
ryanakcaIs there anything I can to to have a local cache of packages for sbuild &/or pbuilder? I sadly have to rebuild a few times (trial and error, trying to get this patch to work), but I hate having to dowload 54.3MB from the archives every time, and I'm sure the archive maintainers hate my doing so as well...02:34
RAOFSquid can be good.02:35
RAOFThere are also apt-specific caches (apt-cacher, apt-proxy, apt-zeroconf)02:36
RAOFThere's probably also a way to make sbuild use a local shared cache (there certainly is for pbuilder, but my knowledge has atrophied).02:37
ryanakcaRAOF: hmm... thanks :)02:47
* ScottK learns about facebook.02:57
crimsunthe wonderous journey of facebook.  heh.03:03
* ajmitch reads up on the latest flamefests03:32
StevenKajmitch: -devel?03:32
ajmitch-bugsquad, at least03:34
ajmitchrelated threads :)03:35
* ajmitch seems to get the impression that some people think that all developers are paid, everyone else are volunteers03:36
* ScottK refrains from comment.03:37
ajmitchScottK: that's a surprise :)03:38
* ScottK is still about 50% on Prague time and it's nearly 5AM there.03:38
ajmitchto be honest, I think that the proposal of LP changes to hide certain bugs being a bit stupid03:39
ScottKWell every time I suggested "Don't mark no bugs you don't understand", which seemed to me to be the obvious answer, I got a lot of pushback.03:41
ScottKAt least Hobbsee's "Special bugs, don't touch" guidelines are back on the How To Triage page (even if they are marked draft).03:42
ajmitchso instead we end up with a solution that assumes that all bugsquad members are drooling idiots who'd ignore any tags/titles/other glaring things telling them don't touch03:42
ScottKPart of the problem though is that tag manipulation/list usage is a real PITA.03:43
ScottKPersonally I don't use tags for anything.03:43
ajmitchbecause there are probably several hundred tags?03:43
ScottKThat and getting a list of the bugs with a particular tag is not straightfoward.03:44
ScottKAnd it's slow.03:44
ajmitchthe bug title is probably a more obvious thing for triagers to look at & know that they can move on03:45
ScottKUnfortunately there are several different possible titles.03:47
ScottKIIRC it was declared to hard (this is mostly heno talking, but other people involved in bugsquad there too).03:47
ajmitcha prefix, perhaps03:47
ScottKDunno.  I feel like I've done my part.  Those were by far the least fun sessions in UDS (it took 2).03:48
ajmitchI bet03:48
artfwoWhen dealing with these packages: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/uehs/no_updated.html is it okay to request a sync from http://getdeb.net ?04:23
RAOFartfwo: Almost certainly not.  The prerequisite for appearing on getdeb.net appears to be 'built once, somewhere'.04:26
ScottKartfwo: We've asked the getdeb folks to work with us together on packaging.  They declined because it's too hard (apparently) to make correct packages.04:27
RAOFWhile some, many, or indeed all packages may be better than that, it would require essentially the same review as a new package.04:28
artfwoI see. So a new upstream would still to require repackaging for Ubuntu even if it's on getdeb?04:29
jdongartfwo: getdeb packages often do not comply with Ubuntu/Debian quality control guidelines04:30
jdongartfwo: their new version packaging is rarely a derivative of existing Ubuntu packaging; little to no effort is made to preserve compatibility either...04:31
Hobbseemorning all04:31
RAOFHowdie Hobbsee.04:31
RAOFartfwo: In short, it's almost certainly easier to just uupdate the current package than to pull something from getdeb.04:32
ajmitchgood afternoon Hobbsee04:33
HobbseeScottK: simple solutions aren't allowed.04:34
Hobbseeor ones that require thought and education.04:39
* wgrant grumbles at the brewing Bugsquad v. ubuntu-dev case.04:44
ajmitchwgrant: exciting stuff, no?04:46
wgrantMaking them private is wrong, but perhaps getting LP to add a 'workflow' flag... But that would take years.04:48
ajmitchand it probably still wouldn't be the right solution04:49
Hobbseesomeone could point out that a whole bunch of developers are volunteers too, and so playing the "hey, you're having a go at poor volunteers" card does not help.04:49
Hobbseewgrant: OTOH, you have to accept that the general ideals for ubuntu triaging and development now seem to be focussed on getting more people who are active, and not only allowing those who are *competent* and active.04:50
