
* mhb waits for Arby to appear07:27
mhbmorning my dears!07:27
Nightrosemorning mhb ;-)07:32
mhbhi Nightrose, what's up?07:33
Nightrosegetting ready for linuxtag07:33
Nightroseleaving in 1.5 hours07:33
Nightroseman I should have stayed for uds - you guys seemed to have fun there ;-)07:34
mhboh we so had :o)07:34
mhbNightrose: well, sometimes :o)07:37
mhbNightrose: sessions are usually quite sessiony07:38
Nightrose*lol* yea07:38
mhbNightrose: is linuxtag just fun or are you planning to do some serious stuff as well?07:44
Nightrosehmm there will be some discussion on important things of course but it is not like uds for example07:45
Nightrosehmm and i will work at the amarok/kubuntu/kde booths and do 2 talks together with 2 others07:46
mhball in german, right?07:46
Nightrosethere are some english talks as well07:47
Nightroselike aaron's keynote07:47
mhbI'm not a fan of those, but okay.07:50
Nightroseof aaron's keynotes? ;-)07:51
mhb(primarily because I'm not a big fan of plasma, which is more or less what Aaron's KDE4 is.)07:51
mhbof keynotes in general, I'd say :o)07:51
mhbwell, if Aaron was unveiling some fancy new hardware or a cool finished project, then I'd change my mind :o)07:52
Nightrose:P we'll see07:52
mhb"I know nobody has found plasma any more useful than what we had for KDE3. But behold..."07:53
* Nightrose likes plasma07:54
mhbNightrose: likes as in found something that outweights the crashing and the resource use?07:55
Nightrosedoesn't use enough resources here to make me care and doesn't crash einther lately07:56
Nightroseand the applets that will come with 4.1 are sweet07:57
mhblike what, the icons?07:57
mhbI mean that silly file view07:57
Nightroseyea for example07:58
Nightroseor the parley applet07:58
mhbit takes a lot of place and still can't display more than a 10 icons07:58
mhba great thing indeed07:58
Nightroseit can display more than that07:58
mhbyes, if you resize it so it takes your whole screen, but still, I bet it shows a lot less icons than KDE3 could07:59
mhband also, it makes your desktop black07:59
Nightrosepossible - but i stopped using my desktop as a place to store files the day i switched to kde 407:59
Nightroseand it was refreshing07:59
nixternalonly windows users store files on their desktop :p08:00
mhbnixternal: only short-sighted KDE4 fans say that08:00
nixternalman, I was bashing my head adding some stuff to systemsettings in trunk, especially a freakin' "Help" icon, come to find out there were also settings in ~/.kde4/share/apps/systemsettings that was preventing my changes from appearing08:01
nixternalsilly file locations08:01
mhbnixternal: hmm, systemsettings08:01
nixternalI have never in my life stored anything on the desktop...I never get to see it in the first place08:01
nixternalthough, I am not a fan of that icon thing right now in trunk08:02
mhbnixternal: right, but then again, that's not the approach of most of the people08:02
mhbI'm so not :o)08:02
nixternalI close that out first thing, shrink my plasma bar, and rock on08:03
mhbnixternal: I'm all for being able not to have icons on the desktop, but if we just remove it because you and a bunch of other hardcore KDE guys do it... that's not nice08:03
nixternalI agree08:03
nixternaland I must say, that glass theme on kde-look.org for plasma is super hot!08:04
mhbnot just Windows puts icons on the desktop by default, Mac OS X does, too. So all our competitors who are ahead of us in market share do that. Are you really sure we don't want to impress users of those systems?08:04
mhbGNOME does, too.08:05
nixternalactually, Vista doesn't put icons on the desktop anymore, and when you do "show all files" type of deal, you get all of the retarded hidden files on the desktop now08:05
nixternaland if you delete them, you have silly effects next log in08:05
mhbright, so we're trying to mimic Vista right now?08:06
mhbis that the plan?08:06
mhbVista drops it, we drop it?08:06
nixternalI think once that desktop icon thing is fixed up and finalized, it may be different...but as it stands, it is kind of silly08:06
nixternaland kde3 + compiz || gnome + compiz is way slower than kde4 kwin in trunk08:07
mhbyes, except a WORKSFORME, b does not08:08
nixternalwell, it is on 3 desktops, one with nvidia, one with ati, and one with intel and it works08:08
nixternalto bad compiz never had a WORKSFORME08:08
mhbright, so it's just our desktops :o) anyway08:09
nixternalanywho, it is 02:00 here and I am dead tired08:09
Nightrosegood night nixternal08:11
* Nightrose should really get ready08:11
Nightrosethe guys will show up in less than an hour to pick me up08:11
mhbhey Arby08:47
Arbymorning mhb08:55
mhbArby: I've checked out the code08:56
Arbymhb: and you're opinion is?08:56
mhbArby: looks okay08:56
