nixternal | apachelogger: is cmake 2.6 a tad bit faster to you? | 00:17 |
apachelogger | install of kdebase certainly is | 00:18 |
* yuriy tries synaptic again and wonders why people would want to use it over adept, lack of error handling and all | 00:18 | |
mhb | yuriy: they are used to it? | 00:19 |
nixternal | apt-get rules them all! | 00:19 |
apachelogger | <3 apt-get | 00:22 |
* jtechidna has to use a GUI whenever an update needs to install new packages | 00:22 | |
DreadKnight | shaman soon ftw i hope! xD | 00:25 |
DreadKnight | jtechidna: me too... stupid bug i guess | 00:25 |
seele | ScottK: what's this i hear about hillary talking about assasination during the campaign? | 00:52 |
seele | ScottK: all the media is talking mccain and obama.. hillary is no where to be found | 00:52 |
seele | ScottK: i guess this means you're voting for mccain, eh? | 00:52 |
nixternal | hope I got everything kdelibs :) | 01:04 |
nixternal | man, alot of new stuff | 01:04 |
yuriy | hi seele | 01:10 |
yuriy | i'm wondering about the package install progress display stuff | 01:11 |
mhb | yuriy: please don't make it any complex than a simple progress bar is | 01:11 |
mhb | yuriy: just installing... and a progress bar, that's all the user needs to know before he panics :o) | 01:12 |
nosrednaekim | the one in the apept is way too complicated. | 01:12 |
nosrednaekim | *adept | 01:12 |
yuriy | mhb: that's what i'd like to do... | 01:12 |
seele | yuriy: hallo | 01:13 |
yuriy | seele: remember the discussion and screenshots? did you get my answers to your questions? | 01:14 |
seele | yuriy: probably not, wasn't that a few days ago? | 01:14 |
yuriy | yeah | 01:14 |
seele | i probably don't have it in my buffer anymore either | 01:14 |
yuriy | < seele> yuriy: some of this may repeat what you discussed earlier | 01:15 |
yuriy | 04:19 < seele> yuriy: are there only two progress bars? | 01:15 |
yuriy | 04:19 < seele> yuriy: and can you cancel during reading package lists? | 01:15 |
yuriy | < yuriy> seele: on the download part there is one total download progress bar and another one above it that appears and disappears (yuck) per download. on the other 2 screens it's just the one progress bar in the center, but it resets a couple times | 01:15 |
yuriy | 12:20 < yuriy> seele: on the last stage (where you see "reading package lists" in the screenshots, that text changes) you can't cancel | 01:15 |
yuriy | 12:21 < yuriy> and tbh I don't know what the two buttons on the middle screen are supposed to be | 01:15 |
seele | yeah.. i would say they could be the same progress bar in the same location, but disabling or removing the cancel button during the reading package lists process would be weird | 01:16 |
seele | if reading package lists didn't take so long, i would say we could maybe just fake it and if someone clicks cancel, you just cancel once the reading is done | 01:17 |
seele | but it can take more than a few seconds | 01:17 |
yuriy | seele: that's the last step. it's just finishing up doing a little work, you can't cancel because everything is done | 01:18 |
yuriy | seele: my question is first of all, if there's one progress bar for everything, what's the verdict on not so great approximations? | 01:19 |
yuriy | or is it better to reset it for the different stages | 01:19 |
seele | i dont think approximations matter if there is obvious progress | 01:21 |
seele | for example, if it is a two stage installation process, even if the first stage takes longer than the second stage, i think it would be acceptable to have the first stage end at 50% | 01:21 |
seele | or whatever makes the most sense (i just picked 50%) | 01:22 |
seele | the important information would be how many packages out of total are complete.. that is more accurate than guessing something like time | 01:22 |
