Deeps | bimberi: group membership is fine, am using "auth sufficient trust group=admin" in pam.d/su at the moment instead of sudo | 00:25 |
Deeps | the "%admin ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL" is copy/paste from sudoers file | 00:25 |
Deeps | sudo -s, sudo -i, sudo su -, all prompt for user's password | 00:26 |
Deeps | sudo apt-get too | 00:26 |
Deeps | nm, just added auth sufficient trust group=admin to pam.d/sudo | 00:31 |
Deeps | sod sudoers file | 00:32 |
=== RogerFarFarAway is now known as Roge | ||
kgoetz | hi all. should open[vpn,ssl]-vulnkey give the same output? i have a vpn key that openvpn-vulnkey says is ok, but openssl-vulnkey says is compromised | 04:35 |
kgoetz | which is annoying, and more then slightly worrying to me | 04:36 |
dave__ | good evening | 05:45 |
=== dave__ is now known as uberG00ber | ||
uberG00ber | anyone in here a packaging guru | 05:46 |
uberG00ber | or know anything at all about packaging? lol | 05:46 |
=== c1|freaky_ is now known as c1|freaky | ||
* delcoyote hi | 07:32 | |
kraut | moin | 08:02 |
Stonekeeper | hi. Is there a way to find out the version of an updated package before installing it? thanks. | 08:42 |
blue-frog | Stonekeeper: apt-cache madison program or apt-cache show program | 08:46 |
Stonekeeper | blue-frog: i thought that showed the installed version? | 08:49 |
soren | Stonekeeper: Maybe "apt-get -s ..." is what you want? | 08:49 |
Stonekeeper | madison looks interesting. i'll try -s | 08:50 |
Stonekeeper | right, same info. ok thanks. | 08:51 |
blue-frog | Stonekeeper: shows all packages, try it you will see... | 08:51 |
Stonekeeper | out of interest, i don't suppose you know of anyone who backports samba/ldap to 6.06.2 ? | 08:51 |
Stonekeeper | 3.0.24 is really old | 08:51 |
Stonekeeper | hmm.. it appears i'm looking at feisty. bleargh. i'll check the dapper repos | 08:53 |
Stonekeeper | blue-frog: thanks for your time. | 08:57 |
Kamping_Kaiser | apt-cache policy? | 09:20 |
Kamping_Kaiser | oh, its gone | 09:20 |
uvirtbot` | New bug: #234926 in logwatch (main) "logwatch missing conf files" [Undecided,New] | 09:51 |
uvirtbot` | New bug: #234927 in php5 (main) "delay php script execution on cli" [Undecided,New] | 09:51 |
owh | I'm experiencing an intermittent solid freeze on suspend of my Thinkpad running Gutsy. In order to locate the problem and locate/create an appropriate bug report I need to figure out a way to determine what is actually happening that might be causing this. Can anyone suggest any such methods? | 11:00 |
steph33560 | Hello | 11:04 |
steph33560 | Does somebody else use virt-manager here ? | 11:04 |
owh | steph33560: You should ask your actual question. | 11:04 |
steph33560 | owh, I would like to solve the error "Error starting domain: virDomainCreate() failed" when I launch my VM as non-root user | 11:05 |
steph33560 | my user is member of kvm and libvirtd | 11:06 |
steph33560 | on files, chown root:libvirtd is set, and chmod is 660 | 11:06 |
owh | I've not used virt-manager, but if it works as root and not as your user, my question would be: "After you added that user to those groups - assuming they are the correct ones - did you logout and back in again?" | 11:07 |
Koon | steph33560: make sure virtualization is enabled in your BIOS | 11:07 |
steph33560 | Koon, it is enable, and my processor is VMX compliant | 11:08 |
steph33560 | owh, I logged out many times... even reboot ;) | 11:08 |
steph33560 | owh, if you do not use virt--manager, what do you use ? | 11:08 |
owh | Well, not having used virt-manager, my personal next step would be to use strace to see where it's failing. | 11:09 |
steph33560 | mmhh I've got the trace in the main program | 11:09 |
owh | steph33560: At present I'm using vmware, but that is under review. | 11:09 |
steph33560 | owh, we stopped using vmware since IOWait problems and time syncrhonisation pb when starting several VM on a same host | 11:10 |
steph33560 | here is the error : | 11:10 |
steph33560 | it's python... | 11:11 |
owh | steph33560: As I said, it's use is under review :) | 11:11 |
hads | Tried using virsh? | 11:12 |
steph33560 | hads, that's the funny piece of the cake | 11:12 |
