=== asac_ is now known as asac | ||
=== asac_ is now known as asac | ||
shirish | does anybody know how can I install gnash on icecat? | 06:33 |
asac | hi | 07:57 |
MechtiIde | asac, ping | 08:31 |
asac | MechtiIde: hi | 08:47 |
MechtiIde | hello Alexander | 08:47 |
MechtiIde | do you speak German? asac | 08:48 |
asac | MechtiIde: yeah, but not in this channel :) and these things are good for publ | 08:49 |
asac | ic | 08:49 |
asac | iirc it is https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~saivann/ who prepared the last update of sunbird locales | 08:50 |
asac | he regularly pops in this channel | 08:51 |
MechtiIde | My question is how can we integrate the locales in the iceowl-extension in Debian | 08:51 |
asac | yes, i know :-D | 08:51 |
MechtiIde | I saw that in ubuntu there is version 0.7 and in dEbian/sid 0.8 | 08:51 |
asac | i think the sunbird-locales package does that | 08:51 |
fta | hi | 08:52 |
asac | did someone upload a broken package to debian | 08:52 |
asac | ? | 08:52 |
fta | asac, http://wiki.mozilla.org/Thunderbird:Road_Map_To_XULRunner | 08:52 |
asac | hi fta | 08:52 |
MechtiIde | My Intension is: many user of OpenOffice.org want something like Outlook | 08:52 |
MechtiIde | And we prefer to use Thunderbird/Lightning | 08:52 |
asac | MechtiIde: prefer over what? | 08:52 |
MechtiIde | asac, the sunbird-locales depends on sunbird (For Debian: iceowl-locales depends on iceowl and doesn't except iceowl-extension | 08:53 |
asac | hmm | 08:54 |
MechtiIde | I think this must be possible also when someone use Debian | 08:54 |
MechtiIde | I don't want that the Debian user must install the upstream to use the whole functionality | 08:55 |
asac | MechtiIde: i agree | 08:55 |
MechtiIde | I try to describe it in english. I know it is very difficult for me to describe such a complex theme | 08:55 |
asac | actually i thought that that was done already | 08:56 |
MechtiIde | if I look on packages.debian.org for iceowl | 08:56 |
MechtiIde | I find the l10n-packages (lenny/sid) for iceowl and not for the iceowl-extension | 08:57 |
asac | MechtiIde: try to ln -s /usr/lib/sunbird/extensions/langpack-de@sunbird.mozilla.org /usr/lib/thunderbird/extensions/ | 08:57 |
asac | and add thunderbird with the proper versioning as a target app to /usr/lib/sunbird/extensions/langpack-de@sunbird.mozilla.org | 08:58 |
MechtiIde | then I must also install iceowl beside iceowl-extension? | 08:58 |
asac | /install.rdf | 08:58 |
asac | no | 08:58 |
asac | first see if you can use them for iceowl-extension | 08:59 |
asac | if that works we have to fix the packaging | 08:59 |
asac | aka link it properly | 08:59 |
asac | add proper target application | 08:59 |
asac | fix Depends so it doesnt require you to install iceowl | 08:59 |
MechtiIde | If I want to install iceowl-l10n-de I must also install iceowl | 08:59 |
asac | yeah for now | 08:59 |
asac | try what i said above | 08:59 |
MechtiIde | I'm not a developer, only a user | 09:00 |
asac | then you cannot help ;) | 09:00 |
asac | file a bug | 09:00 |
MechtiIde | I don't understand why you have a "@" in a path | 09:00 |
asac | against iceowl-locales | 09:00 |
asac | and sunbird-locales | 09:01 |
asac | e.g. "please support iceowl-extension" | 09:01 |
asac | saivaan will probably take care | 09:01 |
MechtiIde | ok I will do it | 09:01 |
asac | thanks | 09:01 |
MechtiIde | I saw there is already a Bugreport | 09:04 |
MechtiIde | #436297 | 09:04 |
MechtiIde | The other extension I described was enigmail. There it is possible to use the locales from the upstream extension | 09:06 |
MechtiIde | asac | 09:13 |