mhbArby: I'm not very happy about the aboutdata either08:56
Arbymhb: I looked at that some more.08:57
mhbArby: also, I'm not happy about calling the KIcon directly08:57
Arbymhb: I could't find a good solution to it08:57
Arbyjust a number of equally bad ones08:57
mhbwhich is what I did because there's no facility for that in Qt08:57
Arbymhb: what do you suggest instead for icons?08:57
mhbwell you can access icons via KGlobal, or what's it called in KDE408:58
mhbit actually fetches the icon from the icon set, which is better08:58
mhbprovided the icon is actually in the icon theme08:58
Arbyok, didn't know that08:59
ArbyI'll look into it08:59
Arby(am at work now)08:59
mhbtake your time, it's no rush08:59
Arbywould the jockey icons be in the standard set, doesn't jockey have it's own icons?09:00
Riddellyou should be able to do just KIcon("foo")09:02
Riddellmost of the icons will be standard icons, others can be installed to the global locations09:03
ArbyRiddell: that's what I did, mhb is advising against it.09:03
mhbno, actually09:04
Arbyoh, then I miss understood09:04
mhbRiddell: by "foo" you mean "direct path" or name?09:04
Riddelljust name09:05
Riddellno path09:05
Arbyok I see09:06
ArbyI'll look into it09:06
mhbok, and one other suggestion09:06
mhbwhy are you not using the default jockey-kde branch?09:06
mhbI mean the one I set up, which any member of kubuntu-users has access to09:06
Arbybecause I did't know that until now09:07
Arbyand I didn't want to break anything with novice errors09:07
mhbthat branch is no production code, it's just for us to tweak, and when we think we've got something ready, we'll merge it with the main jockey one09:08
mhbit's specifically open for everyone so that there aren't 10 branches for jockey-kde just because 10 people did minor fixes on it.09:09
Arbyok, Is it possible for me to merge my branch with that one?09:09
Arbyand I'll have to join kubuntu-users09:09
Arbyis that an open team?09:09
Arbyright, I have to do $dayjob09:10
Arbythanks folks09:10
mhbArby: it is possible, of course. what branch have you branched from?09:10
ArbyI branched from trunk09:10
mhbArby: right, so the best aproach would be to merge trunk into the kubuntu-users branch, then merge your branch into it. See you later!09:11
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kwwiiRiddell: my membership on kubuntu-team is expoiring, can you renew it?10:08
Riddelllooks like you did that yourself "Kenneth Wimer (kwwii) renewed their own membership in the Kubuntu Members"10:08
Riddelloh, -team10:09
Riddelljust let that expire10:09
Riddellit's not used10:09
kwwiiok, will do10:10
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nosrednaekimSSJ_GZ: you rock...13:31
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mhba bit silent to my taste :o)17:38
* Riddell caught a cold on the train back17:39
Riddellwhich hasn't stopped me from doing 4.1 beta packaging17:40
Riddellbut it's still blocked on main inclusion17:40
mhbRiddell: awww17:40
mhbRiddell: I also have a bit of cold, nothing really troublesome, but still, I wonder if it's related17:40
Riddellthese conferences always spread germs17:41
Riddellmhb: still planning on writing that spec?17:41
mhbRiddell: the userconfig one? Sure, I just forgot about it. Later in the evening is fine?17:41
Riddellmhb: whenever you have time, just so it's not forgotten about17:42
mhbas soon as possible then17:42
mhbotherwise I'll forget again :o)17:43
mhbhmm, perhaps next time we could look at a nice way to integrate Kontact with a single web service really well, so I could use that, too17:43
ScottKNothing says you can't exceed what's in the spec if you get motivated. ;-)17:45
mhbScottK: right, I'll add it to my list17:46
mhb#1 for the summer is "find a girlfriend", all the others are Kubuntu-related :o)17:46
ScottKIf you play your cards right, that might be Kubuntu related too.17:47
mhbI wish.17:47
Hobbseewell, Nightrose is around :P17:48
HobbseeScottK: there are relatively few girls in ubuntuland, and most of them aren't looking for a boyfriend.17:48
mhbHobbsee: and of those that do, noone is looking for me :o)17:49
ScottKEven fewer in Prague.17:49
HobbseeScottK: yeah, well.  i guess elky adn i didn't go this time17:49
Hobbseemhb: awww.  tis a hard life.17:49
Hobbseeit's easier staying single, anyway17:49
mhbeasier maybe17:49
ScottKIt did seem to me, at least subjectively, that there were more women at UDS Intrepid than at UDS Boston, but it was still very few.17:50
mhbHobbsee: the negative feeling usually consume a lot of energy which could be used in a productive way otherwise17:50
mhbanyway, let's get back to topic17:51
mhbsee you around17:51
* mhb disappears17:51
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUDSPragueSpecs | Back to merging!
