=== _Lucretia___ is now known as _Lucretia_ | ||
=== OSUKid7` is now known as OSUKid7 | ||
huff3r | lunix | 04:41 |
pen | linux | 05:49 |
DanaG | huh¿n.x | 05:50 |
DanaG | Anybody know how to fix the channel order in a multichannel FLAC file? | 06:30 |
DanaG | I have a multichannel FLAC file with one channel arrangement, but PulseAudio uses a different order. | 06:31 |
DanaG | So.... LFE ends up on rear-right, for example. | 06:31 |
DanaG | aah, "channels" in mplayer. | 06:46 |
DanaG | Odd: | 06:52 |
DanaG | decode_frame() failed | 06:52 |
DanaG | FRAME HEADER not here | 06:52 |
DanaG | Additionally, it also seems to be treating the FLAC file as 16-bit. It's a 24-bit, though! | 06:56 |
DanaG | IF anybody has any tips, even later on, please give them. | 07:00 |
RAOF | Does it work with gstreamer? | 07:00 |
RAOF | It's possible that the file is broken? | 07:00 |
DanaG | Yeah, the ordering is broken under gstreamer, but it doesn't pop and click. | 07:06 |
DanaG | Under ffmpeg, it can get the order correct if I do it manually, but the audio pops and clicks. | 07:07 |
DanaG | http://www.2l.no/hires/index.html | 07:07 |
DanaG | 24-bit 96-kHz 6-channel FLAC. | 07:07 |
DanaG | The first music piece linked. | 07:07 |
DanaG | Pulse expects this: FL, RL, C, FR, RR, LFE | 07:08 |
DanaG | er | 07:08 |
DanaG | wait, something's odd: the ordering on "simultaneous" and on "surround51" are different!@ | 07:08 |
DanaG | Simultaneous is that, but with side instead of rear. Device is FL, FR, RL, RR, C, LFE | 07:09 |
DanaG | It also seems to mix the channels oddly. | 07:12 |
DanaG | If I move the stream to the device, the rear-right-as-LFE acts like it should (stays low volume), but if I move it to "duplicate", it acts like all the other channels. | 07:12 |
DanaG | PulseAudio's channel ordering seems to be a bit screwed up. | 07:13 |
DanaG | It needs to decide: is 6 channels using "side" or using "rear"? | 07:13 |
DanaG | FL, SL, C, FR, SR, LFE → FL, FR, RL, RR, C, LFE | 07:15 |
DanaG | S for Side, and R for Rear. | 07:15 |
DanaG | I think I may write up a bug report on that, some time later this week. Or I may look for an existing bug to add to. | 07:16 |
RAOF | Probably worthwile. | 07:18 |
DanaG | I'd use the FLAC file as an example, but mention that the actual screwed-up ordering is not the issue in that bug. | 07:19 |
DanaG | Yeah, there are two issues: screwed-up FLAC ordering, and screwed-up PulseAudio ordering. | 07:29 |
gnomefreak | !info fakesync | 11:33 |
ubottu | Package fakesync does not exist in hardy | 11:33 |
jussi01 | !info waon | 12:29 |
ubottu | waon (source: waon): A Wave-to-Notes transcriber. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 84 kB, installed size 240 kB | 12:29 |
jussi01 | gnomefreak: ^^ | 12:29 |
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mib_pjc21h26 | hi anyone... | 15:16 |
mib_pjc21h26 | help installing firefix rc1 on ubuntu | 15:17 |
mib_pjc21h26 | firefox rc1 that is | 15:17 |
=== dmb_ is now known as dmb | ||
jandem | hello, i installed hardy nightlies quite early, but i haven't tried intrepid yet, | 19:17 |
jandem | are there major updates already? | 19:17 |
geser | jandem: there is a perl 5.10 transition going on | 19:26 |
jandem | geser: ok.. i will wait two weeks for alpha 1 then | 19:30 |
mohbana_ | why is ubuntu so slow? it seems it takes a life time for ubuntu to even upgrade a package | 21:05 |
mohbana_ | i am using a version of mercurial dated back to last year november | 21:05 |
mohbana_ | highly annoying | 21:05 |
jrib | mohbana_: you are in intrepid? | 21:06 |
pen | mohbana_, this is for intrpid | 21:07 |
mohbana_ | jrib: no i'm not, it's a general question ubuntu is so packed out it's ridiculous more than 1000+ people | 21:07 |
jrib | mohbana_: this channel is for intrepid | 21:09 |
jrib | mohbana_: ask your question in #ubuntu | 21:09 |
mohbana_ | well? | 21:15 |
jrib | mohbana_: your question is for #ubuntu. I'll answer it there | 21:17 |
eagles05 | hey guys | 21:44 |
sigma_1234 | are the intrepid or hardy kde4 beta 1 packages available ? | 21:44 |
sigma_1234 | kde4.1 beta1 packages i mean | 21:45 |
scizzo- | sigma_1234: not sure if intrepid will use KDE 4.1 | 21:49 |
sigma_1234 | wasnt that the plan? | 21:50 |
scizzo- | looks like kubuntu is going to use 4.1 | 21:51 |
scizzo- | after some checking on the forums for kubuntu | 21:51 |
scizzo- | however I do not believe anyone should upgrade to intrepid since it is still in high development | 21:51 |
sigma_1234 | i wanted to use 4.1 on hardy just to test it. im currently running 4.0.3 | 21:52 |
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sigma_1234 | stdin: are the kde4.1 beta1 packages still not ready? | 22:00 |
stdin | nope | 22:00 |
stdin | don't hold your breath, you'll turn blue | 22:01 |
sigma_1234 | lol. the desperation:-) compiling it myself will be too much a mission | 22:01 |
sigma_1234 | but they are coming out hey? | 22:02 |
stdin | several parts have already been uploaded to intrepid, so it's a bit late to turn back now ;) | 22:03 |
smallfoot- | what will ibex bring me? | 22:47 |
smallfoot- | i want new compiz plugin to show off | 22:47 |
smallfoot- | i want colored buttons on the calculator | 22:47 |
=== Stormx2_ is now known as Stormx2 | ||
smallfoot- | http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/9190/ | 23:45 |
Pici | smallfoot-: ? | 23:48 |
smallfoot- | Pici, look pictures, it has pretty | 23:48 |
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