steph33560 | when starting with virsh as non root user, VM starts | 11:12 |
steph33560 | then using virt-manager as non-root displays the VM as shutdown... | 11:13 |
steph33560 | using virt-manager as root displays it running ! | 11:13 |
owh | steph33560: So, it's a permissions issue. | 11:13 |
steph33560 | chmod is 660 on image file and description file | 11:14 |
owh | steph33560: Or it | 11:14 |
owh | steph33560: Or it | 11:14 |
owh | crap | 11:14 |
hads | :) | 11:14 |
owh | steph33560: Or it's a bug. | 11:14 |
owh | The ' is next to my enter key :) | 11:14 |
hads | Yup | 11:14 |
steph33560 | I thought it was permissions, but even with chown root:libvirt on image file and xml file, and with chmod 660 too, I've always got the same error | 11:15 |
hads | If virsh works as non-root you must have permission | 11:16 |
owh | steph33560: It may not be on the image, it might be on a device node for example. | 11:16 |
hads | I'm not familiar enough with virt-manager to offer too much help though. | 11:16 |
owh | hads: I'm in the same boat :) | 11:16 |
steph33560 | hads, i'm pretty as experienced as uou ;) | 11:16 |
steph33560 | s/uou/you/ | 11:16 |
steph33560 | owh, device /dev/kvm ? | 11:17 |
steph33560 | owh, I've set it 660 and root:kvm | 11:17 |
owh | steph33560: May I suggest that you send an email to the ubuntu-server list as there are plenty of people who either wrote that code or know how it works. Depending on your local timezone, they might be around in about six or so hours - while I'm fast asleep :) | 11:17 |
steph33560 | good idea | 11:17 |
steph33560 | but ... i've submitted a bug 234938 @ | 11:18 |
uvirtbot` | Launchpad bug 234938 in virt-manager "VM started with virsh but not marked started in virt-manager" [Undecided,New] | 11:18 |
owh | steph33560: Well, that will achieve the same eventually :) | 11:18 |
simosx | hi all | 11:18 |
steph33560 | owh, :) | 11:18 |
steph33560 | hi simosx | 11:18 |
steph33560 | owh, hads, do you think my description is enough precise | 11:19 |
simosx | i want to try out LTSP 5.0. I have Ubuntu 8.04 desktop. Would "apt-get install ltsp-server-standalone" do it for me? | 11:19 |
steph33560 | simosx, if your apt is up to date, no pb... | 11:20 |
steph33560 | simosx, even if, aptitude will ask you (negative score) | 11:20 |
steph33560 | simosx, verify your sources before ... | 11:20 |
hads | I'll take a look in a few minutes after LP loads for me :) | 11:20 |
simosx | steph33560: thanks. this means that I do not have to install ubuntu-server for the demonstration that I am preparing. | 11:21 |
steph33560 | simosx, are your talking about package linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-16-server ? | 11:23 |
owh | I'm experiencing an intermittent solid freeze on suspend of my Thinkpad running Gutsy. In order to locate the problem and locate/create an appropriate bug report I need to figure out a way to determine what is actually happening that might be causing this. Can anyone suggest any such methods or a better place to ask this question? | 11:23 |
hads | steph33560: Looks like a fine description to me. The only difference I can see from mine with a cursory look is that I have a+r on the XML files | 11:23 |
hads | (they are root:root) | 11:23 |
steph33560 | hads, thanks hads :) | 11:24 |
simosx | steph33560: there are two different Ubuntu ISOs, the desktop and the server. The server comes by default with things like nfs. sshd, ltsp, and so on. I would like to try out just LTSP, preferably on my current Desktop installation. I wonder whether apt-get install ltsp-server-standalone will pull in the necessary packages (I believe the kernel does not hurt to stay the same), or I need to handpick. | 11:27 |
steph33560 | simosx, since you want to install LTSP, try out mini distros | 11:27 |
steph33560 | install the minimal OS, then aptitude install ltsp | 11:27 |
steph33560 | even if you face problem laters, you'll be able to install the server using aptitude install linux-image-2.6.24-16-server | 11:28 |
steph33560 | s/laters/later/ | 11:28 |
simosx | I see. | 11:28 |
steph33560 | simosx, | 11:28 |
simosx | I'll go for the Ubuntu Server installation on a fresh partition. It looks saner when I describe this at the training. | 11:31 |