MechtiIde | I miss my comment from yesterday to this issue | 09:13 |
MechtiIde | The mail you have aswer with the hint to this channel | 09:14 |
asac | MechtiIde: enigmail was discussed with others as well | 09:14 |
asac | most likely we will drop locale packages completely | 09:14 |
asac | and just ship translations in-package | 09:14 |
asac | fta: why did you test the .head patch in hardy? hardy is not affected | 09:14 |
asac | e.g. hunspell is 1.1 | 09:14 |
asac | anyway thanks | 09:15 |
MechtiIde | How must I address the comment that it is published under the Number #436297 | 09:16 |
MechtiIde | or do you have the mail adress of saivaan then I can send him a copy | 09:17 |
MechtiIde | asac, so what can I do to push it a bit | 09:21 |
asac | MechtiIde: as a user there is not much you can do | 09:22 |
asac | filing bug and prodding the folks regularly is pretty much what you can do | 09:22 |
asac | which you are already doing | 09:22 |
MechtiIde | My comment from yesterday I can't see in the Bug description | 09:22 |
MechtiIde | so what is wrong | 09:22 |
asac | the mail has to go to BUGID@bugs.debian.org | 09:22 |
asac | thats all | 09:22 |
MechtiIde | and what must I do? | 09:23 |
asac | send a mail | 09:23 |
MechtiIde | to?? | 09:23 |
asac | include proper subject (e.g. bug title) | 09:23 |
asac | the email address above | 09:23 |
asac | BUGID@bugs.debian.org | 09:23 |
MechtiIde | that's what I did | 09:24 |
fta_ | asac, well, if we can use the .head branch for both a little longer, why not. | 09:24 |
asac | MechtiIde: then maybe you got spam filtered ... no idea | 09:25 |
asac | fta_: no idea. dont feel good about it. most likely it will be applied for 3.0.1 anyway. so its not really diverged | 09:26 |
fta_ | here, it doesn't hurt, there's no code change | 09:28 |
asac | ill think about it | 09:28 |
asac | i already uploaded .hardy 122 to hardy-proposed ... so if we resync then for final | 09:29 |
asac | fta_: can you merge .head to .dev? | 09:29 |
asac | please rebump time so we get a clear RELEASE commit on dev | 09:29 |
asac | or release on .dev and merge that commit to .head | 09:30 |
asac | let me know so i can upload xul 1.9 to intrepid :) | 09:30 |
asac | i think everything is blocked on that there atm | 09:31 |
asac | fta_: ah ... and please cherry pick the Breaks: commit from .hardy branch to .head | 09:34 |
asac | fta_: that should be 121 | 09:35 |
asac | if you find any other app that needs a respin let me know. miro worked here without respinning | 09:36 |
asac | liferea works too | 09:40 |
asac | darn ... xul 1.9 hardy branch doesnt update on code.launchpad.net | 09:52 |
asac | should be 122 not 120 | 09:52 |
asac | fta_: if you need it, cherry pick 121 through bzr+ssh | 09:52 |
asac | i definitly pushed it | 09:52 |
armin76 | where's rc1!1!1! :D | 10:12 |
asac | uploaded :) | 10:17 |
fta2 | <asac> uploaded :) <= what ? where ? | 10:21 |
asac | to proposed | 10:22 |
asac | intrepid was technically already uploaded ;) | 10:22 |
asac | fta_: wanna cherry pick the Breaks commit and merge that as RELEASE to .dev ? | 10:23 |
fta2 | yep | 10:24 |
asac | let me know | 10:24 |
asac | fta_: you can rename the last changelog as it was never build | 10:24 |
asac | otherwise i have to remember to include the previous one in .changes | 10:24 |
asac | :) | 10:24 |
asac | fta_: according to launchpad folks the commit is also on http ... the website sync is just broken | 10:26 |
asac | cherry pick 122 from .hardy | 10:26 |
asac | jimmy_: cwong1: wake up ;) | 10:27 |
fta2 | i know, code.lp was already broken yesterday. but bazaar.lp is ok, even on ssh | 10:27 |
asac | i need to release midbrowser :-P | 10:27 |
