
TheSheepcody-somerville: so how would I create a branch in there?00:00
TheSheepcody-somerville: nevermind, I;ll rtfm00:00
* TheSheep tries to think of a good name for the branch00:02
TheSheepomg, how do they get away with bzr being so slow? O.o00:12
hexoroidanybody knows why when xfce wants to start it keeps saying that the monitor is out of range ?00:24
TheSheephexoroid: looks like you have set a graphics mode that your monitor can't handle00:30
TheSheephexoroid: try pressing alt+ctrl+gray plus00:30
hexoroidwell its on default looks ok00:30
TheSheephexoroid: you mean it works?00:30
hexoroidit eventually00:30
hexoroidgoes ok but whenever i reboot00:30
hexoroidit keeps saying that00:30
hexoroidlike it gives it 5 trys00:30
hexoroidmy monitor can handle 128x102400:31
hexoroid1280* but if i set it to that it looks crappy00:31
hexoroidlike letters a bit messed up00:31
hexoroidwhat do you mean by gray plus ?00:31
TheSheepthe plus key on the numpad00:33
hexoroidctrl+alt AND THEN plus00:34
hexoroiddoes nothing00:34
ogreis there any issue with xunbuntu 8.04 and compiz-fusion?00:37
FenrirHey, I'm having an issue with 8.0401:11
FenrirTHe os won't fill my screen.01:11
FenrirTHere are just black bars all around the screen.01:11
FenrirAnyone know how to fix that?01:11
CircuittsunamiHey, Im new to xubuntu and im looking for a link on all the commands i should know... Thanks if you can help01:15
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TheSheepCircuittsunami: try the desktop guide maybe01:31
TheSheepfeusually your monitor has some knobs or OSD to adjust your picture01:32
TheSheepCircuittsunami: https://help.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/index.html01:32
DaveKongI installed Xubuntu on my Dell Inspirion 5100 and am having a lot of trouble connecting to a Router, would anyone know why?02:29
hexoroidhello i reinstalled xubuntu again but no xfce says no connection02:38
hexoroidany clues ?02:38
DaveKongWhat do you mean by that? Your desktop UI is gone?02:52
kappaccinoI've been trying to xubuntu live cd on this server and it just stays on a black screen with a blinking cursor02:53
kappaccinoregular ubuntu seems fine though02:53
hexoroidDaveKong no.. its just there is no network connection02:58
hexoroidi reinstalled now there is no network connection wierd..02:58
=== FreeFull is now known as acigar
=== acigar is now known as FreeFull
DaveKongDo you update to a newer version?03:00
hexoroidi just reinstalled03:01
hexoroidi had problem with xorg03:01
hexoroidand then i reinstalled03:01
hexoroidi burned the same *.iso03:01
hexoroidto CD as the one i did before i had connection just fine03:01
hexoroidnow xfce says "X" no connection :(03:01
hexoroidill try reinstalling again03:05
hexoroidits 8.04 version03:06
hexoroidwhats the difference between Guided - resize and Guided - use entire disk ?03:09
kappaccinoentire disk option, I believe will creative 1 large partition03:11
kappaccinocreate** :(03:11
hexoroidill use Guided - use entire disk ?03:11
hexoroidbecause i got nothing else on this hard drive03:11
* kappaccino shrugs03:11
kappaccinoI heard it was nice to have /home on a separate partition03:11
hexoroidso maybe first option then ?03:12
hexoroidi dunno03:12
kappaccinoyour choice03:12
hexoroidwell i am reinstalling for 3 time03:13
hexoroid2nd time i had no connection03:13
hexoroidwhich was wierd03:13
hexoroidfirst time i did now eth0 didnt pick up nothing03:13
ddrohello, I'm having fan problems with my dell c600 running xbuntu 7.10. Is anyone able to help me please?03:19
ddrohello, I'm having fan problems with my dell c600 running xbuntu 7.10. Is anyone able to help me please?03:25
dbdii407anypme lmpw where i can find the new hardy heron wallpaper for xubuntu?03:28
ddroheh, good luck. everyone seems to be aslep03:42
WaxyFreshHi how can i see/edit what processes get loaded up when xubuntu starts? i seem to recal that there is a GUI program that does this but im not sure.03:43
ddroI think there's one in settings03:44
ddroI've never used it, but it seems like a good place to start03:44
WaxyFreshi see no autostart03:45
dbdii407Autostarted applications03:45
dbdii407Tored Top03:45
WaxyFreshoh in the setting manager03:46
dbdii407Applications>Settings>Autostarted Applications03:46