yuriy | seele: hmm, ok, i was thinking that too, but mornfall didn't agree. i'll ask him about it again when he's around | 01:22 |
seele | yuriy: i dont think it matters if it isnt accurate as long as it is reasonable | 01:23 |
seele | yuriy: so if you have 30 updates, maybe the first stage would be 1/31 instead of 1/2 | 01:23 |
yuriy | then the issue of other progress details | 01:23 |
yuriy | 14:54 < yuriy> well, what i was actually imagining is hiding things behind a translucent overlay with an overall progress bar,and a button to move the overlay out of the way which would send the progress bar to the bottom | 01:23 |
seele | but you would still only keep track of the number of packages, and provide 1/30 packages, 2/30 packages, etc | 01:23 |
seele | hmm.. i'm not sure what that means | 01:24 |
seele | you mean animating a layer that has more information when the user requests it? | 01:24 |
yuriy | sort of. display whatever details there are on screen at all times, but have a progressbar in the middle of the screen displaying the overall progress, and the background faded. then a button to animate the progress bar away | 01:27 |
yuriy | so kind of the reverse of what you said | 01:27 |
yuriy | seele: i started working on it, it would look something like this: | 01:28 |
seele | yuriy: i see three progress bars? or am i missing the point without animation? | 01:34 |
yuriy | seele: see how the bottom ones are greyed out? they are part of what I mean by "details" | 01:35 |
yuriy | cancel buttom would have to be moved of course | 01:36 |
yuriy | and that 0% should be something like 11% but it's not working yet | 01:36 |
seele | hmm | 01:40 |
yuriy | this is just an idea I had. very open to other ideas to improve on the jumping around progress | 01:40 |
ScottK | seele: Dunno. IIRC it's statistically extraordinarily improbably that Hillary could win and has been for some time. If she's starting to be ignored, I'm not suprised. She's not really news anymore. | 01:52 |
ScottK | I haven't heard anything about assassination. | 01:52 |
ScottK | Oh, wait. I did. | 01:52 |
ScottK | She just said something awkward and then the media made a mountain out of a molehill. | 01:53 |
* ScottK remembers now. | 01:53 | |
seele | yeah | 02:12 |
nixternal | jeesh, kdelibs still building | 02:27 |
jtechidna | damn, them ppa servers be sloooow | 02:31 |
nixternal | more like my laptop be sloooow :) | 02:31 |
jtechidna | ah, I see. ;) | 02:32 |
jtechidna | Sysinfo for 'jonathan-desktop': Linux 2.6.24-17-generic running KDE 3.5.9, CPU: Intel(R)Celeron(R)CPU2.50GHz at 2500 MHz (5004 bogomips), , RAM: 615/622MB, 125 proc's, 14.25h up | 02:32 |
jtechidna | lolwut, I'm running 4.0.4 | 02:32 |
nixternal | are you using konversation? | 02:32 |
jtechidna | Oh, but with KDE3 konversation.., | 02:32 |
nixternal | there you go | 02:33 |
jtechidna | If that's one app that I wish they'd hurry up and port, Konversation would be it | 02:33 |
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* vorian waves | 03:30 | |
* santiago-ve waves back | 03:36 | |
nixternal | | 04:22 |
nixternal | absolutely brilliant! | 04:22 |
Daskreech2 | The Buntu Family theater? | 04:26 |
Daskreech2 | lil Ed? | 04:26 |
Daskreech2 | Haha ha ha | 04:27 |
Daskreech2 | The little slovian boy? | 04:28 |
nixternal | that is classic stuff | 04:28 |
Daskreech2 | Yep the Riding Mousemascot to save garbage heaps | 04:30 |
Daskreech2 | You were descended from the great king Debian! | 04:30 |
Daskreech2 | Are we still maintaining a edubuntu-kde-desktop | 04:39 |
Daskreech2 | nixternal: | 04:52 |
Daskreech2 | nixternal: It was an albanian boy | 04:53 |
nixternal | Daskreech2: do me a favor, never post something that wastes 2 minutes of my life :) | 05:23 |
Daskreech2 | nixternal: It's the same voice as Kubuntu | 05:42 |
