eTranquility-> try, it would not hurt you | 17:05 |
chris_wow | live: that solved the graphics problem, but now the game is jumpy | 17:06 |
chris_wow | we making progress | 17:06 |
boxy | says something about cannot open the display | 17:06 |
amenado | eTranquility-> then after sudo modprobe ath_pci once more | 17:06 |
Glightning | What game are you guys working on? | 17:06 |
KRaZy_WaKa | anybody know how to upgrade Firefox 3 | 17:06 |
chris_wow | wow | 17:06 |
eTranquility | amenado, Still no luck. Same error, different path. "FATAL: Error inserting ath_pci (/lib/modules/2.6.24-16-386/ubuntu/wireless/ath_pci.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)" | 17:06 |
bigjoe4 | hi | 17:07 |
Glightning | Is it possible to run? | 17:07 |
BlackDragonBE | try "xfwm4 --replace" | 17:07 |
erUSUL | eTranquility: and what does "dmesg" says ?? | 17:07 |
bigjoe4 | does anybody know how to schedule thunderbird to start at system startup on ubuntu? | 17:07 |
axisys | amenado: i disabled roaming for wireless.. now how do I switch to wireless? | 17:07 |
axisys | 17:07 | |
kwan | How can i reconfigure my display's resolution without manually editing xorg.conf? (displayconfig-gtk doesn't have all the resolution modes)? | 17:07 |
live | chris_wow: what do you mean with "jumpy"? high fps? | 17:08 |
chairmeleon | hey. I have an old AGFA StudioScan II SCSI scanner, supposedly supported by the microtek driver for sane | 17:08 |
chris_wow | i'm running it, just trying to get to not so choppy running.. it's really really jurky atm | 17:08 |
chairmeleon | though I can't find this driver in ubuntu | 17:08 |
bigjoe4 | how do I schedule thunderbird to start at system startup on ubuntu? | 17:08 |
Glightning | oh okay cool | 17:08 |
amenado | eTranquility-> now thats a different error, thats like the module was compiled on a different kernel than what you got | 17:08 |
astro76 | !startup | bigjoe4 | 17:08 |
ubottu | bigjoe4: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot | 17:08 |
Glightning | does anyone know how to get counter strike source going? | 17:08 |
KRaZy_WaKa | anybody know how to upgrade firefox 3 beta 5 to firefox 3 rc1 in hardy? ... sorry for double post i accidentally hit enter before i finished typing | 17:08 |
Ienorand | !shutdown | 17:09 |
ubottu | Factoid shutdown not found | 17:09 |
Lattyware | Glightning: Check the wine AppDB | 17:09 |
bigjoe4 | OK | 17:09 |
amenado | axisys-> you are still using wireless, just not the roaming mode of it dont auto switch to a stronger signal ap it can latch on | 17:09 |
astro76 | KRaZy_WaKa: I'd wait for the package to hit the repos | 17:09 |
Ienorand | Ah, does anybody know how to add script on shutdown? | 17:09 |
chris_wow | live: the fps is 7 | 17:09 |
Glightning | latty, i have everything installed, but it freezes on loading | 17:09 |
delta9thc1 | kwan: you should tell me more,like ... which gpu you have? | 17:10 |
KRaZy_WaKa | astro76: how long does that usually take? | 17:10 |
Lattyware | Glightning: Sorry, I don't know too much in specifics. | 17:10 |
eTranquility | amenado, Woah, I get a lot of stuff. I can't even copy all of it because there's so much. | 17:10 |
live | chris_wow: have you tried to change in-game settings, like lower draw distances? | 17:10 |
hmuller | Lattyware: astro76: jrib: I tested copy and paste folder a into folder a. It does a recursive copy, but it errs out, doesn't do a 'forever' deep | 17:10 |
chris_wow | lower draw distances? | 17:10 |
astro76 | hmuller: yeah that way does error out, some ways keep going | 17:10 |
amenado | eTranquility-> lots of what? wireless AP in your hood? | 17:11 |
norbert_ | is it possible to save pictures in an .odt file? | 17:11 |
jrib | Lattyware, hmuller, astro76: | 17:11 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 232190 in nautilus "file browser copies folder into own subfolder recursively" [Unknown,Fix released] | 17:11 |
Lattyware | hmuller: Well, mine did it for 500mb and a lot of memory on a folder that totals around 50kb | 17:11 |
Lattyware | before I killed it myself | 17:11 |
AcornAcorn | does anyone use xchat-gnome? | 17:11 |
hmuller | AcornAcorn: Using it now | 17:11 |
robg_ | AcornAcorn: yes | 17:11 |
astro76 | KRaZy_WaKa: usually a few days, this one is delayed because all the devs were at a developers conference | 17:11 |
chris_wow | live: how do ya change draw distances | 17:12 |
live | chris_wow: try to set everything to minimum and if necessary try to disable sound | 17:12 |
astro76 | cheers jrib | 17:12 |
Lattyware | I don't know why you'd use the -gnome variant, the 'proper' one is by far better. | 17:12 |
eTranquility | amenado, | 17:12 |
KRaZy_WaKa | thanks astro | 17:13 |
axisys | amenado: so lets say I want to switch to wired .. how do I do it? | 17:13 |
AcornAcorn | hmuller robg_: any idea why i have little dice symbols either side of peoples' nicknames? | 17:13 |
ssorel | PRINTF("WHOLLY SHIT!! \n"); | 17:13 |
janeUbuntu[] | can pppd(pppoe) use pap-secrets in other directory(not in /etc/ppp) ? | 17:13 |
robg_ | AcornAcorn: I don't see any dice symbols. | 17:13 |
[j0hn] | hello :) | 17:13 |
hmuller | AcornAcorn: I don't see them either | 17:13 |
* ssorel iz like wholly shit man | 17:13 | |
astro76 | AcornAcorn: sounds like it's using a symbol which your current font doesn't have a symbol for | 17:13 |
amenado | axisys-> you activate your wired -- simple, but make sure you dont also have your wireless working at same time unless you know how to configure your route correctly, it will get confuse as to which route to take | 17:14 |
astro76 | !ohmy | ssorel | 17:14 |
ubottu | ssorel: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 17:14 |
AcornAcorn | astro76: that must be it, any idea how to sort it? | 17:14 |
robg_ | AcornAcorn: on my system nicks are in boxes | 17:14 |
ssorel | ok | 17:14 |
etyrnal | NEVERMIND | 17:14 |
ssorel | sorry | 17:14 |
etyrnal | =) | 17:14 |
[j0hn] | can anyone help me? i have a problem traying to use my cdrom | 17:14 |
quantum | j0hn: whats the problem? | 17:14 |
KRaZy_WaKa | i'm not acclimated to source code installs and couldnt find it through synaptic or upgrade manager | 17:14 |
Ienorand | Oh, did anybody know how to run a script on shutdown | 17:14 |
etyrnal | i figured it out myself - and i didn;t even ask You guys the question... how's THAT for a nevermind?! | 17:15 |
AcornAcorn | robg_: I get <robg_> | 17:15 |
soundray | janeUbuntu[]: no. You'd have to recompile -- I think the path is hard-coded | 17:15 |
etyrnal | i have VANQUISHED my problems! | 17:15 |
astro76 | AcornAcorn: dunno about xchat specifically, check the font settings | 17:15 |
robg_ | jOhn: you are probably not keeping your finger on F8 during boot. | 17:15 |
KRaZy_WaKa | so i'll wait thanx again astro | 17:15 |
AcornAcorn | robg_: ok, the dice symbols didn't show | 17:15 |
etyrnal | (well at least three or four) | 17:15 |
kwan | delta9thc1, its not a gpu problem i'm experiencing. My system was running perfectly until I messed with the refresh rate (from 50Hz->51Hz) in displayconfig-gtk then on the next reboot, the X Server (or X display manager *I know they're different things, I just want to make a loose reference) incorrectly detects my lcd's resolution as 640x480. | 17:15 |
janeUbuntu[] | soundray, thank you. | 17:15 |
zTriker | hi guys, has someone an idea how to define a custom panel-menu icon in Ubuntu? i looked in the gconf-editor, but i didnt find an field like "/home/username/Panel-Menu-Icon.png" : / I had uploaded a screenshot ( ) for those who dont know what i mean | 17:16 |
AcornAcorn | astro76: it says it's using system terminal font | 17:16 |
amenado | eTranquility-> i dont know what that is, which command generated that? | 17:16 |
romulo | hi, i installed one package "kismet" but after checking the installed files and the package, many files that were supposed to be there, arent. An example is the whole /etc/kismet/ configuration folder. What Can i do? | 17:17 |
delta9thc1 | kwan: do you have nvidia or ati? | 17:17 |
KRaZy_WaKa | anybody know how to change the default download directiry in hardy? | 17:17 |
tuttoom | hola | 17:17 |
kwan | delta9thc1, nvidia | 17:17 |
bigjoe4 | hi | 17:17 |
tuttoom | españ | 17:17 |
tuttoom | españa | 17:17 |
quantum | romulo: try reinstalling it! | 17:17 |
bigjoe4 | how do I stop ubuntu from bringing up annoying messages asking for password? | 17:17 |
KRaZy_WaKa | in gutsy you could change it from the downloads window and i'm not seeing the option in hardy just a search bar | 17:17 |
yclian_ | Just wondering, could this be a Ubuntu problem or plainly perl issue, while running a cpan install: Can't call method "value" on an undefined value at /usr/share/perl5/IO/Uncompress/ line 64. | 17:17 |
xTheGoat121x | Is there a way to remove the icon of an auto mounted HDD from the desktop? | 17:17 |
delta9thc1 | kwan: dpkg --get-selections nvidia* | 17:18 |
[j0hn] | i can't use my cdrom, trying to mount it says that /dev/scd0 is read protected and i have to say the file type or something like that (is in spanish :P) | 17:18 |
romulo | quantum, already did... | 17:18 |
live | chris_wow: are you using any desktop effects? | 17:18 |
AcornAcorn | any idea if there is an xchat-gnome irc channel? | 17:18 |
[j0hn] | and if i want to burn something with k3b it doesn't show my cd device | 17:18 |
KRaZy_WaKa | xTheGoat121x restart your computer | 17:18 |
quantum | romulo: sry i dont know what else to do! | 17:18 |
yclian_ | Umm, looks like something in here, somewhere, but I could be wrong: | 17:18 |
ubottu | Debian bug 482247 in libmodule-build-perl "libmodule-build-perl: FTBFS: Failed 1/26 test scripts. 10/852" [Serious,Open] | 17:18 |
bigjoe4 | how do I stop ubuntu from asking for password all the time whenever I try to do anything?? | 17:18 |
robg_ | jOhn: CD-ROM is controlled from the BIOS | 17:18 |
astro76 | AcornAcorn: try changing the font, there is an #xchat but they *do not* like xchat-gnome | 17:18 |
kwan | delta9thc1, I was running happily at 1920x1200 (50Hz) before. its when i changed the refresh rate from 50Hz to 51Hz that caused everything to break | 17:18 |
zTriker | hi guys, has someone an idea how to define a custom panel-menu icon in Ubuntu? i looked in the gconf-editor, but i didnt find an field like "/home/username/Panel-Menu-Icon.png" : / I had uploaded a screenshot ( ) for those who dont know what i mean | 17:19 |
Glightning | chris_wow: did you use the cds or the download from the wow website? | 17:19 |
jrib | bigjoe4: what are you doing so often that requires a password? | 17:19 |
astro76 | AcornAcorn: another reason many would recommend xchat regular ;) | 17:19 |
[j0hn] | robg: so, what should i do? :S | 17:19 |
quantum | j0hn: first find out what device it is in /dev/ then type "sudo mount /dev/xxx /media/cdrom" | 17:19 |
emma | bigjoe4: it's not recommended that you do that, to the best of my knowledge. You can just use sudo and it will only ask for your password once, and you won't need it again for a period of time afterword. | 17:19 |
xTheGoat121x | KRaZy_WaKa, that'll get rid of it permanently? Even though it'll mount every time I start the computer? | 17:19 |
AcornAcorn | astro76: maybe i just need to learn to customise xchat.. it just seemed so cluttered and difficult to read | 17:19 |
robg_ | jOhn: you don't have to mount your CD-ROM. It is hardwired to start from the BIOS. | 17:19 |
bigjoe4 | yeah but I don't want to ever have to type a password | 17:20 |
eTranquility | erUSUL, | 17:20 |
bigjoe4 | it slows me down | 17:20 |
KRaZy_WaKa | xTheGoat121x: i have to click on mine to mount it and when i restart it is no longer mounted i have to click it every time i restart | 17:20 |
zTriker | Has nobody an idea for me? : / | 17:20 |
[j0hn] | quantum: i have /dev/cdrom1 and /dev/scd0 | 17:20 |
astro76 | bigjoe4: start a root shell with sudo -i ? | 17:20 |
bigjoe4 | I ahve no ides waht that means | 17:20 |
xTheGoat121x | KRaZy_WaKa, ah, ok... I don't have to click on mine. | 17:21 |
KRaZy_WaKa | xTheGoat121x: if yours automounts on every boot/reboot you may have to disable automount and i'm not positive how to do that sorry | 17:21 |
AcornAcorn | astro76: gah, back to xchat I go | 17:21 |
delta9thc1 | kwan: understood, however type that command | 17:21 |
astro76 | bigjoe4: oye... you generally are not configuring the system, so not sure how sudo password is going to slow you down, but sudo -i will open a root shell where you can enter commands as root without sudo | 17:21 |
kwan | delta9thc1, How come dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg no longer lets me set the resolution modes? I'm 100% it had it Prior to Hardy | 17:22 |
xTheGoat121x | KRaZy_WaKa, I set it up to automount, I wanted that... I just don't want it on my desktop | 17:22 |
zTriker | hi guys, has someone an idea how to define a custom panel-menu icon in Ubuntu? i looked in the gconf-editor, but i didnt find an field like "/home/username/Panel-Menu-Icon.png" : / I had uploaded a screenshot ( ) for those who dont know what i mean | 17:22 |
KRaZy_WaKa | xTheGoat121x: check the ubuntu forums... search automounting volumes, it should also tell you how to disable automounting | 17:22 |
bigjoe4 | I know, I will see if it lets me change password to "" | 17:22 |
jrib | bigjoe4: did you see my question? | 17:22 |
bigjoe4 | the I can just press enter 8-) | 17:23 |
kwan | delta9thc1, nvidia-glx-new & nvidia-kernel-common installed | 17:23 |
jwormy | zTriker: i have a friend that has some of those snakes | 17:23 |
bigjoe4 | oh | 17:23 |
bigjoe4 | just editing settings and stuff | 17:23 |
zTriker | jwormy: ;) | 17:23 |
KRaZy_WaKa | xTheGoat121x: ok i see what you are saying now just don't want the icon on desktop, not sure sorry | 17:24 |
jwormy | zTriker: green tree boa right? | 17:24 |
etyrnal | STUPID QUESTION: sorry - sorry i am running on compromised brain-memory. What do i have to do to a command to make it so that when i hit enter (inthe cli) the process gets backgrounded ?? | 17:24 |
zTriker | jwormy: yes of course | 17:24 |
delta9thc1 | kwan: ok dpkg -l | grep nvidia* | 17:24 |
quantum | j0hn: then try "sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom" | 17:24 |
quantum | j0hn: what does it say? | 17:24 |
astro76 | etyrnal: command & | 17:24 |
zTriker | jwormy: but thats not my question : / | 17:24 |
exco | hello | 17:24 |
punkk | Can some on reccommend a good program to replace itunes | 17:24 |
[j0hn] | quantum: it's in spanish, i can't translate it very well | 17:25 |
soundray | !player | punkk | 17:25 |
ubottu | punkk: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 17:25 |
punkk | soundtray, thanks | 17:25 |
etyrnal | astro76, THAK YOU! | 17:25 |
soundray | punkk: rhythmbox and amarok probably come closest | 17:25 |
jwormy | zTriker: well i'd watch out forthat thing.. if it jumps out of yer desktop yer screwed. | 17:25 |
[j0hn] | quantum: mount: dispositivo de bloques /dev/scd0 está protegido contra escritura; se monta como sólo lectura | 17:25 |
xTheGoat121x | Woohoo! Got it | 17:25 |
hrhodes3114 | I want to run a webserver on ubuntu with just a dsl line what do I use | 17:25 |
[j0hn] | quantum: mount: debe especificar el tipo de sistema de ficheros | 17:25 |
astro76 | etyrnal: look up "bash job control" for more useful info ;) | 17:25 |
antonio_ | salve ragazzi ho un mouse wireless trust ma non riesco a usarlo, come posso fare a sapere se è rotto o semplicemente è ubuntu che lo odia?, il mouse è rilevato dal pc | 17:25 |
soundray | !it | antonio_ | 17:26 |
eTranquility | amenado, Sorry, that should have been directed towards erUSUL. | 17:26 |
ubottu | antonio_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 17:26 |
|Dreams| | hrhodes3114: apache | 17:26 |
etyrnal | i did man bash, i just think i missed that | 17:26 |
exco | does anybody have a howto at hand for setting up multiple monitors (Ati X700, fglrx, laptop, lvds+tmds-1) (not mirror mode) | 17:26 |
hrhodes3114 | thankyou sir | 17:26 |
quantum | j0hn: are you admin? can you run commands as root? if you are then just change the systems language! | 17:26 |
soundray | etyrnal: you can also suspend the program with Ctrl-Z and send it to the background with 'bg' | 17:27 |
soundray | quantum: have you been successful? | 17:27 |
delta9thc1 | kwan: reinstall your nvidia drivers and check your xorg configuration,h and v refresh | 17:27 |
Rioting_pacifist | is azureus in repos old or is it a backport of the latest vuze to azureus? | 17:27 |
Deepthought | exco: | 17:28 |
vocx | Rioting_pacifist, it is and old version I think, you can check that in the launchpad page | 17:28 |
Rioting_pacifist | ok thx | 17:28 |
quantum | soundray: i read the content of /usr/ahre/doc/testdisk/html and there is a programm in the package named "photrec" right now it's recovering the data! thank you!!! | 17:28 |
eTranquility | amenado, I'm sorry, my modem got unplugged. x.x | 17:29 |
ew0k | hey, how do i copy a folder from one location to another protected location with the konsole in ubuntu? | 17:29 |
etyrnal | soundray, thanks - is there a way to make the ourpur of a backgrounded curl be quiet? | 17:29 |
* xTheGoat121x slips out of the room | 17:29 | |
Rioting_pacifist | are there any plans to support vuze or will i have to install it manually | 17:29 |
quantum | j0hn: can you change the language? | 17:29 |
|Dreams| | ew0k: sudo cp folder etc to location | 17:29 |
exco | thanks, Deepthought I started reading that earlier... seems just a bit much to swallow | 17:30 |
|Dreams| | eg sudo /home/blah/filename.blah /root/filename.blah | 17:30 |
|Dreams| | sorry forgot the cp | 17:30 |
|Dreams| | lol | 17:30 |
soundray | etyrnal: I don't think so -- once it's running, that's out of your control | 17:30 |
vocx | Rioting_pacifist, as you can see, the one in the repos in however you can run latest tar.gz and it works okay. | 17:30 |
eTranquility | erUSUL, is the output of dmesg. | 17:30 |
|Dreams| | been a long dayyy | 17:30 |
jwormy | |Dreams|: not the important part ;) | 17:30 |
njalar | Is it possible to tell Ubuntu (8.04) to check all the hardware and download and install the best drivers? I had a working installation and managed to break it (Possibly when installing VirtualBox) and now it won find the wireless network card and other hardware. | 17:31 |
quantum | soundray: sry i mean "photorec" ... thx anyway ;-) | 17:31 |
delta9thc1 | kwan: sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-glx-new nvidia-settings && sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new nvidia-settings | 17:31 |
soundray | njalar: in the course of installing virtualbox, did you change the kernel? | 17:31 |
ijn | hello everybody | 17:31 |
vocx | njalar, VirtualBox is pretty straightforward, I wonder what else you did | 17:31 |
bullgard4 | After Gutsy dist-upgrading to Hardy my Gnome programs are in English although '~$ locale' returns LANG=de_DE.UTF8. How can I change that? | 17:31 |
kwan | delta9thc1, its NOT an nvidia drivers issue. I just fixed it, I used the rollback method. But u know what's really really really bothering me? Prior to Hardy, I remember 100% that when I dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, it lets you set the supported screen (MONITOR/LCD) resolution (which involved checking/unchecking "X" beside each mode). Now it doesn't have it | 17:32 |
njalar | I don't thnk so. | 17:32 |
Deepthought | exco: yeah, I know... I tried for ages to get my triple screen setup to go, with no avail; dual proved easy though, but thatś on nvidia; ATI is easy too, but other cards need xorg.conf tweaking, wich can be troublesome to say the least; however, it can be done for sure, just do the hours of study, make backups of original conf files in case of failure and it should be an attainable goal; and once itś working you're never gonaa wanna go | 17:32 |
Deepthought | back to one screen | 17:32 |
soundray | bullgard4: is System-Administration-Language Support set to German? | 17:32 |
ijn | does anybody knows how I can have equalizers working on exaile on ubuntu hardy?? | 17:32 |
Rioting_pacifist | ok thx :D | 17:32 |
soundray | njalar: what's the output from 'uname -a'? | 17:33 |
njalar | I installed some extra packages with Synaptic. | 17:33 |
emma | njalar: At least to some extent it does this by default. It automatically found proprietary drivers for my ATi card for example. Try going to System>Administration>Hardware Drivers to see if anything can be enabled. | 17:33 |
ew0k | Dreams: ty | 17:33 |
babo | what's the best video editing software available for linux ? | 17:33 |
njalar | Linux neofobulator 2.6.24-16-386 #1 Thu Apr 10 12:50:06 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux | 17:33 |
emma | !best > babo | 17:34 |
Deepthought | exco: Whooo, wait, you have got ATI ! Then it should really be as easy as apple pie; in nvidia I installed nvidia settings, where you can just configure it in gui, ati has the smae thing, different name, Iĺl look it up, just a second | 17:34 |
njalar | emma: That gives me an empty list. | 17:34 |
ijn | does anybody knows how I can have equalizers working on exaile on ubuntu hardy?? | 17:34 |
vocx | Rioting_pacifist, there is one little issue though, that current azureus 3.0.x.x uses some newer version of the SWT graphical libraries, so it spits errors sometimes, but hasn't affected me. However I haven't tried vuze, so I don't know if it'll work fine. | 17:34 |
soundray | njalar: reboot and look in your grub menu (you may have to hit Esc to see it) whether there is an entry for a generic kernel. Boot that, and see if your wireless network comes back to life. | 17:34 |
njalar | soundray: Ok. Will try. | 17:35 |
ijn | how to exaile under hardy? | 17:35 |
bullgard4 | soundray: What do you mean by ' System-Administration-Language'? | 17:35 |
ijn | equalizers? | 17:35 |
=== Sindacious_ is now known as Sindacious | ||
soundray | bullgard4: are you on Gnome? | 17:35 |
delta9thc1 | kwan: ummhhh,ok cd /etc/X11/ then ls-al and paste,not here ^__^ | 17:35 |
babo | emma: right. i think you get the idea though. | 17:35 |
bullgard4 | soundray: yes. | 17:35 |
babo | let's not be too anal about it ... | 17:35 |
AaronH | babo, | 17:36 |
jc__ | I updated flash to the beta 10 to see if it crashed less often then 9, now my flashbased screenlets don't work. I'm assuming that its looking in the wrong spot how do I find where it looks for flash? | 17:36 |
soundray | bullgard4: the menu on the left in the top panel, does that contain "System"? | 17:36 |
emma | ijn - open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install exaile | 17:36 |
exco | Deepthought: you mean amdCCC (Ati Catalyst Control Center?) | 17:36 |
babo | AaronH: thanks | 17:36 |
Optimus55 | hey does anyone know a trusty site online to do a firewall test?? | 17:36 |
bullgard4 | soundray: yes. | 17:36 |
kyncani | babo: install ubuntustudio-video, a selection someone has made to edit video | 17:36 |
Deepthought | exco, ok, it'ss called MergeFB , thatś the mode you need, with the open source ati driver it can be done; now lemme look up some more stuff | 17:36 |
Nostahl | how do i scan | 17:36 |
delta9thc1 | kwan: you should find many files like xorg.org_1 xorg.conf_2 etc... | 17:36 |
emma | babo: indeed, I don't mean to be. But maybe especially with video editing, the answer to what is best depends a great deal on what you want to accomplish. The highest end stuff will not be comfortable for every day use, and the simplest stuff will not be sufficient for some users. | 17:37 |
babo | kyncani, what video editing software does it bring with it ? Can i import youtube movies into it ? | 17:37 |
exco | Deepthought: well, at the moment I'm using the latest fglrx drivers, so I'm going for BigDesktop | 17:37 |
soundray | bullgard4: can you click on that? | 17:37 |
eTranquility | amenado, still no luck with modprobe ath_pci. =/ | 17:37 |
babo | emma: ah ok. fair enough. ... thanks ... | 17:37 |
emma | babo: what you are saying is interesting but not really on topic for a support channel. Use your chat client to search the Freenode channel list for "Ubuntu" and find one of the many channels suited for general Ubuntu chit-chat. :) | 17:37 |
babo | :-) | 17:37 |
kyncani | babo: don't know, but afaik it's the most official ubuntu video editing packages | 17:38 |
vocx | emma, there is #ubuntu-offtopic for that | 17:38 |
babo | emma: finding ways of using ubuntu as a platform for video editing sound on topic to me ... | 17:38 |
kyncani | babo: as for the packages it brings, your package manager (synaptic) can show you that | 17:38 |
babo | ok cheers | 17:38 |
mixed | anyone know how to add mp3 functionality to k3b? | 17:38 |
phenom_ | is there any way to make ubuntu as snappy as Arch ? | 17:39 |
Nostahl | what do i do to setup my epson so i can scan documents from it | 17:39 |
quantum | mixed: gstreamer? | 17:39 |
emma | babo - good luck. | 17:39 |
bullgard4 | soundray: yes. -- The Language Support dialog window lists as the only supported language 'Deutsch' (which stands for 'German'). | 17:39 |
soundray | !info libk3b2-mp3 | mixed | 17:39 |
ubottu | mixed: Package libk3b2-mp3 does not exist in hardy | 17:39 |
sebastian_ | hi | 17:40 |
soundray | bullgard4: did your upgrade process complete? Check with 'sudo apt-get -f install' | 17:40 |
sebastian_ | i love ubunu | 17:40 |
soundray | !info libk3b2-mp3 gutsy | mixed | 17:40 |
ubottu | mixed: libk3b2-mp3 (source: k3b): The KDE cd burning application library - MP3 decoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 39 kB, installed size 104 kB | 17:40 |
Deepthought | exco: in synaptic you can find radeontool, that should allow you to set the output options, so dual screen should be no sweat if you install it; probably it's even already installed, try (in console): sudo radeontool | 17:40 |
sebastian_ | its awesome | 17:40 |
quantum | sebastian_: i know :-) | 17:40 |
kwan | delta9thc1, I fixed it already. The rollback method is always handy, I always resort to rollback method when I can't fix an X related issue. :> Thx for your effort in trying to help tho. Initially i was hoping that someone could explain why dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg no longer lets you set the supported screen resolution modes tho. | 17:40 |
ew0k | hey, i have a problem with ubuntu, whenever I shit down or log or the system appears to crash, i have to press the power off button to shutdown. I tried adding 'AlwaysRestartServer=true' to gdm.conf-custom but it didnt fix it | 17:41 |
ew0k | *shut | 17:41 |
babo | emma: thanks | 17:41 |
sebastian_ | i am from argentina | 17:41 |
emma | babo: :) | 17:41 |
quantum | am german! | 17:41 |
quantum | *i am | 17:41 |
xpistos | I have an easy question and a difficult one | 17:41 |
xpistos | easy question | 17:41 |
AcornAcorn | why do applications not get removed from the application menu when I remove them? | 17:41 |
vocx | kwan, I think I've read about dpkg-reconfigure thing you mention, but I don't recall where. Might want to read the forums, I'm sure someone knows. | 17:42 |
xpistos | how do I get my nick to auto register when I log into xchat? | 17:42 |
dedmakar | sercus | 17:42 |
kyncani | ew0k: crash as in kernel crash or X crash ? | 17:42 |
quantum | servus | 17:42 |
soundray | AcornAcorn: they will vanish from it eventually. You may have to relogin, or reboot | 17:42 |
sebastian_ | i configured realtek wireless card | 17:42 |
robg_ | AcornAcorn: I find on my system that Ubuntu is merging software source channels. | 17:42 |
bullgard4 | soundray: yes: | 17:42 |
dmsuperman | During video playback, I get a little bit of stutter once in a while. How might I determine what causes this? It's definitely not the hardware, I have a powerful gaming machine. | 17:42 |
sebastian_ | it was difficult but its working =) | 17:42 |
xpistos | instead of typing in /msg nickserv identify "password" | 17:42 |
ew0k | the screen goes black and the capslock button dosent work, but im not sure, ive onli just started using linux, i think it started after i installed the ati drivers and kde | 17:43 |
Deepthought | exco: this might be the one then (sorry I nissed some of your earlier replies): | 17:43 |
soundray | bullgard4: can you try switching to English in the dialog I pointed you to, then switch back to Deutsch? | 17:43 |
exco | thanks, Deepthought. I'll try setting up xorg.conf manually. I'll probably be restarting X a few times - but I'll report back how it went. The CCC also has gui to set everything up, just that as soon as I try sth both screens (atm mirror mode) get totally messed up :-) | 17:43 |
mixed | soundtray, so how do I install libk3b2-mp3, sorry, im still a noob :-( | 17:43 |
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bullgard4 | soundray: I will try and report. | 17:43 |
xpistos | 2) Does Zune support .ogg ? | 17:43 |
exco | that's the one I'm following right now, Deepthought | 17:43 |
emma | mixed: open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install libk3b2-mp3 | 17:43 |
friedtofu | xpistos: Xchat - network list - click on your server ( and click edit - and go to nickserv password and add that | 17:43 |
mixed | quantum, I installed every gstreamer plugin I found , i still cannot use mp3 on k3b | 17:44 |
Deepthought | exco, that one is about the aticonfig tool, so maybe you won't have to do the xorg thing ! | 17:44 |
soundray | mixed: 'sudo apt-get install libk3b2-mp3'. After that, restart k3b | 17:44 |
emma | soundray: see above. :) | 17:44 |
xpistos | friedtofu: Thanks buddy | 17:44 |
bazhang | mixed, ubuntu-restricted-extras isntalled? and the win32codecs from | 17:44 |
xpistos | does IPod support .ogg files? | 17:44 |
mixed | soundray, ty ty ty ty!!! that one did it, youre my hewoe!!!!!!!! | 17:44 |
soundray | xpistos: no | 17:45 |
dimedo | is there a documentation on mounting the root fs from an encrypted lvm partition around somewhere? | 17:45 |
bazhang | xpistos, only with rockbox firmware | 17:45 |
kyncani | ew0k: you may google for acpi or apic fix for ubuntu grub, but if you're new to linux, I guess you'd be better off just living with the crash on shutdown (which may be acceptable), or just keep the box 24h on | 17:45 |
soundray | mixed: thank emma, she beat me | 17:45 |
xpistos | soundray: thanks | 17:45 |
sebastian_ | mixed what is your version? | 17:45 |
Deepthought | exco: Ok then, good luck ! And remember, itś really really (really !) worth the trouble, it rocks; you ĺ have double the fun of using yer rig (imagine watching nasa-tv on top while working on the other scren etc | 17:45 |
Broadcom | i just updated kubuntu, an then the computer crashed, and now i can only log in under text based | 17:46 |
xpistos | bazhang: rockbox for IPods or Zune | 17:46 |
s3a | is there a limit on how much swap a system with 256 mb ram can use? | 17:46 |
legend2440 | exco: | 17:46 |
emma | Broadcom: not sure about this but if you don't get a resolution here definitely try #kubuntu | 17:46 |
bazhang | xpistos, the ipod | 17:46 |
mixed | EMMA, ty, sorry, didnt see your post!!!! you should use color like soundray, I mean, for such ashort nickname LoL | 17:46 |
Broadcom | emma: thanks | 17:46 |
friedtofu | s3a: there isnt. but using swap is pretty slow... :/ | 17:46 |
emma | mixed - you are very welcome. I didn't think any of us were using colours :) | 17:46 |
Deepthought | s3a: all-time max for swap is 2 gig; a 256 will probably never use more than 512 meg... | 17:46 |
kyncani | Broadcom: login in console mode and "sudo apt-get -f install" | 17:47 |
xpistos | bazhang: thank you man | 17:47 |
ew0k | kyncani: its not that big of a problem, im just concerned that it may cause hardware damage or something. I can live with it, i certainly wont be moving back to vista, ive fallen in love with ubuntu, lol, il chack out what you suggested, thanks | 17:47 |
Broadcom | kyncani: thanks | 17:47 |
xpistos | Two for two today at casa del ubuntu forums! | 17:47 |
mixed | emma , youre my hewoe!! i am now going to burnGiants Stadium in joisey | 17:47 |
aidan_ | how do I setup dual screen? | 17:47 |
xpistos | I love you guys! That is why linux kicks ass! | 17:47 |
emma | mixed -- I'm happy things are going your way :P | 17:47 |
mixed | sorry, mean tot say i am now going to burn a CD then go to giants stadium in jersey | 17:47 |
Flare183 | !dualhead | aidan_ | 17:47 |
ubottu | aidan_: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on - See also !Xinerama | 17:47 |
s3a | friedtofu: ya i no its slow :( but its my temp comp cuz my actual comp keeps crashing cuz of i think PSU problems so this is my temp pc for liek 2 months till i get quad core with 4 gb ram | 17:47 |
exco | where's the difference between section monitor and screen (xorg.conf) | 17:48 |
salah_ | There is a annoying problem with my sound on Ubuntu. Only one device can be used at a time. If I watch a flash video with Firefox, I have to quit the firefox process before starting the media player. Any idea how to fix this problem? | 17:48 |
kyncani | ew0k: all right then, from memory, may try keywords grub (always) and acpi or noapic or nolapic. Also consider using open source drivers for X | 17:48 |
=== Nostie_ is now known as Nostie | ||
delta9thc1 | kwan: understood,but you should replaced your xorg with the old one,imho | 17:48 |
Rafabe | Can someone please give me a Grub command that will show the hdd name (0,0 or 1,0) as well as the size? I need to know which of my hard drive is 0 and which is 1, for bootloader purposes, but have no idea how I can tell. If I could associate the 0,0 or 1,0 with a size or model... | 17:48 |
bullgard4 | soundray: Through the dialog mentioned I did de-install the German language packs and installed the English language packs. I cannot see any difference (Some GNOME menu items are still in German.) Do I need to re-start X in order to take effect? | 17:48 |
AaronH | babo, I sent you a pm | 17:48 |
kwan | vocx really? cool to know. In 7.10 I remember I had to Explicitly set the supported screen resolutions for my LCD for X to realize that my lcd supports 1920x1200. This time what happened was when I for no apparent reason changed refresh rate from 50Hz to 51Hz, then the next time I reboot, The only available resolution mode detected was 640x480 lolz. Now that I'm in Hardy, I try to dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 17:48 |
kwan | expect that I would manually enable the supported resolution, but its not there. | 17:48 |
soundray | Rafabe: try geometry (hd0) and geometry (hd1) | 17:48 |
Rafabe | thank you | 17:48 |
kwan | delta9thc1, yep and that's how I fixed it (I call it the rollback method) =) | 17:48 |
eTranquility | Hi, can someone help me? "sudo modprobe ath_pci" gives "FATAL: Error inserting ath_pci (/lib/modules/2.6.24-16-386/ubuntu/wireless/ath_pci.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)" | 17:49 |
robg_ | kwan: most problems on this channel are self-inflicted. | 17:49 |
kyncani | Rafabe: don't know for the size, but for the name, look into the builtin "find" command | 17:49 |
Rafabe | thanks | 17:49 |
babo | AaronH, ah ok thanks. I've installed the ubuntu package instead, I'll see how it works out ... | 17:49 |
ex17 | hi what's the kernel version when you install gutsy gibbons? | 17:49 |
emma | robg_: I would not go that far. | 17:49 |
soundray | ex17: 2.6.22 | 17:49 |
ex17 | thanks soundray | 17:49 |
robg_ | emma: more than 50%. | 17:49 |
Deepthought | exco: monitor is the specifics of the 'machine'(the monitor itself): refresh rates etc, the screen section is about the resolution U use, n16 or 32 bit color and position (above or right of the other etc) | 17:50 |
exco | thanks | 17:50 |
ex17 | and hardy heron is 2.6.24 right? | 17:50 |
soundray | ex17: yes | 17:50 |
kwan | exco, yes | 17:50 |
Deepthought | exco: did you see the link to dualhead wiki a bit up ? | 17:50 |
Broadcom | kyncani: nothing hapened, just 1 not upgraded | 17:51 |
exco | yes | 17:51 |
augusto | hi guys I just made a bridge with brctl to make the computer a wireless access point. computer gives internet has a gateway..however I can't access in the machine doing the bridge.can't even ping. why? | 17:51 |
dedmakar | HALLO LEUTE | 17:52 |
kyncani | Broadcom: no luck then, (apt-get -f install is for when an upgrade breaks in the mmiddle of the upgrade process, to finish properly the upgrade) | 17:52 |
soundray | !de | dedmakar | 17:52 |
ubottu | dedmakar: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 17:52 |
emma | robg_: I just don't think it's best or accurate to imply that most ubuntu problems are someone's fault, especially the users. But let's leave it at that, for this channel. :) | 17:52 |
Broadcom | kyncani: it had finished | 17:52 |
quantum | mixed: did you install the lib-k3b2-mp3 package? | 17:52 |
quantum | mixed: maybe the name is a bit different | 17:52 |
anirudh0 | emma, well, they mostly are...the number of people who find actual bugs is less than 1% | 17:52 |
soundray | quantum: yes (not sure if he or she is still listening) | 17:52 |
quantum | soundray: okay... :-) | 17:53 |
robg_ | emma: hear that emma, anirudh0 is helping me out. | 17:53 |
kyncani | Broadcom: yep, well, you may try "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" if X is not running, or "X -configure" if X is not running, or switch to gdm if it's a kdm problem. (just some random guesses) | 17:53 |
soundray | quantum: and it worked, too. | 17:53 |
anirudh0 | emma, robg_ thats because robg_ is right :) | 17:53 |
anirudh0 | in this case atleast | 17:54 |
s3a | does any1 here no of an irc channel for politics cuz i need to no sumtin for skool project? | 17:54 |
emma | yes thank you. Let's move on to helping people now instead of worrying who's fault it is. | 17:54 |
Rioting_pacifist | #politics | 17:54 |
soundray | You're all wrong to talk about this here. | 17:54 |
bazhang | anirudh0, :) | 17:54 |
quantum | soundray: okay, my recovery worked too =) | 17:54 |
eTranquility | Hi, can someone help me? "sudo modprobe ath_pci" gives "FATAL: Error inserting ath_pci (/lib/modules/2.6.24-16-386/ubuntu/wireless/ath_pci.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)" | 17:54 |
anirudh0 | fault? | 17:54 |
kyncani | Broadcom: also update&upgrade again, as if the problem may have already been spotted and fixed (don't count on it) | 17:54 |
robg_ | emma: there is too much tampering with stuff that should be left alone. | 17:54 |
anirudh0 | ok | 17:54 |
delta9thc1 | kwan: i've nvidia too,and if you've already done it,you can only reinstalling nvidia's driver,remove it with --purge ,otherwise you could using nvidia-xconfig | 17:54 |
bullgard4 | soundray: I have done as you told me. (But I did not leave X all the time.) I cannot see any difference to the prior state. | 17:54 |
exco | that didn't go too well :-) (1st try) - somewhat pink screen... at least one is still working | 17:54 |
bazhang | Broadcom, what about choosing something else in login session (eg gnome) | 17:55 |
Broadcom | kyncani: thats kina hard, i cant connect to internet | 17:55 |
soundray | quantum: I'm glad. I've heard people complain about this before, not all of them could recover their data. Be careful with Vista, don't trust it. | 17:55 |
Broadcom | bazhang: how do i switch login sessions? | 17:55 |
quantum | soundray: i'll go off now! thx again for the good help!! | 17:55 |
