_myrtille_ | yeah :D | 00:00 |
_myrtille_ | but i doubt i'll be of much help :p | 00:00 |
sigma_1234 | anyone running koffice2 here? | 00:01 |
trait | no, sry | 00:01 |
trait | another question: | 00:01 |
trait | i tried to fix a alsa-bug, like listed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/192382 but after this i have no sound anymore. can anybody tell me how to get the standart kernel with standart vonfiguration? | 00:01 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 192382 in alsa-driver "alsamixer broken in hardy - intel hda" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 00:01 |
stakh | hello, I've just installed kubuntu 8.04, and I would like to add additional users, but system settings does not show any option to that effect... What's wrong and what should I do? | 00:04 |
aidan_ | how do I make a friggin shortcut to a folder?? | 00:05 |
aclowe|work | stakh: no User Management? | 00:05 |
stakh | aclowe|work, it looks like that, User Management does not show up | 00:06 |
aclowe|work | oh, am using kde3 on 7.10 at work at the moment - at home kde4 - so probably not much help | 00:06 |
aclowe|work | but is it under "Advanced"? | 00:06 |
stakh | aclowe|work, tried also advanced, and I see no user management either :( | 00:07 |
aclowe|work | oh, you could try the command line if you need, but there should be something there - maybe someone else running 8.04 can help out | 00:07 |
stakh | it's crazy, since it's such a basic thing... do you have a pointer to the command line instructions? I'm new to kubuntu | 00:08 |
DreadKnight | aidan_: it's called a "link" | 00:12 |
aidan_ | yeah | 00:13 |
aidan_ | ln is king | 00:13 |
Gibus_ | Hi everyone! | 00:14 |
shane2peru | why does kftpgrabber disconnect from my web site, when I want to upload things? | 00:15 |
Gibus_ | I connect manually to the Internet (wpa_supplicant and then dhclient in a konsole), and my kubuntu 8.04 is not aware that I'm connected, so for instance firefox starts in offline mode... is there any solution ? thanks in advance | 00:15 |
=== tburdick is now known as bfrog | ||
_myrtille_ | how can i change timesettings via the commandline? | 00:20 |
walter | hello | 00:25 |
dbglt | walter: hi | 00:25 |
walter__ | hello | 00:26 |
walter__ | u ready? | 00:27 |
=== walter is now known as Vava | ||
walter__ | dbglt: hello my friend | 00:27 |
Vava | vai caga | 00:27 |
Vava | hAEUhaeu | 00:27 |
walter__ | hahaha | 00:27 |
=== walter__ is now known as FOcKu | ||
FOcKu | chupa minhas bola | 00:28 |
FOcKu | viado | 00:28 |
FOcKu | _!_ | 00:28 |
FOcKu | hey mothafucker | 00:28 |
FOcKu | suck my dick | 00:28 |
FOcKu | brazil pwn's u. | 00:28 |
deamon3 | i have install ubuntu 8.04 and i change to KDE kubuntu-desktop but the themes dont work ????¿¿ | 00:29 |
FOcKu | yes | 00:29 |
FOcKu | u need change the directory for its work | 00:29 |
_myrtille_ | !op | 00:30 |
ubottu | Help! Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild or jussi01! | 00:30 |
deamon3 | huh ?¿ | 00:30 |
FOcKu | u need change the KDE again do default desktop | 00:30 |
Gibus_ | Ok I think I need a way to tell knetwork manager that my computer is indeed connected, is there a way to force it ? | 00:31 |
FOcKu | no. | 00:31 |
deamon3 | how ?¿ | 00:32 |
MachinTrucChose | hi | 00:32 |
MachinTrucChose | can I have two different people using Firefox with two sets of extensions (depending on which user is logged in)? Or would I need to install a second Firefox? | 00:33 |
FOcKu | i can use the firefox | 00:33 |
FOcKu | but | 00:33 |
FOcKu | u need use proxy for it | 00:33 |
FOcKu | maybe... | 00:34 |
DarkriftX | MachinTrucChose, no | 00:35 |
MachinTrucChose | focku: Edit > Preferences > Advanced > Network > proxy | 00:35 |
asobi | how can i automount an external. editing fstab did not work | 00:35 |
chev_chelios | howto get compiz towork? | 00:35 |
DarkriftX | at work we share computers, and i can have my own extensions | 00:35 |
DarkriftX | if someone else logs in, they dont have my extensions | 00:35 |
DarkriftX | same install though | 00:35 |
DarkriftX | the extensions should be installed in your home folder, which other users cannot see | 00:35 |
FOcKu | MachinTrucChose: yes. | 00:35 |
MachinTrucChose | DarkriftX: awesome...I guess I should have tried it before asking here, but it's good to know. Thanks. | 00:35 |
MachinTrucChose | DarkriftX: is that where FF installs them by default? | 00:35 |
DarkriftX | nah, asking is a good idea, saves hedache | 00:36 |
DarkriftX | i believe so | 00:36 |
DarkriftX | but, if you install the extesnion as root, it MIGHT be global, not sure on that | 00:36 |
DarkriftX | solution, dont use root :) | 00:36 |
FOcKu | yah | 00:36 |
FOcKu | for sure | 00:36 |
chev_chelios | i want to use compiz on kde in kubuntu, how do i set it up? | 00:37 |
BluesKaj | chev_chelios, that's a pretty genaral type question , but you might be better served if you asked it in #compiz-fusion, like we suggested earlier in the day. | 00:37 |
chev_chelios | BluesKaj: thank you | 00:37 |
coreymon77 | DarkriftX: you shouldnt be using root anyways unless it is absolutely necessary | 00:37 |
FOcKu | anyone know how i can work up whit Ultima Online? | 00:38 |
MachinTrucChose | I'll make sure I'm not root | 00:38 |
MachinTrucChose | but it's good to know, in case I want an extension to be global | 00:38 |
MachinTrucChose | eg, Adblock, Iwant everyone to have it | 00:38 |
MachinTrucChose | but Gestures, NoScript, etc, I think would piss off the other users ;) | 00:38 |
MachinTrucChose | chev: System > Desktop Effects | 00:38 |
NickPresta | !enter | MachinTrucChose | 00:38 |
ubottu | MachinTrucChose: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 00:38 |
MachinTrucChose | allright, allright | 00:38 |
yotsu | Is there a kubuntu specifig repo? I downloaded the KDE4 on the add/remove and I think I have the older version of KDE | 00:39 |
NickPresta | yotsu, http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php | 00:39 |
Jucato | FOcKu: please change your nick and watch your langauage | 00:40 |
BluesKaj | yotsu , check the login menu , you can choose which kde version there , if you've installed kde4 | 00:40 |
MachinTrucChose | is there a KDE GUI-based backup job other than Keep? It has no documentation and has not been updated in several years. | 00:41 |
FOcKu | vava viado | 00:41 |
yotsu | also why does firefox and other gnome app look terrible in KDE4? | 00:42 |
Jucato | yotsu: please ask in #kubuntu-kde4 | 00:42 |
BluesKaj | cuz they're gnome apps and not kde | 00:42 |
Jucato | there's a gtk-qt-engine for that | 00:43 |
bascule | mv bascule /dev/bed | 00:43 |
Jucato | FOcKu: last warning. change your nick to something decent | 00:45 |
Gibus_ | it seems I am not the only one with that problem with knetworkmanager (that wouldnt detect my actually working connection)... is there a #knetwork or something ? I can't find any. | 00:45 |
MachinTrucChose | Gibus: is your problem with wireless? | 00:45 |
asobi | how can i automount an external? editing fstab did not work | 00:45 |
Vava | FOcKu: CHUPA A MINHA PICAAAA | 00:45 |
deamon3 | i install ubuntu 8.10 and run in the console SUDO APT-GET INSTALL KUBUNTU-DESKTOP and the THEME nooo have installll | 00:46 |
MachinTrucChose | deamon3: at the login screen (with the username and password when yo upower up the computer), click the session bar and select KDE | 00:46 |
Gibus_ | MachinTrucChose: my wireless connection works, but knetwork doesnt detect it, so some programs complain | 00:46 |
coreymon77 | Gibus_: how do you know your wireless connection works? | 00:47 |
coreymon77 | Gibus_: have you tried using the iwconfig method | 00:47 |
coreymon77 | ? | 00:47 |
Gibus_ | because I am chatting now on this channel, coreymon77 : ) | 00:47 |
coreymon77 | Gibus_: knetworkmanager is a piece of poop | 00:47 |
Gibus_ | no, but I am so happy that my connection works, I don't want to change anything in fact | 00:47 |
coreymon77 | Gibus_: dont use it | 00:47 |
MachinTrucChose | Gibus: try Wicd | 00:48 |
Gibus_ | yeah but amarok says it can't connect to the Internet, firefox starts in offline mode, etc coreymon77 | 00:48 |
MachinTrucChose | Gibus: thanks for the tip, I never knew about iwconfig | 00:48 |
MachinTrucChose | err, I meant coreymon | 00:49 |
Gibus_ | wait a minute, if I don't use knetwork manager, like if I quit it, then my programs won't complain anymore ? | 00:49 |
Vava | fuck you | 00:49 |
Gibus_ | oh yes | 00:50 |
NickPresta | sigh. Jucato it seems someone is grumpy | 00:50 |
MachinTrucChose | someone boot Vava already | 00:50 |
Gibus_ | greeaaat ! I am stupid not to have tried that.... sorry for the time ! | 00:50 |
NickPresta | :) | 00:50 |
aclowe|work | stakh: sorry had and emergency... command line user add - try sudo adduser username | 00:51 |
bender | Есть рус? | 00:51 |
bender | Значит нет | 00:52 |
BluesKaj | !ru | bender | 00:52 |
ubottu | bender: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 00:52 |
=== luis_ is now known as tigremx | ||
bender | ё | 00:53 |
asobi | how can i automount an external? editing fstab did not work | 00:55 |
Gibus_ | asobi: an external drive ? It should automount without you touching to fstab | 00:56 |
Gibus_ | it does nothing when you plug it in with a recent kubuntu ? | 00:56 |
bender | уйду я от вас злые вы | 00:56 |
asobi | it's odd. one of my external automounts. the other does not | 00:56 |
asobi | i can manually mount it | 00:57 |
asobi | but it's annoying | 00:57 |
BluesKaj | bender: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 00:57 |
Bslashingu | Can somebody that's gotten Nvidia drivers to work with Kubuntu 8.04 KDE4 edition help me out? | 00:57 |
MachinTrucChose | Bslashingu: I have an Nvidia cards, everything worked out of the box. What problems are you having? | 00:58 |
rav | I'm connected to a wireless hotspot with WEP. I can ping, download updates, but I can't surf the web. What's going on? | 00:58 |
jordoex | anyone know when to expect kde4.1 beta packages? | 01:00 |
NickPresta | Bslashingu, if you're having a problem with KDE4, ask in #kubuntu-kde4. They can help you better | 01:00 |
Bslashingu | The drivers download through Adept, but when I activate them, and reboot, the screen is black and I can't do anything at all. I've tried CTRL ALT F1, and the prompt doesn't show up | 01:01 |
NickPresta | jordoex, when they're ready? ;) | 01:01 |
Bslashingu | alright, cool, Nick | 01:01 |
asobi | if i switch usb ports, it automounts @_@ | 01:02 |
=== brad_ is now known as some_dude | ||
Gibus_ | Bslashingu: try ctrl alt f5 or f6 or f7 for a prompt | 01:03 |
Gibus_ | (though I agree it doesnt solve your problem : ) | 01:04 |
venik | why does Kubuntu lose sight of my USB mouse and keyboard each time I reboot? | 01:08 |
=== jimmy__ is now known as jsolis | ||
bfrog | good free awesome linux games that don't necessarily require 3d? suggestions? | 01:09 |
bfrog | openttd is dead to me, I played that game sooooo many times already for like a decade | 01:09 |
bfrog | same with civ... | 01:10 |
nosrednaekim | bfrog: bzflag can actually work in really low quality mode with only 2d accel | 01:10 |
bfrog | well I have 3d | 01:10 |
bfrog | I'll check that out | 01:10 |
bfrog | I think I tried once before but didn't really understand it | 01:10 |
bfrog | when is kde4 going to have a non-black theme to it is what I keep wondering | 01:11 |
bfrog | the black is ok and all... but it'd be nice for some artists to make some other cool themes | 01:11 |
bfrog | I saw the opensuse kde4 setup, looked pretty nice | 01:11 |
nosrednaekim | bfrog: they are.. :) | 01:11 |
venik | I am running KDE4, if that makes any difference | 01:12 |
bfrog | I built it last week right after the feature freeze | 01:12 |
bfrog | it definitely was more feature complete than 4.0.x | 01:12 |
venik | is tehre any command I can run from the Konsole to reacquint Kubuntu with my mouse/keyboard? | 01:12 |
venik | re-acquanit | 01:13 |
venik | re-acquaint | 01:13 |
bfrog | looks wise, the widgets are nice I think, the default black/transparent border theme seems very programmer-art | 01:13 |
bfrog | honestly the apps keep looking more and more amazing everytime I check em out though | 01:13 |
nosrednaekim | venik: what do you mean? | 01:15 |
venik | each time I reboot, I can not use my keyboard and mouse (both are USB) | 01:15 |
nosrednaekim | and what do you do to make it see them again? | 01:15 |
venik | I am not sure what makes them come back-- right now I am using a pst keyboard | 01:16 |
venik | ps2 | 01:16 |
nosrednaekim | venik: ah, I see | 01:16 |
venik | when I try to run the system settings, and click on MOUSE-KEYBOARD, the program never opens | 01:16 |
venik | the cursor just keeps hopping | 01:17 |
venik | I suspect that this has to do with the bleeding edge KDE4, but I am not sure | 01:19 |
deamon3 | hey i have install GNOME AND KDE but i only want KDE how can i delete GNOME ?¿ | 01:20 |
NickPresta | !purekde | deamon3 | 01:20 |
ubottu | deamon3: purekde is If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE » | 01:20 |
venik | so there is no help for this USB issue here, or on the UBUNTU forum... | 01:21 |
deamon3 | lolz | 01:23 |
Eaude | why does my firefox look bad in kde4? am I missin somethin here? | 01:23 |
deamon3 | well i think in change to freebsd :P | 01:24 |
Eaude | how to i get the grk-qt to work is KDE4? | 01:31 |
NickPresta | Eaude, ask in #kubuntu-kde4 | 01:31 |
=== deamon3 is now known as deamon | ||
afeijo | hi group | 01:39 |
afeijo | how can I access this machine via telnet by other one? | 01:39 |
NekosolTeraDyne | Telnet is insecrue, IIRC. It's better to use SSH. | 01:40 |
NekosolTeraDyne | !ssh | 01:40 |
ubottu | SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ | 01:40 |
afeijo | thanks NekosolTeraDyne | 01:41 |
=== deamon is now known as den | ||
=== den is now known as deamon3 | ||
K4k-laptop | Ok, so I'm having some problems with my bottom panel being non-existant, can someone help me out | 01:58 |
K4k-laptop | I didn't change anything, but for some reason, it's just not there after I rebooted | 01:58 |
K4k-laptop | anyone? anyone? Buehler? | 02:00 |
afeijo | ok, ssh-server installed. I need to grant access to my office ip? | 02:00 |
K4k-laptop | I opened up kcontrol, but it says it should be there, but the panel is not | 02:02 |
=== hagabaka` is now known as hagabaka | ||
=== ubuntu is now known as betus | ||
betus | !es | 02:25 |
ubottu | Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda. | 02:25 |
afeijo | quiet here tonight | 02:34 |
=== exp_ is now known as _exp_ | ||
Makuseru | Can someone recomend a good CD burning program besides K3B? | 02:38 |
afeijo | Makuseru: whats wrong with k3b? | 02:46 |
Makuseru | afeijo: it wont burn a cd propperly | 02:46 |
afeijo | it does to me. Did you installed it extras? | 02:48 |
Steve-cal | Are there any other good alternatives for managing a wireless connection other than the knetworkmanager? I'm not too impressed with it at this point. | 02:48 |
draik | Hello all | 03:03 |
draik | I FTP'd my server and uploaded an image | 03:03 |
draik | When I try to access it, I get 403 and 404 | 03:03 |
draik | Why would this be? | 03:03 |
shane2peru | strigi has been doing some major cpu hogging, should I kill it? | 03:11 |
shane2peru | will it index automatically if I stop indexing? | 03:12 |
BluesKaj | konq locate:app works for me :) ..strigi is a clunker | 03:15 |
shane2peru | BluesKaj: yeah, I see, I set it to index, and it has indexed all day, and still running at 100% cpu lol | 03:15 |
shane2peru | BluesKaj: why did kde get away from beagle? | 03:16 |
rootsnatch | because they made strigi | 03:16 |
rootsnatch | is strigi any good? | 03:16 |
BluesKaj | shane2peru, i must confess like some other new things on kubuntu lately strigi and kde4 have me confused . | 03:16 |
shane2peru | rootsnatch: I have yet to use it, just set it to index, it isn' t nice | 03:16 |
rootsnatch | when does kde 4.1 come out | 03:17 |
shane2peru | rootsnatch: there isn' t a release date as of yet, I don't think, you can check kde.org or google kde 4.1 release | 03:18 |
rootsnatch | when 4.1 comes out I am upgrading to 4 | 03:18 |
shane2peru | rootsnatch: yeah, I tried 4, and it is ok, but not ready for daily usage | 03:20 |
rootsnatch | yep and I need it to be stable | 03:21 |
shane2peru | rootsnatch: with ya there. :) | 03:21 |
=== dude is now known as superhgg | ||
navetz | does anyone know why frostwire wont work with hardy, how to fix it, or if there are any alternatives? | 03:39 |
Daisuke-Laptop | navetz: bittorrent is always the alternative. | 03:45 |
navetz | Daisuke-Laptop: humm ok, I didn't really wanna do torrents for single songs | 03:46 |
Daisuke-Laptop | well the alternative to that is don't pirate music. | 03:47 |
navetz | Daisuke-Laptop: I suppose bittorrent is a good way to go when you don't wanna pirate things. | 03:48 |
Daisuke-Laptop | there are legal uses for both frostwire and bittorrent, you just demonstrated that you're using them for illegal purposes - i don't think you'll get much more help on this | 03:49 |
=== ArcticNekoTeraDy is now known as NekosolTeraDyne | ||
superhgg | i just installed kubuntu hardy... but adept is showing only the installed packages.. how do i make it show all the available packages? | 04:15 |
izzyb__ | There seems to be a problem with the xen packages for hardy. is there a workaround? | 04:15 |
izzyb__ | I'm getting unmet dependency issues | 04:16 |
asobi | anyone has a maxtor external that can automount? | 04:30 |
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deejaypip | So I was wondering how one changes the default open path of applications? My text files now open under Totem by default... | 04:34 |
mr | deejaypip :system settings>default applications | 04:39 |
deejaypip | thanks mr | 04:39 |
mr | yw | 04:40 |
=== jimmy__ is now known as jsolis | ||
rav | hello. is it possible to run i386 programs on AMD64? | 05:16 |
power2theplankto | hello | 05:19 |
asobi | mount point is already occupied. how do i fix this? | 05:23 |
ryan`c | I'm trying to use kbiff on kubuntu 8.04, but it doesn't show up in the tray, anybody know how to get it to work? | 05:23 |
sgraham | hey guys | 05:24 |
sgraham | just got my new inspiron 1420 today. ubuntu preinstalled | 05:25 |
sgraham | i want to run kubuntu on it but im having video problems...kinda werid.. | 05:25 |
sgraham | anybody home? | 05:30 |
Odd-rationale | no | 05:30 |
sgraham | damn. | 05:30 |
sgraham | thats too bad | 05:30 |
Odd-rationale | that card is it? intel or nvidia? | 05:31 |
Odd-rationale | s/that/what | 05:31 |
sgraham | so anybody have an idea why i cant adjust the the video in kubuntu when gnome seems...oh its nvidia | 05:31 |
sgraham | ummm | 05:31 |
sgraham | hold on ill get more details here | 05:31 |
asobi | !cmds | 05:32 |
ubottu | Factoid cmds not found | 05:32 |
asobi | !commands | 05:32 |
ubottu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 05:32 |
Odd-rationale | sgraham: so the resolution in kde is lower than in gnome? | 05:33 |
sgraham | ya | 05:33 |
sgraham | alot | 05:33 |
sgraham | and its streached | 05:33 |
sgraham | and just generally looks crappy | 05:33 |
Odd-rationale | sgraham: can you change it in kcontrol --> display ? | 05:34 |
sgraham | wich is werid because im use to debian systems..and its always the other way around with them..heheh honestly im use to configureing this via the conf files..but im afraid to do anything like that with this distro. | 05:34 |
sgraham | actually thats the problem | 05:34 |
sgraham | i can set it to whatever i want but it just doesnt change a thing | 05:34 |
sgraham | it gives me that 15 second test display page..but it literally does nothing..its exactly the same res as before. | 05:35 |
sgraham | and yes i do use the administrator mode first | 05:35 |
Odd-rationale | you should be able to handle config files very similarly to in debian | 05:35 |
sgraham | well first thing i did was set a root user password...that didnt go over well at all..broke the last buntu system i was working on...so.. | 05:36 |
Odd-rationale | !root | 05:36 |
ubottu | Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 05:36 |
sgraham | yaya..i got that figured out so far | 05:37 |
Odd-rationale | you should not need to activate the root account. | 05:37 |
sgraham | also there is sudo -s | 05:37 |
sgraham | just use to using it when i need to. | 05:37 |
Odd-rationale | sgraham: or sudo -i | 05:37 |
sgraham | right | 05:37 |
sgraham | but ummm well i guess wha ti shoud do is reload gnome..look at settings it has for the video card and try to duplicate it in kde..brb. | 05:38 |
sgraham | ya sooo this is making me crazy | 05:48 |
sgraham | ive tried setting everything exactly the same way as on the gnome side | 05:48 |