flaccid | when changing resolution by user in kcontrol/system settings. where does it save these settings to? ie. not xorg.conf, the user file - eg. user has diff resolution? | 05:57 |
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=== hunger_t is now known as hunger | ||
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hunger | Are those login themes part of kdm or is there some additional software needed to display them? | 13:46 |
nosrednaekim | !kdmtheme | 13:47 |
ubottu | To customize your !KDM theme, see - However, see for working around bug #132723 ( | 13:47 |
Riddell | hunger: I've not looked at what kde4 kdm can do | 13:49 |
hunger | nosrednaekim: Thanks for the links! | 13:49 |
hunger | Riddell: I'm currently looking at kde3. | 13:50 |
hunger | nosrednaekim: Unfortunately that page seems outdated. It refers to debs that no longer exist:-( | 13:51 |
hunger | Who does render the kdm theme? kdm itself or krootimage or what? | 13:55 |
\sh | kwwii: dude...friday on your mind...when are you coming to berlin? | 14:25 |
kwwii | \sh: I will be arriving thursday evening | 14:28 |
=== smarter_ is now known as smarter | ||
asac | anyone running kde 3: do you have /usr/share/wallpapers/kubuntu-wallpaper.jpg ? | 15:31 |
asac | or /usr/share/wallpapers/kubuntu-wallpaper.png | 15:32 |
asac | ? | 15:32 |
seele | .jpg | 15:32 |
Riddell | asac: in hardy it's /usr/share/wallpapers/kubuntu-wallpaper.jpg | 15:37 |
Riddell | previous releases had .png | 15:37 |
asac | Riddell: looking at 203615 | 15:38 |
asac | the function bails out if no background is used ... | 15:38 |
asac | err, no background is found | 15:38 |
Riddell | hmm, didn't I fix that? | 15:39 |
asac | not sure ... the bug is open, isn't it? ... in code it still returns | 15:39 |
asac | Riddell: idea was something like this: | 15:40 |
asac | if you say that this is not the problem, I will just go ahead :) | 15:40 |
asac | to the next bug | 15:40 |
asac | | 15:41 |
asac | Riddell: like that ^^ | 15:41 |
Riddell | asac: that seems sensible | 15:42 |
asac | good ... ill clean it up and test and attach debdiff and so on then | 15:42 |
nixternal | hrmm, I am having an issue with the stinking ppa uploading kdelibs | 15:51 |
nixternal | md5sum issue, which I don't get seeing as the version I am uploading is totally different than anything in the PPA | 15:51 |
Riddell | nixternal: which package? | 15:55 |
nixternal | kdelibs | 15:56 |
Riddell | nixternal: what version? to hardy? ~kubuntu-members-kde4 ? | 15:57 |
Riddell | kde4libs? | 15:57 |
nixternal | kde4libs_4.0.80-0ubuntu1~hardy1~ppa1 to ~kubuntu-members-kde4 | 15:58 |
nixternal | Riddell: also with kde4libs in Intrepid, I noticed 2 files weren't listed in the .install files | 16:00 |
nixternal | can't remember off hand which ones they were either...they weren't listed in not-installed either | 16:01 |
nixternal | Riddell, ScottK, Hobbsee, crimsun: you all should have received an email from me over this weekend concerning core-dev...any responses would be appreciated...thanks :) | 16:06 |
Riddell | nixternal: it's probably using the kde4libs .orig file from intrepid | 16:09 |
nixternal | I didn't grab the .dsc and stuff for intrepid to build this package | 16:10 |
Riddell | right, so maybe you should :) | 16:10 |
Riddell | at least the .orig | 16:10 |
nixternal | hrmm, good point | 16:10 |
* nixternal does that now | 16:10 | |
Riddell | core-dev, excellent, will reply soon | 16:10 |
nixternal | thank you sir | 16:11 |
bobesponja | nixternal: are there 4.1 beta packages for hardy on ppa? :) | 16:11 |
nixternal | working on that now, but no they aren't there yet | 16:12 |
nixternal | just now uploading kde4libs | 16:12 |
nixternal | kde4pimlibs and kde4base are next | 16:12 |
nixternal | kde4libs took a few hours to finalize yesterday, that's for sure | 16:12 |