soundray | bullgard4: did it install any further packages? | 17:55 |
quantum | soundray: yes, i wount trust again ^^ | 17:55 |
bazhang | Broadcom, you can get to the login window? xserver that is? | 17:56 |
anirudh0 | Broadcom, in gdm login screen, choose options->sessions | 17:56 |
quantum | soundray: *won't | 17:56 |
fattmoley | Hey can anybody recommend a program for unzipping rar files? I have several that archive manager can't handle | 17:56 |
kyncani | Broadcom: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm and select gdm instead of kdm,(if it's a kdm problem,) | 17:56 |
quantum | soundray: bye! | 17:56 |
soundray | quantum bye | 17:56 |
anirudh0 | fattmoley, unrar | 17:56 |
ex17 | I got Hardy, can I put previous kernel 2.5.22? Sorry for the noob question xD | 17:56 |
soundray | !rar | fattmoley | 17:56 |
ubottu | fattmoley: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 17:56 |
anirudh0 | fattmoley, install unrar, then archive manager will be able to handle rar files | 17:56 |
bullgard4 | soundray: I suppose you are referring to language packs. -- I did not install any other language pack through this dialog window. | 17:56 |
kyncani | Broadcom: you switch login session in the graphical login manager (there's a graphical menu somewhere) | 17:56 |
Deepthought | exco: eheheh... ;-) | 17:57 |
fattmoley | thanks for the help | 17:57 |
Deepthought | exco: keep trying ! | 17:57 |
soundray | ex17: it's possible, but it's not recommended. Isn't there another solution? | 17:57 |
Broadcom | kyncani: the whole problem is i cant get into that | 17:57 |
Muhammad_Saad | Hello, I want to make a custom Ubuntu based live CD. Can someone provide help? | 17:57 |
exco | 2.nd try | 17:57 |
kyncani | Broadcom: you don't have the graphical login manager ? | 17:57 |
=== American_Jesus is now known as American-Jesus | ||
anirudh0 | Muhammad_Saad, hi...check out howto on doing that | 17:58 |
Broadcom | kyncani: nope, it will not work | 17:58 |
soundray | bullgard4: is language-pack-gnome-de installed? | 17:58 |
bazhang | Broadcom, what about command prompt? | 17:58 |
StealthCP | join #ctrlproxy | 17:58 |
kyncani | Broadcom: even if you "sudo invoke-rc.d kdm restart" ? (or gdm instead of kdm) | 17:58 |
StealthCP | oops, apologies | 17:58 |
Broadcom | bazhang: ctrl-alt-1 works | 17:58 |
Broadcom | kyncani: ill try | 17:58 |
StealthCP | not an advertisement, left out the / | 17:58 |
soundray | ex17: what are you trying to do? | 17:58 |
anirudh0 | Broadcom, install another login manager(kdm or xdm)..then do sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm | 17:58 |
ProwL | you can use the update-alternatives script to set your default login manager, and your default wm (afaik) | 17:58 |
anirudh0 | Broadcom, and choose an alternate login manager | 17:59 |
bullgard4 | soundray: language-pack-gnome-de is installed. language-pack-gnome-de-base is also installed. | 17:59 |
exco | even worse :-P (a somewhat weird mirror mode with one screen with vertical black tears and like 640x480 *waaah*) | 17:59 |
peternix | What's a good newsreader for ubuntu? | 17:59 |
Broadcom | anirudh0: i cant, i cant connect to internet | 17:59 |
ProwL | peternix: raggle or snownews are popular CLI newsreaders. | 18:00 |
anirudh0 | Broadcom, then login in the non-graphical shell | 18:00 |
anirudh0 | Broadcom, one sec | 18:00 |
Broadcom | anirudh0: i did | 18:00 |
soundray | bullgard4: can you create a new user, and see if you get a German environment when you log in with its name? | 18:00 |
kyncani | Broadcom: if none of the above work, then it's a X problem as opposed to a kdm/gdm problem or kde session problem, and you may 1) sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg 2) try X -configure and follow instructions (and google too) | 18:00 |
anirudh0 | Broadcom, i'll post a file on pastebin | 18:00 |
remu | hey guys, I use gnome player to play my video files, one of my files has I believe ac3 audio, I was wondering if there is a way to boost the volume for ac3 audio? I used to know how to do that in vlc, but I was wondering how I could do this with gnome player...any ideas? | 18:00 |
spl0iT | Can somebody help me with getting Wine and Counterstrike: Source to work correctly on my Inspiron 1501 on the newest version of Ubnutu? | 18:01 |
Nostahl | sploit #wine | 18:01 |
remu | spl0iT: what seems to be the issue? | 18:01 |
peternix | ProwL: looking for a gui one | 18:01 |
kyncani | !X | Broadcom | 18:01 |
ubottu | Broadcom: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 18:01 |
robg_ | remu: since I use Pulse Audio I have sufficient volume. | 18:01 |
anirudh0 | Broadcom, type "echo "exec gnome-session" >> ~/.xinitrc" | 18:01 |
Broadcom | too much information at once | 18:01 |
emma | robg_ , anirudh0 in the future if you would like to argue something with me, please highlight me in #ubuntuforums because I'm trying to stay very focused here. :) | 18:01 |
remu | I think I have mine set to pulse audio....normally I have sufficient volume, but I have the audio running through the tv speakers, and thats not getting me sufficient | 18:02 |
spl0iT | remu: I got Steam and CS:S installed using Wine and that seems like it is good to go, but when I start CS:S through Wine, the game loads up, but it is flashing really fast so that you can't see anything. The menu is still there though because if I hover my mouse around I can hear the clicks from the menu buttons | 18:02 |
anirudh0 | Broadcom, then type startx | 18:02 |
redarrow_ | hello, can anyone say what will happen if i delete my id_rsa private key in the directory $home/.ssh/ ? | 18:02 |
Nostahl | sploit do you have compiz running | 18:03 |
anirudh0 | emma, I thought it was a discussion, not an argument :) | 18:03 |
ProwL | peternix: rss or usenet? | 18:03 |
remu | spl0iT: try turning compiz off | 18:03 |
anirudh0 | Broadcom, works? | 18:03 |
soundray | redarrow_: remote hosts that have the .pub counterpart of your key won't let you log in through key-based authentication any more. | 18:03 |
emma | anirudh0: :) | 18:03 |
Broadcom | anirudh0: nothing, i get connection reset by peer, then no such process: server error | 18:03 |
anirudh0 | Broadcom, ?connection reset | 18:03 |
robg_ | emma: it is just an observation not a accusation. | 18:03 |
spl0iT | Nostahl: I thought that may have bee nthe issue so I found a guide on how to disable compiz by editing the startup thing to use metacity and the issue is still there | 18:03 |
spl0iT | Is there a way for me to verify Compiz is not running? | 18:03 |
Broadcom | anirudh0: gets a lot of errors, that is the last 2 | 18:04 |
anirudh0 | Broadcom, what did you do exactly? please pastebin the full output | 18:04 |
the_doctor | now enybody a theme that lets look ubultu linux like vin xp? | 18:04 |
the_doctor | win sorry | 18:04 |
redarrow_ | soundray: there is no one who has the key.... but i have forgotten the password i used so i need to generate a new one? | 18:04 |
Broadcom | anirudh0: i cant, i cant copy/paste, or anything else! | 18:04 |
bazhang | !themes | the_doctor | 18:04 |
ubottu | the_doctor: Find your themes at: - - - - - - - Also see !changethemes and | 18:04 |
soundray | redarrow_: yes | 18:04 |
Deepthought | exco: you do know you can reset x-server with ctl-alt-backspace instead of resetting whole machine, right ? | 18:05 |
anirudh0 | Broadcom, send me the result of "cat ~/.xinitrc" by Private message | 18:05 |
makaraki | Hi there people, so I have a problem I was following a tutorial about a pendrive with kubuntu8 and when I try to boot it it is aking me that there is no image | 18:05 |
redarrow_ | soundray: can you help me how to do this? | 18:05 |
eTranquility | Hi, can someone help me? "sudo modprobe ath_pci" gives "FATAL: Error inserting ath_pci (/lib/modules/2.6.24-16-386/ubuntu/wireless/ath_pci.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)" after I installed kernal modules "sudo aptitude install linux-ubuntu-modules-`uname -r` linux-generic" | 18:05 |
=== x_ is now known as excalbas | ||
anirudh0 | makaraki, bootable pen drive? | 18:06 |
=== excalbas is now known as excalibas | ||
Broadcom | anirudh0: exec gnome-session | 18:06 |
soundray | redarrow_: 'ssh-keygen', then follow the prompts | 18:06 |
peternix | ProwL: usenix | 18:06 |
makaraki | yes anirufh0 | 18:06 |
anirudh0 | Broadcom, type this as well "echo "exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session gnome-session" >> ~/.xinitrc" | 18:06 |
=== darkstar_ is now known as pulse | ||
makaraki | yes <anirudh0> | 18:06 |
ProwL | peternix: then my suggestions were pointless. although im interested in what your final choice will be :P | 18:06 |
anirudh0 | Broadcom, note the quotes | 18:06 |
anirudh0 | makaraki, try puppylinux or DamnSmallLinux | 18:07 |
peternix | Just tried pan | 18:07 |
anirudh0 | makaraki, ubuntu is too bloated for a pen drive | 18:07 |
babo | kino won't import mp4 video files ? It keeps asking me to convert them to dv, then it refuses to import dv, it says that they're just text files ... | 18:07 |
babo | :-( | 18:07 |
peternix | was suggested by someone in #ubuntu-chat | 18:07 |
exco | Deepthought: that's what I'm doing... otherwise you wouldn't see me for at least 2 minutes :-) | 18:07 |
ProwL | peternix: there is 'knode' which uses kde libs. | 18:07 |
bazhang | !usb | makaraki see this please | 18:07 |
ubottu | makaraki see this please: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 18:07 |
anirudh0 | babo, try avidemux. it does much better than kino in general | 18:07 |
Deepthought | exco: I sort of figured.. either that, or your machine is amazingly fast... | 18:07 |
peternix | I use gnome | 18:07 |
exco | well... I'm doing the reading and editing and restarting X and and and... (or I'm just slow) | 18:08 |
makaraki | ok bazhang, anirudh0 and ubottu thanks I will keep an eye on those docs! | 18:08 |
anirudh0 | peternix, cant evolution handle usenet? | 18:08 |
Broadcom | anirudh0: nothing | 18:08 |
soundray | !pm | ex17 | 18:08 |
peternix | anirudh0: don't think so | 18:08 |
ubottu | ex17: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. | 18:08 |
anirudh0 | peternix, via a plugin? | 18:09 |
soundray | ex17: why do you want an outdated kernel? | 18:09 |
Deepthought | exco: why not try the aticonfig tool ? | 18:09 |
peternix | anirudh0: don't know | 18:09 |
chv | do someone know, how I can install Adobe AIR under 64 Bit Hardy? | 18:09 |
akincer | I've got sound but no picture with DVDs on Hardy. Anybody know how to fix it? | 18:09 |
anirudh0 | Broadcom, startx does nothing? no output at all? | 18:09 |
m13 | chv , x64 not suported as i know | 18:09 |
chv | no way to force install it? | 18:10 |
Broadcom | anirudh0: it does the same thing as before | 18:10 |
m13 | chv , not build for x64 | 18:10 |
pulse | akincer: have you downloaded the livdvdcss2 libraries? | 18:10 |
Deepthought | exco, or sudo radeontool (already on the system, most probably) | 18:10 |
akincer | pulse: Yes | 18:10 |
soundray | chv: do you have .deb packages for i386? | 18:10 |
anirudh0 | Broadcom, you never told me _what_ it did before! | 18:10 |
pulse | hmm | 18:10 |
ex17 | well I'm playing around with scapy, it's a network utility tool, you can send, receive packets and many other things, when I had gutsy, I could do eerything I wanted to | 18:10 |
Broadcom | anirudh0: no, wait, it says screens found, but none have a useable configuration | 18:10 |
exco | Deepthought: now I have a 20.1" magnifier :-) | 18:10 |
anirudh0 | Broadcom, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 18:11 |
ex17 | now that I have Hardy I can only sniff packets it seems, and | 18:11 |
redarrow_ | soundray: when the remote host has ubuntu 7.10 installed ... how can i use my just generated key? | 18:11 |
chv | soundray: no, only the .bin file | 18:11 |
anirudh0 | Broadcom, and select defaults | 18:11 |
pulse | akincer: hehe sorry can't help beyond that...what program are you using to view DVDs? | 18:11 |
akincer | pulse: Tried both Totem and Mplayer. Both have same problem | 18:11 |
shadowxp | Splash screen manager is missing from kcontrol; how can i add it back to kcontrol? | 18:11 |
ex17 | so I though it could be something new, and since I don't have the time, I thought I might just go back to the previous version, soundray | 18:11 |
Broadcom | anirudh0: i hit ok for everything | 18:11 |
Deepthought | exco: yeah, I have had all these wonderful things happen when I was working on it too... ;-) | 18:11 |
pulse | akincer: did you download the w32codecs or w64codecs packages? | 18:12 |
Broadcom | anirudh0: still does not work | 18:12 |
chv | if i would have the deb I would know how to force install it | 18:12 |
Nostahl | this will get your dvd sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/ | 18:12 |
Nostahl | playing | 18:12 |
akincer | I downloaded whatever comes with the Ubuntu Restricted Extras | 18:12 |
exco | would you mind taking a quick look at my xorg.conf, Deepthought | 18:12 |
chv | but its only the bin | 18:12 |
soundray | redarrow_: copy to the remote machine. On the remote machine, do 'cat > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys' | 18:12 |
anirudh0 | Broadcom, reboot and try should work | 18:12 |
Deepthought | exco: never really got to figure out exactly how to fix all those mishaps; nvidia-settings was my rescue | 18:12 |
babo | AaronH, video4.mp4 failed to load ERROR: Video framerates other than 25 are not supported | 18:12 |
babo | This is not an image file | 18:12 |
hardhatpat | how do i mount an ftp volume locally | 18:12 |
robg_ | Broadcom: did you download: libdvdcss2 ? | 18:12 |
bjwebb | hi | 18:12 |
bjwebb | does the live cd need a hard disk to run? | 18:12 |
Nostahl | Broadcom type this sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/ | 18:12 |
Broadcom | robg_: nope, i dont think so | 18:12 |
Effex | Uhm, could someone remind me how to detach a screen? :P | 18:12 |
bazhang | robg_, that wont help here | 18:12 |
anirudh0 | bjwebb, no | 18:12 |
babo | AaronH, it'll only import videos with framerates of 25 ? that's a bit weird no ? | 18:12 |
Broadcom | Nostahl: im restarting | 18:13 |
astro76 | Effex: ctrl+a, d | 18:13 |
Effex | ahh, thanks :D | 18:13 |
Deepthought | exco: I'm afraid I'm not really an expert on that, but paste it anhow on the ppaste-page, we'll see | 18:13 |
bjwebb | anirudh0: what might be causing it to only give me a busybox shell then? | 18:13 |
tao_leaf | anyone knows how to get avant window manager working correctly on ubuntu hardy heron? | 18:13 |
sschillachi | hi, when I try to boot linux using the xp ntldr all I get is the word grub on screen, why is it freezing? | 18:13 |
Deepthought | !paste |exco | 18:13 |
ubottu | exco: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 18:13 |
akincer | Nostahl: I've tried that and I've got audio but no picture | 18:13 |
chv | so.. if adobe air doesn't run under Linux 64 Bit, someone knows a _good_ Linux Twitter client? | 18:13 |
robg_ | bazhang: I have indeed the impression that there are now differences between USA and Europe. | 18:13 |
anirudh0 | bjwebb, it should show an error before the busybox shell..what is it | 18:13 |
soundray | ex17: have you installed python-scapy from the hardy repository? | 18:13 |
pulse | crap! I forgot how I fixed that | 18:13 |
chv | because twhirl uses air | 18:13 |
d4t4min3r | my sound is messed up, it works but the sound icon next to the date up top right is not working right, i have to jiggle the sound up and down in preffrences to get the sound to sound right, adn the icon slide bar doesnt effect the sound at all | 18:13 |
bjwebb | anirudh0: ah, ill get the error | 18:13 |
pulse | something about changing the Xv drivers to No-XV | 18:13 |
exco | Deepthought: ah, ok. (I just set it up to "work" for my internal screen, but it's not really done) | 18:13 |
bazhang | robg_, his issues have zero to do with medibuntu. | 18:14 |
pulse | are you using an accelerated driver, akincer? | 18:14 |
emma | !awn | tao_leaf | 18:14 |
ubottu | tao_leaf: Avant Window Navigator, is a dock-like navigation bar for the linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy | 18:14 |
akincer | pulse: No. Intel graphics | 18:14 |
anirudh0 | anyone knows how to stop these messages "X has left", "X has joined" | 18:14 |
Broadcom | anirudh0: still no graphics | 18:14 |
pulse | hmm | 18:14 |
anirudh0 | in xchat | 18:14 |
d4t4min3r | can someone help me with my sound issue | 18:14 |
soundray | redarrow_: make sure the file has the correct permissions: 'sudo chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized' on the remote | 18:14 |
astro76 | anirudh0: right click on channel name | 18:14 |
robg_ | bazhang: OK possible. Difficult to tell. | 18:14 |
ex17 | wow, indeed soundray, I haven't.. | 18:14 |
bazhang | anirudh0, xchat? | 18:14 |
akincer | pulse: I had DVD working Gutsy, so I _know_ it can work | 18:15 |
ex17 | and why can't do a simple socket connection too? | 18:15 |
anirudh0 | astro76, and then? | 18:15 |
soundray | ex17: that may fix your issues more easily. | 18:15 |
astro76 | anirudh0: uncheck show join/part messages or something to that effect | 18:15 |
bazhang | anirudh0, right click chan name | 18:15 |
anirudh0 | bazhang, xchat 2.8.4 | 18:15 |
chv | akincer: which player? | 18:15 |
ex17 | I go try =) | 18:15 |
akincer | Mplayer and Totem both have sound but no picture | 18:15 |
anirudh0 | astro76, k...thanks | 18:15 |
Broadcom | Nostahl: command not found | 18:15 |
chv | have you try to play the dvd with VLC? | 18:16 |
Ashfire908 | Where would I put configuration files for configuring routes/ips/iptables when an interface comes up in /etc? | 18:16 |
bazhang | Broadcom, boot in recovery mode; we can then lower your res from there | 18:16 |
pulse | akincer: do you have the medibuntu respositories installed? | 18:16 |
akincer | chv: No, but unless I'm missing something, I shouldn't have to. I'll try that now. | 18:16 |
akincer | pulse: Yes | 18:16 |
ogre | how do i add folder to my ipod using rythmbox? sorry i'd ask somewhere else but i cant find a good spot and im in a hurry. | 18:16 |
Broadcom | bazhang: im not sure how | 18:16 |
bazhang | Broadcom, get into grub menu | 18:17 |
anirudh0 | Broadcom, you mean no compiz, or no X? | 18:17 |
Broadcom | anirudh0: i cant see anything exept text on black | 18:17 |
Deepthought | exco: like I said, I'm not really well educated on that; but it seems to me there should be at least a second monitor section, and probably a second screen section as well, also an option xinerama=on; but that is about as far as I can see; xinerama I'm not so sure about since it's sort of implied already by bigdesktop, second screen section idem | 18:17 |
anirudh0 | Broadcom, then you have no X | 18:17 |
akincer | VLC has sound but no video as well | 18:17 |
anirudh0 | Broadcom, deep trouble | 18:17 |
chv | ... | 18:17 |
Broadcom | anirudh0: whoopie | 18:17 |
Deepthought | exco: try those two tools; see what they come iup with and tweak that ?! | 18:17 |
bjwebb | anirudh0: mp-bios gus: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC | 18:17 |
pulse | akincer: how about the gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly? | 18:17 |
anirudh0 | Broadcom, startx gives what exactly? | 18:17 |
bjwebb | anirudh0: and then "hda: driver not ready for command" | 18:17 |
anirudh0 | bjwebb, talking to me? | 18:18 |
akincer | Not sure. Gonna check now | 18:18 |
Broadcom | anirudh0: hold on | 18:18 |
bjwebb | anirudh0: yeah, thats the error before the busybox shell | 18:18 |
akincer | pulse: Yes | 18:18 |
eTranquility | Hi, can someone help me? "sudo modprobe ath_pci" gives "FATAL: Error inserting ath_pci (/lib/modules/2.6.24-16-386/ubuntu/wireless/ath_pci.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)" after I installed kernal modules "sudo aptitude install linux-ubuntu-modules-`uname -r` linux-generic" | 18:18 |
chv | hmh | 18:19 |
anirudh0 | bjwebb, that means you sound driver is'nt getting loaded...atleast thats what it seems to me | 18:19 |
pulse | akincer: hmm have you tried xine? maybe even installing the libraries required by it could work | 18:19 |
s3a | is there any program for ubuntu that acts like a student guide for skoolwork help for ppl all over the world? | 18:19 |
exco | thanks, Deepthought. I'll try to find the modelines for both screens and do it right this time. two tools? | 18:19 |
anirudh0 | bjwebb, i'm not too familiar with sound card troubles...maybe someone else can help | 18:19 |
akincer | pulse: I'll try that. But to say I'm disappointed with how difficult this is would be an understatement. | 18:19 |
bjwebb | anirudh0: sound driver? is that all | 18:19 |
pulse | akincer: xine-ui | 18:19 |
pulse | akincer: yeah problems...DRM and all that | 18:19 |
anirudh0 | bjwebb, oops | 18:20 |
bjwebb | anirudh0: why should sound card stop the whole system from working? | 18:20 |
anirudh0 | bjwebb, sorry | 18:20 |
bjwebb | okay | 18:20 |
akincer | pulse: It still shouldn't be hard to enter a few manual commands--legal issues or no | 18:20 |
anirudh0 | bjwebb, hda refers to the hard disk :) | 18:20 |
Deepthought | exco, yeah: aticonfig and/or radeontool; the latter is probably already on your sys, try: sudo radeontool in a console | 18:20 |
z0man | I am having a problem with checking that my AMD dual core is being power managed by the kernel | 18:20 |
anirudh0 | bjwebb, have gotten so used to sda, that i forgot | 18:20 |
anirudh0 | bjwebb, you have an IDE disk? | 18:20 |
soundray | z0man: are you using gnome? | 18:20 |
z0man | ya | 18:21 |
pulse | akincer: I know what you mean and I sympathize with you | 18:21 |
astro76 | !edubuntu | s3a | 18:21 |
ubottu | s3a: Edubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see | 18:21 |
z0man | I found that for my cool n quiet to work | 18:21 |
exco | Deepthought: can I do that even with my non working xorg.conf? | 18:21 |
z0man | I need to install either K7 or K8 | 18:21 |
z0man | K7 is 32bit kernel | 18:21 |
soundray | !enter | z0man | 18:21 |
ubottu | z0man: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 18:21 |
bjwebb | anirudh0: it has a hard disk, but i think its broke | 18:21 |
z0man | and K8 is 64 | 18:21 |
akincer | pulse: I love Ubuntu, but these sorts of issues need to be resolved yesterday for Ubuntu to make traction on the desktop | 18:21 |
z0man | sorry | 18:21 |
bjwebb | anirudh0: hence why I was asking if it would work without | 18:21 |
babo | AaronH, it sucks dude ... | 18:21 |
anirudh0 | bjwebb, then that could be the problem | 18:21 |
anirudh0 | bjwebb, try :) | 18:21 |
s3a | astro76: but cant i just use the apps in edubuntu? and not have to install the OS? | 18:21 |
babo | anirudh0, cheers ... | 18:21 |
arcsky | is there any nice programs for slipstream ubuntu ? | 18:21 |
z0man | I wish to make sure cool n quiet is enabled .....Yet I am scared about fiddling | 18:22 |
bjwebb | anirudh0: so if I actually remove the disk, might that help? | 18:22 |
astro76 | s3a: yes, or edubuntu is actually not a derivative anymore, but just an add on you can install with sudo apt-get install edubuntu-desktop | 18:22 |
bazhang | Broadcom, what is happening; did you get into recovery mode? | 18:22 |
soundray | z0man: have you installed any of those alternative kernels (k7, k8 etc.)? | 18:22 |
anirudh0 | bjwebb, it should...but i must warn that i have never tried it..or seen or heard anyone try it | 18:22 |
astro76 | s3a: but there package list would be a good place to start ;) | 18:22 |
bjwebb | anirudh0: okies | 18:22 |
z0man | I have this generic-linux one installed | 18:22 |
astro76 | s3a: *their | 18:22 |
akincer | How very strange: "Xine extra plugins cannot be installed on your computer type (i386)" | 18:22 |
Broadcom | bazhang: im not sure how to, hold on, i just to a screen shot and am giving it to anirudh0 | 18:22 |
z0man | No I have not, I am struggling to find those | 18:23 |
Deepthought | exco: Like I said, I did a lot of xorg-conf'ing, but really got the thing going properly with nvidia-settings; the tools I metioned are the equivalent to that; Should work, yes. it should make a new xorg.conf (if you choose to save in the end and not merge with original. Bets though to first put back ypour original conf (IF YOU BACKED IT UP, i HOPE SO) ELSE DO RECONFIGURE XSERVER FIRST (i DON'T KNOW THE EXACT COMMAND FOR THAT, GOOGLE OR | 18:23 |
Deepthought | ASK HERE) | 18:23 |
yao_ziyuan | how do i hide a program's window and taskbar button? | 18:23 |
soundray | z0man: good. Can you add the CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor applet to one of your panels | 18:23 |
s3a | astro76: ill leave it tonight to download since im on dial-up | 18:23 |
anirudh0 | bjwebb, it cant do too much damage , cant think why your motherboard should care about your hard disk not being there | 18:23 |
Deepthought | whooopps, sorry for capslock, folks ! | 18:23 |
z0man | ok | 18:23 |
anirudh0 | bjwebb, its running off RAM anyway | 18:23 |
robg_ | anirudh0: there is far too much experimentation on this channel. We should be aiming for solid production machines not monsters of Frankenstein. | 18:23 |
pulse | akincer: are you able to play movie files and whatnot? | 18:23 |
s3a | astro76: i have edubuntu 7.10 but it has no live cd option | 18:23 |
chv | somebody knows a good Twitter Client running under Linux? | 18:23 |
s3a | astro76: edubuntu 7.04* | 18:23 |
Rafabe | hey guys, I just formatted and reinstalled, but saved the /var/apt/cache/archives directory. I copied the files back after install, but I can't seem to do "apt-get install X", it still trise to go to the Internet. I don't have Internet on the machine. | 18:23 |
z0man | I get an error message | 18:23 |
z0man | You will not be able to modify the frequency of your machine. Your machine may be misconfigured or not have hardware support for CPU frequency scaling. | 18:24 |
anirudh0 | bjwebb, these are guys who are _willing_ to experiment | 18:24 |
anirudh0 | bjwebb, sorry | 18:24 |
anirudh0 | robg, these are guys who are _willing_ to experiment | 18:24 |
soundray | z0man: this is an Athlon X2, correct? | 18:24 |
s3a | astro76: i have a question bout edubuntu tho...does it actually help like teach u stuff or does it just give u tools to do things wile looking childish? | 18:24 |
needhelp | Hi, how do I make restrict users from browsing certain xxx webpages in FireFox ? | 18:24 |
anirudh0 | robg_, as is clear from bjwebb's response to my warning :) | 18:24 |
z0man | correct | 18:24 |
z0man | But I installed 32bit ubuntu instead of 64bit | 18:25 |
yao_ziyuan | how do i run a program at a specified workspace? | 18:25 |
z0man | To avoid alot of library hassles | 18:25 |
astro76 | s3a: there is a large amount of educational software, including gcompris for the youngsters | 18:25 |
soundray | z0man: you should reboot your machine, enter the BIOS setup and ensure that Cool'n'Quiet isn't disabled there | 18:25 |
emma | z0man: I believe your choice was prudent. | 18:25 |
Broadcom | anirudh0: bazhang: 003.jpg | 18:25 |
z0man | I believe it is enabled | 18:25 |
z0man | I go check though | 18:25 |
akincer | pulse: I think so, but I can check. Xine has no video either | 18:25 |
bjwebb | anirudh0: lol, im experimenting :D | 18:25 |
z0man | brb | 18:25 |
s3a | astro76: im almost done there anything of my level? | 18:25 |
soundray | z0man: 32bit or 64bit don't make a difference -- the generic Ubuntu kernel supports C'n'Q on both | 18:26 |
eth01 | | 18:26 |
anirudh0 | s3a, a very vague question | 18:26 |
eth01 | no spaces.. | 18:26 |
anirudh0 | Broadcom, not opening | 18:26 |
akincer | pulse: a WMV file just had no video. Hmmmmmm | 18:26 |
akincer | Something strange is going on | 18:27 |
s3a | anirudh0: lol vague=uncertain? | 18:27 |
Broadcom | anirudh0: | 18:27 |
Deepthought | exco: I'm sorry I can't help ant further right now, have to really urgently go somewhere; will log in later (about two hours from now), see if you got any further, or succeeded by then. good luck ! | 18:27 |
exco | thanks again, Deepthought | 18:27 |
anirudh0 | s3a, yes...campus slang :) | 18:27 |
exco | I'm sure I'll get it done | 18:27 |
Deepthought | exco: your very welcome ! | 18:27 |
Broadcom | anirudh0: if that does not work: | 18:28 |
needhelp | Hi, how do I make restrict users from browsing certain xxx webpages in FireFox ? | 18:28 |
anirudh0 | bazhang, link opening for you? | 18:28 |
bazhang | anirudh0, nay | 18:28 |
anirudh0 | needhelp, search for a parental control extension on | 18:29 |
dmsuperman | During video playback, I get a little bit of stutter once in a while. How might I determine what causes this? It's definitely not the hardware, I have a powerful gaming machine. | 18:29 |
anirudh0 | Broadcom, sorry to still report failure...try imagevenue | 18:29 |
hwilde | is there any way to scan for dns servers | 18:29 |
akincer | pulse: I think it boils down to video playback of all types except for youtube seems to be broken | 18:29 |
AaronH | babo, sorry it doesn't work for you. I've never used it before, but it looked like a pretty good program. Maybe some on in #openmovieeditor can answer your questions about the program. | 18:30 |
pulse | akincer: xine has the same problem you say? | 18:30 |
bazhang | Broadcom, what about installing pastebinit; the cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit | 18:30 |
babo | AaronH, k thanks. there's a problem with bframe referencing or something like that. it does look good though ... | 18:31 |
bastard | hallo | 18:31 |
sschillachi | hi, when I try to boot linux using the xp ntldr all I get is the word grub on screen, can someone help me figure out why it's freezing? | 18:31 |
z0man | I am back....My Cool n quiet was disabled | 18:31 |
z0man | It is enabled | 18:31 |
AaronH | babo, nm about #openmovieeditor | 18:31 |
bullgard4 | soundray: I installed a new user account on my Hardy computer. All GNOME programs and identifiers are in German with no problems. | 18:31 |
anirudh0 | akincer, still have the problem? | 18:31 |
AaronH | no one in there | 18:31 |
bastard | jemand da | 18:32 |
bazhang | Broadcom get into grub menu and choose recovery mode | 18:32 |
z0man | woa.....That applet is working now | 18:32 |
danners | bastard: for german support join #ubuntu-de | 18:32 |
bullgard4 | !de | bastard | 18:32 |
ubottu | bastard: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 18:32 |
eth01 | !language | 18:32 |
ubottu | Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 18:32 |
akincer | anirudh0: Nope, I just solved it! | 18:32 |
akincer | Here's how: | 18:32 |
anirudh0 | akincer, what was it? | 18:33 |
anirudh0 | akincer, wrong driver in mplayer? | 18:33 |
xenomorph99 | Hi. | 18:33 |
bazhang | Broadcom, you need to hit esc in the three seconds or so before it goes to stage 1.5 | 18:33 |
xenomorph99 | Anyone know of anything faster than tovid ? | 18:33 |
Broadcom | bazhang: how do i get there? | 18:33 |
bud32 | Hi, I use Ubuntu with Gnome. How do I play flash movies (ie with konqueror? I installed this browser since the new firefox3b5 was acting weird recently... | 18:33 |
akincer | 1) Alt + F2 2) gstreamer-properties and click Run 3) In the video tab under default output, select X Window System (No Xv) | 18:34 |
bud32 | I installed konqueror-nsplugin and flashplugin-nonfree | 18:34 |
bud32 | from synaptic | 18:34 |
bazhang | Broadcom, you see that? | 18:34 |
Broadcom | bazhang: no | 18:34 |
bud32 | and I can't get more info on Google | 18:34 |
Broadcom | anirudh0: | 18:34 |
anirudh0 | akincer, so a driver problem | 18:34 |
bazhang | Broadcom, hit esc before it gets to stage 1.5 of grub | 18:34 |
akincer | If doing what I just said fixes a driver issue, then yes | 18:35 |
bazhang | Broadcom, then choose recovery mode | 18:35 |
AaronH | babo, it looks like it should support anything that your codecs can handle | 18:35 |
z0man | Who ever was helping me... with AMD cool n quiet | 18:35 |
z0man | thx | 18:35 |
Broadcom | hold on, i will be right back under a diffrent user name | 18:35 |
anirudh0 | Broadcom, your xorg.conf is still bad | 18:35 |
soundray | z0man: fixed? | 18:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | Broadcom Is this the correct v4 wl_apsta.o file? | 18:35 |
z0man | soundray! The applet is working showing 50% | 18:35 |
akincer | But to say that solution is ambiguous doesn't scratch the surface | 18:35 |
z0man | So I guess it is | 18:35 |
z0man | not sure what it means though... | 18:36 |
soundray | z0man: was it a BIOS setting then? | 18:36 |
anirudh0 | Broadcom, hold on | 18:36 |
z0man | It was disabled...So I changed it to "ENABLED" | 18:36 |
Broadcom | Jack_Sparrow: for what? | 18:36 |
xenomorph99 | Anyone know of something faster than tovid for avi to DVD? | 18:36 |
akincer | I spent that time fixing it and now I don't have time to watch my movie. Have to go. Figures | 18:36 |
soundray | z0man: it means your CPU is running at half its max frequency. Run a CPU intensive program and it'll shoot up | 18:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | bcm43xx | 18:36 |
akincer | Thanks for everyone's help | 18:36 |
babo | what's the one-size-fits-all codec package for ubuntu ? | 18:36 |
babo | ccck or something like that ? | 18:37 |
z0man | So does this mean my machine will use less power than normal? | 18:37 |
boktai | uh, can someone help me? i tryed to install the 360 wireless controller in ubuntu and now ubuntu wont boot :[ | 18:37 |
anirudh0 | Broadcom, have a you might need to remove the "synaptics touchpad" part | 18:37 |
soundray | z0man: yes | 18:37 |
* z0man hugs soundray thx sooo much | 18:37 | |
soundray | z0man: and your CPU will live longer | 18:37 |
AaronH | babo, you can also look at the alternatives that the open movie editor suggests | 18:37 |
anirudh0 | Jack_Sparrow, we need to have a common sane xorg.conf, and sources.list, so that they can be PM'ed to a needy user | 18:37 |
z0man | I will pass on this knowledge to others | 18:38 |
* soundray pats z0man's back | 18:38 | |
z0man | ^^ bye now | 18:38 |
anirudh0 | Jack_Sparrow, i'm assuming you are an op | 18:38 |
drain | i installed apache server in order to allow sharing certian files to my friends over internet, now, i created new directory, set up permissions, and symlinked with a cd-rom, but i cant get directory listing using browser (firefox)... any ideas? | 18:38 |
drain | i deleted index.html so apache shows "Index of".... | 18:38 |
babo | AaronH, yeah. thanks ... | 18:38 |
anirudh0 | babo, you need non-linear editing? | 18:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | anirudh0 sources lists are eacy, but usually dependent on a country of origin. | 18:38 |
babo | anirudh0, err, I want to be able to edit on multiple channels ... | 18:38 |
anirudh0 | Jack_Sparrow, they can always point to | 18:39 |
babo | anirudh0, to put together a video from multiple sources ... | 18:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | anirudh0 the new xorg base has nothing in it. | 18:39 |
anirudh0 | Jack_Sparrow, I meant seperate files | 18:39 |
KRaZy_WaKa | can anyone tell me where the default download directory is for Hardy? | 18:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | anirudh0 I understand what you are saying, but there is no one size fits all solution | 18:40 |
anirudh0 | babo, you are better off with avidemux, at least for simple needs, check cinerella for more control | 18:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | KRaZy_WaKa var/cache/apt/archives | 18:40 |
babo | anirudh0, avidemux only has one channel ... | 18:40 |
bud32 | /etc/apt/source.list | 18:40 |
KRaZy_WaKa | thanx jack | 18:40 |
anirudh0 | babo, but cinerella produces HUGE output, sometimes a couple of Gbs | 18:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | anirudh0 take care, I only loggon on to check my mail.. I dont usually hang in here on weekends | 18:40 |
bullgard4 | KRaZy_WaKa: It used to be the Desktop. | 18:41 |
anirudh0 | Jack_Sparrow, good for you, i'm signing off as well | 18:41 |
babo | if I was able to convert mp4 to avi, I reckon i could use the openmovieeditor ... | 18:41 |
babo | it seems to be the most advanced ... | 18:41 |
Broadcom1 | sorry about that, i am bac | 18:41 |
bud32 | deb hardy multiverse | 18:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | KRaZy_WaKa I assume you were talking about apt-get downowloads | 18:41 |
vontux | hi, does anybody have any suggestions on how to find a windows equivalent to a linux network driver or is there no really way to figure that out? | 18:41 |
KRaZy_WaKa | oh no firefox downloads | 18:41 |
babo | anirudh0: well that's no good then ... | 18:41 |
KRaZy_WaKa | sorry should have been more specific | 18:41 |
bazhang | Broadcom1, you get into recovery mode? | 18:42 |
boktai | can anyone help me try to boot back into ubuntu, i tryed to install the 360 wireless receiver using the guide on the wiki, i got to the point where it asked to do sudo modprobe xpad and it didnt work and it hangs when loading now :[ | 18:42 |
babo | what codecs do i need for ffmpeg to convert mp4 to avi ? | 18:42 |
danners | vontux: how about googling hardwarename + driver +download? | 18:42 |
Broadcom1 | bazhang, nope, im unclear about how ot | 18:42 |
bazhang | Broadcom1, you know when booting you see three two one,looking for grub stage 1.5? you have to hit esc key in there | 18:43 |
d4t4min3r | can someone help me with a sound problem | 18:43 |
d4t4min3r | my sound is messed up, it works but the sound icon next to the date up top right is not working right, i have to jiggle the sound up and down in preffrences to get the sound to sound right, adn the icon slide bar doesnt effect the sound at all | 18:43 |
d4t4min3r | when i first play sound, its very low and muffeled ... not able to make out what it is | 18:43 |
=== Jav13r_ is now known as Jav13r | ||
Broadcom1 | bazhang, i neer see that | 18:43 |
bud32 | boktai: sudo apt-get autoclean worked for me, see man apt-get | 18:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | KRaZy_WaKa Usually desktop but could be /home/krazzy as well | 18:43 |
bazhang | Broadcom1, just hit esc real fast then | 18:43 |
boktai | im on the livecd right now, should i do that on there? | 18:43 |
adadada | hello, can anyone help me with an issue i'm having on ubuntu 8.04? my screen resolution won't go past 640x320. i've got a Nvidia GeForce FX 5900 card and the graphics drivers appear to be installed correctly. I think the problem is in my xorg.conf file somewhere but i can't see it ... | 18:43 |
boktai | i cant even get on recovery mode | 18:43 |
Broadcom1 | bazhang, nope | 18:44 |
legend2440 | KRaZy_WaKa: in firefox open edit>preferences>main choose where you want downloads to go | 18:44 |
Ahadiel | adadada, run sudo nvidia-xsettings then reboot X | 18:44 |
adadada | i've been checking every bug report and google entry i can find for 2 days and haven't been able to fix it | 18:44 |
bazhang | Broadcom1, what about ctrl alt f7 | 18:44 |
soho | hello, any debuild-experts here? | 18:44 |
Broadcom1 | bazhang, it is a ppc, would that matter? | 18:44 |
bazhang | Broadcom1, aye; might be using lilo and not grub | 18:44 |
adadada | Ahadiel: you're saying that i should be able to set the screen resolution through nvidia-settings? | 18:45 |
boktai | bud32 how am i suppose to do sudo apt-get autoclean if i cant boot into ubuntu? | 18:45 |