WaxyFreshi was thinking of something more detailed.03:46
owen1i can't create a new file on the desktop. is it normal?03:47
ddrowhat kind of file are you trying to create?03:49
owen1i think i solved it- in the desktop setting there is a checkbox that change the menu on right click.03:50
owen1I can't mark multiple items with the mouse on the desktop. in it normal?03:51
dbdii407Hold down Cntl03:51
dbdii407while clicking03:52
ddroby dragging the mouse while clicking? I can't seem to do that too, so maybe03:52
ddrocould be a linux thing03:52
ddrobut honestly, this is like the blind leading the blind03:52
dbdii407i can select multiple things just by holding down Cntl03:52
ddrobut you can't right or left click and drag to select more than one item, correct?03:54
WaxyFreshWhat effect does running a gnome/kde native  app in xubuntu have?03:57
ddroAmarok seems to be a little slow for me, but that could just be a problem with my hardware.03:59
owen1ddro: dbdii407 in ubuntu i could do that. now i can't delete 2 files together...04:04
owen1is it just me or is it limitation of xfce4?04:05
ddrocould be. again, blind leading the blind here. A bunch of noobs guessing04:05
ddrohmm, seems if I use ctrl to highlight more than one item, I can drag them both to the bin at the same time04:07
ddrogah, my laptop smells like it's melting04:09
ddroanyone know how I can get 'root' to run sensors-detect?04:11
owen1when i drag and drop it always copy the file. how do i MOVE instead?04:13
ddroright click and cut, then paste?04:14
owen1ddro: i know. but can i change the behavior of drag and drop to MOVE instead of COPY?04:16
ddrogood question. I haven't seen anything like that yet. Maybe it'd just be easier to learn the ctrl shortcuts? like crtl-v & ctrl-p in windows?04:17
Utalcn2meanyone having any luck with bmpx or tunapie with shoutcast?  bmpx keeps crashing whereas it never has before, and tunapie plays for a second and then stops.04:20
ddrodon't use either app, sorry04:21
Utalcn2mewhat do you use for shoutcast, anything?04:22
ddroand it's working fine so far04:25
DaveKongDoes anyone know how to compile a loaded module?04:51
ddrosorry buddy, not me. And good luck getting an answer here. This is probably the most frustrating help channel i've ever been on04:52
ddrolinux is good, the support just sucks, esp ubuntu04:52
aanderseddro: what's your question?04:53
ddrobeen trying to get fans to just turn on on my c600. I've tried sensors-detect, but it can't find anything. fans worked under xp, and my laptop is going to melt if I don't find a solution04:54
ddrothe bios pages have nothing about fans that I can see either.04:55
aanderseyou tried the i8k kernel module?04:56
ddrono, haven't heard of it. I'll google it, thanks!04:58
ddrothanks for the link04:58
aandersethat was pretty much the first result when i googled04:58
aanderseguy wrote up an article on the c60004:58
aanderseseems like he has all the basis points covered04:58
aanderseand he explicitly mentions the fan04:59
aanderseso with a bit of research on compiling that kernel module (if ubuntu doesn't provide it) you should be good to go04:59
aanderseand as far as DaveKong goes... "Does anyone know how to compile a loaded module?" isn't a very clear question05:00
DaveKongaanderse: my confusion arises because I thought I needed the module to make my network card work but the module already appears to be loaded and yet my card is not working05:01
DaveKongdell inspirion 510005:02
DaveKongfrom 200305:02
DaveKongI can not figure out how to get it to connect to my network for the life of me05:02
aandersedo you have a wireless connection that works btw?05:03
aandersei'm on an inspiron 1420 right now (debian unstable)05:03
aanderseand the wireless didn't work out of the box either05:04
aanderse* wired05:04
aandersenow i don't need wired, because i use wireless05:04
DaveKongWhat did you have to do?05:04
aanderseso i just never bothered to get the wired working....05:04
aandersebut the wired works on this laptop with ubuntu05:04
DaveKongmore recent one?05:05
aandersedebain unstable is more recent than ubuntu05:05
DaveKongI tried a debian install and it failed05:05
DaveKongbut it was not the unstable05:05
aanderseNetwork Card05:06