sgraham | but...well i still get the same thing.. | 05:51 |
flaccid | sgraham: what problem do you have left? | 05:51 |
sgraham | the screen is low resolution. | 05:51 |
dfrey | Is there an easy way to build .debs from beta nvidia driver releases? | 05:51 |
sgraham | only in kde though | 05:51 |
sgraham | 1024X768 | 05:52 |
sgraham | its a wide screen though and if i change anything in the monitor-display settings dialog box. it literally does nothing. | 05:52 |
flaccid | kde version? | 05:52 |
sgraham | it should be 1400X900 i think.. | 05:52 |
sgraham | umm hold on ill get that | 05:53 |
sgraham | 3.5.8 | 05:53 |
flaccid | kubuntu version? | 05:53 |
sgraham | 7.1.0 | 05:53 |
sgraham | 7.10 i believe | 05:53 |
sgraham | gutsy gibbon.. | 05:53 |
sgraham | came preinstalled on this dell 1420 | 05:54 |
sgraham | ubuntu anyway. | 05:54 |
flaccid | need to find where the kde display settings file is, i can't remember where it is.. | 05:54 |
sgraham | gnome works fine on this by the way. but i installed the kubuntu desktop and it flat out acts werid. | 05:55 |
flaccid | check /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 05:55 |
sgraham | now..something that may be of consequence, i was running gnome with and extended monitor and even gnome was running in low resolution at that time (because of the other monitor) | 05:57 |
sgraham | ok looking at the logs. | 05:57 |
flaccid | sgraham: need to find this file, but i can't remember name of it. if you create a new test user, is the resolution fine when you log in with that? | 05:57 |
sgraham | good point ill give that a shot | 05:58 |
shawng | ya, that didnt work..its still wide fat and low resolution | 06:01 |
shawng | even with the new user | 06:02 |
shawng | god its werid that this would be a problem | 06:02 |
shawng | and with this user i cant enter adminstrator mode....probably need to add myself to a few groups of some sort | 06:03 |
shawng | hmmm | 06:03 |
flaccid | right if its like that with new user then its not the user pref file. check logs. about all i can think of. run krandrtray and see if you can change resolution. please pastebin xrandr -q | 06:03 |
shawng | its looking more and more like im gonna scrap this and bo back to debian etch | 06:03 |
flaccid | shawng: nah thats a bug. more common in feisty and gutsy | 06:03 |
flaccid | well i would suggest hardy myself. | 06:04 |
shawng | your kidding me? | 06:04 |
flaccid | no. | 06:04 |
flaccid | we don't even know the problem yet shawng.. | 06:04 |
shawng | ok let me get back to the other user firse..brb | 06:05 |
sgraham | ok back | 06:06 |
sgraham | so, here is what the resolution is now. | 06:06 |
flaccid | [15:03] <flaccid> right if its like that with new user then its not the user pref file. check logs. about all i can think of. run krandrtray and see if you can change resolution. please pastebin xrandr -q | 06:06 |
sgraham | 1024X768, and this screen is a wide one. | 06:06 |
flaccid | also advise your video driver | 06:06 |
sgraham | nvidia | 06:06 |
sgraham | on the driver | 06:07 |
sgraham | prefered pastbin is? | 06:07 |
sgraham | i found it | 06:08 |
sgraham | http://paste.ubuntu.com/15249/ | 06:08 |
flaccid | what resolution you want sgraham? | 06:09 |
sgraham | wow | 06:09 |
sgraham | krandrtray worked | 06:09 |
flaccid | yeah it would... | 06:09 |
sgraham | you know i was going to try that earlyer but i figured the tool here just used it anyway | 06:09 |
sgraham | thats weird | 06:09 |
flaccid | but i dont think it writes to the prefs file | 06:09 |
flaccid | sgraham: i'll show you how to do it cli | 06:09 |
sgraham | wellll mthrfkr. | 06:10 |
flaccid | sgraham: xrandr --auto | 06:10 |
sgraham | should i first restart x and see? | 06:10 |
flaccid | sgraham: xrandr --mode 1600x1200 for example | 06:10 |
sgraham | its pretty quick on this bad boy. | 06:10 |
flaccid | sgraham: you could i guess. i just doubt it writes to the pref file. also i wouldn't mind seeing your xorg.conf anyway... | 06:11 |
sgraham | ok well things are still really streached out | 06:11 |
enmalizbeth | Have an MP3 player which shows up as a regular mounted drive. Is it possible to have amarok recognize it somehow, and manage syncing of playlists. It's capable of MTP but that seems more trouble than what it's worth. | 06:11 |
sgraham | this is one of those wide screen deals. | 06:11 |
flaccid | enmalizbeth: you might get help easier on that in #amarok | 06:12 |
enmalizbeth | flaccid, thanks | 06:12 |
flaccid | sgraham: just an fyi http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Xorg_RandR_1.2 | 06:12 |
flaccid | np | 06:12 |
Daisuke_Ido | enmalizbeth: is that a sansa by chance? | 06:12 |
enmalizbeth | Daisuke_ido iriver clix | 06:13 |
Daisuke_Ido | ah | 06:13 |
Daisuke_Ido | not sure then | 06:13 |
sgraham | flaccid: soo let me restart x and see how that works. | 06:13 |
sgraham | brb thanks for the help sofar by the way. | 06:13 |
enmalizbeth | Daisuke_ido, it should be the same thing as any other "mounted drive" player | 06:13 |
Daisuke_Ido | i was going to say, if it's a sansa, it won't handle standard m3u's | 06:13 |
Daisuke_Ido | should, yes | 06:13 |
Daisuke_Ido | but the sansa, while being a player of that type, will not use regular playlists (so i shoved rockbox on it :D) | 06:14 |
enmalizbeth | ouch! | 06:14 |
enmalizbeth | that isn't an option for me. The mp3 player belongs to a far less technical person (my wife), so my options are limited. | 06:14 |
enmalizbeth | I am TRYING to get her on linux, but I need to automate things for her as much as possible before I leave her with the machine | 06:15 |
sgraham | well guess what flaccid you were right..soo i need to set this with the cli? | 06:15 |
sgraham | oh and by the way things are not all squished as i first though | 06:16 |
sgraham | it seems the wide screen thing is just fine with that resolution | 06:16 |
flaccid | !autostart | sgraham | 06:18 |
ubottu | sgraham: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. For a complete guide, see http://jucato.org/kde/kde-autostart.html | 06:18 |
sgraham | im sorry though i missed that bit about how to set it with the cli. it was like xrandr --mode geometry goes here? | 06:18 |
flaccid | thats probably going to be your best workaround | 06:18 |
flaccid | [15:12] <flaccid> sgraham: just an fyi http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Xorg_RandR_1.2 | 06:18 |
flaccid | [15:10] <flaccid> sgraham: xrandr --auto | 06:18 |
flaccid | [15:10] <flaccid> sgraham: xrandr --mode 1600x1200 for example | 06:18 |
sgraham | and you want me to make an autostart with that in it? | 06:19 |
flaccid | yeah thats what i would do ~/.kde/Autostart/resfix.sh (#!/bin/sh<break>xrandr --auto | 06:20 |
flaccid | ) | 06:20 |
sgraham | that seems like a bit of a werid work around. i mean how will that work when i try and extend my desktop to an external monitor? | 06:20 |
sgraham | i really need that feature. | 06:21 |
sgraham | is this sort of stuff fixed in hardy? | 06:21 |
flaccid | sgraham: i didn't know you do more than 1 monitor. the nvidia driver does not support xrandr 1.2 w/ extra displays, so it would have to be in xorg.conf (which you aint showd me yet) and we don't know what the problem is so dont know if a different kubuntu release would make a difference.. | 06:22 |
sgraham | i am somewhat leary of upgrading though as we have some precisions with the same video card in them..and man they have to do some werid stuff to get this to run on those. | 06:23 |
sgraham | ok well let me get the xorg.conf to ya then..ill pastbin? | 06:23 |
flaccid | yeah. and let me know your lspci | grep -i vga | 06:24 |
sgraham | and ya the drive works fine in gnome and i have run it with external monitor already | 06:24 |
sgraham | extended desktop mode that is. | 06:24 |
flaccid | right, so how did you configure the multiple displays? | 06:24 |
sgraham | with the system tool. | 06:25 |
sgraham | form minitor..i just selected the second display, and told it the res of the monito and whammo extended desktop | 06:25 |
flaccid | in gnome? | 06:25 |
sgraham | ya | 06:25 |
sgraham | worked really well..i was actually impressed with gnome for the first time. | 06:25 |
flaccid | well if that writes to xorg.conf, we will see how it did it and what its using to do that and that could quite possibly be the problem for kde | 06:26 |
flaccid | yeah multiple monitors is not simple in linux because of lack of vendor support and gnome has better/more working gui frontends to manage it | 06:26 |
sgraham | ok you want the xorg first or the lspci | grep -i vga | 06:26 |
sgraham | 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 8400M GS (rev a1) | 06:26 |
flaccid | cool | 06:27 |
sgraham | http://paste.ubuntu.com/15251/ | 06:28 |
sgraham | crapload of dater there by the way. | 06:29 |
sgraham | hehehe | 06:29 |
flaccid | need the xorg.conf not the log.. | 06:29 |
sgraham | oh sorry ya i just realized that hehehe | 06:30 |
flaccid | but that shows the problem it appears... see the validated modes | 06:30 |
sgraham | hold on getting it now. | 06:30 |
enmalizbeth | haven used KDE in a while | 06:30 |
enmalizbeth | I must say, it is very very very cool. very user friendly, a lot of cool apps | 06:30 |
flaccid | k rox just like ketamine | 06:31 |
stakh | hello, I've just installed kubuntu 8.04, and I would like to add additional users, but system settings does not show any option to that effect (User Management). I also checked the advanced tab, but no luck... What's wrong and what should I do? | 06:31 |
sgraham | ya i do | 06:31 |
BiteyBite | i cant get into the clock or the | 06:31 |
BiteyBite | + | 06:31 |
izzyb | !audio | 06:32 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 06:32 |
sgraham | weird... flaccid why are there 7 xorg.confs? | 06:33 |
sgraham | http://paste.ubuntu.com/15254/ | 06:33 |
sgraham | thats the first one..from what i can tell. | 06:33 |
izzyb | xorg.conf is the only active one, the others are probably backups? | 06:34 |
sgraham | stakh: i always add user with adduser | 06:34 |
flaccid | there can only be file named a unique filename. they are different filenames - different versions of xorg.conf backedup/saved by the gui frontends | 06:34 |
sgraham | but im more familar with debian pure than this stuff. | 06:34 |
stakh | sgraham, is adduser a command line application? | 06:34 |
BiteyBite | kubuntu........any idea what do i need to install to fix this? | 06:34 |
flaccid | stakh: goto kcontrol and do it there. if you are on kde3 it is in system settings as well | 06:35 |
sgraham | yes stakh | 06:35 |
sgraham | or do it ^^^^ way | 06:35 |
flaccid | stakh: the cli won't create a home by default which is why gui is recommended | 06:35 |
sgraham | flaccid: it wont? | 06:35 |
sgraham | adduser should create a home dir | 06:35 |
stakh | how do you get kcontrol? Is it the big K icon? | 06:35 |
flaccid | sgraham: on ubuntu its never done it for me :( | 06:36 |
sgraham | thats werid | 06:36 |
sgraham | skell must be different. | 06:36 |
flaccid | stakh: goto run program (alt+f2) and put in kcontrol . it should be in the menu as well in system or something | 06:36 |
ol--lo | stakh: alt+f2 --> kcontrol | 06:36 |
flaccid | yeah i don't know why ubuntu is like that | 06:36 |
sgraham | by the way flaccid thats how i created the user earlyer when we tested that. | 06:37 |
sgraham | with adduser. | 06:37 |
BiteyBite | how do i change time and other settings?......can any1 help me coz there is no options for getting into root mode in system settings its all greyed out..............any one plz help | 06:37 |
sgraham | wich may explain why nothing worked right for the user. | 06:37 |
sgraham | but it did allow them to log in..sooo hold on... | 06:37 |
flaccid | sgraham: checkout sudo useradd testuser & ls -l /home | 06:37 |
sgraham | no man..that worked fine | 06:37 |
stakh | there's no kcontrol in my computer (at least alt+f2 does not work, neither a konsole command). Should I use adept to get it? | 06:38 |
flaccid | sgraham: i just did that and obviously it didn't create a home... | 06:38 |
sgraham | it has all the stuff its supposed to have..i think i just need to add the user to the groups..for the desktop..you know sound..and whatnot | 06:38 |
flaccid | stakh: kde version? | 06:38 |
flaccid | BiteyBite: right clicking click on main panel | configure doesn't work? | 06:38 |
stakh | humm, how do I find that? | 06:38 |
stakh | (I mean, kde version) | 06:38 |
sgraham | any help..>> kdeversion | 06:39 |
sgraham | are you using konversation? | 06:39 |
flaccid | stakh: right click kmenu and then goto help | about | 06:39 |
flaccid | sgraham: problem with that is if its a kde4 app it will say kde4 and vice versa as libs installed... | 06:39 |
BiteyBite | flaccid: no im using kde4 in kubuntu 8.04 | 06:40 |
stakh | ok, I got KDE 3.5.9 | 06:40 |
flaccid | BiteyBite: wrong channel. goto #kubuntu-kde4 | 06:40 |
navetz__ | is the a way to copy from my local server to my remote server with ssh? | 06:40 |
flaccid | stakh: maybe you changed shortcut keys. might be windows key + r. anyway goto konsole and run kdesudo kcontrol & | 06:40 |
flaccid | navetz__: use sftp in konq, dolphin or krusader | 06:41 |
sgraham | or from command line would be like this... | 06:41 |
stakh | I get a command not found (after a request for a password) | 06:42 |
asobi | why does copying directories to external take so long? took over 90 minutes to copy 2.8GB | 06:42 |
flaccid | sgraham: most likely the modelines not compatible with the monitor. the gui/script probably put in wrong sync rates... | 06:42 |
Daisuke_Ido | asobi: USB? | 06:42 |
sgraham | scp /pathtofilegoeshere usernameonremotesystem@remotesystem:/pathtowhereyouwantfiletogo | 06:42 |
asobi | yea | 06:42 |
flaccid | stakh: one sec | 06:43 |
Daisuke_Ido | that's why. | 06:43 |
asobi | usb 2 should be fast | 06:43 |
sgraham | asobi: 2.8g via ssh? | 06:43 |
Daisuke_Ido | theoretically, usb can do 480mbps, but the reality is a whole lot slower | 06:43 |
flaccid | stakh: install it with adept or cli. the package name is kcontrol | 06:43 |
sgraham | damn dude...ya..its all encrypted | 06:43 |
sgraham | it will be slow | 06:43 |
asobi | 90 minutes slow? | 06:43 |
asobi | no | 06:43 |
asobi | not ssh | 06:43 |
asobi | simple cp | 06:43 |
sgraham | if you need to transfer something fast use nfs | 06:44 |
asobi | nfs? | 06:44 |
Daisuke_Ido | sgraham: nfs doesn't make a difference if he's copying from his pc to an external hard drive connected TO his pc via USB. | 06:44 |
sgraham | nfs i transfer 500 meg movies in 30 seconds on 100 meg | 06:44 |
Daisuke_Ido | no network involved here. | 06:44 |
sgraham | usb2 should be 12 megs per second. | 06:44 |
asobi | it's not | 06:44 |
sgraham | you using usb1? | 06:44 |
asobi | should be 2 | 06:45 |
sgraham | i tranfer 1 gig with usb2 in about 60 seconds.. | 06:45 |
asobi | yea well took me 90 for under 3 | 06:45 |
asobi | 90 min, not seconds | 06:45 |
sgraham | ya thats weird..should be that slow | 06:46 |
sgraham | sounds like usb1 really | 06:46 |
sgraham | that would be about right for that | 06:46 |
ol--lo | this is totaly ot ... somebody know about mountain bike sizes ... is an 18 inch frame ok for a 192cm men | 06:46 |
stakh | ok, I installed kcontrol, and issued the kdesudo kcontrol & command. I went to system administration but still don't have user management? | 06:46 |
sgraham | ya just a bit | 06:46 |
flaccid | stakh: its under user management. use the search to find it quick | 06:47 |
stakh | the search yielded no results :( | 06:47 |
sgraham | sooooo flaccid at this point what would you recommend for this werid...resolution thang? | 06:48 |
stakh | well, actually it gave me Browser Identification, which is not it | 06:48 |
flaccid | sgraham: you could try removing the modelines and let it do it auto. i kind of don't have time to go into detail with you but | 06:48 |
sgraham | by the way im looking at all the stuff available for gutsy...and its missing a few things im use to...like "tremulos for one" | 06:48 |
flaccid | stakh: weird one sec | 06:48 |
flaccid | tremulos is not free iirc | 06:49 |
sgraham | those are..ooo | 06:49 |
flaccid | ooo ? | 06:49 |
sgraham | soo i need to add not free repos? | 06:49 |
flaccid | !info tremulos | 06:49 |
ubottu | Package tremulos does not exist in hardy | 06:49 |
flaccid | !games | sgraham | 06:49 |
ubottu | sgraham: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php | 06:49 |
flaccid | it detailed above sgraham. they may have removed it from repos. also check packages.ubuntu.com and search | 06:50 |
flaccid | stakh: so in kdesudo systemsettings you have no user management in general tab either? | 06:50 |
flaccid | !info kuser | 06:51 |
ubottu | kuser (source: kdeadmin): KDE user/group administration tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu5 (hardy), package size 233 kB, installed size 800 kB | 06:51 |
stakh | flaccid, what do you mean by general tab? | 06:51 |
flaccid | stakh: the first tab | 06:51 |
sgraham | hmm ok ill look into that | 06:51 |
sgraham | can i just add non-free on to main..like in the debian pure? | 06:52 |
flaccid | stakh: install the packages adduser and kuser and if that doesn't give user management in system settings just use kdesudo kuser | 06:52 |
stakh | what I see is an interface with 2 panes. On the left is a tree | 06:52 |
flaccid | sgraham: um add to main, um no | 06:52 |
sgraham | well you know like the subcats...main non-free | 06:53 |
flaccid | !repos | sgraham | 06:53 |
ubottu | sgraham: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories | 06:53 |
sgraham | i think i found it in the gui actually | 06:53 |
flaccid | ubuntu repos are different slightly | 06:53 |
stakh | I installed both adduser and kuser. Kuser gives me an error when starting (no password), and has no access to shadow folder (?). Do you know how should I configure it? | 06:53 |
flaccid | ah yeah you on gutsy not hardy so it might be there | 06:54 |
flaccid | stakh: goto konsole and run it with kdesudo kuser if it has error pastebin them please | 06:54 |
sgraham | ya there is something called univers hehehe | 06:54 |
enmalizbeth | any good SPSS (statisctical calculations, etc.) application-like alternatives for linux? | 06:54 |
sgraham | im getting it now | 06:54 |
stakh | flaccid, ok, no error this time! I'm going to try to add and user... | 06:55 |
flaccid | ok cool | 06:55 |
sgraham | soo flaccid how do i get the beryl effects in this? | 06:55 |
* flaccid sips jd | 06:55 | |
flaccid | sgraham: is this gutsy you say? | 06:55 |
* sgraham sips 2buckchuck | 06:56 | |
sgraham | ya | 06:56 |
flaccid | !compiz-fusion | sgraham | 06:56 |
ubottu | sgraham: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion | 06:56 |
Daisuke_Ido | sgraham: you start by forgetting that beryl ever existed, because it doesn't now | 06:56 |
sgraham | werid it does for etch | 06:56 |
sgraham | but ok ill playy along | 06:56 |
Daisuke_Ido | sgraham: beryl and compiz remerged quite some time ago. | 06:56 |
flaccid | well beryl is dead. its still in debian because of their release cycle | 06:57 |
Daisuke_Ido | the beryl project is dead | 06:57 |
sgraham | ya...potato..potahto | 06:57 |
Daisuke_Ido | it's now compiz-fusion | 06:57 |
sgraham | soooo its compiz-fusion now | 06:57 |
Daisuke_Ido | yes | 06:57 |
sgraham | thanks for the info | 06:57 |
flaccid | np | 06:57 |
* flaccid goes back to building op server | 06:58 | |
sgraham | flaccid: you build server with this? | 06:58 |
* sgraham is just curriouse | 06:58 | |
flaccid | nah im a web dev.. and no my server isn't ubuntu :) | 06:59 |
noaXess | good moring | 06:59 |
stakh | flaccid, it seems like it worked! I'm going to log out to test the new user... Thank you and sgraham for the help! ;) | 06:59 |
sgraham | np | 07:00 |
flaccid | np | 07:00 |
noaXess | does anybody have knowhow or now a good plase, exept google, for racoon/setkey/ipsec? | 07:00 |
sgraham | flaccid: thats werid that you were cant create users with adduser. | 07:00 |
noaXess | .. a good place... | 07:00 |
flaccid | sgraham: i never said i can't. it just doesn't create a home by default. | 07:00 |
sgraham | ive always had probles with the user gui's adduser has never let me down. | 07:00 |
flaccid | well i use freebsd and the adduser script on that is awesome in comparison | 07:01 |
sgraham | thats what i mean..it did on this machine...its werd. | 07:01 |
sgraham | ya thats what the macs run on | 07:02 |
flaccid | but sgraham did you test my script for it. something else could create the /home/user if missing.. | 07:02 |
flaccid | nah os x != bsd but a lot of it is derived from it | 07:02 |
sgraham | i remember about 2 years ago when i was looking at mac's, if you unamed them they actually read bsd | 07:03 |
flaccid | unamed? | 07:03 |
sgraham | uname -a | 07:03 |