bazhang | Broadcom1, you have to restart to see that menu though | 18:46 |
KRaZy_WaKa | ok thanx legend2440, it says it saves to desktop but i dont see them on the desktop or in desktop through places, i have checked show hidden files and still nothing | 18:46 |
Ahadiel | adadada, Yes. | 18:46 |
adadada | because the only option i see in the Resolution: field is for Auto, 640x320, and 320x240 | 18:46 |
bullgard4 | soundray: I installed a new user account on my Hardy computer. All GNOME programs and identifiers are in German with no problems. | 18:46 |
soundray | boktai: autoclean is not relevant to your problem | 18:46 |
Ahadiel | adadada, Did you select your screen first? | 18:46 |
bud32 | boktai: sry, I thought you were talking about apt-get hanging | 18:46 |
boktai | oh | 18:46 |
boktai | no :[ | 18:46 |
boktai | the load bar for ubuntu it gets about 1/6 the way then stops | 18:46 |
boktai | and it wont load | 18:46 |
bazhang | Broadcom1, you still there? | 18:47 |
boktai | i tryed recovery mode too and it dosnt work either | 18:47 |
bud32 | press ctrl-alt-f1 and paste the err msg on the pastebin | 18:47 |
bud32 | (boktai) | 18:47 |
cypha | how can i fix compiz? i think it was causing errors on my computer | 18:47 |
legend2440 | KRaZy_WaKa: maybe download something and then do search to see where it put it? i have mine set to always ask where to download to | 18:47 |
cypha | just uninstall and reinstall? | 18:47 |
bud32 | boktai: it's probably a disk chk | 18:47 |
adadada | Ahadiel: maybe i'm not selecting the screen correctly ... if i select "X Screen 0" in the navigation field, all of the settings fields are read only | 18:47 |
boktai | its not | 18:47 |
bud32 | ...hanging | 18:47 |
boktai | before this happened | 18:47 |
boktai | i tryed to install a 360 wireless receiver | 18:48 |
boktai | and it didnt work | 18:48 |
fulgoren | anyone in vegs? | 18:48 |
boktai | so i tryed to reboot to see if that would fix it | 18:48 |
fulgoren | vegas, sorry | 18:48 |
boktai | and now it hangs | 18:48 |
jsmidt | I have an old package that calls for xfree86-devel. What new package replaces it? | 18:48 |
soundray | bullgard4: you may have to reset your original user's gnome configuration. Log into failsafe mode and remove .gnome, .gnome2 and .gconf from the home directory. | 18:48 |
Ahadiel | adadada, Hrm... not sure then. | 18:48 |
boktai | i followed the guide on the wiki | 18:48 |
dakksy | bunty? | 18:48 |
bud32 | boktai: apt-get probably install a bootscript that is buggy | 18:48 |
=== maco_ is now known as maco | ||
gary_ | ubuntu en español chat | 18:48 |
bud32 | (for ur machine though) | 18:48 |
cypha | how can i make GNOME-DO search through my usb drive? | 18:48 |
boktai | all i know is that i tryed to do a command called sudo modprobe xpad | 18:49 |
boktai | and it returned with segmentation fault or faulty | 18:49 |
boktai | and then i existed the terminal and rebooted and now it just sits there and it wont load | 18:49 |
KRaZy_WaKa | legend2440: yeah i just changed mine to ask as well... reason i was asking is i downloaded the firefox 3 rc1 tar.bz2 to upgrade from beta 5 and decided to wait til rc1 hits the repos and i dont want stuff taking up hard drive space | 18:49 |
gary_ | salas enn español | 18:50 |
d4t4min3r | can anyone help me with sound issues | 18:50 |
bazhang | Broadcom1, I have to get going; hope to help you out with this if you are around later | 18:50 |
Broadcom1 | bazhang, sorry about that. | 18:50 |
Broadcom1 | bazhang, ok | 18:50 |
adadada | can anyone else help me out? | 18:50 |
cali|lap | hey guys, if i know of a process thats running called ./ircd is there a way to find out what IP and port it is binding too? | 18:50 |
Swordbeta | Hm...where can I adjust the brightness of my laptop screen? | 18:50 |
legend2440 | KRaZy_WaKa: maybe if you sudo updatedb then locate firefox 3 rc1 tar.bz2 you can find out where it went | 18:50 |
adadada | can anyone help me with an issue i'm having on ubuntu 8.04? my screen resolution won't go past 640x320. i've got a Nvidia GeForce FX 5900 card and the graphics drivers appear to be installed correctly. I think the problem is in my xorg.conf file somewhere but i can't see it ... | 18:50 |
atlef | !es | gary_: | 18:51 |
ubottu | gary_:: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 18:51 |
Broadcom1 | oh well, i will just reinstall | 18:51 |
cali|lap | anyone know? | 18:51 |
cali|lap | hey guys, if i know of a process thats running called ./ircd is there a way to find out what IP and port it is binding too? | 18:51 |
emma | babo -- This might be helpful for you -- | 18:51 |
atlef | adadada: have you downloaded nvidia-settings | 18:52 |
erUSUL | cali|lap: netstat -putan | grep ircd | 18:52 |
babo | emma: thanks :-) | 18:52 |
sschillachi | hi, can someone help me figure out why grub is freezing when I load it from the xp ntldr? | 18:52 |
emma | babo - you are very welcome. :) | 18:52 |
adadada | atlef: yes ... straight from nvidia ... also tried the synaptic version | 18:52 |
ryanakca | Would it be possible to run debian programs by creating a Debian chroot with that program in it and running it from there? | 18:52 |
CShadowRun | Hey, i have a Mobility Radeon 9000 in my Dell latitude D600 laptop, The hardware drivers thing is saying no proprietary drivers are in use on this system (And there are no options to install any.) Help? | 18:52 |
atlef | adadada: and nothing? | 18:52 |
adadada | the drivers are being recognized fine ... just won't bump up my screen resolution options | 18:52 |
erUSUL | CShadowRun: with a radeon 9000 the free ati/radeon driver is fine | 18:53 |
woli | specific channel for sound issues? | 18:53 |
KRaZy_WaKa | legend2440: sudo updatedb gives me nothing so i'll try to download it again then search it | 18:53 |
adadada | nvidia-settings runs fine and picks up my card ... but doesn't give me more than 640x320 resolution options | 18:53 |
CShadowRun | erUSUL but i need 3d :/ | 18:53 |
CShadowRun | (And, no 3D is not "Fine"...) | 18:53 |
jussi01 | CShadowRun: that driver should give you 3d | 18:53 |
erUSUL | CShadowRun: radeon does support 3d | 18:53 |
adadada | i really think the problem is somewhere in my xorg.conf file ... i just don't know where to look | 18:53 |
CShadowRun | oh | 18:53 |
CShadowRun | well compiz won't start :s | 18:53 |
eTranquility | Hi, can someone help me? "sudo modprobe ath_pci" gives "FATAL: Error inserting ath_pci (/lib/modules/2.6.24-16-386/ubuntu/wireless/ath_pci.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)" after I installed kernal modules "sudo aptitude install linux-ubuntu-modules-`uname -r` linux-generic" | 18:53 |
atlef | adadada: as crayzy as this sounds, try rebooting a few times | 18:54 |
legend2440 | KRaZy_WaKa: sudo updatedb only updates locat database. its not until you type locate that you see any results of search | 18:54 |
jussi01 | erUSUL: yes it does... my 9250 runs compiz quite well on the radeon driver | 18:54 |
cabrioleur | adadada, screen parameters (hor and ver refresh) | 18:54 |
adadada | worth a shot ... i've tried everything else | 18:54 |
flake | hey, i'm trying to install ubuntu 8.04. It shows that the driver is ok, but that the system doesn't have any connections. | 18:54 |
adadada | cabrioleur: eh? | 18:54 |
flake | the led on the hub is off too | 18:54 |
atlef | adadada: or try starting up in safe graphics mode | 18:54 |
dakksy | bunty? | 18:54 |
KRaZy_WaKa | oh ok thanx i'm relatively new | 18:54 |
woli | ALSA Mixer returns 'Could not open audio device for playback' and previously, i'd been using alsa as sound mixer | 18:55 |
cabrioleur | adadada, your resolution is limited not only by your graphic card, but also your screen. Probably your screen is not properly recognized. | 18:55 |
adadada | i've got an acer al1912 ... it appears to be showing up in the xorg.conf file ... do you see something wrong there? | 18:56 |
cabrioleur | adadada, can you give me pastebin link again. | 18:56 |
dakksy | can i get bunty bunty for my symbian v60 phone? | 18:56 |
adadada | absolutely ... | 18:56 |
KRaZy_WaKa | legend2440: ok i think i told it to open with archive manager, then i closed archive manager so it didnt save | 18:56 |
aidy | hi | 18:57 |
dakksy | bunty? | 18:57 |
KRaZy_WaKa | now i feel computer n00bish, instead of just linux n00bish | 18:57 |
legend2440 | KRaZy_WaKa: yes thats probaby what happened. you didnt actually save it | 18:57 |
Gr3yW0lf | eeek! : [4294072.765000] RAMDISK: ran out of compressed data : [4294072.765000]invalid compressed data : [4294671.767000]Kernel Panic - not sycing: vfs: unable to mount root fs :((( ... breezy badger smtp server ..oh dear! | 18:57 |
aidy | how do i globally set the LC_ALL variable in ubuntu? | 18:57 |
xenos | ccant play mp3 | 18:57 |
Steve-cal | I'm troubleshooting a suspend problem with my computer, and when I run the /etc/acpi/ script, for some reason it hangs when I try to resume it when it tries to "modprobe ndiswrapper". So I manually removed ndiswrapper before running the script, and now I can resume from suspend just fine. Why would it hang on "modprobe ndiswrapper"? I run the script as root. Also I can modprobe... | 18:57 |
Steve-cal | ...ndiswrapper manually in the shell no problem. | 18:57 |
dakksy | bunty? | 18:58 |
cabrioleur | adadada, did you try "sudo nvidia-xconfig"? | 18:58 |
lnar | xenos sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 18:58 |
atlef | !who | dakksy: | 18:58 |
ubottu | dakksy:: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 18:58 |
xenos | lnar: thnx | 18:58 |
astro76 | dakksy: what does this have to do with Ubuntu? | 18:58 |
adadada | cabrioleur: i've tried it in the past but not within the past few hours ... i'll give it a shot again | 18:58 |
adadada | the box is rebooting atm | 18:58 |
bud32 | boktai: you're on the liveCD? | 18:59 |
anon111 | Hi. I was thinking of trying Compiz Fusion's widget layer, and I was wondering if there are more widgets available for Screenlets or GDesklets. Thanks for your help. | 18:59 |
AaronH | cali|lap, I sent you a pm | 18:59 |
cabrioleur | anon111, there is a lot of them on screenlets website. | 19:00 |
bullgard4 | What is meant by "Log into failsafe mode"? Is it 'Ubuntu 8.04, kernel 2.6.24-16-generic (recovery mode)'? | 19:00 |
Ireclan | Could someone help me? I'm trying to convert vp6f flash to Ogg theora using ffmpeg, and it gives me a file that won't play. I tried using ffmpeg2theora, but that doesn't work either (it just crashes on vp6f flash). I would like to convert to free formats. Please help? | 19:00 |
astro76 | bullgard4: yes probably | 19:00 |
kreib | what would be the bash command to get the mount point of a partition? | 19:00 |
legend2440 | mount | 19:01 |
KRaZy_WaKa | can i run TorK on Ubuntu without having KDE? well i guess a better question would be will KDE packages run on default ubuntu without issue? i found TorK in the add/remove list | 19:01 |
emma | anon111: here you go -- | 19:01 |
cabrioleur | kreib, mount | 19:01 |
bud32 | kreib: cat /etc/fstab | 19:01 |
bud32 | or better, cat /etc/mtab | 19:01 |
atlef | KRaZy_WaKa: yes | 19:01 |
bullgard4 | astro76: Thank you for commenting. | 19:01 |
dakksy | i just want to know if i can get bunty bunty installed on my phone | 19:01 |
=== ka2u is now known as ka2zzzz | ||
eTranquility | Can someone please help me? I finally got my wireless working, then realized my sound was disabled. I used "sudo aptitude install linux-ubuntu-modules-`uname -r` linux-generic" and restored my sound but now "sudo modprobe ath_pci" gives errors and I have no wireless. | 19:01 |
dakksy | bunty? | 19:01 |
lnar | <KRaZy_WaKa> yes just install it, and apt will download the libraries needed | 19:01 |
anon111 | emma: Thanks! | 19:01 |
astro76 | dakksy: then you are in the wrong channel | 19:01 |
atlef | !who | dakksy: | 19:01 |
ubottu | dakksy:: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 19:01 |
emma | anon111: you are very welcome :) | 19:01 |
kreib | oko, thx | 19:01 |
s3a | why doesn't edubuntu have a live cd INSTALLER? | 19:02 |
KRaZy_WaKa | Inar, atlef: thanx | 19:02 |
emma | PriceChild ^ | 19:02 |
babo | is there a shortcut to recompiling ffmpeg ? | 19:02 |
bud32 | babo: google for the sources | 19:02 |
babo | bud32, no shortcut then ? | 19:03 |
usser | babo, why recompile it? | 19:03 |
bud32 | on my side no | 19:03 |
KRaZy_WaKa | i love IRC! and Ubuntu... M$ can gfo fly a kite lol | 19:03 |
KRaZy_WaKa | 8go | 19:03 |
KRaZy_WaKa | *go | 19:03 |
bud32 | KRaZy_WaKa: exactly | 19:03 |
babo | usser: mp4 support ... | 19:03 |
bud32 | ^^ | 19:03 |
astro76 | babo: the medibuntu ffmpeg package should have all that stuff compiled in | 19:03 |
bud32 | and kde is too fat | 19:03 |
ViciousGu | Hi | 19:04 |
Ireclan | Could someone help me? I'm trying to convert vp6f flash to Ogg theora using ffmpeg, and it gives me a file that won't play. I tried using ffmpeg2theora, but that doesn't work either (it just crashes on vp6f flash). I would like to convert to free formats. Please help? | 19:04 |
ViciousGu | I understand this is for Ubuntu - But where is the Windows help desk? | 19:04 |
usser | babo, i think the version from medibuntu has it | 19:04 |
titan_ | hi, anyone know of a good music making program, i used fruity loops on windows and wondered if there was a good open one on ubuntu | 19:04 |
usser | babo, did u try it? | 19:04 |
emma | babo: do you want to install ffmep from the medibuntu repository? | 19:04 |
ViciousGu | Or more specifically a PC help desk? | 19:04 |
bud32 | | 19:04 |
* xenos kicks ViciousGu | 19:04 | |
ViciousGu | No, on Freenode | 19:04 |
astro76 | ViciousGu: #windows | 19:04 |
babo | usser, emma: i guess so ... | 19:04 |
ViciousGu | Ah, thank you :) | 19:04 |
emma | babo: open a terminal and type: sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list | 19:04 |
usser | !medibuntu | babo | 19:05 |
ubottu | babo: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 19:05 |
bud32 | !help |bud32 | 19:05 |
emma | babo: now type -- wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add - | 19:05 |
bud32 | !kubuntu | bud32 | 19:05 |
bud32 | !flashplugin | bud32 | 19:05 |
Flare183 | !botabuse > bud32 | 19:05 |
lnar | guys im having problems with clearweather the screenlet... and all screenlets that try to read they dont find my zip code, i dont know if thats a screenlets problem or what, any ideas?? | 19:05 |
emma | babo: in order to be clear that is, type this: wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add - | 19:06 |
bud32 | Flare183: really! | 19:06 |
Flare183 | bud32: duh | 19:06 |
emma | babo: are you with me, did you type those two things into the terminal? | 19:06 |
bud32 | I thought the bot wouldn't try to ignore me, honestly | 19:06 |
astro76 | emma: that step can now be replaced with sudo apt-get install medibuntu keyring | 19:06 |
* Flare183 was sooo close to getting the ops on him | 19:06 | |
emma | astro76: okay good to know thanks. | 19:06 |
babo | emma: sure. why do i need the second one ... | 19:06 |
babo | ? | 19:06 |
ViciousGu | Anyway I have seen an Ubuntu once | 19:06 |
astro76 | emma: no prob, err that's medibuntu-keyring | 19:06 |
ViciousGu | At my high school | 19:07 |
emma | babo - so that you don't get authentication errors. | 19:07 |
emma | babo -- have you done both of those yet? | 19:07 |
KRaZy_WaKa | babo: | 19:07 |
babo | emma: yip | 19:07 |
ipx | ViciousGu: how did it look like? | 19:07 |
tyler` | hello. i installed KDE in addition to GNOME, just to try a couple things and mess around, all was well ... then i removed it perfectly fine, have GNOME back up and running etc, all related packages to KDE are gone, but in add/remove applications, it lists some apps for kde, how might i get those removed? | 19:07 |
KRaZy_WaKa | babo: you can copy and paste the code form there | 19:07 |
ViciousGu | I didn't see much as I saw a password screen | 19:07 |
ViciousGu | But it had a GUI | 19:07 |
emma | babo - okay now type this: sudo apt-get update | 19:07 |
Ireclan | Could someone help me? I'm trying to convert vp6f flash to Ogg theora using ffmpeg, and it gives me a file that won't play. I tried using ffmpeg2theora, but that doesn't work either (it just crashes on vp6f flash). I would like to convert to free formats. Please help? | 19:07 |
ViciousGu | And it looked interesting to try | 19:07 |
ViciousGu | But... I didn't have the password :( | 19:07 |
ipx | ;-( | 19:08 |
Flare183 | !puregnome | tyler` | 19:08 |
ubottu | tyler`: If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here << >> | 19:08 |
emma | babo: did you do that? | 19:08 |
lea_w | Hi! My package management is "wedged": apt-get -f install yields and dpkg --configure -a does not print anything (so everything is configured), but removing the offending packages does not work (see pastebin). How can I "unwedge" it? | 19:08 |
tyler` | k | 19:08 |
tyler` | thank you | 19:08 |
babo | emma: OK, that's update my sources.list then ? | 19:08 |
babo | that'll ... | 19:08 |
emma | babo: yes. | 19:08 |
babo | should i uninstall ffmpeg ? | 19:08 |
astro76 | babo: now sudo apt-get upgrade | 19:08 |
KRaZy_WaKa | ViciousGU: you can download and burn an ubuntu image and run it as a live CD(doesnt change any of your files) | 19:08 |
emma | babo: assuming you typed in what I told you now you have included the medibuntu repository to your sources.list | 19:08 |
CShadowRun | Hey, i have an ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000] and it's not offering me to install drivers in Hardware Devices | 19:08 |
Flare183 | How Can I force ssl-cert to upgrade? | 19:08 |
atlef | Ireclan: try this tool : it converts about anything | 19:09 |
babo | emma: ok cool. so then do an upgrade ? | 19:09 |
Dahita | I need some help plz, I keep trying to install my gefor | 19:09 |
emma | babo - yeah. | 19:09 |
Dahita | ce and it doesn t work | 19:09 |
Flare183 | !ask | Dahita | 19:09 |
ubottu | Dahita: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 19:09 |
KRaZy_WaKa | ViciousGu: or alternately request a free CD from canonical... if you like what you see on the live CD version you can then install ubuntu from the live CD | 19:09 |
Dahita | it s getting worse, I m in 640/480 now :/ | 19:09 |
LewisSharp | I have a funny problem that I am seeking the solution of :) my file /etc/sudoers is no longer owned by root:root, I need to put it back as such but since it's not own by root I can't sudo anymore to put it back. Any suggestions? :) | 19:09 |
Dahita | whereas before I was in a very nice resolution even t | 19:09 |
Dahita | hough no driver :/ | 19:09 |
afallenhope | hey, I'm having an issue with the virtual terminal. | 19:09 |
m1r | problems with runing KDE applications in ubuntu 8.04 amd64 , amarok and k3b reporting that DCOP server is not runing and some folders are unwritable. here is output of starting amarok thru console: . anyone have simimlar issues ? | 19:10 |
astro76 | LewisSharp: boot into recovery mode and change it there | 19:10 |
afallenhope | LewisSharp: us the chown | 19:10 |
babo | LewisSharp, just su root | 19:10 |
babo | ? | 19:10 |
usser | LewisSharp, boot from livecd | 19:10 |
astro76 | babo: ubuntu does not have root enabled by default | 19:10 |
CShadowRun | Will anyone please help me to get my graphics going? simple request... :/ | 19:10 |
babo | really ? | 19:10 |
babo | that's weird. i use it all the time ... | 19:10 |
afallenhope | LewisSharp: if you do su - root | 19:10 |
emma | babo - have you had success yet? | 19:10 |
zarshark | hi | 19:10 |
babo | emma: still upgrading ... thanks ... | 19:10 |
emma | babo - okay. Let me know when that is finished. | 19:11 |
astro76 | LewisSharp: like I said you need to boot into recovery mode, because there is no root and sudo is broken | 19:11 |
Myrtti | !noroot | babo | 19:11 |
ubottu | babo: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-) | 19:11 |
babo | k thanks | 19:11 |
LewisSharp | I'll try the recovering mode because I don't have a password set for root so I can't su as well. Thanks. | 19:11 |
Flare183 | Dahita: Can you explain what you are trying to do? | 19:11 |
babo | fair enough ... | 19:11 |
zarshark | Is there anyone who have a "blue flicker" when change to ctrl+alt+Fx? | 19:11 |
afallenhope | m1r: I have Amarok and I don't have any issues. Also running KSniffer and no errors yet. | 19:11 |
Snowball` | hi | 19:11 |
Snowball` | one question please: what command shows me the last boot and shutdown times of my system? | 19:11 |
goose | I can't get my dual monitors to work, can somebody help me figure out why? It doesn't even give me the option to turn on the screen 2 under System > Administration > Screens and Graphics. Screen two can only be set to default or disabled, not Secondary Screen. | 19:12 |
m1r | afallenhope: on my 2nd pc i have no problems , 32 bit tho | 19:12 |
m1r | afallenhope: i tried reinstall several times but no luck on getting it runing | 19:12 |
afallenhope | m1r: I'm running 8.04 Hardy Heron on a 64bit processor and everything seems to be working. | 19:12 |
m1r | afallenhope: ok tnx for info, seems then i have buged my install somehow :( | 19:13 |
afallenhope | AMD64 Turion | 19:13 |
legend2440 | Snowball`: who -b shows last boot | 19:13 |
damike | hi | 19:13 |
damike | i got a raid 5 system. in sda1 i have my boot stuff. ubuntu installtation failed with "grub-install (XX) failed. This is a fatal error." what can i do? :( | 19:13 |
xx | omg | 19:13 |
xx | stop usesing "xx" | 19:14 |
xx | :P | 19:14 |
xx | useing even | 19:14 |
ceci | hola a todos | 19:14 |
Snowball` | legend2440, thank you - what about the last 5 boot and last 5 shutdown times? | 19:14 |
muzy | hello @ all... i've requested a ubuntu cd by shipping. Is this realy free? | 19:14 |
damike | xx, ok - replace with ?? ;) | 19:14 |
Nitricacid | why isnt print_r($word,TRUE); generating a random 4 letter word" ? | 19:14 |
m1r | afallenhope: u maybe know how to enable DCOP server ? | 19:14 |
ceci | alguien me puede dar los repositorios de hardy heron¿ | 19:14 |
atlef | muzy: yes | 19:14 |
Myrtti | muzy: free as in free beer | 19:14 |
ceci | no los encuentro por internet | 19:14 |
KRaZy_WaKa | muzy: 100% | 19:14 |
Myrtti | !es | ceci | 19:14 |
ubottu | ceci: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 19:14 |
delta9thc1 | muzy: sure | 19:14 |
atlef | !es | ceci: | 19:14 |
ubottu | ceci:: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 19:14 |
=== W_McL_ is now known as W_McL | ||
afallenhope | m1r: I have no idea. lol .sorry. | 19:14 |
legend2440 | Snowball`: last reboot | less | 19:14 |
Nitricacid | heh this isnt #php my bad | 19:14 |
xx | <damike>: heheh i dont know my xchat just allways get bold becouse you ppl are using xx :D | 19:14 |
goose | can somebody help me get my dual monitor display to work? | 19:14 |
muzy | thanks, bit i wonder because who pays for shipping? | 19:14 |
muzy | *but | 19:14 |
m1r | afallenhope: np's :) | 19:15 |
Flare183 | !dualhead | goose | 19:15 |
ubottu | goose: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on - See also !Xinerama | 19:15 |
KRaZy_WaKa | muzy: not sure but you don't | 19:15 |
KRaZy_WaKa | lol | 19:15 |
legend2440 | Snowball`: last reboot | less last -x|grep shutdown | head -1 | 19:15 |
cypha | how can i get GNOME-DO to search my usb drive? | 19:15 |
muzy | okay | 19:15 |
Myrtti | xx: pick a more unique nick ;-) | 19:15 |
afallenhope | Nitricacid: what's your issue with PHP? | 19:15 |
tyler` | Flare183: there's still packaged in add/remove programs | 19:15 |
cypha | HI, how can i get GNOME-DO to search my usb drive? | 19:15 |
tyler` | KDE packages, that is | 19:15 |
emma | I suggest that when someone is speaking Spanish (or other non-english language) we use !es > nick rather than !es | nick because otherwise our advice puts more non-English into the channel than the person ever spoke themselves. | 19:15 |
tyler` | for example it lists adept manager | 19:15 |
CShadowRun | Hello? Is anyone going to help me with my garphics drivers? | 19:15 |
Snowball` | legend2440, does not return anything... | 19:15 |
Flare183 | tyler`: so if they aren't installed leave them be | 19:15 |
Snowball` | legend2440, user@box:~$ last -x|grep shutdown | head -1 | 19:15 |
Snowball` | user@box:~$ | 19:15 |
Flare183 | !paste | 19:15 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 19:15 |
tyler` | should they be there? | 19:16 |
KRaZy_WaKa | muzy: to get it faster download and burn the CD image | 19:16 |
cypha | !es | nick | 19:16 |
ubottu | nick: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 19:16 |
peternix | Is there any way to have a directory span multiple hard drives? | 19:16 |
legend2440 | Snowball`: | 19:16 |
Flare183 | peternix: No | 19:16 |
cypha | emma, that makes no sense, they need to understand the instructions | 19:16 |
Lava | hi, simple but probably difficult question: how come my internet is much slower with the feisty fawn than gutsy? | 19:16 |
Lava | hi, simple but probably difficult question: how come my internet is much slower with the feisty fawn than gutsy? | 19:16 |
peternix | That sucks | 19:16 |
Myrtti | Lava: feisty? | 19:16 |
Flare183 | Why can't I get ssl-cert to upgrade? | 19:16 |
muzy | Krazy_waka < I know but I wanna have an original cd | 19:16 |
LewisSharp | Worked, thanks, I'll remember that the recovery console log you in as root next time :) | 19:16 |
Lava | Myrtti, sorry, meant the newest version | 19:17 |
Snowball` | thx legend2440 :) | 19:17 |
emma | cypha !es > <nick> sends the same instructions to the person but privately. It's also more courteous since it does not make the person feel bad for being on the spot. | 19:17 |
Boktai | im trying to remove a script named xpad from loading, i added rw init=/bin/bash to my kernel but once it loads im lost at what to do :( | 19:17 |
KRaZy_WaKa | muzy: dl and burn it to experiment with it til the CD comes in | 19:17 |
danners | Flare183: just make aptitude install ssl-cert... (i think it needs some more packages) | 19:17 |
Boktai | i dont no how to edit /etc/init.d from there | 19:17 |
Boktai | or remove it | 19:17 |
xx | Myrtti; lol im admin @ torrent and there is my nick xx i allways take xx :D | 19:17 |
cypha | emma, they'd have to be registered | 19:17 |
Flare183 | danners: ok | 19:17 |
xx | torrent site even | 19:17 |
afallenhope | Anyone know why my virtual terminal's not working? I'll hit: "CTRL + ALT + F1" and it simply brings me to a blank screeen | 19:17 |
Myrtti | xx: then live with it ;-) | 19:17 |
LewisSharp | as well as doing updates without checking them out :( seems like I updated the core but than packages requiring a core version no longer worked and I needed those. A hard way to learn a lesson! :) | 19:17 |
muzy | Krazy_waka < I dl the cd before, but v. 7 ... so i wanna try 8 | 19:17 |
emma | cypha - Non-registered users don't get pms? | 19:17 |
Myrtti | non-registered can't send | 19:18 |
emma | Myrtti: that's correct. | 19:18 |
xx | Myrtti; yeah i will.. this was more joke :P | 19:18 |
Lava | something i can do about it? | 19:18 |
cypha | no | 19:18 |
emma | I am sure that ubottu is registered. | 19:18 |
xx | BUT BOYS | 19:18 |
xx | CHECK THIS | 19:18 |
KRaZy_WaKa | muzy: i installed mine from a dl'd and burnt CD image and ordered the free CD so i had an original CD, then when i upgrade to new versions i can share a more professional looking CD with friends | 19:18 |
FloodBot3 | xx: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 19:18 |
xx | Fucking awsome little kid | 19:18 |
Myrtti | !language > xx | 19:18 |
cypha | anyone use GNOME-DO? | 19:18 |
Myrtti | !offtopic > xx | 19:18 |
Flare183 | wow | 19:18 |
cypha | i'd like to be able to search within my USB Drive | 19:18 |
afallenhope | !paste > xx | 19:18 |
cypha | with GNOME-DO | 19:18 |
goose | Flare183, I read the dualhead link but I wasn't able to understand from it why my dual setup won't work. Under "Screens and Graphics" my Screen to can ONLY be set to "Default" or "Disabled" | 19:19 |
Flare183 | hold up | 19:19 |
emma | xx -- I urge you to stop the direction you are heading. Calm down now and you can save yourself a lot of hassle. | 19:19 |
_adriaan | ubotto doesn't feel like it today | 19:19 |
xx | whut ? | 19:19 |
KRaZy_WaKa | muzy: but if you dont mind the wait it's all good, the wait is the only drawback to ordering a free CD from canonical | 19:19 |
Flare183 | Quit people | 19:19 |
muzy | Krazy_waka < yes i wanna do it same. It lokks more professional and i can take a good looking cd to school to use the live cd... we have only windoof | 19:19 |
KRaZy_WaKa | muzy: good deal, try to convert teachers while you're there lol | 19:20 |
tarelerulz | my system say it is last update 32 days ago ,but I have been downloading secirty updates this whole time. It says it can't update this Unable to find expected entry web/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?). What should I do ? | 19:20 |
Boktai | if i add rw init=/bin/bash to my kernel and i get to the terminal how would i edit the file /etc/init.d? | 19:20 |
josinalvo | hi there ! | 19:20 |
josinalvo | i had a problem with the upgrade to 8.4 | 19:21 |
josinalvo | it's already solved, but i don't know where to report, so, I say it here | 19:21 |
josinalvo | there was a weird "Virtual 1400 1050" on my xorg.conf that make the video act funny. Does anyone know what it is about ? | 19:21 |
danners | Boktai: vim or nano | 19:21 |
Flare183 | !enter | josinalvo | 19:21 |
ubottu | josinalvo: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 19:21 |
dannyboy | is there a sound recorder that can record sound from a stream online? | 19:21 |
afallenhope | Anyone know why my virtual terminal's not working? I'll hit: "CTRL + ALT + F1" and it simply brings me to a blank screeen | 19:21 |
astro76 | !bugs | josinalvo | 19:21 |
ubottu | josinalvo: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at | 19:21 |
Boktai | so i would type in vim /etc/init.d? | 19:21 |
astro76 | Boktai: /etc/init.d/ is a directory | 19:21 |
caexo | i can use totem with another application using my soundcard, but not vlc player... why is that? i setup everything for alsa | 19:21 |
KRaZy_WaKa | tarelerulz: change your sources, remove the us. from in front of all of them | 19:21 |
cypha | can SOMEONE please help me with GNOME-DO please? | 19:21 |
cypha | i'd like to be able to search within my USB drive | 19:22 |
CShadowRun | Ok this is the 6th time i've asked now, It's getting annoying. Will people please stop ignoring me and help me with my graphics drivers? | 19:22 |
Myrtti | !elaborate | cypha | 19:22 |
ubottu | cypha: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 19:22 |
Boktai | o :[ | 19:22 |
muzy | Krazy_waka < no no i can't, but i ordered edubuntu too. I wanna present it to mya teachers | 19:22 |
cypha | it's pretty clear | 19:22 |
Boktai | well im trying to remove this thing called xpad from loading | 19:22 |
emma | Boktai: you might prefer: gksudo gedit /etc/init.d | 19:22 |
Boktai | because its preventing me from booting | 19:22 |
james__ | hello | 19:22 |
danners | Boktai: with rm you can delete files... | 19:22 |
Boktai | ok | 19:22 |
babo | emma: that's taking ages. It should work from there though no ? | 19:22 |
babo | any other steps ? | 19:22 |
KRaZy_WaKa | tarelerulz: if you remove "us." your packages will come direct from the main servers, which are always up to date | 19:23 |
dannyboy | is there a sound recorder that can record sound from a stream online? | 19:23 |
afallenhope | Anyone know why my virtual terminal's not working? I'll hit: "CTRL + ALT + F1" and it simply brings me to a blank screeen | 19:23 |
emma | babo were you originally using Hardy ? | 19:23 |
KRaZy_WaKa | muzy: good idea muzy, i wouldn't have thought of that myself :D | 19:24 |
goose | Flare183, I read the dualhead link but I wasn't able to understand from it why my dual setup won't work. Under "Screens and Graphics" my Screen to can ONLY be set to "Default" or "Disabled" | 19:24 |
Flare183 | goose: I'm sorry I can't help further | 19:24 |
babo | emma: upgrade will upgrade the Operating System as well ? | 19:24 |
ProwL | dannyboy: you mean like streamripper? | 19:24 |
dannyboy | Prowl: yes i guess.... | 19:24 |
astro76 | babo: that's dist-upgrade, upgrade is the normal upgrade to get security updates | 19:24 |
ProwL | dannyboy: its pretty cool if you want to rip shoutcast streams. (or similar) | 19:25 |
babo | phew | 19:25 |
caexo | ugh.... why can't i watch a youtube video and listen to music? videos stop after 2 seconds | 19:25 |
=== MateuszB is now known as m4t1 | ||
babo | it's certainly taking long enough. maybe i haven't upgraded in a while ... | 19:25 |
caexo | i hate having to close out of everything else | 19:25 |
babo | or maybe my system is getting big ... | 19:25 |
emma | babo: no. That would be dist-upgrade | 19:25 |
dannyboy | Prowl: yea...but what program can i use for that? | 19:25 |
goose | I can't get my dual monitors to work, can somebody help me figure out why? It doesn't even give me the option to turn on the screen 2 under System > Administration > Screens and Graphics. Screen two can only be set to default or disabled, not Secondary Screen. | 19:25 |
muzy | Krazy_waka < yes we need an other OS.. actual we using Win2K and WinXP -> It sucks.... our server are so slow.. they didn't work.. everything fails | 19:25 |
afallenhope | is there a way of seeing which driver is being used for my video? because I think I need to update it | 19:25 |
babo | there's a lot of openoffice ... | 19:26 |
emma | babo: I think you just have not upgraded in a while and it is upgrading a lot of your packages. | 19:26 |
ProwL | dannyboy: streamripper. | 19:26 |
delta9thc1 | caexo: because you have to install flash beta 10 | 19:26 |
babo | emma: what should i do when it finished upgrading ? | 19:26 |
babo | s/finished/finishes/ | 19:26 |
dannyboy | Prowl: awesome...thanks | 19:26 |
emma | babo -- However, the steps we did earlier were to add the medibuntu repository to your sources.list assuming you are using Hardy | 19:26 |
afallenhope | is there a way of seeing which driver is being used for my video? because I think I need to update it??!??! | 19:26 |
babo | aye | 19:26 |
KRaZy_WaKa | muzy: you may want to get Ubuntu Server Edition to present to your teachers as well, although the servers are probably maintained by somebody other than the teachers | 19:26 |
emma | Are you using Hardy? | 19:26 |
afallenhope | yeah | 19:27 |
emma | babo: Are you using Hardy? | 19:27 |
astro76 | babo: you'll have the ffmpeg from medibuntu when it's done, you might want to check in Synaptic for other interesting packages available from medibuntu ;) | 19:27 |
babo | emma: I'm using gutsy .. | 19:27 |
afallenhope | oh :( lol. | 19:27 |
tarelerulz | Where is the file that tell synaptic what repositories to use ? I am on Ubuntu 8.04 | 19:27 |
caexo | hmm i'll try that, the only left is trying to get vlc's sound working with another device.. totem and rhythmbox work fine together (for an example) | 19:27 |
babo | astro76, emma: k thanks ... :-) | 19:27 |
babo | appreciated ... | 19:27 |
eTranquility | Can someone please help me? I finally got my wireless working, then realized my sound was disabled. I used "sudo aptitude install linux-ubuntu-modules-`uname -r` linux-generic" and restored my sound but now "sudo modprobe ath_pci" gives errors and I have no wireless. | 19:27 |
danners | tarelerulz: /etc/apt/sources.list | 19:27 |
emma | astro76: will that be a problem that we added the hardy medibuntu repository to his sources list but he's using Gutsy? | 19:27 |
KRaZy_WaKa | system > administration > software sources provides a GUI | 19:28 |
astro76 | emma: it could be | 19:28 |
atlef | tarelerulz: did you try settings in synaptic? | 19:28 |
muzy | Krazy_waka < The actual servers are managed by well graduated teacher.. They are well graduated, yes, but they mean they know everything. Ubuntu Server is good, but i think i should present edubuntu first... Maybe i order one too... | 19:28 |
emma | babo: There could be a problem. | 19:29 |
atlef | tarelerulz: oh, sorry. /etc/apt/sources.list | 19:29 |
T1m0thy | Why isn't "Check for Updates..." available to click on in FF? | 19:29 |
afallenhope | okays.. I understand people are busy but it'd be cool to at least get SOME type of a response. | 19:29 |
babo | emma: ? | 19:29 |
KRaZy_WaKa | muzy: no doubt good luck with it... you also may want to pitch the point that it would save the school money... although there may be some programs in the curriculum that require windows | 19:29 |
tony403 | i return to the login screen when i try to login on 8.04. anyone have a clue why? | 19:29 |
caexo | channel is too big, probably should split it | 19:29 |
astro76 | babo: did you get gutsy.list or hardy.list from medibuntu in that first command? | 19:29 |
emma | babo: we added the hardy medibuntu repository to your sources.list but you say you are using Gutsy. | 19:29 |
Ireclan | atlef: Fuoco won't even install. I think I've screwed my repositories up. | 19:29 |
atlef | T1m0thy: because the Ubuntu team needs to approve it first | 19:29 |
tarelerulz | atlef , I did try ,but I did not know where to look in synaptic for the sources for the packages . So i just thought I would configure that file manually | 19:29 |
atlef | tarelerulz: oh, sorry. /etc/apt/sources.list | 19:30 |
babo | emma: it'd probably work anyway though right ? | 19:30 |
T1m0thy | Thanks, atlef. It's just weird because my brother said it worked for him. | 19:30 |
atlef | T1m0thy: no way | 19:30 |
muzy | Krazy_waka < yes it would save some money and it would mean that everyone must learn to deal with linux, in this case edubuntu or ubuntu. Required programs of the curriculum should run in wine... they are for Win95 ^^ | 19:31 |
afallenhope | I have two issues!!! 1.) when I hit CTRL ALT F1 it brings me to a blank screen (supposed to bring you to the virtual terminal), and then 2.) I wanted to know how can I tell which video card I'm using so I can update it. | 19:31 |
danners | atlef: when he downloads it for himself without packaging tools and saves it in a folder, he can update it... | 19:31 |
Ireclan | atlef: Any ideas? 'Cause I know "sudo apt-get install mplayer" should work, but it doesn't. | 19:31 |
astro76 | babo: no you should delete /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list and repeat the first command replacing hardy with gutsy | 19:31 |
emma | babo: I don't know for sure. | 19:31 |
KRaZy_WaKa | tarelerulz: system > administration > software sources provides a GUI to set your sources.list | 19:31 |
astro76 | !medibuntu | babo here's this again for reference ;) | 19:31 |
ubottu | babo here's this again for reference ;): medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 19:31 |
babo | ok cool thanks | 19:31 |
dannyboy | Prowl: ok i need to rip an audio stream from a website while its playing....can streamripper do that? | 19:31 |
atlef | Ireclan: did you go thru every step on the page/forum? | 19:31 |
babo | I'll do that ... | 19:31 |
Ireclan | atlef: Yep. | 19:32 |
* babo is going for dinner ... | 19:32 | |
KRaZy_WaKa | muzy: good point, and there may be open source softwares that could replace what the school uses currently | 19:32 |
atlef | Ireclan: strange, i had no problems | 19:32 |
ProwL | dannyboy: i think what you would want is a tool that 'records audio from your soundcard', streamripper is for 'streams' like shoutcast, icecast, etc. | 19:32 |