asac | yep | 10:27 |
asac | well ... ssh is naturally ok because that accesses the non-mirrored place | 10:27 |
asac | fta_: btw, did you ever come back to the party? | 10:37 |
asac | or did you go home right after dinner? | 10:37 |
fta2 | i've been there for a while. we went to dinner and after that we've visited the TV tower with the babies | 10:43 |
asac | fta_: he? you went to dinner right when we arrived, didn't you? | 10:53 |
asac | at least reed did iirc | 10:54 |
fta2 | i shoud have said little while, i'm not fond of that kind of places anymore | 10:54 |
fta2 | but i understand people like that :) | 10:55 |
fta2 | saturday, the weather was great, at last | 10:56 |
asac | fta_: well... the band was cool | 11:15 |
asac | bug #231410 | 13:06 |
ubottu | asac: Bug 231410 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/231410 is private | 13:06 |
fta2 | asac, xul.head already has Breaks: epiphany-gecko (<< | 13:14 |
asac | fta2: yes, but 122 adds more | 13:15 |
asac | just try merge -c 122 | 13:15 |
asac | bug 215728 | 13:16 |
ubottu | asac: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out | 13:16 |
fta2 | hm, it's already merged. | 13:19 |
fta2 | xul.head #263 => 263: Alexander Sack 2008-05-22 * pull 'RELEASE 1.9~rc1+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 to ubuntu/intrepid' from | 13:19 |
asac | fta2: its merged yes. | 13:23 |
asac | fta2: the idea is that you add a new release | 13:23 |
asac | ubuntu2 | 13:23 |
fta2 | but i already have thatr | 13:23 |
fta2 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/14769/ | 13:24 |
fta2 | should I just close ubuntu2 and merge into .dev ? | 13:25 |
fta2 | unless you have something to add | 13:25 |
asac | fta2: you dont have the Breaks: ? | 13:26 |
asac | from .hardy | 13:26 |
asac | thats what i asked for | 13:26 |
asac | thats 122 on .hardy branch | 13:26 |
asac | lunch now | 13:26 |
fta2 | oh, from *.hardy ! I checked from *.dev | 13:35 |
fta2 | bug 233922 | 13:45 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 233922 in xulrunner-1.9 "[new-upstream] Firefox 3.0 RC1 is available" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/233922 | 13:45 |
fta2 | asac, done. xul dev and head | 13:51 |
fta2 | feel free to push xul.dev (124) to intrepid | 13:51 |
asac | yup | 14:26 |
asac | fta2: you dropped the breaks changelog changes? | 14:28 |
asac | wanna readd them in rc1? | 14:28 |
asac | * 1.9b5 to 1.9rc1 upgrade Breaks: epiphany-gecko (<< | 14:28 |
asac | - update debian/control | 14:28 |
asac | thats the line i added it too on .hardy | 14:28 |
fta2 | did i ? i don't think so. epiphany-gecko is in rc1 ubuntu1, yelp and the rest in ubuntu2 | 14:29 |
asac | ok | 14:30 |
asac | keep the credits :-P | 14:30 |
asac | jk | 14:30 |
fta2 | oh, sorry, i mentioned cherry pick | 14:30 |
fta2 | for once i used dch | 14:31 |
asac | yeah ... one can still give credits in cherry pick changelog entries ;) | 14:31 |
asac | i dont mind though | 14:31 |
asac | building | 14:32 |
asac | ok uploaded | 14:35 |
asac | fta2: is bug 209607 reproducible for you? | 14:40 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 209607 in firefox-3.0 "Open file with external application broken" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/209607 | 14:40 |
asac | Bug 223357 | 14:45 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 223357 in firefox-3.0 ""print selection Only" does not work in firefox3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/223357 | 14:45 |