aanderseThe Integrated Network Card in this laptop is a Broadcom 4401. Support for this card is not found in the Linux kernel and must be found elsewhere. Why not from Broadcom itself? (http://www.broadcom.com/docs/driver-download.html). Make sure to grab the BCM4401 Driver for Linux.05:06
aandersethat was a redhat thing05:07
aanderselemme see here05:07
kappaccinoanyone actually used the new Fedora?05:07
aandersewhich new one?05:07
aanderseoh, did they just release?05:07
kappaccinofedora 905:08
kappaccinoI'm waiting on my flash drive so I can make a bootable persistent usb05:08
* kappaccino read something on lifehacker05:08
aanderseDaveKong: you need bcm4400 series05:09
aanderseok so it looks like your actual driver is gpl'd05:12
aandersewhich is good05:12
ddrothanks for the help aanderse! Later!05:12
aanderseddro: anytem, later05:12
DaveKongaanderse: alright thanks I found it... now it says that the archive type is not supported though05:12
DaveKongrpm file05:13
aanderseDaveKong: so i'm a bit confused, your driver had source code in dapper and edgy, but after that it appears not....05:13
aandersewhich leads me to believe it's in the kernel now05:13
DaveKongthat is what one site told me05:13
aandersesince your internet isn't working....05:13
DaveKongI am very confused a lot05:14
DaveKongand frustrated05:14
DaveKongguess I will try this05:14
DaveKongsee what happens05:14
aandersecan you open a terminal05:14
aanderseone sec05:15
DaveKong(I just got the rpm loader if I need to use it)05:15
aandersesudo modprobe b4405:16
aandersesee what happens if you type that05:16
DaveKongretuns me to the starting line05:16
DaveKongif I do lsmod05:16
DaveKongb44 is listed05:16
DaveKongbut it says 0 for used by05:17
DaveKongand if I do insmod it says it is not there05:17
DaveKongwhat I am looking for I get a lot of stuff05:18
aandersenot entirely sure05:19
aanderseodd problem05:20
aandersewhat i would do05:20
DaveKongtells me b44 eth0 is up at 100mps full duplex flow control is of for tx and rx link is down05:20
aanderseis go to ubuntuforums.org05:20
aanderseand make a post saying you have a dell 5100 which uses the broadcom 440105:20
aandersewhich is built into the kernel now05:20
aandersebut your wired connection isn't working05:21
aandersei'm sure someone can help you out with that05:21
DaveKongwhere in the forum do I post?05:21
aandersethere is a dell section05:21
DaveKongok I will try it05:21
aandersesorry i can't solve this for you, but need sleep... and to be honest i'm a bit too baffled by it05:22
DaveKongshould I bother trying the redhat driver install?05:22
DaveKongalright thanks for what you told me05:22
aandersei'd probably skip that for now in favour of ubuntuforums05:22
aanderseevery problem i've ever posted there has been solved05:23
aandersemight take a couple days though05:23
aandersegood luck, bye for now05:24
owen1i stated using awesome window manager instead of xfce4. is anyone else try replacement for desktop environment?05:24
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Ekusheyhi guys06:37
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Alecmgwhere does xubuntu use its memory?10:04
AlecmgI mean , come on.. 100 MB more than reasonable10:04
ablomenAlecmg, linux uses un-used memory so it doesnt have to write to swap as often, so that 100mb can well be swap space so no 'real' ram usage10:07
Alecmgheh, thanks for then insight10:07
Alecmgits just a random rant, I know how memory owrks10:07
Alecmgand I wonder what applications does ubuntu have in memory that Vector Linux in my work laptop doesnt10:08
ablomenps aux :)10:08
Alecmgone shows 140MB "real" consumption, the other over 200, 280 usually10:08
melchHey guys. I hope you're having a good day or night.. My ethernet card is not recognized. It comes up in lspci as Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82557/9/0/1 Ethernet Pro 100 (rev 05)10:16
TheSheepmelch: what happens when you do 'sudo modprobe e100' ?10:37
TheSheeplooks like the card's bios is broken10:39
TheSheepdid it work before?10:39
melchTheSheep: in windows it works10:40
melchit shouldn't be the fact i used the xubuntu cd from 8.04 launch right10:41
TheSheepthis is weird, we have a couple e100 here and they all work fine10:41
TheSheepno, it doesn't matter10:42