sgraham | kernel was bsd. | 07:03 |
flaccid | hehe cool. yeah a lot from bsd which is from system iv and unix but yeah... ironically im on asus hardware which is what mac is as well.. | 07:04 |
flaccid | yeah its kernel is very bsd-like | 07:04 |
sgraham | well they call it darwin now or someshtlikethat. | 07:04 |
sgraham | we are getting alot of them at the office now | 07:05 |
sgraham | ceo has one and tech officer has one now as well. | 07:05 |
sgraham | it kid loves his | 07:05 |
flaccid | well its not exactly darwin but yeah... | 07:05 |
flaccid | os x comes from darwin | 07:06 |
flaccid | a lot of freebsd in darwin | 07:06 |
sgraham | they said that this box im working on now is quicker than there mac's though.. | 07:06 |
sgraham | dell inspiron with 4 gigs of ram | 07:06 |
sgraham | and centrino duos | 07:07 |
flaccid | the mascot is bsd daemon but a dif animal: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Hexley.png heh | 07:07 |
sgraham | nseries..its consumer level. but i loaded the thing up with ram and video..hehehe | 07:07 |
flaccid | well kubuntu will run faster than os x but not faster than freebsd/pc-bsd/freebsd-kde | 07:07 |
sgraham | when i tried bsd for a desktop i had a hard time with the lack of current ports. | 07:08 |
sgraham | i mean it was solid..but there just was not the "stuff" i needed for a desktop | 07:08 |
flaccid | not sure how long ago that was, but many ports now.. | 07:08 |
flaccid | like? | 07:08 |
sgraham | server wise though..bsd..i dont think there is anything better. | 07:08 |
flaccid | totally | 07:09 |
sgraham | i dont think it was ever really focused on desktop like the other distros..and for a reason | 07:09 |
sgraham | ive seen bsd servers with uptime over 3 years | 07:10 |
flaccid | its not aimed at the masses. but this is where pc-bsd comes in | 07:10 |
sgraham | ive never seen that on any other distro. | 07:10 |
flaccid | yeah all my servers and client's servers idle very nicely and uptime more than a linux server | 07:10 |
sgraham | ive also heard that if you build a bsd based router it will handle generally 3 times the data a vanilla linux kernel will handle before melting hehehe | 07:11 |
flaccid | yeah doesn't suprise me. checkout m0n0wall .. | 07:11 |
sgraham | but ive never seen a debian based router melt and we hanld prety hefty amounts of data. | 07:11 |
flaccid | anything but windows really | 07:12 |
noaXess | does anybody have knowhow or now a good place, exept google, for racoon/setkey/ipsec? | 07:16 |
sgraham | windows is such a joke these days | 07:16 |
sgraham | speaking of wich...whats your fav on the vmware issue | 07:17 |
flaccid | always has been, but we should talk about this in #kubuntu-offtopic | 07:17 |
sgraham | i have to run a windows box just to log into the l2tp vpn they have.(wich i think we will be replaceing with openvpn soon) | 07:17 |
sgraham | i was using kqemu on the etch box.. | 07:18 |
sgraham | worked great.. but i see virtualbox uses that as its core and has seemless scripts for it and everything. | 07:18 |
noaXess | sgraham: what about crossover? | 07:19 |
noaXess | instead fo vbox? | 07:19 |
noaXess | i use both.. but crossover is really funny.. and usefull for some win apps | 07:19 |
flaccid | !ot | 07:20 |
ubottu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 07:20 |
=== linuxwizard_ is now known as linuxwizard | ||
noaXess | oka flaccid it was just for information :) | 07:23 |
noaXess | whats the way to get my current ip adress over a command? | 07:23 |
sgraham | i have to create these test enviroments..so i have to sim the entire os vm works great for that | 07:24 |
sgraham | ifconfog | 07:24 |
sgraham | ifconfig | 07:24 |
sgraham | sorry..probably sudo ifconfig | 07:24 |
noaXess | sgraham: :) i need only my current ip of the current active interface.. not all the information | 07:24 |
sgraham | man ifconfig | 07:25 |
sgraham | its in there | 07:25 |
sgraham | ifconfig eth0 | 07:25 |
sgraham | or...well...whatever man it. you can do alot of stuff with ifconfig | 07:26 |
noaXess | sgraham: sorry.. but.. you don't understand.. i need only the ipadresse.. not all the interface information.. | 07:26 |
sgraham | ok | 07:26 |
noaXess | jaust eg: or what ever.. without other statistic, mac, netmask,... | 07:26 |
sgraham | use grep | 07:26 |
flaccid | you read man ifconfig already, that was fast :) | 07:26 |
tony_ | anyone know why desktop icons don't function like normal on kde 4 like extracting archives? | 07:26 |
noaXess | i need it for a script.. | 07:26 |
romunov_ | how do i revert back to 7.10 after i've upgraded to 8.04? | 07:26 |
flaccid | tony_: #kubuntu-kde4 please | 07:26 |
noaXess | flaccid: i read it befor asking here. | 07:26 |
noaXess | thats the was, isn't it? | 07:27 |
sgraham | hes a fast reader | 07:27 |
sgraham | ifconfig | grep inet addr | 07:27 |
sgraham | pretty sure you can get exactly what you need with ifconfig though | 07:28 |
flaccid | ip addr list eth0 |grep "inet " |cut -d' ' -f6|cut -d/ -f1 | 07:29 |
dwidmann_laptop | ip address show device | grep inet | 07:29 |
joned | haaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiii | 07:29 |
flaccid | *coff* | 07:29 |
sgraham | damn dude | 07:29 |
sgraham | hehehe | 07:29 |
noaXess | flaccid: okay.. and that was in man ifconfig? | 07:30 |
sgraham | i think just the --address would have done it though | 07:30 |
flaccid | noaXess: no i did it an alternate way | 07:30 |
sgraham | google? | 07:30 |
flaccid | this will work as well. ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}' | 07:30 |
flaccid | iirc other unixes can do it but doesn't seem like linux can | 07:31 |
bibstha | hi i have a hacked box ithink | 07:31 |
noaXess | flaccid: seee what i mean.. in man ifconfig there are only options to manupulate the interface.. | 07:31 |
noaXess | sgraham: cool answer | 07:31 |
noaXess | sorry.. bevor i ask here.. i rtfm and google okay? | 07:31 |
flaccid | sweet | 07:31 |
bibstha | its connecting to some server at port 6667 | 07:31 |
bibstha | weird | 07:31 |
joned | hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, i need help | 07:31 |
bibstha | can someone help me? | 07:31 |
flaccid | noaXess: yeah thats what it is for | 07:31 |
sgraham | new question..does the new compiz-watever itscalled have a manager so i can play with fancy settins and whatnot..(because compiz is installed already and i want to dink with the cube bros) | 07:32 |
flaccid | bibstha: netstat -tap | grep 6667 | 07:32 |
Schorfi | 6667 is the port for freenode | 07:33 |
flaccid | sgraham: ccsm its in the the link for !compiz-fusion | 07:33 |
flaccid | yeah its most likely irc.. | 07:33 |
tomas1986 | hey all | 07:33 |
bibstha | yes Schorfi but im watching it on a server :( not my pc | 07:33 |
flaccid | bibstha: the command i gave will tell you the process | 07:33 |
tomas1986 | hey guys what programing language like Visual basic is used on linux | 07:34 |
bibstha | flaccid: i did -tupan | 07:34 |
bibstha | flaccid tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 32134/httpd | 07:34 |
bibstha | oops sorry guys | 07:34 |
sgraham | ccsm? | 07:34 |
tomas1986 | ?? | 07:34 |
bibstha | flaccid: http://pastebin.com/m939e011 | 07:35 |
sgraham | nevermind i found it thanks | 07:35 |
flaccid | bibstha: ok so its a webserver doing it likely apache | 07:35 |
bibstha | flaccid: why would apache connect to 6667? there is also a perl script | 07:35 |
flaccid | bibstha: because someone set it up to do so. | 07:36 |
bibstha | flaccid: :( someone with wrong intension i guess, which room to discuss security? | 07:36 |
dwidmann_laptop | tomas1986: like visual basic? Can't say I can think of anything that meets that particular description | 07:36 |
bibstha | imo this is OT here. | 07:36 |
flaccid | bibstha: there is none. | 07:37 |
tomas1986 | so dont know any programing language's like C++ etc | 07:37 |
flaccid | linux is no going to help physical access.. | 07:37 |
afief | Will KDE 4.1 be backported to Ubuntu 8.04? | 07:37 |
bibstha | flaccid: umm :( | 07:37 |
flaccid | afief: maybe. you could try asking in #kubuntu-kde4 | 07:38 |
dwidmann_laptop | tomas1986: If you want something simple to play with, why not try python or ruby (there are QT bindings available for those, so you can make a gui with those as well) | 07:38 |
flaccid | tomas1986: yeah c++ mainly | 07:38 |
sgraham | weird the controls for the cube are ...were | 07:38 |
sgraham | ? | 07:38 |
flaccid | sgraham: help is in #compiz-fusion | 07:38 |
tomas1986 | no its not to make GUI its just so i can write my programs in both linux and windows | 07:38 |
dwidmann_laptop | tomas1986: you're in luck then, QT is cross platform :) | 07:39 |
afief | flaccid: thanks I will | 07:39 |
tomas1986 | realy | 07:39 |
flaccid | tomas1986: doesn't have to be for a gui. you can write gui, tui and cli programs in both windows with c++ or c++/qt4 | 07:40 |
flaccid | there is much flexibilty with the languages now in environments/build suites | 07:40 |
* afief thinks qt got the best API out of all the GUI libs he's seen | 07:40 | |
flaccid | eg. you could do kde apps for both windows and linux no problem in visual studio c++ :) | 07:41 |
tomas1986 | ok so is there an easy way to install python as i am still new to linux | 07:41 |
flaccid | !python | 07:41 |
ubottu | Factoid python not found | 07:41 |
ubunturos | tomas1986: sudo apt-get install python | 07:41 |
flaccid | !info python | 07:41 |
ubottu | python (source: python-defaults): An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.5.2-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 137 kB, installed size 600 kB | 07:41 |
flaccid | should already be there tomas1986 | 07:42 |
ubunturos | hmm, yes | 07:42 |
tomas1986 | where would i find it then | 07:42 |
ubunturos | tomas1986: in konsole's File menu | 07:42 |
ubunturos | err, session menu, tomas1986 | 07:42 |
flaccid | tomas1986: run the command python in konsole.. | 07:42 |
tomas1986 | ok then what | 07:43 |
flaccid | learn python | 07:43 |
dwidmann_laptop | tomas1986: you might be interested in the "diveintopython" package | 07:43 |
ubunturos | there you go, tomas1986, it is an interactive shell. your introduction to python is a one line program :) | 07:43 |
flaccid | which is outside of the scope of this support channel | 07:43 |
sgraham | woooow its installed and workifying...its like desktop on acid..hehehe | 07:44 |
ubunturos | tomas1986: www.python.org/doc - Learn using the tutorial, if you wish to | 07:44 |
tomas1986 | cool thanks guys | 07:45 |
_exp_ | anyone have any links for an ATI Remote Wonder in 8.04 | 08:05 |
=== _exp_ is now known as HRshovinstuff | ||
flaccid | whats a remote wonder? | 08:07 |
flaccid | !nickchange | 08:07 |
ubottu | Factoid nickchange not found | 08:07 |
flaccid | don't change nicks! | 08:07 |
flaccid | HRshovinstuff: http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=ati+remote+wonder+ubuntu&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 | 08:07 |
flaccid | google first :) | 08:08 |
HRshovinstuff | remote wonder is a usb RF remote that provides mouse and keyboard input | 08:08 |
flaccid | cool | 08:08 |
HRshovinstuff | yeah it's nice because my computer is my tv | 08:09 |
flaccid | yeah my lcd is better than my tv but i need a couch in the studio heh | 08:09 |
HRshovinstuff | It's weird that it worked before i formatted and reinstalled the same exact version of Ubuntu and now it doesn't | 08:09 |
sgraham | oook now how do i disable compiz | 08:09 |
sgraham | jesus..talk about a bit much | 08:09 |
flaccid | sgraham: kwin --replace & | 08:10 |
HRshovinstuff | flaccid gee thanks for your google link lawl | 08:10 |
HRshovinstuff | like i couldn't figure out how to type into google | 08:10 |
flaccid | then why didn't you? | 08:11 |
HRshovinstuff | i have been for hours | 08:11 |
flaccid | there seems to be some helpful results like the first one.. | 08:11 |
jd_ | When I right click on my panel instead of getting all the normal options i just get a help option, can someone help me to where i can at least configure my panel? | 08:14 |
flaccid | i think you need to unlock it first jd_ | 08:15 |
HRshovinstuff | i just don't get it when I use lsmod i can see ati_remote in the list but it's not workin | 08:16 |
jd_ | i don't get an option to unlock anything. all the options you normally get when you right click or gone and i can only select the things in the help menu | 08:17 |
flaccid | HRshovinstuff: check dmesg and logs in /var/log/messages etc. | 08:17 |
flaccid | jd_: submit a bug, i'll see if i can find the command to get there | 08:18 |
jd_ | flaccid: thanks for the help i got to the configuration through the kde control center so i'm happy for now | 08:23 |
flaccid | ok np | 08:25 |
flaccid | jd_: the command is kcmshell panel | 08:27 |
jd_ | flaccid: thanks i'll remember that | 08:28 |
flaccid | np | 08:28 |
JackWinter | i use chrt to set priorities of a couple of interrupt handlers, i tried to help someone with a plain ubuntu system, and they seem not to have processes call IRQ-17 etc..? any idea what they are called in ubuntu ? | 08:32 |
=== cbr is now known as cbr_ | ||
serenity | hi there | 08:34 |
serenity | re | 08:34 |
serenity | a glxinfo|grep render give me this: Error: glXCreateContext failed | 08:34 |
serenity | my xorg.conf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15268/ | 08:35 |
flaccid | serenity: can you paste all of glxinfo please | 08:37 |
serenity | serenity@home:~$ glxinfo|grep render | 08:38 |
serenity | Error: glXCreateContext failed | 08:38 |
serenity | that's all | 08:38 |
flaccid | ok thats it nw | 08:38 |
jaakkome | Is this a place where you can ask for help with basic things in Kubuntu? | 08:39 |
flaccid | dpkg -l | grep -i vga please serenity | 08:39 |
flaccid | jaakkome: yep | 08:39 |
serenity | ii xserver-xorg-video-vga 1:4.1.0-8 X.Org X server -- VGA display driver | 08:39 |
flaccid | serenity: sorry i mean lspci | grep -i vga | 08:39 |
serenity | 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 8600M GT (rev a1) | 08:40 |
flaccid | serenity: which ubuntu version? | 08:40 |
jaakkome | Okay... I'm trying to add the public_html directory of my uni account to my desktop as a network folder | 08:40 |
serenity | flaccid: hardy, up-to-date | 08:40 |
jaakkome | I can connect to the uni account via the ftp-client without problems, but the network folder wizard doesn't want to connect to it | 08:41 |
flaccid | serenity: pastebin dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia; dpkg -l | grep restricted | uname -a; | 08:41 |
serenity | flaccid: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15271/ | 08:42 |
jaakkome | It doesn't give much to work with, just a "Unable to connect to server. Please check your settings..." | 08:42 |
stdin | flaccid: did you mean that last | | 08:42 |
stdin | ? | 08:42 |
flaccid | oops. serenity: pastebin dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia; dpkg -l | grep restricted; uname -a; | 08:43 |
flaccid | thanks stdin | 08:44 |
stdin | :) | 08:44 |
JackWinter | or are all the irq handlers dispatched by a demon like ksoftirqd/0 under ubuntu ? | 08:44 |
serenity | flaccid: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15272/ | 08:44 |
flaccid | serenity: you used envy? | 08:45 |
* jussi01 didnt know you could have both nvidia drivers installed at the same time... | 08:45 | |
serenity | flaccid: one time, but it made just nonsense, so i installed the nvidia beta drivers from their site | 08:46 |
serenity | it removed the envy stuff before | 08:46 |
flaccid | yeah you may also need that for that model card depending on the id | 08:46 |
serenity | it=and | 08:46 |
flaccid | serenity: well google says with this problem solution is to reinstall driver | 08:47 |
serenity | flaccid: so what does this mean to me? | 08:47 |
serenity | ok | 08:47 |
flaccid | i would also purge the rcs of those nvidia pkgs | 08:47 |
jaakkome | I added a desktop shortcut to access the files in my uni account, "dolphin sftp://username@host" | 09:02 |
jaakkome | it works ok, but starts at the / of the whole server | 09:02 |
jaakkome | how can I get it to default to my home dir? | 09:03 |
SlimeyPete | "sftp://username@host/path/to/home/dir" might work? | 09:03 |
inteliwasp | what do i need to do to get java to run fully in ff3 b5? | 09:04 |
inteliwasp | the java test does not run | 09:04 |
jaakkome | heh, it worked, doh :] | 09:04 |
jaakkome | I might've even been able to figure that one out by myself if given an hour or two! | 09:05 |
SlimeyPete | :) | 09:06 |
=== linuxwizard__ is now known as linuxwizard | ||
=== exp_ is now known as HRshovinstuff | ||
=== exp_ is now known as HRshovinstuff | ||
=== JackWinter_ is now known as JackWinter | ||
dwidmann_laptop | holy crud .... my laptop cpu is at 80C right now .... | 09:37 |
larsivi | Flash embedded in konqueror seems to hang/steal keyboard input once I start interacting with the flash app - anyone else encountered this? | 09:38 |
larsivi | I recently upgraded to hardy | 09:39 |
dwidmann_laptop | that sounds like a relatively normal behavior, I mean, there are flash apps around that require the use of the keyboard, if you're interacting with it, it probably will try to steal the keyboard, wouldn't it? | 09:40 |
larsivi | dwidmann_laptop: right, and beyond that, focus is stolen, and beyond moving the mouse, the only other thing working is pulling down yakuake with F12 | 09:45 |
larsivi | dwidmann_laptop: in practice, only a restart of X seems to be possible | 09:46 |
dwidmann_laptop | larsivi: ah, I suppose that would be a bit more of a problem | 09:46 |
larsivi | :) | 09:46 |
larsivi | for instance watching a youtube video cause an immediate hang | 09:47 |
dwidmann_laptop | larsivi: fun, fun, whihc version of konqueror are you using? | 09:48 |
larsivi | 3.5.9 | 09:48 |
=== patrick_ is now known as patrick__ | ||
dwidmann_laptop | larsivi: and what does this tell you ------ apt-cache policy konqueror | grep "\*\*\*" | 09:49 |
patrick__ | hi | 09:49 |
dwidmann_laptop | hi | 09:50 |
patrick__ | na wie gehts | 09:50 |
patrick__ | ist einer dA | 09:52 |
geek | !de | 09:52 |
ubottu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 09:52 |
patrick__ | hallo einer da | 09:53 |
larsivi | dwidmann_laptop: *** 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu7.2 0 | 09:53 |
ol--lo | !de | 09:53 |
ubottu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 09:53 |
Choreboy | Can someone tell me why adept updated the various things it upgrades, and now my LILO has an extra boot option? | 09:54 |
geek | Choreboy: it installed the latest kernel | 09:54 |
geek | o0 | 09:54 |
Choreboy | so LinuxOLD is my older kernel? | 09:54 |
geek | people still use lilo? | 09:54 |
geek | provbably | 09:54 |
dwidmann_laptop | larsivi: did you have this problem with Hardy when it was first released? Maybe it's a problem with the recent Hardy upgrades? | 09:54 |
Choreboy | I had to use lilo in order to use XFS | 09:55 |
geek | grub sticks the new one on top, and keeps the version numbers | 09:55 |
Choreboy | Hardy was my first install | 09:55 |
Choreboy | I can't use grub with XFS file system | 09:55 |
dwidmann_laptop | Choreboy: you could just use a seperate /boot partition (maybe something like ext2), that's what I do. | 09:55 |
patrick__ | spilk cermen | 09:55 |
patrick__ | hi ibrahim | 09:56 |
Choreboy | more partitions. I have root, home, and swap. | 09:56 |
dwidmann_laptop | Choreboy: more partitions? You bet :D | 09:56 |
larsivi | dwidmann_laptop: I didn't upgrade to hardy immediately, and so I can't really answer properly on that question - I don't normally interact with flash apps every day | 09:56 |
Choreboy | root and home are xfs, swap is....whatever it is. | 09:56 |
makdaknife | Choreboy: http://oss.sgi.com/projects/xfs/faq.html#grubwork | 09:56 |
geek | swap is swap | 09:56 |
dwidmann_laptop | Choreboy: I think my /boot partition is about 150MB .... that's how big I made it, and it's more than big enough | 09:56 |
dwidmann_laptop | Wait, 133MB, and I've used 42M | 09:57 |
Choreboy | oh! well I could probably make some room there. I dual-boot with windows and I definitely note I need more than 40gb for my purposes | 09:57 |
larsivi | dwidmann_laptop: one thing that has caused me some other problems was testing KDE4 which is now uninstalled - for instance KDM seems to have lost its keyboard settings (norwegian keyboard), and Alt+F2 doesn't pop up the runner | 09:58 |
Choreboy | makdaknife: Thanks, but at install time, the install CD specifically told me to use lilo instead of grub | 09:59 |
Choreboy | I guess it was still an issue back then | 09:59 |
dwidmann_laptop | Seems Hardy uses 0.97.* .... I wonder if it really is fixed. | 10:00 |
dwidmann_laptop | and if it is, the installer needs to be corrected. | 10:00 |