asac | bug 220504 | 14:46 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 220504 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox doesn't know what apps to use to open any type of downloaded files (dup-of: 209607)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/220504 | 14:46 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 209607 in firefox-3.0 "Open file with external application broken" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/209607 | 14:46 |
=== phoenix24_ is now known as phoenix24 | ||
asac | fta2: do we have the right cairo hardy-proposed? | 15:04 |
armin76 | bumb cairo! | 15:12 |
asac | armin76: you obviously have too much time ... wait | 15:16 |
asac | you are using gentoo :-P | 15:16 |
fta2 | i've merged cairo 2 weeks ago for intrepid, without the band-aid | 15:27 |
fta2 | but i need to work a bit more to fix ftbfs for some arches | 15:28 |
asac | ok | 15:28 |
fta2 | why do you want cairo hardy-proposed? 1.6.0 is not good enough ? | 15:28 |
asac | i talked about hardy though | 15:28 |
asac | fta2: we should use the version mozilla ships for final | 15:28 |
asac | otherwise we will see rendering bugs that upstream doesnt see | 15:28 |
asac | at least we should look what bugs were fixed since 1.6.0 | 15:29 |
fta2 | changes are minimal | 15:29 |
asac | yeah. we should review them to be sure | 15:30 |
asac | bug #215016 | 15:31 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 215016 in liferea "Liferea (Hardy) crashes on startup" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/215016 | 15:31 |
armin76 | fails on hppa :P | 15:47 |
fta2 | http://launchpadlibrarian.net/14717619/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-hppa.xulrunner-1.9_1.9~rc1%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz | 15:47 |
fta2 | armin76, do you have a fix ? | 15:48 |
* armin76 blames asac | 15:48 | |
armin76 | nope | 15:48 |
asac | fta2: look at mikes package | 15:48 |
asac | he might have a patch | 15:48 |
asac | though not in a patch system | 15:48 |
armin76 | its the same error as always, warnings being treated as errors :) | 15:48 |
asac | but most you can probably diff the appropriate hppa xpcom files | 15:49 |
asac | armin76: yeah right | 15:49 |
asac | but why is that only on hppa? is that 64 bit? | 15:49 |
armin76 | because hppa is picky like sparc | 15:50 |
armin76 | sparc will fail on the same way | 15:50 |
asac | good | 15:50 |
asac | well if its an alignment issue its good to fail i'd say | 15:50 |
armin76 | gimme a patch and i'll test, i have no clue how to fix that :P | 15:51 |
asac | // The internal storage | 15:57 |
asac | char mAutoBuf[sizeof(Impl) + (kAutoBufSize - 1) * sizeof(void*)]; | 15:57 |
asac | i dont understand why this is calced that way | 15:57 |
armin76 | hrm... | 16:02 |
armin76 | it could be related that you're using -Os? | 16:03 |
armin76 | because i wasn't able to reproduce it, but i'll try again | 16:03 |
fta2 | http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-firefox-3-rc1-in-ubuntu-hardy.html | 16:03 |
armin76 | woot, sparc compiled :D | 16:04 |
asac | fta2: does he patch our package? | 16:10 |
asac | fta2: If so we have to ask him to remove his packages immediately. He is certainly not allowed to distribute that with official marks | 16:11 |
fta2 | no, he just explains how to add my ppa to sources.list | 16:12 |
asac | thats not good either | 16:13 |
asac | he tells them to add the ~adnarim thing | 16:13 |
fta2 | hm, i guess adnarim has nothing to do with that, it seems to me it's there for other purposes (unrelated to the post) | 16:14 |
fta2 | yep: https://edge.launchpad.net/~adnarim/+archive | 16:14 |
asac | still he appears to trick the users to use that archive | 16:15 |
fta2 | done | 16:24 |