hads | Just followed the libvirt Python but it goes down into a C module so not much for me to see. | 11:32 |
steph33560 | hads, I'm stucking on it too :-( | 11:33 |
AnRkey | for some reason i can't connect via ssh from my ebox to any other ssh server | 11:50 |
AnRkey | scp and ssh | 11:50 |
AnRkey | ssh just times out | 11:50 |
AnRkey | can anyone help? | 11:50 |
AnRkey | i have tried installing stuff via apt and i have tried ssh'ing in to other box's too. I can't find anything in the logs and I have disabled the firewall service in ebox. | 11:52 |
steph33560 | AnRkey, does netstat -ant points out a ssh listening socket ? | 12:25 |
* _ruben would use netstat -lnt instead when looking for listening sockets | 12:31 | |
* hads uses -plant just because it spells a word | 12:32 | |
_ruben | combining l and a doesnt seem very useful to me though :) | 12:33 |
hads | No it's not, but I like it anyway :) | 12:34 |
hads | l overrides a | 12:34 |
hads | erm, other way round. | 12:34 |
bimberi | <-- plunt | 12:46 |
AnRkey | steph33560, I cant ssh out | 12:50 |
AnRkey | ssh in works fine | 12:50 |
AnRkey | i cant use apt-get either | 12:50 |
steph33560 | AnRkey, don't understand ... you said you can't connect ... | 12:53 |
AnRkey | i can't connect to ssh servers from within the ebox server | 12:55 |
AnRkey | so when i am at the terminal of the ebox, i cant ssh out or use apt-get to install bits | 12:56 |
steph33560 | AnRkey, does this box have iptables rules ? | 12:56 |
hads | Do you have any network connection at all? | 12:56 |
AnRkey | steph33560, i think it's iptables that might be the problem | 12:56 |
_magnetic | AnRkey: you will have to add firewall rules to your eBox server | 12:56 |
AnRkey | _magnetic, i think this is the answer yes. I think that even though I have disabled the firewall, some of the iptables rules are still there | 12:57 |
* AnRkey is checking | 12:57 | |
_magnetic | AnRkey: if you have enabled the firewall module, it won't allow you to connect to external servers | 12:57 |
steph33560 | AnRkey, iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport ssh -i ppp0 -j ACCEPT | 12:57 |
steph33560 | AnRkey, iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport ssh -o ppp0 -j ACCEPT | 12:57 |
steph33560 | AnRkey, if connecting on port 22, of course | 12:57 |
_magnetic | AnRkey: it's pretty easy to add a firewall rule to allow connection to external stuff | 12:58 |
steph33560 | AnRkey, and if connecting throught ppp0... might be eth0 for you | 12:58 |
_magnetic | AnRkey: if you want to add rules to allow external connections go to Firewall->packet filter->Filtering rules for traffic coming out from eBox | 13:00 |
AnRkey | _magnetic, this i know. My pickle is that the firewall was supposed to be disabled | 13:00 |
AnRkey | odd | 13:00 |
_magnetic | AnRkey: do you have any interface configured by dhcp? | 13:01 |
AnRkey | none, no | 13:01 |
_magnetic | AnRkey: weird, can you run this: /etc/init.d/ebox firewall stop ? | 13:01 |
AnRkey | ok really odd... i enabled the firewall > added an any rule and accept for outgoing connections and it's fine | 13:01 |
AnRkey | but the firewall was off to begin with | 13:01 |
AnRkey | it's working now though... | 13:02 |
AnRkey | bug? | 13:02 |
_magnetic | AnRkey: did you save changes when you disabled the firewall? | 13:02 |
AnRkey | yes | 13:02 |
AnRkey | i am going to disable it now to try and reproduce | 13:02 |
AnRkey | the fault :D | 13:02 |
_magnetic | :D | 13:02 |
_magnetic | AnRkey: could you make sure you don't have any dhclient running? | 13:03 |
AnRkey | ok | 13:04 |
AnRkey | hmm | 13:06 |
AnRkey | ok firewall is off and it's still fine | 13:06 |
AnRkey | but i never removed that rule from the firewall section before i downed the firewall | 13:06 |
AnRkey | ok, i took the any-any-outgoing rule out | 13:08 |
AnRkey | and then downed the fw | 13:08 |
_magnetic | ok | 13:08 |
AnRkey | and it's scr3wed again | 13:08 |
_magnetic | AnRkey: try this | 13:08 |
_magnetic | /etc/init.d/ebox firewall stop | 13:08 |
AnRkey | that worked | 13:09 |
AnRkey | so the fw is not stopping then? | 13:09 |
_magnetic | it looks like that | 13:09 |
_magnetic | please, can you check if you have any dhclient running? | 13:09 |
