seele | DaskreecH: which one? | 00:18 |
seele | yikes.. my admin is going to kill me | 00:19 |
seele | i should have known better than to post pictures on the server.. | 00:19 |
* seele yawns again | 00:20 | |
seele | want to sleeeeep.. | 00:20 |
nosrednaekim | nice pics.... who's the dude with the ponytail? | 00:20 |
nosrednaekim | seele: ^^ | 00:20 |
seele | scott wheeler, another kdeer | 00:20 |
DaskreecH | Kdeer? | 00:22 |
nosrednaekim | ah | 00:22 |
nosrednaekim | KDE'r | 00:23 |
DaskreecH | does that have Kveal? | 00:23 |
nosrednaekim | heh | 00:23 |
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Arby | Riddell: around? | 09:32 |
Riddell | hi Arby | 09:36 |
Arby | Riddell: I have a working-ish kde4 port of jockey, if I put the branch up on lp do you have time to take a look? | 09:36 |
Arby | it's still work in progress | 09:37 |
Arby | current it runs but fails the unit tests in ways I don't understand | 09:37 |
Riddell | mm, I don't understand those unit tests either | 09:37 |
Riddell | but can try | 09:38 |
Arby | and is it worth giving pitti a heads up since he seems to be the main jockey person | 09:38 |
Arby | OK I'll put it up | 09:38 |
Arby | when I've looked up how | 09:38 |
Riddell | bzr push ... | 09:44 |
Arby | Riddell: I know but launchpad is throwing ssh errors | 09:46 |
Arby | could be a problem with my key | 09:46 |
Riddell | Arby: what url are you pushing to? | 09:55 |
Arby | Riddell: got it now | 09:55 |
Arby | it was my key that was faulty | 09:56 |
Arby | Riddell: it should now be at | 09:56 |
Arby | the command I used was bzr push bzr+ssh:// | 09:57 |
Arby | currently the unittests fail with | 09:59 |
Arby | I think this is related to the KAboutData object I created to keep KCmdLineArgs happy | 10:00 |
Arby | if this is not the right way to do it let me know | 10:00 |
Arby | Riddell: I have to go out for a while now. Leave any comments here or e-mail me and I'll be back this afternoon. | 10:02 |
Riddell | ah, slight problem, no pykde on this machine | 10:05 |
Riddell | jr@lichts:~/src/jockey-kde4>./tests/run-qt | 10:34 |
Riddell | Fatal error: you need to have a KComponentData object | 10:34 |
Arby | Riddell: well at least you get the same result I do that's a start | 12:33 |
Arby | any idea what would cause it, am I doing anything obviously wrong | 12:33 |
Riddell | Arby: run-qt still uses a QApplication | 12:41 |
Riddell | Arby: running kde/jockey-kde does start up | 12:41 |
Arby | ah, it'll be the run-qt script then, I know it starts | 12:42 |
Arby | according to the README it won't be accepted without a successful test | 12:42 |
Arby | so I need to modify the test script as well | 12:43 |
Arby | hmm, I know slightly less than nothing about unittests | 12:43 |
Arby | this could be ... ~interesting~ | 12:43 |
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi | ||
Arby | Riddell: I think I've fixed the test script. | 13:48 |
Arby | Riddell: could you take another look at and make sure it looks sane | 13:49 |
Arby | if it does I'll speak to pitti about getting it merged into the main branch | 13:49 |
Arby | Riddell: could you particularly look at the QTreeWidget piece. I don't really understand that bit | 13:50 |
Arby | does it need it need to be converted to a PyKDE equivalent | 13:50 |
mhb | hmm hmm | 13:53 |
mhb | someone is messing with my code :o) | 13:53 |
* mhb ponders eating him, because that's what you do in a fairy tale | 13:53 | |
mhb | Arby: perhaps not bypassing the actual author might be useful? | 13:54 |
mhb | I find that offensive :o) | 13:54 |
Arby | mhb: apologies I didn't know you were the author | 13:54 |