Choreboy | the installer yelled at me and told me to use the alternate install cd instead of the live cd | 10:00 |
dwidmann_laptop | Wow, I wonder who they go to do the voice acting ..... hehehehe | 10:03 |
Choreboy | Mr. Roboto, why? | 10:03 |
dwidmann_laptop | lol | 10:03 |
Choreboy | After he told me, I said "Domo arrigato, Mr. Roboto." | 10:03 |
makdaknife | :-) | 10:04 |
Choreboy | so, quick poll... how many partitions do you folks have, and what are the partitions? | 10:05 |
sigma_1234 | stdin: are the kde4.1 beta1 packages going to be ready today? | 10:06 |
geek | 2 | 10:06 |
geek | well 3 | 10:06 |
Choreboy | root, home, swap? | 10:06 |
geek | root home and storage/windows | 10:06 |
Choreboy | ahhh | 10:06 |
geek | oh and swap, its hardly used tho | 10:06 |
stdin | sigma_1234: maybe for intrepid | 10:06 |
dwidmann_laptop | lets see, I've got five on my laptop, home, swap, boot, storage, swap | 10:06 |
sigma_1234 | stdin: and the hardy ones? | 10:07 |
geek | dwidmann_laptop: 2 swap? | 10:07 |
Choreboy | when you hibernate, does it write out to swap or does it write elsewhere? | 10:07 |
stdin | sigma_1234: we need to check if it's possible to backport yet | 10:07 |
dwidmann_laptop | geek: oops, I knew something looked funny there | 10:07 |
Choreboy | well if you put it that way I have 5. Root, home, swap, windows, virtual/swap | 10:07 |
dwidmann_laptop | home, swap. /, boot, storage, there we go | 10:07 |
Choreboy | storage is fat? | 10:08 |
sigma_1234 | stdin: where is the intrepid os in any case? | 10:08 |
geek | Choreboy: NTFS for me ;p | 10:08 |
stdin | sigma_1234: intrepid is the development version that will become 8.10 | 10:09 |
Choreboy | I keep hearing all this "Fat for all access" but NTFS fragments much less than fat, so why not use NTFS for the storage? | 10:09 |
dwidmann_laptop | my desktop has .... /media/windows, /, /home, /media/storage, /boot, no swap, and room for more stuff. | 10:09 |
Choreboy | dwidmann_laptop: unpartitioned space? | 10:09 |
larsivi | dwidmann_laptop: but I guess the conclusion is that my problems are not commonly known? | 10:09 |
dwidmann_laptop | Choreboy: yeah ... plan to play with somet things later on | 10:09 |
dwidmann_laptop | larsivi: well, I've not encountered it | 10:10 |
dwidmann_laptop | larsivi: then again, I just upgraded again tonight, lets see if things are working still, shall we? | 10:10 |
larsivi | dwidmann_laptop: would be swell :) | 10:10 |
Choreboy | Anyway if anyone knows anything about hibernation... if I use up enough ram that it has to use some swap space, and then try to hibernate, it will not. | 10:11 |
Choreboy | is it attempting to write out the ram contents to the swap space for hibernation? | 10:11 |
Choreboy | my spap is about 3/4 the size of my ram | 10:11 |
Choreboy | swap even | 10:11 |
larsivi | dwidmann_laptop: http://www.dagbladet.no/magasinet/2008/05/27/536434.html - the monty python clip on the top here was the last to cause a hang for me | 10:11 |
Choreboy | "This... is an ex-parrot" | 10:13 |
dwidmann_laptop | Choreboy: that's exactly what it does, it dumps the contents of your ram to swap, so your swap needs to be at least as big as your ram, probably bigger, if you want to hibernate | 10:13 |
larsivi | Choreboy: it is only resting | 10:13 |
Choreboy | larsivi: only resting its eyes? :-) | 10:14 |
larsivi | hehe | 10:14 |
Choreboy | dwidmann_laptop: ok that is what I thought. It attempts to hibernated, then wacky things happen with the video card and it takes me back to the login | 10:14 |
Choreboy | if I close some programs to free up ram, it's more than happy to hibernate correctly. | 10:15 |
p_masho | any ideas why its not picking up my usk stick? but the mouse is usb and that works? | 10:15 |
dwidmann_laptop | larsivi: well, for me, nothign has hung, and I'm still typing | 10:16 |
* p_masho oops ^usb memory stick | 10:16 | |
larsivi | dwidmann_laptop: lucky you :) | 10:16 |
Choreboy | Any way I can increase my swap size? | 10:17 |
dwidmann_laptop | Choreboy: well, resizing the partition and using mkswap on the partition afterwards should do the trick | 10:20 |
Choreboy | is there a gui app to help with resizing? I don't know what mkswap is but I'll read up on that. | 10:20 |
romunov_ | gwenview has many plugins | 10:21 |
dwidmann_laptop | Choreboy: IMO gparted is the best gui around, but qtparted is also functiona nd has less dependencies | 10:21 |
Choreboy | dwidmann_laptop: You seem fairly knowledable, been at this long? | 10:21 |
Choreboy | knowledgable even. | 10:22 |
Choreboy | my spelling ability definitely decreases teh further away from my bedtime I get. | 10:23 |
dwidmann_laptop | Umm, a few years | 10:23 |
dwidmann_laptop | well spent, of course :) | 10:23 |
larsivi | dwidmann_laptop: I guess I should try to repair the konq-nsplugins package, but I never remember the appropriate apt command | 10:23 |
Choreboy | Hardy is my first venture into linux and I must say I love it. It seems to run so much faster and smoother than xp on my laptop | 10:24 |
Choreboy | I'd like to learn kubuntu a fair amount, then try out different distros once I've got a firm grasp | 10:24 |
dwidmann_laptop | larsivi: maybe something like sudo apt-get install --reinstall konqueror-nsplugins | 10:24 |
larsivi | lets try | 10:25 |
Choreboy | Alright I should have been in bed hours ago. I need to repair my spelling ability so I thank you and bid you all adieu. | 10:28 |
dwidmann_laptop | night Choreboy | 10:28 |
abhinav | list | 10:32 |
candan | hi | 10:32 |
candan | how can i do fix klear for turksat 1c 42e? | 10:33 |
one | hi u am dick | 10:34 |
larsivi | dwidmann_laptop: it now works (after I had to do another X restart) :) | 10:34 |
=== sonofthe1layr is now known as sonoftheclayr | ||
dwidmann_laptop | larsivi: good to hear that it's working :) | 10:34 |
candan | how can i do fix klear for turksat 1c 42e? | 10:35 |
ocs | hi. is there a way to know in which dev package (in apt list) is included someheader.h ? thnks | 10:35 |
dwidmann_laptop | ocs: you could use "apt-file search", but you'll need to install apt-file first - that will work for all, for ones you know are already installed you can use "dpkg -S filename.h" instead | 10:36 |
ocs | thnks dwidmann_laptop | 10:37 |
al3x4ndr3 | is there any application capable the record the desktopn and the video player playing? | 10:40 |
al3x4ndr3 | or any way to get that? | 10:40 |
dwidmann_laptop | !info recordmydesktop | al3x4ndr3 | 10:40 |
ubottu | al3x4ndr3: recordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.6-1 (hardy), package size 45 kB, installed size 136 kB | 10:40 |
al3x4ndr3 | thanks | 10:40 |
ocs | dwidmann_laptop: i have installed apt-file . but when i search for someheader.h (apt-file search someheader.h), which surely exists, it doesn't give me anything | 10:41 |
dwidmann_laptop | ocs: you probably need to run "apt-file update" first | 10:41 |
ocs | dwidmann_laptop: done but: E: Can't write in /var/cache/apt/apt-file: no suche file or directory | 10:42 |
dwidmann_laptop | ocs: that could be a problem, does it do that if you use sudo? | 10:42 |
dwidmann_laptop | also, try mking the dir manually | 10:42 |
ocs | dwidmann_laptop: it seems to work in this way | 10:43 |
al3x4ndr3 | dwidmann_laptop: I try to save the record... I select the path.. but.. don't work... any bug know in Hardy? | 10:46 |
dwidmann_laptop | al3x4ndr3: it doesn't seem to like sound very well, at least, it always bugs out on me when I try to record and there is sound playing | 10:47 |
dwidmann_laptop | dunno how to fix .... | 10:48 |
al3x4ndr3 | mmmmm | 10:48 |
al3x4ndr3 | ok thanks | 10:48 |
ol--lo | al3x4ndr3: sometime google helps ... http://news.softpedia.com/news/Screencast-Guide-Capure-Your-Linux-Desktop-on-Video-42626.shtml | 10:48 |
al3x4ndr3 | but... don't record the video player.. playing.. | 10:48 |
dwidmann_laptop | hmm? | 10:52 |
dwidmann_laptop | it *should*. I've done it before ..... worth noting - I was using the xv for the vo driver in the player. | 10:53 |
dsdf | how do I prevent a specific app from auto-starting after I logged out while it was running? | 10:55 |
ol--lo | close it | 10:56 |
dsdf | no, i'm looking for a configuration for this | 10:56 |
dwidmann_laptop | dsdf: either close it before logging out, or set the session style to blank or saved (it defaults to "previous" session) | 10:56 |
dsdf | where do I set that? | 10:56 |
dwidmann_laptop | dsdf: systemsettings, advanced tab, session manager | 10:56 |
=== san is now known as Piojoo | ||
Piojoo | Would someone please guide me? i want to install compiz on ubuntu hardy with KDE4 | 10:59 |
dsdf | thank you | 10:59 |
ol--lo | looking for trouble Piojoo :) | 11:00 |
Piojoo | ol--lo: can that make any problems? | 11:02 |
Pennycook | Piojoo: Why do you want to install Compiz on KE4? | 11:03 |
Pennycook | KDE* | 11:04 |
ol--lo | kde4 is not 100% stabel ... give it a try ... but i can't help you with that you might try the kde4 and compiz-fusion # | 11:04 |
ol--lo | !kde4 | 11:04 |
ubottu | KDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4 | 11:04 |
ol--lo | !kde4 | 11:05 |
ol--lo | !compiz | 11:05 |
ubottu | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion | 11:05 |
Piojoo | i already tried it... i was using KDE3 and installed compiz and then installed KDE4 and it worked perfectly... but now i had to format my hard drive and i installed kubuntu once again, but just with KDE4... | 11:06 |
ol--lo | !kde | 11:06 |
ubottu | KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde4 | 11:06 |
ActionParsnip | hey all | 11:07 |
Piojoo | yes? | 11:10 |
Pennycook | Piojoo: The reason I ask is that KDE4 has desktop effects built in by default. | 11:11 |
Piojoo | Pennycook: ok, how do i activate them? :S | 11:12 |
Pennycook | In your K Menu, System Settings > Desktop > Desktop Effects. Then there's a checkbox. It doesn't quite have everything that Compiz has yet (no desktop cube or wobbly windows for example) but they are being introduced in 4.1 | 11:13 |
ActionParsnip | why would you want wobbly windows? | 11:16 |
flaccid | because they can be effective if set right ie. throwing windows left or right | 11:17 |
ActionParsnip | just right click decoration -> move to desktop X | 11:18 |
ActionParsnip | i can see why the throwing is handy | 11:18 |
ActionParsnip | just seems like compiz is all people want kubuntu for and its so much more | 11:19 |
flaccid | 1 click, not two | 11:20 |
flaccid | i thought the same ActionParsnip until one day | 11:20 |
Piojoo | no... i actually want kubuntu because of KDE, i prefer it rather than gnome... but compiz is cool too :P | 11:20 |
chuso | Hi :) First of all sorry for my english | 11:26 |
ActionParsnip | i use kubuntu and now feather linux (check it out :)) for stability and simplicity | 11:28 |
deviouz | Hi! can someone please help me with GRUB? | 11:28 |
chuso | I have just "safe-upgraded" kubuntu. Now, many apps doesn't work: kopete doesn't try to connect to any network, kontact doesn't start, etc. Do you know any open issue about this? | 11:28 |
ActionParsnip | wassup deviouz | 11:28 |
deviouz | Hi man! | 11:28 |
flaccid | chuso: nope. run the from konsole and see what the errors are | 11:29 |
deviouz | well, I installed kubuntu and after that, there is some problem with GRUB | 11:29 |
flaccid | !doesnt work | 11:29 |
ubottu | Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. | 11:29 |
flaccid | can only help with a problem if we know what it is :) | 11:29 |
deviouz | after reboot it say GRUB loading stage 1,5 please wait error 17? | 11:29 |
ActionParsnip | deviouz: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=442945 | 11:30 |
deviouz | thanks, | 11:30 |
deviouz | one quick question, | 11:30 |
ActionParsnip | ? | 11:31 |
deviouz | how do I remove it from the disc? | 11:31 |
ActionParsnip | remove what? | 11:31 |
deviouz | I formatted deleted the partition ,and fdisk mbr but it's still there, lol:P | 11:31 |
chuso | flaccid: hehe the problems are kopete doesn't try to establish connection with any network, and kontact doesn't start. From konsole kontact outputs nothing (Really nothing) | 11:31 |
deviouz | remove GRUB | 11:31 |
flaccid | deviouz: This error is returned if the partition requested exists, but the filesystem type cannot be recognized by GRUB. | 11:31 |
flaccid | deviouz: see http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/grub-error-guide.xml | 11:31 |
deviouz | thanks:) will have a look | 11:32 |
flaccid | !bugs | deviouz | 11:32 |
ubottu | deviouz: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots | 11:32 |
flaccid | oops ^^ that was for you chuso | 11:32 |
ActionParsnip | deviouz: d if=/dev/null of=/dev/sdX bs=512 count=1 will remove the partition table | 11:32 |
flaccid | deviouz: what do you remove you fdisk mbr ? | 11:32 |
ActionParsnip | deviouz: dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sdX bs=446 count=1 will remove mbr | 11:32 |
deviouz | yes sure, but I dont think this is a bug | 11:32 |
flaccid | deviouz: can you let us know what you actually want to do. i thought you wanted to fix the error. | 11:33 |
madein_Turkey | Hii | 11:33 |
ActionParsnip | http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-how-to-uninstall-grub/ | 11:33 |
ActionParsnip | hi madein_Turkey | 11:33 |
flaccid | deviouz: sorry that was for chus | 11:33 |
flaccid | chuso | 11:33 |
ActionParsnip | deviouz: those are extreme commands, use with caution | 11:33 |
deviouz | ok I try | 11:33 |
deviouz | flaccid, I did the old dos command "fdisk /mbr" but that didnt work:P | 11:35 |
deviouz | I pressume grub is installed elsewhere | 11:35 |
flaccid | deviouz: still havnt let us know what you are trying to achieve.. | 11:36 |
deviouz | oh, maybe I explained badly, | 11:36 |
chuso | flaccid: sorry I was getting coke :) So, if its a bug... should I notify it anywhere? | 11:36 |
deviouz | I try again | 11:36 |
deviouz | cant bot any OS cus of grub still is on my disc, and I want to remove it | 11:37 |
deviouz | but how? | 11:37 |
deviouz | I deleted the partition and formatted twice, and even deleter mbr, but its still there? | 11:37 |
deviouz | even if I make a new partition and try to install any other OS, I get this error msg GRUB loading Error 17 | 11:39 |
flaccid | !bugs | chuso | 11:39 |
ubottu | chuso: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots | 11:39 |
deviouz | you understand my bad english flaccid?:P | 11:40 |
chuso | thanks a lot flaccid! :) | 11:40 |
flaccid | np | 11:40 |
flaccid | deviouz: please see http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/grub-legacy-faq.en.html#q12 | 11:41 |
geek__ | i'm trying to run a dvd on kaffeine, and i get a popup saying that libdvdcss2 isn't installed | 11:41 |
flaccid | you install the boot loader for the os you are going to use deviouz | 11:41 |
SlimeyPete | !css | 11:41 |
ubottu | For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 11:41 |
geek__ | i know for a fact it is, and the script they told me to run dosen't help | 11:41 |
deviouz | oki, thank you | 11:41 |
flaccid | deviouz: if its windows better do a fixmbr and fixboot and fdisk /mbr | 11:41 |
geek__ | SlimeyPete: its installed tho | 11:41 |
flaccid | geek__: ubuntu version? | 11:42 |
geek__ | flaccid: hardy | 11:43 |
geek__ | i've got the medibuntu repos, and am sure libdvdcss2 is installed | 11:43 |
flaccid | !info libdvdread3 | geek__ | 11:43 |
ubottu | geek__: libdvdread3 (source: libdvdread): library for reading DVDs. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.7-8ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 57 kB, installed size 196 kB | 11:43 |
geek__ | flaccid: already there | 11:44 |
geek__ | it seems to work with VLC, so i guess i can use that for now | 11:45 |
flaccid | geek__: yeah i was going to suggest vlc and submit a bug | 11:46 |
geek__ | flaccid: might it be cause i'm running an ISO on kaffeine directly? | 11:48 |
flaccid | no idea. but i notices some undesirable behaviour similar to this in kaffeine of this version | 11:49 |
geek_ | erf | 11:52 |
mooper | grr, the shift, ctrl and caps lock keysd arent working11 | 11:57 |
mooper | grr, the shift, ctrl and caps lock keysd arent working, anyone any ideas why not/ | 11:58 |
Piojoo | would someone please tell me how to mount an *.ISO file? | 12:05 |
flaccid | !iso | Piojoo | 12:05 |
ubottu | Piojoo: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 12:05 |
Piojoo | flaccid:thx | 12:10 |
=== epahl_ is now known as corsair__ | ||
flaccid | np | 12:11 |
sigma_1234 | in the acpi-support file what is the spindown time on battery option for? | 12:13 |
bob__ | hello | 12:24 |
bob__ | when I'm on the login screen I loop back on it when I enter my password. Why? | 12:26 |
bob__ | right problems? | 12:26 |
gribouille | hi | 12:29 |
gribouille | I tried KDE 4.0.4 with the kubuntu packages, but it is a complete failure. can someone help me ? | 12:29 |
flaccid | gribouille: what do i help with? | 12:30 |
gribouille | flaccid, getting KDE 4.0.4 to work | 12:30 |
flaccid | for that, i would need to know why it doesn't work | 12:30 |
gribouille | flaccid, when I launch kde 4, the 'about kde' dialog tells me the kde version is 4.0.3 | 12:31 |
luke_ | hello everyone, can anybody tell me what command shows me my pci id for wireless card? i need to use ndiswrapper | 12:32 |
flaccid | gribouille: pastebin dpkg -l | grep -i kde4 please | 12:33 |
flaccid | how exactly did you initiate the upgrade, gribouille? | 12:33 |
flaccid | btw gribouille this is kde4... i will help you in #kubuntu-kde4 | 12:34 |
gribouille | flaccid, with adept_updater | 12:34 |
flaccid | gribouille: but what did you upgrade exactly? | 12:34 |
flaccid | just clicked upgrade button? | 12:35 |
gribouille | flaccid, let me show you the result of dpkg -l | grep -i kde4 | 12:35 |
flaccid | ok | 12:35 |
flaccid | gribouille: #kubuntu-kde4 . this is for kde3 this channel. | 12:35 |
=== ubuntu is now known as kubuntu | ||
=== mi is now known as yo | ||
SitUbuntuSit | how do i install a kdm theme. going to login manager in system settings doesn't have a means that i see to add a theme | 12:52 |
Dr_willis | !kdmtheme | 12:52 |
ubottu | To customize your !KDM theme, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu - However, see http://subtrnl.homelinux.com/kdmtheme.html for working around bug #132723 (http://tinyurl.com/2prhgc) | 12:52 |
SitUbuntuSit | thanks Dr_willis | 12:52 |
Dr_willis | Theres a kdmtheme control panel tool. I was thinking you ran it as root and drug/dropped them in there. | 12:52 |
Dr_willis | drug :) heh | 12:52 |
Dr_willis | dragged? | 12:52 |
SitUbuntuSit | yes Dr_willis, I used that, but it didn't change the theme. I'll check out the links :) | 12:53 |
Dr_willis | you MUST restat the kdm service Ibeliuve for it to change themes | 12:53 |
Dr_willis | restart | 12:53 |
Dr_willis | I think.... :) | 12:53 |
SitUbuntuSit | ok, thanks | 12:54 |
drkns_ | hello | 13:04 |
drkns_ | anyone care to answer and openofffice question? | 13:04 |
ubunturos | !ask | drkns_, | 13:05 |
ubottu | drkns_,: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 13:05 |
drkns_ | i have arange of numbers and i want to count them lets say it will count and tell me there are 5 number 13 in the range | 13:06 |
drkns_ | i want to count each number in the range | 13:07 |
drkns_ | i use countif but everytime i copy it for another number it chnages the range | 13:07 |
drkns_ | i want the range to be constant for each number | 13:07 |
drkns_ | ok anyone answer besides a bullshit bot | 13:08 |
flaccid | !enter | drkns_ | 13:08 |
ubottu | drkns_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 13:08 |
flaccid | !language | drkns_ | 13:09 |
ubottu | drkns_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 13:09 |
kalib | Hey guys..anyone here uses virtualbox? | 13:09 |
flaccid | drkns_: there is #openoffice.org | 13:09 |
drkns_ | thx flaccid | 13:09 |
jussi01 | !anyone | kalib | 13:09 |
ubottu | kalib: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 13:09 |
Boohbah | !flaccid | 13:10 |
ubottu | Factoid flaccid not found | 13:10 |
flaccid | np | 13:10 |
Boohbah | omg! | 13:10 |
=== ifroog__ is now known as [ifroog] | ||
ubuntu_ | hey | 13:21 |
ubuntu_ | oii | 13:22 |
ubuntu_ | helllooooo | 13:22 |
Dr_willis | Hmm> | 13:29 |
giacomo | !it | 13:34 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 13:34 |
Bauldrick | I have many files beginning VA - .....House . From commandline how can I select which one I want to enter (its not happy with space and they all end the same) | 13:37 |
nosrednaekim | Bauldrick: put a \ where the space is... | 13:37 |
nosrednaekim | and hit tab again. | 13:37 |
=== mr-y is now known as Mister | ||
Bauldrick | that didn't work? | 13:39 |
=== Mister is now known as mr-y | ||
nosrednaekim | it should... hum | 13:40 |