melchi was looking at this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/3066610:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 30666 in linux-source-2.6.15 "E100 Driver - EEPROM Corrupted" [Medium,Invalid]10:42
melchthe patch is gone10:42
melchubottu:  beat u to it10:42
ubottuFactoid beat u to it not found10:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 30666 in linux-source-2.6.15 "E100 Driver - EEPROM Corrupted" [Medium,Invalid]10:44
melchTheSheep: Anything?10:46
TheSheepmelch: well, you could also give your version in there10:47
TheSheepmelch: previously the bug was closed because the original reporter didn't respond10:48
melchTheSheep:  how do i find my version10:48
TheSheepmelch: you could also try to compile the module with the patch added10:48
TheSheepmelch: you said it's 8.4, no?10:48
melcho of ubuntu ok10:49
TheSheepuname -a will also give you the version of kernel10:49
TheSheepany details about your card would be helpful too, there are many e100 coards10:50
TheSheepmelch: have you seen http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Kernel/2004-04/0842.html ?10:51
melchTheSheep: how is that helpful10:52
TheSheepthe error is actually different10:52
TheSheepand the guy said it was something on his side10:52
TheSheepyou could try some things like trying to put the card into a different slot10:53
mitch_TheSheep really?10:54
TheSheepmitch_: I kid you not10:56
mitch_so bad slot10:57
TheSheepdoes it work now?10:58
mitch_can't do that now10:59
mitch_roommate is alseep10:59
TheSheepI'm not sure it will help or anything11:01
mitch_TheSheep:  then why do it11:01
TheSheepbecause it might help and then you have your problem solved11:01
TheSheepit may be some irq conflict or bad connection in the slot or anything11:02
TheSheepI'm pretty sure any patch from 2004 is laready incorporated in the kernel11:02
MrNazis there a way to mount a remote directory or partition securely? SSHfs is easy to set up and secure, but performance is pretty poor and I've been told that NFS is not designed for use over untrusted networks... any thoughts?11:04
Riot777is there a way in xfce to force some app to stay at the bottom of other apps11:05
MrNazyou mean on the desktop11:05
Riot777yeah, beneath other open apps11:05
Riot777to be more specific11:05
Riot777I mean firefox11:06
MrNazumm... i dont know, you can force an app to be on top, but i dont know on the bottom11:06
TheSheepRiot777: you can force an app to stay on top...11:06
MrNazyou want firefox to remain on the bottom?11:06
Riot777:P ye I know stay on top is easy but stay on bottom with firefox 3.0 :d11:06
TheSheepMrNaz: I guess you could try CIFS...11:06
MrNazCIFS ? is that complex?11:06
Riot777cause when I click some other app link like pidgin, xchat, lifrea11:07
TheSheepMrNaz: it's a flavor of samba11:07
Riot777it always push firefox on top other apps11:07
MrNazoh... will that work linux box to linux box? i dont want to install large software stacks to make this work11:07
Riot777that's weird cause firefox 2.0 behaved ok :P on 7.1011:07
MrNazRiot777 aah... yea that annoys me too11:07
Riot777any tips would be welcome11:07
TheSheepRiot777: eah, firefox does that window activation thing11:08
MrNazRiot777 coz i want to push links into ff and read them later11:08
Riot777so it's firefox problem11:08
MrNazRiot777 yes, if you find a way to tell firefox to not steal focus, then let me know11:08
MrNazin fact i'm sure there's a way11:08
ablomenMrNaz, you could try using nfs trough a ssh tunnel11:08
TheSheepRiot777: you can move firefox to other workspace and change the xfce settings to not move it on activation11:08
ablomendunno if thats faster11:08
MrNazRiot777 i'll sort this out11:08
MrNazablomen yea i thought of that11:08
Riot777yeah tried that but it's kinda odd11:09
TheSheepRiot777: http://sheep.art.pl/2007-09-08_Firefox_jumping_between_workspaces_in_XFCE11:09
MrNazablomen but ive never used nfs before, would that be hard?11:09
Riot777ty TheSheep11:10
ablomenMrNaz, http://www.howtoforge.com/nfs_ssh_tunneling :)11:10
ablomenMrNaz, google ftw! ;)11:10
Riot777dzieki TheSheep =]11:12
MrNazablomen heh thanks11:13
MrNazsorry for making you do that ;)11:13
TheSheepRiot777: prosze bardzo11:15
ablomenMrNaz, hehe np :P11:21
Boxxxerhey there ;)11:32
Boxxxeri wanna make a bug report about xlockmore11:32