mhb | Arby: should have been written in that code :o) | 13:54 |
mhb | Arby: I'll be much more able to push the changes into the code | 13:55 |
mhb | Arby: please explain what have you patched and why | 13:55 |
mhb | Arby: hmm ,unfortunately, I have to leave now | 13:55 |
mhb | Arby: please do explain that, I'll respond once I get back, okay? Thank you so much! | 13:56 |
mhb | see you | 13:56 |
Arby | mhb: I've converted it from PyQt to PyKDE because it's in the spec here | 13:56 |
Arby | mhb: essentially I've converted the PyQt widgets to PyKDE ones and changed the icon loading to use KIcon | 13:57 |
Arby | mhb: I've also altered the tests/run-qt script to use KApplication instead of QApplication | 13:58 |
Arby | mhb: my work so far is in a branch at | 13:58 |
Arby | mhb: currently the kde front end loads and it passes the modifed version of run-qt as far as I understand | 14:00 |
Arby | mhb: with the caveat that my knowledge of unittests is exactly zero | 14:00 |
Arby | mhb: I've only looked at the jockey-kde file so far, I only just found your name in the Authors file | 14:02 |
Arby | mhb: apologies for any offense caused, none was intended | 14:02 |
Serega | hi there | 14:05 |
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mhb | Arby: it's okay, just please next time let me know what's going on with my code ... I can also help from time to time, you know :o) | 16:27 |
Arby | mhb: I was just looking for something small to get into PyKDE if you'd prefer to work on it yourself then fair enough | 16:29 |
Arby | mhb: the comments in the source suggest that you are intending to redesign it to use a model/view architecture anyway | 16:31 |
Arby | is that something that's likely to happen soon? | 16:31 |
ScottK | mhb: Did you send me the klamav patch you did? | 16:32 |
mhb | Arby: if you want to do that, you're free to do so, I've got several weeks of exams now | 16:35 |
Arby | mhb: I think it may be a long way over my head | 16:35 |
Arby | I tried looking at the Qt docs for Model/View and my brain started to melt | 16:35 |
mhb | ScottK: not yet... I tried to do the diff, but I somehow broke it, so I have to redo it | 16:35 |
Arby | mhb: I'd have to learn Model/View from the ground up | 16:36 |
mhb | I somehow applied the debian/patches and now it is not possible to unapply them, so they're semi-applied | 16:36 |
Arby | mhb: which I don't mind doing if you're happy to give a little guidance on roughly how it should work | 16:36 |
mhb | Arby: it's something one should know anyway | 16:36 |
mhb | Arby: sure! | 16:36 |
ScottK | mhb: OK. No great rush. Just checking to see if I'd missed it. | 16:37 |
Arby | mhb: I can usually hack up things that work, making them work the *right* way is something I'm still learning | 16:37 |
mhb | | 16:38 |
mhb | that is the theory behind it, have you read that? | 16:38 |
Arby | mhb: just how big a job is it? it sounds like almost a complete rebuild | 16:38 |
Arby | mhb: no, I have a lot of reading to do | 16:38 |
mhb | it's only about the main window view | 16:38 |
mhb | the listview or whatever it is called | 16:39 |
Arby | ok | 16:39 |
mhb | I'd say three days work, if you understand both the theory and the way Qt4 is doing it. | 16:39 |
mhb | I'm not very familiar with the Qt4 model, therefore I hacked it around before. | 16:40 |
Arby | so about 3 weeks in my case since I know neither of those | 16:40 |
Arby | mhb: do you have any time to look over what I did so far just to check I'm not doing anything insane? | 16:41 |
Arby | there are a couple of things that I know are a bit hackish | 16:41 |
mhb | sure | 16:41 |