Bauldrick | this is on a remote box ssh into | 13:40 |
nosrednaekim | is it running a bash shell? | 13:40 |
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Bauldrick | yep | 13:40 |
mr-y | Hi to all! Who can tell to me what shit occurs with ICQ? Not in Ubuntu, in general! | 13:40 |
nosrednaekim | Bauldrick: well, that works for me here... | 13:41 |
=== in_flames_666 is now known as olie | ||
mr-y | ... I'm from Russia... and it does not work for all my friends... shit! | 13:43 |
mr-y | Goodbye) | 13:44 |
liam | sudo code to get compiz-kde | 13:46 |
liam | ? | 13:46 |
ubunturos | !compiz | 13:47 |
ubottu | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion | 13:47 |
DeepThought | is there a way to get several windows open (two watch more than one channel) in konversation (like 'detach chat' in Kopete) ? | 13:48 |
nosrednaekim | DeepThought: I don't think so.. | 13:50 |
=== san is now known as Piojoo | ||
DeepThought | nosrednaekim: maybe in kde4 / | 13:50 |
DeepThought | ? | 13:50 |
nosrednaekim | there is no kde4 konqueror | 13:50 |
nosrednaekim | only thing I've seen that can do that is Quassel | 13:51 |
nosrednaekim | which is a qt4 client | 13:51 |
DeepThought | nosrednaekim: quassel ? how' s that ? | 13:51 |
Piojoo | sorry, how do i choose the default programs that Kubuntu should run at startup? (kubuntu hardy KDE4 mix) | 13:51 |
nosrednaekim | Piojoo: add them to ~/.kde4/Autostart | 13:51 |
nosrednaekim | !autostart | 13:51 |
ubottu | To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. For a complete guide, see http://jucato.org/kde/kde-autostart.html | 13:52 |
DeepThought | nosrednaekim: ok; does it have options to chnge the look and to hide server messages like konversation ? | 13:52 |
DeepThought | nosrednaekim: andah... where can I get it ? Can' t find it in adept | 13:54 |
nosrednaekim | you have to compile it., | 13:54 |
nosrednaekim | and I don't know about hiding messages, but its under heavy development. | 13:54 |
alvaro | esto q es | 13:55 |
cnstarz | how do i stop Konversation from startnig up everytime i log in? | 13:55 |
DeepThought | nosrednaekim: hm... think I' ll settle for konversation for #kubuntu with kopee for #ubuntu then... | 13:55 |
clau30 | anyone know how to fix the nspluginviewer crash in konqueror? | 13:56 |
nosrednaekim | ok | 13:56 |
clau30 | !flash | 13:56 |
ubottu | To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 13:56 |
DeepThought | cnstarz: you have to really quit it, from the file menu or by right click on the icon in systrauy | 13:56 |
cnstarz | DeepThought: i tried that,but it still comes back up when i log back in. | 13:57 |
cnstarz | and, how doi find out what version of kde im using | 13:58 |
DeepThought | cnstarz: maybe it' s in the autostart folder; try starting with a clean session or empty the .kde/autostart folder | 13:58 |
maduser | cnstarz: did you turn off your computer while it was in? | 13:58 |
maduser | cnstarz:did you turn off your computer while konverssation was running? | 13:59 |
DeepThought | cnstarz: if you didn' t install kde4 on purpose it' s most probably 3.5 | 13:59 |
cnstarz | nope | 13:59 |
maduser | k | 13:59 |
ubunturos | cnstarz: for any application, you can click the Help Menu -> About KDE to find the version of KDE currently running on your comptuer | 13:59 |
ubunturos | s / comptuer / computer | 13:59 |
cnstarz | cool, thanks | 13:59 |
cnstarz | i thought kubuntu 8.04 came with kde4 | 14:00 |
cnstarz | guess not | 14:00 |
SlimeyPete | 8.04 Remix comes with kde4 | 14:00 |
cnstarz | ohhhhhhhh | 14:00 |
ubunturos | cnstarz: it does, but you seem to have installed the one with KDE 3.5.9 | 14:00 |
DeepThought | cnstarz: nope, only if you get th special kde4 remix version | 14:00 |
cnstarz | gotcha, makes more sense | 14:00 |
SlimeyPete | standard 8.04 does not but you can install the kde4 packages if you want. | 14:00 |
DeepThought | cnstarz: 4 issss pretty coool | 14:00 |
ubunturos | and may be, KDE 4 is better after July 29, 2008 ;) | 14:01 |
DeepThought | ubunturos: most probably | 14:01 |
maduser | yeah its really cool | 14:01 |
DeepThought | ubunturos: lotsa stuff still missing | 14:01 |
JoshOvki | its great now as far as i see it | 14:01 |
DeepThought | JoshOvki: yep | 14:01 |
JoshOvki | lots missing, but still awsome :) | 14:01 |
DeepThought | JoshOvki: still I went back to 3 for my daily chores; to much essential stuff missing | 14:02 |
JoshOvki | im using KDE4 with some kde3 apps | 14:02 |
DeepThought | JoshOvki: awsome is an understatemen | 14:02 |
DeepThought | t | 14:02 |
DeepThought | JoshOvki: it's super-excabalatorycalifragilistic; and then some | 14:03 |
JoshOvki | nicley put | 14:03 |
DeepThought | JoshOvki: that makes sense | 14:03 |
DeepThought | JoshOvki: no probs with mixing ? I had some issues | 14:03 |
JoshOvki | DeepThought: no none at all | 14:04 |
JoshOvki | everything runs perfectly for me | 14:04 |
pidus_ | I have a BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI wireless card and i'm trying to configure it using bcm43xx, but even after installing bcm43xx-fwcutter lsmod doesn't list bcm. Can anybody tell me how to fix that? | 14:04 |
maduser | to get kde4.04 when you have kde4 just do an upgrade from unaported? | 14:06 |
flaccid | yeah | 14:06 |
DeepThought | maduser: no, not a good idea; install kubuntu-kde4 metapackage; then choose at login | 14:06 |
maduser | ah | 14:06 |
DeepThought | maduser: oh wait, my mistake; I misread thought you meant from 3 to 4; forget my remark | 14:07 |
maduser | yeah I have kde4 | 14:07 |
maduser | not the new one | 14:07 |
DeepThought | maduser: indeed do the upgrade from unsup | 14:07 |
maduser | k | 14:07 |
pidus_ | anybody got any clue? | 14:09 |
DeepThought | can I set the server for kubuntu channel somewhere in konversation ? makes more sense to use europe server since I' m in europe; uses USA now; or do servers get chosen depending on availability automagic'ly ? | 14:09 |
ubunturos | !bcm43xx | pidus_, see if it helps | 14:09 |
ubottu | pidus_, see if it helps: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx | 14:09 |
clau30 | anyone know how to fix the nspluginviewer crash in konqueror? (sorry for repost) | 14:09 |
pidus_ | ubottu: i'll look. | 14:10 |
ubottu | Factoid i'll look. not found | 14:10 |
ubunturos | pidus_: ubott u is a bot, you can query it by preceeding a '!' for a particular entity for help | 14:10 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Mabo | ||
flaccid | welcome movedx | 14:11 |
movedx | flaccid: did i hit a nerv :( | 14:12 |
pidus_ | ubunturos: ok thanks :) | 14:12 |
pdub | hey guys was hoping you can help, i recently installed ubuntu through xp (WUBI) and have been unsuccessful in mounting the xp partition. can anyone help? | 14:12 |
flaccid | movedx: nah i just have a policy on people that are partronising | 14:12 |
movedx | flaccid: If you don't mind, I'd like to become a wizard like your self and see the plethora of video card issues that present themselves to the channel. Perhaps I can learn from them also. | 14:13 |
movedx | flaccid: Yeah, you should probably ban your self, then :0 | 14:13 |
flaccid | movedx: don't start this here. | 14:13 |
flaccid | in normal circumstances, i'd be willing to help you. | 14:13 |
movedx | flaccid: I'll just idle and wait for a video card issue. | 14:14 |
flaccid | sure | 14:14 |
movedx | flaccid: Thanks! | 14:14 |
flaccid | movedx: i dont run this channel so no need to thank me | 14:14 |
* Surfer21 Visit http://www.FakeMagazineCover.com (upload pic make mag) - http://www.SillyWebcam.com (play with webcam online) - http://www.Is-A-Jerk.com (insulter/anon email) - http://www.ComedySearchEngine.com (fun) - http://www.BodySwitcher.com (put your face on funny body) - http://www.MedChecker.com (health) - http://www.Canuckster.com (Canada eh) - http://www.Nerdful.com (geeks) | 14:14 | |
movedx | flaccid: I'm just being polite. | 14:15 |
movedx | flaccid: I'll dig up the definition of that word for you, if you like? :) | 14:15 |
DeepThought | what's all this ?!? | 14:15 |
flaccid | movedx: if you want to checkout the reports of video problems, you are welcome to check the logs | 14:15 |
flaccid | !logs | movedx | 14:15 |
ubottu | movedx: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ | 14:15 |
movedx | DeepThought: bloody adverts! | 14:15 |
DeepThought | that's not what I meant | 14:15 |
flaccid | !ot | movedx | 14:15 |
ubottu | movedx: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 14:15 |
movedx | flaccid: A valid idea! I'll also wait for a live issue also. | 14:16 |
flaccid | movedx is a troller, ignore. | 14:16 |
DeepThought | so I' ve noticed | 14:16 |
DeepThought | yuck | 14:16 |
DeepThought | anybody have a clue why using compiz on kde3 let's the background shine through in dialogs until they get clicked ? Or should I ask on #compiz ? | 14:18 |
flaccid | DeepThought: #compiz-fusion probably better | 14:18 |
DeepThought | ok | 14:18 |
ccmspringming | hi | 14:19 |
flaccid | howdy | 14:19 |
=== pidus_ is now known as pidus | ||
movedx | I enjoyed KDE. It's incredibly flexible but it was a pain to configure. | 14:22 |
movedx | do older kde themes work with the newer version? | 14:22 |
flaccid | movedx: between which two versions? | 14:24 |
flaccid | and which type of theme, a normal kde theme? | 14:24 |
flaccid | simple answer, no. | 14:25 |
movedx | flaccid: Well, the latest and any prior to that really - are they backwards compatiable. | 14:25 |
flaccid | not the themes. they need to be ported to kde4/qt4 | 14:25 |
flaccid | apps are backward compat, but not themes iirc | 14:25 |
movedx | damn | 14:26 |
movedx | is there a decent collection of themes for the latest version? | 14:26 |
flaccid | well forwards compat in this case i mean | 14:26 |
DeepThought | how 'free' is Qt these days ? | 14:26 |
flaccid | its free unless commercial, but INAL | 14:26 |
DeepThought | inal ? | 14:26 |
mefistofele | QT is gpl | 14:27 |
flaccid | movedx: i aint seen much yet for kde4 | 14:27 |
flaccid | im not a lawyer | 14:27 |
mefistofele | Like MySQL, it's dual-licensed | 14:27 |
DeepThought | hehe | 14:27 |
Dr_willis | I was thinking there was some licene changes with kde4 - but i dont pay much attention to it. | 14:27 |
flaccid | its gpl 2/3 but.. | 14:27 |
DeepThought | mefistofele: ok; but there' s an alltime-free guarantee clause in the gpl -part license, right / | 14:28 |
flaccid | read about the licensing: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qt_(toolkit) | 14:28 |
DeepThought | ah ! ok | 14:28 |
DeepThought | eh-hehehe... trolltech; makes you wonder, no ? | 14:29 |
mefistofele | DeepThought: Once code is released under gpl, it can't be 'unreleased'. However, theoretically Qt could take the changes they make to future versions and only put them in non-gpl, however there's nothing to stop the community from making a free fork using the gpl code | 14:29 |
Dr_willis | Its the 'happy little squat long haired' kind of troll. :P | 14:29 |
flaccid | its a nice troll :) | 14:30 |
DeepThought | mefistofele: that' s very reassuring; knocks the bottom from under gnome... considering kde is so much cooler these days | 14:30 |
doktoreas | hello everybody | 14:30 |
movedx | Indeed. | 14:30 |
doktoreas | is there a tool for syncing files from 2 pc running the same kubuntu? | 14:30 |
movedx | rsync | 14:30 |
mefistofele | svn :) | 14:31 |
DeepThought | mefistofele: svn ? | 14:31 |
movedx | svn? | 14:31 |
DeepThought | so very nice ? | 14:31 |
mefistofele | some people keep their home directories in a version control system like svn or cvs | 14:31 |
mefistofele | subversion | 14:31 |
movedx | mefistofele: That sounds crazy! I'd rather use LDAP! | 14:32 |
mefistofele | LDAP? what advantages does that have? | 14:32 |
mefistofele | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subversion_(software) | 14:32 |
flaccid | only problem is setting up something like rsync :( | 14:32 |
movedx | flaccid: yeah, it can be difficult. there are some front ends, though, that make it simplier | 14:32 |
doktoreas | I had to sync just 2 folders | 14:32 |
movedx | flaccid: although, it is a good chance to learn a powerful tool and crontab'ing! | 14:33 |
=== oilinki3 is now known as oilinki | ||
genii | You could also just nfs mount one dir from the other box so they actually just use the same files | 14:33 |
flaccid | movedx: i know it. but kubuntu is a desktop OS so feel free to help doktoreas with the frontend.. | 14:33 |
movedx | flaccid: I'll see if I can find the tool | 14:33 |
flaccid | movedx: i'd like to be helped here as well | 14:34 |
doktoreas | thx guys ;) | 14:34 |
movedx | grsync | 14:34 |
movedx | GTK+ frontend for rsync | 14:34 |
movedx | :) | 14:34 |
genii | movedx: Now can you find a QT frontend? ;) | 14:34 |
movedx | it only supports limited functionality, though | 14:34 |
flaccid | !info grsync doktoreas | 14:34 |
ubottu | grsync (source: grsync): GTK+ frontend for rsync. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6-2 (hardy), package size 62 kB, installed size 336 kB | 14:34 |
movedx | genii: sorry :( | 14:34 |
flaccid | now doktoreas just needs a howto/tutorial or personal help, movedx :) | 14:35 |
b4l74z4r | is it possible to adjust the size of the external taskbar? | 14:35 |
movedx | flaccid: I could walk him through it, I guess. He'd need some kind of connection to the other machine. | 14:35 |
movedx | doktoreas: Are both computers syncing to each other, or one machine syncing to the other? | 14:36 |
flaccid | hopefully its local | 14:36 |
doktoreas | movedx: each other | 14:36 |
movedx | doktoreas: So each has files the other needs, that are different files, that both need to access? | 14:36 |
doktoreas | movedx: yep | 14:36 |
movedx | doktoreas: OK, you'll need the rync daemon on each machine as well, then. | 14:37 |
movedx | doktoreas: though sadly, you'll likely need to get your hands dirty with a console :( | 14:37 |
doktoreas | movedx: I have find unison | 14:37 |
doktoreas | seem ok..do you know it? | 14:38 |
movedx | I do not, sorry. | 14:38 |
movedx | I did notice that app. too, though | 14:38 |
movedx | doktoreas: http://everythinglinux.org/rsync/ - go over this tutorial for setting up and configuring rsyncd on each machine. | 14:41 |
doktoreas | nice! | 14:41 |
movedx | doktoreas: To be honest, though, you're best learning the CLI stuff and simply setting up a crontab to automatic the syncing. | 14:41 |
flaccid | !shell | doktoreas | 14:42 |
ubottu | doktoreas: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 14:42 |
reese | is there a frontend for sqlite3? | 14:42 |
doktoreas | reese: sqlitebrowser | 14:42 |
movedx | !info sqlitebrowser movedx | 14:42 |
ubottu | sqlitebrowser (source: sqlitebrowser): GUI editor for SQLite databases. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.3-2 (hardy), package size 277 kB, installed size 756 kB | 14:42 |
movedx | yay! | 14:42 |
reagleBRKLN | is there a smarter way of capitilizing titles: string.capwords("Now is 'the time' for all good men") fails to capitalize 'the because it splits on space and doesn't cap apostrophes | 14:43 |
nosrednaekim | reagleBRKLN: that would be a better quetion for #python | 14:43 |
reagleBRKLN | oops, wrong channel, sorry! | 14:43 |
=== brad__ is now known as some_dude | ||
movedx | hah | 14:46 |
pidus | now lsmod does list the bcm43xx drivers but the wireless lcd doesn't glow and iwconfig doesn't show anything | 14:47 |
doepain | Hi | 14:53 |
doepain | I was in here yesterday asking about wifi for my T41 | 14:53 |
doepain | and was told to use NDIS | 14:54 |
doepain | ...NDISWRAPPER | 14:54 |
flaccid | !wireless | pidus | 14:54 |
ubottu | pidus: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 14:54 |
flaccid | !ndiswrapper | doepain | 14:54 |
ubottu | doepain: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 14:54 |
flaccid | it all links from there | 14:54 |
doepain | I was able to use apt to get ndiscommon | 14:55 |
doepain | ok | 14:55 |
byu | knock2.. | 14:58 |
byu | can anybody help me..? | 14:59 |
doc_ | Hi, how can I check my CPU temp? | 14:59 |
movedx | doc_: Firstly the BIOS has to support it, which is likely to be fair. | 15:00 |
movedx | doc_: Then you'll need the relevant application - one sec. | 15:00 |
movedx | byu: With what, exactly? | 15:01 |
Dr_willis | doc_, the lm-sensors package can do that. not sure if theres a better way. many other tools use lm-sensors I recall | 15:01 |
Dr_willis | so if you see some other temp tool installing lm-sensors :) dont be suprised | 15:01 |
doc_ | oh yes lm-sensor, ok | 15:02 |
byu | no sounds at all when i'm installin' fedora 9 to my ibm t23..any ideas guys..? | 15:03 |
=== brad__ is now known as some_dude | ||
Pici | byu: Ask in #fedora, not in #kubuntu | 15:04 |
byu | oops..sorry.. | 15:04 |
Dr_willis | :) | 15:04 |
* genii hands out coffees | 15:11 | |
flaccid | thanks genii | 15:11 |
flaccid | Thu May 29 00:11:41 EST 2008 | 15:11 |
flaccid | bit late but sweet | 15:11 |
genii | flaccid: Anytime. I figure we may need some to stay awake in here... | 15:11 |
flaccid | for sure | 15:12 |
movedx | Does anyone here know the existance of an app. that can peek/search/scan a PDF document and retrieve certain information, such as a line of text matching a regexp or search criteria? | 15:13 |
shane2_peru | does anyone know if I can import some new contacts into a new group, or category or something, to keep them separate in Kontact? | 15:13 |
genii | movedx: I believe there is a pdf2txt utility. | 15:14 |
movedx | interesting | 15:14 |
leatherdruid | I'm trying to replace a cd with a dvd player but can't mout the dvd. Does anyone know how to fix that? | 15:15 |
movedx | leatherdruid: IDE or SATA interface? | 15:15 |
DeepThought | doc_: you can use system monitor; and there's an applet (forgot the name, sorry) that 'swallows' from the sysmon to put in the panel; that way I have a cosntant temp in the panel, as well as graph of cpu-load | 15:15 |
genii | movedx: Actually on my box it seems to be called pdftotext but you get the idea | 15:15 |
leatherdruid | cd was IDE DVD is SATA | 15:16 |
movedx | leatherdruid: try mounting /dev/scd0 then | 15:16 |
jimmy51vinsky | i have a file on a USB flash drive i'd like to delete, but can't. /extlinux.sys | 15:16 |
DeepThought | doc_: so you make in system monitor a new page, add the cpu sensor, and drag that to the applet, real easy | 15:16 |
jimmy51vinsky | how can i delete it? (sudo is'nt doing it) | 15:16 |
flaccid | jimmy51vinsky: is there an error? | 15:17 |
DeepThought | doc_: sorry, it's Ksystemguard | 15:17 |
leatherdruid | movedx: I'm new to linux so I'm not sure how to do that | 15:17 |
movedx | leatherdruid: sudo mount -o loop /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom | 15:17 |
jimmy51vinsky | flaccid: "rm cannot remove 'extlinux.sys': operation not permitted | 15:17 |
movedx | leatherdruid: Has Kubuntu not detected your new drive? | 15:18 |
movedx | leatherdruid: It should be automounting when you insert a DVD | 15:18 |
DeepThought | doc_: open new worksheet, do new sensor and choose cpu temp, digital display, and then install the applet and drag into it; | 15:18 |
flaccid | jimmy51vinsky: run ls -l /path/to/extlinux.sys | 15:18 |
leatherdruid | movedx: there isn't a scd0 in fstab for it to mount to | 15:19 |
jimmy51vinsky | flaccid: -r--r--r-- 1 root root 10224 date time extlinux.sys | 15:19 |
jimmy51vinsky | chmod +rw ? | 15:20 |
flaccid | jimmy51vinsky: hmm. what is the full path of this file please? | 15:20 |
jimmy51vinsky | flaccid: it's in the root of my USB flash drive, which is currently /media/USBBOOT | 15:20 |
movedx | leatherdruid: Is the BIOS POST screen detecting the drive? | 15:20 |
leatherdruid | movedx: I'd have to reboot to see for sure but I think it was there | 15:21 |
flaccid | jimmy51vinsky: try sudo chattr -i /media/USBBOOT/extlinux.sys & sudo rm /media/USBBOOT/extlinux.sys | 15:21 |
DeepThought | doc_: and it's the systemguard applet; in the list from add-applet at right click on panel>add applet | 15:22 |
movedx | leatherdruid: If it is, then for some reason your Linux installation isn't detecting and implementing the drive, possibly due to it not being a supported drive. | 15:22 |
leatherdruid | movedx: kubuntu knows when a disk is insterted | 15:22 |
jimmy51vinsky | flaccid: sweet! chattr = DOS attrib, i take it. | 15:22 |
DeepThought | doc_: and you probably need lm-sensors installed for it to work | 15:22 |
flaccid | jimmy51vinsky: did it work? -i is to remove immutable flag | 15:23 |
movedx | leatherdruid: So what's the issue exactly? If it sees the drive and picks up when a disk is inserted - does it not mount the disk or? | 15:23 |
flaccid | its not DOS | 15:23 |
jimmy51vinsky | flaccid: it sure did work. | 15:23 |
flaccid | ok coolio | 15:23 |
