kaiden | Broadcom: http://pastebin.com/d2426dd87 | 00:00 |
james__ | vlad, still here? | 00:00 |
jsoftw | bah | 00:00 |
toga__ | Yes | 00:00 |
Steve-cal | io__: editing sudoers is one way, another way that works for programs that aren't finicky about UID is SETUID for root. | 00:00 |
pawan | !pastebin | 00:00 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 00:00 |
io__ | I seem to remember reading about sudoers at one point... but I don't want to give blanket permissions, maybe just one app or two | 00:00 |
kaiden | jsoftw, comcast 8mbit burstable (cable) | 00:00 |
Flannel | io__: Right, you can do that in sudoers | 00:01 |
jsoftw | oh right. So you dont need any auth or anything? Basically assign an IP, and thats it? | 00:01 |
vlad | james__: yes im still here :) | 00:01 |
Broadcom | kaiden: i found your problem, you have no wired internet device | 00:01 |
SeaPhor | pawan, ok what? did you pastebin your xorg.conf ? | 00:01 |
pawan | http://paste.ubuntu.com/14662/ | 00:01 |
ThePuppyFenris | change permissions on the file? | 00:01 |
Broadcom | kaiden: just kidding, but do you know what yours is? | 00:01 |
james__ | vlad, have you added the backports to your sources list? | 00:01 |
kaiden | Broadcom, yes, it's the device running on eth1 ;) hehe | 00:01 |
ubuntuROX | does anyone know what winbind screwed up when it updated to cause my network browsing to fail? | 00:01 |
kaiden | should be the nvidia mcp55 one | 00:02 |
ThePuppyFenris | change ownership of the file to a special group and then add the proper permissions and add that group to the users you want to run the file? | 00:02 |
jsoftw | meh. | 00:02 |
vlad | james__: dunno how to add them i downloaded 2 packages 1 for universal other for multiuniversal from the page u gave me | 00:02 |
* jsoftw hates waiting for replys | 00:02 | |
kaiden | so 00:11.0 Bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP55 Ethernet (rev a2) | 00:02 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14664/ | 00:02 |
jsoftw | actually why am I here :/ | 00:02 |
io__ | well, I'll have a look at sudoers again, and attempt not to screw it up this time.... :-) | 00:02 |
* mib_ih7x99 is battling a mutt | 00:02 | |
vlad | james__: both seems to be the same and are like txt files | 00:02 |
pawan | now | 00:03 |
pgi1 | Hello - I am having errors where compiles no longer work. simple functions like malloc are no longer declared. for example: /usr/include/c++/4.2/cstdlib:123: error: ‘::malloc’ has not been declared | 00:03 |
Broadcom | kaiden: this link if for people for whom it did not work at all, maybe it will help. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/136836 | 00:03 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 136836 in linux "Ethernet (nVidia MCP55) not working [ gutsy, hardy]" [Medium,New] | 00:03 |
james__ | vlad, please explain | 00:03 |
Steve-cal | io__: I can give you the syntax to add programs so they don't require a password--do you need help? | 00:03 |
pgi1 | even worse - I cannot find gcc or g++ anywhere in synaptic. Any ideas? | 00:03 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: Is your wpa_supplicant.conf file /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf or just /etc/wpa_supplicant ? | 00:03 |
ubuntuROX | nobody? | 00:03 |
kaiden | Broadcom, thanks, maybe that will give me a tiny bit of insight into it :) | 00:03 |
Flannel | pgi1: It should be. Pastebin your sources.list | 00:04 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: it's /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf | 00:04 |
Broadcom | ubuntuROX: ask again | 00:04 |
ubuntuROX | I have a problem, yesterday update manager installed a wine update and something called winbind. Today I cannot browse my network in Places Network... Shows windows network but there is nothing there? does anyone have any ideas? | 00:04 |
mib_ih7x99 | it looks like you ran the command with -c/etc/wpa_supplicant (no .conf) | 00:04 |
io__ | thanks for the help... | 00:04 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: oh sorry! let me fix that. one sec | 00:04 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: sure, np | 00:04 |
Ace2016 | Hi all | 00:05 |
mib_ih7x99 | !hi | Ace2016 | 00:05 |
ubottu | Ace2016: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 00:05 |
Broadcom | ubuntuROx: they seem unrelated, it is probobly a problem with your network | 00:05 |
io__ | I could sure use some help. If you had the syntax that would be great | 00:05 |
Ace2016 | when compiling a kernel how do i specify the old config file when running make oldconfig | 00:05 |
plb | Curious, can you browse guide listings when using totem mythtv plugin? | 00:05 |
pgi1 | Flannel: http://rafb.net/p/kuE2w165.html | 00:05 |
io__ | steve-cal: thanks | 00:05 |
vlad | james__: i went to the page u gave me then enter to i386 for hardy then downloaded Packages.bz2 when i extract it there is a file "packages" that i open with gedit | 00:06 |
mib_ih7x99 | Does anybody around here use the mutt email client? | 00:06 |
Steve-cal | io__: So start with opening up sudoers, "sudo visudo" | 00:06 |
Flannel | pgi1: that looks normal enough. do you get errors with 'sudo apt-get update'? | 00:06 |
Broadcom | !anyone | mib_ih7x99 | 00:06 |
ubottu | mib_ih7x99: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 00:06 |
pawan | hello | 00:06 |
Broadcom | !hi | pawan | 00:06 |
ubottu | pawan: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 00:06 |
SeaPhor | pawan, ok, I only know of 1 sure way to fix your issue, but you may want to ask around someone else here probably has a better solution, but this is what i did, I downloaded the ISO image and burned to cd, booted up on the live cd and made sure the graphics were fine on the cd, they were, i did sudo cp /ect/X11/xorg.conf /media/disk//ect/X11/xorg.conf and reboot and all was well | 00:06 |
io__ | ok, just a sec... | 00:06 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14665/ | 00:06 |
mib_ih7x99 | Broadcom: I've got a mutt-specific question which I didn't want to flood the channel with repeatedly--so every hour or so I'm asking if any mutt users are around. :-) | 00:07 |
Dr_Link | I have GNOME on Ubuntu Hardy, is it possible to install/use KDE and GNOME on the same machine? | 00:07 |
pgi1 | Flannel: no errors | 00:07 |
Broadcom | mib_ih7x99: ok, sorry | 00:07 |
mib_ih7x99 | Broadcom: No worries... :-) | 00:07 |
pgi1 | Hit and Ign on the repositories | 00:07 |
pawan | so should i download | 00:07 |
io__ | ok I'm there... | 00:07 |
squee_ | is there a way through the terminal to get the public ip address of your computer using the terminal? (assume you are NATed, and no cheating using links) | 00:07 |
Flannel | pgi1: `sudo apt-get install build-essential` won't install it though? | 00:07 |
Broadcom | Dr_Link: install kubuntu-desktop | 00:07 |
cd-r | Hi. does anybody know how to to fix desktop icons so that they don't move when i click "clean up my name" | 00:07 |
Steve-cal | io__: Does it show at the bottom ^X exit and ^G help, etc? We need to make sure you're using nano as the editor... | 00:07 |
genii | Dr_Link: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 00:08 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: It sounds like your configuration file has an error. | 00:08 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: ok... how do i fix it? | 00:08 |
Dr_Link | Broadcom: Will that kill my GNOME environment? Will I lose any work? | 00:08 |
mib_ih7x99 | squee_: curl -sf http://checkip.dyndns.org/|cut -d ':' -f 2|cut -d '<' -f1|sed -e 's/ //g' | 00:08 |
genii | Dr_Link: You then choose from the login manager which to use when logging in | 00:08 |
tarelerulz | I have touch pad and when I am typing in the room a brush it lightly and it scrolls the chat windows . Is there a way to make it not use those light touches ? | 00:08 |
Broadcom | Dr_Link: nope | 00:08 |
SeaPhor | pawan, your choice, ask around for better solution or download and follow what i gave, wish i had more | 00:08 |
Dr_Link | I am assuming there is an xubuntu-desktop, too. | 00:08 |
Broadcom | !kubuntu | Dr_Link | 00:09 |
ubottu | Dr_Link: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE | 00:09 |
genii | Dr_Link: Correct | 00:09 |
pawan | thanks for the help man | 00:09 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: Can you open up your supplicant conf file again (Alt-F2, gksudo gedit /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf) | 00:09 |
squee_ | mib_ih7x99: is it possible without using a 3rd party? | 00:09 |
cpro | hi there , i am facing a problem i installed bcm43xx driver for my wireless but when i open my restricted driver there is no driver but i am able to see my wireless option in network-admin can any budy help me | 00:09 |
io__ | no it doesn't I started vi not nano. I prefer nano though...... hang on... | 00:09 |
ximpul | Hello Folks, ive recently (2 weeks ago) ran an update on Hardy and it seems to have broken gtk2 everything in gnome now shows up with the older gtk theme and the toolbar buttons are gone, any one have any ideas about how to troubleshoot/fix it ? | 00:09 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: ok done | 00:09 |
SeaPhor | pawan, but i would copy paste what inst i gave to your desktop, just in case | 00:09 |
xodiak | Yachziel or Broadcom: Well, I got part of what I wanted to work. I can see my ubuntu system from the laptop. Does Samba also allow me to see my laptop from ubuntu? | 00:09 |
hexoroid | i apt-get ubuntu deskop and i am running a gnome right now how do i switch ? do xubuntu ? | 00:09 |
vlad | james__: ? | 00:09 |
Tolja | how to add cyrillic support to ubuntu openoffice 2? | 00:09 |
Flannel | hexoroid: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce | 00:10 |
Steve-cal | io__: You haveto use visudo though--don't open sudoers in nano directly--use "export EDITOR=nano && sudo -E visudo" | 00:10 |
mib_ih7x99 | squee_: You could ask your router what your external IP address is. If it's a Linksys you could install, say, DD-WRT, and presumably get your external IP from that. | 00:10 |
squee_ | mib_ih7x99: alright, thanks | 00:10 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: What's in line 12? | 00:10 |
Steve-cal | io__: BTW, to get out of vi just type: :quit | 00:10 |
io__ | Steve-cal: what does that do? | 00:11 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: a "}" | 00:11 |
jAg_uAr | anyone know why i can log into this room thru chatzilla, but not thru the koversation program? the normal program keeps tryin to log into dal.net thru a different login name that i have no idea where it is getting it from | 00:11 |
pgi1 | Flannel: sorry about that, lost internet | 00:11 |
cd-r | does anybody know how to to fix desktop icons so that they don't move when i click "clean up my name" | 00:11 |
Flannel | pgi1: `sudo apt-get install build-essential` won't install it though? | 00:11 |
Steve-cal | io__: That command runs visudo with nano. | 00:11 |
Gohalien | how to check what kernel version I am using ? | 00:11 |
Flannel | Gohalien: uname -a | 00:11 |
Starnestommy | Gohalien: uname -r | 00:11 |
Tolja | how to add cyrillic to openoffice 2? | 00:11 |
hexoroid | tolja quit repeating | 00:11 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: Try changing `ssid=blizzardman1219' to `ssid="blizzardman1219' | 00:11 |
mib_ih7x99 | er, "blizzardman1219" | 00:12 |
Gohalien | thanks | 00:12 |
mib_ih7x99 | i.e., enclose it in quotes. then run the command again and see what you get :-) | 00:12 |
ariqs | I have linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-386 which contains the ltmodem drivers I need. I installed the package, and I see /lib/modules/ltmodem. Within that are 3 .o files. HOwever, none of them will load with modprobe or insmod. What's up? | 00:12 |
pgi1 | I dunno - I search synaptic for g++, glib, whatever.. nothing shows up | 00:12 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: ok done. what do i do now? | 00:12 |
Chousuke | ariqs: ... the .o suffix hasn't been used for kernel modules since 2.4 | 00:12 |
Chousuke | ariqs: where did you get this driver? | 00:13 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: You enclosed your SSID in quotes? Try running the command I gave you again and paste the output. | 00:13 |
pgi1 | but: g++ --version says 4.2.3 is installed.. | 00:13 |
Rochvellon | hi, does somebody knows wine and mail.ru agent? | 00:13 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: ok one sec | 00:13 |
io__ | Steve-cal: ok so it reads "File: /etc/sudoers.tmp" | 00:13 |
ariqs | http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-386 | 00:13 |
ariqs | that's where I got it, chousuke | 00:13 |
mib_ih7x99 | How do you get a list of what ubottu knows? | 00:13 |
mib_ih7x99 | Factoids, that is | 00:14 |
ariqs | it's my same question as before said differently until I ask it in a way that I get the right answer ;P | 00:14 |
Roey | hey all | 00:14 |
mib_ih7x99 | !hi | Roey | 00:14 |
ubottu | Roey: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 00:14 |
Roey | I'm having trouble hearing any sound output from Flash. | 00:14 |
Roey | Where can I set Flash to ALSA? | 00:14 |
Steve-cal | io__: OK, so move down to the bottom of that file and first add this: | 00:14 |
Steve-cal | Cmnd_Alias CMDS_AS_ROOT = /usr/local/bin/mycmd3, /usr/local/bin/mycmd2 | 00:15 |
Steve-cal | (where obviously you give the paths to your programs instead) | 00:15 |
Chousuke | ariqs: I really have no idea. | 00:15 |
pgi1 | is there a "provides" command to see what package is providing my g++ executable? | 00:15 |
Chousuke | ariqs: did you try just "sudo modprobe ltmode" | 00:16 |
Chousuke | ariqs: ltmodem* | 00:16 |
ariqs | yep | 00:16 |
ariqs | and lt-modem | 00:16 |
ariqs | and lt_modem | 00:16 |
Chousuke | what about lt_serial? | 00:17 |
mib_ih7x99 | pgi1: `apt-get file' ? | 00:17 |
Chousuke | .. weird, though. | 00:17 |
ariqs | think so | 00:17 |
Chousuke | they should be .ko files | 00:17 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14667/ | 00:17 |
ariqs | there are no .ko files there | 00:17 |
linkmaster03 | How do I unmount a volume in /media/ from terminal? | 00:17 |
mookid | I had mp3's working with w32codecs out of the medibuntu repo's.. I installed osme updates and now mp3's dont play.. I've tried reinstalling w32codecs with no luck pls help :) | 00:18 |
genii | ariqs: You need restricted-drivers before ltmodem is there | 00:18 |
jbroome | linkmaster03: sudo umount /media/foo | 00:18 |
linkmaster03 | jbroome: thank you | 00:18 |
ariqs | genii: i have them | 00:18 |
pgi1 | mib_ih7x99: apt-get /usr/bin/g++ says invalid operation | 00:18 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: OK, that's a start. The line that has your passphrase, `psk=...' -- what does it look like? | 00:18 |
ariqs | urggghhh | 00:18 |
mib_ih7x99 | pgi1: `apt-get file g++' ? | 00:18 |
pgi1 | invalid operation file | 00:18 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: psk=hexadecimalstuff or psk="hexadecimalstuff" ? | 00:18 |
io__ | Steve-cal: so I place this:Cmnd_Alias CMDS_AS_ROOT = /usr/local/bin/mycmd3, /usr/local/bin/mycmd2 and replace with my command including full path? | 00:19 |
mib_ih7x99 | pgi1: sorry, I meant `apt-file' | 00:19 |
pgi1 | damn this is so annoying. I can compile stuff in other distros.. why doesn't ubuntu support freaking malloc() ? | 00:19 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: psk=hexadecimalstuff | 00:19 |
Starnestommy | pgi1: do you have build-essential installed? | 00:19 |
pgi1 | mib_ih7x99: hum.. don't have that command | 00:19 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: Try changing it to psk="your passphrase here" | 00:19 |
mib_ih7x99 | pgi1: maybe dlocate? (I'm operating on faulty memory here, my Ubuntu laptop isn't functioning right now) | 00:20 |
Steve-cal | io__: Yes, that's the syntax to add two commands, you can add just one if you want. Be sure to include the full path. | 00:20 |
tshine | pgi1: could try yum -y install build-essential | 00:20 |
pgi1 | build-essential is already the newest version. | 00:20 |
io__ | just a sec... | 00:20 |
Chousuke | ariqs: I found a bug report stating that ltmodem will not work in 2.6.24-16 | 00:20 |
Chousuke | ariqs: you will need -17 | 00:20 |
jbroome | tshine: wrong OS | 00:20 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: ok done. i'll post the report in a couple of seconds | 00:20 |
mib_ih7x99 | yum? sorry, did I miss something? what OS is pgi1 using? | 00:20 |
mib_ih7x99 | sure | 00:20 |
genii | ariqs: So apt-cache search linux-restricted-modules indicates it's installed? | 00:20 |
genii | *policy | 00:20 |
Chousuke | ariqs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/210652/comments/5 | 00:20 |
tshine | opps sorry apt-get -y install build-essential heh | 00:21 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 210652 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "[Hardy] ltmodem driver missing" [Undecided,Fix released] | 00:21 |
vlad | james__: are u there? | 00:21 |
Starnestommy | tshine: no -y | 00:21 |
genii | ariqs: apt-cache policy linux-restricted-modules rather | 00:21 |
pgi1 | hmm.. | 00:21 |
tshine | Starnestommy: why not? | 00:21 |
mib_ih7x99 | tshine: haha--last night I told someone to `apt-get uninstall' something :-) | 00:21 |
pgi1 | Well apt-get install build-essential shows that I have the newest version isntalled | 00:21 |
ariqs | chousuke: so what package is -17? | 00:21 |
mookid | can anyone help me? | 00:21 |
Starnestommy | tshine: it's dangerous as the user can't directly control yes/no answers as everything answers as yes | 00:21 |
Chousuke | ariqs: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-17 | 00:21 |
mookid | I need my music back :( | 00:21 |
Chousuke | ariqs: you have -16 | 00:21 |
genii | ariqs: Also you may not be running i386 kernel. ltmodem is not supplied for any other kernels than that | 00:22 |
Chousuke | genii: he is | 00:22 |
mib_ih7x99 | !question | mookid | 00:22 |
ubottu | mookid: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 00:22 |
mookid | I've already asked it dude | 00:22 |
io__ | Steve-cal: it asks me if I want to save to "sudoers.tmp" don't I want just "sudoers"? | 00:22 |
mib_ih7x99 | mookid: sorry, faulty autopilot :-) | 00:22 |
Starnestommy | io__: just save it to sudoers.tmp. It'll automatically be moved to sudoers if it works correctly | 00:22 |
mib_ih7x99 | io__: you want the tmp file | 00:22 |
mookid | ;) | 00:23 |
ariqs | i don't see linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-17 on packages.ubuntu.com for hardy | 00:23 |
* mib_ih7x99 attempts an apt-get upgrade brain, to no avail | 00:23 | |
Chousuke | ariqs: I don't see it either. | 00:23 |
Steve-cal | io__: Don't save yet! You have to add the following, and replace steve with your username: | 00:23 |
Steve-cal | steve ALL = NOPASSWD: CMDS_AS_ROOT | 00:23 |
pgi1 | oh well. so - am I supposed to just accept the fact that ubuntu doesn't support malloc? | 00:23 |
Chousuke | ariqs: apparently it isn't in hardy yet | 00:23 |
pgi1 | even though it is the standard way to allocate memory in C? | 00:23 |
Starnestommy | pgi1: what happens when you try to use malloc? | 00:24 |
pgi1 | I've been working on this for HOURS | 00:24 |
Steve-cal | io__: add that after the other line... | 00:24 |
pgi1 | Starnestommy: /usr/include/c++/4.2/cstdlib:123: error: ‘::malloc’ has not been declared | 00:24 |
ouellettesr | hello how do i see what version of java I have? | 00:24 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14671/ | 00:24 |
Starnestommy | pgi1: it might be std::malloc | 00:24 |
io__ | Steve-cal: ok just a sec... | 00:24 |
jrib | pgi1: ubuntu supports malloc... | 00:24 |
ouellettesr | im using hardy btw | 00:24 |
pgi1 | Yeah - but I'm not even calling malloc or ::malloc or std::malloc | 00:25 |
pgi1 | this is happening in QtCore | 00:25 |
Chousuke | pgi1: that's some other error | 00:25 |
Steve-cal | io__: And whatever you do, do not exit visudo until we are sure it works, OK? ;) | 00:25 |
Chousuke | pgi1: did you manually install Qtcore? | 00:25 |
Chousuke | pgi1: seems like your system headers are fubar :P | 00:25 |
io__ | ok | 00:25 |
pgi1 | manually install?? no.. I installed qt and qt-devel or whatever it is called | 00:25 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: So does your psk line read like this? `psk="WPA Passphrase here"' (not in hexadecimal form) | 00:25 |
Steve-cal | io__: So did you add the line? | 00:26 |
Chousuke | pgi1: then it's a bug. | 00:26 |
pgi1 | Chousuke: how do I un-fubar this then? | 00:26 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: not it's in hexadecimal form... was i supposed to change that? | 00:26 |
pgi1 | Never had this problem on any other system/distro | 00:26 |
Chousuke | pgi1: I really don't know | 00:26 |
io__ | steve-cal: how do I save it without exiting?, yes I added the lines | 00:26 |
jrib | pgi1: have you explained what exactly you are doing? | 00:26 |
=== tell is now known as ian1 | ||
Chousuke | pgi1: double-check that you're including everything correctly | 00:26 |
=== ian1 is now known as ianm_ | ||
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: If I understand right, it works like so: `psk=hexadecimalstuff' or `psk="plain old text"' depending on whether you put quotes | 00:27 |
Steve-cal | io__: just do a Ctrl-O and save as "sudoers" not sudoers.tmp. | 00:27 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: ok i'll change that one sec | 00:27 |
Chousuke | ariqs: anyway, it seems the only thing you can do for now is to wait for a new version of the linux-restricted-modules package | 00:27 |
mib_ih7x99 | Steve-cal: is that such a good idea? doesn't visudo verify your sudoers file and then move it to sudoers? | 00:27 |
gary_ | Hi, I have a multilingual (fr-CA) keyboard on my laptop, and I only need the standard US functionality, so I can type common characters. Is there a way to change this in Ubuntu | 00:27 |
mookid | i'm really confused why my mp3's would play.. I update patches and now they wont play ;( | 00:27 |
pgi1 | Chousuke: this runs on every other platform/distro I have tried | 00:27 |
ariqs | alrighty then, thanks chousuke | 00:27 |
Ashfire908 | Are there any IPv6 package servers? | 00:28 |
Chousuke | pgi1: but it doesn't run on Ubuntu. It might be a bug in Ubuntu | 00:28 |
pgi1 | here is the compile error: http://rafb.net/p/aY3DEK82.html | 00:28 |
mib_ih7x99 | !mutt | 00:28 |
ubottu | Factoid mutt not found | 00:28 |
io__ | Steve-cal: hang on backing up the file | 00:28 |
pgi1 | yes - so how do I resolve this problem since it must be a bug in ubuntu? | 00:28 |
jrib | pgi1: it's impossible to help you if you don't tell us what you are doing... | 00:28 |
=== JonathanD is now known as JonathanS | ||
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD | ||
pgi1 | I am a developer for lmms.sf.net we have a large application it uses Qt and is written in C++ | 00:29 |
Flannel | pgi1: dpkg -S g++ | 00:29 |
Steve-cal | mib_ih7x99: You mean save it as sudoers.tmp and then visudo moves it for you? I don't understand what you mean. | 00:29 |
ptrg | would anyone be able to tell me if there are any good CAD software packages that work well in ubuntu? | 00:29 |
Flannel | pgi1: Again, does build-essential install? | 00:29 |
jrib | pgi1: write something small then that recreates the error and pastebin it | 00:29 |
pgi1 | it runs on my computer and every computer I tried. I am at my parent's house. They run ubuntu, and that is where the suffering starts. Compile error is here: http://rafb.net/p/aY3DEK82.html | 00:29 |
pgi1 | you'll notice the malloc error happens in from /usr/include/c++/4.2/bits/stl_algobase.h:68 | 00:30 |
mib_ih7x99 | Steve-cal: Doesn't visudo open nano, where you edit your stuff, and then you write-out to the default file (.tmp)? Then visudo validates the .tmp file and moves it to the sudoers file. | 00:30 |
Chousuke | if he has installed qtcore from the repositories then that's definitely a bug. | 00:30 |
pgi1 | so.. if you are saying that I broke the STL somehow... | 00:30 |
genii | !info qcad | ptrg | 00:30 |
Starnestommy | pgi1: that could be a problem with gcc 4.2 | 00:30 |
ubottu | ptrg: qcad (source: qcad): A professional CAD System. In component main, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 2954 kB, installed size 12648 kB | 00:30 |
gary_ | oh never mind i just fixed my keyboard problem\ | 00:30 |
Flannel | pgi1: `sudo apt-get install build-essential` what does it tell you? | 00:30 |
pgi1 | Chousuke: not qtcore, I installed Qt and qt-devel, whatever they are called | 00:30 |
Starnestommy | pgi1: er, g++ 4.2. You might need to use g++ 4.1 | 00:30 |
mib_ih7x99 | !info mutt | 00:30 |
ubottu | mutt (source: mutt): text-based mailreader supporting MIME, GPG, PGP and threading. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.17+20080114-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1059 kB, installed size 5312 kB | 00:30 |
ptrg | thx, i'll check that out | 00:30 |
pgi1 | Flannel: I guess you missed my response - I said it says that build-essential is already installed and up-to-date | 00:30 |
Chousuke | pgi1: ah, Starnestommy's idea is a good one | 00:31 |
Flannel | pgi1: and `apt-cache policy gcc` or `apt-cache policy g++` shows that its installed and all that good stuff, right? | 00:31 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: I'll be right back. | 00:31 |
Chousuke | pgi1: try with another version of g++ | 00:31 |
pgi1 | ok - I am package newb - can you point me to downgrading? | 00:31 |
Steve-cal | mib_ih7x99: I thought visudo validated the file before you try to save it, but I may be mistaken. So you're saying io__ should save it to sudoers.tmp and visudo will automatically move it to sudoers if it doesn't contain any syntax errors? | 00:31 |
tarelerulz | I don't want to sound dumb ,but I installed GSynaptics and I looked for SHMConfig' 'true' in xorg.conf and I can't find it anywhere in the file. Nor do I have any idea where to put it . any one ? | 00:31 |
pgi1 | so I don't blow this up any more? | 00:31 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: ok tell me when you're back. i have it pasted | 00:31 |
Chousuke | pgi1: there shouldn't be a need to downgrade | 00:32 |
pgi1 | Chousuke: to go from 4.2 to 4.1?? | 00:32 |
Chousuke | pgi1: I think there are multiple versions of g++ in the repos | 00:32 |
io__ | Steve-cal: it says unable to open /dev/nvram: Permission Denied | 00:32 |
Chousuke | pgi1: you can install them simultaneously | 00:32 |
pgi1 | Chousuke: yeah - but I have to be able to pick one while compiling... | 00:32 |
Chousuke | you can use gcc-select I think | 00:32 |
Steve-cal | io__: Where are you? What returned that error? You still have visudo open, right? | 00:32 |
Chousuke | pgi1: or update-alternatives | 00:32 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: I'm back | 00:32 |
mib_ih7x99 | Steve-cal: io__ should save to the default location. | 00:33 |
pgi1 | problem is, g++ doesn't even show up in synaptic | 00:33 |
jrib | pgi1: or set CC to whatever you want, standard configure scripts will use that | 00:33 |
joanjoseph | hi, any1 here knows how to install desktop multiplier in hardy 64bit? | 00:33 |
ianm_ | can anyone recommend a p2p client with a nice simple gtk GUI? | 00:33 |
Flannel | pgi1: It should, since you have it installed from b-e, `apt-cache policy g++` shows its installed, yes? | 00:33 |
jrib | pgi1: apt-cache search -n 'g\+\+' | 00:34 |
io__ | Steve-cal:I am in gnome-terminal with two tabs open, I did the CTRL-O and then went to the other tab and tried to run the program... | 00:34 |
tshine | btw - if anyone is using splashy and updates the splashy theme, you will probably have to run update-initramfs -u so your boot up splash will show properly. At least that was the case for me | 00:34 |
ariqs | you know, it's a nightmare to try to download packages to a flash drive to run because of all the damn dependencies. WHy does linux do that? why not just make the package include the dependencies? | 00:34 |
pgi1 | Flannel: apt-cache policy g++ shows it installed - yes | 00:34 |
ianm_ | ariqs: cause they'd be huge | 00:34 |
Flannel | ariqs: Because then each package that depends on the same things would have to include them, and you'd be downloading a lot more | 00:34 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14672/ | 00:34 |
OneTwistedPet | is there a good mIRC type client I can use to connect to other networks? other then this one? | 00:34 |
jrib | ariqs: because that would be kind of dumb, to have the same library installed a million times | 00:34 |
vlad | james__: u there? | 00:34 |
Steve-cal | mib_ih7x99: Saving to sudoers.tmp does not update sudoers that I am aware of. | 00:34 |
ianm_ | OneTwistedPet: Pidgin | 00:35 |
Flannel | OneTwistedPet: check out xchat | 00:35 |
OneTwistedPet | lol | 00:35 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: Is your internet working? | 00:35 |
OneTwistedPet | I dont like pidgin for irc | 00:35 |
ariqs | have a larger pool of preinstalled dependencies and then it would be an issue to include many either | 00:35 |
ariqs | wouldn't | 00:35 |
leimer | hi guys | 00:35 |
OneTwistedPet | its a good messenger | 00:35 |
mib_ih7x99 | Steve-cal: Well, let's ask the manpage. | 00:35 |
OneTwistedPet | thats about it | 00:35 |
Starnestommy | OneTwistedPet: xchat, konversation, conspire, or mirc in wine | 00:35 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: no | 00:35 |
Chousuke | ariqs: there already is a large pool of preinstalled stuff on ubuntu systems | 00:35 |
ariqs | anyway, I need a header file for compiling, I got one from packages.ubuntu.com and it's corrupt. Where should I go? | 00:35 |
pgi1 | ok, installing gcc-4.1 and g++-4.1 right now | 00:35 |
OneTwistedPet | thank you man | 00:35 |
OneTwistedPet | greatful | 00:35 |
OneTwistedPet | have a good week | 00:35 |
leimer | can you tell me please which is the garbage dir .... where is ? | 00:36 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: should i try the command without the -d? | 00:36 |
ariqs | then why does everything have a giant web of dependencies? I'm pulling my hair out on build-essentials | 00:36 |
Steve-cal | io__: In the other tab, just do a simple "sudo ls" and make sure sudo isn't broken with your changes. | 00:36 |
jrib | leimer: ~/.local/share/Trash/ | 00:36 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: Why not? | 00:36 |
crippler | How do you get USB headsets to work with Ubuntu 8.04? I have tried changing the device through the volume control but that does not work... | 00:36 |
Chousuke | ariqs: because it's that way on every system. | 00:36 |
joanjoseph | hi, who knows how to setup a desktop multiplier in ubuntu 8.04 64bit? ty | 00:36 |
Flannel | ariqs: do you have the CD you used to install the system? | 00:36 |
dassouki_ | how can i know what device is my video tuner ? | 00:36 |
leimer | jrib tnks | 00:36 |
ariqs | flannel: yes | 00:36 |
mib_ih7x99 | Steve-cal: visudo parses the sudoers file after the edit and will not save the changes if there is a syntax error. Upon finding an error, visudo will print a message stating the line number(s) where the error occurred and the user will receive the "What now?" prompt. | 00:36 |
mib_ih7x99 | http://linux.die.net/man/8/visudo | 00:36 |
pgi1 | so - I just need to set my CXX and CC vars to the appropriate path? | 00:37 |
ariqs | chousuke: I am a bit of a c++ programmer in windows and it's simple ;P | 00:37 |
Flannel | ariqs: Pop that in, do `sudo apt-cdrom add` then sudo apt-get update, and install build-essential | 00:37 |
Flannel | ariqs: b-e is on the CD | 00:37 |
mib_ih7x99 | Steve-cal: If the default write-out file is sudoers.tmp, and since sudoers.tmp is mentioned in the manpage, I'm guessing that sudoers.tmp is the correct file. | 00:37 |
ariqs | thankyou flannel! | 00:37 |
Chousuke | ariqs: you probably compile static binaries then. or only use the preinstalled libraries. | 00:37 |
Industrial | I disabled GDM and got thrown out of X (wtf?). How do I enable it from this TTY? | 00:37 |
theFATMAN | ok, stupid question #1,098,874---How do I enable the emerald theme manager? | 00:37 |
vlad | james | 00:37 |
io__ | Steve-cal: oh yes, the first thing I did when the command gave me permission denied was attempt to open synaptic from the command line: ie "sudo synaptic" and that worked ok | 00:37 |
Flannel | io__: gksu synaptic, don't ever open synaptic with sudo. | 00:38 |
Chousuke | ariqs: Linux works differently, and it works | 00:38 |
mib_ih7x99 | io__: I haven't been watching your conversation, but did you try writing your file out to sudoers.tmp? | 00:38 |
Industrial | How do I enable GDM from a tty? | 00:38 |
mib_ih7x99 | Any mutt users online? | 00:38 |
jrib | !anyone | mib_ih7x99 | 00:38 |
ubottu | mib_ih7x99: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 00:38 |
billenium | What is the name of the program that helps you with the install of your (nvidia) graphics drivers? | 00:38 |
joanjoseph | hi, | 00:38 |
io__ | Flannel: why "gksu" and not "sudo" | 00:39 |
Chousuke | ariqs: on windows you have to ship every library with your app because there's no way to guarantee it works otherwise. on Linux, the distro makers take care of dependencies for you | 00:39 |
Steve-cal | mib_ih7x99: Well maybe I'm missing something, because I just modified my sudoers file with visudo, saved it to the default sudoers.tmp, and my sudoers does not show the changes. What am I missing? | 00:39 |
crippler | How do you get USB headsets to work with Ubuntu 8.04? I have tried changing the device through the volume control but that does not work... | 00:39 |
Flannel | io__: use gksu (or gksudo) for graphical programs. It sets up the environment more appropriately | 00:39 |
mib_ih7x99 | jrib: I just got done explaining that to Broadcom... :-) got a detailed question for an obscure program and didn't want to flood. | 00:39 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14673/ | 00:39 |
io__ | <mib_ih7x99>: I saved it directly to sudoers... | 00:39 |
mib_ih7x99 | Steve-cal: I'm not sure. Last time I used visudo, I saved to sudoers.tmp and it worked, so I don't really know what to tell you... :-S | 00:40 |
theFATMAN | ok, stupid question #1,098,874---How do I enable the emerald theme manager? | 00:40 |
ianm_ | what p2p app do you guys use/ | 00:40 |
mib_ih7x99 | io__: Does it work if you try saving to the .tmp file? | 00:40 |
mib_ih7x99 | io__: or whatever default filename it gives you | 00:40 |
cpro | i am tryin connecting my sony erricsion 580i to my ubuntu laptop through cable but there is no activity in ubuntu but when i connect the cable to computer phone asks that whether connect as file i selected file but it dosent work in my ubuntu | 00:40 |
cpro | can any budy help me | 00:40 |
io__ | Let me paste the last couple lines of my sudoers file.... | 00:40 |
billenium | or a better question is, is there a way to install my nVidia drivers through a GUI or something? | 00:40 |
io__ | It might just be that I missed something.... | 00:41 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: can you kill all your wpa_supplicant windows? | 00:41 |
mib_ih7x99 | ctrl-c | 00:41 |
Flannel | billenium: System > Admin > Restricted Drivers Manager | 00:41 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: If you don't have any open instances of wpa_supplicant, then run `sudo rm /var/run/wpa_supplicant/wlan1' | 00:41 |
billenium | It says i dont need any restricted drivers :\ | 00:41 |
billenium | I thought there was some program... | 00:41 |
theFATMAN | ok, stupid question #1,098,874---How do I enable the emerald theme manager? | 00:41 |
billenium | !repeat | 00:42 |
ubottu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 00:42 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: ok done | 00:42 |
billenium | !repeat | theFATMAN | 00:42 |
Steve-cal | mib_ih7x99: Well, I'm certainly no visudo expert, but I don't understand why it doesn't work on my system to save to sudoers.tmp. That's why I've always saved directly to sudoers but maybe I'm missing something here. | 00:42 |
ubottu | theFATMAN: please see above | 00:42 |
mib_ih7x99 | billenium: stop repeating yourself :-P | 00:42 |
theFATMAN | good grief... | 00:42 |
io__ | Steve-cal: here is what the last couple lines look like: # Members of the admin group may gain root privileges | 00:42 |
io__ | %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL | 00:42 |
io__ | # john ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown | 00:42 |
io__ | #add /usr/bin/tpb | 00:42 |
io__ | Cmnd_Alias CMDS_AS_ROOT = /usr/bin/tpb | 00:42 |
io__ | john ALL = NOPASSWD: CMDS_AS_ROOT | 00:42 |
FloodBot3 | io__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 00:42 |
billenium | mib_ih7x99 oh the irony... | 00:43 |
io__ | sorry, I'll get the canoes :-) | 00:43 |
mib_ih7x99 | billenium: yup | 00:43 |
theFATMAN | billenium: let it go | 00:43 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: what do i do now? | 00:43 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: can you run the 'rm' command I gave you? | 00:43 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: i did... | 00:43 |
mib_ih7x99 | ok, now run the wpa_supplicant command again (without the -dd) | 00:44 |
mib_ih7x99 | and cross your fingers! | 00:44 |
mib_ih7x99 | Steve-cal: Well, I dunno what to tell you--if your method works, then use it! :-) | 00:44 |
jrib | mib_ih7x99: just ask your question in a single line and put the details in a pastebin. If this is impossible, then you should probably ask a mailing list or forum instead. I don't think mutt is obscure at all | 00:45 |
Steve-cal | io__: When you ran "tpb", did you run it "sudo tpb"? You still have to run it with sudo, it just won't ask for a password. | 00:45 |
io__ | didn't know that..... | 00:46 |
io__ | hang on | 00:46 |
Curious1 | Thank god! someone in a room to answer a simple question | 00:46 |
Flannel | Steve-cal: You close visudo and it checks and writes. sudoers.tmp is a lock file | 00:46 |
crippler | How do you get USB headsets to work with Ubuntu 8.04? I have tried changing the device through the volume control but that does not work... | 00:46 |
mib_ih7x99 | jrib: sorry, I shouldn't have used the word `obscure' -- at any rate, it's not a given that the people awake in here know about mutt | 00:46 |
Curious1 | the local irc's didn't have a souls in to answer a question | 00:46 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: any luck? | 00:46 |
xodiak | !patience | 00:47 |
ubottu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 00:47 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14675/ | 00:47 |
Steve-cal | Flannel: So the proper way to do it is write to sudoers.tmp, and if it doesn't complain, then exit and sudoers.tmp will become sudoers? | 00:47 |
io__ | Steve-cal: that worked..... | 00:47 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: it failed :/ | 00:47 |
arhino | anyone know how to disable the titlebar of background windows from becoming transparent? | 00:47 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: Bother. Lemme have a look at your paste | 00:47 |
theFATMAN | ok, stupid question #1,098,874---How do I enable the emerald theme manager? | 00:47 |
jrib | mib_ih7x99: it really doesn't matter though. What you want is someone that can answer your question, not someone that knows about mutt. This is what happens and why it's discouraged: Anyone know about X? I do. Do you know how to do Y in X? nope. If you just ask "Does anyone know how to do Y in X", you have the same information with less traffic | 00:47 |
Curious1 | I am new to this ubuntu thing... and need an answer to a simple question........ | 00:47 |
Steve-cal | io__: So you're all set, right? If you're sure sudo is working, then it is safe to close visudo now. | 00:47 |
nyla | do any of you guys know if ubuntu supports the creative Xfi sound cards ? | 00:48 |
Flannel | Steve-cal: Just exit, and when it asks, yes, save. | 00:48 |
theFATMAN | Curious1, whats up? | 00:48 |
Curious1 | in order to use a/v programs, do i need anyhitng other than ubuntu on my system as the root OS? | 00:48 |
mib_ih7x99 | jrib: Point taken. | 00:48 |
io__ | great. So the way to do it is to first add the "Cmnd_Alias CMDS_AS_ROOT = /usr/bin/tpb" and then.... | 00:48 |
theFATMAN | Curious1. clarify A/V use | 00:48 |
crippler | Can anyone help with USB headsets? | 00:49 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: Well, I'm afraid that I'm out of ideas. Sorry I couldn't help... | 00:49 |
Curious1 | such as vegas8 and ripping, audioion/cool edit pro | 00:49 |
pgi1 | system keeps locking up all the time too.. Is there a way to just make apt reinstall everything regardless? | 00:49 |
Steve-cal | io__: No, if you need to add additional commands/programs to run without a password, just add them to the Cmnd_Alias line like I showed you earlier. | 00:50 |
blizzardman1219_ | mib_ih7x99: you got me this far! i appreciate all the help you've given me... hopefully i'll get this eventually | 00:50 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: Well, best of luck! | 00:50 |
io__ | Steve-cal and others: Thanks much. one last question: This will only allow /usr/bin/tpb yes.. | 00:50 |
theFATMAN | Curious1, if ubuntu can't host an app, either dual boot or run wine or vmware or virtualbox | 00:51 |
Curious1 | the reason I ask is that someone pointed me towards "wine" database, but that's not just ubuntu | 00:51 |
io__ | Steve-cal: just missed what you typed.... thanks. | 00:51 |
crippler | Can anyone help with USB headsets? | 00:51 |
theFATMAN | crippler, wats up? | 00:51 |
legend2440 | theFATMAN: http://openswitch.org/2008/04/28/how-to-enable-emerald-in-hardy-heron-804/ | 00:51 |
theFATMAN | legend2440, dude, you rock | 00:51 |
Alsar | Does anyone know how EnvyNG is gonna update his driver (ATi)? | 00:51 |
Curious1 | 95% of my progs are there on the wine DB list... so i'll need wine too? | 00:51 |
Starnestommy | Curious1: some might have native linxu versions | 00:52 |
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka | ||
Starnestommy | *linux | 00:52 |
theFATMAN | Curious1, yes if you cant find an equivalent to it | 00:52 |
crippler | theFATMAN, I am trying to get my Logitech USB headset working with Ubuntu 8.04 and changing the device through the volume control doesn't seem to work | 00:52 |
Steve-cal | Flannel: I guess I just prefer to keep my sudoers open while I test it, then it is easy to change it if I need to, or if I made any mistakes that aren't caught as syntax mistakes. | 00:52 |
Steve-cal | io__: You're welcome. :) | 00:52 |
pgi1 | LOL. Why is this? a file is conflict with itself?? http://rafb.net/p/V5Iv3923.html | 00:52 |
xodiak | Alsar: EnvyNG updated my ATI driver. Worked pretty well. | 00:52 |
theFATMAN | Crippler, have you checked the restricted drivers or logitech.com? | 00:52 |
Alsar | xodiak: Does it install 8.5? | 00:53 |
theFATMAN | Crippler, does your usb work otherwise? | 00:53 |
Curious1 | thanks fatman and starnes | 00:53 |
mib_ih7x99 | blizzardman1219_: ttyl, good luck! :-) | 00:53 |
crippler | theFATMAN, My mouse is... | 00:53 |
Curious1 | question answered. :) | 00:53 |
Hammer89 | could someone take a look at this and tell me if my load cycles are too high or not? http://pastebin.com/m621bab | 00:53 |
roycruse | hi - im wondering if anyone here has an S3 savage graphics chipset - im having trouble getting mine working | 00:53 |
theFATMAN | crippler .....is? | 00:53 |
crippler | theFATMAN, working.. | 00:53 |
SeaPhor | blizzardman1219_, i didnt scroll back the last several hours to see what card you have, whats the chipset? | 00:54 |
xodiak | Alsar: I may have missed something. Not sure about the 8.5 | 00:54 |
ianm_ | roycruse: hmm I had one... POS really... :) | 00:54 |
mib_ih7x99 | SeaPhor: it's a D-Link WUA 2340 | 00:54 |
mib_ih7x99 | bye all | 00:54 |
theFATMAN | crippler, then it is the drivers, goto logitech.com first, then look in the restricted drivers | 00:54 |
Alsar | xodiak: Well I already used EnvyNG to install my drivers, I was just wondering how that the driver update (notification) will be done :) | 00:55 |
Flannel | Steve-cal: You can't keep it open, the syntax errors are checked when your editor closes | 00:55 |
ariqs | http://pastebin.com/m56177d2a any ideas on what my compiling problem is? | 00:55 |
Flannel | Steve-cal: By saving to sudoers, you're effectively opening it straight, without visudo | 00:55 |
pgi1 | What I learned about ubuntu: Don't try to compile stuff on it - it is not worth the trouble | 00:56 |
xodiak | Alsar: Sorry wish I could be more help. I just know before EnvyNG, my display was all messed up. only 800 X 600. Now I can go full res with Extra Visual effects. | 00:56 |
ariqs | haha, i'm getting the feeling nothing on ubuntu is worth the trouble ;P | 00:56 |
kappaccino | ariqs: some people like having to do things with twice the effort | 00:57 |
kexman | hi there | 00:57 |
kexman | anyone here using hamachi ? | 00:57 |
Steve-cal | Flannel: OK I see what you are saying now. It would be nice if visudo would do the syntax check without having to actually close out the file. Your way is obviously the official way to do it, but keeping it open like I do just makes me responsible for catching my own syntax errors. :) | 00:57 |
Chousuke | ariqs: you know, you'd save a lot of headaches by just buying a proper modem :) | 00:58 |
Flannel | Steve-cal: if it did that, it'd have to have its own editor | 00:58 |
noob7210 | how can i see my windows hard drive in ubuntu live? | 00:58 |
=== The_JoKeR is now known as SplinTer0616 | ||
Chousuke | ariqs: I have experience trying to get winmodems to work on Linux. I finally gave up and got some proper hardware... Never regretted it :) | 00:58 |
Alsar | noob7210: isn't it at "My Computer" under places? | 00:59 |
wolfdart | the vmware dont work at ubuntu 8? | 00:59 |
ariqs | I'm using a win modem on this box too. I had to compile the drivers for it as well. however, these drivers actually compiled right | 00:59 |
Steve-cal | Flannel: True, but I wouldn't mind if nano were just integrated directly into visudo, as I don't care for vi anyway. | 00:59 |
noob7210 | no im runig ubuntu live 7.1 | 00:59 |
ariqs | I never have a few hardware modems, but they're not as stable online | 00:59 |
noob7210 | cant see my windows drives | 01:00 |
ariqs | never - even | 01:00 |
ariqs | I end up getting knocked off and it pisses me off. Software modems are better | 01:00 |
Steve-cal | Flannel: But choice is what it's about, so vi people can use visudo too. | 01:00 |
Hammer89 | hmmm... I'm getting 11 load cycles every 26 minutes... that's a bit high, no? | 01:00 |
Flannel | Steve-cal: People who administer large systems with complicated sudoers probably love the advanced features of vi | 01:00 |
Chousuke | ariqs: funny, my experience is just the opposite. | 01:00 |
Chousuke | then again, currently I don't even have a modem :/ | 01:01 |
Chousuke | direct ethernet to socket in wall :) | 01:01 |
pgi1 | Flannel: i tried doing as you said - Installed gcc and g++ 4.1, then I did export CXX=/usr/bin/g++-4.1, but now I get this error: http://rafb.net/p/V5Iv3923.html | 01:01 |
ariqs | I don't have that option living in the boonies | 01:01 |
vlad | can somebody help me with realkek high definition 5.1 surround spdif coaxial i can just listen for 2 channels_ | 01:01 |
Chousuke | ariqs: I think you'll just have to wait for the new kernel version. | 01:01 |
vlad | ? | 01:01 |
Chousuke | ariqs: I mean, the restricted-modules package | 01:01 |
=== Hardcore is now known as Eyeye | ||
ariqs | knew what you meant | 01:01 |
Steve-cal | Flannel: That's true, but for dinky and simple sudoers files like mine, it's fortunately not an issue. | 01:02 |
Flannel | pgi1: try rmoving the -4.2 ones (with --purge, or "complete removal" in synaptic) | 01:02 |
pgi1 | apt-get --purge g++-4.2 ? | 01:02 |
Chousuke | I have to sleep now though ./ | 01:02 |
noob7210 | is there any way to "mount" my windows drives? | 01:02 |
hi | question about my microphone on my laptop, i can hear myself through my speakers (when i blow into the mic, not when i talk into it), but i can't record sound in audacity or send it in skype | 01:02 |
hi | erm send sound... heh | 01:03 |
lnar | noob7210, what u mean, ur hard drives? | 01:03 |
noob7210 | i dont see my drives | 01:03 |
Alsar | hi: do you use pulseaudio or alsa? | 01:03 |
noob7210 | it sais | 01:03 |
hi | alsa | 01:03 |
Flannel | pgi1: apt-get remove --purge gcc-4.2 gcc-4.2-base g++-4.2 | 01:03 |
noob7210 | unable to mount | 01:03 |
Retiree | newt... You in the room | 01:04 |
lnar | noob7210, then edit /etc/fstab | 01:04 |
Alsar | hi: does arecord work? | 01:04 |
noob7210 | can you explain what /etc/fstab does? | 01:04 |
hi | is that a program? | 01:05 |
harpreet | my wireless is not detecting networks | 01:05 |
Starnestommy | noob7210: it's used for mount data, such as which options to use for each partition and what to mount on startup | 01:05 |
Alsar | hi: you can launch it through the terminal, like alsamixer | 01:05 |
threexk | hello. What is 'Printing Notification Icon' under Other? I click on it, and nothing happens | 01:05 |
hi | arecord in consle brings up a lot of foreign characters, so i assume it is | 01:05 |
Flannel | noob7210: It tells the system where all your partitions are, and what it should do with them | 01:05 |
lnar | noob7210, it mounts all the hard drives... so search in google howto mount partitions | 01:05 |
harpreet | my wireless was working fine last evening and stopped detecting networks, how do i fix that? | 01:05 |
hi | just a wave trying to be displayed in ascii? | 01:05 |
pgi1 | Flannel: can I just ignore this: http://rafb.net/p/TX79kA95.html | 01:06 |
Alsar | hi: try arecord -f cd output.wav | 01:06 |
pgi1 | removed the -base package from the list, seems to help | 01:06 |
hi | then play it ? | 01:06 |
Alsar | yes | 01:06 |
Alsar | try if you can hear yourself | 01:07 |
lnar | noob7210, http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Mount_Windows_partitions_(DOS,_FAT,NTFS) | 01:07 |
harpreet | my wireless was working fine last evening and stopped detecting networks, how do i fix that? | 01:07 |
theverant | I'm trying to build a simple script, but have little to no idea what i'm doing - it ALMOST does what I want, except that it loops... anyone know why that is? http://www.pastebin.org/38506 | 01:07 |
NW2190 | Hi, I'm having a problem with Azureus, it seems that it stops uploading once it has finished downloading a torrent. How can I change that? | 01:08 |
hi | Alsar: no, nothing is recorded | 01:08 |
Intertricity | does anybody know any resources for speeding up restoring from hibernation? | 01:08 |
hi | i can still hear myself when i blow into the mic, so it's not muted | 01:08 |
noob7210 | im runnig live edition can i still mkdir? | 01:08 |
Intertricity | like.. as close to suspend as I can get? | 01:08 |
Alsar | hi: you need to configure your capture | 01:09 |
Flannel | noob7210: What are you trying to mount? | 01:09 |
noob7210 | my hdd | 01:09 |
Flannel | noob7210: It should already be. check in places. | 01:09 |
harpreet | my wireless was working fine last evening and stopped detecting networks, how do i fix that? | 01:09 |
Alsar | hi: type alsamixer in a terminal and select the capture window by pressing tab | 01:09 |
noob7210 | it is listed(except C:\) but when i try to access it it says unable to mount | 01:10 |
=== StoneApple is now known as StoneNewt | ||
pgi1 | Flannel: had to remove gcc-base from the list of removals. gcc-4.1 and g++-4.1 are deleted - yay. I closed the shell and reopened (to update the environment) but now g++ doesn't exist, do I need to manually create the symlinks? | 01:10 |
hi | Alsar, then what? | 01:10 |
Alsar | hi: then use the arrow keys to navigate to Capture and press the spacebar, adjust the volume if needed | 01:11 |
Intertricity | does anybody have experience with hibernatin? | 01:11 |
vxbinaca | hi, VLC is locking my mahcine when i play certain files and DVD's. I have the restricted media codecs installed but was wondering why it's locking my whole machine to the point where CTRL-=ALT-F2 will not givem e a shell, i men the mahcine completly freezes. Can anyone help me? | 01:11 |
hi | Alsar, i'm supposed to be hearing myself in my speakers louder? | 01:11 |
harpreet | my wireless was working fine last evening and stopped detecting networks, how do i fix that? | 01:12 |
Alsar | yes :) | 01:12 |
hi | nothing changes,both on full | 01:12 |
Flannel | pgi1: reinstall build-essential, remove the -4.1 packages. That's what you should have if you install build-essential, so we'll go with that. We'll try and figure out the original errors, since we're starting to stray from regular systems. | 01:13 |
hi | Alsar: both on full now with headphones in, i can hear myself when i speak right next to the microphone | 01:13 |
hi | hmm but also my typing is quite loud | 01:13 |
iptttt | if ubuntu is so easy to use, why are there so many problems | 01:14 |
Flannel | iptttt: Which problems are you having? | 01:14 |
vxbinaca | it's not compatable with all hardware | 01:14 |
lnar | iptttt, because some times people dont stop playin with the system | 01:14 |
iptttt | wifi, and no good apps | 01:14 |
iptttt | i don't use usunbut anymore | 01:14 |
iptttt | ubuntu( | 01:14 |
martyn_ | Alright guys and gals. Trying to set up a Launcher to run Thunderbird on my laptop. The program is on my 'main' desktop PC upstairs. I can connect using a terminal using the command ssh -X thunderbird [then type password at prompt]. This works fine but would like to use it from a launcher. Copying/pasting into a launcher does not work - I suspect because I cannot place my... | 01:15 |
Alsar | hi, strange it should work properly. You can search on google for more info, I can't help you any further | 01:15 |
martyn_ | ...password in... where am I going wrong? | 01:15 |
lnar | iptttt, install ubuntu-restricted and ull have all | 01:15 |
iptttt | i'll just install windows, and install Photoshop. | 01:15 |
iptttt | i tried gimp and it's horrible. | 01:15 |
Flannel | iptttt: Sounds good, please go troll somewhere else. Thanks. | 01:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | iptttt May I ask why you are here if you dont use ubuntu.. This is the ubuntu support room | 01:15 |
lnar | iptttt, well... gimp is good and blender too there are a lot of free software | 01:15 |
iptttt | is it possible to run amarok on windows? | 01:16 |
iptttt | blender runs on windows | 01:16 |
Alsar | iptttt install gimpshop | 01:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | iptttt May I ask why you are here if you dont use ubuntu.. This is the ubuntu support room | 01:16 |
iptttt | i love ubuntu.... just doesn't have all my pro apps i need. | 01:16 |
lnar | iptttt, what u need... | 01:17 |
Flannel | iptttt: For non-support chat, please see #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks. | 01:17 |
noob7210 | is there any script for auto mounting? :) | 01:17 |
gosmack | Hello | 01:17 |
iptttt | is XGL enabled by default yet? | 01:17 |
Flannel | noob7210: What version of Ubuntu are you using? | 01:17 |
noob7210 | 7.1 live | 01:17 |
gosmack | I am having some issues with update manager and add/remove progs | 01:17 |
lnar | noob7210, man learn how to mount partitions with fstab | 01:17 |
gosmack | I try and use either and they freeze up | 01:18 |
Flannel | noob7210: You may want to try 8.04, but I believe 7.10 should mount windows partitions automatically. If not.... | 01:18 |
Flannel | !ntfs | noob7210 | 01:18 |
ubottu | noob7210: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE | 01:18 |
lnar | gosmack, in terminal sudo apt-get clean and sudo apt-get update, if u continue having problems chance source | 01:18 |
gosmack | k | 01:18 |
gosmack | thanks | 01:19 |
gosmack | i'll try that | 01:19 |
cathartia | Hello Ubuntu heads! | 01:19 |
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lnar | gosmack, i would change sources first | 01:19 |
cathartia | If I add more RAM to my system hardware configuration do I need to re-install the OS to take full advantage of it? | 01:19 |
lnar | cathartia, no | 01:19 |
noob7210 | Flannel: thx it worked | 01:20 |
LastKnight02 | HI everyone | 01:20 |
Weng | I'm running 8.04 on a laptop that previously ran 7.10 flawlessly. However, under 8.04, my memory usage sitting at the desktop, doing nothing, straight out of the box, is over 300mb | 01:21 |
cathartia | lnar: back in the day we used to have to configure a swap partition with size proportional to the RAM size. | 01:21 |
cathartia | lnar: for linux swap | 01:21 |
Weng | On a laptop with only 512mb of RAM and a small swap partition, this is a huge problem. | 01:21 |
Weng | (especially because Firefox 3 is a hog and eats entire villages for breakfast, before starting on my RAM) | 01:22 |
Flannel | Weng: Unused RAM is wasted RAM, Linux loads up stuff into RAM that it thinks will be useful. It'll go away if you need it for something else. | 01:22 |
pgi1 | OK - even with gcc-4.1.3, I am getting: /cstdlib:122: error: ‘::malloc’ has not been declared - If I look at the file (/usr/include/c++/4.1.3/cstdlib) on line 122, the line is: 'using ::malloc;' So - why does G++ fail on it's own headers? | 01:22 |
martyn_ | Weng - yeah. I have reverted to ff2. Wasn't keen on the beta. | 01:22 |
jacekowski | how to get .config for ubuntu kernel | 01:22 |
lnar | cathartia, swap doesnt need to be of a certain size depending on ram, it depends on how much more space of work ull need so the system works fine | 01:22 |
Weng | Flannel: That's great in theory, but at least 3x a day I hit 100% RAM, 100% swap and everything goes to hell. | 01:23 |
jbroome | Weng: sounds like you need more rams | 01:23 |
lnar | cathartia, i have 2 gb ram, and dont need much more, so my swap is only 512 mb just in case i need more | 01:23 |
Alsar | Weng, you could try xubuntu | 01:23 |
K^Holtz | how can i tell if i have my video card drivers installed or not? | 01:24 |
weix | Hey I need to get up tomorrow at 4 am for this new job and NEED some application that will wake me any reccomendations? | 01:24 |
storm-zen | I'm getting ata2.00 errors on hardy. I've updated my bios, but they persist, even with the acpi=force switch. I haven't found anything that explains / resolves my problem yet. Anyone else have this problem? | 01:24 |
K^Holtz | i have a nvidia tnt 2 card (pretty old) | 01:24 |
lnar | <K^Holtz>can u read this? | 01:24 |
Flannel | Weng: turn off effects, and fast user switcher | 01:24 |
weix | I have to go to bed soon so it cant take forever to install either i just need something. | 01:24 |
K^Holtz | haha, yea lnar, but isnt there some kind of secondary drivers i should install for nvidia? | 01:24 |
Weng | Flannel: Done both long ago. | 01:25 |
storm-zen | !ata | 01:25 |
ubottu | Factoid ata not found | 01:25 |
storm-zen | !ata2.00 | 01:25 |
ubottu | Factoid ata2.00 not found | 01:25 |
K^Holtz | i know there used to be for older ubuntu releases, some kind of graphics acceleration or something | 01:25 |
Flannel | Weng: 300MB seems abnormally high | 01:25 |
Retiree | newt: you in the room? | 01:26 |
ari_stress | morning all | 01:26 |
lnar | <K^Holtz> there we go, hehe sorry about the joke... system : adm : there is a drivers tool there | 01:26 |
weix | any ideas i need some apt getable app that will wake me up in 8 hours or so for work...? | 01:27 |
weix | I dont mean to be persistant im just in a rush to get to bed. | 01:27 |
Alsar | weix, use your cellphone | 01:27 |
Flannel | weix: You could just use cron | 01:27 |
Flannel | !ops | sdgsdgdgs | 01:27 |
ubottu | sdgsdgdgs: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01! | 01:27 |
Weng | Right now I'm sitting at 350MB and the top couple items are X with 11%, nautilus with 6%, gnome with 6%, and then huge wads of nickel and dime material | 01:27 |
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weix | Alsar, no cell... | 01:27 |
Amaranth | Flannel: FloodBot handled it | 01:27 |
K^Holtz | lnar: ok, it says i have the NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver installed.. guess im good, its just very slow and laggy, even when i play the Gnometrics game | 01:28 |
Flannel | Amaranth: He took a while | 01:28 |
weix | Flannel, i used to use xmms and xmms-alarm | 01:28 |
Weng | wtf is console-kit-daemon and why does it have several screenfulls of processes? | 01:28 |
K^Holtz | oh well, gues its the price i pay for installing on an ollddd pc | 01:28 |
cathartia | How do I do a clean install (I already have ubuntu installed and I want to completely wipe it out)? | 01:28 |
weix | Flannel, but they seem to have omitted those from the hardy repo's | 01:28 |
Amaranth | Flannel: No he didn't, it was two different people | 01:28 |
lnar | <K^Holtz> 64 mb? | 01:28 |
Amaranth | See? :) | 01:28 |
Un1c0x | MSI P965 neo Ubuntu 8.04 not available | 01:29 |
K^Holtz | haha 8 | 01:29 |
jrib | they're also getting k'lined :) | 01:29 |
nickrud | kliner's working quick | 01:29 |
weix | Flannel, kus i dont really know how to use the chron... :S | 01:29 |
Xsploit | is it possible to increase my partition size if im running ubuntu through wubi? | 01:29 |
Kungen354646 | is there some sort of keycode viewer in ubuntu? | 01:29 |
james__ | can someone tell me how to print a list of open ports and the relevant ip addresses? | 01:29 |
ghindo | How important is the ubuntu-desktop package? If I remove it, will it affect upgrading my system? | 01:29 |
nickrud | james__ sudo netstat -tlpn | 01:29 |
jrib | !ubuntu-desktop | ghindo | 01:30 |
ubottu | ghindo: k/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading. | 01:30 |
nickrud | ghindo for upgrade, yes | 01:30 |
lnar | ghindo, no no problem but why u want to delete it? | 01:30 |
Flannel | ghindo: It'll affect you moving to the next version of Ubuntu (although when you update, update-manager will take care of it). It will have no affect on your system. | 01:30 |
weix | does anyone know how i could get those .debs for xmms and xmms-alarm for hardy??? | 01:30 |
ghindo | lnar: I don't want to delete it, but I want to get rid of Openoffice and GIMP, which are part of Ubuntu-desktop | 01:30 |
Kungen354646 | is there some sort of keycode viewer in ubuntu? | 01:30 |
lnar | ghindo, no problem go ahead | 01:31 |
ghindo | jrib, nickrud, lnar, Flannel: Thanks! | 01:31 |
Pxrbot | Hi, im trying to altar the config file in /etc/X11 to make my wacom tablet work like a tablet, not just a mouse. I know what i need to put in, but i dont know how to use superuser or root. sorry if i sound new, its because i am :) any helpwould be appreciated | 01:31 |
james__ | nickrud, that helpful but, it doesn't seem to show open connections, such as messenger, http, etc | 01:31 |
nickrud | Kungen354646 you can use xev , put the mouse in the window and press keys | 01:31 |
nickrud | james__ outgoing? leave out the l , which means listening | 01:31 |
Intertricity | is there any documentation on what ubuntu 8.04 loads on bootup? | 01:31 |
james__ | nickrud, ok | 01:31 |
Intertricity | or what programs do what under the hood? | 01:32 |
Intertricity | Like.. I have no idea what's running my wireless | 01:32 |
Intertricity | or suspend | 01:32 |
legend2440 | Pxrbot: in terminal gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 01:32 |
Alsar | weix, did you try kalarm? | 01:32 |
Pxrbot | thanks legend :) how do i save the file in terminal? | 01:33 |
ghindo | If I want to upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy over ssh, what would be the best way to do so? It doesn't look like update-manager is happy with me doing it over ssh :/ | 01:33 |
hi | I still have the problem that my microphone isn't able to work on skype/audacity, but i can hear myself when i blow into it (very close to the mic) and no other times | 01:33 |
richiefrich | i was wondering if anyone has used deborphan | 01:33 |
Flannel | !upgrade | ghindo | 01:33 |
ubottu | ghindo: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 01:33 |
legend2440 | Pxrbot: you don't you save it in gedit. you'll see | 01:33 |
Flannel | ghindo: Instructions on that page (well, the Hardy page), you end up using update-manager-core | 01:33 |
Pxrbot | ok, thanks again :) | 01:33 |
weix | i accidentally alt+f4'rd this window someone just said something to me can they resend pls?? | 01:33 |
lnar | weix, kalarm | 01:34 |
richiefrich | i was wondering if anyone has used deborphan, and is it safe to remove the packages it lists? | 01:34 |
ghindo | Thanks, Flannel :D | 01:34 |
weix | lnar, im running gnome... | 01:34 |
lnar | weix, just install it, dont need to have kde to run it | 01:34 |
weix | lnar, is there a way to test it to make sure i can bet my job on it? | 01:35 |
Kungen354646 | how do i use xev to log keypresses? | 01:35 |
Alsar | weix, here's xmms deb http://www.file-upload.net/download-817258/xmms_1.2.10-20070601-1build2_i386.deb.html | 01:35 |
Flannel | richiefrich: for the most part, yeah. If you have removed your ubuntu-desktop package, it may try and remove some stuff, just keep an eye out for anything that doesn't look like a library. But its usually good about it | 01:35 |
lnar | weix, well configure it to ring in 1 min and see how it works | 01:36 |
weix | Alsar, great now i need to find xmms-alarm | 01:36 |
cathartia | How do I do a clean install (I already have ubuntu installed and I want to completely wipe it out)? | 01:36 |
weix | lnar, ok sweet ill take a look | 01:36 |
lnar | Intertricity, hey... try bum | 01:36 |
Flannel | cathartia: Just reinstall over top | 01:36 |
Intertricity | bum? | 01:36 |
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Intertricity | link? that doesn't produce a healthy google search >_> | 01:37 |
richiefrich | Flannel: ooh these are all libs :\ i am just trying to make room here i have the 8g eee and i keep getting disk full errors, so i am trying to clean up | 01:37 |
lnar | Industrial, its a runlevel graphical editor | 01:37 |
Intertricity | ahh found it, thanks :) | 01:37 |
Moncky | If I want to change a mount point of a drive I can just edit the fstab file to read have the new moutn point? | 01:37 |
lnar | Industrial, no problem!! | 01:37 |
richiefrich | Flannel: i can show you the list, but i dont know if that would help, since you dont know what i all have here | 01:38 |
Alsar | weix, http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/i386/xmms-alarm/download | 01:38 |
weix | Alsar, thanks again i've just had a good history with these packages and for some reason theyre not included in hardy :S | 01:38 |
Intertricity | So no I just have to ask- what is Ubuntu's suspend manager :) | 01:38 |
Intertricity | *so now | 01:38 |
Alsar | xmms is old :-) | 01:38 |
grom358 | I'm following the instructions at wiki.ubuntu.com/ffmpeg and getting the following errors: | 01:39 |
grom358 | amr.c:83:34: amr_float/interf_dec.h: No such file or directory | 01:39 |
grom358 | amr.c:84:34: amr_float/interf_enc.h: No such file or directory | 01:39 |
grom358 | any ideas? | 01:39 |
FloodBot1 | grom358: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 01:39 |
lnar | weix, audacious its like xmms and has a plugin extra package that comes with an alarm | 01:39 |
sidewalk | has firefox rc1 been rlsed for ubuntu 8.04 yet? | 01:40 |
jbroome | n | 01:40 |
Flannel | richiefrich: If they're not programs, then yeah, it won't list anything that has something that depends on it | 01:40 |
S4nD3r | Which software to install, to manage and choose splashes??? | 01:40 |
richiefrich | Flannel: ahh ok | 01:40 |
hisingh1 | Hey any one know how to connect to a vista with an UBUNTU??? | 01:40 |
S4nD3r | What about installer themes, using artwork, which to install to use in ubuntu 8? | 01:40 |
weix | lnar, that was actually my next question kus i noticed when i searched for xmms-alarm knowing that xmms was no longer there i noticed audacious included xmms-alarm | 01:40 |
Flannel | richiefrich: also, you might be interested in apt-get clean (or autoclean) | 01:40 |
guyzmo | hi | 01:40 |
pushpop | Is there anyway to connect iscsi to Ubuntu 8.04? | 01:41 |
sidewalk | !ff | 01:41 |
ubottu | firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins | 01:41 |
sidewalk | !ffrc1 | 01:41 |
ubottu | Factoid ffrc1 not found | 01:41 |
guyzmo | how do I upgrade to last ubuntu ? | 01:41 |
sidewalk | !rc | 01:41 |
ubottu | Gutsy - Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour | 01:41 |
Alsar | sidewalk, you'll prolly won't see any release candidate versions | 01:41 |
richiefrich | Flannel: thanks, i am not used to apt and its tools this is my 1st box with it on in years, so i have to jog my memory | 01:41 |
Flannel | !upgrade | guyzmo | 01:41 |
ubottu | guyzmo: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 01:41 |
sidewalk | Alsar: why is that? | 01:41 |
lnar | weix, we are always ahead of questions... HAHAHA just a joke | 01:41 |
guyzmo | thanks | 01:41 |
Alsar | sidewalk, they'll wait for the final one | 01:41 |
Alsar | why? ask the devs :P | 01:41 |
weix | lnar, lol | 01:42 |
lnar | hisingh1, try samba | 01:42 |
richiefrich | Flannel: and thanks again, anything else that i might like that you can suggest as in command line tools for apt. i just learned of apt-file :P | 01:42 |
hisingh1 | samba?? | 01:42 |
lnar | yes | 01:42 |
lnar | sama | 01:42 |
Flannel | sidewalk: It will be soon, when it was released, most of the mozillateam was at UDS. | 01:42 |
lnar | samba lets u connect to a netbios session | 01:42 |
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Flannel | richiefrich: apt-get, apt-cache. Those are the important ones. apt-cdrom if you're adding a local repository from a CD | 01:42 |
hi | Alsar, still no luck on the microphone | 01:42 |
hisingh1 | Wait, this is to connect to a ubuntu to from a vista (i was thinking along the lines of remote esktop) | 01:42 |
weix | lnar, well thanks lots im crashing for the afternoon lol /weep | 01:43 |
lnar | so hisingh1 use samba and ull be able to connect to any windows... there are tool to configure it too... so search for samba with synaptic | 01:43 |
richiefrich | Flannel: awesome thanks again | 01:43 |
weix | Alsar, well thanks lots gnight! | 01:43 |
lnar | weix, no problem!! | 01:43 |
tigran | Hi | 01:43 |
Kungen354646 | why oh why doesnt xev register when I press fn+f1 through f7?? | 01:43 |
hisingh1 | ok | 01:43 |
Alsar | hi: did you read this page http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php/Record_from_mic ? | 01:43 |
Kungen354646 | it used to work in 7.10 :( | 01:43 |
hi | ask me again in a few minutes and i'll say yes :) | 01:44 |
cypha | any way to load up windows vista from linux? | 01:44 |
cypha | like load my ntfs partition | 01:44 |
lnar | cypha, virtualbox | 01:44 |
Flannel | !ntfs | cypha | 01:44 |
ubottu | cypha: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE | 01:44 |
tigran | I'm having a bit of a problem with 8.04. I can't have simultaneous sound running rhythmbox and firefox at the same time. | 01:44 |
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cypha | thanks lnar, flannel | 01:44 |
ripps | How do I enable tv-out in my fglrx? | 01:44 |
lnar | cypha, but ull not the one u have already installed on ur computer | 01:44 |
* LastKnight02 growls at the mention of fglrx | 01:45 | |
ariqs | http://pastebin.com/m56177d2a any ideas on what my compiling problem is? | 01:45 |
cypha | lnar, oh | 01:45 |
cypha | any way to be able to run the program installed there? | 01:45 |
cypha | cuz wine can't, right? | 01:45 |
yicardito | hello | 01:45 |
lnar | cypha, i think theres no possible way to do so | 01:45 |
nickrud | Kungen354646 try showkey in a console; if it works there you probably need to change your keyboard config in prefs->keyboard | 01:45 |
cypha | are you an experienced user saying you don't think so? | 01:46 |
hisingh1 | Any one know how to change nautilus settings | 01:46 |
Alsar | tigran did you install dmix for alsa? | 01:46 |
james__ | does anyone know how to end the continuous loop of netstat -c without closing the terminal? | 01:46 |
lnar | cypha, so if u want to use windows in linux u have to install it from the button | 01:46 |
Starnestommy | james__: ctrl+c | 01:46 |
cypha | button? | 01:46 |
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tigran | Alsar: Its just a fresh install. So if it doesn't come with it. Then no. | 01:46 |
nickrud | cypha if you set up the partition as executable, yes you can. Not efficient though | 01:46 |
lnar | cypha, from the beginin | 01:46 |
james__ | Starnestommy, thank you | 01:46 |
cypha | ahh, cool, thanks nickrud | 01:47 |
Kungen354646 | nickrud: how do i use showkey? | 01:47 |
lnar | cypha, english is not my first lenguage hehe | 01:47 |
Alsar | tigran, what version of alsa do you have? And did you try to kill the pulseaudio process? | 01:47 |
nickrud | Kungen354646 clt-atl-f2, log in there. type showkey , then press some keys. Wait 10 secs after last keypress to get back a normal console | 01:47 |
hisingh1 | Any one know how to change nautilus settings?? (it needs the alt f2 command) | 01:47 |
tigran | Alsar: 1.0.16 | 01:47 |
nickrud | Kungen354646 clt-atl-f7 to get back to gui | 01:47 |
james__ | one more for the evening, does anyone know of a log file in hardy that displays information about the kernel and applications? | 01:48 |
cypha | nickrud, how do you set the partition as executable? | 01:48 |
nickrud | hisingh1 with a nautilus window open, edit->prefs | 01:48 |
alan_m | james__, for kernel all you have to do in terminal is lsb_release -a | 01:48 |
cypha | also, is there any other way of running the programs installed on my windows partition from linux? | 01:48 |
waterz | how can i mount the USB? | 01:48 |
alan_m | james__, for applications, im not sure. | 01:49 |
cypha | through wine or some other way, perhaps | 01:49 |
cypha | nickrud, | 01:49 |
Satan225_ | ramradz | 01:49 |
nickrud | cypha by giving it the right perms in fstab, for example: defaults,umask=007,gid=rich,uid=rich | 01:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | cypha First, check the ownership by going to /media and doing a ls -la ... Then, do the following, replacing “yourPartition” with the name of the partition (e.g. /sdb1)... sudo chown -R username:username /yourPartition followed by... sudo chmod -R 755 /yourPartition ... Finally, check to see if it worked by doing another ls -la | 01:49 |
james__ | alan_m, no lsb modules are available | 01:49 |
james__ | ? | 01:49 |
Satan225_ | cn i gt b&? | 01:49 |
dewpster | 10 | 01:50 |
nickrud | cypha and running windows programs from the partition? No clue, I use a vm when I need windows stuff | 01:50 |
waterz | how can i mount the USB? | 01:50 |
cypha | virtual machine? | 01:50 |
tigran | Alsar: My app froze. Did you say anything? | 01:50 |
nickrud | cypha virtualbox or vmware. Good for all but 3d stuff | 01:50 |
cypha | so you are able to run the stuff you have ALREADY installed in the windows partition? | 01:50 |
cypha | thanks Jack_Sparrow ,btw | 01:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 01:51 |
cypha | which one do you prefer, virtualbox or vmware? | 01:51 |
abcdef | how can I extract the first column of a file and save it in another file using shell? and the add "Data Filed" at the start of every line in second file... | 01:51 |
storm-zen | I'm getting ata2.00 errors on hardy. I've updated my bios, but they persist, even with the acpi=force switch. I haven't found anything that explains / resolves my problem yet. Anyone else have this problem? | 01:51 |
Alsar | tigran, no, but did you try to type in a terminal "pkill pulseaudio" and then restart both your apps to see if the sound works then? | 01:51 |
nickrud | cypha no, I have an install there. I've heard it can be done. I've only used vmware, got it working and use it a couple times a month | 01:51 |
abcdef | cypha: virtualbox | 01:51 |
cypha | thanks abcdef | 01:51 |
cypha | abcdef, any idea of how i can run the software already installed on my windows partition? | 01:51 |
tigran | Alsar: that works | 01:52 |
abcdef | cypha: wine | 01:52 |
james__ | alan_m, I think i'm looking more for events such as success and failures. Any ideas? | 01:52 |
jwormy | So I recently setup a VPN into my work, and the VPN connects all good and stuff; but after i am connected the only DNS resolution I can get is for servers at work, nothing outside the work network though... what logs can i watch to see what is going on? | 01:52 |
alan_m | james__, no need for lsb modules when your getting release information like distriution and such. | 01:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | cypha /join #winehq | 01:52 |
tigran | Alsar: Do I have to do that every time or was that just a test? | 01:52 |
cypha | wine can run things already installed, abcdef? | 01:52 |
abcdef | cypha: also check winedoors and PlayOnLinux, for details I can give you links | 01:52 |
cypha | can you pm them to me abcdef? | 01:52 |
abcdef | cypha: ya, sure, why not? I run my counter strike | 01:52 |
Kungen354646 | aargh! the fn-key is not registered at all it seems... | 01:53 |
alan_m | james__, system log under system->administration->system log | 01:53 |
Alsar | tigran, it's a bug already reported on launchpad, for now you'll have to do it every time when you boot up your pc if you do not wish to mess with pulseaudio and the dependency of ubuntu-desktop :) | 01:53 |
alan_m | james__, have you tried this? | 01:53 |
Retiree | Has anyone run Turbo Tax program under Wine? | 01:53 |
sevard | Does anyone use Firebug 1.2 w/Firefox 3.0rc1 on linux? I'm asking before I ask because I'm doubtful anyone does. | 01:53 |
sevard | I've tried to get "open with text editor" on firefox 3.0rc1 working with bluefish, my text editor. it just won't launch | 01:53 |
abcdef | cypha: well this isn't my registered nick, that is ^root^, which I can't used right now as I am also looking for help, and that is pain in ___ to type.. | 01:53 |
james__ | alan_m, no, will do | 01:53 |
usser | jwormy, try setting dns server manually for the vpn connection | 01:53 |
hi | sevard i thought firebug doesn't work with firefox 3 yet? | 01:53 |
cypha | lol abcdef | 01:53 |
james__ | alan_m, how would you describe dmesg? | 01:53 |
jwormy | usser: to what? | 01:54 |
sevard | hi: I'm using FireBug 1.2, which is working with Firefox 3.0rc1 | 01:54 |
usser | jwormy, only dns resolution doesnt work? can u ping something outside your work network by ip? | 01:54 |
tigran | Alsar: Hey I'm sorry. It froze again. I don't know what going on. I saw you said something tho. | 01:54 |
alan_m | james__, honestly never used it. | 01:54 |
jwormy | usser: actually i can ping 'www.google.com' | 01:54 |
nas | what are the ubuntu sources equivelent of sid? | 01:54 |
Alsar | tigran, it's a bug already reported on launchpad, for now you'll have to do it every time when you boot up your pc if you do not wish to mess with pulseaudio and the dependency of ubuntu-desktop :) | 01:54 |
jwormy | usser: and a lot of sites i've been to already today | 01:54 |
usser | jwormy, right so? | 01:54 |
nas | im gonna try to add them to my debian cause i need to trry an ubunutu package | 01:54 |
usser | jwormy, whats the problem then? | 01:54 |
tigran | Alsar: Gonna be fixed in the .1 release? | 01:54 |
jwormy | usser: well i can't visit www.google.com in a browser... | 01:55 |
Alsar | tigran, yes or even sooner | 01:55 |
cpare | Can anyone walk me through reducing my USB 2.0 to USB 1.0 on 8.04 64 server | 01:55 |
nas | sources.list | 01:55 |
sevard | Does anyone knwo if this is a bug in firebug or should I be using a different text editor | 01:55 |
jwormy | usser: and i can't ping any anything that i haven't been to today =) | 01:55 |
james__ | alan_m, it's kewl. The system log is somewhat helpful, although I don't know what many of the messages mean | 01:55 |
tigran | Alsar: Alright. Thats not that big of an annoyance knowing it will be fixed. | 01:55 |
tigran | Alsar: Thanks | 01:55 |
Alsar | tigran, no problem | 01:55 |
usser | jwormy, for vpn u using networkManager? | 01:55 |
alan_m | james__, heh, nor do i, but I do know enough about it to know that it gives valuable information. | 01:56 |
james__ | I have a lot of pulse audio issues | 01:56 |
jwormy | usser: yessuh | 01:56 |
thepunisher | !blind | 01:56 |
ubottu | Factoid blind not found | 01:56 |
james__ | alan_m, HA | 01:56 |
alan_m | !accessability | thepunisher | 01:56 |
ubottu | Factoid accessability not found | 01:56 |
nas | ok | 01:56 |
thepunisher | does ubuntu have a technolgys for someone who is complety blind? | 01:56 |
IndyGunFreak | james__: i don't think you're the only one. | 01:56 |
k33bz | I have a question for k9copy | 01:56 |
james__ | talk about the blind leading the blind | 01:56 |
hisingh1 | Any one know how to get MULTIPLE BACKGROUNDS on UBUNTU using Compiz WITHOUT losigung the icons???? | 01:56 |
james__ | IndyGunFreak, how so? | 01:56 |
tigran | Alsar: Also, my music is on a separate partition and when I reboot and launch rhtymbox my library starts to delete songs one bye one until I open the partition from nautilis. | 01:56 |
nas | what are the recent packages ubuntu repositories? | 01:56 |
alan_m | lol, i just dont remember the right factoid, but thepunisher, im not sure..i know they have stuff for people that are colorblind. | 01:57 |
IndyGunFreak | because i've saw a lot of problems relating to pulseaudio here. | 01:57 |
usser | jwormy, in the connection properties try setting dns to | 01:57 |
Xsploit | whats the command to run a file from terminal | 01:57 |
Alsar | tigran, what format is that partition? | 01:57 |
k33bz | I cant seem to author a dvd with out k9copy crashing | 01:57 |
tigran | ntfs | 01:57 |
Alsar | it has to be mounted at boot first | 01:57 |
tigran | Alsar: Its mounted tho | 01:57 |
alan_m | !accessibility > alan_M | 01:57 |
alan_m | dang, this bot needs that factoid :) | 01:58 |
nas | can anybody with ubuntu just give me a few lines of there /apt/sources.list please | 01:58 |
usser | jwormy, it may be that dns server at work is not configured properly | 01:58 |
alan_m | nas, for what version? | 01:58 |
james__ | IndyGunFreak, ya but my sound seems to inherently work, why does it show so many errors? and am I really using pulse audio or alsa sound server? | 01:58 |
nas | idk something new | 01:58 |
usser | jwormy, so what u're doing is telling it to use another dns | 01:58 |
Xsploit | how do i run a .bin file ? | 01:58 |
Retiree | Bye | 01:58 |
usser | jwormy, that is known to work | 01:58 |
alan_m | nas, are you running hardy or gutsy? | 01:58 |
NICOI69 | Does anyone know how to get a bot to run on ubuntu 8.04 | 01:58 |
Starnestommy | Xsploit: ./filename.bin | 01:58 |
nas | debian sid | 01:58 |
Starnestommy | NICOI69: what kind of bot? | 01:58 |
jwormy | usser: meh; in my edit vpn connection i have no where to edit the dns server | 01:59 |
eric | or Dapper, can't forget about Dapper | 01:59 |
k33bz | xploit right click on your bin file, set as executible in the properties menu | 01:59 |
nas | haha wanna see if i can try an ubuntu version of kvm | 01:59 |
NICOI69 | its just a bot to run scripts for a game | 01:59 |
k33bz | hten click on it | 01:59 |
Xsploit | ty | 01:59 |
NICOI69 | to check stats | 01:59 |
Starnestommy | NICOI69: it depends on the bit | 01:59 |
k33bz | uw | 01:59 |
Starnestommy | *bit | 01:59 |
Starnestommy | **bit | 01:59 |
alan_m | nas, this is an ubuntu support room, you might get more help in #debian if your running that, ubuntu repositories on debian might cause some conflicts. | 01:59 |
tigran | Alsar: I just checked fstab and its not there actually. But I see it in my Places Menu when I login before I open it. | 01:59 |
Starnestommy | argh, forget it, bot | 01:59 |
NICOI69 | lol | 01:59 |
tigran | I'll just add it here | 01:59 |
NICOI69 | i knew what you meant | 01:59 |
nas | alan_m, im just gonna apt 1 packaage | 01:59 |
k33bz | can anyone help me with k9copy? | 01:59 |
Alsar | tigran, it doesn't get automounted at boot, only when you go to "My Computer" | 02:00 |
usser | jwormy, hm... right click on the network icon is there about there? click on it and tell me the name/version that pops up? | 02:00 |
NICOI69 | where i can download the bot they have directions for linux but im still pretty new at linux | 02:00 |
Starnestommy | NICOI69: follow their directions | 02:00 |
nas | k is there a list on there website to download the packages manually im trying to find it | 02:00 |
tigran | Alsar: Ok. 7.10 was easier with this. It added it auto | 02:00 |
NICOI69 | I tried and i got lost | 02:00 |
jwormy | usser: nm-applet | 02:00 |
alan_m | yep | 02:00 |
ripps | How to I enable tv-out via fglrx? | 02:00 |
usser | jwormy, and version? | 02:00 |
usser | jwormy, 0.7? | 02:01 |
nas | i apt debian packages from ubuntu all the time | 02:01 |
jwormy | usser: 0.6.6 | 02:01 |
alan_m | nas, try packages.debian.org :) | 02:01 |
Alsar | tigran, you can read this page http://www.goitexpert.com/entry.cfm?entry=Automount-NTFS-Drive-in-UBUNTU and see if it helps you | 02:01 |
nas | damn you | 02:01 |
nas | lol | 02:01 |
nas | i dont want the damn debina packages i want the ubuntu ones | 02:01 |
Flannel | debian packages aren't guaranteed to work on Ubuntu. You're welcome to try, but just know its not supported, nor will it work forever. | 02:01 |
__mikem | Its a mad house in here | 02:01 |
ethan961 | tis | 02:02 |
alan_m | he's trying the other way around flannel | 02:02 |
Flannel | nas: Intrepid is the upcoming release, it's sort of like sid. | 02:02 |
legend2440 | ripps: they may be able to help you in channel #ati | 02:02 |
alan_m | ubuntu packages on debian flannel | 02:02 |
usser | jwormy, ah... i got 0.7 it has a different layout, i think in 0.6.6 dns setup is general theres no per connection | 02:02 |
nas | intrepid k | 02:02 |
NICOI69 | I guess its a nova bot | 02:02 |
usser | jwormy, can u go to system->administration->network | 02:02 |
sbingner | ban dsdgdgsg!*@* | 02:03 |
__mikem | this dsdgdgsg guy needs to go away and stop global messaging the channel | 02:03 |
eric | agreed | 02:03 |
alan_m | taken care of sbingner | 02:03 |
usser | jwormy, do u have dns there? | 02:03 |
jwormy | usser: there is 1 dns server listed there (my router) | 02:03 |
sbingner | it keeps switching hosts | 02:03 |
sbingner | hence the mask I suggested ;) | 02:03 |
tigran | Alsar: Thanks. Thats all my problems for today. | 02:04 |
usser | jwormy, right, try putting instead | 02:04 |
alan_m | sbingner, its an automatic ban on whatever causes the trigger to floodbot...unless we code floodbot differently thats how its gonna happen :) | 02:04 |
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eric | no worry, apparently that guy just left | 02:04 |
jwormy | usser: what about keeping them both? | 02:05 |
cpare | Can anyone walk me through reducing my USB 2.0 to USB 1.0 on 8.04 64 server | 02:05 |
usser | jwormy, yea that'd work just put the one i gave u on top for now | 02:05 |
usser | jwormy, i just want to see if it'll work | 02:05 |
jwormy | usser: ok; hereeeee goes | 02:05 |
* jwormy holds on for teh ride | 02:05 | |
usser | jwormy, hehe, nothing crazy should happen | 02:05 |
__mikem | jwormy: i am afraid you are not tall enough to experience this attraction. | 02:06 |
Kungen354646 | how would i go about downgrading my kernel? | 02:06 |
ripps | legend2440: nobody feels like responding in #ati | 02:06 |
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usser | lol | 02:06 |
jwormy | usser: yeah my friggin connection | 02:06 |
jwormy | drops | 02:06 |
jansen | anyone here play Pingus? | 02:06 |
usser | jwormy, vpn? reconnect after u put dns | 02:06 |
legend2440 | ripps: which ati card? | 02:06 |
sbingner | well i can fix the problem for myself | 02:07 |
jwormy | usser: well umm.... | 02:07 |
jwormy | usser: i get bad user/pass... which is just odd | 02:07 |
usser | jwormy, hm... that shouldnt happen, i dont see how its related | 02:08 |
usser | jwormy, your work vpn server does it have a dns name or u connect by ip? | 02:08 |
jwormy | usser: yeah me niether; but it does... i connect via name | 02:08 |
usser | jwormy, hm.. can u ping google.com right now? | 02:09 |
legend2440 | ripps: which ati card you got? | 02:09 |
jwormy | usser: sure can't. | 02:10 |
LastKnight02 | Anyone know anything about getting an ATI Radeon 9250 working in Ubuntu? | 02:11 |
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ethan961 | do you know if it is supported by the open source driver? | 02:11 |
LastKnight02 | I've tried the tutorials that I've found on Google and have succeeded only in messing up my install.. lol | 02:11 |
scort | my sound volume is very low, even when everything is turned up to 100% | 02:11 |
usser | jwormy, hm... right, delete my server then, i suggest go into your routers status page and see what dns it uses and put that one there instead the one i gave you | 02:11 |
jwormy | 10-4 doin it | 02:12 |
__mikem | LastKnight02: its probably easier than getting the new nvidia cards to work with ubuntu | 02:12 |
ProwL | LastKnight02: | 02:12 |
ProwL | I do. | 02:12 |
LastKnight02 | ProwL: How? LOL. | 02:12 |
Mekham1 | http://digg.com/api/diggthis.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fdigg.com%2Fpolitics%2FBring_Back_the_Fairness_Doctrine# | 02:13 |
LastKnight02 | (In other news, I got my Hauppauge WinTV card working.. lol) | 02:13 |
Xsploit | suggested text editor for ubuntu anyone? | 02:13 |
alan_m | Xsploit, gedit works great :) | 02:13 |
cypha | i use gedit | 02:13 |
Flannel | Xsploit: gedit? SciTE? vim? nano? | 02:13 |
elphias | im wondering if anyone can tell me where i can find these desklets, http://kisain.deviantart.com/art/hacktoday-31493353 | 02:13 |
__mikem | Xsploit: nano | 02:14 |
punkk | Hello guys, could someone help me with mozilla thunderbird, im having problems configuring it for hotmail. | 02:14 |
__mikem | unless you want gui, in which case gedit | 02:14 |
ethan961 | you forgot emacs :P | 02:14 |
ethan961 | (ftl) | 02:14 |
__mikem | emacs sucks | 02:14 |
Xsploit | similar to editplus ? | 02:14 |
Flannel | Xsploit: try kompozer | 02:14 |
alan_m | punkk, hotmail is a hard one to configure for (I think you have to pay microsoft for something right?) | 02:14 |
snakesqzns | ns | 02:15 |
Xsploit | wysiwug? no thanks | 02:15 |
Alsar | Xsploit use bluefish | 02:15 |
Flannel | Xsploit: kompozer isn't WYSIWYG, or rather, doesn't have to be. | 02:15 |
james__ | I love bluefish | 02:15 |
ethan961 | use quanta plus | 02:15 |
punkk | alan_m, Thanks. Does anyone know of a email app program that is compatable with hotmail. | 02:16 |
mib_3gx9gj | Hi, quick question. Can procmail, run on my local machine, sort email through IMAP, on a remote server? | 02:16 |
marathe25 | How can I permanently disable USB autosuspend? | 02:16 |
ethan961 | punkk: none are | 02:16 |
HappyHater | in kde I have the panel at the top of the screen, but it still puts my desktop icons behind it, how do I fix that? | 02:16 |
Alsar | Windows live mail is :-) | 02:16 |
ethan961 | punkk; you have to use a utility called getlive | 02:16 |
Xsploit | gedit seems file | 02:16 |
punkk | ethan961, no. | 02:16 |
james__ | alan_m. was someone inquiring about hotmail through a client? | 02:16 |
alan_m | james__, yes | 02:16 |
alan_m | james__, punkk | 02:16 |
__mikem | hotmail = fail | 02:16 |
Mekham1 | http://enigmaengine.wordpress.com/2008/05/25/bring-back-the-fairness-doctrine/ | 02:16 |
Xsploit | hmm is there a line counter option in it? | 02:17 |
Flannel | punkk: hotway, hotsmtp, or gotmail. | 02:17 |
james__ | alan_m, that sucks, cuz you have to pay now. No more hotmail on your own terms | 02:17 |
ethan961 | since when did live mail have pop support. | 02:17 |
punkk | ethan961 is it just hotmail that isnt compatable. or is gmail and others not either | 02:17 |
Flannel | punkk: Those are scrapers that'll allow you to POP from hotmail | 02:17 |
punkk | flannel, thanks | 02:17 |
jwormy | usser: alright; added the dns server from my router settings | 02:17 |
jwormy | usser: connected to vpn; but still same issue =\ | 02:17 |
Flannel | ethan961: only a long time ago, with some accounts grandfathered in | 02:17 |
jwormy | fdfs | 02:17 |
ethan961 | i know, the ones that supported webdav | 02:17 |
james__ | I use comcast mail with evolution, I love it | 02:17 |
ProwL | LastKnight02: i have left you a pm with directions for your radeon card. | 02:17 |
usser | jwormy, hm... and if settings left as they were it works? | 02:17 |
usser | jwormy, i mean does it connect alright with old settings? | 02:18 |
Alsar | use gmail with imap? | 02:18 |
ethan961 | punkk: just hotmail/live mail, because microsoft is too cheap to proveide POP access, which gmail, yahoo mail, and AOL mail all provide | 02:18 |
james__ | gmail is crap | 02:18 |
joe_chat | can i play protected itunes music in linux | 02:18 |
ethan961 | gmail+imap is pwn | 02:18 |
mib_3gx9gj | joe_chat: nope | 02:18 |
usser | haha gmail is crap lolz | 02:18 |
__mikem | ethan961: you know its bad when even aol is doing a better job than you are | 02:18 |
Flannel | !offtopic | 02:18 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 02:18 |
ethan961 | lo, yeah | 02:18 |
ethan961 | lol | 02:18 |
* alan_m backspaces and looks at flannel :) | 02:18 | |
joe_chat | can i decript protected itunes music in linux | 02:19 |
james__ | I say that because your data becomes their data | 02:19 |
snakesqzns | anyone else getting the libxcb "Locking assertion failed." with java apps | 02:19 |
james__ | your inbox is pwned | 02:19 |
ethan961 | joe_chat: yes | 02:19 |
jwormy | usser: yeah it connects alright with the old settings | 02:19 |
joe_chat | suggestion? | 02:19 |
Flannel | joe_chat: not directly in linux, no. | 02:19 |
punkk | ethan961 so u can setup thunderbird and evolution to work with gmail then, just anything but hotmail. (without scraper) Thanks you guys | 02:19 |
Alsar | atleast my mails are all synched whereever I go | 02:19 |
garrett__ | Do people still use POP mail? | 02:19 |
usser | jwormy, i dont understand then | 02:19 |
jwormy | it seems to connect fine and i can view the servers at my work in teh browser... | 02:19 |
jbroome | Yes, for some reason | 02:19 |
jwormy | usser: me niether that's why i am here =) | 02:19 |
garrett__ | jbroome: weird. pop's terrible | 02:20 |
Alsar | usser, did you try all TB plugins? | 02:20 |
ethan961 | punkk: pretty much anything other than hotmail. including gmail, which does one better thsn POP, if provides IMAP | 02:20 |
ethan961 | Flannel: actually, you can | 02:20 |
ethan961 | Flannel: google requiem | 02:20 |
LastKnight02 | ProwL: Check your PMs. LOL | 02:21 |
=== NW2190 is now known as nw2190 | ||
james__ | hmm, wonder what the EULA is for gmail | 02:21 |
ethan961 | hehe | 02:22 |
\0 | james__: you had to accept it when you created the account | 02:22 |
oorza | can someone confirm that this works: ps -eo pid | tail -n +2 | xargs -d \n kill -9 ? I've been trying to get it to work and can't | 02:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | ethan961 imap is cool | 02:22 |
\0 | james__: check the footer of the page | 02:22 |
oorza | It's supposed to find all the zombie processes and kill them | 02:22 |
ethan961 | it is | 02:22 |
ethan961 | imap is pwn | 02:22 |
james__ | \0 I don't have gmail | 02:23 |
ProwL | LastKnight02: I apologize but I don't see any messages from you. | 02:23 |
* ethan961 is a co-host of a podcast, we can organize easily With imap | 02:23 | |
james__ | just wondering what the EULA says | 02:23 |
Steve-cal | oorza: You want us to kill our processes? | 02:23 |
mib_3gx9gj | james__: ``We ownz all your data!'' :-) | 02:23 |
=== abcdef is now known as ^root^ | ||
LastKnight02 | ProwL: No worries. I was just saying that I have had one heck of a time trying this before.. The radeon drivers don't like me. | 02:23 |
\0 | james__: lucky you :) the link at the footer of the gmail.com webpage goes to it | 02:23 |
__mikem | james__: the eula doesn't have any hidden surprises in it. I read it. you should be good. | 02:23 |
oorza | Steve-cal: I was told it would find zombie processes and kill them, and I keep having scripts die on me and zombify | 02:23 |
mib_3gx9gj | james__: But more seriously it's pretty decent. Still don't trust it... :-) | 02:23 |
LastKnight02 | It's a PCI graphics card which, for some reason, makes me think it might be my fault for buying it. | 02:23 |
ProwL | LastKnight02: ahh man its pretty sweet. it works flawlessly if you configure your xorg. You're more than welcome to see my xorg.conf. | 02:24 |
storm-zen | I'm getting ata2.00 errors on hardy. I've updated my bios, but they persist, even with the acpi=force switch. I haven't found anything that explains / resolves my problem yet. Anyone else have this problem? | 02:24 |
mib_3gx9gj | james__: did that blizzard fellow ever get his wifi working? | 02:24 |
james__ | I don't trust major monopolies that broker out data services..... | 02:24 |
LastKnight02 | You got the 9250? | 02:24 |
ProwL | LastKnight02: I have a couple of 9200's. | 02:24 |
^root^ | /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password> | 02:24 |
LastKnight02 | Yeah, what's your xorg look like? | 02:24 |
james__ | mib_3gx9gj, not sure, he left a while ago | 02:24 |
james__ | frustrated | 02:25 |
ProwL | LastKnight02: Just a moment while I upload it to pastebin. | 02:25 |
LastKnight02 | No worries. | 02:25 |
mib_3gx9gj | james__: yeah, thought so--didn't see him. btw, would you know anything about client-side imap filtering? | 02:25 |
james__ | maybe, a bit, I'm only an overachieving help desk pawn | 02:25 |
mib_3gx9gj | haha | 02:25 |
Kungen354646 | how can i see what modules are loaded? | 02:26 |
chris420 | hi anybody know how to add "places" to the menulist in xfce... i am creating my own already but i don't know the command | 02:26 |
mib_3gx9gj | well, I'm trying to get mutt working with my various IMAP accounts (3 on 2 servers, neither with server-side filtering) | 02:26 |
usser | Kungen354646, lsmod | 02:26 |
Steve-cal | oorza: Maybe you should look at the man page for ps, because I don't think ps -eo pid finds zombies--that command prints all processes' pids I think. | 02:26 |
Kungen354646 | usser: thanks | 02:26 |
james__ | mib_3gx9gj, hold please | 02:26 |
mib_3gx9gj | james__: sure :-) | 02:26 |
mib_3gx9gj | james__: well, I've gotta run, but I'll be back in a bit | 02:28 |
rumpel | ubuntu rox :) | 02:28 |
Busybyeski | hi everyone, i don't think this is a common question, but how can i uninstall ubuntu? | 02:28 |
james__ | mib_3gx9gj, ok man | 02:28 |
james__ | I should have some info when you get back | 02:28 |
NICOI69 | Im still tring to learn ubuntu | 02:28 |
alan_m | Busybyeski, do you have it dual booted? | 02:28 |
Busybyeski | yes, with vista | 02:28 |
scort | my sound volume is very low, even when everything is turned up to 100% | 02:29 |
alan_m | Busybyeski, did you use Wubi or no? | 02:29 |
Busybyeski | i don't recognize that name | 02:29 |
mib_3gx9gj | james__: thanks! (it looks like I could get what I want with pop and procmail, but I want IMAP's sync features...) anyway, ttyl | 02:29 |
Busybyeski | grub is my bootloader | 02:29 |
Steve-cal | oorza: Where did you get that whole string of commands? It looks suspiciously bogus to me. | 02:29 |
alan_m | Busybyeski, its hard to remove ubuntu dual booted with another OS without really touching the other os's files. | 02:29 |
LastKnight02 | ProwL: Are you getting my PMs? I'm starting to wonder if there is something wrong with my IRC client.. UGH | 02:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | Busybyeski Just install any os you want over the top.. /join #windows if you have any questions about that | 02:29 |
Busybyeski | Jack_Sparrow: so i start over on my windows install as a result? | 02:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | LastKnight02 pm's require the user to be registered | 02:30 |
LastKnight02 | AHHH | 02:30 |
alan_m | Busybyeski, yes...unfortunately | 02:30 |
Busybyeski | Jack_Sparrow: i also don't have my windows disk, it came pre-installed on the machine | 02:30 |
LastKnight02 | Remind me to do that.. lol.. it looks like I will be here pretty often. | 02:30 |
ProwL | LastKnight02: I am not recieving any messages from you. Are you perhaps registered with freenode's irc services, and or identified? (I wonder if such a thing would inhibit our conversation) | 02:30 |
Xsploit | where can i find the synaptic package manager? | 02:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | Busybyeski do you have windows now..? | 02:30 |
Busybyeski | yes, can i just create a rescue disk or something? | 02:30 |
* alan_m lets jack help this one since aparently im not that experienced :) | 02:31 | |
IndyGunFreak | i imagine yuou probably have a rescue partition to boot... hopefully you didn't erase it. | 02:31 |
Kungen354646 | omg! how do i get my friggin fn-keys to work?? | 02:31 |
Busybyeski | :p i can take all the help in the world on this | 02:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | Busybyeski yes, but you need to see the people in #windows.. as it isnt a support question. Nothing in Ubuntu will keep you from formatting the ubuntu partition | 02:31 |
=== DBLobster is now known as U09526 | ||
IndyGunFreak | Busybyeski: do you have a recovery partition? | 02:32 |
Busybyeski | IndyGunFreak: yes | 02:32 |
Steve-cal | Xspoit: System > Admin > Synaptic Package Manager | 02:32 |
alan_m | Busybyeski, if you have a recovery partition, use it to re-image your computer and remove ubuntu and install windows with the settings it uses. | 02:32 |
IndyGunFreak | then whatever the hell youd id, i would use it to reinstall windows, then make another attempt at linux if you want | 02:32 |
chris420 | ANY XFCE heads in here? | 02:32 |
Busybyeski | my attempt at linux has moved to f9, the live usb is VERY handy for me | 02:33 |
Xsploit | where can i find the synaptic package manager? | 02:33 |
* alan_m always assumes users have no recovery partition..i guess i need to start assuming they do? | 02:33 | |
IndyGunFreak | alan_m: no, cuz 90% of them don't have a clue its there or what it is | 02:33 |
rumpel | :) | 02:33 |
IndyGunFreak | but recovery partitions are far more common nowdays | 02:33 |
Busybyeski | i have it, but i'm not quite sure how to use it :\ | 02:34 |
Kungen354646 | recovery partitions just takeup space xD | 02:34 |
alan_m | i kinda removed mine..but i have the cd's with drivers for windows...not that ill ever use it (thats offtopic i know..and im sorry.) | 02:34 |
Busybyeski | should the image have been created before ubuntu? | 02:34 |
IndyGunFreak | you probably need to boot it from your bios i do believe | 02:34 |
IndyGunFreak | i always erase mine, so i'm not sure | 02:34 |
Busybyeski | if i boot hard drive it always goes to the first partition | 02:35 |
chris420 | Anybody use xfce in here | 02:35 |
aleatorio | ? | 02:35 |
IndyGunFreak | Busybyeski: no, there's a way you boot the recovery partition, i'm just not sure hwo to do it. | 02:35 |
rumpel | @Busy check bios for options | 02:35 |
Kungen354646 | does any1 have any insight on the fn-key bug in 8.04? | 02:35 |
bazhang | ask chris420 the real question :) | 02:35 |
chmac | Anyone know how much disk space a "standard" ubuntu server install will require? I plan to run it headless, no X, etc. | 02:35 |
scort | no none at all | 02:35 |
chris420 | how to add places plugin to the menu via menulist.xml | 02:36 |
s0nix | hi | 02:36 |
s0nix | i have this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub/+bug/159333 | 02:36 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 159333 in grub "GRUB crash at startup ERROR 15" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 02:36 |
alan_m | Busybyeski, its one of the F keys F1-F12 I would assume. | 02:36 |
s0nix | i followd the 2 workaround but still can't fix it | 02:36 |
chmac | Is it still around 500Mb as it was in 6.06? | 02:36 |
Flynsarmy | The garbage bin informs me it has 1 item inside it but hwen i open it 'empty' is greyed out. also when i right click and click empty it supposedly empties but still reports 1 item inside it | 02:37 |
Busybyeski | alan_m: it actually might be, the only one i use is F9, i'll take a peek now, thanks. | 02:37 |
aoeuid | can anyone recommend an app/script to convert a folder-full of wma lossless files to flac? | 02:37 |
chris420 | bazhang | how to add places plugin to the menu via menulist.xml | 02:37 |
Qster | how do i define what my mouse3 button does? right now its acting the same as mouse1 | 02:38 |
alan_m | Busybyeski, restart and maybe it might tell you. | 02:38 |
chris420 | i know its probably a simple answer but i can't find it on google | 02:38 |
rumpel | whats better? Kdevelop oder Codeblocks? | 02:39 |
s0nix | emacs | 02:39 |
chris420 | xfce | 02:39 |
rumpel | ^^ | 02:39 |
chris420 | lol sory errr haha | 02:39 |
bazhang | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-places-plugin/+bug/147308 this one chris420 ? | 02:39 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 147308 in xfce4-places-plugin "Places plugin does not conform to expected behaviour in combination with Applications menu" [Wishlist,New] | 02:39 |
chris420 | bazhang thanx im a check it now | 02:40 |
widget | Wow, lot to figure out with this new os on my computer =) Ubuntu rocks so far | 02:41 |
chris420 | BAZHANG so basically its not possible or will just mess up right? | 02:41 |
alan_m | widget, if you need help, you know where to go :) | 02:41 |
scort | does anyone else expirence music skipping with amarok? | 02:42 |
alan_m | (here of course) | 02:42 |
chris420 | hmmmmm.... where are the shortcuts for thunar stored at? | 02:42 |
bazhang | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-places-plugin/+bug/136940 chris420 not sure; there is this one as well | 02:42 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 136940 in xfce4-places-plugin "should allow opening non-removable partitions" [Wishlist,Triaged] | 02:42 |
scort | MUSIC SKIPPING | 02:43 |
scort | why is it skipping | 02:43 |
scort | my system is fast enough | 02:43 |
alan_m | baz, ill forward that one to the developers :) | 02:43 |
crimsun | scort: are you using the kernel in hardy-proposed? | 02:43 |
scort | i dont think so | 02:44 |
chris420 | INTERSTING | 02:44 |
ripps | How to I enable tv-out via fglrx? | 02:44 |
scort | Linux phenom 2.6.24-16-generic #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 12:47:45 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 02:44 |
chris420 | HMMMM maybe ill just make a menu full of shortcuts... | 02:44 |
crimsun | scort: right, you need to enable hardy-proposed and then install 2.6.24-17-generic | 02:44 |
chris420 | ok cool thanks yall | 02:44 |
Nitricacid | I want to FTP users to be able to edit files on /var/www and I cannot do this. I am using Vsftpd on Hardy Heron. Anyone? | 02:44 |
chris420 | im a go finsih this up lol thanx baz yall have a good night | 02:45 |
scort | just google for enable hardy-proposed? | 02:45 |
scort | this is 8.04 | 02:45 |
sandman | Does Ubuntu come with NDISwrapper pre-installed? | 02:45 |
crimsun | scort: no, just use the Software Sources menu | 02:45 |
Steve-cal | crimsun: What does the hardy-proposed kernel have that helps music playback? I would be interested to know the details. | 02:45 |
adam7 | scort: System -> Admin -> Software sources , you should see the hardy proposed checkbox in there somewhere | 02:46 |
bazhang | Broadcom, you still around? | 02:46 |
crimsun | Steve-cal: CONFIG_FAIR_CGROUP_SCHED=y | 02:46 |
scort | okay its updated | 02:46 |
scort | so i shouldn't update everything | 02:47 |
scort | just linux? | 02:47 |
crimsun | Steve-cal: i.e., bug 188226 | 02:47 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 188226 in linux "Kernel should use CONFIG_FAIR_CGROUP_SCHED" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188226 | 02:47 |
Nitricacid | I want to FTP users to be able to edit files on /var/www and I cannot do this. I am using Vsftpd on Hardy Heron. Anyone? | 02:47 |
scort | it's skipping about every minute | 02:47 |
scort | and the volume is very low | 02:47 |
scort | my speakers are turned up all the way and so is the vol mixer | 02:48 |
crimsun | scort: it's a good idea to update all of them, but the packages most relevant to your symptom are in linux-image. | 02:48 |
Smegzor | I have a small lan with linux servers, my ubuntu pc and XP boxes on it. I have a shared folder on a linux server which XP can read/write, but my Ubuntu pc only gets read access. I can't figure out why I don't have write access. The user/pass is the same on my pc and the file server. Where might the problem lie? | 02:48 |
anirudh0 | scort, increase alsamixer volume | 02:48 |
Nitricacid | Smegzor: chmod | 02:49 |
scort | anirudh0, its up to 100% already! | 02:49 |
scort | for everything | 02:49 |
epc1 | Is there anybody out there? If so, I'd like to change the setting on the font font size, if possible. How do I do that. Joaquin (Jack) | 02:49 |
Smegzor | chmod what? 777 ? | 02:49 |
Origin415 | Hey, how do I find the name of the kernel module that is controlling my ethernet card? | 02:49 |
Origin415 | it doesnt show up in dmesg | 02:49 |
genii | Nitricacid: Perhaps http://www.ducea.com/2006/07/27/allowing-ftp-access-to-files-outside-the-home-directory-chroot/ will give you some idea | 02:50 |
cypha | if i apt-get install wine and then apt-get remove wine, will it leave remnants in the linux "registry" or any random files? | 02:50 |
Byron1 | Origin can you see something in lsmod | 02:50 |
cypha | or does it cleanly install and unisntall everything? | 02:50 |
anirudh0 | epc1, gnome-appearance-properties | 02:50 |
ntolo | My application menu bar has deactivated.How can i activate it again ? | 02:50 |
anirudh0 | ntolo, right click on panel | 02:50 |
Nitricacid | Smegzor: try 755 | 02:51 |
anirudh0 | and add the "applications" applet | 02:51 |
Nitricacid | Smegzor: if that doesnt work try 777 | 02:51 |
anirudh0 | Smegzor, sudo chmod 777 * | 02:51 |
dsmith_ | sme | 02:51 |
anirudh0 | Smegzor, in the shared dir | 02:51 |
dsmith_ | Smegzor: NASlite | 02:51 |
cypha | if i apt-get install wine and then apt-get remove wine, will it leave remnants in the linux "registry" or any random files? | 02:52 |
usser | cypha, it may, to ensure complete uninstall do apt-get remove --purge wine | 02:52 |
anirudh0 | cypha, yes | 02:52 |
cypha | ohh, ok, for the config files | 02:52 |
cypha | k | 02:52 |
anirudh0 | usser, for some reason even that does'nt work | 02:53 |
usser | cypha, oh and even --purge will not delete your virtual windows installation | 02:53 |
Smegzor | dsmith_: I used to run a NAS, but at the time it was my only linux box and I wanted to play with linux. I put desktop ubuntu on there. Pure file servers are no fun :P | 02:53 |
anirudh0 | cypha, completely delete the .wine folder | 02:53 |
dsmith_ | Smegzor: ok.... :) | 02:53 |
* LastKnight02 yawns | 02:53 | |
genii | cypha: Linux doesn't have a registry as such. As for random files, if you use the --purge option it will remove any configuretion files it used. However even --purge wont remove files created in user's home directories after the initial application was installed. | 02:53 |
LastKnight02 | ProwL: You still here? | 02:53 |
bjb1959 | any idea how to switch the default movie player from totem to xine in heron? | 02:53 |
ProwL | LastKnight02: I am. | 02:53 |
LastKnight02 | It failed. | 02:53 |
jrib | !defaultapp > bjb1959 (read the private message from ubottu) | 02:54 |
Origin415 | Byron1, this is good except it doesn't help if i cant recognize the name :[ | 02:54 |
anirudh0 | genii, what are random files? | 02:54 |
usser | anirudh0, it removes system wide config files only everything that user created he should take care of himself i guess .wine folder is one of those cases u dont want to just be deleted | 02:54 |
Origin415 | nothing pops out | 02:54 |
cypha | genii, that sucks, there should be a database that tells how to properly remove all software | 02:54 |
cypha | no? | 02:54 |
Byron1 | Origin What are you trying to do? | 02:54 |
bazhang | anirudh0, like iTunes and other apps you installed with wine | 02:55 |
usser | cypha, NO, we dont need registry in linux! | 02:55 |
__mikem | anirudh0: random files are files generated by the command "cat /dev/urandom > somenewfile.bin" :) | 02:55 |
genii | anirudh0: "[21:52] <cypha> if i apt-get install wine and then apt-get remove wine, will it leave remnants in the linux "registry" or any random files?" | 02:55 |
anirudh0 | usser, he probably wants to reuse some software whose license has expired...in that case .wine will have to go :) | 02:55 |
bjb1959 | any idea how to switch the default movie player from totem to xine in heron? | 02:55 |
Origin415 | Byron1: pass an option to the module to get it to use 10Mbps, I have a crappy ethernet cable im trying to use | 02:55 |
cypha | lol, anirudh0 that's not why | 02:55 |
cypha | i just want to cleanly remove things | 02:55 |
Origin415 | can I do that without the name? | 02:55 |
anirudh0 | __mikem, random noise is generated by cat /dev/urandom>/dev/dsp | 02:55 |
__mikem | anirudh0: yes, I know | 02:55 |
__mikem | its called whitenoise | 02:56 |
cypha | cuz i hated that windows left poopy trails of things you uninstalled | 02:56 |
__mikem | yuck | 02:56 |
anirudh0 | makes for a great alarm clock | 02:56 |
__mikem | lol | 02:56 |
bazhang | !ot | 02:56 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 02:56 |
* scort goes to reboot into the new linux kernel | 02:56 | |
LastKnight02 | ProwL: I'm stuck at 800 x 600.. lol | 02:56 |
scort | this shit better no fuck up my shit! | 02:56 |
anirudh0 | fits the bill perfectly , "random" chatter | 02:57 |
Steve-cal | scort: cat /foul/language > /dev/null | 02:57 |
DIL | scort can spell! | 02:57 |
anirudh0 | too many cats | 02:57 |
crimsun | Origin415: please pastebin `lsmod' output | 02:57 |
Byron1 | Origin I am not sure | 02:57 |
jrib | bjb1959: I told you how | 02:58 |
Arky44 | Hello all. Is there a way to get the GNOME menu to display when you right-click on the desktop (similar to Xfce/Fluxbox) | 02:58 |
Byron1 | Origin what type of ethernet card do you have | 02:58 |
LastKnight02 | brb | 02:58 |
anirudh0 | Arky44, dont think so ... | 02:59 |
Arky44 | darn :P | 02:59 |
bjb1959 | jrib, you can't change the default dvd player that way.... only works if you have a file to click on, have done that a million times so I know what you meant but it doesn't work | 02:59 |
Origin415 | http://pastebin.com/m68c4e899 | 02:59 |
homecable | whats the most used webserver ? | 02:59 |
__mikem | apache | 02:59 |
genii | apache | 02:59 |
anirudh0 | Arky44, anyway...Alt+f1 is faster | 02:59 |
jrib | bjb1959: you need to rephrase your question then so that it is clear what you are trying to do | 02:59 |
Origin415 | Byron1: the onboard card for a nforce2 motherboard | 02:59 |
homecable | anything using lighthttpd | 03:00 |
bazhang | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=628296 Arky44 | 03:00 |
homecable | anyone* | 03:00 |
crimsun | Origin415: rt2500pci | 03:00 |
bazhang | oh he left | 03:00 |
Origin415 | crimsun, thats my wireless card | 03:00 |
gaurav | hi | 03:00 |
Nitricacid | anyone got a dydns service for hardy heron? | 03:00 |
Origin415 | and its slow as crap from this distance I might add | 03:00 |
usser | Nitricacid, i do | 03:00 |
genii | homecable: Some sites are using apache for main servers and lighthttpd or thttpd for their download servers | 03:01 |
gaurav | hi all | 03:01 |
Chapai | yes Nitricacid | 03:01 |
Nitricacid | usser: is it easy to use? | 03:01 |
anirudh0 | bjb1959, hardcore way is to edit /usr/share/applications/defaults.list | 03:01 |
crimsun | Origin415: forcedeth | 03:01 |
jrib | bjb1959: in any case, go to edit -> preferences in nautilus and look at the "media" tab | 03:01 |
bjb1959 | OK. in gutsy you changed the default MOVIE player in removable drives and media but someone in their wisdom (?) took that option away in Heron and now I can't seem to be able to change it | 03:01 |
Nitricacid | perhaps with a gui? | 03:01 |
gaurav | it is an freenoe community? | 03:01 |
gaurav | freenode | 03:01 |
Ectomorph | anyone using ubuntu-studio ? | 03:01 |
gaurav | no | 03:01 |
usser | Nitricacid, i have one of those routers that support dyndns, so i didnt have to setup anything in ubuntu itself but i heard theres is a script that supposed to be pretty easy | 03:01 |
Ectomorph | and give me their views? | 03:01 |
bjb1959 | jrib. edit preferences has either movie player, open nautilus or do nothing | 03:01 |
jrib | bjb1959: what version of ubuntu? | 03:01 |
bjb1959 | Hardy Heron | 03:02 |
gaurav | can anyone suggest me most popular c++ ide? | 03:02 |
Origin415 | crimsun, thanks | 03:02 |
Origin415 | :D | 03:02 |
usser | gaurav, Kdevelop | 03:02 |
bazhang | Ectomorph, any specific issues or questions? or just chat | 03:02 |
jrib | bjb1959: ah, I understand what you mean. gxine shows up if you install it | 03:02 |
gaurav | ok thnx | 03:02 |
usser | gaurav, u'd be pleasantly surprised | 03:02 |
bjb1959 | will do, Thanks. any way of using xine though? | 03:02 |
gaurav | but i have to configure it initially? | 03:02 |
Ectomorph | just enquiring about its usability as a media based OS | 03:02 |
jrib | bjb1959: probably, but I don't know how offhand | 03:03 |
bjb1959 | will use gxine then | 03:03 |
Ectomorph | as a musician point of view | 03:03 |
LastKnight02 | ProwL: I think I got it! | 03:03 |
bazhang | Ectomorph, ubuntu-offtopic is probably a better place to chat about this :) | 03:03 |
gaurav | i am using it but not able to compile plzz help!! | 03:03 |
ProwL | LastKnight02: I would be interested in what you did to solve your problem. | 03:03 |
Ectomorph | ok - thanks for the tip :) | 03:03 |
LastKnight02 | Let me test one thing first. | 03:03 |
gaurav | i have problem | 03:03 |
usser | gaurav, not really no configuration is really necessary | 03:03 |
Flynsarmy | The garbage bin informs me it has 1 item inside it but hwen i open it 'empty' is greyed out. also when i right click and click empty it supposedly empties but still reports 1 item inside it | 03:04 |
yurimxpxman | I'm trying to install moinmoin, but I keep getting this error -> http://www.yurimxpxman.com/mywiki/ | 03:04 |
gaurav | then what is process of executing program in kdevelop | 03:04 |
gaurav | ? | 03:04 |
anirudh0 | !google|gaurav | 03:04 |
ubottu | gaurav: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux: http://google.com/linux | 03:04 |
gaurav | it is required for kdevelop? | 03:05 |
LastKnight02 | ProwL: I sent you a PM. I'm hoping it works this time. lol | 03:05 |
usser | create a new c++ project and go to build->build | 03:05 |
ProwL | LastKnight02: I did not recieve any message. | 03:05 |
gaurav | ok then | 03:06 |
anirudh0 | gaurav, you might be better off with geany | 03:06 |
anirudh0 | gaurav, its easier for smaller projects | 03:06 |
gaurav | ok | 03:06 |
usser | gaurav, u have to have build-essential installed and autoconf too i beilieve | 03:06 |