seeleScottK: there were even fewer at Mountain View so I would call that progress17:54
* ScottK nods.17:55
nixternalRiddell: are you planning on backporting the 4.1 betas or putting them in a PPA for Hardy?18:23
Riddellthey install into /usr, overwriting the KDE packages18:24
Riddellso I suspect it would upset people to put them into backports18:24
nixternalahh, so maybe it is approaching the time for me to dist-upgrade to Intrepid18:24
nixternalthough it sounds kind of scary :)18:24
nixternalRiddelll: want me to work on beta packages for hardy? I can toss them into a PPA19:00
Riddellnixternal: a PPA with them installing to /usr should be easy enough19:01
Riddellbut you'd need to wait for main approval (should be tomorrow) for the complete set19:01
Riddelldecibel, soprano, automox, qimageblitz, cmake, akonadi, strigi, kde4libs, kdepimlibs, kdebase-runtime, kdebase-workspace19:02
Riddellyou can take those now from intrepid19:02
nixternalwell, dunno if we should go the /usr route for hardy19:02
Riddellinstalling to /usr/lib/kde4 would be nice, but a good amount of extra work19:03
Riddellpackages need renamed to -kde4 etc19:03
nixternaldid you get my updated key for ftown btw?19:04
nixternalI still can't login to it19:04
RiddellI did19:04
Riddellssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA0Nnz6p2vOcLG66JDDBrfFAVFPvgxyapJ1HovgnVi+Fut9Zc2Wq/7Ni83A98W53LAFH/Pn4tD5vcWa5/fSH12vcA9rVugJm95lGW3UmN9EwJ9ZxGiWzqMFe8/vAVBOAFDjx9SQrEfFhJ4gaYcfiMKKeECY1HvGYKo/acSZUdxmGkNnS23N8ke1CggafIpSdrU1WYX18ll5ikJ/Q0q4Vpxs/xF4DVWVJBDUWG31n+hIdv4jZ+4hMyMHWOGOT8P/8y7Eif0Z8gd9npWR3S76i2972Ga9SdmToJ10MF3ReFw4kwkMAh5D4ET0eUt7mKXSW2vmqbz4TSUI9QNEh+2+ooE5Q== nixternal@ShakaDoobie19:04
nixternalya, I just now logged in :)19:04
nixternalI couldn't the other day (from konqi), but I just did via sftp19:04
nixternalI will work on Hardy beta packages using -kde4 and going to /usr/lib/kde419:06
Riddellok, if you're sure you can manage it19:06
Riddell~kubuntu-members-kde4 PPA would be best19:06
nixternalall I need to do is get decibel, soprano, automox, qimageblitz, cmake, akonadi, and strigi19:07
nixternaldid those install to /usr/lib/kde4 previously?19:07
Riddellnone of those did19:08
Riddelldecibel we took out the KDE bits since there wasn't an easy way to do that19:08
Riddellautomoc by the way19:08
nixternalwhat about telepathy and tapioga?19:08
Riddellnot sure on the versions needed, you'd need to look at the build-deps19:09
nixternalhrmm, will the ppa's be able to grab qt4 4.4?19:14
nixternalthat's what I thought19:15
Riddellhmm, decibel failed to bulid19:16
Riddellhunger_t: decibel depends on libstreamanalyzer0?19:18
* awen_ finally got his exams over ... back to some kubuntu work19:51
yuriyyay awen_19:51
awen_ScottK: when you have time: http://awen.dk/packages/kde-guidance_0.8.0svn20080103-0ubuntu18.debdiff19:51
awen_hi yuriy19:52
ScottKyuriy: Just to make sure you know ...  People like you who know what they are doing aren't the target in this current workflow bugs debate.  Personally, I really appreciate your triaging efforts for Kubuntu.19:53
awen_ScottK: suppose i need it in intrepid before asking for an updated packages for hardy with the changes; or is there no rules about that?19:53
yuriyScottK: yep, i realize that. but I don't like the proposed solution and don't like how people who are learning are being treated as a nuissance19:55
ScottKyuriy: It's not just a nuisance, but sometimes actively harmful.19:56
ScottKawen_: Yes.  Intrepid first.19:56
ScottKyuriy: In the earlier discussions the bugsquad people involved seemed to take the view that it was perfectly fine for new triagers to mark all over bugs they had absolutely no understanding of and if it affected developers, too bad.  Workflow bugs aren't real bugs and so shouldn't be there.19:58
ScottKyuriy: Much of what you read is reaction to this attitude.19:58