Boxxxerwhen you lock your screen with xlockmore, you have lovely screensavers on your screen, and when you wanna unlock your screen, you press Esc key to get to the unlock screen window11:33
Boxxxerwell, there's this bug...11:33
Boxxxerwhen you press the Esc button, it is automatically entered as the first character of your password11:34
Boxxxeri almost freaked out when my password didn't work because i didn't notice that one character had already been entered11:35
Boxxxerokay then i had to delete that stupid character and enter my password... yeah that worked11:35
Boxxxerplease tell me where to file that bug11:36
BoxxxerEsc should not be regarded as a password character11:36
Boxxxerah, forget it... i'll write to the author of xlockmore11:38
totalwor1agewhat should i do if i get a read error from swap12:24
=== totalwor1age is now known as totalwormage
PathagenXanyone here had to battle with DRI and/or a Mach64 chip?13:06
konuk_Hello dear friends. xubuntu 8.04 / Turkish locale. After the recent updates (updates of the last 10 days or so) I can not pass the login screen. It keeps on doing something but do not login. I can login as another user. I can reach the terminal as root or as default user. What can I do to fixit? Anyidea?13:13
PathagenXo.o :/ Sorry. I have no idea... 'dpkg-reconfigure (your window manager)' maybe?13:15
konuk_as root or as default user?13:16
PathagenXas root. But no.. it would be a waste of time.. Hmm lemme think13:16
PathagenXjust the usual GDM login manager and XFce as the session on all accounts?13:17
* PathagenX scratches his head......13:17
PathagenXNope. I'm stumped.13:18
PathagenXand I am the only one awake13:18
PathagenXeveryone here is dead..13:18
konuk_... reconfig ???13:18
konuk_i will do that. any harm?13:19
PathagenXtry dpkg-reconfigure gdm and dpkg-reconfigure xfce413:19
gynterkI can't use any DVD+R discs13:19
gynterkthou writer supports +13:19
konuk_thanks a lot. i wil try now. thanks.13:19
gynterkany ideas?13:19
gynterkDVD-R works fine13:19
gynterkThe odd thing is that if I put DVD in xfce can see it, but not xfburn nor k3b13:20
PathagenXYour system cannot read dvd-R diskd?13:20
gynterkand dvd+ too13:20
gynterkbut I can't write to dvd+r13:21
gynterkcopying DVD-R works fine13:21
PathagenXsudo ln -s /dev/(dvd drive) cdwriter13:21
PathagenXsudo ln -s /dev/(dvd drive) dvd13:21
PathagenXsudo ln -s /dev/(dvd drive) /dev/dvd13:21
PathagenXsudo ln -s /dev/(dvd drive) /dev/cdwriter13:21
PathagenXmost burners will look for those so try doing that13:22
PathagenXif that fails, open up /etc/fstab and make sure that your dvd drive line's something like:13:23
PathagenX/dev/dvddrive /media/somewhere auto user,rw,exec,noauto 0 013:23
gynterkthe odd thing is, that k3b can see the disc (DVD+R) can understand that it's DVD+R, but when I press burn it says "Please insert complete or appendable DVD+/-R(W) medium..."13:25
PathagenXare you sure your disk is blank?13:25
gynterkxfce says its blank13:26
gynterknew discs13:26
gynterkso says k3b, that its blank13:26
PathagenXhmm, so the burner is having trouble figuring out what format.13:26
gynterkNever mind13:26
gynterkfigured out13:26
gynterktypo in symlink13:26
gynterkThanks for help13:27
gynterkbtw theres still this Human theme bug13:27
gynterkIf i use "Human" as user interface then volume and battery plugins will crash13:28
PathagenXI don't care. I use tango + Wonderland (BlueCurve)13:28
PathagenXI think that Human is just another shit Windows crap ripoff.13:28
PathagenXIf I wanted my computer to act like I had Vista installed, I'd drop it off my roof, sans orange and brown plastic vomit. ;)13:30
gynterkVista is like cancer13:30
gynterkFight as much as you want, but still you die eventually13:30
PathagenXNo. Cancer has a purpose.13:30
rainleongif I met crash on xubuntu desktop, it's mean the keyboard and mouse no response, sounds like kernel panic.13:38
rainleonghow could I check what problem cause it.13:38
Xynehi, I'm trying to install Xubuntu 8.04 alternate install CD on a CF-card (CF to Ide adapter) ... the guided partitioning made errors so I set up a swap and a root partition ... how can I mount them manually to procede with installing the base system?13:57
PathagenXfrom command line?13:58