cypha | any way to have a kb shortcut for ALWAYS ON TOP without compiz? | 03:06 |
gaurav | after build | 03:06 |
anirudh0 | usser, they are kdevelop's dependencies | 03:06 |
usser | anirudh0, ah nvm i had some problems not being able to build qmake or cmake applications missing some deps | 03:07 |
anirudh0 | cypha, maybe...using gconf-editor..not sure though | 03:08 |
gaurav | i am getting error in kdevelop:( | 03:08 |
usser | gaurav, what error? | 03:08 |
usser | gaurav, what does it say? | 03:08 |
gaurav | error-exited with status :2 | 03:08 |
chris_wowfreak | anyone use wow with ubuntu 8.04? | 03:08 |
cypha | i don't think you can do things like that with gconf, can u ? | 03:08 |
cypha | anirudh0, | 03:08 |
usser | gaurav, pastebin the whole thing it says when u build? | 03:08 |
gaurav | yea | 03:09 |
usser | gaurav, pastebin the whole error message | 03:09 |
endeavormac | So I created a new user, did not select "Administrator Access" or whatever, then deleted the original user. Am I screwed, IE Do I need to reinstall ubuntu? | 03:09 |
gaurav | where to paste usser | 03:09 |
nickrud | cypha you'd have to write a small script that toggled /apps/metacity/windows_keybindings/toggle_above gconf setting, gconftool is the command you'd be using | 03:10 |
usser | gaurav, pastebin.com and paste the link to it here | 03:10 |
gaurav | cd '/home/daman' && make -k | 03:10 |
gaurav | make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. | 03:10 |
gaurav | *** Exited with status: 2 *** | 03:10 |
bjb1959 | jrib, didn't work, I installed gxine but still just have 4 choices under nautilus properties for media. open with movie player, open folder, do nothing or ask what to do. any ideas? | 03:10 |
gaurav | this is error | 03:10 |
cypha | nickrud, definitely don't know how to do that | 03:10 |
cypha | does taht already exist? | 03:10 |
jrib | bjb1959: restart nautilus? maybe run sudo update-desktop-database first? | 03:10 |
gaurav | usser,u know this? | 03:10 |
nickrud | cypha actually I'm dense. gconf-editor /apps/metacity/windows_keybindings/toggle_above , give that a key binding | 03:11 |
Flannel | endeavormac: No. You'll need to reboot, at GRUB (hit escape right after POST) select "recovery console", then add the user you have to the admin group. with usermod -G admin -a username | 03:11 |
cypha | ohh | 03:11 |
cypha | cool man | 03:11 |
usser | gaurav, did u create a new project from within kdevelop or was it a file u've been working on before? | 03:11 |
cypha | nickrud, can i keep you | 03:11 |
gaurav | yea its file me wrking before | 03:11 |
cypha | :) | 03:11 |
nickrud | cypha I claim the excuse of watching basketball | 03:11 |
endeavormac | ok, thanks | 03:11 |
cypha | yeah, it's finally a game! | 03:11 |
cypha | last 2 games sucked past 2 days | 03:12 |
candi_ | Please excuse me | 03:12 |
usser | gaurav, its not gonna work that way, you'll have to go to project->new project from withing kdevelop | 03:12 |
Flannel | endeavormac: once you've done that, type 'init 2' and you'll finish booting like normal | 03:12 |
Tomas_ | hey all | 03:12 |
Tomas_ | new to ubuntu | 03:12 |
endeavormac | alright, thanks | 03:12 |
gaurav | ok let me try usser | 03:12 |
anirudh0 | gaurav, have you tried reading the kdevelop manual ? | 03:13 |
gaurav | there is also error while opening | 03:13 |
bjb1959 | jrib, refreshing the database worked. if I changed all the totem references to xine in /etc/gnome/defaults.list and refreshed the database would that work? | 03:13 |
DIL | Tomas_: good deal | 03:14 |
jrib | bjb1959: heh, probably, but would be hacky. My guess is you need to add the right MimeType | 03:14 |
gaurav | now i have to make new file? | 03:14 |
homecable | whats a good webserver to use ? | 03:14 |
ProwL | lighttpd. | 03:14 |
nickrud | homecable apache2 | 03:14 |
usser | gaurav, what? | 03:14 |
alan_m | homecable, apache is good | 03:15 |
bjb1959 | jrib, less hacky way of doing that? | 03:15 |
anirudh0 | homecable, for what purpose? | 03:15 |
gaurav | have to make new file or new project? | 03:15 |
homecable | php cgi etc | 03:15 |
Soskel | Alguém sabe onde se pode obter apoio em Português? | 03:15 |
gaurav | confused very much | 03:15 |
gaurav | none of ide wrking properly | 03:15 |
amenado | homecable am partial to tomcat | 03:15 |
alan_m | homecable, apache2 is pretty good for that but its personal user preference :) | 03:15 |
nickrud | homecable apache2 in ubuntu is pretty much install and forget, but there's tonnes of guides for doing things on the net | 03:15 |
nickrud | !pt | Soskel | 03:16 |
ubottu | Soskel: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 03:16 |
usser | gaurav, sigh.... project->new project choose c++ simple hello world application give it a name click next next next | 03:16 |
anirudh0 | homecable, apache is good,but big...lighthttpd is not as full featured, but much smaller in size | 03:16 |
gaurav | ok | 03:16 |
anirudh0 | !who|gaurav, | 03:16 |
ubottu | gaurav,: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 03:16 |
gaurav | ok | 03:17 |
anirudh0 | gaurav, http://www.docs.kde.org/kde3/en/kdevelop/kdevelop | 03:17 |
anirudh0 | gaurav, do some homework before asking :) | 03:17 |
WobWork | hiho folks. We're trying to run an ubuntu box as a kiosk for a trade show, and we basically want to start firefox without any window manager. Is that possible? | 03:17 |
Soulwarp | !tab | 03:17 |
ubottu | You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 03:17 |
anirudh0 | WobWork, yes...but you'll be pretty much stuck with firefox | 03:17 |
Soskel | olá, o que é uma ferramenta gratuita vmware eu posso instalar? | 03:17 |
diddl | is there a way in xchat to turn off channel joins and channel leaves? | 03:17 |
cypha | my workspaces are in line left to right, can i make it 2x2? | 03:17 |
cypha | without compiz | 03:18 |
WobWork | anirudh0: That's fine =) | 03:18 |
cypha | i'm not running compiz | 03:18 |
anirudh0 | WobWork, try using emerald with a transparent skin | 03:18 |
anirudh0 | WobWork, i mean your computer will be useless except for the firefox window | 03:18 |
nickrud | cypha sure, right click the window switcher (the boxes) and select how many rows to show in | 03:18 |
WobWork | anirudh0: how do you mean? All we need is the firefox functionality | 03:18 |
gaurav | yea , me did alot | 03:19 |
anirudh0 | WobWork, even alt+f2 wont do anything...you'll have to login again | 03:19 |
anirudh0 | WobWork, ok | 03:19 |
WobWork | anirudh0: aye, that's fine | 03:19 |
cypha | nickrud, dude, i love you | 03:19 |
alan_m | cypha, dont we all? :) | 03:19 |
gaurav | usser,ok done.now build? | 03:19 |
cypha | ok, follow up question, can i have programs autostart in certain workspaces on boot? | 03:19 |
cypha | without saving the session | 03:19 |
usser | gaurav, build->build project | 03:19 |
usser | gaurav, to run build->run | 03:20 |
nickrud | cypha add them to system->prefs->session, then use devilspie to put them on particular workspaces | 03:20 |
usser | gaurav, build->execute program sorry | 03:20 |
cypha | ok, so i need to get devilspie | 03:20 |
cypha | cool | 03:20 |
WobWork | anirudh0: I was under the impression that we just had to replace a call to the windowmanager in one of the startup scripts to call firefox, but we're having problems finding precisely where in ubuntu it lies. | 03:20 |
gaurav | bilud,get error!:( | 03:20 |
homecable | how do i install php in lighthhtpd ? | 03:20 |
gaurav | configure.in:8: error: possibly undefined macro: AM_PROG_LIBTOOL If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow. See the Autoconf documentation. | 03:21 |
gaurav | make: *** [all] Error 1 | 03:21 |
gaurav | *** Exited with status: 2 *** | 03:21 |
bazhang | gaurav, pastebin please | 03:21 |
usser | gaurav, open up a terminal and do sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf | 03:21 |
gaurav | this for? | 03:21 |
alan_m | usser, shouldnt there be -- before autoconf in that command? | 03:22 |
usser | alan_m, no its installing autoconf package | 03:22 |
alan_m | usser, oh, i didnt realize there was such a package, im sorry...continue on :) | 03:23 |
etyrnal__ | on ubuntu server 8.04 - fresh install - my Dell 2300 POweredge seems to think that it can only go to 832x624 | 03:23 |
lirit | how can i convert an AA file to mp3? | 03:23 |
gaurav | usser,i alredy have that | 03:23 |
bazhang | lirt aac? what is aa | 03:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | !find envyng | 03:23 |
ubottu | Found: envyng-core, envyng-gtk, envyng-qt | 03:23 |
hexoroid | what do i need to install for compiler tools i can not compile nothing basically | 03:23 |
DIL | ubuntu is based on debian. what is comparable to debian | 03:24 |
dfarmernv | Hey All, I could use a hand getting into a commandline in Ubuntu. I installed the flgrx driver through the restricted driver panel and when it rebooted my screen just blanks at GDM (ctrl+alt+F1 won't give me a virtual term) | 03:24 |
Odd-rationale | lirit: try this online utility: http:/wwww.zamzar.com | 03:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | !build-essential | 03:24 |
ubottu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 03:24 |
kindofabuzz | DIL: Debian | 03:24 |
usser | gaurav, sudo apt-get install m4 | 03:24 |
LastKnight02 | Well.. alright.. ;-) | 03:24 |
DIL | kindofabuzz: yes | 03:24 |
etyrnal__ | i now this monitor ghoes to 1280x1024 | 03:24 |
kindofabuzz | DIL: you said "what is comparable to debian" what do you mean? | 03:25 |
nickrud | DIL debian can be thought of as a class by itself because of it's development model. Closest in maturity and ubiquity would be redhat, I'd say | 03:25 |
hexoroid | Jack_Sparrow is that it ? | 03:25 |
etyrnal__ | how do i fix the resolution? I can't even read the bottom of some windows | 03:25 |
gaurav | usser ,already have that | 03:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | hexoroid it that what? | 03:25 |
lirit | Odd-rationale: that link is not working | 03:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | is | 03:25 |
homecable | what php do i install for lighttped | 03:25 |
homecable | fastcgi | 03:25 |
Sarah | what is a program on ubuntu that i can use to format a partition on a disk, i erased the partitions in windows but it would only let me format it as ntfs so i left it as unallocaetd, i want to format it with ext3 file system | 03:25 |
homecable | php5-cil ? | 03:25 |
homecable | or what | 03:25 |
hexoroid | Jack_Sparrow there is some kind of apt-get that i need to compilers and so.. i can not compile nothing :( | 03:25 |
gaurav | usser,yes!! it is builded | 03:25 |
gaurav | now | 03:26 |
lirit | bazhang: its the audio file from audible.com | 03:26 |
etyrnal__ | anyone? | 03:26 |
nickrud | Sarah sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/<partition> | 03:26 |
Odd-rationale | lirit: try this: | 03:26 |
etyrnal__ | resolution help? | 03:26 |
Odd-rationale | lirit: http://zamzar.com/ | 03:26 |
usser | gaurav, what did u do differently? | 03:26 |
Sarah | thanks nickrud | 03:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | hexoroid build-essential and kernel-headers are the basics | 03:26 |
gaurav | usser,by using sudo apt-get install openssh-server build-essential | 03:26 |
DIL | Sarah: fdisk /dev/sdb | 03:26 |
hexoroid | Jack_Sparrow i think that was it so i suppose sudo apt-get build-essential | 03:26 |
usser | gaurav, right. nice | 03:27 |
nickrud | Sarah that's assuming you have a partition there, if not use cfdisk for it | 03:27 |
nickrud | 's easy interface | 03:27 |
gaurav | usser, now what to do bro | 03:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | yes | 03:27 |
Sarah | nickrud cfdisk will list my partitions and stuff? | 03:27 |
usser | gaurav, now program | 03:27 |
usser | hehe | 03:27 |
nickrud | Sarah yes | 03:27 |
usser | gaurav, write code | 03:27 |
Sarah | nickrud, oh ok thanks | 03:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | hexoroid or sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r` | 03:27 |
gaurav | usser,byhaving new file? | 03:27 |
lirit | Odd-rationale: the aa file is not supported | 03:28 |
hexoroid | whats that uname -r for ? | 03:28 |
homecable | what php do i install for lighttped | 03:28 |
Odd-rationale | Sarah: if you want i GUI, use gparted or qtparted | 03:28 |
homecable | php5-cil ? | 03:28 |
lobazo | i have a problem with mi hp 3740. when it's printing suddenly stop. could somebody help me please? | 03:28 |
Odd-rationale | lirit: ok. sorry then... | 03:28 |
lirit | Odd-rationale: thanks anyway | 03:28 |
kindofabuzz | is there a command/key to bypass the trash and just delete it? | 03:28 |
Sarah | oh ok Odd-rationale i might try that | 03:28 |
usser | gaurav, right create whatever .h and .cpp files u need, paste the contents of the files that u already created before u started using kdevelop and try to build the whole thing | 03:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | hexoroid you can substitute the # for the exact kernel instead.. | 03:28 |
bbyever | kindofabuzz: rm | 03:28 |
WobWork | anirudh0: Any ideas? | 03:29 |
gaurav | ok | 03:29 |
kindofabuzz | bbyever: yeah i know that much, talking about gui. like shift+del in windows would just delete it | 03:29 |
usser | kindofabuzz, yes there is | 03:29 |
kindofabuzz | ohh lol shift+del in linux too | 03:30 |
usser | kindofabuzz, hehe | 03:30 |
Odd-rationale | Sarah: be sure the disk you are trying to format is not mounted. that will make things easier... | 03:30 |
gaurav | usser,yea builded now | 03:30 |
Sarah | Odd-rationale, ok thanks | 03:30 |
bbyever | kindofabuzz: yeah i was just trying that out | 03:30 |
usser | kindofabuzz, figured it out before i made a witty comment | 03:30 |
kindofabuzz | hehe | 03:31 |
* nickrud thinks usser is going out on a limb, funny comment when he can't spell user ;) | 03:31 | |
kindofabuzz | i spoke before i tried it | 03:31 |
gaurav | usser,builded now how to execute it? | 03:31 |
Sarah | weird, in windows i just deleted all the partitions and it said unallocated, in gparted it shows that whole space as linux-swap | 03:31 |
usser | gaurav, build->execute program | 03:31 |
kindofabuzz | i need a right click command for that though | 03:31 |
* usser :) | 03:31 | |
kindofabuzz | maybe hold shift and hit move to trash | 03:32 |
gaurav | shit,there is error | 03:32 |
astro76 | kindofabuzz: enable it in the file manager preferences | 03:32 |
nickrud | kindofabuzz you can enable that in gconf-editor, somewhere under /apps/nautilus | 03:32 |
kindofabuzz | nickrud: thanks | 03:32 |
genii | Sarah: Windows thinks any partition type other than it's own should just be "unallocated" or sometimes "unknown" | 03:32 |
DG19075 | etyrnal__ : You may want to right click on the main menu, select Edit Menus, and when the list comes up, check off Screens and Graphics under the "other" category. Hit that, and you should be able to set your resolution not onlyfor windows but thelogin sccreen as well. | 03:32 |
mib_3gx9gj | james__: I'm back :-) | 03:32 |
Sarah | genii, oh ok | 03:32 |
astro76 | nickrud, kindofabuzz : it's in nautilus prefs, second tab too | 03:32 |
nickrud | astro76 yeah, I just found that. I'm still in the 'everything hidden from user' mode | 03:33 |
nickrud | got used to just looking in gconf for all my settings | 03:33 |
kindofabuzz | astro76: thanks buddie | 03:33 |
mib_3gx9gj | james__: you there? | 03:34 |
mib_3gx9gj | I'm trying to sort mail (on an IMAP server without shell access or server-side sorting); my IMAP client is mutt. Anybody have any suggestions? | 03:35 |
gaurav | usser,cant able to execute | 03:35 |
gaurav | usser,any other app required for this? | 03:35 |
usser | gaurav, what does it say? | 03:35 |
Sarah | hmm in gparted i cant click anything like format or partition on this free space that i want to format | 03:35 |
Robby1976 | Hi all. This is my first time on irc.Just poped in to say hi | 03:36 |
nickrud | mib_3gx9gj probably not real helpful, but look for a different mail provider | 03:36 |
Odd-rationale | Sarah: is it unmounted? | 03:36 |
Sarah | Odd-rationale, yeah | 03:36 |
Sarah | although in gparted it says status : active | 03:36 |
mib_3gx9gj | nickrud: yeah, I wish :-) | 03:36 |
mib_3gx9gj | stuck with this one | 03:36 |
DG19075 | Evolution abd Balsa work in IMAP. | 03:36 |
mib_3gx9gj | oh bother, gotta go take care of something | 03:37 |
mib_3gx9gj | bbl | 03:37 |
nickrud | mib_3gx9gj I keep a dreamhost account just for my mail mainly | 03:37 |
gaurav | usser,aceept it | 03:37 |
bbyever | Robby1976: this is the official ubuntu support channel, for normal every-day chatter you can go to #ubuntu-offtopic. Welcome! _) | 03:37 |
Sarah | i can click 'swapoff' maybe i should? | 03:37 |
Sarah | i dont know what that is though | 03:37 |
bbyever | :)* | 03:37 |
Sarah | but since it lists it as linux-swap maybe it wont let me do anything because it thinks its swap | 03:37 |
gaurav | usser,accept the screensjhot | 03:37 |
Robby1976 | OK then. Sorry bout that. Will go and check out the other rooms. | 03:38 |
Sarah | Odd-rationale, i clicked swapoff and it says | 03:38 |
usser | gaurav, dont see any dialog | 03:38 |
Sarah | Odd-rationale, i clicked swapoff and it said deactivating swap on /dev/sda2 - now i can format it | 03:38 |
gaurav | usser,accept the screenshot and see | 03:38 |
Odd-rationale | Sarah: ok. | 03:39 |
usser | gaurav, i cant im not registered thats why pbbl | 03:39 |
gaurav | ok | 03:39 |
gaurav | /bin/sh: konsole: not found | 03:39 |
gaurav | *** Exited with status: 127 *** | 03:39 |
usser | gaurav, oh strange, shouldnt do that oh well sudo apt-get install konsole | 03:40 |
genii | gaurav: You're running gnome or KDE? | 03:40 |
gaurav | gnome | 03:40 |
gaurav | usser,gnome | 03:40 |
genii | usser: Why would he want konsole then when he has terminal? | 03:40 |
Qster | i heard gnome was better than kde | 03:40 |
Qster | is that true? | 03:41 |
Odd-rationale | !best | Qster | 03:41 |
ubottu | Qster: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 03:41 |
Moncky | Qster: its a preference thing | 03:41 |
nickrud | Qster matter of taste | 03:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | Qster We try to avoid those discussions as non-productive ina support room | 03:41 |
usser | genii, seems like an easy way out, its kdevelop i dont remember where u set the default apps there | 03:41 |
nickrud | Qster of course, my taste is impeccably gnome | 03:41 |
Qster | what type of taste does kde have differ from gnome? | 03:41 |
genii | usser: Ah, OK | 03:41 |
alan_m | qster, kde is more graphically demanding | 03:42 |
Chrysalis | if i install thing separately instead of a package will they still get updated? meaning does apt-get update keep track of each library or packages or what? | 03:42 |
nickrud | Qster you should ask for comparisons in #ubuntu-offtopic | 03:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | Qster Please /join #ubuntu-offtopic to continue discussing it | 03:42 |
sparr | how can i forcibly break a process' file lock? in the same way as removing the volume containing the file, but without doing that. | 03:42 |
Qster | ah ok thanks | 03:42 |
Odd-rationale | Qster: kde is more unified. gnome is more modular. that is kind of evoer simplufied. but thats how I see it.. | 03:42 |
delrin243 | hello all | 03:42 |
nickrud | Chrysalis yes | 03:42 |
usser | gaurav, actually wait dont do it | 03:42 |
usser | gaurav, cancel it | 03:42 |
gaurav | done | 03:42 |
gaurav | usser,and wow | 03:42 |
usser | gaurav, canceled? | 03:43 |
gaurav | usser,program executed | 03:43 |
usser | gaurav, aww, oh well | 03:43 |
Chrysalis | nickrud: yes as in checks each file or goes by packages? | 03:43 |
gaurav | usser,well done usser | 03:43 |
gaurav | usser,u r gr8 | 03:43 |
usser | gaurav, heh u're welcome | 03:43 |
nickrud | Chrysalis goes by packages, files are handled in groups by package | 03:43 |
gaurav | usser,thx u very much for this support | 03:43 |
Chrysalis | nickrud: so 'no' then ;p | 03:44 |
gaurav | usser, let me try to execute fresh program | 03:44 |
nickrud | Chrysalis well, libraries come as packages; what in particular were you interested in? | 03:44 |
Xaphoo | When I play Warsow or Sauerbraten or OpenArena, the game is slightly transparent, revealing the desktop below... | 03:45 |
Xaphoo | Of course I am running Compiz | 03:45 |
Chrysalis | nickrud, the ubuntu-restricted. . . was thinking of trying to bypass the java that comes iwth that and stick with the sun one | 03:45 |
theFATMAN | can ubuntu run cairo-dock? | 03:45 |
usser | Xaphoo, thats a feature not a bug | 03:45 |
usser | lol | 03:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | theFATMAN yes, I use it here | 03:46 |
usser | theFATMAN, sure can | 03:46 |
Odd-rationale | Xaphoo: then disable compiz. | 03:46 |
gaurav | usser,tell me one thing | 03:46 |
usser | gaurav, sure | 03:46 |
theFATMAN | Jack_Sparrow, why isn't it available in synaptic? | 03:46 |
Xaphoo | Is there no other solution? you'd think people would have worked this out by now | 03:46 |
nickrud | ah, you can choose the java you want to use with sudo update-alternatives --config java | 03:46 |
gaurav | usser,we have to make all fresh file under project | 03:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | theFATMAN no idea, but was easy to install. | 03:46 |
theFATMAN | Jack_Sparrow, apt-get? | 03:47 |
Chrysalis | nickrud, hmm | 03:47 |
usser | gaurav, no to add file to the project is simple | 03:47 |
theFATMAN | Jack_Sparrow, any dependencies? | 03:47 |
nickrud | Chrysalis or, you can install each of the packages that are recommended, see the output of apt-cache depends ubuntu-restricted extras. Each of those packages will be updated independently | 03:48 |
Chrysalis | nickrud, there somewhere i can read up on that? its the first time i hear it. . . and ive yet to get flash and java to play nice | 03:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | theFATMAN It was two packages... I dont think it had to pull in anything else | 03:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | theFATMAN let me look at my link | 03:48 |
theFATMAN | Jack_Sparrow, can u recall--ok, thanks | 03:48 |
genii | Xaphoo: It's not such a complicated thing. just alt-f2 metacity --replace play game. When done alt-f2 compiz --replace | 03:48 |
usser | gaurav, file->new and just choose the type of file cpp or h u want to create and put a tick on add to project to | 03:48 |
gaurav | usser,i have wriiten a new program but it is showing output of previous project "hello world" | 03:49 |
nickrud | Chrysalis I installed sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin, then ran sudo update-alternatives --config java to select sun. Flash just Works for Me™ | 03:49 |
usser | gaurav, u have to rebuild the project, | 03:49 |
gaurav | usser,it is neccesaary to add file to project | 03:49 |
gaurav | ? | 03:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | theFATMAN https://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=8724&release_id=14108 | 03:49 |
rumpel | @gaurav check project options | 03:49 |
usser | gaurav, i dont understand | 03:49 |
Chrysalis | nickrud, 32 or 64bit? | 03:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | gaurav Please try /join #bash or whater you are trying to program in | 03:50 |
theFATMAN | Jack_Sparrow, thanks, you're boss in this! | 03:50 |
gaurav | usser,i mean it is neccesaary to add file to project cant execute withot adding that inti project | 03:50 |
nickrud | Chrysalis I've never seen any single place that explains all the alternatives, but you can install configure-debian to see all the alternatives you can set | 03:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | theFATMAN let me know if you have a prob with it | 03:50 |
Moult | when installing ubuntu on the partitioning section will it remove my windows? | 03:50 |
gaurav | jack,wat ru saying dude | 03:50 |
usser | gaurav, sigh adding what into project? | 03:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | gaurav this is not the programming help room | 03:51 |
usser | gaurav, u had a hello world program | 03:51 |
=== Nith is now known as nith | ||
LastKnight02 | Ugh.. I'm hating my graphics card right now. | 03:51 |
theFATMAN | Jack_Sparrow, it says invalid security cert? | 03:51 |
Moncky | Moult: if you install it in the windows partition | 03:51 |
nickrud | Chrysalis 32, I installed firefox in a chroot for 64bit in gutsy but saw no reason to keep 64bit for hardy | 03:51 |
gaurav | user,yea | 03:51 |
rumpel | @Moult not, if you re careful enough ^^ | 03:51 |
anirudh0 | Jack_Sparrow, pointless...told him 'n' times already | 03:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | theFATMAN acvcept it | 03:51 |
theFATMAN | ok | 03:51 |
Moncky | Moult: If you have a second HD use that | 03:51 |
Moult | Moncky all i see are three options | 03:51 |
tscolin | my laptop display dims right at bootup | 03:52 |
usser | gaurav, u replaced this with your own code adding some files, cpp and h, so go to build->build project and build->execute program | 03:52 |
tscolin | ive tried appending acpi=off to the kernel, but it doesnt correct the issue | 03:52 |
Moult | choose a disk amount, use all, or manual | 03:52 |
tscolin | but it really feels like an acpi issue and i dont know how to fix it | 03:52 |
Chrysalis | nickrud, the flash wrapper on 64 was eating all my memory and cpu, wouldnt shut off after i closed browser so i gave up and trying to get everything right on 32 now | 03:52 |
Moult | any ideas which i want to pick if i want to dual boot? | 03:52 |
nickrud | !flash64 | Chrysalis (I used this irrc) | 03:52 |
ubottu | Chrysalis (I used this irrc): You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava | 03:52 |
rumpel | @Moult whats wrong with grub? | 03:52 |
rexy_ | tscolin, right at bootup, or when you log in? | 03:53 |
usser | gaurav, if building failed for some reason its not gonna create executable so when u click execute its gonna execute the old one | 03:53 |
Moult | rumpel i just want to kno which to pick | 03:53 |
tscolin | right at bootup | 03:53 |
usser | gaurav, so my bet is that after u added your code build fails, so fix that semicolon | 03:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | usser Feel free to help him in pm | 03:53 |
thingfish | Moult: how many hard drives do you have? | 03:53 |
rumpel | @Moult i have grub and i satisfies my needs | 03:53 |
tscolin | about 5 seconds after i hit the ubuntu load screen | 03:53 |
gaurav | usser,ok | 03:53 |
nickrud | Chrysalis that, or a ubuntuforums article that was extremely similar | 03:53 |
theFATMAN | Jack_Sparrow, I may be calling this the wrong name, is it kiba block? Is that something different? | 03:53 |
Moncky | Moult: Grub will be installed as part of the install process | 03:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | theFATMAN kiba-dock | 03:53 |
Xaphoo | genii: your solution interacts badly with awn and other compositing-dependent widgets | 03:54 |
* usser apologizes | 03:54 | |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 03:54 |
anirudh0 | theFATMAN, kiba-dock is an old dock for kde | 03:54 |
tscolin | rexy_: ive had this issue before w/ debian, and turning off acpi fixed it, (well hacked it :P) but the problem was no longer there | 03:54 |
leon | hey guys, I'm having trouble with my video drivers, I've tried everything. if anyone has a few mins, please pm me. im using ati | 03:54 |
anirudh0 | theFATMAN, but if all you want is a dock, why not try avant-window-navigator? | 03:54 |
theFATMAN | Jack_Sparrow, ohhhh--then what is it that enables the icon blocks you can drop on the screen? | 03:54 |
genii | Xaphoo: Unfortunately yes. | 03:54 |
Chrysalis | nickrud, yea, i tried that for my 64bit install, i am on 32 now. . . so just install ubuntu restricted, then sun java and then sudo update-alternatives --config java? | 03:54 |
tscolin | rexy_: however, acpi=off did nothing to correct this | 03:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | theFATMAN No idea | 03:55 |
rexy_ | tscolin, i've never had that issue, so i dont know | 03:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | tscolin noapic ? | 03:55 |
rexy_ | tscolin, not sure acpi has anything to do with the backlight adjustment | 03:55 |
tscolin | jack ill try it | 03:55 |
tscolin | but | 03:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | tscolin that wont help with the backlight | 03:55 |
theFATMAN | Jack_Sparrow, son of a gun, i saw it in a youtube video, and it looked sick, but apparently they called it the wrong thing. | 03:55 |
nickrud | Chrysalis that's all I had to do, iirc. Let me investigate something real quick | 03:55 |
tscolin | Jack_Sparrow: so try noapic? | 03:55 |
anirudh0 | tscolin, you mean you cant increase lcd brightness even after login? | 03:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | tscolin Doubt it will work | 03:56 |
tscolin | anirudh0: correct | 03:56 |
tscolin | the display dims before i even get t sysvinit | 03:56 |
anirudh0 | never heard of that happening before | 03:57 |
tscolin | its very annoying | 03:57 |
tscolin | only ubuntu does it, so im tempted to compile my own kernel | 03:57 |
tscolin | but | 03:57 |
tscolin | that defeast the ez to use purpse :/ | 03:57 |
* alan_m notices you two are the only two really talking, so I wont throw a who out...:) | 03:58 | |
anirudh0 | try linux-386 | 03:58 |
tscolin | vanilla? | 03:58 |
tscolin | well | 03:58 |
tscolin | 64bit here | 03:58 |
lobazo | i have a problem with mi hp 3740. when it's printing suddenly stop. could somebody help me please? | 03:58 |
Sam1337 | strawberry :) | 03:58 |
koshari | theFATMAN are you talking about kiba dock? | 03:59 |
anirudh0 | tscolin, assuming your arch is i386 | 03:59 |
theFATMAN | koshari, i have no idea now | 03:59 |
alan_m | haha Sam1337 i love when users can just jump in like that :) | 03:59 |
theFATMAN | lol | 03:59 |
WobWork | anirudh0: any pointers to my previous question, or should I toss it up again? | 03:59 |
tscolin | thats only 1 issue of many i am dealing with | 04:00 |
anirudh0 | WobWork, forgot your question :) | 04:00 |
tscolin | for instance wireless settings dont save :/ | 04:00 |
WobWork | anirudh0: =) | 04:00 |
theFATMAN | will cairo-dock work on a 64bit system? | 04:00 |
anirudh0 | WobWork, the firefox thing right? | 04:00 |
puzzle | elky hi melissa (: | 04:00 |
tscolin | it always wipes my AP password, and clears WPA2 to WPA1 :/ | 04:00 |
tscolin | thats annoying | 04:00 |
alan_m | !pm | Sam1337 | 04:00 |
WobWork | anirudh0: I was looking for a location in one of the startup scripts where I could replace the call for the windows manager and get it to just run firefox | 04:00 |
anirudh0 | !who| tscolin | 04:00 |
ubottu | Sam1337: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. | 04:00 |
ubottu | tscolin: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 04:00 |
LastKnight02 | 1 | 04:00 |
Sam1337 | ubottu: how did you know that? | 04:01 |
ubottu | Sam1337: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 04:01 |
anirudh0 | WobWork, not sure if that will work | 04:01 |
LastKnight02 | Prowl: I reckon I am stuck with the Mesa drivers. | 04:01 |
anirudh0 | anirudh0, you mean session startup? | 04:01 |
alan_m | Sam1337, because i triggered it, dont private message me without asking, thanks much. | 04:01 |
WobWork | ubottu knows all, sees all =) | 04:01 |
ubottu | WobWork: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 04:01 |
nickrud | Chrysalis hm, I'm running into some issues tracing the java plugin for firefox2, apparently things have changed since firefox3 was added. | 04:01 |
Sam1337 | Oh it's rude to pm somebody without asking? I'll take that on board thanks. | 04:02 |
anirudh0 | WobWork, add this to the session startup then ...firefox &&sudo killall compiz | 04:02 |
ProwL | LastKnight02: but Mesa is part of what you need. | 04:02 |
ProwL | LastKnight02: I think you're confusing yourself. | 04:02 |
LastKnight02 | Yes, I think so,. | 04:02 |
anirudh0 | WobWork, in system->prefs->sessions | 04:02 |
koshari | theFATMAN is this what you mean ? | 04:02 |
alan_m | Sam1337, thanks bud...wasnt meaning to be rude or whatever, but when your in here and have questions..keep it in channel so that all can benefit :) | 04:02 |
koshari | http://www.in.com.au/~holty/temp/kiba_beryl.mpeg | 04:02 |
WobWork | anirudh0: I'll give that a go | 04:02 |
anirudh0 | WobWork, sure..good luck for the trade show | 04:03 |
ouellettesr | hello i cant get azureus to work since i upgraded to hardy | 04:03 |
Chrysalis | nickrud, yea i have ff3 i seem to be the only one with flash and java problems though from what i can tell lol | 04:03 |
alan_m | general chatter in private message with me is ok now that ive read your pm...but...i really wouldnt suggest making a habit of doing it without asking Sam1337 | 04:03 |
anirudh0 | ouellettesr, please run from terminal and post output to pastebin | 04:03 |
anirudh0 | ouellettesr, probably a java issue | 04:04 |
ouellettesr | when i open a torrent it says its not a file | 04:04 |
bjb1959 | jirb, I figured out how to change the default dvd player in hardy heron. you do two things 1st make a symlink sudo ln -s /dev/scd0 /dev/dvd to allow programs like xine that look for /dev/dvd to find it. then right click on applications and edit menu. go to sound & video, look for movie player, right click, go to properties and change the command to your favorite player. in my case xine -f... | 04:04 |
bjb1959 | ...-g dvd:// Just fyi | 04:04 |
martman | what package is gdmsetup in? i cant seem to find it | 04:04 |
nickrud | Chrysalis switching back to ff3 | 04:04 |
anirudh0 | bjb1959, put that up on a wiki or something | 04:05 |
gaurav | usser,very confused? | 04:05 |
anirudh0 | martman, its installed by default | 04:05 |
bjb1959 | any suggestions as to which one? | 04:05 |
gaurav | usser,very confused | 04:05 |
=== tony_ is now known as Weng | ||
anirudh0 | bjb1959, ubuntuguide.org might be one place to do that.... | 04:05 |
bjb1959 | Will do | 04:06 |
alan_m | !caps | theFATMAN | 04:06 |
ubottu | theFATMAN: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 04:06 |
martman | anirudh0 im doing a server install. so not much is installed by default | 04:06 |
usser | gaurav, what? | 04:06 |
jrib | bjb1959: still hacky :) bugs should be filed against xine. Thanks for the info though | 04:06 |
kindofabuzz | ff3 rc1 + flash 10 beta = pretty stable and smooth for me | 04:06 |
anirudh0 | martman, its in gdm | 04:06 |
theFATMAN | alan_m, lighten up dude it was an accident | 04:06 |
=== Weng is now known as Wing_ | ||
anirudh0 | martman, i mean the package gdm | 04:06 |
alan_m | theFATMAN, ok, then i apologize myself | 04:07 |
theFATMAN | aln_m, i thought i hit super+tab to switch | 04:07 |
Dad__ | How can I search for a text string in all the files on my hard drive, including binary and hidden? | 04:07 |
jrib | Dad__: use grep, but that will take a while... | 04:07 |
=== Wing_ is now known as amb5186 | ||
theFATMAN | koshari? | 04:07 |
gaurav | usser,in a project there is lot of file then when buils project whic file is builded!! all? | 04:07 |
indio | Hi. | 04:07 |
anirudh0 | jrib, inside a file? | 04:07 |
bjb1959 | jrib, you could also change xine to look for /dev/scd0 instead of /dev/dvd I guess but I'll let the xine people know | 04:07 |
Dad__ | jrib, doesn't grep work only with text files? | 04:07 |
jrib | Dad__: man grep :) | 04:08 |
indio | How do I uninstall a manually instlled .deb file ? | 04:08 |
jrib | anirudh0: yeah, that's what grep does, no? | 04:08 |
anirudh0 | jrib, nope | 04:08 |
usser | gaurav, when u build yes all files in src folder get build to compose a single executable | 04:08 |
gaurav | usser,i think is all the way differnt then in windows | 04:08 |
koshari | theFATMAN thats kiba dock | 04:08 |
anirudh0 | jrib, grep just searches a string for occurence of your search terms | 04:08 |
jrib | anirudh0: grep searchterm file | 04:08 |
anirudh0 | jrib, so, unless you "cat" all files in your hdd, grep wont help | 04:08 |
usser | gaurav, its exactly the same concept as in Visual Studion on windows | 04:09 |
theFATMAN | koshari, is it compatible with 9.04? | 04:09 |
gaurav | usser,but iam using boland c++ in windows | 04:09 |
anirudh0 | jrib, searching _inside_ a file is what tracker and beagle are for | 04:09 |
theFATMAN | i mean 8.04 | 04:09 |
jrib | cat file | grep searchterm is a useless use of cat | 04:09 |
anirudh0 | not quite | 04:09 |
psp2000 | how can i auto-mount all my fat32 disks on boot? | 04:09 |
anirudh0 | you have to do that for _all_ files on your hdd | 04:09 |
psp2000 | older versions of ubuntu used to do it automatically | 04:10 |
usser | gaurav, never used it but i imagine its the same | 04:10 |
jrib | anirudh0: you are not reading what I write or are misunderstanding me. grep can search inside files. Try: grep searchterm /path/to/file | 04:10 |
koshari | theFATMAN dunno i took that footage whan i was using 7.04 and my missus dont like it so i took it off | 04:10 |
theFATMAN | koshari, have u tried cairo-dock? | 04:11 |
nickrud | Chrysalis sudo update-alternatives --config xulrunner-1.9-javaplugin.so | 04:11 |
HappyHater | whats the command to delete a directory? | 04:11 |
jrib | HappyHater: rm -r | 04:11 |
Gohalien | how to add another spellcheck language in xchat ? | 04:11 |
jrib | !cli > HappyHater (read the private message from ubottu) | 04:11 |
anirudh0 | jrib, you need to do that for all files,thats what searching a hard disk means | 04:11 |
gaurav | usser,here we have to use int main() not void main?? | 04:11 |
koshari | theFATMAN no i havnt tried cairo dock | 04:11 |
jrib | anirudh0: see -R in grep's man page | 04:11 |
anirudh0 | jrib, k | 04:11 |
Chrysalis | nickrud, so that basically makes ff use sun-java instead of the other one and then just install ubuntu-extras? | 04:12 |
psp2000 | how can i auto-mount all my fat32 disks on boot? older versions of ubuntu used to do it automatically... there was also this software "disk manager", but it doesn't seem to work with hardy | 04:12 |
gaurav | usser,conio.h doesnot exist? | 04:12 |
jrib | !vfat > psp2000 (read the private message from ubottu) | 04:12 |
koshari | psp2000 you winn need to add some lines to your fstab file | 04:12 |
anirudh0 | jrib, i apologize...this is actually a pretty good method | 04:12 |
codecaine | conio.h is a windows header | 04:12 |
HappyHater | thanks jrib, kept getting access denied, that took care of it :) | 04:12 |
theFATMAN | koshari, huh i guess i'm gonna check it out. | New question, how do I screencapture in ubuntu? not a screenshot, but video? For a tutorial? | 04:13 |
jrib | anirudh0: no worries | 04:13 |
usser | gaurav, int main() is the proper way. and yes conio.h doesnt exist in linux | 04:13 |
koshari | theFATMAN recordmydesktop | 04:13 |
nickrud | Chrysalis I did the restricted-extra install, then java. , then the update | 04:13 |
usser | gaurav, its a dos specific library | 04:13 |
bazhang | !screencast | theFATMAN | 04:13 |
ubottu | theFATMAN: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder. Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts. | 04:13 |
Sarah | in gparted, now that ive made that space ext3, how can i give it a mount point? or do i do that somewhere else, or just add it manually to /etc/fstab? | 04:13 |
anirudh0 | jrib, but how fast is it...can it look inside pdf's? | 04:14 |
gaurav | usser ,can u wrrite a small program specifying me syntax in linux | 04:14 |
theFATMAN | koshari, thanks, what format do they use? | 04:14 |
Chrysalis | nickrud: ok, and the flash that i should use is the one that comse with ubuntu-extras? | 04:14 |
gaurav | usser,then wat is used in place of conio/ | 04:14 |
shane2peru | did the menu.lst setup change for 8.04??? I edited my menu and the change doesn't show when I reboot | 04:14 |
koshari | theFATMAN default is ogg then i recode using ffmpeg | 04:14 |
astek | salut | 04:15 |
usser | gaurav, i dont know much c++, i'd suppose ncurses or something like that. i dont know much about c++, read up programming for linux | 04:15 |
theFATMAN | koshari, sweet, dude, you are badass! | 04:15 |
astek | je | 04:15 |
nickrud | Chrysalis yes, it's the same as from adobe just packaged up nicely | 04:15 |
astek | je | 04:15 |
koshari | theFATMAN glad you liked the movie :-) | 04:15 |
jrib | anirudh0: no, it will treat everything as text afaik. tracker/beagle will be faster when you search because they crawl and index | 04:15 |
Chrysalis | nickrud: ok, thank you | 04:15 |
Chrysalis | nickrud: ill give it a try | 04:16 |
astek | j'ai | 04:16 |
bazhang | !fr | astek | 04:16 |
shane2peru | does anyone know about the menu.lst? has it changed with the recent version? | 04:16 |
ubottu | astek: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 04:16 |
In-Sane`` | hello, how do I add more fonts to ubuntu? | 04:16 |
anirudh0 | jrib, there's the -a flag though... | 04:16 |
anirudh0 | shane2peru, no...its the same | 04:16 |
astek | la | 04:16 |
anirudh0 | shane2peru, post your menu.lst | 04:16 |
bazhang | astek, /join #ubuntu-fr | 04:16 |
shane2peru | anirudh0: ok, let me do that, | 04:16 |
legend2440 | In-Sane``: http://www.howtodude.net/howto/view.article.php/183 | 04:17 |
bazhang | !fonts | In-Sane`` | 04:17 |
ubottu | In-Sane``: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 04:17 |
nyla | do any of you guys use ubuntu as your main OS on your desktopsystem | 04:17 |
Hornet | !wifi | 04:17 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 04:17 |
genii | nyla: Yes, and also on my laptop | 04:17 |
In-Sane`` | bazhang legend2440 thanks :) | 04:17 |
dork_vader | nyla, yes | 04:17 |
nyla | any regrets ? | 04:17 |
Hornet | Can anyone recommend a wifi card that'll play nicely with ubuntu? all the ones I've found on forums have had their chipsets changed since | 04:18 |
shane2peru | anirudh0: ok, here it is: http://pastebin.com/d6dc23d77 | 04:18 |
Hornet | and none in that list I've been able to find on ebuyer | 04:18 |
genii | nyla: I regret I need to keep a 6Gb partition around with Vista on it not to void my warrantee. Otherwise no | 04:18 |
SeaPhor | nyla, none! i do more and do it better | 04:18 |
anirudh0 | shane2peru, and what do you want to change at next boot? | 04:18 |
eboyjr | Hmm... Why do I only have OpenOffice.org's Writer, Impress, Calc, and Draw? What happened to Base and Math? | 04:18 |
pgquiles__ | how can I free space in /var/run without rebooting? | 04:18 |
shane2peru | I made a custom kernel, it is in there already, you will see it. ;) | 04:18 |
s3a | on openoffice.org word how do make words print out sideways? because i want to print huge letters to stick on a bristle board but the normal sideways on a paper is not long enuf so i went to like flip it so i can use the "widescreen"ness of the paper | 04:19 |
shane2peru | anirudh0: it is on line 154, I'm looking to see if I overlooked something, but don't see anything | 04:19 |
martman | i just installed gdm and restart but it didnt load. would there be a error log anywhere? | 04:19 |
martman | dmesg doesnt go far enough | 04:20 |
anirudh0 | shane2peru, remove the savedefault and boot | 04:20 |
pgquiles__ | martman: /var/log/gdm.log ? | 04:20 |
shane2peru | anirudh0: is line 152 a problem? perhaps I should delete that 'root' and that is why nothing is showing up | 04:20 |
shane2peru | anirudh0: yeah, I just added that, I guess that is from 7.10 right? | 04:20 |
anirudh0 | shane2peru, remove lines 159 and 160 | 04:20 |
anirudh0 | shane2peru, leave root alone | 04:21 |
anirudh0 | for now | 04:21 |
koshari | s3a cant you just change the print output to lanscape? | 04:21 |
shane2peru | anirudh0: ok | 04:21 |
anirudh0 | shane2peru, it should'nt do anything..just dhow up in the title | 04:21 |
nyla | SeaPhor,genii: i feel i want to remove Vista and install Ubuntu | 04:21 |
anirudh0 | shane2peru, *show | 04:22 |
gaurav | usser,got an error? | 04:22 |
ragsagar | nyla, nice move | 04:22 |
gaurav | usser,cd '/home/daman/gauk/debug/src' && WANT_AUTOCONF_2_5="1" WANT_AUTOMAKE_1_6="1" make -k wp.lo | 04:22 |
gaurav | make: *** No rule to make target `wp.lo'. | 04:22 |
gaurav | *** Exited with status: 2 *** | 04:22 |
tmapj | can anyone tell me how to open a .chm file? | 04:22 |
anirudh0 | !flood | 04:22 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 04:22 |
ragsagar | gaurav, wat abt ./configure | 04:22 |
pgquiles__ | tmapj: kchmviewer | 04:22 |
shane2peru | anirudh0: right, but nothing shows up below the normal options, really odd, that is why I thought perhaps they switched to a config setup or something | 04:22 |
anirudh0 | gaurav, for the last time, PM! | 04:22 |
gaurav | ragsagar,?? | 04:22 |
anirudh0 | shane2peru, you rebooted? | 04:22 |
usser | gaurav, i dunno man u'd be better of asking in #c++ or #programming | 04:23 |
genii | nyla: Firstly you should make a list of programs you use in windows. then see what there is in ubuntu for those things. Also try to run the livecd to see if any problems with hardware or so on. | 04:23 |
gaurav | ragsagar,what to do with it/ | 04:23 |
ragsagar | was ./configue a success | 04:23 |
anirudh0 | tmapj, xchm and gchm also | 04:23 |
shane2peru | no, I already tried that setup, and nothing shows below the Automagic stuff. | 04:23 |
s3a | koshari: i dont no how to do that | 04:23 |
gaurav | ragsagar,this is error | 04:23 |
shane2peru | anirudh0: ^^^^^^^^^^ | 04:23 |
nyla | genii:i am on the live CD right now :) | 04:23 |
gaurav | cd '/home/daman/gauk/debug/src' && WANT_AUTOCONF_2_5="1" WANT_AUTOMAKE_1_6="1" make -k wp.lo | 04:23 |
gaurav | make: *** No rule to make target `wp.lo'. | 04:23 |
gaurav | *** Exited with status: 2 *** | 04:23 |
ksk | a | 04:23 |
Dad__ | jrib, thanks. | 04:23 |
shane2peru | !flood | gaurav | 04:23 |
ragsagar | wat application you are trying to compile? | 04:23 |
ubottu | gaurav: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 04:23 |
Cromag | tmapj: if you are NOT in kubuntu you can maybe use GnoCHM | 04:24 |
anirudh0 | shane2peru, then remove the "root" :) | 04:24 |
Sarah | how do i add a partition i just made to be mounted when i start, and how do i give it a specific mount point? | 04:24 |
pgquiles__ | Sarah: add a new line in /etc/fstab | 04:24 |
anirudh0 | shane2peru, no point..gaurav either cant or does'nt want to listen | 04:24 |
shane2peru | anirudh0: lol, ok, I will give that a try, that seems to be the only thing that would cause it to not show up | 04:24 |
gaurav | ragsagar,can u solve above error? | 04:24 |
genii | nyla: If all your hardware works well then you already know it's a possibility to switch then. | 04:24 |
Hornet | Can anyone recommend a wifi card that'll play nicely with ubuntu? all the ones I've found on forums have had their chipsets changed since, and none in the Wiki list I can find on ebuyer :\ | 04:24 |
Frenzi | is there a special channel for GRUB or Hardy boot problems? | 04:24 |
anirudh0 | Frenzi, doubt it...but you can ask here | 04:25 |
Yachaziel | Frenzi: Welcome to it. | 04:25 |
pgquiles__ | Sarah: if it's an external hard disk or USB, you may want to use vol_id to create a UUID to make sure it's always mounted on the same mountpoint | 04:25 |
Sarah | pgquiles__, i tried that but it had all UUID stuff i didnt know what to put for that | 04:25 |
shane2peru | anirudh0: brb | 04:25 |
* shane2peru runs of to reboot | 04:25 | |
koshari | s3a in the print options there should be a choice between lanscape and portrait, thats what that does, terns the paper 90 degrees | 04:25 |
tmapj | thanks guys | 04:25 |
Frenzi | when installing gutsy or hardy on a box with only one SCSI drive, and no IDE drive | 04:25 |
Frenzi | apparently GRUB isn't installed properly | 04:25 |
Cromag | !Gnochm | 04:25 |
ubottu | Factoid gnochm not found | 04:25 |
iRelinquish | hey is there an easy way to get a list of what packages i have installed? | 04:25 |
ragsagar | !wubi | 04:26 |
ubottu | Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. | 04:26 |
pgquiles__ | Sarah: use vol_id to generate a uuid | 04:26 |
bazhang | http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy#How_to_restore_GRUB_to_a_partition_or_MBR_with_an_Ubuntu_Live_CD Frenzi | 04:26 |
Frenzi | when I boot, i get GRUB <blinking cursor> | 04:26 |
Frenzi | ok... let me go read that | 04:26 |
anirudh0 | iRelinquish, dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Package}\n' | less | 04:26 |
harpreet | how do i install driver for my modem ? modem is HDAUDIO Soft Data Fax Smart CP | 04:27 |
nyla | genii:i normally use visual studio to create web apps but i want to move towards python web apps so i am not restricted to one OS and also java is available for linux. i can use virtual box to run windows xp to create my windows apps when i need to. | 04:27 |
gaurav | can anyone give me URL of documentation of kdevelop c++ | 04:27 |
Sarah | oh thanks pgquiles__ | 04:28 |
ragsagar | !google | gaurav | 04:28 |
ubottu | gaurav: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux: http://google.com/linux | 04:28 |
harpreet | gaurav; i have a downloaded ebook i forgot where it is right now once i find it i can give it to you | 04:28 |
anirudh0 | !dumb|gaurav | 04:28 |
ubottu | gaurav: The only dumb or stupid question is the one not asked. Please do not tell people off for asking something, just because it seems simple or obvious -- we discourage this attitude in all our channels. | 04:28 |
anirudh0 | the reverse of what i wanted :( | 04:28 |
iRelinquish | thanks anirudh0 | 04:28 |
shane2peru | anirudh0: arrrggh, ok, that didn't work, :( I don't understand, it shouldn't be that difficult! :) | 04:28 |
anirudh0 | shane2peru, nothing shows up? | 04:29 |
harpreet | how do i install driver for my modem ? modem is HDAUDIO Soft Data Fax Smart CP | 04:29 |
shane2peru | anirudh0: nope, just the "Other Operating Systems" line, nothing below it. | 04:29 |
Yachaziel | harpreet: Do you have the driver downloaded and on your machine? | 04:29 |
koshari | harpreet thats a software modem and you may have troble doing so | 04:29 |
anirudh0 | shane2peru, oops | 04:30 |
harpreet | Yachaziel: driver is not available anywhere except for Windows | 04:30 |
Lord_Devi | Is there a command on 8.04 ubuntu to run from command line that can tell one what the status is of a laptop battery? Preferably in percentage.. | 04:30 |
anirudh0 | shane2peru, the "root" should'nt have been removed | 04:30 |
legend2440 | s3a: http://linuxhelp.blogspot.com/2006/01/print-large-banner-on-your-terminal.html | 04:30 |
shane2peru | anirudh0: but even with 'root' there it didn't show up. | 04:30 |
harpreet | Koshari: Anything I can do to make it work? | 04:30 |
anirudh0 | shane2peru, its like "othe....", then"root", then "titl...mykernel",then the rest of the stuff | 04:30 |
Yachaziel | harpreet: Heed koshari's words. That's going to be fun. | 04:31 |
shane2peru | anirudh0: right, that is how it was to begin with, and it still didn't work | 04:31 |
anirudh0 | Lord_Devi, acpi | 04:31 |
akatsuki63 | Hola | 04:31 |
Ironcitadel | harpreet: You might try here > http://www.freewebs.com/gkiagia/linuxonaceraspire9113.htm for a driver. | 04:31 |
Sarah | in fstab how do i know what to put for dump and pass? the mount point above the one im adding is pretty much the same kind of partition and stuff, and it has 0 and 2 | 04:31 |
shane2peru | anirudh0: ok, let me reboot again, I copied the 'custom' entry that I put in, and pasted it in about three different places, | 04:31 |
koshari | harpreet you would be better off buying a hardware modem for what its worth unfortinately, | 04:31 |
Sarah | and / above that has 0 1 | 04:32 |
Lord_Devi | anirudh0: Awesome thanks =) that works great | 04:32 |
harpreet | Yachaziel; I had fun setting up my wlan but was successful after 10 days of struggle | 04:32 |
In-Sane`` | this wil wound dumb ;) but how do i enable the Universe and Multiverse repositories in the synaptic package manager? | 04:32 |
Sarah | should i put 0 2 or 0 3 or something | 04:32 |
In-Sane`` | sound* | 04:32 |
akatsuki63 | de donde son? | 04:32 |
shane2peru | anirudh0: I put it as the first one, the last one, and then in 'Other OS" | 04:32 |
anirudh0 | shane2peru, to begin with you had "savedefault" and "boot" at the end of the custom kernel | 04:32 |
anirudh0 | shane2peru, which i told you to remove | 04:32 |
genii | Lord_Devi: cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state can be also BAT0 but not in percentage, sorry | 04:32 |
Yachaziel | harpreet: Lol, ok. Just so long as you're prepared. I still don't have my wlan set up just how I like it. =O Too lazy to put the finishing touches on it. | 04:32 |
shane2peru | anirudh0: no, that I added after it didn't work a few times lol. :) I saw that from my old 7.10 entries. | 04:32 |
Lord_Devi | genii: Oh ok thanks | 04:32 |
Ironcitadel | Winmodems are generally a struggle but I've had good luck with Intel EP536's | 04:32 |
genii | Lord_Devi: cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/info also has other information related to the battery | 04:33 |
anirudh0 | shane2peru, there's nothing else wrong...is your kernel the problem | 04:33 |
shane2peru | anirudh0: I noticed the warning at the begining of the menu.lst not to do that with raid devices, I don't have raid, so figured, it couldn't hurt | 04:33 |
harpreet | Koshari; thank you very much, I have a US robotics modem which has female serial connector, Can i get a male servial adapter with other side of usb to laptop? may that work? | 04:33 |
anirudh0 | shane2peru, as in...does grub say , "partition not found", or does kernel refuse to boot | 04:33 |
Lord_Devi | genii: hrm, listing battery heatlh in miliamps might be cooler than a percentage.. hehe | 04:33 |
harpreet | Yachaziel; set it up buddy , its fun | 04:34 |
koshari | harpreet dont you have a serial port? | 04:34 |
shane2peru | anirudh0: I don't think, I can't even get mykernel to show up on the menu, so I haven't even got to try it. | 04:34 |
anirudh0 | Lord_Devi, changes over the lifetime of a battery | 04:34 |
Ironcitadel | Does anyone know why a framebuffer call like vga=791 produces blank virtual tty's? | 04:34 |
anirudh0 | shane2peru, move it up | 04:34 |
leon | can someone please help me with my video card? | 04:34 |
anirudh0 | shane2peru, before the "other..." | 04:34 |
Yachaziel | harpreet: I think my time is better spent drinking ale and wishing someone would do it for me. =D | 04:34 |
shane2peru | anirudh0: ok, let me reboot again, and give it another whirl, I pasted it in about 3 locations | 04:34 |
ragsagar | shane2peru, what the problem? | 04:34 |
shane2peru | ragsagar: one minute brb after reboot | 04:34 |
harpreet | Koshari: its female serial port in laptop and female connector in modem, so i can get a famale to female (two males) adapter? | 04:35 |
Lord_Devi | anirudh0: Yeah I notice. Kind of handy you can tell the HEALTH of the battery by that though | 04:35 |
koshari | harpreet if you can get the usb to recignise it i think it will be an easier task than the winmodem | 04:35 |
anirudh0 | harpreet, you'll need 2 in general | 04:35 |
In-Sane`` | how do i enable the universe and multiverse repositories in the synaptic package manager to get all the fonts available? | 04:35 |
anirudh0 | harpreet, female->male->female | 04:35 |
Ironcitadel | There was a bug report about it in Gutsy that was supposedly resolved but I'll be darned if I can find the fix. Anyone? | 04:35 |
Yachaziel | harpreet: I think you can get one of those. I tried splicing a line to do that once with success, if you can't find one. | 04:36 |
anirudh0 | Ironcitadel, edit sources.list | 04:36 |
koshari | harpreet are you sure its not a parralell port??? serials are always male on the PC | 04:36 |
xenos | hmm...what do I need to install to get my movies playing? formats, mpeg2, avi. asw. | 04:36 |
koshari | harpreet is it a 9 or 24 pin connector your looking at? | 04:36 |
* ethana2 runs updates, hopes for FF3rc1.... | 04:36 | |
=== CarlF1 is now known as CarlFK | ||
anirudh0 | Ironcitadel, replace all occurences of "hardy" by "hardy main restricted multiverse universe" | 04:36 |
rumpel | @xenos vlc | 04:36 |
D4s0tt0c4t | Is there anyone available that can help troubleshoot the rt73 driver issues? | 04:37 |
Nitricacid | anyone familiar with phpbb forums? im trying to install it on my LAMP server and im having some problems | 04:37 |
harpreet | Koshari; 9 pin female on modem and 15 pin female parallell on laptop | 04:37 |
anirudh0 | xenos, w32codecs and vlc or mplayer | 04:37 |
HappyHater | is there any way to tell how much traffic uploaded/downloaded the inet conenction has done? | 04:37 |
anirudh0 | HappyHater, ifconfig | 04:38 |
Frenzi | bazhang .. no joy on that link.... i still get GRUB <blinking cursor> | 04:38 |
shane2peru | ragsagar: ok, I keep editing my menu.lst, and it doesn't show up in the menu when I reboot | 04:38 |
Ironcitadel | anirudh0: I have main restricted multiverse universe enabled and did an apt-get dist-upgrade. Still no joy. | 04:38 |
koshari | harpreet thats a juystick/midi port | 04:38 |
nyla | is it true ext3 filesystem is much slower than ext2 filesystem | 04:38 |
Yachaziel | D4s0tt0c4t: Please do not ask to ask a question, or ask if someone is available. Please ask your question and if someone can help they will. =D | 04:38 |
ethana2 | nyla: probably not. | 04:38 |
anirudh0 | Yachaziel, lol, !ask is so much easier | 04:38 |
shane2peru | anirudh0: ok, didn't work again! I thought of a possibility, how can I tell what hdd I'm booting off of? | 04:38 |
HappyHater | thanks anirudh0 | 04:38 |
koshari | harpreet or vga if there in 3 lines | 04:38 |
harpreet | Koshari; what should I buy then to connect modem? 9 pin male on on side and usb on ther? | 04:38 |
Yachaziel | anirudh0: I did not know the command to use. =P I am still new here. | 04:38 |
ethana2 | no FF3rc1 yet :( | 04:39 |
anirudh0 | shane2peru, did you move the section upwards | 04:39 |
harpreet | Koshari; 3 lines 5 pins each on laptop | 04:39 |
shane2peru | anirudh0: yes, let me post you the new one | 04:39 |
Yachaziel | anirudh0: Is there a place I can view all the commands available? | 04:39 |
rumpel | @shane have you tried arrow-keys? sometimes its then display, escpecially if there a re special characters | 04:39 |
koshari | harpreet the correct usb/serial will have male on tit | 04:39 |
anirudh0 | Yachaziel, the factoid system is pretty good !<thing> will generally show up some useful info | 04:39 |
koshari | harpreet 3 lines 5 pins each on laptop=vga=screen port | 04:39 |
anirudh0 | shane2peru, i have to go soon..please hurry | 04:39 |
astek | salut | 04:39 |
Yachaziel | !answer-to-the-questions-of-life | 04:40 |
rumpel | @rumpel or try the edit-option in grub... 'e' i think... | 04:40 |
ubottu | Yachaziel: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 04:40 |
shane2peru | anirudh0: ok | 04:40 |
astek | je | 04:40 |
D4s0tt0c4t | Yachaziel: that was my question. Sadly I have to explain my scenario and cannot get my question into clean and simple line, would probably be better to get someones help one on one rather than spam questions into the channel :/ | 04:40 |
Yachaziel | Nope, anirudh0, it seems broken to me. =0 | 04:40 |
Yachaziel | lol | 04:40 |
harpreet | Koshari, I'll get a male 9 pin and usb (adapter) ? | 04:40 |
anirudh0 | Yachaziel, lol :)...even the machine mainframe cant answer that | 04:40 |
harpreet | Koshari; connect modem to usb is the best choice then i guess? | 04:40 |
Ashfire908 | Yachaziel, it's 42 :P | 04:40 |
shane2peru | anirudh0: http://pastebin.com/d409cf0f7 here it is | 04:40 |
koshari | harpreet yes thats what you would need, you might want to research what models people have had success with in linux | 04:41 |
Yachaziel | D4s0tt0c4t: Type your question into our Pastebin and just present us with that link. | 04:41 |
Yachaziel | !pastebin | D4s0tt0c4t | 04:41 |
ubottu | D4s0tt0c4t: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 04:41 |
harpreet | Koshari; Thank you very much | 04:41 |
Yachaziel | anirudh0, Ashfire908: Lol | 04:41 |
koshari | harpreet so in summary research which usb>serial adaptors work in linux | 04:41 |
harpreet | Koshari; I had only ubuntu desktop before, i install servers on it and how do i access all the servers? networking; mail server etc. and how do i set it up to serve a network? | 04:42 |
shane2peru | anirudh0: if you have to go, that is ok, I will figure it out sooner or later, thanks for the help | 04:42 |
anirudh0 | shane2peru, check line 153 | 04:42 |
anirudh0 | shane2peru, its the only possibility | 04:42 |
anirudh0 | shane2peru, indentation | 04:42 |
Nikunj93 | any software for opening rar files in ubuntu? | 04:43 |
Starnestommy | Nikunj93: unrar | 04:43 |
LastKnight02 | Um.. | 04:43 |
shree_ | Has anyone isntalled Ndesk based application | 04:43 |
theneb_eeepc | How can I disable automatic detection of inputdevices in xorg.conf ?Ie so unless a keyboard is in xorg.conf then it won't be used? | 04:43 |
tmapj | can anyone tell me if tomorow is a holiday in the US ? | 04:43 |
Nikunj93 | freeware or shareware? | 04:43 |
LastKnight02 | tmapj: Yes it is. | 04:44 |
harpreet | I had only ubuntu desktop before, i install servers on it and how do i access all the servers? networking; mail server etc. and how do i set it up to serve a network? | 04:44 |
Ironcitadel | tmapj: Yes. It's Memorial Day. | 04:44 |
Yachaziel | Nikunj93: Pull up the package manager and type in RAR while viewing all available applications. It'll pull up a full list. | 04:44 |
tmapj | so everything will be closed? | 04:44 |
Starnestommy | Nikunj93: free, but I think it's called flashplugin-nonfree | 04:44 |
Yachaziel | Nikunj93: I see one called RAR right off the bat. | 04:44 |
Ironcitadel | Mainly, tmapj | 04:44 |
tmapj | ok thanks, sorry for the off topic question | 04:44 |
Nikunj93 | yes there is a rar but its shareware i want a freeware | 04:44 |
Starnestommy | tmapj: some things might be open. Closing absolutely everything would be impractical | 04:44 |
Starnestommy | Nikunj93: unrar is free as in price, but called nonfree as there are restrictions on copying and modifying | 04:45 |
harpreet | I had only ubuntu desktop before, i install servers on it and how do i access all the servers? networking; mail server etc. and how do i set it up to serve a network? | 04:45 |
Starnestommy | Nikunj93: it might be unrar-nonfree | 04:45 |
Nikunj93 | ok thanks got it | 04:45 |
Nikunj93 | thanks very much | 04:46 |
harpreet | I had only ubuntu desktop before, i install servers on it and how do i access all the servers? networking; mail server etc. and how do i set it up to serve a network? | 04:46 |
Nikunj93 | Starnestommy: well i downloaded unrar not unrar - free and i can t see any restrictions | 04:46 |
koshari | harpreet you google, learn execute avery one on those queries | 04:48 |
Ironcitadel | harpreet: I think you need to apt-get portmap nfs, then edit /etc/exports to reflect what you want to share and to whom. That will get your file server. | 04:48 |
msshams | where can i see reboot,halt log for my machine? | 04:48 |
Ironcitadel | (Or at least I think I remember it that way.) | 04:49 |
Starnestommy | msshams: check in /var/log | 04:50 |
Yachaziel | Anyone have a suggestion as to a good, free, Linux friendly Virtual Machine? | 04:50 |
In-Sane`` | msshams: /var/log/syslog | 04:50 |
Starnestommy | Yachaziel: virtualbox-ose, kvm, qemu, xen, and there are some others | 04:51 |
koshari | Yachaziel linux client or server? | 04:51 |
Yachaziel | Starnestommy: Thanks a lot. | 04:51 |
Yachaziel | koshari: It's ok. Starnestommy got it. | 04:51 |
rexy_ | Yachaziel, depends on your processor, not all vm's run on every processor, you need HT extensions for some | 04:51 |
Ironcitadel | To set up a print share I think you point your browser at and define the shared printer there, then restart cups. | 04:51 |
Yachaziel | rexy_: How do I check the proc in linux? I'm doing it on my sis's computer and I don't know her hardware. | 04:52 |
xodiak | How do I install a startup wallpaper (GDM theme?) that I have downloaded? | 04:52 |
jbroome | Yachaziel: cat /proc/cpuinfo | 04:52 |
Yachaziel | jbroome: Thanks | 04:53 |
rexy_ | Yachaziel, vbox is probably the easiest to setup, but also the most limited i think | 04:53 |
In-Sane`` | what does cat /proc/cpuinfo lists? | 04:53 |
Frenzi | when I try to boot, i get GRUB <flashing cursor>. There is a thing on the web that says I should check my grub.conf | 04:54 |
msshams | In-Sane``: thank you, | 04:54 |
msshams | :D | 04:54 |
Ironcitadel | Anyone know how to get ttys1-6 to display when a vga=xxx parameter is in menu.lst? | 04:54 |
Frenzi | can't find grub.conf | 04:54 |
Chrysalis | omg, the terminal bugged out on me while installing java during the accept/decline, apparently i had declined but i couldnt see anything cause the font/window was messed up and now apt-get cant find sun-java-jre anymore to reinstall or remove | 04:54 |
rexy_ | In-Sane``, processor specifics | 04:54 |
D4s0tt0c4t | Ok, I'm using the rt73-k2wrlz-3.0.0 driver for my edimax ew-7318USg. I dl'd it, tar'd it, and did a make make install. Network manager sees all of the access points but cannot connect my network which is currently set to no encryption. Also it can only obtain an ip address if eth0 is connected and I use these commands http://paste.ubuntu.com/14707/ I just wanna know if this issue is familiar to anyone? I have been googling for hours and s | 04:54 |
D4s0tt0c4t | ome fixes get closer but none work. | 04:54 |
In-Sane`` | rexy_: thanks | 04:54 |
koshari | Frenzi /boot/grub/ | 04:55 |
Yachaziel | rexy_: Here's my processor - http://paste.ubuntu.com/14709/ | 04:55 |
Frenzi | no grub.conf in that directory | 04:55 |
marathe26 | For the RT73 chipset, you may have to use ndiswrapper and a windows driver | 04:55 |
StevenX | guys, how do i run multiple x displays? I know I have to press ctrl+alt+f1, then what do I do? | 04:55 |
marathe26 | Are you running Hardy? | 04:55 |
emperorcezar | So, my cat sat on my keyboard, and now everything is in a negative color? So, what key combo did my cat discover? | 04:55 |
koshari | Frenzi the files you will want are menu.1st and devices | 04:55 |
rumpel | @Frenzi also dont have a grub.conf... is it necessary? | 04:56 |
=== marathe26 is now known as marathe25 | ||
Ironcitadel | Steven: type "xinit -- :1" and you'll get an X on ctrl-alt-f8 | 04:56 |
harpreet | can i install server edition on desktop edition? | 04:56 |
encryptz | i've installed bind9, yet 'sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 start' is saying "fail!" according to /var/log/syslog, it's related to permissions on /etc/bind/named.conf, but the permissions check out. any ideas? | 04:56 |
koshari | harpreet the server addition just has more packages suited to server, | 04:57 |
Ironcitadel | Steven: You might need to do that from ctrl-alt-f2 instead. | 04:57 |
encryptz | May 25 21:51:08 achilles kernel: [ 5319.033326] audit(1211773868.237:7): type=1503 operation="inode_permission" requested_mask="::r" denied_mask="::r" name="/var/lib/named/etc/bind/named.conf" pid=7843 profile="/usr/sbin/named" namespace="default" | 04:57 |
encryptz | is the error | 04:57 |
Frenzi | koshari .... i have poked around in menu.lst, and i think that might be where the problem is. It has a line that says kopt=root=UUID= and a long string of hex digits. I replaced it with kopt=root=/dev/sda1 ro, but alas, no change | 04:58 |
harpreet | Koshari; would you recommend a course offered by an institute for small fees or I can learn ubuntu server administration all by my own? | 04:58 |
kindofabuzz | harpreet: i'd suggest the book Linux System Administration | 04:59 |
koshari | harpreet i jsut learnt stuff from the internet, everything is documented, wikipedia and ubuntuforums are your friends | 04:59 |
Yachaziel | What Virtual Machine do you recommend with this kind of processor? http://paste.ubuntu.com/14709/ | 04:59 |
kindofabuzz | and google.com | 04:59 |
joe_chat_ | for radeon compiz should xrg.conf have --- Option"VideoOverlay" "on" | 04:59 |
Hammer89 | ubuntu keeps removing 2/3's of my listed DNS servers every time I reboot... anyone know what's up with that? | 04:59 |
koshari | Frenzi what exactly is your problem? | 04:59 |
rexy_ | Hammer89, your dhcpd update overwrites the resolve.conf i think | 04:59 |
Frenzi | when i boot, i get GRUB <flashing cursor> | 05:00 |
harpreet | Koshari; Kindofabuzz thank you very much | 05:00 |
LastKnight02 | joe_chat_: Oh? | 05:00 |
joe_chat_ | for radeon compiz should xrg.conf have --- Load"dri" | 05:00 |
Frenzi | keyboard is dead at that point | 05:00 |
Hammer89 | rexy_: is there a fairly quick way to fix that? | 05:00 |
koshari | Frenzi i doubt grub has anything to do with the keyboard, | 05:00 |
joe_chat_ | LastKnight02: Oh? what? | 05:00 |
koshari | Frenzi is it a usb keyboard? | 05:00 |
Frenzi | no | 05:00 |
rumpel | @frenzi unplug usb-drives | 05:01 |
rexy_ | Hammer89, probably through network settings or network manager | 05:01 |
LastKnight02 | joe_chat_: You mentioned Radeon.. I'm still trying to get mine to act like I want it ito.. | 05:01 |
Frenzi | no USB drives | 05:01 |
rumpel | hmm | 05:01 |
Frenzi | only one SCSI drive, no IDE HD.... one IDE CDRom | 05:01 |
Frenzi | clean install, no windows | 05:01 |
LastKnight02 | I got mine up to 529 FPS running on the ati/radeon open source drivers.. But I'm still a bit... laggy.. | 05:01 |
koshari | Frenzi so you want to edit the sysytem to default to a system so you need no user intervention? | 05:01 |
joe_chat_ | my ati generated xorg.conf file did not have the sames entries my ubuntu one did | 05:02 |
Frenzi | koshari ... umm... not exactly... i just want the machine to boot | 05:02 |
joe_chat_ | ie dri, glx, etc | 05:02 |
Nitricacid | anyone familiar with phpmyadmin i could use some help, like, how do i access the site once i have dled the repository? | 05:02 |
joe_chat_ | LastKnight02: any ideas | 05:02 |
koshari | Frenzi doess the keyboard work in a live session? | 05:02 |
Frenzi | ubuntu LiveCD works fine | 05:03 |
emperorcezar | Anyone know how my screen could have been turned to negative colors? It's only UI elements and my wallpaper is fine. | 05:03 |
koshari | Frenzi strange, ok how many operating systems are you using? | 05:03 |
Frenzi | one | 05:03 |
Frenzi | hardy | 05:03 |
Frenzi | also tried kubuntu gutsy with the same results | 05:03 |
jc_ | anyone else having trouble searching the ubuntu forums? | 05:04 |
Tand | i downloaded the ubuntu iso form the site, i can boot that to a live cd and install from there? will it let me reformat an existing partition without having to format my whole drive? | 05:04 |
koshari | ok, so without a keyboard the default should have booted through the grub stage. | 05:04 |
Nitricacid | anyone familiar with phpmyadmin i could use some help, like, how do i access the site once i have dled the repository? | 05:04 |
LastKnight02 | joe_chat_: Did you get my PM? | 05:04 |
Nitricacid | emperorcezar: did u dl compiz? | 05:04 |
Frenzi | koshari... exactly. It seems that GRUB doesn't know what /dev/sda1 is | 05:04 |
joe_chat_ | LastKnight02: yes i responded switch over? | 05:05 |
LastKnight02 | You must not be registered.. I got no reply. ;-) | 05:05 |
koshari | Frenzi ok look in devices and see what sda is listed as, ie hd0 ect | 05:05 |
Frenzi | koshari... /boot/grub/device.map says (hd0) /dev/sda | 05:05 |
koshari | Frenzi ok does your menu.1st file point to hd0? | 05:06 |
=== vkrel is now known as krel | ||
joe_chat_ | LastKnight02: look at pm | 05:06 |
Frenzi | koshari.... umm... now you have to hold my hand a little.... where exactly in that file do i need to look? how about down at the bottom where it says root (hd0,0) | 05:07 |
In-Sane`` | !uwin | 05:07 |
ubottu | Factoid uwin not found | 05:07 |
koshari | Frenzi and are you getting an error like error 21 or error 17? | 05:07 |
LastKnight02 | joe_chat_: I did. I saw no response. I think you may need to register first. ( /msg Nickserv REGISTER <password> ) | 05:07 |
Frenzi | koshari... .no error, just locked up box with GRUB <flashing cursor>. Can do nothing at that point except hit the reset button | 05:08 |
paolo | Does anyone know if I can use xrandr to switch off/on my second external monitor? | 05:08 |
Dew420 | baaaah! | 05:08 |
gooody | how can i automatically load applications during start up? | 05:08 |
koshari | Frenzi you will want root in the menu 12t entry for your kernal to equal hd0 | 05:09 |
harpreet | Everyone; this is awesome network to help each other and have a working computer system over having a crashing computer system; I appreciate all the help | 05:09 |
joe_chat_ | LastKnight02: 5955.793 fps | 05:10 |
koshari | Frenzi root(hd0,0) | 05:10 |
Xsploit | ok, so i tried to play a game using wine, that didnt work and the game crashed | 05:10 |
Xsploit | now im in a really low resolution | 05:10 |
Xsploit | ie everything is huge | 05:10 |
Xsploit | how do i get it back to normal? | 05:10 |
Frenzi | root (hd0,0) is correct | 05:10 |
koshari | Frenzi if its locking up it may be worth a try reinstalling grub, | 05:10 |
LastKnight02 | joe_chat_: I hate you. LOL. I'm getting about 529 fps | 05:10 |
joe_chat_ | LastKnight02: i installed radeon using ati drivers http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Hardy_Installation_Guide | 05:10 |
Exershio | Xsploit, are you using GNOME? | 05:10 |
joe_chat_ | that worked to get my speed up | 05:11 |
Xsploit | nope | 05:11 |
LastKnight02 | joe_chat_: I don't think that will work for Radeon 9250... | 05:11 |
koshari | Frenzi have a read of this | 05:11 |
Frenzi | koshari... .tried that a lot, even someone here gave me an excellent link that should have worked | 05:11 |
koshari | http://www.techtalkwiki.net/restore_grub_on_linux | 05:11 |
joe_chat_ | i use the 3850hd | 05:11 |
Exershio | Xsploit, all I know is it's System->Preferences->Screen Resolution for gnome | 05:11 |
Exershio | sorry =x | 05:11 |
LastKnight02 | joe_chat_: Ahh.. I need to get a better graphics card. | 05:11 |
Frenzi | koshari.. .there is a line that sets kernel options or something... kopt=root=UUID=<long hex number> | 05:12 |
LastKnight02 | I'm disappointed in this one... With Compiz turned off, I get 568 fps.. but people using ATIs driver are getting 1100 fps. | 05:12 |
Xsploit | gonna reboot | 05:12 |
ross_ | atlantic board is a game compatible to linux only, right? | 05:12 |
Xsploit | cant even get into system | 05:12 |
Exershio | Xsploit: you might also want to use Wine's virtual desktop feature. Makes life so much easier until you get the game working | 05:12 |
joe_chat_ | LastKnight02: woops 3650 hd 1gb OC | 05:12 |
koshari | Frenzi yes that is because you chose linux volume management, | 05:12 |
Frenzi | koshari .. I changed it to say kopt=root=/dev/sda1 ro, but still no joyy | 05:12 |
joe_chat_ | but ati worked with an x1300 | 05:12 |
LastKnight02 | joe_chat_: That's real nice. | 05:12 |
joe_chat_ | i get a flicker though | 05:13 |
StephenF | Does anyone in here have experience setting up Eclipse for Django work? Im getting this error and am unsure how to fix it: Error: Can't find the file 'settings.py' in the directory containing '/home/stephen/Projects/stswim/manage.py'. It appears you've customized things. | 05:13 |
Exershio | Yo, how would I make a Ubuntu/8.04 package out of the 8.40.4 proprietary ati drivers? the --buildpkg only supports up to Gutsy as it's an older driver version. | 05:13 |
joe_chat_ | LastKnight02: i think it might have something to do with xorg options or dri | 05:13 |
koshari | Frenzi grub cannot read sda1 ect thats why it uses the devices table to interpret it to grub friendly terms like hd0,0 ect | 05:13 |
dumezil | what is the proper way to add mounts to ubuntu server 8.04? edit /etc/fstab or what? i looked at the fstab and got a little frightened by the UUID... | 05:13 |
LastKnight02 | Well.. I've already tweaked the hell out of my xorg.conf | 05:14 |
Frenzi | koshari... ok... i'll change it back | 05:14 |
joe_chat_ | i use hardy | 05:14 |
koshari | dumezil dont be intinidated by the uuid | 05:14 |
LastKnight02 | I do too. | 05:14 |
koshari | Frenzi read the link i posted | 05:15 |
Frenzi | ok... hold on | 05:15 |
joe_chat_ | dmezil: edit /etc/fstab | 05:15 |
gooody | anyone know how can i automatically load applications at start up? | 05:15 |
eisenhower | I need help. something really scrweed up | 05:15 |
Yachaziel | !bum | gooody | 05:15 |
ubottu | gooody: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 05:15 |
dumezil | joe_chat_ do i need to worry about the UUID? | 05:16 |
eisenhower | i tried doing this: http://ubuntuland.nireblog.com/post/2007/09/22/35-cool-applications-to-install-on-ubuntu-804-hardy-heron | 05:16 |
joe_chat_ | dmezil: i added /dev/sdb1 /media/SATAVISTA ntfs auto, ro ,users 0 0 | 05:16 |
Yachaziel | !ask | eisenhower | 05:16 |
ubottu | eisenhower: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 05:16 |
eisenhower | Yachaziel: Sorry. i'm fraking out | 05:16 |
joe_chat_ | dmezil: i did not sudo to edit | 05:16 |
Yachaziel | eisenhower: What's the problem? =) | 05:16 |
joe_chat_ | dmezil: next time I booted xp and vista drives showed up | 05:16 |
eisenhower | Yachaziel: sudo apt-get updateE: Type '<!DOCTYPE' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list | 05:16 |
Hornet | lol | 05:17 |
eisenhower | i know keep getting that. how can i fix it? | 05:17 |
Hornet | remove the website from within sources.list ? O.o | 05:17 |
joe_chat_ | dmezil: i had a line like that for xp | 05:17 |
Exershio | Yo, how would I make a Ubuntu/8.04 package out of the 8.40.4 proprietary ati drivers? --buildpkg only supports up to Gutsy as it's an older driver version. | 05:17 |
joe_chat_ | i mounted ntfs read only | 05:17 |
Myrth[home] | hi, is epiphany really crashy or it's just my installation? | 05:17 |
Hornet | eisenhower, that's a pretty epic error, how'd you cause it? | 05:18 |
eisenhower | Hornet: do you know what the location is on defualt? | 05:18 |
SeaPhor | Lanlost, heya | 05:18 |
Hornet | eisenhower, it tells you the path in the error | 05:18 |
eisenhower | Hornet: by doing the first thign it asked on that website | 05:18 |
eisenhower | oh | 05:18 |
joe_chat_ | LastKnight02: did u find anything that worked i saw a website thatr said wait for dri2 | 05:18 |
Hornet | gksudo gedit it | 05:18 |
Spazitive | http:??WWW>FakeMagazineCover.com - Upload photo to fake magazine cover templateshttp://www.ComedySearchEngine.com - Funny sites, days of funhttP | 05:19 |
Spazitive | : | 05:19 |
Hornet | should be obvious what's errant | 05:19 |
Spazitive | http://www.ComicStripGenerator.com - Make cartoon strips | 05:19 |
Spazitive | http://www.Is-A-Jerk.com - Random Insults/Anon Email | 05:19 |
FloodBot1 | Spazitive: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 05:19 |
Spazitive | http://www.ScrapbookGenerator.com - Make free online digital scrapbook pages | 05:19 |
LastKnight02 | joe_chat_: For your card? No. I'm taking it easy for the night.. I'm tired of busting my butt trying to get this card working any better. | 05:19 |
joe_chat_ | LastKnight02: me too | 05:19 |
flip2405 | yes | 05:20 |
mib_3gx9gj | james__: you there? | 05:20 |
LastKnight02 | joe_chat_: The fact that this card even works is sufficient enough for one day. My better half would like to see me at some point this weekend... lol | 05:20 |
flip2405 | Hey guys i got a question | 05:20 |
eisenhower | Hornet: # deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016)]/ gutsy main restricted thats the first line... | 05:20 |
Hornet | erm, wtf then | 05:21 |
qurgh | anyone know where I can get information on how to change the words "Applications" "Places" and "System" on the top gnome panel? | 05:21 |
mib_3gx9gj | flip2405: ask away | 05:21 |
eisenhower | Hornet: yea i know | 05:21 |
flip2405 | Okay on my bottom panel where trash usually is it is invisible not removed from the panel but invisible is there a way to make it visibile again | 05:22 |
dkT | morning | 05:22 |
joe_chat_ | LastKnight02: see ya another day | 05:22 |
LastKnight02 | No doubt. | 05:22 |
mib_3gx9gj | dkT: liar! it's 9:30 pm! :-D | 05:22 |
joe_chat_ | dmezil: did u edit it | 05:22 |
rumpel_ | no, its 6:30 am :) | 05:22 |
Frenzi | koshari .... did all that ... .no change | 05:23 |
mib_3gx9gj | lies! all lies! | 05:23 |
dkT | mib_3gx9gj: :P - only 06:22 pm | 05:23 |
mib_3gx9gj | haha :-) | 05:23 |
joe_chat_ | sure wish i could decryp itunes mm4p | 05:23 |
JuveeBoi | whats the terminal command to see all commands possible in ubuntu feisty? | 05:23 |
joe_chat_ | sure wish i could decryp itunes m4p | 05:23 |
dkT | How can I reinstall my wireless network card? | 05:23 |
mib_3gx9gj | joe_chat_: you can | 05:23 |
koshari | qurgh it will likely be in gconf-editor | 05:23 |
mib_3gx9gj | m4p is video, no? | 05:23 |
joe_chat_ | can find a package | 05:23 |
flip2405 | dkT what type of wireless | 05:23 |
joe_chat_ | cant find a package | 05:23 |
mib_3gx9gj | joe_chat_: you wouldn't be able to decrypt it except under windows or os x, logged in and authorized to play the video | 05:24 |
mib_3gx9gj | or song | 05:24 |
JuveeBoi | whats the terminal command to see all commands possible in ubuntu feisty? | 05:24 |
=== zera_ is now known as Gohalien | ||
koshari | Frenzi have you re-enadled the hdd in the bios to be back in the boot path? | 05:24 |
joe_chat_ | ok so boot into vista then what | 05:24 |
mib_3gx9gj | JuveeBoi: `ls /bin' ? :-P | 05:24 |
JuveeBoi | thnx | 05:24 |
dkT | flip2405: Intel Corp PRO/Wireless 4965 AGN | 05:24 |
Frenzi | koshari ... yes, i have done that, but let me take it out to see what happens | 05:25 |
mib_3gx9gj | joe_chat_: is it a video or an audio file? | 05:25 |
strabes | how do i disable update notifications for one package? | 05:25 |
joe_chat_ | audio | 05:25 |
qurgh | koshari: any idea what part I should be looking in? | 05:25 |
flip2405 | join that channel dkt | 05:25 |
joe_chat_ | JuveeBoi: try ls /bin and ls /sbin | 05:25 |
mib_3gx9gj | joe_chat_: you could burn the m4ps to a cd and then rerip them under ubuntu | 05:25 |
JuveeBoi | ok | 05:25 |
JuveeBoi | 1sec | 05:25 |
koshari | Frenzi sounds to me like your system isnt seeing the drive in the bootpath or its not bootable because a grub error will generally give an error number | 05:25 |
mib_3gx9gj | joe_chat_: clunky as heck and lossy, but it's an option | 05:26 |
joe_chat_ | nothing better like myfairplay | 05:26 |
mib_3gx9gj | yup :-S | 05:26 |
koshari | qurgh not of the toip of my head its sort of like a registry for gnome | 05:26 |
mib_3gx9gj | lifehacker.com has run some good articles on what you want | 05:26 |
mib_3gx9gj | try searching there | 05:26 |
Frenzi | koshari ... maybe you can't install GRUB on non-IDE devices | 05:26 |
strabes | how do i disable update notifications for one package? | 05:26 |
joe_chat_ | ok so burn and rip i go | 05:26 |
qurgh | koshari: I tried using find, but it doesn't have any entries for Applications, Places or System :( | 05:26 |
mib_3gx9gj | (here I go again... :-)) I'm trying to sort mail (on an IMAP server without shell access or server-side sorting); my IMAP client is mutt. Anybody have any suggestions? | 05:26 |
=== Veinor is now known as Veinor|ZzZ | ||
Frenzi | koshari... actually, I have edubuntu gutsy running on an old server with this same scsi drive in it.... .different scsi adaptor though | 05:28 |
masum_ | Hello all, I am facing a problem when installing any thing: it says:aclocal: `configure.ac' or `configure.in' is required | 05:28 |
qurgh | Frenzi: I have Grub running on a SATA device, and I've installed Grub to USB hard drives before | 05:28 |
Starnestommy | masum_: run autoscan | 05:28 |
Spazitive | http://www.FakeMagazineCover.com - Upload photo to fake magazine cover templates | 05:28 |
Spazitive | http://www.ComedySearchEngine.com - Funny sites, days of fun | 05:28 |
koshari | Frenzi you will need a bios that lets you have a scsi device bootable | 05:28 |
=== zera_ is now known as Gohalien | ||
masum_ | ok thanks Spazitive | 05:28 |
Spazitive | http://www.SillyWebcam.com - Play with webcam online (games, take pics, effects) | 05:28 |
JuveeBoi | aftes ls /bin, is there a command to see what they do?? | 05:28 |
Hornet | !ops | 05:28 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01! | 05:28 |
Spazitive | http://www.Is-A_Jerk.com - Random Insults/Anon Email | 05:28 |
FloodBot1 | Spazitive: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 05:29 |
Spazitive | http://www.WHAK.com - W.H.A.K. Comedy Radio | 05:29 |
joe_chat_ | Frenzi: what r u trying to do | 05:29 |
mib_3gx9gj | That guy was just spamming ##linux too | 05:29 |
JuveeBoi | after ls /bin, is there a command to see what they do?? | 05:29 |
Starnestommy | JuveeBoi: man | 05:29 |
shachaf | JuveeBoi: man | 05:29 |
JuveeBoi | ? | 05:29 |
Frenzi | koshari ... i just rebooted and took the bootable scsi out of the list, and the thing just said Non-system disk | 05:29 |
mib_3gx9gj | JuveeBoi: `man commandname' | 05:29 |
koshari | qurgh /apps/panel/default_setup/objects/menu_bar/menu_path | 05:29 |
JuveeBoi | o lol | 05:29 |
strabes | how do i disable update notifications for one package? | 05:29 |
shachaf | man $(ls /bin) # :-) | 05:29 |
strabes | ap | 05:29 |
Frenzi | I have to have the SCSI device in there as a bootable device to get to the GRUB <flashing cursor> | 05:30 |
masum_ | Starnestommy it gives no output | 05:30 |
masum_ | Starnestommy, I ran autoscan but gives me no output | 05:30 |
In-Sane`` | the system keeps notifying me about updating Evolution and four other updates already, I don't want to install these updates.. how do i disable them? | 05:30 |
koshari | Frenzi i think you have a hardware issue, and will need to address being able to boot from your scsi hard drive, or get an ide or sata drive to boot off and then mount the scsi drive after dboot time | 05:30 |
Starnestommy | masum_: that most likely means that it worked | 05:31 |
JuveeBoi | kool it worked, im jus doin my bloody cert 4 homework 'installing and using the basic commands in ubuntu' | 05:31 |
Frenzi | I can think of a couple options..... either add an IDE drive, or try installing windows and see what happens | 05:31 |
masum_ | Starnestommy, So, plz help me what to do | 05:31 |
Starnestommy | masum_: what are you trying it install? | 05:31 |
Starnestommy | *to, not it | 05:31 |
masum_ | Starnestommy, it may be failed in sudo aclocal command | 05:32 |
Frenzi | I have an 8 gig USB flash drive... wouldn't that be a hoot if I could get it to work | 05:32 |
joe_chat_ | JuveeBoi: ie man ls will show the linux manual for the ls command. there are a lot more usefull commands in /sbin | 05:32 |
masum_ | Starnestommy, masum@masum:~/3C/3c-devel/packages$ sudo aclocal | 05:32 |
masum_ | aclocal: `configure.ac' or `configure.in' is required | 05:32 |
=== ajonat__ is now known as ajonat | ||
Starnestommy | masum_: what are you trying to install? | 05:32 |
strabes | how do i disable update notifications for one package? | 05:33 |
masum_ | libdbi | 05:33 |
masum_ | Starnestommy, libdbi | 05:33 |
Starnestommy | masum_: try this: sudo apt-gte install libdbi0 | 05:33 |
Frenzi | joe_chat_ ... I'm having issues sorta like yours.... I can't boot | 05:33 |
qurgh | koshari: thanks, I think that changes where the menu points to and not the label :( I have a feeling it's not an easy thing to change :( | 05:33 |
masum_ | Starnestommy, ok thanks | 05:33 |
joe_chat_ | Frenzi: i can | 05:33 |
joe_chat_ | Frenzi: boot what | 05:33 |
In-Sane`` | what is the keyboard shortcut for screen lock? | 05:34 |
Frenzi | joe_chat_ I can't boot ubuntu hardy from a SCSI device. Only drive I have, clean install, no windows. Gets to GRUB <flashing cursor> and hangs | 05:34 |
joe_chat_ | Frenzi: i boot vista, xp, ubuntu using Grub called by a vist bootloader | 05:35 |
Chaelvin | hi, can everyone hear me now that I've registered? | 05:35 |
joe_chat_ | Frenzi: is thr dirve formated as a boot drive and is there a small dos parition | 05:35 |
Starnestommy | Chaelvin: you don't need to be registered to speak in here | 05:35 |
Starnestommy | Chaelvin: but you do to send private messages, join some channels, and talk in some others | 05:36 |
Chaelvin | Oh, well nevermind then. Can someone help me with a few questions? | 05:36 |
Frenzi | joe_chat_ hmmm..... dos partition.... that's an interesting thought... i wonder how i check | 05:36 |
joe_chat_ | Frenzi: more important it has to be a primary boot drive and set up in bios | 05:37 |
joe_chat_ | i find a small dos partition helps in my multi os systems | 05:37 |
Frenzi | joe_chat_ I must have that part working, because it at least gets to GRUB <flashing cursor> | 05:37 |
In-Sane`` | sorry for repeating but what is the keyboard shortcut for screen lock? | 05:38 |
Starnestommy | In-Sane``: ctrl+alt+l | 05:38 |
=== jcg is now known as seiya | ||
In-Sane`` | Starnestommy: thanks alot. | 05:38 |
joe_chat_ | ypu can boot off live cd, mount the drive and look at the boot file in /boot/grub | 05:39 |
joe_chat_ | make sure its right | 05:39 |
Frenzi | jot_chat_ booting LiveCD now | 05:39 |
Chrysalis | how do i change the default boot os in grub? | 05:39 |
Frenzi | joe_chat_ trying the sudo fdisk -l yet again | 05:39 |
danbhfive | Chrysalis: there is an option in menu.lst | 05:40 |
Starnestommy | Chaelvin: change the number for the "default" option in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 05:40 |
Chrysalis | danbhfive: in grub.conf? | 05:40 |
* LastKnight02 yawns. | 05:40 | |
danbhfive | Chrysalis: no, in menu.lst | 05:40 |
ImDude_ | hi all | 05:40 |
koshari | Chrysalis default=1 (or2) (or) of the entry in the grub screen | 05:41 |
Chaelvin | I have a Promise SuperSwap SX6000 Raid Controller with 6 160 GB HD on a RAID5 configuration, is there a special way of having to configure the RAID before installing Ubuntu? Thanks Starnestommy. | 05:41 |
mkitzman | Hey everyone, I was wondering if someone could inform me on how to get gnash to be a plugin for firefox manually. | 05:41 |
Chaelvin | The problem I'm having is that it's a fresh install and I don't know how to get to the "command prompt" per se. | 05:41 |
joe_chat_ | there is a default line in grub /boot/grub/menu.lst | 05:41 |
Chaelvin | Do I have to use a Live CD or something? | 05:42 |
joe_chat_ | Frenzi: did it work | 05:42 |
ImDude_ | I have on equestion I have a Ubuntu CD and I'd like to install some program from Ubuntu CD but I don't remember the name of that program , is there a way to see what programs I have on CD and install ?? | 05:42 |
Frenzi | joe_chat_ I'm just comparing the output of fdisk -l to this example on http://www.techtalkwiki.net/restore_grub_on_linux | 05:43 |
mkitzman | ImDude_: Could it possibly be the synaptic package manager you are talking about. | 05:43 |
Chaelvin | how do I get to /boot/grub/menu.lst? | 05:43 |
dmsuperman | Chaelvin, Ctrl + Alt + F1 to get there, and then try like Ctrl + Alt + F7-F11 to get back to your GUI | 05:43 |
Chrysalis | found it thanks | 05:43 |
dmsuperman | Chaelvin, that will give you a TTY | 05:43 |
dmsuperman | Chaelvin, you could also try Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal | 05:44 |
joe_chat_ | Frenzi: i have to go. you are on the right path | 05:44 |
joe_chat_ | ta ta all | 05:44 |
dmsuperman | Chaelvin, and to edit that, in your terminal type "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" | 05:44 |
In-Sane`` | Chaelvin: gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 05:44 |
ImDude_ | mkitzman no - I just know that there is one specific program is located on Ubuntu Studio DVD and I just need to be able to locate it | 05:44 |
Yachaziel | Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system. Is there a way to kill this without restarting? | 05:44 |
mib_3gx9gj | Yachaziel: In the terminal, run a `killall firefox' ? | 05:45 |
mib_3gx9gj | Just a guess, but it might work | 05:45 |
danbhfive | Yachaziel: i do pkill firefox | 05:45 |
dmsuperman | Yachaziel, terminal "killall firefox" or "killall firefox-2" depending | 05:45 |
mkitzman | ImDude_: you could make sure that the cd is enabled for installation, then you could use synaptic search (package-name) | 05:45 |
Chaelvin | and I can do all of that from the Ubuntu Server Edition install CD? | 05:45 |
Yachaziel | killall firefox worked. Thanks guys | 05:45 |
ImDude_ | mkitzman the bad news is That I don't remember the name of that program but I thought maybe there is an easy way to just look inside the DVD with Nautilus | 05:46 |
theFATMAN | how do i restore the system tray to a panel? | 05:46 |
dmsuperman | theFATMAN, Right click the panel, Add to panel | 05:47 |
dmsuperman | theFATMAN, you'll find all sorts of other goodies in there as well | 05:47 |
mkitzman | ImDude_: With nautilus, I am not sure... sorry. | 05:47 |
theFATMAN | dmsuperman, you are boss dude, thanks | 05:48 |
mkitzman | I was wondering if someone could inform me on how to get gnash to be a plugin for firefox manually. | 05:48 |
Kaemon12433 | hey umm | 05:48 |
=== c1|freaky_ is now known as c1|freaky | ||
Kaemon12433 | i want to view quicktime vids on apple.com | 05:48 |
In-Sane`` | !add-on | 05:48 |
ubottu | Factoid add-on not found | 05:48 |
Kaemon12433 | xubuntu does'nt support it though | 05:48 |
administrator | / | 05:48 |
administrator | hi | 05:48 |
administrator | hhhhhh | 05:48 |
administrator | hhhh | 05:49 |
mib_3gx9gj | !hi | administrator | 05:49 |
ubottu | administrator: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 05:49 |
In-Sane`` | !firefox addons | 05:49 |
administrator | jjj | 05:49 |
ubottu | Factoid firefox addons not found | 05:49 |
FloodBot1 | administrator: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 05:49 |
danbhfive | Kaemon12433: try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 05:49 |
Kaemon12433 | ok | 05:49 |
administrator | new guy | 05:49 |
bazhang | administrator, please stop | 05:49 |
administrator | sorry just test | 05:49 |
Kaemon12433 | its downloading | 05:49 |
Kaemon12433 | wow....over 60 megs of restriced extras | 05:49 |
In-Sane`` | what is the bot command to read about firefox add-ons? ;) | 05:49 |
administrator | hi are you good at using this system | 05:50 |
hendeca | this is so excellent | 05:50 |
theFATMAN | dmsuperman, hey, it's not in there--what happened, was I right-clicked a launcher(i thought) and removed the tray by accident. How do I get it back? | 05:50 |
mib_3gx9gj | !ask | administrator | 05:50 |
ubottu | administrator: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 05:50 |
Yachaziel | administrator: It is not wise to test our patience. Do you have a support question? | 05:51 |
In-Sane`` | lol administrator | 05:51 |
Kaemon12433 | ok i know this question may be a bit stupid but. | 05:51 |
administrator | wow nice to have change to take with you | 05:51 |
* g8tor says hello all | 05:51 | |
Kaemon12433 | i want to be like an admin in here | 05:51 |
Kaemon12433 | dedicated and stuff.. | 05:52 |
Kaemon12433 | wondering how to achive such goal? | 05:52 |
mib_3gx9gj | Kaemon12433: Answer a few hundred questions, for starters :-) | 05:52 |
Yachaziel | Kaemon12433: There is only one Lord of the #Ubuntu (bazhang) and he does not share power. | 05:52 |
fxr__ | hi could someone tell me where the 'global library directory' is in ubuntustudio, please? | 05:52 |
Kaemon12433 | no i dont mean that kind of admin! | 05:52 |
In-Sane`` | how do i get the UnPlug add-on added to Firefox please? | 05:53 |
Kaemon12433 | jus like a helper guy | 05:53 |
luderacer | lmao Kaemon12433 | 05:53 |
luderacer | there is many helpers Kaemon12433 | 05:53 |
Kaemon12433 | oh | 05:53 |
luderacer | what u must first relize is | 05:53 |
luderacer | there is no spoon | 05:53 |
theFATMAN | how do i restore the tray to a panel? | 05:53 |
Kaemon12433 | u have a point there | 05:53 |
Yachaziel | Kaemon12433: It was a Lord of the Ring ref. If you want to help, start by providing answers to questions that you know you can handle. =D | 05:53 |
Kaemon12433 | Ohhhh | 05:53 |
mib_3gx9gj | luderacer: Look at this spoon I've got here. *waves soup spoon* | 05:53 |
mib_3gx9gj | You mean there is no *fork*. | 05:54 |
ImDude_ | so does anyone know how to access programs from Ubuntu CD | 05:54 |
luderacer | no mib_3gx9gj thats a sp0rk | 05:54 |
Yachaziel | theFATMAN: What did you do to it? | 05:54 |
danbhfive | ImDude_: what program? | 05:54 |
mib_3gx9gj | Sporfe! Sporfe! | 05:54 |
Kaemon12433 | hey ludracer...try to ask me some basic question | 05:54 |
Kaemon12433 | to see if i know anything | 05:54 |
Kaemon12433 | please | 05:54 |
In-Sane`` | I tried to add the UnPlug add-on to my firefox but it says "This add-on is for older versions of Firefox".. where can I get the newest one please? | 05:54 |
luderacer | ok whats needed to make a long island ice tea | 05:55 |
ImDude_ | that's the sad part is that I don't remember | 05:55 |
sherl0ck | hi, which is more appropriate for a server - raid5 or raid1 with hot spare?? | 05:55 |
Kaemon12433 | ummm | 05:55 |
luderacer | =P | 05:55 |
Kaemon12433 | i'm only 14... | 05:55 |
PseudoOne | hello, recently recieved a crash saying that Plasma environment crashed, I don't have a kmenu or anything, any help? | 05:55 |
theFATMAN | Yachaziel, I went to remove a launcher by right-clicking, and removed it by accident | 05:55 |
luderacer | lol | 05:55 |
Kaemon12433 | hey fatman | 05:55 |
ImDude_ | I just need to be able to browse available programs in Ubuntu CD and bu looking at I will remember the name | 05:55 |
luderacer | -O | 05:55 |
Kaemon12433 | right click and go to properties | 05:55 |
Kaemon12433 | then add it back | 05:55 |
Kaemon12433 | should work then :D | 05:55 |
luderacer | brb | 05:55 |
theFATMAN | kaemon12433, yeah, its noyt there lil homie | 05:56 |
Dr_willis | In-Sane``, a lot of extensions are not ported to firefox3 yet. You could either use firefox2, or use the 'nightly testers tool' extension for FF3 to 'force' the older extensions to run on FF3. (which may be unstable doing that) | 05:56 |
Kaemon12433 | oh | 05:56 |
bazhang | Yachaziel, that would be Captain Jack not me :) | 05:56 |
Kaemon12433 | sry fatman.. | 05:56 |
Rayvis | Does anyone know why I can't get my microphone to work? | 05:56 |
Kaemon12433 | i was TRYING to help | 05:56 |
Kaemon12433 | rayvis | 05:56 |
Kaemon12433 | it could be your soundcard settings | 05:56 |
Yachaziel | bazhang: You don't own us all? I thought you were half-bot half-man half-linux 1337xxorz. | 05:56 |
Kaemon12433 | enable mic in the settings | 05:56 |
Yachaziel | !spam | Kaemon12433 | 05:57 |
ubottu | Kaemon12433: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense... | 05:57 |
theFATMAN | how do i restore the tray to a panel? | 05:57 |
In-Sane`` | Dr_willis: yep.. i am adding the nighty tester tools now.. thanks | 05:57 |
Rayvis | I've went through numerous settings and followed instructions on quite a few forum topics and still ca't get it to work. | 05:57 |
Daisuke_Ido | Dr_willis: you're a hoosier? neat. | 05:57 |
Kaemon12433 | DUDE! i'm not spamming.... | 05:57 |
Yachaziel | Kaemon12433: Don't use ENTER as punctuation. | 05:57 |
Dr_willis | Daisuke_Ido, yep. and I dident even see the race today. | 05:57 |
Kaemon12433 | Argh. | 05:58 |
=== Development is now known as Stewage | ||
Daisuke_Ido | i saw part of it while i was at pizza king... but that's offtopic | 05:58 |
redkimdk | join irc:// | 05:58 |
theFATMAN | ok, found it, its not the tray, its the 'notification area' | 05:58 |
redkimdk | hmm sorry | 05:59 |
amir_ | Hi, I'm trying to play some quicktime movies with Hardy (the movies from here http://www.rubyonrails.org/screencasts), I've installed the restricted-extras package, also installed w32codes from mediabuntu. Tried using totem, mplayer, xine, and vlc, no matter what I try, I get sound, but no picture (just a black rectangle) any ideas? | 06:00 |
yit4s | how do i disable the compatibility check on ff3? | 06:03 |
In-Sane`` | Dr_willis: after adding nightly tester tools , restarted Firefox, I tried installing the UnPlug extension again but it also reports " This add-on is for older versions of Firefox" do I need to reboot or something? | 06:03 |
Yachaziel | yit4s: In Soviet Russia, ff3 disables compatibility check on you. =D | 06:03 |
yit4s | Yachaziel: lol how cool is that... do i have to move to moscow to disable compatibility check on ff3? | 06:04 |
Yachaziel | I'm looking for an add-on for firefox that allows me to tell a website that I am actually running IE(v). Does anyone know what that's called? | 06:04 |
mib_3gx9gj | No, just open your Places window | 06:04 |
Yachaziel | yit4s: Probably. =P | 06:04 |
theLichKing | what do i need in a mail service so that i can connect to it via emacs or alpine? | 06:04 |
mib_3gx9gj | Yachaziel: try looking for a user-agent spoofer | 06:05 |
cappicard | hmm... what's a faster networked file system? NFS or samba? NFS seems to tax my processor too much (pentium II) | 06:05 |
Uplink | my sound sounds like crap... can anyone help me? | 06:05 |
Yachaziel | mib_3gx9gj: Thanks bud. | 06:05 |
yit4s | uplink: problem with flash stuff? | 06:05 |
Dr_willis | cappicard, nfs should be faster/less cpu - from what ive seen | 06:05 |
Uplink | yes | 06:05 |
mib_3gx9gj | Yachaziel: np | 06:05 |
Uplink | yit4s, but music player too | 06:06 |
cappicard | hmm... | 06:06 |
Dr_willis | cappicard, and for a linux to linux box. nfs is the better option | 06:06 |
Yachaziel | theLichKing: You need a free POP or IMAP enabled e-mail. Yahoo, Hotmail, etc. are pay for POP/IMAP services. | 06:06 |
yit4s | uplink: can you specify your problem? | 06:06 |
cappicard | yeah. desktop's dualbooting linux and vista | 06:06 |
cappicard | the server's only linux. | 06:06 |
Dr_willis | In-Sane``, not all extensions can work with FF3 even with the NTT extension | 06:06 |
In-Sane`` | Yachaziel: do you mean like to tell the website to open with IE? | 06:06 |
cappicard | laptop's also vista/linux | 06:06 |
Yachaziel | theLichKing: i STRONGLY recommend http://www.gmx.com. | 06:06 |
yit4s | help me to disable compatibility check on ff3. i need to use some extensions | 06:06 |
In-Sane`` | Dr_willis: ah, ok | 06:06 |
theLichKing | Yachaziel: oh thanks.. i was just about to ask you for a recommendation :P | 06:06 |
Uplink | yit4s, my sound is really disturbed... | 06:06 |
Stewage | Hello, anyone here familiar with dd-wrt? | 06:07 |
Yachaziel | In-Sane: I want to view a website which will only open with IE4+. I cannot use IE, since I'm on ubuntu. I want firefox to tell it it is actually IE. I used to have that add-on, but then I updated and lost it. | 06:07 |
mib_3gx9gj | Stewage: what's your question? | 06:07 |
Stewage | how do I set custom DNS for a static lease? | 06:07 |
Yachaziel | theLichKing: Once you sign up there I will help you set it up if you'd like. | 06:07 |
yit4s | uplink: you hear some noises? try to mute down your mic (if you have one) because i get that first time i start ubuntu | 06:07 |
In-Sane`` | Yachaziel: ah, sorry I got no idea about that. :-( | 06:08 |
Yachaziel | Stewage: gedit /etc/network/interfaces | 06:08 |
theLichKing | Yachaziel: umm, it says beta | 06:08 |
kbrosnan | Yachaziel: user aget switcher addons.mzoilla.org | 06:08 |
Uplink | yit4s, nope :/ everytime i play music sounds like if the speakers have blown up | 06:08 |
Yachaziel | Stewage: Might need to sudo that. | 06:08 |
Yachaziel | kbrosnan: Thanks. | 06:08 |
Yachaziel | theLichKing: Don't worry about it. I use it all the time and love it. | 06:08 |
theLichKing | Yachaziel: global mail exchange beta.. does it mean they're gonna change their mind and make it a pay service later? | 06:09 |
theLichKing | Yachaziel: ok | 06:09 |
cappicard | my server's also my firewall. | 06:09 |
yit4s | uplink: hmmm... go to System>Preferences>Sound, try testing the devices available | 06:09 |
Rat409 | Yachaziel: user-agent-switcher extension | 06:09 |
Uplink | all work | 06:09 |
mib_3gx9gj | theLichKing: "beta" by definition means "we're going to hold you hostage later on" | 06:09 |
cappicard | people are trying to hit ports in the 55,000's... | 06:09 |
mib_3gx9gj | :-P | 06:09 |
Stewage | Ok thanks Yachaziel | 06:09 |
Yachaziel | Rat409: Lol, yep. | 06:09 |
Uplink | yit4s, i think its a sound codec... b/c on windows the sound works perfect | 06:09 |
Sam1337 | Yachaziel: Is it silkroadonline by any chance? | 06:10 |
Yachaziel | theLichKing: They claim they won't, but if they do we'll just switch. I've tried a lot, but they're my favorite right now. | 06:10 |
Yachaziel | Sam1337: yes | 06:10 |
yit4s | uplink: what player are you using? | 06:10 |
cappicard | what is port 55019 and 55041 supposed to be for? | 06:10 |
Hornet | [06:09] <mib_3gx9gj> theLichKing: "beta" by definition means "we're going to hold you hostage later on" <-- no, you're thinking of windows :P | 06:10 |
Yachaziel | Stewage: Also, you'll need to sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 06:10 |
Sam1337 | Yachaziel: I had to get the user switcher plugin today to get onto the site, worked perfectly. | 06:10 |
Uplink | yit4s, youtube, audacious, exhile | 06:10 |
theLichKing | Yachaziel: thanks a lot for saving me the time to look for one :) | 06:11 |
Yachaziel | Sam1337: Thanks =D Have you gotten it to work in WINE? | 06:11 |
mib_3gx9gj | Hornet: Hey, don't forget Google... | 06:11 |
Yachaziel | theLichKing: Not a problem. I hope you like it. It has a lot of features, is SUPER easy to use, etc. Make sure you use IMAP though. POP is the devil. | 06:11 |
Sam1337 | Yachaziel: No I didn't bother downloading it after looking at the sign-up form and I could'nt remember my old account details. | 06:11 |
yit4s | uplink: install libflashsupport if you're having trouble playing files on your player after playing youtube | 06:11 |
Sam1337 | Yachaziel: I'm just too lazy. | 06:12 |
Uplink | yit4s, its not only on youtube | 06:12 |
Yachaziel | Sam1337: I just did a new one, but I doubt I'll redownload it and all that. I can't get it to work in WINE. | 06:12 |
yit4s | uplink: amarok is recommendation. it sounds way better than windows | 06:12 |
Yachaziel | Sam1337: I can't get Guild Wars to work either. | 06:12 |
Sam1337 | I have Guild Wars too :D | 06:12 |
yit4s | uplink: and i get bad sound on windows, but not ubuntu | 06:12 |
dmsuperman | libflashsupport causes me to have audio in flash, but now randomly firefox dies when loading flash files | 06:12 |
Uplink | yit4s, amarok? i have that one installed too | 06:12 |
norty | Question: I deleted a folder and its in my trash now, but when I try to empy my trash it says the folder is not empty so it can't be deleted, how can I permanently delete this folder in my trash? | 06:12 |
theFATMAN | any skype users here? | 06:13 |
Rayvis | I use Skype | 06:13 |
Sam1337 | Yachaziel: Have you tried cedega before? Cedega seems to run Guild Wars better than wine from my experience. | 06:13 |
Yachaziel | norty: sudo rm <file> | 06:13 |
Rayvis | Can't get my microphone to work though | 06:13 |
Yachaziel | Sam1337: Isn't that a pay service? | 06:13 |
Sam1337 | Yachaziel: You can download cedega for free with bittorrent. | 06:13 |
Sam1337 | Yachaziel: I used to use it. | 06:13 |
Yachaziel | Sam1337: Oh, I see. I thought it was a pay by month service. | 06:13 |
Daisuke_Ido | !piracy | Sam1337 | 06:14 |
ubottu | Sam1337: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o | 06:14 |
yit4s | uplink: hmm... try the sound properties under System>Preferences>Sound. try changing different devices. | 06:14 |
norty | Yachaziel, I don't know where the file is.. is there a trash directory somewhere? | 06:14 |
Daisuke_Ido | Yachaziel: it is a pay service | 06:14 |
Uplink | yit4s, its on autodetec all of them | 06:14 |
In-Sane`` | how do i extract a rar file? | 06:14 |
Yachaziel | norty: Your trash can is in the lower right of your screen. | 06:14 |
theFATMAN | Hey Rayvis | 06:14 |
* mib_3gx9gj is going to bed | 06:14 | |
freddy_engels | hey everyone, I keep having a problem with X11 where nothing loads when I boot up except for my wallpaper. Syslog reports some errors with pulseaudio, and I've been having problems with my nVidia drivers since I upgraded to hardy. I've tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and it doesn't fix anything. | 06:14 |
=== mochako12 is now known as alt12 | ||
yit4s | uplink: yeah i got mine to use different devices as i also had the same problem | 06:15 |
alt12 | does anyone know if deluge torrent client supports asian characters now? | 06:15 |
Flynsarmy | If i compile FFrc-1 from source and install it that way will apt not recognise it as bein ginstalled or something? | 06:15 |
cappicard | is this a decent exports line? /home/shares/Music,no_root_squash,rw,nohide) | 06:15 |
kb | hello, how can I configure the second display ( I have a laptop (thinkpad z61m) and a monitor connected to the monitor input channel in addition to my normal display) | 06:15 |
norty | Yachaziel, I know, the folder is in the trash, how do i do sudo rm <folder> if its in the trash, where is it exactly located? | 06:15 |
r2r | savetheworld | 06:15 |
Dr_willis | Flynsarmy, install it only as a local user, and keep it in the users home dir. or wait a while for RC1 to get released... | 06:15 |
theFATMAN | Rayvis, do you have 8.04? | 06:16 |
niuq | hi, i need help with this | 06:16 |
r2r | savetheWorld | 06:16 |
niuq | http://pastebin.ca/1029596 | 06:16 |
Yachaziel | norty: Wouldn't it be easier to restore the file from the trash and then just use that directory? I am not certain what the trash directory is. | 06:16 |
Flynsarmy | Dr_willis: Will it appear in software updates when it's ready? The latest pidgin didn't | 06:16 |
yit4s | uplink: just make sure Music and Movies dont share the same device as Sound Events as you might not hear anything from Pidgin etc | 06:16 |
Uplink | no wonder... | 06:16 |
Uplink | yit4s, thank you :D | 06:16 |
Dr_willis | Flynsarmy, no idea. since some would consider the browser more imporantant then pidgin.. yes. :) | 06:17 |
norty | Yachaziel, how do i restore it? | 06:17 |
Dr_willis | Flynsarmy, or so ive heard it mentioned. | 06:17 |
theFATMAN | any skype users here? | 06:17 |
Rayvis | How is it possible to send a pm to someone? | 06:17 |
Flynsarmy | Rayvis: /msg <name> <msg> | 06:17 |
Rayvis | Never really used any type of IRC before | 06:17 |
martman_ | i think i might of removed the package that gives you the menu panels. anyone know what they are? | 06:17 |
alt12 | Rayvis, click on their name | 06:17 |
Yachaziel | norty: Drag it from the trash into another folder or onto your desktop. | 06:17 |
theFATMAN | rayvis, right-click the name | 06:18 |
Yachaziel | Rayvis: Welcome to IRC! | 06:18 |
alt12 | depend on your client actually | 06:18 |
yit4s | uplink: glad that i could help you :d | 06:18 |
Yachaziel | Rayvis: The easiest way to send private messages is to use the syntax /msg <name> <msg> since the actual clicks and buttons are client dependant. | 06:18 |
In-Sane`` | what is the command to unrar a .rar file in desktop? :) | 06:18 |
Dr_willis | In-Sane``, unrar e whatever.rar | 06:19 |
theFATMAN | any skype users here? | 06:19 |
tonyyarusso | theFATMAN: nah, just ekiga. | 06:19 |
In-Sane`` | Dr_willis: thanks again :) | 06:19 |
Yachaziel | theFATMAN: Ekiga | 06:19 |
norty | Yachaziel, I tried dragging it from the trash to desktop and it gave me this error: Directory is not empty | 06:19 |
rlyg | hello | 06:19 |
Yachaziel | norty: How did you get it in there? =O Lol, one moment bud. | 06:19 |
theFATMAN | tok, i use skype with ubuntu 8.04, so I am trying to determine something | 06:20 |
norty | Yachaziel, lol I don't know, i think i just selected it and hit delete :) | 06:20 |
alt12 | no one here uses deluge torrent client? | 06:20 |
Rayvis | Fatman: What are you trying to determine? I am running Skype with 8.04 | 06:20 |
Sandra24 | Could someone do me a favor, telnet 3737, and tell me if connection gets refused? | 06:21 |
fiyawerx | whats the command to mount an iso ? | 06:22 |
=== ^Gonzo^ is now known as [PUPPETS]Gonzo | ||
Dr_willis | !iso | 06:22 |
ubottu | To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 06:22 |
fiyawerx | that works, thanks | 06:22 |
theFATMAN | Rayvis, srry i missed you, can you edit ur avatar? | 06:22 |
fiyawerx | thought you had to specify a type | 06:22 |
Yachaziel | norty: Try this | 06:22 |
Yachaziel | Norty: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2006/12/22/how-to-forcefully-empty-the-trash-ubuntu-510-6061-610/ | 06:22 |
sixforty | Sandra24: refused. | 06:22 |
Sandra24 | sixforty: thanks | 06:22 |
kb | how do I configure dual screen in ubuntu? | 06:22 |
Rayvis | Anyone have anything I could try to get my microphone to work with Ubuntu 8.04? Not being able to use my microphone is my only problem so far with linux. | 06:23 |
theFATMAN | Rayvis, srry i missed you, can you edit ur avatar? | 06:23 |
niuq | need help with this http://pastebin.ca/1029601 | 06:23 |
theFATMAN | Rayvis, i dont mean in general, i mean i cant change it period for some reason | 06:24 |
norty | Yachaziel, lol that didn't work! | 06:24 |
Yachaziel | norty: Gotta love these kinds of files... I know the command to delete it if I can find the directory... | 06:24 |
norty | it seems like the trash dir is in $HOME/.Trash | 06:25 |
FrozenInferno | this may sound like a stupid question: how do i modify my startup script? | 06:26 |
Yachaziel | !bum | FrozenInferno | 06:27 |
ubottu | FrozenInferno: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 06:27 |
izzyb_ | I'm having problems with sound on my laptop. It used to work perfectly under the previous kubuntu install, but after upgrading to hardy, sound stopped working. I've been fighting the problem on and off for a while now. Recently I discovered that running alsa force-reload fixes sound, but it's gone again after a reboot. any idea what the problem is and how to fix it? | 06:27 |
hamish | i changed the mount point of my external drive to an invalid location and now i can't mount it! , any ideas | 06:27 |
Muhammad_Saad | hamish: change the mount point back to some valid location. ;) | 06:28 |
Yachaziel | What's the directory to the trash? | 06:28 |
hamish | where is the config file for mounting | 06:28 |
bazhang | !trash | 06:28 |
ubottu | The location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash | 06:28 |
ue | any good GUI mp4 to 3gp convertors for ubuntu ? | 06:29 |
Dr_willis | time to link .Trash to ~/.local/share/Trash ? | 06:29 |
hamish | when i changed it the first time i right clicked the drive and went from there | 06:29 |
sixforty | I have a website copied onto local files. If the browser is pointed to file:///the_directory/ , what do I do to get /the_directory/index.html (or some such) instead of a directory listing? | 06:30 |
hamish | but since as it won't mount i can't right click it! | 06:30 |
izzyb_ | hamish: edit /etc/fstab | 06:30 |
Chrysalis | should i mount my partitions to where nautilus mounts them anyway? | 06:30 |
DavidCraft | i HD on an IBM server. I was told to try and disable (or bypass) the RAID card and try and install it directly onto the drive. I have disabled the RAID but Ubuntu still will not see either drive. Diagnostics on teh drives all check out clean. DO I need a specific driver or something? | 06:30 |
hamish | the device isn't listed there | 06:31 |
izzyb_ | DavidCraft: whats the raid controller? | 06:31 |
Tefad | ok, trying not to pull out my hair. my friend's computer got banged around a bit and his OS disk got disconnected. his solution was to install ubuntu again, onto his secondary disk. he lost his data. that isn't what i have a problem with however. | 06:31 |
DavidCraft | um its.... | 06:31 |
Yachaziel | bazhang: Say i want to access trash from terminal - what do I have to type? I am stupid. | 06:32 |
Tefad | at the moment i'm trying to get grub to boot a kernel. it keeps spitting back error 15 file not found | 06:32 |
izzyb_ | hmm, does ubuntu use a different config file for mount points then /etc/fstab? | 06:32 |
Muhammad_Saad | hamish: are you sure the device is not there? | 06:32 |
Yachaziel | bazhang: nm, I got it. | 06:32 |
bazhang | Yachaziel, did you see the bot factoid? | 06:32 |
bazhang | oh okay | 06:32 |
Muhammad_Saad | hamish: is it a hard disk partition or a removable disk? | 06:32 |
Tefad | i erased the MBR from the other two disks via dd bs=446 count=1 if=/dev/zero of=/dev/devicename | 06:33 |
Yachaziel | norty: You there? | 06:33 |
DavidCraft | izzyb_: LSI 1030 is the adapter. | 06:33 |
kindofabuzz | i think this may be one of many to come, a nail in the coffin for windows: http://tech.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/05/26/0257213&from=rss | 06:33 |
Tefad | i'm not sure why grub is having problems finding the kernel. | 06:33 |
norty | Yachaziel, yea, what's up? | 06:33 |
kindofabuzz | well not a nail | 06:33 |
bazhang | kindofabuzz, please in offtopic not here thanks | 06:33 |
kindofabuzz | sorry didn't mean to post that here! | 06:33 |
julio_neto | Hello everyone! | 06:33 |
bazhang | :) | 06:33 |
Yachaziel | norty: Do this ~/.local/share/Trash (be sure of caps) | 06:33 |
DavidCraft | izzyb_ for LSI Ultra320 SCSI | 06:33 |
norty | Yachaziel, cd or rm or what command? | 06:34 |
Yachaziel | norty: rm -r I think | 06:34 |
Yachaziel | cd to it first | 06:34 |
Yachaziel | Don't rm -r your trash. that could be bad... | 06:34 |
izzyb_ | DavidCraft: I've never heard of it before. Have you googled for drivers. I would but have my hands full with a cranky baby atm ... | 06:34 |
Chrysalis | actually, let me rephrase. . . should i set up fstab to auto mount my partitons to /media/parition, same as where they get mounted through nautilus? | 06:35 |
Muhammad_Saad | I want to know all the steps involved in booting Linux and what their order is. Can someone point me to some page where I can fi | 06:35 |
norty | Yachaziel, excellent, that worked, thanks!! | 06:35 |
ogre | hey guys, I installed kubuntu-desktop. kde isnt really what im looking for and i want to delete it. will "sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop" remove all the kde apps it installed as well? | 06:35 |
Muhammad_Saad | ...where I can find some info? | 06:35 |
Yachaziel | !google | Muhammad_Saad | 06:35 |
ubottu | Muhammad_Saad: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux: http://google.com/linux | 06:35 |
bazhang | Muhammad_Saad, install and boot or just boot | 06:35 |
DavidCraft | izzyb_: Like I said I disabled the RAID... so would I needs drivers still for the RAID adapeter? or for teh SCSI HDs themselves? | 06:36 |
Yachaziel | norty: Thank Bazhang too. He was the one who knew the !trash factoid. | 06:36 |
Chrysalis | if i set them up to mount in /mnt i end up with 2 mounts per partition after running nautilus | 06:36 |
norty | bazhang, thanks :D | 06:36 |
Muhammad_Saad | Yachaziel: I am not sure which keywords to search for. | 06:36 |
bazhang | http://jussi01.com/web/factoids.cgi Yachaziel norty | 06:36 |
izzyb_ | DavidCraft: sounds like the controller doesn't use the standard scsi drivers, or it would just work | 06:37 |