Hobbseewgrant: and changing that will be very difficult, because we do actually need the people04:51
Hobbseeso if they get most stuff right, then tha'ts probably good enough - we just hope that they don't get important stuff wrong.04:51
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btakitaHello, would a REVU admin please re-sync the REVU uploaders keyring? Thanks :)07:24
* Hobbsee tries07:29
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Hobbseehmm.  well that's broken.07:43
RAOFAh, so much fun :)07:45
wgrantHobbsee: What's broken?07:55
wgrantDid I not give you enough permissions?07:56
Hobbseewgrant: su to my user, change my shell to zsh, and run revukey.07:57
dholbachgood morning07:58
wgrantMorning dholbach.07:58
dholbachhiya wgrant07:58
* wgrant gets claustrophobic with that time over on the RHS.07:58
wgrantHobbsee: It seems to be working fine...08:02
Hobbseehmmm.  wasn't when i tried it.08:02
Hobbseewill have to look later08:02
wgrantHobbsee: Did you use 'sudo -u revu1 /srv/revu-production/scripts/revu-key update'?08:02
Hobbseewgrant: if that's what my alias says it is, yes.08:03
* Hobbsee grepped, and used the corresponding command08:03
* Hobbsee dies of frozen.08:03
wgrantHobbsee: You seem to have called it with 'updae' last time.08:05
Hobbseewgrant: way cool.  no idea how.08:29
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Traveler3trying to install ubuntu on my laptop. But all I get is grub..09:31
sorenls -l09:38
dholbachtotal 109:39
dholbachdrwx------  3 soren soren 4096 2008-05-22 10:28 pron09:39
* broonie always used to nam temporary folders "porn" since I knew several of the admins.09:50
broonieOften they were full of things like tutorial answers.09:50
RAOFStevenK: If you're still interested in sponsoring some uploads to debian, I've got a couple of things on m.d.o and on the mentors list.  No one seems to be biting, though :)10:27
StevenKRAOF: Tell me why my HAL changes don't work, and then I'll consider it. :-P10:30
StevenKAlthough, I'm about to go to my mother-in-laws, so ...10:30
RAOFI think your HAL changes don't work because of a fundamental personality discontinuity.10:31
directhexdaisy, daisy, give me your answer do...10:31
RAOFThere's no urgency; I'll just check if you're still interested every now and then :)10:31
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ScottKOne statistic from the discussion about workflow bugs at UDS is that they represent ~1 percent of new bugs filed.12:54
siretartScottK: is that surprising?12:57
ScottKActually I was suprised it was that much.12:58
siretartwell. we have scripts that help with filing them13:01
norsettohowdy dowdy13:29
sebnerhuhu norsetto =)13:29
norsettoof course, sebner is always here13:30
norsettosebner: don't you have school!?13:30
sebnernorsetto: of course. my life consists of school, ubuntu and nexuiz :P13:30
sebnernorsetto: for the weeks until my oral exams start just the important subjects. 2-3 hours a day ;)13:31
* ScottK does the clamav victory dance.13:37
emgenthahah :)13:38
ScottKOne and only one clamav version in -updates or -release for all released/supported Ubuntu versions.13:38
ScottKThat only took a year to get done.13:38
AmaranthDidn't they just release a new clamav a couple days ago?13:39
ScottKThey released 0.93 just before Hardy and there's an RC for
AmaranthDang, I was hoping for a "damnit" response. :P13:40
ScottKThat's an intrepid problem for now.  At the moment, I'm patching 0.92.1 with security fixes.13:40
emgentI go to work, bye people.13:40
Amaranthsee ya emgent13:40
sebneremgent: bye bye13:40
ScottKThe key is having one 0.92.1 configuration I only need to figure the patches for once.13:40
ScottKsee ya emgent.13:41
sebnerhuhu jono mok013:54
sebnermok0: what's now about the icons for the universe-group. can also others attach a picture, when is the election,.. ?13:55
mok0sebner: errr, asaik it is decided on a meeting on the 31st14:01
mok0sebner: but you can surely attach more pictures!14:02
mok0sebner: just make another "section" with your entry14:02
mok0(I'd forgotten where it was :-)14:04
sebnermok0: k, thanks =)14:36
mok0sebner: looking forward to seeing your contrib14:36
sebnermok0: well, not mine but a friend of mine likes to do that stuff ^^14:37
mok0sebner: cool. We need to get your friend involved in more artwork, then14:39
geseris the motu-sru team still operational? how long does it usually take for a SRU ACK?14:59