bobesponja | nixternal: cool, thanks for the good work, I supposed it'll be announced on when it's ready | 16:13 |
Riddell | kdepimlibs and kdebase-runtime | 16:13 |
nixternal | bobesponja: there and my blog I am sure | 16:13 |
bobesponja | ok thanks | 16:13 |
nixternal | Riddell: by kde4base I mean kde4base* :) | 16:13 |
asac | Riddell: ok suggeted fix pushed to a bug branch and attached to that bug. further requested merging to oem-config trunk | 16:14 |
Riddell | asac: anything I need to do? | 16:15 |
=== bastian_ is now known as OculusAquilae | ||
nixternal | Riddell: groovy, kde4libs uploaded and building :) thanks! | 16:19 |
nixternal | didn't realize that the PPAs were that cranky with md5sums located in the Ubuntu repos | 16:19 |
OculusAquilae | hi | 16:20 |
nixternal | howdy OculusAquilae | 16:21 |
OculusAquilae | Are there KDE 4.1 beta1 packages coming? | 16:21 |
nixternal | OculusAquilae: working on them now | 16:22 |
asac | Riddell: not sure ;) maybe review the code i produced and ack that its sensible to have it in bug report | 16:22 |
asac | if you are sure its fine, merge my branch into trunk. | 16:23 |
asac | i didn't want to commit there as its not my realm :) | 16:23 |
OculusAquilae | cool | 16:23 |
OculusAquilae | What about LTSP. Is Kubuntu able to show up a window, when some media is inserted in the Thin Client in version 8.04. | 16:36 |
OculusAquilae | We have tested version 7.10 | 16:37 |
nixternal | OculusAquilae: don't know about KDE 4 and LTSP, I haven't tested it at all really | 16:39 |
nixternal | don't see why it wouldn't | 16:39 |
yuriy | OculusAquilae: and did it work with 7.10? | 16:39 |
OculusAquilae | nixternal: I think of KDE3 | 16:39 |
yuriy | there's this spec: | 16:39 |
nixternal | yuriy: ya, LTSP + Kubuntu works | 16:39 |
yuriy | might be good to start a wiki page for it with a checklist | 16:39 |
OculusAquilae | and this I know | 16:39 |
nixternal | we just need to port some of the gtk tools to qt | 16:39 |
nixternal | there was another issue with it, but I can't think of what it was | 16:40 |
OculusAquilae | LTSP work wonderful, sound usw | 16:40 |
OculusAquilae | local devices are mounted on /media/$USER, but they are not shown in dolphins device section | 16:41 |
nixternal | do they show up in Konqueror though? I can't remember | 16:41 |
OculusAquilae | I don't think so, the are only mounted, and in gnome, the gnomevfs does the showing :) | 16:42 |
OculusAquilae | it's not working with hal | 16:43 |
nixternal | ahh, ya that's right | 16:43 |
OculusAquilae | I really havn't tested 8.04, so I don't know if it's better now | 16:43 |
OculusAquilae | I am working on a test system for a 15 thin client system in a school | 16:44 |
=== asac_ is now known as asac | ||
yuriy | mornfall: ping | 16:57 |
nosrednaekim | nixternal: yay! go nixternal! | 17:18 |
* jpds wonders what nosrednaekim's cheering about | 17:25 | |
mornfall | yuriy: Pong. | 17:25 |
nosrednaekim | jpds: 4.1 packages :) | 17:26 |
jpds | nosrednaekim: oh, right. | 17:30 |
OculusAquilae | nosrednaekim: where? | 17:31 |
nosrednaekim | nixternal is workin on them | 17:31 |
OculusAquilae | ah | 17:32 |
Riddell | so.. Kubuntu Tutorials Day anyone? | 17:34 |
* Riddell eyes up nixternal | 17:34 | |
* Riddell looks at seele | 17:35 | |
yuriy | mornfall: 18:30 < yuriy> mornfall: hi. feature idea: hilight (in something other than the selection color) the next item in the sidebar th | 17:43 |
yuriy | at the user will likely want. i.e. when the actionlist is not empty, hilight preview | 17:43 |
yuriy | s/th\nat/that | 17:43 |
mornfall | yuriy: Right, I have considered that. | 17:44 |
mornfall | I am currently not quite sure about the sidebar visual changes you have made though. | 17:44 |
mornfall | With my color scheme it looks rather worse than it used to (I use the default yellowish one). | 17:45 |