Yachaziel | Muhammad_Saad: For Linux's boot methods? | 06:37 |
FrozenInferno | !bum | 06:37 |
ubottu | Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 06:37 |
izzyb_ | DavidCraft: it may be you need to load a non standard module | 06:37 |
bazhang | !puregnome | ogre | 06:37 |
ubottu | ogre: If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here << http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome >> | 06:37 |
Yachaziel | bazhang: Thanks man. I've been looking for that page. | 06:37 |
hamish_ | i typed this into the terminal - fdisk -l , and it showed that the device was there but it did not show up in fstab | 06:37 |
bazhang | Yachaziel, :) | 06:37 |
DavidCraft | izzyb_: hmm i see... | 06:37 |
Muhammad_Saad | !mtab | 06:38 |
ubottu | Factoid mtab not found | 06:38 |
ogre | bazhang: thanks buddy. i remember you are a KDE user. sorry to disappoint | 06:38 |
anolis | im getting a terrible framerate whenever i enable compiz ever since i upgraded to 8.04 any clues? glxgears runs at 14000+fps so gfx drivers are good | 06:38 |
Muhammad_Saad | !/etc/mtab | 06:38 |
ubottu | Factoid etc/mtab not found | 06:38 |
bazhang | ogre, running gnome now :) | 06:39 |
hamish_ | nothing there either! | 06:39 |
Yachaziel | anolis: No problems on the previous? | 06:39 |
FrozenInferno | I have a program that gives me a line to copy and paste into my startup script to have it run as a service in the background everytime i boot up. where do i paste this line? | 06:39 |
Muhammad_Saad | hamish_: may be you should check /etc/mtab | 06:39 |
anolis | Yachaziel, no not that i know of | 06:40 |
Yachaziel | anolis: How's that graphics card and process? Newer? | 06:40 |
anolis | ? | 06:40 |
hamish_ | nothing there either | 06:41 |
DavidCraft | izzyb_: Meh, I see potential drivers for Suse, Redhat, and windows.... but nothing for Ubuntu. Is there a way to make these work? | 06:41 |
anolis | oh.. i have a 3800+ x2 amd, and the gfx is a 7900GTX | 06:41 |
izzyb_ | FrozenInferno: /etc/rc.local I think is what you're looking for | 06:41 |
rainman | hello | 06:41 |
steven_ | When I import a theme into "Emerald Theme Manager", nothing happens. What am I missing? | 06:41 |
anolis | Yachaziel, no never have had framerate issues with Compiz/Beryl | 06:41 |
Yachaziel | anolis: I wouldn't think you'd have a problem. That's odd. Hmmmm..... | 06:41 |
Muhammad_Saad | hamish_: is that a removable disk? | 06:41 |
hamish_ | yes | 06:41 |
izzyb_ | DavidCraft: if it works for redhat/suse, it'll work for debian/ubuntu with some magi | 06:42 |
izzyb_ | give me a few if no one else can help | 06:42 |
anolis | Yachaziel, it's also not throwing any errors, i deleted the config files too, and let them regenerate.. no luck. unless i am missing some | 06:42 |
* izzyb_ still has baby | 06:42 | |
Muhammad_Saad | hamish_: have you tried to remove and then insert the device again? | 06:42 |
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DavidCraft | izzyb_: np np, thanks for the help. Ill be around lol | 06:43 |
rainman | i cant get wine 2 run vista but thats provably cuz im dumb | 06:43 |
izzyb_ | lol | 06:43 |
Moncky | rainman: you wouldnt run an OS using wine | 06:44 |
izzyb_ | rainman: I don't know that you can run vista in it | 06:44 |
endeavormac | i can't "sudo apt-get install openmpi", do i have to apt-get all these packages: http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/hardy/openmpi | 06:44 |
izzyb_ | wine is an api replacement | 06:44 |
Rayvis | Is there a program similar to wine except it allows the user to install Mac OS programs in Linux as opposed to running Windows applications in Linux? | 06:44 |
izzyb_ | that lets you run windows programs, not oses | 06:44 |
Moncky | rainman: use a virtual machine like VMware or virtual box | 06:44 |
endeavormac | i'm not sure i understand why an apt-get install openmpi does not work | 06:44 |
izzyb_ | rainman: you want a virtualization tool | 06:44 |
endeavormac | wouldn't that just install all the "child" packages, or packages built from it's source? | 06:45 |
izzyb_ | rainman: and the blessing of microsoft to say it's OK | 06:45 |
hamish_ | yes and when i do it pops up a dialog saying that i cannot mount it because the mount point i specified was invalid(In different words of course) | 06:45 |
In-Sane`` | I installed bum, I am not able to see the startup packages and services.. I know how to stop a startup service, but how to add a package to the startup manager? :) | 06:45 |
rainman | yea thats what i mean | 06:45 |
kkerwin | Hi. Not sure where to look: I want to find a list of DBUS interfaces provided by NetworkManager. | 06:45 |
pr0t | does anyone here have any drbl experience? | 06:46 |
izzyb_ | rainman: try vmware | 06:46 |
FrozenInferno | i added the line for my startup program to /etc/rc.local ,but when i apply using bum it says "Failed command execution". I copied and pasted the line char by char, so i don't know what to do. | 06:46 |
rainman | ok | 06:47 |
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izzyb_ | FrozenInferno: what's the line? | 06:47 |
anolis | Yachaziel, so no clue what i need to do? | 06:47 |
chaosrl | does anyone know how to extract multiple .zip archives with one command/ | 06:47 |
chaosrl | ? | 06:47 |
chaosrl | with p7z | 06:47 |
anolis | ahh i fixed it | 06:48 |
Moncky | chaosrl: have you tired putting a space between each file? | 06:48 |
rainman | well maybe 2morro cuz im 2 sleepy 2 do any confusin shit haha | 06:48 |
FrozenInferno | su - brian -c "cd /folding; ./fah6 >/dev/null &" | 06:48 |
Yachaziel | anolis: I am looking it up. | 06:48 |
Yachaziel | anolis: Oh? What did you do? | 06:48 |
hamish_ | Muhammad_Saad: do you have any ideas of how to get it to work? | 06:48 |
anolis | Yachaziel, i fixed it.. some how.. i went to the Appearance preferences.. apparently "Extra" wasn't checked.. | 06:48 |
anolis | so.. yea.. | 06:48 |
chaosrl | Moncky: i totally forgot about that. i was trying to use "7z e *.zip" but it wouldn't process | 06:48 |
izzyb_ | FrozenInferno: you can skip the su - part | 06:48 |
anolis | apparently running compiz by itself doesn't work? | 06:48 |
izzyb_ | oh wait | 06:48 |
izzyb_ | nevermind | 06:49 |
chaosrl | i have 66 archives that need to be unpacked... | 06:49 |
izzyb_ | missed the brian | 06:49 |
Darlok_Williams | When running Exaile in 8.04, I can not choose any plugins (the plugin window just hangs the entire Exaile app). Anyone else? | 06:49 |
Yachaziel | anolis: I see. | 06:49 |
izzyb_ | do you have a user brian? | 06:49 |
FrozenInferno | yeah, that's the account i use | 06:49 |
izzyb_ | does the line work if you manually type it at the command line? | 06:49 |
rainman | and i got 2 work on beryl2 dam | 06:49 |
FrozenInferno | yeah it does | 06:49 |
kkerwin | Nevermind: found a command-line argument to do what I wanted. | 06:49 |
rainman | im in mexico! | 06:50 |
Muhammad_Saad | hamish_: I have never experienced something like that but may be you should try this. Go to System->Preferences->Removable Drives and Media. Set the options such that the device is not mounted automatically and then try to change the mount point. | 06:50 |
anolis | emerald isn't working now.. i can't seem to control the theme im using.. | 06:50 |
ThreeFingerPete | i'm setting up my web cam. drivers are installed. how do I preview its server? I'm setting up motion to do stop motion movies | 06:50 |
izzyb_ | FrozenInferno: take the >/dev/null off the line so you see it's output | 06:50 |
izzyb_ | You'll still want the & | 06:51 |
anolis | sigh.. got that working.. but had to restart window decorator to get the settings to apply | 06:51 |
Darlok_Williams | In fact, even now when starting Exaile, it automatically opens the Plugins screen and the program hangs... | 06:51 |
anolis | oh well im happy now | 06:51 |
endeavormac | i hope no one minds if i re-ask my question. Can someone tell me if there is a way to apt-get install all packages made from the source package "openmpi" in one foul swoop, or do i need to apt-get each package individually? | 06:51 |
endeavormac | here is a link to the package information: http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/hardy/openmpi | 06:51 |
The_PHP_Jedi | hm... I'm attempting to resize a partition with GParted on the Hardy Live CD, but it fails when running resize2fs, returning that 'e2fsck' should be run. I've run it many times, and GParted itself runs it before resizing... Any ideas? | 06:51 |
The_PHP_Jedi | endeavormac, do you mean all packages that start with 'openmpi', or its dependencies? | 06:52 |
FrozenInferno | it runs fine izzy, the processes start in system monitor and everything. it just won't apply with rc.local and bum | 06:52 |
ThreeFingerPete | endeavormac: why not use synaptic to select each one | 06:52 |
bazhang | endeavormac, sure just sudo apt-get install all packagename | 06:52 |
Muhammad_Saad | hamish_: did that work? | 06:52 |
endeavormac | well "openmpi" doesn't have any dependencies | 06:53 |
hamish_ | there is nothing in there for drives | 06:53 |
endeavormac | it's a source package or something? | 06:53 |
izzyb_ | FrozenInferno: I"m thinking its a path issue then, but the >/dev/null would hide such from you | 06:53 |
endeavormac | you know what, maybe i need to do a little research in to the whole apt repository deal | 06:53 |
hamish_ | only cameras , printers ,PDA's and input devices | 06:53 |
rainman | well ill b back another day | 06:54 |
anolis | any clue why when i try to compile a kernel module patch it complains about the kernel not supporting loadable modules? has loadable module support been disabled since 7.10? | 06:54 |
Muhammad_Saad | hamish_: nothing for storage devices? | 06:54 |
FrozenInferno | i figured it out; that's not the problem command, the problem command is "source /home/brian/byond/bin/byondsetup" When i took that out, it worked. but that's the line the byond setup had me copy and paste as well | 06:54 |
The_PHP_Jedi | hm... I'm attempting to resize a partition with GParted on the Hardy Live CD, but it fails when running resize2fs, returning that 'e2fsck' should be run. I've run it many times, and GParted itself runs it before resizing... Any ideas? | 06:54 |
endeavormac | or i get "could not find package openmpi" | 06:54 |
anolis | The_PHP_Jedi, maybe do e2fsck? | 06:55 |
hamish_ | nope , I am running 8.04 btw | 06:55 |
[R] | is there like a guide or something on how to use apt? | 06:55 |
The_PHP_Jedi | anolis, I did many times, and GParted already runs it before running resize2fs as well. | 06:55 |
Jordan_U | !apt | [R] | 06:55 |
ubottu | [R]: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 06:55 |
anolis | [R], yes, "man aptitude" | 06:55 |
anolis | The_PHP_Jedi, oh.. | 06:55 |
[R] | anolis: won't that tell me how to use aptitude? | 06:56 |
Muhammad_Saad | hamish_: there is a tab for removable media. | 06:56 |
anolis | [R], ok then "man apt-get" | 06:56 |
anolis | [R], man apt-cache | 06:56 |
[R] | anolis: something not as technical as a man page | 06:56 |
Yachaziel | How do I check what graphics card I have? | 06:56 |
anolis | [R], apt-get --help | 06:57 |
hamish_ | nothing i can see | 06:57 |
anolis | [R], aptitude --help | 06:57 |
Moncky | Yachaziel: what is your make and model of computer? | 06:57 |
The_PHP_Jedi | meh, you know what. it's too late for partitioning. g'night | 06:57 |
Jordan_U | Yachaziel, try "lspci | grep VGA" | 06:57 |
The_PHP_Jedi | thanks though anolis | 06:57 |
Yachaziel | Moncky: IBM Lenovo Thinkpad R61i | 06:57 |
izzyb_ | DavidCraft: babies down. what was the link you found to your driver? | 06:57 |
Muhammad_Saad | hamish_: I have to leave now. May be you can find an answer with Google. | 06:58 |
anolis | The_PHP_Jedi, sorry i couldn't help.. maybe try getting the actual GParted live cd? | 06:58 |
Yachaziel | VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c) | 06:58 |
DavidCraft | izzyb_: well I found another potential, though the readme wants linux already installed or something... http://www-304.ibm.com/systems/support/supportsite.wss/docdisplay?lndocid=MIGR-56950&brandind=5000008 | 06:58 |
izzyb_ | DavidCraft: yeah, you're going to have fun with this | 06:59 |
The_PHP_Jedi | anolis, I'll try that and QTParted... I'll try it when I wake up though. Too late for me to install Debian and get it configured. | 06:59 |
Moncky | Yachaziel: http://www.laptopsdirect.co.uk/ThinkPad_R61i_Laptop_NG1A6UK/version.asp | 06:59 |
Moncky | Yachaziel: Intel GMA X3100 | 06:59 |
DavidCraft | meh figured.... I just want to get ubuntu server installed on this thing O_o | 06:59 |
Yachaziel | Moncky: Thanks a lot! | 07:00 |
hamish_ | Muhammad_Saad : thank you anyway | 07:00 |
cypha | what's the thing to do in terminal to update everything? | 07:00 |
cypha | make sure all my software is up to date? | 07:00 |
DavidCraft | izzyb_: any other avenues or aproaches to sugest? I am almost out of ideas O_o. | 07:01 |
Moncky | cypha: apt-get install upgrade i think | 07:01 |
FrozenInferno | cypha: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install | 07:02 |
jah | hello! :) | 07:02 |
jah | which mp3player would you guys recommen? | 07:02 |
cypha | thanks FrozenInferno , it worked | 07:02 |
FrozenInferno | :) | 07:02 |
izzyb_ | DavidCraft: what's the machine again? does it have other driver controllers? can you add a sata controller to it? | 07:03 |
FrozenInferno | jah: personally, i use amarok to play my music | 07:03 |
ogre | bazhang: i tried removing using those directions now i apt-get isnt working. it is now "unable to get lock" error. any ideas? | 07:03 |
cypha | how do you do a lookup of the mirrors of the repositories? | 07:03 |
izzyb_ | DavidCraft: I had to deal with a install like this years ago and iirc the solution I used was to build the system on another drive, add the needed drivers for the raid controller then transfer the system to the raid drive and boot it back up | 07:04 |
izzyb_ | DavidCraft: it worked, but it was a pain | 07:04 |
izzyb_ | out side of that, you'll need an install disk that already knows about the controller you have. given it's an Ibm, and IBM supports linux, you may find such a disk exists | 07:05 |
DavidCraft | izzyb_: its a xseries 335 machine8676. ANd I can prob ADD a SATA controler but theres no power for IDE or SATA HDs | 07:05 |
DavidCraft | hmm *nods* i see | 07:06 |
izzyb_ | DavidCraft: yeah, sounds like you're going to have to do a lot of research, but it should be possible. you may find suse or redhat installs work out of the box since there are rpms for those systems | 07:07 |
bazhang | ogre, do you have any other like add/remove or such open? | 07:08 |
DavidCraft | aye I may try and use one of those... | 07:08 |
DavidCraft | well thanks again for your help anyways izzyb_. | 07:08 |
ogre | bazhang: no | 07:08 |
bazhang | ogre, just synaptic? | 07:08 |
ogre | bazhang: just apt-get | 07:08 |
izzyb_ | DavidCraft: np. sorry I couldn't be more help. | 07:09 |
bazhang | ogre, what does sudo apt-get update return Please pastebin the error message | 07:09 |
izzyb_ | DavidCraft: I find it funny that the install instructions for this controller pretty much require that you have another drive to install to | 07:11 |
ogre | bazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14721/ | 07:11 |
FrozenInferno | ok, keyboard layout is pissing me off. I have usa-default and usa-intl in my layouts, and i have rt-alt set to switch between them. i have usa-default as my default layout, but when i hold rt-alt to use us-intl, it doesn't switch back to us-default. question mark? | 07:12 |
bazhang | ogre seems like there is a problem with your sources.list could you cat /etc/apt/sources.list to pastebin please | 07:13 |
=== co_ckp is now known as co_ca3m_pengen | ||
ogre | bazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14722/ thanks for the help btw | 07:15 |
s3a_ | i did sudo apt-get install xchat-gnome to get this program to talk here now how do i connect to another channel? and can sum1 give me a channel about politics? | 07:18 |
bazhang | ogre normally that error means that another process (add/remove, synaptic ) is open; could you double check that they are not running, and if not try to open one or both of them and see if they return the same error. | 07:18 |
jah | hey.. hmm, what is the exact command to search for the location where a certain file is located? | 07:19 |
bazhang | #politics s3a_ | 07:19 |
bazhang | s3a_, just type /join #channame | 07:19 |
bazhang | oops | 07:19 |
ogre | bazhang: synaptic is giving me same error and I never use aptitude | 07:20 |
[volk] | how can I export an amarok playlist with all the files into a folder? | 07:20 |
bazhang | ogre okay let me give you a bot command to try | 07:20 |
bazhang | !aptfix | ogre | 07:20 |
ubottu | ogre: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 07:20 |
RainMaker | Hi. | 07:20 |
Slart | jah: whereis, locate, find can all be used in different ways | 07:21 |
bazhang | ogre, and add/remove is shut? | 07:21 |
U^G^G | hello room, last time i downlaod APTonCD which works fine, but when i start it the next day, all the packages are not listed on aptoncd anymore, does anyone knows how to fixed this | 07:21 |
jah | Slart: well I just need to find my ktorrent binary at the moment =) | 07:21 |
ogre | bazhang: ive never used add/remove just synaptic and apt-get | 07:21 |
Slart | jah: then find might do the trick... what is the name of the file? | 07:22 |
bazhang | ogre, how about trying to open it then (add/remove) then if that fails run the bot command | 07:22 |
RainMaker | Can someone help me configure ddclient? | 07:22 |
mulder_ | Hello all. I need help with gnome art. It installs fine but crashes when launching. | 07:22 |
bazhang | ogre, unless you are downloading stuff right now that should not be happening as your sources.list is fine | 07:23 |
Yachaziel | Help! I think i've killed my ubuntu | 07:24 |
jah | Slart, its just ktorrent ;) | 07:24 |
RainMaker | Does anybody here know how to configure ddclient properly? | 07:24 |
RainMaker | Yachaziel, how? | 07:24 |
Yachaziel | I was trying to run GW in WINE and my computer froze, so I rebooted the system | 07:24 |
RainMaker | What happened after? | 07:25 |
Yachaziel | Now when I login all I see is a tan screen with a little grey block taking up the top left quarter of the screen | 07:25 |
Stacks | scary | 07:25 |
ogre | bazhang: i think that fixed it but i get this error when following that pages command http://paste.ubuntu.com/14725/ | 07:25 |
RainMaker | So no gui? | 07:25 |
Yachaziel | When I mouse over the grey block I get a text cursor, but nothig else | 07:25 |
Yachaziel | None | 07:25 |
Slart | jah: the filename of the file you're looking for.. if you don't know what it's called searching will be that much harder | 07:25 |
RainMaker | hmm.. | 07:25 |
Yachaziel | it hates me... =,( | 07:25 |
RainMaker | How are you on chat? or are you on a different machine? | 07:26 |
mulder_ | If anybody knows how to install Gnome art properly I will appreciate some advices.It is driving me mad. | 07:26 |
Yachaziel | different box | 07:26 |
=== NeeWineHelp is now known as NeedHelp | ||
Yachaziel | i have my laptop on my... lap of all things. | 07:26 |
RainMaker | I see, well unless you get some knowledgeable people to help you out with that problem, you are screwed :/ | 07:26 |
Yachaziel | =o | 07:27 |
NeedHelp | Can anyone tell me if Ubuntu has a terminal program that supports zmodem? | 07:27 |
Dr_willis | Yachaziel, i would as a 'test' - install some other window manager/desktop from the terminal, and see if that one works properly. | 07:27 |
RainMaker | Yeah that could work as well. | 07:27 |
Yachaziel | Dr_Willis, how? | 07:27 |
Dr_willis | Yachaziel, go to the console of the goofy machine and try 'sudo apt-get install jwm' | 07:27 |
bazhang | ogre, are you logged into kde session now or ubuntu? and can you see those kde packages in your applications folder or not (eg konversation etc) | 07:27 |
Yachaziel | pl | 07:28 |
Yachaziel | pne sec | 07:28 |
Dr_willis | Yachaziel, then at the gdm login screen, there is a menu at the bottom to select sessions.. Try the jwm session, or see if theres any other sessions in there also. | 07:28 |
magnetron | How do i set Nautilus to use Active mode instead of Passive mode when browsing FTP shares in Nautilus? | 07:28 |
Yachaziel | JWW? | 07:28 |
NeedHelp | Can anyone tell me if Ubuntu has a terminal program that supports zmodem? | 07:28 |
Yachaziel | This screen is really hard to see | 07:28 |
Dr_willis | jwm | 07:28 |
Yachaziel | It's JWM or JWW? | 07:28 |
Dr_willis | m as in mole | 07:29 |
magnetron | !repeat | NeedHelp | 07:29 |
ubottu | NeedHelp: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 07:29 |
navetz | hey, is frostwire not working for hardy yet? | 07:29 |
mulder_ | No one with some advice on Gnome at? :-( | 07:29 |
ogre | bazhang: im in gnome right now and it appears that all kde apps are now gone | 07:29 |
Yachaziel | the wireless sig down here is dead, one moment... | 07:29 |
bazhang | ogre, then that is why they wont be removed now :) | 07:29 |
ogre | bazhang: ahh it may be an issue with some kdelibs stuff | 07:30 |
k1dugar | magnetron: Nautilus as ftp client is not a good solution. For more info https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/19248 | 07:30 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 19248 in nautilus "Nautilus as FTP has no CHMOD ability" [Unknown,Confirmed] | 07:30 |
Uplink | im having trouble with my sound | 07:31 |
Uplink | my music sounds like the speakers blew up | 07:31 |
theLichKing | Uplink: must be a bad driver | 07:31 |
Uplink | theLichKing, thats what i think it is :/ | 07:32 |
Uplink | theLichKing, can u help me please? | 07:32 |
Yachaziel | I'm just going to reinstal ubuntu. I've never seen this before and it's complaining that it;s missing files or some such crap. I can't see on this monitor either. I'll bve back on soon and let you know what happened | 07:32 |
* delcoyote hi | 07:32 | |
ogre | bazhang: it seems to be running fine now. thank you very much | 07:32 |
RainMaker | Yachaziel. | 07:32 |
Yachaziel | ? | 07:32 |
theLichKing | Uplink: naw man.. i don't know how to do that, try googling ubunut + your sound card | 07:33 |
bazhang | ogre :) | 07:33 |
RainMaker | You may not want todo that if you have valueble files on the ubuntu mahcine. | 07:33 |
magnetron | k1dugar: nautilus as a FTP client is a great tool, provided that they fix those bugs | 07:33 |
Chrysalis | so its been 2 months and no exaile 0.2.13 in repositories yet? | 07:33 |
httpdss | im having problem when playing videos. colors are just no right. can anyone give me a hint on where the problem might be. here is a screenshot of the situation http://img149.imageshack.us/my.php?image=decolorizationyw2.png | 07:33 |
Yachaziel | nah | 07:33 |
Yachaziel | no valuables | 07:33 |
Yachaziel | now... which to use... the 64 or reg version... | 07:34 |
httpdss | it happens on all video players ... (ubuntus default too) | 07:34 |
Daisuke_Ido | Yachaziel: you have more than 3gb ram? | 07:34 |
james_027 | hi, i got a fresh install of ubuntu 804, why is my rhythmbox not making any progress when playing? | 07:35 |
Yachaziel | I have an IBM Lenovo Thinkpad Rs1i. Which would be better with that? The regular version or the 64 bit version for AMD and Intel computers? | 07:35 |
Daisuke_Ido | regular | 07:35 |
Daisuke_Ido | 32 bit | 07:35 |
Yachaziel | Daisuke_Ido I am not sure. I can chexck the lenovo site | 07:35 |
ubottu | james_027: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Ubuntu: not well-formed (invalid token): line 382, column 84 | 07:35 |
k1dugar | magnetron: Nautilus FTP bug is open from 2005-07-27, its not been fixed yet. for public FTP site nautilus is great tool. | 07:35 |
Yachaziel | What's the difference Daisuke_Ido., if you do not mind? | 07:35 |
mulder_ | Anybody with some advice on how to install Gnome Art properly folks please/ I would appreciate. | 07:35 |
usser | james_027, an mp3 file? | 07:35 |
james_027 | usser: yes | 07:36 |
james_027 | usser: what is ubottu saying? | 07:36 |
usser | james_027, u have to install extra codecs | 07:36 |
james_027 | what codecs ... | 07:36 |
usser | ubotu finally gone nuts | 07:36 |
Daisuke_Ido | the 64 bit version is just that, it takes advantage of the 64-bit architecture and can "see" and access more ram | 07:36 |
Dr_willis | mulder_, if you are refering to that tool that auto-gets gnome themes..i recall there being a new 'gnome-art-ng' tool that worked MUCH MUCH better | 07:36 |
usser | james_027, mp3 codec | 07:36 |
=== Omega11 is now known as Omega111 | ||
Uplink | can anyone help me installing my sound driver please? | 07:36 |
Dr_willis | mulder_, gnome-art had some very big issues. | 07:36 |
james_027 | ussser: could you point me to the right package? | 07:37 |
Omega111 | WOW... LInux is amazing once you get it setup nicely | 07:37 |
Daisuke_Ido | while you might see a teeensy performance increase with 64 bit, the general rule of thumb is "if you don't know if you need 64-bit, you probably don't" | 07:37 |
Yachaziel | Daisuke_Ido: so it's only more useful if I have greater than 3gb? | 07:37 |
izzyb_ | Uplink: what is the issue? | 07:37 |
Uplink | izzyb_, my sound sounds terrible | 07:37 |
izzyb_ | hmm, what's the sound card? | 07:37 |
Daisuke_Ido | Yachaziel: there might be a performance increase, but you're looking at an increase that's very slight, if it's even noticable at all | 07:37 |
mulder_ | Yes Willis...I basically installed the 0.2.8 version in the past but never had problems. I tried the same with Hardy, it installs but won't launch. I have downloaded the new NG version but don't know how to install it. | 07:38 |
usser | !mp3 | 07:38 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:38 |
Yachaziel | Daisuke_Ido, I see. Thanks =) | 07:38 |
usser | !mp3 | james_027 | 07:38 |
ubottu | james_027: please see above | 07:38 |
usser | james_027, first link | 07:38 |
Dr_willis | mulder_, read its docs i guess. i dident recall any hassles installing it. http://gnomeartng.berlios.de/#wel | 07:38 |
Yachaziel | I'm donwloading the 32 bit version. I gave my other boot disk to my sis. | 07:38 |
Nalleman | how can I search for a specific file with the terminal? | 07:39 |
RainMaker | Will I be able to daul boot Ubuntu and Windows 2000 professional if I have used 28.5 GB out of 145.4 GB? | 07:39 |
usser | james_027, basically open up a terminal and paste this sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 07:39 |
vodka | turk kanalı | 07:39 |
vodka | hasngısıydı | 07:39 |
magnetron | Nalleman: 'locate filename' | 07:39 |
usser | james_027, restart rhytmbox and all shall be fine | 07:39 |
izzyb_ | I'm having a problem with sound myself. This thread looks like the same problem I'm having, but sadly no solution there: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5044191#post5044191 | 07:39 |
james_027 | usser: i'' try thanks :) | 07:39 |
vodka | brokllyn | 07:39 |
vodka | cansas | 07:40 |
RainMaker | Will I be able to daul boot Ubuntu and Windows 2000 professional if I have used 28.5 GB out of 145.4 GB? | 07:40 |
Uplink | izzyb_, my sound sounds terrible | 07:40 |
vodka | borsada 200 bin sterlın batırdım | 07:40 |
Jordan_U | RainMaker, Yes | 07:40 |
vodka | alllah belanızı wersın | 07:40 |
k1dugar | RainMaker: For sure you can install ubuntu and windows | 07:40 |
vodka | :))) | 07:40 |
izzyb_ | Uplink: what's the controller? | 07:40 |
Uplink | izzyb_, IDK man :| | 07:40 |
Assargadon | hi ther | 07:40 |
mulder_ | I can't see tips on how to install it there Dr Willis sorry! | 07:40 |
vodka | turk kanalı | 07:40 |
vodka | hangısı leng | 07:41 |
Uplink | izzyb_, all i know its a conexant I think :/ Im on a HP Pavilion dv5000 series notebook | 07:41 |
RainMaker | I have Ubuntu and have used 28.5 GB, so I can install Win2000 no problem? | 07:41 |
soldats | !ru | 07:41 |
ubottu | Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 07:41 |
izzyb_ | Uplink: what does lspci | grep audio say? | 07:41 |
Uplink | izzyb_, whats that? | 07:41 |
k1dugar | RainMaker: if you install windows after ubuntu then windows will wite its own mbr on boot | 07:41 |
RainMaker | So it will work out right? | 07:42 |
Jordan_U | RainMaker, You will need to use gparted or partition magic from a liveCD to resize your Ubuntu partition and also re-install GRUB after windows as windows clobbers it | 07:42 |
Jordan_U | !grub | RainMaker | 07:42 |
ubottu | RainMaker: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 07:42 |
izzyb_ | Uplink: open a shell and type lspci | grep Audio | 07:42 |
Assargadon | If some russian-speaking members are here, please, consult me a little. Do you have the problems with access to "mail.ru" web-interface? I have such problems with both epiphany and firefos. If you have the same problems, how you solve it? | 07:42 |
RainMaker | Oh I see. | 07:42 |
RainMaker | I'm confizzled >_> | 07:42 |
Uplink | 00:14.5 Multimedia audio controller: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB400 AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02) | 07:43 |
Tidus | RainMaker: if you install windows after linux, windows's builtin bootloader clobbers grub | 07:43 |
RainMaker | Okay. | 07:43 |
Jordan_U | !ru | Assargadon | 07:43 |
ubottu | Assargadon: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 07:43 |
Tidus | so what exactly is it you're tryin to do | 07:43 |
izzyb_ | Uplink: what does lsmod | grep snd say? | 07:43 |
RainMaker | I get that, thanks for clearing that out, so I use gparted so it won;t clobber it? | 07:43 |
izzyb_ | Uplink: don't past it here | 07:44 |
Uplink | LOL | 07:44 |
Uplink | i was about to | 07:44 |
Uplink | !paste | 07:44 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 07:44 |
RainMaker | Also, I would install win200 on virtualox but it always freezes. | 07:44 |
Tidus | no, use gparted to resize your linux partition to make room for windows | 07:44 |
Tidus | then install windows | 07:44 |
Tidus | then follow the grub rescue instructions | 07:44 |
izzyb_ | hehe :) thought you might. use pastebin above | 07:44 |
Assargadon | Jordan_U: I don't nedd russian-speaking help. But non-russuan-speaking guys never meet this problem - it's a russian public mail server. | 07:44 |
RainMaker | Thanks Tidus for clearing that out. | 07:44 |
izzyb_ | hmm, who's the ghost with no name? | 07:44 |
Uplink | izzyb_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/14727/ | 07:44 |
Tidus | RainMaker: I've clobbered grub many times :P | 07:45 |
* izzyb_ wonders how thats possible | 07:45 | |
Jordan_U | Assargadon, But if you can speak russian #ubuntu-ru is probably a better place to go anyway | 07:45 |
Yachaziel | Assargadon: A lot of clients won't accept .us/.uk/.eu/.ru etc. endings. Try using .com instead. =D | 07:45 |
RainMaker | Lol well we learn from our mistakes right? | 07:45 |
izzyb_ | uplink: looks like it's loaded a driver. what happens if you type alsa force-reload | 07:45 |
Tidus | RainMaker: yeah, fortunately | 07:45 |
=== adante_ is now known as adante | ||
Uplink | izzyb_, yay!!! music working fine now :D:D | 07:46 |
Yachaziel | Is there a ubuntu hebrew channel? | 07:46 |
RainMaker | Fortunately yes, or else I would clobber mine so many times also. | 07:46 |
Yachaziel | !he | 07:46 |
ubottu | לשיחות בשפה העברית ולגישה לקהילת המשתמשים העברית אנא הקלד: | 07:46 |
ubottu | /join #ubuntu-il | 07:46 |
FloodBot1 | ubottu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 07:46 |
Yachaziel | Ah, there we go | 07:46 |
ubottu | FloodBot1: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 07:46 |
Tidus | RainMaker: the best way to do it is install windows first, then install linux | 07:46 |
soldats | lol bot wars | 07:46 |
Tidus | and lol at bot wars | 07:46 |
Yachaziel | lol, bots communicating | 07:46 |
mulder_ | No the best way is not to install Windows at all Tidus :-) | 07:47 |
Uplink | izzyb_, but on youtube music still bad :( | 07:47 |
RainMaker | Well I have valueble files on my ubuntu so yeah. | 07:47 |
Tidus | i play world of warcraft on mine | 07:47 |
RainMaker | Wine? | 07:47 |
Tidus | yar | 07:47 |
Dew420 | lol | 07:47 |
Yachaziel | !win | rainmaker | 07:47 |
ubottu | Factoid win not found | 07:47 |
RainMaker | wine owns. | 07:48 |
strk | I've found Ubuntu 8.04, kernel 2.6.24-16-386 being built w/out sound support (/boot/config-2.6.24-16-386:# CONFIG_SND is not set) | 07:48 |
Dew420 | I get about 12-20 fps on DOD. I don't think i'll try WoW | 07:48 |
izzyb_ | Uplink: you had sound working before but it just sounded bad right? | 07:48 |
Yachaziel | !wine | rainmaker | 07:48 |
Yachaziel | oops | 07:48 |
RainMaker | lol | 07:48 |
ubottu | rainmaker: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. | 07:48 |
strk | while debugging sound problems (alsamixer wouldn't start) | 07:48 |
Uplink | izzyb_, YUP | 07:48 |
Yachaziel | sorry, thought you were asking about it | 07:48 |
Yachaziel | damn screen | 07:48 |
* izzyb_ wonders if your problem is related to mine | 07:48 | |
RainMaker | I know what it is >_> | 07:48 |
Tidus | Dew420: i average about 45fps on WoW with meager hardware | 07:48 |
strk | using an older kernel (on which CONFIG_SND=m) makes the sound work | 07:48 |
mulder_ | Guys anyone with Gnome art knowledge... Dr Willis is gone! :-) | 07:48 |
izzyb_ | I have no sound, but alsa force-reload fixes my issues also | 07:48 |
ue | WoW runs ok on wine, becouse of it's openGL support | 07:48 |
Tidus | Dew420: athlon64 3500 overclocked from 2.2g to 2.6 with 1gb ram and a 256mb nvidia 6600gt | 07:48 |
Dr_willis | mulder_, i am? | 07:48 |
Yachaziel | Rainmaker: It's my bd. I thought you were asking about it. I'm on a winbox with a crappy screen | 07:48 |
strk | izzyb_: what kernel version ? | 07:48 |
Dew420 | Tidus : Well, my nvidia gforce fx 5200 seems to lack in fps with wine | 07:49 |
jah | hmm, wheres the file located where I can c about new USB stuff plugged in and so on? | 07:49 |
izzyb_ | Uplink: try restarting your browser | 07:49 |
jah | /var/..?? | 07:49 |
RainMaker | It's fine Yachaziel. | 07:49 |
Tidus | Dew420: WoW can run in either directx or opengl mode | 07:49 |
izzyb_ | Uplink: and try youtube again | 07:49 |
Tidus | the key to keeping fps up is to tell it to run in opengl mode, not directx | 07:49 |
Yachaziel | Now I can see, but I had to set font to 28. =( | 07:49 |
izzyb_ | strk: 2.6.24-16-generic | 07:49 |
dragonlotus | hey I've got a problem on my laptop with the screens outside of X. | 07:49 |
Uplink | izzyb_, my sounds like if the speakers blew up | 07:49 |
Tidus | it has to support opengl in the core because of it being dual-developed for the pc and mac simultaneously | 07:50 |
mulder_ | Ah Dr Willis sorry I thought you were as you were not responding | 07:50 |
strk | izzyb_: can you grep CONFIG_SND /boot/config-2.6.24-16-generic | 07:50 |
Yachaziel | Tidus: But Macs suck | 07:50 |
dragonlotus | They either don't display (like boot and shutdown) or display incorrectly (like tty0 etc) | 07:50 |
izzyb_ | # CONFIG_SND is not set | 07:50 |
Tidus | Yachaziel: actually, and this is the sad part... they run other OSes faster than a true pc | 07:50 |
izzyb_ | strk: ^^^ | 07:50 |
mulder_ | I still can't find how to install the 0.5.0 Gnome NG version | 07:50 |
strk | izzyb_: and sound still works ? | 07:50 |
strk | alsamixer runs and all ? | 07:50 |
Tidus | Yachaziel: it'll run windows faster than a similarly equipped pc | 07:50 |
izzyb_ | it works after I type alsa force-reload | 07:51 |
Yachaziel | Tidus: But they all plug into the keyborn.... I mean... come on | 07:51 |
Uplink | izzyb_, the sound is too disturbed again :/ | 07:51 |
Tidus | Yachaziel: afaik the keyboard plugs into it... | 07:51 |
Dr_willis | mulder_, if you used nick completion..i would get notified if one uses my nick. :) | 07:51 |
Dr_willis | !tab | mulder_ | 07:51 |
ubottu | mulder_: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 07:51 |
Tidus | unless you get the wireless option which is a bluetooth keyboard / mouse | 07:51 |
jah | May 26 08:49:51 nutshell kernel: [35162.800244] usb 1-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 3 | 07:51 |
izzyb_ | Uplink: from the browser or everywhere? | 07:51 |
jah | how do I mount that usb drive? | 07:51 |
strk | izzyb_: argh, so it's not the sound config in kernel... mmm | 07:51 |
Yachaziel | Tidus: I dislike Macs. Just bad experiences from school I guess. | 07:51 |
strk | force-reload didn't work for me | 07:52 |
Dr_willis | mulder_, theres .deb packages on the web page for downloading. but those are not working on my hardy machibne. | 07:52 |
Tidus | lol... they're not nearly so bad now | 07:52 |
Uplink | izzyb_, everywhere... including my music players | 07:52 |
izzyb_ | does alsa force-reload fix it again? | 07:52 |
Uplink | izzyb_, permision denied | 07:53 |
Yachaziel | download is soooo slow.... | 07:53 |
strk | Uplink: sudo.. | 07:53 |
mulder_ | !tab | Dr_Willis_ I have the package but have no idea on how to install it :-) | 07:53 |
ubottu | Dr_Willis_ I have the package but have no idea on how to install it :-): You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 07:53 |
Dr_willis | mulder_, You could of asked tghat.. an duse the TAB KEY. | 07:53 |
Dr_willis | mulder_, Dr<TAB> | 07:53 |
Uplink | izzyb_, now i lost all my sound | 07:53 |
dragonlotus | anyone know how to fix my resolution in virtual terminals? They appear huge font and go off the screen as I type. They also don't scroll until I hit the bottom of the "visible" area which is displayed off the screen | 07:53 |
Dr_willis | mulder_, sudo dpkg -i whatever.deb | 07:53 |
strk | Uplink: uname -r ? | 07:54 |
corinth | Is there a way to change just the default folder icon in a particular icon theme, or do I have to do it manually? | 07:54 |
izzyb_ | Uplink: lol. didn't it fix it the last time? | 07:54 |
Uplink | i thought it did izzyb_ | 07:54 |
mulder_ | Dr_willis: I will try | 07:54 |
izzyb_ | Uplink: odd | 07:54 |
mulder_ | is tab before of after Dr_Willis? | 07:54 |
jah | guys, can anyone tell me how I would mount that USB drive.. when I plug it in.. /var/log/messages is giving me following output: http://pastebin.org/38548 | 07:55 |
Uplink | izzyb_, :( | 07:55 |
k1dugar | dragonlotus: sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup | 07:55 |
RainMaker | Gonna watch Rozen Maiden, thanks for the help guys! | 07:55 |
Dr_willis | mulder_, befor wouldent make much sence. :) | 07:55 |
Yachaziel | jah: sudo mount /media/<name> doesn't work? | 07:55 |
RainMaker | Gnight! | 07:55 |
strk | Uplink: what kernel version are you running ? | 07:55 |
Uplink | strk, idk :| | 07:55 |
Yachaziel | night rainmaker | 07:56 |
jah | Yachaziel: what do I input in name? | 07:56 |
Uplink | im on ubuntu 8.04 | 07:56 |
izzyb_ | Uplink: uname -r | 07:56 |
dragonlotus | k1dugar: I'll try that. That will reconfigure the "ctrl-alt-f2" displays, right? | 07:56 |
mulder_ | Dr_willis: Ok I got it | 07:56 |
RainMaker | Night Yachaziel! | 07:56 |
Yachaziel | Jah: What's the name of the USB device? | 07:56 |
Yachaziel | Rainmaker: =D | 07:56 |
Uplink | 2.6.24-16-generic | 07:56 |
Dr_willis | mulder_, well the .deb packages crash on me under feisty. and i cant getg it to compile under feisty either. Not got a hardy box to test it on right now. it appears its using mono. | 07:56 |
k1dugar | yes | 07:56 |
jah | Yachaziel: I dunno how do I find out which name its got? its a samsung ugh-900 mobile phone.. | 07:56 |
strk | Uplink: grep CONFIG_SND /boot/config-2.6.24-16-generic ? | 07:56 |
k1dugar | dragonlotus: yes | 07:56 |
* strk guesses to know the answer of that by now... | 07:56 | |
mulder_ | Dr_willis: the name of the file is gnomeartng-0.5.1.tar.gz | 07:57 |
Uplink | i typed that command already | 07:57 |
Yachaziel | jah: Pull up your terminal, type in "cd /media" hit enter, then type ls and enter | 07:57 |
strk | Uplink: I'm interested in the output :) | 07:57 |
Yachaziel | Jah: What does it say? | 07:57 |
Uplink | strk, nothing happens | 07:57 |
jah | Yachaziel: cdrom,cdrom0,floppy.floppy0, LARRY(fat32 hd) | 07:58 |
jah | nothing more.. | 07:58 |
mulder_ | Dr_willis: I have no idea on how to work with that one...it's only 7.58 am here! | 07:58 |
strk | Uplink: grep -w CONFIG_SND /boot/config-* # then paste the output | 07:58 |
Yachaziel | Jah: LARRY must be your mobile phone. Did you name it larry? | 07:58 |
Dr_willis | mulder_, there ARE .deb packages at the download site. you want to try those. Not the tar.gz | 07:58 |
mulder_ | Damn ok | 07:58 |
jah | Yachaziel: nah it isnt.... thats my other harddisc... where winxp stuff is located at | 07:58 |
Uplink | /boot/config-2.6.20-16-generic:CONFIG_SND=m | 07:58 |
Uplink | /boot/config-2.6.24-16-generic:# CONFIG_SND is not set | 07:58 |
Yachaziel | Jah: unplug the mobile phone, LS again and post it up | 07:59 |
james_027 | hi all, is there a "must list to do" for fresh ubuntu 804 install? | 07:59 |
ubottu | james_027: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Ubuntu: not well-formed (invalid token): line 382, column 84 | 07:59 |
strk | Uplink: ok, try rebooting, press ESC at the grub menu and select kernel 2.6.20-16-generic | 07:59 |
Yachaziel | james_027: Download anything you need from package manager, that's it | 07:59 |
jah | Yachaziel: unplugging it gives me the same 5 | 07:59 |
Uplink | strk, brb ;) | 07:59 |
pawan | hi | 07:59 |
strk | good luck | 07:59 |
Uplink | TY | 07:59 |
Yachaziel | Jah: It doesn't show up on your desktop when it is plugged in? | 07:59 |
pawan | unable to install nvidia 5200 drivers | 08:00 |
james_027 | Yachaziel: thanks. how about for optimization? | 08:00 |
Yachaziel | james_027: Nope. It works good right off the CD for me. If you want, WINE and maybe kleansweep or something similar. | 08:00 |
jah | Yachaziel: nah:( but I disabled that icons are shown on desktop anyway... | 08:00 |
noobie | i need help. i cant boot to hardy. i think i lost grub. i need to restore it. i'm using livecd.....what do i do next? | 08:01 |
Yachaziel | jah: then this is out of my league. Sorry bud | 08:01 |
buaya | hai | 08:01 |
buaya | 9ewf | 08:01 |
Yachaziel | noobie: Did you install hardy? | 08:01 |
tonyyarusso | !grub | noobie | 08:01 |
ubottu | noobie: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 08:01 |
mulder_ | Dr_willis: got this: dpkg: error processing gnomeartng-0.5.1-all.deb (--install): | 08:01 |
mulder_ | cannot access archive: No such file or directory | 08:01 |
mulder_ | Errors were encountered while processing: | 08:01 |
mulder_ | gnomeartng-0.5.1-all.deb | 08:01 |
FloodBot1 | mulder_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 08:01 |
noobie | Yachaziel: i have it...it just stopped booting | 08:01 |
Yachaziel | noobie: Follow the factoid that was posted. | 08:02 |
james_027 | Yachaziel: thanks | 08:02 |
Yachaziel | !grub | noobie | 08:02 |
ubottu | noobie: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 08:02 |
Dr_willis | mulder_, you are sure you are in the same dir as the file? | 08:02 |
Yachaziel | james_027 No problem. | 08:02 |
jah | Yachaziel: ok, thanks anyway:) | 08:02 |
james_027 | usser: i finish dowloading, but still my mp3 doesn't play | 08:02 |
noobie | Yachaziel: ok, i'll try it | 08:02 |
Yachaziel | Jah: by the way, is your name in reference to Rastafari? | 08:02 |
Dr_willis | mulder_, if its in your Desktop directiry and you are not in Desktop.. well.. it cant find it. :) | 08:02 |
izzyb_ | !audio | 08:02 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 08:02 |
Yachaziel | Jah: Or is it just short for Ha-Shem? | 08:03 |
Dr_willis | mulder_, you can proberly double click on the .deb and it will install it also | 08:03 |
mulder_ | Dr_willis: well yes it is on the desktop... | 08:03 |
killakali408650 | uhhh hi | 08:03 |
Rainarrow | Hello, why whenever I ping a non-existent ip address in my LAN, I get a "Destination unreachable" message from my localhost? | 08:03 |
Rainarrow | $ ping | 08:03 |
Rainarrow | PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. | 08:03 |
Rainarrow | From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable | 08:03 |
FloodBot1 | Rainarrow: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 08:03 |
Yachaziel | killakali408650: Hello! | 08:03 |
Rainarrow | like this | 08:03 |
Rainarrow | is my own ip address | 08:03 |
killakali408650 | i had sum questions bout ubuntu | 08:03 |
killakali408650 | im just gettin ready 2 switch to it from windows | 08:04 |
strk | about gub, is there a special way to deal with it to avoid messing with ubuntu maintainance of the menu ? | 08:04 |
Yachaziel | !ask | killakali408650 | 08:04 |
ubottu | killakali408650: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 08:04 |
strk | basically, I want to change the default kernel to boot (since the new one breaks sound) | 08:04 |
Yachaziel | killakali408650: What's up? Just ask and we'll do our best. | 08:04 |
strk | should I just swap entries in menu.lst or is there another suggested path ? | 08:04 |
killakali408650 | since i have a windows vista partition i want to double boot, sooo i just wanted to know how to create a new partition | 08:04 |
mulder_ | Dr_willis: yeaaaaaaaaaah it worked | 08:04 |
killakali408650 | like i kno i can shrink vista | 08:05 |
killakali408650 | is that how you create a new partition? | 08:05 |
mulder_ | Dr_willis: But still my knowledge of the command line is poor! | 08:05 |
Yachaziel | killakali408650: Pop in the CD, install ubuntu, the partition manager will allow you to resize your partitions, then jjust install from there | 08:05 |
izzyb_ | mulder_: it comes with time :) | 08:05 |
killakali408650 | ohhh, so i can have dual booting rightt? | 08:05 |
usser | james_027, did u restart rhytmbox after installing it/ | 08:05 |
killakali408650 | with the cd | 08:05 |
killakali408650 | dang, i have to wait for weeks for the cd 2 c ome | 08:06 |
killakali408650 | come* | 08:06 |
bigc | testing | 08:06 |
bigc | 123 | 08:06 |
bigc | 456 | 08:06 |
usser | !m3 | 08:06 |
ubottu | Factoid m3 not found | 08:06 |
noobie | Yachaziel: i'm stuck, how do i mount a linux lvm partition? | 08:06 |
=== artenius is now known as noble- | ||
james_027 | usser: yes ... u mean close and open it again right? | 08:06 |
usser | !mp3 | 08:06 |
Yachaziel | killakali408650: Even without the CD. Just download the image, write it to a CD and do it tonight | 08:06 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 08:06 |
mulder_ | Dr_Willis: What good book do you guys recommend regarding Ubuntu? | 08:06 |
usser | james_027, yea | 08:06 |
killakali408650 | ohhhhh yaaa lol | 08:06 |
killakali408650 | 4got bout that | 08:06 |
killakali408650 | lmao | 08:06 |
Dr_willis | mulder_, get reading then. :) its documented all over the place 'using bash' by oreally is a must have. | 08:06 |
Yachaziel | noobie: You're going to need to sell your soul to the devil. = / | 08:06 |
izzyb_ | !lvm | 08:06 |
ubottu | Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO | 08:06 |
killakali408650 | but if the cd partitions the hd, wouldn't that mess around with some of the data from vista??? | 08:06 |
Dr_willis | mulder_, thers dozens of decent books out. Just gotta start with the beginner guides and start working up I guess. | 08:07 |
Yachaziel | killakali408650: I do not think so. It will show what is being used and you canresize around that I think. | 08:07 |
noobie | Yachaziel: what? | 08:07 |
killakali408650 | relly?? | 08:07 |
Yachaziel | noobie: lol, I was joking. I don't know how to do that. | 08:07 |
james_027 | usser: rhythmbox says it's playing (you could see the ">" on the side of the song, but the progress bar doesn't move and the time also | 08:07 |
Rayvis | Has anyone tried to install WoW using either Wine or Cedega and have it work correctly. I used Cedega and couldn't get it to install at all, then I was able to install it through wine and run it but the graphics were terrible and I also experienced an extremely low framerate. I did everything correctly, followed a couple different guides but can't get it to look right. | 08:07 |
theFATMAN | killakali408650: you shrink the windows volume first | 08:07 |
usser | james_027, right click on it try to open it with totem see if that'll work | 08:07 |
killakali408650 | but if i shrink vista on purpose | 08:07 |
Dr_willis | killakali408650, i let vista resize itself and leave a section o the hard drive 'unallocated' then i let the installer install to the 'unallocated' part of the drive | 08:07 |
izzyb_ | killakali408650: resizing the partition is pretty safe. I do it all the time | 08:07 |
noobie | i need help. i cant boot to hardy. i think i lost grub. i need to restore it. i'm using livecd.....what do i do next? | 08:07 |
killakali408650 | ohhhh | 08:07 |
mulder_ | Dr_willis: most of the time I install stuff from the package manager, so guess I am a bit more lazy :-) | 08:08 |
killakali408650 | yay :D | 08:08 |
killakali408650 | i never tried ubuntu b4 or lol i never had linux b4 | 08:08 |
Moncky | noobie: there is a grub recovery floppy disk 2 secs and I;ll find the link for you | 08:08 |
Rayvis | I would love to get WoW running as good as it does on my vista partition though so I can get rid of windows forever | 08:08 |
killakali408650 | what bout the drivers??? | 08:08 |
Yachaziel | killakali408650: do what Dr_Willis said. Just resize it and let your ubuntu use the unallocated part. | 08:08 |
usser | Rayvis, havent had any problems running it in wine | 08:08 |
usser | Rayvis, works as expected | 08:08 |
Yachaziel | killakali408650: I just switched about a month ago to linux for the first time and I love it! | 08:08 |
theFATMAN | killakali408650: do that, then boot the live CD, download gparted in the live CD, then resize your partition | 08:08 |
noobie | Moncky: i dont have a floppy drive | 08:08 |
Moncky | noobie: http://www.supergrubdisk.org/ | 08:08 |
usser | Rayvis, did u enable opengl? | 08:08 |
killakali408650 | gparted??? | 08:09 |
theFATMAN | killakali408650: you'll get the drivers after the install | 08:09 |
Yachaziel | !opengl | Rayvis | 08:09 |
ubottu | Factoid opengl not found | 08:09 |
theFATMAN | killakali408650: its good, trust me | 08:09 |
Yachaziel | lol, damn small screen | 08:09 |
Yachaziel | sorry | 08:09 |
killakali408650 | ohh, do i get them from third party websites or sumthing??? | 08:09 |
Moncky | noobie: there should be a cd version in this day and age | 08:09 |
Yachaziel | killakali408650: all my drivers work, but you can get them from 3rd party sites too | 08:09 |
killakali408650 | i heard that there was also a problem with some of the wireless networking | 08:09 |
james_027 | usser: ok ill try | 08:09 |
Dr_willis | killakali408650, thats windows thinking. :) Most all stuff you need is included on various linux installers/cds | 08:09 |
theFATMAN | killakali408650: you cabn download the CD, you dont need to wait 4 it | 08:09 |
usser | Rayvis, ie in WOW itself i recall there was a config file in which u tell it to run opengl | 08:09 |
killakali408650 | ohhh where did you get ur drivers yachaziel | 08:09 |
Yachaziel | killakali408650: Yes! Buyt I can help you with that. | 08:09 |
Dr_willis | killakali408650, wireless can be a hassle depening on the exact wireless card. | 08:10 |
killakali408650 | ohhh | 08:10 |
killakali408650 | intel pro wireless | 08:10 |
Yachaziel | killakali408650: From lenovo, the website that has my comp. | 08:10 |
theFATMAN | killakali408650: wireless isnt as bad as you may have heard | 08:10 |
killakali408650 | i have hp | 08:10 |
Dr_willis | intel is one of the better supported wireless cards out there aint it? | 08:10 |
theFATMAN | killakali408650: no p | 08:10 |
Rainarrow | Hello, why when I ping a non-existent ip address in my LAN, I got "Destination unreachable" response from localhost? | 08:10 |
Yachaziel | killakali408650: Wireless is simple enough. Just left-click to connect. Setting static is the hard part and I can walk you through that. | 08:10 |
mulder_ | Anyway thanks for your help Dr_Willis. | 08:11 |
Yachaziel | Rainarrow: That's because it's nonexistant. ;) | 08:11 |
killakali408650 | also im buyin an asus eeepc | 08:11 |
killakali408650 | it shud b here in a day or 2 | 08:11 |
killakali408650 | thats gonna b havin the xubuntu in there | 08:11 |
Yachaziel | killakali408650: Why not just download and burn the image? | 08:11 |
killakali408650 | ya that is true the whole image is on a bittorrent site prolly? | 08:12 |
Yachaziel | killakali408650: You can have ubuntu tonight doing it that way. | 08:12 |
theFATMAN | killakali408650: thats what i said | 08:12 |
Yachaziel | killakali408650: No, just get it from their site. | 08:12 |
theFATMAN | killakali408650: no, go to ubuntu.com | 08:12 |
Dr_willis | mulder_, http://fosswire.com/2008/04/22/ubuntu-cheat-sheet/ has some good info. theres 10000's of good ubuntu sites out now | 08:12 |
killakali408650 | ya i shud lol my internet is slow though, it wud take a couple of hours | 08:12 |
killakali408650 | lets get started | 08:12 |
killakali408650 | :D | 08:12 |
pawan | hi | 08:12 |
pawan | unable to install nvidia 5200 drivers | 08:12 |
Yachaziel | killakali408650: What's your u/d? | 08:12 |
killakali408650 | u/d? | 08:13 |
killakali408650 | huh? | 08:13 |
pawan | alaways runs in low graphics mode | 08:13 |
james_027 | usser: it doesn't work | 08:13 |
zChris | upload download i guess killakali408650 | 08:13 |
killakali408650 | oh lol | 08:13 |
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti | ||
pawan | no properity drivers enabled | 08:13 |
Yachaziel | upload download | 08:13 |
james_027 | usser: i try video with totem... it was very very slow ... | 08:13 |
killakali408650 | up is 2 hundred sumthin | 08:13 |
Yachaziel | killakali408650: v | 08:13 |
killakali408650 | n down is 7 hunder sumthin | 08:13 |
Yachaziel | 7gb? or 700 kb? | 08:13 |
Yachaziel | Cause... 700 kb is bad | 08:13 |
mulder_ | Dr_willis: excellent I will save that page and consult. Thanks a mega bunch :-) | 08:14 |
Yachaziel | I'm surprised you're getting my chat messages today... | 08:14 |
usser | james_027, hm u tried video and it was slow? how about that mp3 does totem play it? | 08:14 |
andin | hay | 08:14 |
usser | james_027, my guess is you dont have restricted video drivers installed | 08:14 |
killakali408650 | ima start downloading it then tomorrow early morning i will install | 08:14 |
Yachaziel | andin: Hello! | 08:14 |
usser | james_027, what video card do u have? | 08:14 |
bullgard4 | [GNOME] Afterdist-upgrade to Hardy GNOME shows most programs in English although all locales of 'locale' are set to German e. g. LANG=de_DE.UTF8. "~$ dpkg-reconfigure locales" only added a new line "en_US.UTF-8... up-to-date". Also erasing of .gnome, .gnome2 und .gconf and restart did not change that. How to troubleshoot? | 08:14 |
killakali408650 | i wll b on iff i runn into probs | 08:14 |
andin | boleh kenalam gak | 08:14 |
Yachaziel | killakali408650: Ok! Good luck! | 08:14 |
killakali408650 | thanks all you guys | 08:14 |
cypha | i unmounted my usb drive and it's still spinning | 08:14 |
PiojooAzu1 | i was using ubuntu hardy when the panels suddenly disappeared. i tried to run a terminal using alt+F2 but it didn't work. I rebooted, but when ubuntu starts, my panels are still not there. can someone PLEASE help me? | 08:15 |
Yachaziel | andfin: language? | 08:15 |
killakali408650 | bye | 08:15 |
Yachaziel | I hate that kid... | 08:15 |
james_027 | usser: the mp3 doesn't play in totem | 08:15 |
Iv1 | Hiya folks.. just wondering; the new ATI drivers (8.5).. any good? | 08:15 |
andin | hy | 08:15 |
Yachaziel | PiojooAzul: Just rebuild panels | 08:15 |
james_027 | usser: never mind the video, but why I can't play mp3? | 08:15 |
izzyb_ | PiojooAzu1: I think there's something in the howto that explains how to fix that | 08:16 |
james_027 | usser: youtube and imeem work well for me | 08:16 |
* izzyb_ had the same problem | 08:16 | |
Yachaziel | andin: Parlez-vous l'Anglais? | 08:16 |
andin | hy | 08:16 |
PiojooAzu1 | Yachaziel: how can i rebuild them, if i can't do anything without them? | 08:16 |
izzyb_ | PiojooAzu1: sorry, that was the faq | 08:16 |
Rayvis | Is there a Linux driver for Intel Mobile 945GM I need to get to successfully run WoW in Wine. I have OpenGL enabled and everything like that. | 08:16 |
usser | james_027, thats strange, pastebin dpkg -l | grep ubuntu-restricted | 08:16 |
PiojooAzu1 | izzyb_: where is it? | 08:16 |
Yachaziel | PiojooAzul: I think there's something in preferences | 08:16 |
andin | nama lo ciapa | 08:16 |
izzyb_ | PiojooAzu1: see the topic | 08:16 |
Yachaziel | !sp | andin | 08:17 |
ubottu | Factoid sp not found | 08:17 |
Yachaziel | !es | andin | 08:17 |
ubottu | andin: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 08:17 |
andin | nama lo | 08:17 |
usser | Rayvis, nope no driver but intel may perform badly with compiz so disable it if u have it running | 08:17 |
d[X_X]b | anyonw know why i cant browse the network shares using gui, but it works in terminal using smbclient command | 08:17 |
Iv1 | did anyone have any problems installing the new ATI-drivers? | 08:17 |
d[X_X]b | ubuntu 8 | 08:17 |
PiojooAzu1 | Yachaziel: i can't get to the preferences without my panels. I'm using windows now to ask you this. | 08:17 |
Yachaziel | andin: I'm not familiar with your language bud. =( | 08:17 |
Yachaziel | PiojooAzul: Oh, my bad man. | 08:18 |
noobie | help...i lost grub...how do i restore it...i'm stuck on mounting linux lvm...! | 08:18 |
bullgard4 | Iv1: Me not. | 08:18 |
andin | mane yau | 08:18 |
tyler_2 | looking for a good e-mail program that supports exchange? | 08:18 |
Yachaziel | tyler_2: http://www.gmx.com | 08:18 |
Dr_willis | d[X_X]b, ive had similer issues with the gnome and kde file managers, and the fusesmb tool.. but smb4k worked fine.. NO IDEA why its acting so goofy. Ive filed a few bug reports but never get an answer. :( | 08:18 |
usser | tyler_2, evolution | 08:18 |
PiojooAzu1 | Yachaziel: can you help me? :S | 08:18 |
tyler_2 | Yachaziel: ty | 08:18 |
noobie | how do i mount a linux lvm partition? | 08:18 |
Yachaziel | PiojooAzul: I don't think so. I'm on a winbox at the moment. | 08:19 |
andin | iam indonesia | 08:19 |
Yachaziel | andin: Ok, one sec... | 08:19 |
tyler_2 | Yachaziel: thats not an exchange site | 08:19 |
Rayvis | Is it working when I send PM's to you usser or am I doing it wrong? | 08:19 |
d[X_X]b | Dr_willis good to know thnx.... ive only had this issue with ubuntu 8 however | 08:19 |
Yachaziel | tyler_2: What do you mena? | 08:19 |
andin | yau gay | 08:19 |
tyler_2 | Yachaziel: program rather | 08:19 |
james_027 | http://pastebin.com/m18d3ee01usser: | 08:19 |
james_027 | usser: http://pastebin.com/m18d3ee01 | 08:19 |
Yachaziel | tyler_@: My bad man, use Evolution | 08:19 |
Shadow420 | noobie where is ubuntu at on a parititon or and a different harddrive | 08:19 |
usser | Rayvis, i cant receive pms im not registered | 08:20 |
andin | no gay | 08:20 |
tyler_2 | Yachaziel: other then evolution | 08:20 |
Starnestommy | usser: you can get them, but not send them | 08:20 |
Dr_willis | d[X_X]b, exactly. My other ubuntu boxc's work fine. This issue would happen to me durign the beta testing.. then go away.. then come back. Ive not checked the forums on it lately. | 08:20 |
izzyb_ | PiojooAzu1: sorry, I was thinking of the kde panels and didn't notice I'm in #ubuntu not #kubuntu | 08:20 |
Yachaziel | !ba | andin | 08:20 |
ubottu | Factoid ba not found | 08:20 |
Shadow420 | ussr then register | 08:20 |
=== Iv1 is now known as Ivo_o | ||
d[X_X]b | and why all of a sudden hardy is mounting shares... i didnt have this in fiesty | 08:20 |
Yachaziel | !ma | andin | 08:20 |
ubottu | Factoid ma not found | 08:20 |
pawan | why the hardware drivers not displaying my graphics card | 08:20 |
andin | iam no grles | 08:20 |
Yachaziel | Dammit, what's the malay factoid? | 08:20 |
izzyb_ | PiojooAzu1: you running gnome? | 08:20 |
bullgard4 | [GNOME] After dist-upgrade to Hardy GNOME shows most programs in English although all locales of 'locale' are set to German e. g. LANG=de_DE.UTF8. "~$ dpkg-reconfigure locales" only added a new line "en_US.UTF-8... up-to-date". Also erasing of .gnome, .gnome2 und .gconf and restart did not change that. How to troubleshoot? | 08:20 |
Yachaziel | Andin: Malay, yeah? | 08:21 |
Rayvis | Usser: Oh that explains it then, lol. I have openGL set in the config.wtf file. I also have disabled Compiz to run wow but it doesn't get any better, | 08:21 |
andin | no aim indonesia | 08:21 |
PiojooAzu1 | izzyb_: not at the moment, but yes, i use gnome | 08:21 |
Yachaziel | Bahasa Indonesia? | 08:21 |
andin | yes | 08:21 |
d[X_X]b | i feel like its acting like mac and less like windows machine when it mounts shares on a wim | 08:21 |
izzyb_ | PiojooAzu1: sorry, I can't help. haven't run gnome in years. | 08:21 |
Yachaziel | andin: Ok! One moment | 08:22 |
Yachaziel | andin: =D | 08:22 |
usser | james_027, looks alright... im afraid i dont know what might be the problem, i understand u have a slow connection, but if i may suggest trying a different audio player like audacious, make sure your audio works. | 08:22 |
PiojooAzu1 | izzyb_: k, thanks anyway... i think i'll reinstall ubuntu... or kubuntu | 08:22 |
andin | you no spicking indonesia | 08:22 |
Dr_willis | d[X_X]b, i used to use the fusesmb tool all the time. but it has issues now for me. :( just as a test i tried smb4k to actually 'mount' the shares - and it worked like a champ. I cant even figure out a good place to start troubleshooting this stuff. :( | 08:22 |
Yachaziel | bazhang: you there? | 08:22 |
Yachaziel | andin: No, I do not speak bahasa indonesian. =( Trying to get you that chat. | 08:23 |
Dr_willis | d[X_X]b, technically the kde/gnome file managers dont mount the shares.. they 'browse' them. smb4k sees and mounts them. | 08:23 |
andin | may adress | 08:23 |
Rayvis | Has anyone had trouble getting their microphone to work in Ubuntu 8.04? and if so, how did you fix it? | 08:23 |
usser | Rayvis, hm... lemme see i'll try to run it | 08:23 |
d[X_X]b | Dr_willis but it used to browse and thats it. now its throwing the folder to my desktop and favorites | 08:23 |
Yachaziel | halo | 08:24 |
andin | kamu suka sama men | 08:24 |
Dr_willis | d[X_X]b, Yep. - makes it a little hard to troubleshoot. :( | 08:24 |
Yachaziel | andin: difahami? | 08:24 |
andin | itu km bisa bahasa indonesia | 08:25 |
d[X_X]b | Dr_willis and when i rightclick the favorites the only option is unmount so i fig its mounting... | 08:25 |
bazhang | Yachaziel, what's up? | 08:25 |
james_027 | usser: thanks a lot | 08:25 |
Dr_willis | d[X_X]b, The forums seem to have others with similer issues.. checking for any fix's (so far none, just a lot of , it affects me also posts) | 08:25 |
Yachaziel | bazhang: What's the factoid for indonesian? | 08:25 |
d[X_X]b | dr_willis how do i browse an nfs share? i only know smb://computer | 08:26 |
bazhang | Yachaziel, !id | 08:26 |
Yachaziel | !id | andin | 08:26 |
ubottu | andin: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia | 08:26 |
andin | yes | 08:26 |
Yachaziel | thanks bazhang | 08:26 |
Dr_willis | d[X_X]b, i always just mount them. Not sure you can browse nfs likeyou can samba | 08:26 |
bazhang | Yachaziel, :) | 08:26 |
Uplink | how do i uninstall packages from terminal/ | 08:26 |
Madpilot | how does one get to a USB key via command line? want to run fsck on one of mine, I think it's been damaged... | 08:27 |
BaD-Laptop | Uplink: sudo aptitude remove <package> | 08:27 |
Uplink | ty | 08:27 |
d[X_X]b | dr_willis oh.... so how does one mount it? ie... i use ipaddress as the mount? \ | 08:27 |
Yachaziel | adin: saya nggak ngomong. =P | 08:27 |
Yachaziel | lol | 08:27 |
Dr_willis | !nfs | 08:27 |
ubottu | nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS. | 08:27 |
Yachaziel | left as I figured it out | 08:27 |
Dr_willis | d[X_X]b, i always do it from the command line. or fstab file - for linux to linux - NFS is the way to go. :) | 08:28 |
d[X_X]b | kewl thnx | 08:28 |
Dr_willis | d[X_X]b, or for somthing quick - i use the sshfs tool | 08:28 |
Yachaziel | back soon guys | 08:29 |
d[X_X]b | hmm.. funny i setup an smb/nfs... and i never knew...i tried nfs://computer...it failed haha...thanx dr_willis | 08:29 |
Uplink | i have a question... why when i right click<open with an mp3 it does NOT show up amarok? | 08:29 |
Sergiu | !iptables | 08:29 |
ubottu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 08:29 |
Dr_willis | d[X_X]b, nfs is radically different from samba :) | 08:30 |
=== drtadbmmdllm is now known as eth01 | ||
DigiDaemon | So here's my problem. I have attempted to install Ubuntu 8.04 x64 onto a blank drive, however when install is complete it then gives me a prompt for init. Though funny thing it tries to make it go to hd0,0 though the live cd sees it as sda | 08:30 |
ross_ | what browser should i use to watch netflix? | 08:30 |
Dr_willis | d[X_X]b, in the forums - people have reported that using the older samba packages - gets their stuff working... go figure. :) | 08:30 |
=== Unique is now known as Ashex | ||
astro76 | ross_: you need windows for netflix | 08:30 |
ross_ | is there anything that i canuse | 08:31 |
ross_ | to watch netflix | 08:31 |
ross_ | in ubuntu | 08:31 |
Uplink | i have a question... why when i right click<open with an mp3 it does NOT show up amarok? | 08:31 |
astro76 | ross_: you need windows, and all it's activex drm fun | 08:31 |
d[X_X]b | Dr_willis yea unny how updates can be harmful... i lost so much with this upgrade to 8 | 08:31 |
ross_ | anyone else with a different opinion on this one? | 08:31 |
astro76 | ross_: it's a fact! :p | 08:31 |
Dr_willis | d[X_X]b, i did a clean install.. not upgrade.. :) and still have the same issue. | 08:31 |
ross_ | can I install internet explorer in ubuntu and use it to watch netflix o rnor? | 08:31 |
eth01 | ubuntu isn't very good when it comes to samba and such like. | 08:32 |
usser | Rayvis, doesnt even start on my laptop, must be video card, it works fine on my desktop with nvidia card | 08:32 |
Dr_willis | eth01, it used to work fine.. but since hardy.. ive had issues. sadly. | 08:32 |
eth01 | use a basic OS such as netbsd or archlinux | 08:32 |
DigiDaemon | any ideas why the drive won't boot the kernel and sends me to init | 08:33 |
eth01 | debian is also another option, samba works well.. | 08:33 |
ross_ | astro76: what bout installing internet explorer in ubuntu | 08:33 |
Uplink | i have a question... why when i right click<open with an mp3 it does NOT show up amarok? | 08:33 |
ross_ | astro76: to watch netflix | 08:33 |
astro76 | ross_: it relies on windows media player 11 DRM | 08:33 |
ross_ | astro76: damn | 08:33 |
eth01 | Dr_willis: then don't use it. | 08:33 |
ross_ | astro76: there is no other way around it? | 08:33 |
astro76 | ross_: trust me I feel your pain | 08:33 |
Rayvis | Usser: I have read that WoW will run fine through Wine with an Nvidia card. When I get some money saved up, I'll be building a new desktop with an Nvidia card. I suppose I'll wait until then to be able to play WoW. | 08:33 |
DaveKong | I have been having trouble with my network connection and found a post saying this driver was not part of the kernal but you can get it... I don't know how to do what it says though. If anyone can explain it more I would be greatful | 08:34 |
ross_ | someone else | 08:34 |
Dr_willis | eth01, thank you for the comentary. I will go back to reading the forums now. | 08:34 |
DaveKong | The 2.6 kernel includes this driver as a module called b44. It is accessible in the kernel configuration under Device Drivers/Networking support/Ethernet (10 or 100Mbit)/. Select "EISA, VLB, PCI and on board controllers", and "Broadcom 4400". You may compile it as a module named b44. | 08:34 |
ross_ | has to have a solution for this | 08:34 |
DigiDaemon | Rayvis, you can play on an ATI though it can be a bit tricky | 08:34 |
ross_ | netflix cannot just be for windows only | 08:34 |
bobishh | can u help me? need to know how to make thunar opening samba shares | 08:34 |
bobishh | ? | 08:34 |
DigiDaemon | err Usse is the one with the problem yes | 08:34 |
ross_ | there's gotta a solution | 08:34 |
usser | Rayvis, just dual boot with windows, and yea it definetely runs with nvidia | 08:34 |
Rayvis | DigiDaemon: I have also read about getting it to work with an ATI card. However I have Intel Mobile 945GM and I can't get it to work properly. | 08:35 |
=== u^A_ is now known as u^A | ||
DigiDaemon | Intel hurts my feelings | 08:35 |
Rayvis | Usser: Do you have any ideas of how I can get my microphone to work in Ubuntu? | 08:35 |
DigiDaemon | Rayvis, good luck to you on that though you can pick up a decent nVidia for like 70 80 USD | 08:35 |
eth01 | Dr_willis: hah. | 08:36 |
eth01 | Dr_willis: advice to say the least. | 08:36 |
james_027 | usser: i try audacious and i work, I wonder y rhythmbox doesn't work ... do you have any suggestion of player that could support ipod | 08:36 |
usser | Rayvis, im afraid i cant suggest anything beyond fiddling with mixer settings | 08:37 |
DigiDaemon | james_027: try Amarok | 08:37 |
usser | james_027, amarok all the way | 08:37 |
Shervin | guys, I'm on the liveCD right now and its asking to make a swap partition so I'm asking you A) How big it should be B) Primary or Logical C)Mount Point | 08:37 |
Shervin | and also where the location of the partition should be (beginning or end) | 08:38 |
Tefad | there's no mount point for swap | 08:38 |
Shervin | haha your right | 08:38 |
Shervin | how big should it be though? | 08:38 |
Tefad | i generally put my swaps at the start of a disk | 08:38 |
magnetron | Shervin: it should be a little bit larger than your RAM | 08:38 |
james_027 | DigiDaimon, usser: i am kind of hesitating... isnt amarok for KDE? using it in gnome could be slow? i really don't know... | 08:38 |
Tefad | generally my swap is at least 1GB | 08:38 |
Shervin | Ok so I have 1 gig so 2? | 08:38 |
DigiDaemon | james_027 no it will run just fine, did on my machines every time. | 08:38 |
Baltazaar | swap files are rarely used in computers with 2gb RAM + | 08:39 |
Tefad | it also depends on your HDD size | 08:39 |
Rayvis | James_027: I use Amarok in Ubuntu and it works fine. | 08:39 |
Shervin | Is it primary or logical? | 08:39 |
Tefad | depends on the rest of your layout | 08:39 |
magnetron | Shervin: logical or primary shouldn't matter, but the number of primary partitions are restricted to three if you have logical partitions, so make it logical | 08:39 |
usser | james_027, if u have a relatively new computer it'll run just fine | 08:39 |
Baltazaar | partition no. 5 will automatically become a logic one | 08:40 |
Tefad | if you just have one root/boot partition, it doesn't matter if your swap is primary or logical | 08:40 |
james_027 | thanks everyone | 08:40 |
Shervin | right, i've got 3 partitions right now 1for ubuntu 2 for xp 3 for data | 08:40 |
Shervin | now this swap file shoudl be logical? | 08:40 |
magnetron | Shervin: yes | 08:40 |
I_need_help | anyone can help, how to install wine in Ubuntu 7.10 | 08:40 |
Tefad | depends on how much space you have left after creating the swap | 08:40 |
Dr_willis | !wine | I_need_help | 08:40 |
ubottu | I_need_help: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. | 08:40 |
I_need_help | i tried several times... but error | 08:40 |
Shervin | i've got like 250 gb space left | 08:40 |
Baltazaar | I_need_help: sudo apt-get install wine? | 08:41 |
magnetron | I_need_help: go to applications, add/remove. search for wine and enable the check box | 08:41 |
I_need_help | i did magnetron\ | 08:41 |
I_need_help | but i got error | 08:41 |
I_need_help | the message is | 08:41 |
I_need_help | " This software conflicts with other installed software. to install 'wine the conflicting software must remove 1st " | 08:41 |
I_need_help | " switch to 'synaptic' package manager to resolve this conflict ' | 08:41 |
Shervin | Tefad: I've got 250 gb left after making the swap | 08:42 |
magnetron | I_need_help: you've got cedega or something installed? | 08:42 |
magnetron | I_need_help: or crossoverx? | 08:42 |
Rayvis | Cedega shouldn't conflict with Wine as I have both installed on my machine fine. | 08:42 |
eth01 | crossover is better for those applications more resource hungry | 08:42 |
I_need_help | im newbie in linux. i dont know what is that | 08:42 |
Rayvis | Not sure about Crossover though. | 08:42 |
I_need_help | but, when i instal wine, its still fresh installation of ubuntu 7.10 | 08:43 |
I_need_help | i have no installa anysoft b4. | 08:43 |
magnetron | I_need_help: ok, do this: close "add/remove" and start the Synaptic package manager instead. System > admininstration > Synaptic | 08:43 |
DigiDaemon | So here's my problem. I have attempted to install Ubuntu 8.04 x64 onto a blank drive, however when install is complete it then gives me a prompt for init. Though funny thing it tries to make it go to hd0,0 though the live cd sees it as sda | 08:43 |
I_need_help | im in screen now, and / | 08:44 |
magnetron | I_need_help: first, hit the "reload" button, then search for wine using the Search button | 08:45 |
jessejazza | anyone use x-chat on here | 08:45 |
magnetron | !anyone | jessejazza | 08:45 |
ubottu | jessejazza: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 08:45 |
DigiDaemon | <= using x-chat now | 08:45 |
Rayvis | Jessejazza: I'm using X Chat | 08:46 |
Sergiu | !iptables > Sergiu | 08:46 |
magnetron | jessejazza: i'm using x-chat | 08:46 |
I_need_help | yes manetron ... | 08:46 |
I_need_help | i did | 08:46 |
douye | Why do i get a update notice about the AMD drivers while i got a intel processor and a nvidia videocard? :/ | 08:46 |
U_G_G | does anyone knows a good FTP program which supports remote editing of file | 08:47 |
U_G_G | i use gFTP but doesnt works as expected | 08:47 |
s3a | how can i make letters print out sideways in openoffice.org (i also want it o be sideways wen i type) like i want the lorger part to be left to right instead of top to bottom | 08:47 |
Dew420 | U_G_G : I use filezilla | 08:47 |
magnetron | I_need_help: enable the checkbox for wine package and click "apply" | 08:47 |
jessejazza | ok. I have been using chatzilla as i like the 2/3 lines of window for typing messages. I have tried x-chat and can't see how to make the message pane into 2/3 lines. Is there a setting for it... or should i just make do with chatzilla? | 08:48 |
U_G_G | ok Dew420 | 08:48 |
I_need_help | any 3 ccheckbox there | 08:48 |
I_need_help | which one i choose | 08:48 |
I_need_help | 1. Wine windows emulator | 08:48 |
I_need_help | 2. Winefish latex | 08:48 |
=== lipsinV1 is now known as lipsin | ||
douye | Why do i get a update notice about the AMD drivers while i got a intel processor and a nvidia videocard? :/ | 08:48 |
magnetron | I_need_help: the one next to "wine" | 08:48 |
I_need_help | 3. Virus scanner | 08:49 |
cypha | ok, something weird...i re-enabled compiz, and my workspace switcher has it's 2x2 thing, but there is a large box under the 4 of them....it can't be switched to or whatever, i have no idea what it is | 08:49 |
I_need_help | ok i choose WINE WINDOWS EMULATOR | 08:49 |
eth01 | !capitals | I_need_help | 08:49 |
ubottu | Factoid capitals not found | 08:49 |
magnetron | I_need_help: are you sure you're in Synaptic? | 08:49 |
cypha | ok, something weird...i re-enabled compiz, and my workspace switcher has it's 2x2 thing, but there is a large box under the 4 of them (in the panel of the toolbar at the bottom of my desktop)....it can't be switched to or whatever, i have no idea what it is | 08:49 |
eth01 | !caps | I_need_help | 08:50 |
ubottu | I_need_help: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 08:50 |
KalEl | i need to write a cd | 08:50 |
legend2440 | s3a: in openoffice open file>printer settings>then properties and change portrait to landscape | 08:50 |
magnetron | KalEl: ok, which version of ubuntu do you have? | 08:50 |
I_need_help | sorry magentron. now im in synaptic | 08:50 |
DigiDaemon | no one knows huh | 08:50 |
I_need_help | when i click wine checkbox | 08:50 |
I_need_help | error message appear | 08:50 |
I_need_help | the messages is | 08:50 |
Flannel | !enter | I_need_help | 08:50 |
ubottu | I_need_help: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 08:50 |
KalEl | magnetron, which version of ubuntu? 8.04... i need to write a data dvd | 08:50 |
misc-- | hello, I have a problem with remote desktop, I can't seem to enable it. When I enable it, vino-server is supposed to start but it doesn't. Simple as that. Any ideas? If I run vino-server manually then try to vnc to the machine then the client just hangs | 08:51 |
Rayvis | I tried to get my microphone to work by following a guild on the ubuntuforums, but I still can't get it working. Anyone have any ideas? | 08:51 |
magnetron | KalEl: ok. then brasero is your tool | 08:51 |
douye | Why do i get a update notice about the AMD drivers while i got a intel processor and a nvidia videocard? :/ | 08:51 |
s3a | legend2440: i need to send it to my partner for a project and he has microsoft office i assume so that wont make it sideways for him, right? but i can still print it as apdf and then itll remain sideways then he can print it for real like that, that should work, right? | 08:51 |
Flannel | douye: What update? Are you running 32 or 64 bit? | 08:51 |
douye | flannel: 32 bit, and its the normal update thingy in ubuntu | 08:52 |
KalEl | magnetron, ah ok thanks | 08:52 |
Flannel | s3a: pdfs will remain the same, yes. As for whether OOo will remain sideways, I'm not sure. | 08:52 |
cypha | ok, something weird...i re-enabled compiz, and my workspace switcher has it's 2x2 thing, but there is a large box under the 4 of them (in the panel of the toolbar at the bottom of my desktop)....it can't be switched to or whatever, i have no idea what it is | 08:52 |
I_need_help | " COuld not mark all package for installation or upgrade make sure that all rwquired repositories are added and enable " | 08:52 |
U_G_G | Dew420, E: Couldn't find package FileZilla | 08:52 |
s3a | Flannel: well im sure he can deal with pdfs | 08:52 |
legend2440 | s3a: don't know never tried that | 08:52 |
rod0009 | hey is anyone able to play lineage2 under ubuntu? | 08:52 |
douye | flannel: its for the xserver-xorg-video-amd and xserver-xorg-video-geode | 08:53 |
jah_ | Which app do you guys recommen for writing simple .txt files? | 08:53 |
I_need_help | ubottu : ok im sorry | 08:53 |
eth01 | U_G_G: of course not | 08:53 |
ubottu | Factoid ok im sorry not found | 08:53 |
arex | ant tells me "Perhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK. It is currently set to "/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre"", but echo $JAVA_HOME gives me /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk. Any ideas? | 08:53 |
Flannel | jah_: gedit is installed by default (accessories > text editor, I believe. | 08:53 |
kindofabuzz | jah_: gedit, nano, kate | 08:53 |
eth01 | U_G_G: filezilla-common | 08:54 |
Flannel | douye: did you perhaps install xserver-xorg-driver-all? | 08:54 |
douye | flannel: gonna see | 08:54 |
U_G_G | eth01, E: Couldn't find package filezilla-common | 08:54 |
Rayvis | Sound recorder locks up every time I try to test my microphone and it still won't work in any other application either. Any suggestions? | 08:54 |
douye | flannel: nop | 08:54 |
eth01 | U_G_G: apt-get update | 08:54 |
U_G_G | ok | 08:55 |
I_need_help | Magnetron - any suggestion for me . | 08:55 |
Flannel | douye: Oh, actually. It seems that xserver-xorg might bring in a lot of that stuff depending on how its installed. | 08:55 |
cypha | ok, something weird...i re-enabled compiz, and my workspace switcher has it's 2x2 thing, but there is a large box under the 4 of them (in the panel of the toolbar at the bottom of my desktop)....it can't be switched to or whatever, i have no idea what it is | 08:55 |
eth01 | cypha: don't multipost. | 08:55 |
Flannel | douye: How about xserver-xorg-video-all? | 08:55 |
eth01 | (we heard you the first time) | 08:55 |
cypha | we;ve had multiple joins since | 08:55 |
douye | flannel: yep | 08:55 |
eth01 | cypha: doesn't matter: don't do it. | 08:55 |
MOzartstaedter | hi guys | 08:56 |
cypha | what's the time limit? | 08:56 |
douye | flannel: should i just remove that and only select the nvidia one ? | 08:56 |
Flannel | cypha: Best to wait 20-30 minutes between | 08:56 |
cypha | what?? | 08:56 |
cypha | 20-30 minutes? | 08:56 |
Flannel | cypha: yes | 08:56 |
Madpilot | cypha, screenshot? can't picture what you're talking about | 08:56 |
cypha | no one 10-15 minutes later will read my previous post | 08:56 |
s3a | legend2440: printing in landscape as pdf stil has it vertically longer | 08:56 |
cypha | sure Madpilot , one sec | 08:56 |
douye | flannel: hmm cant find a nvidia one there, which is weird? | 08:56 |
magnetron | I_need_help: ok, let's check out your repositories: in synaptic, go to Preferences > Repositories | 08:56 |
eth01 | U_G_G: ... | 08:56 |
Flannel | cypha: You're right, but you'll catch them the next time around. Anyone who is awake will read it when it happens, you don't have to worry about awake people missing it | 08:56 |
MOzartstaedter | how could i limit a ping-request to ... lets say 10 pings?? | 08:57 |
U_G_G | eth01, apt-get update is still updating | 08:57 |
Starnestommy | MOzartstaedter: ping -c 10 | 08:57 |
MOzartstaedter | thx a lot | 08:57 |
Flannel | douye: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/xserver-xorg see how those depends are set up? the -all packages (both input and video) depend on every arch it seems. Depending on what gets chosen when you install, you may find yourself with all of those. | 08:57 |
magnus_ | do i need samba for filessharing b/w ubuntu machines? | 08:57 |
Myrtti | magnus_: no | 08:58 |
eth01 | U_G_G: why is it taking so long? once you've done thats finished too, run apt-get install | 08:58 |
magnus_ | Myrtti: how is it done? :) | 08:58 |
I_need_help | yes magnetron. im in screen now | 08:58 |
magnetron | magnus_: will the ubuntu machine act as server or client? | 08:58 |
Flannel | douye: it'd be -nv | 08:58 |
Flannel | douye: Or, nvidia-glx with or without -legacy | 08:58 |
magnus_ | magnetron: one server another client | 08:58 |
U_G_G | eth01, i open ADD/REMOVE and its downloading applications auto.. | 08:58 |
magnus_ | magnetron: both *buntu | 08:58 |
magnetron | I_need_help: is universe enabled? | 08:58 |
douye | flannel: so as i got a nvidia 8600M GT card i should only need the nvidia version of it? | 08:58 |
Flannel | douye: See the first two things after -video-2 | 08:58 |
legend2440 | s3a: what are you trying to make ? a banner or sign? | 08:59 |
eth01 | U_G_G: these are commands which need to be run in SSH. | 08:59 |
Flannel | douye: correct, although the -nv version might not be a bad fallback in case something goes wrong. But yeah, you just need one of those. | 08:59 |
Madpilot | cypha, that file xfr appears not to be working - fire it up on the web somewhere instead? | 08:59 |
Myrtti | you can do it with ssh(fs) (easy, safe, slow), or nfs (easyish, not that safe unless inside safe network, fast) | 08:59 |
U_G_G | oh ok | 08:59 |
Myrtti | magnus_: ^ | 08:59 |
I_need_help | no, only checkbox number 2 | 08:59 |
I_need_help | no, only checkbox number 2 from up | 08:59 |
eth01 | U_G_G: so before i lose my patience. load terminal, and enter sudo apt-get update and once thats finished run apt-get install | 09:00 |
douye | flannel: could that be the reason i cant adjust the nvidia card settings? (says i dont have a nvidia card installed, while it is using the driver seen by system -> administrator -> hardware driver) | 09:00 |
magnus_ | Myrtti: i dont want to have to login ssh style.. | 09:00 |
U_G_G | ok eth01, apt-update its going | 09:00 |
eth01 | U_G_G: k | 09:01 |
I_need_help | Magnetron : no, only checkbox number 2 from up .. should i check all them ? | 09:01 |
Myrtti | magnus_: that's not a problem if everything is setup properly | 09:01 |
yedda2 | hi all | 09:01 |
Flannel | douye: I believe you need the nvidia-settings package for that. | 09:01 |
magnus_ | Myrtti: mhm... | 09:01 |
magnetron | I_need_help: "main", "universe" and "restricted" should be enabled | 09:02 |
douye | flannel: i've got the nvidia xserver settings app installed | 09:02 |
douye | flannel: and that package you named is installed | 09:02 |
Uplink | i have a question... why when i right click<open with an mp3 it does NOT show up amarok? | 09:02 |
U_G_G | eth01, why is apt-get update installing so many things | 09:02 |
Flannel | douye: I don't know. You'll have to ask someone who has experience with it. | 09:02 |
shishirmk | does any1 know hot to make a http post or get request from the command line to a servre | 09:02 |
shishirmk | server | 09:02 |
yedda2 | what filesystem should I chose for an external HDD, that is only used as a storage device and also other computers i.e. WindowsXP/Linux/Mac machines should be able to directly connect to it. (actually the storage is at a router-pc, so everyone can connect via samba, but it's important if I move the storage around, eg. to a friends house) | 09:03 |
tyler | how do i start xmms2 via terminal? | 09:03 |
eth01 | U_G_G: it's not installing anything. it's just refreshing the cache basiically | 09:03 |
douye | flannel: and in the xorg.conf or something the display driver is also named nvidia :P which makes it weird but oh well | 09:03 |
shishirmk | i am using ubuntu 7.10 | 09:03 |
eth01 | basically, even | 09:03 |
U_G_G | ok i see | 09:03 |
eth01 | U_G_G: has that finished now.. | 09:03 |
tyler | how do i start xmms2 via terminal? | 09:03 |
Myrtti | magnus_: bwah, can't find the good tutorial right away | 09:03 |
U_G_G | 3 packages, 24% 24 % and 61% .. and counting.. | 09:03 |
U_G_G | hehe | 09:04 |
NeedHelp | What is the linux correlation of COM2? | 09:04 |
magnus_ | Myrtti: maybe samba is easier then .. im a noob :) | 09:04 |
astro76 | NeedHelp: /dev/ttyS1 | 09:04 |
Flannel | tyler: xmms2 | 09:04 |
NeedHelp | Thankyou | 09:04 |
I_need_help | Magnetron : i did | 09:04 |
s3a | landscape is not making me print to file sideways with openoffice.org | 09:05 |
eth01 | U_G_G: ok | 09:05 |
NeedHelp | Astro: Just in case, how about COM1 | 09:05 |
legend2440 | s3a: what are you trying to make ? a banner or sign? | 09:05 |
Uplink | i have a question... why when i right click<open with an mp3 it does NOT show up amarok? | 09:05 |
s3a | legend2440: huge letters to stick on a poster | 09:05 |
Myrtti | magnus_: if you're in a safe environment, use nfs | 09:06 |
tyler | Flannel: http://pastebin.org/38560 I get this when i type that | 09:06 |
Myrtti | magnus_: it's quite straightforward to set up, perhaps even easier than sshfs | 09:06 |
yedda2 | what is the better filesystem for a storage device that gets read and written alot but changed/deleted rarely? ntfs or ext3? both have disadvantages concerning connectibility | 09:06 |
legend2440 | s3a: http://linux.about.com/library/bl/open/newbie/blnewbie7.1banner.htm | 09:06 |
magnetron | I_need_help: great, now "reload" again and try to install wine again | 09:06 |
astro76 | NeedHelp: /dev/ttyS0 | 09:06 |
Uplink | where can i get AUDIO CODECS? | 09:06 |
magnetron | !codec | Uplink | 09:06 |
ubottu | Uplink: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 09:06 |
Myrtti | magnus_: and it's fast. I get 1MB/s with sshfs and 10MB/s with nfs | 09:06 |
magnus_ | Myrtti: nfs is that a package? | 09:06 |
NeedHelp | Astro76: Thanks again. I think I got it | 09:06 |
I_need_help | Magentron : u mean i turn back to add/remove menu ? | 09:07 |
tyler | Flannel: http://pastebin.org/38560 I get this when i type that | 09:07 |
Flannel | tyler: That's the xmms2 help thing. you'll need to let it know what you actually want. You ran the program, it noticed you didn't ask it to do anything, so it told you so. | 09:07 |
Myrtti | magnus_: the serverside needs ... well I've got "nfs-kernel-server" | 09:07 |
Myrtti | and the client side needs nfs-common | 09:07 |
ronnie_ | over one thousand people, cool | 09:07 |
U_G_G | eth01, still there? | 09:07 |
magnus_ | Myrtti: thx :) | 09:08 |
tyler | Flannel: the program is not running though... | 09:08 |
Flannel | tyler: It finished, because you didn't tell it to do anything. What are you trying to get to happen? | 09:09 |
I_need_help | Magnetron : now running downloading package | 09:09 |
magnetron | I_need_help: hit Reload in Synaptic, then close Synaptic and use "add/remove" again | 09:09 |
magnetron | I_need_help: good luck | 09:09 |
tyler | A UI program to open up...is this just a command based program or what? | 09:09 |
Flannel | tyler: It is. for a GUI, you want to install "gxmms2" | 09:09 |
tyler | Flannel: do you use amarak? | 09:10 |
Flannel | tyler: No | 09:10 |
cypha | Madpilot: http://picpaste.com/pics/Screenshot_8.1211788898.png | 09:10 |
tyler | whats the best gnome music program that i can have a aplet in the gnome bar to control it | 09:10 |
U_G_G | eth01, i finish installing filezilla-common, but it doesnt shows up anywhere on the application list? | 09:11 |
=== davincic0de18 is now known as jp17cam | ||
Madpilot | cypha, interesting. Right-clicking on that extra box doesn't do anything? | 09:11 |
cypha | brings up the same menu | 09:11 |
I_need_help | Magnetron : thank you so much | 09:11 |
cypha | from where if i got to preferences, i can choose the rows by columns | 09:12 |
Madpilot | cypha, as the desktop-chooser widget? have you tried removing it entirely and re-installing it on the panel? | 09:12 |
eth01 | U_G_G: umm? | 09:12 |
Flannel | tyler: U_G_G for the menu item, you need to install `filezilla` | 09:12 |
Flannel | tyler: sorry, that wasn't for you | 09:12 |
U_G_G | ok ty | 09:12 |
cypha | it's not a widget tho? | 09:12 |
cypha | just an option for the panel, right? | 09:12 |
eth01 | U_G_G: i hadn't finished with you, but yes, you need to install filezilla. | 09:12 |
eth01 | *-common is just the complicated stuff btw | 09:13 |
magnetron | I_need_help: you're welcome | 09:13 |
ronnie_ | èé/j #freebsd | 09:13 |
CQ | morning... is there a way to get better fonts for ubuntu, in particular Firefox and the like? | 09:13 |
bullgard4 | [GNOME] After dist-upgrade to Hardy GNOME shows most programs in English although all locales of 'locale' are set to German e. g. LANG=de_DE.UTF8. "~$ dpkg-reconfigure locales" only added a new line "en_US.UTF-8... up-to-date". Also erasing of .gnome, .gnome2 und .gconf and restart did not change that. How to troubleshoot? | 09:13 |
robg_ | bullgard4: your problem is familiar to me. I had it in Vista too. I have opted to run operating systems in a single language. | 09:14 |
s3a | i have 2 images how can i make one (the smaller one) be on top (in the corner) of the other one? | 09:15 |
s3a | using gimp | 09:15 |
ronnie_ | robg_: what program? | 09:15 |
robg_ | ronnie: ? | 09:15 |
ronnie_ | nothing.. | 09:15 |
bullgard4 | robg_: I'd like to run it in a single language: German. It used to work in Gutsy. It does not work any longer in Hardy. How to tell Hardy to use German only? | 09:16 |
s3a | any1 here use gimp? | 09:16 |
Dew420 | kinda s3a | 09:16 |
wenbin | help? | 09:16 |
HappyHater | how do you install kde with apt-get? | 09:16 |
robg_ | bullgard4: I have never been able to run an OS completely in any other language than US English. Some things are translated, but never everything. | 09:16 |
s3a | HappyHater: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop | 09:17 |
babo | guys, how do i open a .ai adobe illustrator file ? | 09:17 |
HappyHater | thanks | 09:17 |
bullgard4 | robg_: Well, I told you that it worked for me in Gutsy. | 09:17 |
s3a | Dew420: how do i fuse 2 images and make one on top of the other? | 09:17 |
Dew420 | o.O | 09:17 |
leejohn | good day guys, has anyone stumble with a bug in php a single echo statement execute at 5 sec delay even on commandline | 09:17 |
robg_ | bullgard4: then that was an exception | 09:18 |
Dew420 | I dno man im baked | 09:18 |
rootpt | google it | 09:18 |
magnetron | !bugs | leejohn | 09:18 |
ubottu | leejohn: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots | 09:18 |
robg_ | bullgard4: if you read German computer magazines, there is a lot of whining about translation. | 09:18 |
s3a | Dew420: as in drugs? | 09:18 |
bullgard4 | robg_: You missed the point. | 09:19 |
leejohn | magnetron: ok, i will file a bug report on this | 09:19 |
magnetron | leejohn: thank you | 09:19 |
robg_ | bullgard4: translation is an ongoing issue that never completely satisfies. | 09:19 |
cypha | i have an extra box under my workspace that can't be switched to | 09:19 |
magnetron | bullgard4: what does System > administration > language support yield? | 09:20 |
cypha | i have an extra box under my workspace thing in the panel, that can't be switched to. i have compiz off, no desktop effects, 1x1 rows and columns. any ideas? | 09:21 |
U_G_G | eth01, done | 09:22 |
bullgard4 | magnetron: Language Support > Supported Languages > Language German support asserted. No more assertions. -- Default language for new useraccounts and the login screen: 'Deutsch (Deutschland)'. | 09:23 |
robg_ | bullgard4: you may also mahev made wrong choices during install | 09:25 |
s3a | if a motherboard supports ddr ram does it supprt all ddr ram there is? lets say if the ram is faster than it can handle does it still work at a slower speed? does it just not work? or does it cause damage to the motherboard? | 09:25 |
Effex | Uhm, maybe a little off topic, but does anyone know how to save logs in irssi? | 09:26 |
magnetron | bullgard4: if you hit the "apply" button, does it wanna install complementary language support? | 09:26 |
bullgard4 | s3a: A fater RAM works fine and does not do any harm | 09:26 |
robg_ | s3a: damage unlikely. OS will inform you if RAM is recognized. | 09:27 |
babo | guys, does anyone know how to open .ai files ? | 09:27 |
bullgard4 | magnetron: At the moment 'Apply' is greyed out. So pressing it does not effect anything. | 09:28 |
magnetron | babo: http://filext.com/file-extension/AI | 09:28 |
magnetron | bullgard4: ok | 09:28 |
magnus_ | is there a linux equivalent to "net view"? | 09:28 |
kibibyte | what is net view | 09:28 |
magnetron | magnus_: what should it do? | 09:29 |
Baby_Shambl3s | hi, is there a wway I can make ubuntu redo my fstab automatically? | 09:29 |
s3a | bullgard, robg_, k thx | 09:29 |
legend2440 | Effex: read Configuration Options http://wiki.redbrick.dcu.ie/mw/Irssi | 09:29 |
dennda | Baby_Shambl3s: mount -a if that's what you mean | 09:29 |
s3a | i got 2 images in1 gimp window | 09:29 |
magnetron | Baby_Shambl3s: did you edit it manually? | 09:29 |
s3a | how do i make the smaller pic larger? | 09:29 |
dennda | s3a: scale the layer | 09:29 |
dennda | Assuming you got layers | 09:29 |
Baby_Shambl3s | magnetron: no I just want it to be redone by the OS to include my other HDs | 09:30 |
w3rd_ | hey guys do you know of any torrent server software that can be installed on a *nix box? im hoping to serve torrents via my webhost and hoping there is some alternative to torrentflux? to many restrictions? ie login etc.. otherwise awesome? | 09:30 |
Baby_Shambl3s | dennda: mount -a | 09:30 |
Baby_Shambl3s | dennda: mount -a? | 09:31 |
magnus_ | magnetron: just want to look up the ip numbers on the network. | 09:31 |
magnetron | magnus_: the ip numbers of the computers on the SMB network? | 09:31 |
dennda | Baby_Shambl3s: man mount will tell you what that option does. Basically it remounts any of the devices. But I may have misunderstood your question | 09:31 |
ghindo | After running a system update on one of my computers, I tried to ssh into it but got this message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14744/ What does this mean? Should I worry? | 09:31 |
humbolt | How do I make seahorse use my new non-vulnerable SSH key? | 09:31 |
magnus_ | magnetron: no not smb.. | 09:32 |
magnus_ | magnetron: my local network ie computers connected to the router | 09:32 |
ljsoftnet | what do i have to do to know my ip address? | 09:32 |
Boxxxer | hello | 09:32 |
StevenX | Hello. I am trying to run multiple sessions of x display (so taht I can run a full-screen game on one session). I hit "ctrl+alt+f1", log-in, and then run "startx -- :1". However, it switches screens but never really starts up the new x session. When I got back to ctrl+alt_f1 it says "X Client 1 rejected from local host. No protocal specified. | 09:32 |
magnetron | magnus_: net view lists computers in your SMB network. isn't this what you wanna do? | 09:33 |
Baby_Shambl3s | dennda: this is a clean install two hds are mounting automatically but the others aint, I could edit the fstab one by one but I wish to know if there is a way for the OS to re-write the fstab again but this time including the other hds that might not have been present at the time | 09:34 |
Boxxxer | i am just typing a bug report for Xubuntu... can you please tell me which package should i choose it has the bug if the lock screen mechanism is not working? | 09:34 |
sixforty | w3rd_: looked at libapache2-mod-bt ? | 09:34 |
w3rd_ | naw? | 09:34 |
Boxxxer | is gdm the package it has this locking screen mechanism (which is not working at all) ? | 09:35 |
legend2440 | ljsoftnet: in terminal type ifconfig or go here http://whatismyip.com/ | 09:35 |
magnus_ | magnetron: i use ssh to connect to other computers not samba... i just want to see which ip-adressess are in use instead of having to ping each one or something... | 09:35 |
w3rd_ | sixforty: question, where the heck is the messaging software for this type of server located? is it redistributed?http://kos.enix.org/pipermail/daily-debian-package/2007-February/000876.html | 09:37 |
plik | magnus_: sounds like ajob for nmap | 09:37 |
magnus_ | plik: ok | 09:37 |
w3rd_ | i love the threads...simple and public... | 09:37 |
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w3rd_ | lot of systems based upon this... | 09:37 |
Uplink | i have a question... why when i right click<open with an mp3 it does NOT show up amarok? | 09:37 |
magnetron | magnus_: sure, but how should you get the ip adresses of the if they have no hostname, no SMB name or any name at all? how would your computer be able to find the IP adress out of nothing? if you want to replace net view, you can use nmblookup and smbtree | 09:37 |
legend2440 | Uplink: right click mp3 then properties>open with and choose amarok | 09:39 |
Uplink | legend2440, it wont show up | 09:40 |
magnus_ | magnetron: "how should i" well i dont know thats why im here lol. | 09:40 |
david4 | http://rafb.net/p/40Ok7229.html <-- anyone know how to fix that? | 09:40 |
legend2440 | Uplink: then Add amarok | 09:40 |
sixforty | w3rd_: I can't parse your q. Shows what I know. | 09:40 |
robotjox | hi, can anybody here recommend a piece of software for keeping a personal log of projects (both software and other things)? | 09:41 |
magnetron | magnus_: you are both asking me for how to do it and what to do. | 09:41 |
Uplink | legend2440, it should be there by default | 09:41 |
magnus_ | magnetron: ok | 09:41 |
luca | any good guide for a stable web interface email server build ? | 09:41 |
cypha | my touchpad's scrolling has mysteriously stopped | 09:41 |
w3rd_ | rofl | 09:41 |
w3rd_ | my bad... | 09:41 |
Yachaziel | Hello all! I am back and I got my machine working again! I had to reinstall ubuntu. =( But no worries! | 09:41 |
cypha | it'll definitely fix on restart, but i want to know why this is happening at all? | 09:41 |
cypha | and can it be refreshed without restarting? | 09:41 |
plik | magnus_: sudo aptitude install nmap && sudo nmap -sV or something similar | 09:42 |
w3rd_ | look at the website,,, they are using a platform, some sort of messaging server software... im interested to know what that is? do you have any idea... | 09:42 |
magnetron | magnus_: my router adds computer names to my local DNS server, very useful. another solution would be to add computer names and IPs to your /etc/hosts | 09:42 |
sixforty | w3rd_ : are you talking about Apache itself? | 09:43 |
w3rd_ | i guess... umm but i dont think so... | 09:43 |
w3rd_ | http://kos.enix.org/pipermail/daily-debian-package/2007-February/000876.html | 09:44 |
david4 | http://rafb.net/p/mlzVyG32.html <-- any ideas on how to fix this? | 09:44 |
w3rd_ | what are they writing there emails on? | 09:44 |
w3rd_ | how is that done? how do they send emails in public view as if an email or thread in a forum? | 09:44 |
w3rd_ | enix.org | 09:44 |
Jokka | how do i mount my new hardisc? i cant find it anywhere in comp. any help? | 09:44 |
leejohn | Jokka: did you make any partition ? | 09:45 |
david4 | Jokka: dmesg and look at the output | 09:45 |
magnus_ | plik: ty | 09:46 |
Jokka | I just put it in ro my comp, i have no idea where to find it or even search for it.. | 09:46 |
magnus_ | magnetron: but i have no network skillz | 09:46 |
david4 | ide, scsi, or sata? | 09:46 |
c_sokun | w3rd_: I think that just a mailling list | 09:46 |
leejohn | Jokka: when you say new it means a new hard drive without an exisiting filesystem on it? | 09:46 |
magnetron | magnus_: ok | 09:46 |
plik | magnus_: welcome, time to learn ;) | 09:46 |
davelee | say, i can run X via startx but GDM / KDM gives me an error (something about not having a terminal) ... where should i look for the problem ? | 09:46 |
Jokka | leejohn, yeah. empty one | 09:47 |
w3rd_ | agghhh, how the heck do they do that, what mailing list server software is there? do you know of any... qmail? | 09:47 |
david4 | Jokka: if it is ide it'll be /dev/hd(X) X being a letter | 09:47 |
pkundu | Jokka: install gparted using synaptic, if your HDD is detected you can create new partition using it | 09:47 |
david4 | Jokka: if it is scsi or sata it'll be sd(X) | 09:47 |
sixforty | w3rd_ : google 'what is pipermail' | 09:47 |
magnetron | w3rd_: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/mailman.html | 09:48 |
w3rd_ | koo | 09:48 |
majikins | hi - I'm not sure if my debmirror is working - it says its downloaded files(40 mib) at 122kb rate but my ifconfig says differently | 09:48 |
majikins | how do I chk that debmirror is working? | 09:48 |
k1dugar | hello, I using ubuntu 8.04. I want to use gfxboot, I have installed gfxboot and gfxboot-theme-ubuntu and removed usplash. But I can't see gfxboot on boot | 09:48 |
robg_ | Jokka: partition logic is contained in gparted. Possible options are presented. | 09:48 |
w3rd_ | hey question, if i modify my webserver to include libapache2-mod-bt? what use would it have? dont i need more than that to allow users to seed torrents via my server? or am i completely off? | 09:48 |
david4 | Jokka: seeing you have a drive in there already it'll probably be "b" and next you need to partition and make a filesystem | 09:49 |
david4 | Jokka: you can use cfdisk and fdisk as well | 09:49 |
sixforty | w3rd_: is your webserver running on ubuntu? | 09:49 |
cypha | is there a way to restart my mouse, like i can restart X? | 09:49 |
w3rd_ | well close enough, debain | 09:50 |
w3rd_ | debian* | 09:50 |
massimo | hi | 09:50 |
magnetron | w3rd_: oh, debian? then my instructions may or may not apply to you | 09:50 |
w3rd_ | same diff, well pretty close... | 09:51 |
k1dugar | can someone help me out with gfxboot | 09:51 |
Uplink | !drivers | 09:51 |
ubottu | Factoid drivers not found | 09:51 |
Uplink | !driver | 09:51 |
ubottu | Factoid driver not found | 09:51 |
magnetron | w3rd_: there | 09:51 |
Uplink | >: | | 09:51 |
w3rd_ | well the could be close to helpful either way... experienced with both... i run ubuntu server for and IDS in our internal network? | 09:51 |
magnetron | w3rd_: there's a #debian channel here, you may get better support for your debian server there | 09:51 |
majikins | hi can anyone help me with the debmirror application pls? | 09:52 |
w3rd_ | hehe ok... even though we are talking about apache | 09:52 |
magnetron | w3rd_: we're talkin about different packaged versions of apache | 09:52 |
Mc-Kay | w3rd, try lampp this has the fully configured setup for ubuntu | 09:53 |
Jokka | "Since GParted can be a weapon of mass destruction only root may run it." lol | 09:53 |
Baby_Shambl3s | what would happen if i were to delete the current fstab which is backed up) and restarted would ubuntu remake the fstab? | 09:53 |
w3rd_ | nix is nix | 09:53 |
magnetron | Baby_Shambl3s: no. | 09:53 |
w3rd_ | peac0rz ty 4 n 3 help yo! | 09:53 |
sixforty | w3rd_: yep, #debian and mebbe #apache | 09:53 |
bigjoe4 | hi | 09:53 |
U_G_G | magnetron, i've just installed AptonCD, but it shows only what packages are installed today, how can i list all packages which i apt-get them yesterday | 09:54 |
sixforty | (or #(your_distro)) | 09:54 |
bigjoe4 | my ubuntu asks for password everytime I statup- how do I stop it | 09:54 |
magnetron | Baby_Shambl3s: wait. i've seen you on the ETQW servers! | 09:54 |
bigjoe4 | it sais 'unlock keyrig' thingy | 09:54 |
Baby_Shambl3s | magnetron: so i would have to edit the fstab manually for every disk o.0??? | 09:55 |
Jokka | Hmm.. seems to get it working right with gparted. thx alot for help :) | 09:56 |
Jokka | if i managed to get it without messing upp my other partitions.. | 09:56 |
magnetron | Baby_Shambl3s: i don't answer questions i don't know | 09:57 |
Boxxxer | is gdm the package it has this locking screen mechanism (which is not working at all) ? | 09:57 |
k1dugar | hello, I using ubuntu 8.04. I want to use gfxboot, I have installed gfxboot and gfxboot-theme-ubuntu and removed usplash. But I can't see gfxboot on boot | 09:57 |
robg_ | Jokka: never push your luck. | 09:57 |
jessejazza | bigjoe4: system~>administration~>Login window~>security click check box [automatic login] saves the pain of that damn silly window | 09:57 |
Shervin | When using truecrypt on ubuntu, I try to open up my crypt file, I type in the crypt password and then it says "Adminstrator Priveleges Required" I then proceed to type in the password I use to log into ubuntu and it then says permission denied. What am I doing wrong? | 09:57 |
U_G_G | eth01, help me again please, i've just installed AptonCD, but it shows only what packages are installed today, how can i list all packages which i apt-get them yesterday | 09:57 |
hoehaver | I installed ubuntu 8.4. im not all too new to linuzx but im still a novice. ive never installed a Grub booter theme before and the one i was doesnt clearly tell me how to install it. it tells me to add this line to my grub booter. "splashimage=(hd1,0)/boot/grub/white_tree.xpm.gz" i know ill have to change (hd1,0) to (hd0,2) and ill probably have to change the picture location from root/grub to something like chunky/home (because when | 09:57 |
Lanlost | Anyone know a download accelerator that acutally shows you the file splits in the percentage bar or something similar? GetRight, FreeDownloadManager, etc for Windows do it. | 09:57 |
hoehaver | sorry ts so long? | 09:57 |
hoehaver | its* | 09:57 |
bigjoe4 | jessejazza: yes, I did that, but now it still asks for password once I logon | 09:58 |
bigjoe4 | jessejazza: it says some perogram needs privilages or something, maybe the network | 09:58 |
bigjoe4 | #program | 09:58 |
hoehaver | wow i need to spell check that bad! | 09:58 |
robg_ | hoehaver: always opt for guided install in largest empty space. | 09:58 |
hoehaver | sorry...try to weeve through my mistyped words... | 09:58 |
Jokka | Ok, it didnt get to work. As a problem, i cant get it mounted, any help there? | 09:59 |
Shervin | When using truecrypt on ubuntu, I try to open up my crypt file, I type in the crypt password and then it says "Adminstrator Priveleges Required" I then proceed to type in the password I use to log into ubuntu and it then says permission denied. What am I doing wrong? | 09:59 |
magnetron | hoehaver: install StartupManager, it will easily let you add a startup screen | 09:59 |
magnetron | !repeat | Shervin | 09:59 |
robg_ | Jokka: does your PC accept a secondary harddrive at the hardware level ? | 09:59 |
ubottu | Shervin: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 09:59 |
hoehaver | rodg_: what do you mean? | 09:59 |
jokoon | Hello, I'm looking for a way to customize cursors in ubuntu ... | 09:59 |
Jokka | robg, yeah. Ive had three drives when using windows | 10:00 |
robg_ | hoehaver: when installing dual-boot you first create a large empty space and then do a guided install into that large empty space. | 10:00 |
Yachaziel | jokoon: As in change their appearance? | 10:00 |
Jokka | i got it formatted to ext3 now | 10:00 |
jessejazza | bigjoe4: umm then i don't know that i can help further. My PC is standalone at home currently using 7.10. perhaps your on 8.04 and it has changed | 10:01 |
jokoon | Yachaziel : yes, but I just want to change them | 10:01 |
robg_ | Jokka: I seriously doubt whether you can control that secondary drive from within linux. | 10:01 |
Jokka | robg_, how come? | 10:01 |
Lanlost | isn't there an off-topic #ubuntu channel? Like #ubuntu-chat or something? | 10:01 |
king7 | can gnome exist without nautilus? | 10:01 |
jokoon | Yachaziel : I have png and cur files of the cursor I want to use | 10:02 |
robg_ | Jokka: gparted is used outside linux | 10:02 |
sixforty | Lanlost: #ubuntu-offtopic (excellent question!) | 10:02 |
Jokka | robg_, hmm.. i dont get ur point rly.. | 10:02 |
robg_ | Jokka: when I use gparted I shut down the OS and boor gparted from CD-ROM | 10:03 |
cypha | is there an acpi debug? | 10:03 |
cypha | in the package manager? | 10:03 |
Lanlost | thanks sixforty, it didn't seem to show up in the channel listing or in the topic | 10:03 |
king7 | will ubuntu crap if I remove nautilus? | 10:03 |
Jokka | robg_, oh i see.. well i got it running right now | 10:03 |
Baby_Shambl3s | magnetron: what do you mean you dont answer question, is that like a riddle of some sort? | 10:04 |
robg_ | Jokka: you have it running on top of linux. | 10:04 |
magnetron | Baby_Shambl3s: i don't answer questions i don't know the answer too. | 10:04 |
Jokka | robg_ , oh ok. So what should i do the? i just opened /etc/fstab to see what i could find.. | 10:04 |
Baby_Shambl3s | magnetron: ok | 10:05 |
robg_ | Jokka; the secondary drive must by recognized by the machine at a hardware level. | 10:05 |
jah_ | is there any app i can create powerpoint presentations with in ubuntu? | 10:05 |
Baby_Shambl3s | king7: I'm close to certain if you remove nautilus you also remove ubuntu desktop so keep have a desktop manager around just incase unless you cna work in cli other than that it shouldnt | 10:06 |
Myrtti | jah_: presentations or _powerpoint_ presentations? | 10:06 |
king7 | Ok bad idea then | 10:06 |
outfaller | i get a "bios bug found" followed by some numbers(goes by so fast) after grub and before ubuntu loading screen | 10:06 |
outfaller | anybody know what is that? | 10:06 |
buckhill | ACPI fix I think outfaller, but don't quote me on that | 10:06 |
king7 | Its a shell too I guess, I thought it was just a file manager, so I use rox-filer instead | 10:06 |
jah_ | Myrtti: POWERPOINT presentations ;) | 10:06 |
Jokka | robg_ , so i need to get my pc to understand i have a new harddrive init ? | 10:07 |
sixforty | outfaller: the bug is found because it is known, and almost certainly patched by the kernel | 10:07 |
Myrtti | jah_: any spesific reason they need to be *powerpoint* presentations? | 10:07 |
DaveKong | Can anyone give me more specific dirtions on how to do what these diretions say? -- The 2.6 kernel includes this driver as a module called b44. It is accessible in the kernel configuration under Device Drivers/Networking support/Ethernet (10 or 100Mbit)/. Select "EISA, VLB, PCI and on board controllers", and "Broadcom 4400". You may compile it as a module named b44. | 10:07 |
robg_ | Jokka: only your hardware manufacturer can tell you whether your machine will support another harddrive. | 10:07 |
outfaller | so nothing to worry about? | 10:07 |
jah_ | Myrtti: yeah, well cos its the most common thing used in my college... so .ppt aint working?? which other presentationtools are there? | 10:07 |
Myrtti | jah_: do it with Impress, export to pdf and show with a pdf-reader? | 10:08 |
Myrtti | jah_: better yet, do it with LaTeX, export to pdf and show with a pdf-reader | 10:08 |
jah_ | so Impress would be the most common chose? | 10:08 |
Jokka | robg_ , well if i had it working before the pc should support it right? | 10:08 |
jah_ | Myrtti: ok... well... where can I fetch impress? | 10:09 |
Myrtti | jah_: if you've got OpenOffice, you've got it already | 10:09 |
robg_ | Jokka: there is a difference between saving to a disk and booting from a disk. | 10:09 |
king7 | I love the ubuntu-studio theme | 10:09 |
jah_ | Myrtti: nah, but Im getting it now... can u recommen any guide for getting started with latex | 10:10 |
Myrtti | jah_: sure, hold on | 10:10 |
jah_ | Myrtti: thanks | 10:10 |
Jokka | robg_ , nvm. i got it working now:) ill reeboot and look if it stays up.. thx anyway. cheers mate | 10:10 |
eeboy | If I open up SSH (port 22) to the world how vulnerable am I? | 10:10 |
jatt | it depends | 10:11 |
robg_ | Jokka: the proof of the pudding is in the eating | 10:11 |
bullgard4 | [GNOME] After dist-upgrade to Hardy GNOME shows most programs in English although all locales of 'locale' are set to German e. g. LANG=de_DE.UTF8. "~$ dpkg-reconfigure locales" only added a new line "en_US.UTF-8... up-to-date". Also erasing of .gnome, .gnome2 und .gconf and restart did not change that. Language support: German is asserted. How to troubleshoot? | 10:11 |
Jokka | robg_ lol. i guess so:p | 10:12 |
Myrtti | jah_: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/lshort/english/, for LaTeX in presentations http://www.scribd.com/doc/28011/beamer-guide | 10:12 |
Jokka | robg_ , now in this drive, theres a lost+fund folder i cant enter, what is that? do u know? | 10:12 |
Jokka | also its named "160.0 gb media" wich pisses me off.. -.- | 10:13 |
sixforty | bullgard4: if you have not tried it, open synaptic and search "locale", see if all the 'de' items are installed. | 10:13 |
robg_ | Jokka: I still do not understand your plans. | 10:13 |
Jokka | robg_ , the plan is to get it empty from everything so i can put my movies in there, my other partition kinda got full last night ;) | 10:14 |
alzamabar | Hi, I've just changed the content of /etc/environment. Is there a way to have Ubuntu to pick up the changes without having to restart the system? | 10:14 |
A_I_ | hello | 10:14 |
A_I_ | where is the changelog of ubuntu 7.10 ? | 10:14 |
adam7 | Jokka: the lost and found folder (I believe) is where files go when they get lost; ie, the partition becomes corrupted. You can rename the 160gb volume by changing the drive label | 10:14 |
robg_ | Jokka: that is a file operation from within an operating system. Ask somebody with knowlegde in Linux internals. | 10:15 |
michael_ | hello everybody | 10:15 |
sixforty | Is there a friendlier alternative to sed for making the same change across several files? | 10:15 |
Jokka | robg_ , so the lost+found could be traces from an old OS? | 10:16 |
robg_ | Jokka: cannot tell from here. I thought you wanted to boot from that drive. | 10:16 |
Jokka | adam7, i cant change it.. "operation not supported by blackened" | 10:16 |
Jokka | robg_ ,no i just want it as extra storage | 10:16 |
adam7 | Jokka: what filesystem is that? | 10:16 |
adam7 | ext3? | 10:17 |
robg_ | Jokka; for storage it needs to be formatted and recognized by the OS. | 10:17 |
Jokka | adam7, what is what? the lost+found? | 10:17 |
Jokka | robg_, well i have it runnin and all but i want it empty. | 10:18 |
adam7 | Jokka: what operation was not supported by the backend -- renaming the lost+found folder? I don't think you can do that | 10:18 |
michael_ | only the ext3 have the lost and found dir | 10:18 |
robg_ | Jokka: you cannot empty a drive. Partitions are deleted by deleting a pointer to a file. The file stays there until overwriten. | 10:18 |
Jokka | adam7, changing the name of drive, but i think i kinda found the problem. i need to convert it to ntfs. | 10:18 |
alzamabar | Hi, I've just changed the content of /etc/environment. Is there a way to have Ubuntu to pick up the changes without having to restart the system? | 10:19 |
rodolfo_ | hi there. after I've started up the system, the window border is gone. I mean there's no window border. there's no window decoration either. That doesn't happen everytime but someone has any idea of what triggers this window decorator behavior? | 10:19 |
michael_ | jokka, you cant use some tools to read the ext3 driver in the windows os | 10:19 |
esteth | rodolfo_, Are you using desktop effects / compiz ? | 10:20 |
Jokka | michael_ , hu? | 10:20 |
adam7 | Jokka: you shouldn't have to convert it to ntfs to change the name -- I have a bunch of linux filesystem drives here with nice names | 10:20 |
rodolfo_ | esteth: yes I am | 10:20 |
adam7 | in fact, if you plan to use hte drive with linux, don't use ntfs | 10:20 |
A_I_ | changelog ? anybody knows ? it's to prove that ssl bug has been corrected in Ubuntu | 10:20 |
Jokka | adam7, well i cant put things into the drive either | 10:20 |
adam7 | A_I_: see the topic | 10:20 |
adam7 | Jokka: this is correct -- you'll have to set permissions on the drive to make it readable to other users than root | 10:21 |
Jokka | i made the drive ext3 in gparted | 10:21 |
rodolfo_ | esteth: that's just because sometimes I need that zoom function that comes with C-F | 10:21 |
esteth | rodolfo_, It's a fairly common problem. opening a terminal and launching "metacity --replace" or "emerald --replace" depending on which decorator you use should solve it | 10:21 |
Jokka | adam7, how to? | 10:21 |
adam7 | Jokka: do you know where the drive is mounted? | 10:21 |
michael_ | chmod | 10:21 |
alzamabar | I found it. The command is rehash | 10:21 |
Jokka | adam7, i followed http://keystoneit.wordpress.com/2007/09/19/add-a-hard-drive-in-ubuntu/ | 10:22 |
rodolfo_ | esteth, indeed it worked out. I have C-F icon already installed but I wonder if this problem has something to do with my video card, which is intel GMA915 | 10:22 |
adam7 | Jokka: do this in a terminal and post the output : ls /mount | 10:22 |
A_I_ | adam7 thank you, too much speaking people here made it disappear ;-) | 10:22 |
Jokka | i made a folder in /media | 10:22 |
Jokka | adam 7 alrajt | 10:22 |
rodolfo_ | esteth, or is this just a C-F issue? | 10:23 |
adam7 | Jokka: sorry, that command should read ls /media | 10:23 |
=== [CroX] is now known as CroX | ||
Jokka | adam7, cdrom cdrom0 film floppy floppy0 Games mISC MP3 | 10:23 |
Jokka | its aint there | 10:23 |
esteth | rodolfo_, I'm not aware with quite how the issue works, or it's origin, all i know is that restarting the window decorator solves it temporarily :( | 10:24 |
Jokka | oh, it was lol "film" is the one | 10:24 |
=== sigv is now known as sigvart | ||
robg_ | Jokka: did you perform gparted operations on that disk ? | 10:24 |
wizo | hey guys, i just compiled and ran a simple openGL code, it basically just displays a box. when i execute the executable from terminal, the image gets corrupted with with the terminal, and it doesnt have a minimize button, maximize, or close button | 10:24 |