pochugeser: a lot, it's better to ping some member on IRC ;)15:00
persiageser: Last I heard statistics, it was about a week.  Since then, the team has gotten less active.  Hence the call for renewal.15:03
emgenthello people15:12
norsettoemgent: that was quick15:13
emgentnorsetto: o/15:16
sebnerhuhu sistpoty|work15:27
sistpoty|workhi folks15:27
sistpoty|workhi sebner15:27
norsettoheya sistpoty|work15:30
sistpoty|workhi norsetto15:30
norsettosistpoty|work: we missed you in Prague15:30
mok0Has there been talk about revu-days?15:45
* sistpoty|work is needing to take down REVU for a few minutes, to fix bug #23489615:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 234896 in revu "Upload does not get accepted unless original source is excluded" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23489615:48
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bddebianHeya gang15:51
sebnerhuhu bddebian15:51
bddebianHello sebner15:51
kirklandzul: hey, i merged php5-5.2.6, builds cleanly in my local environment on amd6415:57
kirklandzul: it's in my home dir on chinstrap, if you want to review it15:58
kirklandzul: i pushed to my ppa to test the build on other arches too15:58
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kirklandzul: unfortunately, it doesn't look like Launchpad PPA's are building intrepid packages yet16:00
kirklandzul: if you review what I put on chinstrap, and give me feedback, i'll fix it up.  otherwise, perhaps you can upload16:01
sistpoty|workok, revu should be back accepting uploads... can anyone do a test upload please?16:01
tbielawaI'll do one16:09
sistpoty|workthanks tbielawa16:11
tbielawasure thing sistpoty|work16:11
persiatbielawa: Try with ftp rather than scp (unless I'm missing something)16:16
sistpoty|worktbielawa: 17  Uploading to revu (via scp to revu.ubuntuwire.com) (you'll need to use ftp in dput.cf)16:16
sistpoty|workheh, thanks persia16:17
sebneraloha afflux ;)16:19
affluxmorning sebner ;)16:19
tbielawasistpoty|work, Successfully uploaded packages.16:23
sistpoty|worktbielawa: cool, thanks16:23
mok0What is the default xinetd server on Ubuntu now?16:23
sorenopenbsd-inetd, I believe.16:23
mok0soren: I believe its xinetd... (?)16:24
sorenIt is not.16:24
mok0soren: hm. It should be16:24
mok0soren: Just so I don't need to ask another time, where can I see what packages are in the base set?16:26
zulkirkland: you built the php5 stuff in an intrepid chroot right?16:28
hggdhsiretart: hello16:29
kirklandzul: umm, i built using "debuild" on a hardy box16:29
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as FlyingSpaghettiM
zulkirkland: ah ok ill do a build test with an intrepid chroot just in case16:29
zulkirkland: because im paranoid :)16:31
ScottKkirkland: You really want to look at building inside a clean chroot using pbuilder, sbuild or similar.  Eventually it will lead to tears if you don't.16:31
ScottKkirkland: For an easy way to get started see pbuilder-dist in ubuntu-dev-tools.16:31
sistpoty|worktbielawa: cool, everything seems to have worked... thanks for testing :)16:35
tbielawayou're welcoem16:35
kirklandScottK: thanks, will do16:37
kirklandI think I'm going to rebuild my laptop today using LVM16:38
rockstarkirkland, use the alternate cd, and life is easy with LVM16:51
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LaserJocksiretart: lol, we're going to have an Ubuntu Developer's Reference?17:19
LaserJocksiretart: I started working on one almost 2 years ago I think :-) I hope it actually makes it this time17:20
siretarthggdh: hey there!17:22
siretartLaserJock: is it what became the Packaging Guide?17:22
LaserJocksiretart: no17:22
LaserJocksiretart: after the packaging guide I started looking at doing a UDR17:23
LaserJockiwj did a spec on it for dapper I think17:23
siretartI remember that17:23
siretartdo you remember why it failed that time?17:23
LaserJockbut in the end mdz said that we should just use wiki pages :-)17:23
LaserJockthat's when we got w.u.c/UbuntuDevelopment17:24
LaserJockone big issue was if we should maintain it as a patch to the Debian Developers Reference17:24
LaserJockI spent a lot of time figuring out how we could do that17:25
LaserJockbut I suspect it's much better for us to write an entirely new document17:25
zulkirkland: it doesnt build on intrepid because net-snmp hasnt been merged yet17:43
kirklandzul: ah17:43
hggdhsiretart: sorry and all of that.... Thank you for a ray of good sense17:43