awen_yuriy and ScottK: what i've read until now, you've both tried to settle the "dispute", and said some very sensible things, keeping the good tone all the way ... just my seeings from the sideline; and thanks to both of you for that!19:59
yuriyScottK: was this on IRC because I've been reading the whole thread on the bugsquad list (albeit not too attentively until yesterday)19:59
awen_ScottK: i'll wait for your sponsorship before doing further then :)19:59
ScottKyuriy: That an heno unilaterally reverted an attempt to document such bugs. in the wiki.19:59
ScottKyuriy: Much of it was on IRC, also on some other lists.  Many developers (including me) aren't on the bugsquad list.19:59
seelehmm.. no Artemis today20:08
* seele wonders how kgrubeditor is going20:08
seeleRiddell: youre my friend now!20:09
* seele . o (out of context that sounds weird..)20:10
* yuriy figures it has something to do with facebook20:19
nixternalRiddell: are the qt4 packages in your ppa 4.4.0 the same that is in -proposed or wherever it is?20:19
nixternalI see you can use other repos to satisfy deps in ppa, to bad you can't use -proposed and such20:19
nixternalnevermind, it is just RC in your ppa20:21
ScottKnixternal: You can depend on other PPAs.  There's a setting for it in the LP PPA U/I.20:24
ScottKYou have to specify.20:24
nixternalya, to bad nobody has the latest qt4 in one...so I will just grab the hardy-backport one and put it into the ppa to satisfy deps20:25
nixternalshould I leave it at the same version that is in -backports or add a ~ppa1 to it?20:26
ScottKI'd add ~ppa1 so you can increment the revision in the PPA if you need to.20:26
ScottKRiddell: I was wondering if I could trouble you to process Bug #221178 for feisty-backports?  It's been sitting there quite some time and it's relevant to a problem I was helping a user with today.20:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 221178 in feisty-backports "Please backport pypolicyd-spf 0.6-1ubuntu2 to Gutsy/Feisty" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22117820:43
yuriylol @ bug 23517120:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 235171 in kdegames "solitaire: spider is too hard!!!" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23517120:46
awen_yuriy: lol :D20:47
nixternalalright, qt4 uploaded to the ppa, now I will be able to get down to business once that puppy builds20:48
* ScottK hands nixternal a long book to read.20:48
nixternalshoot, I might as well grab every book ever published20:49
stdinnixternal: shame i didn't see that before /me built qt4 in his ppa20:49
nixternaloh thanks stdin for telling me now :p20:49
stdinsorry :)20:49
nixternalqt4 is already in hardy-backports20:49
stdinI just added ~ppa1 to the backport version though, then i don't need to re-download it all again20:50
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ScottKRiddell: Thanks for the backport.22:42
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nixternalRiddell: did you fix akonadi yet?23:32
nixternalI just added \|hardy to the one line in kde.mk to get it to build, or I could just remove that line23:35
* nixternal just removed the line23:36
nixternalwell, if everything goes OK, I should have kdelibs - kdebase backported for Beta 123:41
nixternals/backported/put into the kde4 ppa23:41
nixternalall deps have been uploaded23:41
apacheloggernixternal: what's the problem with akonadi?23:52
nixternalthere was a line checking to make sure that it wasn't getting installed to unstable23:54
nixternalin kde.mk23:54
nixternaljust removed it and left the clean:: statment there23:54
* nixternal goes for food then comes back to kde4 beta for hardy :)23:57
DreadKnightwhere/when will we find 4.1 beta 1 packages guys? :-)23:57
apacheloggerwhen they are done23:58
apacheloggerin some repository23:58
DreadKnightright :-)23:58
* apachelogger likes how cmake 2.6 cut down make install to changed files23:59

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