
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== asac_ is now known as asac
jjessedon't cry02:45
diddlSay friends, the following bug is listed as 'in progress' but has no one assigned to it. Is that ok? (or would it denote that nothing is done to fix the issue?) --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/157759/04:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 157759 in compiz "Compiz causes OpenGL fullscreen games to eventually go windowed." [Medium,In progress]04:19
persia_diddl: Take a look at the history.  It may be worth asking the person who set it to "In Progress" what that was intended to mean.04:30
persia_Of course, that person's timezone means they aren't likely to be available real soon: it's likely safe to assign to them for now.04:31
persia_(note that this is a specific case, depending on the identity of the person involved, and the bug, and is not a good general solution)04:32
diddlThanks for the advise :D looking at the history now :)04:38
=== ^Gonzo^ is now known as [PUPPETS]Gonzo
owhI'm experiencing an intermittent solid freeze on suspend of my Thinkpad running Gutsy. In order to locate the problem and locate/create an appropriate bug report I need to figure out a way to determine what is actually happening that might be causing this. Can anyone suggest any such methods?10:53
owhIs there a more appropriate location to ask this question?10:58
owhafflux: In some parts of the world :)11:10
affluxtrue. it's 12:12 over here ;)11:11
owhafflux: It's 18:11 here :)11:11
=== stgraber1 is now known as stgraber
affluxany ideas why bug 231177 happens even with librsvg2-common installed?12:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 231177 in screenlets "screenlets-manager.py crashed with GError in create_ui() (dup-of: 194056)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23117712:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 194056 in screenlets "screenlets-manager.py crashed with GError in create_ui()" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19405612:37
telexiconim trying to debug a crash in firefox, i installed the dbgsym packages for firefox-3.0 and xulrunner-1.9 but gdb still throws up some warnings about missing symbols and the backtraces have gaps, is there something else i need to do?14:16
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norsettobddebian: god, you scared me ...14:53
IulianHeh, heya bddebian, norsetto.15:01
norsettohi Iulian15:01
bddebianHello Iulian15:01
=== muriel is now known as erl1
=== erl1 is now known as muriel
CarlF1can someone add to the /topic the url to post bugs to?15:44
CarlF1https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug  right?15:45
CarlF1thanks.  where do I report bugs about the /topic :)15:47
HobbseeCarlF1: why are people coming here when they want to file bugs?15:47
=== Hobbsee changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Ubuntu BugSquad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ - http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugsquad | File bugs at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug
CarlF1Hobbsee: in my case, to get the URL15:49
CarlF1Hobbsee: thanks for the topic15:49
CarlF1i know it isn't the exact purpose for the channel, but given how often people end up in the wrong channel (like #u-dev) it seems reasonable15:50
persiaThis is a less bad channel to ask about filing bugs than any other, but is really about bug triage and bug closing coordination.15:56
=== emu is now known as emu1982
SwedeMikeI just got a swapper: page allocation failure, I have plenty of swap left, it seems related to my via network card (velocity_rx_refill is involved), should I report this? it's 8.0420:47
crimsunSwedeMike: yes.  please file it against the linux source package.21:57
SwedeMikecrimsun: I filed it against linux-image-2.6.24-16-generic, but in the future I'll do it against the source package21:58
crimsunthat's fine, it ends up against the proper source package.21:59
SwedeMikehistorically I have filed things directly to lkml, but I guess since these kerneles are ubuntu specific it's better to file it with ubuntu?22:00
[Relic]Hello :)23:16
fdeHello... how come I can't triage my own bugs? I'd like to set 235103 as a feature request, and take away new status so it doesn't waste time etc.23:55
crimsunyou need to be in the bug squad23:56
fdeI attempted to look through other bugs as described in the triaging guides though, and it seems daunting, I very well might in the future, but at this point, I'd just like to take away a little bit of work for the current guys!23:57

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