hggdhsiretart: re. your Debugging XineLib: we would like to reformat it into the Debugging* format17:44
hggdhsiretart: and publish under wiki/ubuntu/Debugging17:44
sebnermok0: nice mail, a sponsors adventure? ^^17:52
mok0sebner: a sponsors sigh17:52
* sistpoty|work heads home... cya17:54
* mok0 -> dinner18:12
=== tbielawa_lunch is now known as tbielawa
jdonglol, ALMOST got a ticket today heading up to port huron :)18:41
jdongurgh ssh lag sucks :)18:41
jdongjust had three ssh sessions to the same screen reconnect... weird combination of backlogged keystrokes ensue :)18:42
Riddellsuperm1: what's the fglrx-installer package?18:49
mario_limonciellRiddell, the results of the discussion at UDS18:49
mario_limonciellto move fglrx and nvidia out of LRM18:49
mario_limonciellstarting with the next AMD release you'll be able to spit out source packages from the ".run" file that they distribute18:49
norsettooh $DEITY, I can retry builds now ....18:49
mario_limonciellthat just need a dch -e to mangle the changelog, but they should be sufficient for the archive18:50
Riddellnorsetto: how?18:50
norsettoRiddell: got a retry botton in the build page18:50
Riddellmario_limonciell: hmm, where's the licence?18:51
mario_limonciellRiddell, usr/share/doc I believe in the source package18:52
mario_limonciellits the file that is excluded in debian/rules from getting installed (since its contents are copied to debian/copyright)18:52
Riddellok, accepting18:53
mario_limonciellgreat thanks18:53
* geser looks for a ~motu-sru member and sees jdong18:59
geserjdong: have you some time to ack to SRUs? bug #197216 and bug #23248018:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 197216 in pycaml "[hardy] Package pycaml has unmet dependencies" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19721618:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 232480 in apache2-mpm-itk "[SRU] apache2-mpm-itk uninstallable with apache2.2-common from hardy-proposed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23248018:59
ScottKleonel: I got the clamav 0.92.1 packages from feisty/gutsy-backports copied to -updates, so no need to patch feisty/gutsy separately any more.19:07
leonelScottK: I saw the mails  in the morning   this is  GOOD ! thank  you19:08
ScottKleonel: Thanks for all your help.  Clamav 0.93.1 RC is out, so I expect a new wave of security patches to do.19:09
leonelI haven't seen any CVE  yet19:09
leonelScottK: remember if you need help to test any backport   just let me know ..19:10
ScottKWe won't until the final release I don't think.19:10
ScottKleonel: WIll do.19:10
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ZelutI built a package for my PPA with CDBS and now I can't seem to recreate the steps.19:33
Zelutanyone here to give me a few tips on the CDBS voodoo?19:33
ZelutI'm getting /usr/share/doc/app : no such file or directory, but it is there via a relative path from debian/19:46
Zelutpastebin of my build attempt if anyone cares to take a look: http://pastebin.ca/103125719:51
emgentDktrKranz o/19:59
DktrKranzwe emgent19:59
geserah another ~motu-sru member20:00
geserDktrKranz: Hi, have you some time to ack two SRUs? bug #197216 and bug #23248020:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 197216 in pycaml "[hardy] Package pycaml has unmet dependencies" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19721620:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 232480 in apache2-mpm-itk "[SRU] apache2-mpm-itk uninstallable with apache2.2-common from hardy-proposed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23248020:00
lagai also need two ACKs from motu-sru: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mythplugins/+bug/22008720:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 220087 in mythplugins "Some mythplugins packages fail to configure if /var/lib/mythtv NFS mounted" [Undecided,New]20:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 221921 in mythbuntu-control-centre "SRU: progress bar oddities break creation of diskless clients" [Undecided,New]20:01
lagait'd be great if someone could take a look as they've been open for quite  some time20:02
DktrKranzsorry for this delay, I'm mostly offline, so I can't process queue as I should do :(20:03
DktrKranzbut I'll have a look at these20:03
DktrKranzgeser, is apache2-common 2.2.8-1ubuntu0.1 in -updates?20:04