wizo | anyone knows how to solve it? | 10:25 |
Jokka | robg_ , what i did was formatting it to ext3 through gparted | 10:25 |
adam7 | Jokka: ok -- you should have to do all those steps in the wordpress page to get the hard drive in the same spot every time -- renaming the drive should be sufficent | 10:25 |
bullgard4 | sixforty: In Synaptic, searching for 'locale', I compared what German packages are installed with another well-functioning Hardy computer. I found no package missing. Besides, I opened another Ubuntu Linux user account on this computer. It showed all GNOME entries correctly in German. | 10:25 |
robg_ | Jokka: if you re-format a disk then you destroy everything on it. | 10:25 |
rodolfo_ | esteth, huum can you help me with some tips to provide better details about this issue? next time it happens I will file a BR to compiz-fusion devs and let 'em know | 10:25 |
adam7 | Jokka: at any rate, since you've done that already, let's move on (will let you save stuff on the disk with any user): sudo chmod 777 /media/film | 10:26 |
robg_ | Jokka: I strongly advise you to save to plastic rather than steel. | 10:26 |
sigvart | When I press the mute button on my laptop, there is a delay for about 2 sec before the audio is muted. Is there any way to remove this delay? Volume up and down works with no delay, and mute PCMhas no delay... | 10:26 |
esteth | rodolfo_, Normally searching the ubuntuforums will throw up the issue, and a link to a bug in the appropriate place. Searching the bugtracker for compiz (if there is one) might throw up a solution/cause in the comments, also | 10:26 |
majikins | hi can anyone help me with the debmirror application pls? | 10:26 |
Jokka | adam7, thx, now it seems to be working. i wonder if i could just delete the folder wit rmdir | 10:26 |
ubuntu | hey guys i need help | 10:27 |
Jokka | robg_ , hu..? u confuse me:P | 10:27 |
adam7 | Jokka: lost+found? I don't think you can, but I might be wrong | 10:27 |
adam7 | !ask | ubuntu | 10:27 |
ubottu | ubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 10:27 |
icewaterman | what happened to the k7-optimized kernel in ubuntu? there seems to be only a generic kernel and an ancient i386 one | 10:27 |
robg_ | Jokka: use CDs, DVDs, Blue Ray | 10:27 |
Jokka | adam7. worked perfectly | 10:27 |
adam7 | Jokka: ok, good to know | 10:27 |
ubuntu | can anyone help me | 10:28 |
wizo | hey, where can i upload a picture so that you guys can view it | 10:28 |
adam7 | ubuntu: we need to know what your question is first | 10:28 |
Jokka | adam7, yeah. but i still cant rename it | 10:28 |
wizo | i need someone to take a look at what's wrong with my desktop | 10:28 |
adam7 | wizo: try xs.to, it'll give you a url | 10:28 |
wizo | ok thanks adam7 | 10:28 |
sixforty | bullgard4: ls -a in the ~ of the original user and of the new, working user. Compare the dotfiles. Sorry, but I think that's as far as I can take you. | 10:28 |
rodolfo_ | esteth thank you. | 10:29 |
ubuntu | i installed ubuntu and i have a wireless card but it doesnt read it or doesnt let me log on to the internet using it | 10:29 |
adam7 | Jokka: tune2fs -L newname /dev/hdx1 where /dev/hdx1 is the drive you want to rename | 10:29 |
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\ | ||
Jokka | adam7, w000t? | 10:29 |
ubuntu | so? | 10:29 |
Dr_willis | ubuntu a lot will depend on the EXACT wireless card you have. | 10:29 |
Dr_willis | !wireless | ubuntu | 10:30 |
ubottu | ubuntu: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 10:30 |
c1|freaky | how do i enable desktop effects in ubuntu? | 10:30 |
eth01 | Dr_willis: lazy | 10:30 |
ubuntu | oh | 10:30 |
wizo | c1|freaky: system, preferences, appearance | 10:30 |
adam7 | Jokka: you get it? | 10:30 |
Jokka | adam7, nope | 10:31 |
sixforty | where does ubuntu get the 'template' for new user's home directory? I'm used to /home/skel. | 10:31 |
Dr_willis | eth01, hes all yours then. | 10:31 |
user__ | can i see passwords in linux? | 10:31 |
ubuntu | not really but ill try to figure it out | 10:31 |
Jokka | adam7, that last thing made me look like a big question mark | 10:31 |
adam7 | Jokka: do you know the device name of your hard drive? | 10:31 |
adam7 | Jokka: is it a usb drive? | 10:31 |
ubuntu | no its not | 10:31 |
Jokka | adam7 dev/sdb1 | 10:32 |
ubuntu | its built in to my laptop | 10:32 |
adam7 | Jokka: ok, so using : tune2fs -L newname /dev/sda1 | 10:32 |
user__ | how to mount my usb device | 10:32 |
Dr_willis | ubuntu - start with tracking down your exact wireless card/chipset - thats a must know bit of info., the command 'lspci' will give you some info that should mention the card/chipset | 10:32 |
Jokka | adam7, run that in terminal but change "newname" to the name? | 10:32 |
bullgard4 | sixforty: Comparing the dotfiles is tedious, isn't it? -- What I have done last night, in ~ I renamed .gnome, .gnome2 and .gconf and rebooted. There was no change in the language of the GNOME identifiers. | 10:33 |
adam7 | Jokka: yep -- you might have to sudo it, I'm not certain | 10:33 |
Riot777 | hi, is there issue with firefox 3 on ubuntu that this app is not staying at the bottom of the apps or beneath them? anyone know how to fix this? On 7.10 firefox 2 didn't had this issue | 10:33 |
=== Effex is now known as BrokenShadow | ||
Jokka | adam7, tune2fs: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sda1 was the anserw | 10:33 |
ubuntu | where do i change the name sorry im a newbie | 10:33 |
esteth | ubuntu, type "/nick yournewname" without the " | 10:34 |
=== BrokenShadow is now known as Effex | ||
wizo | adam7: know of any other sites? xs.to doesnt seem to be loading.. | 10:34 |
adam7 | wizo: imageshack.us | 10:35 |
wizo | ah yes | 10:35 |
wizo | one sec | 10:35 |
Jokka | wtf! it still has 7gig used.. | 10:35 |
ubuntu | so i found the name now where do i put that info | 10:36 |
wizo | http://img296.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotov6.png <== so here it is | 10:36 |
adam7 | Jokka: really? | 10:36 |
Jokka | adam7, yeah.. allthough ls gives me nothin ^^ | 10:36 |
adam7 | Jokka: I think some of the space might be reserved for the root user -- I don't know how to fix that though | 10:37 |
roycruse | hi - can someone help me with some hard disk management in ubuntu - im not sure what im doing exactly | 10:37 |
wizo | as you can see, i ran the ./test which is an openGL application, which is meant to show a window and a white square on a white background, but instead i see this. can anyone help | 10:37 |
Jokka | adam7, well lets have it like that now, i need to go take a crap:) lol thx for all help mate | 10:37 |
esteth | !ask | roycruse | 10:37 |
ubottu | roycruse: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 10:37 |
adam7 | Jokka: no problem | 10:37 |
robg_ | roycruse: what do you have and what do you want to do. | 10:37 |
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adam7 | wizo: turn of compiz, try it again :P | 10:38 |
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wizo | adam7: turn of as in no effects at all? | 10:38 |
king7 | hi, I installed the ubuntu-studio desktop and now my bootscreen is ubuntu studio | 10:38 |
king7 | how can I revert it to the regular ubuntu bootscreen? | 10:38 |
=== ubuntu is now known as SLVRHAWK | ||
Andrew___ | Hey will ubuntu run on my table pc | 10:39 |
adam7 | wizo: yeah | 10:39 |
wizo | ey | 10:39 |
wizo | adam7: it works now, thanks! | 10:39 |
adam7 | wizo: the effects don't like opengl very much | 10:39 |
SLVRHAWK | ok i found my wireless card info now what do i do | 10:39 |
adam7 | :P | 10:39 |
wizo | so.. is that a bug or? | 10:39 |
wizo | adam7: ah i see.... | 10:39 |
michael_ | king7, you just need to install the ubuntu artwork | 10:39 |
ihsan30954 | this take so long time, upgrading gutsy to hardy ... | 10:39 |
adam7 | wizo: some would call it that. I'm pretty sure you don't need to bother with a report, as it happens for most of us :) | 10:39 |
xlogik | Can anyone help with getting ubuntu to re-recognize my nvidia gfx card? There is no option for me to select my drivers in the Restricted Drivers | 10:40 |
wizo | adam7: ah ok, cool cool, i guess i can live without the fancy stuff | 10:40 |
adam7 | wizo: yeah, you can turn it on/off as needed. | 10:40 |
wizo | had me worried for a second | 10:40 |
wizo | thought i broke something | 10:40 |
michael_ | or you can install the boot manager | 10:40 |
king7 | I already have the artwork | 10:40 |
michael_ | just install the boot manager | 10:41 |
Andrew___ | will it reconise my table stylse | 10:41 |
king7 | how do I install the boot manager | 10:41 |
wizo | thanks adam7 | 10:41 |
roycruse | ok - i have ubuntu installed on a 40gb hard drive and have 2 other 200gb hard drives which formally were a windows xp jbod 400gb disk - they both apear as 203.9 GB Media but i dont know how to repartition them and make them usable in ubuntu | 10:42 |
michael_ | i install it a long time ago | 10:42 |
adam7 | wizo: no problem | 10:42 |
michael_ | you can find it by command: apt-cache search bootmanager | 10:42 |
michael_ | or just find it from the gui | 10:42 |
killerboy | hi | 10:43 |
michael_ | search bootmanager | 10:43 |
killerboy | where can i find some photos of apples for desktop wallpaper? | 10:43 |
robg_ | roycruse: repartitioning destroys everything on the drives | 10:43 |
michael_ | killerboy | 10:43 |
c1|freaky | if I installed kubuntu and additionally installed ubuntu-desktop and would now like to remove all kubuntu applications, KDE and everything from kubuntu so i get a vanilla ubuntu-desktop - is that possible? | 10:43 |
killerboy | any good free gallery? | 10:43 |
michael_ | you can find it from the gnomelook | 10:43 |
roycruse | thats fine i dont need to keep anything on them | 10:43 |
tyler_2 | looking for a good ssh key handler. seahorse gives me an error that my current one is invalid | 10:43 |
killerboy | gnomelook? what's that? | 10:43 |
adam7 | c1|freaky: yeah -- try removing kubuntu-desktop and see where you end up | 10:43 |
tyler | does anyone know of a good calender/appointments/tasks/ application with reminders for ubuntu? | 10:44 |
adam7 | tyler: osmo | 10:44 |
king7 | there is no bootmanager in synaptic | 10:44 |
michael_ | a new web site publish the art of gnome | 10:44 |
Andrew___ | ...../ Will ubuntu support my tablet pc? | 10:44 |
roycruse | ive tried cfdisk - but it only sees my 40gb disk cant work out how to point it to the other disks | 10:44 |
tyler_2 | adam7:ty | 10:44 |
michael_ | o | 10:44 |
xlogik | Can anyone help with getting ubuntu to re-recognize my nvidia gfx card? There is no option for me to select my drivers in the Restricted Drivers, but it worked before i did some updates. | 10:44 |
michael_ | wait a minute, i try it | 10:44 |
killerboy | ok, thanks | 10:44 |
Baby_Shambl3s | this is an example from the net user,auto,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 however I wish to include in that the only I have write permission while everyone has read permission, what do I add? | 10:44 |
king7 | brb | 10:44 |
killerboy | ok | 10:44 |
robg_ | roycruse: ask somebody with knowlegde of linux internals how to mount the drives in linux. | 10:44 |
michael_ | you are welcome | 10:45 |
tyler | adam7: osmo is not in the respitories? | 10:45 |
bigjoe4 | how do I stop ubuntu from asking for default keyring when the PC starts? | 10:45 |
Dr_willis | roycruse, theres a great many guides/tutorials on mounting - it depends on what exactly you are trying to mount.. In short -> 'sudo mount /dev/devicename /media/mountpoint' | 10:46 |
killerboy | michael_: hmm, i haven't found any apples photos | 10:46 |
adam7 | tyler: it may not be, one sec, I'll get you a link | 10:46 |
StrongMotive | hi | 10:46 |
tyler | does anyone know of a good calender/appointments/tasks/ application with reminders for ubuntu? Anyone else....thanks adam7 | 10:46 |
roycruse | how can i get a list of devices so i now what named disk to mount | 10:47 |
killerboy | michael_: some other places to look at? | 10:47 |
adam7 | tyler: yeah, you better find another one unless you are feeling lucky ;) | 10:47 |
StrongMotive | Hi All. What's the best media player you all think? | 10:47 |
adam7 | they only have source, no ubuntu packages | 10:47 |
adam7 | !best | StrongMotive | 10:47 |
Dr_willis | roycruse, sudo fdisk -l should show all devices on the system | 10:47 |
ubottu | StrongMotive: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 10:47 |
bitumen2003 | vcl | 10:47 |
michael_ | sorry | 10:47 |
michael_ | i find all my theme from there | 10:47 |
adam7 | StrongMotive: having said that, vlc and mplayer are usually work well | 10:47 |
BryanWB | can anyone tell me how to upgrade my kernel to | 10:47 |
tyler | adam7: theres gonna be a mainstream one thats in the respitories....sometimes they intrigrate this stuff in email clients or whatever | 10:48 |
tyler | does anyone know of a good calender/appointments/tasks/ application with reminders for ubuntu? Anyone else.... | 10:48 |
adam7 | tyler: yeah, check out evolution | 10:48 |
tyler | anyone else tried evolution? | 10:48 |
Dr_willis | !info evolution | 10:48 |
ubottu | evolution (source: evolution): groupware suite with mail client and organizer. In component main, is optional. Version 2.22.1-0ubuntu3.1 (hardy), package size 2539 kB, installed size 8316 kB | 10:48 |
BryanWB | tyler: evolution is annoying but does the job. Sunbird is worth checking out | 10:49 |
Dr_willis | dosent fluxbox have one also. called orange? or somthing like that. | 10:49 |
Dr_willis | oops i mean xfce. :) | 10:49 |
bitumen2003 | i don't like evolution but it's got a lot of features | 10:49 |
tyler | bryanWB: you prefer sunbird over evolution then? | 10:49 |
robg_ | BryanWB: I have notices Gmail notifiers in Add/Remove | 10:49 |
esteth | Does anyone know of a lightweight email client that can minimize to tray and play sounds on new mail? | 10:50 |
BryanWB | tyler: haven't tried sunbird but it's connected to Thunderbid whick I prefer to Evolution | 10:50 |
michael_ | king7 | 10:50 |
king7 | Ok, all I had to do was: apt-get remove usplash-theme-ubuntustudio | 10:50 |
king7 | and it reverted it | 10:50 |
owh | I'm experiencing an intermittent solid freeze on suspend of my Thinkpad running Gutsy. In order to locate the problem and locate/create an appropriate bug report I need to figure out a way to determine what is actually happening that might be causing this. Can anyone suggest any such methods? | 10:50 |
adam7 | tyler: you can try evolution, it comes with ubuntu by default, so there won't be any installing | 10:50 |
tyler_2 | adam7: how do you add ssh keys now? | 10:50 |
king7 | michael_: ? | 10:50 |
michael_ | you can install the startupmanager | 10:50 |
killerboy | michael_: hey, i found something very interesting: http://www.wallpaperpimper.com | 10:50 |
king7 | yeah | 10:50 |
adam7 | tyler_2: I don't know :/ | 10:50 |
tyler | lol tyler_2 sup | 10:50 |
SLVRHAWK | i am having problems with my wireless chipset drivers can anyone help | 10:50 |
michael_ | no the bootmanager | 10:50 |
michael_ | sorry for that | 10:51 |
killerboy | michael_: many photos | 10:51 |
Baby_Shambl3s | in fstab when using command noexec what is eman by binary i.e. programs? If that si sued could users still open music files from th HD? | 10:51 |
michael_ | killerboy thank you | 10:51 |
michael_ | i'll take a look | 10:51 |
adam7 | tyler_2: are you referring to the thing in the topic? | 10:51 |
tyler | thanks for ur help guyz | 10:51 |
michael_ | i am from chinese | 10:51 |
tyler_2 | adam7: so why would you suggest it? | 10:51 |
michael_ | and there is a good wallpaper site | 10:51 |
adam7 | tyler_2: the ssl vulnerablility? | 10:51 |
adam7 | OH! | 10:51 |
michael_ | do you want to have a try? | 10:51 |
adam7 | I know :) | 10:51 |
adam7 | sorry, tyler_2 and tyler, I probably got you mixed up with my tab key | 10:52 |
king7 | Ok, just tweaking ubuntu :) i love it | 10:52 |
SLVRHAWK | i have the chipset name | 10:52 |
tyler_2 | adam7: wow man, really wish you would have read what I typed. | 10:52 |
_BBC | lols england is nigger | 10:52 |
_BBC | why niggers hates niggers ? | 10:52 |
roycruse | ive tried typing sudo cfdisk /dev/sdb1 but i get the error bad primary partition 0 - how can i repartition this disk | 10:52 |
tyler_2 | adam7: appreciate the help, kind of a neat app... now, moving on | 10:52 |
adam7 | tyler_2: I probably did, but since there are *two* tylers, and my tab key responds to the last person who spoke, sorry for the confusion | 10:52 |
grobda24 | How do I pause Compiz cube rotation so I can watch my virtualised video in 3D ? | 10:52 |
_BBC | nigger womans says we are alone coz nigger guys hates us.! ? | 10:52 |
_BBC | lols | 10:52 |
adam7 | any ops for _BBC? | 10:52 |
adam7 | !ops | _BBC | 10:52 |
ubottu | _BBC: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01! | 10:52 |
_BBC | what a shame. | 10:52 |
ushimitsudoki | !ops | _BBC | 10:52 |
sixforty | Andrew___: http://www.tabletpcreview.com/default.asp?newsID=669 - look for links to Part II and especially Part III of the page. | 10:52 |
tyler_2 | I am looking for an ssh key handler, seahorse will not recognise my ssh keys :( | 10:52 |
tyler_2 | adam7: its alright man, just a bit frustrated on this one thing is all | 10:53 |
Baby_Shambl3s | in fstab when using command noexec what is meant by binary i.e. programs? If that si sued could users still open music files from th HD? | 10:53 |
owh | Thank you | 10:53 |
gordonjcp | wtf is it with Turkey? | 10:53 |
Dr_willis | Baby_Shambl3s, anything thats been marked 'executable' ie: with chmod +x whatever | 10:53 |
matyy | is there a way to configure the gnome language settings within the home folder? | 10:54 |
gordonjcp | today I've had a massive amount of ICQ spam from Turkish people | 10:54 |
Dr_willis | Baby_Shambl3s, since music files are not normally executable - shouldent be a issue. | 10:54 |
roycruse | ive tried typing sudo cfdisk /dev/sdb1 but i get the error bad primary partition 0 - how can i repartition this disk | 10:54 |
michael_ | is there anyone can help me ,when i start the firefox 3 beta 5 ,sometimes it will be fullscreen mode | 10:54 |
virtuald | roycruse: /dev/sdb | 10:55 |
aleatorio | Life hier? | 10:55 |
Baby_Shambl3s | Dr_willis: ok just need to know this is a media hd just for music and films, a few word documents and pdfs so need to know if they would still run with the command noexec if it was included in fstab | 10:55 |
virtuald | roycruse: the "1" means the first partition | 10:55 |
owh | michael_: Most likely it will stay in whatever the mode was when it was last quit. So close all windows, launch it, set the size, then quit. All should be normal. Mind you, I've not tried this, but I expect that is how it will work. | 10:55 |
xlogik | Can anyone guide me through getting ubuntu to recognize my nvidia gfx card? In the Hardware Drivers section there are no options for me to select a driver. | 10:55 |
=== Ademan_ is now known as Ademan | ||
michael_ | owh: thank you | 10:56 |
Dr_willis | Baby_Shambl3s, try it and see.. will proberly work. but it proberly wont matter much either way. Its more of a security thing but proberly wont affect you much. | 10:56 |
Baby_Shambl3s | this is an example from the net user,auto,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 however I wish to include in that the only I have write permission while everyone has read permission, what do I add or change? | 10:56 |
michael_ | i meant it will fullscreen like pressed the f11 button | 10:56 |
Baby_Shambl3s | Dr_willis: thanx will do so having to manually add things to fstab as the disks werent present when ubuntu installed :'( | 10:57 |
king7 | Do you guys like firefox3 over opera? | 10:57 |
michael_ | and the bord of firefox will go under my gnome panel | 10:57 |
Dr_willis | Baby_Shambl3s, i rarely see noexec used. If you are truely paranoid I guess. :) Dont forget the nosuid also! | 10:57 |
jussi01 | !poll | king7 | 10:57 |
ubottu | king7: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 10:57 |
michael_ | so i cant close it | 10:57 |
owh | michael_ I understand what you are saying, but if you quit the browser completely and start it, set the window properly, then quit it with that single window, all should be back to normal. | 10:57 |
grobda24 | xlogik ... you have to be connected to the internet. when you enable the driver ( your're on the right window) an ypdated driver will be downloaded and then you hv to restart to enable it. | 10:58 |
king7 | Nothing but bots in this channel | 10:58 |
michael_ | ok | 10:58 |
michael_ | thank you | 10:58 |
michael_ | i just think that maybe some script do this | 10:58 |
Baby_Shambl3s | Dr_willis: what does nosuid does, i am not paranoid but i just dont want others running games etc on the disk, just want them to listen or watch the movies I got thats all | 10:58 |
jussi01 | king7: bestbot collects opinions - go ask him | 10:58 |
grobda24 | How do I pause the Compiz cube in mid rotation PERMANENTLY, until the end of time (well, maybe for a few minutes :P). | 10:59 |
king7 | In #ubuntu-bots ? | 10:59 |
AcornAcorn | With the dictionary program, is it possible to search a specific dictionary? | 10:59 |
jussi01 | king7: yes | 10:59 |
michael_ | owh what is the flash player do you use in your firefox3 | 10:59 |
king7 | How do I ask him a question | 10:59 |
Dr_willis | Baby_Shambl3s, prevents suid programs from rnning.. what filesystem is this disk anyway? they could always copy the games to /tmp or their home dirs and run them. | 11:00 |
Baby_Shambl3s | this is an example from the net user,auto,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 however I wish to include in that the only I have write permission while everyone has read permission, what do I add or change? | 11:00 |
Baby_Shambl3s | Dr_willis: fat32 in fstab I put it as vfat | 11:00 |
raulh | does anyone know how to install wine if u use this source code? sudo wget http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/sources.list.d/hardy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list | 11:00 |
michael_ | is there anyone use the nonfree adobe flash player in firefox3 and that is no sound. | 11:00 |
Mr_Bad_News | can anyone help me , flash is causing firefox to lag and freeze and mozilla-mplayer is causing my entire window manager to crash | 11:01 |
raulh | it gets saved in ect folder how do i compile | 11:01 |
Baby_Shambl3s | Dr_willis: yeah they could but I know they wont and tmp gets deleted on boot :D so most likely home which is what im forcing them to do, i dont want any gibberish on the hds this time | 11:01 |
Dr_willis | Baby_Shambl3s, id say mount the thing.. look at the permissions and what users can do.. a problem with the dmask MIGHT be that people will be unable to enter directories. | 11:01 |
xlogik | grobda24: I had my system working but I ended up updated and the upgrade broke something... Ive tried a modprobe and I get the error "Module Nvidia not found" | 11:02 |
michael_ | Mr_Bad_News, maybe you can change an other player | 11:02 |
steph33560 | Hello | 11:02 |
steph33560 | Does somebody else use virt-manager here ? | 11:03 |
michael_ | these is three pugin in the source | 11:03 |
Baby_Shambl3s | Dr_willis: so dmask might be bad to tell you the truth i dont exctly know all the command and what they do so its more of trial and error, howerver will keep dmask out if thats what your saying | 11:03 |
Mr_Bad_News | i like mplayer | 11:03 |
Mr_Bad_News | i can save movies to my harddrive and its fast | 11:03 |
Mr_Bad_News | why does flash cause firefox to lag | 11:03 |
michael_ | yes | 11:03 |
owh | steph33560: Most likely you are better off asking your virt-manager question in #ubuntu-server. | 11:03 |
=== ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u | ||
michael_ | i dont know | 11:03 |
Baby_Shambl3s | Mr_Bad_News: which ff you got? | 11:03 |
steph33560 | owh, ok, there I go ! | 11:03 |
Dr_willis | Baby_Shambl3s, thers dozens of guides out the descibe this stuff.. but basicially i would say try it and see. :) if its not what you want.. tweak it some more. | 11:03 |
raulh | i used sudo wget http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/sources.list.d/hardy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list to download wine, but it turns out its a source... how can i compile it and where can i find the files | 11:03 |
michael_ | adobe not suppot linux well | 11:04 |
Mr_Bad_News | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080418 Ubuntu/7.10 (gutsy) Firefox/ | 11:04 |
owh | raulh: You should consider just using Synaptic, rather than compile from source. | 11:04 |
Baby_Shambl3s | Dr_willis: yah trial and error I seem to be doing that a lot lately in ubuntu | 11:04 |
AcornAcorn | With the dictionary program, is it possible to search a specific dictionary? | 11:04 |
raulh | (03:04:03 AM) michael_: adobe not suppot linux well = wrong= | 11:04 |
Dr_willis | Baby_Shambl3s, directories must be 'executable' in order for users to access whats in them. | 11:04 |
raulh | i got cs3 working | 11:04 |
AcornAcorn | say if I wanted to search a german word to find out what it is in english.. | 11:04 |
michael_ | raulh | 11:04 |
raulh | owh its wine.. | 11:04 |
Slart | raulh: "turns out it's a source" ??? how did you come to this conclusion? | 11:04 |
Baby_Shambl3s | Mr_Bad_News: weird should do that run firefox from terminal it should give you something useful and go to the site that makes it crash | 11:05 |
owh | raulh: Yes, I know that. Wine is also available as a package in Synaptic. | 11:05 |
raulh | i dont use ubuntu much .. | 11:05 |
michael_ | but i just find that when i use the firefox to open some site with a lot flash ,the browser will slow | 11:05 |
michael_ | and i use the adobe pugin | 11:05 |
Baby_Shambl3s | Dr_willis: ok well than will just use command defaults with rw and user hopefully that makes me have read & write while others only read | 11:05 |
owh | raulh: System -> Administration -> Synaptic, search for wine, install it. | 11:05 |
raulh | micheal uninstall that plugin | 11:06 |
raulh | and use a linux flash player? | 11:06 |
raulh | firefox gives u 3 choices i think | 11:06 |
raulh | thnx owh | 11:06 |
Dr_willis | Baby_Shambl3s, defaults with just 'r' you mean? for read only? | 11:06 |
michael_ | iyes | 11:06 |
AcornAcorn | raulh: are the others better? | 11:06 |
michael_ | i know | 11:06 |
raulh | acorn, it depends. | 11:06 |
michael_ | i use it ,because the flash with no sound | 11:06 |
perlmonkey | how do you restart X mid-session, if you make changes to xorg.conf and want them to take effect? | 11:06 |
michael_ | i tried all the three pugin | 11:07 |
Dr_willis | perlmonkey, alt-ctrl-backspace will force x to restart right then and there.. :) | 11:07 |
perlmonkey | CTRL + ALT + Backspace? | 11:07 |
ushimitsudoki | perlmonkey: a dirty way is CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE | 11:07 |
perlmonkey | merci :) | 11:07 |
Dr_willis | perlmonkey, or restart the gdm service | 11:07 |
perlmonkey | cool | 11:07 |
raulh | anyone have tips of making ubuntu faster for me? i only have a 8mb ram video card | 11:07 |
michael_ | and finaly i choice the adobe pugin ,and still no sound , the i dont change it | 11:07 |
Baby_Shambl3s | Dr_willis: well i want myself to have read*write so thats rw while everyone else should be r but hwo do i show it in fstab? | 11:08 |
rumpel | @rauhl perhaps other windowmanager?... | 11:08 |
perlmonkey | do you know about adding monitor modelines to the monitor section of xorg.conf? is it necessary to do anything to start X with a specific modeline command switch, or can you switch between modes in X? | 11:08 |
raulh | im using X is that too much ... | 11:08 |
michael_ | raulh, maybe i can send you a card with 32m | 11:08 |
michael_ | raulh | 11:08 |
raulh | im in arizona :'( | 11:09 |
Dr_willis | Baby_Shambl3s, thats what the umask/dmask is for i think. Id have to just try whar you were doing . and see if it works.. You can talk about it all day long.. eventually you will just have to try it and see. | 11:09 |
rumpel | @perlmonkey nvidia? | 11:09 |
michael_ | im in chinese | 11:09 |
michael_ | hi | 11:09 |
rumpel | ni hao ^^ | 11:09 |
michael_ | can anyone tell me how can i let the flash speak | 11:09 |
raulh | is ur soundcard installed? | 11:09 |
michael_ | rumpel,ni ye hao | 11:09 |
perlmonkey | rumpel: hi there, I'm using an MGA card | 11:10 |
michael_ | hehe | 11:10 |
Baby_Shambl3s | raulh: what are you pc specs im sure if you got enough ram it shouldnt be much of a problem especially if your bios allows video to ram "soemthing on those lines" | 11:10 |
michael_ | of cause | 11:10 |
Slart | michael_: are you using hardy? pulseaudio? | 11:10 |
raulh | 512ram 733ghz D:< | 11:10 |
michael_ | just the flash no sound | 11:10 |
michael_ | yes | 11:10 |
michael_ | hardy | 11:10 |
Baby_Shambl3s | Dr_willis: yah true this is what i got so far UUID=B9A2-F162 /media/sdc2 vfat user,auto,defaults,fmask=0111,dmask=0000,rw 0 0 does ti seem ok | 11:10 |
michael_ | the other application normal | 11:10 |
michael_ | only the flash | 11:10 |
Mr_Bad_News | does anyone know why mozilla-mplayer crashes my window manager? | 11:10 |
Baby_Shambl3s | gees was hopig for one line | 11:10 |
grobda24 | xlogik ... search http://wiki.ubuntu.com | 11:11 |
Slart | michael_: in your system, preference, sound, set everything to use pulseaudio | 11:11 |
perlmonkey | :( | 11:11 |
michael_ | slart | 11:11 |
_21h_ | hello | 11:11 |
Dr_willis | Baby_Shambl3s, i dont think you want to use 'user' and 'auto' - theres also users... user and users - normally let the users mount/have full access to things. | 11:11 |
* perlmonkey needs to switch video modes for monitor in X, how to? | 11:12 | |
michael_ | these it no sound item in my perference | 11:12 |
Dr_willis | Baby_Shambl3s, if you are using 'auto' then its auto mounting at boot anyway | 11:12 |
michael_ | ok | 11:12 |
michael_ | i found it | 11:12 |
raulh | can linux support two monitors at once? | 11:12 |
raulh | or can ubuntu? | 11:12 |
Slart | !dualhead | raulh | 11:12 |
ubottu | raulh: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama | 11:12 |
Dr_willis | Baby_Shambl3s, but it may be smarter then we are. and doing the senceable thing when told conflicting options | 11:12 |
Dr_willis | raulh, i use 2 monitors all the time on my nvidia card | 11:13 |
ushimitsudoki | raulh: yes i run 3 monitors for example currently | 11:13 |
_21h_ | yes | 11:13 |
owh | raulh: Given that you're talking on my left monitor and I'm reading a web page on my right monitor whilst running Ubuntu, the answer is yes :) | 11:13 |
raulh | kay D: | 11:13 |
rumpel | @perlmonkey usually they have to be placed in xorg.conf, i guess... for nvidia-cards i use nvidia-settings | 11:13 |
_21h_ | kernel 2.6.25 in 8.04 repository now? | 11:13 |
Baby_Shambl3s | Dr_willis: so auto just mounts it at boot while keeping user/user out wont give them full access... well most of those lines got from the netin ubuntu documentation but i think that was written aroud dapper time | 11:14 |
_21h_ | I need support for my b4311 rev2 wifi card | 11:14 |
perlmonkey | rumpel: yes, but I'm wondering how you switch between the modes in X? | 11:14 |
xlogik | Can anyone guide me through getting ubuntu to re-recognize my nvidia gfx card? In the Hardware Drivers section there are no options for me to select a driver and modprobe gives the error "FATAL: Module nvida not found." | 11:14 |
Dr_willis | Baby_Shambl3s, ive noticed that a lot of times people toss in way too many options. :) or redundant options | 11:15 |
rumpel | @perlmonkey System->Settings/Preferences->Screen Resolution (?) | 11:15 |
raulh | see, theres a problem when i connect my second videocard, my bios settings freeze, is this common? | 11:15 |
Uplink | My sound is really distortionated! please someone help :( | 11:15 |
m14 | xlogik , try reinstall nv driver ? | 11:15 |
xlogik | m14: tried that even tried to use EnvyNg | 11:16 |
_21h_ | raulh, YES | 11:16 |
raulh | how can i fix the bios from bitching D; | 11:16 |
_21h_ | bla | 11:16 |
Uplink | lol | 11:16 |
poopuser | hi!i started using 'awesome' wm and i have small problem:clicking 'go to the directory' on firecox download list startups genome file manager but how can i start it whibout going throu mozilla? | 11:16 |
Dr_willis | !info awesome | 11:17 |
ubottu | awesome (source: awesome): dynamic and tiling window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.final-1 (hardy), package size 42 kB, installed size 200 kB | 11:17 |
Baby_Shambl3s | Dr_willis: user= when mounted the mount point is owned by the user who mounted the partition this is from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=283131 explains quite clearly basically using user thats root which means i ahve to do chmod but if i use users than it includes me and no one else "at least thats how i see it" | 11:17 |
xlogik | m14: no luck.... My sound is also messed up to | 11:17 |
_21h_ | kernel 2.6.25 in 8.04 repository now? I need support for my b4311 rev2 wifi card | 11:18 |
Baby_Shambl3s | Dr_willis: true but i have no clue what fmask & dmask is or what the numbers mean so wouldnt know if I need them or not | 11:18 |
sam_ | any ideas how i can use squid to transparently redirect updates to an apt-cacher server on the local network? | 11:18 |
StrongMotive | for pidgin, to add an msn, in screename you put your email address? | 11:18 |
Dr_willis | Baby_Shambl3s, if using auto, then root will be mounting it at boot time. i recall 'user' often being used for vfat if you wanted the user to have full acccess. so 'auto' and 'user' are sort of conflicting. | 11:18 |
m14 | xlogik: maybe try envyng ? | 11:18 |
Bill_MI | Hi folks. URLs from .desktop files stop at any question mark (?) when launched in Hardy. It's a reported bug.... anyone hear of solutions coming? | 11:18 |
ushimitsudoki | xlogik: i install the nvidia drivers manually myself. its a bit of a pain, but certainly doable. Here is a guide I use: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual | 11:18 |
raulh | if i use this 8mb mga g400 agp and a issi how can i get the bios from freezing when the issi card is connected?? | 11:19 |
Dr_willis | Baby_Shambl3s, you do not chmod files, or mountpoints for vfat filesystems . thats what the varios *mask* options handle. | 11:19 |
ablomen | hi, does anybody know of a pain-free way to install firefox 2 on hardy? | 11:19 |
Dr_willis | Baby_Shambl3s, fmask and dmask set the default modes for files and directories. - since you cant use chmod. | 11:19 |
rumpel | @ablomen synaptic | 11:19 |
Ademan | why would apt hold back updates that haven't been version pinned? | 11:19 |
Dr_willis | ablomen, its in the repos. | 11:19 |
xlogik | ushimitsudoki: Thanks ill take a look now... | 11:20 |
Ademan | specifically openssh-server and openssh-client! | 11:20 |
poopuser | '!info awesome: event not found' any other suggestions? | 11:20 |
Ademan | i need to update them... badly | 11:20 |
Baby_Shambl3s | Dr_willis: oh ok just tried mount -a and it seems to work but because you wrote that about coflicting how do i check if such thing is happeneign or mayhappen? | 11:20 |
Dr_willis | Ademan, you refering to the ssh updates? - because the the updates will regeernate the keys. | 11:20 |
Finnish | I'm trying to install Hardy, and it gives me a screen about BusyBox version etc and installation won't go on | 11:20 |
Finnish | ? | 11:20 |
ablomen | Dr_willis, rumpel, ah thanks yeah i looked over it, thanks | 11:20 |
Ademan | Dr_willis: hrm, how would i get around that then? | 11:20 |
Dr_willis | Baby_Shambl3s, see if your users have the permissions to do what you want. mount always seems to take the sane route when told such things. | 11:20 |
LostOverThere | Hi, I'm having a problem with gnome-system-monitor, where its CPU usage is anywhere between 50-100% | 11:21 |
virtuald | Finnish: is that before or after reboot? | 11:21 |
Dr_willis | Ademan, i did a 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' the TOPIC has some info on the ssh stuff | 11:21 |
robg_ | Finnish: try to install from what ? | 11:21 |
Baby_Shambl3s | Dr_willis: ok | 11:21 |
garu | hi | 11:21 |
Baby_Shambl3s | LostOverThere: ive seen that when over clocking or it might be index if it is a clean install | 11:21 |
Aperculum | is there an interface for adding repositories? | 11:21 |
raulh | can anyone help me on setting up a normal multihead with ubuntu? | 11:22 |
jst33zy | Aperculum Yes its software sources in the menu | 11:22 |
magnetron | Aperculum: yes. System > Administration > Software sources | 11:22 |
LostOverThere | Hmm, thanks Baby_Shambl3s, when I run it from terminal I get a "WARNING: SELinux was found but was not enabled" error | 11:22 |
Finnish | virtuald: I booted and it still gives me that | 11:23 |
LostOverThere | I did a fresh installed, but the error occured in Gutsy as well | 11:23 |
Finnish | robg_: CD | 11:23 |
perlmonkey | rumpel: thanks veyr much | 11:23 |
Aperculum | thanks jst33zy magnetron | 11:23 |
robg_ | Finnish: single or multi-boot ? | 11:23 |
Ademan | Dr_willis: thanks, do you know if the dist-upgrade will automagically update your keys, or if i need to do it myself? | 11:23 |
jst33zy | nnnp | 11:23 |
Finnish | Multiboot | 11:23 |
Finnish | XP is another OS | 11:23 |
robg_ | Dual-boot with Windows ? | 11:24 |
mechdave | Finnish, you call it an OS? | 11:24 |
jst33zy | thats mean | 11:24 |
raulh | can anyone help me setting up a norrmal multihead in ubuntu? please D: | 11:24 |
perlmonkey | S3 SuperSavage IX/C has no +5v out on pin 9 :( | 11:24 |
perlmonkey | sux | 11:25 |
perlmonkey | how much current is available on PS/2 keyboard +5 out? | 11:25 |
Baby_Shambl3s | Dr_willis: care to help me add my ntfs hd as ive seen the tuts but they all want me to add third part support which is not needed in hardy? | 11:26 |
Baby_Shambl3s | in fstab what does relatime stand for? | 11:26 |
remoteCTR1 | in which file do i build bash aliases? | 11:26 |
jst33zy | remoteCTR1 ~.bashrc | 11:27 |
perlmonkey | remoteCTR1: ~/.bash_profile | 11:27 |
remoteCTR1 | jst33zy: .bashrc not is is, thanks perlmonkey! | 11:27 |
tyrion | Hi, how can i completely reset my Battery Power History Statistics ? | 11:28 |
jst33zy | i use .basrc | 11:28 |
perlmonkey | remoteCTR1: remember to do a source ~/.bash_profile after adding aliases | 11:28 |
remoteCTR1 | jst33zy: uhuh i see that is news to me then:] | 11:28 |
Dr_willis | I was thinking the .bash* files mentioned a .bash_alias file :) alias's could go in about any of them.. you just have to pay attention to what you are doing | 11:28 |
b4l74z4r | when i move around windows on the desktop, i get some horizontal lines/disturbances across the windows, does anyone else get that? | 11:28 |
Finnish | mechdave: I use it for multitrack audio stuff | 11:28 |
remoteCTR1 | perlmonkey: ok, thanks alot! | 11:28 |
jst33zy | remoteCTR1 or you could make a seperate .bash_aliases file | 11:29 |
remoteCTR1 | jst33zy: hehe no thanks;) | 11:29 |
m14 | b4l74z4r: ATI card ? | 11:29 |
b4l74z4r | m14, no, nvidia | 11:29 |
AcornAcorn | with hardy ubuntu do you have to install compiz themes? or do metacity themes work as well? | 11:30 |
tc111 | in a terminal, when i type 'sudo -s' it asks for my p/w but after i enter it i get 'Aborted'... googling turns up nil... any ideas? | 11:30 |
m14 | b4l74z4r: u installed nv driver ? | 11:30 |
Dr_willis | AcornAcorn, compiz can use 3 different window decorators.. one of them uses the metacity themes. | 11:30 |
b4l74z4r | m14, yes | 11:30 |
m14 | b4l74z4r: nvidia-settings installed ? | 11:31 |
AcornAcorn | Dr_willis: so it's fine for me to just download metacity themes and drag them into the theme manager? | 11:31 |
b4l74z4r | m14, no | 11:31 |
Dr_willis | AcornAcorn, it can use those.. so that should work. | 11:31 |
m14 | b4l74z4r: apt-get install nvidia-settings | 11:31 |
joep | Can somebody help with my problem of sendmail refusing to connect to my local host? | 11:31 |
b4l74z4r | m14, what do i have to change in the settings? | 11:31 |
m14 | b4l74z4r: install package and check options there ? | 11:32 |
b4l74z4r | m14, i don't know anything about configuring those kind of options | 11:33 |
Kifer | www.sonygsm.nmj.pl zapraszam do rejestracji | 11:33 |
tc111 | example: scarter@MediaPVR:/usr/share/doc$ sudo -s / [sudo] password for scarter: / Aborted / scarter@MediaPVR:/usr/share/doc$ | 11:33 |
raulh | ok so, i plugin my second videocard, the bios loads up full, and freezes, does anyone kno how i can fix this? | 11:34 |
m14 | b4l74z4r: that is gui for nvidia options, install it | 11:34 |
Bill_MI | Looking for metacity experts: Can metacity have placement "margins" like the XFCE4 manager? | 11:34 |
Mr_Bad_News | is there anything else besides mac linux and windows? | 11:35 |
rsk | Mr_Bad_News: bsd | 11:36 |
Mr_Bad_News | i thought bsd was linux | 11:36 |
rsk | no it's not | 11:36 |
Dr_willis | Mr_Bad_News, you mean other os's ? yes.. thers dozens of them. BSD is not linux. | 11:36 |
rconan | Mr_Bad_News, no | 11:36 |
jst33zy | Dr_willis What>??????????????????Not Linux | 11:36 |
Bill_MI | Mr_Bad_News: Linux isn't really unix, either. | 11:37 |
\0 | Mr_Bad_News: *BSD (several operating systems), Solaris, IRIX, TruOS, Ultrix, AIX, HP/UX, and hundreds of others | 11:37 |
joep | Has anybody knowledge of sendmail? | 11:37 |
Dr_willis | jst33zy, I saw a PC mag. call Apple os - "OSXLinux" the other day. :) | 11:37 |
rsk | Haiku.. | 11:37 |
salmiak_ | eh, linux is a unix based operating system | 11:37 |
jst33zy | ahah | 11:37 |
rsk | reactOS | 11:37 |
rsk | :D | 11:37 |
Dr_willis | !linux | 11:37 |
ubottu | Linux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux | 11:37 |
Mr_Bad_News | have you tried any \0 | 11:37 |
jst33zy | i see your point now | 11:37 |
Starcraftmazter | hey guys, when running C programs, which keyboard combo gives the EOF character? | 11:37 |
Starcraftmazter | Crl+D doesnt seem to work | 11:37 |
rconan | anyone know how to make back and forward mouse buttons work in nautilus? | 11:37 |
robg_ | linux is just another platform for the apps I need | 11:37 |
Starnestommy | Starcraftmazter: maybe ctrl+c | 11:38 |
Dr_willis | Starcraftmazter, the window manager , may be grabbing it.. | 11:38 |
Starcraftmazter | crl+c is break | 11:38 |
Starcraftmazter | i dont want break, i want eof | 11:38 |
Starcraftmazter | Dr_willis: how do I fix it? | 11:39 |
salmiak_ | linux is an open platform in which i got full control, that's why i use it | 11:39 |
Dr_willis | Starcraftmazter, try the program from the console - see if it works there i guess. | 11:39 |
Starcraftmazter | thats what im doing | 11:39 |
selocol | Is it appropriate to call window manangers "applications"? | 11:39 |
Dr_willis | i thought ctrl-\ was end of file also. | 11:39 |
Dr_willis | Starcraftmazter, then you eliminated that potential problem. :) | 11:39 |
Starcraftmazter | crl-\ gives "Quit" | 11:40 |
rumpel | crtl-f4 | 11:40 |
robg_ | ubuntu alternate with encrypted drive is virtually unbreakable. | 11:40 |
\0 | Dr_willis: EOF is ctrl-d | 11:40 |
Starcraftmazter | mmm no, not crl-f4 | 11:40 |
salmiak_ | selocol, the purpose of a 'window manager' is enabling you to run your apps with as little interference from the window manager as possible. Its goal is to not be in the way. i dont think that's the purpose of an application. Applications are used to accomplish something | 11:41 |
Starcraftmazter | it is crl+d on my university computers...and I swear I used it on my home comp before, but it doesnt seem to be working atm | 11:41 |
Starcraftmazter | really weird, it does nothing | 11:41 |
=== profx is now known as profXavier | ||
selocol | salmiak_: ok thanks | 11:41 |
Dr_willis | ctrl-d twice = logout isent it.. :) been ages since i messed with these | 11:41 |
neil | how do i open samba | 11:41 |
tdev | I want to know that how much vi is reliable then gedit,,,? | 11:42 |
Starcraftmazter | is there any chance it could be some compiz shortcut | 11:42 |
Dr_willis | neil, samba is a service.. You use samba to access shares normally. | 11:42 |
jst33zy | neil open samba or mount a samba share? | 11:42 |
Starcraftmazter | and that could be messing with it | 11:42 |
Dr_willis | Starcraftmazter, you said you were in the console.. thats not the same as in a 'terminal' - yes compiz could be messing with it - if you are running this in the X gui. | 11:42 |
Starcraftmazter | ahh consolse | 11:43 |
Starcraftmazter | hang on, gime a second | 11:43 |
Dr_willis | Starcraftmazter, :) | 11:43 |
Starcraftmazter | yeh I was in term | 11:43 |
bnalohim | can anyone help me?? i got a problem and.. after cloning my hard disk I got a "GRUB" message when i try to boot the clone... do anyone has any idea how to fix it? | 11:43 |
Starcraftmazter | urgh, now the shortcut for console doesnt work >_> | 11:43 |
Starcraftmazter | I think I enabled one too many compiz plugins and they are overriding everything | 11:44 |
Baby_Shambl3s | bnalohim: just reinstall grub again and please dont use the clone with the original content | 11:44 |
Baby_Shambl3s | bnalohim: you can reintall grub with the alternat livecd or supergrub | 11:44 |
neil | k9copy closes half way from copying my dvd | 11:44 |
neil | why? | 11:45 |
bnalohim | Baby_Shambl3s i already changed the menu.list and the fstab.. and i tried to fix the grub with a systemrescue cd.. but with no succes | 11:45 |
Starcraftmazter | hmmm nope =/ | 11:45 |
tc111 | Problem in console (ssh'd in)... scarter@MediaPVR:/usr/share/doc$ sudo -s / [sudo] password for scarter: {mypass} / Aborted / scarter@MediaPVR:/usr/share/doc$ ... what does 'Aborted' mean and how do i fix my not being able to 'sudo'? | 11:45 |
robg_ | bnalohim: alternate is a single boot system | 11:45 |
bnalohim | ? | 11:45 |
remoteCTR1 | with what command do i see what shell i ma using | 11:45 |
Starnestommy | remoteCTR1: echo $0 | 11:46 |
poopuser | what is the bash command for listing drives (including not mounted)? | 11:46 |
neil | is there any way to play a windows pc game on ubuntu | 11:46 |
tyler_2 | I am looking for an ssh key handler, seahorse will not recognise my ssh keys :( | 11:46 |
robg_ | bnalohim: strongly advise against running alternate in multiboot | 11:46 |
Starnestommy | neil: you could use wine | 11:46 |
cq | hello... when doing a dpkg --get-selections what does 'deinstall' mean? | 11:46 |
neil | where do i get wine do u have a link | 11:46 |
remoteCTR1 | Starnestommy: ayeah thanks | 11:47 |
adam7 | !wine | neil | 11:47 |
ubottu | neil: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. | 11:47 |
neil | thanks | 11:47 |
=== yacc__ is now known as yacc | ||
tyler_2 | anyone? | 11:47 |
bnalohim | I dont understand.. sorry.. im not running any multiboot.. just trying to clone a hard drive to a smaller one | 11:47 |
yacc | Any idea what could cause my evolution to crash every time I select "check for SPAM"? | 11:47 |
Starcraftmazter | anyone have any other bright ideas about my EOF keyboard key problem? | 11:47 |
poopuser | bash command that lists drives anyone? | 11:47 |
=== pac1_ is now known as ontopic | ||
remoteCTR1 | ok next: why does my alias work locally but not on a remote machine that i am connected to with ssh (of course .bashrc exists in the aproppriate home dir and the alias is in it) | 11:48 |
Slart | poopuser: df, sudo blkid, fdisk -L | 11:48 |
poopuser | thx | 11:48 |
Hesten | How can you install ubuntu specifically to a second hard drive? i.e. make two bootable hard drives. Do you have to specifically tell the installer not to mess with windows? | 11:48 |
Dr_willis | remotecTR .bash_profile gets ran by login shells. it normally parses the .bashrc and system /etc/profile | 11:48 |
robg_ | Hersten | 11:48 |
la-perr | Starcraftmazter: looked at your keymap | 11:49 |
robg_ | Hesten: your hardware must support multibooting drives | 11:49 |
Starcraftmazter | didnt work on console btw | 11:49 |
Starcraftmazter | la-perr: where can i check it? | 11:49 |
Bill_MI | Can metacity have placement "margins" like the XFCE4 manager? | 11:50 |
remoteCTR1 | Dr_willis: i just realized i got the wrong shell running-.- its tcsh, where can i change that?? | 11:50 |
exco | hello, what can I do if my external monitor only shows up with resolution to 1024x768 (ati x700, fglrx) in CCC but actually is a 1680x1050 one | 11:50 |
Hesten | You mean being able to choose which device to boot to from bios? | 11:51 |
rumpel | @exco nvidia-settings if you have nvidia. Or manually by insering modelines specific for your screen in xorg.conf | 11:51 |
robg_ | Hesten: right. | 11:51 |
bullgard4 | Is the correct syntax 'LANG=de_DE.UTF-8' or 'LANG=de_DE.UTF8'? | 11:51 |
Starcraftmazter | la-perr: yo, keymap | 11:52 |
Dr_willis | remotecTR no idea on tcsh - it uses totally diffrent files and alias formats I belive | 11:52 |
Hesten | Yep, it can do that. Then can you select specifically which partitions ubutu copies stuff to, so that it doesnt touch the first hard disk. | 11:53 |
exco | rumpel: I'm using the latest fglrx drivers -> Ati X700, about the modelines -> if I just add a monitor and modelines, how does the system know for which monitor this is? (meaning I have a section for the monitor in xorg, but atm it's not working (aka there's something wrong)) | 11:53 |
AcornAcorn | Why does my computer keep going back to the login screen every time I try and login? I had to start up using safemode.. | 11:53 |
neil | is this chat room or like a forum | 11:53 |
jatt | chat room | 11:53 |
robg_ | Hesten: what is currently on you drive ? | 11:53 |
grub | hey i need ubuntu which can run on 256mb ram {not xubuntu} | 11:54 |
neil | thanks | 11:54 |
jatt | you are welcome | 11:54 |
grub | no upgrade cannot add ram | 11:54 |
Slart | grub: ubuntu can do that too.. but you might want to take care what you run on it | 11:54 |
Hesten | robg_: I think just the windows partition. Any way to check? | 11:54 |
tyler | hey do u guys know if i can minmize thunderbird to the system try vs having it minmized so its awesome running and can show when i got new mail? | 11:54 |
robg_ | Hesten: you may not proceed without knowing exactly what is currently on your drive |! | 11:55 |
Slart | tyler: I think there was/is a plugin to do that.. I used it on windows.. don't know if it works on linux though | 11:55 |
Slart | tyler: hang on.. let me see if I can find it again | 11:55 |
Hesten | the idea is that ubuntu goes on a second drive, not touching the first. Is that possible? | 11:55 |
tyler | slart: ok thanks a lot man | 11:55 |
Dr_willis | Slart, i cant rember the name either. :) | 11:55 |
AcornAcorn | Why does my computer keep going back to the login screen every time I try and login? I had to start up using safemode.. | 11:56 |
grub | ok but what version? i need atleast 128mb free ram!! | 11:56 |
tyler | at least something exists | 11:56 |
Slart | tyler: it's called "minimize to tray".. here it is for windows http://minimizetotray.mozdev.org/ | 11:56 |
jatt | wrong password | 11:56 |
Dr_willis | Hesten, ive done that with some of my machines. I could hit F11 at boot up and tell it to boot hdb directly. i dudent have to put grub on the windows drive either. | 11:56 |
robg_ | hesten: maybe possible but not pratical. Pratical is to do a guided install in an empty paritition on your primary drive. | 11:56 |
Dr_willis | Hesten, otherwise i install linux to hdb, and just have it put the MBR on the windows hda drive. | 11:56 |
rumpel | @tyler try "new mail icon"-addon... | 11:56 |
Slart | grub: regular ubuntu if you want a gui.. use the server version if you do not need the gui | 11:57 |
rumpel | @tyler gives you a tray-symbol and you can switch tb to another desktop | 11:57 |
Jck_true | Moin got a VPS server running Ubuntu and want to intall KDE and VNC so I can connect to my VPS and se a desktop... | 11:57 |
grub | you mean the 8.04? that runs like shit on my machine | 11:57 |
Jck_true | I've did a apt-get install kde and everything whent smootly.. until i should start the server with startx | 11:57 |
Jck_true | X: cannot stat /etc/X11/X (No such file or directory), aborting. / xinit: Server error. | 11:57 |
Hesten | I'd rather avoid having two OSes on one drive, if at all possible. First, I don't like messing with that MBR (recently had trouble with that), and secondly provides a backup. | 11:58 |
neil | where are you guys from | 11:58 |
Slart | grub: well.. I run it on my small laptop.. works great.. I run it on my via mini-itx server, runs great | 11:58 |
raven | hello | 11:58 |
AcornAcorn | Why does my computer keep going back to the login screen every time I try and login? I had to start up using safemode.. | 11:58 |
Slart | grub: I don't think the older versions are better | 11:58 |
grub | then what do i do?? | 11:58 |
raven | Hello | 11:58 |
Slart | grub: but there's a new version coming out soon.. some kind of "ubuntu for ultraportables".. that might be better | 11:58 |
robg_ | Hesten: If you only have Windows on primary then there is no MBR. | 11:58 |
neil | ? | 11:59 |
raven | any body from philippines out here | 11:59 |
Slart | !ph | raven | 11:59 |
ubottu | raven: Join #ubuntu-ph for tagalog | 11:59 |
raven | hello | 11:59 |
Industrial | I installed xmms2 but the daemon obviously not running yet. I dont see it in System > Administration > Services. How do I enable it at boot? | 11:59 |
grub | ultraportables? its just a laptop!!!! | 11:59 |
Jck_true | How do I start x11 on my server? | 11:59 |
Test | test | 12:00 |
Test | blabla | 12:00 |
Dr_willis | grub and whats the specs for this laptop? | 12:00 |
* Industrial gives Test a cookie .. worked! | 12:00 | |
Slart | grub: ok, fine, don't install it.. | 12:00 |
grub | 1.4ghz 256mb ram 64mb vram :-( | 12:00 |
Hesten | Sorry, I must be getting confused. Does the installer not let you tell it to which partitions to use, and which ones not to touch? | 12:00 |
Industrial | Hesten: you can do it manually. | 12:00 |
Slart | Hesten: afaik it lets you chose. | 12:01 |
Slart | Hesten: you might have to select "manual" at some point though | 12:01 |
AcornAcorn | Why does my computer keep going back to the login screen every time I try and login? I had to start up using safemode.. | 12:01 |
grobda24 | Why doesn't Mouse Keys lock the middle mouse button ? | 12:01 |
Hesten | Tutorials? All the ones I've seen have just said to let it run it's business automatically. | 12:01 |
mgolisch | AcornAcorn: have a look at the ~/.Xsession-errors file or so | 12:01 |
Dr_willis | grub ive ran kubuntu and ubuntu on a Pent 1 100 laptop :) befor.. it worked... heh. You will have to decide what sort of work you want to do with the thing I guess. | 12:01 |
grub | iam sorry slart but i need a soultion (iam really sorry if i disaponted you) | 12:01 |
robg_ | Hesten: control over guided install is limited. Install logic is contained in installer. | 12:01 |
mgolisch | dont know if that name i correct | 12:01 |
Nyad | j #crux | 12:01 |
Industrial | How do I enable xmms2d ? I dont see it in the Services | 12:02 |
grub | i need 128mb or more ram free thats it!!!!!! | 12:02 |
DOOM_NX | how do i export .cam logged webcam sessions to any file playable by any player? | 12:02 |
AcornAcorn | mgolisch: where do i find that? | 12:02 |
rumpel | @grub swap? | 12:02 |
Slart | grub: take a look at some of the other distros out there.. "damn small linux" is one.. that's supposed to be light | 12:02 |
Dr_willis | grub the desktop/window will be taking up the most ram. so use the lightest window manager/desktp you can handle. Your 'need 128mb ram' seems an odd requirement. | 12:02 |
Hesten | Ok, thanks. | 12:03 |
adam7 | grub: if you need something that'll run in less than 128 mb of ram, you need a different distro: try Arch, SliTaz, or the one Slart mentioned | 12:03 |
Dr_willis | grub puppylinux, dsl, are for small low ram systems. | 12:03 |
grub | ok are they good for a beginer? | 12:03 |
* adam7 likes SliTaz for low memory systems | 12:03 | |
robg_ | Hesten: downsize Windows partition using Windows tools, create a large free space, and then instruct guided install into the largest free psace. | 12:03 |
grub | i need the rpm's and the softare that ubuntu has | 12:03 |
Dr_willis | grub go try them. I guess. and see. They are both well done.. and ubuntu dosent use RPMS | 12:04 |
adam7 | grub: try debian | 12:04 |
Dr_willis | ubuntu has a lot of software. :) | 12:04 |
AcornAcorn | mgolisch: ok, found it, what am i looking for? | 12:04 |
adam7 | so does debian, Dr_willis :P | 12:04 |
grub | yes i want that software | 12:05 |
mgolisch | AcornAcorn: for errors! | 12:05 |
mgolisch | what else | 12:05 |
Dr_willis | grub all of it? if so - guess you set up a minimal ubuntu system then. | 12:05 |
AcornAcorn | mgolisch: well.. there's a lot there, and i'm not even sure if the top is the most recent or the bottom | 12:05 |
killerboy | hi again | 12:06 |
adam7 | I don't think there is anyway you are going to run Ubuntu with Gnome and use less than 128mb of ram. | 12:06 |
Karotte | hi | 12:06 |
trident523 | !hi | killerboy | 12:06 |
ubottu | killerboy: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 12:06 |
Karotte | since I upgraded to hardy I have a problem with acroread and firefox | 12:06 |
grub | hey what about i install ubuntu with no gui then i install fluxbox or icewm??? | 12:06 |
Dr_willis | adam what i dont understand is that he just said he had 256mb ram | 12:06 |
Karotte | whenever an PDF is opened in Firefox, Firefox freezes | 12:06 |
Dr_willis | grub thats doable. | 12:06 |
Karotte | My only option is to download pdfs and open them offline | 12:06 |
adam7 | Dr_willis: yeah, but apparently he wants 128mb free... | 12:06 |
trident523 | adam7, grub: I did it once... don't do it. It's really really buggy, hard, and probably dosen't work any more. | 12:07 |
Karotte | which is unhandy | 12:07 |
Karotte | any ideas? | 12:07 |
Dr_willis | adam7, which makes no sence to me..... | 12:07 |
adam7 | trident523: do what? | 12:07 |
killerboy | how to transform text in gimp? i would like to transform it int arc and still be able to modify it | 12:07 |
grub | owww what do ido?? | 12:07 |
trident523 | adam7: Run ubuntu on a minimal ram system (192mb.) | 12:07 |
virtuald | Karotte: uninstall your pdf plugin and look for another one | 12:07 |
Dr_willis | grub do a server install then install the programs you want | 12:07 |
grub | is been months and iam looking for a distro | 12:07 |
Karotte | virtuald: uhm.. no? | 12:07 |
Karotte | virtuald: I really like acroread | 12:07 |
grub | too tough for a newbie | 12:07 |
virtuald | ok | 12:07 |
Mr_Bad_News | is it possible to get a .rpm working in ubuntu? | 12:07 |
adam7 | trident523: oh :) I did that, p2 w/ 96mb of ram -- I didn't install the whole Ubuntu though... just the server stuff | 12:07 |
Karotte | and it worked just fine under gutsy | 12:08 |
adam7 | Mr_Bad_News: yes, but not a good idea relaly | 12:08 |
adam7 | really* | 12:08 |
Mr_Bad_News | didnt think so | 12:08 |
Dr_willis | grub guess you give up, or learn, or try puppy/dsl or wait for that minimalubuntu someone mentioned. | 12:08 |
Mr_Bad_News | just wanted to know if it was possible | 12:08 |
virtuald | Karotte: look in the bug tracker if it's known, maybe there's a workaround | 12:08 |
Dr_willis | grub there was a fluxbuntu i saw in the works also. | 12:08 |
adam7 | Mr_Bad_News: if you really want to, look up alien in the package manager | 12:08 |
bullgard4 | Is the correct syntax 'LANG=de_DE.UTF-8' or 'LANG=de_DE.UTF8'? | 12:08 |
grub | ok so i go for debian?? | 12:09 |
Chousuke | Karotte: since acroread is proprietary, you'll find that people don't really like supporting it. | 12:09 |
Chousuke | Karotte: I suggest you try some of the free alternatives, like evince | 12:09 |
Dr_willis | grub whats that going to gain you? | 12:09 |
adam7 | grub: yeah, I guess -- Ubuntu will run fine with 256 mb of ram though... | 12:09 |
Dr_willis | fluxbuntu -> http://wiki.fluxbuntu.org/index.php?title=Get | 12:09 |
theman3 | Q: if a file has rwx---rwx, then the group can't read, although everyone else can? | 12:09 |
Karotte | Chousuke: That's not an alternative for me :( | 12:09 |
jazza___ | how can i convert mp3 to cd audio | 12:09 |
Karotte | Chousuke: it worked with this version of acroread, but since updating to hardy it stopped | 12:10 |
Slart | jazza___: do you want to burn a cd with mp3-songs? | 12:10 |
Baby_Shambl3s | whats better fluxbox vs openbox (no flaming or outburst) based upon option anf unctionability as well as opinion | 12:10 |
erUSUL | jazza___: most burning programs (e.g brasero) can do it | 12:10 |
Chousuke | Karotte: most likely the plugin is incompatible with hardy then | 12:10 |
jazza___ | what about k3b | 12:10 |
erUSUL | !best | Baby_Shambl3s | 12:10 |
jussi01 | !best | Baby_Shambl3s | 12:10 |
ubottu | Baby_Shambl3s: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 12:10 |
m-c | Q: Just upgraded to 8.04 ... where is the Restricted Drivers Manager utility hiding in the GNOME menu? | 12:10 |
erUSUL | jazza___: sure | 12:10 |
Dr_willis | Baby_Shambl3s, depends on what you like. they are about the same. One uses tabs, the other dosent.. ect... | 12:10 |
Slart | k3b probablt does that too | 12:10 |
killerboy | or maybe some channel about gimp? | 12:10 |
adam7 | m-c: Hardware Manager | 12:10 |
jazza___ | what do i need to download for that | 12:10 |
Dr_willis | Baby_Shambl3s, install them both and test them out | 12:11 |
adam7 | m-c: sorry, hardware drivers | 12:11 |
erUSUL | jazza___: i think you need to install a plugin first... let me check | 12:11 |
m-c | adam7 thanks! | 12:11 |
jazza___ | im usung kubuntu hardy | 12:11 |
Chousuke | Karotte: there's not much you can do, just hope someone (adobe) fixes it | 12:11 |
grub | adam7, never say that again if you have seen how ubuntu 7.10 onwards run a 256mb ram machine you would be crying now | 12:11 |
Karotte | hm | 12:11 |
Karotte | ok | 12:11 |
adam7 | grub: I ran it on 128mb I think | 12:11 |
* adam7 doesn't remember now | 12:11 | |
Dr_willis | Baby_Shambl3s, at one time - they could even use the same themes.. but not sure if they still can now. | 12:11 |
Chousuke | Karotte: you can report a bug, but if the bug is in acroread then there's nothing that can be done | 12:11 |
koheleth | !mp3 | 12:11 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 12:11 |
erUSUL | jazza___: libk3b2-extracodecs ?? | 12:11 |
grub | adam7, ubuntu 7.10 with gui at 128mb ram? (your GOD) | 12:11 |
adam7 | grub: besides, my laptop is only using 244 mb of ram with normal ubuntu install, so it shoudl be fine | 12:11 |
jazza___ | ??? | 12:12 |
grub | thats nothing ram free | 12:12 |
m-c | adam7: regarding Restricted Drivers Manager, there is nothing to choose in the System -> Admin -> Hardware Drivers | 12:12 |
koheleth | !java | 12:12 |
ubottu | To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 12:12 |
adam7 | grub: yeah, but there isn't much point in having free ram, is there? it's meant to be used | 12:13 |
m-c | Maybe there is a synaptic package I need to install first to enable the nvidia restricted driver | 12:14 |
adam7 | grub: with only 256, you're gonna get some swapping, but it shouldn't be too bad | 12:14 |
adam7 | 96, on the other hand, is swap city | 12:14 |
grub | no problem i need somethin like windows xp? | 12:14 |
suspect42 | hey | 12:14 |
Dr_willis | Xp will swap with 2gb of ram..... | 12:14 |
adam7 | grub: xp will swap on 256 | 12:15 |
suspect42 | i'm trying to install ubuntu 8.04 to a usb disk | 12:15 |
Dr_willis | :) | 12:15 |
adam7 | it swaps on 1gb | 12:15 |
adam7 | (and 2, apparently :P) | 12:15 |
Dr_willis | Vista swaps just by waving it at the pc! | 12:15 |
suspect42 | and i want it to load up only when the disk is conencted | 12:15 |
grub | nope its only swaping 200mb thats fine | 12:15 |
m-c | !nvidia | 12:15 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 12:15 |
adam7 | !install | suspect42 | 12:15 |
ubottu | suspect42: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 12:15 |
jazza___ | vista sux | 12:15 |
suspect42 | how would i do something like that? | 12:15 |
adam7 | jazza___: let's keep away from that topic :) | 12:15 |
TTilus | http://rutinat.vuodatus.net/blog/1334498 - Keep your bluetooths off. | 12:15 |
=== CyberKing is now known as Ekushey | ||
jazza___ | still out wehter i shoud try another distro | 12:16 |
la-perr | vista sux nice | 12:16 |
grub | xp will swap always to give "****free ram****" | 12:16 |
Dr_willis | jazza___, go get PuppyLinux | 12:16 |
suspect42 | ah | 12:16 |
jazza___ | whats good about thay o cna get unmeterd linux distros | 12:16 |
m-c | ubottu 's nvidia info needs an update for 8.04 | 12:16 |
suspect42 | thanks :) | 12:16 |
ubottu | m-c: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 12:16 |
akaustav | Where does Ubuntu download files in live session? | 12:16 |
StevenX | guys. i am cuztomizing the desktop. can i use gtk & emeral themes are the same time? or are those two mutually exclusive? because i see one theme pack that has a gtk and an emerald theme, don't know what to do | 12:16 |
adam7 | akaustav: to the ram in your computer, most likely | 12:16 |
jazza___ | am using kubuntu have had ubuntu | 12:17 |
koheleth | guys, I have java installed but my browsers aint seeing that | 12:17 |
Dr_willis | StevenX, compiz can use 1 of the 3 window decorators at the same time.. So yes.. those 2 are exclusive. | 12:17 |
koheleth | its the openjdk | 12:17 |
adam7 | StevenX: the buttons and text boxes, etc, will be gtk, but the windows borders will be emerald/compiz | 12:17 |
grub | so xubuntu ? | 12:17 |
StevenX | adam7, so to install the full theme, I need to install both of those correct? | 12:17 |
c1|freaky | what's a good console application for gnome? is there something like yakuake for KDE for gnome? | 12:18 |
Dr_willis | StevenX, like adam7 said. a 'gnome' theme has parts.. the window decorations and the widgits in the window. :) | 12:18 |
malebria | Hello, my wireless network card doesn't work when module ssb is loaded before ndiswrapper. | 12:18 |
adam7 | grub: xubuntu isn't a whole lot lighter than ubuntu, I think | 12:18 |
adam7 | StevenX: yep | 12:18 |
StevenX | kk | 12:18 |
StevenX | thanks guys | 12:18 |
malebria | I don't see any point in loading it at all, so I've just added it to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist. But it keeps being loaded. | 12:18 |
Dr_willis | grub or fluxbuntu but its only at 7.10 version it seems. | 12:18 |
adam7 | malebria: I think I recall seeing something funky with that. You might have to put a script in /etc/rc.local that rmmod's ssb and then modprobe's ndiswrapper | 12:19 |
malebria | Why a module that is in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist is loaded? | 12:19 |
jazza___ | dr wiwlis whats so good about puppy linux | 12:19 |
grub | what do i do? ubuntu + gnome DE(GTK) + fluxbox | 12:19 |
jazza___ | still a win user | 12:19 |
Slart | c1|freaky: yes.. there are a couple.. | 12:19 |
malebria | adam7: I've read about that, but I can't understand why blacklisted modules can be loaded. | 12:19 |
m-c | puppy linux is cute, simple, and very small | 12:19 |
Dr_willis | grub flip a coin.. in the time you have been discussing this - ive downloaded fluxbuntu, and installed it. :) | 12:19 |
grub | hahah | 12:20 |
Dr_willis | m-c, yes it is. | 12:20 |
grub | hows it? | 12:20 |
Slart | !info yeahconsole | c1|freaky | 12:20 |
ubottu | c1|freaky: yeahconsole (source: yeahconsole): drop-down X terminal emulator wrapper. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.4-1 (hardy), package size 10 kB, installed size 80 kB | 12:20 |
timandtom | Can anyone suggest a good program to partition my iPod? Gparted isn't reading it for some reason. | 12:20 |
akaustav | Is there a utility that comes with the default installation of Ubuntu 8.04 using which I can see the usage of my RAM? | 12:20 |
adam7 | malebria: me neither. bug somewhere, although on my computer, I have b43 and ndiswrapper loaded, and ndiswrapper is working, I think | 12:20 |
Odd-rationale | grub: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox | 12:20 |
Dr_willis | http://wiki.fluxbuntu.org/index.php?title=Get | 12:20 |
m-c | akaustav: System Monitor is in the menu | 12:20 |
robg_ | akaustav: system monitor | 12:20 |
akaustav | ok | 12:20 |
malebria | hum... | 12:21 |
adam7 | malebria: it is rather annoying, isn't it? | 12:21 |
adam7 | I wonder if you can uninstall modules.... | 12:21 |
kjdx | dimensione eccetera | 12:21 |
kjdx | ops sorry | 12:21 |
malebria | adam7: it's ok to add it to rc.local, the problem is not knowing why blacklist is not working. | 12:21 |
=== TheMaverick`_ is now known as TheMaverick` | ||
Odd-rationale | grub: make sure you do "sudo update-menus" in a terminal before starting fluxbox for the first time. otherwise, you will have no menus.... | 12:22 |
adam7 | malebria: there, I can't help you -- check Launchpad, someone probably knows | 12:22 |
timandtom | Can anyone suggest a good way to partition things? I'm TRYING to install iPodLinux on my iPod, but gparted won't read the iPod :( | 12:22 |
grub | i need the menu's and all (fluxbox dosent have those i installed it with apt-get) | 12:23 |
StevenX | adam7, I copied a theme into my /home/.theme but it wont' sho when i go to system --> appearnce | 12:23 |
kibibyte | mac is shit | 12:23 |
robg_ | timandom: #ipod | 12:23 |
kibibyte | ipod is shit | 12:23 |
adam7 | kibibyte: not in here, please. | 12:23 |
IndyGunFreak | kibibyte: why do you not like ipods? | 12:24 |
grub | will this give me all menu's | 12:24 |
grub | ok thanks guys | 12:24 |
julien | :) | 12:25 |
neil | does wine work for all windows applications and games | 12:25 |
julien | :o | 12:25 |
rumpel | @neil nope | 12:25 |
kibibyte | ipods are crap , you need yo use special software to transfer music into it and ipod (or ishit) works only in particular networks | 12:25 |
Slart | neil: nope.. not even close | 12:25 |
kibibyte | you must hack it | 12:25 |
DazzyB | i'm currently using debian can i just put thte ubuntu disk in nd overwrite the debian OS? the problem is i'm dual booting and i dont want to have to re-install XP again | 12:25 |
neil | what do you mean | 12:26 |
timandtom | kibibyte: If someone can suggest a good partitioner, I can make mine NOT suck. Happy? | 12:26 |
Slart | neil: check the application database if you're looking to run something special.. appdb.winehq.org | 12:26 |
akaustav | adam7: are you sure, while in live session, downloads are done into the ram and not into my hard-disk. I'm using the system monitor utility to keep a track of my current RAM usage. But it doesn't show any significant increase in usage. | 12:26 |
neil | ok thankou dude | 12:26 |
Slart | timandtom: gparted *is* a good partitioner.. something else is wrong if you ask me | 12:26 |
robg_ | DazzyB: you can use gparted to delete the debian partition and its swap partition (check which is debian swap). | 12:26 |
kibibyte | DazzyB, use debian partitions for ubuntu | 12:27 |
DazzyB | ok thanks | 12:27 |
adam7 | akaustav: if you told it to download to the hard drive, it will save to the hard drive. if you downloaded it to the home directory, it is in the ram | 12:27 |
kibibyte | same | 12:27 |
kibibyte | just format them | 12:27 |
timandtom | Slart, any idea what might be going wrong? When I plug my 80gb iPod in, it reads about 18gb of unformatted space, nothing else. | 12:27 |
adam7 | why would you need multiple swap partitions for multiple distros? one will do for all, unless you want to hibernate/resume into different ones, I think | 12:27 |
jazza___ | well so far i reckon windows is better than linux | 12:28 |
kibibyte | jazza___, why | 12:28 |
jazza___ | easy to install programs | 12:28 |
Slart | timandtom: I don't have an ipod.. is it supposed to work as a removable hard drive? I don't think so | 12:28 |
robg_ | timandtom: for ipod chat see # ipod | 12:28 |
jazza___ | run games | 12:28 |
kibibyte | windows is crap developed by 100 000 low paid programmers from india | 12:28 |
jazza___ | no need for wine | 12:28 |
Dr_willis | jazza___, you dont want to know the fighting ive done with windows this week... and thats the end of the discussion. :) | 12:28 |
kibibyte | dont blame linux for that | 12:28 |
timandtom | Slart, yeh, it reads as a removable drive. USB Mass Storage Device in windows. | 12:28 |
Slart | kibibyte: can't you go to ubuntu-offtopic and vent your issues there, please? | 12:28 |
IndyGunFreak | jazza___: why would you expect to be able to run windows games under linux | 12:29 |
blue|palm | Hi, can anyone tell me if there exists a repository with bleeding edge debs for compiz fusions and related plugins for Hardy heron? | 12:29 |
jazza___ | well need to be able t self install | 12:29 |
blue|palm | I can only find the old one for feisty | 12:29 |
akaustav | adam7: The system is installing missing multimedia codecs. And I'm in live session. And it is downloading gstreamer pluggins but no RAM usage. Then where is it downloading to? | 12:29 |
Slart | timandtom: all of the space? or just the space that isn't used by the music? | 12:29 |
kibibyte | jazza___, wrtite letter to game programmers why their crap is non cros platform | 12:29 |
jazza___ | and cant bugeer sudo apt dint work | 12:29 |
adam7 | akaustav: ram | 12:29 |
Dr_willis | BeOS could clone/install itself from one HD to another.. That would make it the Best OS. :) | 12:29 |
jazza___ | pain in the ass getting codes to buck upmy mp3 to audio | 12:29 |
neil | what games are there for ubuntu, i mean proper games | 12:30 |
jazza___ | install should be lie win double vclick then installer | 12:30 |
damike | hi | 12:30 |
virgule | comment ça se passe ici | 12:30 |
IndyGunFreak | neil: depends on what kind fo games you like. | 12:30 |
Dr_willis | odd.. i have no issues getting mp3 to cd's | 12:30 |
Slart | !games | neil | 12:30 |
ubottu | neil: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php | 12:30 |
Slart | !fr | virgule | 12:30 |
ubottu | virgule: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 12:30 |
damike | does 8.04 can be installed in on a RAID5? grub install fails :( | 12:30 |
timandtom | Slart, 24.something used space, 2.4gb is music, and 50gb free space. All of its FAT32. So I really have no idea what it's deciding to read :( If I right click the drive itself, it shows the right amounts. | 12:30 |
jrib | jazza___: do you have an actual support question? We can tell you how to easily do those things that you think are hard if you want (well not the *windows* games). | 12:31 |
kibibyte | pain in the ass : prove to microshit that my system is legal, find proper drivers for XP in new computers | 12:31 |
neil | games like swat 4 | 12:31 |
adam7 | !language | kibibyte | 12:31 |
ubottu | kibibyte: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 12:31 |
Slart | timandtom: hmm.. sorry I can't help you further.. wife will instakill me if I steal her ipod and experiment on it ;) | 12:31 |
keeper | ubuntu 8.04 hardy has a really nasty bug, it' doesn't connect via wireless | 12:31 |
IndyGunFreak | neil: look on getdeb.net for "assault cube:" | 12:31 |
adam7 | !wireless | keeper | 12:31 |
ubottu | keeper: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 12:31 |
trident523 | keeper: I'm connected via wireless. :P | 12:31 |
adam7 | as am I :P | 12:31 |
IndyGunFreak | keeper: lol, are you serious?.. its a miracle, i'm on via wireless now. | 12:31 |
m-c | Q: So, I cannot get the NVIDIA drivers to get put into use with my 6600GT card, after an upgrade | 12:32 |
Slart | keeper: wi-fi works for my on my laptop | 12:32 |
timandtom | Slart, ah, it's no problem :) Do you happen to know the names of any other partitioners though? | 12:32 |
keeper | trident523: I am connected via wireless too, but it asks again for passwords | 12:32 |
jazza___ | well ihave k3b not sur eif ican find add ons in add remove | 12:32 |
IndyGunFreak | keeper: thats not a bug, thats a user malfunction | 12:32 |
keeper | so almost after every reboot, I have to type in the PSK | 12:32 |
koheleth | anyone up on java and linux? | 12:32 |
Slart | timandtom: well.. there's fdisk..if you like punishing yourself =) | 12:32 |
jrib | koheleth: ask a more specific question | 12:32 |
adam7 | IndyGunFreak: not so much user as lack of free drivers :/ | 12:32 |
keeper | IndyGunFreak: in 7.10 it worked flawlessly | 12:32 |
trident523 | keeper: Have wep? If your password is a hodgepodge of numbers, try picking the second password option. Letters? The third. | 12:32 |
koheleth | I have it installed but my browsers tell me to get lost :( | 12:33 |
jazza___ | so do i have to use vm machine then | 12:33 |
keeper | trident523: wpa psk | 12:33 |
timandtom | Slart, define punishing :P I don't mind command line stuff normally :) | 12:33 |
IndyGunFreak | adam7: i've enver had to enter my password, other than when I set up my connection, maybe it dependson the device | 12:33 |
adam7 | keeper: using intel, by chance? | 12:33 |
keeper | trident523: wicd works perfectly, but not the network manager gnome | 12:33 |
trident523 | keeper: I lied, forgot I'm wired today. What card? | 12:33 |
keeper | adam7: it is amd | 12:33 |
jrib | jazza___: I'm still not sure what your question is. Write everything on a single line | 12:33 |
koheleth | jrib, sorry, thought I was in a friends chat | 12:33 |
neil | are there any viruses for ubuntu | 12:33 |
timandtom | Slart, I basically just need: raw partition, ext2 partition for linux, rest is fat32. | 12:33 |
keeper | trident523: it is a msi USB stick | 12:33 |
Slart | timandtom: well.. give fdisk a try.. it's all command line.. I think it's installed by default | 12:33 |
adam7 | hm.. there was a funky intel wireless bug after 8.04 was released, I think | 12:34 |
timandtom | Slart, Ah, ok, thanks, i'll look into that | 12:34 |
Starnestommy | neil: only a couple viruses exist for linux, and none of them are in the wild | 12:34 |
jazza___ | well simple now i just format linux drive and stick to windows | 12:34 |
jazza___ | wont to burn mp3 to cda audi | 12:34 |
Baby_Shambl3s | is there a player with builtin EQ and is there an inbuilt EQ in ubuntu that I can use for my sounds? | 12:34 |
keeper | I tried also deleted keyring to make sure the keyring is fresh, no avail | 12:34 |
jazza___ | have k3b on kubuntu | 12:34 |
koheleth | jrib, I have java installed but firefox and opera just dont see it? | 12:34 |
trident523 | jazza___: Make sure you have an xp disk, so you can boot into recovery mode on it, and run fixmbr. | 12:34 |
Slart | Baby_Shambl3s: audacious | 12:34 |
kibibyte | Baby_Shambl3s, xmms | 12:35 |
keeper | It seems I am not alone with this bug, google gives lots of results. | 12:35 |
guyzmo | hi | 12:35 |
jrib | kibibyte: xmms is gone in hardy | 12:35 |
jazza___ | nope just change bios | 12:35 |
trident523 | !hi | guyzmo | 12:35 |
ubottu | guyzmo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 12:35 |
koheleth | jrib, I just setup a forum with a java editor and it tells me to install java?? | 12:35 |
jazza___ | boot of xp disk | 12:35 |
kherona | where is the file that I can add a DNS server at? | 12:35 |
guyzmo | I upgraded last night from 7.10, and my mouse is frozen under X11 (I got a bluetooth mouse) | 12:36 |
adam7 | kherona: /etc/resolv.conf | 12:36 |
trident523 | jazza___: Oh, well, I only have one disk. :P | 12:36 |
kherona | ty | 12:36 |
guyzmo | when I cat /dev/input/mice, it works | 12:36 |
kibibyte | jrib, aptitude search xmms | 12:36 |
Baby_Shambl3s | Slart, kibibyte thanx does ubuntu come with its own EQ just wondering since I use mpd changing sound to 48000hz? | 12:36 |
guyzmo | but nothing on the screen | 12:36 |
m-c | why would the Hardware Drivers application not see the NVIDIA drivers that I have installed? | 12:36 |
jazza___ | aslo firefox needs new times roman in it how do i find that one | 12:36 |
koheleth | jrib, I will hang about a bit I can see your busy | 12:36 |
jazza___ | ati sux | 12:36 |
guyzmo | I'm not sure what's wrong | 12:36 |
jrib | koheleth: what does: dpkg -l 'sun-java*-plugin' return? | 12:36 |
Slart | Baby_Shambl3s: I don't think there is one installed system wide.. perhaps pulseaudio can do some magic.. I don't know | 12:36 |
kibibyte | Baby_Shambl3s, dont no | 12:36 |
Baby_Shambl3s | hi jrib been a while since ive been here, how r u? | 12:37 |
jrib | kibibyte: so what's the package for xmms? I don't see it. | 12:37 |
kibibyte | Baby_Shambl3s, but in xmms you can use EQ prestes from windows winamp | 12:37 |
jrib | Baby_Shambl3s: pretty good, and you? | 12:37 |
Baby_Shambl3s | Slart, kibibyte ok pulseaudio yeha just installed its controllers and still cant get multiple sound from different apps :/ | 12:37 |
neil | how do i rip a dvd in dvd rip, it only works for dvd's that i have already burnt | 12:37 |
kibibyte | jrib, xmms2 - Client/server based media player system | 12:38 |
Baby_Shambl3s | jrib: doing well, staying in caus eof the weather | 12:38 |
adam7 | neil: are these commerical dvds, by chance? | 12:38 |
jazza___ | amrok rules | 12:38 |
jazza___ | dvd 9 to dvd 5 | 12:38 |
adam7 | so does amarok :P | 12:38 |
jazza___ | good fir dvds | 12:38 |
koheleth | jrib, just > and it hangs? | 12:38 |
Baby_Shambl3s | kibibyte: hmmm i think xmms can act as a client for mpd will look into that if so i might use it with its E | 12:38 |
roycruse | how do you bring up the graphics card and monitor settings panel - i had it last night but the4 command has left my mind | 12:39 |
trident523 | neil: Probably have to copy the files, then rip them. But that breaks DRM, probs. | 12:39 |
koheleth | jrib, conflict? | 12:39 |
trident523 | roycruse: gnome-display-properties | 12:39 |
jrib | koheleth: note that that is not xmms | 12:39 |
neil | what do you mean copy then rip | 12:39 |
trident523 | neil: You have to take the .vob files off first, probably. | 12:40 |
jrib | koheleth: paste what you typed, I may have made a typo | 12:40 |
koheleth | jrib, I dont understand | 12:40 |
koheleth | its just > | 12:40 |
jrib | koheleth: ignore that first statement | 12:40 |
koheleth | > | 12:40 |
koheleth | there is nothing | 12:40 |
jrib | koheleth: yes, but show me the command you entered | 12:40 |
roycruse | not that panel - its the one where you can configure what drivers are being used for your graphics card and what resolution your monitor supports | 12:40 |
koheleth | dpkg -l 'sun-java*-plugin | 12:40 |
koheleth | 6 | 12:40 |
jrib | koheleth: put a ' at the end | 12:40 |
koheleth | ok | 12:40 |
bullgard4 | Is the correct syntax 'LANG=de_DE.UTF-8' or 'LANG=de_DE.UTF8'? | 12:40 |
timandtom | Slart, bah, 5AM is too early to be doing command line when you know nothing about it. I'll just use a damn small livecd tomorrow and do it :) Thanks for the suggestion though. I'll fail that when I inevitably fail the DSL CD :P | 12:40 |
jrib | kibibyte: note that that isn't xmms | 12:41 |
kibibyte | 2 | 12:41 |
neil | where are you guys from | 12:41 |
trident523 | roycruse: I haven't seen that one, there's " sudo dpkg-config xserver-xorg" | 12:41 |
trident523 | neil: The grand state of the internet. | 12:41 |
koheleth | jrib, http://pastebin.com/m7a6f1866 | 12:41 |
hockeypuck89 | ok, i just install ubuntu server on an old desktop in my closet, i have ssh and samba working and im looking to get ampache working... | 12:42 |
jrib | neil: we like to keep this channel for support only since it is so busy. Join #ubuntu-offtopic for chat and fun | 12:42 |
jrib | koheleth: install the sun-java6-plugin package | 12:42 |
koheleth | ok | 12:42 |
hockeypuck89 | can anyone help with the commands to create directories for samba to share and ampache to pull music from? and how do i create users in samba so i can access those shares and get music in there... i also need to get the ampache config file into its place | 12:43 |
Kamaze | Hello, i have the following weired problem: When i create on my Hardy Server an additional User and log in on SSH, he has a weired Console. Means, no History, no autocomplete and no path-display :( | 12:43 |
Kamaze | I already copied the .bashrc from the root to the user and chown it, no change | 12:44 |
koheleth | jrib, I dont see it? | 12:44 |
Dr_willis | hockeypuck89, the samba-doc package has books on using samba. :) to make a samba user ' sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME ' | 12:44 |
=== CyberKing is now known as Ekushey-AFK | ||
Dr_willis | hockeypuck89, no idea on the ampache bit | 12:44 |
hockeypuck89 | err.. how do i access the samba doc package? | 12:45 |
jrib | koheleth: sudo aptitude install sun-java6-plugin should work | 12:45 |
mgolisch | Kamaze: when login using ssh it will only source ~/.bash_profile | 12:45 |
koheleth | jrib, just about to ask that :) | 12:45 |
=== bagas is now known as kucluk | ||
=== kucluk is now known as bagas | ||
mgolisch | mostlikely the uisers .bash_profile doesnt include/source the .bashrc file | 12:46 |
hockeypuck89 | it said it failed to modify password entry for the user | 12:46 |
Kamaze | mgolisch, that means? How can i get the root-behavior to a user? :) | 12:46 |
jah_ | I just grabbed xmms2 in order to play my mp3s.. doesnt it contain any GUI? | 12:46 |
roycruse | trident523: sudo dpkg-config xserver-xorg - gives me a command not found error | 12:46 |
=== jazza___ is now known as Win_rules | ||
mgolisch | Kamaze: have a look at roots .bash_profile | 12:46 |
hockeypuck89 | i entered sudo smbpasswd -a -user- | 12:46 |
mgolisch | and see whats different there | 12:47 |
koheleth | jrib, http://pastebin.com/m72c23250 | 12:47 |
hockeypuck89 | no dashes around the user o/c | 12:47 |
Win_rules | best dvd burning prog | 12:47 |
StrongMotive | is their a way of making evolution active without it being on your taskbar? | 12:47 |
jrib | koheleth: weird :) Are you using 64 bit? | 12:47 |
Win_rules | evolution sucks | 12:47 |
koheleth | yes | 12:47 |
StrongMotive | how? | 12:48 |
koheleth | jrib, sorry should have mentioned it, yes 64bit amd | 12:48 |
StrongMotive | and should I change to thunderbird? | 12:48 |
mi2 | hi..anyone uses gnumeric to do vba before? | 12:48 |
jrib | koheleth: ah, sun doesn't have a plugin for 64bit | 12:48 |
erUSUL | mi2: afaik gnumeric does not support vba (visual basic for apps) | 12:49 |
koheleth | jrib, and so what do I do? | 12:49 |
mi2 | hmmm | 12:49 |
Kamaze | mgolisch, there is no .bash_profile | 12:49 |
Kamaze | neither at the user nor root | 12:49 |
cgentry72 | could someone guide me on how to install a printer in hardy that is on a window machine? | 12:49 |
mi2 | erusul..so how about open office. | 12:49 |
erUSUL | koheleth: use the openjdk/icedtea plugin it works more or less | 12:49 |
mi2 | because my data is a xls | 12:49 |
koheleth | jrib, I could install the 32bit I suppose | 12:49 |
koheleth | I have that installed | 12:50 |
erUSUL | mi2: i think it has some sort of limited support but i do not know much about it | 12:50 |
mi2 | oh | 12:50 |
jrib | koheleth: well you can use icedtea-gcjwebplugin (may not always work right in my experience) or setup a 32bit firefox: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins | 12:50 |
erUSUL | mi2: you can open xls files with both programs but vba macros... | 12:50 |
koheleth | erUSUL, I have those installed | 12:50 |
m-c | How long do you think I should work on the ubuntu-nvidia solution in hardy, before giving up and installing the tools from the nvidia.com website? ;-) | 12:50 |
mi2 | ya..i can open xls files | 12:50 |
erUSUL | koheleth: icedtea-gcjwebplugin <<< that's the mozilla plugin | 12:51 |
koheleth | jrib, thanks for your help | 12:51 |
robg_ | m-c: | 12:51 |
koheleth | erUSUL, ok I will try that | 12:51 |
koheleth | brb :) | 12:51 |
cgentry72 | could someone guide me on how to install a printer in hardy that is on a window machine? | 12:51 |
robg_ | m-c: on standard hardware Ubuntu should take care of Nvidia drivers. | 12:51 |
koheleth | erUSUL, its installed | 12:52 |
tyler | any amorak users here? | 12:52 |
Baby_Shambl3s | if i wanted a program to start at login but with 15s delay how would i type it in session command? | 12:52 |
m-c | robg_ yes, that's what I hear. but sounds like there are many cases where that is not happening, from what I read in the ubuntu forums | 12:52 |
Win_rules | yep | 12:52 |
koheleth | erUSUL, I have a java7 here should I try it$ | 12:52 |
Win_rules | amarok is good | 12:52 |
m-c | robg_ google "ubuntu hardy nvidia" | 12:53 |
erUSUL | koheleth: try what? | 12:53 |
robg_ | m-c: what sort of strange hardware do you have ? | 12:53 |
koheleth | icedtea java7 | 12:53 |
m-c | robg_ the very rare 6600GT ;) | 12:53 |
tyler | win_rules: im trying to build a collection aka library or whatever and its only letting me search in my ubuntu drive or whatever....how can i add files from a network drive | 12:53 |
filip | hi, I have a problem installing with mini.iso on a Toshiba Portege R200. Right after "Loading Linux" and some dots it freezes (caps lock stops respondig). I tried with: acpi=off noapic pci=routeirq fb=false | 12:53 |
filip | could anybody help? | 12:54 |
robg_ | m-c: wow, you will have to google for that. | 12:54 |
filip | people report ubuntu working fine on this machine | 12:54 |
koheleth | Thanks for your help all | 12:54 |
m-c | robg_ I am kidding - it's one of the most popular nvidia cards from three years ago | 12:54 |
filip | I am booting from a DVD drive (with DVD disc) in an USB case | 12:54 |
Win_rules | bugger im in win now have to boot in kubuntu to twll | 12:54 |
robg_ | m-c: I am kidding to but you will have to do special research. | 12:55 |
Win_rules | shout be able to open places then drive or staorage drives then open with amork | 12:55 |
erUSUL | koheleth: try java pplets most of them work (they are ugly as hell but ...) | 12:55 |
tyler | win_rules: im trying to build a collection aka library or whatever and its only letting me search in my ubuntu drive or whatever....how can i add files from a network drive | 12:55 |
m-c | robg_ adding 6600gt to the search is not a bad suggestion at all - thanks! | 12:55 |
koheleth | thanks but I will install the 32bit I think | 12:55 |
janet | how to change the boot up menu | 12:55 |
robg_ | m-c: I solve nearly all my problems through Google. I only come here for laughs. | 12:56 |
Dr_willis | google4life | 12:56 |
Dr_willis | :) | 12:56 |
janet | how to change windows the default os | 12:56 |
Dr_willis | janet, edit the grubs menu.lst file | 12:56 |
tyler | can anyone help me add a smb network drive mp3 files to my amarok library/collection | 12:56 |
Win_rules | should be able to open in places the go tyo the drive that what idid whn i had ubuntu on | 12:56 |
Baby_Shambl3s | if i wanted a program to start at login but with 15s delay how would i type it in session command? | 12:57 |
Dr_willis | janet, either set the default option at the start of the file to the proper #. or cut/paste the windows entry/stanza above the ubuntu entries. and let the default be 0 | 12:57 |
^root^ | I created an LVM, I copied /var using "cp -a" into that, edited /etc/fstab and mount that as /var. Now thing is that there is still a folder of /var in /, and it doesn't let me delete it, says the resource is busy, plus how do I know now its using the /var on the LVM? plus in both var, there is another var folder | 12:57 |
erUSUL | Baby_Shambl3s: "sleep 15 && command" ?? or if that fails make a simple script with that line | 12:57 |
Dr_willis | janet, if windows is the 4th item in your grub menus. then it will be deafult of 3 - GRUB starts counting at 0 | 12:57 |
notanonymous | hi, I installed kde4-kubuntu, and the fonts are so large that I cannot get to the place for changing fonts, how do I fix this? | 12:58 |
janet | Dr_willis: step by step . :P | 12:58 |
m-c | so the ubuntu forum fix uses Envy. meh. | 12:58 |
M1DLG | I have a problem loading a java enabled web page in firefox, i works on my xp box, but not on this hardy box, can anyone help? | 12:58 |
Win_rules | go to system settings the apperenc change fonts | 12:58 |
Dr_willis | janet, the forums proberly have a thread on this - its a rather common question also. :) | 12:59 |
=== ^root^ is now known as abcdefghijklmno | ||
acech | Hey guys - Have a fresh install of Ubuntu 8.04 - How can you change the default firewall? I am trying to ssh into the box but keep getting a connection refused | 12:59 |
notanonymous | Win_rules: the problem is, the fonts are really large, so I can't get there (the title bar overrules half the page) | 12:59 |
Win_rules | dont have that prob lem | 13:00 |
CroX | My sound is very odd all of a sudden. It just wont play. Youtube videos are all silent and when I press play in my music player (exaile) it looks to be playing but the progess bar isn't moving. It's as if all sound is on paus. | 13:00 |
Kamaze | mgolisch, i found the problem. the user shell was /bin/sh which pointed to bin/dash instead of bin/bash :) | 13:00 |
mgolisch | acech: did you install openssh-server at all? | 13:00 |
M1DLG | I have a problem loading a java enabled web page in firefox, i works on my xp box, but not on this hardy box, can anyone help? the page in question is http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/ | 13:00 |
acech | <mgolisch>: Not sure... | 13:00 |
acech | Do I need to install this to be able to SSH in? | 13:01 |
legend2440 | janet: open system>administration>startup manager and choose default boot os from there | 13:01 |
mgolisch | acech: yeah | 13:01 |
mgolisch | acech: its not installed by default | 13:01 |
gaurav_ | can anyone tell me most popular c++ IDE? | 13:02 |
acech | ok thanks! | 13:02 |
c1|freaky | i have just installed yeahconsole - how do i bring it to the front? i dont know the default hotkey :D | 13:02 |
gaurav_ | can anyone tell me most popular c++ compiler in abuntu? | 13:03 |
rsk | guyzmo: GCC | 13:03 |
jrib | gaurav_: g++ | 13:03 |
gaurav_ | ubuntu* | 13:03 |
m-c | :) | 13:03 |
erUSUL | gaurav_: anjuta? | 13:03 |
GarethSimpsonUK | greetings ppl where shall I go 4 help with Samba? | 13:04 |
gaurav_ | jrib:i have g++ but i cant able to locate it. HELP!! | 13:04 |
erUSUL | jrib: rsk those are compilers not ide's ;P | 13:04 |
nkbreau | can someone her tell me why i am unable to connect to a vpn via eth1 (wifi) but can with a wired connection (eth0) ? i click on the network icon in the top right and select VpnConnection->MyConnection but when I'm on wifi it doesnt attempt to connect | 13:04 |
m-c | gaurav_: gcc | 13:04 |
erUSUL | gaurav_: try anjuta | 13:05 |
gaurav_ | -c:i have gcc but i cant able to locate it. HELP!! | 13:05 |
GarethSimpsonUK | n e 1?... whats the channel 4 Samba? | 13:05 |
GarethSimpsonUK | im having permission issues | 13:05 |
m-c | gaurav_ just type gcc at the command line ? | 13:05 |
legend2440 | #samba | 13:05 |
GarethSimpsonUK | lol funny that | 13:06 |
GarethSimpsonUK | cheers | 13:06 |
gaurav_ | -c:in terminal? | 13:06 |
m-c | yes? | 13:06 |
mgolisch | how else would you use gcc? | 13:06 |
mgolisch | lol | 13:06 |
gaurav_ | sry,new to abuntu | 13:07 |
m-c | all good | 13:07 |
mgolisch | that ahs nothing to do with ubuntu | 13:07 |
janet | I have 2 same entry in the grub menu. how to remove it | 13:07 |
^root^ | did anyone say gcc :P | 13:07 |
cgentry72 | i cannot install a printer from a windows machine, can someone help please | 13:07 |
gaurav_ | -c:cant locate error | 13:07 |
^root^ | cgentry72: same is what I am having problem with? what OS? XP? 2003 Server? | 13:08 |
robg_ | cgentry72: go to #windows | 13:08 |
m-c | try /usr/bin/gcc | 13:08 |
janet | how to remove extra boot menu for boot up | 13:08 |
m-c | gcc is just a compiler, not a development environment | 13:08 |
Baby_Shambl3s | erUSUL: thanx will try that in session | 13:08 |
cgentry72 | robg_: sorry but i am in ubuntu trying to installed a shared printer that is attached to a windows machine | 13:09 |
cgentry72 | ^root^: 2003 server | 13:09 |
^root^ | m-c: gcc is sexy :P | 13:09 |
m-c | cgentry72: a network printer, using microsoft file and print sharing | 13:09 |
mgolisch | never had problems with that | 13:10 |
cgentry72 | m-c: yea | 13:10 |
^root^ | cgentry72: same os on my server, and strangely since we shifted to VLANs I am unable to figure why can't I add, the only change is that printer is on another vlan | 13:10 |
robg_ | cgentry72: sounds ambitious | 13:10 |
legend2440 | cgentry72: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32190 | 13:10 |
LOWER_CASE | Any one use Skype on Ubuntu/Linux & MS/Windows? -- doesn't strike you as *poxy* that Linux version is 2.0.yech and Windows version has many, many, many, more features at version 3.8.x??? | 13:11 |
m-c | cgentry72: you'll have more success trying it the other way around. ms is not known for open protocols ;) | 13:11 |
m-c | Ekiga trumps Skype ;) | 13:11 |
=== blue-frog_ is now known as blue-frog | ||
cgentry72 | legend2440: thanks, i'll give it a shot | 13:12 |
m-c | thanks for the :)'s bye | 13:12 |
LOWER_CASE | m-c, I'll have to get all my diasporate family, friends & aquaints to convert. It won't happen. But can I use Ekiga to talk to Skype ? | 13:14 |
StrongMotive | I had some problems earlier with updating firefox | 13:15 |
StrongMotive | I'm in the directory | 13:15 |
StrongMotive | cd /home... | 13:15 |
StrongMotive | what command do I run? | 13:15 |
kibibyte | how to enable playing radio from shoutcast.com when i click the link? | 13:15 |
kibibyte | now firefox just dislpay alert thay i nned to change some preferences | 13:16 |
kibibyte | i want to poen audicious | 13:16 |
kibibyte | open | 13:16 |
kibibyte | and play it | 13:16 |
kibibyte | when i click thelink\ | 13:16 |
kibibyte | help | 13:16 |
FloodBot1 | kibibyte: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 13:16 |
adam7 | !enter | 13:16 |
ubottu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 13:16 |
kibibyte | ok | 13:16 |
kibibyte | but help | 13:16 |
kibibyte | ?? | 13:18 |
jrib | StrongMotive: hmm? update-manager updates firefox for you. There are no commands to run | 13:20 |
apo | Hi | 13:20 |
StrongMotive | hi | 13:20 |
StrongMotive | I'd like to install RC 1 | 13:20 |
StrongMotive | of FF3 | 13:20 |
StrongMotive | currently i've beta 5 | 13:21 |
gaurav_ | is there any cmnd for terminal to execute c++ program? | 13:21 |
hp | hey guys. i just installed ubuntu 8.04 on an external usb hard disk (freeagent go 160gig) and during install i opted to install the bootloader on the usb disk (since the computer's not mine). while booting, though, i get a "grub loading stage 1.5. error 2" message | 13:21 |
bazhang | StrongMotive, you need to either wait until it hits the repos or compile it yourself | 13:21 |
adam7 | StrongMotive: any particular reason, ie, beta5 isn't working? | 13:21 |
jrib | StrongMotive: that's a hassle, much easier to stick to the repositories. You'll get updates from rc1 | 13:21 |
apo | My crond does not seem to be active - I've added a test entry (* * * * * date >> ~/date), but the file's staying empty. ps -aux | grep cron tells me that it's running. Any ideas what could be wrong? This is 7.10... | 13:21 |
StrongMotive | ok fine | 13:21 |
adam7 | it won't be easy :) | 13:21 |
jrib | gaurav_: you mean compile? | 13:21 |
robg_ | hp: sounds crazy | 13:21 |
gaurav_ | jrib:yea all process of executing | 13:22 |
adam7 | hp: does your computer support booting from usb? | 13:22 |
hp | i haven't tried, ever | 13:22 |
hp | it' | 13:22 |
jrib | gaurav_: you execute a compiled program written in c++ like any other program: /path/to/program | 13:22 |
hp | s a fairly new computer, though | 13:22 |
hp | how would i find out? | 13:23 |
robg_ | hp: keep it simple. | 13:23 |
apo | gaurav_: sudo apt-get install build-essential; g++ <file.cpp> | 13:23 |
gaurav_ | apo:this for? | 13:23 |
apo | gaurav_: compiling c++ source | 13:23 |
gaurav_ | apo:in any compiler? | 13:23 |
hp | keep it simple as in? | 13:23 |
apo | gaurav_: No, gcc | 13:23 |
cgentry72 | legend2440: that did not work for me | 13:24 |
robg_ | hp: use CDs to install OSes | 13:24 |
gaurav_ | apo:but i am using anjuta | 13:24 |
mgolisch | gaurav_: and? | 13:24 |
mgolisch | you dont need to fidle with that then | 13:24 |
RuyalarPrensi | new kernel? | 13:24 |
mgolisch | just make sure you have the compiler installed | 13:24 |
hp | robg_: well, i used a livecd | 13:24 |
mgolisch | gaurav_: what error message do you get in anjuta? | 13:24 |
gaurav_ | apo:g++ | 13:25 |
RuyalarPrensi | hiii | 13:25 |
hp | robg_: which worked fine. and installed to the usb disk | 13:25 |
RuyalarPrensi | new kernel? | 13:25 |
robg_ | hp: so what went wrong ? | 13:25 |
adam7 | RuyalarPrensi: new kernel? | 13:25 |
gaurav_ | mgolisch:dude it is solved thnx for ur intrest | 13:25 |
hp | robg_: the install process went through, and i got to the point where i'm asked to reboot from the hard drive. doing that gives me a grub "error 2" message | 13:25 |
apo | gaurav_: I don't know about anjuta. You'll have to read it's documentation or ask somebody else. But it should have some frontend to g++... | 13:25 |
gaurav_ | ok | 13:26 |
selocol | How do I list mounted partitions along with their device name/labels? | 13:26 |
robg_ | hp: you are doing something that the developers did not intend you to do. | 13:26 |
pjv | what can i use to check the strength of my wireless signal from my router? | 13:26 |
shishirmk | can any1 one tell me what command to use to make HTTP GET request to a server | 13:26 |
mgolisch | selocol: mount | 13:26 |
selocol | mgolisch: thanks | 13:27 |
hp | robg_: installing to a usb disk? | 13:27 |
mgolisch | shishirmk: curl maybe or wget | 13:27 |
robg_ | hp: what are you attempting to install on USB ? | 13:27 |
Guillaum3 | greets gents. | 13:27 |
kurugah | i need assistance creating a bridge between ath0 and eth0 | 13:27 |
Guillaum3 | how would i set my time from the command line? | 13:27 |
pjv | shishirmk: as in telnet? i'm not sure what you mean exactly by your question | 13:27 |
hp | robg_: ubuntu 8.04 | 13:27 |
adam7 | Guillaum3: date | 13:28 |
robg_ | hp: I do not think it is possible, however if you succeed then it is possible. If you fail it is not possible. | 13:28 |
bazhang | hp what you did was fine; now you have the usb disk attached to your own computer and it wont boot, is that it? | 13:28 |
gaurav_ | is there any method to compile and execute thru terminal? | 13:28 |
hp | yes | 13:28 |
adam7 | there is no problem installing to a usb disk | 13:28 |
adam7 | ubuntu can handle that fine | 13:28 |
hp | the boot process starts, apparently | 13:28 |
hp | but at grub's stage 1.5 there's an "error 2" | 13:29 |
bazhang | robg_, what you are saying is simply incorrect | 13:29 |
robg_ | bazhang: Ubuntu has not announced the delivery of OSes suitable for USB sticks. | 13:29 |
Guillaum3 | fawk, i have to sudo date | 13:29 |
mgolisch | gaurav_: yeah use gcc | 13:29 |
adam7 | robg_: Ubuntu works fine on usb sticks | 13:29 |
bazhang | robg you are mistaken. | 13:30 |
StrongMotive | 1337 people in the room | 13:30 |
StrongMotive | :P | 13:30 |
adam7 | 1339 now :P | 13:30 |
jatt | are usb sticks faster than ide disks? | 13:30 |
StrongMotive | lol | 13:30 |
kurugah | i installed bridge tools and ifconfiged eth0 to then added eth0 and ath0 to the bridge i get: segmental fail (core dumped) | 13:30 |
adam7 | jatt: usb (flash) disks will probably be slower | 13:30 |
Guillaum3 | how can i make the 'date' command available to a user? | 13:30 |
kurugah | when i ifup the bridge | 13:30 |
jatt | I see | 13:30 |
hp | it's a usb hard drive. 5400 rpm | 13:31 |
adam7 | Guillaum3: why wouldn't it be available to them? | 13:31 |
adam7 | robg_: http://www.ubuntuswitch.com/2006/08/01/installing-ubuntu-on-an-external-usb-hard-drive/ | 13:31 |
bazhang | hp what is the system on your main computer? | 13:31 |
gaurav_ | mgolisch:plzz specify full cmnd | 13:31 |
Guillaum3 | adam7: date: cannot set date: Operation not permitted | 13:31 |
adam7 | Guillaum3: sudo date, then :) | 13:31 |
robg_ | adam7: USB sticks have differing specs. Some may do it, some may not. | 13:31 |
hp | it's a winxp system. parents use it all the time and have work on, so i can't play around with that hard disk | 13:31 |
Xsss4hell | hi | 13:31 |
adam7 | robg_: if its a usb disk that uses the mass storage driver, it'll work | 13:32 |
selocol | Hello, after plugging in a usb stick, I see in 'mount' "Disk /dev/sda" and beneath it "Device Boot ... /dev/sdb2 ... and ... /dev/sdb5". The only other disks that are listed in mount are sda1-4. Why is the usb disk mounted on sdb2 and sdb5? Do the numbers mean anything? Thanks. | 13:32 |
robg_ | adam7: CDs always work. | 13:32 |
bazhang | robg please do not offer advice when you have no clear idea what you are saying. | 13:32 |
bazhang | robg it confuses the users and then we have to clean up. | 13:32 |
robg_ | bazhang: this proposition is an experiment, which may fail. | 13:33 |
gaurav_ | is there any method to compile and execute thru terminal a program in anjuta? | 13:33 |
Xsss4hell | Howto save the synaptic install chronik to a file for later reinstall? | 13:33 |
adam7 | !pastebin | selocol | 13:33 |
ubottu | selocol: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 13:33 |
adam7 | could you pastebin that mount output, please, selocol? | 13:33 |
PriceChild | !list | 13:33 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 13:33 |
LOWER_CASE | Is there a log I can look at for Ekiga crashes? | 13:33 |
hp | bazhang: could it be some BIOS jugglery that's required? | 13:34 |
bazhang | robg I and many others have been installing on usb drives and sticks with ubuntu for quite some time; please refrain from | 13:34 |
adam7 | hp: you might have to set your bios to boot from usb, yes | 13:34 |
adam7 | by default, mine won't | 13:34 |
Xsss4hell | ubottu lol | 13:34 |
ubottu | Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks. | 13:34 |
BaD_CrC | robg_: take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 13:35 |
bazhang | robg from offering opinions when you dont know what you are saying. | 13:35 |
hp | hmm | 13:35 |
selocol | adam7: mount and sudo fdisk -l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14772/ Could you help me understand what sdb2 and sdb5 are and why they aren't, let's say, sdb1 and sdb2? Thanks. | 13:35 |
hp | what does error 2 mean? i could'nt find out | 13:35 |
SpyrosR | hello. i installed/uninstalled KDE4 and im having some issues. some applets not working, the desktop not working, i can't access any files or disk. can anyone help? | 13:35 |
bazhang | hp will this usb hard drive be attached to your parents computer long term? | 13:35 |
hp | no | 13:35 |
microwaver | Nooby question. Is it possible to , after an installation, mv'ing the /home/ dir to a partition newly created. ? | 13:36 |
bazhang | hp this is a hdd or a usb key | 13:36 |
adam7 | microwaver: yep | 13:36 |
hp | it's an hdd | 13:36 |
legend2440 | microwaver: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome | 13:36 |
jussi01 | !home | microwaver | 13:36 |
ubottu | microwaver: Your home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For mounting your home folder on a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome | 13:36 |
bazhang | hp if you could give an idea of what you are trying to do here in terms of usage it would be easier to give an answer | 13:37 |
adam7 | selocol: I think that it is because you have an extended partition; my computer doesn't have an sda4, for instance. | 13:37 |
microwaver | adam7, legend2440 jussi01 thanks | 13:37 |
hp | okay | 13:37 |
kurugah | am i allowed to repeat my quastion? | 13:37 |
robg_ | bazhang: backing down already ? | 13:37 |
adam7 | kurugah: probably, just get it all on one line this time :) | 13:37 |
bazhang | robg please stop. | 13:37 |
kurugah | hmm k | 13:38 |
selocol | adam7: If I wanted to umount that usb drive, would umount /dev/sdb, umount /dev/sdb2, and umount /dev/sdb5 all work? | 13:38 |
robg_ | bazhang: I want you to finish this install successfully. | 13:38 |
adam7 | selocol: I'm by no means a partitioning expert, but it looks to me like you probably don't need to worry about it | 13:38 |
bazhang | hp how about we continue in PM | 13:38 |
ziptnf | hey, guys, i appear to be having grub problems when i overwrote my old fedora partition. "find /boot/grub/stage1" hasn't been doing anything, so i copied /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/* to /boot/grub, and it still can't find the properties for stage1 | 13:38 |
adam7 | selocol: yeah, just umount sdb2 and sdb5, you probably don't need to umount sdb | 13:38 |
Xsss4hell | Howto save the Synaptic Package Manger "Chronic" to a file for later reinstall, if I need to format etc.. ?? | 13:39 |
kurugah | when i ifup my bridge between ath0 and eth0 i get: segmentation fail (core dup) need help | 13:39 |
selocol | adam7: ok thanks | 13:39 |
hp | bazhang: ok | 13:39 |
mgolisch | Xsss4hell: you would use dpkg -get-selection or so | 13:39 |
mgolisch | to export the installaed packages | 13:39 |
bazhang | hp you need to register if you are not | 13:39 |
Guillaum3 | gogo chatzilla! | 13:40 |
Guillaum3 | any1 left me an answer concerning granting permissions to commands for a specific user? | 13:40 |
apo | Hm | 13:40 |
selocol | adam7: actually, i just tried and i can only unmount it with "umount /dev/sdb5" | 13:40 |
* gcx_evey slaps selocol around a bit with a large trout | 13:40 | |
apo | It seems that the root crontab is working fine | 13:40 |
Slart | Guillaum3: there is a config file for sudo | 13:41 |
apo | But the one for my user does not get executed... | 13:41 |
adam7 | selocol: oh, yes, silly me. /dev/sdb2 is the extended partition; you can't mount/unmount it :) | 13:41 |
Slart | Guillaum3: that lets you choose which commands/files sudo works with | 13:41 |
selocol | adam7: ok got it | 13:41 |
hp_ | bazhang: im not registerd | 13:41 |
adam7 | !sudo | Guillaum3 | 13:41 |
ubottu | Guillaum3: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. | 13:41 |
bazhang | hp_, it is very quick and easy to do. | 13:41 |
hp_ | alright. where do i go? | 13:41 |
bazhang | hp_, let me get you a bot link | 13:41 |
ziptnf | hey, has anyone ever had grub problems? | 13:41 |
bazhang | !register | hp_ | 13:42 |
ubottu | hp_: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. | 13:42 |
adam7 | Guillaum3: if you set up sudo right, you can get it to allow people to sudo date without needing to type in a password | 13:42 |
adam7 | !grub | ziptnf | 13:42 |
ubottu | ziptnf: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 13:42 |
Slart | ziptnf: lots of people have had grub problems | 13:42 |
ziptnf | adam7, i know what it is, but i'm still having lots of problems | 13:42 |
mgolisch | why does the bot not pm the people? | 13:42 |
SpyrosR | may i repeat my question people? im trying for about 2hrs now to solve it, but im stuck :( | 13:42 |
mgolisch | its total confussing to have those long texts from the bots inbetween all the time | 13:42 |
ziptnf | Slart, find /boot/grub/stage1 isn't working, even tho there are files in that directory | 13:42 |
Slart | mgolisch: it does if you use > instead of | | 13:42 |
p3pp3_91 | hi | 13:42 |
p3pp3_91 | =) | 13:42 |
bazhang | mgolisch, you can do that with !fact > nick | 13:42 |
=== hp_ is now known as suspect42 | ||
mgolisch | i see | 13:42 |
mgolisch | :) | 13:43 |
p3pp3_91 | hi, my name is giuseppe | 13:43 |
p3pp3_91 | and i write from italy | 13:43 |
Slart | ziptnf: is that a command? or an error message? | 13:43 |
trident523 | !hi | p3pp3_91 | 13:43 |
ubottu | p3pp3_91: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 13:43 |
p3pp3_91 | thanks =) | 13:43 |
ziptnf | Slart, when I run grub, the documentation tells me to "find /boot/grub/stage1" and it should list available boot records | 13:43 |
Myrtti | p3pp3_91: do you have an ubuntu support question? | 13:43 |
p3pp3_91 | ... I have problem with ubuntu 8.04 | 13:44 |
AcornAcorn | how do you change the colour of the bars on top of windows? | 13:44 |
ziptnf | Slart, but when i run it it says file not found | 13:44 |
Slart | ziptnf: it just means find as in locate.. look for it and open it..not the command find.. "gksudo gedit /boot/grub/stage1" | 13:44 |
magnus_ | Is it not possible for NFS to export NTFS? :( | 13:45 |
p3pp3_91 | why? wine: Dipende: binfmt-support (>= 1.1.2) | 13:45 |
p3pp3_91 | :( | 13:45 |
selocol | I have a usb disk "/dev/sdb" with a ntfs partition in /dev/sdb5. How do I mount this in /media/ with the drive name/label used as the directory name in MEDIA? Thanks. | 13:45 |
kurugah | hi, when i ifup my bride adapter i get error msg. segmentation fail (core dup) anyone? | 13:45 |
ziptnf | Slart, it can't be opened for editing | 13:45 |
Slart | magnus_: according to google, no =/ | 13:45 |
magnus_ | :( | 13:46 |
Slart | ziptnf: did you write the whole thing? including the gksudo? | 13:46 |
Slart | ziptnf: ah.. nevermind.. you're right | 13:46 |
Jeruvy | p3pp3_91: try #winehq | 13:46 |
p3pp3_91 | thanks | 13:46 |
redarrow | can someone help me how to deal with the /etc/host ? | 13:46 |
Slart | ziptnf: ah.. it's a binary file.. not a text-file | 13:46 |
ziptnf | Slart, that's rihgt | 13:46 |
mgolisch | selocol: why dont you use the automount stuff/disk mount applet? | 13:46 |
mgolisch | it does that by default | 13:46 |
mavric | any problems with the latest kernel and nvidia glx updates? | 13:47 |
Slart | ziptnf: where is this howto you're reading? url? | 13:47 |
selocol | mgolisch: i'm trying to learn how to do it manually | 13:47 |
mgolisch | using the label as the directory name for the mount | 13:47 |
ziptnf | Slart, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=504678 | 13:47 |
Slart | ziptnf: ahhh.. now I get it.. first you run "sudo grub"... then you'll be in grub-land.. writing grub commands | 13:48 |
ziptnf | Slart, that's right | 13:48 |
Slart | ziptnf: then find should work | 13:48 |
ziptnf | Slart, but it doesn't | 13:48 |
kurugah | is there a reason i am being ignored? | 13:48 |
selocol | !ask | kurugah | 13:48 |
ubottu | kurugah: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 13:48 |
Slart | !patience | kurugah | 13:48 |
ubottu | kurugah: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 13:48 |
Slart | kurugah: bah.. wrong factoid.. my bad | 13:49 |
Slart | kurugah: perhaps noone knows the answer to your question.. | 13:49 |
Seeker` | kurugah: People may either be busy, or not know the answer to your question | 13:49 |
kurugah | ok | 13:49 |
kurugah | i thought i was considered inpolite | 13:49 |
The_Hermit_1971 | anybody here tried the 1900 mhz homemade dipole | 13:49 |
Slart | kurugah: try adding some more info.. look in the system log, google for some hints, look in the ubuntu forums | 13:49 |
legend2440 | kurugah: maybe someone in channel #wireless knows the answer | 13:50 |
Ekushey-AFK | can anyone help me with an ACPI problem? | 13:50 |
kurugah | ty | 13:50 |
Slart | ziptnf: what is the error message from grub? | 13:50 |
ziptnf | Slart, from trying to find stage1? | 13:50 |
atc_ | hey.. in the past when a new distro was released I did a complete reinstall.. since I'm really happy with my 7.10 system as it is now, I don't want to trash my settings and all.. what's the risk of "just upgrading"? | 13:50 |
ziptnf | Error: File not Found | 13:50 |
Slart | ziptnf: can you pastebin what you've done in the terminal? | 13:50 |
Slart | !paste | ziptnf | 13:50 |
ubottu | ziptnf: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 13:50 |
The_Hermit_1971 | does anybody here tried the 1900 mhz homemade dipole? | 13:50 |
Slart | The_Hermit_1971: ehh.. this is the Ubuntu support channel | 13:51 |
Ekushey-AFK | kacpid is eating up 80% of my system resource... anyone knows why this might be happening? | 13:51 |
The_Hermit_1971 | then wich channel should I join? | 13:51 |
M1DLG | lol, wonders if he's a ham | 13:51 |
M1DLG | #lol | 13:51 |
selocol | hi when a drive is automounted in /media/ using the drive's label/name as the directory name in /media/, does it create that directory first in /media/ then delete it when it is unmounted? is there a way, in terminal, to mount a usb disk and have its disk label be used as a directory in /media/? | 13:52 |
The_Hermit_1971 | Slart? | 13:52 |
M1DLG | what are you using your dipole for herman? | 13:52 |
ziptnf | Slart, http://paste.ubuntu.com/14775/ | 13:52 |
bazhang | M1DLG, please stop | 13:52 |
M1DLG | OK, was going to point him in the right direction | 13:52 |
atc_ | hey.. in the past when a new distro was released I did a complete reinstall.. since I'm really happy with my 7.10 system as it is now, I don't want to trash my settings and all.. what's the risk of "just upgrading"? | 13:53 |
M1DLG | general good manners | 13:53 |
Slart | The_Hermit_1971: it sounds like you'd want to ask that question in a amateur radio channel or something | 13:53 |
M1DLG | ....and If it was for what I thought it was for I would have followed him too | 13:53 |
bazhang | M1DLG, this is a busy support channel; please take banter elsewhere thanks. | 13:53 |
M1DLG | the point was, I WAS doing that, thanks | 13:54 |
janet | what is the default directory of all the wall paper in ubuntu | 13:54 |
ziptnf | Slart, did you get my paste?? | 13:54 |
Slart | ziptnf: yup.. on the phone at the moment.. brb | 13:55 |
Dahita | Hi there, I really need someone good with nvidia 169.12 and ubuntu 8.04 plz, I have been struggling f | 13:55 |
Dahita | or 2 days now | 13:55 |
bahr | Hi, does someone know an educating tool, for trying out relational algebra queries? We use one on our school called WinRDBI but, this can not run on Ubuntu, so it would be nice if someone here, maybe knows about another free alternative? | 13:55 |
janet | what is the default directory of wallpaper | 13:55 |
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LOWER_CASE | Ekiga crash log: anyone know where to find it, pleeease? | 13:56 |
rd | hi | 13:56 |
gordonjcp | bahr: you could either try just installing one of the many SQL databases, or you could try running your Windows software in wine | 13:56 |
legend2440 | janet: right click on Desktop then select Change Destop Background then hover over thumbnails and should see where they are kept | 13:57 |
kurugah | is it possible to route my internet coming from a wireless connection through to my eth0 without using a bridge? | 13:57 |
rd | after i finished installing ubuntu 8.0 i get blank screen | 13:57 |
josspyker | kurugah: yes,use firestarter | 13:58 |
kurugah | josspyker: ty | 13:58 |
bahr | gordonjcp: ok, well I guess I need to install a dbms then, cause I can't get it running in wine, thanks | 13:58 |
GarethSimpsonUK | hi, the samba channels dead, can someone kindly tell me how to write to my shares from windows? i have mounted the share & added users using webmin. then i used adduser to add the same users but i can't write to the shares. i can't change permissions either, even with gksudo, the owner is root | 13:58 |
gordonjcp | bahr: you might want to look at phpmyadmin too, then | 13:58 |
gordonjcp | GarethSimpsonUK: what is the owner set to? | 13:59 |
Yagisan | GarethSimpsonUK, sudo chmod 777 /path/to/share | 13:59 |