PathagenXthe easiest way is to run gparted, make the partitions, one ext3, one swap. Tell gparted that the ext3 partition is to be mounted as / and you are away13:59
Xynethe menu is open but the partitioner won't mount (always ... blabla mount / failed) ...13:59
PathagenXhmm Ca'nt help you sorry14:00
Xynethanks anyway14:01
=== FreeFull is now known as JohnSmithOrSomet
=== JohnSmithOrSomet is now known as FreeFull
deniz_ogutHello dear friends. After an update I can't login to my default user but I can login to another user. Now I need to change the permission of my default user's home directory so I can reach there via the user I am using now. How can I change it,let "everybody can write, delete etc". I have root access.14:29
aanderseyou could type14:34
aandersesudo chmod +rwx /home/deniz_ogut14:34
aandersewhere "deniz_ogut" is your name14:34
deniz_ogutthanks a lot.14:35
aandersethat should give you read, write, and executable access14:35
aandersebut becareful14:35
deniz_ogutthat will give another user (one whivh i can reach) üthose rights. ok?14:35
aanderseanyone will be able to read and write to your home directory14:36
deniz_ogutok. that's fine. after sackup,i will make a clean install. thanks a lot.14:36
totalwormagehehehe 'sackup' i already was wondering what that would mean14:36
aandersewhy clean install?14:36
deniz_ogutbecause, this system is no more healty.14:37
deniz_ogut3rd Web upgrade and today its the end. i cant reach my default user after last update via graphical interface.14:37
deniz_ogutI cant login my default user but I can login another user.14:38
deniz_ogutI will backup and make a clean install.14:38
aandersewell that's probably easy to fix14:38
aanderseyou have root access or sudo access?14:38
deniz_ogutvia terminal.14:39
deniz_ogutwithout gui.14:39
aandersesudo OR root?14:39
aandersedo you type sudo command14:39
aanderseor do you type su14:39
deniz_ogutfor which reason?14:39
aandersewell i was thinking you could delete your "broken" account14:39
aandersethen create a new one14:40
deniz_oguti can reach a terminal with ctrl-altF...14:40
aanderse(if you've backed up all your stuff)14:40
deniz_ogutand can login as root as well.14:40
aanderseoh, ok14:40
aanderseso you can login14:40
aanderseit's just the graphical login that doesn't work?14:40
deniz_oguteven to gui,but as another user as the second one.14:40
deniz_oguti cant login as my default user.14:41
deniz_ogutsomething broken for that account.14:41
aandersewhat happens when you try to login as your user?14:41
aandersewhat does it do?14:41
deniz_ogutit suspends at the stage: auto start14:41
deniz_ogutauto start is running or something like that. (turkish locale)14:42
aanderseok, well my recommendation would be14:42
aanderseto backup all your home data14:42
deniz_ogutyes please?14:42
deniz_ogutyes iwill do this.14:42
aandersethen login terminal and type "ls -a"14:42
aandersethis will list all the files (including hidden files) in your home directory14:42
deniz_ogutas root or..?14:42
aanderseeither your user or root14:43
aandersehidden files start with a period (.)14:43
aandersefor example, .bash_history14:43
deniz_ogutı got it.14:43
deniz_ogutas .config.14:43
deniz_ogutand what do you recommend me to do?14:44
aanderseyes, exactly. i would then delete a few of the hidden directories -- this will destroy all your user preferences14:44
deniz_ogutwhich ones?14:44
aanderseso you should type the following14:44
aanderserm -R .gnome2 .gconf .gconf2 .config .local14:44
aanderseyou are running xubuntu, correct?14:44
deniz_ogutyes xubuntu 8.0414:45
aanderseok, i would try that before reinstalling the system14:45
deniz_ogutok, iwill delete them. Then?14:45
aandersethen try to login again14:45
deniz_ogutmaybe... you say! try.14:45
aandersethat may work, good luck :)14:46
deniz_ogutok. good idea. thanks a lot.14:46
aandersebut remember14:46
aanderseBACKUP YOUR DATA FIRST, please :)14:46
deniz_ogutfirst backup14:46
aanderseheh, yup14:46
deniz_ogutThanks a lot dear friend.14:46
aanderseno problem, come back here if it doesn't work and i'll try to help out a bit more14:46
deniz_ogutthank you very much. have a good day.14:46
aandersethanks, you too14:47
cody-somervillehi maxamillion15:02
aandersehey cody-somerville15:04
