thumper | nysin: there is a problem with the scanner | 00:04 |
thumper | normally it is less than a minute | 00:04 |
thumper | we have had a problem since friday | 00:04 |
thumper | the problem has been identified | 00:04 |
thumper | and a fix is in progress | 00:04 |
nysin | okay. Any ETA on completion? | 00:05 |
thumper | nysin: reas soon now | 00:05 |
nysin | heh | 00:05 |
thumper | real | 00:05 |
nysin | Well as long as it's a known issue I guess | 00:05 |
* danshearer is away: Zzzzzz | 00:29 | |
thumper | hi all | 01:28 |
thumper | it appears that the branch scanning fubar is now un-fubared | 01:29 |
kiko | woooo | 01:30 |
ahasenack | any particular reason for lp being slow now or is it just me? | 01:30 |
kiko | not sure, works okay for me | 01:31 |
kiko | reboot! | 01:32 |
thumper | ahasenack: which part of lp being slow? | 01:32 |
ahasenack | was taking ages to load a bug, it even timedout once or twice | 01:33 |
ahasenack | and timeout on the server, not my connection or browser | 01:33 |
ahasenack | now it's "unlocked" and working again | 01:34 |
ahasenack | thanks, I guess :) | 01:34 |
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spiv | mwhudson: "Diff of 4865 lines is too long to display richly -- limit is 3000 lines." | 07:30 |
spiv | mwhudson: ideally that wouldn't also lose whitespace. It makes diffs of Python awkward to read :) | 07:30 |
spiv | mwhudson: hopefully there's some trivial CSS magic you can tweak to fix that... | 07:30 |
KaZeR | how long does it usually take to have the first import of a svn repository done? | 08:15 |
dhart | is lp bzr slow for anyone else today? | 08:20 |
thumper | KaZeR: it depends, on how large a repo, how long a history and which place it is being imported from | 08:50 |
thumper | dhart: what's the problem? | 08:50 |
KaZeR | thumper, 13M, 1000 revisions, sourceforge. do you have a rough idea? | 08:51 |
dhart | thumper: just slower than usual checkin. | 08:53 |
jamesh | KaZeR: have you sent the request to | 08:54 |
thumper | KaZeR: wild stab in the dark, longer than an hour, less than a week | 08:55 |
KaZeR | jamesh, yes i did around 2 days ago | 08:56 |
KaZeR | thumper, ok thanks | 08:56 |
mwhudson | spiv: damnit | 08:59 |
mwhudson | spiv: patches welcome etc :) | 08:59 |
thumper | KaZeR: I've just started the import, it was only half done :-| | 08:59 |
mpt | Goooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders! | 09:00 |
Hobbsee | mpt: evening! | 09:08 |
* soren kicks | 09:17 | |
soren | I presume it's well-known that is uselessly slow right now? | 09:20 |
thumper | soren: I'm just checking it | 09:21 |
soren | thumper: Thanks :) | 09:21 |
mtaylor | does launchpad have a set of IPs it mirrors branches from? | 11:09 |
mtaylor | like, if I wanted launchpad to mirror a branch, but didn't want to open that location up to the world (except through launchpad) ? | 11:09 |
Ng | mtaylor: is canonical's current IP allocation, which you could narrow down to a /24 if you particularly want, although I don't believe we guarantee not to change the IPs of our scanners within our allocation | 11:12 |
mtaylor | Ng: thanks | 11:13 |
mtaylor | Ng: any way to hide the location that launchpad is using to mirror from? | 11:36 |
Ng | mtaylor: sorry, I'm not sure about that - I'm a sysadmin not a launchpad developer :) | 11:38 |
mtaylor | Ng: fair enough :) | 11:38 |
thumper | mtaylor: no, not right now | 12:38 |
mtaylor | thumper: k. thanks | 12:41 |
KaZeR | thumper, np, thanks :) | 13:08 |
soren | On edge, I can set a team's membership policy to "(no value)"... What does that do? | 13:21 |
spiv | soren: try it on staging and see what happens? | 13:28 |
soren | spiv: Heh. Ok. | 13:29 |
spiv | (my guess is a bug, though) | 13:29 |
