
tjaaltonthere's a new kernel in hardy-updates, so would be nice to have a d-i image with it08:02
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CIA-1partman-auto-lvm: cjwatson * r203 partman-auto-lvm/debian/changelog: releasing version 27ubuntu109:52
CIA-1partman-base: cjwatson * r93 ubuntu/ (67 files in 5 dirs): merge from Debian 12010:03
CIA-1partman-base: cjwatson * r94 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 120ubuntu110:05
tjaaltonhmm, the d-i seems to be using UTC but the chroot sometimes uses the local time (at least user/groupadd log entries do). is there a way to make d-i use the correct time? I think we are having some problems because of that (installer waiting 3h for some reason)10:22
tjaaltonEEST happens to be UTC+310:23
tjaaltonhm, I guess the problem could be that if the installed machine used to have windows...10:30
tjaaltonneed to investigate further10:30
cjwatsonit's a rather long-standing bug10:33
cjwatsonnot trivial :-/10:34
tjaaltonwe haven't had this issue before, so it's probably something to do with the machines in question10:34
CIA-1oem-config: cjwatson * r464 oem-config/ (45 files in 10 dirs): Internationalise .desktop files (LP: #233949).12:55
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tbielawahey all, I'd like to know if anyone else has ssh'd into a d-i recently.14:06
tbielawawhen I get the three options: start basic install, start expert install, drop to shell; when i select drop to shell it quits immeatiatly14:08
tbielawawhen selecting expert install and then drop to shell from that menu i am able to execut a shell14:08
tbielawaI suspect it's a conflict with upkg refusing to run two instances like dpkg. one during the already running install and one that gets executed when you select 'drop to shell'.14:09
cjwatsonit's a while since I tried network-console; let me take a look14:09
cjwatsonI'm not aware of any locking to speak of in udpkg, though14:10
tbielawathe drop to shell option executes as upkg and with a force configuration flag on the shell14:10
cjwatsonanything interesting in /var/log/syslog?14:10
tbielawai lost that log, there was something in it but I can't recall at the moment14:11
tbielawacjwatson, can you tell me where to find the source (template?) for the 'expert install' menu so I can compare how the shell is being executed?14:12
cjwatsonapt-get source network-console14:12
cjwatsonI'm grabbing the hardy mini.iso now and I'll have a look14:12
tbielawaAwesome, thanks for searching with me14:12
cjwatsonoh, you mean the regular menu?14:13
cjwatsonthat's in main-menu (and debian-installer-utils for this menu item) though it may be difficult to follow through that if you aren't already familiar with the architecture14:13
cjwatsonhmm, my local mirror is not so happy14:20
tbielawacjwatson, I'd like to run a test changing this line in network-console "exec udpkg --configure --force-configure di-utils-shell" by removing the udpkg --configure --force-configure14:22
cjwatsonthat certainly won't work14:22
tbielawacan you give me a point into the right direction on how to do that.14:22
cjwatsondi-utils-shell is a package name, not a command14:22
tbielawaI see14:22
cjwatsonbut if you want to edit something, just use nano and edit it on the fly14:22
cjwatsonusually the easiest way14:23
tbielawathat is a shell script, nice14:23
cjwatsonexcuse me, there'll be a slight delay here because anna is giving me grief14:25
tbielawathat's alright, I appreciate you're advice so far14:25
tbielawaIn the past I thought that udpkg worked similar to dpkg regarding locking14:26
tbielawaI'm going to rebuild a machine now and set it up with network-console so I can grep some logs14:27
cjwatsonblink, what the heck is going on here14:33
cjwatsonoh, I'm running into bug 23448614:33
cjwatsonyow, best fix that for 8.04.114:33
cjwatsonlooks like it happens when you tell net-retriever to look at hardy, hardy-security, and hardy-updates - it doesn't de-duplicate them and ends up trying to install the same package multiple times14:34
cjwatsonthough I guess I can work around it temporarily to figure out your (separate) problem14:35
cjwatsontbielawa: hmm. Having got to the point where I can actually test this, executing a shell from the network-console menu works just fine for me15:04
cjwatsontbielawa: this is in Ubuntu 8.04; are you using the same version?15:05
tbielawacjwatson, we are using 8.04 here as well15:13
cjwatsonok, in that case I need the syslog from a failure15:14
tbielawacjwatson, just so we're on the same page, you were presented with an ncurses menu with three options, and you selected the third option (execute a shell)?15:14
tbielawacjwatson, ok cool. I am getting my preseed configured now (lost our settings)15:15
tbielawaI will get the logs from syslog as soon as I can for you15:15
tbielawa234486 is stopping me15:23
tbielawaI'm getting that error in d-i now15:23
cjwatsonand you weren't before? I wonder why not15:24
tbielawathat is correct15:24
tbielawaI'm getting the error by using: d-i preseed/early_command string anna-install network-console15:24
tbielawawhich obviously calls in the libcrypto for ssh15:25
cjwatsonanyway, my workaround was as follows: as soon as the installer starts, press alt-f2, press enter, 'nano /usr/lib/debian-installer/retriever/net-retriever', search for codenames, and after the if ... fi block add a line reading: codenames="$codename"15:25