gnnarinhi, do you know a similar partition editor like qparted in xubuntu?15:40
WaxyFreshHi im running xubuntu and weas wondering if gdm has any reason for being running. shouldent that have been replaced by xfce-desktop or whatever it is?15:42
gnnarinnobody can help me?15:43
michaelrammgparted will work with any distribution15:44
michaelrammthere is a live cd for gparted that you can run15:44
gnnarinbut It's not present in synapti...c15:44
gnnarinis it possible?15:45
WaxyFreshalso i have some KDE apps running and im wondering what the heck they are:ksoftirqd/0 kacpi_notify khubd kjournald kondemand/0 kpsmoused.15:45
michaelrammyou cannot run it off the hard drive that you want to partition15:45
WaxyFreshgnnarin: type sudo apt-get install gparted15:45
gnnarinok thanks15:45
WaxyFreshfrom the command line,or follow the link michaelramm15:46
WaxyFreshgave you^15:46
michaelrammi only use the LiveCD...make it pretty easy15:46
utabhi there, I was trying to upgrade my system to 8.04, during the upgrade close to the end, I got some errors and the upgrade aborted, after that I made a restart guessing that system could have been broken, and yes now the system does not reboot, any ideas16:31
cody-somervilleutab, do you have a live cd you could use to get the log files?16:34
Jay_GI'm installing Xubuntu on an old laptop, uisng UNetbootin.  The laptop is a 750Mhz PIII with 128MB ram.  The install has been stalled on 'Configuring language-pack-en-base' for over 48 hours.  I've read there's a bug that causes an extreme slowdown when installing this module, and the slower the hardware the longer the install will be stalled at this point.  How long should I reasonably wait before restarting the installation?  Thanks.17:16
thinkmassive48 hours sounds a little excessive17:17
Jay_GThat's what I thought.  Thanks thinkmassive.17:18
cody-somervilleSounds like a bug :)17:27
TheSheepbug? in xubuntu? impossible!17:28
TheSheepcody-somerville: I have commited the theme I got, do you think it would be possible to set up a test drupal with it?17:29
carlos_nick holo17:29
=== carlos_ is now known as holo
DaveKongAnyone have problems connecting to a router with BCM4401 ethernet card(wired)?20:35
aanderse_you posted in the forums, right?20:38
=== effie is now known as effie_jayx
DaveKongyea I did20:51
DaveKongnot many people have looked at the post and no replies eyt20:51
squirkeyhello all.  I need a bit of help23:38
squirkeywith extracting a theme.  I am getting permission denied.23:38
squirkeywhen sending it to /usr/share/themes23:38
zoredacheyou cannot write to that folder as a regular user23:39
squirkeywhat is the root user password?23:39
thinkmassiveuse sudo23:39
zoredachethere is not root password23:39
thinkmassiveand your own password23:39
zoredacheyou sudo, or gksu if you are in the gui23:39
squirkeyanyway to do this with out using the command line23:39
zoredachehow are you trying to extract whatever you got?23:40
squirkeyin know the command to extract, but how do i pipe the output to the themes folder?23:41
squirkeyzoredache, I was right clicking on the file, going to extract to... and finding the folder I wanted to extract to.23:41
thinkmassivewhen you get comfortable with the command line you will be a lot more comfortable using linux23:42
zoredachepress alt-f2 and enter the command 'gksu file-roller'23:42
thinkmassivethat doesn't answer your question but it's the truth23:42
zoredacheonce that is open, open your archive then extract it23:43
squirkeythinkmassive, what are you getting at?  RTFM?23:43
zoredachesquirkey: or what is the command like that you think you would use?23:43
squirkeyzoredache, -tar zxf  filename  | folder pat23:44
thinkmassivewhat I'm getting at is that everything you do through the gui boils down to executing commands, so understanding the commands will allow you to accomplish what you want efficiently23:44
TheSheepsquirkey: pipes don't work with directories23:45
zoredachesquirkey: so the way I would do it from the command line is to first cd into /usr/share/themes23:45
zoredachethen do a sudo tar -xzf /home/whatever/desktop/filename.tar.gz .....23:45
squirkeyhang one....23:46
thinkmassivesudo tar zxf filename.tgz /usr/share/blah23:46
thinkmassiveno need to cd23:46

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