m1r | problems with runing KDE applications in ubuntu 8.04 amd64 , amarok and k3b reporting that DCOP server is not runing and some folders are unwritable. here is output of starting amarok thru console: . anyone have simimlar issues ? | 19:32 |
afallenhope | I have two issues!!! 1.) when I hit CTRL ALT F1 it brings me to a blank screen (supposed to bring you to the virtual terminal), and then 2.) I wanted to know how can I tell which video card I'm using so I can update it. | 19:33 |
dannyboy | Prowl: yes exactly now what can i use for that? | 19:33 |
danners | afallenhope: 2. install hwinfo and run hwinfo --gfxcard in a terminal | 19:33 |
afallenhope | omg! someone replied! lol. thanks danners | 19:34 |
muzy | Krazy_waka < yes and i'm shure that opensource is avaible for the task the windows software does now... and i hold the view that this software is much better and more functional. And when a student wants more functioan, he could add these points if he knows how to programming..... | 19:34 |
emma | afallenhope: for (2) you might try opening a terminal and typing: lspci | grep VGA | 19:34 |
afallenhope | is there a reason when I type "users" I get three of my name? | 19:34 |
kane77 | I have a problem.. amarok doesn't work in hardy.. if I run it after a few seconds process amarokcollection takes 90% of memory.. can anyone help me? | 19:35 |
Ireclan | atlef: The package claims it can't install "mplayer". Then when I try "sudo apt-get install mplayer" it says "E: Broken packages" after a whole bunch of other stuff. So....I'm back at square one, aren't I? | 19:35 |
afallenhope | 00:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C51 [Geforce 6150 Go] (rev a2) soo... I can go to the nVidia site and look for an update? | 19:35 |
PaRaSiTe | I seem to have lost GRUB. | 19:35 |
emma | afallenhope: did you get that by doing: lspci | grep VGA ? | 19:35 |
PaRaSiTe | I looked at various instructions, but I'm still confused. | 19:35 |
afallenhope | emma: yeah | 19:35 |
emma | afallenhope: okay very good :) | 19:36 |
AaronH | afallenhope, thats becaues you are logged in 3 places on your system | 19:36 |
PaRaSiTe | How do I know which partitions etc? | 19:36 |
atlef | Ireclan: im not sure, have you got the medibuntu repositories activated? | 19:36 |
afallenhope | AaronH: righteo. that makes sense.. I just noticed that.. I'm root three terminal windows | 19:36 |
legend2440 | could someone tell me if they can get to any ati drivers i keep getting error page. | 19:36 |
kevin__ | I want to try and run WoW on Ubuntu...... Anyone have any suggestions? | 19:36 |
ProwL | dannyboy: Audacity will suit you just fine. | 19:36 |
AaronH | w | 19:37 |
styrman | sed 's/name=\".*\"/""/g' * ... how do i replace name=".*" with empty string? how do I make the " to be matched? | 19:37 |
danners | kevin__: install it with wine and see if it works for you... | 19:37 |
CShadowRun | kevin__ follow the instructions on the wine appdk | 19:37 |
CShadowRun | appdb* | 19:37 |
Ireclan | atlef: Yep. According to "Software Sources", anyway. | 19:37 |
Ienorand | legend2440: errors for me. | 19:37 |
afallenhope | !wine > kevin__ | 19:37 |
ProwL | dannyboy: audacity is really great audio recording/editor, its free/open source, gui based, and capable of recording directly from your sound device, i think that will work best in your case. | 19:37 |
afallenhope | hmm.. lol | 19:37 |
afallenhope | !wine | 19:37 |
ubottu | WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. | 19:37 |
kevin__ | Thanks | 19:37 |
afallenhope | there ya go | 19:37 |
Whtiger | I'm trying to X forward v4l-conf, but this always happens: . xeyes works fine. | 19:38 |
atlef | Ireclan: you could try : convertit then. | 19:38 |
Whtiger | Any suggestsions? | 19:38 |
legend2440 | lenorand ok ty | 19:38 |
KRaZy_WaKa | muzy: no doubt good luck with converting the school :D | 19:38 |
AaronH | afallenhope, if you run "w" you will see where your users are logged in and what they are doing | 19:38 |
dkT | hell | 19:39 |
dkT | o | 19:39 |
eth01 | can we stop on /topic guys | 19:39 |
afallenhope | nice! ty AaronH | 19:39 |
muzy | Krazy_waka < that will be funny...... more than 100PC's and 3 Server.. and only one internet connection.... great...and i've have a question ... is software aviable which can control all pc with one click ? | 19:40 |
tarelerulz | I still have the same problem synaptic can't get all the repositories . I removed the us from the url ,but that don't seem to matter . here is one Failed to fetch Unable to find expected entry web/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?) | 19:40 |
cypha | does no one use gnome-do here? | 19:40 |
cypha | why can't i find help on it | 19:40 |
dkT | I still have my problem, that my wireless network card suddenly disapeared earlier on. I can't get it up running again. I need some help here?! | 19:40 |
=== Arct|cA|rborne is now known as _A^A_ | ||
afallenhope | I'm slightly confused as to which file to download for my grafx card wether it's up to date or not. I've got a nVidia GeForce Go 6150 | 19:41 |
KRaZy_WaKa | muzy: i dunno about a one-click solution to control a network but that'd be sweet | 19:41 |
muzy | Krazy_waka < my teacher would need it, or a tool where they can see the content of every desktop. And sometimes they need to control pc's when they see that the student does something wrong.....for example surfing on wrong content | 19:43 |
Pici | !offtopic | 19:43 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 19:43 |
Caleb | I know gnome uses .desktop files for it's desktop lanuchers. Can someone send me a sample file of what kde uses? | 19:44 |
m1r | muzy , give me one minute i check somthing | 19:44 |
Flare183 | Caleb: they use the same thing I think | 19:44 |
cypha | How does no one use Gnome-Do | 19:44 |
muzy | okay | 19:44 |
movedx | - Can anyone explain this? I'm running a Pentium-D 940 3.2GHz with 2gB of DDR2 PC-5300 RAM and an nVidia 8800GTs 320mB PCI-E GFX Card. I don't have desktops effects enabled. I run Ubuntu Hardy with 3D acceleration enabled (I "play" Nexuiz) | 19:44 |
cypha | this is ridiculous | 19:45 |
erider | where is the log kept for stack smasking detection? | 19:45 |
astro76 | !repeat | cypha | 19:45 |
ubottu | cypha: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 19:45 |
Caleb | Flare183: thanks | 19:45 |
Flare183 | Caleb: no problem | 19:46 |
cypha | astro76, i've been asking since yesterday | 19:46 |
audifahre1 | Hello, since I changed from Gentoo to Ubuntu my mouse has changed the meaning of one special buttin. I've no idea why and there's no tool to configure it. Any ideas how to change that? | 19:46 |
afallenhope | I'm slightly confused as to which file to download for my grafx card wether it's up to date or not. I've got a nVidia GeForce Go 6150 | 19:46 |
astro76 | cypha: and what is repeating the fact that no one uses it accomplishing? what is it anyway? | 19:46 |
p | german | 19:46 |
prodigel | Hi all. anybody familiar with transmission-daemon? I've just installed it and want to know more about how to interact with it. | 19:46 |
cypha | how i can have Gnome-Do search my USB drive? | 19:46 |
Myrtti | !de | p | 19:46 |
ubottu | p: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 19:46 |
muzy | p-> what about german? | 19:46 |
astro76 | cypha: I don't know what gnome-do is | 19:46 |
cypha | it only searches within my /home/cypha directory as of now | 19:47 |
Myrtti | cypha: then make a symlink for it to follow | 19:47 |
p | nothing^^ | 19:47 |
cypha | well, u're welcome for telling you about something awesome | 19:47 |
cypha | =) | 19:47 |
m1r | muzy , please check this link | 19:47 |
muzy | i'm a german too but the support in the english channel is much better | 19:47 |
cypha | symlink? | 19:47 |
muzy | thanks m1r | 19:47 |
m1r | muzy: np | 19:47 |
woli | can somebody help with alsa issues? | 19:47 |
muzy | this is great... | 19:47 |
emma | woli: you should just ask the question and maybe someone will know the answer. | 19:48 |
gisikw | Quick question, I need to be able to dlopen libgomp, so I can use rmagick with rails, but it's configured not to allow dlopen. Is this a configuration setting, or do I have to remove the package and try to configure from source? | 19:48 |
Myrtti | cypha: ln -s /media/usbdisk $HOME/.gnomedohiddenfolder | 19:48 |
m1r | wuzy , helps? | 19:48 |
m1r | muzy , helps? | 19:48 |
cypha | what's that do? | 19:48 |
woli | sorry emma... | 19:48 |
cypha | Myrtti, what's that do? | 19:48 |
Myrtti | cypha: creates a link called .gnomedohiddenfolder to /media/usbdisk | 19:48 |
emma | woli: nothing to be sorry about, I'm just trying to acquaint you with the most efficient way to get help here :) | 19:49 |
muzy | yes it helps.. now i must only translate the localisation files or language files into german and everything fit | 19:49 |
Ienorand | If buying a lappy for the coming years, should one go for ATI or NVIDIA? | 19:49 |
woli | here it goes, the classic alsa error: 'Could not open audio device for playback' | 19:49 |
m1r | muzy , gl m8 ;) | 19:49 |
astro76 | Ienorand: Intel ;) | 19:49 |
muzy | yes now i can start converting the school | 19:49 |
cypha | Myrtti, is that the only way? | 19:49 |
muzy | what menas gl m8 ? | 19:49 |
muzy | *means | 19:49 |
m1r | muzy , good luck | 19:49 |
woli | emma, I did that because many times you go and ask your question with details and afterwards someone says that can't help you | 19:49 |
eth01 | can we stop on /topic guys | 19:49 |
afallenhope | Anyone know why when I hit CTRL + ALT + F1 I get a blank black sceen? | 19:49 |
muzy | thanks | 19:49 |
Myrtti | cypha: I have no idea, I've not used gnome-do probably ever | 19:49 |
cypha | oh | 19:50 |
joanki2 | can anyone tell me if wine hq is much better than virtualbox? | 19:50 |
emma | !better > joanki2 | 19:50 |
atlef | joanki2: for what? | 19:50 |
Starnestommy | joanki2: wine is better than virtualbox depending on what you need to do | 19:50 |
astro76 | joanki2: they are quite different things | 19:50 |
Myrtti | cypha: but if it searches from only your home directory, and you've got a symlink in your home directory to your usbdisk... | 19:50 |
afallenhope | joanki2: to be honest I don't even know. I can't get any games to play on wine. | 19:50 |
tsimmi | hi, can anyone help me with my wireless connection in ubuntu? | 19:50 |
joanki2 | i thought wine was supposed to a virtual os | 19:50 |
Starnestommy | joanki2: but virtualbox requres that you have a copy of windows to install into it | 19:51 |
Myrtti | cypha: my logic - maybe that would work | 19:51 |
joanki2 | as was virtualbox | 19:51 |
lr5 | Ubuntu 8.04 installation (alternative cd) hangs at 6% at "Select and install software", saying "Please wait...", anyone knows if that's normal? | 19:51 |
cypha | Myrtti, but i'm hoping there is an option that can be changed | 19:51 |
Ienorand | astro76: Yea, but I'm intending to dual-boot XP for some kind of gaming performance, which afaik, you can't really get with intel? | 19:51 |
cypha | like why should it just search the /Home directory anyway | 19:51 |
afallenhope | tsimmi: what's your issue? | 19:51 |
joanki2 | virtualbox ate too much of my computer's resources i did not like it | 19:51 |
Myrtti | cypha: have you checked gconf | 19:51 |
cypha | how do i get there? | 19:51 |
Starnestommy | joanki2: wine is an emulator that doesn't require windows | 19:51 |
atlef | joanki2: what do you need to do? | 19:51 |
astro76 | Ienorand: X3500 is pretty sweet but if you are a hardcore gamer you won't be happy | 19:51 |
joanki2 | atlef, it was just any program - ms word, excel, video | 19:51 |
joanki2 | all of that | 19:51 |
Starnestommy | joanki2: unlike virtualbox, it doesn't act like a full computer and is faster | 19:51 |
cypha | Myrtti, how do i get there? | 19:51 |
joanki2 | just sitting there, it would cause my resources to go crazy | 19:51 |
Myrtti | cypha: alt-f2, type gconf-editor | 19:51 |
DefineKThyne | i'm trying to copy all my windows fonts over to my Hardy partition so i can use them in OpenOffice, GIMP etc. can someone tell me how to? | 19:52 |
cypha | yeah | 19:52 |
Myrtti | !fonts | 19:52 |
ubottu | Font installation basics here: - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 19:52 |
tsimmi | afllenhope: thanks!My laptop don't connect to my wireless router... | 19:52 |
cypha | it only has the option to change the shortcut key for gnome-do under Apps>Gnome-Do | 19:52 |
atlef | joanki2: then maybe you have configured it wrong or you machine is not up to the task | 19:52 |
afallenhope | tsimmi: what kind of wireless card? | 19:52 |
tsimmi | its intel | 19:53 |
joanki2 | atlef, it was right | 19:53 |
joanki2 | i just think.... well, i have a duo-core processor | 19:53 |
joanki2 | i think it was running only on one processor | 19:53 |
Starnestommy | joanki2: wine uses less resources than virtualbox and doesn't need a genuine copy of windows | 19:53 |
joanki2 | but that still shouldn't make a dif | 19:53 |
joanki2 | thanks Starnestommy | 19:53 |
DefineKThyne | Myrtti: thanks | 19:53 |
=== useff is now known as hendeca | ||
Myrtti | DefineKThyne: np | 19:53 |
atlef | joanki2: i run several virtual machines at once and have no problems | 19:54 |
Starnestommy | joanki2: it works as a compatibility layer, while virtualbox attempts to act like a whole PC | 19:54 |
p | i would like to write and delet things from ubuntu in other partiion like a mac one how does it works | 19:54 |
joanki2 | atlef, which one are are you running? | 19:54 |
Jeff2 | im having difficulty with an ubuntu installation, any chance someone could help me a bit | 19:54 |
=== digitalvectorz is now known as IgnorantAmerican | ||
joanki2 | Starnestommy, got it i think i'll like wine | 19:54 |
atlef | joanki2: the one in the repos | 19:54 |
joanki2 | i've been having a problem with xp on both of my computers | 19:54 |
woli | related to boot? | 19:54 |
joanki2 | atlef, i mean which software edition | 19:54 |
joanki2 | virtual box? | 19:54 |
hendeca | Jeff2: What's up? | 19:55 |
atlef | joanki2: oh, 1.5.6 OSE | 19:55 |
bigjoe4 | hi | 19:55 |
^root^ | I can't seem to run Java applets in my browser... Ubuntu 8.04, and Firefox 2, have also installed the Java plugins, even GCJ, still it says missing plugins | 19:55 |
emma | Jeff2: What problems are you experiencing? | 19:55 |
joanki2 | ughhh i think my inspiron is gonna die now | 19:55 |
m1r | problems with runing KDE applications in ubuntu 8.04 amd64 , amarok and k3b reporting that DCOP server is not runing and some folders are unwritable. here is output of starting amarok thru console: . anyone have simimlar issues ? | 19:55 |
WanderingKnight | hey there | 19:55 |
emma | ^root^: did you install ubuntu-restricted-extras ? | 19:56 |
bigjoe4 | I have installed Ubuntu, and it has set itself as the default OS when the PC boots- is there a way to set windows as the default instead? | 19:56 |
p | helllllllppppp i need permission for writing and deleting in other partitionen ( a mac partition) | 19:56 |
^root^ | emma: ya, sure... | 19:56 |
WanderingKnight | I've got a question: I've been trying to resize an IDE ext3 partition of about 50 GB, bringing it down to 30, but gparted is taking too damn long and doing nothing | 19:56 |
hendeca | bigjoe4: Are you using grub bootloader? | 19:56 |
atlef | bigjoe4: yes, you need to configure your /boot/grub/menu.lst | 19:56 |
WanderingKnight | top tells me that resize2fs is taking cpu time, but the thing doesn't do anything | 19:56 |
soho | bigjoe4; yes, take a look in the file /boot/grub/menu.lst | 19:57 |
Jeff2 | emma, i am installing ubuntu 7.10 from the alternate installer and it can't find my HD | 19:57 |
WanderingKnight | does anyone have any idea what should I do? Should I cancel the thing? | 19:57 |
astro76 | WanderingKnight: no let it run | 19:57 |
woli | audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat: Could not open audio device for playback | 19:57 |
WanderingKnight | but it's been like 25-30 minutes | 19:57 |
bigjoe4 | OK, thanks I will have a look and tell you if I can;'t work out what to do | 19:57 |
woli | I get that error when trying to use alsa | 19:57 |
astro76 | WanderingKnight: that's ok | 19:57 |
woli | help anybody/ | 19:57 |
woli | ? | 19:57 |
WanderingKnight | yeah? | 19:57 |
atlef | bigjoe4: post yours to pastebin, and we can look at it | 19:57 |
Jeff2 | emma: i am installing ubuntu 7.10 from the alternate installer and it can't find my HD | 19:57 |
genii | WanderingKnight: Lt it run til it either finishes or errors out | 19:57 |
astro76 | WanderingKnight: it can take awhile | 19:57 |
WanderingKnight | :S | 19:57 |
bigjoe4 | pastebin? | 19:58 |
atlef | !pastebin > bigjoe4: | 19:58 |
woli | !pastebin | 19:58 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 19:58 |
emma | Jeff2: what kind of computer is it? | 19:58 |
WanderingKnight | gsh | 19:58 |
WanderingKnight | gah | 19:58 |
bigjoe4 | I see | 19:58 |
^root^ | anyone | 19:58 |
eTranquility | Can someone please help me? I finally got my wireless working, then realized my sound was disabled. I used "sudo aptitude install linux-ubuntu-modules-`uname -r` linux-generic" and restored my sound but now "sudo modprobe ath_pci" gives errors and I have no wireless. | 19:58 |
WanderingKnight | so there's no choice but wait? | 19:59 |
lukehasnoname | Hey, I have a question. My master volume isn't adjusting any of my other volumes. What is the problem? | 19:59 |
genii | WanderingKnight: Correct | 19:59 |
syca | Anyone here know or use Audacious music player? | 19:59 |
WanderingKnight | that's a drag | 19:59 |
astro76 | WanderingKnight: the only other choice is to not resize but we're past that point ;) | 19:59 |
_joe | /msg ubottu etiquette | 19:59 |
WanderingKnight | :/ | 19:59 |
astro76 | WanderingKnight: look into LVM in the future if you want to be able to adjust partitions easily | 19:59 |
Myrtti | eTranquility: hate to break it to you but you might've just overwritten the madwifi drivers you installed | 20:00 |
DellGuy | does anyone know of a bootable flash drive linux that doesnt require that you boot to a livecd first to configure it? | 20:00 |
WanderingKnight | not even my PC, and I don't wanna have to come here again | 20:00 |
WanderingKnight | damn gparted | 20:00 |
eTranquility | Mrytti, is there any way I can have both sound and wireless functioning? | 20:00 |
delight | hi ... anybody here that knows how to make ff3 in hardy 64bit run java applets ? | 20:00 |
atlef | DellGuy: PartedMagic | 20:00 |
astro76 | WanderingKnight: it's not specific to gparted | 20:00 |
vinboy | hi | 20:00 |
afallenhope | Anyone know why when I hit CTRL + ALT + F1 I get a blank black sceen? | 20:00 |
bigjoe4 | here is the contents of menu.lst : | 20:00 |
Myrtti | eTranquility: so you didn't notice that the sound isn't working until you fixed the wireless? | 20:00 |
WanderingKnight | astro76: so what may the issue be, then? | 20:01 |
Starnestommy | afallenhope: press enter and see what happens | 20:01 |
atlef | DellGuy: | 20:01 |
astro76 | afallenhope: are you using a vga= option ? | 20:01 |
WanderingKnight | I mean, it's not an insane amount of space and it's like, IDE | 20:01 |
vinboy | can someone please remove the chicken screenshot of Eye of GNOME?? i have a phobia and it almost caused me a heart attack! | 20:01 |
Jeff2 | emma: the motheboard is a SY-P4I875P with a p4 | 20:01 |
woli | afallenhope, stop the damn trolling and help out | 20:01 |
woli | or get outa here | 20:01 |
delight | afallenhope: thats the default behaviour ... you got many consols | 20:01 |
Myrtti | woli: tut-tut | 20:01 |
DellGuy | atlas95, is this OS only for partition editing though/ | 20:01 |
afallenhope | woli: shut up. I've been help so shut it. | 20:01 |
RoAkSoAx | delight, you mean you wanna install java plugin for ff in hardy 64? | 20:01 |
syca | Does anyone here use Audacious music player? | 20:01 |
afallenhope | helping* | 20:01 |
bigjoe4 | I have done the munu.lst thing: | 20:02 |
woli | that won't bring a blank screen, will bring ubuntu in console mode | 20:02 |
afallenhope | astro76: not that I'm aware of | 20:02 |
astro76 | WanderingKnight: you're moving a lot of data around and it has to calculate where to put it | 20:02 |
lukehasnoname | afallenhope: You have multiple screens. ctrl + alt + F7 gives you your default desktop screen | 20:02 |
woli | so stop asking the damn same question then | 20:02 |
lukehasnoname | syca: I do not. | 20:02 |
eTranquility | Myrtti, I'm pretty sure sound died when wireless was fixed. Sound now works but wireless does not. | 20:02 |
^root^ | anyone? | 20:02 |
emma | woli: remain calm my friend :) | 20:02 |
afallenhope | lukehasnoname: I know (and it's only CTRL + f7) | 20:02 |
Myrtti | eTranquility: hm | 20:02 |
astro76 | afallenhope: you would have put it in /boot/grub/menu.lst to alter console size | 20:02 |
lukehasnoname | Does anyone know why my master volume does not control the volume for the rest of the system? | 20:02 |
WanderingKnight | astro76: but it's ext3... and there was a sizeable amount of space free... I mean, the thing should not be fragmented at all | 20:02 |
Jeff2 | I am trying to install the ubuntu 7.10 alternate installer and it can't find my HD, it is asking for a driver, is it asking for the sata chip driver? or the HD driver? | 20:02 |
afallenhope | woli: I'll keep asking until someone answers it. quit bein' a dick | 20:03 |
lr5 | Wow, finally, the installation continued from 6% | 20:03 |
Starnestommy | afallenhope: probably a problem with the console setup | 20:03 |
woli | you quit being a troll, damn it | 20:03 |
atlef | default0 | 20:03 |
afallenhope | Starnestommy: when I hit enter nothing occurs | 20:03 |
astro76 | woli: I think you don't know what a troll is | 20:03 |
Myrtti | woli: behave | 20:03 |
emma | afallenhope, woli both of you please relax. I am just a user like you and I understand that people can get frustrated. Let's not ruin the channel though. Be calm :) | 20:04 |
Starnestommy | afallenhope: check /etc/default/console-setup | 20:04 |
bigjoe4 | brb | 20:04 |
woli | lukehasnoname, probably because your not controlling the right thing. Go into system sound preferences and select the item that you want to controll volume to | 20:04 |
WanderingKnight | astro76: hey there, it finished | 20:04 |
WanderingKnight | thanks | 20:04 |
WanderingKnight | I was getting nervous | 20:04 |
Slart | syca: I use audacious now and then | 20:04 |
astro76 | WanderingKnight: heh no prob | 20:04 |
atlef | bigjoe4: change the line " 14 default 0" to " default 3" | 20:04 |
=== IgnorantAmerican is now known as mdop | ||
delight | RoAkSoAx: yes ... i tried both gcjwebplugins that are offered when you go to a site with java applet ... but the best i got was grey boxes | 20:05 |
^root^ | anyone? | 20:05 |
dolphin_noel | Hello | 20:05 |
atlef | bigjoe4: and Windows should start first | 20:05 |
RoAkSoAx | delight, try installing it from a terminal: sudo apt-get install icedtea-java7-plugin | 20:05 |
RoAkSoAx | delight, i did it that way and it worked just fine | 20:05 |
Ienorand | astro76: Hmm, X3500 is for desktops, for lappy I'm stuck wiv X3100 if I'm going Intel. | 20:06 |
dolphin_noel | someone knows how can i upgrade one machine whith ubuntu 7.10 to 8.04 from cd-rom from one machine that dont have internet connection?! | 20:06 |
delight | RoAkSoAx: i remember on 32bit gutsy i simply had a alternatives firefox javaplugin linking to the plugin provided by the sun-java-jdk | 20:06 |
astro76 | Ienorand: I just got a thinkpad t61 with x3100 ;) | 20:06 |
=== mdop is now known as Ignorant-US-Amer | ||
Flannel | dolphin_noel: You need the alternate CD | 20:06 |
Ienorand | astro76: which afaik is kinda crappy... | 20:06 |
alan_m | !upgrade | dolphin_noel | 20:06 |
ubottu | dolphin_noel: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 20:06 |
Flannel | ^root^: does about:plugins show it? | 20:06 |
dolphin_noel | Flannel it only work whith alternaed cd ????????????? :X | 20:06 |
delight | RoAkSoAx: i'll try that ... are you on 64 ? | 20:06 |
Ienorand | astro76: Oh how does it run? | 20:06 |
woli | bigjoe, when you boot up, the grub displays a list, in dos style. Count which os do you want. The default will run the item number, but counting from 0, not from 1--like humans do. | 20:06 |
alan_m | dolphin_noel, yep | 20:06 |
ounie | apart from ubuntu, how can register in C forum so i can ask in the room? | 20:06 |
Flannel | dolphin_noel: Upgrading only works with the alternate CD, yes. Desktop CD will allow you to reinstall | 20:07 |
dolphin_noel | download dowload download o0 0o :) | 20:07 |
afallenhope | that's the thin I get | 20:07 |
dolphin_noel | thanks for the help :) | 20:07 |
Flannel | !register | ounie | 20:07 |
ubottu | ounie: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. | 20:07 |
Ienorand | astro76: Have you tried anything intenser on it? | 20:07 |
Starnestommy | ounie: | 20:07 |
woli | is there a pictogram maker for ubuntu? | 20:07 |
astro76 | Ienorand: I don't game really so it's more than enough, good enough for games which are a few years old or normal 3d stuff, or compiz even | 20:07 |
^root^ | Flannel: FF show: missing plugins, and when I click install missing plugins, it shows me I think 4 options, and when I click any of them, it says already installed | 20:07 |
astro76 | Ienorand: google earth runs great ;) | 20:07 |
atlef | bigjoe4: did you get that? | 20:07 |
=== Ignorant-US-Amer is now known as suckingfodd | ||
afallenhope | Starnestommy: | 20:08 |
astro76 | Ienorand: but to me it's more important to not deal with proprietary driver problems | 20:08 |
Starnestommy | afallenhope: what about ps aux | grep getty? | 20:08 |
=== suckingfodd is now known as morning_star | ||
RoAkSoAx | delight, yes hardy 64 | 20:08 |
woli | i get this alsa problem: Can somebody help me? | 20:09 |
afallenhope | Starnestommy: | 20:09 |
=== morning_star is now known as coddingfunt | ||
Starnestommy | afallenhope: do any of the other virtual consoles work? | 20:09 |
bigjoe4 | OK, back now | 20:09 |
Flannel | ^root^: And you have the -plugin packages installed? | 20:09 |
delight | RoAkSoAx: its seems a few applets are working ... others ain't | 20:09 |
Flannel | !nickspam > coddingfunt | 20:09 |
RoAkSoAx | delight, i had the same problem, when i installed it through FF, i had a grey screen.. but when i did it through a terminal, it worked just fine | 20:09 |
afallenhope | Starnestommy: nope | 20:10 |
delight | RoAkSoAx: can you try | 20:10 |
Ienorand | astro76: Okay, well I was thinking of being able to play at least some of the current games... at the point of giving up to proprietary stuff. | 20:10 |
bigjoe4 | let me just catch up on posts I misssed | 20:10 |
afallenhope | Starnestommy: i have verbose off though should I turn that on? | 20:10 |
Starnestommy | afallenhope: that might not fix anything | 20:10 |
atlef | bigjoe4: change the line " 14 default 0" to " default 3" | 20:10 |
delight | RoAkSoAx: or for example | 20:10 |
lukehasnoname | Ya woli, I don't know how to help you. Usually when something can't be opened, it's being used by something else. | 20:10 |
Starnestommy | afallenhope: there might be a related bug report on | 20:10 |
astro76 | Ienorand: it's a tough call since nvidia works better now but ati has committed to open-source support | 20:10 |
Ienorand | astro76: But would you say any of ati/nvidia is a lesser evil? | 20:10 |
^root^ | Flannel: yes, each one of them | 20:10 |
delight | RoAkSoAx: that ones working with the plugin | 20:10 |
idefine | if the password for a user expires while they are logged in, will they be logged out? | 20:11 |
prodigel | I want to set the group id for some binary in ubuntu 8.04. I've tried g+s and 4777 and no s appears for the group access rights. Is there something more to set for this to work? | 20:11 |
woli | lukehasnoname, like what could be using my audio device? | 20:11 |
=== coddingfunt is now known as cunningrunt | ||
lukehasnoname | As far as my problem and your suggestion, my volume control is controlling alsa, which is correct. Wheatever I adjust the master volume too, the volume remains unchanged. | 20:11 |
Ienorand | astro76: Yea, and then ati might be good in the future... or not... | 20:11 |
lukehasnoname | Any music or media player you have open | 20:11 |
RoAkSoAx | delight, sometimes, i have to remove it an install it again to get it working | 20:11 |
woli | i have none | 20:11 |
bigjoe4 | atlef: OK, does it matter how many spaces there are between the words | 20:11 |
evilbug | what can i use to convert an .avi to .dv? | 20:12 |
Flannel | idefine: No, it shoulddnt. They just wouldn't be able to use the password any more | 20:12 |
woli | i only have pidgin open, and gedit | 20:12 |
atlef | bigjoe4: i think so, so just replace 0 with 3 | 20:12 |
Starnestommy | afallenhope: check | 20:12 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 21416 in xserver-xorg-video-via "KN400: Blank / black screen when switching to text consoles" [Medium,Confirmed] | 20:12 |
=== cunningrunt is now known as edoram32mb | ||
bigjoe4 | OK, I will test it in a minute | 20:12 |
atlef | bigjoe4: in the line | 20:12 |
idefine | Flannel: anyway to have services running by that user turn off? | 20:13 |
delight | RoAkSoAx: it works all good in for example konqueror as browser ... but not in FF3 | 20:13 |
bigjoe4 | atlef: eh? | 20:13 |
Ienorand | astro76: anyhow, thanks for yar comments, much appreciated : ) | 20:13 |
astro76 | Ienorand: I'd say nvidia since it works better now, also going by what they put in thinkpads which are all linux supported, vidia | 20:13 |
astro76 | nvidia | 20:13 |
Flannel | idefine: kill | 20:13 |
atlef | bigjoe4: in that li line | 20:13 |
atlef | *in that line | 20:13 |
astro76 | Ienorand: in fact, I'd recommend a thinkpad :P | 20:13 |
bigjoe4 | line 14 you mean? | 20:13 |
bigjoe4 | I have changed it | 20:13 |
atlef | bigjoe4: yes | 20:13 |
RoAkSoAx | delight, it's pretty weird cuz i had it working on FF3, and sometimes it does not work, and sometimes it does, sames as flashplugin | 20:14 |
afallenhope | Starnestommy: I can get back to the GUI though.. just the virtual terminals don't seem to work. Was wondering if I updated my gfx card. | 20:14 |
atlef | bigjoe4: you need to reboot to see if it worked | 20:14 |
bigjoe4 | atlef: I will do | 20:14 |
bigjoe4 | atlef: I'll be back in a minute! | 20:14 |
atlef | hope so :-) | 20:14 |
lnar | any other page with gnome themes but gnome look? | 20:14 |
oldcpu | woli, run a diagnostic script for more info. Type: wget #and then run script with: bash #and then post here output URL it provides | 20:14 |
delight | RoAkSoAx: well hopefully it gets better ... thats a quite bad behaviour | 20:14 |
bigjoe4 | atlef: problem: it won't let me save the file | 20:15 |
RoAkSoAx | delight, yep it is, but well, hope when ff3 is stable, everything will work right | 20:15 |
katatsumuri | Hi all. I have a small problem. When I try to print something, the printer recieves the file, but doesn't start to print. It says "processing" for 30 seconds, then marks it as completed. Any ideas? | 20:15 |
cypha | how would i access my USB Drive in the terminal if it's called WD Passport? | 20:15 |
woli | i set all my sound prefs to alsa, and my computer still sounds. does that mean that it works? | 20:15 |
vova_kubba | hi all ;) | 20:15 |
bigjoe4 | atlef: "You do not have the necessary permissions to save the file." | 20:15 |
Flannel | cypha: Has it already been mounted by gnome or no? | 20:15 |
cypha | yes | 20:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | !sudo | bigjoe4 | 20:16 |
^root^ | so, anyone? | 20:16 |
ubottu | bigjoe4: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for more information. | 20:16 |
cypha | i see it in when i type ls in the /media directory | 20:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | !gksudo | bigjoe4 | 20:16 |
ubottu | bigjoe4: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See to know why) | 20:16 |
cypha | but how do i actually open it | 20:16 |
oldcpu | woli, a good test for basic sound is: speaker-test -c2 -Ddefault -twav | 20:16 |
Flannel | cypha: then cd /media/whatever-it-is | 20:16 |
Starnestommy | afallenhope: are you using a nvidia card? | 20:16 |
atlef | bigjoe4: well you need to edit as root. press alt+F2 and write gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 20:16 |
afallenhope | Starnestommy: there's no VBEMode in the | 20:16 |
emma | bigjoe4: what file are you trying to change or save? | 20:16 |
afallenhope | xorg.conf | 20:16 |
vova_kubba | how i can decode my files(mp3) to utf8? | 20:16 |
afallenhope | Starnestommy: yeah. GeForce Go 6105 | 20:16 |
oldcpu | woli, that test needs to be stopped by pressing <CTRL><C> | 20:16 |
atlef | bigjoe4: then save | 20:16 |
astro76 | cypha: put a \ before the space, or enclose the whole path in "quotes" | 20:17 |
cypha | astro76, thanks | 20:17 |
bigjoe4 | too many people talking at once | 20:17 |
Starnestommy | afallenhope: check | 20:17 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 193529 in ubuntu "[Hardy] Can't access consoles when nvidia driver is loaded" [Undecided,New] | 20:17 |
atlef | bigjoe4: well you need to edit as root. press alt+F2 and write gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 20:17 |
atlef | bigjoe4: then save | 20:17 |
astro76 | cypha: or type WD and press tab ;) | 20:17 |
cypha | Flannel, that didnt work | 20:17 |
bigjoe4 | atlef: OK | 20:17 |
Flannel | cypha: what didn't work? | 20:17 |
cypha | OH COOL | 20:17 |
woli | oldcpu, i did run the test, but it told me that results were going to be posted to pastebin, but i don't know how to pass results to you | 20:17 |
lnar | does any one know some page with gtk engines?? NOT GNOME LOOK | 20:17 |
astro76 | cypha: tab completion works all over, you should press it often | 20:17 |
forexbot | hi all.... Can some one here explain how to get my flash player installed? | 20:17 |
Flannel | cypha: you can also tabcomplete it, and it'll do all that magically | 20:17 |
cypha | how do i go back one directory, btw? | 20:17 |
Flannel | cypha: cd .. | 20:17 |
Flannel | !cli | cypha | 20:17 |
ubottu | cypha: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 20:17 |
cypha | oh, i need a space | 20:17 |
Starnestommy | forexbot: try runnning sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 20:18 |
oldcpu | woli, just paste here the URL .... the script will paste the results to pastebin. | 20:18 |
emma | atlef: I like your alt+F2 trick. I did not know that. | 20:18 |
oldcpu | woli, is the PC not on the internet ? | 20:18 |
bigjoe4 | atlef: alt+12 does not do anything | 20:18 |
forexbot | Starnestommy: Thanks givin that a try now | 20:18 |
dedmakar | detschsprachig | 20:18 |
Flannel | bigjoe4: alt-F2 | 20:18 |
atlef | emma: nice isn't it:-) | 20:18 |
legend2440 | woli: in terminal type asoundconf list is only one sound card listed? | 20:19 |
emma | atlef: Also I always use gksudo rather than gksu, what is the difference and which should I be advising people to use here? | 20:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | emma remember F7 to get back to gui | 20:19 |
Myrtti | !de > dedmakar | 20:19 |
atlef | bigjoe4: F2 | 20:19 |
woli | oldcpu, it didn't give me any url | 20:19 |
astro76 | emma: gksudo is symlinked to gksu | 20:19 |
Flannel | emma: They're identical | 20:19 |
Jeff2 | would anyone mind pm'ing me to help me with some installation problems i am having? | 20:19 |
emma | okies | 20:19 |
forexbot | Starnestommy: Says it's already the newest version? | 20:19 |
woli | well is THIS pc | 20:19 |
forexbot | but flash still won't work? | 20:19 |
atlef | emma: as i know, no difference | 20:19 |
woli | in the one i'm doing ircx | 20:19 |
bigjoe4 | atlef: it does not do anything | 20:19 |
Starnestommy | forexbot: tried restarting firefox? | 20:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | Jeff2 for your safety and the benefit of others please keep it in channel | 20:19 |
forexbot | duh.. LOL thanks blonde moment. | 20:20 |
atlef | bigjoe4: the keys "Alt and F2" pressed at the same time | 20:20 |
oldcpu | woli, ok ... let me give you another script ... this one you need to run with root permissions: wget #followed by: bash tsalsa #and post output url here | 20:20 |
forexbot | also why can't i import the gpg key for medibuntu? | 20:20 |
afallenhope | Starnestommy: most of the issues that I googled said that it's an issue with getting back to the GUI... I can go from the VT to GUI.. only nothing shows up | 20:20 |
Jeff2 | jack_sparrow: my safety? what am i going to get mugged? | 20:20 |
=== MrJones is now known as luke_skywalker | ||
alan_m | well folks ill be back in a bit :) | 20:20 |
astro76 | forexbot: are you using hardy | 20:20 |
Myrtti | Jeff2: perhaps getting bad advice? | 20:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | Jeff2 no but you could get bad advice | 20:20 |
forexbot | yep | 20:20 |
Cooper | Anyone wanna give me a hand to figure out why my cdrom drive is not working once I switched my hard drive out from a T60 to a T61? | 20:20 |
bigjoe4 | atlef: yes I did that but nothing happens | 20:21 |
astro76 | forexbot: you can use sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring, see if that works | 20:21 |
woli | oldcpu, | 20:21 |
Jeff2 | jack_sparrow: to be honest I can't read fast enough to handle reading the general room | 20:21 |
=== dedmakar is now known as Makar | ||
oldcpu | woli looking | 20:21 |
legend2440 | woli: in terminal type asoundconf list is only one sound card listed? | 20:21 |
evilbug | what can i use to convert an .avi to .dv? | 20:21 |
cypha | how can i synch my vista documents folder with the linux one? | 20:21 |
Jeff2 | jack_sparrow: and still work on comp | 20:21 |
Flannel | Jeff2: You only have to read the lines addressed to you. They should also be highlighted in your client | 20:21 |
forexbot | astro76: That seems to work... The directions on the medibuntu pages didn't just FYI :) | 20:21 |
woli | legend2440, yes, only my soundcard (audigy2) | 20:21 |
cypha | or how can i just have the linux one see the vista one, so i don't waste disk space? | 20:21 |
atlef | bigjoe4: then open a terminal and write " sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst " | 20:22 |
Jeff2 | i am trying to install ubuntu 7.10 from the alternate installer, and it can't find my HD | 20:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | atlef gksudo gedit .. thanks | 20:22 |
bigjoe4 | atlef: OK | 20:22 |
oldcpu | woli, that URL doesn't make sense ... | 20:22 |
PaRaSiTe | Can anyone give me a guide for reinstalling GRUB? Windows has screwed it up. All the articles I've found so far have just confused me. | 20:22 |
hwilde | !gksu | bigjoe4, atlef | 20:22 |
ubottu | bigjoe4, atlef: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See to know why) | 20:22 |
oldcpu | woli, is that from the script I gave ? | 20:22 |
saint-takeshi | cypha: you still working on that? | 20:22 |
hwilde | !fixgrub | Paracha | 20:22 |
ubottu | Paracha: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 20:22 |
astro76 | bigjoe4, atlef, use gksudo gedit | 20:22 |
hwilde | !fixgrub | PaRaSiTe | 20:22 |
ubottu | PaRaSiTe: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 20:22 |
Makar | !de > Makar | 20:22 |