DeepThought | doc_: ? | 15:23 |
dwmoonvm | hello, is there anybody who can explain what "limberback" means? | 15:23 |
jimmy51vinsky | flaccid: hehe, i know it's not DOS.... i just meant the purpose of that command is similar to the attrib command from way back when | 15:24 |
leatherdruid | moved: it know when a disk is inserted but there is no scd0 entry in etc/fstab for it to mount to I think. | 15:24 |
flaccid | oh but this is from unix which is far older than dos jimmy51vinsky but yeah gotya | 15:24 |
flaccid | leatherdruid: thats because hald looks after it not fstab | 15:24 |
movedx | leatherdruid: If it knows the disk is there, it knows of the device and is already mounting it | 15:24 |
flaccid | leatherdruid: check dmesg after you insert the disc | 15:25 |
jimmy51vinsky | flaccid: thanks for the help. i'm going to see what else i can break | 15:25 |
jimmy51vinsky | :) | 15:25 |
movedx | leatherdruid: does the disk appear on your desktop? If so, it's already mounting | 15:25 |
kristian_ | I just found out that kaccess freezes the keyboard on Kubuntu Gutsy | 15:25 |
flaccid | jimmy51vinsky: lol ok :) | 15:25 |
dwmoonvm | hello, is there anybody who can explain what "limberback" means? or what server should i go for this question? | 15:26 |
leatherdruid | movedx: when I try to open it dolphin says "Method MOount with signiture ssas on inteerface org.freedestop.Hal.Device>volume dosen't exist" | 15:26 |
movedx | leatherdruid: Is it a blank disk? :P | 15:27 |
Steve-cal | Anybody understand what program(s) updates the /etc/network/interfaces file? I want to be able to use ifup/ifdown, but I read that network manager will not manage any networks in /etc/network/interfaces. Isn't there a way to use both? | 15:27 |
leatherdruid | movedx: no it's a music cd | 15:27 |
genii | dwmoonvm: It's not an #kubuntu or #ubuntu related support question. Probably Google knows something | 15:27 |
=== joe_ is now known as CyD | ||
movedx | leatherdruid: Do this in a console and if you get more than ONE line of output, pastebin the output @ www.rafb.net/paste: dmesg | grep cdrom | 15:28 |
movedx | leatherdruid: if you get no output, try: dmesg | grep CROM | 15:29 |
movedx | leatherdruid: (notice the upper case CDROM) | 15:29 |
leatherdruid | movedx: no output for either | 15:29 |
movedx | interesting | 15:29 |
leatherdruid | movedx: it's a sony light scribe dvd burner | 15:30 |
movedx | leatherdruid: remove the cd, and try again - also, have you tried any other disk in the drive? | 15:30 |
flaccid | Steve-cal: what is your situation. why both. what do you want? | 15:30 |
flaccid | sorry its possible :) | 15:30 |
movedx | leatherdruid: I haven't had experience with that hardware, sorry. I use an LG BluRay drive. | 15:30 |
leatherdruid | movedx: i read that sony was well supported some where so I bought it | 15:31 |
flaccid | leatherdruid: does dmesg show anything when you insert the cdrom? and did you verify linux detects the cdrom? | 15:31 |
movedx | flaccid: he did 'dmesg | grep cdrom' and "CDROM" and got no output | 15:31 |
movedx | flaccid: which is odd. | 15:31 |
movedx | flaccid: Don't you usually get something saying the cdrom isn't ready? | 15:32 |
flaccid | movedx: searching for 'cdrom' may not pick up errors and other info | 15:32 |
movedx | flaccid: I was hoping it would get the device :/ | 15:32 |
leatherdruid | movedx: ok I tried a new cd a got files but dmesg still give me no output | 15:32 |
Steve-cal | flaccid: Well the bottom line is I would like to take advantage of a GUI (say knetworkmanager) to set up my network, but I would also like to be able to disconnect/connect when necessary. So is it possible to use ifup/ifdown along with knetworkmanager or similar? | 15:32 |
flaccid | could be under manythings not cdrom | 15:32 |
movedx | flaccid: yeah, sadl | 15:32 |
movedx | y | 15:32 |
flaccid | Steve-cal: it can do that automatically | 15:33 |
ct529 | hi everybody. We would like to be able to synchronise our contacts across a group of people. do you know of a good web based server of contacts that synchronises with Kontact on Kubuntu 804? | 15:33 |
movedx | leatherdruid: pastebin (rafb.net/paste) the output of: cat /etc/fstab | 15:33 |
leatherdruid | movedx: I think that it's installing drivers now | 15:34 |
movedx | leatherdruid: eh? what did you do to start that process? | 15:34 |
flaccid | Steve-cal: exceptions can be static entries in /etc/network/interfaces . network profiles for multiple static states iirc | 15:34 |
Steve-cal | flaccid: What do you mean? Can I use ifup/ifdown and knetworkmanager at the same time or no? I want to connect/disconnect manually when necessary--not automatically. | 15:34 |
flaccid | Steve-cal: no need. just right click knetworkmanager | 15:35 |
leatherdruid | movedx: tried a new cd | 15:35 |
genii | leatherdruid: When you put in the new SATA DVD and removed the old IDE CD, did you go into bios and ensure that it was detecting the new change there? | 15:35 |
movedx | leatherdruid: after it's done, see if the music cd will work | 15:35 |
movedx | genii: he believes it was showing in the bios post screen | 15:35 |
leatherdruid | movedx: I didn't check bios but it plays the cd now?!? | 15:36 |
movedx | leatherdruid: very odd | 15:36 |
=== pidus_ is now known as pidus | ||
genii | movedx: OK. Since it would be the most obvious non-reporting of hardware | 15:36 |
flaccid | Steve-cal: there is usually no need for more than 1 static profile on an interface | 15:36 |
movedx | genii: indeed | 15:36 |
flaccid | Steve-cal: but if so, check out network profiles in manual configuration. | 15:37 |
Steve-cal | flaccid: Is there a way to connect/disconnect then from the command line if I need to? And why aren't DHCP profiles allowed in the interfaces file? | 15:37 |
leatherdruid | movedx: I still don't have a scd0 in etc/fstab either... | 15:37 |
movedx | leatherdruid: don't worry about | 15:37 |
leatherdruid | movedx: I'll try working with it for a while and see what happens. Thanks for all of the help | 15:37 |
movedx | leatherdruid: that's just what it's called on my system and I have a SATA II DVD drive also | 15:38 |
movedx | leatherdruid: no problem. | 15:38 |
flaccid | Steve-cal: yes you can do sudo ifconfig eth0 ip or similar and dhcp can go in there. | 15:38 |
wang_ | quit | 15:38 |
genii | Steve-cal: dhcp send/request stuff is in the configuration file of dhcp and not the interfaces it may be used on. | 15:38 |
movedx | wang_: /quit | 15:38 |
flaccid | Steve-cal: sudo ifconfig eth0 or similar and dhcp can go in there. | 15:39 |
genii | Steve-cal: eg: /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf | 15:39 |
=== mamadou is now known as deckyo | ||
flaccid | its more about understanding your different networks. which we don't know about yet | 15:39 |
Steve-cal | flaccid: So when is OK to have my NIC listed in /etc/network/interfaces? Only if it is a static address? So if it is DHCP, I need to use "sudo ifconfig eth0" instead of ifup/ifdown? And which program updates/writes the information to the interfaces file? | 15:44 |
flaccid | its ok whenever you want. if its listed as static or dhcp it won't be changeable by the user in kde knetworkmanager as its set by the system. the command i mentioned was to bring down the interface but that won't help if dhclient is running which will renew. no program updates. | 15:46 |
stefan | hello | 15:46 |
stefan | i know i might not be the first who asks | 15:46 |
stefan | but does anyone have a clue when kde 4.1 beta will be avail. through the repos? | 15:46 |
flaccid | stefan: wrong channel. #kubuntu-kde4 | 15:47 |
stefan | ok | 15:48 |
stefan | sorry ;) | 15:48 |
leonardo | como muda o nome no knversation? | 15:48 |
Steve-cal | flaccid: OK thanks, I appreciate the info. | 15:48 |
The_ManU_212 | hi | 16:01 |
The_ManU_212 | ich wollte xubuntu neu isntallieren | 16:01 |
The_ManU_212 | aber ich weiß nicht mehr welches meine /home partition ist | 16:02 |
jpds | !de | The_ManU_212 | 16:02 |
ubottu | The_ManU_212: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 16:02 |
The_ManU_212 | krieg ich das mit der alternate cd irgendwie raus? | 16:02 |
The_ManU_212 | wär blöd wenn ich die jetzt überschreib | 16:02 |
The_ManU_212 | sry | 16:02 |
flaccid | !de | The_ManU_212 | 16:03 |
ubottu | The_ManU_212: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 16:03 |
flaccid | oops! | 16:04 |
The_ManU_212 | hi | 16:04 |
The_ManU_212 | i wanted to isntall hardy by alternate cd but i dont know my old /home partition how can i find it out with this cd, because i cant see any informatn with partition manager | 16:04 |
flaccid | The_ManU_212: in konsole, sudo fdisk -l to see disks | 16:05 |
genii | The_ManU_212: Then mount each in turn to see if they contain some directory called Desktop. If so, then thats it | 16:06 |
Konrad | szalony: ;d | 16:15 |
bastian_ | hi | 16:17 |
=== bastian_ is now known as OculusAquilae | ||
OculusAquilae | hi | 16:17 |
OculusAquilae | We set up a ltsp-server in our school | 16:18 |
OculusAquilae | Mounting local storage devices like usb-sticks and cds works. They are mounted on /media/username/diskname, but they aren't shown in the devices menu of kde/dolphin. | 16:20 |
The_ManU_212 | is /dev/sda4 the same as partition number 4 which is shown by partition manager of alternate disk? | 16:22 |
flaccid | The_ManU_212: no | 16:23 |
flaccid | well it could be | 16:23 |
The_ManU_212 | flaccid: and how do i know which partition the same is as /dev/sda4? | 16:23 |
flaccid | actually it is | 16:23 |
flaccid | sorry used to bsd | 16:23 |
flaccid | its the fourth partition on disk a | 16:24 |
* genii diskslices flaccid | 16:25 | |
The_ManU_212 | flaccid: the hardy disk has no option to set a mountpoint for this partition (or any other) anymore | 16:25 |
The_ManU_212 | i want to use it as home | 16:25 |
The_ManU_212 | with other ubuntu versions it was possible | 16:26 |
tempest__ | When I logout of kubuntu i just get a black screen, and then it doesnt do anything else. I don't have a clue as to what to even check to know why it is doing that. | 16:28 |
The_ManU_212 | i have to set /dev/sda1 as /boot /dev/sda2 as / and /dev/sda4 as /home | 16:30 |
The_ManU_212 | but this option is missed | 16:30 |
emilsedgh_ | im getting kernel panics as of yesterday.where could i get logs about how and why its happenning? | 16:30 |
emilsedgh_ | !panic | 16:30 |
ubottu | Factoid panic not found | 16:30 |
emilsedgh_ | ghr | 16:30 |
ahmed | hi i have VGA Nvidia TNT\TNT2 model 64 what is the best and safe way to install its driver i tried to use the one in driner extracs i couldnt see the gui after that i need a save way | 16:30 |
The_ManU_212 | !kernelpanic | 16:32 |
ubottu | Factoid kernelpanic not found | 16:32 |
The_ManU_212 | !kernel-panic | 16:32 |
ubottu | Factoid kernel-panic not found | 16:32 |
=== dude is now known as superhgg | ||
mkultras | hey i need to send a fax like just get a .jpg or .tiff send to a fax machine i have a hp laptop with a winmodem is there any hope for me you guys think ? | 16:38 |
mkultras | running kubuntu of course 8.0 | 16:38 |
mkultras | i have a dv1000 hp laptopo | 16:39 |
emilsedgh_ | mkultras: whats your modem? | 16:41 |
ahmed | i have VGA Nvidia TNT\TNT2 model 64 what is the best and safe way to install its driver i tried to use the one in driner extracs i couldnt see the gui after that i need a save way | 16:41 |
mkultras | it's an ac97 modem | 16:42 |
mkultras | Agere Systems i believe | 16:42 |
mkultras | nm its Conexant AC97 Data Fax Modem | 16:43 |
mkultras | i can see it when i type lspci | 16:43 |
mkultras | it says ac'97 Modem controller in there | 16:43 |
The_ManU_212 | whats the sense of mount-option relatime? does it make sense for partition /boot? | 16:44 |
The_ManU_212 | or /home? | 16:44 |
flaccid | The_ManU_212: do it manually after install then | 16:45 |
The_ManU_212 | flaccid: which would you prefer, i can change it know comfortably in the installer | 16:45 |
flaccid | if you can set it in the installer then cool if it works | 16:46 |
flaccid | ahmed: restricted manager/hardware drivers | 16:47 |
The_ManU_212 | flaccid and what should i set relatime or default??? | 16:48 |
ahmed | flaccid: i tried this one after i restart it get black screen no gui | 16:49 |
flaccid | The_ManU_212: im not familiar with that option sorry | 16:49 |
flaccid | ahmed: which driver | 16:49 |
ahmed | flaccid: i need a save way its Nvidia accelerated graphic driver (legacy cards) | 16:50 |
ahmed | flaccid: that what i used and went to black screen with no gui i found it in driver restricted | 16:51 |
Lupus-SLE | Hey, I'm trying some things with quake 3 that seem to be causing problems. If it crashes them x seems to stop responding and all I get to see is black | 16:56 |
Lupus-SLE | How can I kill the app that's crashed and get back onto my desktop? | 16:57 |
=== micky is now known as frybye | ||
mslot | Im new in Kubuntu (used Debian Etch in a long long time). Is there a way to get compiz-fusion? anyway, thanks for an easy setup process!!! | 17:06 |
mslot | Kubuntu Hardy that is | 17:06 |
frybye | go to system - desktop effects.. | 17:07 |
dude_ | Hi guys.. I install Hardy yesterday.. but when it comes up, it does not always detect my PS2 mouse.. When it does not detect it, I pull out the mouse and plug it back again.. When I do this, it works.. Any idea what could be wrong ? | 17:07 |
frybye | when you try to select more effects you will be prompted to install the compiz.f | 17:07 |
mslot | frybye: Oh yes. Saw that I could install the compiz engine :) thanks | 17:07 |
frybye | mslot - your welcome - have fun.. | 17:08 |
genii | Lupus-SLE: Does alt-tab work to cycle between applications? | 17:09 |
Lupus-SLE | genii: No | 17:10 |
genii | Lupus-SLE: Does your mouse move? | 17:10 |
Lupus-SLE | I can't see the cursor at all | 17:10 |
Lupus-SLE | All there is, is black. | 17:10 |
mslot | frybye: Do I have to manually get the ccsm? | 17:10 |
frybye | mslot - I have not got that far myself sorry.. sbdy else will help i am sure.. | 17:11 |
genii | Lupus-SLE: Can you obtain a console by ctrl-alt-f1 (you can return by alt-f7 normally) ? If so you could login there then kill it by something like sudo killall quake | 17:12 |
frybye | there is also a simpler csm with less complexity.. but as i say I have not got around to it yet... | 17:12 |
Lupus-SLE | genii: Yes | 17:12 |
Lupus-SLE | Oh wait | 17:12 |
Lupus-SLE | genii: I did that it seemed to of killed quake but the screen was still black | 17:13 |
genii | Lupus-SLE: Looks like you'll need to do the sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart to regain X then | 17:13 |
Lupus-SLE | genii: So there isn't actually a way to get back? | 17:14 |
genii | Lupus-SLE: If you get a listing with: ps ax of whats running and scan it for possible culprits you could kill -9 them. | 17:15 |
genii | Lupus-SLE: I'm not sure what component parts may be part of the running quake | 17:16 |
Lupus-SLE | Afaik it's just one file | 17:16 |
Lupus-SLE | Wait... what does kill -9 do? | 17:16 |
genii | Lupus-SLE: PErhaps: top will show you if it's the thing hogging all resources atm | 17:16 |
genii | Lupus-SLE: kill -9 forcibly kills a process. | 17:17 |
Lupus-SLE | Isn't that supposed to be like... overkill or killing apps? | 17:17 |
genii | Yes | 17:17 |
jabba | Lupus-SLE: kill -9 tells init to kill the priocess without asking the process | 17:17 |
jabba | Lupus-SLE: it's different from the other kill signals because the application has no say in the matter. INT and TERM (and SEGV) can be ignored. | 17:17 |
Lupus-SLE | So it's a bit of a kick to the balls for the app? | 17:18 |
jabba | Lupus-SLE: yeah, mostly. sometimes it doesn't work, but that's rare. | 17:18 |
genii | heh, pretty much yes | 17:18 |
Lupus-SLE | Meh... it's what it deserves for interupting my torrents. | 17:18 |
genii | Lupus-SLE: It's possible the "killall quake" didn't actualy terminate it, maybe do a ps ax | grep quake and if a result use the -9 on it | 17:20 |
ahmed | hi i installed envy to install nvidia driver i installed it and run it and installed nvdia driverr now how i know it worked fine and should i restarrt?? | 17:24 |
genii | ahmed: Since the use of envy is not supported or encouraged here, these are questions you should instead be asking the developer of it. | 17:25 |
wesley__ | Kubuntu packages are in preparation. ( kde 4 beta ) are they already | 17:26 |
ahmed | genii:sorry but i think they mention to this app in the kubuntuforum and i could ask there but i wanted hurry answer | 17:27 |
genii | ahmed: If gave no obvious error then likely a reboot is safe | 17:34 |
NetSKaVeN | hell-o! | 17:43 |
jpds | !hi | NetSKaVeN | 17:43 |
ubottu | NetSKaVeN: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 17:43 |
NetSKaVeN | anyone using hardy with kde 4.0.4? | 17:43 |
=== JanMalte_ is now known as JanMalte | ||
Hasan_Bacioglu | dov'e le channel italiano ? | 17:45 |
TrueFX | hi guys | 17:47 |
TrueFX | what's the italian kubuntu channel name ? | 17:47 |
majestic | hello, I have a question. When I play Divx files in kubuntu, it seems like it jumps (the play sometimes skips seconds..or diffuse the image) | 17:48 |
majestic | i was wondering if anybody knows about a good divx codecs for kubuntu | 17:48 |
DrakeJustice | what would cause kdesktop or what other kde part to read $HOME as the desktop instead of $HOME/Desktop... ? plz, has this happened to anyone here before... 3.5.9hardy | 17:58 |
DrakeJustice | anyone know? | 18:09 |
ibou | hi | 18:10 |
nosrednaekim | DrakeJustice: yeah.... go into systemsettings->paths (I think... if not I'll find the right module) | 18:11 |
ibou | is cdparanoia better than cdda2wav ? | 18:11 |
shane2peru | quick question, how to I set the calendar in kde to start on Sun, not Mon? | 18:12 |
shane2peru | I know there is an easy way but I don't remember how | 18:12 |
nosrednaekim | DrakeJustice: hmm not there... | 18:13 |
nosrednaekim | DrakeJustice: run "kcmshell desktoppath" | 18:14 |
Icelab | i have a question | 18:14 |
nosrednaekim | ask! :) | 18:15 |
Icelab | first sorry for my english | 18:15 |
nosrednaekim | its good enough :) | 18:15 |
Icelab | i have installed on my computer kubuntu 8.04 on hard disk and win whit fat 32 | 18:16 |
nosrednaekim | ok | 18:16 |
=== pim is now known as pim_ | ||
Icelab | bat i don't see on desk top the icon of the hd whit win | 18:16 |
=== joaquin is now known as juacom99 | ||
Icelab | and it is mounted in /media/manefolder | 18:17 |
pim_ | hello | 18:17 |
nosrednaekim | Icelab: right click on desktop->configure desktop->Behavior->device icons | 18:17 |
Icelab | only if i make a link whit ythe option on the menu | 18:17 |
Icelab | yes i have do it but i think that came in aoutomatic | 18:18 |
Icelab | therefore it is come and work only if i make that? | 18:20 |
Icelab | nosread it is the only way? I' woud like see it that start automaticamente at the start up | 18:24 |
Icelab | sorry automatically | 18:25 |
=== pedro is now known as pedro_ | ||
nosrednaekim | Icelab: it should save that settings | 18:26 |
=== pedro_ is now known as pedro | ||
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Icelab | ok i tray thank | 18:29 |
ahmed | hi anyone help me with compiz i installed it but i cannt play the efffects | 18:31 |
ahmed | hi anyone help me with compiz i installed it but i cannt play the efffects | 18:38 |
=== administrator_ is now known as timmy_ | ||
=== timmy_ is now known as _timmy_ | ||
_timmy_ | hi | 18:45 |
nosrednaekim | ahmed: yeah... try install int compizconfig-settings-manager | 18:45 |
movedx | yes hello | 18:45 |
sparr | my hard drives are overheating now that summer is approaching :( gonna have to buy a bigger case and space them out. or stick most of them in a file server in the basement | 18:48 |
TheFuzzball | does anyone know a channel that helps with web development? | 18:48 |
The_ManU_212 | how to set the right resolution of teh screen | 18:50 |
movedx | sparr: you buy device that cool the hdd's down | 18:50 |
The_ManU_212 | my tv cant show any picture because of false data | 18:50 |
The_ManU_212 | but since hardy i cant change xorg.conf | 18:50 |
The_ManU_212 | where to set? | 18:51 |
sparr | movedx: nowhere to put it, im very much out of bays | 18:51 |
sparr | movedx: my two most important 3.5" drives are in 5.25" bays for cooling, but then theres a stack of no-space-for-cooling drives in the 3.5" bays | 18:51 |
movedx | sparr: would you consider external firewire/usb/e-sata drive enclosures? | 18:51 |
sparr | sure, but id rather just do the file server | 18:51 |
sparr | need one anyways | 18:51 |
movedx | fair enough :) | 18:51 |
sparr | planning to put a media center in the living room, and i dont want it pulling movies from my desktop | 18:52 |
movedx | yep, that's exactly what I want to do. | 18:52 |