yuriy | then also I was thinking of how to keep history when browsing dependencies in the detail view (once we have those...). I don't remember if we've discussed this already, but how about a breadcrumb? | 17:45 |
yuriy | mornfall: i didn't change colors. I only took away the frame and made rounded corners | 17:46 |
mornfall | Yes, what I mean is that with my color scheme it looks odd at best now. | 17:46 |
yuriy | hmm | 17:47 |
yuriy | well, you don't have to use that i guess. i thought it looked a little better | 17:47 |
mornfall | It might if the color of selection would match whatever is to the right of sidebar, I guess. | 17:47 |
mornfall | Which is not the case though. | 17:48 |
mornfall | (That's how it's done in kickoff IIRC.) | 17:48 |
yuriy | yes, it is. I wasn't sure about doing that, i actually don't like how there's not enough contrast that way | 17:49 |
yuriy | right now both the sidebar and the window use pretty much the same color (at least with the default oxygen color scheme) so that wouldn't work at all | 17:49 |
* txwikinger amazed how troubleless the kubuntu hardy upgrade on his laptop worked | 17:51 | |
yuriy | mornfall: default yellowish == honeycomb? | 17:54 |
yuriy | mornfall: i see how it looks a little odd, without the frame i guess | 17:54 |
nosrednaekim | txwikinger: yeah.... hardy was a smooooth upgrade | 17:59 |
mornfall | brb (trying suspend to encrypted swap...) | 17:59 |
txwikinger | nosrednaekim: Yeah.. very good work everybody !!! | 18:00 |
nosrednaekim | nixternal: hehehe.... got a build system notification ^_^ | 18:01 |
mornfall | yuriy: Yes, probably honeycomb. | 18:03 |
mornfall | (Resume didn't quite work... decrypted swap, hasn't found the resume image... uswsusp gotta be borked.) | 18:03 |
nixternal | nosrednaekim: silly kspell_aspell stuff in .install packages | 18:11 |
nixternal | uploading fix now | 18:11 |
nosrednaekim | nixternal: are they installing to /opt? | 18:13 |
yuriy | mornfall: so what about a breadcrumb for details view history? | 18:13 |
yuriy | history would only be kept when looking at details for other packages through the package relationships view and cleared when selecting another package in the search view | 18:14 |
mornfall | yuriy: -ENOTIME : - ) | 18:14 |
mornfall | brb (uswsusp debugging....) | 18:17 |
nixternal | nosrednaekim: installing to the same place they always have for Hardy | 18:31 |
nosrednaekim | so they will over write 4.0.4? | 18:32 |
nosrednaekim | !neon | 18:51 |
ubottu | Factoid neon not found | 18:51 |
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_away | ||
nixternal | | 19:08 |
nixternal | how does that look? | 19:08 |
Riddell | whoa | 19:08 |
nixternal | while packages are building, I thought about redoing our wiki pages | 19:09 |
nosrednaekim | great.... course I don't know anything about wiki pages and how they SHOULD look :P | 19:09 |
nixternal | I gently lifted the idea from the Xubuntu page :) | 19:09 |
nixternal | I think the main body of the front page though I will change | 19:09 |
awen_ | nixternal: cool ... looks very organized | 19:09 |
mhb | evening guys | 19:13 |
mhb | how much would you hate me if I said perhaps this late packaging sometimes has a negative effect on Kubuntu? :o) | 19:14 |
mhb | what I admire is that SUSErs always have that Live CD ready | 19:14 |
mhb | then again, I do want to replace you all with programs, so disregard me. | 19:15 |
Tm_T | mmmmgh, I need to learn launchpad and bzr, any good readings? | 19:15 |
mhb | Tm_T: all I needed w.r.t. bzr was the beginners guide on | 19:15 |
Tm_T | hmmm | 19:16 |
Tm_T | lemmesee | 19:16 |
awen_ | ScottK: be sure to ping me if you have any comments about that i need to fix! | 19:18 |
Riddell | mhb: it is a notable issue | 19:19 |