emma | Jeff2: which chat client are you using? | 20:22 |
Jeff2 | emma: xchat | 20:22 |
PaRaSiTe | astro76: Thanks. | 20:22 |
bigjoe4 | who is right? | 20:22 |
oldcpu | woli, the script should end, with a URL , telling you to post the URL | 20:23 |
hwilde | !gksu | bigjoe4 | 20:23 |
ubottu | bigjoe4: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See to know why) | 20:23 |
SJrX | Anyone know a good tool that will stress out hardware on a *server* that I Can run for 24 hours remotely? | 20:23 |
Flannel | bigjoe4: Doesn't matter, gksu and gksudo are identical | 20:23 |
Jeff2 | emma: just installed irc to get ubuntu help, never actually used it before | 20:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | bigjoe4 gksudo for gui apps... | 20:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | gksu too | 20:23 |
mxjv | mah, can someone help me killing a process? | 20:23 |
SJrX | kill process | 20:23 |
atlef | astro76: gksu works just as good | 20:23 |
cypha | saint-takeshi, yup | 20:23 |
mxjv | kill -9 didnt help | 20:23 |
astro76 | atlef: it does indeed | 20:23 |
cypha | sorta | 20:23 |
mxjv | its totem | 20:24 |
cypha | i didn't finish, at least | 20:24 |
woli | oldcpu, the first one you sent me said that the results would automaticly be posted to the pastebin. it didn't gave any url back and the console closed after the test finished | 20:24 |
bbyever | mxjv: you need the pid for kill -9 | 20:24 |
cypha | can i have linux see the NTFS documents folder instead of its own? | 20:24 |
legend2440 | woli: in terminal type alsamixer is that sound card (Audigy2) named in upper left hand corner? | 20:24 |
Starnestommy | mxjv: kill number-of-process, or kill -9 number-of-process, or system->administration->system monitor | 20:24 |
oldcpu | woli, you need to run the script from a konsole, ... not from a command line | 20:24 |
mxjv | yeah yeah, i got the pid, but it didn't die | 20:24 |
mxjv | and its not a zombie | 20:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ntfs-3g | 20:24 |
oldcpu | woli, or from an xterm | 20:24 |
ubottu | ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at | 20:24 |
bbyever | mxjv: sudo | 20:24 |
=== mochako12 is now known as alt12 | ||
astro76 | cypha: no, you home directory really should be on a filesystem with linux permissions | 20:24 |
mxjv | tried that too | 20:24 |
woli | legent, alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device | 20:24 |
mxjv | maybe i should strace it | 20:24 |
cypha | what do you mean astro76 ? | 20:25 |
astro76 | cypha: I mean you can't use a windows filesystem for your linux home | 20:25 |
mark__ | I have a tuner card but cannot get /dev/radio or /dev/video to show up... what should I do? | 20:25 |
atlef | bigjoe4: are you getting there? | 20:25 |
legend2440 | woli: in terminal asoundconf set-default-card Audigy2 | 20:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | astro76 no | 20:25 |
DellGuy | can someone tell me the command to list all attached media in ubuntu? | 20:25 |
astro76 | cypha: you can just mount your vista partition and access it aas needed | 20:25 |
lr5 | DellGuy: mount? | 20:25 |
bigjoe4 | atlef: yes it has saved now so I will reboot the PC | 20:25 |
DellGuy | lr5, that is a command ? | 20:25 |
atlef | bigjoe4: good | 20:25 |
bigjoe4 | atlef: brb | 20:25 |
lr5 | DellGuy: yes, no idea if that's what you want though | 20:25 |
cypha | astro76, i always need it | 20:26 |
astro76 | Jack_Sparrow: it's probably technically possible but would you seriously recommend using a vista documents folder as a linux home? | 20:26 |
cypha | unless i start using the linux one exclusively | 20:26 |
cypha | can i at least synch a few files? | 20:26 |
mxjv | sudo kill -9 8557 didn't kill my process, any ideas? | 20:26 |
woli | legend2440, now what? | 20:26 |
astro76 | cypha: that's fine, it's easily accessible ;) | 20:26 |
legend2440 | woli: then try alsamixer again same error? | 20:26 |
woli | yes | 20:26 |
cypha | it's not, it's a buncha clicks | 20:26 |
Starnestommy | mxjv: sudo killall totem | 20:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | astro76 never | 20:26 |
Jeff2 | when the textmode installation asks for disk drivers, is it asking for the actual hd drivers or just the sata chip drivers? | 20:26 |
nickrud | astro76 don't think it's possible, at least for some thinks, like dmrc requiring certain perms, among other things | 20:26 |
fxfitz | Is samba only available to the local network, or is it accessable by the whole internet? | 20:26 |
mxjv | nope :( | 20:26 |
afallenhope | Starnestommy: so Im pretty sol eh? | 20:26 |
Baco1 | Is berly supported on the new 8.08 releast? | 20:27 |
astro76 | nickrud: ssh is another | 20:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | !beryl | 20:27 |
ubottu | Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion. New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz | 20:27 |
lnar | fxfitz, depends how u ocnfigure it | 20:27 |
Baco1 | !compiz | 20:27 |
ubottu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at - help in #compiz-fusion | 20:27 |
Baco1 | Thanks jack | 20:27 |
Flannel | Jeff2: Is this a super new mobo/drive? Have you tried 8.04, see if it works? | 20:27 |
Starnestommy | afallenhope: unless you can disable the nvidia driver or wait for a bugfix | 20:27 |
legend2440 | woli: in terminal lspci is sound card listed? | 20:27 |
woli | oldcpu, ill give it a shot | 20:28 |
afallenhope | works for me. Thanks for the help Starnestommy | 20:28 |
mxjv | damn, it heats up my laptop to 99°C | 20:28 |
Jeff2 | flannel: no it is a p4 mobo, i tried 8.04 and the regular 7.10 installer and got and xfermode error | 20:28 |
oldcpu | woli, just run the scripts from a terminal | 20:28 |
mxjv | think i'll just reboot | 20:28 |
mxjv | damn | 20:28 |
fxfitz | lnar, Well right now it seems like ONLY people on my local network can access it, but I want to configure it so the entire internet can. Do you know what settings I would change? | 20:28 |
killakali408650 | uhhh hi | 20:28 |
Jeff2 | flannel: all the installers work on my newer computer | 20:28 |
killakali408650 | im a newb 2 ubuntu | 20:28 |
hugot_b | join | 20:28 |
atlef | !ask | killakali408650: | 20:29 |
ubottu | killakali408650:: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 20:29 |
woli | legend2440, i skimed and found this: 01:05.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy (rev 04) | 20:29 |
woli | 01:05.1 Input device controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy Game Port (rev 04) | 20:29 |
woli | 01:05.2 FireWire (IEEE 1394): Creative Labs SB Audigy FireWire Port (rev 04) | 20:29 |
oldcpu | woli, the tsalsa script needs to be run with root permissions, but the does not require root permissions | 20:29 |
killakali408650 | i had sum questions hopefully someone can anwer em | 20:29 |
bbyever | !paste | woli | 20:29 |
ubottu | woli: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 20:29 |
mark__ | anyone have fm radio working with ubuntu? | 20:29 |
cypha | i can't find a good media player for linux | 20:29 |
xorand | !vpn | 20:29 |
ubottu | From more information on vpn please refer to | 20:29 |
lnar | fxfitz, try installing some samba configuration software so its easier, and if u have firewall give it access | 20:29 |
soho | killakali408650; just ask | 20:29 |
PaRaSiTe | I tried this, but it didn't work: | 20:29 |
killakali408650 | i wanted to get ubuntu for my new laptop that i just got | 20:29 |
killakali408650 | but, im not sure if the drivers will work | 20:29 |
dooglus | when I log in, I get XFCE4. I want GNOME instead, but I can't see the bottom of my screen to click the 'sessions' link in the login screen. is there some file I can edit to change the default? | 20:29 |
PaRaSiTe | Has anyone tried this? It doesn't sound very... safe. | 20:30 |
idefine | is there anyway I can kill all services running by an expired account, when it expires? | 20:30 |
bigjoe4 | atlef: it did not work, it tried to boot "Other operating systems" insted of selecting "microsoft windows xp professional" | 20:30 |
woli | oldcpu, lol, it returned: info located at _____________________ Please inform the person helping you | 20:30 |
kasra | Hi , anyone has installed carmen on ubuntu ? | 20:30 |
Flannel | PaRaSiTe: it's perfectly safe | 20:30 |
fxfitz | lnar, No firewall set up, I only have my router. Which samba configuration software do you recommend? :( | 20:30 |
killakali408650 | im beginning to hate windows soo much, because there are tons of viruses, and i heard that linux is virtually unhackable | 20:30 |
atlef | bigjoe4: then i do not know, sorry | 20:30 |
oldcpu | ahh a nice blank !! any chance that _____________ is in another colour and not easy to see ? | 20:30 |
atlef | bigjoe4: :-( | 20:30 |
dooglus | killakali408650: linux is hackable, but a lot safer than windows | 20:30 |
woli | no... | 20:30 |
Ashfire908 | What is the minimum packages required for doing X forwarding for ssh (on the server, and besides the ssh server itself)? | 20:31 |
lnar | fxfitz, use synaptic write samba, it will show many | 20:31 |
bigjoe4 | atlef: should I cange the number to "4"? | 20:31 |
killakali408650 | oh, plus i dont like vista using up all my ram | 20:31 |
Flannel | PaRaSiTe: You just need to reinstall stage1, right? Windows knocked it out? | 20:31 |
woli | is just a blank line | 20:31 |
killakali408650 | how much ram does xubuntu actually use up with beryl and compiz | 20:31 |
killakali408650 | ? | 20:31 |
oldcpu | woli, ok ... try tsalsa script then .... type "su" (no quotes) first to get root permissions (enter root password), then run it with: bash tsalsa | 20:31 |
woli | oldcpu, and how do i run talsa? | 20:31 |
blumm | hello | 20:31 |
lnar | killakali408650, i dont know but im using gnome with compiz and many plugins and im using only 300 mb | 20:32 |
Flannel | oldcpu, woli, you won't be able to su. Just use sudo | 20:32 |
killakali408650 | wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww | 20:32 |
Starnestommy | oldcpu: that's not needed; sudo bash tsalsa or sudo tsalsa should work | 20:32 |
soho | killakali408650; mostly all new devices are supported by ubuntu, but if you will find out if it works with your laptop, try the live-cd | 20:32 |
bbyever | !hi | blumm | 20:32 |
ubottu | blumm: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 20:32 |
killakali408650 | well what is xubuntu then? | 20:32 |
woli | flannel, i noticed, i ran sudo bash test | 20:32 |
emma | Jeff2: I'm not sure it would help but if it makes it easier to follow specific people in the channel, with Xchat, you can Preferences -> Alerts, nick names to always highlight | 20:32 |
blumm | is there anything similar to task manager in windows? i had a huge popup and i couldnt help myself but to reset my pc :/ | 20:32 |
woli | it worked | 20:32 |
woli | wait for pastebin... | 20:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | emma May I have a brief PM .. again.. :) | 20:32 |
PaRaSiTe | Flannel: I don't really understand. All I know is I followed those instructions to the letter, all seemed to work, but when I booted I jsut got the normal Windows one. | 20:32 |
bbyever | blumm: system monitor | 20:32 |
Starnestommy | blumm: system > administration > system monitor | 20:32 |
etyrnal | anyone know how to make curl run silently in the background ? | 20:32 |
emma | Jack_Sparrow: yes of course. You never have to ask. | 20:33 |
bigjoe4 | atlef: how do I do that thing in console again? I need to change it back, but I can't remember what to type | 20:33 |
Flannel | PaRaSiTe: That page solves a different problm than theone you have. You want this page: | 20:33 |
m1r | problems with runing KDE applications in ubuntu 8.04 amd64 , amarok and k3b reporting that DCOP server is not runing and some folders are unwritable. here is output of starting amarok thru console: . anyone have simimlar issues ? | 20:33 |
astro76 | blumm: alt+f2, type xkill, then click a window to kill it | 20:33 |
astro76 | blumm: also at worst case you could have probably done ctrl+alt+backspace to restart x windows | 20:33 |
blumm | ahh - thanks a lot | 20:33 |
blumm | i felt really bad to reset ubuntu like this =) | 20:33 |
ryanakca | Would it be possible to run debian programs by creating a Debian chroot with that program in it and running it from there? | 20:34 |
Jeff2 | i am trying to install ubuntu 7 or 8 on an older p4. When i use the gui installer for either version i get and xfermode error and cannot install. The web suggested adding irqpoll to the command line which did not help. I downloaded and tried installing the 7.10 alternate and it gave me the message irq 19: nobody cares and several lines later it gives me the xfermode error. eventually it does get past the error and go to the texmode insta | 20:34 |
Jeff2 | ller. but when it goes to look for the HD it cannot find it and asks me to select a driver from a list. anyone hve any ideas? | 20:34 |
bbyever | etyrnal: curl & | 20:34 |
killakali408650 | as far as i know it looks like xubuntu is like a different form of ubuntu, and that it is very light | 20:34 |
soho | bigjoe4; gedit make a backup-file before saving, take a look at it, it's hidden in the same folder | 20:34 |
Flannel | killakali408650: That's more or less correct. It uses XFCE instead of Gnome | 20:34 |
genii | m1r: Does ls -l ~/.DCOPserver* show that file being owned by the username or root? | 20:34 |
dar1 | how to force check a sistemdisk at boot? because I restarted 10-15 times PC on Restart button in Ubunu (pc freezes at screensaver). How are the chanches of making damage to operating sistem by those 10-15 restarts? | 20:34 |
blumm | is it possible to assign a hotkey to system-monitor? | 20:34 |
nickrud | Jeff2 you could try all_generic_ide instead of irqpoll, I've heard of that working in some cases | 20:35 |
killakali408650 | what is the difference between xfce and gnome, like what is each one primarily targeted at | 20:35 |
woli | oldcpu, | 20:35 |
etyrnal | bbyever, that part i understood, but how do i suppress it's output to the terminal? | 20:35 |
DIL | i had xp on a laptop amd tried to load xubuntu and it would load it is supposed to to way lighter than xp but go figure | 20:35 |
dar1 | killakali408650, gnome on powerful pc and xface on older machines | 20:35 |
nickrud | genii by me on my machine | 20:35 |
salah_ | There is a annoying problem with my sound on Ubuntu. Only one device can be used at a time. If I watch a flash video with Firefox, I have to quit the firefox process before starting the media player. Any idea how to fix this problem? | 20:36 |
Jeff2 | nickrud: i will try that but i don't think that will work. in the list of drivers one is listed as generic ide and it doesn't work. the disk is also a sata disk | 20:36 |
Starnestommy | killakali408650: gnome is larger and has more applications in it, but xfce is lightweight and minimalist | 20:36 |
oldcpu | woli, looks like you had problems running that with root permissions | 20:36 |
killakali408650 | ohh i see | 20:36 |
killakali408650 | sooo my new laptop will b way faster with linux that with the crappy vista | 20:36 |
killakali408650 | :D | 20:36 |
nickrud | Jeff2 worth a shot but I don't stand by the advice very strongly | 20:36 |
blumm | astro76: thanks for that hint :) | 20:36 |
woli | legend2440, | 20:37 |
Starnestommy | killakali408650: gnome is targeted more to average users, while xfce is for people who can work without all of gnome/kde's extra feeatures | 20:37 |
oldcpu | woli, you should get something like .... uploading /tmp/tsalsa.txt to ... tsalsa completed in 43 seconds ... paste this url in #alsa: | 20:37 |
woli | oldcpu, yes... How can i do? su says authetification failure | 20:37 |
bbyever | etyrnal: i dont know, sorry | 20:37 |
* nickrud wonders if he should be insulted by Starnestommy's inference | 20:37 | |
nickrud | Starnestommy a joke, forgot the smiley | 20:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | woli sudo , bash sudo etc... not su | 20:37 |
PaRaSiTe | Flannel: That page has the same solution. ;) | 20:37 |
killakali408650 | what kind of features come with the gnome/kde?? is it anything that would impact me playing multimedia and converting file types? | 20:37 |
dar1 | how to force check a sistem partition at boot? because I restarted 10-15 times PC on Restart button in Ubunu (pc freezes at screensaver). How are the chanches of making damage to operating sistem by those 10-15 restarts? | 20:37 |
oldcpu | woli, ... did you try: sudo bash tsalsa | 20:38 |
Starnestommy | killakali408650: most things that run in gnome or kde can run in xfce | 20:38 |
legend2440 | dar1: to force fschk in terminal sudo shutdown -F -r now | 20:38 |
DIL | killakali408650: obtain >512 of memory and you will be good to go | 20:38 |
etyrnal | bbyever, thank anyway | 20:38 |
woli | oldcpu, that is what I tried. Any other suggestion? | 20:38 |
PaRaSiTe | Flannel: Oh wait, I need the second part... | 20:38 |
PaRaSiTe | Flannel: Can't I just reinstall Ubuntu? :P | 20:38 |
oldcpu | woli, try again, but note quotes: sudo 'bash tsalsa' | 20:38 |
legend2440 | woli: do you have audio integrated on motherboard along with audigy card? | 20:39 |
woli | 'bash tsalsa' is command not found | 20:39 |
Flannel | PaRaSiTe: Er... it has the same way... at the very bottom. Do the first method or the second. | 20:39 |
killakali408650 | oh i have 2gigs on my laptop that i just bought, but im gonna try out ubuntu on my eeepc that i just purchased and if it works out good, then im going to power up my very expensive laptop with it lol | 20:39 |
dar1 | legend2440, fschk command not found | 20:39 |
woli | i don't think so, legend2440 | 20:39 |
DIL | killakali408650: gnome is "full bodied" xfce is not | 20:39 |
Starnestommy | woli: try without the ' marks | 20:39 |
killakali408650 | full bodied | 20:39 |
Flannel | PaRaSiTe: you *could* install Ubuntu, but you'd... well, have to reinstall Ubuntu | 20:39 |
DIL | killakali408650: yea!! | 20:39 |
legend2440 | dar1: to force hard drive check type in terminal >>> sudo shutdown -F -r now | 20:39 |
killakali408650 | hmmm, full bodied meaning that sum of the codes that xfce deosn't have ubuntu has | 20:39 |
woli | starnestommy, it says i need root priviledges to run script | 20:40 |
killakali408650 | ?? | 20:40 |
Starnestommy | woli: sudo ./tsalsa | 20:40 |
nickrud | killakali408650 nice integration of system stuff, xfce assumes you can configure it yourself. Main difference imho | 20:40 |
killakali408650 | ohhhh i see | 20:40 |
woli | ./tsalsa: command not found | 20:40 |
killakali408650 | no wonder the videos i have seen with xfce(xubuntu) installation the user had to go and configure things themselves | 20:40 |
DIL | killakali408650: xfce is light it would defeat the purpose | 20:40 |
woli | but it is in desktop | 20:40 |
PaRaSiTe | Flannel: I mean the instruction from the GrubHowTo page. | 20:40 |
woli | and i'n running cd'ed in desktop | 20:40 |
Starnestommy | woli: try sudo bash ./tsalsa | 20:41 |
oldcpu | woli, type: ls tsalsa | 20:41 |
max_ | I need help getting something working with the program: motion (for webcams). For some reason, the pictures are being taken WAY too fast, and because of that they are unable to upload to FTP due to the fact that there are too many files being sent at once, so nothing goes though. | 20:41 |
dar1 | legend2440, :) hehe thanx I didnt knowed whays fschk at begginig LOL thanks | 20:41 |
killakali408650 | ohhh and i had a question about adding tarballs on like beryl and compiz, how exactly is it done? | 20:41 |
oldcpu | woli, is the file there ? | 20:41 |
woli | starnestommy, same as sudo bash tsalsa | 20:41 |
bigjoe4 | atlef: I changed it to "4" and it now works :) | 20:41 |
nickrud | killakali408650 not necessary to get the tarballs, the stuff is available pre-compiled from the repos | 20:41 |
DIL | killakali408650: now my experience with xfce is on an old gateway with 256 memory | 20:41 |
atlef | bigjoe4: nice | 20:41 |
woli | oldcpu, it is | 20:41 |
killakali408650 | ohhhh | 20:41 |
nickrud | !components | killakali408650 | 20:42 |
ubottu | killakali408650: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at and - See for the recommended way to set up your repositories | 20:42 |
oldcpu | woli, what did you get when you typed: ls tsalsa ? | 20:42 |
Flannel | PaRaSiTe: Right. The only one that is the same is the *last* set of instructions on the RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows page. Do one of ht eones at the top | 20:42 |
bigjoe4 | atlef: thankyou very much | 20:42 |
woli | yes | 20:42 |
killakali408650 | i have a very old system that is just sitting there collecting dust as well | 20:42 |
woli | and it returned tsalsa | 20:42 |
atlef | bigjoe4: you are welcome | 20:42 |
killakali408650 | lol xfce wud work for that | 20:42 |
killakali408650 | :D | 20:42 |
killakali408650 | thank you guys | 20:42 |
bigjoe4 | how cvome there's over 1000 people in this chat?? | 20:42 |
killakali408650 | also i heard that there were sum router problems with ubuntu and xubuntu | 20:42 |
rsk | bigjoe4: ubuntu is popular | 20:42 |
PaRaSiTe | Flannel: OK. Like "Overwriting the Windows bootloader"? | 20:42 |
nickrud | killakali408650 if it's over 768mb mem, gnome will run just wonderfully on p3 and above, below that you want to consider xubuntu | 20:42 |
NeoGeo64 | Can someone help me figure out why zsnes and other games have no audio when another application is playing/using audio | 20:43 |
killakali408650 | like people couldn't connect to their own networks | 20:43 |
oldcpu | woli, don't know what to say .... sudo bash tsalsa #works on my pc | 20:43 |
atlef | bigjoe4: but do not undrestand that it had to be "4", but OK | 20:43 |
bigjoe4 | atlef: well it works | 20:43 |
afikri | My laptop Asus X51RLseries, ATI Radeon Graphics x1100 when I try to enable ATI accelerated graphics, when I reboot, it becomes blank. but when I try to boot in recovery mode it becomes normal. What is wrong with it? | 20:43 |
Flannel | PaRaSiTe: right. | 20:43 |
nickrud | killakali408650 not really, it's always doable | 20:43 |
atlef | bigjoe4: :-) | 20:43 |
killakali408650 | doable? | 20:43 |
Coops | Afternoon, anyone around think they may be able to help me get my dvd drive mounted? Ever since I moved my hard drive to my T61 from my T60 the damn dvd drive hasn't worked. | 20:43 |
killakali408650 | is there a special thing you have to do to be able to connect to your network? | 20:43 |
woli | oldcpu, it runs the script, but says that i have to be in root to run lsof. I guess the script uses lsof in some line | 20:44 |
nickrud | killakali408650 may take configuration on xubuntu, should work out of the box on a dhcp network in either | 20:44 |
PaRaSiTe | Flannel: That one is confusing me, they keep changing which HDA they're talking about. :-/ | 20:44 |
afikri | guys | 20:44 |
killakali408650 | ohhh | 20:44 |
woli | wait a minute | 20:44 |
killakali408650 | so with ubuntu i would still have to configure the network settings and such | 20:44 |
atlef | !ask > afikri: | 20:45 |
oldcpu | woli, by typing "sudo" first you should have root permissions | 20:45 |
afikri | My laptop Asus X51RLseries, ATI Radeon Graphics x1100 when I try to enable ATI accelerated graphics, when I reboot, it becomes blank. but when I try to boot in recovery mode it becomes normal. What is wrong with it? | 20:45 |
* bigjoe4 tests this thing | 20:45 | |
CotH | Hello. I am looking to install a dual boot with Windows XP x64, I have two hard disks. Do I partition on the same disk as XP for Ubuntu? | 20:45 |
Rat409 | .cl | 20:45 |
dare | legend2440, it wasnt command for check sistem partition on startup it was for forcing shutdown! | 20:45 |
nickrud | killakali408650 probably not (wired). I had problems in one network, because the nameservers didn't get picked up, but that was the only case where just plugging in the laptop didn't work | 20:45 |
guitarthrasher | afikri, some of the ATI drivers are blacklisted | 20:45 |
guitarthrasher | they might not work. | 20:45 |
afikri | i see | 20:45 |
killakali408650 | ohhh, i have wireless all the way | 20:45 |
guitarthrasher | afikri, check the forums for your problem. | 20:46 |
NeoGeo64 | Can someone help me figure out why zsnes and other games have no audio when another application is playing/using audio | 20:46 |
DIL | CotH: you can put it on a separtae | 20:46 |
guitarthrasher | i'm sure there's an answer somewhere on there. | 20:46 |
afikri | ok | 20:46 |
woli | oldcpu, i don't know why | 20:46 |
nickrud | killakali408650 wire up to install, trust me. Then work on wireless afterwards. Wireless is problematic for some chipsets | 20:46 |
CotH | DIL: Will GRUB still pick it up? | 20:46 |
woli | oldcpu, what does your tsalsa return? | 20:46 |
DIL | CotH: yes | 20:46 |
CotH | DIL: Excellent | 20:47 |
Flannel | PaRaSiTe: thats because they're taking you through how to figure out which partition has /boot on it. If you only have one Ubuntu partition, that would be it. | 20:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | CotH if you have room on the primary with xp it seems to work out easier | 20:47 |
CotH | Wish me luck! | 20:47 |
guitarthrasher | gl CotH! | 20:47 |
guitarthrasher | lol | 20:47 |
killakali408650 | oh okay | 20:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | CotH also please check out sep /home partition | 20:47 |
oldcpu | woli, on one of my PCs I get this: paste this url in #alsa: | 20:47 |
killakali408650 | thank you nickrud | 20:47 |
CotH | Jack_Sparrow: That was my instinct | 20:47 |
killakali408650 | :) | 20:47 |
freddy_engels | I keep having a problem with pulseaudio and X11, when I boot up my computer (intel macbook pro running hardy) X11 fails to load most of the time | 20:47 |
killakali408650 | and all that helped me :D | 20:47 |
PaRaSiTe | Flannel: I have one for / and one for /home (and swap space) | 20:47 |
FloodBot3 | killakali408650: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 20:47 |
freddy_engels | There are some error messages in my syslog | 20:47 |
killakali408650 | im juts gonna go ahead and install ubuntu | 20:48 |
killakali408650 | but for some of the drivers where exactly am i supposed to go? | 20:48 |
rsk | killakali408650: what drivers ? | 20:48 |
Flannel | PaRaSiTe: then it'll be the one for / | 20:48 |
woli | did you download the script today? | 20:48 |
PaRaSiTe | Flannel: I understand the first part. Is it always ext3 though, or ext2 if it's ext2? And for the final bit, is it always just hda? | 20:48 |
woli | oldcpu | 20:48 |
woli | ^ | 20:48 |
loevborg | Question about grub. I have two ubuntu installations, on sda1 and sda4. Right now the computer loads grub from sda4. How do I configure grub so that it uses the grub on the other partition? I don't want the booting process be dependent on sda4. | 20:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | CotH if you make / "root" on your primary drive and /home on a different drive /partition you will be well on your way to a great setupo | 20:48 |
DIL | killakali408650: dual boot if you can | 20:48 |
killakali408650 | for the hardware for my laptop | 20:48 |
killakali408650 | oh | 20:48 |
nickrud | killakali408650 if you're using vista, one last piece of advice: use the disk management tool in vista to resize your vista partition. And the vast majority of drivers come with the base install | 20:48 |
DefineKThyne | uhmm...after trying to install some fonts, the font in Firefox is invisible. can someone help me? | 20:48 |
afallenhope | Is there a way of resetting you Login Window back to the defaults? | 20:48 |
rsk | killakali408650: it should be in the kernel | 20:48 |
freddy_engels | most of them are along the lines of pulseaudio[5912]: module-x11-xsmp,c: Failed to open conection to session manager: IUO error occured opening connection | 20:48 |
oldcpu | woli, I downloaded the script about 10 minutes ago | 20:48 |
Flannel | PaRaSiTe: the final bit is always hda, because that's the MBR we want to change. And yeah, if you have ext2 it wouldn't be ext3 | 20:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | !fonts | 20:48 |
ubottu | Font installation basics here: - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 20:48 |
killakali408650 | oh | 20:48 |
partymetroid | I receive a GRUB loading error 21 whenever I start up my computer. How do I solve this dilemma? | 20:49 |
afallenhope | DefineKThyne: what do you mean as in "invisible" | 20:49 |
killakali408650 | cuz i was gonna go full fledged linux | 20:49 |
PaRaSiTe | Flannel: OK, get it I think. Wish me luck! :D | 20:49 |
woli | oh | 20:49 |
woli | me too lol | 20:49 |
xenos | kde4 is nice! | 20:49 |
killakali408650 | partitioning with vista and dual booting seems a bit difficult | 20:49 |
killakali408650 | i have never dual booted ever | 20:49 |
freddy_engels | killakali: it isn't at all | 20:49 |
DefineKThyne | afallenhope: invisible as in i can't read it in FF, but i can highlight, copy and paste it into OO or Tomboy and read it. | 20:49 |
Starnestommy | partymetroid: "Selected disk does not exist" | 20:49 |
afallenhope | Vista is poo lol | 20:49 |
CotH | Jack_Sparrow: Okay, ta. | 20:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | !dualboot | 20:49 |
ubottu | Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: - MACs: | 20:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 20:50 |
mr_flea | Is there a way to set compiz as the default composting manager? | 20:50 |
DIL | killakali408650: the install is painless | 20:50 |
nickrud | killakali408650 dual but is really easy, the install is built around it | 20:50 |
afallenhope | DefineKThyne: hmmm.. have you read the documentation for installing fonts? | 20:50 |
nickrud | s/but/boot | 20:50 |
killakali408650 | ohhh | 20:50 |
MarcN | I plugged in a USB disk and changed the properties to where I wanted it to automount. Unfortunately I set it wrong and now it doesn't mount but just complains. How do I tell hal or whatever it is to let me pick a new mount point for my external disk? | 20:50 |
thingfish | DefineKThyne: where are you putting them? | 20:50 |
partymetroid | Starnestommy: How do I tell GRUB that the selected disk exists? | 20:50 |
woli | oldcpu, i guess i have one wierd computer! | 20:50 |
killakali408650 | sooo with the partitioning tool i just divide my harddrive in half and have the ubuntu live cd install on the second half? | 20:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | MarcN gksudo gedit /etc/fstab | 20:51 |
mhz128 | Is there a keyboard shortcut for showing the desktop? (minimize all windows) | 20:51 |
Starnestommy | partymetroid: mount ubuntu's partition in the livecd, then check the boot/grub/menu.lst on it | 20:51 |
DIL | killakali408650: at install it will ask and you can set partitions there | 20:51 |
nickrud | killakali408650 technically, you shrink the vista partition to make space for ubuntu | 20:51 |
DefineKThyne | afallenhope: yeah i just went through it trying to install my old windows fonts. uhmm...i tried putting them in both /usr/share/fonts/ and /home/[my folder]/.fonts. | 20:51 |
killakali408650 | ohhhh | 20:51 |
Ttech | How do I get talk to work on Ubutnu Server? | 20:51 |
woli | oldcpu, my computer has sound, even though all sound mixers are set to alsa, but when I click test in the preferences, it gives an error | 20:51 |
MarcN | Jack_Sparrow: I know all about fstab, that isn't want I want for the USB disks that come and go (camera, usb external disk, etc, etc) | 20:51 |
paolo | Hi *. I have a NVidia Geforce 6200. At the moment I have been using xinerama connected to 2 external monitors (via DVI + VGA). Is it possible to use the S-video output at the same time? | 20:51 |
cypha | what's a good media manager? | 20:51 |
PaRaSiTe | How do I find out what kernel I have? | 20:51 |
partymetroid | Starnestommy: I forgot to mention that, whenever I pretty ctrl+alt+del, GRUB boots up fine. It's just really annoying. | 20:52 |
afallenhope | DefineKThyne: have you rebooted? | 20:52 |
Starnestommy | PaRaSiTe: uname -r | 20:52 |
partymetroid | Starnestommy: *press | 20:52 |
killakali408650 | oh okay thank you guys | 20:52 |
DefineKThyne | afallenhope: not recently, good idea. brb | 20:52 |
thingfish | I don't think you need to reboot after installing fonts... | 20:52 |
MarcN | Jack_Sparrow: it has to be a per user gnome thing | 20:52 |
killakali408650 | gtg for now :D | 20:52 |
PaRaSiTe | Starnestommy: Thanks. If I have a driver for "2.6.22-14", will it work for newer? | 20:52 |
DIL | PaRaSiTe: cat /etc/*-release | 20:53 |
nickrud | thingfish run fc-cache to get any fresh fonts recognized if needed | 20:53 |
Starnestommy | PaRaSiTe: it probably will work, but there's a small chance that it won't | 20:53 |
paolo | Does anyone know if there is a way to switch Xorg.conf without killing X | 20:53 |
PaRaSiTe | Starnestommy: I hope so, thanks. :) | 20:53 |
nickrud | paolo read an altered xorg.conf? no. | 20:53 |
Starnestommy | paolo: I don't think there is one | 20:53 |
Flannel | paolo: try source | 20:54 |
thingfish | nickrud: I know how to do fonts. I was responding to afallenhope's question to DefineKThyne as to whether he rebooted after installing fonts. | 20:54 |
poseidon | Whats the command to clear the console screen? | 20:54 |
=== JohnMM is now known as hmm | ||
Flannel | poseidon: clear | 20:54 |
Starnestommy | poseidon: clear or reset | 20:54 |
=== hmm is now known as JohnMM | ||
nickrud | thingfish I didn't see who asked the original question, I figured you knew ;) | 20:54 |
oldcpu | woli, sudo password only lasts for 15 min in ubuntu ?? maybe you were unlucky in your timing | 20:54 |
DIL | poseidon: clear | 20:54 |
MrBashir | When I try to share a folder (it auto installed samba for me) it gives me a " cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error Permission denied | 20:54 |
PaRaSiTe | Another question. :) In the readme for the driver, it says "sudo ./setup". Where am I CD'd to during this? Is that exactly how I type it (with the ./)? | 20:54 |
partymetroid | Starnestommy: I can check Ubuntu's menu.lst right now. Should I paste it to pastebin? | 20:54 |
evilbug | can i import video off of a dvd with pitivi? | 20:54 |
Ttech | How do I get talk to operate on Ubutnu Server | 20:54 |
paolo | Flannel: what do you mean "try source" | 20:55 |
vonSmallhausen | Hi, I'm trying to get my mobile broadband to work on ubuntu with "vodafon mobile connect card driver for linux". After some work I managed to be able to start the program and get it to identify my USB-modem. However, I seem to only be able to send text messages with it and I'm not able to connect to the internet with it. Can someone give me som ideas/instructions on how to fix this? | 20:55 |
Starnestommy | PaRaSiTe: where the setup file is | 20:55 |
nickrud | PaRaSiTe you would be in the same directory as the setup file | 20:55 |
Flannel | paolo: source /path/to/file | 20:55 |
Flannel | paolo: it's worth atry | 20:55 |
PaRaSiTe | Thanks Starnestommy, nickrud! | 20:55 |
nickrud | Flannel that works with bash stuff, not at the X level | 20:55 |
paolo | Flannel: how can it work? | 20:55 |
partymetroid | Starnestommy: | 20:55 |
Flannel | paolo: It probably wont. But it won't hurt to try. | 20:56 |
MrBashir | When I try to share a folder (it auto installed samba for me) it gives me a " cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error Permission denied. How can I fix this? | 20:56 |
oldcpu | woli, you could always create a root shell with "sudo -i " or "sudo -s" but I think I would be in mortal danger for suggesting that .... | 20:56 |
ryanakca | Would it be possible to run debian programs by creating a Debian chroot with that program in it and running it from there? | 20:56 |
* oldcpu slinks quietly away | 20:56 | |
PaRaSiTe | Starnestommy: Do I type it in with the ./ then? | 20:56 |
nickrud | ryanakca yes | 20:56 |
Starnestommy | PaRaSiTe: yes | 20:56 |
ryanakca | nickrud: thanks | 20:57 |
PaRaSiTe | Starnestommy: Taa. | 20:57 |
nickrud | ryanakca for most stuff, I could see some X stuff having issues | 20:57 |
Starnestommy | partymetroid: are windows and ubuntu on separate disks? | 20:57 |
partymetroid | Starnestommy: Yes. | 20:57 |
ryanakca | nickrud: hmm... *nods* | 20:57 |
Gokee2 | My 14 GB root part is all filled up... I have a part with 174 GB free so I am wondering I can move some stuff over there, like /usr? If I move the usr dir over and symbolic link /usr to the new spot would that work or would /usr not get mounted in time? Do I need to add some option to fstab? | 20:57 |
aidan_ | I'm using dual screen and I'm having a problem with maximizing. I don't want it to maximise to both screens, how can I make this work? | 20:57 |
PaRaSiTe | Is there a way to change from 32bit to 64bit without losing settings/drivers/programs etc? | 20:57 |
homeuser | hello people | 20:57 |
paolo | PaRaSiTe: nope | 20:58 |
vonSmallhausen | Hi, I'm trying to get my mobile broadband to work on ubuntu with "vodafon mobile connect card driver for linux". After some work I managed to be able to start the program and get it to identify my USB-modem. However, I seem to only be able to send text messages with it and I'm not able to connect to the internet with it. Can someone give me som ideas/instructions on how to fix this? | 20:58 |
Starnestommy | partymetroid: the problem might be with grub not knowing which disk is which | 20:58 |
woli | how do i sudo just to be in root? | 20:58 |
homeuser | I am trying to apt-get a openssh package but it doesn't find anything. | 20:58 |
woli | it was like sudo -someparametter | 20:58 |
partymetroid | Starnestommy: How would I fix that? | 20:58 |
nickrud | PaRaSiTe it would take a reinstall. Save your home (for personal configs) and clone below for programs | 20:58 |
Gokee2 | woli, sudo su? | 20:58 |
MrBashir | woli: sudo su | 20:58 |
nickrud | !clone | PaRaSiTe | 20:58 |
ubottu | PaRaSiTe: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate | 20:58 |
Starnestommy | woli: -i, but it usually is not needed | 20:58 |
paolo | PaRaSiTe: yu can keep your /etc.. | 20:58 |
Starnestommy | partymetroid: check your bios settings | 20:58 |
woli | yes... i ran sudo -s | 20:58 |
woli | is that correct? | 20:58 |
partymetroid | Starnestommy: kk. I'm going to my cousins' house, but I'll try that when I get back. Thanks. :) | 20:59 |
HymnToLife | homeuser: the openssh client is shipped with Ubuntu, if you want to install the server, it's openssh-server | 20:59 |
Starnestommy | woli: sudo -i is usually used | 20:59 |
partymetroid | Starnestommy: also, I didn't haven't this problem with Gutsy, with the same BIOS settings. | 20:59 |
homeuser | HymnToLife: it's openssh-server the name of the package.... ? | 20:59 |
HymnToLife | woli: no, use sudo -i please | 20:59 |
PaRaSiTe | nickrud: Thanks. :D | 20:59 |
HymnToLife | homeuser: yes | 20:59 |
Gokee2 | homeuser, I think apt-get install ssh works too | 20:59 |
woli | ok | 20:59 |
woli | now, how do i listed all the contents in a folder? | 20:59 |
homeuser | HymnToLife: thanks. :) | 20:59 |
Flannel | woli: ls -a | 20:59 |
HymnToLife | ls -a | 20:59 |
Starnestommy | woli: ls, or ls -A folder | 21:00 |
homeuser | HymnToLife: let me apt-get it now. :) | 21:00 |
HymnToLife | or A | 21:00 |
homeuser | Gokee2: thanks. :) | 21:00 |
HymnToLife | it's almost the same | 21:00 |