AnRkey | gonna search for a bug in lp | 13:09 |
_magnetic | just to rule that out | 13:09 |
AnRkey | ok | 13:09 |
AnRkey | 21720 ? 00:00:00 dhclient3 | 13:10 |
AnRkey | my interface eth0 is static though | 13:10 |
AnRkey | just confirmed | 13:10 |
_magnetic | AnRkey: ok this a known bug then | 13:10 |
AnRkey | oh ok | 13:10 |
AnRkey | nice to know | 13:11 |
AnRkey | i am doing research on a vm here | 13:11 |
_magnetic | in your /etc/network/interfaces you have that interface configured by dhcp | 13:11 |
AnRkey | working all the kinks out | 13:11 |
AnRkey | checking | 13:11 |
AnRkey | wtf? | 13:11 |
AnRkey | it is | 13:11 |
AnRkey | but then... | 13:11 |
AnRkey | how | 13:12 |
=== blue-frog_ is now known as blue-frog | ||
_magnetic | AnRkey: one sec | 13:12 |
_magnetic | AnRkey: that's something we have changed for the next eBox version 0.11.100 | 13:13 |
_magnetic | AnRkey: basically: we didnt overwrite the /etc/network/interfaces, we wrote the conf in other file | 13:14 |
_magnetic | and that caused this kind of issues | 13:14 |
AnRkey | i c | 13:15 |
_magnetic | AnRkey: you have the new packages available in here | 13:15 |
AnRkey | will the new version use the interfaces file? | 13:15 |
_magnetic | AnRkey: or you can just woraround your problem by modifying your /etc/network/interfaces | 13:15 |
AnRkey | ok | 13:15 |
AnRkey | well it works fine as long as i leave the firewall on | 13:15 |
_magnetic | AnRkey: the new version already uses the normal interfaces file, and fixes that issue | 13:16 |
AnRkey | i can just add that any<>any<>outgoing rule | 13:16 |
AnRkey | ok shweet | 13:16 |
AnRkey | i love the app so far | 13:16 |
AnRkey | nice work | 13:16 |
_magnetic | thanks :) | 13:16 |
_magnetic | AnRkey: by the way there are more available packages which didn't make it to Hardy in our repos | 13:17 |
AnRkey | oh ok | 13:17 |
_magnetic | and i expect to release a new version in a few days | 13:17 |
AnRkey | do i add your repos to mine or do i replace mine with yours? | 13:17 |
AnRkey | shweet | 13:17 |
AnRkey | you have a wiki page for the project? | 13:17 |
_magnetic | AnRkey: we use trac | 13:18 |
AnRkey | ok cool | 13:18 |
AnRkey | gonna signup | 13:18 |
AnRkey | i live in a small town called george in south africa. So every1 that I have shown ebox to is excited about it | 13:19 |
_magnetic | and the developers usually hang out on #ebox , so feel free to ask stuff there too | 13:19 |
AnRkey | ok shweet, thanks | 13:19 |
_magnetic | ok | 13:19 |
_magnetic | gotta go now, i gotta install a eBox for a customer | 13:20 |
_magnetic | see you later | 13:20 |
* AnRkey cried when webmin stopped working correctly in ubuntu | 13:20 | |
AnRkey | ciao | 13:20 |
geertn | I noticed the installer was unable to install grub on my /dev/i2o/hdb device | 13:32 |
geertn | anyone familiar with this story and should I file a bug? | 13:33 |
=== RogerFarFarAway is now known as Roge | ||
=== phoenix24_ is now known as phoenix24 | ||
zul | mathiaz: I was thinking that patch you did for dovecot should really go upstream | 16:03 |
zul | to dovecot | 16:04 |
soren | Which one was that? | 16:04 |
mathiaz | zul: are you refering to the log message ? | 16:16 |
mathiaz | zul: I think so - I haven't checked if the upstream hg repository has already fixed it somehow. | 16:17 |
zul | mathiaz: yes thats the one Im referring to | 16:18 |
macd | after setting my LVM volume active what is the device that I mount? /dev/lvm_volume doesnt work | 17:59 |
mathiaz | macd: try to look into /dev/group_name/lv_name | 18:06 |
macd | I used volume group name lvm1 but nothing in /dev/ seems to match | 18:06 |
macd | mathiaz, vgscan finds the volume, as well as vgdisplay shows it | 18:07 |
macd | but I can't format it, or mount it | 18:07 |
macd | mathiaz, ahh, figured it out, I didnt create the logical volume, only the physical partitions were added to the group | 18:10 |
macd | I think I'll edit the help.ubuntu page to better reflect the steps | 18:14 |
ScottK | macd: Thank you for taking the time to improve the documentation. | 18:17 |
macd | its only about the 100th time ;) | 18:20 |
macd | brb | 18:20 |