asac | huh? | 16:27 |
asac | whats done? | 16:28 |
armin76 | bumbed! | 16:28 |
fta2 | i've asked that guy to either hide/blur adnarim or to redo the screenshots | 16:28 |
asac | fta2: he should use ~mozillateam for this release | 16:29 |
asac | otherwise people will ride the lighning | 16:29 |
asac | i posted that in comments too ... but awaits moderation | 16:29 |
armin76 | why ppl don't upgrade to gutsy | 16:29 |
armin76 | ? | 16:29 |
fta2 | oh, ok, i don't mind | 16:29 |
asac | armin76: no idea ... feisty is like fawn | 16:30 |
fta2 | armin76, upgrade to gutsy ? you mean downgrade ? or what? | 17:19 |
fta2 | asac, are you sure your yelp << 2.22.1-0ubuntu2.8.04.1 is correct ??? intrepid has 2.22.1-0ubuntu2.. you should have used 2.22.1-0ubuntu2~8.04.1 | 17:29 |
fta2 | hardy-* should always be lower than intrepid | 17:30 |
asac | fta2: no intrepid has ubuntu3 now | 17:31 |
asac | https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/yelp/2.22.1-0ubuntu3 | 17:31 |
asac | last hardy upload was ubuntu2 | 17:32 |
asac | is the correct SRU version | 17:32 |
fta2 | hm | 17:32 |
asac | https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/yelp/ | 17:32 |
fta2 | ok | 17:33 |
armin76 | fta2: guess i meant upgrade to hardy :P | 17:33 |
=== fta_ is now known as fta | ||
sebner | fta: I now also have a testcase :) | 21:02 |
fta | sebner, ok | 21:02 |
sebner | fta: http://-kol.deviantart.com/ | 21:02 |
fta | hm, apparently, the dns seems to accept that, while according to RFC 2396, it does not seems to be valid | 21:04 |
sebner | fta: a user found this issue and asked me to ask one of you (seems to occur with every browser on linux but he said it's fixable in the /etc/hosts) | 21:04 |
sebner | fta: but he told me it's working on windows and mac with the broswers | 21:05 |
fta | even with firefox (win and mac) ? | 21:06 |
sebner | fta: he told me, yes. So it seems its not a bug in firefox but an issue with linux | 21:07 |
fta | i can see firefox doing the dns lookup, it's just fine | 21:08 |
sebner | fta: I will ask him what he has done in the /etc/hosts to fix this | 21:09 |
sebner | fta: RC1 is pretty fast. nice job =) | 21:16 |
fta | well, it's mostly upstream work :) | 21:17 |
sebner | fta: sure but the packaging is apparently not that easy ;) | 21:17 |
fta | indeed | 21:17 |
sebner | asac: also congratz to you :) | 21:18 |
fta | i can't find a related bug in bugzilla for this http://-foo | 21:20 |
sebner | fta: as I said. may be a linux issue | 21:20 |
fta | even so, upstream doesn't seem to be aware of it | 21:22 |
fta | sebner, do we have a bug on lp for that ? if not, could you please file one ? | 21:24 |
sebner | fta: I could but I'm not really sure if this is a real bug, maybe it's a security feature on linux. dunno | 21:25 |
fta | i don't think so. try: host -a -- -kol.deviantart.com | 21:25 |
fta | in a shell | 21:26 |
sebner | fta: hmm. then it's the question if this URL is valid | 21:27 |
Jazzva | fta: Remember that assembler assignment I had for school? I had been doing it for the most part of the last week and it's done. Now I did some beautification of code, although it's not so pretty yet. But it's working well :)... | 21:28 |
Jazzva | (now i finished last code checking and preparing the report on it for tomorrow) | 21:28 |
fta | sebner, URI are defined in RFC 2396 | 21:29 |
fta | Jazzva, i read your blog :) | 21:29 |
sebner | fta: so? | 21:29 |
Jazzva | fta: You do? Didn't know that :)... | 21:29 |
fta | Jazzva, yes, read your post about that, excellent | 21:30 |
fta | sebner, quick read yesterday, i was convinced it's invalid | 21:31 |
sebner | but? | 21:31 |