=== MarcN is now known as hp2133 | ||
Gokee2 | homeuser, np | 21:00 |
=== Centaur5_ is now known as centaur5 | ||
woli | oh god.... my tsalsa just won't run | 21:01 |
adub | does anyone have any experience with apache is there a gtk frontend i can download | 21:01 |
woli | oldcpu, what distro are you running? | 21:01 |
weeman13221 | anyone in here know how to get setting configured in the nvidia control panel to stay on every boot instead of having to do them every time? | 21:01 |
HymnToLife | adub: a GUI for Apache would be totally pointless | 21:01 |
oldcpu | woli, I have more than 1 pc, ... more than one distro (currently) | 21:01 |
MrBashir | When I try to share a folder (it auto installed samba for me) it gives me a " cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error Permission denied. How can I fix this? | 21:01 |
vonSmallhausen | Hi, I'm trying to get my mobile broadband to work on ubuntu with "vodafon mobile connect card driver for linux". After some work I managed to be able to start the program and get it to identify my USB-modem. However, I seem to only be able to send text messages with it and I'm not able to connect to the internet with it. Can someone give me som ideas/instructions on how to fix this? | 21:01 |
nickrud | adub haven't tried it myself, but I hear that ebox has some config stuff for apache | 21:01 |
oldcpu | woli, and i do get some quirks confused | 21:01 |
Rat409 | weeman13221: run nvidia-settings as root or via sudo | 21:02 |
woli | oldcpu, well, in what distro did you run tsalsa? | 21:02 |
weeman13221 | Rat409: i edit the command on how to run it with sudo then it wont run | 21:02 |
oldcpu | woli, I'm currently beta testing 11.0 in another distro ... and I ran it on that beta version | 21:02 |
xenos | anyone know if there's a way to sync blackberry devices (kde4) ? | 21:02 |
woli | oh | 21:03 |
thingfish | weeman13221: also you might try /usr/share/applications/Screens and Graphics | 21:03 |
Rat409 | weeman13221: run it from gnome-terminal | 21:03 |
icewolf | HELLO everyone, I am running Ubuntu 8.04 with the nvidia-GLX drivers and it runs fine with the 3d desktop etc, and wine does as well, but full screen it goes out of range, I am running on an LCD | 21:03 |
Ugly_Gaunt_Cow | How come Ubuntu is so cool? | 21:03 |
=== Adlai_ is now known as Adlai | ||
woli | how do i know what mixer I'm using? | 21:03 |
icewolf | and when it goes above 60hz it goes black, I can hear the application but nothing. I've looked in xorg.conf etc but I need more direction here | 21:03 |
icewolf | on how to force 60hz across the board for all things | 21:03 |
oldcpu | woli, typically gnome uses alsamixer (I think) and kde kmix (I'm a kde user) | 21:04 |
afallenhope | Rat409: the nvidia-settings doesn't seem to work for me :-s | 21:04 |
vonSmallhausen | Hi, I'm trying to get my mobile broadband to work on ubuntu with "vodafon mobile connect card driver for linux". After some work I managed to be able to start the program and get it to identify my USB-modem. However, I seem to only be able to send text messages with it and I'm not able to connect to the internet with it. Can someone give me som ideas/instructions on how to fix this? | 21:04 |
woli | yes but is there a command to get the current used mixer? | 21:05 |
paolo | is there any diff within Ubuntu+kde and kubuntu? | 21:05 |
Rat409 | afallenhope: wors for me dunno then | 21:05 |
Ugly_Gaunt_Cow | When does Ubuntu 9 come out??? | 21:05 |
Flannel | paolo: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE instead of Gnome | 21:05 |
Boohbah | in 2009 | 21:05 |
Ugly_Gaunt_Cow | !ubuntu | 21:05 |
ubottu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see | 21:05 |
afallenhope | Rat409: what version? | 21:05 |
thingfish | afallenhope: try /usr/share/applications/Screens and Graphics - it worked for me, after trying about everything else I could think of. | 21:05 |
Starnestommy | Ugly_Gaunt_Cow: ubuntu 8.10 is in october, 9.04, the first 2009 release, will be in April 2009 | 21:05 |
paolo | Flannel: right. But why not just install ubuntu and then install kde? | 21:05 |
Flannel | Ugly_Gaunt_Cow: Release numbers are year.month | 21:05 |
Ugly_Gaunt_Cow | Ah. | 21:05 |
Rat409 | afallenhope: hardy and gutsy,in hardy atm | 21:05 |
Ugly_Gaunt_Cow | Awesome. | 21:05 |
afallenhope | bash: /usr/share/applications/Screens: No such file or directory | 21:06 |
oldcpu | woli, what does this give: cat /proc/asound/cards | 21:06 |
afallenhope | lmao | 21:06 |
woli | i ran alsamixer and a lot of coloured bars appeared. Also, it says in one part of the console Card: Audigy 2 blah blah blah | 21:06 |
Flannel | paolo: you could. Of course, you'd have them both installed instead of just one. But there's no reason you couldn't then remove the gnome portion | 21:06 |
thingfish | afallenhope: it's not cli | 21:06 |
thingfish | although I suppose you could start it like that | 21:06 |
Ugly_Gaunt_Cow | I'm very happy with Ubuntu. It's allowed me to finally try my hand at Linux without feeling overwhelmed. | 21:06 |
DefineKThyne | afallenhope: reboot seemed to work (: | 21:06 |
Rat409 | afallenhope: but you need to click apply and merge to make it permanent | 21:06 |
woli | oldcpu, 0 [My card] | 21:06 |
oldcpu | woli, what is [My card] | 21:07 |
alastor666 | soir' all | 21:07 |
oldcpu | woli, I can't see your PC :) :) | 21:07 |
Fegis | Hello, I'm trying to install ubuntu server 8.04 on a motherboard running a nfp3600-raid controller but the installer recognizes it as 2 seperate disks... not sure what to do, can anyone help me? | 21:07 |
homeuser | anybody running xfce in Ubuntu? | 21:07 |
afallenhope | I don't see it anywhre | 21:07 |
woli | [Audigy2 ]. Audigy2 2 ZS [SB0350] | 21:07 |
woli | and some more lines | 21:07 |
oldcpu | woli, what does this give: cat /proc/asound/version | 21:07 |
afallenhope | perhaps I have to update my drivers | 21:07 |
afallenhope | lol | 21:07 |
afallenhope | I just don't know where to get that | 21:07 |
paolo | Flannel: ok.. thanks. I am planning to try ubuntu on a new machine. I wouldn't give up KDE, but I would prefer to avoid any fork (such as kubuntu) | 21:07 |
thingfish | afallenhope: it won't show up in a terminal, it seems. Navigate there using the gui. | 21:07 |
Flannel | paolo: Kubuntu isn't a fork, it's just Ubuntu with KDE instead of Gnome | 21:08 |
paolo | Flannel: why not ask to choose when installing ubuntu? | 21:08 |
Flannel | paolo: Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Xubuntu, (Gobuntu, UbuntuStudio, Mythbuntu) are all different flavors of the same distro (which is Ubuntu) | 21:08 |
Boohbah | Fegis: did you find out if linux supports your card, and if so, with which module? | 21:08 |
woli | alsa version 1.0.16, compiled on apr 21 2008 for kernel 2.6.24-16-generic (SMP) | 21:08 |
afallenhope | thingfish: there's no "screens and Graphic" | 21:08 |
afallenhope | lol | 21:08 |
Flannel | paolo: Because CDs aren't that big | 21:08 |
icewolf | HorizSync 30.0 - 110.0 can I change the 110 to 60hz and it will lock to 60 max? | 21:08 |
oldcpu | woli, ... any chance your sound problem is a permissions problem? | 21:08 |
thingfish | afallenhope: that's weird. This is hardy, right? | 21:08 |
afallenhope | yeah | 21:08 |
Fegis | Boohbah: It's supposed to support it but I have no idea of which module... | 21:09 |
thingfish | huh | 21:09 |
vonSmallhausen | Hi, I'm trying to get my mobile broadband to work on ubuntu with "vodafon mobile connect card driver for linux". After some work I managed to be able to start the program and get it to identify my USB-modem. However, I seem to only be able to send text messages with it and I'm not able to connect to the internet with it. Can someone give me som ideas/instructions on how to fix this? | 21:09 |
paolo | Flannel: I see.. I would install from network anyway | 21:09 |
woli | oldcpu, in grub i can choose whether choose that kernel or the previous one | 21:09 |
oldcpu | woli, perhaps add your user to what every audio group ubuntu uses ... possibly group audio | 21:09 |
Boohbah | Fegis: look it up | 21:09 |
oldcpu | woli, does sound not work in either ? | 21:09 |
* xenos requests ppls opinion: Which is your fav. mp3 player? | 21:09 | |
thingfish | afallenhope: that's really weird - I've got pretty much the default install. | 21:09 |
Fegis | Boohbah: just googling or are there any better tools to figure that out? | 21:09 |
freddy_engels | | 21:09 |
Lynet | paolo: In short, they all live in the same repository. The difference is in which default packages that you install. | 21:09 |
woli | oldcpu, as i said. I set all my sound preferences to alsa. Sound works fine, but when I click on 'Test', i will get an error | 21:09 |
etyrnal | is the a nice linux cli tool for issuing sell commands to several machine at once on a local network ? | 21:09 |
Boohbah | xenos: software? | 21:10 |
freddy_engels | can anyone help me figure out what to do with this error? | 21:10 |
etyrnal | shell^ | 21:10 |
afallenhope | thingfish: I found it ,.. had to edit my menu | 21:10 |
oldcpu | woli, hhmmm.... if works . don't fix it | 21:10 |
xenos | Boohbah: yup, software | 21:10 |
etyrnal | is the a nice linux cli tool for issuing SHELL commands to several machine at once on a local network ? | 21:10 |
thingfish | afallenhope: cool | 21:10 |
Ttech | How do I get talk to operate on Ubutnu Server | 21:10 |
Boohbah | Fegis: lspci -v | 21:10 |
woli | I'm doing all of this because Skype says 'Problem with audio playback' | 21:10 |
Boohbah | Fegis: then plugin the line for your card to google | 21:10 |
afallenhope | I just need to update the card | 21:10 |
Fegis | Boohbah: oki, thanks | 21:10 |
oldcpu | woli, ok ... I never use Skype ... so I'll bow out here | 21:10 |
Boohbah | xenos: amarok | 21:10 |
woli | oldcpu, I know it will be very confident to ask you this, but could you test skype to see if it works for you? | 21:11 |
oldcpu | woli, sorry ... more bloat :) ... not interested | 21:11 |
woli | no problem... | 21:11 |
aleks | Hey all. | 21:12 |
manixtate | HELLO | 21:12 |
Lynet | !hello | manixtate | 21:12 |
ubottu | manixtate: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 21:12 |
afallenhope | thingfish: have you updated your gfx card / | 21:12 |
afallenhope | like the driver | 21:12 |
Xsss4hell | white screen of death | 21:12 |
Xsss4hell | I installed ubuntu hardy,fresh and clean. Installed ubuntustudio packages. reboot it works.. I went to downloaded the linux drivers installed it with "sudo sh" and rebooted. then the scren was blank after login, compiz is disabled. I have a ATI 9800XT. this is my /var/log/Xorg.0.log -> linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-17-rt is already installed | 21:12 |
thingfish | afallenhope: what do you mean | 21:13 |
D4s0tt0c4t | is anyone here familiar with the rt3 driver? | 21:13 |
thingfish | oh I see | 21:13 |
afallenhope | thingfish: what gfx card you running? | 21:13 |
Xsss4hell | the proprietary ati drivers provided by ubuntu they don't support some effects of compiz. I want enable compiz when this works... | 21:13 |
afallenhope | D4s0tt0c4t: yeah I am | 21:13 |
thingfish | afallenhope: nvidia 8600GT | 21:13 |
aleks | I've been having some performance issues running Hardy with xfce. Occasional freezing, and a stuttering mouse pointer. Anyone have any tips on how to improve it? Things ran fine with Gutsy as I recall. | 21:13 |
afallenhope | thingfish: oh.. have you been to the site and updated the driver to make sure you have the latest/ | 21:13 |
afallenhope | D4s0tt0c4t: I have it running my USB dongle atm | 21:13 |
thingfish | afallenhope: no, I'm just going to use the ubuntu-provided one. | 21:14 |
D4s0tt0c4t | afallenhope: thank you, I'm having a time getting my edimax 7318 to initialize | 21:14 |
afallenhope | thingfish: might want to update it.. | 21:14 |
remu | hey guys, i need some help. I'm trying to install my Dazzle Digital Video Creator 80 on Ubuntu Hardy 64bit. After doing some searching online, I've figured out that the driver that will make this thing work is the usbvision driver at | 21:14 |
D4s0tt0c4t | afallenhope: I used the aircrack wiki tutorial to to install it | 21:14 |
remu | Now my question is, how do I actually install this driver? | 21:14 |
afallenhope | D4s0tt0c4t: okay.. there's two ways of doing it.... 1.) use ndiswrapper 2.) adhanced driver | 21:14 |
aleks | anyone, anyone? | 21:14 |
remu | I have never installed a driver in Ubuntu before, well, other than the restricted device drivers | 21:14 |
sandrino | fff | 21:14 |
D4s0tt0c4t | i just dl'd the tar and did a make make install | 21:14 |
afallenhope | D4s0tt0c4t: yeah.. so you're using it for "illegal" purposes... send me a PM I'll tell you how to fix it | 21:15 |
manixtate | Have updated to hardy and can't get digital camera to connect, is there a channel for this enquiry pls? | 21:15 |
D4s0tt0c4t | afallenhope: no I'm not I just used backtrack and aircrack is the only experience i have | 21:15 |
D4s0tt0c4t | afallenhope: but everything is here in my own lab | 21:15 |
homeuser | guys is there a skype package for Linux? | 21:15 |
homeuser | for Ubuntu? | 21:15 |
manixtate | ubuntu indeed | 21:15 |
emma | !skype | homeuser | 21:16 |
ubottu | homeuser: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see - To record on Skype, check: | 21:16 |
afallenhope | you need to get the enhanced driver | 21:16 |
aleks | I'm running the realtime kernel on a Presario R3000, 1Gig ram, ATI Mob. Radeon 9600, and B a broadcom network card. | 21:16 |
afallenhope | D4s0tt0c4t: the version I know that works is 3.0 | 21:16 |
homeuser | ubottu: cool. thanks. :) | 21:16 |
ubottu | homeuser: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 21:16 |
abed | hi | 21:16 |
crazy6 | uh, how do I check if I have 8.04 or 7.10 ? I have several computers and i have forgotten which ones I've upgraded | 21:16 |
Boohbah | aleks: were you using the same kernel with gutsy? | 21:16 |
abed | how to install the cube ?! | 21:17 |
Boohbah | !compiz | abed | 21:17 |
ubottu | abed: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at - help in #compiz-fusion | 21:17 |
dmsuperman | Does anybody know what might cause choppy/stuttery audio playback? it occurs in all applications, and it isn't a terribly stutter. Probably a single quick stutter every few minutes or so | 21:17 |
Boohbah | dmsuperman: scheduling latency | 21:17 |
emma | abed - do you have compiz already running? | 21:17 |
aleks | No Boohbah. I did a clean install originally, and the problems were a lot worse/more frequent. Then someone suggested I switch to the RT kernel, and I tried it. It seemed to improve things a little bit. But only a very little bit. | 21:18 |
freddy_engels | I get this error with pulseaudio in /var/log. X11 doesn't seem to boot fully, all that happens is my wallpaper appears and nothing more. Any ideas what I should do? | 21:18 |
freddy_engels | | 21:18 |
Xsss4hell | I installed ubuntu hardy,fresh and clean. Installed ubuntustudio packages. reboot it works.. I went to downloaded the linux drivers installed it with "sudo sh" and rebooted. then the scren was blank after login, compiz is disabled. I have a ATI 9800XT. this is my /var/log/Xorg.0.log -> linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-17-rt is already installed | 21:18 |
dmsuperman | Boohbah, what does that mean? | 21:18 |
dmsuperman | Boohbah, I don't think it's hardware, everything in this machine is pretty fast. That, and windows has no issues with it | 21:19 |
vonSmallhausen | Hi, I'm trying to get my mobile broadband to work on ubuntu with "vodafon mobile connect card driver for linux". After some work I managed to be able to start the program and get it to identify my USB-modem. However, I seem to only be able to send text messages with it and I'm not able to connect to the internet with it. Can someone give me som ideas/instructions on how to fix this? | 21:19 |
Boohbah | aleks: realtime kernel is useful for certain things, like low latency audio. press a key on your midi controller and the sound comes out. but not as useful for general audio playback | 21:19 |
Steve-cal | Boohbah: Excuse my jumping in, but why is the RT kernel not useful for audio playback? | 21:20 |
Boohbah | | 21:21 |
MrBashir | Is adding "/Folding/fah6 -forceasm -verbosity 9" to /etc/rc.local a bad idea? | 21:21 |
aleks | Ah, that would make sense Boohbah. I am not too well educated on the whole rt vs. generic thing. But do you think it is part of the overall problem? | 21:22 |
Boohbah | * The buffer size should be as large as possible to minimize the risk of drop-outs. | 21:22 |
Boohbah | * The buffer size should be as small as possible to guarantee minimal latencies. | 21:22 |
Alan | Does the amd64 livecd have ndiswrapper on it? | 21:23 |
Fegis | Boohbah: the raid should be supported with sata_nv-driver... | 21:23 |
Fegis | can I load that somehow? | 21:23 |
Boohbah | Steve-cal: the audio buffers are smaller so increased rsik of drop out when playing a large sound file | 21:24 |
aleks | Ah, that's a helpful link Boohbah. I don't do a lot of audio stuff, just a simple podcast, but I do have a musician friend that might find this useful. | 21:24 |
poseidon | How do I run an executable via the commandline? | 21:24 |
navetz_ | can someone help me with firefox 3.0, It won't let me open applications, I always have to save them then open them. When I go to edit>preferences>applications it is blank. What can I do? | 21:24 |
thehurley | ./executable | 21:24 |
Steve-cal | Boohbah: "rsik of drop out"? What is rsik please? | 21:24 |
wthex | Need help with remote disk access. | 21:25 |
thehurley | wthex, ? | 21:25 |
pegasos | Hello. Could somebody tell me how to open a .sitx file? help.ubuntu claims that "Ubuntu can read .sit, .sitx, .zip, .tar, .gz, .tar.gz, .bzip and a number of other archive formats." but I don't know how... | 21:25 |
Fegis | anyone else, how can I use sata_nv-drivers when I install? | 21:25 |
chicobo329 | hey there. I'm having a problem with my 8.04. It seems to be a little unstable lately. Whenever I do something that would make save dialog box pop up, the entire program sometimes shuts down completely without warning. It especially happens on Firefox if I choose to save images from websites like Deviantart and such. When I play an emulator (ZSNES), sometimes the sound doesn't work and the entire top taskbar freezes over to | 21:25 |
wthex | I have a freeagent drive connected to another computer on my home network and would like to access it from my laptop. | 21:25 |
thehurley | wthex, is the drive/folder shared out? | 21:26 |
wthex | That is one of the problems I not sure how to set permission. | 21:26 |
thehurley | wthex, what os is the remote computer running? | 21:27 |
homeuser | guys I"m running Hardy Heron as reported by gnome's about. Anyboyd have experience with apt-get xubuntu-desktop on this platform? | 21:27 |
wthex | Linux... Ubuntu (hardy) | 21:27 |
Boohbah | | 21:27 |
thehurley | wthex, go to the remote computer, open a file browser, select the top level folder you want to share, right click and share | 21:29 |
Steve-cal | Boohbah: There is no "rsik" on that webpage... | 21:29 |
pegasos | Hello. Could somebody tell me how to open a .sitx file? help.ubuntu claims that "Ubuntu can read .sit, .sitx, .zip, .tar, .gz, .tar.gz, .bzip and a number of other archive formats." but I don't know how... | 21:29 |
thehurley | wthex, or you could use ssh to access the the remote computer | 21:29 |
thehurley | wthex, sudo aptitude install ssh | 21:30 |
StealthCP | pegasos, What happens when you try to open it? | 21:30 |
wthex | thehurley, when I do that I get an error | 21:30 |
thehurley | and the error is? | 21:30 |
pegasos | StealthCP: it asks me what program I want to open it in | 21:30 |
wthex | 'net' usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error Permission denied. You do not have permission to create a suershare. Ask your administrator to grant you permissions to create a share. | 21:30 |
StealthCP | hmm, you'll need to install support for sitx then, sec | 21:30 |
pegasos | I tried to search apt for sitx but got no results | 21:30 |
paolo | Does anyone know if I can use xrandr to switch off/on my second external monitor? | 21:30 |
Alan | Is there a way to install a 64-bit kernel under 32-bit ubuntu without rolling my own? | 21:30 |
woli | well, don't bother. My skype works now! | 21:31 |
Slart | Is there anything like imagemagick but for audio? I would like to apply some filters and stuff to a couple of mp3's before I burn them to a CD. Anyone have any tips? | 21:31 |
emma | woli congrats | 21:31 |
kitche | Alan: nit really | 21:31 |
Ashfire908 | Does run-parts follow symlinks? | 21:31 |
Alan | kitche, shame :( | 21:32 |
exco | Is it possible to display one side of compiz cube on each monitor in a multimonitor setup? | 21:32 |
emma | that might really be a question to ask in #compiz-fusion if no one can help you here. | 21:32 |
exco | thanks, emma | 21:33 |
StealthCP | pegasos, all I can find is | 21:33 |
emma | sure. :) | 21:33 |
StealthCP | | 21:33 |
StealthCP | which is not probably the best solution | 21:33 |
Kilorf | hi, have a problem after running aticonfig... windows seem to using the "main taskbar" as their toolbar... is there any way to disable this? | 21:33 |
emma | his is a windows question? | 21:33 |
Kilorf | no | 21:34 |
wthex | thehurley: I will also need to be able to access that disk from a Vista OS. | 21:34 |
Kilorf | it is a question about windows in ubuntu | 21:34 |
pegasos | StealthCP: okay, thanks for the help anyways. I wonder if this: should be edited to "Ubuntu can run .sitx but nobody knows how to"? :D | 21:34 |
=== tafsen_ is now known as tafsen | ||
StealthCP | That's what I saw too :) | 21:34 |
StealthCP | interesting | 21:34 |
babo | emma: i still get the same error ... | 21:35 |
remu | hey guys, i need help installing the usbvision driver, Ive never installed a driver before...please help? | 21:35 |
muramasa | Does anyone know the normal memory usage for kde xorg? | 21:35 |
emma | babo: with what? | 21:35 |
muramasa | Mine is currently over 900mb, and it feels like it's a bit too high | 21:35 |
AcornAcorn | why has my firefox window gone completely grey? | 21:35 |
babolat | It's processing something and denied you access, AcornAcorn | 21:36 |
Chaelvin | So I'm a computer tech, but am somewhat new to Linux and am interested in using Ubuntu as a home-based server for file-sharing and remote access, as well as a game-server. I was able to complete the setup but the GRUB would not install itself and I'm not sure why. My specs are as follows: Two Intel Xeon Processors at 2.8 Ghz each, 1 GB RAM, and a Promise SX6000 RAID controller (hardware based, it is plugged into a PCI | 21:36 |
pegasos | AcornAcorn: Maybe it has gotten old? :( | 21:36 |
tafsen | Can you use vnc for remote desktop controling? | 21:36 |
babo | emma: ffmpeg -i vid.mp4 f.avi | 21:36 |
babo | Unsupported codec (id=86018) for input stream #0.0 | 21:36 |
thehurley | wthex, sorry, i'm unsure what the problem is | 21:36 |
lr5 | uhh, I'm trying to upgrade gdm on my laptop and it just hangs (Ubuntu 8.04) | 21:36 |
AcornAcorn | babo: oh, so if i'm uploading something to a website it stops me from doing anything? | 21:36 |
emma | babo: let's be very clear.. you are running Hardy or Gutsy? | 21:36 |
babo | emma: gutsy. I've replaced the hardy package with the gutsy package and ran update and upgrade ... | 21:37 |
AcornAcorn | babolat: oh, so if i'm uploading something to a website it stops me from doing anything? | 21:37 |
wthex | thehurley, thanks for your interest. I believe I need to set permissions for accessing that directory, but don't remember how (been a long time since I have run Linux) | 21:37 |
babo | i also ran ldconfig just for in case ... | 21:37 |
sharms | AcornAcorn - you might want to enable hardy-proposed the new kernel solves a lot of those types of issues | 21:37 |
babolat | AcornAcorn: it probably is doing that because you're uploading a large file. which version are you using? | 21:38 |
AcornAcorn | babolat: yes, a large file, 3 beta 5 | 21:38 |
babolat | X just dies on me the third time since hardy has been receiving updates. *sigh* | 21:38 |
emma | babo I see. | 21:38 |
thehurley | wthex, you definitely installed samba? | 21:38 |
babolat | AcornAcorn: how long has it been at it? the greying | 21:38 |
misha | zaraz | 21:38 |
wthex | Yes... | 21:38 |
emma | babo: when you open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install ffmpeg what does it say? | 21:39 |
emma | babo: does it tell you that you already have the most recent version? | 21:39 |
jhaig | I have messed up an X configuration after adding a new graphics card. How can I get to the X configuration again? The display at present is not usable, so I need to get to some sort of "fail safe" session. | 21:39 |
jhaig | Using Feisty. | 21:39 |
AcornAcorn | babolat: oh, it was only grey until the upload finished | 21:40 |
babo | emma: yeah. but when i run it, it tells me that ... | 21:40 |
babo | configuration: --enable-shared --enable-libmp3lame --enable-gpl --disable-mmx | 21:40 |
wthex | thehurley, the command 'net usershare' is samba command. | 21:40 |
lr5 | jhaig: ctrl+alt+f1? | 21:40 |
babolat | AcornAcorn: that's really not a big problem. final release of ver3 should be more stable than beta | 21:40 |
jhaig | lr5: Thanks. I can get to that, but then how to configure X? | 21:40 |
babo | emma: that's my original configuration that i got from svn for the old ffmpeg methinks ... | 21:40 |
babo | emma: it should be configured with more than that right ? | 21:41 |
lr5 | jhaig: nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 21:41 |
wthex | Maybe what we should focus on is how to set permission for that folder. | 21:41 |
emma | babo -- try uninstalling ti and then installing with sudo apt-get install ffmepg ? | 21:41 |
lr5 | jhaig: or vim, whichever you prefer | 21:41 |
babolat | where do i start if i want to hunt down the culprit of X window's crashing? | 21:41 |
emma | babo - for what you want to do: convert mp4 to avi you might want to try: sudo apt-get install avidemux | 21:41 |
lr5 | babolat: does that happen when you enter a site in firefox? | 21:41 |
usser | babo whats up? | 21:42 |
babolat | no, lr5 | 21:42 |
sharms | babolat - /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 21:42 |
babo | emma: i've tried that, it won't open the files ... | 21:42 |
babo | emma: sudo apt-get update | grep media | 21:42 |
babolat | it happens as randomly as i can imagine it can lr5 | 21:42 |
babo | nothing | 21:42 |
babo | usser: issues with ffmpeg, can't get it to convert mp4 -> avi | 21:42 |
jhaig | lr5: I was rather hoping that I would be able to boot up in a recovery mode with a minimal graphics setting. When I booted up immediately after adding the card it did that but now I have "configured" it it is messed up. | 21:42 |
usser | babo, if u had ffmpeg installed before u did mediubuntu then u have to purge its support packages as well apt-get install ffmpeg will not be enough | 21:42 |
Chaelvin | can anyone help me or is there some kind of protocol that I've failed to read somewhere...=) | 21:42 |
AnthroTechie | hey I'm having problems with in-put/out-put. I can't here sound from my web browser when I pause my music player. I have to restart the computer and leave the music player closed. | 21:42 |
emma | babo - sorry then I'm at a loss. I don't know enough about ffmpeg or converting mp4 to avi. | 21:43 |
cogeno | Would Ubuntu Server edition have xattr support out of the box? | 21:43 |
wthex | thehurley, Thanks for your interest but I have to go... | 21:43 |
cogeno | for ext43 filesystems? | 21:43 |
cogeno | ext3, rather | 21:43 |
emma | babo: so try sudo apt-get remove --purge ffmpeg | 21:43 |
babo | emma: ah ok. It's definitely bringing ffmpeg from the media repo. But the new ffmpeg can't convert either ... :-( | 21:43 |
emma | babo: and then sudo apt-get install ffmpeg | 21:43 |
babo | I think i'll go to svn ... | 21:43 |
emma | babo: ahh shoot. | 21:44 |
usser | babo, ie sudo dpkg --purge ffmpeg libavcodec1d libavformat1d libavutil1d libpostproc1d libswscale1d | 21:44 |
Kilorf | If i open vlc player or any other program, the main menu (Application, Places & System) with the programs own options. It seemed to happen right after i ran "aticonfig --initial=dual-head --screen-layout=top" i have my TV connected as external monitor. Any idea if it can be fixed? | 21:44 |
usser | babo, and then assuming u followed the steps on medibuntu site do apt-get install ffmpeg | 21:45 |
lImItaO | anyone knows how to get into the cherokee web configuration in Hardy? | 21:45 |
Dahita | hi all | 21:45 |
Kilorf | sorry, the main menu options are replaced, with that of the program* | 21:45 |
Dahita | could someone tell me plz how to make a line start automatically ev | 21:45 |
Dahita | erytime I run linux plz | 21:45 |
usser | babo, all those lib files are from ubuntu's standard repo and dont get reinstalled automatically | 21:45 |
Starnestommy | Dahita: what line? | 21:45 |
babo | usser: yeah, ffmpeg from media is definitely installed. but it won't run the conversion ... | 21:45 |
Dahita | sudo modprobe ath_pci | 21:46 |
usser | babo, are u sure? pastebin dpkg -l | grep ffmpeg | 21:46 |
emma | !info cherokee | lImItaO | 21:46 |
ubottu | limitao: cherokee (source: cherokee): extremely fast and flexible web server. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.6-4 (hardy), package size 219 kB, installed size 672 kB | 21:46 |
Chousuke | babo: how are you trying to do the conversion? | 21:46 |
Dahita | it s very annoying, it s in order to get internet to work properly | 21:46 |
babo | ffmpeg -i vid.mp4 f.avi | 21:46 |
babo | Chousuke, ^ | 21:46 |
emma | lImItaO: so you should be able to open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install cherokee | 21:46 |
Chousuke | babo: that won't work | 21:46 |
Starnestommy | Dahita: add "ath_pci" to /etc/modules | 21:46 |
Starnestommy | (without the " marks) | 21:46 |
Dahita | great thx | 21:46 |
babo | Chousuke, huh ? | 21:47 |
Dahita | I m totally new (tried linux since yesterday night) | 21:47 |
lImItaO | emma: i already installed Cherokee, but i want to enter in the web configuration | 21:47 |
Dahita | how can I do that plz? | 21:47 |
Chousuke | babo: you will need to specify parameters. | 21:47 |
Chousuke | babo: first of all, most likely you will need to re-encode the video and audio in the file | 21:47 |
Chousuke | babo: what format is it? | 21:47 |
Starnestommy | Dahita: gksudo gedit /etc/modules (in applications > accessories > terminal) | 21:47 |
babo | Chousuke, but the error it gives is ... | 21:47 |
babo | Unsupported codec (id=86018) for input stream #0.0 | 21:47 |
Dahita | thx I'm gonna try it right now | 21:47 |
babo | Chousuke, mp4 | 21:47 |
Chousuke | babo: that's just the container | 21:48 |
Chousuke | babo: I meant the video | 21:48 |
Dahita | so I just add it to the list | 21:48 |
Chousuke | is it h.264, divx or what? | 21:48 |
babo | Chousuke, i dunno, i thought it was mp4 ? how do i find out then ? | 21:48 |
Gohalien | People, how to install eclipse (64 bits) + PDT (Php development tools) ? | 21:48 |
Dahita | like Fuse, lp, rtc etc etc | 21:48 |
Chousuke | I wonder | 21:48 |
Ashfire908 | Does run-parts follow symlinks? | 21:48 |
usser | babo, can u pastebin the output of dpkg -l | grep ffmpeg? | 21:48 |
ommegang | does the ati raedon 7200 64mb video card work with ubuntu? | 21:48 |
usser | ommegang, yes it does | 21:49 |
remu | hey guys, I have a question, Im running ubuntu 8.04, and have a dazzle dvc-80, which is said to be supported by usbvision...what do I need to do to capture video from my video camera? just plug the camera into the capture device, and plug that into my computer usb? or do I have to install the usbvision driver? I'm a little lost.... | 21:49 |
gfxstyler | hello | 21:49 |
babo | usser: sorry. ... yeah I'm sure ... | 21:49 |
ommegang | i cant get ubuntu to install. i am thinking the mobo's screwed. | 21:49 |
gfxstyler | why do the ubuntu desktop effects need xserver-xgl? | 21:49 |
Dahita | thx Starnestommy | 21:49 |
gfxstyler | i use the opensource radeon drivers which support aiglx, i dont want xgl | 21:49 |
babo | Chousuke, mp4 isn't the format ? | 21:49 |
misha | join #ivanovo | 21:49 |
Chousuke | babo: no, "mp4" is a file extension | 21:49 |
babo | Chousuke, file extensions usually denote file formats though right ? | 21:50 |
Chousuke | babo: the "format" is probably an MPEG-4 container with a video stream (possibly h.264) an an audio stream (AAC 5.1 or AC3 or...) | 21:50 |
Starnestommy | gfxstyler: xserver-xgl can use aiglx, iirc | 21:50 |
Chousuke | babo: not in this case. | 21:50 |
Chousuke | babo: the only thing it tells you is the container, and that doesn't get you very far. | 21:50 |
usser | babo, everything seems fine | 21:51 |
babo | usser: aye, thanks | 21:51 |
PaulATL | Can anyone recommend a URL (or other resource) to help me decide on a laptop to buy that will be easily compatible with Ubuntu Hardy? | 21:51 |
Chousuke | babo: can you paste the entire output of the ffmpeg command when you run it? | 21:51 |
babolat | !ot | PaulATL | 21:52 |
ubottu | PaulATL: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 21:52 |
usser | babo, hm thats interesting ffmpeg -formats shows that only encoding to mp4 is supported no decoding | 21:52 |
gfxstyler | Starnestommy: is it fast? i mean xserver-xgl | 21:52 |
Chousuke | babolat: that's not OT. | 21:52 |
babo | Chousuke, file vid.mp4 -> vid.mp4: ISO Media, MPEG v4 system, version 2 | 21:52 |
gfxstyler | Starnestommy: i just head aiglx is faster than xgl | 21:52 |
Baltazaar | PaulATL: I use a ThinkPad R61i, and everything, just works... | 21:52 |
Starnestommy | gfxstyler: it's very fast for me | 21:52 |
PaulATL | Sorry - did not know this was off topic. I was asking about compatibility. | 21:52 |
Chousuke | babo: that doesn't tell enough. | 21:52 |
orudie | orudie | 21:52 |
bobsomebody | idiot question: howto mount floppy via command line? | 21:52 |
BrianG | my computer running hardy won't load at all, but every other computer on my network will | 21:52 |
Chousuke | PaulATL: You weren't OT, really. | 21:52 |
babo | Chousuke, the entire thing ? what about just the first page ? | 21:53 |
Chousuke | !hcl | PaulATL | 21:53 |
ubottu | PaulATL: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see | 21:53 |
PaulATL | Chousuke: thanks! | 21:53 |
Romanista | salve | 21:53 |
Chousuke | PaulATL: you might want to google for "ubuntu laptop support" or something too. | 21:53 |
Chousuke | babo: first page? there isn't that much text is there? | 21:53 |
PaulATL | Yeah... the google searches don't turn up much that's helpful. | 21:53 |
PaulATL | Will check the wikis | 21:53 |
Chousuke | babo: use pastebin, it doesn't matter if it's a bit long | 21:53 |
Baltazaar | PaulATL: Just avoid laps with too many hardware control buttons, like many HP models. | 21:54 |
ariqs | i need to swtich from i686 to i386 in order to be able to connect to the net, which means I need to download all the packages I need for i386 from another computer and put them on a flash drive. How do I identify all that I need? | 21:54 |
babo | Chousuke, it's about 9 pages ... | 21:54 |
Chousuke | hm. shouldn't be | 21:54 |
Chousuke | babo: anyway, paste it all | 21:54 |
Chousuke | on pastebin, please. | 21:54 |
babo | Chousuke, all it does is gives a list of switches ... | 21:54 |
PaulATL | Baltazaar: thanks, I'll be sure to watch for that | 21:54 |
Chousuke | babo: ah | 21:55 |
babo | Chousuke, it goes off the terminal. i can't even paste it all ... | 21:55 |
Chousuke | babo: well that would be it then. | 21:55 |
Chousuke | babo: your command is just wrong :9 | 21:55 |
Chousuke | babo: try something like ffmpeg -i file.mp4 -f avi file.avi | 21:55 |
babo | Chousuke, which ffmpeg -> /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg | 21:55 |
kitche | ariqs: why do you need to use i386 packages since they are the same as i686 really | 21:56 |
Chousuke | babo: no, I mean, ffmpeg doesn't work as simply as you'd like it to | 21:56 |
blizzardman1219_ | hi everyone! i'm trying to access the internet on my ubuntu comp and all my attempts thus far have failed. i got the drivers on my wireless card working so that i can view my wireless network but when i enter the password it doesn't seem to be working. i tried downloading wpagui but it's not letting me do anything... any help? | 21:56 |
Chousuke | babo: you need to give it the proper options so it can do the transcoding | 21:56 |
Baltazaar | PaulATL: I would seriously consider Lenovo/IBM ThinkPads. They're just great. Solid and well thought out design. Looks a bit 90's, but works like horses... | 21:56 |
ariqs | kitche: my modem's drivers are only packaged for i386 | 21:56 |
kitche | ariqs: so you can still use i686 and i386 together really | 21:56 |
phenom_ | hi, anyone here using compiz with fusion icon and on nvidia ? | 21:56 |
babo | Chousuke, it just gives the same result ... | 21:57 |
ariqs | kitche: how? I got the i386 package that has my modems driver and it's not working right now | 21:57 |
Chousuke | babo: well I really can't help you then :/ | 21:57 |
babo | Chousuke, aye, thanks anyway ... | 21:57 |
Chousuke | babo: you'll need to read the docs more thoroughly to find out how to use ffmpeg | 21:58 |
ariqs | and now the dork left, cute | 21:58 |
babo | Chousuke, i don't think it's a command thing. i think it's a codec thing ... | 21:58 |
tha_infamoous | can i instal my webcam on ubuntu? | 21:59 |
soundray | !webcam | tha_infamoous | 21:59 |
ubottu | tha_infamoous: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at - Supported cams: | 21:59 |
aaBlueDragon | Hi! i cant get GSynaptics to work. i have a laptop dell xps m1530 | 21:59 |
Chousuke | babo: if it gives you the usage listing it's a problem with the command | 21:59 |
ariqs | before desktop linux is ever going to become the slightest bit adopted by the mainstream, it's going to have to actually support a hell of a lot more networking hardware without dicking around for days | 22:00 |
Chousuke | babo: anyway, you can copypaste from the terminal. just scroll up | 22:00 |
aaBlueDragon | it says i have to add shmconfig set to true.. ive doen that but it wont help | 22:00 |
Chousuke | babo: there's a scrollbar :P | 22:00 |
Chousuke | ariqs: do you perchance have a USB ADSL modem? | 22:00 |
ariqs | i need to switch from i686 to i386 in order to be able to connect to the net, which means I need to download all the packages I need for i386 from another computer and put them on a flash drive. How do I identify all that I need? | 22:00 |
Chousuke | ariqs: also known as a piece of poo :P | 22:00 |
soundray | ariqs: your offtopic comment just shows how little you understand about the constraints under which developers of a Free operating system operate | 22:00 |
jean_ | Hi, how can I know which video driver I'm using ? | 22:01 |
tha_infamoous | soundray ubottu | 22:01 |
aaBlueDragon | Can anyone help me please? i can't run GSynaptics for my touchpad.... | 22:01 |
aaBlueDragon | i run ubuntu 8.04 | 22:01 |
Chousuke | ariqs: what do you mean from i686 to i386? | 22:01 |
ariqs | soundray: I stated pure reality. Perhaps the developers have the cards stacked against them, but it's still true | 22:01 |