geserapache2.2-common | 2.2.8-1ubuntu0.1 | http://de.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates/main Packages20:05
DktrKranzthanks, it took ages to me20:06
DktrKranzgeser, apache2-mpm-itk ACKed, does it need to be fixed for intrepid too?20:10
geserDktrKranz: yes, I will upload a rebuild soon (I guess it will get rebuild several times till intrepid release).20:12
DktrKranzgeser, cool. thanks. pycaml ACKed too, be sure to fix intrepid task if needed.20:14
norsettomotu-sru! motu-sru! me too! me too!20:14
* RainCT is bored right now and could be convinced to sponsor something20:15
DktrKranznorsetto, heh, gimme some DSL, please! :D20:15
norsettoDktrKranz: bad idea that to leave telecom, you cheapo ;-)20:15
geserDktrKranz: already done (fixed pycaml is in intrepid)20:15
bobboRainCT: i have a merge that needs sponsored? Bug #23505020:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 235050 in bzflag "Please merge bzflag (universe) from Debian Unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23505020:16
DktrKranznorsetto, naah, I had several troubles with telecoZ20:16
norsettoDktrKranz: did you? Ah well, you think you are better now?20:17
DktrKranzsure, I missed 56k :P20:17
DktrKranzand, it is because of telecom I'm here right now, they have just freed DSL cable to be switched to new guys20:18
geserno open WLAN in reach?20:19
DktrKranzgeser, ah, noticed right now, mind closing hardy task?20:19
RainCTbobbo: were the changes forwarded to Debian?20:19
geserDktrKranz: can do20:21
bobboRainCT: yes, but they havent picked them up20:21
RainCTbobbo: (next time list the Maintainer change in the changelog, but don't worry to do this now, isn't that important)20:23
bobboRainCT: ok, will do20:23
DktrKranzlaga, done.20:27
DktrKranznorsetto, you're next in line :)20:27
lagaDktrKranz: yay!20:27
* laga hugs DktrKranz 20:27
DktrKranzlaga, latter already ACKed by john, no need to add a second ACK :)20:28
norsettoDktrKranz: ok, gotta dig them out now ... first one should be bug 22484720:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 224847 in plucker "package update-manager 1:0.87.24 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: SystemError in cache.commit(): E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22484720:29
* DktrKranz looks at the queue: 84 results20:30
norsettoDktrKranz: also bug 22593520:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 225935 in oxine "oxine is not installable in 8.04" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22593520:30
DktrKranznorsetto, done. and now, my DSL please! ;)20:33
norsettoDktrKranz: on its way, I have a feed Guastalla->Rome firing up20:36
dfiloni_norsetto: hi :)20:37
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norsettodfiloni: hi devide20:38
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sebnerhuhu norsetto \o/22:19
sebnerFOLKS! Do I missed something. wine sync from Debian?????????????????????????????????????????22:21
norsettosebner, hmmm?22:23
sebnernorsetto: I said hi ;)22:23
norsettosebner: I mean, about wine22:23
sebnernorsetto: the latest wine release is a sync from Debian22:23
ajmitchif all the ubuntu changes are in the debian package, it shouldn't be a problem, right?22:25
norsettoajmitch, I guess he is just surprised that wine is in debian22:25
ajmitchwine has been in debian for a very long time22:25
ajmitchI know that the current debian maintainer was looking for people to help out22:26
geserdon't we use the packages from winehq and not debian?22:27
ajmitchgenerally yes, because YokoZar maintains them22:28
pochuwow, wine synced \o/22:29
sebnerthat's why I was surprised22:29
pochu(not that I care for wine, but seen packages synced is a good thing)22:29
sebnerHe have Scott ...22:29
ajmitchso, can someone confirm that it was actually synced, and not just uploaded with the wrong version number?22:35
sebnerajmitch: debian changelog ......22:35
sebnerajmitch: wine (1.0-rc2-1) unstable; urgency=low22:36
ajmitch wine (1.0~rc2-1) intrepid; urgency=low22:36
ajmitchfrom intrepid-changes, so I'm wondering if it was a mistaken sync22:36
sebnerajmitch: that's the old one. just got the updates and looked at the wine site22:36
* ajmitch suspects that this sync was unintentional22:37
sebnerajmitch: crazy =)22:37
norsettoajmitch: its an autosync22:37
ajmitchnorsetto: yeah, because the last upload by scott didn't have -0ubuntu122:38
sebnernorsetto: because of the false versioning of the previous version? or intential?22:38