Jazzva | fta: Thanks :)... I suppose I'll get maximum points on it. I don't think I missed something. Ok, back to report :) | 21:31 |
fta | sebner, http://paste.ubuntu.com/14888/ | 21:36 |
fta | sebner, i've pointed 2 lines | 21:36 |
fta | 34 and 35 | 21:37 |
sebner | so it's allowed | 21:37 |
fta | no, it has to start with alpha or alphanum | 21:37 |
fta | and end to | 21:38 |
fta | the "-" is not allowed in 1st or last positions | 21:38 |
sebner | ok | 21:38 |
sebner | then it's not a bug | 21:38 |
fta | I'd say DNS permits it, URI doesn't | 21:39 |
fta | but that's just my interpretation | 21:39 |
sebner | fta: so linux(/etc/hosts) is so strict and windows/mac not? | 21:42 |
Volans | Hi all :) | 21:42 |
fta | /etc/hosts is used by the resolver, hence it's DNS rules. browser are parsing URIs, then they do a DNS lookup. here, it seems ff is doing the "-foo" lookup and it receives the correct answer, then it displays an error. Have to look at the code | 21:44 |
sebner | fta: but I was told that it occurs on every browser on linux and fixable through /etc/hosts | 21:45 |
fta | i'd be curious to know how. if it's just -foo => foo then http://foo, it only works without virtual hosts | 21:47 |
sebner | fta: I'll tell you tomorrow but this solution seems to be the only one | 21:47 |
fta | ok | 21:49 |
fta | i just don't understand why someone would want a hostname like that but well, why not. | 21:49 |
sebner | fta: dunno ^^ but it's working on windows so maybe people expect it to work also on linux but now is the question if we want that | 21:50 |
fta | hm, annex B doesn't match annex A | 21:55 |
fta | fta@ix:~ $ perl -e '$_ = "http://-kol.deviantart.com/"; m,^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?,; print $4."\n";' | 21:55 |
fta | -kol.deviantart.com | 21:55 |
fta | that RFC is bogus ;) | 21:55 |
sebner | fta: Sry I'm a total n00b in these things. what does this mean? | 21:56 |
fta | the BNF (grammar) wants the hostname part of the URI to both start and end with an alphanum, while the regexp in annex B allows it to contain anything anywhere except '/', '?' and '#' | 21:58 |
fta | most likely the regexp is wrong (ie too simple) | 21:59 |
fta | i'm referring to http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2396.html | 21:59 |
sebner | fta: ah, k. so no bug =) | 22:00 |
fta | asac, what do you think of this ? ^^ | 22:01 |
sebner | fta: we should inform microsoft and apple :P | 22:01 |
fta | mozilla bug 355181 | 22:29 |
ubottu | Mozilla bug 355181 in Networking "net_IsValidHostName() comment says one thing, code does another" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=355181 | 22:29 |
sebner | fta: ahhh!! so what does this mean? ^^ | 22:30 |
fta | donno yet, reading code | 22:31 |
sebner | fta: I mean the bug report. It's about this issue | 22:34 |
fta | yes, the code is doing something like the regexp above, ie just looking at allowed chars, no particular order | 22:35 |
sebner | fta: how similar is the firefox linux code compared to the firefox windows code? | 22:36 |
fta | that part should be almost identical, if not entirely | 22:36 |
sebner | I still don't understand why it's working on windows then | 22:37 |
fta | seems we end up there: http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/docshell/base/nsWebShell.cpp#1179 | 22:48 |
sebner | fta: DisplayError. ok. but why not on win? | 22:51 |
fta | i don't know, yet | 22:52 |
fta | it's late, i'll investigate later | 22:52 |
sebner | fta: thanks for your interest =) | 22:55 |
Volans | night :) | 23:04 |
sebner | gn8 folks | 23:15 |
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