GarethSimpsonUK | the owner of directory where the drive is mounted is root | 13:59 |
Yagisan | GarethSimpsonUK, that lets *anyone* wrte to it | 14:00 |
Slart | ziptnf: hmm.. well.. it looks like you've done everything right.. and the file is there? | 14:00 |
GarethSimpsonUK | but no-one can lol | 14:00 |
AcornAcorn | how do I change from firefox 3 beta to firefox 2? | 14:00 |
ziptnf | Slart, yes it is. where should i proceed? should i try to install again? | 14:00 |
GarethSimpsonUK | i can read from windoes but no write | 14:00 |
anirudh0 | AcornAcorn, just install firefox-2.0 | 14:00 |
ziptnf | AcornAcorn, why would you want to do that? | 14:00 |
Kazislav | remove it in synsptic | 14:00 |
anirudh0 | AcornAcorn, and remove firefox 3.0 | 14:00 |
AcornAcorn | how do you search packages that are installed so that you can find it's proper name? | 14:01 |
anirudh0 | GarethSimpsonUK, you need write permissions on the folder | 14:01 |
AcornAcorn | i know you can do apt-cache search to search for all packages | 14:01 |
troythetechguy | I have 7.10 installed, and just installed Fedora, but can't dual boot. I did not select to have Fedora install grub during install, but Ubuntu did install grub. Ideas? | 14:01 |
Slart | ziptnf: I don't really know.. the howto is for ubuntu 7.10, something might have changed in hardy.. perhaps search the forums and see if anyone has a newer tutorial | 14:01 |
anirudh0 | AcornAcorn, dpkg-query is an alternate method for that... | 14:01 |
GarethSimpsonUK | i know but when i right click i cant change it, even with gksudo nautilius | 14:01 |
Kazislav | hmmm | 14:02 |
anirudh0 | AcornAcorn, no...sorry, to find an unknown package name, you'll need either apt-file or apt-cache | 14:02 |
legend2440 | ziptnf: read post #1 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=751291 | 14:02 |
anirudh0 | GarethSimpsonUK, have you tried from the terminal | 14:02 |
LOWER_CASE | Sorry, Linux crashed. Not having great day. Anyone know where to find Ekiga crash log, pleasee? | 14:03 |
GarethSimpsonUK | should i use chmod / chown? how? | 14:03 |
Fjodor | I read up on the problematic /etc/sudoers entry, and came to the conclusion that %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL shouldn't override any statements that come *after* that one. Then why, oh why, am I prompted for a password trying to sudo vpnc-connect, having "sune tommelise = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/vpnc-connect" *after* the general one? Btw., the /etc/sudoers file was carried over from feisty through gutsy where it worked just fine, but in Hardy? Asks for passwo | 14:03 |
Fjodor | rd... | 14:03 |
AcornAcorn | ziptnf: I don't like the way it makes everything go grey sometimes | 14:03 |
anirudh0 | GarethSimpsonUK, sudo chmod 777 * | 14:03 |
rd | ؟ | 14:03 |
Slart | LOWER_CASE: try running ekiga from a terminal | 14:03 |
anirudh0 | GarethSimpsonUK, after cd'ing to to right folder | 14:03 |
GarethSimpsonUK | ok, will that let any of the samba users write to it? | 14:03 |
LOWER_CASE | Starti, tried that. (strace...) I think that's what caused the crash. | 14:04 |
anirudh0 | LOWER_CASE, look in ~/.ekiga | 14:04 |
ziptnf | legend2440, thanks for the link, but fdisk -l isn't showing anything | 14:04 |
anirudh0 | GarethSimpsonUK, it will let anyone write to it...that is what 777 means | 14:04 |
anirudh0 | GarethSimpsonUK, 7=111 in binary | 14:04 |
GarethSimpsonUK | ok ill try that right now and get bk 2 u in a min | 14:04 |
anirudh0 | GarethSimpsonUK, therefore <user><group><other> can all right to a file if its mode is changed to 111(7 in decimal) | 14:05 |
anirudh0 | *write | 14:05 |
legend2440 | LOWER_CASE: see section on debugging ekiga http://wiki.ekiga.org/index.php/Debugging_Ekiga | 14:05 |
LOWER_CASE | anirudh0, .ekiga is not in ~ | 14:05 |
GarethSimpsonUK | i remember last time it worked without doing that though. to add users to ubuntu i used adduser and then -l or -i or another argument but i can't remember it. do you know what i should put after adduser gareth? | 14:05 |
anirudh0 | LOWER_CASE, strangely enough, it is'nt ...so where does ekiga store its prefs then? | 14:07 |
LOWER_CASE | legend2440, opening browser now, thanks. | 14:07 |
AcornAcorn | how do you change the colour of the top of windows? | 14:07 |
rd | i get blank screen after installing Ubuntu 8.0, any help? | 14:08 |
elementz | anybody, how do I actually intstall *.ttf fonts under feisty? Is there such thing as a font-manager under ubuntu as well, so I can display all my fonts= | 14:08 |
elementz | ? | 14:08 |
anirudh0 | GarethSimpsonUK, you would need to do that ordinarily ...since the folder is owned by the "samba" group | 14:08 |
robg_ | rd: if you cannot solve the problem you will have to re-install | 14:08 |
anirudh0 | GarethSimpsonUK, so you'd need to add "gareth" to "samba" | 14:08 |
GarethSimpsonUK | do ia dd the star after chmod 777? | 14:08 |
=== CaptainPanda is now known as Captain_panda | ||
anirudh0 | yes | 14:09 |
GarethSimpsonUK | cheers | 14:09 |
anirudh0 | GarethSimpsonUK, also do a sudo chmod 777 ./ | 14:09 |
anirudh0 | GarethSimpsonUK, in the right dir of course | 14:09 |
rd | nice joke | 14:09 |
ziptnf | hey guys, on a liveCD, fdisk -l doesn't output anything. any idea why? | 14:10 |
=== Captain_panda is now known as CaptainPanda | ||
elementz | anybody got a hint? | 14:10 |
anirudh0 | rd, after install or after boot> | 14:10 |
rd | after boot for 1st time | 14:10 |
anirudh0 | elementz, simply put them in ~/.fonts | 14:10 |
anirudh0 | rd, boot in the recovery mode...and post the error messages | 14:10 |
rd | how to boot in rec mode? | 14:11 |
rahim123 | hi there, anyone here good with acpi power management config? | 14:11 |
kurugah | hi i just tried firestarter to route my my internet comming from my router to ath0 to eth1. it sais that my network device ath0 is not ready but i am connected to my wlan router through that device and it works obviously | 14:11 |
=== mechdave is now known as mech_afk | ||
rahim123 | I would like to make pm-utils use /etc/hibernate by default, is this possible? | 14:11 |
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robg_ | rd: single boot or multi boot system ? | 14:12 |
josspyker | kurugah: are you sure it is not eth0 that's not ready | 14:12 |
rd | single system, one operating system | 14:13 |
robg_ | rd: do a re-install. 2 hours work. | 14:13 |
magnus_ | can i transform a ntfs drive to ext without erasing the content? | 14:13 |
rd | hehe not again plz | 14:13 |
Slart | magnus_: nope | 14:13 |
magnus_ | Slart: :( | 14:14 |
elementz | anirudh0, that's it? Is there a way to actually display them? I mean some sort of font manager? | 14:14 |
D-oAn-G | #join /ubuntu-th | 14:14 |
robg_ | rd: what are you installing ? | 14:14 |
kurugah | josspyker: u are right | 14:14 |
rd | ubuntu 8.03 live cd | 14:14 |
anirudh0 | elementz, they'll show up in the "appearance" dialog...under customize theme...i think | 14:14 |
Slart | magnus_: let me guess.. you have a gazillion terabyte ntfs-drive that you can't share using nfs.. and you can't convert it to ext3 either since you don't have the space for all the stuff that's on it? =/ | 14:15 |
robg_ | ubuntu-8.04-desktop or ubuntu-8.04-alternate ? | 14:15 |
josspyker | kurugah: you need to give eth0 a static ip adres | 14:15 |
D-oAn-G | #join ubuntu | 14:15 |
bjb1959 | I recently upgraded from gutsy to heron and the users I had created in users and groups don't show up. the only user that shows up in the settings manager is root. any ideas? | 14:15 |
PriceChild | robg_: PM? | 14:15 |
jonathan_ | .. | 14:15 |
rd | desktop | 14:15 |
rahim123 | D-oAn-G: it's /join #channel | 14:15 |
kurugah | josspyker: with ifconfig eth0 ? | 14:15 |
PriceChild | rd: can you ctrl+alt+F1 to get you to a terminal? | 14:16 |
jonathan_ | FRED? | 14:16 |
robg_ | rd: can you get another LiceCD? | 14:16 |
rd | robg, no | 14:16 |
=== AutoMatriX is now known as AutoMatriX[afk] | ||
rd | price::yes | 14:16 |
anirudh0 | rahim123, pm-utils uses /usr/lib/pm-utils/bin/pm-action | 14:16 |
GarethSimpsonUK | it's worked! thanks. but now when i click the share from windows the login pops up & the username is set to guest but grayed out, offering me only the password field and i cant login. i must have done something last night.any ideas? | 14:17 |
josspyker | kurugah: subnet,default gateway, name server default ip of your router | 14:17 |
anirudh0 | GarethSimpsonUK, i've faced this problem lots of times...never found a solution | 14:17 |
GarethSimpsonUK | im still a ubuntu and a samba user according to webmin | 14:17 |
PriceChild | rd: cool, do that, then log in, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf, then we can change a line... forcing a specific driver so at least you get a gui to make pastebinning easier... lemme just remember what to add in there | 14:17 |
anirudh0 | GarethSimpsonUK, does empty password work? | 14:18 |
GarethSimpsonUK | Gazuk87 | 14:18 |
Glightning | PriceChild: are you doing something with wow? | 14:18 |
zChris | GarethSimpsonUK: i think the problem is on the windows machine | 14:18 |
lnar | whats the difference between automatix2 and synaptic?? is it ok to install in on hardy even though theres a gusty package in getautomatix.com? | 14:18 |
PriceChild | rd: in the Section "Device", add the line: Driver "vga" | 14:18 |
rd | thanks waiting | 14:18 |
blumm | hello | 14:18 |
blumm | help_please | 14:19 |
PriceChild | rd: then save that, and sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart | 14:19 |
elementz | anirudh0, thx | 14:19 |
Slart | lnar: synaptic doesn't kill your system.. thats' the difference =) | 14:19 |
PriceChild | rd: hopefully that will get a usable (albeit slow) gui, so we can get it working properly more easily | 14:19 |
pitu | hi | 14:19 |
blumm | i_started_ubuntu_and_all_i_get_is_my_wallpaper_after_logging_in | 14:19 |
blumm | sorry_my_spacebar_is_broken_on_this_machine | 14:19 |
GarethSimpsonUK | no blank password doesn't work | 14:19 |
Slart | lnar: don't use automatix.. try !automatix for more info | 14:19 |
lnar | Slart, so its not good to install it | 14:19 |
rd | thanks, i try | 14:19 |
bjb1959 | I recently upgraded from gutsy to heron and the users I had created in users and groups don't show up. the only user that shows up in the settings manager is root. any ideas? | 14:19 |
rd | thats all? | 14:19 |
anirudh0 | blumm, disable compiz | 14:19 |
PriceChild | rd: no | 14:19 |
hub_ | How can disable the routine check of the Hard Disk in boot ? | 14:19 |
blumm | anirudh0_how_can_i_do_this? | 14:20 |
anirudh0 | hub_, are you sure you want to do that? | 14:20 |
PriceChild | rd: that's just so you can get to a state where it "works", but doesn't work as well as it should | 14:20 |
hub_ | yes | 14:20 |
danbhfive | lnar: I think in general, you should not install packages for gutsy onto a hardy system | 14:20 |
lnar | hub_, dont do that | 14:20 |
GarethSimpsonUK | i've just tried to open the user utility in gnome and it didn't work so it looks like a bigger problem | 14:20 |
hub_ | ok | 14:20 |
atc_ | hey.. in the past when a new distro was released I did a complete reinstall.. since I'm really happy with my 7.10 system as it is now, I don't want to trash my settings and all.. what's the risk of "just upgrading"? | 14:20 |
PriceChild | rd: if you have a working gui, it makes it easier to pastebin files we need to see to help you make it work as well as it should | 14:20 |
lnar | ok guys thanks! Slart danbhfive | 14:20 |
hub_ | but he gives error after check like no root found ... | 14:20 |
hub_ | and switches to root console | 14:21 |
GarethSimpsonUK | i was in the process of installing ebox would that stop authentuication working? | 14:21 |
=== fdd-0 is now known as fdd | ||
Hammer89 | do I need the package "nfs-common"? | 14:21 |
blumm | after_logging_in_even_right_click_doesnt_work | 14:21 |
GarethSimpsonUK | rebooting it now, if it doesn't work i'm gonna do a reinstall cos i think i may have done some damage last night in my hour of need | 14:22 |
anirudh0 | blumm, since you are stuck without a gui...i can only give a hacky solution as of now | 14:22 |
rd | what file to submit?i try to find | 14:22 |
PriceChild | rd: pardon? | 14:22 |
anirudh0 | blumm, sudo mv /usr/bin/compiz.real /usr/bin/compiz.real.bak | 14:22 |
anirudh0 | blumm, then login | 14:22 |
PriceChild | rd: has ubuntu come up, with fancy graphics and log in screen this time? | 14:22 |
GarethSimpsonUK | plus i think i want kde-core instead, will this and the os fit on a 4gb drive? so i can use the other for data | 14:22 |
blumm | so_first_ctrl_alt_f2? | 14:23 |
anirudh0 | GarethSimpsonUK, kde(kubuntu-desktop)+gnome(ubuntu-desktop) takes about 3.7 igs | 14:23 |
anirudh0 | *gigs | 14:23 |
rd | you said you need to see some files to help me | 14:23 |
hub_ | any one idea why after the routine check goes to the console (no gdm) | 14:23 |
PriceChild | rd: has what I have already told you to do worked? | 14:23 |
PriceChild | rd: are you now able to log in graphically? | 14:23 |
hub_ | in the boot *+ | 14:23 |
danbhfive | hub_: are there any errors that you see? | 14:24 |
anirudh0 | blumm, no,..in the gdm screen, select failsafe terminal | 14:24 |
rd | i did not apply the procedure yet, i cant now | 14:24 |
anirudh0 | blumm, then enter the command...then login to gnome | 14:24 |
anirudh0 | !who| rd | 14:24 |
ubottu | rd: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 14:24 |
bjb1959 | I recently upgraded from gutsy to heron and the users I had created in users and groups don't show up. the only user that shows up in the settings manager is root. any ideas? | 14:24 |
PriceChild | rd: well do what I've suggested above, and see if that works, as it will make things a lot easier down the line | 14:24 |
danbhfive | hub_: I think sometimes the check will crash you to a prompt if it finds a serious error | 14:24 |
hub_ | yes any think not found on /dev/sda6 | 14:24 |
magnus_ | Slart: Thats right yep Lol :) | 14:25 |
hub_ | i am looking and come back | 14:25 |
rd | hehe guyz, sorry | 14:25 |
hub_ | or is that any where logged | 14:25 |
hub_ | ? | 14:25 |
blumm | anirudh0:i_already_did_it_wihtout_gui | 14:25 |
Slart | magnus_: well.. I feel your pain.. can't you use samba to share the drive instead of nfs? or you could perhaps shrink the ntfs-drive gradually? | 14:25 |
blumm | anirudh0:i_just_quit_by_ctrl_alt_f2 | 14:25 |
rd | PriceChild, thanks alot | 14:25 |
bjb1959 | I recently upgraded from gutsy to heron and the users I had created in users and groups don't show up. the only user that shows up in the settings manager is root. any ideas? | 14:26 |
anirudh0 | blumm, did it work...i mean renaming the compiz binary and loggin in.. | 14:26 |
danbhfive | hub_: I dont know, but I can usually see them using ctrl+page up or down, (when I'm on the terminal) | 14:26 |
blumm | i_restart_now | 14:26 |
blumm | i_dont_know_how_to_login_after_quitting_the_gui | 14:26 |
anirudh0 | blumm, k | 14:26 |
blumm | or_how_to_start_the_gui_again | 14:26 |
anirudh0 | blumm, neither do i :) | 14:27 |
hub_ | no thats in the boot the error | 14:27 |
hub_ | after check hard disk any boot time | 14:27 |
blumm | anirudh0:still_the_same | 14:27 |
Glightning | hey can I ask you guys a question? | 14:27 |
magnus_ | Slart: i could do that, but samba is slower, more cpu-demanding and more messy to configure i guess.. | 14:27 |
blumm | all_i_get_is_a_cursor_and_my_wallpaper | 14:28 |
emma | Hello friends. I'm back. :) | 14:28 |
Oval | Hi guys. | 14:28 |
blumm | damn | 14:28 |
Slart | magnus_: yup.. I use nfs to share stuff to my popcorn.. works wonderfully | 14:28 |
blumm | what_to_do??? | 14:28 |
Hammer89 | hello... I've got a strange issue where NFS common utilities are taking forever to start on boot (or if I start it manually)... any help would be really appreciated | 14:28 |
Oval | Does the Live CD live entirely in RAM, or does it ever have to ask the CD for data after boot-up? | 14:29 |
Lr5 | uhh, for some reason I'm not able to play mp3/ogg files, sound in applications work though, anyone knows what I should check? (Ubuntu 8.04) | 14:29 |
Glightning | when trying to edit /etc/x11/xorg.conf it says that i do not have the permissions necessary to save the file but i'm pretty sure i'm root user, any suggestions? | 14:29 |
Chaelvin | if I want to use Ubuntu Server as a file sharing server with Windows do I have to use a different file structure other than eft3 on those partitions? | 14:29 |
jatt | is my cd-rom (dvd) now broken?: | 14:29 |
jatt | May 25 13:17:30 localhost kernel: [ 45.679640] hdb: drive_cmd: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error } | 14:29 |
jatt | 14:29 | |
herrkaleun | any ubuntu author among us: ubuntu rulez | 14:29 |
jatt | May 25 13:17:30 localhost kernel: [ 45.679652] hdb: drive_cmd: error=0x04 { AbortedCommand } | 14:29 |
* apo curses cron | 14:29 | |
magnus_ | Slart: i think i will try to make my shared disk ext3.. just dont think it has worked well with xp.. seems like the win driver messes up the ext3 partitions | 14:29 |
emma | herrkaleun: Not the best channel for Ubuntu chit-chat. :) | 14:29 |
robg_ | Oval: you can boot the LiveCD from CD-ROM. Tehn it does not affect your harddrive. You can test the system from CD-ROM. | 14:29 |
blumm | after_logging_in_i_get_a_mouse_cursor_and_my_wallpaper | 14:30 |
blumm | what_can_i_do?? | 14:30 |
herrkaleun | emma: ah damn :) i just discovered it:D | 14:30 |
Slart | magnus_: I think the windows driver is meant for ext2.. I'm not sure though | 14:30 |
anirudh0 | blumm, install fvwm..see if the same problem persists | 14:30 |
Oval | robg_: I'm asking if it ever needs to query the CD-ROM after it has booted. | 14:30 |
blumm | anirudh0:how? | 14:30 |
PriceChild | Slart: it works with ext3 also | 14:30 |
emma | herrkaleun: That's great and welcome to Ubuntu. This channel is for support. There are many other channels for socializing. | 14:30 |
magnus_ | Slart: oh then it is ext i have used and will use :) | 14:30 |
magnus_ | Slart: *ext2 | 14:30 |
Oval | robg_: Or whether it entirely lives in RAM, subsequent to booting up. | 14:30 |
Amaranth | Oval: it does | 14:30 |
herrkaleun | emma: ah.. ookie :) can you tell me 1? | 14:30 |
Oval | Amaranth: Can this be avoided, or must I specifically look for a ramdisk distro? | 14:31 |
magnus_ | Slart: is ext3 better? | 14:31 |
Amaranth | blumm: On the login screen click on Options, then Sessions, then Failsafe GNOME. Then login. | 14:31 |
robg_ | Oval: running it from CD-ROM is only to test whether you hardware is detected. It is not a permanent solution. | 14:31 |
blumm | thanks_wilL_restart_now | 14:31 |
Amaranth | Oval: why are you wanting to make it not use the cd drive? | 14:31 |
anirudh0 | blumm, wait | 14:31 |
emma | herrkaleun -- Try #ubuntuforums | 14:31 |
Oval | Amaranth: I need a limited set of tools. | 14:31 |
anirudh0 | blumm, try typing gdm at the prompt | 14:31 |
smeril | my gnome settings dosent work corectly when i start the computer it takes really long time and i get an error sign | 14:31 |
Oval | Amaranth: Just looking for a distro that can live in my RAM, supply me with the tools I need and be ridiculously fast. :-) | 14:32 |
Amaranth | anirudh0: err, no, I told him the right thing to do | 14:32 |
herrkaleun | emma: thanks :) take care | 14:32 |
emma | take care dear. | 14:32 |
smeril | i am quite new with ubuntu is there any good way to check for errors? | 14:32 |
anirudh0 | Amaranth, sure...i just wanted him to try without rebooting | 14:32 |
blumm | anirudh0:when_logging_in_with_gnome_failsafe_i_get_the_same_error | 14:32 |
blumm | anirudh0:which_promopt? | 14:32 |
GarethSimpsonUK | anirudh0: i tried to install ubuntu server + ubuntu-desktop on a 4 gb and it worked but when upgrading to hardy it ran out of space, so how could kde & gnome fit on 3.7? am i misunderstanding you? i would like only kde (+ hardy) will this fit comfortably on a 4 gb? i don't want any data on there, just os / apps / kde / swap. all data will be on another 3 ide drives | 14:32 |
anirudh0 | blumm, you said you had no gui... | 14:32 |
Amaranth | blumm: are you in windows now? | 14:33 |
danbhfive | Oval: I think there is a way to customize the live cd, you may want to look into that | 14:33 |
anirudh0 | GarethSimpsonUK, when upgrading files are downloaded first | 14:33 |
Oval | danbhfive: I'll check that out. Thank you, danbhfive. | 14:33 |
Vikketorr | I'm using a swedish dvorak layout but every time i boot ubuntu i'ts still the QWERTY layout even though i dont have the qwerty layout in the list with layouts. | 14:33 |
blumm | anirudh0:i_get_the_login_screen_of_ubuntu_after_logging_in_all_i_get_is_a_cursor_and_my_wallpaper | 14:33 |
robg_ | Oval: I have yet to find a LiveCD that provides a well-running system that boots from CD-ROM. It does not exist. | 14:33 |
anirudh0 | GarethSimpsonUK, the download is itself more than a gb | 14:33 |
blumm | Amaranth:yes | 14:33 |
smeril | I had this problem for a week now and i dont know why it started | 14:33 |
blumm | Amaranth:on_a_broken_laptop | 14:33 |
Amaranth | blumm: just reboot to ubuntu and try what I said, it sounds like compiz is messing up | 14:33 |
=== liberfiasco is now known as libervisco | ||
Joelito | Hi all, the icon effect on panel launchers, is from ubuntu hardy or from gnome itself? I like to know if is possible to enable or disable those effects. | 14:33 |
blumm | Amaranth:what_to_do_exactly? | 14:34 |
Amaranth | blumm: Also, make sure you wait at least 2 minutes before giving up, you may be hitting a bug where login stalls for 2 minutes | 14:34 |
anirudh0 | GarethSimpsonUK, so if you are so tight on space...you might face problems..i meant 3.7 gig for a fresh install | 14:34 |
bazhang | oval you can do it with uck | 14:34 |
hub_ | My Error after routine check in the boot: *An automatic filesystem check (fsck) of the Root File system failed... and * The root file system is currently in read only mode. > How can fix this ? i dont will reinstall Ubuntu. | 14:34 |
Amaranth | blumm: On the login screen click on Options, then Sessions, then Failsafe GNOME. Then login. | 14:34 |
emma | Joelito: that sounds like GNOME or even Nautilus. | 14:34 |
GarethSimpsonUK | oh ok, so will kde + server fit 'comfortably' on a 4gb? or should i be safe & sacrifice a 40 gb? | 14:34 |
danbhfive | GarethSimpsonUK: Upgrading takes extra space. You have the old install, then you download the new install, so that could be double, make sense? | 14:34 |
anirudh0 | GarethSimpsonUK, no | 14:34 |
bazhang | !uck | Oval | 14:34 |
ubottu | Oval: UCK is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/ | 14:34 |
Joelito | emma: Ok | 14:34 |
anirudh0 | GarethSimpsonUK, no to both questions | 14:34 |
GarethSimpsonUK | yes makes sense | 14:34 |
Vikketorr | I'm using a swedish dvorak layout but every time i boot ubuntu i'ts still the QWERTY layout even though i dont have the qwerty layout in the list with layouts. | 14:34 |
blumm | Amaranth:on_failsafe_login_i_get_the_same_mess | 14:34 |
anirudh0 | GarethSimpsonUK, use a 8 gb partition..thats more than enough | 14:35 |
smeril | anybody who knows about gnome settings? | 14:35 |
GarethSimpsonUK | so it wont fit on a 4gb? | 14:35 |
emma | Joelito: I am not certain but it seems that nautilus controls a lot about your icon behavior as well so check there too. | 14:35 |
GarethSimpsonUK | oh ok | 14:35 |
smeril | gnome settings deamon | 14:35 |
cens0red | hi. Just dist-upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04, and my gnome-panel has some weird slow-motion effect. Can I get rid of that? | 14:35 |
anirudh0 | smeril, what about it | 14:35 |
anirudh0 | cens0red, post a screenshot | 14:35 |
blumm | Amaranth:i_cant_even_right_click;alt_f2_doesnt_work_either | 14:35 |
danbhfive | cens0red: probably by disabling compiz? | 14:36 |
blumm | wallpaper_with_no_panels_or_icons | 14:36 |
smeril | it take ages to start the computer | 14:36 |
hub_ | My Error after routine check in the boot: *An automatic filesystem check (fsck) of the Root File system failed... and * The root file system is currently in read only mode. > How can fix this ? i dont will reinstall Ubuntu. | 14:36 |
cens0red | danbhfive what is compiz? | 14:36 |
smeril | and then i get an error sign | 14:36 |
Vikketorr | I'm using a swedish dvorak layout but every time i boot ubuntu i'ts still the QWERTY layout even though i dont have the qwerty layout in the list with layouts. Anyone have any idea what i shuld do? | 14:36 |
anirudh0 | blumm, on some older machines...gnome takes a _lot_ of time to load | 14:36 |
blumm | anirudh0:i_have_a_brandnew_vaio | 14:36 |
smeril | "there was an error starting gnome settings deamon did not recive a reply bla bla" | 14:37 |
GarethSimpsonUK | oh ok | 14:37 |
blumm | also_everything_worked_perfectly_until_yesterday | 14:37 |
danbhfive | !compiz > cens0red here is some info | 14:37 |
cens0red | anirudh0 I'm afraid not. I have the panel on auto-Hide. When I move the cursor over the panel, it rises slowly. | 14:37 |
jatt | what's with the _s | 14:37 |
blumm | i-uninstalled-several-programs-though-yesterday-evening | 14:37 |
emma | Vikketorr: I think that this will walk you through how to make that permanent :) -- http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/category/dvorak/ | 14:37 |
jatt | and -s | 14:37 |
Amaranth | blumm: Do you get a screen where you can type in your username and password? | 14:38 |
blumm | Amaranth:yes | 14:38 |
Retiree | newt you in the room | 14:38 |
anirudh0 | blumm, go to failsafe terminal | 14:38 |
Amaranth | blumm: That's the screen I'm talking about | 14:38 |
Vikketorr | ok i'll try | 14:38 |
Amaranth | blumm: On the login screen click on Options, then Sessions, then Failsafe GNOME. Then login. | 14:38 |
jope | hi, im trying to set up wireless with a bcm4310 card im following these instructions http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43 but when i enter export /lib/firmware i get a reply bash: export: `/lib/firmware': not a valid identifier | 14:38 |
jope | coud someone help please | 14:38 |
blumm | Amaranth:i-did-2-times-now | 14:38 |
blumm | Amaranth:same-stuff | 14:38 |
Amaranth | anirudh0: no need for failsafe terminal | 14:38 |
emma | Vikketorr: let me know ifit works out for you. | 14:38 |
danbhfive | blumm: what did you uninstall? | 14:38 |
anirudh0 | blumm, and then type nautilus&&gnome-panel | 14:38 |
bazhang | Broadcom, you around? | 14:38 |
Amaranth | blumm: I thought you were on the same computer, how could you have done that so fast | 14:39 |
blumm | danbhfive:evolution-email-program-and-pidgin-or-so | 14:39 |
icicled | in my xchat, on the side tree, the channel nodes aren't being highlighted red anymore since i did a system upgrade, any ideas on how to fix this? | 14:39 |
smeril | maybe my laptop became screwed after i took it through a airport xray | 14:39 |
blumm | Amaranth:no,i-use-a-window-laptop-right-here | 14:39 |
Amaranth | blumm: Oh crap | 14:39 |
paruchuri | hi all | 14:39 |
jatt | - is the space in vista | 14:39 |
paruchuri | how to write a iso image to cd or dvd | 14:39 |
anirudh0 | blumm, you can map space to another key | 14:39 |
Steve-cal | jope: I noticed on that webpage it doesn't show BCM4310 as a supported card... are you aware of that? | 14:40 |
anirudh0 | paruchuri, brasero | 14:40 |
Amaranth | blumm: One of the things that looks like evolution is evolution-data-server, which your entire desktop depends on as its a generic data storage thing. | 14:40 |
blumm | anirudh0:i-wouldnt-know-how-to-do-this | 14:40 |
bazhang | paruchuri, right click open with cd/dvd creator | 14:40 |
Amaranth | blumm: So you just uninstalled your whole desktop | 14:40 |
tzd | how big does a swap partition need to be please? I'm about to format an external usb hdd and have it plugged into my asus router that supports ftp etc via linux | 14:40 |
paruchuri | ok | 14:40 |
jatt | twice your ram | 14:40 |
anirudh0 | blumm, there must be some windows freeware that does that... | 14:40 |
blumm | Amaranth:you-think-ubuntu-let-me-do-this? | 14:40 |
danbhfive | blumm: well, you could try this: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^ The ^ is not a mistake, and it will reinstall those programs. I would try this blunt fix | 14:40 |
paruchuri | is that enough or we have to install any other softwrae | 14:40 |
Amaranth | blumm: It'll let you do whatever you want. | 14:40 |
anirudh0 | tzd, <=<your-ram-size> | 14:40 |
danbhfive | blumm: *You could try this as a blunt fix | 14:40 |
smeril | dont do that always do a fresh install | 14:41 |
blumm | danbhfive:thanks-i_will_try-this | 14:41 |
anirudh0 | tzd, if you have a lap, go for 1.2*<ram-size> | 14:41 |
jatt | twice the ram | 14:41 |
tzd | jatt: anirudh0: thanks botf oh you! | 14:41 |
jope | steve-cl, yes, thanks, i've been working on this for three days, i''ve just done a fresh install of the operating systemm and am teying from scratch again. i have heard this will work. if it doesnt ill have to try ndiswrapper again, but that command seems not to do with the card but the systme | 14:41 |
smallfoot- | heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!!!!!!!!!!!11111 brainstorm is no work!! | 14:41 |
jatt | you are welcome | 14:41 |
smeril | can somebody help me? | 14:41 |
jatt | !ask | 14:41 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 14:41 |
anirudh0 | !who| jatt | 14:41 |
ubottu | jatt: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 14:41 |
blumm | can-xfix-do-this-too? | 14:42 |
jatt | ok | 14:42 |
paruchuri | thanks for ur help | 14:42 |
blumm | or-repair-broken-packages? | 14:42 |
Steve-cal | bazhang: I know you have experience with broadcom wireless chips--do you know whether jope can use something other than ndiswrapper to get his card going? (BCM4310 he says) | 14:42 |
smeril | http://www.imagefix.info?page=viewer&id=990003278_Screenshot-2.png | 14:42 |
anirudh0 | smeril, the resolution is too low...can read the error messge | 14:43 |
tzd | hmm jatt, you said twice the ram amount meanwhile anirudh0 said <= ram... which one is it? :) My router will have approx. 32 mb ram so I suppose it's either 32 or 64 or perhaps 100mb to be sure? | 14:43 |
smeril | ok | 14:43 |
anirudh0 | tzd, depend on whether you want to hibernate | 14:44 |
anirudh0 | tzd, for hibernation you need atleast >=RAM size | 14:44 |
tzd | anirudh0: i see.. if i want to do that then I'll need a lot more? | 14:44 |
jope | steve-cal any idea why an export command to lib/firmeware wouldnt workk | 14:44 |
blumm | danbhfive:apt-get-doesnt-work | 14:44 |
anirudh0 | tzd, but for modern computers, swap is hardly used in the normal course of events | 14:44 |
anirudh0 | tzd, so most of the time its wasted disk space | 14:45 |
ex-parrot | so here's a bug in the latest "LTS": if you tell the installer not to format /boot, it'll do it anyway! | 14:45 |
anirudh0 | blumm, sudo dpkg --configure -a | 14:45 |
PmDematagoda | does anyone know how to compile the apparmor module together with grsecurity? | 14:45 |
erUSUL | !bugs | ex-parrot | 14:45 |
ubottu | ex-parrot: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots | 14:45 |
PmDematagoda | I tried it, but it gives me some errors while patching grsecurity | 14:45 |
blumm | anirudh0:ok-? | 14:45 |
ex-parrot | I'm not going to bother filing it because it'll never be fixed, I'm just angsty. | 14:45 |
Steve-cal | jope: Where are you getting that command exactly? Is it "export FIRMWARE_INSTALL_DIR="/lib/firmware" from that page? | 14:46 |
tzd | anirudh0: ok i see... well this will be for a external usb drive plugged in a router that will run fileserver etc without the need of a computer. Since the router will have 32mb of RAM then I'll assume I'll create a swap file for my external hdd and I'll make the zie of it approx. 100mb.... that should be enough for hibernation as well right? | 14:46 |
anirudh0 | ex-parrot, not necessarily | 14:46 |
Polysics | hi all | 14:46 |
blumm | damn | 14:46 |
blumm | what-a-mess | 14:46 |
anirudh0 | tzd, more than enough | 14:46 |
tzd | anirudh0: ah great news, need my space right now so excellent news :) Thanks once again! | 14:47 |
PmDematagoda | anyone? | 14:47 |
jope | steve-cal, yes im installling the b43 as told tht would work i downloaded and extracted the b43-fwcutter and then it says that line. i put in /lib/firmware and it says export /lib/firmware | 14:47 |
jope | bash: export: `/lib/firmware': not a valid identifier | 14:47 |
anirudh0 | PmDematagoda, impossible to help..unless you post config.log from the compile dir | 14:47 |
smeril | http://www.postyourimage.com/view_image.php?img_id=arejTbgdNwECvQ1211809397 | 14:48 |
PmDematagoda | anirudh0, but will that apply during patching as well? | 14:48 |
anirudh0 | jope, type Steve-cal 's command properly...you are probably missing a punctuation | 14:48 |
PmDematagoda | Im getting patch errors with utime.o and a few others | 14:48 |
anirudh0 | PmDematagoda, oh...then atleast post those errors :) | 14:48 |
smeril | Can you see it now? | 14:48 |
Vikketorr | How do I change between english dictionary and the swedish one? | 14:49 |
PmDematagoda | anirudh0, ok, give me a minute please:) | 14:49 |
pushpop | Is there anyway to connect iscsi to Ubuntu 8.04? | 14:49 |
smeril | http://www.postyourimage.com/view_image.php?img_id=arejTbgdNwECvQ1211809397 | 14:49 |
jope | anirudh: i think i did. im supposed to replace firware_install-dir with /lib/firmware | 14:49 |
Steve-cal | jope: Who told you that the fwcutter software would work with your card? I mean on that page it shows your chip is not supported. And if you want to use fwcutter, just download it with Synaptic--you don't need to compile it yourself. | 14:49 |
PmDematagoda | anirudh0, I will have to restart the patching from scratch since Ive deleted the folder, so this may take so time | 14:49 |
jope | anirudh, ok maybe thats what i misunderstood | 14:50 |
jope | steve-cal, i was just advised to follow that page. | 14:50 |
apo | Asking again: Crontab does not run my user's jobs, but root's fine. Any ideas? | 14:50 |
smeril | http://www.postyourimage.com/view_image.php?img_id=arejTbgdNwECvQ1211809397 | 14:51 |
anirudh0 | apo, check syslog...it will have cron's entries | 14:51 |
jope | steve-cal, anirudh, ook thanks, thats where i went wrong. i thought i had to substitute when i didnt, ill continue, thanks fro your help | 14:51 |
Vikketorr | How do I change between english system dictionary and the swedish one? | 14:51 |
WzCocoon_ | hello world | 14:51 |
StrongMotive | lol | 14:51 |
apo | anirudh0: As I said, root runs fine, user doesn't. :P | 14:51 |
lopin | Can someone help me tweak some settings with remastersys? I'm trying to make a custom distro, and I need some help as to how to change a few things. | 14:51 |
apo | anirudh0: That's all syslog says. | 14:51 |
=== WzCocoon_ is now known as WzCocoon | ||
Steve-cal | jope: You are making this really hard on yourself I think. :) I just checked and that software is available in Synaptic--"b43-fwcutter" just download it and try it if you really want to. You don't have to compile fwcutter yourself. | 14:52 |
anirudh0 | smeril, run gnome-settings-daemon from the terminal...the gui only shows part of the error message | 14:53 |
WzCocoon | can anybody tell me how to change the resolution of a video card? | 14:53 |
Chaelvin | I'm a little confused. Do I need to have NFS installed as well as Samba in order to do file sharing? | 14:53 |
mgolisch | Chaelvin: not realy | 14:53 |
smeril | it says | 14:53 |
smeril | (gnome-settings-daemon:7176): WARNING **: Failed to acquire org.gnome.SettingsDaemon | 14:53 |
smeril | ** (gnome-settings-daemon:7176): WARNING **: Could not acquire name | 14:53 |
mgolisch | Chaelvin: samba will be ok usualy if you only have windows clients | 14:54 |
KOS | hello | 14:54 |
xHuYosJye | hèLLo | 14:54 |
Chaelvin | so if all I want to do is connect my Vista machine to the Ubuntu server and allow other users to connect remotely to the server who are connecting from Windows-based machines then Samba is fine? | 14:54 |
smeril | is that bad? | 14:54 |
koheleth | erUSUL, I have java working now thanks | 14:54 |
linduxed | i just booted up the live-cd hardy heron on an old computer, and i noticed that it does not detect the ethernet card | 14:55 |
linduxed | what do i do? | 14:55 |
koheleth | !opera | 14:55 |
ubottu | opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser | 14:55 |
xHuYosJye | turk yokmu | 14:55 |
mgolisch | linduxed: what card is it? | 14:56 |
KOS | Do not understand what you meant | 14:56 |
WzCocoon | can anybody tell me how to change the resolution of a video card? | 14:56 |
mgolisch | usualy all pci cards should be ok, if its not something totaly rare | 14:56 |
linduxed | mgolisch: dunno, i can reboot into XP to check cuz it works there | 14:56 |
Steve-cal | linuxed: If you do a "lspci -v", do you see the card? | 14:56 |
linduxed | Steve-cal: ill check | 14:56 |
xHuYosJye | turk yokmu | 14:57 |
shishirmk | hey guys how do i connect to bluetooth | 14:57 |
shishirmk | in ubuntu | 14:58 |
bazhang | !tr | 14:58 |
ubottu | Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 14:58 |
shishirmk | !bluetooth | 14:58 |
ubottu | For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup | 14:58 |
krazty | hi, need a bit of help here. i get this error when i launch ktorrent | 14:58 |
krazty | Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed | 14:58 |
krazty | kbuildsycoca running... | 14:58 |
krazty | Qt: Warning: Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed | 14:58 |
krazty | any help is highly appreciated :-) | 14:58 |
jope | steve-cal: i think i have already done it, i jsut completed that page but nnow nothing has happened | 14:58 |
linduxed | lspci -v gave me an ethernet controller | 14:58 |
linduxed | some kind of accton EN-1216 | 14:58 |
linduxed | so its at least something | 14:59 |
linxeh | linduxed: I used to use that I think | 14:59 |
emma | Vikketorr: did you have any luck? | 14:59 |
linduxed | linxeh: well it works with XP, and as lspci has it detected i dont see why ubuntu cant use it | 14:59 |
=== phoenix24_ is now known as phoenix24 | ||
smeril | my laptop is caput | 15:00 |
krazty | H E L L O = I NEED HELP | 15:00 |
shishirmk | hey guys my bluetooth up and running | 15:01 |
shishirmk | but how do i transfer | 15:01 |
krazty | i get this error when i launch ktorrent from my console | 15:01 |
shishirmk | files from comp tp the phone | 15:01 |
krazty | i et this error messge: | 15:01 |
genii | linduxed: Googling indicates the driver needed is tulip. But since it's an old card you may also need to specify irq and address. You can find this out from windows control panel. | 15:01 |
krazty | Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed | 15:01 |
krazty | kbuildsycoca running... | 15:01 |
krazty | Qt: Warning: Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed | 15:01 |
krazty | Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed | 15:01 |
FloodBot1 | krazty: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:01 |
linxeh | linduxed: hmmm I'm sure its a standard thing | 15:01 |
linxeh | linduxed: try sudo modprobe tulip | 15:02 |
legend2440 | smeril: read post #1 http://ph.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?s=582d9c8e037998e1b1c5d9f25e468c4e&t=714744 | 15:02 |
Vikketorr | Emma, The Dvorak problem is fixed i guess or is it the dictionary you asked about? | 15:02 |
linxeh | luderacer: then dmesg - see if it detects it | 15:02 |
krazty | soory FloodBot1, was just pasting all the error messages | 15:02 |
Steve-cal | jope: If that webpage claimed the fwcutter software would work with your BCM4310 chip, I would be willing to help you troubleshoot. But until I see convincing evidence it is supposed to work with your chip, I don't want to mess with it. If you want to try ndiswrapper, I can give assistance. Otherwise maybe someone else can help you with the fwcutter software. | 15:02 |
linduxed | linxeh: will try, then ill see if something else is needed | 15:02 |
smeril | thanks | 15:02 |
Odd-rationale | krazty: next time, it would be better to paste it in the pastebin and just give us the link. that way you won;t flood the channel | 15:02 |
bazhang | krazty, please dont paste in channel thanks | 15:03 |
krazty | ok, sorry guys - no bad intention to flood | 15:03 |
linxeh | linduxed: I seem to remember there being different revisions of that card with different chipsets, might be wrong though | 15:03 |
jope | steve-cal: ok i just did those instructions and then typed sudo modprobe b43 i cant get it to work so im going now to try ndiswrapper again, do i need to undo annything before i start on ndiswrapper? | 15:03 |
emma | Vikketorr: I was checking up with you to see if we fixed your Dvorak problem. :) | 15:04 |
Lr5 | I'm having problems playing music files (both .mp3 and .ogg), I have tried using Totem and mplayer, but neither works, they just open the file, then stop doing anything; Anyone knows what could be the problem? (Ubuntu 8.04) | 15:05 |
Vikketorr | emma, ok havent rebooted but i think i's fixed | 15:05 |
bazhang | Lr5, this is a fresh upgrade or a new install | 15:05 |
Steve-cal | jope: Do a "lsmod | grep 43" and see if there are any b43/BCM modules loaded. | 15:05 |
Lr5 | bazhang: I upgraded some time ago, I haven't noticed anything earlier | 15:06 |
ePax | Lr5: You can play mp3 files with audacious and ogg whith Vlc player - sudo apt.get install vlc audacioous | 15:06 |
emma | Vikketorr: okay I hope so. Please let me know if I was able to help you. | 15:06 |
ePax | Lr5: apt-get* | 15:06 |
bazhang | Lr5, it worked in gutsy? | 15:06 |
Lr5 | bazhang: yes | 15:06 |
jope | there is a b43 loaded | 15:06 |
back__ | hy | 15:07 |
jope | steve-cal yes b43 is loaded | 15:07 |
Dahita | hi there, I'm trying to install compiz, by doingthe first thing they are asking for: autogen.sh | 15:07 |
bazhang | Lr5, nothing works or just certain files | 15:07 |
back__ | im harry | 15:07 |
Lr5 | Sounds in firefox/flash/java work fine, music players don't on any files I have tried this far | 15:07 |
Dahita | bash: autogen.sh: command not found | 15:07 |
bazhang | Dahita, you are compiling compiz? | 15:07 |
smallfoot- | heeeeeelp, brainstorm is no work!! WHAT I CAN DO??? | 15:07 |
Dahita | that's what I get | 15:07 |
maek | a question about Virtual box: .... Is it okay to install the latest version on top of a previous version of Virtualbox ?? | 15:07 |
Dahita | I'm trying to install it yes | 15:07 |
PmDematagoda | anirudh0, if you are still there http://pastebin.com/m58aada78 | 15:07 |
bazhang | smallfoot-, go to #ubuntu-offtopic please | 15:08 |
Steve-cal | jope: OK, try "sudo modprobe -r b43" | 15:08 |
Dahita | after 2 days struggling with nvidia drivers :) | 15:08 |
back__ | ooooo gitu toh | 15:08 |
Lr5 | Audacious plays the files fine | 15:08 |
ePax | maek: Its should work. It worked for me. | 15:08 |
Steve-cal | jope: then do "lsmod | grep 43" again--there should be no b43 module returned. | 15:08 |
bazhang | lr5 so which app does not | 15:08 |
PmDematagoda | anirudh0, that's not the entire patching output, but I am sure that the errors there are the only ones | 15:08 |
back__ | hloo | 15:08 |
maek | thanks ePax | 15:08 |
ePax | maek: You welcome. | 15:08 |
jope | steve-cal: ok now the only line returned is scsi_mod 151436 5 sbp2,sr_mod,sg,sd_mod,libata | 15:08 |
Lr5 | bazhang: totem and mplayer | 15:08 |
smallfoot- | im fucking pissed to have to wait 6 months to get a new software | 15:09 |
smallfoot- | when a new software is released, my friend in windows can download it the same day | 15:09 |
smallfoot- | and i must wait 6 fucking months until next ubuntu release | 15:09 |
Steve-cal | smallfoot: cat /foul/language > /dev/null | 15:09 |
krazty | hi, pls help: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14789/ | 15:09 |
bazhang | Lr5, any special reason you want to use those movie players to play music files? | 15:09 |
bazhang | smallfoot-, stop cursing | 15:09 |
linduxed | so apparently tulip is the way to go with the EN-1216 | 15:09 |
Kaja_ | smallfoot-, maybe you would like to use some "rolling release" distro such as archlinux. | 15:09 |
Broadcom | bazhang: can you help me again? | 15:10 |
Steve-cal | jope: OK, do you have the Windows drivers for your card? | 15:10 |
linduxed | but just modprobing tulip didnt do the trick | 15:10 |
Lr5 | bazhang: well, those are the ones I usually use, and I wonder why they don't work | 15:10 |
foxhop | I need a media player | 15:10 |
krim | smallfoot-: so download the latest version and install it manually instead of getting it from the repository | 15:10 |
bazhang | Broadcom, sure, if you help jope :) | 15:10 |
linduxed | ill go with genii's trick and check the IRQ | 15:10 |
Broadcom | bazhang: what is his problem? | 15:10 |
jope | stev-cal, no, i was going to follow the instructions here using 2e | 15:10 |
Kaja_ | Having to upgrade only once every three years is good for some, others want to upgrade all the time. Ubuntu is for the first. | 15:10 |
jope | bazhang, hehe thanks | 15:10 |
bazhang | Broadcom, broadcom :) | 15:10 |
Broadcom | bazhang: oh goody | 15:10 |
jope | stev cal, here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff | 15:11 |
genii | linduxed: Once you know the irq and io address you can specify them when you load the tulip module | 15:11 |
biabia | where in ubuntu can i edit my sessions? | 15:11 |
manyou | Is there a utility that can resize already existing partitions without deleting data on them? | 15:11 |
Broadcom | jope: i can help, what driver? | 15:11 |
bazhang | biabia, system prefs sessions | 15:11 |
eross | after the update, my awn- install finally broke and now i'm at 640x480. After removing awn- and trying to update, I'm still at 640x480, how can i fix that | 15:11 |
erUSUL | biabia: System>Preferences>Session | 15:11 |
dunken | Just installed the core system here with ubuntu server edition , but when booting up the system he dosent start the os , | 15:11 |
dunken | it just stops just after bios check , if i then remove all hds exept bootdisk it works | 15:11 |
dunken | Any idea why it behaves like this ? | 15:11 |
Steve-cal | jope: What do you mean "2e"? You lost me. If you want to use ndiswrapper you have to have the windows wireless card drivers. | 15:11 |
Vikketor1 | emma, Damn it didn't work have any other idea? | 15:12 |
Steve-cal | Broadcom: He's got a BCM4310 chip | 15:12 |
linduxed | genii: HOW do i specify that? | 15:12 |
erUSUL | dunken: check bios setting for boot devices | 15:12 |
Broadcom | Steve-cal: thanks | 15:12 |
jope | stev cal, yes here at 2e "Broadcom Corporation BCM4310 USB Controller (rev 01) | 15:12 |
jope | broadcom, yes i have been trying to install a bcm4310 for 3 days | 15:12 |
erUSUL | !gparted | manyou | 15:12 |
ubottu | manyou: GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/ | 15:12 |
biabia | bazhang, and erUSUL thanks. hmm im using the xfce desktop though i dont have those exact choices | 15:12 |
smallfoot- | i dont like install stuff manually | 15:12 |
manyou | Thanks! | 15:12 |
genii | linduxed: Normally syntax is like: modprobe modulename irq=99 io=0x300 or similar | 15:12 |
Broadcom | jope: you got the fiesty no fluff link? | 15:12 |
dunken | erUSUL: ive doubled checked that , its the same hd that ubuntu is installed on | 15:12 |
krim | smallfoot-: Then why do you complain? That's what your friend using Windows is doing. | 15:13 |
Steve-cal | jope: So do you have the windows drivers or not? You need two files, the .sys and the .inf files. | 15:13 |
bazhang | smallfoot-, please take chat elsewhere thanks | 15:13 |
erUSUL | biabia: surely has something like that in its preferences app or control center ?? | 15:13 |
jope | broadcom: yes i was just about to try it again https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff | 15:13 |
erUSUL | biabia: surely xfce has .... | 15:13 |
hub_ | Can any one say me a dockbar like mac os x but without compiz ? | 15:13 |
smallfoot- | krim, but atleast its easy for him, he just click "download" and click "open" and next,next,next | 15:13 |
Broadcom | jope: sudo apt-get remove --purge b43-fwcutter; sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter try this, it might work | 15:13 |
hub_ | like gos dockbar .... | 15:14 |
jope | steve-cal, no it gives directions to download the divers | 15:14 |
Steve-cal | Broadcom: He was trying to use b43-fwcutter but the webpage he showed me didn't show BCM4310 as a supported chip. Do you know that it works with BCM4310? | 15:14 |
biabia | erUSUL, ok. thanks | 15:14 |
bazhang | !awn | hub_ | 15:14 |
ubottu | hub_: Avant Window Navigator, is a dock-like navigation bar for the linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy | 15:14 |
hub_ | no avant he will compiz | 15:14 |
smallfoot- | LOLOL | 15:14 |
Broadcom | Steve-cal: nope, but it is the only one line piece of code i have that has any chance of working, so there is no point in not trying it. | 15:15 |
smallfoot- | NO AVANT HE WILL COMPIZ! | 15:15 |
smallfoot- | :D | 15:15 |
bazhang | smallfoot-, please stop | 15:15 |
hub_ | i dont will with compiz, but in gOS is a dockbar without compiz, wats the name ? | 15:15 |
smallfoot- | :( | 15:15 |
Broadcom | !lol | smallfoot- | 15:15 |
ubottu | smallfoot-: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks. | 15:15 |
smallfoot- | i dont will :D | 15:15 |
bazhang | !coc | smallfoot- | 15:15 |
ubottu | smallfoot-: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | 15:15 |
jope | broadcom, do i fetch and extract thhe firmware? | 15:15 |
Vikketor1 | emma,It didn't work :-( | 15:15 |
smallfoot- | :( | 15:15 |
Broadcom | jope: yes | 15:15 |
Steve-cal | Broadcom: And why not ndiswrapper? | 15:15 |
emma | Vikketor1: yes I'm sorry to hear that. I'll try to do some research. One moment. | 15:16 |
jope | broadcom, ok thats beenn done | 15:16 |
danners | hub: gos is based on e17 a other desktopenvironment than gnome | 15:16 |
Broadcom | Steve-cal: i will walk him through it in a second, just wan to see if this works. | 15:16 |
Broadcom | jope: does wireless work? | 15:16 |
Steve-cal | Broadcom: OK, fair enough. | 15:16 |
Vikketor1 | Well I dont have time got to take the buss to town now... | 15:17 |
emma | Vikketor1: in the meantime, I think it would be okay with people if you re-posted that problem, in case anyone else here has any insight. | 15:17 |
jope | broadcom, i did the fwcutter commands and now nothing is showing and iwconfig says no wireless extensions | 15:17 |
emma | Okay Vikketor1 I will still look into it, I'm here quite often and you can highlight me anytime. | 15:17 |
cs02rm0 | does anyone know when the firefox RC is going to hit the hardy servers? | 15:18 |
jope | broadcom, do i need to modprobe b43 after fwcutter | 15:18 |
erUSUL | !ff3rc1 | 15:18 |
ubottu | Factoid ff3rc1 not found | 15:18 |
Vikketor1 | okey | 15:18 |
erUSUL | !ff3rc | 15:18 |
ubottu | The Firefox 3 RC package is not currently available as most of the Ubuntu-mozilla team are at the Ubuntu Developer Summit. Thanks for your patience. | 15:18 |
killerboy | hi people | 15:18 |
cs02rm0 | ah, thanks | 15:18 |
smallfoot- | how long is UBUNTU DEVELOPER SUMMIT | 15:18 |
mgolisch | jope: yeah | 15:18 |
killerboy | what do you think about stability of ubuntu and it's apps? | 15:18 |
smallfoot- | RC1 was release many days ago, they so fuck lazy | 15:18 |
erUSUL | !caps | smallfoot- | 15:18 |
ubottu | smallfoot-: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 15:18 |
mgolisch | you might want to unload and then laod the module | 15:19 |
smallfoot- | plz help my internet broken | 15:19 |
michael__ | Hi, I've lost the abilty to type AFTER i log in - before at the user/password screen it's ok | 15:19 |
Broadcom | jope: no, just run the fisrt part of the command again to remove it. | 15:19 |
Steve-cal | smallfoot: This is a family-friendly channel--would you please mind not cursing? | 15:19 |
Dillizar | i have somehow remove my Nudge button from my AMSN can any body help get it back :) | 15:19 |
bazhang | smallfoot-, please stop; this is a busy channel for support | 15:19 |
hub_ | I found it http://steveballantyne.blogspot.com/2008/05/dress-up-ubuntu-804-hardy-to-look-like.html | 15:19 |
smallfoot- | Steve-cal, what the fuck does cursing means?? | 15:19 |
hub_ | Dockbar like gOS | 15:19 |
michael__ | Hi, I've lost the abilty to type AFTER i log in - before at the user/password screen it's ok | 15:19 |
Lr5 | smallfoot-: telnet google.com 80 | 15:20 |
Hobbsee | bazhang: you beat me there :) | 15:20 |
krim | smallfoot- is obiously just trolling, ignore him. | 15:20 |
Lr5 | ow | 15:20 |
jope | broadcom, ok i purged fwcutter | 15:20 |
Broadcom | jope: ok, now i will help you through the link | 15:20 |
jope | broadcom, ok thanks | 15:20 |
michael__ | Hi, I've lost the abilty to type with my keyboard AFTER i log in - before at the user/password screen it's ok | 15:20 |
AcornAcorn | how do you change the colour of the top of windows? | 15:20 |
Broadcom | jope: could you please give it to me? i am on a differnet computer | 15:21 |
krim | AcornAcorn: I *think* you have to change the theme for that. | 15:21 |
jope | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff | 15:21 |
michael__ | Hi, I've lost the abilty to type with my keyboard AFTER i log in - before at the user/password screen it's ok | 15:22 |
Dillizar | i have somehow remove my Nudge button from my AMSN can any body help get it back :) | 15:22 |
Broadcom | jope: run the first three commands | 15:22 |
AcornAcorn | krim: what changes it, the controls or the window borders theme? | 15:23 |
ePax | AcornAcorn: Left klick on your desktop - change desktop background - theme - costomize - window boarder | 15:23 |
MuLLeR | hi .. can someone help me .. why i can't connect to vsftp server on ubuntu from IE/FF/Opera .. but with console winftp .. i do? | 15:23 |
michael__ | Hi, I've lost the abilty to type with my keyboard AFTER i log in - before at the user/password screen it's ok | 15:23 |
Broadcom | michael__ have you tried with another user? | 15:24 |
jope | broadcom, ok done. i was going to go to 2e. is that correct? | 15:24 |
Broadcom | jope: yes | 15:24 |
michael__ | Broadcom: no, but i'm that user now, i jsut booted into termanal mode | 15:24 |
sarmisak_ | hey all | 15:24 |
michael__ | Broadcom: i'm using irssi | 15:24 |
Broadcom | !hi | sarmisak | 15:24 |
ubottu | sarmisak: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 15:24 |
AcornAcorn | ePax: my window border theme is set to human, but it's blue, i thought human was brown? | 15:25 |
jope | broadcom, ok done, now for step3 | 15:25 |
AcornAcorn | ePax: there must be a setting maybe? | 15:25 |
Broadcom | AcornAcorn: it is, but you can change the color | 15:25 |
ivan_ | hi, is there any new update on broadcom bcm43xx network card in the new release of Ubuntu? Does it work? | 15:25 |
AcornAcorn | Broadcom: how? | 15:26 |
ePax | AcornAcorn: I just told you how to change window boarder and not the whole theme. | 15:26 |
michael__ | Broadcom: do you know how to fix my problem? | 15:26 |
joshuafr | hello all | 15:26 |
Broadcom | ivan_: hold on, im walking through the same thing | 15:26 |
sarthor_ | Help. sarthor is my nick on irc.. but some 1 is using this nick.. while i am regiestred with this.. when i am connecting.. so its connect from susitute nick.. wht to do. | 15:26 |
Broadcom | michael__ no, sorry | 15:26 |
michael__ | Hi, I've lost the abilty to type with my keyboard AFTER i log in - before at the user/password screen it's ok | 15:26 |
=== sarmisak_ is now known as sarmisak | ||
michael__ | Broadcom: thanks for trying anyway | 15:27 |
sarmisak | has anyone tried to connect wii remote over bluetooth? | 15:27 |
Broadcom | AcornAcorn: go to prefences, then theme i thing | 15:27 |
Broadcom | AcornAcorn: **think | 15:27 |
manyou | Thank you for all your support people. | 15:27 |
manyou | Now downloading gparted | 15:27 |
michael__ | Hi, I've lost the abilty to type with my keyboard AFTER i log in - before at the user/password screen it's ok | 15:27 |
ivan_ | sarmisak: no, but it should work, you have drivers on the net for the wii mote | 15:27 |
joshuafr | Is there someone who can tell me how to have servicemenus activated under dolphin-kde4, I've copied all .desktop from the old konqueror directory to ~/.kde4/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus but not result :-( | 15:27 |
myconid | How do I change my x video driver? /etc/X11/x.org seems very sparse compared to what I am used to (U8.04) | 15:28 |
Broadcom | michael__ please repeat a little less frequently | 15:28 |
sarmisak | ivan_: ok, thanks. | 15:28 |
vy | What's the easiest way to install gnome desktop via apt-get? | 15:28 |
myconid | xorg.conf even | 15:28 |
erUSUL | myconid: nowdays X try to guess most info at runtime instead on relying on xorg.conf | 15:28 |
michael__ | hello | 15:28 |
Broadcom | vy: sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop | 15:28 |
genii | myconid: Perhaps look at /etc/X11/1xorg if it exists | 15:28 |
myconid | erUSUL: is there a way to see what it thinks it is loading for drivers? | 15:28 |
erUSUL | myconid: but you can add a Device setion or use displayconfig-gtk or try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' | 15:28 |
michael__ | Broadcom: sorry | 15:29 |
myconid | thx | 15:29 |
Broadcom | jope: any errors? | 15:29 |
AcornAcorn | Broadcom: there's no theme in preferences | 15:29 |
dunken | erUSUL: You dont have any other hints why its behaving like that ? | 15:29 |
erUSUL | myconid: looking into /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?? | 15:29 |
jope | cd | 15:29 |
Broadcom | AcornAcorn: im running kubuntu now, hold on | 15:29 |
vy | Broadcom: No such package. You mean gnome-desktop-environment? | 15:29 |
=== sarthor_ is now known as sarthor | ||
erUSUL | dunken: nope sorry | 15:29 |
Broadcom | vy: yes, i think | 15:29 |
michael__ | Broadcom: i don't believe it either, everything was working perfectly, now this | 15:29 |
michael__ | Hi, I've lost the abilty to type with my keyboard AFTER i log in - before at the user/password screen it's ok | 15:29 |
jope | broadcom; no it works i think | 15:29 |
Broadcom | jope: good, where are you | 15:30 |
jope | braodcom amazing i have a wireless light | 15:30 |
Broadcom | \vy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=203093 | 15:30 |
Broadcom | vy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=203093 | 15:30 |
Agion | My Xgl is broken, can anyone help me fixing it? | 15:31 |
ePax | michael__: Its maybe that settings in you X11 have changed. | 15:31 |
jope | broadcom, will that start again on reboot now? | 15:31 |
Broadcom | jope: does it work? | 15:31 |
jope | broadcom, i think so i need to set it up now | 15:31 |
Broadcom | jope: can you connect to the internet via wireless? | 15:31 |
Agion | Can any1 help me fixing my video driver?? | 15:32 |
Broadcom | !anyone | Agion | 15:32 |
ubottu | Agion: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 15:32 |
vy | I cannot install gnome-desktop-environment because of broken gnome-keyring-manager. (See http://rafb.net/p/T81RLi61.html) Any ideas? | 15:32 |
theverant | luckily I have a PC USB keyboard that works fine | 15:32 |
michael__ | ePax: so how do i fix that | 15:32 |
Chapai | how do i save the output of airdump-ng short of copy and pasting from terminal. >> output does not work | 15:32 |
Broadcom | bazhang: can you help me now? | 15:32 |
theverant | anyone know why the laptop keyboard might stop working? (login it is fine) | 15:32 |
bazhang | Broadcom, sure :) | 15:33 |
Broadcom | bazhang: if it helps, since i am on a ppc, i am using yaboot | 15:33 |
Agion | Does anyone know how to fix my Xgl video card? I can't get the system work without lag after I installed it. | 15:33 |
michael__ | ePax: what should i look for in my X11? | 15:33 |
dunken | erUSUL: Strange thing is it seems to work just fine if i install the system with only 1 hd in the system , ? | 15:33 |
michael__ | Hi, I've lost the abilty to type with my keyboard AFTER i log in - before at the user/password screen it's ok | 15:33 |
Marfi | nvidia-glx-new just had an update, but in ut2004, the graphics are still messed up...this is a wide spread problem with OpenGL and nvidia cards...does ANYONE have a fix for this, other than installing alpha and beta drivers? | 15:34 |
bazhang | Broadcom, you are not getting into the login window-->busybox shell or other | 15:34 |
p3pp3_91 | rieccomi | 15:34 |
Chapai | how do i save the output of airdump-ng short of copy and pasting from terminal. >> output does not work | 15:34 |
p3pp3_91 | ragazzi chi mi aiuta a impostare | 15:34 |
Broadcom | bazhang: nothing graphical | 15:34 |
theverant | michael__ - I have the same problem =- what system are you using? | 15:34 |
p3pp3_91 | l'ident su questo xchat | 15:34 |
ePax | michael__: You have to reconfigure X11 as well you could boot your ubuntu in safe mod (or whatever its called) | 15:34 |
bazhang | Broadcom, but you get the boot prompt to login? | 15:34 |
michael__ | theverant: just updated to hardy | 15:34 |
AcornAcorn | Broadcom: do you mean system>preferences>appearance>theme? | 15:35 |
erUSUL | dunken: i have a similar problem... i had to install the system with one hd (main sata) and with the others the other (pata) dettached for grub to install without problems | 15:35 |
michael__ | ePax: what's the command for that again? | 15:35 |
Broadcom | AcornAcorn: yes | 15:35 |
p3pp3_91 | qualcuno che parla italiano | 15:35 |
p3pp3_91 | ? | 15:35 |
Broadcom | bazhang: yes | 15:35 |
theverant | michael__ - but what sort of computer - I have Hardy on a Macbook | 15:35 |
bazhang | !it | 15:35 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 15:35 |
Agion | does anyone happen to know how to get my Xgl video card fixed? My video Card is ATI x1950. The whole system lags | 15:35 |
Marfi | nvidia-glx-new just had an update, but in ut2004, the graphics are still messed up...this is a wide spread problem with OpenGL and nvidia cards...does ANYONE have a fix for this, other than installing alpha and beta drivers? | 15:35 |
Broadcom | bazhang: wait, what? | 15:35 |
legend2440 | vy: sometimes aptitude offers solutions try sudo aptitude install gnome-desktop-environment | 15:35 |
erUSUL | dunken: but the system didn't get stuck grub just failed | 15:35 |
michael__ | ePax: sudo refonfigure xorg | 15:35 |
michael__ | theverant: i'm on a dell | 15:35 |
Marfi | Agion, try envy | 15:35 |
bazhang | Broadcom, how about logging in? does that work okay as well? | 15:35 |
Marfi | Agion, sudo apt-get install envy | 15:35 |
AcornAcorn | Broadcom: and them customize? | 15:35 |
AcornAcorn | Broadcom: *then | 15:36 |
erUSUL | !envy | Marfi Agion | 15:36 |
ubottu | Marfi Agion: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package. | 15:36 |
ePax | michael__: Try this System -> Prefrences -> Keyboard -> Layouts(tab) | 15:36 |
michael__ | ePax: sorry i don't remember the command to reconfireu | 15:36 |
sarthor | Hi. http://paste.ubuntu.com/14804/ i am assigning 512 to each client. but on the client pc i am getting only 20 KB. HLEP | 15:36 |
ePax | michael__: Change layout tab it may work after that | 15:36 |
michael__ | ePax: ok, the mouse works, but not the keybaord | 15:36 |
=== tolecnal_ is now known as tolecnal | ||
michael__ | ePax: i'd rather just reconfigure the Xorg but if you say so | 15:37 |
michael__ | see ya | 15:37 |
Broadcom | AcornAcorn: yes | 15:37 |
dunken | erUSUL: okie , did try to install it last night as well with only 1 hd , it works but then when adding more hds into the system it fails to boot up ? | 15:37 |
AcornAcorn | Broadcom: I can't find a setting that will change the colour of the top though | 15:37 |
bsrat | after the kernel update, why is it my display is now 640x480 | 15:37 |
Broadcom | bazhang: i can only get white text on a black backround, but everything there works. | 15:37 |
erUSUL | dunken: not for me after installation i added the other hd's and worked fine since then | 15:38 |
Ienorand | I'm having problems with compiz ( I think ) interfering with fullscreen games, (OA, Nexuiz, and TORCS which crashed the whole computer.) | 15:38 |
bazhang | Broadcom, after logging in can you type startx and tell what error you get | 15:38 |
Broadcom | AcornAcorn: i cant help you | 15:38 |
ivan_ | is there any new update on broadcom bcm43xx network card in the new release of Ubuntu? Does it work? | 15:38 |
AcornAcorn | anyone else know? | 15:38 |
Broadcom | ivan_: kinda | 15:38 |
Marfi | nvidia-glx-new just had an update, but in ut2004, the graphics are still messed up...this is a wide spread problem with OpenGL and nvidia cards...does ANYONE have a fix for this, other than installing alpha and beta drivers? | 15:39 |
dunken | erUSUL: and u just installed grub like normal ? | 15:39 |
ivan_ | Broadcom: i am using gutsy now, but there is problem with packetdrops... does ubuntu use the new wireless stack as debian? | 15:40 |
Broadcom | im not sure | 15:40 |
bsrat | after the kernel update, ubuntu comes up saying it's running in low-graphics mode and driver can't be detected | 15:40 |
Broadcom | bazhang: http://img227.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=12856_Picture_003_122_27lo.jpg | 15:40 |
ivan_ | bsrat: do u have gforce? | 15:40 |
bsrat | have nvidia 6800gt installed | 15:41 |
ivan_ | bsrat: read on the net how to install the drivers for nvidia in ubuntu | 15:41 |
erUSUL | dunken: yes during installation (livecd) grub installed just fine. It was failing becouse it was being installed in one of the patadrives instead on the sata one. Once the only disk was the sata one grub installed just fine and in the bios my sata is firsdt boot device so everything works ok | 15:41 |
ePax | bsrat: Your restricted drivers may be set off... Check if you have them on. | 15:41 |
Ienorand | How can I make the volume control/brightness work when I'm playing a fullscreen game, it doesn't now. | 15:41 |
bsrat | ok | 15:41 |
frea | hi all. i'm new in ubuntu and have 2 questions: 1. after every boot i had to reconfigure my eth0 iface 'cause grphic tool isn't working well | 15:42 |
Broadcom | !prefix | bsrat | 15:42 |
ubottu | bsrat: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 15:42 |
ivan_ | bsrat: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 15:42 |
Chapai | how do you alt-tab as it were out of fullscreen games or apps? | 15:42 |
CarlF1 | $man gsynaptics-init ... "OPTIONS there aren't any options." $ gsynaptics-init --help - tons. | 15:43 |
erUSUL | frea: how d you reconfigure it? | 15:43 |
bsrat | thanks | 15:43 |
Steve-cal | ivan_: you're problem could be due to other wireless interference--other wifi networks, cordless phones, etc. | 15:43 |
michael__ | hello - i fixed it | 15:44 |
ePax | michael__: You welcome :D | 15:44 |
frea | erUSUL: sudo ifconfig ip-addr | 15:44 |
ePax | bsrat: yw :D | 15:44 |
michael__ | who had the same problem before? | 15:44 |
ivan_ | Steve-cal: no i am at the campus and every other laptop is working. I know that the bcm43xx drivers has power issues with bcm4312 just woundering if this has been fixed yet in the new ubuntu. | 15:44 |
erUSUL | frea: you are using ntework manager? it is wireless or wired? | 15:44 |
bazhang | sorry Broadcom got hung up there for a bit | 15:45 |
Broadcom | bazhang: ok, you get the link? | 15:45 |
michael__ | anyway it was the "slow keys" setting - the box was ticked | 15:45 |
bazhang | Broadcom, is there a live cd for ppc or only the installer disk | 15:45 |
bazhang | Broadcom, yeah I saw | 15:45 |
bazhang | Broadcom, this is hardy right? | 15:45 |
Broadcom | bazhang: there is a live cd, should i try it? | 15:45 |
Broadcom | bazhang: yes | 15:45 |
michael__ | ook | 15:45 |
bazhang | Broadcom, try the live cd while I google for the error you are getting please. | 15:46 |
frea | erUSUL: wireless set to roaming mode, and i have to reconfigure wired interface | 15:46 |
Steve-cal | ivan_: are you using ndiswrapper or fwcutter? | 15:46 |
imaginativeone | how do I split an mp3 file into 5 minute segments? | 15:46 |
Broadcom | bazhang: im not sure where i put it, and i have to go for a bit, i will be back on. thanks | 15:46 |
erUSUL | frea: maybe you should disable roaming for wired interfaces ... | 15:46 |
ttt-- | hi, my printer prints odd pages upsidedown. how do i change this in the printer settings? | 15:46 |
ttt-- | or what would be the setting be named? | 15:46 |
edenroz | hello all,sorry how can i connect to italian chat? | 15:46 |
erUSUL | frea: and use System>Admin>Net | 15:46 |
Slart | !it | edenroz | 15:47 |
ubottu | edenroz: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 15:47 |
ttt-- | imaginativeone, with any sound editor that can read/save mp3s | 15:47 |
umbrualbert | Hi All | 15:47 |
edenroz | indeed,what is the command for change channel? | 15:47 |
Sarah | would it be easier to download the rpm or tar.gz of vmware workstation for installing in ubuntu? | 15:47 |
Sarah | i dont know if ubuntu does rpms at all | 15:47 |
Uplink | i need help with my sound :( | 15:47 |
Slart | edenroz: type /join #ubuntu-it | 15:47 |
edenroz | tnks a lot :D | 15:47 |
bobboy | was a new version of ubuntu released because i had to use 200mb for this update lol | 15:47 |
umbrualbert | Hoe do I create a guest user without a home directory | 15:47 |
erUSUL | !rpm | Sarah | 15:47 |
ubottu | Sarah: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) | 15:47 |
Slart | !alien | Sarah | 15:47 |
Sarah | oh ok thanks | 15:48 |
erUSUL | !vmware | Sarah | 15:48 |
ubottu | Sarah: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", only for Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers | 15:48 |
ivan_ | Steve-cal: think it is the fwcutter, i have the bcm43xx module loaded. | 15:48 |
ePax | Sarah: You can use VirtualBox as well... Its kinda same ass vmware. | 15:48 |
legend2440 | imaginativeone: http://soniahamilton.wordpress.com/2007/05/20/split-mp3-music-files-mp3splt/ | 15:48 |
frea | erUSUL: hmmm...... can i use some files similar to freebsd's inet.conf? it seems to me that simple text configs are much better work | 15:48 |
Sarah | oh ive never heard of virtualbox | 15:48 |
sanguisdex | is there a page that I can go to that will describe what the syntax highlighting in ls means? | 15:48 |
ePax | Sarah: Now you did :D | 15:49 |
Agion | I tried envy, but it doesn't still work properly... | 15:49 |
Slart | sanguisdex: man ls doesn't mention it? | 15:49 |
umbrualbert | How do I create users without a home directory (guest users) | 15:49 |
erUSUL | frea: System<Admin>Net just is an interface to /etc/network/interfaces file "man interfaces" for all the details | 15:49 |
bazhang | Agion, this is gutsy or hardy | 15:49 |
Sarah | hmm virtualbox is listed in that synaptic package manager | 15:49 |
ePax | !useradd | umbrualbert | 15:49 |
ubottu | Factoid useradd not found | 15:49 |
Sarah | ill try it first then | 15:49 |
frea | erUSUL: thanks | 15:49 |
Agion | gutsy I think | 15:49 |
erUSUL | frea: if you disable roamig mode the file takes control of the interface instead of NM | 15:50 |
hopf | Hey, I was wondering if anyone had any tips on getting flash player to work in Konqueror on x86_64 using my currently working solution for firefox 3.0b5 | 15:50 |
bazhang | Agion, better make sure :) | 15:50 |
Uplink | i need help with my sound :( | 15:50 |
Agion | how? :D | 15:50 |
Steve-cal | ivan_: From what I've gathered from other people who've come thru here with BCM chipsets, ndiswrapper seems to work for most of them. Have you given ndiswrapper a try? | 15:50 |
sanguisdex | Slart: nope | 15:50 |
bazhang | lsb_release -a Agion (dont paste here) | 15:50 |
umbrualbert | ePax: I dont want to create a home directory | 15:50 |
Chapai | does firefox in gutsy crash with flash as it does in hardy | 15:50 |
Agion | its gutsy | 15:50 |
erUSUL | Chapai: probably | 15:51 |
Uplink | Chapai, i believe its FF3 that crashes with flash | 15:51 |
Ienorand | How do you alt-tab out of fullscreen apps, and why is'nt it possible to change the volume using special keys whenin fullscreen? | 15:51 |
bazhang | Agion, try this then: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and choose the correct driver; answer default if you dont know for the rest | 15:51 |
ePax | umbrualbert: You have only one "home" directory and every user will get directory whithin home directory but you can add user withouth direcotry. Type in terminal useradd --help | 15:52 |
koro | hi | 15:52 |
Chapai | i was thinking of installing ff2 coz i am going nuts with the repeated crashes Uplink | 15:52 |
Broadcom | bazhang: im back | 15:52 |
ivan_ | Steve-cal: yes i have but there was still problem, but i could agree that i worked better with ndiswrapper then bcm43xx module | 15:52 |
bazhang | Broadcom, okay :) | 15:52 |
ePax | umbrualbert: You have to have root access to add users. | 15:52 |
Agion | if I have ATI x1950 is my driver ati? | 15:52 |
Uplink | Chapai, lol yes... i understand u ;) I go nuts with FF3 Beta 5... crashes everytime it can | 15:52 |
ePax | Agion: Yes. | 15:52 |
Steve-cal | ivan_: What was the problem exactly? | 15:52 |
koro | Is there an easy way to make my system auto-connect to a given wi-fi network at system startup? | 15:52 |
Slart | sanguisdex: you didn't look hard enough... "dircolor --print-database" will give you a loooong list of colors used for different file types | 15:52 |
usuariolfp03 | hola | 15:53 |
Agion | Use kernel framebutter device interface= Yes or No? | 15:53 |
koro | in my current configuration, it seems that it only connects after i logon to my account in gnome | 15:53 |
bazhang | Agion, try no | 15:53 |
Agion | autodetect keyboard layout? no? | 15:53 |
ivan_ | sometimes my network drops, i get packetdrops... i can't get iwconfig to show 54Mbps just 24... the signallevel drops to -256dB and stuff like that and i have to reload the bcm43xx to get the internet back again | 15:54 |
Rockoe | hey guys how do i get the none prerelease of gcc | 15:54 |
Rockoe | gcc (GCC) 4.1.3 20070929 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2) | 15:54 |
Rockoe | i have that atm | 15:54 |
ivan_ | Steve-cal: ^^ | 15:54 |
Broadcom | ivan_: sudo apt-get remove --purge b43-fwcutter; sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter | 15:54 |
ePax | ivan_: Are you connected to your wireless your your some other wireless? :D | 15:54 |
rsk | Rockoe: it's just called that way, it's not unstable. it is gcc 4.1.3 | 15:55 |
sanguisdex | Awsome | 15:55 |
bsrat | it says the nvidia hardware driver is enabled, I tried replacing nvidia-glx-new with nvidia-glx and when i try to log out, it hangs now - it hung with the enabling of the hw driver too | 15:55 |
sanguisdex | Slart: thanks | 15:55 |
Rockoe | hey guys how do i get the none prerelease of gcc | 15:55 |
Rockoe | gcc (GCC) 4.1.3 20070929 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2) | 15:55 |
ivan_ | I am connected to the campus wireless | 15:55 |
ivan_ | ePax: ^^ | 15:55 |
Slart | sanguisdex: you're welcome | 15:55 |
bsrat | tried running nvidia-xconfig, when i run nvidia-settings it tells me it doesn't appear i'm running with nvidia and to run the nvidia-xconfig | 15:55 |
ivan_ | Broadcom: will i drop my connection? | 15:55 |
bsrat | should i just remove the .16 and .17 restricted and reinstall | 15:55 |
sanguisdex | man ls | 15:55 |
Agion | Write default section to configuration file? yes or no? | 15:55 |
Ienorand | How do you alt-tab out of fullscreen apps, and why is'nt it possible to change the volume using special keys when in fullscreen? | 15:55 |
bsrat | the .17 version | 15:55 |
sanguisdex | opps | 15:55 |
Broadcom | ivan_: i dont think so | 15:55 |
Broadcom | ivan_: maybe | 15:56 |
Steve-cal | ivan_: When you tried ndiswrapper, did you first blacklist the BCM43xx module first? | 15:56 |
ivan_ | Steve-cal: i didn't have the bcm43xx then | 15:56 |
axisys | my wifi still drops from time to time... this log indicates network manager forgets the key when ipw2200 firmware restarts http://paste.ubuntu.com/14799/ | 15:56 |
Broadcom | bazhang: any ideas? | 15:56 |
Marfi | nvidia-glx-new just had an update, but in ut2004, the graphics are still messed up...this is a wide spread problem with OpenGL and nvidia cards...does ANYONE have a fix for this, other than installing alpha and beta drivers? | 15:57 |
bazhang | Broadcom, can you cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf to pastebin? you can also install pastebinit and then cat (the command) | pastebinit and give the url here | 15:57 |
Uplink | ivan_, whats your computer model | 15:57 |
ivan_ | Uplink: dell d420 | 15:57 |
Sypher | hmmm hello. sorry, may be a stupid question but ... isnt there a server edition for intel at 64bits? | 15:57 |
Broadcom | bazhang: cat? | 15:57 |
Uplink | ivan_, and your wi-fi card? | 15:57 |
Sladjannn | I want to instal kubuntu? Is it stable??? | 15:57 |
erUSUL | Sypher: yes | 15:57 |
Sypher | erUSUL, where? | 15:57 |
erUSUL | Sypher: server 64 bits is for amd and intel chips | 15:57 |
Sladjannn | I want to instal kubuntu? Is it stable??? | 15:58 |
erUSUL | Sypher: o you mean for itanium? | 15:58 |
bazhang | Broadcom, sudo apt-get install pastebinit, cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf |pastebinit | 15:58 |
koro | Can someone give me a clue about wi-fi connection? In the default configuration the networkmanager connects to the wi-fi network only after i login to my account through gnome... how can i make it login at system startup? | 15:58 |
ivan_ | Uplink: lspci show bcm4312 rev 1 | 15:58 |
Sypher | erUSUL, the download page is saying "platform amd64" | 15:58 |
koro | i mean, connect to the network at system startup | 15:58 |
Agion | bazhang, write default files section to configuration file?? yes or no? | 15:58 |
bsrat | Sladjann - as long as you are careful running the non-stable or non-supported stuff | 15:58 |
Broadcom | ok, i have to go for a bit, ill tell you when i am back | 15:58 |
erUSUL | Sypher: it is the same intel and amd are compatible | 15:58 |
bazhang | Agion, yes | 15:58 |
Agion | Attempt monitor autodetection? | 15:58 |
Uplink | ivan_, what version of ubuntu are u using? | 15:58 |
sanguisdex | so the dircolors things is more file type then permissions, that's to bad | 15:58 |
Sypher | erUSUL, allright thanks i'll proceed to the format. :P | 15:58 |
ivan_ | Uplink: Gutsy | 15:59 |
bazhang | Agion, yes | 15:59 |
erUSUL | Sypher: intell implemented amd x86_64 as EMT | 15:59 |
Sypher | EMT? | 15:59 |
Uplink | ivan_, i had the same problem... try upgrading to Hardy :) | 15:59 |
dor0 | guys, how can i see the messages from boot after i type ctrl+alt+f1 i need to scroll up, how i can see that messages? | 15:59 |
erUSUL | Sypher: Extended Memory Technology they different names for the same extensions to original x86 | 15:59 |
ivan_ | Uplink: but did it fix your problem =) | 15:59 |
Agion | bazhang, then? | 15:59 |
narcarsiss | is anyone getting blocky playback with totem movie player.? I followd tut's on ubuntu forums to have no success? I'm Using ATI 3850 With fglrx Hardy amd 6000+ @ 3.8GHz | 16:00 |
bazhang | Agion, you finished? | 16:00 |
Agion | yes | 16:00 |
astro76 | dor0: dmesg | less | 16:00 |
Sypher | erUSUL, allright ... was asking because when i tried to install the desktop version on my pc it would just not boot up. | 16:00 |
Uplink | ivan_, yes it did... i just had to download the firmware and the wi-fi magically worked | 16:00 |
Sypher | now im going server. | 16:00 |
erUSUL | Sypher: it was for another reason | 16:00 |
bazhang | Agion, what driver did you select | 16:00 |
Agion | ati | 16:00 |
ivan_ | Uplink: download it how, what is new about hardy? | 16:00 |
erUSUL | Sypher: you can try alternatecd too | 16:00 |
Sypher | erUSUL, you sure? when i tried the 32bit version it worked. | 16:01 |
bazhang | Agion, what res | 16:01 |
erUSUL | !alternate | Sypher | 16:01 |
ubottu | Sypher: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent | 16:01 |
Agion | 1600x1050 | 16:01 |
Uplink | ivan_, just do it... lol | 16:01 |
michael__ | hey what do people reccommend for a TORRENT program in ubuntu? | 16:01 |
Uplink | dont be a wimp | 16:01 |
kumarphilly | hi, i have having trouble with ubuntu 7.10 on my laptop that i just reformated yesterday... x keeps restarting and it is driving me nuts | 16:01 |
Sypher | erUSUL, when i tried the 32bit version it worked flawlessly. | 16:01 |
genii | Sypher: 32 bit version installs on 64 or 32 bit. 64 bit only installs on 64 bit systems | 16:01 |
bsrat | questions - is nvidia restricted? is ati? | 16:01 |
bazhang | Agion, okay; that may not work but what the hey | 16:01 |
bazhang | agion restart | 16:01 |
ivan_ | Uplink: i read about peope that could't get the broadcom to work in hardy thats why i'm asking =) | 16:01 |
Agion | okey | 16:01 |
Sypher | the install worked on both, but at system bootup the 64bit version just wouldnt boot up. some error with a loong string of numbers. | 16:01 |
michael__ | hey what do people reccommend for a TORRENT program in ubuntu? | 16:02 |
ivan_ | Uplink: do i use the restricted driver manager for that? | 16:02 |
bazhang | !torrent | michael__ | 16:02 |
ubottu | michael__: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P | 16:02 |
erUSUL | !torrent | i use deluge michael__ | 16:02 |
ubottu | i use deluge please see above | 16:02 |
bazhang | michael__, dont conduct polls in here thanks | 16:02 |
Uplink | ivan_, well i got it to work... and yea... my driveris on the restricted driver manager.... | 16:02 |
ivan_ | okay i'll try it out thx | 16:02 |
michael__ | !torrent | 16:02 |
ubottu | Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P | 16:02 |
kumarphilly | anyone know what my problem is.... it worked fine before.. but after i reformated it keeps restarting X and it seems pretty automatic | 16:03 |
ivan_ | :q | 16:03 |
kumarphilly | its usually when i am typing though | 16:04 |
Uplink | ivan_, are u sure your driver isnt in the blacklist? | 16:04 |
=== mojo__ is now known as mojo | ||
michael__ | sorry for the problem, i just got this transmission thing and i don't think that i like it. I want something similar to Utorrent | 16:04 |
Chapai | Uplink, well it seems all firefox crashes | 16:04 |
erUSUL | michael__: deluge comes close | 16:04 |
Uplink | Chapai, tried FF2? | 16:04 |
Georgij | sudo grub-install | 16:05 |
kumarphilly | Steve-cal, ping | 16:05 |
Chapai | yeah, i uninstall ff3 and installed 2, but alas did not work Uplink | 16:05 |
bobboy | michael__: there is also qBitTorrent | 16:05 |
Georgij | sudo grub-install will this work if I install windows then use my live cd to install grub? | 16:05 |
Georgij | How to install grub? | 16:06 |
kumarphilly | out of 1332 people no one gets my problem? | 16:06 |
Uplink | !grub | 16:06 |
ubottu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 16:06 |
Steve-cal | kumarphilly: 64 bytes from Steve-cal (123.456.789): icmp_seq=1 ttl=237 time=77.5 ms :) | 16:06 |
Georgij | sudo grub-install /dev/sda1 | 16:06 |
Georgij | correct? | 16:06 |
bobboy | michael__: deluge http://deluge-torrent.org/screenshots.php qBitTorrent http://sourceforge.net/project/screenshots.php?group_id=163414 | 16:06 |
Uplink | !grub Georgij | 16:06 |
ubottu | Factoid grub georgij not found | 16:06 |
narcarsiss | where is the grub boot loader file so i can remove windows vista from it | 16:06 |
Georgij | thanks | 16:06 |
kumarphilly | Uplink, is that for me? | 16:06 |
Ienorand | How do you alt-tab out of fullscreen apps, and why is'nt it possible to change the volume using special keys when in fullscreen? | 16:06 |
narcarsiss | what is your problem in short | 16:07 |
hopf | Ienorand, what program are you running specifically | 16:07 |
Uplink | Chapai, u can try to download this "libflash-mozplugin - GPL Flash (SWF) Library - Mozilla-compatible plugin" | 16:07 |
legend2440 | Chapai: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=770789 | 16:08 |
danners | narcarsiss: its in /boot/grub and is called menu.lst | 16:08 |
Ienorand | hopf: OpenArena, have experienced same problem with nexuiz before | 16:08 |
bazhang | http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy#How_to_restore_GRUB_to_a_partition_or_MBR_with_an_Ubuntu_Live_CD Georgij | 16:08 |
Georgij | how to uninstall cedega? | 16:08 |
erUSUL | !cedega | 16:09 |
ubottu | cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega | 16:09 |
Kl4m | #cedega | 16:09 |
Ienorand | hopf: And I think this happens with most fullscreen apps... | 16:09 |
bazhang | Broadcom, sounds like your xserver-xorg needs to be reinstalled | 16:10 |
bazhang | Broadcom, did the live cd boot okay? | 16:10 |
koro | Can someone give me a clue about the network manager? I want my system to auto-connect to the wi-fi network at system startup instead of waiting until i logon into my account through gnome, is there an easy way? | 16:10 |
Georgij | Can someone tell me a way to remove cedega | 16:10 |
bazhang | koro, graphically or otherwise | 16:10 |
bazhang | Georgij, how did you install it | 16:10 |
erUSUL | koro: network manager can not do that (it is planned to next versions) | 16:10 |
Georgij | with a package file | 16:11 |
koro | oh, bummer | 16:11 |
bazhang | Georgij, need more info than that | 16:11 |
=== Elx_ is now known as Elx | ||
koro | erUSUL: is there a way to do it then without network manager? | 16:11 |
Georgij | I have the package file still | 16:11 |
Elx | morning | 16:11 |
koro | or is that not recommended? | 16:11 |
erUSUL | koro: you will have to use System>Admin>Net for that | 16:11 |
Georgij | cedega-small_5.2.3_all.deb | 16:11 |
bazhang | koro using the cli sure | 16:11 |
caniggla | 这也能说话阿? | 16:11 |
erUSUL | koro: disabling roaming mode and hoping it works | 16:11 |
erUSUL | !cn | 16:11 |
ubottu | For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 16:11 |
bazhang | !cn | caniggla | 16:11 |
ubottu | caniggla: please see above | 16:11 |
Kl4m | koro: I use wicd, but this is unsupported | 16:11 |
marx2k | Is anyone else getting awful performance from Firefox 3 Beta 5? | 16:11 |
caniggla | 我的QQ呢? | 16:11 |
bazhang | wow fast | 16:11 |
Elx | Hey, Ubuntu stopped docking programs in the corner of my desktop | 16:12 |
Uplink | :| | 16:12 |
narcarsiss | thankyou danners | 16:12 |
Elx | instead they dock on the desktop | 16:12 |
Georgij | NVM | 16:12 |
Uplink | lol | 16:12 |
genii | Georgij: You should be able to find the packagename then by apt-cache search cedega. Then use that name like: sudo dpkg -r thatname | 16:12 |
TimMatrix | Hello everyone. Anyone has a problem with capital 'c'? I can't get the letter c in capital with either SHIFT keys. It works only on caps-lock. I even changed the keyboard and it still gave the same result. Any ideas? | 16:12 |
Elx | this happened over night, I didn't make any changes | 16:12 |
bazhang | caniggla, /join #ubuntu-cn | 16:12 |
koro | erUSUL: so in system->admin->net i should click " unlock" ? | 16:12 |
caniggla | 晕 | 16:12 |
genii | !cn | caniggla | 16:12 |
ubottu | caniggla: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 16:12 |
kbrosnan | marx2k: what sort of performance issues? | 16:12 |
erUSUL | koro: yes; then disable roaming mode for the wireless card and configure the interface then enable it | 16:13 |
TimMatrix | Anyone has a problem with capital 'c'? I can't get the letter c in capital with either SHIFT keys. It works only on caps-lock. I even changed the keyboard and it still gave the same result. Any ideas? | 16:13 |
erUSUL | koro: and pray for it to work ;) | 16:13 |
marx2k | kbrosnan: up to or over a minute from clicking on a link (let's say digg) to having it show up... and in the interim it's just frozen | 16:13 |
HymnToLife | !repeat | TimMatrix | 16:13 |
ubottu | TimMatrix: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 16:13 |
koro | erUSUL: ok i'll try that, if it fails is it easy to go back to the previous state? just re-enabling roaming should do? | 16:13 |
TimMatrix | ubottu: sorry | 16:13 |
ubottu | It's ok, I can't stay mad at you. | 16:13 |
erUSUL | koro: yes it should do | 16:13 |
koro | ok, thanks | 16:14 |
Elx | I don't even know what the place in the corner where programs dock is called | 16:14 |
genii | systray | 16:14 |
bazhang | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 koro here for cli | 16:14 |
kbrosnan | marx2k: likely due to http://shaver.off.net/diary/2008/05/25/fsyncers-and-curveballs/ | 16:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | TimMatrix the short answer is not. We haven't seen that problem. What all have you done recently as far as installing software and in particular installed from outside official supported repos. | 16:14 |
dunken | erUSUL: did a new install here , and it seems that he writes the grub into hdb , there could be the problem i guess | 16:14 |
marx2k | kbrosnan: I'll check as soon as it unfreezes :/ | 16:15 |
Elx | genii: thanks :) | 16:15 |
bsrat | what is the restricted .17 server for? | 16:15 |
genii | Elx: np | 16:15 |
erUSUL | dunken: have you tried to install with only the main disk connected? | 16:15 |
bsrat | as in restricted-drivers- | 16:15 |
koro | erUSUL: how can i figure out what to put in " gateway"? | 16:15 |
koro | should that be my router ip? | 16:15 |
genii | bsrat: Drivers which have proprietary code, usually | 16:16 |
michael__ | should have compiz come with Hardy? | 16:16 |
bsrat | koro - yes, gateway is the router ip if you have one | 16:16 |
erUSUL | koro: probably you are using dhcp no? | 16:16 |
bsrat | usually | 16:16 |
umbrualbert | Is using apt-build a good thing? | 16:16 |
koro | yeah | 16:16 |
erUSUL | koro: then use automatic configuration dhcp instad of manually setting static ip | 16:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | michael__ yes, but cube and other effects need ccsm and if your video card is not setup.. compiz cant work | 16:17 |
marx2k | kbrosnan: Ok, I've read it but I didnt get if it says in there if theres already a patch out or should I just go back to FF2 for the time being... | 16:17 |
Georgij | I have forgotten what the Linux penguin's name was what was it? | 16:17 |
bruno_ | au fait | 16:17 |
sarmisak | tux | 16:17 |
bruno_ | quel est le meilleur client irc | 16:17 |
bruno_ | pour ubuntu ? | 16:17 |
Georgij | thanks | 16:17 |
genii | umbrualbert: Everything will be building from source constantly, like in a Gentoo system. If you can afford the cpu and bandwidth it's not so horrible. | 16:17 |
erUSUL | !fr | 16:17 |
ubottu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 16:17 |
TimMatrix | Jack_Sparrow: Well, if you look at this url (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=602306), it appears that I am not the only one out there, and there is no solution as no-one answered this question. Hence I tried this Ubuntu chat. Before you say anything, no, 'rippon' isn't my username. Thanks. | 16:17 |
sarmisak | !fr | bruno_ | 16:17 |
ubottu | bruno_: please see above | 16:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | TimMatrix could you answer my question while I look at that link | 16:17 |
dunken | erUSUL: yes ive tried that , and then it works | 16:17 |
michael__ | Jack_Sparrow: what's CCSM? | 16:17 |
umbrualbert | genii: is it better than using apt-get.....ample bandwidth | 16:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ccsm | 16:18 |
ubottu | To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'simple-ccsm'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion | 16:18 |
dunken | erUSUL: but when i then start adding more hds , it stops | 16:18 |
erUSUL | dunken: so there is no problem now | 16:18 |
genii | umbrualbert: The sources will be compiled to optimize on your platform so that part is good. | 16:18 |
D4s0tt0c4t | Hello, I'm using the rt73-k2wrlz-3.0.0 driver for my edimax ew-7318USg. I dl'd it, tar'd it, and did a make make install. Network manager sees all of the access points but cannot connect my network which is currently set to no encryption. Also it can only obtain an ip address if eth0 is connected and I use these commands http://paste.ubuntu.com/14707/ Does anyone know what would be the cause of this? | 16:18 |
Georgij | The fire Linux that was ever made was it named Linux? Or did it have a name? Since all other are just distros like ubuntu and was the icon a tux? | 16:18 |
Georgij | first* | 16:18 |
TimMatrix | Jack_Sparrow: no, I have not used outside repos, as far as keyboard goes. | 16:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | TimMatrix Have you used outside repos.. keyboard related or not. | 16:19 |
genii | umbrualbert: When there are major updates you'll be waiting a while, as opposed to apt-get just replacing the binary it needs | 16:19 |
dunken | erUSUL: yes still same problem :( | 16:19 |
marx2k | Georgij: Linux refers to the kernel the operating system runs on... so the first LInux kernel WAS Linux, as it still is | 16:19 |
umbrualbert | genii: so if a package is available I should apt-build rather than apt-get...seeing that I have ample bandwidth and CPU resources | 16:19 |
marx2k | Tux came around a few years later | 16:19 |
erUSUL | dunken: !@#!@# it shouldn't fail... are you sure boot sequence on bios is th right one *after* you plug the other disks ?? | 16:20 |
D4s0tt0c4t | :( | 16:20 |
TimMatrix | Jack_Sparrow: Well, what kind of outside repos. I always use Ubuntu's repos. | 16:20 |
kbrosnan | marx2k: there is a patch written it is not in Fx 3 rc1, and it might not make a Mozilla build till 3.0.1 but it is recommeneded that linux distros apply the patch and roll it out to thier consumers | 16:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | TimMatrix sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel) | 16:20 |
bsrat | I uninstalled the 2.24.16 restricted drivers and installed the 2.24.17 drivers along with nvidia-glx-new, now hardware manager is saying I have no restricted drivers in use on the system | 16:20 |
bsrat | maybe I should recover back to the .16 version | 16:21 |
marx2k | kbrosnan: yes, would be nice | 16:21 |
marx2k | meanwhile, digg crashes opera :/ | 16:21 |
legend2440 | TimMatrix: since it happens with two different keyboards have you checked in the BIOS settings to see if there are any options in there regarding keyboard operation? | 16:21 |
bsrat | lspci shows I have a nvidia 6800gt | 16:21 |
razi | SH | 16:21 |
razi | JLK | 16:22 |
razi | U;KIKHNKPLOKOK; | 16:22 |
razi | MJPJOK | 16:22 |
FloodBot1 | razi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 16:22 |
razi | JLKJL | 16:22 |
genii | umbrualbert: As I said it will optimize for your specific platform. But then also you will not be able to use it on some proprietary things where the source is not available. If the proprietary thing comes only for i386 for instance and your are optimising for 686 then it will say incorrect platform from package manager. And no sources to build the optimised one for your box. | 16:22 |
=== sylar_ is now known as sylar | ||
Ienorand | How do you alt-tab out of fullscreen apps, and why is'nt it possible to change the volume using special keys when in fullscreen? | 16:22 |
razi | OKY GOOC | 16:22 |
koro | hey, that worked. Thanks erUSUL, bsrat, bazhang | 16:22 |
umbrualbert | genii: Thanks you very much for the explanation | 16:23 |
erUSUL | koro: no problem ;) | 16:23 |
genii | umbrualbert: np | 16:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | Ienorand are these games under wine? | 16:23 |
bazhang | koro nice :) | 16:23 |
cipry | hey i just installed ubuntu 8.04 and i am having some problems with the internet conection (now i am running on windows) when i hove the mouse over the 2 monitors of the conection i get a message sayng manual configure ... i put eth0 on automatic thing (i cant remember) but it wont still work | 16:24 |
cipry | i am using a cable conection | 16:24 |
Ienorand | Jack_Sparrow: No, OpenArena gives me this. | 16:24 |
TimMatrix | Jack_Sparrow: have installed pastebinit, but tried to key in cat etc/...... and it came up as No such file or directory | 16:24 |
ciscu | #batman | 16:24 |
Broadcom | bazhang: not currently connected to the INTERNET, can't connect. burning live cd now | 16:24 |
TimMatrix | Jack_Sparrow: I'm learning as I am a beginner. thanks. | 16:24 |
bazhang | cipry, open a terminal and type ifconfig--you see eth0? | 16:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | TimMatrix all you need to do is paste that line I gave into a term | 16:24 |
bsrat | anyone update to the kernel update ...17 version from the .16 version? | 16:25 |
cipry | i will probably need to restart my computer and run on ubuntu | 16:25 |
bsrat | if so, any problems with video? | 16:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | TimMatrix except the () at the end of course | 16:25 |
cipry | if i see so then what? | 16:25 |
Ienorand | Jack_Sparrow: When playing OA I can't even use alt-F4... | 16:25 |
bobboy | if i do a update grub will it install into my mbr because i am using a dual boot with easybcd? | 16:25 |
bazhang | cipry, you need help? then please use my nick in your answer and give a clear response thanks | 16:26 |
bazhang | bobboy, let me get you a link | 16:26 |
erUSUL | bobboy: update-grub only updates menu.lst | 16:26 |
cipry | bazhang: yes i need your help .... if i see a eth0 then what?i am running on windows now so i need to reboot my computer | 16:26 |
bazhang | http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy#How_to_restore_GRUB_to_a_partition_or_MBR_with_an_Ubuntu_Live_CD bobboy | 16:26 |
erUSUL | bobboy: update-grub only updates /boot/grub/menu.lst (the config file) | 16:26 |
TimMatrix | Jack_Sparrow: yeah, ok. Hold on.... | 16:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | brb | 16:26 |
bobboy | bazhang and erUSUL thankyou | 16:27 |
bazhang | cipry, when you reboot go into terminal and type sudo dhclient eth0 | 16:27 |
TimMatrix | Jack_Sparrow: http://pastebin.com/f22da81b1 | 16:28 |
cipry | bazhang ,after that what do i do? | 16:28 |
bazhang | cipry, that should connect you | 16:28 |
bazhang | bobboy, :) | 16:28 |
cipry | bazhang , and i dont need to type any ips or something?it will automaticly take all the data he needs? | 16:28 |
zitsep | hi! how can i install desktop themes from gnomelook.org? | 16:28 |
Rockoe | hey guys, how do i upgrade my version of gcc | 16:28 |
jrojas | hi.. how can i sync my evolution data with google calendar? | 16:29 |
bazhang | cipry, if there is eth0 then that will do it | 16:29 |
aaBlueDragon | Please Help! i cant get my touchpad working (Dell xps m1530 laptop) on ubuntu | 16:29 |
akahige | hi all... have a quick system upgrade question. been reading the forum but don't want to screw anything up... | 16:29 |
olskolirc | I downloaded quicktime4linux-2.0.0 and it can't ./configure it says no such file or directory. I can't make either it says "make stop" how do i compile this? | 16:29 |
bazhang | !themes | zitsep | 16:29 |
ubottu | zitsep: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 16:29 |
olskolirc | something like PREFIX=/usr or something? | 16:29 |
zitsep | !changethemes | 16:29 |
ubottu | To change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy. Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes | 16:29 |
bluefox83 | ok, you guys prolly hear this a lot...but is there any possible way to bring something back from an rm -rf ? | 16:29 |
cipry | bazhang , thanks i will give it a go if its not workin i will come back | 16:30 |
Ienorand | Jack_Sparrow: Did you have any idea regarding the stubborn fullscreen apps? | 16:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | TimMatrix I see no problems there. What about debs or other things you may have installed manually | 16:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | Ienorand nope... not yet | 16:31 |
TimMatrix | Jack_Sparrow: nope. none at all. only those repos I use | 16:31 |
akahige | I've been running Xubuntu (Hardy) which was converted from an original Ubuntu install on some pre-Gutsy version. It's been temperamental since the Hardy upgrade and I want to go back to gnome. What do I need to do to do that safely...? | 16:31 |
aaBlueDragon | any ideas why touchpads dont work with ubuntu? | 16:31 |
dunken | erUSUL: http://osdir.com/ml/boot-loaders.grub.devel/2006-08/msg00055.html did find some info ..but no solution | 16:31 |
zitsep | thanks! bye! | 16:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | TimMatrix what were some of the last things you installed from the repos then? Sorry, for not having a quick answer, just trying to eliminate some common areas of conflict | 16:31 |
finet__ | what does the file /etc/network/interfaces should contain at the minimum ? | 16:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | !touchpad | 16:32 |
ubottu | For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad | 16:32 |
TimMatrix | Jack_Sparrow: celestia, stellarium, xsensors (the latter doesn;t seem to work) | 16:33 |
finet__ | auto lo | 16:33 |
finet__ | iface lo inet loopback | 16:33 |
finet__ | ? | 16:33 |
aaBlueDragon | !touchpad | 16:33 |
ubottu | For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad | 16:33 |
aaBlueDragon | ........ | 16:33 |
bsrat | i'm recovering back to the kernel 2.24...16 version, the .17 version doesn't detect my video card driver or something, now the display is greater than 640x480 and that is without the nvidia driver | 16:33 |
=== iNeo_ is now known as ineo | ||
lgus | is it possible to suspend hard drives when using ext3 filesystem ? | 16:33 |
aaBlueDragon | i think my lapdont uses an ALPS touchpad, not synaptics... and when i try to use tpconfig it says (synaptics touchpad detected) and i cant use gsynaptics either.... | 16:34 |
StrongMotive | E: Could not open lock file /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (13 Permission denied) | 16:34 |
StrongMotive | what does that mean? | 16:34 |
aaBlueDragon | laptop | 16:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | TimMatrix Since xsensors does not seem to work use synaptic package manager to remove (completely) restart and see if anything changes | 16:34 |
leifdk1978_ | hey guys i need a hack to get rid of vista | 16:34 |
jrib | StrongMotive: what did you do to get that error? | 16:34 |
StrongMotive | apt-get | 16:34 |
jrib | StrongMotive: no, the full command | 16:35 |
Ronald | is it possible to run hardy's userspace on a kernel as old as 2.6.9-023stab046.2-enterprise ? (Virtuozzo based VPS, can do anything but change the kernel) | 16:35 |
jrib | leifdk1978_: install ubuntu over it | 16:35 |
TimMatrix | Jack_Sparrow: okay. hold on... | 16:35 |
StrongMotive | apt-get autoclean, but whenever I do apt-get it happens | 16:35 |
jrib | !sudo > StrongMotive (read the private message from ubottu) | 16:35 |
kason | wa | 16:35 |
jrib | StrongMotive: you need to prefix the command with sudo | 16:35 |
D4s0tt0c4t | How can you initialize hardware without restarting? I.e. I plugged in my usb wireless card and it wont start it. | 16:35 |
StrongMotive | ah | 16:36 |
StrongMotive | so sudo apt-get autoclean? | 16:36 |
leifdk1978_ | is it posible to get a full install from the net not just wubi | 16:36 |
jrib | StrongMotive: sure | 16:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | TimMatrix Also , leave a message on that forum link asking if that user has installed any of those same programs.. | 16:36 |
TimMatrix | Jack_Sparrow: now completely removed. I'll be back to this room after rebooting. | 16:36 |
StrongMotive | thanks jrib | 16:36 |
jrib | leifdk1978_: ubuntu.com, click on "get ubuntu" | 16:36 |
djeday | it is possoble to enable new kernel with out reboot? | 16:36 |
leifdk1978_ | that is a iso | 16:36 |
leifdk1978_ | dont have any cd | 16:36 |
jrib | !install > leifdk1978_ (read the private message from ubottu) | 16:37 |
Rockoe | hey guys, how do i upgrade my version of gcc | 16:37 |
TimMatrix | Jack_Sparrow: Okay, if that keyboard works, then yes I will leave a response to that user. | 16:37 |
genii | djeday: Yes but convoluted. You're better off just rebooting | 16:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | k | 16:37 |
jrib | leifdk1978_: it's a lot easier if you spend 25 cents on a cd | 16:37 |
leifdk1978_ | yeah but there is 25km for the first place to get one | 16:37 |
djeday | genii: it's a task for sercificattion ) | 16:37 |
djeday | i need help ) | 16:37 |
D4s0tt0c4t | There is no way to do it? | 16:38 |
djeday | any idea ? ) | 16:38 |
jrib | leifdk1978_: probably still a lot easier. You can order them in the mail too | 16:38 |
genii | djeday: look into chroot | 16:38 |
bazhang | leifdk1978_, then put it on a usb stick or look into unetbootin | 16:38 |
indio | Hi. | 16:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | leifdk1978_ You can install from usb stick too | 16:38 |
StrongMotive | fsck -sA < what does this do? | 16:38 |
indio | I can't play sounds of different programs at the same time. | 16:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | !sound | indio | 16:39 |
ubottu | indio: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 16:39 |
AcornAcorn | when searching packages using apt-cache, can you make it so it just shows packages you have installed? | 16:39 |
bsrat | where i linux can i remove the grub menu list so it wont boot up in .17 kernel, or can i do that through synaptic to remove it? | 16:39 |
exco | if I enable my external monitor using aticonfig --enable-monitor=lvds,crt1 (connected through vga cable) it works "as expected" but if I try aticonfig --enable-monitor=lvds,tmds1 it has a virtual resolution as wanted but the actual size is smaller - what might be the problem? | 16:39 |
genii | D4s0tt0c4t: First you need to know driver name, to make sure it's being loaded. If not loaded then load it. Then you need to know what net device that driver makes. Then you want to start that up. | 16:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | bsrat gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 16:39 |
bsrat | ok | 16:40 |
jrib | AcornAcorn: if you use aptitude search, you can use ~i. See: http://algebraicthunk.net/~dburrows/projects/aptitude/doc/en/ch02s03s05.html | 16:40 |
genii | indio: Good, that means your sound system is working normally. Only one program at a time is upposed to have control over the sound system | 16:40 |
D4s0tt0c4t | genii: thank you for replying. My driver name is rausb0. It works when I start it up plugged in but I restarted and plugged it in and now it wont ifconfig rausb0 up | 16:40 |
zephyr | After upgrading from gutsy to hardy my webcam does not seem to work. Whenever I try to start camorama for example, I get an error message saying "Could not connect to video device (/dev/video0) Please check connection". My connection is fine, I can see the webcam with lsusb but it still won`t start | 16:41 |
D4s0tt0c4t | genii is there a way to initialize it without restarting? | 16:41 |
genii | D4s0tt0c4t: When you unplug it, then wait 30 secs, replug it, wait 30 secs, then look at output of: dmesg | tail does it say anything enlightening? (use pastebin please if more than a couple lines) | 16:42 |
=== ewhore_ is now known as ewhore | ||
AcornAcorn | jrib: where do you put the ~i? | 16:42 |
TimMatrix | Jack_Sparrow: Hello? I'm back and no, it does not cure the problem. | 16:42 |
jrib | AcornAcorn: aptitude search '~i' for example | 16:43 |
genii | D4s0tt0c4t: Work requires me a couple minutes. But I'll assist as possible upon return | 16:43 |
D4s0tt0c4t | genii: ok thank you very much, will let you know of output | 16:43 |
TimMatrix | Jack_Sparrow: ? Hello? | 16:44 |
AcornAcorn | jrib: great! but putting terms after the ~i doesn't seem to change the results | 16:44 |
fatbrain | How can I set the fragment-size? sound-playback gets distorted, and I read something about setting fragment-size to 4096 would resolve the problem. (Alsa) | 16:45 |
erUSUL | AcornAcorn: aptitude search string | grep '^i' | 16:45 |
zephyr | !webcam | 16:45 |
ubottu | Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 16:45 |
Itaku | The following packages have been kept back: | 16:45 |
Itaku | linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic | 16:45 |
Itaku | linux-restricted-modules-generic | 16:45 |
Itaku | how do i fix that? | 16:45 |
FloodBot1 | Itaku: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 16:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | TimMatrix sorry, got tied up on something.. sorry, but I dont have an answer... rather odd problem.. | 16:46 |
Itaku | ... | 16:46 |
Sarah | argh i think i broke something... | 16:46 |
`paul | how do i run a script on boot as a normal user (not root)? | 16:46 |
erUSUL | Itaku: sudo apt-get install linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic linux-restricted-modules-generic | 16:46 |
TimMatrix | Jack_Sparrow: yeah, me too. Weird problem | 16:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | TimMatrix I can install those three items and make sure I dont lose cpa c... | 16:46 |
* fde apologizes for the repeated ins and outs... configuring xchat :/ | 16:46 | |
Sarah | virtualbox said i needed to install some modules thing, so i did, and it told me to restart, but i think it updated my kernel or something, now im in low graphics mode | 16:46 |
AcornAcorn | erUSUL: doesn't seem to work | 16:46 |
Sarah | how do i revert back to what i had before? | 16:46 |
u007 | hi, after switching to ubuntu 8.04 from fresh install, i realised that my audio seems to dissapear a lot of time.. ive to do restart to have it back... | 16:47 |
AcornAcorn | erUSUL: for example $ aptitude search mozilla should work right? | 16:47 |
Sarah | and its only reading 1 core of my cpu now | 16:47 |
u007 | what should i do? anyway to check for problem? or switch back the audio to alsa? | 16:47 |
Sarah | i really hope i dont have to reinstall again.. | 16:47 |
erUSUL | AcornAcorn: aptitude search awk | grep '^i' | 16:48 |
chewed-on | Howdy :) | 16:48 |
Sarah | linux-image-2.6.24-16-386 (2.6.24-16.30) | 16:48 |
Sarah | thats what did it i think | 16:48 |
Sarah | how can i get back to what i had before? | 16:48 |
chewed-on | Did Nvidia release graphic driver for Ubuntu 8 ? | 16:48 |
weechat_user | hello | 16:48 |
bsrat | ok I rolled back to the from the .17, nvidia is working now | 16:48 |
u007 | it even hang my totem quite frequently, n sometimes quite persistant! when it hang, my whole xwindows hang :( | 16:48 |
erUSUL | Sarah: you should be using the generic krnel i386 is for old hardware (so is no smp capable) | 16:48 |
bsrat | Sarah - did you upgrade to the 24-17? | 16:48 |
Sarah | i dont know what i did | 16:49 |
icewaterman | hm, i compiled the ubuntu kernel myself and the module sources as well but the modules do not fit to the kernel (they are placed in the wrong directory) | 16:49 |
bsrat | erUSUL - smp means multi-processor? | 16:49 |
Sarah | erUSUL, yeah i think the last one was generic, how do i get back to that? | 16:49 |
erUSUL | Sarah: the "linux-image" package installs the default correct kernel | 16:49 |
bsrat | or HT support? | 16:49 |
erUSUL | bsrat: yep | 16:49 |
=== zera_ is now known as Gohalien | ||
bsrat | mine is going to waste then, i installed the generic | 16:49 |
=== CaptainPanda is now known as CaptainPanda[awa | ||
TimMatrix | Jack_Sparrow: how do u install? What three things you can install? | 16:50 |
legend2440 | Sarah: system>administration>startup manager choose default boot os as the generic kernel | 16:50 |
=== CaptainPanda[awa is now known as CaptainPanda|afk | ||
erUSUL | Sarah: you installed box doesn't it ? | 16:50 |
Sarah | erUSUL, so i should install this - linux image generic linux kernel image | 16:50 |
Sarah | ? | 16:50 |
erUSUL | Sarah: as i said "linux-image" is the package | 16:50 |
Sarah | but there are a bunch, i have 2 installed | 16:51 |
Sarah | the generic and the 386 one | 16:51 |
Sarah | should i uninstall that 386 one? | 16:51 |
kason | 应该可以 | 16:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | TimMatrix I am installing the three things you saind you installed last to make sure they work for me here.. so we can eliminate them as a source of your problem | 16:51 |
Pici | !cn | kason | 16:51 |
ubottu | kason: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 16:51 |
Sarah | erUSUL, ok ill install it, and just leave that 386 one there for now maybe i can uninstall that afterwards | 16:52 |
Sarah | since i guess i wont be using it then | 16:52 |
erUSUL | Sarah: boot with the generic one then uninstall the i386 | 16:52 |
Sarah | ok... | 16:52 |
Sarah | that means install the linux-image thing right? | 16:52 |
TimMatrix | Jack_Sparrow: Oh, thanks.... | 16:52 |
zephyr | can anyone help me with setting up my webcam ? After I have upgraded from Gutsy to Hardy it just doesn`t seem to work | 16:52 |
u007 | i think they should upgrade alsa to latest 1 as soon as possible | 16:52 |
legend2440 | Sarah: system>administration>startup manager choose default boot os as the generic kernel then reboot . you cant uninstall the 386 if your running it | 16:52 |
Sarah | ok | 16:53 |
Sarah | im just a bit confused now though, do i install that linux-image, or since i still have the generic one there listed as installed i just change the boot thing? | 16:53 |
zitsep | Hi! I have to linux common linux comands in my university. unfortunately i missed class. I already know some "level 0" = beginner commands like find, tr, cd, mv, rm, grep, tr, but in the exam today was trap and crontab. i would like to learn some more commands what are include in "commonity" the oney like trap and crontab or awk too. can someone help me to get a list of commands like this? | 16:53 |
friend1 | hi every one, i have installed ubuntu 8 and i have a problem with gksu, is not working | 16:53 |
TimMatrix | Jack_Sparrow: Using Dmesg, and found this entry as follows: input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard as /devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input1 | 16:54 |
Sarah | legend2440, i dont have startup manager | 16:54 |
alfonso220 | Hi, Does anyone has Zattoo? | 16:54 |
genii | D4s0tt0c4t: I am back. Do you have a pastebin result, or other info? | 16:54 |
Sarah | i have update manager | 16:54 |
D4s0tt0c4t | genii: yes I pm'd them to you | 16:54 |
D4s0tt0c4t | genii: did you get it? | 16:54 |
legend2440 | Sarah: sudo apt-get install startupmanager | 16:54 |
Ace_NoOne | hi there - in XChat, "Beep on channel message" has no effect - do I need soem extra lib for that? (I do have libnotify) | 16:54 |
Ace_NoOne | (that's XChat proper on Gutsy - not the light version that seems to come with Ubuntu) | 16:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | TimMatrix Doesnt mean anything to me... but it may to someone.. | 16:55 |
AcornAcorn | is it possible to completely revert an ubuntu installation back to exactly how it was when you installed it? | 16:55 |
Sarah | so im not installing this linux-image thing? | 16:55 |
AaronH | friend1, can you use gksudo or sudo? | 16:55 |
genii | D4s0tt0c4t: Not received. You need to be registered on freenode before PM is possible | 16:55 |
alfonso220 | Zattoo???? | 16:55 |
D4s0tt0c4t | dmesg told me that the usb device was disconnecting and reconnecting. It definitely works if I plug it in and restart my computer, I was just looking for a lazy way to initialize it http://pastebin.com/m25d86b93 | 16:55 |
alfonso220 | anyone??? | 16:55 |
D4s0tt0c4t | genii: I see, I didnt realize that before | 16:55 |
friend1 | AaronH: yes, i tried with gksudo, don't working too | 16:56 |
D4s0tt0c4t | genii: that explains alot about pm's I've sent out | 16:56 |
genii | D4s0tt0c4t: Reading | 16:56 |
legend2440 | Sarah: no i think you want to try the generic kernel first to see if it works. you can always switch back | 16:56 |
genii | !register > D4s0tt0c4t | 16:56 |
Sarah | if thats the one i was using before it worked fine | 16:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | D4s0tt0c4t try sudo /etc/init.d/hal start to get usb drive recognized.. | 16:56 |
Sarah | ill see if it works | 16:56 |
astro76 | zitsep: it might be helpful to look at the contents of the LPI programs... http://www.lpi.org/eng/certification | 16:56 |
AcornAcorn | I uninstalled firefox, and now when i tried to install it again using apt-get install firefox-3.0 it goes all weird :( | 16:57 |
friend1 | AaronH: i have reinstalled gksu, i have the same problem | 16:57 |
XDS2010 | could someone help me apply a patch , i would like some clarification on some things if possible | 16:57 |
AaronH | do you get any error messages when you run gksu from terminal, friend1? | 16:58 |
D4s0tt0c4t | Jack_Sparrow: it didnt work http://pastebin.com/d4547e0b | 16:58 |
genii | D4s0tt0c4t: I do not believe the driver name would be rausb0 incidentally. That would be some device in /dev that it would make. After you plug it in, does this devicename appear there? | 16:58 |
TimMatrix | Jack_Sparrow: ok | 16:58 |
chewed-on | Anybody know if Nvidia has relesed the graphic driver for Ubuntu ? I asked the Fedora guys if Nvidia has released for Fedora they said no, so I'm also checking if Ubuntu has it. | 16:58 |
Sarah | ok that worked thanks | 16:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | friend1 HAve you changed permissions or run gui apps with sudo and not gksudo are you on the original user and not a user you added after the install etc | 16:59 |
friend1 | AaronH: no, only appear in status bar and then desapear | 16:59 |
TimMatrix | Jack_Sparrow: Do you think it has something to do with daemon or something running in the background, ie. macros or short-cut keys? | 16:59 |
zitsep | astro76, thanks i will look | 16:59 |
D4s0tt0c4t | genii: the device is a edimax 7318USg. It uses rausb0 to interact with it for everything else | 16:59 |
D3RGPS31 | I just removed my windows partition, leaving a large chunk of empty disk space. How can i use GParted to merge that with my current Ubuntu partition? | 16:59 |
TimMatrix | Jack_Sparrow: Hang on, I think it's compiz. Hold on and let me check.... | 17:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | TimMatrix Did you do any editing of those | 17:00 |
In-Sane`` | Hi all :) | 17:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | TimMatrix If you made some changes in shortcuts in compiz you could have knocked it out | 17:00 |
gonzoism | i haven't been able to connect with tor in a long time. is there something going on ? | 17:01 |
odinsbane | a new kernel? | 17:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | emma PM me when you get a chance.. thanks | 17:01 |
TimMatrix | Jack_Sparrow: bingo! You've just given me a brainwave. yep, it's the compiz manager. | 17:02 |
TimMatrix | Now I know how these things works. | 17:02 |
odinsbane | Is anybody up one some of the fixes or where to look to see if I should upgrade my kernel? | 17:02 |
XY | where's the initialization?I hava no found /etc/inittab in ubuntu 8.04 | 17:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | TimMatrix So the problem was.. user error... glad you figured it out | 17:02 |
TimMatrix | Jack_Sparrow: I';m going to leave a response to that user who had the problem to CHECK for short-cuts on Compiz | 17:02 |