movedx | I'm going to use a NAS on a gigabit LAN. | 18:52 |
ahmed | nosrednaekim: i installed everything but nothing played | 18:53 |
ubuntu | is there anyone here who is good at fixing partitions, grub etc.? | 18:53 |
=== ubuntu is now known as brokendisk | ||
nosrednaekim | ahmed: well... you have to do the hotkeys... ccsm will tell you what they are | 18:53 |
nosrednaekim | whats wrong ubuntu? | 18:53 |
brokendisk | i did something totally stupid, i have ubuntu and vista... | 18:54 |
ahmed | nosrednaekim:alt+f2 and type ccsm?? | 18:54 |
brokendisk | i wanted to reinstall ubuntu, so went into partition manager on vista and erased ubuntu...now pc doesnt boot up at all | 18:54 |
brokendisk | im using disc | 18:54 |
brokendisk | the live disc | 18:54 |
ahmed | nosrednaekim: it opened compiz config setting where is hotkeys? | 18:55 |
brokendisk | tried installing ubuntu again from the disc...when its reading the partitions it gets stuck at 46% | 18:55 |
movedx | brokendisk: ubuntu has installed GRUB on the MBR and the MBR is trying booting GRUB which in turn is trying to boot Ubuntu - you've removed Ubuntu so now Grub is dying :( | 18:55 |
movedx | brokendisk: Is formatting the whole drive an option? | 18:56 |
brokendisk | movedx: well...sort of but its hugely inconvienient | 18:56 |
nosrednaekim | ahmed: look for the function you want to perform and go into its settings | 18:57 |
brokendisk | movedx: and besides i wouldnt know how to format it...:( | 18:57 |
nosrednaekim | brokendisk: reinstall ubuntu onto the same partition and everything will be fine again | 18:57 |
ahmed | nosrednaekim:ok i trired some of them nothing played | 18:58 |
brokendisk | movedx: i tried to but when it gets to the step where you pick a partition to install it to it says "reading disks..." and the bar gets stuck at 46% | 18:58 |
brokendisk | movedx: i left it for an hour like that...:( | 18:58 |
movedx | I see. | 18:59 |
nosrednaekim | ahmed: but were they enabled? | 18:59 |
movedx | brokendisk: I'd suggest formatting the partition Ubuntu was on to a Linux partition type. Has your LiveCD got gparted on it? | 18:59 |
DrakeJustice | nosrednaekim: thank you! i was unaware that was even a module... | 18:59 |
nosrednaekim | DrakeJustice: yeah... doesn't seem to be in either kcontrol or systemsettings | 19:00 |
brokendisk | movedx: um...i have no idea what that is...is there any way i could find out whether or not i have that? | 19:00 |
ahmed | nosrednaekim:i select desktop cube and look at action tab under key i have edge button, screen edge disapled, on system bell laso button= none , key = ctrl+Alt+down | 19:01 |
brokendisk | movedx: i should explain...i am completely new to absolutely everything and anything about linux | 19:01 |
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=== Gaucho is now known as mips | ||
nosrednaekim | movedx: it probably has qtparted | 19:03 |
=== celtic_ is now known as EmJay_ | ||
=== EmJay_ is now known as EmJay| | ||
amundsen | hi | 19:05 |
Snakeyes11 | hello | 19:05 |
brokendisk | is there a way to just install grub from the live cd by overwriting the broken grub? | 19:05 |
nosrednaekim | ahmed: you need to look at "rotate cube" | 19:05 |
nosrednaekim | brokendisk: not really, since your /boot is erased. | 19:05 |
* EmJay| is back | 19:05 | |
amundsen | i'm trying to change my monitor's resolution with control panel, but it only changes in KDE not in KDM | 19:06 |
nosrednaekim | brokendisk: you can however install the vista bootloader | 19:06 |
amundsen | any sugestion ? | 19:06 |
nosrednaekim | amundsen: thats because its a user-only settings | 19:06 |
nosrednaekim | you'd have to modify your xorg.conf | 19:06 |
brokendisk | nosrednaekim: how? if i could do that, it would be brilliant as all my personal files are on my vista partition. if i could do that, maybe i could start things fresh with installing ubuntu. | 19:07 |
amundsen | nosrednaekim: i'm looking for info in google, but no answer for my problem | 19:07 |
nosrednaekim | brokendisk: I don't know crap about vista..... and reinstalling tis bootloader... ask in #windows | 19:07 |
brokendisk | ok thanks | 19:08 |
brokendisk | right...call me stupid but how do i connect to #windows? I could only get here because there was a button for me to click | 19:09 |
nosrednaekim | just click on #window | 19:09 |
nosrednaekim | or "/join #windows" | 19:09 |
brokendisk | oh...ok thanks | 19:09 |
nosrednaekim | I have to go... BBL | 19:09 |
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patrice | hi | 19:16 |
pim_ | hi | 19:18 |
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jmarcelotse | hg | 19:24 |
jmarcelotse | hi! | 19:25 |
=== oxygen_ is now known as [A]Li | ||
[A]Li | hi ieend some help | 19:30 |
[A]Li | how i can install KDE in Ubuntu | 19:31 |
[A]Li | ? | 19:31 |
jessejazza | go to synaptic~>meta packages~>select kde desktop | 19:31 |
genii | sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop then choose kde as session from login screen | 19:31 |
genii | or the other way :) | 19:31 |
[A]Li | sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ?? it is the full command i need to put in terminal? | 19:32 |
[A]Li | sorry to say but i am a newbie | 19:32 |
chev_chelios | [A]Li: nothing to be ashame | 19:33 |
chev_chelios | i am a noob 2 | 19:33 |
jessejazza | yes - i'd say your better to use synaptic | 19:33 |
genii | [A]Li: Yes, if you put that it will install the kde components. You can still choose after that gnome or then kde in the login manager | 19:33 |
genii | [A]Li: If you use the Synaptic way it is just as good. I am just used to giving instructions for command line since it is not dependent on window manager or gui package manager | 19:34 |
[A]Li | where i can find the Synaptic? | 19:36 |
=== graxain is now known as graxaim | ||
[A]Li | ok got it | 19:36 |
[A]Li | thanks alot | 19:36 |
jessejazza | i mentioned synaptic as it is more helpful when starting. One can look at the repositories and see packages listed | 19:37 |
jessejazza | i use aptitude all the time now... much better than apt | 19:37 |
genii | jessejazza: I use apt-get more from habit than anything :) | 19:39 |
* RuyalarPrensi selamunaleykum cümleten... | 19:41 | |
=== aurora is now known as piero | ||
genii | !tr | RuyalarPrensi | 19:44 |
ubottu | RuyalarPrensi: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 19:44 |
vossler | Is this the channel for support? | 19:52 |
trappist | yep | 19:52 |
trappist | oh oops | 19:52 |
jessejazza | genii: sure i agree. I've just been reading up about aptitude and it is a very powerful app. Few use it as more documentation seems to refer to apt-get/synaptic. The best thing with aptitude is that it can be used like apt-get e.g. sudo aptitude install program and if you want to remove it IT WILL remove the dependencies as well which saves a build up of redundant files | 19:52 |
chev_chelios | vossler: it suppose to be | 19:54 |
chev_chelios | vossler: what do yo uneed? | 19:54 |
vossler | Right now I'm running the Internet from my wireless router using a wire because I can't get my wireless driver to work, I got as far as finding out something about a "ndiswrapper"? I have a Bocom wireless card and apparently they're currently unsupported? | 19:54 |
genii | jessejazza: The biggest differences previously were the remnants of installs of course. I think now they both seem to perform about equally, so far as I can discern. | 19:54 |
chev_chelios | vossler: try googling it, maybe someone reported the problem | 19:55 |
vossler | I tried and it seems quite confusing, this is my first time using any type of linux system. | 19:55 |
combo | hi! i've just confugred PPPoE dialup and have a question: how to fast reset this connection so my IP would be changed? (i have dynamic IP) - fast, i mean without loggin' out ;P | 19:56 |
chev_chelios | vossler: well, linux is sometimes all about editing a congiruation file by hand... if it comes to that, I cannot help, b'couse I am only a user here:) sorry | 19:56 |
vossler | It's okay, I have some free time so I'll look it up a little more. | 19:57 |
jessejazza | genii: i'm sure you're right i found an app called deborphan which finds redundant packages. i noticed a couple of other new commands for the terminal... can't think what they at present | 19:57 |
combo | any ideas? :) | 19:58 |
nosrednaekim | combo: /etc/init.d/networking restart | 19:59 |
vossler | chev_chelios: The weird thing is that it knows I have a wireless card, when I go to system settings then network settings my wireless card shows up as "wlan0", do you know if this means it's detected and that it's just not configured properly? | 20:00 |
combo | nosrednaekim: looks connection has been restarted but IP wasn't changed? :} | 20:01 |
chev_chelios | vossler: wlan0 is a detected card | 20:01 |
combo | nosrednaekim: i typed that with SUDO | 20:01 |
nosrednaekim | combo: what IP are you referring to? | 20:02 |
vossler | chev_chelios: Okay, I may just not have it properly configured, I'll play around with the settings for a bit. | 20:02 |
chev_chelios | vossler: that is the proper way, go! | 20:02 |
chev_chelios | :) | 20:02 |
nosrednaekim | vossler: could you run "lspci | grep ethernet" ? | 20:02 |
vossler | That's in Konsole right? | 20:03 |
vossler | nosrednaekim: I just ran it, nothing happened. | 20:04 |
vossler | Wait a minute, I think it says it's connected. | 20:04 |
nosrednaekim | oh.. sorry "lspci | grep Ethernet" | 20:05 |
vossler | Well after I typed that in it says it's working. | 20:05 |
nosrednaekim | interesting :P | 20:06 |
vossler | I have to unplug the cord now... | 20:06 |
vossler | If I... if I don't make it, say I wen't down a hero :') | 20:06 |
nosrednaekim | :) | 20:07 |
vossler | It's saving the settings it says. | 20:08 |
=== edegledis__ is now known as edegledis | ||
* Surfer19 Visit http://www.FakeMagazineCover.com (upload pic make mag) - http://www.SillyWebcam.com (play with webcam online) - http://www.Is-A-Jerk.com (insulter/anon email) - http://www.ComedySearchEngine.com (fun) - http://www.BodySwitcher.com (put your face on funny body) - http://www.MedChecker.com (health) - http://www.Canuckster.com (Canada eh) - http://www.Nerdful.com (geeks) | 20:13 | |
Pici | jpds: see Surfer19 in #kubuntu, thats the second time hes done that today. | 20:14 |
Pici | er. | 20:14 |
nosrednaekim | Pici: haha ^_^ | 20:17 |
Pici | nosrednaekim: wrong channel ;) | 20:17 |
Ayabara | I can't get the sound to work in kopete. If I play Kopete_Received.ogg with mplayer I hear it fine. If I play it in Kopete (or receive a new message), nada. | 20:18 |
Ayabara | anyone got an idea what could cause this? | 20:20 |
vossler | Hey again. | 20:20 |
pim_ | Ayabara maybe you can try in #kopete | 20:20 |
vossler | Does anyone know where to find the update manager or something of that sort? | 20:21 |
razorjack | hey im having a problem with kmail ...it keeps saying that pop.google.com certificate cannot be verifired or something ... some one please help :( | 20:21 |
Ayabara | pim_: will do | 20:22 |
vossler | Anyone know of any update manager? | 20:24 |
nosrednaekim | vossler: did you get networking working? | 20:24 |
chev_chelios | adept, apt-get, synaptic | 20:24 |
vossler | nosrednaekim: No, something messed up but I think it said it had a driver update for me but I can't find the update manager. | 20:25 |
chev_chelios | vossler: ubuntu or kubuntu? | 20:26 |
vossler | Kubuntu | 20:26 |
chev_chelios | adept package manager | 20:27 |
chev_chelios | vossler: kde menu>system>adept... | 20:27 |
vossler | I found it. | 20:27 |
chev_chelios | type a password, and update. | 20:28 |
vossler | What was that command earlier that I typed into the konsole? | 20:29 |
vossler | chev_chelios: I got this error: Could not parse the XML output from the network configuration backend. | 20:31 |
chev_chelios | vossler: sorry, never had that one | 20:32 |
chev_chelios | vossler: is your internet working properly? can you oopen web pages? | 20:33 |
vossler | Yeah, I'm hooked up to the router though. | 20:34 |
nosrednaekim | vossler: I reccomend getting ndiswrapper and ndis-gtk and using them to install the windos drivers for your card | 20:39 |
nosrednaekim | easiest way that I have found | 20:39 |
vossler | I already have it, I have no clue how to use it. | 20:40 |
nosrednaekim | vossler: do you have your windows driver? it will be a .inf file... | 20:41 |
vossler | My other OS is Windows Vista and it didn't come with a CD. | 20:41 |
nosrednaekim | oh.... do you think you could find the drivers on the internet? and the XP drivers are preffered | 20:42 |
vossler | Pre-installed. | 20:45 |
nosrednaekim | yes... and there are still drivers on the internet | 20:46 |
kent_ | hello, everybody:) i need some help with my sony walkman mp3-player. my computer doesn't respond when i connect it? | 20:54 |
administrator__ | hi | 20:56 |
roberto_ | asasasa | 20:58 |
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eagles05 | does anyone know of a pkg that will be good for writing neural networks | 21:07 |
avihayb | eagles05: If you find one, could you tell me about it? | 21:14 |
eagles05 | avihayb: lol ill have to do some research while at work tomorrow and ill get back to u bout it | 21:15 |
eagles05 | avihayb: u interested in neural nets | 21:15 |
avihayb | eagles05: ANN and GA | 21:15 |
eagles05 | avihayb: what is ann and ga | 21:16 |
avihayb | eagles05: ann= Arteficial nural networks. ga=Genetic Algorithems | 21:16 |
avihayb | *neural | 21:17 |
eagles05 | interesting | 21:17 |
avihayb | I have some ideas about mixing the two | 21:17 |
=== ben__ is now known as sneedly | ||
sneedly | hello is there a system restore feature | 21:18 |
sneedly | I was pointing and clicking and mess alot up, I dont feel like reinstalling, what can i do, I dont know what all i changed | 21:18 |
eagles05 | sneedly: reinstal lol | 21:19 |
mikesa81 | could someone tell me how to get the icons on the right side of the panel to stack? they're in one row instead of two. | 21:19 |
avihayb | sneedly: you might get away with it if you know what you messed with and delete it's config files | 21:20 |
avihayb | mikesa81: kde3 or kde4? | 21:20 |
mikesa81 | avihayb: 3 | 21:20 |
avihayb | well, I have this trick that sometimes works | 21:20 |
sneedly | eagles05: its like im back on windows 95 only im causing the problems not the os. | 21:21 |
eagles05 | sneedly: u new to linux | 21:21 |
sneedly | ea | 21:21 |
reagleBRKLN | when i run freemind 0.7 (a java app) many of my fonts look horrible on Kubuntu 8.04; I'm not even sure what package java is install from...? | 21:21 |
avihayb | you go to the taskbar settings, and switch size to costume | 21:21 |
sneedly | eagles05: brand spankin | 21:21 |
reagleBRKLN | so, which command tells me which pkg a exectuable is in, and are there alternatives? | 21:21 |
avihayb | then you increase the taskbar size, untill th eicons stack | 21:21 |
eagles05 | sneedly: this is my site and its still a major work in progress but it is focusing on people just like you who r brand new to linux | 21:22 |
eagles05 | sneedly: http://howtokubuntu.x10hosting.com if u like what you see plz sign up | 21:22 |
avihayb | then you decrease it's size until just before it turns into one line again. some experimentation might be required | 21:22 |
mikesa81 | avihayb: ok, thanks I did that and it works but I was curious if there was another way because they stacked when i first installed then when i restarted the font changed and the icons no longer stacked.. thanks | 21:23 |
mikesa81 | avihayb: 52px works for me | 21:23 |
avihayb | mikesa81: you can probebly decrease it a few pixels | 21:23 |
mikesa81 | avihayb: but now the icons on the left have got even smaller | 21:24 |
avihayb | mikesa81: you can readd them | 21:24 |
avihayb | if it comes to that | 21:24 |
sneedly | eagles05: thanks im gonna need some help with dual head after i get this thing reloaded. ill peruse the site now though. | 21:25 |
mikesa81 | avihayb: funny... it was originally at 48px all on one row, i set it to 52px and it was then on two rows, now i reduce it back to 48px and it's on two rows... confusing. | 21:25 |
geos_de | hi. I'm trying to write an KDE-App which connects to a sqlite database. Is here any developer who can look at this http://paste.ubuntu.com/15403/ and tell me what's wrong? Using Kubuntu Hardy and KDE3.5.9 | 21:25 |
avihayb | mikesa81: Yhe, I know | 21:25 |
eagles05 | sneedly: its still missing lots | 21:25 |
mikesa81 | avihayb: i hope it'll stay that way after i restart. | 21:26 |
eagles05 | sneedly: all it has once u sign up is a forum which you have to sign up for that as well but its for security measures | 21:26 |
avihayb | mikesa81: mine dose | 21:26 |
avihayb | does* | 21:26 |
avihayb | eagles05: what do you or your company planing on doing with neural networks? | 21:27 |
eagles05 | avihayb: its part of the degree im studying for | 21:27 |
eagles05 | avihayb: its offered as half credits in my last yr | 21:28 |
eagles05 | avihayb: i have ideas to use em for robotics | 21:28 |
eagles05 | then again i have been watching too much star trek | 21:28 |
avihayb | :-> | 21:28 |
eagles05 | lol | 21:28 |
eagles05 | actually my friend and i are starting on that right now | 21:28 |
eagles05 | testing out some linux based voice recognition | 21:29 |
eagles05 | !festival | avihayb | 21:29 |
ubottu | Factoid festival not found | 21:29 |
eagles05 | !info festival | avihayb | 21:29 |
ubottu | avihayb: festival (source: festival): General multi-lingual speech synthesis system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.96~beta-7ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 895 kB, installed size 2656 kB | 21:29 |
mikesa81 | avihayb: ok cool. looks like the icon size for the quick launch can be configured but not the running app icons | 21:29 |
avihayb | NN has some habit to go haywire if it gets some unfemilier outputs, make sure your bot has a remote shutdown button... | 21:30 |
sneedly | eagles05: sounds sweet, have you heard of the monkeys using bionic arms | 21:30 |
sneedly | maybe they are chimps | 21:30 |
eagles05 | sneedly: no | 21:30 |
eagles05 | btw guys if we going to talk bout this lets head to offtopic | 21:30 |
eagles05 | #kubuntu-offtopic | 21:30 |
avihayb | outputs->inputs | 21:31 |
sneedly | true ill be back after a fresh install | 21:31 |
eagles05 | sneedly: ok lol | 21:31 |
eagles05 | avihayb: coming into offtopic | 21:31 |
sneedly | eagles05: forgot about the download time ill be there | 21:31 |
eagles05 | sneedly: ok lol | 21:32 |
deejaypip | hey, I tried installing kubuntu on my ubuntu, but now i want to uninstall it. how do i do so? | 21:37 |
Dragonath | is restricted-manager supposed to be installed on 8.04 by default? | 21:37 |
Dragonath | if it is, then how can I access it | 21:37 |
jhutchins_wk | Dragonath: Probably not. | 21:37 |
slow-motion | hi | 21:37 |
Dragonath | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI <-- this howto seems to assume it is | 21:38 |
Dragonath | and after installing I did see it pop up | 21:38 |
Dragonath | but now it's disappeared :) | 21:38 |
eric_ | Hi , I have set up my bind9 dns to resolve addresses , however if i point a host to it, and use a web explorer it does not resolve, any help. I am able to resolve on the server itself | 21:39 |
deejaypip | Also, the power off and restart options both have disappeared | 21:39 |
iphone | how do i add a new kdm theme and switch to it? | 21:41 |
sigma_1234 | are the intrepid or hardy kde4 beta 1 packages available yet? | 21:42 |
eagles05 | sigma_1234: kubuntu+1 | 21:42 |
iphone | in kde 359 | 21:42 |
sigma_1234 | well are they? | 21:42 |
eagles05 | sigma_1234: i dunno | 21:43 |
eagles05 | sigma_1234: all i was told in +1 that you have to change the sources list | 21:43 |
sigma_1234 | ubuntu+1 | 21:44 |
eagles05 | yep | 21:44 |
eagles05 | sigma_1234: its still pre alpha software according to +1 | 21:45 |
sigma_1234 | yeah i know that but the kde info page said that kubuntu packages would be appearing | 21:46 |
sigma_1234 | sure is taking a while. all the other distros have it | 21:47 |
eagles05 | hummm | 21:47 |
khaije1 | looking for something to convert proprietary formats to open one simply and with minimal loss, any recommendations? | 21:47 |
eagles05 | sigma_1234: u could always compile from source | 21:47 |
eagles05 | *you | 21:48 |
sigma_1234 | that could take a while not to mention be a bit dangerous | 21:48 |
eagles05 | sigma_1234: you are wanting to play with fire why not just wait | 21:49 |
sigma_1234 | i prefer prebuilt packages | 21:49 |
sigma_1234 | wait for the final kde4.1? | 21:49 |
eagles05 | ya or do u have the pre released software repos enabled | 21:50 |