cjwatsonthen alt-f1 and continue through the installation15:25
cjwatsonI'm afraid this won't work with automatic installation though15:25
tbielawayour work around is for libcrypto, or so you could get a shell to execute?15:26
cjwatsonalso be sure to not ssh in over an untrusted network, since the openssl security updates won't be applied that way15:26
cjwatsonfor the libcrypto thing15:26
tbielawacjwatson, i tried applying your workaround and I am still getting the same message15:34
cjwatsonthink you must have made a mistake ...15:35
tbielawaentirely possible. Our setup here is very in-house for creating bootable media15:38
tbielawaI see my mistake, typo15:39
tbielawacjwatson, i've replicated my error. ssh'ing in as installer and selecting 'Start Shell' the tail of my syslog is at http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15090/15:52
tbielawaif I touch /var/log/lastlog i get a different error message, but the ssh connection still fails15:58
cjwatsonOK, thanks; I'll look at that shortly15:59
tbielawaand finally (sorry for the information overload) having touched /var/log/lastlog and selecting 'execute a shell' from the 'expert menu' i am able to execute a shell, pastebin: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15096/16:00
tbielawaI don't want to bug you any more but I'll stick around in the channel. If there's bug testing I can help you with please let me know. Thanks for taking the time to talk to me this morning16:00
cjwatsontbielawa: the lastlog failure is cosmetic; sshd warns about that, but it won't cause a failure16:12
cjwatsontbielawa: could you use ssh -vvv to attempt to ssh in, and post the client-side debugging output for me?16:15
tbielawacjwatson, sure, one sec and I'll get that for you16:15
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cjwatsontbielawa: actually, you know what, I'm on crack - ssh is working perfectly well so there's no need for debugging output from it16:17
cjwatsontbielawa: are you installing in English, or in some other language?16:18
tbielawaWe are using English16:20
tbielawato be exact, in our preseed we specify: d-i debian-installer/locale string en_US16:21
tbielawaIf you'd like to see the preseed I'm using I could give you a link to it16:21
cjwatsonok, could you try another test for me? edit /bin/network-console-menu and change the 'set -e' to 'set -ex'; then I need /var/log/syslog again16:22
cjwatsonpreseed probably wouldn't hurt16:22
tbielawasyslog coming up16:27
cjwatsondrat, nothing new there16:36
tbielawaan interesting thing happened. having selected expert install, then selecting start a shell, then concurrently opening another shell connecting I was able to select 'start shell' from the main 3 option menu without it failing16:37
tbielawasame text in the syslog, however16:37
cjwatsoncould you confirm which image you're using to start with? I'm testing with the netboot mini.iso16:40
tbielawaThat will be difficult to answer. I will investigate and report back when I figure that out16:42
cjwatsonjust the URL you downloaded it from will be fine16:45
tbielawado you remember a fellow, jeckersb?16:46
tbielawawe're using a tool we developed in house in the wvu cs department and I'm not 100% on it's internals yet16:46
tbielawaI'm confiring with it's creator now16:46
cjwatsonI don't think so, and nor do my logs16:46
cjwatsonthough they only date back so far16:47
cjwatsonoh, are you using a home-built initrd image? that could be relevant16:47
tbielawaI believe so16:47
tbielawathis software is in need of an overhaul I believe16:48
cjwatsonit could be that you simply don't have di-utils-shell in the initrd :-)16:50
cjwatsonunfortunately, the errors sort of go to /dev/null16:51
cjwatsonhmm, actually, they *ought* to land in syslog16:51
cjwatsonbut maybe don't for some horrible reason16:51
tbielawawe're using a netboot iso. it's available here: http://mirror.lcsee.wvu.edu/ubuntu/dists/hardy/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/i386/16:52
cjwatsonactual iso (i.e. http://mirror.lcsee.wvu.edu/ubuntu/dists/hardy/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso) or the broken-down initrd and kernel components?16:52
tbielawainitrd.gz actually16:53
tbielawahave we discovered something?16:53
cjwatsonno, just trying to clarify16:53
tbielawaI'll return in a short while16:57
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cjwatsonwell, the md5sum of the netboot/mini.iso on that site is identical to the one I have ...17:07
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greearbcjwatson, did you happen to see my question on figuring out which file fails the 'is the cd good' check?18:45
bdmurrayxivulon: Hi! I'm curious what your use case for being in ubuntu-bugcontrol is.22:13
xivulonhi bdmurray, from time to time I had to set bug priority for bugs I was playing with outside of wubi (but related to)22:14
xivulonalso am planning on expanding my interests22:15
xivulongiven time constraints of course22:15
bdmurrayOkay, that makes sense to me then.22:16
cjwatsongreearb: yeah, I answered23:47
cjwatson22:09 <cjwatson> greearb: mount the CD loopback on (say) /cdrom (or boot the live CD), and run 'cd /cdrom && md5sum -c md5sum.txt'23:47

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