TimMatrix | Jack_Sparrow: notice this, I used capital c on Compiz! | 17:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | TimMatrix np... welcome to Ubuntu | 17:03 |
AaronH | friend1, I dont think I am going to be able to help you get that working. :( | 17:03 |
`paul | how do i run a script on boot? | 17:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | :) | 17:03 |
TimMatrix | Jack_Sparrow: lol, thanks. | 17:03 |
In-Sane`` | How can I get to the trash in terminal? | 17:03 |
Sarah | since that kernel thing just then, now in update manager i have some stuff about 2.6.24-17, but do i really want that? | 17:03 |
Dr_willis | !trash | 17:04 |
ubottu | The location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash | 17:04 |
friend1 | ok AaronH. thanks, don't worry | 17:04 |
genii | D4s0tt0c4t: Googling indicates it uses the rt73usb driver. If you do: lsmod | grep rt73usb does it show that driver loaded? | 17:04 |
gonzoism | `paul, put a script into /etc/init.d/ for whatever you want. make the appropriate links in the runlevel directories. www.linuxfromscratch.org has a pretty good howto somewhere. | 17:04 |
In-Sane`` | Dr_willis: thanks you. | 17:04 |
TimMatrix | Jack_Sparrow: Which gives me an idea. I wonder if there is such a program that lists out what's the keyboard behaviuour, like CTRL, or ALT, SHIFT, etc, with an associated key, does. It would be useful to find the problem to this by using this 'program' if such one exists? | 17:04 |
koheleth | I had java working in FF3 but I uninstalled and installed ff2 and now java does not work, can anyone help? | 17:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | !java | 17:05 |
ubottu | To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 17:05 |
legend2440 | Sarah: well i guess if it messed things up you could alway choose the generic kernel again | 17:05 |
koheleth | but all that is installed | 17:05 |
TimMatrix | Jack_Sparrow: so, I'll present another problem. The X-Sensors. lol | 17:06 |
CShadowRun | Is there any nice wireless networking tool thats about as good as the windows one? (I like the way the windows one knows what type of password the router requires, i also like the way it saves the profiles and automatically connects) | 17:06 |
gonzoism | ok, is tor working for anyone else right now or lately ? because it hasn't worked for me in months. | 17:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | TimMatrix I dont think one program could show that... any program could create its own macro set and not be seen in any system config | 17:06 |
=== shelbyscates is now known as smesaynayayer | ||
DSoTS | hey everyone | 17:07 |
smesaynayayer | hey | 17:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | TimMatrix sensors is still loading.. although never used it | 17:07 |
exco | where might be the problem if --enable-monitor=lvds,crt1 gives a different output on the external monitor than --enable-monitor=lvds,tmds1 | 17:07 |
smesaynayayer | i just installed bitchx and im sooo happy | 17:07 |
odinsbane | CsShadowRun have you tried wpa_gui? | 17:07 |
friend1 | guys, somebody knows how patch gksu in graphic mode?, it's not working to launch, stay in status bar for a moment and then desapear. I can't launch my apps in root mode | 17:07 |
DSoTS | i need a little bit of advice regarding an intel gl960 graphics card with compiz, anyone help? | 17:07 |
smesaynayayer | and everyone loves ubuntu | 17:07 |
|DuReX| | I'm having Audacious installed as MP3 player, now when I double click on a m3u file, it doesn't get loaded in Audacious, I just get a window to select files in it :s | 17:07 |
=== voron_ is now known as Twim4 | ||
odinsbane | DSoTS whats the question? | 17:08 |
bobboy | do i need to install install-css.sh in order to play dvd's even though ive install the restricted extras package installed? | 17:08 |
philsf | since I upgraded from gutsy to Hardy the wifi led doesn't blink anymore on activity (it doesn't even turn on at all). I noticed that the driver changed from ipw3945 to iwl3945. How can I get the normal led behaviour? is it possible to switch back to the old driver? | 17:09 |
TimMatrix | anyone know how to show up CPU sensors, such as temperatures, clock speed, etc. for the Ubuntu 8.04? | 17:09 |
odinsbane | I've got an GL960 and compiz works fine. | 17:09 |
fde | !medibuntu > bobboy install libdvdcss2 from here, rather than trusting random scripts please | 17:09 |
fde | !medibuntu | 17:09 |
ubottu | medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org | 17:09 |
popey | fde: random scripts? | 17:10 |
olskolirc | I downloaded quicktime4linux-2.0.0 and it can't ./configure it says no such file or directory. I can't make either it says "make stop" how do i compile this? | 17:10 |
olskolirc | something like PREFIX=/usr or something? | 17:10 |
fde | popey: Do you know where he got it? | 17:10 |
DSoTS | back again | 17:10 |
fde | olskolirc: ffmpeg supports quicktime | 17:10 |
Dr_willis | heh it seems that all of linux is often 1/2 random scripts calling other scripts.. :) | 17:10 |
popey | fde: its art of the libdvdcss package | 17:10 |
odinsbane | DSoTS whats the question? | 17:10 |
odinsbane | I've got an GL960 and compiz works fine. | 17:10 |
braineatingalien | Hey does anyone know how to get dual monitors working on hardy heron | 17:10 |
olskolirc | do I download ffmpeg fde ? | 17:10 |
DSoTS | right, i can run Google Earth fine under xubuntu until i get compiz running | 17:10 |
legend2440 | |DuReX|: right click .m3u file choose properties the open with and select audacious | 17:10 |
fde | popey: I wasn't aware of that | 17:10 |
DSoTS | then it tells me my graphics card is unsupported | 17:11 |
legend2440 | |DuReX|: right click .m3u file choose properties then open with and select audacious | 17:11 |
fde | olskolirc: just via Synaptic will work. | 17:11 |
D4s0tt0c4t | genii: not right now, but it show it when it is plugged in...is that normal? | 17:11 |
jmknsd | braineatingalien: open up a terminal and type nvidia-settings | 17:11 |
fde | olskolirc: you want 'gstreamer0.10-plugins-ffmpeg | 17:11 |
crdlb | DSoTS: did you install xserver-xgl ? | 17:11 |
olskolirc | ok thanks | 17:11 |
DSoTS | yep | 17:11 |
DSoTS | still not helping | 17:11 |
friend1 | timMatrix, you can use the screenlets | 17:11 |
crdlb | DSoTS: you shouldn't have | 17:11 |
fde | olskolirc: umm, gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg sorry. | 17:11 |
DSoTS | ohhhhh | 17:11 |
DSoTS | ok | 17:11 |
braineatingalien | do I install it jmknsd | 17:11 |
DSoTS | so uninstall it? | 17:12 |
bobboy | fde: i got the info from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats which told me to use the command sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras ... i can play movies (downloaded ones) like divx and mpeg4.. but i cant seem to play a dvd inserted into my dvd drive | 17:12 |
|DuReX| | legend2440: did that, when I double click, I get a message box now, 'Executable text file', I select run, but doesn't load in audacious :x | 17:12 |
crdlb | DSoTS: yes. google earth still won't work perfectly with compiz on intel (a limitation of the Direct Rendering Infrastructure) though | 17:12 |
jmknsd | braineatingalien: err, is it not installed already? a gui should pop up. If not, yes install it | 17:12 |
crdlb | but it will at least run | 17:12 |
DSoTS | thanks | 17:12 |
DSoTS | i'll give it a shot | 17:12 |
genii | D4s0tt0c4t: Yes, that means it finds and loads the correct driver so you don't nned to do that part. You should be able to do something like sudo ifconfig wlan0 up to bring the wlan0 device up (which in turn is dependant on the rausb0 we discussed earlier) | 17:12 |
Totem | how do I use apache on ubuntu? On windows there is a folder called httpd, what is the equivalent of this on ubuntu? | 17:13 |
braineatingalien | jmknsd its installed now what do I do once I have the settings opened | 17:13 |
hak5fan | bobboy: you need libdvdcss2 from mediabuntu repository to play dvds (i think | 17:13 |
D4s0tt0c4t | rausb0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device | 17:13 |
legend2440 | |DuReX|: open .m3u with text editor. make sure there is something in there for audacious to play | 17:13 |
fde | bobboy: That package comes with libdvdread that can play DVD's with the help of regionset package... it doesn't actually install regionset though, and libdvdcss2 is generally preferable to the end user... despite questionable legal situation surrounding it. | 17:13 |
TimMatrix | friend1: screenlets? I'll find out. | 17:13 |
D4s0tt0c4t | genii: sorry ment to address that to you | 17:13 |
jmknsd | braineatingalien: click on X server Display Configuration and a windows-like tool should appear to the right | 17:14 |
D4s0tt0c4t | genii: I'm just gonna restart. It definitely works when I restart with it plugged in | 17:14 |
genii | D4s0tt0c4t: Ah, this is then because no entry for wlan0 in /etc/network/interfaces | 17:14 |
|DuReX| | legend2440: when I load it in the menu of audacious it works, when I double click on it, or select open with Audacious, Audacious opens with a box to select files ... :s | 17:14 |
fde | bobboy: to play a DVD in Totem, you have to File > Open Location... and type dvd:// | 17:14 |
|DuReX| | instead of opening the m3u :( | 17:14 |
DSoTS | crdlb: just uninstalled xserver-xgl, run compiz and i'm still being told by google earth that I'm running opengl emulation | 17:14 |
jmknsd | Totem: /var/www usually | 17:15 |
bobboy | fde: i use vlc i hate totem.. ill try this medibuntu and the libdvdcss2 | 17:15 |
crdlb | DSoTS: you need to restart your session. Xgl is still running | 17:15 |
DSoTS | ahhhh | 17:15 |
DSoTS | of course | 17:15 |
DSoTS | i'll be back to let you know, and hopefully to thank you | 17:15 |
philsf | since I upgraded from gutsy to Hardy the wifi led doesn't blink anymore on activity (it doesn't even turn on at all). I noticed that the driver changed from ipw3945 to iwl3945. How can I get the normal led behaviour? is it possible to switch back to the old driver? | 17:15 |
braineatingalien | jmknsd thank you so much I think I can figure it out from here | 17:15 |
jmknsd | np | 17:15 |
genii | D4s0tt0c4t: You can use ifup instead, this one is not dependant on the interfaces file | 17:16 |
D4s0tt0c4t | genii: yes right now interfaces just shows auto lo and iface lo inet loopback | 17:16 |
friend1 | I try again, somebody knows how fix GKSU, it not working in ubuntu 8, i can't launch my app in root mode, only if I run in terminal mode | 17:16 |
hak5fan | friend1: Oh what happens when you try to use gksu | 17:17 |
hak5fan | ? | 17:17 |
genii | D4s0tt0c4t: sudo ifup wlan0 alternately | 17:17 |
fde | friend1: gksudo | 17:17 |
astro76 | philsf: as long as everything else is working fine, the leds for the iwl drivers are on the to-do list afaik | 17:18 |
D4s0tt0c4t | genii: still no luck with that. Restarting will be easier at this point. My main problem is when it is working it can see and associate with my non encrypted AP but not connect to it | 17:18 |
schnootop | is it possible to make a .so from a .dll ? | 17:18 |
Totem | how to I enter a directory with root perms? | 17:18 |
friend1 | hak5fan: it only appear in status bar, and then desapear | 17:18 |
hak5fan | friend1: try gksudo | 17:18 |
genii | D4s0tt0c4t: The wireles connection commands are done with iwconfig | 17:18 |
marathe25 | System Monitor | 17:18 |
philsf | astro76: everything but the led is working AFAICT, but so was with ipw | 17:18 |
friend1 | yes, i have tried, don't work | 17:18 |
Totem | how to I enter a directory with root perms? | 17:19 |
fde | friend1: How doesn't it work? Does it give an error? | 17:19 |
hak5fan | friend1: but you can use sudo app in terminal? | 17:19 |
philsf | astro76: do you have any link with a discussion or information about why the driver was changed? | 17:19 |
D4s0tt0c4t | genii: brb I'm going to register and restart | 17:19 |
hak5fan | fde: see his replay to me | 17:19 |
fde | Totem: sudo cd /dir | 17:19 |
friend1 | fde: no | 17:19 |
friend1 | hak5fan: yes in terminal mode it's working | 17:20 |
=== paco_ is now known as fsvend | ||
DSoTS | crblb: thanks | 17:20 |
fde | friend1: what if you run 'gksudo whatever_app' from a terminal? | 17:20 |
DSoTS | that worked a treat! | 17:20 |
Totem | fde: sudo: cd: command not found | 17:20 |
DSoTS | crdlb: thanks even | 17:20 |
jrib | Totem: why do you want to do this? | 17:20 |
friend1 | wait fde | 17:20 |
DSoTS | sorry my fingers are illiiterate today | 17:20 |
Totem | jrib: to be able to access var/www to work on my apache server | 17:20 |
Totem | jrib: to be able to make new files in www | 17:21 |
jrib | Totem: setup a group called webeditors (or something), don't use root to develop your web page | 17:21 |
Pers3ux | Hi :) i have problem with compiling sl-modem-source . can anyone help me? | 17:21 |
genii | Totem: Just add whatever user is supposed to be doing www files to the group of www-data | 17:22 |
friend1 | fde: is the same thing, appears in status bar and then desapear | 17:22 |
Totem | jrib: why not? I'm the only user on my pc, and www only has root perms right now. Can I at least make the folder public? | 17:22 |
fde | friend1: No output on the terminal? | 17:22 |
Totem | genii: how do I do that? | 17:22 |
jrib | genii: why? www-data does not own it by default and shouldn't necessarily own it either | 17:22 |
=== Veinor|ZzZ is now known as Veinor | ||
alanS21 | hello every all | 17:22 |
jrib | Totem: yes, by setting up a group | 17:22 |
friend1 | fde: nothing | 17:22 |
fde | Totem: Add the user to the line in /etc/group is easiest | 17:23 |
=== D4s0tt0c4t is now known as _0tt0v0nc4t_ | ||
fde | friend1: What are you trying to run exactly? | 17:23 |
Totem | You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again. | 17:24 |
astro76 | philsf: iwl is the Intel supported project afaik, ipw is deprecated | 17:24 |
genii | jrib: Then the user can write there and apache can also use the files. It's far from a comprehensively secure way I agree | 17:24 |
Totem | fde:You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again. | 17:24 |
jrib | Totem: create a group, add your user to the group, change group ownership and group permissions of /var/www, log out, log back in, done | 17:24 |
fde | Totem: sudo nano /etc/group | 17:24 |
fde | Totem: replace nano with your fav editor | 17:24 |
astro76 | philsf: http://intellinuxwireless.org/ | 17:24 |
friend1 | any app, it's not working with any app, only if I run from terminal, but I don't know all rutes to my apps | 17:24 |
Totem | ok, thanks | 17:24 |
Totem | is there someway to do that without a terminal? | 17:25 |
MurielGodoi | Hi, Anyone knows if Firefox 3 rc1 will be available in Ubuntu repositories? | 17:25 |
jrib | Totem: yes | 17:25 |
aidan_ | best freeware webiste design program? | 17:25 |
astro76 | MurielGodoi: yes, soon | 17:25 |
fde | Totem: System > Administration > Users and Groups... | 17:25 |
fde | aidan_: probably kompoze | 17:25 |
MurielGodoi | astro76: cool, thanks | 17:26 |
fde | !best | 17:26 |
ubottu | Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 17:26 |
philsf | astro76: thanks for the info | 17:26 |
dolphin_noel | what do you guys think itis the best coniguration to the laptop ntfs or pal?! dont pal will make the xorg.conf lose refresh rate?! | 17:26 |
blessed_guess | bye | 17:27 |
fde | dolphin_noel: umm... what is pal? | 17:27 |
bobby_ | hello | 17:27 |
bobby_ | i need some help | 17:27 |
astro76 | dolphin_noel: can you clarify what you mean, ntfs is a windows filesystem, pal and NTSC are television standards | 17:27 |
fde | !help | 17:27 |
dolphin_noel | fde the display resolution in the bios configuration ... | 17:27 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 17:27 |
komputes | fde: as in PAL video? | 17:27 |
hak5fan | bobby: sure | 17:27 |
Totem | can I just add my main user to the root group? | 17:27 |
dolphin_noel | astro76 yes ntsc sorry | 17:27 |
fde | dolphin_noel: And how does that relate to NTFS? | 17:28 |
dolphin_noel | or i correct the quetion | 17:28 |
berent | i see 3 letters of 'u' and one letter of 'n' which look like porn chat symbols on the ubuntu sticker. even the sticker is shaped like a 'u' when seen horizontally. who has designed this way of writing our ubuntu | 17:28 |
dolphin_noel | what do you guys think itis the best coniguration to the laptop ntsc or pal?! dont pal will make the xorg.conf lose refresh rate?! | 17:28 |
fde | !ask | bobby_ | 17:28 |
ubottu | bobby_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 17:28 |
bobby_ | i just installed ubuntu 8.04 and when i boot i dont get the ubuntu logo with the bar... also i dont get the splash screen... i have a 2.4GHx P4 processor and 845 motherboard | 17:28 |
Test_ | test | 17:28 |
komputes | fde: it doesn't but i can see how someone can mistakingly call NTFS NTSC | 17:28 |
Test_ | test | 17:28 |
Test_ | hello | 17:28 |
Broadcom | Test_ it works | 17:28 |
Totem | nvm... | 17:28 |
jrib | berent: that can't be a serious question right? | 17:28 |
Rabbitbunny | Totem: That would be a bad idea. | 17:28 |
komputes | Does anyone know any alternate Time and Date Gnome Panel Applets? | 17:29 |
astro76 | dolphin_noel: such a setting I would imagine would only apply to TV out, and it depends on what country you live as to what standard your TV is | 17:29 |
hak5fan | bobby_: that happens some times does it really matter? | 17:29 |
bobby_ | i just installed ubuntu 8.04 and when i boot i dont get the ubuntu logo, i just get a blank screen and it shows the login window after quite a long time.. with the bar... also i dont get the splash screen... i have a 2.4GHx P4 processor and 845 motherboard | 17:29 |
becker | Hi Can someone please explain to me why when I use synaptic to install a program (most recently opera) it doesn't put a launcher in the menu I started it by typing opera in a terminal but then its tied to the terminal ..... how can i sort this? | 17:29 |
legend2440 | |DuReX|: i see what you mean about it opening box. i got it to work by creating playlist with easytag and including full path to mp3 files now when i open with audacious it plays the mp3s | 17:29 |
Totem | I just want to be able to access var/www | 17:29 |
Totem | how do I do that? | 17:29 |
dolphin_noel | astro76 so the bios configuration to pal or ntsc dont have nathing to do whith refresh rate ... in xorg.conf ?! | 17:29 |
dolphin_noel | and the screen display?! | 17:30 |
astro76 | becker: well not answering your main question, but you hit alt+F2 and type the command there ;) | 17:30 |
jrib | Totem: did you understand what I explained to you? | 17:30 |
Uplink | i need help. Im getting NO sound at all | 17:30 |
bobby_ | hak5fan, yeah.. i think it matters becos im trying to get my people to convert to ubuntu and when the startup screen itself fails.. it doesnt leave such a good impression | 17:30 |
Rabbitbunny | Totem: man chmod, man chown. | 17:30 |
fde | becker: You can just fire up the menu editor by right clicking the word "Applications" to make it see changes. | 17:30 |
astro76 | dolphin_noel: correct, should be for tv out only | 17:30 |
fde | becker: Ought to be automatic, but it's often not. | 17:30 |
Totem | !man | 17:30 |
ubottu | The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 17:30 |
Totem | !chmod | 17:30 |
ubottu | An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview | 17:30 |
hak5fan | bobby_ so does it take much over a minute | 17:30 |
becker | thx fde / astro76 ' | 17:30 |
Totem | !chown | 17:30 |
ubottu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 17:30 |
fde | Totem: /msg the bot please | 17:30 |
jrib | Totem: stop doing that, /msg the bot privately | 17:30 |
dolphin_noel | astro76 yes but in the bios it talks about the display ... you shure about that?! | 17:31 |
fde | jrib: beat you :P | 17:31 |
bobby_ | hak5fan, no... i think it is within the patience limit.. under a min | 17:31 |
Uplink | i need help. Im getting NO sound at all | 17:31 |
Totem | jrib: no, I don't | 17:31 |
Totem | well, I need to go | 17:31 |
Totem | i'll figure it out | 17:31 |
Totem | bye | 17:31 |
berent | jrib: i did not want to make it serious but when i recieved some cd's today of hardy( one more "hard" name!!) i was like. why is it so obvious everywhere? and the sticker is quite big. i would love something which is compact and beautiful like asus, amd or even marketman windows!! | 17:31 |
FloodBot1 | Totem: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:31 |
fde | Uplink: Creative card? | 17:31 |
Uplink | fde no | 17:31 |
hak5fan | bobby_ so it's just the estetic aspect then? | 17:31 |
bobby_ | hak5fan, yeah :) | 17:31 |
Broadcom | !ot | berent | 17:31 |
ubottu | berent: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 17:31 |
bobby_ | everything else works perfect | 17:31 |
fde | Uplink: What does 'lspci | grep -i audio' say? | 17:31 |
astro76 | dolphin_noel: yes, are you having problems? | 17:31 |
dolphin_noel | astro76 the out if from the graphic card dont?! yes im having problems try to configure the refresh ratein linux in this laptop :x | 17:32 |
dolphin_noel | to low ... | 17:32 |
Uplink | fde 00:14.5 Multimedia audio controller: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB400 AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02) | 17:32 |
berent | i hope the marketing standards are as essential as the coding standards | 17:32 |
becker | cool guys both those ideas worked a treat | 17:32 |
dolphin_noel | for what windows use then nvidia detects ... another frequency ... | 17:32 |
Rabbitbunny | berent: off-topic. move it along. | 17:33 |
fde | Uplink: I have no idea about ATI sound cards... see what ubottu is about to tell you please | 17:33 |
dolphin_noel | in linux ... i save the xorg from nvidia and dont work ... | 17:33 |
astro76 | berent: you might ask in #ubuntu-marketing | 17:33 |
fde | !sound > Uplink | 17:33 |
gonzoism | someone help me | 17:33 |
hak5fan | bobby_ do you get the kernel output and the startup in text or just black screen? | 17:33 |
gonzoism | i can't get tor to work. | 17:33 |
berent | astro76 :is it. ok | 17:33 |
gonzoism | i don't know what i am doing | 17:33 |
dolphin_noel | astro76 and then it reconize more refresh then windows 68 and not 60 ... like windows .... | 17:33 |
bobby_ | hak5fan, just a blank screen | 17:33 |
Uplink | fde, why alsa is not working for me? | 17:33 |
dolphin_noel | one confution | 17:33 |
gonzoism | i have been messing with it over a month | 17:33 |
gonzoism | off and on | 17:33 |
dolphin_noel | astro76 any ideia?! | 17:33 |
Uplink | fde, i tried all that b4 i came in here | 17:33 |
gonzoism | its the first time i've had a problem | 17:33 |
becker | next Q on winxp I use winamp for music what do u guys recommend on ubuntu pls | 17:33 |
Rabbitbunny | gonzoism: google for a better tutorial. | 17:34 |
fde | Uplink: Probably your sound card isn't supported... ATI doesn't play particularly well with Linux... | 17:34 |
Zambezi | Anyone managed to install a working casinoclient in Hardy (with Wine)? | 17:34 |
gonzoism | Rabbitbunny, i don't think its the tutorial..... | 17:34 |
Uplink | fde, it was working perfect before a stupid update linux did | 17:34 |
Rabbitbunny | becker: I like xmms. | 17:34 |
astro76 | becker: Audacious is like winamp | 17:34 |
hak5fan | bobby_ that's unusual... can you post /boot/grub/menu.lst in a pastebin? like pastebin.ca and give me the link? | 17:34 |
gonzoism | Rabbitbunny, install tor, install privoxy, set them up to use each other, | 17:34 |
bobby_ | hak5fan, ok | 17:34 |
fde | Uplink: I'm unfamiliar with the card, sorry. | 17:34 |
astro76 | dolphin_noel: no further ones no ;) | 17:34 |
Uplink | fde, i blacklisted the drivers and now i dont get ANY sound at all | 17:35 |
mdeering_ | http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/libpurple-dev: Does the [security] mean that this package is not in the standard package repository? | 17:35 |
fde | Uplink: You understand that blacklisting means it won't attempt to load the driver at all? Which would explain why it's not working... | 17:35 |
astro76 | mdeering_: correct, there has been a security update for that package | 17:35 |
Uplink | fde, i took it off and i still get no sound at all | 17:36 |
dolphin_noel | astro76 i was thinking ... that the out to the tv have to do whith graphic card and not whith bios setting display ... :x i dontknow :x so what you recomend pal ?! | 17:36 |
hak5fan | Uplink try rebooting or manually modprobing the driver | 17:36 |
astro76 | dolphin_noel: what country are yo uin? | 17:36 |
Uplink | hak5fan, i did | 17:36 |
=== ivo_ is now known as kinnune | ||
dolphin_noel | astro76 portugal | 17:36 |
hak5fan | Uplink: That's strange | 17:36 |
grobda24 | I've checked my kernels in startup. Does generic support mutli processor systems ( a quad core in this case) ? | 17:36 |
Uplink | hak5fan, really strange.... and on windows works fine | 17:37 |
astro76 | dolphin_noel: you're PAL | 17:37 |
mdeering_ | astro76: So it is no longer available or there is another repo I need to add to apt-get for it to find it? knowledge limited to "sudo apt-get install libpurple-dev" :( | 17:37 |
bobboy | fde: thankyou the medibuntu repository works like a charm.. | 17:37 |
bobby_ | hak5fan, im having some trouble opening sites with my browser right now... some local internet prob i guess | 17:37 |
dolphin_noel | astro76 ok thanks i will use this one have bether resolution thye say :x thanks for the help and your time :) | 17:37 |
bobby_ | can i private msg it to you? | 17:37 |
hak5fan | sure | 17:38 |
astro76 | mdeering_: it's still available with apt-get install, you should have the security repo enabled by default | 17:39 |
jrojas | hi.. since my ubuntu hardy installation, my favorite music player audacious, is dead :S | 17:39 |
jrojas | someone has same problem? | 17:39 |
Uplink | my alsamixer is not working :((( | 17:39 |
lnar | nope jrojas but try reinstalling it | 17:40 |
dolphin_noel | astro76 i bealiver this probablly have something to do whith tv signal ... from the countrys :x duno if there is osmething about my display :x | 17:40 |
becker | last Q the sound on my acer laptop is so quiet even at max volume that its unusable even with headphones any suggestions pls? | 17:40 |
hak5fan | bobby_ and browser problem could be solved by turning off ipv6. It has to be something with your browser as irc is still working | 17:40 |
dolphin_noel | maby some out ... :x i dont know strange | 17:40 |
lnar | Uplink, reinstall it | 17:40 |
jrojas | lnar i already reinstalled it :( | 17:40 |
Uplink | lnar, how? | 17:40 |
lnar | try deleting the folder .audacious from ur home | 17:40 |
Uplink | alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory | 17:40 |
astro76 | becker: double click the volume icon to open the mixer, ensure all levels are up, including Master and PCM | 17:40 |
lnar | Uplink, use synaptic to do so | 17:41 |
bobby_ | hak5fan, done | 17:41 |
bobby_ | hak5fan, oh! how do i turn it off? | 17:41 |
* N3bunel saluta | 17:41 | |
jrib | Uplink: go to preferences in audacious and change the sound output to PulseAudio | 17:41 |
hak5fan | Well I'm not quite sure if that's the problem, so you should try rebooting first | 17:41 |
Uplink | jrib i dont have audacious | 17:41 |
becker | astro76: thx checking it now | 17:41 |
marathe25 | Having a problem: Ubuntu is only detecting one core of my AMD Dual Core processor | 17:42 |
marathe25 | Any ideas? | 17:42 |
hak5fan | bobby_ where's the pm, i'm a real irc noob | 17:42 |
lnar | marathe25, that a kernel problem... u have to install the correct kernel for ur pc | 17:42 |
BlueDevil | marathe25: how do you know it's only detecting one core? | 17:42 |
bobby_ | hak5fan, it should be in one of your tabs. and how do i disable ipv6? | 17:42 |
Swish | I'm trying to configure a kernel that I've downloaded by way of apt-get source linux-image-`uname -r` to my ~/src dir... the config files in debian/config/amd64 are split up so if I wanted to use xconfig, how do I do this right? | 17:42 |
marathe25 | cat /prov/cpuinfo | 17:43 |
jrib | jrojas: go to preferences in audacious and change the sound output to PulseAudio | 17:43 |
hak5fan | bobby_: 2 sec | 17:43 |
jrib | Uplink: sorry, thought lnar was addressing you | 17:43 |
bobby_ | hak5fan, ok | 17:43 |
lnar | marathe25, type linux or kernel in synaptic and see which one is better | 17:43 |
marathe25 | so what should I use instead of generic? | 17:43 |
lnar | marathe25, u have ubuntu i386? | 17:43 |
astro76 | marathe25: you should be using generic actually | 17:44 |
marathe25 | correct | 17:44 |
BlueDevil | marathe25: what does "dmesg|grep 'Initializing CPU'" show? | 17:44 |
marathe25 | BlueDevil: nothing | 17:44 |
fde | marathe25: How do you know it's only detecting one? | 17:45 |
CTho | how do i get rid of the "The media contains digital photos." bar when browsing my digital camera? | 17:45 |
hak5fan | bobby_: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/11/18/how-to-disable-ipv6-on-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon/ | 17:45 |
lnar | marathe25, system adm system monitor theres where u see one cpu? | 17:45 |
Uplink | my sound drivers are NOT being picked up! T_T | 17:45 |
bobby_ | hak5fan, thanks | 17:45 |
bobby_ | hak5fan, real funny... my browsers not working :D | 17:46 |
danyocean | bonne nuit | 17:46 |
marathe25 | Inar: System Monitor shows only one, and cat /proc/cpuinfo also shows only one core | 17:46 |
hak5fan | bobby_: ah lol | 17:46 |
bobby_ | hak5fan, haha | 17:46 |
lnar | marathe25, ok let me check the kernels | 17:46 |
Notscape | Hi, Is there a way to upgrade from a LTS to another ? (ie from 6.06 to 8.04) | 17:46 |
anirudh0 | CTho, open nautilus...then in preferences, uncheck the digicam option | 17:46 |
hak5fan | bobby_ have you tried a different browser | 17:46 |
bobby_ | hmm | 17:46 |
bobby_ | hak5fan, any suggestions? | 17:47 |
CTho | anirudh0: is there a one-time way of doing it? | 17:47 |
astro76 | Notscape: yes that is supported | 17:47 |
hak5fan | bobby_: e.g opera | 17:47 |
Notscape | astro76: is it documented somewhere ? | 17:47 |
bobby_ | hak5fan, installing it now | 17:47 |
marathe25 | If it helps at all, I was previously running the amd64 version of Hardy, but downgraded to i386 for compatibility reasons last night, and on this new install only one core shows up | 17:47 |
anirudh0 | CTho, its a one-time way... | 17:47 |
lnar | marathe25, check if u have linux backport modules | 17:47 |
Pers3ux | !smartlink | 17:47 |
ubottu | Factoid smartlink not found | 17:47 |
astro76 | Notscape: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading | 17:47 |
fde | marathe25: http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/cpu-hotplug.txt | 17:47 |
CTho | anirudh0: but then it'll never show up, right? what if I want it to go away this time but come up next time? | 17:48 |
BlueDevil | Uplink: what does running "asoundconf list" output? | 17:48 |
Pers3ux | !sl-modem | 17:48 |
ubottu | Factoid sl-modem not found | 17:48 |
fde | !modem | 17:48 |
ubottu | You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto | 17:48 |
Pers3ux | !sl-modem-source | 17:48 |
ubottu | Factoid sl-modem-source not found | 17:48 |
hak5fan | bobby_ no that's not in the repos... install links and then type links www.google.com in a terminal to test | 17:48 |
aidan_ | does steam and games work on ubuntu? | 17:48 |
Uplink | BlueDevil, Names of available sound cards: | 17:48 |
Uplink | Modem | 17:48 |
marathe25 | Inar: how do I do that? | 17:48 |
bobby_ | hak5fan, its installing now | 17:48 |
anirudh0 | CTho, you could always change it later...dont know of any other way though.. | 17:48 |
bobby_ | hak5fan, it is there in the repos | 17:48 |
Notscape | astro76: thnks | 17:48 |
CTho | anirudh0: ok, thanks | 17:48 |
=== asfdsadgsg is now known as jkirby | ||
Pers3ux | Hey people, i can't compile smartLink modem driver :( | 17:49 |
Pers3ux | can u help me? | 17:49 |
lnar | marathe25, use synaptic and search for linux, then there are some packages called linux-backports install the corrrect one for ur kernel, then restart the computer | 17:49 |
Pers3ux | m-a says: operation failed! | 17:49 |
marathe25 | OK, thanks | 17:49 |
marathe25 | be back in a few if it doesn't work | 17:49 |
Pers3ux | i don't know whats wrong! | 17:49 |
HH8 | hello what program do i need to use my dlink usb web cam on HH8 | 17:49 |
bobby_ | hak5fan, opera too is not working | 17:50 |
arc_shmoo | does anyone know how to break a RAID 1 into a RAID 0 without killing all the data? | 17:50 |
lnar | HH8 cheese | 17:50 |
anirudh0 | HH8, what do you wnt to do with it? | 17:50 |
PodMan99a | hey all... can i use a one liner to extract current traffic on my network interfaces? | 17:50 |
HH8 | just be able to use/see video | 17:50 |
hak5fan | bobby_ that's not good 2 sec | 17:50 |
anirudh0 | HH8, skype'll do video chat...xawtv for seeing video | 17:50 |
asdyute | what the fuck? | 17:50 |
jjlee | just installed hardy, playing video on youtube works (no sound yet), but playing video on google video does not | 17:50 |
lnar | HH8, cheese | 17:50 |
simplexio | PodMan99a: define extract traffic | 17:50 |
jjlee | is that a known issue? | 17:50 |
Myrtti | !language | asdyute | 17:50 |
ubottu | asdyute: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 17:50 |
asdyute | I can has cheezburger? | 17:50 |
anirudh0 | HH8, i vaguely remember an application called camorama as well... | 17:50 |
hak5fan | bobby_ you have ofcource tried rebooting? | 17:51 |
PodMan99a | simplexio, current transfer rate sorry | 17:51 |
anirudh0 | jjlee, no | 17:51 |
HH8 | anirudh0: thanks il look it up | 17:51 |
simplexio | PodMan99a: tcpdump is cmdline prog, wireshark is X | 17:51 |
simplexio | PodMan99a: ahh | 17:51 |
anirudh0 | jjlee, you are sure you have'nt installed any blocking extensions | 17:51 |
BlueDevil | Uplink: cat /proc/asound/cards | 17:51 |
simplexio | PodMan99a: iptraf tell you that and little more, but is ncurses program | 17:51 |
Uplink | BlueDevil, 1 [Modem ]: ATIIXP-MODEM - ATI IXP Modem | 17:52 |
Uplink | ATI IXP Modem rev 2 at 0xb0003800, irq 17 | 17:52 |
jjlee | anirudh0: only chatzilla :-) | 17:52 |
theLichKing | is there a free software similar to lightroom (ie, managing pictures and applying simple color and exposure corrections professionally)? | 17:52 |
asdyute | i has asslickingcocksuckingmotherfucking penis | 17:52 |
Myrtti | käytöstavat unohtunet, asdyute? | 17:52 |
jjlee | anirudh0: what do you mean by "blocking extensions"? | 17:52 |
Seeker` | !ops | asdyute | 17:52 |
asdyute | ei oo | 17:52 |
ubottu | asdyute: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01! | 17:52 |
anirudh0 | jjlee, adblock,flashblock and the like... | 17:52 |
sasddfg | hi, somebody know where is the | 17:52 |
sasddfg | ip config file in sme server | 17:52 |
sasddfg | ??? | 17:52 |
jjlee | anirudh0: no, only non-ubufox extension installed is chatzilla (and the problem was the same before I installed that) | 17:53 |
jjlee | guess I'm SOL | 17:53 |
_DonDon | Hi, I am running Ubuntu 8.04 on a Live CD (64 bit), and I can't get my Atheros wireless (integrated) card working. It says that its using proprietary drivers to make them work properly although they aren't working, and under network it only has wired as a selection and there's no where I can scan for wireless networks. | 17:53 |
anirudh0 | Jack_Sparrow, i still believe ubottu should scan for foul language | 17:53 |
asdyute | asdfkernel? | 17:53 |
HH8 | ty | 17:53 |
jjlee | maybe I'll try gnash, though last time I tried, that was a dead loss | 17:53 |
lnar | _DonDon, there are restricted modules for that | 17:53 |
Myrtti | asdyute: behave | 17:53 |
BlueDevil | Uplink: did you try booting the livecd? does your soundcard work then? | 17:53 |
anirudh0 | jjlee, can you post a screenshot of the google video page? | 17:53 |
jjlee | sure | 17:54 |
asdyute | onks ihan pakko? | 17:54 |
anirudh0 | jjlee, flash should'nt care about the site | 17:54 |
_DonDon | lnar, anyway I can get the wireless card working? | 17:54 |
Myrtti | asdyute: yes | 17:54 |
Uplink | BlueDevil, i havent... I | 17:54 |
anirudh0 | jjlee, and a google site wont have codeing errors | 17:54 |
asdyute | okei | 17:54 |
MagnusZeus | help!! | 17:54 |
jjlee | though perhaps it's more informative for me to describe what happens | 17:54 |
anirudh0 | jjlee, *coding | 17:54 |
anirudh0 | jjlee, go on | 17:54 |
asdyute | longcat is looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong | 17:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | !helpme | MagnusZeus | 17:54 |
ubottu | MagnusZeus: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience | 17:54 |
BlueDevil | Uplink: that's what i would do | 17:54 |
MagnusZeus | I want to install Ubuntu 8.04 from usb stick | 17:54 |
jjlee | visiting video.google.com, I see pretty much what I'd expect. hmm, ok, screenshot will follow in a mo... | 17:55 |
astro76 | !install | MagnusZeus | 17:55 |
lnar | _DonDon, u should im using one right now... but had to install restricted modules first... and im sure u wont be able to do that if u are in LiveCD | 17:55 |
ubottu | MagnusZeus: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 17:55 |
BlueDevil | Uplink: if it works under the livecd, there's something wrong with your install | 17:55 |
MagnusZeus | i've some problem with my cd rom | 17:55 |
hak5fan | jjlee: Are you sure you're using the official flash player from adobe and not gnash? | 17:55 |
Ace_NoOne | is there a way to mass-update symlinks when moving the target (e..g ~/foo/config to ~/foo/bar/config) | 17:55 |
Uplink | BlueDevil, i believe so... :( | 17:55 |
anirudh0 | Ace_NoOne, script | 17:55 |
javier | Hello. Can anyone assist me as to setting up a telnet server on Ubuntu? What package should I use? | 17:55 |
BlueDevil | Uplink: if it doesn't work with the livecd and it used to work previously post a bug in launchpad | 17:55 |
Ace_NoOne | anirudh0: hmm, can't think of an approach here | 17:55 |
anirudh0 | javier, telnetd | 17:55 |
_DonDon | Inar, I will install the Ubuntu and then I'll get back to you | 17:55 |
javier | thanks I'll try that | 17:55 |
anirudh0 | Ace_NoOne, write a python or bash shell script | 17:55 |
Uplink | BlueDevil, I'll try ty... BRB :D | 17:56 |
BlueDevil | javier: why do you want to setup a telnet server? | 17:56 |
lnar | _DonDon, hope im here to help u out | 17:56 |
astro76 | javier: why do you want telnet specifically? | 17:56 |
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb | ||
javier | BlueDevil: I need it for some practices | 17:56 |
javier | BlueDevil: not that i want to :P | 17:56 |
p | how does ubuntu let me write and delet something at other partitions like a windows or espezialy a mac partition | 17:56 |
anirudh0 | javier, wait | 17:56 |
becker | astro76: I wouldn't call it loud but it's a definate improvement | 17:56 |
javier | anirudh0: alright (...waits...) | 17:56 |
Swish | arc_shmoo, a RAID 0 only stores half the information on each disk (striped) ... it does not seem logically possible to convert a RAID-1 to a RAID-0 without totally redoing the data layout on disk.. which means software has to do a long conversion process. Have you googled? | 17:56 |
astro76 | javier: because usually you use ssh instead of telnet | 17:56 |
blackcoatman | hey hey, can I ask something? i'm bugged by a bug in Hardy... | 17:56 |
Ace_NoOne | anirudh0: what would that script do? find all symlinks targeting ~/foo/config/, update to ~/foo/bar/config/ ? I wouldn't know how to do that | 17:56 |
p | i must delet some files in the mac partition | 17:56 |
axisys_ | is there a channel that discusses specifically about wifi issues? | 17:56 |
javier | astro76: I know, but as I said, I'm obliged to use telnet | 17:56 |
jjlee | hak5fan: yes, adobe's player, not gnash | 17:56 |
BlueDevil | javier: make sure you don't leave it wide open | 17:56 |
arc_shmoo | Swish: yes | 17:57 |
macd | After I set an LVM group active, what is the device that I mount in fstab? | 17:57 |
anirudh0 | javier, nope...i thought i had given you the wrong package...its telnet-server as well as telnetd | 17:57 |
javier | BlueDevil: how do you mean? | 17:57 |
fde | p: install hfsplus | 17:57 |
jjlee | is there a pastebin-like facility that allows upload of .png images? | 17:57 |
javier | anirudh0: thank you very much | 17:57 |
astro76 | axisys_: this channel would be slow without proprietary wifi and graphics issues :p | 17:57 |
Swish | arc_shmoo, so does such a tool exist? :) | 17:57 |
hak5fan | jjlee: ok.. I just wondered because gnash tends not to work | 17:57 |
macd | astro76, boy would it. | 17:57 |
arc_shmoo | Swish: not that i can find | 17:57 |
p | fde: ok | 17:57 |
mib_kdcftb | Hello... I'm having trouble installing "X11::GUITest" for use with the P1510D tablet driver at http://samengstrom.com/nxl/3566/p1510_touchscreen_page.en.html | 17:57 |
rainman | hi what do i need 2 run windows? | 17:57 |
astro76 | javier: only use it over local network because passwords are transmitted in plain text | 17:57 |
BlueDevil | javier: i mean, restrict access to it via a firewall at least | 17:57 |
hackel | When I share a folder in nautilus, how can I change the permissions so that files are created with MY UID, or with world/group-writeable permissions? Or do I just have to add it to smb.conf manually? | 17:57 |
Swish | arc_shmoo, I didn't see anything in the md commands that converted between RAID levels like that either | 17:57 |
arc_shmoo | Swish: can you use ghost to restore the data? | 17:57 |
anirudh0 | Ace_NoOne, cant think of any simple way to help you then...but have a look at krename...its in the repos | 17:57 |
lnar | why is people having so much trouble with wifi?? I didnt have to do anything to get it working | 17:57 |
Ace_NoOne | thanks anirudh0 | 17:58 |
magnetron | rainman: you need a copy of windows, i guess | 17:58 |
Swish | arc_shmoo, of course. Heck you could probably also "dd" it | 17:58 |
Terabyte | Hey, I'm having problems with getting onto the internet (or even my network) in ubuntu 8.04. It worked fine in 7.04, but now it doesn't. The physical connections are all there (I can get online with vista), just in ubuntu it doesn't work. Any ideas? | 17:58 |
axisys_ | astro76: well I am having network manager forgetting the key when ipw2200 restarts.. used to be fine with gutsy | 17:58 |
macd | rainman, virtualbox, vmware-server, kvm, xen, all are virtualization technologies that allow you to run windows within linux. | 17:58 |
BlueDevil | javier: if feasible make it listen on localhost onl | 17:58 |
arc_shmoo | Swish: dd? | 17:58 |
BlueDevil | y | 17:58 |
magnetron | lnar: some cards are crap. | 17:58 |
marathe25 | Inar: the backport fix didn't work | 17:58 |
axisys_ | astro76: any fix for that or workaround | 17:58 |
javier | BlueDevil: Oh well, that's not really part of the practice, so I don't need to worry about that ^^ | 17:58 |
javier | BlueDevil: but thanks for the advice nonetheless | 17:58 |
Swish | arc_shmoo, just make sure you're reading the raw data from the block-device-level that stores your data consecutively... not from the raw hard drive | 17:58 |
anirudh0 | Terabyte, details please...type of card, way of connecting etc | 17:58 |
lnar | marathe25, still see one? | 17:58 |
axisys_ | astro76: here is the log http://paste.ubuntu.com/14799/ | 17:58 |
marathe25 | yep | 17:58 |
lnar | marathe25, tell me what u installed | 17:58 |
Swish | meaning not from /dev/sda, but rather from /dev/md0 | 17:58 |
MagnusZeus | this is my problem: i saw the help page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick...then I set my usb stick as described..after that I reboot the system and type the command live-install..it appears loading vmlinuz and initrd.gz | 17:59 |
anirudh0 | lnar, why would installing the backports help? | 17:59 |
Swish | arc_shmoo, dd reads raw data from a device | 17:59 |
alexi5 | have any of you guys installed the 64 bit version of ubuntu ? | 17:59 |
hak5fan | booby_ hows things going? | 17:59 |
MagnusZeus | but after that | 17:59 |
javier | it says telnet-server has no candidate for it's instalattion, and it gives me several choices wich to choose from anirudh0 | 17:59 |
Terabyte | anirudh0 Striker Extreme Nforce 6 motherboard with 1 of 2 wired connections being used. | 17:59 |
magnetron | !anyone | alexi5 | 17:59 |
ubottu | alexi5: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 17:59 |
legend2440 | theLichKing: http://bluemarine.tidalwave.it/ | 17:59 |
macd | alexi5, yes, on the server variant, I dont think the desktop really needs 64bit yet | 17:59 |
anirudh0 | javier, choose one then :)...i doubt it matters much which one you choose | 18:00 |
MagnusZeus | it doesn't work anymore | 18:00 |
lnar | anirudh0, there are some modules that arent charge from the beginin | 18:00 |
javier | anirudh0: ill do that ;) | 18:00 |
esa1 | from | 18:00 |
esa1 | from | 18:00 |
esa1 | from | 18:00 |
FloodBot1 | esa1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:00 |
p | fde: ive installed hfsplus but it appears this "Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume 'PG HDD" when i try to get in the partition | 18:00 |
marathe25 | Inar: linux-backports-module-hardy-386 | 18:00 |
lnar | marathe25, in that case try ubuntu for amd 64bits | 18:00 |
MagnusZeus | some helps? | 18:00 |
MagnusZeus | i think that the problem is in the syslinux.cfg file | 18:01 |
anirudh0 | Terabyte, connecting via dhcp or pppoe? | 18:01 |
alexi5 | i have a AMD64 x2 with $GB of ram and i trying to decide whether to install the 32 bit and waste 2GB of RAM or use the 64 bit and get to use the full amouunt of memeory | 18:01 |
javier | Erhm does someone know how to insert a backlash in Ubuntu terminal with a Macintosh keyboard? :! | 18:01 |
Terabyte | dhcp | 18:01 |
p | fde: yesterday it works great but i diddn had this hfsplus tool but i was able to see some files | 18:01 |
marathe25 | Inar: wait, it looks like I should have installed the generic version | 18:01 |
marathe25 | sorry, let me try that again | 18:01 |
anirudh0 | Terabyte, what does this give "/etc/init.d/dhcpd restart" | 18:01 |
javier | found out, nvm ;) | 18:01 |
simplexio | alexi5: or use 32bit with highmeme support | 18:01 |
Terabyte | anirudh0 dhcp* | 18:01 |
anirudh0 | Terabyte, add a sudo | 18:01 |
robg_ | alexi5 RAM wastage inevitable | 18:01 |
alexi5 | i had alot of problems with the 64bit version with ubuntu 7.10 | 18:01 |
lnar | marathe25, hehe there we go | 18:02 |
astro76 | alexi5: 32bit will use 3GB of ram | 18:02 |
arc_shmoo | Swish: im giving it a go brb | 18:02 |
astro76 | alexi5: I'm running 32bit on 4GB ram here | 18:02 |
fde | p: Ahh, there is a bug in Ubuntu apparently... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2221 | 18:02 |
Terabyte | anirudh0 "/etc/init.d/dhcpd: command not found" | 18:02 |
simplexio | alexi5: if you are going to use it as desktop with java + flash it much easier to just use 32bit with higmem, but i have no idea is higmem support enabled in default ubuntu kernel | 18:02 |
alexi5 | ok i'll stick with 32bit | 18:02 |
robg_ | alexi5: My system uses about 10% of RAM | 18:02 |
Terabyte | +restart | 18:02 |
anirudh0 | Terabyte, sorry dhcdbd | 18:02 |
Swish | I still haven't found how to properly compile a kernel for 8.04. rough sketch of what I'd like to do: apt-get source linux-image-`uname -r`; make xconfig; (change some options in debian/config/amd64); debian/rules updateconfig(??); AUTOBUILD=1 fakeroot debian/rules binary-server (?? I just want to build amd64-server) | 18:03 |
Swish | ^^ is that right? | 18:03 |
grobda24 | Does Ubuntu support mutli processor out of the box (an "Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600") ? | 18:03 |
magnetron | !compile | Swish | 18:03 |
ubottu | Swish: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 18:03 |
astro76 | grobda24: absolutely | 18:03 |
fde | grobda24: yes | 18:03 |
BlueDevil | grobda24: yes | 18:03 |
magnetron | grobda24: yes | 18:03 |
* Swish reads the link magnetron elicited | 18:03 | |
astro76 | !kernel | Swish | 18:03 |
ubottu | Swish: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages | 18:03 |
jjlee | OK, here's what google video looks like on my new hardy install: http://wwwsearch.sourceforge.net/bits/screenshot.png | 18:03 |
javier | !compile | Swish | 18:03 |
grobda24 | Great :) So I can just use the generic kernel ? | 18:03 |
javier | hmm | 18:03 |
Industrial | I dont understand the way some things are packaged. Like the gstreamer plugins. I'm looking for the modplug plugin or anytihng to play mod files as a gstreamer plugin but I get these "packs" ... why? | 18:04 |
Terabyte | anirudh0 *Restarting DHCP D-Bus daemon dhcdbd [OK] | 18:04 |
Terabyte | >prompt | 18:04 |
BlueDevil | Swish: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile | 18:04 |
Thomas_Hicks | help | 18:04 |
Industrial | apt-cache search gstreamer0.10- | 18:04 |
magnetron | jjlee: which flash player did you choose to install | 18:04 |
vo | hey, i'm looking for a beamer theme for LaTeX that has filled and open circles up at the top of each slide to indicate the progress through the sections... does anyone know of this? | 18:04 |
hackel | Industrial: It would be insane to package each individual plugin. | 18:05 |
simplexio | grobda24: i think ubuntu smp kernel support upto 8 as default or 4, not 100% sure, but you can also compile kernel and add support upto 256 cpus or more | 18:05 |
Swish | thanks guys I'm reading.. :) | 18:05 |
jjlee | clicking on a video causes a "Loading..." message to briefly flash up on the area that's black in the screenshot, and then brief messages about "connecting" and "waiting for" in the firefox status area | 18:05 |
Industrial | hackel: no it wouldnt, because now i have to go seach in what package the thing i need is | 18:05 |
STSX | Is there some here who would mind looking at their /etc/acpi/sleep.sh script and help me understand where in the script it looks for movement of the mouse to wake up? I would really like to understand it to troubleshoot. | 18:05 |
marathe25 | Inar: all right, I installed the correct backports module, but still no go | 18:05 |
Industrial | hackel: which defeats the purpose of apt-get. | 18:05 |
alexi5 | robg_:what type of stuff do you do on your system to allow it to take up only 10% of the memory | 18:05 |
anirudh0 | jjlee, amazing! i have the same problem | 18:05 |
jjlee | magnetron: flashplugin-nonfree | 18:05 |
astro76 | jjlee: did you install flashplugin-nonfree ? | 18:05 |
timing | IS it possible to install ubuntu using remote desktop? | 18:05 |
anirudh0 | jjlee, never knew | 18:05 |
hackel | Industrial: Yes, and you would waste a lot of overhead in package files all for a 32kb plugin file. \ | 18:05 |
timing | I don't have a monitor here | 18:05 |
anirudh0 | jjlee, aren'nt the videos at video.google also available on youtube? | 18:06 |
timing | Is there an RPC server running, if yes, what is user / passwd | 18:06 |
bobby_ | hak5fan, i tried rebooting | 18:06 |
anirudh0 | jjlee, google owns youtube after all | 18:06 |
jjlee | anirudh0: I think google has been busy recently improving integration with other sites | 18:06 |
lnar | marathe25, linux-headers u have that installed?? | 18:06 |
robg_ | alexi5: I had a Vista system that could barely support Vista. I wiped it off and now I can run 5 Linuxes without problem. | 18:06 |
jjlee | anirudh0: so it's possible it worked for you earlier | 18:06 |
hak5fan | bobby_ and? | 18:06 |
marathe25 | Inar: yes | 18:06 |
ramiel77 | when i am trying to install ubuntu 8.04 on m | 18:06 |
hackel | Industrial: The purpose of apt-get is to automatically retrieve debian package files from a repository. It has nothing to do with how things are packaged. And you would need to search for the package name containing your mod plugin in any case. Searching within the package is really no different. | 18:06 |
timing | man, noisy channel, bye | 18:06 |
}MatriX{ | Network error: Connection Refused | 18:06 |
}MatriX{ | how can he allow to connect to his port ? | 18:06 |
mcscruff | y | 18:07 |
Thomas_Hicks | help, I updated ubuntu using the auto updater today (may26), and now it will not open gnome or x, what should I do? | 18:07 |
anirudh0 | jjlee, hey...all videos have a "watch on youtube" link | 18:07 |
mcscruff | anyone use screenlets? | 18:07 |
jjlee | anybody have a gutsy box they can try looking at video.google.com? | 18:07 |
Industrial | hackel: How do i know which package I need then? | 18:07 |
bobby_ | hak5fan, the blank screen is still there | 18:07 |
alexi5 | robg_:5 linuxes on one system? is that through some sort of virtualization | 18:07 |
ramiel77 | when i am trying to install ubuntu 8.04 on my desktop it will do the loading bar animation and then display a blank screen, any ideas how to fix it? | 18:07 |
BlueDevil | STSX: I don't think in that script mouse movement is checked | 18:07 |
Industrial | hackel: I'm not going to just install all of them | 18:07 |
jjlee | if not, I can reboot to gutsy and take a look | 18:07 |
Industrial | hackel: furthermore i just want that one gstreamer plugin and not everything in the package | 18:07 |
hak5fan | bobby_ and the browser? | 18:07 |
marathe25 | ramiel77: boot with the nosplash option, see what happens | 18:07 |
ramiel77 | marathe25, how do i do that? | 18:08 |
bobby_ | browser works fine now | 18:08 |
Terabyte | anirudh0 still doesn't work after that though. | 18:08 |
ledmushroom | ok I have issue's with the cdroms | 18:08 |
anirudh0 | jjlee, you said youtube worked fine right, so you could use the youtube links | 18:08 |
STSX | BlueDevil: How does the computer wake up then? I'm not understanding. | 18:08 |
bobby_ | hak5fan, thanks :)_ | 18:08 |
Swish | someone should fix the typo "368" on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel | 18:08 |
robg_ | alexi5: I disapprove of virtualisation. | 18:08 |
marathe25 | is ubuntu already installed, or are you using a live cd? | 18:08 |
Swish | (supposed to be 386) | 18:08 |
jjlee | anirudh0: yes -- though would be nice to discover a workaround | 18:08 |
ramiel77 | marathe25, i have windows on it currently, i'm booting from CD to install | 18:08 |
hak5fan | bobby_ then paste the contents of /boot/grub/menu.lst at pastebin.ca | 18:08 |
Swish | I've read that Kernel/Compile page (that's what I've been reading) but it isn't clear | 18:08 |
legend2440 | marathe25: type uname -a in terminal does it mention SMP anywhere? | 18:08 |
bobby_ | hak5fan, ok | 18:08 |
anirudh0 | Terabyte, post the output of "cat /var/log/syslog|grep dhcp" on pastebin | 18:09 |
DreadKnight_ | hello | 18:09 |
marathe25 | legend2440: yes, it does | 18:09 |
p | fde: wahhhhhhhhhhhh i dont get this shit | 18:09 |
Industrial | hackel: "GStreamer plugins from the "base" set " ... what is in the "base" set? and the "good" set? and the "bad" set? this makes no sense to me. | 18:09 |
BlueDevil | STSX: usually through some sort of hardware event | 18:09 |
hackel | Industrial: The package descriptions should specify which plugins each package contains, but I see that is no longer the case for all of them. I do think this is a problem. Though honestly, they're pretty small, I always just install everything. | 18:09 |
jjlee | and not sure if strictly *every* video has a "watch on youtube" link -- after all, not all of the videos are hosted on youtube, or any site associated with google | 18:09 |
DreadKnight_ | i installed ubuntu on my laptop (kubuntu), lenovo, and i don't have sound, please help xD | 18:09 |
legend2440 | marathe25: then dual core should work | 18:09 |
marathe25 | well, tell that to my box | 18:09 |
legend2440 | marathe25: lol | 18:10 |
bobby_ | hak5fan, http://pastebin.ca/1030137 | 18:10 |
Industrial | hackel: well I don't know which specific plugin I need. I'd like to be able to play module files (mod/it/s3m/etc) with QuodLibet. | 18:10 |
STSX | BlueDevil: Hmmm... hardware could mean mouse, correct? I can use that script to suspend my computer, and moving the mouse is what wakes it up. | 18:10 |
jjlee | and I still have the usual flash sound issue :-( think I'll try pulseaudio... | 18:10 |
Uplink | BlueDevil, guess what :| | 18:10 |
hak5fan | bobby_ lokking at it now... | 18:10 |
javier | DreadKnight_: turn the sound on...make sure everything is plugged...then get ur drivers | 18:10 |
javier | if nothing else works, burn ur portatil | 18:10 |
bobby_ | hak5fan, ok | 18:10 |
fde | p: Not much to get I'm afraid, it's broken. | 18:10 |
jjlee | DreadKnight_: sudo aplay -l | 18:10 |
BlueDevil | Uplink: what :) | 18:11 |
p | fde: the link is working but iam not so good in ubuntu^^ | 18:11 |
Uplink | BlueDevil, it worked with the live CD T_T | 18:11 |
legend2440 | marathe25: how do you know only 1 is working? checked in system monitor? | 18:11 |
anirudh0 | has anyone tried a timed wakeup from hibernate? | 18:11 |
ramiel77 | i'm working on installing ubuntu from a live CD however the screen blanks after the loading progress bar | 18:11 |
BlueDevil | Uplink: that's good news :) | 18:11 |
p | fde: it doesn 't mount my mac partition | 18:11 |
ramiel77 | anirudh0, i tried once on a laptop | 18:11 |
anirudh0 | as in hibernate computer, then wakeup 6 hours later automatically and execute some command | 18:11 |
hackel | Industrial: Also, this is the way plugins are packaged by gstreamer upstream... I agree the descriptions should ideally be changed. | 18:12 |
ziptnf | anyone know why windows snap to the top and bottom of the screen? it's annoying. | 18:12 |
marathe25 | legend2440: that, and cat /proc/cpuinfo lists only one core | 18:12 |
anirudh0 | ramiel77, how did you do it? | 18:12 |
legend2440 | marathe25: oh ok | 18:12 |
Industrial | hackel: hmm ok ill check the gstreamer site then | 18:12 |
Nitricacid | Can anyone help me apply a theme i downloaded, I am using emerald on a gnome desktop. Hardy heron | 18:12 |
BlueDevil | Uplink: maybe if you purge the relevant sound packages and install them again, it'll work | 18:12 |
Uplink | BlueDevil, lol i tried that | 18:13 |
anirudh0 | given a preexisting windows installation, and given that there is no access to a windows install image, can windows still be accessed under virtualization? | 18:13 |
DreadKnight_ | jjlee: http://pastebin.org/38652 | 18:13 |
fi_rez | wew | 18:13 |
lnar | Nitricacid, using compiz already? | 18:13 |
Thomas_Hicks | ....help, I updated ubuntu using the auto updater today (may26), and now it will not open gnome or x, I just get command line, what should I do? | 18:13 |
Nitricacid | lnar: yes | 18:13 |
Uplink | BlueDevil, BRB | 18:13 |
lnar | Nitricacid, ok open compiz manager | 18:13 |
p | fde: and its says only root can mount this partition in media | 18:13 |
BlueDevil | Uplink: i'm out of ideas ATM and need to bolt:) good lick | 18:13 |
BlueDevil | luck* | 18:13 |
anirudh0 | Nitricacid, apply emerald themes with emerald-theme-manager | 18:13 |
Nitricacid | lnar: ok | 18:13 |
Nitricacid | anirudh0: how | 18:13 |
fde | ziptnf: It's a feature... type 'gconf-editor' in a terminal ... browse to /apps/compiz/plugins/snap/allscreens/options and set it to 1 | 18:14 |
anirudh0 | Nitricacid, ? | 18:14 |
Nitricacid | anirudh0: theres no apply/ok? | 18:14 |
ziptnf | fde, beat ya to it | 18:14 |
lnar | Nitricacid, then in window decoration | 18:14 |
anirudh0 | Nitricacid, you need to install emerald-theme-manager first | 18:14 |
fde | ziptnf: :P | 18:14 |
Nitricacid | anirudh0: i dont know how to apply it lol | 18:14 |
ziptnf | fde, i didn't know it had to be UNCHECKED | 18:14 |
STSX | Thomas_Hicks: You could start with typing "dmesg" and see where all the errors are when it tried to load. | 18:14 |
Nitricacid | lnar: k | 18:14 |
anirudh0 | Nitricacid, oh..just click on it, there's no OK | 18:14 |
hackel | Industrial: http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/documentation/plugins.html | 18:14 |
Nitricacid | anirudh0: that doesnt work | 18:14 |
legend2440 | marathe25: is there a setting in the BIOS to enable dual core? | 18:14 |
spykedtomato | hey all i need HELP - is there any way to recover recently deleted files? I deleted the wrong directory in krusader........ | 18:15 |
arc_shmoo | does ubuntu have any issues installing on a stripe array? | 18:15 |
Terabyte | anirudh0 http://pastebin.ca/1030139 | 18:15 |
jjlee | DreadKnight_: so looks like you "ALC262 Digital" -- is that what you configured in System->Preferences->Sound? | 18:15 |
Nitricacid | lnar: what do i do in this window | 18:15 |
ziptnf | btw, in case anyone is interested, i had a GRUB issue previously where it wouldn't install GRUB. a simple workaround is to create a /boot partition and use that for GRUB | 18:15 |
lnar | Nitricacid, it says command there u have to erase what it says and write emerald --replace then install the theme in emerald then restart ur session | 18:15 |
zyx386_ | how to install Lexmark X74-X75 driver? | 18:15 |
Nitricacid | so like | 18:15 |
DreadKnight_ | jjlee: haven't configured anything :-) | 18:15 |
Nitricacid | emerald -- Duck | 18:15 |
Nitricacid | if its called Duck | 18:15 |
anirudh0 | Nitricacid, worked the last time i used it...have'nt used emerald in a while though :) | 18:15 |
jjlee | DreadKnight_: actually, I'm ignoring that dialog when setting up my system just now, since apparently PulseAudio is what all the kool kids are using now | 18:15 |
hackel | Industrial: That's all you need to know. :) gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad | 18:15 |
anirudh0 | lol | 18:15 |
fde | zyx386_: http://www.openprinting.org/printer_list.cgi is it supported? | 18:15 |
jjlee | DreadKnight_: http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup seems to be working for me so far | 18:16 |
bee-cyber | #indomp3z | 18:16 |
anirudh0 | Nitricacid, you mean Duck is a command line option? | 18:16 |
Nitricacid | no its the name of the theme | 18:16 |
Nitricacid | lnar: how do i phrase the command again? | 18:16 |
Industrial | hackel: thanks | 18:16 |
jjlee | DreadKnight_: I find the first thing to get working is aplay $(locate .wav | head -n 1) | 18:16 |
ramiel77 | i need help with live CD boot install? | 18:16 |
hak5fan | bobby_: here try this, it should work: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=770207 | 18:16 |
lnar | Nitricacid, emerald --replace | 18:16 |
anirudh0 | Terabyte, see this "....Exobyte dhclient: can't create /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.leases: Permission denied" | 18:16 |
Nitricacid | so emerald --Dusk | 18:17 |
DreadKnight_ | jjlee: hmm.. i'm on kde3 (kubuntu) actually | 18:17 |
Nitricacid | lnar: right? | 18:17 |
jjlee | DreadKnight_: (at least after you have the sound device you expect listed in aplay -l) | 18:17 |
lnar | Nitricacid, no just emerald --replace | 18:17 |
pecisk | hi people, anyone using Evolution with Bogofilter? It seems to learn spam, but somehow it doesn't detect anything in similar incoming letters | 18:17 |
jjlee | DreadKnight_: so follow that page I referenced, is my advice | 18:17 |
spykedtomato | is there any way to recover recently deleted files? I deleted the wrong directory in krusader........ | 18:17 |
Nitricacid | oh ok | 18:17 |
anirudh0 | DreadKnight_, aplay is provided by alsa, not gnome | 18:17 |
lnar | Nitricacid, u have emerald installed right? | 18:17 |
robg_ | ramiel77: what do you have now ? | 18:17 |
[LMM]Iowahc | hy there, today I was planning to set up routing, everything is fine, but from inside i can't reach certain sites (f.e.: openstreetmap.org) when i log on to the server everything is fine | 18:17 |
Nitricacid | yes | 18:17 |
DreadKnight_ | jjlee: i see; thanks will look into it :-) | 18:17 |
jjlee | DreadKnight_: hmm, I'm assuming you're on hardy? | 18:17 |
Nitricacid | lnar: now i have to login/logout for this to take effect? | 18:18 |
Terabyte | yes anirudh0? | 18:18 |
DreadKnight_ | jjlee: yes | 18:18 |
lnar | Nitricacid, that command tells compiz to use emerald insted of metacity | 18:18 |
Nitricacid | ahhh ok | 18:18 |
ramiel77 | robg, ii have windows on it and i try installing from the live CD and it will give me the loading bar and then the screen will blank | 18:18 |
astro76 | !undelete | spykedtomato | 18:18 |
ubottu | spykedtomato: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although a method that might work in some cases is described at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html | 18:18 |
lnar | Nitricacid, yes but first in emerald select the theme u want to use | 18:18 |
anirudh0 | Terabyte, you have a permissions problem, but i'm not sure what will resolve it | 18:18 |
Nitricacid | ya its selected | 18:18 |
jwoods | Hi guys, I'm using kubuntu-8.04-kde4. i ran fc-cache -fv, and now i'm getting the libcairo/gtk bug from december, where some invalid font is causing all gtk apps including firefox to crash with a floating point exception. does anyone know how i trace which fonts are causing the problem? | 18:18 |
Nitricacid | i only have 1 theme | 18:18 |
Uplink | BlueDevil, i blacklisted my sound driver and i got no sound... then i took it off and i still get no sound... my card is NOT getting picked up | 18:18 |
spykedtomato | thanks ubottu | 18:18 |
raghav | how to install xp after ubuntu | 18:18 |
lnar | Nitricacid, then logoff and login again | 18:18 |
MrPocknix_ | whats the command to shrink a picture 50% ? | 18:18 |
p | fde: i rebootet and its there but i can't delet things whyyyyyyyyyyyy | 18:18 |
robg_ | ramiel77: did you reduce the Windows partition in size ? | 18:18 |
MarcoPau | hello, are there language packages for firefox 3? | 18:18 |
jjlee | DreadKnight_: I used to run Kubuntu, but found it rather a pain -- more broken than plain ubuntu. Sometimes, if you want to use kubuntu, it's actually easier to switch to ubuntu, get stuff working, then go back to kubuntu. | 18:19 |
Terabyte | anirudh0, do you think reinstalling would help? | 18:19 |
[LMM]Iowahc | hy there, today I was planning to set up routing, everything is fine, but from inside i can't reach certain sites (f.e.: openstreetmap.org) when i log on to the server everything is fine | 18:19 |
Vikketorr | I'm using a swedish Dvorak layout but every time i start ubuntu i'ts still the QWERTY layout even though the QWERTY layout isn't in the list with layouts. | 18:19 |
Nitricacid | ok brb | 18:19 |
anirudh0 | Terabyte, unlikely, unless you have done something after the install that might have caused it | 18:19 |
JOnah | Hey | 18:19 |
JOnah | does anyone have their ubuntu on a cd? | 18:19 |
anirudh0 | Terabyte, wait for someone else to answer | 18:19 |
JOnah | can someone help me, im trying 2 install ubuntu onto a cd? | 18:19 |
ramiel77 | robg, i haven't messed with the partition yet but i will delete when i can install, the thing is i can't get to the install from the live cd, the screen just blanks | 18:19 |
Terabyte | anirudh0 ok thanks | 18:19 |
anirudh0 | ramiel77, how did you do timed wakeup from hibernate? | 18:20 |
Uplink | BlueDevil, i blacklisted my sound driver and i got no sound... then i took it off and i still get no sound... my card is NOT getting picked up | 18:20 |
JOnah | can someone help me with installing ubuntu on a cd? | 18:20 |
robg_ | ramiel77: doe you intend single or dual boot system ? | 18:20 |
mcscruff | does anyone know how to show/hide screenlets | 18:20 |
ramiel77 | anirudh0, i forgot and it actually broke my laptop | 18:20 |
astro76 | JOnah: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization | 18:20 |
ramiel77 | robg, single boot ubuntu | 18:20 |
Vikketorr | JOnah, just burn the image to a cd | 18:20 |
filthpig | hi, I'm having a small issue when reviving my 'puter from suspend to ram: I get no sound! (And also ubuntu complains about the computer not entering sleep correctly) I have an intel integrated soundcard.. Running hardy.. | 18:20 |
_DonDon | lnar: I now have Ubuntu 8.04 installed on the system and now it's coming up with 3 proprietary drivers: atheros hardware access layer (hal), support for atheros 802.11 wireless LAN cards, and nvidia_new. They are all checked (enabled), and the 2 Atheros says they're in use, and the nvidia_new says not in use. Still can't get wireless to work and I obviously have to install drivers for my nvidia card too. | 18:20 |
Darlok_Williams | Why does Hardy refuse to play sound in more than one application at a time. Even if I watch a video in VLC, close VLC, then try to listen to something in Firefox, it's muted... I have to restart Firefox to get sound back. Is this the "new, improved" sound system at work? | 18:20 |
suspect42 | hi. i'm running ubuntu 8.04 with an nvidia 7600gs. i can't get my resolution over 640X480 | 18:21 |
anirudh0 | ramiel77, hmmm...apmd allows you to do it...but the ubuntu kernel did'nt support it the last time i checked | 18:21 |
robg_ | ramiel77: single boot Ubuntu will overwrite everything. | 18:21 |
jocke | What is the output if you type uname -o in a terminal in Hardy Heron? | 18:21 |
anirudh0 | given a preexisting windows installation, and given that there is no access to a windows install image, can windows still be accessed under virtualization? | 18:21 |
lnar | _DonDon, install them all and restart ur computer | 18:21 |
Darlok_Williams | Okay, scratch that... restarting Firefox doesn't help... I need to restart X | 18:21 |
_DonDon | lnar: there is no install button | 18:22 |
jwoods | Anyone know how I can go about undoing fc-cache -fv? | 18:22 |
_DonDon | lnar: i will get you a screenshot | 18:22 |
olskolirc | I downloaded quicktime4linux-2.0.0 and it can't ./configure it says no such file or directory. I can't make either it says "make stop" how do i compile this? Is it PREFIX=/usr? | 18:22 |
lnar | _DonDon, check them all tilt them | 18:22 |
aruiz | hi all | 18:22 |
astro76 | anirudh0: I believe it's possible with at least vmware, I did it many years ago... if you plan on booting into windows again, you might want to make a new hardware profile first because all your hardware will be redetected with the virtual devices | 18:22 |
STSX | Darlok_Williams: Are you using ALSA under System > .... > Sound? Try that instead of "default" or something else. | 18:22 |
akk | jwoods: undo whatever change you had made then run fc-cache -fv again? | 18:22 |
O33zbr | mcscruff: use the screenlets daemon | 18:22 |
_DonDon | lnar: they are all checked and enabled | 18:22 |
Darlok_Williams | STSX: I've tried Auto and PulseAudio | 18:22 |
lnar | _DonDon, did u restart the computer? | 18:22 |
aruiz | could anyone tell me which problems could I find while moving to ubuntu 64bits? flash/java? what else? | 18:22 |
aruiz | skype? | 18:23 |
Uplink | why does my pidgin keep crashing? | 18:23 |
anirudh0 | astro76, remember any details or pointers? | 18:23 |
[LMM]Iowahc | hy there, today I was planning to set up routing, everything is fine, but from inside i can't reach certain sites (f.e.: openstreetmap.org) when i log on to the server everything is fine | 18:23 |
STSX | Darlok_Williams: Can you try ALSA? | 18:23 |
jwoods | akk: i didn't make any changes. some help file i was reading suggested running it, and since then, firefox won't start. floating point exception. | 18:23 |
anirudh0 | Uplink, run from terminal and find out :) | 18:23 |
* Pers3ux has problem with compiling sl-modem driver | 18:23 | |
Darlok_Williams | STSX: Trying it now. | 18:23 |
anirudh0 | Darlok_Williams, you mean sound or video? | 18:23 |
suspect42 | anyone? screen resolution problem, nvidia card. | 18:23 |
_DonDon | lnar: here is a screenshot http://i25.tinypic.com/15mbj9d.png | 18:23 |
astro76 | anirudh0: just that one | 18:23 |
anirudh0 | Darlok_Williams, video playback used the xv port | 18:23 |
lnar | _DonDon, ok let me see | 18:23 |
Darlok_Williams | anirudh0: Sound. | 18:23 |
Darlok_Williams | anirudh0: Video works fine. | 18:24 |
anirudh0 | Darlok_Williams, which can be used by only one app at a time | 18:24 |
hak5fan | #/j ubuntu-offtopic | 18:24 |
Nitricacid | lnar: thanks worked like a charm! | 18:24 |
p | fde: i can t delet some files why fde whyyyyyy | 18:24 |
marathe25 | Still having problems with Ubuntu only using one core of my AMDX2 system. Can anybody help? | 18:24 |
Darlok_Williams | anirudh0: The sound. | 18:24 |
akk | jwoods: eek! I suspect you can't actually un-do it | 18:24 |
lnar | Nitricacid, no problem man!!! | 18:24 |
legend2440 | marathe25: is there a setting in the BIOS to enable dual core? | 18:24 |
[LMM]Iowahc | anyone? | 18:24 |
olskolirc | how do I compile using ./configure please? I don't have a ./configure in my untarred file? | 18:24 |
lnar | _DonDon, hey did u restart the computer after this? | 18:24 |
fde | p: I do not know, sorry. | 18:25 |
_DonDon | lnar: no i did not, i'll do that now | 18:25 |
Darlok_Williams | anirudh0: And it doesn't matter if I close one of the apps... it still seems to steal the sound from everything else. | 18:25 |
Uplink | DCOPClient::attachInternal. Attach failed Could not open network socket | 18:25 |
Uplink | ERROR: Couldn't attach to DCOP server! | 18:25 |
jrib | olskolirc: what are you compiling? | 18:25 |
jwoods | akk: that's bad news. what exactly does fc-cache do? it doesn't appear to have created any hidden .conf type dirs... | 18:25 |
akk | jwoods: You might be able to get some info on why firefox is crashing by running it under strace and seeing what files it's trying to open just before the crash. | 18:25 |
lnar | _DonDon, please do so and come back... | 18:25 |
fde | olskolirc: read the provided readme files | 18:25 |
marathe25 | legend2440: I'm not sure, I haven't check. It worked OOB with the amd64 version of Hardy, though, so I don't think it's a BIOS issue | 18:25 |
anirudh0 | olskolirc, probably your package uses another method | 18:25 |
olskolirc | quicktime jrib so that I can go on secondlife and have video | 18:25 |
Uplink | i need help with PIDGIN | 18:25 |
Uplink | this is the error i get | 18:25 |
Uplink | DCOPClient::attachInternal. Attach failed Could not open network socket | 18:25 |
Uplink | ERROR: Couldn't attach to DCOP server! | 18:25 |
_DonDon | lnar: I am on my desktop, windows xp pro computer talking to you, was putting ubuntu on my laptop | 18:26 |
anirudh0 | Darlok_Williams, is pulseaudio running...this problem is what pulseaudio was oriniginally built to solve | 18:26 |
suspect42 | please guys. the it's unusabe at this resolution | 18:26 |
fde | Why is pidgin using DCOP? That is a KDE thing. | 18:26 |
akk | jwoods: AFAIK, fc-cache goes through the fontconfig settings specified in /etc/fonts, figures out what fonts to use and caches them somehow | 18:26 |
_DonDon | lnar: restarting now | 18:26 |
Uplink | fde i dont know :| | 18:26 |
jrib | olskolirc: quicktime is in the repositories, no need to compile | 18:26 |
JOnah | can someone help me? | 18:26 |
fde | Uplink: #pidgin | 18:26 |
lnar | _DonDon, ok... i have an hp laptop and all worked fine | 18:26 |
Darlok_Williams | anirudh0: That's what I thought too. I assume it is running because I DO get sound... just very sporadically | 18:26 |
=== master_o1_master is now known as master_of_master | ||
akk | jwoods: I know that if you make changes to settings in /etc/fonts, they often don't take effect until you run fc-cache | 18:26 |
olskolirc | those don't work for me jrib | 18:26 |
olskolirc | thanks | 18:26 |
justme_ | Uplink, http://www.google.com/search?hl=de&q=DCOPClient%3A%3AattachInternal.+Attach+failed+Could+not+open+network+socket+%3CUplink%3E+ERROR%3A+Couldn%27t+attach+to+DCOP+server!&btnG=Google-Suche&meta= | 18:26 |
JOnah | im having alot of trouble trying 2 download ubuntu onto my burnable cd | 18:26 |
anirudh0 | Darlok_Williams, ps -A|grep puse | 18:26 |
anirudh0 | *pulse | 18:26 |
Darlok_Williams | anirudh0: For example, Exaile plays sound fine.... Firefox does not. | 18:27 |
jwoods | akk: it does a couple of ENOENT (No such file or directory) and some EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailalbe), but then the real problem seems to be a SIGFPE after munmap called | 18:27 |
anirudh0 | JOnah, check md5sums | 18:27 |
justme_ | doesn't seem to be pidgin problem ;) | 18:27 |
olskolirc | I had video on feisty fawn in second life and the upgrading to gutsy, i lost it | 18:27 |
jrib | olskolirc: show me the second life documentation that tells you you need quicktime | 18:27 |
akk | jwoods: What I don't know is where this cache is stored ... | 18:27 |
Darlok_Williams | anirudh0: Yes, it's running. | 18:27 |
jwoods | akk: that's a good idea. i'll go see if i can figure that out. | 18:27 |
olskolirc | we all need quicktime jrib | 18:27 |
olskolirc | windows and linux | 18:27 |
anirudh0 | Darlok_Williams, too bad, that means your problem is more complicated | 18:27 |
anirudh0 | olskolirc, no | 18:27 |
jwoods | akk: crap, gotta take care of an emergency. if you come up with any other ideas, /msg me? and thanks for the help. | 18:27 |
legend2440 | marathe25: are you using the generic kernel? 2.6.24-16-generic #1 SMP | 18:27 |
_DonDon | lnar: restarted, and the same thing, no changes | 18:27 |
olskolirc | on feisty i went sudo apt-get install gstreamer* and that's how i got it working | 18:27 |
justme_ | Darlok_Williams, | 18:27 |
justme_ | get paman | 18:27 |
olskolirc | now it says i have all the packages | 18:28 |
justme_ | sudo apt-get install paman | 18:28 |
olskolirc | or newest ones | 18:28 |
jrib | olskolirc: I can only help you if you answer my questions... the quicktime in the repositories is the same as what you are trying to compile | 18:28 |
anirudh0 | olskolirc, totem plays quicktime with w32codecs i think | 18:28 |
justme_ | and disconnect and reconnect sound server | 18:28 |
justme_ | and then try again | 18:28 |
justme_ | ;) | 18:28 |
FloodBot1 | justme_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:28 |
marathe25 | legend2440: well, it's 2.6.24-17-generic | 18:28 |
olskolirc | I have the jrib | 18:28 |
dmsuperman | what's the command to get your version of linux? not uname -a, that only gives the kernel. I want to find Ubuntu 8.04 or something like that | 18:28 |
Darlok_Williams | anirudh0: Well, I've had this issue since installing Hardy. Seems to me it's a Hardy issue (I've recently bought a new computer... same problem) | 18:28 |
lnar | _DonDon, and how u try to connect | 18:28 |
fde | olskolirc: ffmpeg supports quicktime ... I think I told you to install the gstreamer plugin earlier... doubtful that's useful for that game, but you didn't state why... sudo aptitude install ffmpeg | 18:28 |
olskolirc | from the repository jirb | 18:28 |
[LMM]Iowahc | noone can help me? | 18:28 |
fde | [LMM]Iowahc: What was your issue? | 18:28 |
Darlok_Williams | !info paman | 18:28 |
anirudh0 | Darlok_Williams, try justme_ 's idea | 18:28 |
ubottu | paman (source: paman): PulseAudio Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.4-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 93 kB, installed size 572 kB | 18:28 |
akk | dmsuperman: cat /etc/lsb-release | 18:28 |
[LMM]Iowahc | hy there, today I was planning to set up routing, everything is fine, but from inside i can't reach certain sites (f.e.: openstreetmap.org) when i log on to the server everything is fine | 18:28 |
_DonDon | lnar: there is a network connection icon at the top right, and i right click on it and it says edit wireless networks, and it comes up with this http://i29.tinypic.com/f3vt3l.png | 18:28 |
ajopaul | i messed up my grub, how do reset my menu.1st any ideas? the menu.lst shows root(hd0,5) whereas the correct one is hd0,4, | 18:28 |
ajopaul | i have to manually edit for every boot | 18:29 |
olskolirc | I have quicktime, gstreamer and ffmpeg all from the repository and nothing works | 18:29 |
dmsuperman | akk, thanks | 18:29 |
legend2440 | marathe25: have you tried different kernels by selecting them in startup manager and rebooting? | 18:29 |
justme_ | i had some problems with the flash plugin in FF, too | 18:29 |
fde | ajopaul: just edit the file :/ | 18:29 |
justme_ | but that fixed it. | 18:29 |
dmsuperman | ajopaul, "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" | 18:29 |
anirudh0 | ajopaul, delete menu.lst | 18:29 |
ariqs | Chousuke: I got -17 and it still doesn't work | 18:29 |
Kl4m | !md5 | 18:29 |
justme_ | Darlok_Williams, | 18:29 |
ubottu | To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows | 18:29 |
axisys_ | ajopaul: i think u want to run grub update or something like that | 18:29 |
anirudh0 | ajopaul, and do a grub reinstall | 18:29 |
jrib | olskolirc: yes, that is why I want you to show the document that tells you what you need | 18:29 |
marathe25 | legend2440: yes, | 18:29 |
anirudh0 | ajopaul, another will be created | 18:29 |
fde | 'update-grub' | 18:29 |
_DonDon | lnar: i typed in the 2WIRE205 myself, to see if it would find that network, thats the name of my wireless network | 18:29 |
ajopaul | alrite, il try these.. thanx | 18:29 |
olskolirc | ok | 18:29 |
olskolirc | brb | 18:29 |
fde | Uhh... sudo update-grub | 18:30 |
lnar | _DonDon, u have to configure first the conection | 18:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | dmsuperman Please suggest gksudo gedit to users and not sudo gedit | 18:30 |
marathe25 | legend2440: the only thing that's worked is an amd64 installation, but I don't want to use that for compatibility reasons | 18:30 |
axisys_ | fde: yep thats it | 18:30 |
anirudh0 | yes...forgot that | 18:30 |
LastKnight02 | Anyone had a chance to work with the Radeon 9250 in 8.04? | 18:30 |
Darlok_Williams | justme_: No change. | 18:30 |
dmsuperman | Jack_Sparrow, sorry, will do in the future | 18:30 |
justme_ | bad | 18:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 18:30 |
Uplink | BlueDevil, i blacklisted my sound driver and i got no sound... then i took it off and i still get no sound... my card is NOT getting picked up | 18:30 |
lnar | _DonDon, just click on the icon and theres a manual configuration option do so | 18:30 |
p | i have installed this hfs plus prog and i can see the folders in the mac partition but i can t delet a folder whyyyyy | 18:30 |
ihcus | hi ppl....please help me on my wireless issues on dell 1405 laptop ...i am unable to connect to internet fro my wireless | 18:30 |
fde | Uplink: try throwing the module into /etc/modules and restarting | 18:31 |
anirudh0 | p do you have write permissions? | 18:31 |
legend2440 | marathe25: well its a bug and been reportrd but i dont see a fix listed yet https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/213011 | 18:31 |
Uplink | fde, how do i do that? | 18:31 |
Rainarrow | Hello, my software upgrade notification suddenly disappeared | 18:31 |
_DonDon | lnar: okay, did that | 18:31 |
axisys_ | ihcus: u want to paste your log | 18:31 |
Rainarrow | I have to upgrade manually | 18:31 |
ubottu | legend2440: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out | 18:31 |
_DonDon | lnar: in the manual network settings screen | 18:31 |
axisys_ | ihcus: cat syslog | pastebinit | 18:31 |
[LMM]Iowahc | hy there, today I was planning to set up routing, everything is fine, but from inside i can't reach certain sites (f.e.: openstreetmap.org) when i log on to the server everything is fine | 18:31 |
Fabula | what do i append to a command, so stderror is directed to standard output? &2>1 ? | 18:31 |
anirudh0 | Rainarrow, check in software properties | 18:31 |
fde | Uplink: echo 'module_name' | sudo tee -a /etc/modules.conf | 18:31 |
marathe25 | legend2440: ok, thanks | 18:31 |
fde | Uplink: wait | 18:31 |
lnar | _DonDon, and there u have to configure it, its easy like if u were configuring in windows hehe | 18:31 |
fde | Uplink: echo 'module_name' | sudo tee -a /etc/modules sorry | 18:31 |
axisys_ | Fabula: 2>&1 | 18:32 |
Rainarrow | anirudh0, hello, I can confirmed that I have the | 18:32 |
p | anirudh0: its say the permissions couldn t find or recognize | 18:32 |
Uplink | fde.... idk the module names... what is a module? | 18:32 |
dave__ | quick question for any package developers their might be in here | 18:32 |
anirudh0 | p did'nt get you | 18:32 |
Fabula | thanks | 18:32 |
anirudh0 | Rainarrow, did'nt get you | 18:32 |
Rainarrow | anirudh0, I have checked all the options in the Updates tab in System->Admin->Software sources | 18:32 |
STSX | Fabula: What's the command? maybe something like "cmd &> mytextfile.txt" would work for you? | 18:32 |
p | anirudh0: what you mean ?? | 18:32 |
dave__ | I've created a binary package by hand and I'm havingb a dependancie problem with latest ubuntu 8 | 18:32 |
ariqs | what's the difference between using dpkg -i on a .deb and just double clicking on it and using that package manager? | 18:32 |
dave__ | libpq 4 is not available | 18:33 |
_DonDon | lnar: it's only showing wired connection and point to point connection, and i went into properties of point to point connection and that's for 56k modems | 18:33 |
=== aleatorio is now known as c18 | ||
justme_ | ariqs, there is none | 18:33 |
justme_ | the click does the same ^^ | 18:33 |
justme_ | ;) | 18:33 |
x_ | Hey does anybody know what themes change? | 18:33 |
anirudh0 | p i did'nt understand what you said , " permissions couldn t find or recognize" | 18:33 |
Uplink | fde, i did this "find /lib/modules/`uname -r` | grep snd" | 18:33 |
=== c18 is now known as combat18 | ||
x_ | I know it is only a few things, but I don't know which | 18:33 |
fde | Uplink: You said you blacklisted it, but you don't know the module? | 18:33 |
lnar | _DonDon, u should have the wifi there too | 18:33 |
justme_ | you jsut got a frontend | 18:33 |
justme_ | @ ariqs | 18:33 |
ariqs | justme_: just making sure since my package will not friggin work | 18:33 |
fde | Uplink: Wow... ugh | 18:33 |
[LMM]Iowahc | hy there, today I was planning to set up routing, everything is fine, but from inside i can't reach certain sites (f.e.: openstreetmap.org) when i log on to the server everything is fine | 18:33 |
anirudh0 | Rainarrow, under Updates->check for updates | 18:33 |
Uplink | fde, a friend did.... idk what the hell he did | 18:33 |
justme_ | ariqs, dependency problem? | 18:33 |
hackel | Does anyone know of a Linux audio player that can play directly from (zip/tar/rar) archives? | 18:33 |
ariqs | no, package installs fine, but then the driver I want in it won't work | 18:34 |
anirudh0 | does hfs allow permissions? | 18:34 |
ihcus | axisys_: can u please elaborate | 18:34 |
dave__ | only libpq5... libpq5 works with the package. so.. is there a way to make this package install either libpq4 or 5 what ever is available? | 18:34 |
anirudh0 | ntfs does'nt | 18:34 |
Chrysalis | after trying to change the default boot os in grub and getting updating i now have 2 different versions of ubuntu with a different kernel, how do i fix it? | 18:34 |
ihcus | axisys_: i am a new bie .... | 18:34 |
dkT | hey all | 18:34 |
p | anirudh0: i looked at permission tab and there is "the permissions on sda1 couldnt found" | 18:34 |
dma315 | Hey, I've recently upgrade to Hardy and everything renders really slowly. Slow enough that I considering downgrading back to Gutsy. Is there anything I can do to make this work better, or is anybody else experiencing the same thing? | 18:34 |
_DonDon | lnar: it's only showing wired connection and point to point connection, and i went into properties of point to point connection and that's for 56k modems | 18:34 |
k31to | has anyone here managed to get a cardbus acx111 dlink G650+ working with WPA? what is the best approach? the ACX100 driver from soundforge, the NDISWRAPPER | 18:34 |
anirudh0 | anyone...does hfs allow permissions? | 18:34 |
axisys_ | ihcus: about what? | 18:34 |
justme_ | Chrysalis, open /boot/grub/menu.lst | 18:34 |
justme_ | ;) | 18:34 |
picca | is it possible to install ubuntu from another linux distro, e.g. run an install program or must i boot from cd? | 18:34 |
Uplink | fde, its like if my driver still was blacklisted... :( | 18:34 |
Rainarrow | anirudh0, I mean "System->Administration->Software Sources", "Updates" tab, I have checked all the options under "Ubuntu Updates" and selected "Check updates daily" and "Notify only about available updates" under "Automatic Updates" section | 18:34 |
justme_ | and remove the old kernel | 18:34 |
lnar | anirudh0, install ntfs-3g and modify /etc/fstab | 18:34 |
=== combat18 is now known as aleatorio | ||
axisys_ | ihcus: sudo apt-get install pastebinit | 18:34 |
Rainarrow | anirudh0, in short, I'm pretty sure my settings should be right | 18:34 |
dkT | What tool can I use to see med HDD's? | 18:34 |
fde | Uplink: search www.google.com/linux for the output of lspci | grep -i audio ... figure out what the module is. | 18:34 |
anirudh0 | lnar, that is one time...it sets for the whole drive | 18:35 |
justme_ | Chrysalis, sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst | 18:35 |
ihcus | axisys_ : the file syslog | pastebininit is not found | 18:35 |
justme_ | ;) | 18:35 |
axisys_ | ihcus: cat /var/log/syslog | pastebinit | 18:35 |
fde | Uplink: That wouldn't have blacklisted anything. | 18:35 |
Rainarrow | anirudh0, but it just won't notify me about the updates | 18:35 |
Chrysalis | justme_: obviously, but whats with the 6 entries of ubuntu, is this normal? | 18:35 |
lnar | _DonDon, and the other one what is it? ETHERNET'? | 18:35 |
justme_ | no it's not | 18:35 |
axisys_ | ihcus: sudo apt-get install pastebinit | 18:35 |
justme_ | 6 entries !? | 18:35 |
k31to | hey uplink! ;) | 18:35 |
Uplink | fde, my friend did... i saw him on VNC | 18:35 |
bobboy | so how do the repositories work exactly? like ff3 rc1 still is not in there and the new update for audacious is not there | 18:35 |
justme_ | wtf | 18:35 |
Uplink | k31to? thats u bro? | 18:35 |
justme_ | i could understand 5 | 18:35 |
_DonDon | yes, a wired ethernet connection | 18:35 |
k31to | yep | 18:35 |
justme_ | 2 kernels, 2 times safe mod | 18:35 |
justme_ | e | 18:35 |
justme_ | and memtest | 18:35 |
anirudh0 | Rainarrow, running update-manager manually shows any warnings? | 18:35 |
lnar | anirudh0, mount -t force .... | 18:35 |
FloodBot1 | justme_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:35 |
justme_ | got Windows? | 18:35 |
Uplink | k31to, bro U GOTTA HELP ME | 18:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | justme_ Please dont use the rude shorthand | 18:35 |
k31to | uplink: whats the matter? | 18:36 |
anirudh0 | lnar, thats not what i asked :)...does hfs allow permissions | 18:36 |
p | anirudh0: i would like to login with root permissions | 18:36 |
fde | Uplink: Then ask him what the module is | 18:36 |
justme_ | Jack_Sparrow, what? | 18:36 |
anirudh0 | p why | 18:36 |
_DonDon | lnar: yes, a wired ethernet connection | 18:36 |
fde | Uplink: Until you know that, I can't help you. | 18:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | justme_ wtf is not allowed in here.. thanks | 18:36 |
mypapit | justme_, dont use the w acronym | 18:36 |
cecc | hi all when I start ufw, my ubuntu shows a messge "ERROR: / is world writable!" what can I do to solve the problem? | 18:36 |
anirudh0 | p its not recommended | 18:36 |
Uplink | k31to, im having problem with my sound driver! :( | 18:36 |
justme_ | Jack_Sparrow + mypapit ok sry | 18:36 |
justme_ | ;) | 18:36 |
lumbuntu | heya Jack_Sparrow | 18:36 |
ihcus | axisys_: couldnt find package pastebinit | 18:36 |
Uplink | fde, thanks for the help | 18:36 |
Rainarrow | anirudh0, thanks I've got it, my system is missing update-manager for some reason | 18:36 |
p | anirudh0: perhaps i can change the permissions of this shit msc partition | 18:36 |
jrib | cecc: is your / world writable? | 18:36 |
Rainarrow | anirudh0, I'm apt-getting it | 18:36 |
k31to | Uplink: whats the issue? | 18:36 |
jocke | What is the output if you type uname -o in a terminal in Hardy Heron? | 18:36 |
bobboy | !firefox | 18:36 |
ubottu | firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins | 18:36 |
cecc | jrib yes | 18:36 |
Rainarrow | anirudh0, but it didn't notify me about the missing of this program, either | 18:36 |
Uplink | k31to, my sound driver not loading or IDK! but i get NO sound at all! | 18:37 |
bobboy | !audacious | 18:37 |
ubottu | audacious is included in !Feisty. A !repository also exists for !Edgy: see http://audacious-media-player.org/index.php?title=Downloads | 18:37 |
cecc | then what shall I do | 18:37 |
lnar | _DonDon, mmmmmmmm i dont know whats wrong because u have the drivers installed.... try to google some answer sorry | 18:37 |
[LMM]Iowahc | hy there, today I was planning to set up routing, everything is fine, but from inside i can't reach certain sites (f.e.: openstreetmap.org) when i log on to the server everything is fine | 18:37 |
jrib | cecc: so don't make it world writable, that's pretty silly | 18:37 |
axisys_ | ihcus: hmm.. | 18:37 |
anirudh0 | Rainarrow, it would have tried to start..then quietly exited with an error... | 18:37 |
fde | k31to: No sound for an ATI sound card... you know what module they would use? | 18:37 |
k31to | Uplink: what card? did this ever work? | 18:37 |
cecc | how to do change it not writable? | 18:37 |
anirudh0 | anyone...does hfs allow permissions? | 18:37 |
Uplink | k31to, of course! | 18:37 |
jrib | cecc: how did you make it writable? | 18:37 |
jrib | !who | cecc | 18:37 |
ubottu | cecc: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 18:37 |
axisys_ | ihcus: ok just paste your log in http://paste.ubuntu.com | 18:37 |
p | anirudh0: and how do i have the permissions | 18:37 |
cecc | ok | 18:37 |
Rainarrow | anirudh0, nope, I got command not found when tried to run update-manager, and after I apt-get install it everything is ok | 18:37 |
axisys_ | ihcus: so we can see what wifi issue u r having | 18:38 |
anirudh0 | p http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/misc/109310-hfs-read-write-all-users.html | 18:38 |
k31to | Uplink: have you gone into sound settings and run the test with different configs? | 18:38 |
fde | anirudh0: HFS is about the worst FS in existence... maybe second only to HFS+ - which is what Mac's use. | 18:38 |
bobboy | so how do the repositories work exactly? like ff3 rc1 still is not in there and the new update for audacious is not there | 18:38 |
Rainarrow | anirudh0, it's just that I didn't get any error msg or anything about the missing of update-manager | 18:38 |
justme_ | Chrysalis, still there? | 18:38 |
ihcus | axisys_: couldnot trigger wireless scan:network is down..cat:pastebinit : no such file or directory | 18:38 |
Uplink | k31to, it was working PERFECT until some stupid LINUX UPDATE... after that my sound started to distortionate... so i thought it was the driver and i blacklisted it... now i get NO sound at all | 18:38 |
anirudh0 | fde strange...so many people like apple | 18:38 |
jrib | !timebasedreleases > bobboy (read the private message from ubottu) | 18:38 |
Uplink | k31to, YES | 18:38 |
cecc | jrib well what can I do to make it unwritable? | 18:38 |
axisys_ | !wireless > ihcus | 18:38 |
bobboy | my bad jrib | 18:38 |
ihcus | axisys_:how do i pastebin if i dont hvae internet | 18:38 |
jrib | bobboy: also, a lot of devs are at UDS | 18:38 |
Vikketorr | I'm using a swedish Dvorak layout but every time i start ubuntu i'ts still the QWERTY layout even though the QWERTY layout isn't in the list with layouts. | 18:38 |
justme_ | anybody, will 8.10 bring better support for mobile PCs? | 18:38 |
legend2440 | i have the 2.6.24-16-generic kernel. should update manager be offering the 2.6.24-17-generic any time soon? i guess some people have it already | 18:39 |
jrib | cecc: you didn't answer my question: How did you make it world writable? | 18:39 |
axisys_ | ihcus: how are you talking here w/o internet? | 18:39 |
k31to | Uplink: you need to take it off the blacklist. | 18:39 |
axisys_ | ihcus: use a usb | 18:39 |
Vikketorr | Anyone have any idea? | 18:39 |
axisys_ | ihcus: copy it | 18:39 |
Uplink | k31to, I DID! | 18:39 |
cecc | jrib i have no idea | 18:39 |
ihcus | axisys_: i am using a diff system | 18:39 |
fde | anirudh0: Technically, it is a joke... they just have good marketing schemes... | 18:39 |
axisys_ | ihcus: then paste it from this box | 18:39 |
Flare183 | !caps | k31to | 18:39 |
ubottu | k31to: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 18:39 |
Flare183 | ook | 18:39 |
zaphar_ps | legend2440: I'm upgrading to that kernel right now | 18:39 |
Flare183 | oops | 18:39 |
jrib | cecc: you don't recall running some chmod command? | 18:39 |
bobboy | jrib: thx | 18:39 |
ihcus | axisys_: this is not the system that has the problem... | 18:39 |
cecc | jrib ni | 18:39 |
k31to | Uplink: shit! sounds like there's an issue there!" lol | 18:39 |
anirudh0 | Vikketorr, not a fix....but you could manually switch layouts with a gnome panel applet | 18:39 |
cecc | jrib no | 18:39 |
Uplink | k31to, :( | 18:39 |
legend2440 | zaphar_ps: through update manager? | 18:39 |
Odd-rationale | Vikketorr: the best way would be to set your keyboard variant in the xorg file. that way, it will load that keyboard layout whenever you are in X | 18:39 |
k31to | Flare183: it wasn't me! lol | 18:39 |
zaphar_ps | legend2440: yes | 18:39 |
Uplink | k31to, please help me bro :( | 18:39 |
Flare183 | yeah i know | 18:39 |
Flare183 | sorry | 18:40 |
axisys_ | ihcus: copy it on a flash drive | 18:40 |
k31to | Flare183: ok | 18:40 |
axisys_ | ihcus: then paste it from this box | 18:40 |
STSX | bobboy: Guide for installing FF3 in hardy: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ | 18:40 |
* fde still doesn't understand how you can remove a module from a blacklist without knowing the modules name | 18:40 | |
jrib | cecc: sudo chmod 755 / | 18:40 |
Flare183 | !caps | Uplink (there i got it right) | 18:40 |
ubottu | Uplink (there i got it right): PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 18:40 |
ihcus | axisys_: ok done ....gud idea | 18:40 |
anirudh0 | fde, but i though apple's engineers were second only to google.... | 18:40 |
k31to | Uplink: goto msn | 18:40 |
Uplink | fde idk | 18:40 |
Uplink | k31to, i cant! lmao | 18:40 |
legend2440 | zaphar_ps: hmmmm it hasnt offered that upgrade to me yet | 18:40 |
Flare183 | !language | 18:40 |
ubottu | Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 18:40 |
Chrysalis | so i have to clean up after apt-get update in menu.lst to get rid of the old kernel ubuntu entries? | 18:40 |
Uplink | k31to, my pidgin is giving this weird error | 18:40 |
zaphar_ps | legend2440: it went flaky while upgrading though so I'm having to recover right now | 18:40 |
Chrysalis | i wonder why that didnt happen automatically | 18:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | Chrysalis yes | 18:40 |
Uplink | im so fucked up | 18:40 |
[LMM]Iowahc | hy there, today I was planning to set up routing, everything is fine, but from inside i can't reach certain sites (f.e.: openstreetmap.org) when i log on to the server everything is fine | 18:41 |
Vikketorr | Odd-rationale, how do i do that? | 18:41 |
bobboy | stsx: thx | 18:41 |
k31to | Uplink: what is the output of sudo lshw - put it on pastebin | 18:41 |
Seeker` | !language | Uplink | 18:41 |
ubottu | Uplink: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 18:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | Uplink Stop the bad language.. thanks | 18:41 |
shishirmk | hey has any1 used lynx in here? | 18:41 |
STSX | Uplink: cat /foul/language > /dev/null | 18:41 |
jbroome | shishirmk: yes | 18:41 |
bobboy | bobboy | 18:41 |
anirudh0 | astro76, remember any details or pointers about the windows virtualization? | 18:41 |
Odd-rationale | Vikketorr: hold on. let me see if i can remember... | 18:41 |
zaphar_ps | shishirmk: yes | 18:41 |
shishirmk | jbroome: what would be a command to go to a link | 18:41 |
bobboy | can someone say my name please so i can test a setting in xchat with highlighting nicknames lol | 18:41 |
Vikketorr | ok | 18:41 |
Terabyte | bobboy | 18:41 |
Terabyte | bobboy: | 18:41 |
Terabyte | bobboy, | 18:41 |
bobboy | thx | 18:41 |
legend2440 | zaphar_ps: oh maybe i don't want it then | 18:41 |
shishirmk | zaphar_ps: what do you use it for generally | 18:41 |
jbroome | shishirmk: man lynx | 18:41 |
fde | anirudh0: That's laughable really... they just make pretty buttons, so users go gah gah | 18:42 |
Chrysalis | Jack_Sparrow: is there a way to just rebuild menu.lst? if i start deleting ill probably mess it up | 18:42 |
zaphar_ps | shishirmk: command line web when I'm recovering a system mostly | 18:42 |
ale[x] | anyone else having issues running vmware console on ubuntu 8.04 32bit/vmware 1.05 | 18:42 |
ferit_ | Who is the Trash Folder i dont find in my home>name Folder ?? | 18:42 |
legend2440 | !trash | 18:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | Chrysalis Make a copy... it is a simple text file.. HArd to mess that up... | 18:42 |
ubottu | The location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash | 18:42 |
shishirmk | jbroome: i saw the man page | 18:42 |
Uplink | !paste | 18:42 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 18:42 |
zaphar_ps | shishirmk: that plus wget are indespensable with a system goes wonky | 18:42 |
ApOgEE- | hi all... i just noticed that my /home partition's free space is reducing on every click i made to browse the folders | 18:42 |
ApOgEE- | any ideas why? | 18:43 |
ferit_ | Okay i try | 18:43 |
shishirmk | jbroome: couldn understand how to do this | 18:43 |
ihcus | axisys_: how do i upload the file contents...its like the file has lot of contents and i cant post it right here | 18:43 |
anirudh0 | ferit_, its under .local/share/trash, not in ~/ | 18:43 |
Uplink | k31to, http://paste.ubuntu.com/14842/ | 18:43 |
jbroome | shishirmk: lynx google.com | 18:43 |
ceratophy | leave | 18:43 |
benanzo | Is there a tool to convert a hexdump back into binary? | 18:43 |
Flare183 | legend2440: uh I didn't know that. Thats a new one for me. | 18:43 |
ferit_ | yes i know. | 18:43 |
ferit_ | I have it Thanks | 18:43 |
k31to | Uplink: k 2 secs | 18:43 |
Chrysalis | Jack_Sparrow: what happens if i chose the ubuntu with the old kernel on start up? | 18:43 |
anirudh0 | ferit_, sorry...had scrolled up | 18:43 |
shishirmk | jbroome: zaphar_ps: i want to send a HTTP GET request using this command line browser | 18:43 |
ApOgEE- | .... | 18:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | Chrysalis it will run with the old kernel... I just leave them there | 18:44 |
ferit_ | but in gutsy is in home ~/.Trash why that? | 18:44 |
Uplink | fde i dont know man... but its WEIRD | 18:44 |
zaphar_ps | shishirmk: someone above here just showed you how to do that | 18:44 |
ApOgEE- | is this just happen on me or is it normal? | 18:44 |
zaphar_ps | lynx <url> | 18:44 |
anirudh0 | Jack_Sparrow, hmmm...each kernel image is aroud 140 mb | 18:44 |
akahige | help! can anybody help me unbung an Ubuntu conversion...? | 18:44 |
fde | Uplink: Ask your friend what the module is called, or google like I suggested. | 18:44 |
axisys_ | ihcus: just make a file with relevant lines | 18:44 |
[LMM]Iowahc | hy there, today I was planning to set up routing, everything is fine, but from inside i can't reach certain sites (f.e.: openstreetmap.org) when i log on to the server everything is fine | 18:44 |
[LMM]Iowahc | hy there, today I was planning to set up routing, everything is fine, but from inside i can't reach certain sites (f.e.: openstreetmap.org) when i log on to the server everything is fine | 18:44 |
shishirmk | jbroome: zaphar_ps: i tried this lynx http://www.msrit-ignite.org/addt.php?treg=12&eventid=12&tableid=12&nid=12&sid=12&eid=12&wid=12 | 18:44 |
Housefly7k | hello, Any help on how to automatically mount my other partitions when I log in to ubuntu | 18:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | anirudh0 I thought he was just talking about the lising in the grub menu.lst | 18:44 |
g[r]eek | Hi I want to play MP3 files what do I install so that RythmBox can play them? | 18:44 |
axisys_ | ihcus: then paste it here http://paste.ubuntu.com | 18:45 |
shishirmk | it doesnt do anything | 18:45 |
anirudh0 | zaphar_ps, you could also try elinks | 18:45 |
[LMM]Iowahc | sorry for dOuble | 18:45 |
Housefly7k | Now i have to either double click them from the places menu or mount them | 18:45 |
lnar | does anyone know how to create a mutiple liveCD in one DVD?? | 18:45 |
Uplink | fde, it was something like ATI-IXP-AC97 | 18:45 |
zaphar_ps | shishirmk: are you wanting to download something or browse something? | 18:45 |
p | anirudh0: can you look at my pasted fstab and can you say me what i should cchange to have a full permission | 18:45 |
anirudh0 | lnar, cant be done | 18:45 |
p | paste | 18:45 |
robg_ | Inar: keep it simple. | 18:45 |
ApOgEE- | hi all... i just noticed that my /home partition's free space is reducing on every click i made to browse the folders | 18:45 |
ApOgEE- | is this just happen on me or is it normal? | 18:45 |
jbroome | shishirmk: try wget, or telnet to the webserveer on port 80 and send your request that way | 18:45 |
ApOgEE- | any ideas why? | 18:45 |
lnar | anirudh0, sure it can | 18:45 |
k31to | Uplink: does lsmod show the snd-atiixp driver as loaded? | 18:45 |
Uplink | lol! | 18:46 |
Chrysalis | Jack_Sparrow: meh, ill just move my default boot os 3 spaces down and leave it be i guess | 18:46 |
anirudh0 | p http://groups.google.com/group/linux.debian.user/browse_thread/thread/7b321a78bf15d5d7 | 18:46 |
fde | Uplink: hmm... found it... snd-atiixp ... you probably should have said that an hour ago ;) | 18:46 |
anirudh0 | lnar you mean multiple live cds on 1 dvd? | 18:46 |
ApOgEE- | anybody? | 18:46 |
Odd-rationale | Vikketorr: http://pastebin.ca/1030173 read the comments. i don't know the code for the swedish dv layout, you will have to find that your self. after you are done, save the file and restart X | 18:46 |
p | anirudh0: here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/14843/ | 18:46 |
Uplink | yea that one! | 18:46 |
lnar | anirudh0, yeah i want to do that | 18:46 |
shishirmk | zaphar_ps: actually do neither. I just want to make this HTTP get request. The PHP script sitting there will take these parameters and add it to a database | 18:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | Chrysalis YOu can reorder the list or change the default.. line 11 I think | 18:46 |
ApOgEE- | please... | 18:46 |
anirudh0 | lnar, how will the computer know which image to boot? | 18:46 |
Uplink | k31to, what? | 18:46 |
ApOgEE- | please... | 18:46 |
zaphar_ps | then lynx is overkill | 18:46 |
anirudh0 | lnar, i thought he meant booting, not burning | 18:46 |
shishirmk | jbroome: telnet dont have a login | 18:46 |
k31to | Uplink: run lsmod | 18:46 |
Vikketorr | Odd-rationale, ok thanks | 18:46 |
fde | Uplink: does 'lsmod | grep snd-atiixp return anything? | 18:47 |
lnar | anirudh0, through a menu, have u ever heard about Todo en uno V8?? | 18:47 |
shishirmk | jbroome: wget tried dint work | 18:47 |
jbroome | shishirmk: then you're pooched | 18:47 |
g[r]eek | Hi I want to play MP3 files what do I install so that RythmBox can play them? | 18:47 |
zaphar_ps | shishirmk: use wget then lynx is overkill for that | 18:47 |
ApOgEE- | please help me... | 18:47 |
akahige | anybody... feeling desperate here..... | 18:47 |
anirudh0 | lnar, no | 18:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | !helpme | ApOgEE- | 18:47 |
ubottu | ApOgEE-: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience | 18:47 |
k31to | Uplink: same as what fde said | 18:47 |
Uplink | NOPE | 18:47 |
Uplink | :( | 18:47 |
fde | k31to: Taking away chance for error is a good thing :D | 18:47 |
ihcus | axisys_: finally i got the link :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/14844/ | 18:47 |
bobboy | to update firefox should i use apt or do a sudo firefox and use firefox's built in updater? | 18:47 |
zaphar_ps | shishirmk: wget <url> | 18:47 |
lnar | anirudh0, its a dvd with muultiple OS windows xp 2003 vista... and I want to do that with different distros | 18:47 |
Odd-rationale | Vikketorr: note: changing the kblayout in X will cause the layout to be change in all X. INCLUDING GDM. so be sure you know how to type your passwd in dv... | 18:47 |
fde | Uplink: sudo modprobe snd-atiixp | 18:47 |
ApOgEE- | wow | 18:47 |
shishirmk | i did this wget http://www.msrit-ignite.org/addt.php?treg=12&eventid=12&tableid=12&nid=12&sid=12&eid=12&wid=12 | 18:47 |
Uplink | Im telling u dude.... the STUPID update manager updated my kernel... now everything is messed up :( | 18:47 |
shishirmk | still dintwork | 18:47 |
fde | Uplink: returning anything with that is bad | 18:47 |
Chrysalis | Jack_Sparrow: reorder the list? you mean by moving entries up and down? | 18:47 |
anirudh0 | lnar, amazing...so the dvd has a grub on it? | 18:48 |
zaphar_ps | shishirmk: how do you know it didn't work? | 18:48 |
k31to | fde: i agree. i am a grep noob. you know more than me ;) | 18:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | Chrysalis Yes, by moving entries up or down in the list | 18:48 |
ApOgEE- | !repeat | 18:48 |
ubottu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 18:48 |
jbroome | Uplink: you're the one that ran update manager, don't blame the os | 18:48 |
Uplink | fde, OMG YAY!!! i get sound again! | 18:48 |
shishirmk | bcoz i have access to database | 18:48 |
zaphar_ps | shishirmk: did it return an error? | 18:48 |
Uplink | YAAAAAAAY! | 18:48 |
k31to | Uplink: there ya go! | 18:48 |
shishirmk | zaphar_ps: things werent there in that database | 18:48 |
Uplink | F*CK YEA! | 18:48 |
ApOgEE- | !patience | 18:48 |
ubottu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 18:48 |
Vikketorr | Odd-rationale, no problem have bin using it in windows for a while | 18:48 |
shishirmk | no error it just hung for a while | 18:48 |
STSX | Jack_Sparrow: Why not just change the "default <num>" value in the menu.lst for Chrysalis? | 18:48 |
k31to | Uplink: who's your daddy?! lol | 18:48 |
zaphar_ps | ahhh then I would suspect the php script is broken not wget | 18:48 |
fde | Uplink: ok... now type the following please: echo snd-atiixp | sudo tee -a /etc/modules | 18:48 |
Uplink | now i need help with pidgin :( | 18:49 |
lnar | anirudh0, i think so or something like that... so it is possible so imagine u have diferent distros in one dvd so u can try them all or i dont know, ubuntu and kubuntu for example and install in one computer the one the person likes the best | 18:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | STSX I told him he could do either of those ways | 18:49 |
fde | Uplink: After you've done that, reboot the machine, and lets make sure it'll work for good :D | 18:49 |
ApOgEE- | i see... maybe it's not common problem | 18:49 |
k31to | Uplink: do as fde says first ;) | 18:49 |
Uplink | ok fde | 18:49 |
Uplink | BRB :D:D | 18:49 |
zaphar_ps | shishirmk: wget should have downloaded a file for you | 18:49 |
sergio_ | hi, how can I alter the $PATH variable to recognize the installation of Adobe Acrobat? | 18:49 |
k31to | fde: nice going bro. sweet | 18:49 |
Chrysalis | STSX: yea thats what i do, but if i can just get rid of the 'other oses' entry and move things around even better | 18:49 |
anirudh0 | p | 18:49 |
zaphar_ps | shishirmk: look inside the file and see what the webserver returned | 18:49 |
STSX | Jack_Sparrow: Sorry, didn't see that | 18:49 |
anirudh0 | p change /dev/sda1 /media/sda1 hfsplus defaults 0 0 | 18:49 |
Odd-rationale | Vikketorr: also, you could (if you wanted) get rid of the keyboard layout applet switch and change your keyboard layout to default. as the one set in the xorg.conf file will become the default. (i'm not too sure how this is done in gnome, as i use kde) | 18:50 |
Vegombrei | hi i neewd help with configuring apache | 18:50 |
STSX | Chrysalis: Agreed, and that should be easy to do. | 18:50 |
bobboy | to update firefox should i use the cli or do a sudo firefox and use firefox's built in updater? | 18:50 |
anirudh0 | p to "dev/sda1 /media/sda1 hfsplus noauto,user,rw 0 0 " | 18:50 |
Broadcom | Vegombrei: just ask a question | 18:50 |
zaphar_ps | shishirmk: that will tell you what errors the webserver might have returned | 18:50 |
anirudh0 | p remove the "defaults" | 18:50 |
anirudh0 | p default behaviour is read-only | 18:50 |
Chrysalis | STSX: the main reason why i was here though was cause i now have like 10 entries since updating the kernel (ubuntu for each kernel) | 18:51 |
anirudh0 | p leaving now..hope this works | 18:51 |
shishirmk | zaphar_ps: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14845/ | 18:51 |
g[r]eek | Hi I want to play MP3 files what do I install so that RythmBox can play them? | 18:51 |
shishirmk | see the output | 18:51 |
Chrysalis | STSX: kinda messy | 18:51 |
lnar | can some one explain what this does... http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/multiple-live-cd-to-dvd-523091/ | 18:51 |
p | anirudh0: thanks | 18:51 |
Myrtti | mp3 | g[r]eek | 18:51 |
Myrtti | !mp3 | g[r]eek | 18:51 |
ubottu | g[r]eek: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 18:51 |
seebel | hello, i just ran an update on my ubuntu desktop and it updated the kernel to 2.6.24-17-generic and now virtualbox-ose seems to be broken. read some articles on how to update virtualbox to use the new kernel, but no luck. Tried "sudo dpkg-reconfigure virtualbox-ose" , tried "/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup" only to discover that the relevant setup parts have been removed for ubuntu. Can someone tell me what is the correct way to reconfigure virtualbox to use a new | 18:51 |
STSX | Chrysalis: Yes, then I would definitely delete them from your menu.lst if I were you. | 18:51 |
kbrosnan | bobboy: firefox's updater is disbled if you use ubuntu's version | 18:52 |
zaphar_ps | shishirmk: enclose url in quotes after wget | 18:52 |
zaphar_ps | it's only sending part of the url | 18:52 |
bobboy | kbrosnan: if you sudo firefox than the updater is enabled | 18:52 |
fde | seebel: The correct virtualbox module is in updates-proposed, can you go without it until it makes it into regular updates? | 18:52 |
STSX | bobboy: Why not just enable the correct repository and download/install it with Synaptic? Like that link I sent you.... http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-firefox-3-rc1-in-ubuntu-hardy.html | 18:52 |
zaphar_ps | the & character has meaning for the terminal so it stops at the first one it encounters | 18:52 |
kbrosnan | bobboy: then you are not using the ubuntu version | 18:52 |
cecc | jrib thank you | 18:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | bobboy Why would you ever sudo firefox.. that is not a good idea | 18:53 |
Chrysalis | STSX: doesnt the old kernel get replaced when upgrading? i dont need those entries do i? | 18:53 |
AcornAcorn | how do you make it so Applications, Places and System are all contained in one menu so they take up less space? | 18:53 |
fde | seebel: It shouldn't be long... maybe a week? | 18:53 |
bobboy | kbrosnan: k | 18:53 |
kbrosnan | Jack_Sparrow: to run the updater | 18:53 |
seebel | i can go without it for about 15 days ... is it possible for it to reach regular updates within that time? | 18:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | kbrosnan sudo any gui app is not a good idea | 18:53 |
bobboy | Jack_Sparrow: wasnt thinking but i now realize how much of a threat that can be lol | 18:53 |
fde | AcornAcorn: right click panel > Add to Panel > "Main Menu"... then remove the Menu Bar | 18:54 |
akahige | I tried converting Xubuntu to Ubuntu and all I managed to do was kill my desktop. Is there anyway I can fix this from the console...? | 18:54 |
p | how do i get opening the shit fstab file | 18:54 |
bobboy | STSX: in the comments it said something like people should not use PPA's whatever they are and thats where i got the idea for the sudo firefox | 18:54 |
lnar | p sudo gedit /etc/fstab | 18:54 |
indio | What are "default mixer tracks" ? | 18:54 |
DaveKong | Does anyone know how to compile a kernel module? | 18:54 |
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Jack_Sparrow | lnar gksudo gedit ... thanks | 18:55 |
p | lnar: does it works with nano?? no or | 18:55 |
AcornAcorn | fde: thankyou so much! | 18:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | !compile | 18:55 |
ubottu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 18:55 |
STSX | Chrysalis: I don't think the kernel get replaced by default, but I'm not sure. You can at least get rid of the entries in your menu.lst though if you don't want them. | 18:55 |
lnar | Jack_Sparrow, whats the difference between using sudo and gksudo? | 18:55 |
p | lnar: thanks | 18:55 |
fde | DaveKong: aptitude install module-assistant will get you the depends... then just follow the instructions it provides. | 18:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | lnar sudo gui app is dangerous | 18:55 |
indio | What are "default mixer tracks" ? | 18:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | !gksudo | 18:55 |
ubottu | If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) | 18:55 |
g[r]eek | Myrtti, Thank you | 18:56 |
alan_m | lnar, gksudo is for graphical applications sudo's for text based (console) | 18:56 |
fde | indio: Right click the speaker icon in the top panel ... "Open Volume Control" ... those | 18:56 |
sarthor | using hardy, i can see my webcam preview on Xavtv and cheese, and also webcam is working on kopete, but i am unable to use webcam on gyachi. Help | 18:56 |
lnar | alan_m, all my life ive use sudo and open everything | 18:56 |
zaphar_ps | shishirmk: did that work? | 18:56 |
alan_m | lnar, using the wrong one could possibly cause havoc...eventually. | 18:56 |
Uplink | :D:D:D | 18:57 |
fde | lnar: They're scared cuz some guy proved it breaks Firefox extensions :S | 18:57 |
* Uplink DANCES | 18:57 | |
fde | Uplink: Yay | 18:57 |
Uplink | fde TY :D | 18:57 |
fde | Uplink: yw ;D | 18:57 |
ph_softnet | anyone ever used nfsv4 with kerberos? | 18:57 |
Uplink | where did k3lso go? :( | 18:57 |
storm-zen | I'm having difficulties with messages about ata2.00 exceptions flooding my logs. I've updated my bios, and used the switch acpi=force, but the messages persist. I've been unable to find anything definitive by googling. Does anyone have any idea what is going on? | 18:57 |
lnar | HAHAHA come on, doesnt happen a thing | 18:57 |
ihcus | axisys_: running lshw shows my *-network DISABLED description : wireless interface ,physical id:2 ,logical name: wlan0,serial :00:19:7d:94:93:9a,capabilities:ehternet physical wireless ,configuration :broadcast=yes multicast =yes wireless = IEEE 802.11g | 18:57 |
DaveKong | ok thanks | 18:57 |
santor | does anyone know of a package manager that tells you where to find shortcuts after a program is installed, or tells you what commands to run for commandline based applications | 18:58 |
Uplink | fde, im getting error on pidgin :/ | 18:58 |
indio | fde: I mean those that appear in System -> Preferences -> Sound | 18:58 |
Vegombrei | well basically i wanna make a web server ..i want my friends to be able to connect dirctly to my pc and download stuff ..it would be great coz then i wouldnt hafta burn dvd's .. anyways im new to linux and ubuntu and someone told me apache is the way to go .. so i installed it .. and when i tried to read the doccumentation it all just goes over my head .. i dont know anything about linux | 18:58 |