stefg | I'd like to have a public (writable for guests) samba share on a 8.04 server running ebox. I'm facing 2 problems: 1.) actaully there's no use in manually editing smb.conf, b/c ebox will overwrite the change sooner or later. (For testing i added a share manually in smb.conf) 2.) win-clients can see the the share, but are unable to browse it (get passwd prompt). A hardy client can't even see... | 18:54 |
stefg | ...the share... the ebox docu is pretty sparse, anyone got a hint for me? | 18:54 |
zul | try #ebox | 18:56 |
stefg | ah... there's an irc-channel? thanx | 18:57 |
Miguel` | Hi, I wonder if there is a way to stop to annoying sound my server makes while running Folding@Home by not letting it write on the harddisk? | 19:37 |
krogh | Use lsof or fuser to find out what files i actually touches.. | 19:38 |
krogh | and move them to a ram-filesystem. | 19:38 |
Miguel` | Why don't they run it in ram as standard? | 19:43 |
krogh | That was one of the tough questions.. | 19:46 |
krogh | Why did some other developer chose another implemetations plan.. Hmm... | 19:47 |
Deeps | lol | 19:51 |
Deeps | Miguel`: you need to ask your hardware manufacturer why they made your disks so noiy | 19:52 |
Deeps | noisy* | 19:52 |
Miguel` | It's an old PC :) | 19:52 |
Miguel` | And I don't have the sound when, for example, copying huge files to my FTP | 19:52 |
Miguel` | It sounds like a sharp beeping sound | 19:52 |
Jeeves_ | Miguel`: Probably lots of smal reads/writes | 19:56 |
Jeeves_ | Anyways, if the data isn't that important | 19:56 |
Jeeves_ | You can always create a driectory in /dev/shm/ | 19:56 |
Miguel` | The data is important | 19:56 |
Jeeves_ | Than you need te leave it on disk | 19:57 |
Jeeves_ | And buy another less noisy disk :) | 19:57 |
Miguel` | It would require me to write a script that executes Folding@Home on the ram and when I close it, copy the files to hard disk | 19:57 |
Miguel` | To much work for what it's worth | 19:57 |
krogh | Miguel`: Well.. youre probably still paying quite alot for the extra power it uses.. anyway .. :-) | 19:58 |
Miguel` | I just wanted to donate some CPU power to science, since it's a small home server (www,LAN,gameserver) | 19:59 |
opn6 | I want to install ubuntu sever with the gui. can i only use the gui when i need it? Or will it boot to the desktop by default??? | 20:57 |
faulkes- | you can turn off the gui starting by default by configuring when init loads it up | 21:13 |
faulkes- | you can turn off the gui starting by default by configuring when init loads it up | 21:13 |
faulkes- | just change /etc/rc3.d/S<number><servicename> to /etc/rc3.d/K<number><servicename> (and the same for rc4.d and rc5.d) | 21:14 |
=== opn6_ is now known as opn6 | ||
opn6 | thanks.. so much to learn. | 21:18 |
InsomniaCity | faulkes-: change? does ubuntu not have something like chkconfig? | 21:23 |
\sh | update-rc.d | 21:26 |
\sh | chkconfig is rpm stuff | 21:26 |
\sh | update-rc.d is debian | 21:26 |
\sh | invoke-rc.d is debian too | 21:27 |
\sh | sysv-rc-conf is interactive | 21:28 |
\sh | (needs to installed, is not available by default) | 21:28 |
fabianhoward | is there any form of documentation for administering the mail server profile? | 22:57 |
mathiaz | fabianhoward: there is an email section in the Ubuntu server guide | 23:00 |
mathiaz | fabianhoward: | 23:00 |
fabianhoward | mathiaz: thank you, but I can't find any documentation on what the mail server profile provides(from reading config it seems to include a mysql backend, but I've absolutely no idea how to add users etc?) | 23:02 |
mathiaz | fabianhoward: the mysql backend is not enabled by default. | 23:14 |
mathiaz | fabianhoward: postfix will use the system users. | 23:14 |
mathiaz | fabianhoward: /system users/local users/ | 23:14 |
fabianhoward | mathiaz: and dovecot will authenticate with pamd? | 23:25 |
* delcoyote hi | 23:29 | |
fabianhoward | hi | 23:31 |
uvirtbot` | New bug: #235100 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "mysql got signal 11" [Undecided,New] | 23:42 |
SwissPhoenix | Hi folks, is there already something implemented to get noticed if unattended-upgrades can't upgrade a package? Or do I have to do something on my own....? | 23:43 |
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