soundray | aaBlueDragon: perhaps you have an Alps touchpad rather than a synaptics one | 22:01 |
Gumby | can anyone tell me if the stock hardy kernel(s) are smp capable? I just realized that only one core is being recognized by 2.6.24-16-386 | 22:01 |
mahrellon | Evening everyone | 22:01 |
Chousuke | ariqs: there's no "i686" | 22:01 |
Steve-cal | ariqs: Well at least Linux comes with a full money back guarantee--I think you should demand a refund. :) | 22:02 |
linxuz3r | hey whatsup guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 22:02 |
soundray | ariqs: you don't need to switch all your packages around. You just need a kernel that matches the driver you are trying to load | 22:02 |
slimjimflim | where's the repo file? anybody? | 22:02 |
Chousuke | ariqs: anyway, please answer. Is this a USB ADSL modem? | 22:02 |
ariqs | Chousuke: uname -m i686 | 22:02 |
mahrellon | Gumby: As far as I know running it on a dualcore shouldnt be a problem. I know it's working great for me atleast. | 22:03 |
ariqs | no, it's not | 22:03 |
soundray | Chousuke: no, it's a winmodem (Conexant chipset) | 22:03 |
Chousuke | aahrgghgjk | 22:03 |
DiGiDo | ? | 22:03 |
Chousuke | soundray: same thing | 22:03 |
Chousuke | ariqs: word of advice: go buy real networking gear. | 22:03 |
ariqs | soundray: so but the new kernel has dependencies | 22:03 |
Chousuke | ariqs: the thing you have now is a piece of shit | 22:03 |
soundray | Chousuke: no, an ADSL modem is something very different from a POTS modem | 22:03 |
babo | Chousuke, yeah, it's off the scroll bar even ... | 22:04 |
slimjimflim | nm got it | 22:04 |
Chousuke | soundray: well if it's a winmodem it's the same. ie. crap | 22:04 |
soundray | Chousuke: and please use appropriate language here, some people need to use this channel professionally. | 22:04 |
ariqs | Chousuke: both the modems i've had problem with are the most stable modems in windows. The crap hardware I have seems to work fine in ubuntu, funny that ;P | 22:04 |
soundray | !language | Chousuke | 22:04 |
ubottu | Chousuke: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 22:04 |
Chousuke | soundray: yeah, yeah. I simply have no love for winmodems. | 22:04 |
Chousuke | ariqs: you're trying to use windows-only hardware. that's not going to work | 22:05 |
Gumby | mahrellon: strange. which kernel are you using? | 22:05 |
Chousuke | ariqs: you will go through pain every time you upgrade. | 22:05 |
soundray | Chousuke: they aren't that bad. If vendors were to open the specs, they could be used much more flexibly than standalone modems. | 22:05 |
Chousuke | ariqs: please go buy something that's supported. | 22:05 |
ariqs | Chousuke, there are open source drivers for it, they're just not packaged for i686, and they're a mess. | 22:06 |
Chousuke | ariqs: it's for your own good, really. (I speak of experience) | 22:06 |
ariqs | Chousuke, I'm not dumping money on this nonsense OS ;p | 22:06 |
soundray | ariqs: no, the drivers aren't open source | 22:06 |
genii | Gah, conexants | 22:06 |
idefine | anyway for me to boot off another user? while I am root? | 22:06 |
PaRaSiTe2 | Hi | 22:06 |
ariqs | soundray, then why can I actually see the source files? | 22:06 |
PaRaSiTe2 | Sorry, wrong channel. | 22:06 |
Chousuke | ariqs: Who said about dumping money on Ubuntu? I see it as investing in your own health. | 22:06 |
aaBlueDragon | Soundray you were right. XPS m1530 does use an Alps touchpad | 22:06 |
silencedbear | I'm wondering why my sound died after i updated my linux. I tried to reinstall the alsa mixer packages and even pulse audio but it's to no good outcome anyone have any ideas ? | 22:07 |
aaBlueDragon | anyone know of a good software for alps touchpads??? | 22:07 |
Gumby | silencedbear: you probably need the backports modules | 22:07 |
Chousuke | ariqs: the conexant drivers contain proprietary modules, and as such are not truly open source. | 22:07 |
ekontsevoy | how do I exit GDM session into a console? | 22:07 |
Gumby | silencedbear: which kernel? | 22:07 |
soundray | ariqs: seeing the source doesn't mean it's open source ( = freely distributable) | 22:07 |
ekontsevoy | Ctrl+Alt+Backspace only restarts it | 22:07 |
Chousuke | ariqs: if they were, they'd already be part of the linux kernel. | 22:07 |
genii | ekontsevoy: Select Console Login | 22:07 |
monimc | hello | 22:07 |
monimc | anyone here | 22:08 |
monimc | oh | 22:08 |
ekontsevoy | genii: thanks, lemme try | 22:08 |
Chousuke | ariqs: trying to get your modem working is simply not worth the pain. | 22:08 |
soundray | aaBlueDragon: tpconfig supports Alps (much more basic than gsynaptics, unfortunately) | 22:08 |
soundray | !info tpconfig | aaBlueDragon | 22:08 |
ubottu | aabluedragon: tpconfig (source: tpconfig): configure touchpad devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.3-9 (hardy), package size 59 kB, installed size 200 kB | 22:08 |
monimc | OMG how do u get Compiz to work | 22:08 |
Chousuke | ariqs: besides, you're doing it wrong anyway | 22:09 |
aaBlueDragon | THANKS! | 22:09 |
ariqs | Chousuke, oh, really? how should I go about it then? | 22:09 |
storm-zen | I'm having IP problems that seem to be above the scope of my understanding. Trying to get hardy and gibbon machines to ping each other. Hardy has two interfaces, eth0 and eth1, with static ips and Gibbon has I get network host unreachable. Running shorewall on Gibbon (but the rules are cleared right now), and as far as I can tell, nothing is running on Hardy. What's going on? | 22:09 |
Gumby | silencedbear: enable backports repo in synaptic and then install the linux-ubuntu-modules for your kernel | 22:09 |
Chousuke | ariqs: you're not supposed to change your kernel. you're supposed to take the binary+source and compile the module yourself | 22:09 |
ariqs | it won't compile you dolt ;P | 22:09 |
ariqs | i tried that first | 22:09 |
silencedbear | Gumby, 2.6.12-10-686-smp | 22:09 |
Chousuke | ariqs: well then you're screwed | 22:09 |
ariqs | no, i need to switch to i386 | 22:09 |
soundray | ariqs: no, you don't | 22:10 |
ariqs | as I've been asking about from the start | 22:10 |
Chousuke | ariqs: that won't work either. | 22:10 |
ariqs | yes it will | 22:10 |
ekontsevoy | Hm... I tried terminal login in GDM menu but it was "failsafe" terminal - I want normal login, but.. hold on - I simply want to kill GDM and be in a terminal. How do I do that? | 22:10 |
ariqs | there are packaged drivers for i383 | 22:10 |
genii | storm-zen: Set default gateway to be one of the adapter IPs | 22:10 |
Chousuke | ariqs: it will break every time there's a kernel upgrade. | 22:10 |
ariqs | like I said from the start | 22:10 |
gilan | how to compile kde | 22:10 |
PaRaSiTe2 | Is anyone here on dial up modem? If so, what modem do you have? 3 now I've tried to no avail!! | 22:10 |
ariqs | i386 rather | 22:10 |
Odd-rationale | ekontsevoy: do "ctrl+alt+f1" | 22:10 |
blizzardman1219_ | is there anyone here with experience with wpagui/wpa_supplicant that can help me? | 22:10 |
soundray | ariqs: you need the kernel for which they are compiled, that's all | 22:10 |
ariqs | soundray: and its dependencies, right? | 22:11 |
mahrellon | Gumby, Sorry m8. Was afk a bit there hehe. I'm on the 2.6.24-16-generic | 22:11 |
zebra | my ubuntu 7.1 won't run from live cd | 22:11 |
Chousuke | ariqs: the kernel has no dependencies. | 22:11 |
Odd-rationale | ekontsevoy: login there. so stop GDM do: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" | 22:11 |
ekontsevoy | Odd-rationale: that's different - that will switch me to another text-based process. I want to shut XOrg and Compiz and GDM down and just sit in text console. | 22:11 |
soundray | ariqs: kernel packages don't have many dependencies | 22:11 |
zebra | can anyone talk to me about that? | 22:11 |
storm-zen | genii: That's a little too generic for me. I have a linksys router/firewall at that I'm using for default gateway. | 22:11 |
ariqs | <Chousuke>: i saw dependencies | 22:11 |
Gumby | mahrellon: allrighty. I'll see if that one works for me :) thanks | 22:11 |
ekontsevoy | Odd-rationale: lemme try that! | 22:11 |
mahrellon | Gumby, and my CPU is a P4 EM64 x64 (Kernel is x32) | 22:11 |
mahrellon | Gumby, Anytime m8 and good luck :) | 22:11 |
silencedbear | Gumby, How would i do that i have synaptic opened. | 22:12 |
Chousuke | ariqs: I would guess you need to just install linux-image-something-generic and boot to it. | 22:12 |
soundray | ariqs: and most dependencies between different kernel packages will be identical | 22:12 |
genii | storm-zen: Did you set the as the deafult gateway then in the static configs? | 22:12 |
storm-zen | genii, yes. | 22:12 |
soundray | ariqs: what's the full name of the kernel modules package that has the driver you need? | 22:12 |
storm-zen | genii: Although the gibbon is using DHCP, I'm on the gibbon talking on IRC. | 22:13 |
genii | storm-zen: Have you set as the broadcast address? | 22:13 |
aaBlueDragon | any help? When im running tpconfig it says: Found Synaptics Touchpad | 22:13 |
aaBlueDragon | and nothing happens | 22:13 |
Industrial | I've been vurring a bit too much in synaptic I think. Nautilus (haven't encountered another app) is not showing some fonts; Anyone hever had this or knows how to solve it? | 22:13 |
ariqs | has the driver I need | 22:13 |
Chousuke | ariqs: sudo aptitude install linux-image-2.6.24-16-386 | 22:13 |
ariqs | I can't do that | 22:13 |
soundray | ariqs: why? | 22:13 |
ariqs | because I need the driver to connect to the net | 22:13 |
ariqs | I hve that image anyway | 22:14 |
storm-zen | genii: Not intentionally, but that is the broadcast that shows in both Gibbon and Hardy. | 22:14 |
ariqs | on a flash drive | 22:14 |
ben1225 | Hi! I'm looking for help with a squashfs error on install. I get an "unable to read page" message. | 22:14 |
ariqs | but it has depedencies | 22:14 |
Gumby | ariqs: so get the dependancies and also put them on the flash drive? | 22:14 |
Chousuke | ariqs: it should have no dependencies that you don't have | 22:14 |
genii | storm-zen: From the gutsy box can you ping any of the two IPs on the other? | 22:14 |
ariqs | gumby: I first came in here asking about what those were | 22:14 |
Chousuke | ariqs: what happens when you run dpkg -i on the .deb file? | 22:14 |
PaRaSiTe2 | Anyone here on dial-up? | 22:15 |
soundray | ariqs: pastebin the output from Chousuke's suggestion please | 22:15 |
ariqs | I was double clicking on the package to install it, not sure. I'll have to go boot that machine up to see | 22:15 |
storm-zen | genii: I get Destination host unreachable. | 22:15 |
storm-zen | genii: That's what kills me. | 22:15 |
Chousuke | ariqs: are you sure it's the correct version though? | 22:15 |
soundray | ariqs: forget pastebin, you'd need internet for that of course | 22:15 |
Chousuke | ariqs: not from another ubuntu version or something? | 22:15 |
darthdegoran | Sup? | 22:16 |
darthdegoran | Hey | 22:16 |
silencedbear | How do i install the linux-ubuntu-modules ? | 22:16 |
genii | storm-zen: The IPs are being semi-statically set from the router, according to MAC of nics involved? | 22:16 |
darthdegoran | So, what are you talking about? | 22:17 |
jean_ | IThe Intel 815EM is not detected correctly under hardy on my Sony Vaio PCG-FX503. It was correctly detected under Gutsy... What can I do ? | 22:17 |
Gumby | mahrellon: ah of course, iwas using 386 kernel and not generic. doh! | 22:17 |
storm-zen | genii: No, on hardy, I set the IPs with the network config tool. | 22:17 |
Chousuke | ariqs: because the only deps the kernel image has are packages which you already must have. if you didn't, the system wouldn't even boot! | 22:17 |
storm-zen | On gibbon, it is getting its ip from the Linksys box. | 22:17 |
juliocolivet | hola no se nada como instalo messenger windows 8 | 22:17 |
darthdegoran | SUP? | 22:17 |
Industrial | I've been cutting a bit too much with synaptic I think. Nautilus (haven't encountered another app) is not showing some fonts; Anyone hever had this or knows how to solve it? | 22:17 |
saltedlight | On are listed this 4 commands: sudo update-modules sudo modprobe kqemu sudo modprobe -r kqemu sudo modprobe kqemu but this commands are deptrcated and they do nothing. What is the alternative? Is there any other posibility to load modules in kernel at least at boot time (even if that means that i have to reboot on evrey change...)? | 22:18 |
genii | storm-zen: Is the hardy box able to ping the gateway? | 22:18 |
silencedbear | I'm wondering why my sound died after i updated my linux. I tried to reinstall the alsa mixer packages and even pulse audio but it's to no good outcome anyone have any ideas ? | 22:18 |
darthdegoran | 8-) | 22:19 |
mahrellon | Gumby, Glad to see you found out what the problem was then :D | 22:19 |
darthdegoran | Sup? | 22:19 |
silencedbear | Failed to fetch cdrom:[Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016)]/dists/gutsy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs | 22:19 |
silencedbear | Failed to fetch cdrom:[Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016)]/dists/gutsy/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs | 22:19 |
silencedbear | Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. | 22:19 |
manixtate | cannot connect to camera with hardy heron. I worked with gutsy. Any help guys? | 22:19 |
storm-zen | genii: yes. They both are. Well... at least, I thought it passed that test earlier. It's not right now, though. Guess I'll look at that for a while. | 22:19 |
darthdegoran | HELLO? | 22:19 |
jdavies | !paste | silencedbear | 22:19 |
ubottu | silencedbear: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 22:19 |
jdavies | !hi | darthdegoran | 22:19 |
ubottu | darthdegoran: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 22:19 |
silencedbear | Didn't mean to paste here. Can someone please help me with sound issues. | 22:19 |
=== mahrellon is now known as Mahr_Afk | ||
jean_ | Hi everybody ! The Intel 815EM is not detected correctly under hardy on my Sony Vaio PCG-FX503. It was correctly detected under Gutsy... What can I do ? | 22:20 |
Shishire | I just have a quick question: I'm trying to write a symlink to a file that has a $ in it. how do I correctly escape the $ ? | 22:20 |
shunter | kick it | 22:20 |
darthdegoran | Thank you | 22:20 |
mib_ih7x99 | Shishire: use a backslash like so: \$ | 22:21 |
Odd-rationale | Shishire: you could use tab completion... | 22:21 |
mib_ih7x99 | Shishire: When in doubt, use tab-completion | 22:21 |
Shishire | ty | 22:21 |
cidwel | anyone knows how to improve the volume of the wine apps? | 22:21 |
Shishire | ty | 22:21 |
storm-zen | genii: Apparently ifdown / ifup isn't resetting the network such that it can see the gateway. Any ideas why it can't see the gateway? | 22:21 |
jean_ | How can I change the video driver used by hardy ? | 22:21 |
mib_ih7x99 | I've got a few questions about mutt (a console email client). Does anybody here know how to use it? | 22:21 |
saltedlight | does anyone know the right way to load new modules in kernel since modprobe is deprecated??? | 22:22 |
graham | is it possible to put grub on a raid0 HDD and boot up windows? | 22:22 |
truefire | To jean_: google 'edit xorg.conf' | 22:22 |
genii | storm-zen: If you manually specified IPs and such, you also need to manually specify the gateway and broadcast, etc | 22:22 |
TidusBlade | !seen _henke | 22:23 |
ubottu | Factoid seen _henke not found | 22:23 |
jean_ | truefire : I thought xorg.conf wasn't used anymore in hardy ... | 22:23 |
jdavies | !seen | TidusBlade | 22:23 |
ubottu | TidusBlade: The seen function has not been operational for a long time. Use /msg seenserv seen nickname instead. | 22:23 |
genii | storm-zen: For how from console, edit /etc/network/interfaces with admin privelege. Syntax can be found for it by man interfaces | 22:23 |
mib_ih7x99 | jean_: Still there... :-) | 22:23 |
Odd-rationale | jean_: false, it still is. | 22:23 |
storm-zen | genii: I believe that I did specify the gateway. There was no input blank for the broadcast, but the correct ip for broadcast shows up in ifconfig... | 22:23 |
mib_ih7x99 | How do I configure X to work with my Fujitsu P1510's passive tablet screen? | 22:24 |
Ovispain | does anyone know why my preferred dissapears every time I reboot? | 22:24 |
phoenix24 | hadoop does not exist in the Ubuntu repositories ? | 22:24 |
mib_ih7x99 | The driver at doesn't seem to like 8.04... | 22:24 |
Ovispain | does anyone know why my preferred wallpaper dissapears every time I reboot? | 22:24 |
Ovispain | sorry | 22:24 |
storm-zen | genii: Ok. I'll give that a shot. Thanks. | 22:24 |
AcornAcorn | is there any way to move an entire workspace to another workspace? | 22:24 |
genii | storm-zen: np | 22:25 |
silencedbear | how to i add a cd so it will update it stats to use apt-cdrom | 22:25 |
Ovispain | does anyone know why my preferred wallpaper disappears every time I reboot? | 22:26 |
mib_ih7x99 | silencedbear: You'll want to change your software sources. My Ubuntu machine isn't working right now so I can't tell you where exactly, but look around for a Software Sources menu item. | 22:26 |
jean_ | Odd-rationale and mib_ih7x99 : But I don't know how to modify it ! | 22:26 |
genii | silencedbear: apt-cdrom add | 22:26 |
mib_ih7x99 | jean_: What driver do you need? | 22:26 |
jean_ | intel 815EM | 22:26 |
Industrial | I've been cutting a bit too much with synaptic I think. Nautilus (haven't encountered another app) is not showing some fonts; Anyone hever had this or knows how to solve it? | 22:26 |
silencedbear | it asks for me to insert a cd ganii | 22:27 |
silencedbear | genii* | 22:27 |
saltedlight | On are listed this 4 commands: sudo update-modules sudo modprobe kqemu sudo modprobe -r kqemu sudo modprobe kqemu but this commands are deptrcated and they do nothing. What is the alternative? Is there any other posibility to load modules in kernel at least at boot time (even if that means that i have to reboot on evrey change...)? | 22:27 |
Mxboy | hey, is it just me or reconfiguring x only shows keyboard options? | 22:27 |
gregL | how can i boot up and not have the x-server start, using 8.04 LTS ? | 22:27 |
genii | silencedbear: Yes, this is when you put in the cdrom you want to use as the repository. | 22:27 |
lucia_ | how to know my wireless card name??? | 22:28 |
silencedbear | it is pulling from the internet ??? I don't have the cd to update it. | 22:28 |
=== Adlai_ is now known as Adlai | ||
tolja | can some one help me to get my files from windows im runing ubuntu 7.1 live | 22:28 |
fattmoley | Any Hardy users having issues with Miro? (I ask here because #miro seems pretty dead at the moment) | 22:28 |
genii | silencedbear: Or is it that you want it to NOT use cd? | 22:28 |
Odd-rationale | jean_: what is the problem with your current configuration? is the resolution too small? | 22:28 |
mib_ih7x99 | gregL: You can access a console window without logging into X by hitting Ctrl-Alt-F1 through Ctrl-Alt-F6 | 22:28 |
silencedbear | yea i want it to pull from the internet to update it it states this can i pm you ? | 22:28 |
mib_ih7x99 | gregL: Also try using runlevels. | 22:29 |
Mxboy | is it just me or reconfiguring x only shows keyboard options? | 22:29 |
ricardo | I'm having a problem with sound...I'm using 8.04...can someone help me? | 22:29 |
jean_ | Odd-rationale : yes : 800x600 instead of 1024x768 | 22:29 |
ricardo | pulseaudio is running...but no sound coming out | 22:29 |
jbmagic | is ubuntu easier to use than Gentoo? | 22:29 |
jrib | jbmagic: try both and use the one you think is easier | 22:29 |
mad_max02 | jbmagic, both of them have their good and bad sides | 22:29 |
jbmagic | jrib cant afford or have the time to try both | 22:30 |
gregL | mbi_ih7x99: thanks, i have read quite a bit on run levels but i am still in the dark on how to use them.. | 22:30 |
genii | silencedbear: No PM please. In this case do: gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and put # in front of the first few lines referring to CDs. Then save. After to see if synaptic looks to internet | 22:30 |
jrib | jbmagic: they both have live CDs. You could have tried one in the time it took you to ask the question :) It's a very subjective question | 22:30 |
jbmagic | jrib: thanks | 22:30 |
recon | Where do I change the language again? | 22:30 |
mib_ih7x99 | gregL: why don't you want X starting at startup? | 22:30 |
storm-zen | genii: That didn't help. Maybe Hardy needs to be rebooted. | 22:30 |
mib_ih7x99 | gregL: You can choose "recovery mode" at boot and get single-user mode (just one user, root) | 22:31 |
jbmagic | does ubuntu livecd have a dvd player? | 22:31 |
genii | storm-zen: Did you do the ifup/ifdown sequence? | 22:31 |
jkirby | hi, im trying to send certain traffic through ppp2 as apposed to ppp0. ive added the route, but the moment I do so, I cannot send any traffic through it. I get this error: - any other ping and traffic works 100% through the default ppp0 - any idea why this would happen? no idea where im going wrong here | 22:31 |
blizzardman1219_ | is there anyone here with experience with wpagui/wpa_supplicant that can help me? | 22:31 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: What wifi card do you have? | 22:31 |
jrib | jbmagic: yes, but you can't play encrypted DVDs by default. I'll send you the instructions | 22:31 |
jrib | !dvd > jbmagic (read the private message from ubottu) | 22:32 |
jbmagic | jrib: thanks | 22:32 |
mib_ih7x99 | !dvd > mib_ih7x99 (now I'm curious :-)) | 22:32 |
gregL | mbi_ih7x99:I am having a problem with my video driver and i want to try a beta version..You have to drop to int3 to do it... | 22:32 |
zebra | once upon a time i inserted the live cd ubuntu version 7.1 on this pcs cd drive and it ran just fine | 22:32 |
graham | anybody know how to isntall grub on an ntfs raid0 HDD | 22:32 |
zebra | but nowadays it wont work | 22:32 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: D-Link WUA 2340 | 22:32 |
zebra | any suggestion, pal? | 22:33 |
tolja | can some 1 help me access my windows drivves? i`m running ubuntu 7.1 live | 22:33 |
ariqs | you know what, I have linux-image-2.6.24-16-386 installed fine, it's another linux-image-386 that has a bunch of dependencies. I was wrong on that, my bad. However, even with linux-image-2.6.24-16-386, the drivers don't seem to be working | 22:33 |
mib_ih7x99 | gregL: Oh, OK. In that case, open a terminal and type sudo runlevel 3 | 22:33 |
Odd-rationale | jean_: try to make your screen section look more like this: then save and close the file and restart X | 22:33 |
mib_ih7x99 | gregL: I think. If that doesn't work, try sudo init 3 | 22:33 |
mib_ih7x99 | gregL: Sorry, I'm sort of rusty :-) | 22:33 |
Mxboy | reconfiguring x on hardy heron only shows keyboard options? | 22:33 |
waqastoor | any client of GIT on ubuntu ? | 22:33 |
storm-zen | genii: You mean sudo /sbin/ifdown -a then sudo /sbin/ifup -a ? | 22:34 |
genii | storm-zen: Yes although you don't need full path. May also require sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 22:34 |
gregL | mbi_ih7x99: ok great...any push in the right direction is good by me...thanks i am going to give your suggestions a try...thanks again.. | 22:34 |
storm-zen | genii: I'll give networking a shot. | 22:35 |
mib_ih7x99 | gregL: Good luck. | 22:35 |
ervis | hello all | 22:35 |
ervis | :) | 22:35 |
ervis | how craete live cd like Kubuntu edubuntu ? | 22:35 |
ervis | run or install them from CD or USB like them | 22:35 |
ervis | ? | 22:35 |
ariqs | what does the linux restricted module helper script do? | 22:35 |
jkirby | hi, im trying to send certain traffic through ppp2 as apposed to ppp0. ive added the route, but the moment I do so, I cannot send any traffic through it. I get this error: - any other ping and traffic works 100% through the default ppp0 - any idea why this would happen? no idea where im going wrong here | 22:36 |
tolja | how to access my windows drives from ubuntu? | 22:36 |
jean_ | Odd-rationale : thank you ! | 22:36 |
mib_ih7x99 | !ntfs | tolja | 22:36 |
ubottu | tolja: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE | 22:36 |
Odd-rationale | jean_: did it work? | 22:36 |
ervis | how craete live cd like Kubuntu edubuntu ? | 22:37 |
ervis | run or install them from CD or USB like them | 22:37 |
ervis | ? | 22:37 |
Mxboy | how do i change gfx driver to Vesa ? | 22:37 |
Mxboy | dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesnt rly show it | 22:37 |
Mxboy | (hardy heron) | 22:38 |
tolja | thx | 22:38 |
ariqs | when I install linux-image-2.6.24-16-386 , uname -m still shows i686. Is that how it should be? | 22:38 |
storm-zen | genii: I am getting RTNETLINK answers no such process. Possibly, the system is in an inbetween state somehow. | 22:38 |
xenos | Most addictive game in the world; | 22:39 |
genii | storm-zen: Possibly. I would (grudgingly) suggest a reboot then | 22:39 |
obf213 | hey, im trying to use a second monitor but its always a clone | 22:39 |
obf213 | how do i fix this | 22:39 |
Mxboy | genii mind telling me how do i change gfx driver to vesa on hardy heron? | 22:39 |
xodiak | tolja: someone showed me how last night. Follow the instructions on this page, that's pretty much what we did | 22:39 |
xodiak | tolja: | 22:40 |
roger_ | PLease, how can I unistall an program bin? | 22:40 |
blizzardman1219_ | is there anyone here with experience with wpagui/wpa_supplicant that can help me? | 22:40 |
roger_ | a* | 22:40 |
ariqs | when I install linux-image-2.6.24-16-386 , uname -m still shows i686. Is that how it should be? | 22:40 |
janiel | could some one tell me how to in a desklet | 22:41 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: I might be able to help you. What wifi chipset have you got, and what's your problem specifically? | 22:41 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: Any reason Network Manager won't work? (Or is this for a server or something?) | 22:41 |
janiel | i need help to install a desk let | 22:42 |
rym | Is it normal for the tracker search tool to not-find anything, no matter what i tell it to look for? | 22:42 |
storm-zen | genii: Yeah, I usually try everything I can before I do a reboot, but sometimes I break things without knowing what they are... | 22:42 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: i have the D-Link WUA 2340. i'm trying to connect to my network, but when i put in my password, it just sits for a few seconds and then asks for it again | 22:42 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: What sort of machine are you on? Laptop? Desktop? | 22:42 |
janiel | lap top | 22:42 |
ariqs | when I install linux-image-2.6.24-16-386 , uname -m still shows i686. Is that how it should be? | 22:42 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: What kind of security does your network have, if any? (WEP? WPA?) | 22:43 |
rym | *addition to my question, when using ' search for files' in Places, i do get results. Am i just not understand what you use the tracker search tool for or ? | 22:43 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: desktop and i believe my encryption is WPA | 22:43 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: How are you trying to connect to your network? | 22:43 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: I use NetworkManager (the little icon in the upper-right corner of the screen) | 22:44 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: by clicking on the icon by the sound | 22:44 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: OK, that's NetworkManager. | 22:44 |
janiel | could some one help me | 22:44 |
Fegis | can someone tell me why openssh-(client, server, cert) is kept back when doing apt-get -u upgrade? will installing them break something? | 22:44 |
obf213 | hey can ubuntu do extended desktop? mine seems to always clone my output | 22:44 |
mib_ih7x99 | !wpa | blizzardman1219_ | 22:44 |
ubottu | blizzardman1219_: Wireless documentation can be found at | 22:44 |
jrib | Fegis: update requires you to be there. Read the changelog | 22:45 |
xodiak | janiel: what are you trying to do? | 22:45 |
janiel | install a desklet thing | 22:45 |
jrib | Fegis: to actually upgrade them just do apt-get install PACKAGE | 22:45 |
genii | Mxboy: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and choose vesa as the driver | 22:45 |
xodiak | janiel: do you have other desklets running? | 22:45 |
genii | Apologies for lag | 22:45 |
Mxboy | genii only shows keyboard options | 22:46 |
janiel | i just started using ubuntu | 22:46 |
Fegis | jrib: yeah, I know how to install them... but don't know any easy way to read the changelog other than visit their sourceforge-page or simular | 22:46 |
janiel | i dont have any runnig | 22:46 |
jrib | Fegis: aptitude changelog PACKAGE | 22:46 |
Fegis | jrib: thanks alot! | 22:47 |
janiel | i want to learn how to install it | 22:47 |
xodiak | janiel: I'm very new too. Try going into "Synaptic Package Manager" Search for desklet and install the gdesklets package. I don't have them installed, but see them in the package list. | 22:47 |
desert | linux/insigne? | 22:47 |
Fegis | janiel: you know how to download an iso and burn it? | 22:47 |
janiel | yes | 22:47 |
kurakao | hi! | 22:48 |
kurakao | i have installed ubuntu hardy in my laptop | 22:48 |
ervis | how create live cd like Kubuntu edubuntu ? | 22:48 |
ervis | run or install them from CD or USB like them | 22:48 |
kurakao | and i have problem | 22:48 |
genii | Mxboy: You can also manually add line of Driver "vesa" under the line reading Configured Video Device in your xorg.conf file | 22:49 |
Fegis | janiel: then visit the ubuntu-homepage, download the normal iso and burn it... then reboot your computer with the cd in and boot from it... choose a partiotion to install ubuntu and it will install it for you... | 22:49 |
kurakao | because it blocks | 22:49 |
julle_ | Is there a terminalbased application that enables me to see the network traffic in realtime on a certain NIC? | 22:49 |
Mxboy | genii ok, ill try, thanks | 22:49 |
mib_ih7x99 | julle_: Doubtless. Do an `apt-cache search pcap' and see what shows up. | 22:49 |
janiel | install what | 22:49 |
xodiak | janiel: I'm very new too. Try going into "Synaptic Package Manager" Search for desklet and install the gdesklets package. I don't have them installed, but see them in the package list. | 22:49 |
=== orion is now known as orion-terry | ||
james__ | hmm julle wire shark maybe | 22:49 |
jean_ | Odd-rationale : Doesn't work... | 22:49 |
jkirby | hi, im trying to send certain traffic through ppp2 as apposed to ppp0. ive added the route, but the moment I do so, I cannot send any traffic through it. I get this error: - any other ping and traffic works 100% through the default ppp0 - any idea why this would happen? no idea where im going wrong here | 22:50 |
DIL | julle_: wireshark ? | 22:50 |
mib_ih7x99 | james__: wireshark is graphical | 22:50 |
janiel | i have downloaded some desklets i want to know ho to install them | 22:50 |
gib0r | I have a little issue. Installed 8.04 on my thinkpad here through windows and after doing an update pidgin will no longer load | 22:50 |
Odd-rationale | jean_: you resolution is still too small? | 22:50 |
julle_ | mib_ih7x99: james__ i what to see the network traffic load, not certain data packets | 22:50 |
james__ | mib_ih7x99, gets the job done | 22:50 |
mib_ih7x99 | james__: true, but he asked for something terminalish :-) | 22:50 |
mib_ih7x99 | julle_: let me search for something | 22:50 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: i've already tried all of the documenation at the place where you linked me, nothing has worked | 22:51 |
julle_ | mib_ih7x99: thank you! | 22:51 |
james__ | mib_ih7x99 details details | 22:51 |
gib0r | can anyone offer any suggestions? | 22:51 |
jean_ | Odd-rationale : still to small... Trying with gksu displayconfig-gtk | 22:51 |
janiel | could someone tell me how to install a desklett | 22:51 |
dare | where to report bug | 22:51 |
mib_ih7x99 | julle_: -- does that look useful? I think it's in the repositories, too, but not sure (my ubuntu laptop is kaput) | 22:51 |
Baby_Shambl3s | hi what what should i press on my keyboard if the keys shortcut is 0xa1? | 22:51 |
mib_ih7x99 | james__: gotta love 'em | 22:52 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: Your wifi works under Windows, I assume? | 22:52 |
DIL | is there a program in ubuntu that can read minds | 22:52 |
mib_ih7x99 | DIL: you could try office 2003 under wine :-) | 22:53 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: my network does yes, but i've never tried this card with windows | 22:53 |
mib_ih7x99 | DIL: it tries to read your mind and fails 105% of the time :-) | 22:53 |
janiel | o help | 22:53 |
DIL | lol | 22:53 |
julle_ | mib_ih7x99: thanks alot! | 22:53 |
Dahita | hey again all | 22:53 |
mib_ih7x99 | julle_: sure, no problem | 22:53 |
Dahita | problem: | 22:53 |
nbaleopard | hello | 22:53 |
ChrisSugden | Hello, room | 22:54 |
Dahita | after fighting all day long I finally made it to install nvid | 22:54 |
Dahita | ia drivers | 22:54 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: have you connected to your wifi network under windows before? that is, without using an ethernet cord? | 22:54 |
Dahita | problem is I am stuck in 640/480 no matter what | 22:54 |
Dahita | and I can t chage it | 22:54 |
Dahita | furthermore it s really hard because the desktop is rea | 22:54 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: yes, on my windows computer (which i'm on right now) all i've ever used is my wireless network | 22:54 |
rym | What exactly is the tracker search tool for ? | 22:55 |
Dahita | lly small and the nvidia window is big | 22:55 |
Dahita | anyone has an idea of what s going on? | 22:55 |
idefine | rc.local doesn't execute till the user logs in, where else can I put commands, so that they will startup when ubuntu starts up. | 22:55 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: What version of Windows do you have? XP or Vista, or something else? | 22:55 |
Starnestommy | rym: the search toolbar | 22:55 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: vista | 22:55 |
Dahita | I don t getit because my monitor is recognized | 22:55 |
mib_ih7x99 | idefine: Look up information about runlevels. | 22:55 |
jrib | !startup > idefine (read the private message from ubottu) | 22:56 |
jrib | idefine: I'm pretty sure you are wrong about rc.local... | 22:56 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: I've got Vista on my Macbook here and I still haven't figured it out :-)... See if you can find, under vista, what your exact network settings are. | 22:56 |
james__ | mib_ih7x99 found anything for the traffic monitoring yet? | 22:56 |
ChrisSugden | Hello, Room | 22:56 |
mib_ih7x99 | james__: Ifstat seems to work | 22:57 |
james__ | nice | 22:57 |
rym | Starnestommy, yeah, cause it doesnt really return any search results, no matter what i enter | 22:57 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: WPA (1 or 2)? AES or TKIP? | 22:57 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: If you have the exact correct information from Windows, and it doesn't work under Ubuntu, then we need to figure out how to get your card working. | 22:57 |
mib_ih7x99 | Any mutt users here? (#mutt is asleep) | 22:58 |
BP-64672 | hello | 22:58 |
Veinor | I just scanned a machine with nmap and found that it's running vnc-http and x11. How do I connect to these? | 22:58 |
mib_ih7x99 | !hi | BP-64672 | 22:58 |
ubottu | BP-64672: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 22:58 |
BP-64672 | Okay, when i first installed postfix it worked fine, i coudl send emails internally and externally. After I restart the computer I could still send internally, but nto externally. This is the error message I got in the postqueue | 22:58 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: security type: WPA-personal, encryption type: TKIP | 22:59 |
BP-64672 | (Host or domain name not found. Name service error for type=MX: Host not found, try again) | 22:59 |
Veinor | I've tried just going to the machine on the vnc-http port but nothing popped up. | 22:59 |
BP-64672 | also, when i ran dig MX it returned nothing | 22:59 |
xodiak | janiel: are you still here? | 22:59 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: OK, same as mine. Under Ubuntu, specifically choose TKIP instead of Automatic, and choose `show WPA password' so you can see that it's correctly entered. | 22:59 |
james__ | ok I've just got to say that Hardy is awesome. Finally my 4965 works (allbeit in G mode) with out dropping all the time | 22:59 |
mib_ih7x99 | james__: Yep, 804 isn't bad at all--my Lifebook's wifi card and graphics chipset work OOTB | 23:00 |
mib_ih7x99 | It's a tablet PC, so I can't actually /use/ it, but details details details :-) | 23:01 |
james__ | mib_ih7x99 it's sad when the wi-fi works better on Ubuntu than it does on Vista | 23:01 |
vlad | hi ppl can somebody tell me how can i get realtek sound to work 5.1 sorround? | 23:01 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: did what you said, it still does the same thing | 23:01 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: it just sits there trying to connect and then it asks for my password again | 23:02 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: OK. Can you open up a terminal window (Alt-F2, gnome-terminal)? | 23:02 |
james__ | vlad: what version of ubuntu do you have? | 23:02 |
vlad | james__: i have hardy heron 8.04 | 23:02 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: ok i'm in a terminal window | 23:03 |
james__ | can you paste the output of lspci -vv on pastebin | 23:03 |
obf213 | really, anyone extended desktop, is it possible? | 23:03 |
james__ | vlad: did you see my last post? | 23:03 |
vlad | yeah | 23:03 |
vlad | checking | 23:03 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_, james__ -- don't forget lsusb :-) | 23:03 |
james__ | mib_ih7x99 that's a new one for me | 23:04 |
james__ | thanks man | 23:04 |
mib_ih7x99 | james__: No problem. Never know how something's hooked up :-) | 23:04 |
AcornAcorn | If i want a new theme, do i need to get a metacity theme? | 23:04 |
james__ | this is true | 23:04 |
james__ | vlad: is this a laptop? | 23:04 |
vlad | james__: is a pc | 23:04 |
storm-zen | !dvd | 23:04 |
ubottu | For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 23:04 |
james__ | vlad: is this a laptop or desktop? | 23:05 |
vlad | james__: desktop | 23:05 |
vlad | that command u gave me shows a lot of stuff | 23:05 |
james__ | do you see a volume icon in the main panel? | 23:05 |
emma | Okay I'm back. | 23:06 |
vlad | yes | 23:06 |
james__ | vlad, copy it all and | 23:06 |
blech_ | hey everybody. question: what lines would I add to my menu.lst in order for grub to have another partition as an option (this partition is on another hdd). When I tried, I got error 18: " selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS" | 23:06 |
james__ | vlad, then give me the url | 23:06 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: what do you see after typing `lspci -vv' ? | 23:06 |