Riddell | it's very frustrating being blocked on main inclusion stuff | 19:19 |
awen_ | Tm_T: if you have used svn (or the like) and aren't afraid of playing around you'll lear bzr prette quick :) | 19:19 |
Tm_T | awen_: heh, svn is familiar, thanks :) | 19:21 |
mhb | Riddell: ah, right. That again. | 19:30 |
Riddell | mhb: (and also we've been at a conference last week, plus suse have someone working full time on packaging) | 19:30 |
mhb | we also do have one! | 19:30 |
Riddell | yeah but nixternal has classes sometimes :) | 19:31 |
yuriy | nixternal: nice job on the wiki. though the top menu could be improved (I like the look of our LoCo one) and the front page needs some text | 19:33 |
yuriy | and the join us line should have kubuntu logos instead of ubuntu | 19:33 |
nixternal | Riddell: no more classes for me, at least for a little while :) | 19:34 |
mhb | Riddell: no more absinth for you until we all have our packages! | 19:34 |
nixternal | ahh, just got what you said there Riddell :) | 19:34 |
mhb | nosrednaekim: so you are a punk guy? :o) | 19:38 |
nosrednaekim | mhb: haha... nope | 19:53 |
nosrednaekim | mhb: I just did that to freak people out :P | 19:53 |
mhb | I assumed so. | 19:54 |
bdgraue | nixternal: the team want to make an announcment right in time, together with for the kde 4.1 beta release. i have a few questions about it. who is the right person to speak with? | 19:57 |
Riddell | bdgraue: nixternal | 19:58 |
Riddell | but no time yet | 19:58 |
bdgraue | ok, i'll wait | 19:59 |
Riddell | bdgraue: it'll be a day or two at least | 20:00 |
bdgraue | Riddell: one of my questions is, which theme we will will use, so i can make some screenshots for the announcement, would be nice to tell someone from at least a few hours before the announcement at | 20:02 |
nixternal | ozone | 20:02 |
=== smarter_ is now known as smarter | ||
bdgraue | nixternal: thx | 20:02 |
smarter | I still don't understand why they forked oxygen | 20:03 |
nixternal | smarter: oxygen + color schemes was the main reason, but ya I don't understand forking and not fixing | 20:03 |
Riddell | bdgraue: just the defaults for now | 20:05 |
Riddell | which seems to be ozone with blue window borders | 20:05 |
Riddell | I believe it's back to matching borders in trunk now, which is better | 20:05 |
nosrednaekim | smarter: becuase the oxygen people disn't want to change it... | 20:05 |
bdgraue | so i'll make some screenshots from trunk default with the 3 lines in the decoration, this is the right one? | 20:06 |
Riddell | hello | 20:06 |
Riddell | i love cats | 20:07 |
nosrednaekim | Riddell: I'd ask for them to ban you as a troll if you didn't have that all-powerful nick :P | 20:08 |
seele | Riddell: who do we send expenses to? Claire or Jorge? | 20:44 |
seele | or you? | 20:44 |
seele | Riddell: and cats suck | 20:44 |
jpds | seele: (by what I was told: Claire) | 20:56 |
seele | jpds: thanks | 20:56 |
=== rdieter_away is now known as rdieter | ||
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Riddell | seele: claire | 21:23 |
seele | Riddell: rgr | 21:24 |
Tm_T | kids kids | 21:24 |
* seele coughs | 21:25 | |
seele | i picked up the uds bug :P | 21:25 |
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Riddell | rdieter_away: don't forget! :) | 21:27 |
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nosrednaekim | mhb: heck yeah you have a volunteer :P | 23:04 |
nixternal | Riddell: should akonadi-kde be installed to /usr/lib/kde4/share/apps/ or /usr/lib/kde4/share/kde4/apps/ ? | 23:23 |
nixternal | akonadi-kde's CMakeLists.txt file has it going to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/apps/akonadi-kde ...and if it needs to go into ....kde4/share/kde4/apps, then I need to patch that | 23:24 |
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