STSX | bobboy: just add "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/mozillateam/ubuntu intrepid main" to your Software Sources and you should be able to get FF3. | 18:58 |
erUSUL | storm-zen: errors on a sata port maybe a loose cable (data or power) a bad drive (hd or optical) or simply a bug in the driver | 18:58 |
ciscu | hi all!! I have some problems configuring microphone settings | 18:58 |
fde | indio: Yeah, you'll notice the headers match what I showed you. | 18:58 |
Broadcom | ciscu: ask the question | 18:58 |
Uplink | fde, nvr mind lol... it works now | 18:58 |
kbrosnan | fde lnar it cam cause extensions.rdf to be owned by sudo in some cases which screws up firefox's extension system | 18:59 |
alan_m | ciscu, why not ask the REAL question :) | 18:59 |
fde | Uplink: Are you using KDE? | 18:59 |
javier | woohoo managed to set up telnet server :-D | 18:59 |
ciscu | ok... when i try to record something, nothing is listened | 18:59 |
kbrosnan | er root | 18:59 |
Tolja | how to conect 2 PC`s on is runing Win XP and other Ubuntu 7.1 with UTP? | 18:59 |
Broadcom | ciscu: what? | 18:59 |
lnar | kbrosnan, ive never had any problem | 18:59 |
Uplink | fde GNOME | 18:59 |
indio | fde: I didn't get it. Which headers ? | 18:59 |
fde | kbrosnan: I didn't dispute that... however if you're running firefox as root, you deserve what happens imo | 18:59 |
barbarella | Vegombrei:why don't you use a ftp server | 18:59 |
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alan_m | lnar, that definately does not mean you WONT EVER have problems. | 18:59 |
=== helvete is now known as imterro | ||
fde | indio: At the top of each row in the app I showed you | 19:00 |
ciscu | im using 8.04 i have enable capture option and no changes ocurred when recording | 19:00 |
akahige | ubuntu conversion from xubuntu hardy died halfway through. now I have no desktop. can i fix from console? | 19:00 |
Qkal1 | hi i'm having a problem with teh boot screen... its not there... my screen just goes blank (using 7.10) | 19:00 |
trekvarten | på en månad ... kanske | 19:00 |
bobboy | STSX: k thx.. how long do you think it will be (estimate) until it is in the official repositories? | 19:00 |
imterro | can anyone here help me setup encryption on my wifi? | 19:00 |
Jaikkuli | what is the difference between removal and complete removal in SPM | 19:00 |
Uplink | fde my pidgin is not crashing anymore... | 19:00 |
alan_m | well i believe we have drove this discussion to the ground and its starting to get crazy so i move that we move on from the sudo vs gksudo debate. :) | 19:00 |
storm-zen | erUSUL: Can you give me some insight why they are even being called sata drives? They're PATA. | 19:00 |
fde | akahige: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop | 19:00 |
LordOllie | santor, if you could use locate from the terminal or some creative combination of stat and grep | 19:00 |
STSX | bobboy: I have no idea. :) | 19:01 |
naresh | hey | 19:01 |
Uplink | what about gkm? | 19:01 |
naresh | anybody there | 19:01 |
Broadcom | !hi | naresh | 19:01 |
ubottu | naresh: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 19:01 |
fde | Uplink: Then that's good... I was wondering whether you were getting DCOP issues because of arts, but I guess not. | 19:01 |
santor | lordollie, i understand that, it works for me but i'm trying to think of the newbie | 19:01 |
naresh | i need help | 19:01 |
Vegombrei | barbarella: i dont mind .. if it serves the purpose .. could you help me set it up ? | 19:01 |
fde | Uplink: What is gkm? | 19:01 |
bobboy | STSX: but it WILL be in there eventually correct? | 19:01 |
Broadcom | naresh: ask a question | 19:01 |
Uplink | fde, i dunno... it started working out of no where... lol | 19:01 |
mad_max02 | how can I check which nvidia drivers are installed ? | 19:01 |
kbrosnan | lnar: when i sudo firefox in gnome it uses the root as its home, in xfce it uses the current user for some reason | 19:01 |
naresh | thanks | 19:01 |
indio | fde: Is it OK if I don't select any default mixer tracks ? | 19:01 |
mad_max02 | from terminal | 19:01 |
fde | indio: sure | 19:01 |
sporkboy | hey, does anybody have any ideas on changing keyboard layout in the greeter? I use dvorak, but there are some qwerty users I want to let use my laptop now & then. | 19:02 |
Jaikkuli | what is the difference between removal and complete removal in SPM | 19:02 |
naresh | how do i change permisions on ubuntu to mount my ntfs drive?? | 19:02 |
fde | indio: Are you having an issue with your sound? | 19:02 |
STSX | bobboy: Yes, it will eventually get there. :) | 19:02 |
indio | I also have problems with sound capture, can anyone give me a hint ? | 19:02 |
bobboy | STSX: lol alright... i can hold out a bit longer then lol | 19:02 |
Broadcom | naresh: use sudo before the command | 19:02 |
fde | indio: Turn up Mic volume in the app I showed you. | 19:02 |
naresh | oh | 19:02 |
LordOllie | santor, no. There is no other method I know of, but you could probably writeup a little app to do such. | 19:02 |
lnar | kbrosnan, why would u sudo firefox if u can use it as regular user? u are supposed to use sudo for changin some system files but not much mure | 19:02 |
naresh | is that enough | 19:03 |
barbarella | Vegombrei:just google it...this one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51611 | 19:03 |
Broadcom | naresh: should be | 19:03 |
Jaikkuli | what is the difference between removal and complete removal in SPM | 19:03 |
lnar | i found some info about making multiple LiveCD in one DVD if anyone is interested as i am! http://pcquest.ciol.com/content/enterprise/2005/105070101.asp | 19:03 |
naresh | thanks man | 19:03 |
Broadcom | !google > Jaikkuli | 19:03 |
smartboyathome | ok, is there a channel where I can talk to a developer, because gdm does not include the schemas files it should | 19:03 |
indio | In System -> Preferences -> Sound I can't capture sound, it gives me an error. | 19:03 |
Tolja | how to connect ubuntu and win over local network? | 19:03 |
akahige | @fde: THANKS! | 19:03 |
santor | naresh: the easiest wya to get your drive mounted is the /etc/mtab file | 19:03 |
jbroome | Tolja: samba | 19:03 |
fde | indio: You should also be able to go to File > Change Device and select the "Capture" entry for your Mic. | 19:04 |
kbrosnan | lnar: installed firefox to /usr/local/ | 19:04 |
smartboyathome | THIS is why I don't like #ubuntu, too many people :P | 19:04 |
alan_m | smartboy....nevermind | 19:05 |
santor | lordollie can a .deb file run a script after installing, that would make it a lot easier, then you'd just have to convince those who maintain the packages to have them launch some type of usage document upon finishing | 19:05 |
fde | indio: There are issues with some cards though, you might simply be unlucky enough to be effected by that. | 19:05 |
naresh | santor:i m not geting that | 19:05 |
naresh | my drive is sda1 | 19:05 |
indio | fde: Looks like I'm affected. If I configure dmix, no sound capture is possible. | 19:06 |
p | i have the same problems mannnnnnn i can delet things in a pther partition ( a mac partition) | 19:06 |
fde | santor: a .deb ALWAYS runs a script after it installs. | 19:06 |
naresh | how can i mount that | 19:06 |
jbroome | santor: or, the devs can come to your house and hold your hand while it installs | 19:06 |
naresh | can u help me | 19:06 |
storm-zen | why is my PATA showing as SATA on hardy? | 19:06 |
fde | santor: Even if that script only consists of "done" | 19:06 |
cypha | how do i get my laptop's backlight to turn off? | 19:06 |
stefg | !libata | storm-zen | 19:06 |
ubottu | Factoid libata not found | 19:06 |
cypha | it always stays on | 19:06 |
stefg | !uuid | storm-zen | 19:06 |
ubottu | storm-zen: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 19:06 |
volve | hey all, I just upgraded 7.10 to 8.04 and besides there being no "Screens and Graphics" menu option (which I figured out was displayconfig-gtk) I still can't seem to convince the system to see my second monitor. Any ideas? | 19:06 |
spaceninja | does ubuntu have the goals to be able to configure EVERYTHING with graphical apps? | 19:07 |
cypha | through the night, and everything | 19:07 |
fde | cypha: take the bulb out? :P | 19:07 |
maximumbob | well for the first time I have wired networking issues on a clean install of linux | 19:07 |
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LordOllie | santor, I am not sure. Some package managers may be able to suppress output to standard out or otherwise, but I will see if I can find some packaging docs, you have got me interested. ;) | 19:07 |
ciscu | indio: command gnome-volume-control -- > preferences and capture will appear | 19:07 |
storm-zen | thanks, stefg. | 19:07 |
Gladiator | Hi there, could somebody please help me get my wireless working on ubuntu? I think the device isn't turned on, but I can't figure out how to get it on. | 19:07 |
santor | fde well there should be usage instructions for programs, it would be a big help, especially for people hwo are new | 19:07 |
maximumbob | ifup eth0 results in "SIOCSIFFLAGS: Invalid argument" | 19:07 |
fde | santor: Help menus are for that. | 19:07 |
Tolja | is there any other way except samba? | 19:07 |
Jaikkuli | what is the difference between removal and complete removal in SPM.. google isn't helping | 19:08 |
amenado | maximumbob-> try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 19:08 |
darrend | Gladiator: laptop? | 19:08 |
maximumbob | but I get lights on the appropriate port on the switch to which it's connected | 19:08 |
jbroome | Tolja: i would have suggested it if there was | 19:08 |
Gladiator | Yea, darrend | 19:08 |
maximumbob | amenado: tried that, and I get the same thing | 19:08 |
fde | Jaikkuli: One retains configs, the other doesn't. | 19:08 |
santor | fde: but many packages have only man pages, i'm comfortable with that but if i'm trying to get someone to switch from windows then they don't want to see a man page | 19:08 |
Rixon- | how do i check if sshd is running and if it has any connections currently in use? | 19:08 |
cypha | anyone using a laptop? | 19:08 |
darrend | Gladiator: is the hardware switch turned on? usually a FN key for it | 19:08 |
Jaikkuli | fde: :) perfect thanks | 19:08 |
Gladiator | Yes, it's in the on position but the light still shows off. | 19:08 |
amenado | maximumbob-> paste in pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces | 19:08 |
Gladiator | No matter which way I put the switch the light shows off | 19:09 |
barbarella | Rixon-:man ps and man netstat | 19:09 |
amenado | Rixon--> man ps .. ps aux | 19:09 |
santor | rixon pgrep sshd will tell you if its running | 19:09 |
algoboy | i need help with wmii window manager, i have just updated it and i cant get my old config to work? | 19:09 |
darrend | Gladiator: then you have to fix that before ubuntu can do anything. Did you/do you have windows on this machine too? | 19:09 |
LordOllie | santor, you could always generate a doc link to the desktop or some such that links to a manpage or other help/getting started and then is cleaned up after a certain period of time. | 19:09 |
Gladiator | Yea, it works fine in windows. | 19:09 |
Gladiator | I'm 100% sure it's ubuntu. | 19:09 |
darrend | Gladiator: with the light off? | 19:09 |
FelipeS | Hi, how would I add a Fedora to the bootloader configuration? Is there a way to do so without knowing what kernel Fedora is running? | 19:09 |
maximumbob | amenado: can't do much pasting since I'm off the network, but it's only two lines and I don't see an eth0: | 19:09 |
Gladiator | When I boot up in windows, the light comes on. | 19:10 |
Rixon- | pgrep didnt output anything, does that mean it's not running so it returns nothing? | 19:10 |
jbroome | !pm | Tolja | 19:10 |
ubottu | Tolja: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. | 19:10 |
maximumbob | auto lo / iface lo inet loopback | 19:10 |
ciscu | How to enable integrated microphone? my speakers are working but not the microphone... Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02) | 19:10 |
amenado | maximumbob-> then thats the reason, you dont have eth0 to bring up | 19:10 |
darrend | Gladiator: what card? | 19:10 |
maximumbob | amenado: I thought it wasn't detected, however ifconfig eth0 gives me info | 19:10 |
Broadcom | Gladiator: do lspci and put the result in pastebin | 19:10 |
Rixon- | santor ^ | 19:10 |
amenado | maximumbob-> man interfaces | 19:10 |
Gladiator | I had this issue before when I was running 7.04, but somehow I got it working, somebody here helped me. | 19:11 |
santor | rixon if pgrep didnt' return anything then its not running | 19:11 |
Rixon- | ok thanks | 19:11 |
Rixon- | =) | 19:11 |
Gladiator | How am I going to pastebin it without an internet conn, Broadcom? | 19:11 |
ajopaul | !paste | 19:11 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 19:11 |
jbroome | Gladiator: same way you're using IRC right now | 19:11 |
Broadcom | Gladiator: do you have wired? | 19:11 |
santor | Rixon-: as for seeing if anyone is connected i'm not sure i'd have to google it to find out | 19:11 |
Gladiator | Two PC's. | 19:11 |
Broadcom | Gladiator: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff | 19:12 |
amenado | Gladiator be creative, use a usb dongle to transfer file, or meticoulously copy it line by line..you have to do your part | 19:12 |
Broadcom | !prefix | Gladiator | 19:12 |
ubottu | Gladiator: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 19:12 |
Rixon- | santor don't worry, if it's not running, it wont be conencted | 19:12 |
smeril | is there another way to acces sudo gedit /etc/X11/Xsession.d/55gnome-session_gnomerc ? gedit dosent work | 19:12 |
darrend | !broadcom|Gladiator | 19:12 |
ubottu | Gladiator: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx | 19:12 |
Rixon- | thanks for your help anyway | 19:12 |
FelipeS | Hi, how can I add a Fedora to the bootloader configuration? Is there a command that automatically detects installations and adjusts menu.lst accordingly? | 19:12 |
p | i would like to delet some files and folders in a mac partition ( iam currently in ubuntu 8.04 and i have installed the hfs plus tool) how do i get this to work | 19:12 |
Broadcom | darrend: that link is no help | 19:12 |
bremby | hey, anyone has problem with Audacious too? It says it cannot recognize the correct sound output device, although the sound is working otherwise correctly. When the app is running, no other app can play sounds... ??? | 19:12 |
remoteCTRL | Unable to open 'dvdsimple:///dev/scd0' why is that? | 19:12 |
Gladiator | Right, amendo, that's nice, but a few months ago I fixed the problem without using that command and using pastebin. | 19:12 |
barbarella | Rixon-:you can run netstat -ant to see if a service is listening or established | 19:12 |
amenado | FelipeS-> only during an install, after that, you must manually edit the menu.lst file | 19:13 |
fde | bremby: need an pulseaudio plugins for audacious. | 19:13 |
santor | Rixon-: right, i didnt' know if you where gonna start it tho or if you needed to look for connections when you started it | 19:13 |
bobboy | STSX: will the update for audacious be included in the repositories eventually too? | 19:13 |
FelipeS | amenado: Where can I find some guidelines to add a Fedora installation? | 19:13 |
remoteCTRL | i always get an error when i want to access the drive, always something like Unable to open 'dvd:///dev/scd0' | 19:13 |
Gladiator | It's a Broadcom BCM4328 | 19:14 |
amenado | Gladiator okay, well if we mis-interpret what you have, and give you advise based on that...then thats how its going to be | 19:14 |
Thoku | FelipeS: It is really easy to change menu.lst. Just man grub.conf or menu.lst | 19:14 |
maximumbob | amenado: I tried adding auto eth0/iface eth0 inet dhcp to that file, restart networking, but as DHCP tries to do it's thing, I get the same 'invalid arg' error plus: "send_packet: Network is down"'s | 19:14 |
amenado | FelipeS-> you can google for grub tutorial | 19:15 |
x_ | anybody know where I can find an open source WLAN card for a laptop? | 19:15 |
soifran | hi everybody | 19:15 |
enry | is there any americans ubunto user? | 19:15 |
amenado | maximumbob-> without seeing your contents of interfaces file, I could easily mis-interpret what you got, so i may give you a wrong advise | 19:15 |
santor | x_: unfortunately that would be quite hard but if you search for an ubuntu Hardware compatability list you can find one that will work well | 19:15 |
FelipeS | amenado: there seems to be no concrete guideline. Some add just a rootnoverify(xxx) chainloader +1, some others actually tell you to list the kernel running | 19:16 |
oli__ | Hi I've rajjed my compiz setup so X locks up. How can I kill the config? | 19:16 |
soifran | i got a problem with ffmpeg : ffmpeg: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libavcodec.so.51: undefined symbol: faacDecOpen | 19:16 |
maximumbob | amenado, I posted it above: "auto lo eth0 / iface lo inet loopback / iface eth0 inet dhcp" | 19:16 |
Kl4m | enry: probably a big part of the ubuntu user base is american | 19:16 |
* maximumbob is USian | 19:16 | |
enry | Kl4m, i love USA | 19:17 |
amenado | FelipeS-> http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm is a good link i used for reference | 19:17 |
santor | USA here too! | 19:17 |
ajopaul | when i launch gparted, i get the message Can't have overlapping partitions. | 19:17 |
=== FreeFull_ is now known as Mefoobot | ||
ajopaul | here's my sudo fdisk -l http://paste.ubuntu.com/14848/ | 19:17 |
santor | well guys, i can't keep up with this chat and still get work done so ttyl | 19:17 |
amenado | maximumbob-> then that is wrong to have a / on that file | 19:17 |
Vikketor1 | Proably not the right to post this question but anyway. Does anyone know a dist that runs smooth on a P3 with 128 mb ram. | 19:17 |
maximumbob | amenado: I was using / to denote linebreak so as not to multiline post on IRC | 19:18 |
philsf | anyone knows what kind of tty is ttyv2 ? | 19:18 |
fde | oli__: rm -r ~/.compiz | 19:18 |
aruiz | Vikketor1: Xubuntu | 19:18 |
x_ | santor: Thanks! | 19:18 |
smeril | is there any alternetive to use when gedit frezes? | 19:18 |
magnetron | soifran: the version of ffmpeg that's shipping doesn't support AAC sound, since that would infringe on software patents in the US. the version of ffmpeg in the medibuntu repository supports AAC though. | 19:18 |
magnetron | !medibuntu | soifran | 19:18 |
ubottu | soifran: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org | 19:18 |
Gladiator | How can I get my laptop running an integrated Broadcom BCM4328 to work? | 19:18 |
amenado | maximumbob-> as i've said i can easily mis-interpret, so it is best if you find a way to paste it | 19:18 |
fde | smeril: nano | 19:18 |
cypha | why did gedit freeze? | 19:18 |
FelipeS | amenado: thanks. Will checki t out. | 19:18 |
amenado | maximumbob-> its like you do your part and ill try my best to assist | 19:19 |
darrend | oli__: rm -r ~/.gconf/apps/compiz | 19:19 |
Kl4m | smeril: vim (console text editor) or nano support really big files somewhat better | 19:19 |
oli__ | darrend ty | 19:19 |
Kl4m | ajopaul: it seems you do have overlapping partitions | 19:19 |
smeril | how do i acces sudo gedit /etc/X11/Xsession.d/55gnome-session_gnomerc | 19:19 |
smeril | ? | 19:19 |
ajopaul | Kl4m, any fixes without doing all from scratch ? | 19:19 |
amenado | Gladiator-> http://www.unix-tutorials.com/go.php?id=575 try this tutorial | 19:20 |
Kl4m | ajopaul: I'm still trying to figure that partition table... :/ | 19:20 |
_DonDon | Hi guys, I am in the Live CD for Ubuntu 8.04 trying to uninstall Ubuntu by deleting the partitions that Ubuntu made (ext3 and linux-swap), and I cant delete either of them because it says they're mounted. Can you please tell me how to unmount both of those partitions? | 19:20 |
maximumbob | amenado: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14850/ - I just figured it was simple enough not to have to paste, but here 'tis. | 19:20 |
jocke | What is the output if you type uname -o in a terminal in Hardy Heron? | 19:20 |
ajopaul | ok!! | 19:20 |
remoteCTRL | gosh guys can anyone please tell me how i can play my brand new pink floyd live at pompeji dvd? | 19:20 |
dmsuperman | _DonDon, sudo umount -a | 19:21 |
robg_ | DonDon: You need Gparted to delete partitions | 19:21 |
epsi | hey guys | 19:21 |
soifran | magnetron -> i've already set the medibuntu repository, then updated && upgraded my packges ; actually i can't even check which version of ffmpeg is installed caus i'm getting this answer : ffmpeg: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libavcodec.so.51: undefined symbol: faacDecOpen | 19:21 |
storm-zen | I'm getting ata2.00 exceptions repeatedly, but the messages are all zeros. (There appears to be no actual data in them.) Has anyone seen this? | 19:21 |
dmsuperman | _DonDon, that will unmount all partitions that aren't currently in use, and throw an error for the ones that are in use | 19:21 |
mediaportalx | remoteCTRL install codecs | 19:21 |
magnus_ | omg my ext3 disk is configured as ntfs in fstab is that Dangerous? | 19:21 |
dmsuperman | _DonDon, if you know where they're mounted at, you could simply do "sudo umount /PATH/TO/MOUNT/POINT" for each partition you want ot unmount | 19:21 |
amenado | maximumbob-> do a sudo lshw -C network lets see what your system detects as your network nics | 19:21 |
Gladiator | amenado, I don't know where the driver for it is in windows | 19:22 |
dmsuperman | magnus_, I'd say that if it's mounting then it is an NTFS partition, and not EXT3 as you think it is | 19:22 |
_DonDon | It says they're busy | 19:22 |
magnetron | soifran: apparently something wrong with libavcodec or faac | 19:22 |
remoteCTRL | mediaportalx: i guess that wouldnt clear the Unable to open 'dvd:///dev/scd0' error, would it? | 19:22 |
Metox | Hi all, does amd64 support surround sound on realtek AC97' ? | 19:22 |
magnetron | !surround | Metox | 19:22 |
Kl4m | ajopaul: ok the problem is not overlapping partitions, it's that your partition table is unordered. Do you know which software created that table? partition magic? | 19:22 |
ubottu | Factoid surround not found | 19:22 |
amenado | maximumbob-> per what you pasted, its okay, but somehow your driver has not activated your nic yet | 19:22 |
dmsuperman | _DonDon, if you are SURE that it's safe to unmount them, use the -f flag to force the unmount | 19:22 |
mediaportalx | remoteCTRL sounds like a scrthed cd | 19:22 |
AlphaOmega | hello | 19:22 |
amenado | Gladiator-> i dont know either, so you have to google and locate it | 19:22 |
Oli`` | darrend: thank you, again | 19:23 |
AlphaOmega | i have ubuntu 8.04 in vmware, eth0 was working, after reboot, ifconfig only lists lo0, any ideas? | 19:23 |
bremby | today, after I installed some apps, Audacity among them (not Audacious), my Totem Player got "damaged" - When I double click on some file to play it in Totem, after 1-2 seconds after start short loop is once repeated, but then disappears immeadieately, and the sound is then alright. Just the beginning is wrong, and very anoying | 19:23 |
AlphaOmega | how do i get etho0 back? | 19:23 |
maximumbob | amenado: Everything there is in order, has product, vendor, size, clock, etc etc... though at the top it says "*-network DISABLED" so I guess that's what I have to fix | 19:23 |
bremby | anyone? | 19:23 |
magnus_ | dmsuperman: you are right its not mounted | 19:23 |
remoteCTRL | mediaportalx: a what cd please? | 19:23 |
Bits | each time i try to enable advanced desktop effects in System>Appearances in 7.10, it prompts me for nvidia driver installation. after clicking yes and restarting, it still prompts me | 19:23 |
ajopaul | Kl4m, had vista initially shrunk c drive and used rest of the space for ubuntu, had some unallocated space left, used gparted to create a drive out of it | 19:23 |
amenado | maximumbob-> yep thats the clue.. -network Disabled so you have to fix that one | 19:23 |
mediaportalx | remote | 19:23 |
ajopaul | no not partition magic | 19:23 |
mediaportalx | i mean dvd lol | 19:23 |
bremby | Bits: Are you sure you have the driver installed? | 19:23 |
_DonDon | so should I do sudo umount -f or sudo umount -a -f | 19:23 |
epsi | hey, today i got my eeepc, now i tried to install ubuntu 8.04, over a usb stick, using this tutorial: http://www.teamteabag.com/2008/03/07/install-ubuntu-804-hardy-heron-from-usb/, but it only flashes the underline and it wont start the bootmenu :/ anyone experience with that? | 19:24 |
Bits | bremby: how can i be sure, asides from clicking the "install driver" button (thought it was self-evident) | 19:24 |
maximumbob | amenado: how? And for the record, another ubuntu desktop install I have has the bare interfaces file (just lo) but wired still works there. | 19:24 |
_DonDon | so should I do sudo umount -f or sudo umount -a -f | 19:24 |
killakali408650 | hey guys | 19:24 |
ApOgEE- | hi all... i just noticed that my /home partition's free space is reducing on every click i made to browse the folders... two days ago i have 1.2GB free space. without adding any new files, now i only have about 1.5MB free space. what is happening? any ideas? | 19:24 |
Metox | magnetron - if that's a yes, how do I get that to work? I fiddled around alsamixer (installed the package), turned up the surround, but no luck. | 19:24 |
killakali408650 | im installing ubuntu on my laptop today | 19:25 |
magnetron | Metox: sorry, i don't know | 19:25 |
koheleth | does the Gnome xchat minimise to the notification tray? | 19:25 |
ajopaul | Kl4m, from fdisk tired fix partition order, rebooted still the prob persists.. | 19:25 |
killakali408650 | just had a couple of questions | 19:25 |
bremby | Bits: Go to System->Administration-> Synaptic | 19:25 |
amenado | maximumbob-> which vendor is this card from? wireless or wired? | 19:25 |
koheleth | !xchat | 19:25 |
ubottu | Factoid xchat not found | 19:25 |
ArthurArchnix | Hi.. this is super bad and weird. I did "sudo apt-get update", then "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" but my internet dropped out while it was downloading packages. Now I can't sudo anything. Everytime I use sudo it returns segmentation fault. Sudo fdisk -l equals segmentation fault. sudo apt-get clean returns segementation fault. Non sudo commands work fine. | 19:25 |
remoteCTRL | mediaportalx: a what dvd then please? i dont understand the term scrthed | 19:25 |
maximumbob | amenado: wired, SiS900 PCI Fast Ethernet | 19:25 |
dmsuperman | _DonDon, the preferred way to do it would be "sudo umount -f /PATH/TO/MOUNT/POINT" but if you aren't sure where it's mounted you can check by entering "sudo df" in your terminal | 19:25 |
killakali408650 | sooo lol anyone there 2 answer 2day?? | 19:25 |
dmsuperman | _DonDon, I'd advise against ever entering "sudo umount -a -f" because it would unmount the partiton that ubuntu is currently on | 19:26 |
amenado | maximumbob-> on that lshw -C network what driver it indicated is it attempting to use? | 19:26 |
Metox | Any body know if AMD64 supports surround 4.1 on AC'97 | 19:26 |
bremby | Bits: with that program, you can search through all packages you have installed, so, search for "nvidia" and one of the drivers there should be checked as "installed" | 19:26 |
ArthurArchnix | I've tried rebooting, but since that only tends to work with Windows, it obviously didn't fix my problem. | 19:26 |
killakali408650 | i guess not :( | 19:26 |
maximumbob | amenado: I think this is what you're asking - it says "module=sis900" | 19:26 |
soifran | "magnetron: soifran: apparently something wrong with libavcodec or faac" yes, but wht ? | 19:27 |
_DonDon | dmsuperman: I am on a Live CD, trying to delete the Ubuntu partitions and it says its Unable to delete /dev/sda5 and "Please unmount any logical partitions having a number higher than 5" | 19:27 |
bremby | Bits: probably the packages' name should be "nvidia-glx-new", if you have newer computer | 19:27 |
amenado | maximumbob-> if its pasted, no mis-translations..so am not sure.. | 19:27 |
dmsuperman | _DonDon, if you're sure that you don't need it then you could unmount it | 19:28 |
Flannel | ArthurArchnix: Reboot to the recovery console (at GRUB, select recovery console), and try to finish the upgrade, or at least fix sudo. | 19:28 |
magnetron | soifran: if i knew i would of course have told you | 19:28 |
amenado | maximumbob-> there may be another entry that says driver= | 19:28 |
_DonDon | I just did "sudo umount -f /dev/sda5" and it said invalid argument, not mounted | 19:28 |
maximumbob | amenado: ah yes, sorry missed it: driver also =sis900 | 19:28 |
cypha | what programs can compare text files? | 19:28 |
_DonDon | But why is GParted telling me its unable to delete the partition | 19:28 |
dmsuperman | _DonDon, that's the device, not the mount point | 19:28 |
cypha | and show the differences | 19:28 |
ArthurArchnix | sure... I suppose I could reboot into single user mode... and try and finish the update. But unless that magically fixes sudo... and why would it break? Oh well, no choice but to try it I suppose. | 19:28 |
bremby | anyone, experienced problems with Audacity???? | 19:29 |
nickolaus | I have a fresh install of ubuntu Hardy and I want to get some files off of my windows network. | 19:29 |
ArthurArchnix | It hadn't even started installing, it was still downloading. | 19:29 |
amenado | maximumbob-> do you have that in /lib/firmware/`uname -r` ? | 19:29 |
robg_ | DonDon: gparted contains complex [partition logic. Believe gparted. | 19:29 |
ArthurArchnix | Anyway, off to go try it. Thanks flannel | 19:29 |
dmsuperman | _DonDon, do "sudo df" to see your mount points | 19:29 |
soifran | thanks to all | 19:29 |
_DonDon | okay so i did "sudo umount -f /" and it said Device or resource busy | 19:29 |
Flannel | ArthurArchnix: Could be you were upgrading sudo when you broke, or who knows. In S.U.M. it'll tell you what you should do to fix apt (probably a reconfigure/similar) | 19:29 |
soifran | thanks magnetron | 19:29 |
maximumbob | amenado: interestingly no | 19:29 |
soifran | by | 19:29 |
nickolaus | When I load the windows computers I can't see any of the files. | 19:29 |
soifran | bye | 19:29 |
Myles | can I just force a screen resolution? I did everything from 'FixVideoResolutionHowto' but no luck :( | 19:30 |
magnus_ | how do i add a new disk to fstab? | 19:30 |
_DonDon | okay so i did "sudo umount -f /" and it said Device or resource busy | 19:30 |
amenado | maximumbob-> and then maybe you have to look in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/net/wireless or somewhere in ubuntu/net/wireless | 19:30 |
Oli`` | Is there anything available to fix this firefox fsync issue? it takes an age to type URLs or load my history | 19:30 |
dmsuperman | _DonDon, then I'm not sure what's wrong | 19:30 |
ricket | is firefox 3 rc1 available to install on ubuntu? if so, how?? beta 5 crashes often and my experience on windows has had no crashes since i upgraded to rc1, i want to do the same here on linux!! | 19:30 |
Flannel | _DonDon: You'd be unmounting their locations in the current filesystem (probably in /media), / is your liveCD | 19:30 |
redcode | someone facing problems with conky when a network device is up but NOT connected? | 19:31 |
Jaikkuli | i cannot see the items on my desktop.. i disabled show desktop in gconf-editor.. but even after changing the value back to true.. the desktop doesnt work normal again.. help please?\ | 19:31 |
Jaikkuli | i have tried rebooting | 19:31 |
nickolaus | So it is normal to not be able to view windows network file systems? | 19:31 |
Oli`` | ricket: could that be plugin-related? I've found moving to Flash Player 10 has improved things a lot but your mileage will vary | 19:31 |
bremby | Bits: so, any progress so far? | 19:31 |
ajopaul | !fstab | 19:32 |
ubottu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 19:32 |
Kl4m | ajopaul: are you sure you wrote back the changes to the table | 19:32 |
ricket | Oli``: maybe... on windows it was definitely linked to my upgrade to rc1 tho, right up until the final day of beta 5 it continued to crash several times a day at seemingly-random times... | 19:32 |
maximumbob | amenado: nothing, though I did come across this - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=274453 and this - http://www.brownhat.org/sis900.html | 19:32 |
_DonDon | so I went to the media part and so i would unmount /media/disk ? | 19:32 |
Broadcom | !firefox3 | ricket | 19:32 |
ubottu | ricket: Firefox 3 beta 5 is in hardy, and will get updated, because the firefox 2 branch will be unsupported before the support cycle for Ubuntu Hardy finishes. | 19:32 |
nickolaus | Why can't I see windows folders over my network? | 19:33 |
ajopaul | Kl4m, yes i did, after that wen i do the same command i get Nothing to do Ordering is correct already ! | 19:33 |
amenado | maximumbob-> that may want to do, download the correct driver for your nic.. | 19:33 |
ajopaul | !partitions | 19:33 |
ubottu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 19:33 |
amenado | maximumbob-> i dont even recall sis makes network card, i thought they were video company | 19:33 |
ricket | Broadcom: thanks but that message doesn't make much sense and doesn't help me :) but actually i just found a site that does help me... so i guess my problem's fixed! | 19:33 |
usser | !opera | 19:33 |
ubottu | opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser | 19:33 |
mohbana | is hardy automatically configured to detect windows pcs on the network? | 19:33 |
XDS2010 | hi | 19:33 |
maximumbob | amenado: I think it's all integrated stuff | 19:34 |
Broadcom | mohbana: did you set up the windows pc to share? | 19:34 |
_DonDon | It says /tmp, /dev/shm, /dev, | 19:34 |
Flannel | nickolaus: You need to install samba | 19:34 |
Broadcom | !hi | XDS2010 | 19:34 |
ubottu | XDS2010: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 19:34 |
Flannel | !samba | nickolaus | 19:34 |
_DonDon | and /var/run are busy | 19:34 |
ubottu | nickolaus: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 19:34 |
dmsuperman | mohbana, as far as I've used it it has been | 19:34 |
XDS2010 | ^.^ | 19:34 |
Woet | why doesnt ubuntu regonize my wireless? | 19:34 |
dmsuperman | right | 19:34 |
Woet | previous version did. | 19:34 |
amenado | maximumbob-> oh okay, well maybe you have to get yourself an external ethernet card if this dont work, they come cheap anyways | 19:34 |
mohbana | dmsuperman: does fedora do the same? | 19:34 |
remoteCTRL | gawd dammit this f+++in dvd seems to have some sort of copy protection that prevents me from playing it what can i do against that? | 19:34 |
Broadcom | Woet: it depends, what card do you have? | 19:34 |
Woet | i have no idea | 19:34 |
Woet | the cheapest HP laptop basicly | 19:35 |
dmsuperman | mohbana, I wouldn't see why not, but I don't use fedora it on a windows network | 19:35 |
Flannel | !dvd | remoteCTRL | 19:35 |
ubottu | remoteCTRL: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 19:35 |
XDS2010 | dink you here ? | 19:35 |
nickolaus | Thank you. | 19:35 |
Broadcom | Woet do lspci and pu the result in pastebin | 19:35 |
_DonDon | It says /tmp, /dev/shm, /dev, and /var/run are busy when i do "sudo umount -a /media/disk" and when i do "sudo umount -f /media/disk" it just give me a new chance to type in another command | 19:35 |
redcode | someone using conky here? maybe on a UMPC 2133? | 19:35 |
Woet | Broadcom: cant, since it doesnt have internet | 19:35 |
yoursfaithfully | Hi - has anyone else had any problems with the latest kernel upgrade? it killed my wifi, and reinstalling madwifi didn't help (which is all I had to do to get wifi working after upgrading to Hardy). | 19:36 |
amenado | _DonDon-> what is the reason you wanted to unmount these filesystems? | 19:36 |
Broadcom | Woet: can you connect it via wired? | 19:36 |
Kl4m | ajopaul: so fdisk says the partition table is ok and the system otherwise works fine? If so then it could (should) be a parted / gparted bug | 19:36 |
Peter_bz | Hello, I am on ubuntu 8.04, and I have a problem. My sound works fine on the desktop, with the firefox and other stuff, but when I try to play bzflag or tremulous, stuff like that, the sound doesn't work. On bzflag it displays, "audio driver not available". What do I do to fix it? | 19:36 |
Woet | no, no wires left | 19:36 |
Broadcom | yoursfaithfully: what wireless? | 19:36 |
remoteCTRL | Flannel: ahaaaaaaaaaaaa thank you so much man! | 19:36 |
amenado | Woet-> you have a usb dongle? if not, copy it manually..youhave to do your part | 19:36 |
ajopaul | Kl4m, was speculating that too.. | 19:36 |
yoursfaithfully | Broadcom: I'm using madwifi, I have an atheros chipset on a laptop | 19:36 |
ajopaul | anyways let me c, thanx | 19:36 |
nickolaus | I know this is stupid but I have samba installed how do I start it/use it? | 19:36 |
XDS2010 | blah blah blah | 19:36 |
Ojoo | I have a question, hoping someone can help. My computer is using a proprietary driver for my wireless card, but when I go into Admin > Network all it shows is Wired Connection and Point to Point, no wireless Any help please? | 19:37 |
_DonDon | amenado, I am in the Live CD of Ubuntu 8.04, trying to uninstall Ubuntu in GParted and it says Its Unable, and that I should unmount any logical partitions having a number high than 5 | 19:37 |
Woet | Broadcom: for some reason, you seem to be the name of my network controller | 19:37 |
yoursfaithfully | Oh, specifically I have a patched madwifi for my chipset | 19:37 |
Peter_bz | can anyone help? | 19:37 |
Broadcom | Woet: so put the cable that is in the computer you are using now into the one you are having trouble with | 19:37 |
amenado | nickolaus-> do a lil tutorial on samba, perhaps lots of your questions will be answered | 19:37 |
Broadcom | Woet: lol, there is a reason for that | 19:37 |
Broadcom | Peter_bz: | ask | 19:37 |
fde | Ojoo: If you're using ndiswrapper, it will show as a wired connection, because that is how it is seen. | 19:37 |
Peter_bz | I did | 19:37 |
Flannel | nickolaus: On the page that ubotu gave you there are instructions | 19:37 |
fde | Ojoo: ndiswrapper is a nasty hack | 19:37 |
Peter_bz | I am on ubuntu 8.04, and I have a problem. My sound works fine on the desktop, with the firefox and other stuff, but when I try to play bzflag or tremulous, stuff like that, the sound doesn't work. On bzflag it displays, "audio driver not available" | 19:37 |
Broadcom | Woet: what is the name? | 19:38 |
node357 | Peter_bz, I have no sound in ZSNES too, nobody could help me :/ | 19:38 |
Ojoo | what is ndiswrapper? and how do i know if i am using it? | 19:38 |
Broadcom | !ndiswrapper | Ojoo | 19:38 |
ubottu | Ojoo: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 19:38 |
fde | node357: You need to set it to use esd | 19:38 |
_DonDon | amenado, I am in the Live CD of Ubuntu 8.04, trying to uninstall Ubuntu in GParted and it says Its Unable, and that I should unmount any logical partitions having a number high than 5 | 19:38 |
amenado | _DonDon-> if i read you correctly, you are trying to uninstall and ubuntu? same as you are booted from or one that is in the hard disk? | 19:38 |
node357 | okay fde thanks | 19:38 |
gene_ | irc.velocityirc.net | 19:38 |
_DonDon | No no, I am trying to install Ubuntu 8.04 from the Live CD by deleting the partitions by using gparted | 19:38 |
_DonDon | UNINSTALL* sorry | 19:39 |
Broadcom | !prefix | _DonDon | 19:39 |
ubottu | _DonDon: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 19:39 |
Flannel | _DonDon: What are you going to install instead? | 19:39 |
robg_ | amenado: is possible, a completely empty disk. | 19:39 |
amenado | _DonDon-> what are you trying to un-install ? | 19:39 |
_DonDon | Flannel, I have WinXP on the machine that I'm going to use | 19:39 |
mib_kdcftb | I'm attempting to install `X11::GUITest' in Perl with the command `sudo perl -e shell -MCPAN', but I get the error `make had returned bad status, install seems impossible'. | 19:39 |
_DonDon | amenado, I am trying to UNINSTALL Ubuntu 8.04 | 19:39 |
amenado | robg_-> what is possible? | 19:39 |
amenado | _DonDon-> is the 8.04 already installed on the hard disk? | 19:40 |
_DonDon | amenado, yes | 19:40 |
robg_ | amenado: wiping your disk clean with gparted. | 19:40 |
nickolaus | I did, but I guess my question is if samba has a GUI or can I only use via terminal? | 19:40 |
Flannel | _DonDon: You just need to unmoun the two partitions, which you probably already did when you did umount /media/disk and it didn't say anything. No error message means success. | 19:40 |
amenado | _DonDon-> dont even try to uninstall, just format the partition where it is installed.. that will take care of it | 19:40 |
magnus_ | why does not all disks have an UUID? | 19:40 |
mib_kdcftb | The build has a lot of problems in the file GUITest.xs--so many that gnome-terminal's scrollback isn't long enough. | 19:40 |
Broadcom | !prefix | 19:41 |
ubottu | As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 19:41 |
killakali408650 | guys i need help with installing ubuntu | 19:41 |
amenado | robg_-> oh okay, got yah | 19:41 |
Broadcom | killakali408650: ask a question | 19:41 |
killakali408650 | i was told yesterday to shrink the vista partition using vista's tools | 19:41 |
killakali408650 | and then install ubuntu on the new space | 19:41 |
_DonDon | amenado: I can't touch the partitions PERIOD because it says they're mounted | 19:41 |
killakali408650 | but what is gparted? | 19:41 |
Jaikkuli | silly question.. i am having a mind blank.. how to do make more than one gnome panels on the desktop | 19:41 |
robg_ | amenado: in that case you can only access the computer through the CD-ROM drive. | 19:41 |
killakali408650 | do i have to use gparted?? | 19:41 |
navetz | does anyone know how to view all the computers on your network? | 19:41 |
Broadcom | Jaikkuli: right click, click add pannel | 19:42 |
maximumbob | amenado: I don't really understand it... Googling lets me know that ubuntu usually does fine with sis900, and lspci has it showing fine too. | 19:42 |
szx0 | Does anyone know of a good video capture/xawtv/cctv IRC channel??? | 19:42 |
Broadcom | !samba | navetz | 19:42 |
ubottu | navetz: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 19:42 |
killakali408650 | i used vista's tools to just shrink the vista partition to make room for the ubuntu partition | 19:42 |
nickolaus | I ran Kubuntu for a short time and there was a samba GUI via a browser is there such a thing in Ubuntu? | 19:42 |
navetz | Broadcom: is there a way to mount a computer on my network without samba | 19:42 |
Broadcom | !samba | nickolaus | 19:42 |
ubottu | nickolaus: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 19:42 |
maximumbob | nickolaus: called SWAT | 19:42 |
amenado | _DonDon-> do it over, reboot to the liveCd and then we can assist you from there, basically fdisk /dev/sda and then select the correct partition to format | 19:42 |
aruiz | Nicke_: you can browse the network through the places menu | 19:42 |
Broadcom | navetz: if it is ubuntu | 19:42 |
aruiz | nickolaus: : you can browse the network through the places menu | 19:43 |
Reenen | how do you change the default text editor? | 19:43 |
dmsuperman | Does anybody know how I can get the UUID of a partition? Right now my fstab mounts /dev/sdXY as various mountpoints, but if I ever change my partitions I'm sure that'll mess it all up | 19:43 |
navetz | Broadcom: ok, is there a GUI for samba? | 19:43 |
ajopaul | Reenen, on a terminal ? | 19:43 |
amenado | maximumbob-> paste the results of your lspci and also ifconfig | 19:43 |
dmsuperman | navetz, System -> Preferences -> Shared Folders | 19:43 |
Flannel | Reenen: sudo update-alternatives --config editor | 19:43 |
magnetron | dmsuperman: sudo blkid | 19:43 |
Broadcom | navetz: http://www.samba.org/samba/GUI/ | 19:43 |
ajopaul | export EDITOR=vi if you want vi :) | 19:43 |
maximumbob | amenado: ifconfig -a or just ifconfig | 19:43 |
amenado | dmacnutt-> you do a cat /dev/disk/by-uuid | 19:43 |
dmsuperman | navetz, sorry, Administration not Preferences | 19:43 |
amenado | maximumbob-> either..but go ahead ifconfig -a | 19:44 |
Reenen | ajopaul: No, when I double click it... but the files doesn't have a .txt extention | 19:44 |
Chrysalis | do i need to install anything extra for cool'n'quiet? looking at the cpu frequency scaling monitor it seems to be working right off the bat | 19:44 |
killakali408650 | and i never dual booted before in my life, soo when i finish installing the ubuntu os and restart the computer will the computer automatically ask me which os i want to boot? | 19:44 |
Flannel | killakali408650: yes | 19:44 |
Reenen | thanks! | 19:44 |
navetz | dmsuperman: oh its probably important to note that I am using KDE, but I found it, thanks for the help, ill brb | 19:44 |
maximumbob | amenado: if only I had a usb flash drive on hand :-/ | 19:44 |
Broadcom | Reenen: what extension does it have? | 19:44 |
Darkche1 | killakali: yes you will get the grub menu | 19:45 |
Darkche1 | ok , i need to know if theres support in ubuntu for usb modems ?? | 19:45 |
amenado | maximumbob-> basically, if you dont have the driver, the nic will not work | 19:45 |
robg_ | killakali408650: be very carefull you cannot afford to make mistakes. | 19:45 |
killakali408650 | it said on the website before i install ubuntu from the cd that i created i should first check the integrity of it | 19:45 |
Broadcom | !tab | Darkche1 | 19:45 |
ubottu | Darkche1: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 19:45 |
magnus_ | How do I give my Disk an UUID? | 19:45 |
ajopaul | Reenen, if the file is txt and even if the extension is absent gedit opens up | 19:45 |
maximumbob | amenado: I get that, but the fact is that this card works by default in debian and ubuntu, based on comments online | 19:45 |
killakali408650 | yep i can't afford to make mistakes i put soo much money into this laptop | 19:45 |
magnetron | magnus_: it already has one. run "sudo blkid" to find it out | 19:46 |
Darkche1 | does anyone know if there is support for usb modems in ubuntu ???? | 19:46 |
killakali408650 | sooo after vista is done formatting the partition that i just created, i just put the cd in the cd drive and restart the computer right? | 19:46 |
Jaikkuli | Broadcom: i mean like.. complete seperate ones.. like.. i could have one at the top, one at the bottom for example | 19:46 |
magnetron | Darkche1: yes, but it depends on the modem of course | 19:46 |
robg_ | killakali408650: find a friend who has done this before. | 19:46 |
killakali408650 | and then install ubuntu from there?? is there anything specific that i should look out for? | 19:46 |
Broadcom | Jaikkuli: yes, do what i said, then move it | 19:46 |
killakali408650 | robg_ isn't there a way to remove ubuntu if it does mess up?? | 19:47 |
magnus_ | magnetron: it gives /dev/sdb2: LABEL="Media" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3" | 19:47 |
linduxed | ok i need help with a en-1216 network card: im loading the tulip driver but it doesnt help at all, ive added the "option tulip irq=11" (which was the IRQ used in XP) and that has no effect either. thoughts? procedure? | 19:47 |
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Darkche1 | magnetron : its a smartAX MT882 | 19:47 |
magnus_ | magnetron: i get an UUID for all disks but not my /dev/sdb2 | 19:47 |
mydoghasworms | Darkche1: Typically, so-called softmodems are a problem on OSs where there are no proprietary drivers available (i.e. just about everything except Windows or Mac) | 19:47 |
magnetron | Darkche1: i'm not familiar with that particular modem | 19:48 |
magnus_ | magnetron: and I just created /dev/sdb2 partition from winxp so it is fresh | 19:49 |
Darkche1 | magnetron : basically a modem for talktalk we got for nothing | 19:49 |
Glightning | could someone possibly help me with some video issues i'm having with wow? i've followed the guides and nothing seems to work | 19:49 |
linduxed | anyone? | 19:50 |
picanello | ciaooo | 19:50 |
murphy | test | 19:50 |
amenado | linduxed-> is that the driver for it? tulip? | 19:51 |
amenado | maximumbob-> well i will not argue with what you have read, but is it working for you? | 19:52 |
redcode | conky users, anyone? | 19:52 |
maximumbob | amenado: was prepping pastebin stuff | 19:52 |
maximumbob | amenado: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14859 for ifconfig, http://paste.ubuntu.com/14860 for lspci. For lscpi I only included ethernet line | 19:53 |
amenado | magnus_-> is there a filesystem on it yet? | 19:53 |
amenado | maximumbob-> having 00:00:00.... for hw address is bogus for one | 19:54 |
magnus_ | amenado: yes its an ext3 with files on it, i can mount it and everything | 19:54 |
=== soldats_ is now known as soldats | ||
|et | hi can someone recommend a flash editor for ubuntu | 19:55 |
amenado | maximumbob-> lspci result didnt help much either.. | 19:55 |
magnus_ | But i guess i can use LABEL instead of UUID (i read on some wiki page ubuntu requires label OR uuid) | 19:55 |
amenado | magnus_-> but no uuid ? | 19:55 |
magnus_ | amenado: thats right | 19:55 |
magnus_ | amenado: gotta go brb | 19:55 |
amenado | magnus_-> you can mount without using uuid | 19:55 |
magnus_ | amenado: yep | 19:55 |
indio | Are there ubuntu forums somewhere ? | 19:56 |
Flannel | indio: ubuntuforums.org | 19:56 |
Darkche1 | so basically this modem will not work ??? searching the forums had no luck | 19:56 |
toyo|desk | hmm I cant seem to get audacious music player to play any online radio streams like from shoutcast | 19:56 |
toyo|desk | it just freezes | 19:56 |
indio | Thanks. | 19:56 |
toyo|desk | however mplayer plugin seems to play them fine | 19:56 |
toyo|desk | er mplayer plugin in firefox | 19:56 |
Jaikkuli | Broadcom: well i am doing that, but for some reason it isnt working | 19:57 |
DaveKong | How do I install a driver I DLed from say the dell website? | 19:57 |
toyo|desk | and I can play regular mp3s off my pc in audacious just not off the web I guess | 19:57 |
Broadcom | Jaikkuli: im not sure why | 19:57 |
Swish | welllll :D | 19:58 |
genii | |et: Since flash is a proprietary format there isn't much for that. Although you may want to look at ktoon or synfig | 19:58 |
fostot | Quick question for the gnome desktop, how can you remove the symbolic link "emblem" i know it's not an emblem but calling it that for lack of knowing what it is :P | 19:58 |
|et | okay thanks | 19:58 |
In-Sane`` | I installed wine, I tried wine program.exe but it shows an error. I also tried wine --help and all I get is wine program argument.. whats the right command for wine please? | 19:58 |
genii | DaveKong: If the driver came as say, a .deb file then use: sudo dpkg -i thefilename.deb | 19:58 |
kumquats | When connecting my camera to the computer, ubuntu wants to use gphoto or gthumb or whatever to "import" the images. I just want to see the camera as a mounted volume like a usb stick. How do I make it do this? | 19:59 |
soundray | In-Sane``: 'program.exe' is just a placeholder. You should replace it with the name of a real program | 19:59 |
ariqz | ok, I got a modem driver compiled finally and it's working, but it requires root to access it, which is a total pain in the butt since I want to use gnome-ppp. Why does it require root? | 19:59 |
In-Sane`` | soundray: Yes. that was jsut an example. the real program is NetworkAdmin.exe :) | 19:59 |
storm-zen | I'm getting a million ata2.00 messages written to my logs. I need them to stop so that I can figure out why the Hardy box doesn't have network connectivity. How do I stop ata2.00 messages from being written temporarily? | 20:00 |
In-Sane`` | Just* | 20:00 |
soundray | kumquats: if you disable camera auto-access via System-Preferences-Removable Drives and Media, it should mount the camera memory like any USB memory | 20:00 |
kestaz | that the wtf is Suhosin-Patch ? | 20:00 |
guyzmo | hi | 20:00 |
I440r | ok can someone please tell me how to get grub installed on an external usb drive? | 20:00 |
I440r | it does NOT work | 20:00 |
DaveKong | genii_ it is a .exe | 20:00 |
BCM43 | !hi | guyzmo | 20:00 |
kpan | oh i know | 20:00 |
ubottu | guyzmo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 20:00 |
DaveKong | self extracting but clicking on it does not do anything | 20:00 |
Glightning | so i have wow installed, followed the guides step by step and there is video but it shows nothing in game except the ground and sky, any suggestions? | 20:01 |
kumquats | soundray, I tried that. Do I need to restart gnome? | 20:01 |
ariqz | is there a way to use gksudo where you can give it a pass as you login? | 20:01 |
kpan | so how is ur day | 20:01 |
I440r | well. grub installs but when ever i try select a boot image it tells me "selected partition cannot be mounted" or something ike that | 20:01 |
ariqz | like gksudo password | 20:01 |
toyo|desk | heh speaking of grub I have about 7 different kernel entries in my grub on boot up I need to edit that config | 20:01 |
I440r | like | 20:01 |
toyo|desk | :P | 20:01 |
kpan | how is ur day | 20:01 |
Darkche1 | DaveKong - you cant use exe drivers in ubuntu | 20:01 |
soundray | In-Sane``: you could put that error on a pastebin and ask the people in #wine about it. Or you could try the latest wine version, which is available through an inofficial repository... see the factoid: | 20:01 |
kpan | fine | 20:01 |
DaveKong | crap | 20:01 |
soundray | !wine | In-Sane`` | 20:01 |
ubottu | In-Sane``: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. | 20:01 |
BCM43 | !ot | kpan | 20:01 |
ubottu | kpan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 20:01 |
guyzmo | got a weird problem with my mouse | 20:01 |
guyzmo | my mouse is a bluetooth one | 20:01 |
kpan | why | 20:01 |
soundray | kumquats: no, that should not be necessary. Do reconnect your camera, though | 20:02 |
kibibyte | guyzmo, how come | 20:02 |
kpan | thats good | 20:02 |
BorkisDrizzt | so, I got a problem with the wireless connection on this computer I just installed Ubuntu on | 20:02 |
guyzmo | X11 starts, but the mouse does not move | 20:02 |
ariqz | is there a way to use gksudo where you can give it a pass as you login? like sudo PASSWORD | 20:02 |
guyzmo | cat /dev/input/mice outputs garbage as it should | 20:02 |
guyzmo | (when the mouse moves) | 20:02 |
enry_ | hi i'm john titor | 20:02 |
kpan | by U ARE NOT ENTRTAINING ME bye | 20:02 |
BCM43 | !enter | guyzmo | 20:02 |
ubottu | guyzmo: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 20:02 |
Glightning | any suggestions? | 20:02 |
BCM43 | good | 20:02 |
guyzmo | ok | 20:02 |
algobo1 | i need to use the restricted driver manager for my wireless card, but i need a internet connection, can enable the drivers some how without downloading it from internet, i have the file on my computer? | 20:02 |
In-Sane`` | soundray: sure thanks. will do, but do you have any idea how to run .exe file with wine via the terminal? | 20:03 |
BCM43 | algobo1: what wireless card? | 20:03 |
toyo|desk | hmm maybe I need to ask my audacious question somewere else | 20:03 |
storm-zen | how would I change an IDE CDROM to a SCSI CDROM? | 20:03 |
soundray | In-Sane``: the way you tried it was correct. | 20:03 |
BorkisDrizzt | tried to get some help from my friend, we tried some things and then he told me I probably would have to do something with ndiswrapper, which he had no knowledge of | 20:03 |
BCM43 | BorkisDrizzt: what is the problem? | 20:04 |
algobo1 | BCM43: it is an bcm4312 | 20:04 |
soundray | In-Sane``: you might pastebin the error and give me the URL, in case it's something obviouse | 20:04 |
In-Sane`` | soundray: ah ok.. thanks for ur help anyway :) | 20:04 |
Glightning | no one has an idea about wow and messed up video? | 20:04 |
soundray | In-Sane``: use http://paste.ubuntu.com | 20:04 |
kibibyte | im from poland and you | 20:04 |
BCM43 | algobo1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff it has some info on no internet | 20:04 |
Bohicubuntu | Hello is IRC working? | 20:04 |
guyzmo | got a weird problem with my mouse ; my mouse is a bluetooth one ; when doing "cat /dev/input/mice" it outputs garbage as expected, ie when the mouse sends events, the only error I had is "HAL failure to initialize", but nothing in Xorg.log nor in syslog/messages. My mouse used to work before I upgraded to 8.04 (last night) from 7.10 | 20:04 |
mib_kdcftb | !hi Bohicubuntu | 20:04 |
ubottu | Factoid hi bohicubuntu not found | 20:04 |
genii | Bohicubuntu: Yes it is | 20:04 |
kibibyte | im from poland and you | 20:04 |
soundray | kibibyte: this is a support channel. To chat, use #ubuntu-offtopic please | 20:04 |
ariqz | is there a way to use gksudo where you can give it a pass as you login? like sudo PASSWORD | 20:04 |
In-Sane`` | soundray: I would do but am in windows now. will paste it if i got the chance.. | 20:05 |
soundray | Bohicubuntu: no, it's down today | 20:05 |
BorkisDrizzt | I canæt find the wireless network that should be there, we tried some iwlist wlan0 scan and didn't get any results | 20:05 |
DaveKong | how do I get the driver then? | 20:05 |
BCM43 | BorkisDrizzt: what wireless card? | 20:05 |
guyzmo | any hint where I should invistigate ? | 20:05 |
Jaikkuli | anyone have any ideas why i cannot create seperate panels | 20:05 |
james__ | has anyone been able to make 802.11 N wi-fi work with any version of linux? | 20:05 |
Bohicubuntu | Can someone fix it? | 20:05 |
soundray | In-Sane``: what does this networkadmin thing do? Perhaps there is a Linux alternative. | 20:05 |
adam_ | does 8.04 desktop support intel raid yet or is it still a pain? | 20:05 |
BorkisDrizzt | a Broadcom one, need more spesific info? | 20:05 |
Bohicubuntu | yes | 20:05 |
=== oskar_ is now known as thehcdreamer_ | ||
genii | DaveKong: Which device is it that you are trying to get the driver for? | 20:05 |
bobby_ | hak5fan, my browser is not working after restarting... i put ipv4 | 20:06 |
bobby_ | :( | 20:06 |
BCM43 | BorkisDrizzt: yes | 20:06 |
DaveKong | Broadcom 440x 10/100 | 20:06 |
soundray | Bohicubuntu: no, it's fine. I was just joking. We wouldn't be chatting otherwise | 20:06 |
Bohicubuntu | Hello who are you? | 20:06 |
karname | is there any coffe management in linux (like cybercafe or easycafe in windows)? | 20:06 |
soundray | Bohicubuntu: oops | 20:06 |
fostot | Say I have a digital camera, i attempted importing the pictures with f-spot-import but i'm getting a Unhandled Exception: System.exception: Unsupport SQLite database version at Banshee.Database.QueuedSqliteDatabase | 20:06 |
BCM43 | Who needs help with Wireless? | 20:06 |
soundray | !wifi | Bohicubuntu, check these help pages, then ask more specifically | 20:06 |
ubottu | Bohicubuntu, check these help pages, then ask more specifically: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 20:06 |
BCM43 | soundray: those are useless | 20:07 |
soundray | BCM43: Bohicubuntu does | 20:07 |
Bohicubuntu | Do you like coffee? | 20:07 |
Jaikkuli | anyone have any idea why i cannot seperate my gnome panels | 20:07 |
BorkisDrizzt | meh, I forgot the command. one sec while I find he info | 20:07 |
soundray | Bohicubuntu: please don't post offtopic | 20:07 |
prash81 | Hey all, I'm trying to install ubuntu, and I have Windows XP already installed. Does the Ubuntu install disk allow us to format the Hard Drive, or is there anything I have to do? | 20:07 |
asizemore | can anyone help me with grub? I can't get anyone in the main channel to help me | 20:07 |
guyzmo | !mouse | 20:07 |
ubottu | Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto | 20:07 |
BorkisDrizzt | ah, lspci... | 20:07 |
BCM43 | prash81: nothing else | 20:07 |
soundray | asizemore: what main channel? | 20:07 |
linduxed | amenado: yes that is the driver for it and it seems like the only solution right now is disabling plug and play....dont wanna do that | 20:07 |
asizemore | I want to make grub choose windows as the first choice in operating systems instead of ubuntu | 20:07 |
asizemore | soundray: #grub | 20:07 |
Bohicubuntu | I fixed irc I think | 20:07 |
karname | yes, i need software to manage coffenet system (time ,cost , ticket ,etc) | 20:07 |
jrib | asizemore: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and set "default" appropriately | 20:08 |
soundray | asizemore: do you have an entry for Windows? | 20:08 |
BCM43 | Bohicubuntu: we can hear you | 20:08 |
james__ | BCM43, know anything about getting 802.11 N working? | 20:08 |
jbroome | karname: look at RT | 20:08 |
Bohicubuntu | you do really? | 20:08 |
asizemore | soundray: yeah | 20:08 |
genii | DaveKong: Please put my name in a reply directed to me. I am in several channels and if I don't see it blinking red for me I may know know you're speaking to me. At any rate I'll loook up what driver you may need. | 20:08 |
BCM43 | james__ n, nope | 20:08 |
maximumbob | amenado: I found the driver in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/sis900.ko. Then I rmmod sis900, modprobe -v sis900, and it showed successful, however in dmesg it showed 00:00:00:00:00:00 again. | 20:08 |
ariqz | is there a way to use gksudo where you can give it a pass as you login? like sudo PASSWORD | 20:08 |
prash81 | BCM43, I tried to install, but it just locks up, does it auto format? | 20:08 |
james__ | BCM43, thanks anyway | 20:08 |
BCM43 | prash81: yes | 20:08 |
In-Sane`` | soundray: well, it lets you restrict access to every computer, apply executable patches remotely, and schedule reboots, shutdowns, and Windows Explorer restarts from a single administrator's computer connected to a TCP/IP-based network or Internet.. | 20:08 |
Bohicubuntu | Do you like crocs? | 20:08 |
prash81 | hmmm, thanks BCM43 | 20:08 |
soundray | asizemore: which number does it have when you run 'grep ^title /boot/grub/menu.lst | nl -v 0 ' | 20:09 |
karname | jbroome: where? | 20:09 |
BCM43 | !ot | Bohicubuntu | 20:09 |
ubottu | Bohicubuntu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 20:09 |
kushal1 | Will installing Sugar on Ubuntu with Wubi cause any problems with my Windows XP installation? | 20:09 |
bobby_ | hello, my browser is not working properly. i can access chats through irc and pidgin but firefox refuses to show me any webpages. any help??? | 20:09 |
BorkisDrizzt | 06:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [Airforce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) | 20:09 |
asizemore | soundray: hold on, I'll contact you in a minute if I don't fix it, I've got to do something | 20:09 |
Bohicubuntu | Hi bobby | 20:09 |
BCM43 | BorkisDrizzt: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff | 20:09 |
soundray | In-Sane``: sounds like a tool for Windows networks that should be run from a Windows machine | 20:09 |
maximumbob | is amenado still here? | 20:09 |
DaveKong | genii: ok thanks | 20:09 |
adam_ | does 8.04 desktop support intel raid yet or is it still a pain? | 20:09 |
jbroome | karname: really? | 20:09 |
bobby_ | Bohicubuntu, hi | 20:10 |
soundray | asizemore: I may be away then, but there's always help around | 20:10 |
In-Sane`` | soundray: do you think it won't work for ubuntu? | 20:10 |
benpicco | Hi, does anybody know how to use libvisual and gstreamer to visualize sound streams from LineIn/Mic? | 20:10 |
prash81 | well, the actual problem is when I hit Enter on install, it gets to a screen with a desktop image, then it locks up from there. Is this a normal issue, or should I reinstall? | 20:10 |
karname | jbroome: please say clearly | 20:10 |
soundray | asizemore: you need to replace the 0 in 'default 0' in /boot/grub/menu.lst with the number you found there. | 20:10 |
Bohicubuntu | Help around?\ | 20:10 |
algobo1 | BCM43: didn't find anything on the website about if i dont have internetconnection how to use restricted driver manager | 20:10 |
BCM43 | Bohicubuntu: what is your problem? | 20:10 |
thesaint4444 | hi guys, I have ssh set up with a password for connection to my server. I want to change it to passwordless key login. Can I go ahead with the set up on top of what I have? thanks. | 20:10 |
Bohicubuntu | Why not/ | 20:11 |
BCM43 | algobo1: hold on, ill find you the link | 20:11 |
soundray | In-Sane``: I think it will be a kludge to administer a network of Windows machines from Ubuntu. | 20:11 |
Hausberg | is there a fix for ndiswrapper with WPA for Hardy? | 20:11 |
jbroome | karname: apt-cache search request-tracker | 20:11 |
Bohicubuntu | ok take your time | 20:11 |
jbroome | request-tracker3.6 - Extensible trouble-ticket tracking system | 20:11 |
BCM43 | algobo1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3022036&postcount=21 | 20:11 |
In-Sane`` | soundray: ok ok.. I understand your point. :) | 20:11 |
Jaikkuli | anyone have any idea why i cannot seperate my gnome panels | 20:11 |
soundray | In-Sane``: :) | 20:11 |
Bohicubuntu | ok | 20:11 |
BCM43 | !Patience | Bohicubuntu | 20:12 |
ubottu | Bohicubuntu: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 20:12 |
tigran | Hi. What happened to the Edit Menus. You cant modify or delete anything anymore? | 20:12 |
karname | jbroome: now i am in widows please get to me a link | 20:12 |
Bohicubuntu | Does irc work good? | 20:12 |
jbroome | karname: should i come over and install for you? | 20:12 |
asizemore | soundray: I don't have menu.lst | 20:12 |
BCM43 | Bohicubuntu: yes it does! | 20:12 |
asizemore | oh | 20:12 |
asizemore | nevermind | 20:12 |
asizemore | nevermind | 20:12 |
Bohicubuntu | I don't know | 20:12 |
FloodBot1 | asizemore: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 20:12 |
xri | update-manager shows a list of changes. can i view this list somewhere in the web browser too? any URL? | 20:12 |
soundray | asizemore: yes you do. grub doesn't work without it | 20:13 |
nbarger | hey so I woke up this morning and my nvidia drivers on both of my machines are messed up | 20:13 |
soundray | asizemore: it's in /boot/grub/ | 20:13 |
jbroome | karname: http://freshmeat.net/projects/requesttracker/ | 20:13 |
tigran | What happened to the Edit Menus. You cant modify or delete anything anymore? | 20:13 |
karname | jbroome: tanks | 20:13 |
ambro962 | how can I get a working kernel module build environment for the running kernel? | 20:13 |
Bohicubuntu | I' sorry your michines are messed up | 20:13 |
bobby_ | hello, my browser is not working properly. i can access chats through irc and pidgin but firefox refuses to show me any webpages. any help??? | 20:13 |
Bohicubuntu | hi | 20:14 |
nbarger | not like I reinstalled them or anything | 20:14 |
vlad | james__: hey u there? | 20:14 |
BCM43 | bobby_ have you tried other browsers? | 20:14 |
BCM43 | Bohicubuntu: please stop | 20:14 |
bobby_ | BCM43, yeah | 20:14 |
james__ | vlad, hey man | 20:14 |
Hausberg | is there a fix for getting ndiswrapper to run with WPA for Hardy? | 20:14 |
bobby_ | BCM43, opera too gives the same prob | 20:14 |
xri | bobby_: did you set a proxy in firefox connections settings? | 20:14 |
BCM43 | bobby_ waht happens | 20:14 |
soundray | tigran: tried System-Preferences-Main Menu ? | 20:14 |
bobby_ | xri, no | 20:14 |
Bohicubuntu | Meet my little sister Chloe | 20:14 |
tim__ | does anyone know why the kubuntu channel is on "secret" | 20:14 |
genii | DaveKong: It looks like your card should be using the bcm43xx driver. If in Terminal you do: lsmod | grep 43xx does it show that or just return to next line? | 20:14 |
bobby_ | BCM43, it says waiting for tht server to respond | 20:14 |
Bohicubuntu | No why? | 20:14 |
BCM43 | Bohicubuntu: stop or you will be booted | 20:14 |
=== adam_ is now known as adz | ||
xri | bobby_: and error messages+? | 20:14 |
Cosworth1 | hi everyone. I was wondering if anyone could help. I have setup ubuntu so it see's all the buttons on my mouse. But I would like to configure button "2" which is my wheel pushed in to open a terminal | 20:15 |
vlad | james__: man i could find the 5.1 sound, but now i have new prob why moves looks soo poor video, it can be original dvd or any dvd rip are some pixels there | 20:15 |
Cosworth1 | thanks for any help :) | 20:15 |
=== adz is now known as mokzu | ||
BCM43 | !mouse | Cosworth1 | 20:15 |
ubottu | Cosworth1: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto | 20:15 |
bobby_ | xri, just timed out | 20:15 |
guyzmo | I'm getting mad | 20:15 |
bobby_ | xri, no other error messages | 20:15 |
soundray | tim__: probably better to ask in #ubuntu-ops | 20:15 |
BCM43 | !patience | guyzmo | 20:15 |
ubottu | guyzmo: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 20:15 |
Cosworth1 | many thanks now looking :) | 20:15 |
guyzmo | there's no rational reason why my mouse isn't working | 20:15 |
witepa | The ubuntu.com home page mentions an easy uninstall, but I see no instructions on how to execute this. Where can I find the instructions to do so? | 20:15 |
james__ | vlad, are you using protected video? | 20:15 |
tigran | soundray: I dont have that | 20:15 |
FrancisFarme | Hello I have a toshiba p105 series and i cant get the sound to work with Hardy any help? | 20:15 |
Fryguy-- | Cosworth1: what window manager are you using? | 20:15 |
xri | bobby_: you tried different addresses? do you have a router for internet access? | 20:15 |
bobby_ | xri, yeah. i have a router | 20:16 |
james__ | vlad, also, what did you find the issue was with the 5.1 channel sound?> | 20:16 |
Fryguy-- | witepa: what are you going to replace ubuntu with? | 20:16 |
BCM43 | FrancisFarme: try google, you should find something | 20:16 |
guyzmo | BCM43 - I'm patient.... I just hate not knowing what I can do... | 20:16 |
bobby_ | xri, i tried diff addresses. it sometimes works for 5 min or so | 20:16 |
xri | bobby_: the web interface of that router is showing up? | 20:16 |
bigsexy | i got a question. i heard that everything that a computer accesses online is saved to the computer in some way. does that apply only to windows? | 20:16 |
bobby_ | xri, and them stops again | 20:16 |
BCM43 | guyzmo: try asking again | 20:16 |
bobby_ | xri, yeah.. it is showing | 20:16 |
nbarger | anyone know how i can command my computer to change to 1024x768 | 20:16 |
DaveKong | genii: it just returns the next line | 20:16 |
Chousuke | bigsexy: no | 20:16 |
Cosworth1 | window manager? I guess you mean my teerminal = gnome | 20:17 |
eugman | Since I've upgraded, there is no audio. Any info on the situation would be appreciated. | 20:17 |
Cosworth1 | terminal* | 20:17 |
soundray | tigran: do a 'sudo apt-get install alacarte' then | 20:17 |
bigsexy | it applies to linux also? | 20:17 |
FrancisFarme | BCM43: I actually followed so many of the forums in google but nothing worked | 20:17 |
Fryguy-- | bigsexy: regarding web browsing, that's true for all modern gui-based web browsers, and is easily turned off in the options or preferences dialog for each browser | 20:17 |
Chousuke | bigsexy: obviously everything that you access on the net must be downloaded to your machine so that you can view it | 20:17 |
vlad | james__: the issue was i hav to check something in vlc so its good now, with mplayer no but im ok with vlc and protected video no and still with avis | 20:17 |
james__ | bigsexy, first let me say that I'm offended by your nickname being that this is a help forum | 20:17 |
soundray | tigran: if you still don't have that menu entry, run alacarte from a terminal | 20:17 |
xri | bobby_: some routers have firewalls that analyze incomming traffic. some have access restrictions that can be set. any of these active by accident? | 20:17 |
witepa | Fryguy--: ubuntu 7.10 | 20:17 |
bobby_ | xri, how do i check? | 20:17 |
guyzmo | well, I hate reasking over and over, that's not polite | 20:17 |
Fryguy-- | witepa: so then just install it | 20:17 |
bobby_ | xri, the net works fine in windows | 20:17 |
Chousuke | bigsexy: it may stay in cache, or just be saved in RAM | 20:17 |
tigran | soundray: it works now, from Edit Munus, thanks, wonder why i didnt have that | 20:17 |
mnemonic_ | bigsexy: no that applies to every modern browser (and many other applications). this is mostly done to increase performance, you can however clean this cache our even disable it (disabling it will seriously hurt performance) in Firefox's preferences (in case you use firefox). | 20:17 |
bobby_ | xri, its only in linux that i get this prob | 20:17 |
james__ | bigsexy, secondly, more or less that is correct and the computer will keep much of it's data locally | 20:17 |
In-Sane`` | !alacarte | 20:18 |
ubottu | Factoid alacarte not found | 20:18 |
mib_kdcftb | Can the Bot provide info about Ubuntu packages? | 20:18 |
nbarger | can somebody help me out | 20:18 |
BCM43 | guyzmo: it is fast, it can be easilly missed. | 20:18 |
soundray | !info alacarte | 20:18 |
ubottu | alacarte (source: alacarte): easy GNOME menu editing tool. In component main, is optional. Version 0.11.5-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 71 kB, installed size 1248 kB | 20:18 |
BorkisDrizzt | yay, got to line nr. 2 "sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils-1.9" and it says it can't find the package... | 20:18 |
mib_kdcftb | !ask | nbarger | 20:18 |
ubottu | nbarger: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 20:18 |
xri | bobby_: oh i have an other idea. you have more than one computer on your network? | 20:18 |
BCM43 | !ask | nbarger | 20:18 |
Fryguy-- | nbarger: not until you asked a question | 20:18 |
bobby_ | xri, hak5fan suggested it was some ipv6 prob | 20:18 |
Chousuke | bisection: even if you disable caching, the data will still be downloaded to RAM at least for a while. | 20:18 |
bobby_ | xri, no | 20:18 |
Chousuke | er | 20:18 |
guyzmo | ok, reasking: got a weird problem with my mouse ; my mouse is a bluetooth one ; when doing "cat /dev/input/mice" it outputs garbage as expected, ie when the mouse sends events, the only error I had is "HAL failure to initialize", but nothing in Xorg.log nor in syslog/messages. My mouse used to work before I upgraded to 8.04 (last night) from 7.10 | 20:18 |
Chousuke | I need to enable quits ;P | 20:19 |
james__ | vlad, where do you get your video? What are the formats you are trying to play? And are you using restricted drivers? | 20:19 |
nbarger | whats the command to switch resolution to specific without editing the .conf file | 20:19 |
genii | DaveKong: OK. So: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules then: alt-f2 gksu jockey-gtk which should then see you need that driver etc | 20:19 |
BCM43 | guyzmo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=588950 | 20:19 |
bobby_ | xri, sometimes it just shows done and displays nothing. just a blank page | 20:19 |
mib_kdcftb | !info xorg-dev | 20:19 |
ubottu | xorg-dev (source: xorg): the X.Org X Window System development libraries. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.3+10ubuntu10 (hardy), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB | 20:19 |
ariqz | is there a way to use gksudo where you can give it a pass as you login? like sudo PASSWORD | 20:19 |
xri | bobby_: sometimes machines with same IP and a switch can cause weird effects. anyway. IPv6 made never problems for me, but i heard others complain. and other thing would be to check if you have any new/incompatible firefox plugins | 20:19 |
BCM43 | ariqz: no | 20:20 |
robertzaccour | hey everyone | 20:20 |
nbarger | james__ yeah well all my resolutions worked fine in nvidia manager last night when i went to sleep but then today it pops up running in low resolution mode and can only go to 640x480 with nvidia drivers | 20:20 |
BCM43 | !hi robertzaccour | 20:20 |
ubottu | BCM43: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 20:20 |
vlad | james__: yes are restricted dirvers, compiz works so good and the movies can be legit dvd, avi ripped from dvd or any video looks pixelated, even the subtitles | 20:20 |
BCM43 | !hi | robertzaccour | 20:20 |
ubottu | robertzaccour: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 20:20 |
bobby_ | xri, this is a basic install of hardy, no plugins have been installed as of now | 20:20 |
robertzaccour | thanks | 20:20 |
Slalomsk8er | Hi | 20:20 |
BCM43 | !hi | Slalomsk8er | 20:20 |
ubottu | Slalomsk8er: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 20:20 |
m-c | Q: anyone get dual monitors working without having to hack the xorg.conf ? | 20:21 |
james__ | vlad, please disable compiz, and tell me if you get the same result | 20:21 |
Chrysalis | whats the nvidia-xconfig and nvidia-settings the same thing? | 20:21 |
ciscu | How to configure microphone? my speakers are working but not the microphone... Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02) | 20:21 |
xri | bobby_: ok, no guesses left ;-) maybe check if you can disable IPv6, might be some incompatibility with your router | 20:21 |
robertzaccour | i prefer computing without compiz | 20:21 |
bobby_ | xri, did that too :( not working | 20:21 |
james__ | nbarger, do you need assistance with S3 acpi state or xorg.conf? | 20:21 |
mnemonic_ | Chrysalis: as far as i know, nvidia-settings is a GUI tool and nvidia-xconfig is some command line xorg.conf generator. | 20:21 |
Chrysalis | i mean are they the same thing, one is equivalent to control pannel | 20:21 |
vlad | james__: yes man same problem without compiz | 20:22 |
Chrysalis | mnemonic_: kk, just want the settings then | 20:22 |
xri | bobby_: did you check /var/log/messages and "dmesg" fore messages concernng network card (bad cable/speeed) and DHCP problems? | 20:22 |
ariqz | BCM43: well, there is a command I run I don't want to be bothered with a password everytime I run it! | 20:22 |
robertzaccour | have you tried a fresh install? | 20:22 |
echazan | Hey, I want to setup a basic dual-boot ubuntu/Xp windows laptop. The hard drive is 120 gig, and I want to leave as much of it as possible for windows gaming. How much should I reserve for ubuntu? | 20:22 |
bobby_ | xri, nopes | 20:22 |
james__ | vlad, what about movie player? | 20:22 |
BCM43 | ariqz: there is no way do to security. sorry | 20:22 |
mib_kdcftb | echazan: Ubuntu runs nicely on my laptop, which has a 20GB hard drive | 20:22 |
xri | the update-manager shows a list of changes. can i view this list somewhere in the web browser too? is there an URL i can look at? | 20:23 |
jrib | ariqz: you can allow commands to run without a password, see 'man sudoers'. Look for NOPASSWD in the man page | 20:23 |
nbarger | how could i download an older version of the nvidia drivers? | 20:23 |
DaveKong | genii: no compnents are being shown | 20:23 |
Chrysalis | mnemonic_: hmm, nvidia-settings conflicts with nvidia-glx-new? ;/ | 20:24 |
Chrysalis | mnemonic_: that doesnt make sence | 20:24 |
FrancisFarme | Hardy on Toshiba p105 Hardy, sound card not working. tried recompiling all of alsa packages myself nothing worked any help please? | 20:24 |
vlad | james__: moovieplayer even more pixelated than vlc | 20:24 |
KlrSpz | anyone use synergy? having an issue with it not actually executing keystroke binds, as well as killing my keystroke repeat | 20:24 |
mnemonic_ | Chrysalis: I am not sure - may be nvidia-glx-new brings its own version of nvidia-settings - just install your appropriate nvidia driver and check if it's there | 20:24 |
KlrSpz | and it's jumpy/slow | 20:24 |
james__ | it may be an issue with the demuxer | 20:24 |
m-c | http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy#Configuring_multiple_monitors_with_a_nVidia_graphics_card | 20:24 |
vlad | james__: for some reason automatic updates ask me to get a new vid driver, maybe that fix the problem | 20:25 |
genii | DaveKong: So it's saying something like "No restricted rivers needed" or such? | 20:25 |
* xri never gets any questions answered in this busy channel, hehe | 20:25 | |
Chrysalis | mnemonic_: its installed and working nvidia-glx-new. . . i just thought the nvidia-settings was basically the 'control pannel' thing for the driver 'glx-new' | 20:25 |
nbarger | Did your nvidia drivers just break unexpectedly? | 20:26 |
james__ | vlad, possibly, but doubtful. Without seeing the video play, I can't be certain if it's a driver or Codec issue. I would upgrade the video driver, and then play around with codecs | 20:26 |
robbie`` | let ubuntu update automatically from 2.6.24-16 to revision 17 and totem stopped playing movies/mp3s | 20:26 |
Miesco | My sound isn't working now for some reason, how do I see whats using my sound card? | 20:26 |
robbie`` | anyone else run into that ?? | 20:26 |
SangreDeThor | how can i only upgrade from the security repo | 20:27 |
FrancisFarme | Hardy on Toshiba p105 Hardy, sound card not working. tried recompiling all of alsa packages myself nothing worked any help please? | 20:27 |
guyzmo | BCM43 - I tried this, but it doesn't work... | 20:27 |
mnemonic_ | Miesco: which version of ubuntu do you use? | 20:27 |
Slalomsk8er | i need some help with a kernel panic caused by the update to Ubuntu 8.04 in compo with isw raid1 | 20:27 |
vlad | james__: which codecs do u use to watch movies? | 20:27 |
FrancisFarme | Miesco: i have the same problem | 20:27 |
BorkisDrizzt | when using apt-get, is there a way to save the install files without installing on this pc, and then installing on another pc from a memory stick? | 20:27 |
BCM43 | guyzmo: no idea then | 20:27 |
DaveKong | genii: it says no proproetary drivers are in use on this system | 20:27 |
In-Sane`` | how do i log the terminal? | 20:28 |
KlrSpz | BorkisDrizzt: you can do a fetch only | 20:28 |
KlrSpz | BorkisDrizzt: and if you already installed it, it's saved in /var/cache/apt | 20:28 |
james__ | vlad, just the standard libxine-1 and ffmpeg | 20:28 |
nbarger | how come proprietary drivers are the glx-new i want to use the old glx | 20:28 |
BorkisDrizzt | so how the hell am I gonna get ndiswrapper installed on the PC with no internet? | 20:28 |
robertzaccour | i just thought of something funny. i have nothing microsoft on my computer, bit i play xbox | 20:29 |
robertzaccour | but | 20:29 |
genii | DaveKong: OK, close that then. Returning to Terminal and to put: sudo modprobe bcm43xx | 20:29 |
james__ | maybe a few others but too many to list. I have no issues with video playback, and I'm using Intel GMA 3000 | 20:29 |
xri | BorkisDrizzt: dpkg -i *.deb | 20:29 |
mnemonic_ | BorkisDrizzt: how do you have internet right now? | 20:29 |
KlrSpz | BorkisDrizzt: don't have a built-in ethernet? | 20:29 |
Skitt | BorkisDrizzt: geht the package to some media | 20:29 |
Skitt | -h | 20:29 |
BorkisDrizzt | I am sitting on another laptop | 20:29 |
Gumby | does anyone here know how to force dkms to rebuild a module? | 20:29 |
KlrSpz | BorkisDrizzt: download it on your current box, it's just a deb pkg | 20:29 |
BorkisDrizzt | friend of mine says something about man apt-get ? | 20:29 |
KlrSpz | yeah, he told you RTFM | 20:30 |
soundray | ariqz: I'm not clear what you want to achieve... | 20:30 |
Gumby | BorkisDrizzt: floppy, cdrom, usb key | 20:30 |
DaveKong | genii: nothing returns just the default line is back | 20:30 |
james__ | vlad, system/administration/hardware testing and test your video | 20:30 |
vlad | james__: going to check if i have those | 20:30 |
xri | BorkisDrizzt: if you have a deb on your memory stick you can simply click on it in nautlius and it will as you to install. download packages from packages.ubuntu.com | 20:30 |
Miesco | mnemonic_: hardy | 20:30 |
xri | s/as/ask | 20:30 |
In-Sane`` | soundray: one more question please, how do i log the terminal? I want the terminal to log all the commands i've used? any idea? | 20:31 |
KlrSpz | anyone use synergy? having an issue with it not actually executing keystroke binds, as well as killing my keystroke repeat; it's also very jumpy/slow | 20:31 |
soundray | In-Sane``: it does so automatically, in the file ~/.bash_history | 20:31 |
jbroome | In-Sane``: it already does, run the history command | 20:31 |
xri | In-Sane``: see "history" bash already saves your last commands | 20:31 |
vlad | james__: | 20:31 |
vlad | The following resolution was detected for your display: | 20:31 |
vlad | impossible with fglrx | 20:31 |
vlad | Is this a good resolution for your display? | 20:31 |
mnemonic_ | Miesco: 1. did you do a fresh install of hardy or did you upgrade? 2. do you have no sound at all or just no sound for particular applications? 3. which applications do you use? | 20:31 |
FloodBot1 | vlad: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 20:31 |
Slalomsk8er | script logs with command output | 20:31 |
soundray | In-Sane``: you can just enter 'history' to see the list in chronological order | 20:31 |
vlad | awww sry | 20:31 |
In-Sane`` | soundray: aha.. ok thanks again :) | 20:32 |
xri | hehe, In-Sane`` is flooded with dozens of similar answers ;-) | 20:32 |
In-Sane`` | jbroome: ok thanks | 20:32 |
james__ | vlad, system/preferences/screen resolution | 20:32 |
soundray | xri: you can gauge the difficulty of a question by the number of answers it attracts -- it's an inverse proportional relationship | 20:32 |
Slalomsk8er | In-Sane``: script - make typescript of terminal session | 20:33 |
DaveKong | genii: I must go... thanks for trying to help I will have to figure it out later | 20:33 |
james__ | vlad, try using 1024x768 | 20:33 |
In-Sane`` | Slalomsk8er: excuse me? | 20:33 |
xri | soundray: yes. that explains why i never get an answer to mine ;-) | 20:33 |
snarkste1 | hi | 20:33 |
In-Sane`` | lol xri | 20:33 |
KlrSpz | so what's the new nvidia driver do for us? | 20:33 |
BCM43 | !hi | snarkste1 | 20:33 |
ubottu | snarkste1: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 20:33 |
soundray | xri: difficult ones are best posed in the forums | 20:33 |
snarkste1 | does anyone have an RCA Pearl MP3 player and been able to mount it? | 20:33 |
Slalomsk8er | In-Sane``: you wanted to log the terminal commands right? | 20:34 |
soundray | xri: what are you up to at the moment? I'll have a go... | 20:34 |
BorkisDrizzt | so do I have to download the amd64 version or the i386 version? | 20:34 |
vlad | james__: same error man | 20:34 |
james__ | vlad, what video card do you have? | 20:34 |
In-Sane`` | Slalomsk8er: yep, thats right.. does that command helps me? | 20:34 |
xri | soundray: heh, i just wanted to know if there is a URL for the changes that the update-manager shows too, without firing up wireshark ;-) | 20:34 |
vlad | james__: radeon x1300 | 20:34 |
vlad | james__: radeon x1550 which is the same | 20:34 |
snarkste1 | everytime I try to mount the Pearl MP3 player it tells my bad superblock | 20:34 |
james__ | vlad, do what? | 20:35 |
genii | DaveKong: Just returning to the next line indicates the module successfully loaded | 20:35 |
vlad | james__: do what? | 20:35 |
xri | soundray: basically, update-manager isn't showing yet whats changed at the nvidia driver. i had crashes and wanted to read the change log. i can also wait a day with the update | 20:35 |
Slalomsk8er | In-Sane``:yes you can let it write a typescript of your terminal session with the output of the command in to a file | 20:35 |
james__ | vlad, is that just the video card or is it also a capture card/tv tuner? | 20:36 |
julien | :o | 20:36 |
tuchki | hello | 20:36 |
soundray | xri: or update blindly and cross fingers... | 20:36 |
vlad | james__: just video card | 20:36 |
BCM43 | !hi | tuchki | 20:36 |
ubottu | tuchki: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 20:36 |
tuchki | thankyou | 20:36 |
james__ | which card do you have, the 1550 or the 1300? | 20:36 |
tuchki | someone know how can i let free space on desktop | 20:36 |
In-Sane`` | Slalomsk8er: thank you | 20:37 |
soundray | xri: I always assumed that if update-manager doesn't show the changelog, it means that it hasn't been written yet | 20:37 |
xri | soundray: i do that on most updates :-) but in this case i'd like to see if there is a chance for a fix of my problem :-) | 20:37 |
vegas85 | hi all | 20:37 |
snarkste1 | oh i need to reboot just finished updating | 20:37 |
tuchki | i want to have a screenlets always visible | 20:37 |
xri | soundray: that may well be true. i'll wait until it shows the text. i don't have grave problems right now, just some rare crashes in some 3D apps | 20:38 |
KlrSpz | tuchki: turn off the widgets layer | 20:38 |
babolat | I hope this update takes care of my recent X crashes | 20:38 |
Miesco | mnemonic_: I did alsa reload and sound works | 20:38 |
tuchki | ok KlrSpz , and then? | 20:38 |
KlrSpz | tuchki: and then they should always show? | 20:39 |
tuchki | yes they are, but when i have a maximized window, screenlet cover it | 20:39 |
KlrSpz | turn the "always on top" feature off for the widgets | 20:40 |
FrancisFarme | hardy heron soundcard not working please guys help | 20:40 |
babolat | !sound | FrancisFarme | 20:40 |
ubottu | FrancisFarme: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 20:40 |
navetz | can someone help me use samba to find a computer on my network | 20:41 |
masterpop | Good evening. I wonder if I could find some help for my graphics problem. | 20:41 |
babolat | !ask | masterpop | 20:41 |
ubottu | masterpop: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 20:41 |
dfarmernv | Hey all, I'm having a hard time getting my usb hard drive to work on Hardy. dmesg says "Read/64 error -71" | 20:41 |
soundray | dfarmernv: are you plugging it into the mainboard directly, or into an external hub? | 20:42 |
mnemonic_ | Miesco: congratulations | 20:42 |
tuchki | KlrSpz, i want that when i maximize a window, it maximizes whitout cover the screenlets, smoething like reserve that space only for screenlets. is it possible to do that? | 20:42 |
dfarmernv | It's straight in to the back of the pc | 20:42 |
KlrSpz | say what? | 20:42 |
FrancisFarme | I've messed around with my sound drivers alot is there a way to send them back to default to try smthn new? | 20:42 |
masterpop | Brief description: loaded 169.12 nvidia drivers using EnvyNG; computer starts in Low Graphics mode- cannot change resolution. Running nvidia-settings brings error: "You do not appear to be using NVIDIA X Driver". Various attempts to configure xorg.conf failed. | 20:43 |
KlrSpz | tuchki: i'm not following what you're wanting.. doesn't make sense to me; or it's contradictory to what the concept is | 20:43 |
obf213 | why is wmv streaming support so bad for ubuntu firefox, if u try to jump in time ur video pretty much always just stops working | 20:43 |
soundray | dfarmernv: is Ubuntu running as the main OS, or as a guest in a virtualbox or similar? | 20:43 |
babolat | KlrSpz: i think he wants something like Vista SideBar | 20:43 |
hak5fan | navetz: just go to network:// in nautilus. Sorry I or try smb://computerIPOrHostName | 20:43 |
AlphaOmega | no eth0 device after reboot, ifconfig has no eth0, just lo0, im on vmware | 20:43 |
KlrSpz | havne't a clue what that is | 20:43 |
fostot | Quick question for the gnome desktop, how can you remove the symbolic link "emblem" i know it's not an emblem but calling it that for lack of knowing what it is :P | 20:43 |
dfarmernv | soundray, It's main OS | 20:44 |
erUSUL | obf213: becouse wmv stands for WINDOWS (tm) movie | 20:44 |
dfarmernv | running native | 20:44 |
babolat | KlrSpz: it's like giving your screenlets a couple of inches of your monitor real estate exclusively. so that when you maximize windows, the alloted space still remains unchanged | 20:44 |
navetz | hak5fan: oh sorry, I am using kde | 20:44 |
KlrSpz | ahhhh | 20:44 |
killakali408650 | hi guys | 20:44 |
KlrSpz | i'm certain that's possible | 20:44 |
KlrSpz | i don't know how exactly, but i'm sure it is | 20:44 |
tuchki | yes babolat, that is what i want | 20:45 |
navetz | hak5fan: oh I found it | 20:45 |
obf213 | erUSUL, yeah i know just figured it would be this terrible | 20:45 |
soundray | dfarmernv: as far as I know, this is a timing issue. I've had this once, and by pulling the plug and reinserting I could eventually make it work. On another occasion, I just couldn't fix it at all. | 20:45 |
vlad | james__: still there? :D | 20:45 |
hak5fan | navetz: Good | 20:45 |
debian | Hello | 20:45 |
babolat | tuchki: KlrSpz: i've already seen a screenshot of such a setup somewhere just forgot where, never mind how | 20:45 |
navetz | hak5fan: thank you | 20:45 |
debian | Ubuntu is taking forwever to boot in qemu... | 20:45 |
dfarmernv | soundray, alright. I've had the drive work twice and the rest of the time not too. I guess I'll just have to remember not to reboot once I get it working :P | 20:45 |
ariqz | soundray: I got my modem drivers compiled finally, and they work, but they require root permission because I have to run something to load the module | 20:45 |
hak5fan | np. You can also add network drives with knetattach | 20:45 |
BHSPitLappy | What give Ubuntu control over LCD brightness? Is there a kernel module I can unload to stop it altogether? | 20:46 |
ariqz | soundray: I don't want to type in my pass just to connect. | 20:46 |
killakali408650 | hi i just installed ubuntu on my comp in a dual boot environment | 20:46 |
http | hi all | 20:46 |
KlrSpz | tuchki: also, a quick-tip, in xfce and even in compiz (it's actually an opendestkop.org standard) you can right click and middle mouse click the maximize button to maximize vertically OR horizontally exclusively | 20:46 |
killakali408650 | everything seems to work good except | 20:46 |
killakali408650 | the wireless connectivity | 20:46 |
ariqz | soundray: what I was thinking though, is if I change permissions on the thing I have to run that loads the module, how would I do that? I can't find it for some reason. I know it exists, but when I search file system with search, it doesn't show it | 20:46 |
KlrSpz | killakali408650: what kind of wireless device? | 20:46 |
jrib | ariqz: erm, did my suggestion not work? | 20:46 |
masterpop_ | connection dropped, back. Not sure if anyone replied to my earlier msg.. | 20:47 |
hak5fan | navetz: There's generally more kde users in #kubuntu, but less activity | 20:47 |
ariqz | jrib: To be honest, I haven't tried it yet. I wanted ot try to make the file executable without root | 20:47 |
killakali408650 | i just installed ubuntu on my comp and im having trouble with the wireless connectivity | 20:47 |
tuchki | thank you KlrSpz, that is nice | 20:47 |
ariqz | jrib: I just haven't figure out how yet ;P | 20:47 |
killakali408650 | it picks up the network but when its connecting its having trouble | 20:47 |
egobrain | op | 20:47 |
killakali408650 | can someone help me out?? | 20:47 |
KlrSpz | tuchki: yeah i use it for a similar purpose | 20:47 |
jrib | ariqz: your best bet is to set it up in sudoers. What are you executing exactly? | 20:48 |
ariqz | what is the dir /s filename.* version for linux? | 20:48 |
soundray | ariqz: if the name of the module was ltmodem, you could just do a 'echo ltmodem | sudo tee -a /etc/modules' to have it loaded at boot time | 20:48 |
ariqz | jrib: martian_modem | 20:48 |
sharperguy | Is it at all possible to have to instances of the same program installed/running (specifically firefox) both using different configurations? | 20:48 |
KlrSpz | killakali408650: you have to respond back; but are you sure you're typing your key in correctly, and with the right encryption? | 20:48 |
killakali408650 | yes | 20:48 |
jrib | ariqz: heh, you gave up on ltmodem then :) | 20:48 |
killakali408650 | i like checked it all | 20:48 |
killakali408650 | and all the keys work | 20:48 |
ariqz | yes | 20:48 |
killakali408650 | right now im using vista | 20:48 |
babolat | not that i know of, sharperguy | 20:48 |
killakali408650 | so i even double checked on there | 20:48 |
ArthurArchnix | Hello again, so my sudo is still broken, even after booting into single user mode and completing the updates. To recap, I did sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade. Then my internet dropped out and packages did not complete downloading. Now I can't sudo anything. Everytime I use sudo (or gksudo) it returns segmentation fault. While in SU I reinstalled sudo. | 20:48 |
ariqz | ltmodem is a martian modem driver | 20:48 |
KlrSpz | sharperguy: you could do something silly like running it as another user; otherwise it's up to the application to know how to support multiple configuration | 20:48 |
killakali408650 | and the keys are right | 20:48 |
ariqz | err | 20:49 |
ariqz | other way around ;p | 20:49 |
killakali408650 | i have had no trouble with the drivers at all :D | 20:49 |
=== gregoirelamerded is now known as zoxea | ||
soundray | ariqz: do you insert it with modprobe at the moment? | 20:49 |
killakali408650 | ubuntu for some reason won't let me have advanced graphics run on my laptop | 20:49 |
jrib | ariqz: yeah, it's on the wiki right? | 20:49 |
alessandro | eaw | 20:49 |
obf213 | hey, has anyone got this distro to do extended desktop? | 20:49 |
sharperguy | KlrSpz, might just do that then... | 20:49 |
obf213 | tried to do it, however, all i got was a clone | 20:50 |
KlrSpz | killakali408650: and the encryption schema is right too? as well as sometimes you have to specify if it's an "open" or "shared" key system; some routers are specific, some allow you to accept both | 20:50 |
killakali408650 | open wep | 20:50 |
ariqz | i load it with modprobe in rc.local | 20:50 |
killakali408650 | and schemma? | 20:50 |
crd1b | babolat: the screenlet would need to set _NET_WM_STRUT to tell the window manager to avoid placing windows in that area, but some window managers have a feature to allow the user to set an area without any windows setting _NET_WM_STRUT | 20:50 |
BCM43 | !prefix | 20:50 |
ubottu | As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 20:50 |
alessandro | alguem sab cairo-dock igual o dock do mac? | 20:50 |
ariqz | i also run martian_modem | 20:50 |
ariqz | but then I need root to use it | 20:50 |
ariqz | which is aggravating | 20:50 |
soundray | ariqz: what exactly do you have to run as root? | 20:50 |
babolat | crd1b: o_O | 20:50 |
ariqz | soundray: wvdial, gnome-ppp | 20:51 |
jrib | !pt | alessandro | 20:51 |
ubottu | alessandro: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 20:51 |
ArthurArchnix | What can I do if typing sudo always results in "segmentation fault"? | 20:51 |
alessandro | vlw | 20:51 |
ariqz | I don't have permission to /dev/ttySM0 otherwise | 20:51 |
soundray | ariqz: you only need to run those once, no? After that you can connect with 'pon provider'. | 20:51 |
killakali408650 | should i reboot and try again klrspz? | 20:51 |
soundray | !modem | ariqz, have you read this | 20:51 |
ubottu | ariqz, have you read this: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto | 20:51 |
james__ | vlad, yup but just for a bit | 20:52 |
magnetron | ArthurArchnix: hey, i remeber you. you were here like 6 months ago with the same question | 20:52 |
xri | ArthurArchnix: buy new RAM ;-) seriously. the disk may be corrupt (run e2fsck), a wrong binary may be installed. or your computer has a damage | 20:52 |
killakali408650 | or this time i can just use the ethernet port for the first time connecting | 20:52 |
ariqz | I don't have to do that with any other modem drivers.. and I'm sure there is a way to get around it | 20:52 |
killakali408650 | oh and for some reason when i was running the memory check it said my cpu was a p3 | 20:52 |
killakali408650 | my cpu isn't a p3 its the t9300 dual core 2.5ghz | 20:52 |
magnetron | ArthurArchnix: i got the same answer as 6 months ago: your computer hardware is damaged, needs fixing and probably replacement | 20:53 |
opn6 | I want to install ubuntu sever with the gui. can i only use the gui when i need it? Or will it boot to the desktop by default??? | 20:53 |
killakali408650 | how can i confirm that the system sees the t9300 | 20:53 |
killakali408650 | ? | 20:53 |
navetz | can someone help me with samba, when I go to a network computer the address is smb://somestuff, how would I get there through a terminal? | 20:53 |
crd1b | babolat: oh it was tuchki who has the problem :) | 20:53 |
xri | ArthurArchnix: or you just messed up your installation completely. but sudo usually runs fine on vanilla ubuntu machines | 20:53 |
BCM43 | bazhang: you there? | 20:54 |
Flannel | navetz: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/configuring-samba.html#windows-networking-clients you'll need to mount it somewhere | 20:54 |
soundray | ariqz: what happens when you configure your ppp connection, then try to use it with pon? | 20:54 |
jrib | ariqz: the wiki page describes your options. A few of them seem to allow you to connect without a password | 20:54 |
jrib | !dialup > ariqz (read the private message from ubottu) | 20:54 |
magnetron | xri: he came here some time ago, telling us about more than ten reinstalls of different linux distros with similar problems | 20:54 |
tuomas_ | good evening | 20:54 |
killakali408650 | can anyone help me??? | 20:54 |
magnetron | !helpme | killakali408650 | 20:55 |
ubottu | killakali408650: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience | 20:55 |
BCM43 | !hi | tuomas_ | 20:55 |
ubottu | tuomas_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 20:55 |
Steve-cal | navetz: or do "man smbclient" might be what you need. | 20:55 |
ArthurArchnix | xri: I did a memtest a week ago and there were no problems. It can't be a binary install problem because nothing new was installed, the packages were only beginning to download. I can fsk the disk, but I have a large number of partitions on an extended partition, is it safe, do you know of a good primer? i'll take a look at the man page obviously. Thanks Magnetron, I don't recall seeing this error before. But as I said, my m | 20:55 |
navetz | Steve-cal: thanks | 20:55 |
linkmaster03 | How can I have Pidgin autostart and connect on boot? | 20:55 |
killakali408650 | okay, how can i make ubuntu see my t9300 intel processor | 20:55 |
ariqz | i've seen the wiki page many times, jrib. It's that I can't access /dev/ttySM0 without root. gnome-ppp doesn't require a password by default | 20:55 |
soundray | killakali408650: describe your problem on a single line please. | 20:55 |
xri | magnetron: so bad hardware or PBKAC ;-) some CPUs might be not 100% intel compatible and cause strange problems. | 20:55 |
jrib | ariqz: you're in those groups it mentions? | 20:55 |
soundray | ariqz: what do you get from 'ls -l /dev/ttySM0'? | 20:56 |
BCM43 | linkmaster03: go to presences, then sessons. | 20:56 |
zetheroo | Firefox 3.0 in Ubuntu Hardy has an issue it seems with login pages...... quite often I find myself in a loop with the login page after having been told I have successfully logged into the site .... I am repeatedly sent back to the login page.... WHY??? | 20:56 |
Flannel | killakali408650: cat /proc/cpuinfo | 20:56 |
ArthurArchnix | xri: magnetron Plus, everything works fine except for sudo, so that doesn't seem to point in the direction of hardware failure. | 20:56 |
xri | ArthurArchnix: what CPU do you have? cat /proc/cpu | 20:56 |
opn6 | #ubuntu-server | 20:56 |
killakali408650 | when i was doing the memory test the system said i had a p3 processor, when i actually have a dual core processor, i am worried that the system isn't using both of the cores how can i fix this | 20:56 |
linkmaster03 | BCM43: thanks i had no clue ubuntu had that, whoa :o | 20:56 |
way2go4me_ | i'm looking for worldchat | 20:56 |
magnetron | ArthurArchnix: plz don't start. it IS a hardware problem. we discussed this to great length. i've got nothing to add | 20:57 |
BCM43 | !info worldchat | 20:57 |
ubottu | Package worldchat does not exist in hardy | 20:57 |
freddy_engels | I keep having this problem where nothing loads after I login except for my wallpapers a I can't figure out if the problem is with gnome or xorg or what. Does anyone know what to do? | 20:57 |
soundray | killakali408650: do a 'cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep ^processor'. How many lines do you see? | 20:57 |
ArthurArchnix | magnetron: I think you've got the wrong guy. | 20:57 |
zetheroo | Firefox 3.0 in Ubuntu Hardy has an issue it seems with login pages...... quite often I find myself in a loop with the login page after having been told I have successfully logged into the site .... I am repeatedly sent back to the login page.... WHY??? | 20:57 |
way2go4me_ | always used mirc | 20:57 |
BCM43 | zetheroo: please wait a little longer before asking again | 20:57 |
freddy_engels | btw syslog reports some errors with pulseaudio | 20:58 |
ArthurArchnix | xri: Its under cpuinfo, but its a intel duo core t2050 | 20:58 |
xri | ArthurArchnix: well there is also an unlikely chance that you have an error in the config file and sudo crashes instead of printing an error message. but that's rather unlikely that tools is in wide use, bugs are usually found.. | 20:58 |
tuomas_ | My hardy heron doesn't allow any other ICON THEME except gnome, how come? after last general updates my earlier icons were replaced by ghastly gnome-ones. Any clues? | 20:58 |
releod | anyone know of a good motherboard that has RAID built-in? Preferably 4-6 SATA slots too | 20:58 |
soundray | releod: wrong channel. Try ##hardware | 20:58 |
xri | ArthurArchnix: thats a normal CPU, i have a core 2 duo too. that is not the problem. hmm | 20:58 |
releod | oops | 20:58 |
releod | thanks! | 20:58 |
Ktron | Why would nmap localhost show something different than an nmap from a machine on the same network? | 20:59 |
zetheroo | anyone? | 20:59 |
macsim | hi, when I extract an archive with file-roller, my firefox freeze while the extration, am I the only one or is it something known ? | 20:59 |
magnetron | Ktron: nmap localhost scans on the loopback interface | 20:59 |
Flannel | !patience | zetheroo | 20:59 |
ubottu | zetheroo: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 20:59 |
xri | ArthurArchnix: if you want to go lowlevel... you could enable core files. let it crash and analyze the core file with gdb... but that needs some programming experience | 21:00 |
erUSUL | Ktron: becouse localhost goes through lo and the other is through another iface (ethn or wlann) | 21:00 |
ariqz | soundray: a whole mess of junk I can't remember all of. :P | 21:00 |
Ktron | magnet, ah... so for some reason cups is listening on lo and not my other adapters... | 21:00 |
ariqz | root root dates | 21:00 |
ArthurArchnix | This all happened during my update. I'm gonna restart in single user again and purge myself of /tmp /var/cache and any gnome locks or such. xri, yeah, that's well beyond me. If cleaning out my apt directories doesn't solve it I'll create a new user and see if sudo works for it. Back in a bit. | 21:00 |
Lifeisfunny | Would anyone happen to know when 'ppa.launchpad' sources are going to become authenticated? | 21:00 |
xri | ArthurArchnix: one step easier would be running "strace sudo" and see what it tries to load/do before it crashes | 21:00 |
zetheroo | Flannel: maybe its just my internet connection ... but it seems that nothing is moving in here,.... like not much activity.... | 21:00 |
soundray | ariqz: you're making it a real pleasure to help you. Have a good day\ | 21:00 |
erUSUL | Ktron: System>Admin>Printers> Sever preferences | 21:01 |
ArthurArchnix | xri... good Idea. I'll install strace while I'm in single user mode. | 21:01 |
ArthurArchnix | thanks | 21:01 |
ariqz | soundray: the computer is in a whole other room, it doesn't have irc installed or anything, so I could download it, get on in there and you'd be gone by then anyway | 21:01 |
Ktron | erUSUL, I don't have a GUI, I did a ubuntu server install and selected the Print Server option | 21:01 |
ariqz | what part of it do you want? | 21:01 |
tuomas_ | My hardy heron doesn't allow any other ICON THEME except gnome, how come? after last general updates my earlier icons were replaced by ghastly gnome-ones. Any clues? I've tried to apply other icons but with no success. | 21:01 |
Ktron | erUSUL, I'll have to dig around I guess | 21:01 |
Flannel | zetheroo: What's your point? You don't need to ask every 3 minutes. Wait 15 or so at least. Everyone who's awake now saw your question, you need to wait for more people to wake up to ask again effectively, otherwise you're just asking the same people over and over. | 21:02 |
erUSUL | Ktron: /etc/cups/cupsd.conf then | 21:02 |
freddy_engels | Can anyone discern what's going on here? Or at least point me to another channel or website that will fix this problem? http://paste.ubuntu.com/14878/ | 21:02 |
zetheroo | Flannel: sorry about that | 21:02 |
zetheroo | Flannel: do you have any insight regarding my query? | 21:02 |
navetz | can someone help me with smbclient, how do I connect to a network computer with it? | 21:03 |
xri | heh, we need a #ubuntu-question-pickup channel where no discussions take part, but where the questions clearly stand out from the chatting ;-) | 21:03 |
fostot | Does anyone at all know how to remove the Symbolic Link icon from desktop icons? | 21:03 |
vlad | james__: anything else i can do? | 21:03 |
BCM43 | freddy_engels: when do you get that error? | 21:03 |
Flannel | zetheroo: Nope. I'm still on 1.5 myself. You could try googling around and/or searching the forums (ubuntuforums.org) in the meantime. | 21:03 |
pr0ggie | hi all | 21:03 |
freddy_engels | zehteroo: my understanding is that firefox 3 is still beta and consequently has some problems. Use an earlier version. | 21:03 |
ariqz | soundray: what a twerp. Let me help you, but first tell me all the contents of your hd memorized in binary format | 21:03 |
BCM43 | !hi | pr0ggie | 21:03 |
ubottu | pr0ggie: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 21:03 |
zetheroo | Flannel: the only info I found was it happening in Windows XP.... which was useless | 21:03 |
freddy_engels | Some sites don't work for me in 3.0, so I use 2 when it starts fucking up. | 21:03 |
Ktron | erUSUL, you're the man, thanks | 21:03 |
erUSUL | Ktron: no problem | 21:04 |
freddy_engels | BCM43: When I start loading X11 | 21:04 |
ariqz | and btw, that wiki doesn't work either. the version of martian you get being helped by the wiki link doesn't compile | 21:04 |
BCM43 | freddy_engels: watch the launge | 21:04 |
m-c | hardy+nvidia+dualscreen ... effects? | 21:04 |
ariqz | but that's what you get from ubuntu support, more troubles ;P | 21:05 |
crd1b | fostot: don't use links? :) | 21:05 |
mohbana | hi does anyone know how to install a jre from sun? | 21:05 |
jrib | !java > mohbana (read the private message from ubottu) | 21:05 |
ivanskunk_ | como se llamaba el canal? jajaja | 21:05 |
harpreet | how do i install jasper for yahoo messenger on kopete? | 21:05 |
mohbana | jrib: did you read my message? i meant a jre i downlaoded myself | 21:05 |
freddy_engels | BCM43: After I login to ubuntu, nothing loads except for my wallpaper. | 21:06 |
jrib | mohbana: why? it's better to use the repositories | 21:06 |
crd1b | m-c: yes, that is possible | 21:06 |
freddy_engels | The only way I can get anything to work is by going into failsafe gnome | 21:06 |
freddy_engels | (which I'm in right now) | 21:06 |
m-c | crd1b: thanks | 21:06 |
CShadowRun | http://cshadowrun.googlepages.com/mouse.PNG Anyone got any ideas how i would go about this? | 21:06 |
guyzmo | ok | 21:06 |
fostot | crd1b: can you offer another idea then? | 21:06 |
mohbana | just tell me how to do it please | 21:07 |
harpreet | how do i install jasper for yahoo messenger on kopete? | 21:07 |
erUSUL | mohbana: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre | 21:07 |
jrib | mohbana: I am telling you the best and safest way. If you want to do something else, then I can't help you. Sun does have instructions on their site though | 21:07 |
harpreet | erUSUL java does not support mozilla firefox for some reason | 21:07 |
crd1b | fostot: use .desktop files in your ~/Desktop folder | 21:08 |
Flannel | zetheroo: It's not useless. It's a firefox problem, which means it could very well be OS independant | 21:08 |
erUSUL | mohbana: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin | 21:08 |
guyzmo | BCM43 - so you know... it was the "evdev" driver that is buggy, I changed it to "mouse" and it worked | 21:08 |
erUSUL | harpreet: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin | 21:08 |
guyzmo | bye | 21:08 |
LordOllie | anyone got any tips on getting lotus symphony installed in 8.04? I have tried using xterm, reqular gnome, failsafe gnome, reg gnome with compiz killed... I will run the installer and check the error if that would help, just weird that it fails. | 21:08 |
BlackRece | hello ppl, Happy holidays! | 21:09 |
thegattaca | I've been using the new ubuntu release since it came out ... and audio seems to only work with one application. is multi-channel audio broken? is there a known fix?? | 21:09 |
harpreet | erUSUL it is available in package manager too but it shows it cannot be installed | 21:09 |
harpreet | how do i install jasper for yahoo messenger on kopete? | 21:09 |
zetheroo | Flannel: here is what I found http://onubuntu.blogspot.com/2008/05/breaking-infinite-login-loop.html | 21:09 |
BlackRece | Now, I want to know why my firewall won't let any internet tr5afic to my internal network, any takers? | 21:09 |
maousss | tru | 21:10 |
maousss | ufl | 21:10 |
erUSUL | harpreet: are you on 64 bits? if so use "icedtea-gcjwebplugin" package | 21:10 |
Slart | BlackRece: either you've blocked it off or you haven't set /proc/sys/ipv4/ip_forward to 1 | 21:10 |
opn6 | #ubuntu | 21:10 |
harpreet | erUSUL sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin | 21:10 |
harpreet | erUSUL yes i am on 64 bit | 21:10 |
BlackRece | Slart: where do i set that? | 21:11 |
Slalomsk8er | BlackRece: i once upgraded and the old version of firestarter blocked me out of my net - so try to flush the packetfilter roules | 21:11 |
soll | hi i need some help with updates: suddenly synaptic proposes a lot of updates, among which the kernel. Where on the net can I verify this is OK? | 21:11 |
BlackRece | not using firestarter, pure iptables | 21:11 |
Slart | BlackRece: try this .. first "sudo -i", then "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward", then "exit" | 21:11 |
Flannel | zetheroo: that's a login loop with XP, not with firefox on XP | 21:11 |
Frenzi | after 3 days, I have my GRUB problem fixed, and I'm now the self-proclaimed leading IRC expert on GRUB and Adaptec SCSI adaptors | 21:12 |
Slalomsk8er | BlackRece: then flush your iptables | 21:12 |
zetheroo | Flannel: ok well then I have found nothing about this issue by googling it.... | 21:12 |
Slart | soll: same thing here.. also got a load of updates.. including a kernel update | 21:13 |
BlackRece | Slart: best test method? | 21:13 |
ariqz | ok, I know a file exists, but when I goto places -> search for files. Select file system as folder, it doesn't find the file. WHY? | 21:13 |
thegattaca | multi-channel audio in 8.04? anyone? | 21:13 |
ariqz | is the search not recursive? because that's just dumb | 21:13 |
Slalomsk8er | Frenzi: congratulations - i gave up an a old sata board (ak35gtr) and used the windows boot loader to load grub ^^ | 21:13 |
Slart | BlackRece: well.. the forwarding thing only affects other computers on the internal network.. try just surfing from one of them | 21:13 |
BlackRece | Slart: no joy! | 21:14 |
Slart | ariqz: case sensitivity? the tracker hasn't updated the index yet and the file new? the search doesn't work the way you think it does | 21:14 |
Frenzi | slalomsk8er ... I went through a lot of ideas before flashing the BIOS on the Adaptec adaptor... I refused to do the Windows thing | 21:14 |
Slart | BlackRece: have you set up NAT? | 21:15 |
ariqz | slart: how do I search like dir /s filename.* in dos? | 21:15 |
LordOllie | ariqz, it can't find any files when you select file system or only particular things?\ | 21:15 |
fostot | crd1b: ok can you explain how to get the Launcher to actually open the folder instead of treating it as an application/octet-stream | 21:15 |
erUSUL | Slart: echo 1 | sudo tee -a /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward is less verbose | 21:15 |
Slart | ariqz: what is the name of the file you're looking for?... I don't speak windows.. sorry | 21:15 |
jackol | ariqz: find . -name filename.* -print | 21:15 |
ariqz | it doesn't find what i want it to that I know exists. I don't know if it can't find any or not | 21:15 |
BlackRece | Slart: i think i have, let me just restore iptables with my NAT rules | 21:15 |
marto | after installing NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-169.12-pkg2 with apparent success I had to reboot, the Nvidia kernel module is loaded and I see an Nvidia logo, then I quickly get to the login screen, then the screen goes black. Anyone have any suggestions as to what is wrong? TIA | 21:15 |
Slart | erUSUL: ahh.. knew there was a workaround for that kludge.. thanks | 21:16 |
ariqz | thanks jackol | 21:16 |
BlackRece | Slalomsk8er: FLushing iptables didn't work cos it wiped my nat rules! | 21:16 |
erUSUL | Slart: onther option is «sudo sh -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"» | 21:16 |
akahige | trying to reinstall ubuntu from the console. having problems. /var seems to be full. how can I check space and correct? | 21:17 |
morphir | has anyone compiled the global menu bar successfully for 64 bit? | 21:17 |
erUSUL | akahige: df -hs | 21:17 |
BlackRece | how do i restart my network devices on this box | 21:17 |
erUSUL | akahige: df -h | 21:17 |
thegattaca | akahige: df -hs | 21:17 |
jackol | akahige: df -H | 21:17 |
Slart | BlackRece: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart might do the trick | 21:18 |
debian | In quemu I ca't use my keyboard | 21:18 |
debian | What migth be wrong? | 21:18 |
soll | Is there a mailing list or a web page announcing updates? I searched and found the ubuntu-security-announce mailing list. But it does not mention the kernel update synaptic is proposing. How can I check this update is supposed to be there? | 21:18 |
akahige | okay... I've got a 1 GB var partition and it's now full. don't know if this is cached files for the install. any ideas on what I can do? | 21:19 |
BlackRece | Slart: here's my iptables rules file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14883/ | 21:19 |
debian | soll: If synaptic says so, it is so. | 21:19 |
=== adam_ is now known as poosenki | ||
BCM43 | bashang: you there? | 21:20 |
jackol | akahige: Look into /var/cache/apt | 21:20 |
akahige | what am I looking for? | 21:20 |
tuomas_ | My hardy heron doesn't allow any other ICON THEME except gnome, how come? after last general updates my earlier icons were replaced by ghastly gnome-ones. Any clues? | 21:20 |
Slart | BlackRece: I think you might be missing something.. try typing !ics and see what ubotu says about it | 21:20 |
BlackRece | Slart: I disconnected and reconnected without dropping out of irc!!! | 21:20 |
jackol | loads of .deb's you could remove | 21:20 |
BlackRece | !ics | 21:21 |
debian | Hardy Heroin, what an odd name of an os... | 21:21 |
ubottu | If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php | 21:21 |
In-Sane`` | will it effect the system if i deleted the files in /var/cache/apt? | 21:21 |