soren | Heh... That option is not available on staging :) | 13:30 |
spiv | Heh. | 13:30 |
hakan__ | why is that launchpad is so slow for browsing repositories? | 14:07 |
spiv | hakan__: it shouldn't be atm, afaik | 14:16 |
* spiv -> bed | 14:16 | |
hakan__ | for instance try: | 14:23 |
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mib_m26n6d | Is working for others? I'm unable to access it here. | 15:07 |
oojah | mib_m26n6d: Works for me. | 15:08 |
mib_m26n6d | ok, My gateway is even more broken than I thought then. Thanks. | 15:09 |
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mtaylor | is there a way to delete a bogus release series? or do I just need to file a launchpad answers question? | 16:33 |
mtaylor | also, when I submit a branch for merging, it doesn't seem to send any emails to the owner of the merge target about this | 16:34 |
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sidnei | hello, does the vcs import on support svn:externals? how does that get imported? | 17:19 |
Kaleo | sidnei: bzr does not support svn externals yet | 17:32 |
sidnei | so how does it get imported? | 17:32 |
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* danshearer is away: whoops have to rush off home | 18:07 | |
emgent | heya people | 20:36 |
visik7 | hi everybody | 21:27 |
visik7 | is there a command line tool to open search close ecc... bugs on launchpad ? | 21:27 |
cody-somerville | visik7, There is a python module | 21:29 |
visik7 | so no problem ipython -p pysh :D | 21:30 |
beuno | visik7, or, you can use email: | 21:30 |
visik7 | email make me sick :) and moreover is the main reason I never commit a bug report or a translation to debian | 21:31 |
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kiko | visik7, look for the ubuntu package python-launchpad-bugs | 21:32 |
visik7 | yeah got it thanks | 21:33 |
kiko | sure thingo | 21:34 |
bdmurray | Is there a way to find out who is subscribed to an lp mailing list I administer? | 21:36 |
geser | bdmurray: should there be a list of subscribers you can see as an admin? | 21:40 |
bdmurray | geser: I haven't found a link like that | 21:41 |
bdmurray | but that is what I'm looking for | 21:41 |
geser | bdmurray: login into<list> and goto Membership Management -> Membership List | 21:42 |
kiko | geser, lp mailing list, though. barry? | 21:43 |
geser | ah | 21:43 |
mdke | i thought the only subscribers are the group members? Has that changed? | 21:43 |
barry | geser, kiko that information isn't yet exposed on lp. there's an open bug on that though | 21:43 |
barry | mdke: subscribers are a subset of the team members. iow, you still have to opt-in (though this cycle will land an 'auto-subscription' feature) | 21:44 |
mdke | barry: oh, of course. Doh | 21:45 |
mdke | barry: will there be a possibility for non members to subscribe? | 21:45 |
tormod | hi, I think the clocks on the ppa builders are skewed. I get "back to the future" build failures. | 21:46 |
barry | mdke: non-launchpad members, definitely not. non-team members, no, but there are ways for non-team members to interact with a ml in a casual way | 21:46 |
barry | mdke: soon they will be able to post (with some initial approval required) to mls they are not subscribed to and later, they'll be able to lurk on lists they aren't sub'd to | 21:47 |
mdke | barry: what is meant by lurk? receive emails? | 21:47 |
barry | mdke: for public lists, yes | 21:48 |
mdke | barry: great, that's what I had in mind. | 21:48 |
mdke | barry: so non-public lists are also planned? sorry for all the questions | 21:48 |
barry | mdke: since they can already read the archives, why not let them read it in a good interface (i.e. their mail reader :) | 21:48 |
mdke | yeah, indeed | 21:48 |