mhb | later in the evening, if you don't mind that | 16:42 |
Arby | not a problem, I have plenty to do/read | 16:42 |
Arby | mainly it's the setting up of KAboutData, I'm sure I must be able to extract that from somewhere | 16:42 |
Arby | but anyway. ping me later when you're free | 16:43 |
ScottK | Is it just me or do others find it annoying that the KDE bug tracker lists "Ubuntu packages" and not "Kubuntu packages" as a source of packages? | 18:39 |
* yuriy raises hand | 18:41 | |
* ScottK wonders if it's been discussed with them. | 18:45 | |
* ScottK figures Riddell knows. | 18:45 | |
mhb | Arby: I'm present | 19:26 |
Arby | mhb: welcome back | 19:26 |
mhb | ScottK: I'd say it is a low priority issue, trouble is, you'd have to convince a LP dev to fix that, right? | 19:27 |
mhb | and that is not so possible | 19:27 |
Arby | mhb: two sets of questions really. | 19:27 |
Arby | mhb: does the code for what I've done so far look sane? | 19:27 |
Arby | apart from the things I've mentioned in the comments as dubious | 19:27 |
Arby | mhb: the second set is about model/view implementation but one thing at a time | 19:28 |
Arby | (just getting the link to the branch) | 19:28 |
ScottK | mhb: No. This is the KDE bug tracker. | 19:29 |
Arby | mhb: | 19:29 |
ScottK | For LP it's clearly hopeless. | 19:29 |
mhb | ScottK: ah | 19:29 |
mhb | ScottK: well, that could be fixed then | 19:29 |
mhb | Arby: hmm, I'll install Kubuntu and be there in a sec | 19:31 |
Nightrose | ScottK: you could try emailing sysadmin at kde org and ask to have it changed | 19:35 |
* ScottK guesses it'd come better from Riddell. | 19:35 | |
* ScottK will if no one else speaks up. | 19:36 | |
ManiacHgh | hello! I have an issue with Kubuntu, evey time after automatic updates I get unresolved link simbols | 19:36 |
ManiacHgh | experimentally I found that "sudo aptitude reinstall libqt3-mt kdelibs4c2a" helps to get system back to normal | 19:36 |
ManiacHgh | this time I had missing sybmos in libqt3-mt with link C++ mangled name | 19:36 |
=== emu is now known as emu1982 | ||
ManiacHgh | I have repored bug 161379 to with same issue | 19:47 |
ubottu | ManiacHgh: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out | 19:47 |
ScottK | KDE bug 161379 | 19:53 |
ubottu | KDE bug 161379 in ICQ and AIM Plugins "hide "cancel" button in dialog which just shows user info" [Wishlist,Resolved: invalid] | 19:53 |
ManiacHgh | hm. I misspelled bug ID? | 19:58 |
ManiacHgh | KDE bug 161479 | 19:59 |
ubottu | KDE bug 161479 in general "multiple unresolved symbols in kde libraries" [Crash,Resolved: invalid] | 19:59 |
ManiacHgh | I am sure it is kubuntu/pakaging related issue | 20:00 |
ManiacHgh | can it happen because traces of KDE4 are left in system, and ldd processes wrong libraries after update? | 20:01 |
ManiacHgh | I have execuded "ldd -r" over bin folder. there are a lot of unresolved symbols. | 20:57 |
ManiacHgh | | 20:57 |
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Riddell | ScottK: I don't mind either way, it was dfaure that set it originally | 21:28 |
vorian | where can I find the latest KDE 4 files for debian/cdbs :) | 22:21 |
* vorian waves too | 22:21 | |
ryanakca | Riddell: since you're kguitar's last uploader, why do we run dh_iconcache but Debian doesn't? | 23:07 |
crimsun | because dh_iconcache existed in Ubuntu prior to being added to Debian | 23:13 |
crimsun | it now exists in debhelper v6+ as dh_icons | 23:13 |
ryanakca | crimsun: ah, ok | 23:50 |
crimsun | (there's an upstream component that requires GTK+ 2.12) | 23:51 |
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