jasig | hi, i've been planning on installing my first linux soon, im planning on using kubuntu 8.04, is that a good choice for a someone whos new to linux? :> | 21:50 |
avihayb | I think it is | 21:51 |
sigma_1234 | nope whats the deb code for them? | 21:51 |
eagles05 | jasig: i think it is and im working on a site for people new to linux | 21:51 |
eagles05 | sigma_1234: open up adept | 21:51 |
jasig | is the site already online in some parts? | 21:51 |
jasig | or just working on it? | 21:51 |
avihayb | jasig: I think it's a good choice | 21:51 |
eagles05 | jasig: has a forum and ill be working on it in my down time at work tomorrow | 21:51 |
sigma_1234 | yeah just give me the address of the repo. i know how to add it | 21:51 |
eagles05 | jasig: http://howtokubuntu.x10hosting.com | 21:51 |
eagles05 | sigma_1234: i used adept to add the repos | 21:52 |
jasig | alright, thank you, guess itll help me alot | 21:52 |
=== nielsslot_ is now known as nielsslot | ||
eagles05 | jasig: im goign to try and work on how to's soon | 21:52 |
Dragonath | right, so I'm trying to install ATI drivers, (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI) - however doing "sudo insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/volatile/fglrx.ko" gives me an error: insmod: error inserting '/lib/modules/2.6.24-17-generic/volatile/fglrx.ko': -1 Operation not permitted | 21:52 |
Dragonath | what's wrong? | 21:52 |
eagles05 | Dragonath: y dont u just use the hardware drivers manager under system | 21:53 |
sigma_1234 | eagles05: whats the name of the repo? | 21:53 |
eagles05 | Dragonath: it automatically takes care of the installation of the restricted ati driver | 21:53 |
eagles05 | sigma_1234: let me check | 21:53 |
Dragonath | eagles05: because the howto said to do the commands after I enable the driver | 21:53 |
avihayb | Dragonath: are you sure insmod is the right command? maybe you should use modprob ? | 21:54 |
eagles05 | Dragonath: forget all that there is no need to do that anymore | 21:54 |
Dragonath | well I'm following the howto | 21:54 |
Dragonath | is it out of date then? | 21:54 |
eagles05 | sigma_1234: there in adept there r 2 options for pre released and unsupported repos that u can enable in adept | 21:54 |
eagles05 | Dragonath: i used to use that in edgy and feisty but since gutsy havent had the need to | 21:54 |
avihayb | well, I don't know the diffrence between the to, or what they realy do, I gusst have a general direction on that... stick with the howto... | 21:55 |
eagles05 | avihayb: i used my method and it worked for me | 21:55 |
eagles05 | using the hardware driver manager | 21:55 |
eagles05 | it downloads the appropriate pkg and installs it as required | 21:56 |
Dragonath | I've had a history of easy things not working out for me :) | 21:56 |
eagles05 | Dragonath: thats strange this is the feature i enjoy the most thats why i have stuck with kubuntu | 21:56 |
eagles05 | is the ease of getting my bcm4306 wifi card setup as well as my ati | 21:56 |
venik | All of a sudden I am getting an error: Cannot talk to Klauncher! | 21:56 |
venik | something is REALLY screwy with this OS | 21:57 |
eagles05 | venik: O_o did u upgrade from a previous version of kubuntu | 21:57 |
venik | I rebooted, and now it does not see my usb mouse and keyboard. When I try to run the System Settings, it never opens | 21:58 |
venik | fresh install | 21:58 |
eagles05 | hummm | 21:58 |
eagles05 | is this a desktop or laptop | 21:58 |
venik | teh upgrade did not work | 21:58 |
eagles05 | ok | 21:58 |
venik | desktop | 21:58 |
venik | Dell 4550 | 21:58 |
lee_ | hi | 21:58 |
eagles05 | how old is the desktop | 21:58 |
venik | 3 years or so | 21:58 |
sigma_1234 | eagles05: are you sure kde 4.1 beta 1 is there? | 21:58 |
eagles05 | im running the alpha of firefox 3 so it has to be in there unless it hasnt been packaged yet | 21:59 |
lee_ | hello i have a problem whit my video card | 21:59 |
eagles05 | venik: ok u using the normal cd to install | 22:00 |
venik | I am using yes | 22:00 |
eagles05 | venik: u idnt boot onto the live cd again did u | 22:00 |
eagles05 | *didnt you | 22:00 |
venik | no | 22:01 |
deejaypip | okay, i installed kubuntu onto ubuntu using sudo apt-get install kde-desktop but now I want to get rid of it. How? | 22:01 |
jhutchins_wk | !puregnome | deejaypip | 22:01 |
ubottu | deejaypip: If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here << http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome >> | 22:01 |
eagles05 | venik: i would download the alternate cd installation and try reinstall it again | 22:01 |
deejaypip | thanks jhutchins_wk and ubottu | 22:02 |
venik | after all that software I installed????????????????????????? | 22:02 |
eagles05 | venik: that will be a last resort but there has to be something that you installed that borked some of the hardware | 22:03 |
eagles05 | venik: sorry to leave u like this but i got to go to sleep i got a long day at work tomorrow | 22:03 |
jhutchins_wk | venik: Is it working in console? | 22:03 |
venik | yes, but not through the keyboard | 22:03 |
eric_ | hi someone help me with my bind9 dns resolver, i can resolve on my self ( i am browsing on my dns server with myself as the dns) but when i point others to me, no success -- any help :- ( | 22:09 |
bachir | hi all | 22:15 |
slow-motion | n8 | 22:16 |
jhutchins_wk | eric_: There's a BIND howto at http://tldp.org | 22:19 |
jhutchins_wk | eric_: Their System Administrator's Guide also has a section on it. | 22:20 |
BluesKaj | howdy | 22:20 |
aidan__ | anyone know default netgear passwords? | 22:21 |
Val_0 | aidan__, admin/1234 or admin/password | 22:22 |
venik | are other people having trouble with USB keyboards/mice? | 22:28 |
venik | all I did was reboot! | 22:28 |
venik | and why am I getting this error: Cannot communicate with Klaunch! | 22:29 |
linkinxp | hello!! | 22:30 |
linkinxp | i have no sound!!! and sudo alsa foce-reload doesnt work!! HELP!!!!! | 22:30 |
jhutchins_wk | !sound | 22:31 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 22:31 |
linkinxp | ty | 22:31 |
jhutchins_wk | linkinxp: Those may be a bit obsolete now that we're fighting with pulseaudio, but they're a good start. | 22:31 |
linkinxp | jhutchins, actually it was simpler than that! it was the PCM low | 22:33 |
linkinxp | :( | 22:33 |
linkinxp | thanks anyway | 22:33 |
linkinxp | jhutchins, i'm using Gnome but noone there helped me | 22:33 |
jhutchins_wk | Heh. | 22:33 |
jhutchins_wk | I had one where I just had to bump the ballance off center slightly and it would work. | 22:33 |
linkinxp | lol | 22:33 |
Nyad | Hi I am logged into kubuntu but I need to reinstall grub. Is it possible to do this whilst in kubuntu hardy? I installed gutsy onto another partition so I could use it's grub to get here, but I want to use the hardy grub again | 22:35 |
ubunturos | !multiboot | 22:37 |
ubottu | Factoid multiboot not found | 22:37 |
ubunturos | !update | 22:37 |
ubottu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 22:37 |
ubunturos | ok, so, this is a cross-distro question. I installed fedora, and want to add an entry to menu.lst of Kubuntu. However, at the end, a message appears, booting failed | 22:38 |
ubunturos | where am I going wrong | 22:38 |
simas | hello mates! 8] | 22:38 |
simas | i just installed kubuntu 8.04 | 22:39 |
simas | and running konversation | 22:39 |
_CrashMaster_ | Dont worry | 22:40 |
_CrashMaster_ | Be Happy | 22:40 |
Fujisan | can i get some help please how do i apply a gtk theme on xchat on ubuntu? | 22:42 |
BluesKaj | Fujisan, ask in #ubuntu | 22:42 |
=== Fujisan is now known as UFilna | ||
xxxxx | cuanta gente!! | 22:43 |
UFilna | i am using kubuntu | 22:43 |
UFilna | BlueDevil, | 22:43 |
UFilna | xchat on kubuntu | 22:44 |
UFilna | so thats why i ask | 22:44 |
UFilna | here | 22:44 |
UFilna | if you dont want to help me then dont | 22:44 |
UFilna | but what you are doing now is the reason why people hate opensource BluesKaj | 22:44 |
UFilna | bureaucracy | 22:44 |
BluesKaj | !attitude | UFilna | 22:46 |
ubottu | UFilna: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 22:46 |
UFilna | !attitude | BluesKaj | 22:47 |
ubottu | BluesKaj: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 22:47 |
UFilna | volunteers doesnt mean you should frustrate and discourage users | 22:47 |
macic | Hi | 22:47 |
UFilna | and ubuntu told me to come here | 22:47 |
macic | ~~ | 22:47 |
UFilna | after i asked | 22:47 |
UFilna | and i said i used kubuntu | 22:48 |
UFilna | so please stop your trolling | 22:48 |
UFilna | BlueDevil, | 22:48 |
UFilna | BluesKaj, * | 22:48 |
BluesKaj | UF | 22:48 |
UFilna | ignored | 22:48 |
BluesKaj | UFilna, are you finished ? | 22:48 |
mslot | How stable is KDE4.0 in Hardy? | 22:49 |
BluesKaj | UFilna, try system settings/appearance/gtk styles & fonts , | 22:50 |
BluesKaj | mslot, not very | 22:50 |
mslot | Is it worth trying? Or cant I install it through apt? | 22:50 |
BluesKaj | for some it is | 22:50 |
mslot | Okay. Thanks BluesKaj :) | 22:51 |
BluesKaj | mslot, yes, but a package manager would prolly be better | 22:51 |
BluesKaj | i fyou're not used to the cli , that is | 22:52 |
mslot | adept.... Havent tried Kubuntu. Old Etch man just switched to Hardy (Im laughing my ass of saying Hardy... Thats the name of my grandfather) | 22:52 |
BluesKaj | hehe | 22:52 |
mslot | Adept. Not apt :) | 22:52 |
BluesKaj | one can use apt as well :) | 22:53 |
mslot | Yes. I have just installed my granfather on my computer. | 22:53 |
BluesKaj | some of the OS names for (k)ubuntu are kinda lame IMO | 22:54 |
BluesKaj | or releases rather | 22:54 |
mslot | BluesKaj: Yes. | 22:54 |
mslot | But I kinda like the buntu sorts allready. | 22:54 |
BluesKaj | surely there better ones than hardy heron for the "H" series | 22:55 |
aerith | I am guessing tablet support in kubuntu 7.10 is kinda nonexistant? | 22:55 |
BluesKaj | I'd better stop this line of conversation before I'm chastised by the #offtopic cops :) | 22:56 |
BluesKaj | !tablet | aerith | 22:56 |
ubottu | Factoid tablet not found | 22:56 |
aerith | Hmmmm | 22:57 |
BluesKaj | haven't heard many questions about tablet use here | 22:57 |
aerith | All those posts in the forum not much help at all. | 22:58 |
aerith | Besides I don't think alot of people use them with linux. | 22:58 |
titan_ | anyone installed lINUX on the PS3? | 22:58 |
rav | hello. is it possible to install i386 packages on amd64? some sort of emulator or something like that? | 22:59 |
titan_ | so you want to install i386 in a virtual desktop on your amd64? | 23:00 |
BluesKaj | all these tough questions at the slowest point in the day | 23:00 |
Val_0 | titan_:VMWare | 23:01 |
Pennycook | rav: Some 32 bit packages can be run on 64 bit Ubuntu. If you install ia32-libs that'll give you the 32-bit libraries you need, and if you have a .deb you can use "sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture filename.deb". | 23:03 |
Walzmyn | Is there a channel for mozilla products? | 23:04 |
nosrednaekim | #mozilla | 23:04 |
nosrednaekim | IIRC | 23:04 |
aidan__ | error 16: Inconsistent filesystem, what does this mean? | 23:04 |
Pennycook | Lots of popular 32 bit programs (like Skype, Firefox etc) probably have installation tutorials if you Googlefor them. | 23:04 |
titan_ | VAL_0 was that in reply to my PS3 question? | 23:04 |
Walzmyn | nosrednaekim, that's an empty channel | 23:05 |
nosrednaekim | off | 23:05 |
nosrednaekim | rav: check out getlibs | 23:05 |
Val_0 | titan_, nope to your i386 question. It's a virtualization product that allows to create multiple virtual machines running different OSs | 23:05 |
titan_ | ooo it wasnt my question.. :) | 23:05 |
titan_ | it was RAV's | 23:06 |
Nyad | Hi, I was installing grub and I told it to install to /dev/sda which I think is correct, but I also told it to install to /dev/sda1 which holds my windows partition. And now only parted can see it | 23:06 |
Val_0 | titan_, lol you totally right, i am appologize | 23:06 |
Nyad | How do I fix the windows so I can boot it again? | 23:07 |
rav | Pennycook: thanks! | 23:07 |
Val_0 | Nyad, what's the problem? how did you break it? | 23:08 |
Gizmo77 | hola | 23:08 |
Nyad | I installed grub to sda1 which is the windows partition, I'm guessing it overwote the NT bootloader. How do I boot windows now? | 23:09 |
Val_0 | Nyad, windows xp cd/recover mode/console/fixmbr | 23:09 |
nosrednaekim | Nyad: add a chainloaded entry to your grun | 23:09 |
nosrednaekim | *grub | 23:09 |
Val_0 | Nyad, depending on the install there might be nothing left of your windows | 23:10 |
Nyad | that's ok. I just backed up all my stuff a few days ago | 23:10 |
Nyad | but surely grub wouldn't erase the stuff on the partition? | 23:11 |
Val_0 | fix your MBR and see if windows loads | 23:11 |
Nyad | I suppose then I will have to reinstall grub again | 23:11 |
Val_0 | Nyad, nope it wouldn't but if you told it to repartion the drive prior to install then... | 23:11 |
Nyad | I didn't | 23:11 |
Walzmyn | Has anybody here tried to subscribe to the RSS feed off the main page kubuntu.org? I can't seem to get it to work | 23:12 |
nosrednaekim | if you tell grub to install to a partition... I think it erase whatever is on that partition previously | 23:12 |
sgraham | ok..where the hell did the periferials section bo | 23:13 |
Nyad | Val_0, I tried to mount sda1 and it says it doesn't have a valid ntfs partition there | 23:13 |
nosrednaekim | sgraham: its still in kcontrol... | 23:13 |
nosrednaekim | Nyad: yep.. you wiped it then | 23:13 |
Nyad | :( | 23:13 |
Val_0 | Nyad, yep ^ he's right | 23:13 |
Nyad | for once I am pure linux on my machine :) | 23:14 |
nosrednaekim | haha | 23:14 |
nosrednaekim | not by intention though... so it don't count :P | 23:15 |
aidan_ | grub is showing multiple boot entries. I can boot into ubuntu something something 17 and ubuntu something something 16 | 23:16 |
aidan_ | when I try 17, it says error 16: filesystem inconsistent or w/e | 23:16 |
aidan_ | when I try 16 its fine | 23:16 |
genii | something something 17 is likely what you want | 23:16 |
aidan_ | so from 16, can I fix 17? | 23:16 |
genii | yes | 23:17 |
aidan_ | yeah I cna't boot into 17 | 23:17 |
aidan_ | i persume they're kernel versions? | 23:17 |
sgraham | it doesn seem to have any effect on the mouse | 23:17 |
josephine | hello evey1 | 23:17 |
genii | aidan_: Yes, different kernel versions | 23:18 |
Val_0 | has anyone here tried to d/l Kubuntu 8.04 the Remix version and managed to do so successfully? | 23:19 |
josephine | no | 23:19 |
josephine | i've tried 8.03 | 23:19 |
nosrednaekim | Val_0: yes | 23:20 |
josephine | come on cookie, answer me | 23:20 |
Val_0 | nosrednaekim, how did you managed to do that? | 23:20 |
aidan_ | can I umount my hd without having to use a livecd or remotely? | 23:21 |
josephine | no, not possible | 23:21 |
genii | Yes it is possible. | 23:22 |
Nyad | can I install 2 things simultaneously with apt-get? | 23:22 |
genii | Nyad: Yes | 23:22 |
aidan_ | genii? | 23:22 |
josephine | yes, u can,open 2 terminals | 23:22 |
genii | Nyad: Just put multiple names eg: apt-get install a b c d e f g | 23:22 |
aidan_ | josephine: no? it says its in use if you do | 23:22 |
josephine | nice try | 23:23 |
genii | aidan_: You have to give the option to remount immediately if it's / | 23:23 |
Nyad | you can't | 23:23 |
Nyad | one app can only access the DB at a time | 23:23 |
aidan_ | Nyad: try one of the graphical package installers | 23:23 |
josephine | what about multiple sessions | 23:23 |
genii | aidan_: But you can do something like: sudo mount / -o rw,whateveroption,remount | 23:23 |
mmorici | anyone here able to help me get my wifi card working???? | 23:24 |
aidan_ | genii: ok I wanna fsck | 23:24 |
genii | to remount / rw from ro for example | 23:24 |
Nyad | josephine, you think if I went into a tty then I could do it? | 23:24 |
aidan_ | so that would be remount / fsck? | 23:24 |
=== mmorici is now known as mrksbrd | ||
genii | aidan_: for that it cannot be mounted for a period of time. So you shuld do that from an exterior boot like livecd | 23:24 |
josephine | in theory, u should be able to do it | 23:24 |
aidan_ | genii: bugger | 23:25 |
aidan_ | I don't have externel cd drive | 23:25 |
aidan_ | I guess I'll have to reinstall | 23:25 |
mrksbrd | genii .....after your done doing what you are working on now could u help me get my wifi working???? | 23:25 |
aidan_ | mrksbrd: get kde | 23:26 |
nosrednaekim | mrksbrd: I can help you... | 23:26 |
aidan_ | that gave me the options | 23:26 |
genii | mrksbrd: Perhaps nosrednaekim can assist :) | 23:26 |
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nosrednaekim | mrksbrd: actually, I can't ATM... but I'll be reight back in about 10 minutes | 23:26 |
mrksbrd | running kubuntu, but not recognizing my internal wifi & video | 23:26 |
mrksbrd | NOS...ok | 23:26 |
josephine | mrksbrd: whats your wifi brand? | 23:27 |
mrksbrd | i forget the command to find out ....it's been a while since i messed w/kubuntu | 23:27 |
mrksbrd | is it lsusb? | 23:28 |
josephine | laptop brand and model? | 23:29 |
mrksbrd | hp dv9760 | 23:29 |
josephine | ok, lets see | 23:29 |
genii | lspci normally. If it's usb based then lsusb may be more useful. When totally unknown lshw shows details of everything but needs to be examined for clues | 23:29 |
mrksbrd | it's internal | 23:29 |
genii | Probably lspci most useful then. Although mine is a weird Realtek thing thats an internal usb | 23:30 |
mrksbrd | its a broadcom | 23:30 |
mrksbrd | model #bcm4328 | 23:31 |
aidan_ | can I make a netinst and add it to grub? | 23:31 |
aidan_ | so when I next reboot it'll download a new os? | 23:32 |
josephine | mrksbrd: do this in a terminal: sudo iwconfig eth1 | 23:32 |
josephine | what do you get? | 23:32 |
mrksbrd | "no such device" | 23:33 |
ActionParsnip | hey all, is it posible to convert bootable cd iso to bootable dvd iso. I downloaded the cd iso but only have dvd media | 23:33 |
josephine | mrksbrd: ok, here u got the drivers http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=616801 | 23:34 |
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josephine | mrksbrd: look at this also. http://www.micahcarrick.com/11-04-2007/ubuntu-d830-install-notes.html | 23:35 |
mrksbrd | ok let me check that out.....brb | 23:36 |
genii | mrksrd: Any result of command: modprobe -l|grep bcm43xx ? | 23:36 |
josephine | ActionParsnip: are u kidding me? u should be able to read a CD with a DVD drive. And yes, i have knppix in a DVD | 23:37 |
genii | If no result install the restricted modules | 23:37 |
* genii sips his coffee | 23:41 | |
nosrednaekim | back! | 23:42 |
nosrednaekim | you got him covered genii? | 23:42 |
josephine | mrksbrd | 23:42 |
josephine | mrksbrd: any progress? | 23:42 |
ActionParsnip | josephine: no, you misunderstand. i want to burn the cd iso to a dvd after converting it | 23:42 |
ActionParsnip | josephine: if i try to burn the cd iso to blank dvd media it doesnt allow it | 23:42 |
mrksbrd | josephine.....still working on it | 23:43 |
genii | nosrednaekim: Somewhat. Although work keeps needing me here | 23:44 |
nosrednaekim | k | 23:44 |
aidan_ | I'm using netboot files (mini.iso, netboot.tar.gz, pxelinux.0) to make a grub entry | 23:44 |
aidan_ | 1. is this possible, 2. what config do I need in menu.lst to make this work? | 23:45 |
mr-t | genii I had a bcm card with the 4306 chipset that I couldn't get working with the new 8.04 version worked ok only with the old deprecated driver | 23:46 |
genii | mr-t: The broadcoms are notorious for problems | 23:46 |
josephine | ActionParsnip: u r right, my bad. but i don't get why u want to burn a CD ISO in a DVD. your DVD drive should be able to read CDs | 23:46 |
ActionParsnip | josephine: cos i will have to buy some blank cd media when i already have a few blank dvds around the place | 23:48 |
ActionParsnip | i'm trying to avoid buying new medias if ican avoid | 23:48 |
genii | ActionParsnip: loopmount the iso, then do a mkisofs on it to a dvd compliant iso. | 23:49 |
genii | Then burn that | 23:50 |
ActionParsnip | genii: aaah yes, makes sense | 23:51 |
ActionParsnip | genii: cheers man :) | 23:51 |
josephine | mrksbrd: any luck? | 23:53 |
mrksbrd | yes the blue light is now on.....yahoooo | 23:55 |
mrksbrd | now next on the list....video card | 23:55 |
josephine | video card brand? | 23:55 |
mrksbrd | hold on ....let me get it | 23:56 |
mrksbrd | GeForce 7150M | 23:57 |
mrksbrd | vendor: nVidia Corporation | 23:57 |
josephine | nice, lets see | 23:57 |
mrksbrd | sorry about that guys | 23:57 |
genii | ActionParsnip: np | 23:58 |
josephine | mrksbrd: take a look at this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=767876 | 23:59 |
ActionParsnip | mrksbrd: you tried this | 23:59 |
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