geserI guess bad versioning22:39
norsettoah ok, so it was the previous one that was wrong22:39
ajmitchnothing to get overly excited about22:39
* ajmitch thinks sebner used up his punctuation quota for the day there :)22:40
* norsetto thinks that ajmitch doesn't yet know well sebner22:40
sebnerajmitch: lol. that's enthusiasm :P22:40
sebnernorsetto: sounds somehow bad :\22:41
ajmitchnorsetto: I'm getting old...22:41
norsettoajmitch, who isn't!?22:41
geserlet's hope YokoZar see this discussion in his scroll-back and fixes the versioning22:42
sebnerand sebner is getting ignored :P22:42
norsettosebner: stop being silly and get on with your syncs!!!!!!22:43
sebnernorsetto: lol. if you pass some over to me I'll file the bugs :P22:44
norsettosebner: check out those from andrea veri, he is on "sabbatical"22:44
* ScottK wonders what YokoZar will do when he finds out.22:44
mario_limonciellprobably upload a new package? :)22:45
sebnerScottK: go wild ^^22:45
sebnernorsetto: bah. these are merges and I have enough merges where I *should* report back to debian and wait wait wait22:46
ScottKI just figured it's be potentially useful to use his nick so he might look in.22:46
ajmitchignore that it was ever there & not worry about providing transitional packages back to the ubuntu scheme of things?22:46
geserScottK: perhaps hit the person who caused this with a cluebat? :)22:46
ScottKajmitch: That's what I'd do.22:46
* ajmitch used his nick a few times22:46
ScottKajmitch: Missed that when reading the scrollback.  Sorry.22:46
sebnernorsetto: I'll start uploading to revu the next days ;)22:47
* ajmitch wonders if there'll be anything left to do on intrepid by the end of the week22:47
sebnerajmitch: why?22:48
gesersebner: should the revu-admins start looking for an extra hdd for revu? :)22:48
ajmitchsebner: because by then you should have cleared out the merge list & bug list?22:48
geserajmitch: if we are that fast done with everything we could release it :)22:48
sebnerIt seems every know that I spammed u-u-s at hardy cycle a little little bit ^^22:48
sebnergeser: I suck at packaging. I'll start with a small little app. may upload 2-3 more the next weeks/months. Then I'll get bored and will start spamming u-u-s again =)22:50
ajmitchwhat do you spam u-u-s with?22:50
norsettosebner: marco rodriguez and william lima are also free game22:51
sebnerajmitch: merges and syncs =)22:51
sebnernorsetto: hmm, sry?22:51
norsettosebner: free merges/syncs22:52
sebnernorsetto: did know. just about Luke ones22:52
gesernorsetto: doesn't sebner already syncs/merges everything he can find on MoM?22:52
sebnergeser: DaD. no. I just asked you ;) I'm doing nothing without asking ;)22:53
* ajmitch spots another sync22:53
* RoAkSoAx whishes to have time to do more merges :(22:53
norsettosebner: how many uploads did you do already for intrepid?22:54
sebnernorsetto: <10. :\ but if geser's ocaml things get synced ... ^^22:55
ajmitchmore than I've done, obviously22:55
norsettosebner: findlib? That was synced and there are about 40 packages waiting to be rebuilt22:55
sebnerajmitch: I would do merges but then I hear "Report back to Debian so we can sync (in 4 months -.-)22:56
sebnernorsetto: ocaml, perl.10? boring :P22:56
norsettogeser: I did some today btw22:57
gesernorsetto: I have seen it, I did some ocaml rebuilds too22:57
geserI also got libreadonly-{xs-,}perl synced, so the perl 5.10 transition can go on22:58
norsettogeser: great, we should be rid of it soon22:58
norsettohehe, this is fun: http://core.joejaxx.net/~joejaxx/ircstats/freenode/ubuntu-motu/, especially "Some big numbers..."23:08
joejaxxwhere did you find that?23:08
siretartwah, I'm on place 2923:08
sebnernorsetto: what? only rank 42 xD I have to do something against it ^^23:09
joejaxxLOL "Hobbsee yells a lot! 620"23:09
ajmitchhey siretart23:10
mario_limoncielli'm always disturbed when persia is listed in the most active people by time of day in all the columns :)23:10
ajmitchjoejaxx: over what time period is that?23:11
joejaxx750289 lines (460 days) parsed in 8 seconds23:11
siretarthey ajmitch!23:11
* ajmitch is disturbed to be in the top 523:11
sebnerajmitch: \o/23:12
joejaxx"No files? The package is empty?"23:13
joejaxxsome of these quotes are extremely funny23:13
mok0joejaxx: I like this one: "I'm a little lost. This struct looks like a function." :-)23:16
norsettotime to go, good night all23:30

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