manoff | how can i set timezone for my ubuntu server? | 23:06 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: hold on one second, i'm trying to transfer it so i can pastebin it now | 23:06 |
mib_ih7x99 | oh, ok | 23:06 |
manoff | !timezone | 23:06 |
ubottu | Factoid timezone not found | 23:06 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: You can select it all and then middle-click somewhere else to paste, IIRC | 23:06 |
genii | blech_: Use the chainload example for Windows as something to go by | 23:06 |
blech_ | do I need to have the chainload line, genii? | 23:06 |
genii | blech_: For using the entire hd, yes | 23:07 |
blech_ | genii, okay, thank yo | 23:07 |
blech_ | u | 23:07 |
vlad | james__: | 23:07 |
james__ | mib_ih7x99 does etc/hosts work just like the lmhosts file on windows? | 23:07 |
mib_ih7x99 | james__: I'm not sure... I think it's a similar syntax | 23:08 |
xpistos | Hey Newb here. Is there a current magazine line Tux? | 23:08 |
mib_ih7x99 | james__: `man hosts' maybe? | 23:08 |
victoroth | what do u mean by line tux ? | 23:08 |
james__ | mib_ih7x99 will do | 23:08 |
xpistos | victoroth yes sorry fat fingers | 23:08 |
vlad | james__: did u get the url? | 23:08 |
blech_ | also, in menu.lst does spacing between command and parens matter? | 23:09 |
xpistos | Like Tux magazine | 23:09 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: | 23:09 |
victoroth | i dont know ... search google | 23:09 |
victoroth | :) | 23:09 |
StuckMojo | hey what was the page with the known bugs / problems in the hardy beta? | 23:09 |
james__ | vlad, yes | 23:09 |
StuckMojo | it had something about broadcom wireless chipsets | 23:09 |
vlad | oki | 23:09 |
StuckMojo | mine still ain't workin | 23:09 |
keanu | how can i adjust window transparency via a keyboard binding? | 23:09 |
james__ | looking | 23:09 |
=== Karter_ is now known as Karter | ||
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: Looks like the magic word for your wireless chipset is `07d1:3a08' :-) | 23:10 |
sc00b | org | 23:10 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: You have one of these things? | 23:11 |
james__ | vlad, please sudo lspci and pastebin | 23:11 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: yes | 23:11 |
mib_ih7x99 | OK. Have you done anything to make it work, blizzardman1219_? | 23:11 |
xpistos | Anyone ready any other magazines online or otherwise other than Linux magazine? | 23:11 |
xpistos | Anyone read any other magazines online or otherwise other than Linux magazine? | 23:11 |
tinin | how do I install cvs? | 23:11 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: I mean, installing drivers or anything like that | 23:11 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: i have the driver successfully working, so that's no problem. i can connect to non-encrypted networks without an issue but the problem is that my network is encrypted | 23:12 |
mib_ih7x99 | OK, sorry for misunderstanding :-) | 23:12 |
victoroth | xpistos i read Servo magazine it is about programming robot's | 23:12 |
DIL | Linux Journal? | 23:12 |
janiel | am still here | 23:12 |
=== snake_ is now known as albuntu | ||
Mahr_Afk | tinin, sudo apt-get install cvs | 23:13 |
vlad | james__: | 23:13 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: Did you use NDISwrapper? | 23:13 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: yes | 23:13 |
axisys | looks like turning off roaming did not fix my issue | 23:14 |
tinin | Mahr_Afk, thanx, I thought it was more complicated ;) | 23:14 |
DIL | !cvs | 23:14 |
ubottu | cvs is the Concurrent Versions System, the dominant open-source network-transparent version control system; it helps to manage releases and to control concurrent editing of source files among multiple authors. See: | 23:14 |
axisys | it dropped connection again | 23:14 |
james__ | vlad, audio chip appears to be azalia | 23:14 |
james__ | please hold | 23:14 |
axisys | my wireless connection is still buggy and I am using ipw2200 | 23:14 |
Mahr_Afk | tinin, Anytime hehe :) | 23:15 |
gwern | so I've been trying to figure out, where exactly does one set boot services (for scripts in init.d/ and so on)? | 23:15 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: OK, so I'm guessing that the problem is driverish. wpasupplicant is just a harder way of doing what NetworkManager will do for you, so I think the issue is with the driver. | 23:16 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: ok... so what exactly can i do? | 23:16 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: I'm searching for information about your specific card... just a min | 23:17 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: this page, <>, keeps showing up. Is that where you got setup information from? | 23:17 |
Billenium | Are there any articles for how to split up a hard drive between /usr, /var, /home, /boot, /opt, / ... etc? | 23:18 |
Billenium | Or like, /usr needs around xGB to function etc... | 23:18 |
pawan | hi | 23:19 |
james__ | vlad, sudo modprobe -c | grep hda (pastebin | 23:19 |
gwern | Billenium: not really. but the rule of thumb I've always used is '/boot needs no more than 50mb or so; /home should get about 90% of space, and put everything else in / in what's left over from swap | 23:19 |
pawan | unable to install nvidia 5200 drivers | 23:19 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: no, i was familiar with the ndiswrapper from a previous attempt so i was able to set it up myself. i did see that page already though and it i noticed that the links were broken | 23:19 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: yeah, that's quite helpful, isn't it :-) | 23:20 |
Billenium | okay thanks gwern :) | 23:20 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: Can you paste the output of `sudo iwconfig'? | 23:20 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: sure, just give me a sec | 23:20 |
gwern | Billenium: for example, on my 500gb drive, I'd partition like this: /dev/sda1 = boot = 30mb; /dev/sda2 = swap = 1gb; /dev/sda3 = / = 10gb; /dev/sda4 = /home = 489gb | 23:20 |
tarelerulz | I got beta version of Ubuntu 8.04 and now I can't update Meta-index file for couple repositories . What do I do ? | 23:20 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: You might also find something useful with `sudo dmesg | grep ndis' | 23:20 |
SeaPhor | pawan, you shoudn't need them, the restricted drivers work great gor me | 23:20 |
james__ | vlad, also, what the model of your mother board | 23:21 |
pawan | alaways runs in low graphics mode | 23:21 |
saotome | trying to use ddclient to forward my IP address to ddclient is forwarding my LAN address, so basically it doesn't work from the outside. Please help! | 23:21 |
gwern | this is annoying; so system-administration-services does seem to cover a bunch of boot services, but it omits all the ones I want to enable | 23:21 |
SeaPhor | do you have restricted drivers enabled pawan ? | 23:21 |
zvacet | tarelerulz : updadte it and you should be fine | 23:21 |
pawan | no | 23:21 |
mib_ih7x99 | saotome: I've actually had this same problem. You're going to want to curl or wget the output of some IP-address-revealing site and send that to your ddclient application. | 23:22 |
pawan | it is not showing my card there | 23:22 |
SeaPhor | try that, see what you think | 23:22 |
ariqs | I have linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-386 which contains the ltmodem drivers I need. I installed the package, and I see /lib/modules/ltmodem. Within that are 3 .o files. HOwever, none of them will load with modprobe or insmod. What's up? | 23:22 |
mib_ih7x99 | saotome: This command will give you your external IP address. | 23:22 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: | 23:22 |
mib_ih7x99 | saotome: curl -sf|cut -d ':' -f 2|cut -d '<' -f1|sed -e 's/ //g' | 23:22 |
saotome | mib_ih7x99, my ISP gives me a dynamic IP address, which is the whole point of using ddclient. If i give it my IP address, then wont it just stop working the next time the address refreshes? | 23:22 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: thanks, just a minute | 23:23 |
vlad | james__: and mobo gigabyte GA-MA770-DS3 | 23:23 |
james__ | mib_ih7x99, i love curling | 23:23 |
saotome | oh I see... | 23:23 |
pawan | should i install it manually | 23:23 |
mib_ih7x99 | saotome: What I do is run a script that checks my external IP address (that script is courtesy of Quicksilver) every /n/ minutes, and updates my DNS server accordingly. | 23:23 |
mib_ih7x99 | saotome: I used EveryDNS (I think) but the process is basically the same. | 23:24 |
ariqs | I have linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-386 which contains the ltmodem drivers I need. I installed the package, and I see /lib/modules/ltmodem. Within that are 3 .o files. HOwever, none of them will load with modprobe or insmod. What's up? | 23:24 |
Condoulo | what is a good twitter client for Ubuntu | 23:24 |
kappaccino | loltwitter | 23:24 |
pawan | how to know which card i have | 23:24 |
SeaPhor | pawan, i didnt have to, i have a 5200, a 6100 go, a 7300, an 8600 and a 8800 all with no issues as long as i use the restricted drivers?? | 23:24 |
fluffles | hi all. is there any known fix for the Compiz memory leaks yet? After a few days it gets to ~500MB and keeps going, rendering my ubuntu pc very slow | 23:24 |
Ashfire908 | Could someone recommend a good HTML/CSS editing/Web Page designer (that is GTK/GNOME based)? | 23:24 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: OK, doesn't look like iwconfig turned up anything useful. Does `sudo dmesg | grep ndis' show you anything? | 23:24 |
homeuser | hello people | 23:24 |
james__ | vlad, it appears that azalia audio is a joint effort for HD Audio standards from Intel and a few others, the issue is that the intel module may not work... I'm researching this further | 23:25 |
homeuser | how do I determine my currect screen resolution? | 23:25 |
james__ | vlad, this is odd as you seem to have an AMD platform | 23:25 |
fluffles | homeuser, count the pixels :) | 23:25 |
mib_ih7x99 | fluffles: No! Use a ruler! :-) | 23:25 |
fluffles | mib_ih7x99, then you'd have to know the DPI :p | 23:26 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: | 23:26 |
pawan | why it is not showing my card in restricted drivres | 23:26 |
saotome | mib_ih7x99, first of all, many thanks for you help. Second: two questions. One, that curl command didn't work, I'm getting an error. Other question: How do I tell ddclient to execute that script? | 23:26 |
mib_ih7x99 | fluffles: True, that... | 23:26 |
vlad | james__: yes man amd, so its like a bug or smth? | 23:26 |
Mahr_Afk | homeuser, go to System\Preferences and start "Screen Resolution" and Check what it says. | 23:26 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: OK, lemme have a look. saotome, just a minute | 23:26 |
homeuser | well, currently in Display Preferences it is set to Default. I like this resolution however the refresh rate is set to something that makes the screen flicker a lot especially when watching from peripheral vision | 23:26 |
homeuser | Mahr_Afk: ok checking. :) | 23:26 |
fluffles | Mahr_Afk, that does not give the correct current resolution for me | 23:26 |
pawan | it says no properitey drivers are enabled in this system | 23:27 |
saotome | mib_ih7x99 thanks | 23:27 |
fluffles | my monitor is always correct, though | 23:27 |
Nitricacid | xx | 23:27 |
ariqs | I have linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-386 which contains the ltmodem drivers I need. I installed the package, and I see /lib/modules/ltmodem. Within that are 3 .o files. HOwever, none of them will load with modprobe or insmod. What's up? | 23:27 |
=== userzero is now known as ltl | ||
james__ | vlad, not a bug per say, but it may actually be and INTEL driver or and ATI driver that you need... not sure yet | 23:27 |
SeaPhor | pawan, is there anything that says "Enable" ? anywhere? | 23:27 |
homeuser | Mahr_Afk: I'm using xfce. I only see Applications > settings > settings manager. | 23:27 |
pawan | no | 23:28 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: Well, it looks like it should work. Do you have anything like MAC Address Filtering that could interfere? | 23:28 |
vlad | james__: oic | 23:28 |
james__ | vlad, start here | 23:28 |
tim^ | does anyone use wicd? i uninstalled network manager and installed wicd and i cant connect to my wireless network using 128bit wep key | 23:28 |
Aranel | after installing ubuntu-desktop to my Kubuntu, my opengl is messed up, glxinfo says Error: glXCreateContent Failed and glxgears doesnt work. how can I reinstall opengl ? | 23:28 |
james__ | vlad | 23:28 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: And you've checked the obvious (correctly typed passphrase, that sort of thing)? | 23:28 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: i have no idea. how would i check that? | 23:28 |
Mahr_Afk | homeuser, oh, then I'm not sure. Maby you could ask around in #Xubuntu? | 23:28 |
homeuser | Under there I"m using DIsplay Preferences. Which si the Screen resolution app under GNOME, I think. | 23:28 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: It's something you'd turn on yourself (security options on your router) | 23:28 |
boy_chn | hello all, I have just deleted a grub folder. What should I do to make it back?? | 23:28 |
boy_chn | hello all, I have just deleted a grub folder. What should I do to make it back?? | 23:28 |
homeuser | Mahr_Afk: ok. let me try . Thanks for your help. :) | 23:28 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: i checked that i was entering it correctly over and over again. | 23:28 |
Mahr_Afk | homeuser, you're welcome. Hope you'll sort it out m8 | 23:28 |
compengi | hardy didn't detect my nvidia card automatically. the xorg.conf file was so i loaded gutsy on which my card was working and detected perfectly copied the content of xorg.conf file and pasted it in the live cd session before installing. after installing hardy + restricted drivers, after each reboot i have to "ctrl+alt+backspace" to be able to have a high resolution why? | 23:28 |
SeaPhor | pawan, did you get the linux drivers from nvidia website download? | 23:29 |
Novato81 | Hello everybody | 23:29 |
pawan | yes | 23:29 |
Aranel | after installing ubuntu-desktop to my Kubuntu, my opengl is messed up, glxinfo says Error: glXCreateContent Failed and glxgears doesnt work. how can I reinstall opengl ? | 23:29 |
mib_ih7x99 | saotome: Is `curl' installed on your system? If it isn't, `sudo apt-get install curl | 23:29 |
mib_ih7x99 | ' | 23:29 |
james__ | vlad, and here | 23:29 |
boy_chn | hello all, I have just deleted a grub folder. What should I do to make it back?? | 23:29 |
vlad | james__: man my sounds works but just 2.1 even if the sound is 5.1 | 23:29 |
SeaPhor | pawan, and that wont install either? | 23:29 |
pawan | no | 23:30 |
saotome | mib_ih7x99 it is installed | 23:30 |
zvacet | boy_chn : try t oreinstall grub and see if that helps | 23:30 |
james__ | vlad, then you may have a generic driver that doesn't support 5.1 | 23:30 |
vlad | o | 23:30 |
mib_ih7x99 | saotome: What error do you get whan you run that command? | 23:30 |
saotome | it's an error executing the command, not complaining about the absence of the command | 23:30 |
boy_chn | zvacet: how to do that??? | 23:30 |
pawan | should i use nvidia-glx manually | 23:30 |
james__ | vlad, or you may need additional modules | 23:30 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: everything i've read seems to point me toward wpa_supplicant or wpagui | 23:30 |
vlad | james__: its a driver i just download from synaptic | 23:30 |
boy_chn | zvacet: through synaptic??? | 23:30 |
SeaPhor | if you know how, but i would look at your lspci first | 23:30 |
SeaPhor | if you know how, but i would look at your lspci first pawan | 23:31 |
boy_chn | zvacet: I have already reinstall this package. But the folder still doesn't appear | 23:31 |
Novato81 | Can someone help me to conect Ubuntu 8.04 to my home network?, please | 23:31 |
boy_chn | hello all, I have just deleted a grub folder. What should I do to make it back?? | 23:31 |
zvacet | boy_chn : | 23:31 |
james__ | vlad, please search over the alsa website to verify you have the right modules | 23:31 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: my only problem with those, is that i finally got wpagui installed, but when i click scan nothing happens and it says something about being unable to do something with wpa_supplicant | 23:31 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: wpasupplicant is a command-line application which you would use to connect to a WPA network manually. Let's give it a shot so we can see if NetworkManager is messed up. | 23:31 |
vlad | those are exactly what i have | 23:31 |
GottaBeAndrew | i want to start a script on start up. what folder do i put it in to make it do that? | 23:32 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: Don't know anything about wpagui. | 23:32 |
saotome | mib_ih7x99 it sorta says "command not found" (this is installed in spanish), but I checked and I have curl, cut and sed | 23:32 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: ok lets try wpa_supplicant. thanks for your help btw! its greatly appreciated | 23:32 |
mib_ih7x99 | saotome: Would you mind pasting the output of that command to | 23:32 |
vlad | james__: yes man this are exactly the dirvers i have | 23:32 |
zvacet | boy_chn: or maybe this | 23:32 |
saotome | mib_ih7x99 it's in spanish, are you sure? | 23:32 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: Sure, no problem--might as well help out while I wait for someone who knows how to work Mutt to show up :-) | 23:32 |
tarelerulz | zvacet, I have been updating It still says my data base on couple repositories is out of date. It tells me which one . Some one told me to take the us out of repositories name . That made the list small ,but I still out some out of day. It has been 32 days . I am lost what do do | 23:32 |
vlad | james__: version 16 | 23:33 |
mib_ih7x99 | saotome: Well, I don't speak Spanish but I might be able to recognize something | 23:33 |
saotome | GottaBeAndrew make a link to the script you want to execute and place it under /etc/rc2.d. Make sure the name starts with S99 | 23:33 |
james__ | vlad, the more I think about this, the more I wonder if you need the development modules from the backports repos | 23:33 |
Skedar | Hi. | 23:34 |
mib_ih7x99 | !hi | Skedar | 23:34 |
ubottu | Skedar: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 23:34 |
james__ | vlad, there may also be an additional Gui to enable 5.1 | 23:34 |
zvacet | tarelerulz :system>admin>software sources> check all under Ubuntu software and updates tab Reload | 23:34 |
Skedar | How can I install new cursors? | 23:34 |
vlad | james__: im noob :) | 23:34 |
james__ | mib_ih7x99, do you know what the url is for hard back ports | 23:34 |
pawan | how to looj for card using lspci | 23:35 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: where do i start with wpa_supplicant? | 23:35 |
james__ | vlad, imma ask mib | 23:35 |
saotome | mib_ih7x99: | 23:35 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: Is wpa_supplicant installed? Type in `wpa_passphrase' and see if you get an error. | 23:35 |
mib_ih7x99 | saotome: ok, just a minute. | 23:35 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: yes it is installed | 23:35 |
mib_ih7x99 | james__: No, but I can look it up if you give me a minute. | 23:35 |
james__ | thanks man | 23:35 |
pawan | !lspci | 23:36 |
ubottu | Factoid lspci not found | 23:36 |
mib_ih7x99 | james__: no problem. blizzardman1219_: hit Ctrl-C so you end up at the prompt again. | 23:36 |
Skedar | Can someone please tell me how I can install new cursors. | 23:36 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: ok | 23:36 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: run `wpa_passphrase YourNetworkSSID' | 23:36 |
james__ | vlad, keep in mind that if we add the backports, (experimental) you're on your own if it doesn't work | 23:36 |
tarelerulz | I still get the same error when I try to update . I get this Failed to fetch Unable to find expected entry web/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?) | 23:36 |
SeaPhor | pawan, can you copy and paste that lspci output on pastbin ? and here's a tip for you and all Please type the nick of the person you're talking to, it can get difficult to follow someone you're trying to help :-) | 23:36 |
vlad | james__: im downloading the ones from that alsa page mines said after the numbers -generic | 23:37 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: Then type in your WPA passphrase, hit Enter, and see what happens. | 23:37 |
Skedar | Can someone please help me. | 23:37 |
saotome | skedar, what's up? | 23:37 |
james__ | vlad, basically, the backports would allow you to install the experimental version of the Azalia driver via synaptic, likely the generic ones don't work | 23:37 |
Skedar | Hey saotome, how can I install new cursors? | 23:37 |
mib_ih7x99 | saotome: Well, the problem is pretty simple--you typed in `saotome: ' :-) | 23:37 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: it lists what appears to be some sort of proper syntax with my PSK in hexadecimal form | 23:38 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: OK, great. | 23:38 |
saotome | mib_ih7x99 I did? I'm such a retard! | 23:38 |
mib_ih7x99 | saotome: You should see me on a bad day :-P | 23:38 |
zvacet | tarelerulz cat etc/apt/sources.list | 23:38 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: Hit Alt-F2, and type in `gksudo gedit /etc/wpasupplicant.conf' | 23:38 |
saotome | mib_ih7x99, ok, now for the important question, how do I make ddclient run this and update it to | 23:38 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: make that: Hit Alt-F2, and type in `gksudo gedit /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf' | 23:38 |
saotome | skedar, we are talking about the little graphic that tells you where your mouse is pointing? | 23:38 |
SeaPhor | pawan, here's how mine starts,,, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: | 23:39 |
vlad | james__: im installing the drivers from the page, can u tell me what else i need from there? | 23:39 |
Skedar | Yes saotome. | 23:39 |
mib_ih7x99 | saotome: I've never used ddclient specifically; can you direct me to a man page? (or paste the output of ddclient --help) | 23:39 |
pawan | ok | 23:39 |
pawan | whats the command | 23:39 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: ok done | 23:39 |
SeaPhor | lspci pawan | 23:39 |
james__ | vlad, that's just it, you need different drivers entirely. How much work are you willing to do to get HD 5.1 working vs 2.1? | 23:39 |
mib_ih7x99 | james__: What backports did you need? | 23:40 |
woli | does anybody know if there is a pictogram maker?? | 23:40 |
mib_ih7x99 | james__: Try this site: | 23:40 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: You should be in a text editor looking at a config file. Is anything in there? | 23:40 |
vlad | james__: i see too many movies that are in 5.1 | 23:40 |
james__ | mib_ih7x99, thanks | 23:40 |
saotome | skedar, there are instructios here: | 23:40 |
pawan | !pastebin | 23:40 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 23:40 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: all the stuff that i put in there when i was trying to configure it before is still in there | 23:40 |
zvacet | tarelerulz : or tryy to put # sign in front of line which start with deb cdrom | 23:40 |
tarelerulz | zvacet, I did cat /etc/soure.list and you want me to post it ? | 23:41 |
saotome | skedar, basically you download the theme file, then by going to system --> preferences --> theme, you open the cursor theme file, and that app will install it for you. | 23:41 |
pawan | | 23:41 |
zvacet | tarelerulz :yes or try above post and send you | 23:41 |
SeaPhor | pawan, looking | 23:41 |
saotome | mib_ih7x99, ok, that's fine, how did you do it? | 23:41 |
Skedar | I know how to install cursors, I just needed the app for it. | 23:41 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: Can you paste the contents of your file, with the sensitive bits erased? So if it says `psk=skdjksjdksdjskdj' change it to `psk=' | 23:41 |
james__ | vlad, see mib_ih7x99 post for backports info | 23:41 |
Skedar | Thanks a lot for helping saotome! | 23:42 |
AcornAcorn | does ubuntu not use metacity anymore? | 23:42 |
james__ | vlad, you need deb hardy-backports main universe multiverse restricted | 23:42 |
compengi | hello Pici | 23:42 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: sure just give me a sec :D | 23:42 |
james__ | vlad, add this to your repos | 23:42 |
SeaPhor | pawan, here it is line 15 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] (rev a1) | 23:42 |
mib_ih7x99 | AcornAcorn: I think Compiz is the new window manager, but I'm not sure. | 23:42 |
AcornAcorn | does that mean i can't download metacity themes? | 23:42 |
nub | could someone tell me what's wrong with my menu.lst? | 23:42 |
pawan | then | 23:42 |
mib_ih7x99 | saotome: If you can give me the syntax for ddclient I can give you a one-liner that'll update your IP. | 23:43 |
Ashfire908 | Is there an IPv6 package server/mirror? | 23:43 |
saotome | skedar, no prob | 23:43 |
mib_ih7x99 | saotome: Then you can put it in a shell script and add it to your crontab (if Ubuntu still uses cron :-)) | 23:43 |
francisco_ | Hi, is there a cool video editor that runs in Xubuntu? | 23:43 |
SeaPhor | pawan, but you are saying it only works in low graphics,,, has it done that since begging of Ubuntu install? | 23:43 |
Steve-cal | nub: What exactly are the symptoms/problem with your Grub menu.lst? | 23:43 |
pawan | yes | 23:43 |
AcornAcorn | how do i get new themes for ubuntu? | 23:43 |
SeaPhor | pawan, *beginning | 23:44 |
saotome | mib_ih7x99, | 23:44 |
nub | I can't load one of the partitions | 23:44 |
boy_chn | hello all, I have just deleted a grub folder. What should I do to make it back?? | 23:44 |
vlad | james__: how to add this? | 23:44 |
Steve-cal | nub: And which one? | 23:44 |
nub | I was getting cylinder excceds maximum supported by bios errors | 23:44 |
nub | (18) | 23:44 |
zvacet | AcornAcorn : | 23:44 |
oldcpu | !themes | 23:44 |
ubottu | Find your themes at: - - - - - - - Also see !changethemes and | 23:44 |
saotome | mib_ih7x99, but the whole point is that this runs as a deamon. So I guess I will have to make my own script that invokes ddclient as a stand-alone/run-once process? And that will be the new daemon? | 23:44 |
nub | until I added the same lines that were under windows | 23:44 |
SeaPhor | pawan, and you installed 8.04 or did you upgrade from 7.10? | 23:44 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: | 23:44 |
nub | Steve-cal: the gen partition | 23:44 |
mib_ih7x99 | saotome: Looks like that's an incomplete manpage. Can you give me the output of `ddclient -help'? | 23:44 |
Steve-cal | nub: Which OS is the problem one? | 23:45 |
saotome | sure | 23:45 |
francisco_ | How can i install Cinelerra from CV ? | 23:45 |
pawan | upgrade from 7.10 | 23:45 |
mib_ih7x99 | saotome: We can set it up as a daemon | 23:45 |
tarelerulz | here is my source.list files for synaptic | 23:45 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: OK, looking it over | 23:45 |
nub | Steve-cal: trying to load gentoo. that's the problem one | 23:45 |
vlad | james__: just make make install them? | 23:45 |
saotome | mib_ih7x99, | 23:46 |
SeaPhor | pawan, upgrade through the update manager or from a disk? | 23:46 |
compengi | Helo PriceChild | 23:46 |
pawan | SeaPhor update manager | 23:46 |
LimCore | how to use ntp to keep date in sync on hackedian / ubuntu ? If calling ntpdate from cron is not good? | 23:46 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: just a minute--let me figure out saotome's cmd here | 23:47 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: ok no problem | 23:47 |
jsoftw | Anyone know how to get evolution to read those outlook vcalendar emails? | 23:47 |
m13 | . | 23:47 |
pawan | now | 23:47 |
Steve-cal | nub: Have you tried the same syntax as the Ubuntu partitions (i.e. standard linux OS)? Use "initrd/boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic" syntax, but look on your Gentoo partition and find the right initrd.img | 23:47 |
zvacet | tarelerulz :remove word web in every line where it comes at the end save ans close file sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade | 23:48 |
AcornAcorn | can metacity themes be used in hardy? seeing as compiz is now used.. | 23:48 |
SeaPhor | pawan, wow,,, that is odd but then again i was just using the restricted in 7.10 as well, gotta be a way to update restricted drivers,,, but bottom line is you have to get rid of the drivers you have,,, | 23:48 |
nub | Steve-cal: I did run it with the same syntax as the ubuntu partitions before, except for the initrd. I do not see one in the gentoo partition | 23:48 |
vlad | james__: u there? | 23:48 |
mib_ih7x99 | saotome: should get you started | 23:49 |
SeaPhor | pawan, i this for someone last night, different problem but maybe same resolution,,, do you have a 8,04 live cd? | 23:49 |
nub | Steve-cal: though I do see an initramfs | 23:49 |
Steve-cal | nub: Exactly--you need to add it. Look in your /boot directory of the Gentoo partition for the initrd.img-xxxxxx file and use that. | 23:49 |
saotome | mib_ih7x99, THANKS! This solves a very big problem I have. | 23:49 |
mib_ih7x99 | you can add in your options, save that as a file somewhere, chmod +x it | 23:49 |
pawan | no | 23:50 |
Yachaziel | How do I format a removable flash drive? | 23:50 |
mib_ih7x99 | saotome: sure, no problem. you can add it to root's cron (`sudo crontab -e', google for details) | 23:50 |
exco | I'm getting ready to pull my hair out ... | 23:50 |
jrib | Yachaziel: you can use gparted | 23:50 |
strk | alsa problems, is this normal ? grep CONFIG_SND /boot/config-`uname -r` | 23:50 |
strk | # CONFIG_SND is not set | 23:50 |
Yachaziel | jrib: Is there a way just from Terminal? | 23:50 |
Broadcom | bazhang: you there | 23:50 |
kaiden | where does one begin at unraveling the mystery that is ubuntu 8.04's absolutely crappy internet speeds (when on a wired connection) | 23:50 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: ok, let's have a look at your wpa_supplicant.conf. for reference, here's a manpage: | 23:50 |
strk | alsamixer: function snd_mixer_load failed: No such file or directory | 23:50 |
kaiden | i have found lots of pages discussing wireless connection speed problems and they mention wired as well but never offer any insight into them | 23:50 |
jsoftw | kaiden: perhaps starting from this so called 'wired connection' ? | 23:51 |
jrib | Yachaziel: mkfs | 23:51 |
SeaPhor | pawan, copy to pastebin the result of gksudo gedit /ect/X11/xorg.conf | 23:51 |
jsoftw | kaiden: perhaps your internet connection is just shit. | 23:51 |
exco | what if the settings Ati "Catalyst Control Center" detects for my external monitor are total bogus? | 23:51 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: ok | 23:51 |
Broadcom | kaiden: all of them are proprietary drivers, therefore hard to use with open source | 23:51 |
jsoftw | kaiden: I would be suprised if its ubuntus fault | 23:51 |
Yachaziel | jrib: So like (sudo) mkfs /media/<name> ? | 23:51 |
nub | Steve-cal: it's an initramfs. do I enter the line initrd /boot/initramfs-genkernel-x86-2.6.23-gentoo-r8 | 23:51 |
kaiden | jsoftw, that's why there are so many people fussing about it on the ubuntu forums, and why it runs absolutely fine in vista :P | 23:52 |
Steve-cal | jsoftw: cat /foul/language > /dev/null please | 23:52 |
ubuntuROX | I have a problem, yesterday update manager installed a wine update and something called winbind. Today I cannot browse my network in Places Network... Shows windows network but there is nothing there? does anyone have any ideas? | 23:52 |
nub | or should the line be initramfs /boot/initramfs-genkernel-x86-2.6.23-gentoo-r8 | 23:52 |
jsoftw | kaiden: are you talking about normal internet use? | 23:52 |
nub | Steve-cal: and should I keep the three lines 28-30? | 23:52 |
kaiden | yes, typical speeds in windows i get 800+k/s in ubuntu from the same urls i am lucky to get 20-40k/s | 23:52 |
jrib | Yachaziel: see 'man mkfs'. I believe you need to pass /dev/whatever | 23:52 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: OK, your wpa_supp.conf file is fine. | 23:52 |
Roey | hi | 23:53 |
Broadcom | kaiden, jsoftw, be nice | 23:53 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: Let me look up the exact command you need to run for use with ndiswrapper | 23:53 |
Yachaziel | jrib: Ok, thanks. | 23:53 |
W8TAH | what do i need to restart to get my sound back? | 23:53 |
Broadcom | !hi | Roey | 23:53 |
jwormy__ | meh; anyone know what setting on a VPN client would cause only servers on the network i'm VPN'ing into to resolve, and none other (, etc) | 23:53 |
ubuntuROX | I have searched the forums and cannot find anything that seems to apply | 23:53 |
ubottu | Roey: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 23:53 |
jsoftw | damn its so pansy in here. | 23:53 |
mib_ih7x99 | Broadcom: It's YOUR fault my internet doesn't work right! :-P | 23:53 |
Roey | I hey Broadcom ;) | 23:53 |
Roey | er | 23:53 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: ok thanks | 23:53 |
Yachaziel | Is there a way to switch my calender? For example, if I wanted to use the Hebrew calender in place of a Gregorian calender? | 23:53 |
Broadcom | mib_ih7x99: i can help you with it | 23:53 |
Broadcom | hey Roey | 23:53 |
jsoftw | kaiden: is it like a built in modem or something like that? | 23:54 |
mib_ih7x99 | Broadcom: Nah, just teasing :-) | 23:54 |
jsoftw | kaiden: or what? | 23:54 |
mikeb55 | I have a dell 830, with quadro nvidia,defautl install doesn't allow me to output to a monitor, it just doesn't give me any suitable res, anyone have an idea if I should install nvidia drivers? | 23:54 |
jsoftw | because if its just some router that your ubuntu box uses to access the net, then its highly unlikely that ubuntu is to blame for 'slow interweb | 23:54 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: For reference, another manpage: | 23:54 |
vlad | james__: hey man still here? | 23:54 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: i've seen that page... it made no sense to me lol | 23:55 |
Steve-cal | nub: No, you definitely need to get rid of lines 28-30, but I'm not sure of the syntax you should use with a initramfs file. You may have to consult the online grub manual. Sorry I can't help there. | 23:55 |
Roey | Broadcom: do you use KVM at all? | 23:55 |
ubuntuROX | Is anyone else running ubuntu on a mixed network with samba? | 23:55 |
Roey | Broadcom: I asked in #kvm, but the folks there seem comatose. | 23:55 |
nub | Steve-cal: okay, thank you | 23:55 |
Roey | Broadcom: I want to be ablke to play sound on the host and guest at the same time | 23:55 |
kaiden | jsoftw, it's an onboard NIC yes, but it's using the typical chips that are used in pretty much every nic on the planet | 23:55 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: Try running this command and pasting its output. `sudo wpa_supplicant -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -iwlan1 -d' | 23:55 |
Broadcom | Roey: never heard of it, but who named it? | 23:55 |
jsoftw | kaiden: right, so _how_ is it slow? | 23:55 |
Roey | Broadcom: I don't know if my KVM is using ALSA or not. | 23:55 |
Roey | Broadcom: it's the kernel's own qemu. | 23:55 |
xodiak | okay. I've been putting this off, but I'm ready to deal with it. Need some networking help. | 23:56 |
jsoftw | kaiden: and _how_ exactly are you connected to the interwebs? | 23:56 |
Broadcom | Roey: can't hep you, sorry | 23:56 |
Yachaziel | xodiak: What's up? | 23:56 |
Broadcom | xodiak: what specificly? | 23:56 |
boy_chn | hello all, I have just deleted a grub folder. What should I do to make it back?? | 23:56 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: ok one sec | 23:56 |
Roey | Broadcom: thanks anyway | 23:56 |
xodiak | well, I have my Vista laptop running most of the time and my Ubuntu desktop. Would like them to be able to see each other, share files, etc. | 23:56 |
W8TAH | folks -- hate to be a pain but this is kinda urgent - -i need to restart my audio daemon on hardy - -it would be far better if i dont have to reboot or restart x -- can someone help please? | 23:56 |
clifford | can i control the keystrokes in such a way as to assimilate ctrl+key by pressing ctrl ctrl key? (I've trapped a nerve and don't have control of half of my left hand) (word of the day: 'control' - ironically is my case lol) | 23:57 |
xodiak | Yachziel, Broadcom: well, I have my Vista laptop running most of the time and my Ubuntu desktop. Would like them to be able to see each other, share files, etc. | 23:57 |
Broadcom | !samba | xodiak | 23:57 |
ubottu | xodiak: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 23:57 |
kaiden | jsoftw, pretty sure i already stated that :P, typical speeds using synaptics is horrid 20-30k/s from the same urls in other distro's i can easily reach 500-600k/s, and just basic loading of websites is really slow as well... and doing some basic diagnostics on it, the slow down exists after the first byte is thrown so it's not in the socket creation / dns time / etc... | 23:57 |
mikeb55 | I have a dell 830, with quadro nvidia,defautl install doesn't allow me to output to a monitor, it just doesn't give me any suitable res, anyone have an idea if I should install nvidia drivers? | 23:57 |
Steve-cal | nub: Try joining #gentoo and ask there for someone to share their menu.lst with you--then you can get the right syntax. | 23:57 |
Broadcom | kaiden: do lspci and put the reslut in pastebin | 23:57 |
xodiak | Broadcom: I will check out those links but I do have Samba running.... Just don't know how to use it I guess. | 23:57 |
jsoftw | kaiden: no I mean what kind of connection.. that you have a nic does not explain much | 23:57 |
nub | Steve-cal: will do | 23:58 |
TheManicKY | Anyone know of a console program that does nothing but list my twitter feed? I have a spare terminal I'd like to use to scroll by all my recent tweets as they come in | 23:58 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: | 23:58 |
ecker | how do i take a screenshot of my gdm theme? | 23:58 |
pawan | ok | 23:58 |
zvacet | see you tomorrow | 23:59 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: Let's try another level of debugging information. Can you paste this: `sudo wpa_supplicant -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -iwlan1 -dd' | 23:59 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: Two d's instead of one. | 23:59 |
io__ | Got a question..... Is it possible to designate certain programs that don't require sudo to run. I have a few I like to be able to run without sudo priveleges.... | 23:59 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: If I understand it, wpasupp is having trouble with your SSID. | 23:59 |
Flannel | io__: You'd edit sudoers to do that | 23:59 |
mib_ih7x99 | io__: visudo | 23:59 |
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