BCM43 | !ot | debian | 21:21 |
ubottu | debian: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 21:21 |
alfio | ciao a tutti | 21:21 |
jackol | remove just the .deb's you should be fine | 21:21 |
alfio | !list | 21:21 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 21:21 |
BCM43 | !it | 21:21 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 21:21 |
jackol | look in the 'partial' directory there too | 21:21 |
akahige | @jacko1: there are lots of debs in the "archive" sub dir | 21:21 |
trebel | can someone help me get my sound working on hardy, pulseaudio seems to be functioning fine but I get no sound from my speakers | 21:21 |
BlackRece | lart: What does my Linksys router need to be set to? | 21:21 |
jackol | akahige: take em out | 21:22 |
jackol | apt-get stored all downloaded packages there | 21:22 |
Slart | well.. I've got to reboot.. brb | 21:22 |
In-Sane`` | jackol: so, it is ok to remove .deb files from /var/cache/apt? | 21:22 |
seclein__ | hi, does anyone know how i can get the version of a package available in the repositories from the command line? | 21:22 |
mavsman4457 | Does anyone know of any DJ software for ubuntu that has turntables on the screen like Ots turntables for windows? | 21:22 |
jackol | In-Sane``: yes it is. next time you try getting a packing you got before, it just means re-downloading is all | 21:22 |
broken_quiche | I was trying to get a Nvidia driver working but encountered this problem: http://pastebin.com/d5eda838a - what can I do about this? Thanks in advance. | 21:23 |
akahige | remove debs from partial as well? | 21:23 |
jackol | akahige: yes you can. those are files apt-get didn't manage to download completely. they're useless | 21:23 |
broken_quiche | Actually, that's probably a bad question for an ubuntu channel | 21:23 |
broken_quiche | of mine | 21:23 |
codecowboy | Hi. I have a problem with audio in Hardy - no sound from headphone output on docking station. Sound module is intel hd audio. Where is correct place to file a bug report please? | 21:23 |
broken_quiche | sorry | 21:23 |
In-Sane`` | jackol: ah, should i remove those manually or using the terminal? or either one? ;) | 21:24 |
takehiko | yo | 21:24 |
seclein__ | hi, does anyone know how i can get the version of a package available in the repositories from the command line? | 21:24 |
usser | In-Sane`` sudo apt-get clean | 21:24 |
=== b0ha is now known as b00ha | ||
usser | In-Sane``, will do the trick | 21:24 |
__doc__ | hi there, I need some help with right click. I got a macbook air, and there seems to be no conclusive answer how to get right clicking at all. any good tips? | 21:24 |
In-Sane`` | jackol: I am sorry but i am kinda new | 21:24 |
In-Sane`` | usser: alright, thank you. | 21:24 |
akahige | @jacko1: turns out partial was empty anyway | 21:24 |
=== morphir is now known as nickname | ||
skibur | hello | 21:25 |
akahige | @jacko1: space used now 270 MB. had to reconfigure dpkg. install running again. thanks! | 21:25 |
=== nickname is now known as troll | ||
skibur | who ows the #ubuntu-namespace? | 21:25 |
jackol | akahige: cheers | 21:25 |
skibur | *owns | 21:25 |
BlackRece | can someone tell me who this is? "May 26 21:23:59 blamd-fireweb kernel: [45229.839581] Denied UDP: IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:0e:39:d2:28:54:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=339 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=255 ID=53306 PROTO=UDP SPT=67 DPT=68 LEN=319 " | 21:25 |
unimatrix9 | hi ther | 21:26 |
Radit | how do i get the version of alsa i'm using? i'm using ubuntu 8.04 | 21:26 |
unimatrix9 | there | 21:26 |
ArthurArchnix | Back. Had to boot into my Gutsy install because Hardy has just gone sideways. | 21:26 |
unimatrix9 | would it be possible to take an driver from ubuntu 7.10 ( .ko ) and place it in hardy? | 21:26 |
BlackRece | hey theFATMAN returens!!! | 21:26 |
timetrap | @Radit try alsactl -v | 21:27 |
=== troll is now known as morphir | ||
theFATMAN | hey, BlackRece! What's going on, man | 21:27 |
unimatrix9 | because the rt2500 etc modules work on 7.10 but not in hardy heron 8,04 | 21:27 |
akahige | ls | 21:27 |
mavsman4457 | Anyone know of decent DJ software for ubuntu? | 21:27 |
BlackRece | still trying to sort this firewall out!! | 21:27 |
=== path__ is now known as path_ | ||
unimatrix9 | could i take out the module rt73usb.ko and copy them into hardy? | 21:27 |
theFATMAN | BlackRece, firewall? is it software or hardware? | 21:28 |
timetrap | whois timetrap | 21:28 |
ArthurArchnix | Although, I did find this error in dmesg: sudo[5357]: segfault at bf380a74 eip b7ea8b79 esp bf380a58 error | 21:28 |
BlackRece | weell. | 21:28 |
usser | unimatrix9, not gonna work hardy uses different kernel | 21:28 |
Gin | unimatrix9: I use ndiswrapper for my RT wireless card. works perfect | 21:28 |
unimatrix9 | usser, hmm, i thought so, but hoped it would be possible any how | 21:29 |
unimatrix9 | bummer, so i need to compile it | 21:29 |
marto | after installing NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-169.12-pkg2 with apparent success I had to reboot, the Nvidia kernel module is loaded and I see an Nvidia logo, then I quickly get to the login screen, then the screen goes black. Anyone have any suggestions as to what is wrong? TIA | 21:29 |
unimatrix9 | ok thanks | 21:29 |
Gin | unimatrix9: just install ndiswrapper, and copy the rt*.sys rt*.inf (prob also rt*.bin) to a dir then install the driver using ndiswrapper -i rt*.inf | 21:29 |
aLeSD | hi all ... how to chanfe the layout of the keyboard on 8.04 ? | 21:29 |
unimatrix9 | Gin there also seems to be an gui for ndiswrapper on hardy , did you see it? | 21:29 |
Radit | timetrap: thanks :-) | 21:29 |
aLeSD | I mean I changed the keyboard | 21:30 |
theFATMAN | hey, BlackRece, i'm here, just gotta pearl a L real quick | 21:30 |
cypha | how long does it usually take to get an answer on ubuntu forums? | 21:30 |
timetrap | NP Radit | 21:30 |
Gin | unimatrix9: nope, but I know how to work with ndiswrapper :-) | 21:30 |
=== benzs_s is now known as benzss | ||
unimatrix9 | hehe | 21:30 |
unimatrix9 | good | 21:30 |
timetrap | cypha go ahead and ask here | 21:30 |
nainef | ubuntu has forums? | 21:30 |
unimatrix9 | ok, well its been fun, see you all agian later | 21:30 |
nainef | j/k | 21:30 |
cypha | OK, so I apparently can't create my own threads yet, but I am essentially having the same issue. I cannot get the LCD on my HP TX1000 laptop to turn off in my Hardy install. The blank screen I have set as the screen saver starts, but the backlight stays on throughout the night! | 21:30 |
cypha | In screen saver options, I have "Regard the computer as idle after 10 mintues", and "Activate screen saver when computer is idle" is checked. | 21:30 |
cypha | In power management, I have (On AC Power) Put computer to sleep when Inactive for NEVER. I never want the computer to turn off, just the screen please. I was able to do this in Windows, and I'd hope I can do this in Linux. I still have processes running through the night, and would simply like the screen to be off. Continuing, "When laptop lid is closed: Blank Screen". "Put display to sleep when inactive for 40 minutes". "Dim display when | 21:30 |
timetrap | (you should get a response in short order) | 21:30 |
BlackRece | theFATMAN: this feisty box is meant to be a firewall between my isp and my linksys router, its not working tho!!! | 21:30 |
unimatrix9 | :p | 21:30 |
cypha | idle". | 21:30 |
cypha | I can give you the Battery Power tab options, but I might as well fix one thing at a time. This issue I'm having is on AC Power, as that's how I leave my computer overnight. | 21:30 |
FloodBot1 | cypha: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:30 |
tuomas_ | My hardy heron doesn't allow any other ICON THEME except gnome, how come? after last general updates my earlier icons were replaced by ghastly gnome-ones. Any clues? | 21:30 |
theFATMAN | hey, BlackRece, i'm here, just gotta pearl a L real quick | 21:30 |
cypha | sorry | 21:30 |
theFATMAN | hey, BlackRece, you got skype? | 21:31 |
timetrap | cypha I have the same problem with my Dell e1505 | 21:31 |
cypha | theFATMAN: what's pearl an L? | 21:31 |
BlackRece | yup but no sound | 21:31 |
BlackRece | yet... | 21:31 |
cypha | timetrap: so you still have the problem? | 21:31 |
BlackRece | got headphones tho | 21:31 |
timetrap | cypha yes | 21:31 |
theFATMAN | cypha, i can't say on this channel | 21:31 |
cypha | oh | 21:31 |
lw0x15 | hey yo. any of you know why ubuntu might keep on bugging.. for example.. most of the apps are freezing and i cant do anything with them | 21:32 |
cypha | haha | 21:32 |
cypha | drop a deuce? | 21:32 |
Ginetteann | Does anybody know where I can find and download outdated (Vulnerable) versions of the Apache webserver? | 21:32 |
cypha | lw0x15: turn of cmpiz | 21:32 |
cypha | off | 21:32 |
cypha | compiz | 21:32 |
lw0x15 | how do i do that | 21:32 |
lw0x15 | completely | 21:32 |
theFATMAN | cypha, no dude, pearl = roll tightly, L = blunt | 21:32 |
Wallgod | hi... i m trying to install beryl on hardy heron but i keep getting 'cannot find package beryl' i ve ticked on all th repos | 21:32 |
Gin | Ginetteann: ask in #apache | 21:32 |
nainef | lol | 21:32 |
timetrap | Compiz? | 21:32 |
cypha | theFATMAN: ahh, i thought so when you said L | 21:32 |
timetrap | Hrrm | 21:33 |
lw0x15 | nvmd | 21:33 |
cypha | but i never heard of pearl | 21:33 |
marto | Ginetteann, I would imagine that they are on the apache.org site | 21:33 |
lw0x15 | i turned it off | 21:33 |
timetrap | I have had problems with it beofre | 21:33 |
Wallgod | timetrap, yes | 21:33 |
theFATMAN | cy[ha, lol, well then, brb | 21:33 |
cypha | i gotta get a job in the next few days, so i'm gonna have to resist joining you theFATMAN | 21:33 |
asathoor | i'd like to combine several pdf-files to one document - how is it done? | 21:33 |
timetrap | I thought Compiz was the second coming of linux . . . | 21:33 |
theFATMAN | cy[ha, lol, well then, brb | 21:33 |
lw0x15 | no.. i didnt :| | 21:33 |
lw0x15 | how do i turn off compiz lol | 21:33 |
=== CaptainPanda|afk is now known as CaptainPanda | ||
ArthurArchnix | Every time I try and run "sudo [anything]" I get the message "Segmentation fault" | 21:33 |
cypha | lw0x15: compiz is a desktop manager or something | 21:33 |
fde | lw0x15: System > Preferences > Appearance > Visual Effects tab | 21:34 |
juank_prada | lw0x15, are you using hardy? | 21:34 |
way2go4me | which server should i use to find worldchat? | 21:34 |
cypha | lw0x15: right click on your desktop and choose to change desktop background | 21:34 |
lw0x15 | yea i know what it is lol | 21:34 |
timetrap | Compiz is the Window Manager | 21:34 |
timetrap | Right? | 21:34 |
cypha | then select the visual effects tab | 21:34 |
fde | timetrap: yes | 21:34 |
cypha | and choose NONE | 21:34 |
Wallgod | uboto:beryl | 21:34 |
way2go4me | or how could i find a room | 21:34 |
Wallgod | how to use this uboto thing | 21:34 |
lw0x15 | hehe cant click now lol | 21:34 |
fde | Wallgod: /msg ubottu help | 21:34 |
cypha | rinse and reapply as necessary | 21:34 |
lw0x15 | brb restarting | 21:34 |
freddy_engels | I get this bug with Pulseaudio when I login to GNOME. It makes it so that nothing loads except for my wallpaper ( icons, no panels...nothing). This the error that comes up in syslog...any ideas as to what I should do? http://paste.ubuntu.com/14885/ | 21:34 |
Wallgod | fde, thnks | 21:35 |
fde | cypha: ahh... that's a lot easier, didn't even occur to me to try that in the past, heh | 21:35 |
Wallgod | ubottu, help | 21:35 |
ubottu | Wallgod: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin. | 21:35 |
ubottu | I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;) | 21:35 |
timetrap | So, just selecting the "Visual Effects Tab" and selecting "None" will not uninstall compix | 21:35 |
fde | Wallgod: no... /msg the bot please | 21:35 |
Radit | whats the command to do a mod probe without rebooting? | 21:35 |
cypha | fde: what was your suggestion? | 21:35 |
Wallgod | ubottu, help beryl | 21:35 |
ubottu | Wallgod: Error: There is no command "beryl". | 21:35 |
ubottu | Factoid help beryl not found | 21:36 |
timetrap | radit: modprobe | 21:36 |
fde | cypha: System > Preferences > Appearance > Visual Effects tab --- the long way | 21:36 |
way2go4me | someone help me? | 21:36 |
mcscruff | how can i have an app to start on boot?, what dir do i need to have a symbolic link to | 21:36 |
killakali408650 | hiii | 21:36 |
fde | !ask | way2go4me | 21:36 |
ubottu | way2go4me: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 21:36 |
juank_prada | way2go4me, ask your question | 21:36 |
fde | mcscruff: what kind of app? | 21:36 |
killakali408650 | i just finished installing ubuntu | 21:36 |
way2go4me | ubottu: i already asked my question | 21:36 |
ubottu | way2go4me: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 21:36 |
killakali408650 | :D | 21:36 |
way2go4me | lol ubottu | 21:36 |
Radit | timetrap: thanks :-) | 21:37 |
timetrap | radit it depends on the module that you want to load, some may require (or suggest) a reboot. | 21:37 |
mcscruff | fde, a command line server app | 21:37 |
way2go4me | how can i find the right server for the room i'm looking for? | 21:37 |
timetrap | lsmod will list the current modules | 21:37 |
mcscruff | soon as i log in i want it to start | 21:37 |
Radit | timetrap: can alsa be reloaded without rebooting? | 21:37 |
juank_prada | way2go4me, is that an ubuntu related question? | 21:37 |
cypha | fde, well, it's the same amount of time to type for the instructor though =) | 21:38 |
timetrap | radit: Maybe | 21:38 |
fde | !init > mcscruff | 21:38 |
Frenzi | way2go4me this is the right room | 21:38 |
mcscruff | ty fde | 21:38 |
lw0x15 | yo i am back lol | 21:38 |
lw0x15 | well ok...how do i turn off the compiz | 21:38 |
lw0x15 | thing lol | 21:39 |
Peng | How can one check how a package was ./configured? | 21:39 |
fde | way2go4me: please restate your question... this is a fast moving channel, not everything is caught first time, just don't repeat TOO quickly (ever 5-10 mins is fine usually) | 21:39 |
lw0x15 | or.. how i can make so the ubuntu doesnt keep on crashing the apps later on | 21:39 |
way2go4me | juank_prada: i'm not sure i always had windows and mirc but i can't get used to this ubuntu | 21:39 |
juank_prada | lw0x15, right click on the desktop and select 'change background'... then go to visual effects and select 'none' | 21:39 |
lw0x15 | juank_prada, iats already on it | 21:39 |
lw0x15 | its* | 21:39 |
=== KreazyLines is now known as RayasLokas | ||
juank_prada | lw0x15, and is not disabled? | 21:40 |
HappyHater | how do you get that cube desktop? | 21:40 |
theFATMAN | lw0x15, videocard is? | 21:40 |
juank_prada | way2go4me, what is that you are trying to do? or where are you trying to get? | 21:40 |
lw0x15 | juank_prada, what do you mean | 21:40 |
lw0x15 | theFATMAN, nvidia | 21:40 |
way2go4me | fde: don't worry i have so much lag that i can't follow myself :/ | 21:41 |
theFATMAN | lw0x15, got the drivers? | 21:41 |
fde | Peng: apt-get source <whatever> ... then man dpkg-deb to extract it. | 21:41 |
lw0x15 | theFATMAN, yep | 21:41 |
juank_prada | lw0x15, what is the problem you are having :P?... i mean you were trying to disable effects but i see you are alrady in there.. so.. whats the problem now? | 21:41 |
Peng | fde: Just dpkg -x, right? | 21:41 |
fde | Peng: That uses dpkg-deb ... but yes | 21:41 |
lw0x15 | juank_prada, there isnt any problems now.. i have restarted ubuntu.. and its fine now | 21:41 |
theFATMAN | lw0x15, got enough video RAM? | 21:41 |
lw0x15 | Apps were crashing constantly | 21:41 |
Peng | fde: Yeah, I know. | 21:41 |
lw0x15 | theFATMAN, 2gigs enough ? lol | 21:42 |
juank_prada | lw0x15, oh... cool :) | 21:42 |
way2go4me | dunno if it's the computer or the network :/ | 21:42 |
theFATMAN | lw0x15, VIDEO RAM? | 21:42 |
timetrap | radit: Is there a reason why you cannot reboot? | 21:42 |
lw0x15 | o yea | 21:42 |
lw0x15 | its enough | 21:42 |
lw0x15 | i think 256 ;] | 21:42 |
fde | Peng: Actually... I don't see it in man dpkg anymore... dpkg-deb -x | 21:42 |
lw0x15 | or 512 lol cant remember | 21:42 |
timetrap | radit: Server? | 21:42 |
theFATMAN | lw0x15..hmmm | 21:43 |
theFATMAN | brb | 21:43 |
lw0x15 | lol | 21:43 |
way2go4me | sorry try again later :( | 21:43 |
Frenzi | way2go4me windows and mIRC.... a good combination... used it for more than 13 years now | 21:43 |
Peng | fde: I still see it in dpkg. Thanks for the help. :) | 21:43 |
fde | Peng: so... 'dpkg-deb -x what /where' | 21:43 |
dutch | I'm having problems installing 8.04 64 bit. Random hangs, and no graphical install possible. Hardware: Pentium D on Intel board with 4G Ram (that's why I need the 64 bit...) | 21:43 |
fde | Peng: What version of Ubuntu? | 21:43 |
ArthurArchnix | Anyone know why something segfaults, or what that error even means? | 21:43 |
Radit | timetrap: no, i just want to know how to do it without rebooting; the other reason is i'm lazy to reboot, :-D | 21:44 |
timetrap | dutch: What installer are you using? The LiveCD or the Alternate Desktop? | 21:44 |
fde | ArthurArchnix: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segmentation_fault | 21:44 |
timetrap | Radit: I am not too sure how to do what you are asking | 21:44 |
hcoal | dutch: perhaps you could try downloading the alt. iso which doesn't have the graphical installer? | 21:44 |
Slalomsk8er | why o why was my dmraid broken by the ubuntu 8.04 upgrade by a lousy missing initrd? i realy like to know | 21:44 |
gavintlgold | hi, can anyone help me with openoffice using a projector? | 21:44 |
gavintlgold | it's getting cut off, i'm seeing only the top corner | 21:45 |
timetrap | Radit: (you might want to try over in the #gentoo channel) | 21:45 |
dutch | timetrap: alternative... was hoping for LVM | 21:45 |
Peng | fde: Hardy. | 21:45 |
gavintlgold | and changing my screen's res does nothing | 21:45 |
timetrap | radit: It's all linux after all | 21:45 |
Peng | fde: It mentions it at the top. | 21:45 |
Slalomsk8er | gavintlgold: is the desktop ok? | 21:45 |
Radit | timetrap: yep, thanks :-) | 21:45 |
dutch | hcoal: alt does not have graphical installer? lol - that's one problem solved | 21:45 |
timetrap | dutch:what portion of the install hangs? | 21:45 |
timetrap | radit: NP | 21:46 |
gavintlgold | Slalomsk8er: the panel resized to the correct size but the rest of the desktop is still high res | 21:46 |
gavintlgold | that was after i pressed fn f7 (projector key combination) | 21:46 |
fde | Peng: Ahh, well I'd scrolled past that, and /-x returned nothing... guess it doesn't wrap back around :P | 21:46 |
dutch | timetrap: it varies. never the same. I've read some bug reports that indicate a KVM issue. I'll try moving the mouse around -see if that helps | 21:46 |
Pilou1234 | BONSOIR | 21:46 |
timetrap | dutch: oh you have a kvm> | 21:47 |
gavintlgold | i also tried it through screen resolution configuration panel, Slalomsk8er | 21:47 |
timetrap | dutch: try it without the KVM, and make sure to file a bug reports | 21:47 |
amorphous_ | hello channel! :) | 21:47 |
lw0x15 | Any one else might know why sometimes apps keep on crashing. | 21:47 |
timetrap | lw0x15: What apps? | 21:48 |
dutch | timetrap: nope, but maybe still - apparently the installer is waiting for "activity" from kb or mouse | 21:48 |
lw0x15 | timetrap, for example terminal | 21:48 |
lw0x15 | quite a lot of them | 21:48 |
timetrap | dutch: That would be the key, if the terminal is still working, and the installer is not. Remove the KVM from the mix and try it again. | 21:49 |
timetrap | lw0x15: you need to be more specific, give me a name and the error that you get | 21:49 |
dutch | timetrap: Don't have a KVM - direct mouse/kb etc. But maybe, just maybe, it is related??? | 21:49 |
theFATMAN | lw0x15, do you have a splash screen installed? | 21:50 |
timetrap | dutch: sorry I thought you said you had a kvm | 21:50 |
timetrap | brb | 21:50 |
lw0x15 | theFATMAN, nop | 21:50 |
fde | timetrap: He has to... it's in the default kernel. | 21:50 |
dutch | timetrap: 's okay... it's been a long day for me too.. lol I'll try some more tonight. g2g Bye!!! | 21:50 |
lw0x15 | timetrap, no errors nothing just a blank screen of the terminal when i launch it | 21:50 |
theFATMAN | lw0x15, ok, just to forewarn you, they can cause nasty display problems | 21:51 |
zero88 | Has anyone successfully gotten PearPc to work??????? | 21:51 |
StevenX | Guys. I am running Eve Online, a fullscreen game, and would like to know how to minimize it to, for example, check my e-mail or something. | 21:51 |
lw0x15 | lol | 21:51 |
gavintlgold | Slalomsk8er: i installed "resapplet" and it seems to work... thanks anyway :) | 21:51 |
lw0x15 | StealthCP, alt+tab ? | 21:51 |
Killeroid | StevenX: alt+tab | 21:51 |
zero88 | Has anyone successfully gotten PearPc to work??????? | 21:52 |
Slalomsk8er | gavintlgold: what graphic card are you using with which driver? | 21:52 |
StevenX | Killeroid, have you verified that that works/ | 21:52 |
lw0x15 | hmm | 21:52 |
Killeroid | lol, alt+tab always works | 21:52 |
I440r | can anyone here help me get an external usb drive with grub installed on it to boot said externail usb drive? | 21:52 |
navetz | can someone please help me, I am trying to write a backup script, all I have to do is backup a local file on a network drive, the problem is I don't know how to mount the network drive or how to use smbclient through the command line. | 21:52 |
theFATMAN | hey, BlackRece, you here? | 21:53 |
I440r | grub cannot mount selected partition | 21:53 |
Slalomsk8er | gavintlgold: glad to hear that you got it working | 21:53 |
Killeroid | StevenX: just alt+tab to another window and the fullscreen app will be minimised | 21:53 |
StevenX | k | 21:53 |
Kungen354646 | is there any way of changing the aspect ratio of a zoom window? | 21:53 |
emma | freddy_engels: Is your goal to get rid of pulseaudio? | 21:53 |
Slalomsk8er | navetz: use rsinc | 21:53 |
Killeroid | *rsync | 21:54 |
navetz | Slalomsk8er: what is that? | 21:54 |
timetrap | b | 21:54 |
freddy_engels | emma: yeah, it is ust making problems | 21:54 |
muramasa | Howdy all. If I have understood this correctly, software such as konversation, amarok and kaffeine are kde-based, right? Will using that kind of software in gnome cause problems? | 21:54 |
Slalomsk8er | remote sync trou a ssh tunel of some sort | 21:54 |
timetrap | lw0x15: your terminal has no prompt? | 21:54 |
I440r | i cannot get ubunto to boot! its installed, grub is installed it REFUSES to boot :( | 21:54 |
Killeroid | muramasa: no, it wont | 21:54 |
freddy_engels | emma: What exactly does pulseaudio do? | 21:55 |
lw0x15 | timetrap, its not about my terminal.. its just an example.. the same happens with other apps | 21:55 |
lw0x15 | i just have to force quit | 21:55 |
emma | freddy_engels: okay take a look at this link, especially the part at the bottom about how to remove pulseaudio -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio | 21:55 |
Slalomsk8er | navetz: if you use windows on the other end install cwRsync | 21:55 |
timetrap | radit: one problem at a time, if they are related they will all be resolved at the same time | 21:55 |
Killeroid | I440r: what disk is grub installed on? the external hard drive? | 21:55 |
fde | muramasa: No, although the first time you start such an application in Gnome, it will be very slow to start... and by default it will not match the Gnome desktop at this time. | 21:55 |
enry | hi i just upgrade Ubuntu 8.04 but the new kernel is orrible | 21:55 |
timetrap | radit: launch a terminal and tell me what you see | 21:55 |
enry | how can i turn back to the old kernel? | 21:56 |
Kungen354646 | is there any way of zooming a selection? like u drag out a zoom box or something | 21:56 |
emma | freddy_engels: pulse audio is an abstraction layer of some kind that seems to sit between ALSA and your sound card. When or if it worked it would provide some possibly nice functionality but for many people it does not. | 21:56 |
muramasa | fde, Killeroid: I see. Then I can exclude that from my troubleshooting then. Kaffeine often breaks down so I have to reinstall it in order to play any movies, also Amarok has broken down a couple of times. | 21:56 |
fde | muramasa: So, issues no, but inconsistency and resource intensive, yes. | 21:56 |
I440r | yes. the external usb drive | 21:56 |
Ojoo | Anyone able to help me, I need to know how to open a shell terminal in a source directory. (brand new to ubuntu so go easy) | 21:56 |
ManBlue | Can anyone help me get my wireless working again? After this last upgrade the wireless option is gone | 21:56 |
fde | muramasa: Ensure that they are set to use ESD/PulseAudio rather than Arts. | 21:57 |
I440r | killer yes the external usb drive has the grub and the OS installed on it | 21:57 |
paj1234 | I am using Hardy Heron and I have a problem with the Chess game. I cannot load a saved game. When I load a saved game (.pgn file) it instantly says, "GNU Chess wins. The white player has resigned". Then I cannot continue the game and all the white pieces are immobile. What am I doing wrong? | 21:57 |
I440r | putting grub on the internal drive is NOT an option | 21:57 |
Killeroid | I440r: can you pastebin your grub menu list (its fround here /boot/grub/menu.lst) | 21:58 |
fde | Ojoo: Can you be more specific... you want to be able to browse to a directory and say "open a terminal here"? | 21:58 |
I440r | i know where it is hang on | 21:58 |
freddy_engels | emma: Thanks. Hopefully this will fix that bug. :) | 21:58 |
Kungen354646 | is there any way of zooming a selection? like u drag out a zoom box or something | 21:58 |
Acomaco | Just a easy question..how do i change password for my computer? | 21:58 |
ManBlue | Can anyone help me get my wireless working again? After this last upgrade the wireless option is gone | 21:58 |
muramasa | fde: Right now it's on Auto, will change it to PulseAudio then | 21:58 |
Killeroid | ManBlue: what wireless card? | 21:58 |
Killeroid | *which | 21:58 |
ManBlue | atheros Killeroid | 21:59 |
maximumbob | aach - How do I enable xdmcp on ubuntu? All FAQs tell me to go through gdmsetup security tab, but the 'enable xdmcp' in fact is not there! :-/ | 21:59 |
fde | muramasa: That _should_ improve the situation. | 21:59 |
Ojoo | well, I still can't get my wireless working so I downloaded a madwifi it says to install it i have to make a shell termial in the madwifi source directory | 21:59 |
Killeroid | !madwifi | ManBlue | 21:59 |
emma | freddy_engels: I hope so as well. | 21:59 |
ubottu | ManBlue: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 21:59 |
muramasa | fde: Can I leave videodriver as auto? | 21:59 |
fde | muramasa: sure. | 21:59 |
maximumbob | ooh, perhaps under 'remote' ? | 21:59 |
ManBlue | the documentation doesn't have enough | 21:59 |
maximumbob | yes! thanks for everything. :p | 22:00 |
ManBlue | I downloaded madwifi, typed "make", then what? | 22:00 |
fde | Ojoo: I imagine it means to type 'make' within the source dir | 22:00 |
ManBlue | did that Ojoo, then I don't know the next step | 22:00 |
Ojoo | how do i do that? (sorry im a noob) | 22:00 |
fde | ManBlue and Ojoo are having the EXACT same issue... fun. | 22:01 |
ManBlue | deep | 22:01 |
ramiel77 | i need help with 8.04 live CD, when i try to run it so i can install ubuntu, the loading progress bar shows and then the screen goes black | 22:01 |
fde | Ojoo: What do you have currently? Just a file with the extension 'tar.gz' or something? | 22:01 |
muramasa | fde: Thank you. I will try out these new settings for a while :-) | 22:01 |
senyox | j/ #linuxac | 22:01 |
Ojoo | i extracted it on my desktop | 22:01 |
Slalomsk8er | why can't i open admin apps in gnome after i upgraded to 8.04? | 22:01 |
I440r | killer http://pastebin.com/d32dc9dad | 22:02 |
Ojoo | so i have the file madwifi-0.9.4 file sittin there | 22:02 |
senyox | j/ #linuxac | 22:02 |
ManBlue | I extracted to documents | 22:02 |
I440r | the grub.conf is fine. thats not the problem | 22:02 |
fde | Ojoo: ok... then go to Applications > Accesories > Terminal ... cd /Desktop/whateverfolderitis and follow the instructions from there. | 22:02 |
I440r | this installation of grub wont even boot my internal drive OS's | 22:02 |
Killeroid | Slalomsk8er: what do you mean admin apps? sudo command hasnt stopped working | 22:02 |
fde | Ojoo: You'll need to 'sudo aptitude install module-assistant to ensure you have all required deps though | 22:02 |
I440r | the references to the internal drives partions will be deleted from this once i got things working. this drive will be used to boot THIS DRIVE only | 22:03 |
Slalomsk8er | o an sudo -s in gnome terminal gives me : sudo: unable to resolve host mypcname | 22:03 |
fde | (It depends on build-essential and kernel-headers etc etc...) | 22:03 |
Killeroid | I440r: next time you address a comment to me, use my full nick or else i might miss it | 22:03 |
Slalomsk8er | but in tty it worked yust fine | 22:03 |
fde | (Also rather handy if the source provides helpers that module-assistant can use...) | 22:03 |
I440r | Killeroid, yea i keep forgetting killer<tab> works lol | 22:03 |
kajo | flash is broken on my 8.04 ubuntu system in firefox. How do I just uninstall, and then reinstall? | 22:04 |
ramiel77 | kajo, go to synaptic and search for flash | 22:04 |
fde | kajo: no need... sudo aptitude reinstall <package> | 22:04 |
ManBlue | no seriously, I typed make already and I'm not clear what to do next | 22:04 |
fde | kajo: That is probably not the issue though. | 22:04 |
kajo | fde, what would cause it to stop working/what do I need to do? | 22:05 |
=== tscolin is now known as _tscolin | ||
Radit | I'm using ubuntu 8.04 and getting the error: unable to start visualization, "Failed to link new visual efffect into Gstreamer pipline" when clicking "vizualization" in Rhytyhmbox how do i solve this? | 22:05 |
kajo | fde, it was working fine a while ago... | 22:05 |
fde | kajo: do you have gnash installed? how about swfdec? (dpkg -l them to see) | 22:05 |
killerboy | hi | 22:05 |
kajo | fde, no, I always did flashplugin-nonfree | 22:06 |
fde | kajo: Please check. | 22:06 |
fde | kajo: Just for kicks | 22:06 |
Killeroid | I440r: simply change the (hd1,1) to (hd0,1). since grub is installed on the external hd, the external hd is the first hard drive it will see. | 22:06 |
killerboy | can snybody help me with ircii? somebody using it? where can i find some help? | 22:06 |
Killeroid | I440r: http://pastebin.com/m6abad103 | 22:06 |
kajo | fde, how? | 22:06 |
kajo | aptitude search? | 22:06 |
amenado | ManBlue-> read the README file included with the tar ball | 22:06 |
I440r | erm no | 22:06 |
muramasa | fde: By the way, wouldn't 'alsa' be more logical to use? (Note: I'm still in the 'beginner' phase, but most sound related issues I've worked with use alsa to some degree) | 22:06 |
fde | kajo: I said... 'dpkg -l gnash' and 'dpkg -l swfdec' | 22:06 |
I440r | oohhhh | 22:06 |
Slalomsk8er | ok it looks to me like the gnome netapp gave me network but broke my sudo :( | 22:06 |
I440r | ! | 22:06 |
fde | muramasa: No, because Ubuntu no longer uses dmix by default. | 22:07 |
I440r | if i boot the external hd IT becomes hd0 ? | 22:07 |
fde | muramasa: PulseAudio replaces dmix. | 22:07 |
muramasa | fde: Ah I see :-) | 22:07 |
maximumbob | Hm. Why would VNC auth fail, even when configured to use correct vncpasswd file? | 22:07 |
kajo | fde, I have neither. | 22:07 |
Chrysalis | is there something more straight-forward and light then f-spot for gnome? something like the kde one. . i forgot its name | 22:07 |
I440r | Killeroid, thanks lol | 22:07 |
ramiel77 | can any one help me with the ubuntu 8.04 live CD? | 22:07 |
brandon__ | hi | 22:07 |
killerboy | ok, bye | 22:07 |
brandon__ | i can help | 22:08 |
ManBlue | *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop. this means what? | 22:08 |
fde | muramasa: The role of both dmix and pulseaudio is to allow multiple apps to access a single sound card at the same time... so you'd be encountering your issue every time any app used the sound if you set it to use neither. | 22:08 |
Killeroid | I440r: you are welcome, i had the same problem a few years back when i was a noob | 22:08 |
I440r | im not a noob :P | 22:08 |
brandon__ | ramiel77 i can help you | 22:08 |
brandon__ | what do you need | 22:08 |
kajo | fde, I had neither of those installed, what else could be the problem? | 22:09 |
usser | ManBlue, means that either u didnt run ./configure or developers didnt include install option | 22:09 |
ramiel77 | brandon__, when i try loading the live CD, the progress bar loads and then shows a blank screen instead of a desktop/login screen | 22:09 |
muramasa | fde: Ah, that I did not know :-) Good to have that cleared out. Thanks for your assistance mate, been helpful :-) | 22:09 |
fde | kajo: ok... can you please pastebin the output from 'dpkg -L flashplugin-nonfree' and also the output from 'ls -l /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins' for me | 22:09 |
ManBlue | be right back, starting over | 22:09 |
fde | !paste | kajo | 22:09 |
ubottu | kajo: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 22:09 |
brandon__ | ramiel77: what os do you have installed | 22:10 |
Kungen354646 | is there any way of zooming a selection? like u drag out a zoom box or something | 22:11 |
John____ | Hi! Is it possible to get a remote desktop going from ubuntu to a winXP machine? | 22:12 |
usser | John____, xp acting as a server? | 22:12 |
ramiel77 | brandon__, i have windows on it but i want to get rid of it...i use ubuntu on my laptop without problems and i want to put it on my desktop | 22:12 |
T1m0thy | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pypanel/+bug/184615 <--- This bug has been left sitting for over 4 months and it's horrible. | 22:12 |
icewolf | ok I have a simple question and I am about to nuke this install of 8.04 and restart. my network keeps going offline so I run /etc/init.d/networking restart and all is good | 22:12 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 184615 in pypanel "with openbox, flickers and does not work" [Undecided,New] | 22:12 |
icewolf | but why? | 22:12 |
kajo | fde, http://paste.ubuntu.com/14899/ | 22:12 |
icewolf | I loose connectivity | 22:12 |
John____ | usser:yeah | 22:12 |
ireworks | hi everyone, Ive got a quick question, my windows xp isn't booting, so I'm running off ubuntu to try and salvage my files. the only thing is, I can't access the xp drive, can anyone help? | 22:12 |
brandon__ | same with me i got ride of windows | 22:13 |
John____ | usser:no sry, Ubuntu as a server! | 22:13 |
fde | Kungen354646: yes... run gconf-editor and go to /apps/compiz/zoom to ensure it's enabled etc | 22:13 |
brandon__ | ok put the cd in while windows is running | 22:13 |
usser | John____, oh | 22:13 |
wirelessdreamer | is sudo broken in 8.04? | 22:13 |
Slalomsk8er | ireworks: did you add the diskmouter applet to the panel? | 22:13 |
brandon__ | what cd is it? i386, amd64? | 22:13 |
kajo | wirelessdreamer, of course not. | 22:13 |
usser | John____, just go to System->preferences->remote desktop | 22:13 |
icewolf | help! | 22:14 |
Killeroid | ireworks: what happens when you try to mount the xp drive? | 22:14 |
John____ | usser:ok | 22:14 |
phirestalker | ok I want to go through my whole collection of flac and add the replaygain info, I know about metflac --addreplaygain, but unfortunately this will still calculate for files that already have the tag, I need those files ignored to save time any ideas? | 22:14 |
usser | John____, put a tick on allow other users to connect | 22:14 |
kajo | fde, http://paste.ubuntu.com/14899/ | 22:14 |
ramiel77 | brandon__, i338 | 22:14 |
Slalomsk8er | wirelessdreamer: if i start gnome it is broken for me - has some thing to do with network | 22:14 |
usser | John____, then from windows use any vnc client to connect, i like one called ultravnc | 22:14 |
usser | John____, but pretty much any will do | 22:14 |
StevenX | how do i run a script called setup.sh | 22:14 |
ramiel77 | brandon__, if i put it in while windows is running won't that partition it to have both windows and ubuntu | 22:14 |
ireworks | slalomsk8er, I'm a linux noob, I dont know what that is | 22:14 |
StevenX | it's to install a program | 22:14 |
fde | kajo: umm... this is Hardy right? | 22:14 |
John____ | usser:ah a vlc client. ok thx for the help | 22:14 |
wirelessdreamer | kajo: I set it up just like I always do in gentoo, added my user to /etc/group/admin: and admin is set correct with visudo, anyone have ideas? | 22:15 |
Killeroid | StevenX: open terminal, ./setup.sh | 22:15 |
jpds | StevenX: "sh setup.sh" | 22:15 |
Slalomsk8er | StevenX: sh ./setup.sh | 22:15 |
gordonjcp | StevenX: make it executable with "sudo chmod a+x setup.sh" and then "./setup.sh" | 22:15 |
brandon__ | ramiel77; what proseser do you have | 22:15 |
StevenX | thanks | 22:15 |
dellpc | hey i have a question | 22:15 |
kajo | fde, yes. I tried to uninstall flash and reinstall before I came with just "sudo aptitude remove", and then reinstall, which didn't work- and then tried removing and isntalling within the browser, which didn't work. | 22:15 |
usser | John____, a vnc client not vlc | 22:15 |
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John____ | usser:oh sorry! | 22:15 |
brandon__ | when you put the cd in click demo and the click the boot help | 22:15 |
dellpc | can anyone help me i got a ? | 22:16 |
kajo | dellpc, just talk, don't ask. | 22:16 |
Killeroid | !ask | dellpc | 22:16 |
ubottu | dellpc: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 22:16 |
kajo | !ask | dellpc | 22:16 |
fde | kajo: That doesn't explain why there is _nothing_ in the xulrunner-addons/plugins dir ... please re-run that command with a terminal. | 22:16 |
ramiel77 | brandon__, i have the intel processor, not amd and the problem isn't processor but graphics because it loads the booting screen and the loading bar | 22:16 |
TheFearsomeFufu | Hey. I'm an experenced linux/bsd user. I'm wondering if compiling a custom kernel for a Hardy desktop system will increase performance, as opposed to using the stock generic kernel? I'm on intel 64 bit. | 22:16 |
ireworks | slalomsk8er, what was it you asked me to do again? | 22:17 |
brandon__ | is it a dual core? | 22:17 |
icewolf | TheFearsomeFufu: sssh gentoo | 22:17 |
usser | TheFearsomeFufu, u wont notice much increase | 22:17 |
dellpc | i just got this computer and it has a linux operator and the internet was working and now everytime i go on the internet as soon as i click on a lick the internet closes | 22:17 |
reeeh2000 | hey, how do i get a package (ndiswrapper-common) without installing, i need it for a laptop without a intenet connection | 22:17 |
fde | kajo: There is NO way those are actual results if you typed those commands within Applications > Accessories > Terminal . | 22:17 |
usser | TheFearsomeFufu, and yea ^^^ | 22:17 |
ramiel77 | brandon__, it's not dual core | 22:17 |
TheFearsomeFufu | icewolf: Gentoo? | 22:17 |
kajo | fde, weird. I ran it again and it did something different. I just copied pasted, so I dunno what went wrong... I'll probably check my last command in a second. | 22:17 |
kajo | http://paste.ubuntu.com/14901/ | 22:17 |
Slalomsk8er | ireworks: ad the diskmouter applet to the panel maybe ? | 22:17 |
Killeroid | dellpc: you mean the browser? | 22:17 |
nrotkis | did you guys update to the .17? | 22:17 |
icewolf | TheFearsomeFufu: build linux from scratch basically. Puts the power in your hands, not for the faint of heart etc. | 22:18 |
ireworks | slalomsk8er, how do I go about doing that? | 22:18 |
brandon__ | ok then insert the cd, click demo, then click the help | 22:18 |
kajo | fde, I accidentally had the ' before the command... | 22:18 |
neil_ | arcraft with wine | 22:18 |
kajo | sorry | 22:18 |
dellpc | yes | 22:18 |
phirestalker | ok I want to go through my whole collection of flac and add the replaygain info, I know about metflac --addreplaygain, but unfortunately this will still calculate for files that already have the tag, I need those files ignored to save time any ideas? | 22:18 |
neil_ | can i install starcraft with wine | 22:18 |
TheFearsomeFufu | icewolf: Nah, I want to use Ubuntu (It's for my girlfriends system, and she's new to linux). I'm just trying to get the best performance I can, so I thought compiling a new kernel would help | 22:18 |
fde | kajo: That's more like it... flash isn't there... which is expected based on what you've said... please type: dpkg -L flashplugin-nonfree | 22:18 |
Slalomsk8er | ireworks: hover your mouse over a empty spot on the panel right click and add search for diskmouter | 22:18 |
Killeroid | neil_: probably, check the wine apps database | 22:18 |
brandon__ | msg NickServ IDENTIFY hihihi | 22:19 |
icewolf | TheFearsomeFufu: oh then stop services that are not needed, like pcmcia if running etc. | 22:19 |
obf213 | aahha | 22:19 |
Killeroid | lol | 22:19 |
icewolf | TheFearsomeFufu: disable IPV6 in /etc/modprobe.d/aliases etc etc. | 22:19 |
obf213 | brandon backslash msg | 22:19 |
icewolf | TheFearsomeFufu: trim da fatty acids :). | 22:19 |
kajo | fde, I already typed that, and got the same result as last time- "Package 'flash..." does not contain any files (!)" | 22:19 |
obf213 | "\msg" | 22:19 |
neil_ | i did and it says i can, but i do not know how | 22:19 |
ramiel77 | brandon__, demo? i see "try ubuntu without any change to your computer", "install ubuntu", "check cd", "test memory" and "boot from hard disk" | 22:19 |
TheFearsomeFufu | icewolf: Alright, thanks. Is there a wiki page that has info on optimising for performance or anything? | 22:20 |
icewolf | TheFearsomeFufu: probably many, I just look for specific items. | 22:20 |
fde | kajo: sudo aptitude purge flashplugin-nonfree && sudo aptitude clean && sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree <-- copy and paste that please. | 22:20 |
ireworks | slalomsk8er, is the panel the desktop? I'm a complete linux noob, I apologise! | 22:20 |
icewolf | TheFearsomeFufu: look into the startup routines. runlevels etc. | 22:20 |
brandon__ | in windows insert the cd and click demo | 22:20 |
jackol | TheFearsomeFufu: http://tinyurl.com/5sz6uy | 22:20 |
brandon__ | windows must be loaded | 22:20 |
Killeroid | neil_: sudo apt-get install wine After wine is installed, download the setup program for startcraft, right clcik the exe and select run with Wine and wine will install it | 22:21 |
Slalomsk8er | ireworks: it is the bar on top of the screen | 22:21 |
ramiel77 | brandon__, why does windows have to been loaded to install ubuntu? | 22:21 |
fde | kajo: Then try restart Firefox, and try Youtube or something. | 22:21 |
icewolf | TheFearsomeFufu: also there are other variations of Ubuntu that give you more performance. Depending on your machine. Like Fluxbox etc. | 22:21 |
dellpc | i was wondering why everytime i get on the internet and i click on a link the whole page disappears | 22:21 |
brandon__ | so you can first install the boot help driver | 22:21 |
nrotkis | thanks | 22:21 |
icewolf | TheFearsomeFufu: Because KDE and Gnome consume like a fat man at an eating contest | 22:21 |
kajo | firefox& | 22:22 |
fde | brandon__: Why does he need that? | 22:22 |
kajo | wrong place, sorry | 22:22 |
ireworks | slalomsk8er, I'm presented with add to panel, properties, delete this panel, new panel, help and about panels, what do I click on? | 22:22 |
TheFearsomeFufu | ireworks: ah, yeah, I used fluxbox a few years ago...I'll look into it again, thanks a lot | 22:22 |
ramiel77 | fde, can you help me? | 22:22 |
brandon__ | becouse it is not loading right | 22:22 |
fde | ramiel77: What are you attempting to do? | 22:22 |
Slalomsk8er | ireworks: add to panel | 22:22 |
Tand | i currently have been running the LiveCD and been loving it...wanting to add a new HDD(IDE) to my system which is currently SATA | 22:22 |
Tand | this cause any major conflicts in dual booting? | 22:22 |
Killeroid | ireworks: you dont need the applet to mount a disk | 22:22 |
fde | Tand: no | 22:23 |
ramiel77 | fde, just install ubuntu on my desktop. I get the loading screen and then my monitor turns blank after i get the loading bar done loading | 22:23 |
ireworks | killeroid, is there an easier way? I just need to access my windows drive | 22:23 |
brandon__ | insert the cd while in windows and then click demo | 22:23 |
kajo | fde, I go to youtbe, and it doesn't even try to open the vid, just says, "hello, you either have javaScript turned off or..." | 22:23 |
fooks | is it possible to make the bar in xfce4 transparent like its possible to in gnome? | 22:23 |
marion | Need help with a wireless card that was detected just fine in 7.10 but after upgrade to 8.04 it doesn't know the PCI card is there. | 22:23 |
emma | fooks - If no one can help you with that here I would definitely try #xubuntu | 22:23 |
icewolf | marion: did you run lspci? | 22:24 |
Slalomsk8er | ireworks: i know no easier way if you are used to use the mouse to do things | 22:24 |
cappicard | this is annoying. when I start up bittorrent, my ping times from any of my workstations and my server to google.com go from 30 ms upto 1-2 seconds! | 22:24 |
fooks | emma, heh, xubuntu is non-responsive | 22:24 |
marion | icewolf: Yes. It shows up there. | 22:24 |
emma | fooks - since xfce is the default DE in xubuntu. | 22:24 |
fooks | emma, yeah | 22:24 |
=== _tscolin is now known as tscolin | ||
icewolf | marion: tried some modprobe commands etc? | 22:24 |
emma | fooks - I see. I have never been in there. | 22:24 |
fde | ramiel77: There are options to use different video settings during install, please try vesa... or boot with 'linux vesa' | 22:24 |
luigi_B | hallo | 22:24 |
Slalomsk8er | luigi_B: hi | 22:24 |
ireworks | slalomsk8er, I have added the disc mounter applet, now what do I do? | 22:24 |
phirestalker | ok I want to go through my whole collection of flac and add the replaygain info, I know about metflac --addreplaygain, but unfortunately this will still calculate for files that already have the tag, I need to ignore already replaygained files to save time any ideas? | 22:24 |
neil_ | where do i find the wine setup program for starcraft | 22:24 |
kajo | fde, youtube does not work. | 22:24 |
brandon__ | how do i copy a folder to: / | 22:24 |
marion | icewolf: No. I am not familiar with modprobe to try that alone. | 22:25 |
Slalomsk8er | ireworks: do you see some disks? | 22:25 |
Killeroid | ireworks : "sudo ntfs-3g /dev/partition /media/Windows" | 22:25 |
fde | kajo: can you type: dpkg -L flashplugin-nonfree again? | 22:25 |
kajo | fde, I still have a dropdown bar above that says I have missing plugins | 22:25 |
jst33zy | marion what kind of card? | 22:25 |
Killeroid | ireworks: replace /dev/partition with the windows partition] | 22:25 |
icewolf | marion: what I would do is run lspci, look for the "model #" like ar456456656 or whatever, then type that model number into google and find out some details | 22:25 |
brandon__ | for help for flash go to the website of flash | 22:25 |
ramiel77 | fde, the vesa thing doesn't work, why does ubuntu 8.04 not have the ubuntu 7.10 safe graphics option? | 22:26 |
luigi_B | Slalomsk8er I am new, a little help.. | 22:26 |
ireworks | slalomsk8er, I'm running off the live disc and everything is taking a while to load. I'll write back in a minute | 22:26 |
icewolf | thats what I do, for example with my linksys rt61 card. | 22:26 |
brandon__ | how do you copy a folder to / | 22:26 |
fde | ramiel77: It should. | 22:26 |
kajo | fde, http://paste.ubuntu.com/14903/ | 22:26 |
marion | jst33zy: It is TrendNet TEW-443PI | 22:26 |
emma | icewolf, marion what is he looking for in lspci ? | 22:26 |
jackol | brandon__: You mean your home directory, or / ? | 22:26 |
neil_ | how do i install starcraft using wine | 22:26 |
ramiel77 | fde, i've tried vga=xxx with the appropriate numbers and it led to nothing better | 22:26 |
robbie`` | anyone have issues with the -17 revision? for example audio drivers maybe? video playback issues | 22:26 |
fde | kajo: You didn't do the entire command I said then.... | 22:26 |
mac3k | sudo cp -r /source / | 22:26 |
ireworks | slalomsk8er, it's added, now I have 4 little pictures of discs on my panel | 22:26 |
kajo | fde, I am certain I did. I'll check. | 22:26 |
icewolf | emma: well his wireless nic ain't working any more so I recommended looking up his module on the net to see how to make it work? | 22:26 |
jst33zy | marion oo never configured one of those | 22:27 |
brandon__ | i need to make runescape | 22:27 |
brandon__ | work | 22:27 |
=== huayra is now known as hubuntu | ||
fde | ramiel77: I didn't say to do 'vga=' :/ | 22:27 |
icewolf | find out which chipset that tend card uses. | 22:27 |
emma | icewolf: I was just curious, i was going to suggest lspci | grep somethingsuitable | 22:27 |
jsoftw | Anyone know of a colocation datacenter gizmo in South Africa (johannesburg), that will set a box up for me? | 22:27 |
icewolf | like my linksys card doesn't have a "linksys" chipset per say | 22:27 |
kylehjin | WHen I log in before my desktop background is set I see the brownish Ubuntu colour. I would like this to be black. I changed the Desktop colour to black in Appearence preferences but it's still brown when I log in initially. Can I change this? | 22:27 |
Killeroid | neil_: ialready answered your question, i said you dont need a y special wine setup program for starcraft, just use the windows startcraft exe | 22:27 |
brandon__ | so i need to copy rscache to / | 22:27 |
kajo | fde, http://paste.ubuntu.com/14904/ | 22:27 |
luigi_B | Slalomsk8er what have I to write in the shell to know how much RAM is in my pc? | 22:27 |
icewolf | emma: grep is good :) | 22:27 |
Slalomsk8er | ireworks: left click and mount every one of them - search for your files and add a usbstick to save your stuff | 22:27 |
jst33zy | marion looks like you can use ndiswrapper | 22:28 |
jst33zy | do a google search for it | 22:28 |
ramiel77 | fde, sorry i misunderstood because i was looking at that as VESA options, what exactly do you want me to add to the boot parameters | 22:28 |
brandon__ | how to i copy a folder to / | 22:28 |
maximumbob | which logfile should I look in if, upon connecting and seeing a window, vnc sessions immediately close? | 22:28 |
icewolf | This linux stuff is so much fun | 22:28 |
kinetic | yes it is | 22:28 |
mac3k | brandon__ did you try? | 22:28 |
jst33zy | icewolf lol | 22:28 |
fde | kajo: Can you please try each step before the &&'s and tell me any errrors? | 22:28 |
jackol | brandon__: sudo cp -rv folder_name / | 22:28 |
brandon__ | yes it says restirted acsess | 22:28 |
mac3k | brandon__ if so did you get any error? | 22:29 |
ireworks | slalomsk8er, I have tried to mount them and it says that it can't, operation is marked to be in use | 22:29 |
fde | ramiel77: just boot with 'linux vesa' as boot param | 22:29 |
ramiel77 | ok | 22:29 |
brandon__ | yes i did get an error that said resterted acsess | 22:29 |
Slalomsk8er | ireworks: maybe it needs a bit time if used from the livecd | 22:29 |
jst33zy | brandon_ use sudo | 22:29 |
marion | jst33zy: my first problem is that ubuntu doesn't recognize the hardware. I can see it in ispci but nothing else. | 22:29 |
gwern | I has a somewhat severe problem. so everytime i now boot, I see odd errors in the boot process relating to my sata drive (they look like 'ata7.00: Exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x2 frozen'). this is really really bad, since it means very little except the console will work since / gets mounted read-only - and I cannot edit fstab to mount it rw, because it is ro, and I can't dynamically unmount / for obvious reasons | 22:30 |
kajo | fde, http://paste.ubuntu.com/14907/ | 22:30 |
Slalomsk8er | ireworks: if the icon changes it is ready to use | 22:30 |
gwern | and then it also will not mount /home, but that's a lesser problem | 22:30 |
brandon__ | what do i type after that | 22:30 |
jst33zy | marion thats fine, i had a Ralink RT73 usb card and lsusb didnt show me anything | 22:30 |
gwern | so I'm stuck here in a mostly useless console wondering why ubuntu hsa this problem with my hard drive and always seems to've, when gentoo never complained | 22:30 |
jst33zy | marion but it still worked if i downloaded the firmware | 22:30 |
gwern | did I miss a driver install somewhere along the way? | 22:30 |
dellpc | i was wondering why everytime i get on the internet and i click on a link the page closes | 22:30 |
Xsploit | using wubi when i installed ubuntu i set the partition size to 15gb (default) i know want to increase this size, how do i go about doing that? | 22:31 |
jst33zy | marion so when u use ndiswrapper youll need to get windows drivers for it and install the .inf file | 22:31 |
Killeroid | dellpc: i asked you, do you mean browser? | 22:31 |
dellpc | yes | 22:31 |
fde | kajo: System > Administration > Software Sources ... please ensure each of the top 4 checkboxes on the first tab are checked. | 22:31 |
jackol | dellpc: what do you mean by page closes? do you get an error, or does the browser close? | 22:31 |
dellpc | i told you that | 22:31 |
mac3k | brandon__ where is your folder located at? | 22:31 |
dellpc | the browser closes | 22:31 |
gwern | so, I think my first issue is - how the heck do I remount / rw? | 22:31 |
ireworks | slalomsk8er, it's still refusing the mount the hard drive | 22:31 |
gwern | (even if there's a package I need to install, I obviously can't do that while / is ro!) | 22:32 |
kajo | fde, there is no option 'software sources' under 'system->administration' | 22:32 |
Killeroid | dellpc: try another page. does the browser crash when clickcing links on other pages too | 22:32 |
Killeroid | ? | 22:32 |
icewolf | I have 4gigs of ram but sysmon is only reporting 2.7gigs minus onboard video memory. If I were to run the 64bit version would the 4gigs show up? | 22:32 |
navetz | someone please please help me mount a network drive onto my computer | 22:32 |
navetz | I can't get it working with samba | 22:32 |
dellpc | on all pages i can type in the page i want to go to but when i click on a link in the page it closes | 22:32 |
luigi_B | /join #ubuntu-it | 22:32 |
polz | during the install, how do I tell Ubuntu _not_ to probe the PCMCIA devices ? | 22:32 |
Killeroid | icewolf: 32-bit ubuntu supports 4g of ram | 22:32 |
ramiel77 | fde, i tried the linux vesa option and still get the same problem | 22:32 |
marion | jst33zy: I did install the drivers using ndiswrapper and it told me that the hardware was not present. | 22:32 |
ireworks | slalomsk8er, it says $logfile indicated unclean shutdown (0,o) Failed to mount 'dev/sda5': Operation not supported Mount is denied because NTFS is marked to be in use. | 22:33 |
icewolf | Killeroid: but its only showing 2.7gigs | 22:33 |
bruno_ | what is the french channel ? | 22:33 |
gwern | anyone? how do I remount / rw, while in it? | 22:33 |
StevenX | I am trying to use teamspeak. can someone tell me what i have to do to turn on my mic | 22:33 |
Slalomsk8er | ireworks: i don't now why - maybe it is time to use the terminal and enter the command killeroid gave you | 22:33 |
fde | kajo: Ok... do the same thing in "Synaptic Package Manager" entry in Settions > Repositories ... | 22:33 |
icewolf | Killeroid: not that I NEED it, well I will for my vmware sever. | 22:33 |
brandon___ | hi | 22:33 |
Killeroid | ireworks: it just means windos did not shutdown successfully, | 22:33 |
mac3k | hi brandon___ | 22:33 |
fde | ramiel77: sorry | 22:33 |
obf213 | anybody get an extended desktop with external monitor? mine always clones. | 22:33 |
ramiel77 | fde, it's alright | 22:34 |
fde | kajo: Same menu. | 22:34 |
dellpc | any ideas | 22:34 |
phirestalker | ok I want to go through my whole collection of flac and add the replaygain info, I know about metflac --addreplaygain, but unfortunately this will still calculate for files that already have the tag, I need to ignore already replaygained files to save time any ideas? | 22:34 |
ireworks | killeroid, that's the problem, windows wont boot at all so I'm trying to salvage my files | 22:34 |
bruno_ | c'est ou le chan francais ? | 22:34 |
polz | obf213: what if you use xrandr ? | 22:34 |
jackol | dellpc: Did you try surfing after disabling all your addons? | 22:34 |
brandon___ | how do i copy to / | 22:34 |
kajo | fde, every box is checked under 'software sources' on the 'ubuntu software' tab. | 22:34 |
Slalomsk8er | Killeroid: can you take over ireworks i need to fix my grub and sudo ^^ | 22:34 |
dellpc | what are addons? i just got this computer | 22:34 |
mac3k | brandon___ where is the folder your trying to copy at? | 22:34 |
ireworks | slalomsk8er, sorry to be a burden haha! | 22:34 |
ramiel77 | can anyone help me with the ubuntu 8.04 blank screen problem? | 22:34 |
fde | kajo: Did it prompt you to refresh anything? | 22:35 |
jackol | dellpc: open up firefox, go to the tools menu, click add-ons. disable everything there, restart firefox and try surfing | 22:35 |
dellpc | ok ty | 22:35 |
brandon___ | mac3k desktop | 22:35 |
dellpc | will try and be back if it does not work | 22:35 |
won | my HH 8.04 was updating some packages and when installing light goes off and my pc down in the process ... when re started my pc some programs like firefox and Kagregator cant run ... do i have to reinstall HH ?? or is there any command form terminal to fix this ?? thks | 22:35 |
kajo | fde, no- they were all already checked. Would you like to see the original output from the first time I ran the clean/purge/install code you gave me? Maybe that might help? | 22:35 |
Killeroid | icewolf: ntfs-3g /dev/sda5 /media/Windows -o force | 22:35 |
Slalomsk8er | ireworks: np i just don't have much time as work starts soon enough ;) | 22:35 |
crimsun | phirestalker: you can script that. Just use metaflac --show-tag and add the replaygain info conditionally. | 22:36 |
mac3k | sudo cp -r /home/brandon/desktop/file_name / | 22:36 |
icewolf | Killeroid: ? | 22:36 |
phirestalker | crimsun: I was afraid of that lol | 22:36 |
fde | kajo: Sure... there is no way you can't find flashplugin-nonfree though if multiverse is enabled. | 22:36 |
kajo | hey, fde, check this out- I exited, and then clicked 'reload', and I got this error box message- The repository may no longer be available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and ensure the repository address in the preferences is correct." | 22:36 |
obf213 | polz, whats xrandr | 22:36 |
mac3k | brandon___ assuming your using the terminal | 22:36 |
obf213 | polz, i just use "Screen Resolution" | 22:36 |
Killeroid | irewolf: sudo ntfs-3g /dev/sda5 /media/Windows -o force | 22:36 |
brandon___ | what if it is a folder | 22:36 |
fde | kajo: Wow... you're on the same machine right now right? | 22:36 |
bruno_ | no .exe on ubuntu ? | 22:37 |
Killeroid | icewolf: sorry, i meant irewolf | 22:37 |
brandon___ | what if i need to copy a folder | 22:37 |
bruno_ | how can I recognize a program ? | 22:37 |
kajo | fde, yes. | 22:37 |
fde | bruno_: sure... via mono or wine | 22:37 |
StevenX | can someone tell me how to get my mic working? | 22:37 |
icewolf | Killeroid: fricken piss I was getting paranoid for a moment. | 22:37 |
kajo | fde, http://paste.ubuntu.com/14908/ | 22:37 |
bruno_ | I want to be able to open xchat when I click on an irc link on firefox | 22:37 |
gwern | ok, since no one has any useful advice for me, I have a general question. why does ubuntu by default make filesystems mount read-only on error, if X and everything else utterly fails when / is read-only? | 22:37 |
polz | obf213: xrandr is both an X extension and a program to use it | 22:37 |
Killeroid | ireworks: sudo ntfs-3g /dev/sda5 /media/Windows -o force | 22:37 |
jackol | brandon___: are you using the terminal? | 22:37 |
mac3k | brandoon___ the -r or -R switch will copy within the folder | 22:37 |
polz | obf213: it's a command-line program, not very user-friendly, but it might work for you | 22:37 |
dellpc | hey under my tools there is nothing about addons | 22:38 |
gwern | I mean, wouldn't it make sense to at least mount /tmp in ram, so you could do *something*? livecds manage just fine without a writable disk | 22:38 |
polz | obf213: you can also try grandr, maybe it'll work for you (it didn't work for me, but mileage may vary) | 22:38 |
maximumbob | BAH! When I try to connect to an ubuntu vnc server, I get a pink background screen for a second before it disappears. In the log appears, "transport endpoint is not connected" | 22:38 |
brandon___ | i can if i need | 22:38 |
n95-2 | hi i have a question guys i have ubuntu installed can i install windows now or do i need to partion hardrive | 22:38 |
fde | kajo: Ok... in the same place as before... directly below, it lets you choose a different mirror... "Download from:" ... click here and pick Other mirror... and have it pick best one. | 22:38 |
Killeroid | dellpc: under tools, addons is the third item on the dropdown menu | 22:38 |
crimsun | gwern: feel free to propose it via brainstorm/blueprint | 22:39 |
Killeroid | ireworks: did it work for you? | 22:39 |
fde | kajo: Then try searching here for 'flashplugin' install it and if it doesn't work then, we're going to cheat. | 22:39 |
brandon___ | but when i first tryed i just coppied and it said restircted acsess | 22:39 |
jimmio | I have a question, would anyone happen to know the reason Webmin will not properly install things via apt-get? it uses things like --force -y I think, and it just kinda... hangs forever | 22:39 |
n95-2 | hi i have a question guys i have ubuntu installed can i install windows now or do i need to partion hardrive | 22:39 |
gwern | crimsun: I suppose I'll do that... if I get my system working again | 22:39 |
won | n95-2, try vw ware | 22:39 |
Xsploit | using wubi when i installed ubuntu i set the partition size to 15gb (default) i know want to increase this size, how do i go about doing that? | 22:39 |
n95-2 | you mean wmvare | 22:40 |
gwern | n95-2: you probably don't want to install windows. odds are it'll blow away your ubuntu install. windows is mean that way | 22:40 |
fde | Xsploit: sudo aptitude install gparted | 22:40 |
won | n95-2, yep | 22:40 |
jackol | n95-2: vmware | 22:40 |
ireworks | killeroi | 22:40 |
jimmio | n95-2, you can just partition the drive and install windows to the new partition if you're looking to dual boot | 22:40 |
ireworks | d, I'm running off a livecd, everything is taking forever! | 22:40 |
bbthebmaniselko | how do i log in as root | 22:40 |
fde | bbthebmaniselko: sudo | 22:40 |
won | my HH 8.04 was updating some packages and when installing light goes off and my pc down in the process ... when re started my pc some programs like firefox and Kagregator cant run ... do i have to reinstall HH ?? or is there any command form terminal to fix this ?? thks | 22:40 |
jackol | bbthebmaniselko: sudo su - | 22:40 |
fde | jackol: NO! | 22:41 |
gwern | oh well. I suppose I'd better try another reboot. | 22:41 |
jackol | fde: ;) | 22:41 |
maximumbob | BAH! When I try to connect to an ubuntu vnc server, I get a pink background screen for a second before it disappears. In the log appears, "transport endpoint is not connected" | 22:41 |
kajo | fde, I got the same errorbox when I reloaded. | 22:41 |
Slart | bbthebmaniselko: don't... use sudo for root stuff | 22:41 |
bbthebmaniselko | will that stay after i close termanil | 22:41 |
n95-2 | how can i install windowsxp on wmare | 22:41 |
dellpc | k that would be extensions | 22:41 |
n95-2 | is there any ttutorial | 22:41 |
Slart | jackol: and I think sudo -i or sudo -s is the preferred way.. if you have to do that | 22:41 |
Killeroid | ireworks: sudo ntfs-3g /dev/sda5 /media/Windows -o force | 22:41 |
Killeroid | ireworks: run that command, it should mount the windows disk | 22:42 |
bjb1959 | upgraded to hardy heron and can't get compiz to work with ati radeon xpress 200 card. xorg.conf says I am using flgrx driver but compiz-check script says mesa any ideas? | 22:42 |
Darlok_Williams | I'm having a problem with sound in Hardy. For some reason if I use any application that plays sounds (Exaile, for example), Firefox loses the ability to play sound until I restart X. | 22:42 |
n95-2 | how can i install windowsxp on wmare | 22:42 |
n95-2 | is there any ttutorial | 22:43 |
tom___ | hi | 22:43 |
tom___ | I was wonderring if any one could help me setup my mt32 on ubuntu | 22:43 |
=== neuro_ is now known as bigkevmcneuro | ||
kajo | fde, I got the same error when I reloaded as synaptic instructed me to. | 22:43 |
fde | kajo: get the tar.gz here: http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash | 22:43 |
usser | bjb1959, last time i checked fglrx was screwed up in so many ways i cant run compiz out of the box | 22:43 |
usser | bjb1959, u have to use xgl | 22:43 |
jackol | n95-2: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183209 | 22:44 |
Djpenguin | Hey I am having a problem. On my Macbook I am trying to edit an external disk partition which is connected via firewire but it has a lock next to it. | 22:44 |
kajo | fde, open it with archive manager? | 22:44 |
Djpenguin | It will not let me delete it or change it | 22:44 |
won | my HH 8.04 was updating some packages and when installing light goes off and my pc down in the process ... when re started my pc some programs like firefox and Kagregator cant run ... do i have to reinstall HH ?? or is there any command form terminal to fix this ?? thks | 22:44 |
Killeroid | Darlok_Williams: system >preferences > sound choose pulseaudio for the sound events and music and movie | 22:44 |
Biolunar | is there a possibility to reduce my upload? i'm running a webserver and when someone downloads something, i lag like hell | 22:44 |
dellpc | the third one says extensions it has nothing to do with addons | 22:44 |
Xsploit | fde: 'disk usage analyser'? how do i use it? | 22:44 |
=== gdfgdfgdf is now known as vsu | ||
fde | kajo: tar xzf the.tar.gz ... sudo mv whatever/flashplugin.so /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins | 22:44 |
=== vsu is now known as v_su | ||
fde | Xsploit: No | 22:44 |
jackol | dellpc: try disabling the extensions and see if it helps | 22:44 |
bjb1959 | usser, I had xgl installed but it didn't work so I uninstalled it. so with an ati card on hardy (it worked on gutsy) we are just screwed? | 22:45 |
Killeroid | dellpc: addons are the same things as extensions in firefox | 22:45 |
Chrysalis | whats the difference between services settings and sessions preferences? i am trying to disable bluetooth | 22:45 |
Darlok_Williams | Killeroid: Already tried that. I've only had this problem since Hardy when Ubuntu went with Pulse. | 22:45 |
fde | Xsploit: System > Preferences > Administration > Partition Manager I think... else Applications > System Tools | 22:45 |
dellpc | yes there is nothing in my extensions | 22:45 |
n95-2 | n95-2: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183209 this was old tutorial from 2006 | 22:45 |
crimsun | Darlok_Williams: what are the symptoms you're experiencing? | 22:45 |
Killeroid | Darlok_Williams: i guess its back to alsa for you. pulse audio dosnt work for some systems and i am not that conversant enough with it to help you roubleshoot, maybe someone else can help you | 22:46 |
wirelessdreamer | anyone have a thread they can point me to on how to remove the login delay locally, and with ssh? once I log in locally, the desktop doesn't load for 10 sec, and ssh login prompt doesn't come up for around the same amount. | 22:46 |
usser | bjb1959, another option is to use opensource drivers that come with hardy which are supposedly pretty good | 22:46 |
Darlok_Williams | Killeroid: I've tried ALSA too... same thing. | 22:46 |
won | n95-2, search same forum with vmware key | 22:46 |
n95-2 | i am using ubuntu 9 | 22:46 |
fde | kajo: actually, the file is libflashplugin.so ... but there are only 2 files in the archive... just move that to the directory, and hey presto... you just did what that script refuses to do for you :/ | 22:46 |
Djpenguin | Hey I am having a problem. On my Macbook I am trying to edit an external disk partition which is connected via firewire but it has a lock next to it.It will not let me delete it or change it | 22:46 |
Xsploit | partition editor | 22:46 |
=== hagabaka` is now known as hagabaka | ||
usser | bjb1959, unless u have some heavy duty games u want to play u wont notice much perfomance difference | 22:46 |
tom___ | anyone know anything about mt32 or mpu-401 please? | 22:46 |
bjb1959 | usser, the opensource flgrx driver? | 22:46 |
Darlok_Williams | crimsun: When I use an application to play sound (eg: Exaile), firefox loses the ability to play sound. Sometimes I just have to restart Firefox, but it usually takes restarting X to fix it. | 22:47 |
Xsploit | k, ive got it fde | 22:47 |
Xsploit | now what? | 22:47 |
usser | bjb1959, not fglrx its called ati i believe | 22:47 |
fde | Xsploit: It should be pretty self explanitory :/ | 22:47 |
Killeroid | Darlok_Williams: Pulseaudio is the only sound daemon on hardy right now that supports sound from two different outputs(apps) | 22:47 |
n95-2 | listen i have ubuntu installed on 80gb hardrive how can i partion so i can install windows on it | 22:47 |
Xsploit | fde: you realise i used wubi right? | 22:47 |
usser | bjb1959, just uninstall flgrx if u used restricted manager it should be easy | 22:47 |
jackol | n95-2: try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=779934 | 22:47 |
Xsploit | i dont have 2 'real' partitions | 22:47 |
bjb1959 | usser, so I need to uninstall the envy drivers and reinstall xgl andthe ati driver | 22:47 |
kajo | fde, sudo mv whatever/flashplugin.so /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins I don't know how to translate that into what I am supposed to do, (I already did the tar xzf) | 22:47 |
fde | Xsploit: Eh, I have no idea about Wubi | 22:47 |
Xsploit | bah | 22:47 |
crimsun | Darlok_Williams: err, when you say "firefox", I presume you mean a plugin like Flash? | 22:48 |
Killeroid | !grub | n95-2 | 22:48 |
ubottu | n95-2: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 22:48 |
Darlok_Williams | Killeroid: Well, it never caused problems before. All I'd have to do before is pause the music and Firefox would play just fine. | 22:48 |
yojesus | help! i get no sound on firefox i know i need a plugin i got adobe and gnash and still no sound any one knows y | 22:48 |
crimsun | Darlok_Williams: that's a known issue, and we have a workaround in intrepid. | 22:48 |
Darlok_Williams | crimsun: Flash, mozilla-mplayer, yes. | 22:48 |
kibibyte | im from poland and you | 22:48 |
usser | bjb1959, envy eh? yes wipe it clean, note though that u dont need xgl with opensource drivers they work with compiz out of the box | 22:48 |
crimsun | yojesus: same issue as Darlok_Williams. | 22:48 |
Darlok_Williams | crimsun: Does the workaround work for Hardy? | 22:48 |
crimsun | Darlok_Williams: yes. | 22:48 |
Killeroid | yojesus: sound doesnt work in all apps or just in firefox? | 22:48 |
Darlok_Williams | crimsun: Have a link? | 22:48 |
yojesus | just on firefox | 22:48 |
crimsun | Darlok_Williams: we're working on getting alsa-lib, alsa-plugins, and flashplugin-nonfree backported to resolve the issue. | 22:49 |
fde | kajo: after extracting the file, there will be a directory with the resulting files... in this directory, there is libflashplugin.so ... sudo mv thatfile /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins | 22:49 |
n95-2 | listen i have ubuntu installed on 80gb hardrive how can i partion so i can install windows on it | 22:49 |
bjb1959 | usser, thanks, yea I know... envy not the best choice but I had tried everything else. I'll get rid of it and try the opensource driver. Thanks. | 22:49 |
c1|freaky | what's a good download manager for gnome? | 22:49 |
dellpc | ok i cant even get into my extension on the browser because when i click on a link in my page my browser closes | 22:49 |
fde | c1|freaky: gwget | 22:49 |
yojesus | so when am i gonig to be able to hear sound | 22:50 |
kibibyte | i ahve question how to play radio from shoutcast.com from audycious? now when i click link firefox says that i need to change helper in preferences but its not possible | 22:50 |
fde | yojesus: care to rephrase that, and give more details of the hardware etc | 22:50 |
usser | bjb1959, no problem just remeber one command u might need it sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and just accept the defaults | 22:50 |
michalecarter | could someone tell me how to do a network install? my vaio laptops dvd drive is a p.o.s. and i cant get it to boot from usb flash drive... | 22:50 |
won | kibibyte, right click copy y then paste to audacious | 22:50 |
kibibyte | won, to much hassle | 22:50 |
kibibyte | i want just click | 22:51 |
kibibyte | nd it open audicoious | 22:51 |
bjb1959 | I had heard that dpkg-reconfigure was no longer in hardy. not true?usser, | 22:51 |
kajo | fde, it created a folder called "install_flash_player_9_linux", and if I cd to that and ls, I get "flashplayer-installer" & "libflashplayer.so"... so does that mean you want me to do "sudo mv libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins"? | 22:51 |
fde | kibibyte: try clicking and dragging the link to audacious? | 22:51 |
yojesus | well i cant here sound on firefox only i can hear sound in rythmbox i downloaded adobe and gnash flash player and still no sound what might it be | 22:51 |
bigtimer121 | i just bought a "Dynex" wireless G usb. i can't seem to get it working with Ubuntu. Any one know why??? | 22:51 |
kibibyte | won, and its no possible since shoutcast.com links are .pls | 22:51 |
fde | kajo: yes | 22:51 |
usser | bjb1959, oh rly? didnt know that, yea u're right it doesnt work the same way anymore | 22:52 |
m13 | bigtimer121: lsusb detects it ? | 22:52 |
fde | kajo: That script likely just does exactly that for you :/ | 22:52 |
* fde never bothered running it... | 22:52 | |
usser | bjb1959, oh well just edit your xorg.conf replace fglrx with ati if anything goes wrong | 22:52 |
Killeroid | yojesus: uninstall gnash and install flashplayer from the repos | 22:52 |
n95-2 | listen i have ubuntu installed on 80gb hardrive how can i partion so i can install windows on it | 22:52 |
douye | How can I see what driver ubuntu uses for my wireless network card? | 22:52 |
yojesus | from where | 22:52 |
bjb1959 | usser, thanks I'll give that a shot | 22:52 |
kajo | fde, done, now what? | 22:52 |
yojesus | whats repos | 22:53 |
fde | kajo: now restart firefox and type 'about:plugins' ensure flash is in the list... if so, try youtube | 22:53 |
won | ANY HELP ??? my HH 8.04 was updating some packages and when installing light goes off and my pc down in the process ... when re started my pc some programs like firefox and Kagregator cant run ... do i have to reinstall HH ?? or is there any command form terminal to fix this ?? thks | 22:53 |
kibibyte | help | 22:53 |
kibibyte | lp | 22:53 |
kibibyte | lllllllllllllllllp | 22:53 |
bjb1959 | usser, just to make sure I will install the ati driver and xgl-server correct? | 22:54 |
Killeroid | yojesus: i think its in the defualt repos, basically, sudo apt-get remove gnash && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 22:54 |
fde | kibibyte: You ahve been assisted | 22:54 |
Killeroid | !ask | kikibyte | 22:54 |
ubottu | kikibyte: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 22:54 |
kajo | fde, it works, finally.... what the heck was the problem with my repositories? | 22:54 |
n95-2 | listen i have ubuntu installed on 80gb hardrive how can i partion so i can install windows on it is there any way yes or NO | 22:54 |
Killeroid | !ask | kibibyte | 22:54 |
ubottu | kibibyte: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 22:54 |
usser | bjb1959, u will uninstall the fglrx and switch to ati and dont install xgl-server u dont need it | 22:54 |
kibibyte | fde, its crap solution i want click link and it willopen audaciuos and play it | 22:54 |
kibibyte | like in winamp | 22:54 |
Ronald | is it possible to run hardy's userspace on a kernel as old as 2.6.9-023stab046.2-enterprise ? (Virtuozzo based VPS, can do anything but change the kernel) | 22:55 |
fde | kajo: I have no idea... if you want you can paste your /etc/apt/sources.list so I can see if there are any issues there... | 22:55 |
=== benzs_s is now known as benzss | ||
won | kibibyte, there is a confi inside firfexo to change player to audacious ,, cant remember now | 22:55 |
bjb1959 | usser, ok, no xgl just the ati driver | 22:55 |
legend2440 | won: have you tried cleaning out the cache and rerunning update manager? | 22:55 |
usser | bjb1959, yep | 22:55 |
Tal_Ormanda | I tried to make a flashdrive boot ubuntu and it failed and when I plug it back into windows it only shows 721MB free not 1GB can someone help me? PM please. | 22:55 |
fde | kibibyte: but you can't figure out how to click "Other" and choose Audacious from the list... so just click and drag the link to the app :/ | 22:55 |
kibibyte | why i cant add association with .pls file | 22:56 |
Killeroid | Tal_Ormanda: formate the flashdrive | 22:56 |
Killeroid | *format | 22:56 |
Tal_Ormanda | in windows? | 22:56 |
Tal_Ormanda | I did | 22:56 |
bigtimer121 | mls: no, it finds my wireless mouse, but not the Wireless USB | 22:56 |
kajo | http://paste.ubuntu.com/14916/ | 22:56 |
kajo | @fdre | 22:56 |
fde | kibibyte: you can... but you can't figure out the easy way to do that, so I'm not telling you the hard way | 22:56 |
kajo | fde* | 22:56 |
Tal_Ormanda | only shows 721MB free | 22:56 |
bjb1959 | usser, have synaptic running but no ati driver found | 22:56 |
kibibyte | fde, i cant | 22:56 |
won | legend2440, not yet lege... l ll try it right now | 22:56 |
bigtimer121 | how can i make my computer recognize a USB device??? | 22:57 |
n95-2 | listen i have ubuntu installed on 80gb hardrive how can i partion so i can install windows on it is there any way yes or NO | 22:57 |
kibibyte | there is nooption @add@ in preferences of firefox app | 22:57 |
anonymouss | why does ubuntu not support mp3s? | 22:57 |
legend2440 | won: sudo apt-get clean then run upgrade manager | 22:57 |
LordPants | I'm installing 8.04, I was able to select "English", but now on the next page of the LiveCD every key I press just beeps at me | 22:57 |
vrkhans | hi just installed ubuntu on my thoshiba laptop but my atheros wireless in not working | 22:57 |
vrkhans | what should i do | 22:57 |
kibibyte | legend2440, aptitude | 22:57 |
won | great legend2440 .. i didnt know how to doit ... thks ;) | 22:58 |
Slart | anonymouss: it does.. | 22:58 |
Slart | !mp3 | 22:58 |
usser | bjb1959, its already installed no need to search for it just uninstall fglrx and xgl-server and reboot. if anything goes wrong sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and replace fglrx with ati | 22:58 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 22:58 |
fde | kibibyte: Firefox > Edit > Preferences > Applications tab | 22:58 |
vrkhans | can any one help me | 22:58 |
fde | kajo: please remove instances of 'web' from the file and aptitude update (both with sudo) | 22:58 |
bigtimer121 | anyone know how to make Ubuntu recognize a wireless USB device | 22:58 |
icewolf | lesmanly | 22:58 |
=== icewolf is now known as lesmanly | ||
bjb1959 | usser, ok I'll give that a shot. thanks for all the help | 22:58 |
kibibyte | fde yeah and how to add something there genius | 22:58 |
fde | kibibyte: pls is an mp3 file | 22:59 |
cypha | how can i remove the nvidia splash screen? | 22:59 |
kibibyte | so | 22:59 |
vrkhans | just installed ubuntu on my toshiba laptop but my atheros wireless in not working | 22:59 |
fde | kibibyte: umm... so change the mp3 entry? | 22:59 |
vrkhans | what shouild i do | 22:59 |
kibibyte | fde i have just empty list | 22:59 |
yojesus | i removed gnash and just left flash player but i still cant here nothing on the web or see any images | 22:59 |
LordPants | I'm installing 8.04, I was able to select "English", but now on the next page of the LiveCD every key I press just beeps at me | 22:59 |
kibibyte | and how to add entry in this | 22:59 |
Killeroid | bigtimer121: check here to see if your usb wireless adapter is supported https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported#head-603c9481d6c6288b6b674cc50132d21f6d539c53 | 23:00 |
jc___ | does anyone know when the ubuntuforums will be searchable again? | 23:00 |
Tal_Ormanda | LordPants check to see if the disk is bad or not | 23:00 |
LordPants | Tal_Ormanda, the CD you mean? | 23:00 |
kibibyte | fde, sshoutcast link has .pks extension | 23:00 |
Tal_Ormanda | yeah | 23:00 |
kibibyte | pls | 23:00 |
Tal_Ormanda | theres an option on there | 23:00 |
LordPants | Tal_Ormanda, I can't select that option, it just beeps at me | 23:00 |
fde | kibibyte: Firefox doesn't care about extensions, it is mime types | 23:00 |
dopplerdeffect | anybody try the Saitek Cyborg Keyboard yet? | 23:00 |
obf213 | help. i was trying o add a second monitor to laptop and it has screwed up my laptop resolution | 23:00 |
Tal_Ormanda | bad CD then? Try to burn it again | 23:01 |
fde | kibibyte: You're not using Windows. | 23:01 |
Tal_Ormanda | try a different computer | 23:01 |
kibibyte | fde, http://shoutcast.com/sbin/shoutcast-playlist.pls?rn=1025&file=filename.pls | 23:01 |
kajo | fde, what is the command in vim to delete all instances of a word? I can't remember, haven't used it much lately. :\ | 23:01 |
Killeroid | jc__: ubuntuforums is currently searchable | 23:01 |
kibibyte | fde, click it | 23:01 |
obf213 | when i go to monitor res settings it says my laptop monitor is "unkonw" instead of "lcd 14" and i cant get my 1440x900 res back | 23:01 |
fde | kibibyte: I understand, problem is, you don't. | 23:01 |
hexoroid | why my monitor goes to idle after some time i have to touch mouse so it activates screen saver is set to 2 hours.. | 23:01 |
Mr_Bad_News | can anyone help me with a vmware problem , i cant get it to start up , and running it from xterm just asks me to run the vmware-config.pl over and over | 23:01 |
kibibyte | fde, click this fu** link andlook what happen | 23:01 |
Tal_Ormanda | Anyone know how to make my flashdrive go from 721MB to 1GB again after I tried putting ubuntu on it? | 23:01 |
fde | kibibyte: It opens in the app I have chosen for MP3's | 23:01 |
yojesus | Killeroid:i removed gnash and just left flash player but i still cant here nothing on the web or see any | 23:02 |
fde | kibibyte: I use Shoutcast extensively. | 23:02 |
LordPants | Tal_Ormanda, I will try reburning. | 23:02 |
Myles | can I install linux from windows xp without a CD drive? | 23:02 |
Killeroid | kibibyte: what is your preferredmusic player? | 23:02 |
Myles | *ubuntu | 23:02 |
mahrellon | Just got to say Wow! I'm testing Ubuntu 8.04 x64 (Been on i386 untill now) for the first time and my computer seems to love it! :D | 23:02 |
kibibyte | fde, no i have alert that i need change helper app where to fuck change it | 23:02 |
Killeroid | yojesus: dumb question but did you restart friefox after rmeoving gnash? | 23:02 |
yojesus | yeah | 23:02 |
kajo | myles, you can install via USB or network, (and if you're really desperate and really to do some crazy stuff, via floppy). | 23:02 |
kibibyte | Killeroid, where to check it | 23:02 |
fde | kajo: sudo awk -e s/web// /etc/apt/sources.list | 23:02 |
Tal_Ormanda | Anyone know how to make my flashdrive go from 721MB to 1GB again after I tried putting ubuntu on it? =\ | 23:03 |
kibibyte | i want us audacious | 23:03 |
Myles | kajo: I have it on my HDD | 23:03 |
dopplerdeffect | If some programmable buttons on a keyboard aren't recognized by xev, how can I use them? | 23:03 |
Mr_Bad_News | vmware says starting up and then nothing happens | 23:03 |
fde | !ops kibibyte troll - already assisted - bad language | 23:03 |
ubottu | fde: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 23:03 |
BCM43 | bazhang_: you there? | 23:03 |
kajo | Myles, there is some way to install using the iso and emulate a drive, I think... there's tons of documentation on google doing that. | 23:03 |
jc___ | Tal_Ormanda: have you tried formating it? | 23:03 |
kibibyte | fde, youre troll | 23:04 |
=== fserve_ is now known as fserve | ||
Tal_Ormanda | on windows I did | 23:04 |
kajo | fde, "awk: -e is not an option" | 23:04 |
fde | !ops | kibibyte troll - already assisted - bad language | 23:04 |
ubottu | kibibyte troll - already assisted - bad language: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01! | 23:04 |
hexoroid | why my monitor goes to idle after some time i have to touch mouse so it activates screen saver is set to 2 hours.. | 23:04 |
obf213 | how do i reconfigure my screen res settings | 23:04 |
Killeroid | yojesus: you can try reinstall the flash plugin "sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-nonfree && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree" | 23:04 |
jc___ | Tal_Ormanda: are there any hidden particians on it? | 23:04 |
yojesus | ill try | 23:04 |
hexoroid | why my monitor goes to idle after some time i have to touch mouse so it activates screen saver is set to 2 hours.. | 23:04 |
Tal_Ormanda | do i have to partition it again on linux? | 23:04 |
kibibyte | !ops | fde moron | 23:04 |
ubottu | fde moron: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01! | 23:04 |
fde | kajo: sorry ... sed not awk... I need to leave after this. Same command other than that though. | 23:04 |
jc___ | Tal_Ormanda: Thats what I would try use the partician editor to see whats on it, delete all the particians and recreate and format a new one | 23:05 |
kajo | fde, thanks for everything | 23:05 |
wirelessdreamer | whats the package name for the source of the linux-rt kernel? | 23:05 |
magnus_ | Please help I cant mount my disk. From fstab: "UUID=6c7278c4-f9a9-4a40-b478-028aa5856bdc /media/Media ext3 defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0 1" | 23:05 |
Tal_Ormanda | what is partician editor? | 23:05 |
Tal_Ormanda | that on linux? | 23:06 |
fde | kajo: you're welcome... please make sure you sudo aptitude update when it's done... if that gives errors, please state my name and I will take a look. | 23:06 |
jc___ | Tal_Ormanda: sorry are you on ubuntu or windows right now? | 23:06 |
obf213 | hey is there a command for me to reconfigure my graphics setting | 23:06 |
Slart | Tal_Ormanda: partition editor.. gnome partition editor is one tool.. in system, administration, partition editor | 23:06 |
* fde goes for a breather | 23:06 | |
Tal_Ormanda | windows right now | 23:06 |
bjb1959 | usser, didn't work. I changed the xorg from vesa to ati but compiz won't start. any ideas? | 23:06 |
Tal_Ormanda | ill go look at partition editor | 23:06 |
dopplerdeffect | on a usb device where some buttons are recognized and others are not, is there a trick to getting the unrecognized buttons to respond in xev? | 23:06 |
Tal_Ormanda | so ill be back later then | 23:06 |
c1|freaky | is there any download manager for ubuntu? | 23:07 |
Slart | !res | obf213 | 23:07 |
ubottu | obf213: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 23:07 |
BCM43 | c1|freaky: what kind of downloads? | 23:07 |
magnus_ | c1|freaky: d4x is good | 23:07 |
Slart | c1|freaky: there's wget.. and probably some more.. but you have already searched in synaptic, haven't you? =) | 23:07 |
jc___ | Tal_Ormanda: hold on let me see if the windows partician editor will see usb drives brb | 23:07 |
fabianhoward | c1|freaky: firefox does a pretty good job | 23:07 |
dopplerdeffect | c1|freaky, try multiget or d4x | 23:08 |
usser | bjb1959, pastebin the output of glxinfo and compiz --replace commands | 23:08 |
dopplerdeffect | is it a good idea to use evdev drivers for my keyboard instead of whatever its using now? | 23:08 |
bjb1959 | usser, ok be back in a few | 23:08 |
emma | magnus_: you beat me that time. | 23:09 |
magnus_ | emma: how did u beat you? :/ | 23:09 |
magnus_ | emma: i mean I | 23:09 |
Le0n | how kann i install my tbalet pc pen??? in the old 7.04 ubuntu version it works but in the new version my pen doesn't work | 23:09 |
Slalomsk8er | thank god that i know what i do as 8.04 is brittle like hell: no initrd after upgrade (kernel panic because of dmraid not found), gnome admin apps not working because my hostname was not in /etc/hosts and on the laptop i am writing now the trash is broken (Unable to trash file: No such file or directory) - i am disappointed of the QA of this release to say the least and i don't have time for this any more as i am no longer a ner | 23:09 |
emma | magnus_: beat me to the help/recommendation. I need to be more on the ball. I am such a novice myself that the set of questions I can help with is small, so I have to be very alert and quick in order to seize my opportunities. :) | 23:10 |
BCM43 | Slalomsk8er: this is not the place for rants. You might want to try #rant | 23:10 |
Le0n | join #rant | 23:11 |
kindofabuzz | hardy rocks! =) | 23:11 |
hexoroid | my monitor goes in power saver mode in xfce anybody kknow where to change that ? | 23:11 |
kindofabuzz | hexoroid: in your screen saver settings | 23:11 |
armorial | galera | 23:11 |
armorial | como configuro | 23:11 |
hexoroid | kindofabuzz, screen saver is set to 2 hours | 23:11 |
emma | hexoroid: in case no one can hel you here you might want to try #xubuntu for xfce related questions. | 23:11 |
armorial | a resolucao aqui | 23:11 |
Killeroid | kibibyte: i will assume you prefer using rhythmbox, so here it goes, when you click on the link and you get the helper dialog, select open with and choose other, when the file selector dialog opens, in the locator bar, type this in there "/usr/bin/rhythmbox" (ithout the quotes of course and hit ok, select do this for this kind of link and hit ok | 23:11 |
magnus_ | emma: Lol ok sorry mate | 23:11 |
kindofabuzz | hexoroid: there is a power save option too | 23:11 |
emma | !es > armorial | 23:12 |
Slart | Killeroid: kibibyte isn't here any more.. | 23:12 |
bjb1959 | usser, http://pastebin.ca/1030458 | 23:12 |
jramsey | any recommendations for an html editor for ubuntu? | 23:12 |
jc___ | anyone know when the ubuntuforum search engine will be back online? | 23:12 |
hexoroid | kindofabuzz, its set to "never" | 23:12 |
Slart | jramsey: I think nvu was pretty good a while back.. don't know if there's anything newer around | 23:12 |
kindofabuzz | hexoroid: well there ya go | 23:12 |
Killeroid | Slart: oh, ok, i was typing up a reply to him and when afk for a while | 23:12 |
tshine | hi folks. Just wanted to say GREAT JOB to the people that dev ubuntu. I've been an *IX admin for about 15 years and this is the best distro I've experienced so far IMHO. | 23:13 |
kindofabuzz | hexoroid: it not working is another problem | 23:13 |
hexoroid | well it was set by default to never | 23:13 |
jramsey | Slart, txs | 23:13 |
emma | jramsey: sure you might try Quanta, bluefish, Ginf, Screem, Nvu, or Mozilla Composer | 23:13 |
jramsey | emma, your preference in the list? | 23:13 |
emma | jramsey: to name a few, with Ubuntu your options are really large! | 23:13 |
emma | jramsey: I have heard the most about Nvu | 23:13 |
emma | !info Nvu | 23:14 |
ubottu | nvu (source: kompozer): Transition package for Nvu --> KompoZer fork. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.7.10-0ubuntu4 (hardy), package size 20 kB, installed size 100 kB | 23:14 |
Slart | jc___: it works for me | 23:14 |
wirelessdreamer | i'm having trouble getting the binary nvidia driver to load under the current linux-rt kernel, anyone know the source name for linux-rt so i can build my own module? | 23:14 |
kindofabuzz | don't forget SeaMonkey! all in one old school netscape style | 23:14 |
jramsey | emma, Slart ok synaptic has nvu txs and i'll install/try it | 23:14 |
usser | bjb1959, did u restart the xserver after modifying xorg.conf? | 23:15 |
fde | wirelessdreamer: linux-source would contain it... the resulting binaries are just different configs for the compile. | 23:15 |
yojesus | Killeroid: i got it ty | 23:15 |
bjb1959 | usser, I re-booted the machine | 23:15 |
emma | jramsey: I've also heard good things about Quanta | 23:15 |
ezzieyguywuf | I have some custom scripts that I want to run during suspend and resume in hardy heron. Any idea where I should put them? | 23:15 |
jackol | jc___: you could also search via google... "site:ubuntuforums.org atheros", for example | 23:15 |
Killeroid | yojesus: you are welcome, i actually thought you had left the channel | 23:15 |
wirelessdreamer | fde: linux-source is just a meta package then for the current kernel? | 23:15 |
Zaiden | Anyone know of a fix for audio delay with PulseAudio? | 23:16 |
usser | bjb1959, hm... it looks like its not detected can u pastebin your xorg.conf | 23:16 |
jc___ | Slart: interesting I tried a new search and it worked, I tried my old search and it gave me a database error | 23:16 |
emma | jramsey: although it is a kde application which may not suit your tastes if you are trying to keep your GNOME environment pure. | 23:16 |
yojesus | nahh it my 3rd day and well its kinda wierd and it takes me a while to do thing | 23:16 |
fde | wirelessdreamer: also, linux-headers-`uname -r` should bring you a .config of the rt kernel if you're using it currently... | 23:16 |
fde | wirelessdreamer: linux-source is the Ubuntu branch of the mainstream Linux kernel. | 23:16 |
[AoS]Bluesib | hello | 23:16 |
mac3k | hi Bluesib | 23:17 |
Slart | jc___: might be related to what you searched for etc etc.. but I just tried searching for "intrepid" in all forums etc | 23:17 |
[Relic] | Hello :) | 23:17 |
BCM43 | !hi | [Relic] | 23:17 |
won | legend2440, works partially .. firefox is running again but akregaton is not .. i will restar my pc and see what happen .. thks .. i did " sudo apt-get clean " then " sudo apt-get autoremove" and "sudo apt-get autoclean " ... LOL .. see ya thnks folks | 23:17 |
ubottu | [Relic]: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 23:17 |
BCM43 | !install | 23:17 |
ubottu | Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 23:17 |
bjb1959 | usser, http://pastebin.ca/1030464 | 23:17 |
whoop | Howdy, using vbox 1.5.6_OSE on hardy and I am thinking about setting up bridged networking. | 23:17 |
[Relic] | anyone have a 45nm and got core sensors to read? | 23:17 |
magnus_ | Help Me my disk cant Mount even as root and i have stuff on it :'( | 23:17 |
fde | jc___: The guys just got back from UDS, so nothing exciting yet in Intrepid, you probably want to hold off for about a month. | 23:17 |
whoop | I have found a tutorial that looks good:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox | 23:17 |
whoop | The problem is that setting up this bridged networking will alter some stuff (seeing all the sudo commands) | 23:18 |
emma | jramsey: If you want to go with Nvu you might want to take a look at the following link, because there may be some advantages to intalling it manually -- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2056 | 23:18 |
jc___ | Slart: try seraching for flash 10 thats the search that gives me issures | 23:18 |
whoop | So I was wondering how I could (optionally) remove this bridged networking afterwards... | 23:18 |
c1|freaky | ok thank you :D | 23:18 |
whoop | I don't feel like tampering with my system when I don't know how to revert what I have done... | 23:18 |
orcai | pk | 23:18 |
whoop | Any help? | 23:18 |
=== u^A_ is now known as u^A | ||
Slart | jc___: worked for me | 23:18 |
Industrial | When I'm trying to compile things I get "gcc is unable to create an executable file." ... what's up? | 23:18 |
[AoS]Bluesib | im getting alot of errors when trying to install xubuntu 8.04 and i did the cd check and it said it found a error in one of the files? should i try a older disrto? | 23:18 |
Industrial | actually that happens dusint ./configure | 23:19 |
Industrial | during* | 23:19 |
Slart | Industrial: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 23:19 |
kindofabuzz | [AoS]Bluesib: try the alt cd | 23:19 |
kajo | fde, just got around to doing that stuff... reload in synaptic still brings up the same errorbox. | 23:19 |
Industrial | Slart: okay. | 23:19 |
Slart | Industrial: that should take care of it | 23:19 |
[AoS]Bluesib | kindofabuzz: ok | 23:19 |
Slart | Industrial: you're not trying to compile wine on a 64 bit machine, right? | 23:19 |
jc___ | Slart: thansk then its something on my end, bummer | 23:19 |
ImDude | wdsgdf | 23:20 |
Industrial | Slart: nope wine (+wow infact!) running fine. I'm trying to compile Stepmania | 23:20 |
fde | kajo: Can you show me the file again please (/etc/apt/sources.list) | 23:20 |
Killeroid | [AoS]Bluesib: tyr the alt-cd or burn a new cd(make sure to check the iso checksum to see if nothing happened to it in transit before buring a new cd) | 23:20 |
Slart | Industrial: ah.. because the same error pops up if you try compiling wine on a 64 bit machine.. but nevermind that.. see if it works after you've run that line | 23:20 |
Industrial | Slart: on 64bit that is :] | 23:20 |
Industrial | righ | 23:20 |
Industrial | t | 23:20 |
usser | bjb1959, hang on one sec | 23:20 |
fde | kajo: If you don't mind, I'll condense it so it's easier to read, but remain exactly the same, then send it back... we'll backup yours, and see if it makes a differece | 23:20 |
fde | difference* | 23:20 |
bjb1959 | usser, ok | 23:21 |
=== fserve_ is now known as fserve | ||
kindofabuzz | i had problem with the xubuntu install disc also, the alt worked | 23:21 |
wirelessdreamer | fde: thanks | 23:21 |
magnus_ | they just sent me a new kernel nice | 23:21 |
usser | bjb1959, make sure to do sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri | 23:21 |
jc___ | hey whats Intrepid? | 23:21 |
fde | jc___: The next version of Ubuntu. It will be released in October | 23:22 |
Slart | jc___: next version of ubuntu, Intrepid.. something.. Intrepid Iguana perhaps | 23:22 |
fde | Ibex | 23:22 |
bjb1959 | usser, it says the newest versions are already installed | 23:22 |
jc___ | fde, Slart nice thanks | 23:22 |
Slart | Ibex, Iguana.. imaginary animals the lot of'em... =) | 23:22 |
fde | Slart: hah | 23:22 |
obf213 | so i'm trying to reconfig my xserver settings using dpkg reconfigure xserver.xorg, however after I enter my keyboard settings it quits and says this xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration | 23:23 |
obf213 | file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20080526152152 every time preventing me from getting to me screen settings | 23:23 |
FrozenInferno | when I click Places->Computer, I get an error saying "Couldn't Display "computer:". Nautilus cannot handle computer: locations" | 23:23 |
FrozenInferno | Why? | 23:23 |
m1dn1ght | Hey guys - Can someone tell me if a) IOt | 23:24 |
kajo | fde, http://paste.ubuntu.com/14928/ | 23:24 |
m1dn1ght | Hey guys - Can someone tell me if a) It is possible to install hardy on an encrypted partition. b) if a guide exists somewhere to guide me through the process | 23:25 |
=== yannick is now known as ylynfatt | ||
Slart | m1dn1ght: I think i've heard something about it being possible.. don't know of any good how-to's though | 23:25 |
obf213 | hey can anyone help me get past this line, its really annoying i cant get to monitor settings | 23:25 |
magnus_ | btw will firefox update to rc1 soon? | 23:26 |
m1dn1ght | Slart: Yeah - I've searched google and from what I've read it does seem possible, but the info that's currently out there seems very un-user friendly | 23:26 |
Slart | m1dn1ght: have you looked at the alternate installer? I think that supports encrypted installs | 23:26 |
m1dn1ght | Slart: Ah - that might do the trick. I've been trying to find the option on the normal CD. Will burn a copy of that now | 23:27 |
usser | bjb1959, are u here? | 23:27 |
m1dn1ght | Thanks buddy! | 23:27 |
Industrial | checking for glPushMatrix in -lGL... no | 23:27 |
Industrial | configure: error: No OpenGL library could be found. | 23:27 |
bjb1959 | usser, yes did you get my post? | 23:27 |
Industrial | I have no idea what package this could be | 23:27 |
* xenos wants to know where he can read about linux security | 23:27 | |
usser | bjb1959, right, thats ok now backup your xorg.conf and replace it with the following http://pastebin.ca/1030471 | 23:27 |
FrozenInferno | can anyone tell me why i'm getting a nautilus error attempting to open Computer? | 23:28 |
crimsun | Industrial: libgl1-mesa-dev? | 23:28 |
Industrial | xenos: google, *poke* | 23:28 |
usser | bjb1959, after u did that restart xorg by pressing CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE | 23:28 |
Slart | m1dn1ght: good luck.. and let us know how it goes | 23:28 |
Killeroid | FrozenInferno: what error? | 23:28 |
magnus_ | boohoo my Disk wont mount | 23:28 |
bjb1959 | usser, I'll give it a shot | 23:28 |
Slart | FrozenInferno: check the system log for any other error messages | 23:28 |
vrkhans | i have toshiba laptop just installed ubuntu but my wireless is not working what should i do. i have atheros wireless | 23:28 |
Industrial | crimsun: thanks, yet another; configure: error: No GLU library could be found. >_> | 23:29 |
* delcoyote hi | 23:29 | |
Slart | !hello | delcoyote | 23:29 |
ubottu | delcoyote: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 23:29 |
crimsun | Industrial: libglu1-mesa-dev. | 23:29 |
Industrial | crimsun: heh :X | 23:29 |
m1dn1ght | Slart: Thanks bud - will do. | 23:29 |
FrozenInferno | Killeroid: The title of the error says "Couldn't display "computer:"." and the message reads "Nautilus cannot handle computer: locations." | 23:29 |
magnus_ | !help | magnus_ | 23:29 |
crimsun | Industrial: in the future, you can use packages.ubuntu.com, the Firefox packages search (ctrl+k), etc. | 23:30 |
delcoyote | :) | 23:30 |
vrkhans | need help with my atheros wireless card | 23:30 |
zvacet | vrkhans : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo | 23:30 |
Industrial | okey | 23:30 |
obf213 | hello, i can't get past this overwriting possible customized configuration when i am trying to reconfigure x, and therefore i can't fix my monitor anyboy have any ideas? | 23:30 |
vrkhans | zvacet i did lspci it shows the module for atheros but dont know why it is not working | 23:31 |
fde | kajo: Ok... sorry that took so long.... http://paste.ubuntu.com/14931/ FIRST do 'sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.fde' ... then copy these into a file called 'sources.list' in your home directory... and move it to /etc/apt/ using sudo... then chmod 644 /etc/apt/sources.list | 23:31 |
vrkhans | that the out put for lspci 14:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01) | 23:31 |
fde | kajo: If that doesn't make sense please ask for clarification... | 23:32 |
vrkhans | that means that the module is installed but wireless is not working | 23:32 |
FrozenInferno | How do I check the system log? | 23:32 |
fde | FrozenInferno: System > Administration > Logs | 23:32 |
fde | Uhh... System Log | 23:33 |
fde | kajo: Crazy that everything in that file basically amounts to those 3 lines huh? | 23:33 |
[AoS]Bluesib | does xubuntu format the harddrive? | 23:34 |
Killeroid | FrozenInferno: dmesg | 23:34 |
bjb1959 | usser, no dice | 23:34 |
Killeroid | FrozenInferno: run the command "dmesg" in terminal, it will display the system log | 23:34 |
usser | bjb1959, when u restart it does it run at correct resolution or does it launch in "failsafe X" | 23:35 |
FrozenInferno | Killeroid: all I get is a bunch of wlan errors. I'm going to disable wireless since I'm wired and see what i get. | 23:35 |
zvacet | vrkhans .: I just point you to the document I don´t have wireless so I can not help you | 23:35 |
yojesus | how do i get the apple thing in the bottom instead of the panel | 23:35 |
zvacet | [AoS]Bluesib : yes | 23:35 |
kajo | fde, I do not completely understand. when you say, 'then copy *these* into a file called 'sources.list' in your home directory", I don't know what you mean by these. I also don't know what 'chmod 644 file' would do. But ultimately, I don't understand what that all does. :\ | 23:36 |
Killeroid | FrozenInferno: the nautilus error you are getting is related to gvfs. gvfs is responsible for computer:/// , smb:/// and others | 23:36 |
bjb1959 | usser, sorry I got a white screen after I tried compiz --replace and had to ctrl-alt-backspace. what did you say? | 23:36 |
raulh | i am trying to duel head (normal multihead) but my bios freezes when i connect the second video card is it ubuntu, can anyone help me? | 23:36 |
FrozenInferno | Killeroid: so what do i do? | 23:36 |
usser | bjb1959, when u restart it does it run at correct resolution or does it launch in "failsafe X" | 23:37 |
FrozenInferno | Killeroid: I'm not getting any error messages related to my problem. | 23:37 |
fde | kajo: The lines in the paste I gave you. chmod modifies the permissions on the file, because it has to be a certain way for apt to honor it. | 23:37 |
bjb1959 | usser, I am at correct res | 23:37 |
frikipedista1523 | alguna niña guapa??? | 23:37 |
jc___ | yojesus whats the apple thing? | 23:37 |
frikipedista1523 | any beauty girl????????????' | 23:37 |
usser | bjb1959, and glxinfo | grep direct says No? | 23:37 |
rinovan | what web cam application in linux | 23:37 |
LordOllie | raulh, if your system is dying in post, I don't think you can pin it on ubuntu. | 23:37 |
raulh | its not dead.. | 23:38 |
Killeroid | FrozenInferno: I am sorry but i have no idea what to do, my only suggestion is to restart gnome(x), basically log out and in again, that will also restart gvfs and hopefull fix the problem | 23:38 |
raulh | it just it worked with windows | 23:38 |
bjb1959 | usser, correct | 23:38 |
raulh | and i reformated to full ubuntu | 23:38 |
raulh | and it wont let me dual head | 23:38 |
usser | bjb1959, bah im at a loss | 23:38 |
LordOllie | raulh, so it it not dying in bios, but boot? | 23:38 |
FrozenInferno | Killeroid: I have to restart because of updates anyway. I'll be back to report what happens. | 23:38 |
raulh | yes | 23:38 |
Killeroid | FrozenInferno: ok, i will be here when you get back | 23:39 |
LordOllie | ahh, yes. then it is ubuntu, 1 video card in linux is scary enough, let alone 2 | 23:39 |
bjb1959 | usser, well thanks anyway I guess it's just another reason to stick with nvidia at this point | 23:39 |
raulh | dang.. thanks. | 23:39 |
zvacet | where Firefox 3 keep plugins?I checked /usr/lib/mozilla and found just two but if I go to the about:plugins I see plugins are installed where are they? | 23:40 |
Killeroid | zvacet: been wondering about that too, i asked in the firefox channel on the mozilla server and everyone ignored me | 23:41 |
crimsun | ~/.mozilla/firefox/foo.default/plugins/ | 23:42 |
zvacet | Killeroid : good news | 23:42 |
kajo | fde, I did it (though instead of making the file in my home directory, I just did "sudo nano sources.list", pasted it there, and saved it, and then did sudo chmod 644 /etc/apt/sources.list) | 23:42 |
kitche | Killeroid: zvacet it actually depends on the build so of course the firefox channel will ignore you if you ask there it's usually in ~ or in usr/lib/firefox/plugins or /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins | 23:43 |
kajo | fde, that all of that equalled those three lines is insane. | 23:43 |
kajo | xD | 23:43 |
jc___ | zvacet: I think most of them are now in xulrunner-addons | 23:43 |
IGORV | Hey guys installed Fluxbuntu, i know my user/pass to be correct since its so simple. But every time i enter it, it just clears the form and asks for it again | 23:43 |
Killeroid | kitche: i specifically told them i was on linux(ubuntu hardy heron0 | 23:43 |
kajo | fde, ran sudo aptitude update just now, and it did quite a bit of loading. | 23:43 |
fde | kajo: ok... that should be it... you actually skipped my next two commands, but I thought it'd be easier that way.... | 23:43 |
mojo | hi all, how can i build planes in open TTD ? | 23:44 |
kitche | Killeroid: how would they know where ubuntu keeps the plugin path though? | 23:44 |
jc___ | Killeroid: take a look in /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons I think alot are there now | 23:44 |
fde | kajo: No more errors though? | 23:44 |
mojo | cannot build a single plane somehow. | 23:44 |
kajo | well, let's see. | 23:44 |
FrozenInferno | Killeroid: I restarted and it gave me the same error. Disabled compiz, same error. | 23:44 |
zvacet | jc___ : thx | 23:44 |
fde | kajo: It would have updated the security repo, which was disabled... and probably this mirror never actually worked. | 23:44 |
kajo | fde, no more erros, thank you infinitely. | 23:44 |
usser | mojo, did u build airports? | 23:44 |
mojo | usser, yes i did. | 23:44 |
mojo | 2 airports, usser | 23:45 |
legend2440 | zvacet: /usr/lib/firefox/plugins | 23:45 |
usser | mojo, at least thats what unlocks planes in regular ttd, perhaps the year, it may be to early for planes | 23:45 |
fde | kajo: You're very welcome, I only apologize for you having to go through this :( | 23:45 |
mojo | usser, ah... that could be. | 23:45 |
IGORV | Hey guys installed Fluxbuntu, i know my user/pass to be correct since its so simple. But every time i enter it, it just clears the form and asks for it again. Any idea as to why? | 23:45 |
Killeroid | jc__: thanks, found almost all the plugins there | 23:45 |
zvacet | legend2440 : like I said just two of them but I get answer it is xulrunner-addons | 23:46 |
Killeroid | FrozenInferno: sorry that didnt help, ask the question again and see if anyone else can help you | 23:46 |
kajo | fde: A true ubuntu patriot, eh? Do you know what went wrong with my sources list to cause the mayhem, or *why* something went wrong with it? | 23:46 |
fde | kajo: For what it's worth, flashplugin-nonfree would just be a simple install away now... as is over 24,000 other pieces of software, including games and any tool you could possibly need... | 23:46 |
fde | kajo: Without a functional package management system, you might as well be using Windows :P | 23:46 |
mojo | usser, but could not planes in my last game until 1980. could not click on the build planes button. why? | 23:46 |
kitche | IGORV: try the fluxubuntu channel but sounds like a pam issue | 23:46 |
FrozenInferno | Anyone know how to fix a nautilus error preventing me from viewing Computer? | 23:47 |
fde | kajo: I have seen the issue with imbrandon's mirror before... it is something wrong with that. | 23:47 |
IGORV | thanks kitche | 23:47 |
fde | kajo: However, I had asked you to switch mirrors, and the issue never went away. | 23:47 |
kajo | fde, I wasn't using his mirror before, though, I only switched to that when it tried to select the optimal server. | 23:47 |
lw0x15 | yeah!!! nexuiz is awseome | 23:47 |
lw0x15 | awesome | 23:47 |
obf213 | anyone know what to do when recongfiguring xserver and it quits with this error xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20080526154428 | 23:48 |
raulh | can linux read a ntfs formated partition? because my windows is dead and i got important files i need | 23:48 |
AaronH | raulh, yes | 23:48 |
legend2440 | FrozenInferno: bug has been reported but no fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/233889 | 23:48 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 233889 in nautilus "nautilus cannot handle" [Low,Incomplete] | 23:48 |
usser | mojo, nope regular TTD works without airports and im in 1930 | 23:48 |
usser | mojo, dunno what might be the problem | 23:49 |
mohbana | is there something that allows me to block flash content? | 23:49 |
getoo | can anyone help me get online with my cellphone , its done via usb , i did installed kppp , when i try to detect it ... wont work | 23:49 |
usser | mojo, planes are for wusses anyway, easy way to win lol | 23:49 |
FrozenInferno | Piece of poo. Guess I'll wait for an update. Thanks legend2440 | 23:50 |
fde | kajo: are you in holland by chance? | 23:50 |
Steve-cal | raulh: Find out what partition it is with "sudo fdisk -l", and then try mounting it with something like: "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/hda1 /media/hda1" where you replace hda1 with your ntfs partition. Also, the /media/hda1 directory (whichever you want) must exist first. | 23:50 |
kajo | fde, nope, I'm in texas. | 23:50 |
getoo | i know everything lies down in dmesg | 23:51 |
fde | kajo: Ok, then it's definitely a more wide spread issue. | 23:51 |
getoo | cant get it to work | 23:51 |
mojo | usser, wusses? | 23:51 |
c1|freaky | is there some kind of desktop search for ubuntu? | 23:52 |
usser | mojo, jk, planes are boring... the whole point of the game is building railroads | 23:52 |
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tuxavenger | hello | 23:52 |
Zaiden | Anyone here running 64bit hardy? | 23:52 |
fde | !anyone | 23:52 |
ubottu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 23:52 |
DeFirence | when i try and ping an ip, even, it replies "segment fault". anyone know why? | 23:52 |
jrib | Zaiden: many, I am sure. Best to just ask the next question | 23:52 |
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raulh | Zaiden i am | 23:52 |
kitche | c1|freaky: yes | 23:52 |
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tharis20 | people | 23:52 |
Coiotes_ | I'm trying to setup dual displays, but I am having two problems: NVIDIA X Server Settings isn't letting me set my secondary display above 6400x480 (it actually is 1600x1400 max) and it seems composting effects no longer work | 23:53 |
kajo | ubotto, you're so stupid. | 23:53 |
Coiotes_ | I have an NVIDIA EN7300GT by the way. | 23:53 |
Coiotes_ | Running Hardy 64bit. | 23:53 |
=== mous is now known as mouz | ||
tharis20 | i'm trying to upgrade my 7.04 to 8.04 w/ the liveCD -> gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" and it doesn't do anything | 23:53 |
Zaiden | In 64 bit hardy, sound delays for a second after an action, and it's driving me insane trying to find a fix for it | 23:53 |
Coiotes_ | Zaiden: Have you looked to see if it's something specific with your sound card? | 23:53 |
raulh | zaiden, i don't have that problem so maybe its your soundcard? | 23:53 |
raulh | go into your sound options? and peek around | 23:54 |
crimsun | Zaiden: make sure you're using the -17- kernel from hardy-proposed. | 23:54 |
Jaikkuli | anyone here use thunderbird? | 23:54 |
Zaiden | I know it's PulseAudio, forgot to add that. | 23:54 |
c1|freaky | kitche: what is it called? | 23:54 |
tharis20 | Please, help me | 23:54 |
tharis20 | <tharis20> i'm trying to upgrade my 7.04 to 8.04 w/ the liveCD -> gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" and it doesn't do anything | 23:54 |
raulh | try text based install | 23:54 |
DeFirence | wtf does segment fault mean? | 23:54 |
raulh | lot faster and easier | 23:54 |
Zaiden | I killed Pulse, ran a command in the terminal, and sound didn;t lag, but then I was stuck with sound in one program | 23:55 |
tuxavenger | tharis20: why are you using the repos | 23:55 |
cwillu | !info firefox | 23:55 |
ubottu | firefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0~b5+nobinonly-0ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 63 kB, installed size 120 kB | 23:55 |
c1|freaky | tharis20: for me it always displays a message like "CD with packages has been found. " | 23:55 |
mojo | usser, do i need a plane storage/ hall? | 23:55 |
usser | DeFirence, means program terminated incorrectly | 23:55 |
crimsun | Zaiden: it's quite likely your symptom is already addressed in the -proposed kernel. Which are you running? (see `uname -r') | 23:55 |
StrongMotive | what's an alternate to pidgin for MSN? | 23:55 |
crimsun | StrongMotive: amsn | 23:55 |
DeFirence | usser: when i try and ping an ip, even, it replies "segment fault" | 23:55 |
alan_m | StrongMotive, am...yeah amsn | 23:55 |
raulh | strongmotive, its you opinion but, pidgin is awsome lol. | 23:55 |
raulh | or... use wine and use msn? | 23:56 |
Zaiden | crimsun: 2.6.24-16-generic | 23:56 |
tharis20 | tuxavenger, ? | 23:56 |
=== mouz is now known as mouz_ | ||
usser | mojo, i wouldnt know how its done in openTTD in my version its within two clicks on plane->new plane | 23:56 |
gordonjcp | is there some way to get the status of the various Ubuntu mirrors? | 23:56 |
tharis20 | c1|freaky, not with me | 23:56 |
usser | DeFirence, wow thats bad | 23:56 |
DeFirence | fuck | 23:56 |
DeFirence | :O | 23:56 |
kitche | c1|freaky: umm not real sure I believe you can click on find in the menu and it brings it up | 23:56 |
kitche | !language | DeFirence | 23:56 |
ubottu | DeFirence: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 23:56 |
crimsun | Zaiden: right, you need to dist-upgrade to 2.6.24-17-generic | 23:56 |
usser | DeFirence, something's royally messed up with your install if ping is segfaulting | 23:56 |
Zaiden | crimsun: How do I do that? | 23:56 |
DeFirence | oh, sorry kitche | 23:56 |
crimsun | Zaiden: make sure you've got the proposed software source enabled | 23:56 |
gordonjcp | DeFirence: yeah, if ping is segfaulting, something really odd is happening | 23:57 |
vrkhans | can any one help me what i should do to make my atheros wireless working in my toshiba laptop | 23:57 |
DeFirence | usser: its anything network related i think | 23:57 |
mojo | usser, thank you for your help anyway. | 23:57 |
gordonjcp | DeFirence: can you think of anything that might have caused this to happen? | 23:57 |
DeFirence | it was fine a few days ago | 23:57 |
raulh | does anyone know how i can install a matrox g200 agp? | 23:57 |
raulh | on ubuntu | 23:57 |
c1|freaky | kitche: ok thank you | 23:57 |
gordonjcp | does anyone here know if the mirror at http://ftp.esat.net is having problems? | 23:58 |
DeFirence | actually i think the whole installation is screwed | 23:58 |
usser | DeFirence, it may be try something like host google.com see if that segfaults | 23:58 |
DeFirence | how can i backup a file from it? | 23:58 |
Steve-cal | vrkhans: Have you started here? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 23:58 |
DeFirence | i just want to backup 1 bash script then ill format it | 23:58 |
StrongMotive | is amsn n synaptc? | 23:58 |
DeFirence | its just a test box | 23:58 |
vrkhans | steve-cat | 23:58 |
StrongMotive | synaptic* | 23:58 |
crimsun | StrongMotive: yes, in the universe component. | 23:58 |
usser | DeFirence, save it to a usb flash | 23:58 |
StrongMotive | ok | 23:58 |
DeFirence | usser: i think the installation is screwed | 23:59 |
Zaiden | How do I enable the proposed software source? | 23:59 |
DeFirence | it froze now | 23:59 |
vrkhans | steve-cat ya | 23:59 |
DeFirence | and it wouldnt get past grub at one point | 23:59 |
raulh | does anyone know how i can install a matrox g200 agp? or how i can manually try to..? | 23:59 |
AaronH | DeFirence, you the live cd to access you hd | 23:59 |
AaronH | you=use | 23:59 |
afallenhope | Hey! my fellow peeps lol. Anyone know what to do with menu.lst thing that's popped up in the new update? | 23:59 |
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