barry | mdke: yes, they are planned | 21:48 |
mdke | cool | 21:49 |
barry | mdke: no worries! happy to answer questions | 21:49 |
mdke | barry: one last one - do you know of any possible milestone for bug 223797? | 21:49 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 223797 in launchpad "mailing list requests and rejections should include reason" [Medium,Confirmed] | 21:49 |
kiko | tormod, really? that's annoying. can you forward a failure to the -users mailing list so I can get IS to fix it? | 21:50 |
barry | mdke: i don't atm. it requires a db change so probably not in 1.2.6 | 21:50 |
mdke | barry: right, i saw it was unmilestoned for 1.2.6. Ok, thanks for all the info, very helpful | 21:50 |
barry | sure thing! | 21:51 |
tormod | kiko, can I mail IS directly? | 21:52 |
kiko | tormod, hmm, I think you can at not 100% sure. | 21:53 |
kiko | elmo, ping? | 21:53 |
elmo | ? | 21:54 |
kiko | elmo, did you see tormod's comment above about buildd time skew? | 21:55 |
elmo | oh, that shouldn't be possible | 21:55 |
tormod | kiko, ok so what is IS anyway :) hah you're using RT internally, instead of launchpad? | 21:55 |
kiko | and his question about who to email | 21:55 |
elmo | tormod: | 21:55 |
kiko | tormod, IS does, yeah. information systems. anyway, elmo, really? | 21:55 |
elmo | kiko: really, what? | 21:56 |
kiko | that shouldn't be possible? | 21:56 |
elmo | yeah | 21:56 |
elmo | our sbuild runs ntpdate against the gateway box before the build | 21:56 |
elmo | and the gateway boxes are definitely in sync (nagios etc.) | 21:56 |
elmo | but I'll have infinity look into it | 21:57 |
elmo | tormod: please include a link to an example failed build | 21:57 |
kiko | tormod, if you can CC: on that email I will appreciate it | 21:57 |
elmo | (you can also file a bug in LP about this - it's really a soyuz thing) | 21:57 |
elmo | I've no idea why we "own" sbuild, but that should be changed eventually | 21:57 |
tormod | I just rekicked the build, so the failed log is lost I guess. | 21:57 |
elmo | tormod: doh | 21:58 |
elmo | (I hate that 'feature' of LP) | 21:58 |
tormod | I can try to fish it from Firefox cache :) | 21:58 |
tormod | no it's lost, since the build number is the same for the new build | 22:02 |
bdmurray | barry: How can I determine which team members to contact about subscribing to the list without knowing who is already subscribed? | 22:03 |
tormod | well I got it finally | 22:03 |
barry | bdmurray: team members should get a notification when the team mailing list is created. unfortunately there's no way to know about the subscribers short of making an LP admin request for the information | 22:04 |
tormod | I can actually see the NTP sync in the build log, stepped 597 seconds. | 22:05 |
barry | bdmurray: actually, if your team's contact address is 'team members individually', you could generate a question, but that's a bit of a crufty way to contact them! | 22:05 |
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barry | leonardr: ping | 22:21 |
barry | leonardr: unping | 22:21 |
leonardr | barry, are you teasing me? | 22:21 |
emgent | hello | 23:20 |
emgent | i dont see in menu project how to set bug supervisor and security contact | 23:21 |
beuno | emgent, under the bugs tab | 23:21 |
emgent | during UDS i talked about it with launchpad devel, and reply to me that this is a bug | 23:21 |
emgent | someone know direct url ? | 23:21 |
beuno | then the menu on the left-hand side changes | 23:21 |
beuno | emgent, | 23:22 |
emgent | oh thanks | 23:22 |
beuno | :) | 23:22 |
emgent | done :P | 23:23 |
=== kiko is now known as kiko-afk | ||
spiv | hakan__: viewing that branch seems ok to me | 23:58 |
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